© ST. ANTHONY'S RIIILD, 19^0 Saint Anthony, whom the Infant Jesus so much loved and honored. Grant us what we ask of thee Wqt Utttle Creasurp of g>amt gntfjonp First Edition, 1932. Second Printing. 1933. Third Printing, 1933. Fourth Printing, 1936. Fifth Printing, 1937. Sixth Printing, 1938. Seventh Printing, 1940. Eighth Printing, 1941. Ninth Printing, 1943. Tenth Printing, 1944. Cfje Little Creasurp of featnt A Manual of Devotions in Honor of Saint Anthony Compiled from Approved Sources Published by St. Anthony's Guild Franciscan Monastery Paterson, N. J. COPYRIGHT BY ST. ANTHONY'S GUILD, 1928 Imprimi Potest Fr. Mathias Faust, O. F. M. Minister Proiincialis Jan. 10, 1932 Nihil Obstat Very Rev. Arthur J. Scanlan, S. T. Censor Librormn Imprimatur f Patrick Cardinal Hayes Archbishop of New York New York, Jan. 15, 1932 CONTENTS Page Saint Anthony, the Wonder- Worker 1 Saint Anthony, the Saint of the Whole World 4 A Sketch of the Life of Saint Anthony. ... 6 Saint Anthony's Clients 10 The Pious Union of Saint Anthony 12 Saint Anthony's Bread 16 Beads or Chaplet of Saint Anthony 18 Scapular of Saint Anthony 19 Tuesday — Dedicated to Saint Anthony. ... 20 Devotion of the Nine Tuesdays 22 How to Make a Novena to Saint Anthony. . 23 Prayers for Each Tuesday (or Novena) ... 24 Devotion of the Thirteen Tuesdays 25 Prayer in Any Necessity 29 Prayer to the Infant Jesus in Saint Anthony's Arms 30 Prayer to Saint Anthony 31 An Act of Consecration to Saint Anthony. . 32 CONTENTS Page Aspirations to Saint Anthony 33 The Miraculous Responsory (Music) 34 The Responsory of Saint Anthony (Words by Saint Bonaventure) 35 Litany of Saint Anthony 37 Prayer to the Saint's Blessed Tongue 40 Prayer for the Restoration of Things Lost or Stolen 41 Prayer for the Happy Choice of a State in Life 42 Prayer to Obtain the Grace of Holy Purity. . 43 Prayer for a Happy Death 43 Saint Anthony's Blessing 44 Novena of Meditations and Prayers (for Nine Tuesdays) 45 Salutations for the Thirteen Tuesdays 67 O Salutaris 73 Tantum Ergo 73 Laudate Dominum 74 Hymn of Thanksgiving 74 ©J.F.L., S.A.G., 1928 While celebrating Holy Mass at Coimbra. Saint Anthony sees the soul of a Friar Minor being carried to heaven. SAINT ANTHONY, THE WONDER-WORKER l /