mu mi I i \ I ) / / Anno xxvii. ^gina Elis;;abetha. ^ At the Parliament begunne and holden at Weftm 'mflcr, the xxiij. day of Nouember, in the jcjcWuvcereoftlje reipe of out mod gracious Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of England, France^, and Ire¬ land Qaeene, defender of the Faith, &c, and there continued, vntill the xxix, of March following: Co tl)e pleafure of ^Ulinig^tfe <15ot), atiD luoale pnbltire of ttiijS Eealme^tfoecoenacteO aoifolloboctii. Imprinted at London bj Chrijlopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes moft ex¬ cellent Maieftie, 158?. ifTheTableoftbe Statutes printed^ I fo} ))|tiutfioii tobeiuatiefo} tliefucrtie of tl)c ^titetiro ^Aitaic^ I moll Kopall jpccfon, aiH> rtc (oiitiuuaucc of rtje lacaiinc m pracr. I }Cn 3 Ccte againll 3 ;efutteo, ^emiitatie , atiD iucjp otjDer lihelji&bf f ijeOioitpcrfono. . ^. m mn llict foi tfjc orplaitatioii of tjjc §>tatutc mabc Annoxiii.of t|)eflEm«nf0 seaieltico rcignc, cntitiiletJ, nn ntts to mahc tfjc lauOcs, tciicnitmo, gooD»,anb cijatttlo of '^Iclloio, Kcceiucro, ft. liable to t|je paimeHt of tljeitbebto. __ p tCii 3 (lrt aganill Coueitoiio anb fraiibulntt Comiepaiicejs. 5 2 flnJCctc fo? tbe rtJJcliition of 3 |ullicc in cafeo ofjaoeinurroia aiib plcabingo. 6 2 (in Klctc fo? tljc vctuniiiig offufficiciit 3iiuo?0, ano fo?tje better c?:pebition of^ZTrpala* 7 5 tiuaictefo?tl)elcupmgof 3 iir«e 0 lollbp 31 uro? 0 . ^ ^ 8 JCii actc fo? rcbicCD: of erronioua Subgementa in tljc Court, commonlp calleb, Cije «ing0 9 Ur^tte ftj? refoimationofcrro?0 in Jpinra anb Kecoucric0,in tljc rn.§)ijnt0ofI10alc0,tob?n« anb Counticof i^auerfoiDUjeft,i»itl) tfjc Coinniea ^lantine. 10 2 lln ?llcte fo? tfjc continuance of a fo?iner §itatntc, enntnieb, 2 Cn SCcte to reb?cffe bifojbera in common 31 nfoimer 0 Upon pcnall gitatutea, mabe in tfjc rbiii. peere of tfje ?J?ucenc0 lelltca reigne. 11 2fln 3 ficte fo? tfje reupuing,continuance, erplanation, anb perfecting of bincro §>tatntc0» 12 3(ln ^cte fo? tlje fuiearing ofbnber §>tjittfes, anb otftcr bnber jDfficero anb spinittera, 13 JCn 3 lLctcfo?tbefolloUjingof l^upeanbCrpc. 14 ain illcte fo? tfte reupuing of a f o?mer ^tatute,foi tfjc true mailing of spanite. 15 Jin ?llctcfo?tbeb?inging 111 of§>taple fill) anb gearmge into tfjio Jacalme, id 2Cn ?ilcte toucfjing Sftrtiflcero UQng tfje ciUting oficatljcr. 17 %n 3 (Utt touching tfje b?cabtfj of incite inooUen Clotbca inabc in tfjc Countieo of ^omtncr«: fct,tJ 9 iItcl^.cSlour.anb £ 0 ]ron.$c. 18 3lln •Ucte concerning malting of Ujoollcn Clotijca in tfjc Countico of SDcuon anb <2ro?netoall, calleb Idlatnc toBitc j3)traigfjtc0, anb ^inneb Jjufjite §>traigf)tc0. 19 ?ttn 5 flctfo? tfje pjeferuation of Cimber in tfjc O9ielbe0 oftljcConntieo of§)nfrej:, jginrrep,anb IScnt,6i‘ fo? tfjc amenbment of fjigfj Uiapco becapeb bp carriage to 9 fro 3Stbii i^illeo tberc, 20 3011 tOcte fo? tlje piefcritation oftlje bauen at tdlpmmoutlj. 21 3 lln^ 0 cte fo? tbe p?cCeruation of iI>?fo?bc f^aucii. 22 3 fln iCcte fo? tftc b?inging of tfje igauen of tije citic of CfjicfjeHer bp a ncluc cut Cfjatincll to tfje ^ubnrbco of tf]e fame Citic. 23 nn 3 Ccte fo? clotfjmaltmg in tfje '^Totmico of JBorlleab anb flangfjam, in tlje Countie ofCfftp. 24 2fln3Octcfo?tfjclteepingoftfjeS>eaban!te0,anb ^caU)o?ltc0,intl|cConntic ofii^o?ffolftc. 25 3 tln 2flcte fo? tfje erplanation of tfje Statute fo? tfjc maintenance of laocbeller 16?ibge. 2d 20n Jflcie fo? cirplanntg of tfjc §>tatutc fo? tljc amenbing of tfje fjigfj toapeo bctboccnc flpibbic# ton anb tlje iSing0 Jpeme, leabing into tlje 3 fleofS)fjcppcp in tfic ConntieofiSnit. 27 2fln 3 llcte fo? tfje Riming of ubQbic graunteb bp tljc Clcargie. 29 3 lln silctc of one gjiibllbie anb tloo jFiftceneo anb it Cbo anP to tpe Pt=> tec mine oftpc mpoleCommon iueale,if br(!5oPs!merctfuIl pjiouiPence tpe fame paP not bene reuealeP: eperefoie fe; pjieuentingof fuep great perils! as!mtgptpereafterotpcrbaife grottie,bp tpe liPe Petedable anP Peuiltlp pf attifes!,at tpe pum# ble fuite anP earned petition anP Pedre of tpe ^o^Pes! ^piri=: . tuail anP ‘CcmpojtaU, anP tpe Commons! in tpts! mefent pm Uament alfembleP, anP bp tpe autpoutic of tpe fame )^arlia« ment, ase it enacteP anP oaPeineP, if at anp time after tpe enPe of tpts! piefent ^elfion of i^atliament ,anp openntnadon o; rebellion QiallbepaP of maPe intooi iuitpinanpof per #a^ tedies! Ecalmes! ot tsominions!, of anp act attempteP,tenPing to tpe pint of per fl^aiediesi mod Eopall perfotr, bp o? foj ang perfon tpat Ipall oa map pictenPe anp citle to tpe Crobone of tpisi Eealme after per i^aiedtes! Peceafe : €>| if anp tping Ipall be compalfeP oa imagineP,tenPing to tpepnrt of per #aiedie0 Eopall perfon,bp 8npperfon,o?bi)itp tpepjiuitieofanpper= %ii. fon Chap.L Annoxxvij. fon n)aU o; map ptetenDe tiTttle to ti^e Crotone of t^isi Eealme: tctjat t^en bp ^et ^l^ateftteiec CommilTion bnOet; ijer great ^eale, tlje jiojOcsi ano others: of ftcr l^igl)neffepjiute Counfeil, anti fut^ ot^er 7lo;lie0 of ^aatltament to bee na-' met)bpl)er#ate(l(e,as:boit^t^e faibe p^tuie Coimfeil IbaU matte bp tbe nomber of pjrtttt. at tlte leafl:, batting mitb tbcm foj tbeft alRllance ttt that bcbalfc fntb of ttje JuDgeo of tbe CourteO of Beco;be at ii@egmmger,aa bee i^fgbneffe (bail fo; that purpofe afftpe anb appoint, oji tbe moie part of tbe fame iCounfelijtio^bejSanb 3lubgeia,(bal{ bp bertue of tbi$ 3cte bane autbopte to epamine ail anb euerptbe offenccOafo;e^ faibe, anb all circumftancesi thereof, anb thereupon to giue fentence o^ Jubgement, aiai bpon goob p;oofe the matter (ball appearebnto them: Inb that after fucb (isntente o^ubge^ ment giuen, anb beclaration thereof mabe anb publiibcb, bp ber#aieQteiS)a;oclamatton bnbertbe great ;^eale of Cng> lanbe,all perfbn^ agatnft bobome fucb fentence oj: 1 ubgement (ball beefo giuen anb pnblilbeb, (ball beeepclttbeb anbbi(ba« blebfop euer to baue o^ claime, o^ to p^etenbc to batte o; tlaime the Crotoneof tbiOEealme, oj of anpber ^aiellieos^omu ntono;, anp foper lHaboe, in ;^tatnte bobatfbetter to the con° trarte in anp boife notboitbftanbing: 3(inb that thereupon ailbertbighnelfe^nbieet^lbaKanbrnap labofullp bp bertue oftbfO ^cte,anbber #aie(lieo btrection tntbatbebalfe,bp all forcible anb poflible meanest purOie to beatb euerp fucb bticbeb perfon, bp bobome, op bp bohofe meanest, aflTent op ppiuttie,anpfutbfnuafton op rebellion (ball be in fopme afope« faibebenounceb to baue bene tnabe, ot fucb boitbeb 3!icte au tempteb,opother thing compalfeb ot tmagineb againR her apaieftiep; perfon, anb all their apbourst, comfoptours anb abbettourst. 3inb if anp fucb beteftablc Sftte (ball bee erceuteb againft her i^igbnelfe moil Eopall perfon, boberebp her a^aiediest life (ball bee taben abaap (bobich (®ob of hist great mercie fop= bib:) tCbat then euerp fucb perfon, bp op fop bahome anp fucb 3ltte (ball bee erecuteb, anb their iduest being anp baife agen» tingopppiute to tbefame, (ball bp bertue of tbiis atcte be erclu* bebanbbilbableb fop euer to baue op claime, op to ppotcnbeto baue op claim'e the faibe Crobaneof tbiO i&ealine op of anp o» tber her l^igbnelfe Jsominionjs, anp fopmer ?labaeop^ta= tutebabatfoeuertotbecontrarpinanpbaifenottoitbilanbing. anb that all the feubiects of tbiO Eealme, anb all other her #aiediest ©ominionsijlbail anb map labafuilpbpbcrtueof tbijs Re gin^ Elizabeths, chafu t^tg; Hit , b;> all fojtctble anb poStble meanest, putfue to beatb euerp futb toitbeb petfon,bp i»l)ome,oz bp bobofe meancs,anp rucbbcteftablefactlljaU be mfoutme'beecaftet epp^eOebbea nouncebto bane bene commttteb,ant) alfo tbett plfueiS be» mganpboapalfcntmg ojtptiutetotbefaine, anD all tbett ap= boucst, comfottetia:, anb abbettoutst in that bebalfe. 3nbto tbeenbetbat tbe ^Intention of tbm^ame map be eSettuallp etecuteb, ff bet ^ate(lie$ life Iball be taben abaap, bp anp biolent oz bnnatutall meanesi (bobicbd^ob befenb:) 2Se it furtbet cn«tcb bp tbeautbozitie afojefapbe, that tbe fLoiUcs anb otbet 0 babicb Iboll be of bet i^aieffies! puttie CTounfell at tbe time of futb bet beteafe^oz tbe mo^e patt of tbe fameCounieu, iopningbntotbem foztbeitbettctafriftance, fine otbet iBatles!, anb fenen otbet JLo.zbes! of ^sarliament at tbeleaft, (fo^efeeingtbatnoneoftbefapbeCatlesi, Tlojibesto; Counfell be bnobaen to be petfono that map mabe anp title to tbeCrobme,) tbofepetfong tobicb bsete cbiefe Juilitest of citbet ©encbe,SP8lletof tbe iSolle^, anb cbiefe Baton of tbe Ctcbequet at tbe time of bet ^aieftiest beatb,oz in befault of tbe fapbe Juftices, ij^aBet of tbe l^ollegi, anb cbiefe Baton, Tome otbet of tbofe babicb baete juBices of fome of tbe couttsi ofiBecozbe at ODcBminBct, attbetime bf beti^igbneffe be= ceafe, tofupplptbeitplacesi, ozanpiciciiii. oz moje of them, bobeteofepgbt to be fLotbcsiof#atliamcnt, not being of tbe p^iuie Counfell,(ball to tbe bttetmoB of tbeit pobaet anb (bill etaminetbecaufe^imanetof fucbbet ^aieBiesi beatb > onb babatpetfong Iball be anpbaap guiltie tbeteof, anb all cit^ cuinBancesi concerning tbe fame accotbingto tbe ttuemea* ningoftbiS3Dcte,anb tbetenpon (ball bpopenf^zoclamation publilb tbefame,anb baitbout anp bclap bp all forcible anb pofs (iblemcancsiptofecnte to beatb all fucb asi (ballbeefounbeto be offenbontai tbetein, anb all tbeit apboutsf anb abbettoutsft Ifnbfoz tbe boing tbeteof, anbfojtbebaftbBanbinganb fnps pzefTtng of all fucb pobaet anb fo?ce,aiSlball anp boap be Icupeb oi Bitteb in biButbance of tbe buc epecution of tbisi jlabae, (ballbn bettue of tbi03ictc,baize pobaet anb aatbotttie not ons-iptotapfcanbbfe fucb fotcejsasi (ball in that bebalfe bee neebcfull anb conucnicnt, but alfo to bfe all otbet meaneai anb tbingcspolTiblc anb neceffatpfoz tbe maintenance Of tbe fatncfatccsi, anb pfofecation of tbe fapbe offenboutsl. Ifnb if anp futb pobaet anb fozce (ball be lenpeboj Bitteb in biBut? banteof tbebuecpecution of tbisi)Labae,bp anppetlbn that Iballoz mappjetenb anpticitlc to tbe Ctobane of tbiiSUleaime, 3l!,i(i. babetebp Chap.i. Annoxxvij. tolbeceb^t^tiai mapnottnalltit)uige$i)efulIpeit;ectttei), acco^Oingto t^eeffeaeanH true meaning of t^e fame: C^at t^en enetp (ut^ perron Iball bp bertue of t^i$ 3icte be t^etefo?e errlubeb anb btfliableb fo; euer to ^aneot tlaime,o;to p^etenb to ^aue o; ciatme tbe Crotone of t^io; Eealme, o; of anpot^ec ^cr i^tgbneife laomtntonsi, anp former Haboe oj^ Statute bo^atfoeucr to tbe contrarp notbottblf anDtng. 3 inbbeitfurti)erenactebbpt^eautliojiitpafo;efait),t^ataIl anb euerp tbe j^ubiectsi of all iicr ^atefticis liealmesi $ 2^o« mmion$,(]^alltotbebttermoffoftl)eirpotoer,apbeanb aiftft ti^e faib Couniell anb all ottier tbe X.o;biS anb other per(bn$ to bee abiopneb bnto them fo; alTiftance, as ig afo^efapbe, in all thingiSto be bone anb erecuteb actojibing to the effect anb in^ tention of thio )l'ab(>e: Kinb that no ;^nbiect of thio^ Eealme (hall in anp tnife be impeatheb in bobp,lanbo: o; goobo, at anp time hereafter foi anp thing to bee bone o^ etecuteb acco^bing to the tenour of tht$ name, anp name ot ;&tatutc heretofore mabe to the contrarie in anp mife notmithffanbing. ffinb mherea 0 of late manp of her ;^aieffics: goob anb faithfull ^ubiecte 0 haue in the name of ^ob anb mith the teffimonieof goob conrcienteiS,bp onebniforme manerof mti» ting bnber their hanbeiet anb^ealeo:, anb bp their feuerall otheo! boluntarilp taften, iopneb themfelueo; together in one bonbe anb aflOciation to mithffanb anb reuenge to the btter^^ moff all (nth maliciouiaiactiono: anb attempteisagainffher i919aitftie0 moff Eopall perfon: 0 ome for the full erplaning of all fnth ambiguities: 9 queffionS as othermife might hap« pen to grom bp realbn of anp Qniffer or mrong conff ruction or interpretation to be mabe or inferreb of or bpon the morbs or meaning thereof, be it beclareb anb enacteb bp the atithorttie of this prefentibarliament,that thefameMociationanbeue» tie article anb fentente therein contepncb,as mell tonceming thebi(ailoming,erclubing, orbilhabling of anpperton that map or ihall pretenbe anp 'Citle to come to the Cromne of this laealme, as allb for the purfuing anb tahing reuenge of anp perfon for anp fuch mtcheb acte or attemptas iS mentioneb in the fame ffiffotiation, ihall anb ought to bee inall thinges eic» pounbcbanbabiubgebattorbingtothetrueintentanbmca* ningof this 3icte,anb notothermpfe,nor againfl anpotbet perfon or perfbns* 5*? An Reginx Elizabethx. c%. ^An a6i:agalnfl: lefuites, Seminarie Prieftes,and fuch other difibedient ferjons. Chapter, ii. tiiuetjtf pecfoniS, cal^ let) o; pjiofciret)3|efuttciS}^c» minanc |^ueae$,anD other ^^tedeis, pQhith haue bene, anb ftom time to time ate mabein the pattciS beponbe the S>eao, bp o; acco^btngto the o^bce anb titeo of the mo# milhe Church > haue of late peeres; tomen anb bene fent, anb baplpboe tome anb are fent into this reaime of €ng=^ lanb,anb other the C^ueeneS jai^aiefties BominiouS,of purpofe (asithath appearcb,af» baellbp funb^pof their obone eraminationsanb confeifions, as bp biuers other manifeil mcanes anb ptoofcsjnot onelp to boithb^aboe her l^ighneffe fubiects from their buc obebi» enceto her^aie(lie,butalfo to tlirre bpanbmouefebition, rebellion anb open holtilitie boithin the fame her l^tghnelTe lilealmes anb !3ominions,to the great inbaungering of the fafetie of her moQ ropall perfon, anb to the btter mine, befo= lation,anbouerth^ob9eof thebohole Eealmc, if the fame bee notthefooner bpfomegoob meanes foiefeene anbpfenenteb. jfoj reformation tohercof, beettotbepneb ,tftablifl)cb anb cnacteb bp the iEueenes moil erceilcnt ^aicftie, anb the TlorbcS Spiritual! anb 'Cemporall, anb the Commons in this prefent }3ariiament aifembleb.anb bp the authorttieof the fame ^^arliammt, that all anb euerp 3efuites, Demina* tie idrieKeS, anb other f^jtieiles bohatGaeuer, mabe or orbcp» neb out of the Eealmc of (Snglanbe, or other her ihighnelfe ©omtnionS,or boithin anp of her S©aicftics iRealmcjs or ©o» minions bp anp authoritie,poboer or turifbiction,beriueb,tha« lengebor pjetenbeb fromthe^ea of Kome,hntcthefeallof Id.iiif. the Chapii, Annoxxvij. f, ^ t’^e^iatiuttteof^amtJoftnJSapttft.inti^earllpcereofliec ^ iBigWeffe teigne, ftail a)5t!)m toartic fiapcg neirt aftee t^c cnIicoft^i!Spicfcnt^cffto»of}&atUammt,l)epartoutoft|)w! liealme of (CagianOe, atiD oat of all ot^et Dct J^lgancffe Eealmefli anD ©otntnionsi, tf t^e t»intie,totataet anD pat Cage fbali feme foj fame: o? eljSto fooac alter tl)ecnUeoftao falDe fourtte Dape?;, as( t^c OamDc, toeatljec anD pallage fl;aU fofeme. 3nD be it furtaec enae teb bp the autbojitic afojefatbe, that it fl)all not be latofnll to o? fo? anp 31efuite,^emmaric pfieit, Of other fuch ia?ieft,3seacon,o? reltgioujsi ojt cctlefiaftttall per« fan tohatfoeucr,being bojne baithin this Eealme,Oi anp other her i^tghnefle ©ominioms, anD htretofoje ftnee the fapD feaft of the Jlattnitie of ^aint John 28aptift m the ftrft pere of her iS^ateliiesi reigne, maDe, otDeineD o; ptofclfeD, oji. htteafter to be maDe, ofDeineD,o? pjofeifeD, bp anp authojitie o? iuriCDittt* on,DeriucD, challengeD o^p^ctenDeD fromthe^eaofEome, lap otofbahatname,title otDegree fa euer thefame (hall be cals IcDoibnobacn, tocomeinto,be,o^remainein anp part ofthtsi Eealme, ot anp other her i^tghneffe ©ominiono, after the enft of the fame fourtte Dapeo, other then tnfuch fpetiall cafeiS, anD bponfuchfpetialloccaftonoGnelp,anD foifuch timeonelpajS tg eppteffcD in thtO 3lfte: anD if he Doe, that then euerp futh of* fence (hall be taben anD aDitiDgeD to be high treafon, IfnD eue« rpperfonfoofrenDing,n}aUfo.)hiisoifentebeaDiuDgeDaCraps tojt,anDlhanfnffer,lofe ,9 fotfaite.^asiincafeot high'Creafon. 3nD euerp perfon, bahith after the enDe of the fame fourtte Dapeia:, anD afterfuch timeof Departnre aja ijS before limitteD anD appointeD, (hall baittinglp anD batlltnglp,receine, relieue, comfort, apDe.ot maintepne anp fuch 'Jefnite, ^emtnarte ^tielf, Oi other iDrtefl,©eacon,ot ticligionsi ot Ccclc&aiiicatl perfon,a0 ha afotefaiD,being at tibertie,oi out of holDejhnobas ing him to be a 3[efmte, ^eminaric ^tteft,ot other fitch IDtieft,Beacon ,02 Eeltgious! 02 <0 ccle&'alltcall pe^on, ao; ig a- fotefatD, (hall alfo fotfuch ofencebe aDiuDgeD a f clone,Daiths out beneSte of Clcrgie,anD fnffer Death,lofe anD fotfaite, aia in cafe ofoneattainteDoffelonte, ainD be it further enacteD bp the authotitie afotefaiDjifanp of her ^aiellieo fnbiectsi c not being a lefuite, ^eminatie ?& 2 ie(l, 02 other fuch ^Dtielf,Beaton ,02 Eeligionst o? (CctleKas fticall perfon,aoig: befote menttoneD) nobaebetng,02 itahich hereafter (hallbe of, 02 btoughtbp in anp ColIcDge ofllefliitcs! 02^eminariealreaDieerccteDo202DepneD, 02 hereafter to be erecteD Reginse Elizabeths. %,«•. mctetojojiDetneb in titlepattesf bcponHetlie ^casijojtontof tijisflieslmcin anpfojraineparte!0!,ftallnotixiitl)inf(Ecmos A nct^s; nept after jotlamatton in tliat bc^alfe to bee mabc in tbe Cttie of Honbon, bnbee tbc great ^eale of jCnglanbe, re= turtle into tljiis i!ieaime,anb tberetipon,boit^in tboo bapesf ^ nert after fuel) returne,before tbc ffiiCbop of tbeBiocejSjOj tboo Jufticejs of peace of tbe Countte,tobere be Iball arriue,fubmit bimfeife to ber #aieftie anb ber latoeo, anb tabe tbe otbe fct f ooftb bp 3icte in tbe Sril pcere of ber reigne: tlbat then euerp fntb perfon babitb fball otbertoife retnrne, tome into, o? be in tbiS Eealme, o? anp other ber i^igbneffe Bominionb, fo? fucb offenteof returning, o? being intbisiliealme,ot anpotber ber i?igbneffe5©otninioni8,boitboutfHbmi(rionas(afo?ef8ibe,(l)alI alfo be abiubgeb a^raptonr ,anb fuffer, lofe anb foifcite, as inrafeofbigbCrearon. ainb be it further enacteb bp tbe autbojitie afo jefaibe, if anp perfon bnber beca^aiefticsi fubiection o? obebiente,Iball at anp time after tbe enbe of tbe faibe fourtie bapeb, bp map of ertbange, of bp anp other Ibift, map oj meancis mbatfoeucr, mittinglp anb millinglp,either birectlpo?inbirectlp,tonuep, beliuer o; &nlJe,op raufe o; pmeure to be conuepeb o;i beliuereb to be rent ouer the ^eajs:, oj out of tbffli tiealme, oj out of anp other her aPaieOiejS ©ominions: o? tcerritojiesf, into anp fo taine parte?;, oj Iball otbermife mittinglp anb millinglp peelb, giuc 0 ? contribute anp monep o? other reliefe, to o? foj anp 3e» fuite, ^eminarie }&ne8, o.i fucb other 0jicft, ©eacon, op llc= ligioub ot Cccleliallicall perfon,aji ig afojefaib, oj to,oj foj the maintenance oj reliefe of anpCollebge of Slefuitesoi ^emi* narie,alreabie erecteb op ojbeineb, o? hereafter to be cr ccteb op otbeineb in anp the parteb beponbe the ^ea?;, oi out of tbijS ttealme in anp fojrcinc partes!, 0 ? of anp perfon then being of op in anp the fame Collebgeai oi ;§>emfnaries!, anb not retur= , nebintotbiSiaealmemitbfubmiflionas!intbiS!3lctis!erp?ef> feb,anb continuing in the fameiSealme: trbat then euerp fucb V"”’-* perfon fo oftenbing, foj the fame offence (ball incurre the baun* ger anb penaltie of Premunire , mentioneb in the Statute of Prcmunire, mabe in the rbipeere of the reigne of feing jaiebarb tbefeconb, 3linb be it further enacteb bp the autbohtie afoiefaibe, that it (ball not be lamfullfo? anp petlbn, of op bnber her ibighneffe obebience, at anp time after the faib fourtie bapcsi, btiring her ^aieff iesi life (mbich mintonSjbobetc the offence is of (ball be committeb, of tobere the offenbour (ball be appfebenbeb anb taben. )Sfouibeb alfo, anb be it enacteb bp the autbofitie afof efaib, that it (ball anb map beela)ofull,fof anb to euetp SDtoner anb leader of anp ^bippe, Barite of 23oate,at anp time ioitb= in the faibe fourtte bapes of other time befof e limitteb fof their Departure, to tranfpou into anp the partes beponb tbe^eas, anp rucb 3leruite,^eminarte^fie(t,of other iSfiefl: afofefaib, foas the fame3eruite,^eminaricjSfiefl:, of otherBflefta> fofefaibefo to bee tranfpotteb, boe beliuer Onto the ^aiof of other thiefe SDff icer of the Coione, ^&ofte, of plate tobere bee {ball be taben in to be tran(pofteb,hiS name,anb in tohat place beereceiueb ruchofbcr,anb hotoelong beehathremainebin this iKealme, of in anp other her l^ighneite dominions,being tnberherobebicnce. ?Dfonibeb alfo, that this Sictc, of anp thing therein contei# neb, (ball not in anp toife crtenbe to anp fuch 3Ieruite, ^emi=> iiarie )gfie(l, of other fuch l^fieft,Beaton,ofEeligiouSof BccIeSafticall perfon, as is befofe mentioneb, as (ball at anp timetoithmthefaibcfonrtiebapes,oftoithinthtcebapesaf» terthathee (ball hereafter tome into this Eealme,of anp other her i^ighnelTe BomittionS,fnbmit bimrelfetofomea(rchbp= Ibop Of Bilbop of this Eealmc, of to Ibme JuAice of peace toithin the Conntte tobere bee (ball arrineof lanbc,anb boe thereupon traelp anb ancerclp befofc the fame Itchbilbop, Bifbop,Of fuch juftice of peace, tabetbefaibothefctfoofthitt Anno pnmo,anb bp tof (ting bnber biS banbe tonfelfe anb no bnotolebge, anb from thencefooftb continetoe biS hue obc= bience Reginse Elizabeths. Chap.ii, titencctmtoiieci^is^nelTe Xatoe!$,;&tatnteie; ant) €>^t)tnans te$,matte ant) p.toutDet), o^toitemaDe o; p;otut)eD in caufeiai of religion. )@;ioutl)ct) altuapeig, if it happen at anp timei^rreaftcr, anp l^eere of tliio Ecalme to be inbictet) of anp offence maDe ■Creafon, f elonie o? i^^emunire bp tbiis aictt,tbatbce ©all bane bi^trpallbpbtoi |decre$,aieiin other cafejs of Creafon, jTelonte o; ib^emnntre iof accuflometi. ]0^ouitiet) neuertbelclTe, ant) itt0 bcclaret) bp autboptie a^ fo.terapt)e, that if anp fucb 3Iefuite, t^eminarte ^pefl o; other l^iicfio abouefapb, (hall fortune to be fo boeaHe oi tnSrme of bot)p,that bee ot thep map not pane out of the Eeaime bp the time herein limittet) toithont imminent Danger of life,anD this bnDcrflooD afmel bp the cojpoiall otbe of the partie,as bp other gooDmeanes,bnto the 23i{hop of the Bioces,anD tboo Suffices of peace of the fame Countie POhete fuel) perlDn 0 | perfons Doe Dboell o)i abiDe:Chat then anD bpon gooD anD fufficient banD of thepcrfono?perfonS,b9ttbfncrties of the fumme of, at the lead, baith conDition that he o? thep fhallbeof gooD behauiour toboarDS our ^oueraigne TlaDp the tHueene, anD ail her liege people: tiDhen heoitheprolicen» feD anD Doing as is afo^efapD, (hall anD mapremaine anD be (fill baithin this illcalme,toithout anp lolTe oi Danger to fall on btm oj them bp this 3icte, fo?fo long time as bp the fame aep- Ihoppe anD Julfices (hall bee limitteD anD appointeD, fo as thefametimeofaboDe erceeDenotthcfpaceof fire monethes at the mod: :3linD that no perfon or perfons (hall fudeine anp lolfeAt incurre anp Danger bp this 3Kcte,for the rcceining or mainteiningof anp fuch perfon ot perfons folicenfeD as tS a- forefapD.fot,anDDuringfuchtimeonelpasfuchperfon or per¬ fons (halbe fo licenfeD to tarrp boithin this Eealme: 3Snp thing contcincD in this 3ct to the contrarp notinithdanDing. :inD bee it alfo further enacteD bp autboritie aforefapDe, thateueepperfonor perfons being ^ubiect of thiStlealme, tohichafterthefaibfourtieDapcSlhallbnotoanDbnDerdanD ^ tJu thatanpfuchlefuite,^eminarte}5jied,oiother i^rieda^/'' ^ ^ ■. bouefapD.djallabiDe,dap,tarrp,orbeboithitithis(Sealme,or ;~^ f other the ^Queenes dominions anD Countries, contrarp to . . thettuemeaningofthiS3ict,anDlhallnotDifcouer the fame " ' v ^ bnto fome Jndice of peace or other higher £DStcer, boithin tbacluc DapeS nert after btS fapDe hnoboleDge, but boillinglp conteale hiS hnoboleDge therein: that etterp fuch olFenDer (hal matte dne, anD be impriloneD at the ^ueenes picafure, anD that Annoxxvij. if fac^ Juftice of peace, o.t ot^et fuci^ €>iftcev to Income fuc^mattecll^alberoDircoucrel), boenottoit^in icet)m.tiapes! tbenneptfolloboing, giuefnfoimattonti^ereofto fome of t^e ^ueenciSpiiuieCounrdl, ojtotbe ^a^caDentoi I3tce]@^e6= bent of tbe ^uceneo: Counrell,e(labi(Q)eb in tbe ji^o;tb,o^ in tbe ^acebejs of ns^alea fo; tbe time being: that then bt o.i tbep fooffent)ing,fl)allfo;euetp fucl^ offence to^faite tbt fnmmeof ttt)obunl);ieDmatfte0. 3finli be it itbebatfe enactcD bp tbe antbojitie afo^apb, that fucb oftbe p^tuie Counfell, )l^effDent,o!ttiiitcep^efttient,to bobom fticb information Ibalbe mabe, (ball tbeteupon beli* nee a note in borttingfubfeetbebtoitbbi^otunebanb, to tbe pattte bpiubomebemallceceiue fueb mformation,teffifping that fucb information)ua0 mabe Onto bim,. ^nb beit alfoenacteb, tbataurucb£>tbe0,23onbe0,ana ^ubmi(Tion0,a!S Ibalbe mabe bp force of tbi0 3ct asaforefaib, (ball be certiseb into tbe Cbauhcetie bp fucb patties before babom tbe fame (balbe mabe^beitbin three monetb0 aftec fucb fubmilTion, bpon paine to forfeite a lofe for euetp fticb offence, an bnnbreb poanb of labofull (Cnglilb monep, tbefapbe forfei- tncetobetotbeCueene,beebeice 0 anb fucccffor0.3fnb tbac ifanppctfon rofubmittingbimfelfea^afoiefapbe, boe at anp time boitbin tbe (pace of tenne peeceo after fneb fubmiffiott mabe,come boitbin ten mtle0 offueb place bobere ber ^aieffie (balbe, toitbout efpeciall licence from ber iS^aieffie in that be« balfe to be obteineb inboritmgbnber ber banbe:tbat then, anb from tbencefortb, fucb peribn (ball tabe no beneffte of btri fapb (UbmflTton, but that tbe fame fubmiffion (balbe bopbe,ajS if tbe famebab ncuer bene. (^An Reginx Elizabeths. QhapJiU ^ An a6te for the explana- tion of the Statute made Anno xiii. of the Queenes Maiejlies reigne^entitukdjAn to make the lands, tenements, goods and chattels ofTellors, Recei- uers &c. liable to the paitnent ofthcirdebtes. Chapter i^ere in t^e ^olHenatn^eltmtnftei; t^e feconb tiap of tn t^e Knupeeteof t^eiffeipe of out ^oucratgnt ^aDte ;gDucene €lt?abeti^, t^ttt toaa amongfi; ot^et an aict matie, entituleii, 3iini to mahe t^e ianDei$, 'Cenetnent!S,gobfii8! anH cat^ teioiof 'Cellos, Eetetuetje;, ?6t.liaWttopap t^cirtiebtiSi Upon tui^tc^ act fome Doubt auD que(ttoni^atDDenemoucD,baiictDet tDe€iueeneiS^tgD« nelTe, Dtt ^eicesi auD fuccefTo^si, mfgbt fo; tDefattCactton of Dec auD tDett Debte$ auDfatmcst, bp Dtt ojit^ctc lettctjipat^ tent{g buDet tbe great ;g>eale of(BnglanD,mabefale of anp tDclauDesi,'CenementiS,o?hercDttaments:,tt)Dcccof^etbfgD* » ne(fe,Dec betted o^ fuccefTatsi Dauepoioertu autbo^itte to inabt rale bp bettue of tbe fame 3tcte after tbeDeatb of fucb accomp« taut ot Debtor aiSisimenttoneD in tbe fatD Ifcte, eg bebere tbe acconipt of fueb accomptant or Debtor brag not orignot maDc, or bifi or tbeit Debt bnotoen in t^ life time of tbe fame accomptant or Debtor: for Declaration anD erplaning bobereof, rSeitDecIareD anD enacteD bp tbe autboritie of tbtg prefent parliament,that tbefapDe aitte in euerp parte tbereof touching tbe pobaer gi» uen bp that reciteD 2fcte buto bet J^igbneffCjbtr btitt^f anD r@.i. fuccelforg Cha^Mj. Anno xxvij. futtcflbjstomaftefaic of anp tijc lantejS.tencmenfjgoj^etcDti tamentjS by t^e fame JHete Itinitteb to bcfoitic, (s;,a)aU,aim oug^t to be cicpountieb anbcntenbeb afooell tn cafe tobtreti^e (ale tobe mabe aftee tbe Death of fucbaccomptanto;beb= toj,as babcte rt «S to bee mabe tn b«S ot tbott life time: 3linb al- fo afiucll in tafe toberc tbe accompte t0 mabc, of tbe bebt bnoboen boitbin biii.peei:es! after tbe bcatb of fntb aecomp* tant otbebtot,as; tobere tbe fame accompt iiS mabe, oibebt bnoboen in tbe life time of tbe fame accomptant o? bcbtoi,3np ambiguitic oj quettion that batb rtfcn oj gcot»en,oj map arife, grobecoj^beconcetnebbpon tbe letter of tbe fame acte,to tbe contrarp thereof in anp baife notbaitbftanbing. I^touibeb albaapeoi anb be it enarteb bptbeautbotittea=> fo;ieraibe,tbataftertbebcatbof rncbaccomjkant anb bebtot, ast is mentioneb in the fapbe rceiteb arte,anb before fucb time as anp the lanbcsi, tenements anb berebitamentg befeenbeb bnto the beirc of fucb accomptant ot bebto^,ao> beirc bnto the fame accomptant oj bebtoj, ©all bee folbe as afojefapbe, a Scire facias fljail be aboacbcb out of her dl^aiefties court of jElccbcqaerbntotbe^beriffeof tbeCountie bebere anpfueb lanbes boe lie, togarnilb the famebetre,to fbeteecanfcbJbp the fame lanbes, tenements anb berebitaments fo to him bef- cenbeb as afotefapbc, Iboulbe not be put to fate fo^ fatiffaettsn oftbe fapbe bebtes or fetmes in the fame 3littc menttoneb,ac« cobbing to the teno; of the fapbe actejbobereupon if the beite bo notboitbtnaconneniettttimebpona gatnilbmentoiitboo Ni- chils returnebjlbetoe anb piooue bnto the fapbe court that the CretutotS 0 ^ abmtnilltato;s of fucb accomptant o; bebtot, baue fufficient,babitb ought to anfsoete o^ be Ipable foftbe famebebt oj fetme, 5 bobecebp tbefaib bebt oj; fcimc (ball anb map be bnelp anb fullp fatifficb:'Cbot then after ten roonetbs nc)ctaftctfucbttooNichiisojgarnilbmeattcturncb,tbefeme lanbes, tenements anb betebitaments (ball be folbe bp her ^ aicftie,bec beircs o?ftitccllbtS,3ttb the monep thereof com* ming, bifpofeb accotbing to the true intent anb meaning of the fapbe former teciteb acte. 3inb be it further enacteb bp the autbotitie afoicfapbe, that the faib reciteb arte,anb this Statute of erplanation alfo as toncbingonclptbefafeof anp lanbcS, tenements ojberebita* mentstobemabc after the beatb of fnebaccomptantotbeb* tot as iSafo?efapbe,fball not ertenbe to anp lanbes, 'Cene* ments ot betebitaments, bobirb anp perfon ot petfons not being ptiuie o; confentingbntoanp fucb intent to befraubo the Reginx Elizabeths. ^ateftte, Ijec Ijeitcsf ^uccelTo.tjec aiet in tlje fapDc mttcD 3icte t$ menttoncli, nottie tjaue o.t entop, anD ^auepucc^etiox obtttncii,o;t before anp Scire facias to bea« boatbeb ajS afo^efaplie,^all tjaue ot entop, ptircbafc ot obtetne bona fide,anb bpoH goob tonfibetatton, anp thing tn tljia attc 0 ^ m the before menttonel) 3icte to the conttatp theteof in anp boilit notteithfl^anbtng latouibchalinape^anbbeit enacteb,thatthi£t3lcte of et- planaftonihalleptcnbe onelpbntofuch aahane bene oji fltall be Cclioja, lacceiuo^, 'Ctcafurer)5,CuftontcrjS,(£offctets: of the houlholbe,fatmojiS of 3 inpoft.CoUectots, 25ailtffcs:,tiiit> tailctiS,anb other officers: of receipts: anb accoinptes bnto otir ^oueratgne ilahie the ^ttuccnes: #aieftte, her heiresi anb tutcciro?3,anb to euerp of them,their hcitcsi,e)cecut«s: anb ab* snini(lratoiE0,anb to no other. ^iouibeb alfo anb be it further enacteb bp the authontie a« fo^efapbe, that in fuch cafes: toherc anp accompt lhall o; ought to be mabe,oj: anp bebc (halbe ohotng in the Courtes: of theJsuchieofiLancatter.anb i©arbs:anb JLittertes:,ojin anp of them: ilDhen after the beath of fuch accomptant ot bebtot as! , is: m^tioneb tn the fapb fotmer actc,tn anp of the fatb lail men- ttoneb Court 0 , 3 nb befote fuch time as anp of the ianbS ,tenes mentsotherebttaments befccnbebbntothehcireof fuch ac^* comptant o; bebtot, as hetre bnto the fame accomptant ot bebtot,a)ail befolbeas afotefaib, fuch ptocclfe (halbe atnarbeb ashereafteciseicp?efrcb,thatiStobjit,firllaptiuicfealet3> manbingthe fame heireto maRe perfonall appatance in the touttjoutofbohichthefamcpnuiefeale (ball be aboatbeb, to (hebaecaufeastnthebotit of Scire facias to be aboatbeboutof thetEwheqnecisbefoteappointeb.ainbif thefame heitc lhall maRebefauItatthebapofthetetnrneofthefame pttuie feale, that then bponAffidauitmabe tltat the fame pttuie feale boas ihueIpfetncb,eitherbpotitheperfonofthcfamchcitc,otleftat / ( the plifteof his other bbaclling ot moil bfuaU abobe, an at* tachemcntibtthPtoclamationlhall be aivarbeb againft the fame heire, anb lhall be openlp publilbeb 9 ptoclaimcb in fome mathet Cobane in the countie bihete the fameheite baas laif bbaelling ot mabe hiS ot het bfuall abobe, bpon fome matbet bap there in the time of open marRet,tbaentie bates at the lead: befote the tetume theceof: 3 lnb if bpon tetuene thetcofthe faib heite lhall eftfooncS maRebcfault,thatthen all things fltall be bone anb erecuteb fot the falc of thefame lanbes, tenements $ hercbitaments,anb fot the full fatiffaetion of the fame bebt of ffi,ii, fatme, •»>. Anno xxvij. fatme,tnlt{teanlia0latge8nli ample manec anb fbjtne to aB tntent0 anb putporejs^aia before in tbti8 actc io iimttteb anb 8p== pointebtncafeauiberebefault isf mabe bpon a gatnt(|iment 01 (too Nichiis retnrneb bpon a Sdre facias amatbcb ont of tbe faib court of Cpcbcqnet. )b^onibebairoanbbeitlittebi)tfeenacteb,tbatif tbs b^t^of anp accomptant o; bebtoi before menttoncb,(b all happen to be toitbin tbe age of pti.perest bobm anp fucb pioce$ Ibal fortune to be amarbeD,tbattbenbattngtbc time of bisi o; i)n nonage, tbiia acte o; anp thing tbetein conteineb ibal not in anp bsife be eirtebeb,e]recateb ot put in b^eao touebing ot concetningonetp tbe felling of tbe lanbeoi.tenementjec o; betebitamentaof anp fnebbeire, anp thing in tbe fame acte conteineb to tbecontca« tpinanpboifenottDitbftanbing. {Vnb pet nenettbcIciTe aftec fuel) time ao! anpfncbbetcelbaiiaccompltlbtbe full age of peere)S,all anb Qngulmtbe lanbotytenementiO 9 berebttametei befeenbeb bnto tbe fame beite from anp fucb bebto^o; accomp’^ tantaoi afoiefaibe, (ball at all time$ bating tbe (bate of eight peeceo then nett enfumg,be fubtect anb liable to be folb fo: the patmentanbfatiffactionofbet^aicifie, betbeitesot fucce(« fOtaaccotbing to tbe intent anb true meaning of this acte, in fucb manec anb fotme to all intentete anb purpofe0,ais if the fame beite bab bene of full age at tbe time of the beatb of fucb bebtotot accomptant. #titarmuc^ as( not onelp t^e €lueene$ mofl: eitcellmt^a^ teftie, but alfo btuetjt of ^ei; i^igburia goob 9 lotting fUb« UtU0, 9bobieg pollitiqueanb co;poiate, aftet conuctanceje: obtatneb ojtobetobtaineb, $ putcbafco mabe,o^ to bt mabe oflanbeiS, tencmentc$,leafes!, eftattiS anbbttebitametici, fo; monepo^otbct goobcSQbeta» ttonOjtnap baue, tncum anb tecetue great lolTc ^ptetubtce oprearonoffraubulent acoue« nous tSueiantes, efta'tcs,gifts,gtauts* charges ? limitations of bfes beret ofoie mabe,o; hereafter to be mabe,of,in 0 ; out of lanbs,tcncmeittso 3 i herebttamctsfo purchafeb ojttobepur* chareb,b)hich fapb giftes,grants charges,e(tateS, bfes 9 con^ ueiauccs boere, ot hereafter ihalbc meant ot int^Deb bp p par<^ ties that fo mahe the fame ,to be fraubul^ 9 couenous of pur» pore 6E entit to beceiue ruth as haue putchareb 0 ^ (hal purchare the rame, e.t els bp the recret entent of the parties, the fame be to their otone p^per bfe, anb at their free birpofition,colouteb neuerthelelTe bp a faiueb countenance anb (hebie of booo^beS anbfentenceS, as though the fame boeremabe bona fide foi goobcaufesanbbpon iuitanb labofull conOberations: fep remebie of bohich inconuenienceS,anb fot the auopbing of fuch ftaubulcnt,fapncb 9 couenous conuepances,giftes, graunts, charges,bfes anb eilates, anb foji themaintenance of bpnght anb iuil beating in the purchahng of lanbes, tenementes anb herebitaments, bee it o^beinebanb enacteb bp the authot^ tie of this ptefent parliament, that alanbeuerpconueiance, graunt, charge, leafe, eflate, incumbtanceanb limitation of bfe oibfes, of, in, 0 ? out ofanp lanbes, tenements, o.i other herebitaments bohatroeuer,habo^ mabe anptime heretofo;ie fithence the beginning of the ^ueenes #aiefties ratgne that noboe is, oj at anp time hereafter to be hab oj mabe, foj the m- P.iii. tent tent ant) of putpffeto OcfcauOe anti fiecetue fuc^ perron oj tf! perfonf, WWcg pollitttiue ojs f ^ojate, aiS Ibane purcb^etr^pj “if ftaltafterijaarns; purcbafc irfce fimple Tfee taife,fo? lire.KucjS i o; pere jf,tbe came lana0,tenemep.ts an&^rebitameto!, o; anp iti part Of parted tbrteof,fo fof merfp conueCcli, graunteD, Icacen, cbarseD,intumberel)OflimittePmpre, oftobefraubaticcetue rucb ap bane,Of (bad purcbafe anp refit,pfofite of cominotittie, in Of out of tbe fame, pf anp partTbercof,(balbe beemeb 9 tabe onlp apragatnCl that perCbn 9 perrons, bobtes poditique 9 cof- pof ateJbis 9 tbeir betrp,fucce(rofS,eirecutof$,abmtmdratofS i adi9t»p)anba3atn8:adaeuerp otberperfon apetfons laba« fnllp baaing Of cl.atmingbp,fromofbnber tbe, of anpoftbem pobicbbauepurcbafebjOf (ba( hereafter (0 purcbafe fof monep Of other good cSfiberatton tbe famelanbs, tenement Ofbere> bitametS,of anp part of parcel tbcrof,of anp rent, pfodtof eS’^ mobttie in of outof tbe fame,to bebtterlp bopbe, frudrateanb of none effect,anp pfetence,colour, faineb condberation of er^ pf elTing of anp bfe of bfeS,to tbe contrarp notmitbdanbing. Siinb be It further enacteb bp tbe autbofitie afof efaib,tbat al anb euerp tbe parties to fucb faineb, couenousanb fraubulet gifteSj grauntes, leafeS, charges of tonneiances befofeep* , , , PfelfebjOf being pfinie 9 fenoboingof the Came, of anp oftbeni /p"r^,y ^iBbicb after tberr.bapof3epfidne]rtcomming,(balbaittingIp v., ,'.^/„,^„grt)oidinglpputinbfe,auott)e,niaintaine,iuftiQcof befenbtbe •' 'f. iif,> ,.,.,-1^ fame,Of anpoftbem,’8S ttue,fimple,9bone,bab of mabebona fide, Of bpon goob confiberation to ^ biCturbance of binberance of ^ faib purtbafec of purcbafcrs,leaffees,of grantees, of of,of to p bifturbace Of binberance of tbeir beitcs,fuctefroiS, epetu^ tofS,abmini(lratefS Of aCTigneStOf fueb as baue,of (bal labofuU Ip tlatme anp tbing,bp,frS of bnber tbem,of anp of them, (bad incurretbepenaltp^foffaitureofone peresbaltie oftbefaibe lanbes,tenementS5 becebitamentsfo purtbafeb of ebargeb; ^be one moitie baberof to be to ^ fliiueencs maieftie, ber heirs 9 fuctelTof s,9 the other moptie to the partic of parties gricneb bp fucb faineb 9 fraubulent gift, graunt, leafe, tonueiance, in= tumbfance,of limitation of bfe, to beerecouerebin anp of the iHueenes courtsof Eecofb,bp action ofbebt, bill,plaint,oi tn» fofination, bobereinno eiropne,pfotectionofbaager of labae (bad be abmitteb fof tbebefenbant of bcfenbantS'.anb ado bc> ingtbereof labofullp tonuicteb, ibadfufficr impfifonment fof onebalfepecte,boitboutbaitcof mainepfife. #fou!bcb ado 9 be it enacteb bp ^ autbofitie afof efaib,tbat tbisact Of anp thing tbetin cont8ineb,lbal not eptenb of be t6= (frneb Reginx Elizabeths. Smti) (;o impeach,tie&at,ma6e)u)tlie;i);£ ftuScat e anp com>ei> ance,alQgneincnt tesTc, aflucaace, graunt, (^atge, leafe, eftate, inteced oi ttmitation of bfaoji bfea of,tn,to o; out of anp landte^teaomtntaforiieteDttantStjsh^cetofateatanp ttnte^an ojma 6,bp 0 o?fo?gooOconft=! l)ei;3ttonanlibcinaiiide,toanp petfon o;pet(bn$, boDteapoUt^^ ttgue o: cozpamte^np t^ingbefo^nneutteneb to tbe conttatp Ijmofhotboitbftaubtag. ' jj-; 3 inb be it f urttj tt enatteb bp tbe antbo^itte afozefapb,tbat tf anp perfon o? petfona, baue bttetofozc fttbcnce tljc beginning of tbe ueenea iJ^aiediea eaigne that noboe ia^mabejoz \)mt aftctfljaliniabeanp conueiante, gift,graunt,bcmifc, tbatgc, liinitatiS of bfe ot bfea, o; aiTneance of,in ot out of anp Ianba> tencmentaozi)eccfiitamenta,toitbanp tlaufe,p.zoittfion, 8 rti^ . cle o; conbition of tenocation, betetinination oz altecation, at biaot tbete PDillotpleafureofrucb c$ueiantc,a{furate,geauta, limtt'attona of bfea oz efl:atea,of,tn o; out of tbe faibe lanbea,te» nementa oz betebitamcnta>oz of,in ozout of anp pact ozpatcel oftbem cohtainebozmentionebinanp baztting,becbeozinb&^ tureoffneb a(rutace,conueiante{gr 8 utozgift, anbaftetfucb (onuetance,grannt,gift,bcmife, tbaege. limitation of bfeaoz adutante, fomabeozbab, (bal{ozboebatgaine,rell,bemife, gcaunt,c5uep,oz ebatge tbe fame ianba,tenementaoz betebt» tamenta oz anp part oz patceUbeeof,to anp peefon oz perfona, bobieapoilinQueozcozpozate,foz monepozotbee goob confix becation paieb, oz giuen, tbe faibe Srd conueiance,afl[urance, gift, gcaunt,bemiIie,cbacge«)zfnnitation,notbp bitnoz them teuolteb,mabc botbe, oz altcteb, accozbing to tbe poboet anb autbozttic teferueb oz ef pzeifeb bnto btm oz them, in, anb bp , tbcf 8 ibfecrctetonueiance, 8 irucance,^ftozgtant:'ii:battben tbe faib fozmee comtei 8 ncc,a(rntanee,gift,bemife 9 gcaunt,aa toucbingtbefaiblanba,tcnementaanbbctcbita*ncnta,foaf* ^ ^ tcebatgaineb,folbe,conuepeb,bemifeb oz ebatgeb againd tbe faib batgameea,benbeca,le 8 feea, graunteea,Pi euerp oftbem, tbctc bettca,fuctefroz 8 ,et:ecutoza,abminidtatozaa affigntca, anbagatndallanbenetp petfon 9 petfona,babtebbaue, (bal, ozmaplabafuilptlaimc anptbing,bp,from, ozbnbcrtbem.oz anp of tt)em,(b all be beemeb,taben anb abiubgeb to be boibe, ftudcate,anb of none effect,bp beetue anbfozceoftbiapzefent atte.^Zouibebneuettbeleire tbatnolabofuUmozgagcmabe, - oztobemabebonafide,anbbJitboutfr3ubozcoiun,bpongoob/^:i!v /t- tbnfibetation,(ballbcimpcacbcboztmpaitcb bp fbzceoftbia ^ct,but fbal danbe in tbe UHe fozee a effect, aa tb? fame iboulb as.iiii. baue MtJ. /^nnoxxvij. l)aue lume,tf aict neuec ben bab no; mabe, anp tbtng intbiisaicttotbetonttarpinanptoifenottoitbftanbmg. . ainb be it fnetbec enactebib!’ tbeatttbo;itte afo;efaib,tbat all tbe bobole tenot anb eontentis of all ftatutea mat(bante$, anb (fatuteaoftbeifaplebereaftet to be bnobolebgeb,lbalb)ttbin b(.monetb neet aftec fttcb bnobalebging be entetcb in tbe of^ See of tbe Claebe of llecognijanceo. tabf acto;bing to tbe fta» tute mabe in tbe iCieiiT.pete of tbe ceigne of tbe late ibing l^entp tbeeigbtbptbe(betoingfo;tboftbe (apbaatatemarcbant o; flatute ftaplefo knotulcbgebbntotbe faib £latbe,i»bitb faib ClacbeoftbeEecogni^aueelbalenteeo; caufetobe enteeb p raincllatuteSintoaboobefo;f pntpofeto be p;ouibeb9fafe* ip ttept bp bin), tatting biii.b.9 no mo;efo; eueep fncb enteie. 3 nb be it fnrtbee enatteb, that if tbe paetie to tobome anp (ucb (f atutc matcbant 0; of p Staple ^albe bnobolebgeb, but eicecutojo; 0; abminifttatoio bo 0; Ibalnot tnitbin iiii.monetbst nept after tbebnolxtlebging ofanpfucbifatnte,bnng anbbe« liner 0; canfc to be brought anb beliuereb bnto tbe faib Clatbe 0) bia bepntie o^bepntteo fo;tbe timebeing, all anb euerpfucb ftatute 9 fiatuteo ajS Ibalbc fo bnobolebgeb to bimo; to bi0 bfe, tuberebp anbtotbetntenttbattberapbClarlte,bia bepntie 0; beputiea map tabe anb enter a trne copp thereof, that then e« uerpfueb ilatnte marebant anb of tbe ftaple not fo entrebjfbal be bopb frullrate,anb of none effect,againff al anb enctp fncb perfon anb perfono ,anb bobie$ politiqne anb co;pojate, tbeir beireie,fueceironr0, cjcecnto;o, abminiftratojus anb afftgnee: oneip, a$ Ibal after tbe bnobo lebging of tbe fapb (latntea 0; a^ npof tbempnrcbafefo;monepo;otbergoob confiberationtbe lanbesi,tenementao;berebitamentoi,tobicb mere liabletotbe fame ftatnte marebant,0; of tbe Staple,0; anp part 0; parcel thereof,0; anprent,leafeo;pi!oSte,ofo;ont of tbefame. Inbif the faibe Clarbe 0; btjSbepntie 0; bepntiejS fo; the time being, {ball not bponfncb Ibeming anb belinerie bnto him 0; them of anp Statute marebant 0; oftbe Staple, enter 0; caufetobe entreb tbefamein bf0faibeboolte,mitbin the faibe time of fiire monetb 0 , anb alfo enbebfc bpon cnerp fncb Statute fo bp him entrcb,tbc bap a pereof bisi faib entrie,toitb bis 0; tbeir otone name: that then cnerp fncb Clarbe failing 0; befectiue in that bebalfe, Ibai fo;fait anb lofcfo; cnerp Statute marebant anb oftbe Staple fobiougbt bnto him o;tbcm,anb not entreb gs tnbo;feb,ojt3nfebtobeentrebanbenbo;feba0 afo;eiaib,tbe fumme ofrr pounbet'Cbe one moitie ibbereof to be to the Uneene^S^aieftie, berbfitc0 anb fucteflbfa, anb the otbec moptie Regin^e Elizabeths. Chaf.x). jjj| moptte to ^tm o; t^em t^at tutii fue fo^ t^c fame ttt anr of t^e i Iltteeneo CouctjS of lleco^Oe, bp action of Debt, bill, plaint o; I;! tnfo.tmation,)]i)^eteinnoeifopnC)P.zotecttono}b()agct oflatne p tliaibcalloBaeO. Snbbeitfuttftetenactctibpt^eautl^ojttieafoicfatDjtbatno ji Clecbe oftbefapO Eccogni^anceg (ball hi map tab'e fo.t o; in fp j Ij tefpect of anpfcarcbe to be mai)e,fo?oj concerning anp^ta# tnte mercbant,o.r of tbe Staple, fo to be entreo a$ afotefapOe, <; aboue tt.ti.foii one peered fearcb) $ fo after tbe rate of ttuo pence fbf euerp pcecc,anli not aboue,bpon paine to fo?feitc anO lofe to tbc partie o^ partieoi grieueb tberebp ttuentie timcis ao much ao bt ibal tabe contrarp to tbetruc meaningof tbio 3 cte,to be , tecouerebinanpoftbe^uecnea^aieiliejsCourteiofBeco^b, bp action of Debt,bpU,piapnt o^ tnfozmation, tuberetn no p?^o - tection o^ mager of Ham (balbe allomeb; Cbi$ 3 tct to contt^ nuefojtbefpaceoftenpcercg.anbfrom tbencefojtb bnto tbe enbeoftbe parliament then ncrtfolloborng. pputDeb aimape0,tbat tbi0 3 ct noj^ anp thing tberefn con» taineb,[baleirtenb o^ be conllrucli to make goob anppurebafe, gratitjleafc,charge ot pmkt,of,in,o^ out of anp labo, tenemet0 oibttcbttamet0bctetofo;emabebopb,befeateb,o;bnbone bp ceafon of anp fojnncr conuepance,grant o; a(rnrahce,fo as tba partie oi^ partic0,o; tbeir bcire$ o; aifigne^, bobteb bane fo be> feateb oi mabe bopbe tbe fame, mere in actuall poffeflion tbe firit bap of tbtO ptefent parliament,of,031 in tbe faib lanbe0,tes> nemente0otberebttamente0,mbereof,otoutoftbembicb,anp fticbpurtbafe,graunt,leaf6,cbargeofP!U)fitma0mabe. pionibeb that tbi 03 ictc,no 3 i anp thing tberein contepneb, T * fl)alc?ctcnbinanpfo?ttorcttraineojimpap?etbeinritbiction, pomer o;autbo.zitieoftb^ Court of j^tarreebamber. ^ An A6i;c for the ex- f edition ofluflice in cafes ofT^emur^- rors and pleadings. Chapterv, B ^^Ctiiafmucb asi nrcelTiuetbargeiS anb eppence^, &7anb greatbelap anbbinberance of Jnfticebatb gromen inattion0anbfuit0betmecnetbe;&nb^ iecte0 oftbi0 lSealme,bp ceafon that bpon fome ^(mall miffaking o} mante of fojme in pleabing, JUbge* Chajj.v* Anno xxvij, JtiDgementeiefate often renerfeti bo^ttteftof emut, anD often ttntea bpon BemutrotiS in TLatu, gitien otbemife ti^eti t^e matter in ]iame,anD beep rtgl^tof tlie eaufe boetb teqnfte, bolietebp tbt patties are conftrapneti either btterip to loofe ^ett rtgl)t,o; ela after long time anb great trouble $ eppenceai torcneweagainetl>eirfaite)S:fo?rcmcDp thereof, 2 ec ft en= actebbpthe ^ueenea moft excellent ^aieftte, the fpitituall 9 tempo;ail,ani) the Commona inthfti pftfent itament a(rembleb,anti bp the authofttft of the fame, that from hence fofth after S^emurrer iopneb anb entreb in anpactioti , ^ o?fuiteinanpCourtofiaeco?btofthinthiaiaeaime,thc 3 abs ^ ^ pjoceebe aub giue tubgement accojibing aa the beep right of the eaufe anb matter in JLabo lhal appeare bnto them, boithout regarbing anp imperfection, befect oji boant of fomte tnanpbo;itte,tetoume,piainte,beclaration,o;iotherpleabing, p;oceire,ot courfeofptoceebinginhatfoeuer: Crceptthofe onip inhich the partie bemurrtng (pal ^eciallp anb partitularip ftt bobone anb erp^eife together boith hiS bemurter: ainb thatno Jubgement to begiuenfljallbe reuetfeb bp anp bojit of iiftro* fo^ anp fuch imperfettion,befect o; boant of fo?me,aa ia afoft« (apb,ejrceptfuch onelp aa ia befote ercepteb. Dinb beit furtherenacteb,that after bemnrrera iopneb anb entreb,the Court bohere thefame fhalbe,(haU anb mapbp ber^ tue ofthiaicte,fromtimetotimeamenbeaU anb euerp fn^ tmperfectiona,befectaanbbaanteaoffo;me,aaiabefoftmena tioneb,othet then thofe onlp.bohith the partie bemurring ihal fpeciallp anb particularlp erp^eife anb fet bobone together bofthhia Bemurter,aaia afotefapb. I^touibeb albaapea,anb be it further enacteb bp the authos ritieafojefapb,that thia 3 (cte,o? anp thingthereincontepneb, lhallnoteirtenbtoanpbo;itte,beclaration o^ (uite of appeale offelonpojmurber,no3itoanp Jnbtctmento? ptefentmentof felonp, mnrber,trearon o; o^er matter, not to anp BtoceiTe bpon 8 npofthem,nof to anp botftte,bpll, action ot 3 Info?ma- tionbponanppopulatotpenal Statute,anp thingafotefaib tothe contrarpnotbofthftanbing. (S^An Reginx Elizabethx. An A 61 :e for returning ojfufficient lurours, and for better expedition of trials. Chapter vi* tlfc retoutnttis of mo;e able^iino^efuSictent Juto^jS fo.t tttalis to bee ^maftet tfaQ betOoeene pattie $ pattte, anb fo; tefo^mationof abufe$ in ^(ftciffep; $ otbec mtniftetoi, iobo foiteibarbe oftentimes boefpate at borne ^ moil able anb fufRcient fteebo!bets> ai cetoume tbt pooler ^(tmplee (b;t, Icaft able to biftetnetbe caufesinquedion, anb mode bnable to beare tbe ebatges of appatance a attenbances in (UcbcadSi ®e itoibaineb anbenacteb bp autbo^itteof tbtS pjefentibatUament, that in all cafes bDbercanp j.uronts to b'etetonrnebfoMtiall of aup idUeojilTueSj iopnebinSnpof tbe ^ueenes #aicdieS touttes of tbe &tngs ^eneb,common pleaS) anb tbeCpcbcquec^ oibefore JudiceS of iiiftre bp tbe lames of tbiS l^eaime noine in fojice, ought to bane date of ftcebolbe in lanbeS,tenements o? betebitamentS,of tbe cleare peareipbalneof fo?tteftillingcs, that in eucrpfucbfafe, tbe Jucoucstbat (ball betetoutneb, from anb after tbe enbe of tbiS Picfent ^edion of i^arltament, (ball eueep of them bane edate of freebolbe, in lanbeS, tenements ,0? bet ebitamentes,to tbe cleere peecelp balue of fonre pounbes at tbe lead, anb that tbe tojpttes of Venire facias, mbicbfcom anb after tbe cube Of tbiSpjefent ^effion of parliament, (ballbeamarbeb anb biretteb fo? tbe impanelling of juries in tbe cafes afo?efapbc, (ball be in tbtSfOjme, Regina 8£c,Precipimus &c. quod venire fa¬ cias coraiTi,&e, duodecim liberos &legales homines devicineto deB.quorum quilibet habeac quatuor libras terra, tenementorimt vel reddituum per annum ad minus,per qiios tci vei i tas melius fep fipoteric,&quinec,&c< anbCo fOOJtb tbe refibUCOf tb® f^be ibjif '• Anno xxvij. ixi^t aftet ti)e aunctent foime: SUnD tljattpon eueci* fuc^ anD tu^ptjS of Venire facias,tft 6 etifft 0 ? otljet mimaecs(,On^ tote^omet^emabrngoft^epannell (t)aUappettatne,n)aIlnoc cetoumc tii anpfut!) pancll,anp petfon,Pnlc(Te map tttfpenD fouce pounDcfl! bp peere at t^e lead, of fteebolo out of anct: entbtmd'nc,t»ttbm tpe Counttelxi^etetfie tflltt tg to be ttteb, bponpatne to forfait fo^ ctictp petfon being eetumebin anp fucb panell,tbat cannot Difpenbe foute pounDeef ftee^olbe, a$ iOafoiefaiDc,itie.iS. 3 tnD further be it cnacteb bp tl)C auti^o^itic afojefaptic, tf^at l)pOneuecp ScdbO$itte of Habeas corpora, 0 } Diftringas,boiti) 3 Nifipriusbeliueteb of fSecojb to tbe ^bbetife o? otbet miniftee o; minifteeei,to bobome tbe matting of tbe tetoutne (bai appet« taine, (ball from anb after tbr ttnentietb bap of a^ap acict en> fuing,tetoume in idueiS bpon enerp perfon impanelleb anb re» tourneb bpon anpfucb bjjitte, at tbe lead p.b. 3 (!nb at tbefe- tonbe bliitte of Habeas corpora, OjDiftringas baitl) a Niii prius, bponeuerp petfon impanelleb anb retotirneb bpon anp futb b 5 ?itte,icr.lj)illings( at tbe lead, anb at tbe tbirbe bojittc of Ha¬ beas corpora,OJ Diftringas boitb a Nifi prius, that dialbe fUttbCC abaarbeb bponeuerp petfon impanelleb anb retourneb bpoti futb bJiitte, iwr.S(. anb bpon euerp bojitte that Iball be furtbet atnarbeb to ttp anp fucb plfueis, to boubie tbe pffueg lad afojo fpccifteb,bntill a full 3 urp be fboojne, ojt tbe pjoeeffe otberbjife ccafeb ojtbetetminebjbponpaine to fojfaitefoi euerp rctournc of pfllies! contrarp to tbe fourme afojef 8 pb, anbbeitfurtbcrcnacteb,tbatifanp^berifc,bnberlbcrifc, ffiailife, oi other minider, ftom anb after tbe enbe of tbib p?e<= Cent^clRonofjaatliament, boeretourne anp perfon o?per» fonjs to be fummoneb to appeare in anp Jurp.baberein be dial fo?befaultofbti6apparanteiofeojfoifaiteanp pffueg;, bobere in truetbfucbperfonlbal not belabjfullpfummoneb,that then tbe fame ^berife.iUnbcrlbetifc, ® ailife 0? other minider, bp tobofebefaultfuth perfon iballberetourneb,fummoneb a$a» fbjefapbe,(ball fojfefte,lofeanbpapbnto the fapbepetfon anb petfonofo retoutneb,boubletbe balue of tbeilfuejibp fucb 1!u=> to? 0? 3uro?s lod 0? fo?feiteb fo? biiS befanlt of apparance. a^beitfurtbetenactebbp the autbo?itieafoieraib,tbatif anp ^betifc,bnberlberifc,^betife!S beputie, ^bertfeotbn^ bet ^berifeg clatfee, 0? anp ©ailiffe of #rauntbife,lb8i at anp tune after ^e enbe of thfo p?efent ^effion of parliament, rei= ceme,tabe,o?baue bp bimfelfe, 0? bp anp other, anpfumme of monep, reiwatbc, 0? anp other p?ofitebirectlp, 0? inbirettlp,o j Reg ins Elizabeths. Chaj?.vii. Doe talte an? p^omtfe,matte anpagteemento; aiient,to Dane anpfumme ofmone?,eetuacD, o; otDee pj^oftte ,Dteectl? oj^ tn- Dttectlp,of anp peefon o;t pet{iono;,fai t^e fpanng,not: toaming 0? not returning of anp petfon to be fboomc ajs a Juroji, fojt tDe triall of anp iiTue topneD,o; to be topneD in anp of tDe ^ueenes! ^aieftiejs Courts afojefaiD,o j before anp 3 ufticca’.tCbat tDen euerpil)irife,DnDerifiirife,i^)mfestj 0 eputic, iljirife ojbnDet . . fljirife Dis* €iarftc,o? 2 Baplife of iLibcrtie ot francbife fb ofifcn* t' Ding,tofo?feitefo.ieuerpfucboffeneetDe tCDc one moptie thereof to our ^oueraigne TlaDp t^e €^ueene 0 i@aieftic,fitl)COtDermoptiet!)crcoftofucDperfon ? pcrfoniS aja: bciil fue fo?i tDe fame in anp £ourt of EccoiD, bp action of Debt,bill,plaint oj information, toljerein no ClTopne, gDrotec* tionor mager of laiuc (balbe allomeD to tDe S^efenDant. anDfnrtDerbcitorDeineD^ enactcD bp p autbojitie afore* faiD,tbat from h after tbe cuD oftbia prefent feffion of ^Datlia* or bp 5 tbe trial of anp iffue iopneD in anp perfonal ac* tion,no further cbaicnge for p bnnDrcDIbalbe aDmittcD,if tboo fufficient l^unDreDerg Do appeace at a bpon ^ trial of fmb iffue. )DtoutDeD neutrtbeleffc,tbat all other cbalengco: printipall orforotbeccaufc,(balbeaDmittcD,aliomcDanD trpeD in fucb orDcr anD forme,aiS if tbia 3 lcte baD neucr bene baD or maDe. ?DrouiDeb alfo that tbiiSSftte(balnot ertenDto anp Juries! or 3 ffues; to be returncD in anp Citie or 'Cobone Corporate,or other Cobone or place priuiieDgeD to bolD plea,or in the tboelne Ibircsi of i©aieb,but that tbcp Ibal a map be returncD asi bere^^ toforetbcplabofullpmigbtbauebencjtbis! 3 (icteoranp thing therein conteineD to p contrarp in anp boife notbrithftanDing. ^An Aftfortheleuyinj ofijfues loU by fur on. Chap.vii, i^ereas! there are toithin this! Eralme of CnglanDin TunDrp Counties ofthefame, Diuersf^frceholDcrsiof one name, anD of* anDfunDrie times! fome one or moe of them beenc teturneD anD tmpanelleD in ttpall of matters! betboeene „ partie: 3 llnD iftt happen anp one fir returneD to mafic Default or C,f. lofc .viu Anno xxvij.^entl^e fame ace cictccatclitol)eleuirI>,t^j 8 at= life 0} ot^ec Collccto;s:tl)eceof,fo; lucre auD game Doe DemaO anti require tlje fame of euerr one iutt^in t^e faiO iCountie tl^at ig of t^atname,antitioe|)crftoaDeeueri>perron t^at io^ liincl« ling tnt^at Countie anDfonameD, tliat pe ig tlie partie t^at ^at^ loft tijofe 3 |ffue 0 ,ant) compell ^im to pap tf^fame bp tbe btilrefi'e of bis^ oj^ tbeir goobis anD cbattcl 0 ,to tbeir great molO' 03tionantitrouble,anbpetneucrtbele(re manptimegboe be= tepneanl)beepeaU,o^tbemo}epart of tbe JIQUeofo collecteD, totbeir oinne bfe, in contempt of tbe ^uecneiS bib bn» ber ^bitifr,l^tpntieo;10eputieo,tbename0 of anp perfonjb to be returneb bpon anp panel o; juric,initbout the trueab« bition certifleb bnber bib o; their banbo to the ;^birife, of the placeofbmellingo^abobeofeuerpperfonfoto be returneb at the time of the faib returne,o; Pitbin one pecre nept b £fo;e the fatb retucne,o;fomeotbec abbition,bp tobitb tbe partieretuc* neb map be Hnoinen: Kinb that no ertract of llTueoi againg a« np 3 Iuco;returnebaoiafo;efaib,be beliuereb out, rcceiueb o; putinbie, luitbout fucb abbition ajS ig put in the o;iginall panell oiDaleoi inberein fucb Juro; Ibalbefo returneb: inb that no bnber ;^birife, Baplife o; other €)fficec, o; perfon b 8 batfoeuer,Q)alt collect,leuieoigatberanpjffues; fo epttea= teb,ofanp other petfbno;perG)n 0 (^en of fucb perfon anb pete fon 0 a$bpbectneof the faibe ^treate fei of right ebargeb o; chargeable mitb the papment of the faibe Jffueoi, bpon patne that eneep Clerbe that Ibal b};ite o; beliuer, 0 ; caufe o; piocure anpfucbe]ctreateto.btbeUuerebont,receinebo;pnttn^b;e^b ...J eueep Regins Elizabeths. chf.ix. enet}> oti^er petlbtt oS^nDtng, contcac? to t^e intent ano mea¬ ning of t^tjai 3 itte, (ball fo.ifette to tbe ^uecneo i^aieltic, bee f)etee$ anO (ucceSo^sijQne matkeje(,anli to tbepaetie gneaeo,oj^ lubicb Ibal fuaetne anp loHe tberebp,ttie fnmme of Sue matbsi, ofiaiufuUCnglilb monep: ^ll mbieb fo.tfeptureo;antipenaU tie$ (ball anb map be eetouetcb bp action of Debt, bill,plaint oji information in anp iConet of liecorb,tubteein no ( 0 (roine,)^ro» tection or ioagee of latne Ibalbe allotbeb. Ilnbbeitfut^ec enactebbp tbeautboritieaforefaiDe,tbat Jadice^i of £>pee anb ^eemince, (vitbin tbe mimitea of tlreii; ^ommilfion, 31 ulticeg of SfrifeiS in tbeit Citeniteo, anb J udi? eejl of peace, afmell tuitbtn Ulibeetieo aiO tnttbout, mitbin tbe ILimttes: of tbeir Commiffion, (ball bpljeetue of tbiS pjefent 3 |[cte,baue foil pofoet anb autboritie to inquire, bcare anb be» termine all anb enerp offence^ aforefaibe committeb, or to be (ommitebfoitbintbefeuerall 7 Limtte$,Circuite or i^rectnct of tbeir feuerall CommilTionorCommifliono, anb to afoatbe foortb procede of eirecution for foe leuping of foefaibeforfep= turejS: tcbi^ lUcte to enbute to foe enb of tbe neirt parliament. ^ An A6i:e for redrefle of erronious ludgements in the Court common-- ly called, The Kings Bcnche, Chap.viii, a$ much at! ertonioniS fubgcmento giuen in tbe (Court , ralleb tbe iiingeol rseneb, are onelp to be reform meb bp foe bigb Court of parliament, fobieb Court of parliament fo notinfoefe bapea fo often bolben aei in auncient time it bafo becne, neither pet (in refpect of gtea> ter affaireei of fofo Bealme) fbfo erroniou$ 3 Iubgementoi canbefoell confiberebof anb betermitteb, baring foe time of foe parliament, loberebp foe fobfettflof tbi$ (Kealme ate greatlp fonbeteb anb belapeb of C.ti. iudite I Chap.viiu Anno xxvij. 3Iu(liteiti tUfl) cafes!: ©e ft tljerefoje cnacteH bp Hie auHo?(fte of tbts p^efent {parliament, Hat mbere anp Jubgement mail atanptime bereafter begtucntntbefaibeCourtof tbelKtngsS ©encb tn anpfute o; actum of Debt ,betinue, coucnaunt, 8c« compt, action bpon He cafe, e(ecttonfirme,ojimfpaffe,Scft commcnceb o; to be bed commenceb Here,other Hen fueb ons Ip, toberc He SQueenes! ^ateftie (balbe partie: Cbe partie ^laintiSeo{}Pefenbant,agamftbi)bomanpfncbJubgemenc Halbe gtuen, map at btO election (ue foftb emf of He Court of Cbauncecie,a fpeciall Hftt of £tro;, to be beuifeb in He faibo Court of i£bauncerie,birecteb to He Hiefe JuOice of HefaiO Court of tbe &ings! ©enHfo; He time being, commanbing bimto caufe tbefaibeiaecoH>anballHing 0 concerning He faib H ubgement,to be btougbt before He 3I ufticeo of tbe com» mon ©eneb, anb tbe ©aronO of Cbefebequer, into 'CbefHe^ qtter ebamber, Here to be eicamineb bp He (aib SnfticeO of He common ©eneb, anb ©ar ono afofefaib, bJbicb faibe Juftices: of He common ©eneb, anb fueb ©aron0 of Cbefebequer aft are of He begree of He Copfe, o; fere of Hem at He lead, bp bertue of Hift p.tefent 3icte, fball Hereupon baue full poboer anbautbofttie toeramine allfeicb Crro.tftas! Ibalbe adtgneD ojifounb in or bpon anpfucb Jubgement, anb tbereuponto reuerfe or affirmeHaib 3iubgement,aft He latoelball require, other then for errors! to be adigneb or founb for or concerning He iurifbiction of He faibe Court of laingft ©eneb, or for anp toant of forme in anp bcirft,returne,pIaint,bill,beclaration, or other pleabing,proce(fe,berbictorproceebingbobatroeuer: 31nb Hat after Hat He faibe 3Subgement Ibalbe adirmebor teuerfeb,tbe faibe ©ecorb, anb all Hingft concerning He fame, ibaiberemoueb anb brought bacbeinto He faib Court of He ibingo ©enH, Hat fuH furHer proceebing map be Hereupon, aftuell for erecution aft oHetboife, aft Iboil H9». pertepne. 3Hb be it further enacteb Hat fueb ©euetfiill or SifftrmaH' on of anpfucb former 3Iubgement, (ball not beib finall, but Hat He partie bobo fenbetb bint grieueb HereboiH, Hall anb mapfueintbe biiH Court of {Parliament,for HefutHer anb biu eramination of tbe faibe 3lobgement, in fueb fort oft fft nofoe bfeb bpon Crrontouftjttbgementft tn Hefatbe rConrt ofJtingftffienH. !( Regins Elizabeths. fV-fc ^ An a6i;e for reformation of errours in Fines and Recoueries^in the xij. Shires ofpf^des , T'cnrne and Countie of Hauerford Weft, with the Coun¬ ties Palantine, Chapter k. i^eresiet in the # atltdment bp pjo^osation holbenatt&eft= tninftet in the iciciii. pcere of her iS^aieftiest taigne that notoe t$, one goob anb benes Sciall (latuteboasi mabeanb o^beinebfo^ the appeafingof fuiteb, the auopbtng of falfe p^attifegi, beceitejS, beuirejei anb mifbemeano^, anb fo; helping of negligence;!, anb mirp^ifion;! of Clatbe^i anb olficeticc bangetou$ to alfu^ vancesi of menb lanbeo! anb hetebitamentb)entituleb,3lin lEicte fo? the tefonnatton of etco^b in f ineb anb Betoncriejf t fojaf* much the faib flatute, ot funb^ goob anb neceHatie claufesi anb pacteo theteof, boeth not eictenb to f ineb attb Llecoueriesi leuieb,hab anb fuffereb fn thent.(hitesi of i@ale{(,that ib to tap, the 'Cobone anb Conntte of l^auec« fo;b DBelt, 9 the Counties! palantine^ of CheSec, )t3nca0:er, anb J^uteCme: asee itthetefoaeenactebbpoue;&ouetaigne jLabie the ^lueenesimoft excellent #3ieftie,the JLojbesf j&pk tttuail anb ‘UDempo^ahanb the Commons! in thisip^efent )bac- liament affembltb,8nb bp the autho?itic ofthe fame,that eucrp ho;tt of Couenant anb other tx)|iit,bohereupon anp hne hereto^ foae hath bene lenieb, o; heteaftec (balbe leuieb, the tetutne thereof, the tojit of Dedimus poteftatem mabe fb? the 8cfenobj= lebging of anp of the fame fines!, the retnrne thereof, the ton* coabe note, anb footc of etierp fuch fine, the )b;ocIamattona! tnabe thereupon,anb the &ini^ filuer, anb alib euerp ojiginall C«iii. tppt IX, Annoxxvij. tout of (Cttttee in toe }&oll, oj otljec tojirt toljereupoti any coni' mbn Eecouerte ^ato bene (uffeeeO, o; ^eteaftee ( 1 ^ atbe fuSeteb O^pafleb, toe touto of ^untntonjs ad warrantizandum, t^e Ec» tHrnejSoftoef8®flDfi8maljS,anbtouts!of^mnmonj!adw3r- tantizandum , ant) cuetp tooceant of 3 lttonenep ,^ab o; to bee ^ab, aftoell of euetp bemaunDant anb tenant, a$ bouebee ep- tant anb ecmapmng, oi toat (balbe eptant anb in being in toe CouetejS of 3 t(ri?ei 5 oj great ^eifioms toitoin toe faib pii.H)ircs! of i©ales,totonc anb Conntie of f^auerfoibe t©e(l,anb Coun> tie$ f^alantinesi, oiin toe euif obie of toe officet0,to tobom toe ebarge of beeping tbereof boetb appertcine, map Upon tbe re* (|ueQ: o; election of anp perfon otoerfono be inrolleb in rollep: of parcbment, bp fntb pecron$ 9 foi fncb conKberationp; a$ bere> after in toi£i Ibalbementioneb. Inb that tbe Jnrollmentpi of toe fame 0; anp part tbereof, ibalbe of ag goob foice anb ba* libitie in lO^atoe to all intento, refpecto anb purpofe0,fo; (b much of anp of tbem fo enrolleb, ao tbe fame being eptant anb rcmapning, toere of ought bp latoe to be. 23 eitfurtoer enacteb bp tbeantboutie afo)efaib,toat no fine, )b^oclamationb bpon fines, op common iRecouerie beretofope bab.lcuieb, fuffereb op paficb, op bereafter to be b8b,leuieb,fuf« fereb op paffeb, in anp of tbe faibe rii. (bireS of a^ales > totone anb CoUntieof l^aucrfopb toed,op Counties fbalantine (balbe reuerfeb op rcuerfiibie bp anp topit of Crrour fop falfe op inton* gruelatine, tafore, interlining, mifentring of anp toatrant of ^ttournep, op of anp p^poclamation, mifretourning op not re* turning of tbe ^biriffe, op other toant of fopme in toopbeS anb notinmatter of tbbilance. ^bpouibebaitoapes that neither toiiS 3ict nor anp thing therein ton tetneb,tbaUb8tre op crclnbe anp perfon bp perfons from anp topit of jErrout tobieb iball be bab, taben, op purfUeb toitbin flue peeres nert after toe enbe of tbisi ^effion of toto ppefent ar Iiament,bpon anp fine op l&e* couerie beretofope bab op fuffereb in anpoftbeConrtesafope* faib: /i^op from anp topit of Ctrour,tobieb fbalbe bab,taben op pntfueb bp5 anp fine op llecouerie beretofope leuieb, aebnoto* lebgeb,op bab in anp of toe Courts afopefaib,toitoin anp of toe faib rii. {bitcSofi@aIes, op totone anb Countie of i^auerfopbe tisteft, tobieb fine op l^conerie, op anp pact op par cell thereof, notoe is,op at anp time befope tbe Std bap of 3gune,tobito Ibal* be in the pcere of our jLopb in anp of tbe faiDc CTountiesi }&alantinc, fine oz lleto^ ueric oz anp pact oz paecell thereof, noPoe to, oz at anp time be- foze tbefaib Qtfl: bap of ]iune, iubicb (balbe in tbe peereof out JLozb (©Ob 1585. Ibalbe cpcmplieeb bnber tbe feale of tbefame Countie galantine, inbete tbe fame fine oz iHecouerie ibalbe fo leuieb^bnomiebgeb oz bab, at oz bp tbe fuite of anp petfon that i0 oz map be entitUb to bane oz fue anp mzit of Cttout bp« on tbe fame fine oz Eecouetieib bttetofozc pafleb: ji^oz to batte anp Feme couerte, OZ anp petfon toitbin tbe age of ipi. peereO, oz anp petfon that io non compos mentis , in pzifonoz beponbe tbe ^eao>ofozftomanpb)zitofiSttouttobeebabozpzofccu- reb, foz tbe teuetfiing of anp fine oz Eecouetie betetofoze pa(> feb, leuieb oz fuffeteb, in anp of tbe faibe pii. (biteiei of n^alesi, tobone ci Countie of i^auetfozb naeft, oz Counties laalantine, fo that fucb Feme couerte OZ bet beites! twitbin feuen peerejs nept after that (be become fole,anb fucb petfon bzitbintbeageof Pici.peettsf,oz biis bettesi toitbin feuen peecepi nept after bemad tome anb bee of full age of ppi. peetepi, anb fucb petfon that ip! pon compos mentis , toitbin ftuen peetejS nept after be (ball be* come of fance memoriaj,anb tn befault tbereof,tbc beiteis of fucb petfon that to non compos mentis toitbin fcueu peetesnept af* ter tbe beatb of anp fucb petfon being non compos mentis. Jtnb fucb petfon in pzifon oz bip beirejOjtoitbin feuen peetes! nept af= tet tbe fame petfon (balbc at libettie,anbfncb petfon beponbe tbe ^eajS oz bto beites;, toitbin feuen peeces nept after tbe u* tutne of fucb petfon into tbpa idealme of Cnglanb,oz tbe beatb of tbe faibe petlbn, if bee (bad befoze bisi teturne bie in anp foz< teine countrep,(ball fue,tafeef pzofetutetbeit tozits; of (©trout, as; tbeit taufes; (baifeuetallp teautte foz teuetftng of anp of tbe faib fines; oz iHecoueties betetofoze paifeb,leuieb oz fuffeteb. ^zoutbeb altoapes; anb be it futtbet cnacteb bp tbe autbozi^ tie afozcfaib,tbat if anp petfon ozpetfons; mad toitbin tbe time anb peetes afozefaib commenfe oz fue bi£! to f belt tozits; of (©t« tout, foz tbe reuetQng of anp of tbe faibe fines! oz Hecoueties! betetofoze pa(reb,tobicb fute (badfoztuneto abatebp tbe beatb of anp of tbe patties! to tbe fame, that then it (bad anb map bee latofuil foz bis! anb tbeit beites! at anp time toitbin one peere nept after tbe faibe feuenpectep! eppiteb ,to bane, fue anb tabe tbeit tozit of (©trout foz tbe teuerfing of euetp fucb fine anb ]!lecouetie,anb if fucb bsii^s be an infant toitbin tbe age of ppi. C.iiii. peeres. Qhap, iXt Annoxxvij. peetciS; t^en luit^Cn one reere neiet oftee t^e full oge of fnei^ iaa font, ottp tiding in p^efent Icte contemeti to t^e conttotie t^eteof in anp^toife notuott^llantitng. ainDbe itfuet^ee enacteti bp t^e aut^on'tte of t^fiSp^efent parliament, tljat enerp pcrfon t^at ifjall at anp time hereafter tabe ti)e itnobalebge of anp 6 ne,o} boar rant of 3 littournep,of a> np tenant o.t bobocbee > f oji fuffering anp common Ee couerie to be leuiebjbnobolebgebjpaireli o; bab,tottbin anp of t^e faib viu ^tredof ii@ale!e!,tobone anb Countie of i|anerfo;be tiae(l,o; Counties palantme,o} (ball cettiSe ti^cm o^ anp of tbem,q)ail boitbtbecertiScateoftbeconco^beo^ boarrantof SDttournep, certiQe alfo tbe bap anb pere boberetntbe fame boa$ acbnobo« lebgeb: 3 nb that no perfon that tabetb anp futb bnobolebge of anp fineotboarrantfoj^anpEecouerie, (balbe bounbo^bpanp meaneiS infozceb to eertiSeanpfucb bnobolebge o^boarrant, ereeptitbeboitbinone peere ncrt after tbefaibbnobolebgeta^ ben.:ilinb that no Clarbe o^ officer in anp of tbe faib irii.lbire^ of i@aIeiS,tobane anb Countie of l|auerfb^be tt^eif, o; Counties palantine,ll)allreceiue anpbo^it ofCouenant,oibontoftSn> tree,o^anp other bo|it,boberenponanp fine o;commonEeco» uerie iiei hereafter to palfe .bnlelfe the bap of the bnobolebge of the fame fine 9 boarrant QiaH appeare in 0^ bp fuch certificate, bpon pame that euerp Clarbe that ^all receiue anp fuch bout, (hall fo^feite fo; euerp time that he (hal fo oSetfi)e,the fumme of fourtie (hillings;. Ifnbthatno^ttournepmentino^bponanp Rich fine, in anp of the CoutteiS afo^efaibe, be entreb bpon Ee# coib,erceptthe partie mentioneb to attourne therein,firfl: haue appeareb in the Court in perfon 0; bp ^tttournep, bearranteb bpthehanbcsofoneofthe Jufticeoofthefame Court,bpona bontof Quid iuris clamat, quern redditum reddit,Ot per qux ferui- tia,ao the caufe requireth. 3 llnb that euerp entrie of Ittournep^ ment hereafter to bee mabein anpoftheCourteSafo^efaibe, tDherein there (haibe no apparance as afo 3 Eefaib,lhalbe btterlp bopbe anb of none effect, tuithout anp bo;tt of ^rrour o; other tneanes to be bfeb fo^ auopbing thereof. 3 lnb be it further enacteb bp the authontieafotefaibe,that there fhalbe foji euer an office fot the [Enrollments afoiefaib in euetpofthefaibirii.(htresofii@ales,tobcmeanbCountieofipa« uetfoib i&eff,9 Countiesidalantine,bohtch fhfil he anb conti=> nue an OSite fo; euer, calleb the Office of the Enrollments of df ineS 9 Eecoueries, anb that the Euttices of the faibe ttoelue jfehtreS of t©aleS, Cobane anb Countteof l^auetfo?bc naett, anb Counties ]dalfftine fo; the time being,that is to tnit,euerp Regins Elizabethje. %,«. of t^em ta)tt^tn t^e limittejet atiD i^^onctis: of fcuetai au^ t^o^ttte^anOCommtirions:, 11)011 ^atie and take t^e cate anO ci^acse,of,anti fo; t^e 3l|nralmento afo;efatl),anD (1)al ^aoe anO entop faiO €>fftce 9 t^c OifpoQtion thereof ,anti caccfullp fee anO loofte to t^e eiceeuttott thereof ,9 tn confiDeration of t^eie e^aegea, pame,anli ttauatleti^eretn, f^all^aueanOtabe tfte (Uminto of monep tjet^aftee follo)Dtng,anO no moicc^t^at t$ to iap,fo.ttbe JntolmentanOtitamtnattonoftuetpfineanti t^e pattejs thereof,0.0. anD fojtlje Enrolment anO etamtnatton ofeuetpiatcouetteanO t^epattea thereof, P.0. anO fo;euetp ejtempltfication of t^e Jntolment of euetp Sne, anO t^c pattesi t^tteof,ut^.tut.D. anOfo; euerpeitempltncatton oft^e JncoU went of eucrp Eetoucrie,anli tijepartejs tl)ercof,ttt.s,Utt.6. anO fott^e featc^oft^eiilolle$fo;onepee(ettu.l).anO foi t^e copte of one (1)cete of paper, contefntng fouttecneltnc0tfn.ti. anD t^at t^e J ufftceo of t^e fafOe Cottrteo of 3 (ifftfeo, ot great ^efftona fo^ ti)e time being tvitijin tl)e faiti ttoelue ^l)(rea of nsaleo, ‘Cotnne anO Countte of i^auetfojiO ODea, anO Coun» ttea palatine, ot anp one of tl)eni, init^in tt)e feuerall limiteia! anb }9tccincte$ of t^eir faib feuerall CommiiTiono:, 0)011 eira= mine tl)c Enrolment of euerp fuel) fine anb iSetouerie, anb of tbe parteo thereof, anb after futh examination of the 3nrol« ment of euerp fuel) fine anb lllecouerie,a of the parteo thereof, ihall immcbiatlp notite hiie^namrthatfo epamineth inithhiji oione hanb,in the Eolle thereof, hpon paine that the faibe 3|m fticea (hail fotfeite to our jgtoueraigne Tlabp the ^ueenepi ^atc(lie,the (Umtneof fourtie O)illing0, fot euerp time that thep ot one of them (hall mabe bcfault of fuch examination o; totiting of hia ot their name as io afozefaibe, anb that it (hall anb map be lamfuU fot the fhib 3|ufticea ot anp of them fotthe time being, to taheotberin all thingo that (halbe conuenient anb neebefull fot the Jnrolmenta afotefaib, anb bpon exami» nation in the faibe Courts, to aifelTe fuch fine ot amerciament bpon anp Clerhe, ^hitife, 3 ^eputie,Sttoumep, ot anp other perfbnfothiiai anb their mifptifion, contempt, anb negligence, fot not boing ot mlfboing in anp thing,of,in ot concerning the faibe fines ot iUcconerieS, ot anp part of them, ot either of them,aSbpthefi^b3Bufticesfiotthetime being, otanpone of them (halbe thought mcete anb conuenient: tfhe faib fine anb amerciament to beeftreatebamongfl: other fines anbamet«> ciaments of that iCourt tahere (Uth offence ot mifptifion Ihall becommitteb, 3nb beitfurthcr enacteb bpfhe8nthotttteafote{hibe,that thr .VtlU Anno xxvij. eicempltScatton of atirfac^Jtitolmentef anpftneo} f ouene, oj of anp part t^treof, toitfjm anp of ti^e fatOe tintlae of p^alro^, o; t^e faiDc Couine anD Conntte of i^auet' fo;Ot , PnOer tpe JuPtciall ^eale o( tpr faiPe ^ptro CotonCjO? Countie topere futp fine o? Eecoucttc s»as; leuteo, ^aP) 0^ palTeP, anP tpe etttnpltficatton of anp fucp Enrolment of anp fine o? Eetouettt, o j of anp part tpereof, lottpin anp ot tpefatP Count(e 0 ^Palatine, PnPrt tpe ^tale of tpat Countto palatine pjpere fucp jftne o; iSecouertetoaiS leuieP, paP 0$ palTcP, Qiall be of asi gooP fo^ct anP PaltPitie in tpe lape to ali intents!, tefpectesi anpputpofesifotfutppartanpfonincp of anp of tpem asi (palbelb etempltfpep, ap tpePetpottginalllfte* co;Pe ft felfe being cjttantanP remaining Peere ,o;ougpt bp laPoetobe. piouiPeP alPeapep anP be it enacteP bp tpe autbo;itie foieCaiPe, tpat it Ipalbe iaiufull foji tpe fuaites! ^lerPesi, an^ tbo^i?eP bp tpeir naattantin tpe faPe feuerall £)Sites! anP placet beperetpefameiiietopjao^anpof tbemPoeo; ipailred maine, to Polite out, o? enroll tpe fame i&etoiPja anP euetp part tpereof, anP tpat tpefaiPe EetotPs!, no^anpoftpemfo^ tpe Patiting out o; mabing tpe lSolle$ tbercof bp tpe ClerbiS of tpe faiP J aft icesi, ibalbe bjongpt o; carieP foo;tp of tpe faiPe teiaotplates!. 3 nP be it fnrtper enacteP bp tpe autpojiitie afo;e(aiPe, tpat none of tpefaiP finejeiotl&econeriesi afo^efaiPeberetofo;ele» uieP, paifeP o^ fnfereP, pepicb tpall be erempUfieP bnPer anp 3 ^uPiciaU ^eale of anp of tpe faiPe ^pireis of n^alejs, o; ti;oP9ne o; Countie of i^auerfo;P {©eft, o^ PnPer tpe&eale of anp of tpe faiPe Countiep palatine, accojiPing to tpe fo^meof tbijs 3 icte, (pall after fuep erempliscatiotm baP,be in anp PeiiP atnenPeP. p^ouiPeP aIPi)apes!,tbat tpisiSPcte ot anp tping tperein con* tcineP, (pall not in anp Poife eptenP to f ptciuPite of fpeiregof ^irCPPDarPC>rcp£mcgpt,XotPpoPep0PeceareP,O!;of^it eppaarp l^erbert Janigpt, oj pi0 peitep otaffigneiS,l^entp tternonot 3iopn t!lJemon,Cfqnicti0i,ottpeir peiresi o? affixes!, fot,ot concerning anp ine lentep, o; Eecouerie faffereP,bp,oj againfttpe faiPe ^LotPepopjpja:,of anpParonfesi,l^onoarsf, i^annonts!, HauPg, 'Cenementsi o; i^erePitamentsi in tpe Countie of a^ountgomerie, o; anp eicempiietation tpereof, o? fot 0? concerning anp Patit of Crto?, bjougpt, o? to be btou^t fbttpercuetfingofanp fncpi*ine o? iRetouerie, buttpattpep anP euerp of tp6m,lpal ipaue f eniop p fame r^t,title,benefite Reginx Elizabeths. chap.x. anil atiuantage to all intents an&purpofes,8Siftl)is actljaii neuet bene ^ab o; mabe. Snbfo^afmucb as bpon great examination it appeacetb, t^atbiuerS fines anbEccoueriesiiaue beneberetofo;c leuteb anbruffereb ofbiuets Caftcls,S©annozs,ilpefuageS,)Lanbs, tenements? anb l|erebit8ments> tnbitb fomtime boere tbe inheritance of teineb,lhaUextenbctotabeatoap anpto^it of Crro^, tohere;^ unto anpperfonoiperfons is notoe, 0 } hereafter ^all be lato« fullpintitulebto hanefoithereuerftngof thefapb fines anb jaecouerieS ox anp of them heretofore leuieb or faffcrcb of anp of the fapb CaftelS, s3l9annonrs, #efnagcs, JLanbcs> Ce# nements, or )|erebitaments, tohich latetocre anp part o; paccell of the inheritance of the fapb Ceorge fometime Carle of£tent,inbfe, poiTelfion, renerfton or remainber, anp thing in this Statute contetpeb to the contrarp thereof in anp toife nottoithitanbing. ^An a 61 :e for the continu¬ ance entituledj^nMeto re- drelTc dilbrders in common Informers,vpon penal ftatutes, made in the xviii.yeete of the Queenes Maieftiesreignc, Chap,X. " ■ l^ere in the ^^arliament holben at t@e(t» minder, the epght bapofjfebrnatie, in the jrbiii.peere of the reipe of our mod grat^ 0^ ^ouereipe itabiS flitteene rSIifa» both, there toas amongd others an 3cte mabe, entitnleb, Kin SBttetnrebteffe bifor> bits in comitibn jjnformers bpon penail ^atoes chap.xu Anno xxvij. ^atoetl, 3!cte ijf to conttmie in fo?a anH cffet t,b«t into t^eenDof t^ts;;g)e{rionoft^i!8 p^efent )gatltament: jfo} 8j8 inuc^a0tl)erarOe3((tet^ fount) bp etpetience ante ttje ma« lttngoft^efameacte,tobebttpnoct(rane,bmtQnaU anb ejte pebtent foj^ tbe common mealtb: 2 &eit tb^refoje enacttb bp tbe autboptie of tbift PTtfent ggaeliamcnt,that tbefameSlcteabouetememb;eb,anball anb euecp tbe b^ancbejs^claureis anb pj^outGonb in tbe fame tontet« neb, (ball tematne, continue anb bee from bencefo^tb in full fo^e anb effect fo^teuet. ^An A6lforthe reui- uingy continuance, explanation,and perfediingof diuers Statutes. Chapter xi. i^etein tbe fitif hellion of parliament begunne tn tbe Citie of bonbon tbe tbitbe bap of il 5 oucmber,intbe]cjc(. pete of tbe raigneof out late foueraigne )lotb of famoujS memoiie Ittng t^enrie tbe eight, anb from tbrnceab» ioutneb anb p;o;ogebto tbe Wallace of i©ellminftcr, an cto^ Statute boasr-mabe, tntituleb, 3 in 3 itt fo? tbe true mabirigof Cablest, f|alfcrsf, anbiaopep: ifnb bobere tn tbe parliament bolben bpon;ogatton at t&cflminiter, tbe itii. bap of JTcluuaric, in tbe ic)cuii.peere of tbe taigne of tbe fapb iting, one other aict boajs beaQe;e,caUeb peaneUngb t ^Ub babere in the Selfion ofa ^bipatb tbefiitt,one 3 Bft baM mabe coneitning the buptng anbifelbngof Eotber beafien anb^ttell t^^ttb alfo one other Icte beap then anbtbere lAeboife mabe,nttitnleb, 9 n icte fof ^ the Reginse Elizabeths, XU t^c bupinj anb felling of ©utter anb Cbcefe: 3inb tobere au a tntbe^&arltainent begunne at naeftminflcr, tl)C)cicm.bap of Januarie, tn tbe firft ycete of ^ teigne of ttje ;flliueencsi ^a* iefttetbatnottieta ,aub there conttnucb bppzo^ogattonbntill tbebt(rolutiontl)ereof,onc3ittb)asftl)enfitbcremabe,intitu= leb, 3 fn 3 itt foj pjieferuatton of ^pawne 9 ft^e of fi ^: Sfnb t" apiiljin the thirteenth peere of her S^aiediesi reigne,one acte f inaS then anb there mabe, for the anopbmg anb abolilhing of faineb,coueuouiei anb fraubulent fcoffemcntoi, giftjSjgrauntiS, alienation 0 ,banbes;, fuite 0 , iubgeraentg anb ej:ctutiouS,inti> tnlcb,anactagaindfraubulentbeebe 0 ,gifte 0 ,gtannt 0 ,alie» n, L natiouo.att. anb inhere alfo inthefaib parliament begunne anbholbcnatr©edminderin^faibfcconbbapofapril,there 4 inas alfo one other acte a Statute mabe for the auopbing of fome teafes in certaine cafe 0 , to be mabe of CccledadicaU pzo^ tnotion 0 inith cure,intituleb,an acte touching leafed of bene* fices, anb other Ccclefiadicall liuingg inith cure: anb inhere alfo there inao one other acte anb Statute mabe in the faibe parliament begunne fholbenatr©edmindecthefaibfeconb bop of apriUin the faib riu.pccte,intituleb,an acte that pur» ^ uepourfimaptaHegrainc,coineorbittual0a)ithinfluemilc01 ofCambitbgc8nb£)rcforbiritectainetare0;anbalfo,oneo» ' i theracte inas then anb there mabe,intituleb,an actagaind , a ; mfurie: anb inhere in the parliament holben at i©edmin> dcr the eight bapof !3©ap, in the rhii. peereof her l^ighneffe , • « rcigne,thereinasoneotheractemabe,intituleb,an actefor f the continuation, cirplanation,perfiting anb inlarging of bi» i 3D,f. net? Qha^.xj. Anno xxvij. 'f' A i v n f P I ucrsi fl:atutcS:3inlitoil>erc8lfotnt^tftrll ^cffionof tfte Uamcnt begun anti tjolDen at tiS)e(tmtnfl:ettbeen.tiarof Jja^ nuarie,m tbe b.peere of btt t^igbneffc ratgne,anb ftom tbente (ontinuel) bt> p;po;ogatton bntsU tbeDidolution thereof, there boasi one other Kicte matte fo^ the reututng of a Statute of fe- cundo &tcrtio Philippi & Maris,foi^ amenbfngofhtghbD3te0: 3nti ttthere alfo in the ftrfl: i&etTton of the )3arltament begun anbholtienat i©eftminfter the eight bap of #ap, inthcriiit. peereof the^ueenejSi^ighnegeraignethatnoixi iiS,anb ftom thence eontinneb bp p^^togation till the biflbiution thereof, there inaa one other 3cte mabe,intituleb, In 3cte fo; the pu- nilhmentoftuagabonbeo, anbfoj|thc reliefe ofthepoo^e anb impotent: 3(nb bohete in the laarliament hoiben at naeftmm« iter afotefapbjin the rbiii.peere of her g^aieflie^ raigne, there baa^ one other 3Dtt mabe, intituleb, n Mcu foi the fetting of the poo^e on booibe, anb fo$ the anopbing of pblenciTe: jfota& much ais all thefame feueraiUDctciS anb Statutes:, anb euerp ofthemboefeemegoob,bcneQciall,anbneebefullto the boeale anb piiofite of thio Eealme, bee it therefore enacteb bp the p^ucenep mod erceilet #aieftie,b3ith the affent of the )Lo?bs( i&pirituaU anb Cempoiall ,anb the Commons! in tht0 piiefent parliament alTembIeb,anb bp the autho^itie of the fame, that the foipefapb 3!ct mabe in the fapbe irrt.peere of Icing l^entie the eight,(hail be ftom the feaft of pentecod nert enfuing reuiueb anb danb in full drength anb fotce. lanb that afboell the fame datute,as; ail the refibue of the foiefapb feueral Statutes: anb ctes before reciteb,anb euetp of them,anb all anb euerp arti« tie, claufcanbfentence in them anb euetp of them contepneb, anb alto all anb euerp the abbitionjS, alterations! anb erplana- tions! of the faib ‘Statutes!, not heretofoje oi bp anp other let in this piefent ^edton of parliament rcpcaleb o; aitcteb,(hall be continueb anb enbure in ful fo^ce anb effect bating the time hereafter mentioneb. p^ouibeb alboapes!, anb be it enacteb bp the autho?itic a> fo?efapbe,that from hencefo^ith it (hall anb map bee latofull to all anb euerp the Hiucenes! #aiedics! ^ubtccte0,to b?ing in> to this! Eealme ail anb all maner of ppnnes!mabe beponbe the ^eas!, anp ^cte o; Statute to thr contrarp notmith- lianbing. p;iouibeb alfo, $ be it libcboife enacteb, that fo much 9 (iich part a partes of the-fetatute onlp mabe in the fapb fifth pecre of the ducenes g^aiedies raigne that nobie is!, intituleb, Hn aicte touching certaine politique conditutionS mabe foj the , matute= Regina Elizabeths, cfo/.*/. mamtenaince of ti^e l^ante^aiei toncetne t^e eating of eti^ o; te^ | ftcapne t^c eatingof fle©, oj p?o!)tbtttng fte fuflfering of anp I flefi) to be eaten bpon anp mebneniap, not being before t^e malting of t^efapb statute bp tlje jLaboeet of t^i$ iSealme b= (cb ajs a e(f)e &ap,anli eneep mattee,tlaufe,article anb penaltie i i intbe fapbe Statute conteineb, concerning tbefame, l^aU fo „„ J farrefoitbonclpaistbepconcemctbefatncjfrombcncefottbbe 7/ i repealeb, centre anb bebtterip bopbe, anp thing in the faib (ta< tute containeb to the contrarp notmithttanbing, ^nb foi thebetter incouragement of filhenncn to go to the ^eaiS,anbto beaome their time anb trauaple in Sihing, belt cnacteb bp the anthofitie of this picfent parliament, that , ftomhencefoojthitlhaUanbmapbelatofull, toanbfojieuerp ’* ff "“T the^^ueenesi^ighnetre^ubiect^, tobtterafellallmanerof ” ~ ^easihjbpon anpflelh bap inthct)oeelte,othecthenthe ^un= bapejS, in encrpCitie, Borough, Cotone coj^pojate ojmarbet Cotone tohatloeuer toithin thtiS Bealme, anppifuilebge. Charter oip^eferiptionto the contrarp nottoithftanbing. SBnbtotheintentthattheifribapeiei, ^aterbapeief 9bapc!S appointeb bp foimer HatoeiS to be bapeb,map the better be obferuebfo^thebtteranteanberpenfeoffiih, afo^therpating offlcfh:©citen 3 cteb,thatfcomthefeafl:ofpentctoftnerten« „ ^ fuing,no 1 Inholber,Cauerner, 3 lehoufefeeeper,commontiuit’> ^ b teler, common Coobe oi eSmon cable beeper,(hal btter oi put to fale, oi caufe to be bttereb 0^ put to fale bpon anp thefapbe bapeb not being Chjnftmasi bap, 0? bpon anp bap in the time ‘ of iLent,anp binbe of flcih bictualjs, {ercept it be to (uch perlbti anb perrottoreroicing to hiisoit their fapbe home o^houfciE(,aisi f haueoilhailhauelatofuUlicencetoeatethefame) accoping I to the tenoi anb true meaning of the fapbe statute mabe in ' i thefapbe fifth peere of the rapgne of the Ciueeneb i^ighnclfe , thatnotoeijSjbponpaineoffojfaitureoffiuepounbsf.anblhall w ^ ; alfo fuffer ten bapeb imp^ifonment toithout baple, mainpjife, oi remouer fo; cuerp time fi) offenbing: one thirbe part thereof tobetothe C^ueenesi#aieaie,herhcirejaanbrucccflb;o!, one I other thitb part thereof to the liLo?b 0? iLo^ibesiof the jLecte fof thetimebcmgtoherefuchoffencelhaUbecommitteb, anbthe t i other thirbe part thereof, to him o;i them that toiilfue fojtthe i i fame in anp her ^aietlicja! courts of lifecozb, bp action of bebt, biU,plapnto;info|!mation,intohichnoC(fopne,piotection 0? i toagerofliLatoe(tiaUbealIotoeb,anbtherapbcolfcnceanbof« I fences,bp bertue of this Statute (hall be inquircb of,hearb,$ [! betermineb , in maner 9 fo^me as is erp^cOcb foj the offences I i 2^.iiv (onteinetf I 4x> I! Chap,xij\ Anno xxvij. conteined tn fatO ^tatutc,mal>e in CaiD fife prete of ijec ^ateftiefli fatoe reisne: ;g)aatngaitnare0 bnto t^e Cinque ^oi(teia:,anl)totf)e'CotDne of great l^atmout^, 8lintct)iat»> fuUliberiteoiasit^e^nofxie ijaue bpteafon of anp former ^cte of i^atiiament o^ Charter touching tljefteefar^e reetclpto be bol^cn fstb 1:0)000 of great | 9 armoutb. #?otubeb attoapt^, tljat no perlOn o; perfonis fljall be fneb, bciceb oj ttoubleb fo? anp offence oj offencestcontrarptotbe statute oj( ^tatuteo^ no)o continucb fo; anb concerning til* iage, bnlefle tbe information, action or fuite be or flrail be brought for the punifhment offuch offence oroffencciS boithin ttbo perejc nert after the fute or action, or title of action ot fute, (halbebcuoluebor accruebtothe petfonorperfons; that (ball fbfueormformeagainffthe offenberoroffenbetof: ^nb that euetp informationbponanpthefaibe ^^tatuteje; of linage to beeithibitebforthe:^ueene)S< 3 @aieftie, her heiresanbftitcef* roriSonelpjlhalbe brought baithinfiuepeetes! after the action orinfbrmationattruetoheri^ighneffejherhcitesiorfutteirorO. 3 Ltte to continue till the cnbe of thencjtt parliament nohoeneictinfumg. An zdiC for the fvvea- ring ofvnder Sheriffes^ and other vnder Officers and minifters, rxii. Oraimuch a;agrieuouiefcom= platnt^are manp tinier mabe of the mifbemeanour $ ctiill behaulour of Unbetlherife?, beho often timciai haning to them tommitteb bp the high ^hetife, the tohole or part of the cjtertifmganb ejeetuting of the office of the high &he» riffe, anb not tahing anp cor* poraiiothe as: the high^he* riffe boeth > for the erccuting ^ anb bifeharging of the fame office, boe therefore bapip anb molt iniortouflp through cor* wptton anb affection impancU 3 luroursi for the rEneentS ^aieffie > anb betmiitt partie anb partie, to the great Ioffe, . I Reginse Elizabeths. Chap.xiL Ioffe, Domas^ anO ^mDerante of Dtuctti ^et #aiefftes; loiunj lUbtecte^ of iffealme: Jfo; tefozmatton )ul)eteof,be it enac= teb bp tbe autbo^itie of tbii3 parliament, that all anbcuctp perfen $ perfona, that front anb after tbe lad bap of tbe helli¬ on of tbiO p^eient parliament,(ball be abmitteb to,ot tabc bp^ on bim tbe eicecuting of tbe office of an bnbet ;&betiSe, in anp ^bite ofiiCoimtic loitbin tbiO Eealme of (0nglanb, before bee entermebblc toitb tbe bfe o^ erercife of tbe faibe office, fftall re^ ceine anb tabe a co^po^alli^tbe bpontbe bolpCuangeliffeo, before tbe [Stiff ice$ of If llffe, oi one of them of tbe fame cirrnite iubeceintbat Countie ijai tubereofbe(ballbcbnber^betiffe, 0 } before tbe CuftosRotuiotum ,o?tbao Sufficeoi of tije peace, tobereof one to be of tbe Quorum of tbe faibe Countie tobeteof be (balbe bnbec ^beeiffe aia afo^efaib, fot, anb concerning tbe ^up^ematic, in fucb maner anb fourme as; that Otbe to ep Pieffeb anb beclareb in one Itte of p arliament mabc anb ct? baineb in tbe ffrff peere of tbe raigne of our faibe ^oueraigtie TLabie tbe Cf ueeneo #aieffie, together boitb bobieb Otbe bee fballin libe foit before tbe fameper(bno;iperfono,ceceiue anb tabe one other co^potall Otbc, ao folloboetb, (that to to fap:) j A. B. (ball not bfe o^ erercife tbe Office of bnber ^beriffe co^ruptlp ,buring the time that j (ball remaine therein, nets tber (ball oi mill accept, teceiue or tabe bp anp colour, meaneo or beuife bobatfoeucr,or confent to the tabingof anp maner of feeot remarb,ofanppcrfon orperfono, for the impanelling or returning of anp Snqueff,SurieorcaieOin anp court of iffe^ corbefor^e Oueenc, orbetboirtpartie anb partie,abouetmo (billingo,or tbebalue thereof, or fucb f eeo ao are allobocb anb appointeb for tberame,bptbeCameO anb ;&tatuteOoftbiO laealme: Put mill atcorbing to mp poboer truelp anb inbiffe» rentlp boitb conuenient fpeebe impanell all Jurour, anb ce~ turne allfutb mrittc or boritteiS touching the fame, 8$ (ball ap« pertaine to be bone bp mp bnetie or office, buring the time that S (ballremaine in the faibe Office, ^obeipemed^ob. ffinb libeboife be it enacteb bp the autboritie aforefaib, that tbiis let (ballbeafufficient marrant to the perfonotappointeb bptbiil 3lct,to miniffertbe Otbe aforefaibe,for the miniff ring thereof accorbinglp. 3fnb beeitfurtberenacteb bp the autboritie aforefaibe, that euerp bnber ^beriffe that i$ alreabp cbofenanb appointeb for % erecut ing of the faib office of bnber ^beriffe for the pcrc or time begunr>f,or bpon the iaff ebangeof ^birife!3,(bali mitb^ infortte bapej$ nett enrumg^;&eflionof tbi^Piefentparlia^- ment, If xii. Anno xxvij. mcnt jtcceittc anti tafee tftefiPftes! menttoneD fn fotefuc^pctfonoj petrons(,asibpt]^ii8 ^ttzvn o? arc nmfttc& anb appoinceti to rntnifter % fame. SUnDbcttfurtberenacteti bvilifc ant^ot(tteafo;c(atbc,tbat cuerp 73 atltffc of jFrancbieja, Sacputie 9 darbc of eucrp ttffc anb bnber ^b^rtfe, anb cuerp other perlOn anb perfon^, bobich bfter fourtte bapeis after the enb ofthtiS^&efltonofpar# Iminent, (hall haue autho^itte of, tahe bpon him to empaneil ot returac anp Jnqueft, 3urte, ot Calesi, 0 ? to entcrmebblc totth erccuttonof #j^oce(retn anp Court of Eeto^b, (hal before he o^ thepmtermebblebotth anp furthereicecutionthereof,tetetue anbtahetheOthejiafo^efatbe to;po;allp,befoj!ethe perfono^ perfonot appotnteb bp thts 3(cte to miutfter the fame, 0 ; before the heab officer of the place,if it be a 'Cobone coipoiate, chan= ging onclp the moibejsCthe office of bnber ^hertffe)containeb in the O the erpielTeb in thi$ ^ct,to fuch tuoibeoi a$ are conue« nient foi the JDeputation, Office 0 ^ place, in bohich the partie bohith tabeth the Othe,i$ to be erercifeb tn.lnb if anp the faib petron0,hmitteb to tabe the Othe afoiefaib,boe tabe bpon him to impanell oiretume anp 3Inqueff, jnrie o; Caleia ,oi to in« V// tecinebble boith the erecution of pioceire,noc hauing befoiera^ ben the OthejO afo;efaibe,that then enerp fnch perfbn 0)aU lofe 9foffaitetherummeof]rl,ponb!Sofcurranti£ngli(hmonep,the one moptie to be to p bfe of our ^oueratgne )iabp p Oueene, the other moptie to hint oi them that boillfue fot the fame. 3fnb be it further enacteb bp the autho^itie afoiefaib, that if anp bnber ^heriffe, 0 ; other perfon mentioneb in thija cte,o; anp of them,at anp time 9 ttmeg, from anb after fourtie bapeja nert enfuing the lait bap of thia picfent ^effionof )aarlia< ment, (hall boe, o; commit anp Sicte ojt 3itctea, contrarp to the Othesi afoiefaibe,oi either of them, 0 ; contrarp to the true en= tent anb meaning of thia 3icte, that then euerp fuch perfon b offenbing, (hall foffaite anb lofe foi euerp fuch offence to the partie 0 ? partiejagrieueb ,hija o? their treble bammagesf. M mhichfeuerallfbifaitnrea before mentioneb, (hall o; map bp the authoiitie of thia ptefent Sfete be recouereb,hab,anb leuieb bp action of 3^ebt,l3iff, ]blaintoi Information in anpbf the :^ucenea^aieffiea courtea of l^ecorbe,in bohich ^etiona, ^nita,1dlainta or informationa,no boager of laboe,Cffopne or i^rotection (hall be alloboeb. ainb be it further enacteb bpauthoritie aforefaibe,th8tthe Jutticeaof ailHfe, anbjufticeaof #cace in their open ;^cf= ff ona, (hall haue fullpoboer boithin the limtttea of ^eir author ritie, Reginx Elizabethx. Chap.xili, title, to^eatcanD lietetmtnetib^DtfauUejSlioneconttat^to tljig 3itte,8iS toell bp pjefentraent anb tnJojmation, a;a inbtte* ment: Inb bpon conuiction of tbe offenbout9i,to aboarbe ete* cuttonfojttbtleuteoftbefoj^faicuteiaafo^eliatbe, bpfierifacias, OJ bp attaf ^ementjCapias OJ Exigendiim. An A6le for the fol- lomng ofHuie and Crie, Chapter xiii. I^cteab bptboo auncientftatuteiei, t^e one mabe tn tbe laacitament btdbe atiii)tncbe« ftet,m tbc tbittcentb pecre of tbe teigne of btng iSbbaarb the fitft,anb the other in tbe eight anb tbeentieth peereofthereigneof feingCbbearbethethitbe, ttbeais fo; the better tep^eflingof ISobbctie^ $ f eionteiai (amongd other thingjS) enactebtothiaef' feet, 'Chat if the Countrep bo not anfttter fo; the bobieiS of lUeh malefacto^ieijthatthen the paine (honib be fuch, that i$ to tuit, Hhe people bboelltng in p Countrep,lbalbe anfboerable fo]t the tobbertea bonc,^ the bamageot: fo p the behole hunb^eb behere the robberp (halbe bone, beith the jranchife$ bohith are bthtih« in thepiecinct ofthefame!^unb^eb,Q)aUanfn)ertherobberieji bone. 3iinb if the robberie thautite tote bone in thebiuifion of tbooi^unb^ebiS, that then boththe^unbjebb together, boith thef ranchtfeb boithin the precinct of them, lhal be anfb)erea= ble,a!Sinthefaib tbeo feuerall^tatuteb itbothmoj^eat large appeare. fotaismuth aja thefaibeparte;aof thefaibefeuerail Statutes!beingoflatebapesfmojecommonlpput in erectttt= on thenheeretofoie thep haue beene, are founbe bp erperience to be berp harb anb eirtreeme to manp of the^Uteeneia :^aie= ftiesc goob fubtectia, becaufebp thefame <|^atutea thepbo m inaitie thargeb biith the penaltiesitherin containeb, notbaith^ ftanbing their bnhabilitie to fati^e the fame,anb thoughthep boe aa muche aa in reaibn might bee reqnireb in purfuing fuchmalefoctouraanboffenboura, baherebp both large fcope of negligence ia giuen to the inhabitaunta anb refiannha tn other l^unb^eba anb Counttea, not to tnoftcnte the i^uie anb Crie mabe,foliobaebanbi^ughtbntothem, bpreafoti thep ate not chargeable fejanp portion of thegoobea robbeb;, l^.iiu; no? Chap.xiii, Annoxxv^. : . no^luit^ anptammascss tn ti^at be^alf^ giuen, anti alfo gteat incoutasementantienbollimtnstaiitoixitfesiuennntot^eofo fenber ji to commit barlp moje fellonitjs 9 vobbene$!) ng feeing; it in manet impoOtble foi tiie inhabitant^ 9 teRantg of the faib l^unbieli anb feauncheisitnheteinthetobbetieis: committeb, to appiehenbethemluithottc the apbe of the othee i^unbjiebsi anbConntiejS abiopning,8nb fo» that alfo the pattietobbeb hauingcemebiebptheafojiefaibe^tatute^fojtherecouecing of hiiiC soobs: tobbeb, anb bammagejs; againO the inhabitants! anbceKantiS of the i^unb^ebbuhecein the cobberie boas? com¬ mitteb, ist manp times negligent 9 caeelelTe in ppjfecnting anb purfutng the (atb malefactors 9 offenbees: ^ut ^oneraigne jlabietheiBneeneS i9^aielhe,not txtilling thetefojethat hec people fhoulb beeimpouenlbebbpanpfnch paine or penaltie, bohich fbonlb be hath or gtieuons to them,anb hauing fpeciall tegatb to abate the potoee of elons, anb to tepreife felonies, boeth for eemebp hereof, boith the confent of the TlorbS ^ptri* mail anb 'i;emporal,ei of the Commons in thiSprefent ^aciia^ ment airembleb,anb bp the authoritp of the fame )3arliament, ,, eftablilhanbenactjthattheinh^itantSanbeeRantsofeuerp jUffU or anp Inch l^unbreb, (boith the ^JFtanchifeS boithin the pre* V/. cintt thereof) boherein negligence,fault orbefecteofpurfuite, anbftelh fttite,afteri@upanb ctiem8be,lh8ll happentobee, ftom anb after fourtiebapesneict after the enbe of thisprettnc ^eflionof parliament,Iballanfboeteanbfatifbethe onernoi* tie or halfe of all anb euerp fuch f umme anb fummes of monep anbbamageS,asiballbpfbrceorbettueofthefatbe^tatuteS or either of them bee recoueeeb or hab, againd or of the faibe hnnbreb,b)iththef ranchifes therein, in bohich anptobbctie orfelonie (hall at anp time hereaftee bee committeb or bone. r j ainb that the fame moptie fbai anb map be recoueeeb bp atttoti r ofbebt,bill,pl8intorinformstionin8npofthe^ueeneS30a= teffies Couetes of eecorb at aacdmindet, bp anb in the name of the Clarbe of the peace for the time being, of or in enerp fitch Conntie boithin this lEealme, bohere anp fuch robberie anb recouerie bp the partieor parties robbeb (hall be, boithout naming the Chridian name or fumame of the faibe Clatbe of the peace, bohich moptie (0 recoueeeb, (hall be to the onelp bfe anb behoofe of the inhabitants of thefaibe hunbreb bohere anp fuch eobbeeieor felonie lhallbe committeb or bone, 3lnb be it fUethee enacteb bp theauthoritie aforefadie, that tfanpClarbe of the pe8ce, of or in anp Conntie boithin this l^ealme, (hall at anp timehereafter commence or prefeere anp Regina Elizabeths. Chap.kiiji, jj| fuel) ^utc,Action,oj ^nfojmattou, anD l^al aftet tfte fame fd fued, toinmeneed o? pjcfmed, happen to dpe,oj; to beremoos ! ued out of fttd fl&fftee bcfo.ic wcouctie and eieetution bad: j that pet no fuel) Jetton,^ute, 2 SHl,jaiapnto: 3 nfo?niatloni . .^i! fued, commeneed o? pjefmed, tt)all bp fuel) difplacing oj ^ ' deatb, be abated, difeontmuedo? ended, buttbatttdiaU and map be labofull, to and fo? tbe Clarfee of tbc jdeaee nett fuc* 1 teedingintbefaideCountic, topmfecute,purfueandfollotoe i allandeueepfueb3:ttton,ffitll,iaiamt,^utcand 3nfo:ittati= I' onjfojtbecaufedafOKfaide.fobangmganddependmginfucb ’ maner and fojme, and to all entente^ and putpofed, ad that Clatfee of 0e3ee might bane done, bobtebSeft eommeneedoj I p?efectedtbe(aid^ute,:iBUl,|&lainto)!3nfb?mation.3indal* tbougb tbe Sobole i^undjed, mbere fueb robberiess and fello* it nted arc committed mitb tbe liberties mitbin tbe pjiectntte m tbereof, ate bp tbe faide ttoo former Statutes! ebaeged tottb ! i tbe anroeertng to tbe pattierobbed,biia damaged: petneuec« tbele(fetbetecouecieandeitecutton,bpandfoj!tbepattieo 7 j partied robbed, id bad agatnft one aberpfeme perfond of tbefaideinbabitanted,andbeandtbepfocbarged, bauenot v beretofo.te bp iLaboe bad anp meane ot boap to bane anp cOn> '! ttibution,ofotfromtberefidueoftbefaidi^und?ed,baberetbe ■' fapde robberie id committed, to tbe great impoumlbment of tbemagainabobomfucbrecouertcojeretuttonieibad. » L'j. i J'ojremedictobercofjSeitenattedbptbeautbo.utfeafojes i'l ^ fapdjtbat after epeention ofjsamagcdbptbepartteoppartled fo robbed bad,it Iball ^ map be iabofuilCbpon complaint made bp tbe partie op partied to charged) to and foptboo 5nftttcd of tbe}dcacc, (bohereofonetobeoftbeQuorum,) of tbefame Countie, inhabiting boitbin tbe faide i^undped, or neerebnto tbe fame bobere anp fucb erecution (ball be bad, to affelTe, and tare ratablp and p^opoptionablp, according to their difereti* ondallandcuerptbcCoboned,ldarilbed,iiliillagedandl^am- letd,aftoell of tbe faide l^untbed bobere anpfueb robberie (ball be committed, ad of tbe Uibertied boitbin the faid i^undped, to and toboarded an ectuall contribution to bebadandmade fop the reliefeoftbe fapde inhabitant ojinbabitanted, againft Hi bobom the partieoj partied robbed before that time bad bid 0 ? n I''' their erecutton land that after fucb taration made, the Con= ^ (tabled, fConitabie, l^edborougbed orldedbotougb of euerp ;! fuebcobone, t&arilb, tillage andi^amlct, (bad bp bertueof ' Hi tbid prefent acte bane full podoer and autbopitie boitbin their I i feueralDtimitted, ratablp and proportionablp totapeandaf^ ' | ftito ill xiij. Annoxxvij, rcffe atco^tiinsto t^eir abtlttteji, euetp Jn^abitant anb btoeU iettn euecpfucb ti[:o)xine,] 0 anll),tillage anb l^amlet, foj^anb toboarbiee tbc papmmt bf fucb taicatton 9 ageffement aa ibalbe lb mabe, bpon euerp (btb 'Cobane, )dattlb, IJillage 9 i^amiet tus afo;cratb,bp tbefatb 3|[uOtceiS:iinb that if anp inhabitant of anp fuch Cob)ne,^ari(h,tiillage 0 ^ i^amlet, (hall obilinateip refute s benic to pap the fapbc taration 9 alTetremcnt, fo bp the faib C 6 fl:ableji,€onftable,]^ebbo;ongh$ 0 ; i^ebboiough tareb anb aitelfeb^that then it lhal anb map be labafuil to anb fot the fatb Conftablesi anbf^ebbo^oughO, anbeuerpof themtoithin theirteneralUimitteo^iurifbictionjS,tobi(freineaUanbeuetp perfon anb petfono fo cefufing 9 benptng bp his! f their goobsi anb chatteia,anb the fame biOreite to teh anb the monep therof comming toretainetothebteafotefapbe. ainbifthegoobsio; chattels! fobiilraineb anb folbe, (hall beofmotebaiuethcnthe fapb tcaration (hal comebnto, that then therefibne of the faib tnonep oner anb aboue thefaib tcairationjfhalbe beliueteb bn» to the latb petfon ot perfonofb biteraineb. _ ainb be it further enatteb, that all 9 euerp the fapb Conlta* blesi anb i^ebbojoughsi, after that thep haue mithin their fcue» rail iimita anb iuctfoictiono leuieb 9 collecteb their faib iKatesi 9(hmmes! of monep fo tareb, Ihallbsiithin tenbapcsi after fuch Collection pap 9 bcliuer the fame oner bnto the faib Juteices! of #eate,oj one of them,to the bfe anb behoofe of the faib 3 inha» bitanto; inhabitants!, fo^hohomefuthliate, tcaicationanb ^ifeifement lhailbehab o; mabe ao afo^faib: bohich monep fo papeb,lhalbptheiuftites!ot 3 ltt 8 iteforetepuingtheramc,bc beltuereb oner (bpon requelt mabe)bnto the faib inhabitant 0 ; inhabitants,to bohofe bfe the fame boas collecteb. ^. 3(nbbe(tfurtherenactebbptheanthontieafotefaib,thatthc lifte Cairation, Sflitnement, leuping bp biftrelTe anb papment, as afotefatb, Ihall be hab $ bone batthin euerp i^unoteb tohere befault oj negligence of purfutte a freih ftiite (halbe, foj anb to thebenefite of all anb euerp inhabitant anb inhabitantcs of the fame l^nnb|ieb,b)hctefuch befault (hall be, that fljal at anp time hereafter bp bertueof this ptefent 3lct,haue anp bamma* ges ot monep leuieb of them, fo j 0 ; to the papment of the one moptte, othalfe of the monep retouereb againfl the fapb l^un* bteb,b)hereanprobbetpfhalbehereaftercommitteb. jouibeb alfo, anb be it further enatteb bp the anthojitic afojefapbe, thatbohereanprobberieis, ot (hall be hereafter tommitteb bp tboo, 0 ? a greater nomber of malefactourS, anb that it happen anp one of the fapb offenbersto be app^hetibeb bp ReginxElizabethje. isf ' ”?■ •* ^^X• 3 i| bp purlUitc to be mabe attojbing to tbc fail) fotmer mention eb i ^ ^ 7Lawc$anb S*tatutc!8,ojatcofbing to tbiS p?efent3ictc,tbat tbenanbmfutb cafe, no i^unbjeboj feanetjife fljall in anp 1 X 1 tfc tntntre,ot fall into tbe penaltie,Ioffe of, fo.tfaitute mentio:^ neb citbee in tbi$ p.tefent 3ictc,o^ in anp tbefaibefo^mec ^ta= tuteiS,altbougb tbceebbuc of tbefaib inalefattout$ (ball hap¬ pen to efcape, anb not to be app;ebcnbeb: anp thing in tbiiGl ^tattitc,oMutbefaibfo^tnee;&tatutejS totbetonteatp not» initbffanbing. pionibebalfo,tbatnopetfono 3 iperfonsibcctcaftecrobbcb, •' ^ ^ flmUtafecanpbcnefitebpbettueofanptbc faibefobnec^ta* tute$,to charge anp hunb^eb hohfte anp fnch vobbetie lhall be coinmitteb, except he o; thep fo tobbeb, (ball commence hi;3i o; theit fute ot action boithin one pcece next after fuch robberp fo tobecommitteb. SDnbbeitfurthcrcnactebbptheauthobtieafojiefaibe, that f” noi^uieoiCrfe,oxputfuiteheereaftertobeeboncox mabebp U- thccountrep oxmhabitantsiofanpi^unbjeb, (hallbealioineb anbtahcntobcalainfulli^uieanbCrie, oxpurfuite, hpon o; after anp the fatbe f ellonio of €>frenber0,except the fame i^uie anb Cric anb purfuite be botie anb mabc bp ho?femen gt foote* men,anp bfage ox cuff ome to the contrarp nottnithdanbing. Sdnbbee itfnrthcr alfo cnactebbptheauthoxitieofthiS p?e» ffM fent parliament,that no perfon oj peefons that (hal hereafter happen to berobbeb, (hall bane ox maintaine anp action, ox tabe anp benefite bp hertiie of the fapbe ttoo mentioneb ^ta« w,. • tmes!, ox epther of them, except thefaibe perfon anb pcrfonsi fo robbcb.lhall toith 8$ muthconucmentfpeebea!Smapbe,giue notice anb intelligence of the fapbe fellonie ox robberie fo com'- ij mitceb,bnto fome of the inhabitant^ of fome t!Dobime,iiltillage, i ox laainletncarebnto the place inhere anp fuchrobberie (hail be committeb, nox (hall bxingox bane anp action, bpon ox bp bertne of anp the ^tatuteaafoxefapbe, except he ox thep diall ^ . firftixiithinxx-bapejS next befoxefuch fiction to be bxought, be "y*' ' txamineb bpon hisf ox their toxpoxall €>the tobetahen btfoxeri>;'<‘/->’ 7 :'^-’”/’^f*'/^ Hi; fome one 'Juftice of the peace of the Countie Inhere the robbe tie boas c5mittcb,inhabiting mithin the fapb hunbxeb inhere the robberie mas committeb, ox neere bnto the fame, mhether he ox thej'boefenome the partie’sthat committeb the faibrom becie,oxanpofthem. ainbffbponfuchcxaminationitbe con= fe(Tcb, that hec ox thep boc irnomc the parties that committeb thefapbe robberie, 01 anp ofthem, that thenhee ox thep to tom “r fefling, (hall befoxe tbefaib Action be commenceb oxbxought, enter :n! Qhap.xiiij. Anno xxvij. enter into (UStctcnt bonti bp recosnttiance before tljefaib 3Iu- fttce, before tui^om ti^e fatb eeammatton ts: ^ab cffectuaiip, to piofecutetbefaniepeefon^ petfon^fo Hnoboentobaue com= mitteb tbe faib r obbeeie,bp tnbitement or otbetboife^accorbing to tbebueconrfeoftbelabDejSoftbi^iHealme. An AGt for the reuiuing of a former Statute for the true making of Mault, Chap.xiiii, l^ereais in p i^atltament^olben at naeft= mtnOetbpon pro^ogatton tbe fourth bap of 0oitembet, in the fcconbepcere of the reigne of the late ittng of molt fatnouo me> morte £ttng Cbboarb the ftrt, molt bcare brother to our ^oueraigne jo^abie the ^ueeneo i^aieifte that noboe io, there ruaiai amonga other things one goob anb neteifarte mete of parliament mabe anb etlabltfl;eb, intituleb ,3n 3lcteforthe true making of ^ault: i)i>hichfatbe;^tatutetxia0 after btf» tontmueb,anb fo reiteth 9 remaineth ajS pet, alb ett in trueth> buring the continuance thereof,the fame bib much goob to the common toealth, anb fo tooulb it boe ilili, if the fame might be rcuiueb anb ilanb in forte aiS heretofore ft hath bone. 3ln con* fiberation i»hetcof,map it pleafe her l^ighncffe,toith the ton* fentof therLojbsf ^pirituall anb Cemporall,anbthe Crimefbie anb £ttnge(lon bpon l|ull, not lede then a tbou» fanbe laltcsi of mbite anb rebbe f^erringo:, mttb great quantitie of fait Q(b,beftbei$ great quantitie of filb anb f^et« rings: tbep btougbt to biuers: Cobanes: of tbe jl^o^tb toad, tobereboitb Potbeibire, X^ncolnefttcte, jiiottingbamQjirc, 3©etbieibiete,Cbelbiete,ll-3n.cad)iere,Cumbcrlanbe,,i©ella inerlanbe, jll02^umbetlanbe,anb 23tlbop;wfteof J^urbam boere tuell fertteb boitb f^errtng0 anb Staple bib anb at tea- fonable pntes:,anb noba tbrp btingnone oi afebae,ro that l^era rings* anb, ;t)taple bib is: btougbt anb grobaen to ercefliue prices:,anb bdibe greater,for that tbe faib coabmen boe (bippe tbeir rebbe l^etrings: to ^eaianb, anb both rebbe anb bobite Inertings: for iloanc, Mantes:, l^cbel, 23urbeaulr anb other places: in tbe Ucalme of rannee, anb bebbes: tbeir tranfpoia C.i, ting .xv.^ Annoxxvij. ting 01 (t)tppmg,3gi:cat numbetts! Ojippcb anIitrdnfpo?f?D bp mcrctjantst foj po?tmgale ,anD tbe ^ttattesi of fl^arotfeo fo? jtalie, fo that ^ iliojtb partcjS of tbts! Eeaimc being farte from tbe ^ca bane great fcarcitie of fid; anb i^ct> rings;, anb (ball bane greater, bnlelTefome pjefent remebte be bab fo; tbe fame: Cberefoie map it pieafe pour ^aicffie, that ttmapbecnactebbptbe^o;bc 0 ^piritnall anb tii:empo;alt, anb commons; of tbis; p;efent )0ariiament,tbat it map be lain# full fo; anp of pour ^aielfies; fubiectes; of tbio l&ealme, fo? feruingoftbeCaibe Counties; anb il5fo;tb partes;,to b;ingmto tbis; llealmc from tbe {iiattes; beponb tbe ^cas;, in tEnglilb ^btppes! o; Crapers; being fapleb bp Cnglf (l; a^artners; initb eroffe failes,!^errings;,^taplefi[b anb iting bib, paptng pour ^aieflie Cuaomeo;^ubabie fo; tbe fame i|errings;, anb Staple Kfb anb Tling Q%, totbe Citie of |9o;be, tbe Coinnesi of 23o(fon, d^rimefbie, Ibingeifon bpon;^ull,#eine Caftie, ^carbo;ougb, o; to anp comne o; Crecfee in p 0o;tb parts?, fo as; none of tbe faibe f iib be (bippeb from anp tbofe ji^o;tb partes; into anp plate of Cnglanbe S>outb o; S^outbineft from ;!3offon,anp ilcte, ;^tatute o; )b;ouifo in anp 3(cte bere» tofo;e mabe to tbe contrarp notinitblfanbmg. #;ouibeb alinapes?, that tbii$ 3!tte no; anp thing beeein conteineb tball continue anb be in fo;ce fo; anp longer time, tben fo; sue peeresi noine nert foHoining, anb fo from tbence# foo;tb bntotbe enbeoftbene]rt)barltamentfromtbencetben neirtfolloixiing. )b;ouibeb alioapes;,tbat tbis; ilatnte no; anp thing tberetti conteineb,n)all be p;einbiciall o; in anp maner of ioife buttfuli imto tbe tcoinne of :i3ari]afcbe bpon 'Ci)i)eebe,no; to the :i0nr' gefles;oftbefametcoi]ime,no;toanpoftbem,o;tbtbeirbeites; o;fuctelfo;s;,bttttbattbepmaplai]afullp bfe,baae,eniop anb occupieallanb angular fucbffancbife0, liberties;, bfagesi anb cuRomes; as; at anp time her etofo;e tbep bane o; might bane bone,infucbmaner anb fo;me as;if tbijSftatutebabnener bene bab o; mabe, anp ^ing in the fame Statute conteineb to the contrarp notmitbRanbing. An Reginz Elizabethaj. Chap.xvi ^ An a6i:e touching Ar- tificers vjtngthe cutting of Leather. Chapter xvi. I i|etca$ ttt t^eiaatUament l)olt)cn anH feept at t©e{t« minfter ti^e pti. Hap of nuarte in t^e fifti^ pete of t^e tcigncoft^e^ueene0 molt etccllcnt#ate(lte,amon8ft ot^et tijingcs; it toajS tljen enacted, t^at no petfon o$ pecronalI)ould oimig^t af= tet t^e fead of )^enteco(i tdcn nett to come, l)up,bar= gatnc,befpeabe oitabepio^ mife to bane anp tanned lea* tbct not iDtougbt and connected into made matcst, but one* Ip fuel) petfon and pctfongaomoulde and Ibouldetnoibe and conuett tt)efameHeatbecinto made mates!, bpon paine of fozfaitute of the fapde Heatdet fo bought, oi the baluc there* of. i^ithence the making of mhich faide :$cte,diuets! Cuttietfll and other petfons!,petccuung that bp the faide ^tatnte there iOnofufftcientmeauegpmutdedfo)^ the tcdraintandpunilh- ment of fuch petfonaag Ihall fcl anp Heather bnm^ought and nor conuetted into made marea, butthebupersonclp, hone gotten,and bp fundne fecret ftaudulcm tompactea,{htft0 and pmctijea foi their piiuate lucte and hnlamfuil gaine, do datlp get into their handa great quautitiea of Heather,and the fame doe fell againcbnmtought and not conuerted into anp made marea,atberpe]tce(riuepncea,tothe bttet defrauding of the true intent and meaning of the faide ^^tatute: if8irefo;* tion bohereof, and to the ende the true intent of thefaide ^ta* tute map be put in due citecution to the benefit of the Common toealth of thta iRealmc, 23e it therefore enacted bp the autho* ritieofthiapicfenti^arliament, that from and after the feail of )0enteto(i, commonip called ng^hitfundap nert enfuing, it fltall not be lahofull to oi fo: anp Currier o)i Curriera,oii anp o= thee perfoti oi petfona mhatfoeucr mithin thiarealme ofCng= l8ndbpanpt)i)3p£a,meanea,fhiftea,p?actireotdeuifemhntfd* C.ii. euec, ,xvt. Anno xxvij. euer, to bargamc, fell, o:tbaiisc,o? put atoap anp tanneb 3Lca» tbec bntx)?ougl)t,anD not cut atiO conuecteO into tome ktnOe of mabe tx)arc$nott)cbfeb,o^ tubtcb bttcaftei; (])albc bfcb tuitlitn tbtO Eealine,bpon paint of fo^faiture of Double tbe balue of tbe faiD jLcatber, 3tnp former Xlabae, Statute o? other thing to thetonttatp hereof in anpboife nottoithftanDing: 'Che one inoitp of tohich foifaiture Ihalbe to our ^oueraigneTlaDp the £^ncenea ^aie(tie,her heiresi anD fuccelfoursijthe other mop? tie to him o; them that boill fue foj^ the fame,bp bil, plaint o; in° ' formation: Jn bohich no ( 0 ifoine,toager of )laixie,no^ p;otec« tion Ihalbe ailoboeD. ^BiouiDeD alvbape$( that it lhall anD map bee labofull to anD fo? all anD euerp perfon oj perfomsbohatfoeuer,bring,occupp= tng Oi er erciting the traDe of tanning of iLeather, o^ to the ere» tuto^iS ot aDininilfratourof euerp o^ anp fuch pertDno:,to bar« gaine, fell, anD putaboap fuch U^eather,aje: (hall bebp them ot anpofthem tanneDinfuchfo;t,maner 6 tfo^me,ajS thep might haue Done before the mabing of thiO act, 3lnp thing herein co« teineD to the contrarp notboithtlanDing. ^jiduiDeD alfo anD bee itenactcD bp the authotitie afote'^ fapDe, thatitlhallbelabofnllto all anD euerp perfon anD per> fonoto bohomeanp jdeather bpfotce of anp former ^Laboe o^ Statute (halbe fo^faiteD, anD to all other perfon anD petfon^i tobohofehanDeanptanneD X^cather (hall come, ajscSrecutot, o| 3Dmini(tratoi to anp artificer bfing to baofbe U-eather into bJtought boareo,ot bp bequelt from fuch artificer,to bargaine, fell, 01 put aboap fuch tanneD Jleather ao (hall come bnto them Of anp of them bp anp the meanes afoieraiDc,to anp artificer b'- ring to conuert tanneD itcather into botoughtboare^. 3DnD libebotfe to all artificers bfing to conuert tanneD leather into bo^oughtbaares, bohithlhall bup anp tanneD Xeathet to the intent to bootbe the fame into- bDares,to fell anD put aboap the boombes,(hieDS,anD netbes bohich thep cannot otcupie about their booibeS: %W Icte ot anp other 3cte ot Statute to the contrarp in anp boife notboithfianDing. 'Chib^ 3icte to conti« nue fot the fpace of fire peereS nert after this ptefent ^elTion of)3arliament, anD from thence to theenDofthei^arliament then nert folloboing. ReginseElizabethse. CV-*®"- An a6te touching the breadth of vehite mllen Qothes made in the Counties of Sommerfet, Wiltefh. Glouc.and Oxon.&c, Chap.xvii* i^crcajS in )^acliament ^oltim at DDeftminitet in t^e fifti) ant) pemia of t^e reignt of out late ^oue« taigneU>o;l) l^tng (ftnoatOe tf^efitt, one i^tatute fxiaiEt mal)e,intttulcti, 3in Icte fo; t^e ttue mahing of luollen Clot^: toljerebp (amongll o* t^etthtngesf) it toajai enatteD, ti^atal n^^iteiai anbEeDOco;, toljicl) after tljc feafl of faint a^idjael tCbstcbangelltlien neirttomimng,H)ouiO be maoetntbc ^biregioi CounticjSof l©ilt®ire, (Kloutciler, anb SiommccfctjOj anp of tl)em,oj elg tobere of Itfee making, anb all other ns»bitcSDJb!tb lljoulb bemabc in anp other partejSofthiiS Eealmeof ®ngianb,anb notbefoje in thefame Statute remembjebjihoulb contetne in length being thtough Boet bctboecneftte anb eight anb ttt)en= tie yatbes!,anb fhoulbbe feuen qiiarterst of the parb in b?eabth botthin the liftsi at the lead,anb liileb accojbtng to the ancient tu(loinc,anb being baellfcobjjeb, thickeb, milleb,? full? bn'eb, (houlbe tocigh euerp peece tohite, anb ir .li.being coloureb at the lea8,ais bp the fapb 3lct among biiiers: claufes, atticles(,anb pjouifionsi tontcineb in the fame,moic plainclp ig erptelTeb. 3inb bohereasi alfo in p ^^arliament holben at t©e8= minfterinthcfourthanbfifthpeereiSofthereigneiSof onr late ^oueraigneHoibanb JLabpfeingi^htlipj^neene dearie, one other statute boas! m8be,intitulcb, atnifict tonchingthe makingof !©ollentlothcs(, toherebp alfo (amongft other thingjOjitboasojbeineb.eftablifljcb, enatteb anbpioutbeb, that eiierp i©hite cloth TCohich (houlbbc mabein the Counties! ofagtiltthire.^louceftetjanb^ommerfetjojanpof them, o? (e.iii. elsi vij* Anno xxvij. cliStxiftcteof Ifte mabingappointclibj't^cfaitieSlictemaDem tbe fatbe fifth 9 firth peete 0 of feing (Cbtoatti the firt,to toctgh l)Ciitt.U.(houHte tocigh being bjell ft otx>jcb,thttbeb,mtlleti, atib f ullp bueb lrt
  • nt the leafi, boith a p^outfion in the fame laft reciteb iirt (onte(neb,that ho petfon o;: pcrfon0 QioulD tncum thebangcCjpenaltieoMotfettute limttteb anbappointcb fo; anp offence in the faibefotmet teciteb 3Stt, fuhich f»a0 mitiga- teb o^t othcrtuife appointeb bp the faib 3!ict, mabe in the fourth anb fifth peered of bing jahtlip anb £iueenc Slpatp, as bp the fame 3ectc mabe in the fourth anb fifth peered of btng )3hilip anb tieene ^arp,amfiga biuerg claufe0,arttcle0,anb p^o^ tiifoeg therein conteineb, mo^e plainelp i0 erp^ifeb. ^tthence the mabingof tnhichfapbe feuerall^tatute^, although the mabera of thefaib clothe^haueenbeuoureb themfeluegatto^ bing to their beff fbill anb inbuilrie to perfofme anb fulfill the faibe reciteb ^tatute0 in euerp oftheir clothe0,a0 much a0 in thcmbiblpe, 30 touching the bjeabth of Clothed, anb to that cnbe anb purpofehaue alloboeb anb boe allofioefo much parne anb ifuffe to euerp fuch Cloth a0 might fnfficientlp fcrue to mabe all the faib €lothe0 fill out in len^h anb b;eabth, acco^^^ bing to the faib former Statute mabe in the fifth 9 firth pere0 of iifng iSbinarb thefirt,anb in foeight accotbing to the fapbe branch of the fapbe Statute, mabe in the fourth fi fifth pecreo of the reignco of the late bing Philip anb ^Uneene ^arp: pet nottnithftanbingmanptimeo bp reafon of the biucr0nature0 in the b}ool0,anb bp the great biuerfitieo in the fpinning, car« binganbmflling,manpofthc fapbe Clothe0 mabe toithin the fapb Countteo of ns>iltihire#louceiter,^ommerret,anb on.anbeifen)hereoflibemabtng, boenot containe fullfeuen quarter0inbteabth,atco;bingtothefapbe^tatute mabe in the fifth a firth peere0 of Sing oEbboarb the firt>9t pet boe holbe their full boeight 01 mote accoibing to the foimer ffatute mab e in the time of the fapb bing )^hilip anb Cf itecnc 0l^arp,anb no befault touchingthebieabth tan iiiftlp be imputcb to the ma« ber thereof,foi that the fapbe €lothmaber0(a0 erpcriencc ba^ Ip Iheboeth) tan not obfcrue the fapbe foiinet ^tatuteo in all thefapb ClotheO 80 touching the b?eabth,although thep cube* uour themfelue 0 neuer Co much thereunto,bohtch Clethe0 not conteining their full alfifc in bieabth a0 i0 afo jefapbe,arc ma= np time0 taben anb fif eb bp the ^catchero of 5Conbon, iwhen thep come to their S9arbct at JSlacbtoelhal!, to the great Ioffe anbbamniagc of thefaibe Clothm3ber0,anb to the great hin« betante of Clothmabing bJithin the fapbe Countie0:31n ton* fiberation Reginx Elizabeths. (^hap,xvih rtDetattoni»!)eteof ^ albeit tt t^notbecebpintentieti to tepeale o^mabebopbetberapbe fo^met tecttebC£itatutc0o.t eitbctof them, otbetiuife tbcui^^cceaftetetp^elTcD, petheuettbe- lelTc, bccitenattcb bp tbe ^auccncsmodeictellcnt Sl9aitftic, totti) tbe alTent of tbe '/lotbeo ^picituall anb tTempo^all, anb tbc Commonjs of this ptcfcnt jearliamentaffernblebjanb bp tbe autbojtttte of tbe fame, tbatnopetfonotpetfon^ (ball be bereaftcr ebargcb foj anp futb befault tobttb bcceaftct fljall be inanpof tbefapbClotbe0menttonebintbt9'3Kctcfo;!b)ant of b^eabtb of feuen qu3ttee0,(b that tbefame Clotb boe conteine in bteabtb being tbjougblp toet, fife quarter^ anb an balfe at tbe lead boitbin tbe lifted bntn^ougbt anbltdeb, aecotbing to tbe ancient cndome, anp thing in anp of tbefaibe fomiee ^ta> tuteg menttoneb to tbe tontrarp in anp toife notroitbitabing. I^^outbeb alboapeb, anb be itenacreb bptbeautboiitica^ fo.iefaibe,that if anp of tbefaibe Clothed Iball not conteine fife qnattcro anb a balfe at tbc lead luitbin tbe lido ab afo^cfaibe, that then cnetp petfon effenbing in that bebalfe,fl)al foi eueep fuel) Clotb be fnbiect to fncb paineg,penalties,anb foifcitnec^, as boctebpfoiceof tbcfotmettccttcb Statute of tbe fifth anb fift peete0of iaing £bbaatb the fijet,to bane beene fojfeiteb fo; baant of bfeabth of feuen qnattetb boitbin the lidcs. 3tnb be it neuectbelede cnacteb bp the autbotitic afo^cfaibe, that if anp Cloth to be mabe toitbin anp of the fatbe Counties, oz els bahere of libe maUing, ta! leb liatcobalideb i©bdes,bc« ing baell fcobaieb,tbicbcb,millcb anb fuUp bzieb,lball conteine inbaeightanplede then IfiJi-at the lead, oiifanp cloth to be tnabc baitbin anp of the fapb Counties o^ els babete of liHe ma« bing.callcb Bioablideb uabites, being baeUfcoibzcb,tbiclteb, milleb,anbfnllpbjpeb,(ball conteine in baeigbt ahplcffe then tbe lead,o.t if anp of the faib Clothes calleb ji^arroba# lideb o; :@itoablideb t@bttes,lbal conteine in length anp mote tbentbaentieanbeigbtpacbeSattbe modztbattben cnetp of tbefapb Clotbtetstbetein offenbing,(ballincutteboublefucb penalties anb fojfcitntes fof enerp pounb fo baanting of tbefe= uetall boeigbtes aboue limitteb, anb foi cnetp patbcfoeteec* bing in length, anb not bacigbing aftet fncb tate as is befo.te ocpzeffeb, as bp the faib Statute of tbefouttb anb fifth peeteS of feing i&bilip anb ducenc fil^atp is pjontbcb ft appcintcb. tCbtSKlcteto inbute anb continue foz the fpace of fine pccteS nett aftet tbc enb of this fecffton of tbiS p?cfent ^atlmmcnt, anb ftom the cnbc of the fapb fine pceteS, bntill the enbe of the ncitt ^effion of iSatliamcnt then nept enfuing. Caiit. fAn Qhap^xviij, Anno xxvij. An a6i:e concerning mal{ingofni>oUen Clothes in the Counties of Dcuon and Cornewall, called plaine white Straightes,and pinned white Straightes, Chapter xviii. I^eretn t^e)darltament bpon p;o^atton ^olDen at naeilmtnOcr tbe mn.of 3anua« tie in t^e fiftftpeere of tl^e reigne of the late !^tng of famous memo^te cmoartie thefiict, one 3icte iuaiStnahefo^ truema^ king of inoollen Clotheo: bp bahith 3fcte amongft other thtngis it boao enacteo, that from anb after the feaft of ;§>aint Michael the arthangell nejctcnfiiing the making of the fapbeaitte, noperfon ot per* fono(houlbe put anp haire, flotkcsi, ojanpparne of lainbeiS tBOOl into anp Cloth=fearfep, jfrije o^ Cotton make anb folbc, o?offcrebto befolbe, ao in the fapbe aiete ijs epp^elfeb, bpon painetofojfaite enerpfuth Cloth, liarfep,#ri?e,anb Cotton, boherein anp fuchpame, haire oj flotkeo (houlbe beput,o? the baIueoffuchCloth,fe3rfep,frijeoiCotton,asfbpthefatbeatt It boeth anb map appeare. ainb bohereag bp another acre mabe in the ^arliamet holben at i©eftmintter in the feuenth peerc of the raigne of the fapbe latefeing, cntituleb, an acte fojt the making of plaine bahiteftraightco, anb pinneb rohtte fttaightcOin ©euon anbCojneboall, the fapbe former arte baas altereb, anb libertie giuen to the makers of the fapbe clothes calleb plaine bahite ^traightes anb pinneb flahtte ftraights,tobfeinmaktngofthefsibciothes,flockes,haire,oj parne mabe of larnbcs baool,anb bp the faibe Statute biuers rules anb ojbers baere appopnteb fot making of the fapbe clothes calleb plaine bahite ^traightes anb pinneb bohtte llraightcs, as bp the fapbe (latnte boeth appeare: liotoe foi that theojibers anb rules both hp the fapbe Statute mabe in thefapbe fifthpeere, asalfointhe faibefeueuth peerc of the fapbe late fetngCbbaarbethefirt, tenbetothebtter bnboing anb becap of great nombers anb multitubes of people bohieh Itne bp the trabe of clothing, anb are not profitable anp Ion* get Regin X Elizabeths. Chap gettobefeept in tftefetountrpesanli places:, toberetbe fapbe cElstbeS calleb platne ttibtte ;&tcat 9 btcs anD pintieD M^tte ^tcaigbtes: ate bfuallp mabe, tbe fame Clothes being but a bafcanD courfehintie of clothes, bfuallp mabefoj: the bfe of poojie people beponbe the ^cas, anbmodcoinmonlplhippcb mto is^tttaine, anb there bttereb fo; a matchanbi?e to fetue thebfeofthepoojsecfoft there: ainb efpcciallp fot thatfithence the making of the fapbe:§>tatutes>theparne ijjheretoith the fapbe clothes calleb plaine tohite (Iratghtes anb pinneb tohite ftraightesarebriiallpmabeto the great beneflte of the pooje people inhere the fame are mabe, is groinen fmaller anb finer, mherebpmanp mote pooje people are fet on hootkeinithfpm# ning of the fame, then either at o j befoze the making of anp the fapb feuerail ftatutes thep inere, fo that the toeight, length anb bjeabth cannot agree as it bib in making of the faibe clothes: tSetttherefoje enacteb bpthe^Iiueenesfll9aiellieour ^o= ueraigneltabie, thelojbesfpirituallanb tcmpojall, anb the commons inthiS pjefent parliament alfemblebi anb bp the authojitieofthe fame, that the bjanche mabe in the fapbe fifth pcere, inhith ptohibifeth putting of hatte, fiockes oj parne mabe of KLambes toooil into anp cloth oj fri?c, hauing regarb bntothefapbe clothes calleb platnebohite (Iratghtes anbpin^ neb ijohite (tratghts,be btterlp repealeb anb mabe b 0 ibe: 3 !nb that the fapbe ftatutealfo mabe m the fapbe fenenthpeere of the raigne of the faibe late king,anb euerp bjanch,:3frttcle anb clanfe therein, be from hencefo.ith btterlp repealeb anb bopbe fo? euer: amb that it be further enacteb,that from hentefoouh tt Iball be labofuil to aD^nb euerp the H^ueenes ^aiellies fubiectes inhabiting,oj tohith (hall hereafter tnhabite ixiithin the faibe Counties of Peuon anb Cojneboall, afooel in toboneS cojpojate,market CoboneS oj elfe bohere, to boeaue anb make the fapbe clothes calleb platne ibhtteftraightes anb pinneb bohite (trSightes, anb to bfe anb occnpic in making of the faib clothes calleb plaine bihite (Iraightes anb pinneb bohite (Iraigbtes,flockes, hairc anb parne mabe of lambes i»ool,anb to hatte, keepe anb bfe in his: anb their houfesthzee loomes anb not abone foj making of the clothes afotefapbe, anb to make the fame clothes of futh length, boeight anb bjeabth,aS the marchant fltall likeo? accept,to bup the fame fo? tnarchan* bijes, ot appoint the fame to be mabe fo? the bfe anb mofl ac* ceptable alloboattce of the countrep people bohere the fame Ihallbe tranfpojteb fo?tnarthanbi?tS, fo? that in trncth none of fame ateloome o; occupied iuitdtntdiiSEealme: %lfe fapde Oatute made in tde faid fifed pete of tde teigne of tde raid late ding iEDmatdetdefiict) o;tanpotdetlalue o^gatutedere» tofoie made to tde contracp nottoftdif anding. )3;outded ai)dape$, tdat in defrauding of dec iSBaiefiiejS cuffome,no piece of tdefaide eloti^o; (dallbemade abouejcii. poundest in baeigdt, o? aboue icmt.pardeg in lengtd, o? one patdeinbieadtd, bponpaine offo?faiturcofa!lfucdclotdeS made ouec and aboue tde fapde lengtd, bicadtd o; beeigdt, oj( tdebaluetdctcof: %\)c onemoitieto tde^ncenejS^aieifie, dctdciteiSandructcffo)a!,andtde otdermottietdereof to dim tdat mill fuefo? tde fame bp toiit, bill, plaintojinfoimation, in aiip court of EecotD, bodetein no €(roine,pp)tection ma» get of lame (dall be atloboed. An a6i:e for the prefer- mtion 6fT‘imber in the Wieldes of the (^oun^ ties ofSuflcXjSurrey and Kent,and for the amendc- mentofhighvrayes decaied by carriage to and from yron milks there, Chapter xix, l^creaja: bp tde ouer great negligece ojf nomber of p;on moiftjstudtcd danebeneand petareintdeitr^ieideiSof tde Counties; of ^uiTeje, ^ur* rep afecnt,it istdotigdt tdat tde great plentie ofCimber mdied datd gromen in tdofe partes, datd bene greatlp decaied and fpopled, and mil in Idoft time be btterlp cofu^ med andmailed,iffcmc coii’ _uenient remedie tdercin bee noctimeipp?ouided:2Btit tderefojie enacted bp out (oueratgne jLadte tde ilttueenes #aieftic, tde jLojdes fepirituall and 'Ccmpo?all, and tde Commons in tdtS pjelfent jdarliamcnt af^ rembled,9bptdeautdoittieoftdef3me, tdatnoperfon oj pec* fons from and after tde feaO of Caller nejct after tde endeof tdi^ Reginse Elizabetha:. Qhap.xix.. ftts: pjtcfcnt ^effton of i^arMament, fljali mal5e,ctett,buiH) o? neti)cfctl3p,ato?in anp place Counties: of ^nflicF, ^uteep oj Jicnt, 0 j anp of tijem, anp maner of p?on mtlicsi, fo;nace,ftnarte ot blomanc,fot tbe matting ojs moulting of anp manec of p;on,ot pmn mcttall,otl^ec t^cn cit^cc Upon fuc^ olOe anO former 2Bapc0 o.i ^9mnc0 toljmupon Ijat^ latclp bcnc,oi at t^e time of tbe neta erection (l;albe tbenOanoing tome pioti milleo, fomaceoi jammer, oj^elsinanUtpon fucblCanti^asi tbe partp o? parties fo erecting anp fuel) intenOcD neto tootfec, fljall continualip furnilb tlje fame mitft fufficient fupplie of ftis ott^cir omne proper tooot)0,ftanlimg op grotoingmgiljpon l)i0 optljcir omne ppoper ^oile op lanIi,l)eingto ^tmop tljem in fee pimple,fee 'C8ilc,op fop terme of life op lines,toit^out em= peac^ement of made at tlje lead, anO not btlpenpife: no: (ball conuert op einplop, op caufeto be tonuerteb op emplopeb to coales op other fuell,fop the maHing op toopbing of ppon op ppon mettalljin op about anpmanerofppon mines, furnaces,ham> mcr,finarie,fopge oibiomanc,thebol!p op bobies of anpfounb timber,tree op trees, apt fop the mabing of goob anb fufficient tleftbaares op fatoing ctinber of Oabe, SfKhe op <0lme, groto* tng of the bpeabth op bigneffc of one foote fquare at the dubbe, op anp part of the fame bobp op bobies of anpfuch tree op trees, bpon paine of fopfeiture fop euerp ppon mille, fopnace, fopge, fi« narie op blomaric, mabe, erecteb, builbeb op fet bp contrarp to the tenour anb true meaning of this i etc, the fumme of thpee hunbpcb pounbes, 9 fop euerp bobp of euerp tuch Cimber tree fo emplopeb op coimerteb to coale op other fuell, fop the mabing op bjopbing of ppon as is afopefaibe, the fumme of fourtie Ihil* lings of labafull moncp of (0ngIanb,the one halfe of bohich fop= fettureS to be to our ^^oueratgneTLabpthe SDueenes^aies die, hec heires anb fucceffours, anb the other halfe to him op them that mill fue fop the fame bp Opigtnall i©pit,J8iil,^&laint op 3Infopmat(on,wherein noe(ropne,ppotection op Wager of laWc (hall be abmitteb oi alio web. 0poutbcb alW apes anb be it further enacteb bp the authopi- tie afopefaib,that it (hall anb map be lawfull to anb fop the oW» nets of fuch trees, bobies Whereof haue bene op lhalbe from time to time conuerteb anb emplopeb to ot fop anp maner of q:imber op cleftware Within the WielbS of ^uirep;,^urrep op &ent,op anp ofthem,# fame not being Within cighteene miles of the Citie of Honbon, op eight miles of f> riuet of tChameS, op foure milesof f tCoWncS of Eie 9 u^inchelfep, op Within thpee miles of leadings, op Within foure miles of § foote of the hilieS calleb Chap.xix. Annoxxvi), callcD t^e ^otonestjbetlueene 3DrnnDel9 ^ etnefcp inf Coun^ tie of ^ulfeiE afoiefaitie, o; anp of t^em to ompiop t^e toppeji ant) offalio! of ai fuc^ tm$,to o? fo;^ coales: o; ot^ec fuel,renting to o| fo^ p;on)no;6esatti^etcon)neb)tllanl> ptcafutes(,t^t!a Statute o; anp ot^et to t^e conttatp i^ereof tn anp mtfe not» toitUftanOtng^ SnDfo^muc^asititei^tg^ toapescint^efaiDe Counties of ^uffeie,^uteepant) itent,ate tnmanp places gceatlpempatceti^ fpopleti bp meanes of carnages of coales> mines anb p^on, to sfrom tbe p?on booj^besin tbefaibe €oun» ties, totbe great binberance oftbe common paffagesof tbe ^iueencs #aielfies rubtectestrauatlingtbtougb tbe fame; jf o; remebie tobereof, be it funber enacteb bp tbe antbo;itie a» fo^tefaib, tbat tbe occupiers of all maner of p;on boojbes inbat^ (beuer,asob)nerSo^ farmo^oftberame,bpo|fo;anp eilate o; eltates of inberitance fo; life, lines, o; fo^ terme of peere o; peeres, tnbicb (ball at anp time bereafter carrte o^ canfe to be carieb anp coales>mine o; pj^on,to o^ fot anp tbeir p?on ino^bs, betboeene tbe ttoelft bap of €>ctobcr, anb tbe Srllbap of ;^ap peerelp, (ball libebetfe pecrelp carrie anb lap, o; canfe to be cao nebanblapebfounerpfiireloabesoftoalcso;mine,aftnellaS airo fojt cnerp tCuhne of pjion lubicb (baibe carieb bp anp maner of naaine o)i Cart, betweene tbe raibe tmelft bap of October, anbtbeSrObapofiSPap jpeerelpbptbeQiaceof one miletbo= rotneanpbigb (napes, beingbnber anp tbebillescommonlp caileb tbe ^o^tb botunes of Snrrep anb itent,to o; from anp maner of p;on t»oitte,one bfual Carte loabe of finbar,grauel, ft one,fanb oj cbalbe,meete fo? tbe repapung anb amenbing of tbefaibe btgb (napes, tobelapeb anb emplopeb in fneb place anb places oftbebigb (napes, as anp Jnftice oftbepeaceof anpoftbe Countiesafoieraib,b(nellingneerebntotbeplaccS (nbere tbe bigb (napes (nitbin tbe limits afotefaib Ibalbe moft annopeb bp anptbemeanesafoKfaib,acco;bingto tbe greater anb mo;e pjtefent neceftitie (baibe appointeb o; airigneb,o^ elfe papo^ canfe to be paibe,fo^anbinallo(nance ofenerp Carte loabe,in maner anb foime afoiefaib to bane bene (b carieb anb ]apb,tlno (billings anb ape pence,(nitbin eightbapes after tbe bemannb thereof, to tbebanbsof the faibe [juftice of peace o; bis affignee, tbefame to be lenieb after befault of papmentbp:> on the bemaunbe thereof from time to time,bpon fncbpioti as Ibalbe bp anb tboio(ne the fame high (napes fo carieb bp (nap of biftreife. 3lnb if (tocb Jnftice of peace bp realbn of abfence oi other occafton, boenoto; (ball not (nitbin fourtie bapes nejct after tbefaibe ftrO bap of , pecrelp afligneeg appoint Reginx Elizabeths, cha^. appoint inhere anti tn to^at place of tlie ^ig^ inapesi^tlic fapOe 6 nl)ac,gtauell,llone,r 8 nDe o; ctialbeto be catieb a^ afo;tcfatbe l^albelapbe, o^bobeeeanbboboe tbcmonept^eteoftiueo;fa paibe,ibalbe emplopeb anb belloboebiCbat then tbefame ftn- bar, 8 tauell,ftonc,fanbe oj tbalfee, flialbc lapeb anb cmplopeb, bp fucb petfon anb petfon 0 as: bp tbi$ let ace to caette anb lap tbe Came, o; to caufe tbe fame to be cacieb 9 lapeb in fucb place anb piaccis oftbebisliboapeoi, ajeitbeSmcuepouc^oftbebisb toapejS toitbin tbc ^arifl) foj tbe timebeing i ttibete tije bisl) inapea (balbe moftannopcb as ijaiafo?efaib,fbaU alTigne oj ap^ point,Oil inbefanlttbereofpaptotbefaib^ucuepoucsfoienc* rp fneb loabe bne anb bntaticb,ttoo ibtUings anb fire pence in manec anb formeafo}e(apbe,bponpapneoffoiifeituceof tenne Ibillings for eueep loabe offinbar,gcanell,done,fanb or efiaibe not cacieb, lapeb anb emplopeb in tfiebigb toapes, or tino IbiU lings anb fire pence bnpapb as is aforeraib,tD be fotfeiteb anb papebbp tbepecfbnanbpecfbns imbicbbptbisicteougbtto caccie anb lap, or caufe to be cacieb anb lapbe tfie finbac, gca> uell,done,ranb or cbalHe,or tfiecefore to fiaue paibe as is afore« fapb,after bueprefentment anb conutetion tbeceof fiab before tbejlufiicesofSDpreanbCerminec, orJnfiicesof)beacein anp of tfieic open iiieirion or ^elfionS to be bolben before tfietn or anp of tbem. 111 tobiefi fumme anb fummes of monep to be (orfeitebbpceafonoftbiSlct,foror'tnbefaultofcacciageanb taping of tbefapbfinbac,gcaucll,(lone,(finbeorcbalbe,or pap= ment tbcceof bne as aforefapb, Iball be libebeife bedobieb anb emplopeb bpon tbe ammbement anb cepapring of tbe bigb toapes in tbefaib paci{bes,t»bece tbe caufe of fotfeituce bp bea fault or cefufall geetoe anb teas guien,at anb bp tbe bifccetion of anp fucb Jufiice of ibeace as fiiall btoell anb be cefiant nerc bnto tbe place or places being mod annopeb bp tbecacciages 8 fotefaib,anb bobece tbe monep tberfore bue (boulb baue bene paibe as aforefaib, anb tbe fame to be leuieb bp toap of bidcelTe bp anp Condabic,i:ptbingman, i^ebborougb, or other officer tbereunto to bee affigneb bp toarrant mabe in open ^efllons bp anpClarbe of tbeideaceoftbeCountiebebereanptbeofs fence or offences aforefaibe Iball be committeb, or bn anpttoo 3 ludites of tbe i 0 eate,babereof one to be of tbe Qiiorum^ijjbicb toere prefent at tbe ^efftons, tobecein tbe fapb conuiction of, orforanptbeoffencesaforefapb Iballbebab. Inb if nofufftci* ent bidrefie tan be founb bp tfie fapb officer appointeb 10 leuie tberame,orif tbefaibe offenbour Iball obdinatelp cefufeto pap tbefame forfeiture, orboenot pap tbe fame toitbin tbeentie #4. bapes Chap,xx. Anno xxvij. tiapcjS after alatofuH Deniaimlicof t^e ramc,l)i> tfje faiu officer to be appopntcb fo; tbe leaping thereof ag afojiefaiDe, that then eueepperfonfobenping o^refuQng, anbnotpaptng the fame forfeiture toithin tbaentiebapejs a? aforefaphe, to fojfeite the bottblefumme he Ihoulb beforehaue papeb^to be leuieb bp fuch toape^ameaneg, as totbi)00f^3afficesof)9eaceofthefame dTountiebohtreKaib offence (halbe committeb)bohereof oneto be of f Quorum, fhalbe thsught moff nieete:the fame forfeiture to be libeboife imploieb bpon^ ainenbement of the high boaies, as the other forfeiture ihoulb haue bin ,ifthefamehab beneio uieb, accorbingto the true intent^meaning of this Statute. An A6i:e for the preferua- tionofthehauenatTlymmouth. Chapter xx< © (£ la C as pour #8iefffes Cobme of pipmmouth in the CountieofBeuon,being an ancient :@o;ough tobone, borbering bpon themapne ^ea, pethauing apleafant anb fafe hatborotigh $ robe for (bippes toithin or neere the fame, commonip calleb r^Ipmmonth i^aueninhere afinellpour ^aieffies (!)ipS> asthe^ippes anb beffeis of biuers pour i^tghnelTe fub« tectS trabing into forreine partes, anb from port to port inith= in this Eealme, boe often bpon neceffitie anb otherinife ar« tiue,harborougA,refrenr anb bittaile themfelues> afmell initb ftefl) boater, being a thing berp neceffarp for them,as boith bt uerS other things, hath tor the moil part ofthepecrenone, or at the lead berp litle freih inater boithin a mpicof thefapbe ■Cobone, or thereabout, a matter berp tntommobious,bp rca> fonbohereof, ponr^^aiefttesftippes anbthefttppcSof pone i^ighneffefubiectes, arriuing anb harbouring in the faibe ha= uen as iS aforefapbe, the S^atiners of the fame are manp anb oftentimes briuen bp neceffitie to goc ample or more from the faib HCotone anb their ihippes,to fetch fttf^i Siwtcr for tfteir nc’ ceffane Reglnae Elizabethan. cdTatieMciS; JSp teafon to^creofBtiierig titties tftcp loftuitjcrij goon tomtics( anD oppojtumrtcg, to^iclj ep migijt taftc bcne= nte of, if tijep mtgl^t oaater tljeinfelueo neece t^etc fl^tppep! ,be> fidesi tt)e ratOe ‘CoU)ne being fubiect to fite, afbell bp t\)t ene= mie ( fo^ tbe fame boas! once bueneb bp tbe jf cenebe in tbe time of boacte) as bp negligence anb otbee mtibappe at borne,tbece iSnoboatec ino^neetec tbe faibe 'Cobone fo; tbemoftpafto^ tbe peeee (efpcciallp in tbe fommee time boben tbe bangi^be gtcateft; then a mpic, o> fOmetime moje, as tbe b?tetb is. mbete alib tbe faib bStten of pipmmoutb beingdne of tbe p;in> eipail battens anb batbo^ugbes of tbe i&eapatteSof^ng= lanb, boetb bapip gueete anb Sit boitb tbe fanbe of tbe tirinne^ too^bes anb ^pnes neete abiopning to tbe fame, anb m fbojt time boill be btterip betapeb, if fome ceb^eCfef fpeebie temebie be tiot bab: 3lnb mbere alfo tbece is a tuatet o^ Siiuer botdbitt tbe faib countie of 3aeuon, calleb tbe toatec o^ met of ^etoe, alias ^cupe,billant from tbe faib 'Cobone about eight o; tenne miles,pact of tbe bobicb boatet ojiiRntcc boitb fome ebatge boilf be brought into tbe faib Cobone of ^Ipmmoutb i boitbout anp great pjieuibieeo.t bammageto anp obonec o^obmets of anp lanbeibjougb tobicb tbefame lbalbeConuepeb,bp reafon (tbe molt part) in effect all tbefame lanb is eitber barren 9 bestbie, 0 ; els billie anb b^ie grounbes, ibbicb boill Ik bettereb anb a« menbeb bp tbe boater that Iball be bu)ugbe«mougb tbe fame. 23p btingingof bobicb boater, molt of tbe incommobffies anb bangers,anb biuerSoeberS,Iball not onclpbe remebieb,but al« fo fome part of tbe Cbanell of tbe faibe bauen feobebteb a cleans feb bp tbe fame laiuer ,to tbe perpetnall cS tinuance of tbe fame batten i a matter molt benebciall to tbe iftcatme. 3inb bobere alfo tbe inbabitants of tbe fame Cobonc are inco^matebbp ifeing ibenrp tbe ttirt,bp tbe name of tbe flipaio j anb conimfnali tie of Ipmmoutb, bobteb iS cOriflrmeb bp ponr d^Sfeffie anb biuers ponr noble t&jogertitoiis feingS of tbiSKealme: ma?tt tbsrefoic pleafe pour molt circellcnt ^aiclrie of pour molr no^ bie anb abounbanf grace anb accultomeb fauour, that it map be enacteb bp tbis p jefent |barliament,tbat it fbalbc laboful to anb fot tbe faibe ^aio^ anb Comminaltie,anb to tbeir fuccef> fo js,at al times after tbe fcait of (Ealter nobo nert comtning,to btgge anb mpne a @itcb ot Cccncbe,conteining in bteabtb be« tbocenc Itrc ot fenen footc duec iti all places, tbtougb ouer all tbe lanb’S * grounbS Iptng bctboeenc tbe faib Cobone of jPlpm= moutb, anb anp pact of tbe faib Kiucr of S^eboe, alias <|pcupe, anb to bigge ,mpne, ineabe, banbe anb calt bp alt anballma- df.ii. ncr XX. Annoxxvij. net of roctteis, (totted, srauell, fanOe anO alloti^ec lettesf in an^ piacciSojgrounOes fo? t^e tonucnient ojncceffarp c nebjfoi the full anb abfolutepurchafeofthefame, to them anb theirfucceifo^O, fomuchmonepaobpthettuo3iu(i;iceaof the aiSfeoftheCountieof J^euon fo; the time being, (hall be abi iubgeb,oibeinebj[nb betermin,eb: 3linb aifo gimng anb paptng to the tenaunt0,^atto(taanb otcupieraof fuch lanb oigrounb foifuthhuttcaoiloheiSaathepo^anpof them (hall haueoifu^ (taine bp the rame,ao much aa (habe affegeb,abiubgeb anb be» termineb bp thefatb iujufticeb of ahtfeb: thefamerecbpence 9 fatiffaction aftuel concerningthe lo^b ot loibjS of the lanb,aet the tenanto:,fetmoib a occupierof the fame,to be papeb bp the faib #aioi 9 Comminaltie of the faibe tSojtough foi the time being,pi their (Ucceflb^ia, tuithinthefpace of fire tueebejs neict after therating,age(rmg9betermmingofthefaine,bnlcgethe faib i^aiOi f comminaltie $ their fucceffoio can othertuife co ^ ponnbe anb agree boith the io|be$, tenaunteo, fermoisanb occupiero of fuch lanbe anb grounbe, oj tuith anpof them. SEnbin cafe it happen the #aioi anb Comminaltie of the faib ffio.tough to mafeebef3nltofpapment of the faibe recompente anb fatitfaction, anb rehtl to pap the fame aa (a before rehear^ feb, thatthenthe Io|be,lo3ibea,oi»ner,otonera, tenauntea, fermo^a anbottupicrabffuch lanb eg grounb^hatiaagrieueb thereiuith,anb to bohometherecompenceafatilfaction ought to be papeb, (hall anb map latofullp commence, aflSrme gt tabe hia bj their action of bebt bp the ceutfe of the tommon Caiue, agatnft Reginae Elizabeths, o agam(ltl)e#ato.tanlJCommmaltte oft^erapD^o^otigi) foi tijc time being, anb tbeit futccfToJiS foj recoucric of tbe fame in anp Court of tbiis Uealme,at tbe mil anb pleafure of tbe partic gtieneb, anb tbe libe ptocelTe thereupon to be bab, ns in action of bebt at tbe common Habae, grotmbeb b pon contract 02 rpe> cialtiebatbbfcbtobcncljab, inbobiebno U)3gecof)Lalxie,eEs fopne,o: pzottttion fljalbe alloboeb* | 920 utbeb alboapeis.anb it 1 $ fnrtbet cnactebbp tbtsi p jefent g^ariiament, anb bp tbe autbo.zitie of tbe fame, that ^e fapbo ttjatecfballnotbcconaepebtbjougbtbcboufc, gacben 02 np cbacbeofanppccfonojpcrfonsi, ojtb.tongb anppart thereof, toitboutcompofition to befirilbabboitb tbe otonerjS anboe- cupiers of tbe fatb bonfes!,garbcns! anb o. 2 cbarbe!S. I^jionibeb altoaicjSjtbat tbi$ 3icte no? anp thing ^tein cons tainebjlbal eictenb to giue libertie as afo?efaib,to b.ting the faib boateCjO;! anp part thereof outofbiOanneicnt coucfc,too;^fo; anp intent 0 ? pnrpofe mentioneb in tbiO aitt,bnlelTe eucrp fucb peefon anb petfons ao arc otoncro of anp mpllc 0 ? mpUeo Citn* ate anb llanbing bpon 0? neere the faibe Etuct of i^etoc alias #euie, (balbc firft compotinbeb battbai ao afotefaib, if the faib millco (bal bp the bjinging of the faib baatec 0 ? anp part tberof bnto the faibe 'Cobme of i^limmoutb be tmpaiceb 0.2 binbereb^ ^ An A6te for the prefer- uation ofOrforde Hauen. Chapter xxi* C>?afmncb ao the i^auen of O?fo?be in tbccountteof ^uftOlbe ijs greatip (bonh beb anb becapeb, bp the abufe of certaine ^talboateoanb bn(ab)full netteo, fet af^ bocllintbefapbe ibauen, aoalfoinaplace talleb the ben bp the ^aior 5 Cittjens! thereof (nfee farmeof the ;Crueenea^te(fie,abeing (i« tuatc nere the ^ea cdaft,hath aberp faite l^anen,bohtchboth ebbe (tfiom boithin one mile of ^ faib Citie, bohich i^auen tg: able to harbor in fafetie in er^tremirie of tempeS 9 Re gin^E Elizabethce. Qjap.xkij\ foulc toeatljec on 0ote at lotoe twatcr, a gtcat number of ^bipptsJjanbiiStberefojebetpneccffarp anbcominobiousi to allber jjpaieftiegfubtetts;, trabinganb traueplingtbc^eas bp that eoaft,either in time of ixiarre o; peace, bobttbec it be to fo jreine partes, oi mitbii* tbe liealmc, in fo mucl) that it is ta« ben to be at tbiS ptefent p bed i^auen betboccne ^o^tefmoutb anb tbe Cbaines motttb: fof tbe better maintenance of bobieb l^auen, anb tbe cafe of all Merchants anb others baiting ac> tclfe thereunto,tbe #aio? anb Citi jenS of tbefaib Citie,(i»bo bp tbe bountifulnetfe of ber spaiedies l^jiogenttoiS Itbeibifc baue anb bolbe together boitb the fapb Citie, the fapb l^aucn, i^atercourfe anb ^treamc tberof, boitb biuers other EopaU ties> liberties, pjiiuilebges anb Cudomes thereunto belon? ging,anb tberebp arifingto them anb their futcettbts fo? eucr j baue of long time mainteineb, anb pet to their great charges? codes anb eppentes boe mainteine a ]@eere o? &epe, tohich built in the fapb flatten toith free done, fo? the mote commobi- otiSlabing anbbnlabingof^htppeSanbtidedelS trabing to anb from the fapbel^auen. liotttithdanbtng aHt»hichp?e« iniffes? fot that the fapbe i^eerc o? feepe is about a mple anb a halfcbidant from the fapb iCitte of Chirheder, anb hath nep? thcr at it,noj neere abiopning to it, anp i©atehoufcSj ^to?e* houfeS> 01 other place of receipt, fit o? coiiuentent either fo? the fafe cudobp of mares o? marchanbij cS,o?fot the lobging, har^ bonrtngojrefrelbing of Merchants, #arincrS> anb other agaffengers, tohich there maphsppelp be benighteb,o? arriue late, 0 ? in foulc meather: 3llnb alfo fo? that the carriage of ail matter of mares anbrnerchanbijes betmecne the fapbe Citie anb the fapb feepe, isnotonelpgtomneoflatepeercs to fuch an erceifiuepiice anb charge,bp reafon of the beepcnelfc,fouler nede anb tebioiifnedeof themapesbetmeene the fapbe Citie anb Ifecpe, as iS tmpoitablc to a^erchants, but alto the caria^ ges at biuers times of the peerc are not to be hab fo? monep,ef= peciallp iin©heatefeafon, JSarlepfcafon, l^apehartiedanb Co?ne harued, mhcrebp the lightermen manp times lofe their tibeS, the merchanteS their charge of lighterage, anb the merchanbijeinthemeanefcafon left ppon the open iteperea^ bie to be fpopleb anb iod, o? at the lead in great banger if it be not attenbeb anb matcheb, the trabe of merchanbipe anb Sccudomeb traffiquebnto the fapbe Citie bp the !53uen afo?e= fapb is berp gccatlp becapeb, anb the fapbe i^auen nothing fer mell haunteb anb freguentebmith S^erchantsaS ft hath bin hcretofwe, mhrrebp is lihclp to enfue a great becap anb impo^ f.iiit. iierilhingy ,xxij. Annoxxvij. uen(^ins, not onelpof (tote of fapOeiSl^ototanti Ctti« jmg, but alfo of all tbe 3 nbabitantto of tbe Uillageg anb ^aa« ttfljesineetttbettunto abtopning. ainb fo?afmucl) aoall tbe tncomtentencejS anb btfcotnmobitteo afojefalbe map be auop^ beb 5 taben awap bp tbe bnngtng of tbe fapbe l^auen tbjougb tbelanbetotbcfttbutbeo of tbe fapbe Citic of Cbicbeftet 3 anb that bp tbe iubgement of btuetobotfe anb btfereete petfong f bilfull anb etpctientcb in libe boojbcs:, tbe fapbe I^auen boitb tbetonfluenceoffutbl'itucrsi, 23;oobei8, anb^pnngiSofbaa> tetjSaiS ate anb rife necte about tbe fapbe Citie of Cbitbeftet, mapbcberpeablp ( tnrefpectofpofrtbilttte)cutout> trenebeb anb b^aboen to tbe fapbe fuburbejS in fucb fo^t, that bp meanejs thereof jLigbteriS, anb finall 2Soate0 map pafTc bpon tbe fame boater to anb fro betboecne tbe fapbe fuburbejS of tbe Citie of Cbirbciler anb tbe l^epe afo;efaib,to tbe great eafe,p;ofite anb tommobitie,af)x)el of all tbejnbabitant^oftbefaib Citie,anb tbe C ountrep ,9 uiiiageo nere abiacent, ajo foj all #ercbantjs baningoccafton to traffique there. Jn conQberationof all bobieb piemtireiai,9fo^biuers!otbee tommobiouO,PiOiitable, anbbeneariall cattfeobibicb are like to enfue,afbaell b the babble common baeale in generail, ao to the faib !3l@aio; anb CiCi?enei,anb to all #crcbanto anb other particular perfono bobieb Ibal baueoccaQon to repaire thither: €befaib #aio;anb Citipenjoof tbefapbeCitie of Cbicbeifer bomollbumblp bcfeecbeponrmoil iSopall ^aieOie, that it map be cnacteb ^cftablitbeb inmaneranbfoimefolloboing: that io to faps'Cbat it (ball anb map be labofull to the faib #a^ io; anb Citijensf of the Citie of Cbicbeff er,their fucceifo^O^ anb afllignesi, at anp time of times! hereafter, to affigne, ap= popnt, limitte anb lape out fucb, anb fo much comtenient anb necelfarieportions! anb quantities!ofgrounbe fo^tbemabing of a neboe Creneb 0 $ Cbannell,from fucb place of the l^auen of tbefapbe Citie, bntotbefuburbcStbereofj betboecnetbe^ell feepe there, anb a place calleb ifilbbojine, anb of fucb length anb bteabtb tbiongbout,aS to them,their beputies anb boo^be^ men ^all fteme moft meete, tonuenient anb neceffarie foj the fame, anb in fucb place anb places!, as> tbep (ball finbe to be moft apt, meete, anbfitteftfojtbatpurpofc. ainb tbatitfljall anb map be latofull fo? them the fapbe ^aioj 9 Citijeng,their fucceifo?g anb aftigneg, anb their bao?bemen, at ail time anb timegattbeir pleafuregtobaue,tafte, bfc anb implop to the purpofeafo?cfaib,tbefaib po?tionganb quantitiegof groilbeg fo bp them, their beptttiegojboojbemen to beaftigneb, ap# potnteb. Re gins Elizabeths. Qhap.xx^4. pointeD, UrntteQ anDlaitiouta 0 (£iafo.tcfat'De,manliibp alitli^ lengtl) anD b^teaHt^ that t^e (atD netuc CuttCrmctic o; Ctjan- nell (baii paflfebttbocenetbefaiD Bell beye,anbtbcfaiD place calleb jfi(]bbo;nr, as dialbe fulFtctetit anb requiftte fo^tbeyaf? Ong anb conueptng of tbe boatei along tbe fatb Cbannrll,bn^ totbefubuebcjSoftbe cttteafotcfatbe,anb alfosfneigtbl^e^ fcote foote in bzeabtt), on eacbe fibe of tbe fatbe nctoe Cut, 'Cteneb ot Cbanneil, bp ail tbe length of tbe fame: (b aiboapea that tbep boe not in anp one place tabc in bteabtb both in €bannell anb in gtounb on both Obeb of tbe toatec in tbe fatb neboe Cbaunell fo; tbe puepofc afo^efaib, about tbe bjieabtb of tboo bimb.teb foote in tbe bobble , bobicbfpace anb bj^eabtb of gtounb ia thought betp neebefitll anb tequiQte to be babjbfeb anboctupiebfo^ tbefaibcneboe(SbannellotCut,anbfo^ the banbeo anb boalleb thereof on both bbea, afboell fot the aptc anb conuenient placing, laping,cariage, temouing 9 beftob)= ingoffucb eattb,gtauell,mubbe,anbotbetfople aalbalbetaft out of the faibe Cbannell oi tEtencb, into placea mod: fit anb conuenf^nt fo; the mo;e drengtb of tbefame banbea a boalle^, anb better fafetieof the lanb on either fibe,againfl:fticb 3 nun« bationsi of boater ab mapbappen. ^nb alfo that all^ ^ueeneoi ^aieftiejS people map boitb eafe freelp on foote 0 ; boifebacbe, palTe anb repaffe to anb fro betboeene the faij^ttie of €bicbc« iter anb the olbe i^auen afoiefaibe, bpon t^aibe banbeoi 07 boallea. 3Knb alfo that tberebp the l>igbtermcn anb 23otemen, if neebe be, map bpon tbefame grounbe boitbout offenbtng a» np other,b^boe their liig^too^iboatea from place to place along the fatb neboe Cbannell againd the 'Cibe ot dreame, fometimeb being laben tbep (balbe condraineb fo to boe< 3inb alfo that it map be likebotfe enacteb, tbat the liilaio; anb Citijenbof the faibe Citie of Cbicbeder,anb their fuccef- foio foi euer, [ball baue, holbe, polfelfe anb eniop all the faibe gtounb fo bp them, tbeir beputteb anb booibemen iimitteb,ar^ figneb,appointeb anb laibe out as tg afojtefatbe fo; the purpofe abouementioneb,in length anb in b;eabtbalialong the faibe neboe 'Ceentb 0 ; Channel!,afbocllfe; tbefaib neboe crenth 0; Cbannell, ao alfo fo; the banbeo, boallep anb gtounb on both fibes! thereof, mcete, netelfarp a conuenient fo;tbe^ueenes! fubiect$ anb people to pa(re,fo; fucb compoQtion ,fumme^of raonep,o; other tecompence,a0 tbep the faibe i^ato; anb Citf« ?en0, tbeicfucce(ro;0o; aifigneo Iballcompounbe anb agree boitb the Io;be0,oboner0 9 occupier^ of the faib fople a gtounb. 3Inbtbatitmapbefurtbeten8ttcb,thattbc)3©ato.ianb Ci> . ttfcnsf Chap .xxij* Annoxxvij. tif etiiS of £ttte of €W^(tet , fuccefTojat anti af» C[pea!fo;imec, ftallanO map^aue,^oil)e)Poireire,)ire, entop, continue a eceente all (ucli iutifliicnon, pobiec, mle, soucmc^ tnent, aut^o^itie $ coicettion of all tfie fapO nctoe Cut, ^Ccntii t 4 channel, anti of ttie gtounfi anti banfteoonbotb ()tbc$ of t^e fame,in manet anb foutme afojieiapbe to be ailipeD.timitteb, appopnteb anb lapbe ont, anb aliKopaltieo, 7Libertics(,#r3n» cbife£i,10Mniltb8eo,Cu(fomeiei,filbing,fonling,)iigi^ecage, anb all otbec piobtejs, commobitieiO, cafualtieo anb abuanta^ gea! ttbatfoeaec,aftxiel of tbefame gtounb anb fople, ao of tbe toatec in tbe fapbe neioe Cut, Ctencb ot Cbannell, anb of ep« tbec Oi anp of them, inaai latge, ample anb bcneSciall manet, to all intentat, tonfttuctiono anb putpofeai, aai tbep tbe fapbe #aiotanbCitifenatoftbeCftieafo;cCatb,noi»ela)ufullpboe, 0 ^ anp of tbeir p^ebeteilino at anp time betetofo;e bane lalnfuU Ip bone,o^ of tight map,^oulb anb ought to haue hab,holben, bfeb, cniopeb anb etetuteb anp iutifbtctton, pomet, rule, go* tietnemtnt, correction, realtieo, libettiea(,ftanthifea,priuilcb# geai, cu(fomeaf,fi^mgo,fotulinga!,U>iptctage, anb all other proQteat, commobitieoanbabnantageac mithin thefapb Citie of Chichefler,anbthe libertieothereof, anb in,bpanb thuiugh thr feuerall t^orteK 9 trauma: of mpbering anb l^orneniouth, anb in anb bp cMhe Creebeir,membetjs anb libettieai of them, oranpof them, Bccorbingto the anncient cuOomeshab, bfeb 9 cniopebbpthefapbe^aior^ anbCitipena of thefapb Citie of Chithellct,anbtheitprebeteirojjE(i»ithin thcfaib Citie,anb at* corbing to the forme anb effect of Gbnbrp Chatters 9 (Braunteai into them the fapbe ^aier anb Cfti^naf mabe anb grauntcb l)ptheClueene$moftnobIei3rogenitor0,anbbpher#ighnc(re fon6tmeb,or bp anp ofthofe fxiapeai ormeaneai. Snbthatttmapalfbbeenacteb, that it (hall anb m^be labefnilto anb for the (aibe ^aior anb Citipenai of the Citie a- forrfaibe, their beputiea orbiorbemen, to enter into anp ma* ner of lanbeiO neere abtopning to the fapb neme Cut, ^cench« or Channeff t Iping toithin halfe a mile of the fapbe nctoe Cot, Crenth or Channel!, there to bietoe tohat ssroohejs, nsaterjef, jfetreames! 9 ifepringa ate in the fapb lanba, buhith 23rooltea, Ubateta, ^tteamea anb ;&pringa map atip, neccffarilp anb contmobiouHpbebronghtanb conuepcb bp ©ike or Crcnchc, into thefeib netoecut, Drench anb Channcli, to enefeafethe force of the fcclh toater inthe fafli Drench or Channell, for fhc betteemaintepning, continmng, clenfinganbfcouringof the Mib neforCnt i 'Ctench OfChannell. upon bihith bieboc bp them Regins Elizabeths. Ch^.Uxik tibem maDe,tf anp :2&toot(e;ei, t&atetst, S>trcame5 9 S>pt(ngg bcfoimUe tn anp of t^e 1anl)c;S 8fo,icfaptic,lpmg toitbtn balfc a mpic of tlje faiDe nettie cut, 'Crenel) o? £;i)annci,ixibttl) toil fit* Ip, necelTanlp anb cominobtouflp (cruc fo); tbe ixtotbc anD pur* pofe about menttoncO, 'Cbat it (ball anb map be Itbelntfc labofull fot tbe fapb ^a* io.i a Crti?ens!, tbetr beputito oi toojfeemcu, to iimtttc, alTtgue, appopnt anb lap out in anp of tbe fapbe lanbeo bobere fuel) Bjoofeea,t©atcris,^treamcsf anb Sipiings fl)albe, fuel) anb fo much conucuient portion anb portions;,quantitie anb quant* titica of lanbe, anb infucb conuenietit place anbplacea in tl)e (aib laubea^aa Ibalbe tbougbt aptelf anb fitted fottbe tonuep* ante of tbe faibe 23tooftea,t@atera> ^treainea aiib ^pringa, bnto tbe neiue cut. Crenel) o^ Channel aforcfaibe,aa tbep the fapbe#aioi anb Citijena, their beputieaoj bjojftemen (ball tbinbe goob fojt that purpofe.- 3nb that it map alfo be enacteb,tbat after tbe fapbe poitiott or pojtioita, quantitie anb quantitiea of lanbe,in anp tbe feuc* rail grounbea afotefaibe, fo bp tbefapbe ^aioir anb Citif ena, tbeir beputiea oi morbemen in forme aforefapbe, ^ for tbe pur* pofe lad before mcntioncb,(balbc alTigneb, limitteb, appointeb anb laib out. Cbat it (ball anb map aiib be lataf ull to tbe fapb ^aior anb Citi^ena, tbeir beputiea anb boorbemen, to mabe ©ibca, Crentbea orotbertieceiTarpconucpanceamtbefaibe lanbea for tbe padmg anb tonuepitig of tbe fapb JSroobea, i&treamea, aaatera 9 ^piinga,from plate to place tb?ougb all tbe fapb lanbea,bnto tbe neboe cut,Crenel) oj Cbanncll a* forefapbe: 3inb alfo to bauelibertic from time to time to enter into tbe lanbea aforefaibe,after tbeBibea or Crenebca Ibalbe there mabe (if neebe fo require) to repairc,aihenbe,mainteine, tlenfe, fcourc, anb beepe the fame ©itebeaasCrenebeatbere mabe, for the conuepance anb padage of the fapbe rSroobea, naatcra, jSatreamea?) ^pringa, bnto tbe neboe ent Crenebe or Cbannell afotefaibe,boitbout the let,trQubleorbeniaU of the lorbeasbanera or occupiera of tbefame lanbea: Cbe faib #a* ioranb Citirena, tbeir futcedo.ra anb afftgnea, compounbing anb agreeing boitb tbe iorbea, obonera anb occupiera of tbe fame lanbea, for allfucb grounb aa tbep (ball bte anb implopc in anb about the faib Btbea anb Crentbea, anb peelbittg alfo anb paping bnto them fucb fatiflattion anb rccompente for tbe fame lanbea, boitb i^e lo(rea,bmbecancea anb bammageay bobicb tbep anb euetp of them (I)all fudeine tbercbp,aa (ball be (onclubebanbagceeb for betboeene the fapbe (orbea, obouera Chap.xxii, Anno xxvij, AttH 0(cuptcr;e:oft^efatttelan!>eje:,9t^erapD Cttt;enj$. SlnDt^atttmapUtietutfcbeenacteli, t^attbe#aio^ anO ' CtttjehjS of ratbe Cttie of C^tc^eftcr (bccefio;?, l)epu» ttea o; tno;ftemen, (ball not bp bettue of tbta Sitte, pane, tabe, bfe o; impiop anp mans! gtounbo o; lanD, to anp tbe pntpofca o^b(i;aafo;emcntionrb, bnttll tpep bane compounbeb loitb tpe )Lo.tbes!, obonets! anb otcnptetiS of tbe fame gtounb fo; tbe fame. 0mutbeb altoapesi that tfanp lo^be, otoneeo;! oet uptec of anp (bcb gtonnbe oManbest, neebefull o; requtate tobebfcD 0 } implopeb to o; fo; tbe puepofejS afojefapbe, (ball cefufe fucb ftimme oji fummeo of monep otbce compoation fo^ bts! o; tbctt tttle,tnteeeft o; effate, of anb in tbe fatb lanbes: aa (ball be to bint 0 ^ tbemoffeteb o^ tenbetebbp tbe fatb ^aio.tanb Ctt{« ;ena>tbeit fuccelToia aflignea, foi anb in tecompence tbete« of: that then it (ball anb map be lamfull to anb fo; tbe Ho^be iCbaunceloj: of (0nglanbe, o; )lo;b itceper of tbe great ^eale foi tbe time being, bp bia btfcretion, at tbe fntte anb petition of tbe #aio; anb Citi^ena of tbe fapbe Citie of Cbicbeffer ,to ap= point anb autboi^e bp commiffionbnber tbe great ^eale of Cnglanbe tmelne CommilTionera^bobereof foure to be iflber« menojtotbecbircteeteCitifenaof tbe fapbe citie of Cbtcbe&et inhabiting boitbin tbefaib Citie, anb tbe other eight to be no» ble men ojs centlemen being in the CommifTion of )^eace in tbefaib Conntie of^nireic,mbabiting boitbin tbefaibe Conn« tie, bobicbtboelne Commilfionera Oi fiiee of them, bobereof tboo to be of the faibe Slbermen Oi Citipena of tbe fapbe citie of Cbicbe(tet,anb the other fonre to be of tbe faibe ^oble men o; gentlemen,bp bertne of this! lete anb of tbe fapbe tommiffion, (balbanefnlipoboer anb lab)fuUautbo}itie bp their bifcretion to name,affigne,appoint anb betermine bobat (iimmea of mo> nep, peerelp rent, o; other retompence the loibea, oboncra anb otcnpiera of all, oi anp of the lanbea o; gronnbea to be limits teb,agigneb,appopnteb anbiapbeontfo;tbepurpofeaafo;!e» fapbe, 0 ? anp of them, tbctt beirca o? affignea (hall bane, tabe anb accept of the fapbe S^atoi anbCitipenaanb their fttccef: foja in full fatiffattion of, anb foi the fame lanbe anb gronnbe, o^of anb fo^ anp other binberance, bammage, lolTe, becapc o;: inbcmpnitie that tbep the fapb lo 3 !bea,oboneta anb otcnpiera, oi anp of them, their heirea o} aflignea (hall o; map bane ojt fuSeinebpteafonof tbepicmilTea, fo aa tbefamebe fet bobone in boiiting, 3lnbenteb bnber their banbea anb fealea, bobere, oftbeoneparttobebeliuerebtothefapbelotbea, oboneta anb otcnpiera Re gins Elizabeths, qv- occupterid of tije fatO lanttejs anD gcountieicl, tljeir ^eire^ ar« Ggneo, anD tbe otljet patte thereof to tpe i^atctoftGefaiOe ;Citte fo} tGe time being, bottpin one ntoneti) neiet after tbe famei^ail be fo fetbobonctntojtttingt^inb tt^at fuel) lo^bes:, owners anb occuptetis ,tpetr betteg anb alftgne^ II;all ojsmap bane tbete cemebte anb tecoueete of anb fo^ fucb monep,peeee« Ip tent, 0 ? other rccompenceagainlltbe #atojanbCiti?enjS of the tatb Citie of Cbfebefter, anb their futtclTois: anb other?, bp action of bebt, biftreffe oj othetbaife, a? foi fiich lifte thing? in cafe? at the common labde i? bfeb, anb lihe pzoce? anb p^o> ceebing to be therein, a? in other Uhe cafe? at the common latne i? bfeb. 3[inb be it further enacteb, that the £^aioji anb Cttifcn?of thefaibe Citie ofChitheftccatheirfaccelToi?, ibail matte anb mainteine at their code? anb charge?, the hebgc?, bantte?, toalle? anb fence? requifite anb neccfTaric bettoeenc the grounbe? fo bp them to be taiten to the bfe abouefaibe, anb the grounbe? of other omner?,anbalfocomicnicntB;ibge? anb boape? fo? the palfagc of ttje 4iucene? liege people anb their carriage?. piOuibebalfo,anbbe it further enacteb bp the authoiiitie afo?ef3ibe,thatno perfonojperfon? Ihalllabeojbnlabe anp goob?, vtoare? o? marchanbijc in the faibe netoe cut, trench o? channeli,but at fuch labinggi bnlabing place,toharfe o? Itepe, a? (hall be mabe fo? that purpofe,atot necre theenbe of the faibe nenoe cut, trench o? channell nert the faibe Citie of Cht= chefter afotefatbc, bpon paine to fo?faite fot euerp 'Cunne bocight bohich (hall be fo laben o? bnlaben, in anp other place in thefaib neboe cut,trench o? channell, tboentic flhlling?, anb fo after that rate: bohich faibe foifeiture? flialbc to the ia^aio? anb Citijen? of the faib Citie anb their futceffo??, to the bfe a= fo.:cfaibe, the fame to be recouereb bp the faibe i^^aio? anb Ci=: tijen? anb their futceffot? bp action of bebt in anp court of re= coibe: in bahtch 8ction,no effopne, p?otection,o,t boager of lab) fhall be allobocb. anb that goob?,bjace? aiib marchanbtfe fl)8lt 01 map be laben anb bnlaben at the faibe labing anb bn* labing place, boharfe o? hepefo to be mabe at ot ncete the enbe of the faibe neboe cat, trench ot channellnerttothcfatbeCi* tie of Chithefter,a? fafelp anb labofulip to all intent? anb pur* pofe?, a? the fame might haue bene laben o? bnlaben at the foiefatb olbe pccre ot Itcpe befoje the mafeing of thi? acte. jatouibeb alboape?, that tf the faib Commilfioner? o? fire of thema?afo?cfaibe, (hall name, afftgne, appoint oibcterminc anp fmnmeo? fumme? of inonep, other thenbppapmcnt of (15. i. pcerelp .XX//. Annoxxvij. pccrclprcnttobesiucno^patDebpti^e fapD flipaio? anD citi^ ?ens(ojt^cirfucceiro?s!,to t&c lojBejS, otoncrjS anft occupiera of t^erainclanDeo^scounDe^to boltmittcD,a(rtgnet), appointeO anb lapDc out fo? tbe purpofeg afojefaibe^K anp of tbem, that tljen before futb time agitlje faiDfl^atm Cttt?ens! o? tbete! n;allbaue, tabe, bfeo; implore tbe fapbe lante o; grounbe, o; anp patte tbetcofto tbe putpofeiSo;i bfes: before menttoneb, tbe fapbe 0^toji anb citijenisfo^ tbete fuccelfo.ij3i Iball par o; fattse, o; taufe to be patbe o^fattffteb tbefatbe fumme o; fumme^iof moner to tbe fatb lo;beo,oiKnero anb ot» cupicto, tbeit epeaito^o o^ afftgneo, (btbattbefaibeloiibesi, obonets anb occupteto o.i anr of them tequire anb bemaunbe tbefameattbebbocUingboufeoftbefllpaioi oftbe afojeCarbe title of o^ plaine (Iraightedjto the intent to put the fame to fate, but onelp in a marbet Comne mhere Cloth hab tontinuallp bin bfeb to be mabe bp the fpace of ten peered then lait paa,of in a Citie, idomught 0 ; tomne Cojtpojate, bp» on paine of forfeiture for^ euerp futh molten Cloth or i^arfep, mabe, mouen, or romeb out of futh Citie, rsorough, 'Comne corporate or marbet 'Comne,guepounbd:31>nb mhercalfott id prouibeb in the faibe Sicte, that it lhalbe lamfull to anp perfon then bllng or ererciftng the feate or mpilerie of mabing, mea» uing or roming of Cloth or lliarfep, to inhabitc or bmei mhere thep then bib bmell, anb there to bfe the mabing, meaning or roming of cloth or itarfep ad hee hath heretofore, anp thing in the faibe ^cte notmithftanbing: 3(nb mhere it id further pro> uibeb bp the faibe 3cte,thatitlhallbtelamfulltoallanb tm> tp perlon or perfond mhich then bib, or after that time ihoulb inhabitc or bmell in anp of the ^hpred of ^iorthmaled, Chef* flute, or Canbalhtre,i©eftmcrlanbe,CU!nberlanbe, |ior> thumberlanbe, ©ilhopritbe of Durham, Co?nemali, ^uf? folbe,iicnt,the Comne of dPobbelmine in the Countic of ^at> rep,or i^orbefbite,being not mithintmcluc mllcdof theCi* tie of l^orbe, or in anp of the Comned or billaged neere abiop* ning to the mater of ifetrombe in the Countie of dSloaceftec, mhercClothedhauebcnebfuallp mabe bp the fpace of tmem tie peered then lafl pail,anb hatting bene a )&rentieeto the occupation xxni. Annoxxvi). occupation of Clot^mafting, o^ bfcti t^cfame bp tbcfiiace offe? ucnpectes,tofctbp 5 bfc,anb cjcmifctbefcate o^tnpftetieof mabing,tucautng, o; cobotng of fuollcn £iotb out of a Citie, 23 o;ougb>o!imatUet 'Eofnne,ao before tbcp might baue bone, anp thmg in the fapb let to the contcarp nottuithlfanbing. Inbboheceaofbpoueothetlcte beginning at naeitminitee the iciciii.of Januarp, in the firft peer e of the t eigne of our ^o* neraigne Xabp (Clif abeth,the ueene that note i$, anb there pitotogeb bntil p rrb. bap of the fame moneth.anb then 9 there holben anb continueb bntilf the biti.bap of #ap,then nert fol» lotx)tng,amongfl: other thingo it toaieenacteb in maner anb fo^me following, thatfo^armnthajs the'Cobone 0 ,anbbUl 8 e ge 0 of:@otiting,iiac(tbargholi,Bebham,anbCoch(hallinthe ttnuance fot a cettatne time pet entinting, in fatOe 3Scte maOe in t^e fatOe fiftt) peete, anO one ott)et 3 D tte maOe in % icbiu. peeec of ftet S@ate(tie,e! ratgne, tijere ixiete tonteineO Dt= uero further aOOitionie! anO 03itiinanceia,tent)tns to t^e amentia ment anO matntenante of t^e fatO t)tg^ mapeo: 3 CnO Di^eteaiS ti^e ^ea banfteo anO ^eatDo;tteO in funO^p patteoof ti^e ^ea toafteOboit^inttjeCountp of iFioiSoIbe,(not being foitbintlje pattitulat charge of anp petfon o; petfono, o; of anp 'Cobone« fl^ip, ot to be maintaineb bp anp otbet eommon tbarge) ate bp tbe tooibing of tije ^ea ttitnei) anb bccapeb,to tbe gteat butt anb pieiubicc of manp Cobaneibipsi biitbfn tbi^ee miieo of tbo faib banbeo anb ^ea b}o^beo,anb libelp baplp mo^e anb mo;e to gtofue in mine anb b ecap,if conuenient temebie be not p;o« uibebintbat bcbalfe: 3 iir.b babeteao tbe bigbbaapcOboitbin tb^ee mile of tbefaib Sea banbeo anb Sea tooibo be fo gt8« uellp a fanbp, ao neitb cr neebe no^ require foi tbe amenbment of tbe famefo manp of tbe faibe bap baojbejSjajS be limitteb anb appointeb bp tbefaib Statutes!,tbefurplufageoftobttbfaibe bapbaoibe! 3 ,if itmigbt bepeerelpimplopeb totxiarbcatbete« papting, amenbing anb maintenance of fucb of tbe faibe Sea banbea anb Seaix)Oibes!,as!are not ojougbtnottobemabe anbmaintaineb at tbe particular ebar^ofanpperConot per« fons!, oi at tbe cbarge of anp Cob)nelbippe,o j bp actell)otte,o? other common charge, baoulb be a finguiar benefits anb helps to the afoicfaib ^omnelhippesi toithin thtee miles! of the faibe Sea banbes anb Sea baoibes fo perelp to be mabe anb main# taineb: fot temebie luheteof be it enacteb anb o^baineb bp an# thotitie of thio ptefent taarliament, that from et after the feaft of )@enteco(t noboe nett enfuing, the j uffices of peace toithitt thefaib Countieof^otffolbc (hall anb map peerelpatanpge# nerau Selfions to be holben boithin the faibe Countie, fo; anb tobaarba the mabing a amenbing of anp thefaib Sea banbssi oi Sea baoibss,(nob]ebeing,o} that hereafter (halbe in mine oi becap)limtt anb appoint fo manp of the afotefatb baptootbS. as bp their biferetions! (hall be thought fuperfiuouS anb not neebefttll tobeemplopeb tobjarbeStheamenbcmcntofthea= foiefaib highboapes baithin thtee miles of the faib Sea banbS ot Sea baojbes,bahich (hall neebefullp require anp fuch repa# ration o^amenbement. 3 lnb bee it further enacteb, that cuerp perfon anb perfons, bbaellingbaithinthtee miles of thefaib Sea banbeS anb Sea bDojbes Re ain^e Elizabeths. Chap^xxmi. xxiut. necDcfull}’ to be amenbeb,a:S ui afotefatb, (ball pcetelp bpon rcaConable tuarnmg gtucn, During fo manp bapesaa: {ball be limttteb anb appointeb in tbe faiD ^eirion$, in refpect of bis anb tbeir labour anb tarriaged, (f anb anb be in tbot De¬ gree cbargeb anb tbargcable totoatbis tbe mabing, repairing nub ainenbing of tbe (aiDc ^ca banbeo o; ^ea tootbesi, a$ bp tbe afoicfaibe ^tatutcotbepftanbe cbargeb anb cbargeable fo^ tbe amcnbeinent of anp btgb toapeo, anb that tbep 9 euerp of them foji tbe not Doing 9 perfojaning tbe fame, (ball inturre tbe iibe patne, penaltie anb foifaiture ao io rontaineb in tbe a? fotefatbc Statutes mabe fo.t tbe amenbement of btgb toapeiei) anb euerp of tbem. 3 inb that tbe faib Judicea libetuife in tbeir afo^efaibe generall ^eiriona,(ball anb map nominate anb ap» point tbe l^igb Conftablea of enerp !^nnb;eb that Ibalbe cbar= geb 0; cbargeable bp fo^cc of tbio 3 Bcte totoarba tbe mabing a$ amcnDing of tbefaibe ^ca banbea oi ^eamoibea^to bee furs ueiouraoftbefaibCi^eaDooibea anb^ea banbea, anb that tbep anb enerp of tbem (bal tabe bpon them tbe eirecution of tbr faib charge anb office,anb buelp perfotme tbe fame, tpon fu^ Iibe patne anb fojifaituce aa bptbefaibe ^tatutea o;anpof tbemtobeimporcbbponanpfuruepourotfuruepoura fojt not tabing bpon btm ot tbem tbe office of furuepour fo^ tbe amens Dement of tbe btgb toapea^lCnb that enerp perfon anb perfona bebicb flialbe peerelp cbargeb to tbe mabing anb maintenance of tbe faib banbea ot Tea baoj:bea,fl)all be Difcbacgeb of fo manp bapea toinatba tbe mabing of tbe bigb boapea, aa Qtallbeim^ plopeb anb beftobaeb toboarbea tbe mabing anb amenbingof tbefaibe ^ea boo^bea anb ^ea banbea,all tbe fatbe penaltiea anb foifaiturea to be leuieb in maner anb fotme aa in tbe faib ^tatutea ace Umitteb 01 appointeb. iEbisi 3 icte to enbure anb continue fo;i tbe fpaceof fine peerea,anb from tbencefottb bnto tbeenbeoftbeibariiamentnejctenfbingtbefaibQaepeerea. ««tiif. XXV. • • Annoxxvij. An A6i:e for the expla- nation of the Statute for the maintenance of Rochefter Bridge, Chapter XXV, l^creais bp tftc former part of tbo Statute mabe in tbe pbtti. peereof tbe^iiuecnrsi :y^ate(tie!SratQnc,ani>bptbe )^;ouifo in tl^e enbe of tbo famr Oatutr, ti^e intent anb meaning i$i, tbat tbe eontri» butionmonep of tbe lanbeia anbitenement£icontribnto;p to tbe repaire a maintenance of Eocbeifer bnbge in tbe Countie of &cnt,ought from time to time to bee tarebbp (1^1^ rwu niiu iwi^iuii ^tifliitantiS of tbefaibc IS^ibgC) oji bp the mo^e part of them (mhen neebe of fuch contribution ^oulb require) foi fupplte of thofe reparations: of the fatbe 23 ;ibge,b 9 hich thereuenucs:of the lanbespioper anbbelon= ging to the faib 23 ^ge mill not fuffice to bo: ^nb mhereas the (aib tmo uaarbenis anb tmelue lfli(lantsi> be euerp pcerc elec« teb of the omneris of I3nb0 contrtbutojie a 0 afojefaib ,anb the accounts of all r eceits anb paiments ace bpthe tm o i©atbcnS euerp peere buelp mabe, 9 the monep buelp implopeb as is li> mitteb bp thefaib lateif atnte, pet fo;: mantof erp^elTe mo^bs, limittingthat the faibc naarbensanblllliitants fhonlbtaire the faib contributo^ie lanbs in fuch eafe of mant as afo^efaib, the fame t&arbens anb lUfiitants hethettohanebeneboubt^ full, anb hane foibome to mabe fuch Care, anb thecebp haue bene foicebbpontheir ohone crebitsanb frienblhipSito procure the mant aforefaibe to be fupplieb bp fome beneuoicnt loanes anb gifteS of funbip perrons>a matter berp bifficult,anb not to be truflieb bpon perpetuall maintenance of the faib 23 iibge: 25 eitthetefo;ebeclareb,erplaneb,orbamcb anbenactebbp au^ thoritie of this Piefent |^arliament,that from time to time hereafter,as oft as the rents o? other p?ofttes of the lanbs Pio^ per anb belonging to the faibe 2B}ibge, (hall not be fufficient to beare Rcginx Elizabeths. (^hap,xxv, beate tlje tbarge of reparation^ of tljc fatfic 15 jiHgf • faiftc tbjo naarbeno 9 irii. ^KTidantiS fo^ tbe rime being, being elec= teb (of tbe oixincr0 of lanbeg contributo.ue) 0 ; tbs fatbe ttoo uaatbeng together boitb the mo;e part of the faibe tweiue 3i(fi« ftanto, (ball anb lalofnlip map tairc all the faibe contributone Ianbe0 anb tenementsi, rating euerp pariih inhere thofe lanb$ boelte,reafonablp anb p^opo^tionablpat fuel) fummeofmo^ nep, anb to bee papeb in fuch maner anb fo;me as bp the faibe ttoo t©arben!S anb rii. aiiliftants:, 0 ? the fatbe i©atbens: toith the moft part of the tinelue ^fTiftantoaiS afotefaib (affembleb at the accuftomeb place of election) (ball belimittcbanb ap» pointcb in banting bnber their banbejs anb ^eatca: fo; bne le= uie anb fatiffaction bobereoMt Ibal be labafull to anp perfon bp the faib tbao ODatbens: anb SiftfiantiS, ottbao ttaarbenjo boith the moil part of the cbaelue 3ilfilfant$ ao afotefaibe,( bnber their hanbe0 anb ^ealejs in bojiitingauthonfeb) toleutethe fame monep tarcb, to tahe anb fcafe the goobp: anb chattels of anp of the inhabitants, 02 obanets of contributoiie lanbcS, in the )dati(b bahere anp part of thefaibc monepfb tapeb, (ball be lmpapcb,anb to leuie the fame monep bp fale of the faibe goobs anb chattels,anb if the goobsoi chattels fo tahen,feifeb 9 folb, (ball amount to mo^c baltic then the faibe tcaration (ball come bnto, that then theredbueof the faibe monep, oner anb aboue the faib Caration, (balbe beliuereb bnto the perfon 0 ^ perfonS) bohofe goobs 0 ^ chattels (ball be fo folbe. 3Dnb f 02 a conuenienc affcmblte to mabe a bue election of fuch naarbens anb ft ants peccelp, as boill bee carefull fo2 maintenance of the faibe }5nbge,it is further o^baineb anb enacteb bp autho^itie afo^e^ fatbe, that euerp peere at the election of the faib tbao ti^atbens anb tbaelue aifltftants (bp the faibe fo;imec S>tatute limitteb) tbao at the leaftof houfeholbers inhabitants of euerp |5ati(b) in bibich there are fourc houfeholbers at the leaft,baithinfeum miles ofthefaib B 2 ibge,anb baherein anpofthefatb contrtbtv* tone lanbs bo lic,lhal be pjtcfent to giue their boices at the fame election, bpon paine of tenne (hillings to be fo^faiteb bp the in« habitants of euerp fuch )3ari(h > mahing befault of fuch appa« ranee,the fame penalties to be leuieb in fo^me as afo?eis limits teb,fot leuping of the contribution monep, tar eb as afojefaib, anb to bee implopeb bpon the reparations of the faibe ffiftbge, anbthecrptncesof the faibe a^arbcnS,3i(fiftantSo; inhabit tants, at the faibe election bap, to bee papeb o.tboftte at their obme charges>euerp man to bearehiS obme charge. ^An Qhap.xxvi, Annoxxvij, ^ An a6i:e for explaning of the Statutefor the amending of the High wayes betwecne Middleton and the KingsFer- rye, leading into the Ifle of Sheppey in the Countie of Kent, Chapter xxvi. l^ereaiei at ttie #atliament ^olben in ti^e eis^teenti^ pete of ttie ^iQneenea being in great tecap, it to amongltotter ttingo enactet,ttat it l^oult be latofnil from tbencefb^tb petelp tnting tbe fpate of ten peetesi, fo? ia.3uttices of tte peace,tobeteof one to be of tbc Quprum,neitt inbabtting to ^ fait totone of fllpittleton toitbtn tbtfait Countieof Sent, teafonablp to afTelTe ant tape all ant eneep lant octupietS ttoelling out of tbe fait Jile, ant toitbin foute milesitillant ftom tbefatt jfettp, as; to tbeietifctetioniS iboultfeemec 5 uenient,note)tceetingtbefummeofonepennie, bpon euetp attc of ftefb fl^atCbe ant bpiant in one peere, ant bpott euetp tenne 3 ictes of fait #at{b one pennie in one peere, ant fotofmwtb as; bpon tbe letter of tbefamebtaunebefome toubtant quelfion batb riren,tobetber tbe fait Jullicescoult reffeanpbut fucb as;belante occupiers ant ttoelling cut of tbe fait 35ae, ant toitbin foute miles; tiif ant of tbe fait fertp: ant that tbetebp tbe tajeations bp them to be mate bp tbe let= ter of tbe fait l8toe,toill not fufifice to repaire tbe faite tecapet toapes, fot that tbe lanteS ant grountes Iping out of tbefait 3 IOe,ant toitbinfoute milestiftantfromtbefaite jftetp, are fottbe moll part occupiet bp fucb petfons as; bee inbabiting toitbout tbe tompalTe of tbe fait foute miles,bp reafon tobere* oftbcfaitl@igbtoapeSremaineitilbnrepairetantnotamen= tet, ant are grotoen into further tecap then at tbe time of tbe mating Reginse Elizabethse. Qhap.xxiti, mafting of tl)e fatfi Statute tljev to«c, to t^c gtcat D aunger $ anno{>atitcoftl}o©uecnes;spatefttc 0 fubtccts paJRngbpano tt)touc^)ti)e fame: foi ti)c better explanation ottlie.faib^ta^ tute.anb foi tijc rebjieffe of tlje faibe tt)ape0,be it nobbe enacteb bp tbe €lticene our ^ouctatgneiLalite, tbc )loxb0 ^pititual and Cempoxal,anti tbe (f ominon0 in tbispxefent )^atliaincnt aflcinbleO, and bp tbe autboxitie of tbe fame, that pecelp from bencefoxtb fox cner, betboeene tbe fead of Caller and tbe fead of^entecoftjitnjallandmapbeelabofullto and foj fixe, fine, fourc oxtbxee Juffice0oftbe^e3ce,bobereof onetobcoftbe Quorum, inhabiting boitbin eight mileg of tbefaid cotone of ^tddlcton toitbin tbefaid Countie of £ient,to affelfe and tape bpon all and cnerp tbe landed and grounded Iping and being tottboHt tbefaid ;jfle,and toitbin foure miled diftant from tbe raid fmic , fneb aflelTementd and tarationd fo: and totoardd tbe repairing and amendingof tbe faid bigbtoap, ad to them Iball feeme reafonable, nottoitbdandingtbat tbeotonerdoj ocenpierd of tbe fame landed o? gtoundd be dtoclling toitbout tbecoinpalTe of tbe faidc foure miled, fo that tbe fame alfclTes mentd and tapationd exceed not aboueone pennp foxeuerp 31* ere of feelb fli^arlb and Upland fo? one pere, and not aboue one pennpfo?eitecptenne3tredoff8lt!3l3ar9)efo? one peere, tbe faid fo?mer 3Scte o? anp article, b?auncbe ox thing therein con> tained to the contrarp thereof nottoitbftanding. 3ind that the faide taxationd and alfclTcmentd (ball be leuied and imploped fo? and totoarded the repairing of the faide high toap, bp fucb perfon and ptrfond dtoclling out of the faide 3|fle toitbin foure nttlcd of tbe faid jferrp. ad bp the 3Iulliced that Ibal alfclfc and tape tbefame fbalbe limitted and appointed,and tbefame per* foil and perfond fo to be appointed, to bane libe po toer and an* tbo?itie fox tbe leuping tbercof bp diftreffe, in fucb maner and fo?me ad iS limitted to the faid f errp r©atdcn, bp the faid re= cited Statute fox the lenping and gathering of aireffementd toitbin tbe faide jfle, and the faide perfon and perfond fo to be appointed to atcompt and to dcliuer the arreraged thereof (if anp happen to be) totbefatdeluOiced at fucb time and place ad bp them Ibalbe appointed. ftlAn .xxvii, Anno xxvij. ^ An A6i:e for the In¬ ning of E^rith and ^luntjled Marlhc. Ghaptet xxvii. increase DtoctjS ^tatutejS vam anti ^aue beene matte 9 piouitieti before tbt$ ttme> in the;ttn. anbrntt. peetes: of the ^ueenes ^as ieftie^mofl: happtetatgne,fo|! tlje mtnning anDUnntng of thefntroantieti a^atlhetf, Ip# tng 9 being in the ^dattlheiS ofCarith, TlpCnejS, a^lum# fteti in the Countie of £tent, from the matet anti Soutie^ee thetiuet of cbamesc 3(inb bohereasf 3olm asaptitta Caftiilion, tichomasi ^mith,® eojge 23 atnc, ifiichartie^oung, 'Chomas jfiihee, jpetbinanbo jaopnejS,3!ames upth8tbine,anb Eoget jameftbp labofull affignementsi hab, haue ojt ongbt to haue to them,tiieic heiteoi anbairigne£i,allfuchautho^itie,tnteteg anb beneftte a$the 3uneriSofanp ofthemin anp of the faibe Statutes nameb, hab Drought to haue, in o; about the inning oi boinning of thefaibe iJi9at(hejs: Inb inhere,in anb about the inning anb Ininning of the faib #atlhesl, the faib iohn ©aptifta Caftil# lion, 'Chomasi^imth* anb enerp oj^ anp of tbem,o.i in, about anb bpon tbe Jnning,fencing gs toin* ntng of anp part o; parcell of them, o; anp of them. 3Knb foi tbe 3 nninganb fencing of tbetaib ^arlbeS anb grounbs,anbfot tbe mainteprting anb continuing of tbe Jnning anb fencing of tbe faib i^arlbeS anb grounbs to be 3nneb,to cutte anb tabe fo mucb groboing Beebe anb eartb, as iS o; Iball be bpon tbe Piemiires,as ibalbenece{rariefo.t tbefitdmabingoftbeboalf of tbefaibe ^sr%eS,boitbont contrabiett'on ot bcniall of anp perfon oji perfons i ®be baleboc of tbe fame Beebe to be boine pjiopoj^tionabiie bp tbe oboners of tbe grounbS that flialbe 3n« neb accojibing to tbeir feuerall quantitiesoftbeir grounbstbat (balbefo 3nneb,anbro liReiuifebptbefpateofonepeere after futb 3nning,foj tbe maintenance anbrepaptingof tbe fame uialbanb not otberboife to be emplopeb. 3Dnb that immebiatip after tbe fubdantiall^nning,fencing anb boinntng of tbefaib grounbes anb fl0ar(bcS,o? anp of t^m, o? anp part ot parcell of them, o; of anp of them from tbe fatbe i&ater anb floobs as is afoicfaibe, tbefaibe John iSaptidajCadillton, iTbomas )&mitb, d^eotge^Barne, Bicbatb Poung, Cbomas jfilber, dFerbtnanbo isopnes, James dBupebarbine, fiBogct James, tbeir beires anb alRgnes, Iball banc anb cniope to them tbeir beires ? aifignes fo? euer,tbe one balfe of all tbe faib grounbes fo Jnneb, anb tbe otherpart otreinaine thereof, (ball bee anb belongtofucb obmers as bane anp iSl^arlbelanbtxiitbtn that l^.i. parcell .xxvij. Annoxxvij. pamll fo Jimeti, acco^ti tns to t^e reuerail p;opo;ti'oniO of tl^etc quantttjC]S,ngi^te!S,titlf0 ano mterelfsi txi^tc^ t^ep nome^aue in t^e faiOe parcell fo JnneD. InO alfo in conaOetatton tl^at ti^ep t^e fait) Janets! (l;all fubOanciallp anb fufficientlp matn= tetneanb tepaite tl)e)»alles!anti bantscsiof tbefame ^aetbeis (0 bereaftet to be inonne, bp tbe fpace of one inbole pem nept after tbe Jnning ano partition thereof,at t^e tofleo anb cbar^ geiooftbefaib JnnerOjtbeptbefaibJnnerb (ballfurtberbaue anbenioptotbem^totbeir btires; one eight part of tbe other balfeoftbefaibegrounbes! anb ^arlbejOfo hereafter Jnneb, fenteb anb baonne, anb (ball libetuife bane partition of the foib eight part: 3IInb that the faibe moptie anb eight part that (hall bee anb appettcine to the faib Jnners!,their hetrea anb af* ftgnea bp the partition thereof to be mabe,{hall be holben of the ^ueenea#aieftieherheircaanbfucce(rour0,aaofheti9^an^ nonr of Caagreenboiehe in the Countic of latent, in free ^or» cage bp jrealtie,anbone)^enierent fo; euerp Itre. 31nb that futther,inconriberationof the great coilea, chargea anbtra= ueile,armeU heretofo;e aa hereafter to be fnfleineb about the Jnningofthefame #arlhea, the (aib moptie anb eight part that (ball apperteine to the faib Jnneta, (hali be bifehatgeb of all i^arfonage Cithea tohatfoeuer, fo; anbburing the Cetme offeuen peereanept after the Jnning, boinning anb fencing of the fame. 3inb it ia liheboife enactebbpthe authoMtieafo;efaibe, that all 25onbea,Coucnanta anb agreementa heretofo;e habo; mabe,b3herebp the faib jnnera,theirheireao;1firigneafhonlb haue anp lelfe o; fbo;ter time fo; the JnningjbDinmng anb fcn= ting of the faibe ^ar^a,o; boherebp the fame Jnnera, their heiteaanb ^flighea lhoulbhaneanbeniopanpleffero;fmal« lerpo;tion ofthefaibe:^atlheafo;theirchargea, paineaanb inbnilrie about the Jnnmg 9 boinning of the aaarlhea, then ia limitteb anb appointeb bnto thembpthiap;efent 3tte, anb that all :!5onbea,Couenanta anb p;omifea tenbing to the p;e» oenting, hinbeting, 0 ; (taping of the malting of thta^cte, Iball be btterlpbopbe, fruftrate, anb of no fo;ce 0 ; effect in the )Labae,anpthingtothecontratpthereofinanpbi}ifenotb(iith> (tanbing. Ifnbbe it furthecbpautho;itieof thiap;efent3fctenacteb, that immebiatip after the (bbllantiall Jhning of the fapbe £^arlheaitlhall anb map be labufullfb; thefapb jnnera, theirheireaanbalfignea, anb the fnrutnourofthem, anb the heitea Regin^e Elizabeths. Qhap.xxvii, ftefrcg anti afllgnesf of euctp of tl^em,anti tljefapOe otonets of futJ) groiinDc as flialbc 3nncD, t^cir Ijcitcs ano 8fftgnes,oj in DefauK oft^c oixincrSibponrcquedttictcof to be mabe bptbe fapb 31nners tbett betttb oi affignes,to tbtce oi foute of tbe fatb obinets^tbeit bcites anb aflignes to ecfoit to tbt Sltgbt l^ono^^ tabic tbe jlo^bcCbauntclout of (Englanb fojtbe time being: anb that bp tbeautbo^itteof tbiS3(cte, that tbe fapbe )lo;be €bauncelouc (ball anb map aboatbe foo^tb a COmmillton to fucb petfon anb pcifons OS to biS bifcrction (ball be thought meete,to malte partition anb biuiQonbetbaecnetbefapboto» nets anb Jnnets, anb alfo betboeene tbefapbe obonets acco)« btng to the feuerall proportions of their quantities,rigbteS,ti» tics anb intere(fesbobitbtbtpnob)cbaue in the fapb parcels fo3Inneb, accorbingto the true intent anb meaning of this edatute: anb bpon the mabing of the fapbe beuidon anb parti= tion, it is the true intent anb meaning of the fapb Jnners anb obonctS anb of this prefent3(cte, that eucrp oboner bp inbiffcs rent appointment of the fapb CommilHonerS, (ball baue btS partanignebtobtmfeuerallpout of fucb of the fapbe 3|nneb :^at(bcs,asboasbi^ obone proper lanbsbefore the mabing of tbiSprefentaitt. Prouibeb alfo, that euerp SDboner anb Jnner that (ball baue anplanbfojnneb, (ball baue fit anbeonuenient maine boapcsforbnft anb carriage as neebe (ball requite through the fapbe !a©ar(bcS that (ball be fo 3nncb,fDr the bfeoftbeie grounbS3lnneb,baitboutbi(l:urbanceof tbeparticular SI>br« net or bisor their bcircs or alfignes. )brouibeb alboapes, tlrat this ^cte (ball not estenb to the late jnneb !3I^ar(bes, commonip calleb or bnoboen bp the name of Caritb #at{I)es,or the banbeS,boa(tes,anb fore« lanbs of the fame,or to the Eeebe or other commobities groba= tug or comming, in, or bp reafon of the fame or anp part thereof. l^rouibeb alfi9,anbbeit enactebbptbeautboritieaforefaib, that all fucb of the fapb ftttrounbeb <^ar(b lanbS as (baibe bp the faibjnners their beireS or airigneS,or anp of tbemjnneb, anb are noboe bolben of Cbmunb Coobe of l^rtb Crap in the Countie of Ibent (£fquire,as of biS #annorS boithin the fapb Countie of Scent, calleb KLpfnesanbfaunt;,or of either of them, or bobicb are parcell of the fapb #annorS or of either of tbem,(balbe bolben ofbim tbefaib Cbmunb Coobe,biSbeireS anb ailignes onclp, as of fucb of the fapbe iS^annors bobereof l^.ii. the £hap.xxvii. Annoxxvi). t^e fapt lanDjEi ate notoe i^oltien, o; are patteli tnfoc^ cage tenure bp fealtie, anb one pennp rent peerelp to be papbe attbe fead of !3obn 2dapttft, to tbefapbe (£bmunb Coobe btfi! beireiS anb airtpejsfo; euerp acre of tbe fame bp fneb pet=< fon anb perfonis ^ are oj-^ereafter f^albe Denant^ tt^ereof fo; all ferutce^. Reginz Elizabeths. 0jap.xx*vit)\ M An a61:e of one Sub- Jidiegramtedbjthe Clcargie. Chapter xxviii. I^eret^ ^jelateje; 9 Clet* Steof tt;c p^ouiticeof Cam terburtc, batie foji ccrt^ne^ (otiftbecatioua loiungip 9 Itbetalip guicn 9 gtaunteb bnto tbe ^uecnt^ntoilep^ cellent i!193tc(lie,a^ubit« {lie of (tee IbtUingeiS of ibe pounbe, ro be taben anb le= uteb of all 9 bingtilae tbete pjomotionb rpititualbattb> in tbe fame |b?oufnce, bu« ring p terme oftb^cepereiS nofueneetenruinsjmfucbcertatne manetanb fofme,9Uattb fueb eecepttois anb p^ouiftong, ag be fpeetbeb anb cotitefneb in a certatne Jnfttumcnt bp them tbetcof mabe anb beliuereb bnto t!)eIiuceneiSi^igbnes,bnbertbe^eaicof tbemoR Ee* uerenb jf atber in ob0 mod bolp beojib, anb bi)S finceto 9 tme religion in tbiiS poutEeaIme,a abolilbtng of al foitaine poboec contratptotbcfametConfibetingalfo afmelltbe great cbargea.bJberctoitb it tan not be but that pout #aicftp from time totimeiseiibetobeburtbencb, inbefenbinga:p^eferuing tbiSpourEealme ix)itbotberpouriBigbne 0 BominioniS,anb alfittbegreatcbargegbobereboitbpour^aicdie batb bene$ iiSlibe tobecbargeb bpreatonofpopiibmutinicsiaattemptsi, totbeouertbiobieoftrue Eeligionanb pour f^igbneji eOate, ajS mucb aa fucb p^tactifeis eitber coulb 07 can p;euaile> 3 nconfiberationoftbep;temi(re 0 , anb fo^atruebcclaratt* onoftbeirbounbenbuette£i,goobbeartsianbmtnbe!a!toioarbe{ pour #aiedie,toitb one bnifo^me agreement, atco^beanb (onfent togetber,biitb mod btartie goob beill bane giuen anb graunteb, anb bp tbefe ptefentsiboegiueanbgraunttopouc ll^fgbneire,pouti|eiree(anb ;&ucceflb^)One^ubdbiein ma* net anb fo^mefolloteing. Reginse Elizabeths. Qhap.xx’vitj. tcftat iiS to ra?e,Ch8t euct^ bi^joppCjiSidop, 5©e3nc, 31tcbt)eacon,)a.u)uon:,^a(ler of Coilei)g:t,i^;ebtntiatie,iaai;» Ton, a ^car, a euetp otpec perfOn anb per(jono,of fuliatfoeuei: name oji begtee be o; tt)ep be luitbtn tpe pjioutnce of Canteen bunejcnioping anp ^^ptntuall promotion,o.t otbce Cempo^al poifeirion to tbe fame ^ptrttuall promotion anneeeb,nob 9 not beuibebo;fepatateb bpacte of liatltament ot otbetfutfe fto tbepoirelftonoftbeCleargiCsfljallpaptopoucj^igbnciB;, pout i^etrep anb ^ucccffcns!, foj euerp pounbe tijat be map pecrelp b tfpenbe bp teafon of tbe fapb fpintual promotion, tbe fumme offljceIbUUngS.3nbfojtbe true anb certainebaluc of all tlje promotions anb euerp of them, Dobereoftbe papmeut of tbia ^ubfibtefbalbemabe, tbcEate, 'Cajeatton, mtaluation anb reiltmatio nob) remaining ofrecorb in pout ^^aicifies court of tetcbeauer.for tbe papmeut of a perpctuall 5©ifme or ■Centb graunteb buto pour #aieaics moll iioblc father, iti ^ rtbi. pccrc of bis reigne,concerning fueb promotionsas notoe be in tbe poflclfion of tbe Clergie, Iball onelp be follotoeb a obferueb toitboutniafeinganpuualuation, laate, Carationo? ig(lima= tton,otbe.r then in tbe faib recorb is no toe comprifeb. jaiouibcb altoapeSjtbat forafmucb as tbe tenth patt of tbe faib Eatc a maaluation before metioneb ts perelp path to pout l^igbncS foi f faib perpetual Bifme, fo as there remainetb on* Ip nine parts peerelpto the incumbent cleare; 'Chia^ubfi* bieoffitclbillingstbe pounb Ibalbebnberftanbebanbmcant onelp of euerp pounb of the faib nine partes,anb of no more. )droutbeb alto ales,that no perfon that is alrcabp promoteb to anp benefice or ^pirituall promotion, a bath compounbeb Jbitb pout tipaiellie for the firllfruitcs of the fame fitbence tbe feconb bap of £>ctober lall pad,in the peere of our ?Lorbe (Bob, one tboufanbe fine bunbretb fourefcore anb foure, or that is or beereaftet Iball be promoteb to anp benefice or ^pirituall pro» motion,anb flrall compounb toitb pour ^^ateflie, pour i^eires or;&iutteirours,fortbefirdfruits of the rame,oritbiSltbetbe feconb bap of €>ctober, tobicb Iball be in tbe peere of our )Lorbe onetboufanb fiue bunbretb fourefcore anb feuen, (hall be cons ttibutorie or ebargeb for the fame benefice or promotion to pour l5igbncflc,pour Irenes or ^ucceffiors toitb anp part of this ^ubfibie,buring tbe fird peere after tbe time of anp fueb compounbing for bis fird fruites; 3nb that euerp fueb perfon alceabp promoteb to anp benefice or fptrituall promotion, as bath compounbeb toitb pour :^atedie for the fird fruiteS of the fame, bettoecne the feconbe bap of October, in the peere of our )Uirb (Bob, one tboufanbe fiue bunbretb fourfeore 9 three, l^iiii. anb Chap.xxviij. Anno xxvij. anIitftefaftiefcconliefiapofflDctbberjintIjcpetcofoutXLojtie onetboufanbe ftuebnnD^etb fontcfco^eanbfoute, ©albe contrtbnto^je o? cbatgeb Jo? tbe fame p?omotwn to youc o? ^uccelTojisijbut onlr boitb tbc mop* tte of tbe firft paiment of tbe fatbe ^ub(ibte,tn refpect tbof f be moptteof biis fitft ftuites! fo: tlje faffi pjomotton rcmaineb bn» patcb to pour a^aieftte tbefatbe feconD of Dttober, onettjou* fanb fiuebunbjetb fourefco^e anb foure, 3nb pour )3;elateo anb Cleargie boe alfo graunt, that tbfst ^ubfibie of fipe (btllingo tbe pounbe, of tbe nine parted of tbe peercipbalue of euerp promotion fpirttuall afojicfatbeinitbin ^ fatb ptoutnee tareb a$ to afo^efatb, (balbe paibe to ponr #a« ieftte,pour I^eireo anb ^ucceirojO,toitbtn tb?ee perco new en» fuing tbe bate hereof, in maner anb fopefoilobeing: Chat iO to fap,ttoo (btUingsi of euerp pounbe afo.tef8tbe, in euerp of the faib tbwt peereO> Cbt firll paiment thereof to be bne at thefe« conb bap of October noto new enftiing, in f pcerc of our Hotb, one thoufanbe ftnehunbjieth foure fco^e anb fine: 3(nb the fe« conb paiment thereofto be bue at the feconbe bap of iDctober, bohith (halbe in the percofourjtlo;b,athouranb fiuehunb;cth foure fto^e anb fiire: ^nb the thirb paiment thereof to be bue at the feconb bap of £)ttobec, in the peere of our jLofb, one thou= fanb fine hunbjeth foure fcoje anbfeuen, tobcbcliuereb anb paibperelp bpfuchperftm^pecfono ao in thiopjefent graunt fltall be appopnteb to haue the Collection thereof, to the ]iLo;b highCreafourec, ojbnber 'tCreafoucer of Cnglanbe fo? the time being, 0 ? to futhepetfono?pctfoniS,anb in futhe place o? placc0,asi Iballpleafepourhighncifeto appopnt to bepaebe,at 0 ? befoje the tboo anb tioentteth bap of ijanuarfc, in euerp of the fatb th?te petes;, toithout paping anp thing to the rccetuec, 0 ? to anp other ofiKtcrot petfons; to bcalftgnebfo? the receitc thereof,fo?anp3litqutttanteo?otherbtfchargcbpon anp futhe paiment o? ccteit of thefaibc ^ubfibie, o? anp parte thereof,to be giuen anb beliuereb, but onelp foure pencc,anb that to the Clarbe fo? ix)?itingof euerp of the fame 3icqutttances;o? biO> charge fo? euerpof thefame paiments;. item, pour i^ighnelfe faibe ^D?elates; anb Cleargie alfo boe graunt,that euerp }b?ieft anb al other Ccclefiaftital perfons, hantng anp pcncion paiable bp pour fll^atcftie, pout f^eires; o? ^utteiro?s, bpteafon of thebiftoiution of thelate^onaftcs riesi,CollebgeiS, freeChappeliEi, Chaunterico, fraternities;, (Puilbsifi^ofpitals;, 0 ? of anp other fptrttualbignitieo?co?po« ration noiu biifolneb inithin the faib p?onince of Canterburie, Re gins Elizabeths. Qpap.xxviii. (^all Ufeetoife pap to pour nes!, pout htwiS fucceffoursi, fiice fl)illingsi of euerp poimDe of tlje faiPe ptnfionjS, tottfjin ttjc fato tl) 3 ieepccres!, at fuc^ OapeiS times as are bcfoj^e fpetifico* aiiib that fo? t^e fare papment tljercohOcBuctton anb bctenti* on of the faiD fire Ih tilings lhalbc mabc pecrclp in the hanbcs of the papers of the faibe penfions > after the rate anb pojtion of tboo (hillings the pounb, euerp of the faib th?ce peeres to be ac* compteb fojt anb anfboercb to pour ^aiefties bfc,bppour high’ nelfe ileceiuours anb £>fficers beputcb fot the paiment of fuch penfions,in their fcneral accomptcs: toithin the i»hich,allobas ante (hall be giuen them for their paiment of euerp fuch penfi» onsjiableto the feuerali papments of the faib ^ubfibie» Jtem,pour faibe )drelates anb Clergiebo graunt, that cuc« rp fl?teft or ^iniller llipenbarp,reteiuing an annuall ftipeuD being no prrpetuitieofeightpounbsorabouenuthinthefaib prouince, (Ijall pap bnto the bfe of pour f^ighnelfe ,pour heires anbfucceffours, fire ® illings 9 eight pence in euerp of the faibe three peeres,at fuch time anb to fuch perfonS,as the faib ^ub= fibie lltalbe papeb: 3fnb for befault of the papment of thefaibe llipcnbarieSjthat euerp ^arfon, Uicar o? other spiritual! o? Cempojal perfon,jaroprietarie or farmour,hpjing anp }0rieft or ^inilter to feme in anp place,lhalbe anfboerable anb char= geb for anb toith the papment of the faibe fire (hillings eight pence for the faibe )^rie(l or ^inifier euerp of thefaibe three peeres,anb (hall anb map mabc retention of hiS anb their bja= gcs quarterlp, of fo much as the faibe ftipeubaries be chargeb inith bp this prefent graunt, euerp of the faib thjee peeres. 3Item,pouc faib ^^relates anb Cleargic bo graunt,that euc« rie 31rchbi(hop anb iBifljop ,anb (the ^ea being bopbe) euerp ©eaneanb Chapter of that ^ea bopbe, lhalbe Collcctours of thiS^ubfibiebaithintheir proper ©ioccS,buringthc faibe three peeeeS,other then of the penfions aforefaib: anb the faibe aicchbin)op,28i(hop,otthc;S>eabeingbopbc,the Beane anb chapter (hall certifieitito pour Sl9aicaies Court of Crehequer bnber their Beales, the names anb furnameSofallfuchfii^ penbarieBrietteS anb a^inifters baithin their Bioces as be chargeable bp this 3icte ,’at or before the faibe tbao anb tbaens tfeth bar of 3anu8rie,peerelp buring the faib three peeres. 3Cnb thofe ftipenbatp ^aiicftes anb a^iniftcrs onelp lhalbe reputeb anb taben to be ^argeable bp this 3icte,bahich lhalbe in fuch fort certifieb, bnletfe baithin three peeres nert after fuch cectificat erhibitcb, it ihalbe iuftlp proueb that fame arc omit« teb that ought therein to hane bene certifieb. nb in this cafe, fiich Qhap.xxvm. Annoxxvij. fuel) anti toman? oftet ttipenfiarie ^&?te(!ess anft 09tniftcri8 fljalbc lifectoife accountcU chargeable bp thig aiete, ais toithtn the fail) thiee peerej! toalbe to founb to haue bene omitteb, 3nb pour fail) )B;elatei3 ant) tDlcargte boemolt humbipbe» teech pour :^atcftie,tl)at it map bee enacteb bp pour a^aieltie, auD pour high Court of ^arUament(fo}therpeetiie patment of the faibe ^ubhOte, anh to anophe helapeiS thereof) that bohen 9 aoi often ajs anp Coilectouro;CoUectour$ chargeable inith the collection of this^ ^ubObie, oi of anp part thereof,oi ^ "Bt* putieoiBeputico of anp of them,than offer the paiment thero^ oj of anp part thereof, to the bfe of pour 5@aie8ie, pour heirejf o.ifucceffourO,to anp perton ojpertonp: appointet) to receiue tho famebp pouri^ighnesf,oibp ^faib )Lo;tt) high Crearourer: that the fail) perton oi perfonjei to appointeh, toall mithiniiii. bapes; nejrt after futh appointment,receine,o^ caufe to be receiueb the monep to offerebtobepatbe,t]oithontanp further belap,anb beliuer one fnffictent bill, tefti^mgthe receite thereof, to the raib€ollectouroihtoBeputie,bponeuerpfuthparticulerpai« ment: 3nb that euerpfnch 3ubttonr ajS to eg lhalbe appotnteO to tahe Oi receiue the accompt of anp fuch Collectour o; Collect touro, (hall toithin (tpe bapeje: nett after requeff to him to bee mabe,trulp ^inbifferentlp tahe thefaib accompt,anb mahe als> lotoance aa bp thto grannt to appointeb,bp5 paine that euerp fuch perton anb pertona appointeb to receiue the fame fumme oi fummesi of monep to offeceb,^ euerp ftich 3ubitour ffiall lofe anb foffeite fo^ euerp befauit o;belap to be mabe,to the Collect tour oi Collectoursi to offeing to mahe papment o; accompt ajsi to afotefaib, the fumme of ir.pounbo: of labofull monep of (0ng« lanb,theonemopttethereoftobetopour^aieffie,pourheiresi anbfncceffour£i,anb theothermoptietothefatb Coltectourot CollectouriS to grieueb,^ fame to be paib bpon complaint mabe to the faib jLojb 'Creafourer,bnber Creafourer, o? to the XLojb chiefeasaron ofponr #aie8ies: Court of (exchequer,toho bp5 fuch complaint,lhal piefentlp eramine the matter,$ hnbing be« fault, (hall commit the offenbonr to naarbe, there to remaine bntillhethallhouepaibethefaibfeuerall fummeoto foifeiteb. :iGnb fo^ better leuping anb recouering of the faib ^ ubObie, pour faib i^ielateid anb Cleargie boe lihetoife mod humblp be« feeche pour l^ighneei, that it map be enacteb bp pour ^aieffie anb pour faib high Court of i^arliament in maner anb fo^me, (thattotofap)Ch3t euerp Collectoiofthe faib S^ubfibie, anb ofeuerppart anb parccli thereof,anb their labofull Beputieot Bepntie^ ,map hane full poboer anb authojitie to bto all fuch boape^ Re glnx Elizabeths. Qpap.xxviiji toaapejs atiD meanpjS anD p joeeffe as be p^efttibcb in tbe 3(ict of perpetual biCme foi p collection 9 leaping of tbe fame,anb map tnaiieaccompttbetofbefoietbe&o^bbigb l^rcafourcrottun^ fiertreafouret of Cnglanb foj tbe time being,o? anp other £)f- ficerbppourl^igbneire o.i pour Courtof €eche(|uertobeeap> poputeb fo^ the fame, anb in fueb place as pour ^aieitic libe- boife (hall a(ngue,tn fuch ibife anb after fuch fo;mc onip as the faib Srchbilhop 6i23i(hops benoboc chargeb to mabc.accontpt foji ^ faib perpetual SSifmes oj tEenth:t»hctcbp is meant,^ the lacbcaub befaultof papmentof^ fo;tanp Spiritual! p;omo> tion 0 ; promotions, Ihal onip charge fuch incumbet 0 ; incam= bcntes,anb fuch others aS be bounbe to pap tl)e fametanb that the Slrchbilhop, 23i(l)op, JDeanc anb Chapter, gathering that tnhich thep tan receiue,anb mabiitg papment thercof,(hall foz the reft not bp them receiueb be bifehargeb bp their Certiftcat to bee mabe at oj before the ttuo 9 twemicth bap of lanuatie, in euerp of the fapb three peres bnto pour l^ighueffe Court of Cjrthequer: anb that (ire pence of euerp pounb, Wheretoith t^ Collcctour fhalbe chargeb in hiS atcompt cleerelp to be papeb into the teceite of pour #aicfties iEtchequer, 0 ? into fuch 0 = thet place as (hall pleafe pour l^ighncffe to appopnt,fhalbe aU loboeb to the faib Collcctour bpon hiS actompt fof thefame in euerp of the faib thfec peeres fof the chaises of Collection,po}== tage,fafe conueping anb paping of the faib ^ubftbies^ ainbmo,teoucr,pitmapbe enacteblibetoife, thatafteranp paiment of the faib ^ubftbie (halbe once bue bp bertue of this grauntinanpofthefaibthl^eepeecS, if anp incumbent of anp bcneace of promotio Spiritual! chargeb to the paiment of the fatbe ^ubabie,being at anp time after that the fame paiment (hall be bue,latofullp monilheb,cither perfonallp o?at hiSbigs niticiftall, Church o; manQanhoufebpthe3irchbifhdpb.ti3i« (hoppeof the IBioces, 0 ^ his beputieofbeputies, ofthej^eane anb Chapter (the ^ea being bopbe) oji bp anp theft beputie 0 ; beputies aucthofi^eb in that behalfe, to appeare bphtmfelfe o; his beputie, at a certainebap^placcof conuenientbiftance to thefaib Jncumbent then to befignifteb anb presreb^t anb then anb there to pap fuch part of thefapbc .^ubfibie of hiS benefice Of promotion fpirituall,as then bp bertue of this graunt (halbe bue, bo not either at the fame bap anb place fo to him fignifieb anb prcfiEcbjtruelp content anb pape, or caufe to be eontenteb anb papeb the fame part of the fatbe ^bflbie, bohich then bp him (halbebue to be paieb bnto f fame 3irehbilhop or fSilhop, oj to his beputie o.t beputies, oj to the 5^eanc anb Chapter of Qhap,xxviij. Annoxxvij. anp&ea being t)otDe, ojtotbeiebeputteo^lieputteec, o;to one of them l^etaiingfufftctent Deputation from f fatD 3Drcbbi(bop, 23t$op,o;i 3^eane Oi Chapter, bnDer hi^ oji their ^eale in that behalfe, being reabp at the fame Dap 9 Place fo agntfieD 9p.!e> fieeD,to receine anp paiment of the faiD ^ubfiDie then Dne,^ o» penlp DemaunDing thefame,o;eife pap the fame toithin fo^tie Dapejs nept after anp futh pjeBpcD Dap at the furtheft(fo that o» pen DemaunDc be maDe of the faiD ;&ubQDie in anD at the faiD plate 9 bap befote pjeflireDOthat then eucrp ^nrumbent fo ma* bing Default of patment of hi^ part of thefaiD ^ubrtDie,in anp of the faiD th?ee peeresi,after fuch Default thereof certifieD into pour iJ^aiellicsi (Cjcthequer in tojiting, bnDer the ^ealc anD hanD bopiting of anp Ifrchbilhop 0 ; Biiboppe, 0 ^ the common feale of the JBeane anD Chapter,the ^ea being boiDc,chargeD boith the collection of the fame ^ubfiDie,fo that the faiD Certi= Scat Ihalbe maDe acco^Ding to the fo;me hereafter eppjieSeD, 9 erhibiteD into pour #aieftieoi faiDe Court of (£rchequer, at op befope the tboo anD twentieth Dap of 3Ianuarte in euerp of tlie faiD thpee peerejS, lhall fopfaitc 9 lofe bnto pour #aicfticpour heireo!9 futceflbpiS, all theppoSto bohich of that onlp Dignitie, benesce op ppomotion fop the bohich he mabeth fuch Defau It of paiment,anD bohereof fuch CertiScat Ihalbe maDe, (hall come, groboe oparifc bnto him, (ouec9 abouethe chatge$ of fecutng the Cure) tnoneboholepeere nept after fuch CertiScat maDe 9 DeliueteD into pour f^ighnes:CouttofCpchequer ,9 there aD* mitteD,in cafe the fame Jncumbent Opal fo long hue. inD that euerp fuch tertiStat of anp futhbefault of paimct,lhalbe maDe accopDtng to the tenonr anD effect enfning,miitatis mutandis. Honorabilibus & egregiis viris Domino T hefaurario & Baroni- bus de Scaccario Illiiftriflimse Domin* noftrs Dominse Elizabe¬ ths,Dei gratia, Angli8E,FraciK&Hib.Regins,fidcidefenforis,&c. Vefter humilis Lpermiflione diuina L.Epifcopus,authotitate & vigore cuiuiHa adlus parliamenti,anno regni diifts domins Regins viccfimo feptimo editi Siproniliadcolligendum StlcuanduSub- fidium eidem Domins Regins in eodem parliaineto per Prslatos SrClerum Cantuarien.prouincis conceirum;videlicet,proprinia Iblutione inde Ibluend.fecundo die Odiobris vltimo prsterito mfra Diocefim noftram L. deputatus & aufthorizatus omnimoda reue- rentiam tantis viris debitam cum honore, Veftris reucrentiis harir ftrie annuntio & ccrtifico,me prsfatum Epifcopu modo quo prs- fertur deputat, Scaufthorizat. fiifficienter, & cum omni diligcntia requifiileper N.O. deputat. meum in hac parte, dequocunquc beneficio&promotioneeccleiiaSica, inquadam Schedula prs- fentibus Reginx Elizabeths. Qjap.xx’viii, fentibus annexarpecificatis,funiinas difti Siibfidii pfo didis bene- ficiis & promotionibus dcbitas proprima folutione didi Subfidii debid foluend.dido iecundo dicOdob.vlrimo pr3Bterito,proutin cadem fchedulaprxfendbus annex, plenius liquet Scapparet, Sed didas fummasex cauHs in eadem fchedula allegatis recipere non potui. In cuius rei Tettimonium Sigillum meum prsfetibus appo* rui.Dat. die Anno Domini millelsimo quingentefimo odogefimo quinto, CljC fOimC Of Ouleaboue mentioncD enfuctb* Ciuiuitas L, vel Decanatus de H. A.B. redorvelvicarius ibidem raonitus fiiit apud prsdid, die vltimo prx tcrit. per N, O. Deputatum meum ad Ibluend.apud ecclefiam de commitat.K. die prox.feque, illam partem Subfidii per ipfum debitam lecudo die O dob.vldmo pr3Bterito,pro promoti o- ne fua prardida. Sed ptidid, apud ecclefiam dc L. prcdi- dam eodem die nec alibi per quadraginta diespoftea,fummam per ipfum debitam(vtpr*fertur)loluit vella- tiffecit,neque dida fiimma de proficuis didx promotionis nec dc bonis & cattallis didi A.B.aliquo modoleuare fiue recipere potui. albi)aie 9 !,t^at tf anp pctfon 0 ^ Jimtmbet able bp act o} grant to anp paunent ot tbt$ &)Ubftbic,flial p^tofer o;: tcnber paitnent of anp futnmc Due to ttfc 3ircDbtfiiop 0 ^ 23tll)op, o;totDe Beane anD Chapter tobtre tDe ^ea i0 botD,ot to anp Deputte o^ Deputies of anp 3(itct)btfI)op,iE3i(l)op, o; Beane anD chapter afi 02 efaiD,at anp time before tDe eertts« cat eirbtbtteD into f CrcDequer a$ i^Ei afotefaiDe, ti^at tijen not^ luitDltanDingtDe cettiScat mate a0io! afotefaiDe, againil anp (ucD perfon,tDe faiD lEncumbent ot perCon,againfl: tuDom tDe certificat beag fo maDe, (fiali $ map auerre t^c offer o; tenDet ofDispaimenta 0 i 0 afotefaiDe,anD of tbefame flialbetrpeD,et> tDerbpfufficienttt)itne(re 0 befote^ HotD tEreafourerot25a« ron 0 of tDetgFtDeqttcr,otbp f triallofttoelue men, bponanp flTue thereupon to be iopneD betboit^ttljefame incumbent ot anp otDer perfon ot perron 0 ,tDat be ot anp fot Dim DiD offer ot tenDer paimft of ^ fumme Due ao i0 afbtefaiD:Cbat then euer? fuci) Uncumbcntfbalbauc 9 eniopbi 0 Ptomotion ot ptomoti« on 0 fliil,n)itbout fotfaiting otlofing to pour :^aieflie,pour beire0 ot futccllbt0, anp of tbe ptofiteo tbereof ,5 a0 tbougb no tettificat ot Default of fUtb paim^t baD bin maDe ot epbibiteD, anp thing in tbi0 grauntot actc to f contrarp nott^ftauDing. anD futtber, that it map be cnaeteD libemife, that euerp 3ittbbi(bop$2&ilbop, anD Beane anD ebapter of euerp ^ea %i batant Chap.xxviii. Annoxxvij. iiacant, $ ot^er pctfonjat c^arseable to anb toiti^ tl^e collection of tbe fatD ^ubfiOie offtjce (fitllingO tl^e pounb Pottbin tbefaib p^ouinceofCantecbucte, (^allanbmapbaue bpon euetppat« tnent of tbe fame ^ubftbte mabe to tbc )lo;be bigb 'Ceeaftm^ m 0 ?. i)»ber'Ctcafouterof(£ngIanbcfo!itbc tune being, o?to fticb otbet peclbn oipecfonsi,in place anb plaeeja,to tobom anb jDbcce it ftall pleafe potic bigbneo o? pouc eourt of (Cpcbetiuet to appoint foj tbe ceceipt tberof in euetp of tbe fatb tbje peteiO, 8 fufftcientacqiHttace,bifci)argeo?quietuscftinto?ittngoftb6 faib XLojb btgb Cceafo jec ojbnbec iEteafciet,oi of fuep otbet pecfon oi petfono:, a$ eitbec pour biS^neiO oi pout faibe couct of ^gjccbequer (bal affign foi tbe ceceipt tberof,o? a$ berctofoje in tbe libe carc$ it batb ben accu(lomeb,tbe fame acquittanee,bif- ebacge o^ quietus eft tuttnelKng f ceeeipt of fo much of tbe fame fummcoftbefatbfabttbieajSibalbeforecctueb^lEnbeuetprueb acquittance,bifebacge oi quietus eft in Pojiiting, fcaleb anb fnb» fcribeb tottb tbe name o? nameb of tbe jLofb bigll tCreafonrec Oibnber '^teafouter foj tbe time being, oj of (Ueb aubito? o; other pecfon oi pecfonb a$ it iball pleafe pour bigbncife o? pour faibe couct of Cccbeqttec to appoint fo; tbe fame receipts:, o; of fucb otberg as: becetofoje in lifee cafes it batb benbfeb,(balanb map be gcob anb effectual in tbelLain,anb be alfo as fufftcient bifebaege to al 9 cueep of tbefaib collecto;s,to alfucb intents, conftcuctions 9 puepofes, as if tbe fame inere mabe bp act of parliament: 3nb that euerp of tbefaibe colIcctoiS fbal pap but onclp tb?ee (billings anb foure pence fo; euerp generall anb nail acquittance, bifebatge o; quietus eft,fo; euerp peerespai= ment of tbefaib ^ubabie: Ifnb alfo that euerp particnlar at« quittance,tnbicb bpon paimentof anp part of tbe faibe fubObie lbalbemabebpanpeoUceto;o;eoIlceto;S of tbe femefubfibie, o; of anp paimft tberof,o;bp btsojtbeir beputieo;beputies in that bebalfe,toanp incumbent of anpbeneSceo; pnimotbm fpiritual^o; to anp perfono; perfons contributo;ie anb cbarge<^ able to anb boitb tbe fame S>ub(ibie o; anp part o;paiment tbereof, (ballbe goob anb cffectnaU in tbeilatne, anb afnll anb (lifficient bifebargeto euerp fuebe incumbent anb other perfonanbbiS benefice anb pmmotionfpirituall, ofanbfO; an fucb fumme anb fummes of monep as bp tbe fame acquits tance^allbeacbnobolebgeb to bee receiueb inrefpecteoftbe famebcnefi'ceo;p;omotionfpicituall, fo;anp paiment o; anp part of tbefamefubfibie:3linb^none acquittance of anp other perfon o; pecConS mabe befo;e fitch certificate,fball in anpboife bifebarge anp perfon o;p;omotnm fo; anp part of h^fubtibie, no; Regins Elizabeths. Chap. no? ofant>patnc,penaItwo? fojfarturefpcttfieumtbijsgtannt. to intent it map be bnoboen to tbe court of (Srcbequcc, to^o bee tbe beputie o? Deputies! of euerp fucD 3Srcbbifl;op, iBi= l|)op 0? Jaeane 9 cbapitcr, 8utbo?ijeD to rereiue t^e fame, auD to matte acquittance tbercof, euecp 3rcbbi(b op 9 }5i(f)0p auD l^eaneauD cbaptter of anp fea being bopDe, Qiall pccrcip mitb tbe certiUcat of tbe names: of if ipenDarie )S>nc(lesi, cecttfte t^e names! of euerp tbc Deputies! to be appointcD as! is! afo.iefaiD. ]^;ouiDeD alboapes, tDatno ^picitnall promotions!; 0 ? anp lanD$,po(re{rtonsio?reucnueganncrcD to tbefame,being cbar^ geD bp tbis! graunt of tbe prouince of Cantcrbucp,o? anp gooDsc orcattels! groining, being or renewing bpontbe fame, or cist inbereappettepningtotbeoitonetSoftbefaiD^picituallpro* motions,or to anp of tbem,(balbe cbargeD o? maDe contributor tie to anp Sfteene o? tenth, or anp other ^ubaDie aircaDic graunteD to pour i^ighnefle bp the Haptic, or hereafter to bee graunteD, During the terme of the faiD three peeres. l^rouiDeD alto, that all i^eanes, r chDeacons!, laignities, Rafters, naarDens anD )3rebenDarieSofaU CathcDrallanD collegiate Churches 9 colleges, or anp of them boithin the faiD proutnee, (halbe chargeD inith this StubfiDie for thofe polTein« onSiceuenues anD promotions,mhich to their feuerall promo« tions, Dignities anD roomes are clearelp 9 Diftinctlp limitteD, anD to their oinne onelp bfes feuereD, thereof to pap the (the tenth part beingDeDucteD)Qp IhillingS of euerp full pounD oner ip, tnithin the faiD three peeres, in maner 9 fourme as is aboue cehcacfeD:3EnD that all thorerenteS>poirefltons,prostes.portir ons,hereDitamentS,anD ^piritnall promotions,anD euerp of them heretofore bp pour i^ighnelfe, or anp pour i9i9aie(lies no« ble progenitours, or anp other perfon or perfons inhatfoeuer, giuen, graunteD, bequetheD, DeuireD o? improprieD bnto the faiDeCatheDrallorcoDjegiat Churches or colleges, or to anp of thcm,mhich anp inapes be a(tigneD,implopeD or breD,either for or toinarDS the peerelp maintenance of lUeaDerS of Diuinttie, pooremen,S)Cholcma(lers,Blhecs,(Grammarians,peticanr nons>ConDuctes,i3licarS,Choral! Ringing men,ChoriilecS> iil3ergerers,^e]rtenSnr of anp othcrneceifarp orDailp officers or mtnifters, in fuch CatheDrall or collegiat Churches or coUcr ges,or anp of them,or for or toinarDS f rceDifping or repairing of anp of the fame CatheDrall or collegiat churches or colleges, (hall not be chargeD inith anp part of this ^ubODie, Che cer» tainetie of inhich portions afinel chargeableto this ^ubfiDte, asnot chargeablein this behatfe, the ^rchebilhop, orr^ilhop of Chap.xxviii. Anno xxvij. oft’^e©totesi,oKtl)e^cal>etitgJ)o?lie)tl)e©eane@ chapter, 0 j anp ot^ct to totjoine t^ofame ftall oj map appcrtatitc, bpon Duefeatci^ 9 e]tamtnatton,(l)aI certifte Pntiet o} t^etr Teaie, Into pout iitS^tttS' fatD Court ofCptIjtQtter, atoj before tl)c faib iepH.tiap of 33nuarp,tn euerp of tbe fapb tl)?cc peereio. j^ouiDeb alboapeie,tbat euerp )3atfon,tiutcar o; other fptrh tual per(On,paptns anp pen&on, luhcteof no alloboare mabo in the baluattou of hist p.iomotion oj benefice, (hall anb map rc’ tatneH.iS of euerp pounb, of enerp fuch penfion euerp peerc buringthe faib th?cepeerciS,to histobone reliefe,fn confiberatt* onthatheiiS chargebto pap thtSi^ubabie of bt.js.the pounb, outofeuerp pounb,of thetohole balue ofht$pjiomotton,anp toueuant,graunt ot banb to the tonttarp notJBithttanbtng. 5 afouibebalfo,anbpourfapbi0jelate!a!g^^Clergic boe mod humblp befeeth pour llighne?, that it map be enacteb bp pout fl^aieftieis authojttie,apourhi 5 ^Courtof}aarltament, that inhere cettaine ianbefl!,tcnemcnts(,rentei8,fpirttuaUp?omott= ons,tithesi,penBonsi,pojtion!S,frmts( ^ other hercbttamentjff, latelp belonging to biueriS Cathebjall Chutthesi, anb to other placeoi anb petfonsi Cecleftafticandnithfn the fapb pioutnte of Cantetbnric, tohith toere giuert anb alTigneb to bee bettotneb anb fpent,m anb on finbing 9 inaWitetning of tertaine thaun^^ terteia!,anniucrfariciS,obitei5,itghtea,lampeie(, anb other lihe charges;, mtenteg anb purpofe?, of late tame into the hanbeis anb polfeirion ofthe lateJ^ing of famous; memo^te^Cbinarbe the firtjbp thefojte ofa dattite thereofmabe in the ficll pereof his;reigne,aabp thefapbe Statute moieplainelp appeareth: Chat the faib cathebjtal Churches;,?; the 2SiQ)ops;,©eancsi oj ^Stcfibentsi anb Chaptcra,anb |^;ebenbariea ofthe fame, anb all other places anbperfons tBcclefiafticall 0 ^ anp of them,tb inhorn the faib lanbs,rentes anb other theptemiffes o? anp of them bib latelp appertaine,(hal not bnring ? fatb thtee peeres, be thargeb to 9 toith anp paiment of ^ubfibie, of anb fo^^that part9£pojtion oflanbS,tenements,rentes, fpitituaHj^omoti# ons anb other herebitaments,oi;anpofthem, inherennto the faib late hing,bp foice ofthe faib ftatnte,iuasmtituleb o? poC« feifeb of, no.:of anppeerelp rentesoj paiments,going out of the fapb Cathebi3llChurches,anb other the plates ?; perfons CtckaafticaH afoteiapbc:3nb that bebiictfon anb ailotoance therof be mabe to them,9 euerp of them accotbinglp,in sbpoti euerp paiment ofthe fapbe^UbQbie out ofthe iBholebaluc^ taration feOimation mabefoi the paiment of the faibe perpc« tual bifme oj tenth,remainmg ofrecojb in pour #ighneScourt Reginje Elizabeths. Chap.xxviii, ofiewftcquetjfoj ftattateanD pojtionoflanl)e$,tcncmetitjsf, tentc$,fpttttuall p^tomottona aot^ec^eteDttamenta, a pecrclp patmctita,tti^et:eunto t^elatD late Htng )xiaa tntttuieo o; pofTelTeD of,o^ Uiljic^ ftnce tl^e making of tt)e TaiD (faturc, bp teafon that tbep bane bme fonnb aa lanDa, tcncmtntajreiitaj tptbea>Oi^otbec bctebitamcnta tonccaleb ftom tbe latefeing d^amacbe tbe ftpt,tba late Iking l^entp tbe eight, from the late Huccne ^arpj)? anp of them, of from pour ^^atcflic, o? otbtrtoifcarefeuercDfromtbepoirefRonaoftbc fapDe C8tbe= D?all Cburtbea ^ other placea anh perfona afoiefafti,oj! of anp of them,bp foice of the ftatutc p,iemifeh,oianp othcrbotfe. ]diiouihcl>airo,thatthia^ubQTiie graunteh bp thecicrgie fhatlnotbehemaunDeD oMeuteh out of anp benefice, honfe of tluhenta oi Coliehge fituate o; fet boithin either of f uniuer(i« tiea of Cambjiilige o; £)irfoili,o.t anp bene8ce,lantia or other tcf uenuea bnto the faihe ULiniuecntiea oi either of themi,o; to anp houfc ofiluhentaoj Coliehge in anp ofthefameiwniuertttica tmiteh, appioptiatehoi appertaining, Oi out of anp bencGce, Innhaojircuenuca of theCollehgeofi@inhfoi,Oi^ off Coliehge of i]g>ellminfter,being of pour #atelf iea founhation,oii of the Coliehge of Caton nigh nainhfo^ o; of f Coliehge calleh jU^ariea Coliehge bp t©fnthellcr,founhehbpboilli8m J©icfc= ham, ihmetime astihop of i@incheller, oi of anp l^ofpitaia, almcahonfea ojidrammer fcholea,oiofanpChurch,benefice oji other reuenueato thefaih Collehgea,l^o(hitaia,almea hou> rea,almcahaIlea,oi€irammerfcholea, o.i to anp of them an- neireh,apptopnateh 0 ^ otherboirc appertaining. ^fouiheh alb9aiea,that all }katrona,Ciicara, 9 other Cctle« fiafticall perfona,inhofe beneftcea are not aboue bi.Ii.riii.a. anhiiii.h.bppeere, afterthe tairationafo^eraphe,lhallnotbee chargeh boith thia S>ubrihie, 03 i anp part thereof. )d^uiheh alG), that euerp dicar, bahofebeneSce ia eight pounha or aboue, anh not aboue tenne ponnhabp the pecre, after the tarationafo^efaph,lhaII pap euerp peereofthefaphc three pcereaonelp,flre(hilIinga eight pence for hia part of the faih ^itbrihie, aa flipenharie prielfa bc chargeh to pap bp force of thta grant 9 not otherb9ife:3tnh if it be bnhcr eight pounha, he lhall not be chargeh boith anp pact of thefaph ^ubQhie, ^^touiheh alfo,that euerp prtea:,anh all other Ccclehailicall or latercligioua perfona,hatting a penfion bp reafon of the hif= folntionofthclatefi^onaftcriea, Collchgea, free Chappcia, Chaautcrica,f raternitiea,®nilheaeii|oliJftaia,or anp other incorporation boithtn the pronince of Canterburie, or anp of 3I.iit. them, Chap.xxviii, Anno xxvij. t!)em,9betnsoft^erummeofii.pounIi|to»6nDer,9tiotai)one, (bail not be cbacgeb o; cbarseablefojianpfttcbpnifiontl^nF thing conteineb in thiiS gtaum to the conttarp notbiftanbing. ainb lop the fute anb true papinent of tbiiS ^ubfibie gtan» tcb bp pout fatb #;«late jSanb Cleatgieof tbt p^uince of Can« tetbutte,8cco^bing to the tenour,purport,effect anb tcne mea« ntng of tbiiS pjiefent gtant,pout fatb ^jelateiS 9 Cleatgie moff bumblpbe&tepont#igbneiS,tbattbij8tbeitraib gift gtanteb anb ^ubfibie, anb euetp matter, fummeof nunep, petition, (laufe,ptouifioni8 anb fentenceiS in tbi0 Snffcument conteineb concerning tbe faibe ^ubObie ,mapbeetatiSeb, effabliibeb anb confitmebbptbe antho^itie of pout l^igbneffe Court of fbarliament. In quorum omnium &fingulorum prcmiflbrum iidem &tcfti- monium, noslohanncs Archicpifcopusantediftusjhas prefentes liceras noftras teitimoniales, fiuc hoc preftns publicum inftru- mentum,adhumilerogatumPrdatorum& Cleri predidi, Sigillo noftro,appofitione ac ligno, nomine, & fubfcriptione lohannis IncentnotariipubliciRegillarii noftri principalis fecimus&iufsi* mus cominiri.Dat.diiflo decimo fexto die mends Decembris, An, Do.millcdmo quingentedmo oftogedmo quarto,Rcgnique veftri felicifsimi anno vicedmoleptimo,8inoftritranf.annorecundo. i@bctefoiefo; the true anb (Ure papment of the ^ubffbie gtauntebbptbefaib)b;elateie;anb Cleatgie of the faibe p;o« uinceofCanterburie,acco^bingtotbetenour, effect anb true meaning of the fatb Jnffrument: 23e it enacteb bp f C^ueenejs moff ercellem ^aieffie, toitb the aflicnr of the llo^Deo jg)piru tuall anb 'Crmpotall, anb the Commons!in tbiO ptefent )bar« liament alfembleb, anb bp the autbontieoftbe fame, that ^ t»bgift,graunt,anbenetpmattet,(umme of monep,petition, p;oni(ton,cIanfeanb fentence in the fame Jnffrument conteU neb,lliaUff8nbanb be ratifieb, ellabliibeb anb conSrmeb bp tbeautbo^itieoftbiS!ptcfent }bariiamenc. 3inb further be it enacteb bp the authojiitie afoieihibe, that euetp perlbn that (hall be appointeb to the collection 9 gather ting of the faib ^ubGbie,lhaii haue full poboer anb autho.titie to leuitjtabe anb petceiue the faibe ifenbObie bp the authoiiitie of the tenfuresi of the Church, thati0tofap,bp^urpenffon, Crcommunication ot interbiction, anb alffi bp fequeff ration of the ftnitest anb moatea of their 33eneetes! anb ptomoticnse ^pirttuall, in behofe hanbCjS foeiier thep be, anb to mabe fale of the fame fruitesi, Without baunget of the X foiie mentionebto the contrarpnotboithltanbing. 3Bnb be it further enacteb bp the authontie afo^efaibe, that all anb euerp graunt anb gtauntei of al atib enetp fumme anb fummest of monep, bohich hereafter lhall be gtaunteb to the ^ueeneo:^aiediebp theCletgie of the pjiouinte of po^be, ibalbeofthefamedrength>fO!ice anb effect in al things,aothe faibe graunt mabe bp the faibe p^uince of Canterbutie, anb fhalbe tapeb, cettiQeb, collecteb, leuieb, gathereb anb papeb, acco^bing to the tenont, fo^me anb effect of this p^efcnt 3cte ofparliamentjtoall intents,condtuctions anb pnrpores,in Cuch maner anb fo^me, as though it boereQieciallp, plainelp anb particularip etp^effeb anb reheardbinthiS p;efent3cte bp eiqi^ire boojbes, termeS anb fentences in their (enetall na^ turesanbbinbes. pjonibeb albiapes, anb be it enacteb bp the autho^itfe a« foitefiub, that allpiioniroes before rehearfeb, contefneb in the faibe grauntofthe pdistes anb Clergie ofthepiouinceof Canterbutie, anb the libeofthefame p^ouifoes hereafterto • be contefneb in the grauntofthe palates anb Clergie of the PiOtttnceof liojfte, fhall be goob anb effectuall, anb tobeob» fetueb anb bept in euerp point anb article acco^bing to the truepnrpojt anb meaning of the (mne. 5^ An Reg inx Elizabeths. ^ An A£i: for the graunt of one entire SubJidiCyandvoioFifteeneSy and Tenthes,by the T emporaltie. €>{t graciotut ^oueraignc, ^autng Due tonaDctation(a$ in Ductie toe ate DounDe) of manpoccafions! of late per ejs ofiEcttD,^ bjgcntlp tonftrapi ntng pou fo? Defence of DotD pout #atelfic{( inealmeei of €ngl8nD ^ 3telanD, toDete* bp gtcat malTe of pout ^ates fttes treafute DatD beene im* plopeD, ctDijice t iaft tonttt= button bp)iatliament,anD nainelp, in tbe pjofccutton of tDetoattea tn 3!telanD: tljctDatgeiSalfo poutSiaatettieDatD Detp latelpfuftapncD mtDetcpapnnganDfutnil^tngtoitDall binDeof munition, tbe Calfelsi anD fortes: alougtttDe ^ea toad, fo? tDe bettet toitbitaiiDing of fojttaine inuafion, tbe ne^ ceiTatpptouifionfo.tito^e of all ItinDcof munitions!, potoDet^ anD ftitb lilte,gteatct tljen in tbc time of anp of pout fl©aiellicj5 p;ieDece(ro;$ batb beene maDe: anD tbc gteat portion of ttca* fute, tbatbatbbcenealfo fitbence tljeraiDei&atliament,moll ptottiDentIp auD neteffatiip implopeD in tbe piieuenting of fueb intenDeD nototious! attempts!, as! manifeftip tenDcD to tbe Dt* ftutbantc, o.i tatljet to tbe ouettbio toing of tbe pjefent bappie • date of tbis! pout bigbnelTeiSealme: isciugfutb (tbiougbtbe (petiall gooDnede of ©oD, anD pout iSl^aiedies! piouibent gouetnement) ai8 in tbe time of no one of pout ^aiediejs ptogenitotsbatb benecniopeD: 3nD toapingallD bp funD^p tbingeg latelp DifcouctcD, that tbe malice of tbe enemies of pout !3@aiedie,anDtbiS ilicalme,Dotbnotoneip continue, but Dapip encteafet anD tbetefote libeip that tbe faiDe ma= lice toill be accompanieD toitb mod Dangetoug eSecteg, bn- leffe tbe fame map be bp ©oDg gooDneffe, anD fome poll* title fotedgbt pjeuentcD, tobicb can in no toifebepettoutmeD :3 a. toitbout Anno xxvij. luttbout gtcat anO tncftitnable aaetberefote pouc ^ateftieis moft bumble, lotting;, anb obebient rubiect{(,IbOttlb(beba onefclttejsnot onelpmoO: bn« tbanbfulltotnatbgfo geattons: a ^oueratgttCjbnbetbobom toebmie entopeb fomanpanb tneftimable benetttes;,butat(o carelelTe of one otnne fafette, if tot Ibonlb not foji tbe caufco a> bone fpcciSeb, matte offet bnto pont ^aieilte, to peelbe to tbe bttetmolf of one pob)et,fncb a contribution nff tbe fame booulb require. 3 inb therefore to (beboe our felueo: aftnell tbanttefull tOi> toarbes: pour ^aieftte, ao carefull to p;ouibe tbat fubicb map be foj^ our biune fafette,boe baitb all bumilitie, p^cfcnt tmto pour biSbneQe a ^ubGbie, ^ tiuo f iftcene$ 9 tcentbejS, tomarbesi pour bigbnelfe great cbatgeo. 3nb fo; ttje better alTurance anb leuping of tbijS our fmall contribution of one ^ubfibte.anbttooJFifteenesianb Centbcsi, i»cpourfaitb« full anb obebient fubiett^, boe molt bumblp befeccbe pour tSl^aieitie ,tbatitmapbecnacteb bptbeautbotitie oftbib p;e- rent]barliament,in maner anb fourmcfollon)ing,'Cbattsi to lap, tbat pour bigbnelTe fljall bane ttoo f iftecnegi anb 'Centbe^t, to be paibe, tatten, anb lenieb of tbe moueable goobe 9 !,cattel{t, anb other tbingo, bfuall to fucb fifteenth anb tE^entbeo, to be contributoue anb cbargeable, bittbin tbe ^bp^eo, Citico, 23o;ougbe;s, cotoncs;, anb other placed of tbistpour #atellic$ i^calme, in maner anb fotirme afo;etime bfeb, ercept the fumme oftbocluetboufanb pounbeo; thereof fulip to be bebneteb, that i{i to Tap, fire tboufanbe pounberi of either of the faib iuboie ifteene0anb xentbe0,in reltefe,corns fott,anb bifebarge of the poo^e UDoVonc^, Cttieo,^ 23otougbe0 of tbi0 pour faib Eealme i»aaeb,befolate,or betlropeb,or otter greatip iinpotteriibeb, after fucb rate ao lua0 anb bath afojte tbi0 time bene babanbmabetoetterp^bite. ^nbtobebnm beb in fucb maner anb fourme,a0 beretofoie, fot onetobole jf ifteene anb ‘Ccntb,batb benebab anb biuibeb. 3nb tbefaibe tb9o jfifteeneo anb Ctntbeo (the erception anb bebttetion a= fotefaibjtbeteupon bab, bcbucteb anb allotucb} to be paibe in maner anb fotirme foIloming,tbat i0 to fap,tbe firif mbole :f ifteene anb trentbfercept before ercepteb) to be paib to pour bigbueife in the receipt of pour bigbuefTe (i^rtbeqner,on 02 bes fore tbefourteentb bap of 3|unenerttomming.3inb tbefaib feconb Jf ifteene anb 'Centb (ercept before ercepteb) to be paib to pour bigbueife in the faib receipt of pout Crcbeqner, on or before the tenth bapof #ap,t»bicb (ball be in the pecre of our jLorb Regins Elizabeths. 5to?D oli,one tbouranD, fiue IjunDjetft, fourcfcoje anu fijcc. anlibcitfttrtl^etenattelibptlicaut^ojittc afojcfapb, that tbe linigbte$ clecteO anb retutneb, of,anb fo; bi)itb> mtbtaEealmCjfoztbisipjefcntj&arltament, cttijensi of €t= ties', idutgeiTes of 23o$ougbc0 anb '^Dotonejei, tubetc Collect tours'bauc bin bfeb to be namebanb appointebfot tbc toilets tionofanp fiftecne anb Centb, before ibis' time grannteb, (bail name anb appoint befoj'e tbc tenth bap of ilp^ii nert corns mmg,fufficientanb able petfonsto be CoUectouts,fo; tbe co^ lection of tbe fapb flrtt f ifteene anb Centb.3(inb alfo (ball libe^ baife name anb appoint before tbc tenth bap of ^^arcb. tobifb (balbeintbcpecreof our?Lo?b(!5ob, one tboufanb fine buns b jeb fourcfcoje anb fiue, other fufficicnt anb able petfons', to be Collectors' for the collection of the feconb f itteene gs tEentfi, in euerpoftbefapbibpres', Cities', rsorougbcs anb 'Cobanes: 'Cbtfapbperfionstbcn bailing lanbs, tenements anb other berebitamcnts in their obane right,of an eftate of inheritance, oftbepeerelpbalueoftbaentiepounbS, or in goobS, baoortb tbao bunbreb pounbS at the lean, after fucb rate 9 balite as be fbalbe ratebat in the ^ubfibp boolie, if anpfutb be in the fapb limittes. 'Unb for baant of fucb fo affeifeb, that tbofe Ibal be aps pointcb CollectoiS,tbat then Ibalbe r ateb 9 tareb in the ;&ubs fibie boobe, in laiibs or goobS neerefi to the balues aforefaib. :3Snb alfo fucb perfoh 9 perfonS (b bp them to be nameb anb appointebjfor the collection of the fapbe tbao fifteenes anb CcntbeS,Ibalbe bp them fcuerallp appointcb anb allotteb into l^nnbrebs,rapes,baapentabes,cities,borotighes ^ tobaneS. Iltnb alfo the fapb perfonS fo nameb anb appointcb for the collection oftbefapbfeueralljfifteenes anbcentbes, (ball be feuerallpcbargeb anb chargeable, bpon bis or their account or accountsintbeCrcbequer tobe mabe, ttntb allfucbfumme or fummeS of monep, as the l^unDreb,iaapes, tiEiapentabes, Cities,i&orougbesanbCottmes, toberc bee ortbep (ballfo happen to be appointcb (ball amount bnto, anb of no more fumme orfnmmes: 3Knb bpon the papment of fucb fummes of monep as be or tbep fbalbe fo ebargeb toitb, fbalbe bifebargeb anb bane biS anb their Qiietuseft , cbe not accounting or non papment of anp other bis' felloboes, or the infuflficiencie of them, or anp of tbemnotboitbifanbing. :||nb the names anb rntnames,ofcuerpoftbefapbCoHectonrS,fortbefapbe firll :f ifteene anb Centb,togetber toitb the places allotteb to their tollecttonanb charge,tbefapblinigbtes,CititenS,anb Udm gefreS,fojtbelbPre?,iCttieS8nb©orougbcs,'t»beteuntotbep 3 fa, 2 . be Annoxxvij. be aUottct),nsmcb 9 rctutneb, fbal cetttfte befojie tbe ;®tieencij fl^ateateinbet €bauncetie,befo?e tbe tenth bay of #ap nejet cotnmtng. 3nb Itbeintre tbe natnesi anb furnameiei of cuety of tbe fayb tDoliectoutiS fo to be nameb anb appoynteb fo^ tbe collection of tbe faybe feconb jftfteene anb Centb, togetbeo tnitb tbe placeoi allotteb to tbeic collection anb ebatge, tbe faybMigbtestjCitijenoanbBurgeflcg, iball libetnirecettifie into tbe faib Couct of Cbauncecy befojie tbe tenth bay of p|f I, bobitb flialbe in tbe yeete of one jLo^b Cob, one tbonfanb, fine bunbteb, foutefco^^e anb Qice)accotbing to tbe teno; of ^io act. linbifbefaultof anyfucb certifying bebab otmabeinfo^me aeitsiafojieraib,then tbe%' 0 ^bCbaanceiioiofCnglanb,o$bee» per of tbe great ^eale fo; tbe time being,(ball immebtatly af> ter,name anb appoint CollectourjS, fo; tbe collection of eitbee oftbefaybfifteeneai 9 'CentbejSiufucbUttemaner 9 fourme ag tbe fayb imigbtesi of tbe ^by;e,Citi;enjei of Citiejei, 9 Buc« geOejEi of :23o;ougbe$ (boulb bane bone,anb ag afo;etime batb bene bfeb.Cbe tobitb fayb Collectours: anb entry of them fo to be nameb g appoynteb aiO i$ afo;efaybe,iball bane alloluante bpontbeiratcountesfo;tbeirfeejei, tuageoanb rebaarbeoffo; tbe collection of tbefayb f iftecneo anb 'Centbesi, in aiS large inaner anb fonrme, ag any Collectonr 0 ; Collectourn of any tfteene anb centb, bane bab at any fcafon in time paff. 3fnb that tbe Baronoof tbe :€lucene!$ Crebequer fo; tbe time be« tng, (ball anb may from time to time amarb fneb pn^relfe fo$ tbefpeebypaimentoftbe faybfeuerall f ifteenen 9 ‘Centbett, againiltbeCollectourotCoHectouroioftbefame, ap: by tbeic ' btferetionn (balbe tbongbt conuenient. |0;oiubcbalt»ayej5, anb be itenactebby tbe autbo;itie of tbisip;efent)3arliament, that tbe fayb)lo;be€bauncellouc 0 ; beeper of tbe great ^ealefo; tbettmebetng ,&nigbtiSof tbe lby;e,€ttijens(of tbeCitiestjSntgelTesi of ffio;ougbsi, tobaneal anb other placcjS, bauing autbo;itie by tbiiS p;efent acte to no« minate the fayb Collectoura;, of 0 ; fo; the collection of t^ fayb feueralljrtfteeneiei 9 ^entbeai,fbalbpon their nomination anb election bab 9 mabe, tabe by autbotitie of tbia p;efent ament fufficient recogni^anceno; obligation,of entry perfon fo by them to be nameb, to be bounb to the ^^ueeneo #aie(iie in the bonble fumme of the fumme of their collection,^ to be in^ ba;rebbponfucbconbition,tbatiftbefame Coilcctonr 9 Col« lectoumoftbefaybfiraf ifteeneanbcentb, anb libetoifetbe €ollectonro;Coilectoncsi of the faybe feconbe jfifteene anb 'Centb,boe truely content anb pay to the bfe of the ^neenejs #aienie Reginx Elizabethx. ^ate(Hc m^errecetpt of (Coquet fb|t^e(atDeetftjftfteen; anti cmtt), at before tbefaitie fourteentii bap of Jlune ncpt coming,anb fo^ tbc Catb feconb jftfteene 9 'Ccntb, at 0 ; before tbefatbc tenth bap of ^ap, mhich (ball bee In the peere of one Tlo^be (!5ob, one tb oufanb, sue bonb;eb, foucefcoje anb Qite, lo muebof tbefatbe ftimme of monep allotteb anbappointebto bt0 collection, aicc the fame Collector (ball bane collecteb anb gatbeteb,anb bo liftetnife aftec tbe fatb iciiiubap of tbe faib mo« netb of June,anb tbe faibe ic.bap of a9ap,in euetp of tbe fatbe tuoo pceceo, content anb pap to tbe^ueenejS^aicaieobfC at tbe fame ceceipt of tbe (Ccebequee, tbe ceObue of btiS collection anb cbacgc,boitbin one monetb nect aftec fueb time a$ be Qiall bane gatbeceb anb collecteb tbe famecedbue, that then tbe faib cecogmpance oi obligation to bebopbe, of. ebsto llanbc in biiS full deengtb anb poluet,babicb cecogntpance ot obligation fo taben, tbe fame bntgbtfiS of tbe (bp?e,citi?enis anb butgelfesE anb eiiecp of them, tabing anp fucb cecognipance op obUgati« on,(ball cectiSe anb beliuetto tbe Hopbe 'Cceafucec, anb 23a> tonoof tbe fame €ccbeqnec,befopetbefameciiu.bapofJune, anbc.bap of ! eueep of tbe fatb tboo peeceict, bpon patne of fopfeituce of tenpounbejS to tbe^neenea bisbnelTe fop eue» tp tecognipance op obligation, fo to be taben anb not cetttfieb. 3inb that cuetpfucb collectopbpon cequeft to bint mabe, (ball mabe anb bnomiebge tbe fame tecognipance op obligation at» copbingip,bp5 paine of fopfeitute of icc.pounbcie( to tbe Ilueene IbpbtiS cefufall tbetcof.^nb that tbe tiDteafucet anb isaconjet of tbe Cccbequec fop tbe time being,bpon tbe papment of Kante collection at tbe faib bapcO,(ball cancell anb beliuet tbe faib ce= cogntpance op obligation to tbe faibe Collectopop Collectopst biitbout anp otbec baatcant,anb boitbout anp fee opteb^atb to be paibe to anp peefon fop tbe fame. Inb futtbecmope,fop tbe geeat 9 boaigbtp conObetationiEi a= fopefaib, nae tbe lopb 0 fpitituall 9 tempopall, anb tbe c5mon0 in tbi 0 ppefent p acliament airembleb,bo bp ouc iibe affent anb autbopttp of tbi 0 |batli 8 ment,giue 9 gtaunt to pout bigbnelTe out faib (buetaipe utabp tbe ^ueeneo fl^aieftie, pout beite 0 anb fuccc(rout 0 , one entitcfubdbic to be tateb, tateb, leuieb 9 paibe at tmo feuetall paimentb of eueep petfon ^picitual anb Cempopall,of tobat eftate op begtee be op tbep be of ,accopbtng to tbe tenop of tbt 0 act, in manet anb fopinefollobiing, that is to fap.armel of euetp petfon bopnc toitbin tbisf tealmc of (®ng* lanb,i@ale0,ototbettbe;€lueene0bominion0, aaof all anb e« uetp ftatecnitie,guilbe,coppopation,mpftetie,bpotbetboob anb 3 ia.p. communaltie, Annoxxvij. tStnnnaltie,co;po?atetio;not(o;po}ate&,t)»tt^t'nt||tjel!Eealffle of CnglanD, t&altfi o; ot^ec iSlueenes! Botntmon$,tiemg l»o;tb ti^;eepotii>jS,fojieuetp potmO aiteeitn copne,^ tf^ebaiue of euerr poanO,ti^at enepp fntfi petfi)n,fratermtp,8utn>,co^po« ration,mpfterte, bjotitn^ooD, 9 communaltie (o;po;ate 0 ; not con>o;ate batb of bt0 0 } tbctt ofnne, 0 ^ anp other to hisi 0 ; their bir,a$ alih plate,Ooctte of marchanl)i$e,aH maner ofto;ne anO grame,houlholh auSe,an& of all other goohO moueable,aft»cll txiithinthi$realmea0toithout,fofallfuthfumme0ofmonep, aiS to hint 0 ^ them 1$ 01 Ihalbe obi>ing,tDherof he 0 $ thep trull in hijaio; their confcience (itrelp to bee patbe, ercept anb out of the pjemiffes! behucteb,fnch (ummeet of monep as: hee o;; thep oioe, anb in hisi oj: their cSftience intenbeth trulp to pap, 9 ercept als fo the apparelof euetpfuchpetfonjS their baiuesi^ chtibjien, be« longingto their otonebobieja,fatting ieb)eiiei,goib,aUier,llone 8nbpearle,{haipapto sfo^thesrllpaiment ofthefaibfubftbte, rr-pence of cnerp pounb, anb to 9 foj^thefeconb paiment of the raibfubltbte,rit.penceofeuetpponnb. Snbalfo cnerp 3llten$ llrangerbotnontofthe£lueencs:obeif8nce,att»eiibcnipena{ee ocheto inhabiting b)ithinthi$reaime,ofeuerppottb that he 0 $ thep (hall hanein coine, anb thebalue of etterp pounb in plate, tome,graine,matchabipe,houtholb Ouffe ot other goobjei, ieb9=> elji, cartels;, moncabie or bnmoneable as; is aforefatbe, afbiell li)ithtnthis;realmeasboithout,anbofall(ummesofmonepto him or them otuing.tohereof he or thep truit in hiS or their cons fcienee to be patbe, ercept anb out of the fame premtlfes bebucs teb,euerpfochfummeor fummes of monep luhich hee or thep bo ob9e,anb in his or their confcience or confciences intcnb trus Ip to pap, than pap of anb for enctp pounbe, to anb for the ficli paiment of the faib fnbQbie, three fillings foure pence, anb to anbforthefecottbpafmentofthefaibrub(lbic,ttuothiliingsof enerp pounb.lf nb alib that euetp Elicit anb (Iranger borne out ofthe;ClueenesBominionS,beingbenifenornotbenir:en,not being contributorie to anp the rates abonefaibe, anb being of the age of bit', peeres or aboue, (hall pap to anb for the ftrll pai^ mcntoftheraibefubOibie, iiit.b.anbtoanbior the feconbe pais ntent of the fatbe fnb&bie, foure pence for euerp pole, anb the mailer or hear Iheboith tohomthe fame3Dlienis,or thalbeabis bmgatthetimeofthetaration or tarationstherof,tobe char- geb biith the tame for lacbe of paiment thereof. I 3nb be it further enacteb bp the anthoritie aforefaibe, that euerpperton borne bnber the ^lueenesobeifance, anb euetp corporation, ftatemitie, guilbe,mp(lerie, brotherhoobe anb communaltie Regins Elizabeths, (ommuttaltic co^tiojate 03 » not co^ojate^oji tuetp pount), t|&at euctp of t^e Came perfOnO, anO euetp corporation, ftatecntttc, Sutliie,mp(lectc,bu)t^et^ooD 9 communaltieicorporate or not corporate, or anp otbec to ^ia or tbcie t)fe,^8t^ in fee Qiinple, fee taile,for tecme of life,tecnte of peetea,bp execution,bi>a(b(f>ip,oj bp copie of court toll, of anb in anp bonora, caOlea, mannora* lan1)a>tenementa,tentea,fttuitea, bttebitamenta} annuttica* feca > corrobtea ot otber peecejp profitca, of tbe peetelp baUie of jcir.a.artuel boitbin ancient bemeane anb other placea priutiebs geb,aa eia bobcre, anb fo bpboatb, (ball pap to anb for tbe Stft patment of tbe faibe fubObie, ii,avbitt.b.of anb for euerp ponnb. ainb to anb for tbe fcconb paiment of tbe (atb lubfibie, ]rbi.b.of anb for euerp pounb,9 euerp alien benijen or not beni?enborne out of tbe ^ueenea obeifance, in fucb cafe to pap at tbe Grit of tbe faib paimenta, b.a.iiii.b, of euerp ponnb , anb at tbe feconb patmcnt,ii.a.biii.b,of9 for euerp pounb, :3lnb that all fuminea pzefentcb anb cbargeable bp tbia 3ct,eitber for gooba ^bcbta^ o'r eitber of tbem, or for lanbea anb tenementa, anb other the prenu(rea,aa ia in tbia 3Bcte conteineb, Iball bee at either of the faibe paimcnta. fet anb tareb after the rate anb portion,accor^ bing to the true meaning of tbia 3fcte crianbaanbtenementa chargeable to the biGnea of the Cleargte, 9 peetelp beagea bue toferuanta for their peerclp feruice, other then the ^ueenea feruanta tabing peerelp boagea of Gue pounba or abotie, onelp ercepteb aforeprtfeb) anb ^at all plate,cotne,ieboeia, gooba, bebtaanb catteia .pertbnaia,being in the rule anb cuGobie of anp perfon or petfona to the bfeof anp corporation,fcaternitie, guilbe,mpGcrie,brotberboobor anp communaltie, being cor^* porate or not corporate,be,anb Ibalbe rateb,fet anb ebargeb bp reafon of tbia acte,aatbebalue certiGebbptbeprefenteraof that certificate, of euerp pounbe in gooba anb bebtea aa ia bouefaib. anb of euerp pounb in lanba,tenementa)annuitiea> fcea, corrobieaanb other peereipprofiteaaa ia abouefaib. anb the fuminea that are aboue tebearfeb,fet anb taircb,to be leuieb anb taben of them that (ballbaue fucb gooba in cuGobie ,oro- tberu>irecbargebG)rianba,aaiabeforerebearfeb,anbtbefame perOin or pcrlbna,anb bobp torpor8te,bp autboritie of tbia act, (ball be bifebargeb againil him or them, that ^all or ought to baue the fame, at the time of the papment, or beliuetie thereof, orat bia otbermife bcparture,ftomtbe cuGobie or poffeflion of tbefame: c^rcept anb alboapea foreprifebfromtbecbargeanb alTeirement of tbia ^ubQbie,8ll gooba,catteia, ietneia anb or* namentaofrCbutcbea$cbappeia,bibicb baue beneorbeineo a 8 . 4 . anb Anno xxvij, anD Wl> in Cliutc^est otCtiappeU;, fo» ^tumcaiiD fetutce of 3Umi84tte TLatpe, mapmtatte, iftape,Cttte, iSo^ugb, 'Cottne anb euctp otper place, tottbin tbip realme of (Snglanb a tealeiet a otbec tbe :€^ueene$ bomU ntonp,befOKtbcic.bapof3unenc]ctc5mmg.3SRbtberec5bpaf« ment of ^ fafb fub&bp Qjalbebp tbe autboRttcafoKfatb, tapeb, aiTdfeb a cateb,bcfb;te tbe iC!C.bap of S)eptcmbet,b)btcb (ball be in ^ peete of out Xo^b goobs, cattels > anb other the ptemiges, as euerp perfon fo to be ebargeb, ^all be fet at, at the time of the fapbagefling o^taxation, bpon him to be mabe, anb none otberboife. 3inb further,be it enacteb bp tbe autbotitie af otefapbe,tbat fo.ttbefeginganboiberingof tbcfapbe ^ubbbie to be buelp bab: 'Cbo iito^be Cbauncellour of Cnglanbe, o; the iLo^be deeper of the great ^eale, the Hojtb 'Creafourer of Cnglanb, tbeHo^b ^teboarb of tbc Ilueenes #aiefties bou(bolbe,tbe }loibe 3ibmirail of Cnglanb, the jiLoibe Cbamberiaine of the ;€lueenes mofl bonoiablc boulbolbe f o; the time being,o; ttvo of them at the icafl jbabrreof the ilojibe Cbauncellour of Cng^ lanb, oj beeper of the great ^cale fo? the time being to be one, (ball anb map name,anb appoint of,a fo? euerp (bp?e, Eibing, snb other places, as bocll toitbin this l^ealme, as in i@ales, anb other tbcxHueenes BomintonS, asaflb of anb fo? euerp £itp anb ^otxme,being a Countie of it felfe,anb of,anb fo? the 3 fleof i©igbt,futb certaine number of perfons of euerp of the fanie^bifo0>i^in8j3^;MtboS>ii9sptntabes,igapes,Citics, tcoiones, Annoxxvij. 'CotijnejS.anti Jfleof neigW, ? euetp ot^r plate, asitftcp 0)311 tpinkeconucnientjtobeCLommtirtonetiSof 6 e luitOtntpefame place,ini^eteoftpcr be ini^abttantsi. ainb alfo of anb fo^ t^e noutable t)ou(l)olbe of t^e^ueene^ #ate(fte,tn bol^at o^otpec plate tbefatbOouOiolbell&all happen tl)en to be. 3tnD tpeTLoibCiiaunceliouCjOj^Tlo^beiieepet of tlje steat^eale, anb otbettbitl) l)(m before nameb, oj^ttuo of tbema$iis afo;e» fapb, in lilie manet map name anb appoint,of euetp ot^et fucli 23o}ougb anb Cobone coipoiate, as toell in Cnglanb, a$ m i@ale$i,90ti^ettt)e£^ueent!6il^omtniono;,a$itbcpil)allti^tnbe tequiGite,&ite,Sue,foure,t0^ee,oi ttoo of tbe beab ^Dfficerjsi, anb otbecboneft Jnbabitanta of enerp of tbe fapbe Cittea, J5o» tougl)e;S 9 UDoboneo^co^poiiate, acco?bfngto tbenumbetanb multitnbe of ttje people being in tbe fame.Cbt bobicb petlbn^, if anp fuel) be tbeteunto nameb, of ti)e fapbe Jnbabitantof of ti)c faib }&Oioug^eia anb 'CoboneiO co 2 po^ate,not being Coutu tie$oftl)emfclueja,n)albciopneb 9 ptit in ajOCommiflionetsi, baitbtbepetfonsmamebfo^fucl) ^p^eaanb Upbingo, ao; tbe fapb 25o;oug^es: 9 tifotone^ cotpoiatc,not being Conntie$ tn tbemfclueoi, be fet, anb bane ti)eitbeing,tul)i^ petfOniS fo nas meb,fo;anboftbefapb25otougt)e£ianb Comneji co^poj^ate, not being €ountie0, bpteafon of tbeitbioelling in tbefame, ll)aUnottabebpontl)em,noinoneoftbem, toput anp pact of tbeit CommiOton in etecution fo; tbe ipmiire0,out of tbefapb 23oiougbeo^anb'CobDnejaco^poiate, bobtmntbep befo na« mebonelp, noitoepeentetbe fapbe (^ommiffion, ioitbin tbe ssoiougboitifobanecoipoiate bobetetbepbefo bb)elling,bnt at fucb bapejO anb times!, aS tbe fapb otbec CommiifionetjS fo; tbe fame (bp;e anb Ulpbing,(ball tbeteunto limit anb appoint boitbin tbe fame Boiougb anbCobanecoipo;ate, not being Countietoipoiate, babeteof tbepbelb nameb, anb not outof fucb !i3oiougb 0 ) ’Cobone.Hnb in that manet to be apbtnganb alKOingbaitb tbe fapbe otbec Commifltonets!, in anb fo; tbe goobetecuttngof tbe eSettoftbe faib Commi(fion,bponpaine ofeuetpoftbefapbCommilfioners!, fo nameb fo; euetpfucb Citie,!!5o;ougbanb 'CoQ!neco;po;ate,not being aConntp,to mabefueb fine, as! tbe fapb otbec Commiffionecs! in tbe Com« tnilffen, of anb fo; tbefame ibpje, 0 ; ttpbing fo nameb,o;tb?ee of tbem at tbe leatf ,lball bp tbeic bifccetion fet anb cectifie into tbe^ueenescccbequec, tbete to be leuicb to tbe bfe of Cmeenes!#aieftie,inlibemanet, 8S!ff (Ueb (b!lifte fummesi bab bene fet anb tateb, bpon eueep fucb pectonf^ tbe fapbe SmbObieiiifbe bobitb CommilIitot)ecs! fo nameb,of anb fo; tbe Reg mx Elizabeth^e. Ca?Ii Cittcst, ffiotoagljeS aiiD Cotonca not being ConntiejJ, anb onelp put ttitotbe faibeCommtflion, bp reafon of tbete bboellmg in tbe fame, (ball not bauc anp part of tbe portion of tbe fees anb retoarbes of tbe CommidionetS a tb«t Clatbes, tntbiSScteaftceboaeb fpecifieb anb allomeb. 3lnbtbe>lo;be Cbauncelloue of Cnglanb, o^ tbe beeper of tbe great ^eale of Cnglanbfo; tbe time being, (ball mabe anbbirect out of tbe courteof tbe Cbauncerp bnber tbe great ^ealc,feuerall €om> in(irions,tbatisto fap, fo? euerp &btre,iatbing,JLatbe,i©a= pentabe, iftape, Cttie, 'Conjne,2Botougb,3iae anb l^oulbolbe, into futb perfon anb perfons, as bp biS btferetion, anb anp of tbe other toitbbimbefotenamcb anb appointeb, asisbefoie rcbearfeb, (ball betbougbtfufficient foji tbe felTinganb (eupirig oftbefaibe ^ubfibic,in all ;§)bp?es anb places aeco^bing to tbe true meaning of tbis atetc: i©bicb Commiffion fo? tbe ftrft papment of tbe faibe ^ubbbie, (ball be birecteb anb beltuereb totbefaibeCommilfioners, o; to one of them, before tbe dr- teentb bap of apjill nert comming. ainb tbe Commiffion foj tbe fetonbe papment of tbe faibe ^ubfibie (ball be bi= recteb anb beliueteb to tbe faibe jCommtlfionerS, o; to one of them, before tbe fire anb ttoentietb bap of 3ulp, tobifb ibalbe in tbepeere of otir 2lo;bc dons, tennefcebules contepning in them tbe tenor of this ^Bct, Ibalbe affileb,23p tbe mbicbCouimilTion, tbe Commiffioners in euerp fucb Comminion,namcb accorbtng to tbis aitte, anb asmanp of them as (baibe appointeb bp tbe faibe Commit don, (bal bauc full poixicr anb autboritie, to put tbe effect of tbe fame Commildon in crecuttou. ainb that bp autboritie of tbiS 3!ctc, after futb Commiffi* ons to them birecteb, ncbep map bp tbeir affentes anb agree* incnts, feuer them fclues, for tbe erecution of tbeir Com* milfion, in l^unbrebs, ^atbes, naarbes > isapes, n^a* pentaHes, 'Cotones, )Sari(bes, anb other places initbin the Ximittes of tbeir fapbe Commiflbn, in fucb fourmc as to them (ball feeme erpebient, to be orbereb, anb betbseene them to be communeb anb agreeb, accorbtng to tbe tenor anb effect of the Commtlfion to them tberein birecteb, bpon mbteb feueraunce,euetppcrfonoftbiSprefent)^arltament,tbatfball be CommilTioncr, ibalbe aifignebinto the bunbrebmberebe btnelletb. ^rouibeb aimapes, that no perfon be, or (ball be compel* lebjtobc anpCommidioner, toanbfortbeereentionof tbiis pjefent Anno xxvij. p?cfent 3Ict,but ontlp intlje totjeteljelilMcBctljani) itu BabttetB.3llnD t^at anr pcrbn afligneD to t\)« conttatp tBmof> tnanp totTe Qialtnot t)ccompelleO,toputintpecution feet of tBiS! 3ict,oj anp part thereof, 3nD tt toalfo enacteDbptBeautBojtttteoftBt£lp}erent)^at« Itament, that tbe Commiinonet$ 9 cueep of them, oobicb (ball be nameb,itmitteb anb appomteb accoibtng to ti)iiS let, to be Commifftonerjf in caerp fucb ^tjP?e,liltbmg,iLatbe, t©apcn« ta!ie,5Sapc, Citic, 'Cobane,2&o;ougb>3Ifle,anb tbe faibe boufe» l)Olbe,o.t anp otbeeplace,anb none other,(bal truelp, effectual^ ip anb btligentlp fo? their pattciSejceentc the effettoftbi 9 ip?e= rent let, accoiibing totheteno; theteofineucrpbehaife,anD noneothetboife, bp anp other meaneiS,toithout omiffion,fa* uour,b.ieab,tnaIiee oj anp other thing,to bcattempteb o.i bone bp them,o,i anp of them,to the contrarp thereof. Inb the faibe Commi(rionersi,ojasimanp of them as: (hall be appointeb bp the faib Commiflton, anb none other, fo; the ejeecutionof thefaibe CommiBionanb lcte,(hallfo;thet8ir« atton of the faibe Kcapapment of the faibe ;^ubhbte, befojie the fipc anb tboentieth bap of Ipjtl nert eommiag, anb fo? the taration of thefaib fetonb paiment of the faibe ^ubfibic,lhall befoje the eight anb tboentieth bap of luguft, bohteh (hall be in the peere of our Jlojbe dsob, one thoumnb, fine hunbzeth, fourefcoieanbftpejbpbertueof the Commigionbe(iuerebbn« to them in fojme afojefaibe, birect thetr fenerall 0 ? iopnt pje* cept 01 pjeceptsi, bnto cpght, feuen, fire, fine, foure, th?cc 0 ? tboo,as! for the number oftheinhaWtantsithalbe requifitc, of the mofl: fubfianttall, bifereete, ^ honeft perfons:,inhabitants:, to be nameb bp ^ faib CommilfionetS, or bp as:manp of them, as (hall be appointeb bp the faib attotbing to tbetenot of tbe fatbe Commiffion, at certaine bapc's anb plates bp tbefaib CommiffionetS oj anp number of tbein,as is 8foteratb,bottbtn €tttes>Botougbes> ottoixmes Cotpo jate,ot bJitbontjin anp other places,as is afozefaibe, bp their btferetion (hall be limitteb thereunto, to boe anb accotn^ plifh all that to them, onthepartfeofthctl!lueencs#aie(tte (hall be tniopneb, touching this ^cte, tommanbing further bp the fameptecept, that he to bohofehanbesfuch precepts lhall tome, fhali theme anb beliuer the fame to the other inh^i< tants ot officers nameb in the famep^ecept. 3inb that none of them faile toaccomplilh the famebpon paineoffourtielhil^ lings to be fojifeiteb to the Sl^ueenes #ateffie. amb it is further o^beineb bptheantho;itteofthiSPiefent )3arliament,that at thefatb bap anb plate pteSireb anb limits teb in the faib precept, euerpoftheComraifltoncrSthen being tnthe ^hire, anb hautngnofttflficientescufefojhiia'abfence, at thebap anb place pte&irebfo} that part mhereunto he boas limitteb,lhal appeare in hiS proper petfon.anb there the fame €ommiflloncrsbeingp^fent,o;8Smanpof them as fhallbee appointebbpthe €lHeenes#aie(liesCommt(lton, Q^alltall ot caufe to be calleb before them, the faib inhabitants anb offi» ccrS,to bohome thep haue birecteb their faib pjeceptS, ftbohith hab in commanbement there to appeare,bpbertue of thefaibe pjeeept. anb if anp perfon fo boarneb mabe befault, bnlelTe hee then belettebbpficttenefTeo^ labofullercttfe, anb that let then be boitnelleb bp the othes of tboo ttebible perfons,o? if anp ap« pearing, refufe to femein fofmefolloboing, then enerp fnth perfon fo maltingbefault,o;refUGngtoferue,(hallfotfeite to the snueenes !3@aie(lie fourtieihillingS,anbfoat euerptime appointeb bpthefaibeCommiflionerS, fo^^efametairation, bnto Rich time, the number of enerp futhperfons hane appca> reb anbeertiffeb infojmebnberhojitten,cttetpofthemfoma^ feing befault o j refuttng fo toferue, fhali foffeite to f ^ueenes iJ^aieilie fourtie fillings, anb bpon the fame appearance hab, thep lhall be chargeb befoje the CommifKonerS, bp all conuenient boapes anb meanes (other then bp co;po;all othe) to enquire ofthebeff anbmoltbaiueoftheftibffanceofeuerp perfon, bboelltng anb abibing boithtn the limits of the pia«S, ffib. that Anno xxvij. f^at tbep ^all be cbatseO mtt^, anb of ot^er tobtcb il^all baue bt0 o; tbetemolf refo;t bntoanpof tbe fatbe placed, anO chargeable lutth anp famme of tnonep bp thiO Scte of thto^ fapOe ^ubQbte, anb of all other thfngeo: requtftte touching thefapoe 3ftte, anb acco^biug to the intent of the fame. 3fnb thereupon ao neere 0 $ it map bee, o.t (hall come to their bnom= lebge, inithout refpcct of anp former taration heretofore hab, truelp to p^efent anb certihe before the fapbe CommiOioneroi, the namejei anb furnamejs, anb the belt anb bttermoll fub^ flanceanb balneiaof euerp of them, afmell of rLanbe$, 'Ce> nementoi, anb other herebitamentoi,poire(rionoi anb pronto^, asiofgoobs;, cattellciS, bebte^ anb other thingeoi chargeable bp the fame 3fcte, taoithout anp concealement, loue,fauour, affection, breab o^ malice, bpon paine of forfepture of fiue pounbeieiot more, to be tareb,e]etratteb anb ieuieb,in forme asS hereaftcrin thijS prefent 3lict fhalbe limttteb or appointeb. 3nb thereupon the faib CommilTtonerei (h all openlp there reabe, or caufe to be reab bnto them,thefaib EateiS in thiol cte mentis oneb, anb opelp beclare the effect of thrir charge bnto thcm,in bohat maner f forme,thep oughtanb fhoulb mafee their certiff= cate,accorbingtotheratesi anbfnmmeoi thereof abonefapbe, anb of all maner of perfonoi,afb)el of 3iltenis anb ^^trangerei, Benireno or notiaeniieniS, inhabiting boithinthioii^ealme, asioffuchperfonoiaoibeborHebnber the ^ueenejet obepfance chargeable to thiol 3cte, anbofthe)^o(refrtonoi,<5ooboi anb jCattelsi of :fraternitiesi, ©uilbesi,iCorpor8tionoi, rsrothers hoobo,^p(ferieoi,Communaltieoi,anb other aoioiabouefaib, anb of perfbnsi being in the partiesiofbeponbthe^eaoi,ha¬ tting gooboi anb Catteloi, nanbeoi or lienementoi brtthin thiol iHealme aoiio aforefapbe,anbof allgooboibemgin thecuflo^ bieof anppecfonorperfonoi,tothebreof anp other ajsijsaboue fapbe: 23p the bohich information anb (hebting, the faibe per» fonoi (houlbe hanefuchplainebnobalebgeofthetrueintentof thiol prefent 36tt,anb of the maner of their certiScate, that the fame perfonoi (hall haueno rcafonable canfeto ercufe them bp ignorance. Inb after fnch charge, anb the ^ittatute of the fapbe ^ubfibie, anb themaner ofthefapbecettiscateto bee mabe in borittng, conteining the nameoi anb furnameoi of ene« rp perfon, anb bohetherhebeborneboithoutthe OITneeneoi o* bepfance or baithtn, anb the bed balue of euerp perfon in e= nerp bcgtee, afbaell ofthepeerelp balue of jLanbeoianbCe^ iicmentoi anboffuch likepoffeffionoianbprofiteoi, aoi the ba» lue of (l^ooboi anbCatteioi,i@ebte^, anb euerpthingto their certificate Reginx Elizabeths. cecttftcatecequifiteantitteceaiaicptot^emtieclareD, t^e ra;^e CommiffionetriS t^etebcing,(^allbp t^etr Dtftretionjs appoint anbUinitbntotliefapbpccfonsi, ano^cttiapanb placetoap-: ptatc before t^cfapb Commtflioneto:: 3inti cijargtng t^efapbe petfoniS,t^at tbep in tl)e meant time l^al mabeDiligent enaui» tie bp all mapcjSanD meaner of tDe piemifleis, anD tDen anD tDerc ettetp of tbembpon papne of fojifeitute of foitie i^tllingsi to tDe ^ueeneD ^atcftte, to appeace at tDe faiD netee p^SiceD Dap anD place,tDete to cettiflebnto tDefapDe Commtifionetiei in boating, accoiDingtotDcttfaiDecDatge, anDaccoiDingto tDe tine intent of tDe fapD gtaunt of ^nbriDte ,anD a? to tDcnt in manet afojefapDe DatD bene DetlarcD anD f^eboeD bp tDe CommilTtonctD: ^tboDicDDap anD place fo to tDem p;efiieeD if anp of tlie fapDcpetGonD mabe Default, o.i appeace anD tefufe to mabe tbe fapDe cectiScate, tDat tDen euetp of tDem fo Ding, tofoifcttetotDc^iiueenesa^aiefticfojtictbillings:, et* cepttDecebeaceafonableeiccufe of DiD Defaulte bp tealDn of ficbcncire, oiotDectntfcbptDeotDejei of tmo cceDible petfonst tDcteiuttnetTeD, anD offucDaD appeace teaDp tomabetectifi» cate aD iD afoiefapDe,tDc fapD CommilfionecD tDece being,(liat tabe anD ceeepnetDe fame tectincate, anD euetp patttDeteof, anDtDenamcD, DaluecianDfubftanceof euecppetfon to cettt« DeD. InD if tDe fame CommiflIonetDrec caufe teatDnable,tDep IDallecaminetDefaiDepiefentec^ltDeteof, anD tDeteupon tDe fapDeCommitTionecDattDefapDeDapeiet anD place bptDeica» gcccmcnt amongiltDemfelueD , (Dali from time to time tDete openlp ptesce a Dap at a cettaine place oi placea DiitDin tDe li¬ mits of tbeicCommilfion, bp tDcicDtfctetiomfoitDettfuttDet piocceDing to tDe (aiDe affeOing of tDe famcfubaDie,anD tDece- upon at tDefaiDeDap of tDe (aiDe cectificate aa ijs afotefapD,ta- ben, tbefameCommirtionecDlDallmabetDcitpjietcpt ojp^o cepto to tDe €onllableD,^ubcon(tabieD, 'i5ailtfeD,oi otbec of« ficctsioffutDDunDjeDsi,i©apentabes(,tobonesiojotDetplaceiS afotefapDe,aotDefamc CommitTionecDl^allbeof, comp^tang anD conteining in tDe faiDe pjecept, tDe names! anD futnamesf ofallperlDnsipterenteD befotetDem intDefapDecetti&cate, of boDome if tDe fapD CommilfioneciS, oj as( manp of tDem as IDal be tDeteunto appointeD bp tDe ^ueeneD Commillion (Dal tDen DauebeDcmentfufpect,tobeofmo;iegteatetbalueoi(Ub(lance in lanDcs(,gooDs!,tattelsf,o? fummesi of monep oboing to tDeim ot otDet fubdance befoiefaiD, tDen bpon fucD pecfon otpetfouS fb cctttSeD anD fpeciaeD as! afoi^efapDe, tDe fame Commilfio^ nets! (Dali make tDeit p^tept o^ p^eceptesi DicecteD to tDe Com ©b. 2 . (fable. Anno xxvij. liable, 23atlifeiei o; otbec offtcecjce, commanbrng tbe fame Con« liable, 2 &atitfe{( o; otb^ officetis to bobomefutbpteceptjs fljal be bttecteb, to i»ame fuel) pctfon^i lobofe nameis n»u be tom« p;ifel) tn tbe fatbe pjecepteo, at tbetr manftoniS, ot to tbett pet^ (bnoi, that tbe fame petfood nameb in fucb PKttpts^, anb euetp of them, (ball petfonaiipappeare before tbefatbeCommtfllo:: nerO, at tbefamenetoepj^efijeebbap anb place, tbeteto beejca« mtneb bp all mapeo! anb meaner, (otber then bp co)po;alotb) bp tbe fatb €ommt(rtonet0,of tbett steatell fubliance anb belt bakie,8nb of al $ euetp fummeis of monep obolng to them anb otbetmbatfoenetmattetconcetmngtbepzemtOreiGi, 0|t anp of tbem,8cco?btng to tbijS 3Stt. 3it tobitb bap @ plaeefo pzefireb, tbefatbe Commtlftoneto then anb tbete being, oz ao manp of tbem,8blballbetbeteuntoappopnteb bptbe^ueeneo €om« miflion, Iball taufe to be calleb tbefapb petfonb tttbofe nameis Iballbe compztfeb tntbefapbepzeccpt, a$ is! afozefapbe fo^ tbett examination, ^inbifanpoftbofepetfons!, tobicb Iballbe )natnebas!i«!afoxefapbe, tobeepamineb, bobitbatanptime aftet tbe toatntng anb before tbe pzespeb bap Iballbe bottbtn fucb place, tobetebee map bane bnobolebge of bisfapbeap« peatancetobemabe, mabebefaultanbappeatenot, bnleffe ateafonablecaufe, ozelfeatcafon^leeitcufe bp tbe otbeb of tboo ctebible petfono before tbefapbe Commtfltonetsi,be ttue== Ip alleabgeb fop bibbifebatge, that then euetp of them foma« bingbefault, tobetatebanbebatgeb totbe^ueeneOiSl^aie^ Sie, toitb anb attbeboublefummegoftbe tatetbatbe Ibeulb ozougbttobattebenefctat, fopanbaftettbebeli balueof bi$ lanbes! oz fubftance bpon btm eettifieb, if be bab appeateb, bp tbebifetettonof tbe Commifitoneto tbete being, mbteb Com« mtgionetO, fltall ttauel tnttb euetp of tbe otbet petfono fo tben anb tbeteappeating, tobofe names iballbe etpzegeb in tbe fapbe pzecept oz pzecepts,anb inibbome anp bebement fnfpect biasoz Iball bebabinfoutmeabouefapbe, bp all fucb ttiapes anbmeanesastbepcati (otbet tben bp cozpozallotbe) fbztbe bettet bnomicbge of tbett belt balue, eptbet in betebitaments ozpoffe(rions,eptbcrelfeingoobS(ttbebteS. ainb that euetp Ipttituall petfonat eptbetof tbe fapbe taxations of tbe fapbe ^ubKbie, (ball be tateb anb fet, accozbing to tbe tate aboue» fapbe, of anb foz euetp pounbe that tbe fameStpttituall pet:> foil, ozanpotbettobiSbfe, batbbpbtfttnt,batg8pneozputs tbafein feefimple, feetaple,tetme of life, tetme of pctcs,bp cxe» eution, bp biacbfljip, oz bp topp of coutt toll, in anp mannozS, lanbes, tenementes,tentes,fetuices,offices,fees,coztobics, annuities Reginx Elizabethse. annuiticiS o? ^ctcHitamcntjS, after tttte,ia(fani) perelp t»a= luet^eteof, anli actojfitngasi ot^ec t^e €iueeneiS#ateft(cs fubtcctsi bo^ne ivttbin tbta tealme, be ebaegeb in fo^me abotie tcmemb?eb,fotbat iteytenbeto pecrcipbaiuc of tboentie fl;Ultngao; aboue. 3inb it i$ fuetbet enacteb> that if tbe faibe 'Cai^outjS fegout$, (ball not buelp bebaue tbemfelueb in tbetcinguitte, taxation,aifeiTement o; certificate,but ibail affectionatelpico;» ruptlp 0 ^ parcialip bemcane tbeinfeiues; in that bebalf,in fneb baife that ^ iDommiffionecs ibal bp tbeir conttberation, beeme them offenberb baoitbP of pumfbment fo^ not boing tbeir bue« tiC 0 tberein, that then foureojmoje of tbe Commiflioncrsi iii that countie fo^tbijt S>ubQbie,ibail bane poboer anb autbo^i« tic bp tbeir biferetion,either to charge tbefatb HiffciTontSibpon tbeir to^po;iallotbeb,fo^ the better fcrnice afo^efaib in that be- baife, 0 ^ el$ bp tbeir bifcretion$, to tape anb ret bpon etierp of the faibe ageffourOfo; tbeir mifoemeanour^i , intbatbcbalfe, fuel) a fine o) paine ap tbep iball tbinbe goob, fo that it ePtcebe not the fumme often pounbesi, 9 the tame fine ojt paine at tbeir biferetiSsi to ellceat into the conrt of iSpebequer, etterp tubicb finefotapeb $ret, bpfoure of tbefatbe Commiflionerbotniote, anb being eif reateb boitb the fcebule anb boobei$ of that limit, fbal be leuieb anb anftoereb to the ^ueencjS bfe in libe maner anb fojme to all intenteis anb putpofejs, ajS anp other fummesi that than be tapeb anb become bue bp bettue of tbist (fatute anb aicte of fnbBbie,anb not in anp other bJife oj maner. atnb if anp perfon certifieb oj rateb bp bettue of tbijS Sete, bobetber be be a CSmtifioner 0 ; other, to anp maner of balne, boetbfiubebtmfelfe grieueb boitb the famepiefentment,fef^ ring op taping, anb thereupon complaineto tbeCommiinb^ ner 0 before bobom be than be calleb, felfebo; tapeb, o;f beft^e tbiooftbem, befope the fame tapationbe certifieb into tpe Court of iSpebequer , that tben tbe faibe Commilfioneri^ oi tboo of them, Ibali hp all boapeia anb meaneierepamine particu- larip anb biainctlp the perfon fb complaining, bpon bipl otbe, anb other bisf neighbours! bp tbeir biferetiong, of euerp bib lanbea anb tenemmtes! about i^ecifieb, anb of euerp b^iS goobb,cattelbanbbebtpiabouementioneb.lnbafterbueepa« mination anb perfect bnobilebge thereof bab anb perceiueb bp the faibe commbfioneria:, optmeof them, tobiebibbll baue pobter bp autbo)itie afoiefaib,tbe (bib Commifftonerb o^lbeo of them to b 9 bbmanpfucbcomp>laint Iball be mabe, tbeir btfcrettot|,,P)pon tbeotbe of the foibe perfon fo complaining, ffib.j. map Annoxxvij. inapabstejOefalite, tncceafe oMnlai:get!^efamea(Ie(fementjr> acfo^iJtng aji tt Q;al appcatebntot^em tuft bpon t^e fame eiea» mtnatton> anb tbe famefumme fo abateD, Defalbeb, tnceeafeb o^ttlargeb > (ball be bp them eftteateb info;me aa bceeeaftec tnfuetb' 3Dnb if itbe piooueb bp tottneftejs op bp tbe paitiest oinne(onfe(rton,o$otbei;latDfull boateisoji meaner, bottitin a peeteaftetanprucbotbemabe, tbattbefamepeefonfo tafeb anbftnome > baaia of anp better greater balue in lanbeb, goobiS o; other things aboue fpetifieb, at tht time of hib fapbe othe,thenthr fameperfon fofmo^nebiD Declare bpon DiDfaiDe othe> that then euerpfuch perfon rooftenDing,(hall loofe anD fo^faitetotheifneeneiO ill^aieftie, fomnch tabofullmonep of < 0 nglanDe,a 0 h((f^tfame perfOn foDxiojne boa^ fet at,o}taic» cDtopap» :ainD alfo it'^ enacteh bp thr fame autho^tie, that euerp perfon to be rateD at the faiDe taration aa iD afoj;eraiDe,lhal be tateD, tareDanbfet, anDthefameonhimfet,tobeelenieDat fuchplace, bohrreheeanD hiD familie at the time of the fame V^efentment to be maDe, fl^all beepe hi{i houfe o; Duelling, o;; XOherehethenihaUbe moft conuerfant,abtDingo^reGant,oji lhal haue hib moft refo^t at the time of the faib certificate to be maDe* anD no bohere elet. 3linD that no CommiiTionec fop thisc ^ubftDie lhalbe rateD o; tareD f 0 | hijiC gooDejSo^ lanD$> but in the Ibire op other place bohere he (hall be Commiftioner. 3(nD that if anp perfon chargeable to thia ^Ict, at the time of p fame afteirtng,happen to bee out of thiD Eealme,o; out of }i^a|e$,o;i farrefromtheplaceboherehefballbebnobaen: thenhee to be fet, bohere hee boap laftabiDing in thiD Eealme op boithin male0, anD after the fubftance, balue, anD other pioete$ of euerpperfion,tobebnob9enbpthe eiramination, certificate o^ other maner of boife ais ijs afo^ef8iDe.3inD that thefaibe CTom^ miflioneriai, o; aamanp of them aa (hall be appopnteb bp the £lueenejS#aie(tie)SCommi(Iion o^ Commiirion$,Oial! after the rate anD r ateji afo;tefaiDe,caufe euerp perfon fo to be fet, ra« teb anD tarebjaccoj^Ding to the rate of the fUbftante anD balue ofhiji ianDi3,gooDeD,catte!|g,anD other p;ofiteD chargeable bp thha! acte, boherebp the greateft o; moft beft fumme ot fummeb acco^Ding to hib moft fubftance, bp reafon of thiis cte, might o^mapbefetojtareDi UnD thateuerpperfon tareDfnanpeountieotplace other then Inhere he ia moft r ertant,o; hath hijo fami Ip in anp Cofttp op place,other then Inhere he iS a Comihiftioner foji thi$ ^nbs SDie,ff he be a CommtfRotier,bponcertificate mabe to the faib court Regina Elizabeths. toutt o( C|tc^equec,t)ntiet ^anDeiai anfi fcale^ of tUio Com- mtlfionecja fb^ ^ub|jiDte,m f fame Countte oi place ixi^cte fucb petfOn ib mod ectlant ^at^ tjib familie,o; babece be is a Comminioneefojitbetaeatton anb patmentof tbus^ubfibie, tcdifping fucbbt$modecrtancte,bautng offamtlte,o^betnga CTommtOlonecp^aUbcafufftctenttiifcbatgefo^tbetaieattonof that petCon in all otbtc place!S,anb of anb fo^ all otbcefummeiS of monep bpon fucb pecfono fo fee a taieeb, fane onelp tbe taea> tion mabc in that iContie oi place fcom bobub fucb cettiQcate (ball be mabe ab is afoieraibe,anb fo^ tbe fumme of monep bp« on fucb pccfos tbcce afTcifeb 0 ^ taieeb. 1 nb that fucb cettib cate Xbitbout anp i^lea ot otbet circumftance y (ball be afufficient boatcant afbocll to tbe :i3atonS anb 3Cubtto^ anb SlnbitoiS of tbe faib il^uct of !Siecbequee,aS to alia euetp otbet officet^, to bobom tbe allowance tbeteof (ball appettaine, paping fo^fucb bifcbatge anb atloboance onip fiiee pence anb no moj^e. p^ouibeb aimaies, that euetp fucb pctfon bobtcb (balbeta^ teb o; tateb accoibing to tbe intent anb ttue meaning of tbiS 3ctc,fo^ paiment of anb to tbiS S>ub(tbie,fo^ a aftct tbe petc= Ip balue of bis lanbes,tenements anb otbet teall poffediions Vitob tes,at anp of tbe faibe tatations, (ball not aftet be fet anb taieeb fo? bis goobs anb catteiso? otbet moueablefubdaunce at tbe lame taication,anb that bee that (ballbefet,cbatgeb o; tateb, fo? tbe fame ^ubfibte fo? biiS goobs^ cattelS) anb otbet moueabics at anp of tbefaibe tatations, acto?bing to tbe ttue meaning of tbiS act,fbai not aftet be cbatgeb,tateb o? cbatge- able, fo? bis lanbes o? otbet teall poffefltons anb p?oQtes a= bouefaibe,attbe fame tatations o? anp of them, no? that anp petfonbpanptatation bee boublecbatgebfo? tbe faibe ^ub« fibie, no?feto?tatebatfeuetallplaces bpteafonoftbiS Sete: 35utifanppet(bn happen tobeebonblefet,tateb o?cbatgeb, eitbet in one place o? at feuetal places: then be to be bifebatgeb of tbe onetatation, anbcbatgeb toitbtbe otbet, acco?b(ngto tbe meaning 9 intent oftbiSltte,anp thing conteinebintbiS p?efent aict to tbe conttatp nottoitbdanbing. 3nb that it be o?beineb anb enacteb bp tbe faib autbotltie of this p?efent )^atliament,tb 3 t nopetfon bauing tboo manfi= ons 0 ? tboo places to tefo?t bnto, 0 ? eatlingbtmfelfe bontbolbe fetuant, 0 ? matting fetuant to tbeliueenes ^aiedie, ototbet }Lo?b 0 ? ilabie,#aidet 0 ? ^aidtes,be etcufebbpon biS ( 8 p» ingiftomtbetatesoftbefaibe ^ubftbie,inneitbctof tbe pla« ces mbete bee map befet 0 ? tateb, bnlelTebee bting a cettift= cate in bo?pting ftom tbe Comtnidtonetstbbete tbat bee bS ©b. 4 . fa Anno xxvij. foCet 0 } tait^eD in Deefie at one place. 3nti if anp petfon t^at ou9^t to be fet anb taeeb to pjefent ^ubfibie, bp ceafon of biiSeemoouingojitero^ting to tbeo placeo, ojibpceafonof biia raping that be do: bobstexoaiStapeb, o^bp teaiOnof anpiSj;t» uilebge of bio biodiing of abibing in anp place,not being fo;c- p^ifeb in tbiO 3ct, o^ otbetbaife bp biO toutn o^ craft, o; bp anp ipoibeo o; fapingo o; otbertoife: of if anp that i$ a CominilTio- ner o^ 3(fdfouc of otberO happen to efcape from tbe faib tapa^ tionO fo; tbe patment of tbio ^ubfibie, o; anp of them, anb be not fet anb tapcb, acco^bing to tbe true intent of tbiO ^cte, anb that p^ooueb bp pjefentmcnt, eiramination, information,ot o« tberboiie before tbefaibeCommiflioneroiortboo of them,or be« fore tbe 23arono: of tbe :^ueeneo ^aiedieo (!Sircbequer,or tmo iuiticeooftbepeace, of tbe Countie inbete fucbpetiOnbiueI» ietb: Cben eucrp (itcb^perron that bp fncb meaneo or otbec« loifebeiliingipbpcoumor boitboutiuilcanre, (ballbappcnto efcapefrom tbefaibe tapattono or paimento aforefaibe, or anp of them, anb (ball not be rateb, tapeb anb fet, (ball be cbargeb bpon tbe bnotolebge anb proofe thereof, b)itb>anb at the bou« ble balue of fo much ao be (boulb,migbt or ought to bane bene fetanb tapeb at bp bertueof tbra^licte. ^nbtbefameboubie ba!ue,to be lenieb,gatbereb anb paibe,of bia goobi$anb Cats tel)ai,Uul)ftDte, befet bp all t^e limittcjs of t^e fame tljctt CoinmtlTion, oj^ tu fuel) ltmtttc$a°itl)e^tgl) collector lliall be fo feucrallp afligncb: l^all bnbet t^eit feales: anb figne tnanm ell bcliuee one eftrcate mbenteb in parchment,comp.tiftng in it tbe natnejs of allfucb peefon^ asi inere aftigneb to leuietijie faib pacticnlatfummejsanbtbefummeiS of euetp l|tmbteb,t3Da’ pentabc, ^obone anb otbcc place afoterapbe,lxiitbtbenamei3: anbfucnamesiof tbcpetfonbrocftaegeable, acco^bing totbe eftceatefo fttft tbeceof mabe anb beliueceb ab is; afo;efaibe. 3lnb tbe Collecto^$ foto be aftigneb, l^all becbacgebtoan« rinceetftetDbolefummecompjitfebintbc faibeftreate limitteb to bu: collection as: ijei afo^efaib. ^^ouibeb altoiapeof anb be itenacteb bptbeautbo^itiea« fojiefaibe, that tbe faibe Commi(rtoneciS,bauing autbo^itie bp tbisi fticte, to name anb nominate tbe fapbe bisb Collccto^js of tbe fapbe ^ubfibie, (ball immebiatelpbpon tbe nomination anb election, tabe bp autbo^itie of tbia p^efent i^atliament, fufticient recognisances! os obligations, taiitbout anp fee o; teboarbe tobe patbe tberefose, of euerp perfon fo bp them to be namebjto be bigb coiiectos,to be bounbe to tbe ^uecneS teftieintbeboublefummeof tbefummeofbiS collection, anb to be inbosfeb anb mabe bpon fucb conbition,tbat is to fap, fo; tbe collection of tbefaib ftrfl: paimet of f faib ;^ubftbie: Cbsc if tbe faib collector,biS bciteS os erecutoss bo truelp content $ pap to ^ bfeof tbe 4Iiueenes #aieOie, bet beires os fucteflbsS> in tbe receipt of tbefaib cf^rcbequer, at os befose tbe faibe rr. bap of €)ctober nert enfuing,fo much of tbe faib fumme of mo« nep allotteb anb appointeb to biS collection, as beibsU collect anb gather,anb content anb pap tbe reftbue of bis collection ftcbarge boitbin one monetbnept after fucb time, asbebatb gatbereb anb collectebtbefamereftbue,tbat then tbefaibere^ cognisances os obligations to be bopbe, os elS to ftanbe in full ftrengtb anbbertue. atnbfostbecoUectionoftbefeconb pap# ment oftbefaib^ubftbie, bponconbitiontbatiftbefaibCol# iectos, bis beires os Crecutoss boe truelp content anb pap to tbe bfe of tbe €itteenes ^aieftie, bccbcircSosfutceffourS,in ber receipt of tbe (grebequer, at osbefozc tbe fapbe tboenti# etbbapof liouember.tobicbfiiallbeitt tbcpcereof ourJLosb (Bob, one tboufanbe fine bunbseb fourefcose anb fipe, fb much of tbe fapbe fumme of moncp allotteb anb appopnteb to Anno xxvij. ^t;Sconcctton, ajsii^e (bail collect anH gather, anti content and pa^ tbe teitOue of bui coHeettonanb cbatgejtuttbtn oncnio> netb nect aftec (utb t ime a0 be batb gatbeceb anb coliccteb tbe famece(iDuc,that thenHatDcecognfiance^o^obUgationgto be tJovTiZM ei0 to ftanbe tn ful (icengtb anb bettue^mbteb fatb fcuecail cecogntf ance0 o.t obligationa fo taben^tbe faib Com« ntifftoncro (bai feuetailr cectiRe anbbeltuec fnto tbe £lueene0 #ate(lte0 Ciccbequec,b)ttb tbe reuecall cectiRcateo of tbe fatb tacatton0anbtate0oftbepapment0oftbefaibe;&ubRbte,at anb bp tbe time to them p^efeetbeb anb appofnteb bp tbi0 3ct, foji tbe cectiRcateof tbe fatb feuetal tacatton0 of tbefaib ^ub^ ftbte,bponpatneoffo;feitute often pounbe0 to tbe ;^ueene0 #ateate fo; eueep recognisance os obligation not cectiReb. 3nb that eueep fucb CoUectos (b electeb, nameb anb cbofen bpon eequell to bint mabe,(ball bnobolebge anb mabe tbefaib tecognisanceos obligation bponpaine anb fosfeituce of tbien^ tie ponnb to tbe ^ueene0 ^aiedie fos tbe tefhfal tbeeeof.Ktnb eueep jCollectot fo beputeb, bauing tbe faibe eileeate in paccb> inent as is afotefaibe, (bail bane antbositie bp tbi0 3lttte to ap¬ point bape 09 place 0 toitbin tbe ciecuit of bt0 collection,fo? tbe paimentoftbefatb i^ubRbp,tobintto bcmabe,anb tbeceof to giueboacningbp 0?oclamation, ototbeetuife to all p cron(la» bleb 0 ? otbec peefonb o? inbabitantb batting tbe charge of tbe particular collectionIpitbintbel|unb?eb 0 ,}aariil)e 0 ,tobi)ne 0 0 ? other piaceb bp binto?tbemlimitteb,tomabepaimentfo? the faib particular collection of eueep fumme, ab to them (ball appettaine. 3inb if at the fame bap anb place foiimitteb$p?e> fireb bp the faib bie colIccto?,tbe faib cSdable, oificerb o? other pcrfonb,o? inbabitatbabib afo?efaib, fo? p faib particular col« lection affigneb $ appointeb tbin fucb i^unb?eb,Citie,‘Cobone 0 ? other place,bo not pap bnto the faibe bie collectotb ^ fumme boitbintbeirfeuecalll9unb?ebb>Coboneb,)3ari(bebanbotber placebbue^ comp?ifeb in tbefaib edreat thereof to them beli« uereb bp tbe faib Commidionerbo? tome of them abibbfo?e» faibe,o?fo much thereof abtbep baue bp anp meanebrcceiueb (tboopenceof eueep pouribfo? tbefaib particular collection ab ibaf0?efaib,alb9aieb thereof tobeallobocb,e]rcepteb $ abateb) that then it ibalbe labofnll to the faib high collecto?b anb eueep oftbem,9 to their adigneb,to bidreineeuerp of tbefaib conda» bleb,o(ficerb mother inbabftantb,fo? their fatb feueral 9 parti? cularcollectionoftbefaibfummebcSpiidb in tbefaib edreate, anb tD?itingtbereof,to them anb eucrpof them abibbefO?eeic? P?edeb,beliuereb, o?fo?fomucboftbe fame fumme abfo then fl;au Reg mx Elizabeths, (ijall^appen to bt gatbtteb anb iouieb, anb bebtnbe anb bn^ paibe,bp tbe goobcb 9 cattcia of etwtp of tbem (b betas bebtPb, anb tbe btftrelfe (0 taben to be bept,app}apfeb anb folb ao ta a> fojieratb,anb thereof to tabe anb leuie tbe fummesi fo then being bebinb a bnpaib. 3(tnb tbe ouerplua comming of tbe fale of tbo fatb btftrefle (if anpbe) to bereSo^eb anbbcliuerebbnto tbe obonec in foj^me abotie renteinb^eb. ^toinbcb altoapejS anb be it enacteb bp bbe autbojiitie afo;e« faib, that no perfOn pcrfono (balbe nominateb o; appointeb to be a bigb Collector ot (iroUecto^0fo.ttbefcconbepaimcntof anp fifteenth, 'Centb o?)§)Ub(ibie, grauntebbptbtiS 3ete, tobicb before that time batb benea CoKecto^o^ Collectors! for tbe ftrft paiment of anp part of tbe fame f iftccntb,Ccntboj ^tibQbie, bnleflefucb perfon or perfona foto be nominateb anb appointeb bigb Collettor or Coliectora for tbe faib feconb paiment, boe flrif Ibebo foortb before bim or them bp bobom be fltalbe fo nominateb anb appointeb bia (quietus eft) for tbebif« tbarge of bia collection before appointeb to bia charge, bpon paine of one bunbreb pounba to be paib anb forfeited bp him or them that fo (ball nominate anb appoint anp fueb Collector contrarp to tbia prefent aitte. )bronibeb altuapea, that no perfon inhabiting in anp Citie, 23orougb>or 'Cotone corporate,(balbe compellcD to be anp af= feffoi, or collector of or for anp part of tbefaib ^ubfibie in anp place orplacea out of tbe faib Citte,23orougb or'Cotonetorpo» rate tobere be btoelleth* 3nb itisialfobptbe faibeautboritie enacteb,that if anpin# babitanta or officer,or tobatfoeuer perfon or perfona, ebargeb to anb fot tbe collection anb receipt of anp part or portion of tbefaib ^ubfibie, bp anp maner of meanea accorbing to tbia met ,01 anp ptrfonot perfona fortbemfelnca,oraabeepec, gar= b(an,beputie, factot or attornep, of or for anp other perCimor perfona of anp goobaanb catteiaof tbeotoner thereof, at the time of tbefaib alfelRng tobepaib, being out of tbiaiRealme, ot in anp other partes not lmotocn,or of anb for the gooba anb catteia of anp other perfon orpertona, of anp Corporation, :f ratermtie,^pfterie,or other tobatfoeuer Communaltie, be> ing corporate or not corporate, anb all perfima baning in their tule,gou^nanb anb cuftobte,anp gooba or catteia at the time of the fatb airefftng,or anp of them to be mabe, or tobicb for npcaufc, for anb bp collection, orfor bimfclfe,or for anp other, or bp reafoii that be bath ^ rule,gouernante or cuftobie of anp gooba or catteiaof anp other perfon or perfona. Corporation, Cc, Communaltie, Anno xxvij. CDmmun!i!t(e,fcatemttie,ji£!utR)eo}!a@faetie,o^an}>fut^o> tljet itbe, Of as; jfactof, Jacputtc of aittofitep, of of fof anp pet= fon,fi^albctaseD,tatel],t)alueD 9 fet,toanp(nmmeoffummss( bp reafon of tbtst IVcte: ainb after tbe taxation of afTefling bpon anpfucbpeefonef petfons! asifbalbc cbargeDttiitbtbe receipt of tif e fame,happen to Die of Depart from ^ place inhere he inasi fo tarcD anD ret, of hist 9 OOD 0 Of cattel0 be fo elopneb,of in fuchpftuieanbcouert manerbept, as the faibeperfonof per« fons chargeb inith the fame, bp eOreateS Of other infitings from the faibe Commiffioners, of as manp of them as Ihallbe thereunto appointeb bp the faibe Commiffion as is afofefaib, can, ne map leuie the fame fumme of (iimmes compfifeb noith» in the fame eiireates, bp biftcclfe inithin the limittes of their collection as is afofefaib, of cannot fell fuch biltreife of bi(lref> fesasbe tabenfof anpof the fatbe papmcntS,befofe the time itinttteb to the high dollcctof fof htspapment to be mabe in the j^ueenes S^aieltieS receipt, then bpon relatmn thereof, toith bue eramination bp p oth of eraminatton of fnch perron Of perfons as (Ifallbe chargeb inith, 9 fof the receipt 9 collects ohof^ fame, befofe thefaib CSmiOionerS, of asmanp of them asbpthefaibfCommiirton fhalbe thereunto appointeb, inhere fuch perlbn of perfons of other as iS afofefaib,thetr goobs anb cartels mere fet anb tareb, 3 nb bpon plaine certiheat thereof mabe in the^ueenesiSl^aiefties (0pchequer bp the fame Com« mifltoners, albeell of the bboelling place, names anb fummeS of the faib perfons of Inhom thefaibefummes cannot be lettieb anb hab,as is afofefaib,then aftoell the €on(f ables anb other inhabitants appointeb fof f faib particular collection againff the high CollectofS, as the high Collectof bponhisaccompt anbothein thefaibfSrehequertobebifehargebthereof: 3lnb PfoceSetobe mabefof the :^ueenes^aiellie out of the faibe (Crehequer, bp thebiferetionof the JSaronSof the fatbe Cirthc* quer, againafuch perfon hin heiresof e]recutofS,fo beingbe- hinbeboith hiS papment. 3nb ouer that, the fame Commiflio^ ners,to Inhom anpfUch beclarationofthe pfemifTes Qall be mabe in fof me afofefaib,from time to time (hall hauefull poln^ er anb authofitie to Direct their pfeceptof pfeceptsbnto the faib perfon of perfons chargeb inith anp fumme of, fof anb bp* on anpfuch perfon anb perfons of other as iS afofefaib, ot to a* np jfehPffffe, Sttemarb, 25aplife, of other inhatfoeuer officer, miniAer, perfon of perlbns of fuch place of places,inhere anp fuel) perfon Of perfons fooboingfuch fumme offUmmes, (ball hauejianbsanb tccnemcnts of other l^erebitaments, of re* all Reginx Elizabeths. aUl po(fe(non0,gooti$ anD cattcliet, Pohctebp anp fuc^ petfon perfoniS fo mPebteP,pts! pcites(,eicccuto?i8 o? atfignes, oj ot^ec pauingtpecudoPie, gouernanceo;Ptrpofttton of anp gooDPj cattelp, lanOp, o| tmementp o> otpec pcreOitamentp, ougpt 0 |i mapbp tl)ip act labofullp be btfltcineti taken fo^ tbe fame,batb anb fljall pane gooI)p,tattelp,lanbp, tencraentp o? otpcc poffcfiions, topereof futb fumme o? fummcp,tobttb bp a» np futb petfon oj pcrfoni6,inap o? ought to be leuteb,be it toith* intbeltmittepoffucf)€ommiff(on,bohetefuchpctfon oj pec* Coup map 01 ^ mete tajeeb, mithout in anp place mithin tptp Bealine of Cnglanb, i&alep, o.t othet tpe ^lueenep ^aiediep Jaominionp, Jj^atchep o,i ''Ccccitoifep, bp mpich piecept, acmell fuch petfon o^ petfonp (halbe tpatgeb to icuie fuch mo* nep ap the €>tf itet of the place o; placep, mhete fuch bidteffe map be taken,(hall haue full pomet anb authoj^itic to bidteine euetp fuch petfon inbebteb,chatgcb o; thatgeable bp thtp let, 0 ^ hiis o; abminidtatoiP of hiP goobp $ cattelp, hiS! 45atbianP,ifactoiP,3^eputiep,]iea(reep,f atmetp 9 3(ifdgnep, anballothetpctibnpbpmhofehanbp o; out of mhofe lanbp anp (Uch petfon Ihoulb haue fee,tent, annuitic o^ othec pmdte, 0 } mhich at the time of thefapb adefliing, (hall haue goobp o^ cattelp,ot anp othet thing moueable of anp fuch petfOn o j per* tonp, being inbebteb of omingfuth fumme, anb the bideeffep (btakcn,caufetobckept,appfaprcbi$folbein like manet anb fofine ap ip afoferaib,fof the bidtede to be taken bpon fuch pet* fenp to be tajteb to thefaib ;^ubdbie,anb being fudicient to bi=: dteine mithin the limittep of the CoHettofp, inhabitantp of o* thet €>fftcecp chatgeb mith of fof the fapbc fummep fobpon themtobetateb. Snb if anp fuch bidtede fof non papment happen to be taken out of the limit of the fapb petfonp chatgeb anb aldgneb to Icuie thefame,thepecfonp fochatgebfof the le* uieofanpfuthfummepbpbidtede,(hall petceiue 9 tabe of the fame bidtede, fof the labour of euetp petfongoingfof the ere* cution thereof, fof euetp mile that anp fuch petfon fo labof eth fofthe(ame,t mo pence.3lnb euetp :fatmet,'Cenant,<^atbian, dfactof Of oftetmhatlbeuecpctfon,beingbidreineb, of other* mife chatgeb, fof paiment of anp fuch fmnme of fummep,of a* np other fumme bp ceafon of thip 3ct, (halbc of fuch fumme of fummep ofhim Of themfolettieb 9 taken,bifchacgeb9 acauit* tebat hip neittbap of paiment of thefame,ofatthebeliuecie of fUth goobp anb cattelp ap hee that ip fo bidteineb, hab in hiP cudobie Of gouetnance, againd him of them that lhalbe to tat* cb aitb fet,8np gtaunt of mfiting obligatofie, of other mhatlb* Cc, 2 . euct Annoxxvij. euevmattecto f conttarpmat)e^mtofo;enott»(tb 0 dntitns. 3 lnli ieanpfuc^ person t^ati^ouli) be fi)lii 6 retncd,^aue no o^'S^enementiSfufftcient, m^erebpi^eo^^i^Cenamo anb f atmera map be btStepneb, o? b^ue alteneb, elopneb 0 ^ btb biiS! soobis anti catteljSi, mb^ebp bee l^onlbe o;t mtgbt be btfttepneli, tnfucbmaneetbatfucb goobiaanbeattelsilboolb not be Hnoboen ot founbe, fo that tbc fumme of o; bp bim to be papbemtbefapb foatmej ^all ne can bee conuenient« Ip lcuieb> then bpontelatton thereof to tbe Commtfli[oneroi> o; to aiS manp of them ao bp tbe fatb Comintflion (balbe tbere» bnto appotnteb, lubtre fucb perfon o^ perlOniS boao tapeb 9 ftt bptbeotbeoiofbtmoMbem that (ballbe cbargeb tuitb tbe le« tue anb papment of that fumme o» Otmmeo: 'Cbefame Com* mbTtoneris (ball matte a p^cepttn ibtb maner ab toaftnefapb, fo} to attache,tabe^arreiltbebobpoffucb perfono^ peefonja, that ought topaptbefapbfummeo!, anb bp tbta 3(cte (ball be cbargeb bottb anb fo^tbefapb fumme anb (UmmeiS, 8 nb them fo talten,fafelp to beepe in pufonboithm the (bP^ o» other place bobere anp fucb perfon 0 ^ perfona (balbe taben anb attacbeb> theretorentamebottbout baple 0 ;matnep^tfe,bntillbee bath papb the fatbfummeo^fummea,tbat fucb penonfojbtmfelfe oi fo} anp other bp tbia 3icte, (balbe chargeable 0 ^ ought to be cbargeb bo ttball, 9 al(b Co; the feea of euerp fucb arrelf, to bim 0 ; them that ^alle]cecutefucbp;ecept,tbaentppence:3[lnb that euerp Officer bnto bibom p;ecept (balbe b(recteb,boe bffli true b(ligence,anb erecute the fame bpon euerp perfon fo being inbebteb,bponpatneto fo;feiteto the OueencjS^aieffie fo$ euerp befault in that bebalfOjtboentie (billingO: 3inb tbatno beeper of anp gaole,from bba gaoie fuffer anp (Ucb perfon to go at large,bp letting to baile,o; otberinife to bepart out of bi$( pm* (bn,befo;e bebaue papb bra fatb bebt, 9 tbefatb tboentiepence fo;tbefaibarreff,bponpainetofo;leitetotbe Oueenesi ^a* ieffiefo;tp(billing$:3nbtbefamegaolertopapto § Oueenect ^aieffietbeboublebalue,afboell of the rate, bobich tbefapbe per(bnfoimp;i(bneb boaoi tareb at,ai3of tbefaibtboentppence fo; the fee$: ISnb Itlte p^oceffe anb remebie in Iffte fo;me (balbe grauntebbptbefaib Commiffronersl, o;asimanp of them aiEl bptbefapb Commiffion (ball be thereunto appointeb, at itbe infopnation of euerp perfon 0 ; perfonof being cbargeb boith anp fumme of monep fo; anp other perfon 0 ; perfono bp rea* Son of tbefapbe ^ubObie, anb not thereof papb, but botlfnl* Ip boithb;aboen, no; the fame leniable boitbin the limftte^ bohere fucb petfon;i boere thereunto tareb. Inb if the fumme . Reginx Elizabeths. furttme oj! fummeg bcttig; bebrnbe bnpa^e bpanp pctfoit petfon0a$t$ afotefapbe,bee Icuteb anb gatbtccb bp fo.tce of tbe fapb pi^oceffc to bee mabe bp tbc fapb CommtfKonersi, oj ifinbefaulto^fotiaciteofpapment tbeteofitbeperfon Congfo ottimg the faibe fitmmc otfummos of moncp ,bpp?o» celTeof tbefame CoittmtlftonetiSta bee mabeaot$afo;efatbe, be totnmttteb to p ttfon tn foj^te aboueratbe,that then the faibe CommiOtonetsi, bobteb (ball aluatbe (beb ptocefTe, (b^i mabe tetti&eate thereof in the faibe crebequet of that Ibalt bee bone in tbe piiemiiresi, in tbe teeme nett follobiing after fucb fumme oi fummesi of monep, fo being bebinbe, (ball bee leuitb anb ga» tbereb, oi fneb psrfon o? petfonsi foj non papment oftbe fame, committeb to pnfon» 3tnb if it happen anp of the faibe Col= (ectofei to be alfigneb, otanp ^aioi$, ^biriifeoi,^tetoarb0, Condablcpjtbc l^eabboiougb, ffiurlbolber, tsaplife, ot anp o== tbet officer or miniffer,or other tnbatfoeuer perfon o.t perfonjef, to bifobep the faibe Commtffioner$, or anp of them tn the tea- fonable tequeff to them mabe bp the faibe CommifliionerO, for epecution of the faibe commiiTion, or if anp of the offitetia other perfonoiboe refufetbat to them (ballappetteineanbbe^ long to boe, bp teafon of anp precept to him or them to bee bi« rectcb,or anp teafonable commaunbement, inff ante or tequeff tourbing the premiffeiO, or other bcfault in anp apparanee ojs collection to mabe, or if anp perCon being fufpect not to bee ins biffecentlp tapeb asi rS aforeOnbejboe refute to be eramiueb ac= corbing to the tenor oftbit^ 3fct before tbefaib Commifiionersr, or aomanp of them a$ (ball be thereunto affigneb, an itrafines faib, or mill not appeare before the fame CommifltoncrO, bp'on tnarningtobimmabejor ein mabereffftanceorrerrounbpon anp biffreffe bponbim to beetabenfor anp petcell of the faibe j^ubQbie, or commit anp mifbebauiour in anp manec Of boife, conttarie to tbiO IBctc, or commit anp boilfull omtffton orotber tobatfoeuer toilful not botng or mifboiug contracp to the tenor of thin 3cte or graunt: Che fame Commtffionetn , anb euerp number of them aboueremembreb orttoo of them at the leaff, bpan probable bnotolebge of anp Rich mifbemeanottro bab,bp information or cramination,(ball anb map fetbpon cuerpfucb offenber for euerp fucb offence in name of a fine, bp the fame of* fenber to bee forfeiteb jfourtie (billingsor fanber,bpbifetetion of the fame Commiffionetsr: ainb further the fame Contmiflls oners anb enerp number of them or ttoo of them at the leaff, iball baue autboritie bp this prefent Sdtte, to punilb euerp fucb offenber bp imprifonment,there to temaine anb to be beliuereb ct,r. bp Anno xxvi). tif'SjSQiaUfeeme to ti^etn conuenient, t^efatD fine$, if anp fu(4 be, to be cetttfieb bp ti)e faitie ContmtlTtoners! t^at fo alTeffeb tt^c fame,into t^e ^ueene^ ^ateatejs faib c^equee, ti^etetobee letiieb anb papDe bpt^e Collectojia of that pattiejS fo; tbe fait fubSHic, teturneb into tbe faib (Spcbequee, tobetbecetDitbcbatgcbbaitbtbe paiment of tbefaibe^ubfis bie,tn fuebmanetao if tbe faibe finejs babbenefet anb tateb bpontbefaiboffenbetjsifo;tbefaib^ub(tbie, ainbiti£ialfoenacteb^tl)efaibeautbo;itieof tbi^ p;erent )barliament,tbat euetp of tbe faibe bigb iCollectotiS, lobtcb mail accompt fo; anp part of tbe faibe ^ubbbie, in tbc faibe CircbequerbpontbeitfeuetallatcompteiStobepeeibcn,(l)aIbe allobaeb at euetp of tbe faibe papmentof of tbe faibe ^ubitbie, fo;enerp pounbelimitteb to biiS collection, bobereofanpfucb CoHectO; mall bee cbatgeb anb peelbe account, &pe pence, asi parcellof tbeir cbarge,tbat m to fap,of euetp pounb tbeteof fo; fnebperfon aof then bauebab tbeparttculet collection of tbe CoboneiO anb other places; asi i$f afo;efaib, fpeciseb, in bio: col¬ lection, ttoo pence, anb other tfijo pence of euerp pounb tbere= of,eucrpoftbefaibecbiefeCollecto;sio;tbeiraccomptanto:ta retaine, to tbeir obone bfe, fo; tbeir labour anb charge in anb about the ptemifleo:, anb ttuo pence of euerp pounbe tcfibue,to be beliuereb,allob(ieb anb papbe,bp the faib Collccto; fo being thereof allomeb ,to fneb of tbeCommiffioneroi ao: Iball tabe bpontbemtbebuQneffeanb labbucfo;anb about the p;emif- ffeiS: that igtofap, (£uerp Collctto;topap that Commillioner o;€ommiifionerObobttbbab the o;betingof tbetontingaof anb fo; the faib ^ubb:bie,bcibete tbefatbe Collccto; o; Collect to;o: bab tbeir collettton,fo; the eppencea fo; the fatb Commif> fionerOjfotabingbpon them the faibe bubnclTe anb labourof tbeir Clarbeo! b9;iting the faibe p;ecept£;, anb eictractsi of the faibe collection^, the fame laS tbeo pence of euerp pounb to be biuibeb amongO: the faibe CornmilboncriS bauing regarbe to tbeir labour $ buftnefle taben bp them anb tbeir faib Clatbcjei, tn,anb about the p;emifl'e!8,fo; bobicbpact, fo to tbefaibe Com« mifltonetjS atteining, the faib CommilfioneriS, fire, flue, foure, tb;ee o; ttoo, o; ajS manp of them as: Ibalbe thereunto appoin? teb bp the ^uecnes: ^©aieftiejs tommiffion,anb euerp of them, iopntlp anbfcuerallpjfo; biflianb tbeir faibe part,mapb3ue bta remebie againft the faibe Collecto; o; Coliectozsi, bobicb thereof bene o; might bane bene alloboeb, bp action of bebt, in bobicb the befenbaunt ftall not boage bis: laboc, neither p;otettton,neitbctiniunttiotto;tffoignelballbeallobJtb:anb that Resina Elizabeths, D that no petfottnotoe being of the number of the companicof this! pj^efent )3arliament, not anp Commifltoner (hall bee -na= meb ot affigneb to bee anp Collector oj fubcollettoj oj i&tefen= to j of the fatbe ^ubfibie, o? of anp part thereof, no? no Com- milTioners! (hall be compelleb to mabe anp p?efentment o? ter= tiScate other then in the ;^ueenes! #aie(ties; faibe Crthe« quer,of,fo?o? concerning the faibe ^ubijbic,oi anp part o? parcell thereof. 3|[nb libcmife that no other perfoh that (halbe nameb anb ailigneb to be Commiffioners! in anp plate, to anb fo?theerecut{onof this! Icte of ^ubQbie,beeo?(ha!l beeaf^ Qgneb o? nameb heab Collectojs! of anp of the papments! of the faibe ;§>ub(ibie, neither of anp part thereof* 3(!nb that enerp futh perfonotperfonOixihichlhall bee nameb anb appointeb as is afozefaibe, to bee heab Collcttojs of anb fo? the firitpap? ment of this ^ubftbie, (hall not bee compelleb to be collecto?, fo? the feconb papment of the faibe ^ubftbie, no? fo? anp part thereof. Inb the faibe Collccto?s bahtch (hall bee aflignebfo? the collection of the faibe ^ubribie,o? fo? anp part thereof,anb cuerp of them,be anb lhalbe acquiteb anb bifehargeb of all ma» net f ceSjEcboarbeS of enerp other charges in the ^ueeneS i9^aieftieSCirthequer,o? els inhere, of them o? anp of them, bp rcafon of that collection, papment o? acconntes, o? anp thing concerning the fame to bee afbeb. 9lnbthattf anp pcrfan te= ceine oi tabe anp fees, retoarbes o? picafures, of anp toth ac= comptant, o? bfe anp bnncccffarie belap in their account, that then hee (hall fo?feite to the Ciueenesfl^aieftie fo? enerp pcn= nie 0 ? balne of enerp pennie o? pennie bao?th fo taben,nne iijih lings,anb fine ponnbes to the partp grieneb,fo? enerp fnchbe* lap, anb fnffer imp?ifonment at the ^liuecncS #aicliies pleas fure. :ifnb after the taring anb aifefftng of thefaibe ^ubftbie, (as is afo?e(aibe)hab o? mabe,anb the fatbe ertracts thereof in parchment, bnto the Collecto? in maner anb fo?me befo?e re= hearfeb, belinereb: the fatbe Commilfioners tohich (hail talic bp6 them the ereention of this 31ct beithin the liimttes of their Commiirion,bp their agreements (h all hane meeting together, at bJhich meeting enerp of the faibe iCommilRonerSjbohich then ihall hane taben bpon them the ereention of anp part of the fatb Commiirion,(hall bp himfelfe o? hiS fnfftcient beputie, trnelpcertifie anb b?ing foo?th bnto the faibe CommilRouers nameb in the faib Commi(fion,the certificate anb p?cfentment mabcbefo?e him anb fuch other Commilfioners as boere li= mittebboith hint in one limit, fo that the fame certificate map be accounteb anb cad baith the other tertiftrates of the other Cc ,4 limitteS Annoxxvij. mtflRonetiei anO enetp number of tt^em, bnto tboo at t^e lead aiS & afb^efailte, if anp be in life > o^ t^eir ejteentojsi o; abminiata» tojiis of tb^it if fiitp tbcn be bead, (ball iovntip anb (eue« tallpaistbtrbaerebtnibeb tnitbtn tbeir limitteoi,bnbertbetr reaie;S,b^tl)^rbircretionmakone ojifeueralltnnttngiS inben^ teb, contemning in it, aftnell tbenamejS of tbe faibe Collecto;o! bm tbt Commifltonersi^ fb; fueb collection anb accounteb in tbe (0)ccbequer,anb paiment intbe(amereceipt,beputebanbaf» Qgneb ao tbe gtoOe anb Ceuerail fnmmco, bontten bnto enerp rucb CollectojuS to recciue tbe faib ^ubQbie, anb alfo all finejS, ametciamentig, anb otber fmfeitures;, if anp fucb bp reafon of tbij$3lctebappenfo beebottbin tbe precinct anb limit of tbetr Commiflion, to be cectiSeb into tbe :€^ueenesi ^aieftiesf faibe (^cbegner ,bp tbe faibe Commiifionero. Jn mbitb bsnting o; tDiitingsc tnbentebfb to be cettiSeb, fball be plainelp beclareb anb eicpteifeb tbe babble anbentier fnmmeoKummeja of tbe fmbe subObie, feuerallp limitteb to tbe collection of tbe faibe Collector, feiietallp b eputeb 9 ailigneb to tbe collection of tbe faib fitmmeb .^0 that none of tbefaib Collectors!fo cettiseb m tbe fatb dccbequer,(ball be eompelleb tbete to account o; to be cbargebibntonclptoanbfortbefbmmes! limitteb to bib collect tion,^ not to or for anpfitmme, limitteb to tbe collection of bib fellbbae:23utenerpbf them Ibalbefeuetalipcbargebfortbeir part Kmittcb to tbeir collection.3fnb if tbefaib Commilfionersi lopncb in One tommillion amongll tbemfelues!, in that matter cannot agree, or if anp of them be not reabie, or ref ufe to mabe cettificatei))itbotberoftbefameCommi(lioner^,tbattbentbe faibe Commillionersimap mabe feueraU Inbentureo in forme aforefaib of tbeir feuerall limittejs or feparationo of Collector^ toitbin tbe limittes! of tbeir tommiOion, bpon anb in tbe l^un> brebsi,b@arbs!,ii@apentabesi,rLatbes!,tAapesorfucbotberiitte biui(lionsi,mitbintbeirfaibfeueralllimittes!of tbeir cSmilfion, a$ tbe places! tbere (ball require to be feuereb abiuibeb, anb as! totbefameCommi(Ti 0 ners!lballfeemegoob,tomabebiuiQons! of tbeir limittcjE! or collections',for tbe feuerall cbarges! of tbe fame col(ectors!>fo that albaapone collector $albe cbargeb anb account fo^ biS! part to bim to be limitteb onlp bp bimlelfe, anb not foranpfnmme limitteb to tbepart of anp of bib fellotues!: 3Inb tbe tbargeiS of eucrp of tbe Collectors! to bee fet s cectiffcb feuetallpbpontbem.lnb euerpfucb Collector bpo bio! account anb paiment of tbe fumine of monep limited mitbin bis! col« lection, to be feuerallp bp bimfelfe atquiteb ^ biftbargeb in tbe Regina Elizabeths. fapDe toithoat papins anp manct fteg o? re= teacDeiStoanp popTon o; pecibna fin t^e fame, Ppon papne anapenattie laft abouefapOe, anb not to bee cbatgeb fbj; anp po^nofanpotbeeCollectoue. ^tnbifanp Commtiionecafi teeb^batbtabcn Certtacate of them that as i$ afojefapbe, fbatlbe before anp fUcb CommiiTtoner$ epamtncb, anb tbe fumme$eatebanbfet,anb tbe boobca anb bontinga thereof being in biabanba^o^tfanpCoUectouroji other petfon char« gebboith anp receipt of anppart of thefatbe4>nb(tbie, o^anp other petfon tajteb o^ otherbrnfe bp thia 3cte chargeb boith anbfo^anppercell of thefapbc ^ubhbie, o; boith anp other fUmme,Sne,amerciament, penaltie o^ other fojifeiturc,happen to bie before the Commi(Qionera,CoUcctoia,o.t other bohatfoe- uer perEon o^perCona haue erecuteb, accompU(heb,fatifficb o^ fuftcientlpbifrhargeb, that bohich to euerpfuch petfon (halt appertaineo.tbelongtoboeacco;bingtothia3Kct‘.'Chen ^ ere? cutoia 9 heirea of enerp (nth petfon, anb ail other feifeb of anp 32/anba 9 Cenementa, that anp fuch petfon being thatgeb bp thia 3lct,anb beteaffing befoiiehe bebifthatgeb thereof, oi anp other to hiabfeonelp , hab of eftateof inheritance at the time that anp atch perfOn inaa nameb Commiflioner, Collector 0 $ otherrnife chargeb boith or foi anp mancr of thing to be bone, fatitheb 0 ;^ paibe bp reafon of thia 3litt: 3inb all thofe that haue in their poiTefliona 0 ; hanba, anp d5ooba, Catteia, )Lea(ta 0 ; other thinga that bocreto anp fuch petfon 0 ^ petfona, at the time of hia beath,oi anp )lanba oi tifenementaithat boere the famepetfima atthetimeheboaaaa iaafoicfaibe, chargeb bp thia ^ctc, ^all be bp the fame compcUcb, anb chargeb to boe anb accomplilh in euerp cafe,aa the fame petfon fo being char^ geb,(hoalbhauebone, ojimighthauebene compelleb to boe. If he hab bene in plaine life, after fuch rate of the ilanba anb <^Ooba of the faib Commiflioner oi CoUecto^aa the partp (ball haue in hia hanba. 3fnb if the fapbe CommifSonera fo^ caufea reafonable them mouing, ihal thinh it not conuenient,to iopnc inone certificateaa ia afoicfapb,then f faib petfon or petfona, that lhat flril iopne together,or he that (hal firft cettifle the fatb boriting inbenteb aaia aforefaib, fltall certiSe all the namea of Ac Commillionetaof that Commiflion,bohereupon fuch bori^ ting (hall be there then to be certiQeb,boith biuifion of f i^un« breba,ii^apentaltea,ii^arbea, 'Cithinga anb other plarea,to anb amongfuth€ommiiBonera of thefamecommiflion,boith the namea of the fame€ommiatonera,boherefuch feparati:: onaatibbtuiflona (hall be,boith the grollit flimmea ofmonep, afboell Annoxxvij. anuell of 9 fo^ t!)e l^pti ^ubftOte taiceD o^ fet, of o^ toftl^tn t^e fatO i^unti^el) 0 ,i®ot»c:ef,{&apentaaejat, oj; ot^n places: to o; t^OtutOeD ot antgneO, t^at Qtall fo certtfie t^efapOe fiell txi;tttng,as:of t^ Bneo, amemamento, penalties anO ot^ec fO}fcttuteo>tfanp^appentobeitoft^tnti^erameItmttsi,Oo^ere« of tbefamc tuj^ingo ftalbe cectifieb. 3nl) after fncb busings; tni)enteO,t»bicbo$tOafO)efapb(f)albecerttBeb, anb not con= tcine in it tbe bobole anb full futnmes;,fet anb tareb toitbin tbe limttteo of tbe fame Commifl!on,'Cbc other CommifGibners: of the fame, before the bap of pafment of the faib ^ubBbte, Iball certtBemtotbefapb(£]rtbeqtier, bp their bojiitingo^tD^ittnsa tnbentebjtobemabeaoioafoKfapbejthe groife anb feuerall (ammeo,fet anb tajreb totthin the places: to them limitteb, fo; the fapbe ^ubfibie, anb other flnes:, amerciament?, penal« tie? $ forfeiture?, tnith the name? of the i^unb;cb?,{@atbe?, )©apentahe?,anb other place? to them allQigneb,o; el? bp their fapb banting? inbenteb,to certifie at thefameplace,before the fame bap of pafment, (Uch reafonable caufe? f o; their ercufe?, bahpthepmap not make fuch certificate of anb fo; thefapbe ^ub&bp,fine?, amerciament? 9 other forfeiture?, grobaing o;(et bp reafon of the caufe? of their lctte?^o; of their not cettu ^ing a? i? aforefapbe, o; el? inbefault thereof, i^roceffe to be mabc out of the Sliuetne? i^aieftie? fapb iCirchequcr, againft thefapb Commifitoner?,anb euerp of them, not matting certi¬ ficate a? tg aforefatb, bp thebiftretion of ti^ Creaibnter anb 23aron?of thefapb Crehequer. fbrouibeb alba^eo^nb beit enacteb bptheantho;itieafo;e« fapb,that the inhabitant? ofthefbarilh of ig).^artin calleb ;^tamforb :6aton,in the fitburbe? of the JSorough 9 tobane of ^tamforbinthe^outhpartof the baater there calleb libel* lanb?,bahich hereafter (halbecontributorie to thepaiment of thi?prefent ^nbfibp,gratmtcb to the^neene?#aiefiie her hetre? anb fucteiIO;?,lhalbe aoefieb, rateb anb tareb fo; thi? time,bpfuch Commifltoner?,bahich(hallbe appointebforthe taring, rating anb felling of the ^ubfibp baithin the Countie ofilincolne,anb Qiattiefor thi? time contributorie,anb pap the faib i&ubfibie to the Collector o; Collector?,bDhich M be af> fipebanbappointeb, fo; the leuping anb gathering of the fame,batththe31betmenanbBnrgeae?of^efaib:23orou^ anb cobane of ^tamforb. ^brouibeb alboape? 9 be it further enacteb bp theauthontre afo;efapb,that all anb euerp perbn 9 perfon? hauing fl^an* nor?,7lanb?,'Cennnettt? anb other !|erebitament? charge* able Reginz Elizabethje. O able to tbe paiment of t^c^ubfibic gtauntcb to tbc a^aieftic bptbbs 25ctc, anb alfobamngfpitituaU poffeffions! chargeable to bw faibe fl^ateftie, bp the grauntmabebpthe €lcrgieoftl)ii3Hllealme,mtbetr Conuocation>anbouet thWj hatting fubftante in goob$ anb cattelst chargeable bp thtfS faib 3cte, that then if anp of the faibe perfon o; perfonsS be hereaf« ter chargeb, alfelfeb anb tapeb fo? the fatb ^annoj^ia, Tianbiei, anb cenementjS, anb fpiritttall polfefltonsi) anb alCo alfelTeb, chargeb anb tapeb foj^ hid anb their goobd anb catteld, that then heojthep lhalbe onelp chargeb bp bertueof thtd 3icte ,fb; htdanb their faibe ^anoii 0 ,)l>anb 9 i,ti:eneinentd)t^erebtta’‘ mentd,anbfpirttualipofre(non$,o^ onelpfo; hid fatb goobd) anb eatteld) the belt thereof to be tahen fo; the ^neened ^a? teftie, anb not to be chargeb fot both, o; bonble chargeb fo; anp of them: 3np thing in thid ^cte conteineb to the contrarp in anp tnife nottotthifanbing. I^jontbeb altnapeid, that thid grannt of ^itbfibie oi anp thing therein conteineb, in anp toife eptenb not to charge the inhabitantablneUingin Jrelanb, Jernefep, anb (0amefepo; anp of them, of,foi oi concerning anp i9l^ano.]|d,ia^anb]ai,'Ceneo tnentdo} other po{reinona,goobid,cattelie! o^ other moueable fubitance ,n>hich the faibe inhabitants o.tbn)elier$ o;anpo» thers to their bfe haue,lDithin3lrelanb,35ernefep anb (Sarne= fep, 0 j anp of them, oi of, fo? ot concerning anp feed o? boaged, bohici) anp of the faibe inhabitants o} bboeliers haue of the iQueenes iS^aieitie, fojtheirattenbanceanbboingferuice to one ^oueraigne )Labp in Jrelanb, Jernefep anb <©arnefcp, ot in anp of them: Sinp thing in this piefent Hue, to the con» tratp in anp boife notboithdanbing. ;|btoutbeb alfo ,that thidp^efent^itteof ^ubObiejne anp thing therein conteineb, ertenb to anpof theiSnglifh inhabit tants oi rehannts in anp of the CTonntieSof iBojthunUferlanb, Cnmberlanb, n^eitmerlanb ,the ‘Cotnne of :sarboictte,the Cobone of i^ebecaitle bpon'Cine, $ the 23i(l)Opnche of ham, onto anp of them, of, fofoiiconeerning anp Jj^annojs, i-anbs, tenements o? other pioircirions,goobs, cartels oio? thcr moneable fubflanee, bohich the fame cCnglifb inhabit tants Of bboeliers,Of anp other to their bfe, haueboithin^faib €ounticsofiiiofthumberlanb,€umberlanb,i©ellmer!anb,oj thetoboncofi5arboicke,^tcoboneof liebjcaille bpon tcine. Of the iBithopficfteof 35urham,of anp ofthem,of of,fof of con* cerning anp fees of boages,bohich anp of f faibe dEinglilh inha* bitantdof bboeliers haue of the ^liueencd S^aielliCjfof their attenbance Annoxxvij. attmtiance 07 Doing fetnice to tDe ;^ueenei 3 i #ateftie, fo^ ot inttDtntDefatD Countteofof jj^o^tDumDetlanD, CumbetlanD, naeflmtrianDjtDe Cotme of25arbit(be,tDt CoDoneof cattle Dpon Cine, anDtbe 23t(l)op}icbe of BucDam 0 ; anpof tDcni, to o^foji tbefatD taiting, leaping, gatbeting oi paiment: 35ut tDat tbe Cnglillt inbabitantoanD refiaunt0,anD euetp of tbem of tbe fatb Counties, i6ii})op.ticbe anD ^obone^, 9 euetp of tbem, fball be of anD front tbe faiD ^nbttDie anb cuerp pec» cell tljereof onelp foji tbeic ^©annoiO, KLanDcO, Cenemenw, jf ce0, t&age0,(l5ooD0 anD Cattelo, Iping anD being in tbe faiD cTountieOj'CotoneoanD 23i(bopiiclte, of anp oftbem btterlp aeguiteD anD DifcbargeD,1linp tbing in tbiO pj^efent Icte befo;e rebcarfeD to tbe contrarp notboitbnanDing. tB^otUDeDaifo, that all letter^ patented graunteD bp tbe ^ueene0!3@aiellie, o; anp of bet molt noble piogenitour0, to anp Citieo, t3o;ougbe0,o;'Cobane0 bDitbintbt0iSealme,of a= np maner of libcttie0,p;iuileDge0 ot eremptiono from tbe but^ Den anD charge ofanprucbgraunt'c0of;6ubQDie0,bobicbbe attbiopicfenttime in fo^ceanD &aileable,lballremamegooD anDeSectuall to tbe faiD Citie0,23omugbr0$Cot»ne0bere= after,accoiDing to tbe purpottco thereof,altbougb the inhabit tanto of tbefame,anD alfo tbefaiD co;poiation0,{ball bpon the great anDiseigbtieconflDcrationoftbegraunt abouefaiD,be mt this graunt cbargeD 9 contrtbutoiie, in libe maner, fotme anD fo jt, as other Citieg, 2So?ougbe0 anD Cob)ne0, tobttb be not in anp mife p^iuileDgeD,but bp this Sete cbargeD. iouiDcD altnapeo, anD be it enacteD bp f autbo^itie afoie« fatD,Cbat no €»jpbant 0 ? 3nfant,tottbm the age of rri. peres, bo^ne tnitbin anp of the ^ueenes ^aielties Dominions, (ball be CbargeD to anp papment of this ^ubrtDie,foibiS oi her gooDS anD cartels to him oj bet left 01 bequeatbeD, 3tnp thing in this 3icte conteincD to the contrarp notmitbltanDing. tDtoutDeD alfo,that this 3cte, no.t anp thing therein contei= neD,fbali crtenDctotbe gooDsojlanDsofanpCollcDgc,l^al( oi l^oftel tnitbin the tuniuerfities of iDrfoiD anD CambiiDge, ot anp of them ,oi to the gooDSOi lanDes of the ColleDge of nainton, founDeDbp :^ilboppe t]aicbbam,oito tbegooDcs o; latiDS of the ColleDge of iBaton nept nainDfoi, o? to the lanDs, tenements of teuenettjcs onelp atligneDoj appointeDfoptbc fnltentationsnD lining of the poofebnigbtes, founDeD in the Cattle 0 ? CollcDgeof lE'inDfoibpoiirlate&oueraignejl'OjiDe bingibenrp the agbt,Dito anpoftbegooDSoi cattelsof ^c faiDe bnightes oj anp of them, 0 ? to the gooDS oj lanDes of anp common Reginx Elizabeths. eommon ftce d^rammct ftftoolc tott^in ftc lacalme of €n^ alanOe o? t©8lesij o? tot^cgootiisof anplScaDer, ^c^ooU- maftctoj^tl^ollet, oj anp gtaOttatercfiantoitemaininsfo? fttiOtf ftaulie 0? coumtoitljto anpof tlje fatOelim* uetfiticsanOColleOgesijOj'Cotonesiof Camb^iOgeanO fotbe, o; rubucbe? of tbe fame, o;: to anp of tt;em, o^ to anp t^ett fctuantsibatlp attenbtng bponanpoftbem, no.ttot^egoobiS ofanpDfBccr,apimllcr,ailmei5 men, o^feruantjs belonging to anp of tbe fatbe imtueratie!S,Collebgejet, l^alle^ o;t i^oftelo, anbbmelling anbteftantbottbm tbe fatbe iianmet(ttiedo.tef« tbec of them, o^ boitbin eitbetoftbefapbeCoboneieiof Cam^ b^tbge anb Dpefojbe, anb tbe fubutbeiaoftbe fame, b)itb» outfeaubeo^couin, ot to tbe goobo! anb lanbejSofanpi^ofpt^ tall^ea(oubten,otfptttleboufe, ptepareb anbbfebfottbefu* ftentation anb teltcfe of poo;e people, 3inp thing in tbio^acte (ontcineb to tbe contrarp in anp boife notboitblf anbing. )0toutbeb alfo, that tbe faibe graunt of ^ubbbte ot anp thing tbetcin conteineb, boe not in anp boife eietenbe oi be 9it> iubiciallotbuttfuUtoanptbe inbabitantje(o;te6ant$i attbisi Piefenttimebb)eUingbaitbintbeSuepottejaicotpo;ate,ottoai np tbeie membetjil incoipotateb, oj bniteb to tbe fame fine peitese,ottoanpoftbefamefiuepotte!e!, tSuttbattbe inbabi> tanteei ot tefianteiS in tbe faib fine pottiS cotpoiateb, anb tbeie membetja(,be anb lbalbe,of anb from tbe faib graunt anb paio ment of tbefaibetubfibie, anb cnerp parte thereof, anb onelp baring their reliaunce tbere,anb no longer, tierelp bifcbargeb anb acguiteb, 3np matter ot bobatfoeuer t^ng in tbi;a pjefent actbab otmabe to the contrarp notboitbftanbing. l^iouibeb alfo that the faib graunt of ^ubbbie anb tboo nu teeneei anb tentbeo:,boe not in anp boife ertenb o; be pteiubicif all ot bur tfull to the Cngliib inbabitanteo^ ot refianteis at tbtiei Ptefenttimebiitbintbelibettieieiof Iftomnep marlbe, of oifot anppattof tbe faibe fummeoi graunteb intbieiptefent )aar» liament,of tbe faib Cnglilb inbabitantji noboe there refiant, o; anpof tbemtobetaieeb,fet,aftteb,leuieb o; paieb, asuttbat the faib Cngliib inbabitantm, anb noboe refiantesi of llomnep #ar(be afoiefbibe, anb euerp of them be anb (balbe, of ^ from tbefaibe graunt anb paiment of tbe faibe ^ubfibie anbttbo Rftcenesianb tenths,buringtbeitrcfiancie there,gtno longer, atquitcb anb bifcbargeb, ainpmatter o? bobatfoeuer thing in tbispiefentactemabetotbecontrarpnotboitbllanbing. ^^iouibeb neuertbelefl'e,anb belt enacteb bp the auctbo^itie afojcfaibe, tbatifanpalienojftrangerbojne, benl?eno?not ®b.i. bcnijen. Anno xxvij, tient;en,ant) ttnelling tn^abtttng ti^ti^iRealmeof CnglanDe, 0)311 airigne o^conuepouec tjnto ani>l^i!So)iti^eti; (OtlOc o; c^iiDi^en bo^ne bait^tn tl)t 0 faiD l^ealme of (£)nglanb> anri^is'o?tt)etclant)ei8:,teneinentje(,gooti!ai O)) chattels;, to ti^e intent t^etebp to beftaube tbe ^ueene$ i^atellte of bet fatbe ftiblibie of oifoitbefame, that then all anbeuetpfucbtbtlbe o; cbtlbien (O betngfetfeb of an^fucb lanbeoioi tenententia:,oj) pofitGreb of anp fncb goob^ oicbatteliS, Iballbecbatgeb anb cbatgeabletoanbmitbtbepatmentofboabletbefatbftOjltbie fo; tbefamelanbejs, tenements:, goobs: anb cattatlesi,attbe fapbe tates: anb baluesi as: Blteno anb (frangets:, be« nt^enja: o;^ not beni^ens: are before limits teb anb appointeb to pap^ ftiimprinted at London by Chriftopher Barker, Printer to the Queenes moU excellent (i^A/taieUie. i.' I . ' ‘ ■ -1;' ^ m,mM »* -(•-'•. -Ac't' <•, ,'V ^t," V ,(^sv V ... .^' . r-^s:*!.:-.'." ••• ■ .i, Vr-T^"! rl 'v3>4 :if ReginseElizabethse. o^e- An Adi for the Queenes ^iAtaieJlies mojlgratiousgenerall and free Pardon. ^uecnejei moft mellent ^ateftte, confiDmns great ?eale anD affection m^tcli^ctloumg anD obeDt^ ent fubiectest beatc to btt bigbnc(re,asi bp manp boapeiS tbepb^uebecIaceO 9 (betoeli from time to time, fftbence tbe beginning of \)et i9L3aie« Qieo: teigne: 3nb calling to bcr moll gratiousi tmm^ bjance, intobotoe man? pe® naltieis anb bangecjs of bet j^igbneffelabaejsanliftatutcjs.funbjpofljer faib louingfub? tect0be fallen,from bobicb tbep cannot anp map be freeb 0 ; be- liucreb,butbpber ^aieffiejs great merept 3fnb conffbering tnitball that mercie both appertainetoberpiincelpeftate anb calling,to be biilributeb to ber fubieetjs aiei occabon Iball ferue, a$ boell as: Juftice: Inb affureblp trufftng that from bence« fb;(tb bet i^igbneffe fubiectiee toill enbeuour tbemfeluesi to line inbue obebtence, anb acco^ing to bet i^igbneffe labaejO as tbep ougbttoboe: f^er i^aiellie iis tbetefo^e mercifnllp encli* nebanbmouebto grauntanb giuebntobtrfapbelouingrnb» iectsi,agenerall,free anb beneffciall )@arbon, anb tberebp to belinet bet faibfnbiect0 from tbebangeno.penaltieiS anb fop feitnrese,babereb)itb tbep nolue ftanb ebargeb o;t chargeable, anb tobicb tbep bane fallen mm,bp realbn of tbetr manifolbe offencei3i,bifobebience anb contempt. Jlnbtberefojeber Jj^aieftieisi baell pleafeb anb contenteb, that it be enacteb bp tbe autbmitie of tbis p?efent }5ar liament, tnmancranbfonrmefoUobQingtCbatiaitofap, that all anb cnetp tbe faib rubicttflt,aft»el S>piritnall as! 'Cempoial of tbisi beci^igbnelTe Wealme of jEnglanb,i©alcsi,tbe Jflesi of 3erne» ftp anb (Bameftp, anb tbe 'Cobane of Sartoibe, tbe btites!, fnttcffonrsi,cicetutonts!gabminifttatonrs! of them anb enerp i!lapeo,i&apentabe9i,Coti)ue0,m(llage0,i^amleta! anb Cttbing0> anb euetp of them, anb tbefucceObut anb fut- ceflbut^i of euetp of them, (balbe bp tbe autboMtte of tbtO pte» fent ^atUament acqutteb, patboneb, rcleafeb anb bifcbac» gcb agatnft tbe ^neeneo #atefl: te, bet btitesS anb fncccflb^o, anb euccp of tbein,of al manet of xiDtearon$,f elonKO>€>ffen:‘ (eoi,Contempt0,'Crerpafl'e0,Cnttteo,i)9;ongo,i^ecett0,^ir> bemeanout 0 ,fojjettute 0 ,penaltte 0 anbfumme 0 of monep, patne0ofbeatb,patne0 co.tpo^alanb pccuntatte,anb genetallp of all Otbettbin^,caure 0 ,quattel 0 ,(ntte 0 , tubgemento^ete^ cntton0 tn tbi0 pjefent 3lcte beteaftetnot etcepteb nojifo^p^t feb, mbicb map be o; can be bp bet i^igbnelTe tn anp t»ife o^ bp anp meane0 patboneb before anb bnto tbe &t(f bap of ^o> oembetla(tpafl:,mtbe Site anb tbaenttetb peere of bet moft gtattou0 teigne, to euetp 0 ^ anp of bet fapb fubtecteo, bobtc0 co;pojtateb,Citte0,Botougbe0, ^btte0, Eibmg0,l^unb;eb0, ?tatbe0}i&ape0,i)g)apentabe0,'€oisne0; tutllageo anb 'Cp^ tbtng 0 ,otanpoftbem. ItnbaUbtbe ^ucenc0 ^tgbneffe t0 contcnteb, that it bee enacteb bptbeautboutteot tbt0ptefent|bati(amenMbatbet fatb ftee i^atbon ibail be a0 goob anb eifectuall in tbe laboe to euetpofbetraibfnbtect0,bobte0co^po;ate, anb otbeto befo;e tebeatreb,tn,fo;anb agafntt alltbing0 bobtcbbenotbeteafter tntbi0p^efent3tt etcepteb anbfo^P^tfeb, a0tbefamc |0at» bonQ)oulbbane bene, tfaHoSence0,tontempt0, fotfettute0, taure 0 ,mattct 0 ,futte 0 ,quami 04 nbgcment 0 ,etccntton 0 jpe= naltte0,anb all other tbtng0 notbeteafter tn tbi0 3fct etcepteb anb fo}eptireb,bab bene patttculatlp,(tngulattp, fpectallp anb plamelpnameb;tcbeatrebanb(pettBeb,anbaifo patboneb bp ptopet anb etptefle b)o;be0 9 name0 In tbett ttlnbep, natnte0 anbqttalttle0, bpbootbeo anb tetmeo tbetcunto tequtfite to bane bene puttn anb etptefleb intbiOptefcnt 3ct of ftee {bats bon:3lnb ^at bet fatb fubiect0 not anp of them,not tbe beite0, etecutour0 ot abmtmfttatoutO of anp of them, not of tbe fapbe bobte0cotpotateanbotbetbefotenameb anb tebeatfeb,not anp of them be, not Ibalbe fueb, beteb ot tnquteteb In tbelt bos bte0,goob0, cattel0,lanbe0 ot tenement0,fot anp maner of matter,caufe, contempt, mlfbemeanout, fotfeltnte, ttelpafle, offence,ot anp otbet thing fufitteb, boneot committeb befiote tbe fapb Htfl: bap of i^nembet agatnft bet l^lgbnelfe, bee Ctob(me>}btgnitte,{btetogatlnea 7lafiDe0ot ;&tatnte0,bttt onelp Reginx Elizabeths. onelp fo^fuc^mattecfiicattreietanti offence:^ aabee(el)earreO> menttoneboj^mfomebatfetouebeb tn^otceptton oftbi$p^= fcnt3tctebercaftet mciittoncb tobccfojepjifcb anbejccepteb, anbfo^notie otbcc, ani? ftatut(o;!ftatute$,lab}e$,cuilomejS 01 bfageb heretofore bab^mabeo^bfeb to tbe eontrarp inanp Uttfe notbottbftatibtns. 3inb tbe ^liueeiics j^fgbnelTe of bet bounteous! !iberalitp,bp tbeautborttteoftbts!prtrent fBarltament granntetb^fttelp gtuetb to euerp of bet faib S)nbtettes> anb to euerp of tbe fafO bobtes! corporate anb otbec before rebeaefeb, anb euerp of tbS> all (i5oobs!,Cbattelsi,©ebtcsi,f me0,3irues,l@rofits:, ametcis aments!, tiforfaitures! anb ^ummes! of monep bp anp oftbent forfatteb,b)bicb to bee l^tgbneffe bo or Iboulb belong or appec» teinebpreafon of anp offence,conteinpt,trefpa(re,entrte,mtls bemeanour,matter,caufe or quarrel boneot cdmttteb bp tb^ or anp of tbein before tbe faib am bap of il^ouember,mbtcb bo not hereafter in tbis!prrrent 3ctforeprtfeb anbejccepteb. ^nbbeitenacteb neuertbelclTe, that all grauntes! thereof, or of anp part thereof, mabebp anp fucb agbauefoforfatteb the fame,anb are berebp relloreb as! aforefafb: $ al ejcecnttons! thereof or ofanp part thereof, bbbagatnll anp fucb after fucb forfaituce thereof commttteb or mabe,(bal be of fucb force gt ef= fcct,aa if nofucb forfaituce thereof bab bene babor mabe,anb of no other: Che fame forfaituce, or anp thing before in this! ^ctctotbecontracpnottuitbltanbing. 3nb that allanbene» rptbeSirueeneb faib ^ubiectes!, anb all anb angular bobies! corporateanbotbers! before rebeaefeb, mapbp him or them feife,orbpbiS! or their beputie orbeputies!, orbp biS!or tbir IKttournep or Stttouenepes!, accorbing to the names! of this! Liealmepleabe anb minilter this! prefent :ifcteoffree )^arbon forbiS!or tbeicbifcbatge,ofaforeuerp thing that is bp bertue of this prefeut met parboneb,bifcbargeb,giuen or granteb,r6s out anp fee or other thing in anp toife paping to anp perfonoj perfonS for m.riting or entrie of the tubgemcnts!,or other caufe concerning fucb l0lea,mricingor entrie,but onelp )cbi.b.tobe paibe to the SDfficer or Clarbe that Iball enter fucb ^lea,^at« tecor3Iubgcment for the parties bifebargeb m that bebalfe, anpname,^tatute,i!afage orCulfome to the contrarpnot= mitbdanbmg. mnb furthermore, the saueenes l^igneffe is contenteb anb Pleafeb,th3t it be cnacteb bp the autboritie oftbiS prelft ^0ar» liament, that bet fatbe free J&acbon bp the generaU boorbeS, clanfes anb fenteces before rebeaefeb, fbalbe reputeb,beemcb, ifiteto? ClatUc ofanpotftctofljcr i^igft> nciTc Courts! toit^in tljisi Ecalme, at anp time after t^elaft bap oftbispicftnt^einonof)0atliatnent,inabtout oibo^ite out anp maner of t@;its,1Siocelte, Summons: oi other ceptcs,\Bl)erebp anp of thefaib fubiettsi, oianpofthefaibbo^ bits coipoiateb,o!! othersbefoie rei)eacreb,o^ anp of them lhal bee in anpboireattefteb, attacheb,biffraineb, fotnmoneb o; othertnifebepeb, inquieteboigrieuebinht0o; their bobies, lanbes,tenements, goobs ojcatteis, o;fnanpof them,foio^ becaufeofanpmanerofthingparbonebotbifchargeb bp bec« tue of this aicte of free iBarbon: S)% if anp ^httife oi Cfthea* toi,oi anp of their beputie oi beputies, o; anp 25aplifc o^ other £>efieerbohotroeuer, bp colourofhiboitheiroffice o; other= boife,after thefaib lait bap of this picfent ^eihon of 0arlia^ ment,boeleuie,teteiue,tabeo!iixiithholbeofo; from anppcr< fon oi perfons anp tiding parboneb o^ bifehargeb bp thib 31 et, that then ciietp fnch petfon fo offenbing, anb thereof labofullp conuicteb ouonbemneb bp anprufficienttell:imonie,boitnefl'e o;pj!Oofe,lhallpeelbeanbpap fo^ retompenee thereof to the partic fo gricueb ojs offenbeb therebp, hiS o? their treble ba« mages,befibe0alltofte0ofthefuite:5t fhall alfo fotfeite 9 lofe totheCluetne0#ait8ie,fojeucrpfuch befault, tenpounbs: 3lnb neuetthelefrc,al anb Qngular futh bants,pioceife anb pie« cept0fotobtmabe,fojoibpon anp maner of thing parboneb 03 ^ btfehargeb bp thi0pieftnt 3(!et of free 0arbon,(halbe bttec:; Ip bopbe,anb of none effect. iCreept anb alboapes fo^epnfeb out of thi0 generall anb free Ibarbonalanball maner of high 'Creafonb 9 other offences committeb 0 ; bone bn anp per (bn 0 ; perfons againff the Huecnes Reginx Elizabethje. Chap, ^ueenciS mod copall pctfon, anti al confpttacie$ 9 confetiocai ties ttattcrouflip liat),committed 0 ? tiont bp anpperfon oj pets fons againft tbe ^liucenes a 9 aicftics llopall peefon. 3linb alfo etcepteb all anb euerp manec of tetafons commits ten ot bone bp anp peefon o^peefons in tbe partes beponb tbe feas,b^ in anp otbee place out of tbe ^ueenes bominiSSi 9 alfo all 4>uttcs,pumlI)mentS,eiecttttions,papneSof beat^,f o?fei= tueesaipenalties, foi cibpreafonoji occaQonofanp^etreas (0ns anb offences before epcepteb. 3nbalfoei;ceptebanbfoiep;iifeb outoftlOtbsenecal pacb0, all anb euerp offences of piracie 9 cobbetp bone bpon tbefeas, anb all 9 euerp comforting,piocurins or abbetting of t^e fame offences to beliab,bone or committeb. 3nb alfo ercepteb out of tbiSparbon,al maner of boluntarp murbers,petie treafons,anbbotlful popfonings bone or com« mitteb bp anp perfon or petfons,anb al 9 euerp tbe acceffaricS to tbe fame offences or anp of tbem, before tbe fapbe offences committeb. 3nb alfo ercepteb out of tbtS parboil all offences offorgtng anb falfe counterfeiting of anp tbe monepes currant boitbm tbiSEealme: IKnb alfo aloffences ofbnlamful biminifbmgof anp tbe faib monepS bp anp map or meanes bobatfoeuer, cons trarp to ^ lames anb ftatutes of tbtSEealme: SEnbalfo alabs betting,apbing, comforting or procuring of tbefame offences or anp oftbem to be committeb orbone. :%nb alfoercepteb outoftbfSparbon,alir3urglarieStom= mitteb orboneinanpbmellingboufeorboufes,anb alacce(ra« ties to anp tbefaibe 2Butglattes> before tbefame ©nrglarie committeb. :ainb alfo creepteb all robberies bone bpon or to anp man or mornatis perfon in tbebtgb maporelfembere: 3Enballff ffns gular actelTaries of or to anp fueb robberies before ^ faib rob^ berp committeb. 3 inb alfo al milfull burnings of anp bmelling boiife or bous feSjOr of anp barne or barnes,mberein anp corne is. Slinb alfo erceptebail liapes, anb carnail EauilbmentS of mornen. 3Enb alfo al rauifbments^boilfulltabing amapormarptng of anp S©atbe,t©ibome or ©amofcl againff ber mill,or mitb» out tbe affent or agreement of ber parents,or of fucb aS bbwe berincultobie. Kub alfo al offences of atbing,comforting, procuring or ab? bettingof anpfucbrautlbmcnt,mtlfultaiitng or marpingto Ce.iii. be XXX, Annoxxvij. be babjcommittcti o? bone. ainb alfo epcepteb all mtlfnl eftapej! of anp traitouris oj fcl= lonjS. Sinbalfoejecepteboutoftbt^parbon, allpccron^noboe at> tatnteboioutlatoebof o;fozanpttearon, pcttetrcaron,mnp ber,toilfui popfoning ojtobbccie. 3 iib alfo epeepteb all offenceo of Jnuocations;, Conturatu onoi,t@ttcbccafto:,^o;[cene$i, 3 incbantincnts: anb CbarmejS, anball offencejsofp;ocurtng, abbetttng o^coinfojitmg of tbe fame,anb al peefona nottie attamteb o; conuteteb of anp of tbe fatbcoffencea. 3 inb alfo eecepteb all anb eueep manec of tabtng from tbe ^liucenejs ^aieftieof anp goobs! o? eattelsf) o? tljc jffnes, Bcntesi, EeuenucjS oi^pjiofttcs of anp ^l^annours:, jLanbeg, Cenementa 03 ^i^erebttamcntsf,i»l){elj bo ere of anptCraitont, SI^utbercr,f clon,Clarfee oj ClarfeiS attainteb, o j f ugrtincsi, o?ofanpoftbcm. 3tnb alfo ciccepteballgoobiS anb catteiain anptoifefoifcf* tcbtotbofH^ueenea^aielftebp reafon ofanp Creafon, petie treafon, murber o|i felonte bcretofo;ie commttteb oz bone. 3fnb alfoepteptebont oftbta)3arbou al offences in making oi pubItlf)ing,o;tnconrenttngtotbe makingoz publtibingof anp falfe febttious oz (launberouS booke oz books^ Ubell oz it^ belleS) againfl: anp petfon oz perfons- 3nb alfo eccepteb out of tbia parbon ail tntrufionS a fpople ofinoobs,bab,mabe ozbonebpanpperfon ozperf5S,tnozbp5 anp tbc mannoura,lanbeS)tenements oz other berebitaments ofour^oucrcigneja.:abp tbeliueene, anbalimaflesbone, committeb ozfuffereb bponanpfucb l 8 nbes,'Ctnementsoz I^ctebtt 3 ments,anb tbe bozongfull taking of anp tbe Eentes> 3 Iiruesanbf&zofitesioftbefamc i!i^annours,liLanbes, tccne^ mentsoz i|erebitamentSofout faib ^oueraigneiLabie tbe £Jucenc,anb alfo all ^uitest,accounts anb Jinpetitions of anbfoztbefame. anb alfo ereepteb outoftbtS l^arbon, all alienations of a- np ilanhSiCenements ozf^erebitaments toitbo ut licece, anb all JFmcS> 3ffwfisanb pzofitestbat map oz ought to groboeoz come to tbr Huenes fl@aicftte bp reafbn of anp fucb alienati* on boitbmzt licence. aub alfo cjrcepteb out of this parbon all boalles comittcb oz bone in anp of the SEiueeneS i©arbes lanbs, oz in the t© 8 rbes lanbS of anp of tbe flUneencs CSmittees: anb alfo all 9 euerp Jfineanb jfinesfoztbcRngle oz boublebalueoftbr marriage Regins Elizabeths. Qjap,xxx* oj^matriagejeiof aUan&cuerp a^atD n^actmt at anp time l^eietofote gtolntn to t^t ;£}ueene9 #aieltie o; anp ^et jiitoblt )&^ogenitout$. 3inD alfo citcepttti ail concealcb i@atb$, anti tbe lanDeia of ftttbioa(l>$concealtli,anDall7ltuette$ anO^dMintt feifonjs, anDoultetlematntjsttiatottgbttobe b^D^tione o.tfnei)fo}tbo fame. 31110 alfo eitcepteO out of tOtiS genetall 0acOon, ail tanllfi^ mentji anO intongfull taOing ot mttbOolOmg of anp of tOe ^ueenc$i&atO$o;ii9atO0)tanOia,o;tbe rent$ anO p^ostjai of toe fame at anp time commen o;i g^otnento tbe ^ueenejet OanOcsi, anO euerp tOtng tOat bp teafon of anp iiaatO o; I@at0$ lanOe0,o^ fo; Default of futng o^ p;ofecuttng of anp Uucrie,ought to come o^ be to the i^ueenejS ^afeQte> anO mhtchao pet to not DifthatgeD. 3lnDairoeiccepteD aliiTincOthatihonlDoji ought to grototo the ^uecneo ^^ateOie of anp of her nutOotoeo that haue ma» tieOmuhout licence. ^jiouiDeDain)apeo,anD be it enacteO bp the authoiitie of thiOP^efenti^arliament, that all anO euetp petfon atio pec» ron0,n)hichhauetenDeteD,o» ought to fne liuctp out of ouc faiO ^ouecaignc^laDp the ^ueeneo hanOeo, of o; fo^ anp :9@annouco,llan00,tlfcnemento l^eteOttamento luhatlb’ euecthepbe,lhalfue hiO o^theit )Liuetie anO XtuecieO out of outfaiOeStouecaigne jLaOpthe ^ueeneo hanOeo, of hisS ot thcic ^annoutO,Hanbo,Cenemento anO l^eteDitamcntO,itt libemanecanO fo.tmc no thep anO euetp of them ihouIDe o^ ought to haueDone,ifthto3lttehaDnenet bene hah ne maDe> anp attitle, thing o? thingo in thtO pjefent 3tte of gene* talt^atDoncoinp.tireDanDfpetifieDtothe conttatp nothoit^ RanOing. 3fnD alfbetcepteO anOfoiepufeb outof thiO)^atbon,airnth petfono ao the lad bap of thtO p^efent i^effion of )^atliament betnpuroninithtnthc 'Eofxizeof Honbon,o^in the p;tfon of the3$at(halfep,o?inthe pjifon of the f Ieete,o? othettoife te* fttaineb of libectie bp etpzeffe commanbement from the £lueeneo fll^aieftie,oz bp the commanbement of anp of het iS^aieftieo piiuic Counfeli. :3EnbaltO etcepteboutofthiO 0arbon, all anb euetp fuch petfon anbpetrono,tohich at anp time Gthentethc beginning of^flliueeneO fll^aieftieo teigne.haue fleb outof thiOKcalme of Cnglanb ,oz anp othet the ^tteeneo 3^ominionO,fo;i anp of* fenceofhigh'^tea(bn>petie Ctefbn^ojmtQi^tlionoftlftearon. 3inb Chapxxx. Annoxxvij. 3Dnli alfo eiccepteti all fuel) petfoniei ajg be fleti 0!t gone out of tbts !&ealme,fotanp can(e,contt;arp to tbe Tlaboejs anb <&ta^ tutejS of tbts! i^eaime, boit^out tbe .^ueenejs i3^ateaie$c tence. 3inO alfo ejtcepteb al fucb petfoniee bone obtepneb anb bab licence to bepaet tbtb Eealmefo; a ceetaine time, anb nobo boe abibeoutef tbel^ealineboitboutanplabofull eiecufe after tbo time of tbett licence eppiceb. 3nb allb ercepteb out of tbf$i i^atbon,all 9 tuerp concealer mentis o^bo;ongfullbetemementjs ofanp cuaomeo|i^ub(j[= bie bue to tbe neeneb aieaie,anb all accounted, impetiti# onis anb futeo to be bab,mabe 0 ; bone fo; tbe fame. 3nb alfo ercepteb all anb lingulae accomptis of all anbeue^ tp Collectone anb Collectoues of anp SutbQbie, jfifteene, cu« Home 0 ; otbee tbtng,aub all accountejs of euerp other perfon babatfoeuer,tbat ou^t to be accomptant to fliuecneis i^igb« ne(re,o^ to bermoft noble :fatber£(mgi^enrp tbe cpgbt,o; to &ing €btoarb tbe Get, oj ^Queene a^arp, oj to anp of them, anbtbebeireb,erecuto^iS 9 abmintGrato^O of euerp fucb pcr= ton that ought to account fot al tbtngjS touching onip tbefame accountcOilDnb al anb Gngular arreragegof accounteg,anb al bntrue accounteg,anb all impetitiong,futeg, bemaunbeg anb erccutiong,b9bitb cano^mapbebab,ofo}fo; anp account 0 ^ accounteg At anp arrerageg of the fame. 9lnb alfo ercepteb anb foteptifeb out of tbig l^arbon, all anb all maner of beceiteg anb offenteg of all anb Gngular mo» nperganbotbetofficcrg,mpntcrganbtoo 3 :feemenof 03 ; in anp of the Ilueencg ^aieftieg mititeg initbin tbigtlealme o; anp other her J^ominiong,anb all impetittong anb punilbmentg fo; tbefame. Snb alfo ercepteb all tiTitleganb Ifctiongof Quare impedic, anballl^omageg,iaeleefeanbl1eleefeg,!^attiotg,iflent^er> uiceg,lilent ebargeg, tSente ^eebeg, anb the rrerageg of the fame,not bone or papeb to the ^ueeneg l^ighneffe. Snb allb ercepteb al penaltieg,tptleg anb forfeituregof con* bitfon or conbttiong,couenant or conenantg accrueb or groto« en to the ^ueeneg ^ateGie, bp reafon of the breacbe anb not performing of anp couenant ortonbition tubatfoeuer. 3tnb alfo ercepteb all fummeg of monep graunteb to the ^ueeneg €l^aieitie>or to anp her l^oble flrogenitourg, bp map or meane of ^ubGbfc,f ffteene,or otbertnife. 3fnb alfo ercepteb out of tbig 1 &arbon,al bebteg tebieb boere orbebuetoour^oueraigne^bptbe^ueene,ortotbe moft jBoble mx Elizabeths. Qhap^xxki ikingi^entvtbeersbt^intebteattieti^eltitt, oj^totbe late ^iiwne #8rp,oj to aitp petfon o? petfotw to anp of tb«c West, bp anp (onOemnattpn ,iSecosni{iinnte, ^itgatton o^ otbec- mife (Qtbtt then futb Oebteo asi ate Hue l^on anp ^D^gatiott 0 ? Eecogntfaunte fo^fepteD before tbe rapbeatHbapt^^o# uentber, fo; non appatance in »tp Coutt ot otbet place ia)bat« foeuet,o} fb; not beeping of tbepeace, otndt being of goob be« bautout) bobiebbebtejSgtoboen oiacctueDbpontbo(Ctau(C$« bp tbtib ftee )9atDon be anb (ball be cleetelp patboneb anb bi& cbatgeb» Stnb alfo eitcepteb anb foiepitfeb out of tW )batbon,all anb fingutat penaltieio, foifettute$ anb fummqO of monep > being bue 0 } acetueb to out ^ouetaigne U>abp tbe ^ueene, bp cea« (On of anp aicte,Statute o; ^tatutea: bobicb forfeitures;, pe« naitie0 anb fummeo of monep,be conuerteb into tbenatnteof bebt, bp anp Jubgement, o;bet Oi bectee, or bp tbe agreement of tbe oifenbet or; offenbeto. ^nb aifb etceptebaUfiorfeifutesiofalileafes;, eftatesi, ortn= tereito of anp lanbest,tenementiei oibetebftaments;, bolben of out ^ouetaigne iLabp tbe ;^ueene0 j^ateOte, bp Itnigbtes; fetuite,or in focage in capite, or otbettniiebp &ni{^t$fetuice, mabe inone or (buetallaflUtancesi o; leafeiOfor anpterme or termestofpeeteiOjbrbetettpontbeolbeanbaccuilomebtentor more io not tefCtueb. 3inb alfo etcepteb all etSfruitesi anbCentbeji at tboeipre* fent being bue to bepapeb to bet #aie(fte,bp force of anpatete or ^tatute,or otbettoife. 3lnb alfo etce^eb all tjenalttesl anb forfeptutesi, bobeteof tbete ijai anp goob netbut in anp fute giuen or paft for tbe ainb allb etcepteb allforfcptutesi, anb other penaltiesianb proQtesi nob) bue, atcrueb or gtob)en,or tobicb Iball or map be bue,accrue or gtoboetotbe^ueenesfi^aieftie,bp teafonofa^ np offence, mifbemeanout 09 contempt, or other act or beebe, bab,fuffereb,commttteb or bone contrarp to anp 3lct,ffatute or flatutes;, orcontraepto the commoniUtoesiof tbiiSEealme, anb bibereof or for the brbicb anp action, bill, plapnt or inform matton at anp tirnemitbinepgbt peeresi nett before the lait bap of this; pr efent ^eifion of ibarliament, bath bene or (balbe commenteb or fueb in anp the ^ueenes; ^aieftiejS Courtes; at ii^eltminfter, 9 notoe 10 or the fame lall bap of this; ^elfion of f&atliamenttb8lbetberebepenbing,orb)bereoftbe^«eeneflf ffi. J^igbneffe Anno xxvij. i^iQ^ineirelip i^et: btli fipeDD; oi^i^ireijevetoCD^e^at^ matte anp gift aflignement to anp potion o; perfon$. 3nti aUb ticceptei} out of tbitogmeraU auD free idarbon, all oSence!0,contemptjf>titfmTier)ei, conena, fraubea ^tieceltciS and imfDemeano^ bo^atTocner boetofo^ eommttteti o; Done bp anpperfiinoji perfon$ ^ anD tobereof o)fo}tbetobtcb anpfuite bp bill, plaint OMnfiojimationatanptime boitbinfoure peetetj nejtt befbiet^elaft bapof tpiap^ent deOion of parliament m 0 } Qtall be commenceD ojt erbibiteb in tbe Contt of ^tarre chamber at ii^eiiminiier,anti Utal betbere tbe fame laft bap of tbia hellion of parliament bepenbing. Sfnb alfo epcepteb out of tbia parbon,an offencea ofperju<= i:te,anb fUbomationof boitncflea, anboffenceaoffotgtitg anb counterfatting of anp faife beebea, eferipta oji tontings, anb all procuring otcounieiling ofanpfutbrounterfaiting o^fo^s gingtobebabojimabe. :Snb allb epcepteb out of tbiaparbon, all anb etterp offence poffenceatoncbtngo;concerningtbecarping,rcnbingotcous uepingouertbe^eaaojoutoftbiaiKeaimeofanpgolbe, uer,ietoela, o.tattptopneofgolbeojfiIucr, tontratptotbe laboea 0 ) Oatutea of tbiai^alme, bnleffeitbeereo^bebp tbe 3nb alfo ercepteboutoftbia parbon,allofrencea of inceff, abnltetie,fo^nftation,nmonieyatmallmifbemeano;aanbbt« fhirbancea tommittebanb mabe in anp Cburcb o^Cbappel in tbe timeof Commortpjtaper, pjeacbingt^biuinefetuice tbcre b(eb,|o tbe bimitbante tbereof, anb ailout^ton'eaanb pfod^s cutiona bpon tbe fame. 3lnb alfo ercepteb all offencca, tobrrebpanp^rfon map be cbargeb toitb tbe penaltie anbbanger of Prcmunire, anb of tbe inbicb offence o? offencea anp petfonffanbetbalreabpinbiC' teb,o^ otbetboiie labofiillp conbemneb 0 conuicteb, 3lnb alfo epcepteb all offencea bobatfoeuer in pipping, o;' toillingip affcntmg o; cauSng tobefftippeb tobetran^feb tntoanptbepartabeponbtbe^eaaoutoftbeobebtence^ber Sl^aicftie, anp gunnea,ojbtnance, fbot, m gunne metaRyCon^ ttarptoitbelatoeaojftatuteaoftbiaiSealmebrttboutlicence ofbcr#aitftieintbatbcbalfear8b8b8nbobt8fneb,anbal= fit aUfttcbaacouenouapotbp content, ojfoftbeteReft offucb aa bane offenbeb, in o? againtt anp popular o? penall ttatate, bane fo? tbe feme offence eg offencea erbibieeb anp action, bai,piapnt,information ojfuitc againffmipflitboffenbct oi aSenbera, 3l'nb Reginx Elizabeths. Chap. 3lnD alto cjctcptci anb altoapcs fojepjifeb out of tbto gene- tall ]darlion>aIl anb euetp offence anb offence$,contempt anb contempteet, bttotoet anb bttotoetja, mif Demeanouc anb mi(- bemeanoutiS betetofo.te comnntteb anb bone bp anp petton ot pectons(, contratptotbelatoesioftbefojtctts: tottbtntbectti cutte 0 ^ pj^ectnctes; of bet ^ateffteis jf ojteff$ of i@tnbro; anb }|g>altbam,ot of ettbet of tbem,anb all penalticsi fojs tbe fame. nb alto ejccepteb out of tbto i^atbon, all iffues;, ffnea anb amerctamentg, affetteb,tateb,fct, eftteateb oj entreb feueral» ip o; pacttculatlp toucbtngo; concerning anp one petton 02 mo petfons: iopntlp 0 ? feuerallp, aboue tbe fumme of ffjce pouhbesf. ^nb altoepceptalUffuea, fineoianb ametcf amenta tetut« neb,affctteb,tateb,fet 0 ; entteb fenetallp o^patticulatlp in a- np Court of laeco^be at naeffminftet, at anp time fitbence tbe feaff of ^ainti^icbael'Cbarcbangel laffpaff. 3nb pet neuettbeleisi all other gne0,a£i luel bnesi pro licenti a concordandi,ai3iotbcrS,fet,tajceb, eftteateb oj entreb befo?e tbe fapb feaft of ^aint ^icbael tbe 3[iccbangel,anb alto al iffuejsi, ftnejs anb amerciamento, atboellreall aa other, either toitbin anp liberties 0 ^ toitbout, being fet, tareb, eftteateb 02 entreb before the fapbe feaft of ^aint Michael the ircbangel, anb tobicb feuerallp 0 ^ particnlarlp ertenbe to the fumme of fire pounbeei anb not aboue, tobetber tbep be totteb 0 ^ not totteb, taben to the charge of the ;&bcrife 0 ^ not taben tobto charge, eftteateb not eftteateb, 02 tobetber tbep be turneb intobebt 0.2 not turneb into bebt,anb not being leuieb noi receiueb bp a* np ^bertfe,bnber ^berife,J3aplife, miniftetoj other ©fftcet O2J3!>fQcet0 ,to tbe^^lueenea ^aieftie^bfe before tbelaftbap of tbtopicfent^effion of parliament, Iballbefreelp, cleatelp anbplapneipparboneb anb bifcbargeb againfttbe ^ueeneg ^aieftie,berbeirejSanbfucceflbnt$fo^euer, bp fojce of tbto P^efent :aicte of free patbon. 3inb pet neuertbeleffe, all eftreateoi of fucb ftne^, iffueiet anb ametciamentja!, ab be noto patboneb bp tbto Ifcte, anb tobicb be alreabp eftteateb foottb of the Court of Crcbcauec, anb be temapning intbebanbeiSoftbe^bertfe,bnber ^berifeo^ PaplifejS for collecting of the fame ftnea, iffue$ anb amercta» mentji, iballbpontbeteturneoftbefameeftteateabeoiberip tbargeb anb beliuereb bp fcrotoea into the Office of the pipe in the Court of fiiccr, Clatbe o; other minilf er, fo; the mabing, entring o?. alloboing of anp fuch petition o^ peti¬ tions , anp bfage oj culfome to the contrarp thereof notbaith= flanbing. Snb alfo ertepteb out of this l^arbon, all goobs, cattcls, bebts> actions 9 fuites alreabp fo^faiteb, o^ bohereof anp tight oj title is acetueb oj grobocn to the SOueenes #aie(tie bp rea* (bnofanpoutlabo^p, anb bohereof the ^ueenes ^aiefiie bp her l^ighneife letters i^atents hath before the iatt bap of this p;efent^e(rionof)^arliament mabeanpgraunt, couenant sipiomifeto anpperlOno^pecfons* :inberceptebalfoaiipetronsbohithhauecommitteboiibone anpofence, epther contrarp to the Statute mabe inthefirlt peere of her ^aielties raigne, entituleb, 3fn cte fo? the bnt« fopnitie of Common ptaper anb ^erutce in the Church, anb the abmtniftration of the ^accamentS>ot contrarp to the (ta- tutemabeinthei^peereof her^aiefties raipc, entituleb, 3ftn Icteto retaine the fiHueenes :^aie(fies ^ubiects in their bueobebience: 3imb all outlabo?ies,p^oceebingsanb iubgr^ mentsbponthefame offences oji anp of them, fo; fuch anb fo longtime asthep (ball continue bifObebient oiboilfullpobfii- nateinanpthefameoffcnces.^fnbpetncuertheleirebohenfoe* uer the fame pertons, o;^ anp of them fhall boillinglp Ribmitte themfelues in their bue obebicnce to her ij^aieltie, anb mill come to the Church to heare ^iuine Bernice, anb boillinglp ref ufe the fapbe boilfull obfiinacie, anb confo;me themfelues in the faibe taufes of Religion anb boctcine,anb continue in fuch their confoimitieanbbucobebience to hec^aieftie,sccmbing as bp the Caboes anb tatntes of this meslme thep ought to boe: that then anb from thencefoith all anb euerp fuchperfon anb perfons, fo fnbmitting anb peelbing themfelnes in their bue obebicnce tobaarbeher d©aieitie,anb fo continuing in the fame, (hall fooithboith be receiueb anb enableb bp foice of this cte, to hatte anb eniope the full benefite of this generall #ar= bon, asiatgelpanbfitllpinalltefpectes, asanpother of her #aiefiics Regina Elizabeths. Cbap.XXHi goott ^ubiects bauc oj oug^t to cniop b? bettiie of tbi$ 3ictt of gcnetall i^atbon. 3BnD alfocicccptcboutoftbiis^atbon, all fucbptrfonsf that beanOremamcltillattaintebof tonbemneb, anb not aiccabp parboneb ofanb fof anp tebcllton, oj leuping of baarre, oi of oi fo? anp confpitacte of anp tcbcliton,o? leaping of baarre boitbiii this: iaealtne,o? in anp otbet tbe ^linecncs! Jaominionsf. JCnbalfo except all falfefojgtng 01 eountcrfaptitig of anp Commiffion o? Commiffionjsto enquire of anp ianbejS, tcne» mentes; or berebttamentiSj anb alfo all falfe fogging anb toun= terfaiting of anp bntruc Ccrtificat o? returnc of anp Coinmif^ Oon 0 ? Commifftong, obtaineb oj gotten fo?tb of anp Court o? Courteg, to enquire of anp lanbg,tenenientg, berebitamentg, 0 ? other thingsbohatroeuer: ainb all anb all maner falfifping of anp 25tlg Kgneb bp her fll9aieOie, after the engtoffing there? of,anb before the pairing of the fame bnto the great ^eale. I^jouibeb alboapeg, anb be it enacteb bp the authojitie a? fo;efatb, that it (hal anb map be laboful to all anb enerp Clarhe anb other €)Sicerg of the ^ueeneg Courteg, to aboarbe anb mabe n^iitteg of Capias vtlagat. at the futte of the partte pl3in> tife againltfuch perlbng outlaboeb ag beparboneb bpthig act> to the intent to compel thebefenbantanb befenbantg to matse anfbocrc to the plaintife o: plaintifeg at bohoffe fuite he ojt thep tocre outlaboeb,anb that cuerp perCbn fo outlabpieb, lhall fue a i©?ttte of Scitefacias againft the partteoj partieg at bohofe fuite he Of thep boere fo outlaboeb, befof e thig i^arbon in that behalfe (balbe alloboeb to himof them that fo ig outlaboeb. 3lnb circept alfo oiit of thig parbon, all oSenceg committcb Of bone bp anp perfon of perfongin neboebuilbing, btuibing of Cenementg, tailing of jnmateg, neboe intlofureg, anb other l^ufaunceg in anp place boithtn the Citie of iLonbon anb fub? urbeg of the fame, of boithin thfcc mileg of the faibe Citie, con? trarietotheKLaboe, Of anp her ^aiellieg ^foclamationg iit thatbehalfemabe. 3nb be it further enacteb, that thig aicte of generall#8r? bon lhall notin anpboiTeertenbtoanpperfott outlaboeb bpon anp l©Utteof Capias ad fatiffacienduiri', bnttll fUCh timle 8g the perfon fo outlaboeb lhall fatilbe of otherboife agree boith the partie at bohofe fuite'the fame perfon boag fo ontiatoeb of eonbemneb, God faue the Qpeerie# ^Imprinted at London bjQhriUopher^arl^r^ Printer to the Qj^enes moft excellent Maieftie, in^ aeon houfe, mere FofterLanei* A A(-rtAr