library of ST. JOHN’S SEMINARY BRIGHTON. MASSACHUSETTS y r .. c A a 6 ~' 1 ^/ CREAGH RESEARCH LIBRARY £ 1 ST. JOHN'S SEMINARY BRIGHTON, MASS. / 7 m ce ^ uH t ^earce library ST - D ^? rs seminary BRIGHTON, MASS. V r~ fc {flHirr of St, Jorw*s iOST^N ECCL£SIAS T BRIGHTON, n: . - Washington College ^ //,• e/A& cAyW^u^ irz, ^ij\w. A N ' ■ ACCOUNT O F WASHINGTON COLLEGE, IN THE State of Maryland. Pnblifhed by Order of the Visitors and Governors of the faid COLLEGE, for the Information of its Friends and BenefaBors. PHILADELPHIA: Printed by JOSEPH CRUKSHANit, in Market-street, between second and THIRD STREETS. MDCCLXXXIV. LD sn\ . WS>T- 56>S i ni' i i ocucfc 1(fiY)0 L i0G A N ACCOUNT, &c. I N that extent of territory which, through the Providence of God, is now the fovereign Domain of the United States of America, an attentive obferyer cannot but behold the foun¬ dations of an Empire laid, which promifes to enlarge itfelf to vail: ditnenfions, and to become the happy means of diffufing Knowledge, Liberty and Happinejs, through every other part of this American continent. In a commercial view, it is almoft needlefs to mention the great and growing importance of thefe dates; on account of their rich variety of foil andproduce, their length of fea-coaft andother conveniences of navigation, both internal and external. From this variety fprings likewife one of the firft of earthly bleffings -—A Bleffing, perhaps, not known in an equal degree by any other people, living in the fame community or foederal union, throughout the globe—-We have the faff of life-— Bread in abundance, not only for ourfelves, and the immenfe number of induftrious fettlers, conflantly flowing in among us from differ¬ ent parts of the old world ; but likewife for exportation to fupply the wants of others, and to multiply the fources and channels of our trade. Nor is there a probability, under the favour of Heaven, and a due exertion of our skill and indullry (as the experience of near two hundred years can tell us) that we fliall ever fufFer, through fcarcity or want. For, in fuch an extend¬ ed country, and with fuch variety of foil and climate, if the produ&ions of one kind, or of one part of the country, fhould' fail, there will remain a fufiiciency of the other kinds, and thofe the far greater part, unlefs (thro’ the direction of Providence for its own wife purpofes) a revolution of feafons fhcruld take place, whereof neither part experience or memory can fuggeft any example or precedent. Nor are the foil and climate thus favourable to the producti¬ ons of the earth only ; but likewife to all the belt powers, both of body and mind in the human fpecies; nurfing up a race of bold and hardy men; who in the vindication and eftabliihmcnt of their native rights and independence, have given the molt il- luftrious proofs of their wifdom, valour and magnanimity during a long and arduous contelt with one of the molt powerful na¬ tions upon earth. And with the like exertions of virtue and public lpirit, looking up to God as our protector and Guide, we need have but little to fear from any future wars of the old world or the new— fhould war, in ages hence continue to be the unc/mflian mode of arbitrating the differences of Cllriftian na¬ tions ! But, L 4 J But, we may truft, the time is not diftant when “ Violence “ fhall no more be heard upon earth; when nation fihall not 11 lift up fword againft nation, neither fhall they learn war any u more.” As a prelude to that happy period, which (we are a {lured) fhall yet come, may not thefe American Bates, even now, Earned: of his Good¬ will, Fifty Guineas, £ 87 10 o Kent County. John Cadwalader 50 0 0 William Slubey 55 7 10 John Page 25 0 0 John Lambert Wii-mer 3d 0 0 Richard Graves 3° 0 0 Robert Buchanan 20 0 0 Thomas Smyth 30 0 0 William Dunn 9 0 0 Simon Wickes 9 0 0 James Ciaypoole 9 0 0 Thomas Van Dyke 11 5 0 Horatio Belt 9 0 0 William Houfton 9 0 0 Thomas Kemp 9 0 0 R.obert Blake 9 0 0 John Wickes 9 0 0 John Harragan 9 0 0 Jofeph Forman 30 0 0 ll'aac Perkins 20 0 0 William Bord.ley 18 0 0 Pvobert Anderfon 15 0 0 John Lorrain 15 0 0 Jofeph Williams 9 0 0 Philip Brooks 9 0 0 Amount brought up £■ s. i. 448 12 IO Richard G. Smyth 30 o Jofeph Nicholfon 18 o James Anderfon 30 o William Smith 18 o Benjamin Chambers 18 o John Scott 18 o James M. Anderfon 9 o Barney Corfe 9 o Edward Wright 9 o Simon Wdlmer 15 o Edward Worrel 9 o John Sturgis 9 o Peregrine Eethrbury 9 o Jofias Ringgold 15 o John Bolton 9 o James Piper 9 o Anne Deane 15 o Anthony Banning 15 o Emory Sudler 18 o St. Leger Everett 10 o Charles Groom 9 o William Embleton 10 o John Kennerd 10 o James Smith 9 o Marmaduke Medford 11 5 James M^Clean 25 6 Luke Griffith 9 o Rafin Gale 9 o Thomas Smith, jun. 18 o John Blakeway 9 O Edward Scanlan 9 o Daniel Matzler 10 o John Wilfon, jun. 15 o Thomas Medford 10 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 7 o o o o o o o o Amount carried forward £ 448 12 10 Amount carried forward £ 914 4 5 Robert 18 ] [ £■ s. d. s. d. Amount brought over 914 4 S Amount brought up 1499 9 S Robert Conftable 10 0 0 Robert Roberts 0 0 0 Robert Cruckfhank 10 0 0 NathanielKennard,jun. 0 0 0 Richard Lloyd 20 0 0 Marmaduke Tilden 15 0 0 James Lloyd 15 0 0 William Wilmer 9 0 0 Total Amount of Kent Arthur Miller 24 0 0 County at the Elec - >£ j 9 5 William Ringgold, jun . it> 0 0 tions, Oftober 17 8 a . 9 Jofeph Wickes 9 0 0 Simon Wickes, jun. 12 0 0 Richard Hinfon 9 0 0 Morgan Brown 9 0 0 Queen Anne s County. John Sutton 9 0 0 Richard Spencer 1? 0 0 £. s. d. Charles Tilden 16 0 0 William 'Paca 5 ° 0 0 Marmaduke Tllden, jun. 9 0 0 Edward Tilghman 5 ° 0 0 James hrilby 10 0 0 William Hemfley 5 ° 0 0 John Moore, jun. 9 0 0 J. Beale Bordley 5 ° 0 0 James Williamfon 9 0 0 Edward Courfey « IO 0 Jere Nichols *5 0 0 Richard B. Carmichael 20 0 0 Richard Ricaud 12 0 0 Alexander Lawfon 20 0 0 Richard Miller 9 0 0 Robert Dawfon 9 0 0 William Gale 10 0 0 Richard S. Earle 3 ° 0 0 Arthur Bryan 5 5 0 Walter Jackfon 18 0 0 James Dunn IS 0 0 Jofeph Nicholfon, jun. 3 ° 0 0 James Hodges 9 0 0 C. J. Wederftraudt 9 0 0 John Williamfon 15 0 0 James Earle 15 0 0 Jofeph Brown 9 0 0 William Bruff 12 0 0 Morgan Hurt 9 0 0 S. Clayton 9 0 0 Robert Dunn 12 0 0 Thomas Wright 32 IO 0 John Carvil Hinfon 9 0 0 Arthur Emory, jun. 22 10 0 Samuel Gott 9 0 0 Thos. Emory of Arthur IO 0 0 William Frifby 9 0 D Edward Downes 9 0 0 John Day 9 0 O William Hacket 9 0 0 William Maxwell, jun. 0 O James Clayland 9 0 0 James Pearce 15 0 O William Wright 12 IO 0 Ifaac Freeman 12 0 O Turbutt Wright 3 ° 0 0 Nathaniel Comegys 12 0 O I Richard Emory 9 0 0 Ifaac Spencer 12 0 O Robert Wilfon 9 0 0 John Wallis (Morgan s James Seth IO 0 0 Creek) IO 0 O Clement Sewell 18 0 0 John Brooks 9 0 O Richard Tilghman 18 0 0 William Hanfon 9 0 O William Ringgold 9 0 0 Malachi Ambrofe 10 0 O Thomas Marfh Forman 18 0 0 Samuel Davis 15 0 O J. W. Clayton 9 0 0 James Hinfon, jun. 9 0 O William Thompfon IO 0 0 Alexander Baird 15 0 O Charles Troup, a Certi¬ John Gleaves 10 0 O ficate for £ 200, valu¬ William Geddes 3 ° 0, O ed at 60 '0 0 William Wilfon 9 0 O John Brown 15. 0 0 jEbenezer Malfy 9 0 O Samuel Ridgeway 18 0 0 Thomas Boyer 9 0 O James Bordley 15 0 0 George Wilfon 15 0 O Jacob Ringgold 9 0 0 Carried forward £ 1499 9 5 Amount carried forward £ j66 0 0 Amount brought over William Smyth Vachel Downes James O Bryan John Fifher James Hacket Samuel Thompfon John Thompfon M. Hawkins Grifftn Fount Le Roy Robert Walters Joiliua Seney Robert Wright James Kent John Dames James Gould Samuel Seney Elijah Bifliop John Foreman Richard B. Lloyd [ *9 ] £■ S. cl. £. s. d. 766 o O Amount brought up 409 15 o 9 9 *5 9 9 15 20 9 18 20 13 SO 9 9 9 9 o William Hayward o William Perry o Rev. John Bowie o o Robert Lloyd Nichols 15 a O Pvev. John Gordon 9 o o John Coates 9 o o John Troup 9 o o Charles Gardiner 9 o o Richard Skinner 9 o o John Needles 10 o o Il’aac Gilpin 9 o o Charles Crookihanks 18 o o Nicholas Cox 9 o o The Vifitors of Talbot free School - 400 15 © Q Total Amount of 50 o o Tot. Amount of Queen'S Anne's County at the ( r _ ElcBionof two Vifit- (£ io 5 g O O ors, Oftober 178a. J Talbot County. Edward Lloyd Robert Goldfborough. jun. Howes Goldfborough, William Frazier William Marlh Catrup John Roberts Richard Grafon Peregrine Tilghman Richard Tilghman, ju Matthew Tilghman William Hindman William Tilghman William Bordley Jofeph BrufF William Goldfborou Thomas Gordon James Hindman John Bracco Samuel Lloyd Chamber- laine Talbot Count/,} £971 *5 O Dotchejler County . £■ s. d. Robert Goldfborough ICO 0 0 William Ennalls 60 0 0 Henry Ennalls, jun. 75 0 0 James Murray 5 ° 0 0 £• s. d. Rev. Samuel Keene 3 ° 0 0 60 0 0 Henry Hooper *5 0 0 John Dickinfon 9 0 0 30 0 0 Jofeph Daffin 30 0 0 18 0 0 Henry Ennalls 9 0 0 *5 0 0 John Stevens 9 0 0 » 9 0 0 Wm. Ennalls Hooper 9 0 0 12 0 0 Levin Kirkman 15 0 0 9 0 0 Willis Newton. 9 0 0 20 0 0 James Shaw 20 0 0 . 20 0 0 John Smoot 20 0 0 30 0 0 James Sullivan 30 0 0 11 5 0 Archibald Patifon 40 0 0 12 0 0 Jofeph R.ichardfon 0 0 . 12 0 0 John Marfhal 9 0 0 20 0 0 Thomas Bourke 9 0 0 17 10 0 Robinfon Stevens 15 0 0 12 0 0 Henry Murray 36 O' 0 i 35 0 0 Henry Maynadier 15 0 0 10 0 0 Henry Waggaman 12 0 0 15 0 0 Guftavus Scott 22 0 0 15 0 0 Bartholomew Ennalls jun. 9 0 0 27 0 0 James Gordon 9 0 0 Amount carried forward £4.09 15 o Amount carried forward £6ji o o c Amount brought over 671 o William Wheland 9 o Richard Stanford 9 o John Hooper 9 o William E. Hicks 9 o Alexander Smith 9 o Levin Travers 9 -o Bartholomew Ennalls 9 o Tho. Ennalls ( Black-water) 9 o George Bonwill 9 o John M. Anderfon 12 o Robert Ewing 9 o Thomas Jones 9 o Anne Mufe 30 o Elizabeth Ennalls 30 o John Goldfborough 20 o John Le Compte 15 o ‘Mofes Allen 15 o Pritchet Willey 9 o John Owens 9 o Anne Steel 15 o Levin Woolford 9 o Thomas Lockerman 9 o Robert Griffith 9 o John Keene 9 o Arthur Whiteley 30 o Stanley Byus 15 o James Steel ^5 0 Total Amount of Dor- L chefer County, Somerfet County. John Henry Francis Jenkins Henry Levin Gale Henry Jackfon Samuel King John Denwood Nehemiah King Lambert Hyland John Dafhiell R. Waters Ez. Gillis John Winder Thomas Slofs George Dafhiell William Davis Allen £. 50 9 50 25 20 9 37 9 9 10 9 9 20 25 15 s. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 20 ] (L 0 Amount brought up £■ 30 6 0 John Done 9 0 Thomas Maddux, jun, • 9 0 John Stewart 25 0 Efme Bayly 9 0 Henry Handy 9 0 William Horfey 9 0 William M‘Bryde 9 0 George Day Scott 20 0 William Winder 15 0 James Houfton 9 0 George Handy 9 0 Ebenezer Waller 9 0 Gillifs Polk 9 0 William Adams 2$ 0 John Adams *5 0 Henry Lowes 40 0 John Waters 1 5 0 Hamilton Bell, jun. 9 0 Wm. Daihiell, fen. 9 0 A. Cheney 10 O John Evans (of Nicholas ) 9 o Alexander Roberts 9 o Thomas Bruff 9 o - 0 Total Amount off r , , 0 Somerfet County J Worcejler County. Jofeph Dafhiell 25 Peter Chaille Benjamin Purnell (of 2 5 rf. Matthew ) 15 Charles Bennet 9 0 Solomon Long 18 0 Philip Quinton 10 0 William Purnell 25 0 Robert Done J 5 o William Selby 10 o James Quinton 9 o John Martin, jun. 9 o George Fruitt, jun. 15 o Dr. Bifhop 15 o Thomas Martin li o Jethro Bowin 9 o John Parramore 10 o William Holland 10 o Levin Davis 10 o Levin Blake 15 s. d. o o o o o o o o o o d o o o o o O Q o o o c* o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o x. d. o o o o o o o o o o O Q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Amount carried forward £306 o o Amount carried forward £266 o o Amount brought over £. d. 266 O O Amount brought up Town) William Handy John Selby ’ John Warner John Neill Mofes Chaille James Martin Ifaac Houfton William Allen Henry Dennis Robert Dennis Thomas Purnell, fen, William Morris Zgdock Purnell, fen. Samuel Handy John Pope Mitchell £■ 433 Levin Hill 9 M. Downes 9 Henry Ayres 9 John Ayres 9 Jofhua Townfend (Indian 15 0 I 2 o 15 o I2 o 9 o 9 o 9 o 9 Parker Selby [of Parker) 9 o o Jofhua George 20 o o o Perry Ward 18 o o o John Ward Veazey 10 o Q o James Louttit 2Q 0 O John Ward (Son of o Perry) » 900 o John Cox 20 o o o John Hall 900 o William Rumfey 0 o O John Rumfey 12 Q Q O William Ward 10 o o o Johp Ward 900 O Thomas B. Veazey 900 o John Dochery Thomfon 12 Q q o William Matthews 15 o Q Total Amount ofj £ ^ Q Q Cxcil County Thomas Purnell (W.N.) 18 o o Total Amount of 7 r Woroefier County J L * Caroline County. Mathew Driver Charles Daffin William Hopper £■ >■ d, 30 o o 30 o o 35 O o Cwcil County. £■ s. d. 150 o o The Vifitors of the free School Michael Earle John Miller 3 5 o q Rev. John Lewis 900 Sidney George 20 o o John Leach Knight 20 o O John Carnan 900 Daniel Charles Heath 60 o o Henry Ward Pearce 50 o o Amount carried forward .£433 0 0 £95 Accomack County . (Virginia.) George Corbin George Stewart Skinner Wallop £■ s, d. 30 O Q Virginia Money £ 6 q 0 o N. B. The Subfcriptions in Caroline County, and in Accomack and Northampton Counties, in Virginia, as well as the upper Part of C Cecil County, are yet left to be compleated, together with the ad¬ ditional Subfcriptions propofed to be opened in the other Counties of the E aft era Shore, D ft C 22 ] To the Honorable the GENERAL ASSEMBLY of Maryland. W E, the fubferibers, agreeable to our appointment by 11 the Vifitors and Governors of Wafhington College, in the State of Maryland,” and on their behalf, beg leave to prefent and deliver to the General Affembly, the inftrument