Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2010 witii funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/historyofbostoncOOduni Edited by FRANCIS M. CROWLEY, Ph.D. DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION FORDHAM UNIVERSITY A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE A HISTORY OF OSTON COLLEGE By DAVID R. DUNIGAN, S.J., Ph.D. iosiari aciirsE schgqi THE BRUCE PUBLISHING COMPANY MILWAUKEE Imprimi potest: John J. McEleney, S.J., Provincial, New England Province Nihil obstat: Edvi^ard G. Murray, D.D., Censor librorum Imprimatur: «^ Richard J. Gushing, Archbishop of Boston August 18, 1947 LJ) 413 y r. f:^ u Gopyright, 1947, by the Trustees of Boston College MADE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To MY MOTHER EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION The record shows that there is a dearth of materials covering the development of American Catholic colleges and universities. The student of American Catholic higher education finds that source materials are widely scattered, not catalogued, and only too often deal largely with personalities, physical problems, and local activities. Again, many institutions have failed to record their achievements in such a form as to make the information available for general use. Very httle has been done to present a connected story showing the larger and more significant achievements, such as the contribution of a given institution or group of institutions to the cultural life of the nation, the part played in the preservation of the CathoHc heritage, or the high service rendered in breaking down prejudices through develop- ing a better understanding of the program of the Church. This is the same as saying that the story of American Catholic higher education is still to be written. Thus it is with some degree of satisfaction that we welcome this contribution to the record of Catholic higher education. A History of Boston College has certain common elements found in the development of similar institutions, such as lack of interest in higher education on the part of Catholics, serious and recurrent crises during early stages of growth; legislative, social, and financial handicaps, shortage of teaching personnel, periods of slow or rapid growth, the opening of new areas of service, and the significant contributions of certain strong personalities. Vlll EDITOR S INTRODUCTION But there are other elements which are pecuHar to the history of this great institution because of time, place, and circumstance. At its beginning, the institution suflFered from bitter anti-Catholic feeling, yet found valiant Protestant defenders in its hour of need. It is an outstanding example of the wisdom of St. Ignatius in counseling the selection of great cities as the sites of institu- tions of higher learning. No American Catholic college has ex- perienced such a rapid growth in such a short period of time. It is one of the few Catholic colleges which has had a well-planned, architecturally acceptable building program which has been followed to the letter from the opening of its present campus. The English Collegiate Gothic Science Building was recognized by the Boston Society of Architects, in 1926, as the most beauti- ful new structure in the Greater Boston area. The college enjoys the unique distinction of having found its remote beginnings in a strike staged by Catholic students, as a protest against religious discrimination in the Boston pubHc schools. Thirteen of its gradu- ates have been raised to the episcopacy and one to the cardinal- ate. The alumni who have held high public office have reflected credit on Boston College and have more than justified the ardent hopes of the founders. Over five thousand sons of Boston College served America in World War II, winning 560 decora- tions and some forty citations. Thus we find that brave be- ginnings and high purpose have mastered impossible odds and compelled time and place and circumstance to yield high divi- dends — the rewards of courage, faith, and sacrifice. Leadership of the right kind provides the drive, confidence, and direction required for steady progress and lasting achieve- ment. Great institutions are the monuments that hardy souls have left behind them to mark their passage through the pages of history. Boston College as an institution of higher learning has been fortunate in the leaders who have moved through its halls. Each president performed his special task with the zeal and self-sacrifice so characteristic of the sons of St. Ignatius, always thinking in terms of training Christian gentlemen ready to serve Church and State. In keeping with the traditions of the Society EDITOR S INTRODUCTION IX of Jesus, programs were adapted to meet the needs of the times, but the cultural and religious ideals were never compromised, for true education must provide for the training of the whole man. It is evident that higher scholastic standards were the spe- cial concern of some presidents, that others were compelled by the exigencies of the moment to think in terms of mortar and stone, and that still others, sensing the need of well-organized community support, concentrated on developing good public relations. But, in a last analysis, the size of the present institution bears testimony as much to the devotion of countless Boston friends in every period as it does to the ability of its leaders. It was through the combined efforts of all of these that the Hub realized the vision of a Greater Boston College, an institution serving God and Country, in peace and war, in a way that is peculiarly the mission of the Catholic institution of higher learning. Francis M. Crowley New York, N. Y. PREFACE This is the first book-length history of Boston College that has ever been written. In presenting it to the public, the author hopes that it may serve a threefold pui-pose: (1) to be of general interest and inspiration to faculty, students, alumni, and friends of the college; (2) to provide some assistance to those in quest of information on points relating to the background of the col- lege's present-day activities; and (3) to contribute in a small way to a better understanding of the position of Catholics in Boston during the past ninety years. In bringing together and ordering the widely scattered records which constitute this account, the author became deeply in- debted to many persons for their painstaking co-operation. Most prominent among these was Dr. John D. Redden of Fordham University, whose practical assistance and advice were invalu- able during the three years this work was carried on. Sincere thanks with special emphasis are also due to Dr. Francis M. Crowley, dean of the School of Education at Fordham Univer- sity, for making initial publication arrangements and giving gen- erously of his time in the editorial preparation of the manuscript. Encouragement was given the project from its beginning by the Very Reverend James H. Dolan, S.J., former Provincial, and by the Very Reverend John J. McEleney, S.J., present Provincial of the New England Province of the Society of Jesus; and by the Very Reverend William J. Murphy, S.J., and the Very Reverend William Lane Keleher, S.J., former and present presidents re- spectively of Boston College. XU PREFACE Permission to make use of the archives of the Archdiocese of Boston was graciously granted by His Excellency, Archbishop Richard J. Gushing, D.D. Authorization to use Jesuit archive and record material was given by the Very Reverend James P. Sweeney, S.J., while Provincial of the New York Province of the Society of Jesus, and by the Very Reverend Vincent L. Keelan, S.J., while Provincial of the Maryland Province, both of whom generously assisted the undertaking in many other regards. The author's gratitude is due to the Right Reverend Jeremiah F. Minihan, S.S., former chancellor of the Archdiocese of Boston; the Reverend Robert H. Lord, Ph.D., P.P.; the Reverend John J. McMahon, S.J., and Charles D. Maginnis, for giving of their valuable time and expert counsel on more than one occasion. He is also under obligation to the Right Reverend Walter J Furlong; Emma M. Cummings; Eunice A. Divver; Dorothea A, Dunigan; Eugene J. Feeley; John J. Hayes; Mary P. Halpin Reverend Frederick J. Helbig, S.J.; Dr. William A. Kelly Lieut. WilUam J. Landrey, U. S. Army; Reverend Joseph E Mclnnis, S.J.; Reverend John F. X. Murphy, S.J.; William J O'Keefe; John M. O'Loughlin; Reverend Michael G. Pierce, S.J.; William Arthur Reilly; Reverend Edward A. Ryan, S.J.; Reverend Martin J. Smith, S.J.; and Reverend John A. Tobin, S.J. The deans of the various schools of Boston Gollege kindly read and criticized the sections of the manuscript bearing on their respective jurisdictions. To these and to the many other persons whose suggestions and corrections were of material assistance, the author wishes to express his sincere appreciation. Acknowledgment is here made of the favor conferred by the following publishers in granting permission to reprint copy- righted material: America Press; The Atlantic Monthly; The Boston Globe; The Boston Herald; Gharles Scribner's Sons; Dodd, Mead and Go.; Houghton MiflBin Go.; The New York Sun; The Pilot Publishing Go.; Thought; Woodstock Letters. Ghestnut Hill, David R. Dunigan, S.J. Massachusetts tNTRODlfCTION The Jesuit college in Boston has risen on foundations laid with patient and undramatic labor by a large number of men over a period of many decades. These builders were, of necessity, men of vision, of courage, of faith, of perseverance; but it happened that they were also men of humility, who regarded their own individual eflForts of small moment and not worth recording, in consequence of which, details of their sacrifices and the year-by-year chronicle of the steps they took to estabhsh Catholic higher education in Boston have almost perished from memory. It is the purpose of these pages, therefore, to preserve what remains of that history by recording as faithfully as possible the significant events connected with the institution in each period of its development. It is hoped that such an account may remind oflBcers, teachers, students, and friends of Boston College of the honorable history of their Alma Mater, and perhaps serve as some inspiration to them in the future conduct of the college's manifold activities. Scope of the Book v Exigencies of space have made it necessary to omit many of the undertakings connected indirectly with the founding and direction of the college. Thus, only passing notice is accorded the educational work taken up by the Jesuit Fathers at St. Mary's in the North End of the city, and the strictly parochial occupa- XIV INTRODUCTION tions of the Fathers on the combined staff of the college and the Immaculate Conception Church. Indeed, very little is said con- cerning the interesting history of that church itself, although it is the collegiate church of Boston College; nor has attention been directed to the rise and growth of St. Ignatius Parish, connected with the College at Chestnut Hill. Furthermore, the development of Boston College High School has not been pur- sued beyond the date of separation from the college, nor has a chronicle of the college athletic activities been ventured, since such an account is available elsewhere.^ Finally, no attempt has been made to provide a complete record of the persons connected with the college, or even of a significant part of them, for that task, although admittedly of great value, would be of heroic proportions and quite beyond the scope of this book. Sources of Data The data for this study have been drawn from original ma- terial in the General Archives of the Society of Jesus in Rome; the archives of the New England, the New York, and the Mary- land Provinces of the Society of Jesus; the archives of the Archdiocese of Boston; the archives of Boston College; George- town University (Washington, D. C); Woodstock College ( Woodstock, Maryland ) ; the Boston Public Library; the libraries of Boston College, Woodstock College, and Fordham University; and the libraries of various Boston newspapers. Published studies related to this subject are few and brief. Erbacher has written a survey of all CathoHc higher educational foundations for men in the United States for the period 1850 to 1866, in which mention of the Jesuit college in Boston is necessarily brief.^ Devitt wrote a short history of Boston College in 1913 as part of the history of the New York-Maryland Jesuit 1 Nathaniel J. Hasenfus, Athletics at Boston College; Volume 1, FootbaU and Hockey (privately printed, c. 1943). 2 Sebastian Anthony Erbacher, Catholic Higher Education for Men in the United States, 1850-1866 (Washington, D. C: The Catholic Uni- versity of America, 1931). INTRODUCTION XV Province in Woodstock Letters.^ This study was not only very short but was handicapped, as was admitted by Devitt, by the paucity of records and sources available at the time.* Garraghan drew up a well-documented account o£ the negotiations con- nected with the purchase of land and the early building opera- tions at the college, basing his treatise exclusively upon material preserved in the General Archives of the Society of Jesus in Rome.^ While incomplete, his study is nevertheless of great value. The articles on Boston College by W. E. Murphy® and by J. F. X. Murphy,^ as well as the account in the Seventy-fifth Anniver- sary Brochure,^ are, by design, brief popular sketches, treating only a selection of the salient points in the history of the institution, 3 Edward I. Devitt, S.J., "History of the Maryland-New York Province, XVI, Boston CoUege . . . 1863-1914," Woodstock Letters, LXIV (1935), 399-421. 4 Devitt in a portion of his manscript "History" which was deleted in publication, preserved in Woodstock College Archives. 5 Gilbert J. Garraghan, S.J., "Origins of Boston College, 1842-1869," Thought, 17 (Dec, 1942): 627-656. 6 W. E. Murphy, S.J., "The Story of Boston College," Catholic Builders of the Nation (Boston: Continental Press, 1923), pp. 249-259. 7 J. F. X. Murphy, S.J., "Boston College," The Pilot, March 8, 1930. ^Boston College, Seventy-fifth Anniversary, 1863-1938 (Chestnut Hill, Mass.: Boston College, n.d.), pp. 11-41. CONTENTS EDITOR S INTRODUCTION Vll PREFACE Xi INTRODUCTION xiii I. BACKGROUND FOR A CATHOLIC COLLEGE IN BOSTON 1 n. THE MAN FROM ULSTER 8 m. THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND 15 IV. WALLS AND A ROOF 34 V. LEVITES FIND A HOME 45 VI. PRIVILEGE AND PLEDGE 62 VII. TWENTY-TWO PIONEERS 72 Vm. CONSOLIDATING A GAIN 86 IX. THE LETTER OF THE LAW 96 X. PREFECT TO PRESIDENT 107 XI. INFLUTENCE BY GAS-LIGHT 118 XII. THE COLLEGE IN THE EIGHTIES 134 Xin. GROWING IS DONE SLOWLY 155 XIV. CONFLICT AND ADJUSTMENTS 166 XV. BRAVE VISION 180 XVI. THE TOWERS ON THE HEIGHTS 194 xvii XVill CONTENTS XVII. PREWAR ERA 206 XVin. TWO MONTHS IN KHAKI 216 XIX. "b. c. will be big enough ..." 223 XX. GOTHIC NEWCOMERS 232 XXI. THE MANY-ROOTED TREE 244 XXII. DEPRESSION DECADE 260 XXm. EXPLORATIONS AND A BIRTHDAY 274 XXIV. SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS 286 XXV. THE YEARS BEYOND 312 BIBLIOGRAPHY 317 A. DOCUMENTS 317 B. BOOKS 319 C. PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS 322 APPENDIX A TEXTBOOKS PRESCRIBED AT BOSTON COLLEGE FOR THE YEAR 1867-1868 327 APPENDIX B PROGRAM FOR THE FIRST EXHIBI- TION AT BOSTON COLLEGE 329 APPENDIX C THE OFFICERS OF THE BOSTON COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FROM 1886 TO 1890 331 APPENDIX D PRESIDENTS OF BOSTON COLLEGE 333 APPENDIX E MEMBERS OF THE HIERARCHY WHO ATTENDED BOSTON COLLEGE 334 APPENDIX F THE HONORED WAR DEAD OF BOSTON COLLEGE 335 INDEX 337 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE CHAPTER I BACKGROUND FOR A CATHOLIC COLLEGE IN BOSTON An adequate understanding of the movement to provide Catholic educational facilities in Boston during the mid-nineteenth century requires some recognition of the attitudes toward CathoHcism which prevailed at the time. It is imperative, for instance, while investigating the origin and early development of Boston College, to keep in mind that tliis institution was planned and estabhshed by a religious group which, until a score of years before, held an insignificant position in the social life of the United States; to reflect that this group had become almost overnight a nu- merically powerful body, which the longer-estabHshed elements in the population regarded as a threat to their institutions and traditions. It must be remembered, too, that tiie increase which the newer group received in the late forties was composed largely of those relegated to one of the lower rungs of the social scale by persecution and famine in their native land which had de- prived them of means, education, and even health. Lastly, it should be recalled that constant intolerance and discrimination were exercised against these immigrants in their new homes because they professed the "Roman" religion — a faith little un- derstood and much feared on the American seaboard. In the light of these conditions, it is not a matter of wonder why a Cathohc college in Boston was not founded sooner, or why it was not founded as a university at once, or why it is not larger now after eighty years in existence; but one's amazement grows, on the contrary, that it could be founded as soon as it was; and 1 Ji A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE that, under the circumstances, it could ever survive to prosper as it has done. Although limitations of space prevent an extended study of this background, some consideration of it will aid in perceiving the origin of the college in its proper perspective, and will assist in arriving at a true appreciation of the courage and labors of its founders, lest to the present generation "McEhoy," "Fitz- patrick," "Carney," "Bapst," and "Fulton" become forgotten names. Catholics in the Early Days The reader may remember that in the English colonies, Cath- oHcs never constituted a factor to be reckoned with. During the decade before the Revolution, in a total population of more than two miUion inhabitants,^ only some twenty thousand, or less than 1 per cent, were Catholics,^ and these were settled principally in Maryland and Pennsylvania. At this period, Cath- oHcs were denied domicile in Boston, and, if discovered there, were subject to many legal penalties. This condition endured until the adoption of the state constitution of Massachusetts in 1780. This act removed many restrictions from Cathohcs, but an oath with an expHcitly anti-Cathohc clause was still required of all officeholders until Massachusetts amended its state con- stitutions in 1822.^ In the meantime, the CathoHc population was 1 In 1775, for the purpose of taxation, Congress assumed the population to be 2,389,300 (Adam Seybert, Statistical Annals [Philadelphia: Thomas Dobson & Son, 1818], p. 27). 2 John GUmary Shea, The Catholic Church in Colonial Days ( New York: J. G. Shea, 1886), p. 449. Shea's figures are based upon the estimate of Father George Hunter, Superior of the Mission, who wrote in July of 1764, that there were 10,000 adult Catholic and 10,000 non-adult Catholics in his charge throughout Maryland and Pennsylvania. Since Catholics were proscribed under most stringent penalties elsewhere, it may be assumed that no significant number dwelt in the other colonies. 2 Benjamin Perley Poore ( compiler ) , The Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and other Organic Laws of the United States, 2nd ed. (Washington, D. C: Government Printing Office, 1878), I, 970-971; 974. A scholarly examination of the legal restrictions against Catholics in Massachusetts vidll be found in Arthvu- J. Riley, Catholicism in New England to 1788 (Washington, D. C: Catholic University of America, 1936), Chapter VIL A CATHOLIC COLLEGE IN BOSTON 6 not growing in proportion with that of the rest of the country. As late as 1830, CathoHcs represented only about 2 per cent of the nation's population.* Catholic Irish Immigration Immigration, however, which had increased sporadically dur- ing the late thirties due to political and economic change in Germany, Scotland, and Ireland, became a deluge after the European famines of 1845-1847, and a large proportion of the in- coming refugees was CathoHc. Although Great Britain and the Continent felt the effects of a severe food shortage at this time, Ireland, unfortunately a single-crop country, suffered wide- spread starvation and utter destitution as a result of the potato bHght which deprived it of food. Hundreds of thousands of Irishmen despaired that their country would ever survive this calamity and thought only of flight.^ Within the next twenty years, some two and a half million Irish abandoned their native land.^ During part of this period, the decade from 1846 to 1856, almost 130,000 Irish entered Boston alone.^ Since, as has been said almost aU of these newcomers were Catholics, one can under- stand the effect of this influx upon the rehgious sensibihties of Protestant Boston. Where before the existence of a few Cath- ohcs in the city could be ignored or met with calm disdain, now their presence in legion seemed to constitute a threat to everything the old-line "natives" held in esteem. It was true that this new element in the population could not be assimilated easily; it retained its own "group consciousness"; it did not share in or sympathize with the English-flavored "culture" of which Boston was so proud; it was desperately poor, and had been deprived by persecution of education and the leisure which is * Based on figures drawn from "United States of America: Population," Encyclopedia Brittanica, 14th ed., 22:732; and Peter GuHday, "Roman Catholic Church," ibid., 19:421. 5 Marcus Lee Hansen, The Atlantic Migration, 1607-1860 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1940), p. 249. 6 Oscar Handlin, Bostons Immigrants, 1790-1865 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1941), p. 52. 7 Ibid., p. 229. 4 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE needed for finesse, and so could not erect a social structure even remotely comparable in dignity with that of the "natives." Thus the Irish, or Catholics, since the terms had come to be syn- onymous, were destined to become the laboring class, the domestic class, and to await, with more or less resignation, the day when the situation would be rectified by the forces of nature which seemed to enjoy marvelous properties in this "land of promise." Early Catholic Education in Boston The story of Catholic education in Boston prior to the estab- lishment of Boston College parallels in heroic feats and devotion the history of American Catholicism itself. The earliest Catholic school of which there is record was a small one conducted by a Mr. Sinnot for Father Matignon about 1804.^ Although a revived form of this school, under a Mr. Heaney, is mentioned in 1813,^ the eflFort was obviously on a small scale, erratic in operation, and constantly hampered by lack of funds. Bishop Cheverus had invited the Jesuits to found a school in Boston, evidently a petit seminaire, sometime prior to November, 1811, but the Fathers were unable to accept the oflFer due to lack of available teachers.^" Failing in outside assistance, the Bishop began a sort of diocesan seminary in 1813 with two students and appar- ently kept it in operation over twenty years. The first real parochial school in Boston was opened in September, 1820, with a hundred young girls as pupils under the direction of the Ursuline Sisters in a building erected for the purpose by Bishop Cheverus on a lot adjoining the cathedral property.^^ When, within a few years, it was seen that this site in the center of the city was becoming rapidly unsuitable for the girls' school. Bishop Fitzpatrick bought land for the Ursu- 8 Robert H. Lord, John E. Sexton, and Edward T. Harrington, History of the Archdiocese of Boston (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1944), 1:597-599. ^Ibid., 1:647. 1° Malou, S.J., ad Brzozowski, S.J., Nov. 20, 1811, Maryland Province SJ. Archives, 203 H 7. "Lord, Sexton, and Harrington, op. cit., 1:723-725. A CATHOLIC COLLEGE IN BOSTON 5 lines in Charlestown and had the institution moved there in 1826 and changed to a boarding school. A short time after this, the Bishop established a day school for boys and girls in Boston, employing the recently ordained Father James Fitton as a teacher. John J. Williams, later to be archbishop of Boston, was one of the original pupils in this day school.^^ By 1831 there were three Catholic schools in Boston and six in the surrounding area.^^ The year 1834 marked the burning of the Ursuline convent and school in Charlestown by an anti-Catholic mob, an event which shocked the nation, but indicated an attitude toward things Catholic which was entertained by large numbers of Bostonians." The following year, "Holy Cross Seminary," a boarding and day school, opened near the cathedral, "for the education of young gentlemen, chiefly for the Church."^^ In 1837, Father Fitton opened Mt. St. James Seminary in Worcester, but discovered within a few years that the financial and admin- istrational demands of an academy were more than he could meet, and so, on February 3, 1843, sold the institution to the Bishop, who at once entrusted the undertaking to the Jesuits. On June 18, 1843, the foundation of Holy Cross College to replace Mt. St. James Seminary was announced.^'' In the meantime, the lack of Catholic parochial schools was relieved somewhat by the advent of numbers of schoolmasters from Ireland who settled throughout New England, and opened independent "schools," depending for their livelihood on the generosity of the pupils' parents.^^ The existence of such "classes" 12 Louis S. Walsh, Growth of Parochial Schools in Chronological Order, 1820-1900 (Newton Highlands [Mass.]: Press of St. John's Industrial Train- ing School, 1901), p. 1. 13 Ibid., pp. 1 and 2. ' 14 Lord, Sexton, and Harrington, op. cit., 2:210-239. 15 United States Catholic Almanac, 1836 (Baltimore: James Myres, 1836), p. 125. 16 David R. Dunigan, S.J., "Student Days at Holy Cross College in 1848" (unpublished master's thesis, St. Louis University, 1938), p. 8. i'^ Anonymous, Historical Sketch of the Catholic Parochial Schools in the Archdiocese of Boston, 1820-1900, pamphlet, no publisher, no date, Boston Diocesan Archives, p. 3. 6 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE perhaps justifies the statement in the Catholic Almanac for 1845 that "there are common schools for both male and female chil- dren in most of the cities and towns of this Diocese, having Catholic teachers."^^ Nevertheless, in 1855, in the diocese of Boston, which embraced all of Massachusetts, there were only five free Catholic schools for girls and a few for boys, and six years later, only nine schools for girls and five for boys.^® The Need for Catholic Schools Evidently the sole provision in the diocese for the training of boys on the secondary and higher levels was at Holy Cross. At the time, however, there was little local demand for this type of education among the Catholic immigrants who were largely of the laboring class, and were, moreover, hardly able to afford the relatively high tuition ($150 a year).^° An examination of the register of students at Holy Cross in 1849 reveals that only thirty-one pupils of a total of one hundred and twenty came from Massachusetts — a local representation of less than 26 per cent.-^ Efforts to secure a charter for this institution in the same year (1849) failed through the religious prejudice of the Massachusetts legislature.^^ The need for Catholic schools was accentuated during the threescore years prior to the opening of Boston College by the growing success of Horace Mann's drive to remove denomina- tional religion from the Massachusetts schools. Mann did not intend, as Lord points out, to "secularize" education,^^ much less to paganize it, but the ultimate outcome, unforseen and unde- 18 The Metropolitan Catholic Almanac and Laity's Directory for the Year 1845 (Baltimore: Fielding Lucas, Jr., 1845), p. 149. 13 Walsh, op. cit., p. 4. 20 Holy Cross College prospectus in The Metropolitan Catholic Almanac and Laity's Directory for the Year 1844 (Baltimore: Fielding Lucas, Jr., 1844), pp. 88-89. 21 Dunigan, op. cit., p. 24. 22 Walter J. Meagher, S.J., "History of the College of the Holy Cross, 1843-1901" (unpublished doctoral thesis, Fordham University, 1944); a good short account is given in Lord, Sexton, and Harrington, op. cit., 2:575-582. 23 Lord, Sexton, and Harrington, op. cit., 2:311-312. A CATHOLIC COLLEGE IN BOSTON 7 sired, was to remove all but the most diluted religious influences from the public schools. What little remained was, of course, Protestant; the Catholic position, when not ignored, was ridi- culed and misrepresented in the common textbooks. The mounting tension between what was often a Catholic majority in public school classrooms and a dominant Prot- estant minority, culminated in 1859 in a series of incidents known as the Eliot School Controversy.^* This disturbance cen- tered about the severe corporal punishment inflicted by a teacher upon a Catholic pupil of the Eliot School, Boston, because of the child's refusal, upon instruction from his parents, to recite the Protestant version of the corrmiandments. The case was carried into the courts where, in disregard of the evidence, it was settled in favor of the teacher. The dispute gained national notoriety, and the injustices which the case involved forced the CathoHcs of Boston to conclude that the immediate establish- ment of an adequate school system of their own was imperative. Meanwhile, there was ever present a need for an adequate supply of educated leaders, both in the clergy and in the laity, and to supply this, the Bishop was seeking means to establish in Boston a low-tuition college for day scholars. He little dreamed that the fulfillment of this desire was finally at hand. 24 Bemadine Wiget, S.J., "The Eliot School Case" (contemporary MS. account, with newspaper clippings, 3 vols.), Maryland Provincial S.J. Archives. Good, brief account in Lord, Sexton, and Harrington, op. cit., 2:585-601. CHAPTER II THE MAN FROM ULSTER Historians agree that "the human agent chiefly instrumental in the founding of Boston's Jesuit college was John McElroy."^ This almost legendary figure was born in Brookeborough, near Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Province of Ulster, Northern Ireland, on May 14, 1782, and during his long life span, roughly coinciding with the establishment and development of the United States, and with the re-establishment and expansion of the Society of Jesus, he lived several careers.^ At the time of his birth the penal laws which prohibited Irish schoolmasters from teaching Catholics had not yet been completely removed in practice, hence the formal schooling which he received was only of the most rudimentary sort. After leaving school he was employed on his father's farm until he reached the age of twenty-one, when he embarked on a flax 1 Gilbert J. Garraghan, S.J., "Origins of Boston College, 1842-1869," Thought, 17:632, Dec, 1942. 2 This summary of Father McElroy's life is based upon letters of Father McElroy concerning his early life in the Society of Jesus, Woodstock Letters, 44:9-14, 1915; Father McElroy's letter to the Provincial, Jan. 14, 1863 (Maryland Province S.J. Archives, 227 Z 6); the reconstructed "Catalogus Sociorum Missionis Americae Foederatae, ineunte anno 1807," Woodstock Letters, 16:169-172, 1887; Father McElroy's Diary, preserved in the Maryland Province S.J. Archives at Woodstock College (Maryland); parts of the Diary referring to the Mexican War chaplaincy, Woodstock Letters, 15:198-202, July, 1886; 16:33-39, March, 1887; 16:161-168, July, 1887; 16:225-229, Nov., 1887; 17:3-11, March, 1888; Esmeralda Boyle, Father John McElroy, the Irish Priest (Washington: James Bellew, 1878); unsigned intervievi^, New York Herald, May 8, 1876. 8 THE MAN FROM ULSTER 9 ship. Serpent, which sailed from Londonderry, June 25, 1803, and arrived in Baltimore August 26, after a voyage of sixty-two days. He lived in that city about a year with a younger brother who kept a drugstore, then moved to Georgetown where he worked as a clerk in a dry-goods store owned by a Mrs. Curran. It was during this period that he discovered his vocation for the religious state, and sought the advice of his spiritual director, Bishop Leonard Neale, then coadjutor to Archbishop Carroll, and president of Georgetown College. Bishop Neale encouraged the young man, and undoubtedly counseled patience, for the Bishop was aware that the suppressed Society of Jesus was on the verge of being re-established in the United States, and would soon be in a position to accept candidates. Mr. McElroy Becomes a Jesuit There was still surviving at that time in America a small number of former Jesuits, among whom were Archbishop Carroll and Bishop Neale, and these had recently been encour- aged by the informal re-establishment of the order in England to petition that a similar favor be granted to the priests on the American mission. The request was granted by the Jesuit Gen- eral in 1804, and during the following year six of the missionary priests working in this country elected to re-enter the Society, and Father Robert Molyneaux was appointed superior. On October 10, 1806, nine novices destined to study for the priest- hood, and two lay-brother novices were received by the order and began their period of probation at Georgetown College. One of these scholastic novices was Benedict J. Fenwick, after- ward bishop of Boston; one of the lay-brother novices was John McElroy. Some ten months previously, on January 14, John had entered the employment of the college as a bookkeeper and buyer; now in his new status, his duties remained much the same. Many years later he wrote: I entered the Society as lay-brother, employed as clerk, proc- urator, treasurer, assistant cook, gardener, prefect, teacher 10 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE of writing, arithmetic, etc. In these duties was I occupied during the two years of Novitiate, often making my meditation the best I could in going to market, etc.^ He remained at Georgetown as a lay brother for nine years, and during the war with Great Britain witnessed from the col- lege windows the burning of Washington. In 1815, Father Grassi, the Superior of the Mission, took the extraordinary step of applying to the Jesuit General, Father Brzozowski, for permission to have Brother McElroy change his "grade" to that of scholastic and start studying for the priesthood. The permission was granted, and on July 31, 1815, John McEhoy, at the age of thirty-three, commenced the study of Latin grammar and other preparatory subjects under the tutorage of Father Grassi. He still carried out his miscellany of duties. "I was promised time to study, it is true, but as yet it has not arrived. . . ."* On April 5, 1816, he received tonsure and minor orders from Archbishop Neale, and on May 28, 30, and 31, 1817, after an interval of only twenty-two months from the inception of his studies, he was raised to major orders and the priesthood.^ His ordination was the last episcopal act performed by his friend and guide. Arch- bishop Neale, and a little over two weeks later it became the new priest's melancholy duty to prepare the aged prelate for death. , In 1818 Father McElroy was appointed to assist the pastor of Trinity Ghurch, Georgetown, and gave proof in that position of exceptional ability as a preacher. On September 29, 1822, he was sent to Frederick, Maryland, to take charge at St. John's Church during the serious illness of the pastor, and when the pastor died a short time later, many prominent citizens of Frederick, among whom was the future chief justice of the United States Supreme Court, Roger B. Taney, petitioned the 3 John McElroy, S.J., to Charles Stonestreet, S.J., July 21, 1857; Mary- land Province S.J. Archives. Published in Woodstock Letters, 44:9-10, 1915. 4 Ibid. 5 "Liber Continens Nomen etc., Promotonun ad Ordines Majores, etc., 1633-1852," MSS. book No. 350B, Maryland Province S.J. Archives, Baltimore. THE MAN FROM ULSTER 11 Jesuit superior that Father McEhoy be allowed to remain in that position. The request was granted, and he became pastor of St. John's Church in October, 1822. His life at this period was taken up with active missionary work not only in his own church, but in many of its substations throughout the hills of Maryland and Virginia. On January 3, 1824, he commenced his first undertaking in the field of Catholic education by bringing five courageous Sisters of Charity from Emmitsburg to open "St. John's Female Benevolent and Fred- erick Free School" in a small log cabin located on the church property. To the many hardships of poverty connected with this venture was added the bigoted opposition of large numbers of non-Catholic residents of the town. These persons, while carry- ing on a campaign of vilification against the Sisters, sought state aid for the creation of a non-Catholic free school. The latter action was turned by Father McEhoy into a blessing, for by the time the grant was finally made, he had arranged that part of it would be awarded to the Sisters' school. He succeeded in finding means to erect a respectable school building in 1825, and then turned his attention to making like provision for the boys in his charge. On August 7, 1828, he laid the cornerstone of St. John's Literary Institute, later St. John's College, and the first classes were held in the building in September, 1829, under the direction of a lay master secured from Georgetown. The institution came in time to be regarded as a rival of George- town's, until circumstances shortly before the Civil War led to its abandoimient. In 1833, Father McEhoy began the construction of an im- posing brick church modeled upon the Jesuit Church at Gardiner Street, Dublin, to take the place of old St. John's. The edifice^ was consecrated April 26, 1837, in the presence of the bishops from the Third Provincial Council of Baltimore.® In the meantime, his reputation as a preacher and as a direc- 8 A detailed account of Father McElroy's years at Frederick will be found in "St. John's Church and Residence, Frederick, Md.," Woodstock Letters, 5:103-114 (1876). 12 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE tor of retreats was growing steadily. He enjoyed the friendship and confidence of Archbishop Hughes, who requested him to conduct the first clergy retreat in the diocese of New York (1840), and later summoned the Jesuit to attend him on his deathbed. Bishop Purcell of Cincinnati named him as his theolo- gian at the Fourth Provincial Council of Baltimore,^ and Bishop Flaget, of Bardstown, petitioned Propaganda to name him his coadjutor.® He has been likened to "a clerical Abraham Lincoln, devoid of the learning of the schools, but abounding in force of character, maturity of judgment and talent for affairs."^ In 1845 he left Frederick to become pastor of Trinity Church, George- town (Washington), where he remained from September to May. Mexican War Chaplaincy On May 20, 1846, at the close of the Sixth Provincial Council of Baltimore, Bishop Hughes and two other prelates went to Washington to pay their respects to President Polk. During the visit, the President expressed a desire to have two priests ap- pointed at once to act as chaplains with the armed forces in Mexico. The Bishops consulted the Jesuit visitor. Father Peter Verhaegen, at Georgetown that evening, and he named Fathers McEhoy and Rey for the mission. The next day, the Secretary of War oflBcially notified the two Fathers that they had been approved by the President for the assignment, and they were advised that while "the existing laws do not authorize the Presi- ■^ Peter Guilday, The Life and Times of John England, First Bishop of Charleston, 1786-1842 (New York: America Press, 1927), II, 591. 8 "I have just written to the Cardinal [Prefect of the Propaganda] to ask for his [McElroy's] appointment and I have set forth in my letter that I believe him very worthy of being raised to the episcopate and particularly qualified to do good in my diocese, that he would not fail to be very well received by my [clergy] to whom he is known and by whom he is deeply venerated and that I personally should be very happy to have him for my coadjutor, I do not know of any ecclesiastic who could succeed so well in my diocese as the one I ask for. ..." Flaget to Purcell, Oct. 16, 1847, Notre Dame University Archives. Translation from the French by Garraghan, Jesuits of the Middle United States (New York: America Press, 1938), II, 119, n. 26. 8 Garraghan, "Origins," p. 634. THE MAN FROM ULSTER 13 dent to appoint and commission chaplains ... he has the author- ity to employ such persons to perform such duties as appertain to chaplains."" The pay and expenses offered them were the same as if they had been commissioned. Polk's purpose in ap- pointing them was, perhaps, a pohtical one; he sought to allay the Mexican fears that the United States expeditionary forces would seize church property or interfere with Catholic worship.^^ In any event. Fathers Rey and McElroy saw that the service they could render the American soldiers was a very real one independent of other considerations, and they set out from Georgetown on June 2, 1846, by rail, coach, and steamer for Point Isabel, in the southernmost part of Texas. They arrived at their destination on July 2, and crossed the border to Mata- moras, Mexico, to join General Taylor's troops on July 6. Father McElroy remained at Matamoras with the main forces while Father Rey soon went westward with Scott's division to Mon- terey. Father Rey remained in that sector until the following January when he set out to rejoin Father McElroy. On the way he was murdered by a band of irregulars, and his body was never recovered. Father McElroy reported this sad news to his Jesuit superiors in Washington, and in April he was instructed by them to return home as soon as matters could be arranged. He left Matamoras May 10, 1847, having served with the army a Httle over ten months. ^° W. L. Marcy, Secretary of War, to Reverend John McElroy, May 21, 1846. Transcribed in Father McEhoy's Diary (Maryland Province S.J. Archives, Woodstock), and published in Woodstock Letters, 15:200, 1886. 11 Polk wrote in his diary. May 19, 1846: "I fully explained to him [Bishop Hughes] the objections which we would probably have to encounter from the prejudices of the Catholic priests in Mexico, and the false im- pressions they had of the hostile designs of this country on their religion;^ . . . that our object was to overthrow their religion and rob their churches, and that if they believed this they would make a desperate resistance to our army in the present war. ... I said to him that the great object of my desiring to have this interview with him, was to ask whether some of the priests of the U. S. . . . could be induced to accompany our army as chaplains. ..." Milo Milton Quaife (Editor), The Diary of James K. Polk (Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1910), I, 409. 14 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE On his return from Mexico he was sent to Philadelphia to investigate the possibility of opening a Jesuit college there. When circumstances caused this project to be postponed indefi- nitely, he left that city in October for Boston. Here, unknown to him then, the great work of his life awaited him. CHAPTER III THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND Father McElroy's transfer to Boston in 1847 was not directly connected with the prospect of a CathoHc college there, although the hope for such an institution had been entertained by him for several years. He appears to have made the first overture for a coUege in Boston to the Bishop (Fenwick) in private conver- sation during August of 1842. Father McElroy had come to Boston on that occasion to give the diocesan retreat for the clergy, and lived at the Bishop's house. As a personal friend and former fellow novice with Bishop Fenwick, he was invited to accompany the Bishop on his visits about the city for several days before the retreat actually began on August 12. This in- timacy at least justifies one in supposing a benevolent reception for the idea of a college if Father McElroy actually proposed it. The only evidence that this topic was mentioned at this time is found in Father McElroy's casual assertion made several years later.^ No record of such a conversation is found in Bishop Fenwick's diary which covers the period, nor in the letter which the Bishop wrote to the Jesuit provincial thanking him for Father McElroy's services.^ Whether or not the matter was discussed then, it was men-' 1 McElroy to Beckx, Sept. 27, 1854. General Archives of the Society of Jesus in Rome, 9-XIX-4. Quoted by Garraghan, "Origins," 640-642. Here- after the letters JGA in a reference will indicate that the material is pre- served in these General Archives of the Society of Jesus in Rome. 2 Dzierozynski ad Roothaan, Sept. 6, 1842, JGA, Maryland, 7-VIII-l. The letter of Bishop Fenwick given in a Latin version in this place was translated into English by Garraghan, "Origins," 629-630, 15 16 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE tioned very explicitly less than three months later in a letter which Father McElroy wrote to extend his felicitations to the Bishop on the New Year. After offering his seasonal wishes and referring to various diocesan topics of interest at the moment, he entered at some length upon the question of a college in Boston: — you must turn your attention to your [new] Cathedral. You can, and must erect it. Leave the Holy Cross [Cathedral] where it is, with the vacant lot adjoining for a College of ours, who would also attend the Church. This would be lay- ing a solid & permanent basis for Catholicity, not only in the City, but through the Diocese. The education of boys in Christian Piety, together with the usual Classical studies, would be of infinite advantage . . . for your episcopal semi- nary, as also for our Society. A few members will suffice for a College of day scholars which may easily be supplied, but for boarders, a large number is necessary, and then of peculiar qualifications, for government, etc. With four scholastics & one Brother we [i.e., at Frederick, Maryland] carry on our school, over a hundred boys, with the same course as in Geo.Town as far as Rhetorick — and the same teachers might as well have double the number. What an advantage to your Catholic youth in the City to be thus trained up — what edification to the faithful & credit to Religion. Excuse, my dear Bishop, the unauthorized effusions of one well known to you, who hopes he has nothing at heart but the well being of your important charge. In every respect they are crude ideas which may be improved, I am sure, and perhaps, something in time, with God's blessing, might grow out of them. I see nothing difficult in the project — when I commenced our little College, I had not a dollar in hand, it is now a reputable establishment without a cent of debt — the Sisters have begun in the same way — out of debt — The Church the same and on it is paid about 30,000$ having a debt of about 8000$ and all this in Frederick, where we have but about 1500 Caths. No doubt in my mind, but your Cathedral and a splendid one, can be erected, in a few years and a College also, for the accommo- dation of 300 boys.^ 3 McElroy to Fenwick, Jan. 7, 1843, Diocesan Archives, Boston, Old Letters, "A," No. IQ. THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND 17 The Bishop evidently reacted favorably to this idea, and news of his interest in such an undertaking was conveyed in due course to Rome. A year after the above letter was written, the Jesuit General, Father John Roothaan, wrote to the Rector of Holy Cross College in Worcester: You are well enough aware how cordially I approve, to what an extent I am ready to support the Most Reverend Bishop's [Fenwick's] design of setting up a college in the city itself of Boston; my advice to you has ever been that all your concern should center on a college such as this.* In 1845 Father Roothaan wrote in a similar vein to the Jesuit Provincial of the Maryland Province. You are not unaware that it would be gratifying to us were you to establish a college in the city of Boston. Accordingly, after examining and deliberating on the details with your consultors, act in nomine Domini.^ In reply, the Provincial, Father Verhaegen, wrote some months later: I visited the Bishop of Boston. He is seriously thinking of opening a college in his episcopal city, but so far has put nothing into effect. It is necessary, so he says, to proceed slowly, and this in order that the institution which he is planning may be worthy of our holy religion and of the Society.^ In April of 1846, Father Roothaan was seeking further infor- mation on the subject. The Bishop of Charlestown [Charleston] has written to me about setting up a college in his episcopal city. But what about the college in Boston? I doubt whether the resources of the Province [of Maryland] will permit you to begin both at almost the same time.^ 4 Roothaan ad MuUedy, Jan. 2, 1844, JGA (Garraghan, "Origins," 630). 5 Roothaan ad Verhaegen, July 26, 1845, JGA ( Garraghan, "Origins," 631). 6 Verhaegen ad Roothaan, Nov. 14, 1845, JGA, Maryland (Garraghan, "Origins," 631). 7 Roothaan ad Verhaegen, April 3, 1846, JGA, Missiones, 1833-1843 (Garraghan, "Origins," 631). 18 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE In the meantime, the Bishop was evidently making prepara- tions to act along the lines suggested by Father McElroy in his first letter (above) because in July of that year (1846) Father Verhaegen reported to Rome that Bishop Fenwick was expecting to acquire a new site for his cathedral, in which event he would convey the existing cathedral and its site to the Jesuits. But if we have to wait until the new cathedral is built, even if we suppose it started this year, two entire years may pass. I think the Bishop follows too strictly the axiom, festina lente.^ The Jesuits Come to Boston On August 11, 1846, Bishop Fenwick died, and John B. Fitz- patrick, who had been consecrated coadjutor bishop of Boston two years earlier, succeeded to the sole responsibility of the oflBce. A little over a year after taking office. Bishop Fitzpatrick decided to solve the bothersome problem of an insurgent congregation in Saint Mary's Church, North End, Boston, by offering the church to the Jesuit Fathers.^ The Jesuit authorities accepted, and when, as has been seen, they found an experi- enced pastor available for the position in the person of Father McElroy after his Mexican War chaplaincy, he was sent to Boston where the Bishop installed him as pastor with two Jesuit assistants on October 31, 1847.^° This was, as the Bishop himself said, only the beginning of what I intend to do for the Society. The college is the main object of my concern; but I must wait for means. In the interim, your fathers living here will become known to the citizens, win their sympathy, while the bad dis- 8 Verhaegen ad Roothaan, July 8, 1846, JGA, Maryland, 8-1-18 (Gar- raghan, "Origins," 631). ^Fitzpatrick, Memoranda of the Diocese of Boston (manuscript), Vol. Ill, p. 289, under date Oct. 24, 1847, Diocesan Archives, Boston. Cf, also, Leahy, "Archdiocese of Boston," in Byrne (editor). History of the Cath- olic Church in the New England States, I, 127; and Lord, Sexton, and Harrington, op. cit., II, 474-475. 10 Fitzpatrick, "Memoranda," III, 289. THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND 19 position of the men who have opposed this and other of my plans will disappear." In a letter written in September of the following year ( 1848 ) , Father McElroy mentions the Bishop's intention to give the old cathedral and its land to the Jesuits upon completion of the new edifice, but that this prospect was still remote. The letter manifests a more immediate interest of Father McElroy 's in some sort of elementary school, where the fundamentals of language could be taught, and some instruction given in religion. ^^ In his diary, Father McElroy records the solution he arrived at in regard to the school: In a short time, I discovered the great want of schools, and more church accommodations for the faithful. In Feb- - ruary 1849 the fonner was in part provided for, by the opening of a school for female children under the Sisters of Charity in a house belonging to the church in Stillman Street, now in Lancaster Street, under the Sisters of Notre Dame. Finding that a surplus remained after defraying the expenses of the change and Church, I resolved to put it aside with the intention of purchasing in time, a site for a College & Church, if practicable, on the same lot.^^ Bishop Fitzpatrick wrote a no-longer-extant letter on Feb- ^^ From a Latin version of the Bishop's views as reported by the Jesuit Provincial, Father Verhaegen, to the General in Rome (Verhaegen ad Roothaan, Nov. 13, 1847, JGA, Maryland, 9-1-29. Quoted by Garraghan, "Origins," 636). The reference is evidently to a letter of the Bishop to Father Verhaegen dated November 9, 1847, in which he wrote: "The measures taken already in relation to the Society, are, as you are aware, only initiatory. Our ultimate plan is to have a College in the City. But this plan is too large a one to be executed all at once. Situated as we are, and limited in our resources we can only make small beginnings trusting for the rest in Him who alone can give the increase in all things undertaken for His glory. If we had waited until we should see a college starting at once into existence it would have been the 'Rusticus expectat' idea with us" (Maryland Province S.J. Archives, 215 D 11). 12 McElroy to Roothaan, Sept. 4, 1848, JGA, Maryland, 9-XIX-l ( Gar- raghan, "Origins," 637). 1^ McElroy, Diary, "A Brief History of the preparatory steps towards the erection of a college for our Society: and Collegiate Church in Boston," pp. 1 and 2 (in Vol. 4 of the MS. Diary). 20 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE niary 5, 1850, in which the prelate expressed the satisfaction with the work the Society of Jesus was carrying on at Holy Cross College and in Boston.^* From the tone of Father Roothaan's answer of May 8, 1850, the Bishop had apparently made known the hope he entertained of one day seeing a Jesuit coUege established in that city. It is with genuine satisfaction that I learned from your letter, Monseigneur, of your desire to establish a day-school in your episcopal city when Providence shall have furnished you the means. I shall always be ready to support your zeal for the success of this enterprise as far as circumstances will make it possible for me to do so.^^ However, when Father McElroy expressed a hope that in the course of another year, he would be able to open a school for boys on the same plan as the one he had at Frederick, to accommodate some 300 boys, the General, "hitherto so sympa- thetic toward the project of a Jesuit school in Boston, seemed now to become skeptical as to its feasibility."^® He inquired of the Maryland Provincial, Father Brocard, in January of 1851: "Is it true that a school in Boston for day-students is under consideration? New burdens when old ones weigh you down!"^^ Nevertheless, Father McElroy was permitted to take the necessary steps to establish the school he desired. In this matter he had the enthusiastic support of the Bishop, who wrote of tlie undertaking in his diary: March 6 [1852], Saturday. The Bp. dined with Father McElroy. He proposes to him to purchase from the city either the Otis school house or the Endicott school house both of which are in the neighborhood of St. Mary's church. The building might be used as a school house during the week & on Sunday to be converted into a chapel with a priest to 1* Garraghan, "Origins," p. 637. 15 Roothaan to Fitzpatrick, May 8, 1850. Original in Diocesan Archives, Boston (Old Letters, "A," No. 49). The translation from the French is Garraghan's, "Origins," 737-738. 16 Garraghan, op. cit., p. 638. Father McElroy 's letter: McElroy to Roothaan, Aug. 7, 1850, JGA, Maryland. 17 Roothaan ad Brocard, Jan. 8, 1851, JGA, Missiones, 1833-1857. THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND 21 give regular services, the rent of the seats would pay each year all the interest & a good part of the capital. Father McEhoy is pleased with die proposal & will probably act upon it. June 1 [1852], Tuesday. During the absence of the Bp. one of the public school houses belonging to the city once known as the Otis School, situated in Lancaster Street has been purchased by Mr. Andrew Carney at the request of Rev. John McElroy, S.J., rector of St. Mary's Church, Endicott Street. The Bp. has long been desirous that the Society of Jesus should establish in Boston a day college for the youth of the city. He has several times proposed it to the various provincials. Father McEhoy has entered very zealously into the project and he assumes the responsibility of paying for the Otis School. It has been bought at the price of $16,500. This is a very cheap bargain, for the building alone exclusive of the land cost the city about 20,000 dollars. It is very well adapted to the uses of a college and will accomodate 800 pupils. We are obliged for want of men and means to com- mence by a simple school: but hope in time to have a regular college where our youth may receive gratuitously or nearly so, a thorough education not only in the EngHsh branches but also in the languages, Philosophy &c. It is to be hoped that an institution of this kind will when duly organ- ized, in course of time, develop many vocations and supply the ever increasing & now overpowering want of the church in the country where, as yet, there is nothing to foster the germ of ecclesiastical vocations. June 16 [1852], Wednesday. The Bp. goes with Father Mc- Elroy to examine the Otis School lately purchased. The upper story is all one hall well fitted to be used as a chapel and capable of containing 6 or 7 hundred persons at least. It will soon be opened as a chapel for the surplus congregation of St. Mary's. June 28 [1852], Monday. Father McElroy calls on the Bp. and informs him that he collected yesterday in St. Mary's Church the sum of $1954 for the school house lately purchased. Sept. 19 [1852], Sunday. The Bp. blesses solemnly the chapel of St. Joseph in Lancaster Street, Boston. This chapel com- prises the upper hall of the large school house lately pur- chased by Father McEhoy, S.J., from the city of Boston. It 22 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE has been very neatly fitted up and may contain from 6 to 8 hundred pupils. ^^ The hope of having it eventually serve as a college, however, was never realized. St. Mary's School for Girls, directed by the Sisters of Notre Dame, was shortly after (i.e., September, 1853) transferred from the old location on Stillman Street to this new building on Lancaster Street.^^ Purchase of the Jail Lands In the meantime, the City of Boston announced the intention of oflFering at public auction on December 3, 1851, a portion of land comprising thii-ty-one building lots, on which the city jail had stood. -° The land was bounded by Leverett and Cause- way Streets on two sides; by property fronting on Lowell Street, on a third; and by other property fronting on Leverett, Wall, and Lowell Streets, on the fourth. The sale of the land was subject to certain conditions, one of which was to the effect that the buildings erected upon this property could be dwellings or stores only.^^ On November 25, 1851, the city conveyed the entire tract to a Colonel Josiah L. C. Amee except for a strip of land dividing the lot in two, which the city retained and paved as an extension to Wall Street. On the side of this Wall Street extension farthest from Leverett Street, Colonel Amee built ten dwelling houses, but when he found that he had difficulty in selling them, he gave up his original plan of build- ing others on the remaining land, and instead, offered it for sale.^^ 18 Fitzpatrick, "Memoranda of the Diocese of Boston," Vol. IV, pp. 73, 79A, 80, 81, 91. MS. Volume preserved in Diocesan Archives, Boston. 19 The Pilot, July 30, 1853; Lord, Sexton, and Harrington, op. cit., II: 616; also McElroy, Diary, July 19, 1853; Sept. 5, 1853. 20 "A Plan of 31 lots of the Old Jail Land to be Sold at Public Auction," a plan and advertisement issued by the Committee on Public Lands, City of Boston, and dated: "Boston, 1851," preserved in the Maryland Province S.J. Archives. 21 Ibid. 22 (William B. F. Whal) "Close of St. Mary's Jubilee, North End, Boston," The Pilot, Oct. 16, 1897, Vol. 60, No. 41, pp. 1 and 5; same in Woodstock Letters, 27 (1898): 92-93. THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND 23 Father McElroy had been looking about for land suitable for a larger church and a college, as has been seen, almost from the moment he came to St. Mary's. According to his diary, he had noticed that the Jail Land had been ofiFered for sale, and had even gone as far as to engage a broker to ofiFer "for an unidentified client" $70,000 for the entire lot. When the city authorities decided to open an extension to Wall Street through the lot. Father McElroy felt that the remaining land would be too small for his purpose and consequently withdrew from the market. His search to find a suitable site elsewhere, however, was in vain, so that when Colonel Amee expressed a desire to sell part of the Jail Land early in the year 1853, he turned his attention once more to this tract as a last resort.^^ On investigation he discovered that in addition to the restric- tion limiting the buildings erected on the land to dwellings and stores, another condition obliged the buyer to erect ten brick buildings facing the new (Wall) Street. Colonel Amee, per- ceiving that these conditions were making it impossible for him to sell the land, petitioned the city council for a release or modification of the restrictions so far as they affected the vacant lots facing Wall Street, and the committee on public lands, acting under a vote of the city council, on March 9, 1853, modified the restrictions on the Wall Street lots so that the prohibition only ran against "buildings to be used for manu- facturing or mechanical purposes, stables, gasometers, bowling alleys, etc."^* Colonel Amee obtained a duly certified copy of the vote modifying the restrictions and reopened negotiations with Father McElroy. But all the difficulties were by no means removed. Father McElroy pointed out that the Wall Street lots by themselves were not deep enough for a church site unless he could also buy the adjoining lots which faced on Leverett Street, and have them likewise freed from restrictions. Colonel Amee was willing to sell the additional land, and he felt, with 23 McElroy, Diary, "A Brief History of the Preparatory Steps, etc." MS. Vol. 4, pp. 1-3. 24 Whal, loc. cit. 24 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE good reason, that the city authorities would agree to remove the restrictions on the Leverett Street lots, as they had done so readily on the adjoining land. Father McElroy meanwhile had the title examined by the foremost real estate attorney in Boston at the time, N. I. Bowditch, and received from him the opinion that since Father McElroy proposed to buHd a church upon the premises, and from the further fact that the city had already modified the restrictions on the Wall Street lots, there would not be the shghtest difiBculty in securing the necessary modification on the remainder of the land; that it was a mere formal matter, and that Father McElroy was perfectly safe in paying the pur- chase money. So, on advice of his counsel. Father McElroy paid the consideration and took the title from Colonel Amee on March 23, 1853." The down payment was $13,000, and Father McElroy became responsible to the city for the balance of the purchase money, $46,480.59. Father McElroy was understand- ably pleased with this acquisition, since it included the buildings on the property, one of which, a granite, four-story structure, originally built as a courthouse, cost the city $50,000 when new.^^® Intolerance Forces a Withdrawal When it became known that the Jail Land had been sold to a Catholic priest, and that he proposed to build upon it a new Cathohc church, a group of bigoted persons immediately agi- tated to have the committee on pubhc lands first enforce the restriction limiting the use of the land to the erection of dwell- ings or stores; and second, put back in force the recently rescinded condition that the purchaser erect ten brick dwelling houses on the Wall Street lots or forfeit the land. Their bigotry prevailed and the committee, exceeding its legal power, notified Colonel Amee and Father McElroy within a day of the purchase that the restrictions were once more in force; the order rescinding them, it was claimed, having been obtained by Colonel Amee by false representation. 25 Whal, loc. cit., and McElroy, Diary, loc. cit. 26 McElroy, Diary, loc. cit., pp. 3-4. THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND 25 After taking legal advice on the matter, Father McElroy dis- regarded this notification, and directed his attention to the task of obtaining permission to erect a building other than a dwelling or store on the lot. The Bishop joined Father McElroy in his efforts, and caused the petitions to be made jointly by himself and Father McElroy, but without avail. Mr. Bowditch pre- sented the petitioners' views before the mayor and joint com- mittee on public lands at a hearing in the Common Council room on April 19, 1853, but despite a most cogent and moving plea their efforts proved fruitless.^^ A petition signed by one Nathaniel Hammond and nine hun- dred and twenty-four others opposing the lifting of the restric- tions had been presented to the committee, but on May 19, 1853, a counterpetition signed by twenty-five of the most promi- nent Protestant gentlemen in Boston was sent to the committee urging that permission be given for the church to be built. The names of these gentlemen were: Rufus Choate, Abbott Law- rence, William Appleton, George Ticknor, George B. Upton, Sidney Bartlett, James Reed, Robert C. Winthrop, C. H. Warren, Thomas Hopkinson, Amos A. Lawrence, Samuel Lawrence, Ezra Lincoln, George S. Hillard, Thomas G. Gary, J. Thomas Stevenson, N. A. Thompson, Philo S. Sheldon, William H. Prescott, Peter Harvey, J. G. Warren, Francis B. Crowninshield, C. H. Mills & Co., Edward Everett, and Thomas Watmore.'^ Included in this number are the names of an ex-speaker of the National House of Representatives; an ex-Governor of the Com- monwealth; two of the most famous lawyers of the period, and others, famous in the fields of literature, education, and com- merce. But the great influence of such men as this was likewise disregarded; the mayor and aldermen agreed to allow the construction of the church, but the council would not concur.^^ Early in 1854, when Father McElroy saw that there was no immediate prospect of building the church and college, he 2^ N. I. Bowditch, An Argument for a Catholic Church on the Jail-Lands (a pamphlet, Boston: John Wilson and Son, 1853). 28 The Pilot, May 28, 1853. 29 McElroy, Diary, loc. cit., p. 5. 26 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE decided to fit up the granite building as a dwelling, which he did at a cost of some $2,000, and which he succeeded in renting as a boarding house for $600 a year. The two other small build- ings on the property, he rented as tenements for an additional $250 yearly.30 In 1855 I presented again my (it should be the joint petition of the Bishop & myself) petition to the Council who were all Know-Nothings, a new political party, recently organized, whose main object was to wage war (politically) against Catholics and foreigners. The Mayor being of the same creed ... I entertained no hope. So far from giving a favorable hearing to my petition, they tried again to annul my contract by the non-compliance of one of the conditions, namely the building of a drain or sewer across the lot. My legal adviser drew up a very able argument which defeated their object, this and the former objection made against the contract, having ensured, it is presumed, the title of the land in future against dispute. Being themselves defeated in the attempt, the land committee resolved to make me an offer [June 2, 1853]^^ of 35,000 dollars for my right and interest in the said Lands. The council did not entertain this proposi- tion, knowing from the stand I took, that I had no idea of parting with the property. Thus ends our transactions with the city government up to the close of the year 1855.^^ In March of the following year (1856), the Bishop and Father McEhoy judged that the prospects of a favorable reception of their petition had brightened with the election of Alexander H. Rice as mayor, and with a new council in session in which the Know-Nothings were in the minority. A copy of the petition which they submitted is found in Father McElroy's Diary: To the Honble, the Mayor, Aldermen & Common Council of the City of Boston: The undersigned present themselves before your Honble body, to renew their petition made on former occasions, for the removal of certain restrictions, on four lots of land, front- ing on Leverett Street, to enable them to erect an edifice for 80 Ihid., p. 6. 31 The Pilot, June 11, 1853. 32 McElroy, Diary, pp. 6-7. THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND 27 the purpose of Divine Worship. The subject of this petition has been discussed suflBciently to preclude the necessity of entering into details. The undersigned rest their hopes on the impartiality of the present councils, and of their sense of justice irrespective of any sinister bias. Three years have now elapsed since the purchase of the lands in question. This was done in good faith, not doubting for a moment, that the same authority which took the restrictions oflF ten lots would with more reason take the same o£E four lots, especially as it was for a church to accommodate hundreds who are de- prived of the means of sanctifying the Lord's Day. The undersigned would also respectfully submit that in- dependent of the annual installments already paid ($20,- 658.04) to the City Treasurer, taxes and interest have also been paid to the amount of 7995.77 for all of which no consideration has as yet been received from the land which remains unproductive in both a spiritual and temporal point of view. With this simple statement of facts, we place our- selves confidentially before your respective boards, that this our petition may be granted to enable us to commence this season, the erection of the contemplated church and your petitioners as they are bound will ever pray &c. Signed John B. Fitzpatrick, Bsp. of Boston John McElroy^^ The petition was read in the board of common council and referred to the land committee, composed of members from both boards. After being debated there for a considerable time, a majority of the committee finally voted to remove the re- strictions.^* The council, itself, deferred action on it for several weeks. At length, it was taken up, debated with some warmth for several weeks, until finally, on November 20, 1856, it wa's 33 Ibid., pp. 8-9. 34 Perhaps news of this action encouraged Father McElroy to apply to his Jesuit superiors for formal permission to begin building operations, for on May 31, 1856, the Jesuit authorities "agreed to permit Father McElroy to commence building a church, and later a college." (Fr. Charles Stone- street, S.J., Provincial, to Fr. John McElroy, S.J., May 31, 1856, Maryland Province S.J. Archives, Baltimore). 28 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE defeated by a vote of twenty-five to fifteen, with some eight not voting.^'^ Father McEhoy took the defeat philosophically; he saw that, although Catholic petitioners had not been granted what they had asked, the opposition was diminishing, and that many, in- cluding an increasing number of non-Catholics, were perceiving that the Catholics were being deprived of fair and equitable treatment in a spirit of bigotry. Several members of the council charged the opposition openly with this bigotry, and others undertook to defend Catholic doctrines that were mentioned in their discussions. All of this permitted the venerable priest to reflect that the Church, by and large, had really won an im- portant victory in this matter by securing the sympathy and interest of a large number of fair-minded citizens. ^*^ On December 8, 1856, the annual city elections were held and on the issue of the Jail Lands, almost all of Father McElroy's bitterest opponents were defeated. There were but six Know- Nothings on the council for the ensuing year, which encouraged the Bishop and Father McElroy to renew their endeavors to have the restrictions removed by a new petition dated January 21, 1857." Weeks passed into months, and still no definite action was taken on the petition. On March 23, Bishop Fitzpatrick wrote in his diary: There is every appearance, from the manner in which the City Council and board of Aldermen are acting, that the petition of the Bp. & Father McElroy for the removal of the restrictions upon the estate known as the Jail Lands will not be granted. It is therefore deemed advisable to sell that estate and seek another piece of land in the same neighbor- hood. The Bp. and Father McElroy take a walk through the western quarter of the city. They remark at the corner of Spring and Milton Streets a large piece of land covered with 35 McElroy, Diary, p. 10; "Memoranda," Nov. 20, 1856. 36 McElroy, Diary, p. 11. s'? Ibid., p. 12. THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND 29 houses of little value. Father McEhoy is to ascertain who the owner or owners are and whether the land can be bought.^^ Father McElroy evidently investigated this property and found it unavailable, because three days later he, together with the Bishop and the Jesuit Provincial, who had recently arrived in Boston on his annual visitation, decided that it would be advisable to place the new church and college in the southern part of the city (the "South End") rather than in the western section. The Bishop thereupon authorized the Jesuits, in the person of Father Stonestreet, the Provincial, to purchase land for that purpose.^^ My next step [wrote Father McElroy] was to ascertain the best means of disposing of the Jail lands. I applied to a pro- fessional gentleman, my counsel on former occasions, who had expressed at one time his wish to purchase the lands, he now declined but tendered his services very kindly, to dispose of it to the City, as he thought it would be rather difficult to efiFect so large a sale to private individuals. To this I gave my consent. . . .*° The city authorities were much relieved to have the matter ended at last, since "it puzzled interested politicians and made them uncertain in their calculations upon the Catholic vote in the municipal elections."*^ The first offer to the city was made in the last week of March, and on April 10 the matter was referred by concurrence of the aldermen and common council to the land committee. In contrast with their lethargic per- formances in the past, these various bodies acted upon the business with dispatch, and on the Saturday in Easter week, April 18, 1857, completed the purchase.*^ The sum which they paid immediately and which Father McElroy banked immedi- ately, with no little satisfaction,*^ amounted to $64,771.80, which 38 (Fitzpatrick), "Memoranda," March 23, 1857. 39 Ibid., March 25 and 26, 1857. 40 McElroy, Diary, Part IV, p. 14. 41 (Fitzpatrick), "Memoranda," April 20, 1857. *2 McElroy, Diary, Part IV, p. 14. 43 McElroy to Stonestreet, Apr. 19, 1857, Maryland Province Archives, 225 W 7. 30 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE represented all the money which he had advanced upon the land, with interest simple and compound upon the installments, and an advance of about $4,500, which, with the income from the buildings upon the estate from the time of its purchase, amounted to a gain of about $9,000/* A Site in the New South End Reflecting upon this sale, Bishop Fitzpatrick was of the opinion that all things considered, it is no doubt better that the petition of the Bp. and Fr. McElroy has been so obstinately refused by the city authorities. The funds have accumulated by interest in the mean [time] and increased by the advance which the city pays. A college in the south part of the city will be easily accessible to a far greater number of Catholic children or youths. Not only the population of the city proper in the main part will be better accommodated, but South Boston, Roxbury and some other adjoining towns may enjoy all the advantages. This would not be the case had the college been placed in Leverett Street.^^ This evidently represents a changed point of view, because only a few weeks before. Father McElroy referred to the Bishop as merely "reconciled" to the prospect of the college being located in the South End.*^ But there were some, clerical and lay, who did not become reconciled to the thought of the change. Among the priests who would have preferred to have the college remain in the North End at all costs, was Father Bemadine Wiget, S.J., assistant to Father McElroy at St. Mary's. It is not clear from his letters just how he planned to solve the impasse created by a hostile city government, but he vigorously resented the movement away from Leverett Street.*^ In support of his 44 McElroy, Diary, Part IV, p. 15; ( Fitzpatrick ) , "Memoranda," April 20, 1857. 45 (Fitzpatrick), "Memoranda," April 20, 1857. 46 McElroy to Stonestreet, May 7, 1857, Maryland Province Archives, 225 W 6. 47 Wiget to Stonestreet, May 7, 1857, Maryland Province Archives, 225 W 10; also Wiget to Stonestreet, May 27, 1857, 225 W 11. THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND 31 view, he cited the Irish of that section of the city, who, he claimed, were much incensed at news of the change. Father McEhoy was conscious of this evidently ill-informed opposi- tion, but prudently decided to say nothing and disregard it, in the hope that time would demonstrate the wisdom of his acts.*^ The sale of the Jail Lands was completed on Saturday; on Monday morning, April 20, Father McEhoy was back again before the land commissioners seeking to buy a plot of land on Harrison Avenue, between Concord and Newton Street, which appears to have been brought to his attention by the well- disposed mayor of the city, Alexander H. Rice.*^ The lot con- tained 115,000 square feet and embraced an entire city block. As soon as the proposal was made, new opposition sprang up. Some few of the council took alarm, and spread the word to the newspapers. The excitement centered on the fact that the Catholics were going to take over an entire square of land in the center of the city,^° with the result that the land com- missioners voted during the last week in April to reject Father McEhoy's ofiFer.^^ He, however, shrewdly realizing that it was his effort to purchase the entire block that constituted the "audacious attempt on the part of ecclesiastical authorities . . . to acquire undue and colossal power,"^^ shifted his ground and *8 McElroy to Stonestreet, May 2, 1857, Maryland Province Archives, 225 W 8. *9 McElroy, Diary, Vol. 4, pp. 15-16; Mr. Rice's aid is claimed by Whal {The Pilot, Oct. 16, 1897, pp. 1 and 5), who was a witness of many of Father McElroy's activities; by Garraghan, "Origins," who evidently based his assertion on a letter, McEhoy to Beckx, Feb. 1, 1859 (Maryland, 9-XIX-8, in Jesuit General Archives, Rome); by Towle, a pupil at Boston College in 1865 {The Stylus, 11 [1898]: 333); and by Devitt, rector at Boston College from 1891 to 1894 {Woodstock Letters, 64 [1935]: 400). No mention is found of this aid in the McElroy letters in the Jesuit Pro- vincial Archives in New York or Maryland; nor in McElroy, Diary; nor in Bishop Fitzpatrick's "Memoranda"; nor in Boyle's life of Fr. McElroy. 50 McElroy, Diary, Vol. 4, pp. 15 and 16. s^ ( Fitzpatrick ) , "Memoranda," May 3, 1857. 52 Ibid. In connection vdth the opposition to the Harrison Avenue purchase, the story is told that Charles Francis Donnelly, later a distin- guished lavi^er and champion of Catholic education in the Legislature trials of the Private Schools Investigation BiU in 1888, while a 22-year-old 32 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE renewed his petition, this time asking for only a section of the land.^^ The chief objection being thus removed, he was assured privately that permission for purchase would ultimately be given. Days and weeks passed in the now familiar pattern of post- ponements, delays, promises. The sought-for solution was always just around the corner; it would be settled "the next week end." On May 27, Father McElroy admitted to the Provincial how tried he was. "Since the 18th of April, the day I disposed of the Jail Land, until this day, I have been in continual com- munication with the Mayor, Councils & Land Commissioners and as yet nothing is concluded. . . . "^* He faced the situation with the patience of a saint, and at the same time with the astuteness of a bank executive. When, with the approach of June, he began to have doubts that the Harrison Avenue negotiations would ever be terminated favor- ably, he began preparations for an alternative purchase. The prospect, as he outiined it in his diary, was a large building lately erected for a lying-in hospital by an association of Gentln. It cost, including the land (40,000 square feet), $64,000 -they ask 60,000$ and the Broker em- ployed to purchase it, thinks it can be had for much less. I have authorized him to give 50,000$ — the only difficulty about it is that the title was given by the City, stipulating that an hospital of the above character be erected on it — to remove this restriction, can be done only by the City Coun- law student in the Boston offices of the Honorable Ambrose A. Ranney, was asked as part of his duties to draw up in legal form the protest which a group of non-Catholics were making against the sale of the Harrison Avenue land to Fr. McElroy. Young DonneUy, brought up in the best Catholic traditions, and with a knowledge of the rights of Catholic citizens, took his future in his hands by refusing to draw up the paper, characterizing it as a manifestation of bigotry. Mr. Ranney, instead of being angry with the daring young man, sided with him. It is not recorded what became of the protest (cf. Katherine E. Conway and Mabel Ward Cameron, Charles Francis Donnelly, a Memoir [New York: James T. White Co., 1909], pp. 11-12). 53 McElroy, Diary, Part IV, p. 16. 54 McEhoy to Stonestreet, May 27, 1857. Maryland Province S.J. Archives, 225 W 9. THE STRUGGLE FOR LAND 33 cils — it is feared, that this will not be done, unless they are informed for what purpose the building is to be used, and if this be made known it is feared we cannot purchase it. . . .'^ The Trustees accepted his offer of $50,000 under his condi- tion that they secure the removal of the restriction by the city authorities. The petition was entered on June 8, 1857, and shortly after this was rejected.^^ Father McElroy wrote: July 17. Again the enemy has triumphed in defeating the above project — the Citizens . . . took the alann that Fr. McElroy was about to erect a Church for the Irish; that he would have a large number of families of this class in the neighborhood; that he was also about to build a Jesuit Col- lege; that nothing else would satisfy these Jesuits than the Conversion of all the Bostonians &c., &c. From such fear, petitions were sent in to the Aldermen, against such build- ings, three or four newspapers came out in the same strain the past week. Finding the opposition a formidable one, and a renewal of the Jail Lands, I concluded to abandon the project, of the Hospital & land, and fall back on the first site I had selected, fronting on Harrison Avenue.^^ But victory was near. Father McElroy 's efforts of four and a half years to secure property for a church and the future Boston College came to an end on the morning of July 22, 1857, when the land committee of the City of Boston finally agreed to sell him the tract he sought on Harrison Avenue.^* The first stage of the struggle was over. 55 McElroy, Diary, Vol. 4, p. 16, 56 Ibid. There appears to be some confusion regarding tlie dates given by Father McElroy during this period; the most probable arrangement seems to be: July 17, rejection of the hospital petition; July 22, agreement to sell Fr. McElroy the Harrison Avenue land. 57 Ibid., p. 19. 58 Ibid., p. 20. CHAPTER IV WALLS AND A ROOF Harrison Avenue was laid out in 1844 while the South End of Boston was still a narrow neck of land surrounded by flats and the waters of the bay. In 1853 the work of widening the neck was begun by filling in the marshy lands on eitlier side of it, and three years later a street railroad system was inaugurated, with the first line of this Metropolitan Company running from the old Granary Burying-Ground on Tremont Street to Roxbury. Overnight the South End became the desirable residential section of the city, and extensive building operations began.^ Father McElroy in his diary recognized the advantage of this section for his new college, because "a better class of houses will be and are erected in the vicinity" and "the horse rail roads now introduced into various parts of the City, will afford easy access for Students from all parts of the city and vicinity."^ The lot which he had purchased from the city comprised 65,100 square feet of land, with a 250-foot frontage on Harrison Avenue; 270 feet on Concord Street, and 250 feet on the new, unnamed (James) street, "running with the cemetery wall, and thence by a dividing line to Harrison Avenue 250 feet."^ The cemetery is evidently the one which Towle afterward remem- bered being removed by the authorities to make room for the 1 Cf . Illustrated Boston, 2nd ed. (New York: American Publishing and Engraving Co., c. 1889), pp. 54-55. 2 McElroy, Diary, Vol. 2, pp. 13 and 15. 3 Ibid., p. 16. 34 WALLS AND A ROOF 35 college playground in 1866.^ The price which the city charged, since the land was to be Church property, was fifty cents a foot; a reduction of twenty-five cents a foot on the residential rate. An architect, P. C. Keely, of Brooklyn, New York, was en- gaged at once and plans were begun for the church. At the same time a Mr. Wissiben was chosen as architect for the college building.^ On August 17, 1857, the first installment of the purchase price was paid to the city authorities amounting to $3,750, leaving $28,800 to be paid in nine annual payments of $3,200 with interest at 6 per cent.^ In September, Father McElroy spent four weeks in New York with the architects going over plans and drawings for the church and college. The college, he decided, was to be housed in two separate buildings, each 90 feet by 60 feet, and connected by a small building 40 feet by 23 feet, and three stories in height. Although the architect at first envisioned the church as a brick edifice with a stone fagade, it was decided to take advantage of an offer from a New Hampshire contractor who owned his own quarries to build the entire church of white granite, and from the same stone to build the basement of the college and the steps and platforms of both buildings. The stone work was to cost $62,000 complete. The contract with Mr. Andrews of Nashua, New Hampshire, was signed November 25, and con- tracts were placed with Messrs. Morrell and Wigglesworth of Newburyport for the carpentry work connected with the roofing, window frames, joists, and a first floor of plank for $18,000.^ On November 24, 1857, Father McElroy wrote in his diary: "This week I make application to the board of land commis- sioners to sell me twenty feet more of land, fronting on Harrison 4 Henry C. Towle, "The Pioneer Days at Boston College," The Stylus, (June, 1897), 11:332-333. s James S. Sullivan, A Graphic, Historical and Pictorial Account of the Catholic Church of New England, Archdiocese of Boston, Illustrated Publishing Co., 1895, p. 204. 6 McElroy, Diary. 7 Ibid. 36 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE Avenue and extending back to the new street; this would give us 270 feet front, on three streets, the fourth boundary would be a little short of this — in this way, our lots would be nearly square. I hope to get it at the same price, 50 cents a foot."* The new land, since it was to be used by the college exclu- sively, was to be taxed in the same manner as a private residence. Exemption from taxation was not granted to the college until it was incorporated in 1863.® Father McElroy attributed the courteous treatment which he had received of late from the city officials to the "pacific course" he had pursued in the Jail Lands episode. For this favor he thanked God, who gave him patience to remain silent "amidst their opposition, contrary to the importunities of my friends, who advised a contrary course."^" His financial picture had changed somewhat. He paid as a first installment on the new lot, and interest up to January 1, 1858, $4,470. The annual installment payable on August 1 would now be $3,474 with interest. But as a consoling thought, he added to these figures the observation that "the lot now belonging to the Soc. [iety] could not be purchased in five years from this time for less than 2$ a foot — and there is no public building in the city occupying so large a lot."" Breaking of Ground On April 7, 1858, ground was broken on the site of the new church by Bishop Fitzpatrick, who took the first spadeful fol- lowed by Fr. McElroy, who with his spade cut out "the sign of the Holy Cross, with the words In Nomine Patris, etc."^^ Stone- cutters and carpenters had been on the location some time before this, preparing blocks and window frames so that when the work actually began it proceeded rapidly. It had been intended originally to diive piles as a foundation 8 McElroy, Diary, Vol. 2, p. 24. 9 Ibid., last page. 10 Ibid., p. 25. 11 Ibid. ^^Ibid., p. 26. WALLS AND A ROOF 37 for both church and college, but it was finally decided to employ instead trenches, varying in depth from five to eleven feet, filled with concrete. The notion of concrete intrigued Father McEhoy very much, as is evidenced in his diary by the lengthy descrip- tions he wrote on its composition, and on how it is poured. At the same time, it was seen that cellars could be satisfactorily con- structed, a fact that had been doubted previously due to the nature of the filled land, and orders were given to build cellars under the college. The expense for this alteration. Father McElroy notes, "will be little if any, as the earth is removed without charge, and the walls must be the same depth to get a solid foundation."" At seven o'clock on the morning of April 27, 1858, a small group comprising the Bishop ( Fitzpatrick ) , Very Reverend John Williams, V.G.; Reverend James A. Healy, chancellor; Reverend John Rodden, and Fathers Wiget, Janalik, and McElroy of the Society of Jesus gathered at the site of the church without pub- licity of any kind, and unattended by any gathering of people, to lay the cornerstone of the church.^* This ceremony must also be considered as the laying of the cornerstone of Boston College, because both buildings were built simultaneously as one project, and, as far as can be ascertained, no thought was given to a separate cornerstone laying for the college. Through the month of May, in spite of heavy rains which repeatedly filled the excavations and made the use of steam pumps necessary, the work on the cellar walls of the college progressed surprisingly well. The concrete-filled trenches sup- ported a first course of large granite blocks, and on top of this, three feet of rough masonry was leveled to receive the granite basement walls eleven feet in height. ^ Father McElroy stated in June that about forty stonecutters were at work in a long range of sheds erected for them, and there was "a blacksmith's shop with four fires."^^ In July he re- 13 Ibid., pp. 26-27. " Ibid., p. 27. 15 Ibid, p. 28. 38 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE ported that "the first floor of the College buildings is being laid, and the granite basement of the same commenced. 130 men are now daily employed on the premises — all bids fair to have the buildings enclosed before the severe w^inter."^® In September the granite basement of the college v^as nearly finished, and all the brick partition walls in the basement erected. In addition to this, the principal floors of the first story were laid and the brick commenced over them. Later that month, Father McElroy rejoiced that the walls of the college were completed to a stage where "the bricks are now carried up by steam power to the upper stories. . . ."^^ The Sodality Latin School That fall ( 1858 ) witnessed the inauguration on a very modest scale of an institution which one authority spoke of as a fore- runner of Boston CoUege.^^ It was the Latin School of the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception, opened under the auspices of the men's sodahty of St. Mary's Church, North End, and directed by Father Bernadine F. Wiget, S.J., and Father James Fitton, the founder of Mount St. James Academy in Worcester. The school occupied the two upper floors of a Baptist meetinghouse on Hanover Street, and was "staffed" by one teacher, Michael Norton, a student in his senior year at Harvard. Although no pressure was exerted upon the thirty young men who constituted the student body, it was presumed that they had the intention of taking up studies ultimately for the priesthood. The Bishop, naturally very much interested in the project, had, nevertheless, some misgivings in the beginning concerning the quality of the education which the school would be able to impart,^^ but twelve of the students entered the Society of Jesus 16 Ibid., p. 29. 17 Ibid., p. 30. 18 Edward L Devitt, S.J., president of Boston College (1891-1894), who was a youth in Boston at the time. His account of the founding of "The S.LC. Latin School" occurs in "Father Francis J. O'Neill, S.J.," The Stylus (March, 1905), 18:12-17. 19 "Memoranda," March 10, 1859. WALLS AND A ROOF 39 at the end of the first year (July, 1859), giving the authorities reason to be satisfied with the undertaking. The subsequent his- tory of the school is vague; it was probably absorbed within another year's time into the new St. Mary's Free School, which was to provide for older boys as well as the younger until Boston College was prepared to accept lay students some five years later. New Expenses Meanwhile work on the new Boston College building was going on apace. The masons finished their task in October, and the carpenters commenced the laborious work of setting the roof. This carpentry work went on through November, Decem- ber, and January, although all work on the church had to be suspended for the winter in mid-November. Father McElroy reflected with some heaviness of spirit that the brick partitions in the basement and through the building had added an unfor- seen $11,855 to the original estimate, raising the masonry con- tract for the whole project to $76,855.'° At this time he applied to the superintendent of public lands in the city for the purchase of a strip 30 feet wide adjoining the north side of the college property, running from Harrison Avenue to James Street. On March 8, 1859, the city land com- mittee acceded to his proposal and sold him the land, 7350 square feet in addition to his previous purchase, for the old price of fifty cents a square foot, although the market price for the land when used for residential purposes had now risen to one dollar a square foot. Again Father McElroy took pleasure in calculating his saving which this reduction made possible. The sum, $3,075, Father McElroy considered as part of the reparation which the city authorities were kindly making for the annoyance other city officials had caused him in the past.'^ Contracts which he let out in April for work in the interior of the college building were as follows: carpentry, $11,800; 20 McElroy, Diary, Vol. 2, p. 31. Also McElroy to Villiger, March 14, 1859, Maryland Province S.J. Archives, 226 W 2. 2iMcElroy, Diary, p. 32. 40 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE plastering, $2,820; plumbing, $1,775; gas fitting, $488. In June an additional contract had to be made for the steamfitters to lay the pipes in the college before the flooring and walls were com- pleted. Steam heating at the time was such an expensive propo- sition that Father McElroy pondered on it long before deciding to have it installed. Finally, he was persuaded that it was best 'Tjoth as to security from fire, less expensive in the consumption of coal; free from dust; (and giving) an agreeable summer-like heat."22 In presenting an informal account of his stewardship up to this point in his diary. Father McElroy points out the various expenses which had unavoidably arisen and which had been unforeseen in the original contiacts, but the main burden of blame for his unpaid debts he places on the want of cooperation on the part of the fathers at St. Mary's. They, with good intentions no doubt, appealed to the faithful of St. Mary's for the support of a Latin School, next for an English School, and again for the purchase of lots, thus cutting off what I always expected as the chief means of completing the buildings. This was the intention and direction of RR. FF. Brocard and Stonestreet, and without this pros- pect, I should never have commenced the work. When I commenced building, I had about 80,000$ in hand, saved in St. Mary's in six years — the contracts for placing the buildings under roof were $83,000. exclusive of the above extras, the interior finish of the College, a separate contract of 14,016$ this makes $97,016 for the church under roof and the college completed. Now if St. Mary's had united with me the past two years, as I expected, ten thousand doUars a year could have been raised to aid in these buildings. This was one of the greatest disappointments I met since I undertook to erect a College and Church for our Society. Fiat voluntas Dei.^^ On October 1, 1859, Father McElroy, accompanied by one Father ( Steinbacker ) , left St. Mary's rectory in the North End where he had been living, and took up residence in the college building despite the great inconvenience which must have been 22 Ibid., p. 34. 23 Ibid, pp. 36-37. WALLS AND A ROOF 41 experienced by them during that winter through lack of proper heating equipment. However, greater trouble than a cold room soon arose in the form of difiBculties in finding money to meet current expenses. Father McElroy's attempt to raise money by a mortgage on the college and church in January of 1860 proved fruitless when the conditions attached to the loan were found to be altogether unsatisfactory. A temporary expedient in this crisis was arranged by a bank which discounted notes for Father McElroy. But this he saw was a troublesome and uncertain solution so he renewed his efiForts to obtain a permanent loan. Through the summer of 1860 two new and unforeseen outlays added to his financial burden. The first of these was for an iron fence set on granite piers, which enclosed practically all the property. This fence was required, for reasons no longer known, by the City of Boston and represented an expense of $600 for the foundation work, and $3.75 a foot for the railing, including gates and painting. The Harrison Avenue frontage alone cost about $2,000 according to Father McElroy's oJBScial estimate.^* Second, the fear of a possible explosion of the steam boilers caused Father McEhoy to have them placed in a separately built small building behind the church. It was found on trial that the church chimney was not large enough for the new boilers, and a new smokestack had to be built. The housing for the boilers cost $300, and the chimney cost $470.^5 In the beginning of the month of September, 1860, Father McElroy wTOte that he had succeeded in arranging for the loan he desired.^® The Savings Bank in Lowell, Massachusetts, loaned 2* Fr. McElroy's Diary, Vol. 2, pp. 39 and 41 mention the cost per foot of the fence and the foundation work, giving the reader to understand that all the iron fencing which now exists on three sides of tiie area was laid at the same time; in his report to the Jesuit Visitor to the United States, Father Sopranis, he mentions only the Harrison Avenue length, and gives the price of that; in this report he also mentions the coercion of the city in the matter, which is not recorded in the diary (McElroy to Sopranis, June 19, 1861, JGA, Maryland, 8-XX-4; summarized by Garraghan, "Origins of Boston College, 1843-1869," Thought, 17:646-649, Dec, 1942). 25 Diary, Vol. 2, pp. 41 and 46. 26 Although the Diary entry (II, 42-43) is dated September, 1860, an- other entry, evidently describing the identical transaction, is dated March 42 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE him $80,000 for which he gave a mortgage on the church and college. How this sum was disbursed is stated in the diary as follows: $29,320.51 was paid to the City of Boston. The balance refunded Mr. Carney what he had advanced for me, broker- age, commission, etc., leaving me a balance of $4901.49. . . . Besides this funded debt of eighty thousand I have two notes due in two banks of $10,000 each, these will have to be renewed once or twice and the interest paid. In two years I hope we can pay one or both from the revenue of the church collections, etc., other floating debts to be paid in the same manner. Thus there will remain charged on the church the interest of $80,000, say, four thousand eight hundred dollars annually; this I think can be easily done and eight or ten thousand beside paid on the debt, with the assistance of St. Mary's paying $3,000 yearly.^^ Friends and Finance Andrew Carney, a friend of the Jesuit Fathers of long stand- ing, helped the situation at this time by taking upon himself the cost of laying the sidewalks in front of the church and college. In the meantime, work had commenced on grading and sodding the grounds about the church and college. In September, 1860, a drive to pay ofiF the church debt was organized by Father McElroy, who asked twenty-five cents a month from persons willing to aid. Some eighty collectors turned in four hundred dollars from this source the first month. In December, Father Barrister of St. Mary's, North End, loaned Father McElroy four thousand dollars "until he goes to build his school house."^* This helped the financial strain of the moment, and further assistance was received from two concerts which were held in the church 7, 1861 (Diary, p. 51). The explanation of this confusion of dates appears to be that some parts of the diary were written or rewritten quite some time after the date of the events described. From the tone of some passages, it would seem that they were written after he had left Boston. (Cf. the afterthought treatment of the granting of a Charter to Boston College, con- tained in the final paragraph of Volume 2.) 27 McElroy, Diary, Vol. 2, pp. 42-43. 28 Ibid., p. 44. WALLS AND A ROOF 43 prior to its formal opening, which apparently netted in the vicinity of five hundred dollars each. At the time of the opening of the church, the auction of pews, pew rent, concerts, and a one-dollar offering at the door on opening day realized another three thousand dollars.^® After the church was dedicated on March 10, 1861, a small steady revenue was realized from collec- tions and offerings, but church and college could not yet be re- garded as financially secure. In March of 1861, Father McElroy records that he was able to make a further purchase of land from the city at his previous price of fifty cents a foot. The latest purchase was 13,657 square feet adjoining the property he already owned. Since the market price of this land had now risen to $1.25 a foot, he estimates his "savings" on the whole transaction as amounting to $15,152.^° In his diary, Father McElroy writes of this period as follows: The rest of the year [from March, 1861] has been occupied in raising means to meet engagements, and to close the accounts of the different mechanics. In this I met with many disappointments, and with no little mental anxiety. It would not be proper to put particulars of this kind on record, i.e., from whom I borrowed 3 or 400$, who refused me — borrow again to pay borrowed money. Another time [I] had to get a note discounted and found it difficult to get an endorser — this to me was painful to be refused — still I persevered until I succeeded. In those occasions (not more than three or four times) no one suspected my wants, neither did my credit suffer in the least with my creditors. I generally succeeded in satisfying aU by paying a part if not the whole. One bank where I kept my account since my arrival in the city, has been very kind to me. I had for a time 2 notes discounted of $10,000 each and renewed several times. The only return I can make to the good President (Mr. Geo. Thayer) and Cashier (Mr. Marsh) for their great kindness is to pray to God to reward them with Divine faith, operating in good work, and a happy eternity. May our Lord bestow on them these gffts. But there is one whose name I will not mention who has on all occasions aided me by his prudent counsel, and also by 29 Ibid., 44 et ff., and 56. 30 Ibid., p. 52. 44 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE advancing means in every emergency that I called upon him, and when I applied to others it was without his knowledge — for he told me never to be embarrassed as long as he had means to relieve me. Still I felt a delicacy to call on him so often and tried to procure means elsewhere. Had it not been for this Gentn. I would not have been able to continue the work on the church but must have postponed it for an indefi- nite period. Our Lord, I hope, will reward him abundantly for his zeal and devotedness to His own House. He is one of the largest benefactors to the buildings.^^ In March of 1862, Andrew Carney, the benefactor referred to above, instructed Father McElroy to have contractors come at his expense and remove the old brick wall on the former boun- dary of the college property, and to grade and fence the recently acquired strip so that it would form one parcel with the rest of the property. This work was commenced in April and completed in May at a cost of about $2,300.^^ On this occasion trees, chiefly Linden, were planted about the church and college, twelve on each side of the principal walk between the two buildings, and some at the base of the terrace on Harrison Avenue. These were provided by members of the congregation who paid for the purchase and planting of individual trees at two dollars each, as personal memorials.^^ Of interest in this connection is a photo- graph in the Georgetown University archives taken about 1880, showing the front of the church and some of these trees still standing. On the reverse of the picture is penciled in a contem- porary hand: "Various members of the congregation donated the trees around the church and the names of the donors clung to the trees. The two trees in front of the church were called Mf. and Mrs. Andrew Carney. That on the corner or side wall was Mrs. McEvoy. I do not remember the rest of the names." 31 The benefactor mentioned in this passage is identified in another place (Vol. 2, p. 60) as Andrew Carney. This excerpt from Vol. 2, pp. 53-55. 32 McEhoy, Diary, Vol. 2, p. 56. 33 Ibid., p. 60. Rev. John Bapst, S.J. (1816-1887), first president of Boston College Rev. Robert Fulton, S.J. (1826-1895), first Prefect of Studies at Boston College and third president; photograph taken in 1876 Rev. Thomas I. Gasson, S.J. (1859-1930); thirteenth president; builder of the new Boston College o a bJO ,_.*« a ^ ?; ffs s 3 •a J a - »; 2 w i « 1 - a - -^ " 1 S ■" -a ' 2 2 1 . 1-5 -I :•=£•■, 3 11 „ ^-o ^ 1 1 1 ., ».: £5:^ a a I 5. '5 o 8 3 a « i _ •^o2^SS»5<«°"ffl-J— M« ■" Is- SE;saS»SSP; [•ll|i§il^^ lllllJIIiflPil ll'l::^^^ 5 a 5 I "S 3 -£■ £ % ij-s "fgKg^'Sls •g-=S32^Bo-o»5g'-J5° ^s^i-ji-S^ng-^a-jios ||j|li|S:.|^ilf ; i- - s :: " T3 0) Dio j::^ I— 1 rt CO br I— 1 '^ >^ n u m to OS § 4-> rt O 1 — > w a rj o O 02 <\1 O T) w ■i-i (T! ■^ c^^ a "to C/3 t? o « ^1 W !i: a; ■^ ^ Mh ;~i ■ o w .i-:ierff} Churt itmeinbM, ani.^ and tkuj iX-nd 0ie.ii. JacCiMJt-^- tZnci ^ti^*i. i^^ J^^^zA' /c i/i^£^ -tiic%. o^c<:s-l./ i^Az.c> C^t- f.-'z.ici't'rx cZJ rna^j d.A.iiti.it -'■'. , x^^i tit i> 4f(A/^tHtA>tj,-&Aij,t>ijii/tf^*<».. if' tf^ . i-( ^ ''i. ' -/• '' < , til rV ttiifi J/ I'i-/ fin /^.i. iti/i:-t-jf^/rfc^.K^, a*ij' JifUt/ 'n '^ ' ^ /. ' ' . ^' ',r /fnf^i .u M^\y J^^ ^'iiU'ii^ ^tetU*.^ fi^\W^-*iii^ cxf-C^^c./ ei'Tui .xJso h tn-j-ixM. ^/W t^<^K.^'^^ua ■ <.*-"i ff-'.iwi^ic^iX.i.^-z^a.^i^nnL^^ti.i/fJf^^zi^'i^^^'' ^>y- <^^-tJ^ >?.<9^ tx,A*f^*2^-*i V->.^'^ \'KJ^i^i-{ .. ' . c /-fU^i Ci^nvryiii-HU^c.a.^fd^6t.*i^^'U.^.. ^ ^, - .1 i&r /A£^ai?^.}fir' ^ Boston College Charter granted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1863 (Front) »j.i^ frr4f-t<.i.< /v J^'uiJ^^Il^L,,,^-"- ■»'««' '»'~»^»»^ i^ '^^ 'x.^- «•/'•'''. 7u.j/^, . , ^^ */i ^ i^f^f ryti, /t'>i<^\ r~i^ i^fnxt'i.a ur*. ^'Ok. Afhi^'titijrt^ ''fivr^.^tr/^itif i*^U^A,tyt'iy^^ ^/•t*^.^»''dtg c <■ y.. j« . .lUrriiduru tv ,n-ti/>tU r> <»«y fff&b^i^&4tj^fl)(nt4r^v\ i&^-tttLj efJu/-! w^/i«t, c-n ,irr^>,n /■ . ■<■■ /j>n? ^/1/,>C'^^, oJ^/m. a. a,,^tj- ''Mi. /,- 4^ /t. Unt. ^V»^y : M,. ,., 'f'f <:^V*<^. xV^ Boston College Charter granted by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1863 (Back) PREFECT TO PRESIDENT 109 refers facetiously to his ability in this direction in a letter to the Province Procurator, written in May, 1871: I think you people who brag so much about being business men, must confess I have done well; for every copper has been of my own procuring, in 9 months, with extensive improve- ments going on.^ The "extensive improvements" he explains elsewhere as "finish- ing the house and buying furniture for house and college."* With Fife and Drum During Father Fulton's first term in oJBBce as president of the college (August 2, 1870 — January 11, 1880), many innovations were introduced which directly or indirectly helped the young institution to assume a position of influence in the Catholic life of the city. Three of these deserve mention in some detail; they are: the introduction of the Foster Cadets; the enlargements of the buildings and opening of the new college hall; and the found- ing of the Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston College. The idea of having military drill at Boston College was evi- dently entertained by the authorities at least as early as Father Brady's administration (1869-1870) because in the college cata- logue of that year, the following notice appeared: The State authorities having granted a supply of arms, a drill-master will be appointed, and due notice will be given as to the style of the uniform, and the time by which it must be procured.^ But it was not until October of 1870 that the formation of a military company in the college was announced by Father Fulton. Instrumental in bringing about the introduction of this training was Major General John Gray Foster, U. S. A., a popu- lar hero of the Mexican and Civil wars, who had recently been converted to Cathohcism, and at the time was engaged in engi- ^ Fulton to Lancaster, May 8, 1871, Maryland S.J. Provincial Archives, Woodstock, under "Boston." 8 Fulton, Diary, under date "1870-71." » Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Boston College for the Academic Year 1869-70, p. 11. 110 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE neering work in Boston.^" In honor of this distinguished soldier, the group in the process of formation was called "The Foster Cadets." The project was taken up enthusiastically by the students under the direction of the college military instructor, Sergeant Louis E. Duval, a regular in the United States army, stationed at Fort Warren in Boston Harbor.^^ In the beginning all of the boys seemed to be enthusiastic at the innovation. We had no gymnasium, no play-ground, no foot-ball team, no opportunity, in fact, for anything in the line of athletics except an occasional base-ball game.^^ Drill was compulsory for all except those who could produce a request for exemption signed by a physician, and as time went by, the boys began to discover that drill was both an exacting and an exhausting exercise." Up to this, drill had been con- ducted without uniforms or arms, but toward the close of the year the question of a proper uniform came up for settlement. There was a great deal of trouble, however, and considerable delay before the style of uniform was decided on; some students were set upon having a very showy affair; others favored a lower-priced suit; still others, among whom were many members of the Rhetoric and Poetry classes (the highest in the school), were opposed to the introduction of uniforms at all.^* The uni- forms which were finally decided upon by a committee, though simple in make-up and inexpensive, were very neat and the boys were very proud of them. They were in the Civil War style, of course; a single-breasted sack coat, dark blue in color, snug fit- ting at the neck, with a row of large brass buttons stamped with a B.C. monogram, down the front. The trousers were of the same material and color; the headgear was a fatigue cap, with a B.C. monogram worked in silver thread, over the visor. White duck 1° Cf. articles on Foster by William A. Robinson in The Dictionary of American Biography, 6:549-550; and by Thomas F. Meehan in The Cath- olic Encyclopedia, 6:155-156. "Callanan, "Reminiscences," The Stylus, 11 (Oct., 1897):387. 12 Ibid. 13 Ibid., p. 389. 1* Ibid., p. 513. PREFECT TO PRESIDENT 111 gaiters completed the outfit, and when the belt and bayonet scabbard, and the great, well-polished United States buckle were added, the lad who was wearing this equipment felt and looked very much the soldier.^^ The guns which they shouldered were the 1863 issue of muzzle-loading Springfield rifles, which had been returned to Springfield when the state militia was equipped with breech loaders. The oflBcers of the organization wore uni- forms several degrees more elaborate. In addition to generous amounts of gold braid, they boasted a double row of brass but- tons and a crimson sash worn about their waists under the sword belts.^® The school catalogue of 1870-1871 carried the announcement that "henceforth it will be of obligation to procure the College uniform."^^ Father Fulton immediately found serious trouble in enforcing the rule, and, it soon became known, that a number of the boys in the higher classes refused to comply. The reasons were understandable. First of all, the students were almost without exception from families that were not finan- cially well off; in addition to this, there were no Philosophy classes in prospect, and consequently they would have to termi- nate their course, or transfer to another college at the end of the school year (in Rhetoric). This latter situation was a bitter dis- appointment to many who had thought, with or without encour- agement from the college authorities, that when suflBcient num- bers finally arrived in the class of Rhetoric, Philosophy would be added to the course the following year, in order that they might obtain their degrees from Boston College.^^ When an issue was made of uniforms, large numbers simply dropped out of school. September, 1871, presented a school open- ' ing that was a sad spectacle. The entire Rhetoric and Poetry classes failed to come back to the college; with them went almost all the members of the class of first Humanities. The 15 Ibid., pp. 454-455. " Ibid., pp. 456-459. 17 Catalogue . . . of Boston College, 1870^1871, p. 10. 18 This feeling of resentment is noticeable in several of the letters pub- lished in the Callanan reminiscences, e.g., Pazolt, Pfau, etc. 112 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE movement away from Boston College in the lower classes was described as "a regular stampede."^^ Such a state of affairs had never existed in \he history of the college heretofore and never could happen again. The Sodality, the St. Cecilia Society, the Debating Society, the Foster Cadets, in fact, every institution of the college was suddenly and more or less unexpectedly deprived of all of their officers and working members. Mr. ConnoUy, S.J., Mr. Whiteford, S.J., Mr. McHugh, S.J., Mr. Gallagher, S.J., Mr. Watterson, Mr. Johnson, and even Sergeant Duval, the drill- master, were all torn away from the college and everything was turned upside down and inside out. Well do we old boys remember what a terrible state of affairs presented themselves to us in September, 1871, when school opened. Not one Jesuit professor was left on the staff. Father Fulton, S.J., and Father Charlier, S.J., still held the fort, but they could not be strictly called professors. . . . The old regime was not over and Father Fulton was at the helm. Out of 140 students at the close of school, 62 had left the college. ... I beheve myself the state of affairs pleased him [Father Fulton] rather than otherwise.^" Father Fulton persevered in his determination to have a uni- formed military company at the college. The last hour of the school session on Tuesdays and Fridays were devoted, as usual, to drill, but this season saw a new drillmaster. The new faculty di- rector of the mihtary program, Mr. John J. Murphy, S.J., to whom the future growth and excellence of the Foster Cadets was due, arranged to have one of the most famous drillmasters in the United States, Captain George Mullins, of the Montgomery Light Guard (Company "I," 9th Regiment), take charge of the Boston College cadets. This rekindled the enthusiasm of the student body, and the boys' interest was further heightened by the re- ceipt of a full equipment of guns, belts, knapsacks, and bayonet scabbards, which had been sent down from Springfield through the kind offices of the governor of the commonwealth.^^ The young lads who were forced by circumstances to take 19 Callanan, "Reminiscences," The Stylus, 11(1897):520. 20 Ibid., pp. 521-522. 21 Boston Daily Globe, May 17, 1872; Callanan, op. cit., p. 522. PREFECT TO PRESIDENT 113 over the various oflBcial posts in the organization, did their part so w^ell, and the rank and file became so skillful in the role of soldiers that they were emboldened to challenge the champion school of the City of Boston to a prize drill in the old Boston Theater. The challenge was refused by the school committee, but the interest of the city in these Catholic cadets had been aroused, and the boys' own self-confidence had been established. The result was a well-attended and briUiantly executed prize drill between two companies forming the Foster Cadets battalion. This took place in the college hall, June 15, 1872, before a board of judges consisting of General P. R. Guiney and Colonel B. F. Finan.^^ For several years the streets in the vicinity of the college echoed to the music of fife and drum as the cadets marched here and there through the section, and on March 17, 1875, the Foster Cadets had a place of honor among some nine hundred parish cadets marching in the St. Patrick's Day parade. In the year 1876, Patrick H. Callanan, a student, was appointed drillmaster, a position which he held until his graduation in 1877. In the meantime, other interests occupied the attention of Father Fulton, so that he allowed the military program to receive less and less emphasis, until it was finally discontinued.^^ Devitt, in an unpublished portion of his manuscript history of the Maryland Province, remarked: This organization [the Foster Cadets] was quite popular with the students for a time — but it was dissolved as the ad- vantages of the military training were found an inadequate compensation for the time and labor expended.^* The activity received no mention in the college catalogues from September, 1876, until September, 1880, at which time it 22 An original program for this exhibition and newspaper cHppings concerning it are preserved in the Boston College Library Archives. Another exhibition drill was held on June 25, 1873, in the college hall, before Gen- erals Burrill and Guiney and Major Murphy of the Ninth Regiment, who acted as judges. Cf. Callanan, "Reminiscences," The Stylus, 12( 1898):274. 23 Callanan, op. cit., 12 ( 1898 ) : 278-279. 24 Devitt, "History of the Province of Maryland," manscript in the Mary- land S.J. Provincial Archives, p. 17. 114 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE was reorganized under the name of "The BattaHon of Boston College," and carried on until September, 1884. In that month, the young drillmaster, Captain Matthew J. Callahan, died sud- denly, and this loss undoubtedly influenced the decision which was reached shortly after the opening of school, to place military drill on a nonobligatory basis. A sharp drop in attendance took place at once, and the activity was not resumed at all the follow- ing year.^^ Program of Enlargement During the period which witnessed the Peace Jubilee in the summer of 1872, the great Boston fire the following November, and the huge loss of life in the wreck of the Atlantic in the spring of 73, the routine events at Boston College rarely made the newspapers, but nevertheless, the institution was growing slowly and sturdily, and the need was already felt for more room. As early as the summer of 1873, a proposal was voiced to extend the buildings and provide better facilities for the higher studies.-*' The following year the annual exhibition had to be canceled, and the distribution of premiums m.ade privately, be- cause the program of alterations, already under way, prevented the use of the hall.^^ The college authorities were able to announce in September that "the improvements of Boston College have advanced so prosperously that there will be no impediment to the opening of schools at the usual time."^^ And when the registration opened that fall, one hundred and fifty boys reported, a gain of twenty- five over the year before, as if to demonstrate the need for the expansion.^^ A writer on The Pilot estimated that "when the 25 Report to the Provincial from Boston College c. 1888, containing in chart form historical information on the college and church activities. Maryland S.J. Provincial Archives, under "Boston." Also, The Stylus, l(Jan., 1883) :5; 2(Sept., 1883 ):7; 2(July, 1884) :61; 3(Nov., 1884) :4 and 9. 26 "Catholic Education in Boston," The Pilot, Aug. 30, 1873. 27 Ibid., June 27, 1874. 28 Ibid., Sept. 5, 1874. 29 Ibid., Sept., 19, 1874. PREFECT TO PRESIDENT 115 great building on St. [sic] James Street is finished, twice the number can be accommodated."^" The spectacular part of the alterations consisted in the moving of the rear building (the college proper) back to the sidewalk on James Street. To the delight of the young and the young of heart in the neighborhood, the large brick structure was shored up, placed on rollers, then painstakingly propelled backward by microscopic degrees, as a legion of workmen twisted a legion of jacks a quarter of a turn at a time to the beat of a drum.^^ Since the lower chapel in the church occupied only one half the length of that building at the time, the balance of the area was employed for classrooms during the moving of the college building. In February, 1875, the task was completed and an addition on the church end of the building was ready for the painters. The Pilot reported: During the past year great improvements have been made in Boston College, involving an expense of some $50,000. The old college building has been moved sixty feet towards James Street, and lengthened on that street by an addition of some fifty feet, thus connecting it with the rear of the church, at the same time that the corridor connecting the house with the college has been extended so that a continuous passage is now open from the house in Harrison Avenue round through the college into the church. The new building now presents a front of 150 feet on James Street, and besides embraces two fine halls, one for the accommodation of the various societies connected with the church, and capable of seating about four hundred persons, the other for college exhibitions which will accommodate more than 1000 persons.^^ In the same article it was noted that Father Fulton had in- cluded in the alterations provision for a gymnasium in the base- ment of the college, and two rooms near by as quarters for a society which he had long intended to form. This club would 30 Ibid., Nov. 14, 1874. 31 Calendar, Immaculate Conception Church, Feb., 1943, p. 17. 32 The Pilot, Feb. 13, 1875. 116 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE provide worthy leisure-time occupation and recreation for the young CathoHc workingmen of the city who would not ordinarily come under die influence of the college. As will be seen shortly, the organization known as the "Young Mens' Catholic Associa- tion" was to be initiated within a few months. The official opening of the renovated building took place March 30, 1875, and the new college hall, reconstructed and en- larged to become "one of the most commodious as well as the most tasteful in the city,"^^ was inaugurated with a presentation of the play "Richelieu" on the same date.^* The hall now meas- ured ninety-six feet by fifty-seven, with a stage thirty feet deep beyond.^^ According to The Pilot, it was "capable of seating 900 persons or accommodating 1000";^® one is surprised, therefore, to read of twelve hundred in attendance the opening night,^^ but perhaps all was well, because the same journal reported that "the plans were so perfectly drawn that the acoustics and ventilation are next to perfect."^* The finish of the hall was chestnut, with walls and ceiling frescoed; Muses were repre- sented at intervals in the decoration,^^ and on the "elegant drop curtain" was depicted "The Departure of Regulus," by Evans.*" All of this was in the style of the period, and apparently justified the description of it by the secular press as "the prettiest small hall in the city."*^ A printed handbill containing the following "Rules for the Students of Boston College" was issued about this time: The College door will be opened by the Prefect at 8 A.M. On entering the Students will repair immediately to the cloak- room, where they will leave their books, overcoats, etc. in the charge of the Janitor; thence directly to the gymnasium where they are to remain till time for Mass. 33 Ibid., AprU 10, 1875. 34 Report to Provincial from Boston College c. 1888, containing in chart form historical information on the college and church activities. Maryland S.J. Provincial Archives, under "Boston." 35 The Boston Herald, March 31, 1875. 36 The Pilot, April 10, 1875. 37 The Boston Herald, March 31, 1875. 38 Ibid. 39 Ibid. 40 The Pilot, April 10, 1875. 41 The Boston Journal, March 31, 1875. PREFECT TO PRESIDENT 117 After Mass, each Teacher will accompany his class from the gymnasium to the classroom, and if any teacher should delay, his class is to await his coming in the gymnasium. The places for recreation are the gymnasium and the court foraied by the three College buildings. All the rest of the premises will be "out of bounds," except when the Prefect gives pemiission to walk by the Church. Members of the De- bating Society may be allowed by the Prefect to recreate in their own room, where no other Students shall be admitted. Playing ball, snow-baUing, pitching, and all games which would endanger the windows, are altogether forbidden. No boisterous conduct is allowed in the coiTidors or class- rooms at any time. Even in the gymnasium and during recrea- tion, the behavior should be decorous. Robert Fulton, President. Boston College, Feb. 1, 1875.*' The school was now completing its tenth year and was well organized. In his diary. Father Fulton looked back on these years and reflected how difficult they had been, but he had the conso- lation of being able to write: I count 40 of my boys who have entered the Novitiate pre- paratory to entrance into the Jesuit Order, become priests or gone to theological seminaries. Every year the number of scholars has increased a little. I have at this moment 158.*^ The administrative work of the teachers had been lightened by the discontinuance of the weekly report card in 1872,*^ and now plans were under way to broaden the scope of the college's work by the introduction of an English-major course, in addition to the classics course already established. This movement was at the insistence of the archbishop, but did not reach fruition until September, 1878.*^ Meanwhile, as will be seen in the fol- lowing chapter, another broadening of the college's influence was at hand. *2 Handbill in the Callanan collection, Boston College Library Archives. Some rules omitted. *3 Fulton, Diary, under date 1875. 44 Noted in a fragmentary "Diary of the College" (1866-1885), Mary- land S.J. Provincial Archives, under "Boston." 45 Catalogue . . . of Boston College . . . 1877-78, p. 3. CHAPTER XI INFLUENCE BY GAS-LIGHT Although, as has been seen, the thought occurred to Father Fulton during the winter of 1874^1875 that the enlarged school quarters, besides serving the purposes of the day students, might, in the evening, accommodate the Catholic young men of the city, it was not until the following October that he was able to commence preparations in earnest for such an undertaking. He had, undoubtedly, been moved to take this step by the knowl- edge that a non-Catholic organization, which made its appeal through its recreational facilities, had at this period a member- ship of some 2215 in Boston, including, in the opinion of a Catholic writer at the time, "some of our faith who were allured solely by the excellence of its gymnasium."^ Father Fulton's first act in the establishment of a Catholic group was to bring the idea to the attention of the Catholic public through a letter addressed to the editor of The Pilot, John Boyle O'Reilly, dated October 5, 1875. In this communi- cation he expressed a wish to form a "Young Men's Catholic Association," and invited all who were interested to attend a preliminary meeting at the college on Wednesday evening, November 3, "at 7^2 o'clock P.M."- According to The Pilot, considerable interest was shown in the announcement and in the prospective gathering,^ but even 1 Henry J. Shandelle, "The Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston College," Woodstock Letters, 5:38, 1876. 2 The Pilot, Oct. 30, 1875. ^ /^f^.^ Nov. 6, 1875. 118 INFLUENCE BY GAS-LIGHT 119 the most sanguine failed to estimate how great that interest was. Consequently, the meeting place had to be hurriedly changed on the night of the first assembly, because the lecture hall, "though capable of holding a goodly number, soon overflowed with the multitude and was abandoned for the ample basement of the church, where an assembly estimated at eight hundred was convened."* Father Fulton called the meeting to order, and proceeded to explain the purpose of the association which he proposed to establish. The main object of the undertaking, he said, was to provide a pleasant place for the young men to meet socially, and to repair for leisure-time recreation. In the course of the evening, the archbishop's full approval of the project was conveyed by the chancellor of the archdiocese, Father Theodore Metcalf.^ To conduct the ordinary business of the meeting, Father Fulton named General Patrick R. Guiney as chairman, with William S. Pelletier and Dr. William A. Dunn as secretaries. A committee composed of Messrs. Hugh Carey, A. R. TuUy, J. O'Brien, C. Doherty, and Dr. J. G. Morris, Jr., was appointed to draw up constitutions and bylaws for the new society.^ On November 17, 1875, another meeting was held at which a gift of $400 from the St. Valentine's Total Abstinence Society was announced, and the constitutions read.^ One of the first clauses of these constitutions established the organization's title as The Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston College,^ In passing, it must be remarked that the selec- tion of this name gave rise to two legitimate objections: (a) the "Y.M.C.A." part of the title lent itself to easy confusion with, the name of a rival organization. This fault, of course, was not exclusively Boston's, because in that year there were forty-one Catholic organizations in existence throughout the United States * Shandelle, op. cit., p. 39. ^Ibid. 6 The Pilot, Nov. 13, 1875. 7 Ibid., Nov. 20, 1875. 8 Shandelle, op. cit., p. 40. The summary of the constitutions given on the following pages of this chapter is based on the text giiven here by Shandelle. 120 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE bearing that name or a similar one.^ It is understandable, there- fore, that the Boston group would seek the prestige connected with a national movement aheady in successful operation. (b) The phrase "of Boston College" in the title provoked vigor- ous objections from many Boston College students and alumni who saw no justification for the use of the college name in the title. A letter by a prominent alumnus published some years later on the subject expressed this opinion very vehemently: There is a universal indignation on the part of the alumni of Boston College against the misnamed title of this organiza- tion. At a recent annual meeting of the alumni association of Boston College a formal protest against the name of this asso- ciation was made, and the president of Boston College was appealed to to compel them to change their name and not confound a non-college society with the associations of real college men. There are practically no college men in this society, and the few graduates of Boston College who did identify themselves with it have mostly all withdrawn from active membership because of the unwarranted use of the name Boston College in connection with their public entertaiimients, etc.^° No reply to this protest is on record, but the phrase "of Boston College," remained part of the organization's title until after the turn of the century. The balance of the constitutions which were accepted in 1875 defined the purpose of the society as intending to promote the physical, mental, and moral improvement of its members, and "to provide them with innocent recreation." They further stipulated the age required for admission ( 18 years ) , and set the club fees (one dollar upon admission, and twenty-five cents quarterly thereafter ) . A rather extraordinary provision in the constitution made the president of Boston College ipso facto president of the associa- 9 Anon., "Catholic Young Men's National Union," Dondhoe's Magazine, 30 (1893): 330. 10 Passages from an open letter of P. H. Callanan, A.B., '77, A.M., '79, Rector of St. John's Church, Newton Lower Falls, to the Editor of The Boston Globe, dated Feb. 22, 1898 {The Boston Globe, Feb. 23, 1898). INFLUENCE BY GAS-LIGHT 121 tion, with power to appoint a treasurer and five directors, and with the right of veto over all actions of the association. Con- cerning these clauses in the constitutions, one of the early officials of the association commented: As a matter of fact, the vice-president was, from the be- ginning, virtually the president except in name, and the chief executive officer of the association. The president of the col- lege, it is true, held ... a veto power over any act of the association. This was rendered necessary by the close con- nection which existed between the association and the college, making the possession of such a power essential as a check upon any possible action of the former body which might in the future endanger the good name of the parent insti- tution. But it has frequently been Father Fulton's boast that in all the years in which he presided over the college and the association he never found it necessary to use that power." A final clause in the constitution lent a distinctly Catholic character to the organization. Every year at some time appointed by the President, the members shall perform during three or more days the exer- cises of a mission or a retreat, to which all the Catholic young men of Boston shall be invited, and at the termination re- ceive Holy Communion in a body, and should anyone fail to comply with his obligation, the Secretary shall drop his name from the roll, imless his excuse be deemed sufficient by the President. The Pilot, on November 27, 1875, carried a notification that the Catholic Lyceum Association had resolved to become merged into the new Association and would donate to this body its assets consisting of a library of five hundred books, and a cash balance of over four hundred dollars.^^ The Association Progresses In the meantime, one hundred and ten young men had regis- tered on November 17, "nearly one-half of which," The Pilot 11 D. F. Sheehan, "The Y.M.C.A. of Boston College," Donahoe's Maga- zine, Vol. 29 (Jan. 1893), p. 79. 12 The Pilot, Nov. 27, 1875, and Dec. 4, 1875. 122 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE observed, "paid the fee of one dollar."^ ^ Father Fulton announced that the date for the opening of the reading room and gym- nasium would be the first Tuesday in December, and that tlie halls for music and billiards would be placed at their disposal early in the new year.^* In addition to these facihties, the associa- tion was to have the use, as occasion demanded, of the main college hall and the 'lecture room," which seated two hundred and fifty." A writer at the time, describing the equipment of the new association, noted that the books in the club library and reading room were "mostly of a severe classic tone," but the suite was fitted with mahogany furniture, as well as "chande- liers and pictures and all that might add dignity and elegance." The gymnasium was but a few steps away, he reported, in the deepened basement section, and there, those interested could find "the various inventions that compose a gymnastic apparatus ."^^ In January, 1876, over 200 members were on record, but the organization did not hold its initial election until June of that year, when the highest elective office, the vice-presidency, was conferred on James W. Dunphy, assisted by Messrs. William A. Dunn, as recording secretary; George D. W. Lennon, as financial secretary, and Robert Morris, Jr., as librarian.^^ From this time on, the organization grew rapidly and became active in dramatic productions, debates, lectures, reunions, and various athletic contests. [This] steady progress upward, increased prestige, and widening influence for good upon Catholic Society, especially as represented in its young men, continued to be the result of hard and faithful work on the part of a few. But the work became harder as years rolled on, and the number willing to do it grew smaller. [A few] . . . gave their time and abilities unselfishly, contending against lack of funds, lack of interest, and often adverse criticism from quarters where they should have looked for aid. Had it not been for the constant en- 13 Ibid., Nov. 20, 1875. 14 Shandelle, op. cit., p. 41, and The Pilot, Dec. 4, 1875. 15 Shandelle, op. cit., p. 43. 16 Ibid., pp. 43-44. " Sheehan, op. cit., p. 81. INFLUENCE BY GAS-LIGHT 123 couragement of the faculty of the college . . . the association must have collapsed; and, indeed, it came near doing so, as it was. In 1882 the lack of active interest in the part of the members had reached such a point that the association was threatened with bankruptcy. A meeting . . . was called in November of that year [at which] the question of paying up debts and disbanding was seriously considered. But finally it was decided to make one more determined efiFort to put the association on its feet and send it along on its career of good work.^* An appeal was issued in December, 1882, which urged the members to take hold with a will and make the fourth annual reunion, to be held at Odd Fellows' Hall in the following January, such a financial success as would put the association out of debt. The effect of this effort persisted during the year, and kept the association together, turning the tide, very slowly at first, but nevertheless surely in the right direction. In 1885, a renaissance began which reached maturity with the return of Father Fulton to Boston College in 1888, and resulted in the opening of new and enlarged quarters two years later.^^ The association's annual reunion, known as "The College Ball," gained prominence in 1887 when it was held for the first time in Mechanics' Building, and its fame grew until it became the high light of the Catholic social season, moving to the then new Symphony Hall in 1901, where it was held on the Monday before Lent for the next six years.^° The college's pressing need for space had meanwhile oc- casioned the taking over of the Young Men's Catholic Association section of the building for classroom use, and on January 24, 1899, the organization moved to a building owned by the college near by at 41 East Newton Street.^^ In 1910, the association opened its evening school, a work which was to be its dis- tinguishing mark in the minds of most Boston Catholics for the 18 Ibid., pp. 8S-84. 19 Ibid., pp. 84 and 86. 20 Joseph H. Farren, "The Young Men's CathoHc Association of Boston," The Pilot, special Centenary Number, March 8, 1930. 21 Ibid. 124 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE next thirty years. From a simple beginning, with voluntary lecturers, the school soon became recognized as one of the city's most popular preparatory courses for persons wishing to take civil service examinations. This activity of the association continued until conditions brought on by World War II de- creased the enrollment of the school and the membership in the association to such a point that both were obliged to suspend operations. FmsT Graduates Returning once more to Father Fulton and to the college on James Street in the Seventies, one finds that the scholastic year 1876-1877 was the first to offer the final year of philosophy, and consequently direct preparation for a degree. To the newly created professorship of Logic, Metaphysics, and Ethics listed in the catalogue of that year was appointed one whose name was familiar as being on the original staff which opened the college: Peter Paul Fitzpatrick, S.J., returning now as a priest to the scene of his labors as a scholastic.^^ By June of 1877, nine young men were ready for graduation; they were John F. Broderick, Patrick H. Callanan, Daniel J. Collins, John M. Donovan, John W. GalHgan, Michael Glennon, Stephen J. Hart, William G. McDonald, and William J. Millerick. Of this group. Hart, the valedictorian of his class, died within a few months of graduation. McDonald and Glennon became physicians, and all the rest became priests of the Archdiocese of Boston.-^ On the occasion of the exhibition of the year before. Archbishop Williams commenced a custom that is generally ob- 22 Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Boston College for the Academic Year 1876-77, p. 12. 23 This listing follows that of Callanan, "Reminiscences," The Stylus, 12(Jan., 1898):! and 3. The college Catalogue, 1876-1877, hsts a Nicholas R. Walsh as taking an A.B. in course; since this list was available to Callanan, his omission of the name is significant. At the first graduation exercises, two honorary A.B. degrees were awarded to William A. Dunn, M.D., Harvard '75, a former Boston College boy, and to Henry C. Towle, M.D., University of the City of New York, also a former Boston College boy. At the same time, another former student, Edward A. McLaughlin, LL.B. (Boston University), was granted a degree of master of arts. INFLUENCE BY GAS-LIGHT 125 served up to the present day, of having the archbishop present the premiums.^* Commencement day, June 28, 1877, was to have still another distinction: the presence of the governor of the commonw^ealth of Massachusetts, Alexander H. Rice, vi^hose friendly interest in Boston College dated back to Father Mc- Elroy's purchase of the Harrison Avenue land in 1857. Commencement week began auspiciously on June 26 with an exhibition in science by students of the graduating class, culminating in a demonstration of "the transmission of speech and music by Bell's telephone."^^ The audience on this evening was disappointing in size, but the performance of the boys elicited from one distinguished guest. Father Robert Brady, S.J., Provincial of the Jesuits, and former president of Boston College, the comment that they were 'Taetter than any he had seen" in his visits to the various Jesuit colleges on the Atlantic coast.^® On the following night, a much larger audience witnessed a Latin Play, "Philedonus," and acclaimed it "a prodigious suc- cess."^^ Father Fulton's dry commentary was: "The boys were quite intelligible — no mistake in prosody ."^^ Next morning. Father Fulton set out for Worcester to attend the Holy Cross exhibition and to meet Governor Rice, to arrange with him final details for that evening in Boston. With the Governor's assurances that he would definitely be present for the graduation ceremonies. Father Fulton hurried back to Boston to make sure everything was in readiness for the great occasion. He found the stage and hall beautifully decorated with plants, festoons of flowers, and alabaster vases filled with roses. As the guests began to arrive, he was pleased to observe that at least one third of the priests of the diocese were present. The hall filled rapidly and the Governor arrived toward the close of the "Literary Exhibition" which preceded the graduation 2* Diary of the Immaculate Conception Sunday School, under date of June 27, 1876. Maryland S.J. Provincial Archives, under "Boston." 25 Catalogue . . . of Boston College . . . 1876-77, p. 27. 26 Fulton, Diary, under date June 26, 1877. GeorgetoAvn University Archives. 27 Ihid., June 27, 1877. 29 /fcfrf. 126 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE ceremonies. His Excellency made a speech, which was followed by a formal reading of the college charter, then the valedictory,-® and finally the awarding of degrees and rewards. That night, Father Fulton could write in his private journal after a descrip- tion of the college's first graduation: "Three glorious days!"^° The Boy From Lowell Toward the close of Father Fulton's first term of ofiBce, he was waited on one day by a delicate-looking lad from Lowell, who wished to enter Boston College as a transfer student from St. Charles' College, Maryland. The lad's ambition was to enter Poetry, second from the highest class in the college at the time, and approximating what is now freshman year. Father Fulton brought the newcomer into an inner room where, in the boy's words, he took down some Latin books from a shelf — Ovid, Virgil, and Cicero. One after the other he handed them to me. He asked me to open anywhere and read. I did so from each of them and then translated and then construed. He asked me various questions, not to embarrass me, but to try my intelligence, I think, more than my memory. . . . we came to Greek. I read some Anabasis and some Homer. . . . After that, more as a conversation than critically, he took me over a fairly large field of history, and physics. . . . After a full forty minutes of this, he stood up and putting on his biretta turned to me and said, "I will show you to the class-room. The school is in session and I will present you to your professor." I followed him through the long cor- ridors, and presently he halted before one of the doors marked with the name of the class. He knocked and instantly entered. I followed. At the desk was a chubby-faced little man with glasses, who impressed me at once as learned and gentle. He was my new professor — Father Boursaud. The large room was filled with a splendid lot of young 2» This first valedictory address is transcribed completely in Callanan, "Reminiscences," The Stylus, 13( March, 1899): 166-171. 30 Fulton, Diary, under date June 28, 1877. INFLUENCE BY GAS-LIGHT 127 fellows, who all rose as the Rector entered. "I have come to bring you a new student," he said. "... What is your name again?" he said to me. I told him. "William, let me in- troduce you to the class of Poetry, and boys," he continued, looking over the room, "if you don't work hard he will take all the honors. "^^ That day was February 3, 1879, and the boy who was to equal and better the prophecy Father Fulton made concerning him, was entered in the official college register as: William Henry O'Connell, ( Class : ) Poetry, and Math; 2nd French: (Parent:) Mrs. Bridgit O'Connell, 224 Gorham St., Lowell; (Student's Age:) 19.^- The future cardinal and dean of the American hierarchy was not, even then, one who shunned hard work. The schedule which he set for himself during his two years and a half at Boston College was a rigorous one: My daily program began by rising at six; breakfast soon after; Mass at the parish church, as frequently as possible taking the train to Boston; my arrival in the city about eight and the walk to the school, arriving at about eight forty-five classes until twelve; a brief recess and more classes until two taking the train at three; arriving at about three-thirty in Lowell; a quick walk home; a slight luncheon and a good long vigorous horseback ride, sometimes for an hour and a half or two hours. . . . Dinner was at seven and I studied until twelve, and sometimes after.^^ The weak state of his health which necessitated the regular outdoor exercise on horseback, was soon brought under control, and he began to enjoy school life as he had never done before.^* The college at the time did not offer the variety of extracur- 31 Letter of W. H. O'Connell to "Carl," dated, Boston, March 3, 1879, from The Letters of His Eminence William Cardinal O'Connell, Archbishop of Boston (Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1915), Vol. 1, pp. 34-35. 32 "The OflBcial Register of Students, Boston College," manuscript volimie preserved in the Boston College Library Archives. 33 William Cardinal O'Connell, Recollections of Seventy Years (Boston: Houghlin Mifflin Co., 1934), p. 72. 34 Ibid., p. 74. 128 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE ricular activities available today, but there was a debating society which had been organized in 1868,^^ and there were frequent dramatic presentations, formal and informal, in which young William O'Connell took a lively interest.^^ A glimpse of the class routine at the time is given us in one of his letters, , written in 1880, during his last year at the college: I am happy to tell you that I am going on with my study of philosophy at Boston College with considerable success. The professor is Father Russo. It seems that he and Father Mazzella, now in Rome, were both great admirers and stu- dents of Aquinas, and now that Leo XIII has commanded that the principles of Saint Thomas must be the text in all col- leges. Father Russo has become something of a celebrity here. . . . Certainly Father Russo is a stem teacher. He never speaks a word to a soul except as he speaks to all in class. He sits at the rostrum looking Uke some great medieval scholar — great black eyes, a lean sallow face, and a look which turns you into stone if you don't happen to know your lesson. The lectures are in Latin. We follow him well enough, but when we are asked to recite, it is funny if it were not so tragic. As until now we have read plenty of Latin and spoken none, it is a fearful thing to hear the way cases and tenses are jumbled. But he is very patient about it. He never, never deigns to smile, but somehow I catch in his great liquid eyes a look of amusement which he strives hard to conceal. ... I wish he would give us a short talk every day in English on the general bearing of the matter in hand, and then go on in Latin. I can see that the Latin terminology is more exact, but as yet it does not reach me intimately enough. After all, we are only beginning. ... I am still as happy as a lark at school. I often stay up studying long after midnight to the great displeasure of my 35 "The Book of Minutes of the Debating Society of Boston College," manuscript volume preserved in the Boston College Library Archives. The first entry of the Society reads: "Saturday, November 21, 1868. At a meet- ing of the students of the Senior Classes of Boston College, Rev. R. Fulton presiding, the Constitution of the Debating Society vi'as reported by Messrs. Power, Calvin, and A. Maher, a committee appointed at a prior meeting for that purpose, and was unanimously adopted." The date of the "prior meeting" was not given. 36 O'Connell, Recollections, p. 79. INFLUENCE BY GAS-LIGHT 129 mother . . . but the fact is it is impossible to get through the matter without prolonged study. I am so well now and so strong that I never know what fatigue means. Even after a midnight vigil I am up fresh as a lark at six, ready for my bath, my breakfast, and my train at seven. I have not yet missed the train once. Some mornings last winter the walk in the early morning across the Common was like a forced march in Siberia. ... I frequently walk from the station to the College, which is a good two miles. But when it is too blustery I take a car or one of those funny old busses which go between Charlestown and the South End — Imnbering old things with straw on the floor to keep your feet warm.^^ The following June, William O'Connell closed a brilliant career at college by receiving from the hands of Governor Long the first gold medal in Philosophy, the first silver medal in Physics, and the second medal in Chemistry. That summer he was selected by Archbishop Williams to study for the priest- hood in Rome.^^ Father Fulton Leaves Office Father Fulton's term in oflBce, should, according to Jesuit custom, have been three years in duration, renewable for an additional three years at the discretion of the General of the Order in Rome. The fact that the year 1879 saw him still in office was at once very extraordinary, and very complimentary. According to entries in his diary,^^ Father Fulton himself had petitioned his superiors in this country and in Rome on several occasions to be relieved of his duties, but without results. The school year 1879-1880 opened with the largest enrollment in the school's history, 248,*° a consideration which Father Fulton found 3' O'Connell, Letters, Vol. 1, pp. 37-40. Letter to "Oliver," dated Lowell, Mass., Nov. 20, 1880. 38 Cf. letter of W. H. O'Connell to "Henry," dated Lovi^eU, Mass., Aug. 15, 1881, in O'Connell, Letters, pp. 41-46. 39 The material which follows was drawTi from the manuscript "Diary of Father Fulton," passim, 1879-1880. *° "Faculty and Students at Boston College," a manuscript chart of statistics evidently compiled in 1885. Maryland S.J. Provincial Archives, under "Boston." 130 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE gratifying, but the uncertainty with which he was obhged to regard the coming year because he was "overdue" in office, diminished his enthusiasm considerably. The fall of 1879 wit- nessed more appeals directed to the Provincial from his pen, but the only reply he received was that the Provincial could not aflFord to move him just then; when a change could be made, he (Father Fulton) would receive a few weeks advance notice. With this he had to be content, and he carried on until on Friday afternoon, January 9, 1880, he received a letter from the Provincial announcing that he was being succeeded by Father Jeremiah O'Connor, S.J., an assistant parish priest connected with the Immaculate Conception Church. The change would be efFective in two days time (January 11), and for the present (here Father Fulton must have gasped) Father Fulton would remain at Boston College as prefect of schools and "general assistant" to Father O'Connor. His astonishment at this direc- tive may be understood when one reflects that the Jesuit cus- tom, almost invariably, has always been to transfer an individual when his superiorship is terminated, to another house of the Society. The wisdom and charity of such a practice is obvious, but if it needed demonstration, it would be found abundantly in this case. As it happened. Father Fulton liked and admired Father O'Connor very much, and he was able to write frankly, "I think Fr. O'Connor is doing first rate . . . "*^ and "... he has made a splendid beginning. . . ."*- But in spite of this, he was soon obhged to confess that it was hard to see his pet projects abandoned and his decisions reversed.*^ President O'Connor Father Jeremiah O'Connor, S.J., was thirty-nine years old when he assumed the duties of president of Boston College. He had been born in Dublin on Easter Sunday, April 10, 1841, and came to this country in early boyhood. He attended the public 41 Fulton, Diary, March 22, 1880. 42 Ibid., March 25, 1880. 43 Ibid. INFLUENCE BY GAS-LIGHT 131 grammar and high schools of Philadelphia, and later was a pupil at old St. Joseph's College in Philadelphia. On July 30, 1860, he entered the Society of Jesus at Frederick, Maryland, where he had made his noviceship, and three years later was sent for a teaching period of six years to Loyola College in Baltimore. When the scholasticate at Woodstock, Maryland, was opened in September, 1869, he was named a member of the first class to continue his studies for the priesthood. By special favor of the Jesuit General, Father Beckx, he was granted permission to be ordained in 1874, a year before his time, in order that his widowed mother, then in failing health, might see him or- dained before her death. When his studies and his period of "Third Probation" were completed, he was sent to Boston in September, 1876, to teach the class of rhetoric, and in September, 1878, was assigned to assist in work connected with the parish.** He soon won a reputation for his ability in the pulpit, and for his personal charm and kindness. Santayana recalled him after some sixty-odd years as a "young and very oratorical Irishman, eloquently proclaiming Catholic Truth against all heresies."*^ Recognition of Achievement On May 13, 1880, Father Fulton was relieved of his duties at Boston and assigned to St. Lawrence's Church (now St. Ignatius Loyola), New York City. Before he left, several ban- quets and gatherings of the citizens of Boston gave testimony of the high regard in which he was held by Catholics and by non-Catholics alike. The Young Men's Catholic Association tendered him a reception in the college hall on February 5, 1880, in anticipation of his impending change, at which John Boyle O'ReiUy read an original poem dedicated as a farewell to Father Fulton entitled: "The Empty Niche," and Governor John D. Long, Mayor Frederick O. Prince, and other dis- ** Reverend J. Doonan, S.J., "Father Jeremiah O'Connor; a Sketch," Woodstock Letters, 21 ( 1892): 117-120. Also, Catalogus Provinciae Mary- landiae, S.J., ineunte anno 1877, and the same, ineunte anno 1879. * 5 George Santayana, Persons and Places (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944), p. 166. 132 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE- tinguished speakers added their tiibutes.*^ On this occasion, the Young Men's CathoHc Association presented five hundred dollars to Boston College with which to found the Fulton Medal,^' and a bust of Father Fulton by Martin Millmore was exhibited.*® At the time of his retirement from the rectorship, he had been gratified to receive a letter from the Provincial in which that official wrote: ... I don't think I ought to let the occasion go by without giving the testimony ... of my appreciation of your labors. It has been my pleasure each year after the visitation to say to Fr. General how satisfactorily eveiything was going at B.C., and it is my pleasure now to echo the common voice that your administration has been most successful. The College which under Divine Providence owes everything to you has won a prestige which, as it has been the effect of its past, is now the guaranty of its future prosperity.^® John Boyle O'Reilly, a close personal friend of Father Fulton's, wrote editorially in The Pilot: The removal of the Rev. Robert Fulton, S.J., President of Boston College, and Rector of the Immaculate Conception Church, creates no common feeling of sorrow among Boston Catholics. Father Fulton has grown to be a feature of Boston Catholicity. His name and his person were everywhere re- spected and beloved. The remarkable influence he possessed, as a spiritual guide and as a friend, is rarely equalled. Under *6 Joseph H. Farren, "The Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston," The Pilot, March 8, 1930, in which the entire poem is printed. 47 Fulton, Diary, Feb. 5, 1880. 48 Farren, op. cit.. If this bust exists today, its whereabouts is not known. Possibly the object was a clay model done by the sculptor to show the friends of Father Fulton what the finished statue would look like; this is rendered likely by an entry made by Father Fulton in his Diary on Jan. 15, 1880: "Drawing of the bust won by Peter Keen an . . . talk of turning it into marble. . . ." which supplies an argument to the effect that a statue would take longer than nineteen days to pass from the stage of a prelim- inary sketch to the finished marble. However, in a description of the college hall on Commencement Day, June 26, 1884, written for The Stylus 2(July, 1884): 62, there is mention of "a large bust of Father Fulton" surmounting the bookcase containing the prizes in the rear center of the stage. 49 Transcribed in Fulton, Diary, Jan. 10, 1880. INFLUENCE BY GAS-LIGHT 133 his wise and temperate direction, Boston College has grown into splendid promise, and the influence of his Order has become respected throughout the city and state. He is necessarily a large figure, socially and intellectually. It seems strange that such a man should ever be removed from a posi- tion so well controlled. But the system of his great Order is greater than the personality of its members. . . . Wherever he may go, Father Fulton carries with him the love and respect of Boston; and whatever may be his future, we say that he has built himself into our wall, we shall claim our share of his honors; and in his own heart we believe he must ever feel that he belongs particularly to Boston.^" ■^0 The Pilot, Jan. 24, 1880. CHAPTER XII THE COLLEGE IN THE EIGHTIES Father O'Connor's term in the presidency of Boston College passed smoothly, e£Bciently, and almost uneventfully. It was not a period of growth in the number of students, which remained just under two hundred and fifty, but two institutions very prominent now in the student life at the college trace their origins to Father O'Connor's regime. The first of these is the college magazine, The Stylus, which was founded in January, 1883, in response to a student petition^ chiefly by members of the class of 1884. Father Thomas J. Stack, S.J., was the first faculty moderator of the paper.^ The first staff of the paper was composed of F. J. Barnes, F. A. Cunning- ham, J. G. Foley, E. A. McCarthy, and J. A. Walsh, editors; P. J. Farley, manager, with T. Hurley and W. P. Cashman as assistants; and D. M. Murphy as treasurer.^ The format of the magazine during its first decade differed considerably from that adopted later. The original page size was ten by twelve inches, and there were about twelve pages to an issue, exclusive of the tan coated-paper cover. The reading matter was presented two columns to a page, and evidently financial considerations pre- vented the use of any illustrations. The usual offerings in fiction and poetry occupied the first five pages, followed by editorials, news items ("Domi" column), exchanges, alumni, and notices concerning the various school societies. Advertising, generally "^ The Boston Globe (?) April, 1895. Clipping in Georgetown University Archives (Lamson collection). 2 The Stylus, 6(Oct., 1887):11. 3 Ibid., l(Jan., 1883): 6. 134 THE COLLEGE IN THE EIGHTIES 135 in the form of "business cards," occupied the final three pages. The first number of the new magazine was distinguished by the appearance in it of a "christening song" written especially for The Stylus by Father Abram J. Ryan, the priest-poet of the South. Less than two years after its inception, The Stylus could boast of a circulation of six hundred copies,^ which appears remarkably good in view of the fact that the student enrollment for that year was only two hundred and sixty-three. Nevertheless, the editor erroneously estimating the alumni and former students at 1500 in number, felt that these friends could easily double that circulation if they would.^ As it was, the paper enjoyed popularity with the students, and was termed by the professional press "unquestionably one of the best college papers published."'' Moreover, it succeeded, through the ability of its managing editors, in establishing itself on a firai financial footing. When the alterations on the college building were begun in the spring of 1889, however. The Stylus found itself without quarters, and was forced temporarily to suspend publication. For over four and a half years, nothing was done to restore it, until in December, 1893, the class of '94, under the faculty directorship of Father Timothy Brosnahan, S.J., finally brought it into being once more.^ Since that time, al- though it has come on thin days more than once, it has never suflFered another interruption in publication. Athletics Come of Age The second institution established during Father O'Connor's presidency was the Athletic Association.* Until this time, ath- ^Ibid., 3 (Nov., 1884): 6. 5 Ibid. Actually, there were about 125 living alumni at the time. Cf. Boston College Catalogue, 1884-1885. 6 The Pilot, Feb. 16, 1884. ^ The Boston Globe ( ? ) April, 1895. Clipping in Georgetown University Archives (Lamson collection). ^ An exhaustive history of athletics at Boston College has been written by Nathaniel J. Hasenfus in two volumes, the first of which was published by the author in 1944. 136 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE letics had not enjoyed any oflBcial notice, nor were teams organized in any sport except on a game-to-game basis.^ This situation was explained by the lack of facilities in the early days of the college; by tlie fact that Boston College was for day scholars; and, until the middle seventies, by the fact that the upper years of college, from which the boys old enough for intercollegiate competition would be drawn, had not been es- tablished. Father Callanan, in his "Reminiscences," recounts some of the attempts at forming baseball teams in the period from 1870 to 1877." The problem of a playing field was solved at various times by the "Fair Grounds" (a field opposite the buildings on Harrison Avenue) and by various fields in the suburbs at "picnic distance" from the college. But there was never an organized effort to train teams and to provide facilities for the games until shortly after the opening of school in the fall of 1883. The Stylus reported: The enthusiasm of some of the students on the subject of athletics has at last found practical expression in the forma- tion of the Boston College Athletic Club. Towards the end of October, a committee consisting of Messrs. T. W. Coakley, '84, J. P. McGuigan and T. J. Hurley, '85, and one or two others, waited upon the President, and obtained his sanction to the organization of an athletic club. The first step being thus successful, the same committee called a meeting of those interested in the question; and, after the usual and necessary preliminaries, the association was formed. The membership is already very large; and the energy shown at the meetings thus far, augurs well for the future. So that, with proper management on the part of the officers, we think great things may now be expected.^^ Mr. D. Leo Brand, S.J., was appointed the first faculty modera- tor, and at the "semiannual meeting" of the association, evi- dently held sometime in February, 1884, the following oflBcers »Cf. The Stylus, 2 (Sept., 1883): 5. Letter referring to Holy Cross game, spring, 1883. 10 Callanan, "Reminiscences," The Stylus, 13( March, 1899): 155-157; and Henry C. Towle, "Pioneer Days," The Stylus, 11 (June, 1897):333. "Tlie Stylus, 2(Dec., 1883):18. THE COLLEGE IN THE EIGHTIES 137 were elected: president, T. W. Coaldey; vice-president, John H. Hopwood; secretary, Daniel P. Scannell; treasurer, Martin J. Corbett; promoter of athletics, James P. McGuigan. The mem- bers numbered forty.^^ In announcing the formation of the Ath- letic Association, the college catalogue for 1883-1884 stated: "Its object is to encourage the practice of manly sports, and to promote by these the esprit de corps of the College Students, who are its members."^^ The first contests played under the auspices of the new association were baseball games; these were reported on by The Stylus: The baseball team has been reinforced by many efficient players. Under Manager Hopwood, it is prepared to do some good work in the field. Already it has defeated the South Boston Athletic Club 14-3, the Roxbury's 15-5, the Adams Academy nine 21-12, and though defeated by the Lynns, it owes its defeat not to the superior playing of its adversaries, but to tlie superior friendship of the Umpire to that nine. Our greatest victory has been the defeat of the X.Q.Z. Club of Lowell, by a score of 8 to 0. This club is one of the strong- est in the state, and the vanquisher of the Lynns.^* "The First Annual Spring Games," a field day of track events, was also scheduled by the association for late in May, 1884.^^ Father Boursaxjd Father O'Connor's term in office came to a close on July 31, 1884. He was succeeded by a former professor of Poetry and Rhetoric at the college, the Reverend Edward Victor Boursaud, S.J. When classes reconvened in September, the new president was greeted warmly by the students. The seeing of a familiar face on the platform and the hearing of a well-remembered voice in the opening speech of the year obviated even a momentary feeling that a stranger had taken hold of the reins of government.^® 12 Ibid., 2( March, 1884 ):43; and the Boston College Catalogue for 1883- 1884, p. 30. 13 Boston College Catalogue for 1883-1884, p. 30. ^^The Sti/lus, 2(May, 1884):53. ^5 Ibid., 2(May, 1884) :55. ^^bid., 3(Nov., 1884):7. 138 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE The man they saw before them was a mild-mannered, kindly scholar, an accomplished linguist, and, although only forty-four years old at the time, had already been entrusted with a post of great confidence in the government of the Society of Jesus. Father Boursaud was born in New York of French parents on September 1, 1840. During his youth, his family had returned to France and there he had received part of his education. On his return to this country, he attended Mount Saint Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Maryland, from which he was graduated in June, 1863. Two months later, August 14, 1863, he joined tlie Society of Jesus at Frederick, Maryland. After two years of noviceship, he was made professor of classics to his companions in the Juniorate at Frederick, and from 1867 to 1870 he taught poetry at Georgetown. In September of 1871 he commenced the seven years' study of philosophy and theology in preparation for the priesthood at Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. He was ordained in 1877, and in 1878 terminated his theological studies and was sent to Boston College where for one year he taught Poetry, and for the following year, taught Rhetoric. After this he returned to Frederick, Maryland, for a year of ascetical study, and was then selected for the post of secretary to the English assistant on the Jesuit General's staff in Rome — the first American ever to hold this position. He served in this capacity until he was recalled to the United States shortly before being appointed president of Boston College on July 31, 1884.^^ One of the first tasks he set for himself on assuming oflBce was to remodel the basement of the Immaculate Conception Church, much used by the students of the college as the college chapel. The area was deepened three feet, lengthened, and com- pletely redecorated with most pleasing results.^^ He was remembered by those who knew him in Boston as devoted to the poor and to workers. A strike of streetcar em- ployees occurred during his term as president of Boston College, 17 The Messenger (New York), 37(May, 1902) : 577-579; and Wood- stock Letters, 31(1902): 277. 18 The Stylus, 4(Dec., 1885):14-15. THE COLLEGE IN THE EIGHTIES 139 and Father Boursaud manifested his sympathy with the cause of labor by avoiding the streetcars and riding in the strikers' barges.^^ He was extremely popular with the students in the college,^" but his influence beyond the college walls was not as wide as that of Father Fulton, due perhaps to the fact that he did not share Father Fulton's assertiveness.^^ During the years of Father Boursaud's administration, the attendance at the college rose slowly but steadily. The year before he took ofiice there were 250 students registered; two years later, he had brought the number to 297, an increase just under 19 per cent.^^ In the catalogue issued at the end of Father Boursaud's first year as president, mention is made for the first time of the master of arts degree and of the conditions under which it was to be granted: For the . . . degree of A.M., it will be required that the applicant shall have continued his studies in College for one year, or studied, or practiced a learned profession for two years.^^ The degree was not, however, conferred on anyone by Father Boursaud, and later was granted only seven times in the history of the college prior to 1913.^* The Alumni Organize In the meantime, a need was felt among the alumni of the college for an organization to bring their numbers together. An ^^ The Pilot (?) c. March 18, 1902 (clipping in Georgetown University Archives, Lamson Collection). 20 ijyid. 21 Devitt, "History of the Province; XVI. Boston College," Woodstock Letters, 64( 1935): 409. 22 "Number of Students in Our Colleges in the United States and Canada," Woodstock Letters, 13( 1884):425; and 15(1886):352. 23 Catalogue of Boston College for 1884-1885, p. 6. 2* According to the Boston College Alumni Directory for June, 1924, the following seven persons received the M.A. degree prior to 1913: 1877, Edward A. McLaughlin; 1878, James Herrmann; 1879, John F. Ciunmins; 1890, Michael A. Carroll; 1892, Henry V. Cunningham; 1904, Manuel de Moreira; 1910, William F. Kenney. 140 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE editorial writer in The Stylus as early as March of 1884 had written: We feel that if these Alumni would organize, it would materially aid us by making the college more widely known and esteemed, and by infusing a lively and kindlier interest among the older students for us of the present. It would also be the means of bringing about those pleasant annual re- unions which do so much to cement friendships begun in early life, and reflect lustre upon the college which was their other home. Such a step, we believe, would not be at this moment premature, and certainly is not impracticable.^^ The appeal brought some response, but due to the unwilling- ness of any individual to come forward at this time as organizer, the project was postponed indefinitely.*^ The late Doctor Eugene A. McCarthy, '84, recalled that when he and some other grad- uates at a later period waited on Father Boursaud to obtain his approval of an alumni association, they found the rector rather skeptical that enough alumni would be interested in organizing such a body to make it worth while. Young Mr. McCarthy and his friends withdrew undiscouraged, and proceeded to sound out alumni opinion by mail. When, some months later, indisputable proof of the graduates' willingness to support such a venture was gathered, it was brought to Father Boursaud, and he at once gave the undertaking his approval.*^ There were only 136 living alumni of Boston College,** but a large number of these met in the spring of 1886 and agreed to form an association, and it was arranged to have the first reunion and banquet at Young's Hotel on June 28 (1886). The success of this initial gathering encouraged the new organiza- tion to make the function an annual aflFair.*^ The first president of the alumni association was Edward A. McLaughlin, and the first "first-vice-president," was the Reverend 25 The Stylus, 2( March, 1884) :37. ^^Ibid., 2(May, 1884) :56. 2^ From a verbal statement of Doctor McCarthy to Father John W. Ryan, S.J., July 9, 1944. 28 The Boston College Catalogue, 1885-1886, Appendix. 29 The Stylus, 4(July, 1886) :75. E J J 1^ y 9i ^ e 1 a < 5 s < a y. if S s i> 1 o m S ■4 a; 1 c^ 33 a la o s a I 1 H < «j a 5 3 ^ "_ r •S a §2 a> Z < f % CO O X Id 5^ Z to Id is ^ S5 s V. _- 2 a 1 1 X s a ■«! n; • ^ 1 . 5 = ^ - = d -^ i »; > o , o ■i - w ^ :i §g5 i H) >'. H - -5 '-^ ■■5 j ■£ r S- 5 y; r = -i i i i A GRAND FAIR IN AID OF THE BOSTON COLLEGE. Church of the Lnmaculate Con- ception, WILL OPEN IN THE BOSTON MT7SIC ttatt., October 15. I8AA. I>onatlon8 in aid of the ^tUr, either In Arflclea or Money. wlU be gratemlly recetred by either of the M&naaers, or at tbe Collese In Harruon Areniie. The Fair wtll be onder the nunagament of the fol- lowing gentlemen: KRA^C•I8 UcLAUOHII!'. Exchange street HDGn CAELY. Fr<>> man A Cafe? . MICHAEL DOffERTT. Union 8qnaie. JOSEPH A. LAJFOBMB, N. Re«tg1o A, Co. C. A. LINEMANN. Franltllii .treet. HUUH O'RRIEN. W4>{>lnfr Llat. WM. 8. PZXLETIEB, Boxbnrjr. J. H. WILLCK):, C2ie«ter Sqnars. Th« Table* will be nader the dlrwtien of the fol- lowlSK Ladlec. to whomTcantrlbntion* may be *ent :— Catbidoal TA31M, Mis* C Bradley and Miss M. A. Cassldy. { St. Maxt's CBiiBCff Table, Mrs. M. Carney. St. Mast's Sdbbat School Tablb, Mlse Q. Crow- lev St. Peter awd 8r. Paul (Sotith Boston), Mrs. Aathoav Kane. Oati of HsATKK (South BoetoD), Mlu Kate Snl- UTan. 8T. Joseph's cRox->nry), Mrs. Col Qalney. Befkeshkekt Table, Mrs. Dr. Hartnelt. MIbs M. A, Creon Mis. William ^Ioktoovext's Tablb. TxiHiTT CacBCu Table, Mrs. B. EJchbora and Mrs. J, Fandel. CoiCBBATioR TiBLB. Mrs. A. A. Thavar. St. 8txpheh's Cbttech Table, Miss Catherine Toomey. St. 'viNCKirr'8 CHtrscH Tabib, Mr*. James Hlley. Mas. Cabeei Airo Mibb Syoaio** TaBlb. Hiss Hblbb Dana's Table. COLLEOx Table. Mrs. T Feran. Floweb Table, Mrt . J. Oalvin. IMM ACITLATE CoscEPTio:* Tablb, Mts. Leonoo and Mrs. Inrlls. OnE LADT'a Table Mrs. A. McAtot. Mb?. T. C. Meerill's Table. Mas. F. SlESKBLICH AND MSS. HeNEI PfAFP'3 TA- BLE. Mb3. M.J. Ward A^CD Mtss L. Colemass Table. Mabbibo Women's Sodautt Table, Mrs T Brady, and Mis* Florence LymMi YOUKO WOMIB'S SODALITT TABLE. Su»DAT ScaooL Table. Altab Bots' Table. FisuiNS PoKD, MLig MsKKie Mdoney. A KEwaPATtB wUlbe pabllabed daring the Fair giTliiaa tail d-scr-otion of tte difllprent tables, list of drawings, ana other reading matter, with ample space, also, for adTertl'cments. It Is Inteaded to dls - trli'uie.3<).OiO conies of this paper griiuftously, make Ing It a moat vnhiabio meillum oi advertising Ad- vertisements can be left at the " Shipping Lia'l " ol dee. 23 Central St. Iej9 •9 &R^jyn FJUR IN AH) OF AND THE Church of the Immaculate Conception, SABBISOIV ATENTTE, Will be holden In the BOSTON MUSIC HALL, From MONDAY, AprU 4th, 1864, to SATURDAY, April Kth, indnslve. Cootribntkma o< mosey and article* tat the Fair are re^i ec uiU ly solicited, and cmn be seat or delirered parsooally to either of the Committee, whose name* are given below, to asy aothorlsed Collector, or to the Pastor at the College. The object of the Fair b one which shotild tntereat ereiT CatlKdie In the dlooeae, aail It Is hoped that all will co-opomte tn maUnir It aaocesaftil. JOHK BAP8T, PresidaDt of Boatoo Cdlege, and Pastor of the Cbuidi of the Immaoolata Oono^tiaa. In ctmnectlon with the Fair, there is now la pro- gress A CtnuaA ComMnAtlOEt Raiflla tar thi«e CHICKEBINO PIANOS, tickets to which (at %9 each) can be obtained at the ware rooms of Cbickerlng & Son, 346 Waahlngtoo street. Oliver DlCson A Co's Moslc (tore, 377 Washington St. Henry Tolman*Oo>. " " 291 Washington st. Patrick Dooahoa's Bookstore, 33, Franklin street, or from either of the Committoe. Kadi ticket gtraa tha hotdar a ohaace to draw A ORAND KAHO, A BEVKH OCtATB BO8BWOO1D SQVABB PIAXO,- or, • aH OCIATB B08KW00D 8QUASS EIAHO. each at which will be as good an Inatranent <« ea» be made by Cklekeiiitc 4l ^b*, wboae Planoa are sorpasaed by thoae of no other makers In this coootry or in Enrope. JOS. A. LAFORMZ, No. 31 Central wharf. ) HUOHO'BRIEN, No. 23 Ccnral street. j JOHN H.WILLCOX, No. 29 Chester sqnare, ^Com. F. MCLAUGHLIN, No. 28 Exchange streei. I P. U. POWEKS, No. 17 Milk street. J Notices of Grand Fairs in aid of Boston College THE COLLEGE IN THE EIGHTIES 141 Thomas I. Coghlan, 78.^" A complete list, as far as is known, of the oflBcers during the first years will be found in the appendix.^^ The Confederate Veteran On August 5, 1887, Father Boursaud terminated his period in oflBce and was succeeded in the presidency of Boston College by the Reverend Thomas H. Stack, S.J., remembered as the founder of The Stylus, and at this time, a popular professor of Physics and Chemistry. Father Stack's life had been an interesting one. He was bom July 3, 1845, near Union, Monroe County, Virginia (now West Virginia), and early showed promise of unusual intellectual ability. One of his early teachers was a son of the celebrated Orestes Brownson. At the age of fourteen his father placed him in the Virginia Military Institute at Lexington, where his ca- pacity for hard and continuous study brought him to the top of his class even against excellent competition. It was here that he began to manifest the extraordinary gifts of personality which his acquaintances found so charming in later life; his even temper, considerateness, and natural, affectionate disposition marked him out from the crowd even as a young man. Un- fortunately, the times in which he was growing up were trouble- some ones, and his schooling was suddenly interrupted at the age of sixteen by the outbreak of the Civil War. Young Stack immediately enlisted in the army of the Confederacy, and served the four years of the war, first as an artilleryman, and later in the Signal Service Corps. His four years' campaigning furnished him in afterlife with an inexhaustible fund of story and anec- dote which he used to enliven his class periods at the college; 30 The Boston Daily Globe, June 29, 1886. The newspaper article described Mr. McLaughlin as belonging to the class of 1871. There was no graduating class in that year nor for six years afterward, but in 1871 Mr. McLaughUn finished as much of the course as was offered in the college at the time, and completed the work for his A.B. degree the following year at Loyola College, Baltimore. In 1877, he was awarded the degree of Master of Arts in the first conferring of degrees at Boston College. 31 Cf. Appendix "C." 142 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE one of his pupils recalled afterward being particularly impressed with Father Stack's vivid account of his return home at the end of the war.^^ Soon after the restoration of peace, the young soldier attended a mission given at Staunton, Virginia, by the famous preacher, Father Bernard Maguire, S.J., president of Georgetown College, and from that time on, his ambitions centered upon serving in the army of Christ as a Jesuit. As his first step in preparation for this goal, he entered Georgetown College in September, 1866, and for two years took all the scholastic honors for which he was eligible. On September 1, 1868, he entered the Society of Jesus, and after completing the regular course of studies, was assigned for his teaching period to Holy Cross College, Worcester, and later (1876), to Boston College as professor of Physics. In the summer of 1878, he returned to Woodstock for his four years of theology and ordination to the priesthood. In 1882 he was sent once more to Boston College for a year (during which time he established The Stylus), and then spent a year in the study of ascetical theol- ogy, followed by two years at Georgetown College and Alex- andria, Virginia, recuperating his health, before coming back to the physics classroom in Boston once more in 1886. The news of his appointment as president of the college in the simmier of 1887 was greeted with joy by the students who knew him, but their pleasure was short lived, because Father Stack was taken ill on August 22, seventeen days after his appointment, and on August 30, he died.^^ Father Russo, Seventh President Because of the suddenness of this loss, there was not time before the beginning of school to go through the lengthy formali- ties connected with the selection of a new president of the 32 Florence J. Halloran, "In Memoriam: Thomas H. Stack, S.J.," The Stylus, 6(Oct., 1887 ):2. 33 Halloran, op. cit., pp. 1-3; Woodstock Letters, 16(1887):317-319; Catalogus Provinciae Marylandiae S.J., passim; Catalogus Provinciae Marylandiae Neo-Eboracensis, 1881 et fF., passim. THE COLLEGE IN THE EIGHTIES 143 college; therefore, a vice-rector was appointed to carry on tempo- rarily the administration of the college. Father Nicholas Russo, S.J., a professor of Philosophy at the college, of whom mention has been made previously (p. 128), thus became vice-rector and seventh president of Boston College. Father Russo was bom April 24, 1845, at Ascoli in Italy. His father was a prominent physician and intended that young Nicholas would follow in his footsteps; the boy, however, had his own ideas concerning his future. For a long time he had entertained the idea of becoming a Jesuit, but fearing that his parents would not consent, he ran away from home August 8, 1862, at the age of seventeen, and went to France where he attempted to enter the Society. The Fathers of the Society would not receive him under these conditions, but parental consent was finally obtained and he was allowed to enter the novitiate. His early studies and a teaching period were spent in France, but in 1875 he was sent to the United States to make his theological studies at Woodstock College. He was ordained in 1877, and afterward sent to Boston ( September, 1877 ) to teach Logic and Metaphysics at Boston College. As a student, his scholastic record had been a brilliant one, and now as a teacher and writer he lived up fully to this early promise.^^ He was the first member of the Boston College staff to write a book while connected with the institution; three scholarly works on philosophy and religion coming from his pen during the years 1885-1890.^^ As a professor of philosophy he had been somewhat stem, but with a sternness which was beneficial to those being taught. He 34 Anon., "Father Nicholas Russo," Woodstock Letters, 31(1902): 281-285. 35 Father Russo's works were: ( 1 ) Summa Philosophica juxta Scholasticorum Principia, complectens Logicam et Metaphysicam (Bostoniae: Apud Thomas B. Noonan et Socium, 1885). (2) The True Religion and Its Dogmas (Boston: Thomas B. Noonan & Co., 1886). (3) De Philosophia Morale Praelectiones (Neo-Eborace: Benziger Fratres, 1890). 144 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE considered neglect of study or waste of time by his pupils as almost unpardonable, but he was a just man, kind, self-sacrificing, humble; and these were the qualities that were remembered by a great number of Boston priests of the period, who had received their first introduction to philosophy in his classes.^® The Return of Father Fulton Father Russo's term of office was brief and uneventful. On July 4, 1888, less than a year after taking over the presidency, he was relieved by Father Fulton, who returned after an interim spent in filling positions of great trust in the government of the Society of Jesus. Since leaving Boston, Father Fulton had been successively rector of St. Lawrence's Church (now St. Ignatius Loyola Church), New York; Rector of Gonzaga College, Wash- ington, D. C; then Provincial of the New York-Maryland Prov- ince of the Society of Jesus. While in this latter post, he was summoned to Europe to participate in a general congregation of his Order, and in 1886 was sent by the Jesuit General to Ireland as "Visitor" (Inspector General) to the Irish Province of the Society.^^ For several years prior to Father Fulton's second coming to Boston, the question of adequate room for the growing college had been much discussed. There were two considerations which now urged immediate action upon Father Fulton; the first was the insistent demand of the archbishop of Boston that an inde- pendent "high school" be formed to take the place of part of the seven-year European plan which was then in force, to cope with the rising popularity of the public "high schools," and to provide a terminal course for those students who did not wish to continue beyond the first four years. The second reason, also put forward by the archbishop, was the need of a well-designed and inde- pendent four-year commercial course.^^ 38 Cf. The Stylus, 16(May, 1902): 164-165. ^"^ Catalogus Provinciae Marylandiae-Neo Eboracensis, passim. Also: "Father Robert Fulton; a Sketch," Woodstock Letters, 25(1896): 109-1 10. 38 "Historia Collegii Bostoniensis, pro anno 1889." Manuscript report in Latin written for the Jesuit General and Provincial, Maryland S.J., Provin- cial Archives, under "Litterae Annuae — Collegium Bostoniense." THE COLLEGE IN THE EIGHTIES 145 Neither of the suggested changes was entirely new to the college. The four years of high school, or a close equivalent, had been offered under another name for years; the fact, however, that they were not administrationally distinct from the college years was now considered a disadvantage. A commercial course of a kind had been offered previously, but it had been an insig- nificant branch of the regular school, perhaps considered a refuge for the less capable in the standard arts course; the numbers fol- lowing the commercial subjects certainly were never very large. The reasons given to the archbishop for not acceding to his request at once centered on lack of classroom and office space.^® To these arguments for a new building, which were drawn from the needs of the school itself, may be added another ex- trinsic reason, very close to the heart of Father Fulton: the pressing need for enlarged quarters for the Young Men's Catholic Association. In the light of all these considerations, therefore. Father Fulton placed the enlargement of the school building first on his list of agenda upon taking oflBce. Fortunately for this cause, he had a large number of friends who were willing to undertake the management of a drive to obtain funds; in addition to this, he made appeals to the congregation of the Immaculate Conception Church, and enlisted the enthusiastic aid of the Young Men's Catholic Association, and when ordinary means threatened to be inadequate, he had resort, against the advice of some, to a "fair," to bring the amount up to the desired $125,000.*° Further Expansion These means were successful, and work was begun on the James Street building in the spring of 1889.*^ The plan was to extend the building in the direction of Newton Street at one end and in the direction of Concord Street at the other. Roughly, this 39 Ibid. *oibid., and Woodstock Letters, 18(1889): 114. *i Anon., "Boston College, Its History and Influence," Donahoe's Maga- zine, 29i]&n., 1893) -.dS. 146 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE would increase the frontage on James Street from about 150 feet to some 250 feet. While the excavations were being made on the Newton Street side, the unearthing of several coffins served to remind the Fathers that that section of the property had once been a paupers' burial ground.*^ The work was held up considerably by strikes among the work- men which occurred in May, 1889, and the alterations were con- sequently not completed until the spring of the following year.*^ In addition to the changes made in the main school building, the opportunity was taken to enlarge the connecting passageway from the priests' house on Harrison Avenue to the college build- ing on James Street. This was enlarged to twice its width** to provide additional living quarters for the faculty, more library room, and a faculty dining room. A description of the finished project, written by one of the scholastics attached to the college within a few weeks of the time it was completed, is valuable for the comparison it makes between the new and the old: The building now forms a "T," the residence facing Harrison Avenue, the college building running along James Street. The length of the first, from the front to the college building, is perhaps 90 feet, while the latter forms an imposing structure of some 250 feet, with three projecting door-ways; one for the college boys, one to admit its present few and future numerous pupils to the High School, the third forming at once the en- trance to the Young Men's Building and the College Hall. All the buildings are now of the same height — four stories, not counting the valuable basement, and the attic. . . . The middle building wants but 15 feet or so of being as wide as our resi- dence is long, and the college building takes in all the ground from half-way behind the church to the little alley beyond the once famous garden. *2 Woodstock Letters, 18(1889):256. Henry C. Towle recollected seeing workmen removing coflBns from the tract before the Immaculate Conception Church was built (cf. p. 89 of text). 43 Anon., "Boston College, Its History and Influence," Donahoe's Maga- zine, 29 (Jan., 1893): 68. ** Woodstock Letters, 18(1889):256. THE COLLEGE IN THE EIGHTIES 147 [As one enters] the college proper ... on the right, the first door opens into the Lecture Hall which comfortably seats all our boys when they assemble to listen anxiously to the result of their month's work. . . . The other door of the hall lets us out on the lower college corridor, which extends from the High School building behind the church to the Young Men's Gymnasium. . . . The new class room in the English High School ... is just behind the church and separated from it by only a narrow alley. [On] the next floor [is] the second beautiful room of the English High School and the new Music Room . . . two stories high. . . . On the upper college corridor, we have the class rooms of the rhetoricians, of the grammarians, and beyond, of the poets and philosophers in the intermediate building. The library is on the third floor, filling three rooms along the Newton Street side of the middle building. ... At the end of the library corridor a door admits us into the new College Hall. Here there have been considerable changes. The stage, now at the end of the hall, opposite where it was last year, is fitted up with new scenery . . . the gallery is not, after all, to prove such an eyesore as we feared. The hall will seat 1600. The topmost floor of the Young Men's Building [contains] a Senate Chamber . . . about 60 feet square. Below this the library is to be placed. The rooms below this are recreation rooms; that on the first floor and that in the basement forming one high apartment for the Gymnasium. This part of the building is not yet completed.*^ All critics, however, were not enthusiastic in their appraisal of the alterations. Father Devitt, who succeeded Father Fulton in the presidency of the college, wrote: The result [of the alterations] in the connecting building at least, was a combination of structural mistakes: dark cor- ridors; extravagantly large and inconvenient dwelling-rooms; a library in separate sections; and a dining hall in the cellar.*^ *^ Letter of A. J. E. Mullen, S.J., to the editor of the Woodstock Letters, dated April 6, 1890, printed in Woodstock Letters, 19 ( 1890): 192-196. 46 Edward I. Devitt, S.J., "History of the Maryland-New York Province; XVI. Boston College," Woodstock Letters, 64(1935):410. 148 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE According to Father Devitt, the basic cause of all these defects was the decision to place the designing and construction of the new additions in the hands of one of the lay brothers of the community, rather than in the care of a professional architect.*^ Divisions Projected The enlarged building facilities, however, were but one con- tribution which Father Fulton made to a growing Boston College during his second term in oflBce. Another change, no less im- portant, was the introduction of an English "high school," which has already been mentioned in passing, and which was begun in September, 1889, at the request of the archbishop. This is the first mention of the term 'Tiigh school" used oflBcially in connec- tion with this institution, and in the beginning was employed exclusively to designate the four-year English or commercial course, as distinct from the seven-year classical course which led to the A.B. degree. Father Fulton described this course in a letter written to John Boyle O'Reilly on August 8, 1890, two days be- fore the poet-editor's sudden death: Some time ago our venerable Archbishop suggested to me that it would be desirable, if the lads finishing the Grammar Schools, even those not intended for a classical course, should attend the College for a few years, more especially for the sake of religious instruction and training, of which their schools had so far imparted none. The parochial system is expanding daily; but the parishes will not be able to support a High School apiece, and here is, at present, the only place where a High School can be estab- lished. Surely Catholic education is not to stop with the Grammar Schools. There will be need of a Normal School to furnish male teachers for the parish schools, and here that need may also be supplied. By the great liberality of the people of the diocese, I was able to prepare sufficient accommodations; and I opened, last September, the classes of the first year of a four years' course. *^ Devitt, "History of the Maryland-New York Province . . . ," manu- script, with material omitted in the pubHshed version, Georgetown Uni- versity Archives. MS., p. 21. THE COLLEGE IN THE EIGHTIES 149 I received only such as had the amount of information to be expected of scholars creditably completing the course of the Grammar Schools. Next September some of that class will have been promoted to the second year of the course, and a new first year's class begun. Last year, lads were offered to me whom I could not receive because they had gone beyond the studies of the first year, and had no classes for them. Next year I will receive for the classes of the first and second year. Reference to our catalogue will show that the course is very strong, stronger I think than in the English High School.*^ There is a review of grammar, in which I find the boys from the Grammar Schools strangely deficient, a study of type- writing, stenography, book-keeping, rhetoric, a complete course of mathematics, French, German, logic, metaphysics, ethics, and finally graduation as B.S.*^ Of course, the best programme will amount to nothing unless ably carried out. Next year, as far as I can now forecast, I shall have as aids, Mr. Korman, who distinguished himself first in this College, and then completed a long course in Ger- many, where studies are strongest; Messrs. Gartland and Drum, both among the most honored of our graduates. I re- *8 This reference is obscure. It probably means that the improved course which the archbishop refers to as the "high school course" was better than the course which for the previous ten years had been offered as that of the "English department." An examination of the curriculum as outlined in the pertinent catalogues shows some additions to the "new high school" course, over the former "English department" course, but these do not appear to be essential changes. And it must be noted that the catalogue of the college never took cognizance of any change in title of the 1879 "English department" courses. Even after the 1889 high school was an- nounced, the catalogue continued to list the usual "English department" offerings, with only the appended notice that after the completion of the course, the B.S. degree would be conferred (cf. Catalogue, 1890-1891, p. 14). The Catalogue, 1895-1896, p. 11, uses "High School" for the first time: "The course consists of four years, during which the student is engaged in the studies of an English High School." *9 The degree of B.S., as mentioned in the preceding footnote, was offered for the completion of the English course for the first time in the catalogue of 1889-1890. Granting the degree for four years' work beyond grammar school seems a very extraordinary procedure, and as far as can be determined now, was conferred after the inception of the "high school English" course on only three persons and on three separate occasions (cf. Boston College Alumni Directory, June, 1924, pp. 57-60). The catalogue of 1895-1896 announced that a degree was no longer given for the course, but in its place, a diploma of graduation {Catalogue, 1895-1896, p. 11). 150 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE serve for myself the instruction in religion. The fabulous Mrs. Glasse needed the hare before she could cook it. We cannot educate boys unless we get them. I have appealed successfully to the Catholics of Boston for money to educate. It were a most illogical procedure — quod longe ahsit a nobis — to give money and then refuse boys. Therefore, I appeal once more in behalf of a course in which, unless I deceive myself, the good of the Catholic public is greatly concerned. Robert Fltlton, S.J.^° This letter does not answer all the questions concerning the evolution of the high school course at Boston College which one might wish to ask. However, a few features of the picture emerge when all the information available is considered. Thus, it is clear from the various catalogue announcements that Archbishop Wil- liams requested the formation of an "English Course" at Boston College, which was instituted in September of 1879.^^ This was a four-year course emphasizing English, Bookkeeping, and vari- ous branches of Mathematics. Second, it is clear that the archbishop sometime prior to September, 1889, asked that a high school be inaugurated to provide for graduates of parochial schools, and that Father Fulton planned such a high school,^^ and, according to the letter quoted above, opened it and urged attendance at it. Furthermore, the archbishop himself pubhcly announced in 1890: I desire that numbers of young men of the class who now obtain from the high schools all the education they require for use through life, without attending professional schools, should pass two or three years within the walls of this [i.e., Boston] college, thence to go out and stand forth as noble examples of Catholic citizens.^^ 50 The Pilot, Aug. 16, 1890. 51 E.g., The Boston College Catalogue, 1881-82, pp. 3 and 12. ^^ Woodstock Letters, 18(1889): 114, "Fr. Fulton has already received $25,000 to aid him in carrying out a plan recently set before the Catholics of Boston. The plan includes ... a Catholic high school (for graduates of the parochial schools) ..." 53 The Pilot, Oct. 25, 1890. THE COLLEGE IN THE EIGHTIES 151 The Pilot account continues, after giving the above quotation: He spoke of the provision begun here in the EngHsh High School, estabhshed last year by Father Fulton for just such young men; and hoped that ere long 600 or 800 youth would enter annually to receive the training that the Jesuits are so competent to give and which ensures to Boston and America good citizens.^* It is also clear from an examination of the attendance records at the college, that the hope of 600 or more youths following the English course was never realized. The school year 1889-1890, which witnessed the beginning of the reformed English high school division, saw only 26 pupils out of a school population of 315 enrolled in the English course;^^ the following year there were 31 in the English course, out of 334 pupils in the school.^^ The next year (1891-1892), only 26 out of 360^^ enrolled in the English course. The number dropped to thirteen in 1895-1896,^^ and in the catalogue of 1896-1897, the course had become a branch of the preparatory division.^^ In the meantime, the terminology describing the classes had gone through an evolution. Until the publication of the 1894-1895 catalogue, the description of courses and textbooks was simply headed: "Course of Studies in the Classical Depart- ment"; in 1894-1895, a division was made in listing the classes for the coming year ( 1895-1896 ) , and the following were termed "Preparatory Classes"; Rudiments ( second division and first divi- sion ) ; third class of Grammar; second class of Grammar.^" Another step in the direction of separating the secondary school and the college classes was taken in the college Catalogue, 1896-1897, when the phrase "Preparatory School" was used in 54 Ibid. ^^ Woodstock Letters, 19(1890):441. 56 English enrollment by count in the Catalogue, 1890-1891, pp. 17-25; total enrollment, from Woodstock Letters, 20(1891). 5T English enrollment by count in the Catalogue, 1891-1892, pp. 15-24; total enrollment, from Woodstock Letters, 21 ( 1892 ) . 58 Catalogue, 1895-1896, p. 64. 59 Ibid., 1896-1897, p. 36. 60 Ibid., 1894-1895, pp. 21-25. 152 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE describing the lower classes for the school year 1897-1898.^^ In September, 1898, the distinction between the college and the preparatory school was further emphasized by the introduction of separate entrances to the building for the two divisions.®^ In this connection, it must be noted that both classical and English classes were embraced in the category of "Preparatory School." This point is important in answering the question: "When was Boston College High School begun?" As may now be seen, some distinctions are necessary in making a reply to that question. If by "high school" is meant the early classes in the course, then the high school existed from September, 1864, on. If the question is intended to ask when the term "high school" was first used in connection with the lower classes at Boston College, another distinction must be made: the term "high school" was used oflF and on in a vague sense in connection with the English Course from September, 1889, on; in the strict sense of indicating all the preparatory classes, classical and English, it was not employed until 1903.^^ Father Fulton's Farewell In the meantime, the task of gathering the money necessary for the new building operations, and the worries and criticism attending the construction itself, was taking its toll of the already fragile health of Father Fulton. He had the gratification of wit- nessing a marked increase of pupils entering the college in September, 1890, which brought the enrollment to a new high of three hundred and fifteen.^* He mapped out plans for the current year and set them in motion, but found the severe rheu- matic complaint from which he suffered growing worse as time went on. Samples of his handwriting at this period which are 61 Ibid., 1896-1897, p. 31. ^^ The Stylus, 12(1898) -.441. 63 First official use of the term "high school" in describing the entire preparatory division occurred in the Catalogue, 1903-1904, p. 34, in a statement outlining admission requirements in the college department. Up to that time, the phrase "preparatory school" had been used. 64 "Number of Students in our Colleges in the United States and Canada, October 1, 1890," Woodstock Letters, 19(1890):441. THE COLLEGE IN THE EIGHTIES 153 preserved in the Boston College Library archives give eloquent testimony of the heroic eflForts he was obliged to make even to write the briefest note. Despite this handicap, he had composed and preached the eulogy at the funeral of John Boyle O'Reilly, in August,^^ and had been celebrant at a Solemn Mass of Re- quiem for the poet attended by all the students of the college in the latter part of September.^^ On the evening of October 15, 1890, a date which marked the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of the Young Men's Cath- olic Association of Boston College, the new wing of the building to be devoted to the association was formally opened. Archbishop WilHams, former Mayor P. A. Collins, and Father Fulton were the speakers on the occasion.^^ This function, which was the crowning of his long labors in behalf of that organization, was to be the last he ever attended in Boston, The following morning he left the city for Hot Springs, Arkansas, in quest of his health.^^ When no improvement in his condition was evident by mid- winter, the Provincial decided to appoint a vice-rector to assume management of the college, and chose for the post a professor of philosophy at Holy Cross College, Worcester, Father Edward I. Devitt, S.J. This priest recorded in his diary under date of January 8, 1891, that the Provincial (Father Campbell), who was making his yearly visitation at Holy Cross, had spoken to him that afternoon of going to Boston as vice-rector. He respect- fully protested against the idea, but on the following day he learned that his objections had been overruled and that he was to go to Boston that very afternoon. The appointment came as a complete surprise to his fellow Jesuits, "no one having any ink- ling of it either at Worcester or Boston."*'^ It is a commentary on the college's position and influence in the eyes of non-Catholic Boston that the change of presidents 65 The Pilot, Aug. 16, 1890. 66 Ibid., Sept. 27, 1890. 67 Ibid., Oct. 25, 1890. 68 Ibid. 69 Manuscript Diary of Fr. Edward I, Devitt, S.J., preserved at George- town University Archives. 154 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE received no mention at all in the columns of the Boston Daily Advertiser, and merited only forty-one words at the bottom of page six in the Boston Evening Transcript three days after the appointment J" Father Devitt's temporary status of vice-rector was changed to that of full rector and president of the college by the Jesuit General, Father Anderledy, on September 3, 1891.'^ The passing of Father Fulton from the Boston scene definitely marked the end of an era. ^0 Boston Evening Transcript, Jan. 12, 1891. ^1 Anderledy ad Devitt, Sept. 3, 1891, Georgetown University Archives, Devitt papers. CHAPTER XIII GROWING IS DONE SLOWLY Edward Ignatius Devitt was born in St. John, New Brunswick, November 26, 1840. While he was stiU young, his family moved to Boston, and settled in St. Mary's parish in the North End o£ the city, where he attended the public schools and, in 1857, graduated with honors from Boston English High School. He attended Holy Cross College, Worcester, for two years, then applied for admission into the Society of Jesus. The Provincial, Father Villiger, accepted the young postulant and instructed him to enter the Jesuit novitiate at Frederick, Maryland, July 28, 1859. Four years later, young Mr. Devitt was sent to teach at Gonzaga College, Washington, D. C, where he later recalled, among other experiences in the nation's capital at war, that he was selected to march in Lincoln's funeral procession with a delegation of boys from Gonzaga. When he had completed six years of teaching, he was sent to the Jesuit seminary at Wood- stock, Maryland, the September (1869) it opened, to commence his studies of philosophy and theology. After his ordination, he taught philosophy at Woodstock and at Holy Cross College, before coming to Boston as rector of the college in 1891. He is remembered as a quiet, studious man, more designed by nature for sustained periods of reading and patient research than for the active management of a large institution, and the constant meeting with people which the duties of an executive demand. This natural inclination to avoid the "market place" 155 156 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE throughout life was increased, or perhaps explained, by the handicaps which he bore in the form of extremely poor hearing, and poor eyesight. His chief interest, apart from his teaching, was the study of Maryland colonial history and American Catholic Church history. He gathered and arranged a large amount of material which today awaits the attention of some other scholar in the George- town University Archives. Some of his studies were published privately in the Woodstock Letters, including the only attempt made to date toward a history of the Maryland and New York Provinces of the Society of Jesus.^ After a long life devoted to the classroom and to research, he died at Georgetown University, Washington, D. C, January 26, 1920.2 The College Library While president at Boston College, Father Devitt gave par- ticular attention to the development of the library. Up to that time, since the library was the least urgent demand made on a very limited college budget, it had suffered from neglect. How this book collection was begun, and what changes of fortune were visited upon it, are described in a short history of the library written by Father Devitt himself for the 1893-1894 issue of the college catalogue.^ He explains, in this history, that financial conditions at the inception of the college did not permit the commencement of an adequate library. The first gift of books was made over a 1 Father Edward L Devitt, S.J., "History of the Maryland-New York Province," Woodstock Letters, serially from Vol. 60, No. 2 (June, 1931), until Vol. 65, No. 2 (June, 1936). 2 "Father Edward I. Devitt, 1840-1920," Woodstock Letters, 50 (1921): 58-64. 3 Authorship of this article appears indicated by a passage in Father Devitt's manuscript history of the college, omitted in the printed version. He wrote: "It is characteristic of the Rector of that time [e.g.. Father Devitt himself] that there appeared in the College Catalogue of 1893-94 a monograph of the college library. . . ." (the manuscript version of the history of Boston College is preserved in the Georgetown University Archives, Washington, D, C). GROWING IS DONE SLOWLY 157 decade before the college opened by the Reverend Joseph Coolidge Shaw, S.J., who after his conversion went abroad and with the money supplied him by a well-to-do father, bought many volumes in Paris and Rome. A second patron of the library was Colonel Daniel S. Lamson of Weston, Massachusetts, who gave more than a third of his own personal library to the college, and in 1865 transferred to the Trustees of Boston College a Proprietor's Share of the Boston Athenaeum which he had inherited from his father.* In 1875, a secular priest, the Reverend Stanislas Buteux, bequeathed his collection of five thousand volumes to Boston College. The gift assumed a new value when one learned that the donor was an invalid through much of his life, and in straitened financial circumstances, who gathered this library with discrimination and at great personal sacrifice with the in- tention of presenting it one day to the Jesuit Fathers. Thanks to Father Buteux, the college library was enriched with full lines on slavery, the Civil War, and education, as well as with long files of periodical literature. Another priest of the Boston Archdiocese, Father Manasses P. Dougherty, left his library, strong in Irish history and biog- raphy, to the college. In 1882, the library acquired the books of the recently deceased Robert Morris, Esq., which aided immeas- urably in the departments of English and American literature. Other donations were made, and accessions by purchase, on a modest scale, were finally authorized. Until 1876, the library had rather restricted quarters in the small connecting building, but when this section was enlarged by Father Fulton in that year, provision was made for adequate housing of the books on hand at the time. In the years that im- mediately followed, Father Russo, who acted as librarian, and Father Francis Barnum, later a missionary in Alaska, did much * Share No. 393 was first purchased by John Lamson in 1845, and bequeathed to Daniel Sanderson Lamson in 1859, who made a gift of the share to Boston College in 1865. This transaction is noted under the number of the share in an appendix to The Influence and History of the Boston Athenaeum from 1807 to 1907 (Boston: The Boston Athenaeum, 1907). 158 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE to make the library's holdings available by instituting an accurate card index. When the alterations of the years 1889-1890 took place, the library, strangely enough, was forgotten, and the collection had to be divided and housed in various rooms. Father Devitt, on becoming rector, succeeded in enlarging the number of books by some 25 per cent, and did what he could to provide accessible space for them. In May, 1894, the college was in possession of 28,319 volumes "arranged in 137 cases, distributed over three rooms ."^ Among other improvements made during Father Devitt's term in oflBce was the enlargement of the science departments. A chronicler in the Woodstock Letters wrote: A roomy cabinet has been added to the new science lecture rooms. Several additions to the collection of instruments have been made during the year, among them a fine Polariscope, imported from Paris. The class of astronomy used the tele- scope very frequently during the year. This instrument, made by Clark, last year, will now be employed in the study of variable stars. Physics, mechanics, chemistry, astronomy, and geology, seem to be a task rather heavy for the young in- tellects, to be all taught during the graduating year, and a change, therefore, is now being contemplated.® In 1890, the college debating society took the name: "The Fulton Debating Society" under Mr. A. J. Mullen, S.J., as moderator, and an orchestra was organized among the students by Father Buckley, during the school year 1890-1891. A dramatic society, which called itself the "Boston College Athenaeum," was organized the same year (1890-1891) under Mr. Mullen, S.J., to take over the Thespian chores until then performed by mem- bers of the debating society.^ A natural history club, called the "Agassiz Association," was formed among the students in October of 1892, under the direction of Father Fullerton. The college 5 The Boston College Catalogue, 1893-1894, pp. 18-21. 6"Varia: Boston College," Woodstock Letters, 20( 1891) : 295. 7 The Boston College Catalogue, for the years 1890-1891; 1891-1892; 1893-1894. GROWING IS DONE SLOWLY 159 magazine, The Stylus, which had suspended pubHcation in 1889, resumed pubUcation as a monthly with the issue of De- cember, 1893, under the faculty directorship of Father Timothy Brosnahan.® Father Brosnahan Takes Charge On July 16, 1894, Father Brosnahan succeeded Father Devitt as president of the college. The new president, Timothy Brosnahan, was born in Alexan- dria, Virginia, January 8, 1856.^ Shortly afterward his family moved to a suburb of Washington, D. C, and in 1862, to Wash- ington itself. After completing his early education in private and parochial schools, he enrolled at the preparatory school of Gonzaga College in Washington on September 18, 1869. Three years later he applied for admission into the Society of Jesus, and entered the novitiate at Frederick, Maryland, on August 21, 1872. Here he spent a two-year period of noviceship and two years of classical studies in the "Juniorate" before going on to Woodstock College, Maryland, for his course in philosophy. Although his early years appear marked by signs of talent handi- capped by roving interests and erratic effort, he succeeded little by little in gaining control over his own powers, and the result was not only a praiseworthy scholastic record, but a matured and very pleasing personality. He was sent to Boston College for his teaching period in 1879 and remained there until, in 1883, he was transferred to George- town for his fifth and last year of teaching before returning to Woodstock for theology. While at Boston College he inaugurated The Stylus, the college magazine, and later, in 1893, revived it after it had suspended publication for four years. He was ordained in 1887, and returned to Boston College in 1890 for one year before devoting a year to the study of ascetical theology under Father William Pardow, S.J. A period of teaching 8 Ibid., 1893-1894, p. 73. ^ The following account is based on "Father Timothy Brosnahan," Woodstock Letters, 45 (1916): 99-1 17. 160 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE at Woodstock College was his next assignment, and following this, he was selected to return once more to Boston as professor of philosophy in 1892. In 1894 he was chosen for the oflBce of rector and president of Boston College, and during his four years in oflBce won the repu- tation of being an energetic, thorough, and progressive executive. His concomitant duties as prefect of studies required him to attend to the marks of the boys, to be present at the class "speci- mens," to counsel individuals and follow their school careers, and to maintain general direction over the extracurricular activities of the students. According to one who knew him, he applied himself rather "strenuously" to these tasks, but the results were welcomed by pupils and teachers alike.^° A writer in the Woodstock Letters sketched briefly some of the work which he accomplished during his administration: During these years Father Brosnahan arranged the graded courses of English reading fitted to the aims of each class of the high school and the college, which schedule was in a meas- ure subsequently adopted by the province and made a part of the complete schedule of studies. Similarly he wrote the summary of the aims and methods of Jesuit liberal education which he published as an introductory chapter to the annual catalogue of the college and which was afterwards used by other colleges of the province for the same purpose. He intro- duced the class of physiological psychology as a requirement for the seniors of the college, and appointed Dr. Francis Barnes of Cambridge, one of his class of '84, to be its first professor. Geology too was added as an elective study by him as also was descriptive geometry in his last year as rector. He established, too, a laboratory course in chemistry requiring ninety hours of laboratory work for each student. As a result of these new courses Father Brosnahan was able to make an arrangement with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, whereby these studies in Boston College would be credited in a student's first year in the Technical School. By such broad and progressive methods Father Brosnahan increased the number of students each year of his administration until they reached the number of 450, the highest in the previous history 10 Ibid., p. 105. GROWING IS DONE SLOWLY 161 of the college, although it was well-known that he was strict and severe in his standards of scholarship. As a rector he had taken hold of the finances of the institution with that clearness and vigor of vision which left its impress on all that he gave himself to. He straightened out the scholarship funds, refund- ing where the original deposit had been expended by his predecessors, and though all who were under him attest that he was generous with his community in their needs, he so managed the income of the college that he was able in the last year of his rectorship to make all arrangements for the pur- chase of a very large piece of property on both sides of Massachusetts Avenue, in Roxbury. . . .^^ Following his rectorship at Boston College, Father Brosnahan was a professor and later a prefect of studies at Woodstock Col- lege until 1909. In that year he was sent as professor of ethics to Loyola College, Baltimore, where he remained until his death, June 4, 1915. Gentlemen of the Opposition It is diflficult in looking back from the vantage point of the present to understand the excitement which attended the an- nouncement in 1894 that Boston College would meet Georgetown in the first intercollegiate debate ever held between Jesuit insti- tutions. But excitement there was, and the respective presidents negotiated for months on such details as the choice of judges, and the necessary permissions which would have to be procured from the Provincial. ^^ Father Brosnahan wrote to Father Rich- ards, the rector of Georgetown: I asked that three boys be allowed to come and promised that they should be given quarters at the College & conse- quently all appearance of undue liberty to be taken away. They are to come direct from Georgetown to Boston and to return in like manner. This is important, because if anything should happen ... to give grounds for complaint, the scheme would end with its beginning.^^ 11 Ibid., p. 106. 12 Brosnahan to Richards, Oct. 12, 1894, Georgetown University Archives. 13 Ibid. 162 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE The much-heralded event took place, after two postponements, on May 1, 1895. Among the distinguished guests in a capacity audience in Boston College Hall that night were Bishop Brady, Vicar-General Byrne, Father Devitt, the former rector of Boston College who had accompanied the debaters from Georgetown, and Father Richards, the president of Georgetown, who had come from an engagement in Buffalo for the occasion. It is re- corded that the Boston debaters, Michael J. Scanlan, '95, Michael J. Splaine, '97, and John J. Kirby, '95, brought credit to their alma mater by their able defense of "The Equity of the Income Tax Law as Passed by the Last Congress," but in a close decision, decided finally by the vote of the chairman, they lost to the young men from the shores of the Potomac.^* The philosophic Bostonians found consolation in the thought "that victory still remained in the Society [of Jesus ]."^^ Other innovations at this period took the form of improving and extending the school plant. On May 6, 1895, the Board of Trustees of the college authorized Father Brosnahan to buy a small brick apartment house on 39 Newton Street, and the folr lowing March authorized the purchase of the adjoining building. No. 41.^^ This acquisition permitted the college authorities to transfer the quarters of the Young Men's Catholic Association from the college building proper to 41 Newton Street, thus ob- taining imperatively needed classroom space. The Young Men's Catholic Association wing of the college building was occupied by the college for the opening of school in September, 1898,^^ but the association did not have the formal dedication of their new quarters until January 24, 1899.^^ 1* "Boston College — The Intercollegiate Debate," Woodstock Letters, 24(1895):321-323. 15 Ibid., p. 323. IS "Records of the Trustees of Boston College," under dates May 6, 1895, and March 26, 1896. Manuscript volume in the Archives of Boston CoUege. "The Stylus, 12( 1898):440-441. 18 Farren, "The Young Men's Catholic Association," The Pilot, March 8, 1930. GROWING IS DONE SLOWLY 163 The Sports-Field Dream In June of 1898, the college trustees had authorized another long-desired acquisition, grounds for an athletic field.^" This land, purchased from the Oakes A. Ames Estate, consisted of some 402,000 square feet situated on both sides of Massachusetts Avenue beyond the then New England Railroad tracks. It had a frontage of about 500 feet on Massachusetts Avenue and ran back to Norfolk Avenue on one side, a distance of about 850 feet, with a mean width of 425 feet. It had about the same frontage on the other side of the avenue, with a depth of about 200 feet. On the easterly side of the property there was a row of tenement houses fronting on Willow Street.-" This site, now occupied in large part by the Boston Edison Company's plant and employees' club, enjoyed the advantage of being within easy walking distance of the college. Moreover, there were rumors that the city would drain the adjacent marshes and put through a boulevard connecting Boston proper with South Boston and Dorchester,^^ and, because of these projected improvements, it was regarded as probable that some of the departments of the college would be moved to this new site.^^ The announcement that the immediate purpose of the acquisi- tion was to provide a large athletic field for the students was greeted with enthusiasm. The Stylus exulted: "There is nothing that brings greater joy to all than the final crowning of the e£Forts for an athletic field."^^ The students were given to understand that by the following spring, a portion of the land would have been cleared, enclosed, and laid out for baseball and track. There was even thought given to opening the field with a joint meet of some kind.^* But these hopes were doomed to disappointment. Time went on, and nothing was done with the land, either by way of building on it for the school, or of preparing it for ath- 19 "Records of the Trustees of Boston College," under date June 25, 1898. 20 The Pilot, July 9, 1898. 21 "Father Timothy Brosnahan," Woodstock Letters, 45( 1916): 106-107. 22 The Pilot, July 9, 1898. 23 The Stylus, 12(1898):453. 24 Ibid. 164 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE letics. Almost two years after the purchase (e.g., March, 1900), the sports editor of The Stylus was lamenting: The same heavy drawback, the lack of a suitable field for the preliminary practice, stares the [baseball] team in tlie face ... as the college authorities have not put the athletic field on Massachusetts Avenue into shape as yet, and there is a strong likelihood now that it will not be used for baseball purposes, at least, during this spring.^^ In June, 1900, the then president, Father Mullan, reported to the alumni association that it would cost $15,000 to prepare the new athletic field for use, and that this sum was not forth- coming.^® A chronicler of Boston events in the Woodstock Letters for March, 1902, optimistically wrote: We hope to greatly benefit college athletics by the new athletic field on Massachusetts Avenue. It seemed an almost hopeless task to grade the field and fill it in, but during the winter and spring the city authorities have very accommodat- ingly consented to dump thousands of loads of ashes there, and now the field is practically ready for baseball practice. Hitherto we have had no proper place of our ov^oi for practice. With the completion of the field we expect to accomplish something in the athletic world.^^ No competitive games ever were played on the tract, but some use was made of it as a practice field in the years that followed. The purchase, nevertheless, reflects credit on Father Brosnahan in spite of the fact that the original plans for the land were never carried out, for, as he had surmised, the land gained so much in value ( though for a reason different than that which he had foreseen) that one might say its original intention was achieved when the proceeds from its sale, which took place in 1912-1914, helped to finance the first part of the new Boston CoUege.^^ 2^ Ibid., 14(1900):453. 26 The Boston Globe, June 29, 1900. 27 Woodstock Letters, 31 ( 1902 ) : 142. 28 "Father Timothy Brosnahan," Woodstock Letters, 45( 1916): 106-107. GROWING IS DONE SLOWLY 165 Toward the close o£ Father Brosnahan's period in oflfice, he instituted some wide -reaching changes which were destined to be brought to completion by his successor. The college had gone through periods of alteration in 1876 and 1889 under Father Fulton, and was now, for the third time to undergo extensive physical modification. One of these changes, the transfer of the Young Men's Catholic Association to 41 East Newton Street, has already been mentioned. Other adjustments aflFected the school itself, particularly with respect to the physical separation of the college and high school departments. The many changes e£Eected were listed in a contemporary account: The preparatory school of the college, which from its incep- tion has enjoyed an unrestrained commingling with the col- legiate department is now confined exclusively to the southern wing of the college, and the college men are located in the northern wing, the interior of which has been entirely re- modelled. The gallery of the gymnasium of the Association has been roofed over, and converted into a class-room. . . . [Like use has been made of] the old billiard room and the parlor of the Association. . . . The scientific department has received the most attention. The laboratories, both chemical and physical, have been en- tirely refitted. . . . The gymnasium of the Association, which was quite recently equipped at a great expense, has been turned over to the college department. The old gymnasium and recreation hall will be put at the disposal of the "preps." . . . The college campus has also received its share of improve- ments. The ground has been put in good condition, and four tennis courts and three handball courts have been laid out.^^ 29 The Pilot, Sept. 10, 1898. A description of sports facilities on the "campus" at Harrison Avenue would be incomplete without mention of the baseball practice cage which was built in the schoolyard in 1899. Accord- ing to a newspaper account, "Captain [Wm. J.] Dulfy of the Boston baseball team who entered Boston College last fall as a student" approached "Prof. Mulrey, S.J., Moderator of Athletics," with the request for such a building "and the committee of students voted $2500 for a cage." The structure, of corrugated iron, with long, wire-protected windows on the sides and roof, measured 80 feet in length, 25 feet in width, and 23 feet in height at the ridge pole; it was equipped with steam heat and had a dirt floor (The Boston Herald, Jan. 28, 1899). CHAPTER XIV CONFLICT AND ADJUSTMENTS On June 30, 1898, the Reverend W. G. Read Mullan, S.J., suc- ceeded Father Brosnahan as president of Boston College. Father Mullan was a Baltimorian, thirty-eight years of age, and a teacher with experience at Fordham, Georgetown, and Holy Cross before coming to Boston. He is remembered as a well- poised, soft-spoken, young-looking man, whose unaflFected pleas- ure in being among college boys made him one of the most personally popular executives the college had known up to that time. He was a courageous leader, who was interested in improving Catholic education, and to that end spoke his mind in unmistak- able terms. At a meeting of representatives of Catholic colleges in the United States in Chicago less than a year after his inaugu- ration, he delivered a paper on "The Drift Toward Non-Catholic Colleges and Universities," in which he pleaded vigorously for a modification of the then current Catholic boarding-school life and discipline, "so as to make both many times more attractive to young men."^ He urged the separation of an institution's col- lege department from the preparatory department, both in place and in administration, although not necessarily in the type of studies or the methods of instruction. He held that Catholic colleges should make some of the present courses of study optional, and enlarge and strengthen courses in History, History of 1 The Pilot, April 22, 1899. 166 CONFLICT AND ADJUSTMENTS 167 Philosophy, Philosophy of History, Political Economy, Consti- tutional History, advanced courses in English and the other modem literatures. They should raise, in many cases, the value of the A.B, degree, by stricter requirements for entrance and graduation, by a more thorough grading of classes, and by more masterly instruction.^ For the improvement of his own college, he carried out with enthusiasm the program of changes begun by Father Brosnahan. At the opening of classes in the fall of 1898, he effected the estab- lishment of three completely distinct departments within the institution: the college proper, consisting of four regular classes leading to the degree of A.B.; the academic department, consist- ing of three classes preparatory for the college course; and the English department, consisting of graded classes, in which Eng- lish, modern languages, and the sciences were studied. In addi- tion to these, there was also a class for young students not old enough or well enough prepared to enter the academic department.^ In May, 1899, he announced to the Catholics of Boston the plans he had for a better college, while admitting candidly the limitations under which the college labored at the time.* He pointed out the advantages of developing the "English depart- ment" into a full-fledged English high school, and of making the "Academic department" a separate Latin high school. If endow- ments could be secured, he said, it was his ambition to establish professorships, to which men of eminence outside the clergy could be elected; an accomplishment which, under existing con- ditions, was impossible at Boston College, since, apart from a few scholarships, no funds were available for professors' salaries. Another point which deserved the attention of Boston Catho- lics was the lack of adequate room in the college. Growth, he informed them, within the existing building was no longer pos- sible; classroom space for more than the present four hundred and sixty pupils simply did not exist. He added a promise that nbid. 3 Ibid., Aug. 20, 1898. 4 Ibid., May 13, 1899. 168 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE if circumstances permitted, no tuition would be asked in the college. At the present time [he claimed], no student, however poor, is refused admission because he is unable to pay tuition, and of the four hundred young men registered in the college, scarcely more than half do so.^ A Question of Accrediting Because Father MuUan constantly and sincerely endeavored to insure high scholastic standards at the college, his indignation was understandable when Harvard University withdrew the name of Boston College from the list of institutions, the graduates of which would be admitted as regular students to the Harvard Law School. To evaluate properly the dispute which followed and which stretched over several years, it will aid to bear in mind two im- portant aspects of the Harvard administrational system then in operation: The first of these was the fact that Harvard did not accept the degree of any other college as equal to its own. Graduates of other reputable colleges might enter its graduate schools, but they would not be accepted as candidates for a degree until their previous education had been investigated by a committee of the faculty and translated into terms of Harvard courses. The equivalent of Harvard's own admission require- ments and college courses for the bachelor's degree was in- sisted upon. The committee in reckoning values that might count, considered the candidate's individual record alone, and obtained its information from him, from the oflBcers of his college, and other records. It then informed him as to what his Harvard standing was. It might be equal to a Harvard bachelor of arts, or one or several courses short, or the defi- ciency might be one of years. College graduates appeared in the catalogue as Harvard seniors or juniors, while some were admitted only as equal to sophomores or freshmen. A Yale honor graduate, for instance, might become a candidate for the degree of master of arts at once, while his classmate of 5 Ibid. CONFLICT AND ADJUSTMENTS 169 lower Yale standing might have to make up the whole or part of the Harvard senior year. Each case was decided on its individual merits and the committee did not grade the di£Eer- ent colleges.® The second consideration is that during the late Eighties, the Harvard Law School, in spite of the addition of a third year to its course, increased considerably in numbers. A few years later, the school authorities felt that greater selection could and should be exercised in the admission of students; the first step in this direc- tion was to legislate that, beginning with the year 1896-1897, only college graduates would be admitted to the law school, and these only from approved colleges.^ In drawing up the first list of approved colleges, the Harvard authorities included only one Jesuit college, Georgetown, where- upon the Boston College and Holy Cross authorities insisted that their curricula were just the same as that of Georgetown, and consequently requested that they be listed as approved. On a revised list, these two colleges did appear, but when, subse- quently, St. John's College, Fordham, made a similar claim, instead of granting the petition, the Harvard faculty committee reconsidered its former action, and not only did not grant the Fordham request, but on March 11, 1898, dropped Boston Col- lege and Holy Cross from the list.^ It is true that this action did not altogether exclude graduates of Boston College and other Jesuit institutions from Harvard Law School, but it prevented them from being enrolled as regular students, which meant that they were admitted only after examination, and to obtain the Law School diploma they 6 "Harvard and the Jesuit Colleges," The New York Sun, June 30, 1900. '^ The Harvard University Catalogue for 1899-1900 (Cambridge: Published by the University, 1900), p. 541. 8 Letter of Doctor Eliot to Rev. John F. Lehy, S.J., president of Holy Cross College, Oct. 24, 1898. Copy preserved in Maryland Province Archives, Baltimore. This letter is evidently substantially the same as the one vv^hich Father MuUan mentions as having received from President Eliot under the same date, cf. Father MuUan's covering letter for the published correspondence, The Boston Globe, June 25, 1900; cf. also "Boston College and Harvard University," Woodstock Letters, 29 (1900): 337-839; and edi- torial, American Ecclesiastical Review, Aug., 1900. 170 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE were required to maintain a uniform average of 75 per cent in studies throughout their entire course; the graduates of the privi- leged colleges could obtain the diploma with a minimum average of 55 per cent.^ Doctor Eliot's Explanation When Father MuUan asked Doctor Charles W. Eliot for an explanation why Boston College was dropped from the hst of privileged colleges, the Harvard president replied on October 24, 1898: We found on inquiry that graduates of Boston College . . . would not be admitted even to the Junior class of Harvard College. . . . Furthermore, we have had experience at the law school of a considerable number of graduates of . . . Boston College and these graduates have not as a rule made good records at the school.^" After a meeting between representatives of Boston College and Doctor Hans Von Jagemann, chairman of the Harvard College committee, which was arranged with the approval of President Eliot, at Harvard in November, 1899, Father Mullan questioned the validity of the two reasons adduced by Doctor Eliot for the exclusion of Boston College. Father MuUan's argument against the first was that Doctor Von Jagemann had denied categorically that any institution was rated by his committee. All of the com- mittee's decisions, according to Doctor Von Jagemann, were based on each individual case, and his records, moreover, showed that only three Boston College graduates had entered Harvard College within the eight years under discussion; of these, one was as a special student with a status equivalent to a graduate student; one as a junior; one as a sophomore. In challenging the second of Doctor Eliot's reasons. Father Mullan again appealed to the record. From the evidence of the Harvard law school register from 1887 to 1896 (the latest date available at the time of the law school decision), the following ^ "Boston College and Harvard University," Woodstock Letters, 29 (1900): 337. 10 Dr. Eliot to Father Mullan, Oct. 24, 1898 (published correspondence). CONFLICT AND ADJUSTMENTS 171 graduates of Boston College had been enrolled at the Harvard Law School: 1892 — three registered, of whom two withdrew after a few days, and the other withdrew after two months; 1893 — one, who completed the course; 1895 — one, who with- drew after two years; 1896 — one, who completed his course after an interruption due to sickness. Therefore, omitting the two who withdrew within a few days of registration, there were during this time only four graduates of Boston College who attended Harvard law school, of whom two finished the course. On the basis of these facts, Doctor Eliot's statement that "We have had experience at the law school of a considerable number of gradu- ates of . . . Boston" was shown to be inaccurate.^^ Doctor Eliot in a letter to Father Mullan, dated December 8, 1899, did not answer the above arguments urged against him, but was content to reaffirm his original position. In a subsequent letter (January 17, 1900) he disclaimed any intention of dis- crediting Catholic institutions as such, but, he concluded: We should be heartily glad ... if the Jesuit colleges would so amplify their courses of instruction, and raise their stand- ards of admission, that they could be fairly put upon a level with such institutions as Dartmouth, Amherst, Williams, Haverford, Lafayette, Oberlin, Rutgers, Trinity (Conn.) and Wesleyan (Conn.). On this level, in the judgment of Harvard University, the Jesuit Colleges in the United States do not stand and have never stood.^" When Father Mullan asked that Doctor Eliot's position be supported with facts other than the two statements which had been refuted, the Harvard president replied that he wished to terminate the correspondence, since to answer Father Mullan s question (i.e., what the facts were which justified such a deci- sion) "would involve my making a detailed statement concerning the inferiority of Jesuit Colleges,"" which, he felt, would serve no good purpose at the time. Father Mullan promptly repHed: 11 The presentation of the arguments on both sides is based upon the published correspondence. 12 Dr. EUot to Father Mtdlan, Jan. 17, 1900 (published correspondence). ^^ Ibid., Feb. 1, 1900 (published correspondence). 172 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE You have said that the Jesuit Colleges are inferior. I have been asking you to tell me why you say Boston CoUege is inferior. You are unwilling to answer my question, and unwill- ing to give me a chance to reply to your imputation.^* Doctor Eliot thereupon informed Father Mullan of his ( Doctor Eliot's ) willingness to make a statement later for Father MuUan's private use, but Father Mullan declined the explanation under such conditions. I do not see [he wrote to President Eliot] how you can fairly be unwilling to make public the precise reason of Harvard's discrimination against Boston College. . . . You have condemned Boston College before the community, and you intend to make it impossible for Boston College to defend itself before the community.^^ Father Brosnahan and Doctor Eliot Thus the dispute stood by the summer of 1900; but another incident had occurred in the meantime which had the efiFect of arousing partisan feeling still more. Doctor Eliot, writing on the desirability of introducing the elective system into the nation's high schools, in the Atlantic Monthly for October, 1899, had made the following remarks: There are those who say that there should be no election of studies in secondary schools — that the school committee, or the superintendent, or the neighboring college, or a con- sensus of university opinion, should lay down the right course of study for the secondary school and that every child should be obliged to follow it. This is precisely the method followed in Moslem countries, where the Koran prescribes the perfect education to be administered to all children alike. The pre- scription begins in the primary school and extends straight through the university; and almost the only mental power cultivated is the memory. Another instance of uniform pre- scribed education may be found in the curriculum of the Jesuit colleges, which has remained almost unchanged for four hundred years, disregarding some trifling concessions made to natural science. That these examples are both ecclesiastical 14 Father Mullan to Dr. Eliot, Feb. 4, 1900 (published correspondence). "^^ Ibid., May 25, 1900 (published correspondence). O U o a o >^ a u x> a; tX) m 'o U a o •M (« O o o pc; a _o 4-1 a. ^ '3 .g g pq C/3 3 1—1 o CD pq c« o 3 H Oh 1 g o 5 4-1 O 1 • r\ M CD a iH ■4-1 o 3 3 C -4—' 'w C/3 CD 0) Si ^ u DEPRESSION DECADE 269 The collection was particularly strong in Irish literature, but contained other items of great value, among which were St. Bonaventure's Life of Christ, printed in 1475, and a Com- mentaries on the Gospel, printed at the same period. In addition to these books, a large number of letters written by English and American literary figures were included in the collection.^" In the early summer of that year, the college assisted in the celebration of Cardinal O'Connell's Golden Jubilee of his ordi- nation to the priesthood, culminating, on June 9, with an outdoor Mass celebrated by His Eminence on Alumni Field before a crowd estimated at over 20,000." When college students returned to classes in the fall of 1934, the Federal Government announced a program by which it would assist needy students by arranging to pay them for part- time work on projects connected with the college. The payment would be made under authorization of the Federal Emergency Recovery Act, and would amount to some $15 a month per stu- dent for the entire school year. Over one hundred Boston College boys immediately availed themselves of the assistance. ^'■^ Later, under the National Youth Administration, this help was con- tinued for a large number of students each year until the ap- proach of war terminated the program. Father Joseph J. Williams, S.J., the director of the Department of Anthropology at Boston College, was appointed one of the three representatives of the American Anthropological Associa- tion and the American Council of Learned Societies to attend the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences in London during the summer months of 1934. At the congress. Father Williams presented dissertations before the Religious as well as the African sections of Ethnology, and was quoted in sixty-five dailies throughout England and Scotland.^^ Further distinction came to him in his election as a fellow of lOThe Boston Globe, Feb. 15, 1934; The Boston Post, Feb. 18, 1934. 11 The Boston Sunday Globe, June 10, 1934; The Boston Sunday Adver- tiser, June 10, 1934. 12 The Boston Globe, Sept. 25, 1934. 13 The Heights, Oct. 3, 1934. 270 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE both the Royal and the American Geographical Societies, and also of the Royal Anthropological Institute and the Royal Society of Arts. The previous year Father Williams had established at Boston College the Nicholas M. WilHams Ethnological Collec- tion, consisting of several thousand volumes, with five thousand items in the African section. The collection proved to be the only one of its kind in the United States recognized by the In- ternational Institute of African Languages and Cultures. On January 8, 1935, the faculty, students, and alumni of the College were shocked to learn of the sudden death of Father Patrick J. McHugh, S.J., Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences for fifteen years, to whom credit for the many organizational im- provements in the postwar college was largely due. His extraor- dinary faculty of maintaining contact with numberless students and alumni on the basis of personal friendship made him one of the most beloved figures associated with the College in recent times. A Httle over a year later, death removed another widely- known Boston College personahty, Father Jones I. J. Corrigan, S.J., who had been professor of Ethics for twenty years at the Heights, and who had won prominence as a pubHc lecturer on the Catholic aspects of current issues. During the spring of 1935, the Boston College and Holy Cross College authorities, working in conjunction with the Jesuit Pro- vincial Prefect of Studies, Father Wilham J. Murphy, S.J., revised the curricula of the Arts Division, providing a course leading to the A.B. degree which would not require Greek. The three sec- tions of the bachelor of arts course which resulted from this change were: (1) A.B. Honors (Greek); (2) A.B. (Greek); (3) A.B. (Mathematics)." The first of these categories was reserved for those students who, in the judgment of the college authorities, possessed superior ability in language studies. In this division, Greek lan- guage and literature were required subjects for all students. For those students who had made preliminary studies in that lan- guage during high school, Greek was continued for two years; 14 The Boston Herald, March 27, 1935. DEPRESSION DECADE 271 for those beginning the study in college, three years were re- quired. In addition to this requirement. Honors students were obliged to maintain a certain level of achievement in all studies in order to remain in the course. The A.B. Greek (non-Honors) course would cover substantially the same curriculum as the Honors course, but the amount of matter read, and the quantity of personal work done on assign- ment would be less. The course known as "A.B., Mathematics" was similar with that offered in the A.B. non-Honors section, except that during freshman year a course in Chemistry, and in Sophomore, a course in advanced College Mathematics were required.^^ On May 29, 1935, the Boston College Library acquired an original letter in Portuguese of St. Francis Xavier, signed by the Saint, and addressed to Don John HI, King of Portugal.^^ The manuscript, which since its purchase, has been the center of perennial attention, is composed of three folio pages, and is dated "Cochin, January 31, 1552," the last year of the Saint's life, just after his return from Japan and shortly before he sailed for China and his death. It is a confidential report to the King, refer- ring to the Portuguese subjects in the Far East, whom the Saint recommends for reward and recognition. He also records the work of some of the historical personalities with whom he came into contact in Japan, India, and Malacca, and the missionary work carried on in those countries. The fact that this letter had been written was known to scholars from references in other letters, but the letter itself was long listed as one of Xavier's "lost letters."^'^ Its discovery is due to Dr. Frederico Gavazzo Perry Vidal of Portugal, who, in 1927, purchased a miscellaneous lot of books from an antiquary in Lisbon, and in one discovered four old letters, two addressed to ^^ Boston College Bulletin, University Catalogue, Vol. XIV, No. 8 (Oct., * 1942), pp. 49-51. 16 The writer is indebted for much of this material to Father George F. Smith, S.J., of the Boston College faculty, who has written an unpublished research study on the letter. 17 Cf. Monumenta Xaveriana (Matriti: Typis Augustini Avrial, 1899- 1900), I, 741, No. 1, and footnote 2. 272 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE the King of Portugal by "Father Master Francisco," and two from St. Francis Borgia. Careful study on the part of the Rever- end George Shurhammer, S.J., biographer of St. Francis Xavier and greatest living authority on documents pertaining to the Saint, established the Xavier letters as authentic.^^ The letter which is now in the possession of Boston College was dictated, addressed and signed by the Saint, but the body of the message is apparently in the handwriting of an amanuensis, very probably Anthony of China, who acted as Xavier's secretary on other known occasions, and who was his sole attendant when the Saint died on Sancien. When the document was offered for sale through Maggs of London, Father Gallagher became interested in it, not only as an extremely valuable manuscript for the college archives, but principally as an original letter and a relic of the great Jesuit missionary Saint. The Philomatheia Club of Boston College purchased the letter and presented it to the college as a gift commemorating the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the club.^^ The letter is preserved at present in the library in a specially designed Gothic manuscript stand, and is usually available for inspection by the public.^" Late in 1935, the borders of the campus on Beacon Street were altered to conform with a street-widening program being carried out at the time by the City of Newton. The payment which the city made for the narrow strip of land ceded by the college aided, with private gifts, in defraying the cost of a grace- ful wrought-iron fence supported by granite pillars which was erected along the entire Beacon Street side of the property. The expanse of fence was broken almost opposite Acacia Street by an ornate gate admitting to the rear driveway leading in the direction of the Science Building. The gate was dedicated by Father Gallagher as part of the alumni day activities June 8, 1936.2^ 18 George Schurhammer, S.J., "Zwei ungedruckte Briefe des hi. Franz Xaver," Archivum Historicum Societatis lesu (Rome), II, 44—45, 1933. 19 The Boston Globe, May 29, 1935; The Boston Traveler, May 29, 1935. 20 The Boston Sunday Post, Jan. 19, 1936. 21 The Boston Post, June 9, 1936. DEPRESSION DECADE 273 His Eminence, Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli, Papal Secretary of State, and future Pope Pius XII, paid the college a surprise visit on the morning of October 15, 1936, in the company of the Most Reverend Francis J. Spellman, at that time Auxiliary Bishop of Boston.^- The Cardinal was greeted at St. Mary's Hall by Father Gallagher, the president, and members of the Jesuit faculty, and from there he was escorted to the porch of the library building from which he briefly addressed the student body gathered on the campus. Following this, he made a presentation to Boston College of a beautifully illuminated fifteenth-century missal as a memento of his visit. 22 The Heights, Oct. 16, 1936. CHAPTER XXIII EXPLORATIONS AND A BIRTHDAY Throughout the summer and fall of 1936 an expedition spon- sored jointly by Boston College and the University of Pennsyl- vania explored the San Augustin region of Colombia, South America, under the direction of Dr. Hermann von Walde- Waldegg of Boston College. Dr. von Walde-Waldegg reported upon his return in November that he had found what he con- sidered definite proof that an American civilization existed in the third century, A.D. Among the objects exhumed by members of this expedition were seventy-three huge stone statues estimated to be over fifteen centuries old. Casts of two of these figures were brought back to Boston College.^ In November, the Philomatheia Club, through its president, Mrs. Vincent P. Roberts, announced the gift of the former Stim- son Estate at 186 Hammond Street, near the college campus, to Boston College as an anthropological museum. At the same time. Father Gallagher appointed Dr. Walde-Waldegg as curator of the new museum.^ Steps were taken immediately to renovate the structure to provide a number of exhibition halls on the first two floors, and to convert the third floor into a living suite for the curator and his family. On March 30, 1937, the formal opening of the new museum took place in conjunction with the twelfth annual meeting of 1 The Boston Traveler, Nov. 19, 1936; The Heights, Nov. 20, 1936. 2 The Boston Transcript, Nov. 21, 1936; The Boston Sunday Globe, Nov. 22, 1936. 274 EXPLORATIONS AND A BIRTHDAY 275 the Catholic Anthropological Conference, and was attended by many prominent Catholic scientists.^ The large number of ex- hibits ready at the time were well displayed in illuminated show- cases, or mounted on wall panels, and 1500 volumes, the nucleus of a specialized anthropological library, were on the museum shelves. The chief pieces, of course, were the stone and pottery objects excavated by Dr. Walde-Waldegg himself, but these were augmented by donations from various scientific groups and from mission stations throughout the world. On March 31, this mu- seum, the first Catholic anthropological museum in the United States, and the second in the world,* was opened to the general pubhc. In May, 1937, two months after the opening of the museum. Dr. Walde-Waldegg set out upon another expedition, this time under the sole sponsorship of Boston College, to continue his research into the aboriginal cultures of South America.^ Although the explorer was scheduled to return to Boston for the beginning of the fall term, it was not until early December that his return to the United States was announced.® At that time, also, Father George A. O'Donnell's appointment as curator of the Anthro- pological Museum was published, to succeed Dr. Walde- Waldegg, whose tenure of office had concluded with the termina- tion of the expedition. The Syrian Expedition Meanwhile, another expedition under the sponsorship of Boston College had been undertaken on the other side of the world.^ This enterprise, in the Near East, was organized and 3 The Boston Sunday Advertiser, March 28, 1937; The Boston American, March 30; March 31, 1937; The Boston Transcript, March 30, 1937; The Boston Traveler, March 30, 1937; The Boston Globe, March 31, 1937; The Boston Herald, March 31, 1937; The Boston Post, March 31, 1937. * The other is located at the University of Vienna. 5 The Heights, Oct. 15, 1937; Hermann von Walde-Waldegg, "Stone Idols of tlie Andes Reveal a Vanished People," The National Geographic Maga- zine, 77:626-647, May, 1940. 6 Ibid., Dec. 10, 1937. ^ The following paragraphs are based upon information supplied to the writer bv Father Doherty. 276 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE directed by Father Joseph G. Doherty, S.J., who undertook doctorate studies at the University of Cambridge, England, in September, 1936, as a research student in Prehistoric Archae- ology under Professor Miles C. Burkitt. Early in 1937, on the advice of Dr. Burkitt and of Miss Dorothy Garrod, another recog- nized authority, he went to Syria to excavate a prehistoric rock shelter in the Valley of Antelias, near Beyrouth. Work on the site of Ksar 'Akil did not get under way until May of that year, and continued until the first rains halted actual excavation in September. From the very beginning, the site proved to be embarrassingly rich in the great bulk of its cultural and faunal yield, one day's digging requiring five days of work at the expedition's sorting tables. From the yield of the 1937 season 115,000 specimens of worked flint, out of more than 1,125,000 pieces of flint examined, were kept and catalogued. At the close of the season, one tenth of the level surface area of the site had been excavated to a depth of eighteen feet. Father Doherty was aided by the tech- nical assistance of Reverend George S. Mahan, S.J., and Reverend Joseph W. Murphy, S.J., Scholastics at the time, who had had two years' experience as staff members of the Pontifical Biblical Institute Expedition excavating the Chalcolithic site of Teleilat Ghassul, in the Jordan Valley. Father Doherty returned to Cambridge in January, 1938, with several cases of the cultural yield. This material drew the inter- ested attention of scholars when displayed in England, and in June, 1938, he returned to Ksar 'Akil, to be joined for the work of a second season by Father J. Franklin Ewing, S.J., of the Maryland-New York Province, who had been doing graduate work in Paleontology at the University of Vienna, Austria. Workmen were increased from thirty-two to forty-four, and the base of the cultural deposits of the site was set as a goal. Tools of flint and bone and animal remains were unearthed in the same quantity as the previous season, and on August 23, 1938, the paleolithic skeletons of two young persons about eight or nine years of age were encountered in deposits that had EXPLORATIONS AND A BIRTHDAY 277 turned to solid rock at a depth of thirty-four feet. Associated cultural remains indicated a slow transition from Lower Aurig- nacian to Levalloiso-Mousterian, and the age of the skeletons was estimated by Fathers Doherty and Ewing, and by the inde- pendent judgment of visiting experts at 30,000 B.C. The nature of the deposits in which these relics were embedded prevented their immediate removal, and the excavation of adjoining areas continued to a depth of sixty-four feet beneath the surface, at which depth the second digging season came to an end. Prepara- tions were under way in 1939 to take out an immense block of breccia containing the skeletons when the outbreak of World War II caused the work at Ksar 'Akil to be abruptly terminated. Before leaving the Near East in June, 1940, the two Fathers spent seven months as special staflF members of the Lebanese Government's Expedition at the excavations of the famous city of Byblos. Both Fathers received the Medal of Honor of Leba- nese Merit from the President of the Republic. Father Doherty 's assistants in 1937, Messrs. Mahan and Mur- phy, on their return to the United States, brought back from Palestine a valuable collection of rare coins, which had been recently excavated by the Arabs and purchased from the collec- tion of Doctor Clarence S. Fisher, an outstanding archaeologist of long experience and noteworthy accomplishment in the Holy Land. The bulk of the collection dates from the Roman Empire, from circa a.d. 59 to a.d. 118, from the reign of Nero through the reign of Hadrian. There are also two trays of older coins from Syria dating from the reign of the Seleucid Kings, and two trays from the autonomous city of Tyre, dating from 44 to 27 b.c. On the authority of outstanding archaeologists, these coins now preserved at Boston College constitute one of the most important collections of Roman coins that has been brought together, and contains some items that have not been catalogued in the British Museum. Father McGarry On the evening of July 1, 1937, Father William J. McGarry, S.J., dean of the Jesuit seminary, Weston College, was appointed 278 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE to succeed Father Gallagher as president of Boston College. Father McGarry, the son of E. Leslie and Julia Agnes McGarry, was born in Hamilton, Massachusetts, March 14, 1894. After graduation from the Hamilton Grammar School in 1907, he attended Boston College High School, and upon the teraiination of his course there in 1911, he entered the Society of Jesus. He made his noviceship and classical studies at St. Andrew-on- Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York, from 1911 to 1915, before going on to Woodstock College in Maryland, for his philo- sophical training. In 1917 he was granted the bachelor of arts degree, and the following year, the master's degree, majoring in philosophy. He then went to Fordham University as an instructor in mathe- matics in the Students' Army Training Corps. From 1918 to 1922 he was engaged in further teaching and in doctorate studies at Fordham University, receiving his Ph.D. degree from that insti- tution in 1922. He completed his theological studies in 1926 and was granted the degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology by Wood- stock College, and afterward was appointed to teach Sacred Scriptures at Weston College, Weston, Massachusetts. He at- tended the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome from 1928 until 1930, for further study, and was there awarded the degree of Licentiate in Sacred Scriptures with Honors. On his return to Weston College, Father McGarry was made professor of Sacred Scriptures and Dogmatic Theology. He was dean of Philosophy there from 1930 to 1934, and general dean of Studies from 1934 to 1937. During the scholastic year 1936- 1937, he lectured in the Boston College Graduate School on the history of the Jewish people. Since 1934, he had been assistant editor of the Jesuit quarterly magazine. Thought, and had fre- quently contributed scholarly articles to Catholic professional magazines.® It was Father McGarry's intention on taking office to assume a fuU teaching schedule for himself in both the graduate and undergraduate divisions, but a semester's trial of this work in 8 The Boston Globe, July 2, 1937. EXPLORATIONS AND A BIRTHDAY 279 addition to his administrative duties had such an efifect upon his health that he was forced reluctantly to abandon his lecture courses for the balance of the year. Other plans which he sought to put into efiFect soon after tak- ing oflBce included the improvement of the library facilities, which he accomplished not only by the completion of the steel stack-room accommodations, but by launching an extensive pur- chasing program to strengthen the library holdings in several departments. He took a keen interest in the undergraduate curriculum at the Heights, and made several changes to assure continued high standards. The Intown Division also had his attention, with the result, mentioned elsewhere,^ that a reorganized educational and administrational structure went into effect in the fall of 1938. Seventy-five Years The week of February 20, 1938, was set aside for the celebra- tion of the diamond jubilee of the founding of the college.^" A downtown theater was engaged for the week and a program of events was arranged for every evening. On Sunday afternoon, the opening session was a symposium on Catholic marriage by an intercollegiate Catholic Action unit; that evening, the Student and Alumni Musical Clubs presented a joint concert. The Philo- matheia Club sponsored a public lecture on Monday evening, and on Tuesday, Father McGarry met the alumni at their con- vocation, and read to them the Papal Benediction which had been sent to the college from Rome. An intercollegiate debate with Harvard took place on Wednesday evening, and the evenings throughout the balance of the week were occupied with performances of the Dramatic Society's play. On Friday afternoon, members of the Spanish, Italian, and German societies of the college enacted scenes from selected masterpieces of the three countries, and the French Academy sponsored the Saturday matinee. A large pictorial and historical brochure on the college, Cf . pp. 254-255. 10 The Boston Sunday Post, Feb. 20, 1938. 280 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE and a Boston College song book were published to mark the anniversaiy. Later, on April 1, a Solemn High Mass commemo- rating the founding of the college was sung at the Immaculate Conception Church in the presence of His Eminence, Cardinal O'Connell. Early in March, 1938, a departure from the former compulsory entrance examinations for all, and the introduction of a new method for admission by certification was announced with the publication of the 1938-1939 Boston College Bulletin. Under the new system, candidates might qualify for entrance in any one of three ways: (1) Full certification by an approved secondary school; (2) Partial certification and passing grades in some of the approved forms of college entrance examinations in all re- quired subjects in which the candidate had not been certified; ( 3 ) Passing grades in some one of the approved forms of college entrance examinations in all required subjects. Of course, all who wished to be considered for scholarships were to take the entrance examinations as usual. This arrangement was consid- ered by the college authorities a more equitable method of de- termining suitable candidates for admission since it laid more stress on the secondary school record which is presumably a better norm of fitness than an isolated examination." Father McGarry's career as a college president was prema- turely brought to a close in the summer of 1939 by the imperative need of an experienced writer and prominent theologian to be- come first editor of a new theological review, Theological Studies, '^'^ which was in the process of organization. Change of Presidents The creation of this magazine was the result of a meeting of the professors of theology representing the five Jesuit Houses of Theology in the United States, held in July, 1938, at which it was determined to launch the new theological quarterly as the official publication of the American Jesuit provinces. It was 11 The Boston Globe, March 5, 1938; The Heights, March 4, 1938. 12 America Press, New York. EXPLORATIONS AND A BIRTHDAY 281 unanimously agreed by these representatives, that an urgent request be transmitted to the Jesuit General in Rome, asking that Father McGarry be released from his current duties at Boston College and that he be appointed to the new office of editor. When the Jesuit authorities reluctantly consented to the pro- posed release. Father William J. Murphy, S.J., was appointed to the presidency of Boston College on the Feast of the Assumption, August 15, 1939. The new executive was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, on October 20, 1895. He attended Boston College from 1912 to 1914, when, at the completion of his sophomore year, he entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus at St. Andrew-on-Hiidson. At the close of his philosophical studies in 1920 at Woodstock College, Maryland, four years were devoted to the teaching of the classics at Fordham University and at Holy Cross College. After three years of theology at Woodstock, Father Murphy was transferred to the newly opened Scholasticate or House of Studies of the New England Province, at Weston, Massachusetts, and was ordained there to the priesthood in 1927. Another year of theological studies was spent at Weston, followed by a year of lecturing in English literature at Boston College. In 1930, he was sent to Europe for two years of advanced work in literature that were spent in Italy and England. In 1932, Father Murphy again took up his lectures in literature at the Boston College Graduate School until, in 1934, he was named general director of studies of the Jesuit Schools in New England. During the two years previous to his appointment as president of Boston College he was obliged to add to his duties those of assistant to the Provincial of the New England Province of the Society of Jesus. Sixteen days after Father Murphy was installed as rector, the armies of Adolf Hitler marched into Poland, and Europe was once more at war. The conflict did not immediately affect life in the United States, and particularly life on college campuses. Boston College carried on that year much as usual. A program for the graduate training of Jesuit scholastics was 282 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE begun, with some nineteen of these students Hving together as a semi-independent community in the brick parish house on Commonwealth Avenue near Lake Street, and devoting the time usually allotted to the teaching period, or "regency," to advanced studies in the classics, history, or the sciences. O'CoNNELL Hall Another milestone in the college's progress was reached in the summer of 1941, when arrangements were made to purchase the Louis K. Liggett estate to house the rapidly growing College of Business Administration. When the proposed transaction was brought before Cardinal O'Connell for his approval, he not only granted it wath enthusiasm, but insisted that he be per- mitted to donate to the college the entire cost of the property. His generous o£Fer was gratefully accepted, and it was de- termined to name the new building "Cardinal O'Connell Hall." The transfer of the property took place on July 25, 1941, and provided the college with an additional nine and a half acres of land in the immediate vicinity of the main campus.^^ The prop- erty is bounded by Hammond Street, Beacon Street, and Tudor Road, and is beautifully landscaped with shade trees and rolling lawns which once made it one of the show places of Newton. The main building, a long Tudor-style structure of some twenty-five rooms, patterned on Gwydr Hall in Wales, was built in 1895 by the Storey family at a cost of about $300,000. Mr. Storey died before the house was completed, and some time later, his widow remarried, and the Redfield family lived in the mansion until about 1911. The house was then vacant, except for a caretaker, until an option was purchased on it by Louis Kroh Liggett, the founder of the United Drug Company and the Liggett Stores, in 1915. Mr. Liggett did not live in it at once, but about a year later made it his home and began a program of improvements. The original Storey land comprised about five acres; this Mr. Liggett increased by purchase, including the acquisition of the old 13 Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds, Book 6520, p. 365. EXPLORATIONS AND A BIRTHDAY 283 Baker Estate bordering Hammondswood Road, until he owned all the land between Hammond Street, Beacon Street, and Ham- mondswood Road. It has been estimated that the cost of maintaining this estab- lishment during the twenties was probably in the vicinity of $150,000 a year. Former guests stiU recall the luxurious furnish- ings, which included a tapestry valued at $50,000 which hung in the main hall; a painting of Lady Townsend which cost $10,000, and a gold tea set appraised at $10,000. The house stafiF consisted of twelve servants; the grounds required a superintendent and ten men, and during the period when Mr. Liggett maintained his string of valuable show horses, a stable manager and six stable men were employed. Among the distinguished guests entertained by Mr. Liggett at Gwydr Hall were Calvin Coolidge on several occasions while he was President of the United States; Senator George H. Moses of New Hampshire; and United States Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty. During the twenties, the conservatory was changed to the Beacon Street side of the house, and a one-story wing was built in 1928, with a turfed garden on the roof, to house a new $100,000 swimming pool. A land development had begun in the neighborhood shortly after World War I and, about 1922, Mr. Liggett commenced disposing of parcels of land from the borders of the estate for expensive private homes. The Liggett family ceased living on the estate in 1937, and from that time until it was purchased by Boston College in 1941 it was idle. When the college took over the property, the rooms in the master section were converted into classrooms for the Business School, and those in the servants' quarters into offices for the extracurricular activities of the entire college. The magnificent Reception Hall, rising through two stories in the center of the building, served as the students' foyer, adjoining which were the administrative oflBces, and some of the classrooms. The quadrangle made up of stables, carriage houses, garage 284 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE and gardener's lodge, surrounding a court which resembled an old English inn yard, were made over into quarters for the athletic association and dressing rooms for the teams. The sec- ond floor of this area was taken up with the workshop and scene lofts of the dramatic society. The College of Business Administration occupied O'Connell Hall from the fall of 1941 until June, 1943, when, due to reduced numbers as well as to the pressing need of O'Connell Hall as a faculty residence during the army program, the Business classes were transferred to the Tower Building. The Red Mass On October 4, 1941, the Solemn Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit, known in a tradition which goes back many centuries in Rome, Paris, and London as the "Red Mass," was celebrated for the first time in Massachusetts to mark the opening of the judicial year. The ceremony which took place in the Immaculate Conception Church was under the auspices of His Eminence, Cardinal O'Connell, and the Boston College Law School. The function drew the most distinguished legal assemblage ever gathered in the state for a religious service. Governor Leverett Saltonstall and Mayor Maurice J. Tobin led the pro- cession which formed in the rectory, moved along Harrison Avenue to the main entrance of the church, and then up the center aisle. Among the participants were the chief justice and full bench of the Massachusetts Supreme Court; the judges of the Massachusetts probate courts and the United States Courts; judges of the land courts, district courts, and Boston municipal courts; the attorney general of the state and his entire staff; the United States attorney and his entire staff; district attorneys; assistant district attorneys; and representatives from all the law schools and law societies in the state. The Mass was said by Father Murphy, president of the College, and the sermon was delivered by the Reverend William J. Kenealy, S.J., dean of the Boston College Law School. Since 1941 the ceremony has been an annual event. EXPLORATIONS AND A BIRTHDAY 285 As the months passed during this period, an interest in national defense was gradually taking form, and attractive opportunities in the various military reserves were ofiFered to college men; from time to time students withdrew from college to begin training for commissions, but their numbers were few enough to draw special mention in the college newspaper. The feature of that era most clearly stamped in the memories of both students and alumni was the meteoric rise to country-wide prominence achieved by the college's football teams, which led, on three New Year's Days, to participation in national 'TdowI games." Enthusiastic friends hailed this success as the beginning of an epoch, but the hand of war was already lowering the intermission curtain upon sports and on all normal college life. CHAPTER XXIV SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS Long before Japanese bombs broke the Sunday morning silence at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Boston College had been making readjustments to meet the demands of national defense. As early as January 19, 1938, a Boston College unit of the United States Marine Corps Reserve Fleet was inaugurated at the Boston Navy Yard.^ Colonel William M. Marshall, U.S.M.C., had visited the college on the third of the previous November to address the students on the requirements and advantages of enlistment in the Second Battalion, Marine Corps Reserve. Members of this unit were promised the same training given the regular marines, and during their four-year enlistment would be required to drill only once a week, for which they would be paid. On successful completion of the course, which would include annual periods of field training during the summer months, they would be commissioned second lieutenants in the corps. The Boston College "Company D" which resulted from this appeal was said to be the first college unit in the country. This group, under Lieutenant K. L. Moses, U.S.M.C., was composed of twenty young men from the college who drilled faithfully throughout the spring of 1938 and attended the Marine Corps camp at Quantico, Virginia, which opened June 10 of that year.2 The following year, the number of Marine Reservists at the college rose to thirty.^ 1 The Heights, Jan. 21, 1938; March 11, 1938. Ubid., Oct. 29, 1937; Nov. 4, 1937; Nov. 19, 1937; Jan. 21, 1938; Feb. 4, 1938. 3 Ibid., Sept. 29, 1939. 286 soldiers with schoolbooks 287 Pilot Training Another program sponsored by the college which was con- cerned with national defense was the course for civil pilot training. This plan, which was put into operation October 12, 1939, in co-operation with the Civil Aeronautics Administration of the United States Government, was designed to provide qualified students with primary ground training and flight instruction leading to the private pilot certificate. The ground curriculum of the program was imparted at Bos- ton College, and the flight instruction was given by instructors of the E. W. Wiggins Airways, who were under contract to the government, at the Norwood Airport. Seventy -two hours of class were required in the ground-school subjects which included History of Aviation; Civil Air Regulations; Navigation; Mete- orology; Parachutes; Theory of Flight; Engines; Instruments, and Radio. These sessions took place in the late afternoon, after the regular college periods. Thirty-five hours of instruction in actual flying was provided during the course. The quota for the 1939 class was thirty students, but in the following September, the Civil Aeronautics Administration re- arranged the schedule to form three accelerated classes a year of ten pupils each. The program continued according to that plan until, after the graduation of the spring, 1942, class, military security regulations prohibited civilian aviation nearer than fifty miles from the coast, thereby terminating the local program. During the three-year period of operation, the Civflian Pilot Training course at Boston College graduated some ninety qualified pilots, almost all of whom were commissioned later in the army and navy air branches.* Father John A. Tobin, S.J., chairman of the physics department at Boston College, and co-ordinator of this Civilian Pilot Train- ing Program, demonstrated the genuinity of his own interest in * Details of the course were supplied through the kindness of Father John A. Tobin, S.J., from the records of the Civil Pilot Training Program pre- served at Boston College. Cf. also: The Heights, Oct. 20, 1939; Sept. 27, 1940; Oct. 10, 1941; The Boston Globe, Sept. 22, 1939; The Boston Herald, Sept. 23, 1939. 288 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE aviation by taking the flight training himself and securing his pilot's license. The Defense Training Program A third defense project undertaken by the college during the prewar period was the offering, at the government's expense, of special training to meet the need for skilled defense workers. Leading colleges in every section of the country co-operated with the United States Office of Education in establishing this program, and in the local metropolitan area, Boston College was one of six institutions chosen in the summer of 1941 as instruction centers. In July, 1941, Father John A. Tobin, S.J., and Professor F. Malcokn Gager attended the fonnative meetings of the Defense Training Program as representatives of the college, and on September 19, Professor Gager was appointed institutional representative by the president of Boston College and was ap- proved by the United States Office of Education. This program, known as the "Engineering, Science, and Man- agement Defense Training Courses,"^ offered instruction of college grade in a wide variety of subjects in many colleges, with the pupils' tuition paid by the government. To enable persons working during the day to attend the classes, all sessions were held in the evening. The response, when the classes opened on October 1, 1941, was instantaneous; the quota number of students allowed Boston College was filled long in advance of the first lecture, and the following semester, instead of the original two courses, Boston College was authorized to offer nine. In 1942, the courses were arranged in three sessions, which opened respectively on February 1, July 1, and October 1, a schedule which was followed for the duration of the war. The instructors were drawn from the Departments of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, and from the College of Business Ad- ministration. In February, 1944, Dr. Frederick J. Guerin of the 5 The portion of the title "... Defense Training Courses" was changed to " . . . War Training Courses" after the outbreak of hostiHties. SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS 289 Chemistry Department became institutional representative. It was estimated that at Boston College over one thousand persons availed themselves of the opportunities which the program oflFered.^ In the spring of 1940, a campaign to secure members for the naval reserve was opened at Boston College which secured fifty enlistments by the latter part of September. The students who became reservists on this plan were to be permitted, in the normal course of events, to finish college before being called to start training in the Officers' School.^ With the establishment of the draft in mid-October, however, it appeared that these students might face immediate mobilization. They received orders to stand by for activation, but the actual mobilization did not take place.® The Draft The Selective Training and Service Act, constituting the first peacetime conscription in the history of the nation, was passed by Congress September 14, 1940, and was made law by the President's signature two days later. Under this legislation, which made men from twenty-one to thirty-six liable for military train- ing, a first registration was ordered for October 16, 1940, and a lottery to determine the order of call, for October 29, 1940. Since only a relatively small percentage of college students were over twenty-one, and since draft boards were inclined, in the period before the war, to grant deferments to coUege stu- dents to permit them to finish their course, this act did not at once cause great concern to college administrators. Various branches of the armed forces continued, meanwhile, to present attractive opportunities leading to commissions to those students who would enlist on a deferred basis. Later, enough requests for advice in matters of draft deferment were ^ This account of the Defense Training Program is based upon records preserved in the Boston College Engineering, Science, and Management War Training Courses office. Chemistry Department. 7 The Heights, Sept. 27, 1940. 8 Ibid., Oct. 18, 1940. 290 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE received by the Boston College authorities to cause them to established an organized method of counseling the students. This system was centered about a faculty board composed of Father John A. O'Brien, S.J., Dr. Harry Doyle, and Professor Fred Bryan, who were appointed by Father John J. Long, S.J., the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, early in May, 1941, for the purpose of aiding students in preparing statements of information for their local draft boards. At the same time the attention of the students was drawn to the college's Placement Bureau, directed by George Donaldson, which was equipped to give fuU informa- tion on the various officer-training opportunities, and which acted as a hason oflBce between the recruiting services and the student body. Both the Counseling Board and the Placement Bureau had representatives available for student conferences every day of the school week, with the aim of making sure that the individual student would be placed where he would be of greatest service to his country, whether that were in some particular branch of the armed forces, in a certain position in the ranks of a vital industry, or at his college desk. This voluntary service on the part of the college was accorded gratifying praise from various draft boards in the vicinity, and from the several recruiting officers who were in contact with Boston College students. An unofficial estimate made shortly after the opening of school in the faU of 1941 indicated that of the 145 students called for examination by their draft boards since the beginning of the Selective Service process, fifty-three had been deferred.® The War Changes Curricula The entry of the United States into the war postponed indefi- nitely any effort at the normal conduct of college activities. Before the initial shock of the Pearl Harbor attack had a chance to abate, Boston experienced a false air-raid alarm on the afternoon of December 9. The circumstances giving rise to this 8 The account of activities on this page and throughout the remainder of the chapter is based on information derived from the OfiBcial College Diary, preserved in the office of the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS 291 alert have never been explained, but the occasion itself will remain long in the memory of Bostonians. On December 10, Father Murphy, the president, and the deans of the various divisions, addressed an assembly of the students on the seriousness of the national situation, and cautioned them to remain calm, thoughtful, and prayerful until the situation would clear and they would know best how to serve their country. Five days later, the college celebrated Bill of Rights Day with a solemn blessing of the national colors on Alumni Field that afternoon. At the same time, it was announced that the curricula and semesters of the entire college system would be accelerated to enable those students who were soon to be called to service to finish as much as possible of their college course. The Christmas vacation period would not be altered, but the time usually allotted to the mid-year examinations would be substantially curtailed. Just before Christmas, a letter v/as sent to the parents of all juniors and seniors in the college explaining to them the proposal which oflScials of the United States Navy were making to college men. By this so-called "V-7" offer, the navy planned to accept 7000 college juniors and 7000 college seniors on an immediate enlistment which would permit them to finish their college course before being activated for specialized ofiicer training. The quota for the Boston area in this first group was 200 of each class. The plan was an attractive one, and received the whole- hearted endorsement of the Boston College authorities, with the result that on December 29, Father John J. Long, S.J., the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, reported that his ofiice was deluged with acceptances. In the beginning, official college transcripts of the students' records were not required by the navy, but the regulation was soon changed, and the registrar's oflSce staff was obliged to work evenings in the preparation of as many as sixty multiple transcripts a day. When the student body returned to class on January 5, 1942, new courses to meet service requirements were made available; these included freshman Mathematics; sophomore Mathematics; 292 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE Navigation, and Morse Code, which were arranged for periods that would not conflict with other scheduled classes, thereby permitting their election as "extra courses" by any student in the college. A few days later, the presidents of Holy Cross and Boston Col- lege, Fathers Joseph R. N. Maxwell, S.J., and William J. Murphy, S.J., and the deans of both colleges met with the Jesuit Provin- cial, Father James H. Dolan, S.J., and the Provincial Prefect of Studies, Father Arthur J. Sheehan, S.J., to discuss the changes in curricula and schedules made necessary by the war. As an out- come of this meeting, an accelerated program affecting the entire college course was approved by the oflBcials of both colleges and went into effect with the opening of the second semester, January 12, 1942. Early in January, an up-to-date listing of the various oppor- tunities in military hfe available to Boston College men was issued through the co-operation of the dean's office, and the Placement Bureau, and copies of the document were placed in the hands of all faculty advisers. On January 14, 1942, a faculty morale committee was formed which, from that time on, provided lectures on such topics as the causes of the war; the Chiistian ethics of war; the story of democratic achievement; and the elements that have made our country great. In addition to the faculty speakers, a number of students were engaged throughout the spring term in addressing groups in the vicinity of Boston on similar topics. A noteworthy undertaking sponsored by this combined faculty and student morale committee was the Day of Reflection, held on February 1, 1942, at the college, which was voluntarily at- tended by over one hundred students. The period began with Mass at ten o'clock in the morning and closed with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 3:45 in the afternoon. The talks were given by Father Francis V. Sullivan, S.J., formerly director of athletics at the college. On February 16, 1942, 350 of the students registered under SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS 293 the recently revised draft law which lowered the military age to twenty. The registration of eighteen-year-olds took place after further amendment of the law on June 30, 1942. Enlistments on a deferred basis in the United States Navy Reserve continued briskly through the spring and into the summer of 1942. The college, co-operating with the government, arranged for a navy indoctrination course to be conducted on the campus for the benefit of the reservists. The lectures were de- livered by navy officers attached to the Causeway Street headquarters. Meanwhile, the army took steps to institute a program similar to the navy's to obtain reserve officer candidates on a deferred basis. On May 18, 1942, the president of Boston College was requested to participate in a program for the preinduction training of students in the Army Enlisted Reserve Corps, and to co-operate in an enlistment campaign for this branch. Father Murphy nominated Father John A. Tobin, S.J., as army faculty adviser, and this selection was approved in Washington. Shortly after this, a quota of 509 students from Boston College was an- nounced and enlistments were begun. The drive was successful, but on July 8, 1942, the officer-candidate recruiting efforts of all branches of the armed services were united into a joint procurement program, and when this went into effect. Father Stephen A. Mulcahy, S.J., dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was appointed armed forces representative. The winter semester, which opened November 2, 1942, pro- vided several new courses to meet additional war demands; among these were Mapping, Meteorology, Surveying, and Physics for freshmen. On November 16, 1942, a spectacular mass induction of forty- seven students into the V-1 and V-7 classes of the navy was held in the auditorium in the presence of college and naval officials. Immediately following this, Father Murphy and his distinguished guests visited the redecorated Undergraduate Commons Room, and there the rector blessed the large honor roll containing the 294 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE names of Boston College men in the service.^" This ceremony signalized the formal opening of both the Undergraduate Com- mons and the Senior Commons. Later, in honor of Commander John J. Shea, U.S.N., of the Boston College class of 1918, who lost his life when the United States Carrier Wasp was sunk by enemy action, a large portrait of the hero was placed in the Undergraduate Room. On December 5, 1942, enlistments in the reserve were closed, and it was announced that henceforth oflBcer-candidate material would be drawn from the enlisted personnel obtained through the ordinary operation of the draft. About three weeks later, on December 24, all members of the Army Enhsted Reserve Corps were notified that they would be called to active duty on the completion of the semester ending after December 31, 1942. In order that the freshman reservists at Boston College might secure the maximum benefit provided by that directive, the opening of their new term was advanced to December 30. On December 29, a departure ceremony was held for the twenty-one Arts seniors, and the seven Business College seniors who had been called to active service with the marine corps. Mass for these new soldiers was celebrated by the dean, and each departing student was enrolled in the Miraculous Medal by Father Murphy. The freshman class entering in February, 1943, was admitted on the basis of a new wartime schedule which was planned to permit a student to finish his entire college course in two years' time, by curtailments already in practice and by the omission of the customary vacation periods. The new curriculum was to stress scientific subjects of immediate value in various branches of the armed services, but would retain a minimal foundation of the cultural subjects considered of high value, either in militaiy or civilian life. Since the "then-current semester" mentioned in the War ^0 The Undergraduate and Senior Commons Rooms were instituted in the spring of 1941 by Father John J. Long, S.J., dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. They were redecorated under the direction of Father Michael G. Pierce, S.J., dean of freshmen, in the fall of 1942. SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS 295 Department communication of December concerning activation was scheduled to close on February 28, the 250 students affected by the order unofficially expected a request to report to Fort Devens on March 1. However, after a lengthy period of un- certainty, they received instructions making March 29 the date of their activation. Exempted from this call were freshmen (since their semester was not yet completed); Premedical stu- dents; and Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics majors, whose call was deferred until the end of the spring semester. The accelerated schedule permitted the seniors in the class of 1943 to finish three months earlier than usual; thus, in the first mid-winter commencement in the institution's history, 247 Arts seniors and fifty Business seniors were graduated at cere- monies held in the Immaculate Conception Church, Harrison Avenue, on Sunday, February 28, 1943. The Army Proposes a Program In mid-March, the War Department announced a plan known as the "Army Specialized Training Program" which proposed to provide technicians and specialists for the army. Those selected for this program would study, at government expense, at colleges and universities in fields determined largely by their own qualifications. They would be soldiers on active duty, in uniform, under military discipline, and on regular army pay. The curricula varied in length from one to eight twelve-week terms, through which the successful trainee would advance uninterruptedly to the completion of his training, subject, of course, to call for other active duty if the military situation so demanded. By means of special qualifying tests, held locally at Boston College on April 2, 1943, it was made possible for civilians from seventeen to twenty-two years of age to be designated in ad- vance for special consideration for the Army Specialized Train- ing Program. Such individuals, if successful in the examination, would receive a certificate to be presented after induction or voluntary enlistment and, upon completion of their thirteen 296 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE weeks of basic military training, they would be eligible for selection to pursue the specialized training program. To young men approaching the draft age, this program seemed to hold the only opportunity then open by which they might ultimately qualify for a commission. For this reason, over two hundred Boston College students and high school seniors from local schools presented themselves at the Tower Building for the qualifying examinations. Since the army was to need the facilities of hundreds of colleges throughout the country for this training program, Father Murphy immediately oflFered to the War Department the staff and physical equipment of Boston College, if the government desired it as a training center. Negotiations were opened in the spring and were continued through the early summer until they were teraiinated late in June with a series of inspections of the college facilities by military groups, and finally the delivery, on July 5, of the War Department's Letter of Intent. With this official designation of Boston College as one of the institutions selected as a center of training, came the appointment of Father Stephen A. Mulcahy, S.J., as local co-ordinator of the program. On July 7, the newly appointed commandant of the post, Major John R. Canavan, U.S.A., visited the Heights and took lunch with the Jesuit Community. Under the arrangements determined on, the Jesuit Fathers would vacate St. Mary's Hall and take up residence, in small groups, in O'Connell Hall, the Museum, and in the four dwelling houses off the campus which were owned by the college. A central kitchen and dining room for the faculty would be built in the basement of the Tower Building. St. Mary's Hall, mean- while, would be re-equipped as a barracks to accommodate over four hundred soldiers. On Monday, July 12, 1943, the moving of Jesuit faculty's personal effects was begun. All that week and through part of the next, a number of large moving vans were engaged in dis- tributing the contents of St. Mary's Hall among the outlying houses. As soon as the rooms were cleared, the soldiers' two-tier SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS 297 bunks, plain tables, chairs, and study lamps were brought in, and mess-hall equipment was installed. The majority of the individual living rooms were arranged to accommodate four soldiers, with an occasional larger room providing space for six. The faculty dining room and the faculty recreation room were converted into mess halls, in which the meals were pre- pared and served by Howard Johnson, Incorporated, a restau- rateur approved by the army. Since only about two hundred men could be accomodated in the mess halls at one time, meals were served at successive intervals. The task of installing the furnish- ings and of maintaining and cleaning the quarters after the army had taken charge was done by civilian workmen hired by the college. Marching to Class The soldiers began arriving on July 25, and the influx continued for several days. Among them were natives of thirty-seven states; they represented army posts in every part of the country and were drawn from every branch of the service. The two qualifications which these young men had in common were intelligence above the average, and a record which indicated that they could profit by academic instruction. On the 27 of July, the first general assembly of "Army Special- ized Training Unit Number 1189" was called by Major Canavan at which the soldiers were welcomed by the college authorities and their new duties explained to them. The first task con- fronting them was to be interviewed by the members of the college's four civilian boards, which would classify them for homogeneous grouping, and assign them to the proper "term" of work. This processing of the men was carried on until the opening of classes on August 9. In the meantime, refresher courses in the subjects to be studied by the soldiers were opened as a voluntary service of the Boston College faculty to enable the men who had been away from books and classrooms for some time to take up their classwork without a feeling of disadvantage. 298 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE Although the original quota designated for Boston College was 425 soldiers, 432 were present for the opening of classes. Of these, 132 were in the Language and Foreign Area group, which studied conversational language, geography, and customs of certain countries; and 300 in Basic Engineering, which stressed the study of mathematics. This total was the highest ever reached by the program during its stay at the Heights; monthly examinations, and the attendant dropping of students who failed caused the numbers to diminish regularly; some replacements were received, but their number never equalled those "sep- arated" from the course. The first 12-week term for the Army Specialized Training Unit was finished on October 30, and the soldiers were granted a one-week furlough before commencing the work of the next semester. During November, the unit was visited by Colonel Morton Smith, military director of the program for the First Corps Area, General Perry Miles, commander of the First Corps Area, and Dr. Henry W. Holmes, civihan educational co- ordinator of the program. As Christmas approached, letters were sent by the college authorities to the parents of all the student soldiers, which, besides the conventional greetings, assured those families which could not enjoy the company of their soldier on Christmas be- cause of great distance, that everything would be done to make the soldier's holiday season a happy one. Entertainments were provided on week ends at intervals during the winter, and a number of special awards for proficiency in studies took the form of evening liberties which would permit the fortunate soldier to visit friends or attend theaters in Boston. The Termination of the Army Program On the 7 of February, 1944, twenty-two men were called from the Language and Foreign Area group to active duty, presumably in Italy. This left only 97 men in that section, and 206 in Basic Engineering. Eleven days later, the faculty, military staflF, and student SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS 299 body were astounded to learn unoflBcially by radio broadcast that the Army Specialized Training Program was to be termi- nated by April 1. Army officials in Boston had not been informed of this intention and were no less bewildered than the college personnel. The situation remained indefinite until March 7, at which time those colleges which were finishing a third term of the program were advised that their "cycle" was canceled. Even then, no information was forthcoming concerning institutions, like Boston CoUege, which belonged to "Cycle 11." On March 13, however, official notice was received suspending immediately classes in Basic Engineering, and on March 16, a departure ceremony was held for this group at which addresses of farewell and Godspeed were delivered by Father Murphy, Father Mulcahy, and Major Canavan. On March 17, the last of the "Engineers" left, and on the same day the coUege was notified of the termination of the Language and Foreign Area program. Classes were suspended at once, and on the following day, the soldiers of that branch were given a three-day leave. The Foreign Area men were moved out on March 22 and, with the exception of a detail of four soldiers left to police the build- ing, the army's stay at University Heights was at an end. The sudden cancellation of the program and the transfer of the men into infantry regiments was not understood by the general public at the time, nor, for reasons of security, could army officials have published the reasons. Later, however, it became evident that all available man power was urgently needed to prepare for the "D-Day" invasion of the Continent in June, and that the sources, including the draft, which had been relied on to supply sufficient infantry troops, had not satisfied the need. High military authorities felt that in such a situation, the engagement of hundreds of thousands of young, trained troops in work from which benefit could be anticipated only on a long-term basis could not be justified. Hence, with reluctance, they terminated the promising Army Training Program within months of its inception. The contract which the army had signed with the Boston 300 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE College authorities ran until June 30, 1944, and the rental for facilities was paid accordingly. One result of this arrangement was that St. Mary's Hall remained vacant until summer before being repainted and reoccupied by the Jesuit community. Shallow Water Meanwhile, the civilian students continued to feel the effects of the war in many ways. In June, 1943, the sophomore and junior members of the Naval and Marine Reserves were notified that they would be called to active duty on July 1, and freshman members would be summoned at the end of the semester; army reservists who had not been previously called ( Premedical, Engi- neering, and Science majors) were also to report for duty on July 1, making a grand total of some 381 Boston College men affected. An emergency summer schedule was drawn up for seniors to provide them with forty-five hours of each philosophy course, and thirty hours of religion, in the period from June 28 to July 31, to make sure that they would have had the main portion of their senior matter even if they were called out before graduation in November. In September, the wisdom of this plan was demon- strated when fourteen senior marine reservists, and forty V-7 naval reservists were activated, in addition to fifteen sophomore army reservists. On November 28, commencement exercises were held at which seventy-three graduated, of whom nineteen V-7 Seniors were ordered to report immediately after graduation. The problems which confronted the college administration with regard to the civilian student body can be exemplified by an examination of the records for the period following the civilian registration of February 8, 1944. On that day, the Arts and Science course had an enrollment of 306; less than three weeks later, that figure had dropped to 266, and on April 27, it was down to 236 — a loss of seventy students in a little over two months. i 4 o o o C/5 3 O tJD CD -i-i 0^ The Lawrence farmhouse which stood where the college buildings now stand y PI^^RSi^PP™™™^^^5Bte^^^^^^j*w***"'^ '•'^ jft;,,-*^^* . ■ 4«-*v ■_— — —■ ^ T'^wW: SSMS "5"*- ^;,!: ■ SSiwwatKS*- "MB.?':*!/ ■ The site of Boston College about 1870. The farm land was owned by Amos A. Lawrence, father of the Episcopal bishop of Boston, William Lawrence SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS 301 War Fund and Adjustments Every executive recognizes that in the operation of a college there is a threshold or minimum level below which expenses cannot be lowered and have the institution function. When it became evident at Boston College that tuition fees from a greatly reduced student body could no longer meet that minimum level, the trustees decided early in January, 1944, to inaugurate a Boston College War Fund Drive among the alumni, friends of the college, and businessmen of New England, which would enable the college to continue, without abandoning any of its services, through the straitened period of the war. A number of prominent business and professional men volunteered to act as a committee, under Jeremiah Mahoney as chairman, to secure a fund of $250,000. His Eminence, Cardinal O'Connell, began the drive on January 25 with a donation of $5,000, and the appeal progressed so well that the committee was able to announce on September 18 that the goal had been achieved. Although this terminated the formal aspect of the drive, contributions con- tinued to be received at the college during the next two months until the amount reached $277,000. On April 22, 1944, Boston College's most distinguished alumnus, William Cardinal O'Connell, died in his 85th year, and the college shared in the grief and sense of loss experienced by the entire community. After the death of the Cardinal, another son of Boston College, the Most Reverend Richard J. Cushing, D.D., Coadjutor Bishop of Boston, was elected administrator of the archdiocese and the universal satisfaction which was felt at this announcement was increased when, on September 28, 1944, he was named to be the next Archbishop of Boston. His solemn installation took place at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross on November 8, 1944, in the presence of Archbishop Amleto Gio- vanni Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States. Although the new Archbishop did not graduate from Boston College, he entered the coUege from Boston College High School in September, 1913, as a member of the first freshman group to 302 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE attend class at the Heights, and remained until the end of his sophomore year, when he entered St. John's Ecclesiastical Semi- nary in Brighton, Massachusetts, to commence his studies for the priesthood. He was ordained on May 26, 1921, and after a long and meritorious service as archdiocesan director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, he was consecrated Titular Bishop of Mela on June 28, 1939, becoming auxiliary to the Cardinal Archbishop of Boston. The opening of the fall term at the college on August 21, 1944, coincided with the return of the faculty to St. Mary's Hall. The elder members of the Jesuit community had found the long walks several times a day between their temporary residence and the college buildings a trying experience, and were grateful when circumstances pennitted them to resume living once more in St. Mary's Hall where dining and chapel facilities were cen- tralized, and where classrooms were within a few steps. On September 8, an unprecedented innovation took place on the Heights, when 168 Boston College High School seniors took up temporary quarters in one section of the Tower Building. This transfer was caused by a high school enrollment which exceeded accommodations at James Street, and obliged the high school authorities to make some immediate arrangement elsewhere. Since the military call for men of college age had left many of the classrooms at the Heights unused, Father Murphy proflFered the high school the loan of the needed classroom space for the scholastic year 1944-1945. The high school students were under the direction of their own prefect of studies. Father Joseph E. McGrady, S.J., and were taught by two experienced high school teachers, aided by several of the college instructors whose sched- ules permitted the additional work. One side of the Tower Build- ing, on the second and third floors, was assigned to the high school classes, and their time schedule was so arranged that there was no conflict with the college students in the use of recrea- tional or lunchroom facilities. The occupancy terminated in June, 1945. soldiers with schoolbooks 303 Programs for Veterans An aspect of educational service which received marked atten- tion during 1944, and was destined to become one of the most important functions of the college during the period of readjust- ment was the guidance and education of war veterans. As early as March 20, 1944, a meeting of departmental directors was held at Boston College to investigate the educational needs of re- turned veterans, and to see what provision for these men could be made at Boston College. On March 31, Frederick Shea of the Veteran's Administration in Boston visited Father Murphy to discuss the possibilities of special educational courses for the veterans. Some ex-soldiers had already returned to Boston Col- lege under government provision, but their numbers as yet did not justify special classes. With the opening of the fall term in 1944, however, Father Michael G. Pierce, S.J., dean of freshmen in the College of Arts and Sciences, proposed a special program of prematriculation courses which was designed to review rapidly the matter pre- requisite to freshman year. In this manner, the returning soldier might be equipped with a refreshed knowledge of the studies in which he would be forced to compete, during his regular college course, with the younger civilian student who had never been away from his academic sun'oundings, or, in case some of the soldier's high school credits were lacking, to make up the deficiency. The proposal received the sanction of Father Murphy and the enthusiastic approval of the officials of the Veterans' Administration. Nine veterans elected to follow this course for the semester which opened in September, 1944, with the number rising for each session, until 160 were registered for the final course in June, 1946. The courses oflFered were in mathematics, history, English, religion, and Latin, and required about four months for completion. Publication of the plan drew the inter- ested attention of educators at other institutions, and apparently resulted in similar programs being introduced elsewhere. On November 22, 1944, a memorial Mass for the 75 war dead 304 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE of the college was celebrated in the presence of tlie heroes' rela- tives and the entire student body. The impressive ceremony was repeated again a year later, on November 21, 1945, at which time the number of dead had risen to 134. A Boston College Memorial Certificate, bearing the name of the deceased service- man, and pledging the prayerful remembrance of the faculty and students of the college, had been forwarded to each bereaved family by Father Michael G. Pierce, S.J., dean of freshmen. This certificate was of similar design to the one sent by Father Pierce to the family of every student and alumnus upon his entry into the service. The veterans returning to the Heights found a full-time guid- ance clinic available to them. This facility, in operation since 1943, was conducted by Father James F. Moynihan, S.J., who employed it for a time as an adjunct to the Army Specialized Training Program at the college. Father Moynihan and Father David R. Dunigan, S.J., were appointed senior consultant ap- praisers on the staflF of the Veterans' Administration , Guidance Center at Harvard University shortly after that institution was organized by the government with the co-operation of the col- leges and universities of the Greater Boston area on February 17, 1945. In the spring of 1945, the general enrollment at the college for all departments began an increase which soon passed the 460 mark, the highest it had been since the main body of reserv- ists were withdrawn two years previously. Distinctions and Changes The last year of the war witnessed the raising of two more alumni of Boston College to the episcopacy. The Most Reverend Edward F. Ryan, D.D., Boston College class of 1901, was conse- crated Bishop of Burlington, Vermont, on January 3, and the Most Reverend Louis F. Kelleher, D.D., of the class of 1910, was consecrated Titular Bishop of Thenae, and Auxiliary Bishop of Boston on June 8, 1945. The college paid respect to its distin- guished sons by special convocations called on January 29, in SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS 305 honor of Archbishop Gushing and Bishop Ryan, and on October 18 in honor of Bishop Kelleher. The Archbishop was already the recipient of an honorary degree from Boston College (1939), hence was presented on this occasion with an illuminated scroll bearing a spiritual bouquet from the faculty and students; the degree of doctor of letters was conferred upon Bishop Ryan, and that of doctor of laws upon Bishop Kelleher. In the summer of 1945 special arrangements were made by the trustees of Boston College to bestow the honorary degree of doctor of naval science upon Vice-Admiral George D. Murray, U.S.N., commander of the air forces of the Pacific fleet. The de- gree was conferred in absentia June 13, during the usual com- mencement exercises held on the campus, then, on July 1, half a world away. Bishop James J. Sweeney of Honolulu read the citation and presented the degree to the Vice-Admiral at a cere- mony following a pontifical field mass which was attended by thousands at the Naval Air Station, Honolulu, Hawaii. The de- tails of the occasion were administered by a large number of Boston College alumni who were serving in the navy in that area. In the summer of 1945, Father Edward J. Keating, S.J., dean of Boston College Intown, announced that a course leading to the degree of bachelor of science in Business Administration with a major in Marketing would be offered at the Intown Division be- ginning in September of that year. This course was distinct from a similar series of courses offered at the College of Business Administration on the Heights, and required six years of evening attendance to complete. Another innovation scheduled by the college at that time was an Institute of Adult Education at the Intown Center, 126 New- bury Street, Boston, to be opened in September, 1945, under the direction of Father James L. Burke, S.J. Three sessions a year were formed during the fall, winter, and spring seasons, each offering a choice of six or more lecture-discussion courses in the fields of Religion, Philosophy, Literature, and Public Affairs. No academic requirements were established for these programs, nor was academic credit given. 306 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE The oflRcial announcement of these new undertakings consti- tuted the final major act in Father Murphy's term as president. On August 19, only five days after the abrupt end of the war with Japan, Father Murphy's six-year tenure of office was automati- cally terminated according to Jesuit custom, and the problem of finding answers to the many questions connected with the col- lege's postwar readjustment devolved on his successor, the Reverend William Lane Keleher, S.J., twentieth president of Boston College. Father Keleher was born January 27, 1906, in Woburn, Massa- chusetts. After attending Boston College High School, he gradu- ated from Holy Cross College in the class of 1926, and on Sept- ember 7 of the same year entered the Society of Jesus at Shadowbrook, Lenox, Massachusetts. Upon the completion of the usual course of studies there and at Weston College, he was appointed a teaching fellow in chemistry at Holy Cross College in 1932, and received his master's degree in chemistry from that institution the following June. He returned to Weston for his theological studies in 1934, and was ordained a priest in June, 1937, by the Most Reverend Thomas A. Emmett, S.J., D.D., Vicar Apostolic of Jamaica. At the termination of his theological studies, he was appointed assistant to the Provincial of the New England Province of the Society of Jesus in 1939, and served in that capacity for three years. In 1942 he was named to the im- portant post of master of novices at the Jesuit Novitiate, Shadow- brook, Lenox, Massachusetts, where he remained until he was called to take over the direction of Boston College. The new president was pleased and rather surprised when the first registration of his regime, in September, 1945, resulted in an enrollment of 225 Arts and Sciences freshmen; 50 Business freshmen, and almost 60 in the Veterans' Matriculation Course, which brought the total of undergraduates on the campus to some 650. With these indications of unexpectedly prompt re- covery from war conditions in evidence, Father Keleher at once dedicated himself to the methodical preparation for a period SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS 307 which even the most conservative friends of the college foresaw as one of extraordinary expansion. A building fund drive among the alumni and friends of the college was inaugurated in the spring of 1946 under the direction of Father Francis V. Sullivan, S.J. The Most Reverend Richard J. Gushing, D.D., Archbishop of Boston, a loyal alumnus of the college, led the list of donors with a gift of $50,000. Although the drive was not fully "public," over $300,000 was realized in donations and pledges before the turn of the new year. The immediate goal of the drive was the erection of a building for the rapidly growing College of Business Administration, and, also, a permanent gymnasium which would provide a recrea- tional center for the enlarged student body during inclement weather, and a practice arena for winter sports. While these long-term plans were being laid, temporary ar- rangements were being made to take care of the record-breaking numbers of students which were applying for admission to the college during the early months of 1946. Since many of these qualified applicants were veterans from distant points who, be- cause of the postwar housing shortage, were unable to secure boarding accommodations in Boston or Newton, the college authorities felt obliged to depart from the institution's day-school policy, and to provide these men with dormitory facilities of some nature as soon as the critical shortage of building materials would permit. Fortunately, in the spring of 1946, the government declared a number of surplus barracks and other buildings from discontinued military posts available to educational institutions serving student veterans, and the college was able to secure through the Federal Public Housing Authority three two-story wooden dormitory buildings which were erected on Freshman Field, where the college was building a temporary one-story, wooden structure, during the summer of 1946. To provide dining facilities for the 131 boarding students housed in the new quarters, an attractive dining room and a modern, completely equipped kitchen and a bakery were in- stalled in the basement of the Tower Building. At the same time. 308 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE the students' cafeterias in the Tower Building and in O'Connell Hall were enlarged and re-equipped to serve larger numbers of non-boarders during the busy hours of the day. At the close of a four-month summer session in 1946, the unique "Veterans' Matriculation Course," which had prepared five groups of applicants for freshman class, was discontinued. It was felt by the college authorities that the purpose of the course had been accomplished, and it would not be needed for the future since a number of special institutions were now open in the Boston area to provide the veterans with this type of assistance. The decision to terminate the course was hastened by the pressure for room for the increasing freshman and upper classes, particularly since the numbers in the matriculation course itself had grown from nine in the first session to 160 in the final one. During the summer, Father Michael G. Pierce, S.J., was trans- ferred from his post as fresliman dean to a special assignment as assistant to the president, where, among other duties, he made arrangements with the various government agencies for the purchase of surplus war materials. He was successful in ob- taining a quantity of much-needed school and laboratory equip- ment which enabled the college to receive additional classes of incoming veterans. He also acquired from the government a large temporary recreation building which was transported and re-erected next to the other war buildings on Freshman Field during the winter of 1946-1947. This latest addition furnished four floors for use as offices in the front elevation, and in the two-story main section, an auditorium large enough to accom- modate three basketball courts, or a seated audience of 1600 persons. Half of the lower floor under the gymnasium was occu- pied by a cafeteria, with the remaining area divided into five small laboratories. In September, 1946, the library was enriched by the presenta- tion of the John T. Hughes collection of books and documents pertaining to Ireland, made in memory of the late Mr. Hughes SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS 309 by his sons, Thomas J. Hughes of Boston, and Edward F. Hughes of New York. Later that fall, at a special convocation of the faculty and students, the honorary degree of doctor of laws was conferred upon the Most Reverend Gerald Shaughnessy, S.M., S.T.D., Bishop of Seattle, an alumnus of the class of 1909. A series of educational broadcasts was commenced by mem- bers of the college staff on November 24, 1946, over Station WBMS in Boston. Among the programs were "Faculty Panels," on which questions of the day were discussed; lectures by faculty members, and student-activity periods. Beginning in February of the following year ( 1947 ) , the college participated in the work of the Lowell Institute Cooperative Broadcasting Council, through which the universities of Greater Boston and the Lowell Institute sought, on an extensive scale, to promote education by radio. Meanwhile, the Institute of Adult Education, under a new director, Father John W. Ryan, S.J., for the 1946-1947 season, drew capacity enrollments for many of the courses offered, and inaugurated a ceremony of honor for persons making a distin- guished contribution to the community well-being. The first "Annual Citation" was conferred upon Elliot Norton, the Boston drama critic, on January 7, 1947. Another innovation was the annual Candlemas Lectures on Christian Literature at Boston College, the first of which was delivered by the Reverend Alexander J. Denomy, C.S.B., of the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Toronto, on February 2, 1947, in the library auditorium. It is the purpose of these lectures to stimulate interest and scholarly research in the field of Christian letters. The formal opening of a new university division took place in the same month. This was the Boston College School of Nursing, of which Mary A. Maher, B.S., R.N., was named dean, and Father Anthony G. Carroll, S.J,, regent. Quarters were opened at Boston College Intown on Newbury Street, and courses lead- 310 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE ing to the Bachelor of Nursing, and Bachelor of Nursing Educa- tion were offered. The Dramatic Arts Course which had been offered during summer sessions for two seasons before the war, was reorganized and enlarged into the School of Dramatic and Expressional Arts by Father John L. Bonn, S.J., in the summer of 1947. This new school provided standard dramatic training with stage facilities in the new recreation hall, but in addition offered related con- centrations in Literature and Criticism; Debate and Panel Dis- cussion, and Corporate Religious Expression. The registration for the College of Arts and Sciences reached an all-time high of 2450 in February, 1947, and the enrollment at the College of Business Administration rose to a record 815. In the same year, the Law School, the Intown Division, and the Graduate School each had student bodies of 500, and the School of Social Work had enrolled 111. These figures yielded a total of 4915 regular students, not including those in summer sessions, nor the 266 Jesuit students at the Lenox and Weston branches. Since 800 new undergraduate students were scheduled for admission in September (1947), and sufficient space was not available, the college authorities devoted considerable time during the winter and early spring on plans to meet the situa- tion. The college had purchased the Elizabethan residence at 74 Commonwealth Avenue adjoining the Philomatheia Club on March 2, but after extensive investigation it was decided that the size and poor condition of the property made it unsuitable for immediate conversion to school use. Meanwhile, negotiations had been under way to secure from the government another surplus war building, and these efforts were finally successful. The large, two-story, wooden structure, containing twelve size- able rooms, was dismantled, moved and re-erected at college expense on the Beacon Street end of the property during the summer, and was ready for occupancy in September. Work on the project had hardly commenced, however, when, on June 2, other contractors moved apparatus into the area directly behind the Tower Building, and without even the for- SOLDIERS WITH SCHOOLBOOKS 311 mality of a ground-breaking ceremony began excavations for the new College of Business Administration Building — the first permanent structure to be added to the campus in twenty years. The building was planned by Maginnis and Walsh, the Boston architects, in a simplified EngHsh collegian gothic style to harmo- nize with the other structures in the group. Because of the sharp slope of the hill where it was to be located, it was designed to rise only two stories in the front (i.e., on the Tower Building side), but four stories in the rear, providing space for eighteen classrooms and numerous oflBces. The initial work proceeded rapidly, since little blasting was found necessary, and the subterranean Lawrence Brook, which flowed under the upper corner of the football field and across the site of the new building was easily diverted. Delivery from the contractors was scheduled for September, 1948. The continuous task of providing adequate physical space for the growing institution was Father Keleher's most pressing prob- lem at this period. When more funds would be available and conditions would permit, other buildings would have to be built and larger staflFs assembled if the college were to meet the de- mands being made upon it. But there was something familiar in this constantly recurring pattern of difficulties to be surmounted. It is true that some elements had changed with the passing decades, but many were old. Success was now posing as many problems as opposition and poverty had in the early years of the institution's life, and the burdens which rested on Father Keleher were, in essence, kindred to those which bore down the shoulders of John McElroy when he returned from the wars of a century before to found a college in Boston. CHAPTER XXV THE YEARS BEYOND An effort has been made throughout this history to present the facts as objectively as possible, without attempting to establish preconceived verdicts or to glorify individuals. From the evi- dence oflFered, the reader may form his own conclusions. He will very properly judge, for example, that Boston College is not a large institution when compared with many of its sister univer- sities; the greatest prewar enrollment it ever enjoyed was 2654 for the year 1938-1939.^ He will rightly observe that the college is not wealthy; with no foundation funds, it is obhged to depend exclusively upon tuition fees to meet operating expenses. He may, with reason, decide it is not famous. But the reader will realize that Boston College, apart from, or in spite of these considerations, has already achieved, to a degree never envisioned by Father McElroy or Father Fulton, the ful- fillment of many of its original high purposes. It was an institution created in a period of bigotry and in- tolerance to aid in dispelling prejudices; today it exists in a Boston which grants all men, irrespective of creed, real equality. It seems undeniable that Boston College's presentation of the Catholic position, both in theory, through the spoken and printed word, and in practice, through the living example of its gradu- ates, has contributed significantly to that desirable change. The Bishop who invited the Jesuits to establish Boston College, 1 (Boston College) "Litterae Aiinuae, 1936-1938," under date Sept. 1938, president's ofiBce, Boston College. 312 THE YEAKS BEYOND 313 and the Jesuit superiors who made sacrifices over long periods to guarantee the permanence of that foundation, obviously in- cluded among their purposes the intention that the new school would be a source of candidates for the priesthood and the religious state, so that the faithful in this area might never lack the sacraments or proper instruction in their religion. In the eighty-three years of the institution's existence, it has sent hun- dreds of future priests to tiie seminary, of whom thirteen have been raised to the episcopacy,^ and one to the cardinalate. The Irish and German immigrants in mid-nineteenth century Boston, deprived by circumstances of almost all share in the civic life about them, but with a yearning that their children and their children's children might take their place with their fellow citizens in the democratic administration of their own country, contributed beyond their means to the founding and support of a college which would accept their youth and prepare them for positions of trust and responsibility in the great organi- zation that is a state or city. Boston College has kept faith with these strong hearts. Governors, mayors, legislators, judges, public officials have come from the number of its alumni to justify the hopes that were born so long ago. Catholic physicians were needed in Boston who could add to the worthy phrases of Hippocrates the wider imphcations of Christian ethics. Scientists were needed who could measure matter skillfully, but who, with equal logic, could recognize values beyond the reach of their instruments. There was demand in Boston for teachers who could light inspiration in young hearts, and who could direct young eyes to the horizon. Boston College has been supplying these leaders in growing numbers for almost a century. When the grim call came in 1917, and again in 1941, for young men to protect their country, the sons of Boston College re- sponded promptly. Over five hundred of their number partici- pated in World War I, and in World War II the record was 5052 in the service, of whom 155 were killed. In the same conflict 2 Cf. Appendix E. 314 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE Boston College men won 560 decorations and 40 citations.' To this register must be added the 17 members of the Jesuit faculty and the 123 other priests, graduates of Boston College, who served in the armed forces as chaplains. Unfinished Business The present has fulfilled the promises of the past; but what is to be said of the future? Boston College is now a university, and that status brings with it serious obligations as well as honors. The Catholic laity of the archdiocese regard it as a watchtower in the intellectual field; if that is so, a constant duty falls on the college staff to make sure that the tower does not become an ivy-covered retreat from reality. The college cannot be passive; it cannot be a negative entity, satisfied merely to criticize error. It must assume the aggressive role of the truth seeker; the patient role of the experimenter; the daring role of the pioneer. With the restoration of peace, the physical facilities of the college are once more inadequate. There is urgent necessity to build. The College of Business Administration, it is true, will soon be housed in a permanent building on the main campus; but the Arts College requires another classroom building; a gymnasium is a longfelt want which was emphasized by war conditions; and lastly, a large chapel to accommodate a significant portion of the student body merits high priority in any campus-building plans. There are other alterations due, however, which are no less important and which do not depend upon the generosity of friends. These are changes which seem destined to affect the attitudes of curriculum makers. The word "attitudes" is stressed, because the mere introduction of a course here or there, or the shortening or lengthening of one period within a week will not satisfy the demands of a trend which is apparently already solidly under way. That trend is toward creating an education 3 Figures corrected to Jan. 1, 1947, as supplied by the Boston College Alumni Office. A list of the war dead will be found in Appendix F. THE YEARS BEYOND 315 adequate to cope with a world basically widened and made more complicated by the natural sciences. Cultural values of certain basic subjects will, of course, remain, but it is becoming day by day more difficult to defend the old aim which professedly "educated for living" and disregarded the education necessary to make a living. In this connection, the institution of Business courses at Boston College, the increasing importance accorded the physical sci- ences, and the revision of the approach to modern literature are praiseworthy because they are signs, not of the abandonment of the classics which pertain to the fundamental structure of the Jesuit course, and have a proved value which would make their loss irreparable, but rather signs of a healthy, widening growth from the same rugged roots. In conclusion, it would seem that one lesson to be derived from reflection upon the history of Boston College would be that no step in the progress of the college was a "safe" step; each one involved risk; each one demanded courage on the part of those who accomplished it; each one required sacrifice to bring it to successful completion. Those brave, unspectacular deeds live on in their effects, and the mere recital of them on the printed page still has the power to stir the hearts of those who follow with a challenge to equal them with present daring. BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Documents "The Book of Minutes of the Debating Society of Boston College." Manu- script volume covering period from 1868 to 1895, preserved in Boston College Library Archives. "Boston College Students' Accounts." Manuscript volume covering period from Sept., 1879, to Feb., 1887, preserved at Boston College High School, Boston. Devitt, Reverend Edward I., S.J., "Diary." Manuscript volume covering period from Jan. 1, 1890, to Mar. 10, 1893, preserved in the George- tovwi University Archives, Washington, D. C. "History of the Maryland-New York Province." Manuscript from which the "History" was published serially in Woodstock Letters posthumously; contains material omitted in the printed version, George- town University Archives. Diary of the Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Boston College, 1924 to date. Dunigan, David R., S.J., "Student Days at Holy Cross College in 1848," unpublished master's thesis, St. Louis University, St. Louis, 1938, 107 pp. Fitzpatrick, Right Reverend John B., "Memoranda of the Diocese of Bos- ton." Manuscript diary, part of the series begun by Bishop Benedict J. Fenwick under the title: "Memoirs to Serve for the Future Ecclesiastical History of the Diocese of Boston," and terminated under Bishop John J. Williams; preserved in the Boston Diocesan Archives. Fulton, Reverend Robert, S.J., "Diary." Manuscript covering the period from Jan. 28, 1876, to July 1, 1888, Georgetown University Archives. "Historia Domus" (Boston College). Triennial historical smnmary in manuscript prepared for the General of the Society of Jesus. Issues from 1862 to 1926 (some issues missing), preserved at New York Province Archives of the Society of Jesus; from 1926 to date, preserved at Boston College. "Immaculate Conception Church Diary." Manuscript diary in chart form, with summarized history beginning 1847, and last diary entry dated Dec. 26, 1880. Preserved in the Maryland Province Archives of the Society of Jesus, Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md. Lamson, Daniel S. Manuscript book, no title, containing written comment on historical occasions at Boston College, with pertinent letters, clippings, and programs tipped in. Period covered: 1860 (?) to 1900 (?), pre- served in the Georgetown University Archives. 317 318 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE "Liber Continens Nomen, Etc., Promotorum ad Ordines Majores, Etc., 1633-1852." Manuscript book niunber 350B, Maryland Province Archives of tlie Society of Jesus at Baltimore. "Library Records" (Boston College), manuscript book listing holdings and shelf -locations, 1880 (?), preserved in the Maryland Province Archives of the Society of Jesus, Woodstock College. "Library Report" (Boston College), for year 1883-1884. Manuscript, pre- served in the Maryland Province Archives of the Society of Jesus, Wood- stock College. "Litterae Annuae" (Boston College). Official yearly reports to the General of the Society of Jesus, 1862 to date. Issues to 1926 preserved in the New York Province Archives of the Society of Jesus; from 1926, in the New^ England Province Archives, Boston. McAvoy, A. J., "Father Bapst; a Sketch." Manuscript article containing material omitted in published version, Woodstock Letters, 17 ( 1888 ) and 18 ( 1889); preserved in tlie Woodstock College Archives. McElroy, John, S.J., "Diary." Four manuscript volumes, covering period from Oct. 5, 1847, to Dec, 1863, with a review of the period May, 1846, to Oct., 1847, preserved in the Woodstock College Archives. Meagher, Walter J., S.J., "History of the College of the Holy Cross; 1843- 1901," unpublished doctoral dissertation, Fordham University, New York, 1944, 149 pp. "Minister's Diary" (Boston College). Daybook of the administrator. Manu- script volumes: Dec, 1918 — Nov., 1920; Nov., 1920 — June, 1923; July, 1923 — Aug., 1927; Aug., 1927 — Dec, 1930, preserved in the Office of the Administrator, Boston College. "Notices, Regulations, Decision, Etc., of the Scholasticate in Boston, 1860- 61." Manuscript notebook with Latin entries, preser\'ed in the George- town University Archives. Pelletier, W. S., "Some Historic Memoranda of the Church of the Imma- culate Conception." Entries prepared in chart form, dated June 14, 1885, manuscript, preserved in the Woodstock College Archives. "Philosophers' Diary." Manuscript book, 32 pages, covering the period dur- ing which Boston College was occupied as a scholasticate, 1860-1863. Preserved in the Woodstock College Archives. "Records of the Trustees of Boston College." Two manuscript volumes, preserA'ed at Boston College. "Register of Students 1864—1898." Manuscript volume listing each student as enrolled, with date, parents' names and addresses, and class assign- ment, Boston College Library Archives. Sopranis, Reverend Felix, S.J., "Memorial of Visitation." Report addressed to the Superiors of the Jesuit houses in the Provinces of the United States and Canada, dated Mar. 8, 1860, preserved in Woodstock Col- lege Archives. "A Summary of the Proceedings of the Commission appointed by Reverend Father Fulton, S.J., Provincial, to help towards Improving and Unifying the Studies in the Classes below philosophy of the Colleges of the Maryland-New York Province." Typescript, dated Aug. and Dec, 1885, preserved in Woodstock College Archives. "Theologians* Diary." Manuscript book, 32 pages, covering the period dur- ing which Boston College was occupied as a scholasticate, 1860-1863, preserved in the Woodstock College Archives. BIBLIOGRAPHY 319 Wiget, Bernadine F., "The Eliot School Case." Two manuscript notebooks; a personal account of the case, with transcribed letters, and tipped-in clippings; begun 1859, terminated in 1864, preserved in the Woodstock College Archives. B. Books Andrews, E. A., Latin Exercises; Adapted to Andrews and Stoddard's Latin Grammar, 20th ed. (Boston: Crocker and Brewster, 1860), 336 pp. Annual Report of the Superintendent, October, 1925, School Document No. 9, 1925 (Boston: Boston Public Schools, 1925), 188 pp. Boston College Alumni Directory, 1924 (Chestnut Hill, Mass.: n.n., 1924), 135 pp. Boston College Bulletin, The Law School, Announcement of the First Ses- sion, 1929-1930 (Chestnut Hill, Mass.: Boston College, 1929), 22 pp. The Boston College Library, History and Description (n.p., n.n., 1933), 88 pp. Boston College, The New Library Building, University Heights, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts (cover title: A Public Benefaction), printed for the college, 1925, 10 pp. Bowditch, N. I., An Argument for a Catholic Church on the Jail Lands (Boston: John Wilson and Son, 1853), 15 pp. Boyle, Esmeralda, Father John McElroy, The Irish Priest (Washington: n.n., 1878), 31 pp. Brochure of Boston College and the Young Men's Catholic Association (Boston: n.n., 1894), 102 pp. Brosnahan, Timothy, S.J., The Courses Leading to the Baccalaureate in Harvard College and Boston College (Woodstock, Md.: Woodstock Col- lege Press [1900]), 40 pp. President Eliot and Jesuit Colleges (n.p., n.n., n.d. ), 36 pp. Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Boston College for the Academic Year 1868-9 (Boston: Alfred Mudge and Son, 1869), 22 pp. Comer, George N., Book-keeping Rationalized (Boston: Frederick A. Brown and Co., 1865), 168 pp. Connolly, Terence L., S.J., editor. An Account of Books and Manuscripts of Francis Thompson (Chestnut Hill, Mass.: Boston College, 1937), 79 pp. Francis Thompson; In His Paths (Milwaukee: The Bruce Publish- ing Co., 1944), 203 pp. Conway, Katherine E., and Cameron, Mabel Ward, Charles Francis Don- nelly, A Memoir (New York: James T. White Co., 1909), 265 pp. Cullen, James Bernard, The Story of the Irish in Boston (Boston: James B. Cullen and Co., 1889), 443 pp. Dooley, Patrick J., S.J., Woodstock and Its Makers (Woodstock, Md.: The College Press, 1927), 253 pp. Effect of Certain War Activities upon Colleges and Universities, Union Calendar No. 53, 79th Congress, 1st Session, House Report No. 214 (Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1945), 57 pp. Erbacher, Sebastian Anthony, Catholic Higher Education for Men in the United States 1850-1866 (Washington: The Catholic University of America, 1931), 143 pp. 320 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE Garraghan, Gilbert J., S.J., The Jesuits of the Middle United States, 3 vols. (New Vork: America 'Press, 1938). General Education in a Free Society (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1945), 276 pp. Greene, Evarts Boutell, The Revolutionary Generation, 1763-1790 (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1943), 487 pp. Greene, Evarts Boutell, and Harrington, Virginia D., American Population Before the Federal Census of 1790 (New York: Colmnbia University Press, 1932), 228 pp. Guilday, Peter, The Life and Times of John England, First Bishop of Charleston, 1786-1842, 2 vols. (New York: America Press, 1927). "Roman Catholic Church," Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th ed., XIX, 421. Handlin, Oscar, Boston's Immigrants 1790-1865 (Cambridge: Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1941), 287 pp. Hansen, Marcus Lee, The Atlantic Migration (Cambridge: Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1940), 391 pp. The Immigrant in American History (Cambridge: Harvard Uni- versity Press, 1940), 230 pp. Harney, Martin P., S.J., The Jesuits in History (New York: America Press, 1941), 513 pp. The Harvard University Catalogue, 1899-1900 (Cambridge: Published by the University, 1900), 716 pp. 1904-1905 (Cambridge: Published by the University, 1904), 773 pp. Hasenfus, Nathaniel J., Athletics at Boston College; Volume I, Football and Hockey (n.p., n.n., c. 1943), 355 pp. Illustrated Boston, 2nd ed. (New York: American Publishing and Engrav- ing Co., c. 1889), 472 pp. The Athenaeum Centenary; The Influence and History of the Boston Athenaeum from 1807 to 1907 ([Boston:] The Boston Athenaeum, 1907), 236 pp. Josephine, Marie, The Mystical Rose (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1865), 290 pp. Keating, John S., S.J., editor, Boston College in the World War, 1917- 1918 (Chestnut Hill, Mass.: Boston College, n.d.), 365 pp. Kellogg, Louise Phelps, "John Bapst," Dictionary of American Biography, I, 583-584. Kolbe, Parke Rexford, The Colleges in War Time and After (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1919), 320 pp. Leahy, William A., "Archdiocese of Boston," in William Byrne, et al., editors, History of the Catholic Church in the New England States (Bos- ton: The Hurd and Everts Co., 1899), I, 1-350. Lord, Robert H., Sexton, John E., and Harrington, Edward T., History of the Archdiocese of Boston, 3 vols. (New York: Sheed and Ward, 1944). Mahon, Michael P., Ireland in Religion and Letters (Boston: Thomas J. Flynn and Co., 1919), 191 pp. Meehan, Thomas F., "John Gray Foster," The Catholic Encyclopedia, VI, 155-156. The Metropolitan Catholic Almanac and Laity's Directory for the Year 1845 (Baltimore: Fielding Lucas, Jr., 1845), 208 pp. BIBLIOGRAPHY 321 Monumenta Xaveriana, 2 vols. (Matriti: Typis Augustini Avrial, 1899- 1900, 1912). Mullen, A. J. E., S.J., "Boston College, Boston, Mass.," in George Gary Bush, editor. History of Higher Education in Massachusetts, Chapter XVII (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1891), 445 pp. Murphy, W. E., S.J., "The Story of Boston College," in C. E. McGuire, editor. Catholic Builders of the Nation, V, 249-259 (Boston: Continental Press, Inc., 1923). O'Connell, William Cardinal, The Letters of His Eminence William Cardinal O'Connell, Archbishop of Boston, 2 vols. (Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1915). Recollections of Seventy Years {New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1934), 395 pp. Perry, Bliss, And Gladly Teach (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., c. 1935), 315 pp. Poore, Benjamin Perley, compiler. The Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and Other Organic Laws of the United States, 2nd ed., 2 vols. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1878). Prose e Poesie Intorno al Celerre Gruppo Rappresentante San Michele (Roma: Tipografia de G. Aurelj, 1869), 24 pp. Purcell, Richard J., "Thomas Ignatius Gasson," Dictionary of American Biography, XII, 179. "John McElroy," Dictionary of American Biography, XII, 36-37. Quaife, Milo Milton, editor. The Diary of James K. Polk During His Presidency, 1845-1849, 4 vols. (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Co., 1910). Ray, Sister Mary Augustina, American Opinion of Roman Catholicism in the Eighteenth Century (Nevi^ York: Columbia University Press, 1936), 456 pp. Riley, Arthur J., Catholicism in New England to 1788 (Washington: The Catholic University of America, 1936), 479 pp. Robinson, William A., "John Gray Foster," Dictionary of American Biog- raphy, VI, 549-550. Sadlier's Catholic Directory, 1871 (Nevi' York: D. and J. Sadlier and Co., 1871), 513 pp. Santayana, George, Persons and Places (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944), 262 pp. Schvi^ickerath, Robert, S.J., Jesuit Education, Its History and Principles (St. Louis: B. Herder, 1904), 687 pp. Seventy -Five Years: St. Mary of the Annunciation, 1867-1942 (Cambridge, Mass.: n.n., 1942), 32 pp. Seybert, Adam, Statistical Annals (Philadelphia: Thomas Dobson and Son, 1818), 803 pp. Shaughnessy, Gerald, Has the Immigrant Kept the Faith? (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1925), 289 pp. Shea, John Gihnary, The Catholic Church in Colonial Days (New York: J. G. Shea, 1886), 663 pp. History of the Catholic Church in the United States, 1808-15 to 1843 (New York: John G. Shea, 1890), 732 pp. Souvenir of the Twenty-fifth Annual Reunion of the Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston (Boston: n.n., 1904), 48 pp. Sullivan, James S., A Graphic, Historical and Pictorial Account of the 322 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE Catlwlic Church in New England, Archdiocese of Boston (Boston: Illus- trated Publishing Co., 1895), 842 pp. Sullivan, John L., Reminiscences of a 19th Cei^tury Gladiator (Boston: James A. Heara and Co., 1892), 295 pp. Sullivan, R. Paul, S.J., editor, Boston College Seventij-Fiph Anniversary, 1863-1938 (Chestnut Hill, Mass.: Boston College, n.d.), 62 pp. Sullivan, Sister Mary Xaveria, The History of Catholic Secondary Education in the Archdiocese of Boston ( Washington, D. C. : The Catholic University of America Press, 1946), 183 pp. Thomas, Grace Powers, editor. Where to Educate, 1898-99 (Boston: Brown and Co., c. 1898), 394 pp. Thwing, Charles Franklin, The American Colleges and Universities in the Great War (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1920), 276 pp. United States Catholic Almanac, 1836 (Baltimore: James Myres, 1836), 180 pp. United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, Statistical Ab- stract of the United States, 1900 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1901), 570 pp. Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1943 (Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1944), 994 pp. "United States of America: Population," Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th ed., XXII, 732. Walsh, Louis S., Archdiocese of Boston, Growth of Parochial Schools in Chronological Order, 1820-1900 (Newton Highlands, Mass.: Press of St. John's Industrial Training School, 1901), 16 pp. Historical Sketch of the Growth of Catholic Parochial Schools in the Archdiocese of Boston (Newton Highlands, Mass.: Press of St. John's Industrial School, 1901), 12 pp. Weld, Allen H., Weld's Progressive English Grammar (Portland, Me.: O. L. Sanborn and Co., 1859), 240 pp. C. Periodicals and Newspapers "Boston College and the Church of the Immaculate Conception," Wood- stock Letters, 32 (1903): 112-113. "Boston College and Harvard University," Woodstock Letters, 29 (1900): 337-339. "Boston College, Classes, Studies, &c." The Pilot, Nov. 3, 1866. "Boston College — Intercollegiate Debate," Woodstock Letters, 24 ( 1895 ) : 321-323. "Boston College; Its History and Influence," Donahoe's Magazine, 29 (Jan., 1893): 66-77. "Boston College Library," Boston Herald, Sept. 27, 1903, "Boursaud, Reverend Edward Victor; Obituary," The Messenger (New York), 37 (May, 1902): 577-579. "Boursaud, Reverend E. V.; Obituary," The Stylus, 16 (May, 1902): 162- 163. "Boursaud, Reverend Edward V.; Obituary," Woodstock Letters, 31 (1902): 277-280. "Brady, Reverend Robert; Obituary," Woodstock Letters, 19 (1890): 250. Brosnahan, Timothy, "President Eliot and Jesuit Colleges, a Defense," The Sacred Heart Review, 23 (New Series): 24-26, Jan. 13, 1900. BIBLIOGRAPHY 323 "Brosnahan; Father Timothy," Woodstock Letters, 45 (1916): 99-117. Buckley, J., "Father Robert Fulton; A Sketch," Woodstock Letters, 25 (1896): 90-112. C, H. M., "Greater Boston College," Donahoe's Magazine, 59 (April, 1908): 374-388. Callanan, Patrick H., "Reminiscences," The Stylus, 10-13 (Dec, 1896 — March, 1899, in monthly installments). "Carney, Andrew" (Obituary), The Pilot, April 16, 1864; (vita), ibid., Oct. 31, 1908. "The Case of Boston College and Harvard University," American Ecclesias- tical Review, Third Series, Vol. Ill (XXIII): 173-175, Aug., 1900. "Catalogus Sociorvim Missionis Americae Foederatae, ineunte anno 1807" (reconstructed), Woodstock Letters, 16 (1887): 169-172. "Catholic Young Men's National Union," Donahoe's Magazine, 30 (Sept., 1893): 330. "Church of the Immaculate Conception, 1861," Calendar, Immaculate Con- ception Church (Boston), Sept., 1941. Connolly, Terence L., "Seymour Adelman's Thompsoniana," America, 50: 16-17, Oct. 7, 1933. Consodine, William A., "History of Boston College," The Heights, 6 (March 24, 1925 — June 2, 1925, in vi^eekly installments). Conway, William J., "Father Thomas I. Gasson, S.J.," Woodstock Letters, 60 (1931): 76-96. Cram, Ralph Adams, "As Ralph Adams Cram Sees the New Boston College," The Boston Transcript, April 30, 1921. Daly, T. J., "Boston College," Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 16, 1887; same in The Stylus, 6 (Oct., 1887): 11-12. "In Memoriam. Reverend John Bapst, S.J.," The Stylus, 6 (Dec, 1887): 31-33. "Dedication of the Church of the Immaculate Conception," Boston Journal, March 10, 1861. "Destruction of the Charlestown Convent from Contemporary Newspapers," Historical Records and Studies (United States Catholic Historical So- ciety), 13 (May, 1919): 106-119. Devitt, Edward I., "Father Francis J. O'Neill, S.J.," The Stylus, 18 ( March, 1905): 12-17. "History of the Maryland-New York Province, XVI, Boston Col- lege, 1863-1914," Woodstock Letters, 64 (1935): 399-421. 'The Clergy List of 1819, Diocese of Baltimore," Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, 22 (1911): 258. Devlin, William, "Letter to Alumni," Boston College Alumni Bulletin, 1 (May, 1924): 2-3. [Doonan, J.], "Father Jeremiah O'Connor, a Sketch," Woodstock Letters, 21 (1892): 117-120. Dunigan, David R., "A Catholic College and the War," The Pilot, May 23, 1942. Eliot, Charles W., "Recent Changes in Secondary Education," The Atlantic Monthly, 84 (Oct., 1899): 433-444. Farren, Joseph H., "The Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston," The Pilot, March 8, 1930. "Father Edward I. Devitt, 1840-1920," Woodstock Letters, 50 (1921): 58-64. 324 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE "Father McEkoy," New York Herald, May 8, 1876. "First Alvimni Day at Boston College," Boston Sunday Globe, June 17, 1923. "First Public Exhibition in America of Thompsoniana Held in Boston Col- lege Library," The Catholic Library World, 5 (Oct. 15, 1933 ):1. Fitzpatrick, Bishop John Bernard, "Letter to tlie School Committee on the Eliot School Case" (original: Boston Diocesan Archives, "Old Letters," A, No. 80), Boston Herald, March 22, 1859. Franzoni, F. (untitled art review of Tadolini's "St. Michael"), Osservatore Romano (Rome), March, 1869. Garraghan, Gilbert J., "The Project of a Common Scholasticate for the Society of Jesus in North America," Archivum Historicum Societatis lesu (Rome), 2 (1933): 1-10. "Fordham's Jesuit Beginnings," Thought, 16 (March, 1941): 17-39. "Origins of Boston College, 1842-1869," Thought, 17 (Dec, 1942): 627-656. "Gasson, Father Thomas I.; Obituary," Woodstock Letters, 60 ( 1931 ) : 76-89. Glennon, Michael, "A Letter from Our President," The Stylus, 18 (Dec, 1904): 15-19. Halloran, Florence J., "In Memoriam. Reverend Thomas H. Stack, S.J., Died Aug. 30, 1887," The Stylus, 6 (Oct., 1887): 1-2. [Harney, Martin P.], "Bishops Among the Alumni," Boston College Alumni News, 8 (Feb., 1945): 5-6. Hart, S.J., "Valedictory; June 28, 1877," in P. H. Callanan, "Reminiscences," The Stylus, 13 (March, 1899): 167. Hartt, RoUin Lynde, "Chestnut Hill's Touch of Oxford," Boston Evening Transcript, Oct. 30, 1915. "Harvard and Catholics" (the complete Eliot-Mullan correspondence), The Pilot, June 30, 1900. "Harvard and the Jesuit Colleges," The New York Sun, June 30, 1900. Kelly, Joseph E., "A Great Art Gift to Boston College," The Stylus, 23 (April, 1909): 27-30. KHmartin, J. L., "Jesuit Lay Brother Artist Passes Away," The Pilot, Sept. 13, 1924. Langcake, Augustus, "Letter," Letters and Notices ( Roehampton, England ) , 2 (1864): 65-70. "Lyons, Father Charles W., Obituary," Woodstock Letters, 68 (1939): 346- 354. McAvoy, A. J., "John Bapst, a Sketch," Woodstock Letters, 16 (Nov., 1887): 324-325; 17 (July, 1888): 218-229; 17 (Nov., 1888): 361-372; 18 (Feb., 1889): 83-93; 18 (July, 1889): 129-142; IS (Oct., 1889): 304-319; 20 (Feb., 1891): 61-68; 20 (June, 1891): 241-249; 20 (Oct., 1891): 406-418. (McCarthy, Eugene A.), "Letter on Origin of the Alumni Association," Boston College Alumni News, 8 (Feb., 1945): 5. McElroy, John, "Chaplains for the Mexican War, 1846," Woodstock Letters, 15 (July, 1886): 198-202; 16 (March, 1887): 33-39; 16 (Nov., 1887): 225-229; 17 (March, 1888): 3-11; 17 (July, 1888): 149-163. "Reestablishment of the Society in the United States," Woodstock Letters, 16 (July, 1887): 161-168. BIBLIOGRAPHY 325 "Two Old Letters," Woodstock Letters, 18 (1889): 76-77. four letters in: Joseph Zwinge, S.J., "The Novitiate in Maryland," Woodstock Letters, 44 (1915): 1-14. "McElroy, John; (vita)," The Pilot, Oct. 31, 1908. Macksey, Charles B., "Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston CoUege," Woodstock Letters, 19 (1890): 388-391. Maginnis [Charles D.], and Walsh [Timothy], "The Recitation Building of Boston College, Newton, Mass.," The American Architect, Vol. 105, No. 1986, Jan. 14, 1914 (no pagination). "Master Thomas J. Wall," Illustrated Irish Nation (New York), April 30, 1859. Meehan, Thomas F., "Archbishop Hughes and Mexico," Historical Records and Studies (United States Catholic Historical Society), 19 (Sept., 1929): 33-40. "Catholics in tlie War With Mexico," Historical Records and Studies (United States Catholic Historical Society), 12 (June, 1918): 39-65. (Morgan J.), "Father Robert Wasson Brady, S.J.; a Sketch," Woodstock Letters, 20 (1891): 250-255. "MuUan, Father William George Read" (Obituary), Woodstock Letters, 39 (1910): 389-394. Mullen, A. J. E., "Boston College: New English High School," Woodstock Letters, 19 (1890): 192-196. "Letter to the Editor," Woodstock Letters, 19 (1890): 192-196. Murphy, J. F. X., "Boston College," The Pilot, March 8, 1930. O'Connor, J., "Consecration of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Boston," Woodstock Letters, 6 (1878): 148-158. [Peck, Harry Thurston] (untitled review of Brosnahan's President Eliot and the Jesuit Colleges), The Bookman (New York), 11 (April, 1900): 111-112. Also, ibid., 11 (June, 1900): 294. "Philomatheia Celebrates Twentieth Anniversary," The Heights, Dec. 5, 1934. Richards, J. H., "The Death of Father McElroy," Woodstock Letters, 6 (Jan., 1878): 178. "Reverend John J. McElroy, First Pastor of the Immaculate Conception Church," Immacidate Conception Church Calendar (Boston), Feb., 1911. "Russo, Father Nicholas; Obituary," The Stylus, 16 (May, 1902): 164-165. Woodstock Letters, 31 (1902): 281-285. Ryan, J. J., "Life of Father John Bapst, S.J.," Woodstock Letters, 33 (1904): 133-136. "Our Scholasticate — An Account of Its Growth and History to the Opening of Woodstock, 1805-1869," Woodstock Letters, 32 (1903): 1-27; 33 (1904): 131-154. "Saint John's Church and Residence, Frederick, Maryland," Woodstock Letters, 5 (1876): 103-114. "Schroen, S.J., Brother Francis," Jesuit Seminary News, 1 (May 15, 1926): 38. Schurhammer, Georg, "Zwei ungedmckte Briefe des hi. Franz Xaver," Archivum Historicum Societatis lesu (Rome), 2 (1933): 44-55. "The Sectarian Troubles at the Eliot School," The Boston Herald, March 22, 1859. 326 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE [Shandelle, Henry J.], "The Young Men's Catholic Association of Boston College," Woodstock Letters, 5 (1876): 37-46. Sheehan, D. F., "The Y.M.C.A. of Boston College," DonaJwe's Magazine, 29 (Jan., 1893): 77-87. "Stack, Father Thomas J.; Obituary," Woodstock Letters, 16 (1887): 317- 318. Stinson, William M., "Boston College Library," Woodstock Letters, 62 (1933): 188-213. "Library Gleanings in Transit," Catholic School Interests, 3 (June, 1924): 79-81. 'New Boston College Library," Library Jourrml, 54 (Jan. 1, 1929): 16-20. "Students in Our Colleges in the United States and Canada," Woodstock Letters, appendix, 1884 to date. "Taught by Jesuits," Boston Sunday Herald, Feb. 28, 1897. Tehan, James, "Residence of St. Mary's, Boston, 1868-76," Woodstock Letters, 6 (1877): 31-52. "The Thompson Exhibit," The Boston College Alumnus, 1 (Nov., 1933): 5-6. Towle, Henry C, "The Pioneer Days at Boston College," The Stylus, 11 (June, 1897): 332-339. Treacy, Gerald C, "Andrew Carney, Philanthropist," Historical Records and Studies (United States Catholic Historical Society), 13 (May, 1919): 101-105. "Was Bishop Hughes OflFered a Peace Mission to Mexico by President James K. Polk?" Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia, 22 (1911): 202-205. Welch, E. H., "Father Joseph C. Shaw," Woodstock Letters, 26 (1897): 44&-450. "Welch, Father Edward Holker," The Stylus, 18 (April, 1905): 13-17. [Whal, WilHam B. F.], "Close of St. Mary's Jubilee, North End, Boston," The Pilot, Oct. 16, 1897; same in Woodstock Letters, 27 (1898): 87-99. "Wiget, Bemadine F.; Obituary," Woodstock Letters, 12 (1883): 189-193. Zwinge, Joseph, "The Novitiate in Maryland," Woodstock Letters, 44 (1915): 1-14. APPENDIX A TEXTBOOKS PRESCRIBED AT BOSTON COLLEGE FOR THE YEAR 1867-1868^ 2nd Rud. — Catechism of the Diocese Kerney's Scripture History Hillard's Sixth Reader Weld and Quackenbos' English Grammar Mitchell's Geography and Atlas Worcester's Pronouncing Speller Some Dictionary — Worcester's Comprehensive preferred Payson, Scribner and Dunton's Penmanship Harkness' Introductory Latin Book 1st Rud. — Catechism, Scripture History, Reader, English Grammar, Geography and Atlas, and Penmanship, Worcester Pro- nouncing Speller, as above Harkness' Latin Grammar Harkness' Latin Reader Harkness' 1st Greek Book Andrew's Latin Exercises 3rd Hum. — Catechism of Perseverance History of Rome, Goodrich Reader, English Grammar, Geography and Atlas, Latin Gram- mar, and Latin Exercises as above 1 From the list, handwritten by Father Robert Fulton, S.J., in the "College Register" (manuscript volume in the Boston College Archives). Father Fulton's abbreviations not followed. 327 328 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE Arnold's Nepos Phaedrus Sophocle's French Grammar Harkness continued Latin Dictionary — Leverett's preferred 2nd Hum. — History of Greece, Goodrich Catechism, Reader, Enghsh Grammar, Geography and Atlas, Latin Grammar, Greek Grammar, Latin Exercises, Graeca Minora, as above [sic] Andrew's Ovid Andrew's Gaesar 1st Hum. — History U. S., Goodrich Catechism, Reader, Latin Grammar, Greek Grammar, Latin Exercises, as above? Mitchell's Ancient Geography Casserly's Prosody Xallust. Andrew's? Cicero de Senectute, Anthon's Virgil Xenephon's Anabasis, Anthon Homer (Anthon's) Arithmetic — Greenleaf s National Algebra — Davies' Bourdon's Algebra Geometry — Davies' Legendre's Geometry 3rd Class of French — Fasquelle's Grammar APPENDIX B PROGRAM FOR THE FIRST EXHIBITION AT BOSTON COLLEGE^ EXAMINATION AND EXHIBITION OF BOSTON COLLEGE THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1865 Music Examination The matter assigned for the various classes is as follows: For the third class of Humanities, Nepos, Phaedrus, Graeca Minora, Latin and Greek Grammars. For the first division of Rudiments, Viri Romae, Latin and Greek Grammars. For the second division of Rudiments, Geography, Latin Grammar. For the third division of Rudiments, Geography, Spelling. Music Declamation The School-Boy Thos. J. Ford Coriolanus Francis Norris Hildebrand Vincent Laforme Music Frank McAvoy Duties of Patriotism George W. Lennon Music 1 Presented in the Georgetown University Archives, Washington, D. C. 329 330 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE FRIDAY, June 30 Joseph and His Brethren A Sacred Drama in Two Acts Dramatis Personae Joseph Asenethes Hersicles Thanetes Araxes Judah Simeon Benjamin Levi Zabulon and others H. R. O'Donnell W. J. Cain D. McAvoy V. Laforme F. McGinley F. J. McAvoy J. Barron T. J. Devenny F. W. Norris A. J. Maher, &c. Music Distribution of Premiums Music The Exercises will begin at half-past seven, on both evenings. Entrance from James Street, between Washington Street, and Harrison Avenue. APPENDIX C THE OFFICERS OF THE BOSTON COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FROM 1886 to 1890 1886-1887. The first year of the Association's existence, the only known officers were: Edward A. McLaughhn, '71, president; Reverend Thomas I. Coghlan, '78, first vice- president.^ 1887-1888. At the second annual dinner at the Hotel Vendome (June 27, 1887), the following were elected: Dr. William A. Dunn, '77, president; Reverend James F. Talbot, '78, first vice-president; Reverend William F. Powers, '81, second vice- president; James B. McHugh, '81, secretary; Dr. William G. McDonald, '77, treasurer; Francis J. Barnes, '84, historian.^ 1888-1889. At the third annual dinner at Young's Hotel (July 2, 1888), the following were elected: Dr. William A, Dunn, '77, president; Reverend James F. Talbot, '78, first vice-president; Reverend William F. Powers, '81, second vice- president; James B. McHugh, '81, secretary; James E. Hayes, historian. 1 The Boston Daily Globe, June 29, 1886. 2 The Stylus, 5 (June-July, 1887): 84-85. 331 332 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE Executive Committee: Rev. John Broderick, '77; Rev. James F. Talbot, '78; James A. Monahan, 79; E. F. Bums, '80; Rev. W. H. O'ComieU, '81; Dr. T. J. Ball, '82; Rev. T. J. Mahoney, '83; James F. Aylward, '84; John B. Curtis, 'S7; T. J. Daly, '88.3 1889-1890. At the fourth annual dinner at Young's Hotel (July 1, 1889), the following were elected: Reverend T. I. Coghlan, '78, president; E. J. Flynn, '81, first vice-president; Dr. Francis J. Barnes, '84, second vice-president; James B. McHugh, '81, secretary; Dr. W. G. McDonald, '77, treasurer; Hugh J. Molloy, '83, historian.* 3 The Boston Daily Globe, July 3, 1888. * The Boston Morning Journal, July 2, 1889. The oflBcers for the years from 1890 on are given in the Boston College Catalogue. APPENDIX D PRESIDENTS OF BOSTON COLLEGE 1. Rev. John Bapst, S.J. 2. Rev. Robert W. Brady, S.J. 3. Rev. Robert Fulton, S.J. 4. Rev. Jeremiah O'Connor, S.J. 5. Rev. Edvi^ard V. Boursaud, S.J. 6. Rev. Thomas H. Stack, S.J. 7. Rev. Nicholas Russo, S.J. 8. Rev. Robert Fulton, S.J. Rev. Edward I. Devitt, S.J. Rev. Timothy Brosnahan, S.J. Rev. W. J. Read MuUan, S.J. Rev. William F. Gannon, S.J. Rev. Thomas I. Gasson, S.J. Rev. Charles W. Lyons, S.J. Rev. William Devlin, S.J. Rev. James H. Dolan, S.J. Rev. Louis J. Gallagher, S.J. Rev. William J. McGarry, S.J. Rev. William J. Murphy, S.J. Rev. William L. Keleher, S.J. July 10, 1863 — August 27, 1869 August 27, 1869 — August 2, 1870 August 2, 1870 — January 11, 1880 January 11, 1880 — July 31, 1884 July 31, 1884 — August 5, 1887 August 5, 1887 — August 30, 1887 September 1, 1887 — July 4, 1888 July 4, 1888 — January 9, 1891 January 9, 1891 — July 16, 1894 July 16, 1894 — June 30, 1898 June 30, 1898 — July 30, 1903 July 30, 1903 — January 6, 1907 January 6, 1907 — January 11, 1914 Januarv 11, 1914 — July 20, 1919 Julv 20, 1919 — August 23, 1925 August 23, 1925 — January 1, 1932 January 1, 1932 — July 1, 1937 July 1, 1937 — August 15, 1939 August 15, 1939 — August 19, 1945 August 19, 1945 — 333 APPENDIX E MEMBERS OF THE HIERARCHY WHO ATTENDED BOSTON COLLEGE His Eminence, William Cardinal O'Connell, Archbishop of Boston, 1907-1944. Class of 1881. Most Reverend Richard J. Cushing, D.D., Archbishop of Boston, 1944 to date. Attended Boston College 1913-1915. Most Reverend Joseph G. Anderson, D.D., Titular Bishop of Myrina and Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, 1909-1927. Class of 1887. Most Reverend John B. Delaney, D.D., Bishop of Manchester, New Hampshire, 1904-1906. Class of 1887. Most Reverend Joseph N. Dinand, S.J., D.D., Titular Bishop of Selinus, and Vicar Apostolic of Jamaica, 1927-1930. Class of 1891. Most Reverend Thomas A. Emmett, S.J., D.D., Titular Bishop of Tuscamia, and Vicar Apostolic of Jamaica, 1930 to date. Class of 1896. Most Reverend Maurice P. Foley, D.D., Bishop of Tuguegarao, P. I., and later of Jaro, P. I., 1910-1919. Class of 1887. Most Reverend Louis F. Kelleher, D.D., Titular Bishop of Thenae, and Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, 1945 to 1947. Class of 1910. Most Reverend Wilham F. O'Hare, S.J., D.D., Titular Bishop of Maximinopolis, and Vicar Apostolic of Jamaica, 1920-1926. Attended Boston College 1886-1888. Most Reverend Edward F. Ryan, D.D., Bishop of Burlington, Vermont, 1945 to date. Class of 1901. Most Reverend Gerald Shaughnessy, S.M., S.T.D., Bishop of Seattle, Washington, 1933 to date. Class of 1909. Most Reverend James Anthony Walsh, M.M., D.D., Founder and Superior General of the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America (MaryknoU); Titular Bishop of Siene 1933-1936. Attended Boston College 1881-1885. Most Reverend John J. Wright, D.D., Titular Bishop of Aegea, and Auxiliary Bishop of Boston, 1947 to date. Class of 1931. 334 APPENDIX F THE HONORED WAR DEAD OF BOSTON COLLEGE William F. Colwell Edwin A. Daly Stephen E. Fitzgerald Leroy C. Higginson Edward L. Killion Edward R. Ahearn Joseph F. Arone WiUiam T. Barrett Dr. Thomas A. Barry John L. Battles Edwin R. Birtwell Joseph C. Blute Jack R. Brodsky William H. Broley William C. Cagney Francis A. Cahill Edward R. Callahan David I. Calnan Eugene J. Canty Melvin G. Carr, Jr. James P. Carroll Edgar G. Carney Joseph J. Carty Henry J. Carvalho Francis J. Catenacci John B. Colpoys Charles F. Conlan Thomas J. Connelly Dr. Henry H. Connolly Paul V. Connors Edward R. Conroy Thomas H. Cook George D. Cormier WORLD WAR I Peter A. Landrigan Thomas F. MacDonnell Charles H. Madden George R. Meehan Joseph G. Murphy WORLD WAR n John F. Coughlin Robert J. Cromwell Joseph J. Crowley George D. Cunning Richard F. Curran John F. Daley William L. Davis James M. Dodero William F. Doherty Charles Dolan, Jr. Edward L. Donahue William T. Donovan Walter L. Douglas, Jr. William R. Duane John E. Dubzinski Donald Dumont John M. Dwyer John E. Eastman Herbert Ellis, Jr. John J. Farrell, Jr. John C. Farren Dr. James E. Flanagan James G. Flannery James E. Flynn Edward L. Foley James M. Foody John F. Ford William I. Furey, Jr. 335 Philip J. O'Connell Charles L. Ostridge Francis K. Quinn John W. Ryan James E. Welch, Jr. John J. Gallagher Martin J. Gibbons Edward M. Gilmore Joseph F. Gilfoil Edward H. Gleason, Jr. John F. Griffin John T. Gunn Bernard M. Harb James K. Hastings John R. HeflFeman Albert C. Horsfall Stephen J. Joyce Edward M. Keams John D. Kelleher John W. Kelley Paul M. Kelly Richard A. Kelly Joseph F. Kendall, Jr. Frederick L. Kiley Milton C. Kometz William F. Lafferty Philip A. Lanzo Robert J. Larkin James F. Law George F. Lennon Richard E. Lynn Thaddeus J. Lyons William G. McCarthy 336 A HISTORY OF BOSTON COLLEGE Thomas E. McCarty Arthur H. McDevitt Robert E. McGehearty Justin J. McGowan Joseph D. McLaughhn Thomas G. McNabb Lawrence J. McPeake Francis P. McQueeney Arthur J. McSweeney Thomas F. Madden James L. Maguire George T. Malone Edward F. M anion Dr. Edward P. Manning James P. Markham James A. Matthews WilHam J. Meehan John H. Moloney, Jr. Rev. John F. Monahan John M. Moriarty Joseph W. Moulton Bernard M. Moynahan John P. Mulkem John T. Murphy Joseph J. Murphy Leo J. Murphy Kenneth J. Murray Paul F. X. Nagle Vincent L. Nagle George H. Nicholson Edward F. O'Brien John J. O'Brien Walter G. O'Brien Mortimer F. O'Connor Dr. Arnold J. O'Donnell Eric W. Ojerholm John E. O'Keefe Michael J. O'Neil John A. O'Toole Victor E. Ouimet Francis W. Rich Roger F. Riordan Thomas M. Roddy William A. Roddy Albert J. Ruback Joseph A. Ryan Richard W. Ryan William W. Ryan Joseph B. Savage Edison F. Sawyer Martin F. Shaughnessy Bernard M. Shea John J. Shea Joseph D. Shea Joseph W. Smith Daniel J. Sullivan John L. Sullivan Francis J. Sweeney John R. Tiemey Henry G. Tinker Paul Van Wart James A. Vaughan Thomas Von Holzhausen John H. Wallace, Jr. David I. Walsh Edward A. Walsh James F. Walsh Raymond A. Wardell Joseph J. Welsh Robert H. White Charles T. WiUock, Jr. Charles G. Wolfe INDEX A.B. degree, courses for, revised, 270; standards of, 167 Academic department formed, 1898, 167 Academies, language, at Jubilee, 279 "Accelerated Program," wartime, 292, 294 Accommodations for students, emer- gency, 307 Accounting courses, elective, 237 Accrediting, problems of, 168 Activation of reservists, 294, 295; 1943, 300 Activities, college, 1868, 99 Adelman Collection, purchase of, 266 Administration, college, separated from high school, 223 Admission requirements, 1868, 97 Adult education, 1866, 93; 1912, 197; Institute of, 305, 309; YMCA, 123 Advisement, student, 1941, 290 Advisers, faculty, 292 African section, ethnological collec- tion, 270 Agassiz Association, 158 Ahem, Rev. Michael J., S.J., 213 Air training, 287 Alcestis exhibition, 237 Aldermen, Board of, petitions to, 26, 28 Alterations, building, 1874, 114; 1889-1890, 146; to old college, 1898, 165 Alumni, appeal to, for War Fund, 301; athletic field report to, 164; building fund appeal to, 204; building fund drive, 1946, 307; class of 1910, 212; concert, 279; drive for funds, 1920, 226 f; Fr. Devlin, letter to, 1919, 224 n, 232 n; Fr. Dolan, letter to, 1925, 238 n; Fr. Gasson, appeal for new site to, 184; Fr. McGarry ad- dresses, 279; first efforts to or- ganize, 139 f ; gift of grandstand by, 212; living, 1884, 135 n; liv- ing, 1885, 140; Navy, honor Adm. Murray, 305; Papal Benediction to, 279; president's report on athletics to, 178; raised to episco- pacy, 304, 313, 334; war certifi- cates, 304; war record, 313 f Alumni association, gift, 1914, 208; Fr. Mullen's report to, 176; first secretary, 225; oflBce of, 314 n; of- ficers of early, 331 f Alumni Bulletin, first issued, 225 Alumni Day, 1936, 272 Alumni Field, blessing of colors on, 291; dedication of, 213; flagstaflF, 211; title given, 213 Amee, Col. Josiah L. C, 22 American Anthropological Associa- tion, 269 American Association of Collegiate Business Schools, 257 American Association of Schools of Social Work, 256 American Bar Association, approval by, 253 American Council of Learned Socie- ties, 269 American Geographical Society, 270 American Institute of Architects, 188 Ames, Oakes A., estate, 163 Amherst College, 171 Anderledy, Very Rev. Anthony M., S.J., 154 337 338 INDEX Anderson, Most Rev. Joseph G., 202, 334 Anderson, Mrs. Larz, 212 Andrews, E. A., Latin Exercises, 79 Andrews, Governor John A., 64 Anniversary, Diamond, of college, 279 f ; Golden, of college, 202 Announcement of college opening, 73 Annual Report of the Superintend- ent, 1925, 247 n Antelias, Valley of, 276 Anthony of China, 272 Antliropological Museum, opening of, 274 Anthropology, Department of, 269 ApoUonio, Thornton D., 246 n Architects, college, 35; competition of, 188 Archivum Historicum S. /., 46 n Ardia, Rev. Joseph, S.J., 52, 54 Arena, Boston, concert in, 230 Argument for a Catholic Church on the Jail-Lands, 25 n Army Enlisted Reserve Corps, 293, 294 Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP), 295-300; number of students in, 298; students, classi- fication of, 297; terminated, 298 / Arts degree requirements revised, 270 Assembly Hall, Irish decorations of, 193; library, 241 Association of American Law Schools, 253 Athletic association, college, found- ed, 135 f ; purpose of, 137 Athletic field, 163 f; efforts to pre- pare, 1905, 178; opened, 212; sold, 195 Athletic quarters, O'Connell Hall, 284 Athletics, xiv; dressing rooms for, 234; Fr. Gannon's report on, 178; Philomatheia club to support, 209; in '70's, 135 f Atlantic Montlih/, 174; Eliot article in, 172, 173 n; refusal to print Fr. Brosnahan's reply, 173 Attendance, hours of, 1868, 97; in- crease in, 1884, 139 Auditorium, temporary, 308; semi- public chapel, 1925, 239; tempo- rary "church," 239 n Austin, William D., 189 Aviation curriculum, 287 Awards, annual, 99; first commence- ment, 84; for proficiency, 1902, 177; proficiency in studies, 92; second commencement, 93 Ayres, Leonard P., 222 n Bachelor of nursing degree offered, 310 Baker estate, 283 Ball, Philomatheia, 210 Ball and Cross symbol. Science Building, 235 Baltimore, 9; Fourth Provincial Council, 12; Sixth Provincial Council, 12; Third Provincial Council, 11 Bangor, Maine, mission center, 48 Bapst, Rev. John, S.J., 2, 52, 54, 66, 75, 78, 83 n, 107, 333; aca- demic activities delegated by, 100; appeals for funds, 68, 103; appointed Rector at Boston, 49; attacked at Ellsworth, 48; Carney offer, 69; church debt collection, 1869, 104; closing of scholasti- cate, 61; elected first president of college, 65; elected president of college corporation, 62; farewell to congregation, 103; first fair, 70, 71; growth of enrollment, 88; im- pressions of scholasticate, 50 f , 51 n, 55; life of, 47 ff; in Maine, 48; protests St. Mary's failure in college aid, 91; report on college progress, 90; report on first year, 84; request for holidays, 55, 56 n; request for school play, 81; retire- ment from presidency, 101; scho- lasticate expenses, 59, 60; superior of Indian mission, 48; title "Su- perior," 67 Barnes, Dr. Francis, 160 Barnum, Rev. Francis, S.J., 157 Barracks, campus, 1918, 218; tem- porary dormitories, 307 Barrister, Rev. John, S.J., 42 Baseball, intercollegiate, not feasible, INDEX 339 179; team, 1884, 137; re-estab- lished, 1904, 178 Baseball field, Massachusetts Ave., 163 Basic Engineering course, ASTP, 298 Basketball courts, recreation hall, 308 "Battalion of Boston College," 114 Beacon Street alterations, 272 Beckx, Very Rev. Peter, S.J., 15 n, 31 n, 45 n, 59 n, 63 n, 72 n, 102 n, 103 n, 131 Bells, Tov/er, 204 Bell telephone demonstrated, 1877, 125 Benediction, Papal, to college, 279 Benefactors wish college for extems, 58 Beyrouth, expedition to, 276 Bigotry, 32 n; against Maine mission- aries, 48; answer to, 312 Bill of Rights Day, 1941, 291 Biology instruments purchased, 1920, 226 Birmingham, Charles A., 229 Bishop, proposed transferral of col- lege to, 68 Bishops, alumni made, 304, 313, 334 Blessed Sacrament Church, 268 Boarding schools, improvement of, 166 Boarding students, first, 307 Board of Trustees, first meetings of, 65 Bobola, Blessed Andrew, relics to Rome, 263 Boehmn, Rev. F. W., S.J., lecture course, 1923, 250 Bonn, Rev. John L., S.J., 310 Book, Dorothy L., 256 Bookkeeping classes, 1864, 80 Books, gifts of rare, 268, 269 Boston, Mass., electric light display, 1863, 55; Fr. McElroy assigned to, 14, 15; land purchased from, 22; payment to, 42; public schools, 244 ff; purchase of land by, 29 Boston Art Club, 209 Boston Athenaeum, share of, 157, 157 n Boston City Club, 229 Boston College, buildings, descrip- tion of, 1860, 51; Carney legacy to, 71; cornerstone laid, 1858, 37; Courses Leading to the Baccalau- reate, 176 n; description of, 1869, 105; description of, 1890, 146 f; early student life at, 89 f ; Fr. Brady president of, 102; Fr. Mc- Elroy takes residence at, 40; grad- uates not accredited at Harvard Law School, 1898, 168 If; granted ROTC unit, 221; ground broken for, 1858, 36; growth of, 312 ff; independent from high school, 223; military uniforms, 110; opened for lay students, 77; open- ing at Newton, 200; opening de- ferred, 45; permission to establish, 20; seismograph station, 236; Sev- enty-fifth Anniversary, 268 n; site described, 89; title changed, 107; title first used, 53; YMCA of, 120 "Boston College, Its History and In- fluence," 145 n Boston College Alumni Directory, quoted, 139 n, 149 n Boston College Alumnus, 225 n Boston College Athenaeum, 157 f Boston College Athletic Board, 209 Boston College Ball, 210 Boston College Bulletin, on entrance procedures, 1938, 280 Boston College catalogue, first, 97 Boston College Club, 187; of Cam- bridge, 204 Boston College Graduate School, 198 n; Fr. McGarry's lectures at, 278; Fr. W. J. Murphy at, 281; files, 246 n, 247 n, 249 n Boston College Hall, 109; second fair, 94 Boston College High School, xiv, 196, 238, 262, 278, 301, 306; archives, 87 n, 94 n; building ex- tension classed at, 254; classes at the Heights, 302; graduate school at, 1926, 251; record enrollment, 1913, 202; School of Education held at, 250; separation from col- lege, 152 Boston College Intown, business courses, 254, 305 Boston College Library, 74 n, 241 n; 1868, 99; 1891, 156; acquires 340 INDEX Xavier letter, 271; improvements under Fr. McGarry, 279 Boston College Library archives, xiv, 88 «, 96 Ji, 113 Ji, 117 n, 127 n, 128 n, 183 n, 188 n, 195 n, 203 n, 204 n, 218, 219 n, 220, 221 n, 227 n, 237 n, 238 n, 240 n, 327 n; Fulton letters in, 153 Boston College School of Nursing, 309 "Boston College Students Accounts," 87 n, 94 n, 95 n Boston College in the World War, 218 Ji, 220 n, 222 n Boston Diocesan archives, 224 n, 225 n, 226 n Boston English High School, 155, 206 Boston fire, 1872, 114 Boston Globe, Brosnahan address in, 176 Boston Music Hall, 93, 94 Boston Navy Yard, 286 Boston Opera House, 212 Boston Public Library, xiv, 74 n; loans, 266 Boston Saturday Evening Transcript, on Boston College campus, 213 Boston Scholasticate, report on, 1861-1862, 57 Boston School Committee, 244 ff Boston Society of Architects award, 235 Boston Theatre, 113; chairs from, 242 ^ Boston Transit Commission, 239 Boston University, 245, 247 Boursaud, Rev. Edv^'ard V., S.J., 333; alumni organization, 140; life of, 138; president, 137; pro- fessor to W. H. O'Connell, 126; retires from presidency, 141 Boyle, Esmeralda, 8 n, 31 n Bradley-Arnold Latin text, 79 Brady, Rev. Robert Wasson, S.J., 66, 107, 108, 333; college growth under, 104; on financial aid for college, 91; life of, 102, 106; military, 109; present at com- mencement, 1877, 125; rebuilds St. Mary's Church, 106; refusal to aid college, 102 n,- retires from presidency, 106; second presi- dency, 102; treasurer of college, 65; tribute to Fr. Fulton, 132 Brady, Rt. Rev. John, 162 Brand, Mr. D. Leo, S.J., first mod- erator of athletics, 136 Braves Field, football games at, 266 Brett, Rev. William P., S.J., 199, 200 n; memorial to, 212 Brewer, Gardner, 203 British Museum, 277 Broadcasts, educational, 309 Brocard, Very Rev. Ignatius, S.J., 20, 40 Brochure, Seventy-fifth Anniversary, 279 f Brosnahan, Rev. Timothy, S.J., 135, 333; aid to new college, 164; controversy with Dr. Eliot, 172 fl^; on intercollegiate debate, 161; life of, 159; moderator of The Stylus, 159; president, 159; reply to Dr. Eliot, 174; retires from presi- dency, 166 Brown, WiUiam H., 262 Brownson, Orestes, 141 Bryan, Frederick, 290 Bryant, Dr. John, 262 Brzozowski, Very Rev. Thaddeus, S.J., 10 B.S., B.A., degree offered, 257 B.S. degree granted, 1889, 149 Buckley, Rev. J., S.J., 77 n, 101 n, 158 Building enlargement program, 1888, 145 f Building for College of Business Ad- ministration, 310 Building fund, 1908, 187; campaign, 1921, 228 ff; drive, alumni, 1920, 226; drive, alumni, 1946, 307; Philomatheia Club in, 211 Building of old college, 36 ff Buildings, college, property of Fr. McElroy, 63 Burke, Jeremiah E., 244, 246 n Burke, Rev. James L., S.J., 305 Burkitt, Miles C, 276 Business Administration, College of, 257; advisory committee for, 257; Building, 307, 311; courses at Boston College Intown, 305; INDEX 341 moves to O'Connell Hall, 258 Buteux, Rev. Stanislas, gift to library, 157 Byblos, expedition to, 277 Byrne, Monsignor William, 162 Byrne, William, History, 18 n Byrnes, Mr. Michael, S.J., 89 CAA classes at Boston College, 287 Cadets, Foster, 109 ff Callanan, Patrick H., 77 n; academic success of, 106; drillmaster, 113; on early baseball at college, 136; protests YMCA title, 120; "Remi- niscences," 102 n, 105, 110 n, llln, 112 n, 113 n, 124 n, 126 n Cambridge, Mass., 179, 189, 191 Cambridge, University of, 276 Cameron, Mabel Ward, 32 n Campbell, Very Rev. Thomas J., S.J., 153 Campus, dedicated, 1908, 187; praised by Transcript, 213 Canadian scholastics at Fordham, 47 Canavan, Major John R., 296; at ASTP departure, 299; at first ASTP assembly, 297 Candlemas lecture, annual, 309 Canisius College, 213 Cardinal O'Connell Hall, 282 Carnegie Foundation, 233 Carney, Andrew, 2; death of, 70; donation of sidewalks, 42; favors to Fr. McElroy, 44; legacy of, 71; offer of matched funds, 68, 69; payment, 42; purchases Otis School, 21 Carney Hospital, 68, 71 Carney, James, 209, 210 Carney, Mrs. Andrew, 44 Carroll, Archbishop John, 9 Carroll, Mr. William, S.J., 89 Carroll, Rev. Anthony C, S.J., 309 Carmth, Herbert S., 178 "Catalogue ... of Boston College, 1868," 92 n; first, 97 Catalogue, Province of Maryland, 67 Catalogus Provinciae Marylandiae- Neo-Eboracensis, 66 n Cathedral center superseded by Graduate School, 251 Cathedral School Hall, 248 Catholic Action Symposium, 279 Catholic Anthropological Confer- ence, 275 Catholic anthropological museum, first, 275 Catholic Colleges, Conference of, 175 Catholic education, legislative inves- tigation of, 31 n Catholic Foreign Mission Society, Bishop Walsh founder of, 334 Catholic Lyceum Association, 121 Catholic students, religious duties of, 98 Catholics, discrimination against, 24 ff ; Irish, social status of, 1845, 2 f ; population before revolu- tion, 2 Cavanaugh, Frank, 225 Cemetery at college site, 34, 89 Certificate, war memorial, 304 Certificate of Attendance, 249 Certificates of merit, monthly, 92 Certification for admission, 280 Chalet, Philomatheia, 211; pur- chases, 233 Chandler, J. E., 233 Chapel, St. Mary's Community, made semi-public, 208, 215, 233; drive for funds for, 226; need of college, 314; semi-public, in au- ditorium, 239; size protested by Fr. Gasson, 207; temporary "church," 239 n Chaplains, Boston College priests as, 314 Charter, Boston College, broadened, 1907, 186; granted, 64; in Mc- Elroy Diary, 42; no religious dis- crimination in, 98; petition for, 63; property limitations in, 64; read at commencement, 1877, 126; university, 244 Chaucer Room, 242 Chemistry, Department of, 289; in ESMDT, 288 Chemistry and Biology building sought, 226 Chemistry laboratory course, 160 Chestnut' Hill, 1870, 268; Reservoir, 183; site purchased, 186 Cheverus, Bishop Jean Louis de, 4 342 INDEX Chicago, Conference ... of Catholic Coheges at, 175; education meet- ing, 1899, 166 Childs, Mayor Edwin O., 218, 232; breaks ground for Library, 233 Chime clock, in Tower, 204 Choir, college, 84; student, 100 Church of England, T. I. Gasson's training in, 180 Church history, Fr. Devitt's studv of, 156 Church property, reduced rates for, 35 Church site protested, 24 ff Cicaterri, Rev. Charles, S.J., 54, 181; retreats by, 57 Cicognani, Archbishop A. G., 301 ' "Circular to Parents," 86 f Citation, Annual, 309 City Council on Jail Lands, 23 £F Civil Aeronautics Administration, 287 Civil pilot training, 287 Civil War, e£Fects on scholasticate, 58; Fr. Stack's remembrances of, 141; sympathies, Boston College, 51; threat of, 50 Clarke, Rev. William F., S.J., 175 n Class routine, 1880, 128 Class schedule, 1864, 78 f; 1868, 97 Classes, first, at Chestnut Hill, 199 Classical course, departure from, 1890, 148; prospectus on, 86 Classics, place of, 315 Classroom building, temporary, 310 Cloister, Gothic, 261 Club, Cathohc, 1866, 93; Philama- theia, 209 Cockran, Hon. W. Bourke, 178; ad- dress, 1908, 187 Coghlan, Rev. Thomas I., 227 Cohasset villa, building at, 261; gift for, 211 Coins, collection of rare, 277 College, opening deferred, 1860, 45; opening on new site, plans for, 190 "College Advertiser,'' 94 n College of Arts and Sciences, need of classroom building, 314; record enrollment, 1947, 310 College of Business Administration, 257 f, 259, 305; acquires O'Con- nell Hall, 282; building, 314; in ESMDT, 288; new building, 310 f; record enrollment, 194/, 310 College department formed, 1898, 167 College Hall, 1890, 147; fund meet- ing at, 187; opened 1875, 116 "College Register," 327 n Collegium Bostoniense Inchoatum, 107 Collins, P. A., 153 Colombia, expedition to, 274 Colors, blessing of, 291 Commencement, 1913, 202; 1921, 232; 1924, 234; 1927, 251; 1928, 240; 1945, 305; first annual, 81 ff; first mid-winter, 295; November, 1943, 300; program of first, 1865, 329 f; second, 92 Commercial course, 145 Commission on Studies, Interprov- ince, 263 Committee, City of Boston School, approves education course, 245 f ; on Education, War Department, letter, 220 n Committee Room, Library, 242 Common Council, Boston, 24 ff Commons Room, Undergraduate, 293, 294 Commonwealth Avenue site for col- lege, 183 Commonwealth of Massachusetts, blessing on people of, 191 Communism, Fr. Gallagher observer of, 263 Confederacy, Stack's service with, 141; sympathy for, 90 Conference ... of Catholic Colleges, 175 Congregationalist church, Library stone from, 240 Congressional Record, 222 n Connolly, Msgr. Arthur L., 268 Connolly, Rev. Terence L., S.J., 267 n; forms Thompson Collec- tion, 266 f; visits England, 267 Constitutional history, 178 "Constitutions, Philomatheia Club," 209 n INDEX 343 Contracts, building, 1915, 209 Convocations, special, 304 f , 309 Conway, Katherine E., 32 n Conway, Rev. William J., S.J., 180 n, 194 n, 195 n, 200 n; on buUding difficulties, 195 Coolidge, Calvin, 229, 283 Co-operative plan. School of Educa- tion, 244 ff Corliss, Rev. William V., S.J., 223 Cornerstone box, contents, 202 n Cornerstone laying, church and col- lege, 37; Library Building, 234; Science Building, 233; Tower Building, 201 f Corporation, first meeting of, 64 f Corporation charter changed, 1907, 186 Corrigan, Rev. Jones I. J., S.J., death of, 270 Costin, Rev. Michael, S.J., 53 Counseling Board, 1941, 290 Courses, war, 291 Courses Leading to the Baccalau- reate (Brosnahan), 176 n Coveney, Rev. John W., S.J., 208 Cox, Channing H., 230 Credit, college, to Sisters, 248 Creeden, Rev. Jolin B., S.J., dean of Graduate School, 251; director of Downtown Center, 253; regent. Law School, 252 Crimea, Vatican Mission to, 263 Cronin, Ellen M., 247 n Cronin, Frank, 225 Crossett, Lewis A., 262 Crucifixion group, statue, 234 Cunningham, Henry V., 229 Curley, Hon. James M., 214 Curriculum, SATC, 218 f ; School of Education, 1919, 245; war, 291, 294 Curtis family, 180 Cushing, Most Rev. Richard J., 334; contributes to building fund, 307; convocation honoring, 305; hono- rary degree to, 305; life of, 301 f ; named Archbishop, 301 Dartmouth College, 171 Daugherty, Harry M., 283 Day of Reflection, 1942, 292 Dead, war, listing of, 335; masses for, 303 f Debate, first intercollegiate, 161; training, 310; with Harvard, 1938, 279 Debating Society, 112; 1868, 100; formed, 128 n; Fulton title adopt- ed, 158; W. H. O'ConneU in, 128 Decorations, military, to alumni, 314 Dedication, Immaculate Conception Church, 43; Library Building, 240; Tower Building, 200 Defense, national, 285, 286 ff; Train- ing Program, 288 Deferments, draft, 289, 290; of sci- ence majors, 1943, 295 Degree, honorary, to Admiral Mur- ray, 305; to Archbishop Cushing, 305; Bishop Shaughnessy, 309; Marshal Foch, 233 Degrees, conferrable under charter, 64; granted first time, 124; grant- ing of deferred, 1870, 111; nvm^ ber of advanced, awarded, 1920- 1927, 247 Delaney, Most Rev. John B., 334 Delays in construction, 1912, 197 de Moreira, Manuel, 178 Denomy, Rev. Alexander J., 309 Department of Practice and Train- ing, 245 Departure ceremonies, 1942, 294; for ASTP, 299 Depression, effects on college, 263 Devens, Fort, 295 Devitt, Edward I., S.J., xiv, xv, xv n, 31 n, 106, 333; attends debate, 162; on college debt, 1863, 68; criticism of building alterations, 1890, 147 f; diary, 153 n; "His- tory," 53 n, 65, 78 n, 113 n, 139 n, 148 n, 156 n; on Latin School, 38 n; life of, 155; president, 154; vice-rector, 153 Devlin, Rev. William, S.J., 222 n, 333; circular to alumni, 228 n, 232 n; letter to alumni, 1919, 224 n; letter to alumni, 1925, 238 n; letter to akunni on build- ing fund, 1920, 226; letter on alumni drive, 226 n; letters to Provincial, 249 nn; life of, 224; 344 INDEX Marshal Foch visit, 232; opens Summer School, 249; plans for School of Education, 244; presi- dent, 223 Diary, Fr. Fulton's, 75 n; McElroy, order of dates in, 42; OflBcial Col- lege, 290 n "Diary of the College, 1866-1885," 117 n "Dick Whittington," 212 Dinand, Most Rev. Joseph N., S.J., 208, 334 Dining Hall building in plans, 1909, 190 Dining Room, Students', Tovi^er Building, 307 Diocesan archives, Boston, 16 n, 18 n, 20 n, 22 n Diocesan seminary, early, Boston, 4 Directory of pupils, 1868, 100 Divinity, School of, affiliated, 252 Doherty, Rev. John F., S.J., dean of Graduate School, 254 Doherty, Rev. Joseph C, S.J., 275 n; 276 f Dolan, Rev. James H., S.J., 333; announces opening of Law School, 252; athletic program under, 264; at dedication of Library, 240; enlarges St. Mary's Hall, 260; life of, 238; president, 238; on war program, 292 Donahoes Magazine, quoted, 121 n Donaldson, George, 290 Don John III, letter to, 271 Donnelly, Charles Francis, 31 n Donnelly Memorial portraits, 267 Donnelly, Mrs. Edward C, 267 Doody, Rev. Michael J., 227, 228 n Dooley, Dennis A., dean of Law School, 252 Dooley, Rev. Patrick J., S.J., 47, 47 n, 49 n, 58 n Doonan, Mrs. James, S.J., 77, 89, 90, 131 n Dorchester, Mass., 230, 262 Dormitories, temporary, 307 Dougherty, Rev. Manassas P., 157 Dowd, Mary, 212 Downtown Center, 253 Doyle, Catherine, 181 Doyle, Dr. Harry, 290 Doyle, Frances X., 212 Draft, 1917, 216; 1940, 289; 1940, registration of college students, 292 f Drama, program of first college, 330 Dramatic Arts Course, 310 Dramatic society, Boston College Athenaeum, 158; play, 1938, 279; workshop, 284 Dramatics, 1868, 100; 1877, 125; O'Connell, W. H., interest in, 128; Passion Play, 213 "Dreamwold," 262 "Drift toward Non-Catholic Col- leges," 166 Drill, military, 109 ff, 113 f Drive, alumni building fund, 1920, 226; 1946, 307; building fund, 1921, plans for, 228 f; for funds 1863-1864, 68 f; 1908, 187; 1921, 238 flf; to pay church debt, 42; results, 230; War Fund, 301 Drum, John D., 149 Drum, Rev. Walter, S.J., 202 Dublin, 130; Jesuit church in, 11 Dullea, Rev. Maurice V., S.J., 216 Dunigan, Rev. David R., S.J., 5 n, 6 n, 304 Duvemey, Rev. Joseph, S.J., 50, 52, 54 Dzierozynski, Very Rev. Francis, S.J., 15 nn "Eagle" selected mascot, 225 Education, aims of Jesuit, 160; Catholic, legislative investigation of, 31 n; Catholic, plea for changes in, 166; curriculum, 1919, 245; early Catholic in Boston, 4; Massachusetts Legislative Com- mittee on, 64; School of, planned, 244 ff; School of, superseded, 251; veteran, 303 Edwards, Maj. Gen. Clarence R., 220 Edwards, Rev. Allen T., 180 Eldridge, E. S., 186 Elections affected by college, case, 28 f Eliot, Dr. Charles W., article re- INDEX 345 lerring to Jesuit education, 172 f ; of Dr. Eliot, 175; explanation of Harvard action, 170 ff ; letter to Fr. Lehy, 169 n Eliot School Controversy, 7 Eliot-Mullan correspondence, 170 ff Elizabethan house purchased, 310 Emergency Recovery Act, Federal, 269 Emig, Rev. John, S.J., 65 Emmett, Most Rev. Thomas A., 306, ,334 Emmitsburg, Sisters of Charity, 11 Endicott Schoolhouse, 20 "Engineering, Science and Manage- ment Defense Training," 288 English, course in planned, 117; course in, reorganized, 1895, 160; in curriculum, 1865, 86; plea for advanced courses in, 167 English Catholic poets, study of, 266 English composition prize, 1868, 99 English Department, 266; 1890, 149 n; formed, 1898, 167 English high school, establishment of, 148 if English School at St. Mary's Church, 40 Enghsh textbook, 1864, 80 Enlistments, 1917, 216; 1942, 293 Enrolhnent, 1875, 117; 1879, 129; 1884-1886, 139; 1907, 185; 1913, 202; 1914, 209; 1947, all-time high, 310; analysis of first, 79; decline in, 1904, 179; Graduate School, 1926, 251; growth in, 88; limited by space, 1899, 167; at opening of college, 77 f ; prewar, 312; record increase in, 1911, 196; reduced by war, 1918, 217; spring, 1945, 304; wartime loss in, 1944, 300 Entrance procedures, modifications in, 280 Erbacher, Sebastian Anthony, xiv ESMDT courses, 288 Ethics, professional, course, 1912, 197 Ethnology, Fr. Williams' lecture on, 269 Euripides exposition, 237 Ewing, Rev. J. F., S.J., 276 f Exammations, changes in entrance, 280; entrance, 1868, 98; public, 1865, 329; qualifying, for ASTP, 295; term, 99 Exhibition, fifth annual, 100; first annual, 81 ff; program of first, 329 f ; second annual, 92 Expedition to South America, 274; second, 275 Expedition to Syria, 275 Extension course to Sisters, 1923, 250 Extension School, formation of, 254; merged with Junior College, 254 Faculty, Jesuits as chaplains, 314; oflF-campus residence of Jesuit, 1943-1944, 296 f Faculty Building Fund, 204 Faculty Panel radio programs, 309 Faculty residence, description of, 214 f; extension to, 260; need of, 204 f; opening of, 214; plans for, 207; plans for temporary, 190 "Faculty and Students at Boston College," 129 n Fair, second, announced, 91; third college, 1889, 145 Fair Grounds, Harrison Avenue, 89 Farren, Joseph H., 123 n, 132 n, 162 n Federal Emergency Recovery Act, 269 Federal Public Housing Authority, 307 Fees, 1864, 74 Fence, Beacon Street, 272 Fenway Park, football games at, 266 Fenwick, Bishop Benedict J., 9, 16, 312; death of, 18; intentions for college in Boston, 15 Field, athletic, 1898, 163 f; opened, 212; sale aids new college, 164 Finan, Col. B. F., 113 Finances, difficulties with, 91; at start of college, 36; situation in 1861, 43; under Fr. Brosnahan, 161 First classes at college, 78 J46 INDEX First Corps Area, visit by officers of, 298 Fisher, Dr, Clarence S., 277 Fitton, Rev. James, 5; directs Latin School, 38 Fitzgerald, Mayor John F., 202, 232 Fitzpatrick, Bishop John B., 2, 20 n, 69, 124; breaks ground for col- lege, 36; on establishment of school, 20 ff; fovinds early schools, 4 f ; fimds raised by, 83; interest in Latin School, 38; on Jail Lands sale, 30; at laying of cornerstone, 37; letter of approval, 19 f; "Memoranda," 22 n, 28 n, 30 nn, 31 n; petitions City Council, 26 f; succeeds to See of Boston, 18 Fitzpatrick, Jimmie, 225 Fitzpatrick, Mr. Peter P., S.J., 77, 89, 90 Flaget, Bishop Benedict J., 12 Foch, Marshal Ferdinand, visit of, 232 Foley, Most Rev. Maurice P., 334 Football "boM^l" games, 285; games at Heights, 264; Holy Cross game, 1914, 213; victory over Yale, 224 Football field opened, 212 f Ford Tower, 241 Fordham University, 60, 166, 262, 278, 281; Fr. McGuinn at, 255; football game, 1932, 265; scholas- ticate at, 47 Fortier, Rev. Matthew L., S.J., 199; opens post-graduate classes, 197 Foster, Maj. Gen. J. G., 109 Foster Cadets, discontinuance of, 113; fonnation of, 109 f; origin of title, 109 f Fouhy, Virginia, 212 Founding of college commemorated, 279 f Franzoni, F., 203 n Frederick, Md., juniorate, 77; novi- tiate, 10, 16, 53, 76, 102, 131, 155, 159, 182, 206, 224 Free tuition, 1899, 168 French Academy, 279 French scholasticate at Fordham, 47 Freshman Field, barracks on, 1918, 218; recreation building on, 308; temporary dormitories on, 307 Friary, Rev. Walter F., S.J., dean of Boston College Intown, 254 Fuller, Hon. Alvan T., address. Li- brary dedication, 240 FuUerton, Rev. Francis D., S.J., 158 Fulton, Rev. Robert, S.J., 2, 67, 259, 312, 333; address at first commencement, 84; admission of W. H. O'ConneU by, 126; an- nouncement of drill by, 109; ap- > peal for support of high school, 148 ff, 150 n; appointment of f ak 1 scholarships, 95; arrangements foki^ first graduation by, 125; assigned to Boston, 53; assigned to New York, 131; author of catalogue, 100; building alterations by, 115; bust of, by Willmore, 132; on college debt, 68; on college rebel- lion, 112; conducts church debt appeal, 104; criticism of altera- tions under, 147 f ; dedicates YMCA wing, 153; "Diary," 69 n, 73 n, 75 n, 94 n, 95 n, 100 n, 101 n, 104 n, 107 n, 109 n, 117, 117 n, 125 n, 126 n, 129 n, 130 n, 132 n; enlargement of library, 157; eulogy on John Boyle O'Reilly, 153; farewell tribute to, 131 f; first prefect of studies, 75; on first students, 78; founder of Debating Society by, 100, 128 n; on growth of enrollment, 88; on improvement of school, 100; in- fluence of, 139; institutes English high school course, 148 ff; later career, 77 n; leaves Boston, 1890, 163; life of, 75 ff; lists of texts, 81, 327, 327 n; multiple duties of, 108; organizes YMCA, 118; praised as Prefect by Fr. Bapst, 84; president, 107; regulations for students by, 116 f; report, prais- ing teachers, 90; retires from pres- idency, 129 f ; routine activities of, 101; "Rules for Teachers," 96 f; on second fair, 94; second presi- dency, 1869, 101; second term as president, 144 ff; YMCA, 93 Fulton Debating Society, 204; name adopted, 158; origin of, 100 Fulton Medal founded, 132 IND&4: 347 Fulton Room, 204 Funds, appeal for, 1863, 68; drive for, 1869, 103 Gager, F. Malcolm, 288 Gallagher, Rev. Louis J., S.J., 204, 333; athletic program under, 264; vi'ith Cardinal Pacelli, 273; dedi- cates gate, 272; letter from Bishop Lawrence to, 268; life of, 262^; plans school of Social Work^^^S; president, 262; retires fsem pre&iy dency, 278; in Russia, 263; on Xavier letter, 272 Games, first annual spring, 137 Gannon, Rev. William F., S.J., 333; appointed president, 178 Gargan, Mrs. Helen, donation to Li- brary, 239 Gargan, Thomas J., 239 Gargan Hall, 242; Library, 239 Garraghan, Rev. Gilbert J., S.J., xv, XV n, 12 n, 15 n, 56; Middle States, 46 n, 49 n, 57 n; "Origins," 8 n, 31 n, 41 n, 45 nn, 59 n, 63 n, 72 nn, 102 n, 103 n Garrod, Dorothy, 276 Garth, St. Mary's, 261 Gasson, Rev. Thomas I., S.J., 259, 333; approves post-graduate classes, 197; Archbishop O'Gon- nell suggests site to, 186 n; assists at cornerstone laying, 202; build- ing difficulties of, 195; dedicates Tovi'er Building, 200; judge of architects' competition, 188; life of, 180 S; ordained, 182; on plans for Faculty Residence, 207; pres- ident, 179; psychology lectures by, 199; purchase of Tower Bells, 204; refusal to sell new site, 196; retires from presidency, 205; sells Massachusetts Avenue tract, 195; suggests new location for college, 183; visit to Archbishop O'Connell on new location for college, 185; visits colleges for plan sugges- tions, 188 Gaston Hall, Georgetown University, 199 Gate, dedication of, 272 Gavin, Patricia, 212 Gelanis, Rev. Raphael, S.J., 53 General Archives, Society of Jesus, Rome, xiv, xv General congregation, Jesuit, Fr. Fulton at, 144 General Education in a Free Society, 176 n Geoghan, Rev. John J., S.J., 200 n; rector di Boston College High School, 223 ,€eor^town College, 9, 10, 11, 16, 60, 61, 76, 77, 90, 142, 159; first intercollegiate debate, 161; scho- lasticate at, 47 Georgetown University, 156, 166, 169, 189, 199, 238, 263; archives, xiv, 44, 53 n, 55, 75 n, 83, 94 n, 125 n, 134 n, 153 n, 156, 156 n, 161 n, 329 n German Academy, 279 Germania Band, 84 Gibbons, James Cardinal, 224, 238, 262 Gilmore's Band, 94 Golden Jubilee Fund, 202 Gonzaga College, Washington, D. C, 144, 155, 159, 206 Gould, Arthur L., 246 n Government aid to students, 269 Grades, academic, system of, 1868, 98 Grades, titles of early, 82 Graduate degrees, in Education, 244 ff; offered, 1884, 139 Graduate division, reorganization of, 250 ff Graduate School, 259; enrollment, 1926-1927, 251; enrollment, 1947, 310; moved to campus, 254; rec- ords, 198 n; title first employed, 250 Graduates, first, 1877, 124 Graduation, first mid-winter, 1943, 295 Graham, Edward T. P., 189 Grammar, English, 1864, 80 Grandstand, 1915, 212 Grandstands, Alumni Field, 1932, 264; capacity of, 265 Grassi, Rev. John A., S.J., 10 "Great Art Gift," 203 n Great Britain, war vidth, 10 348 INDEX Greek Academy, 237 Greek requirement dropped, 270 Gresslin, Rev. Charles, S.J., 52, 54 Grimes, Virginia, 212 Ground training curriculum, 287 Growth of college, 1874-1875, 114 Guerin, Dr. Frederick J., 288 Guida, Rev. John, S.J., 54 Guidance Center, V. A., 304 Guidance for veterans, 303 f Guilday, Peter, 12 n Guiney, Gen. P. R., 113, 113 n Gwydr Hall, 282 Gymnasium, 1869, 105; 1875, 115; 1890, 147; begun, 1868, 99; drive for, 307; lack of, 1904, 314; need of, 314; YMCA, made classroom, 165 Hadrian, coins from reign of, 277 Hall of Fame, Irish, 191 ff Halloran, Florence J., 142 n Hamilton Grammar School, 278 Hanrahan, Rev. Nicholas, S.J., 53 Hanselman, Very Rev. Joseph, S.J., 183 n, 186 n, 190 n, 205 n; cor- respondence, 185 n; visit to Arch- bishop O'Connell, 185 Harding, Rev. Michael J., S.J., dean, Boston College Intown, 255 Harrison Avenue, development of, 34; site purchased, 31; site sold, 33 Hartt, RoUin Lynde, 213 n "Harvard and the Jesuit Colleges," 169 n Harvard University, 38, 103, 179, 233, 235; accrediting controversy, 168 ff, 176 f ; courses leading to the Baccalaureate, 176 n; debate with, 279; graduate school ad- missions explained, 168; Widener Library loans, 266 Harvard University Catalogue, 1899-1900, 169 n; law school list in, 177 Hasenfus, Nathaniel J., xiv n, 135 n Haverford College, 171 Hayes, Frank, 208 Healy, Rev. James A., 37 Heaney School, 4 Hearn, Rev. David W., S.J., 188 Heights, The, founded, 225; women in education classes at, 249 "Heights, University," title given, 1908, 187 Herbert, Victor, 230 Hickey, Rev. Augustine F., organ- izes courses for Sisters, 247 ff, 248 n; summer school, 249 Hierarchy, Members of, who attend- ed Boston College, 306, 334 Higgins, Rev. Edward A., S.J., 53 High School, classes at Heights, 302; enrollment, 1907, 185; plans for, 1888, 145; title first used, 152 Hill, Rev. Walter, S.J., 53 "Historta Collegii Bostoniensis," 144 n "Historia Domus, 1899-1902," 177 n Historical Account of Church in New England, 35 n Historical Sketch of Catholic Paro- chial Schools in . . . Boston, 5 n History, plea for courses in, 166 f "History of the Maryland-New York Province," xv, 65 n, 78 n Holland, Rev. Frederick, S.J., 53 Hohnes, Dr. Henry W., 298 Holy Cross Cathedral, Boston, 16 Holy Cross College, 6, 17, 20, 74, 76, 107 n, 125, 142, 153, 155, 166, 169, 175, 196, 208, 238, 281, 292, 306; charter of, 98; charter refused, 6; Fr. Bapst at, 49; Fr. Brady rector, 102; founded, 5; game, 1915, 213; game, 1932, 265; prospectus, 1844, 6 n; revi- sion of studies, 270; scholastics vacation at, 60; teacher shortage, 45 Holy Cross Seminary, 5 f ; distribu- tion of students in 1849, 6 Honor Roll blessed, 293 Honors bestowed by college, 304 f Honors course, 270 Home, Charles F., 222 n Hospital land as site, 32 Hot Springs, Ark., Fr. Fulton at, 153 Houses of study affiliated, 252 Hughes, Archbishop John, 12, 13 n Hughes, Edward F., 309 Hughes, John T., collection, 308 Hughes, Thomas J., 309 INDEX 349 Hunter, Rev. George, 2 n Ideals of students, 1866, 90 Illustrated Boston, 34 n Immaculate Conception, dogma de- fined, 1854, 53 Immaculate Conception Church, xiv, 53, 67, 73, 102 n, 130, 184; appeal to congregation of, 1888, 145; basement remodeled, 138; Carney funeral at, 71; Carney legacy to, 71; club, 1866, 93; commencement at, 1943, 295; contributions to new college, 195; conveyed to corporation by Fr. McElroy, 65; debt reduced, 1869, 104; dedicated, 43; Fr. Bapst farevi^ell at, 103; Fr. Maguire at, 191; illuminated by electricity, 1863, 54; Red Mass in, 284; site, cemetery at, 89; student singing at, 100; Sunday School diary, 94 n Immigration of Irish Catholics to Boston, 3 Improvements in college, 1870, 109 Incorporation of college, 62 Induction of reservists, 1942, 293 Influence of the Boston Athenaeum, 157 n Institute of Adult Education, 309; formed, 305 Intercollegiate Peace Association, 212 International Congress of Anthropo- logical Sciences, 269 International Institute of African Languages and Cultures, 270 Intolerance against Catholics, 7; an- swer to, 312; 1834, Ursuline Con- vent, burning of, 5 Intown, Boston College, enrollment, 1947, 301; reorganization of, 254 f, 279; School of Nursing at, 309 Intramural sports, 1905, 178 Ireland, Wm. Devlin in, 224; Fr. Gallagher in, 263; Hughes' collec- tion on, 308 f ; Jesuit Province of, 77 n; penal laws in, 8 Irish Canadians in scholasticate, 50 Irish immigrants, 313 Irish literature collection, 269 Irish Province, S.J., Fr. Fulton vis- itor to, 144 Irish schoolmasters, 5 "Iron Major," 225 Italian Academy, 279 Jail Lands episode, beneficial results of, 36; litigation, 25 If ; plan of, 22 n; purchased, 22 ff; restrictions on, 23 f ; sold to city, 29 Janalik, Rev. Aloysius, S.J., 37, 54 Japan, war with, 286 Jenkins, Rev. Charles, S.J., 49, 53 Jessup, Rev. Michael, S.J., 208, 210, 223 Jesuit college seals, 242 Jesuit community, wartime resi- dences of, 296 f Jesuit faculty, as chaplains, 314; re- turn to St. Mary's, 302 Jesuit General archives, Rome, 31 n Jesuit Houses of Studies affiliated, 252 Jesuit institution on Harvard Law School hst, 169 Jesuit Schools in New England, Fr. Murphy director of, 281 Jesuit Seminary, 277 Jesuit students, enrollment, 1947, 310 Jesuits, arrival in Boston, 18; in- vited to found school, 1811, 4; purpose of, in Boston, 312; re- established in U. S., 9 Jordan Valley, 276 JubUee, Golden, of Cardinal O'Con- nell, 269 Judges of architects' competition, 188 Junior College formed, 254 Junior Philomatheia Club, 212 Keating, Rev. Edward J., S.J., 189, 305 Keely, P. C, architect, 35 Keenan, Peter, 132 n Keleher, Rev. William L., S.J., 333; building problems, 311; life of, 306; president, 306 Kelleher, Most. Rev. Louis F., 304 f, 334 Kelley, Rev. James J., S.J., 257 350 INDEX Kelly, Capt. Andrew B., 221 Kelly, Joseph E., 203 n KeUy, Rev. Stephen, S.J., 53 Kenealy, Rev. William J., S.J., at Red Mass, 284 Kenrick, Archbishop Francis P., 77 Kilbe, Parke Rexford, 218 n Kilroy, Rev. James M., S.J., 195 n Kimball Building, 253 Kirby, John J., 162 Knights of Columbus, aid to SATC, 219 Know-Nothing Movement, 89; in Maine, 1852, 48 Know-Nothings, on City Council, 28; oppose college site, 26 Kramer, Mrs., 87 Ksar 'Akil excavations, 276 f Labor, Fr. Boursaud's sympathy for, 139 Laboratory course in chemistry, 160 Lafayette College, 171 Laforme, Joseph A., 70 f Lamson, Col. Daniel S., gift to li- brary, 157 Lamson, John, 157 n Lamson collection, Georgetown Uni- versity Archives, 139 n Lancaster, Bro. Charles S., S.J., 108 n, 109 n Lane, Rev. Charles, S.J., 203, 208 Langcake, Rev. Augustus, S.J., 46 n, 49 n, 50 n, 51 n, 53, 58 n, 60 n Language and Foreign Area course, ASTP, 298 "Latin high school" sought, 167 Latin School, at St. Mary's, 40; Sodality at, 38 Latin textbooks, 1864, 79 Latz, F. P., 204 n Lavalle, John, 267 Lavelle, Thomas D., 212 Lavery, Sir John, 267 Lawrence, Amas A., 268 Lawrence, Bishop William, letter on college site, 268 Lawrence Brook, 311 Lav^Tence Estate, purchase of, 186 Lawrence Farm, 183; site of col- lege, 268 Law School, 259; enrollment, 1947, 310; Harvard, accrediting dispute, 168 ff, 176 f; inaugurated, 252; sponsor of Red Mass, 284 Lawson, Thomas W., 262 Lawyers' Building, 253 Lay students, opening of college re- quested for, 70; opening of col- lege for, 72 Leahy, William A., 18 n Lebanese Government Expedition, 277 Lectures, Candlemas, 309 Legislature, Massachusetts, and Col- lege charter, 63; in 1907, 186 Lehy, Rev. John F., S.J., letter from Dr. Eliot, 169 n Lenox, Mass., 306; Jesuit House of Studies affiliated, 252; novitiate, 310 Liberal education, aims and methods of, 160 Liberatore philosophy course, 54 n Library, anthropological, 275; ca- pacity, 242; Catliolic club, 1866, 93; fee, 1868, 99 Library, Boston College, 79; 1891, 156; drive for books, 233; gifts to, 157, 268; holdings, 1894, 158; monograph on, by Devitt, 156 Library Building, breaking ground for, 233; construction resumed, 239; cornerstone laying, 234; ded- ication, 240; description, 240 S Life of Christ, 269 Life of St. Ignatius, 267 Liggett Estate, 258; purchased, 282 Liggett, Louis K., 282 Lincoln, Abraham, 50; Fr. McElroy likened to, 12; funeral procession, 155; inauguration holiday, 56 Lisbon, Xavier letter found in, 271 "Literary Exhibition," 1877, 125 Literature, philosophy of, course, 1912, 197 LiUerae Anntiae, 1861-1862, 58 n; 1923, 233; 1925-1926, 239 n; J 936, 312 Lodge, Henry Cabot, 230 Lodge house as faculty residence, 1909, 190 Logue, Charles W., 189, 214; Build- ing Company, 209 INDEX 351 London Anthropology Congress, 1934, 269 Long, Governor John D., 129, 131 Long, Rev. John J., S.J., 211, 290; institution of Commons Rooms by, 294 n; on V-7 plan, 291 Lord, Rev. Robert H., 186 n Lord, Sexton and Harrington, His- tory of Archdiocese of Boston, 4 nn, 5 n, 6 n, 7 n, 18 n, 22 n Lowell Institute, 309; Co-operative Broadcasting Council, 309 Loyola College, Baltimore, 49, 76, 90, 131, 141 n, 161, 182 Lynch, Rev. Daniel J., S.J., 210, 232 Lyons, Rev. Charles W., S.J., 244 n, 333; approval of Philomatheia Club, 210; discontinues postgrad- uate courses, 198; lecture course, 1923, 250; life of, 206; at opening of St. Mary's Hall, 215; on plans for Faculty Residence, 207; plans School of Education, 244; presi- dent, 205; Rector of Boston Col- lege High School, 223; retires from presidency, 223; on SATC, 221; at SATC opening, 218 Lytton, Hon. Neville, 267 / Maas, Very Rev. Anthony, S.J., 198 n, 202, 207 n, 208 n, 214 n Macdonald, Rev. Alan, S.J., 53 Maclaurin, R. C, 217 Madonna del Gran Duca, 267 Magazine, college, founded, 134 Maggs of London, 272 Maginnis, Charles D., account of competition, 188 n; at Library dedication, 240; at opening of St. Mary's Hall, 214; at organiza- tion of Philomatheia, 209; on stone in library, 240 n Maginnis and Walsh, architects, 207, 260; design Business Building, 311; plans for Science Building, 227; wdnners of competition, 189 Maguire, Rev. Bernard, S.J., 142 Maguire, Rev. James L, S.J., 191, 193 n Mahan, Rev. George S., S.J., 276 f. Maher, Mary A., 309 Mahoney, Jeremiah, 301 Major, Rev. James, S.J., 53, 67 Malone, Bernard, 209 Mann, Horace, 6 Marcy, W. L., Secretary of War, 13 Marine Corps Reserve, 286 Marique, Mr. J. M. F., S.J., 237 Marketing, courses in, B. C. Intown, 305 Marking, method of, 1868, 98 Marriage, symposium on Catholic, 279 Marshall, Col. William M., 286 Maryknoll, Bishop Walsh, founder of, 334 Maryland, Catholics in, 2; Jesuit Province of, 17; student interest in, 1866, 90 Maryland history, Fr. Devitt's study of, 156 Maryland-Nevi^ York Province, S.J., 202, 276; Wm. Devlin enters, 224 Maryland Province, S.J., 46 n, 49, 59, 60, 106; historical material, 156; scholasticate, 47; support of scholasticate, 58 Maryland Province, Society of Jesus archives, xiv, 30 nn, 39 n, 47 n, 63 n, 66 n, 68 n, I'll n, 183 n, 207 n; Baltimore, 169 n Mascot, "Eagle," selected, 225 Mass, daily, required, 1868, 98; hearing of, in college chapel, 233; military, SATC, 219; music at, 1868, 100; Votive, of Holy Spirit, 284 Massachusetts, approval of seminary degrees by state of, 252; Com- monwealth of, gift of military equipment, 1870, 109; constitu- tion of 1780, 2; legislature of, 6; Supreme Court of, 284 Massachusetts Avenue property, 161; purchased, 163 Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, 160, 217, 235 Masses, memorial, for war dead, 303 f Master of arts degree, in Education offered, 244; first conferred, 1877, 139 n, 141 n; granted 1913-1915, 198; holders prior to 1913, 139 n; offered, 1884, 139 352 INDEX Mathematics, Department of, in ESMDT, 288; new A.B. major, 270; in war courses, 291 Matignon, Rev. Francis A., 4 Matriculation course, veterans', 303 Maxwell, Rev. Joseph R. N., S.J., 292 Mazzella, Fr. Camillo, 128 McAvoy, Rev. A. J., S.J., 51 n, 55 n, 69 n, 71 nn; Bapst life, 70 n McCall, Gov. Samuel W., 220 McCarthy, Dr. Eugene A., 191; organizes alumni association, 140 McCloskey, Brother James, S.J., 52 McCoi-mick, Rev. James T., S.J., 195 n McElroy, Rev. John, S.J., 2, 22 n, 34, 42 n, 43, 44 n, 61, 69 n, 75, 243, 311, 312; aided by Carney, 68; announcement of Brady ap- pointment by, 102 n; becomes Jesuit, 9; in Boston, 15; breaks ground for college, 36; contracts for college building, 35; conveys college, St. Mary's church to corporation, 66; credit refused, 43; declines presidency, 65; on deferred opening, 45, 52; diary, 8 n, 19 n; elected first president of Boston college, 62; elected vice-president, 65; encounters bigotry, 24; establishes elementary school, 19; friendship with Gov- ernor Rice, 125; guest at first commencement, 84; investigates hospital site, 32 f; investigates South End properties, 29 f; on lack of aid from St. Mary's, 40; lays cornerstone for college, 37, 38; leaves Boston, 1863, 67; life, 8 ff; on loans for buildings, 41 flF; Mexican war chaplaincy, 8 n, 12; named Pastor of St. Mary's, Boston, 18; on opening of college for lay students, 72; ordained, 10; plans school for boyS; 20; presents another petition, 28; proposes Jesviit college, 15 f; purchase of Otis School, 21; purchases Jail Lands, 23; purchases South End site, 31 ff; renews petition, 26 f; seeks college charter, 63 f; seeks removal of restrictions, 25; sells Jail Lands, 29; suggested for episcopacy, 12 n; supervises build- ing of college, 39; teacher of Brady, 102; title to college prop- erties in name of, 63; trustee, 65; urges opening of college for ex- terns, 58 f; work at Frederick, Md., 11 McEvoy, Mrs., 44 McFadden, Mr. George, S.J., 209 n, 210 McGarry, E. Leslie, 278 McGarry, Julia Agnes, 278 McGarry, Rev. WiUiam J., S.J., 333; addresses Alumni, 279; editor of Theological Studies, 280; forms College of Business Administra- tion, 257; library improvement under, 242; life of, 278; president, 277; reorganization of Intown Division, 279; retires from presi- dency, 280 McGan'ey, Anne, 181 McGrady, Rev. Joseph E., S.J., 302 McGuinn, Rev. Walter, S.J., plans School of Social Work, 255 McHugh, Rev. Patrick J., S.J., dean, Junior College, and Arts College, 254; death of, 270 McLaughlin, Edward A., first presi- dent alumni association, 140, 141 n, 202 McLaughlin, Rev. Edward J., 225 McNally, R. S. H., Mother Charlotte, 181 McQuaid, Rev. Patrick, S.J., 53 Meagher, Rev. Walter J., S.J., 6 n Mechanics' Building, College Ball at, 123 M. Ed., degree approved, 246 Medal of Honor of Lebanese Merit, 277 Medical degrees, authority to grant, 186 Mela, Titular Bishop of, 302 Mellyn, Rev. James F., S.J., 223 dean of Graduate School, 251 dean of School of Education, 245 education lectures to Sisters, 248 INDEX 353 lecture course by, 1923, 250; letters, 246 nn Meneely, Andrew E., 204 n Meneely and Co., 204 Mercier, Desire Cardinal, 224 JMetcalf, Rev. Theodore, 119 Methods, teaching, 1867, 96 f Mexico, American army in, 13; pacification of Catholics in, 13 n Meynell, Alice, 267 Meynell, Wilfrid, gifts of, 267 Miles, General Perry, 298 Military equipment, gift from state of, 112 Military training, 1918, 217 If Millmore, Martin, 132, 132 n Minihan, Msgr. Jeremiah F., 186 n Minerals, collection of, 99 Miraculous Medal enrollment of soldiers, 294 Missal, gift of Cardinal Pacelli, 273 Mission exhibits in museum, 275 Missouri Province, S.J., 46 n; scho- lasticate, 47; scholastics at Boston, 49 Molyneaux, Rev. Robert, S.J., 9 Monterey, Mexico, 13 Montreal, 262 Morale committee, 1942, 292 Morgan, Rev. J., S.J., 102 n, 106 n Morrell and Wigglesworth, college contractors, 35 Morris, Robert, 157 Moscow, Vatican Mission to, 263 Moses, Lieut. K. L., 286 Moses, Senator George H., 283 Moynihan, Rev. James F., S.J., 304 M.S.S.W., degree awarded, 256 Mt. St. James Academy, 38 Mt. St. James Seminary, 5 Mulcahy, Rev. Stephen A., S.J., armed forces representative, 293; at ASTP departure, 299; co- ordinator of ASTP, 296 Mullally, Rev. John B., S.J., 53 MuUan, Rev. W. G. Read, S.J., 333; on Harvard accrediting contro- versy, 168 ff; letter from Dr. Eliot, 169 n; life of, 166; on new site for college, 183; presi- dent, 166; reply to Dr. Eliot's letter, 170 f; report on athletic field, 164; report on Boston Col- lege prospects, 167; retires from presidency, 178 Mulledy, Very Rev. Thomas, S.J., 17 n Mullen, Rev. A. J. E., S.J., 147, 158 MuUin, Francis R., 212 MuUins, Capt. George, 112 Mulry, Rev. Joseph A., S.J., 165 n Mural decorations, new college, 201 Murphy, Mr. John J., S.J., 112 Murphy, Rev. J. F. X., S.J., xv, xv n Murphy, Rev. Joseph W., S.J., 276 f Murphy, Rev. W. E., S.J., xv, xv n Murphy, Rev. William J., S.J., 270, 333; on accelerated war program, 292; at ASTP departure, 299; blesses Honor Roll, 293; at de- parture of Marines, 254; gives rooms to high school, 302; life of, 281; offers college for ASTP, 296; president, 281; at Red Mass, 284; retires from presidency, 306; on veterans' course, 303; on war situation, 291 Murray, Vice- Admiral George D., 305 Museum, anthropological, opened, 274; gift of, 211; as Jesuit resi- dence, 1943-1944, 296 Museum Building, 258 Music Hall, Boston, 92; Fair at, 70 Musical Clubs, concert, 1838, 279 National Youth Administration (NYA), 269; aid to students, 269 Navy, alumni in, honor Adm. Murray, 305 Navy Reserve, 293 Navy reservists, 289 Navy V-7 plan, 291 Navy Yard, Washington, D. C, 76 Neale, Archbishop Leonard, 9 f Nevins estate, 183 New England Province, S.J., 281; archives, xiv; Houses of Study affiliated at Boston College, 252 Newspapers, lack of recognition by, 107 Newton, City of, land ceded to, 354 INDEX 272; permit to build stands, 265 Newton site purchased, 186 Newton Street, property purchased, 162 New York-Canada Mission, S.J., 49, 101 New York Herald, 8 n New York Province, S.J., archives, xiv, 221 n; historical material, 156 New York Sun, 169 Night school classes, 1912, 197 Nintli Regiment, M.VaM., 112 Non-Catholic donors, 1869, 104 Noon an loan, 62 Normal school, city of Boston, 244, 246; affiliated, 252 Norton, Elliot, 309 Norton, Michael, 38 Novick, Brother Ignatius, S.J., 208 Novitiate, affiliated, 252; at Lenox, Mass., 306 Nugent, William D., 227, 228 n, 229 "Number of Students in Our Col- leges," 139 n Nursing, School of, 309 Oberammergau Players, 234 Oberlin College, 171 O'Brien, Dr. John F., 187 O'Brien, Rev. John A., S.J., 290 O'Brien, Rev. Richard A., S.J., 232 O'Connell, Daniel, Memorial Build- ing, 191; statue of, 192 O'Connell, Mrs. Brigit, 127 O'Connell, William Cardinal, 202, 223, 332, 334; appointed to See of Boston, 185; approves change of location for college, 185; ap- proves education courses for Re- ligious, 247 f; approves School of Social Work, 255; breaks ground for Science Building, 232; chairman of drive, 229; choice of Chestnut Hill location, 186; confers first advanced degrees on Religious, 251; at cornerstone laying. Science Building, 233; creates St. Ignatius Parish, 239 n; death of, 301; dedicates Summer School, 249 f; donation to Alumni Drive, 1920, 226; donation to War Fund, 301; donations to 1921 drive, 230; fund appeal to clergy, 229; gift of O'Connell Hall by, 282; Golden Jubilee, 269; lays cornerstone of Library Building, 234; Letters, Recollections of, 127 n, 128 n, 129 n; makes chapel semi-public, 233; at Mercier visit, 224; message at fund meeting, 1908, 187; at Red Mass, 284; registration information, 1879, 127; requests summer school for women, 249; at 75th Anniversary Mass, 280; as student at Boston CoUege, 126 S O'Connell Hall, acquired, 282; Busi- ness School at, 258; cafeteria in, 308 O'Connor, Bishop of Pittsburgh, 53 O'Connor, Rev. Jeremiah, 333; life of, 130 f; president, 130, 134 flF; retires from presidency, 137 O'Connor, Rev. Michael, S.J., 53 O'Donnell, Rev. George A., S.J., 275; dean of Graduate School, 254 Office of Education, U. S., 288 Officer training opportunities, 290 Officers of Alumni Association, first, 331 f Officers of college corporation, first, 65 "Official Report of the Treasurer," 228 n O'Hare, Most Rev. William F., 334 O'Loughlin, John, 239 O'Malley, Lucille, 212 O'Neill, Fr. Francis J., S.J., 38 n Opening of college, 1913, 199 Opening day, 1864, 77 Order of day, SATC, 219 O'Reilly, John Boyle, 118; Fr. Fulton letter to, 148 ff; Fulton eulogy on, 153; poem to Fr. Fulton, 131; tribute to Fr. Fulton, 131 "Origins of Boston College," 15 nn; 1842-1869, XV n, 8 n Orr, Father, 87 Osservatore Romano, 203 n INDEX 355 Otis Schoolhouse, 20; purchased, 21 "Our Scholasticate, 180S-1869," 49 n Pacelli, Eugenio Cardinal, visit, 273 Palestine, rare coins from, 277 Papal Benediction to alumni, 279 Papal Secretary of State visit, 273 Pardow, Rev. William, S.J., 159 Paresce, Very Rev. Angelo M., S.J., 53, 54 n, 56 n, 59, 60 n, 61 n, 62 n, 63, 64 n, 66 n, 67 nn, 68 n, 69 n, 70 nn, 71 n, 83 n, 84 n, 88 n, 90 n, 91 n, 103 n; closes scholasticate, 60; report on open- ing of Boston College for lay students, 72 Parish rights for college, 184 f Parish school teachers, training of, 247 ff Parke, Col. J. S., 218, 221 Parker award for Science Building, 235 Parochial school, first in Boston, 4 Passion Play, 213 Passion Players', Oberammergau, visit, 234 Patmore, Coventry, 267 Pearl Harbor, 286, 290 Peck, Prof. H. T., 174 Pelletier, Hon. Joseph C, 202 Penalties against Catholics, 2 Permission to build college, 27 n Perry, Bliss, 173, 173 n, 174 Peters, Mayor Andrew J., 230 Petitions for college site, 25 f Phelan, James J., 229 Philadelphia, 131; Fr. McElroy in, 14 Philodemic Debating Society, 199 Philomatheia Ball, 1920, 226 Philomatheia Club, 209 ff, 310; gift, 1917, 214; gifts, 211; Junior, 212; lecture, 1938, 279; museum, gift of, 274; purchases chalet, 233; purchases Xavier letter, 272; at St. Mary's Hall dedication, 214 Philomatheia Clubhouse, Greek Academy in, 237 Philosophy, Class of 1880, 128; course in, postponed, 1870, 111; plea for better courses in, 167 Physical training program, 1905, 178 Physicians, alumni as, 313 Physics, Department of, in ESMDT, 288; instruments for course, 158; laboratory, gift, 211 Pierce, Rev. Michael G., S.J., dec- oration of Commons Rooms by, 294 n; institutes Veterans' course, - 303; issues war certificates, 304; purchase of surplus materials by, 308 Pilot, The, on building enlargement, 1874, 114 f; on college altera- tions, 1875, 115; and college prospectus in, 73 f; Eliot-Mullan letters in, 176; on Fr. Fulton's appointment, 107; on first classes of college, 78; on first commence- ment, 83; on fund appeal, 1869, 104; lack of notice in, 1865, 85; letter to, on YMCA, 118; list of awards, 92; microfilm copy, 74 n; on new college hall, 1875, 116; on scale of perpetual scholarships, 87; on second commencement, 93; on Second Fair, 94; on YMCA, 121 Pilot training, 287 "Pioneer Days at Boston College," 35 n, 90 n Pius IX, Pope, 203 Pius Xn, see Pacelli, Eugenio Cardinal Placement Bureau, 290, 292 Plans for new college, 187; contest for, 188 Plattsburg, B. C, scholarships at, 211 Plattsburg training camp, appoint- ments to, 216 Play, annual French, 1902, 178; college, 1869, 100; Dramatic Society's, 1938, 279; first college, 82; program of first college, 330 Pledges to building fund, 1908, 187 Polk, President James K., 12, 13, 13 n Pontifical Bibhcal Institute, 278; Expedition, 276 356 INDEX Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 309 Post-graduate classes, 1912, 197 Pouglikeepsie, N. Y., 238, 262, 278 Power, Rev. James, S.J., 67 Pray, Hubbard and White, 212 Prefect of Schools, 84 Prefect of Studies, autliority of, in academic matters, 100; first, 75; Provincial, directs, revision, 270 Pre-legal courses, Downtown Center, 253 Prematriculation course, 303 Preparatory department formed, 167 Preparatory school, 4-year course, 177 President Eliot and Jesuit Colleges, 174 n Presidents of Boston College, listing of, 333 Priesthood, perpetual scholarships aids to, 87; vocations to, 313; vocations to, from college, 1875, 117 Priests, diocesan, at first graduation, 125 Prince, Mayor Frederick O., 131 Princeton University, 174 Private Schools Investigation BUI, 31 n Prize at Commencement, 1865, 81 Prize drill, 1872, 113 Prizes for studies, 177 Prize-winning plan for campus, 189 Professional schools, beginning of, 244 Professors, Boston College, extension lectures by, 248 Professorships planned, 1889, 167 "Project of Common Scholasticate," 46 n Property, Newton Street, bought, 162 ' "Proposal for Financial Adjustment," 195 n Prose . . . al Gruppo Rappresentante San Michele, 203 n Prospectus of college, 1864, 73 Protestant petitions on college site, 25 Protestant reaction to Bapst attack, 48 Provincial, Jesuit, and correspond- ence with Fr. McElroy on open- ing of college, 59; permission for debate, 161; permission for dra- matics sought from, 82 f Provincial Archives, Woodstock, 60 n, 61 n Psychology, class in physiological, 160 Public life, graduates in, 313 Publicity, early efforts at college, 83 Punishment, misconduct, 1868, 99 Purcell, Bishop John B., 12 Quirk, Rev. John F., S.J., 208 Quota system. Alumni 1920 drive, 227 Radio broadcasts, college, 309 Ramsbottom, J. G., estate, 233 Ranney, Ambrose A., 32 n Ratio Studiorum, 55 Reading, annual prize for, 99 Reading room, Library, donated, 239 Real estate, charter authority to hold, 186 "Recent Changes in Secondary Edu- cation," 173 n Reception Room, Library, 242 Recitation Building, approval for, 190; dedication of, 200; opening of, 199 "Records of the ROTC," 221 n "Records of the SATC," 218 n, 219 n "Records of the Trustees of Boston College," 65 n, 66 n, 162 n, 163 n, 186 n, 194 n, 195 n, 209 Recreation building, temporary, 308 Recreation center object of drive, 307 Recruiting of students, 1941, 290 Rector, nominations for first, 72; title established, 107 Rectors of Boston College, listing of, 333 Redden, John D., xi Redfield estate, 282 Red Mass, 284 Refresher courses, ASTP, 297; veterans', 303 INDEX 357 Register, official college, 106 "Register of Students," 78 n, 88 n, 89 n, 96 n, 127 n Registration, for draft, 292 f, 77 f, growth in, 88 Reilly, Brother Andrew, S.J., 208 Religion, no admission discrimina- tion because of, 98; removed from Massachusetts schools, 6 Religious, graduate degrees con- ferred on, 251; higher education for, 247 Religious expression, corporate, 310 Religious instruction, college aim, 73 "Reminiscences," P. H. Callanan, 105 Requirements, for admission, 1864, 73; 1868, 97; for graduate de- grees. School of Education, 246 Research, lectures to promote, 309 Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), 221; discontinuance of, 221 Reservoir on Lawrence Farm land, 268 Residentia, title of college, 1863, 67 Resthouse, faculty, Cohassett, 261 f Rey, Rev. Anthony, S.J., 12; death of, 13 Rice, Gov. Alexander H., aid to Boston College, 31 n; present at commencement, 1877, 125; sug- gests South End site, 31 "Richard III" (1869), 100 Richards, Rev. J. Havens, S.J., 161, 189; attends intercollegiate de- bate, 162 "Richelieu" produced, 1875, 116 Ring, John D., 225 Ritchie, electric light by, 55 Roberts, Mrs. Vincent P., 209 n, 210, 274 Roberts, Vincent P., 227 Rockwell, Very Rev. Joseph, S.J., 221 n, 222 n, 223, 244 n, 226 n, 249 nn Rocky Mountain Mission, 49 Rodden, Rev. John, 37 Roman coins, 277 Rome, relics of B. Andrew brought to, 263 Roothaan, Very Rev. John, S.J., 15 n, 17, 18 n, 19 n; reply to Bishop Fitzpatrick, 20 Royal Geographical Society, 270 Rules, for students, 116 f; for teachers, Fr. Fulton's, 96 f Russia, Fr. Gallagher in, 262 Russo, Rev. Nicholas, S.J., 333; books by, 143 n; librarian at college, 157; life of, 143; presi- dent, 142 f; president of W. H. O'Connell, 128; retirement from presidency, 144 Rutgers College, 171 Ryan, Most Rev. Edward F., 304 f, 334 Ryan, Rev. Abram J., poem in Stylus, 135 Ryan, Rev. J. J., S.J., 49 n, 51 n, 52 n, 53, 55 n, 57 n, 58 n, 61 n Ryan, Rev. John W., S.J., 140 n, 309 Sacred Heart, Religious of the, 181 Sacred Heart Review, 174 Sadlier's Catholic Almanac, 1871, 107 n St. Aloysius Gonzaga, bell, 204; statue, 203 St. Andrew-on-Hudson, 238, 262, 278, 281 St. Bonaventure, Life of Christ, 269 St. Catherine's Guild, 204 St. Cecilia Society, 112 St. Charles' College, Maryland, 126 St. Clement's College, Metz, 233 St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 183 St. Francis Borgia, 272 St. Francis Xavier bell, 204; Col- lege, N. Y., 182, 189, 206; High School, 262 St. Francis Xavier letter, 271; gift of, 211 St. Ignatius Loyola, 55; bell, 204 St. Ignatius Loyola Church, N. Y. C, 131 St. Ignatius Parish, xiv, 241; created, 239 n St. John Berchmans, 203; bell, 204 St. John's College, Fordham, 169 St. John's College, Frederick, Md., li, 76, 102 358 INDEX St. John's Free School, 11 St. John's Literary Institute, 11 St. John's Seminary, 302 St. Joseph's CoUege, Philadelphia, Pa., 131, 206 f St. Joseph's School, Roxbury, 238 St. Lawrence's Church, N. Y. C, 131 St. Louis, 107; scholasticate at, 47 St. Mary of the Annunciation high school, 179 n St. Mary's Church, xiii, 20, 21, 30, 155; aid dispute, 103 n; aid lacking to college, 91; assigned to Jesuits, 18; conveyed to corpora- tion by Fr. McElroy, 66; Fr. Brady at, 102; Fr. McElroy leaves, 40; financial assistance from, 42; need of support from, 40; "prop- erty" of Fr. McElroy, 63; refusal to aid college, 102 n; return of Fr. Brady to, 106; Sodality of, 38; transferred to corporation, 64 St. Mary's College, Kentucky, 53 St. Mary's Free School, 39 St. Mary's Hall, as ASTP barracks, 296; Cardinal PaceUi at, 273; chapel, 239; classes in, 226; description of, 214 f; ground broken for, 208; new wing, 260; occupation of, 215; opening of, 214; reoccupied by Jesuit Faculty, 1944, 300, 302 St. Mary's Jubilee, 22 n St. Mary's School, 22, 90 St. Michael Archangel, statue, his- tory of, 201, 203 St. Stephen's School, 180 St. Thomas Aquinas, 128; statue, 203 St. Thomas Aquinas College, 179 St. Valentine's Total Abstinence Society, 119 Salaries, no reduction in, 1932, 264 Saltonstall, Gov. Leverett, 284 San Augustin explorations, 274 Santa Clara College, 213 Santayana, George, on Fr. O'Connor, 131, 131 n Scanlan, Michael J., 162 Schedule, Boston scholasticate, 55; changes, 1941, 291; daily, 1864, 78 f Scheflf, Fritzi, 230 Scholarship, Philomatlieia, 211 Scholarship examinations, 280 Scholarship funds made secure, 161 Scholarships, 1889, 168; first, 87; free perpetual, 91; perpetual, 86 f; at Plattsburg, 211; second fair, 94 f; for wortliy poor, 97 Scholasticate, Weston, 281 Scholasticate at Boston College, 45; central, urged, 46; closing of, 60; common, ordered, 47; dis- continued, 58 if; expenses of, 58; objections to, 57; opening of, 49 Scholastics, Jesuit, boarding of, re- quested, 66; graduate training of, 281 School, Catholic common, 1845, 6; earliest Catholic in Boston, 4; elementary founded by Fr. Mc- Elroy, 19 School Committee, City of Boston, B. C. School of Education, 244 S School of Divinity affiliated, 252 School of Dramatic and Expressional Arts, 310 School of Education, planned, 244 ff; superseded, 251; women ad- mitted to, 249 f School of Philosophy and Sciences affiliated, 252 School of Social Work, 255 f, 258 f; enrollment, 310 Schools, New England public, 78 Schroen, Brother Francis C, S.J., 199, 201, 204 Science Building, description of, 235 BF; drive for, 226; ground broken, 232; opening, 234; orig- inal location, 235; plans for, 227 Science classes, 1913, 201 Science department improvements, 1898, 165 Science instruments, 1891, 158; purchased, 1920, 226 Science majors deferred, 1943, 295 Sciences, importance of, 315; in curriculum, 1865, 86 Scientists, graduates as, 313 INDEX 359 Scott, General Winfield, 13 Secularization of education, Mas- sachusetts, 6 Seismograph station at Weston, 236 Selective Service Act, 1917, 216, 289 Seminaries, Jesuit, affiliated, 252 Seminarium Bostoniense, 52 Seminary, Jesuit, in college building, 46; gifts to, 211 Senate, Massachusetts State, 63 f Senate chamber, YMCA building, 147 Senior Commons, 294 Service, alumni in, record of, 313; World War I record, 222 Servicemen on Honor Roll, 293 f Sestini, Rev. Benedict, S.J., 52, 54 Seven Oaks, Kent, 180 Seventy-fifth Anniversary Brochure, XV, XV n Seventy-fifth Anniversary of college, 279 f Seventy-five Years: St. Mary's of the Annunciation, 179 n Shadowbrook novitiate, 252, 306, 310 Shakespeare Window, 242 Shakespearean play, first, 1869, 100 Shandelle, Rev. Henry J., S.J., 118 n, 119 nn, 122 n Shaughnessy, Most Rev. Gerald, 309, 334 Shaw, Henry S., 186 Shaw, Rev. Joseph Coolidge, S.J., 103; gift to library, 157 Shea, Commander John J., 294 Shea, Frederick, 303 Shea, John G., 2 n Sheehan, D. F., 121 Sheehan, Rev. Arthur J., S.J., 292 Shuman, Mrs. Edwin A., 210, 214, 229 Shurhammer, Rev. George, S.J., 272 Shurtleff, Arthur A., 189 Sinnott, Jolin, 4 Sinnott, Joseph, 87 Sisters, higher education for re- ligious, 247 Sisters of Charity in Boston, 19 Sisters of Notre Dame, 19, 22 Site, for college, 22 ff; interest by colleges in new, 196; for new college, 183; Massachusetts Ave- nue, 163 Skeleton, Ksar 'Akil, 276 f Smith, Col. Morton, 298 Smith, Rev. George F., S.J., 271 n Social Work, School of, 255 ff; enrolhnent, 1947, 310 Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 302 Society of Jesus, General Archives, Rome, xiv, 15 n; candidates from Latin School, 38; re-established in United States, 9 Society of St. Cecilia, 99 Sodality of the Immaculate Con- ception, 99, 112 Sodality Latin School, 38 Soldiers, certificates to families of, 304; graduates as, 313; ministered to, 1862, 58 Song book, Boston College, 280 Sopranis, Very Rev. Felix, S.J., 41 n, 45, 61; report on Boston scho- lasticate, 56; visitor to America, 47 Source Records of the Great War, 222 n South End, Boston, development of, 34; site sought in, 29; opposition, 31 f Spalding, Dr. James F., 178 Spanish Academy, 279 Spellman, Most Rev. Francis J., 273 Splaine, Michael J., 162 Springfield (Mass.) diocese formed, 107 n Stack, library, capacity, 242 Stack, Rev. Thomas H., S.J., 333; death of, 142; first moderator of The Stylus, 134; life of, 141; president, 141 Stack room temporary "library," 239 Stacks, library, completed, 279 Stadium, Alumni Field, 264 Standards, academic, plea for higher academic, 166 f; raised, 1902, 177 Stands, Alumni Field, 265 Steinbacker, Rev. Nicholas, S.J., 40, 52 360 INDEX Stimson Estate, 274 Stinson, Rev. William M., S.J., 233 Stonestreet, Very Rev. Charles, S.J., 10 n, 27 n, 29, 30 nn, 31 n, 32 n, 40 Stonyhurst, Wm. Devlin at, 224 Storey estate, 282 "Story of Boston College," xv n Strike by students, 111 f Student accommodations, emer- gency, 307 Student body, first year, 77 f; growth of, 88; withdrawal of, in 1871, 112 Student-laborers on grandstands, 265 Student life at Boston College, 1865, 89 f Students' Army Training Corps (SATC), curriculum, 218 f; at Fordham, 278; history of, 217 ff; opening of, 218; origin, 217; re- quest to continue, 220; tenni- nated, 220 "Students in Our Colleges," 179 n; "1916," 222 n Student types, 1865, 90 Studies, course of, 1864, 73; 1865- 1866, 86; program reorganized, 1902, 177; revision of, 1935, 270 Stylus, The, 140; on athletic field, 163 f; on early baseball, 137; on football field, 212; founded, 1883, 134; resumes publication, 159; staff, 1883, 134; suspends publication, 135 Sullivan, James S., 35 n Sullivan, Rev. Francis V., S.J., 292; directs fund drive, 307 Sullivan, Rev. James D., S.J., 255 n, 256 Summa Philosophica (Russo), 143 n Summer, Rev. John, S.J., 89 Summer schedule, wartime, 300 Summer School, enrollment, 1927, 252; opening of, 1924, 249; re- quested, 249 Sunday School Diary, Immaculate Conception Church, 102 n, 104 n, 125 n Support of college limited, 77 f, 85 Surplus war materials purchased, 308 Sweeney, Most Rev. James J., 305 Symphony Hall, College Ball at, 123 Syria, expedition to, 275 fl: Tadolini, M. le Chevalier Scipione, 203 Taft, William H., 220 n Taney, Roger B., 10 Tax rate for early college, 36 Taylor, John R., 225 Taylor, General Zachary, 13 Teachers, at Boston College, early, 77; favorable report on early, 84; graduates as, 313; preparation of city school, 244 ff Teachers' College, City of Boston, 247 Teachers' Institute, 1922, 249 Teacher training plan, discontinued, 247 Teaching staff, enlargement of, 1865, 89 Teale, Rev. Bernard, S.J., 53 Teleilat Ghassul, 276 Tennis courts, 1898, 165 Textbooks, 1864, 79; 1867-1868, 81; 327 f Theological Studies, Fr. McGarry editor of, 280 Thompson Collection, 266; bibliog- raphy, 267 n Thompson Room, 242 Thought, Fr. McGarry on, 278 Thwing, Charles Franklin, 220 n Tillson, Mrs. Augustus P., 210 Time-Order, college, 1864, 78 f Title of college, changes in, 52, 67 Tobin, Hon. Maurice J., 284 Tobin, Rev. John A., S.J., army reserve adviser, 293; co-ordinator pilot training, 287; Defense Train- ing Program, 288 Toronto, Pontifical Institute at, 309 Tower Building, 310; begun, 194; B. C. high classes in, 302; busi- ness classes in, 284; construction of, 196; construction suspended, 195; dedication of, 200; dining room in, 307; dominance threat- ened, 208; opening of, 199; sci- ence classes in, 234; wartime faculty dining room in, 296 INDEX 361 Towle, Henry C, 35 n, 90 n, 146 n; on college site, 34; holder of first scholarship, 87; "Pioneer Days," 136 n; recollections of, 89 f Townsend, Lady, 283 Training, Military, 216 S Transcript, praise of campus by, 213 Treacy, Rev. Gerald C, S.J., 210, 219 Treasurer, report on scholarships by, 87 Trinity Church, Washington, 10, 12 Trinity (Conn.) College, 171 True Religion, The (Russo), 143 n Trustees of Boston College approve M.Ed, degree, 246; authorize Nevi^ton Street purchase, 162; Chalet given to, 234; first meet- ing of, 65; purchase Newton site, 186; title changed, 186 Tuffer, Rev. Michael, S.J., 108 Tuition charges, 1864, 74; 1868, 97; absence of, desired, 168; in de- pression, 263; education, students', paid by city, 246; at Holy Cross, 1849, 6 Undergraduate Commons, 293 f, 294 n Union, labor; objection to student workers, 265 United Drug Company, 282 United States Catholic Almanac, 1836, 5n University branches begun, 244 "University Heights" title given, 1908, 187 Upham's Comer, campaign clock, 230 Ursuline Sisters, first school, 4 U. S. Marine Corps Reserve, 286 U. S. Office of Education, 288 Valedictory, first Boston College, 77 n, 126 Vannutelli, Cardinal, visit to college, 194 Varsi, Rev. Aloysius, S.J., 52; electric lights in church by, 54 Vatican Relief Mission, 263 Verhaegen, Very Rev. Peter J., S.J., 12, 17, 18, 19 n Veterans, return of, to college, 303 Veterans' Administration, U. S., 303; Guidance Center, 304 Veterans' Matriculation Course, 303; terminated, 308 Vidal, Dr. Frederico G. P., 271 Vienna, University of, 275 n, 276 Villa, Cohasset, gift for, 211 Villiger, Very Rev. Burchard, S.J., 39 n, 45 n, 155 Virginia mission stations, 11 Viri Romae, 78 Visitor, to American Jesuit houses, 47; report of, 56; to Ireland, Fr. Fulton as, 144 Vocations, to priesthood, 313; to So- ciety of Jesils from college, 1875, 117 Von Jagemann, Dr. Hans, 170 V-1 reservists called, 293 V-7 plan, U. S. Navy, 291 Walde-Waldegg, Dr. H. von, 274 f Walsh, David I., 218, 230 Walsh, Louis S., 5, 5 n, 6 n Walsh, Most Rev. James Anthony, 334 War, 1939, 281; effects of, on col- lege, 286 ff; First World, 1917, 216; U. S. enters Second World, 286 War courses, 293 War dead of Boston College, listing of, 335 War Department, U. S., on continu- ation of SATC, 220; designates college for ASTP, 296; plan for war training in colleges, 217 War Fund Drive, 301 War lectures, morale committee, 292 War record of college, 313; 1919, 222 War schedule, accelerated, 292 War Training Courses, 288, 288 n Ward, Mrs. Anna H., 87 Washington, D. C, 159; burning of city, 10 Wasp sinking, 294 WBMS, college broadcasts on, 309 Weeks, John W., 229 362 INDEX Welch, Rev. E. H., S.J., 66 f; gift, 102 Wennerberg, Frederick W., 212 Wesleyan (Conn.) College, 171 West, Prof. Andrew F., 174 West Point Military Academy, 76 West College, 281, 306, 310; affili- ated, 252; Fr. McGarry at, 277 f; gifts to, 211; seismograph station, 236 Weston, Massachusetts, 157 Whal, WiUiam B. F., 22 n, 23 n, 24 n, 31 n White, Rev. Richard, S.J., 53 Widener Library, 266 Wiget, Rev. Bemadine F., S.J., 7 n, 30 n; directs Latin School, 38; at laying of cornerstone, 37; pro- tests South End site, 30 Wiggins Airways, 287 Williams, Archbishop John J., 5, 37, 69, 129; approval of new college site, 184; approval of Young Men's Catholic Association by, 119; attends commencement, 1876, 124 f; attends opening of YMCA wing, 153; death of, 185; English course suggested by, 117; on English High School, 149 n; on English high school course, 150; request for attendance at Boston College, 150; request for high school arrangement, 144 Williams, Rev. Joseph J., S.J., 269 Williams College, 171 Williams Ethnological Collection, 270 Wissiben, college arcliitect, 35 Women students, on campus, 249; in YMCA courses, 250 Woodstock College, Maryland, 49 n, 131, 142, 155, 159 ff, 182, 206, 224, 238, 262, 278, 281 Woodstock College archives, xiv, 60 n, 61 n, 63 n, 69 n, 86 n Woodstock and Its Makers, 47 n, 58 n Woodstock Letters, xv, 8 n; on ath- letic field, 164; on Fr. Brosnahan, 160 f; Fr. Devitt writing for, 156; on science department, 158 Worcester, Massachusetts, 5, 38 Wright, Most Rev. John J., 334 Xavier letter, 271; gift of, 211 Xavier High School, 262 Yale University, 168, 235; games with, 224 f Young Men's Catholic Association, 93, 109; advanced classes discon- tinued, 1926, 251; building, 146; courses, 1912, 198; Fr. Lyons in, 206; first meeting of, 118 f; founds Fulton Medal, 132; new quarters, Newton Street, 162; ob- jections to title, 119; operations suspended, 124; organized, 118; projected, 116; reception to Fr. Fulton, 131; women in classes of, 250 Young's Hotel, alumni at, 1889, 332; alumni banquet at, 140 8357 0«}8 DATEOyiL JUL 2 Mjogx. U^iiviSii^7?i55SfeTsnNr^«-^^°^ BOSTON COLLEGE 3 9031 0165001 SUMMER