i \ /^ (9-^^ a. ^ .' / ^ J^ie^att^ ;H, CHROfi&LES OF THE COUNTY "WEXFOED, BEING A RECORD OF MEMORABLE INCIDENTS, DISASTERS, SOCIAL OCCURRENCES, AND CRIMES, ALSO, BIOGRAPHIES OF EMINENT PERSONS, &c., &c., BEOUOHT DOWN TO THE YEAR 1877, C03IPILED BY GEORGE GRIFFITHS, EDITOR OF THE CO. fFEXFORD ^LAUN.-IC JXD DIRECTORY. PRINTED AT THE ^^ WATCHMAN'' OFFICE, jBLANEY PLACE, ENNISCORTHY. ^^♦^ ^/li (i^^C^^ z^^'Jh^^^^'^? CHESTNUl.ilLUM'VSS. ib^Uio TO THE READER. In offering this volume to the Public I do not in the least presume to be considered an Author, mj onlj object being to preserve — in a condensed form — a Re- cord of events, (so far as they have come within mj knowledge,) that have happened in, or were connected with, the County of Wexford. Having heard at various times during the last quar- ter of a century that different parties were about to publish a History of the County, I was in hope that such would have appeared ere ^this. Finding however that up to the present I have been disappointed, I now lay before the Public a Record of Events which I have collected from time to time during my leisure hours, in the hope that at some future day there may be found some abler pen patriotic enough to write the History of our Ancient County, and that my rambhng notes may be of some service. In my collection will be found short Memoirs of County Wexford men, and men who have been con- nected with the County, who have made their mark at home, or in many parts of the globe, by their good and noble deeds, the record of which would have pe- rished but for the attempt I now make to hand their names down to posterity, with the fervent wish that tlieir remarkable lives may be an inducement and en- couragement to many another Wexfordian to emulate their good deeds. As it was in the days of " The Spectator/' so it is I fear at the present time ; the Public seldom read a book until they know whether its Author or Compiler be " Orange" or " Green" ; " Whig" or " Tory." In this volume I have endeavoured to avoid any partiality to either side, and have given the Records as they came to my hand, without note or comment, knowing full well that there are many good and amiable men of all parties, though in some of their actions through life they may have been led astray by party bias or rehgious zeal. But as the men of whom I treat have all passed away, we can took back on their deeds with calmness and charity, and endeavour to avoid their errors. In publishing this work I have adopted a different course from those who generally publish books, for I have sought neither patronage nor support from the noble or great, nor can I boast of even a single Sub- scriber. I lay it before my Fellow-Countymen with all its faults — and they are many — as the production of a Working Man's Leisure Hours, well knowing that they will give it a fair and impartial judgement, and there- fore on their verdict it must stand or fall. GEORGE GRIFFITHS. Enniscorthy, INTRODUCTION. The County of Wexford being tlie first place in Ireland in which the Anglo -Norman Invaders landed and made a settlement, is it not extraordinary that we have not a con- nected History, giving some accurate account of their pro- ceedings in this County ? To the Student of Local History all that remain are a few scattered fragments here and there — most of them traditionary — nothing reliable — of an event that was of such vital importance to this country, in- volving as it did, a total change in its laws, manners, and customs, and subjecting it to the conqueror for a period extending over seven centuries. The only vestige that now remains in this County of the Strongbownian invaders are their grand old Forts or Castles. There is not even a grave- stone left to mark the last resting place of any one mem- ber of all the great Families that once inhabited those Castles, with one single exception, that of the Whittys, of Ballyteigue, whose mural monument stands in the old ruined Church of Kilmore. After duly considering this mat- ter, and endeavouring to find out some cause to account for it, we have arrived at the conclusion that their tombs must have been destroyed along with their Places of Worship, by the soldiers of the ruthless Cromwell ; but we have no reliable information on the subject, and only offer this as our solution of an extraordinary fact. Whilst on this subject we may mention that the oldest tombstone, perhaps in the County, and still perfect, is in the ruins of the Church of Tacumshane, barony of Forth. It is of fine marble, and lies even with the ground in the angle of the Sanctuary, and on the Gospel side of the Altar. It is remarkable for a deeply cut floriated Cross down the centre, and for having one line of inscription in raised let- ters alonj^ the left hand side and half-way across the bot- torn. The letters are ** Black Letter/' and tke langnage Latin, very much abbreviated — and what long made it very unintelligible to many was that the reader could only see the letters reversed, as the wall occupied the place where he ought to stand. The following is the inscription unabbreviated: — Hic iacet Doms. Johannes Ingram quon- dam Rectoe istius Ecclesi^ cujus anim^ tu Almi miseke Deus. There is no date. The name Ligram is not known among the Strongbownian Colonists. The architectural style of the building appears to be that of between 1400 and 1450, and that of the inscription about the same age. The probability seems to be the Doms. Ingram was Parish Priest, for at that period all Clergj^men of the rank of Eector or Parish Priest were styled " Sirs," not " Rev." except Rev. Father — and that during his life time the Church was erected, and that after his death he was buried in his own sanctuary. We believe that the lands of the greater portion of the County Wexford were confiscated no less than three or four times. From the Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Forfeited Estates in Ireland in 1699, we learn that at that time alone there were 55,882 acres of land in this county confiscated. Bearing this in mind, is it not wonderful to find at the present day, that the de- scendants of the first Invaders aie still located in the places of their first settlement — the Furlongs, Waddings, Prendergasts, Hays, Barry s, and Walshes, and side by side with them now dwell in peace the Kavanaghs, Murphys, Connors, Byrnes, O'Toole's, and Breens, whose ancestors so long and so fiercely disputed the intrusion of these strangers amongst them. With what love and veneration they must have held on, through so many changes, to the place of their nativity — the land that gave them birth — for we find not only the Surnames, but even the very Christian names of the ancient invaders, seated round the Castles where their ancestors once held sway, and were looked up to as the rulers or lords of the district. To a close ob- server this is more particularly noticeable in the Baronies of Forth and Barg>', and in the course of the following pages this fact will be fully verified by extracts from legal dorAiments and other ancient records still extant. During our investigations and search after old Eecords and Documents, we have frequently enquired of Clergy- men and Gentlemen from different parts of the County, if they knew of any such existing in their neighbourhood. The answer was invariably '' No" ; they never knew nor heard of any. By the merest chance, when we were about committing this work to the Press, we learned that there were Vestry or Parish Records existing in the Parish of Mulrankin for upwards of One Hundred years, and these we believe to be the oldest Records existing in the county. We suppose them to be of no great public importance, or else the ready pen of the late Parish Minister, the Rev. William Hickey, (Martin Doyle,) would have made them known. We know that the Vestry or Parish Records of Wexford and Enniscorth}^ were destroyed in the unfortu- nate 3"ear of 1798, and we believe also those of New Ross and Gorey, as well as of many other parishes. In the latter part of the Reign of George III., a Royal Commission was issued to examine into the state of the Public Records in Ireland. This Commission, from all we can learn, appears to have performed their duties in a most satisfactory manner, so far as related to the Records then in existence in the Government and Public Offices in the city of Dublin, and the Counties and Boroughs of Ireland. Prom their inquiries we can learn the truth concerning the Records of our County. The Commissioners apj)lied to every Public Office in Ireland, that was supposed to have the custody of any Records. In answer to them, the then Clerk of the Peace for the County of Wexford, James Lee, states — " That all the Records, of every kind and descrip- tion, belonging to the Clerk of the Peace's Office of tlie County of Wexford, were destroyed in the Rebellion of 1798." The earliest Record he had was a list of Free- holders of the County, commenced on the lOth day of January, 1800. Thomas Jones, Town Clerk of Wexford, in reply to the Commissioners, state — " In the late Rebel- lion, the whole of the Books and Manuscripts relative to his office were destrcry^ed." It is soin3wliat curious that botli those gentlemen complain very mach to the Commissioners of their small salaries. Mr. Lee says that the gross amount of his yearly salary was £354 Is. 4id., out of which he had to pay a Clerk, &3. Mi-. Joxes says, "he holds office by election of the Corporation, at a small sa- lary, paid out of their funds." ^ Robert Rogers, Re- corder of New Ross, replied to the Commissioners, " that he had no records belonging to his office," nor did he imagine that any degree of utility would result to the public from the same Records." So thought Mr. Rogers. The Corporation or Town Commissioners of New Ross ap- pear to be the only public body in the County Wexford that are possessed of any ancient Records of their proceed- ings ; these Records date back for upwards of Two Hun- dred years. Thomas Bbidsox, Registrar of the Diocese of Ferns, in his reply to the Commissioners, stated that he had in his possession proved Wills from 1650, and others prior to that date, but not legible ; some Manuscript Books ; three Books commencing about 1618 up to the years 1714 and 1728, containing copies of Wills, Entries of Marriage Licenses, Copies of Leases, Examination of Witnesses, Letters Patent, Acts of Council, &c. Mr. Bridson also sets forth other Books that he had. He relates one fact * Mr. Jones may hare had a small salary, but it is evident to us of the present day that he was able to recompense himself otherwise, for his descendants or heirs now enjoy a considerable profit rent out of Corporation lands of which he obtained good long leases at a low figure. We must suppose there was jobbing in those days. Jones was of a most penurious disposition, and for ever complaining of the smallness of his salary. At that time the Corporation had the care of the Town Clock, and it being cut of reppir, a certain Captain of Militia, who ha3 a slight impediment iu his speech, was a member of the Corporation, and proposed at one of their meetings that £30 be allowed for the repair of the Town Clock, and alluded to it as an " old and faithful servant." Jones, who was present, mistook the word " Clock" for " Clerk," and gravely stood up and warmly returned thanks for the liberal grant of the Corporation to him for his long <»nd faith- fnl services, and praised the gallant Captain for the very flattering manner in which he alluded to those services. This was received with shonts of laughter, and poor Jones looked aghast, and wondered at their merriment. He was then told of his mistake, and he appeared to be almost broken- hearted when he found that the money was not for hiuj. that shows what little care was bestowed on the keeping of those Eecords ; he says there is one book missing " from the year 1716 or 1718 to 1724, supposed to be taken out of the Eegistry for the purpose of misleading a person in searching and preventing any titles under a Will to be made out." He further states that he got the books " from the late Mr. Stafford, of Dublin, Notary Public, who had been Registrar, and the Wills and one book from Mr. YicARY, who acted as Deputy Registrar under Mr. Stafford." We believe at the time of the passing of the Church Disestablishment Bill, the Records of this office be- came the property of the Church Temporalities Commis- sioners, who took possession of them, but after some time returned those relating purely to Church matters, to the Registrar of the united Diocese of Ossory and Eerns, whose office is in Kilkenny. It is worthy of remark that in the various reports and letters published by the Royal Commissioners, there is not a single word relating to the Records of the ancient Borough of Enniscorthy, though we have reason to believe such may be in existence, and are perhaps likely to be in the possession of some branch of the Colclough Family, as they were long connected with the town. With such facts as the foregoing staring us in the face it might well deter any person from attempting to give even a slight sketch of events connected with the County. Yet have we undertaken the task at a cost of much time and labour in making search through Histories, old Publi- cations, Magazines, and Newspapers. Of the latter, we are sorry to sa}', very few are to be found ; in fact, we believe, there are no iiles of any of the old County Papers in existence, at least we have never met with them. We suppose that there are regular files kept of the Papers at present published in the county. They are the most valu- able records that could be preserved. We have also had an opportunity of consulting some of the Records in the Public Offices both in this country and in England, and we are certRin if ever the attempt is made to write the History 1# •of onr County, tlie person making tliat attempt must con- sult the Eecords in the Government and Public Offices in London, otherwise a true and impartial History can never he written. In these few introductory remarks we would be guilty •of unpardonable ingratitude, did we not acknowledge with the most heartfelt thanks the very valuable assistance we have received from Mr. Edmund Hore, late of Wex- ford, who, from his great store of Historical Eeminiscences of the County, has furnished us with many valuable and curious documents. Also, from Mr. Ben. Hughes, of the " Wexford Independent" Office, for the many interesting records he has furnished us, and whose long experience and business habits have made his advice of peculiar value. In the ensuing pages will be found the record of many a death, or other event, that will be thought by some to have been in no way worthy of note ; but to how many a house- hold has the death of one of its members been a melan- choly and remarkable period, or perhaps a turning point in their lives. And further, though some events men- tioned may be deemed trivial and of no public interest, yet to those in the immediate vicinity of the occurrence it may have been of the most vital importance, and mark a '* Red Letter" Day in the little community or neighbour- hood. Therefore we thought it necessary to note all that came withfti our knowledge, as we write for no particular class or condition of people. Most of the notes contained in this volumo have been jotted down at different and distant places, and often under peculiar circumstances ; hence, no doubt, there are inaccu- racies which some prying critics may comment upon but we don't envy them their labour. We write as if we were speaking. As to Critics, an old Author observes, and we adopt his words : — " Writing and correcting, like saying and doing, are very different things ; and the latter I take to be by much the more tedious and laborious. Now I think that either of them is even full trouble enough for II one person ; therefore I really nerer do more mjself^ than write, and leave the world to correct ; they have more dull time on their hands, it relieves their idleness, and" gratifies their malice; for some readers would lose half their pleasure, if they did not meet something to find fault with. It sets them, in some sort, above the writer, and I yield them their advantage freely." With these few introductory remarks we shall proceed at once to lay the result of our labours before the Public, in the hope that they may prove as interesting to the general reader as they have been to ourselrea^ THE CHANGES IN ONE HUNDEED YEAES. The subject we are about to notice under this heading- could not be well introduced into the body of the work, so that we are forced to devote a sepaiate chapter to it. It is on the changes that have taken place in the county within the last century. The Governor of the County in 1777 was Henry, Earl of Ely. In 1877, the Eight Hon. LordCarew, of Castleboro, is Lord Lieutenant and Custos Eotulorum of the county. In 1777 the county was represented in Parliament by George Ogle and Vesey Colclough, both resident gentle- men of the county. In 1877, the county is represented by Sir George Bowyer and the Chevalier Keyes O'Clery, the former an Englishman, the latter an Irishman, but neither of them are connected with the county by property or otherwise. In 1777 the borough of Wexford was represented by Eichard Neville and Eichard LeHunte, both gentlemen connected with the county by property, and the latter a constant resident. In 1877 the borough is represented by William Archer Eedmond, of Ballytrent House,, whose family has been for some generations identified with the trade and prosperity of the town. In 1777 the borough of New Eoss was represented by Charles Tottenham and Eobert Leigh, both of whom were connected by property with the county. In 1877, the bo- rough is represented by John Dunbar, a gentleman in no way connected with the county. In 1777 the borough of Enniacorthy was represented by Frederick Flood and Mountif ord Longfield. We believe Frederick Solly Flood is the representative of the above gentleman. Of Mr. Longfield we know nothing further tkan that he wag a member of a- hijjhly respectable Cork 13 farnilj. At the present time Enniscoi-thj is a flourigliiiig post and market town, with a population of over 5,000, but has no representative. Its Fairs are considered the best in the county for all kinds of stock. In 1777, the borough of Gorey was represented by Hum- phreys Earn and Stephen Earn, both connected with the county by large landed possessions. In 1877, we believe the family does not own an acre of land in the county — their large possessions being sold some few years ago in the Landed Estates Court. Gorey is a rapidly rising town, but is unrepresented in Parliament. In 1777 the borough of Bannow was represented bj Henry Loftus and Mcholas Lof tus Tottenham. It is now a small country village. In 1777 the borough of Clonmines was represented by Arthur Loftus and Charles Tottenham, of Eoss. It is now a mere townland, nothing remaining to mark its former importance save its ruinous old Castles and Churches. In 1777 the borough of Fethard was represented by Charles Tottenham, of Tottenham Green, and Eobert Hel- len, of Dublin. It is now a fashionable watering place, with, a good Fishery, and a po23ulation of between 300 and 400. In 1777 the borough of Taghmon was represented by Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Pigott and William Alexander English. Taghmon is now only remarkable for its good fairs. In 1777 the Protestant Church was established bylaw and endowed by the State. In 1877 it is disestablished and disendowed and placed on an equal footing with all other Churches. In 1777 the Protestant Bishop of Ferns was the Hon, Joseph. Deane Burke, a member of the noble family of Meath, who resided a great portion of the year in the diocese. At the present time the See of Ferns is united to those of Ossory, and Leighlin and the Bishop, the Eight Eev. Eobert Samuel Gregg, D.D., resides in Kilkenny. Li 1777, Eichard Neville, M.P., a non-resident, was. u Mayer of Wexford. In 1877, Jolm J. Walsli, a geiitlemao resident in the town, fills that office. In 1777 we could find no record of a Wexford Regiment of Militia, but it is related that in 17,73 or 1774, Vesey Col- clough raised a corps of Volunteers in Enniscorthy, and this was the first corps raised in Ireland. His example was soon followed by Isaac Comock. The principal cause of raising them in this county was to suppress the lawless- ness of the " White Boys" who at that time had over- run the country, committing numberless outrages, such as firing dwellings, houghing cattle, cropping ears burying people alive, &c. Before 1783 many Volun- teer companies — both horse and foot — had been raised in the county, and George Ogle was chosen General. In that year a grand review, lasting for three days, took place at Johnstown, the seat of Cornelius Grogan, when corps from all parts of the county attended, and some from the counties of Waterford and Kilkenny. The Right Rev. Dr. Sweetman, the then Roman Catholic Bishop of Ferns, sup- ported the Volunteer movement by a subscription, for which he was afterwards censured by some parties. In 1793, we have the first notice of the Wexford Regiment of Militia, when the Colonelcy was oifered by the govern- ment to George Ogle, but that gentleman declined to accept the appointment. It may be interesting to many parties to have a list of the officers at the first enrollment of the 38th or Wexford Regiment of Militia, which is as follows : — Lieutenant-Colonel commandant — Lord Viscount Loftus of Ely; Lieutenant-Colonel — Charles J. Monck ; Major — Narcissus Huson, (there is a Major of that name in the regiment at the present time, and we believe a grandson) . Captains — John Harvey, Hon. John Loftus, James Boyd^ (there is an officer of that name in the regiment at pre- sent,) Ponsonby Tottenham and Henry Archer ; Adjutant —William Alcock, (up to 1876 there was an Adjutant Alcock in the regiment.) Lieutenants — Ponsonby Hore, Edward Percival, Joshua Sutton, MiUer Clifford, John Heatley, and William P. Pigott, who afterwards became Lieutenant-Colonel and remained with the regiment until 15 its disembodiment in 1817. Ensigns — Miller Clifford, jun., William H. Alcock, (the present Colonel-commandent of the regiment is Harry Alcock, D.L.) Henry Napper, John Winckworth, John Frizzell, and James Deverenx— this gentleman became Major afterwards, and remained with the regiment up to 1817, when it was disembodied. Qnar- ter-master — Miller Clifford ; Surgeon — Ebenezer Jacob. In 1777 there were but three Post Offices in the county — Gorey, Enniscorthy, and Wexford. The Royal Mail from Dublin entered the county only two days in the week, and returned on each succeeding day. The Mail Bags, too, were never allowed to exceed in weight what the Post-Boy's horse could carry in panniers slung across his withers and behind the saddle. The Gentry and men of business distant from the Post Offices usually had an active footman, who went twice a week to the Post Offices, conveying to the Post all letters entrusted to his care, and was sure to enquire "" was there anything come" for any one living in a wide circle within the sphere of his activity. Within the last forty years we have frequently seen a jGung woman convey the Eoyal Mail on foot to and fro between Wexford and Broadway in the one day. It was usual then for Post Offices to keep the names of all town- lands in their districts, but letters often lay for weeks before Teaching the party whose name they bore. In 1877 there are fifty-six Post Offices in the county, and a nmil from Dublin arrives and leaves twice ^ach week day for Dublin , :and once on Sundays in the principal towns, and every country Post Office receives and despatches a mail each day. In 1777 the Electric Telegraph was not dreamt of, now there are thirteen Telegraph Stations in the county, (we have no doubt this number will be largely increas- ed in a short time), and we can communicate with almost all parts of the world in a couple of hours. But perhaps the most wonderful change of all is in the matter of "• News." In 1777 we suppose but very few newspapers arrived in the county, and that weekly, for none but the gentry got them, and if a farmer chanced to 16 get a look at one of them when a month or six weeks old, he was overjoyed at having readthe " latest news." Now how things are changed — newspapers arrive in the county daily by the thousand, and are to be had in the remotest hamlet, and a man labouring in the side of a ditch will converse you with all the gravity of a statesman on the much vexed " Eastern Question," or any other critical topic that may be current. Then as to our local newspapers — in 1777, the county only possessed one newspaper about the size of an ordinary auction bill, and published but once a week ; now there are six newspapers published in the county, and our people are kept well " posted up" on all matters of local importance. In 1776 Arthur Young tells us in his " Tour," that the first field of Turnips he saw growing in Ireland was in the county of Wexford, so that we must have been in advance of our neighbours, yet agriculture in the county was at a very low ebb indeed, for thirty years after this date, we find Robert Frazer, in his '' Statistical Survey of the Coimty Wexford," stating it to be very bad, and the agricultural implements of the very worst description. — As to cattle, he says — " In the improvement of the breeds of cattle the farmers of this county are miserably defici- ent." Of sheep he says — " Hardly anything can be worse than the common breed of sheep in the county Wexford — long-legged, narrow-backed, large head, large bone, and as wild as deer." But his description of the breed of pigs is almost laughable. He says — " In the breed of swine the farmers of this county are miserably deficient. Long legged, razor backed, large boned, wretched animals, the very worst of the worst breeds from the common herd of pigs in this county, which no quantity of food, even for three or four years, would ever make more than three cwt." Contrast all this with the cattle, sheep, and pigs, that are now shown at our Fairs and Annual Cattle Shows, and what a vast improvement. Now the purest and best breeds of all kinds of stock are to be found in the county, and where annual sales are held, buyers from Aus- tralia, America, and England attend, and the competition 17 is so keen and sharp that cattle realize fabulous prices. — This state of things is not confined to the landlord class, for in the Show Yard we have seen the Tenant Farmer compete with the Nobleman, and carry off the palm of victory in many instances. And the fairs of the county are celebrated for the good quality of the stock offered for sale, and buyers from all parts of the United Kingdom attend them. The subject of cattle brings us to the consideration of the opportunities the Farmers then had of disposing of their stock. In 1777 there were only twenty-eight places in the county w^here fairs were held, and only sixty-nine fairs in the whole year. There are now two hundred and thirty-six fairs held in forty-nine localities. Then the months of December and January were bad seasons for driv- ing slow-footed animals along bad roads ; and carrying in creels and cars was never thought of, so from the 8th of December, at Coolgreany, to the 1st of February, at Tagh- mon, there was no fair in any part of the county Wexford. New Eoss then had the greatest number of fairs, namely, seven — one of which, that on the 5th of October, was for " hops, frieze, and linen only." Until a few years ago, small quantities of flamiel, and straining cloth were to be f omid at fairs, and at several places in the upper baronies of the county tbe sale f o frieze, linen, and hats, formed a great portion of the day's business. But all this has passed away, and with the growing pride of our people for English " shoddy," " thoroughly- shi'unk" articles of dress, and English " wide-awake" hats, the trade of the weaver is almost banished from amongst us, and the hatter has to- tally disappeared. Contrast aU this with the present day, when New Eoss has now 12 fairs ; Enniscorthy had then only four, it has now 13 ; Gorey had only three, it has now 14 ; Wexford had five, it has 12 now ; Taghmon had only two, it has 20 now. Many places, like Castlebridge, had then no fair, yet it has 12 now. In addition to these, pig fairs are held in New Eoss, Enniscorthy, and Gorey, on the eve of each of their cattle fairs. In 1777 there was 18 scarcely anj chance of the Wexford Farmer reaching the English markets, so uncertain was the communication between the two countries, at most only two or three slow sailing vessels would be despatched from Wexford during the summer months, with cattle for the English markets. [N'ow they have weekly communication, by fast sailing stea- mers, with all the great English Markets, through the ports of Liverpool and Bristol. Now the Dublin market is as open to the Farmer for his cattle, butter, and corn, as that of Wexford was in 1777. Fowl markets were then unknown in our county, now they are established in all our chief towns, and many of the country villages, and are a source of great revenue to the Farmer. We think we cannot conclude this portion of our work better than by contrasting the prices of articles of daily consumption One Hundred years ago, with those of the present time. Beef then sold at from l^d. to 2|d. per lb., nowit is9d. to lOd., and this notwithstanding the great quantities of American beef imported into other parts of the United Kingdom. Mutton sold from 2d. to 3d. per lb., now it is 9d. to lOd. and Is. per lb. Pork sold from l^d to 24d per lb., we have no Irish pork now, it is all bacon ! and sold at from 9d. to lOdper lb., and we suspect a great por- iiion of it is American-Irish, if we may use such an expres- sion. Eggs sold at 2d. to 3d. the dozen, now they are Is 3d the dozen, and often Is 6d. A good turkey at Christ- mas, was Is. 8d ; now a very poor one is 5s ; a fat goose. Is., now they are from 2s. 6d. to 4s ; a pair of ducks was from lOd. to Is., now they range from 2s 6d to 5s., accord- ing to season ; a pair of crammed towl was then 2s., now they are 5s., and very few to be had. Wheat then and now averaged about the same prices ; barley was 9s per barrel, now it is 19s 6d ; oats were 8s per barrel, now they average 13s. 6d. Wexford was ever noted for the abundance and cheap- ness of its food materials, and luxuries of life were not wanting, such as vdld-fowl and oysters in profusion be- yond most places. A pair of widgeon then cost but Is ; a 19 barnacle, Is 6d, but these prices are now more than trebled. Oysters then sold at from 8d to lOd per one hundred and twenty, at the present day they are sold at 8s to 10s per the one hundred and twenty, and cannot be had even at that price. For some of the information contained in this chapter we are indebted to a correspondent of the " Wexford People.' CAMDEN^S ACCOUNT OF THE COUNTY WEXFORD 1586. William Camden, the great antiquary as he is univer-- sally called, was bom in London, in the year 1531. His father was a native of Lichfield, in Staffordshire, and the son being educated at St. Paul's School, was sent to Ox- ford in 1566. In 1571, after having supplicated and been refused the degree of Bachelor of Arts, he returned to London, and commenced the prosecution of his favourite study of " Antiquities." He was appointed Second Mas- ter of the Westminster Schools in 1575, and soon after commenced his great work, the Britannia and Hibemia, the first edition being published in 1586. As Camden wrote his works in Latin, it is necessary to say that the description quoted below of the County Wexford, is from the translation made by Dr. Philemon Holland, a Physi- cian of Coventry, with Camden's own consent, and publish- ed in 1611. We have preserved in the extract the old spelling, which, with the style, will give our readers an op- portunity of comparing both v\dth those of her present gracious Majesty, Victoria's reign. Having thus intro- duced the author, we now give the quotation i — 20 '' THE COUNTY OF WEISFORD. ^' Beneath that mouth, at which Barrow, Neore, and Shoure, the sister-like rivers, having embraced one another and joined hands, are laid up in the Ocean, there sheweth itself Eastward in a proniontoiie where the shore fetcheth a compasse round the Countie of Weisford, or Wexford, in Irishe, Countie Reogh, where Ptolomee in times past placed the Menapii. That these Menepians came hither from the Menapii, a nation in Low Germanie, that dwelt by the Sea coasts, the name doth after a sort implie. But whe- ther that Carausius were of this or that nation, who taking upon him the Imperiall purple robe seized upon Britaine against the Emperor Dioclesian, I leave to others. Eor Aurelius Victor called him a Citizen of Menapia, and the Citie MenajDia is placed by Geographers not in those Low countries of Germanie but in Ireland. In this County, upon the river Barrow, there flourished sometime Eosse, a. great Citie, well traded by merchants and peopled with in- habitants, f ensed with a wall of great compasse by Isabell, daughter to the Earle Eichard Strongbow — and that is the only monument which now it sheweth. For by reason of discord and home broiles between the Citizens and the religious orders, it is a good while since brought m man- ner to nothing. More East, Duncannon, a Castle with a garrison, gtand- eth over the river, so that it is able to command the river, that no ships should passe either to Waterf ord or to Rosse, and therefore it was thought good pollicie, to fortifie this place when the Spaniards hovered and gaped for Ireland, in the year 1588. From thence at the very mouth of the river, there runneth out a narrow necke of land, which presenteth unto the sailors a high Turret, erected by the Citizens of Rosse, when they were in a flourishing state, that they might the more safelie enter into the river's mouth. A little from hence standeth Tintern, upon the shore with many winding creekes, where William Mareschall, Earle of Pembrock, founded a notable Abbey, and called it De Yoto^ for that he had vowed to God^ to erect an Abbeys, 21 when he was tossed in sore and dang-erous tempest — and being after shipwracke cast up a land in this place, per- formed it here according to his vow. '' This verie Proniontorie, Ptolomee called Hieron, that is Holj, and in the same signification, I would make no doubt, bnt the inhabitants also called it. For, the utmost towne thereof, at which the Englishmen landed, and set first foote on this Islande, they named in the native lan- guage Banna, which soundeth all one with Holy. " From this Holy point (Carnsore), the shore turning full to the Eastward, i-unneth forth along Northward — over against which there lie flats and shallows io the sea that indanger many a shipp, which Mariners call the Grounds. In this place Ptolomee setteth the river Modona,. and at the mouth thereof the Citie Menapia which are so stript out of their names, that I am out of all hope in so great darkness to discover any twylight of the truth. But seeing there is one only river that voideth itself in this place, which cutteth the County just as it were in the mids, and is now called Slane — seeing alsoe at the very mouth thereof, where it maketh a Poole, there is a towne by a German name called Weisford, the Head 23lace of the whole County, I may the more boldly conjecture, that Slane was that Modona, Weisford, Menapia — and so much the rather, because this name is of a later date, to wit a meere German, and given unto it by those Germans whom the Irishe tearme Oustmans. This towne is for bignesse inferiour to manie, but as memorable as any — because it was the first in all Ireland, that when Fitz Stephen, a most valliant Captain assaulted it, yielded itself unto the pro- tection of the English, and became a Colonic to the En- glish. Whence this whole territorie is passing well peopl- ed with English — who to this day use the ancient English- mens apparel and their language, yet so, as that they have a certain kind of mongrell speech between English and Irish. Dermod, who first drew the Englishmen over into Ire- land, granted this and the territorie lying to it, unto Fitz- Stephen for ever — who beganne a Bui'gh hard by at Car- 2t ricke — and albeit the place was strong by naturall sitn- ation, yet he helped it by art. But when as the said Fitz- Stephen had surrendered up his right into the hands of King Henrie the Second, he made it over to E-ichard, Earl of Pembrock, that he should hold it in fee from him and the Kings of England as superior Lords. From whom by the Earles Mareschalls, the Valences of the Lusignian line in France, and the Hastings, it descended to the Greies, Lords of Ruthin, who commonlie in ancient Charters are named Lords of Weisford — although in the reign of King Henry the Sixth, John Talbot is once called in the Records, Earle of Shrewsburrie and of Weisford. Touching this river, take with you this verse such an one as it is, of Nee- ham's making : — " Ditat Eniscortum, flumen quod Slana vocator, Ilium cernit Weisford sesociare sibi." Translated — *' The river which is called Slane, enricheth Eniscorfc, And the said river, Weisford sees, gladly with him to sort." " For Eniscort, a Burrough, or Incorporate towne, is seated upon it. More inward by the same river side, we have Femes, known only for the dignity of an Episcopal See in it — which in old times the Giraldines fortified with a Cast ell. Hard by, but beyond the river Slane, dwell the Cavenaghes, the Donels, Montaghes and O'Moores, Irish- men of a stirring and tumultuous spirit, and among them the Sinottes, Roches, and Peppardes, Englishmen. On this side the Slane, the men of greatest name be the Vis- countes Mont-Garret — of whom the first was Edmund Butler, a younger son of Pierce, Earle of Ormond, adorned with that title by Edward the Sixth, and many more of the same surname — the Devereuxes, Staffords, Chevers, Whites, Furlongs, Fitzharris, Brownes, Hores, Haies, Cods, Maylers, all of the English race and blood, like as be most of the common people." Such is Camden's account. The Hibernia is accompa- nied by a folio map, in which, mountains, rivers, sea-mar- gins, are in excess, whilst names of places are compara- 28 tively few. The " Wieyshf ord Comitatus"— (Wicidow at the time had not been made a distinct County, and it merged chiefly in Dublin) — contains only the following names : — " Fethert, New Eosse, Castell-Browne, [appa- rently Taghmon,] Weisford, Clonmens, Carrick Castell, • Femes, Hamon Castell, [Clohamon], and Arcloe. The entrance to Waterford Harbour is only marked as " Birgi- flue-Ostium." The Saltees Islands are well laid down, but without name, and the line of coast from Carnsore to Greenore Pomts (neither named), is designated in letters " Sacrum Promontarium." The entrance into Wexford Harbour seems as wide as from Eosslare Fort to the high lands over Curracloe, and an island occupies the site of Beg-Erin, but is not named, whilst in the place now known as the Dogger Bank, is another island not named. Camden, like Ptolomey, seems never to have visited the spot designated in the map as " Sacrum," and by Ptolomey by the Greek word " Hieron," of same significance " Holy." No reason has been given for the name, but on Carnsore Point formerly stood a granite Cross, and near to the shore are the ruins of a small Church dedicated to to St. Finton Badogh, now called " St. Yaukes," whose festival is on 17th February. The building is small in size, with walls of granite of great thickness, small loop- hole windows, with stone lintels as well as over the nar- row door-way instead of arches, whilst a high earthen rampart, like that of an ancient Path, surrounds a rather spacious grave-yard, in which within the memory of none now living, have any but the bodies of shipwrecked persons been interred. A TRADITION. SEVEN SISTERS AT A BIETH. In " a Briefe Description of ye Baronie Forthe," in the County Wexford, written for the ir formation of Sir Wil- liam Petty, when engaged in his famed Survey of Ireland, about the year 1670, we find the following under the head- ing " Ball3^brennan Peece" : — " A Church dedicated to St. Kevan, demolished — its Bells and materials profaned. '•' A Chapelle dedicated to the Seven Sisters, at one birth brought forth, at Ballybrennan, commonly called in Irish ' Shagh-Eneen Eee,' or the ' Seven Daughters of Hugh,' their father so called, neere to which is a fountain, where- in young languishing infants being bathed, have undeni- ablie, by the Divine clemency been miraculously restored to perfect health and strength." This extraordinary circumstance as related by the writer as having occurred at Ballybrennan, seems almost incredi- ble, yet he states it without any mark of incredulity, and as a matter of received trnth in his day. We may wonder, na}^ doubt, but yet we are not without some similar instan- ces, though rare they be, related too, by authors of credi- bility. In " Aubray's Natural History of Wiltshire," we find an account of a monumental inscription at Wishf ord Magna, to the memory of Thomas Bonham and Edith his wife, who died in 1473 and 1469 respectively. Mrs, Bon- ham had two children at one birth the first time, and after an interval of seven years, slie had as many as seven cliil-.' dren at once. There is a tradition, which is recorded in the Parish Register, that " all the seven children were brought to the font of the Church, andther^ baptized." — It is stated in the " Gentleman's Magazine" for March, 1798, that in the Commune of Verchoque, Department of Pas-de-Calais, the wife of Bierre Duisaine, had six children at one birth — three boys and three girls — they were all born alive, but died soon after. Dinora Salvitte, wife of a member of an old Florentine house, gave birth to Fif tv-two children in all, of whom no less than three were born at one time. The tradition of the Seven Sisters of Ballybrennan ha^ long since died out of memory and is totally forgotton, WEXFORD T0W:N'. As early as the time of Ptolemy, the geographer, who flourished about a.d. 140, Wexford, or the site of it. is set down as " Menapia," onthe mouth of the river '' Modo^ nus," the modern Slaney — and it is also the '' Logh Gar- men," or "■ Carmen" of Dish Historians. The Panes, or Ostmen, who settled in it, and surrounded it with walls^ called it " Weisford" — and the Strongbownian Colonista who settled in it about 1170, continued the name with little alteration down to the present day. To the walls of the Ostmen, a Castle was added by the new occupants, built by order of Henry II, on his sailing from oiitside Wexford haven, for Milford, on 17th April, 1172. Tho builder was Lord Geoffrey de Marisco, illegitimate son of Robert Fitzstephen, when he constituted it a Borough town. Lord Geoffrey had espoused Basilica de Clare, sistei* of Strons^bow, and mdow of Raymond le Grc§, Jle died 26 la 1211. It is probable tbe encampment of the Ostmen, when only freebooters, was in the Eath whereon the Castle was subsequently built, and where the Military Barracks now stands — but when they settled down as a fishing and trading community, and became Christianised, they built a little Church in the low ground immediately under the liath, dedicated to their native Saint, '' Olave," or " Bou- logne," and the plot of ground between the Eath and the small stream, now called " the Bishop's Water," is still called the parish of " St. Doulogue," containing about three acres in extent. That the Danes, or Ostmen of Wexford were of some power, and possessed skill and spirit, when Eobert Fitz- Stephen, with his mail-clad Knights and war-horses came before the town, is shown by the gallant resistance they made from their walls, which only ceased on the third day by capitulation. They had sent their women and wealth to Begerin Island. King Henry II. having landed in Waterford, proceeded in. peace and order through the country to Dublin, and there entertained several friendly Irish Kings and Chieftains at a splendid banquet, in a spacious hall built for the purpose, in what is now called College Green, where he also stayed during the winter, ratifying friendships and treaties with Irish Princes. But a plague made its appearance, and King Henry reached Wexford, on the Friday before Shrove- tide^ and dwelt in it xmtil Easter Monday, 17th April, as already noticed. Wexford Castle was undoubtedly the largest ever built in the County, and it stands accordingly first in import- ance on the list of those very numerous buildings which were remaining in the Sixteenth Century. The earliest authentic record of its existence is in the Charter of Ay- mer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, to the Towa, dated 1317, which shows that it was distinct, and maintained a separate jurisdiction from the Borough. In the " Inqui- sition" taken after the death of that nobleman in 1823, it is noted that " there is one stone Castle, 'in which are four 27 towers roofed witli slate, a great keep, and four buildings at the back, thatched with straw, all in good repair and condition. The hostages of the Byrnes of Wicklow, the O'Tooles, M'Morroughs, O'Murrowes, (Murphys), Irish enemies, who were under the custody of Sir Maurice Rochf ord, were by him delivered into the safe custody of this Castle, by Eoyal mandate, on 15th September, 1352. The office of Constable of Wexford Castle, as indeed of most of thd important fortresses in the kingdom, were usually granted to warriors of English birth, for greater security. Sir John Blyterly was so constituted by Edward III., and residing in England, he was allowed to name as his Lieutenant, Thomas Esmonde, Esq., one of the two Jus- tices of the shire. In 1356, John Botilson, Esq., was ap- pointed " in consideration of his good services for a long time performed to King Edward III., and received a yearly fee of £10. The town having been much enlarged beyond the walls of the Ostmen, by the influx of new settlers and the in- crease of commerce created by the settlement of the Nor- mans, a new wall was commenced in the reign of King John, but was not finished until that of Edward III., when Stephen Devereux, Knight, of Ballymagir, completed it, and erected a grand West Gate, near the Abbey of Sel- skar — an old religious house of the Ostmen, in which the first couple of English-born birth, were married in Ireland, viz., Raymond le Gros and Basilica, sister of Strongbow, This gate was near to the large Castle with a gateway under it for a sally-port — and over the new gate Devereux: placed his arms, with the following words : — •* Nisi Dominua custodit civitatum, FruBtra vigilant qui custodiant eam,"^ This gate, with the other gates of the Town, five in num- ber, was taken down in 1759. After the Insurrection of 1798, the gates were all erected in a plain manner, and finally again taken down in 1828. During the War of the Roses, which raged with equal 2g f iirv in Ireland as in Eagland, Wexford was seized in 1462, by Sir John Butler, but having ra^ilil}^, though gallantly, accepted a challenge from the Earl of Desmond, who had advanced to dispossess him, to decide the quarrel in the open field, he suffered a total defeat, and the victorious Earl held a Parliament in Selskar Abbey the following year. The Earl of Ormond, elder brother of Sir John Butler, had, the preceding year, been beheaded by the Yorkists — but the attainder being removed by Edward IV., he be- came the Sixth Earl in 1461. This nobleman was con- sidered one of the finest gentlemen of the age in which he lived, and Edward lY. is reported to have said, that ''if good breeding and liberal qualities were lost in the world, they might all be found in the Earl of Ormond." At the Parliament which sat in Wexford in 1463, a sta- tute was passed in these terms — " At the request of the Commons, — Whereas the Town of Wexford is spacious within the walls, which require great repair and costs, and whereas for several years there has been a division be- tween the Commons of the South side and those of the JSTorth side of the said Town, concerning the revenue aris- ing and accruing, called the " Common Share," which is more valuable on the South side than on the North — and each part of the Town keeps their own Common Share to fortify its own part, whereas it would have been more va- luable had it been even on both sides — Be it Ordained that in future the whole shall be expended on the Walls Avith- imt reference to the Side, under the direction of the Sove- reign and three of the most considerable of the inhabi- tants. — Any one counteracting this Act shall forfeit 40s. to be expended on the said Walls." The Heraldic Visitation of the County taken in 1618, fjives the pedigree of *' Stafford of the Castle in the Town Zf Wexford" — and states that George Staffed, who lived about tne year 1480-, '"' built the Castle and Hall in Wex- ^ol^, and his family and posterity resided therein, until tk^. abov« date," But this is not to be taken as the Castle 211 of the ''^King's fortress." This Castle and Hall stood oil the sea side, or right side of the street into the Town, be- tween the Stone-bridge and Oyster Lane. In the same volume mention is made of " Walter Stafford, Esq., of the Bridge," and this is the same as the Stone-bridge, and this, (after the dismantling of the " Royal Castle" by Cromwell, where prisoners had always been confined,) was converted into a Comity Prison, and continued so until the present County Gaol was built near the West Gate, in 1812, when it Avas converted into a Workhouse, and lately thrown down, and rebuilt as shops and private dwellings by Mr. Richard Devereux. On the commencement of the Civil War in 1641, it ap- pears by records preserved in the Library of Trinity Col- lege, Dublin, that proceedings were taken veiy speedily by the people of Wexford for fortifying their town, all being ardent in the Confederate cause. There had been a large County Meeting held on the Hill of Carrig, (where now the Crimean Monument stands,) and all declared for the Confederation, The following extract shows the mode adopted by the Wexf ordians for the defence and marshal- ling their f orcesj as follows : — " Martin White, Captaine of St. Mary's and St. Dou- logue's parishes. — Patrick French, Captaine of St. Pa- trick's. — Nicholas Hay, Captaine of St. Iberius. — Nicholas Cheevers, Captaine of Selskar. — Richard Stafford, Cap- taine of the King's Majesty's Castle. The whole army Eight Hundred men. *' Thei have trenched their walls round about the Towne eight foote deepe and 24 foote brcade. Likewise thei have throwen downe eight foote within the Towne, houses and pales from end to end. Thei have pitched great tim- ber from the Ferrie Banke southwards 'till they reach against the Pole Kaye, and thence westwarde into the side of the Channell — and after thei took a good shipp of one Mr. Nugions, of Dublin, and did her sinke in the syde of the Channell within the tymbers, with her stearne to the Towne, with her mysone-maste standing for the tyinge of so the sea-board end of her chaines to stop^DS. The other end is to be brought to a great Capson bj their Porte upon Pole Key. The mastes of Captaine Bartle his shipp, thei are chained with Iron betweene each two of them, being nine in numbar, and 60 Fathomes longe, and the Cables of his shipp thei have turned to that use. Thei found four peces of ordnance in Mr. Nugion's shipp, of 6 f oote long or thereabouts. The field brass-piece which was found in the Castell of Femes, nine f oote longe, of King Henry the Eighth, these five are set on their Forte." In the course of a short time after they erected a Fort on the south point of land, or the Eosslare side, which still retains the name, and another (long since disappeared) on the north side, called Fort St. Margaret, now Eaven Point. Having made these preparations and repaired their walls all round, the Weifordians determined to rely chiefly on themselves, and did so manfully, until betrayed to Crom- well on the 11th October, 1619. Nearly all the Town walls, four towers, two square and two round, are still in a sufiicient state of preservation to show that the Walls were twenty-two feet high, four feet thick of lime and stone, supported on the inside by a rampart of earth 21 feet thick. M. Moullay le G ouz, a French gentleman, whose travels in Ireland, in 1644, have been published by Mr. Crofton Croker, thus notices the Castle : — '* The Town (he re- marks) is very populous, owing to its great commerce. — The fortress is a small square, regularly enough fortified, and washed by the sea. At the foot of this Castle are many ruins of old Churches, amongst others that of the Holy Trinity, towards which the women have great rever- ence, and come there in solemn procession. The oldest march first, and the others follow, then take three turns round the ruins, make a reverence to the remains, kneel and recommence this ceremony many times. — The people of Wachefort came chiefly from France." The sad story of Wexford, and its fate at the hands of Cromwell, is notorious all over the world — and a " Life of 31 Oliver Cromwell, bj the Rev. Matthew Russell," rather briefly relates some of the most atrocious acts. — " From Drogheda (writes Mr. Russ^ill) the English Commander advanced on Wexford, which in like manner soon submit- ted to his arms, and in like manner experienced the severity of his resentment. Hardly Lad he opened his batteries against the fortifications, when the inhabitants proposed to capitulate — but before the terms could be arranged, the assailants found an entrance within the walls, and imme- diately renewed the massacre which had disgraced their success at Tredagh. No distinction was made between the armed soldier and the defenceless townsman. *' Even females were put to the edge of the sword. — Three hundred of the latter flocked round the great Cross which stood in the street, hoping that Christian soldiers would be so far softened by the sight of that emblem of mercy, as to spare the lives of unresisting women — but the victor knew no mercy, but enraged at such superstition, and regarding it, perhaps, as a proof that they were Ro- man Catholics, and therefore, fit objects for military fury, rushed forward and put them all to death." But Cromwell's own letter to Lenthall, the Speaker of the Parliament in London, dated loth October, 1649, so fully discloses the transactions of himself and his army in Wexford, as render his atrocities objects of eternal dis- grace and detestation. After the massacre followed plunder, and so complete were his excesses in bloodshed, that, as he himself writes, " scarcely one of them (the inhabitants) can claim property in the Town." Besides fortifying their Town in 1641, the Wexfordians knowing the value of their position on the sea-coast, at the very entrance into the Irish Channel, made themselves as effective by sea as by land. For this purpose they brought over from Flanders, an eminent ship-builder, " Anthony Van Kaatts," with skilled workmen, who, hav- ing plenty of the best timber on both sides of the Slaney, constructed a fleet, which did vast service. Cromwell in 82 liis letter mentions — " Here is some very good shipping — ' here are three vessels, one of them oi: tliirtj-four guns, which a week's work would tit for sea — there is another of twenty guns, very nearly ready likewise. And one other Frigate of twenty guns upon the stocks, made for sailing, which is built up to the uppermost deck — for handsome- ness sake, I have appointed workmen to finish her, here being materials to do it. The Frigate, also, taken beside the Fort, is a vessel most excellent for sailing. Besides divers other ships and vessels in the Harbour." The place where "Anthony Van Kaatts" had his dock- yard, was on the right bank of the river, just outside the town wall, and close to the West Gate. The spot is now known as " The Cats' Strand" — the name of old Anthony Kaatts and his dockyard being degraded to that feline name, and himself forgotten ! The Confiscations which followed the capture of Wex- ford, all of which were carried out by the " Act of Settle- ment of 1654," left the original population only amongst the lower ranks of society, such as tradesmen, &c.,who could not well be dispensed with by their new masters^ — for Charles II., on his Restoration cared nothing for the Irish who had lost their all in his father's and his own de- fence. When James II. ascended the throne, he did no- thing for Wexford, but grant it a new Charter for vv^hich the Cromwellian inhabitants gave him no thanks, and which they never used. When the " Glorious Revolu- tion" broke out, Ireland was destined to become the battle field on which William III. and his father-m-law were to contend for the Crown. Nearly all Ireland was in favour of James, and the Cromwellians of Wexford began to fear for their position. Even though the old natives had made no decided movement against William, still it was natu- rally apprehended they would. That there was cause for apprehension, there was no doubt, and the Cromwellians accordingly secretly despatched two messengers to Wil- liam, offering allegiance and praying assistance. The messeni'-ers made their way through the CV)untv of Wick* 83 low to Dublin ; but such were the toils and difficulties they had to endure, that having delivered their message, they absolutely refused to return to Wexford on any ac- count. In this position of affairs, a brave Williamite Officer, Captain Charles Smith, or, as from his hasty, daring tem- per he was better known as " Spitfire Charley," offered his services, and volunteered to carry William's assurance of aid and protection to his loyal friends in Wexford, who were encouraged to vigilance and perseverance — and Char- ley ably discharged his undertaking, and was finally re- warded with houses in Wexford and lands adjoining. An extract from the " London Gazette" of the 14th July, 1690, gives the following somewhat different ac- count : — " The Town of Wexford has declared for his Majesty, (William III.) and the manner was thus : — Colonel Butler, Lord Lieutenaut of the County, hearing that the late King James was gone by on Wednesday last, he posted after him — and from Duncannon wrote to his son to come to him, and to follow the late King James into France. He wrote another letter also to Captain Kelly, to come away with his Company, and to set the Castle on fire, which was under his command — but this letter falling into the hands of an English Merchant, where Colonel Butler was quarter- ed, he did not dehver it, but told the Captain how he was sent for, concealing that part of the letter about burning the Castle — and so soon as he and his Company were gone, the Protestants there rose, disarmed the Paj)ists, and seiz- ed the Castle, and at their humble request by two messen- gers, his Majesty is sending some force to seciire them," THE CEOMWELLIAN SETTLEMENT OF WEXEOED TOWN. When the Eepiiblican Government had determined to settle the rnral and town parts of Ireland " with a Godly- seed and generatron," they issued orders for clearing all the Port and Walled Towns of the Irish inhabitants, and orders to that effect were issued in March, 1653-4. How- ever desirable such might be, the difficulty attending the execution of the order will at once be perceived from the Questions of Colonel Thomas Sadlier, to whom was en- trusted the " Clearing of Wexford." Not choosing to be responsible for the consequences of a literal execution of the order, he required a categorical answer from the Com- missioners to the following Queries : — 1st. Whether any Irish and Papists shall be permitted to live in the Town of Wexford ? 2nd. If any, whether all the seamen, boatmen, and fish- ermen, or how many -^ 8rd. How many packers andgillers of Herings ? 4th. How many Coopers ? 5th. How many Carpenters ? ^tli. How many Masons ? 7th. What shall be done with Irish women, who are Pa - pists, mai-ried to Englishmen and Protestants ? 8th. What shall be done with the Irishmen who are turned Protestants, and live in the Town of Wexford, who come to hear the preaching of the Word ? 9th. That positive orders be sent that no one of the Iriah nation keep an ale-house in igaid Town ? 35 We were miable to see a copy of the replj to these Queries — but the following letter from the Surveyor-Ge- neral, shows the pretty large lot of houses — all to be taken consecutively, in streets, at the rate of Six Years Purchase,, which fall to the lot of two persons : — Dublin Castle, 22nd March, 1658-9. Whereas his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant and Coun- cil, by their Order dated 7th February, 1658-9, in pursu- ance of an Act of Parliament of 17th September, 1656, en- titled an Act for the satisfying of Captain John Arthur for divers sums of money disbursed by him for the service of the Commonwealth, out of Forfeited Lands, Leases, or Houses in Ireland, do require me (after perusal of the said Act, as also a Survey of the Towne of Wexford, returned into my office,) pursuant to the said Act to set out to the said John Ai-thur and Martin Neil, their Heirs and Assigns, such and so many of the forfeited houses within the Town of Wexford, as at Six Year's Purchase, according to the aforesaid return, will answer the intent of the Act. — Pro- vided that the said John Arthur and Martin Xeil do begin their satisfaction at such end or other part of said Town as they or either of them shall conceive fit, taking the houses with their appurtenances, and in orderly proceeding on both sides of the street, until they shall arrive at their due proportion. — And by a writing under his Hand and Seal, dated 1st February, 1656, declared that his choice is to begin in the satisfaction to be made to him, the said John Arthur, and Mai-tin ]N'eil, at the Parish of Selskar,. in the said Town of Wexford, I do therefore, in pursuance of the said Order of His Excellency and Council, hereby set out to the said John Arthur and Martin Neil, their Heirs and Assigns as followeth : — Unfortunately the person who made the above extract^. instead of writing out the items, or houses, in detail mere-- !y says : — " 200 houses from beginning in Selskar,. and o& 36 both sides the street into the Bull-ring, are then set out to satisfy the claim of £3,697 10s Od. Though unable to lay the full particulars of the above grant before our readers, we can give them some slight in- formation thereon, for we find that on the 27th of June, in the 20th year of the reign of Charles 11., the following houses and premises in the parish of Selskar, Town of Wexford, were confirmed under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, to Nicholas' Hooper, Esq., and Dame Mar- garet ColviUe, his wife, widow of John Arthur of Wexford, and of James, Lord Colville, viz. : — " A ruined house, with a large yard, and key (quay) be- longing to it. — a stone house thatched, with back walls and yard. — a stone house slated and yard. — a stone house slat- ed and yard, now lying waste. — a stone house and yard. — a stone house slated, with the back builditng and yard. — a low house slated. — a low house thatched. — a thatched house. — a stone house slated. — old walls, with a thatched shop, two shedds, and a yard. — a stone house, with a back building and yard. — the like. — the like.— the like. — a stone house, a yard, garden and backhouse. — a stone house, back- house, garden and appurtenances. — the like. — the like. — a stone house, backhouse, yard and appurtenances. — a stone house, a ruined back building and yard. — a stone house thatched, a yard and appurtenances, — a gable end with the appurtenances waste. — a stone house and backside waste. ■ — a stone house, back building and yard. — an old thatched house and yard. — one old wall with the appurtenances. — one old wall, with the house slated, and appurtenances. — a house thatched, backhouse, garden and appurtenances. — a stone house, yard and other appurtenances. — a slated house, with back buildings and yard. — waste walls adjoin- ing to St. John's Gate. — a stone house, with old walls, back building and yard. — a thatched house and backside, with the appurtenances » — a stone house slated. — stone 57 walls, with their appurtenances, waste. — a thatched house, backside, yard and appurtenances. — a thatched house and appurtenances. — a slate house of cage- work with the ap- purtenances. — a stone house, back building, yard, and stable, with other appurtenances. — a stone house, back- house, yard and appurtenances, parish of St. Iverin's alias St. Ivorey's, in Wexford. — fourcabbins, with the appurten- ances. — two thatched houses, backsides and yards. — a stone house, backhouse of cagework and yard. — a stone house, backhouse, yard, and appurtenances. — the like. — the like. — a large piece of ground, with a key belonging to it, 2 houses with a backside and their appurtenances. — a stone house, backhouse, yard and appurtenances. — a low slate house and garden. — a stone house, backhouse, yard and key, with their appurtenances. — a slate house, with a thatched cabbin. — a slate house, with red herring house and yard, with the appurtenances. — old walls with the ap- purtenances. — a stone house, backhouse, yard, and appur- tenances. — two old houses, with backsides and appurten- ances. — ruined walls, with apiece of ground appertaining. — a slate house and cabbin. — a thatched house, yard and appurtenances. — a slate house, back building, and garden. — a ruined house, garden, and waste walls. — a ruined house and garden. — a slate house, back building and yard. — a slate ruined house and garden, and a low slate house and backside. — a slate house, garden, and appurtenances. — 2 slate houses backhouse, and small court. — a slate house, backhouse and garden. — the like. — a thatched house and appurtenances. — a ruined house and garden. — a stone house garden and appurtenances. — the like. — a stone house, back house, and garden. — an old house, with thatched te- nement, and garden. — two ruined houses with their appur- tenances. — old ruined walls, with grounds appertainuig. — a slated house. — the like, with backside.— a thatched cab- bin. — three ruined houses and old walls, with the appurten- ances. — a low house and garden. — a house, garden and ap- purtenance. — a pair of walls and appurtenances. — a stone house, backhouse and appurtenances. — high stone walls. S8 with the appurtenances. — a rained house. — a plott of ground. — waste walls. — a plott of ground, an old house, and a plott of ground, — ^waste walls. — a garden plott. — waste walls. — two pieces of ground.— a plott of ground. — the like. — two cabins and a garden, all in Selskar, alias St, Peter's parish, town of Wexford." The Indenture making this conveyance was inroUed the 7th of July, 1688, and it plainly shows the manner in which the native inhabitants were despoiled of their pro- perty. We have before us several similar grants in the town and county of Wexford, aud may give some of them farther on in this work. Although numerous English Protestants came over and obtained settlements, still not near enough to occupy the houses, and by the connivance of the owners, when the houses began to decay, several Irish Popish parties were taken as tenants, else very many more ruins would have been in the town than vrhat Governor Eichards alludes to in his account of the Town and Barony of Forth, THE DOMESTIC MANNERS, HABITS, AND ARTS OF THE BARONY OF FORTH. 1670. Immediately on the Plantation of the Anglo-Saxon Colony in Forth after the surrender of Wexford to Strong- bow, proper steps were taken to render it self-reliant and independent in its own resources. The Colonists were re- markable for industry, frugality, and strict attention to the duties of life, qualities which continue in their descen- dants to the present day« Among them came tradesmen and artificers in every kind of business, and, confined with- in tlieirnaiTow and aln: 03 fc seagirt limits, tliej were able to supply all their necessary and artificial wants without dependence on any others, or ex terns. The Colony soon became populous, and was, in fact, a perfect hive of in- dustrious bees producing honey in abundance. It is to be lamented that no original documents or papers of these people have been preserved to our times, but later records still to be found in the Public Offices of London and Dub- lin, supply us with much that is mteresting. In the year 1834, a Catalogue of Manuscripts, called '' The Southwell M.S. S,," was put up on sale by Mr. Thos. Thorpe, containing descriptions of many Counties, and lesser divisions of Ireland, all of which were written for the use of Sir William Petty when he was about to make his now celebrated '■'' Down Survey." In this Catalogue, *'jSro. 386, Ireland,-' was one entitled — "A Brief Descrip- tion OF THE Barony of Porth, in the County of Wex- ford, TOGETHER WITH A PeLATION OF THE DISPOSITION AND SOME Peculiar Customs of the Ancient and Pre- sent Native Inhabitants, a.d. 1670." The Author having briefly noticed the first English In- vasion of Henry IL, and named all the Baronies (eight) of the county, at the period when he wrote, 1670, proceeds to say :— " The Barony of Forthe in all emergencies of publique concerns in the said County, precedeth and hath pre-emi- nence. The Gentry and Inhabitants first in all Courts called, and in time of Warre, Expeditions, Rising- in- Arms in order to the opposing and suppressijQg' of turbulent sedi- tions, factions, or known end celebrated rebels, some prim© 40 Gentlemen tliereof haJ the conduct and command of Forces raised in the said Conntj. The said Barony in longitude extends from the N"orth-west part of the Commons ©f Wex- ford inclusive, unto the extremest point of Carne, Kemp's Cross, about ten miles. Its breadth dilated from the West side of the Mountain of Forth, six miles — comprehending by ancient computation 20,000 of arable acres of Land, na- turally not fertile, but by the solicitouslie ingenious indus- try and indefatigable labour of the Inhabitants soe improv- ed and reduced to that fecundious perfection, that it abounds with all sorts of excellent Bread-Corne and Graine, Gardenes, Orchards, Fruits, Sweet-Herbs, meadows, pas- tures for all sorts of Cattle (wherewith all is i^lentifullie supplied,) not much inferior, if not equivalent, to the best in Ireland — though not generally soe great in body or sta- ture. The Inhabitants commonlie use pacing I^aggs, sin- gularlie performent in travell, and easilie kept in good case. Their farms are soe diligentlie and exactilie hedged and fenced, that neighbours very seldom trespass one ano- ther. They greatlie sowe Furze seed, or plant the same in rows, some few ridges distant, which ordinarilie in a few years grow to 8 or 10 feet in height, to that bigness and strength that (better timber being there defiicient,) Dwel- ling-houses are therewith all roofed. It alsoe in the ex- tremest violence of Winter tempests affords their Horses, Sheep, and Goats, both food and shelter ; being planted in the hedges, it becomes a singular fence for their Corne- fields, and afterwards their onlie fuel on all occasions — being cutt or grubbed in March it makes the clearest iire and flame, the most lasting and hardest coal of any fire- wood, except Juniper, with least quantity of ashes. " The whole Barony at a distance, viewed in Harvest- time, represents a well cultivated Garden with diversified plots. •5f * * -X- -K- -X- " There is in the South part of the Bai^ony a Lake called ^^ Lough-Toghcr," neere three miles in length, half nearlie as broad, into which is extended ar Isthmus or Tongue of 41 Laud named ' Oar Lady's Island,' at the entrance thereof is a long Causey, or rather a bridge, from whence the Lough hath its name, having at its end a small turret erected before the Castle-Gate, in the midst of a strong stone wall, with battlements extending from each side into the water. Within this Isthmus (containing 12 acres) is a Church builded, and dedicated to the Glorious and Im- maculate Virgin Mother, by impotent and mfirm Pilgrims, and a multitude of persons from all parts of Ireland daily frequented, and with fervent devotion visited, who pray- ing and making some oblations, or extending charitable benevolence to indigents there, have been marvelouslie cured of grievous maladys, and helped to the perfect use of naturallie defective limbs, or accident aUie enfeebled or impaired senses. ■3f ^ * -X- ^ -K- " The ancient Gentry and Inhabitants of the Barony de- rive their originall extraction lineallie from England — • their Predecessors having been Officers in the Army under PitzStephen who first invaded Ireland. Suddenlie, after the conquest thereof , distinct allotments of land, accord- ing to their respective qualities and merits, were assigned them, which until the Cromwellian Usurppttion and Go- vernment, they did during 500 years almost complete, without any diminution or addition, peaceablie and con- tentedlie possess — never attainted nor convicted of any crime meriting forfeiture Many Gentlemen and Freeholders being therein interested who perpetuated the memory of their Progenitors and Families, always conferred their real Estates on their Male Progeny, or next Heir-Male descending lineally in consanoruinity, soe that there are until this day, many great habitations and villages retaining the names of their first conquering pos- sessors, as Sinnottstown, Hayestown, Horetown, Siggins- town, &c., etc., but by the late usurping proprietors were ejected, and remain exiled. They retain their first Langu- age (Old Saxon English), and almost only understand the same, unless elsewhere educated, imtil some years past — 42 ^^'bseTTe tli€ same form of apparell their predecessors first used there. The Natives descended aforesaid, inviolablie profess and maintain the same Faith and form of Eelis^ion u,nd Divine Worship their first Ancestors in Ireland believ- ed and exercised, which the violent and severe tempest of Persecution wherewithal! they were frequentlie afflicted, Imprisonment, Loss of Goodes, threatened Forfeiture of Lands, nor any Penal Laws, were prevalent to alter, though their conformity would have been a means and a step to their beneficial advancement. Ecclesiastical and Civil. They are generally zealous in their Religious Pro- fessions, having many remarkable monuments extant of their pious zeal, and the devotion of their Progenitors in the aforesaid narrow extent of that Barony, wherein anci- (*itlie were erected, and the precincts and walls yet extant of the Churches and Chappells first firmlie builded, and richlie adorned for Divine Service in their several places and Parishes, a Catalogue of some of which is hereafter expressed." [The Author here proceeds to name the Churches and Chapelries, with the names of the Saints under whose pa- tronage they were dedicated to God — and the condition in which same were at the time of writing — every one of them being more or less ])lundered and iTiined. Of Churches, thirty-two are mentioned by name, one in each Parish, having grave-j^ards still around their ruins — and no less than thirty-six Chapels, or Chapelries, within tlie said Barony, which accrifice of all Mankind's Redemption ! The disruption and demoli- tion of the aforesaid Churches and Chappells were perpe- trated since and during the late Usurpation and his Go- vernment. " The said Barony is very populous, and small Yillagea. neere one another, and of narrow extent — hardlie any f arm containing 200 acres. *,' The Native Inhabitants celebrate with singularlle pious Devotion the yearlie Festivities — or Patron Days as they term them — in the several Parishes, in honour of God and his Saints — esteeming him profane, if a constant in- habitant, who doth not on such days penitentiallie (by Confession to his spiritual Pastor) purge his conscience from Mortall Sinns, be reconciled to his neighbour, and re- verently receive the Sacred Eucharist. On such Festivals they mutually invite their neighbouring friends and allian- ces unto their Houses, whom they cheerfullie, piouslie, and civillie entertain with variety of the best accommoda- tion the countrie can afforde, not without innocent faceti- ousness and Musical instruments — no small motive to fo- ment, indissolublie, union and amity among them. They seldom dispose of their Children in Marriage, but unto Natives, or such as will determine to reside in that Barony, so that generallie they are in consanguinity of affinity nearlie related. " Their Apparel! is according to the English mode, of very fine cottoned frieze, comelie but not costlie. They generallie take moderate refrection at morning, noon, and . night, are very vigilante, soe that the sun noe day in the yeare, e^m reflect or surprise any professed Labourer ia^ M mornings in bed, or sleeping. Having first recommended themselves and their designs to the Divine tuition and di- rection, theypioceed in ordering their necessarie concerns. In Summer they constantlie desist from all worke about 10 o'clock — soon after dine, reposing themselves and their plough-horses until about 2 of the clock, during which time all sorts of Cattell are brought home from the fielde, and kept enclosed. In Winter they constantlie arise be- fore 5 in the mornings, applying themselves to some re- quisite domestic laborious employments. They are very precise and exact in the observances of Ecclesiasticallie en- joined Fasts — never eat Flesh on Fridays or Saturdays — abstaining from Flesh on Wednesdays until about the year 1670, they were dispensed withall, or rather commanded the contrary. They are not inclined to debaucherie, nor exctssivelie addicted to the use of Liquor — though they make ineomparablie strong, well-relished and clear Beere and Ale, very wholesome. Neither is Aqua Yita without being there distilled, in fast colour or operation inferior not unto any known in Ireland — in the use of all which they are abstemious. If civil Society sometimes invites them into not civillie rational complacency — which to- gether with their ordinary laborious employments and manly exercises, renders them to be of good complexions,, firm constitutions of health, and consequentlie to arrive at great maturity of years. " They are, generally of an indifPerenthe tall stature — of no despicable feature — clear skinned, compactlie strong- bodied — their moderation in diet securing them from many distempers incident to other regions, occasioned by sensual exorbitancies, whereby a greater number is irrevocablie prejudiced, than violentlie by the sword perish At the decease of Neighbours and Friends, the parishioners meet, eonsolaticg the afflicted, and interring the Defunct without any ' Ululations' or clamours — or counterfeit pre- sentments of seeming sorrow. The Natives are ingenious, and being by Education assisted, apprehensive of the most itkitruae and exquisite Scholar-Learning, wherein many^s 45 in all ages, and instantlie, have been and are, at home and abroad in foreign parts, eminent, noe less honoured and admired for prudence and piety — neither are they stupid nor inferior in the knowledge and practice of Me- chanick Ai'ts by them professed — ever laborious and in- dustrious, especiallie in what relates to Agriculture. Averse to litigiousness, honest, real, and candid in their negotiations — affable and hospitious to civil strangers, to none voluntarilie injurious — seldome or never any rob- bery, or felony there committed — none soe remiss or lazy but endeavour to acquire a livelihood and competent sub- sistence — soe that there is hardlie any vagrant native Beggar amongst them, or that is not very impotent. Un- alterablie true and loyal to their Prince in their allegiance upon all tumults, revolutions, and rebellions in Ireland — exposing themselves and their interests to the greatest perills in defence of the Crowne of England, signallie de- monstrated and performed during Queen Elizabeth's Eeign, in which engagements and such other hke occa- sions It is observable that before the late commotions in Ireland, anno 1611, and the Usui-per's invasion, there were divers Protestant Ministers constant- lie residmg in the Barony, receiving and enjoyiiig Tythes and other Emoluments appendant to their Parish Church, having hardlie any Native a proselyte — entertaining Ro- man Catholic servants — lived peaceablie and securilie, all neighbourlie humane offices being betwixt them and the Native Inhabitants exactli© performed. Discrepancy in principles of Faith, or points of religious worshipp noe way exciting discord, animosity, aversion, or opprobious con- tumelie in worde or act, one of the other — an evident de- monstration of the innate propension of the Inhabitants to humanity and affection of tranquillity. " The Mansion Houses of most of the Gentry in said Ba- rony were fortified with Castles, some neere Six feet high, having waUs of at least Five feet thicke, of quadrangular form, erected — as is supposed — by the Danes — to the num- ber of Thirty, of which few are as yet become ruinous. 46 Tlieir Houses built with stone waFs, sleated ; having gpaci- ous Halls, in the centre of which are fire-hearths, accord- ing to the ancient English mode, for more commodious ex- tension of heat to the w^hcle family surrounding it — but that form is antiquated, all Houses at the present day having spacious Chimnies. Plebians have their habitations completelie builded with mud-walls, soe firme and high, as they f re quentlie raise Loftes thereon, after that forme they find most convenient for husbandry's business, neate, well- accommodated with all necessary implements, more civilie and English-like contrived than vulgarlie elsewhere in many parts of Ireland, None of the Commonalitie or Ple- bian is'atives of that Barony was transplanted, or banished by the Usurper's Substitutes, only such as were signallie known and accused to have persevered in theii loyalty in bearing arms for His Majesty in England. Virtue and in- offensive deportment sometimes moves tyranny itself to ap- pear exorable, and seeminglie clement, deluding vulgar ap- prehension, whereas reallie politicall sejf-ends, which by universall eradication (at once) of the Natives could not bo accomplished, were the sole motives of such apparent indul- gences, tending to the exhaustion of their substance in the support of the Usurper's Army, the encouraging, enrich- ing, and advancement of his then indigent favourites, and the inevitable poverty, ruin and servitude of the miserable contributors, when by their labours anything considerable accrued, like replenished sponges, to squeeze them. . . . . . . The Gentry, w^hcse loyalty to the King was always inviolate — who were possessed of any lands — ^here- ditary proprietors, possiblie by descent — known or reputed to have neere relatives unto, or extracted from any gene- rous family, were indispensablie, with their wives and children — destitute and commonlie forsaken of their ser- vants not transplanted — were, on penaltie of Death, com- manded to transplant into Connaught, anno 1664, their goodes by insupportable taxes and pressures being con- sumed, or immediatelie to transplant into some foreign regioDy no more certaine place being assigned where ihej might reside, or appropriate, nar competent provision made for their subsistence, unless Chamelion-lik, fed on aier, and transmigrate into the spacious imaginerj Moon's concave, or Sir Thomas More's Eutopia ! •)f -x- -x- -^ -Jf -$f *' Some Gentry of that Barony preferred Exile before Transplantation into Connaught, confiding Divine Be- nignity would restore his Sacred Majesty, Charles IL, and settle him on his Throne, untill which time Loyalty in the usurped dominions being esteemed a capital Crime, banish- ment seemed tolerable Notwithstanding noe proprietor of Lands in that Barony since his Majesty's wished for happy Restoration is judiciallie condemned, nor settled in his ancient hereditary ji^ossessions — though neither upon the first eruption of the fatal commotions in Ireland, nor during the unfortmiate progress thereof, any of the Gentry of tiiat Barony were instrumental! or active in any way in the expulsion of an Englishman, or Protest- ant — rather protected many such persons and their goods, securing them from injuries and dangers then impending, and elsewhere frequentlie perpetrated, however, by an as- sumed authority afterwards overpowered and forced to an involuntary passive obedience. -)f -x- -^ •«• -jf ■«■ " The prime Gentlemen and Freeholders in the Barony interested — though man}- of them had estates elsewhere — were the Staif ords, Roseters, Coodes, (of which Coode, of Castletowne, his family expressed singular loyalty and va- lour in Queen Elizabeth's Warres, several of them being slaine,) the Esmondes, of Johnstowne, of which family also descended divers magnanimous Martialists, of wliich, Laurence, Lord Esmonde, Lord Baron of Limbriek, was extracted, having been in the said Queen's Reign, by Her Majesty employed in Hollande." [The Author, then, at considerable length proceeda to notice other famili^ and their branches, — the Waddings of Ballyoogiey ; Seurlockes of Eoslare, &c., but is particu- larlj (liffaae on that of the Sinnott's — ^'of which (he said) there are many families in the County — and exceeding any other ancient name within its limits, whose Estates were valuable before the late tyrannical usurpations.] " Amongst which the House of Ballybrennan, in Forthe, was esteemed the most eminent — whose possessors were intrusted with f requentlie the greatest authority in affairs of piiblique concern in the County." [The Author then recounts the Sinnotts of Rosegar- land — Sinnott of Cooledyne — Sinnott of Parke and Lough — Sinnott of Bally farnogue — Sinnott of Lingstown — and the head of them all Sinnott of Ballybrennan. Besides these the Author recounts several branches — " Gentle- men enjoying good estates for many descents, several of them famous for learning and Chivalrie in Germany, France, Spaine, and even Muscovie. Four in Forthe, Four in Ballaghkeen, and Nine in Shilmaleer.] " The Barony of Forth contains within its limits Wex- ford, a very ancient Corporate town, the description of whose pleasantt and profitable situation, beauty, strength, pious monuments and structures, may be delineated by a more dexterous pen, and more amplie acquainted and bet- ter informed judgment — a slender Eulogy of the eminent- lie deserving things doth but distract from real and due es- timate. " The Towne is governed by a Mayor and Bailiffs. — There are two Burgesses sent thence to all Parliaments in Ireland. It is in the Diocese of Ferns. To render exact accompt of the numerous commodities that Towne is con- stantlie supplied withall, the f requentation of Merchants and Strangers from all parts of Europe, the sending thence to all parts of the known world — the exquisite knowledge of the Natives in the Art of Navigation — capa- ble to navigate, and in a martiall manner to command the 49 greatest sliippg Would require a o^raiid volame, not to mention the abundance of all sorts of Corne, Mesh, Butter, Tallow, Hides, Wool, Timber, incredible quantities of Fish and its varieties, the market is supplied wifchall." [There seems enough internal evidence in the above document to eay it was written by a Catholic — ^probably a Clergyman — and that his name was " Sinnott" — as he takes great pride in noticing the families of that name. The account is much more ably written than that of Col. Solomon Richard's " Account of Wexford and the Barony of Forth," dated 1682, which follows the foregoing in the " Southwell M.S.S.," and is as follows :— PARTICULARS RELATING TO WEXFORD AND THE BARONY OF FORTH. BY COLOXEL SOLOMON RICHARDS. 1682. '^ The County of Wexford, being the gate of the king- dom of Ireland, at which the English, under the conduct of Robert Fit z Stephen, first entered, on or about the 4th of May, 1170, at Bag-an-Bun, a place so called near Fea- thard, alias ' Fight Hard,' from the first battle with the Irish, wherein the English were victors, is divided into Eight Baronies — Five, viz., Gorey, BaUaghkeene, Scara- walsh, Bantry, and Shilmalier, are the Irish Baronies — Shilbume, Bargye and Forthe, the English Baronies — but Forthe chiefly retains the name and justlie. The idiom of speech, tho' its not Irish, nor seems English as English is now refined, yett it is more easy to be understood by an Englishman that never heard Irish spoken, than by an Irishman that lives remote. Itts notorious that itts the very language brought over by FitzStephen, and retained by them to this very day. Whoever hath read old Chau- cer, and is at all acquainted therewith, will better under- stand the Barony of Forth dialect than either Englishman 50 ^T Irisliman that never read him, though otherwise a good linguist. Itt was an observance of the Inhabitants of this Barony of Forth, before the last Eebellion of 1641, that * they had kept their Language, Lands, and Loyalty.' — Having seldom or never married butt among themselves — having never rebelled, butt always been true to the Crowne of England till this last General, Cruel, Cursed, Horrid, and Unparalleled Eebellion of 1641. The Inhabitants were most Freeholders, butt their freeholds was very small, and being never forfeited remained as they were first set out and divided by FitzStephen's soldiers. For the soyle of this Barony, it is naturally coarse and barren, yett, by the Industry of the People, together with its contiguity to the Sea, from which they bring ouze, or ' owre,' seaweed, with which they manure their cultivated lands, itts made the Garden of the County, and pai-ts adjoining, especially for Barley, ui which itt abounds, and that is all English too, for they will not sow a grain of Bere- Barley — and if any one should do soe, the rest would destroy itt. They breed few or no Cattle in this Barony. The men are low of stature, yet well sett, thick and strong, very crafty, and deceitfull enuff — few of them Scholars, but those that are do excell. The women alsoe are but of meane stature — very thick legged, but indif erently comelie, and handsome, jocose, and pleasante, yett very chaste . Butt more remarkable yett is itt in this Barony of Forth, County of Wexford only, that about high-noone, not only men and women, but children and servants, naturallie cease from worke and labour, and goe to rest for about an hour or two. The Cattle doe the same too — the geese and ducks and hennes doe goe to roost for that time, and exact- lie at the hour. This the relator affirms on his owne know- ledge, having often seen itt in that Barony, and in his owne house, by the f owles brought out of that Barony, when his •other hennes would not doe soe. One remarque more is, there came with a strong blacke Easterly wind, a flight of Magpies, under a dozen, as I remember, out of England, or Wales, as 'tis verilie believed, none having ever been seen 51 in Ireland hei ore. They lighted in the Barony of Forthe^ where they have bredd, and are soe increased, that they are now in every village and wood in this County — especially in this Barony abundant — my own garden, though in the Towne of Wexford, is continually frequented by them, and they are spread more thinly into other Counties and parts ©f the Kmgdom. The natural Irish much detest them, saying, ' they shall never be rid of the English, while these Magpies remain.' The observation is, that the English Magpies entered Ireland in the same County where the En- glishmen first entered it, and in the English Barony alsoe. "' In the Barony of Forth is a Lough called ' Lough- Togher,' about two miles in length, and a mile in breadth, replenished with divers sorts of Fish, excelling in their kind, to admiration — especiallie Plaise, Bass, MuUett, Fleuks, Eelles, &c., &c. The sea being contiguous, is by the neighbours let in and out once in seven or eight years. In this Lough is an Island, called ' Lady's Island,' con- taining about twelve acres of land, in former times of Ig- norance highly esteemed, and accounted Holy — and to this day the natives, persons of honour as well as others, in abundance from remote parts of the Kingdom, doe, with great devotion, goe on pilgrimage thither, and there doe penance, going bare-legged and bare-foote, dabbling in the water up to mid^leg, round the Island. Some others goe one foote in the water, the other on drye land, taking care not to wet the one, nor to tread drye with the other. But some great sinners goe on their knees round the Island in the water — and others that are greater sinners yet, goe three times round on their knees m the water. — • This I have seen, as alsoe I have seen persons of no meane degree leave their hose and shoes in Wexford, and goe bare-footed in dirty weather from Wexford to this Island, which is eight miles — and having done their penance, make their offering in the Ohapell, and return to Wexford in the same position. This, abundance of people (not the wisest) doe every yeare towards the end of the Summer — but the chiefest or most meritorious time is betwixt tke- 52 iwo Lady Days of Angust 15 and September 8. If any Lady, through indisposition, be loath to wet her feet, there are women allowed to doe it for them, they being present and paying a fee for it. And this is effectual enulf . " There is another Lough in this Barony called ' Lough- Sale,' [the Lough of Tacumshane] stored alsoe with ex- cellent nsh — and on both Loughs fowl in abundance. But though this Lough Sale hath an Island alsoe, it is not half soe Holy as the other. '^This Barony is now almost wholly possessed by the English of the last occasion, sett out to them for arrears,, the old English being still numerous, but almost all reduc- ed to Tenancy. '•' The Towne of Wexford stands in the end, or rather the beginning of the Barony of Forth. Tradition agree- ing with Mr. Camden, saith it was first called '^ Menapia,' then ' Weisf ord.' Itt is now called Wexford, in Irish *■ Lough Garman." Itts a walled town on all sides, ex- cept to the Sea-poole, or Harbour which washeth the North-east side thereof. Itts of the form of a half ovall, divided the long way. Itt hath gates for entrance — ex- tends itself in length from ISTorth-west to South-east about Eive Furlongs. Itt was in good order, and very populous since the last Eebellion, but much depopulated in its tak- ing by Oliver Cromwell. Since that, brought by the En- glish into a flourishing condition, butt now about two- thirds of itt lyes in itts ruins, through the decay of the Herring Fishery, which was soe great that about the year 1654, there were made and entered in the Custom House of Wexford above Eighty-Thousand Barrels of Herrings,, and it was even thought above Forty-Thousand more were made that were not entered. Which trade is soe decayed, that about the year 1678, there was not above Two Hun- dred Barrells made in the whole Towne — nor is there above Two Hundred Barrells made this year, 1682.* * Lord SheflBeld, in his Trade and Commerce of Ireland, testifies to the «xtxaordinary yield of fish from the Irish seas. At page 131 his Lord&hip. »ay» — " ii-n amusing iaataace ©f the fesliDg that Ireland was to he sacri-. " The greatest number of the Inliabitants are Irish — bnt the Magistracy are all English, or Protestant. Itts greatest honour is that itt was the first Towne in Ireland that submitted to the English Government — ^for when Eobert Fitz Stephen first landed at Bag-an-Bnn, he pre- sentlie marched to Wexford, and it surrendered to him, and the Lordship thereof, together with a large district of land adjacent, was given to him by Dermod M-Morragh, the then Irish King of Leiiister. But he soon after sur- rendered his said Lordship to King Henry IL, who gave ficed to England is mentioned by the author of the Gommercial Restraints of Ireland. In 1698 two petitions were pi esented to the English House of Commons from the fishermen of Folkstone and Aldhorough, stating that, they were injured by the Irish catching herrings at Waterford and Wex- ford, and sending them to the Straits, and thereby forestalling and ruining the petitioners' markets." As will be seen, the redress sought against the Irish fishermen was granted to the men of Folkstone and Aldborough. — Against no branch of Irish industry and enterprise were more determined and, unfortunately, more successful, efforts directed to crush than the Sea Fisheries. The Cromwelliau Parliament was inundated with petitions from Yarmouth and several other English fishing stations, praying that the Irish Fisheries mi^htbe discouraged, on account of the great injury the compe- tition of Irish fishermen proved to the trade of Englishmen abroad, especi- ally in Spain and the Straits. One of the petitions stated " that there waa sometimes to be seen at Wexford 200 sail of vessels — English, French, and Dutch — taking in fish cargoes from the Irish ; and that if this be permitted, it will be folly to catch herrings in the English Channel, in the hope of Bending them to Spain, &c.j for profit, as the cost of a barrel of such fish at Yarmouth was double that at Wexford." Oliver Cromwell and his Parlia- ment seem to have grarted the prayer of the petitioners, as it appears by Prendergast's " Crorawellian Settlement in Ireland" that both the fisher- men andgillersof the herring were to a great extent exterminated by the transplanting law." Ordinances are also said to have been issued forbidding " any Irish to appear out of harbour, or fish while English fishermen were Bo engaged." During the Commonwealth, the Iri«h Fisheries (so far as their prosecution by the native inhabitants) may be said to have been extin- guished. With the termiination of that devastating rule, unfortunately, did not pass away the feeling of the jealousy and intolerance at the develop, ment of the resources of Ireland, whenever likely to interfere, no matter how slightly, with English or Scotch interests. Even within the present century, means quite as eflfectual as the sword or transport ship of Oliver Cromwell mere successfully adopted to prevent Ireland from reaping the benefit of the rich gifts of Providence contained in her encompassing seas. The attachment of the Irish to the cause of the Stuarts proved as disastrous to the fisheries in the time of Williamand Mary as it had done during, ih&'- iseignof Cromwsll. — " Blake's Irish Sea Fislieries." the same to Eichard, Earle of Pembroke, from whom itt came to the Marshalls, the Valences, the Hastings, and Lord Grey of Enthen. But King Henry YI., in the year 1442, created John Talbofc, the first Earle of Shrewsbury of that name, Earle of Wexford, and after that Earle of Waterf ord, and Lord of Dungarvan — but itt went no fur- ther, nor hath itt ever since given title to any other that I ever heard or read of. Itt was f ormerlie divided into eight Parishes, viz. — St. Iberius, St. Selskar's, St. Patrick's, St. Mary's, St. Toolock's, St. John's, St. Peter's, and St. Mi- chael's — a Monastery alsoe, but now ruinated, and under one Minister. The Monastery of St. Selskar* was once fa- mous, but now lies in its ruins, and without the walls ; the Abbey ruined alsoe, but is still possessed by Priests and Fryars. * Called also the Priory of St. Peter and St. Panl of Selskar ; the Danes are said to have been the founders, and the family of Roche, the patrons of the place, were munificent benefactors. In 1240, John, Bishop of Ferns, held a Synod here on the morrow of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. On the 16th of Jane, 1402, King Heni-y IV. granted a license to Patrick, bishop of Ferns, to appi'opriate the church of Ardcolm to this Abbey, and Robert, his successor did also appropriate the church of Ardkevan to this house. — In 1418 Sir John Talbot, Lord Talbot of Furneval and Weysford, granted to this priory the chapel of St. Nicholas of Carrick. The Prior of this house sat in Parliament as a baron. John Heyghare was the last Prior ; and by Inquisition held on the 23rd of March, in the 3»Lst year of Henry VIII, it was found he was seized of a church and belfry, dormitory, hall, four chambers, a kitchen, two stables, two gardens, four orchards, two parks containing one acre and a-half, two acres of meadow, and a pigeoa house, within the precincts ; with 15 messuages and 14 gardens, in Wexford, annual value, besides reprises, 30s ; the manor of Ballyrelike, with a certain annual rent and four capons ; 8 acres of land in Kissaghmore, annual value, besides reprises, 17s. ; a messuage, with 20 acres of arable, 4 of meadow, 16 of pasture, and 20 of moor, in the Grange, annual value, besides reprises, 20s, and four capons ; 20 acres of arable, 4 of meadow, 16 of pasture, and 20 of moor, in Rathmore, annual value, besides reprises, 13s. 4d. and four capons ; a messuage, and 16 acres of arable, 4 of meadow, 10 of pasture, and 10 of moor in Churchtown, annual value, besides reprises, 13s 4d ; two messuages, and 60 acres of arable, 10 of meadow, 20 of pasture, and 40 of moor, in Aljastown, annual value, besides reprises, 46s. 8d. and seven ca- pons ; a messuage and 2 acres of arable, 1 acre of meadow, 2 of pasture, and 3 of moox', in Rathclorge, annual value, besides reprises, 4s. 8d. and one ca- pon ; a messuage, 4 acres of arable, i of meadow, 3 of pasture, and 3 of aaoor, in Blackball, annual value, beeides reprises, 3s. 8d. and a capon ; acd 65' " The Government of this Towne of Wexford, is by a Mayor, two Bailiffs, and twenty-four Burgesses. Itt sendis two Burgesses to Parliament. Itt hath a well frequented market on Saturdays. At the South-east end of the Towne stands the Castle, just without the walls. It is a great old antique building, said to be raised by King John at the time of his being in Ireland. Doubtless it is of great antiquity. Cromwell battered it, and had it render- ed en his own terms. Itt usually was a garrison, but now not soe. The Towne and Castle are washed on the north- east side by the mouth of the River Slane, dilated into a Poole of about six leagues in circumference, two necks of land from north and south pointing at each other over the Harbour's mouth, without which lies the Barre, at least a league at sea. This Harbour or Poole at the mouth of the river Slane in Ireland, is abmidantlie stored with wilde- fowle, viz.. Teale, Widgeon, Duck, Wilde Swans, &c., but Barnacle in multitudes, a fowle much bigger than a Duck, but not soe big as a Goose, but as good meated as either. — They are said by Gerrard and others, to breede, or rather to grow upon trees — (a gross mistake) — but it is most cer- tain that from the 21st day of August, on which day they come into the Poole or Harbour of Wexford, to the 21st day of May every year, they are in numbers wonderf uU — but on the 21st day of May they do all leave itt, going northwards by the sea, and in the ojDinion of many curious observers, they goe to the Northern Isles of Scotland to breede — for on the 21st of August following, they doe cer- tainlie and constantlie return into the same Poole or Har- bour of Wexford, bringing their young ones with them in numbers beyond expression. This Relator, as he hath rode forward and backward betwixt Wexford and Dublin, hath one acre of marsTi in Carige, annual value, besides reprises, 4d ; a castle and hall, with 30 acres of arable, 6 of meadow, and 14 of pasture, in New- bay, annual rent, besides reprieves, 6s 8d; also the following rectories ap- propriated to the Prior of this house and bis successors : St. Patrick, with the Saiuts Peter and Paul, and St. Tullog, in V/exford ; Killeane, Kilmocrj, St. Eweres, St. Margaret, Bnllynane, Slaney, Aghkyllen, Killualse, St. Nicho- las, Ball) valdou, and Ardcohne. All the said lands, &o,> being in thiscoauty. 5G often seen them at sea, coming a daj or two before their arrival, and alsoe going a day or two after their departure, and for twenty years hath observed their not f ayling the time of going or coming, as also their swimmg when the tide was with them, and their flying when the tide is against them, now and then resting themselves on the water. " In this great Poole or Harbour is an Island, called the Great Island — itt is indeed, two islands, but being wade- able from one to the other, they are accompted but one. There is alsoe a lesser island, called ' Beg-Erin,' in En- glish ' Little Ireland.' In this Island is a little Chappell, and in that a wooden IdoU, in the shape of an old man, call- ed St. Iberian, from one Iberian, the Patron Saint of a Church, the now chief e in repaire and in use in Wexford Towne, which Iberiau was (as he desired) buried in this Island of Beg Erin. To him people go to Worship — and in cases of controversies about debt, or otherwise, the parties go into this Island, where one swears before St. Iberian, and the other is willingly concluded by his oath. Some idle fellows that love not wooden gods, have twice or thrich stolen away St. Iberian, and cleft him out and burned him but still Phoenix- like, another rises out of his ashes, and is placed there again, and the silly people are persuaded that itts restored by a miracle. And if the new one be the younger, the miracle is the greater. But there one is this day, and a living Priest goes over now and then to fetch the silly l^eople's offerings to keep them for St. Iberian, no doubt on't." [Such is the off-hand, garrulous narrative of Colonel Eichards, as shown by the above extracts, contrasting with the solemn gravity of the anonymous writer, whose production we have noted before. Colonel Solomon Eich- ards was, at the date of his authorship — and this was, pro- bably, his first essay in that character — a veteran of Crom- 57 welPs army, and no donbt liad wielded the sword with more success than he here employs his pen. He is not to be confounded with any of the family named "^ Richards of Rathaspeck," who resided there before the arrival of Cromwell, and having betn married to a Miss De Loundres, of Athboy, in the county of Meath, (a descendant from the brother of Henry de Loundres, the first English Catholic Archbishop of Dublin,) but had then conformed to Protest- antism, he, also, became one, and declining to join the Ca- tholic Confederation in 1641, was favoured in the Cromwel- lian Distribution. The family name, we believe, continues connected with Eathaspeck still, but net resident. The name of the father of the present family was " Williams- dorff," an Officer in a Hanoverian regiment quartered in Wexford, after the Insurrection of 1798, who, on his mar- riage with the heiress, adopted the name of " Eichards." The family of Colonel Eichards having emigrated from Wales into Devonshire^ settled at Badleigh, in that county. The Colonel continued in Cromwell's army up to 1656, and obtained a grant of lands in the county of Wexford, which was confirmed to him by Charles 11.^ He was the f omider of the numerous respectable families — with the exception * From the Records of Giants of Lands and other Hereditaments under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, we have that to Solomon Richards, Esq., was assigned in Si^gins-Haggard, 143 acres ; Aghfad and BuHytartau, 430 acres; part of Barnestowne, 15 acres ; Ballyneclough, 85 acres ; Bally- vologr.e, 114, in the barony of Shilmalier ; part of Coolidine, 27a. Ir. 24p. ; in Clonmore, 126a, Ir 22p., barony of Ballagkkeene j Tomeane-McTerry, 170 acres ; Garryfelime, 95 aci-es ; Ballydamore, 184 acres ; Balljmortagb, 135 acres ; Balljaesimma, 170 acres or 107 ,* Eaheene, 156 acres, in the barony of Scarawalsh ; Newtowne, 155a. 2r. 14p. in the Barony of Bargy, at a rent of £40 lis ll/od, which was afterwards reduced to £34 Is. by patent dated the 15th April, and inrolled the 26th May, 1679. There was a Thomas Richards who also obtained lands under same Acts, 5S of that of Eathaspeck — of that name in the county of Wexford. Dean Swift in a paper entitled " The Pres- BYTEEIANS' PlEA OF MeRIT, IIT ORDER TO TAKE OFF THE Test Act, impartially examined," in speaking of the preferments which the Presbyterians had from James II., who advanced them rather than Chnrch of England men, mentions the Colonel in no flattering way. " Upon the first intelligence (says the Dean) King James received of an intended invasion by the Prince of Orange, among great numbers of Papists to increase his troops, he gave Com- missions to several Presbyterians, some of whom had been officers imder the ' Enmp,' — and in particular he placed one Eichards, a noted Presbyterian, at the head of a regi- ment, who had been Governor of Wexford in Cromwell's time, and is often mentioned by Ludlow in his Memoirs. This regiment was raised in England against the Prince of Orange. The colonel made his son a Captain, whom I know, and was as zealous a Presbyterian as his father. — However, at the Prince's landing, the father easily fore- seeing how things would go, went over, like many others, to the Prince, who continued him in his regiment, but coming over in a year or two afterwards, to assist in rais- ing the siege of Derry, he behaved himself so like either a coward or else a traitor, that his regiment was taken from him.] I DIOCESE OF FEKKS. 1612. The following curious document, though in some parts- mutilated, may be of some interest, as showing the state of the Eeformed Eeligion in the Diocese of Ferns at that period, and the manner in which the Native Inhabitants were to be converted. It is entitled — " A TRUE ACCOMPT OP THE BiSHOP OP FeRNES AND LeIGH- LIN, HOW HE HATH PERFORMED THOSE DUTIES WHICH THE Right Reverend Father in God the Archbi- shop OP Dublin, being his Metropolitane, under- took unto His Majesty for him and the rest of HIS Suffragans, made this First of September, 1612. " Concerning the order and course which I have holden for the suppressing of Popery and planting the truth of Religion in each of my Dioces, it hath beene of two sorts — First, being advised by some in authority (unto whom His Majesty's pleasure and the state of those times were better known then unto me) to carry myself in all mild and gentle manner toward my diocesans & circuits, I never (till of late) proceeded to the excommunication of any for matter of Religion, but contented myself only to confer with di- vers of each dioces both poore and rich, and that in the most familiar and kind manner that I cold, confirming our doctrines and confuting ther assertions by the touch- stone of all truth, the holy Scriptures. And for the poorer sort, some of them have not only discovered unto me pri- vately ther dislike of popery and of the masse, in regard they understood not what is said or done therein, but also groaned under the burthen of the many priests in respect of the double tithes and offerings, the one paid by them unto u* and the other unto them. Being then demanded of me why they did not forsake the masse, and come to onr Church, ther answere hath bene (which I know to be true in some) that if they shold be of our religion, no popish mtarchant wold employ them being sailors, no popish land- lord wold let them any lands being husbandmen, nor sett them houses in tenantry being Artificers, And therefore they mi:st either starve or doe as they doe. As for the Gentlemen and those of the richer sort I have alwaies found them very obstinate, which hath proceeded from the priests resorting unto ther houses and company, and continuall hammering of them upon ther superstitious anvell. Touch- ing the second course, since the time this His Majesty sig- nified his expresse pleasure that the censures of the Church shold be by us practised against recussants after often Sheriff, I caused to be brought be- fore me, hoping then that my perswasion and reasons, to- gether with ther apparent and present danger, wold make them relent ; myself prevailing nothing with them, I en- treated ther landlord Sir Henry Wallop to try what he could do vdth them, but all in vaine : this done I singled them out one by one and offered each of them this favour to give them any reasonable time to bethink themselves, upon these Conditions, First, that they wold repair to ther curats house twist or thrist a week, and heare our service privately in hi^ chamber read unto them, next that they wold putt me in good security for the delivering of ther bodies unto the Sheriff, at the end of the Time to be grant- ed, if they conformed not themselves ; but they jumped all in one answere as if they had known before hand what offer I wold tender unto them, and had beene catechised by some priest, what answere to make, viz., ' that they were resolv- ed to live and dy in that Religion, and that they knew that they must be emprisoned at the length, an therefore (said they) as good now as hereafter.' " I have contenually resided either in the Dioces of Ferns or of Leighlin, sometimes in the one, sometimes in qh^ ©th«r. And in whichsoever myself have been I have 61 exercised the ecclesiastical jurisdiction in person, wlien 1 was not, mine officiall supplied mj roome. " Having been about VII years Bishop, I have everj yeare once visited each of my dioces in person, and have called before me my clergy in each deanry, and two at the lest of the laity out of every parish for sidesmen upon ther oaths to detect all the offences and defects of ecclesi- asticall cognisance committed within ther several parishes,, and have accordingly proceeded therein. " If I be authorized under the seale to tender the oath of allegiance to every man of sort within my diocesses, I am most reddy and willing to put it in execution, to persuade them in the best and serious manner that I can to take the- oath, and duely and truely to certify the Lord Deputy from time to time the names both of the takers and refusers thereof. " There was never any yett admitted by m-e or mine of- ficiall unto any spiritual living within either of my dioces,. but he did distmctly with his mouth pronounce and I doubt not, but truely and willingly with his hart embrace and take the oath of supremacy. " Having as diligently as I can enquired what priests,. &c., resort each of my dioces, and who are the ordinary harboures of them, I [Here part of the original was destroyed, and a few lines together with the first name on the list is missing. It goe&^ on as follows : — " 2. Sr. James Walsh, sometimes at the house of Jouan Shane alias Shea in the towne of New Rosse, and some- times at the Bane being V miles beyond Femes. " 3. Sr. Mathew Roch, livinge in New Rosse, some- times at the House of his Brother Luke Roch, and some- times at the house of Matthew Shaue ahas Shea in the- same towne. " 4. Sr. Richard Fitzharries, either in New Rosse at his Brother James Fitzharries Fitz John his house, or atStoaks- towne with Master Nicholas Dormer, or at the house of Mattkew Dormer (brother to the saidNicholas) atTalleragh,. 62 This Ricliard is now beginning' to build a ma sse bouse in Eosse upon the land of his Brother James. Mine humble suit is, that some present course maybe taken for the hin- dering thereof , as alsoe for the nailing up of the doore of another chappell in that towne of New Rosse formerly built by Sr. David Dowle aforesaid. " 5. Sr. Wilham Dowle, keeping ordinarily in New Rosse, at the house of his Brother Patrick Dowle. " 6. Sr. John Quiltey, a roaving priest, sometime one of our Clergy (but long since), keeping here andther in the parish of Old Rosse, and the parishes neere adjoining. " 7. Sr. William Barrick, a very old man, kee])ing'e at New Rosse, in the House of William Bennett. This man about X years since was one of our Clergy and was vicar of New Rosse. " 8. Sr. Tirielogh, priest, heretofore haunting to the hotise of Walter Archer of Ardcloman, but of late I have not heard of him. " 9. One Dormer, priest, Brother to Marcus Dormer of New Rosse, in whose house he for the most part keepeth. " 10. Sr. Nicholas O'CoUy, keeping here and ther in the parish of Kilcomman neere to Felin and Redmon McFeagh ther Houses. "11. Sr. William Furlong, of Wexford,"^ friar, residing for the most part either to the house of Patrick Furlong, of W^exford, Alderman, his father, or to the house of tfohn Furlong, of Wexford, his Brother. " 12. Sr, William Waddinge, priest, frequenting the * Sir James Ware in bis list of writers between the years 1600 and 1700, mentions a William Furlonpr, of Wexford, which we suppose to be the same named bj Bishop Earn. Ware says he was educated at Oxford, and was intended for the law, but " trnvelled into France, then to Rome, and lastly to Spain, where he became a Cisterian Monk in the Monastery of Nucale in Gallicia. He studied Philosophy in the Collej2:e of Meyra in the same Pro- vince, and Divinity in Salamanca. Having completed his Studies he was commanded into Ireland upon the Mission, where (if we could believe an eminent Author of his own Order) * he acquired the reputation of a Sainb by many miraculous Cures he performed on numbers of People.'' Ho died at Wexford on the 8th of April, 1616, or 1614;, as some say. house of Walter Waddinge, his father, in the towne of "Wexford. '' 13. Sr. William DeToroux, priest, keeping in Wexford here and ther at no certain place. " 14. Sr. William Hanton, priest, abiding in the parish of Maglas in a house built upon the land of Waddinge in Polingtoji. [Here another break occurs in the original, and it next opens with a list of the Catholic Priests in the Diocese of Leighlin, of which he only gives ten, and then proceeds with his account as follaws : — " No popish priest hath ever been admitted either to Church living or Cure within either of my diocess during my Incumbency; neither (God willing) during my time ever shall. *'' All the Churches within both my diocess are builded accordinge to the Country fashion, or bonds taken for the building of those few that are unbuilded, except some few parishes, wherin ther is yet little or no habitation, and ex- cept the Cathedral Church of Femes, which having been burnt by Feagh McHow in the time of Eebellion, is so chargeable to re-edify, that the Deane and Chapter are not able to compasse that work ; neither is it indeed fitt, that the Cathedral Church shold be at Femes, being now but a poor Country Village, but either at Wexford, or at New Rosse, being both incorporat townes, very populous of themselves, especially Wexford, and of much resort by strangers. Yet there is an ile of the Cathedral Church builded, wherein devine service is duely celebrated. " There is in each of my dioces a free schoole, the one in the towne of Wexford for the Diocess of Femes ; the other in the towne of Mareborogh for the Diocess of Leighlin. — The schoolmasters are maintained by m^'self and m}^ Clergy accordinge to the statute. Neither have I ever licensed any schoolmaster to teach but such as have first entered bonds to teach none other books but such as are agreeable to the King's Injunctions : But these schooles established fey authority are to small purpose if all the popish priests 64 Sn this Kingdome, taketliat course (as in all probability thej doe) which a priest called Laghlin Oge took not long since, after the celebration of his masse ; for he taught the people first, that whosoever did send ther Children or pupils to be taught bj a schole-master of our Eeligion, they were excommunicated ipso facto, and shold certenly be damned without they did undergoe great penance for ^her so doing. Kext (though not apperteining to this Branch) that the infants, which were by us baptised, if they were not brought to them to be re-baptised, both the parents so doing, and the Children so baptized were damned* Lastly, though I have used my best endeavor according to my simple skill to reform recussants, yet have I come f arre short of what I ought to have done ; and I must needs acknowledge myself to be an unprofitable servant. — But by the Grace of God I am what I am, and by the said Grace assisting me, I will endevor myself daily more and more to root out popery and to sow the seed of true Keli- gion in the harts of all the people committed to my charge ; which though I have no hope to effect as I wold, yet, est aliquid prodire tenus cum non datur ultra. '"' The humble an sere of Thomas Bishop of Femes and Leighlin, to His Majesty's Instructions and Interrogations lately sent unto the Archbishops and Bishops of this Realme. " Touching the first article, I have answered particu- larly unto each branch thereof in my former Certificate. " Concerning the true valew of the Benefices of each diocess aforesaid, and the names and qualities of the pre- sent Incumbents, they are (so neere as I can lerne) as fol- loweth : ^'the bishopeicke of feknes. " Episcopatus Fernensis. — The present Incumbent ther- of is Thomas Ram, who at his first comyinge to the place found it worth by the yeare, one hundred marks, Sterlinge penny Rent. But by his recovery c»f the manor of Fitherd, 66 bj a longe and chargeable suit at Lawe (though ended by composition at length) it is nowe bettered per annum bj £XL. " This Bishopricke hath bin f ower or five hundred pounds by the yere, but by the many fee farms made therof by his predecessors, especipily Alexander Devereux and John Devereux, to their kindred at very small rents, it is reduced unto this small pittanco af oresayd. This Bishop- ricke of Femes and the other of Leighlin lie both together, and the dwelling houses of them both, Fetherd (seated in the remotest part from Leighlin of the whole dioces of Femes) and old Leighlin, are but XXVII English miles asunder. " Decanatus Femensis. — The forenamed Ram Incumbent. " Prebenda de Eathaspecke alsoe Edermin Vicaria ejus- dum. — Michael BeUarby, a Batchelor of Arts and a preacher, keeping residence and hospitality thereon, holdinge them by unyon durante vita. " Prebenda de Ffithard.— »Bartholomewe Stafford, a Student in Trinity Colledge, nere Dublin, aged about twen- tie yeres. [We suppose this to be a son of Nicholas Staf- ford who preceded Thomas Ram in the Bishopric of the Diocese.] " Vicaria ejusdem. — Richard Allen, a readinge Minister of English birth, keeping hospitality according to his meanes. [Perhaps a .son or relative of Hugh Allen who Succeeded John Devereux as Bishop of Ferns in 1582.] " Prebenda de KiUegan alias Colestuffe. — Henry Reigh, an auntient readinge Minister of Irish birth, skilful in the English, Irish, and Lattm tongues. " Rectoria de Kilkevan. — The same Reigh. " Vicaria de Colestuffe. — Robert Dreighan, an auntient Minister of Irish birth, havinge the English, Irish, and Lattin tongues, residinge within a quarter of a mile thereof. " Prebenda de Toome cu Capella de Tallaragh. — John Alcocke, a Batchelor of Arts and a preacher. " Rectoria de Carnugh. — The same Alcocke, residing on his parsonage of Carnugh. 66 •a Prendenda de Gloom. — David Browne, an auntient Mi- :nister borne in Ireland, skilfnll in the English, Irish, and Lattin tongues, residinge in Wexford where he serveth «ome cures. " Prebenda de Kilrush. — John Lacy, an auntient Minis- ter, born in Ireland, skilfull in the English, Irish, and Lat- tin tongues, residing theron. " Rectoria de Kilcormocke. — The same Lacy, holdings it by dispensation out of the OiSce of Faculties. " P Church.— WiUyam Synot. [Here another break occurs in the document.] "Yiearia de Kilturke et Kilmore. — Robert Hudson, a ^atchelor of Arts and a preacher, holdinge them by Union durante vita, the parishes lying together, and the Churches not a mile distant the one from the other, and residinge in I^ilturke. " Rectoria de Malrancan. — James Busher, an auntient Churchman, the tax thereof in the King's Books is far greater than the true value of the living. " Vicaria ejusdem. — James Furlonge, an auntient read- ing Minister, residing thereon. " Vicaria de Killagge. — Walter French, an auntient readinge Minister, residinge thereon. " Vicaria de Bennoe. — John Harris, an auntient Master of Arts, and a preacher, residinge in my house at Fithard being within less than a mile thereof. " Rectoria de Kilmannan. — James Prendergast, a read- inge Minister, having the English, Irish, and Lattin tongues, residinge thereon. " Vicaria de veteri Rosse. — The same Prendergast, hold- ing it by dispensation out of the Office of Faculties. " Rectoria de Horetowne. — Richard Hendrican, a Church- man, having the English, Irish, and Lattin tongues dwell- inge on his owne land neere unto that parish. " Vicaria de Clomyne. — Vacant. It is of so small worth that no man will passe the patent for it, and therefore the Curate enjoyeth the profit. *' Vicaria de Hooke. — Thomas Flemynge, a readinge Mi- 67 nister of TrisH birth, kavinge the English, Irish and Lattint. tongues, residinge thereon. " Rectoria de Raven. — Nicholas Rochford, a readinge Mi- nister of Irish birth, havinge the English and Irish tongues,^ residinge thereon. " Walter Sjnot, a readinge Minister of Irish birth, havinge the English, Irish, and Lattin tongues, re- sidinge thereun. * -x- ^ -x- ^ ^ " Prebenda de Crosspatricke. — Robert Ram, a Batchelor of Arts, a student of Trinity College, neere Dublin. '' Vicaria de Kilco^an. — Patrick Kelly, an auntient Churchman of Irish birth, skilf ull in the English and Irish tongues, residinge thereon. " Vicaria de Ramacknee, — The same Kelly, holdinge it by dispensation out of the Office of Faculties. "Vicaria de Magloss. — James Stafford, an auntient readinge Minister, residinge on the same, and havinge the English and Lattin tongues. " Rectoria de Kilskowran. — AdamHay^. as yet but Dea- con, residinge thereon. " Rectoria de Roslare cu Cappella de Ballemoore. — Thomas Gallamore, a Master of Arts, and a preacher, re- sidinge thereon and keeping good hospitality. " Rectoria de Shamboe. — The same Gallamore, holdinge by dispensation from the Office of Faculties. " Vicaria de Roslare. — Richard Reigh, an auntient Churchman, keepinge residence and hospitality. ■X- -x- -x- ^ -Jf -K- " Vicaria de Millenoch. — Murtogh Mackaparsons, a read- inge Minister of Irish birth, havinge the English, Irish and Lattki tongues. " Rectoria de Kiltennill. — James Lee, a Master of Arts, and a preacher, lately admitted thereimto, and to reside thereon very shortly. " Rectoria de Kilcoman. — Vacant. It was leased long- since with a reservation of only XX shillings sterling. *''■ Rectoria de Ambrosetowne.— William Underwood^ a seholler, of XVI years of age or thereabouts, dispensed with, all gratia studii. " Rectoria de Kilgarvan. — John Batison, a scholler, aged XYII yeai's or thereabouts, dispensed with all gratia studii. Here follows the list of Ministers for the Diocese of Leighlin, and the Bishop concludes his " accompt" as fol- lows : — " At my first preferment unto these Bishopricks, and finding such want of Clergymen within both my Dioces, es- pecially of Leighlin, that some of the parishioners being by me blamed for carry eing their children to priests to be christ- ened, answered (thoug rather for Excuse, as I found after- wards in that they reformed not themselves, then for con- science sake,) that they were compelled so to doe, in regard they had no Curate of our Eeligion neere unto them ; in imitation of the Reverend Bishops living in the beginning of the raign of our late Queene of happy memory, I entreat ed 3 or 4 men of English birth of staid carriage and good re- port, being well able to give an account of their faith in the English tong, and to instruct the people by readinge, to enter orders of the Church, and provided for them first Cuies amongst the English parishes, afterwards small Vi- carages which they enjoy at this time, and reside upen them. And whereas 2 or 3 of the natives of this country beinge well able to speak''and reade Irish unto ther Cotmtry- men, sought unto me for Holy Orders, I thought likewise fitt in the great scarcity of men of that quality to admit them thereunto (being likewise of honest life and well re- ported of amongst ther neighbours), and to provide them some small competency of living in the Irish parts ; fur- thermore being desirous, serere alteri seculo, by providing a lerned Ministry which shal be able to preach unto the people heereafter, I have alsoe accordinge to the auntient eustome of my diocese dispensed with 3 or 4 youths of XV QX XVI years of age, to hold each of them a Church living under £10 in true value studii gratia, having taken order ipflth the Churchmen adjoining to discharge the cures of 69 the same, and havinge had a watchful ey over these young men that they did not doe bona fide follow may be dealt withall to authorize one or two of the Bi- shops choice and nomination for the executing of the writs de excommunicato capiendo. Next that none be suffered to be Gaolers or mferior Officei-s unto them, but such as resort unto our Church without the former the excommunicats for matter of Eeligion will hardly be attached ; without the latter they being attached and committed will be encouraged to continew in ther obsti- nacy. " Secondly, ther being divers Impropriations within each of my dioces which have no Vicars endowed, whose possessioners are bound by their leases or feef arms to find sufiicient Curates ; mine earnest request is that a compe- tent stipend may be raised out of every able Impropriation whereby the Curate thereof may be mayntained : And that 2 or 3 of the Impropriations of small valew may be united amongst themselves, if they be together ; and a compe- tency raised out of them all so united for an Incumbent, but if they be asunder that then they may be united to the next parsonage or vicarage adjoining and contribute towards the bettering thereof : provided alwaise, that in whichsoever of the united Churches Divine service is celebrated, thither all the Parishioners of the Churches united be compelled every Sabaoth and holy day to repair in ther course and turne. Now the competency which I conceave wil be fit- test for the Improprietaries to yeld, and for the Curats to receave, is the small tithes of every such parish. " THO. Feeness & Leighlin." The foregoing document throws some light on the man- ner which the Bishop adopted for " planting the. truth of Religion in each of his Dioces," and it was evidently not without a spice of persecution. We have no acconnt from the Bishop himself as to how lie succeeded wdth his " ex- communications" and imprisonments; or if Sir Henry 70 Wallop interfered to coerce his tenants. It appears tliat about this time the going Judges of Assize had to report on the state of Religion in their circuits, and we have such a report from Wexford, made by Mr. Justice Cressy to the Lord Deputy, which, though written twenty years after the " Accompt," shows plainly that the Bi- shop's measures was not successful, and that the native inhabitants still adhered to the religion of their forefa- thers. Justice Cressy writes — " Most Hok. Lord, — According to the directions given by your Lordship, I have here, at the town of Wexford, as it came to my turn, made known his Majesty's pleasure to the countr}^, wherein I cannot yet perceive but that the people, on all hands, rest satisfied therewith. The jails are here, in a manner, empty, and the indictments and com- plaints few, and of small moment ; but I find, that this country, which doth contain the most ancient English Plantators, and were lately the most forward Professors of the Eef ormed Christian Religion in the kingdom, by the pernicious confluence of Priests, who here have raised a Romish Hierarchy of Bishops, Commissaries, Vicars-Ge- neral, and Parochial Priests of their own, to the great de- rogation of his Majesty's Royal Power, and to the estab- lishing of a foreign jurisdiction in all causes ecclesiastical, are now in a sort become principally Romish ; so that the secular and common people do themselves groan under the burthen. " Now, my Lord, this being directly against the Laws established, not invading only, but even abrogating his Majesty's jurisdiction and princely Government in this his kingdom of L^eland, I held myself bound, not only by my oath as a Judge, and as a servant of the King, but even by my Allegiance, to oppose this with all the force and strength that my place could afford ; and, therefore, in my charge unto the Jury^ did declare unto them^ the quality 71 and fearful consequences thereof, But I. fear all in vain, for the j are all Recusants; not one Pro- testant among them. I shall this day press them to find their Bishop of Femes, here placed amongst them by the Pope's authority ; what they will do, 1 shall hereafter re- late unto your Lordship. In the mean time, I have been privately solicited by one of their sect, a Professor of the Law, to look to myself ; a man in years, likely ere long to lay my bones amongst them, and tendered me a Priest to confer with for a preparation. I told liim, if he would bring me a beneficed Priest, or one that had spiritual juris- diction amongst them, I would talk with him ; but upon this, and my declaration of my distaste for his council, we parted : whether they may or will plot against me, or in what kind, I know not. I fear God, not them. I shall be to my power, zealous to the service of God, and of his Ma- jesty the King, my Lord and Master, and shall ever rest, Tour Lordship's most faithful and obliged servant, "A Cressy." « Wexford, Aug. 15, 1633." Bishop Earn died in Dublin on the 24th November, 1634. of apoplexy. He built an Episcopal House, at Old Leigh- lin, for the benefit of his successors, and founded a library for the use of his Clergy, which was afterwards destroyed in the rebellion of 1641. He was buried in a Chapel, at Gorey, which he had built himself on an estate of his own acquisition. THE WEXFOED GRA:^^D JURY. 1618. From about the year 1580 the advent of new families into this CoTitity began to increase. Some came to avoid the changes in England, consequent on the changes intro- duced in religious affairs, and others to fill places in conse- quence of these same changes introduced here. In 1582, Hugh Allen was sent to fill the See of Ferns, and with him came several of his family and connections, who obtained lands at Rathumney, in the barony of Shelburne. To him succeeded Bishop Robert Graves, under whom the Sees of Leighlin and Ferns were united in 1600, who died, or was drowned within the year. Nicholas Stafford succeeded, and continued a few years, when he was succeeded by Bi- shop Thomas Ram, and he again, after many years, by George Andrews. Each of these Bishops brought new families into the County. The principal new families of note introduced during the reign of Queen Elizabeth were the Colcloughs, Wallops, Itchinghams, Mastersons, and Scurlockes, with their minor branches. It was on a fine summer day, in the year 1618, while the gentlemen of the Grand Jury of the County were about to be sworn before the Judge of Assize, that the inhabitants of the town of Wexford were put on the qui vive by the arrival of a very distinguished person, no less than Sir Daniel Molyneux, " Ulster Kinge of Arms throughout the Realme Irelande," by virtue of the Commission to him directed under the Great Seal. He had journeyed into our Coimty for the purpose " of inquiring into, and regis- tering the descent, arms, and pedigrees of the principal Gentlemen of the Shire." The result of his labours is to be found in a book now in the College of Arms, Birming- ham Tower, Dublin, written in Black Letter, with the Coat of Arms of the different families beautif uilj embla- zoned, and of which the following are the contents : — Page 1, contains the Title Page highly ornamented. 2. — The pedigree of Batler, of Balleboro, (now Castleboro,) consisting of five generations. 3. — Colcloughs, of Tynterne Abbey, only the arms, bnt no pedigree. 4. — Mastersons, of Ferns, only arms, no pedigree. 5. — Butler, of Cloghnakayra (Wilton) Baron-Kayer, five generations, beginning with 8th Earl of Ormonde. 6. — Devereux of Balmager, five generations. 7. — Keating, of Baldwinstown, five generations. "/•S. — Codde, of Castletown, six generations, 9. — Rochford, of Tagonan, six generations. 10. — Scurlocke, of Roslare, six generations. 11. — ^Allen, of Rathumney, three generations. 12. — Turnonr, of Ballynockan, eight generations, 13. — ^Hore, of Polehore, ten generations. 14. — Hore, of Harperstown, ten generations. 15. — Synnott, of Rahine, five generations. 16. — Furlong, of Davidstown, six generations. 17. — Stafford, of Bally mackane, ten generations. 18. — Wadding, of Ballycogley, six generations. 19. — Esmonde, of Johnstown, six generations. 20. — Wh3rfce, of Trummor, five generations. 21. — Stafford, of Ballyconnor, six generations. 22. — Synnott, of Ballyclanyfe, four generations. 23. — Lamporte, of Ballyhire, six generations. (These were the arms of the gentlemen who that summer constituted the County Grand Jury.) 24. — Arms, but no name or pedigree. 25. — Arms, do do. 26. — Fitzgerald, of Killisk, arms, but no pedigree. (Afterwards have been added.) 27. — Arms of Harvey family, but no pedigree. 28.— Arms and Motto of Weysford Town. '-"^^^^^ -9 Jcrv^ V e-»\.^t^r. Page 29. — Arms and Motto of "the Borougli and Com- monaltie of Gowrie (Gorey,) granted 24th. ISToveniber, 1620. 30. — Haj, of Tacumshane, arms, bnt no pedigree. At the end of the vohime are descents and bearings of gome of the Bargesses of Wexford Town, viz. : — Furlong, Stafford of the Castle at Stonebridge, with three other branches of the same name, and Tumour (Turner). The old Norman families of Nevilles of Ambrosetown and Eosegarland ; Devereux, of Deeps ; Fitzhenrjs, of Kilcavan and Mack mine ; Cheevers, of Ballyhealy and Kil- liane ; Furlongs, of Horetown and Carrigmannon ; Roches, of Drinagh and Artramont ; Hores, of Ballyshelane, Grow- town and Taghmon ; Prendergast, of Bannow ; Synnott, of Ballybrennan, Synnott's Land, Farrellstown, and many inferior houses ; Keating, of Kilcavan and Dunganstown ; Meyler, of Duncormuck ; Whittys, of Ballyteigue and Dungulph ; Rossiters, of Rathmacknee, Bargy, and Lings- town, and a great many others appear either to have con- tumaciously disregarded, at these disjointed times, the summons of the King-at-Arms to attend in the County Town for the purpose of registering their arms and pedi- grees, or as may be probable, the Herald could only obtain those of such as were in the Town during his stay, and the circumstances of the times prevented a second visit. After mention that there were very numerous branches of the Synnotts, we may give an anecdote concerning them. They had acquired such larsre properties, and were so scat- tered, that when Sir Richard Sjnmott was Sheriff of the County in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, he summoned a Grand Jury of which every member was one of his own name. On hearing the name so frequently reiterated, the Justice facetiously remarked, that to judge by their con- siderable estates and good living they must have obtained their fair lands by virtuous courses, and acted, and would act, up to their name — " Sin-not." — E. H. THE REFORMATION OF LEINSTER, 1539 and 1540. The County of Wexford, as well a^ the greater part of Ireland, haying fallen into great disorder consequent on the changes in religion made by the King Henry VIII.,. orders were sent to the Council of Ireland to use every ex- ertion to have those changes carried out to their fullest extent. Accordingly we find that about Christmas 1538, Lord Chancellor Allen, William Brabazon, and Gerald Ayl- mer, members of the Council, set out on a tour for this purpose, and we have the result in the following report, written on the 11th January, 1539, addressed to Secretary Crumwell, and which we copy from the " State Papers published under the authority of His Majesty's Commis- sion" : — " Our humble duties promised unto Your right honorable good Lordship. It may plese the same to b© advertised, that, lieke as parte of us ded write mito your Lordship bef or Christmas, how we wold, in the same vacant tyme, repaire into theis parties, not oonlie for publishing of the Kingis injunctions, setting furth of the Wurd of God, and the Kingis Supremycie, but also aswell for levieng of the first fructes and twentie parte, with other the Kingis revennues, in theis f ower shires above the Bar= - rowe, as keping of cessions, and redresse of the peoples complaintes here ; according wherunto, we resorted first to Carlagh, where the Lord James Butler kepte his Crista- mas, and ther being veray well interteyned, trom thens we went to Kylkennyy wher we were no les interteyned^ by the Erie of Ormonde. ^ * ^ ^ ^. # 76 ^' The Satirdaie foloing, we repaired to Eosse ; which towne having been heretof or oon of the best townes in this lande, being also situate in the best place of that parties for snbdueing of the Kavenaghes, is, in manner, utterlie decaid and wasted, and so hathe been theis many yeres, by reason of the contynuall warr and adnoyance of the Cavenaghes, and the contentions betwixt them and Wa- terford, which cannot be holpen, whiles the Cavenaghes remayne onreformed. There, the morne after, the said Archebishop preched ; which doon, that night we went to Wexforde, where the same ArchlDishop preched on the Epiphane dale, having a grete audience, publishing the said injunctions, and doing all thingis there as we ded at Kylkenny. The next dale we kept the cessions ther, mak- ing lieke enquirey, as we ded at Kylkenny ; and some male- factors were likewise put to execution, and divers other pre- sentmentes made ther. And albeit that the gentilmen and inhabitantes of that shire usen most the Inglishe habit e and tongue of any other place in theis quarters, having a libertie for thadmynistration of justice amongis them, which being abused causeth many enormities, con- tentions, and abuses to be emonges them. For now, upon our view of the said shire, we perceyve though William Seyntlow be mete for warres, and to set furth with souldeors like a caj)itayne, yet being chief officer of the said shire, by the name of Senescall, wherby he is bothe capitayne, and judge of the recorde of all pleas holden within that libertie, hathe no experience, no know- lege, for the due admynistracion of justice, and the civile order of people ; which bringith many thingis to a confu- sion., The same were good to be shortlie redressed ; the rather, considering that the Kingis Highnes hathe more revenues and inheritance in that shire, in his possession, than in all tother shires above Barrowe. Nevertheles, as we understande, the said William Seyntlow, being Senes- call, hathe withdrawen from His Highnes moche of His Graces profightes ; as fynes, amerciamentes, forfeatures ^1 recognisancis^ felones goodis^ and soche casualties as ac- cnie to His Majestie ther ; levieug and converting tlie same to his private commoditie, as James Shirlocke^, re- ceyvour ther,"^ affirmetlie. The souldeors also ther, in re- tynue of the same WilHara Scyntloe, for the defence of the same shyre, and the Kingis garrisons ther, put the King to a more charge, then His Grecis yerelie revennues there cometh unto ; divers of them committing rather more op- pressions and extortions to the people, then they do them good by any defence they make for them : and yit be they noither horsed, ne weponed, as shnld apperteyne to do His Highnes service. Assuring your Lordship, that, ase we thinke, if it shall plese the Kingis Highnes to commaunde us to order that shire as we shall thinke good. His Grace shall have that countrie well defended with half the charge he is now at ; so as soche fermes, as the saide Wilham Scynt- low hathe there of the King, may be likewise at our ap- pointment and order for the Kingis profight, and defence of the countrie, and he to be recompensed otherwise for the same. " And where your good Lordship, upon information given unto you, that oon Fulke Den, defendant in assise arrayed against him in the courte of the said libertie by oon John Furlong, was not able to try his right by the course of the common la^ve within the shire aforsaid with the playntif in thassise, ye desired and vdlled us indifferentlie to examyne ther titles ; and we perceeyving that your Lordships said letters was grownded upon a just cause, and proceded of a true infor- mation to your Lordship, I, His Highnes Chaunceller, your Lordships most bounden, therupon ded direct furthe an injunction under the Grete Seale to the playntif, wherby he was commaunded, upon payne of a thousande merkes, that he shuld no furder procede in that assise. Which he nothing regarding, upon his contempt I awarded against * Secretary Crnmwel], on the 23rd of September, 1537, signified to the Commissioners, the King's pleasure that Sherlock should be appointed Ke- ceiver of the county of Wexford, and have some conyenient farm allotted to him. liim the Kingis writt of attachement to the Kingis officers of the said libertie, to take his bodie, and to bring him befor us ; which they contemptiushe disobiedy noither exe- cuting, ne retornyng the same, so as the pleyntif in the game assise, commensed befor William Seyntloe, as senes- chall of the libertie, proceded therin after the said William Seyntlowis departure, before oon William Jerbarde, oon of his retynue, as deputie senescall unto him ; who having no commission from the said William, but by nude paroUe, proceded not oonly therin, but also holdethe befor him all other pleis of the shire ; and after a verdicte for the pleyn- tif taken befor him, sittuig alone withowte the Justice of the same libertie, and befor any recorde made therof , or befor any judgement given, he awarded execution to the shirif, which was doon accordinglie. The'same, as he saith to us, he ded by force of my Lord Deputies letters, sent imto him, commaunding him so to doe. The same and lieke indirect commaundementes do no good, but subverte the order of the lawe. But if William Seyntlow, in that office, being an office of trust, mought make a deputie, as we doubt whether he may or not, yit it were mete he shuld appoint a dej)utie, mete to execute soche a rome, by dede, and that he shuld have in all judiciall causes the justice of the libertie assisting to him, who hathe not be cauled to soche thingis. The libertie also must be used in the na- ture of a libertie, so as they must obey nevertheles the Kingis Counsaile to the Chauncery, and other the Kingis high Courtes, in all soche cases, as they do in liberties of Ingland ; orelles it wer better ther were no libertie ther. " It hathe been devised, as your Lordship knowethe, that the same libertie shuld cese, and the King to have a justice to mynister his lawes in Wexford to thinhitantes of that shire, and thother three shires above the Barrowe ; and till that be doon, ther shalbe litle good order in thois par- ties. And if it shall plese your Lordship to advertise us of the Kingis plesur concernyng the premisses, we shall, by thadvise of the rest of His Gracis Counsaile in this lande^. and of the gentilmen of the said counties, take soche sub- 79 stanciall order tlierin, as the King-is said revennues shall not thus be conceyled, or yit f ry viouslie consumed, which nedethe brevelie to be redressed." In a subsequent letter the same Gentlemen say — " We cen not, in manner, express to your Lordship, with howe moche difficultie we have persuaded, in that jorney, thin- habitauntes of the counties of Wexford, Waterforde, Kil- kenny, and Tipperarie, to paie the Kinges Highnes a yerelie subsidie ; that is to vsay, the countie of Wexford e an hundred markes by the yere, Waterforde fiftie poundes, Kilkenny xiftie poundes, and Tipperarie fiftie poundes. — In whiche places we cannot perceive, by any recorde, that every any of the Kinges moost noble progenitours had any subsidie hitherto, but lately for oon yer in the countie of Wexforde, denyeng it in the name of subsidie." After this many plans were suggested by the Lord De- puty |and Council to the King for the " Reformatyon of Laynster," and amongst them the following : — Devyses of your moste humble subjectes for reforma- TYON OF Laynster, and for contynuance of the same. " Furste, where Your Majestie hathe a castell callyd Femes, with certen terretories sytuated almoste in the myddes of the Cavanaghes, whereunto ys adjoynyng the Cathedrall Churche of the Bushop, called Busshop of Femes, their to have the place for the Greate Maister, to be bounde alweys therto be resydent apon his owne charge, to kepe 10 horsmen, and to have for his own entertaigne- ment by yere 200 poundes Yrishe. Item the same Greate Maister to have in rety- nue, over and above the 10 horsmen above mencyoned, which ys lymyted to be at his charges, 10 horsmen, and to have for every of theme for their wagys 7£, and for their meate £ s d anddrynke5£. - - - - S-umma 120 Item the saide Greate Maister to have 6 gonners on horsback, and for every of theme for their wagys (5£. 13s, 4d. and for their meate and dryncke 5£. - _ - - Summa 70 80 Item, to iiave one Porter, at the saide Greate Maisters charge for meate and drynke, and to have only for his wagys - - - - 3 6 8 Item the said Greate Maister to have for repara- tion ot the said castell, the same beyng sore in decay, to be bestowed yerly upon the same, and suche other buldyngys as ben necessarie, 20 Item the same Greate Master to have yerly for gonnes, gonnepoudre, and other munycions of warre, -._..- 20 Item, the cheif Pensionar to have for hym self and 5 horsmen, at his owne charge yerly, and to sojorne at Carlogh _ _ _ _ lOOIrishe, Item, the seconde Pensyonar,forhym and 3 hors- men, by the yere _ - _ 100 markes Yrishe. Item, 10 Pensyonars besydes, and every of theme to have, for hym silf and one horsman, by the yere40£. - . - _ Summa 400 Snmma Totalis 1000£ Yrishe. " The saide Greate Master to have the pryncipall rale, iindre the Kynges Deputie, of all the said pensyonars and their retyniie ; and that the same pens3^onaries shall at the leaste doo their attendaunce upon the said Greate Master 4 tymes in the yere, every quarter ones ; at whiche tyme the said Great Master shall ryde his progras, and kepe ses- sions in suche place of the said Laynster, as shalbe thought by hym, and the more parte of the said pensyonaries, moste propice for the same, and shall have auctoritie, by the Kynges letters patentes, to here and determyne suche wronges as shalbe perpetrated amonges the same Layns- trers ; and shall have auctoritie to call to h^mi, the said 4 tymes in the yere, for the mynystracion of justice, the Kynges Justice of the countie of Wexforde ; whoo shall have for his paynes and charges, to attend upon the said Great Master for the pm-pose aforsaid 10 £ by the yere, of the proffictes of the shiere. " Item, that their" be assigned for the said purpose a gale, ore pryson, for suche as shalbe offenders, at Rosse, Wexforde, ore els where the Lorde Deputie, ■with th^ advice of the Lorde Master and Councilj shall thinke most expedyent." The next " Item" provides that the " Greate Master and six of the pensyonaries, shall, every yere, at the Octa- vas of Saynte Martene, and Octabas Trinitatis," visit Dub- lin, to render an accounte of " of the goode ordyr of the shyere." The next provides for the appointment of a suc- cessor to the '' Greate Master," should the office become " voyde by dethe ore depryvation," and that no person shall be appointed '' eyther Greate Maister, ore yet pen- syonar, onleSj he can speck thEnglishe ton^e, and have servid the Kynges Majestic of England, ore eny other of His Majesties Counsaill attendyng upon His Graces Person in England, two yers in Englande." Also, " the Lorde Master, for the tyme beyng, to have full auctoritie to ad- myt to the said ordyr and habite of knyghtes such as h.6 shall thinke convenyent ; soo that suche as therto shalbe admytted be a gentleman, and can speke the Englished tonge. '« Item J that ^fter this furst tyme, yt shall not bd laufuU for the said Greate Master, nore the j^eusyonaries for the tyme beyngj to have any wyf^ ore wyffes, but to lyve chaste and unmaryed. "' Item, that the said Greate Master, for the tyme beingj shall always be a Lorde of the Parlyament in Irland, and shall have the place in Parlement, and in all other con- gregations, of the furste Baron of that lande. " Item, every Saynt Georgys day, all the said pensyoil- aries shall resorte to the said Greate Master, for the tyme beings to the said castell of Femes, in their best araye^ and doo their attendaunce apon the said Greate Master from the said castell to the Cathedrall Churche of Femes aforsaid^ and their here a solempne Masse; prayng espe- ciallie for the goode astate of the moste noble Pryiice, Kyng Henry thEight, Kyng of England and of Fraunce, Defendor of the Faithe, Lord of Irland, and in erthe Su- preme Hede of the Ohurche of England and oi Irland,' an el 82 for his heyres, Kjnges, &c. ; and bryng the said Greate Master to the said castell agayne. And he that makethe defaulte, yf he have not a lawf ull lette, shall loose and f or- faicte to the said Greate Master for every default 100s., to be pa3^ed hym by the said Vicethesanrer, for the tyme beyng, apon the wagis of h.jjn. that soo offendethe, to be due at the next pay day of the same. " item, the said Greate Master and pensyonaries shall, at all greate hostyngs and jorneys, doo his and their at- tendaunce apon the Kynges Deputie, for the tyme beyng, with ther hole retynue, and with suche nombre of the countrey undre their rule as shalbe appoynted, with vytail- les for soo many days as he and they shalbe appoynted by the saide Deputie, soo the same passe not 21 dayes at one tyme. " Suche parsons as bene thought most mete for this furste establysshment for the Greate Master and pensyon- ar ; for by cause to have the same Englishmen yt woulde be to great a charge, for yt ys supposed that theise men, beyng men of that countrey, havying all redy f ayre landes of enhery taunce, may make men besyde their ordynary, and also by reason of their f reindes they may more f acilly bryng the same to goode ordyr, wher unto by lyklyhode they woll apply theme sylves, havyng ones receyved suche benefyte as they, and every of theme, shall recey ve by this newe establyshment, and also kepe theme in f eare of losyng of the same. My Lorde of Ormondes divise. Turste, the Great Master - - Eycharde Butler. Cheif Pensyonar, - - John Tr avers. Secounde Pensyonar, - - Cahere McArte. Donoll McCahere Cavanaghe. Arte McDonogh Cavanaghe. Murghe M^Garad Cavanaghe. Crevene Cavanaghe. Arte dge OTole, brother to Tyrlogh. Teige Oge OBryn. Edmonde OBryn, eldyst son to O'Bryn. 83 The Lorde of Kjlleullens secoude son. (Richard Eustace.) Edmonde Butler of Polleston. Watkjrn. Apowell. Persons nominated to the said roomes by the Counsaill. Furste, Willyam Brabazon to be Senescall of Wexf orde, and to be Greate Master, and to have for his habytacyon the said castell of Femes. Mr. Willyam Sayntlowe to have recompence for the same rome of Senescal, which is but 20£ Irishe fee. Item, John Travers, Master of the Ordynance, to be coun- stable of the castell of Carlogh, and Cheif Pensyonar, by cause he can well speke the language. Item, Mr. Thomas Dacars, yf he com to inhabite in Ir- land, to have the counstableship of the castell of Clannogan, the Kynges castell, and to be seconde Pensyonar, in con- sideratyon that the saide Lord Kylcullene hathe fayre landes, and also other landes of the Kynges gyf te. And yf the saide Thomas Dacars com not to inhabyte that lande, then Edmonde Duffe to have the same room© of the lesse Pensyonar, and the saide Lorde Kylcullene the said seconde Pensyonares roome. Item, the Lorde KylcuUen, at Clommore and Balkynglas, whiche castell of Clommore the Kynges Majestie hath gy ven thErle of Ormonde, and to be thirde Pensyoner. The Kyng to gyre other landes to the said Erie for the said castell of Clonmore. Browne of Makankan, (Mulrankin,) of the countie of Wexforde, whoo ys a gentilman of fa}Te landes, and a goode capytayne, to be in Innescorthe. Item, Cahere M'Arte Cavanaghe, a sadde man, and a goode capteyne, one of the cheif of the Cavanaghs, in the Kynges castell of ClomuUyn, wherof he ys all redy coun- stable. Item, Donoll McCahere, another capteyne of the said Cavanaghes, in his owne castell. Item, Creven Cavanagh, another capteyne, in his owne- lande. Item, Arte McDonogh Cavanagh, in hys owne lande* 84 Item, lyfurghe McGarad Cavanagh, in liis owne lancle. Item, Watkene Aphowell, Englishman, who hathe longe^ servid in that countrey, and knoweth ther warree ther, and the countrey. Item, Laurence Neyell, of the conntie of Wexf orde, with l^he Great Master. Item, Edmonde Butler of Pollestonn, in the. Frers of Leighlene."- The King did not approve of this means for the " Re- fohn'i 'JYon of Laynster," for in a letter to the Lord De- puty v'Td Council, his Majesty says — ••' As concerning your divise t sr a^ Greate Master, and the rest depending uppou tha^ braunche, which you set fourth as a certeyn meane to conteyn Leinster in good ordre and obedience, We doo in r. . o wy se lyke any parte of your divise in that behalf.* iNevertheles, We take your good willes and m.eaning in good parte, and trust that your adhibit en g suche dexteri- tie and diligence, as shalbe correspondent to your dieuties, and our good expectation and oi)inion conceyved of you, We shall have Leinster, without the newe erection of any suche fantasies, brought to a more perfite staye and good ordre, thenne it is yet com to ; and the same also continu- ed in suche discreate and pollitique sorte, as the thingself shall declare, that it hath been no lesse manfully than pru-. dentlye, faythfully, and ernestlye mynded and folowed by you, whom We put in trust for those partyes." In reply to this, the Council in writing to the King say — ''• We shall, God willing, apply our selffes to thaccomplishe- rnent of your high pleasure (the reformation of Leinster) in that behalfPe, lyke as we advertised Your Highnes by our laste lettres. But, moste gratious Lorde your affaires here ar, and hathe ben, moche hynderid for lacke of inonthely paymente of your souldyers ; for undoubtedly, neither your revennues ben able to beare the charges of your sayde souldyers, and other your affaires here, not * If. is stated in the Council Refjister of 15th December, 1540, that n de-. T^ice Hert fioni Ireland for retabliahirg good order in LeinBtenvae niislifcedj %^r that it ^ppeart|d tc) b^ aa iastitutioii of 2k..Ee^ St. Jqhn'g Qrdgr. y^t be payed at soclie tymes as woll sen-e for their mon-^ ihely payments Wherfore, and fora^-. mocke as nowe, thankes be to God and Yonr Majestie, this. Realme ys in better towardenes then yt hathe ben of many yeares, that Your Majestie woll nowe, for a litle tyme,. cawse soche portyon of money to be sent, as may fumyshe your sai-de retynue monthely, bnt for one yere ; aud then. Your Majesty shall see what ser\^xe Your Highnes shall have donne,. aswell in the reformatyon of the saide Layn- ster, as in other Your Graces aif aires of this lande ; and, in the nieane season,, we shall doo what we can possible in the same : assuring Your Majestie that we have loste this sommer moche ty^ie,. for lacke of njoney, without the whiche the souldyers be not able to doo tlier seryyce,. as they ar bounde to, doo." To this. appeal his Majesty quickly answered thus :— "We be right well ]Dleased and contented, that you entende the perfecte reformation of that plott and corner of Leynster,. wherin the Byrnes, the Otholes, and Cavanaghes,. doo in- habite ; for the bettre Eicchieveng wherof We sende unto you, a,t this tyme, by this berer Robert Sentleiger,, tAvoo thowsande fowre hundreth three score and one poundes, and twelve shillinges, in harpe grotes. Willing and pray- . eng you all so to bende and applie your wdttes together, as this matyerma3^e be perfectly doon, and suche ordre taken for the conty nuance of it, in obedyence to cur lawes, as it shall not be in the powers of th^ inhabitauntes of that angle to withdrawe, but that they may be easel y chastised, 9.nd subdued, though they wolde conspire together for the^ 3ame." — State Papers. And thus the Kavanaghs, the Byrnes, and O'Tools, w^ere to be conquered and subdued by the sword,. NEW ROSS 300 YEARS AGO. The following interesting account is abridged from the " Chronicles of Holinshed," made in the reign of Queen Elizabeth : — " Rosse an haven town in Mounster, not far from Wa- terford, which seemeth to have been in ancient times a towne of great port. Whereof sundries and probable con- jecture are given, as well by the old ditches that are now a mile distant from the walls of Rosse, between which walls and ditches the relics of the ancient walls, gates and towers placed between both are still to be scene. The towne is builded in a barren soyle, and planted among a crew of naughtie and prolling neighbours. And in old times when it flourished, albeit the towne were sufficientlie peopled, yet as long as it was not compassed by walls, they were found with watch and ward, to keep it from the greedie snatching of the Irish enemies, with whom as they were generallie molested, so the private consuming of one poz- zant on a sudden, incensed them to inviron their towne with strong substantial walls. There repaired one of the Irish to this towne on horseback, and espying a piece of cloth on a merchant's stall, took hold thereof, and bet the cloth to the lowest price he could. As the merchant and hs stood dodging one with the other about the ware, the horseman considering that he was well mounted and that the merchant and he had grown to a price, made wise as though he would have drawn his purse, to have defraied the monies. The cloth in the mean time being tucked up and placed before him, he gave the spur to his horse and ran away with the cloth, being not imbared from his boost- ing pace, by reason of the towne being not perclosed either with ditch or wall. The townsmen being pinched at the 87 heart that one rascal In such scornful wise should give them the liampaine, not so much weemng the slenderness of the loss as the shamef ulness of the soile, they put their heads top^ether, consulting how to prevent either the sud- den rushing or escape of such adventurous rakehells here- after. He then describes how the walls were built chiefly under the favour of '' a chaste widow, a politike dame, a bounti- ful gentlewoman, called Rose" — as described in the poem of Friar Michael Kyldare, on the " Building of the Walls of Eosse/' •«• ^- ^ -x- -x- ^ ^' These walls are in circuit equal to London walls. It hath three gorgeous gates, — Bishop his gate on the east — - Aldgate on the south-east — and South gate. This towne was no more famous for these walls than for a notable wood- en bridge that stretched unto the other side of the water, which must have been by reasonable survie twelve score or more. Divers of the poales, logs, and stakes with which the bridge was underpropt, stick to this day in the water. A man would here suppose that so flourishing a towne, so firmly builded, so substantiallie walled, so well peopled, so plentieouse with thrif tie artificers stored, would not have fallen to annie sudden decay. " But as the secret and deep judgements of God are veiled within the coverture of His divine majestic, it stand- eth not with the dullness of man his wit to be at his braines in the curious searching of hidden mysteries. — Wherefore I, as an historian undertaking in this treatise rather plainlie to declare what has been done, than rashlie to inquire why it should be done, purpose by His assistance, to accomplish, as near as I can, my dutie in the one, leav- ing the other to the frivolous deciding of busie heads. — This Eose,* who was the foundress of those former remark- * Stainhurst says Rose was " a chaste -widow, a politike dame, a beau- ful gentlewoman." She was the widow of Robert Meyler, of Dmicormeek, who owned a large portion of New Ross. The king, at the instance of Robert Meyler, granted free passage to all vessels to the port of Ross, and the King's eschiator was directed, iipon taking a oath of " Roesiu'' wife of 88 tA walls, had isaiie three sons, (however, sonie holde they were only her nephews,) who being bolstered out through the wealth of their mother, made divers prosperous voy- aores into far and foreign countries* " The walls stand to this daie> a few streets lind houses in the towne, no small parcel thereof is turned into Orch- ft-rds and gardens. The greater part of the towne is steepe and straining upwards. Their church is Called Christ's Church, in the northside whereof is placed a monument Galled the King of Denmark his toume — whereby conjec- ture may rise that the Danes were founders of the churchi This Ross is called *' RosSe Nova,'' or " Ross Pont'' by rea- son of their bridge. That which they call Old Ross, bear- eth east, three miles from this RosSj into the Countie of Wexford, an ancient manor of the Earles of Kildare. — There is the third Rosse on the other side of the water, called Ross-Ibarcan, so named for that it standeth ui the Countie of Kilkennie, which is divided into three parts — into Ibarcan, Ida^ and Idouth. Weixford a haven town^ not far from RosSj I find no great matters thereof to re- cord, but onlie that it is to be had in great price of all the English posteritie planted in Ireland, as a towne that was the first fortresse and hai'boUresse of the English con- querors." The Loi*d Oi'nlond and Ossory writing to Mr. Cowley undei* date of 16th July, 1588. relates the following occur- rence as haviug taken place in Ross : — '^'' This Sainte Petiris Evin laste paste, at Rosse, when the f olke of the towne toke ther station aboute the fyrys^ and beinge toward the abbay of the f rei'es (Friars) in ther said station j Watkyne Apoellj oon Baker, and three or foure Eobert Meyler, now deceased, who held lands of the Ein<^ lu fee, that she ^Duld not marry without license, to assif^a her a reas:ouable dowery out ot' the lands of her late husband [29 and 30 Edvvard III.) The same Holla contain an entry of the dowery a>si«fued to her by a jui-y of twenty. bix Eo33 men, on the 8th September, 1357, out of the lands and tenements in ISnglish-stre^ib in that town, Mountgarret, Clonmiiif^s, Taglunou, and in Duni cormack. The tenunt'e uamea on these lands are al^o giren; Englishmen prepensidly retornede from the SufFrajne aiid his brethren, and came towarde the condyt of the towne, iaffermynge that it was to wayshe a hatt of cheries^ whiche he hade then in his hande ; and the streth being voyde of f olke, the said Watkyne and his f ellowes dnd meth with Cahir McArtes standarthe berrer, and 3 more of the said Cahirs men, beinge at peace,", and behold}Tige the fyrys, and station of the towne, under a pentice besides the said condite of water, and unawisidly dnd drawe ther daggers and stickidthe said Cahir's men with the same,wherby the said standartberer was oute of hande slayne, and the resi- due, beinge wondide to deathe, flede away, and parte of them constraynide to take the river ; and when the Sufi:- rayne herde herof , he soghte for the said Watkyne, and mete him at his dore, eatinge of the said cherryes, who denyede that it was not his dede, and bade the Suffrayne take the offenders, and after the Suffraine f onde oute thEnglish- men, he pute them to warde, and certifiede Mr. Thesaurer and others of the Consaile of the same, who willide the Suffrayn to kepe them styll, tyll my Lorde ;Deputie werej retornede ; by meanes wherof the said Cahir is at warre with theym, and have lately prayede Old Koss/' His Lordship, in the letter containing the account of the above outrage^ brings the following charge against the Lord Deputy : — '* I am enformede by certayne credable petsonis, that woU depose the same uppon any othe, that my Lord Deputie hath procuride parte of the Kevanaghs to ley siege to the castell of Fernis, and to take it, if they coulde by any meane ; wherfor 1 have sent my son Eicharde thether, with a company, to f ornyshe the same with wictayllys, and to preserve Old Kosse from fui'ther invasioui" 1?HE SIEGE OE NEW BOSS AND BATTLE OF BALLINVEGGA. 1642. ^^ A Faithful Account of what was done by the Eight Hon. James, Lobd Marquis of Ormond, and the Armie under his command, when god gave to his lordship THAT Famous Victorie neer the Town of Eosse, in the Countie of Wexford, on March 18th, 1642, being taken and observed by Ged. Creighton, Chaplaine to his Lordships Eegiment. *^ Li the year 1642, in the month of Februarie, it was re- solved by the Eight Hon. Sir William Parsons and by Sir John Borlase, the then Lords Justices, and the Councill, to send an Armie abroad into the countrie, thereby to spare the provisions near the Citie (Dublin), and to be maintained in the Eebells quarters, and to do whatever good service it should please God to enable them to do against a proud bragging enemie. Of this Armie, the Lord Lisle and Sir Eichard Greenfield were appointed to be Commissioners. Li ye meantime, and while preparations were making for his journie, the Eebells procured letters from the King His Majestie for a Commission to issue for the meeting of cer- tain Commissioners at Trim, to hear the grievances of the Eebells. When these letters were read at the Councill Board, and the Lord Marquis hearing that his Lordship was named to be one of the Commissioners to meet with the Lrish EebeDs — " I will not (said his Lordship) to hear their grievances, for I know nothing grieves them more than that theycouldnot cut all our throats — but, my Lords, should the Lords Justices and Councill think well to send jne therewith an Armie as General, I will go as Comman- der and Commissioner myself," — and to this the Lords Justices assented. ^1 " Tlie forces appointed were — 2,500 foot and SOOliorse — 2 brasse culverines — 4? brasse field pieces — marched let March. " From Graguefort the Armie marched to Clonegall, in the Conn tie Wexf orde, where thej lodged that night. The morning following, the Chief e Chirurgeon^ Mr. Coddell, staying to bring upp his cart, one of the horses being wearie;^ there came two rogues out of the woods, assaulted him and his men, stabbed them in the shoulder, and took them both " This day, 2nd, the Armie marched through a viliags called Balleparke, and where there had been an extensive Plantation, but now full of Rebells, who uppon the approach of the Armie ran away. In this place there had been no English for some time, for they had fled away distressed, and escaped from the Irishe. The Armie came to Clog- hamon on the fair day, and there the Souldiers made som© pillage. Ballycarne was their quarters for that night, where the Irishe having lodged the night before, had set a great English house on fire — but there were houses enough for the Armie to make a shift to lodge for one night, and ye next day the Armie came to an obscure village called Templescobie. By the way as they came there was a Castle upon the right, out of which there came three troupers, offering, as it seemed, to fight with some of our men, who did not refuse to meet them. The Re bells fled, and ere they were aware some of our men had got between them. These Rebells were two brothers,, called Master- sons, and the Lord Esmond^s sister's son. One of the bro- thers, as they were making back to be gone, had his horse laid fast in amyre, and the other brother and the serving- man staid for him — soe that all three were taken. Until this night that we lodged in Templescobie, it was not known to the Armie to what place the journie was intend- ed — whether to Wexforde, which was 12 miles off, or to Kilkennie which was not much further, or toRosse, being of a like distance from us» About ye beginning of ye night,, some troppers were sent to Rosse, whither they came about the- beginning of next day,. They were at first taken ion- 92 aeme of Prestou liis men, and bid yerie welcome, but whe^. they required the inhabitants to yield the Towne to the King, His Majesty, they refused, and professed to stand on their defence, to the utmost. " This day the Armie was brought to a poor village be-, tween Old Rosse and New Rosse, called Lacken, being a little out of our way on our right hand. The next day we came to Rosse, where we saw flags set upp on the walls, and the inhabitants making ready for a siege. We could see them sending away their goodes by boates over the Bar- row, with manie women and children, bringing men into the Towne out of theCountie Kilkennie. " The Lord Marquis was advised to make a breach at the East-Gate — the towne lying N. and S. on the East side of the river Barrow. The breache was made 4 or 5 yardes wide, a little beneath the gate was made unservice- able for the rebells. At this time we had verie bad wea- ther, especiallie when the Souldiers were led to enter the Towne, at which time the other culverine was placed at the N. end of the Towne, right opposite to the breach; by this piece, under cover of a ditch, manie of the Armie stood, and saw the poor Souldiers led by their Commissioners to i^he slaughter — for what could musqueteers do when the rain had drowned all their powder, and quenched their matches ? Neither had they any defence against the Ene- mies shott, who stood within the walls of the Towne, Tinder their covert, out of the sight of our English soul- diers, and by thelrishe women they were plyed with drinke. By this time the Irishe had gotten great help in the Towne, and the culverine was taken from the N. end of the Towne, and shott at the Rebells to drive them from the breache, without fear. Having made a great breache within the towne, here was much shott and powder lost, but above all, manie good men were killed, to the great grieff of the Armie, who could hear the Rebells shout and laugh, when a>nyof the Armie were destroyed, and indeed there was no, will nor courage lacking in the Souldiers or Officers, but gainst impossibilities who could fight,. i^:^- '^ The Lord Marquis at his first coming to Rosge, sent a convoy to Dimcannon, a Forte under ye command of Lord Esmond, some 8 miles down the river from Eosse, for bis- kett. There vras at that time, two shippes lying at Dun- cannon. The one a pinnace that attended the service of that Forte, being of 60 tunnes, with 12 pieces of ordnance. The other belonged to Bristoil, of some score tunnes, and pieces of ordnance. These shippes hearing of an English Armie lying against Rosse, came to give them assistance. We were well pleased to see them in the river, and conceiv- ed they might prevent the Irish from sending away goodes, and from bringing more forces into the towne, which they were seen to laboar to do, night and day — for in the day time, when the Commissioners had brought the souldiers to the river side, the Irishe would ran away, some of their friends would follow them, and compell them come back again in the night. When the shippes came upp the river, they did not come neare enough to stop the boates who would go across higher up still, and though they threw much shott into the Towne, it did not appear that it did any great hurt to the inhabitants. Thus the Armie lay at Rosse, and did nothing, and the Evening having brought as manie men into the Towne as there were in the Armie without the Towne, began to be verie bold, and Preston, the Commander of the Forces of Leinster, or rather of all the Irishe that were there, w^as drawing neer us. Our scouts discovered them to be an armie of foot and horse, within two miles of our leaguer, and two several paii:ies made alarms, as if they would assault our camp. One night there were heard 16 muscotts discharged,, one after another at an equal distance of time between — which was conceiv- ed to be a signal from them within the Towne, that they were ready on that side — but so were not the enemie with-, out — for their whole rebellious forces were not come to- gether yett. " Uppon Thursday, at night, warning was sent to the shippes before mentioned, that because the Armie was to. be removed, if they considered they could go down th^- rirer to do so, and if tliey could not, they should sink their shippes or burn them, lest they fall into the hands of the enemie — for the enemie had brought an iron culverine from Waterforde, planted it on the shore, and shott at those shippes. The messenger that should have carried the warning to the seamen, failed uatil Friday morning, at which time the Master of the great shippe came to show the Lord Marquis w^hat bullets were shot into the shippe, and they had removed so far with much ado, that the bul- lets only struck on the outside, and rarely striking there, they did not much harm. " The Master of the said shippe was ordered to go on board, and sink or destroie both shippes, bringing with him six of the gunnes most manageable on land. The Master said he had a large value in come and victual on board, exceeding £300. He went, however, on boarde, and scuttled and sett lire to the shippes a-s desired, bringing with him the men and gunnes — but one of the shippes drift- ed to the shore and did not sink, soe that the Rebells put- ting off in boates quenched the fire, and thus gunnes, ammu- nition, and victuals fell into their hands, to their great rejoicement. The breach which we had effected in the Towne wall was still not made upp, but all the Enemies, chief force was in defence of it^ and we were not strong enough to enter, and so we retired. " On Friday morning the Armie removed from Rosse back the same way they came, and passed by Old Rosse half a mile to a heather hill. Uppon their left hand ap- peared some of the Enemy's horse, but seeing some of the Armie offer to meet them, they did soon retreat. This might be Lord Mountgarrett, for his regiment lodged on the heather hill before mentioned. The next morning (being the 18th day of March,) Mr. Brian Kavanagh came,, to the Lord Marquis, and told him that whereas his Lord- ship had found many difficult passages for ordnance in the way he came, he could guide the Armie a better and a shorter way. This advice was accepted, and being gone a little from whence the Armie had lodjjed, they returned by m the same place where they had seen the Enemies horse the night before, and now they saw the Eneniie beginning to gether their Armie together, from level places upon the mountain side, which was on the Armies right hand, and so near, that the Armie could see by their often flowing of powder to light their matches, that they intended to light* Thus they passed an evil cawsey, and some bad f ordes, and were about 2 miles from either Rosse. The Lord Marquis commanded all to make readie, and turned out of the way to the left hand to meet them, the Enemie being North from them, the wind being out of the S.W., which some- times blew verie hard, with frequent showers of rain and snow. " At the foote of the mountain there is a little f orde be- tween two bogges, A little above the f orde, and nearer to the Enemy's Armie, was a little towne, called Ballinafeega. This was on the left hand as they came to the battell. From that towne, a broad lane ditched on both sides, comes up a long hill, and then hath a sudden steep descent into a bottom. Between this towne and the hill, there is a ditch on either hand, and about more than pistoU-shott the ground riseth again. On the brow of this rising ground, the Lord Marquis appointed the 6 pieces of ordnance to be planted — two culverines and two pieces right against the lane, and a little from them a field-piece on either hand — under which rising ground where the ordnance was planted the Lord Marquis his Armie stood in good order, much from E. to W. The Lord Marquis his regiment on the right hand, and over the heads of the Armie the ordnance was discharged, full in the face of the enemy. The horse were placed on either hand of the foot. First the Lord Marquis his f orlome-hope of horse began the fight, being not above thirty- two, or thereabouts, led by a gallant gen- tleman, Captain Morrow. They encountered, at least, with six score. They came within a pike's length before they gave fire. Being in sight of the whole Armie, and having discharged, they retired softlie, and in good order, notwithstanding the ground was full of great stones and 96 ttif^tos of heath and furze. The enemj stood dtiU, as if thej had enough of that entertainment. The enemy's great horse came down the aforementioned lane, filling it from ditch to ditch, and being verie throng, and thrust to- gether thick at the foot of the lane, the enemy's forlorne of horse, with manie more trouper's made their approach, uppon whom the Lord Marquis his forlorne-, with dragoons and fire-hooks, began the battell. The foot^ as the enemy came neare them gave fire plentifully. The bottom, where the foot on both sides were in fight, was so low-, that they who stood by the waggons could see neither side, yet could perceive that the Lord Marquis his foot gave far more plentif uller, and in greater order and quicker in vol- lies than did the Rebell's foot. On the right hand of the enemy's horse, there stood a body of pikes to the number of 11,000 choice men^ waiting when the English Armie should be routed, that they might run uppon them and do execution. Thus the fight continued until the ordnance was discharged six times every piece^ and at no time missed hitting the mark — for they that stood by the waggons did see where the shott fell. Among our Armie were eleven seamen taken from the shippes, by God's providence to assist their friends, and all good gunners, and bestirred themselves like men. After that the Lord Marquis his horse had discharged on the Eebells here, the word was, they should wheel about, which they did in good order, wherij suidenlie^ some of the Enemy's horse fell among the Englishe horse, and fell to work with their swords — cut Sir Thomas Lucas on the head, and struck him from his horse, as likewise Alexander Burrowes^ the Marshall. The Lord Marquis being verie near, and not knowing that these were Eebells that were gotten among the English troops, called to the Eebells, ' why strike you him, he is one of our men ?' — and it was well for us that these Ee- bells did not know that the Lord Marquis was so near, for of all men they desired most to destroy his lit'e^ who by God's providence was then preserved to be God's instru-* ment to save the whole Armie, — for uppon the breaking- in ^7 of tlie Rebells among the Eaglish troops ou the right hand^ the Lord Lisle and Richard G ran away from the battle^ and carried away all the horse on that side of the Armie, together with the Lord Marqnis his Life Guarde^ and upp they came to the waggons. There the Lord Lisle cried out ' Ten Pounds for a guide to Duncannon — Twenty Pounds for a guide to Duncannon !' " Mr. Zachariah Silyard, the Apothecarie for the Armie, came up and railed at them, and cried *Fie, fie, fie, my lord > what cause have you to run from the battell — what saf etie can you find in running from the Armie, which you see standing to their arms with courage.' And indeed so they did — for on their seeing the Lord Marquis and Chief Of- ficers standing in their place, they continued the fight — but if the Lord Marquis had moved it would have discour^ aged them, and no doubt ruin would have fallen on all the Armie, and if not ruin, yet verie great trouble on the whole kingdom. After that the old Apothecarie had said his displeasure, Major Morris having received some wounds, and was then in his horse-litter, came forth and cried * shame, shame/ on them for running away — and ' My Lord Lisle (said he) if you will not lead back the troops, lend me one of your horses, and I will lead them back*' Then Sir E. G clapped my Lord Lisle on the shoul- der, ' come, my lord, (said he) we will yet recover it.' * Never while you live, (said Mr. Silyard,) I mean his credit.' Ko sooner were the troops returned to battell, but the Rebells they all broke to pieces. Now, why these cowards ran away from battell, some desire one excuse^ some another. I conceive they had no cause, only took occasion of these troopes breaking in among the English horse — for we received intelligence that some eight score that would seem more valiant and zealous than all the rest, had bound themselves with a curse, that when the English and they should meet in battell, they would neither fly nor be taken, but either destroy the English or die in the field. Of these eight score there could no account be had but of eight alone that had the courage to break in 98 -witli the English. Their marks were stiuw rop^s -ahGiit their hattes and about their middles. Their word was ' Jesus Maria.' They were discovered by throwing away their ropes. Of them six were killed. One ISTugent was taken, and Fitzgerald, of Balsennan, quit his horse, and made a shift to escape to New Rosse. All being troubled at the running of the horse, no one followed him. Here a man may observe the varieties of accidents that will fall out in a battell. Before the troops run away, the Irish army began to break and run. tlppon the running away of the troops, they began to gether to their armie, but so soon as the troopes did return, they break all to pieces, and a man might see them through the smoke of the gun- powder run twinkling like motes in the sunbeam — and, indeed, they were a numerous army. I believe there were : at least, 3 if not 4,000 horse, and 10 or 12,000 foot, who made haste to out-run the horse. When they who stood by the waggons came to go upp the lane where the Irish :horse stood, they did see what terrible work the ordnance had made — what goodlie men and horses lay there all torn, -and their guttes lying on the ground — armes cast away and strewed over the fields. Now for what men were lost by our side, beside Alexander Burrowes, the Marshall, and one trouper that one of the eight stout blades shott in the back hard by the waggons, and the wounding of Sir Thos. Lucas and Mr. Glaggie, there were none more to be found hurt or killed. Of the enemy great store lay here and 'there, and many ran away with their death wounds, and fell by the way. The Lord Marquis his horse and some foot-e followed tlie enemy over the forde, and the horse brought ba^k some six colours, and some gunpowder. — They took but four carriages ; of other spoils they found none — for the Rebells leaving the conntrle, their friends needed noe carriages, a.nd wanted noekind of necessaries. When the field was cleared of the enemy, and the Armie to their qno-rters. Sir Thomas Wharton, Lieut-enant- Colonel of the Lord Marquis hiij regiment, called the Chaplainc to Ijive thanks, and it being the custom to call them tc^gether 9^ with a Psalni, tlie Cliaplaine beo,*au witli tlie £om*-score audi seventeenth Psalm, from the 7th verse to the end, which ; did meet that great deliverance and in glorie, as if it had been penned for the purpose. " At Dublin, uppon the notice of this victorie, were bonfires made, and belles rung. The Lord Marquis lodged in the midst of the slaine, until the tent was sett up for the Lieutenant-Colonel. The Chaplaine went in to Captain© rioure his tent, where he saw a gentleman stranger. — ' This is a prisoner (said Captaine Floure,) whom we have taken this day.' The Chaplaine answered : ' I wish we had 500 of the best of the Rebells in this condition as he is in.' ' He hath confessed (said Captaine Floure) they re- solved to kill us all, and take no prisoners.' ' It is so,' (said the prisoner.) * And yet, (said the Chaplaine), you Bee your life is spared with us.' ' 1 must confess (said he), . you are more merciful than we' — and such was the bloodie resolve of the Rebells to kill the English of the Armie, and then to march to Dublin, and destroy all that were there. The next night after the battell, the Armie quartered over against the towne of Gregnamannagh, and an English drummer broke away from the Irish, swam the river, and came to the Armie, who hearing the fore-mentioned pri- soner's name was Lieutenant-Colonel Boutler was in the Englishe Armie, he did leap for joy, and said that he was 80 zealous for destroying the English, that he went through the Irish army, and charged them to make no prisoners, and seeing the English drummer, ' art not thou (said he) an Englishman.' 'I am,' (said the drummer) . ' After we have gotten this victorie, (said Lieutenant-Colonel Bout- ler,) I will not leave the smell of one English dog in Ire- land.' Besides this Lieutenant-Colonel Boutler, ■ CuUen, the Lieutenant- General of the Irish armie, was taken. He at the first f ormmg of the two armies, came on to the ordnance, laid his hand on one of the gunnes, and said, ' this is mine' — but he was not his own for the space ■ of a quarter of an hour, being presentlie taken and made a prisoner,. ' In the Rebell armie, of persons of quality were ^ 100 iiUed a brave gentleman of the Boutlers, nearly related to the Marquis, Sir Morgan Kavanaghe, and Mr. Beverlie Brittiolle, an Englishman. It was reported in the Armie, that Lientenant-General Cullen being brought before the Lord Marquis, did blame Preston for fighting at that time^ saying it was his counsell to suffer the English to lie at Eosse, until their ammunition and victuals were spent, and their men weak, seeing they had marched long, and the ordnance could not be everywhere to defend them — to assault them at some straite passage, and cut them off. But God who did defeat the counsell of imps, of hell, did also defeat this Preston, and the Irish were so persuaded of their own strength and of our weakness, that they would lieeds put it to hazard of battell, and were defeated^" THE SIEGE OF DUNCANNON. 1645. Towards the close of the year 1644, the most important seaports of the Confederated Catholics were Galway, Wa- terf ord, and Wexford. The loss of any of them must have done incalculable injury ; and the Supreme Council had now become convinced that Lord Esmonde, the Governor of Duncannon Fort, was only awaiting an opportunity of placing it in the hands of the Parliamentarians. At the beginning of January, 1645, General Preston was ordered to demand possession of it ; and after the Feast of the Epiphany, he marched from Waterford at the head of 1,200 infantry, drafted from the regiments of Lord Mount- garret, and of Wexford, under the command of Colonel J)-avid Smnott — with a troop of 80 horse belonging to Eo- bert Talbot's cavalry. The season was unusually wild and wintry, but on Mon- day, the 20th of January, the force appeared before Dim- cannon, and lost no time in pitching tents within mnsket ttiot Qf tii^ Fort. Ne^tt morning, 2l6t, the Fort opened 1^1 fire on the tents, and made a sortie to reconnoiter the strength of the Confederates, but soon retired keeping up a brisk fire from the ramparts until noon. Next morning- the Fort renewed their fire at smirise, and Preston gave orders to erect a battery to the south of the Fort to keep off the enemy's ships, which could throw their bombs among his tents, but at the same time continued his approaches to the ramparts, aided very much by the darkness of the night, and of that following, during which great advance was made at the ship-battery and the approaches. On the 24th, the ship battery compelled the enemy's, ships to draw off beyond range, and the Forte made an attack on the trenches which was driven off. Bj the 27th Preston had effectually cut off all access to the Fort from the Wexford or land side. On the 30th there was continu- ous firing from both sides. On the 1st of February a tre-- mendous fall of rain commenced, and towards night a sortie was made from the Fort on the nearest approaches, and some few lives were lost on both sides. The weather now became worse for several days. On the 10th an at- tack was made by the Fort on Preston's camp, but repuls- ed, and on the following morning he oj)ened a heavy fire on all the works of the Fort, which seemed to have such an effect that he sent a drummer to demand surrender, which so enraged Lord Esmonde, that he not only indignantly refused, but ordered the drummer to be fired on. During the following days a continuous fire was kept up on both sides, and a furious wind not only tore Pres- ton's tents, but blew the roofs off some of the huts in the Fort, and some were set on fire. The guns of the Fort and the stony nature of the soil, much retarded the ad- vance of Preston's trenches. On the morning of the 19th five ships, which had been sent to relieve the Fort, were observed approaching, and great manifestations of joy were exhibited in the Fort, which was shortly afterwards: turned to lamentations, when they found that the ships had to cast anchor under the shelter of Creden Head, being unable to aj)proach nearer to the Fort in consequence oi' lr;2 Preston's sliip- battery. Howerer a quantity of provisions^ aalt-beef, English and Dutch cheese, and tobacco, &c., were got by boats at night into the Fort, which was a great relief, and a sad grief to the besiegers. Several sallies, after this, were made from the Fort, but with- out any success. On the 26th a hand to hand fight took place, the less being much the same on both sides. Pres- ton's men followed those of the Fort up to the sally port, and captured their arms. On the 1st March Preston again demanded the surrender of the Fert for the King's use and service, — and otherwise threatened extremities. Esmonde replied that " he deem- ed it unworthy of him to treat with such a man — that he held the Fort for the King's Majesty, and the mainten- ance of the Protestant religion — that the King had already proclaimed Pi-eston and all his abettors to be rebels. My honour and my conscience (continued Esmonde) revolt at the idea of surrender,, and I am resolved to hold it to the last." A fierce storm again raged for some days, and on the 13th of March, provisions runnihg low, another vigorous sally was mahe from the Fort, and on the follovnng day, Lord Esmonde sent out a letter cautioning Preston against '' incur jing the guilt of High Treason, — but if he (Preston) could show letters annulling the Patents by which he (Esmonde) held the Fort, let him see them, and he would surrender the place without delay." To this Preston re- plied — that though the King's Irish Catholic subjects had agreed to a cessation of hostilities with Lord Ormond, His Majesty's Lieutenant, fchej^had no notion of making terms with the Parliamentary forces then in possession of Dun- cannon — and demanded surrender. By the 15th and 16th March the trenches which com- manded the ramparts of the Fort were completed, and a mine being made right under the sally-port, was fired next morning, and made a wide breach. The battle now raged hotly, and many parts of the Fort were set on fire. Showers of stone balls discharged from the guns of the Fort, caueedi Preston to sound a retre-at — but next morning he puaked his iron and brass guns to the very brink of the ditch, and battered down the tower of tlie inner gate of the Fort. — It was now mid-day of the Festival of Ireland's Patron Saint, when Preston ordered one hundred and forty choice men to dash into the ditch with s calling ladders. They made their way to the top but were driven ofB after an hour^s hard fighting by showers of balls and iron stakes, with a loss of twent}'-four killed and twenty- five danger- ously wounded. Even the women in the Fort fought with desparation. Captain Russell, the Dei^uty Governor, and a large number of men lost their lives. jN'ext day was spent by both sides in quietly burying their dead and' attending to the wounded. Esmonde now seeing the garrison daily diminishing, and no chance of a further supply of provisions — in as much as the whole of the vessels sent to his relief were dispersed and shipwrecked, and the fiag ship had wholly went down off the Hook, carrying with her all the crew, during the great storms which prevailed — began to lose heart, and next day sent a letter to Preston, requiring him to name host- ages until articles of surrender were perfected. On the next night both parties subscribed to articles of the follow- ing purport : — 1st, Esmonde should, on the lt>th March, surrender the Fort to General Preston for the King's use. 2nd, The gai-rison should be allowed to march out with baggage and colours flying. Officers and men to wear the insignia of their rank. 3rd, All to be provided wifch a safe conduct to Dublin or Youghal. 4th, That Preston should hold the Fort of Duncannon for the King. Of the garrison, forty wished to be conducted to Yough- al, 220 to Dublin, and 627 to Wexford, whence they were shipped to England. During the siege the Confederates expended 19,000 pounds weight of gunpowder. In the Fort w«re found a 10^ great store of arms, 24 battering guns, and some of brass. Of powder there was not much, no balls but of stone, but abundance of cheese and tobacco. After the surrender, Lord Esmonde, now nearly blind, remiind in the Fort, awaiting a carriage to convey him to Dublin, and on its arrival he set out, but had not proceeded far, when he grew so ill that he turned off to Johnstown, his seat near Wexford, where he died two days after, and was buried near his manor of Limbrick, in the barony of Gorey. PERSONAL SKETCH OF THE COMMANDERS. LORD ESMONDE. The family of Lord Esmonde came to this country in the reign of Henry II., towards the close of it, from a place called East-Mount, in Pembrokeshire, (hence the name,) and obtained large possessions in the North of the modern County Wexford, in the vicinity of the present Ballynastragh, and had long to contend with the septs of the Byrnes and O'Tooles of Wicklow. In the South of the County the family had land also, the chief being Johns- town, in the Barony of Forth, and Ballytramon, in Shilma- lier East, near Wexford Town. For centuries the family led a life of warfare with the " Irish enemy," and a mar- tial spirit was eminent in all — and not the least so in Lau- rence, who was raised to the rank of a Baron (though the " Peerage" has not the entry) at the end of James Ist reign. In his early years Laurence saw good service in the Low Countries, when Queen Elizabeth favoured and supported the cause of the Dutch against the Spaniards, and then and there he seems to have acquired loose and ferocious habits which stuck to him for life. He married a l^ilss O'Flaherty of the County Galway, by whom he had one son, but soon after, without any appeal to the laws of fche land or the Church, he abandoned her and his religion, taking to himself another wife, of the Ormonde family, An apostate from his creed, he became a remorseless sub- xmiet of perjilre]*s, and a rapacious enemy of the WickloW septs (as his own letters prove), and in fine a secret traitor tohisKinor, Charles I., and friend of the Parliamentarians ^ He had been made Governor of Dnncannon Fort by Charles, and gallantly held out — for the King", as he pretended — against the Catholic Confederate Army, under General Preston, for nearly three months, when he capitulated with honour to the garrison. But the surrender of Duncannon broke the old stern heart of Esmonde, and soon after hig carriage, which was to convey him to Dublin^ left the Fort, he found himself utterly unable to proceed, and he accord^ ingly ordered himself to be taken to Johnstown Castle, and there he died on the third day after he left Duncannon. His remains were conveyed to Little Limbrick, and there interred. Cromwell^ on his march to Wexford, dismantled the Castle, for the heir of Esmonde, whom his stern father hated, did not inherit the views of his parent, nor his prin^ ciples, and the ruins of the Castle are pretty perfect still. As the Governor of Duncannon, Lord Esmonde, died without any issue by his second or assumed wife. His son Thomas, although repudiated by him, succeeded to his pro^ perty without dispute — but Cromwell's arrival in four years afterwards, deprived the family of its possessions ; and about the year 1683, John Grogan, a Yorkshire Clo- thier, purchased Johnstown Castle from the Cromwellian soldier to whose lot it had fallen. In the early editions of " Burke's Peerage" an erroi* oc^ curs, which has since been corrected in the edition of 184-7. It was there asserted that the " first Sir Thomas Esmonde was illegitimate," but there can be no doubt but Lord Esmonde was married to Miss O'Flaherty of Galway, whom he subsequently repudiated without a divorce, and married Ellen Butler, daughter of the fourth son of the ninth Earl of Ormonde. The Lord Esmonde died in 1645. His ex- tensive estates, during the Cromwellian occupation, were granted to the Duke of Albemarle (General Monck) . But the first Sir Thomas Esmonde had he been illegitimate, as kas been alleged by some, would not have claiaied tke xigkt «©f succeasioD to the estates as he did before the Commis- tsioners under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, "as by DESCENT from his father, Laurence, Lord Esmonde, Baron Limbrick, &c." The documents relating to this -claim are extant in the Surveyor General's Office. — (See Reports of the late Record Commission, vol. 2, page 264.) The powerful influence of the Duke of Albemarle was, however, so successful as to obtain a Private Act of Par- liament, which is still extant, though not among the Print- ed Statutes, and the main features of which are incorpo- rated in the Public Acts relating to the " Settlement," ■" vesting in the King, (Charles II.) the several lands in Wexford County, now in the possession of the Duke of Al- bemarle, and forfeited by Sir Thomas Esmonde, in order to secure a grant of them to the Duke of Albemarle," — (See Record Commission, vol. 3, page 649.) While contending with this powerful personage, the first Sir Thomas Esmonde died, leaving his eldest son and heir, Laurence, a minor, who after protracted lawsuits, carried on in his name, by the Duke of Buckingham, as his " next friend," succeeded in rescuing part of the es- tates of Lord Esmonde, some of which are still in the pos- session of the family of the late Sir John Esmonde, who died at Ballinastragh this present year (1877.) That the recognition of the Peerage should not have fol- lowed the recognition of the legitimate title to the estates of Lord Esmonde, can be little matter of surprise, when we remember that his grandson was only an " innocent Papist," and as such, at that time, labouring under pecu- liar disadvantages. The Esmonde family lost Johnstown Castle in 1656, yet the last Sir Thomas Esmonde, a Catholic, died in it 31st December, 1868 — 214 years after the expulsion of his family. In vol. 3 of the Record Commission, page 144, the fol- lowing abstract of the lauds in the county Wexford granted to George, Duke of Albemarle, is given, viz. : — Ballintra- man alias Farrellstowne, ld4a; Ballymartia and BallTVish 1^7 alias Ballyhuses, 300a ; Ardcannon alias Ardcavan, Ballin— olort and Berridge alias Barriage, 167a ; Rathknattowne alias Rathknottan andCrossetton alias Crowestowne, 318a; the great Island, 78a; Ferrybancke alias Ferrybanche,. alias Ferrybacke, 4a 2r ; Ballynesra, 274a ; Killbally alias Galbally, 180a ; Johnstowne, 120a ; Ballyhoe Julias Bally- howe, 201a ; Killmacoe, 563a ; Garry gibbon alias- Garry- gibbons, 70a ; Ballynecooly alias Ballymacooly, 93a ; Bal- lynebabanogue alias Ballybaneocke, 42a ; Ballylogh. alias Ballagh, 34a ; Killmeasten alias Killmistin, 71a ; Ballymo- lert alias Ballynolert, with a mill, 7a; Beggarine alias Beg- garin, 12a; Killgarvan (part) 286 ; barony of Shelmalier, CO. Wexford. Rathmacknee or nee, 224a 2r 25p ; Welsh- estowne, 69a Ir 19p ; Owenstowne, 54a 2r 14p ; Shortalls- towne, 63a Ir 14p; Knockangall, alias Knockangatle. alias Knockangarle, 36a 2r 28p; Hobbinstowne, 60a&31p; Rath-Jarny alias Rathgarny, 70a; Rinzaheen alias Rin- gongheene, alias Rinagheen, alias Ringanagheene, 34a Ir 30p ; Graywraystowne or Graywryestowne alias Grego- riestowne, 17a & 4p ; Newtowne, 57a & 24p ; Ballybran- ane, 214a & 18p ; Yoltowne, 107a 3r 6p ; Ballykervin alias Ballykevin, 47a 3r Ip ; Ballycarane alias Ballycarrin, 70a & 20p ;, Longhard, 33a & 38p ; Martinstowne, 24a 3r 3p, barony of Forth, same county. Ballycally alias Ballykally, 483a ; Mistringe, 317a ; Rahindnffe alias Rahinclough^ 365a; Adamstowne, 999a ; Cenoge,261a; Broghnrry, 283a, barony of Bantry, same county. Ballaghnimeagh and Templeshelin alias Templeshelon and Ballaghnireagh, 948a ; Old Court, 257a; Tomgarrow, 345a ; Lymbrick alias Lo- menavackie,. Killeurin alias Killinerin, and Coaleneglash alias Cooleglouse, 1,640a; Inch and Caerancrobbin alias Crancrobin, Ilia 2r ; Moycoyle alias Morquile alias Muc- keyle, 220a ; Conecurben alias Crongavine alias CoUetegent, 17a ; Tomenchelly alias TenehelyaliasTomeneheally,268a; Agheare, 67a 2r ; Crenalton alias Croneultan or Croneve- tan, Crerneduagh alias Cronederege alias Crandeeroge, 38a ; Barreagh alias Barleigh alias Baroge, 16a Ir 8p ^ Fermoyle- alias Farmoyle, Curraghcurree alias Barraghore alias Bar- 108 f uracil and Larahen, which said lands of Cnn'ughiin and Larahen contain 107a ; Garleigh alias Barleigh alias Boo-^ lerevin, Ballyoken alias Ballychoane, alias Ballyknoane Limericke, one tenement and 13a in Gory do. containing 13a 2r; the ferry of Wexford; Bally garrett, 129a; in Tawkennicke, 278a 2r ; Kilkeavan, 248a 2r ; Coolenesil- lagh, 194a ; Balltofarrell, 102a & 8p ; Askeokeile, 79a ; part of Pallice, 77a 2r; barony of Gory, same county — Total quantity, 19,643 3r 8p statute measure ; total rent, £10. All these premises, with the ferry of Wexford, were created into the manor of Belltramon, with courts of re- cord, leet and baron, to appoint seneschals ; to set apart such quantity for demesne lands as he should think fit ; to create tenures and freeholders ; to build one or more pri- sons, and to appoint gaolers, bailiffs, and other officers ; to receive and enjoy all strays, wayfs, felons' goods, wrecks of yc sea, mines, all fishings, to use one or more ferry boats, in any place within all the premises, for the conveniency of passengers, and all sorts of carriages, as he should think fit ; to make what parks he pleased, with free warren an^ chace ; and to have the same privileges in all manors. Li- cence to hold two fairs on 1 May and 29 September, and the day after each at the town of Ferrybank ; a Thursday market and 2 fairs on 1 May and 16 October, and the day after, at Adamstowne ; and 3 fairs on 25 March, on Whit- son Monday, and 10 August, and the day after, at Lyme- ricke, with power to appoint clerks of the market ; to build a convenient key within or near the town of Ferrybank, and there to ship and land goods inwards and outwards, paying the usual customs, and power to keep boats for her- ring fishing, and to land and receive them at the said key. The premises in the barony of Forth, created the manor of Eathmacknee or uee. The premises in the barony of Bantry created ye manor of Addanton. The premises in the barony of Gory, created the manor of Lymerick. The manors were created, pursuant to privy seal,, dated at Whitehall, 19 April 1668, by patent dated 15 September,. md iiarolled IX November 1668, as also for 9, release and. discharge of the quit rents. — Date 8th Feb.. 20th year.— InroUed 24th February, 1667.'" GENERAL PRESTON,. General Preston, Commander-in-Chief of the Confede- rate Army of the Province of Leinster, was a descendant of the family of that name which came over to Ireland in the reign of Henry II. In that of Edward IV.^ 1477, Sir Kobert Preston was created Baron Naas, in the county Kildare, and Yiscount Gormanstown, in the county Dublin.. The family under all the vicissitudes which followed the Reformation remained steadfast to the Roman Catholic faith, and in early life Thomas Preston, now under notice, took service in Spain, and particularly distmguished himself in the Low Countries, where his gallant defence of Lou vain ranked him amongst the most celebrated Com- manders of the day. Called home by the Council of the Confederated Irish Catholics,, he was appointed Comman- der-in-Chief of the Leinster Forces. A very great and fatal error was con] milted by that Body in appointing four separate Commanders — one for each Province — with- out appointing at the same time one Commander-in-Chief over all the Irish Forces. Personal pride, over-weening conceit, and natural dislike, took the place of true love of country, and the Norman blood of Preston would not mix in council with the headlong ardour of the Irish O'Neil, so as to allow them to act cordially together and without jealousy. To ub the praise which Pieston had acquired on accoimt of his foreign conduct, seems both over- rated, and not so much deserved. With the exception of the affair of Duncannon, Preston, to us, seems to have done nothing remarkable, and with regard to the engagement with the forces of Marquis of Ormonde, at BalHnvegga, in March, 1642, when the latter were retreating from their unsuc- cessful attack on Kew Ross, he gave but little evidence of high military genius. Here too, with a force of 5000 horse- and foot, in a most favourable position, he had not pa- tience to await the retreating enemy, but went on to meet them, and Mastership that the said castell is oon of the auncientis and strongest castells within this lande, and of thErle of Shrewsburies, or the Duke of Nor- folkis, oalde inheritaunce, being wurth sometynie 500 markis by the yere ; situated nobly within ten myles to Weixforde and 12 miles to Arcloo. So as there dwelling, a good capitayne male quiete, order, and rule all thoies parties. And from thens departed by sea side to Dublin, taking order in the countrie as he went, camping in the f eldes nightlie ; which waie no Inglish Deputie cam theis 100 yeres, nor non like enterprise attemptated, ne atchived, theis 100 yeres, in so little tyme, and with so little charges ; for I have sene 3 weekis victuals not so well spent with the riseing ought of the hooll Inglish pale. That knoweth God, to whom I do dailie praie, as I am most bounden, for the preservation of your right honourable good Mastership. From Dublin the 17 dale of July. "Your most humble and most botinden Oratour and servaunte, " Thomas Allest, •' To my Righ^ Honourable good Master, tlte Kingis Frincipall Secretarie." To such a state of debasement was the power of the King, or of the Anglo-Norman Chiefs in the -North of Wexford fallen in the beginning of Henry VIII.'s reign, that the Chief of the Clan Cavenagh ruled as he liked — as a friend or ally, but owing no fealty to either for what he held. We see that the Clan was in possession of the Castle of Ferns and refuses to yield it to the Deputy, or admit a Elng's officer — that it capitulated without a blow, and then again it is given into the charge of M'Murrough, the head of the clan. The purport of the Indenture made at the time alluded to in the foregoing letter, witnesseth that the said Lord Deputie did give the Constableship of the 118 Castle, or Lordship of Ferns, uuto the said Cahir MacMur- gho, chief captaia of his nation, he paying for the first year 80 marks Irish ; and after that as much every year as should be agreed upon by the said Lord Deputy and Coun- cil, with other covenants in the same indenture specified. A copy of this Indenture is in the Lambeth Library. Lord Lenord Gray, the Lord Deputy, was afterwards attainted of high treason, found guilty, and executed on Tower Hill. Amongst the many acts of which he was accused, was some accusing him of favouring the Kavenaghs. In the month of June, 1538, Justice Aylmer and John Allen, Master of of the Rolls, accuse him that " where Cahir McArte Ke- vanagh, being capteyn of the Kevanaghes, and a mortall enemye to the King and his subjects, fyually was taken prisoner by William Saintloo, and by him delyvered to the Lorde Deputie, the same Lord Deputie let him escape : soo as, besides his former hurtes, the same Cahir hath doon, sethens his departure, above 2000 marckes of hurtes to the Kinges subjectes, as was proved before the Commis« sioners by William Saintloo, both at Wexford and Rosse." — (State Papers.) The Privy Council of Ireland also pre- fer the same charge against Grey in these words : " and where William Seyntloo did take one Cahir McArte, a notable malefactor, my said Lorde suffered hym to escape ; who seyns hath done to the Kinges subjectes 3000 marcks of hurte." — (State Papers.) Now, we believe that the Lord Deputie did not allow Cahir McArte to " escape" without his first entering into securities, for we find, in the State Papers, in a "note" of the terms of the different treaties entered into by Lord Leonard Gray, the following, which refers to Cahir McArte. It is an " Indenture be- twixt the saide Lorde Deputie and Cahir Mclncrosse Ca- venagh, otherwise called McMurgho, that the saide Cahir shall pay yerely to our Soverayne Lorde the King, or his Deputie, the tributes and summes of mony, with refeccions and sustencions of all to galloglasses, as was accustomed to be payed by his auncestors, with other covenauntes ; and that he shall go with the Deputie to every hosting with 12 114 horsemen and 30 kerne on hie owne proper costes." Bnt the unruly Kavanagh did not keep his agTeement. The Council' also make another charge against the Lord Deputy •concerning another of the Kavanaghs, as follows : — " His Lordship, a litle bef or his departure, put at large Moriar- taghe Boy Cavanaghis son, being hostage for the fidelitie of his fader, and his f oloers, withe divers others of that na- cion, Tfhiche hostage beinge at large comethe nowe, withe ull his f aders power, with the Toles, to brene and distroye the Kinges subjectes." — (State Papers.) In 1641, Sir Charles Coote, the Parliamentary Com- mander, finding that he could not keep the Castle of Ferns in the midst of his enemies, and in order that it might not fall into their hands, he dismantled the outworks, blew up a great portion of the Castle, and then quitted the County Wexford. It was] a defenceless mass of ruin when Crom- well reached it — but he says not so, only that he summon- ed it, and it surrendered ! In fact it was impossible to de- fend it — and ever since the tooth of Time, and the hand of Vandal Man, have been effecting its utter crumbling away. CROMWELL IN WEXFORD. 1619. After the sacking of Drogheda, Cromwell moved south through Wicklow to Wexford. He was compelled to adopt this movement of moving by the coast in order to have the advantage of being supported by his fleet. After taking the castle of Killincarrick, 14 miles from Dublin, he advanced to Arklow, but the garrison having decamped, he marched through to Lymbrick, on the borders of Wex- ford county, and which Cromwell describes as a " strong and large castle, the ancient seat of the Esmonds, where ihe enemy had a strong garrison, which they burned and quitted the day before our coming thither." In five days of steady marching, at the rate of about ten Irish miles a day, the army had traversed Wicklow, and were now 115 across the mountains which curtain Wexford to the nortli and west. Wexford, though it does not offer the same- opportunities for a guerilla warfare as Wicklow, is still a county with strong military points, bounded for a con- siderable distance by mountains with few and difficult passes, beneath which spread a rolling wooded country,, veined with wide streams, and bisected diagonally with the broad line of the river Slaney. But there was actually no resistance organised. Through Wexford, as through Wicklow, Cromwell marched on velvet. Each town had a castle, and each castle held a garrison, and the garrison only waited to be summoned to surrender. After Limbrick next fell Ferns ; then Enniscorthy. At Enniscorthy, Cromwell says, "We summoned the castle, which wap very well manned, and they refused to yield at first ; but upon better consideration they were willing to de- liver the place to us, which accordingly they did, leaving their great guns, arms, ammunition, and provisions be- hind them." Another day's march brought his army, on Monday, the 1st of October, before Wexford. The citizens of Wexford appear to have been divided in opinion at this time, the interdict and excommunication of the Pope's Nimcio was always before their eyes, and they had not accepted the peace — therefore they were in opposition to Ormond as well as Cromwell, and it was with the greatest difficulty that the garrison was persuaded, two days before the arrival of Cromwell, to admit Colonel David Sinnott, as Military Governor. Under ordinary circumstances^ Sinnott's should have been a most popular appointments He was the head of one of the Welsh families which fol- lowed Strongbow into Ireland, and, settling in the baronies of Forth and Bargy, have ever since been one of the most peculiar elements of the Wexford population, into whose- character certain traits of the strange race have gradually infiltrated, so that the Wexford peasant of the present day has a less fiery, but more condensed, character than that ■ of any other southern peasant. Sinnott was a Wexford man, a^ friend of the Bishop of Ferns^ (Dr, Fr€nch)v and. 116 had been Lieutenant-Colonel of Preston's own regiment* A day or two after the admission of Colonel Sinnott, the garrison admitted a reinforcement of 1,500 men of the Ulster regiments, commanded by Magemiis, Lord of Ive- ragh. On the 3rd of October, Cromwell summoned the place to surrender. Siimott, quietly strengthening his def encess for three days, parleyed with him as to the terms of the capitulation. On the 4th Cromwell suddenly struck, under cover of his fleet, a fierce blow at the defences cover- ing the town. A troop of his dragoons succeeded in sur- prising the fort at the harbour's mouth, then turned its guns oil a frigate of twelve guns which lay alongside, and so captured both, as well as another smaller vessel or brig, which had just run down the river. Liland, beyond the right bank of the Slaney, between Wexford and Eoss, lay Ormond's camp, gradually swelling in strength. Clan- ricarde had sent him 1,000 foot and 300 horse out of Con- naught, and Inchquin two regiments of Munster cavalry. The Ulster army was beginning to arrive in numbers. — Ormonde, always resolute and hopeful, exhibits commend- able activit}^, and presses still more reinforcements on tho town, hoping evidently that here the war would come at last to a conventional scientific state by way of a due, slow,.' and regular siege. Lord Castlehaven also is always in the saddle to and fro from Duncannon to Wexford, from Wextord to Eoss, great in contrivances for ferrying over troops and settling the great guns in the best possible posi- tion up to the last moment. The last moment did even- tually come on the 11th of October. On the 10th, Crom- well had his batteries all built and mounted, and on the following morning opened fire.. He lay to the south-east of the town, where there was a strong castle without the walls ; and he says he at first bent the whole strength of his artillery against the castle, being persuaded that if the castle fell, the town would speedily follow.. After about a hundred shots had been fired,, the Governor hung out a flag of truce and offered to treat — which, says Crom- well, in hi3 repoi-t to the Speaker, " I condescending to,. 117 two Field Officers, with an Alderman of the Town, and the Captain of the Castle, bronght out the propositions, which for their abominableness,, manifesting" also the impudency of the men, I thought fit to present to your view : — " I. That the people of Wexford should have leave to hold and practice the Eoman Catholic religion* " II. That the regular and secular Clergy should be per- mitted to hold their livings,, and exercise their ministry. " III. That the Bishop should be suffered to continue to* govern his diocese. *' rV. That the garrison should be allowed to withdraw with the honors of war. " V. That such of the inhabitants as pleased to with- draw might carry their goods, chatties, ships^ or military stores with them. " YI. That the municipal privileges of the town shouldl not be curtailed. " VII. That the Burgesses should continue to be capable to hold property elsewhere in Ireland. " VII. That the Burgesses wishing hereafter to leave should have liberty to sell their property, and have safe conduct to England or elsewhere, *' IX. That the inhabitants be regarded as in all respects'> freeborn English subjects. " X. And that there be an absolute amnesty m regard to all past transactions." To these propositions Cromwell instantly gave a point- blank negative. What part of them he considered most abominable may be inferred from his counter propositions.. He would agree to allow the private soldiers and non-com- missioned officers quarters for life,, and leave to go to their several habitations with their wearing clothes, on engaging not to serve against the Parliament again ; to the. com- missioned officers quarter for life, but to consider them- selves prisoners of war. As for the inhabitants, he added^ '' I shall engage m^^self that no violence shall be offered to their goods, and I shall protect the town from plunder.'^' He demanded the absolute surrender of the town on thesa^ 118 terms within an hour. But within the hour it had fallen into his hands by an act of the most infamous treachery- recorded in the annals of war. The captain of the castle, James Stafford, was one of the Commissioners who had been sent with Colonel Sinnott's ten propositions. Crom~ well had drafted his reply, and was about to hand it to them, when his keen eye saw that in Stafford he had to deal with a caitiff capable of a villiany which would at once relieve him from any further consideration as to terms. Whether Cromwell was bound by the terms which he had drawn up, but of whose communication to Sinnott there is no actual evidence — whether, pending a treaty for the surrender of a separate forte, are questions for military casuists. What actually happened Cromwell himself thus describes : — " The Captain, who was one of the Commis- sioners, being fairly treated, yielded up the castle to us ; upon the top of which our men no sooner appeared, but the enemy quitted the walls of the town ; which, our own perceiving, ran violently up the town with their ladders and stormed it. And when they were come to the market place, the enemy making a stiff resistance, our forces brake them ; and then put all to the sword that came in their way. Two boatfuls of the enemy attempting to escape;, being overpressed with numbers, sank ; whereby were drowned near 300 of them. I believe in all there was lost of the enemy not many less than 2000 ; and I believe not ^0 of yours from first to last of the siege." As in Dro- iheda, so in Wexford, Cromwell limits his statement of the slaughter to the garrison (or soldiers) put to the sword, and does not report to the Parliament any massacre of the inhabitants. But if there were no other evidence on the point than his own despatches, any reader would have no difficulty in inferring what took place from the following^ passages. In his first summons to Colonel Sinnott he warns him, in case he should not surrender, " where the guilt wdll lie, if innocent persons should come to suffer with the nocent" — a phrase of sufficient significance after what had happened at the last place besieged by the writer,. In 119 deseribinc^ the town after the sack, to the Speaker, he says — " The soldiers got very good booty in this phice ; and, had not they (the townsfolk) had opportunity to carry their goods over the river whilst we besieged it, it would have been much more. I could have wished for their own good and the good of the garrison, they had been more mo- derate," which Mr. Carlyle interprets, doubtless correctly, " not forced to storm them." What became of the garrison is beyond debate. A little further on is another suggestive glimpse into the condition of the town three days after the sack, helping us to infer what became of the townspeople : ** The town is so now in your power that, of the former inhabitants, I believe scarce one in twenty can challenge any property in their houses. Most of them are run away, and many of them killed in the service. And it were to be wished that an honest people would come and plant here ; where are very good houses and other accommoda- tion fitted to their hands, which may by your favour be made of encouragement to them." Wexford, in fact, was a Town to Let. How many of its people had swam across the Slaney, or jumped oif the ramparts ; how many had been killed in hot blood and in cold during those three days, who shall tell. But the evidence of what passed at the sack of Wexford is not confined to a mere induction, or to that terrible tradition which for two centuries has made the name of Cromwell sound like a curse throughout Ireland, and no where more than in this county. The tra- dition (but it is only tradition) which tells how a ciowd of w^omen of all ages and ranks, when the alarm spread that the soldiers were on the walls, fled in their terror and despair to the foot of the great stone cross, which since the time of St. Selskar had stood in the middle of the market place ; and how, kneeling there, clinging together, mother and daughter, uncertain whether it was shame or death that might befall them, but hoping, at least, that God would take them to Himself stainless, they saw the ring of merciless men, with presented weapons, close round them. In the midst of this scene, for a moment, a strange figure 120 appeared, to edify the last mapients of tlie wotnen, and to rouse to wilder fury the savage passions of the soldiery. — Father Eaymond Stafford^ a Franciscan Friar, in his brown rope-girt habit, bareheaded, barefooted, advanced through the clash of arms and the moans and shrieks of the wounded women, baring aloft the Crucifix ; and, it is said in a record of his Order, " preached with great zeal to the infuriated enemies themselves, till he was killed by them in the marketplace." Six Franciscan Fathers [Revds. Richard Sinnott, Francis Stafford, Paul Sinnott, John Es- monde, and Peter Stafford, and Brothers Didacus Cheevera and James Rochf ort,] were slain in their Chapel hard by *^ some kneeling at the altar, and others whilst hearing confessions." The Bishop, Doctor French, who lay ill in fever " at a neighbouring town," probably Ross, in AVriting to the Internuncio at Brussels of that direful day, said—" There before God's altar fell many sacred victims, holy Priests of the Lord ; others who were seized outside the precincis of the church were scourged with whips; others hanged ; and others put to death by various most cruel tortures. The best blood of the citizens was shed ; the very squares were inundated with it, and there was scarcely a house that was not defiled with carnage and full of wailing. In my own palace, a youth hardly 16 years of age, an amiable boy, as also my gardener and sacristan, were cruelly but- chered ; and the chaplain, whom I caused to remain be- hind me at home, was transfixed with six mortal wounds. These things were perpetrated in open day by the impious assassins ; and from that moment I have never seen my city, or my flock, or my native land, or my kindred." In another letter of the same time he says — " In that exces- sive bitterness of my soul, a thousand times I wished to be dissolved, and to be with Christ, that thus I might not witness the sufferings of my country. From that period, I have never seen my city or my people. As an outcast I sought refuge in the wilderness. I wandered through the mountains and woods, generally taking my rest and repose 121 exposed to the hoar-frost, sometimes lying hid in caves and thickets. In the woods I passed more than five months, that thus I might administer some consolation to the few survivors of my flock who had escaped from the universal massacre, and dwelt there with the herds of cattle." It is easy to understand, with such illustrations as these, what Cromwell meant when he said that he be- lieved " scarce one in 20 of the inhabitants can now chal- lenge any property in their houses." The massacre was not even restricted to the town. In the " Cambrensis Eversus" of Dr. Lynch it is stated that shortly afterwards there was throughout the county " an indiscriminate massacre of men, women, and children, by which no less than 4,000 souls, young and old, were atrociously butcher- ed." The English journals of the day only published the General's despatches, but the news that reached Edin- burgh, through the Ulster Scotch it may be assumed, con- firms the worst charges that have been made against the army. Affcer stating that Cromwell had taken Drogheda and Wexford, the paragraph goes on to say, " and there sparing neither sex nor age, he exercised all the cruelties of a merciless, inhuman, and bloody butcher, even brutish- ly against nature." Cromwell much admired the town — *' pleasantly seated it is and strong," he says, " having a rampart of earth within the wall, near 15 feet thick." In its forts were found a hundred cannon. In the harbour were several powerful vessels of war, one of 36 guns, another of 20, a frigate of 20 guns upon the stocks ; " for her handsomeness' sake," writes Cromwell, " I have ap- pointed the workmen to finish her, here being materials to do so, if you or the Comicil of State shall approve thereof. The frigate, also, taken beside the fort, is a most excellent vessel for sailing ; besides other ships and vessels in the harbour." With such forces and resources, it is evident that, had the town been properly defended, all the military advantages were in its favour. It had the superiority in artillery. It had the command of the river, and could have employed its vessels of war to supplement the fire of its 122 forts, A complete investment of the place was impossible to Cromwell, owing to the limited number of the besieg- ing army. Outside Ormonde's army was posted in a coun- try admirably suited for operating towards the relief of the town. The district to the west of Wexford is of a charac- ter peculiarly adapted to quarter an army whose duty it should be to harras the conduct of the siege. It rises rapidly, is very broken and excellent both for recennoi- sance and for cover. To cut off Cromwell's communications, to harras him by attacks and otherwise, would have been easy from such a position ; and had all these ways and means been adequately combined and vigorously used, it would have been hardly possible for him to have taken Wexford with what forces he had before it. But the real forces that won his vietory were within the walls — in the want of confidence that existed between the townspeople and Ormond's army ; and finally, by the treachery which, in an instant, placing the castle, and thereby, the key of the town, in the enemy's hands, turned all into a mere ^» affording the etymology of its name, "Cuan-in-Bhainbh'* means the '*Bay of Bainbh." "Bainbh" is a name proper, as I am informed by Dr. O'Donovan, to one of the ancient Firbolgian Chieftains of Ireland, and probably a brother to Slainge, from whom the river Slaney takes its name, liiterally Bainbh means a " Sucking Pig/' Another proof that the Bay of Bannow was a tolerably safe and commodious harbour within the times of authen- tic history, may be drawn from the existence of important and flourishing towns which once adorned its shores. I allude to the towns of Clonmines and Bannow,. now utterly extinct.. Clonmines was situated nearly at the utmost extremity of the bay, where a gabbard can now barely float at high water. Several ruined Castles, and a very flne Monastic remains mark its site. Of its history little has come down to us, in consequence of it having received its incorporation, not from the King, but from the Lords of the Liberty of Wexford : — but its ruins prove it to have been of considerable importance, both in a civil and eccle- siastical point of view. Up to the period of the Union its. Burgesses (nominal of late yearS;^) returned two members to the Irish Parliament. The town of Bannow was situate on the eastern head- land of the bay. A ruined Church of considerable size, and some few traces of masonry protruding from the drifting sands which cover part of its site, are all that remain to mark its situation. The destructive hand of man seems^ however, within the last nine or ten years, to have been busy here : as the Ordnance Survey Map of Wexford marks, '' a Castle" to the east of the Church, and the account which was published in second volume of the ''Penny Journal," page 82, must have been strangely exaggerated, or many traces of the town were in existence in 1833. — The Castle is now obliterated, and the very stones removed which marked the foundation of the houses. The famous chimney of the Town-House, on which the Notices of Elec- tions were wont to be posted — for Bannow also was incor- porated skud sent two members to the Irish Parliament in. 141 ante-Union times — is represented bj a prostrate mass of masonry. It is impossible tRat this change could have taken place in consequence of the continued rising of tBje sands — for the town^ at least part of it, stood on a head- land of considerable height, with a cliff of slate-rock to- wards the sea — and it is quite impossible that buildings of any size could be concealed — if remaining entire — hj the comparatively thin stratum of drift-sand which has accu- mulated on its surface. The Quit-Eent Rolls, however,, preserved at Wexford, prove the town to have been of considerable importance. They mention " amongst" others, the following streets, viz. : — High-street, Weaver- street, St. Georg's-street, Upper-street, St. Toolock-street,. St. Mary's-street, St. Ivory's-street, Lady-street, Little- street, &c., &c. Fair slated houses, horse-mills, gardens, and other indications of a prosperous place, are also men- tioned as paying Quit Rent. — (Dublin Pemiy Journal, vol.. ii, p. 32.) Some vestiges of the topography of the Borough may, perhaps, be found in the following extracts from the Inquisition post mortem of the County Wexford : — " a.d. 1616, Sir Dudley Loftus, of Kilclogan, died seized among other numerous possessions, of one burgage in Bannow, and Danes Park, called Glebe land. a,i>. 1627, Hamond Chevers died, seized among other possessions "of one burgage in Bannow, which was held of Chevers and Holly- wood in free-burgage." a.b. 1630, Walter Neville died,, seized among other possessions " of one messuage called ' le Hay,' and one acre of land in the burgage of Bannow, commonly called Joane Haye's Acre, which were held in burgage tenure." a.d. 1630, Nicholas Hollywood died, seized among other possessions "of £3 annual rent, issu- ing out of the burgagery of Bannow," — a large rent in. these days, a.d. 1633, John Cullen died, seized of one messuage and 80 acres in Westerhill, and one water-mill in same, value 16s. annually — also, of one messuage and 12 acres in CuUen's land, with the weir called Cullen's weir — one messuage and 12 acres called Horesland — one messu- age and. 12 acres called Hamersland — 5 acres called Cul- 14^ Jen's croft — 15 acres in Ballyellaney 10 in Comwadge,. and 15 acres in Grountstown, value 16s annually" — all parcel of burgage lands of Bannow, and held of the tamilies of €hevers and Hollywood- a.d. 1634,. Walter Browne died, seized of " one messuage and 30 acres of land, part of the burgage lands of Bannow," also held of Chevers and Hol- lywood in burgage tenure, a.d. 1640,. Christopher Chevers died, seized ain:ong other possessions of " one messuage and 30 acres arable in Newtown, one messuage and 15 acres in Sarrin's lane, 10 in le Cornage, with other tene- ments called le out Cornage, parcel of the burgage of Ban- now — all held by burgage tenure — also, of £4, annual rent, issuing from the burgage land, and town of Bannow — of 2s. rent of Winningstown — 5s. rent of Cullen'sNewtown — 6s. 8d. of Carrig Church,, and one load of rushes from Bel- grove, all which are held of the King, by burgage tenure of Bannow." Many other such tenures and items might be given — but I f orbear.. That the channel between Bannow Island and the site ©f the Town was na'vdgable down to the comparatively late period of 1657, appears in the evidence of the Map of the Parish in the Down Survey, whereon Bannow Bay is laid down as entered by two deep channels — but the town must have lost its importance long before that period. Of the two channels marked on the Down Survey, but one now exists. The eastern channel is now high and dry, and a road running across the sand far above high- water mark connects the Island with the mainland. But even if no such record existed as the Down Survey, the very circum- stance of an important town having sprung up on its shores would be a sufficient evidence that a deep and na- vigable arm of the sea once, and at no distant period, spread its waters over the space now occupied by firm land ©r drift sand hills. The Church of Bannow is now veiy ruinous, but, not- withstanding much romancing on the subject, it has not suffered in the slightest degree from the encroachment of the drifting sand.. It is a plain massive building,. consists 143 ing of nave and chancel — the former measnring eighteen paces bj eight — the latter six by nine. It possesses a semicircular Norman chancel arch of Caen stone, simply chamfered at the angles, with plain imposts and shafts at the western angles of the jambs. The arch measures eleven feet in width and nine feet to the spring of arch. — The remainder of the building seems to have been erected 'during the prevalence of the early English style, that is before 1300, after which a very fine decorated window was inserted in the chancel, the mullions of which are now de- stroyed. The other windows are small, and trefoil-headed. In the south side of the nave is a flat headed doorway, ap- parently of a date contemporary with the Church — the remains of the north and south porches are also extant. The side walls have plain battlements, and the east gable of the nave is graduated into what is technically termed "corbie-steps." Within the building lies an extremely elegant sepulchral slab, exhibiting in high relief, beneath two trefoil-headed niches, the heads of a Knight and Lady in the costume of the 13th century, together with a rich foliated cross. This slab has ibeen usurped by two inscrip- tions. On the 'brow of the Knight^s .mailed hood some idle and emptj^-headed loiterer has carved the letters D.. S. S., whilst in characters of the latter part of the 15th or beginrnng of the 16th .century, the following sepulchral memorialTias also been incised osi the stone : — ''bic jacet johanes golfer qui obitt anna siggins que obiit quoru animabus ppecutur deus, aliten. There are, as I am informed, about thirty heads of fa- milies in the parish of Bannow, who still bear the name of CoLFEE, or CuLFER, and scarcely one in any otlier part of the county. Tradition has it, that the first of them was drifted out to sea from the Welch coast in a goat-skin canoe, and was cast ashore at Bannow. Among the in- habitants many Anglo-Norman names still remain, as Barry, Meyler, Ccdd, Stafford, &c., &c., but not one Sig- G1N8. There are a few of the latter name in the barony of 144 fortli, and a^lso a Sigqinstown, and a Sigginshaggard occurs in the neiglibourhood of Taghmon. A stone coffin with its coped covering* stone — the latter broken into three fragments — and an nninscribed sepul- chral slab, ornamented, as is also the coffin lid, with the peculiar floriated cross of the 13th century, also lie within the walls of the old Church, and with that ruined fane, now form the sole memorials of the town of Bannow, and its -once busy inhabitants. — (Rev. James Graves, in the Kil- kenny Archseological Journal, September, 1850.) Mr. Robert Leigh, of Rosegarland, who obt ained that property from King Charles II., writing in 1684, has the following on Bannow : — " In the Barrony of Bargye uppon ye south-west point, or corner thereof, stands ye x>lace called the towne of Ban- no, being (as it is said) ye fierst Corporacon that was built by the English soon after their landing at Bagg and Bunn, aad was a considerable place of trale for many years, untill the sand filled up ye River mouth between ye towne and the Island of Banno before mentioned, and turned the current to the weast side of ye Island, where it discharges itselfe now into ye sea at a streight between the said Island and ye land of Fetherd formerly mentioned ; alsoe, a dangerous place for any ship of burden to come in at. — ■ Ye towne of Bannoo i? now quite ruined, there being no- thing there but the ruins of an old Ciiur^h and of severall stone Houses, and antient streets of some few Cabbins, yet it sends two Burges to serve in Parliament still ; but ye Charter is long since worne out with time. It is said that the ancient Charter of Bristoll in England mencons this off Banno, in reference to further priviledges as being thereby granted the like privileges as were enjoyed by the antient Corporacon of Banno in Ireland. This towne is now of very little yearly value, and (being set out to sol- diers pursuant to the Acts of Settlement) lelongs for the most part to one Boyse, or his widdow." We learn by a deed made under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, and inrolled the 15th of June, 1668, the?6 wer6— together with houses and premises in the cities of Dublin and Waterford, and town of Wexford—* granted to Major Nicholas Pjne, Lieutenant John An-^ drews, and Colonel Randal Clayton, in trust for the '49 officers, the following property in the town of Bannow :*— *' A thatched house, a ruinous stone house, a cabbiuj a garden plott, a hagg-yard, and i of an acre, 2 cabbins and garden, and i an acre.— a thatched house, a front house plott and a garden.— a house plott and garden containing J an acre, in Bannow alias Bannor.— a house plott and gar- den. — -a plott of land called Wells Cliff e. — a garden in said Cliffe.^a garden plott in ditto. — -a house plott and garden plott. — a house plott to the street, and a garden, a thatch- ed house, and garden plott. — -a house plott with walls Upp. a house plott and garden. — -a garden plott.— a house plott and garden.— a cabbin and garden, in High-street, in Ban^ now aforesaid. A thatched house and garden in Little- street, in Bannow. Stone Walls of a house and a garden plott.— a house plott and garden. — a house plott and gar-^ den. — -two ditto and a garden. — a cabbin and garden plott» a cabbin and garden plott. — a waste plott or place of two houses, and a garden plott in High-street, Bannow* A house plott and garden. — walls of a ruined house, a garden plott, a cabbin, and two house plotts in Little-street. — -a cabbin and garden in Weavers-street. — a thatched house and a garden in Little-street, in Bannow. — -a house plott and a garden plott. — -a house plott to the Church. — ^a house slated, with a house plott, a garden plott, and a large plott of ground to the street, in Lady-street, Bannow." Under the same Acts, there were confirmed to Nathaniel Boyse, esq., the following lands : — " Bannow (part) 542 acres; Grange, 334a. Ir. 24p. ; Ballymadder, 101a & lip ; both Newtownes, 176a. Sr. 28p. ; Cullenstowne, 222a. 2r ; Kiltra, 78 acres; Poulmore, 98a. 3r. 32p ; Carrig, 111 acres ; in Deane's Castle, 84 acres, in the barony of Bargy, county Wexford ; 737 acres in Ballyadmocke, in the ba- rony of Shelmalier, in same county. In this deed of con-* veyance there was a clause inserted reserving to the Com* 146 missionea Oiiicers who served the King in Ireland l)e?ore the 1st of June, 1649, six acres, being the town and cor- lioration of Bannowe, surrounded with an old wall. — This deed was Inrolled the 12th November, 1666. CLONMINES. This place, formerly a Borough sending representatives to Parliament up to the Union, is now only a village, re- markable for its Ecclesiastical ruins, and parish in the barony of Shelburne, at the point where the river at Rose- garland falls into the lake or harbour of Bannow. It de- rives its name from its smooth surface — " the smooth mea- dow" — and was of very ancient foundation. The family of Cavenagh, descended from the McMur- roughs, Kings of Leinster, founded an Abbey for Austin Hermits, here in 1385, ten years before the McMurrough surrendered the sovereignty of their countries to Richard II., and accepted in lieu a pension of Eighty marks per an- num, which was paid them to the time of Henry VIII. — The records of this house are very imperfect, so that it is not easily known when the castles and several religious buildings were erected. The Dominicans claim some right to this Church, but the Augnstinians have the best claim, and the little community of that Order now situated at Grantstown, near Bannow, consider themselves the repre- sentatives of the old House of Clonmines. Nicholas Wad- ding was the last Abbot, and in the 35th of Henrv VIII., (1644,) this House and its appurtenances was granted to John Parker, Constable of Dublin Castle, at the annual rent for ever, of 2s. 4d. Irish money. By the Cromwellian Settlement it became the property of the Annesley family, but about twelve years ago was purchased by Matthew P. D'Arcy, Esq., an eminent Brewer in Dublin, and then one of the Members of Parliament for the County of Wexford. The Abbey was of very great extent, and the foundations €>i the Cloisters are yet to be seen, and one set of its arches. U7 highly ornamented. The tower stands on an arch — part of it is stopped up, and as there are buttresses, there seems to have been some alterations from the original design. — The western window is very fine, made of red granite, but looking white, being almost entirely covered with white moss. Of the same are the architraves of the western door, the arches of the Cloisters, and a monument within the Church. The whole building was surrounded with walls, and capable of defence, and vestiges of a Portcullis remain in a gate near the Abbey. The late eminent Artist and judicious Antiquarian, Geoige Victor DuNoyer, M.E.I. A., who examined with great care and minuteness, these ruins, has left us th'e fol- lowing interesting account : — " The fourth example — (he is speaking of the union of- domiciliary and Ecclesiastical purposes in some of the early buildings in the county Wexf otd) — " which I have to offer is a remarkable one, and quite unique in Ireland, if not in Britain. I allude to a fortified Church, or rather Castle- Church, forming one of the groups of Ecclesiastical ruins at Clonmines, on the shore of Bannow Bay, in the County Wexford. This singular building stands on a rise of ground adjoining the monasteiy,but detached from it, and when viewed from the westward, quite resembled a square Castle, the IS'.E . and S.W. angles of which are prolonged into small but lofty crenellated turrets. " The accompanpng plate," (continues Mr. DuNoyer,) *^ is an external view of this Church. It shows the door- way in the west wall which led to the habitable portion of thebuildin g, and which is protected by a large machicola- tion connected with the roof. The doorway, nearly facing the spectator, conducts to the Church, and the arched re- cess adjoining it may have been intended for a tomb, or seat, and probably the former. Externally the Church measures thirty-seven feet by twenty-six feet, the walla being five feet thick, thus imparting to it an unusual de- gree of strength and solidity — the parapet walla are about two feet eight thick, and are all embattled. 148 ^< The East wall is pierced, at the height of about seren feet from the gro\md,-by a, small window of two pointed lights. ''- It is not till we erter this building that its true char-t acter and object become apparent^ and we at once perceive that we are in a lofty arched room,, half Church and half residence.. The Eastern eud of this room forms a square of sixteen feet sivX inches,, and is groined with massive chamfered ribs,, springing from eaoh corner,, and crossed by others springing from the sides,. This groining defines, the limits of the Church — the remaining Western portion "teing simply arched,, and is somewhat lower than the- Eastern, thus forming a flat tympanum overhead, against which was laid the wooden partitiou which screened off the iiving-Toom.. '' In the sill of the window on the South side,, is a smalt piscina—and in the N. and S. walls, at their junction with the E. wall, there are small square unomamented aum-- brics — to the right of the door in the W. wall there is a, Ismail stoop. " The turret at the N.W. angle surmounts the winding- staii;s at the basement floor, while that on the N.E. angle ha&; a large oven beneath it — both these turrets are flat-- roofed, with high and embattled parapets." [The alleand entertaining Artist then proceeds to de-- gcribe the Chrism, or Consecration Crosses which were scraped into the fresh plaster of the walls at the time of consecration of the buildmg, Jle gives drawings of three^ On one of them — (the same as to be seen in the lately con-- gecrated Churches of this Diocese)-T^he remarks :— "With, regard to these Crosses ^ "^ ^ ^ that formed the intersection of four parts of circles,, and ending in eight points, is that form of this emblem which was introduced, into Ireland by St. Patrick, or the earlier Missionaries."] " JTichol^Woding, (concludes our interesting narrator,)) *'*^ the last Prior,, surrendered this Priory, being seized ot the same, and of ^, church and belfry,, a dormitory,, a hall,, ^idQ^^l^a^ibers, a„ kitchen, cemetry,^ and pnQ close^ withifti the site thereof^ — annual value, besides reprisals, 8s 4d — also of one small tower, four messuages, ten gardens, one- acre of arable land near St. Kearn's Pill, or creek, and the tithes of said garden — also 2s. chief rent arising from. Colgan's lands in Clonmjn, aforesaid — annual value be- sides reprisals, 23s- 8d. On the 25th of August, 35th of Henry VIII, (1544) this Monaster j, with its appurtenances,, together with the Dominican Friary of Rosbercon, in the county Kilkeiwiy, were granted to John Parker, at the- annual rent of 2s 4d Irish. He sold them to John Blake,, of New Eoss. " It is exceedingly probable that the Church stated to> have been erected by Nicholas the Clerk, at the close of ' the fourteenth century, is the building I have described as the Castle Church, for its architectural features point precisely to such a period. It is evident that great pains, were bestowed in the construction of this remarkable- building, which on emergency was intended to act as a Castle or defence to the neighbouring Abbey, should that establishment ever be beleagured by hostile natives — and if all communication between it and the Monastery was cut off— and if the Monks and their retainers happened to be well provisioned, they could have held their own against any foray, and if necessary stood a siege." A castle or castles were also built at Clonmines by one- of the family of Roger de Sutton, who accompanied Pitz- Stephen to Ireland., The family of Sutton lived here up. to a few years since.. In former times ships were able to. load and unload at Clonmines, but cannot do so now. Prazer, in his Survey of the county Wexford, tells usi about the Danes having a mint at Clonmines, but does not allude to Henry VIIL, Edward YI., Queens Mary and Elizabeth having mints there as well as working the mines. In July, 1550, King Edward YI.. sent instructions to Sir- Anthony St. Leger, the Lord Deputy, and Council of Ire- land, for the management of the mines of silver at Clon- mines. On the 12th January,. 1552, Joachim Gunderfilgen,, ^ij^laiiisto the Privy Council that, he is building a work:- 150 ehop at Kosse, and was unable to send particulars about the mines. Sixteen days later Robert Eecord, surveyor of mines for the Privy Council of England, complains to the King of the great waste of the Almain miners in their washings, meltings, and finings. He says, " The waste is excessive. He hopes to save two thousand pounds yearly, till the mines may be sunk deeper, and then he hopes to have much greater gains. The English and Irishmen em- ployed are better skilled than the Almains. The King's- charges are at this hour over £260 per month, and the gains not above £40, so his Majesty loses £220 monthly." Record sends, at same time, an account of the silver and lead got at Clonmines, and molten at Ross. Mr. Record evidently, by this report, wanted to get the management of the mines and works into his own hands, for we find shortly after that Gerard Harman writing to the Privy Council imputing the decay of the mines " to the ill con- duct of Mr. Record." This letter contains many curious particulars relative to the first working of the mines. Mr, Harman says " the mines are very rich, profitable, and commodious. He concludes his letter by complaining of " the wilfulness, pride, presumption, and covetousness of Mr. Record." Jealousy seems to be at work between those in charge of the mines. We may here mention that at this time the Lord Deputy writes to Secretary Cecil de- scribing the miserable condition of Ireland in consequence of the unsettled state of the currency, and complains of " the negligence and ignorance of the Bishops of Ireland." The King in answer directs that Martin Pirry, under trea- surer to the mint ; Oliver Daubeny, comptroller ; and Wil- liam Williams, assay master, should go over to Ireland to coin money. Martin Pirry was also directed to visit the mines at Clonmines and report on their management. On the 12th August, Piny sent an inventory of all the King's. " stuff" remaining at Barristown, Clonmines, and Bally- hack. Mr. Record having received a check from the Privy Council of England relative to his management of the mines, sends back on the 9th May, 1552, " an account of 151 the total sums expended in the mines from the 13th day of April, 1552, up to that period." Six days after the date of Mr. Record's letter, Joachim Gunderfilgen complains again to the Privy Council on Record, and informs them " that many of our body (workmen) have fallen sick, and three have died for lack of victuals." On the 1st of August, 1552, Joachim sends his book of checks of the Dutch (Al- main) miners from the commencement of their work on the 17th July, 1551, to the 1st August, 1552, at Clonmines and Ross. In October 1553, Queen Mary sends instructions to the Lord Deputy, to cause a cessation of all works at the mines. Her Majesty in the same letter commands the Lord De- puty " to restore the old religion, and to reduce Leinster," the Kavanagh's and others at that time being rather troublesome to the government. That Her Majesty's order for reducing Leinster was truly carried out, so far as Wexford is concerned, we find Lord Justice Fitzwilliam writing to the Lord Deputy, Sussex, informing him that he had dealt with the Wexford rebels, the Lord Power, John Butler, Walter Gaule, the Sheriff of the County, and Henry Doueless. " The Lord Power has sustained a great burning in his country, at which perished both women and children, and some men by the sword." He also writes that he had dispersed Richard Keating and the rebels of Wexford. Whether the mines were closed during the remainder of the short reign of Queen Mary, we are unable to state, but that they were working in the early part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth we have sufficient proof, for on the 2nd November, 1562, we find that Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam writes to Cecil, Secretary of State, relating his dealings with Walter Pepparde concerning the lead and ore at Clonmines and Ross. He says, " that Pepparde will only give him half his demand, but his skill is not great in such matters." About this time, John Eustace and Patrick Sarsfield enter into recognizances with the Government for the sum of £2,000, that Pepparde will pay the ninth of the metals of m Clonmines, and the fcenth of the metals of the other rtiinea in the County of Wexford, for the Qaeen's use, and also of* fering Her Majesty the pre-emption of the gold at 2s. per ounce, and of the silver at 41. per ounce. Pepparde also gave bonds for the exportation of the ores and metals of the mines. He afterwards entered into a bond with Queen Elizabeth to give up alll the tools, instruments, &c., used in the mines on the expiration of the lease. Not* withstanding all the bonds and deeds entered into. Sir William Fitzwilliam did not seem to like how Pepparde was going on working the mines, and he informs the Se- cretary of State " that he is going to have one cwt. of the ore from Clonmines fined in his own house." He also re- quests that Pepparde " may be stayed till he has made this experiment." On March 24, 1564, Pepparde appeals to Cecil, " that he may have a letter to the Commissioners now coming over to examine into his grief and end it according to right." On the 10th of May, John Chaloner writes to Cecil that he has heard that Walter Pepparde had no workmen at Clonmines for the last eight months, which is contrary to his indenture. He requests that Pepparde's lease may be seized into the Queen's hands and granted unto him, as Pepparde refuses to give him up the store. — ^ In October, 1565, Queen Elizabeth directs the Lord De- puty Sidney to examine into the affairs of Pepparde, who appears to have died in the interval, concerning Clonmines, and to cause a certificate to be returned of the truth there- of, and what he shall deem meet for Her Majesty to allow Pepparde's widow, in equity and conscience. Pepparde's son was afterwards accused of treason, but acquitted. He and his mother applied to the Privy Coun- cil that they might be permitted to proceed by law against such as did spoil them of £4,000 notwithstanding their pardon for treason. Owing to the constant quarrelling going on between persons trying to get the mines into their possession, they cease to be worked for many years. About the year 1840 the mines of Ban-ystown were 153 again re-opened. A gentleman from Cornwall, experienced in mining matters, had them in charge, but the famine came, and with it the general decay of business which caused the works to be discontinued. TINTERN ABBEY— THE COLCLOITGHS. Francis Leigh, Esq., the first of that name, on whom the estate of Rosegarland was specially conferred by Charles II., soon after the Restoration, has left us the following, in what he calls " An Account of ye Town of New Ros9e in ye County of Wexford, and of some of ye Baroneyes there.— 'By Robert Leigh, of Rosegarland — this 29th March, 1684." " TINTERN HOUSE. '' Tinterne Castle, being the aforesaid Sir Caesar Col* dough's dwelling-house, lyes south-west of Clonmines, at two miles distance, and is seated upon a rising ground or rock, but sheltered on all sides, at some small distance, by higher grounds, and several groves of Oake and Ash Trees* Under the house, at a pistoll's shot distance, in a vally running through a small grove of ash trees, and pleasant cleere River, or streame, whereon stands a Corne Mill, and runs along the vally to a place called the Salt Mills, where it falls into the River of Banno aforesaid. On the West Baiicke of the which River of Banno (on Tintern side), there is an oyster bedd, belonging to the said Sir Caesar Colclough, which is extraordinary large, and ac- counted the best oister in that County (if not in all Ire- land). They were brought thither about 70 years ago, in a bark from Milf ord-Haven, by order of Sir Thomas Col» clough, of Tinterne, and sunk there, where the soyle prov* ed so naturall to them, that they grew much bigger and better tasted than those now had at Milford Haven."^ Tinterne was a large Abbey of St. Bernard's order, which * There is no trace of this Oyster bed at the present time ; p'^'-' " have been covered with shifting sands. 154 liad about 1200£ a veare in lands and Tytlies belonging to it. It is saide to have beene founded soone after the En- glisbe were masters of those parts, under Strongbow Earl of Chepstowe, and that it took its name from an Abbey in Wales, called also Tintern, which Abby I have seen de- scribed in some mapps of England, and soe the rather believe this may be true. There is afc Tinterne a large Church, that belonged to the Abby, called St. Bernard, and another which is nowe the parish Church,"^ wherein stands a larsre marble monument, or tombe, of Sir Anthony Colclough, Knight, the first of that family that settled in Ireland in the reigne of King Henry 8th, whose guards ^(called the gentlemen pensioners) he commanded, and who gave him for his greate services the aforesaid Abby of Tinterne, with its possessions. As to his Parentage and -esteem at that time, as well as his Issue, I refer you to the Inscription on ye aforesaid toombe, which is hereunto annexed : — [The inscription is here supplied from the monument which still (1859) exists in the ruined parish church of Tintern : — IjT . OBITVM . EGREGII . VIRI . A:fTTHONII . COLCLOVGH . MILITIS PrISTINA . SVBLTMI . PROAVOEVM . STEMATE . DVCTA Et • SEREES 'MAGNIS * ORTA * AB * IMAGINIBVS AtQVE . SVPERBA . MANVS . VARUS . ORNATA . TROPHEIS HiEC . SORTIS . FRAGILT . SOLA . PAEANTVR . OPE AsT . SINCERVS . AMOR . PATRI^ . VOX . CONSOXA . VVLGI Et . VERVS . VERO . CANDOR . HOXORE . NITENS NeSCIA . VEL . BVRIS . FLECTI . CONSTANTIA . REBVS NON , ALIENA . SED . H^C . NOSTRA . VOCARE . LICET VtRVM . PLVRA . DARET . SORS . ET . NATVRA . VlCISflll •CeRTARVNT . VNO . K^C . CVNCTA . VIATOR . HABES * Tliis Chiirr>h is now in ruins, and Ihe present Parish Church stands on a risincr frronnd to the rij^ht of t'^e road, as you enter the village of Salt- raillsfrom Tintex-n Abbey. This Church, a n^at edifice in the later Entrlisli style, with a sqnare tow<^r crowned", with pinnacles, was erected in 1818, afc ■fin expen<;e of about £1000, of wjiich £600 was a loan from the late Boni>def First Fruits ; the remaiuder was assessed on the parishes of the Uuion. 155 Here . lieth .the . body . of . syr , Anthony, colclvghe^ knight . eldest . svne . of | richard . colclovghe . of . wolstanton . in . staffordshire . esqvire .who . came | first . into . this . land . the . 34 . yeer . of . henry . the . 8 . and . then . was . captayn . of . the . pensioners . in . which . place . and . others . of . greater . charg . he o- continved i a . most . faithfvl . serviter . dvring . the,, life . of , edward . vi . and . qveen . mary | and . vntil . the . xxvi . yer . of . ovr . most . noble . qven . elizabeth . and .. then . died . the . ix . of . december | 1584 , he . left . by . his . wife . clare . agare , dowghter . of . thomas , agare . esqvier . 7 . sonns | fravnces . ratlife . a,nthony . syr ». thomas . colclough . knight . lohn . mathew , lenard . and . 5 i doghters . laqnet . was . married . to . nicholas . walshe . esqvier . of . the . privie . covnsayle .. and | on . of.the.ivstise.of. the . kings .bench . in .irland.fravnc . maried. to. william. smethiwike | of . smethwick. in. che- shre . mari . maried . to . lohn . cots . op . wodcote . in . shropshier i esqvier . clare . maried . to . william .. snead . of . brodwal , in . staferdshire | esqvier .. elinor . died . IVNGE. The inscription is given verbatim et literatim, except that " Shrorshier" — an evident mistake of the sculptor — is correc ted to " Shroj)shier." It will be remarked that Sir Anthony Colcongh's son is termed " fravisCES," and. his daughter " fravnc," (Frank) the reverse ot the present usage. The letter *'Y" is also used lor the letter *-U" always.] " Sir Csesar Colclough, Bart., (continues Mr. Leigh,) who is the present possessor of Tinterne, is great-grandson of the aforesaid Sir Anthony Colclough." Such is so far interesting about Tmtern and the Col- cloughs of early days. Tintern Abbey was founded by William, Earl Marshall^ who, in the reign of Henry II., was in extreme danger at sea, when crossing into Ireland. He made avow, if he made land safe, to found an Abbey on the place of safe arrival^ which he did and called it Le Ycto, of theYoWj, 156 peopleing it from Tiiitern Abbey in Monmouthshire. It has continued ever since the reign of Henry VIII., in the male heirs of the Colclough family, until lately it passed into the female line. The estate, by right of his wife, came into the possession of John Thomas Eosborough Col- clough — who assumed his wife's family name, on his mar- riage with Mary, eldest daughter of C^sar Colclough, of Duffry HaU, who was first cousin of Caesar Colclough, the last owner of Tintern Abbey. She was born in Prince Edward's Island, during the time her father was Chief Justice there. The late Csesar Colclough, of Tintern Abbey, was of rather eccentric habits. He had been to France soon after the Eevolution but returned. During the short Peace of Amiens, as it was called, between that country and England in 1802, he went to Paris, and on the sudden renewal of hostilities he was unable to get back, and was prisoner on parole until the abdication of Napoleon the Great, in 1814. Long before the Reformation Tintern Abbey was a place of great repute. In 1447, the Abbot having represented to the King, Henry VI., that the lands of the Abbey were very much wasted, and that he had rebuilt the house at his own particular cost, it was enacted in Parliament that the Abbots of Tintern should not in future be compelled to 9.ttend Parliament and other great Councils at their per- sonal cost. In the 31st Henry VIII., John Power, the last Abbot, surrendered, but seems to have been left in possession — and in the 18th Elizabeth, 1576, it was, with its appurten- ances, which were extensive and valuable, granted to An- thony Colclough, in capite and for ever, at the annual rent €f 26s. 4d. Irish. The Abbey Church was in extreme length 175 feet, and 54 in width. _ The last Cgesar Colclough, who dwelt at Tintern, had a dislijce to have " cabins" so near him, and the old village of Tmtern was pulled down, and Saltjoaills g^rose.. DUNBEODY ABBEY — THE ITCHINGHAMS, &e. Nothing in the architectural attractions of the past^ within the bounds of the County Wexford, can equal, and little of the same class in Ireland, can surpass what the Abbey of Dunbrody was — what its ruins were — alas! were. Since first we visited it the tooth of time and the still has- tier destroyer, the hand of man, coupled with neglect, has. effected much to be regretted. The noble window in the western gable — the attraction of visitors, whether like ourselves, or artists — admitted to be xmique has fallen, and a general feature of " ruin, ruin, ruin," rests on, and around the once splendid Abbey of Dunbrody. This ancient and venerable pile, anciently called " Dun- brothy," situated at Port St. Mary, once a small town near the confluence of the river Barrow and Swire (now Suir,) is a lasting monument of monastic srreatness — but the pealing anthem and the swelling choir have died away in the distance, on the stream of time. Visiting this ancient pile, we will never forget the awe which the grandeur of its stupendous arches and gloomy cells imposed on us. The entrance is on the north side, and a winding stairs in an angle tower brings the visitor to the top of the northern wing, over whose broad wall he may walk in safety to the body of the building, which is ascended by stairs of cut stone, till he arrives at the turrets. Some are bold enough to stand on the giddy heights, and a few years ago, a gen- tleman, in attempting the feat, fell to the ground, and was killed. The site of the ruins is thus described by an old chronicler : — " The grounde planne ot this verie interestinge and aun- cient pile, was, as usuall, cruciformed — the towerr, which raises from the crosse, being rather lowe, in proportion to the extente of the nave and chauncelL Two open arcade» trisect the great aisle, formed by pointed arches, springing 158 from pillars of a square forme, and tliree cLappells, arclied and groined, issue from each side of the chauncell. The greate westeme window, like to that of Furness Abbey, has a doore beneath it, and is remarkable for the perfection o-f the tracerie and iillagree work which adorns it/' Another, but later account, yet of many 3^ears past, says : — '* The ruins of this fine structure present a trisect- ed aisle of vast magnitude, the walks of which are sepa- rated by two noble arcades, supported by square pillars. — Three handsome chapels are still entire, the ceiling of which are vaulted and groined. The tower which is sup- ported by four lufty arches, is yet perfect, and the western gable, containing the famous window, so frequently repre- sented in published views of this graceful structure. Dun- brod}^ Abbey will not lose in comparison with the famous Abbey of Furness in the North of England, and its ruins, perhaps, were never of more interest to the artist than at present." The accompaniments and by-works of the landscape, we may add, at the present hour are completely in harmony with the location of this venerable pile. Kilmanock House lies nearly opposite to N.W. with Here's Wood Chapel,, and the massive ruins of the castle of Ballykerogue still more to the right. To the W. at the end of the former estuary, can jusfc be seen the old top of Buttermilk Castle^ erected by the Abbots in the protection of their fishery rights, and just opposite and across the tide of the united waters of the Suir, JSTore, and Barrow rivers, often diversi- fied with the sails of foreign commerce, or of the river traders, are seen the white houses of Cheek Point, with the hills beyond them in the Count}" of Waterf ord, and the gently uprising lands on the west of the Suir, in the county Kilkenn}^ The ruins of Dunbrody are great, and have a grandeur which at first sight inspires reverential awe — to which the solitude or the place, and its wildness not a little contri- bute. The cloisters and out buildings covered nearly three acres of ground, but little can now be seen, save the traces i5r> of tlie foundations, and a small chapel still used as a burial ground, which the lamented John Banim made one of his most interestini^ scenes in the story of "The Croppy" in his " Tales by the 6'Hara Family " Grose, in " Antiquities of Ireland" — he who collected all the views engraved in the works so called, but who did not live to write the descriptive portions, gives two views of this Abbey, and Fisher in his " Views in Ireland," and in other minor works, has given a good illustration of the N.E. view of the Abbey, one not embraced in an}^ one for- merly made, and showmg the Norman Castle, independent of the Abbey, at a short distance to the left, or the south- ern side of the engraving. Viewed from any side, Dun- brody is " a picture." It is a matter of controversy now, as to the time and the founder of this Abbey, but it is generall^^ attributed to Harvey De Montemarisco, who is usually styled, in the records of the time, the Seneschal of Wexford, and of the whole estate of his nephew, Richard de Strigul, or Strong- bow, who introduced for its first occupants Monks from the Cistercian Abbey of Bildewas, in Shropshire, in 1182. The deed of grant, however, was witnessed by Felix O'Dullany, Bishop) of Ossory, and the Bishop of Wexford, but in con- sequence of the Abbey not having been built where the Grantor designed, the Monks of Bildewas resigned the go- vernment of. it to the Abbey of St. Mary's, Dublin. It is asserted by some that Harvey de Montemarisco was interred here, whilst others say that he died a Brother of the same Order in Canterbury, where in a fit of chagrin, followed by remorse, this impetuous and rude chieftain, is said to have retired, and to hare died, and been interred. However these things may be, the death of the Grantor, who had made arrangements for the due fulfilment of his grant, could not affect the design, and it was now, even through circumstances, by him unseen, placed under the control of an Irish- Anglo-Norman house instead of the in- tended Anglo-Norman one, and Prince John on his visit to Ireland, confirmed it to the Abbey of St. Mary's, Dublin. 160 In 1232 King Henry III. confirms to the abbey of the Port St. Mary (Duiibrody,) the order of the Abbot and chapter general of the Cistercian order regarding the abbe}^ of Ghinewadam, reducing it on account of its poverty to a grange of the former abbey of Port St. Mary, or Dun- brody, in its neighbourhood. Earl Korfolk in L2S2 began a heavy contest with the Abbot as to the right of possession, but all his claims were disallowed. In 1296, Walter, Earl of Pembroke, confirmed the grants of Hervey de Montemarisco, with considerable additions, and in particular Duncannon — -that it, and Dunbrody should be enjoyed by the community, with the churches, chapels, and free customs thereto belonging. In 1342 the title of the Abbot of St. Mary's (Dublin,) «Dver Dunbrody was further confirmed by the Abbot of Millef ont, as head of the Cistercians in Ireland, and also by the Abbot of Bildewas, at a general meeting of that Order. In 1348 King Edward III. confirmed the Charters of the House. The same monarch, a short time after, on the representation that "■ the religious of this establishment, did not exercise hospitality, or the due distribution of alms, according to the order, rules, and charter grant," seized on all the temporalities. Here began the independence of the Abbey of Dunbrody. The Bishop of the Diocese interfered with the King about the seizure of the temporalities as a mediator between the Abbot and the King, and both referred the case to the Pope, who exempted the Abbey from the jurisdiction of the Bishop, arranged the dispute that gave rise to the complaint with the King, and made the Superior of the Abbey of Dunbrody, and his successors, a " Mitered Abbot," to have a seat in Parliament, as then assembled (1373) in Dublin. In 1375 the Abbot was appointed one of the Guardians of the Public Peace in the county Wexford, with powers " to protect true subjects, destroy rebels, prevent the giv- 161 ing of victuals, horses, or arms, to any of the Irishry who wavered in their allegiance, and to seize at sea any vessels employed in the conveyance of such." This appointment shows that the Abbot must have had some vessels of force himself, or the control of them, and that the place was a port of some importance then. As before mentioned, the name of the then port was " Port St. Mary," as that of Waterford was " Porta Largi." In 1377, the Abbot was summoned to attend a Parlia- ment at Tristledermot, since called Castledermot — and again to one in 1380, convened in Dublin, on which latter occasion it was enacted, that no mere Irishman should be preferred, or thereafter be suffered to possess himself ia this, or in any of the other superior Abbeys. In 1401, the Abbot was summoned to another Parlia- ment in Dublin, and again in the following year, in which King Henry YI. granted a confirmation of the rights and possession of this house. We learn little remarkable of Dunbrody from the above date until 1492, or about the time, when Baron Pinglass in his " Breviate," advised the suppression of this Abbey, and of some others, not named, " as adjoynyng to ye Irishrie, and giving more supportacion to those Irishmen than to ye King, or his subjects." — and that " they (the Abbeys) should be given to the young lords, knights, and gentle- men, out of England, which shall dwell upon same." This shows that the then class of inmates must have been " ip- sis Hibernis Hiberniores" — more Irish than the Irish themselves. This " Breviate" was but an attempt made to carry into force the celebrated Statute of Kilkenny passed in 1367. It is remarkable that from the year 1400 to after the year 1500, very little of notoriety happened. The internal commotions of party strife in England left the Anglo- !N"ormans in Ireland to act under their own convictions, and amalgamation of their interests with these of the na- tives was the consequence. Now was coming on the crisis of the Reformation. In Ireland it had few, if any advo- M2 cates ; for the Irish as a people, ever, as at present, ad- tieredto their ancient and national faith, and the Anglo- Normans of the country were not disposed to introduce ■the innovations pressed by the King, (Henry VIII.) in England. In the yeaT 1534 the Archbishop of Dublin Alan, 'having been murdered by the rebel followers of " Silken Thomas," a vacancy was caused in the see, which the Elng filled up by the appointment of George Browne, who had •been educated at Hollywell, in Oxford, in an Augustinian Triary, and was wholly devoted to him, and to his innova- tions. Then Eeform was mooted and preached by him, and in 1537, Dunbrody and all its possessions, lands, titles, -and advowsons, immunities and privileges were declared vested in the Crown, in a Session of Parliament held in Limerick. Soon after, in 1544, it was formally suiTendered by the last Abbot, Alexander Devereux, who was appointed first JReformation Bishop of Ferns. Perhaps the most extraordinary instance of saeriligious plunder that occurs in ecclesiastical annals, is; that of Alex- ander Devereux, the last Abbot of Dunbrody. He follow- ing the example of his Sovereign, Henry VIIL, by deed dated 10th May, 1532, granted to his relative Stephen Devereux, the town and villages of Battlestown, Little and Great Haggard, Ballygow, and Ballycorcan, for the term of 61 years, at the annual rent of 22 marks (31s 4d), and having thus provided liberally for his family, he sur- rendered the Abbey, and was made Bishop of Ferns in 1539, the consecration taking place in St. Patrick's Ca- thedral, Dublin, by George Browne, first Protestant Arch- bishop of that See, formerly an Augustinian Friar in Lon- don. In the See of Ferns, Devereux continued the same course as he had before in Dunbrodj^. He leased to his brother, J ames Devereux, and his kinsmen Philip and Wil- liam Devereux, and to his brother-in-law, Alexander Tur- ner, the lands of Beg Erin, Ballygeary, and Sledagh, with the water-mill thereon, for ever, and for small rents. — After retaining the See under Henry YIII., Edward VL, 165 Mary, and part of Elizabeth's reign, he died at Fethard, im 1566. An " Inquisition" held in Wexford, 10th January, 14th. James I., (161 7), shows the extent of the property of this celebrated Abbey, and how it was disposed of by the New- Head of the Chnrch. " The late King Henry VIII. by his letters patmt bear- ing date 14th October, in the 37th year of his reign (1546),, granted to Osborne Itchingham, knight,^ the site of the late Monastery of Dunbrody, in Leynster, in the County Wexford, and the whole of the grange of Dunbrody, and 20 acres of arable land, meadow and pasture, and the tithes of same, as also four messuages and 60 acres of * On the 26th February, 1545, Sir Osborne Itchingham, being then serv- ing with the army in the County of Cork, wrote a letter to the King, ex. pressing his wish to serve in France ; but requesting that, if his services in Ireland should be deemed more useful, the lordship of Dunbrody might be granted to him in exchange for the manor of Netherhall, in Norfolk^ which he would surrender to his Majesty. The letter Was accompasied by a present of a *' hobby." The request of Sir Osborne seems to have been favourably received by his Majesty, for orders were issued to the Lori Deputy and Privy Council of Ireland, to have the lands of Dunbrody sur- veyed, and accordingly we find, under date of 11th May of same year, tho following answer returned to that order : — "Right Honerable, after our humble duefcies. This is to advertise Your Honours, that according your honerable letters tons directed, on the Kinges Majesties behalf, touching Sir Osborne Ichingham, we hei'ewith retorned the survey of suche landes, as he hath made sute to the Kinges Majestie to have in exchaunge of His Highnes for landes in Englande, the same survey signed with our hande?^ that for that purpose be assigned according your said letter and commaunde- ment. And further to advertise youe of the scituation of the same landes, it was sometyme an Abbey, and stonde'h upon or nigh the haven of Water, fofde, towardes Wexforde, bordering upona wast grownde callid the Fas. showe, or Waste of Bentry, which adjoyneth hard upon the Cavernaghs on that cost, who havealwais ben robbers and distroyers of the same landes. And although, thanks be to God and the Kinges Majestie, the sed Caver-- nanghs be nether so evell disposed, as thei have byn in tymes past, nor yeb ef so great strength, yet be thei not in suche perfeccion, but there remayn- eth still emonge them many evell doers, whereby we think it more mete to have suche oneassuered servaunte of His Majesties planted there, as were- hable, of hym self, to staye ther malice, if they wolde hereafter attempte the same ; for it liethe so, as suche a mam may do ther great service ; and' DO dought the same Sir Osborne, having, as he hath, convenyent nombi a> under him of the Kinges Majesties retynuB, being once setteled there, elaalL 3>eda«e that corner to muche quyaband civilitie,"— State Papers,. 164 arable land, meadow and pasture, and a wood, with the customs of same, and three fishing-weirs, in Dunbrody aforesaid, a water-mill, and all the tithes of Dunbrody townland, and the messuages and 60 acres arable and pas- ture within the village of the parish of Cowle, in said county — 'the tithes and customs of the towne of Cowle — 120 acres arable and pasture and meadow, within the town and parish of Shilbeggan and Ballyvayde, in said county — and the customs, tithes, &c., of Shilbeggan and Ballyvayde aforesaid — 120 acres within the parish of Battailstown in said county — 60 acres within the parish of Kilbride — 80 acres within the parish of Duncannon with all the weirs and customs of same— 60 acres arable and pasture within the parish of Clonsharragh, and all the customs thereof — 180 acres in the parish of Bally gowe, and 60 acres in the parish of Clonard — 20 acres within the parish of New- bridge,, and all the customs and tithes thereof — 9 tene- ments, and 3 messuages within the town of Ballyhacke,. and all the customs and tithes of the same — 60 acres and all the tithes and customs of the town of Kilhile — 120" acres and all the customs and tithes within the town of Bamsgrange— 60 acres of meadow and pasture, and all the customs and tithes within the town of Barransley — 40 acres, and all the customs within the town of Eowes- town— 60 acres within the parish of Ballinvray, as also,, all and singular the messuages, &c., with their appurten- ances within the parishes and villages of Ballycadden,. BaUydongan, Newhaggard,. Callaghtowne, Knockandacon,. and i*oulmanhowe,. in the county Wexford — 3 messuages lying within the city of Waterf ord — 20 acres in the parish of Pouhnanhowe,. in the county Wexford, &c., all of which were parcels of the Monastery of Dunbrody,. in Le3mster. The Abbey had various other possessions in the counties (5)1" Dublin,. Galway, Waterf ord,. Limerick, and Kerry. The aforesaid Osborne died seised of the aforesaid pre- i?ftises in the county Wexford. After the death of the said Osborne,, all the premises descended to, Edward, son and k^iX: ^' said. Osborne Itchingham,. 165 In the Pasclial Term, in the 20th year of the reig-n of Queen Elizabeth (1578), John Button and Ralph Grims- ditche, by brief e of entrance, the tenor of which brief e is entered in the original, recovered the premises against the aforesaid Edward Ichingham. The aforesaid Edward afterwards died without issue. After the death of said Edward, all the lands in the said recovery mentioned, descended to John Ichingham as the blood relative and heir of the said Edward, viz., the son and heir of Charles Ichingham, brother and heir of said Osborne Itchingham. The aforesaid John Dutton died, and the aforesaid Ealph Grimsditche survived him, and was seised of the lands, tenements, &c. The same John Ichingham, on the 5th May, 1597, by deed of enfeoffment confirmed [ ] all the said lands and tenements in the said recovery and letters patent mentioned, except the lands of Ballydongan, Callaghtown, Carrenshaw, and Haggard, which deed and endorsement thereupon follow in the original. By another deed bearing date 17th August, 1605, he granted [ ] all the lands aforesaid, as by the said deed appears in the original. The aforesaid John Ichingham, together with Richard Whittv, of Ballyteigue, and others, by deed bearing date 10th April, 1608, granted to John Skiddy, of Waterford, all the premises in Coule, Coleman, Clonsharragh and Hag- gard, in the barony of Dunbrody, as by the said grant, which follows in the original, appears. By another grant, dated 20th October, in the 6th year of the now Bang, (1606), he granted to James Duffe, of ^ewRosse, and Peter Lea-Fitz-John, of the city of Waterford, all the castles, messuages, lands, and tenements, in Ramsgrange, Trealbeston, Poj)iston and Ballesallaghe, in the barony of Dmibrody, as by the said grant appears. By another grant bearing date 6th July, 1614, he granted Matthew Graunte, of Waterford, all the great and small tithes of all kinds of Wheat and Grains growing in and upon the said lands of Cowle, as by the grant aforesaid appears^— 166 Bj another grant dated the 2nd September, 1608, he gave to Nicholas Sharpe, of the city of Waterf ord, and William Ljncott, of the same, all the castles, messnages, lands and tenements in the town of Cormore and Tynknoche, with the tithes, as follows in the original. By another grant, dated 15th April, 1607, he granted to James Duffe^ of New Eoss, all the castles and lands of Kilheile and Horeistowne, with the tithes of wheat of same, as follows in the original. By another deed, dated 12th January, 1612, he granted to Solomon Strange and Patrick Whitty of Waterf ord, all the towns and lands of Eowestown and Boderan, otherwise Boderansbush, in the barony of Dnn- brody, as in the original. The aforesaide John Ichingham, by his deed bearing date, 23rd January, 1601, gave to Andrew Whitty, of Bal- ly teigue, all the messnages, towns, lands and tenements in Balligowe, in the barony of Bargy, in the aforesaid county, as in the original. The aforesaid John Ichingham, for a certain sum of money paid him by John Brockette, Knight, demised the lands of Duncannon to the said John Brockette, for 21 3^-8., to pay a certain rent per annum. The aforesaid John Ichingham also granted to John Talbott, the town and lands of Battailstown, for a term of 21 years, to pay £10 per annum. The aforesaid John Ichingham on the day on which he died, was seised of all the lands, tenements, rents and services in the townes, &c., of Duncannon, Mershen, Bal- lyhacke, the Nugge, the Grange, Dunbrody-salt-mill, and Ballyvalike, with appurtenances, in the county aforesaid, and of cert^iin annual rents arising out of Battlestown and Ballygowe, the Haggarde, Clonsharraghe, the Grange, the Nugge, the Salt-mills of Dunbrody and Ballyvelike with the appurtenances, in the county aforesaide — with 2 weirs, namely the Skire-weare and the Ebb-weare of Dun- brody, with the tithes of Dunarde, Shilbeggan, and Clone- land, together with certain annual rents and observance* strising out of the lands of Kilbride, and the water- milk of 1G7 Molingranny and Shaneclone, with one weare at Dnn- cannon. The aforesaid John Ichingham, on the 26th July, 1616, declared his last will and testament, the tenor of which is in the original. Afterwards, viz., on the 26th July, 1616, the said John Ichingham, died at Ballyhacke, in the county Wexford. Osborne Ichingham is his son and heir, and the afore- said Osborne was 19 years of age at the time of his father's death. The premises are held of the King by Knight's tenure, viz., by one fortieth part of one Knight's fee." The Sir Osborne Ichingham to whom Henry VIII. made the first grant, was a Norfolk Knight, Marshal of the Army in Ireland. His descendant, an only child, and heiress, was married in 1 660, at the early age of 13 years, to Arthur Chichester, Earl of Donegal, and the Dunbrody property still continues in his descendants possession. Lieut. -Col. Arthur Chichester, was elected (along with Lord Valentia) one of the Members of Parliament for the county Wexford, in 1830, and on the 10th September, 1831, he was raised to the Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland under the title of Baron Templemore. The following lines appeared in a Wexford Newspaper about 40 years ago : — Dunbrody ! 'neatli thy stately pile, Dunbrody ! up the roofless aisle Oft have I wished to stray. And gaze upon thy ivied walls, And wander thro' thy ruined halls. And thro' thy cloisters gray. Yes, up thy lonely aisles to tread In reverence o'er the silent dead, And think of what thou'st been ; And think how oft thy crumbling walls Have echoed to the preachers' calls. Now tapestried in green. What scenes of joy and deepest woe Through ages was thy lot to know, O venerable pile ! How oft beneath the torche's gleam Funeral trains with pomp were seen T' advance along thy aisle. And when the mould'ring dead was laid Within the vault — the blessing said — How slowly they withdrew. Throiighout thy courts on festal day Beneath the sun's enliv'ning ray, What happier scenes you knew ! But now old Time, with cruel sway, Has made thy stately walls decay. Once deck'd with chisl'd stone. Now but the owlet from the tower. Which in the ivy made its bower. Screams with discordant tone. Save it, 'tis silence all around ; No voice is heard, no other sound Disturbs the quiet scene ; Thou'll only now, oh, ruin'd pile Tell to the stranger that our Isle " The land of Saints" has been. 168 Of the records of Dunbrody Abbey tliere are existing in many libraries " Extracts from its Registry," and a ** Chronicle of the English Kings," and of the " Family of William LeMareschall, from 1176 to 1274" transcribed thereout — also the " Registry of its Charters" which is perfect in Trinity College Library, Dublin, NEUKE CASTLE, KEAR DUNBRODY. (about a.d. 1350.) "Whoever passes in vessel or steamboat down the river Suir from Waterf ord, whether bomid upwards to Ross, or downwards towards the entrance into the spacious Har- bour at Hook Tower, cannot fail to have his attention irresistibly attracted by the appearance of a singularly strong, grotesque, low castellated building on the south side of the estuary which formerly spread or ran up to Dunbrody Abbey, and belonged to that religious establish- ment. This is truly a singularly interesting building, and well worth the visit of the curious in one part of historic lore. At page 146 we have given from the able pen of the talented and lamented George V. DuNoyer, a lucid de- scription of the mixture of ecclesiastical and domiciliary purposes in one of the ruined Churches at Clonmines, and we now append from the same graceful and accurate source, the account of another building in which the mili- tary element is joined to the others afore-mentioned : — " The ruined chapel of St. Catherine (writes Mr. Du- Noyer), which was erected within the precincts of an an- cient earthen embankment, which cutts off the extremity of a small promontory on the shore of Nooke Bay, to the North of Ballyhack, in the county Wexford, is a striking example of the peculiar kind of Church architecture to which I allude. The style of this building is late decorated, and we may therefore suppose its date to be the middle of the 14th century. 169 *' The walls of this building -are massive, and batter from their base, to the height of four or five feet — and they terminate in a projecting parapet. The east gable is pierced by a flat-headed window of two lights, terminating in simple bat graceful tracery of flamboyant character. — • At either side of this window there is a peep hole, which originally commanded a view of the land approach to the place. " The north doorway is equilateral pointed, the arch being formed of two large stones, the angles of which, and those of the doorway being chamfered as low down as the commencement of the batter. " On the exterior of the wall, to the left of this doorway near the springing of the arch, and at the height of six feet from the ground, there is a small tricusped niche, which from its peculiar position, would lead one to suppose that it was intended to receive a lantern to act as a beacon to vessels passing over the neighbouring portions of the Waterford estuary. On the opposite side of the door- way, and just beneath the string course of the parapet, there is a small window, by means of which a parley could be held with any one at the door. " The doorway in the south wall, which is seen through that in the north wall, is flat arched in the interior, but is surmounted by a massive single lintel externally. " What gives this little Church such peculiar interest is the fact, that a small portion of its west end has been de- signedly constructed so as to answer all the purposes of a dwelling house, and which was evidently separated from the sacred portion of the building by a wooden partition, or possibly, a thin wall, and was divided by a wooden floor into a basement and upper story. We have here presented to us some very novel features in Church architecture. In the left hand corner, at the base of the gable wall, an arched recess has been constructed to receive a bed or shal- low cupboard, most probably the former — and near it, in the south side wall, is a small loop-hole for lighting this lower apartment — at the opposite corner of the gable there 170 is a laafpow flat-heftded doorway, leading to a flight of steps constructed in the thickness of the gable wall, which con- ducts to the doorway raised above the ground, and near the centre of the gable, which allowed access to the second floor. The stairs was prolonged to the parapet of the south side wall, access to which is by a door in the wall of the gable. Aboye the lower doorway, in the west gable, there is a fireplace intended to heat the upper floor, which was lighted by a small window close to the door way in the south wall. The stairs were lighted by three small square apertures and a loop in the outer shell of the gable. " It is probable that the door- way in the south wall was the private entrance into the non- sacred portion of the building." [According to some accounts, this building was chiefly intended for the shelter of such lay brothers, or servants of the Monks of Dunbrody as had the care and management of the valuable fishing- weirs belonging to the Abbey, in the adjoining rivers — and hence the mixture of profane and ecclesiastical purposes in the structure.] BEGERIN, PAST AND PEESENT. The following communication on Begerin, accompanied by rubbings and sketches, was contributed by George Henry Kinahan, M.R.I.A.,to the "Journal of the Kilkenny Archaeological Society," in July, 1873 : — " Begerin was formerly an island in the north portion of the Wexford estuary, but now it and the associated islands are surrounded, by the Reclaimed Mudlands, Of this island Dr. Joyce, in reply to a letter of inquiry writes : — " Begerin, or Beg-Eire, in the Latin life of St. Ibar, is translated ' Parva Hibernia' (Little Ireland), and accord- ing to O'Cleary's Irish Calendar, that is the Martyrology of Donegal, St. Ibar, who died a.d. 600, erected a Church in the island, where his patron, or festival, was kept on the 23rd April. — (0' Donovan, note to ' Four Masters.') Ac- 171 eording to the authorities quoted by Dr. Lanigan, St. Ibar- was a native of Ulster, and resided chiefly in his monastery of Beg-Eire. Ecclesiastic schools, or seminaries under the name of Monasteries were established and governed by several Irish Prelates at this period, (5th century.) — " Another renowned school was that of Ibar, in Begerin, which he established after having preached the Gospel in various parts of Ireland, and in which he instructed a vast number of persons." — (Lanigan.) " The following is from Ussher : — * Adultua sacerdba^ et multa sanctimonia vitse poUens, Ibarus missus est ad Evan- gelium prsedicandum per Hiberniam, in qua innum^ros ad fidem Christi convertit. Ad finim Lageniensium venit, et Australem ejus partem ubi est litoralis parva insula Beg- erin, id est Parva Hibernia, dicta, ubi celebre coenobium, et sacras ibidem literas aliasque artes optimas docuit ad maximam multitudinem Hibernorum et aliarum.' The Pour Masters record in a.d. 819, ' The plundering of Beg- Erie and Darmis Caemhain by the foreigners (Danes.) In A.D. 884, died Diarmaid, Abbot of Beg-Eire. In a.d. 964 Crummhail, Abbot of Beg-Erie and Lector of Taimlacht, (Tallagh, near Dublin,) was drowned atTocharEuchdhach.' — (So far Dr. Joyce.) " During the reclamation of the North Estuary Lands - it was found that in ancient times Begerin had been join- ed to the islands on the south-east by a narrow bridge, or- causeway. This way ran nearly due south from the south- east end of Begerin, and the site of it waa discovered in a straight line when opening three nearly E.and W. ditches. The remains consist of two rows of oak piles, 1 foot 6 in, by 9 inches section. The rows are 4 feet apart, with about 6 feet between each pair. On the piles there would seem to have been originally longitudinal and transverse beams — but no traces of them were found. To the W.N. and N.E. of Begerin there was formerly a Channel that traditioii. says was once the passage for ships going up to Wexford.. This, to the W. is called on the Ordnance Map, ' Begerini Channel, and on the North- * Bunatroe Channel'— bat lo-- 172 cally it is known as ' the Pill/ and at the northern extre- mity of the island, on the margin of Bunatroe Channel, are the remains of a wharf, which consists of eight oak piles, while others are said to have been drawn at the time the lands were reclaimed. Three quarters of a mile N.E. of Begerin, in a small bay off the estuary, were two islands, on the most northern of which, now in the townland of Ballinamorragh, are the remains of a large circular mound, about 75 feet in diameter. This seems to have been a se- pulchral mound, but no tradition in regard to it now re- mains. Perhaps the word ' Morragh' in the townland name, may have some connexion with the individual who. was buried there. [We rather think the word is the same as "Murragh," a salt-water marsh.] On the mauiland due W. of Begerin, there seems to have been once a Church *-as the place is called Kill-misten — [we rather think it is, from * faring life, either as fishermen or traders, the majority of them were very properly sent to the seacoast district of Eoslare, where they continued to follow their old pursuits, and the remainder became agriculturists and artisans in Ballymore. In these places they continued to exercise their habits as industrious fishermen and farmers, vassals and serfs of the Seneschal of Wexford for the time being. The following document is copied from the original in the Charter House, Westminster, respecting these people : " To all seeing or hearing these Letters, Eobert of Imer, now Seneschal of Wexford, greeting. Know all you that I, by order of the nobleman. Lord William of Valence, have taken an inquest on the rents, services, and customs of the foreign Eastmen of the county of Wexford, by the oaths of the subscribed — viz., Henry Wythay, William Marshal, William of Kidwelly,"^ Clement Cod, John the Steward, Robert of Amera, Robert of Arderne, David son of Richard, John, son of Philip the Harper, f John son of David the Harper, David Chever, and Adam Hay. Who, being sworn, say that in the time of the Marshalls, Lords of Leinster, there were within the county of Wexford five times twenty foreign Eastmen, very wealthy, possessing many cattle ; of whom each in his time was accustomed to render yearly to the bailiffs of Wexford, at two periods in the year, sixpence for his body, that is, at Easter and Mi- chaelmas, and twopence at the feast of St. Peter ad vincula (1st August) for each cow belonging to himself ; and four- pence at the feast of All Saints, that he should not enter the army ; and three oboli in autumn for reaping the corn of his lord at Roslare for one day in the year ; and four- pence for each steer and ox that he possessed, on the feast of St. Martin, or to plough for every steer and ox half an acre of land there, at the need of his lord. They say that * Kidwelly is the name of a castle and town on the coast of South Wales. f The ancestor of this Harper may have been Welsh minstrel to Strong- bow. " Harperstown, near Taghmon," says Mr. Herbert F. Hore, '* came by an heiress, Agatha Harper, in the fourteenth ceutui'y, into the family of Mr. Hore-Kuthven, its present (1857) possessor." 176 truly there are not now within the said county but eighty Ostmeii, possessing few oxen ; and twelve who serve the English, and others, for their sustenance, and possess no- thing in goods. And they say that in the time of the Marshals the said Eastmen were accustomed to hold land of whatever lord they wished in the county, paying and rendering the said rents and services to the Lords Marshal. And that our said Lord William of Valance desires to keep them in the same condition, or better, for the health of his soul, and of the souls of his ancestors and success- sors. Nor does he wish that any living people should be borne or sustained of the dead, nor distrained for the dead. The said Eastmen now existing are for ever free from all burdens, rents, and services which the dead were accus- tomed to sustain while they lived, by command of our aforesaid Lord William Valence. Giving them, by the same mandate of our Lord, license to hold land of whatever lord they will within the county. Also, that they shall not be severally distrained for any rent to be rendered, or services to be performed, unless they who are living, and according to their ability. Li testimony of which I have affixed my seal to these present letters, together with the seal of Thomas Hay, now sheriff, and the seals of the aforesaid jurors." This curious document, in the abbreviated text of Law- Latin of the day, must have been drawn up between the marriage of William de Valence to Joan Marshall (by which Valence became Lord of Wexford), and his death in 1296. This very eminent nobleman was half-brother to Henry III., and came over to England in 1248. He was created Earl of Pembroke after espousing the eldest co- heiress of this Earldom. His monument in Westminster Abbey is one of the finest of the ancient tombs in it. An old document in the " Southwell Papers," informs us that in the sixteenth century Roslare was the property of a family named " Scuilocke," which had come over to L-eland with Henrv II. from South Wales, where there is 177 a castle of that name. We find a Dr. Rowland Scurlocke, who was Physician to Queen Mary, and afterwards to Queen Elizabeth, receiving from the latter a grant of the Manor of Eoslare, nnto whom the Copyholders by their tenure performed homage, divers customary duties and services not elsewhere used — many of which were servile. None could marry in his Lordship without his permission and previous License, nor build a house, nor suffer it to be de- molished, or fall, or decay. If a Copyholder married a maid, a certain fine was payable to the Lord — if a widow, double as much — a woman whose chastity had been violated, more, which fine, or duty was termed " Lotherwite." All tenants deceasing were liable to Heriotts or fines. Trans- gressors of such, and many other strange customs, incurred forfeiture of their respective interests in their Copyholds. It has been stated on what appears good authority, that these tenants were, perhaps, the only Copyholders in Ire- land. They, doubtless were descended from the Ostmen — and if the rule regarding marriage continued to be in use to the year 1558, it was in use here probably at a later date than any where else. The original design of this custom was to prevent the settlement of aliens or enemies among denizens. " Lotherwite," may mean " Lother's law." — a Wite" is a fine or penalty. " Heriotts" were the best beast, or piece of furniture due to the Lord on the death of his tenant, who being originally a slave, was supposed to have no property. The custom has, very justly, died out, and even its memory and name is scarcely known at the present day. In 1575 the Earl of Kildaie procures one James Hickey to murder John and Meyler Keating, lest they should reveal his secrets. In 1584 John Devereux, of Wexford, petitions Queen Elizabeth to grant him in his own name the Clerkship of Peace and Crown in Wexford, which he had bought of Roger Radford. «IE WILLIAM iBEERETON'S ACCOUNT OF WEXFORD IN 1684. In tlie Library eiihe British Museum is to be seen an racconnt of a^visiiiio the County Wexford, written by Sir WilliamBrereton in 1634. Sir William, a man of wealth and speculative enterprise, came over from England with the intention of making some good investments in Ireland, the condition of the eoontry from the Outlavny of the " Rebeils," as he frequently uses the term, causing much land to be at the di&posal of the Owners, or the Crown, in every County. Sir William was accompanied by other friends on a similar speculation, perhaps a "joint stock'' one, a Mr. Flummer and a Mr. Needham, but Sir William seems to 'have been the chief person, and to have acted Mmself -as the Secretar3\ In his "Diary," which he kept with gr.eat regularity, he bears in manner and method a strong resemblance to his prying and gossiping country- man, Samuel Pepys, and making allowance for his prepos- sessions and prejudices, his remarks and conv-ersation-like sketches are iLot only pleasing, but interesting. " THE DIARY.^ " Ennerscottie, July 10. — We went hence towards Washiforde, (Wexford,) which is accounted 8 miles, butt they are very long miles. We crossed the river at Enner- scottie on horseback, and at the Carrick, a mile from Washiforde, we passed over a narrow ferrie. Still, the grass in the eountrye is burned \ippe, and here they com- plain of drought, and affirm they never felt such intense scortching hott weather in Ireland. Here are divers of the Roches, which^have much lande about Washiforde, and who would willingly sett or sell. Their lande lyeth ■i^^ery convenient for a Cheshireman. About a mile hence lies a farme called the " Parke,'* which is now leased unt© 179^ one Mr. Hardey, (Harvey?) an Englishman, who live»: uppon itt, and hath an estate in itt about 13 j^ears. Th© Landlord is one Mr. William Synode, (Sinnott) of the Lou§rh, (Garrylongh), a man in neede of money. Thi» land is almost an Islande, and the rent which Mr. Hardey payes is about £16 a yeare. Hee saith itt contains about 300 acres, others say 200 acres, and that itt will keep SO milch kine, and yield sufficient come for a small f amiley. Itt affordes abundance of rabbits, whereof there are soe many, soe they pester the ground — and here may be more fish and f owle provided than to keepe a good f amiley — for on 3 sides itt is compassed with great Loughes, a mile or two broade, soe as the floode being in, itt floA^;es to th^ verye bank-sides — when the floode is out the shoare is muddie, bare and drie. The depth of the mudde is half a yarde, or a yarde, butt I could not finde the mudde bare, and tiis was the reason given by Mr. Hardey, that soe long as the wir»d blows west, itt cleares itt of water — butt now the wind being at east, keepes the tyde in. Wh^n the flood is in, itt is said to be nott above 1 yd. deepe of water (except at some extraordinary spring-tydes.) I can- nott believe butt that this mudde will much fertilise, and enrich the ground. This I do believe is a place of much securitie for cattle or goodes, as are therein kept, and this they affirme that they have nott lost any since they came thither, which is about 8 years. Here is the best feeding for fowle that I ever saw — ^this^ grass which comes from the mudde is good f oode for them^ and there is good store of itt : — and here is a little grove of oakes, wherein is no good timber, butt, itt soe stands as itt is most strong shelter for the fowle that f eede or fre- quent under itt. Here is the most commodious and con- venient seate for a Castle that ever I saw, butt there is no* more roame whereuppon to erect a Castle betwixt the- water and the high bank of the woode, than 4 or 5 rood©- in breadth, but s^cient in length : soe as you must either make soe muche of the mudde firm lande, whereuppon to» build your Castle, or else you must only make good ©n^ 180 side with two pipes, or you must erect your worke upon a pointe of lande which lyeth much eastwarde, and is in view of the towne, and much more inconvenient, or must carry away abundance of earth to make pond and pipes in some grounde yett much too high at the north-west end of the wood. Here grow Oilers sufficient to plant a coy, and here is sufficient wood to cleave into stakes for all uses : — and as I am informed, reeds may be provided out of Sir Thomas Esmond's land which is on the other side of the water, and all necessaries may be supplied by water from the Slane. Mr. Hardey demands for his interest, which is for 18 years, £55, and will not abate anything. Herein grow good cherries, and all wood planted flourisheth well. Mr. Turner, father-in-law to Mr. WilHam Synode, demanded an £100 fine for a lease of 80 years in reversion, after the determination of the 13 years now in being — of the unrea- sonableness of which demanding convinced, he sent next day a message and a letter to his son-in-law, who desired to know what I would give. I would offer nothing — butt Mr. Mainwaring offered £20 for a lease for 80 years. Mr. Turner replied that £40 would not be accepted, whereup- pon this wee breake off. We lodged at Washiforde, at the sign of the " Wind- mill/' att the house of Paul Bennett. Washiforde. — This towne is seated uppon a brave spa- cious harbour,, capacious of many 100 sayle, butt itt is much prejudiced and damnified by a most vile barred haven, which notwithstanding, is better than formerly. Two narrowe bankes of sand runne along on both sides of the Channell, or passage. Trade much decay eth in this towne, and it is very poore, by reason of the Hearring- fishery here failing. They report here an incredible mul- titude of Hearrings ordinarily taken in one night, in this Taste and large harbour, by 5 or 6 men in one boate of ten tuns burden* sometimes to the value of £20, sometimes £30, sometimes £40,. sometimes more. This was affirmed aae by one that ordinarily fisheci here,, and tooke this pro- 181 portion. Now of later times the Hearrings having forsaken the coast, this towne is much impoverished and decayed, their keyes goe to mine, and are in noe good repaire. — There belonged sometimes unto every great merchant's house seated on the shoare, either a key, or a part interest in a key, or a private way to the key. Their haven was then furnished with 500 sayle of shippes, and small vessels for fishing, and is now naked. July 18. — This day I went to the Court, (the Assizes being now held here for this Comity of Washiforde, which began on Wednesday last, and ended this day,) where is the Shire-Hall. The Judges that ride this circuite, are Sir George Shirley, Lord Chiefe Justice of Irelande, and Sir John Fillpott, one of the Judges of Common Pleas, a little black, temperate man. The one, viz., my Lord Chiefe Justice, sitts uppon Nisi Prius — the other uppon matters of misdemeanours, and trials for life and death. Here I saw 4 Justices of Peace uppon the bench with Sir John Phillpott, among which was one Devereux and my cousin Mainwairing, unckle to Mr. Mainwaring that now is ; a courteous, grave, civili, gentleman, who came from the bench and saluted mee in the hall, and accompanied mee to the taverne, and bestowed wine uppon mee. He is agent to Sir Henry Walloppe, and is a Justice of the Peace for the Countey, and was a Burgess of the Parliament. He told me there were three Eebbells condemned, as alsoe, he advised mee, rather to goe by Ballihack, and by the way of the Passage, than by Eoss, because of the rebells which frequent thereabouts. Hereof, hee said, there were about 6 or 8, and these furnished with some pieces, pistoUs, darts and skenes, and some of them most desperate spirrits, and soe cruell that the inhabitants of the countrie dare scarce travell that way. These are proclaymed rebells, and as such are to be hanged, drawn and quartered, soe soon as they are apprehended — soe, alsoe, are those to be dealt with who are now to be executed. One of them I saw in the streets returning towards the Castle, and the women and some others following, making lamentation. 182 sometimes soe Tiolent, as though they were distracted, and sometimes as itt were a kind of tone singing. One of these- ('twas said) was his wife. This is the Irish garb here.- This towne is governed by a Maior and 2 Bayliffes, or She- riff es, and 10 or 12 Aldermen. Beyonde the Barre alsoe,. itt hath a very safe harbour, and shelter for shippes to ride at anchor in, who want tide to bringe them into the haven. Sir Adam Cotoliffe (Colclough) told mee that he had dined at Milf ord, in Wales, and supped in this towne, which is about 24 hours sayle from BristoU, and as much from Dublin. By reason of the Assizes here, the inhabitants of the country resorted hither in greater numbers and better babbitts (Irish garments I mean,) than I have yett seen. — Some gentlewomen of good qualitie, I observed clothed in good handsome gownes, petticoates and hatts, who wore Irish rugges which have handsome, comelie large fringes, which goe aboute their neckes,and serve instead of bandes. This rugg-fringe is joined to a garment which comes round about them, and reacheth to the very grounde, and thus is a handsome comlie vestment, much more comelie as they are used, than the rugg short cloakes used by the women uppon f estivall dayes in Abbeville, BuUen, and the nearer parts of Picardie, in France. The most of the women are bare-necked and clean-skin- ned, and weare a Crucifix, tied in a black necklace hanging betwixt their breasts — itt seems they are not ashamed of their religion, nor desire to conceal themselves — and, in- deed, in this town there are many Papists. The present Maior, Mr. Mark Chevey, (Cheevers), attended the Judges to the Church doore, and soe did the Sheriff e of the Shire, both which left them there, and went to Mass, which is tolerated here, and publiquely resorted to in 3 or 4 houses in this towne, wherein are very few Protestants, as appear- ed by that slender congregation at Church where the Judges were. This morning I went unto and visited both Judges, and was respectfully used by them. The Maior, a well-bred 183 l^entleman that hath an estate in the conntrie, and was Knight of the Shire for the last Parliament, invited mee to dinner, as alsoe to supper with the Judges. He is an Irishman, and his wife Irish, in a strange habbitt, with thread-bare shorte coate with sleeves made like my green •coate of stuff e, reaching to her middle. She knew nott how to carve, looke, entertaine, or demeane herself. — Here was a kind of beere, (which I durst not taste) called Oharter Beere, mighty thicke, muddie stuffe — the meale nothing well cooqued nor ordered. Mmch discourse here — complaint and information given against the Rebells, the Captaine whereof is called Simon Prendergast, whose brother alsoe will be brought to trouble. Three carriers were robbed between Ross and this towne, on Friday last, and 2 other travellers, and one in his lodg- ing, by three of these rebells, well appointed, who said, if they had taken my LordKildare, who passed through them nakedly, unattended, he should have prayed their pardon. There was a letter sent and reade this night att the sup- per, advertising a gentleman in towne, that last night they came to his house with a purpose to take away his life, be- cause hee prosequted against them, and informed that they tad taken from him to the value of £200. The Judges here said, if the Justices of the Peace did nott waite uppon them to Ross, to guard them from these rebells, he would fine them deeply. The junior Judge told mee of a verie wise demean of the now Maior of Ross, who being inform- ed that three of these rebells lay asleepe neere the towne, and being required to send out some 10 or 12 with him to apprehend them, he ansured that he would provide for the safetye of his towne — he commanded the gates to be shutt, the drumme to be beaten, and warning pieces to be dis- charged, wherebye they awaked, and so took notice thereof, and escaped. July 20. — We left Washiforde and the Lord provided a good guide for us, and directed us to a better course than wee intended, for instead of going over the Passage (which was this day soe much troubled and soe roughe, as my 184 Lord Kildare was in great danger there, and himself and his servaunts constrained to cutt the sail- ropes and jack- lines), wee took npp our lodging att Tinterden (Tintern) a dissolved Abbey, where now Sir Adam Cotoliffe lives, and where wee were exceeding kindly and court eouslie enter- tained. This is a verie long statelie house, and of good receipt — adjoining the Abbey which is still in good re- paire, and Sir Adam keepes a good, hospitable boarde, well supplyed and attended, and is to all a most warm-hearted and courteous gentleman. Wee stayed two dayes here until the storm abated, when we left him, highly gratified for his kind eatertainment, and passing over the Passage, proceeded to Waterford." So far writes Sir William Brereton, and we are indebted to him for his observations in general, and for those on female dress in particular, as we have little account of costume at that period. Of his courtesy to the female sex, however, we can say but little. The Mayor's wife and the Mayor's dinner he is not very complimentary to — and indeed they appear not to have been in keeping with the household of " a well-bred gentleman," as he styles the Mayor to be. This Mr. Cheevers was, afterwards, one of the Deputation to Cromwell when before the town, in 1649, in the quality of Alderman of Wexford. The picture, too, of the state of the country is interesting ; from it, one might be induced to think such lawlessness could not exist anywhere else, or at any time — but a recent peep into the " Diary of Narcissus Lutterell," kept from September, 1678, to April, 1714, assures us that England itself has produced a state of society nothing more creditable, at even a later period. While thieves and murderers at the gallows had their own way — except in one way, " hang- ing" — the streets of London and environs, were at the mercy of those yet unhanged. Mr. Lutterell informs us thus : — " Most part of this winter (1690), have been so many burglaries committed in the city of London, and ad- jacent parts of it, and robberies of persons in the evening as they walk in the streets, of their hats, periwigs, cloaks. 185 swords, &c., as was never known in the memory of any man living." " Farther, (saith the same athorit}^) this day (1 7th April, 1692), was convicted an individul at the Sessions House, for burglary, sacrilege, rape, murder and robbery on the highway — all committed within the space of 12 hours" — but the Diarists does not tell the doings at the execution. The picture, too, is interesting as of manners and men two centuries ago, showing how they differed from the present. It affords us a striking instance of the change of the value of landed property. The townland of Park — a name still unchanged — is thus set down in the ''Ordnance Survey and Valuation" of 1840 :— "Park, 249a. 2r. 8p— annual value of land, £326 lis. Od. — annual value of houses, £3 7s. Od.— Total, £329 18s Od," and this is the property for which, in 1634, Sir William Brereton "would offer nothing, but Mr. Mainwairing offered £20 for a lease of 80 years." What would our forefathers say were they to revisit this sublunary sphere, and spend a day in the Landed Estates Court — or in Park, wherein now are no rabbits, with a high-road running through what was "the woodof oaks," and a railroad through the length of the townland. The change, too, in the " Herring fishery" is still greater, for it scarcely exists — and Wild-fowls are also very scarce, and five times the price they were even thirty years ago. In 1186 Donagh or Murragh MacMurragh, King of Leinster, was treacherously slain at a public assembly in Dublin, while in conference with the Danes, who, as a mark of indignit}", buried him with a dog. In 1737 there was a George Ogle High Sheriff of the County Wexford. He also was one of the representatives in Parliament for the borough of Bannow. Who was this Mr. Ogle — was he father of the Eight Hon. George Ogle ? In 1790 the present bridge over theSlaney at Scarawalsh was built. :sroTicES OP the family and surn"ame of SUTTON, SUTTUN, DE SUTTON, DE SUTTOUN, &c., &c., &c. Extracted from Mr. D' Alton's Genealog^ical Indexes, MS., and Illustrations of upwards of 2,500 Families of Ireland. This family surname is of record in all the above varieties ■of spelling, ancl, notwithstanding the French prefix of •*'de" as above, it appears to have been of Saxon origin, and to have preceded the invasion of William the Con- queror. When that monarch directed the politic survey called Domesday, of the various districts of his new ac- quired territory and their respective occupants and proprie- tors to be taken, one of the Commissions held in pursuance thereof, reported Richard ' de Suttuna,' giving the name the Norman parlance, as a landholder within the Exeter division, while in the Hundred of Ely were found located Tancred and Alured de Suttuna, as in that of Winchester were William and Humphrey de Suttuna. Of its origin in Ireland it is said that Sir Roger de Sutton was one of the Knights who accompanied Strongbow to that country, and that he witnessed the first charter grant- ed to Dunbrody Abbey by Harvey de Monte Maresco, as Seneschal of Richard, Earl of Pembroke. That grant is preserved in Dugdale's Monasticon (last edition, folio, vol. vii., p. 1130) ; and I do find that grant so witnessed ex- emplified as on inspeximus in a patent of 1404in Chancery. The earliest distinct record of the name here that on pre- sent search I can discover, is in a patent of the 31st year of Edward the First (1303), whereby Gilbert de Sutton and Henry Esmund were joined in commission to provide ship- ping in Wexford and other places along the Irish coast, and to have same in readiness at Dalkey on a day named to transport Richard dc Burgo and his armament to Scot- 1S7 land, in support of the English king's invasion of tliafe country, and Gilbert was himself invited to do service in that war. In 1308, Henry de Sutton was one of the mag- nates summoned to attend the Coronation of King Edward the Second, at Westminster ; and th^e same authority (Rymer's Foedera, ad. ann.) shews the gallant service of Richard, de Sutton in the Scottish war. In 1318, — Sutton was one of the Captains who fought at Faughart, under the Lord de Birmingham, against Edward Bruce. In 1325,. Herbert de Sutitoun was Sheriff of the County of Meath. This Herbert de Snttoun was, in two years after, the King's escheater. In 1335y he was appointed Constable of the King's Castle of Athlone, and was also summoned to do military service in the Scottish war. At this timo a branch of the family was seized of estates in the County Kildare, to which John, son of Thomas de Sutton, for some years the ward of John de WeUesley, succeeded in the last-men- tioned year (1335). Redmond his brother and heir suc- ceeded to these estates in 1345. In 1347 Philip de Sutton had a confidential commission connected with Tintern Abbey in Wexford. In 1359, Gerald de Sutton was One of those who were appointed by King Edward to assess what military service should be rendered by Manriee, Earl of Kildare, against the incursions of the Irish enemy. In 1376, Gilbert Sutton, precentor of Ferns Cathedral, sued out one of those political pardons which the state of the times recommended in prudence. At this time Robert Sutton was Master of the Rolls in Ireland. He had a re- newed appointment to this office in 1382, and in 1423, he was yet more signally appointed by King Henry the Sixth, " Keeper of the Rolls," (as the office was then termed,) in consideration of the laudable services he had performed to the Kings — Edward the Third, Richard the Second, Henry the Fourth and Fifth. William Sutton, who probably was Robert's son, was then constituted his Deputy, and suc- ceeded in 1430 to that high judicial preferment. This last judge was, in 1461, appointed a Baron of the Irish Ex^- chequ.er. 188 In the intermediate year of 1370, Eobert Sntton, Clerk, was presented by the Crown, nnder the great seal, to the Living of Trim. In 1385, Eobert Sntfcon was a Justice in Eyre in Wexford, and he was subsequently appointed a permanent Guardian of the Peace for that County ; and in this year Isabella, as the widow of John de Sutton, Knight, had an iissignment of her dower thereof. In 1390, Eobert de Sutton, Master of the Eolls, was especially summoned to attend a Parliament in Kilkenny; and in five years after he was appointed Keeper of the Great Seal in Ireland. In 1406, Eobert Sutton, and his son John, were appointed Guardians of the Peace in Waterford and Wexford. In 1408 the above William Sutton, was a Justice in E3a'e in Wexford. In the following year, Eobert Suttoun, styled Keeper of the Grand Seal, was commissioned to raise an amnesty for Art MacMurrough, the justly celebrated Irish chief. In 141 2, the custody of the Eoyal Manor of Esker in the county of Dublin, was committed by the King to William ' Suttoun.' In the same year Eobert ' Suttoun' was Justice in Eyre, acting over seven counties of the Pale, In 1414, John Sutton was a Commissioner of Array, in the County Wexford, and authorised to assess and charge the inhabitants therefor. On the death of William Suttoun at this time, and the consequent possession of his estates by the Crown, same were granted during the abeyance to- Eobert Bulthorp, Esq., when these estates are named as Eathcorne, Kylleavey, Sheeprath, Shillyok, and Wiylkins- town. All these denominations are, I apprehend, the ancient names of localities in the County Wexford, and local knowledge may possibly identify them with Ballykee- rogue or its vicinity. I do not find the latter denomina- tion in any record previous to Henry the Eighth- In 1429^ Sir John de Sutton, Knight, being then Viceroy of Ireland^ held a Parliament or great Council in Drogheda ; the acts passed wherein, are noticed in my history of that town (pages 115 and 116.) During his Viceroyalty he led an army against theO'Byrnes. In 1432, the Chief Sergeantry ©f Me ath was conferred on William Suttoun^ styled Wil« 189 liam Suttoun, junior ; and in the same year the parish church of Slane was filled by him on Eoyal presentation ; he was seized of lands in Meath. In 1464, sayjmy notes, a very important commission was directed to Robert de Sutton, but they are not more explicit. The commission itself, however, is given in the 1st volume of " Rymer's Foedera" at this year. In a few years after a branch of this family was seated at Castle- town, in the county of Kildare. Garret Sutton was the head of this line. David, his son and heir, married Ca- therine, a daughter and co-heiress of Christopher, the seventh Lord Killan, and he, as well as his father, were suspected of favouring the rash rising of Lord Thomas Fitzgerald, the silken lord, in 1536, &c. David was accord- ingly attainted in 1569. The inquisitions then taken upon him and his possessions are of record in the Rolls and Commissioners' Offices. An inquisition taken at Trim in 1563, finds that a Robert Sutton, Archdeacon of Dublin, and one of the Trustees of the Earl of Kildares estates, died some years previously, leaving William Sutton, of Tipper, his brother and heir, who also died, when John Sutton, of Tipper, was his son and heir. An inquisition taken in 1621, on the death of this William Sutton and his estates, is preserved in the Rolls' Office. One of this surname, Nicholas Sutton, having had occasion to visit Spain in 1579, wrote to Lord Burghleigh an account of his Journey thither and his return thence, which is preserved in the British Museum, but is now much obliterated. Inquisitions taken on Gerald Sutton in Dublin and Kil- dare in 1586 and 1587 ; ditto on David Sutton in Kildare ; ditto on Oliver Sutton, are on record. The above William Sutton, of Tipper, died in 1592, having previously conveyed his estates in Kildare to Trus- tees, to the use of John Sutton, his son and heir ; remaind- er, on his decease, without issue, to Gerald Sutton, of Rachardstown, in said County of Kildare. John, the said son and heir of William, was, at the time of his father'S> death, aged 24 years, and married. The estates of Wil- 190 liam Sutton, in Wexford, were found at Wexford in 1621^ and Bally keerogue is not included in them ; but another inquisition taken at New Eoss in 1629, shews that he, William Sutton, there styled of Ballykerocke, held also lands within the manor of Taghmon. Ballykerocke i& shewn by a Wexford inquisition to have been itself, at that time, accounted a manor with certain dependence, and therein named ; while I must here mention that in the reign of Edward the Sixth, in 1548, three patents of par- don were sued out for William, Gerald, and Michael Sut- ton, all described as of Keroge, in Wexford, i. e. Bally- keeroge. Amongst the many state pardons taken out at the commencement of the reign of James the First, is one to Patrick, styled, son of John Sutton, of Ballykeerogue. A record of 1610, relates to Thomas Sutton, of Clonard, in Wexford, probably an ancestor of the Count Clonard. — His estates and pedigree are suggested through other re- cords in Chancery, The above Gerald Sutton, of Rich- ardstown, the remainderman in the settlement of William Sutton, of Tii^per, before mentioned, died in 1619, leaving Gilbert Sutton, junior, his son and heir, then aged 43, and married. This Gilbert was also seized of estates in Tyrone. He died in 1631, leaving Gerald Sutton his son and heir^ then a minor of 8 years old unmarried. Of those attainted in consequence of their loyalty in 1642, were the above Gerald, with William Sutton, junior^ (who was nevertheless one of the Confederate Catholics^ assembled at Kilkenny in 1646,) Laurence and Nicholas of Tipper. The latter was then member of Parliament for Naas, but was by vote of the 22nd of June in that year, expelled the house, together with Patrick Sarsfield, one of the representatives of the County Kildare ; John Taylor, M.P., for Swords, and Sir Thomas Esmonde, M.P. for Enniscorthy, and many others. On the restoration, how- ever, the above Nicholas and John Sutton, obtained, in 1666, confirmatory patents, the former of Halverstown^ the latter of Riehardstown, &c., in said County of Kildare* The Decrees of Innocence of this period include the names> m of Anne, Oilbert, and John Sutton, while the latter ap- pears on the roll of Connaught certificates. Sutton of Richarclstown, maintained tlie cause of royalty until the decapitation of Charles the First, and he consequently appears on the roll of those who obtained subsequent ad- judication for such and other faithful services. A daughter of Edward Sutton married John, the eldest son of Sir Christopher Chevers, of Mantown, County Meath, by whom she had issue, Edward Chevers the eldest son, who was created Viscount Mount-Leinster by James the Second before the meeting of his Parliament of 1689, m Dublin. This John Chevers was transplanted to Con- naught by Cromwell. A genealogical manuscript in the library of Trinity Col- lege, Dublin, traces links of Sutton's pedigree during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. I do not think, how- ever, it would show much (if any) that I have not given here. A Bond from Patrick Sarsfield, the celebrated Earl of Lucan, in 1684, to Thomas Sutton, is noticed in the 1st vol. of the Eeport of the Commissioners on Irish Records p. 615. On the attainder of 1691, seven of the name of Sutton appear, and of these are David and Augustine Sutton, of Ballykeerogue, and John Sutton, of the County Kildare styled in his inquisition of Halverstown. He appears to have been identical with the John Sutton who is shown to fill the post of a captain in Fitzjames's noble Regiment of Infantry ; and on the sale of his forfeited estate to the Ullver (Hollow) Swords' Blades' Company, in 1700, his wife, Bridget Sutton, claimed and was allowed her jointure. The descent of Ballykeerogue to the present proprietor, if required, may, I think, be ascertained by a search in the Registry Office, through an intelligent clerk; or it might be better and more officially communicated by Sir Bernard Burke, our intelligent Ulster King-at-Arms. My own exertions in connection with Wexford localities 192 oi' families are much cramped by the sale of my County Wexford MSS. to Sir Thomas Esmonde, and by that of my very copious notes and extracts from the valuable manuscripts of our Trinity College, to Mr. J. H. Talbot, of Ballytrent. I have, however, here digested the available details for present inquiry, while I must say that I have many more in Ireland and in "Bngland that are not here glanced at. — Those in the latter country are spread over Cheshire, Guernsey, Norfolk, Kent, Leicestershire, Essex, Lanca- shire, Oxfordshire, Surrey, Yorkshire, and in London. — And I must add, that references I have to Normandy would lead me to suspect that the surname may have been there before William the Conqueror. JOHN D'ALTON, 48 Summer Hill. 18th December, 1863. SUPPLEMENTAL NOTES BY THE LATE M. J. SUTTON. A Record on the books of the Old Corporation of New Ross, giving an account of the reception of the Charter ot James the II. to that town, raising it to the dignity of a corporate borough, is signed " David Sutton," Town Clerk. Mr. Herbert F. Hore, of Pole Hore, the celebrated anti- quarian, kindly allowed me (M. J. Sutton) access to his notes of the Anglo-Norman Families of Wexford. From his notes I have made the following extracts : — Domiiiius Gilbertus de Sutton was witness to the Char- ter from Roger le Bygod, Earl of Norfolk, to the town of Ross. — Carew Manuscript, 632, p. 230. John Sutton, of Ballykerock, 1246, held of the Earl of Pembroke.— Ibid, 611, f. 14, Wexf. VII. Sir John Sutton, holding 2 carucates in Ballykerog, three in Athbunwan, &c., &c. ; half a Knight's fee inBal- lybrasil, 1307. Also two carucates in CoUya, alias Bally- linnan, two car. in Tillaghraghtin, and three car. at Car- 19S newagh, all held of the Earl of Norfolk.— Wexf., Vol. IV., 290. William Sutton, of Ballykerocke,1379.— Brit.Mus.BibL Eg. 75, p. 179. Robert Sutton, cust. pac. Co. Wexford, 10 Ric. II, 1386 ; do. appointed 12th January, 9 Ric. II. (C. R. P. C. H., 137, 187, 127) ; of Ballykerok, 6 Ric. II. (W. II., 274) ; Justice in Co. Wexford, 9 and 10 Henry IV. (C. R. P. C. H., 193,) and Waterford, 7 Henry IV. (C. R. P. C. H., 184). John Sutton, Commissioner for raising money in the barony of Shelburn, for a present to the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem, for his services in the Count}^ of Wexford. Richard Sutton, of Clonard, (1379) received grant dated 1379, of lands (three messuages, three plough lands, and 80 acres) in Clonard and Ballyboweer, and a Burgage in Bi- shop Hoelt, Wexford, from the Bishop of Ferns. Richard Sutton, of Ballykerock ; he was killed (with Richard Prendergast), by Cahir McArte Kavanagh (Baron Ballian), within the franchises of Ross, before 1557 — MS. Addt., 4763. David Sutton, Lord of Sutton's land or Ballykerogemore. (SeeVol.IL, p. 201). William Sutton, Lord of Ballykerogemore, (visit Wex- ford.) See p. 240. William Sutton, of Ballykeerogemore, Esq., rebelled in 1641. (Wexford II.,' 129). Took the oath of Catholic As- sociation (Addt. MS. 4781.) Colonel Sutton commanded under Lord Mountgarret in the rebel army and was taken prisoner in battle, April, 1642, and lost his head. David Sutton, of Old Court, Co. Wexford, Esq., died 12th March, 1601 ; held his land by the service of finding a Marshal for the principal house of Ballykerogemore, from time to time. James Sutton, owning 20 acres in Fethard, 1640 (Door- burry). James Sutton, of Fethard, Esq., went out in a frigate of Captain Doran's, and other frigates that kept at Wexford, and took several English Protestant ships. 194 John Sutton, of Wexford, gent., information filed against tim for intrusion into Clonard : 8 Jac. I. (W. II., 217) ; of Great Clonard, Co. Wexford, gent., deceased, lately in 16 Jac. I., (W.Xyiir,179.) Patrick Sutton, Esq., Clonmines, 1 704, surety for Priests. ADDITIONAL NOTES BY EDITOR. In 1210, on the vigil of the feast of St. Peter and Paul, before the Earl of Sailsbury, Eobert de Burgate, and John de Bassingburne, at Dublin, a number of Knights are named as receiving presents or advances, the first on the list being Robert de Sutton. The month following, on the feast of St. Margaret, a Robert de Sutton is mentioned as receiving " Prest" at Cracf 'gus (Carrickfergus). In April, 1230, a mandate is issued to the sheriff of Kent to cause William Bidcot to have peace touching 4 marks extracted from him for " prest" made in Ireland at the time of King John to Robert de Sutton. In 1236, a protection was granted to William de Sutton, chaplain, whilst on a message to the King, from Maurice FitzGerald, Justicary of Ireland, touching the affairs of said Maurice. In 1537, David Sutton makes a presentment to the King's High Commissioners of the oppressions sustained by the counties of Kildare and Carlow, from the illegal exactions of the late Earl of Kildare and his subordinate officers. In 1544, the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland peti- tions the King that David Sutton, a gentleman of the co. Kildare, who had rendered very acceptable services, be ap- pointed a member of the Irish Privy Council, and that he be allowed to purchase the lands of the Commandry late of St. John's, called Tully. In 1548, Oliver Sutton, sheriff, transmits a letter that he had received from the Vicar of Rathmore, with infor- mation that Hugh M'Shane had gone to CahirMcArte Kavanagh, and they had agreed to make a prey, and with it to get silk, saffron, and cloth at Kilkenny. The sheriff 195 states that he was going to Clonmore to see if he can take certain thieves. This sheriff appears to have been an active man, for a very short time after, he writes to Lord Deputy Bellingham, stating that Shane OTolan, who was hanged at Naas, confessed that Cantwell, servant to Morris FitzThomas, and another, had stolen the nine kine which were taken at William Tallon's house ; the said Tallon was indicted and confessed his crime. In 1568, there was a lawsuit between Morough M'Gerald Sutton and Sir Peter Carew, concerning the ownership of barony of Odrone, which resulted, after long contest, iji favour of the latter. In 1551, Oliver Sutton acted as interpreter between Sir Anthony Sentlegerand a messenger of the Earl of Tyrone's, In 1565, Oliver Sutton, of Richardstown, in county Kil- dare, petitions Queen Elizabeth for a fee farm or reversion of the late Augustinian friary of Naas, the customs of Naas, the Nunnery of Kildare, &c., &c., and for a special commission to the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland to proceed to a linal determination of lands, goods, and debts- detained from him. At same time he exhibits complaints against the Earl of Kildare for the many great enomitie* committed by the said Earl and his retainers, and states that he (Sutton) is compelled by them to forsake his ploughing, and abide in Dublin or England for the safety of his life. In 1566, Oliver Sutton, through the machinations of the Earl of Kildare, appears to have got into trouble, the Earl having obtained Sir Francis KnoUys to prefer counter charges against Sutton. To the charges Sutton makes a reply, which he forwards to the Earl of Sussex, by the hands of his chaplain. Sir (Rev.) Christopher Gaffney. — The Kildare interest at the time was too powerful for Sutton to contend with, and from thence forward the f a^ mily declined in that county. In 1568, the same Oliver Sutton brings his case before the Privy Council, and states that he has been hindered by the Earl of Kildare to the value of £2,000, and that he is> 196 in continual fear of his life for having disclosed the Earl's disorders. He appears to have met no redress, and was greatly impoverished in his endeavours to obtain justice. In 1637, an inquisition was taken at New Eoss, into the lands of Thomas Sutton, of Clonard, who died in the April of that year, and he was found to have possessed land in Clonard, Larkenstowne, Larnestowne, Killeen, Ballin- geigh, Park, Newtown, &c., and 2 burgages in Bishop's- streetj Wexford. In 1639 an inquisition was taken in the estates of James Sutton, of Old Court, who died on the 14th August, 1631, and was succeeded by Eobert Sutton. In 1666, there was inrolled, under the Acts of Settlement and Ex23]anation, a deed confirming to John Sutton, of Eichardstown, county Kildare, 924a. 2r. 30p. statute mea- sure of land, at a quit rent of £11 lis IJd per annum. — And at same time, 228a Ir 24p was confirmed to Nicholas Sutton, of same comity, at a quit rent of £2 17s l^d per annum. In 1679, there was a John Sutton and a John Cheevers, obtained under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation lands in the county of Galway. Most likely these men were banished from the County Wexford under Cromwell's cruel laws. There are at the present time several respectable fami- lies of the name resident in the County Wexford. In 1634, Connell O'Murchoe (Murphy) gentleman, died at Toberlimnich, (Toberlamina,) and was buried in Castle Ellis. He was the eldest son of Art, who was the son of Donnell More, (who was The O'Muechoe, or chief of the name,) son of Art, son of Teige O'Murchoe. Connell left five sons, of whom Teige was the eldest. The Murphy's of this race are now very numerous in this county. At the same period there was another branch of the family resid- ing at Oulartleigh. THE CODD FAMILY. This ancient family was among the very first of the Anglo-Saxons of the Strongbownian Colony planted in the Baronies of Forth and Bargie, soon after the Invasion of 1169. The name has been variously spelled " Cod," " Code," and " Codd." Walter Code, of Morewell, in Cornwall, married the heiress of Damorell of Gidleagh Castle, in Devonshire, in 1129, as we find by " Pole's Survey of Devonshire." Os- bert Code, third son of the aforesaid marriage, came over to Ireland with Robert FitzStephen in 1169, and soon after settled on the lands of Molior dock, near Carn sore Point, in the Parish of Carne, — the place is now known as Castle- town. The arms of the family are — a shield argent, with a cheveron (/\) gules, between three Cornish daws, sable, beaks and legs gules. In 1307, we find John Codde, Eobert Codde, William Codde and David Codde, named as Jurors on the Countess of Pembroke's lands in the County Wexford. William Codd held onecarracate of land in Ballydungan, in 1323, and was Chief Justice of Assizes at Wexford in 1335. Sir Osborne Cod, son of the aforesaid William Cod, settled at Rathaspeck, and erected a castle there in 1351. Raymond Codd, William Codd, and Geoffrey Codd, were summoned to attend the Lord Chief Justice with horse in 1345. — Roger Codd, of this family, was Abbot of Tintern in 1346. Nicholas Codd, Marshal of the Liberties of Wexford in 1599, married Margaret, daughter of Richard Wadding, of Bally cogley, and died in 1600. Martin of Karne — the subject of the following " Post Mortem Inquisition," written in the Law language of the day, (a mixture of bad Latin and Norman French very much abbreviated), mar- ried Alison, daughter of Patrick Cheevers, of Bally hely. 198 was made a Commissioner of the Peace, and died a Pro- testant, the first of the name who embraced the Reformed creed, in 1627. Jasper Code, of Clog'h East Castle, (a branch of the Castletown family,) married Christian, daughter of John Cheevers, of Ballyhely, and died 30th January, 1587. — Jasper Code, his son, married Joan, daughter of John De- vereux, of Deeps, and died 30th June, 1625. James Codde, ofCloghEast, bom in 1608, married Mary, daughter of William Talbot, Mayor of Wexford. In 1625, he was found seised of one Castle and 120 acres of land in Clogh East, and 60 acres in Churchtown, held by military ser- vicer He was a Captain in the Confederate army in 1643. Walter Codde, of Ballyumphan, now Ballyfane, a scion of the house of Castletown, married Catherine, third daugh- ter of Edward Hay, of Tacumshane castle, in 1594. James Codde, of Ballyfane, was one of the Gentlemen of Forth, in 1608, holding one castle and 120 acres of land. He died 5th July, 1635. James Codde, son of the aforesaid, married Mary, daughter of Nicholas Stafford, of Ballymackane, and was killed at the sieg-e of Duncannon, in 1645. Nicholas Codde, of Castletown, received a renewal Grant from Charles II. of 165 acres in Castletown, and 19 acres in Buncarrig, now called Nineteen acre, the castle of Bally- fane and 76 acres of said land. He and Philip Hore, of Harperstown, were the only members of the numerous Strongbownian families of Forth and Bargie, who were reinstated in part of their lands after the Restoration. The grant is dated 21st Charles 2nd, 4th September, (1681). He was one of the Commissioners for raising a loan in the county in 1688, and finally lost all his lands midcr King William III. James Codde, of Clogh East, who was killed at Duncan- non, left only one child, a daughter surviving him. On the Cromwellian Distribution of 1654, Clogh East fell to Captain Richard Waddy, who very prudently married the heiress of Clogh East, and with her received all the deeds 199 and papers of the original owner. These documents were preserved with religious care, and the last owner, the late good and beloved John Waddy, M.D., LL.D. and J.P., was proud of being able to show legal rights to Clogh East castle, of far older date than any other Cromwelliam de- scended proprietor. He died, justly and deeply lamented, and without issue 15th January, 1875., INQUISITION INTO THE PEOPEETY OP MARTIN COD, OF CARNE, TAKEN IN 1628. Martin Cod in his life time was seised of the Manor of Castletowne, otherwise Moliordocke, and of the towne and lands of same containing 60 acres of arable and 70 acres of pasturage, in which are the following enclosed townlands (Bally tra, and the two Nethertownes excepted) parcels of the aforesaid manor, and having common pasturage — aso the two Nethertownes, containing 60 acres, St. Vake's 6 acres, the Bashe 11 acres, the Mne (9) acres, Bunarge 9 acres, Barnawheel 11 acres, Gunnertowne 8 acres, the town of Three acre (3 acres), Pullentowne, containing 8 acres, the Choure 11 acres, the Mortowne (Mooretown,) 4 acres, the Caules (Cooles), 4 acres, Hill towne 6 acres ; Bal- l3rfcra 60 acres, and also receives as service out of the fol- lowing belonging to the said manor (viz.,) for the towne and land of Ballychene, 3 ounces of pepper, for Buncarrig, 3 ounces of pepper, and for Ballyumphan (Ballyfane), ^ pound of pepper, along with homage and service, and 7 shillings annually paid as Court-Baron of said manor, as made by an ancient writing (deed) by Osborne, son of John Cod, [dated 14th May, 1413,) the tenour of which is set forth in the original. The aforesaid Martin Cod being so seised, by virtue of a deed dated 24th August, 1625, of all the aforesaid premises, and along with James Keating of Balthanstowne, Balthaser Cod of Ballyneclash, William Sinnott and Walter Cod of Wexford, granted the premises to Walter Roche of Newcastle, Robert Roche of Dungean, Hugh Rochforde of Tagonan, and Thomas Walsh of the Bushe, by deed, the particulars of which are set forth in the ori2:inal. 200 The aforesaid Martin Cod and others, by Indenture bear- ing date 20th August, 1619, demised to James Keating of Balthenstowne, the town and land of the Bushe, and a por- tion of Barnawheale, called the " Nine Acres," for a term of 21 years. By another Indenture bearing date 1st July, 1624, for the consideration of £250, he granted for 99 years, to Pa- trick Cheevers Fitzwalter, of Wexford, all the houses and lands containing 60 acres in Ballintra, in the parish of Carne ; and by another Indenture bearing date the last day of August, 1624, in consideration of £200, he granted the aforesaid Patrick Cheevers, all the messuages [dwell- ings and offices], and 11 acres of land in Barnawheale — all the messuages and 4 acres in Moretowaie, and all the mes- suages snd 6 acres of land in Hilltowne, with the Oaten Park, the Hempen Park, and the New Park, in the afore- said parish of Came, for the term of 99 years. Eobert Cod, of Garrylough, in the Murrowes, in the County of Wexford, by Indenture bearing date the 13th April, 1598, for the consideration of the sum of £40 ster- ling, granted John Devereux all the messuages and 30 acres of land in and about the Upperhold of Nethertowne, for a term of 41 years from the Feast of Easter, 1609. The aforesaid Martin Cod and others, by Indenture dated the 20th January, 1613, in consideration of the sum of £20 sterling, granted to David Newport, the Three acres, in the parish of Carne, with all the houses and land of same, and 30 acres in and about the Upperhold of Ne- thertowne aforesaid, in the parish of Carne, for a term of 21 years. By another deed, dated the 31st January, 1620, he (Martin Cod) demised to the aforesaid David Newport all the houses and 3 acres moore, meadow, pasture, and arable land in the Three Acres aforesaid, for 31 years. By another Indenture dated the 1st October, 1620, he granted the aforesaid David Newport 1 acre in Shilmore, for a term of 41 years. By another deed dated 15th March, 1622, for the con- 201 sideration of £30, he granted Nicholas Newport of Came, ^^ fisherman," all the messuages and 3 acres in Cordinan, [not now known,] in the aforesaid parish of Carne, along with two hejes [gardens], near the moor, and the wood, and the pasture of the Bogher up to the said blind Bogher, with the grass for 12 sheep, 2 cows, 2 horses, 2 pigs, and 1 goose and her increase, in English " her brood," on the aforesaid land, for a term of 61 years. By another deed bearing date 20th March, 1623, he granted Jasper Cod of Summertowne, of Carne, 1 messu- age and the land commonly called " the Coule," for a term of 61 years ; and by another deed bearing date the last day of January, 1620, he granted the said Jasper Cod half a,n acre in Shilmore and half an acre in the same place commonly called " the Hall of Cargally," [now unknown,] for the term of 61 years ; and by a deed dated 17th Janu- ary, 1624, for the consideration of £20, he granted the aforesaid Jasper Cod, half an acre in Shilmore aforesaid, called the " Short Acre," and half an acre in same called " Cargalloy," [unknown now,] for 61 years. On the 9th October, same year, he granted the af orsaid Martin and John Cod, one acre of Shilmore, called the " Acre of the Three Stangs," for 61 years. By another Indenture dated 19th December, 1624, he granted Patros Browne, otherwise Cod, widow, and Martin Cod FitzJohn, 3^ acres in Shilmore, for 99 years. By another deed dated 30th August, 1625, he demised for the consideration of £20, to the aforesaid Patros Cod and Martin Cod PitzJohn li acre in Shilmore aforesa.id, and to the same Patros Cod and Martin Cod PitzJohn, in consideration of £30, he granted 1 messuage a^nd 11 acres of the Choure, 4 acres and houses of the Coules, and 1 acre in Binge sheran, for 99 years. The aforesaid Martin Cod, in consideration of £10 grant- ed to Philip Hay of Carnsgat, in the parish of Carne, half an acre in Shilmore. The aforesaid Martin Cod and John Cod, by Indenture dated the last day of October, 1619, for the consideration 202 of £10, granted Stephen Cod and Walter Cod, sons of Ste- phen Cod of Newtowne, [unknown now,] of Carne, half an acre in Shilmore, for 60 years. By another Indenture dated 20th February, 1622, he granted to Patrick Piers of Castletowne, half an acre of Shilmore, near the Widdyditch, [unknown] for 61 years. By another deed of 23rd December, 1619, he granted Walter Barre one acre in Shilmore, called the Short Acre, and haK an acre in Shilmore, called the Half Acre, for 80 years. By another deed dated the 25th August, 1623, he grant- ed Richard Whitty, of Barnawheale, 1 acre in Shilmore, for 99 years. By a deed dated 1st April, 1611, for the consideration of £68, he granted David Keating, the town and lands of Pullentowne and St. Yakes, for 61 years. By a deed dated 4th May, 1617, he granted to William Barry, one acre of meadow in Shilmore, for 61 years. By another deed dated 29th August, 1621, he granted to Thomas Synnott, 1 acre in Shilmore, and in October, 1621, he granted to Stephen Newport, half an acre in Shilmore, near to Congally [unknown], for 41 years. By a deed dated 26th July, 1617, for the consideration of £46 2s 6d., he granted to William Hore, 3 acres in Shil- more, for 99 years, and by another deed dated 20th Fe- bruary, 1626, for the consideration of £2 he granted David Cod of Buncarrig, all the messuages and 8 acres of land in Bonard, for 24 years. By another deed dated the 16th July, 1627, he granted the said David Cod, one " stang of land" in Shilmore, for 41 years — and by another deed he granted several other premises not heretofore mentioned, to divers other persons, for diiferent numbers of years not j^et expired, with the exception of 38 acres in Castletowne aforesaid. The aforesaid Martin Cod died 28th February, 1627. Nicholas Cod, his son and heir, was then 18 years of age, and not married. Catherine Keating, otherwise Cod, is still alive and enjoys a dowry out of the property." 203 Under William III. the Castletown property was grant- ed to Captain John Armer, or Armonr, whose daughter, Mary Armour, married the father of Admiral Sir Hugh Palliser. Sir Hugh, after his disruption with Admiral Eodney, came to reside in Castletown, and built the spa- cious modern mansion house, having the original Castle of the Cods incorporated in its western wing. The estate is- now enjoyed by as worthy and benevolent a pair as the United Kingdom contains, the Hon. John Manly A^'buih- not Kane, and his Id comparable lady, the sister and suc- cessor of the late Sir Hugh Palliser-Palliser, Bart. The family name Palliser became extmct in the male line by the death of the late Sir Hugh. THE DONOVAN FAMILY. (Prom the Appendix to the " Annals of the Four Masters,'^ by John O'Donovan, L.L.D., M.E.I. A., Barrister-at-Law.) The descent of the Wexford branch of the O'Donovans had been sent to Munster by a member of that family about the year 1740. James O'Donovan of Cooldurragh, in a letter to the Editor, dated January 16, 1843, writes: "I had an old manuscript pedigree of the Leinster branch of the O'Donovans, written about 100 years ago, which I gave Collins, and thought no more about it till the present time. It has lately occurred to me that something mate- rial might be contained in it, and I have made every in- quiry, and taken several journeys in search of it, but all to no purpose." Taking for granted that this pedigree was correct and correctly copied by Collins, the descent of the- Leinster Donovans will be as follows : Donnell Oge na Carton O'Donovan, who died in 1629^ was father of Richard na Carton O'Donovan, father of Murrough O'Donovan, who was lather of Murtough O'Do- novan, who had a son, Pickard Donovan, who left Munster, and settled at- Clonmore^ in the county Wexford^ He was bequeathed . 2m- ihe Wexford estates by tke will of his brother-in-law, AT- demian Thomas Kieran, on the 20th of January, 1694. — On the 13th of August, 1696, on the marriage of his then eldest son, Mortagh, he made a deed of settlement of the castle, town and lands of Upper Ferns, together with all the other townlands he possessed, to trustees,, to the use of his son, Mortagh, and the heirs male of his body lawfully to< be begotten ; and, for want of such issue, to the heirs male of the body of the said Eickard Donovan, his father, law- fully to be begotten ; failing such remainder, to the issue female of the said Mortagh ; and in failure of such re- mainder, to the rigkt heirs of said Mortagh for ever. — Eickard Donovan married, firsts Bridget, sister of Alder- derman Thomas Kieran, who was Sheriff of the City of Bublin in 1687. He married, secondly Juliana Carew ; and had issue by his first wife, five sons and three daughters,. viz. : — (1) Eickard, died unmarried. (2) Mortagh, his heir,. head of the Ballymore family. (3) Cornelius of Clonmore, who married, first, Bridget, daughter of Abraham Hughes, Esq.,. of Ballytrent, county Wexford, and had issue — Abra- ham^ a physician in Enniscorthy, died unmarried ; Eickard of Clonmore, married Winifred, daughter of Henry Mil- ward, of Ballyharren, county of Wexford. His will was proved in Dublin in 1781, and he left issue five co-heiresses, viz. : Eliza, married to Cadwallader Edwards, Esq., of Ballyhire ; Sarah, married John Cox, Esq., of Coolcliffe ; W^inifred, married Eev. Joseph Miller, of Eoss, second wife ; Lucy, married John Glascott, Pilltown ; Julia, mar- ried Eichard Newton King, Esq., of Mackmine, all in the county of Wexford. Cornelius Donovan, of Clonmore, niarried, secondly, Mary daughter of John Harvey, Esq.,, of Killiane castle, county W^exford. His will is dated 20th October, 1735, and was i^rovedin the diocese of Eerns, 18th July, 1739, and he had issue by his second wife, John,. Cor- nelius,. Elizabeth, and Juliana, who married Cornelius Eitz-Patrick, Esq., and had issue Cornelius Donovan Eitz- Patriek. (4) Eickard, who resided at Camolin Park. He- Wiis. a Captain of dragoons, and married a daughter o£ 2&B EicKard Nixon, Esq., of Wexford, and Iiad issne five son» and one daugliter, viz. : George ; Cornelins, who had a daughter Mary^ who married Kobert Blaney, of Camolin : Richard; Eickard; Denn-Nixon ; Juliana, married, first,, 15th September, 1741 y Eichard, sixth Earl of Anglesey ; secondly, Matthew Talbot, Esq., Castle Talbot. (5)ThomaSy who married a lady of the Fitzgeru-ld f amily^ and had issue a son Mui'tagh. (6) Mary, wKo married Gough, of Ballyorley, and had issue four sons, Arthur ; Michael ; James ;. Clement ; and two daughters, Mar}- and Eliza- beth. (7) Anne, who married Jeremy King of Macmine, and had issue Eichard, William, and Mary. (8) Elizabeth,, who married (articles dated 24th July, 1701), the Eev. Michael Mosse^ Prebend of Whitechurch, county Wexf ord^ and had issue Mary. Eickard Donovan, of Clonmore, first settler in Wexford,, made his will, 2nd June, 1707 ; it was proved in the diocese of Ferns, 4th December,, same year, and he was succeeded by his second son — MuRTAGH DoNOVAis^, Esq., of Ballymore, a colonel of horse, who was born the 20th May, 1697, and baptized 7th June following by the Eev. Nathaniel Huson, the sj)onsers being Colonel Eobert Wolseley and John White, Esq., God- fathers ; Mrs. Christina Shapland and sister, ]\Iary Archer^ godmothers. He married, first, 1696, Lucy^ daugliter of Henry Archer of Enniscorthy, and had issue — (1) Eichard,, his heir. (2) Henry, who left issue. Colonel Donovan married secondly (settlements being dated 2r3rd May, 1704), Anna, third daughter of Eobert Carew, Esq., of Castle- town, county Waterford, by whom (whose will was proved in Dublin in 1713,) he had issue two sons, Eobert being one of them, and three daughters; one of them., Catherine, married the Eev. S. Hay den, Eector of Ferns,, who was killed on Castle Hill, Enniscorthy, in the rebellion of 1 798.. Colonel Donovan died intestate in 1712, and was succeded by his eldest son — Eichard Donovan, Esq., of Ballymore,. a Ca2)tain of" ilLQrse.yWho in. Trinity Term, 1731,, suffered, a common re- 20& covery of tlie estates, and thereby docked the seyeral re- mainders created and limited by the deed of 13th August^ 1696, and shortly afterwards married, Elizabeth, daughter of Major Edward Rogers, of Bessmount, near Enniscorthy, and had issue — (1) Edward, his heir; (2) Lucy, married Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Bart., of Brayton Hall, Cumberland ; (3) Mary, unmarried, will proved in Dublin, in 1805; (4) Frances, married Charles Hill, of St. John's, Enniscorthy,. and had issue. (5) Henrietta, died unmarried ; will proved in Dublin, in 1795. Captain Donovan's will is dated 8th June, 1767, and dying 15th July, 1768, his will was prov- ed in Dublin same year, and he was succeeded by his only son — Edward Donovan, Esq., of Ballymore, who was called to the Irish bar. He married (the deed of settlement made by his father on said marriage being dated 19th January^ 1747,) Mary, daughter of Ca23tain John Broughton, of Maidstone, in the county of Kent, and had issue — (1) Richard, his heir. (2) Robert, of 24, Peter-street, Dublin, Attorney, died unmarried ; will proved in Dublin, 1828. (3) George, went to America, married Miss Devereux, and had issue. (4) John, of Dublin, and also of Charles-street^ "Westminster, London, died unmarried ; will proved in Dubin, 1817. (5) William, of Dublin, Lieutenant Royal Navy, died unmarried ; will proved in Dublin, 1814. (6) Edward, in holy orders, of Ballymore, in the county West- meath, died unmarried ; will i3roved in Dublin, 1827. — (7) Mary, of Dublin, died unmarried; will proved 1824. — (8) Eliza, died unmarried, February, 1831. (9) Julia, mar- ried Robert Yerner^ Esq., of Dublin, and had issue ; she died in 1840. (10) Lucy, married James Barker, Esq., of Dublin. (11) Caroline, unmarried. Counsellor Donovan's will is dated 15th March, 1773 ; proved in Dubliuy 26th April, same year. His widow's will was proved, same place,, 1794. He was succeeded by his eldest son — RiCHAKD Donovan, Esq., of Ballymore, who, having at- tained the age of twenty-one years on the 6th May, 1778^ in the Easter Term of that year,, suffered a common re- 207 €Overy f the estates, and it was declared by said deed, that the said recovery should enure to the use of the said Eichd. Donovan, and his heirs and assigns for ever. He married (settlement being dated 27th and 28th June, 1780), Anne, daughter of Goddard Richards, Esq., of the Grange, county Wexford, and had issue — (1) Richard, his heir. (2) God- dard Edward, Captain 83rd Regiment, died unmarried at the Cape of Good Hope, 1808. (3) Robert, married Miss Taylor, and had issue ; Richard ; Robert ; Henry ; Edwin ; Albert William ; Henrietta Anne, married, 1837, James MacKenny, of Dublin; Lara, Mary Me dor a. (4) John, died unmarried ; will, Dublin, 1829. (5) George, married, and had issue. (6) William, of Enniscorthy, Attorney, married Miss Dallas, of Portarlington, and had issue Wil- liam John ; died 7th January, 1863. (7) Henry, died un- married in Jamaica. (8) Solomon, in holy orders, now Rector of Horetown, Diocese of Ferns. (9) Arthur, died young. (10) Anne, married Solomon Speer, Esq., of the county of Tyrone, called to the Irish Bar, and had issue, (11) Catherine, died unmarried, 24th January, 1837. (12) Mary, married John Glascott, Esq., of the county Wex- ford, called to the Irish bar, and had issue. (13j Eliza, married William Russell Earmar, Esq., of Bloomfield, Enniscorthy, and had issue — William Henry, who was married, and had issue ; Anna Jane ; Catherine, married Rev. S. B. Burtchael ; Elizabeth. (14) Caroline. Richard Donovan, of Ballymore, was in the commission of the peace for the county of Wexford. He died 9th January, 1816, and was succeeded by his eldest son — RiCHAKD DoNOYAx, Esq., of Ballymore, born 21st April, 1781 ; married, 18th October, 1816, Frances, eldest daugh- ter and co-heiress of Edward Wesfcby, Esq., of High Park, county Wicklow, and had issue — (1) Richai'd, his heir. (2.) Edward Westby, born 6th September, 1821, and is now a General in the British Army. (3) Henry George, born 2nd February, 1826 ; baptised at Clifton, Gloucestershire, 17th April, 1826, Lieutenant 33rd Regiment ; killed at the storming of the Redan, Sebastopol, 1855. (4) Robert, born 208 Uh April, 1829 ; baptized at Clifton, 17th April, same year. (5) Phcsbe. (6) Frances. (7) Anne. Richard Donovan was in the commission of the peace for the countj of Wexford, and served the office of High Sheriff of that €onntj in 1819. At his death, he was succeeded by his eldest son — Richard Donovan, Esq., now of Ballymore, born 17th October, 1819 ; served some time as Captain in the Wex- ford Reo-iment of Militia ; married, , only daughter of Rev. Henry Wynne, Recior of Ardcolme, (Castlebridge,) and has issue. Mr. Donovan is in the commission of the peace for the county of Wexford, and served the office of High Sheriff in 1859: AuMS. — Argent, issuing from the sinister side of the shield a cubit dexter arm, vested gules, cuffed azure, the hand proper grasping an old Irish sword, the blade en- tmned with a serpent proper. Crest. — A falcon alight- ing. Mottoes. — " Adjuvante, Deo in liostes ;" also " Vir super hostes." Estates. — In the counties of Wexford, Queen's County, •.and Tipperary. Seat. — Ballymore, Camolin, Wexford. Ferns was granted by Queen Elizabeth, in 1583, to Sir Thomas Masterson, Knight, a Cheshire gentleman, who was sent over as governor of this district, and appointed Grand Seneschal and Constable of this castle, with a lease of the manor, whose son. Sir Richard Masterson, Knight, left, in 1627, four co-heiresses, viz. : Catherine, married Edward Butler, Esq., of Cloughnegariah, (now Wilton,) county of Wexford, Baron of Kayer ; Margaret, married Robert Shee, Esq., of Uppercourt, in the county Kilkenny ; Mabell, married Nicholas Devereux, Esq., of Balmagir, in ihe county of Wexford ; and married, Walter Sin- nott, of Rose garland, in the count}^ Wexford. This pro- perty was forfeited after the Rebellion of 1641, and was granted by patent of Charles" II., dated 20th May, in the twentieth year of his reign, to Arthur Parsons, Esq., com- prising the townln nds of Upper Ferns, the Castle part of the town ; Ferranagananagh, Pouledeogherory, Ballj^- 209 shane, Ballgorinockane, and Agheremore alias Agnemore, alias Aglinemore, with their appurtenances, containing 1070a. 2r. 32p. ; Ballymollen alias Milltown, contaming 95a. ; Kilkesan, alias Killany, Ballycreene, Ballyregan, Ballymore, Ballyall, alias Ballyolly, alias Ballyf oily, con- taining 900 acres in fee. Thomas Kieran, by his will, dated 20th of January, 1694, bequeathed (with the exception of Ballymore, which by same will he bequeathed to Mortagh Donovan), all the above townlands unto his brother-in-law, Rickard Dono- van, of Clonmore, in the county of Wexford, Gent., his heirs and assigns, which Rickard is mentioned in said will as father of Mortagh Donovan ; and which will was wit- nessed by Cornelius Donovan, Eskenah Carr, and Owen Bardan. 25th Nov., 1667, Charles II., by patent, granted 100 acres of the south-east part of the town of Clonmore to Charles Collins. 30th June, 1668, Charles Collins conveyed same to Thos. Holme. 7th January, 1681, Thomas Holme conveyed same to Francis Randall, acknowledging in the deed that the pa- tent was made in the name of Charles Collins only as a trustee for Randall, who was an officer stationed at Bar- badoes. 7th January, 1713, Samuel Randall, merchant, of Cork, son and heir of Francis Randall, granted a lease of IJves, renewable for ever, to Cornelius Donovan, of the townland of Clonmore, with all the rights, &c., &c., as heretofore enjoyed by Rickard Donovan, father of Cornelius, reserv- ing a head rent of £16, and renewal fines of £8 each life. 20th July, 1740, Richard Donovan of Ballymore, renew- ed the above lease at the desire of Rickard Donovan of Clonmore ; he Richard Donovan of Ballymore, having ac- quired the fee from Samuel Randall. ^OME ACCOUNT OF THE SINNOTT FAMILY. At page 38, we give some extracts from an old manu- script account of " The Domestic Manners, Habits, and Arts of the Barony of Forth in 1670." In that paper mention is made (page 48) of the many "branches of the Sinnott family then existing in the County Wexford. We now proceed to lay some particulars of this family be- :fore the reader, as we find them given in the '' Journal of the Kilkenny Archoelogical Society," for 1862. We had not seen a copy of the Journal at our printing the former part of this paper. The writer says : — " There are many distinct families of the Sinnots in the said county (Wexford) in number exceeding any other an- cient name within the limitts ; whose Estates were valu- able before the late tyrannicall usurpacons ; amongst which the howse of Ballybrennan, in Forte, was esteemed the most eminent : whose possessors frequentlie were in- trusted with greatest Authority in affaires of publique Concerne in that County, from whose progeny descended several men remarkable for schoole learning and persons indowed with heroieke spirits and martially disposed minds, vigorously active in theyre constant Loyall affection to the 'Crowne of England, during all Combustions and Rebelli- ^ous Insurrections in Ireland, wherein they resolutelie de- meaned themselves, exposing what was most deare unto them and theyre Lives in opposing, repelling and suppress- ing Common Enemyes, invading the said County, as also elsewhere especially during the 15 yeares warrs in Queen Elizabeth's Eeigne, when Eichard Sinnot of Ballibrennan aforesaid, commanding and haveing the conduct of Forces raised in the said County (attended by his sonns and many other Sinnots his Eelations and dependants) affoorded signal testimony of their valour and loyalty to theire pTinee and country in several violent and fierce conflicts> returning with they re party victorious ; wherein- Walter* Sinnot, eldest sonne of the said Richard, was slaine (then Sheriffe of the said County), neere Iniscorthy." [There is an enrolment of a deed of John, son of Eichard Synod, of Ballybrennan, temp. Edward Ily in the Close Bolls. Walter Sinnott, of BaliybrennaUy died 20th May,. 1530, leaving issue Eichard, Walter, (of Farrelston or Bal- lytramont, sheriff in 1591), and other children. Eichard Sinnott, of Ballybrennan, Esq., the eldest son^^ performed eminent ser-vdces to the crown during Elizabeth's reign. — He was knight of the Shire in 1579 ; purchased the grant of Enniscorthy abbey and lands from Spenser, the poet, and sold it to Sir Henry Wallop : is frequently mentioned with eulogy in the state pajDers ; the viceroy, in a letter dated 19 Aug. 1582, greatly praises " Eichard Sjnot, a man of good birth, living and credit." Was granted the manor of Eosegarland : died 9th Sept. 1591. His eldest son having been slain in battle, his grandson, Martin,, succeeded to Ballybrennan, who married Anistace, daugh-- ter of Eobert Esmonde, Esq., of Johnstown, and left his heir Eichard, born in 1621, who dying 7th August, 1640,. was succeeded by his uncle Colonel David Sinnott. He was military governor of Wexford, and during the mas- sacre in that town by the Cromwellian ^oldiers on the lltk October, 1649, and was shot whilst endeavouring to swim on^ horseback across the river to Ferrybank. Colonel David Sinnott is mentioned in Carte's Life of Ormonde, (vol 1, page 367,) as being brought to Wexford in September,., 1642, by Colonel Preston, and in another place he is called Lieutenant-Colonel of Preston's regiment. Preston and Sinnott had commanded the famous Anglo-Irish regiment in the Austrian service, first known as Butler's, and then as Devereux's, (Cave's Itinerary.) He was son of Michael Sinnott, of Eaheen, by Mary, daughter of Edmond Hore,- of Harperstowuc His son Timothy, was brought up a Protestant in Londonderry, but by whom we are unable to- find,. Colonel Olivet' Sinnott waS' in the service of the 212 Duke of Loraine, and was sent, to the Marquis of Clan- ricarde in 1651, on the King's service (Clanricarde's Me- moirs). It is observed in a State Paper of 1614, printed in the " Desiderata Curiosa Hibernse," that many of the Irish Gaels had, as Officers in the Continential service, and as Ecclesiastics educated abroad, acquired extraordinary endowments rendering them formidable.] The old manu- sript thus proceeds : — " For which, their numerous demonstracons of Fitelity and noble service, the said Eichard Sinnott became her Majestie's favorite, on whom as a Eoyal Gratuity, her Ma- jesty vouchsafed gratiouslie to conferre a considerable Estate of forfeited lands (which after the death of his eldest Sonne aforesaid) he distributed and settled on the younger. " 2. To James Sinnot, the Manor or Barony of Eos- garland." [By an Inquisition held at Enniscorthy, on the 12th December, 1626, it was found that Queen Elizabeth was seised in her demesne, as of fee, in right of her crowne, of the castell, towne, hamlets, and lands of Losganlane, Ballilannan, Clongene, Loughnegir, Kilmurris towne, Eos- poile, Ballyclomackbege, Kilbreny and Clonf ad, with their appurtenances in the County of Wexford; and, beinge so seised, did by her letters patents, bearing date the 3rd December, in the 25th year of her reign, make a lease and demise in reversion of the premises, unto Eichard Synnott, by the name of the manor of Eosegarland, in the county of Wexford, 1 castell, 1 hall, 1 orchard, and other small houses of office within the said manor, and 7 carnes of land, mountaine, furs and pasture, unto the said Eichard Synnott and his assigns, for the tearme of 40 yeares. The said Eichard Synnott being interested in the premises by virtue of the said lease in reversion, did, by his deed bear- ing date the 1st of May, in the 29th yere of said Queen's reign, demise unto James Synnott, his sune, his whole estate and interest in said lands. The aforesaid lands were, by the late King James's letters patents bearing date tlie 5th April, in the 2nd year of his reign, granted and 213 confirmed to Sir Oliver Lambert, Knight, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple for ever, to hould of onr said lord the King, in free and common socadge. The interest which the said Sir Oliver Lambert had, by virtue of the aforesaid letters patents passed unto him by King James, was (for valuable consideration of £309 paid by James Synnott to the said Sir Oliver Lambert,) granted by said Sir Oliver to Walter Synnott, sune of said James Synnott, by deed bear- ing date the 25th day of April, 1604 ; and, by virtue of said deed of assignment, the said Walter was and is re- puted to be seised, in fee, of the premises. The said James Synnott being possessed of the lands of Loughnegir and Balleclennockebge, parcell of the premises, and the said Walter Synnott, of Ballenarnocke, and others, of same, to hould to them and their heirs for ever, to the use of Pierce Synnott, second sone to the said James and his wife AJson CuUen, for the space of fourskoare and one yeares, and after the expiracon of the said years, to the use of said James Synnott and his heirs, for ever, by virtue of which the said Alson Cullen is now possessed of the said lands of Loughnegir and Balleclennockbegge.] " 3. To John Sinnot, Cooledyne, with 1200 acres. "4. To Nicholas Sinnot, Parke, Lough, and other vil- lages, with several howses in Wexford." [This Nicholas Synnot's son and heir is mentioned by Sir William Brere- ton, in 1634, as " Mr. William Synod of the Lough," &c. See page 178. " 5. To Sir William Sinnot, Knight, Balifarnocke, with 24 plowlands intire in the Murrowes." [Sir William Synnott governed the country of the O'Murroughoes (Mur- phys), by lease from the Qneen. By letter dated 15th July, 1600, the privy council speak highly of his" qualytye and services," (Council Office Eegister.) He was knighted on the 22nd June, 1600, (Carew MS. 619.) He was one of the justices of the peace, and resided at Ballyfernock. His son, Walter, had his estates created into a manor, in 1617, and was Knight of the Shire in 1613. His son, William, married a daughter of Sir James Carroll, mflyor of Dublin.] 2rU " 6. To Edmoiid Sinnot, Ling-stowne, with other villages, " 1. Leaving' onelj to his Grandchild, Martin Sinnot, the Ancient Manor of Ballicaran and Ballibrenan aforesaid. The present proprietor whereof persevering in his prede* cessors' zealous Loyalty to his King, was by the late Regi- cide umrper expulsed and Exiled, his Estate, anno 1653,. being as a gratuity given unto General Monke, and since detained by his Grace the Duke of Albemarle." [General Monk, having been the principal power which effected the Restoration, retained all that had been grant- ed him during the interregnam, as did Sir Charles Coote, Lord Broghili, Arthur Anneslej, and other chief men of ihe restoring party. In facty the Restoration was planned in L^eland, by Coote and others, on condition that the sol- diery of Cromwell's army, and the Adventurers who had been settled on L'ish land, under the English act of 1642, should not be dej)rived of their allotments.] " The proprietor of Ballybrennan, though distressed, preferred an Existence in some forraigne Region before transplantacion into Connaught, especially his dear and dread Sovereig-n being exiled, he neither desiring^ nor ac- cepting (when officiously procured) any compensation in lieu of his ancient inheritance (as most other pro2>rietors in Ireland,) depending on divine providence and his Majestie's Charles 2 unparaled Clemency and Bounty. " Sinnot of Ballibrenan, bears in his Escutchen or Coate of Armes a Swan or Cignet sable, the field argent (Ele- menta Coloris). Besides the foresaid familys and howses of Sinnots, the ensuing severall Branches and familys ori- ginally descended from the howse of Ballebrenan, gentle- men enjoying g-^ood Estates for many descents, from whom also several persons famous for learning and chivalry, in Germany, Fi-ancejSiDaiUjand Muscovie, &c., were extracted. " In the Barony of Fort, Sinnot of Baliigery ; Sinnot of Rathdowne J ; Sinnot^ of Stonehowse of Wexford ; Sinnot of Gratkesocke. ^' In Ballaghene Barony — Sinnot of Owlort ; Sinnot of Balymore ; Sinnot of Garrymusky ; Sinnot of Tinraheen^ "" Tn Sliilmaleere — Sinnot of Garrymusky ; Sinnot of Owlortvicke ; Sinnot of Ballinhovvnemore ; Sinnot of Bal- linvacky ; Sinnot of Balleareele ; Sinnot of Balliroe ; Sinnot of Ballinkilly ; Sinnot of Mohyvilleog ; Sinnot of Mogangolie. " These Gentlemen compleatlie armed and mounted on iiorsbacke, in Queen Elizabeth's warrs, adhearing and unanimous in theyre resolutions, vigorouslie opposed such as appeared Eebellious or disaffected to the Crowne of England ; they enjoyed their freeholds and ancient Inheri- tance untill the late usurped Government, being then as j^roprietors transplanted. How innocent soever, Loyalty to theire King seemed Criminal." The Synnots in Spain may have descended from John Synnot, who is mentioned in the Life of Sir Peter Carew as having been employed as an "• honest lawyer ;" but who having lent money to Gerald, IGth Earl of Desmond, and being otherwise implicated in this nobleman's rebel- lion, exiled himself. — Maclean's " Life of Carew," pp. 80, 250. Simon Sinnott of Ballygeary, was one of the gentlemen of the barony of Forth in 1608.— (Carew MS. 600) As was also Jasper Sinnott of Eathdowney, one of the small an- cient freeholders of the district. Henry Sinnott of Great- kyrock, is similarly recorded in the same M.S. Synnott's " Stone Howse" in Wexford is of record. Of this branch was Colonel David Sinnott, governor of the town. James Sinnott had a grant of the castle of Owleord, and 920 acres in socage, and died in 1618, leaving Edmund who was ex- pulsed. Jasper Sinnott of Ballymore, had a son Arthur, who held 859 acres, and was at the battle of Ballinvegga or Eoss, 17th March, 1643. — (Printed Liquisitions) . Ed- mond Sinnott is mentioned as of Garrynisk, in the parish of Castle Ellis. Matthew Sinnott is mentioned as of Tin- raheen, in the parish of Killisk. Eichard Sinnott is men- tioned as of Ballinvackey, in the parish of Kilnemanagh, Besides the above there were others of the name proprie- tors in Ballaghkeen, as appears by the Book of Survey : 216 as Piers Synnott owning 755 acres in Ardemine ; Edward, 421 acres in Ballyhuskart ; Arthur, in Garry vadden, and another Arthur in Killily. David Sinnott of Ballyroe, in Edermine, had a grant of lands, 15, Jac. I., by his wife Alison Roche, he had an heir Ei chard. Walter Sinnott, son of Richard (son of Walter of Farrelston or Ballintro- man,) by " Amy daughter of Rosse M'David, of the fa- milie of M^Davidmore," lived at Ballykayle, and by this Ani}^, daughter of Cahir O'Doran, had an heir, Melchior Sinnot, who was deprived of his property by the Parlia- mentary Government. In 1205 it is said that Constable Harvey de Montmo- lency died, aged 75 years, and was buried in Dunbrody. — The monument said to be his remained until 1798, when it was removed and wantonly broken by a party of soldiers from the Fort of Duncannon. The monument was orna- mented with small pillars, the capitals of which repesented fleur-de-lis, and sustained a slab, on which was placed the recumbent efB.gy of the deceased, his shirt of mail appear- ing characteristically beneath his religious garment. In the right hand, which reposed on his heart, he held a chalice ; and in the left, apparently a short truncheon. — Here also, near the above monument, was interred Herle- win de Marisco, Bishop of Leighlin, who died in 1216. In 1331 the Castle and Town of Ferns were sacked and burned by the sept of the O'Tools. In 1337 there was granted to William le Davis, three plough lands and 45 acres called Katfield ; and the town- lands of Ardmore, Ballyboys, Clounakilty, MuUadoc alias MuUaduff, alias Blackhill, and the halftateof Ballinadrum, barony of Forth, and county of Wexford. We have en- deavoured to trace the position of these townlands, but have failed to do so. In 1372 Ross was declared to be " an antient borough town," or borough by prescriptior. THE O'TOOLE FAMILY IN COUNTY WEXFORD. The learned and lamented " Editor" of the " Annals of the Four Masters," the late John O'Donovan, LL.D. and M.R.I. A., in an annotation, page 1902, vol. vi, year 1590, remarking on the O'Tooles of the county Wicklow, says : " Two families of the O'Tooles settled in the County Wexford, where they still inherit property (1856.) The head of the more distinguished of these families, in the last century, was Laurence O'Toole, Esq., of Buckstown and Fairfield, in the County Wexford. This Laurence was born in 1722, served in the Irish Brigade in France, and died in 1794, and was buried at KiUilly, near Castle Talbot, County Wexford. He married, first, Margaret Masterson, of Castletown and Monaseed, in County Wexford, and had by her Colonel John 0' Toole, of the French service, who was considered the handsomest man in Paris before the Revolution. He died at Ballynafad, near Gorey, about twenty-five years ago. This Count John O'Toole married Lady Catherine Annesley, daughter of the last Earl of Anglesea, and had by her Lorenzo O'Toole, Esq., who mar- ried a Miss Hall, of HoUybush, Derbyshire, an heiress of very large fortune, by whom he had a son, Lorenzo O'Toole, who succeeded to his mother's property, which is worth about £20,000 per annum, and changed his name to HaU. " By his first marriage he had, 2, Luke, who was in the French service, and was guillotined at the Revolution, leaving one daughter, whose fate is unknown to the family. 3, Laurence, who settled in the Isle of Bourbon, where he married the daughter of the Governor, and died there, leaving a son who, in 1847, was living in the Island of Maida. 4, Edward, who sailed with Lord Rodney, but no account of him has reached his family for the last sixty years. He had also three daughters, who mamed, and left issue, the third of whom, Mary, married William Tal- 218 bot, Esq., of Castle Talbot, who died ia 1796, by whom she had issue four sons, Matthew, William, Roger, aud Lau- rence, and three daughters — 1, Maria Theresa, who mar- ried John, now Earl of Shrewsbury, [both since dead, leav- ing no issue, so that the title and estates have passed to the Protestant succession.] 2, Juliana, who married Major Bishop ; and 3, Margaret, who married Colonel Bryan, of Jenkinstown, county Kilkenny. " Laurence O'Toole, Esq., father of Count John, married, secondly, Eliza, second daughter of William Talbot, Esq., of Ballynamona, county Wexford, and had by her — 1, William, who was in the Irish Brigade in France, and died unmarried, 1798. 2, Matthew, who was in the French service, which he left at the Revolution, and afterwards, in 1798, served in Baron Hompesch's [Hessians] Hussars, a;nd died about 1806, leaving by his wife, Francis Tighe, of Warfield — 1, Matthew, Captain in 82nd Regiment, now (1847) aged about 55 years ; 2, Edward, in India, and three daughters. " The third son of Laurence O'Toole, by his second mar- riage, Bryan O'Toole, who was a Lieutenant-Colonel in the British service, [as a Roman Catholic he could then be no higher,] Commander of the Bath, Grand Cross of the Tower and Sword, (Portugal,) Cross of Merit, (England,) and Cross of St. Louis, (France,) and of St. Lazere, (do.,) Colonel of the Portuguese Cacadores in the Peninsular war. He died at Fairfield, near Wexford, sine prole, in February, 1825, and was interred in Piercestown Chapel- yard, in the Barony of Torth, where a monument was rais- ed to his memory by his relative, John Hyacinth Talbot, Esq., Talbot Hall, late M.P. for New Ross. 4, Andrew O'Toole, who served in the Armie des Prince, and died of fatigue. Laurence had also several daughters, two of whom lived also at Fairfield, near Wexford. " The late William Toole, Esq., of Edermine, near En- niscorth)', was the head of the second branch of the Wex- ford O'Tooles. He married Eliza, daughter of Henry Archer, Esq., of! Ballyseskin, in the County of Wexford, 219 and had issue — 1, Laurence O'Toole, Esq., of Edermine, who sold Edermine to Sir John Power, Bart., of Roebuck, Dublin, and died, sine prole. 2, William Toole, Esq., Captain in the 40th Regiment, a Magistrate of the County Wexford, now (1856), living. He possesses a small estate in the barony of Shilmalier." So far O'Donovan writes. Laurence O'Toole, of Eder- mine, married Miss Jacob, daughter of Dr. Jacob, Wex- ford, and had issue, viz. — 1, William John, an officer in the British Army ; 2, Mary Anne, married to Edward Turner, Esq., J.P., Newfort, and left issue ; 3, Isabella, unmarried; 4, • — unmarried. William Toole, Curracloe House, Esq., J.P., Capt. 40th regt., married Isabella, daughter of — Lyster, Esq., Wex- ford, had issue two sons, one of whom died young ; he was succeeded by his son and heir, Wm. J. Toole, Esq., now of Curracloe House, married Margaret, daughter of Dr.Thomp- son, of the H.E.I.C.S., and has issue. Captain Toole enter- ed the army at an early age, and served with distinction from the landing of the British forces in Portugal to the siege of Badajoz. He was several times wounded, but it was at Badajoz, whilst gallantly leading on the grenadier company of his regiment (the 40th) to the attack, that he received the wound that disabled him from further duty, and deprived his King and country of the service of a gallant and honorable soldier. He was raised to the rank and half -pay of a Lieutenant-Colonel, and well he deserv- ed it. On his retirement from the array he settled on his estate, in the neighbourhood of Wexford, where he fiUed the duties of a faithf ol and honourable country gentleman, and from his amiable and gentle manners won the love and esteem of all who knew him. He lived to a good old age, and was " long permitted to enjoy the blessings of that peace he contributed to secure, and now sleeps the sleep of those whose trust is in the Son of God.*' He serv- ed the office of Mayor of Wexford in 1828. He died on 8rd September, 1869. J. O. (yCallaghan, Ese^., in the notations to the 1st toL 220 of his " History of the Irish Brigades in the service of France," says — " Of the O'Tooles, who were officers in France, the following may be noticed. Nicholas O'Toole, bornin 1707, served in the gendarmerie and infantry six- teen years, in the Gardes du Corps ten years, and received ten wounds at the battle of Dettingen in 1743. William O'Toole, born in 1745, served in the Eegiments of Ber- wick and Dillon, of the latter of which he was Lientenant- Golonel in 1791, and a Chevalier of the Royal and Military Order of St. Louis. Captain O'Toole, of the Eegiment of Berwick in 1787, was a Chevalier of the same Order. — After the Eegiment of Walsh became the 92nd Eegiment of the Line, the Lieutenant-Colonel in command of the second battalion at St. Domingo in 1792 and 1793, was William O'Toole. -Jt ^ * * * In April, 1837, Francois O'Toole, Captain of the 73rd Ee- giment of the Line in France, was a Member of the Legion of Honor." Our gifted county woman, Mrs. S. C. Hall, in her " Ire- land, its Scenery, Character, &c.," thus describes, in her own beautiful style, a member of this distinguished fa- mily, and the friend of her youthful days : — " The race of the O'Tooles, notwithstanding the attempts to extirpate them, are not even now extinct. Some direct descendants of * the Kings' still live in the county Wex- ford. In our early youth it was our lot to be acquainted with one of them — the immediate representative of the brave but intractable sept. We used to anticipate his visit to our house as one of the greatest treats we could enjoy. His presence was princely, but not austere ; his tall slight jBgure, silver- mounted hunting-horn and fowling piece, noble horse, and perfect dogs, bespoke the gentle- man ; but when his head was uncovered, and his long silver hair flowed over hisshirt-collar, and you observed the extraordinary brilliancy of his eyes and the exquisite proportions of his features, you could not fail to inquire who he was, and to pay involuntary homage to manly beauty and polished demeanour. His very dogs were 221 courtly ; Bran had the credit of being a genuine Irish wolf-dog, and certainly was the only animal we ever saw that answered the description of the noble breed. He was, indeed, a " Rough fellow, stout fellow, brave-hearted and true," a most sagacious, and, as we have said, a courtly brute, for he would never precede a lady when entering a room. His J master would not, under any circumstances, endure to be styled * Mr.' O'Toole, holding ' Mr.' as an unworthy desig- nation, but would be called simply O'Toole. Meeting Lord Aaron one day in Sackville-street, he bowed (his bow was perfection,) and said ' O'Toole salutes Aaron.' But though proud on points of etiquette, he was the humblest of the humble to the poor ; he would watch beside the bed of a sick dependant, and enter with exquisite feeling into sorrows which he loved to alleviate. As long as a coin re- mained in his pocket, no one ever solicited his aid in vain ; and his family would often restrain his liberality, not by argument, for that would be very inef ectual, but by lessen- ing the contents of his purse, while he remained uncon- scious of the friendly robbery. His peculiarities were many, but none of them were evil. It is impossible to imagine a love more chivalrous or devoted than that he cherished for his native country ; his acquaintance with foreign lands had increased his affection for his own, and it was no uncommon thing to hint at something disparag- ing to Ireland for the purpose of rousing OToole's energies. Then, indeed, his eyes would flash, his fine musical voice acquire new tones from the intensity of his feelings ; even Bran would rouse him from his lair, and place his head upon the table, looking with inquiring eyes into his face. With him Ireland was the alpha and omega of the world. Her history, real or imaginary, formed his political creed. He would assure you that no Chinese tea was equal to that which could be made by an infusion' of the sloe, with a few leaves of bog myrtle. His shirt-buttons were of Irish diamonds set in pure Wicklow gold. Fond, like all gentle- menof the old regime, of jewels, he wore none that were 222 not Irish. His snuff-box of Wicklow pebble was set with Irish pearls, his fingers glittered with Irish amethysts, the chimney-pieces in his house were of Irish marble — every- thing about him was of Irish manufacture, and his hunt- ing-coat of ' Lincoln green' was grown, shorn, dyed, wove, and made on his own estate. When we doubted the truth of any statement — hinting, for instance, that he had been misinformed — he would promise ocular demonstration ; start at break of day with his f aithlul servant, who always carried the results of his master's geological speculations (no light one either), and return to the breakfast-table, eager to prove that what you believed to be yellow clay was gold-dust, and that every stone on the Irish coast was a jewel. Upon this one point the mind of our noble friend wandered ; and upon that it was dangerous to contradict him. He would brew the most noxious decoctions, and swallow them, because they were made from Irish herbs. He had his gooseberry and currant vintage, and always declared that the word Nectar signified Poteen. Regard- less of the state of the weather, he might have been often seen, preceded by his dogs, followed by his trusty squire, wading through bogs in the hope of discovering some new Irish specimen of root or flower; or climbing the crags to collect mineralogical specimens to bear out his theory, " that everything necessary for the life, the health, the happiness, and the adornment of man was to be found in Ireland." The very corn-birds he asserted to be the same as the ortolans of Italy. One of our childish delights was to climb to his knee (and a good long climb it was), and ia the grey, dim twilight of evening coax him to repeat Ossian, or some real Old Irish ballad. His memory was wonderful, and he would take as much pains to please a wayward child as if an audience waited on his words. — Nothing could exceed the beauty of his recitation, except perhaps his method of reading the Old Testament ; it was, indeed, repeating, rather than reading. We can bring him before our mind's eye at this moment — his dogs grouped at his feet, the old family Bible on a reading 228 stand before him, his hands clasped fervently upon the holy book, his head thrown back, his eyes half closed, while chanting the Psalms, or wailing forth the lamenta- tions of Jeremiah. It was only upon the onesubject that his intellect wandered ; npon every other it was bright, clear, and overflowing. It seems to us, after the lapse of so many stormy years, a privilege to have known such a man — the chief of such a race. Long, long ago, the grass was green upon his grave, and people say, when they look upon it, * There are no such men now.' He was like Bay- ard, * sans peur et sans reproche.' Little did the kindly and excellent and venerable gentleman imagine, when talking to us of Old Ireland, as we sate upon his knee, that he was planting seed for a future harvest ; still less did he fancy it would be, in after time, our pleasant duty to revive, for respect and afPection, the memory of another of the race of the O'Tooles." In the month of October, 1584, Sir Nicholas White, Master of the Rolls, furnished the Lord Deputy with the report of Assizes he was after holding in Leinster. He says : — " Such as were found to be rangers and masterless men I left in prosecution by common consent of the rest, without any danger of disturbance to the quiet of the country. The number of piisoners on this circuit was 181, whereof were executed 48 by the trial of their own nation, and of those there were two principal gentlemen of the Kavanaghs, by whose attainder Her Majesty is entitled to a country three miles long and three miles broad, called the Leveroke, and also sixteen towns stand- ing upon the river Barrow, adjoining the house of Leighlin, where the boats passing that river were continually robbed by those wicked inheritors." — Calendar of State Papers relating to Ireland during the reign of Elizabeth, edited by Hans C. Hamilton, Ecq. In 1240 John, Bishop of Ferns, hela a Synod in the Priory of SS. Peter and Paul, Selskar, Wexford. THE ETCHINGHAM FAMILY. The following sketch is by a gentleman of this county well known for his archseological researches, and who is quite " au fait" in genealogical lore : " As it may be interesting to you to know the details of the Echingham Estates in this (Wexford) county, I send you herewith a sketch of some of the family descent, with the account of how the property came into the family, and how it left the name. It seems odd that when the Patent united the estate to heirs male, John Etchingham could bar entails in the 1 7th Charles I. ; but that he did so is a matter of public record in the courts, and at all events the Act of Parliament passed in 1723 conferred the estates on the descendants of Jane Etchingham, and could not afterwards be questioned. I am very much interested in genealogy, and have complied the pedigrees of nearly all the old families in the County Wexford, and amongst others, of course, the Etchinghams. I always am more anxious, when property leaves an old family, either by an heiress, will, or by forfeiture for adhesion to any of the Royal Family of Stuart to trace out and keep up the de- scendants of those who lost their estates, and that is the reason I write on the subject. Seeing the name of Mr. Arthur Etchingham, of Ballyvake, it struck me at once, that he must be a descendant from Arthur Etchingham, the undoubted heir male of Sir Osborne. I have got from English record an unbroken male descent of the family from Simon de Etchingham, Lord of Etchingham, in the county of Suffolk, who was living so far back as 1150, down to Sir Osborne, who got the grant of Dunbroady Abbey. I have traced myself by wills, inquisitions, public records, a.nd post mortems, the male descent from Sir Os- borne down to the last Eev. Philip Etchingham, when I have been obliged to stop, in all twenty-one unbroken 2^5 male descents, so that I dare say from my own knowledge of genealogy, there is no older family in the three king- doms. I will be glad to make out the descent of Mr. Arthur Etchingham from the last Arthur, and I thiuk from what I have already discovered, it will be easily done. I have met the name spelled different ways, Etchingham, Itchingham, Echingham, . and Wetchingham, but E chin o-- ham is the more correct way. It was the way the old lordships, from vvhich the name is derived, was spelled. Did you ever hear of John and Thomas Etchingham, the brothers, who lived at Blackwater, in this county, about 20 years ago. PATENT ROLLS, 37 HENRY VIII., NO. 35. King Henry VIII., by patent dated 4th October, 1546, granted Sir Osborne Itchingham, Knight, and the heirs male of his body, the Monastery of Dunbroady, the Grange of Dunbroady, three fishing weirs, mills, and titles, the customs of the town of Coole, and all the j)Ossessions of the dissolved Monastery, in the county of Wexford, to hold in capite by Knight's service, at a rent of £3 10s 6d. These lands descended regularly to his grandson. Osborne Itchingham of Dunbroady, born 1597, married Eleanor, daughter of Sir Arthur Savage, and died 11th July, 1635, leaving two sons, John (his heir) and Arthur, of whom presently. The eldest Sir John Itchingham, of Dun- broady, was born in 1618, married Sarah, daughter of Sir Adam Loft as, by Avhom he had two sons, Osborne and Adam. Both died unmarriecl, and a daughtei:, Jane, born in December, 1646, married 9th March, 1660, Sir Arthur Chichester, who afterwards became second Earl of Done- gal. This John Itchingham did, at Trinity term, in the 17th year of King Charles I, bar all entairs, and cut off the remainder to the estate, and by his will, made in 1 650, left all his estates to his daughter, Jane, for life ; to her sons, and if she had no son, then she was to have only £10,000, and the estates were to go to the right heir. He died in July, 1650, and his daughter o-ot the estates, and they went to her son, Arthur, third Earl of Done2*al, 226 "whose second son, Hon. Jolin Chichester, obtained a spe- cial Act of Parliament, which obtained the Royal assent 10th February, 1723, entitled " an act for the better sett- ling of the manor of Dunbroady, in the county of Wex- ford" on the Hon. John Chichester, for life, with power to settle a " jointure on any wife he shall marry, and for raising portions for younger children." The estate has descended from this Hon. John Chichester, to the present Lord Templemore. Refer back now to Arthur Itching- ham, the brother of the last mentioned John Itchingham. This Arthur Itchingham, of Coole, some time after the death of his brother John, notwithstanding his will, took forcible possession of Dunbroady and the estates, as the heir male of Sir Osborne, by virtue of the entail granted in the patent of Henry YIII. Sir Arthur Chichester, the husband of his niece, Jane, on the 10th February, 1665, complained by petition to the House of Commons, that he was disturbed in the possession of the lands of Dunbroady and Salt Mills by Mr. Arthur Itchingham and John Moore, and he got an order to the Sheriff of the County Wexford, signed by " the Speaker, to be returned to the possession thereof." This Arthur Itchingham died in 1684, and the administration was granted to Margaret, his widow, 27th June, 1684, leaving a son. " John Itchingham, who held the lands of Killesk, Coole, Drillentown, and Boderen, which formed part of the old possessions of the Monastery, and had been grant- ed by Charles II. to William Ivory, in trust for him, for- feited these lands by his adhesion to James II., in 1688, and Killesk was granted to John Glascott and Sir Nicholas Loftus ; Drillentown to the Earl of Anglesy ; and Coole and Boderen to Colonel Thomas Palliser ; the tithes were annexed to the curacy of St. James, Dunbroady. He died in 1690. I don't know what family he had except a son, Rev. Philip Itchingham, who was buried at Whitechurch, about three miles from Dunbroady, 24th September, 1741, and a daughter Margaret, born 1690. Three months after -the dea^ of him, she married Patrick Carroll, Esq., of Carroll's Land, near Kosbercon, county Wexford, and died in 1803, aged 113 years, and her grand-daughter, Anas- tacia Carroll, died 2 8 th July, 1865. Charles Itchingham, of Bearlough, Eoslare, bai-orty of Forth, born 4th March, 1736, and died 10 th February, 1823, leaving issue four sons and two daughters. James, his heir, born in 1780, married, 8th April, 1811, Mary Roche, and died 4th November, 1850, leaving issue four sons and three daughters. Arthur, his heir, born 14th October, 1816, married, May 20th, 1864, Agnes, daughter of Mr. William Murphy, of Ballyveake, coiinty Wexford, and has issue, viz., (1) Thomas, born 10th October, 1865 ; (2) Agnes, born 14th August, 1868 ; Arthur Etchinghaniy born 1st April, 1873. This branch of the family are now resident in Dublin. LIST OF CHUECHES AND CHAPELS IN THE BARONY OF FORTH, PREVIOUS TO THE ARRIVAL OF CROMWELL, In Rathaspocke peece, a Church dedicated to Sfc. Bridget^ patroness of Ireland. [Rathaspock, i.e. " fort of the bi- shop," now the parish of that name. The present church is a modern building, and was erected in 1823 at a cost of about £900, aided by a grant from the Board of First Fruits.] A Church dedicated to St. Peter, Apostle, near Wexford, demolished by the soldiers of Cromwell. [St. Peter's was just outside the walls of the tov^n, near the site of the present Franciscan Church.] A Church dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, [now Maud- lintown], let fall into run after being sacked, and profanely used as a dwelling house. An Hospital for Lepers, adjoining the latter church ;. the houses, lands and revenue belonging to same bein^^ 228 ^iven to the soldiery. [In the tenth year of his reign (1408) Kino^ Henry IV. granted to John, son of William Bochf ord, during life, the custody of the Hospital for Le- pers, under the invocation of the Brethren and Sisters of St. Mary Magdalen, near Wexford, with the lands, rents, possessions, churches, tithes, &c., thereunto belonging, the said John to support the houses, buildings, &c., and to de- fray all other expenses at his own proper cost and charge. By an Inquisition taken the 27th of August, in the eighth year of King James, it was found that at Maudlintown, near Wexford, there was an hospital for Lepers, governed by a Master, Keeper or Prior, who with the Brethren and Sisters thereof, had on the 19th of June, in the 12th year of King Eichard the Second, acquired and appropriated to themselves and successors in perpetuity, contrary to the statute of mortmain, 1 20 acres of land in the townlands of Maadlinton and Eochestown, with the tithes of the parish of Bally volo, and the towns of Molgonone and Pembrokes- toia, annual value, besides reprises 20s ; also, three small messuages in the parish of St. Mary, Wexford, annual value, besides reprises, 2s ; and that William Browne, of Molranca,, and his predecessors, always enJ03^ed and had the nomination to the said Mastership whenever vacant. Lepers' hospitals were numerous throughout Ireland. They seem to have been filled with patients suffering from scorbutic affection, caused by eating unseasonable salmon and other salted food, both of which formed their prin- cipal articles of food during winter, prior to the adoption ©f modes of feeding cattle which render them available during this season of the year. These asylums were lasually situated outside aad ab some distance from towns.] A Chapel dedicated to St. Michael Archangel, near Wexford, demolished. [This was St. Michael's of Feagh or Faythe*] A Chapel dedicated to the Blessed Trinity on Castle Hiliy near Wexford, demolished. [There is no doubt the ma- terials of both this and St.. Michael were used to repair tlue 229 damages done on the Castle by the batteries of Cromwell in 1649. They were situate within a very short distance of the Castle.] A Church and Steeple dedicated to St. John the Evan- gelist, near Wexford, demollished and its stones and ma- terials converted to profane uses. [This church stood just outside the walls. Not a stone of it now rerhains to point out its site. By an Inquisition taken at Wexford in 1541, it was found the Hospital of St. John, near Wex- ford, and the tithes of the parish of St. John, were appro- priated to the prior of Kilclogan.] A Convent for Friars of St. Francis, near Wexford, with an elaborately sumptuous Chapel, with a spacious walled precinct, hi ruins. [Unfortunately there are no remains of this building, which appears to have been unusually ornate.] A Convent or Habitation for Knights Templars at Kil- laloke, decayed. [Now Kerlogue, a small parish of three townlands.] In Rathmaknee peece, a Church dedicated to St. Martin, ruinous. [St. Martin, though a foreigner, was a favourite saint amongst the Irish, nominally in virtue of St. Pa- trick's alleged relationship to him, but really on account of the intimacy between the Church of Tours and the early missionaries to Ireland. The present church was erected in 1813, at a cost of about £800.] A Chapel dedicated to St. Catherine, at Walshestown. A Church dedicated to St. Devan, lately become ruinous. [Probably a mistake forKevan.] A Chapel dedicated to St. Catherine at Murrentown. In Maglass j)eece, a Church dedicated to St. Fintan, at Maglass, where also hath been a sumptuous ancient house, the residence of the Dean of Ferns, ruined. [This was Fintan, son of Gobhrain. His acts are given b}^ Colgan, February 17.— See Acta SS. pp. 349-357. This church was one of the largest. A handsome doorway, with circu- lar ornamented arch, remains. The Dean's house was near the present chapel.] 230 A Chapel dedicated to St. , at Tagunnan. [Now changed to Mount-Pleasant.] In Dreinogh peece, a Church dedicated to All Saints, at Kilmacry, demolished ; its materials profaned. [It now forms part of the parish of Piercestown.] A Church dedicated to St. Kevan, at Drejniogh. [Now Drinagh parish. The remains of the ancient church still exist in the grave-yard. A Church dedicated to St. Jeffellen, at Great Killian. — [Probably for " St. Helen." " St. Helens, alias KilHane," is the modern denomination of the parish.] A Chapel dedicated to St. Deiguian at Little Killian, ruinated lately. In Ballimore peece, a Church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mother, ruinated ; the Golden Chalice thereof plundered by Cromwellians. A Chapel dedicated to the same. In Ballibrennan peece, a Church dedicated to St. Kevily demolished, its Bells and materials profaned. A Chapel dedicated to Seven Saints, Sisters at one birth brought forth, at Ballibrennan, commonly called in Irish Shaght Eneen Eee, or the seven daughters of Hugh. [Now the parish of Ballybrennan. See p. 24.] A Chapel dedicated to St. Michael Archangel. A Chapel dedicated to St. Munn, lately become ruinous, [This is Fintan, or Muuna, son of Tulchan. His festival is the 21st October. See note in Eeeves' "Adaranan's Life of St Columba." In Kilscowran peece, a Chapel dedicated to St. Inicke, one of the seven sisters aforesaid. [Now Kilscoran parish. The church is modern, being a second time restored by the Board of First Fruits, and a grant from the Ecclesias- tical Commissioners. St. Imockes or Imoghes, was for- merly in the advowson of the Colclough family, together with Bannow. The name Killmick is derived from St, Inicke. The present church of Killinick was built in 1828 at a cost of £1100. A Church dedicated to St. Bridget. 131 A Chapel to tlie same at Sladd, ruinated. [A town- land in Kilscoran parish.] A Chapel dedicated to the same at Trummer. A Chapel dedicated to St. Ranlan, at Hill. A Chapel dedicated to St. at Ballimacusheen. In Tacumshan peece, a Church dedicated to St. Munn, ruinated, its Bells and ornaments plundered and protaned. [Taghmon, in Wexford and VVestmeath, are named after St. Munn, as is also Ishartmon. In this churchyard is an old tombstone which seems to belong to the early part of the 15th century.] A Chapel dedicated to St. Catherine, at Tacumshane, ruinated. Bells and ornaments profaned. A Chapel dedicated to the same at Ballisampson. A Chapel dedicated to our Lady at Tacumshan. A Chapel dedicated to St. Michael, at Ballimarkin. A Chapel dedicated to All Saints at Ballitory. In St. Ibarius peece, a Church dedicated to St Ibarius. [St. Ibar, of Beg Erin, whose festival is the 23rd of April ; he is the patron of Wexford ; he is called St. Ivory in pa- tents temp. Jac. I.] A Chupel dedicated to St. Anthony in Fursytown. [A townland in Tacumshane parish,] A Chapel dedicated to St. Catherin in Butlerstown, in St. Iberius parish. A Chapel dedicated to St. Margaret, to whom women are much devoted, their patroness in travaile with childe, much visited, ruinated. A Chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the Island, frequently visited. [Lady's Island parish. This chapel is in ruins. The stones were used in 1803 to build a modern chapel. This latter has also been removed, and a splendid chapel erected in its stead.] A Chapel dedicated to St. George at Rathmore. [Per- haps Rathmore in St. Iberius' parish.] In Carn peece, a Church dedicated to St. Fintan, with a fair house, used as the mansion of the Treasurer of the diocese of Ferns. 182 A Chapel dedicated to the most holy and undivided Tri- nity, atCarne, A Chapel dedicated to St. Yake, in pilgrimage frequent- ed by persons afflicted with toothache, where praying are immediately eased. [Now St. Vauk's, a townland inCarne parish, with ruins of a church.] A Chapel dedicated to St. , at Castletown. In Kilrane peece, a Church dedicated to St. Rane. A Chapel dedicated to St. , at Hilltown. [In Kil- rane parish.] A Chapel dedicated to St. Nicholas, at Ballyconnor, rui- nated. [It is stated that the site of this chapel is now used as a stable.] A Chapel dedicated to St. , at Ballitrent. A Chapel dedicated to St. Tullan. [Perhaps of St. Doo- loge or St. Helen's.] In Roslare peece, a Church dedicated to the Blessed Vir- gin Mother ; the Bells and ornaments plundered. [This ruins has some faint remains of fresco painting, in red colour, representing antique shipping.] A Chapel dedicated to St. Breagh, where latelie miracu- lous accidents happened, God demonstrating his Indigna- tion with Signal Severity against the contemners and scof- fers of his beatified Servants and profane violators of things and places dedicated to divine service, to the Con- fusion and immediate Chastisement of impious Blasphem- ers. [This chapel was pulled down some years ago, and a school-house erected on its site. Is this saint meant for St. Brioc or St. Bridget.] This finishes the list, and it will be observed that no Church or Chapel — although there were many of them — in the town of Wexford, is mentioned, notwithstand- ing its being in the barony of I'orth. In 1541 the Crown presented Donald M'Murrogh to the rectory of Kvltelin (Kiltennel.) SELSKAR ABBEY,^ CALLED ALSO THE PRIORY OF ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL OF SELSKAR. The Danes are said to have been the founders, and the family of Eoche, the patrons of this place, and were muni- ficent benefactors. In 1240, John, Bishop of Ferns, held a Synod here on the morrow of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. On the 16th of June, 1402, King Henry VI. granted a licence to Patrick, Bishop of Ferns, to appro- priate the Church of Ardkevan to this house. In 1418, Sir John Talbot, Lord Talbot of Fumeval and Weysford, granted to this Priory the Chapel of St. Nicholas of Car- rick. The Prior of this house sat in Parliament as a Baron. John Heygharne was the last Prior. By an Inquisition held on the 23rd of March, in the 31st year of Henry VIII, it was found that the Prior was seized of a church and belfry, dormitory, hall, four chambers, a kitchen, two stables, two gardens, four orchards, two parks containing one acre and a-half, two acres of mea- dow, and a pidgeon-house, within the precincts ; with 15 messuages and 14 gardens, in Wexford, annual value, be- sides reprises, 30s ; the manor of Ballyrelike, with a cer- tain annual rent and four capons ; 8 acres of land in Kis- * Selsker Abbey is remarkable as the spot in which the first tieaty wag signed with the English, in the year 1169, when the town of Wexford sur. rendered to Fitz- Stephen. It was enlarged and endowed by Sir Alexander Roche of Artramont, under singular circumstances. When a young man he became enamoured of a beautiful girl, the daughter of a poor burgess of the town ; his parents, to prevent hi^ marriage, prevailed on him to join tbe crusade then on foot for the recovery of the Holy Sepulchre. On his re- turn from Palestine, he found himself a free agent by their death, but, on revisiting the dwelling of the lady, he ascertained that, in the belief of his rumoured death in battle, the girl had entered a convent. In despair he took a vow of celibacy, and endowed this monastery, dedicting it to the Holy Sci-iptui*e (Saint Sepulchre, or by corruption., Selsker), and became the first prior. 'f34 •saglimore, aniTual value, besides reprises, 17s ; a messuage, with 20 acres of arable, 4 of meadow, 16 of pasture, a ncj. 20 of moor in the Grange, annual vahie, besides reprises, 20s and four capons ; 20 acres of arable, 4 of meadow, 16 of pasture, and 20 of moor, in Rathmore, annual value, "besides reprises, 13s 4d., and four capons ; a messuage, and 16 acres of arable, 4 of meadow, 10 of pasture, and 10 of moor in Churchtown, annual value, besides reprises, 13s 4d ; two messuages, and 60 acres of arable, 10 of meadow, 20 of pasture, and 40 of moor, in Alyaston, an- nual value, besides reprises, 46s 8d., and seven capons ; a messuage and 2 acres of arable, 1 acre of meadow, 2 of l^asture, and 3 of moor, in Eathclorge, annual value, be- sides reprises, 4s 8d and one capon ; a messuage, 4 acres of arable, 1 of meadow, 3 of pasture, and 3 of moor, in Blackball, annual value, besides reprises, 3s 8d,, and one capon ; and one acre of marsh in Carige, annual value, besides reprises, 4d ; a castle and hall, with 30 acres of arable, 6 of meadow, and 14 of pasture, in Newbay, annual value, besides reprises, 6s 8d ; also the following rectories, appropriated to the Prior of thi s house and his successors : Si. Patrick, with the Saints Peter and Paul, and St. Tu- log, in Wexford ; Killiane, Kilmocry, St. Eweres, St. Margaret, Ballynane, Sleney, Aghkyllen, Killuske, St. Nicholas, Ballyvolden, and Ardcolme, all the said lands, &c. being in the county Wexford. By an Inquisition held on the 3rd January, in the first year of Edward VI., (1547) it was found that this monas- tery and its appurtenances, with the manor of Ballere- lycke, part of the possessions of the same, and 4 messu- ages, 55 acres of meadow and pasture in Kysshagbegge ; 1 messuage, 60 acres of meadow, arable, and pasture m the town of Grange ; 1 messuage and 49 acres of arable in Rathmore ; 1 messuage and 40 acres of arable in Church- town ; 1 messuage and 140 acres of arable in Allenston ; 1 messuage and 14 acres of arable in Groclogge ; 1 messu- age- and 11 acres of arable in Blackball, parcel of the said manor of Balloreljcke ; 2 acres vrith the apj)urtenances m the town of Carge alias Carrick ; a castle and 40 acres in: the town of Newbay ; 1 messuage and 7 acres in Insheri- nan alias Shacpino ; 1 messuage, 1 acre of arable, and 1 of meadow in the town of St. Margaret's ; 1 messuage and 7 acres in Kilmacree ; 2 tenements and 1 garden in Kyllean ; 50 acres, with the appurtenances in Bally la ; 1 messuage and 7 acres in Ardkenan ; 40 acres in Killuree ; 1 messu- age and 2 acres in Stackyll ; 2 acres in Clane ; 1 messuage and 40 acres in Baldwynstown alias Ballywalden ; 2 acre s in Killuske ; 2 acres in Killmalloge ; 2 acres in ilie town of St. Niche ; 2 acres in Killyle, in the county of Wex- ford; and 15 tenements, occupied by sundry people in the town of Wexford, was granted for ever to John Parker, in capite, at the annual rent of 15s 0.\d. An Inquisition held on the 9th March, in the 26th year of Queen Elizabeth, found — that Philip Devereux, of Wex- ford, died on the 15th. of June, 1583, seized of this monas- tery and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, from the* gate called the Cow-gate- street to the cemetry of the parish of St. Peter and St. Paul ; also an old bake house and some, waste lands and gardens situated between the Abbey and the weir leading to the street called Bolane's land, on the south, within the town wall to the Cow-street gate and the river Slaney, in the north part, called the Prior's Pill ; together with a water-course running neai' the gate of St. John the Baptist, commonly called the Hiltelacke, wdtli 3 acres of land in orchards and gardens,;; together w^ch the postern gate leading from the Abbey to- the said orchards and gardens, and half an acre of land called Whytt's Park, all held from the Queen at the an- nual rent of 5s., were found of the annual value, besides reprises, 20s ; also, a mill within the borough, with the water course, held from the town of Wexford, at the rent of 6d., and of the annual value, besides reprises, of 10s ; a certain annual rent of one out of the tithes and glebes of the parish church of Killallane, held from the crown, in capite, by Knight's service, of the annual value,, besides reprises, of 6s 4d j an annual rent of one pound of 236 pepper out of all the messuages, and 42 acres of land in the parish of St. Ibar, annual value, besides reprises, 3s 4d, also, the several messuages, and 430 acres of land in and about Ateristowne, then waste, and a yearly rent of 20s., annual value, 26s 8d ; also one messuage, and 20 acres of land in and about Luissestown, called Polredane, alias Crosse Land, held from the Bishop of the Diocese, at the yearly rent of 6s 8d., and of the annual vsulue, besides re- prises, of 10s., and all the messuages, with 7 acres of land in the island of Beggerin, held also from the Bishop, at the annual rent of 6s 8d., and found of the annual value, besides reprises, of 10s. On part of the ground on which this celebrated Abbey stood, Selskar church was built in 1818. THE FRANCISCAlSr FEIAEY— THE ABBEY, ENNISCOETHY, Was founded for Friars minor of the strict observance, A.D. 1460, by Donald Cavenagh, sumamed the Brown, head of his sept. In an ancient Missal belonging to this Monastery, we find, that its dedication took place on the 18th of October, same year. The Missal continues to inform us, that Donald Fuscus Lagenise, Prince of Leinstei, died the 21st of April, 1476 ; towards the conclusion of this book, it is remarked, that the said Missal was written in this Friary. In the 31st year of King Henry VIII., the Prior of this house was found to have been seized of a church and bel- fry, a chapter-house, dormitory, hall, four chambers, a kitchen, two orchards, and gardens, annual value, besides reprises, 13s 4d. On the 4th of November, in the 37th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, this Friary, with the appurtenances, a water-mill, an orchard, and — acres of land in the county of Wexford, together with the manor of Ennis- corthy, was granted, for ever, to Sir Henry Wallop, Knt.^ 237 to hold by Knight's service, and rot in capite, at the an- nual rent of £10 16s 4d. Sir Henry was Treasiu'er at War for Ireland, under Queen Elizabeth, and it is stated that his exactions and unlawful customs were so oppresiye on the people of Enniscorthy and surrounding district, that they became subsequently matter of Parliamentary' in- quiry. The Manor House granted to Sir Henr}^ Wallop along with the estates, stood on the ground now occupied by the residences of the Misses White and Mr. Malcolm, and we wonder how the name became changed to that of " Abbey House," as it had no connection whatever with the Abbey — it is " the Manor House." Not a vestige of the old Abbey now remains. The tower stood until 1839, but on the 3rd of October in that year, during a heavy storm, it fell with a tremendous crash. — The following lines to commemorate the event, are from the pen of the late Rev. Edward Dillon, an Independent Minister, stai ioned in this county at the time of the occur- rence ; they are entitled — TO THE ABBEY TOWER, ON THE SLANEY, WHEN OVERTUENED BY A STORM. " Tho' sad is the thonght, yet it is siiblime. That would bid us weep o'er the wreck of time ; And chain us down with some holy spell. Where spii-its of saints are said to dwell. Yes — the starting tear must now dim the eye Of each silent one as he passes by ; While waters that sparkl'd and danced in thy view A requiem sing in theii- ripple for you. O'er thy wept ruin while memory strays, And darkly would dwell upon by-gone days ; The visions of boyhood can only be. Like dreams of the abbey ground and thee. Oft did thy dark and giant form Challenge the rude and ruthless storm. In the proud and palmy days of Hf e,. Fiercely to mingle with thee in strife. An image I see of earth's pride and pow'r. In thee. Oh thou ruin'd and fall'n tow'r : cl Tho' centuries trophied thy haughty brow,. Crush'd 'neath those honours thou licst now. 238 An oil painting representing the old A bbe}^ as it stood in 1787, is in the possession of the Right Hon. Earl of Ports- month, at his seat, Hnrstbnrne Park, and a steel-plate en- graving of the same, " published by authority of Parlia- ment," at the time, is in the possession of his lordship's resident agent, G. C. Roberts, Esq., J. P. The castle and the old bridge is also introduced into the picture, and a traveller with luggage is taking boat for Wexford, we suppose, that being the safest and cheapest mode of con- veyance at the time. The traveller is embarking at the end of the bridge next the present Portsmouth Arms Hotel. About this date, and for years afterwards, portions of the Abbey was occupied as a hospital for soldiers stationed at Enniscorthy, and subsequently it was used as a warehouse or store. A portion of it also was occupied as a, school-house, where " Old Simpson" wielded the birch, and imparted knowledo'e to our f^rand-fathers. THE ABBEY OF REGULAR CANONS, ST. John's, enniscorthy. Gerald de Prendergast, patron of this house, made a grant of the same to be a cell to the Abbey of St. Thomas in Dublin, and ordered that it should be governed agree- able to rules of St. Augustine, and the customs of said Abbey ; and for the health of his own soul, the soul of his wife, and those of his father and mother, whose bodies rest here, he granted for the better support of the canons, and to contribute to the relief pt the poor, the Churches of St. Senan, (Templeshannon,) Enniscorthy ; St. Brigid, near Ardles, and St. John ; with all the land lying and situate near this house, the tithes of his mills at Ennis- corthy, &c., timber from his woods, with liberty of feeding their cattle in the same and all other necessary pasture ; witness, John, Bishop of Ferns, who tilled the Seefroni 1228 to the year 1248, consequently thia grant was within that time ; and the said Bishop appointed, that this Con- 2:J9 vent shonkl consist of four brethren and a prior to wLom Prendergast, the founder, granted two carncates of land, called Oernath, adjoining- their house, in exchange for two carncates which Philip de Barry and Philip de Prender- gast had granted them in the village of Sendan, near the bridge of Cork, reserving however to the canons the chapel of Katherine, in said town with the tithes thereunto be- longing, and one burgage. Witness, John, Bishop of Ferns. Gerald de Prendergast died some short time previous to 1251. He was twice married, first, to a sister of Theo- bald Pincerna,and by her had one only surviving daughter, whom John de Cogan married ; by her John had an only son, who at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin (September 8, A.D. 1251,) was eight years of age. He married, se- condly, the daughter of Pichard de Burgh, and by her had an only surviving daughter, who at the feast of St. Pa- trick, (March 17, A.D. 1251-2,) was ten yea.rs of age. By an Inquisition taken in October, 1251, it was found that Gerald de Prendergast, at the time of his death, possessed lands in the county of Wexford, valued at £195 8s Id., a very large sum in those days. Sir William de Valence v/as appointed custodian of those lands. At the same Inqui- sition it was agreed that 26 librates of land of the free marriage of the grand-mother of the son of Sir John de Cogan, who is one of the heirs of Gerald de Prendergast, ought to descend to him ; and the marriage of the heir would be so much more valuable. Prendergast also held large possessions in the county Cork. On the 6th of December, 1581, a lease of the Abbey of St. John's, Enniscorthy, was granted to Edward Spenser, at; the annual rent of £13 5s. An Inquisition held on the 6th November, in the third year of King James, finds, that Thomas, Earl of Ormond, was seized of this Monastery, and that Andrew and James White being enfeoffed of the same, by indenture dated 24th November, in the thirty-sixth 3^ear of Elizabeth, did grant to Edward Eustace, gent., the tov^adand of St. John aforesaid, and four hundred acres of land in Balliuacargin, 240 Tomd.iff, Ballineperesagh and Moyngheiy ; together with the rectories of Temple-Thomas and Ballihiirskert, in the Murrowes, for the term of, &c., annual value, besides re- prises, £20. St. John's House, the residence of the Kev. HughR. Hill, occupy the site of this ancient Monastery, some remains of which are incorporated with the modern building. SINGULAR BURIAL CUSTOM NEAR ENNISCORTHY. In the grave-yard of the old Priory Church of St. John, near Enniscorthy, was observed, until about 1825, a sin- gular burial custom, rarely, if ever met elsewhere. Three families in comfortable circumstances, named Tracey, Doyle, and Daly, with others their connections, buried their dead here without coflBlns. The body being brought in a well made coffin to the eclge of the grave, the friends assembled around, and the body — the face for a few mo- ments being uncovered in order to take their last look at the lamented departed — was laid in the grave, previously prepared with great care. The grave was made more than six feet deep and long to suit the purpose — and at each end a course of stone- work, without mortar, was rais- ed over two feet high. Much care was given to providing a tough green sod, cut about seven feet long, and two wide, from the alluvial banks of the Slaney. Several of these being rolled up, were conveyed to the grave-yard, and the grave then neatly lined with them and covering the bottom. The grave thus presented a smooth green ap- pearance — dry grass and some flowers were strewn thickly in it, and a pillow of the same raised the head as it were in bed. The corpse in its simple, but ample winding- sheet, w^as then removed from the coffin, and laid in its last resting place, the grave — a stout plank or two was then placed length-ways from the stone-work at head and foot, but not touching the body, and the green sods, the 241 grass downwards, carefully folded over all. The grave was then filled in the usual manner, and covered with the ordinary green sod, whilst the coffin was left for the use of the first poor j)erson who might require it. No " coinin" was ever practised, or lamentation beyond the suppression of the workings of natural grief. The last ceremony of this kind, we can hear of having taken place here, was at the funeral of John Doyle, of Craan, but since that time his family and the others who had observed their custom, have conformed to the forms and usages of their neigh- bours, and bury in coffins. Ko tradition of the origin of the custom now survives. DOMESTIC UTENSILS OF THE BARONY FORTH. At page 38 of this collection we mentioned some of the many and various articles of domestic use in the Baron^of Forth. From the very earliest days of the Colony careful attention was paid to have amongst its members persons skilled in all trades and manufactures necessary for the welfare of a people settled in a new countiy. In this way they manifested consumate foresight, bringing with them, as they did, persons skilled in all the humble trades neces- sary for their secluded and almost isolated position, all of which were carefully fostered and kept up by their natural and characteristic habits of indomitable ind astry. Masons must have abounded, and the durability of their work is still proved by their Castles, Church buildings, and Manor houses, defying almost the assaults of time — and the still worse Vandal hands of man. Landlords show no anxiety to preserve these old structures — some have even used the materials in very bad condition, for their own purposes, even while good quarries were available — and the ruins of 242 tlie old Churches show that great and laborious work must have been used to bring them to their present condition. All the other trades necessary among an agricultural popu- lation, existed in every parish until a late period, and the shop-keeper had but little custom. Carpenters, weavers, tailors, shoemakers, were in every parish, and had x^lenty to do, — and Coopers and Dish- Turners were also nume- rous. Of the rural tradesmen in the present day there are comparatively few, such as carpenters, tailors, and shoemakers — but the turner and weaver, particularly the latter, are extinct, both the woollen and flax-weaver ! At the commencement of the preseat century there were tuck mills at Orristown, and in the Deer-park, near Johnstown Oastle, where great quantities of blankets and frieze-cloths were dressed for local use — but now neither woollen nor flax spinning-wheel is in use, nor (stranger still) was there •a single acre of flax sown in all the county Wexford in 1876. The turner and the cooper were formerly very profitable trades. In all farm-houses the dresser in the ample kitchen was covered with wooden trenchers all the size of the earthen- ware dinner plate of the present day— with dishes and bowls, from 60 inches diameter to 6 inches — with noggins, and with pails, all wood-hooped, and kept white as snow — whilst tubs and casks, all wood-hooped, were in abundance. There were also on every dresser, particularly in the better class of houses, dozens of pewter dishes and plates, their lustre set off behind a dozen or more brass candlesticks of various sizes — and in a word every thing calculated to produce convenience and comfort. Out-doors there was a similar exhibition of thrift, order, and comfort. An English writer speaking of Forth and Bargie, remarks : " these industrious peoj)le have, in fact, everything, and also have a house to hold and shelter everything." Of what is now to be found in the poorest cabin, " earthen-ware," there seems to have been little until comparatively recent years. But even the " manu- foeture" of that found its way into the Barony, as is prov- ed by 243 A POTTERY AT GREAT KILLIAI^E. Among the new settlers who came into the Countjr Wexford after the " Revolution," was a Quaker of the name of Chamberlejne, and he settled at Great KillianC; close to the retired old Parish Church, and on the waters of Wexford Harbour. He was of a Staffordshire family, and had more or less knowledge of the Pottery Art, He had possession of the townlands of Great Kiiliane and Ballykelly, containing altogether over 410 acres. Be/nga Quaker, he married a young woman of the same creed, whose father had, by the Cromwellian Settlement, ob- tained possessions in the Glynn. As a speculation, and favoured with the convenience of water-carriage for either the import or export of material and wares, he commenced the manufacture, at first of the coarser kind of ware, for which he found a ready and remunerative demand. Suc- ceeding so well, he was induced to embark in a more exten- sive and higher class of business, which encouraged him on by its success and sale. He imported material from England, and he encreased his business concerns — sub- stantial houses and stores. On the end wall of a well built store, immediately opposite the ruins of the Parish Church, the writer of this paper saw, in large well-formed letters, eighteen inches long, and made of white earthen- ware, the following line : — " JOIN-ATHAI?^ CHAMBEELETNE, 1719." This remained until the wall was thrown down in 1831. The trade prospering, the enterprising manufacturer wa& induced to try his hand at China. The earliest efforts, were successful — and the present writer remembers hav- ing seen in his young days, teacups and saucers semi-trans- parent, of small size, the fashion no doubt of the day^ which were said to equal any English make. Elated by- success, he ventured on a much larger "batch" — five- kilns, it is said — and the result was a total failure, or nearly so 1 in the baking ! — and the consequent ruin of the enterprising manufacturer. The writer has sees. 244 some of the wares, and in the house of a dear kind friend he was first told that they were made at Killiane. As lately as March, 1876, he had the pleasure of seeing in what was once that friendly home, but the old owner is in the grave, and the name of the family changed, two articles of this pottery. One, a jug of about a quart capacity, but it had lost the handle — the body blue and what was called ^' frosted" — and a larger one, having the shape of a modem wash-stand water jug, with a handle formed of two colour- ed twisted cords, all ornamented with red and yellow flower-leaves entwined round the body. The ware-kilns were standing grass-covered at Killiane rmtil cleared away by the present occupant, Mr. JohnPettit, who had then but recently become the tenant — and to the present day,, shreds of Pottery and partially prepared clays are turned up. Jonathan Chamberleyne, as already stated, had married a Quakeress of the name of Poole, but died without any issue, leaving all his worldly goods to his widow. On her demise she bequeathed all her rights to her paternal fa- mily, and thus Great Killiane and Ballykelly, became the property of the Poole, of Growtown, family, of a worthy and remarkable member of which, we shall now treat i ME. JACOB POOL. Jacob Poole, the subject of this notice, was the only son ©f Mr. Jacob Poole, of Growtown, near Taghmon. He was born at his father's residence there, in 1 746. His family had been settled there in the centre of a small Quaker Colony from the reign of James I., and were the proprie- tors of four other townlands adjoining. The mother of the subject of our memoir was the only sister of another member of the Society of Friends, or Quakers, of the same neighbourhood. As we have said in the preceding notice- of Jonathan Chamberleyne, that gentleman had married a Poole — and dying he left all his property to his widow^ T«i)0 bequeathed to her paternal family of Growtown. The S"abject of this memoir had in his early days, before mar- xkd^ resided at Killiane, and subsequently ^Qd. his home^ 245 at Growtown, but never quite withdrew from Killiane. — He was a man of high intelhgence, deeply inquiring mind, and one of the kindliest and warm-hearted of mortals. — He was a close observer of Natuje and her works, and although he does not appear to have ever committed his thoughts to the Press, he left copious Manuscript Collec- tions on the Botany and Birds of the County Wexford, particularly of the water birds which so abounded for- merly in Wexford Harbour. Of his MSS. on the latter subject the late iearned and zealous inquirer, William Thompson, of Belfast, Esq., availed himself in his excel- lent " Natural History of the Birds of Ireland," and ac- knowledges his thanks in warm and appreciative terms. — He collected and added much to the Vocabulary of the Barony Forth Dialect, by Yallency — or perhaps, was the person who was the chief compiler of what Vallency pub- lished as his own, which it was not, but as appears by a paper in the " Kilkenny Arch geological Journal," (contri- buted lately by Lady Wilde, from MSS. left by her talented husband. Sir William Wilde,) which was compiled by the Artist, Beranger, when on a tour through the Barony, and subsequently printed b}^ Yallency, without acknowledge- ment, in the " Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy." One instance of Mr. Poole's humane and liberal good- heartedness is still spoken of by the old people of the neighbourhood of Killiane, and deserves to be preserved in perpetuity. At Ballykelly, one of Mr. Poole's townlands, lived a respectable Protestant neighbour, a Mr. William Berry, with whom friendly and familiar intercourse was always kept up. Mrs. Berry was a Roman Catholic, and at this period, even so late as 1795, the places for Roman Catholic Worship were few and ill-provided, even in the orderly and industrious Barony Forth. In the side of the road, or rather in the trench, and near to the Cross of Kil- liane, then, and until recently best known as " Ameen's Cross," (Amen Cross,) stood a small shed of mud and wood, like a box, in which on Sundays and Holidays, a Priest celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass^ for the 246 Catholic population. In the stormy winter ot 1795, Mr, Poole being prevented by the state of the weather from re- turning to Growtown, on Saturday, to attend the follow- ing day his own Quaker Meeting House at Forest, was riding by the wretched shed on his way from Killiane. — Amid a crowd of bare-headed men and kneeling women, all exposed to a strong wind and thick mist, on the wet and muddy ground, he saw his respected neighbour, his esteemed friend, Mrs. Berry. He stopped his horse, for he would not disturb the kneeling crowd — turned back to Killiane, and early next day repaired to the house of the humble Priest of the Parish, the Eev. Father O'Toole, ex- pressed his sorrow and astonishment at what he had wit- nessed the day before, declaring he had no idea that his Catholic countrymen were in so destitute a condition for religious accommodation — and begging to know could he in any way contribute to lessen so crying an evil. He at once pressed on the Parish Priest the acceptance of a gift of a plot of ground belonging to him any where convenient for the use of Catholic Worship, which he would assign FREE for ever, and would, moreover, assist towards erect- ing a good lime and stone built Chapel. At this period every Catholic Chapel in the Barony outside Wexford, was but a mud-built, straw-thatched hovel ! He deposited ten guineas — " golden guineas," to use the words of my old informant — in Father Toole's hand — and by aid of sub- scriptions in various quarters, the Chapel of Kilmachree, lime and stone, and well slated, sj^rung up on an angle of the townland of Ballykelly, though called " Kilmachree," actually only near, and not within the Parish from which it takes its name 1 Mr. Poole was a martyr to rheumatism for many years, and spent much time at his sister's in Dublin. She was married to a Mr. Webb, printer, in Great Bruns"s\dck-streety when he arranged, and added to his manuscripts, but never had them committed to type, and they still remain in the possession of that family. Finding no relief from medical treatment in DubHn, he returned to Growtown^ 247 where, after long and acnfce suffering, he died in November, 1827, and lies buried in the Quaker, burial grouud of Forest, near the home of his childhood. His nephew, Mr. R. D. Webb, who spent many of his early days, cheering and soothing the sorrows of his beloved nncle, has commemo- rated his own fond love, and the memory of his kind and affectionate relative in the following sweet aud excellent lines, entitled "The mountain of Forth," on which both had often sat together : — THE MOUNTAIN OF FOETH. Tlie winds were frash, the sky was cleai*, and beautiful the day. Broad Forth's old Saxon Barony stretched far, baneath me lay. As seated on Foi-th's rni^i^ed hill, and looking towards the sea. Thick thi-onged sweet thoughts of other days and other friends on me. Dreams of the blossomed bean fields, so odourous and green ; * The woodbine covered cottages along the wayside seen ; The Causeway that St. Patrick built, to march across the seas ;f The dashing of the wild waves against the wild Saltees ; The seaman's dread, and guide from far, lone Tuskar's pharos-isle ;X The pleasant fields of farthest Cai-ne ; fair Bargy's lordly pile ;§ The leaning tower, || the ruin'dfane, of our Lady's Island Lake, By pilgrims visited of old, their peace with Heaven to make. The stone-girt, paddocks on the hill, which own no feudal lord. Wrung from the rocks by sqatters' bold, and robed in greenest sward j Old Wexford's towers and lofty spires that look towards the East ; The sands that hide the buried town of Bannow in the West ;^ The sculptured forms and epitaphs that on the tombs are found Of Strongbow's mail-clad followers in Bannow' s church-yard ground ; The ancient Culdee temple, the church of old Saint Yogh ;** The roaring of the sea-stream across the Bar of Lough. ff * The Barony of Forth is famous for its beans. t St. Patrick's Bridg-e is a natural causeway, trending from tlie shore towards the Saltee Islands ; it consists of loose flat stones, and according to the popular legend was commenced by the Saint with the view of continuing it to France. t Tuskar, a rock surmoiiuted by a lighthouse, about 7 miles from Greenore Point. § Bargy Cfestle, the ancient seat of the Harvey family. I! An old castle, beside the Lake of Lady's Island, which leans like the tower of Pisa. f!' " The old town has long since disappeared ; part of its site is covered with sand drifted from the sea, in some places to the depth of many feet ; and the inequalities of the surface immediately adjoining the church-yard are supposed by some to be oc- casioned by the ruins of the town lying at a considerable depth, from which circum- stance it has obtained the name of the Irish Herculaneum."— Lewis's Topographical Dictionary. ** The Chiirch of St. Vop'h, near Camsore Point, is a very small and very ancient building, probably coeval with the introduction of Christianity into Ireland. tt The rush of the returning tide over the Bar which lies across the saltwater inlet 248 These names are rough to polished ears, nor suit the stately line, But they call up thoughts of happy days within this heart of mine ; Bright visions of the youthful hours which there I spent together With one whom as a friend I loved, and reverenced as a father ; His cheerful talk, his frequent sigh, his looks both mild and holy ; His counsel that allured to heaven, and warned from sin and folly ; His lowly, peaceful, christian mein, his eyes with kindness beaming. His honest heart that never learned the false world's hollow scheming. But oh ! those scenes so beautiful, such long-loved charms displaying. Recall the time, the bitter time, that saw thy light decajdng, "When sank thy gentle spirit down, and shrank thy form away. As fed by hope, or racked by fear, we watched thee day by day. These scenes too vividly recall that night of dark November, When by thy dying couch we sat within the silent chamber. Heard the last words, caught the last sigh, and marked the last faint shiver. As winged thy sotd her joyous way to realms of light for ever. How throbbed my pulse, how shook my frame, what thrilling awe came o'er me. As breathless, lifeless, soulless, lay that honoured clay before me. In the dread presence of the Dead how waned earth's hopes and treasures ; How my soul panted for the Fount of never failing pleasures ! Thy grave is deep on Forest's side* unmarked by cross or column, Man's vain atteinpts to consecrate the sacred and the solemn ; The ash-tree waves her soft green-leaves, the daisy opes her blossom. Where lowly lies thy place of rest on earth's maternal bosom. As the beloved of latter days in converse sweet sat round me. These pensive visions of the past upon the mountain found me. So did i muse on Forth's dark hill on that bright summer morning ; To Forth's dark hill my fond heart still is ever more returning. E. D. W. The good Mr. Poole lived to see the work he had initi- ated progress and prosper, and in 1797 the little new Chapel was opened for regular public worship, and soon after its name was well known over the County, as of Lough, iu Bargy, may be heard in fine weather and in a favourable state of the wind a distance of many miles. * The Friend's meeting-house and burial-ground of Forest, near Taghmon, is on the side of a hill which commands a fine view over a great part of the Barony of Bargy, as well as of the sea and the Saltee Islands, 249 THE CHAPEL OP KILMACHREE AND THE REV. FATHER KELLYj Soon after this strange and happy event, rare in the local annals of the time, there returned from the Continent, where he had completed his ecclesiastical studies, a youag Clergyman, the Rev. Denis Kelly, who was born at the mill of Rathmacknee. He was singularly devoted to piety, and to acts of self-mortification, and although the mission- ary life of a poor Catholic Priest, was at that time little used to a bed of roses, he longed for a still more retired and austere existence. To this end, after some time spent in performance of the duties of a Curate, he entered on a " novitiate" in the Franciscan Convent, of Wexford — for the disorders consequent on the French Revolution had so spread over and affected Europe, that he could not again go abroad for the purpose. In the retirement of the Wex- ford Convent he spent nearly two years — but he desired even more seclusion and self-humiliation. Prevented, as above noticed, from returning to the Continent, he resum- ed the duties of Curate in Piercestown, to which the new Chapel of Kilmachree belonged, residing, it was supposed in his father's house. But it was rare, indeed, to find him there — for in the little Chapel of Kilmachree, every mo- ment not absolutely taken up by his duties through the Parish, and always and in all weathers on foot, all his time was sj)ent in meditation and prayer, at the foot of the Altar — and in a short time, he made this little Chapel his abode by night and day — leading in fact, a strict and rigid hermit life, but ready to fly to a sick call at a moment's notice, and at any hour. He eat little food of any kind, generally fasting until sunset, and never taking flesh-meat, abstaining even from eggs and butter, and using milk only after souring, or being churned. In manners he was as gentle and innocent as a child — sweetness and piety in his every word and action, with a cheerfulness and affability that was the admiration of all, and won every heart. — When it became manifest to the parishioners that the Cliapel was to be. to him his only place of rest or residence, a small Vestry-room was built for his privacy, and a fire- 25© '.place in it. The people would do any und eyerything for his comfort, although he had never complained of want of -anything — but little was the time he spent in it. A settle- bed was placed in the small room — but it was on the bare boards he lay, his only covering the thin garments he wore all day — and a spark of fire never warmed the little grate in the Vestry wall. In reality the boards at the foot of i;he Altar were more constantly his resting place by night, than the pallet-bed in the Vestry — and then he was in- variably found awake and in prayer, by many who Tisited the Chapel during night hours, even up to morning — when he withdrew for the purpose of ablution, for he was scru- pulously clean. He now never left the Chapel — a good and generous people zealously suppl3^ing all his wants, which were few, indeed — and proud they felt to minister to them. The little Chapel became a place of^ attraction, and people from far and near visited ^' the Holy Hermit," :as he really was, and departed full of astonishment, and edifyed by his humility, soothed and strengthened by his 'calm and holy advice. He celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass daily, about the hour of eight in the morning on week days, and at half-past ten on Sundays and Holydays for the greater public accommodation. Heuttended in- stantly to every one who desired to speak to him, laying aside -his books or his beads, and conversed with ease and cheerfulness — imparting advice fully and freely to all who sought it. He never hinted the departure of any visitant, ■never spoke of time, and gave his blessing, which was sure to be asked, in such a sweet tone, beaiitiously calm coun- tenance, and holy dignity, that never failed to make a deep impression which never could be obliterated from memory.. To children and young persons he paid the most tender attention — and of his accurate recollection df every one he had once spoken to, the present writer has good reason to form an estimate from Ins own personal experience — hav- ing often, on Saturdays, with other school companions — 4alt of whoTQ are now in their graves) — visited him on our -way boKde from Wexford, and we never knew him to forget 2^1 a name. "Ro one erer entered tHe GHapel but found hiki; reading or at prayer. In Lent, and on fast-days, he* touched no food or drink until atter sunset. And thus he • lived on in prayer and mortification, no murmur, no com- plaint escaping his lips^ hut ever thankful to God for the health and many blessings He had bestowed upon him — and to those who visited him, and "were so kind to him" — such was his customary expression — yet he was never known to retain or accept even, any gift except wine for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Everything else he would suggest to be given to the poor by the kind doners themselves. — Years rolled on,, and though his placid face retained the.^ hues of youth and healthy his strength began to depart, but no absolute sickness came. By Medical advice, and oy that of his Ecclesiastical superiors, he began to use the- pallet-bed — the bare wooden bench, so called, with a very slight coverlet over him — until at length m June, 1824, death was visibly approaching, and on the 21st August, of the same year, his pure soul fled hopefully and joyfully to meet his Kedeemer.- He lies buried near the spot within the little Chapel, where he had so long, through Summer, and? through Winter nights,, knelt upon, and which he had doubtlessly, well and often watered with his tears, though to all the outer world he was as cheerful and gay as was possible to conceive. His death was mourned by every one who had the happiness to have even once received his blessing — and by the people of the surrounding Parishes in particular, every one felt as if their dearest friend had been suddenly snatched from them — and in a few days after he was laid in the silent grave, a memorial stone, a simple one indeed^ was placed thereon to commemorate the name, the virtues,, and the death of him they loved sa dearly ! Eor years after the Holy Sacrifice continued to be offer- ed up in the little Chapel, and thither the people flocked,, and looked on it as one of the established places of Wor- ships in the united Parishes, called collectively Pierces-- town — and inr 1854, the people determined to put a ne^ 252 roof on it, even though the Parish Piiest, the Rev. Patrick Keating, did not think it necessary — but even without his consent it was done. The Parish Priest gently hinted that it would be better to have all the congregation assembled Toogether in one Church, where religious instruction could be more easily, and oftener imparted to them. The people heard and assented to the truth stated, but still pursued their intention of putting on the new roof, the Parish Priest only gently remonstrating. He observed that there were already two large and commodious Churches, Pierces- town and Murrintown — the distance was not great, and the roads were excellent — and the Bishop of the Diocese, Most Rev. Dr. Murphy, concurred with him, (the Parish Priest,) — that the withdrawal of Mass from Kilmachree, and the collection of all at Piercestown, would be con- ducive of general good. The people, however, clung to their old place of prayer, though the Parish Priest remon- strated from time to time, remarking that there were only two Clergymen, and that Kilmachree was isolated and in- convenient for the attending Clergyman. This persever- ance and remonstrance between People and Priest went on, sub silento, until 1857, when the Right Rev. Dr. Thomas Furlong became Bishop. The Rev. Parish Priest laid his views and the position of the Parish before the new Bishop, and it was in their united judgements agreed that the fur- ther use of Kilmachree Chapel as an integral of the Union, might be dispensed with. This was duly communicated to the people — but they clung with fond tenacity to Kil- machree. Every ford and holy sense of feeling and religi- ous respect attached the serious of them to the roof be- neath which the venerated remains of the saintly-lived Father Kelly rested. Their fond attachment was appreci- ated — but the change which the Bishop had sanctioned was to be carried into effect as quietly as possible. It was proposed again, but it did not meet the popular approval or consent. It was then determined to withdraw silently and at once — and on the next Sunday the people assembled as UBual, but no Clergyman appeared. Many hastened to the Parish Priest at Piercestown, and ivere, to their aston- ishment, informed that, with the Bishop's approval. Mass was not again to be celebrated in Kilmachree ! When this was communicated generally, the amazement was in- describable — and early in the week, a deputation of the Kilmachree congregation went to the Most Rev. Dr. Fur- long, in Enniscorthy, to lay their case before him. He, of course, easily guessed the cause of their presence. He heard them with kind attention, calmed their excitement, and sent them back with some hope, and much good ad- vice, impressing on them the obedience due to their Parish Priest, whose chief and only desire was their eternal wel- fare — and expressed his hope that they would scon become reconciled to the trifling change ! Another deputation followed, but the result was the same — but many murmur- ed, and went into Wexford to Mass, and not to Pierces- town. The Rev. P. Keating dying soon after in 1858, the people appealed again to the Bishop but with like result to the former — only that they were informed that the Chapel was withdrawn from among the places of public worship — and so it has continued to the present day. — Many of the people, the serious in particular, frequented it as a place of occasional prayer — and all felt convinced that under that roof lay covered the mortal remains of as truly saintly a man as God every raised in this country ! But alas ! for human affections, and for the stability of human things ! As the aged died out, their voices respect- ing the holy man whom they had known, loved and honour- ed, ceased to sound in the ears of their successors, and there are few only now living, who retain a personal re- membrance of the Holy Man who died in the little vestry of Kilmachree, in 1824. Pifty 3^ears and over have blotted out memories once clear and cherished in more than one place. The little Chapel now st^^uds lone and desolate on the angle of ground granted by the good-hearted Quaker, in 1795 — for few are the feet that now enter within it. No daring intruder has, however, ventured to lay claim to it, or to make it his own — but it is the very impersonation of 254 Desolation itself. The Vandal hand of man has not, how- ever, touched it — but he has done nothing to stay the sure hand o£ Time. In the month of April, 1876, the writer visited it, remembering the days of boyhood. The yard gate was gone, cattle and pigs Imd left marks of their pre- sence — not many. The Chapel door was rotted away — - many holes were in the roof, and all the glass had fallen from the windows. The walls- were all water-stained and green, and grass was springing up on the floor, littered with many small things, and dust thick in inches. The grave was there, and a deep cavity showed that more than one person had removed clay from it, as having covered the "body of a saintly man. The altar railing was falling down and rotten, and the altar itself was in the last stage of decay. Perhaps the past stormy winter has left the whole roofless — a modern, perfect, and total ruin, nearly as much as old Kilmachree itself. No house now stands near the Old Church, where were over twenty at the commence- ment of this century. The grave-yard is thickly tenanted, and the writer's humble prayer is — " May God's best benedictien be On all thoG boldest^. Kilmacbre© I"' E. H, The Nymph Fishing Bank was discovered in the year 1736, by Mr. Doyle, Hydrographer to the Admiralty, and was named by him after the 12-gun brig in which he was^ when he made the discovery. The Nymph Bank is twelve- leagues S.S.E. of the Hook light, and extends along the coast of Wexford, Waterford, and Cork, at a distance of from 20 to 85 miles. In 1709 a Bill for the Improvement of the Entrance to- Harbour of Wexford, was rejected by Parliament. Arthur Young tells in his tour in 1776, that the first. £eld of turnips he saw growing in Ireland, was in the' county of Wexford, OEIGIN OF THE BAEONY FOETH ADDEESS TO EAEL MULGEAVE. The Eev. James Graves, the learned and indefatigable Secretary and Treasurer to " The Kilkenny and South- East of Ireland Archaeological Society," in the 4th vol., (new series,) page 56, uf the " Journal of the Proceed- ings," of which he is the Editor, makes the following re- marks on introducing a " Paper on the Barony Forth" : — " For notices of the peculiar language of this district, see Stanihurst, apud Hollinshed's ' Chronicle ;' Eraser's ' Statistical Survey of the County of Wexford,' published under the auspices of the Dublin Society, Dublin, 1807, p. 70, and the Appendix, where a specimen and vocabulary of the language are given ; Mason's * Parochial Survey,' vol. iii., p. 411, &c. The last instance of the use of this pecu- liar dialect occurred during the visit of Lord Mulgrave, then Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to Wexford, a.d. 1836. The document is taken from the Wexford Independent of February 15, 1860, where an interesting account of the circumstances under which the address was drawn up is given by the Editor of that paper, Mr. Edmund Hore, who was the composer, and also the reader of the document be- fore the Lord Lieutenant. Mr. Hore's observations are as foUows : — " ' As the Barony Forth address to Earl Mulgrave has given rise to far more discussion about the Barony Forth and its old dialect than was dreamed of at the time, it may not be amiss to state simply its origin and the manner of it. The first to notice it was a writer in the * Dublin University Magazine.' It then found a place in Mr. and Mrs. Hall's ' Ireland.' The late erudite Dr. G. E. Latham took particular notice of it in his karned work on the En- 250 glish language ; and the Very Eev, Dr. Russell, President of the Royal College, Maynooth, made it the subject of an interesting and learned ]3aper, read at the last meeting of the British Association held in Dublin. The origin was thiols :— Mr. John H. Talbot, then M.P. for New Ross, whose character for hospitality has ever been unquestion- able, had the neighbouring clergymen and several lay friends to dinner with him about the 1st August, [1836,] at Ballytrent. The visit of the Lord Lieutenant was a particular subject of conversation ; and the patriotic host suggested that an address in the old Barony Forth dialect would be a novelty quite out of the way. The idea was ap- proved of generally, but the Rev. P. Walsh, P.P., Lady's Island, met it with the greatest warmth. A rough copy having been prepared, the Rev. Mr. Walsh called to his aid two or three of his parishioners considered the most proficient in the old tongue. He explained to them his wishes, and for some time all went on well ; but, finally, aifficulties began. Though quite fluent in their ordinary conversation, as translators they became timid, confused, and incompetent. It being an object of special desire to compliment Earl Muigrave on the emancipation of the slaves — the blacks — when he was Governor in Jamaica, the phrase became an insurmountable stumbling block. — * Emancipator,' having no synonym in the Barony Forth, and other similar words — pronounce them as long and as broad as you ma}", on the paper was the same identical word still. Difficulties increased, and the session was broken up. Disappointed, but not totally downcast, the Rev. Mr. Walsh, having business into Wexford, the next day, did me the honour of calling on me, told me of Mr. Talbot's wish and his own approval of it, explained what, he had done and the difficulties he had met, w^armly re- questing my co-operation. Having a strong attachment to my native barony, and as the spot for the delivery of the Address was almost that of my childhood, I felt anxious, but timid, in undertaking the task. Aware of the tram- mels of a translation, I stipulated that taking special care 257 of the ^ Emancipator of the Slaves,' and some other minor details, I was to be perfectly free in everything else. Little thinking of the matter ever having anything beyond a mere ephemeral life, it was sketched and engrossed, and ready for presentation when the interesting day arrived. For accuracy of this account of the origin and progress of the Barony Forth Address, I can respectfully appeal to the Rev. P. Walsh, who took the greatest interest in it all through. The most remarkable fact, in reality, in con- nexion with the Address is this : — In all probability it was the first time regal or vice-regal ears were required to lis- ten to words of such a dialect ; and it is even still more probable that a like event will never happen again ; for if the use of this old tongue dies out as fast for the next five- and-twenty years as it has for the same by-gone period, it will be utterly extinct and forgotten before the present century shall have closed. " In order for a person not acquainted with the pronun- ciation of the dialect to form anything like any idea of it, it is first necessary to speak slowly, and remember that the letter a has invariably the same sound, like a in * father.' Double EE sounds as e in ' me,' and in most words of two syllables the long accent is placed on the last. To follow the English pronunciat'on completely deprives the dialect of its pecaliarities. • " A sign having been given to the writer of this paper, he advanced, and had the honour of reading the following Address : — " ' To's Eccellencie, Constantine Harrie Phipps, y' Earle Mulgrave, " Lord Lieutenant-General, and General Governor of Ireland." Ye sov/missive Spaken o'ouz Divellers o' Baronie Forthe, Weisforthe. " ' MAfT BE PLESANT TO th' Eccellencie. — Wee, Yassals o' 'His Most Gracious Majesty,' Wilyame ee Vourth.e, an az wee veiilie chote na coslie an loyale Dwelleres na Baronie Forthe, crave na dicke luckie acte t'uck neicher th' Eccellencie, an na plaine garbe o' oui'e yola talke, wi vengem o'core t'gie oure zense o' ye grades whilke be ee dlghte wi yer name, an whilke we canna zei, albeit o' ' Grovernere,' ' Statesman,' an aKke. Yn ercba an al o' while yt beeth wi gleezom o' core th' oure eyen dwytheth apan ye Vigere o'dicke Zouvereine, Wilyame ee Vom-the, unnere fose fa- therlie zwae oure daiez be ee spant, az avare ye trad dicke londe yer name waz ee kent var ee Vriene o' Livertie, an He fo brake ye neckares o' Zlaves, 258 Man*^ ourzols — rar wee dwytlieth an Irelonde az oure generale hairne— y'ast'bie ractzom o'honde ee delt t'ouz ye laas ee mate var erclia vassale, ne'er dwythen na dicke waie nar dicka. Wee dwyth ye ane fose dais be gien var ee gudevare o'ye londe ye zwae, — t'avance pace an livertie, an wi'onte vlynch, ee garde o' generale reights an poplare vartue. Ye pace — yea we mai zei, ye vaste pace wMlke bee ee stent owr ye londe zince th'ast ee cam, proo'tb, y'at wee alane needetb ye giftes o'generale rights, az be displayte bie ee faetes o' tbie goveremente. Ye state na dicke daie io'ye londe, na wbilke be nar fasb nar moile, albiet ' Constitutional Agita- tion,' ye wake o'bopes ee bligtbe, stampe na yer zwae be rare an lightzom. Yer name var zetcb avancet avare ye, e'en a dicke var bye, arent wbilke ye brine o' zea an ye craggas o'nogbanes cazed nae balke. Na our glades ana wbilke we dellt wi' mattake an zing t'oure caules wi plou, wee bert ee zougb o'ye colure o' pace na name o' Mulgrave. Wi Irishmen owe gene- rale^opes be ee bond — az Irishmen, an az Dwelleres na cosh an loyale o' Baronie Forte, w'oul daie an ercha daie, our meines an oure gurles, praie var long an happie zins, shorne o' lournagh an ee vilt wi benisons, an yer- zel an oure gude Zovereine, tiU ee zin o' oure dales be var aye be ee go t' " ' To His Excellency, Constaniirvi Henry PMpps, Earl Mulgrave, Lord Lieutenant-General and General-Governor' of Ireland. The humble Ad- dress of the Inhabitants of the Barony of Forth, Wexford. *' ' Mat it please totjb Excellency — We, the subjects of his Most Gracious Majesty, WiUiam IV., and as we truly believe both faithful and loyal inhabitants of the Barony of Forth, beg leave at this favourable op- portunity to approach your Excellency, and in the simple dress of oui- old dialect to pour forth from the strength (or fulness) of our hearts, our sense (or admiration) of the qualities which characterize your name, and for which we have no words but of ' Governor,' ' Statesman,' &c. In each and every condition, it is with joy of heart that our eyes rest upon the re- presentative of that Sovereign, William lY., under whose paternal rule our days are spent ; for before your foot pressed the soU, your name wa* known to us as the Friend of Liberty, and he v)ho broke the fetters of the Slave. Unto ourselves — for we look on Ireland to be our common coun- -fcry — you bavc with impartial hand ministered the laws made for every subject, without regard to this party or that. We behold in you one whose days are devoted to the welfare of the land you govern, to promote peace and liberty — the uncompromising guardian of common rights and public virtue. The peace — yes, we may say the profound peace — which overspreads the land since your arrival, proves that we stood alone in need oc the enjoyment of the common privileges, as is demonstrated by the resultsof your government. The condition, this day, of the country, in ■which is neither tumult nor disorder, but that constitutional agitation the consequence of disappointed hopes, confirms your rule to be rare and en- lightened. Your fame for such came before you even into this retired spot, to which neither the waters of the sea below nor the mountains above caused any impediment. In our valleys, where we were digging with the spade, ■or as we whistled to our horses in the plough, we heard the distant sound of ijhe wings ctf the dove of peace, in the word Mulgrave. With 25^ Irishmen our common hopes are inseparably bound up — as Irishmen, and as inhabitants, faithful and loyal, of the Barony Forth, we will daily, and every day, our wives and our children, implore long and happy days, free from melancholy and full of blessings, for youi-seK and oiu- good Sove- reign, until the sun of our lives be gone down the dark valley (of doath).' " Although this Address was not the genuine production of the peasantry of Forth, yet it is worth preserving." THE OLD BEIDGE OF WEXFOED. Wexford from its favourable maratime position, and from the industry of its surrounding agiicultural popula- tion, became immediately after the Strongbownian Inva- sion a place of very considerable importance in trade, and a shipj^ing place greatly frequented. The land under con- stant and judicious industry yielded a plentiful produce to- its tillers, and the sea abounded in all kinds of fish, which hardy fishermen captured, (particularly herrings,) and ex- ported in such vast quantities to foreign parts, as to excite the envy of their English rivals of Folkestone, who even petitioned Parliament to prohibit fishing, or at least the- produce of it going to foreign markets, to the great pre- judice of Englishmen. In the course of time the Fishery failed, but agricultural industry won golden fruits for the toils of the honest persevering husbandman, and Wexford County increased gradually in agricultural wealth, and Wexford town was the main, or only point from whence it could find its way to other markets. The land on the East side of the Slaney was rich and productive, but the width and depth of the waters of that gentle river cut the pro- duce off from the stores and shipping of Wexford Mer- chants. This obstructing difiiculty was long and severely felt by the inhabitants of both town and country. There- was no bridge between Enniscorthy and the sea, and ferry- "boats only gave intercourse between the town of Wextor^ and the nearest Eastern bank of the Slaney. The ferrj 260 was originally in the hands of the Municipal authorities of Wexford, but Cromwell, after his occupation of the town, conferred the right of it, with a large tract of adjoining land, on his favourite. General Monck, and in his descend- ants both continued until the days of William III. King William had a favourite too — one who was bold and ven- turesome in his cause — Captain Charles Smith, better known among his acquintances as " Spit-fire Charley" — and the King ordered the descendant of General Monck to give up part of the right in the Ferry, and half of the ad- joining lands to " Spit-fire Charley." In the course of a few years after this, John Grogan, the owner of Johns- town Castle, married one of three daughters of the afore- said Charley, and with her hand received as a dowry her father's right in the Ferry and the adjoining land, which, up to a recent period, was called the " Monck and Grogan property" — but latterly became that of Grogan only. Mr. Monck, father of LordEathdown, owned three-fourths and Mr. Grogan one-fourth of the ferry. They received £3,200 for their interest therein. The Ferry of Wexford continued in the hands of the lines of " Monck and Grogan" for nearly a full century — bat the improving condition of both the town and county began to render a safe and more c^^rtain mode of inter- course between both sides of the Slaney desirable. The matter was discussed, and the erection of a wooden bridge decided on. An estimate of the probable cost was made, and a Company of Shareholders of Bonds of £50 each formed — the Owners of the Ferry investing a portion of their interests in same as shares. A Committee of Nine was named to act for the entire body, and an Act of Par- liament (34 Geo. III.,) was obtained to authorise the Com- missioners, as the body was called, to erect the bridge. An ingenius American, Mr. Lemuel Cox, was contracted with to carry out the intention of the Commissioners for £15,000, and, at "a meeting held on the 2nd day of June, 1794, convened by public notice, for the purpose of determining the site of the Bridge intended to be built over the Kiver 261 Slaney, electing a Secretary, and for other purposes pre- scribed by Act of Parliament in tliat case made and pro- vided, Cornelius Grogan, Esq., in the chair, the following persons were declared Commissioners, or Sharholders in the Stock required to meet the Contractor's demand : — Eight Hon. Marquis of Ely, 500 Loftus Eichards, 200 Cornelius Grogan, Johnstown, 1000 Eichard Waddy, M.D., . 100 Beauchamp Bagnall Harvey, 500 John Couzens, 100 Thomas Grogan Knox, . 500 Henry Gird, 100 John Grogan, 100 Eichard Gainfort, 100 Ebenezer Jacob, 100 William Hughes, 100 Narcissus Huson, 200 Charles Stanley Monck, . 500 Arthur Meadows, 500 Miss Bridget Corish, 100 MiUer Clifford, 200 Miss Margaret Corish, 100 William Kearney, 500 Matthew Keugh, 200 Patrick Prendergast, 100 Andrew Eock, 100 Eev. William Eastwood, 100 Mrs. Dorothy Archer, 100 John Johnstone, 100 Mrs. Fisher, 100 John Connick, 200 Chi-istopher Taylor, 200 Ambrose Hughes, 100 Arthur Leared, 200 John Lightburne, 300 Thomas Eichards, 100 Patrick Keating, 100 John Eedmond, 100 Miss Mary Corish, 100 Mrs. Eliza Hatton, 200 Nathaniel Hughes, 100 Eobert Sparrow, 200 John Cullimore, 100 Nicholas Sinnott, 100 Thomas Jones, 100 Eobert Carty, 500 William Archer, 100 Nicholas Dixon, 200 Eobert Mayler, 200 Mrs. Mary Hobbs, 500 William Devereux, 100 Miss HatcheU, .. 1000 John Pettit, 100 William Boxwell, 100 John Colclough, 100 John Hay, 100 James Harvey, 100 George Lacy, 100 Eichard Neville, 500 Anthony Lee, 500 William Hatton, 100 James E. Devereux, 400 John Cardiff, 500 Miss Maranne Carty, 500 Mattliew Huo'lies 100 Christopher Eichards, 200 ^15000 Bye Laws having been made and agreed on, in June, 1794, the Wooden Bridge was begun, much the largest, as well as the handsomest in the kingdom — and finished by Cox in 1795. The length of the Bridge was 1554 feet, the breadth 34 feet. It consisted of 75 piers of oak driven into the ground, six timbers in each pier, with a portcullis for admission of shipping up the river. At low ebb-tide there 262 were 16 feet water tmderneath. It was elegantly atlorned with Cliinese railings from end to end, and had two beau- tiful orchestras in the centre, with recesses and roomy seats, as shelter from wet, and resting places for persons who walked there for pleasure. For many years it paid the Shareholders large dividends, being let, or farmed out usually for a term of three years. In the month of October, 1827, a portion of the centre fell suddenly, and trafiic, for a length of time, was stopped, but owing mainly to the energetic exertions of the late Robert Hughes, Esq., of Ely House, who entered into arrangements with the Share- holders, it was again repaired. Stone causeways were ex- tended from each end, so as materially to shorten the wood-work, and the footways were taken away from the sides. The narrowing of the water passage, or river way, had the effect of causing a more rapid flow underneath the wood- work, which began to deepen and affected the stability of the piers, which required greater outlay. A Free Bridge soon after became an object of public desire, and the Grand Juries having given the matter attention, the rights of the Shareholders were purchased, by arbitration, for the sum of £10,000, and the Grand Jury proclaimed the Bridge free. In a very short time the traffic across became vastly increased, particularly in lime from the Barony Forth, where it was abundant, to the North and Eastern Baronies, where there is none — and an entirely new Bridge was called for and built, with the approaches, under the Grand Jury general assessment. At the March Assizes of 1866, the New Bridge was de- clared open for traffic, and the Old Bridge closed by form- ing a ditch and dyke at each end, so as only to admit foot- passengers to go over. This, too, soon ceased, and the flooring and piles were during the summer removed — and nothing left remaining of the Old Wooden Bridge of Wex- ford, but its memory and name — having served the public for " three score years and ten," leaving not a single one of the original Shareholders to see its end. '' Sic transit gloria mundi,'^ 263 A REMINISCENCE OP THE OLD BRIDGE. s In a short time after the opening of the Biidge for traffic, it became a fashionable promenade, and whilst Wexford was a military head-quarters the Officers in com- mand generally allowed their bands to perform on the Bridge on Sunday evenings. Our grand-fathers were not so puritanical in their notions as we are at the present day. The Bands were allowed toll-free on the Bridge, as their performance greatly increased the number of promenaders and added considerably to the Bridge tolls. However, in 1807, whilst the Tyrone Militia lay in Wexford, the party who then farmed the Bridge Tolls, from some cause, to us unknown, resolved to charge tollage for the Bandsmen. This the commanding officer resented, and withdrew the Band to the " Green Walks," near where the Diocesan School stands. The promenaders followed and the Bridge was deserted. During the summer months no com2:)laiiit was made about the change, but when autumn set in, and the roads and streets became damp and muddy, then mur- murs began to be heard, and the following petition, on behalf of the Ladies of Wexford, was presented to the commanding Officer : — TO HIM WHO WILL UNDERSTAND IT. THE HUMBLE PETITION OF THE BELLES OF WEXFOKD. Oh, you who hold supreme command. And martial influence own. O'er the gay youths, and tuneful Band, That grace the proud Tyrone. To you, the much griev'd Wexford Fair, Present their sad Petition ; Oh, Stewart, hearken to their prayer. And pity their condition. Once on a lime, oh time so blest. When Sol's declining beam. His glories sinking in the west, Illumin'd Slaney's stream. Then to the Bridge, in many a group. Would well dress'd Belles repair. To view the military troop. And breathe the ev'ninsr air. 264 There, all attir'd in virgin white. Each widow, wife, and maid, Glanc'd round their eyes with fond delight. At every gay cockade. And martial youths collected round, Admir'd the gazing fair. Whilst music's sweet enchanting sound Vibrated thro' the air. The Graces, deck'd in winning smiles. Came from the Paphian court. And " quips and cranks, and wanton wiles,' Flew round in merry sport. Fair Venus did her state assume — Love took his station there, And laughing, perch' d on the tall plume Of the handsome grenadier. But now, alas ! how chang'd the scene. Once wont to be so gay ; Nor clarionet or tambourine. No sprightly cymbals play. For now, by Stewart's stern decree. Immutable as fate — Each day with grief, the Band we see Pass thro' the western gate. And there, around the Hygeian well. We girls, assemble too , Constrain'd by music's potent spell. Their footsteps we pm-sue. As points the needle to the north. And marks the seaman's course ; As the torn blossom seeks the earth By gravitations force ; As Clythia spreads her golden charms. And constant woo's the sun. So sure, by din of martial arms. Is lovely woman won. Bu.t ah, our thin and slender clothes. The dirty road ill suits ; The dust quite soils our silken hose. And spoils our nankeen boots. 265 Still worse and worse, now short'ning days Proclaim tliat winter's come ; And we, tliro' heavy miry ways, Eetum, all draggl'd home ! Say canst thou view onr griefs so keen. Nor yet relief impart ; And can that soft and smiling mien. Conceal so hard a heart. The given offence was undesigned. Mere heat of folly's brain ; And shall a cultivated mind. Such childish pique retain. Oh, hear us on the Sabbath day. When shrin'd within her pew. Each Belle kneels down her pray'rs to say. And canvass fashions new. To the deserted Bridge that day. Our much loved Band restore. And thy Petitioners shall pray For aye and evermore. May fortune still her gifts bestow. And love thy path adorn ; May pleasure twine around thy brow. Her roses free from thorn. And when Hymen's holy band. You join some happy she. Oh, may the nymph that gains thy hand. Young rich and handsome be. But chiefly may the favour'd fair Possess love's magic zone. That charm than beauty far more dear. Whose essence is unknown. That charm shall outlive beauties prime— The fair but fragile flower ; And with fresh bloom deck hoary time. And still defy his power. Wexford, 12th October, 1807. The petition was succes^ul. The Bridge authorities having reconsidered their resolution and finding that they 266 -were playing a losing game, rescinded the order. The Band was therefore allowed to resume their old position on the Bridge, much to the satisfaction of all concerned. The writer of the petition was a young Officer, then serving in the " Tyrone," son of John Giffard, of Dromar- tin, county Dublin, Esq., uncle to Sir Harding Giffard, M.P., the present Solicitor-General for England. As we have thus introduced the " Belles" of Old Wex- ford, we shall avail ourselves of the opportunity to intro- duce a ballad concerning the "Beaux" of that town. About forty years ago, the " Beaux" gave a Bachelor's Fancy Dress Ball, and the following ballad was sung by a young gentleman at the Ball. AU we need say here is — that the singer is still on " the land of the living," and his name is introduced into the song. We may add that it was sung to the popular Irish air of " Garryowen" and was raptu- rously applauded : — THE WEXPOED BACHELOES FANCY DEESS BALL. If yon wish to know who gave the Bachelors' Ball, My ballad contains an account of them all ; For, dull as my brains are, 'tis easy to write On a subject so gay as the Lads of to-night — But where so many contend for fame. And in such various arts excell, 'Tis hard to say whom first to name — They all upheld their parts so well. Old Darley is youthful, in spite of his years — And Sam Cooper (1) 's not dogged, tho' oft he appears With a pack of wild dogs, running mad thro' the street. And tumbling down every old woman they meet. While Cullen (2) who talks so sagely grave. And Hamilton, (3) ruling so well the Police — Have shown how the sternness of sway they can wave. And gallant round the room with a fair one a piece. We have ev'ry perfection that sets off a song In the pipe of John Redmond, (4) that never goes wrong ; Yes — when you can see a new face in the moon. That pipe and Greer's (5) flute, will be both out of tune. 267 And, whether Will Sutton be "Whio^ or be Tary^ You'll probably learn from Miss M C r. But, I know, he's as famous at telling a story. As Goff is attached to a pipe and Cigar. What a promising boy AlecJc Preston is|grown ! By the Law, he'll procui-e for his client his own ; And, though, greater nobs (such as Sican) may be seen, I know no better fellow than honest Joe Breen. While Southcote Mansergh 's full of fun — And Vicary (6) 's versed in Floral bloom. And Fred Hughes's moustaches admiration have wen — And, Johnson (Sam) 's a flirt the most sly in the room. Hark away ! cries James Harvey, (7) as on Eeynard steals. With Stannard and Boxwell, close in at his heels ; And who, at a Steeple Chase, ventui-es his bones. Like bold Johnny Bolton, o'er hedge, ditch or stones ? But mark, do, Bunh'ry Archer's form. And see what grace envelopes Hoey — In his travels may Kellett (8) encounter no storm. And Browne (9) soon be styled something more than " a. Boy !" " Young Hore /" — ye Gods ! — what a studious Cantab ! In LeHunte, what a prize did our new Sheriff grab ! Not a speck can be shewn on George Jacob's fair name — A fire has its heat — and Kit Harvey his flame. Tom Walker (10) seldom stirs from home j Will Russell (11) 's the walker, all agree. And to bag a fat Partridge, as far will he roam. As Tatlock (12) will gallop to pocket a fee ! In dog-fl.esh and horse, Ovy Bolton 's the man, Pat Breen has a waist that a lady might span ; Ben Wilson (I fear) his son. Christian, will spoil ; I must tell Hickey's dady, my friend "-Martin Doyle" ^ Through Borodale the Beattys range. And Aleck King adorns Mackmine ; Young Palliser skips o'er the pastures of Grange ; But Bill Bolton, for you— would that " Island" were mine^ What a delicate voice Jemmy Hoivlin has got ? Sam Sparks is the greatest of sparks — is he not ? Joe Waddy "s the pride of old Cad's Kilmacoe ; At jigs, Robert Bell, all allow, is "the go." Bill Armstrong — leave not Eathmacknee, Nor travel the fields war bathes in gore ! Till Edwards is careless Camolin to see. And Bulger's entirely forgotten the Kower. 268 Here are men of all climates, aU dresses, all hues. But who claims our thanks like the "Chief of the Blues?" (IS). Now, dandies their rosy-cheek'd partners may woo ; Yes, at home, but for Robert, they'd look "very blue.'* "What a contrast is here, easy, merry, and laughing ; All cer' monies quash'd by their Master, Fred Draffen,(l^ Who, polish'd a^d firm, as his own Naval steel. Chose to kick up a dust, and set all on the reel. Tes — ^happy, no doubt, is ev'ry man here now — But happier he would be — 'tis easy guess how ; From the Bachelor's list he must quickly escape. And, for Hymen's fair temple, his altered course shape. Domestic joys — the best of bliss. That's found to gladden life below. ^May well replace, ev'n, scenes like this ! — When a husband says " yes" — will th' unmarried say "No?" (1) An Attorney, very fond of coursing, and never to be met without his dogs. (2) Barrack Master of Wexford. (3) County Inspector of Police. (4) A gentleman witli a remarkably good voice. (5) A Eevenue Officer, and good mu» sician. (6) A well known Horticulturist. (7) Then Master of the Wexford Hunt. (8) Captain E.N. (9) Father of the present M.P. for Mayo, but then a Ward in Chancery. (10) Then of Summerseat. (11) A noted sportsman with dog and gun, and a celebrated pedestrian. (12) Medical Attendant of Skreen Dispensary. (13) Eobert Hughes, of Ely House, who acted as Treasurer to the Ball Committee, and who appeared at the Ball in the uniform of a Captain of *' Ogle's Loyal Blues." (14) Captain in the E.N. —an eccentric character, but a most polished gwatleiaan. — He was Master of the Ceremonies at the Ball. THE COTJET HOUSE OF WEXFOED. The present Connty Court-Honse uri^nated at tlie Spring Assizes, 1802, James Boyd, Esq., being Higli Sheriff^ and Hawtry White, Esq., Foreman of the Grand Jury. — The following order was passed at that Assizes : — " To the Mayor of Wexford for the time being, George H. Eeade, Esq., Ebenezer Jacob and Edward Perceval, Esqrs., to be laid out in the building of a County Court House, £1,149' 16s 3d." There is no mention of the Court House at the Summer Assizes of same year. At the Spring Assizes of 1803, Henry Archer, Esq., being High Sheriff, and James Boyd, Esq.y Foreman of the Grand Jury, we find the foU 269 lowing order : — " To Edward Perceyal and Arthur Mea- dows, Esqrs., to purchase chairs for the Grand Jury, £28," and at Summer Assizes of same year : — " To Edward Per- ceval and Arthur Meadows, Esqrs., for engraved plates to put on the backs of the chairs, £3." At Spring Assizes, 1803, the following order was also passed : — " To James Boyd, Ebenezer Jacob, Edward Perceval, George H. Reade, and Eichard Morrison, Esqrs., in aid of building the New Court House, £1,149 16s 3d." At the Summer Assizes, 1803, the sum of £34 2s 6d., was ordered to Richard Morrison, Esq., for plan and estimate for the County Court House. The first mention we find of rent is at the Spring Assizes, 1804, George St. George Irvine, High Sheriff, and Henry Archer, Esq., Foreman of the Grand Jury : — " To John Crane, for ground intended for the New Court House, for one year, £52 ; to James Devereux for same, £52." At same Assizes, the sum of £90 was ordered to Richard Morrison, Esq., on account of the building. At Summer Assizes, 1804, the following orders were made : " We direct the Treasurer to pay James Boyd, Esq., and the other Trustees of the New Court House, the sum of £798 17s 2d., out of the money now in hands, to be hand- ed to Mr. Morrison when they think proper to do so." — Also, " To James Boyd, Esq., and the other Trustees, to be expended in building the New Court House, £100." — " We direct the Treasurer to pay the sum of £249 16s Hid (very exact this,) to James Boyd, Esq., and the other Trus- tees for building the Court-House. At Spring Assizes^ 1805, we find orders for payments for alterations. At that Assizes, Nicholas Loftus, Esq., being High Sheriff, and George St. George Irvine, foreman, the following passed : " To Richard Morrisson, Esq., for alterations in the stair- case leading to the Grand Jury Room in the County Court House, £46 8s 6d." At same assizes an order passed to the Trustees for the sum of £1149 16s 3d., for building the Court House, and at Summer Assizes, same year^ Richard Morrison, Esq., for slating New Court House, £54 15s. At Spring Assizes, 1806, Pieroe Newton King, 270 Esq., being Higli Sheriff, and Lord Viscount Loftus, fore- man, we get fuller information as to the rent of the ground on which the Court House was built ; at that Assizes, the sum of £15 was ordered to Luke Whitney for one year's rent for 15 feet of the ground occupied by the Court House ; to John Eedmond, £104 for 104 feet ; to Thomas Hore £12 10s for 12i feet; to John Hall £20, but no mention of the number of feet. This name is changed in a short time for that of Mrs. Mary Hobbs. The rent paid at pre- sent for the Court House is £180 16s 2d per annum. At Spring Assizes, 1806, £82 lis 6d., was ordered to be paid to Loftus Codd for furniture for the New Court House.— The chairs ordered in 1803 must have been for the old house, and we suppose were brought to the new building this year, in addition to the items furnished b}^ Mr. Codd, At same assizes the sum of £163 19s 9d was ordered to James Boyd, Ebenezer Jacob, Edward Perceval, and Ri- chard Morrison, Esqrs., to complete the New Court House ; yet, strange to sa}^, immediately after we find the sum of £60 10s lOd passed, and ordered to be paid to James Boyd, George H. Reade, and Christian Wilson, Esqrs., and Christopher Irwin and Thomas Hopley, to make ad- ditions to the newly built Court House. At Summer As- sizes, 1806, the only sums ordered were for glass and small repairs. At the Summer Assizes, 1807, William Goff, Esq., being High Sheriff, and Sir Frederick Flood, foreman, the sum of £13 13s for repairs was granted to Richard Mor- rison, Esq. At same Assizes, the following order was made : — " That the materials of the old Court-House be peremptorily sold by auction, to the highest bidder, in fourteen days from the date hereof — and that the money arising from the sale shall be deposited in the hands of the Treasurer of the County, for the use of the County. That the materials shall be removed within three months thereof by the purchaser, under the penalty of f orf eitmg the prices- agreed upon to be paid for said materials. That the ground upon which the old Court House now stands be thrown open for the advantage of the public." Who 271 bonglit the old materials, or the amount paid for same, we cannot trace. As to granting the space to the public it was not, as the present Fish Market, Council Eoom of the Corporation, and Mayor's Office occupy the site, and we believe a part of the old building* It was at this assizes that the Grand Jury first met in the new building, and the Judges presided in the New Court House. The builder and architect was Eichard Morrisson, of Dublin. At the Summer Assizes of 1808, Arthur Meadows, Esq., being High Sheriff, the sum of £12 19s 7d. was ordered for painting the Court House, and at Spring, Assizes, 1809, the sum of £28 18s 6d was ordered for same purpose. At Summer Assizes of same year, £3 8s 6d was ordered for looking glasses and fire irons, and £6 16s 6d for curtains. At Spring Assizes, 1810, Thomas DeRenzy, Esq., High Sheriff, and William Perceval, Esq., foreman, £500 12s 6d., was ordered to Pierce Newton King and Walter Red- mond, Esqrs., to build additions to the Court House. — From that period down to the present, the Court House has cost something every year for alterations. At one time additions were made to the Secretary's Office, and at different times to other places, yet the building did not give satisfaction to either the Judges presiding or the public. The complaints of the presiding Judges of Assize were so incessant, that at length the Grand Jury were com- pelled to adopt measures for improvement, and at the Summer Assizes of 1863, James B. Farrell, Esq., County Surveyor, furnished plans for enlarging the Court House, which was accepted by the Grand Jury, and Mr. John Red- mond, of Wexford, was declared the contractor to carry out che proposed alterations, for the sum of £2,256. On the whole, the present Court House, from its commence- ment in 1802 to the present time, has cost as much money as would build a modern palace, and yet it is still a most inconvenient building in which to transact the business of this important county. The Crown Court is not as com- modious or convenient as many Police Offices. In fact, there is no accommodation for the general public. 272 Previous to the alterations in 1862, medallions of King William III. and George III. were inserted in the front cf the Court House, and, we believe, it was the intention to have them replaced. A correspondence arose on the subject in the " Wexford Independent," appealing to the Grand Jury to replace them with medallions of Her pre- sent Most Gracious Majesty and the Prince Consort who had died in the latter part of the previous year. However, the old medallions were not erected, or new ones either. One remarkable thing in connection with the Court House we now wish to draw attention to. We believe that the Wexford Harbour Commissioners always main- tain that they built the present quays — this is not so, the County built a portion of them at least. At the Summer Assizes of 1807, we find that the Grand Jury ordered the sum of £103 15s. to James Boyd, Esq., and George H. Eeade, Esq., Walter Eedmond, Esq., Richard Morrison, Esq , and John Roberts, Esq., to build a quay 45 feet in length, at the south side of the New Bridge, in front of the County Court House, at Wexford ; and at Summer Assizes, 1809, a sum of £133 3s Id., was ordered to Pierce New- ton King, Esq., George H. Reade, and James Herron, to build a stone pier near the New Bridge, at Wexford. THE DIOCESAN SCHOOL AT WEXFORD. The origin of this School is known to very few at the present time. It was established under an old act of the 12th of Elizabeth, c. 1. We believe the Wexford Corpo- ration gave a grant of the site tor the house, and quarter of an acre of land adjoining for a play ground. Then at the Summer Assizes in 1801, the Grand Jury made the follow- ing presentment : — " To George H. Reade, James Boyd, Ebenezer Jacob, and Arthur Meadows, Esqrs., in trust, as a Committee to purchase or build a School-House for the benefit of the County, £500." In 1802, orders for £150 were made at each Assizes, to the same Trustees, " in aid £73 for tlie building of the Diocesan ScliooL At the Spring Assizes of 1803, a sum of £12 10s., was ordered to Mr. Christopher Irwin and Mr. John Killinger, to build " a pair of piers, sweep wall, and gate, at the Diocesan School, Wexford." The repairs of the School were regularly paid for by the Grand Jury up to the year 1830, when it en- tirely ceased. In thirty years afterwards, the late Master, William Barrington, Esq., applied to the Grand Jury for a grant to enable him to put a new roof on the school, but it was refused. The school was given up in 1872, on the Disestablishment and Disendowment of the Irish Church, and the opening of Tate's School. We cannot positively state the name of the gentleman who was first appointed Master, but believe it to be the Rev. Mr. Montgomery. — However in 1815, the first Master was succeeded by Mr. George Needham, and he was succeeded by Mr. Robert Behan, who died in 1836, but had resigned some few years previously. Mr. Behan was succeeded by the Rev. Thomas White, who continued in the ofiice until 1851, when he resigned, on being appointed Rector of Poerstown, Diocese of Ossory, when William Barrington, Esq., the last Master was appointed. The salary attached to the office was £30 a year, paid by the Clergy of the Diocese of Ferns, and School Fees for Day Scholars and Boarders. The appoint- ment was in the hands of the Bishop. The year 1803 was remarkable in the County Wexford for a very warm and dry summer. Many springs dried up, and even some of the small rivers. The crop of grass, and particularly hay, was veiy deficient, the straw of the corn crop was also short, and in many places could not be reaped, but the yield of corn was immense. The winter fol- lowing was unprecedented for the severity of its storms. There were eleven large vessels wrecked between Kilmore and the Hook Light-house, and many more must have foundered off the coast, from the quantity of masts, spars, and dead bodies that were driven ashore. ST. PETER'S COLLEGE, WEXFORD. Owing to the Penal Laws no School or College for the education of youth for the Catholic Priesthood was to be found in this County, except, for some time, one in Gib- son's Lane, Wexford, conducted by the Franciscan Fa- thers of that town, and in which the late Right Rev. Dr. Murphy, and several others, were prepared for the Priest- hood. This school was presided over by Fathers Lambert and Scallan, both natives of the Barony of Forth. Father ' Lambert was taken from the school in 1806, and appointed by His Holiness first Bishop of Newfoundland. He labour- ed in that Island for some years, but finding his health failing, he returned to the old Convent at Wexford, where he breathed his last on the 23rd September, 1816, and his remains are interred in the Franciscan Church. His com- panion. Father Scallan, was appointed to succeed him as Bishop, and he died in St. John's, in 1822. The third Bishop was also taken from the Wexford Convent, but he was not a native of this county. The present Bishop of Newfoundland, the Right Rev. Dr. Power, is also a native of the county Wexford. On the appointment, in 1805, of Dr. Ryan, co-adjutor Bishop of Ferns, he saw the want of a proper educational establishment in the Diocese, and at once set to work to devise means to establish one, as he found, on arriving here, 'many of the young men pre- paring for the Priesthood, were being educated in Pro- testant Schools. We may here mention that the present estimable pastor of Wexford, Very Rev. James Roche, as well as his predecessor, the late Very Rev. Dr. Sinnott, were pupils of Mr. Behan's, and a warm friendship always existed between the Rev. Gentlemen and their Protestant school companions. In 1811, the Right Rev. Dr. Ryan opened the first Catholic Seminary in the Diocese, at Bunker's Hill, Wexford, or as it is now called Michael- 27-5 street. The school stood on the ground on which the late> Mr. Joseph Meadows erected a number of comfortable- dwelling houses. The Very Rev. Dr. Myles Murphy, after- wards Bishop of Ferns, was its first and only President, and was assisted in the labours of the school by Mr. Joseph Clinch, who began to decline in health in 1813, and died in 1816. The late Rev. Richard Hayes, the gifted Fran- ciscan Preacher, whose name figures so remarkably in the Veto question, succeeded Mr. Clinch in 1814 ; and in 1816^ the late Rev. Dr. Sinnott, was appointed Vice-President and Professor. Though shut up in a poor and secluded locality, the Seminary worked its way successfully until 1819. In September of that year St. Peter's CoUege was opened, with the Ver}^ Rev. Dr. Murphy as its first Pre- sident. Dr. Murphy continued to discharge this onerous duty with his well known ability, until 1829, when he was appointed Parish Priest of Tintern, and was succeeded in the Presidency of the College by the late Very Rev. Dr. Sinnott. In 1850, the Very Rev. Laurence Kirwan, the present Dean of Ferns, was appointed the third President of St. Peter's College. In September, 1858, the Very Rev. Dr. Sheridan, the present Parish Priest of Bannow, and Chancellor of the Diocese, was nominated its fourth. President, and in September, 1873, the present President, the Very Rev. Michael Kavanagh was appointed by the late Right Rev. Dr. Furlong. The foundation of St. Peter's College originated in a be- quest made by the Rev. Peter Devereux, Parish Priest of Kilmore. The property bequeathed was a Farm, the pro- ceeds of which the Testator directed to be used for the purpose of educating Students for the Priesthood in a Foreign College, as they had at that time no place of edu- cation at home. The Continential wars prevented the bequest from being applied to its original purpose. The profits of the Farm had accumulated to a handsome sum of money about the year 1818. The Penal Laws being then somewhat relaxed, and the times looking better for Ire- land, the Right Rev. Dr. Ryan considered he would h& 276 carrying out the wishes of the Testator by appropriating the legacy to the endowment of a College at home, instead of sending his Ecclesiastics to a foreign country. The land at Summer Hill was then taken, and a large house and school-room erected thereon. The new College, under the able and skilful management of Dr. Murphy, soon proved to be a wonderful success. Additional buildings were required to accommodate the large number of Stu- dents flocking to its halls. Accordingly about 1832, Dr. Murphy's learned and energetic successor, the Very Eev. Dr. John Sinnott, commenced to extend the Eastern front by building a Eef ectory and several class-rooms, together with a handsome Square Tower in the centre. And on the 18th of June, 1838, the Eight Eev. Dr. Keating, Lord Bishop of the Diocese, laid the foundation stone of St. Peter's beautiful Collegiate Church — the first planned by the celebrated Mr. Pugin in this countiy. The noble and untiring exertions of John H. Talbot, Esq., in the collec- tion of funds for the building of this Church have been always held in greatful remembrance. Improvements continued to be made by the Very Eev. Dr» Sinnott, until the famine came, and stopped the pro- gress of the work for some time. During those sad famine years the College had many difficulties to contend with. But owing to the unceasing efforts of the Very Eev. Lau- rence Kirwan, who was then President, those difficulties were safely tided over — the heavy debts previously incur- red in the erection of the new buildings were cleared off, and the College in a few years was again placed in a flour- ishing and prosperous condition. Previous to the appointment of the Very Eev. P. C. Sheridan as President, in 1858, the late esteemed and la- mented Ordinary of the Diocese, the Eight Eev. Dr.Fur- long, went to reside in the College. His Lordship soon saw the necessity of completing the buildings. He appeal- ed to the Clergy of the Diocese for aid, and met with a generou-s and hearty response.. The- good work again ftssameneed, and. in a^ few years uj)wards of six thousandi 277 pounds were expended on additions and improvements. — And now, in consequence of the continued increase in the number of Students, the present zealous Prelate who pre- siders over the Diocese, the Right Rev. Dr. Warren, has deemed it necessary to provide additional accommodation. He too has appealed to the Clergy to assist him in this good work — and we are happy to hear his Lordship's ap- peal has been responded to in a most generous and spirited manner. When the contemplated improvements shall be made, we have no doubt that St. Peter's College will be one of most complete and efficient Literary establishments in the Kingdom. The College is beautifully situated on a rising ground overlooking the town of Wexford. It commands a mao-- nificent view of Wexford Harbour and the surrounding scenery. The College buildings are large and commodi- ous, well lighted and ventilated — and in every way suited to promote the comfort of the Students. The grounds are extensive and nicely planted, and afford every advantao-e for recreation and out-door exercise. There is a good Cricket Ground — excellent Ball Courts — Gymnasium, and every requisite for the developement of the physical powers. The course of studies embrace the English, Latin, Greek, and French Languages ; History, Geography, Grammar, Mathematics, Arithmetic, Book-Keeping, Music, Drawing, and the various branches of a first-class English Mercantile and Classical Education. The Students are frequently practiced in Recitation and English Composition. They have the use of a select and well furnished Library, and are taught, by means of His- torical and Geographical Debating Societies, to discuss subjects adapted to their age and studies. Their a23plica- tion is encouraged by frequent competition. Besides the usual Midsummer and Christmas Examinations, private examinations are held the first Monday of every month, and each term the parents or guardians receive a report stating in detail the progress of the children. CONFTSCATIONS AND EE-ALLOTMENTS IN THE NORTH OF THE COUNTY WEXFORD DURING THE REIGN OF KING JAMES I. 1611 and 1613. In the reigns of King Henry VIII and of Queen Eliza- beth, Inquisitions were made into tlie rights of the Crown against several Irish Possessors in the North of this County, and findings in favour of the Crown returned. With these examples before him. King James I. was not slow to try his hands in the same direction, and accord- ingly further Inquisitions and Confiscations were made, and re- allotments or new ones made also. The following is an extract from a document of the time of James I. headed : — " Proportions of the Ancient Possessioners — how many ACRES they formerly POSSESSED AND HOW MANY ARE ASSIGNED TO THEM IN THE PlOT OF THE NeW PLANTA- TION AND WHICH OF THEM HAD FORMERLY PATENTS FROM THE Crown. " Richard Masterson, 9,068 acres, whereof lands of the Natives newly assigned, are 3,800 acres — Crown lands, 2,800 — by collation ot Patent, 460 — and assigned to him for his chief ries, 2,409 acres. [The ancestor of Mr. Masterson came into Ireland in the reign of Queen Elizabeth from Cheshire, and was made Seneschal of the Castle of Ferns. The prosperity of the family seems to have died out during the present century.] '^ Michael Sinnott, alloted 300 acres, whereof 240 were his former possessions. " Dowlin McByrne, Morgan McByrne, and Edward McDowlin, jointly possessed by Patent 2,800 acres, were now deprived of 2,400 acres. 279 *^ Dowlin M'Morrogh Griffin alias Green M'Donnell hold- ing 350 acres by Patent, was deprived of 200 of them. " Walter Plnnkett held 350 acres, and was deprived of 200. " Donnel Spinagh held by Patent 400 acres, was re-al- lotted 300 of them. " Patrick Peppard possessed 1,400 acres, now reduced to 700. " Dermod Cune holding only 100 acres, had 100 more newly assigned. " Captain Denis Yale was assigned 900 acres, 400 of which he formerly possessed. "Walter Sinnott holding 1,967 acres, had*them increas- ed to 2,120 acres. " James Sinnott holding 567 acres, had them increased to 850 acres. " John Sinnott Fitz-Richard holding 545 acres, had them increased to 605 acres. " John Pitz-Pierce had his 360 acres increased to 556 acres. " Jasper Sinnott had 975 acres assigned, 370 being his former quantity. " Robert Codd, 960 acres, whereof 840 were in his for- mer possession. ' *' John Malone was confirmed in 486 acres, all of w^hich he previously held. " Henry Pitz-Pierce, 340 acres, of which he formerly possessed 240 acres. " William Fitz- Walter Sinnott, 240 acres, of which 120 were his former possession. " Donnel Valley, 525 acres, whereof 220 acres were his former possession. " Teig M'Art, 330 ax^res, 133 whereof were his former possession. " Patrick Walsh was assigned 126 acres, but deprived of 126 formerly his own. " Teig O'Bulger, 120 acres, all of which he previously possessed. 280 " Ferdoragli M'Dermot, 382 acres, but lost 240 acres his formerly. "•James O'Murchoe, assigned 200 acres, but lost 160 acres. "■' DomiellO'Doran,486 acres, of wbich 300 were formely bis own possession. " Phelix M'Dermot got a Patent for 546 acres, but lost 1,200 formerly his. " MuiTogh M'Pherson, 250 acres, but was deprived of 204 formerly his. " Gerrard M' James, 160 acres, but was deprived of 120. " Phelim McDaMore, 240 acres, but was deprived of 200. *' Turlogh McMoriertagh, Donagh McMoriertagh, and Donnel McMoriertagh, were assigned 400 acres, but lost 300 acres. " Owney McHugh and Ballagh McDermot were assigned 300 acres, but lost 300. " John Esmonde was assigned 100 acres, and lost 100. " Cailagh McBragh was assigned 120 acres, but lost 100. " Francis Yv^asser, assigned 200 acres, but lost 187. " Owen McGerald, assigned 200 acres, but lost 187. " Anthony Briskett, assigned 120 acres, lost 120. " Edward McDuff McDermot, assigned . 206 acres, lost 120, " Owen M'Hugh and Ballagh M'Donagh Oge, assigned 450 acres, but lost 300. " Donagh Oge, 1 20 acres, lost 60 acres. " John Brazill, 120 acres, lost 166 acres. " Martin Browne, 840 acres, lost 140 acres. " Donogh McDonogh Enterskin, 208 acres, 80 of which were formerly his own. " Nicholas ISTeterville, 500 acres, all of which he former- ly possessed. " Thomas McKeogh, 200 acres, all formerly his own. " Sir Henry Wallop, 1040 acres, all of which he formerly possessed. " Patrick Esmonde was assigned 400 acres, but lost 400 acres. 281 « T EdmondMcArt and Richard McArt, who held under former Patents, lost all they^claimed, and have no allow- ance in this New Plantation for the lands taken from them." The men who acted as Commissioners under the Royal Seal of James I., and made the foregoing findings, were — Arthur Chichester, Charles Cornwalleys, George Calvert, Humphry Wynch, and Roger Wilbraham. Their instruc- tions were, that they should ascertain " how many house- holders and persons were to be removed — what was their condition — whether they and their ancestors had been faithful to the State — how long they had been in posses- sion, and whether by descent or tanistry — who they were that were to be planted in their room — what the condition of the principal undertakers was, and of their tenants and farmers — whether any of them were of the Irish, and namely of the Kavanaghs — whether said persons were brought, or to be brought tither, and that their ancestors had been likewise faithful to the State — and whether any of them were removed when corn sown by them was grow- ing upon the ground — whether they were permitted to have and take their own corn so sown by them." They were further to inquire and inform themselves " whether the said persons that were removed, or meant to be remov- ed, had ofl&ces, or would perform, pay, or do all things either in building or maintaining of Castles or Forts, or paying, or rendering to the Crown the same rents, services and profits — and whether they would bear all other charges that the Undertakers were, by their bargains to do, pay, and perform — and lastly to inquire, and take knowledge of any other thing fit to be understood and certided to the King concernmg the Plantation of Wexford." Leland in his History of Ireland (vol. 2., p. 467,) declares that the Royal Commissioners scandalously abused their trusts, and by fraud and violence deprived the natives of those posses- sions which the King had reserved for them. There exists, in abundance, evidence to expose the iniquitous practices resorted to, such as cruelty, per;jury, and subornation of 282 ivrtnesses, to coerce juries to deliver verdicts for the King, tmd the King did not hesitate to appropriate the spoil. From other documents we learn that the " New Planta- tion in the County Wexford is to be made in the two Baro- nies of Gowrey and Ballykenny, and the half Barony of Skerriewalshe — which contain (as estimated by survey), about 66,800 acres, arable and pasture land, all lying to- gether on one continent, betwixt the River Slaney on the South, and the River of Arcloe, North, the sea on the East, and the bounds of the Counties ot Caterlough and Kildare on the West — whereof the profits and occupation have been, for many years, in the several Septs of the Kava- naghs, Kinsellaghs, McSaddows, Mc-de-Amoores, and Murroughs. Of Fifty-seven native Possessors, Twenty- one are to retain their ancient habitations. All the resi- due of Inhabitants, estimated to be 14,500 men, women, and children, may be removed at the will of the new Pa- tentees." — (From ihe Report of the Commissioners, made to the King, 1613, concerning the general grievances of the Kingdom,) THE WEXFORD MILITIA. At page 14 of this work we have noticed the first forma- tion of the present Wexford regiment. Since that was printed Captain Philip H. Hore, of the Wexford Militia, has published in the Wexford Independent, under the heading of " Pay and Allowances of the Wexford Militia Two Hundred Years ago," an interesting paper giving ^' particulars of the pay and allowances of our County Mi- litia, with the Commissioners Orders in the years 1666-7." The Captain tells us that he has " obtained the particulars from the Book of Certificates and Orders of the Commis- sioners of Subsides, 1666-7, Public Record Office, Dublin, and can guarantee the accuracy of the transcription." There is no doubt about the " accuracy" of the document, but we believe that the Militia alluded to were no more the fouHdation of the '38th, or old Wexford Regiment, raised 2m in 1793, than the Yeoman of fifty or sixty years ago, were the foundation of the 99th, or present Wexford Regiment of Militia. In fact the MiKtia alluded to by Captain H. were mere Yeomen or Volunteers, each corps or company separate and indej)endent in itself ; this is the more ap- parent from the fact of some of them being " troopers" and others foot soldiers or infantry. Their history therefore has no more to do with that of the Wexford Eegiment, than has the history of the " Vinegar Hill Rangers," or *' Ogle's Loyal Blues." However we are indebted to Gapt. Hore for publishing the paper, which we now re-producej^, as being a valuable document, showing the state of our military Two Hundred Years ago. The paper is as fol- lows ; — " The first article is a letter from the Council Chamber, Dublin, dated 21st December, 1667, signed by the Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant ; Earls Roscommon, Meath, Arran, and Masserene ; the Archbishop of Armagh ; and the Lords Dungannon and Kingston, to " Our lovinge friends His Maties Commrs appointed for levyinge the s»b- sidies in the County of Wexford or to any of them to bee imparted to the rest." " The letter refers to the subsidies granted by the Tem- porality for the defence of the Kingdom, and to former instructions dated 10 Feb. 1665, for their assessment. The proportion charged on the Co. Wexford, being £646 os 6d. The letter continues : — " We require you to give order to the Collector of the said subsidy, payable the 24 Dec. 1667,, to pay to the Captains of the Militia Troops and Com- panyes of that County who — by appointment of us the Lord Lieutenant — did lately assemble at the Curragh of Kildare, soe much money as shall appeare by writing under the hand of the Muster Master Generalle, or his Deputy, to bee payable to such Troope and Companye and their Officers for Tenn dayes according to the j)ay of the Army allowed by the Establishment, which money is to bee issu- ed by the said Captains to the Militia Troopes and Com- panyes, and their Officers, and what sumes of money shall 284 be soe paid by the Collector are to be allowed to him uppon his aeeomptes. And soe wee bid you hartily farewell, &c/' The Militia haying finished their ten days " Autumn Ma- nceuvres'' at the Curragh, the sum of £410 15s., was banded over to the Captains by Wm. Eussell, gent.. Col- lector of Subsidies, who swears that the Commissioners names to his Orders for Collection were " in the proper handwriting of the said Commissioners/' This sum was thus expended : — To Capt. Arthur Parsons for Tmmpetts and Cullers, .£10 To Capt. John Tench for like, ... ... 10 To Capt. Eichd. Kenny for Driusns and Cullers for his Company, ... ... ... 6 To Capt. James Koe for like, ... ... 6 To Capt. Eoger Lyndon for Hke, ... ... 6 To Capt. Eichd. Ousley for like, ... ... 6 To Lieut. Arthur Cooke for Capt. Eotterham's Company for like, ... ... ... 6 'To an hundred persons of the said two troops for pis- tolls and holsters, ... ... 100 To Wm. Eussell for writing them certificates, 2 lO Jei52 10 To Qapt. Arthur Parsons for 10 days pay to himself, officers and troope, ... ... 66 To Capt. John Tench for like for his troope, ... 60 To. Capt. Eichd. [Kenny] for himself, officers and company for like, ... ... 36 10 O To Capt. Eoger Lyndon for his Company, for like. 35 10 To Capt. Loftus Codd for his Company, formerly Capt. E other am 's, for like, ... ... 31 5 To Capt. Eichd. Ousley for his Company for like^ 29 .£258 5 Feb. 28. Wtss. J.. E. Sergeant.. Jurt 16 die Nov. 1669. Corm me. J. Doren. "Here follows the order by the Commissioners of the County Wexford Militia,, signed and sealed Christian Bor, High Sheriff, and Eichard CHfton, dated 24th January, 1666;, stating that "^£10 for a horse troope and £6 for foote Company is not to be exceeded for the purchase of trum- pets,, eoloiiiys,. and drums, and to pay the former amount to> Arthur Parsons^ Esq.,. Capt. of an horse troope in. this 285 county," Parsons receipt attached — and similar orders and receipts for the other officers. " Next appears appointment dated July, 1667, by Rich. Clifton and Eichard Kenney, Commrs., for settling the Militia, of Wm. Eussell " to write out certificates for all such persons as shall bring in fire-arms to any two or more of the Commrs. for arming the said Militia" for which he is to have 6d. a piece. Mr. Russell appears to have written out 100 of them separately, and received £2 10s. Here is a specimen of one of these certificates : — • " Wee doe certifie that pursuant to a Proclamacon from the Lord Lieu- tenant and Council of 12 July, 1666, John Brazill delivered into the Ma- gazine of Armes in the County of Wexford one case of fix'd Pistolls with Holsters for which wee require the High Collector of the 1st Subsidies in the said County to pay unto him the sum of Twenty Shillings. " Dated Ist July, 1667. Signed, Eic. Clifton. Kic. Kenney." '' Here follows an order to Mr. Russell to pay the Offi- cers their ten days pay, which is expended in the following manner : — (The order is dated 28 Feb., 1667, and is signed and sealed by Thos. Hart, Ric Clifton, Ric Rowe, Edward Withers, and Nic Codd). CAPT. ARTHUK PARSON's HIS TROOP. Captain at 14s p diem, Lieut, at 9s p diem. Cornet, at 7s p diem, Quarter-Master, at 5s per diem. Three Corporals, at 2s 6d each p diem. One Trumpettor at 2s 6d p diem, 58 Troopers at Is 6d each p diem. £7 4 3 2 3 1 43 10 £66 " Capt. John Tenche's troop receives the same pay, but has only 50 troopers, which brings his total to £60. CAPT, RICHARD KENNY S COMPANY. Capt. at 8s. p diem, Lieut, at 4s p diem, Ensigne, at 3s p diem. Two Sergeants, at Is 6d each. Three Corporals, at Is each, Two Drummers, at Is each, 100 Soldiers, at 6d each. ^4 2 1 10 1 10 1 10 10 25 £36 10 280 '' Captain Eoger Lyndon's, Loftiis Codcl's and Eicliard Ouseley's Companies expenses are detailed in the same manner at the same rate of pay, with 96, 79, and 72 " sol- diers" respectively. This brings the total strength of the Militia at that time to consist of 6 Captains, 6 Lieutenants, 2 Cornets, 4 Ensigns, 2 Troop Quarter-Masters, 8 Ser- geants, 18 Corporals, 2 Trumpeters, 8 Drummers, 108 Troopers, and 347 rank and file only. " The accounts are examined, certified, and signed by Jas Roe, Mayor of Wexford." So far Captain Hore. To this paper the Editor of the Independent append the following remarks : — " The above interesting paper will, we are sure, be read with pleasure by every person connected with our county— but we do not consider it would be complete without an- nexing some particulars as to the general state of the King- dom. At that time the wages paid to the working classes in England were fixed by the Justices of the Peace, and the amount paid to farm labourers was from 6d to lOd per day, without diet. Women were paid 4d per day forha}^- making. The average price of wheat was £1 10s per quar- ter. Beef in the English markets sold at 3Jd per lb., and mutton, 3 % d per lb. Carpenters, Masons, Plumbers, &c., were paid 5s 9d a week By comparing the sum paid to the English labourer, or tradesman, with that paid to the troopers or privates of the Wexford Regi- ment, it will show that the regiment must have been com- posed of a higher class of society than that taken from the ranks of artizans, as the pay of a private was double that of an English mechanic. We now append some particu- lars connected with the Wexford regiment, which was embodied under the Act of George TIL, in 1 793, taken from the Abstracts of Presentments of Public Money granted by the Grand Jury of the county Wexford. Erom these abstracts we infer that the regiment was not popular with the lower classes. We find at Spring Assize, 1800, the sum of £887 5s. ordered to be levied off the County to fill up vacancies in the regiment. This shows that the 287 regiineiit was formed on a different footing from what it is at present. A.t Summer Assizes, 1801, £350 was ordered, and at Summer Assizes, 1804, £111 19s 6d. At Spring Assizes, 1806, we find the following levy of men Or fines : " Barony of Bargy. — Thirteen Parishes — 19 men, or a fine of £380, ''Town of Wexford. — Four Wards (all within the Town walls) — 0.^ men, or a fiiie of £185. "Barony of Forth. — Eighteen parishes — 22 ^ men, or a fine of £445. " Enniscorthy Town — St. Mary's Parish — 4} men, or a fine of £85. " Barony of Shilmalier. — Eighteen parishes — 15| men, or a fine of £3 1 5. " Barony of Bantry. — Eight Parishes — 30 ^ men, or a fine of £310. " Town 0f]N'ewRoss. — Town and Liberties — 14 men, or a fine of £214. " Barony of Shelburne. — Seven Parishes — 12 men, or a fine of £240. " Barony of Ballaghkeen. — Twenty Parishes — 35 J men, or a fine of £715. " Barony of Gorey. — Fourteen Parishes — 34 J men, or a fineof£710." The reason of so many men being required in 1806 was, that the regiment had been " augmented" to ten or eleven companies, and to fill up vacancies caused by volunteering. About this time, there was a Sergeant of the Wexford vo- lunteered, who was so well liked by the men that nearly the whole of the grenadier company, as well as many men from the other compa.nies, stepped out of the ranks and joined him. He received a commission in the line, served with distinction through the Peninsular campaign, and was present at the croAvning victory of Waterloo. He was a North of Ireland man, and enjoyed his half -pay and well won honours up to the year 1846, when he died at a ripe old age. In the remarks of the Editor, he savs : " we infer that the 288 reo^iment was not popular with the lower classes." With this we perfectly agree, and hence the Ballot had to be re- sorted to, but even with that extreme and obnoxious mea- sure, the first regiment, which was only a seven compa ly one, was never at its full strength. After the year 1800, througii the interest of Lord Loftus, the then Colonel, liberty was given for the regiment to recruit in the county Fermanagh, where he possessed a large property. For this purpose the Wexford and Fermanagh regiments chang- ed quarters. Whilst stationed in Enniskillen, the Wex- ford received a large number of respectable intelligent re- cruits, and in a few years three-fourths of the non-com- missioned officers of the regiment were northerns, and this continued to be the ca se down to the reduction of the staff of the regiment in 1833. About that time we remember making the enquiry of an old Wexf ordman, who had serv- ed in the regiment from 1795, how it was that so many North of Ireland men were non-commissioned officers in a Wexford regiment — was it by favour, or how ? " Not by favour certainly," said he ; " but it is easily accounted for. If a Northern once got a * stripe,' (promotion) he was sure to keep it, and would get another added very soon ; whilst the poor Wexfordman would often lose his first ' stripe' within twenty-four hours, by treating his friends, and they returning the compliment, wishing him good luck with his new won honors. I have known the poor Wexfordian who was honoured with a * stripe' on this morning's pa- rade, marched up a prisoner the next and degraded. Not but the Northerns drank as much as the Southerns, aye, and more too, but the Northern knew when to drink, and thei^was the whole secret." Many of the sons and grandsons of these men are now filling honourable stations in life in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. JANUARY. The figures at the commencement of the Paragraphs denote the day of the month on which the event recorded took place. 1. The Mayors of Wexford sworn into office. — The Corporation of Wexford is one of the oldest in Ireland, and was at one time possessed of considerable landed pro- perty, and enjoyed large privileges. The landed property at present belonging to the Corporation is very small, only something over £300 a-year. In former days the Corpo- ration held a space of about 20 feet round the Town Wall as well as several parks in the vicinity of the town, but after the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act, and Wexford getting its Charter of Incorporation, it was found that nearly the whole of the property had been alienated from the public. How this large amount of propert}^ had been given away there are no documents to show. The ex- cuse given is that all the records were destroyed by the rebels in 1798. In New Ross where the rebels and army fought for the entire day — when the rebels at one time were masters of the town, and the soldiers next — where houses were set on fire and destroyed — yet all the books and documents connected with the town can be produced. In Wexford there were no burnings — no fighting — yet no records of the Borough can be found. What the rebels wanted with old Minute Books or such papers we have not been informed. On the passing of the Irish Municipal Corporation Bill in 1841, Wexford, having less than 12,000 inhabitants was deprived of its ancient Corporation. The late Sir Thomas Esmonde, then representing the Borough in Parliament, Mr. Charles Walker, for many years its true and faithful representative, Mr. Sheppard Jeffares, at 200 JANUARY. ifeliat time Mayor, and Mr. Greene, J.P., joined together, and after some delay, caused by opposition, succeeded in obtaining a Charter of Incorporation, giving Wexford again its old place among the Irish Municipalities, but under the Municipal Act, Wexford, as well as the other Irish boroughs, was deprived of a great amount of power formerly exercised by her Corporation. Up to that time the Mayor was Senior Magistrate of the County, taking prece- dence of all others — now he is only a Justice of the Bo- rough, Many people still living remember the power ex- ercised by the old Mayors of Wexford over f orestallers, &c., and cannot be made to believe but the present Mayors have the same power but will not use it. The Corporation of Wexford is very ancient, and the date of the first Charter of Incorporation given to the town is lost in the mist of time. However, we find that in September, 1173, the Sheriff of Winchester renders an account to King Henry II., " for corody for Murtough MacMurrough and five l)urgesses of Wexford, one night at Winchester, 6s 8d ; co- rodies for same for 10 nights by David Laguerre, 40s ; six robes for Murtough MacMurrough and the Burgesses of Wexford, £10 14s lid., all ordered by the King's writ." This account which is preserved in the Public Record Of- fice, London, clearly shows that a Corporation must have been then in existence. If not, why are the words " Bur- gesses of Wexford" used ? Or why would the King him- self confer and pay for robes for the Burgesses 9 The next charter we can trace is that granted by Ademar de Va- lence, Earl of Pembroke, who died in 1323. In 1411, Henry IV. in granting a new Charter says — " Henry, by the Grace of God, King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, to all these shall come, greeting. We have in- spected the Charter of Ademar de Valence, Earl of Pem- broke and Lord of Wexford and Montiniac, of liberties granted to the Burgesses of Wexford, made and sealed with his seal." Henry confirms the privileges contained in Ademir's Charter, and confers additional ones on the 291 JANUARY, Burgesses. Edward, his smceessor, next granted a charter which recites that " at the supplication of the Sovereign^ Bailiffs, and Burgesses of the town of Wexford, by their petition exhibited to our Deputy^ we grant them their divers liberties, free customs, and claims^ which the ances- tors and predecessors of the aforesaid Sovereign, Bailiffs, and Burgesses, for all time whereof memory is not the con- trary, have held and used in the same town." This Char- ter hxes the time for holding elections of Sovereign,. Bailiff,, and Burgesses. It states that " the Sovereign ought to tttke cognizance of all Forestallers of Victuals, and of all other things coming to be sold in said to>vn ; and before him ought to be attached, and if he shall be convicted, then he shall be committed to the gaol of the said to^\ n, and there shall stay until he pay the fine according to the amount of his default, and the fine shall be converted tO' the use of the town." In those days of Free Trade, such a clause would not be granted to any town. For the re- gulation of the sale of bread and beer, it was fixed " that the Sovereign should have the correction of the assize of bread and beer, and should punish Avhen found deficient by amerciament and the punishment of the pillory. The Sovereign and Bailiffs shall order and proclaim all victuals coming into market to be sold at a certain price. If butch- ers break the proclamation they shall be attached and brought before the Sovereign and committed. No foreigner was allowed to buy skins inside the town, and all of the inhabitants were exempted from gomg beyond the bounds of the borough in any expedition against the enemies of the King. The other Charters subsequently granted con- tained nearly similar clauses. James the Second granted a Charter after he ascended the throne, but after the Re- volution, the Corporation rejected that Charter, and re- sumed their former one, which we may say was acted on up to our days. The history of Wexford and its ancient Charters, its Sovereigns, Seneschals, Mayors, Bailiffs, and^ B^urgesses is very interesting^ and well worthy the atten- 292 JANUARY. tion of the antiquarian. The following is a list of the gen- tlemen who . have acted as Mayors of Wexford, from the date of the oldest record extant to the present time. Up to 1840 the Mayors were sworn in the 29th September each year, but since the obtaming of the Charter in 1846, they are sworn in on New Year's Day : — 1813 George H. Eeade, 1814 Charles Jacob, 1815 George H. Eeade, ^^^^ I John Lightburne, Eichard Neville, Ebenezer Jacob, M.D., Eichard LeHunte, Cadwallader Edwards, Eichard Neville, Henry Archer, C Nathaniel Huson, died divriug 1783] the year, (. Benjamin Neale Bayley, 1784 John Lightbnrne, Benjamin Neale Bayley, Allan Maclean, Ebenezer Jacob, M.D., Samuel Tench, Eev. Joseph Miller, John Cox, Bostock E. Jacob, George H. Eeade, James Boyd, Viscount Loftus, Arthur Meadows, Lord Loftus, John Lightburne, Francis Leigh, Ebenezer Jacob, M.D„ John Henry Lyster, George H. Eeade, William Toole, Eev. John Elgee, Arthur Meadows,'. George H. Eeade, Eev. Joseph Miller, Ebenezer Jacob, M.D,, John Henry Lyster, Eev. Joseph Miller, Ebenezer Jacob, M.D., George H. Eeade, Eev. Joseph Miller, 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1816 Eev. Ealph Boyd, 1817 John Towel, 1818 Arthur Meadows, 1819 Arthur Meadows, 1820 Eobert Johns, 1821 Eobert Hughes, 1822 Charles Jacob, 1823 Christian Wilson, 1824 Eobert Johns, 1825 Eobert Hughes, 1826 Eobert Johns, 1827 George H. Eeade, 1828 William Toole, 1829 George H. Eeade, 1830 Eobert Hughes, 1831 Charles Jacob, 1832 Eobert Hughes, 1833 Christopher G. Harvey, 1834 William Whitty, 1835 Francis Harpur, 1836 Francis Hai-pur, 1837 Eobert Hughes, 1838 Eobert H. Harvey, 1839 Matthew Pettit, 1840 Francis Harpur, > ^Q.- ( Sheppard Jeffares, and till ^^^^ I the Incorporation in 1840. 1846 Sheppard Jeffares, 1847 Eobert Cardiff, M.D., 1848 James Kinsellah, 1849 Eichard Walsh, iQc^n ^ John Cooney, died ^^^^ I Eichard Walsh. 1851 Eobert Stafford, 1852 John Walsh, 1853 James Ealph Crosbie, 1854 John Groeue, 295 JANUARY. 1855 Eobert Crean, M.D., 1867 John Greene, 1856 Eichard Siunott, 1868 Joseph Swan Waddy, 1857 John Coghlan, M.D.. 1869 John J. Walsh, 1858 John Evans Hadden, 1870 John Hinton, 1859 John Walsh, 1871 John H. Hadden, 1860 Eichard O'Connor, 1872 John J. Walsh, 1861 John Sinnott, 1873 John Greene, 1862 James Harpur, 1874 John Greene, 1863 John Greene, 1875 John Greene, 1864 John Greene, 1876 William Timpson, 1865 John Walsh, 1877 John J. Walsh. 1866 Joseph Swan Waddy, 1. Enniscorthy retaken from the soldiers of Cromwell, 1690-1. This fact is thus noticed by Cromwell in a letter to Parliament : — " The enemy sui-prised Enniscorthy in this manner : some Irish gentlemen feasted the soldiers, and sent in women to sell them strong water, (whiskey,) of which they drank too much, and then the Irish fell uj)on them, took the garrison, and put all the officers and sol- diers to the sword." 1. The schooner " Sibyle," of Wexiord, (Mr. JohnBar- rington, owner,) boarded und robbed by Pirates in the Bospherous, 1851. 1. The Rev. James Morgai^ Stubbs, Rector of Rosdroit, died, 1858. 1. The Rev. John Doe an, C.C, Newtownbarry, died, 1864 1. At a general meeting of the Catholic inhabitants of Enniscorthy, under the presidency of the Rev. John L. EuKLONG, Adm., it was unanimously resolved to erect the present Spire of the Cathedral, 1871. 1. Mr. James Giles, of Clone House, Monamolin, died at the advanced age of 92 years, 1877. January 2. 2. Henry the Eight presented Thomas Bernarde, chap- Iain, to the rectory of Old Ross, lately belonging to Thos., Dukeof Norfolk, 1511. 204 JANUARY. 2i Lieutenant Edwakd Osborne, of tlie Grenadier Com- pany, Wexford Regiment, died at the house of Thomas M*Corde, New Ross, 1812. 2. Dr. Nicholas Archer, of Wexford, died, 1833. He was Physician to County Infirmary for many years. 2. Mr. John O'Farrell, of the Cloth Hall, Wexford, died, 1834. His remains were the first interred in the then new portion of the grave-yard at the rere of the Franciscan Church in that town. 2. Mr. LuNDY-FooTE murdered at Rosbercon, near New Ross, about 4 o'clock in the evening, 1835. 2. The first birth took place in the Enniscorthy Union Workhouse, 1843. It was that of a female belonging to parents named Quinn. 2. Robert Doyne, Esq., J.P., Wells, died, 1850. 2. Sarsfield Colclough, Esq., died at Douglas, Isle of Man, 1855. He was bom in DuffreyHall, county Wex- ford, in 1768, and is buried in Templeshanbo. 2. Mr. James Kelly, farmer and miller, Edennine-, ac- cidentally killed by the machinery of his own mill, 1873. 2. Lieutenant-Colonel Harry Alcock, Wexford regt.y granted the honorary rank of Colonel, 1875. 2. A barn and a quantity of barley, the property of Mr. Codd, Garryfilom, destroyed by fire, 1876. 2. Captain Patrick French, of the merchant service, Wexford, died, 1877. January 3. 3. Art O'Brien, of Killaligan, near"" Enniscorthy, diedy 1629. The male representative of this family was residing in Paris some few years since. 3. The Ferns Diocesan Protestant Orphan Society estab- shed, 1833. The objects of the society are to provide 2^5 JANUARY. diet, lodging, clothing, and a Scriptural education for the destitute orphans of Protestant parents, and to apprentice them to Protestant masters and mistresses oi approvedre- ligious principles and conduct ; or to provide for them in any other way equally beneficial, and in accordance with the religious principles of the society. 3. The Countess De Clonard died at Vendome, France, 1857. Her Ladyship's maiden name was Crosbie, and she was born at Ballinagee, near Wexford. 3. Edward Donovan Hill, Esq., died at Urrin's Fort, near Enniscorthy, 1861. 3. Major Talbot, Castle Talbot, died, 1861. 3. Mr. E. E. Ffrench, formerly of New Ross, died at New York, 1875. 3, Great Floods in the county Wexford — the tide was very high at Wexford, the quays and lower parts of the town being flooded, so that boats passed through a portion of North Main street Some of the line of railway between Bray and Wicklow was carried away, and the mails did not arrive in this county for 48 hours. — 1877, January 4. 4. The Theatre erected by Wm. Taylor, Esq., in High- street, Wexford, opened for the lirst time, 1882. 4. Joshua Roberts, Esq., Enniscorthy, died, 1843. — This Gentleman was for many years Resident Agetit over Lord Portsmouth's Irish Estates, and in connection with the late Nicholas Ellis, Esq., carried out with unswerving uprightness those just and beneficent rules which have made it at all times so exceptional a property. In all other respects he was a model citizen, both in public and private life. Every good and philancrophic object had his firm and generous support. He was one of the earliest Tem- perance Reformers, and when Father Matthew first visited Enniseorthy, Mr. Roberts had his band of Total 29G' JANUARY Abstainers ready formed to receive and welcome him. He was President of the Total Abstinence Association in En- niscorthy till his death. He was universally beloved and trusted, and to him might well be applied the language of the great master of language — " Those about Mm, From him did read the perfect ways of honour." 4. John W. Breen, Esq., of Slade, Tower of Hook, died, aged 67 years, 1847. 4. The " Town of Wexford" paddle steamer, totally wrecked near Hollyhead, on her voyage from Wexford to Liverpool — no lives were lost. — 1852. 'She was the only steamship ever built in the port of Weford, and was the property of John Edward Redmond, Esq. 4. Richard Boyd, Collector of Customs at Wick, died, 1866. He was a native of New Ross. 4. The iron ship " River Krishna," wrecked on Tuskar Rocks, 1874. 4. A man named Coghlan drowned in the river Slaney, near Newtownbarry, whilst in pursuit of a pig that he was driving, 1876. 4. Miss Julia Murphy unanimously elected S^choolmis- tress of the Enniscorthy Workhouse National Female School, 1877. January 5. 5. The " Big Snow." — The snow fall and frost which commenced on the eve of Twelfth Day, 1814, was declared by '•' the oldest inhabitant" to have been the most severe since the " Big Frost" of 1740. The weather previously had been comparatively mild and with little rain. On New Year's Day, 1814, the wind came to the East, with an overcast sky. On the evening of the 5th January the wind rose and snow fell heavily for 18 hours, covering the coun- try to a depth of three or four feet — and where snow-drifts formed, the depth was from ten to twenty feet. Great JANUARY. difficulty was experienced in recovering sheep from the fields. On the 7th the frost became intense, and the snow fell heavily at intervals, but was remarkably dry and crisp, and the sun shone out brightly as is usual in Canada. — This kind of weather continued for three weeks, without any thaw. All out-door work was suspended, and many cattle, particularly sheep perished. The roads were un- distinguishable, and several cabins were covered over, and had finally to be abandoned by the inmates. The Slaney was frozen over from Ferry Carrig upwards, and was cross- ed by men and horses without danger. The whole of the extensive Wexford Harbour only exposed a narrow crook- ed line of open water in the tideway, and was covered with millions of wild water fowls, very many of them kinds rarely seen here. The same was the case with the Lakes of the county. The Lake of the Lady's Island was even more immensely resorted to by wild fowls, for its peculiar kind of feeding, the water being nearly fresh, and having" no tide or natural out-let into the sea. The Lake, three miles in length, was all frozen over to the thickness of 14 inches, except a semicircular space of about quarter of a mile, where the birds were so numerous as to prevent the water from freezing by their perpetual motion, and mil- lions of them died. All the fishes in the lake perished also, and when a passage was cut into the sea in the fol- lowing March, the bones of the perished wild birds gnd fishes were as plenty as shells on a cockle bed. There was not the slightest thaw until the 1st of February. Ague prevailed very much in the county during the following season, but other diseases were comparatively rare. Ague, once a common affliction yearly in the southern part of the county, has wonderfully disappeared, not half a dozen cases having been reported to the Poor- Law Guardians by the Dispensary District Medical Officers for the past five- and-twenty years. ». A man named Kelly murdered at Berkler, near New 20S JANUARY l^Dss, 1833. He was a workman in the employment of Mr. Deane. 5. The ship *^ Minerva," lost on Blackwater Bank, 1844. 5. Thomas Eedmond, Esq., of Lancaster Place, Wex- ford, died, 1851. 5. The schooner " Victoria," of Wexford, lost with all hands, at Portrane, 1854. 5. The Rev. John Barry, P.P. of Crossabeg, died, 1868. He was Curate in the Parish of Wexford, at the visitation of the first Cholera in 1832, where he laboured incessantly administering relief and religious consolation to his afflict- ed people. 5. Sandham Ely, Esq., of Ely's Walks, New Ross, died, 1861. 5. The Very Rev. Dean Meyler, Dublin, died, 1864. — The life of Dean Meyler was an eventful one, embracing two-thirds of a century. Whilst a boy, in his native County of Wexford, where he was born in the year 1784, he witnessed, and remembered well, the fierce and sangui- nary struggle of 1 798, and his reminiscence of that stormy and bloody period were full of a kind of painfully absorb- ing interest. Born of respectable and pious parents, from an early period of his existence he evinced a strong desire to enter the ministry, and to that object his education was directed. He entered Maynooth in his eighteenth year, and after a most successful course in that College, he was ©rdained Priest in the year 1807, and was pominatedto a curacy in Liffey-street, Dublin. From this he was trans- ferred to the Cathedral Church, Marlborough-street, and In 1833, was nominated to the Parish and Deanery of St. Andrew's. On the establishment of the National Board of Education he placed his schools under its regulations, and soon after he was appointed a Member of the Board, which •office he continued to hold up to the time of his demise. 5. Mr. MoTTE purchased, in the Incumbered Estates 299 JANUARY. Court, for the sum of £25,000, the Wexford and Bagnali- town Railway, 1866. January 6. 6. Anthony Colcloght arrests Edmund Rewe-a-Wall^ and lodges him in the gaol of Balljadams, 1549. 6. Edward Percival, R.IST., a native of the County Wexford, killed in action, 1813. The subject of our pre- sent notice, though of a mild and amiable disposition, dit- played great gallantry when occasion required, and ^^as- greatly beloved by his companions in arms, for those quali- ties that distinguish the gentleman and the hero. He met his death at an early age, and the following inscription taken from the beautiful monument erected to his memory in St. Iberius Church, Wexford, by the Captain and oificer» of the vessel in which he served, tells the manner of hia death : — " Sacred to the memory of Mr. Edward Percival^ late Master's Mate in the Royal Navy, who fell gallantly in. his country's cause, in an attack upon an enemy of far su- perior force, in a boat belonging to His Majesty's Frigate * Havannah,' Captain the Hon. George Cadogan, on the 6th January, 1813, on the coast of Istria, in the Adriatic^ aged 21 years. His amiable heart and noble disposition secured him the esteem and friendship of all who knew him, whilst his public conduct ever endeared him to the approbation of those officers with whom he served, in tes- timony whereof, the Captain and Officers of the ' Hava- nah,' have caused this monument to be erected to his me- mory, as a sincere tribute to departed worth, as well as of their admiration of the heroic manner in which he fell. — Interred in Brioni." 6. Adam Loptus Lynn, Esq., of Inyard, Fethard, re- ceived a threatening letter, in which it was stated that he would meet the death of Lundy Foote, if he attempted to^ take some land in his neighbourhood, 183d. 6. Dr. James Skelton, of Eimiscorthy, died at the- age- oi 100 years, 1844. 300 JANUARY. 6. The ship " Columbia," bound from New Orleans to Liverpool, wrecked near the Hook Lighthouse, 1852. — She had a cargo of 3,800 bales of cotton, and 5,000 bushels of Indian Corn. Eleven of the crew were drowned, nine- teen saved. January 7. 7. Beennan, the leader of the Kellymount Gang, killed, 1740. — ^The Kellymount Gang was a band of desparados, commanded by a leader named Brennan, that kept the country in a state of terror for a long time. It is stated by some writers that they were originally banded together for service under the Pretender, but failing in that they took to plunder, and for a long time lived at free quarters. Their depreciations, which extended over several counties in Leinster and Munster, became so intoUerable, that in the month of January, 1740, a number of gentlemen and their retainers formed themselves into a company, and at- tacked the "Gang" in their stronghold. A desparate con- flict ensued, and Brennan, the leader, being killed, his fol- lowers dispersed, and never after could be got together in any numbers. The towns and their neighbourhoods did not escape the depredations of the " Gang," for we have it on record that they visited the neighbourhood of Enniscor- thy, and on one occasion we are told that they attacked the residence of Captain Donovan, at Clonmore, Bree, a brave old ofiicer, who had served with honour in many campaigns, and who, it is stated, to keep his warlike spirit up, used to head parties in pursuit of the " Gang." The attack was made on the residence of the Captain during the night time, the party uttering loud yells and threaten- ing to murder all in the house ; but the brave old soldier and his servants barricaded the house, and made a gallant defence, finally succeeding in driving the marauders away. In defending his house Captain Donovan was wounded by a gunshot in the eye, the sight of which he lost. 7. Gi:oR«E H. Eeadb, Mayor of Wexford^ transmit to 501 JANUARY. the Lord Mayor of Dublin, the sum of £831 6a., collected in Wexford and its neighbourhood, in aid of the Portu- guese, who were in much distress by reason of the wars of Napoleon.— 1812. 7. A public banquet given in Wexford to Jasper W. Walsh, Agent for Lloyd's, 1855. The late John Edward Eedmond, M.P., presided. 7. The American ship " Brandiwine," wrecked at Cam- sore point, 18G1. 7. William Donovan, Solicitor, Enniscorthy, died, 1863. He was a member of the Ballymore family. 7. Joshua Bobiear, merchant, a member ot the Society of Friends, died at Enniscorthy, 1874. January 8. 8. William EitzAdelm de Burgo appointed Governor of Wexford, 1172. — William FitzAdelm de Burgo, accom- panied King Henry the Second into Ireland in 1171, as Steward or Comptroller of the Household, and on the ar- rival of that monarch in Wexford, he created his Steward Governor of the important Town and County of Wexford. This gentleman was of French or Norman origin, and from him is descended some of the oldest and greatest families in Ireland. On the departure of the King from Wexford, he issued orders to de Burgo to build the Castle of Wex- ford — intrusted him with the management of his affairs in Ireland, and named him Chief Governor of the Anglo- Norman settlements. It was while in this office he ob- tained the great property in Connaught, through the in- sane and sanguinary divisions for supremacy amongst the O'Connors, being called in by them to settle their differ- ences. De Burgo died in 1204-5. 8, Sir John Tottenham died at Tottenham Green, co, Wexford^ 1787. He was succeeded by his son, the Eight Hon. Charles Baron Loftus, 302 JANUARY. 8. The first sod turned for the reclamation of Ballj- teigue lake, by John Rowe, J.P., 1847. 8. The ship " Caroline," laden with Indian corn, bound to Liverpool, wrecked two miles east of the Hook light- house, 1852. 8. Public Banquet given in Wexford to Major O'Reilly, 1861. He had served with distinction in the Pope's Irish Brigade. 8. The Rev. Thomas Waeren, C.C, Enniscorthy, died, 1863. 8. The Rev. James Cumine appointed Rector of the united Parishes of Preban and Kilpipe, Diocese of Ferns, 1877. On same day, the Rev. P. Moinah, was appointed Rector of Killnahue, same Diocese. January 9. 9. William Sayntloo, Seneschal of the County Wex- ford, died, 1545. 9. Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, 435 acres of Ballywilliam, and 95 acres of Ballyleagh, in the barony of Bantry, were assigned to William Warren and Anne, his wife, at a quit rent of £10 14s 8 id yearly. — 1667. ' 9. The dwelling house and premises of William Walsh, farmer, St. Kerins, barony of Shelburne, maliciously set fire to and consumed, 1835. Patrick Byrne and Patrick Larkin were arrested and tried for the offence at Wexford Assizes, found guilty, and sentenced to transportation. 9. Captain Hunt, agent to Sir Hugh PaUiser, reported to be fired at on his way home from Wexford to Castle- town House, Carne, 1847. It was generally believed at the time that he was not fired at — that some person was fowling near where he was passing ; however that may be, Captain Hunt had two policemen to guard him until near his death, which took pkee a few years. afterwards. 308 JANUARY. 9. Maurice Letne, a talented young gentleman ivho took a conspicuous part in the Repeal agitation, addressed a public meeting in Enniscorthy, on the subject of free trade and the encouragement of Native Manufactures, 1850. He was grand nephew of O'Connell. 9. The Right Hon. Newton Fellowes, Lord Ports- mouth, died, 1854. 9. Edward M. Carr, of Camlin, near New Ross, died, 1858. 9. Thomas Jeffaries, shopkeeper, Wexford, died, 1861. 9. The Rev. Lofttjs Brennan, P.P., Taghmon, died, aged 68 years, 1866. The appointment of the Rev. Mr. Brennan to the parish of Taghmon, was the last made by the late Right Rev. Dr. Keating. 9. Charles H. Hill, J.?., St. John's, Enniscorthy, died, 1870. 9. A Rick of Hay, valued at c€ 30, the property of Mrs. Mary Bolger, of Killabeg, near Enniscorthy, destroyed by fire, 1876. The fire took place early in the evening, and it was not known how it originated. 9. Dr. W. F. Carmody elected Medical Officer of the Killan Dispensary District, 1877. January 10. 10. William Seyntlowe, Seneschal of the County of Wexford, being dead, Anthony Sentleger, Lord Deputy, appoints Mr. John a Brereton to the office, and thus in- forms the government of England of the matter : — " And wheare, nowe of late, Mr. William Seyntlowe is deceased, by reason whereof the Shenisshalship of the countie of Wexford is voide ; and for that I perceived the same coun- trie to lye, as ye knowe, mete and propice for the reforma- tion of Laynster, I have therefore apoynted Mr. John a Brereton, who hath the leading of 150 men here of the retjTiue, to have the same office, which by my pa tent is in 304 JANUARY. my gifte, during the Kinges pleasure. I thinke assuredly he will do good service there ; so as it may please the Kinges Majestie to give the same to hym for ternie of his lif, with like commoditye as the same Mr. Seyntlowe had it. I dought not but there wilbe sute made to His Majes- tie for others to have same office, that be borne here in this lande. But I remytt that to your wisdome. I will dis- parradge no man. But, as I may request to my great freende, I hartely desier youe to beare your favour to this gentleman, John a Brereton ; and I shall, God willing, with asmuche service, if it may ly in me, reqayte your kindeness. From the Kinges Majesties manour of Kyi- maynam, this tenthe of Januarij, 1545." Mr. Brereton applied for the office by a letter to Sir William Paget on the day previous, in which he says that he would have moved the Lord Deputy to write to the King in further- ance of his suit, but that his Lordship is so much troubl- ed by reason of certain accusations of his evil willers. — State Papers published by Authority. 10. The Mayor of Limerick complains to Lord Deputy Bellyngham, that a ship belonging to the Port of Limerick, on her voyage from Spain to that city with a cargo of wine, was wrecked on the Wexford coast and plundered by the inhabitants, 1549. lO.C^sATiCoLCLOirGH admitted a Barrister-at-Law, 1783. Mr. Colclough travelled the Leinster Circuit. At one time he and Charles Kendal Bushe were travelling from Wex- ford to Waterford, and in order to shorten the journey determined to cross the Ferry of Ballinlaw. It was blow- ing a strong gale at the time, and the boatmen expressed some fears as to their being able to cross over without danger to the lives of their passengers, but Mr. Colclough pressed them with additional fees, and ridiculed their fears, as time was of the greatest importance to him and his com- panions. It was then that Mr. Bushe (who afterwards rose to the dignity of Chief Justice of the Court of Com- 305 JANUARY. mon Pleas,) threw off the clever well-known impromptu. It is an amusing parody or burlesque on the famous words of Julius Csesar to the sailors in similar perilous circum- stances — " Courage ! you bear Csesar and his fortunes !" Bushe's lines ran^thus : — While meaner souls tlie tempest strike with awe. Intrepid Colclough crosses Ballinlaw, And cries to boatmen shiv'ring' in their rags : *"■ You carry CaBsar and his saddle bags." 10. A public meeting held at Enniscorthy to consider the advisability of improving the navigation of the river Slaney between that town and Wexford, 1832. Lord Carew, Lieutenant of the county, presided. Mr. Yignoles, C.E., attended and explained that it would cost £33,000 to make a canal from Pouldarrig to Brownswood, and from thence to use the river. The average annual traffic on the river at that time between Wexford and Enniscorthy was 56,000 tons. 10. John Corcoran, solicitor, Enniscorthy, died, 1850- 10. An accident occurred at Mill-park Brewery and Mill, Enniscorthy, by which two lives were lost — a young lad named Haughton, and a smith named Doran, 1864. 10. A County Meeting in favour of Denominational Education, held in Wexford, 1872. 10. Samuel Lee, of Barnadown, died, 1876. January 11. 11. The first Irish Parliament under Queen Elizabeth meet in Dublin, 1560. The representatives from this county were — Alexander Devereux, Bishop of Ferns ; for the county — William Hore, of Harperstown, and Richard Sinnott, of Ballybrennan ; for borough of Wexford — John Hassen and Eichard Talbot ; for Ross — Nicholas Heron William Dormer. 11. Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, the following lands in the barony of Ballaghkeene, county of 806 JANUAET, Wexford, were confirmed to Captain Felix Long, viz. : — 41a. Or. 16p., being part of the lands of Garranisk and Garry-Eichard ; 104 acres, part of Garryvadden ; 279 acres more of the same ; 151a 2r Op., of Killiagh ; 156 acres of Monavarick alias Monanarick ; 22 acres being part of Tan- kenick and Tobberlonny ; 186 acres of Courtlongh ; 102a 2r Op., of Killdurant alias Killdarent ; 97 acres of Garry- more ; 14a 2r Op., being part of Ballyboy ; 72a Or 13p. in the northerly part of Owlertwick, with the mill-race to be cut off by an east and west line. — Total quit rent, £27 16s 6d.— Inrolled, 1666. 11. Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation there were conferred on John Shelly, viz., 32 acres plantation measure of lands in Keyer, Edermine, and Clonmore, at a grave in his " Memoirs of the different Rebellions in Ire- land, with a particular detail of that which broke out on the 23rd of May, 1798." Dr. Caulfield was accused 1) of neglect in reporting to the Government the preparations of the United Irishmen ; 2) of indifference in rendering aid to loyal Protestants ; 3) of open treason in encouraging the rebels and blessing the pikemen in the streets of Wex- ford. In a pamphlet, which went through several editi- ons, entitled " The Reply of the Right Rev. Dr. Caulfield, Roman Catholic Bishop of Ferns, and of the Roman Catho- lic clergy of Wexford, to the misrepresentations of Sir Richard Musgrave, Bart.," these charges are ably refuted. The bishop answers, 1) That he knew no more than what every man of common observation was perfectly aware of, namely, that the people were for more than four years irri- tated, discontented, and inattentive to the warning of their own clergy, and he calls God to witness that the first idea 314 JANUAEY lie had of tlie rebellion was from the Government procla- mations ; 2) ^Vhenever he and his clergy could save life or property, they used all their influence for that purpose ; but their authority and warnings were not heeded by the misguided victims of irreligious leaders ; 3) he never bless- ed any body of insurgents, and could not have done so at the time and place alleged, because he never left his house that day. This statement, sworn to in the most solemn manner by Dr. Caulfield, supported by depositions on oath of several clergymen and laymen of respectability, and con- firmed by the express and grateful acknowledgements of the highest civil and military authorities, did not satisfy the titled assailant, who repeated all his calumnies in a a more offensive form in " Observations on the replv of the Eight Rev. Dr. Caulfield," published in Dublin, 1802. He speaks of the Catholic bishop as a man " that has no re- gard whatever to truth," and the priests " as anointed im- posters" "guilty of flagrant impudence" "notorious false- hoods," etc. With such an adversary, Dr. Caulfield pru- dently declined to contend any further. His cause was espoused by Yindex in a temperate and able jDamphlet, and by Plowden, a more skilled hand in polemical strife. Just as Plowden's 'Eei^ly' was about to issue from the press, he and his publisher were threatened by the worthy baronet, who was unscrupulous in assailing others, with an action for libel, and the ' Eeply' had to be modified and partly withdrawn through fear of oppressive law proceedings. — Eefering to this subject, Dr. Troy wrote thus to a lay friend, August 15, 1803 : Mt dear Sie, — One of Sir Eichard Musgrave's worst cahimDies is liia assertion that none of oiu- prelates, except I>r. Moylan, enforced tlie duty of loyalty when the rebellion of 1793 commenced. I expected that Mr. Plowden wonld have proved the contrary by reference to the Collection of Remonstrances published by Coo^hlan. I also hoped that Dr. Bellew would have been vindicated by the insertion of Mr. Cooke's short letter to him, and the affidavits I enclosed to you for Mr. Plowden, who completely vin- dicates Dr. Caulfield, Bishop of Ferns. It is to be regretted that Mr. Plowden could not publish the mentioned and other documents. I fre- quently desired Messrs. Keating to send me half a dozen copies of the S15 JANUAEY. Remonstrances, etc., and beg they may be forwarded to me without de- lay. I intend to have them republished here, with additional ones- I have not a single copy of them. One priest only has been apprehended since the late insurrection. He is a parish priest in the diocese of Eoss, county Cork, and was discharged in less than 24 hours. Nevertheless Bome of the English papers state that priests sittirg in committee have been taken up. Falkner' s JounMl stated t]ia,t Connolly of 3Iay no oth Col- lege was in Kilmainham Jail. A schoolmaster of that name, who taught in the village, but in no manner connected with the college, is the person in prison. See President Dunn's declaration on that subject, published in all our newspapers on Tuesday last. 1 have been honoured with several letters from England, complimenting me on the late printed exhortation occasioned by that wicked insurrection here on the 23rd ultimo. Amongst others, from Lords CornwalKs, Hertford, Castlereagh, Sir J. C. Hippisley, and Mr. Corry. We are apparently quiet here. We were so on Eiiday, the 22nd ultimo. French intrigue and gold will, I fear, fan the flame of rebellion, which seems extinguished. May God protect us, and direct oiir poor, over ci'edulous people. All friends are well. Believe me, my dear sir, faithfully yours, t J. T, TEOY. Dublin, 15th August, 1803. In 1803 Dr. Caulfield's health failed so much that he found it necessary to apply for a coadjutor. Though his name appears in some of the public documents after that date, he took no distinguished part in the many important political and religious questions that caused such a ferment- in this country daring the imprisonment and exile of Pius VII. He signed the ill-advised resolutions of January, 1799, sanctioning the principle of the veto and provision for the clergy " under certain regulations not incompatible with their doctrine and discipline" ; but he and the other prelates who were present at that meetmg, voted also unanimously for the famous resolution adopted at their as- sembly on the 14th September, 1808, condemning the veto,, and for the address against both the veto and the pension- ing of the clergy, unanimously adopted at the meeting also held in Dublin, February 24, 1810. On this last occa- sion alone is Dr. Caulfield represented as voting by proxy.. Yet it is unlikely that in his old age and very delicate- health he was able to travel to Dublin in 1810, or even in 1808, His name was signed to the api>eal, December 1,. 316 JANUAEY. 1809, of Drs. Tro}^, Bray, and six other bishops, to the pre- lates of the western province to retract their proceedings against the Eev. Oliver Kelly, Vicar-Capitnlar of Tuam, canonically elected ; " but it was well known that he was not at the meeting alluded to, nor at all in Dublin for years past, owing to his advanced age and concomitant infirmities." — (Eeport of the proceedings of the Connaught bishops, p. 18.) Dr. Caulfield died January 14, 1814, and was buried in the Chapel of Wexford." 14. The last General Inspection of the Yeomanry of the County Wexford by a Military Field Officer took place on this date, 1831, They were disbanded a few years after- wards. ^ 14. The St. Patrick's Society of Friendly Brothers, En- niscorthy, a Benefit Society composed of all religious de- nominations, formed, 1833. It is still in existence. 14. John Beowne, of Bigbarne, died, aged 88 years, 1836. 14. A proposition for the establishment of a Fever Hos- pital at Ferns, in connection with the Dispensary there, brought before a Special Presenting Sessions in Wexford, by the Eev. Henry Newland, rector of the parish, which was opposed by one of the presiding Magistrates, the Eev. Z. Cornock, a land owner in the neighbourhood, and thrown out by the Cesspayers, 1836. 14. Dr. BoxwELL elected Medical Superintendent of the County Wexford Infirmary, 1837. There were three can- didates for the office, viz. : — Dr. Boxwell, j)roposed by H. K.Grogan Morgan, Esq., seconded by Samuel Cooper, Esq.; Dr. Cardiff, proposed by JohnH. Talbofc, Esq,, seconded by Cadwallader Waddy, Esq. ; Dr. Lindsay, proposed by G. G. Grogan Morgan, Esq., seconded by Eobert Hughes, Esq. The following is the list of Governors and Subscrib- ers then privileged to vote at the election : — Governors by Act of Parliament ; — The Lord Chancellc«r j the Lord Pri-* ^817 JANUARY. mate ; the Bishop of Ferns, and the Mayor of Wexford. Governors for life. — The Marqnis of Ely, William Wigram, Sir Francis LeHunte, Eev. Charles Strong, Rev. R. Waddy Elgee, Patrick W. Redmond, Rev. Myles Mnrphy, G. G. Grogan Morgan, Dr. Renwick, S. Boxwell, Wm. Sparrovr, R. A. Kidd, J. S. Rochfort, Thomas Walker, Capt. Thos. Walker, Csesar Colclongh, Lord Carew, Charles Totten- ham, Richard Deverenx, Captain V. Hatton, Rev. P. Mnr- phy, Mrs. Morgan, (Johnstown Castle,) Samnel Boxwell, (Dnblin,) John Cooney, James Barry, Richard Sparrow, H. K. Grogan Morgan, John H. Talbot, Chas. A. Walker, Thomas Brennan, John Edward Redmond, Cadwallader Waddy, James Howlin, Rev. R. Radcliffe, Dr. Cardiff, John Boxwell, Nicholas Lett, Dr. Harvey, Nicholas Deve- renx, William Whitty, Charles Lett, Patrick Breen, Rev. J. Scallan, Nathaniel Sparrow, Frederick Jones, William Archer, Samuel Sparks, Clement Archer, Samnel Cooper, Jacob W. Goff, Henry J ones, John Leared, Arthur Barlow, Mr. Crohan, Dr. Nunn, John Rowe, Henry Lloyd, Colonel Johns, Robert Sparrow, Richard Sparrow, Michael Jones, Thomas Greene, H. L-vine, Dr. Widdup, Nichs. Furlong, W. B. Hogan, Samuel Tench, Henry Bolton, Rev. Thomas Stafford, Rev. James Lacy, Robert Hughes, Thos. Willis. Annual Subscribers. — Wm. A. Armstrong, Mrs. Greene, Benjamin Vicary, Rev. Dr. Elrington, Rev. Thomas Bell, Browne Clayton. — Total 83. Of this number, 26 voted for Dr. Boxwell, 16 for Dr. Cardiff', and 15 for Dr. Lindsay. 84. Prizes awarded for the best answering on Electricity by the Mechanics's Institute, Wexford, 1852. — At the course of Lectures delivered by Surgeon Lover this year, the committee of the Mechanics' Institute resolved to give premiums for the best answering on the subject of the lectures — " Electricity." On the evening of the exami- nation, twenty-one candidates presented themselves — eighteen boys and three girls. The questions were printed on cards, and three cards were drawn and handed to each 318 ja:^uary. ean^etitor. Any one not answering one out of the three questions had to drop out. This was repeated until the number was reduced to five, when one card only was drawn, and each should answer that question, the others being removed out of hearing. At this stage of the pro- ceedings, the five were Miss Margaret Codd, (late Eev. Mo- ther of the Convent of Mercy, London, and foundress of the House of Refuge in that city) ; Master Patrick Kava- na^gh, (now a Franciscan Friar, Cork) -, Master North ; Master William Murphy, (Master of the Enniscorthy Workhouse School at the time of his death) ; and Master Nathaniel Yicary, now in the Royal Navy. Vicary and Murphy were equal, and received Silver Medals. Miss Codd was awarded books by the Institute, the President, and the learned Lecturer. Books were also given to the Messrs. Kavanagh and North. 41. Mr. Arthur Kavanagh, sometime a Member of the Wexford Corporation, died, 1876. January 15. 15. LoDOWiCK Brtskett, Clerk of the Council, petitions Walsyngham, Secretary of State, that he may be relieved of his labours, as he has taken a Priory in Wexford for £30 per annum, and prays that he may be granted the allow- ance of eight horse and twelve foot soldiers, till he may take root therein. 1582. 15. Gerald Kavanagh, of Parkeneswonck, died, 1625. 15. Carolan O'Doran, of Tomneboly, died, 1627. 15. Nicholas Whittt, of Kilgarvan, died, 1628. 15. On this date, 1665, a Commission met in Wexford to settle his Majesty's (CharlesII.) claims to a share of the confiscated lands of the County, when the following order was made : — " Owen Madocx, Irish papist, was on the 23rd October, 1 641, seized in his demeasne as of fee, of and in the towiie & lands of Ballintleagh, in the barony of Gorey, and county of Wexford, containing 168 acres, plantation SI9 JANUARY. measure. The same was seized and sequestered upon ao- count of the rebellion in Ireland, which broke out on the 23rd October, 1641, and his Majesty is intituled to thirty acres thereof, pursuant to and by virtue of the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, (over and above 138 acres confirmed to Captain John Sands,) and the same is worth 4d. sterling- per acre, by the year, over and above the quit rent. His Majesty is intituled to eight acres, like mea- sure, in Eathanculle, in the barony of Scarawalsh, and county aforesaid, (being the property of Dudley Colclough, Irish papist, on the said 23rd October), pursuant to the said acts of parliament. The same were seized and se- questered upon account of the said rebellion ; and they are of the yearly value of 8d. sterling per acre, by the year, over and above the quit rent and all other charges, saving- unto Pateiok CoLCLOTJGH, Esq., his right and title therein. His Majesty is also intituled to [ ] acres in Shraghmore, in the said barony and county, (being the property of Dud- ley CoLCLOUGH and Hugh Byene, Irish papists, on the said 23rd October,) saving unto the said Patrick Colclough, his right and title therein. His Majesty is intituled to the townes and lands of Ballymore, BaUycristick, Curragh- negree, and Clorogebeg, in said barony, containing acres like measure, pursuant to the said Acts of Settlement and Explanation, being the property of said Dudley Col- clough and Sir Morgan Cavanagh, on the said 23rd Oc- tober, saving unto Jon^ah Wheeler, executor to Oliver Wheeler, Esq., his right and title therein. His Majesty ■is also intitled unto one-third of Ballynevaraghan and Keylanure, in the said barony, containing 283 acres, like measure, pursuant to the said Acts, (being the property of said Sir Morgan Cavanagh, Irish papist, on the 23rd of October, I64I,) saving unto the said Jonah Wheeler, his right and title to the same. Thetowne and lands of Tagh- mon, in gaid county, containing 986 acres were &et\ to Captain Thomas Holmes, as souldier, in the year 1655. and held and enjoyed by hira until June, 1^63, when William 320 JANUARY. HoRE, Esq., upon a decree of innocency, as a Protestant, in the Court of Claymes, recovered 400 acres of the said lands, with a common pasture on all the lands of Tagh- mon. In the year 1666, the said Thomas Holmes past letters patent for 349 acres thereof ; and his said Majesty is intituled unto the remaining 237 acres, pursuant to the said acts, (being the property of Nicholas Meyler, Wil- liam Sutton, and Nicholas Bryan, on said 23rd October, I64I.) The said William Hore hath common of pasture upon the whole lands of Taghmon, besides the 400 decreed unto him, as aforesaid, and they are of the yearly value of 2d sterling per acre, above the quit rent and all other charges, &c,, always saving to the said Willia:^ Hore, his heirs and assigns, his common pasture on the said lands of Taghmon according to his decree, as aforesaid, and also saving unto Daniel Gahan, Esq., his right and title to the said 237 acres, if any he hath. His Majesty is also inti- tuled unto 8 acres 3 roods and 24 perches in Richards- towne, in the barony of Bargy, (being the property of John Devereux and Richard Stafford, on the said 23rd of October,) saving unto William Ivory, Esq., his right and title to 81 acres of said lands. His Majesty is also intitul- ed to 112 acres I rood and 37 perches in Mulrancan and Knockanshankey in said barony, (being the property of William Brown, Irish papist, on the said 23rd October,) saving unto the said William Ivory, John Clipfe, and John Aijnsloe, their right and title to the said lands re- spectively, by patent and by virtue of the elegit of Ed- ward, Earl of Meath. His Majesty is also intituled to 40 acres in Hagardstowne, in the said barony, (being the pro- perty of said WiLiiiAM Brown, on the said 23rd October,) saving unto the said William Ivory, John Cliffe, and John Aunsloe, their right and title to the said land by virtue of their patent, and the said elegit. His Majesty is also intituled to 37 acres 2 roods and 12 perches in Hole- manhill,..in the said barony, (being the property of Ni- cholas Devereux, Irish papist, on the 23rd October.) His 321 JANUARY. Majesty is also intitled to 7 acres, plantation measure, in the town and lands of Duneormick, in the said barony, being the property of said Nicholas Devereux and John" Cheeyers, on said 23rd October), saving unto Nicholas Kino, gent., his righfc and title to the said lands. His Ma- jesty is intitled to 44a 2r 16p., like measure, in Duneor- mick aforesaid, pursuant to the said acts (being the x^ro- perty of said Nicholas Devereux), saving unto the said Nicholas King, as before. His Majesty is intitled to 53 acres, like measure, in Duncornjick aforesaid aiidBelgrove, (being the property of Nicholas Whittt, Irish papist, on said 23rd October), saving unto said Nicholas King, as be- fore. His Majesty is intitled to 33 acres, like measure, (over and above 68 acres formerly found by inquisition), in Belgrove and Duneormick aforesaid, being the pro]3erty of said Nicholas Whitty. His Majesty is also intitled to 69a Or 15p., like measure, in Fainstowne, in the said barony, (being the property of said Nicholas Devereux), saving unto Alexander Jackson his right and title to the said lands. His Majesty is also intitled to the town and lands of Rath, in the said bj^rou}-, containing 79a 3r., like mea- sure, (being the property of Nicholas Synnott, Irish pa- pist, on the said 23rd of October,) saving unto Robert Leigh, Esq., and unto Ellinor Tho^ipson, widow, their right and title unto the said lands. His Majesty is also in- titled unto 11 acres, like measure, in the town and lands of Kilhnacree, in the barony of Forth, (being the projDerty of Walter Roch, Irish papist, on the said 23rd October,) saving unto the said William Ivory, Esq., his right and title to the said lands. His Majesty is also intitled to 12a 3r 32p., in Ballingory, m said barony (being the property of Simon Synnott, Irish papist, on the said 23rd October,) saving unto Osborne Edwards, Esq., his right and title to the same. His Majesty is also intitled unto 6 acres, like measure, in Wadding's land, in the said barony, (being the property of Richard Wadding, Irish papist, on the said 23rd of October,) saving unto the said Osborne Edwards 322 JANUARY. his right and title to the said lands. His Majesty is also intitled unto 11a 3r 12p, like measure, in Ballyhire, in the said Barony, (being the property of Philip Lampoet, Irish papist, on the said 23rd October,) saving to the said Os- borne Edwards, his right as before. His Majesty is also intitled to 7 acres, like measure, in Bin alias Windmill in said barony, (being the property of said Philip Lamport, as before), saving unto said Osborne Edwards, his right as before. His Majesty is intitled unto the number and quantity of 281 acres, like measure, in the town and lands of Templenecrohy, in the barony of Bantry, (being the property of said Nicholas Devereux, on the said 23rd of October), and the same were seized and sequestered upon account of said rebellion." — Iquisitionum in Officio Rotu- lorum Cancellarioe Hibernise. 15. Mr. John F, Harvey, second son of John Harvey, Esq., County Treasurer, died at Skerrington, 1833. 15. Charles ToTTENHAM,Esq., entertained his supporters at a public banquet in New Ross, 1835. 15. Alexander Moorhead, Esq., Wexford, died, 1837. 15. Geo. Little, Esq., solicitor, Cullentra, near Wex- ford, died, 1852. 15. Thomas Botce, Esq., Bannow, the friend of the Poet Moore, died, 1854. 15. The ship " Chattanooche," 1115 tons, bound from Liverpool to Savannah, wrecked near Greenore Point, 1857. The crew, 27 in number, were saved. 15. Frederick Solly Flood, Esq., obtains a writ of Habeas Corpus in the Court of Queen's Bench, London, to bring over to England, one John Anderson, a slave who had escaped from the Uniced States to Canada, 1861. — The States were making great efforts to obtain possession of poor Anderson, and Mr. Flood made the move, well knowing that if Anderson was once landed in England, he could not be claimed under any pretence whatever. 323 JANUARY. 15. The ship " Test," bound from the Mauritius to Glas- gow with a cargo of sugar, wrecked at Mauricecastle, 1861. 15. Captain W. M. Westeopp-Dawson, Charlesfort, Ferns, appointed a Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Wexford, 1868. 15. Dr. N. FuELONG elected Medical Officer of the En- niscorthy Workhouse, in the room of Dr. P. O'Rourke re- signed, 1874. January 16. 16. Henry VIII., granted to Richard Butler, of Dor- merstown, (?) Esq., in consideration of the sum of £25 133 4d., the site of the Monastery of Augustine Friars of Ross^ county Wexford, together with tenements in Ross, held by James Courcy, Edmund Hopper, Denis Couly, Jamea Travers, and John Browne, and land in Pollcapyll, in county Wexford, to hold for ever, by the service of the twentieth part of a Knight's fee and a rent of 16d yearly. —Warrants of Henry, YUI., 1543. 16. Nicholas Roche, of Newbay, near Wexford, died^ 1637. 16. Wm. Hope and Ralph James Hope appointed Lieu- tenants in the Clonegal Yeoman Infantry, 1822. 16. It may be interesting to the play-going public of Wexford to know that on this date, 1832, the well-known " Ferry-Carrig Scene," was first used in the Theatre of of that town. It was painted by a native artist, Mr. Johm Willis. 16. The ship " Grace" of and for Preston, from Alex- andria, lost on St. Patrick's Bridge, Kilmore, 1851. The Captain, Henry O'Neill, and one seaman drowned. Saint Patrick's Bridge is a narrow ridge always under the water^ extending in a curve from the little Saltee Island north- ward to the mainland. It is composed of large stones,, like paving stones ; the depth on it at low water is from 7 to 10 feet. 324 JANUAEY, IG. The town of Enniscorthy first lighted with Gas, 1852 16. Adam Sutton, steward to the Eev. Z. Cornock, J.P., Cromwell's Fort, Wexford, died, aged 98 years, 1858. 16. The old Bridge of Eoss carried away by a flood and great flow of ice, 1867. — It is not known as certain by whom, or when a Bridge was first built across the Barrow, at New Eoss. In a Patent of Edward II., 1317, Eosseis named as " Eossponte," which shows it then had a Bridge. No further notice is taken of the Bridge until Stainhurst, in 1586, says — " This towne was no more famoused for these wals than for a notable wooden bridge that stretch- ed from the towne unto the otherside of the water, which must have been by reasonable suryie, twelve score, if not more feete. Diverse ofthepoales, logs and stakes with which the Bridge was under-propt, stick to this daie in the water." There was a Bridge at Eoss before what is call- ed the Great Eebellion of 1641, but in 1643, the inhabi- tants for the greater security of the town, broke it down. Cromwell received the surrender of the town in 1649, from tie Governor, Lord Taaffe, who was a Lieutenant of Or- iDond'e — and being taken ill there, he (Cromwell) remain- ed in the house of Francis Dormer, the Sovereign, until after seme weeks, when he recovered. He caused a Bridge to be erected, but how long it lasted we have no reliable accounts. It must have been of a very temporary kind, for in 1690, as shown by the Town Council Books, an order was mad€ — "That Edward Suttcn, ferrjman, being an Irish Ecman Catholic, be caused to employ an English- man." And same year, it was ordered — " That all Ecman Catholic Fret men hereafter be not allowed to have a vote." Crdered — " That all Papists in this town, without excep- tion, be quartered upon, as is done in Waterford,and other good towns." In 1796, a wooden Bridge was built, 510 feet long, with a causeway of 160 feet, at a cost of £11,200 — a portcullis 27 feet wide, to admit vessels. This Bridge, was erected by Cox, who had just built Wexford Bridge— 325 JANUARY. and it produced by tolls £800 a year. This structure being carried away by the ice in tlie Earrow, on the night of the 16th January, 1867, an Act, 30 & 31, Vic, cap.'sO, was procured to build the present Bridge, which was open- ed for public traffic, 6th August, 1869, having cost £50,137 including £12,334 paid to the old Bridge Proprietors. 16. Mr. Patrick O'CoNXOR, of Templeshannon, Ennis- corthy, died at his coimtry residence, Ballybanogue, 1876. For some years he had a seat at the Board of Commission- ers for the Town of Enniscorthy, and also rej^resented the Electoral Division of Edermine at the Enniscorthy Board of Guardians. January 17. 17. A premium ot £5 8s. was granted by the Dublin So- ciety to William Webster, a resident in the county Wex- ford, for having during the previous two years planted 23,390 forest trees.~-1793. 17. Mr. Maurice Allen, of the firm of Allen, Brothers, merchants, Wexford, died, 1850. 17. Mr. Philip Eedmond, Notary Public, Selskar, Wex- foad, died, 1853. 17. Mrs. M'SwEENEY, sister to the " Liberator," died at Wexford, 1854. 17. Mr. Patrick Murphy, of Kilmannon, died, aged 77 years, 1858. 17. The Church of St. Mary's, NewEoss, after under- going repairs, opened for worship, 1866. 17.The Ver}^ Rev. Wm. Doyle, ex-Guardian of the Fran- ciscan Convent, Wexford, died therein, in the 46th year of his age, 1867. 17. Mr. Thomas Codd, the Ring, died, 1875. He was a great admirer of O'Connell's, and during the Repeal Agita- tion acted as Repeal Warden for his district. 17. The Rev. John Cold, CC.^, Crossabeg, died of ma- 326 JANUARY. licpiiaut scarlatina caught in the discharge of his sacred duties, 1877. He was educated at St. Peter's College, Wexford, and ordained at Maynooth in 1861. Janijaey 18. 18. Queen Elizabeth orders the Lord Deputy of Ireland to issue a warrant granting to Sir Nicholas White, Master of the Rolls, the reversion of Dunbrody Abbey, county Wexford, 1569. 18. Mr. Stephen Botce appointed to a Lieutenancy in the Scarawalsh Yeoman Infantry, 1811. 18. Mr. John Corish, Harveystown, died, 1837. 18. The Yery Rev. Charles R. Elrington, son of the the last resident Bishop of Eerns, and sometime Rector of Kilscoran, in this diocese, died Dean of Armagh, 1850. 18. The ship " James Calder," bound from New Orleans to Liverpool, with a cargo of 2,000 bales of cotton, wreck- ed in Ballyteigue Bay, 1854. The crew were saved by the exertions of the inhabitants of the district and the coast- guards. 18. The Rev. Patrick Keating, Parish Priest of Pierces- town, died in the Fifty-eighth year of his age, and the Thirty-third of his missionary labours in his native dio- cese, 1858. Among his brother Clergymen Father Keat- ing held an honourable place in the estimation of not only those who had the pleasure of his more immediate friend- ship, but of his slightest acquaintance. The strict observ- ance of the laws of God and man he was ceaseless in en- forcing, and the uniform tenor of his life, couj)led with his admitted learning, and unostentatious piety, more than once directed the attention of his brother Clergymen to him, as one on whose brow the Mitre of Ferns would sit with grace, and the Pastoral Staff be safely entrusted, for the benefit of the flock, and the glory of the Most High. 18. The ship " Versailles," wrecked at Roslare, 1861. 327 JANUARY. 18. Mr. Michael Browner, a farmer, residing at Cam- ross, accidentally killed by being thrown from his car, 1864. 18 A public meeting held at Arthnrstown, for the pur- pose of promoting the construction of a railway between Wexford, Roslare, New Ross, and Waterford, 1873. 18, Mr. Graves, M.P., for Liverpool, died, 1873.—- Mr. Graves, who died rather suddenly at a comparatively early age, was born in and closely connected with the county Wexford, had gained for himself a high position in politi- cal and mercantile circles, being one of the merchant princes of Liverpool, and though but a few years in Parlia- ment he had made a name for himself, and was looked up to as a gentleman whose energy and steadfastness of j^ur- pose would advance him to the highest pinnacle of fame as a legislator. Mr. Graves was the second son of the late William Graves, Esq., J. P., by Sarah, daughter of the late Samuel Elly, Esq., New Ross, and was born in 1818. He was educated at a private school in New Ross, and in 1848, married Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Haughton, Esq., county Carlow. Mr. Graves settled in Liverpool, where he became a merchant and shipowner. In 1861, he was elected to the office of Mayor of Liverpool, being the first Irishman who ever filled the civic chair of that im- portant town. On the 22nd September, 1860, Mr. Graves, as Commodore of the Mersey Yatch Club, was presented with a handsome piece of plate by the Officers of H.M.S. " Defence," for the great kindness shown them during their stay in the Mersey. In 1865 he w as chosenParlxa- mentary Representative for the borough of Liverpool, which he continued to represent till his death. In poh- ticshewas a liberal Conservative. Mr. Graves wasalso a leading member of the Mersey Dock and Harbour Board ; Chamber of Commerce ; Local Marine Board, and a Di- rector of the London and North Western Railway Com- pany, as well as of the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, and other public companies. He was also a member of S28 JANUARY the Royal Commission on the management of lights, buoys, &c. On the occasion of some members of the Royal Fa- mily paying a visit to Liverpool, Mr. Graves had the honour of entertaining them at his princely residence, near that town, and on his death becoming known to her Majesty she addressed a letter of condolence to Mrs. Graves. A monument to the memory of Mr. Graves has been erected by the inhabitants of Liver^^ool. 18. The Austrian barque " Nanta," wrecked at Cahore, 1877. The crew were saved by the lifeboat of the station. January 19. 19. Wm. Furlong, of Horetown, died, 1636. 19. The Parishes of Leskinfere, Ballycanew, Monamo- lin, and Kilfcrisk, ecclesiastically united by act of Privy Council, 1793. 19. The "Town of Wexford" steamer launched from Wexford Dockyard, 1836. 19. Elizabeth Shaw, aged 102 j^ears, died in the old House of Industry, Stonebridge, Wexford, 1836. 19. Mr. Robert Doyle, of Money tucker, died, 1837. 19. The " Sultana" of Wexford, wrecked in the Bay of Wexford, 1837. Crew saved. 19. Dr. Wilson, Enniscorthy, died, 1837. He was Me- dical Attendant of the Fever Hospital and Dispensaiy of that town. 19. Public Dinner at the Portsmouth Arms Hotel, En- niscorthy, to celebrate the lighting of that town with Gas, 1852. 19. The body of Denis Connors, of Tomgarra, near Adamstown, found in the river near the town of New Ross, 1864. 19. Great fire at the Medical and Drug Store, Slaney- street, Enniscorthy, 1874. Not a particle was saved from 329 JAISrUAEY. the house, and the proprietor had to escape through a back window into another house. 19. The Italian brig " Yittorisso G," wrecked in the bay of Bannow, 1874. The crew were saved by the Dun- cannon Life-boat, which was brought overland a distance of 5 miles. 19. Lord GEOsaE Wiillam Lofttjs, third son of John, second Marquis of Ely, died suddenly at Nice, 1877. Jantjart 20. 20. MuRROTTGH M^Lysagh, of Ballyutumer, Duffrey, died, 1608. 20. Boulavogue Chapel consecrated — the sermon was preached by the Very Eev.^^Dr. Cahill, 1850. 20. John Sinnott died in the Gorey Workhouse, aged 16 years, 1857. He was only 26 inches high. 20. Sixteen casks of Eum picked up in the South Bay, Wexford, by jfishing boats, 1868. 20. Public Meeting at Enniscorthy in favour of closing Public Houses on Sunday, 1874. 20. Mr. John Jackman, sometime Stamp Distributor for the County, died at Wexford, 1875. 20. Mr. James Barry, grand-nephew, and last male re- presentative of "Saucy Jack Barry," the founder and first Commodore of the American Navy, died at Kelly stown, near Drinagh, 1876. January 21. 21. The barque " Elerslie," bound from Liverpool to Barbadoes, wrecked at Hill of Sea, Roslare, 1858. 21. A Public Banquet given to Mr. Edward Keogh, New Eoss, 1858. Dr. Howlett, J. P., presided. 21. Mr. James Corry, of Newtownbarry, dropped dead whilst attending to business, 1859. 330 JANUAEY. 21. The Eight Eev. Dr. Sheil, Bishop of Adelaide, Aus- tralia, delivered a lecture on "Primative Eevelatioii," be- fore the Catholic Young Men's Society, Wexford, 1868. 21. Captain W. A. Akmstrong, J.P., Eathmacnee, died, 1869. He served in the 11th regiment daring the Penin- sular campaign. 21, Two young men convicted before the Magistrates at Duncormack Petty Sessions for tarring and sanding a young woman, 1870^ 21. William Izosr Bryan, Esq., J.P., LL.D., died at Bormount, Enniscorthy, 1873. 21. The Eev. P. B. Weldon appointed Incumbent of Kilmuckridge, 1873. -21. Mr. EoBEKT Pender, of Bachelor's Hall, died, 1875. January 22. 22. Lands granted to James Underwood and Matthew Williams, 1668. — Under the Acts of Settlement and Ex- planation the following lands were confirmed to James Underwood, and to Phillips, son and heir of Lieutenant Matthew WilliamSn, viz. : — To Underwood-^In Ballynrush alias Bollinrush, alias the old town of Ballinrush alias As- kerveller alias Dunishell, 248a Ir 14j). plantation measure, in the barony of Scarawalsh, and county of Wexford, at a quit rent of £5 Os 6^d. And to Williams — Out of the south side of Ballinrush aforesaid, 153 acres, and 56a 2r 26p. more in the south-west end of same, at a quit rent of £4 4s 10 id.. 22. Lieutenant-Colonel Murphy, of the Erench army, taken prisoner by the English at the battle of Wandewash, India, 1759. — Lieutenant-Colonel Murphy served with great distinction under General Lally in India, and was present at all the principal engagements in that country, until taken prisoner at the battle of Wandewash in 1759. O'Callaghan in his " History of the Irish Brigade in the" 331 JAlSniAEY service of France," after noticing the fact of Colonel Mtir- phy being taken prisoner, introduces the following note : " The sept of O'Miirchuclha, pronounced O'Murraghoo, at first Anglecised O'Murchoe, and finally Murph}-, were likewise designated Hy-Felimy, or descendants of Felimy ; from their progenitor, a son of the celebrated Enna Kin- sellagh. King of Leinster, contemj)orary of St. Patrick, in the 5th century. The territory of the sept consisted of Murroos or Maccamores, in the county Wexford ; the seat of the Chieftain being in the locality now called Castle Ellis, where in 1634, Conal O'Murchudha, the head of the race, died, and was interred ; and, till within the present century, a respectable branch still possessed a considerable estate at Oulartleigh. To be a Murphy is to be proverbi- ally associated, at home and abroad, with old Irish or Mili- sian extraction, even without the prefix of 0' ; " Don Pa- tricio O'Murphy, the steward of the Duke of Wellington's estate in Spain, being," writes Dr. O'Donovan, in 1861, " the only man living, who retains 0' in this name." — • During the war of the Eevolution in Ireland, the Murphy's were represented in the Jacobite army among Hamilton's, Kenmare's, Tyrone's, Bellew's, Kilmallock's, and Huns- don's infantry, by several ofiicers, from the rank of Major to that of Lieutenant ; and seven of the name, in Wex- ford alone, besides many more in other Counties, are to be seen in the attainders of the Jacobites. From the sailing of the Irish forces for France, after the Treaty of Limerick, in 1691, to the reign of Louis the XVI., there w^ere various: Murphy's also, from the rank of Major to that of Lieuten^ ant, in the Irish regiments of Charlemont, Clancarty, Li- merick, FitzGerald, Galmoy, Dillon, and Clare, besides, those in the French regiments ; the Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment of Lally having been, so far, the highest im rank of his name." 332 JANUARY. 22. The Very Eev. Dean Murphy, for half a century Parish Priest of Glynn, Diocese of Ferns, died at Wex- ford, 1867. 22. The Comitess of Granaed died at Johnstown Castle, Wexford, 1872. She was daughter of H. K. G. Morgan, Esq., D.L. 22. Mr. Peter Coghlan, a native of the county Wex- ford, died Postmaster of Galway, 1873. 22. The Ven. Archdeacon Corvan, D.D., Rector of En- niscorthy, died, 1875. — The Rev. Dr. Corvan was born at Kilcormuck Rectory, (of which parish his Father was Rec- tor), on May 4th, 1803. He was educated by his Father, and at Trinity College, Dublin, where he graduated. His first appointment was as Curate to his Father at Kilcor- muck, whence (on his Father's death), he passed to the Perpetual Curacy of Donamore. He subsequently became Incumbent of Kilmuckridge ; Curate of Gorey ; Curate of Carnew ; Rector of Mothel ; Rector of Carnew ; Yicar of St. Mary's, New Ross ; and Rector of Enniscorthy. When Rector of Carnew he published a reply to a pamphlet by the late Rev. Henry Woodward, of Fethard, on the Edu- cation controversy. When subsequently Vicar of St. Mary's, New Ross, he took a very prominent part in resist- ing the compromise proposed by the late Primate Beres- ford, to the effect that the Patrons of weak Church Edu- cation Schools might with a good conscience place them under the National Board. On this occasion he made a well-remembered speech. He continued at New Ross for seventeen years, where he was universally respected and loved. On the death of the late Dean Brown in 1864, he became Rector of Enniscorthy, and subsequently, in 1872, Archdeacon of Ferns, in succession to Archdeacon John- son. When the question of the Disestablishment of the Irish Church was pending, he went twice as Deputation to England, visited many places, and made many speeches, in order to avert (if possible) the threatened blow. But the 333 JANUAEY. blow was not to be averted, and from the period of the Disestablishment, he took a prominent part in the Coun- cils and Synods of the Church. He generally presided, and with marked ability, at the Ferns Diocesan Council and Synod, as the Commissary of the late Bishoj) O'Brien, whose intimate friend he was. He spoke occasionally in the General Synod, generally on the subject of Revision, and in a sense hostile to that movement. One of his speeches on the question of Baptism attracted considerable attention at the time, and carried great weight with it. — He belonged to the Church Evangelical School, and had no sympathies with dissent. His publications were a Ee- view of Eev. Arthur Dawson's Sermon on the Christian Priesthood, (1867) ; a Paper on the Interpretation of St. John XX., 22, 23, (1872) ; the Story of James Dempsey, a Convert from Eomanism. This devoted and faithful-heart- ed Clergyman of the Church of Ireland, caught fresh cold attendnig the funeral of Bishop O'Brien, (to whom he was sincerely attached), at Kilkenny, and died at Enniscorthy Januar}^ 22nd, 1875, in the seventy-second year of his age, amidst universal sentiments of regret, esteem, and affec- tion. All felt that they had lost a friend, and that a ge- nerous, manly, and faithful heart had ceased to beat, while many regretted the loss of a pious and learned Churchman. 22. Two large Pishing Boats, the property of Mrs. De- VERETjx, the Pay the, Wexford, wrecked on the Long Bank, 1877. January 23, 23. The Eev. William Lamport, P.P., Lady's Island, esteemed a saint and prophet by his flock, died, aged 40 years, 1753. 23. EicHARD BoYSE, Esq., Bannow, died, 1793. This gentleman was brother to the Eev. Mr. Boyse, of New- castle, county Cork, the patron of John Philpot Curran. — That Curran in his prosperity did not forget his early pa- 834 JANUARY. trOn is fully proved by the following anecdote taken from a life of Curran, written by his son : — " Allow me, gentle- men," said Curran one evening to a large party, " to give you a sentiment. When a boy, I was one morning playing at marbles in the village Ball-alley, with a light heart and lighter pocket. The gibe and the jest went gladly round, when suddenly, among us appeared a stranger of a remark- able and very cheerful aspect ; his intrusion was not the least restraint upon our merry little assemblage. He was a benevolent creature, and the days of infancy (after all the happiest we shall ever see) perhaps rose upon his me- mory. Heaven ! bless him 1 I see his fine form at the distance of half a century just as he stood before me in the little Ball-alley, in the day, of my childhood. His name was Boyse ; he was the rector of Newmarket. To me he took a particular fancy. I was winning, and full of wag- gery, thinking everthing that was eccentric, and by no means a miser of my eccentricities 5 everyone was welcome to a share of them, and I had plenty to spare after having freighted the company. Some sweetmeats easily bribed me home with him. I learned from Boyse my alphabet, and my grammar, and the rudiments of the classics. He taught me all he could, and then he sent me to a school at Middleton. In short, he made me a man. I recollect it was about thirty-five years afterwards, when I had risen to some eminence at the bar, and when I had a seat in Parliament, on my return one day from court, I found an old gentleman seated alone in my draAving-room, his feet familiarly placed on each side of the Italian marble chim- ney-piece, and his whole air bespeaking the consciousness of one quite at home. He turned round — it was my friend of Ball-alley. I rushed instinctively into his arms, and burst into tears. Words cannot describe the scene which followed. * You are right, sir, you are right ; the chimney- piece is yours — the pictures are yours — the house is yours. You gave me all I have — my friend — my benefactor !' He- dined with me ; and hi the evening I caught the tear glis- 335 JANUARY. tening in his fine blue eye, when he saw poor little Jack, the creature of his bounty, rising in the House of Com- mons to reply to a right honourable. Poor Boyse ! he is now gone ; and no suitor had a longer deposit of practical benevolence in the Court above. This is his wine — let us drink to his memory !" 23. Mr. William C. LeFebure, of the Wicklow Militia, died at Gorey, 1847. 23. A great Tenant-Right Meeting and Banquet held in Wexford, Mr. Patrick Keating, Moneyhore, presided, 1855. Patrick M^Mahon, M.P., C. G. Duffy, M.P., G. H. Moore, M.P, &c., &c., were present and addressed the meeting. 23. Mr. Wm. Warren, Clonhenrit, Camolin, died, 1875. 23. Mr. James Redmond, aged 56 years, died suddenly of heart disease, at his residence, 43, Dominick-street, New York, 1877. Mr. Redmond was a native of the parish of Ferns, county Wexford, and emigrated to Ame- rica when very young. He settled in New York, where, by perseverance and industry, he became an eminent mer- chant, distinguished for his high sense, integrity and ge- nial disposition. Mr. Redmond was a Trustee of the West side Savings' Bank, New York, and at the first meeting of the Trustees after his death, the following resolution was unanimously passed by them : — "Whereas our valued friend and associate, Mr. James Redmond, long a Trustee of this Bank, has been removed by Divine Providence from among us, it is. Resolved, that the Board of Trustees tes- tify their sense of the faithful manner in which he has dis- charged his duties as a member of this Board, and their sincere regret at the loss which they have sustained, and their sympathy with his beraved family." The Board also resolved to attend his f aneral in their ofiicial capacity. The funeral was one of the largest seen in New York for some years. After the High Mass for the repose of his soul, the Rev. Thomas Farrell delivered an eloquent fune- ral oration, in whic*h he paid a high tribute to the uiauy 336 JANUARY. good qualities and virtues of the deceased, " who as a practical Christian, a kind husband, a loving father, and a good citizen, had given an example in every relation of life that must now console his bereaved family and friends with the humble hope that he had only gone before them, to reap the reward of a well-spent life." Mr. Redmond visited his native county in the summer of 1875, and spent some time wandering over the scenes of his childhood. January 24. 24. Nicholas White, Master of the Rolls, reports to the Government of England, that the County of Wexford was now peaceable, 1570. 24. Lands in the county Wexford granted to Robert Thornville, Esq., 1666. — Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation the following lands were confirmed to Mr. Thornville, viz. : — In Kayer, Ed ermine and Clanmore, 1,398 acres profitable and 98 acres unprofitable ; Ballylane, 916 acres ; Ballybrittas, (part) 249 acres profitable and 18 un- profitable ; part of Clanrock and Ballymackissy, 84 acres ; B ally nenany more, 138 acres; Aske, 381 acres ; Bally- loghan, 43 acres ; Fortchester, 225a 2r Op ; Gurteens (part), 177a 2r Op ; Doyle's park in Gorey, 7a 2r Op ; Mul- lannagrogh (part), 62 acres, all in the county Wexford. 24. Mr. James Curry, of the county Wexford, received a premium of £5 10s., from the Dublin Society, for hav- ing raised ten stocks of bees in the year 1 793. 24. The Rev. Richard Hayes, O.S.F., Wexford, died, 1824. — Father Hayes was born in the Town of Wexford, where he received the rudiments of his education. When very young he went to Rome, where he completed his studies under the religious order to which he belonged. Father Hayes was in Rome at the time the celebrated Dr. Drum gold went to that city on a mission from the Catholic Committee in 1819. Father Hayes, for the part he took in this mission, incurred the displeasure of the Pope's 337 JANUAEY. Prime Minister, Cardinal Gonsalvi, who had the poor Wex- ford Friar arrested and cast into prison, for having used some objectionable language. It will be remembered that the influence of the English Catholics on the Veto ques- tion — to which they were unfavourable — was about this time predominant in Rome. However as Father Hayes, though educated at Rome, was not a Roman subject, he was soon released. Shortly after this his health began to fail, and he returned to Wexford, but the keen easterly breezes from the sea was too much for his delicate frame, and he was ordered by his medical advisers to seek a more genial clime. He accordingly went to Paris, accompanied by his two sisters, and took up his residence in the Rue de Beaune. Here he was attended by the eminent Dr. Halli- day, but of no avail, as the insidious complaint, consump- tion, had marked him for its victim. It is stated that he conversed with his friends up to his last moments, without suffering the least pain. He was interred in the burial ground of Pere-le-Chaise, with the usual religious cere- monies of a minister of the Catholic Church. One who was with him in his last moments thus writes : — " From the little I knew of Father Hayes, he appeared to me a very amiable man, with very pleasing manners ; and though in the last stage of decline, his conversation was very animat- ed and very bold, when speaking of poor Ireland. He was highly educated and well informed in everything respect- ing the government, or rather mis-government, of Ireland under her English rulers. What a pity such men are called away prematurely. He was only 33 years of age when he died." Father Hayes was a celebrated pulpit orator, and some volumes of his sermons were published after his death, which were greatly prized by the inhabi- tants of his native county. 24. A Meeting of the Magistrates of the County, held at Enniscorthy, to take into consideration the disturbed state of a portion of the county, and to adopt measures for 3S8 JANUARY. the suppression of midnight outrages. The Meeting re- solved that the Police force of the county be increased by one hundred men, and that, in addition to the military stations of Wexford, Duncannon, and New Eoss, the Go- vernment be requested to have soldiers stationed at Ennis- corthy, Newtownbarry, Templeudigan, and the White Mountain ; and also, to have an armed vessel stationed near Ke^ Ross, in order to protect the county from the depredations of the Whitefeet. — 1833. 24. Mr. John Spareow, of Ballinclay, county Wexford, died, 1834. 24. The ship " Shanaccadie," of Liverpool, laden with cotton, and bound from Brazil to Liverpool, wrecked at Kilmore, 1837. The crew were saved by the exertions of the country people. 24. A Public Banquet given to Mr. William Gaffnet in the Chamber of Commerce, Wexford, 1850 ; Charles A. Walker, Esq., V.L., presided. Mr. Gaffney was for many years Secretary to the Chamber of Commerce. 24. Mr, James W. Ricards, apothecary, Wexford, died, 1857. He was father of the Right Rev. Dr. Ricards, the present Bishop of the Cape of Good Hope. 24. LAirRENCEGALAVAN,Esq.,J.P., NewRoss, died, 1858. 24. The Schools of the Christian Brothers, Enniscorthy, entered, by breaking the windows, and a large number of school books wantonly destroyed, 1859. Same night, the premises of the Presentation Convent of the town waa entered, when an amount of property was destroyed, and a small sum of money stolen. 24. Colonel Myles Byrne, of the French Army, died at Paris, 1862. — Colonel Byrne was a native of the Counfcy Wexford, being born at Monaseed on the 20th of March, 1780, and was one of those who had to fly his country for the part taken by him in the insurrection of 1798. He enfceredthe Fr.ench army, and the following, taken from 339 JANUAEY. the records of the War Office of that nation, are the dates of his different appointments : — " Sous-Lientenant at the formation of the Irish Legion, 7th December, 1803 ; Lieu- tenant 22nd March, 1804; Captain, 16th December, 1808; Chef de Batallion, 4th September, 1830." Titles and De- corations — Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, 18th Juin, 1813 ; Chevalier de I'ordre Royal et Militaire de St. Louis, le 23 Mai, 1825 ; Officier de la Legion d'Honneur, 13 IsTo- veniber, 1832. JSTaturalise francais le 20 Aout, 1817, pa-r lettres de declaration de naturalite du meme jour." From the records of the 56th regiment of the line, the last in which Colonel Byrne served, we find that he had an active service of thirty-three years, during which time he served in seventeen campaigns (including that of Ireland in 1798^) in Holland, Spain, Portugal, Germany, and the Morea (Greece). In the latter campaign the celebrated Lord Byron lost his life. Colonel Byrne, throughout his long life, felt an " attachment to Ireland, which perhaps only an exile can comprehend. He saw that nature had done much for Ireland, and her people, and that by wise enei-getic, and benevolent exertions on the part of the in- fluential classes, the peasantry might be comfortable and happy, and the land of his birth and his affections become great, glorious, and free." Throughout his long life Colonel Byrne enjoyed a course of good health, favoured by his very sober habits ; thus he had none of the maladies of old age, and died after only two days illness. 24. Mr. Patrick Finn, North-street, New Ross, died, 1875. January 25. 25. CiARAN, Abbot of Ardcolm, near Wexford, died,890» 25. Walter Cowley writes to Lord Deputy Bellyng- ham, to let him know that some freebooters of the Kava- naghs had made a raid on Corbally, in the county W^ex- ford, and stolen some kine belonging to William M'Shaiier Nantagh, 1549. 340 JANUARY 25. Edwakd Kavanagh, of Kilmichael, county Wexford, died, 1635. 25. Stevens Gofp, for many years Sub- Sheriff of the county Wexfoid, died at Enniscorthy, 1860. 25. Joseph Hakrigan accidentally killed nearGoreyjby being thrown from a car, 1864. 25. Mr. John Furlong, of Eaheen, died, aged 72 years, 1865. 25. The Eoyal Mail Steamer " Armenian," wrecked on Arklow Bank, 1865. Eighty-six of the passengers and crew were landed in Wexford. 25. Sister Anne Walsh, died in the Convent of Mercy, Wexford, in the forty-sixth year of her age and the seven- teenth of her religious profession, 1875. She was daughter of the late Mr. Laurence Walsh, of Corlican. 25. A labouring man named Michael Walsh, found suffocated on the road side near Enniscorthy, 1875. He had been drinking. January 26. 26. Queen Elizabeth, by letters patent, dated 26th Ja- nuary, 1583, granted to Sir Thomas Masterson, Knight, a Cheshire gentleman, the lands of Ferns, aud a large dis- trict around. He was appointed Governor of the northern portion of the county Wexford, Grand Seneschal and Con- stable of the Castle, with a lease of the manor to his son. Sir Richard Masterson, Knight, who dying in 1627, left four co-heiresses, viz. : — Catherine, who married Edward Butler, Esq., of Cloghnegairah (now Wilton,) Baron of Kayer ; Margaret, who married Eobert Shee, Esq., of Uppercourt, in the county Kilkenny ; Mabel, who married I^icholas Devereux, Esq., of Balmagir, and Mary, who married Walter Sinnott, Esq., of Eosegarland. The pro- perty of the Mastersons was forfeited for the part taken by them in the rebellion of 1641, and was granted by patent of Charles II., dated May 20, 1669, to Arthur Parsons, Esq. 341 JANUARY. 26. The Flag Ship of the Fleet engaged to assist and protect Duncannon I'ort during the seige, went down in a storm off the Tower of Hook, when the Admiral and all the crew perished, 1645. 26. Mr. John Gamble died at Enniscorthy, 1750. 26. The Yery Rev. Dr. Caulfield, P.P., New Ross, ap- pointed coadjutor Bishop of Ferns, 1782. He w^as conse- crated the 7th of July following. 26. The military guards withdrawn from the Banks, Custom House, and Gaol in the town of Wexford, 1831. 26. The barony of Bantry, and parts of Scarawalsh and Shelburne, were, during the years 1832 and 1833, very much disturbed by the proceedings of the Whitf^feet, and some murders were committed by them, more particularly that of the Haddock's at Tomf arney. The Police force of the disturbed districts had been increased, and continual night patrols were kept up. On the night of the 26th Ja- nuary, 1833, the Police being on patrol duty in the neigh- bourhood of Adamstown came on an armed party of the Whitefeet, whom they challenged to surrender, but the Whitefeet refused, and one of them levelled his gun at the Police, but it missed fire, upon which some of the patrol fired, and a man named Thomas Gregory, who resided in the neighbourhood was killed. The shooting of this man, the execution of Redmond and Jackman for the Tomf arney murders, and the transportation of many others, together with the active exertions of the local magistracy, put a stop to the depredations of the "Whitefeet in this county, but they continued for some time longer on the borders of the county Kilkenny. On the same night of the above oc- currence an armed party of Whitefeet attacked the houses of William Power, and John and Moses Nowlan, in the parish of Whitechurch, barony of Shelburne. They were threatened with death if they did not give up their lands, 26. Th^ Bhip " Niobe," WeUs, master, bound from New 342 JANUAEY. York to Cork, laden with Indian corn and meal for the distressed Irish, lost at the Keeroges^ oif Cullenstown, Bannow, 1847. 26. Mr. Henry Cookman, B.A., died at Monart House, Enniscorthy, 1851. 26. Mr. Robert Hat, of BalHnastraw, Enniscorthy, died, aged 32 years, 1862. 26. Patrick Sarsfield CoLOLouGH.Esq., J.P., died, 1867. 26. A young woman named Anne JSTeill, dropped dead in the Main- street, Wexford, 1877. She had not been complaining of any illness previously. January 27. 27. Henry YIII., granted to William Scyntloo, Esq.^ the castle and manor of Roscarlon, (Eosegarland,) the water-mill of Ballanon, (Ballylannon), the lands of Moun- taynetowne, Loughton, Golbeston, Maudlenton, Ballysi- nan, Bally don by Kilcoke, and Little Bally don, Kilmaha- noke (Killmannock), the Hoke of St. Imoch, (Hooke), Clo- neman (Clonmines,) the Long Graunge (Longraigue), Ris- pool and Rathtowne, in the county Wexford, parcel of the possessions of David Neville, Esq., (Rosegarland), attaint- ed. Kilko wan, Rathtowne, Newtowne, Rahowle, (Rahale,) Great Colic, Old Colic, Shannoo, Bastardeston, Churchton, Sliecoulter alias Whitecharche and IQlcowanmore, in the Eassough of Bantre, county Wexford, parcel of the posses- sions of James Ketyng, (James Keating of Kicavan)., gent.,, attainted. The Parke parcel of the manor of Cargo (Carrig,) with the Ferry of Wexford, lately belonging to George Earl of Shrewsburry. The islands called the Salteys (Saltees,) and the rectory of Kilmore, parcel of the possessions of the Abbey of Tynterne (Tintern), by a lease dated 20th December, 1529, for twenty-one years to said William, being surrendered, to hold for life, by fealtv only.— (Warrants of Henry YIIL, 1539) This William Saintlo, (the name is written in different ways) was Senes- 343 JANUARY. chal of the County Wexford, and we have, in a letter, writ- ten the same year in which the foregoing grants were made, a description of the manner in which he discharged the duties of that office. It is written by Robert Cowley, who was in some way connected with the Government, to the English Secretary Criimwell, The writer is showing how a great saving might be made in the King's revenne, and thus speaks of Saintlo : — '^ Sir, it is to bee notid how all the Kinges revenues certain, and casueltis, is spente with soo few a nombre. There be in wagis 300 and 50, wher was not with my Lord Deputie at this great nede, to my judgement, above 140. Asfor William Saintlo, he neyther servith the Kyng with the Deputie, ne yit against the pretensid Erie of Desmond, but kepith him andhis men in a corner, as a Kyng, exemptid from all the Kinges lawes and obeysaunce, planting coyne and l3^verey, extor- cion, and oppression, suche as was never seen ; and all the cuntrey make exclamasion ot his oultragee, and he wol not refrayne, or sho au}^ redress. He chargeth the King yerly, besides his owne i)ref erment, with 500£, which might bee savid, and he discha.rgid ; and that libertie, mysusid as a power to transgressours, to bee dissolvid ; and to come to the Kinges lawes, as other the Kinges subgictes doo in re- mote partes, further distansing than they. For, as ferr as I can perceyve, the continuance of that liberty is more like to induce theym to playne rebellion, then to any cyvil order, as it is usid." — (State letters.) 27. In 1668, under the Acts of Settlement and Explana- tion the folloAving lands were confirmed to Alderman Wil- liam Bridges, viz : — In Giant eige, 506 acres, being lands retrenched by Colonel Richard LeHunte ; in Crefoge, 228 acres, being also lands retrenched by the Colonel, all in the barony of Ballghkeene, and county of Wexford, at a quit rent of £14 17s 21-d. 27. The Rev. George Cark, New Ross, died, 1849.— Mr. Carr was born in the town of Ross, where he received 344 JANUARY. his early education. He entered Trinity College in 1794, and was ordained for the curacy of St. Mary's, in his na- tive town in 1800, in the Twenty-first year of his age. In the year following he married Miss Shaw, of the county Kilkenny, by whom he had a large family. He continued in the curacy of St. Mary's up to 1811, when he seceded from the Established Church, in consequence of objections to the Baptismal and Burial Services. After this he open- ed a meeting house in Ross, where he continued to preach up to his last illness. Mr. Carr was always of a liberal and tolerant spirit, for we find him in 1 804 resigning his seat in the Corporation of New Ross, in consequence of a resolution of that body to pay the costs of a lawsuit in which Henry Lof tus Tottenham was charged with unlaw- fully arresting a street preacher, and for which he was fined — the fine and costs amounted to £309 Is 5|d., which sum was paid by the corporation. Mr. Carr thought it unjust that the inhabitants should be called on to pay for the illegal act of any member of the corporation. Mr. Carr was a most gifted preacher and public speaker, and O'Connell used to say of him that " he was the best pub- lic speaker he ever knew " After his secession from the Church, Mr. Carr devoted his life to elevating, and socially and morally bettering the condition of his fellow-man, and was to be found foremost in every good work ; he was an earnest fellow-labourer with Wilberfore and O'Connell in the cause of Slave- Emancipation- In 1829 he established a Temperance Society in New Ross, being the first of the kind in Europe, and the great Apostle of Temperance, Eather Mathew, visited Mr. Carr a few years before his death. 27. At public meeting of the inhabitants of the j^arish of Wexford, held in the Franciscan Church of that town, it was unanimously resolved to erect two New Churches in the Parish, 1850. The Very Rev. Dr. Murphy, Bishop elect, presided. 345 JANUARY. 27. Mr. Stephen Eea, printer, died at Wellington road, Liverpool, 1858. He was a native of Wexford, (where he served his time,) and second son of Mr. Stephen Rea, of the Customs, and grandson of Captain William Hore, of the 92nd regiment of Highlanders. 27. Denis Doyle died at River Chapel from excessive drinking and exposure to cold, 1865. 27. The Rev. Thomas Bfsher, P.P., Ojlegate, died, 1865. 27. Nicholas Ellis, Esq., who was for forty years agent to the Portsmouth estates in the co. Wexford, died, 1867. 27. Colonel James W. Stubbs, son of the late Rev. J. M, Stubbs, rector of Rosdroit, diocese of Ferns, died, 1867. 27. A Medical Society for the county of Wexford estab- lished, with Dr. Goodisson as President, and Dr. Drapes, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, 1877. Objects. — the bring- ing together and promoting a kindly feeling amongst the Members of the Profession scattered through the County, and by collective action to advance the in- terests of the Profession generally, as well as its individual members. Januart 28. 28. William Sajmtloo, the Seneschal of the County of Wexford, writing to Secretary Crumwell, complains that he has only 25 marks a year, and that he cannot pay the rents reserved on the lands of Davy Nevill and Jas. Ketyng, both of whom had been attainted for treason, nor the tithes of Kilmore, which had belonged to the Abbey of Tintern. He also complains that the soldiers allowed him had been withdrawn, and therefore he could not protect the county from the continual spoils, burnings, and de- struction wrought by the Kavanaghs. — 1540. 28. Sir Edmund Butler makes a raid on Ferns, and takes great spoil therefrom, 1569. 28. Thomas Esmonde created a Baronet, 1628. 346 JANUARY. 28. Admiral Sir Egbert M'Cltjre, the discoverer of fhe North- West Passage, born in the town of Wexford, 1807. 28. William Boxwell Hogan, Esq, Wexford, died, 1861. 28. Lord Woodehotjse, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, visit Johnstown Castle, 1865. 28. Two women, named Finn and Roche, suffocated in bed in Bally tarsna, 1868. The night being cold the wo- men brought a fire in a pot into their small bed-room, and were thus suffocated. 28. Mr. Thomas Codd, farmer, Harpoonstown, barony of Forth, killed by the wall of an old house, which he was getting thrown down, falling on him, 1875. January 29. 29. The Marble Altar Tomb of the Whittys, of Bally- teigue Castle, erected in the Church of Kilmore, 1647. — The family of Whitty of Ballyteigue Castle, was from De- vonshire, the ancestors coming in the train of Henry II. to Ireland, in 1171. They erected the Castles of Ballyteigue and Ballyhealy. Richard Whittay was summoned as a Juror to Waterford by Henry III. in 1266, and Henry Wythay, of Ballytogh, was a witness to Aymer de Valence's emancipation of the Wexford Ostmen in 1290. The fol- lowing inscription is on the elegant tomb still perfect in the Church of Kilmore : — " Hie iacet Walterus Whittey, De Balleteigne, &c. Armgier, qui Obyt 9 Novembris, Anno Doi. 1630, et Helena nxor eius Fillia Hamundi Stafforde De Ballyconuoure Generosi qure obyt 27 Aprilis, Anno Doi 1646 et Catharina Prima nxor Hicardi Whittey Armigeri Filia Philippi Devereux De Balmagir Armigeri qua3 Obyt 18 Angvisti Anno 1646 quorum Gratia idem Eicardus primo- genitus p'dicti Walteri et Helen^e cum uxore sua secunda Catharina Eustace Filla Olyveri Eustace De Ballynunry Armigeri Me Fieri fecit. 29 ianuary Anno Doi 1647. " Yea Christian friends in passing by, youre prayers we humbly crave, Taat heere interred expectinge christ a Eestinge place maye have And as for them that went before prayers yow maye surely yielde. The licke of those that are to come expecte when yow have neede." Translation. — ".Herelies Walter Whitty, of BaUitiegue, &c., 847 JANUARY. Esquire, who died 9tli November, in the year of the Lord 1630, and Helen, his wife, daughter of Hammond Staff ord^ of Bally Connor, Gentleman, who died 27th April, in the year of the Lord 1646 — and Catherine, first wife of Rich- ard Whitty, Esquire, daughter of Philip Devereux, of Bal- magir, Esquire, who died 18th August, in the year 1646 — in whose honour the same Richard, the first bom of the aforesaid Walter and Helen, with his own second wife, Catherine Eustace, daughter of Oliver Eustace, of Bally- nuary, Esquire, cause me (this monument) to be erected 29th January, 1647." This single tomb is now the only remaining memorial of all the Anglo-Norman colonists, or Strongbownians of the Baronies of Forth and Bargy.— Sic transit gloria mundi. 29. Mr. Steakne Phii^ips appointed to a Commission in the Wexford regiment, 1810. 29. The Rev. Peter Mtjepht, C.C, Ferns, died, 1854. 29. Maey Catherine, widow of Colonel Fitzhenry, and daughter of Thomas F. Colclough, of Ballvteigue, died at Wexford, 1857. 29. The brig " Panope" wrecked near the Tower of Hook, 1865. 29. Part of the Old Castle of Ferns fell during a storm, 1865. 29. Mary Grannell, an inmate of the Wexford Work- house, died at the advanced age of 102 years, 1866, January 30. 30. Jasper Code, Esq., Clougheast Castle, Carne, died, 1587. 30. Charles Douglas Ogle, Esq., appointed to a Com- mission in the Wexford regiment, 1815, 30. The Poor Laws came into operation in the Enniscor- thy Union, 1840. 348 JANUARY 30. The brig " Fairfax" of Jersey, wrecked at Bally- teigue. She was bound from Sierra Leone to Liverpool, and had on board 470 tons of palm oil, 1850. The crew were saved by the exertions of the country people. 30. The barque " Stirlingshire," laden with rum and sugar, wrecked on Tuscar rocks, when six of the crew pe- rished, 1865. 80. John Goodall, Esq., Willmount, near CastlebrMge, died, 1875. 30. The fishing smack " Fairy" of Wexford, run down and sunk near that Harbour, 1877. 30. The Rev. A.B.Wilson, M.A., Prebendary of Timo- league, diocese of Cork, appointed to the Precentorship of Rosscarberry Cathedral, 1877. Mr. Wilson is a native of Enniscorthy, 30. Mr. Daniel O'Neill, proprietor of the Pittsburg (United States) " Despatch" newspaper, died, 1877. Mr. O'Neill was a native of the County Wexford, being born at Cloughbawn, barony of Bantry, on New Year's Day, 1830. His father, Mr. Hugh O'Neill, was principal of a school there, which had been established by the grandfather of the present Lord Carew, and from which emanated some good scholars and successful writers. The subject of our present notice was the eldest of twelve children, and at a very early age showed a marked taste for journalism, be- coming a frequent contributor to the " Wexford Indepen- dent." In 1851 he emigrated to America, and at once proceeded West to Pittsburg, where he secured an engage- ment, at a very small salary, from Colonel J. Heron Foster, proprietor of the "Despatch," as reporter on that journal. Here he remained for some time, and in 1856 accepted the position of local editor of the " Chronicle," published in the same city. He continued to write for this paper until the war broke out, when he went South as its war corres- pondent, and also a member of a Sanitary Committee from 349 JANUARY. Pittsburg. In 1865, lie purchased a share in the " De- spatch," the paper he was first engaged on. We cannot conclude this notice better than by quoting the words of the American Papers . when noticing the death of Mr. O'Neill : — " No more convincing evidence of his indomit- able energy could be adduced than that afforded in the suc- cess of the " Despatch." The paper had been run down for want of attention, but under the direction of the new firm it rapidly recovered the ground, and has reached its present successful condition. He turned a pigmy sheet into a powerful giant, made his name a household word in Pittsburg, and his paper a welcome visitor. As a writer, Mr, O'Neill possessed what is usually termed a trenchant pen. He was quick, incisive, and if occasion served, bit- ter. He was aggressive rather than inviting, and when in municipal affairs any scheme lacked his approbation, the public were sure to find it out, and that very soon. He was by no means a polished writer, though his education was classical and his reading varied. His unpolished sen- tences were wonderfully vigorous, however, and he may be said to have possessed a style almost incapable of imitation. During his active editorial life he mingled somewhat in politics, and for several terms sat in the City Councils. — He was a member of the last Electoral College of Pennsyl- vania, and the last public act of his life was to cast his ballot for Hayes and Wheeler, at Harrisburg, on the 7th December, 1876, when the Electoral College met. During his residence of a little over a quarter of a century he has amassed a handsome competency. A year or two since he completed the spacious residence on Penn Avenue, known as ' Linden House,' where he and his family have since resided. He came here poor and leaves his wife and chil- dren a large fortune." January 31. 31. St. Aedan, or Moidoc, first Bishop of Ferns, and patron of the diocese, died, 632. 350 JANUARY. 31. Charles A. Walker and Thomas Walker, Esqrs., elected Members of the Royal Dublin Society, 1811. 31. Mrs. Jane Teresa Frayne, Superioress of the Pre- sentation Convent, Wexford, died, 1852.— Mrs. Jane Tere- sa Frayne, in religion Mary J. Baptist, of the Presentation Convent, Wexford, was a native of that town. At the early age of twenty-one she consecrated herself to the service of her Divine Master, and for Thirty-three years was unceasing in her devotion to the intellectual and religious training of the female cliildren of the poor of her native town, many of whom had been snatched, as it were, by her teaching and instruction from the paths of vice and iniquity, and rendered good and virtuous, and in many in- stances, prosperous members of society. She was twenty- seven years Superior of the Order in Wexford. About the 13th year of Edward I., Nicholas, Archdeacon of Ferns, who was blind and infirm, petitions the Lord Chan- cellor, stating that havmg been appointed executor to the will of Adam St. John, he had faithfully administered the chattels of the deceased, and had rendered his final ac- count before his diocesan. That Sir William Waspayl, however knighted through favour of the justiciary contra- ry to law and justice, impleaded him before the Barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, by writ of Green Wax, called '' Venire Facias," regarding 86 pounds of silver, because he had been executor, and Nicholas further states — " that pleas touching Avills ought not to be pleaded before the Barons." He also states that " William is not a baron, nor a minister of the King, nevertheless, they force him to answer before the Barons regarding this debt," and there- upon " in the name of charity prays remedy." — Sweet- man's Calendar of State Documents. In 1525, the Earl of Kildare makes a series of charges, through Lord Leonard Grey, to the King, (Henry VIII.) against the Earl of Ormoad, and amongst them the follow- 351 JANUARY. ins^ in reference to the castle of Arklow, which was then in the hands of Orinond : — •" The said Erie of Ormond kepeth a warde of evill disposed personnes, in a pyle ad- joynyng to the see, called Arclow, which do not oonly robbe and spoyle the Kinges subgiettes, passing ther by, but also do ravisshe women, maydens, and wydows. And besides all this, where diverse of the Kinges snbgiettes, before the peace, were chased by Britonys at see, which fled and toke lande there for their sanfgarde ; when the y came to land, the said warde set upon theym, and spoiled theym of all that they had, and put theym ir suche daun- gier of their lyves, that they refused the land, and were glad to yelde them self to the Brittones, trusting more in their humanities, being their mortall ennemyes, then to the crueltie of the said warde." Kildare also says — " Where as the said Deputie (Lord Leonard Gray) did send his nigh kynnesman, Thomas Fitz Maurice, into a certam wast grounde of his, called the Fasagh OBentre, (Bantrj^, co. Wexford,) for thinhabiting of the same, whoys fader was slayne in the Kinges service at my Lord of Northfolkes being here ; certain of the Irishry, accompanyed with parte of the said Erie of Oi^mondes servauntes, laye in awayte for the said Thomas, and so toke him prysoner." Further, he says — " The said Erie of Ormonde toke forty markes of the senesshall ot the countie of Wexf orde, for 9, ]3enaltie, be cause he toke part with the said Erie of Kil- dare against the Kinges Irish rebelles ; notwithstanding that the Kinges Grace wrote unto the said Erie of Ormond, to have assisted the said Erie of Kildare against the said rebelles." — (State Letters.) In the month of January, 1535, the Earl of Ossory writ- ing by Walter Cowley to the King, (Henry VIII.) on va- rious Irish affairs, says — " Then oon Cahir McArte, and divers his kynesfolkes, assistors to Thomas, dwelling in the Fasagh of Bentre, and in the castell of Okie Rosse, the said Erie, with Sir John Sayntloo, the Prior of Kylmaynam, Sir Rise Maunxell, and the Chief Baron of thEschequitr, 352 JANUARY and that armye, had that cast ell yeldin to the Kinges use. And theruppon we caused the gentilmenand inhabitauntes of the comitie of Wejsf ord to take oon parte, and to be of oon confortnytie for the noying of Cahir McArt, and other the Kinges rebells ; and the Chief Baron was with me, contynnally, in executing all the premisses, who repayring thidther, at this tyme, may more at large declare the same, with further matter, to the Kinges Highnes." — Ibid. In January, 1654, an order was issued to the Governors of Carlow, Kilkenny, Clonmel, Wexford, Eoss, and Wa- terford, to arrest and deliver to Captain Thomas Morgan, Dudley North, and John Johnson, English merchants, all wanderers, men and women, and such other Irish within their precincts, as should not prove they had such settled course of industry as yielded them a means of their own to maintain them, all prisoners, men and women, to be transported to the West Indies. The Governors were to guard the prisoners to the ports of shipping ; but the pri- soners were to be provided for and maintained by the said contractors, and none to be discharged except by order under the hand and seal of the governor ordering the arrest. At the Wexford January Quarter Sessions of the Peace in 1836, there were thirty- two applications for licenses to s^ell spirits and beer, only eight of which were granted — two of them being for Hotels — one in Wexford and one in New Ross. There were then ninet}^ public houses and spirit dealers in Wexford. At the same Sessions, Mr. Charles Tottenham claimed to be registered as a Freeman of the Borough of New Ross. Mr. Frank Thorpe Porter, (afterwards well known as a Police Magistrate in Dublin,) opposed the claim on the part of the liberals. Mr. Tottenham produced the corporation books which showed that he had been sworn in as a freeman in the year 1829, and handed in a certificate 353 FEBRUARY. that he had been admitted as a Freeman in 1808. In reply to Mr. Porter, Mr. Tottenham stated that he was only six weeks old when admitted. Mr. Porter further objected that the corporation book should have been produced by the proper officer. The objection was over-ruled, and Mr. Tottenham's claim was admitted, bat the Town Clerk was fined £5 for allowing the book to be taken out of his pos- session. FEBRUARY. February 1. Anthony Colcloght ordered to prepare the Castle of Leighlin for the reception of the Lord Deputy, 1549. — The Secretary of Lord Deputy Bellingham wrote to An- thony Colclough, who was then at Leighlin, to prepare the castle of that place for the rece23tion of the Lord De23uty, " for his Lordship knoweth of none other place to resort unto this winter." He also tells Colclough to send away Mr. Rogers' horse, if he be recovered of the disease. To this letter Colclough answers : — " Sir, I have sent away the horse, for heyre I cane not gett no mete for hym, for I am glad to lede my hey f rome Karlaght (Carlow) to serve Growbe wiche commys here upon Munday next to care tey- mer. Sir, you shall hauve the fairest cabuU here that shal be within all Ireland, and I trust a prattye hansume lowgine for youre selft." In a second letter he says he has begun to work a very good quarry of slate, which will be useful to Carlow as well as Leighlin, and desires to be sent six pick-axes, twenty shovels, some ordnance powder, and money to carry on the works. He further says the country will be glad to show the utmost of their poweis in furthering the works. The Partnership existing in Bishop's Water Distillery, FEBRUARY. "Wexford, trading under the name of " Devereux, Harvey, and Co., Distillers," dissolved by mutual consent, 1836. An anti- tithe meeting held in New Ross, at which Dr. M. Howlett presided, 1836. The house and premises of James Furloi^g, of Drinagh, near Wexford, burned, 1836. James Goodall, Esq., Moat Park, died, 1847. The " Horatio" of Sunderland, laden with wheat from Alexandria to Dublin, wrecked at Kilmore, 1850. Crew saved. Mr. Abel Ram Woodroofe, solicitor, Gorey, died, 1850. Dr. John Harvey, County Treasurer, died at Wexford, 1857. The Press excluded from the meetings of the Enniscor- thy Town Commissioners, 1858. Myles Kehoe, a native of the county Wexford, died in 3^athdowne Union Workhouse, aged 109 years, 1861. He took an active part in the rebellion of 1798, and was pre- sent at the battles of Oulart Hill, Tubberneering, and Vi- negar Hill. He also was out in Emmett's rebellion in the year 1803. A young man named Quincey accidentally shot by his brother at Kilcotty, near Enniscorthy, 1874. Captain John E. Doyle, a native of Wexford, died at Norfolk, Virginia, 1877. — Captain Doyle was born in the town of Wexford, about the year, 1814, and emigrated to America in 1829, at the age of fifteen years. On landing in that country he at once went to business, and appren- ticed himself to his uncle, Mr. Walter Heron, (another Wexfordman,) who then successfully carried on an exten- sive tannery and rope-walk in Norfolk, and was a large contractor to the American Navy. When young Doyle came of age he succeeded to his uncle's business, and car- ried it on with great energy for a number of years, and 355 FEBRUARY. greatly extended the trade. When the Civil War broke out, and Virginia called on her people, Mr. Doyle, like a true patriot, responded to the call of his adopted State, and raised a cavalry company in l^orfolk eount}^, of which he was elected Captain. He sacrificed his business to enter the Confederate service, and was appointed to the 2nd Virginian battalion of Cavalry. After seeing some hard service he had to return to the bosom of his family through ill-health. When Norfolk was evacuated by the Confederates in 1862, the whole of Mr. Doyle's large establishment was taken possession of by the Federal forces ; the rope mill and large stores were fitted up into rooms and filled with negroes ; the belting and shafting that could be made use of by Government was taken down and carried off, and the remainder of the machinery the negroes were allowed to break up and carry off and sell for old iron. The loss sustained by Captain Doyle was esti- mated at 30,000 dollars. After the war he was appointed a Magistrate of the city, and often acted as Mayor in the absence of that ofiicial. At the time of his death, and for several years previous, he was Treasurer of the Dismal Swamp Canal Company. ANorfok newspaper in noticing this gentleman's death says — " Captain Doyle was univer- sally respected and esteemed for his true nobility of sou], strict integrity, open and frank dealings, uprightness of character, and manly impulses. These noble traits, com- bined with his usefulness as a citizen, endeared him to our people, in whose memory he will ever live," February 2. The Walls of New Ross began to be built, 1265. On this subject we extract the following from the Appendix to " a Memoir of the Right Rev. James Thomas O'Brien, D.D., late Lord Bishop of Ossorj^, Ferns and Leighlin," by the Rev. W. G. Carroll, Ex. Siz., Ex. Sch., A.M., Incnm'- bent of St. Bride's and St. Michael le Pole's, Dublin. It is. entitled — 356 FEBEUARY. THE " BALLAD ON THE ENTRENCHMENT OF NEW EOSS.' Weitten by Frias Michael, op Ktldare, 1308 ; called also Book of Ross ok Watekeokd," in the Harleian Library. The " The following translation of the Ballad, by Mrs. George Maclean {' L.E.L.') in 1831, given in Crofton Croker's " Popular Songs of Ire- land" along with an excellent essay, is copied from the late Thomas D'Arcy M'Gee's " Life of Art MacMurrough" (Appendix, p. 139), in Duffy's Library of Ireland. This Volume, as well as others of that valuable series, is now out of print, and is not to be found in any Public Library in DubHn :— ' I have a whim to speak iu verse. If you -will list what I rehearse, For an unheeded tale, I wisse, Not worth a clove of garlic is. Please you, then, to understand, 'Tis of a town in Ireland ; Tor its size the one most fair That I know of anywhere. But the town had cause of dread In the feud two barons spread ; Sir Maurice and Sir Walter — see, Here their names shall written be ; Also that fair city's name — Boss they then did call the same. 'Tis the new bridge-Towu of Boss, "Which no walls did then enclose ; It therefore feared a stranger's blows. Commons both, and leadiiig men. Gathered in the Council then. What for safety to devise, In shortest time and lowest price ; 'Twas that round the town be thrown W^alls of mortar and of stone. For this war tilled them with fear; Much they dreaded broil so near. Candlemas, it %vas the day They began to delve in clay. Marking out a foss, to show Where the future wall should go. Soon 'twas traced, and then were hired Workmen ; all the task desired. More than a hundred workmen ply Daily 'neath the townsmen's eye ; Yet small advance these fellows made. Though to labour they were paid. So the Council met again ; Such a law as they pass'd then ! Such a law might not be i'onnd. Nor on French nor English ground. Next day a siimmons read aloud. Gathered speedily a crowd ; When the law proclaimed they hear, 'Twas received with many a cheer. Then a good man did advance. And explained the ordinance ; Vintners, drapers, merchants, all Were to labour at the wall. From the early morning time. Till the day was in its prime. More than a thousand men, I say. Went to the goodly work each day. Monday they began their labours. Gay, with banners, flutes, and tabours ; Soon as the noon hour was come. These good people hastened home, W^th their banners proudly borne. Then the youth advanced in turn. And the town they made it ring With their merry carrolling ; Singing loud and full of mirth. Away they go to shovel earth. And the priests, when mass was chanted In the foss they dug and panted ; Quicker, harder, worked each brother. Harder far than any other ; For both old and young did feel Great and strong with holy zeal. Mariners came next, and they Pass'd along in fair array. With their banners borne before. Which a painted vessel bore. Full six hundred were they then ; But full eleven hundred men Would have gathered by the wall. If they had attended all. Tuesday came— coatmakers, tailors, Fiillers, cloth-dyers, and ' sellers ;* Eight good hands, these jolly blades. Were they counted at their trades. Away they worked like those before. Though the others numbered more ; Scarce four hundred did they stand. But they were a worthy band. Wednesday following down there cam© Other bands, who worked the same ; Butchers, cordwaiuers, and tanners. Bearing each their separate banners. Painted as might appertain To their craft, and, 'mid the train. Many a brave bachelor ; Small and great, when numbered o'er. Singing, as they worked, their song. 357 FEBRUAEY. Just three hundred were they strong. Thursday came, the fishermen And the hucksters followed then, Who sell corn and fish ; they bear Divers banners, for they were Full four hundred ; and the crowd Carrolled and sung aloud ; And the wainwrights, they came too — They were only thirty-two ; A siug-le banner went before. Which a fish and platter bore. But on Saturday the stir Of blacksmith, mason, carpenter. Hundreds three with fifty told, Many' were they, true and bold ; And they toiled with main and might, Needful knew they 'twas, and right. Then on Sunday there came down All the dames of that brave town ; Know, good labourers were they. But their numbers none may say. On the ramparts there were thrown By their fair hands, many a stone ; Who had there a gazer been, Many a beauty might have seen. Many a scarlet mantle too. Or of green, or russet hue ; Many a fair cloak had they, And robes dight with colours gay. In all lauds where I have been. Such fair dames working, I've not seen, He who had to choose the power. Had been bom in lucky hour. Many a banner was displayed. While the work the ladies aid ; When their gentle hands had done Piling up rixde heaps of stone. Then they walked the foss along. Singing sweet a cheerful song; And returning to the town. All these rich dames there sat down ; Where with mirth, and wine, and song. Passed the pleasant hours along. Then they said a gate they'd make. Called the Ladies', for their sake. And their prison there should be ; Whoso entered, straightway he Should forego his liberty, Lucky doom, I ween, is his Who a lady's prisoner is Light the fetters are to wear Of a lady kind and fair ; But of them enough is said, Turn we to the foss instead. Twenty feet that foss is deep, And a league in length doth creep. When the noble work is done. Watchmen then there needeth none ; All may sleep in peace and quiet. Without fear of evil riot. Fifty thousand might attack. And yet turn them bootless back. Warlike stores there are enough. Bold asailauts to reol^tt■. We have hauberks many a one. Savage, garcon, haubergeou ; Doub:;less too, and coats of mail. Yew-bows good, withouteu fail. In no city have I seen So many good glaives, I ween. Cross-bows hanging on the wall. Arrows too to shoot withal ; Every house is full of maces. And good shields and talevaces. Cross-bow men, when numbered o'er. Are three hundred and three score; And three hundred archers shew, Eeady with a gallant bow ; And three thousand men advance. Armed with battle-axe and lance ; Above a hundred knights, who wield Arms a^e ready for the field. I warrant you the town's prepared 'Gainst all enemies to guard. Here I deem it meet to say. No desire for war have they. But to keep their city free. Blamed of no man can they be. When the wall is carried round. None in Ireland will be found Bold enough to dare to fight. Let a foeman come in sight. If the city horn twice sound. Every burgess will be found Eager in the warlike labour, Striving to outdo his neighbour; God give them the victory ! Say amen for charity. In no other isle is known Such a hospitable town ; Joyously the i^eople greet Every stranger in their street. Free is he to sell and buy. And sustain no tax thereby. Town and people once again I commend to God. Amen. The ballad is the basis of Dr. Samuel Ferguson's " Rosa- bell," in his well-known " Hibernian Nights Entertain- ments," in the " Dublin University Magazine," 1836. Walter Apowell, deputy Seneschal of the county Wex- 853 FEBRUAEY. ford, imprisoned for misdemeanors, both by writing and. deed, 1550. Lands granted to Constantine !Neale, Esq.,. 1666. — Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, the follow- ing lands were conferred on Mr. Neale, viz. : — In Rashil- lan, 54a Ir lOp -, Bonargett, 41a Ir 36p ; Rostenstowne (part), 21 acres ; Rathlonane (part), alias Ralonan, 61a ; Readestowne, 75a 2r 8p., all in the borony of Forth, ac a total quit rent of £5 2s 7d. And in Reyland alias Reylin, Knockmullin, Gough, Monntgarrett and BremiDgham's land, with 5 acres of meadow next to the Priory gate of Rosse, and 10 acres in ye common meadow next to ye towne of Rosse, 850a Or 33p. of profitable land, and four acres unprofitable, all in the liberties of Ross, and barony of Ban try, at a total quit rent of £7 Is lOd. And in Bal- lytory and Beding alias Beting, 150a Or 26p ; in Furse- towne, 3 acres of meadow, and mearingon ye lands of Bal- ly murry and Grogane, being 3 acres. In Grogane, 70a ; Ballymurry, 75 acres ; Tecumshan, 121a 2r 15p., all in the barony of Forth, at a total quit rent of £8 10s. The In- denture making this conveyance bears date the 1st Feb., in the 19th year of Charles II., and was inrolled the 2nd of February, 1666. In the Indenture there was a saving clause inserted, reserving to Edmund, Viscount Monntgarrett, such right as he had, or should be adjudged to him, to all or any of the lands in the barony of Bantry, after reprisals. Joseph Thetford, John Shefpaed, and Sheppakd Ffeench, receive their Commissions as Ensigns in the Wexford regiment, 1809. Leit Sealy, Esq., died, aged 52 years, at Ballyfinogue, barony of Forth, 1836. The Rev. Maek Deveeeux, P.P., Bree, died, 1838. He bequeathed all his worldly effects for charity. Mr. Richard Dunpht, Professor in the Enniscorthy Academy, died, 1861. 359 FEBRUARY. The barque " Oarrie Davis" wrecked at CarnsQre Point 1866. Tebruary 3. The Rev. Robert Wilson appointed Dean of Ferns, 1623. Dr. O'Connor elected Medical Officer to the Taghmon Dispensary, by a majority of 2 over Dr. F. Boxwell, 1836. Sheppard Jeffares, Esq., resigned the office of Mayor of Wexford, 1847. At the next meeting of the Council, Dr. Cardiff was unanimously chosen Mayor, on the mo- tion of Alderman Greene. Major-General Owens, died at his residence. Woodlands, Gorey, 1860. A Public Meeting of the Electors of the couniy held at Enniscorthy, for the purpose of chosing Parliamentary re- presentatives, when Sir George Bowyer and Chevalier Keyes O'Clery were chosen, 1874. February 4. James Sherlock, Receiver of the County Wexford, pre- sents a survey of that county to Secretary Crumwell for the use of the Government, and in a letter shows that the King's revenue thereof amounted to £220 yearly. He at the same time complains greatly against one Jerberd, the Deputy Seneschal of the County, and of the bad conduct of the soldiers under the Seneschars command, 1539. An Inquisition was held at Wexford to defiue the meares or boundaries between the lands of the Morowes and Syn- notts, 1619. — It appearing that considerable disputes were Irequen+ly occurring between these families about their boundaries. King James issued orders for an Inquisition to be held to settle the matter in dispute between them. The Commissioners accordingl}^ met in Wexford, and after hearing the statements of both parties, made the following award : — " The tiTie meares (boundaries) between the ter- ritory of the Morowes and Synott's lands were in manner 360 FEBEUARY. following, that is to say, from Loughnepeart to Askenebea, from Askenebea to Clashnekern, from thence to Dowlogh, and from thence along the suike or valley leading to the heigh way, where the valley called Glane Ballehtein, leav- ing Kilmoghoor, Corroghtloe, Tailorstown, and Rawen, with all the lands and other members to them and every of them belonging, to be within Synott's land, and no part of the said territory of the Morowes, were within the pre- cinct thereof, as appeareth by the said meares." The Rev. Robert Burrowes, D.D., appointed Archdea- con of Ferns, 1796. Matthew St. Laurence Talbot, Esq., Castle Talbot, died, 1832. Peter Murphy, of Ballycanew, died from the blow of an iron bar inflicted by John Sunderland, at Finn's public house, Ballycanew, 1834. Sunderland was transported for life. A large seizure of illicit malt made on the Mountain of Forth, by the Wexford Excise Officers, 1836. It was found in a large new made cave. Mr. Thomas Furlong, of Killowen, died, 1837. The Rev. J. E. Johnson, D.D., appointed Archdeacon of Ferns, 1848. He was rector of Adamstown, which liv- ing he resigned in 1871 on the passing of the Church Dis- establishment Bill. He was son of Judge Johnson. The Very Rev. John Walsh, P.P., Rolestown, Dublin, died, 1857. — We think that we are correct in stating that no county in Ireland has furnished more eminent Divines to the Catholic Church than Wexford. From the earliest periods of Christianity the Clergymen of old Wexford, were to be found scattered over Europe, earnestly and de- voutly fulfilling their faithful mission. In our own day they are to be found in all parts of the world, animated with the same holy zeal, and many of them have risen to the Epis- copal dignity. On the English mission there are also 361 FEBRUARY. numbers of them, and, we tMnk, that there is not a diocese ill Ireland where Wexford priests may not be found. — Amongst the latter we include the subject of this short notice — the Very Rev. John Walsh, P.P., Rolestown, Diocese of Dublin, who died as above stated in the seven- tieth year of his age and the forty-fifth of his priesthood. The Rev. Gentleman was born at Newhouse, in the barony of Bargy, in this county, and, after receiving his early education at home, entered Maynooth, where he completed his studies with much credit, and was a9B.liated by the late Most Rev. Dr. Troy, Archbishop of Dublin, into that Arch- diocese. Although his missionary labours were cast in another county, he never forgot his native Wexford, for we find that he was one of the principal donors to the erec- tion of the Chapel of St. Michael, attached to the Convent of Mercy, Wexford, as well as other charities. Captain Daxiel Doyle, of the merchant service, Wex- ford, died, 1857. Matthew S. DeRinzy, Esq., formerly of Clobemon Hall, county Wexford, died at Halliburton, Canada, 1874. Febrtjaky 6. Sir Nicholas Devereux, Knfc., Balmagir, married, 1543* Sir Nicholas Devereux, the head of the distinguished fa- mily of that name, married the Lady Catherine Le Poer, daughter of Sir Richard, Baron of Curraghmore, then in fact a feudal sovereign despot of the whole county Water- ford. As an indication of what at that period formed the wealth of the great proprietors, the dowery of the noble bride is worthy of being recorded. Sir Nicholas received as a marriage settlement " a shepe (sheep) from everie shepe-house, and a kye (cow) from everie \dllage in the countie." Joint with this ample fortune was besides "the right of quartering his train of horsemen and retainers on the countie whenever he chose to visit his father-in-law." Lands^ &c., granted to John Travers, 1539.-t--Henry the 362 FEBRUARY. Eight granted to John Travers, of Dublin, Esq., in consi- deration of the sum of £41, the site of the Monastery of Friars Preachers of Arclowe (Arklow,) with appurtenances in the county Wexford, and also the site of the Monastery of the Friars Observants of Eniscortie (Enniscorthy), with the appurtenances, to hold for ever, by the twentieth part of a Knight's fee, and a rent of 2s 2d yearly. On the day previous the King granted to the same John Travers, sl lease of the Manor of Enniscorthy, and tjie lands of St. John's by Enniscorthy, with the rectory of Kilcorbie (Kil- earbery), to hold for 21 years, at a rent of 43s 4d yearly. A memorial from the County Wexford was presented to Queen Elizabeth, praying that the Commandery of Kil- cloo-an, (barony of Shelburne,) be not granted to Sir Henry Radclifee, 1574. Special Prayers for Peace held in all the Protestant Churches of the Diocese of Ferns, 1812. The ship " Crown" of Liverpool, homeward bound from Charleston, United States, struck on the Rush Bank, and shortly went to pieces, when 11 lives were lost, 1832. CiESAR Dudley Colclough, Esq., of Duffry Hall, died at Newtownbarry, 1833. Henry Hunt accidentally killed by falling from a car near Ferry Carrig Bridge, 1836. The brig " Maria," wrecked at Ballyteigue, 1837. The Rev. Robert Burnett appointed to the Rectory of Ballycanew, 1872. William A. Redmond, Esq., Ballytrent House, returned member of parliament for the borough of Wexford, by an overwhelming majority over Sir Frederick Hughes, 1874. February 6. ^ Donough Carragh M'Berne Kavanagh, and six of his followers executed in Dublin, 1583. The Lords Justices thereupon forwards a despatch to Walsyngham, Secretary FEBEUARY of State, stating that the Kavanaghs and O'Tooles over- burthen the country, eating and sleeping by day, and fitealing by night. Lands granted to Captain Richakd ISTunn, 1666. — By an Indenture dated the IGth November, in the eighteenth year of Charles II., the Commissioners appointed under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, confirmed the grant of the following lands in the Barony of Eorth to Captain Eichard Nunn, viz. : — 82 acres in Killilane ; 30 acres in Ballyumphant, and Colemony alias Cookimore ; 53 acres in Ballycheene ; 73 acres in " The Einge," witk the privileges of the common thereunto belonging, paying to the chief lord of the common of " The Einge" sach rent thereout as is due and accustomed to be paid ; 46 acres: in Duncarrig, (now called Buncarrig) ; 40 acrss in Great Cardowne (now Eredownes) ; 12 acres in Lady's Island and Inish ; 68 acres in Bally alias Ballyhit and Coole-- blow , 2 acres in Ballycuslaine and Gray-Eobin ; 31 acres in Ballidungan ; 5 acres in Ston3^f ord ; 54 acres in New- town; 12 acres in Gurchincrin ; 36 acres in Codd's Ball- ell; 42 acres in Synnott's Ballell ; 27 acres in Pierce's Ballell ; 74 acres in Ballj^garvy; 70 acres in Milltowne ; 75 acres in Balliquoran ; 36 acres in Shilmaine ; 98 acres in Hill Castle ; 25 acres in Muckranstowne ; 137 acres in Ballimaccheeshin ; 170 acres in Sladd, Ballebing, and Ballemurragh ; 185 acres in St. Margarett's, Ballecullan, Sumerstowne, and Balleknockane, with part of Cussins-^ towne; 46 acres in Balletrent ; 46 acres in St. Iberitt's ; 98 acres in Butterstowme, Traine, and Loughlourd ; 61 acres in Kisshaw ; 46 acres in Eathmoer ; 53 acres in Glagbeg, Aughmoer, and Blackball ; 68 acres in Grange, and 144 acres in AUenstowne. — This Indenture wasinrolled the 6th February, 1866. The vessels "Mary" and "Betsey," both bound for Dub- lin, wrecked at Kilmore, 1837. The crews were saved by the exertions of the country people. 364 FEBRUAEY. Mr, James Clifford, of Drinagh Cottage, near Wexford, died, aged 89 years, 1855. Mr. Dtjnbak returned Member of Parliament for the bo- rough of New Ross, 1874. Febeuaet 7. John FitzHenrt, of Maghmoyne, (Mackmine), sum- moned to attend the Lords Justices with horse and foot, 1356. Hammond Stafford, of Ballyconnor, barony of Forth, drives a man into the sea, 1530. — The charge against Hammond Stafford of driving Mathias St. John into the sea thus originated : — St. John had a claim by order of a court of law, for Three Marks (Forty Shillings) and went himself to execute it. Finding that Stafford was at the sea strand superintending his men collecting sea-weed for manure, he followed him there, and an altercation arising about the amount — which perhaps included law costs — he refused to pa}^, and drove his creditor into the sea — "but," (as the record says) " he was not drowned." The family of Stafford was formerly distinguished and numerous in the barony of Forth. Their principal Castle was at Bal- lymackane, in Tacumshane, which was held by Knight's service, in the year 1323, from the Earl of Pembroke. A Hammond Stafford is named among the gentlemen of the County who were summoned in the year 1385 to attend the wars in Scotland. The Heraldic Visitation of the County, made by Sir David Molyneux, Ulster King-at- Arms, in 1618, contains a pedigree of the branch of the family that resided at Ballyconnor, in same barony. The first named is Hammond, whose descendant in the fourth generation, Dionysius, married Anstace Berkeley ; their son, Hammond, married a daughter of Fitzhenry, of Kil- cavan. His son built the castellated house of Ballycon- nor, which still stands (though altered) as was shown, until about the year 1860, by a stone in the wall above the door of the hall or principal entrance, bearing this inscription — 365 FEBRUARY. " Dionisius Stafford,' de Balconer et Katerina Sinot uxor ejus anno 1510, struxerunt banc domum."^ His wife was daughter of Simon Sinot, of ^ Bally geary. Walter Bkyan, of Long-grage, county Wexford, died 1637. f Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Phayre appointed to the Wexford regiment^ 1806. Captain Henry Collins appointed Adjutant of the Wex- ford regiment, 1809. Dr. J. R. Crane elected Physician to the County Wex- ford Infirmary, 1833. The other candidates were Doctors Cardiff, White, A. Boxwell, and Widdup. I • An Address from the Protestant Clergymen of the Dio- cese of Ferns presented to His Grace the Lord Primate of Ireland, for his determined opposition to measures intro- duced into Parliament relative to the United Church of England and Ireland,' 1836. John Christopher Beauman, Esq., died, aged 71 vears, at Hyde Park, Gorey, 1836. Mr. Nathaniel Gibson, for many years Pilot Master in Wexford Harbour, died, 1837. Cadwallader Waddt, Esq., J.P., Kilmacoe, sometime Member of Parliament for the comity of Wexford, died, 1843. The Very Rev. James Walsh, Provincial of the Francis- can Order in Ireland, died in the Convent of the Order in Wexford, 1844. He was for thirty- three years connected with the Wexford Convent. The Rev. Robert Carpenter, New Ross, died, 1847. Seven wrecks occurred on the^Wexford coast on this date, 1861. Laurence Sweetman, Esq., J.P., Ballymaccassey, died, 1869, 3C6 FEBRUAEY. Mr. Thomas O'Leary died at Galena, Illinois, America, 1877. He was a native of Wexford, and emigrated with his parents in 1828, when he was only ten years of age. — From his early manhood he was identified with the pros- perity of his adopted city. In 1860 he was elected an Alderman, which office he held np to 1863, when he was appointed Police Marshal, and continued so until his death. The Newspapers of Galena stated that his funeral w^as the largest ever seen in their city, being attended by the Mayor and Council, the Fire Brigade, and all the so- cieties belonging to the city. Febrtjary 8. EoBERT Furlong, of Carrigmannon, summoned Sir John Cass fur Robbery, 1280. — The Furlongs came from Devon- shire with Henry the Second, where the Family held the manors of Clotsworthy and Furlonge, in the twenty-seventh year ot the same Henry. A curious entry is preserved in the Rolls of the Exchequer, in the Bermingham Tower, Dublin Castle, dated as far back as 1280, wherein it ap- pears that the Seneschal of Wexfordshire, and other gen- tlemen, were attached for imprisoning Sir John Cass, for robbery, who pleaded a patent from William de Valshee. Robert Furlong summoDed Sir John, for that he, in the town of Wexford, on the Saturday after the Purification of the Blessed Virgin (8th February, 1280), being the Eighth of Edward the First, did insult the said Robert Fur- long, and, with, an Irishman, robbed him of Sixpence. — Sir John Cass, notwithstanding his plea of a Patent, under which| he said he was levying a fine, " was amerced in the sum claimed, and half a mark fine." Patrick Meyler, of Duncormuck, died, 1572. At the time of his death he was seized of the Manor of Ballina- kerrol and others, of Duncormuck and of Taghmon, Wil- liam Hore, of Harperstown, holding of him in Taghmon. He held in the twelfth year of Elizabeth (1570) the manors of Duncormuck, Ballinakerrol, Taghmon, Priesthaggard, and Scar. — (Wexford Inquieitious.) 367 FEBEUARY. RicHiRD Stafford, of Ballimakelisrne, (Balljmakane) died, 1585. First Lord Mountnorris created, 1628. Lands granted to Agnes, relict of Eichard Scott, gent., Samuel, their son and heir, and Eusebius Cotton, gent., 1667. — Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, the following lands were confirmed to the above parties, viz. : — In Ballymacare, 202 acres, in the liberties of Eosse, and barony of Bantry, and in part of Duncormuck, 30 acres, being the barony of Bargy, all in the county of Wex- ford, at a total rent of £4 3s ll^d. This Indenture bears date the 8th February in the 20th year of Charles II., and was Inrolled 2nd March, 1667. A Public Dinner given at Kilmore to the Very Eev. Dr, SiNNOTT, President of St. Peter's College, Wexford, 1834. The chair was taken by the Eev. James Walsh, P.P. A mob attack a recruiting party of the depot of the 14th regiment in the town of Wexford, brake the drums, and some of the soldiers were severely beaten, 1837. Mr. George Costigan, of Wexford, for many years a Eevenue Officer, died, 183 7. A heavy Snow Storm commenced in this county, 1855. The post from Dublin did not reach Wexford for three days. Patrick Cullen found drowned at Ballyboggan, in a Millpond, 1861. The Eev. Eichard Waddt Elgee, rector of Wexford died, 1864. The Eev. James Ctjmmine, rector of Kilpipe and Preban, Diocese of Ferns, died, 1877. February 9. Henry VIII. granted to Henry Draicott and the Earl of Shrewsbury, part of the possessions of Dunbrody Abbej^ county Wexford, 1539. 368 JANUARY Thomas Surlocke, of Bollganreoghe (Bulgan), died 1617. Mr. George H. Jacob, of Wexford, sworn in an Attorney, 1833. The brig " Spanish Packet" wrecked at Tacumshane, when seven of the crew were drowned, 1837. Thomas Murphy, seaman, a native of Enniscorthy, drowned at Kingstown, whilst endeavouring to save life during a fearf al storm, under the command of the gallant Captain Boyd, R.N., who also lost his life at the same time, 1861. Dr. O'RouRKE, Enniscorthy, died, 1876. — Dr. O'Rourke was a native of Carrick-on-Suir, county Waterford, and in early life became a resident of Enniscorthy, where he en- joyed not only a very la^rge practice in his profession, but the confidence and esteem of all classes of the community. As a politician the learned doctor was an ardent lover of his country — a genuine Liberal of the O'Connell school, in which he held a foremost position for over half a century. He was Medical Officer of the Enniscorthy Union for seve- ral years, as also a Member of the Town Commissioners, and served the office of Chairman of that body for some time. Dr. O'Rourke was a staunch friend to his profes- sional brethren, and by pen and voice never failed to aid them in any movement which deserved his support. For a great many years he was a friend and adviser of the " Me- dical Press" as to ita Irish Poor-Law medical function, but being an ardent nationalist, withdrew his support upon the establishment of a large English connection for the journal. He was a man of considerable talent and of sterling principle, and the regret evinced in his own lo- cality at his death, showed that his social qualities were equally respected. Febrtjaey 10. Patrick Lamport, of Ballichrinnegan, (Ballycronigan,) barony of Forth, died, 1616. 363 FEBRUAEY. Hammond Stafford, of Balljconnor, Barony of Ferth, died, 1630. Sir Arthur Chichester presents a petition to Parlia- ment complaining of being disturbed in the possession of bis lands of Dunbrody and Saltmills, by Mr. Arthur Etch- ingham, 1665. The Manor of Dunbrody settled by Act of Parliament on the Hon. John Chichester, 1723. The Act of Attainder against Cornelius Grogan, of Johnstown, who was executed for participation in the re- bellion of 1798, annulled by patent of George III., 1810. Patrick Murphy, an Enniscorthy carman, attacked by highwaymen at Thomas's Hill, Waterford, and robbed of a large sum of money, 1812. A man named Alexander Roche arrested whilst attempt- ing to rob the house of Mr. Floyd, Artramont, 1833. The servant girl hearing a noise went up stairs to see what caused it, when she observed Roche in one of the rooms — she immediately locked the door — ran for assistance, and he was arrested. Mr. Michael Crosby, of Ballinagee, near Wexford, died in the 61st year of his age, 1847. He was uncle to Count de Clonard, France. The ship Grace Evans, wrecked at Tuskar, 1861. Francis Danby, A.R.A., aged 61 years, died, 1861. — He was the son of a small tenant farmer, and was born at Loughard, near Killinick, in the barony of Forth, in 1793. Hie family removing to Dublin, he received the principles of his Art education there, and went to London about fifty- five years ago. He was a constant Exhibitor at the Royal Academy, from 1821 to 1830, when he took up his residence abroad for some time, and his pencil became very prolific after his return to England. He was an artist cf a poeti- cal and creative genius, and according to the \London lie- 370 FEBEUARY. view, had been advantageously compared to Martin, whom, however, he distanced on his own ground. All his produc- tions were admired for their fullness and truth, but his fame rest mainly on his " Sunset at Sea after a Storm," although it was one of his earliest pieces — a picture which even alone would warrant his elevation into the inner circle of the Academy. Mr. Danby died at the " Shell House," Exmouth, Devonshire. The brig Ulloch strnnded at Tacumshane, but was ulti- mately got off, and towed into Liverpool, 1877. Eebruaey 11. King Henry III. grants to the Knights Templars the mills of the city of Waterf ord and Town of Wexford, with much lands, 1251-2. Thomas Bond, gent., who was wounded whilst aiding and assisting in the defence of Fethard, county Wexford, when it was attacked by the Kavanaghs, petitions the Lords Justices of Ireland, to be allowed a pension for his services, 1584. He also presents letters of commendation from Bishop Allen and Anthony Colclough. The Rev. Thomas Buekowes appointed Eector of the Parishof Killesk, 1754. The Rev. Joshua Nunn appointed Rector of the Parish of Enniscorthy, 1778. The Rev. Edward Redmond, or as he was more famili- arly called, " Father Ned," Parish Priest of Ferns, died, 1819. — He was a native of the Parish of Ferns, and was educated on the Continent. He succeeded his uncle, the Very Rev. Dr. Cassan, as Parish Priest of Ferns, in 1786. The* memoi^ of the Rev. Mr. Redmond is still held in great love and veneration by the people of Ferns. The follow- ing anecdote was related by a gentleman (we believe a re- lative) who knew Father Redmond well : — " This learned and pious man was the humble means of saving the life of the celebrated Napoleon, who at the time was studying S71 FEBRUAEY. engineering. It appears that Napoleon was trying an ex- periment with a small model machine on the river which ran through the College grounds, when he over-reached himself, and fell in, and, as he could not swim, would in all probability have been drowned, had not Father Eed- mond, who had been out for recreation, providentially seen the occurrence, immediately ran up, jumped in, and brought him out. Strange, that a peasant boy from the County Wexford, driven by the laws of his native land, to seek refuge in a foreign country, in order to receive that education denied to him at home, was thus the means of rescuing from death, the man, who, in a few years after- wards, was able to make and un-make kings, and whom it took nearly all the powers of Europe to put down." The Rev. Father Kennedy, C.C, Gorey, died, 1833. A cotman, named Murphy, drowned at the Quay of Wex- ford, whilst in a state of intoxication, 1836. The Right Rev. Dr. Devereux, Bishop of Grrahamstown^ Cape of Good Hope, died, 1854. He was born at Poul- marle, near Taghmon, and was for many years Professor in St. Peter's College, and Chaplain to the County Gaol. The Rev. Father Cullen, a native of the Parish of Tin- tern, county of Wexford, died at Malta, 1873. The first meet for sport of the Hook and Wexford Cours- ing Club, took place at Dunganstown, 1876. Mr. Patrick Whelan, formerly a corn merchant in En- niseorthy, and who during life took an active part in poli- tics, died at an advanced age at Clologue, Ferns, 1877. February 12. Ua Ruarcain, Abbot of Ardcavan, near Wexford, died, 1055. Philip Sinnott, of Ballygerye and Ballydowgan, died, 1590. Lands granted to Edmond Highgate, 1666. — Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation the following Land*,. 372 FEBEUARY. in the Barony of Forth, were confirmed to Edmund High- gate, viz., in Gracormuck, 76a Or 22p ; in the Hill of Sea and Honeymonstowne, 45a Or 20p ; in Ballybrongh, 28 acres; in Ballybrongh and Drumagh, 22a 2r ; in Morres- towne, 21 acres ; in Five Acres, 3a 2r Op ; in Waddies- towne and part of Morrestowne, 30a Or 3p ; in Morres- tow^ne and Rowestov^ne, 47 acres ; in Whitestov^ne, 120a Or 19p ; in Grange, 115a 2r Op; in Bearlough, 169a Ir 31p of profitable land and 401 acres unprofitable ; in Woodstowne, 56a 2r 8p ; in the Island part of Bearlough. 6 acres ; in Streamstowne, 34a 3r 22p ; in Ballydraune, 34a 3r 22p ; in Meathetowne, 80a 2r 4p ; in Church- towne, 123a Or 5p ; in Bally sampson, la Or 27p ; in Eath- downey, 50 acres; in Bush, 53 acres ; in Chappell, 14 acres ; in Great and Little Bally gran gans, 50 acres ; in Crelagh, 10 acres. Total quantity, 1,193a Or 20p., plantation mea- sure, at a quit rent of £22 18s lOJd, Lands granted to Eobert Saunders, 1 666. — Under the same Acts the following lands were conferred on Eobert Saunders, viz. : — In the Deeps^ 157 acres ; in Ballydicken, 84 acres ; in Newtowne, 141 acres ; in Newcastle, 323 acres ; in Killiowne, 140 acres ; in Ballyharian alias Bally- carsin, 111 acres ; in Tokillen and Ballynecrossy, 212 acres; in Killpatrick and Killeine, 187 acres; in Ballin- carrig, 148 acres ; in Kilmac-Thomas-Eoe, 360 acres ; in Garry William, 150 acres; in Kirriaght, 162 acres ; in BallymacShinan (part), 64 acres ; in the south end of Garrycloragh, and the improvements on the same, 61 acres, all in the barony of Sheilmalier, and county of Wexford. Total quantity, 3,725a Ir 19p statute measure, at a total quit rent of £46 lis 4M. By patent dated 10th January, 1677, andlnrolled 14th June, 1678, Joseph Saunders, Esq., son and heir of the said Eobert, had an abatement of the sum of £9 5s 4|d, of the quit rent of £46 lis 4^d., where- by the rent was reduced to £37 6s per annum ; and having purchased from the widow, and the eldest son of Colonel John Brett, of Suane, county Kent, England, the lands of 373 FEBEUAEY. Ballyneslany and nine other denominations, granted inter alia to -^he latter on the 15th of June, in the twentieth yeai of Charles II., he had an abatement of £8 a year of the quit rents reserved thereon. Lands granted to Thomas Haughton,, 1667. — Under the same Acts, the following lands in the barony of Bantry, were confirmed to Thomas Hanghton, viz. : — 400 acres in Pole Capple and part of Bally lane ; 41a 2r 27p in Rathky- roge, most contiguous to Ballincobbin ; 258 acres in Ballv- nurgy ; 317 acres in Ballincobbin — the whole at a quit rent of £20 lis 8^d. In the Indenture conveying this grant, there was a saving clause inserted preserving to Edmund Viscount Mountgarrett, the benefit of his decree and certificate, dated 6th November, 1666, to Ballylane and Polecapple, after reprisals. Mr. Ilaughton, by his last will devised these premises to Valentine Savage, of Dublin, esq., and his heirs, whose son and heir, Philip Savage, esq,, had an abatement of £8 lis 8|d. of the quit rent, which reduced said rent to £12, by patent dated 11th January, 1676, Hugh Howell Farmak, Esq., J.P., Enniscorthy, died, 1812. Mr. Richard Lambert, of Spring Hill, near Mayglass, died, 1833. Mr. William Walpole, sen., West Gate, Wexford, died, aged 73 years, 1837. Dr. Macartney, ©f Enniscorthy, died, 1847. Margaret Clancy, a poor widow, finds on the public road, near Kyle, seventy letters, and several newspapers, being part of the Dublin and English mails to Wexford, 1855. — That year was very remarkable for a very heavy fall of snow that commenced on the 8th of the month, and the stoppage of the mails to Wexford for some days. On the morning of the 12th poor Widow Clancy, was proceed- ing to her daily labour at an early hour, when she cameon S74 FEBRUARY. what was to her rather " a curious find," viz. : — Seventy letters, and a large number of newspapers, scattered along the road. The roads had for some days been impassible for cars or vehicles of any description, and the mails, after a delay of two or three days, were carried partly on horse- back and partly on foot, and it was supposed that one of the mail bags must have been accidentally burst in the transit. Amongst the letters found were several register- ed ones, containing large sums of money. One of them was directed to Mr. Patrick Armstrong, then one of the largest cattle dealers in Wexford, and another was direct- ed to Mr. James Fortune, of Broadway. We cannot say whether the poor W^idow Clancy evei received any rew-ard. Thomas Cogley, a guard on the mailcoach between Wexford and Dublin, accidentally killed by falling off the coach at Glenealy bridge, county Wicklow, 1861. A man named Glascott, from the parish of Tintern, shot himself in Common Quay Lane, Wexford, 1861.. He was at once conveyed to the County Infirmary, where every attention was paid him, but died shortly after admission. Presentation of an Address and Testimonial from the Parishioners of Enniscorthy to the Rev. Ralph W. Har- den, 1870. Mr. James Watkins, an extensive farmer and miller, Oulartard, died, aged 71 years, 1870. February 13. John Fitzhenry, of Mackmine Castle, and Commander of Kilmainham, died, 1420. — John Fitzhenry succeeded Thomas Butler in the government ot the Priory of Kil- mainham, on the 10th of August, (St. Laurences Day,) 1419, on Butler going to serve the King, Henry V., in the wars in Normandy. He afterwards became Grand Prior of this important Commandery. The Rev. Robt, Elliott appointed Archdeacon of Ferns, 1717. 375 FEBRUARY. The Rev. Joseph Story appointed Prebendary of White- church, Diocese of Ferns, 1760. John Cooper, Esq., Drinao^h, near Wexford, died, 1867. A Masonic Lodge re-established in the town of Ennis- corthy, 1871. An Address and Presentation of a Purse of 200 Sove- reigns from the Clergy, Gentry, Merchants, and Traders of Enniscorthy and neighbourhood, to William Augustus MAHONYjEsq., Manager of the National Bank, Enniscorthy, on his promotion to the Managership of the Chief Branch in Dublin, 1872. February 14. Lands granted to Thomas Barrington, and his wife Margery, 1666. — Under the Acts of Settlement and Expla- nation, the following lands were confirmed to Barrington and his wife, viz. : — In Ballymackehane alias Ballymacke- herne, 216 acres ; Ballihighoe (part of), 15 acres; in Yoll- towne, 56 acres ; in Stapletowne, 28 acres ; in Ballytory and Beatory (part of,) 24 acres ; in Littletowiie, 35 acres ; in part of Rathdrouane, 6 acres, all in the barony of Forth, and county of Wexford ; total quantity, 615a 2r 6p statute nieasure, at a quit rent of £7 18s lOkl. And in Temple- scoby, 620 acres ; in Moneyhore on the east side, IbS acres ; in Cloghassia, 358 acres ; in Ballygissue alias Bal- ly gillestowne, and Davidstowne, 420 acres ; part of Bally- bane and Ballyknockane, 46a 2r Op ; in part of Courtna- cuddy, 72 acres, all in the barony of Bantry, and same county. (By patent dated 29th December, 1667, a grant was made to Thomas Barrington, gent., son and heir of the grantor, of the reduction of the total quit rent of these lands, in the barony of Bantry, from £33 16s OJd to £24 88.) And to Ma^rgery, wife of said Thomas Barriogton, relict of George Lymington, of Wexford, merchant, and George, son and heir of said George Lymington, were granted in Killdavin, 190 acres ; in Staples towne, 16 acree, in the barony of Forth, and same countj. 376 FEBRUARY. Lands granted to Robert, Earl of Orrery, 1670. — Under the same Acts, the following lands in the county of Wex- ford, together with others in the counties of Limerick and Cork, were confirmed to this nobleman, viz. : — In Aughna- malinyne, 143 acres ; in both the Tinsillas, 311 acres ; in Killimore alias Ballycalogher alias Ballintogham, 87 acres ; Carranallagrohee, 39a Ir Op ; in Tatchcnrry, 37 acres ; in Tomcoyle and Tomtowne, 347 acres ; in Mnllinegrogh, 82a 2r 24p ; in Aghacullin, 123 acres ; in Killmeghill, 172 acres ; in Kilpatricke, 67 acres ; in Killowan, 157 acres ; in Ballynesragh, 191 acres ; in Corcannon, 120 acres ; in Ballybane, 58 acres ; in Ballyhillish alias Ballyhalhim, 127 acres, all in the barony of Gorej, and county of Wexford, and 300 acres in Drumderry, in the barony of Scarawalsh, in same county. The emigrant ship Glasgow wrecked on the Barrel Rocks, near Tuskar, 1837. — The Barrels are two small rocks that lie close together, about three-quarters of a mile E.S.E. from Black Rock ahvays above water, but the Barrels are only visible at low water. On these hidden rocks the un- fourtunate ship Glasgow struck with considerable force, on this stormy winter morning. The shock carried away the rudder, and stove in the cabin, when the vessel began to make water rapidly. On the occurrence the passengers, in great distraction, rushed on deck, most of them un- dressed, and there they remained, fearing to return for their clothing, lest the vessel should go dowm, and carry them along with her. In this state they were discovered at day-break by the little schooner Aluia, of Wexford, Captain Martin Walsh, homeward bound. Captain Walsh endeavoured tu run his vessel alongside the Glasgow, but in this he failed owing to the very high sea running at the time. Nevertheless the gallant Walsh was not to be deter- red, another effo"''t should be made to rescue his fellow- creatures from a watery grave, and for that purpose, he launched his little boat, and ably assisted by his small 377 FEBEUAEY. crew, proceeded to the distressed ship, and having arrived along side, commenced to take out the women and chil- dren. We may here state that there were ninety-five passengers on board, and a crew of sixteen all told. Capt. Walsh continued at his work of mercy, making several passages between both vessels, until he had eighty-two human beings rescued from a sure and certain death. On one of his return trips, he observed the Glasgoiv to give a sudden lurch, when she went down, carrying with her those that remained on board. Of these he saved four lives. After remaining for some time to ascertain if there were any more survivors of the catastrophe, he sailed for Wexford, where he arrived same evening. On the news becoming known in the town, the inhabitants vied with each other in providing food, lodging, and raiment tor the unfortunate sufferers, and a subscription was entered into, and all were forwarded to their own homes — most of them being from the west of Ireland. It is needless to say that the gallant Walsh and his crew received every acknowl- edgement for their heroic exertions, and were feasted and honoured in every port they sailed to. They also received substantial rewards. But it was when Captain Walsh sailed to Glasgow, the port to which the unfortunate ship belonged, that the highest honours awaited him. He was honoured by a civic banquet, and a valuable testimonial was presented to him by the merchants and traders of that vast mart of industry. Poor Walsh, in a few years after- wards, met a watery grave. He was returning from the Black Sea with a cargo of corn, and put into Falmouth for orders. Here he was wind-bound for som<^ days, but a fa- vourable change — though, as it turned out afterwards, a treacherous one — having taken place, poor Walsh set sail. A storm arose that night, and the gallant Walsh or his vessel were never afterwards heard of. Mr. Edwaed Hat, of BaUinastraw. near Enniscorthj, died, 1850. 378 FEBRUARY. Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts, widow of Joshaa Roberts, Esq., died at Moyne Cottage, Enniscortliy, 1858. The County of Wexford proclaimed under the Peace Preservation (Ireland) Act, and all fire arms ordered to be given up to the Constabulary before the 19th of the month, 1866. Mr. Patrick Scott, of Clonagh, farmer, accidentally Mlled by the overturning of his car, 1876. Mr. John Deathe, farmer, of Crane, Enniscorthy, died, 1876. Febrttart 15. Lands granted to Robert Carew, 1668. — Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation the following lands, along with others in the Counties of Waterf ord, Tipperary, and Galway, were conrirmed to Robert Carew, viz. : — In the south-west part of Chappell, Rahinegrough, and Tomfar- ney, 709 acres ; in Clonroche alias Clonerock, and Bally- mackessy, the part most contiguous to said Chappell, 291 acres, being in the baronj^ of Bantry, and county of Wex- ford, at a quit rent of £20 4s ll^d. By patent dated 26th February, 1677, and inrolled 20th June, 1678, Mr. Carew had a relase and abatement of £9 8s lid of the above quit rent. Petitions presented to both Houses of Parliament from the county of Wexford, against the Union, 1800. Mr. Robert Beale appointed Captain in Enniscorthy Yeoman Infantry, 1806. Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald, Deputy Governor of Wexford Goal, died, 1835. A Stack of Wheat that had been seized for Tithes sold by auction at Ballymenane, parish of Ballindaggin, 1836. After the wheat was bought, it was set on fire and de- stroyed. A public meeting was held to protest against this act of destruction. Mr. James presided, and the 379 FEBRUAEY. chair was placed on the ashes of the wheat. The follow- ing, which was passed, we extract from the Wexford Inde- jpeiident of that time : — "■' Proposed by Mr. James Long, and seconded by Mr. Moses Eedmond — Eesolved, That the barbarous burning of a stack of wheat, sold here on Mon- day, the 15th instant, for tithe, at the suit of John Eowe, the landlord, and purchased by — Irvine, his agent, at whose instance the corn was consumed, has created in the public mind an extraordinary alarm, which we will endea- vour to allay, and thus contribute to the preservation of that tranquility and good order for which every part of this county is deservedly distinguished." The late Sir Jas. Power, then one of the members for the county, brought the subject before the House of Commons on several occa- sions. Both Mr. Eowe and Mr. Irvine denied most posi- tively, by letters in the newspapers, that they knew any- thing of the burning of the corn. The Mary Jane of New Eoss, run down by a large ship in the English channel, which continued on her course without attempting to render the slightest assistance. — - The crew of the Mary Jane took to their boat, and in less than 20 minutes their vessel went down. They were pick- ed up by a vessel belonging to Sunderland, and landed at Dunmore, county Waterford, 1872. Captain Edward O'Flaherty, a native of Coolroe, co, Wexford, died at ISTew York, 1875. Febeuaet 16. William Basil, Attorney-General, writing from Dublin, under this date, 1649, to Speaker Lenthall, says — " On V/ednesday last, Captaine Slolineux arrived here from Wexford, who brings the news of our taking the^forte of Bally-hacke, over against Passage, tipon the river of Wa- terford, so that all trading to sea by Waterford is stopped up." The Eev. Thomas Parsons appointed Rector o£ White- church, diocese of Ferns, 1676, 380 FEBEUART The Eev. William Doyle, appointed Parish Priest of Killurin, (St. Laurence parish), 1750. Mr. Patrick Furlong, of Lough, died, aged 88 years, 1837. Mr. James M'Grady died at Limerick, 1855. He was for a number of years connected with the Weocford Inde- pendent, and was the author of a series of letters to Mr. William O'Connor, of the Queen's County, on the subject of Tenant Right. He wrote under the signatures of the Talking Man and Sliemiis of Ullinagh, &c. He was also a poet of no mean order. February 17. St. Fintan, of Clonenagh, died, 597. He was a native of the County Wexford, being born near New Eoss, about the year 520. Mr. EoBERT Browne receives his commission in the Wexford regiment, 1806. Walter Saunders Frayne, Esq., of Bormount, near Enniscorthy, died, 18S5. An attack made on the Police Barrack of Taghmon, and three prisoners rescued therefrom, 1837, The doors and windows were broken to pieces, and the Constables severely assaulted. All the articles from the County of Wexford, intended for the great Exhibition in London in 1851, were shown in the Mechanics' Institute, Wexford, which was crowded with visitors during the day. The late H. K. G. Morgan, Johnstown Castle, took a great interest in the exhibition during the day, explaining to visitors the different articles, and his beautiful model of Johnstown Castle. Mrs. Maher, of Ballinkeele, also exerted herself laudably to promote the movement, and sent forward very many articles of na- tive manufacture. Mr. Oscar Henry Oustainge, Professor of Dancing, 381 FEBEUAEY. died suddenly at New Eoss, 1860. Ife had been in Ennis- cortli}^ the day previous making arrangements to open an academy in that .town. He was a native of Wexford, (though of French extraction,) where his father kept an academy in the early part 6f the present century. The first Election by Ballot for Members of Parliament for the County was held, 1874. February 18. John Ivory, IsTew Eoss, devise houses and lands for ever to support a school in that town in which the Greek and Latin languages should be taught, 1713. Henry Duffield appointed to a commission as Lieu- tenant in the Wexford regiment, 1809. He was a native of the parish of Tintern, and was promoted from the ranks. Mr. William Power, Solicitor, Proprietor of the Wexford People, died, 1861. He was a native of New Eoss. Sir George Bowyer and Chevalier Keyes O'Clery declar- ed Members for the County, 1874. February 19. On this date, 1666, there were, under the Acts of Settle- ment and Explanation, 67 acres, being part of the lands of Ballybane and Ballyknockane, confirmed to Mr. Walter Godiwin, at a quit rent of £1 7s IM., which was after- wards reduced to £1 2s., by order of Council dated 15th March, 1676. TheEev. J. E. Johnson appointed Prebendary of Kilrush, diocese of Ferns, 1843. Town Commissioners, under the Towns' Improvement Act, first elected for Enniscorthy, 1851. Gregory Kavanagh, of Newtown, near Inch, in this county, murdered, 1852. The Coroner's Jury returned a verdict that he died from violence and suffocation. Mohurry Flax Mills burned, 1853. 3S2 FEBRUARY. Dr. Cardiff, Wexford, died, 1854. The Enniscortliy Young Men's Christian Association founded by the Rev. Edmund Trouton, Curate of the Parish, 1857. Anthony Welman, Esq., Wexford, died, 1857. Richard Doyle died in the Gorey Poor House Hospital of Glanders, 1864. Michael Sinnott, aged 68 years, accidentally drowned at Wexford Quay, 1876. He had been for a number of years in the employment of Richard Devereux, Esq., and bore an excellent character. February 20. Pope Urban Y., writes to Thomas, Archdeacon of the Diocese of Ferns, appointing him to the See of Ferns, left vacant by the death of Vv^illelmius, during the Pontificate of his predecessor. Pope Innocent YI., 1363. Judge Topcliffe writes to the King (Henry YIII.) com- plaining that a secular Priest and a secular Abbot had, by perversion, put out a good, blessed, religious Father and Prior, who had been by free election set over the Abbey of Regular Canons in the town of Wexford, 1532. — State Papers, Record Office. Fifty Persons enlisted and sworn in for the Confederate Army at Baldwin stown, in this county, by John Wadding, an Alderman of Wexford, 1642. William Banks and Robert Rogers appointed Lieuten- ants in the Kew Ross Yeoman Infantry, 1808. The Rev. J. N. Fanning, St. Aidan's, died, 1834. The Rev. Mr. M'Kenka died at New Ross, 1834. Sister Mary Cullen died in the Convent of Mercy, Wex- ford, 1861. Alderman Luke Butler, of Dublin, died, 1861, He was a native of Ballyshannon, county Wexford. S88 FEBRUARY. Tlie Rev. John Ebbs appointed rector of Kilnemanagh, diocese of Ferns, 1872. Captain Cha.rles C. Owen, R.N., Gore}'-, died, 1872. Dr. ISTiCHOLAS Furlong, M.R.I.A., elected one of the Medical Officers of the Enniscorthv Dispensary District 1872. The Glide of Waterford, lost opposite Balljgrangans, Kilmore, crew saved, 1874. Febrfaey 21. Nicholas Meyler, of Ballykerroll, born, 1598. He was 16 years old at his father's death in 1614. In the Wexford Depositions he is called " Captain xTicholas Meyler, of Dnncormuck, himself and men very active in the Rebel- lion." — (Trinity College Library). He was married to Elinor, daughter of Pierse Butler, of Nodstown, by Ellen, daughter of Thomas Purcell, of Loughmore, and niece of Lord Esmond e, of Johnstown. — (Wexford Inquisitions.) John Hatchell, Esq., afterwards Solicitor- General, ar- raigned before Lord Norbury, in the Commission Court, Dublin, upon an indictment for the murder of Henry Morley, 1814. Mr. Morley was killed in a duel, but the trial did not then proceed, and Mr. Hatchell was admitted to bail, himself in £2,000, and two sureties in £1,000 each, Mr. Hatchell was a native of the town of W^exford, and went the Leinster circuit. Benjamin Lett, Esq. Templeshelin, died, 1855. Nicholas Sinnott, Esq., the Abbey, Enniscorthy, died, 1876. February 22. King Henry III. writes to John Fitz Geoffrey, justiciary of Ireland, that Roger le Bigod, Earl of Norfolk and Mar- shal of England has shown that by reason of some inqu - sition the justiciary intended to deprive him of liberties and customs of right belonging to the borough of Ross. 384 FEBRUARY. The King wishing the Earl to enjoy those liberties and customs as his predecessors had enjoyed them in times past, commands the justiciary not to molest the Earl in re- gard of them.— 1252-3. (Close, 37 Henry TIL, m. 18 dors.) Sweetman's Calendar of State Documents relating to Ire- land. About this date, 1385, John Penross Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, and Ser- geant Cotteral, were appointed as a Commission to pro- ceed to the County Wexford, to investigate and report on the discovery of a hidden treasure — consisting of gold, silver, and precious stones of priceless value. Each of the Commissioners received £20. We cannot find any trace of the discovery or the report of the Commissioners, but the Patent appointing the Commission is still extant. The first Viscount Duncan non, of Duncannon Port, county Wexford, created, 1722. Lieutenant-Colonel Boyse, Bannow, died, 1832. Mr. Daniel M^Ennis, Broomlands, Enniscorthy, died, 1833. The sloop Hawk of Wexford, Captain Hull, wrecked on Wexford Bar, 1833. She was the property of the Messrs. Whitty. Mr. Walter Lacet, of Garryvarren, died, aged 84 years, 1847. The great case of Colclough v. Colclough, terminates at Wexford Assizes, by the Plaintiff allowing a verdict to be recorded for the defendant, John Thomas Rosborough Col- clough, 185(5. Captain A. G. Moorehead, 40th regt., died at Wexford, 1858. Mr. Samuel Bartlett, of Duncannon, drowned whilst in discharge of his duty as Second Officer on board the screw steamer Pomona, which foundered during a storm in the channel of Malta, 1860. S85 FEBRUARY. George Glascott, Esq., J.P., formerly of Valentia, Ca- molin, died in Dublin, 1876. He was for many years a^^ent to the vast estates of the Earl of Mountnorris in the county Wexford. February 23. William Charnels, Bishop of Ferns, appointed Lord Treasurer of Ireland, 1361. John Goodall, Esq., appointed Lieutenant in the Shil- raalier Yeoman Infantry, 1821. Mr. James Furlong, of Riversdale, Enniscorthy, died, aged 75 years, 1858. The First Penny Reading given in the County Wexford, was on this date, 1SG5, in the Church Institute, Enniscor- thy, by Mr. Daniel Keohler. Sarah Heffernan and Mary Kehoe, two pauper inmates set fire to their beds in the Enniscorthy Workhouse, with the intention of destroying the building, 1866. They were tried at the ensuing W"exford Assizes, found guilty, and sensenced to five years' penal servitude. Captain Wray, of the 18th Royal Irish regiment, ap- pointed to the Adjutancy of the Wexford regiment, 1876. John Nunn, Esq., J.P., Silverspring, died, aged 75 years, 1877. — Mr. Nunn was a Magistrate of the County for nearly half a century, and no man ever held the Scales of Justice with an evener hand, or tempered more judiciously the rigid principles of law with the divine quality of mercy. He succeeded the late Charles Arthur Walker as Chairman of the Wexford Board of Guardians, and assi- diously continued to discharge its onerous duties urtil delicate health compelled him to retire, when he was suc- ceeded by the Earl of Granard in that responsible position. He was constant in his duties as a Grand Juror, and we bo- " lieve it is to him is owing the discontinuance of the practice of calling members on the Grand Jury to represent baronies 386 FEBEUAEY. with which they were in no way connected either by pro- perty or special interest. He never shrank from the ex- pression of his honest convictions ; and, if he did not cure the evils against which he battled, he had the prond con- sciousness of doing his duty. Although leaning to mode- rate Conservatism in politics, such was the appreciation of his worth and rectitude by the Repeal Association of Wex- ford, that he was invited by that body to allow himself to be placed in nomination for the County in 1847, but he re- spectfully declined the honour. However, on the retire- ment of Mr. Devereux, in 1852, from the representation of the borough, he entered the lists, but a deputation having solicited their old and faithful member to continue his ser- vices to the town, Mr. Nunn graciously withdrew, in order to avoid a contest, and to preserve that harmony which it was one of the salient points of his character always to promote. From the time he attained his majority, Mr. Nunn invariably resided at home, affording a wise example, not only to his own order, but the agricultural interests in general, by exhibiting and demonstrating the responsibili- ties of station to the former, and the golden fruits of an intelligent, well-directed self-reliance on the latter. At the first meeting of the Wexford Board of Guardians after Mr. Nunn's death, the following resolution was unani- mously passed ; — " That we earnestly desire to express our deep regret at the demise of John Nunn, Esq,, J.P., of Silverspring, which sad event took pia. thatched front house, a back building slated, a yard, a plot of ground, and walls of a house in Selskar street, 5s 3d ; old walls of a house near Upper-street and to the hospital, with a yard, and a cabin, and a slated house next to that, 9s ; a house slated, a plot of ground, a yard backwards in Corn-market, 4s 6d. Total rent in Wexford, £15 15s 6d. In this Indenture there was a clause inserted reserving to Laurence Walsh his judgement on the house and yard in Corn market. The names of the officers in favour of whom this grant was made, were — Lord Viscount Catherlogh, Sir John Powlett, Sir William Gilbert, Lieutenant Wm. Gilbert, Captain Richard Oxenden, Lieutenant Richard Andrews, Captain Charles Crawley, Mr. William Rigway, Captain William Hyde, Major James Piercesey, Lieuten- ant John Moore, Major John Love, Quarter-Master Henry Floyd, Lieutenant Charles Fullwood, Captain Thomas Grames, Ensign James Ferguson, Captain William Dutton, Ensign George Bostock, Thomas Wynde, Roger Fortescue, William Johnston. Mr. Patrick Pettit, of Ballyclear, died, 1835. Thomas Walker, Esq., father of C. A. Walker, V.L., died at Belmont, near Wexford, 1837. Sister Mart Elizabeth Ennis, died at the Convent of Mercy, Wexford, 1861. Mr. Zachaeiah Nugbnt, Barrack-Master, Wexford, died suddenly, 1862. MARCH. Maech 1. The Earl of Ossory takes forcible possession of the lands of Mountgarret, then the property of the Meylers, of Duncormuck, 1518. Sir Heney Wallop writing from Enniscorthy to the Government complaining of dissensions between Mr. Mas- terson, Seneschal of the County Wexford, and Mr. Col- clough, regrets that "no two Englishmen that dwell withia twenty miles of each other can agree together." 1581. The Rev. William Williams was presented by the Crown to the Rectory and Vicarage of St. Mary's, New Ross, and the Parishes united thereto, 1683. The Rev. Mr. Handcock, New Ross, died, 1826. Trial of James Jackman at Wexford Spring Assizes, 1833. — Jackman was found guilty of aiding and assisting at the murder of John Roche, of Old Court, in this county. Jackman's father had formerly been in posses- sion of the farm held by Roche, but was dispossessed for non-payment of rent. Jackman was sentenced to be hung on the 4th March, but was respited until the 25th. Pre- vious to that date, however, his sentence was commuted to tiansportation for life, and for that purpose, he was removed from Wexford gaol on the 28th March. Mr. Edwaed Handley, game-keeper on the Wilton estates, murdered as he was returning home from the town of Enniscorthy, 1839. Two brothers of the name of Kelly were tried for the murder and acquitted, they after- wards emigrated. 397 MARCH. Thomas Butler and Patrick Dwyer tried at Wexford Assizes for the murder of Butler O'Erieo, Esq., at Ferns, 1841. They were acquitted. Charles William Clarke, Cashier in one of the Wexford Banks, found guilty of embezzlement at Wexford Spring Assizes, 1851, and sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment. The Grand Jury of the County Wexford, assembled at Spring Assizes, 1855, present an address of congratulation to their countyman. Sir Robert M'Clure, on his discovery of the North- West Passage. The Right Rev. Dr. Sheil, Bishop of Adelaide, Austra- lia, died, 1872. The above distinguished Prelate died at Wallinga, near Adelaide, South Australia, on this date, in the 59th year of his age. His Lordship was born in the town of Wexford, on the 21th of December, 1813, and from his earliest years was remarkable for his piety. — After finishing his preparatory studies in St. Peter's Col- lege, Wexford, he proceeded to the College of St. Isidore, Rome, where, on the 14th of January, 1833, he professed in the Order of St. Francis, and was ordained Priest on the 24th September, 1886, and on the followmg day was elected Lector of Philosophy. After spending some time in Rome discharging the duties of his responsible offices, he returned to his native town, and joined the Franciscan Fathers, where he laboured a few years, when he was transferred by his superiors to Cork. In 1855 he proceed- ed as an humble but earnest Priest to Australia, where he laboured for eleven years, when he was, with the unani- mous approval of his Reverend Brethren, and to the great delight of the laity, raised to the Episcopal dignity. The Franciscan Order in Wexford, within a comparatively short period of time, has given to the Church four Divines that were raised to the Episcopacy — the Right Rev. Dr. Lambert, Bishop of Newfoundland ; the Right Rev.Dr. Scallan, Bishop of same Colony ; the Right Rev. Doctor Hughes, Bishop of Gibraltar ; and the Right Rer. Dr, Sheill, whose death has called forth the foregoing remarks. 398 MAECH. March 2. Brian M'Donald, of Marslialstown, died, 1614. Lucius Blake, sen., merchant, New Eoss, died, 1621. William Basil, Attorney -General, in writing from Dub- lin to Speaker Lenthall, on this date, 1650, says — "Our forces about Wexford have recovered the Castle of Inis- corfy (Enniscorthy,) which was yielded unto them, and they have also taken Brownswood Castle by storm, and all within the latter were put to the sword. Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, on thia date, 1667, the following lands were confirmed to John Cliffe and Daniel Fossey, viz. : — In Mulrankin, 180 acres ; at the Lake, 60 acres, in the barony of Bargy, and county of Wexford, at a quit rent of £4 17s 2^d. Also, part of Bally connicke, 118 acres ; part of Blackmore, out of the east end, 19a 3r 8p ; out of the west end, 19 acres, in same barony and county, at a quit rent of £3 oa 6d. And on same day, the following lands were confirmed to Agnes, widow of Eichard Scott, to Samuel, their son and heir, and to Eusebius Cotton, gent., viz. : — In Ballymacare, in the Liberties of Eosse, 202 acres, being in the barony of Bantry, and county of Wexford ; in part of Duncormack, 30 acres, being in the baruny of Bargy, in said county, at a quit rent of £4 13s Hid. Under the same Acts, on the 2nd of March, 1677, the following lands were confirmed to Eichard Cowse, viz. : — In Kayer, Edermine and Clonmore, 280 acres, in the ba- rony of Bantry, and county of Wexford. In Mackmaine, Kilgibon, and Kilhire, 111 acres, in the barony of Shilma- lier, and same county, at a quit rent of £7 17s IIM. William MoUoy and Andrew Brennan, prisoners confin- ed in the old Gaol, Stone-bridge, Wexford, make their escape, by cutting out a window, 1807, Mr. Clement Eoice, of Churchtown, Tagoat, arrested 899 MARCH. in the Court House, Wexford, whilst attending the As- sizes, where he had been summoned as a juror, for tithes and costs, amounting to near One Hundred Pounds, and lodged in gaol, 1837. A man named Balf e killed bj lig^htning whilst ploughing in a field near Carnew, 1844. The horses were also killed. William Marchant, Esq., Kiltrea, Bannow, died, 1851. Mr. Martin Doyle, nailer and politician, New Eoss, died, 1853. The Wexford Spring Assizes, 1855, was opened with only one Judge, Baron Greene. The Rev. James C. Murdoch appointed Rector of En- niscorthy, 1875. Sub-constable Butler of the Royal Irish Constabulary, stationed in Wexford, accidentally poisoned himself, 1875. He had been out on duty, and feeling cold on hisreturnat night, went, without a light, to his trunk to take a glass of wine, and instead of taking the wine bottle, he took one containing a poisonous mixture used for cleaning rifles. — Every assistance that medical skill could render was given, but he died in a short time. March 3. Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, the fol- lowing lands were confirmed to the Rev. Nicholas Wilson, of Clonmel, viz. : — In Cooleboy, 91 acres ; in Bennetts- town, 81 acres ; in Rochestowne, 89 acres ; in Scarre, 213 acres, being a total of 474 acres plantation measure, at a quit rent of £9 lis llfd. Nicholas Browne, Esq., appointed Lieutenant in the Newtownbarry Yeoman Infantry, 1815. Thomas Henry Brunker, Esq., Selskar, W^exford, died, 1837. Mr. Francis Furlong, the first appointed Clerk to the Wexfp^d Poor Law Union, died, 1850. 400 MARCH. March 4. Caher M'Dermod, of Munmore, barony of Ballaghkeene, died, 1619. Patrick Whitty, of Ballymackeen, died, 1630. Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, the fol- lowing lands were confirmed to Theodore Murphy, gent., Mary, his wife, and Dorothy Baxter, widow, in 1666, viz. : In Ballyvalloe, 22a 3r 27p ; in Ballyneclasse, 75 acres ; in Ballynagh, 230a Ir lip ; in the barony of Ballagh- keene, and county of Wexford, at a quit rent of £6 1 29 lOJd — to Murphy and his Wife for life, remainder to the heirs male of her body, with remainder to Mrs. Baxter, her heirs and assigns. Timothy Killey, of Wexford, blacksmith, is awarded by the Dublin Society, a prize of £20, for making ten dozen of scythes, 1760. A man named John Doyle accidentally shot near Ca- molin, by Mr. Burton Thomas, who immediately surren- ders himself to C. Edwards, Esq., J.P., to stand his trial for same, 1807. John Dalton was found guilty at the Wexford Spring Assizes of 1833 for unlawfully having arms in his poses- sion at Ballykeerogue, in this county, and sentenced to seven years' transportation. At same Assizes, Philip Ma- grath, Patrick Magrath, and Patrick Lane, were found guilty of plundering arms from the house of John Foley, of Baliykeerogue, and sentenced to death. This sentence was afterwards commuted to transportation for life. John Redmond and Nicholas Jackman executed in front of Wexford Goal for the murder of the Maddocks, at Tom- tarne}^ 1833. On Saturday, the 2nd of March, Redmond and Jackman were put on their trial, before Baron Foster, for the murder, on the 22nd Isovember, 1832, of Joseph Wright, a policeman, and Mary Madock, and her daugh- ter at Tomfarney, in the barony of Bantry, and county of 401 MARCH. Wexford. This was one of those agrarian outrages about land that disgraced the county of Wexford in the years 1832 and 1883. John Redmond's father had previously occupied the farm at Tomfarney, and on his being dispos- ssesed for non-payment of rent, it was taken by theMadock family. Shortly after Madock's going into possession his dwelling house was set on fire, and he was served with threatening notices. Two policemen were put into his house for protection. On the night of the 22nd Novem- ber, 1832, the house was attacked by an armed party. — There were eight persons in the house at the time, most of whom had gone to bed, when the house was found to be on lire. The two policemen opened the door, when they were met by a volley of fire-arms, and one of them named Wright fell mortally wounded. A second volley was then fired which caused the death of Mrs. Madock and her daughter. In the confusion which ensued the other mem- bers of the household escaped. Redmond and Jackman were shortly after arrested, accused of the murder, and lodged in the county gaol to await their trial. They were tried at the March Assizes following, and found guilty. — On being asked had they anything to say why sentence of death and execution should not be passed on them ? Jackman said — " Whatever time I part this life, the King- dom of Heaven, or the sight of God, may I never see, if I was out of my house for half an hour on the night of the attack on the house of the Madocks ; and if the Jury, or any Lord on this earth, find me guilty, I will leave my in- nocent blood on them.'* This caused a great sensation m court. Redmond then stood forward, and in a firm and auidable voice, said — " I am the murderer, not only of the Madocks' but of Roche, and he who stands by my side, as well as James Jackman, who was found guilty yesterday for the murder of Roche, are innocent — [See under the date of March 1.] I am the murderer, and this man — pointing to Nicholas Jackman — is innocent. I have com- mitted five murders with my own hands. I was put up to 402 MARCH. it all by bad persons — bad agents did it all. My poor fa- ther was turned out of his farm by a bad agent, because he wanted Five Founds to make up his rent, although he had lived on it for upwards of sixty years." They were then sen- tenced to be executed on the Monday (4th March) follow- ing. The prisoners were removed, under a large armed escort, to the county gaol, and a strong military guard was kept there until after the execution. After the trial was over Mr. Greene, proprietor of the Wexford Independent, was permitted to have an interview with the unhappy men, when Jackman fell on his knees, and in the most solemn manner, called on Him who knows the secrets of all hearts, to witness the truth of what he said, and again protested his innocence. E-edmond told him he was not sorry for what he did, and if he had the power he would commit the same deeds over again — that he would as soon die then as a month hence, as life had no charms for him — he got the retribution he desired for the wrongs, as he alleged, in- flicted on his father. Both men were hung on Monday, according to their sentence. They were attended by the Eev. Aidan Devereux, (afterwards first Bishop of the Cape of Good Hope,) the Rev. Dr. Sinnott, President of St. Peter's College, Wexford ; the Rev. John Barry, (after- wards Parish Priest of Crossabeg) ; and the Rev. Laurence Kirwan, the present Dean of Ferns. Jackman, when he «ame to the gallows, which was a wooden structure erected on the gaol green, some few yards from the entrance gate, declared his innocence, and knelt down and prayed fer- vently ; he became so weak that he had to be carried up to the scaffold. Redmond acknowledged his guilt, and declared Jackman innocent. Redmond was the youngest of seven brothers, and was under twenty years of age. — The murdered Policeman, Wright, was a native of the Parish of Glynn, in this county, and a married man. The principal witness in the case was a young lad, son of Ma- dock's, who escaped unnoticed during the attack, and con- cealed himself under some bushes. He was in the hands 403 MAECH. of the Police of the town of Wexford, and resided in the barrack, from the time of the murder, until after the trial and execution. Mr. E. M. Hunt died at Castletown House, Carne, 1852» At the time of his death he was agent to thd Palliser estates, and had been Captain of the Brigand steamer, be- longing to the Port of Wexford, when she was lost. IVIjlUrice Crean, of Slevoy, in this county, died, aged 102 years, 1857. Surgeon William Sylvester Eoche, E.N., lost his life by a railway accident at London Bridge Station, 1874. — Surgeon Eoche was a native of the parish of Adamstown, county Wexferd, and comparatively a young man when ho met with the accident that deprived him of life» During the war with Eussia he distinguished himself in the Naval service of his country both in the Baltic and Black eeas, and for which he received medals. He was also decorated with the Turkish Order of Medjide. The Very Eev. Dr. Gregg, Dean of Cork, appointed Bi- shop of Ossory, Ferns, and Leighlin, 1875, March 5. EoBERT Matler, of Duucormack, died, 1356. Camden. says — " That Mailor or Maylor, a renowned soldier, went out of Pembrokeshire to the conquest of Ireland with. Strongbow, from a place still called Logh Meyler." Eobert Meyler, son of Sir Ealph, married Eosia, a " King's Ward," and held the manor of Duncorrauck and other lands m capite, and died 5th March, 29th Edward III., (1536). The widow married secondly Eichard Duke, of Waterford, without the King's permission, for which she forfeited her rights to the manors of her first husband in. Duncormuck, and also extensive possessions in and around New Eoss, but on paying a large fine she was pardoned and reetored.— C^ose Rolls. 404 MAECH. Nicholas Hore, of Balljshelane, barony of Forth, died, 1613. Nicholas White, of Trummer, same baronj, died, 1632. Alderman John Fuelong chosen Member of Parliament to represent the borough of Wexford, 1639. First meeting of the Corporation of New Eoss under the Charter granted by James the Second, 1687. — At this meeting there were present : — Patrick White, Esq., May- or ; Luke Dormer, Esq., Eecorder ; Thomas Nugent, Lord Chief Justice of His Majestie's Court of Chief Pleas in Ireland ; Sir John Ivory, Knight ; Patrick Colcleugh, Esq., Eobert Leigh Colclough, Esq., Walter Butler, Esq., William Hore, Esq., Csesar Colclough, Esq., Patrick Lam- bert, Esq., Edward Fitz-Henry, Esq., Eobert Carew, Esq., Eichard Butler, merchant ; Henry White, merchant ; Thomas Crawford, Esq., Nicholas White, merchant ; Na- thaniel Quarme, Esq., Edward Eoth, merchant ; Nicholas Dormer, merchant ; Nathaniel Steevens, merchant ; Jas- per Eoth, merchant ; Nicholas Kealy, merchant ; Edward Smith, merchant ; Thomas White, merchant ; Simon White, merchant ; David Mading, merchant. " The Great Charter granted to this Corporation by our Sovereign Lord, James II., by the Grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, in the hearing of the Modern Mayor, Patrick White, Esq., mentioned in said Charter, before Nathaniel Quarme, late Sovereign, and divers other persons of quality, was opeoly read and passed to the great satisfaction of a full Court, then as- sembled together by Mr. Ambrose Sutton, Town Clerk." *' Patrick White, Esq., after taking the oath of fidelity, was before Nathaniel Quarme, Esq., the late Sovereign, and Eobert Leigh, Esq., two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, sworne Mayor, one of the Common Council, Clarke of the Markett, and Trustee of the Board," &c. — " Luke Dormer, Esq., after taking the oath of fidelity. 405 MARCH. was sworne Eecorder, one of the Common Councill, a Jus- tice of ye Peace throughout je County of Wexford at large, and Freemen of the Corporation before ye Mayor," &c. The folloTving description of the reception of the Charter is on the Corporation Book, in the oihce of the Town Commissioners : — " Bosse, 10th March, 1687. " Honrd, Sir, — It was my intention tO waite on yw the 5tli currant, as promised in my precedent letter ; but that day, unexpectedly, as I was r r 10 6g- ' f unprofitable 39 ^ Carrylegan alias Carraneclegan, with the ap- purtenances, 502 2 7 12 7i The manor of Ballincarrigeen alias Ballicargin, including the lands of Ballincargin, ... 309 3 4 14 Of Half Tobbergall alias Tubbergole, 69 03 110 Moyaghmore, Moyaghbegg, and Knocknevicka alias Knocknevaeka and Moyagh, 255 3 17 5^ Knocknenescagh alias Knockneekeagh, ... 145 10 2 4 1^- Ballynemona, liallycolman, Ballynehenny alias Ballynaheany, Moyore and Boolemoge, ... 227 S 8 11 Bally trassey alias Ballytreasy, 317 3 4 16 5f BALLAGHKEENE. Bondrom alias Dundrum, Tinneghan, Tenetony, 110 1 13 4f- SCARAWALSH. Eeylandmore and Eeylandbeg alias Eeyland, including Castlekii-ke and Buncledy, ... 960 14 11 8} 4U MARCH. Denoniination. Extent. Quit Eent. A R p £ s D B ally pratis alias 'Ballytrevas, 308 4 13 6 Curia iimore and Ballylesky alias Ballinleskey, with the apT)url enances, ... ... ... 5S7 8 IS 3 BANTRT. Ballygibbon, Monymough alias Moniinoe and Askefarney alias Ask enforny, Templevindigau alias Tenipledican, Part of Monemoliiig alias Munimolyng and Ballybane with the appurtenance, ... 825 12 10 6 Balliudoneybeg'g' alias jtiallindowny, Eathna- dy nbegg ahas Rathpeadenbeg, 558 8 9 6 Immediately following on the foregoing we have another deed inrolled the 6th July, 1666, by which the same Earl obtains the following lands : — 789 11 19 lOi 725 11 2| EHELBUBNE. Denomination. Extent. Quit Eent. A E p £ S D Ballycarogemore, 484 9 16 Aclare, 725 14 13 7 Ballysogh alias Sallysope, 211 4 5 5i BaUybrazill, 246 4 19 7i Bunganstowne, 216 4 7 5f Clonyne or Clonmyne, 595 11 15 H Lombardstown, 40 16 2i Arckloe, 42 17 Ould Court and Eallycally, 39 15 n Bally carogebegg, 282 5 14 2i Booreswood abas Horeswood, 146 2 19 H Duuganstowne, 320 6 9 7 TCillowen, 103 2 1 8i Taylorstowne, 268 5 8 64: BALLAGHKEENE. Killennyduffe, ... 82 1 13 2i Ballinrony, 59 1 13 lOi Eahinlosky and Ballinclonheene, 136 2 15 Of BAEQY. The tree of Killkevan, the mill of Killkevan, and Coolbrooke, 274 2 30 5 11 2i Kilderry, 110 1 16 2 4 4 SHILMALIEB, Groutowne, and part of Tomcoyle, 427 26 8 12 Hi 415 MAECH. Denomination. Extent. Quit Kent. A R P d8 s D FurloncrstoTme, 40 3 14 16 7 BaUvTviller or Ballim-illa, 47 19 J Great and Little Codes, 376 7 12 3 Garradirne, 96 2 6 1 Sir Bernard tells us that the Earl of Ang^lesy " was high in favour with Charles II." ISTo doubt he was, for we have still another grant of lands to this favorite Earl, incolledthe 22nd November, 1669 :— BALiL&.GHKEENE . Denomination. In tte N. end of Cooleroe by a N". and S. line, Knockmolin alias Knoekomolin, Pallyvaloe, Blackconnyg-eere, Ballena^h and Barneredenny ... Balleneske, In the S. E. part of Eohinderrigg, More in the same, Monevougiino-, Garrinmore alias Garrinreore (part) In the westerlev part of Tankemnick alias Tan- kennick and Tobherlomney, Loiio'hlao-h, Garrenrane.gh alia.s Garrybran, Balleroe, *BaUynao-h, *Ballynemodao:h, ♦BallynemorYbeQ^g- (part) In Owlert^ricke contiguoias to Tankennick, by a E. and W. line, Ballervane and one-third part of Connygeeres' Ballyheige and Shrampale, Knocknoskin and Ballymenin, *Co]lemactire, *Ballynemonybegg" (part), *In Knoc-knegney or Knocknegvy, most remote from Teighnraghan, *Monreagh, * Raliinroane, *Pallymacdonofine, the IN". W. part, ♦Kilbride, *Ballem.arragh, most contiguons to Clonmactyre,13S *TTalf Garrentrowlan, *Kilcottv, Exteni Quit Rent. A E p £ 8 D 40 16 2 .S4 1 1 14 42.5 8 11 Hi 242 4 17 IH S4 1 14 4i 77 27 1 11 2 112 27 2 5 4 CO 1 4 H 126 1 2 11 8 3 2i 138 2 15 10 34 13 9 182 ? 13 8 285 1 5 15 4i 15 6 0* 9 3 7i 19 7 8 117 2 7 41 156 1 3 3 H 120 o 2 8 7 42 1 17 86 1 14 9i 45 IS 2i 107 2 3 3i 28 11 4 91 1 16 10 30 2 12 H 103 2 1 H ,138 2 15 10 97 2 19 3 149 3 3i 416 MARCH. Penomination. . Extent. Quit Eent- A E p £, s -D *Mi-!lgaMon, 24 27 9 Si *In the N.W. part of Lat^ymerstowne, ... 70 1 13 18 4 *Iii tlae S. part of Killdowner, 7 2 2 10 *In the N.Vf . part of Katiinedan, 43 17 4^ *In Much-Rath, 11 4 5 *Iii Ballyho^her and Paradise, 4 30 17 *In Great Bally men an, 400 17 *Athestowne and Eoachland, and in Ballylac- ken next to Athcstowne, 49 1 19 9^ *In Rathdowning and in Ballyrelly, 15 6 Oi 6helbttr::tb. In Old Courb, 21 2 8 6 Mo^e in same, 40 16 2 In Bally nteskin contiguous to Bally verog©, ... 30 2 27 12 1^ Mo^ein the same, ... ... ... ... 63 1 14 15 6 In BallycaHy, 69 2 17 11 More in the same, 39 15 9 In Whitechui-ch and Poulmaloe, with the coa- troversy lands, 182 3 13 8 In KiUisk, DriUistowne, and Knockagh, ... 128 2 11 8 BARGT. SarchiU, 112 2 2 5 4 In Erovrnstowne and both Graigescurs, ... 76 1 15 1 10 9 *In Eathearke and Ould Sheep-house, ... 13 5 3 *In Johustowne, 33 13 4 *More in the same, 5 2 *In Harpanstowne, ... ... ... ... 85 1 14 5 *In Pouiinanagh, 7 2 10 *In the W. part of Norristowne, by a N. W. andS. E. lice, 68 17 6 *In the W. end of Blackmoore, 39 <> -t ^^ c *In the E. end thereof, 39 1 24 ^ *In CoolsalJagh, 120 2 8 6^ *Little-Gurthines, 79 1 7 ll| *ln Woodtowne, 33 13 4 In GublistowualiasAmbrosetowne & Gublistown, 63 1 13 15 6 In Hal. sy rath, the W. part, ... 26 10 6 More in the same, 41 16 7 In Eochcstowne 8 3 2^ In Bengiove, 23 2 24 9 3i In the 8. E.part of Duncormuck, 80 113 112 4^ More in the same, on the north side, ... 11 4 5 417 MAECH. More in tlie same, 36 14 6$ In Hill and Duncormack, (part) 105 2 2 7^ Couleshill, 58 13 5 In Harristowne, ... ... ... ... 70 2 26 18 4 In Kilkevan, 80 1 12 4i In Sheastowne, 58 11 1 3 5^ BANTET. In the liberties of Eoise, 511 2 26t 10 6 9^ William Walker, Esq., lessee to tlie Earl of Anglesy, for tlie landa thus (*) marked, being- all retrenohed lands, in behalf of himself and said Earl, obtained an order of Council, dated 1st March, 1679, for an abatement of .£10 6s l^d., a year of the quit rents. t In the Indenture conveying' this property, a clause was inserted, re- serving " to the Duke of Ormond such right as he had 23rd October, 1641, to the five acres cast off by Captain Winckf ord in the liberties of At the present moment not an acre in the county Wex- ford owns an Annesly for its proprietor. Within the pre- sent century all of this great property has passed out of their hands. It was sold in lots at different times. The first account we have of a public sale of part of this pro- perty was in the month of June, 1836, "*' when some of the Freehold Estates belonging to the Earl of Mountnorrier and Lord Viscount Yalentia, near the towns of Wexford, Enniscorthy, Gorey, and Camolin, were brought to the hammer, by order of the Trustees, at the Commercial Buildings, Dublin, by Mr. Charles Bennett, of the Eoyal Exchange." The following is the result of that sale so far as we have an account : — Lot 2, sold for £10,000 to Mr. Blennerhasset, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 25,500 to Mr. Power. 38,500 to Mr. J. D. Atkin, agent, 2,700 to same. 28,600 to J. Thunder. 2,650 to same. 11,000 to Mr. O'Hara, agent. 1,700 to Mr. J. D. Atkin, agent. £120,650 41S IVIARCH. Camolin Park, and the last remnant of Lord Mountnor- lis's property, were sold in 1852, and Lord Yalentia'a Wexford lands, the last Anneslej possession in a county where they had in former days been paramount, also pass- ed away in the Landed Estates' Court. Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation the fol- lowing lands were assigned to Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Wheeler, viz. : — In Monodurly alias Monodortlagh, and part of Ballynedrum alias Ballydrum, 538 acres ; also, 7'9a Ir., being part of Ballyntoger, in the barony of Scarawalsh, county Wexford, at a quit rent of £12 9s 10 Jd, which was afterwards reduced to £6. — 1670. The Right Rev. Patrick Ryan, P.P.. Bishop of Ferns, died, 1819. From the Very Rev. Dr. Renehan's " Collec- tions of Irish Church History," edited by Rev. Dr. McCar- thy, of Maynooth, we glean the following particulars con- cerning Bishop Ryan : — " Through the very great kind- ness of the nearest surviving relative of Dr. Ryan, we are enabled to give the following account of his family. — About the year 1700 Edward Ryan, the bishop's great- grandfather, descended of an ancient Irish stock, removed from the old family residence at Ballycarran, to a house lately built in an adjoining part of the estate called Balli- nakiil, within a few miles of Kildare, where he died soon after. He was succeeded by his son Thomas, who died at an early age, leaving issue two sons, James and Edward, and three daughters. 1. James married Bridget Barn wall, daughter of Robert Barnwall, Esq., county Meath, and re- sided at JSTewcastle, county Meath, after his marriage. 2. Edward Ryan suceeded his father in Ballinakill, and married the daughter of Philip O'Reilly, Esq., of Coolam- ber and Ballymorris, county Longford, They were bless- ed with a numerous offspring, two daughters and eleven sons. Thomas, the eldest eon, who inherited the estate, married April 19, 1798, Mary, eldest daughter of Edward aadMagdalan B}Tne, of Byrne's Hill, county Dublin, — 419 MAECH. Philip, the second of the eleven brothers, went to Copen- hagen, and there married (first) ft Danish lady, the daugh- ter of Baron Firsh, and after her death married (secondly) a Miss Farrell, born in Denmark, but, as the name implies, of Irish extraction. Patrick, the third of the brothers, the future bishop, was born in 1768, at the family mansion in Baliinakill, where his father, Edward Ryan, died in his 65th year, of fever. The bishop's mother lived to a great old age, and died at Blackball, county Meath, in her son Edward's house, December 17, 1828. We should not dwell on these details only that it has been often and con- fidently asserted that Dr. Ryan was a native of the diocese of Ferns, and the assertion has been repeated and sanc- tioned by a recent clever and popular writer, who says further that the bishop was brother of a banker. This statement is inaccurate in both its parts. Every one of the eleven brothers was born in the same house at Baliinakill, county Kildare, and though, like many other educated Ca- tholic youths, who saw n© chance of promotion at home, three or four of the Ryans were forced to seek honourable service in strange lands ; not one of them ever held a share in a bank. John, the fourth brother, joined the Spanish army ; Bernard, the fifth, entered the East India Company's service ; James, the sixth, the well know^n cor- respondent, J. R., of Charles James Fox, was an extensive wine merchant in Dublin, partner in the firm of Byrne, McDonnell and Co., then the first commercial house in the city ; Edward, the seventh, lived at ISTevfcastle first, and then at Blackball, county Meath ; George, the eighth, died in Copenhagen, December 6, 1861, the last survivor of the brothers ; William and Richard died young ; and Joseph, the youngest brother, a gentleman of refined taste, kind and hospitable, after spending many years at Barce- lona in Spain, came to reside at the Grove, county Meath. To return to the bishop's personal history. From his childhood, Patrick Ryan showed a decided leaning for the ecclesiastical state, and was B&ai, therefore, with the full 420 MARCH. approval of his pious parents, to Rome to pursue his studies. He must have entered college before 1788, as I find among' Dr. Troy's letters one of that date to him, enclosing money from his father. At the end of the usual course he was or- dained priest, and returned to Dublin in the spring of 1793. His first mission was in the parish of St. Nicholas, and while still a curate there, he was admitted to the chapter as Prebendary of Wicklow,his successor being Daniel Murray. On the 5th January, 1803, he was appointed Secretary to the Board of Trustees, Maynooth College, and on the 2nd October, 1804, (date of Bull), coadjutor bishop of Ferns, with the title of Germanicia injpa/rtibvB. February 15, 1805, he wrote from Dublin to several bishops, announcing his appointment as coadjutor, and stating that he had received from Mr. Marsden, on the part of the government, pro- mise of support and protection in the discharge of his episcopal functions in Wexford. He could not, however, leave Dublin until April, and would gladly retain his office of secretary to the Maynooth Board with even the small salary of £56 19s 6d., no provision being yet made for him in Wexford. In these letters' he recommended a Mr. Barrett of Carlow for the rhetoric chair in Maynooth. The college trustees, with that paternal regard for personal feeling and interest which has ever been characteristic of their rule, allowed Dr. Eyan to keep his office until he re- signed of his own accord on July 7th, 1807. After his consecration in 1805, Dr. Ryan assisted most punctually at the councils of the Irish bishops, and acted very often as their secretary. Thus we find him at the meetings of the 14th September, 1808, against the veto ; of 24th and 26th February, 1810, when the resolution of 1808 was solemnly renewed in a public address to the clergy and laity ; and of 18th No v^ember, 1812, condemning Blanchard and Colum- banus. He also signed the pastoral address of the bishops, May 26, 1813, against the secmnties in the relief bill, and the congratulatory letter to Pius VTI., ordered at May- Eooth, May 27th, 1814. In this last document for the 421 MARCH. first time lie asaiimed the title of Bishop of Ferns, his illustrious predecessor having died in the beginning of the game year. Long before the death of Dr. Caulfield, the government of the diocese was in reality left to Dr. E-yan, who was young and vigorous, and well able to bear hard work. Besides the usual cares of his sacred office, he had to face from the beginning, dangers which in Ireland hap- pily are not often to be met with. It was against these that he had the promise of protection from the government. For a long time after the rebellion, the priests of Wexford were kept in terror of their lives by a bigoted faction, who went about in the open day prepared with instruments of death. Priests were insulted in the public highways, and sometimes interfered with in their most sacred duty, as in their visits to the sick and dying. Dr. Eyan resolved at any risk to put down this intolerant spirit, and took what may be considered a strange way of effecting his purpose. The Orangemen were gathered together in large numbers in Enniscorthy on one of their great anniversaries, when, to their utter surprise, the bishop, accompanied by one lay gentleman of influence, entered the meeting. Having asked permission to say a few words to the gentlemen pre- sent on a subject of great interest to himself and the Ca- tholics of Wexford, he appealed to them in a calm and most solemn manner not to goad their brethren into resist- ance by offensive words and displays. He assured them the Catholics were ready to forget all past wrongs and dif- ferences, and to live at peace with their fellow-country- men. For his own part, his most sacred duty was to preach and practice Christian charity, and he would never yield to fear or force in the discharge of his ministry. The short speech was well received, and produced the best effect. From that day party demonstrations ceased in a great measure, and there was no further interference with the free exercise of religion. But although this danger passed away, the bishop's health was much impaired by the struggle and strife, and by constant anxiety and la- 422 MAEOH. bour. There was hardly a day that he did not spend eight or nine hourg in the confessional. He preached morning and evening on Sundays, and visited nearly every parish in the diocese each year. Under this heavy strain his bodily strength failed, and a sudden and violent attack of paralysis weakened even his mental faculties. He died at Enniscorthy, on the 9th March, 1819. A mural slab of white marble in the Cathedral of Enniscorthy, where his remains are laid, is thus inscribed : — Illustriss. et Eeverendies. Patricius E-yan, Eps. Fcrnensis, natus A.D. 1763. Expleto studiorum ecclesiasticorum curriculo ad animarum curam vocatus, et ab Arcliiepo. Dubliniensi parocliise Clontarf pastor est iustitntus a.d. 1797. Coadjutor Epi. Fern, creatns ad. 1805, ipso jam defuncto in ministerium Episcopale pleno jure snccessit a.d. 1814. Primtis sedem Ep. in civitate Enniscorthiensi coUocayit, et discipliinae Ecclesiasticae excolendae atqiie saluti animarum promo vendae per annos quatuordecim sedulo intentiis, supremum diem obiit YIL. Idus Martii, 1819. E. I. P. The Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Eowe-street, Wex- ford, first opened for public worship, 1836. The first ser- mon was preached by the Kev. Eobert Newton, of Man- ^chester. Mr. William Henet H"?laitd, of Wexford, died, aged 95 years, 1837. Gregory Dowitbs, Esq., of Adamstown, died, aged 84 years, 1864. 428 MARCH. The Rev. Zachariah Cornock, J.P., Cromwell's Fort Wexford, died, aged 90 years, 1858. Though ordained he never officiated as a Clergyman. Mr. William Lett, Tomsallagh, Enniscorthj,died,1871. Mr. William B. Goodisson, Carnew, died, 1872. March 10. Conway Bradt, of Balljvadden, died, 1627. Mr. Richard Boltox, of Ballyduff, died, 1834. Lieutenant-Colonel Pigott, Slevoj Castle, Taghmon, died, 1854. He was nearly half a century Lieutenant- Colonel of the Wexford regiment, which he joined as En- sign in 1796. He was for many years Master of the Wex- ford Hunt. William Graves, Esq., J.P., ^ew Ross, died, 1859. Mr. James Scallait, teacher, Lancasterian School, Wex- ford, died, 1861. ■ The Tower of Adamstown Chapel fell, 1872. Happily there was no injury to life or property. Thomas DeRiwzy, Esq., J.P. & D.L., died, 1873. Captain James Harvey, J. P., died, 1873. Captan Har- vey served in the Guards at Waterloo, and took part in the final and crowning charge, when the command of " Up, Guards, and at them," was given. He succeeded Colonel Pigott as Master of the Wexford Hunt, which office he held but for a few seasons, and it is a coincidence that their deaths took place on the same date in the same month. March 11. Sir Nicholas Devereux, of Balmagir, died, 1379. — This Nicholas Devereux was summoned among the magnates of Ireland in 1320, as of Balmagir. He was a Commissioner over the affairs of Dunbrody Abbey before 1347. Surety for John Esmond, late Bishop of Ferns, in 1349, and Custos Pavis for the County — summoned on 23rd January, same 424 MARCH. year, among the Gentry of the county, to attend the Lords Justices of Ireland with horse and arms. He was Keeper and Seneschal of the County for ten years, and of the lands of the Earl of Pembroke?, and died at Balmagir on the 11th of March, in the 2nd year of Eichard II., and his widow, Johanna, third da^ughter of Nicholas Anger, of New Ross, with Thomas Denn, Lord Bishop of Ferns, were put in cus- tody of his lands. — Close Rolls. The first Viscount Vale NTi A created, 1621. — Sir Francis Annesley made the Kingdom of Ireland the scene of his fortune and actions, where he faithfully served King James and Charles I., near forty years, in offices and em- ployment of high trust, &c. King James, on the institu- tion of the order of Baronets in Ireland, was pleased to create him the second, by Privy Seal, the 26th of June, and by patent the 7th of August, 1620, and further by pa- tent, dated 11th March, 1621, created him Viscount of Valentia, and by patent of the 8th February, 1628, he was created Baron Mountnorris. In 1635, his Lordship fell into much trouble, during the government of Lord Deputy V^entworth, being by him committed to prison, and sen- tenced to death, by an extraordinary stretch of power, the Deputy causing him to be condemned by a Council of War, for no other crime, than an unadvised, passionate expres- sion, uttered at the Lord Chancellor's table, within three or four days after parliament was dissolved — when it being stated, that as the Lord Deputy was sitting in the Presence Chamber, one of his servants in removing a stool happened to hurt his foot, then indisposedjwith the gout ; one of the company said to Lord Mountnorris, that it was Annesley, his kinsman, one of the Lord Deputy's Gentle- men Ushers, had done it. Lord Mountnorris answered : " Perhaps it was done in revenge of that public affront, which my Lord Deputy had done him formerly, but he hath a brother, that would not take such a revenge." His Lordship, when on trial for these words, in his defence protested that what interpretation soever his words might 425 MARCH. have put upon them, he intended no hurt or prejudice to the person of the Deputy ; affirming by these words : " but he hatha brother that would not take such revenge," he meant only that the said brother would die before he would give the Deputy occasion to give him such a rebuke ; but notwithstanding, he was adjudged to be imprisoned, dex:)rived of his commands in the army, disarmed and de- prived of ever bearing office therein ; and lastly, to be shot to death, or lose his head at the Deputy's pleasure. After this sentence, by the King's letter of the 19th April, 1636, his Majesty extended some degree of favour towards him, and ordered his papers to be examined in the presence of four Privy Councillors, and some persons nominated by his Lordship. Lady Mountnorris, who then resided with her young family in Mountnorris Castle, situated on the eas- tern slope of Slieveboy Hill, two miles north of Camolin Park, thunder-struck with the outrageous sentence passed on her husband, immediately addressed the following pa- thetic letter to the tyrannous and hard-hearted Lord Deputy : — " Mt Lokd, — I beseecli your Lordship, for the tender mercies of God, take oft your heavy hand from my dear Lord, and for her sake who is with God, be pleased not to make me and my poor infants miserable, as we mvist by necessity be by the hurt you do him. God knows, my Lord, that I am a poor distressed woman that knows not what to say more than. to beg of you on my knees, with my humble prayers a-nd tears, that it "will please the Almighty to incline your Lordship's heart to mildness to- wards him- — for if your Lordship continue my Lord in restraint, and lay disgrace ujion him, I have too much fear that your Lordship will bring a speedy end lo his troubles and life, and make me and all mine for ever miserable. Good, my Lord, pardon these woeful lines of a diseorsola+e creature, 'and be pleased for Christ Jesus sake, to take this my humble suit into your favourable consideration, and to have mercy on me and mine, and God will, I hope, reward it in the bosom of you and your sweet children by my kinswoman — and for the meznory of her, I beseech your Lordship to compassionate the distressed condition of me, " Tour Lordship's most humble " And disconsolate servant, " JANE M0U]S'T:N"0EEIS.'* The cruel Strafford paid no attention to this pathetic, wo- 426 MARCH. raanly appeal, and her husband has left us the following memorandum relating* to the long persecution which he suffered on this occasion : — " I was first committed the 12th December, 1635 ; let go on the 18th to my own house ; committed again the 11th of April, 1686 ; put out the 2nd of May ; I was then in great extremity, and admitted to my house again, w^here I lay in long continuing sickness, and under the hands of my physicians. And the 80th of Januar}^ afterwards, because I sued not out pardon, was imprisoned again, and there continued until March, 1637." A surer fate awaited the Lord Deputy, who was created Earl of Strafford, but was better known in Ireland as " Black Tom'' — he was beheaded 12th May, 1641. PheactH MacHugh Byene and his brother Tuelogh, committed prisoners to Dublin Castle, 1625. — King James having succeeded in the plantation of Ulster, resolved to try the experiment in other parts of Ireland, particularly in that part of Leinster lying along the sea coast and in- habited by the Cavenaghs, O'Murroughs, Nolans, Byrnes, and O'Tooles. This plantation had not been fully carried out at the Xing's death, and he left it for his successor to continue the scheme. To show the way in which it was carried out, we extract from Carte's " Life of the Duke of Ormonde," the following history of one case, as it fully illustrates the manner in which the old Irish Families were robbed of their inheritance. Carte says — " One case in truth was very extraordinary, and contains in it such a scene of iniquity and cruelty, that considered in all its circumstances, it is scarce to be parallelled in the history of any age or any country. Pheagh MacHugh Byrne, Lord of the Byrnes territory, now called the Eanelagh, in the County of Wicklow, being killed in arms towards the latter end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, she by her let- ters to Lof tus and Gardiner then Lords Justices, directed Letters Patent to be made out for Phelim MacPheagh, his eldest son, to have to him and his heirs the comitry and lands of which his father Pheagh MacHugh died seized. 427 MAECH. King James coming to the Crown not long after, did in the beginning of his reign give the like direction for pass- ing the said inheritance to Phelim. This Sir Eichard Gra- ham, an old Officer in the Army, endeavoured to obstruct ; and in order thereto, sued out a Commission directed to Sir "William Parsons and others, to en quire into the said lands ; and upon the inquisition it was found that they were the inheritance of Pheagh MacHugh Byrne, father to Phelim, and were then in Phelim MacPheagh's possession. King James thereupon by a second letter directed, that Eane- lagh, and all the lands whereof Phelim MacPheagh and Brian his son and heir were then seized, should be passed to them and their heirs by Letters Patent ; in consequence whereof another office was taken, in which the lands were found as in the former. The first office however was not yet filed. Sir Eichard Graham having opposed it, and by his interest and the credit of a general book which he pro- duced, got possession of part of Phelim' s lands, in vertue of a warrant from the Lord Deputy. Sir James FitzPierg Fitzgerald attempted likewise to get another part of them passed to him upon the like authority ; but Bryan the son, in whose possession they were, complaining of it at the Council Table, Sir James's Patent was stayed. Encourag- ed by this success, Bryan applied himself next to the King for redress against Sir Eichard Graham, complaining that,, contrary to his Majesty's Letters, part of his lands had been passed to the said Sir Eichard. King James directed the cause to be heard at the Council Board in Ireland, and certificate to be made of the truth. At the hearing. Sir Eichard alledged that the lands were the inheritance of certain freeholders, and not of Phelim and his ancestors ; and a Commission was ordered for examining witnesses upon this fact. The Council certified the King of their proceedings, and Sir Eichard Graham, or an Agent duly authorized by him, were required to repair into England. — Sir Eichard sent his son William, who thought to get Bryan's appeal dismissed by the help of the Duke of Buck- 4 28 MAECH. ingliain, and preferred a petition to the King, which the Duke seconded. But the Duke of Eichmond being present, and knowing the case, acquainted his Majesty with the true state of the matter. The King thereupon referred the hearing and determining of it to the two Dukes, who appointed Sir Dudley ^Norton, Sir Francis Annesley, Sir Henry Bourchier, and Mr. Eichard Hadsor, one of the King's learned Counsel for the affairs of Ireland, to hear the matter and certify the fact. When the cause was heard before these Commissioners, Sir William Parsons produced before them a book of his own writing, calculated to prove the lands in question to be the inheritance of free- holders, contrary to the office which had been found before Sir William himself, and the other which had been taken (as is said above) in virtue of King James's second letter. But the Commissioners giving more credit to those officers than to his book, Sir William and Mr. Graham seeing that matters were likely to go in favour of Phelim, started an objection which effectually prevented a final determination of the dispute. It was a stretch indeed that could not fail of success ; for they undertool^, with the assistance of Lord Esmond and Eedmond MacPheagh, to entitle the King to the lands or the greatest part of them, and to prove that they were really vested in the Crown. This im- mediately stopped the proceedings of the Commissioners, who would give no sentence in a case where the Crown was concerned, the right whereof they had no authority to de- termine. Propositions for the benefit and service of the Prince are always favourably received, and a Commission was easily obtained, empowering Sir William Parsons and others to enquire of the said lands. Bryan acquainting the Duke of Eichmond with this, his Grace wrote himself to the Lord Deputy, and engaged the King and Council of England to send directions to him to stay the Commission. Notwithstanding which, the Comimissioners went on with it, and an office was found that all the said lands were the inheritance of Pheagh MacHugh (Phelim's father) who 429 MAECH. died in rebellion. But as Queen Elizabeth had afterwards granted them to Phelim and his heirs, paid the King had confirmed the same by his Letters, this office needed not have hindered the passing of them to Phelim and Bryan, who were by those letters entitled to Ph^agh's whole in- heritance. This however could not be obtained, the lands being intended to pass into other hands. Bryan acquaint- ed the King with these proceedings and intentions, and got his Majesty's letter to the Lord Deputy and Lord Chan- cellor of Ireland, directing that none of the said lands should pass by Letters Patents, lease, or otherwise, till the matter was heard at the Council Table in England. It happened unluckily for Bryan, that the Duke of Bucking- ham went for Spain before Sir Dudley Norton and the other Commissioners had made their report, and was so taken up after his return, that he could not meet the Duke of Eichmondto settle and decide the affair ; but he had a much greater misfortune in the sudden death of the latter, which happened soon after ; and left Phelim and Bryan without a patron in the Court of England. Their enemies soon made an advantage of it, and Sir William Parsons got the Lord Deputy's warrant to the Sheriff of^Wicklow, to put him in possession of part of their lands. The She- riff accordingly gave Sir William possession of that part which Phelim enjoyed ; but Bryan still kept the other part which was in his own hands. Lord Esmond there- upon sent for him, and would have persuaded him to refer the matter to his decision, which Bryan declined, knowing that his Lordship was a confederate with his adversary ; as appeared afterwards, when that Lord and Sir William Parsons shared his lands between them. This refusal Lord Esmond resented, and Sir William Parsons afterwards sued Bryan in the Exchequer for the lands of w' hich he still retained the possession, but his bill was dismissed. Lord Esmonde, however, persisted in troubling him for those very lands, but Bryan maintaining his right, he and his brother Turlogh were by their adversaries practices com- 480 MARCH. mitted close prisoners to Dublin Castle, on March IStli, 1625, upon the information of Thomas Archer, and Dermot MacG-rilfin, Cahir MacEdmondMacArt, and Turlogh Duff e, all three of the name of Cavenagh. This last had formerly plundered one of Phelim's tenant's houses, and carried off the man's wife and cows. Phelim being a Justice of the Peace and of the Quorum, upon his tenant's complaint is- sued a warrant to apprehend Turlogh Duffe, who fled first into the County of Catherlogh, and from thence into that of Kilkenny, where he w^as apprehended ; and then by way of revenge and to save his life accused Bryan and his bro- ther Turlogh. Archer did not so readily submit to be an evidence ; he was first miserably tortured, put naked on a burning grid-iron, then on a brand-iron, and burnt with gunpow^der under his buttocks and flanks, and at last suf- fered the strapado, till he was forced to accuse the two brothers ; and then he obtained his pardon. Dermot Mac- Griifin and Cahir MacArt were afterwards executed at Kilkenny, declaring at the hour of death, that they had accused Bryan and Turlogh Byrne falsly. Such were the witnesses that deposed against them ; yet on their infor- mation two bills were preferred against them, and two se- veral Grand Juries at Catherlogh, not finding the bills, were prosecuted in the Star-chamber and fined. The two brothers, however, were still kept close prisoners, till the 20th August following, when Turlogh was enlarged upon bail, to appear on ten days warning : and Bryan was allow- ed the liberty of the house. This still disabling him from taking care of his affairs, he petitioned the Council, who referring the matter to Lord Aungier and the Lord Chief Justice, Bryan was set at liberty on Christmas eve, but bound to appear in Court the first day of the next term. — He appeared accordingly, and nothing was alleged against him ; yet the Lord Chief Justice was for binding him over to the term following. Bryan opposed this, urging that it was the motion of his adversaries, and intended only to keep him fromfollowing his business, and desiredhe might 431 MARCH. be bound over to appear at Michaelmas term, which would allow him time enough to go to England and prosecute his affair there. So much time was not thought proper to be allowed him, and he was bound to appear upon a ten days notice. This was still thought too much liberty for a man to enjoy, who was supported in his cause by two Letters which King Charles, by the advice of his Privy Council, and the Committee for Irish affairs, had sent over to the Lord Deputy for passing the lands to Phelim and his son ; though the great person who had got posses- sion of them, still found means to prevent the effect of those letters. And therefore a new prosecution was set on foot, and Bryan and Turlogh appearing upon summons, were again on November 2, 1627, committed close prisoners to the castle of Dublin, loaded with irons, without any diet from his Majesty, or leave for any friend to visit or relieve them, though in the presence of the Constable and his son. This was done upon the information of Art Mac- Cahir Cavenagh, who being condemned at Catherlogh As- sizes was prevailed with to accuse the two brothers, but being afterwards executed there pursuant to his sentence^, declared at his execution to the Sheriff, Mr. Patrick Es- monde, (a brother of Lord Esmond's), that he had accused them falsely, and desired him to certify the Lord Deputy of it. Their adversaries, however, resolved to go on, and to involve the three other brothers and their father Phelim in the same common accusation of relieving and keeping company with one Morrogh Baccogh Kavanagh, who had for his crimes been banished for seven years, and returning before the term expired, was killed in making resistance against those that attempted to apprehend him. Morragh was guilty of a contempt in returning, but yet was under ihe King's protection ; so that it was neither felom^ nor treason to converse with him ; neither had Phelim or his son ever known or seen the man ; yet this in defect of another was to serve for the matter of their accusation ; probably because it best suited the witnesses who were to 432 MAECH. be suborned, and being of a private nature was the less liable to be refuted. Phelim and his sons had been zeal- ous in apprehendinsf Bryan Kavanagh, (Morrogh's brother) and two others concerned with him in the murder of Mr. Ponte, for which they wpre executed ; which rendered it not very likely that Phelim should correspond familiarly or criminally with Morrogh ; but naturally enough led people to think, that the latter's relations might, out of a spirit of revenge, be the more easily drawn to swear any thing that would do mischief to the former, especially when it would be the means of saving their lives. Lord Esmond had then in prison one of Morrogh's nephews, who was with him when he was killed, and had been in rebel- lion. He sent this man to Dublin to accuse Phelim and his sons, which the threats of being hanged, and the pro- mise of life and pardon, prevailed with him to do. James MacElief, brother-in-law to Morrogh and Bryan Kave- nagh, was made use of for the same purpose. One Nicho- las Notter, a notorious thief, had been prosecuted so hard by Phelim for stealing seven cows and five garrons from his tenants, that he was forced to fly the county of Wick- low, where two indictments for those thefts were found against him ; but being afterwards condemned for a rob- bery in the North, he was sent back to Dublin to purchase his life by accusing Phelim and his sons ; for which he was likewise rewarded with apparel and other necessaries. Garald MacPardorogh, brother-in-law to Shane Bane, (who being in rebellion, was apprehended by Phelim's son Hugh, and executed,) had been at the last Lent Assizes prosecuted by Phelim for robbing his house, and being put in irons in the Castle of Dublin for another crime which he confessed, was got to join in the accusation ; Edmund Duffe had been prosecuted by Mrs. Wolverston, Phelim's daughter, and condemned for burglary ; he was afterwards carried to the gallows, and being ready to be turned off, promised to accuse Phelim, and was saved from execution. Lisa gh Duffe MacLoghlin, a common thief, had at the last 433 MARCH. Wicklow Assizes upon the prosecution of Luke Byrne, Plielim's nephew, for stealing an horse, been condemned, but was on his accusing Phelim set at libertj. Such were the witnesses made use of in this affair ; none of which were produced in person ; and jet it was resolved to find a bill against Phelim and his five sons at Wicklow Assizes, upon the bear reading of these, or some of these fellows ex- aminations, which (as the men could speak only Irish) were most of them taken by Sir Henry Belling's and Mr. Graham's interpretations. The Lord Chief Justice upon sight of the evidence, expressed a doubt, whether the Jury would credit it ; upon which Sir Henry Billing press- ed him to sign the bill, and said he would undertake that the Jury should find it. Proper measures indeed were taken for it. Lord Esmond had got Piers Sexton, who had married his niece, and was a tenant to Sir William Par- sons, to be made High Sheriff for the job ; though he had no such freehold as would by statute qualify him for serv- ing that office. A Grand Jury was impannelled ; Sir James PitzPiers Fitzgerald, a mortal enemy of Phelim and his family, and who had a promise of part of Phelim's estate, or an equivaleut in lieu thereof, was the foreman ,hough he had no land in the county. Sir Henry Belling, who had actually got possession of part of the said estate, wag the second ; most of the rest were not freeholders, and all of them allied to, or dependants on Lord Esmond, Sir Wil- liam Parsons and others, who had interest in Phelim's estate. 'Tis no wonder that such a Jury found the bill, which was followed two days after by the death of Phe- lim's wife, who expired of grief to see her husband's and childrens lives and fortunes put into such hands, Frd e- posed to such imminent danger. She was buried at Wick- low, and her body dug up three weeks afterwards. Though the Grand Jury had thus found the bill, yet other witnesses were necessary for the trial of the parties, Sir Henry Bell- ing (who never stuck at any practice however execrable to carry his point,) and Mr. William (son of Sir Richard) 434 MAECH. Graham, who had got into possession of part of Phelim's estate of Cosha, nndertook the finding of them. They were both of them Provosts Marshal, and exerted all the power of their posts for that purpose. 'Tis almost incre- dible what a number of persons they took up, and detained in close prison for weeks and months together, soliciting them all the while with promises of reward, and threats of hardships, even of death itself, to accuse the Gentlemen whose inheritance they wanted to seize. Some they put to the rack, others they tried and condemned by martial law, at a time when the Courts of Justice were sitting. — Some of the latter who were executed at Dublin, as Shane O'Toole, Laghlin O'Clune Cahir Glasse, and his brother, declared at their death in the hearing of thousands, that they were executed because they could not accuse Phelim and his sons ; and the like declarations were made by others who suffered in the country. Some friends of the persecuted Gentlemen, seeing by how infamous and detest- able methods their lives and estates were attacked, made application on their behalf to the King and Council of England, with such success, that a commission was sent over to enquire into the affair. The chief of those friends who thus interposed was Sir Francis Annesley, afterwards Lord Mountnorris ; and this (as far as I can find) seems to me the only ground of the imputation laid upon him by a noble Historian, of being an enemy of the Deputies of Ire- land, and of attacking them for their administration, as soon as they left the Government. The commission was directed to the Lord Chief Justice and Sir Arthur Savage, who sat upon it day after day for a fortnight together in the latter end of November and beginning of December, 1628, taking the depositions of a great number of wit- nesses ; wherein the truth of the above-mentioned circum- stances of this prosecution fully appeared, by the testi- mony of Mr. William Eustace of Castlemartyn (father to Sir Maurice Eustace, afterwards Lord Chancellor,) and other unexceptionable persons. This restored the Gentle- 435 MAECH. men to their liberty, though not to their estate, a consider- able part whereof, particularly the Manor of Carrick, in the Ranelaghs, had been during their imprisonment passed to Sir William Parsons by a Patent dated the 4th August, 4 Charles." Thus ended this nefarious scheme, which Carte tells us " made a great noise all over the Kingdom.'* 67 acres plantation measure of part of the lands of Bal- lybane and Ballyknochane, in the barony of Bantry, grant- ed under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation to John Williams, 1666. Newton Lett, Esq., of Killaligan, near Enaiscorthy, died, aged 84 years, 1834. The Bonded Stores, Anne-street, Wexford, first opened by Mr. William Powell, 1835. The Rev. William Thomas Lett, rector of Derryvullen, died, 1857. He was a native of the County Wexford. A French ship wrecked in Bally teigue bay, 1868. March 12. Lord Ormond writes to Lord Deputy Sentleger, and pro- poses to subdue the Kavanaghs and other Irish Chieftains, 1538. He says : — " Assuredly there is nothing so nedef ull nowe to be attempted, as the enterprising of howe to dis- mynisshe the McMorrowes, and Kavanaghs ; for they have lately so surely bounde together, as they, that have bene many yeres in mortall hate togethers, taketh nowe one parte, yee, and with one assent concluded to stick in one quarell against the Inglishry of this land. And foras- moche as my sonne Richard [who was created Viscount Mountgarret by Edward YL] is nowe the Kinges Con- stable in Fernys, which standeth so in the middes of them^ and being so long tyme in their possession, as it oecasion- eth, together with their chalenges for tributes of the Kinges countie of Wexford, them to make their combina- cions. And this I will affirme, that were it not that I am. 436 MARCH. full glad my said sonne doo so stand in place propise for to execute high service to the Kinges Highnes, though it be daungerous, I wold not, for a great proffite to hym, suf- fer hym as yet to enterprise to inhabite there ; for so longe as the Kavanaghes or of eny power, it shalbe right neces- sary to my said sonne to be well manned and appoynted; tho, howe be it, I have sumdeale provided other possessions for hym nigh that parties, to thentente he shalbe the bet- ter able to doo good service in Femes. And therfor, in my mynde, it is the highest enterprise to be attempted in this lande to dystroye the Kavena^ghes ; and likest to take effecte, my Lord Deputy setting well to it, with the In- glishry, Mr. Sentloo, with the countie of Wexford ; and I, with my power, on the other parte, no doupting so to worke in it, as they shalbe of little power, God willing. — And, considering the Kinges Highnes hath no great army here, to inhabite, or yet moche to invade, therefor ther cannot be a more likerthinge to enterprise for us all then the same." Edward Masterson, of Ferns, taken prisoner in rebel- lion by the King's forces, and carried to Dublin, 1642. John Heron, of Wexford, was awarded a prize of £10 by the Dublin Society for raising 306 ba^rrels of flat bar- ley ; and Francis Goodall, at same time receives a prize of £5 for raising 291 barrels, 1795. The foundation stone of the New Chapel of Bally ought er laid by the Right Rev. Dr. Furlong, Bishop of Ferns, 1874. March 13. Mark Abley, a private soldier of the 75th regiment, died at Wexford, from drinking a quantity of spirits, 1836. A Meeting of the Roman Catholic Parishioners of En- niscorthy, presided over by the Right Rev. Dr. Keating, Bishop of Ferns, was held, to consider whac steps ought to be taken to improve the Cathedral, as the roof was then in a ruinous condition. It was unanimously resolved to erect the prerent Cathedral. — 1838. 437 MAECH. LoEEifzo J. Walters, Eisq., for inanj years Sub-Slieriff of the Comitj Wexford, died, 1854. Mr. Michael Howlin, builder, Castle- street, Wexford, died, 1855. EicHARD Stanley Ireland, Esq., J.P., M.D., E.E.C.S.I. and E., of Clovass, Enniscortliy, died in Dublin, aged 88 years, 1875. Dr. Ireland was for a long number of years Surgeon to the Metroj^olitan Police Force, as he bad pre- viously been to the Watchmen, whom they superceded, and was the senior Fellow of the Irish College of Surgeons, and the only Fellow of the English College of Surgeons resident in Dublin. Dr. Ireland was also a Magistrate of the County Wexford, and ex-oilicio Guardian of the Ennis- corthy Poor-Law Union, but never took an active part in the proceedings of that body. March 14. DowLiN M'Brien Kavanagh, of Old Court, died, 1626. Peter Wallis petitions the Lord Deputy and Council that he may have some lands in the county of Cork, to re- prize him for the loss of the Great Island, near New Eoss, county Wexford, 1664. The prayer of the petition was granted. The Eev. George Glascott appointed rector of Eillisk, 1781. The Curacies'^ of Tintern,;OwendufF, and Clonmines, ec- clesiastieally united by Act of Council, 1785. A Public Meeting held at Eathangan to petition against the payment of tithes, 1832. Thomas Boyse, Esq., of Bannow, presided. Mr. Peter Furlong, ship owner and cloth merchant, Wexford, died in Liverpool, 1847. George Txjthill, a young lad 17 years of age, washed off the rocks east of Hook Tower Lighthouse, 1861. He 438 MARCH. was attempting to drown a cat that had killed some pi- geons belonging to him, and it blowing a heavy gale at the time a ware canght him and carried him awaj. His body was never found. The Very Eev. Denis Browne, Dean of Emly, and Rector of Enniscorthy, died, 1864. At the time of his death. Dean Browne was in the seventy-second year of his age. — He was son of the late Hon. Denis Browne, and was edu- cated at Eton, and subsequently at Trinity College, Dublin, where he graduated about the year 1818. For upwards of twenty years he held the small living of Santry, near Dub- lin, and in 1842, he was presented by Lord DeGrey to the Rectory of Enniscorthy, vacated by promotion of the Rev. J. W. Stokes to the Archdeaconry of Armagh. Ten years afterwards he was raised by the Earl of Derby to the dignity of Dean of Emly. On Sunday, the 3rd of May^ 1863, he preached his last sermon in St. Mary's Church, Enniscorthy ; neither he himself, nor those who heard him on that morning, thought it would be for the last time ; yet so it was, for he began to fail in health from that day. He tried change of air, but it was of no avail, and he re- turned to his parish early in the month of October, and finding himself rapidly sinking and his end drawing nigh, he, on the 22nd November, sent his dying message to his congregation ; yet he lingered until the following March. He lies buried in the neat little grave-yard attached to the Church of Solsboro. Dean Browne was a distinguished pulpit orator, and many of his sermons made lasting im- pressions on the hearts of several of his congregation. On one occasion he took for his text the following passage of scripture : " But one thing is needful ; and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her." His sermon thereon was eloquent, impressive, and persuasive, and as he pointed out to the guilty sinner the '*' one thing needful" — "the good part which shall not be taken away" — many were visibly affected. We have been 489 MARCH. favoured with a copy of the following lines which were thrown off impromptu on that occasion by an aged Lady, a member of his congregation : — Oh, fnay we chose the better part. As Mary did at Jesub feet ; And feel devotion in the heart. When at the Temple porch we meet. When, so impressive and divine, Our Pastor leads as to that home. Where all should to the Lobd incline. And rest in peace without a moan. His words, just spoken as his Loed's, Sweedy inyite us not to stay — Nor ling-er here — with one accord Hasten to that bright Heavenly way. Which he points out with so much grace, Inviti"ng sinners to that way; Such sweet expression in his face — Such doctrine taught each Sabbath day. Then may we profit every hour In which we hear such lessons taught, • And feel the influence of his power. Which is to suoh perfection brought. During Dean Browne's ministry in Enniscorthy, he fre- quently visited England to advocate the cause of the dif- ferent Missionary Societies with which he was connected. His absence on such occasions was always regretted by his Parishioners, and his return to them ^\as hailed with de- light. The following verses addressed to him on one of those periodical visits — are from the pen of the same gifted lady, author of the foregoing lines : — LINES ADDRESSED TO THE EEV. DENIS BROWNE. A longing congregation look with hope to your return ; Your absence they with pious love in tender strains do mourn ; Anticipation warmly proves the force of Chris^ ian love ; With ardent zeal they are convinced your mission is from above. When in the portals of the Church to us you do appear. Both high and low, both young and old, devoutly run to hear. Such truths divine inspiring flow, commended from your tongue, Biings stern conviction to the old, repentence to tho young. 440 MAECH. Your words speak home to ev'ry heart, each sinner's vice proclaims ; The force of such transcendant powers, our sins we feel with shame ; Thei hasten back to those at home, who long to hear again. Inspiring doctrine, such as your's, to edify all men. Immediately on the death of Dean Browne, a meeting of the parishioners was held, when it was unanimously resolv- ed that a suitable memorial should be erected to the me- mory of their beloved Pastor, and that it should be as much as possible, a reflection of the useful and practical character, and simple piety of the late Dean. Accord- ingly a subscription list was opened, and the present grand organ in St. Mary's Church was the memorial erected. A Irass plate in front of the Organ, has the following in- scription engraved thereon : — erected by the Parishioners of Enniscortht, The Lord op the Manor, AND OTHER Friends, to the Glory of God, AND IN Memory of The Very Rev. Denis Browne, M. A., Dean op Emly, AND FOR Twenty-Two Years the Faithful and Beloved Rector of this Parish. He fell asleep in Jesus', March xiv, mdccclxiv. The organ formerly belonged to the Chapel Royal, Dublin, where it was erected by Telford in 1815, and was first used at the service of returning thanks for " the great victory vouchsafed to the British arms at the battle of Waterloo." There had not been an organ in the Church of Jjnniscorth}^ since the unfortunate year of '98, when the one then in use was destroyed. After this, when the country became peaceable, an amateur band was formed by some young men of the parish, and they performed each day as an accompaniment to the choir. They con- tinued down to about the year 18G0, in fact until they MAECH. died out or emigrated. It was customarj at the annual Vestry Meetings then to have such a resolution as the fol- lowing passed: — " Resolved — That the thanks of the Parishioners are justly due and hereby presented to the gentlemen of the Amateur Band for their kindness in hav- ing heretofore assisted at Divine Service, and that they be now particularly requested to continue their services." Now Enniscorthy has its beautiful organ, and as excellent a Choir as is to be found outside of Dublin, and surpass- ing many even of the city choirs. Ma.rch 15. Captain Johis' Cijpfe petitions the Privy Council to grant him the manor of the Deeps, in the county of Wexford, 1563. Akt Kavanagh, of Ballyanne, gave up his possessions in the county Wexford, to Sir Henry Sidney, Lord Deputy, 1570. The following is an extract from the agreement then entered into with Kavanagh : — " This Indenture, made the 15fch day of March, 1570, betwixt the Eight Ron. Henrie Sidney, Knt., Lord Deputy of Ireland, for and on behalf of the Queen's most excellent Majestie of the one part, and Bryan McCahir McArt Kavanagh, of Ballj^an, in the county of Wexford, gsnt., chiefe ot his name and cept called Slaght Dermod Lawdarage, for and on behalf of himself and all the rest of the gent, and freeholders of the said baronies of Ballyan^ St. Molinge, and in Clan Har- ricke, and Ffassagh, Slewboy, in the countie aforesaid, and in the countie of Catherlaugh, of the other parties," &c. They consented and agreed to give up " all such manors, castells, lands, tenements, rents, revercons, and all other hereditaments that they and everie of them have within the said countrie," but which was to be given back to them by letters j^atent from the Queen, on their con- sentinsT to pay 52 marks yearly to the crown. Mr. John White, builder, Enniscorthy, died, 1833. U2 MAECH. Mr. Matthew Barry, Bannow, died at sea, 1851. Mr. Thomas Doyle, Sub-Inspector Eoyal Irish Con- stabulary, died at New Ross, 1876. March 16. Arthur Gore, Earl of Arran, married Jane, widow of Counsellor Worth, daughter and heiress of Richard Saun- ders, Esq., of Saunders Court, Kyle, 1760, and had issue bv her three sons and two daughters. Lady Arran died 24th July, 1760. Viscount Valentia appointed Captain in the Mount- norris Yeomen Infantry, 1816. Hamilton Knox Grogan Morgan, Esq., of Johnstown Castle, married to Miss Rowe, 1829. William Whitty, Esq., merchant. The Eaythe, Wex- ford, died, 1836. He served the office of Mayor. Mary Murphy obtained at the Wexford Assizes, £40 damages against Thomas Harper, for breach of promise of marriage, 1873. Both parties belonged to the farming class. The steamer Lothair went ashore at Poulshone, near Courtown, 1873. The crew were saved by the coastguardg. The Lothair was a small steamer, built for passenger traffic and beauifully fitted up ; she was on her voyage from Greenock to Poole, and being caught in a storm on the Welsh coast, had to run before the wind until she ran ashore as above stated. Henry Philip Woodroofe, Esq., many years Sheriff's Returning Officer for the County of Wexford, died, 1874, John Connolly, Ballytarsna, died saddenly from the bursting of a blood vessel, 1875. March 17. Solomon DoRAN executed in the Duff rey (1818), for the murder of Mr. Frizell in 1816. 443 MARCH. The market boat belonging to tbe Coastguards stationed at the Fort of Roslare, upset in the harbour, as it was re- turning from Wexford, when twelve persons were unfor- tunately drowned, 1835. It was believed at the time that some of those on board were under the influence of drink. John Reillt, cooper, of Enniscorthy, found dead in his bed, where he had lain down after drinking a large quanti- ty of whiskey, 1836. Mr. Nicholas Day, of Gollogh, barony of Forth, died, 1847 ; Mr. William Sinnott, of Cottage, in same barony, died same day, 1847. The first Procession of the Catholic Total Abstinence Society took place in Enniscorthy, when upwards of 2,000 teetotallers marched in procession, accompanied b}^ four bands, 1877. We cannot but contrast this happy sight of sober men with a circumstance that took place in Eanis- corthy, on St. Patrick's Day, 1777. At that time, an aged Clergyman, the Rev. Father Wickham, resided in Temple- shannon, and as he was walking out on the evening of St. Patrick's Day, he met with a man of the town, who was very much under the influence of drink, and went to re- monstrate with him. It is not known whether the druken man struck the clergyman or staggered against him, but Father Wickham fell, and one of his legs was broken. — The old gentleman was carried home, put to bed, and never again rose from it, but died after suffering much pain. The following lines, written at the time by a Pro^- testant parishioner, were never before published : — LINKS ON THE DEATH OF THE RHV. W. WICKHAM, Afflicting scene ! oh, sad affecting state. To meet so soon this unexpected fate ; "What words can Kpeak, what language can express. The grief, the sorrow, and the dire distress. Which filled each mourning friend's affected breast ^ With misery each mind, how deep oppressed. When the good soul attempted, tho' in vain^^ To instruct the irreligious and profane. 444 MARCH. When lie with meekness, piety, and love. With every virtue of the bless'd above. Admonished him with charity and grace. And preach'd up temperance to the drunkard's face. Eut vile Id gratitude, the still born fiend, Despis'd advice tt perpetrate his end ; Eejects his counsel, tho' so good and sound. And strikes the Loed's annointed to the ground. He fell no more to rise, resigned himseK thro' faith. And mildly bless'd the author of his death ; With calmness he beheld the fractured bone — Nor wept, nor railed, nor uttered forth a groan — But tranquil suffered all the poignant pain. Composed and gentle, solemn and serene. Why should we grieve when all could clearly trace The saint, the angle, in the expiring face. Thus all the ways of Providence designed, To take the g«od and leave the bad behind. Found him prepared and ready to possess Eternal joy and boimdless happiness. Thus may he dwell in bliss and glorious rest — May we live, so that like him we'll be blest. William Daniel. Templeshannon, 28th April, 1777. Whilst these sheets are passing through the press, prepa- rations are being made for the great Temperance Demon- stration on St. Patrick's Day, 1878, when it is expected that many thousands of teetotallers will take part in the procession. The Catholic Total Abstinence Association, founded by the Eight Rev. Bishop Warren, has made rapid strides during the year 1877, having established flourishing branches in Wexford, Gorey, Newtownbarry, Blackwater, and Cloughbawn, and now numbers nearly 20,000 members. Maech 18. Henry YIII, granted a pardon to Eoland Scurloke, (Sherlock,) of Wexford and Dublin, Bachelor of Physic, tor heresies published about six years previous, 1542. A public meeting of the Parishioners of Blackwater, presided over by C. G. Harvey, Esq., was iield, to petition against the payment of tithes, 1832. 445 MARCH. Mr. EoBEET Campbell, many years organist of St. Ibe- rius Cliurcli, Wexford, died, 1885. The malt-house of Mr. Robert Beale, Templeshannon, Enniscorthy, burned, 1836. The barque Caroline, with a cargo valued at £30,000, lost on Blackwater Bank, 1844. The Captain and 12 of the crew were drowned. The Rev. Richard Wormingtow, O.S.F., Wexford, died, 1847. This Reverend Gentleman was a native of the town of ^Wexford, and descended from an old Protest- ant family that became Reman Catholics in the early years of the present century. The Rev. Father Worming- ton commenced his studies in St. Peter's College, Wexford, and afterwards proceeded to Rome, where he made his re- ligious profession about Christmas, 1827. He was admit- ted to the order of Priesthood the following year, and in 1831 returned to his native town, where he entered on the laborious and arduous duties of a missionary Priest. In the year 1842 he was appointed by a Chapter of his Order, Guardian of St. Isidore's, at Rome, a position which he filled with great advantage to the establishment. In 1846 he again returned to Wexford, broken down in health and spirits, and with the seeds of the fatal disease, of which he died, engendered. After his last return home, the highest offices, in the power of his Order to bestow, were freely offered to him, but he knew that his days were numbered, and he declined them all, dedicating the short remainder of his life to the duties of a Missionary Priest. Peter Larkin died, near Ballindaggin, from the effects of the blow of a stone on the head, received the previous day whilst endeavouring to make peace between parties that were fighting, 1864. The men who were fighting had been drinking. John Travers, farmer, residing near Camew, died from injuries received in a fight with a blacksmith namadCon- 446 MAECH. nors, 1872. They had attended the Tinnahely races where they partook freely of whiskey, and on their return home quarrelled, when the fight, Id which Travers received the injuries, took plaee. March 19. Martha, wife of Sir Thomas Colclough, of Tintern Abbey, county Wexford, died, 1609. She was a member of the Loftus family, and was buried in St. Patrick's, Dublin. Sir Thomas Esmonds, Bart., obtains the Koyal Pardon for marrying Ellice, widow of Thomas, fourth Lord Cahir, without license from the crown, 1629. This lady was daughter of Sir John Fitzgerald, of Dromona, county Waterford. Nicholas Turner, of Great Ballyfenogue, died, 1639. On this date, 1667, under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, the following lands in the barony of Shilma- lier, county of Wexford, were confirmed to John Oliver and Anne Hickford, relict of Henry Hiokf ord, of London, merchant, viz. : — 66 acres in Garry Richard, at a quit rent of £1 6s 8Jd, which was subsequently reduced to 13s ; 205 acres in Balleynemoney, at a quit rent of £4 Os S^d, after- wards reduced to £2 ; 82 acres in Bryanstowne, at a quit rent of £1 138 2id, reduced to 18s ; 242 profitable acres of Cooleboy and 40 acres of bog in same place, at a quit rent of £4 18a., reduced to £2 9s. To hold two-third parts to Oliver and his heirs, and one-third to Hickford and her heirs ; remainder to the right heirs of Henry Hickford ; which third part was afterwards purchased by Thomas, son and heir of Oliver. It was by patent dated the 20th December, 1677, that a grant was made to Thomas Oliver, son of the said John, reducing the quit rents from £12 0s lid to £6 per year. Lands granted to William Coknollt, merchant, of Dublin, 1698.— The Trustees of the Forfeited Estates and 447 MARCH. Interests in Ireland in 1688, convejed to William Con- nolly of Dublin, Esq., the town and lands of Balljne- money, Newtowne, and Cahore, containing 500 acres, in the barony of Ballaghkeen, and county of Wexford, being part of the estate of James Gilligan, attainted for rebel- lion. Also, 129 acies of the town and lands of Boderin, in the barony of Shelburne, in same county, being part of the estate of John Itchingham, attainted, all which having been granted to Joost, Earl of Albemarle, were by him, by deeds, dated the 9th and 10th March, 1698, conveyed to Thomas Moore, of Dublin, gent., in trust for the said Wil- liam Connolly and his heirs. The Eev. James B. Gordon, (the historian of the rebel- lion,) appointed rector of Killegney, 1799. Makch 20. The door of St. John's Church, Wexford, set of Firh TO BRING OUT A Thief, 1532. — The authorities of Wex- ford in the olden times had a strange way of promoting the ends of justice. A presentment of a Jury of Wexford Town and Corporation, made in October, 1537, finds that — " On y© 20 day of March, 1532, ye SufPreign and Comyns of ye Towne of Wexford, kepte fyre to the doore of ye steeple of St. John's for to lett oute a thyef that made escape of ye towne gaole." The fire was ordered to be lighted by Sir William Keatinge, Master of Kilclogan, near Hook Tower. St. John's Church and Hospital stood outside the town walls of Wexford, near St. John's Gate. It was the only Church in Wexford that had a Steeple. It was founded in the 12th century by William Marshall, Earl of Pembroke, for Knights Hospitallers, or of St. John of Jerusalem. Antecedent to the abolition of the Temp- lars, this house, according to Archdali, was the Grand Commandery of the former Order — but subsequently, in consequence of the Priory diminishing, and the Preceptory of Kilmainham being granted to the Hospitallers, the lat- ter immediately became the Grand Commandery of the 448 MARCH. Order. The Master of Kilclogan Hospital, (in the barons of Shelburiie,) had also authority over this house for many jears. J^ot even the foundation stones can now be trace I out — but the grave yard is crowded, and here is interre I the remains of the good John Edward Eedmond and Johi H. Talbot. We may also state that it is the only grava yard about Wexford where the good old custom of deco- rating the graves of deceased relatives is generally observ- ed ; this is done on the eve of the Feast of St. John in the month of June. The King creating a new office of Examinatorin the Court of Chancery, Ireland, conferred it on Mcholas Lof- tus, of Fethard, and Robert Bysse, Esqrs., for life, with the like fees and perquisites as were taken by the Eiami- nators of the Court of Chancery in England, 1628. This Mr. Lof tus served the office of Sheriff of the county Wex- ford in 1620, and was grandson of Archbishop Loftus. The Rev. Michael FiTZHENRY appointed Prebendary of Ferns, 1773. Mr. John Richards, Corn Market, Wexford, died, 1884. A great anti- tithe Meeting held in Newtownbarry, 1836. The Right Rev. Dr. O'Brien, Bishop of Ossory, Leigk- lin, and Ferns, consecrated, 1842. A gold watch presented to Head Constable Hakdinge, Royal Irish Constabulary, by Francis J. Connell, Esq., Chairman of W^exford Petty Sessions, on behalf of the Magistrates attending that Court, 1861. The brig Porteus, bomid from Cardiff to Waterf ord with coal, wrecked in the Bay of Bannow, 1869. The crew were saved. Matthew E. Talbot, Esq., C.E., second son of James Talbot, Esq., Knockmullen, county Wexford, died, 1869. Dr. Good all, Wexford, died, 1871. Dr. Drapes, M.B., Enniscorthy, elected Visiting and 449 MARCH. Consulting Physician to the County Wexford Diitrict Lu- natic Asylum, 1872. Dr. OTaerell elected Medical Officer of Arthurstown (Fethard ^o. 2) Dispensary District, in thd New Eoss Poor-Law Union, 1873. March 21. JoHif Deveeeux, St. Iberius, Wexford, merchant, died, 1628. Enkiscortht Iron Works. — On this date, 1664, Sir John Cutler, Sir Edward Heath, Timothy Sharpe, esq.. Doctor Thomas Yates, Brithga^h or Betheah Abbott, wi- dow, Diddier Fouchant or Focant, John Morris, and Ro- bert Clayton, presented a petition to the King, in which they stated " that they had expended Thirty Thousand Pounds upon Iron Works near Enniscorthy, in Wexford county, on lands formerly belonging to Dudley Colclough, an Irish rpbel, who procured the King's letter for these lands for life, with remainder to his son Patrick, and pray- ing a clause in their favour to be introduced into the Act of Explanation." A certificate of the truth of the facts as setforth in the petition was signed by Lords Corke, Ya- lentia, Moore, Francis Aungier, and Richard Coote. The prayer of the petition was granted, and the clause inserted. — Records y D.G. On this date, 1667, under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, there were confirmed to Samuel Black well 252 acres of the lands of Baliinrush, barony of Scarawalsb, at a quit rent of £5 2s O^d. On same date, there were confirmed to William Russell, 95 acres of the lands of Rathyarke and Old Sheep-house, at a quit rent of £1 173 8id. Thomas Knowlep, Esq., appointed Captain in the Wex- ford regiment, 1810. John Glascott, Esq., appointed Captain in the Mount- norris Yeomen lufantry, 1817. 4 50 MARCH. The Eight Eev. Dr. Keating, Bishop of Ferns, conse- crated in Enniscorthy Cathedral, 1819. Address presented from the Parishioners of Ferns to the Eev. J. W. Stokes, on his removal from that Pari&h to the rectory of Castlebridge, 1832. James Malone an aged married man, and father of a family, executed in front of Wexford gaol, for rape on Catherine Hore, 1835. We believe this to be the last exe- cution in Ireland for this crime, and the last inthis cou n- ty for many years, until 1863, when Kelly was executed for the murder of Fitzhenry, the schoolmaster. The Eev. Nicholas Eoche, O.S.A,, died in Tipperary, 1847. He was born at Levitstown, county Wexford. March 22. The Eight Eev. Thomas Furlong, consecrated Bishop of Ferns, in the Cathedral of Enniscorthy, 1857. March 23. By an Inquisition taken on this date, 1540, it was found that the late Prior of SS Peter and Paul, of Selskar, Wex- ford, was seized of the Eectories of Kilmocry, Killeane, Ardcolme, Ballyvaloo, St. Nicholas, and St. Margarets. Gerald M'James, of Askinyleragh, (?) county Wexford, died, 1623. King Charles I., grants to the Marqais of Ormonde, for life, the governorship of Duncannon Port, 1648. The go- vernorship to commence on the removal or death of Lord Esmond, the then governor. The Marquis was to have one hundred warders, two cannoreers, and a lieutenant. — He never assumed the office. John Eoberts, Esq., (sometime Clerk of the Peace for the County of Wexford,) died in Abbey-street, Wexford, 1884. William Latton, Chief Officer of Coast Guards at Bar- of-Lough, in this county, died, 18S7. 451 MARCH, The ship Conway Castle, William Williams, master, bound from Glasgow to Melbourne, with a cargo of whis- key, porter, iron and clay pipes, struck on Blackwater bank. After throwing overboard two hundred tons of her loading, she was got oil by the Wexford tug steamers^ and proceeded on her voyage, 1868. Sister Mary Gesteude, of the Convent of Merey^ New Ross, died, 1874. — Sister Mary Gertrude was daugh- ter of the late Mr. Patrick Cheevers, of Shallows Park, in this county. At a very early age this lady chose the better part. From her entiance into the Order of Mercy she was emphatically a good Sister, and wherever her duties called her — at the bedside of the sick administering consolation to the poor wayfarer hastening to his last hour; in the school, instructing the little ones, teaching' them how to beautify and sanctify life ; in the choir-room amongst her devoted sisters in religion — Sister Mary Ger- trude was a special favorite. She was in the thirty-fifth year of her age, and died of gastric fever caught in the discharge of her religious duties. Maech 24. Lord Chancellor Loftus writes to Walsingham, secre- tary of state, recommending Sir Heney Wallop to be ap. pointed Lord Deputy, and gvinig him great praise for his sufficiency, carefulness, and perfect security. Be further states that Sir Henry's office of Treasurer-at-War wag a thankless one, 1683. It was supposed by many that Sir Henry Wallop was the first of the name that possessed property in Ireland, but this is not so, for we find in the " Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland, preserved in. Her Ma^jesty's Public Record Office, London," edited hj H. S. Sweetman, B.A., Barrister-at-Law, under date of June 22, 127S, that " the King notifies to his justiciary of Ireland that he grants in fee to John de Wallop for his long service 30 librates in the King's waste lands in Ii'e- land. Mandate to the justiciary to deiiyer these landg k> 452 MAECH. John, and when he has done so to certify thereupon to the King." — {Close, 6 Edw, I., m. 7.) Again, under the date of November, 1279, the justiciary of Ireland informs the King, that he *' had received the King's writ, which he recites in full, notifying to him that the King had granted to John de Wallop for his lengthy service, 30 librates in the waste lands of Ireland, and commanding him to assign such lands to John, with the service to be rendered by him ; when the land shall have been assigned he shall certify thereupon to the King. In answer the justiciary states that having when he received the writ been en- gaged with the King's Irish Council on arduous affairs in Dublin, he could not personally attend at its execution ; and as John would not wait till he could go to the place where the land was to be assigned, he had appointed John of Kent, clerk, bailiff, [ai^propriator] of the King's lands, with the sheriff of Connaught and others to make the ex- tent. Sends that extent to the King under his Seal. Will not venture to undertake to assign the service to be ren- dered by John, but prays the King to do so. [Indorsed.'] — To the Lord the King of England, by Robert de Ufford. — Extent of 9 vills of land made at Eoscommon on Monday after the feast of Michaelmas, before John of Kent and Jordan of Exeter, then sheriff of Connaught, by the fol- lowing jurors : — William le Lynde, Henry le Blund, Adam Euyas, Geoffrey TJryel, Peter of Galway, Walter Leyflyft, Hugh le Blund, Martin de Logan, Hugh de Leye, Geoffrey de Baumeys, Eobert le Blund, Hugh Eitz Payn, Who Say, that in Tirmany there are 9 vills of land, namely Moy van- on, Scranan, Karnach, Behache, which Sir EichardFitz John [holds] at the King's will, and are worth 20 marks a year, and Meydow, Clannegon, Lesmorchan, Caneiban, Tullachlyn Beg and TuUachlyn Mor :'—[Inq. P. M, 7 Edw. J., No. 58.] On the 27th December, the justiciary writes to the King that he has assigned to John de Walhope, 34 carucates of land in Ballihaulis and 1^ carucate in Ballio- tyre, whereof each acre i« extended at 12d, a year, with 46S MAECH. the appurtenances and mountain easements ; to hold in fee in satisfaction of 30 librates of land which the King had lately granted to John for hig long service ; rendering to the King service of 1 knight's fee. Witnesses, E[obert] Bishop of Bath and Wells, G[odfrey] Bishop of Worcester, Edmund the King's brother, Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lin- coln, Eoger de Clifford, senior, John de Vesc}^, Otto de Grandison, Hugh Fitz Otto, Eobert Fitz John, Eichard de Bosco, Peter de Huntingfeld."~(0/?ar^., 8 Ediv. L, m. 12.) After this John must have taken immediate possession, and commenced to build, for in the following January the King issues another " Mandate to Eobert de Ufford, jus- ticiary of Ireland, to cause John de Wallope to have of the King's gift in the park of Glencree [Glencry] 7 oak trees fit for timber."— (C/ose, 8 Edw. L, m. 11.) John de Wal- lop must have died during the year 1281, though we are not made acquainted with the manner of his death, but we find under date of January 2, 1281-2, that the King " grants to William de Odingeseles custody of the land and heir of John de W^allop, who held of the King in ccipite in Ireland ; to hold until the age of the heirs with the marriage of the heirs, without disparagement." — (Fat., 10 Ediv. I., m. 12.) In November 12, " John de Wallop [we suppose the heir] prays the King to give him in order to make his house in Ballimacihor^s, 1^ carucate with 50 acres of land for knighthood, inbote and housebote in the wood of Glencree, and 4 Irishmen who have been 4 years on the land."— -(CAa^zcer?/ Files, Edw. J, No. 32.) On May 21, 128S, & "Mandate is issued to " Stephen, Bishop of Waterford, justiciary of Ireland, that having taken from Margery, who was the wife of John de Wallop, an oath that she shall not marry without the King's licence, he cause to be assigned to her out of her husband's lands and tenements in Ireland, her dower according to law and cus- tom of those parts." — Close, 11 Ediv. J., m. 7.) King James I., grants a charter to the town of Ennis- corthy, 1614. Enniscorthy was not an ancient Corpora- 454 MARCH. tion, like Wexford, Eoss, or Bannow, being medisevailj' little more than the situation of a great Franciscan Friary, and owing its rise to Sir Henry Wallop, Treasarer-a*-.-War to Queen Elizabeth in Ireland. An interesting letter is preserved in Collins' Peerage book, addressed by the prin- cipal Anglo-Irish gentry of the country to this distir- guished official, to encourage him to make further purch- ases in the neighbourhood from the Clan Kavanagh. By an Inquisition taken at Yfexford in 1616, it was found that Peter Butler was seized in fee of the advowson and right of patronage of the parish church of Clonmore. Mrs. Anne Cullen died at Wexford, aged 82 years, 1832, and in eighteen hours afterwards, her husband, Mr. James Cullen, merchant, died, aged 92 years. Mr. Denis Colper, merchant, Wexford, died, 1834. A Yfoman nemed Catherine Haughton found drowned in a small river near Garry brit, 1864. The Eev. Thomas White, Eector of Eosdroit, died, 1874. Mrs. Kennedy, Superioress of the Presentation Convent, Enniscorthy, died, 1874. — Pew names were better known or more highly esteemed in Enniscorthy, than that of the Eev. Mother Kennedy, for she had won the sympathy and respect of all classes by the simplicity of her character, for her guileless manners, and her life-long devotion to the children of the poor. She had reached the 66th year of her age ; and hers was a well filled life. She passed more than forty years in the quiet but laborious seclusion of the Convent in which she died ; and over which she had ruled as Lady Superior during an almost uninterrupted period of twenty years. The Convent Chapel and magnificent Schools are mainly her work, and were undertaken at a time when she had little help at hand, save an unlimited confxdence in the bounty of God. But the material im- proTements she effected in this great religious estabiiBfl- 455 MARCH. ment count but little beside the unwearying efforts she devoted to the instruction and amelioration of the chil- dren of the poor, and the tender and maternal solicitude with which she watched over the welfare of the comrnu- nitj entrusted to her care. March 25. The Parishes of Edermine and Ballinaslaney ecclesias- tically united, 1806. The Rev. G. W. Carr grossly insulted in the graveyard of Old Ross, whilst speaking over the grave of one of his congregation, 1836. A Public Banquet given to Alderman J. Greine, J.P., Wexford, 1867. Sister Mart Johit M'Mahon died at the Convent of the of the Order of St. John of God, V/exford, in the 23rd year of her age, 1874. March 26. Cahir M^Arte Kavanagh " by tradymente atteyned possession of the Castle of Ferns," 1550. Cahir M^Doj^ogh Kavanagh, of Monemolinge, died, 1634. On this date, 1669, there was granted to Richard Frank- lin, under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, 25a 2r of the lands of Oulartleighbeg, and 19a Ir of Oulart- leigh, at a quit rent of 18s 2|d. The first Volunteer Company formed in Ireland^ was at Enniscorthy on this date, by the Colclough family, 1778. Thomas Moore, the poet, married in London, to Miss Bessy Dyke, 1811. Richard Behan, Esq., for many years Head Toaster of the Ferns Diocesan School, Wexford, died at Rathmines, Dublin, 1836. Bo-b Dowse, who had been for three quarters of a cen- 4.56 MARCH. tiiry Huntsman to the Killinick Harriers, died at Killaine, barony of Forth, aged 101 years, 1861. When unable to follow the Harriers he was supported by the private sub- scriptions of some of the members of the Club. Stephen Lett, Esq., merchant, Enniscorthy, died, 1866. The schooner " Jane and Sarah, laden with artificial manure for Dublin, wrecked at Carnsore, 1872. Maech 27. Joshua Poitneen, Esq., The Daphne, Enniscorthy, elect- ed a member of the Royal Dublin Society, 1800. An attempt made to establish a Fishing Company in Wexford. — On this date, 1804, a Bill was brought into the Imperial Parliament by Sir William Geary, then Mem- ber for the borough of Wexford, the object of which was to form a company to fish the Nymph Bank, off the coast of Wextord. But the Bill was thrown out in consequence of petitions being presented against it from Yarmouth and other Fishing stations in England. Lord Romney was Chairman of the proposed Fishing Company, and £60,000 had been subscribed before they applied to Parliament for the Act of Incorporation. In March, 1773, an attempt was also made to establish a Company in Ireland, under the title of the " Universal Fishing Company of Ireland." — The following is a copy of their article of Association : — " We whose Names are hereunto subscribed, desirous of promoting the Fisheries on the Coasts of Ireland, agree- able to the Intentions of the Legislature, expressed in an Act of Parliament made in the Sixth Year of his present Majesty, intitled an Act for the Encouragement of the Fisheries of this Kingdom, have agreed, the better to carry into Execution the Purposes of the said recited Act, to enter into a. Partnership, and do hereby promise to pay Quarterly to the Treasurer to be appointed by the Sub- scribers, or to his Order, the Sums respectively annexed to our Names, or in sach Gales, and at such Times as shall be 457 MARCH. deemed necessary bj a Majority of the acting Part of the Company, provided no more be called for in any Year than the said Quarterly Subscriptions will amount to Yearly. And further promise, that we will continue to subscribe the same Sums respectively till the aggregate Sum of all the Subscriptions shall make a Capital of One Hundred Thousand Guineas, provided nevertheless that no Person shall be liable to be called upon for such Subscription for any longer Term or Space than Five Years from the Date hereof. And so soon as Five Thousand of the aforesaid Hundred Thousand Guineas shall be subscribed, we will proceed in the Business agreeable to the Meaning of said recited Act, and of this Association ; in Witness whereof we have hereunto signed our Names in the Month of March One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Three." ;This Company also failed to effect any good by the restrictions placed on it through English influence. Thus it is that Irish enterprise and industry have always been cripled by the English Parliament. Even so far back as the time of Cromwell the Wexford Fisheries excited the envy of En- glishmen. Then also petitions were presented against the Wexford Fisheries. In one of them it is stated — that " there was sometimes to be seen in Wexford two hun- dred sail of vessels — English, French, and Dutch — en- gaged in the Fisheries, and that if this be permitted it will be folly to catch herrings in the English channel, in the hope of sending them to Spain for profit, as the cost of a barrel of herrings at Yarmouth was double that at Wexford." Of course prohibitory laws were enacted to satisfy the English, and the Wexford Fisheries were de- stroyed or rendered useless. In like manner William the Third, in after years, ruined the Woollen trade and manu- factures of our country. The Eight Honi Robert Shapland Carew, aged 77 years, died, 1829. — This gentleman was one of the repre- sentatives of the county Wexford in the Irish Parliament ^58 MARCK. at the time the Union was being debated. The following anecdote is related of Mr. Carew at that time : — " Among these Commoners, who were too honest to be Lords, we may reckon Mr. Shapland Carew, one of the members for the county of Wexford. When Lord Castlereagh visited this gentleman, in order to offer him a Peerage and some other more substantial advantages, as inducements to vote for the Legislative Union, Mr. Carew indignantly exclaim- ed :' I will expose your insolent offer in the House of Commons to-night ! T will get up in my place, and charge you with the barefaced attempt to corrupt a legislator !' Castlereagh coolly replied : ' Do so, if you will ; but if you do, I will immediately £:et up, and contradict you in the presence of the House — I will declare, upon my honour, that you have uttered a falsehood ; and I shall follow up that declaration by demanding satisfaction as soon as we are beyond the reach of the Sergeant-at-Arms.' Mr. Carew desired the noble Secretary of State to get out of his house with all possible expedition, on pain of being kicked down the hall-door steps by his footman. Castle- reagh accordingly withdrew ; but Carew did not execute his threat of exposing the transaction to the House. It were idle to speculate on the motives which induced him to practice that forbearance." Mr. Carew always took a deep interest in the welfare of the people, and this he showed, not be empty words, but in solid and lasting be- nefits conferred. He was one of the first in Ireland to establish a school, to provide for the youth of his large estates that elementary education — then denied them by the State and the adverse spirit of the times — which under Providence laid the foundation of comparative prosperity for many who received their education therein. Henrt White, Esq., Peppard's Castle, in this county, died, aged 79 years, 1837. Mr. Israel Timpson, Wexford, died, 1850. 459 MARCH. Mrs. HoNORA Sutherland, Hotel-keeper, Wexford, died, 1850. James Gethings, Esq., Borrmount House, Enniscorthyj died, 1851. General William SAiin> with, a connection of an old Wex- ford family, died at Helmslej, Yorkshire, 1855. The present Church of Gorey first opened for Divine Service, 1861. Thomas Whitney, Esq., appointed High Constable for the barony of Bantrv, at Enniscorthy Quarter SessionSy 1862. An Address and Presentation from the Gentry, Mer- chants, and Traders of Enniscorthy, to Barbon Fltnn, Esq., Manager of the Provincial Bank in that town, on his^ promotion to the Kilkenny branch of the Bank, 1873. March 28. The King, Henry YIIl., presented William Kahekan^ priest, to the Archdeaconry of Ferns, to which the Pre- bend of Marnevin (?) was annexed. — 1542. The Rev. Nicholas Murphy, born at Ballyfane, barony of Forth, died at the age of 31 years, curate of Wexford, 1788. Mr. John Rynhart appointed to a Lieutenancy in the Scarawalsh Yeoman Infantry, 1815. Mr. William Roche, of Levitstown, county Wexford^ died, aged 80 years, 1835. The cattle belonging to J. Kelly and J. Brown, seized for non-payment of tithes, put up for sale by Auction at Brownswood, on this date, 1836. There were no bidders. The Wexford Branch of the National Bank of Ireland first opened in Wexford, with George Frederick Hardy,. Esq., manager, 1836. 460 MARCH. Captain Sheppard M^Cormack, R.N., died at New Ross, 1861. JoHH Whitney, Esq., Moneytucker, county Wexford, died, 1873. Mr. Joseph G. Sinnott, second youngest son of Ni- cholas Sinnott, Esq., the Abbey, Enniscorthy, died at Pro- vidence, Rhode Island, America, 1875. This young gentleman commenced his studies at Clongowes Wood Col- lege, Kildare, and subsequently entered Carlow College, where he matriculated with distinction for the London University. Like maiay others of his young coimtrymen he sought a field of enterprise in the Great Republic, and scarcely had he entered it upon a career of usefulness and high promise, when death removed him from the scene of his labours. Shortly after his arrival in America he be- came a prominent member of Temperance organization in Rhode Island, and was recognized as one of the most po- pular advocates of the cause. John Barlow, a comfortable farmer, aged 55 years, drowned at the Quay of Enniscorthy, 1874, Mrs. Ellen Reville, in religion Sister Mary of St. Augus- tine, died at the Convent of the Good Shepherd, New Ross, 1876. She was a native of Ecclestown, county of Wexford, and niece of the Yery Eev. Clement Reville, O.S.F., Wexford. March 29. The following description of Rosegarland in 1684, ie taken from " An Account of ye T&imie of New Eosse, in ye County of Wexforde, and of some of ye Baronies there. By RoheH Leigh, of Rosegarland, this 29th of March, 1684." : — • " YePeere of Rose-Garland lyes on ye south parte of Shilmaleer, but- ting on ye river of Clonmines, and is surrounded almost with two rivers, ■which lallintoye river of Clonmines at the place called Ballilannan. Ye one is ye Black water (Owenduff,) and ye other is ye river of Eose-Gar- Jandj otherwise ye Pill of Eose-Garlandj which divides (for two or three 4,61 MAECH. miles length) ye Baroneye of Shilmaleer from that of Bargye, and is a deep water in most places, but a narrow river, and has slimy banks. It affords in Summer store of salmon-peale, large trout, eles, and fleukes, and towards ye mouth very good base, and mullet, and other kinds ; and afeont Christmas, salmon in good season. The tyde comes up the same about a myle beyond Eose-Garland House, which is three miles from ye mayne sea, and lyes neare ye where there ii also an ancient Castle, and almost thirty acres of wood — all oake — fitter for ornament than any be- nefitt. Eose-Garland, together with most part of Peero, did anciently belong to David Seville, commonly called Barron of Eose-Garland, (for in those dayes ye Chief e of this place, as well as others of the same kind in England and Ireland were summoned to Parliament by ye name of Barron.) The saide Neville was executed in ye reigne of Queen Eliza- beth for traison, and those lands are now the inheritance of Eobert Leigh, of Eose-Garland, 2nd son of John Leigh, of Eathbride, im ye Countye of Kildare, Esq., who for his loyaltie to his Sovereigne, King Charles the 2nd, was banished into foreign countries by ye Usurped Powers, and there died, leaving ye saide Eobert (being ye only child he had abroad with him), very younge, and a participant (as well as many more) of his Prince's calamities, till upon his Majesty's happy Eestoration, he return- ed into England, and in some years after into this Kingdom again, with marks of his Majesty's favour and sense of his services. Eose-Garlaad took its name from ye Lady Eose, aforementioned." Such is Mr. Leigh's account, and a y©ry commendable one it is, for the favour conferred on him, ag he says, by his Sovereign. It shows us, too, the common characteristics of the Stuart race — selfishness, indulgence of favourites, and the kinglj prerogative of right to all lands in his kingdom, like his father and grandfather. Rose-Garland took its name, not from any lady, but from Ros and Car- Ian, " Carlan's Wood." At the Strongbownian invasion it was granted to Sir Maurice de Londres, Knight, whose family passed it by an heiress to that of De Lynott, and again by an heiress of De Lynott, Baron of Eoscarlan, in the reign of Richard the Second, 1380, it passed to Simon, son of Sir Raymond Neville, Knight. The Castle here was the head of an extensive feudal tract of land termed a Barony, and Sir Maurice was one of Strongbow's " Ba- rons of Lainster." His name and that of Sir William de Londres occur as witnesses to the foundation Charter of Tiatern Abbey. In the 12th year of Henry the Fourth, 1411, John Neville answered to the Exchequer for the 462 MARCH. " Eoyal Service" due from his baron j of Roskarlane, mili- tary service being then proclaimed at Kilkenny. He held his lands by the service of two knights. The estate of David Neville, Baron of Roscarlan, was forfeited for the part he took in the revolt of Silken Thomas, in 1534., and was granted by Henry the Eighth to William de St. Loo, the Seneschal of the Connty Wexford, in 1539. St. Loo dying without issue, Henry granted it, in 1544, to John Isham, Seneschal ef the Liberties of Wexford, by whose onl)^ child, Margaret, it passed in matriage to Richard Sinuott, in whose family it remained until Cromwell's general Confiscation. David Neville, whose life escaped the bloody hand of Henry YIIL, fell for his offence, by that of Elizabeth, in 1560. He was joined in his rash error by Arthur Keating, Baron of Kilcowan, in Bargie — who, in his old age, was recommended by the Lord Deputy and Council, in a special letter to the Queen, in 1567, stating that his patrimony had been seized by King Henry YIIL, '' for treason supposed to be done, whereof no re- cord appeared." The right of Charles II. conferring Rosegarland on Robert Leigh on account of the treason of Neville committed more than one hundred years before, is a striking feature of his Royal assumptions, as is the grace- fulness of the act a proof of his utter forge tfulness and disregard for the claims of the Sinnott family whose fa- ther fell in defence of the deceitful Charles L, and as a consequence his fine estate was lost to the rightful owneis. In vol. 2, new series, of The Journal of the Kilhenny and South-East of Ireland Archaeological Society, we find the following account of the Leigh family, from the pen of the late Herbert F. Hore, Esq. He says : — " John Lye, as In- terpreter to the State, an important functionary during the disturbed reign of Elizabeth, is frequently noticed in our public records and correspondence ; and his services obtained rewards which, conjointly with services loyally rendered by one of his descendants to Charles II., placed his posterity high among our landed gentry. His extrac- 468 MARCH. tion is a curious archseological question. He was, of course, conversant with the Irissh and English languages. He appears to have been one of the few remarkable men of the native race of that period, who became singled out from the general disaffection to the English Crown, and who, serving the Government by their talents and loyalty, rose to power and honours, and founded wealthy and noble families. Of such distinguished men we may mention Sir Patrick Fox, also Interpreter and Intelligencer to the State, ancestor of Fox, of Fox Hall ; William O'Duinn, who exercised the same office, and was, probably, progeni- tor of the family of Doyne ; and Patrick Mac-an-Crossan, who, its Sir Patrick Crosbie, founded the extinct house of the Earls of Glandore. — {Tribes of Ireland, p. 25.) The Mac Laighid, or O'Lees, were hereditary physicians in West Connaught. One of them Morogh " O'Lye," as he signed his surname, an eccentric inhabitant of the county of Galway in the time of Charles II., having failed to re- cover his mortgaged and forfeited patrimony after the Restoration, commenced the praclice of medicine and sur- gery, and, in order to give himself fame, being in posses- sion of an antique vellum MS., written in Gaelic and Latin characters, treating of medicine, and which probably be- longed to his professional ancestors, he imposed on the vulgar by asserting that this wonderful book had been given him in the enchanted island called I-Brazil, whither he had, he declared, been forcibly conveyed. The " Book of I-Brazil" is to be seen in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy, and besides containing, as we must notice, a signature of the " Lee" family, is curious for that mix- ture of astrologic and medical lore which pervaded the science ©f medicine when Dan Chaucer satirized " Doc- tours of Physike." Referring to the pages of a contem- porary, the " Ulster Journal of Archseology," our readers will find, in a paper on " Gaelic Domestics," that the anci- ent native leech, who had his serviceable abode in the house an Irish chieftain, was sometimes known by the 464 MARCH. awe-inspiring name of " The Astronomer." Morogh O'Lje, a mere quack, as well as an impostor, does not seem ac- cording to the good author of the chorographic account of lar-Connaught, to have realized much of that precious metal which Chaucer deemed to be the idol of his imagi- nary practitioner ; but we may hope that this deceiver, in after years, though he did not, like Prospero, drown his book, became more devout than the old poet's type of his professional brethren, whose " studie was but litel on the bibel." Whether John Lye, before he became interpre- ter to the state, spoke Irish or English as his mother tongue, his maternal parent having been either a Gael or a Gall, or whether he studied either language "on the gram- mar,'' are parts of our unsolved question. Yet we may ob- serve that it was an obvious advantage for a member of a family of doctors, one of a learned profession, to render himself capable, so far as speech went, of practising in every house. In one of his petitions to the Crown, he says, that " heiiig an Englishman,''^ he is very perfect in the Irish tongue. — (State Paper Office, bth Jan., 1586-7.) He is designated John " Alie" in a record of the time, and also " Lye." — (Rot. Kvcheq. 9 Eliz.) Alie may either be an Anglicised form of O'Lye, or a corruption of an ordi- nary English form of surname, " At the Ley." Soon afterwards his descendants took the name of " Leigh." Possibly they may have been of the same family as Captain Thomas Lee, who unquestionably was cousin of Sir Henry Lee (the famous old knight of Ditchley), and who became so much Hihernicis ipsis Hihernior as to have had his Irish and mortal career closed at Tyburn for his share in Essex's mad revolt. However, in a letter dated 1609, the inter- preter writes of his " cousin," Sir Charles O'Carroll, which connexion, as it implies an anterior relationship with the chieftains of Ely O'Carrol, seems to favour a Gaelic origin. It is impossible to say how the phrase, " being an Englishman," was interpreted by Lye, or in his day. He may have been freed from " Irish servitude," MAIiCH. and granted the right to use the English laws, and so have considered himself no Irishman, though born in Ireland. At any rate, he was serviceable to the English Grovernment, and was duly rewarded ; so that we may trace his brief story with the reflection that, if he was of native origin, his is an exceptional instance of loyal and valuable service to the Crown. The first record in which his name occurs is the Memorandum EoU of the Exchequer of 9th Elizabeth, in which is the f ollwLng (communicated by the late James Frederick Ferguson, Esq.) entry : — " John Lye, junior, prays inrolment of the folloiring : — " Forasmuch as it is verie requisite and necessarie to the state of this realme, in consideration of the day lie resort of the Irishe gentlemen and others of this realme for their severall affayers to the same, to have and use an Interpretor for the better understanding of their grereis, and re- dresse of their causes ; and for that we have had long tryall and expery- ence of our servant John Alie, whom we have used in that service, and he being a person most meet and convenient, for sondry respects and good considerations, to serve the Lords Justices in our absence, We the Lord Deputie and Counsell have condiscended and agreed that he the said John Alie, as interpretor to the state of this realme, shall have and receave the Fee of twelve pence Irish per diem ; Willing and requiring you the Threasorer or Vicethrea sorer for the tyme being upon sight or registrar of these our letters to be made, to pay unto him the said Fee of xiid Irish per diem, as the same shaU tearmHe growe unto him, taking his bill testifyeing the recept hereof shall be yuere sufficient warrant in that behalf, given at Carlingford, the x^ith of September, 1587. " Henbt Sydney, " EOBEET WaSTON, &C., &C. " To our truestie, &c., " Sir Wm. Fitz WiUiam, Knt., " Vicethieas' &c., at War, &c." The second notice is an entry in the Council Book of " a freedom of forty marcs to John Lye, the interpreter, in re- spect of maiataining a bridge upon the black-water, in the county of Kildare.''— (Add. M. 8. Brit. Mus. 4790, _p. 317.) By this order he was exempted from the payment of a sum he owed the Crown, for a consideration more appreciated in his time than even in those palmiest days of grand juries, when Squire Somebody, — " Of his great bounty. Built II new bridge at th' ejcpense af the oouuty.'* 466 MAECH. The State dragoman's services had abeadv been rewarded by a lease of Crown la^nds in the shire he was assisting to kee}) passable, as appears in a State Paper entry of 1571, of the suit of " John a Lee, interpreter to my Lord De- puty, and a messenger unto dangerous places." He was employed as an envoy from Dublin Castle to the great Gaelic chieftains during times of danger, and in places of peril of wild woodkerne, who little respected even an am- bassadorial officer. His petition, already noticed, of 1587, is dated from Clonagh Castle, in Kildare ; and his suit was for a grant of Eathbride, a manor in this county which was conceded to him, and became the seat of his descend- ants. Stowe mentions that on the trial of Sir Brian O'Eourke, in the year 1591, at Westminster, for various acts of high treason, " Master John Lye, of Eathbride, a gentleman out of L'eland, was appointed to interpret be- tween the Court and the traitor." Captain John Lye, who wrote from Clonagh to the Secretary of State in 1590, was perhaps the son and successor of the State Interpreter^ who died, full of years, in 1612, and lies buried under a flat tombstone, in the grave yard of Kildare Cathedral, near the large ash-tree, with this brief inscription : — " Joiin Ly de Eabrid, armiger, et Amy FitzGeiald^ anno 1612." The grandson of the interpreter, became " Eobert Leigh, Esq., of Eosegarland" (in the county of Wexford,) which ample estate was conferred on him for his loyalty to the exiled Charles II. The proofs of devotion to the royal grantor are acknowledged in the patent grant, which s<=^ts forth that : — " The King, being very sensible of the many services performed to him at all times by Eobert Leigh, Esq., both in foreign countries, in the time of his exile, and at home since his restoration, in recompense thereof," bestowed on him, for these honourable considerations, which diametrically differed from the reasons for the nu- merous grants of the period, the extensive property still possessed by his descendant F. A. Leigh, Esq. 467 MARCH. Jonathan ISTunn, Esq., Colonel of the Barony of Forth Volunteers, died, 1791. George Preston, Esq., Clonhaston, Enniscorthy, died^ 1842. He was Bishop's Registrar for the Dioeese of Ferns. Mr. Lemuel Gladwin, Govenior of the County Gaol, Wexford, died, 1850. His family were connected with the institution for upwards of a centur3^ Mr. Patrick Kennedy, Bookseller, Anglesea-street, Dublin, died, aged 73 years, 1873. Mr. Kennedy, who was a native of this county, was one well deserring of a place in an Irish work similar to Charles Knight's *' Sha- dows of the Old Bookseller." Mr. Kennedy had the wor- thiest concei)tion of what a bookseller should be, and like Samuel Richardson, himself an author as well, might have said, " you know by what snatches of time I write, that I may not neglect that independency which is the comfort of my life. I never sought out of myself for patrons. My own industry, and God's providence, have been my whole reliance. And it is a glorious privilege that a middling man enjoys what has preserved his independency, and can occasionally tell the world what he thinks of that world, in hopes to contribute, though by his mite, to mend it." Mr. Kennedy had cultivated remarkable natural powers by constant reading in the by-ways of literature, and was fond in especial of the literature of his own country. At all times he was anxious to promote its influence, but never desired to give prominence to it in any polemical aspect. He did not devote his talents and acquirements to the promotion of strife, uncharitableness and ill-will, under the guize of a hypocritical sectarianism, or a false patriotism, but to assuage the passions, to soften the heart, to promote brotherly love, and elevate his native land in the estimation of mankind. His wish was to soften and improve, not to exasperate. He was gentle^ kind, afEectionate, and grateful. His works, which for 46S MAECH. the most part, appeared in the first instance in the pages of the University Magazine, met with appreciation — we fear we ought to say, shameful as the confession maybe — greater appreciation in other countries. Beginning with the " Legends of Mount Leinster," he subsequently wrote many useful papers in the Irish Quarterly Bsvieiv. Still later his " Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celts," and " Banks of the Boro," give proof of his industry in col- lecting folk-lore, and of his skill and estimate of humour in arranging the romance of his native County of Wex- ford. No more charming book of its kind than the for- mer has ever been produced. In addition to these Mr. Kennedy wrote numerous articles in the University on current French literature, with which he thoroughly ac- quainted himself — one on Balzac being a superior piece of criticism — and in all these tasks displayed striking accu- racy and conscientious research. He had, besides, the most correct ideas as to what a sufficient education for the young implies, and used his pen to promote it. His sphere was comparatively an humble one ; but no book unworthy of being perused either on account of doubtful mo-^ality or of a sceptical tendency, was ever supplied from his shelves ; and his gentle, studious, respectful, but independent de- meanour will be long remembered by all who had the ad- vantage of his acquaintance. The following legend, en- titled " The Three Geese," we extract from his " Even- ings in the Duffrey" : — " Oh dear ! oh ! dear, what head- strong crathurs the women is ! The more you want them to do anything right the more sure they are not to do it, unless the advice is given to a young girl by a gay deludher of a young man something above her station, or to a mis- tress of a family, by some tay dhrinking, gossiping, cabin- hunting, idle shela, that does nothing but go about pre- tending to knit a stocking, and she doesn't knit it at the rate of four rounds a day. It reminds me of the tailor and his wife that were not satisfied without bringing trouble int© their cabin, when it pleased providence not to be send- 465 MAROR. ing any. The poor man was sitting contentedly on his board stitching away (I'm sure I wish I knew how a tailor manages to keep his traneeus o' legs the way he does for so long,) and his wife that was cabin-hunting may be, bawled ont just as she was darkening the door, " Ah ! jon idle sthronadch, there you are, sitting at your ease and a hun- dred geese trampling down on our oats ; get up, you lazy drone, and drive 'em away !" "Musha, I think," says he, " you're more at leisure yourself ; but rather than have a scolding match, here we go !" So getting up he went out, and when he looked to the field, " Arrah, woman," sez he, " what's on your eyes at all ? I see but two geese." "Two geese, iiagh ! Pursuin' to the goose less than fifty there any way." " Fifty ! I wish I was as sure of fifty guineas as that there is only two in it." *' Ah ! goodness help poor creatures of women with their tyrants of husbands ! I tell you to your teeth there is forty geese there,destroying the oats as sure as there is one." "Well, well, two or forty, or a hundred, I'd better drive them off." When dinner came she poured out the potatoes, and laid his noggin of milk and plate of butter out for him, but went and sat in the corner herself, and threw her apron over her head and began to sob. " Arrah, Judy, acushla !" says he, " what's this for? Come over and take your dinner, and let us be thankful instead of flying into God's face." " N — n — o — o indeed I w — w — ill not. To say such a thing as that there were only two geese there when I reckoned a score." "Oh ! to Halifax wid dem for geese, let them go and be shot wo- man, and come over to the table." " Indeed an' I will not, till you own to the truth." Well, not a bit would she eat, and when night came she made a shake-down for herself, and would not gratify the poor tailor by sleeping in her own good high standing bed. Next morning she did not rise, but when her husband spoke kindly, and brought some breakfast to the bedside, she asked him to go for her mo- ther and relations, till she'd take leave of them before •he'd die, as there was no use in living any more, when all 470 MARCH. love was gone from liira. " But, Judy dear, why do you go on in this way, what have I done ?" "Don't you say there was only two geese there, and at the ver^^ lowest there could not be less than a dozen. Can't you acknowledge the truth, you obstinate pig of a man, and let us be peaceful again ?" Instead of making her any answer, he walked over to her mother's house, and brought her over, with two or three of her family ; and they laid siege to the wife, but they might as well be preachin' to a stone wall, and she almost persuaded them her husband was to blame. " Now call him," ses she, " and I'll insense you who is wrong. Darby, on the nick of your soul, and if you don't intend to send me to mj grave, speak the truth like a Christian, and don't be heapin' sins on 3^our miserable head. I'll leave you no back door, for I'll only insist on three geese, though I am sare there was six at the very least, wasn't there three geese there, I say Darby ?" " Oh, dickens a one but two, if you go to that." " Oh vuega ! vuega, isn't this a purty story ? "Go home, go home, all of yez, and bid Tommy Mulligan prepare my coffin, and bring it over about sun- down, and just give me one night's dacent wakin' ; I won't ax the two, for I don't wish to give so much trouble to the neighbours ; and, indeed, I think I couldn't stand the un- p^ratitude and conthrariness of them that ou^ht to know better, and feel for a body, and after all I done and slaved for him, and gave up Neddy Brophy for him, that was six inches taller, and a carpenter besides." Well, thinking it might give her a fright, they went and brought in a coffin that was ready made at the time, and some fresh shavings at the bottom, and the women that gathered as soon as the coffin came, ordered the men out until they'd wash the corpse. She said nothing until the men were outside, but then she gave tongue, and asked how dared they think she wanted washing "? It might do well enough tor a real dead body, but she was thankful it hadn't come to that with her yet, and if she chose to die it was no concern of theirs ; and if any one attempted to lay a drop of water on her 471 MARCH. slie'd lay the marks of her ten nails on their face. Well, some way, she was got into the coffin, and a clean cap and frill put round her face ; and as she was not pale enough a little girl shook Hour on her cheeks. Before the men and boys were let in she asked for a looking-glass, and when she saw what a fright she looked with the flour she got a towel and rubbed every bit of it off again. She bid her husband be called in, and gave her sister and mother a charge in his hearing to be kind to the poor anaghashore, after she was gone ; at any rate till he'd get a new wife, which she supposed wovild not be very far off ; for though she was unkind and contrary, thank goodness she knew her duty, and she supposed she could not help his nature, and it was better as it was before they'd grow ould, and she might get peevish and lose her temper, and they might be- come a gazabo to the neighbours by fightin' and scouldin'. " I'll engage," says she, " after all that's said and done, he won't give way an inch, and acknowleage the three geese." Well, the moment the geese -were mentioned, he put on his hat without a word, and walked out. So evenin' came, and the candles were lighted, and the tobacco and pipes were all laid out, and the poor dead woman had to listen to a good deal of discourse not at all to her liking ; and the talk went on in this way : — " Musha, neighbours, doesn't the corpse look very well'? When did she die, poor woman ? What ailed her, did you hear r Indeed, I believe it was Geeshojjathy, as Tom K., the schoolmaster, called it just now — something with goose in it, any way ; you know the way the skin does be with a bad colci with little white risings on it ; they call it a goose's skin ? Ah ! but hadn't shea bitter tongue of her own? Troth, I think Darby will bear her loss with Christian patience. He's a young man for his year's ; he doesn't look forty ; he'll be gettin' his pick and choice of wives. Well, she's at peace at last poor woman; and mighty hard she found it to keep the peace with her neighbours while she was alive. Who is that you said used to be walking with Darby, of odd Sun- 478 MARCH. day evenings, before his marriage ? If ghosts are allowed to take the air on Sunday evenings, poor Judy's ghost will have something to fret her in a few weeks. '^ All this time the poor dead woman's blood was rushing like mad through her veins ; and something was swelling in her throat, as if she was going to be choked ; but still the devil was so strong in her that she never opened her eyes nor her mouth. The poor broken-hearted husband came up after some time, and leaning over her face, he whispered, " Judy, acushla, isn't it time to be don© with this foolery ? Say but one reasonable word, and I'll send all these people about their business." '^ Ah ! you little-good-for crathur, you havn't the spirit of a man, or you never would hear all they've been saying of your poor neglected wife these two hours past. Were the three geese there or not ?" " Not a goose but two, if you was to be waked for a twelve- month !" and off he went and sat in a dark corner of the room till daylight. He made another offer next morning just as the led was putting on the coffin, and the men were goin' to hoise it on their shoulders ; but not a foot she'd move unless he'd give in to the three geese. So they came to the church -yard, and the coffin was let down into the grave, and just as they were preparing to fill all up, poor Darby went down, and stooping to where he had left some auger holes in the lid, he begged of her, even after the holy show she had made of himself and her self, to give up the point and come home, " Is the three geese three or not ?" was all he could get out of her, and this time his patience got so threadbare, and he was so bothered by want of sleep and torment of mind that he got beside himself, and began to shovel the clay like mad down on the coffin. The first rattle it made, however, had like to frighten the life ont of the dead woman, and she shouted out, " Oh let me up ! let me up ! I'm not dead at all ; let there be only two geese, Darby asthore, if you like." "Oh be this and be that," said Darby, " it's too late, people have come far and near to the funeral, and they shan't be losin' their day for no- 472 MARCH. thing ; so for the credit of the family don't stir," and down went the clay in showers, for the tailor had lost his senses. Of course the bystanders would not let the poor womaa be buried against her own will ; so they seized on Darby and his shovel, and when his madness was checked, he fell iu a stump on the sod. When poor Judy was brought to life, the first sight she beheld was Darby lyin' without a kick in him, and a wag of a neighbour proposed to her to letDarby be put down in her place, and not give so many people a disappointment after coming far and near. The dead wo- man, by way of thanks, gave him a slap across the face that he felt for two days ; and not minding the figure she cut in her grave clothes, fell on poor Darby, and roared and bawled for him to come to life, and she'd never say a con- thrary word to him while she lived. Some way or other they brought the tailor round ; but how him or her could bear to look each other in the face for a while, I don't know. Maybe as there was a good deal of honest love under all their crossness, they found a way to get into their old habits again, and whenever she felt a tart answer coming to her tongue, she thought of the rattling on the coffin, and of the three geese that were only two after all — but that's the end they put to lying fairy stories, and as this one is so true, and moral so plain, it can afford to do without fail. March 80. The Eev. Bernaed O'Donnell, O.S.F. appointed Bishop of Ferns, 1541. Lands granted to Captain Charles Collis, 1667. — Under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation the following lands in the barony of Bantry, and county of Wexford, were confirmed to Captain Charles Collis, viz., : — 100 acres in Ballybrittas ; 546a Ir 30p in Ballybrennan, Tomfurney or Tomfarney, Carrickgenanee, and Eathronan, included in Carrickgenanee ; 440 acres (profitable,) and 107 acres (unprofitable,) being part of 13allyeden. — Inrolled SOth r473 MARCH. March, 1667. By letters patent dated 29th December, 1677, he had a grant of a reduction of the quit rent of these lands from £21 19s 114dto£13 6s 8d. The Rev. James T. O'Brien, afterwards Bishop of Ossory and Ferns, appointed Divinity Lecturer in Trinity College, Dublin, 1833. The foundation stone of Edermine House laid by Sir JohnPower, Bart., 1838. The Poor Laws came into operation in the New Ross Union, on this date, 1840. Captain William Joyce, of the ship " J.K.L." of New Ross, died at New Orleans, 1851. The Presbyterian Church of Duncannon opened for public worship, and the Rev. James Caldwell installed Mi- nister thereof, 1858. Mr. Michael Gough, of Ballyorley, died, 1874. He was for many years a Guardian of the Poor Law Union of En- niscorthy. March 31. William Scentlooe, Seneschal of the County Wexford, being charged with murder, stands his trial for same, and is acquitted. This circumstance is thus related in a let- ter from the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland, ad- dressed to His Majesty Henry YIIL, and dated from Car- low, the last day of March, 1542. It says : — " At this presente repayrethe unto Your Majestic Mr. Sentlooe, Your Highnes servante, and your Seneschall of Wexf orde, as well to do his bounden dewtie unto Your Majestie, as alsoe to declare him selffe of serten indytemente of murder and fellonie, whiche maliciouslie, as it appearid, were layed to his charge ; for before us, and others of Your Highnes lernid Counsell, the saide Mr. Sentlowe was not onlie in open session arraigned, but, before the hoole as- semblie, refused Your Majesties pardon, and stoode to the tryall of your lawes, and was by an enqueste of substanci- 474 MARCH. all gentilmen of the countrey acquyted, and right honeste- lie discharged ; for the whiche we raooste humbly beseche Your Majestie to accept him accordinglie. And thus we pray Almightie God to presarve Your Mooste Royall Ma- jestie in prospereuse helthe, with long life to contynewe. From Your Majesties Castell of Caterlaghe, the laste day of Marche, in the 33ti yere of Your Highnes moste victo- riouse Reigne." This letter was signed by Anthony Sent- leger, James Ormond and Ossory, William Brabazon, John Travers, and Thomas Cusake. A man named White accidentally killed at Duncormuck, by a quarry bank falling on him, 1837. On this date, 1864, the Yen. Archdeacon Barden died at Kinnagh, parish of Tintern, at the advanced age of 72 years. Father Barden, the title by which he was famili- arly known, devoted a long life to the labours of the Holy Mission for which he was ordained. He was appointed to his first curacy in New Ross in 1817, where he laboured for ten years, when he became curate of Tintern, in 1827, and curate of Hook in 1834. In 1835 he was appointed Parish Priest of the important parish of Tintern, where he had laboured for seven years as curate, and where he re- mained until 1862, when he resigned from failing health. He was created Archdeacon in 1836, and Vicar Foreign in 1857, and Vicar General in 1863. His whole life was marked by the pious zeal ever evinced by him for the sal- vation of souls placed under his charge, whilst by hi» amiable disposition he won the affection of his flock. William Lewis, Esq., Clohamon, died, 1868. — The fol- lowing extract relative to Mr. Lewis and the Clohamon Factory, is from the pen of the late Mr. Sylvester Redmond, (a native of the parish of Ferns,) who, for many years, was connected with the Dublin Press, and at the time of his death, with the Press of Liverpool and Manchester. The paper we quote from was written one month after the death of Mr. Lewis : — " The gentleman of whom I wish 475 MAECH. to speak is the late William Lewis, Esq., of Clohamoii, a man to whose memory not only the County of Wexford, but all Ireland, owes much, for he practically found what could be done in Ireland, and showed how it could be done, as the following will prove. I have the facts from a Wexfordman, and I partly know them also. When Mr. Lewis commenced to make calico at Clohamon, either the Irish people, or dealers in the article, would not use it, alleging that it was inferior to English manufacture. Mr. Lewis was not the man to be frightened by this, and he intimated to some large houses in Dublin and elsewhere that perhaps they would soon have reason to regret the determination they had come to. He sent a large quantity of his manufacture to England, where it not only met a ready and profitable sale, but was pronounced superior to anything that could be produced in Manchester or any cotton manufacturing town in England, and at a lower price also. Mr. Lewis had imported to Clohamon a few first-class operatives from Preston, in Lancashire, and these produced, on the banks of the Slaney, what they could not do on the banks of the Ribble, for obvious rea- sons. At that time the manager of one of the largest houses in the trade in Dublin, was a young Wexford man, since dead. He had seen some of Mr. Lewis's manufac- ture, and pronounced it to be far superior to any English goods of the sort, but failed to convince his principals, who refused to purchase. Some time after this, that young man, whom I knew well, was in England, making extensive purchases for the Dublin house. When at a certain factory, that need not be named, he was shown an article of calico, of very superior description, and at once his practised eye discovered that it was the rejected pro- duction of the Cloha^mon loom, and he told the seller so. — It was at once admitted to be the fact, with the remark, that nothing like it could be produced in England at any price. The young man returned to Dublin and related the facts to his principals, who, at once, communicated 476 MAECH. with Mr. Lewis, offering to contract for the whole of his manufacture for some years. But they little knew the man they had to deal with. ' Oh, no,' replied Mr. Lewis, ' I offered you goods that I knew to be superior, and at a reasonable figure, but you rejected them ; now if you want them, you can purchase them in England, of my agent, at an advanced price — I sell you none uf my goods.' This was noble, and truly characteristic of a distinguished Wexfordman." But what became of the Clohamon Fac- tory ? After Mr. Lewis's death it was offered for sale by private contract, but no purchasers were to be had — no Irishman or Irish firm were to be found patriotic enough to follow in the footsteps of William Lewis — and it was eventually put up to public auction, when an English firm became the purchasers. The machinei-y was removed to Enniscorthy for shipment. Then we saw, with grief and shame, what Mr. LeAvis had devoted his lifetime to, to bring to perfection, broken up with sledge hammers on the quays of that town, and shipped as " scrap metal" to England. This was the end of a Factory that gave em- ployment to hundreds, and made Clohamon a thriving aad prosperous village. 477 I have now brought my task, so far, to a close, and hope that I have pleased the reader, though I am conscious that it has many, very many imperfections and " faults." There is little credit due to me for the undertaking. I have done no more than what any other person could do, in jotting down notes — as they came under my obser- vation — relating to my native coimty. It is a sad admis- sion to make — yet, nevertheless, it is a fact — that there are hundreds who know little or nothing of the history of the place of their birth, cr of their country. Hundreds of County Wexford men live long and toil through this bust- ling world without any accurate knowledge of their origin, their rights, their w^rongs, or aught else that can lift them above the mere occupation of " diggers and del vers — " hewers of wood, and drawers of water." To create a taste among my fellow-county men, for a knowledge of the history of the " Model County," I have been for some years publishing " The County Wexford Almanac and His- torical Record,'' and I am thankful to say that since its first appearance last year the numbers printed have more than trebled. It was this growing taste that first induced me to attempt the present volume. I have never seen or heard of a book containing so much matter relating to the County Wexford as this one. A great deal will be 478 found scattered here aiid there through many Works, but from their scarcity and high price, are not within the reach of the general reader, and I hope my humble endeavours will, in some slight measure, supply this great want. I have printed only a limited number, but if patronised by the general public, and if the present volume meets with a ready sale, I have at my disposal matter equally in- teresting which I will publish in a second volume. 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