^^H HM^O TIKI Snr BsL mr . ■ Rtt DOSTONIA i« \& CONDlTAiD. ^ \S&. 18 8 O . X# 11111 !■■ F 73.64 S53E9 S53 £°\ DEDICATION COLONEL ROBERT GOULD SHAW MEMORIAL. EXERCISES DEDICATION OF THE MONUMENT COLONEL ROBERT GOULD SHAW ANt> THE Fifty-fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Infantry, MAY U, 1897. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF BOSTON. I BOSTON: MUNICIPAL PRINTING OFFICE. 1897. lajkB-i-AUl' HILL, MASS. Q Q CITY OF BOSTON. In Common Council, June 3, 1S97. Ordered, That the Superintendent of Printing, under the direction of the Committee on Printing, be directed to prepare and publish an edition of twenty- five hundred cloth bound copies of a volume containing an account of the services in connection with the unveiling of the Siiaw Memorial, the expense attending the same to be charged to the appropriation for City Council Incidental Expenses. Passed. Sent up for concurrence. In Board of Aldermen, June 8. Concurred. Approved by the Mayor, June 10, 1S97. A true copy. Attest : JOHN TV- PRIEST, Assistant City Clerk. CONTENTS INSCRIPTIONS UPON THE SHAW MONUMENT . . 9 UNVEILING OF THE MONUMENT 13 CHIEF MARSHAL AND AIDS I 5 CEREMONIES AT MUSIC HALL ORDER OF EXERCISES 1 7 LIST OF INVITED GUESTS 1 9 GENERAL APPLETON'S REMARKS 2 2 REPORT OF COLONEL HENRY LEE 23 ADDRESS OF HIS EXCELLENCY GOVERNOR WOLCOTT ... 29 ADDRESS OF HIS HONOR MAYOR QUINCY 7,^ ORATION BY PROFESSOR WILLIAM JAMES 39 ADDRESS OF BOOKER T. WASHINGTON 57 HISTORY OF THE SHAW MONUMENT, by the Treas- urer of the Fund 65 UNVEILING OF THE SHAW MONUMENT MAY 31, 1897 o^ INSCRIPTIONS UPON THE SHAW MONUMENT PON the bronze an inscription taken by the artist from the seal of the Society of the Cincinnati of which Colonel Robert G. Shaw was a member : OMNIARELINQVIT SERVAREREMPVBLICAM Underneath the main bronze : ROBERTGOULDSHAW COLONEL-OFTHEFIFTY-FOURTH-REGIMENTOFMASSACHUSETTS INFANTRY- BORN • IN • BOSTON • 10 -OCTOBER-M-D-CC-C- XXX VI I KILLED- WHILE ■ LEADING ■ THE • ASSAULT ■ ON ■ FORT ■ WAGNER S0UTHCAR0LINAT8-JULYMD-CC-C-LXIII Underneath, the verse of James Russell Lowell : RIGHT-IN-THE-VAN-ON-THERED-RAMPART'S-SLIPPERY-SWELL WITH-HEART-THAT-BEAT-A-CHARGE-HE-FELL FOEWARD • AS • FITS • A • MAN BUT • THE- HIGH . SOUL . BURNS • ON ■ TO • LIGHT . MEN'S • FEET WHERE • DEATH • FOR • NOBLE • ENDS • MAKES • DYING ■ SWEET 9 INSCRIPTIONS Upon the back of the frame of the tablet the following inscription upon the composed by Charles W. Eliot: SHAW MONU- r MENT TO THE FIFTY-FOURTH OF MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT INFANTRY THE WHITE OFFICERS TAKING LIFE AND HONOR IN THEIR HANDS CAST IN THEIR LOT WITH MEN OF A DESPISED RACE UNPROVED IN WAR AND RISKED DEATH AS INCITERS OF SERVILE INSURRECTION IF TAKEN PRISONERS • BESIDES ENCOUNTERING ALL THE COMMON PERILS OF CAMP MARCH AND BATTLE- THE BLACK RANK AND FILE VOLUNTEERED WHEN DISASTER CLOUDED THE UNION CAUSE • SERVED WITHOUT PAY FOR EIGHTEEN MONTHS TILL GIVEN THAT OF WHITE TROOPS- FACED THREATENED ENSLAVEMENT IF CAPTURED • WERE BRAVE IN ACTION- PATIENT UNDER HEAVY AND DANGEROUS LABORS • AND CHEERFUL AMID HARDSHIPS AND PRIVATIONS- TOGETHER THEY GAVE TO THE NATION AND THE WORLD UNDYING FROOF THAT AMERICANS OF AFRICAN DESCENT POSSESS THE PRIDE COURAGE AND DEVOTION OF THE PATRIOT SOLDIER -ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THOUSAND SUCH AMERICANS ENLISTED UNDER THE UNION FLAG IN M-D-C-C-C-LXI.il— M-D-C-C-C-LXV Underneath, upon the bach of the terrace are the names of the five officers of the regiment who with Colonel Shaw were hilled in battle or died while in the service : CABOT- JACKSON-RUSSEL WILLIAM- HARRIS-SIMPKINS CAPTAIN CAPTAIN EDWARD-LEWIS-STEVENS DAVID-REID 1ST LIEUTENANT 1ST LIEUTENANT FREDERICK- HEDGE- WEBSTER 2ND LIEUTENANT IO Immediately ^underneath these names is given an extract from the inscriptions address of Governor Andrew on the departure of the regiment: J r j i> SHAW MONU- MENT I KNOW-NOT -MR -COMMANDER- WHERE -IN- ALL- HUMAN- HISTORY- TO -ANY GIVENTHOUSAND-MEN-IN-ARMS-THERE-HAS-BEEN-COMMITTED-A-WORK-AT ONCE- SO- PROUD . SO • PRECIOUS- SO • FULL- OF • HOPE -AND- GLORY • AS • THE WORKCOMMITTED-TO-YOU governor Andrew On the warble at one end of the terrace the words of Mrs. Water- ston : O-FAIR-HAIREDNORTHERN-HERO •• WITH-THY-GUARD-OF-DUSKY-HUE UP- FROM- THE -FIELD -OF • BATTLE •• RISE • TO • THE • LAST • REVIEW On the marble at the other end of the terrace the zvords of Emer- son : ST AINLESS-SOLDIER-ON-THE- WALLS- KNOWING-THIS-AND-KNOWS-NO-MORE WHOEVER-FIGHTS-WHOEY£R-FALLS •• JUSTICE-CONQUERS-EVERMORE II UNVEILING OF THE MONUMENT TO COLONEL ROBERT G. SHAW CHIEF MARSHAL Francis H. Appleton. ADJUTANT GENERAL James T. Soutter. HONORARY MILITARY STAFF Colonel Charles F. Morse. Colonel Robert H. Stevenson. Colonel James Francis. Major Henry L. Higginson. MILITARY AIDS (Members of Governor Wokotfs Staff) Colonel Gordon Dexter, with 7th Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y., and 1st Cadets, M. V. M. Colonel Edward B. Robins, with Battalion of Survivors. Colonel Frank E. Locke, with United States Forces. Colonel Richard D. Sears, with Massachusetts Volunteer Militia. UNVEILING OF THE SHAW MONUMENT. J. S. Russell. W. Cameron Forbes. R. L. Agassiz. Copley Amory. R. H. Hallowell. Theodore Lyman, Jr. T. G. Stevenson. S. E. Courteney. F. H. Kennard. Chester C. Rumrill. Robert Walcott. Alexander H. Higginson. J. Bertram Read. MOUNTED AIDS George L. Peabody, Chief. R. E. Forbes. D. H. Coolidge, Jr. R. S. Codman. Alexander H. Ladd. Frank W. Hallowell. T. P. Curtis. B. B. Crowninshield. Henry A. Curtis. George Francis Curtis. Thomas E. Sherwin. Clement Morgan. Edward W. Atkinson. AIDS IN MUSIC HALL Elliot C. Lee, Chief. J. Mott Hallowell. Hugh Williams. J. Lowell Putnam. Joseph Warren. John Warren. Walter Briggs. 1 6 CEREMONIES INCIDENT TO THE UNVEILING OF THE COLONEL ROBERT G. SHAW MONUMENT AT MUSIC HALL, BOSTON, MONDAY, 31 MAY, 1897 ORDER OF EXERCISES Music Patriotic Airs .... Instrumental Meeting called to order by the Chief Marshal, and the Chairman of the Committee on the Monument called to preside. Prayer .... Rev. Edward H. Hall, Chaplain of the Bay Greeting to His Excellency the Governor, Roger Wol- cott, and Transfer of the Monument to His Honor the Mayor of Boston, by the Chairman of the Committee. Address of His Excellency, Governor Wolcott, Presiding Officer Acceptance by His Honor, Mayor Quincy. Chorus « Our Heroes " Oration . . . Prof. William James, of Harvard University Chorus « Battle Hymn of the Republic " Address . Pres. Booker T. Washington, of Tuskegee Institute Music America* Instrumental *A11 joined in singing the air. CEREMONIES AT MUSIC HALL EATED upon the platform were the fol- lowing guests : — Gen. George L. Andrews. Gen. F. H. Appleton. Edward Atkinson. Col. G. M. Barnard. Hon. A. W. Beard. Admiral Geo. E. Belknap. Maj. George Blagden. Maj. Louis Cabot. Lieut. C. P. Clark, U. S. N. Col. Charles R. Codman. Capt. Henry N. Conrey. Joseph A. Conry, President Common Council. Lieut. James W. Cooke. Lieut.-Gov. Crane. Edward Parker Deacon. Perlie A. Dyer, Chairman Board of Aldermen. President Charles W. Eliot. Col. J. M. Ellis. William Endicott, Jr. Col. W. H. Forbes. Capt. John A. Fox. Col. James Francis. Hosea Gray. Maj. J. C. Gray. Col. Joseph W. Gel ray. Rev. Edward H. Hall. Col. N. P. Hallowell. Capt. Francis L. Higginson. Col. H. L. Higginson. Col. O. W. Holmes. Capt. Edward H. Holt. Surg. John Homans. Col. Henry N. Hooper. Col. Charles H. Hopper. Col. Charles P. Horton. Com. Howison, Navy Yard. William Jackson, City En- gineer. Prof. William James, Orator. ceremonies M. P. Kennard. AT MUSIC HALL Rt. Rev. William Lawrence. Win. P. Lawrence, Presi- dent of Senate. Col. Henry Lee. John M. Little. Col. Thomas L. Livermore. Gen. Charles G. Loring. Herbert Lyman. Lieut. Wm. T. McAlpine. Capt. Dennis Meehan. Lieut. George W. Moore. Col. C. F. Morse. Col. T. L. Motley. Gen. Robert S. Oliver. George L. Osgood, Leader of Chorus. Gen. John C. Palfrey. Theodore K. Parker. Gen. Charles L. Peirson. Lieut. Richard Pendergast. Capt. George Perkins, U. S.N. Hon. E. L. Pierce. Col. George Pope. Mayor Josiah Quincy. Col. A. A. Rand. Gen. John H. Reed. Capt. Morris P. Richardson. Royal E. Robbins. Col. Edward B. Robins. John C. Ropes. Col. Thomas Sherwin. Maj. J. L. Stackpole. Gen. Hazard Stevens. Col. Robert H. Stevenson. Augustus St. Gaudens. Capt. Howard Stockton. Col. Lincoln R. Stone. Wilson B. Strong. Brig.-Gen. Stryker. J. L. Thorndike. Hon. Winslow Warren. Gen. Stephen M. Weld. Governor Roger Wolcott. Booker T. Washington. 20 OF COLONEL HENRY LEE ACTING CHAIRMAN HORTLY after 12.20 p. m., when the Germania Band had concluded several patriotic airs, the Chief Mar- shal, Francis H. Appleton, called to order those assembled, who more than filled the hall, and said : — " I deem it a high honor to be permitted to call to order this vast and distinguished audience, myself a soldier of modern times in the presence of these veterans of war. I esteem it a further honor, and pleasure, to present to you as temporary Chairman, Colonel Henry Lee, Chairman of the Committee of Subscribers, and a member of our war Governor John A. An- drew's staff. REPORT OF COLONEL HENRY LEE ACTING CHAIRMAN OU are too partial in calling me chairman of the committee. I wish the chairman, John M. Forbes, were here, — a man iden- tified with Governor Andrew from the cold, chilly morning of preparation to the last review of the army in Washington. I say deliberately that there was no citizen of the Commonwealth who ren- dered more varied, more continuous, more valuable ser- vice during the war than John M. Forbes. To the State " his purse, his person, his extremest means lay all unlocked to her occasions." Unfortunately, old age has arrested him and prevented him from taking his place as chairman this morning. Friends, more than twenty years ago the subscribers appointed a committee with full powers to procure a fit- ting testimonial to Col. Robert G. Shaw and his brave black soldiers. That committee has completed its task. It has invited the subscribers, the family and friends of the hero, with the remnant of his followers, some of his old comrades in arms, and all others interested, to listen to its final report, to look upon the memorial they have procured, to discharge the committee from further labors, and, if so minded, to crown them with approbation. report of We ask your Excellency to preside on this occasion as cor ONFT henry lee the chief magistrate of the Commonwealth, and especially as the successor to our great war governor — the gov- ernor who was the first to prepare for war, the first to prepare for peace, the first to urge the policy of emanci- pation as a war measure, the first to insist upon the right and duty of the colored men to bear arms, feeling that not only the liberties of the colored men, but that the destinies of the country itself were involved in this ques- tion. When, after two years' delay, the official sanction was granted, he hastened to organize regiments, to watch over them and contend for their rights, — promised and withheld. " The monument," said Governor Andrew in his call for subscriptions, " is intended not only to mark the public gratitude to the fallen hero, who at a critical moment as- sumed a perilous responsibility, but also to commemorate that great event wherein he was a leader, by which the title of colored men as citizen soldiers was fixed beyond recall." Time is wanting to detail the labors, anxieties, and dis- appointments, the weary delays encountered, the anti- pathy and incredulity of the army and the public at the employment of colored men as soldiers ; the outrageous injustice of the Government to the colored soldiers even after the bloody assault on Fort Wagner, and the final triumph of the governor, only after a long legal strug- gle, and after he and his colored soldiers had passed through great anxiety and misery. " I was opposed on nearly every side when I first fa- vored the raising of colored regiments," said President Lincoln to General Grant, and no one can appreciate the heroism of Colonel Shaw and his officers and soldiers without adding to the savage threats of the enemy, the 24 disapprobation of friends, the antipathy of the army, the £EPORT OF sneers of the multitude here, without reckoning the fire henry LEE in the rear as well as the fire in front. One must have the highest form of courage not to shrink from such dis- maying solitude. As to the fallen hero who " had put on the crown of martyrdom," the governor had selected him, after deliberation, from a family consecrated to patriotism ; had admired his heroism and was heartsick at his loss. To express the universal grief at that loss and the ap- preciation of the great event in which he was a leader, this monument has been erected. The State, through Governor Long, generously offered to the committee an admirable site for the monument, but upon examination this was declined lest the State House grounds should be disfigured. In this emergency the city came to our rescue, and not only furnished the ground, but made a liberal contribution of the terrace and framework of the monument. We therefore must turn to you, Mr. Mayor, and transfer to your Honor this precious memorial. A generation has passed since this great work was contemplated. It is over twenty years since it was en- trusted to the committee which I represent, and twelve years since it was confided to the sculptor, Mr. St. Gaudens. Two years was the time allotted for its com- pletion. These two years have lengthened into twelve, a period of great anxiety for the committee lest they should not survive to accomplish their task, or, what was more important, lest the sculptor should be taken away, with his work unfinished. Those twelve years have been im- proved by the artist, whose inexorable conscience com- pelled him to prolong his labors at all hazards until his ideal should be realized. 25 report of Your Honor has witnessed the unveiling of the monu- henry lee merit, and will, I am sure, congratulate us that, thanks to the sculptor, we have builded better than we knew. No sweeter praise could be craved by any artist than the eulogy pronounced upon his work by the mother of the hero. " You have immortalized my native city, you have im- mortalized my dear son, you have immortalized your- self." 26 ADDRESS OF HIS EXCELLENCY ROGER WOLCOTT GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS 9 ADDRESS OF HIS EXCELLENCY ROGER WOLCOTT GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS R. CHAIRMAN, Members of the Commit- tee, Fellow-Citizens : I esteem it a signal honor and privilege to be called upon to bear part in these impressive services. We are met to commemorate not only a gallant, noble death, — not alone the gallant deaths of those who fell side by side with Col. Robert G. Shaw, — but we are here to commemorate an epoch in the history of a race. On the blood-stained earthworks of Fort Wagner a race was called into sudden manhood. Even those whose hearts had yearned with the strongest sympathy and pity to the colored race had, up to that time, re- garded as their leading characteristics a meek resigna- tion, a patient submission to wrong. On that day the world learned to know that whatever the color of the skin, the blood that flowed in the veins of the colored man was red with the lusty hue of manhood and of heroism. When Abraham Lincoln, for the second time, took upon himself the great responsibility of the presi- dency, he spoke, in language that still thrills with a deep pathos and with lofty faith, the following words : " If God wills that this mighty scourge of war continue until all the wealth piled by the bondmen's two hun- WOLCOTT address of dred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and cy, Roger ~ until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by a drop of blood drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, " The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether." The great price was paid, — the price of heaped-up treasure, the price of blood drawn from the veins of the generous and gallant youth of the land. But no heart to-day, howsoever deeply wounded, can grudge that price. Willingly and gladly it was given, and it is not with sorrow, but with joy, that we commemorate the sacrifice. And so it is with joyful and thankful hearts that we remember the great deed which is to-day commemorated. Sleep well, noble and heroic dead ! Live long, equally noble and heroic survivors. Like those who fell, you held out your lives a sacrifice to country, and a grateful nation treasures your act as a part of her undying fame. The beautiful monument which we have witnessed unveiled, in which the sculptor, with the hand of genius seems to have caught, as if by inspiration, and to have fixed in permanent bronze, the very spirit of that sacri- fice — that monument becomes to-day the property of the city of Boston. I have the honor of presenting to you His Honor Mayor Quincy. 30 life wsm ADDRESS OF HIS HONOR JOSIAH OUINCY MAYOR OF BOSTON ADDRESS OF HIS HONOR, JOSIAH QUINCY MAYOR OF BOSTON OUR Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen: On this national aniversary, dedicated to the memory of those who died that their country might live, and that its free soil might no longer be trodden by the foot of any slave, we have our own especial commemoration of one of the most notable events in the history of Boston. Thirty-four years ago, almost to the very day, our city witnessed the culmination of the anti-slavery agitation of which for a quarter of a century she had been the centre. Tongue and pen had here done their full work for hu- man freedom ; by other weapons and on other ground was the final issue to be determined. The time had come when the worthiness of men with black skins to bear arms and to be received into the fellowship of military service was to be put to the trial ; when their courage and endurance were to be subjected to the supreme test of the battlefield. And the Commonwealth of Massachusetts — to her eternal honor — dared to en- trust her white flag to their keeping, and to place one of her chivalry at their head. A negro regiment, the first raised by any Northern State, marched through our streets, bound for the front, with Robert G. Shaw in address of command. The outward and visible sign of the enfran- » josiah qui'ncy chisement of a race was here given when the fugitive slave, transformed into a soldier by authority of a liberty- loving State, went forth to bear his part in maintaining the union of the nation and winning the freedom of his people. Two months later the answer to the question whether the negro could fight and die for his country, like the white man, came back, written in letters of blood, from the ramparts of Fort Wagner; and a mighty army of colored troops, no inconsiderable factor in the attainment of the victory of the North, followed where Colonel Shaw and the 54th Massachusetts had led the way. A common trench in the soil of South Carolina, upon the battle ground which has been well called the Bunker Hill of the colored race, was the fitting sepul- chre of white and black, of officer and private. To-day we raise their monument, not over this far-off and unmarked grave, but here upon the corner of Boston Common, where began the march that ended for them at Wagner. Facing the Capitol of the State in whose service they were mustered in, on the spot where Governor Andrew reviewed them and sent them forth with the godspeed of the Commonwealth, we place this memorial, — not as a mere likeness of the face and form of Shaw, but as a monument to the soul of the regiment which he led, as an expression of the great idea, of the high purpose which called it into being. Once more it marches to-day with full ranks, its sur- vivors again passing through the streets which first knew their martial tread a third of a century ago, the dead, recalled to life by the genius of the sculptor, again marching by the side of their heroic young commander. " The rest," says the dying Hamlet, " is silence." Yet from that silence beyond the grave — silence to us only 34 because our ears are not yet attuned to its harmonies — address of . J . . . HIS HONOR, there come some living voices, repeating their message josiah quincy to generation after generation. Such, I think, will be the voice of Shaw, speaking through those closed lips of bronze. It is not often those whom the world esteems the most successful, or the greatest, who leave the most valuable examples and lessons to posterity. It is rather the man whose life or death touches some deep chord of universal sympathy, or appeals to the imagination or the sentiment of all mankind. When far greater soldiers are forgotten, our descendants will still cherish the memory of the gallant youth who fell " with his hurts before," leading a hopeless charge, blazing the path of freedom for a race in bondage. Col. Henry Lee : On behalf of the city of Boston, I now gratefully accept the gift, precious alike as a memo- rial of the heroic dead and as a noble work of art, which you, on behalf of the committee which has so long had its execution in charge, have just placed in her keeping. May it stand in its place, telling its great and simple story, while this city shall stand. I extend to you, sir, who stood by the side of Governor Andrew, in whose great heart this regiment had its birth, at whose call Shaw assumed its command, my felicitations at having lived to see the dedication of this monument, which is in. no small measure a memorial to the war governor whom you assisted in his great task. I should fall short of my duty on this occasion if I failed also to express the thanks of the city to the sculp- tor, Augustus St. Gaudens, who has made the execution of this great work his chief concern through so many years, largely as a labor of love, and to congratulate him upon its more than successful completion. May the lesson which it teaches sink more deeply into the hearts 35 address of of our people as years °:o by. If they ever doubt as to HIS HONOR, . / r A • vl- 1 ' 4-'/ i.' •£ ^1 josiah quincy the future ot American political institutions, it they ever despair of the republic, may they here gather new inspi- ration and courage ; may they here more fully realize that the country of freemen which was worth dying for a generation ago is worth living for now and hereafter. And let us here catch the forward step of the 54th Mas- sachusetts, and serve, in whatever manner the peaceful opportunities of our time may permit, under the sarne glorious colors which it bore. 36 ORATION BY PROFESSOR WILLIAM JAMES OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY OVERNOR WOLCOTT: In that splendid charge at Fort Wagner, side by side with those to whom was given the happy destiny of an heroic death, were others, white and black, who like them gladly held out their lives a willing offering to Fate. Among these, wounded but not dead, fell Adjutant James. It is fitting that the committee should have selected his brother, Professor William James of Harvard University, to tell the story that is commemorated in this monument. ORATION BY PROFESSOR WILLIAM JAMES OUR Excellency, your Honor, Soldiers and Friends : In these unveiling exercises the duty falls to me of expressing in simple words some of the feelings which have actuated the givers of St. Gaudens' noble work of bronze, and of briefly recalling the history of Robert Shaw and of his regiment to the memory of this possibly too forgetful generation. The men who do brave deeds are usually unconscious of their picturesqueness. For two nights previous to the assault upon Fort Wagner, the 54th Massachusetts Regiment had been afoot, making forced marches in the rain ; and on the day of the battle the men had had no food since early morning. As they lay there in the evening twilight, hungry and wet, against the cold sands of Morris Island, with the sea-fog drifting over them, their eyes fixed on the huge bulk of the fortress looming darkly three quarters of a mile ahead against the sky, and their hearts beating in expectation of the word that was to bring them to their feet and launch them on their des- perate charge, neither officers nor men could have been in any holiday mood of contemplation. Many and dif- ferent must have been the thoughts that came and went in them during that hour of bodeful reverie ; but however free the flights of fancy of some of them may have been, oration by it is improbable that any one who lay there had so wild PROFESSOR i i • i • ... c William james and whirling an imagination as to foresee m prophetic vision this morning of a future May, when we, the peo- ple of a richer and more splendid Boston, with mayor and governor, and troops from other States, and every circumstance of ceremony, should meet together to celebrate their conduct on that evening, and do their memory this conspicuous honor. How, indeed, comes it that out of all the great engage- ments of the war, engagements in many of which the troops of Massachusetts had borne the most distinguished part, this officer, only a young colonel, this regiment of black men and its maiden battle, — a battle, moreover, which was lost, — should be picked out for such unusual commemoration ? The historic importance of an event is measured neither by its material magnitude, nor by its immediate success. Thermopylae was a defeat ; but to the Greek imagination, Leonidas and his few Spartans stood for the whole worth of Grecian life. Bunker Hill was a defeat ; but for our people, the fight over that breastwork has always seemed to show as well as any victory that our forefathers were men of a temper not to be finally over- come. And so here. The war for our Union, with all the constitutional questions which it settled, and all the military lessons which it gathered in, has throughout its dilatory length but one meaning in the eye of history. It freed the country from the social plague which until then had made political development impossible in the United States. More and more, as the years pass, does that meaning stand forth as the sole meaning. And no- where was that meaning better symbolized and embodied than in the constitution of this first Northern negro regiment. Look at that monument and read the story — see the 40 min^linor f elements which the sculptor's genius has oration by brought so vividly before the eye. There on foot go the william JAMES dark outcasts, so true to nature that one can almost hear them breathing as they march. State after State by its laws had denied them to be human persons. The South- ern leaders in congressional debates, insolent in their security of legalized possession, loved most to designate them by the contemptuous collective epithet of " this peculiar kind of property." There they march, warm- blooded champions of a better day for man. There on horseback, among them, in his very habit as he lived, sits the blue-eyed child of fortune, upon whose happy youth every divinity had smiled. Onward they move together, a single resolution kindled in their eyes, and animating their otherwise so different frames. The bronze that makes their memory eternal betrays the very soul and secret of those awful years. Since the 'thirties the slavery question had been the only question, and by the end of the 'fifties our land lay sick and shaking with it like a traveler who has thrown himself down at night beside a pestilential swamp, and in the morning finds the fever through the marrow of his bones. " Only muzzle the Abolition fanatics," said the "South, " and all will be well again ! " But the Abolition- ists could not be muzzled, — they were the voice of the world's conscience, they were a part of destiny. Weak as they were, they drove the South to madness. " Every step she takes in her blindness," said Wendell Phillips, " is one more step towards ruin." And when South Caro- lina took the final step in battering down Fort Sumter, it was the fanatics of slavery themselves who called upon their idolized institution ruin swift and complete. What law and reason were unable to accomplish, had now to be done by that uncertain and dreadful dispenser of God's judgments, War — War, with its abominably casual, 4i oration by inaccurate methods, destroying: good and bad together, PROFESSOR . . .Hill r • william james but at last unquestionably able to new a way out ot in- tolerable situations, when through man's delusion or per- versity every better way is blocked. Our great western republic had from its very origin been a singular anomaly. A land of freedom, boastfully so-called, with human slavery enthroned at the heart of it, and at last dictating terms of unconditional surrender to every other organ of its life, what was it but a thing of falsehood and horrible self-contradiction? For three quarters of a century it had nevertheless endured, kept together by policy, compromise, and concession. But at last that republic was torn in two ; and truth was to be possible under the flag. Truth, thank God, truth ! even though for the moment it must be truth written in hell- fire. And this, fellow-citizens, is why, after the great gen- erals have had their monuments, and long after the abstract soldier's-monuments have been reared on every village green, we have chosen to take Robert Shaw and his regiment as the subjects of the first soldier's-monu- ment to be raised to a particular set of comparatively undistinguished men. The very lack of external compli- cation in the history of these soldiers is what makes them represent with such typical purity the profounder meaning of the Union cause. Our nation had been founded in what we may call our American religion, baptized and reared in the faith that a man requires no master to take care of him, and that common people can work out their salvation well enough together if left free to try. But the founders of the Union had not dared to touch the great intractable exception ; and slavery had wrought and spread, until at last the only alternative for the nation was to fight or die. What Shaw and his comrades stand for and show us is that in 42 such an emergency Americans of all complexions and oration t;y iiMii i 11 l'KOlhSSOR conditions can go forth like brothers, and meet death william JAMES cheerfully if need be, in order that this religion of our native land shall not become a failure on the earth. We of this Commonwealth believe in that religion ; and it is not at all because Robert Shaw was an excep- tional genius, but simply because he was faithful to it as we all may hope to be faithful in our measure when occasion serves, that we wish his beautiful image to stand here for all time, an inciter to similarly unselfish public deeds. Shaw thought but little of himself, yet he had a per- sonal charm which, as we look back on him, makes us say with the poet: "None knew thee but to love thee, none named thee but to praise." This grace of nature was united in him in the happiest way with a filial heart, a cheerful ready will, and a judgment that was true and fair. And when the war came, and great things were doing of the kind that he could help in, he went as a matter of course to the front. What country under heaven has not thousands of such youths to rejoice in, youths on whom the safety of the human race depends? Whether or not they leave memorials behind them, whether their names are writ in water or in marble, de- pends mostly on the opportunities which the accidents of history throw into their path. Shaw recognized the vital opportunity : he saw that die time had come when the colored people must put the country in their debt. Colonel Lee has just told us something about the ob- stacles with which this idea had to contend. For a large party of us this was still exclusively a white man's war ; and should colored troops be tried and not succeed, confusion would grow worse confounded. Shaw was a captain in the Massachusetts Second, when Governor 43 oration by Andrew invited him to take the lead in the experiment. william james He was very modest, and doubted, for a moment, his own capacity for so responsible a post. We may also imagine human motives whispering other doubts. Shaw loved the Second Regiment, illustrious already, and was sure of promotion where he stood. In this new negro-soldier venture, loneliness was certain, ridicule inevitable, failure possible ; and Shaw was only twenty-five ; and, although he had stood among the bullets at Cedar Mountain and Antietam, he had till then been walking socially on the sunny side of life. But whatever doubts may have beset him, they were over in a day, for he inclined naturally towards difficult resolves. He accepted the proffered command, and from that moment lived but for one ob- ject, to establish the honor of the Massachusetts 54th. I have had the privilege of reading his letters to his family from the day of April when, as a private in the New York Seventh, he obeyed the President's first call. Some day they must be published, for they form a veri- table poem for serenity and simplicity of tone. He took to camp life as if it were his native element, and (like so many of our young soldiers) he was at first all eagerness to make arms his permanent profession. Drilling and disciplining; interminable marching and countermarch- ing and picket-duty on the upper Potomac as lieutenant in the Second Massachusetts Infantry, to which post he had soon been promoted ; pride at the discipline attained by the Second, and horror at the bad discipline of other regiments ; these are the staple matter of the earlier let- ters, and last for many months. These, and occasional more recreative incidents, visits to Virginian houses, the reading of books like Napier's " Peninsular War " or the " Idylls of the King," Thanksgiving feasts and races among officers, that helped the weary weeks to glide away. Then the bloodier business opens, and the plot thickens 44 till the end is reached. From first to last there is not a oration by . . PROFESSOR rancorous word against the enemy, — often quite the WILLIAM JAMES reverse, — and amid all the scenes of hardship, death, and devastation that his pen soon has to write of, there is unfailing cheerfulness and even a sort of innermost peace. After he left it, Robert Shaw's heart still clung to the fortunes of the Second. Months later, when in South Carolina with the 54th, he writes to his young wife: " I should have been major of the Second now if I had remained there and lived through the battles. As regards my own pleasure, I had rather have that place than any other in the army. It would have been fine to go home a field officer in that regiment ! Poor fellows, how they have been slaughtered ! " Meanwhile he had well taught his new command how to do their duty ; for only three days after he wrote this he led them up the parapet of Fort Wagner, where he and nearly half of them were left upon the ground. Robert Shaw quickly inspired others with his own love of discipline. There was something almost pathetic in the earnestness with which both the officers and men of the 54th embraced their mission of showing that a black regiment could excel in every virtue known to man. They had good success, and the 54th became a model in all possible respects. Almost the only trace of bitterness in Shaw's whole correspondence is over an incident in which he thought his men had been morally disgraced. It had become their duty, immedi- ately after their arrival at the seat of war, to participate, in obedience to fanatical orders from the head of the department, in the sack and burning of the inoffensive little town of Darien on the Georgia coast. " I fear," he writes to his wife, " that such actions will hurt the repu- tation of black troops and of those connected with them. 45 oration by For myself I have gone through the war so far without william james dishonor, and I do not like to degenerate into a plun- derer and a robber, — and the same applies to every officer in my regiment. After going through the hard campaigning and the hard righting in Virginia, this makes me very much ashamed. There are two courses only for me to pursue : to obey orders and say nothing ; or to refuse to go upon any more such expeditions, and be put under arrest and probably court-martialed, which is a very serious thing." Fortunately for Shaw, the general in command of that department was almost im- mediately relieved. Four weeks of camp life and discipline on the Sea Is- lands, and the regiment had its baptism of fire. A small affair, but it proved the men to be stanch. Shaw again writes to his wife : " You don't know what a fortunate day this has been for me and for us all, excepting some poor fellows who were killed and wounded. We have fought at last alongside of white troops. Two hundred of my men on picket this morning were attacked by five regiments of infantry, some cavalry, and a battery of artillery. The ioth Connecticut were on their left, and say they would have had a bad time if the 54th men had not stood so well. The whole division was under arms in fifteen minutes, and after coming up close in front of us, the enemy, finding us so strong, fell back. . . . General Terry sent me word he was highly gratified with the behavior of our men, and the officers and pri- vates of other regiments praise us very much. All this is very gratifying to us personally, and a fine thing for the colored troops. I know this will give you pleasure, for it wipes out the remembrance of the Darien affair, which you could not but grieve over, though we were innocent participators." The adjutant of the 54th, who made report of this 46 skirmish to General Terry, well expresses the feelings of oration ry .. , ... Mi-i i PROFESSOR loneliness that still prevailed m that command : — WILLIAM JAMES " The general's favorite regiment," writes the adju- tant, 1 " the 24th Massachusetts Infantry, one of the best that had so far faced the rebel foe, largely officered by Boston men, was surrounding his headquarters. It had been a living breathing suspicion with us — perhaps not altogether justly — that all white troops abhorred our presence in the army, and that the 24th would rather hear of us in some remote corner of the Confederacy than tolerate us in the advance of any battle in which they themselves were to act as reserves or lookers-on. Can you not then readily imagine the pleasure which I felt as I alighted from my horse, before General Terry and his staff — I was going to say his unfriendly staff, but of this I am not sure — to report to him, with Colonel Shaw's compliments, that we had repulsed the enemy without the loss of a single inch of ground. General Terry bade me mount again and tell Colonel Shaw that he was proud of the conduct of his men, and that he must still hold the ground against any future sortie of the enemy. You can even now share with me the sensation of that moment of soldierly satisfaction." The next night but one after this episode was spent by the 54th in disembarking on Morris Island in the rain, and at noon Colonel Shaw was able to report their arrival to General Strong, to whose brigade he was as- signed. A terrific bombardment was playing on Fort Wagner, then the most formidable earthwork ever built, and the general, knowing Shaw's desire to place his men beside white troops, said to him : " Colonel, Fort Wag- ner is to be stormed this evening, and you may lead the 1 G. W. James: "The Assault upon Fort Wagner," in War /'af>ers read before the Commandery of the State of Wisconsin, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S. Milwaukee, 1S91. 47 oration by column, if you say yes. Your men, I know, are worn william james out, but do as you choose." Shaw's face brightened. " Before answering the general, he instantly turned to me," writes the adjutant, who reports the interview, " and said, ' Tell Colonel Hallowell to bring up the 54th im- mediately.' " This was done, and just before nightfall the attack was made. Shaw was serious, for he knew the assault was desperate, and had a premonition of his end. Walk- ing up and down in front of the regiment, he briefly exhorted them to prove that they were men. Then he gave the order : " Move in quick time till within a hun- dred yards, then double quick and charge. Forward ! " and the 54th advanced to the storming, its colonel and the colors at its head. On over the sand, through a narrow defile which broke up the formation, double quick over the chevaux de frise, into the ditch and over it, as best they could, and up the rampart ; with Fort Sumter, which had seen them, playing on them, and Fort Wagner, now one mighty mound of fire, tearing out their lives. Shaw led from first to last. Gaining successfully the parapet, he stood there for a moment with uplifted sword, shouting " Forward, 54th ! " and then fell headlong, with a bullet thrbusfh his heart. The battle rao;ed for niffh two hours. Regiment after regiment, following upon the 54th, hurled themselves upon its ramparts, but Fort Wagner was nobly defended, and for that night stood safe. The 54th withdrew after two thirds of its officers and five twelfths or nearly half its men had been shot down or bayoneted within the fortress or before its walls. It was good behavior for a regiment no one of whose soldiers had had a musket in his hands more than 18 weeks, and which had seen the enemy for the first time only two days before. 48 " The negroes fought gallantly," wrote a Confederate oration by fc> & & -" PROFESSOR officer, "and were headed by as brave a colonel as ever william JAMES lived." As for the colonel, not a drum was heard nor a funeral note, not a soldier discharged his farewell shot, when the Confederates buried him, the morning after the engage- ment. His body, half stripped of its clothing, and the corpses of his dauntless negroes were flung into one common trench together, and the sand was shoveled over them, without a stake or stone to signalize the spot. In death as in life, then, the 54th bore witness to the brotherhood of Man. The lover of heroic history could wish for no more fitting sepulchre for Shaw's mag- nanimous young heart. There let his body rest, united with the forms of his brave nameless comrades. There let the breezes of the Atlantic sigh, and its gales roar their requiem, while this bronze effigy and these inscrip- tions keep their fame alive long after you and I and all who meet here are forgotten. How soon, indeed, are human things forgotten ! As we meet here this morning, the Southern sun is shining on their place of burial, and the waves sparkling and the sea-gulls circling around Fort Wagner's ancient site. But the great earthworks and their thundering cannon, the commanders and their followers, the wild assault and repulse that for a brief space made night hideous on that far-off evening, have all sunk into the blue gulf of the past, and for the majority of this generation are hardly more than an abstract name, a picture, a tale that is told. Only when some yellow-bleached photograph of a soldier of the 'sixties comes into our hands, with that odd and vivid look of individuality due to the moment when it was taken, do we realize the concreteness of that by- gone history, and feel how interminable to the actors in them were those leaden-footed hours and years. The 49 oration by photographs themselves erelong will fade utterly, and william james books of history and monuments like this alone will tell the tale. The great war for the Union will be like the siege of Troy, it will have taken its place amongst all other " old, unhappy, far-off things and battles long ago." Ah, my friends, and may the like of it never be re- quired of us again ! It is hard to end a discourse like this without one word of moralizing ; and two things must be distinguished in all events like those we are commemorating, — the moral service of them on the one hand, and on the other the physical fortitude which they display. War has been much praised and celebrated among us of late as a school of manly virtue ; but it is easy to exaggerate upon this point. Ages ago, war was the gory cradle of mankind, the grim-featured nurse that alone could train our savage progenitors into some semblance of social virtue, teach them to be faithful one to another, and force them to sink their selfishness in wider tribal ends. War still ex- cels in this prerogative ; and whether it be paid in years of service, in treasure, or in life-blood, the war tax is still the only tax that men ungrudgingly will pay. How could it be otherwise, when the survivors of one success- ful massacre after another are the beings from whose loins we and all our contemporary races spring ? Man is once for all a fighting animal ; centuries of peaceful history could not breed the battle-instinct out of us ; and military virtue is the kind of virtue least in need of rein- forcement by reflection, least in need of orator's or poet's help. What we really need the poet's and orator's help to keep alive in us is not, then, the common and gregarious courage which Robert Shaw showed when he marched with you, men of the Seventh Regiment. It is that more 50 lonely courage which he showed when he dropped his oration by warm commission in the glorious Second to head your williamjames dubious fortunes, negroes of the 54th. That lonely kind of valor (civic courage as we call it in peace times) is the kind of valor to which the monuments of nations should most of all be reared, for the survival of the fittest has not bred it into the bone of human beings as it has bred military valor ; and of five hundred of us who could storm a battery side by side with others, perhaps not one would be found ready to risk his worldly fortunes all alone in resisting an enthroned abuse. The deadliest enemies of nations are not their foreign foes; they always dwell within their borders. And from these internal enemies civilization is always in need of being saved. The nation blest above all nations is she in whom the civic genius of the people does the saving day by day, by acts without external picturesqueness ; by speaking, writing, voting reasonably ; by smiting corruption swiftly ; by good tem- per between parties ; by the people knowing true men when they see them, and preferring them as leaders to rabid partisans or empty quacks. Such nations have no need of wars to save them. Their accounts with right- eousness are always even ; and God's judgments do not have to overtake them fitfully in bloody spasms and con- vulsions of the race. The lesson that our war ought most of all to teach us is the lesson that evils must be checked in time, before they grow so great. The Almighty cannot love such long-postponed accounts, or such tremendous settlements. And surely' He hates all settlements that do such quan- tities of incidental devils' work. Our present situation, with its rancors and delusions, what is it but the direct outcome of the added powers of government, the corrup- tions and inflations of the war ? Every war leaves such miserable legacies, fatal seeds of future war and revolu- 5i oration by tion, unless the civic virtues of the people save the State PROFESSOR . l r William james in time. Shaw had both kinds of virtue. As he then led his regiment against Fort Wagner, so surely would he now be leading us against all lesser powers of darkness, had his sweet young life been spared. You think of many as I speak of one. For, North and South, how many lives as sweet, unmonumented for the most part, commemo- rated solely in the hearts of mourning mothers, wido'wed brides, or friends, did the inexorable war mow down ! Instead of the full years of natural service from so many of her children, our country counts but their poor memo- ries, " the tender grace of a day that is dead," lingering like echoes of past music on the vacant air. But so and so only was it written that she should grow sound again. From that fatal earlier unsoundness those lives have bought for North and South together perma- nent release. The warfare is accomplished ; the iniquity is pardoned. No future problem can be like that pro- blem. No task laid on our children can compare in dif- ficulty with the task with which their fathers have to deal. Yet as we face the future, tasks enough await us. The republic to which Robert Shaw and a quarter of a million like him were faithful unto death is no republic that can live at ease hereafter on the interest of what they won. Democracy is still upon its trial. The civic genius of our people is its only bulwark, and neither laws nor monuments, neither battleships nor public libraries, nor great newspapers nor booming stocks ; neither me- chanical invention nor political adroitness, nor churches nor universities nor civil-service examinations can save us from degeneration if the inner mystery be lost. That mystery, at once the secret and the glory of our English- speaking race, consists in nothing but two common hab- its, two inveterate habits carried into public life, — habits 52 so homely that they lend themselves to no rhetorical ex- oration by 3 . . . J . , , , PROFESSOR pression, yet habits more precious, perhaps, than any that WILLIAM james the human race has gained. They can never be too often pointed out or praised. One of them is the habit of trained and disciplined good temper towards the opposite party when it fairly wins its innings ; and the other, that of fierce and merciless resentment towards every man or set of men who overstep the lawful bounds of fairness or break the public peace. O my countrymen, Southern and Northern, brothers hereafter, masters, slaves, and enemies no more, let us see to it that both of those heirlooms are preserved. So may our ransomed country, like the city of the promise, lie forever foursquare under Heaven, and the ways of all the nations be lit up by its light. 53 ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT BOOKER T. WASHINGTON, OF TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE OVERNOR WOLCOTT: "One year ago, at the Commencement exercises of the oldest and most famous University of the western hemisphere, there ifl^slf^t^ was enacted a memorable scene. In the presence of hundreds of the Alumni of Harvard College, in the beautiful hall dedicated to those of her sons who gave their lives to their country's need, a colored man, born a slave, rose to receive an honorary degree at the hands of the President of the University. It was not the first time that a degree had been conferred upon one of his race. But in previous cases this distinction had been won by compliance with the requisite term of residence and by successfully passing certain academic examinations. In this case the honor was conferred because of wise leadership of his race, and of sagacious counsel to his countrymen, both white and black. As he ceased a speech that burned with restrained passion, and yet threw the calm, clear light of a tempered judg- ment upon the relations of the two races, that great audience was swept by wave after wave of enthusiastic applause. No man can more eloquently and wisely speak for the race which furnished the rank and file of the 54th Regiment than Booker T. Washing- ton, of Tuskegee, Alabama." ADDRESS OF BOOKER T. WASHINGTON ;R. CHAIRMAN, and Fellow-Citizens: In this presence, and on this sacred and mem- orable day, in the deeds and death of our hero, we recall the old, old story, ever old, yet ever new, that when it was the will of the Father to lift humanity out of wretchedness and bondage, the precious task was delegated to him who among ten thousand was altogether lovely, and was will- ing to make himself of no reputation that he might save and lift up others. If that heart could throb and if those lips could speak, what would be the sentiment and words that Robert Gould Shaw would have us feel and speak at this hour? He would not have us dwell long on the mistakes, the injustice, the criticisms of the days " Of storm and cloud, of doubt and fears Across the eternal sky must lower Before the glorious noon appears." He would have us bind up with his own undying fame and memory, and retain by the side of his monument, the name of John A. Andrew, who, with prophetic vision and strong arm helped make the existence of the 54th Regiment possible ; and that of George L. Stearns, who, with hidden generosity and a great sweet heart, helped to turn the darkest hour into day, and in doing so freely address of gave service, fortune, and life itself to the cause which , Washington this day commemorates. Nor would he have us forget those brother officers, living and dead, who, by their baptism in blood and fire, in defense of union and free- dom, gave us an example of the highest and purest patriotism. To you who fought so valiantly in the ranks, the scarred and scattered remnant of the 54th Regiment, who with empty sleeve and wanting leg have honored this occasion with your presence, — to you your commander is not dead. Though Boston erected no monument, and history recorded no story, in you and the loyal race which you represent, Robert Gould Shaw would have a monument which time could not wear away. But an occasion like this is too great, too sacred, for mere individual eulogy. The individual is the instru- ment, national virtue the end. That which was three hundred years being woven into the warp and woof of our democratic institutions could not be effaced by a single battle, as magnificent as was that battle; that which for three centuries had bound master and slave, yea, North and South, to a body of death, could not be blotted out by four years of war, could not be atoned for by shot and sword, nor by blood and tears. Not many days ago, in the heart of the South, in a large gathering of the people of my race, there were heard from many lips praises and thanksgiving to God for his goodness in setting them free from physical slavery. In the midst of that assembly a Southern white man arose, with gray hair and trembling hands, the former owner of many slaves, and from his quivering lips there came the words : " My friends, you forget in your rejoi- cing that in setting you free God was also good to me and my race in setting us free." But there is a higher and deeper sense in which both races must be free than 53 that represented by the bill of sale. The black man who address of cannot let love and sympathy go out to the white man is WASHINGTON but half free. The white man who would close the shop or factory against a black man seeking an opportunity to earn an honest living is but half free. The white man who retards his own development by opposing a black man is but half free. The full measure of the fruit of Fort Wagner and all that this monument stands for will not be realized until every man covered by a black skin shall, by patience and natural effort, grow to that height in industry, property, intelligence, and moral responsibility, where no man in all our land will be tempted to degrade himself by withholding from his black brother any op- portunity which he himself would possess. Until that time comes, this monument will stand for effort, not victory complete. What these heroic souls of the 54th Regiment began, we must complete. It must be completed not in malice, nor narrowness, nor artificial progress, nor in efforts at mere temporary political gain, nor in abuse of another section or race. Standino- as I do to-day in the home of Garrison and Phillips and Sum- ner, my heart goes out to those who wore the gray as well as to those clothed in blue, to those who returned defeated to destitute homes, to face blasted hopes and shattered political and industrial system. To them there can be no prouder reward for defeat than by a supreme effort to place the negro on that footing where he will add material, intellectual, and civil strength to every department of state. This work must be completed in public school, indus- trial school, and college. The most of it must be com- pleted in the effort of the negro himself ; in his effort to withstand temptation, to economize, to exercise thrift, to disregard the superficial for the real, the shadow for the substance, to be great and yet small ; in his effort to 59 address of be patient in the laying of a firm foundation, to so grow Washington in skill and knowledge that he shall place his services in demand by reason of his intrinsic and superior worth. This, this is the key that unlocks every door of oppor- tunity, and all others fail. In this battle of peace, the rich and poor, the black and white may have a part. What lesson has this occasion for the future ? What of hope, what of encouragement, what of caution ? " Watchman, tell us of the night, what the signs of promise are." If through me, an humble representative, nearly ten millions of my people might be permitted to send a message to Massachusetts, to the survivors of the 54th Regiment, to the committee whose untiring energy has made this memorial possible, to the family who gave their only boy that we might have life more abundantly, that message would be : Tell them that the sacrifice was not in vain, that up from the depths of ignorance and poverty we are coming, and if we come through oppres- sion, out of the struggle we are gaining strength ; by way of the school, the well-cultivated field, the skilled hand, the Christian home, we are coming up ; that we propose to invite all who will to step up and occupy this position with us. Tell them that w r e are learning that standing ground for a race, as for an individual, must be laid in intelligence, industry, thrift, and property, not as an end, but as a means to the highest privileges ; that we are learning that neither the conqueror's bullet, nor fiat of law, could make an ignorant voter an intelligent voter, could make a dependent man an independent man, could give one citizen respect for another, a bank account, a foot of land, or an enlightened fireside. Tell them that, as grateful as we are to artist and patriotism for placing the figures of Shaw and his comrades in physical form of beauty and magnificence, that after all the real monument, the greater monument, is being slowly but 60 safely builded amono- the lowly in the South, in the address by 1 1 -r r • j.-r 11 W . 1 BOOKER T. struggles and sacrifices ot a race to justily all that has WASHINGTON been done and suffered for it. One of the wishes that lay nearest to Colonel Shaw's heart was, that his black troops might be permitted to fight by the side of white soldiers. Have we not lived to see that wish realized, and will it not be more so in the future ? Not at Wagner, not with rifle and bayonet, but on the field of peace, in the battle of industry, in the struggle for good government, in the lifting up of the lowest to the fullest opportunities. In this we shall fight by the side of white men North and South. And if this be true, as under God's guidance it will that old flag, that emblem of progress and security which brave Ser- geant Carney never permitted to fall upon the ground, will still be borne aloft by Southern soldier and Northern soldier, and in a more potent and higher sense we shall all realize that "The slave's chain and the master's Alike are broken. The one curse of the races Held both in tether : They are rising, — all are rising, The black and white together ! " 61 HISTORY OF THE SHAW MONUMENT BY THE TREASURER OF THE FUND HISTORY OF THE SHAW MONUMENT BY THE TREASURER OF THE FUND N the autumn of 1865 a meeting was held in the council chamber at the State House, at the call of Governor Andrew, Dr. Sam- uel G. Howe, Senator Charles Sumner, Colonel Henry Lee, Mr. J. B. Smith, and others, to consider the matter of a suitable memorial to Robert G. Shaw, the late commander of the Massachu- setts Fifty-fourth Regiment. The prime mover in this matter was doubtless the late Joshua B. Smith, a fugitive from slavery, who after his escape had been in the ser- vice of Colonel Shaw's family before he took the position of repute as the successful caterer, in which he became so well known in Boston. The purpose of the meeting was declared in the following words : — " The monument is intended not only to mark the public gratitude to the fallen hero, who at a critical mo- ment assumed a perilous responsibility, but also to com- memorate that great event, wherein he was a leader, by which the title of colored men as citizen-soldiers was fixed beyond recall. In such a work all who honor youthful dedication to a noble cause and who rejoice in the triumph of freedom should have an opportunity to contribute." I was not myself present at that meeting. A com- history of mittee was appointed to carry this purpose into effect, THE SHAW . monument consisting of John A. Andrew, chairman ; Charles Sum- ner, Joshua B. Smith, Henry P. Kidder, Charles R. Cod- man, Henry W. Longfellow, James L. Little, William W. Clapp, Jr., Charles Beck, William G. W T eld, Leonard A. Grimes, Royal E. Robbins, Robert E. Apthorp, Francis W. Bird, Edward W. Kinsley, George B. Loring, Alan- son W. Beard, Solomon B. Stebbins, Robert K. Darrah ; Charles W. Slack, secretary. As I am informed, there had been some difference of opinion as to the kind of statue or memorial which should be procured. At the request of Senator Sumner I undertook to serve as the treasurer, with the under- standing that my sole duty would be the custody of the funds. I believe that no one was ever asked to subscribe; all the contributions have been of a purely voluntary character, most gladly given. Within the next two or three months after the meeting the sum of three thousand one hundred and sixty-one dollars ($3161) had been placed in my hands. The death of Governor Andrew soon after occurred, and later several of the chief promoters of this memorial, including Senator Sumner, passed away. The interest in the subject appeared to have ceased for the moment. In 1876 the fund had reached a little over seven thou- sand dollars ($7000) by investment and reinvestment. As there appeared to be no effective committee in charge of this matter, and believing that a small, well- chosen committee would be more likely to act in a judi- cious manner than a large one, the suggestion was made to all the subscribers to appoint Messrs. John M. Forbes, Henry Lee, and Martin P. Kennard as such committee, and their written assent and approval ' were obtained thereto. Some previously unpaid subscriptions were then called 66 in and several additional subscriptions were volunteered, history of 11 i i. • i r i J lll; SHAW so that the total amount actually received irom subscn- monument bers was raised a trifle over seventy-five hundred dollars (#75 21 )- The names of the subscribers were as follows: George C. Ward, Mrs. Lydia Jackson, Hon. Charles Sumner, Mrs. John E. Lodge, N. Livermore & Son, Mrs. Maria Weston Chapman, William G. Weld, Samuel G. Ward, S. N. Havens, John Fenno Tudor, Henry Sturgis Grew, and George O. Hovey, of Boston, Mass.; Richard Warren Weston, Horace Gray, Lucius Tuckcrman, Edward F. Davison, Daniel C. Bacon, and Robert B. Minturn, of New York, N. Y. ; F. J. Child, Robert B. Storer, James Russell Lowell, and Charles E. Norton, of Cambridge, Mass. ; Edward Atkinson, Henry Lee, and Martin P. Kennard, of Brookline, Mass.; Alexander H. Bullock and Ichabod Washburn, of Worcester, Mass.; Samuel May, Jr., and Mrs. J. C. Gunn, of Leicester, Mass.; Zenas M. Crane, of Dalton, Mass.; John M. Forbes, of Milton, Mass. ; Edmund Tweedy, of Mil- waukee, Wis. ; Robert Ferguson, of Morton, Carlisle, England. In 1883 the fund having reached nearly seventeen thousand dollars ($17,000), it seemed to be time to move for the execution of the work. A desire had been ex- pressed to me by Senator Sumner that the work should consist of a statue of Colonel Shaw mounted, in very high relief upon a large bronze tablet. A suitable place for such a work seemed to be in the curve on the front of the State House where a tablet of moderate size could be placed in the wall, rising a little above it with a seat at the level of the sidewalk. Appli- cation was made through Governor Long, with his hearty approval, for a right to place the tablet at this point if such a work should be executed, and was cheerfully granted. 67 history of Happening to call upon my neighbor and friend, the monument l ate H. H. Richardson, he desired to know what action had been taken, if any, having a great personal interest in his memory of Colonel Shaw and being desirous that the work should be one of highest merit. On the sub- mission of the plan for an alto-relievo in front of the State House, he gave his most earnest assent, offering his services to do the architectural work and suggesting Augustus St. Gaudens as the sculptor, whose statue of Admiral Farragut had so lately called attention to his great skill. It was then suggested to the committee that the surest way to carry out our plans would be to select an artist without confusing ourselves with any competition. The contract was accordingly made with Mr. St. Gaudens on February 23, 1884, in the hope and expectation that an alto-relievo suitable to the place chosen would be put in position in two years. But as Mr. St. Gaudens dealt with the subject it grew upon him in its importance, and with that conscientious spirit which marks the true artist he has devoted the better part of twelve years to con- stant thought and work upon his grand design. As the artist's conception developed, the size of the panel became too great for the space originally chosen. The suggestion was then made by the late Arthur Rotch to place it on the Common between the two great trees where it now stands. Mr. Charles F. McKim, the architect who succeeded Mr. Richardson as the artist's adviser, had become greatly interested in the matter and had volunteered his services for the architectural work. How great this service had been could not become apparent until the unveiling. Suffice it that the architectural design is on the hisrh plane of the bronze tablet which it sustains. His admi- rable design having been sketched, an application was 68 made by Mr. George von L. Meyer, then an alderman of history of the city of Boston, for an appropriation on the part of monument the city for the construction of the terrace and stone work in which the bronze tablet has now been placed upon the Common. With judicious liberality a contract was made by the City Government with Norcross Bro- thers for the execution of this work, at a cost of nearly twenty thousand dollars ($20,000). In this long interval, the funds which were placed on deposit in the New England Trust Company as soon as the contract had been made have gradually accumulated, until the original subscriptions of a little over seventy- five hundred dollars ($7521) will yield nearly twenty- three thousand dollars ($23,000). But even then, when the artist shall have paid the heavy cost of casting in bronze, and also paid for all the necessary skilled work required in preparing for the founder, he may secure to his own use and benefit only the fair day's wages of a good stonecutter or stucco worker for the time which during the term he has devoted to this the great effort of his lifetime. Even that is doubtful, because with that conscientious determination to have everything right and suitable he has felt compelled to change in some respects the design of the marble frame and the form of the lettering, so that there may "be extra charges in- curred by his orders to the amount of two thousand or three thousand dollars ($3000) in the construction of the terrace and the marble framework above the contract, which perhaps it will be suitable for the city to defray in view of the credit and honor which is sure to come to Boston in the possession of such an imperishable work. It is not often that one who has no artistic aptitude comes into such close relation with the evolution of a monument Had I the right knowledge of technical terms, I should be inclined to give a little account of my 69 ' history of observations during the progress of this memorial. Few monument persons can have the slightest conception of the energy which a great artist must expend, not only in the con- ception of the work itself, but in the actual effort, physi- cal, mechanical, and manual, which is necessary to bring that conception into imperishable bronze ; the amount of work required from skilled workmen under the super- vision of the artist in the process of converting his own conception from the clay model, first into plaster, then into the mould, and lastly, into the bronze, is something of which the writer for one had no previous conception. For the rest, the work will speak for itself. The com- mittee and the treasurer alike sometimes feared that the artist might not live long enough to complete this great work. Now that it is done, and that they themselves will have the satisfaction of placing it in the custody of the city and the State, they feel that they will have been fully justified and that their method of procuring this monument may be approved. Of the twenty-one members of the original committee appointed to take action in the matter, but four now sur- vive. Among the misgivings of the treasurer while watch- ing the progress of this work in the mere process of manufacture had been the fear that so extensive and difficult a casting might fail in its execution ; but when the contract was made with the Gorham Manufacturing Company, his anxiety was almost wholly removed, and his previous fears have proved to be without cause. Some exceptions have been taken to the decision of the committee to have the addresses made in the Music Hall rather than at the monument itself ; but after full consideration of the matter, and in view of the present condition of the State House and the grounds, there seemed to be no alternative. The space which would 70 have remained available for those who have the direct history of and most personal interest in this matter, after providing monument for officials and for the passing of the military at the monument, was found to be wholly insufficient for any suitable arrangements in the open air. The committee and the treasurer, representing the subscribers, have been placed by the circumstances of the case in the position of hosts, inviting the authorities of the city, the State, and other guests to be present at the unveiling of the monument. The writer may be permitted to say that most careful supervision has been given, especially by Colonel Lee, to the distribution of the tickets to the hall, to the end that no one might be forgotten who had even a remote claim to be present ; yet it may happen that some have been overlooked. The committee requested General Francis H. Apple- ton, of the governor's staff, to act as chief marshal, and to his most effective preparation are due the excellent arrangements for the military parade on Decoration Day and for caring for the guests in the hall. It is in order that those who were present may have knowledge of all the facts and of the names of the sub- scribers, so few of whom are living, that this statement is now submitted. The service of Mr. John B. Seward should be recog- nized ; he has kept the accounts and held supervision over all matters connected with the trust, in order that there might be no confusion in case of accident to the undersigned. Edward Atkinson, Treasurer Shaw Monument Fund. Boston, May 22, 1S97. 71 BOSTON COLLEGE 3 9031 01572626 8