+I+1+1+1+1+I+I+I+1+1+ l>LETE HOUSE FURNISHE * inoti Building, ■ !+!+i+'+;+l+;+l+l+r+:H DEPOT SQUARE, IPSWICH. rixi^ ACE, 5 /. ''J M -^1 BUILDINQ mi W. BPFORD, CONDON’S Justice of the Peace. Pension Claims Forwarded and placed with Competent Attorneys. COFFEE IS ALWAYS GOOD. B()AT5 TO LET. Candy, Ice Cream, Cigars and Tobacco, also Cool Summer Drinks For Sale. billikrds knd pool. Will. Hallam, 20 Estes Street. AUSTIN MEASURES, Manufacturer and Retail Dealer In French and American Confectionery,- ICE CREA7VY ZDoli"vox'ocl £vt fill HoTarss. MEASURE S BLOCK, CENTRAL STREET. C3reo. MASON, Brick-work, Plasteriu^- and .Jobbing- of all kinds done in a PHrst-class Alanner. Stock furnished if desired. RESIDENCE, MANNING ST. CHARLES S. TYLER, DEALER IN Watches and Clocks, Silverware, Jewelry, Spectacles,'^tc. JOaXTES" BXjOOKL- Dr. F. H. StocivWELL, SURGEON DENXIST. Crown and Bridge work a speciality. Extracting done without pain by the use of Abtunder. Always safe in all con= ditions of health. All work warranted First Class. Caldwell’s Block, Ipswich, Mass. Dealer in f •$'^ICE CREH7VY.^«■ Fruitf Confectionery^ Toys, Games, Toilet Articles, Stationery, etc. JONES’ BLOCK, IPSWICH, MASS. BRICKLAYING AND PLASTERING. Esti^nates yiven on all kinds of work, RESIDENCE, 93 HICH ST. P. O. BOX 361 . BO^TS TO LET Oix tlxo “0':K3X30X* DFLivox*, -IT ^ tlio X”. Patronize the man who made the business what it is and at the same time help an unfortunate who has been a cripple for 42 years. Good Boats ! Good Accommodations ! SKTVtUEL J. GOODHUE. Chas. H. Sweetser. HOUSE P7AINTER r »• f »• •f •• MND PMPER HUNGER. Appleton Place, Ipswich, Mass. DIRECTORY OF THE TOWN OF IPSWICH. COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY H. C. WAIT. IPSWICH, MASS.: Independent .Iob Pkint. 1896. Publisher’s Notice. The Publisher desires to express to the business com- munity his cordial thanks for the liberal patronage, that has contributed so largely to the success of the work. He has never sought to duplicate Ipswich advertisements in adjoining towns and near cities, though he might have done so, greatly, it is believed to his profit. Ipswich has not, on his account, been obliged to compete with out-of-town ad- vertisers. He invites a careful perusal of the advertisements, in this edition, believing that it will be mutually advanta- geous. There are some, though no grave errors. The book has, nevertheless, been ]jrepared with great care, and we believe will be found reliable for social and office reference. Every house or some representative has l)een visited and the can- vass was thorough and careful and is as perfect as it is pos- sible to make it. Getting the names of the mill operatives, especially the French portion, was very difficult. Our thanks are due to Mr. M. V. B. Perley, editor of the Inde- pendent, and to Mr. H. F. Dunnels, taker of the late census, for tavors granted; also to Mr. H. E. Warner who acted as our French interpieter. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED UNDER COPYRIGHT BY MARTIN V. B. PERLEY. THE MANUAL. 3 TOWN OFFICERS. Town Clerk: Charles W. Bamford. Selectmen: Luther Wait, John A. Brown, Augustine H. Spiller. Assessors: Luther Wait, John A. Brown, Frederie Will- comb. Overseers of Poor: Luther Wait, John A. Brown, Charles S. Cummings. Treasurer and Collector: Thomas E. Condon. School Committee: see High and Common Schools. Auditor: H. F. Dunnels. Constables: Charles T. Littlefield, Charles H. Rollins, Frank B. Page, William H. Brocklebank. Water Commissioners: Everard H. Martin, William S. Russell, Walter E. Lord. Cemetery CommiSvSioners: Philip E. Clarke, James Griffing, Samuel N. Baker. Board of Health: James Griffing, Levi W. Alallard, George W. Smith. Park Commissioner: Luther Wait. Registrars of Voters: }. Farley Kinsman, Charles H. Glasier, Warren Boynton and Charles W. Bamford, Clerk. HIGH AND COMAION SCHOOLS. The Ipswich School Board is as follows: — John W. Nourse, Charles W. Bamford, George E. Macarthy, chair- man, Charles S. Cummings, John H. Coggswell, secretary, and Harriet E. Noyes. Manning High School. The principals: Martin H. Fisk began in 1874; George N. Cross, in 1881; A. M. Osgood, in 1883; George M. Smith, 4 THE MAXUAI.. in 1885; Charles A. Strout, in 1888; George Rugg, in 1890; S. H. Baker, in 1891; John P. Marston, in 1895. Emma G. Gardner, assistant. Manning Grammar Schools. Joseph I. Horton, Lucy Hamlin, Carrie L. Lakeman. Intermediate Schools. Cogswell School, M. Elma Smith, Kate C. Baker. Dennison School, Eva M. Purinton, E. Mabel Adams, Annie P. Wade. Payne School, S. Isabel Arthur, Eva A. Willcomb, Kath- erine F. Sullivan, Lucy A. Kimball. Primary Schools. Wainwright School, Mabel R. Willis. Appleton School, Bertha A. Brown. Argilla School, Cora A. Smith. Candlewood School, Louise S. Glover. Grape Island School, Cora H. Jewett. Linebrook School, Elizabeth F. Todd. Village School, Mary E. Archer. Willowdale School, Mary A. Perkins. Music: Laura A. Hubbard. Drawing: Harriet D. Condon. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The Board of Engineers are: — Charles E. Goodhue, chief, H. Arthur Russell and John W. Patterson. Steamer Masconnomet, No. 1. Regular meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month. Foreman, Chas. W. Bamford; first assistant, Chas. W. Canney; second assistant, Chas. H. Glasier; engineer, Wm. P. Gould; fireman, J. E. Norman; steward, A. D. Mal- lard. THE MANUAL. 5 Hose No. 1, I. F. D. Foreman, Chas. W. Bamford; other officers same as steamer. Hose No. 2, Neptune. Foreman, J. M. Caldwell; first assistant, T. R. Lord; second as.sistant, J. Merrey; clerk, Eugene Hills; steward, J. H. Baker. Regular meeting is held the first Monday of each month. Torrent Engine Company. Foreman, E. N. Brown; first assistant, A. Story Brown, second assistant. Geo. A. Whipple; clerk, Benj. R. Horton. This company was organized January 1, 1889. Regular meetings are held the second Monday of each month. CJen. Sutton Hook and Ladder Company. Regular meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month. Foreman, Walter Brocklebank; first assistant, Wil- liam Alarshall; clerk, Frank Cartledge; steward, Ernest M. Carter. Veteran Firemen’s Association. The officers are as follows: — President, Erastus Clark; vice president, Thomas R. Lord; treasurer. Geo. Fall; secre- tary, Chas. E. Goodhue; board of directors, Erastus Clark, T. R. Lord, J. M. Caldwell, Geo. Fall, C. E. Goodhue and Geo. H. Green. Officers of hand tub: foreman, J. M. Cald- well; first assistant, James Sheppard; stewards, John H. Baker, Wayland W. Wait. IPSWICH SAVINGS BANK. Incorporated 1869. Bank open every business day from 8:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. and Saturday afternoon from 4 to 6 o’clock. Board of Officers: President, Joseph Ross; vice presi- dents, Frederic Willcomb, N. R. Farley; clerk and treasurer, Theodv">re F. Cogswell; trustees, Joseph Ross, Charles A. 6 THE MANUAL. Say ward, Robert Jordan, Gardner A. Brown, Joshua B. Grant, William Willcomb, John A. Blake, George H. Green, Fred. Willcomb, Thomas H. Lord, N. R. Farley, Theo. F. Cogswell, George Prescott, (of Rowley), William A. Brown, (of Hamilton ). First National Bank. Organized in 1892. President. H. B. Little; Newbury- port; cashier, Charles W. KelK'; directors, E. H. Martin, W. S. Russell, C J. Norwood of Ipswich, H. B. Little, E. P. Dodge, Newburyport, F. D. Henderson, Rowley. Free Public Library. Open forenoons from 9 to 12, and afternoons from 2 until sunset. Lydia A. Caldwell is librarian. Ipswich Post Office. Postmaster, George A. Schofield; assistant, James M. Rieley. POLITICAL. Town Committees. Democratic: John W. Nourse (chairman), J. F. Kins- man (treasurer), William Marshall (secretary), V. E. Rust, Augustine H. Peatfield, Lewis D. Pickard, James E. Galla- gher. Repiiblican: Geo. Fall (chairman), A. II. Spiller (treas- urer), Geo. W. Tozer (secretaiw), F. A. Kimball, W. H. Rob- erts, L. Wait, L. II . Daniels. Prohibitory: E. F. Morton (chairman), J. C. Underhill (secretary ),^C. H. Fields, J. A. Tucker. HOUSE OF CORRECTION. The officers are as follows: — Master, Charles W. Mor- rill, deputy-sheriff; turnkeys, John II . Blake and William II. Fall; steward and engineer, Cyrus II. Phipps; farm superin- tendent, Daniel S. Appleton; matron, Irene Wilbur; house- THE MANUAL. 7 keeper, Hannah N. Appleton; night watchmen, Joseph W. Willcomb and Brotherton Martin; shop-masters, Lewis A. Brocklebank and Newell M. Jewett. SOME OTHER TOWN OFFICERS. Wrecking master, John S. Glover; Trial Justice, Chas. A. Say ward; Medical Examiner, William H. Clark, M. D.; Representative to General Court, Walter E. Lord; Justices of the Peace, C. A. Sayward, T. B. Ross, Theo. F. Cogswell, Chas. W. Bamford, Geo. A. Schofield, Notary Public; E. F. Brown, Notary Public, and G. H. W. Hayes. BUSINESS AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. John T. Heard Lodge meets in Masonic Hall, Wildes Block, Central street, first Wednesday on or before the full moon of each month. The officers for 1896 are as follows:- W. M., Dr. Frank W. Kyes; S. W., Dr. A. P. Woodman; J. W., Clark 0. Abell; treasurer, Samuel H. Thurston; secretary. Geo. W. Tozer; chaplain, Nath. Shats- well; marshal, John G. Sperling; S. 1)., Arthur S. Glover, J. D., Fred M. Gordon; S S., Joshua 0. Burnham; J. S.; Geo. F. Taylor; sentinel, Aaron Cogswell; t}der, James S. Glover; trustees. Col. Nath. Shatswell, John S. Glover and Gustavus Kinsman. Grand Army of the Republic. Gen. James Appleton Post, No. 128, meets at G. A. R. Hall, Caldwell’s Block, Wednesday evenings. The officers are as follows: — Commander, Col. Nath. Shatswell; senior vice commander, John J. Fowler; junior vice commander, Edward W. Plouff; officer of the day, Wm. M. Ellsworth; officer of the guard, H. P. Boynton, (Rowley); surgeon, Greenleaf A. Pickard; adjutant, Charles W. Bamford; quar- termaster, William P. Ross; sergeant major, A. P. Nichols; 8 THE MANUAL. Q. M. sergeant, John E. Tenney; chaplain, Eben L. Thomas; delegates, Luther Wait, J Farley Kinsman; alternates, John M. Dunnels, Philip E. Clark. Gen. James Appleton Woman’s Relief Corps, No. 42, holds regular meetings in G. A. R. Hall, Caldwell’s Block, the first, second and third Friday evenings of each month, except July and August, when they meet the first Friday evening only. President, Anna F. Nichols; senior vice presi- dent, Emma J. Hills; junior vice president, M. Abby Jewett; secretary, Adelia F. Willcomb; treasurer, Sarah E. Foster; chaplain, Sarah E. Fewkes; conductor, Emma F. Wallis; guard, Laura Gillmore; assistant conductor, Amanda Blais- dell; delegates, Lizzie Wait, Mary E:' Hills; alternates, Adelia F. Willcomb, Elizabeth Fewkes. Independent Order of Good Terhplars. The officers are as follows: — C. T., Frances Weeks; V. T., Agnes Hinckley, S. T., Emma Tinkham; secretary, Hat- tie Weeks; assistant secretary, Ruth Wakeham; chaplain, Lizzie Merrey; marshall, Mary Wakeham; D. M., David Hinckley; financial secretary, Greenlcaf A, Pickard; treasurer, S. Jewett Wakeham; guard, Amanda Aliller; sen. Daniel Weeks. Ipswich Mutual Benefit Societ}'. Meets in (4 A. R. Hall, the third Thursday of each month. President, Stephen R. Harris; vice ])resident, Dan- iel F. Wcel;s; treasurer. Geo. E. Willis; secretary, Jackson Mullens; assistant secretary, Harry R. Scales; chaplain, Rev. M. H. Gates. Ipswich Fruit Growers’ Association. ■ ’ Was organized September 22, TS66. ^'President, James W. Bond; vic^- president, Fred Willcomb; --sfecretai*}^ and treasurer, I. E. B. 'Perkins; directors,’ "Dr: Ghas. Palmer, Reuben Daniels, John Perkins^ N.‘R.* Waif and Benj?FeWkes. THE MANUAL. 9 Lawn Tennis Club. Meets in Newman’s Block. Pres., R. S. Kimball; Vice- pres., A. S. Nichols; secy, and treas. C. F. Damon; executive com., M. E. Morrill, C. P. Woodbury, F. T. Howe and the above officers. Violet Club. Social, literary, etc., etc. Meets at members houses Wednesday evenings. Pres., Kate Quill; secy, and treas., Annie O’Brien; treas., Alice O’Brien. Order of United American Mechanics. Sdver Star Council, No. 6, meets in Mechanic’s Hall, Seminary Building, ever\^ Wednesday evening. Councilor, James Tyler; vice councilor, ; recording secy., Frank G. Potter; assist, rec. secy., Daniel F. Weeks; finan- cial secy., Gorham F. Hills; treas., Charles E. Noyes; exam- iner, John R. Morris; inductor, Edward E. Wells; inside pro- tector, J. B. Scott; outside protector, William Tarr; trus- tees: S. F. Canney, J. W. Goodhue, F. 0. Hart; hall commit- tee, Gorham F. Hills, S. F. Canney, George Haskell. Daughters of Liberty. Starlight Council, No. 16, meets in Mechanic’s Hall, Sem- inary Building, every Thursday evening. Councilor, Mrs. M. C. Baker; vice councilor, Mrs. Nellie W. Howe; recording secretary, Mrs. M. Abby Danforth; treasurer. Miss Lalier C. Hills. Its objects are to promote social intercourse, for mutual improvement, to visit the sick, to perpetuate Amer- ican principles in conjunction with the 0. U. A. M., and pro- mote the happiness of its members. United Colony of the Pilgrim Fathers. Daniel Dennison Colony, No. 110, meets in G. A. R. Hall, first and third Wednesdays ofeach month. Governor, P. E. Clarke; Leut. Gov., Joseph Johnson; secretary, J. R. Merrey; treas- urer, Dr. F. H. Stock well. 10 THE MANUAL. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Agawam Lodge, No. 52, meets at Odd Fellows Hall^ every Monday evening. N. G., William 0. Howard; V. G., Frank E. Nelson; R, S., Jesse H. Wade; F. S., Augustine H. Spiller; treasurer, George P. Smith. Daughters of Rebekah. Martha Washington Lodge, No. 5, meets first and third Wednesday evenings of each month in Odd Fellows HalL N. G., Mrs"^ George L. Tilton; V. G., Mrs. Hale Wait; R. S., Mrs. Clark 0. Abell; P. S., Mrs. Austin L. Lord; Treas., Mrs. Charles W. Rogers. Knights of Pythias. Syracuse Lodge, No., 30, meets Monday evenings at Knights of Pythias Hall, Central street. C. C., Charles O. Olsen; V. C., Wesley B. Atkinson; prelate, Daniel F. Weeks; keeper of records and seal. Geo. W. Smith; master of finance, Arthur D. Howard; master of exchequer, Frank T. Good- hue; master at arms, Fred W. Russell; master of work, Frank R. Daniels; trustee for three years, P. E. Clarke; trus- tee lor two years, George A. Schofield; representative to Grand Lodge, two years, Frank T. Goodhue. Patrons of Husbandry. Ipswich Grange, No. 136, meets in American Mechanic’s- Hall, the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Master, O. C. Smith; overseer, Mrs. Warren Boynton, lect- urer, F. A. Stackpole; steward, Daniel Appleton; assistant steward, Mrs. Charles Sylvester; chaplain, Joshua B. Grant; treasurer, Benj. Fewkes; secretary, Charles F. Damon; gate keeper, Thomas R. Lord; Ceres, Mrs. Albert Hills; Pomona, Mrs. F. A. Stackpole; Flora, Mrs. Gustavus Kinsman; trustee, S. F. Canney. Musical. Ipswich Brass Band meets each week at Band Hall. Leader, Frank E. Howe; treasurer, Frank E. Nelson; secre- THE MANUAL. 11 tary, Chester W. Bamford; business manager and agent, C. F. Chapman, Central street. Chapman’s Orchestra: — Clifford F. Chapman, manager and leader. Central street. Ancient Order of United Workmen. Massasoit Lodge, No. 59, meets first and third Fridays, of each month at A. 0. U. W. Hall. Master Workman, Wm. W. Duckworth; foreman, Christopher Atherly; over- seer, Alvah A. Perkins; guide, C. G. Black; recorder, Charles W. Canney; financier, W. H. Rand; receiver, Joseph T. Mor- ton; inside watchman. Geo. A. Brown; outside watchman, Gustavus Anderson; representative to Grand Lodge, Wm. W. Duckworth; alternate, Philip E. Clarke. Improved Order of Red Men. Chebacco Tribe, No. 93, meets in Red Men’s Hall, Cen- tral street, every Tuesday evening during the winter months, and fortnightly during the summer months. Sa- chem, Fred F. Byron; senior sagamore, Charles H. Glasier; junior sagamore, Luther Wait; prophet, Charles E. Good- hue; chief of records, Wm. W. Duckworth; collector of wam- pum, Edward F. Brown; keeper of wampum, Wm. P. Ross; guard of wigwam, Arthur Wait, guard of forest, Wm. T. Lewis; representative to great council, Wm. W. Duckworth; alternate, Charles E. Goodhue; trustees, Frank L. Lyons, W. E. Lord, A. S. Garland. Chebacco Associates. President, Philip E. Clarke; vice president, Lyman H. Daniels; secretary, Wm. W. Duckworth; treasurer, W'alter E. Lord; directors, P. E. Clarke, Samuel N. Baker, Joseph I. Horton, Luther Wait, C. W. Mornll, Lyman H. Daniels, Wm. W. Duckworth. Washington Blues Association, An organization consisting of the living members of the Washington Blues, a military company organized in 1837, 12 THE MANUAL. with thirty-four (34) members. Of this number 15 are alive today, viz: — Joseph H. Lord, Samuel Rutherford, Thomas 1). Gould, Robert Stone, Daniel R. Caldwell, Dan- iel R. Harris, Samuel H. Baker, Geo. A. Lord, Benj. Fewkes, Josiah Lord, all of Ipswich, and Jesse Fewkes, of Newton, Henry A. Lord, of Lowell; Daniel A. Caldwell, of Lynn; Daniel Ross of California and Henr\" Newman, of Andover. The officers are as follows: president, Joseph H. Lord; treasurer, G. A. Lord; secretary, Robert Stone. The annual meeting occurs the first week in August. Women’s Christian Temperance Union. The officers are as follows: — President, Mrs. J. Choate Underhill; secy., Susan C. Villiers; treas, Mrs. Benj. Ames. Order of Good Fellows. Meets subject to the call of the president. The officers are: — President, Willis L. Augur; vice president, D. F. Weeks; secretary and treasurer, Chas. F. Wilcox Willis Augur Lodge, No. 2. Organized Feb. 28, 1896. Meets at the call of the presi- dent. The officers are as follows: — President, D. F. Weeks; vice president, Alvah A. Perkins; secretary and treasurer, Willis L. Augur. Board of Trade. Meets the first Wednesday of each month at its room, in Caldwell’s Block. President, P. E. Clarke; vice presidents I. J. Potter, W. S. Russell, J. I. Horton, C. J. Norwood; sec- retary, Geo. A. Schofield; treasurer, A. H. Spiller; directors, W. E. Lord, Gustavus Kinsman, Geo. Fall, J. W. Bond, J. W. Goodhue, S. F. Canney, VVarren Bo^mton, W. H. Rob- erts, Fred. Willcomb, Geo. A. Schofield, E. F. Brown, W. S. Russell, A. H. Plouff, A. P. Hills, Thomas H. Lord, Erastus Clark and Geo. E. Farley. Prohibition Club. Meets the third Wednesday of each month, at place and THE MANUAL. 13 time decided at previous meeting. President, E. F. Morton; vice president, E. Edgar Harris; secretary, J. W. Perkins; treasurer, J. C. Underhill; auditor, C. F. Jordan; press cor- respondent, F. R. Hull; executive committee, C. F. Jordan, Smith E. Hayes and C. H. Fields. Congregational, (First): Pastor, Rev. Edward Constant. Congregational, (South): Pastor, Rev. T. Frank Methodist Episcopal: Pa.stor, *Rev. George M. Smiley. Episcopal, Church of the Ascension: Pastor, Rev. Milo Roman Catholic, St Joseph’s: Rector, J. M. Donovan. Baptist: Pastor, Rev. E. Edgar Harris. Congregational, Linebrook: Pastor. Rev.Wm. P. Alcott. ^Subject to change May 1. CHURCHES. Waters. H. Gates. The Directory HIGHWA.YS AND STREETS, Agawam, from Washington by J. Towle’s. Boardman, from Foss’s Corner, Prospeet to Boardman’s bridge over Labor in-Vain ereek. Central, from Central sq. to Gravel. Cleveland, from Pleasant, northwest parallel with Wash- ington. Cogswell, from 66 East up the hill. County, from Willeomb’s sq.. East, to Salem road. Cross, from 72 High to the bridge by Philip Kimball’s. East, from Dodge’s eorner to Jeffries’ Ntck. Elm, from So. Main at Town House to County. Estes, from Winter across Peatfield to River ct. Fruit, from Poplar to Prospect. Gravel, from 64 High to Washington. Green, from Meeting-house green to Prospect. Hammatt, from Central to Depot sq. High, from Dodge’s cor to Village road or Rowley line. Hoyey, from East to Water. Linden, from 9 School to Myrtle. Locust, from High near R R to Kimball’s Point. Manning, from 20 High to Central. Market, fromCentral sq to Depot sq. Mineral, from High to Washington. Mount Pleasant, from Washington up Mt Pleasant. North Main, from Dodge’s cor to Central sq. Myrtle, from 80 County to Linden. ■Payne, from Poplar to School. Peatfield, makes a cross with Estes and runs to the river. Pleasant, from 62 Washington up Mt Pleasant. Poplar, from County at the Church past Fruit upon a sig- moind or S curve, to “Old England.” 16 THE MANUAI.. Prospect, from 8 Poplar to Foss’s cor and the river. Saltonstall, from R R to the bridge over Saunder’s brook. Sawyer, from Wainwright to Cogswell. School, from County to Winthrop. South Main, from Central sq to County opp Myrtle. Spring, off East from Willcornb’s sq up the hill; called Brook ' street in 1638. Summer, from No Main to Water or the river. Union, from Market to Winter. Wainwright, from 51 East up the hill. Warren, from No Main near Agawam House to Manning. Washington, from Depot sq to Cross. Water, along the river from Green to East near Brown’s wharf, laid out but not built all the way, so it is said. Winter, from Depot sq to Union. Winthrop, from School to Beach and Heartbreak roads at Kinsman’s corner. ROADS. Beach, continuation of Winthrop to Castle Neck, over the canal. Brown, from Essex, at Candlewood school house, to Hamil- ton line. Church, from the Church in Linebrookto the Old right road. Essex, from County st and Salem road at Whittier’s to Essex line. Farm, from Locust st to the town farm. Fellows, from Salem road to Brown. Heartbreak, from Kinsman’s corner, foot of Heartbreak Hill, Winthrop st and Beach road, to Essex road. Kimball’s Point, from High st or Village road, a continua- tion of Mile road to Kimball’s Point. Lakeman, from Fellows to Essex. Linebrook, from Cross through Brookdale and Linebrook Parish, to Topsfield line. Mile, from Linebrook road, Brookdale, to High st or Vil- lage road. Newbury, from old cemetery, Linebrook, to Rowley line and Rooty Plain. Newmarch, from East by Manning’s Neck to Diamond Stage. Old-right, from Linebrook road near the Dea Conant estate THE MANUAL. 17 to the Topsfield line. Pine Swamp, from Cross st to Pine Swamp. Salem, from Whittier’s eor, a continuation of County st to Hamilton line and Salem. Turnpike, from Topsfield line through Linebrook to Rowley line Village, that part of High st from the brick yard through The Village to Rowley line. Walnut, from Salem road at Underhill’s cor over Brown’s crossing to Hamilton line. Warner, from Willowdale road to Warner’s bridge on Ham- ilton line. Willowdale, from Saltonstall st to Topsfield line. AVENUES AND COURTS. Agawam av, from East, near wharves. Appleton place, off Saltonstall st, opp the depot. Caldwell ct, off High near Manning. Choate’s Lane, from East by Choate’s wood yard to Water, Dole’s ct, off High beyond the R R. Elm av, off Winthrop. Highland av, from Spring st up Town Hill. Kinsman ct, from Payne. Lord ct, off High opp Cross. Loney’s ct, off Warren st. Maple av, from Cross st to Gravel. River ct, from Estes to the river. Wildes’ ct, off Central. Willow ct, off Saltonstall st at the big willow. Woodbury’s ct, off High beyond R R. CORNERS, SQUARES, AND POINTS. Dodge’s cor, formed by High, East, and No Main sts. Kinsman’s cor, at J. Farley Kinsman’s, cor Beach and Heartbreak roads and Winthrop st. Underhill’s cor, at Aaron Lord’s, cor Walnut and Salem rds. Whittier’s cor, at Maynard Whittier’s, cor of Salem and Essex rds and County st. Brown sq, on Hammatt st. Depot sq, formed by Washington, Hammatt, Market, and Saltonstall sts and Appleton place. 18 THE MAXUAL. Harris sq, formed High and Locust sts and the railroad. Lord sq, formed by Cross, Gravel, and Central sts. Central sq, formed by No Main, So Main, and Market sts. Meeting-house Green, above Central sq. Ross sq, formed by Washington and Cross sts. South Green, between County and So Main sts near Church. Willcomb’s sq, union of East, Spring, and County sts. Diamond Stage, an ancient landing place at foot of New- march, probably the earliest wharfage in town. Green’s Point, a landing place for hay off Farm rd. Kimball’s Point, anoldlandingplaceforhay on Rowley river. Manning’s Neck, along Newmarch rd. Nabby’s Point, off Newmarch at Manning’s Neck. Heard’s brook, across Market between the shoe shops of Farley & Daniels and Millett, Woodbury & Co.’s Norton’s brook, across County at Stackpole’s soap factory. Saunders’ brook, end of Saltonstall st and beginning of Wil- lowdale rd. RESIDENCES. Abbkeviations useb — Av, avenue; blk, block; c or cor, corner; com trav, commercial traveler ; ct, court; emp, employe; emps, employes; b house or home ; lab, laborer ; m, married; n, near; opp, opposite ; rms. rooms: prop, proprietor; rd. road; sch, school or schoolhouse; sq, square: s r, summer resident; bey, beyond; wid, vs^idow of. The figures append- ed to names refer to locations of houses on the map. Abbott Joseph D, gatetender, B M R R, h East n Willcomb’s sq. Abbott Roger S, earpenter, nns J. D. Abbott’s. Abell Clark 0, overseer mill, h n foot-bridge, So Main. Adams Ada W, emp mill, rms A. W. Atkinson’s. Adams E. Mabel, teaeher Dennison sehool, rms D.R. Harris. Adams Fred M, h High n R R. Adams Mary P, wid Woodbridge, Market. Adams Sarah, invalid, rms M. P. Adams’. Adnof Alfred, dry goods. Central. Akerman Edwin F, blaeksmith, Hammatt, h High n Cross. Akerman Josephine, h J. H. Cogswell’s. Alfrey Marion, wid James, h rear Peters’, So Main st. Allen Belle M, emp mill, rms Warren Boynton’s. Allen Matilda, emp mill, rms D. J. Steele’s. Allen Louise K, housekeeper, C. H. Rollin’s. Allen Prince A, engineer in charge Water works, rms A. Hayes. Amazeen Charles 0, cigars, fruit, etc.. Central st, h same. Amero Caddie, emp mill, rms L. A. Currier’s. Amero Louisa, emp mill, rms L. A. Currier’s. Ames Benj, emp mill, h Central, E. B. Wildes’ blk. Ames Belle L, housekeeper Benj. Ames’. Ames Charles E, physician. Central h same. Ames George, emp mill, rms Benj. Ames’. Ames Laura B, emp mill, rms Benj. Ames’. Anderson Christiane 0, emp mill, rms W. Boynton’s. Anderson Eda, domestic A. L. Sweetser’s. Anderson Gustavus, emp mill, rms R. Ohlen’s. Andreen Sallie, emp mill, rms W. Boyton’s. 20 THE DIRECTORY. d. AliBEf^T SMITH. HORSE SHOEING, JOBBING AND] GENERAL BLACKSMITH WORK, g: Forging of all] kinds done with dis- patch and in a workman. like manner. Special attention paid to the shoeing of gentlemen’s roadsters and light har- ness horses at the old stand on MAR- KET STREET. HART & LORD, pi^0Dl/<$E DE/IC^I^S, STILL IN THE BUSINESS. Their O ardetx and. Hot-honse 'Varieties A.re the BEST. Veterinary Connected. Cross St J. ALBERT SMITH, MARKET STREET. , P. 0. Box 445 THEO. F. COGSWELL, INSURANCE, CORNER ELM AND SOUTH MAIN STREET. FRED. WILLCOMB, ladies and Gentlemens’ PCUCTIONE ReMU RSTKxe. jMorth Main St. R BOOTS and SHOES Neatly Repaired, LEWIS 2 >. EICKARD, Wait Building, Central Square. H. C. HTKIMSON, DEALER IN All Kinds of Fresh, Salt, Smoked and Pickled Fish, Ol^xxxjs Oystorjs. . COUNTY STREET. THE DIRECTORY. 21 R^frirt rtrr eret catarrh in New England: our Japanese I UU I UUii^ Catarrh Cure gives best relief. 25c. SMITH, Phar- macist^ Andrews, Elmer L, brakeman, h Cleveland. Andrews Howard K, emp mill, rms M. E. Burns. Andrews Ida, emp mill, rms M. E. Burns. Andrews John J, shoemaker and farmer, Willowdale. Andrews John J, Jr., farmer, rms John J. Andrews’. Andrews Reuben, painter, rms Water cor Hovey. Appleton D. Fuller, (Robbins & Appleton, New York), h “Appleton Farms.” Appleton Daniel S, supt farm House of Correction, h Village. Appleton Daniel W, farmer Fellows’. D. Howard' Appleton Hannah N, housekeeper House of Correction. Appleton Harriet N, wid born Sept. 14, 1814; h Village. Harriet L, housekeeper. Appleton Francis R, “New House”, “Appleton Farms.” Appleton Mary W, with D. Fuller Appleton. Appleton Randolph M, law^’er New York “Waldingfield” “Appleton Farms.” Archer Mary E, teacher Village school, rms L. Lord’s. Archer Nathaniel, carpenter, h Elm. Armstrong Bessie I, emp mill, rms E. T. Pike’s. Armstrong Cassie, emp mill, rms E. T. Pike’s. Armstrong Harriet, emp mill, rms D. J. Steele’s. Arthur Charles M, tin worker Salem, h Central cor Mineral. Arthur Fannie W, clerk W. E. Lord’s, rms C. M. Arthur’s. Arthur Jessie P, shoes M., W .& Co, rms C. M. Arthur’s. Arthur S. Isabelle, teacher Payne school, rms C. M. Arthur’s. Atherly Christopher, machinist mill, h Prospect cor Poplar. Atherly John, machinist mill, h Fruit cor Poplar. Atherly John Jr, emp mill, rms C. Atherly’s. Atherly Thomas, h Kinsman’s ct. Atkinson Arthur W, fish dealer. County, h Prospect n Fruit. Atkinson Harry C, fish dealer. County, h Prospect. Atkinson Samuel D, retired, h Count 3 ^ Atkinson Walter S, fish dealer. County, h Prospect. Atkinson Wesley B, h Prospect. Augfur Willis L, emp mill. County n Willcomb’s sq. S^(ve Cure Headache Poivders^ true to name, 10c. EDWABD F. BROWN & CO. 22 THE DIRECTORY. JOSEPH ROSS, CONTRACTOR and BOILOER OF PIERS, WHARVES AND BRIDGES. Furnished for Public and Private Works. npnniTi high street, UrriUCi IPSWICH, MASS. P.O.BOX 8. THE DIRECTORY. 23 /\/i does not help poor comolexions. Our Eider Down Face IfimillCry Powder does, thouerh, wonaerfully. 25c, SMITH, Phar- macist. Avon Annie, emp mill, rms N. Cassidy’s. Ayers Nellie, emp mill, rms W. Boynton’s. Bailey Charles, farmer, h Village. Bailey Charles A, fishing Grape Island. Bailey Enoeh, variety store. Depot sq, h same. Bailey Geo. G, physieian, rms A. K. Damon’s. Bailey John H, farmer Village. Charles, farmer. Bailey John J, miller, h new street off Gravel. Bailey Mary J, Village 147. Bailey Oliver A, Village 145. Baker Charles H, retired, h Alineral n R R crossing. Flora B, milliner Market. Susie H, clerk at Damon’s. Baker Elizabeth H, h High cor Mineral. Baker Geo. W, carpenter. Central. Kate C, teacher Cogswell school. Baker John H, shoemaker High, h High. Edith L. Baker Ruth S, born Oct. 1, 1818; h High cor Mineral. Baker Samuel N, clothing house, So Main, h opp. Hannah, and Sarah L. Jane H, Baker Stephen H, carpenter, h Central. Bamfill Matilda M, housekeeper Ida N. Stackpole. Bamford Charles, retired, h Washington n Ross sq. Charles W, town clerk. Bamford Chester W, dry goods merchant, h Washington. Bampton Harry, stone cutter. Barton & Williams, h County. Bancroft Nellie, wid George R, h Winter cor Depot sq. Banner Charles B. and Kate, rm F. A. Granger’s. Banner Thomas B, h Washington opp mill. Barker Geo, lodging house. Central. Barouchien Thomas, emp mill, rms Franklin House. Bartlett Emily emp mill, rms M. Saunders’. Bartlett I. Wyman, emp B & M R R, Gloucester, h Spring. Sure Cure Headache Powders relieve Weuralgia^ only lOe. EDWARD F. BROWJS & CO. 24 THE DIRECTORY. Thomas H. Lord, DEALER IN * Choice Bmnd5 Flour, HARDWARE, WOODENWARE CROCKERY, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ^ICANNED GOODS IN VARIETY, > FARMING TOOLS, CANDEE RUBBER BOOTS and SHOES, -^PATENT MEDICINES, ETO No. 68 High Street, Ipswich. THE DIRECTORY. 25 t ? Get Cold? Muscles Ache? Our Tiiyinol Plasters will stop it. L^aLC • Best made. 26c. SMITH, Pharmacist. Barton Augustus J, (Barton & Williams, granite), h Ham- matt. Barton John F, h Summer. Alfred E, fishing. Frank W, shoes M., W. & Co. Barton Benjamin R, fisherman, h Newmarch. Barton William E, painter h Summer. Batehelder Annie P, wid Calvin, lodginghouse Poplar. Baxter Charles H, painter, h Maple av. Baxter Emma, wid Edward, h Mineral n crossing. Baxter Thomas W, carpenter, h Market cor Union. Beal Elizabeth, rms A. A. Perkins’. Bean Frank, farmer. High — 153. Beauvas Margaret, wid Louis, h Estes. David, Joseph and Arthur, emp mill. Beck Hardy M, rms poor farm. Begin Joachim, emp mill, h Brown sq. Leticia, emp mill. Begin Mary, emp mill, rms F. Tougas. Begin Nicholas, emp mill, rms F. Tougas. Bennett Lizzie, emp mill, rms J. Gedray’s. Berggain Luitgard, domestic A. S. Sweetser’s. Bertrand Prudent, emp mill, h Estes. Marie, Anthonia, Beline and Rosie, emp mill. Birch John, knitter, h Poplar cor Prospect. Bird Martha, wid John, housekeeper J. Birch’s. Frank N, emp mill. Bixby Alfred, h Linebrook. Black Cornelius G, emp mill, h County n Green. Blaisdell Leander M, h Maple av. Edwin L, clerk N. L. Blaisdell’s. Blaisdell Nathan L, groceries and provisions Union, h High opp graveyard. Blake Hannah E, h Market cor Union. Gertrude H, vocalist. Blake John A, apothecar^^; h High opp Manning. Blake John H. turnkey Pf of C, h High opp Planning. Sure Care Headache Powders^ true to name. 10c, EDWARn F, BROWN & CO. 26 THE DIRECTORY. HOOD’S • • • • CAFE. PURE WINES and L1QU0R5 , KING’S BOHEMIAN BEER, =========p. B. ALE.========= Hood Bros., Hammatt Street. THE DIRECTORY. 27 r\r\rk f f r\r' Lr on any but the finest grades of Perfumes and Toilet Soaps. L/Uijr We have them. SMiTii, I’harmacist. Blake Laura, emp mill, rms Lydia Currier’s. Bodwell C. Edward, trackhand, B & M R R, h High above crossing. Bodwell Oliver, wid Fred, rms W. H. Bodwell’s. Bodwell William H, farmer h. Maple ave. Bodwell Frank H, trackhand, B & M R R, rms William H. Bodwell’s. Bodwell George, emp mill, rms Wm. H. Bodwell’s. Bodycott Robert H, and Thomas, knitters. Mile rd nr Box- ford — 111. Bolles Norman J, grocer, Newman’s blk, h Linden. Bolles Robert W, butcher. Heartbreak cor Essex rd. ' Albert. Bomer Caroline E, wid Dr. Joseph E, h No Main opp Summer. Bond James W, laundry and paper box mfr. County, h County. Borridge Mary (?) emp mill rms M. Cotter’s. Bouche Jean B, emp mill, h Brown sq. Mary L, Arsene, Emma and Mary, emp mill. Bouche Noel, emp mill, h Brown sq. George, emp mill. Bouchey Moses, laborer, h Union. Massena. Boudreau Antoine, laborer, h Brown sq. Henri, Belonie and Delphice, emp mill. Boulet Corrine, emp mill, rms M. Beauvas. Boulet Malvina, emp mill, rms Mrs. N. Chouinard. Bowen emp mill, rms G. K. Dodge’s. Bowen Bertha, at Chas. P. Rust’s. Bowen Eugene, emp mills, h Manning. Mrs. George W, wid George W. Bowen, George Walter, traekhand, B & M R R, h High cor Gravel. Bowen, Harry S, Independent offiee, rms James Jewett. Boynton, Warren, stable and lodgings. So Main nr Choate Bridge. Boylan, Thomas, farmer Topsfield rd. Brackett, Lucy P. M, h County nr Willcomb sq. iSure Cure Headache Howders relieve Neuralgia^ only 10c, EH W A HD I. BROWN & CO. 28 THE DIRECTORY. J. M. Caldwell & Son. COAL, WOOD, LIME, AND CEMENT. N. B. We make a specialty of the Cele= brated Shamokin Coal. This coal is as pure and free burning as Franklin and the price is much less. OFFICE: NO. 13 MARKET STREET. J. M. Caldwell & Son. THE DIRECTORY. 29 Apres Vous: If I have any sort of goods you want. SMITH, Phar- macist. Brackett Samuel G, (farming and summer boarding T Warren, (Willowdale Terrace. Bradbury Sarah A, with W. 0' Howard, born Dec 17, 1168. - Bradford George W, farmer, h Topsfield rd. Bradstreet Sohn F, farmer, h Village. Brannen, Wm. H, laborer, h Salstonstall cor Willow ct. Bray Alice, domestic, A. L. Tilton’s. Bray Elizabeth A, h Washington cor Mineral. Jessie E. and Winifred, emps mill. Bray Jacob, at George Woodbury’s. Bray Mary E, wid Amos T, washing and sewing h County, n cemetery. Brennan Ellen, housekeeper J. C. McLaughlin. Brennan Theresa, domestic, E. H. Martin’s. Brent, Fannie, rms A. H. Peatfield’s. Bridges Isaac, farmer, rms I. Foss’s. Brigham Kathleen M, stenographer and typewriter rms H. F. Dunnels. Brisbois Joseph, carpenter, rms F. La Belle, Broadhead Arthur B, emp mill, rms N. Rust’s. Brocklebank George, mason, h Agawam ave. Brocklebank George H, mason, h Summer. Winnifred, emp mill. Brocklebank Jeremiah, h East nr Agawam ave. Louis A, shop master H. of C. Brocklebank Walter S, clammer, h Saw^^er. Brocklebank William H, fishing and clamming, h Agawam ave. Brogan Joseph C, h Harris sq. John B, emp mill. Brooks Conrad H, tinsmith, A. H. Plouff’s h High. Emeline C, wid Conrad H. (senior). Brooks Edward E, shoes F. & I)., h East opp Choate’s lane. Brown Abbie P, at J. Farley Kinsman’s. Brown Albert S, farmer, “Elm Farm” County — 67. Laura F, bookkeeper F. T. Goodhue’s. Rufus H, and Hattie W. Sure Cure Headache I^oivders^ true to name, 10c, EDWARD F. BROWN & CO. 30 THE DIRECTORY. TA.KK THE STEAMER CJIRLOTTil P. i D 3 • IFOR THE 1 Neck, Islands and Oldtown. Runs Daily From June 17 to 3VLXI_iI5:. TTTeV IT FOR THE BABY. September 17. PERLEY BROS. C. W. BROWN, Agt. N. BURNHAM, Capt. E. L. PERLEY. L. B. PERLEY- 33 MAKKKT STREET IS THE PliACE. Everytlning in thie Way of CEori-iiNO, LIntderweai^, Gloves, Neckwear, Shirts, Hosiery, CoLLar« ano Cures, Overalls and Ju.virers, Trunks, Bags, Gnibrellas, etc. R. JORDAN & CO., 33 MARKET ST. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON ALL CASH PURCHASES. O -‘W". STJFLEEST. RIBBONS, = HANDKERCHIEFS > GLOVES, laces, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦❖♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ HOSIERY, CORSETS, YARNS, EMBR0ID=^ ERY SILKS, LADIES’ MUSLIN UNDER= WEAR, AND ALL PUBLICATIONS. For Special Offers See FASHION PLATE. KNIT UNDER- WEAR, K!D GLOVES, CHIL- DREN’S HEAD- WEAR, Infants’ Wear, Cloaks, Slips. Robes, Sblrts, Bands, Bootees, Jackets, Etc. K^STAMPED linen goods. Largest lines of the ^ best grades of yarns always in stock. THE DIRECTORY. 31 M axr n firr/^ /liinri on complexion lotions, if she tries our Jfiay KyllcingC Iicr ivunu cream D’Orient. 50c. SMITH, Fhar- macist. Brown Allan W, teamster and iee dealer, Prospect. Brown Alvin Story, farmer, off Brown — 50. Brown Annie G, dressmaker, rms N. V. Lang’s. Brown Asa R, carpenter. Beach road. Brown Charles E, (C. A. & J. A. Brown) h High nr R. R. Brown Charles W, apothecary. Central, h No Alain. Alar^^ B, wid Benj. C., born Jan. 5, 1811. Brown Charles Gardner, Granite Hill Farm, Essex rd — 51. Brown Edward F, apothecary, insurance and real estate. Central, h High nr Alanning. Brown Elizabeth G, wid Jonathan B, dressmaker, h East. BElizabeth AI, wid William G. Brown, h Saltonstall. Brown E. Newton, farmer. Brown rd — 48. Bertha A, teacher Appleton school. Brown Everett K, farmer. Beach rd — 73. Brown Frank P, farmer. George Woodbury’s. Brown Gardner A, off Brown — 50. Brown George A, emp mill, h High nr R. R. Jesse A, clerk, J. W, Bond. Brown George B, miller, Washington, h same. Brown George H, emp mill, rms Hayes’ Tavern. Brown George W, clammer, h East nr Willcomb sq. Alonzo L, clammer. Lucy P and Sadie J, emp mill. Brown Harry B, superintendent mill, h Alarket. Brown Henry, farm hand. Poor Farm. Brown Horace, farmer. Beach rd — 71. Elizabeth, wid Thomas, born July 1812. Brown Irving, carpenter, h East. Brown John A, (C. A. & J. A. Brown,) bricks, etc., h High above R. R. Brown John B, Chicago, prop, Castle Hill Farm — 83. Brown John H, farmer. Fellows — 43. Brown John Al, carpenter, h Central nr Mineral. Brown Lavina A, widow J, Franklin, Saltonstall, Fannie E. Sure Cure Headache I^oicders relieve Neuralgia only 10c. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO. 32 THE DIRECTORY. Ol3L^S». "W'- -A-:K3r3lOtc:>XlL, C/^I^pEfl5^I^ /^flD Bdll^DEp, i fMAiir'SLrHAMii^N,^ IP. o. Bois e. Plans Furnished and Estimates Given Upon Application. ^^OOID J^ISTJD CO^L BY THE BASKET, BARREL OR TON, .V r LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, A. H. PEATFIELD, BROWN SQUARE. CHARLES W. HAYES, 13ealer In CHOICE FAMILY CROCERIES. THE BEST GOODS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Summer St., Ipswich. nrou HP PBPEB Hflpip,~ IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, 41-WHITENlNG AND KALSOMINING.-i^ J. HOWARD L-AKE7VTAN SCHOOL STREET, OOR. COUNTY. THE DIRECTORY. 33 Your Confidence ill our Anodyne Liniment, it stops aches t^lciL'CU and pains. 25c.. 50c and .fl, SMITH, Pharmacist. Brown Manesseh, farmer, Brown — 4a. Brown Nellie C, shoes, M. W. & Co,, rms X. V. Lang’s. Brown Rufus H, h County. Brown Sarah F, wid John, born Sept. 30, 1808, h Wash- ington. Mar}^ P. Brown Sally M, wid Manesseh, h Market. Brown Susan M, wid Augustine, h Count}" opp common. Blanche R, bookkeeper J. W. Goodhue’s. Brown Sylvester, carpenter, rms G. A. Pickard’s. Brown Thomas H, emp mill, h So Main. Brown William, watchman mill, h So Main, nxt Baker’s store. Margaret and Grace, emp mill. Bruce Robert J, stone cutter, B. & W., h High. Bryant, Dennis, farmer. Pine — 105. Florence Buckly C F, emp mill, rms Wm. Mayes’. Burke Cecilia, housekeeper C. S. Jewett’s. Burnan Fannie, (?) emp mill, rms J. Dunham’s. Burnham Albert P, farmer. Beach road — 76. Burnham Asa, farmer, Salem rd. Frank M. Burnham Daniel S, real estate, Boston, h Water. Charlotte F, wid Abraham, born August 18, 1806. Burnham J Howard, Elm ave, Winthrop. Burnham John A, farmer, off Beach road nr school house — 78. Burnham Nathaniel, grocer. High, Capt. str Carlotta, h High nr R. R. Burnham William F, farmer, h Cross st. William A. Burnham William H, mason, h Spring cor Highland ave. Burns Lizzie, emp mill, rms A. Wilders’. Burns Maggie, domestic, Castle Hill Farm. Burns Mary, lodgings. No Main. Burns Mary and Sarah A, emp mill, rms M. E. McGarry’s. Burns Michael, laborer, rms Franklin House. Burns Patrick, laborer, rms Franklin House. Sure Cure Headache Powders^true to name, 10c. PBWARn F. BROWJS^ & CO. 34 THE DIRECTORY. GEO. HASKELL, Furniture Repairing Upholstering and Polishing. n MATTRESSES MADE TO 0RDER,n l^icture Framhuj, Jobbing of all Kinds. Carpets Fat Down. \\ hidow Shades a Specialtg. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. lie trill attend funerals and fiirtiish caskets, cof- fins, robes, fiowers, etc., in and out of town whenever desired. SHOD REAR OE RESIDENCE, NO. 1 HIGH STREET = IPSVVlCli. THE DIRECTORY. 35 fwtTkr’^fS^c artrl Prtj/ictnnc don’t help kidney troubles much; our uruccncs anu t'UVliilUU^ Kidney and Uver cure win a great deal SMITH, Pharmacist. Burns Thomas E, teamster, Brown Bros., h Pleasant. Burns William F, emp mill, h Union. Burridge Jacob, h Union. Henry, Alice, Fannie, Lizzie and William, emp mill. Bushe\" Julia and Mary C, emp mill in W. Boynton’s. Butler Alonzo, painter, h Summer. Jennie M, emp mill. Butler Jennie, emp mill, rms J. J. Carey’s. Butler James F, invalid, h High opp Mineral. Butler Mary L, at J. A. Tucker’s. Butler William H, shoemaker, Perkins’, h Mineral nr R.R. Edith AI, shoes, Lynn. Buzzell Isaac, farming, Windmill Hill — 24 Ida L, emp mill. Charles A. Byron Fred F, newsdealer, Market, h County nr Green. Cairns Lizzie, emp mill, rms George Healey’s. Caldwell Abbie L, wid John G., h High. John A, broker, Boston. Caldwell Daniel R, h High cor Caldwell ct. Joanna, housekeeper. Caldwell Elizabeth, nr school house. Poplar. Lucy M. Lydia A, librarian. Public Library. Caldwell Jennette F, wid Josesh N.. h High. Jos. Warren, morocco dresser. Caldwell John AI, (J AI Caldwell & Son) h Alineral. Chester R, (J AI Caldwell & Son.) Catherine R, housekeeper. Lizzie B, clerk J. AI. Caldwell & Son. Caldwell Margaret, wid Joel, h Green cor County. Lydia A. Caldwell Sarah P, Count\" cor Summer. Caldwell Tyler R, h H. F. Dunnells. Callahan Annie, emp mill, nr N. Bancroft’s. Cameron Annie B, domestic, [. Ross’. Sure Cure Hendache Poieders relieve Neuralgia^ onlg lOe, EDWARD F. BROWJS& CO. 36 THE DIRECTORY. Dealer In Dry and Fancy Goods - - - A FULL LINE OF - - - Embroidery Materials - - - Constantly on Hand; Also Agency for Salem Laundry, Salem and Old Malden Dye House, Boston. A FULL LINE OF - - - STANDARD DRESS PATTERNS, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. . . W. E. LORD . . Red MeiUs Blocks Central St, - Ipswich^ Mass, THE DIRECTORY. 37 Th !n L' our " a,ds ” mean just what they say. They are MCijpiC i tlllMMX the people we suit, too. SMITH, Pharmacist. Cameron Seward J, coachman, Appleton Farms, h New- march. Cameron Wm J, foreman “Appleton Farms.” Alexander Simon H. Campbell C A, coal Boston, “River Bend” farm. County — 26 Campbell John, hostler, “River Bend Farm.” Campbell John F, laborer, h Prospect. Campbell, Maggie, domestic. Dr. Palmer’s. Campbell Theda, domestic, Alary F. Farley’s. Canney Chas W, C. M. Jewett & Co, grain. Brown Sq, h Mineral cor Central. Canney Lorenzo D, h Spring cor East and County. CanncA^ S Franklin, lumber, boxes, etc, h Mineral cor Central. Cannon Wm, laborer, rms Alayo’s. Carey Annie and Bridget, emp mill, rms W. F. Burns. Carey John J, teas, coffee, butter, etc, Market, h same. Michael, Kate and Agnes, emp mill. Nellie, domestic, H. B Brown’s. Carey Timothy, emp mill, h Peatfield cor Estes. Carlisle John C, farmer, Essex — 56 J Warren, farmer. Carr Cora, emp mill, rms S. I. Yilliers’. Carruth John J, emp at I. F. Dobson’s. Carter, Caroline E, wid Austin, h Green. Carter Ernest M, wood and ice. County, h Green. Carter Fred A, wood and ice. County, h East cor Willcomb Cassidy Nora, emp mill, h Union cor Winter. Caswell Stephen, fishing at Treadwell’s Island. Caverly John B, farmer “Sagamore Farm” Beach road — 80 Carl A, farmer. Cedy Leverett R, farmer, last house Boardman. Chance Charles, emp mill, h High above R R. Chamberlain Joseph H, barber, J. Gallagher’s, rms J. S. McMullen’s. Chandler Jane, rms J. H. Wade’s. Sure Cure Headache Powders relieve Neuralgia ^ only 10c. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO. 3S THE DIRECTORY. JOHN S. CLOVER, DEALER IX COAL, LIME, CEMENT . . . . Has the onltj GEXUIXE ERAXKLIX COAL of Lykens Valley for Sale in Ipsivich, The Best Grades always in stock and arriving by the cargo. Our Prices are Always the Lowest, Orders Left at T. E, Condones Store , TV. P. Ross^ and at my itonse will receive prompt att ention. WHARF ON WATER STREET, IPSWICH. THE DIRECTORY. 39 A Pnfrnfrg=>r1 P Do you feel poetic? We always carry a line of /ire I OU cngagcu r editions of the poets. SMITH, Pharmacist. Chaplin, Wm A, wines, liquors, etc, Hammatt, h High nr Mineral. Chapman ClilFord F, harness maker Central, h Hammatt. Chapman Daniel G, farmer, Linebrook — 119. Chapman John K, farmer. Pine — 107. John G and Walter K. Chapman Jos W, farmer Linebrook — 119. Edward 1. Elizabeth A, housekeeper. Chapman Wm, born April 10, 1813, h Summer. Chaput Joseph, laborer, h Harris Sq. T J, butcher. Emma and Lila, emp mill, Cheever Abbie K, wid Edw. O., h High st. Cheney Elizabeth S, wid Luther at T. C. Tilton’s. Chisholm Annie, emp mill, rm J. P. Holland’s. Chisholm Catharine, h Peatfield. Richard, Mary A, Cassie, Isabella andRhoderic, emp mill. Chisholm Christopher, engineer mill, h Washington nr Mt. Pleasant. Mary, Flora C, Lizzie and Belle, emp mill. Chisholm John C, emp mill, rms John Peters’. Chisholm Maggie and Nellie, emp mill, rms Franklin House. Chisholm Nellie, emp mill, rms J, P. Holland’s. Choate Edward W, carpenter, contractor, h East. Choate Henry, emp gas house, h Choate’s lane. Chouinard Lewis Wm, emp mill, h Peatfield. Rosanna, Rosamond, Filesse and Zinette, emp mill. Chouinard Nelainse, wid Narcisse, h Estes. Marie, Narcisse, Emilia, Andre and Odileron emp mill, Marance, wid Narcisse, born 1810. Churchill Heniy A, jobber, h East. Clark Annie, table girl, Agawam House. Clark Daniel, retired, born Dec. 19, 1812, at G. A. Hodgdon’s. Clark Erastus, farmer and hay dealer, h Central cor Gravel. Anson L, barber. No Main. Sure Cure Headache I^owders^ true to name, 10c. EJDWABI) F. BROWN & CO. 40 THE DIRECTORY W. A. CHAPLIN, Dealer in Ales, Wines and Liquors. . . Jones’ Portsmouth Ale and Van NostraJid^s P, B, Stock Ale on Draught, Bottled Goods of all Kinds, Tobacco and Cigars, HAMMATT ST IPSWICH thp: dirp:ctorv. 41 H A n\/thin(r to tie bilious: escape it by usin^ our YOU nate JUlKe /\nyining Dandelion Bitters, 50c. and Sl.OO. SMITH, Pharmacist. Clark James, h Peatfield. Sarah A, Dora and Amelia M, emp mill. Clark John F G, gatetender B. & M. R. R., h High nr Harris square. Charles H. Clark Mary, rms Frank Stilson’s. Clark Alary A, wid Alfred, at A. P. Hills. Clarke Philip E, undertaker, Summer, h Highland ave. Annie C. Clark William A, emp Atlantic Tea Co., h Elm. Clark Dr. William H, medical examiner, h Alarket. Lucinda E, born Alay 21, 1812. Claxton Edith, at E, B. Jewett’s, Village, Claxton Joseph, clammer, rms D. Hinckley’s. Claxton J Foster, clam dealer and eating saloon Alarket, h East nr Xewmarch. Claxton William G, fruit and produce, h Newmarch nr East. Georgianna, emp mill. Cleasby George E, shoes, AI. W. & Co., h High cor Lord ct. Clegge Edward H, clerk C. W. Brown’s rms G. K. Dodge’s. Coburn Lucy C, h No Alain opp monument. Coffin Lizzie, rms S. A, Patterson’s. Coggeshall Lathrop H, com trav, h So Main nr Bank. Cognac Alzeor, emp mill, h Estes. Regina AI, Alaria E, Albertine M L, Pierre A and Joseph A, emp mill. Cogswell Theo F, insurance and real estate. Elm cor So Main, h Meeting House Green. Cogswell John H, h Aleeting House Green. Edward, clerk, Boston. Colby Mary, emp mill, rms D. J. Steele’s. Coles Kate, domestic Rev. Milo Gates’. Coles Alartha, domestic, J. F. Ross’. Collins Charles W, trackhand, B. & AI. R. R., h Washington cor Cross. Comeau Arsen, emp mill, rms AI. C. Robichau’s. We make a superior extract of Jamaica Ginger, a large bottle for 26 cents. Edward F. Brown & Co., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 42 THE DIRECTORY. DODGE &SP1LLER, cs-rtocmris. No. 62, = = = North Main Street, — 1> ii: ^ iiv — strictly Pure Spices, Teas, Cotfees, Butter AND “The Pride of the Cape Flour.” Fruits and Vegfetables in their Season. IX FACT A complete assortment of goods usually found in a First-Class Store. We give hi Value for Everif Dollar Iteceived, , . Harry K. Dodge, Augustine H. Spiller. THE DIRECTORY. 43 / r\\t/ • our prices on first quality Colognes ; Bath, and Toilet Colognes. l^UW UUWn. SMITH, Pharmacist. Comeau Clarence, emp mill^ rms E. Readj’s. Comeau, Lena, emp mill, rms M. Cotter’s. Comeau Rosie, emp mill, rms E. Robichau. Comeau Annie and Minnie, emp mill, rms N. Cassidy’s. Conant Annie W, Summer nr Water. Conant Caroline, invalid, h Saltonstall. Conant Cyrus W, farmer, Linebrook cor turnpike. Charles A. Conant G Roger, blacksmith, E. F. Akerman, h County. Conant } Coggin, farmer Linebrook. William Osborne. Conant Melinda, wid Alvin T., h High cor Mineral. Condon James F, machinist mill, h County cor Green. Condon Thomas E, grocer, Caldwell’s blk, h Elm. Harriet D, teacher drawing, public schools. Mabel H. Conklin Theresa, domestic “Appleton Farms.’’ Connegan Mollie, emp mill, rms M. E. Burns. Connors Hannah, domestic, George Healey’s. Connors Ro.se, h Washington, nr R. R. Conrad Lalia and Susan, emp mill, rms George Barker’s. Conrad Norman J, laborer, h Saltonstall. Constant Rev Edward, h No Main opp monument. Constantine Emma, rms A. W. Kelton’s. Conroy Kate, emp mill, rms Edmund Ready’s. Cook Annis S, bookkeeper C. M. Jewett’s, rms T. R. Lord’s. Cook Ada G and Mabel \\, emp mill, rm A. W. Wilder’s. Cook Charles E, shoes, Rowley, h Prospect. Cook Henry L, prop. Little Neck House, Little Neck. Cooper Margaret, wid Thomas, washing. So Main nr Baker’s store. Richard, emp mill. Copp Carlton, supt. M. W. & Co.’s, h Central. Harriet M, and Harry C. Copp Wesley W, farmer, h Gravel. Lizzie J, emp mill. Alice M, shoes, M. W. & Co.’s. Our Motto: Charge only what a thing is worth. Common drugs at common prices. Quality always the best. Edward F. Brown & Co., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 44 THE DIRECTORY. Established 1886. Hardware, Oils, Paint, etc.. Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries. The Modern Ipswich Hardware Store . , . Satisfaction Guaranteed. % o LJUUULf smith, pharmacist. Hobbs Capt John A, retired, h Agawam ave. Hobbs Kittle, emp mill, rms Henry Simmons’. Hodgdon Frank E, h Market cor Union. Hodgdon George, farmer, born June 12, 1806, h East “way down.” Hodgdon George A, farmer and milk, h East “way down.” Hodgkins George E, insurance, Boston, rms D. A. Hodgkins’. Hodgkins D Augustine, carpenter, h County nr Willcomb sq. M Gussie, shoes, M. W & Co. Hodgkins Sarah G, wid Daniel, h East. Mabel L and Minnie F. Hogg Maggie, emp mill, rms M. Estes. Holbrook Henr}^ J E, supt. mill, h School. Holbrook Robert S, selling agent, Boston, h Elm. Abbie and Annie. Holland Berton, shoemaker, Rowley, h East nr Choate Lane. Holland Willett, engineer, F.& D.’s,h Central nr Central sq. Holden Thomas, h High above R. R. Joseph F, laborer. Holmes Albert W, shoes, Beverly, h East nr Willcomb sq. Holmes Mary, h Lord sq. Holmes Otis S, farmer, Topsfield rd. Holtum William, at J. Farley Kinsman’s. Hood J Thomas, (Hood Bros.) wines, liquors, etc, Hammatt, h Brown sq. James W, (Hood Bros.). William. Hooper Martha, emp mill, rms E. V. Lang’s. Horton Benjamin R, farmer, Brown — 47. Joseph A. Horton Joseph I, teacher. Grammar school, h Market, nr Depot sq. Horton William G, farmer, Essex rd — 55. Hovey Francis, carpenter, h East cor Wainwright. Hovey Hannah L, h Hovey. Hovey Lewis R, editor and prop. Independent, bds Mrs. Lakeman’s, Prospect st. Sure Cure Headache Powders cure where others fail; we have scores of testimonials to prove it. EDWAED F. BROWX & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 76 THE DIRECTORY. Agawam Bottling Works, BOTTLERS OF ALL KINDS OF Carbonated Drinks. Fountains Charged at Short Notice. All orders promptly attended to. J. W. A. HAYES, Proprietor. REAR HAYES’ TAVERX, DEPOT SQUARE, Ipswich, Mass. GEO. W. TOZER, —DEALER IN— Groceries and Provisions, MARKET STREET, IPSWICH, MASS NORTH STAR PORK PRODUCTS A SPECIALTY. THE DIRECTORY. 77 'Th^ PrkSnt of our Glycerine Lotion is, that it does the i MIC tlDLiUIi^C^l i3j2. softening and healing, 75c* smith, Pharmacist. Hovey Mary A, wid John, nurse, h Summer. John Thomas, painter. Howard Arthur D, tel operator, h Wainwright. Howard Gertie^ emp mill, rms S. J. Hodgkins’. Howard William 0, emp mill, h Green nr bridge. Howe A Spofford, farmer, last h Linebrook — 136. Clarence E. Howe Frank E, machinist, mill, h Pleasant. Howe Frank H, express and jobbing, h High cor Mineral. Howe Levi L, h Gravel. Lizzie VV. Howe Theodore C, Nav}^ Yard, Boston, h Summer. William A, shoes, M. W. & Co.’s. T Fred, clerk. Dodge & Spider’s. Howe Thomas A, farmer, h Harris sq. Hoyt James M, engineer, h Washington nr R. R. Hattie J, dressmaker. Hoyt John, emp mill, h Central nr Mineral. Hubbard Aaron W, farmer, h East opp Choate’s lane. Frank A. Laura A, music teacher, public schools. Everett S, artist. Huckins J Albert, driver Hose No. 1, 1. F. D., rms N. Bancroft’s. Hudgens Seymour I, last house East. Huie Luzan, emp mill, rms M. C. Robichau. Hull Frank C, fishing, h Sawyer. Hull Fred R, emp Chronicle office, h Sawyer. Hull Hannah S, wid William H, h Water nr bridge. Hull James H, painter, h Prospect. Caroline A and James H Jr., Hull Justin James, clam dealer, h East opp Agawam ave. Humber Harr}^ M, clerk, W. A. Chaplin’s, h Peatfield. Hunt L Abbie, h East cor No Main. Hunt Martin, emp A. Clark, Neck. Hunt William, farmer, A. Clark’s farm. Hurcombe Elijah, knit mill, h So Main. Our little Liver Pills are effective, easy to take and cost only 15c. a package. EDWARD F. BROWX & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 78 THE DIRECTORY. HART & LORD, GROCERS, 49 Central Street, IPSWICH, MASS. Their Motto: Fine Groceries, Fresh Garden Products and Small Profits. ICE! ... ICE! Wholesale and Retail orders for Ice will be promptly filled at the lowest prices at all seasons of the year Maynard Whittier, IPSWICH, MASS. Ice team will commence to deliver the first ofMay. THE DIRECTORY. 79 W/^H any cut, burn, or skin diseases, with our Healing Oine- VV CH ment. 25 and 50c, SMITH, Pharmacist. Hurlburt Ebenezer, farmer, bey store, Willowdale. Hurley Mary, emp mill, rms E. Nutting’s. Hussey Henry C, farmer, 40 Linebrook rd— 199. Hyrtle Alice, seamstress, and Lou, emp mill, rm N. H. Lord’s. Ingalls Otis, ice cutter, Wenham, rms F. N. Adams. Ingraham Annie, emp mill, rms W. A. Clark’s. Irving Everett L, harness maker, rms J. R. Irving’s. Irving Ithamar, watchman, mill, h Damon block. County. Irving James R, emp mill, 3 Damon’s block. County. Irving May, emp mill, rms G. Healey’s. Jackman Reuben, fishing, etc.. Grape Island. Jackson Jennie S, at A. F. Cornish’s. Jean Etta, emp mill, rms William Chouenurt’s. Jean Mary, emp mill, rms M. C. Robichau’s. Jeffs Nathaniel K, fisherman, h Elm. Jenkins Rees D, manager Castle Hill Farm — 83. Jewett Addison H, h Green nr County. Jewett Alfred R, clerk, Boston, rms H. P. Willcomb’s. Jewett A Everett, heel maker. Village. Jewett J Austin, laborer, h Summer. Ann M, wid Charles. Laurella. Jewett Charles, farmer, h High nr Harris sq. George A, farmer. Jewett Charles M, mason, h High nr Harris sq. Jewett Charles S, farmer, h East “way down.’’ Jewett Clayton M, (C. M. Jewett & Co.,) grain. Brown sq, h Mineral nr R. R. Jewett Ellen, at E. B. Jewett’s, Village. Jewett Estella, dressmaker, at C. M. Jewett’s. Jewett Elizabeth B, wid William, The Village. Jewett Frank H, emp Bond’s Laundry, h Spring. Jewett F Ma^mard, mason h High above Mineral. Jewett Henry A, clammer, Nabby’s Point. Jewett James P, h High nr Gravel. Clarence A, shoes, M. W. & Co.’s. Jewett Julia A, h Newmarch. Sure Cure Headache Powders cure where others fail ; we have scores of testimonials to prove it. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 80 THE DIRECTORY. You remember the proverb,, “A little pleasure now and then,’* Remember, also, that the place to find clean, wholesome pleasure, cheap, is at the Bowling, Billiard and Pool Room in Damon Building,! Ipswich, H. A, RUSSELL, Manager, JOSEPH LE3IIEUX LADIES # GENTS Boots and Shoes Made to Order. Repairing in all its branches at low prices. Call once and yon will come again. BROWX SQ. IPSWICH. FRANK H. HOWE, Furniture and Piano MOVER. TPHE place to get your money’s worth of orangs, lemons, nuts^ dates,, candies, grapes, apples, pears, pocket knives, combs, stat- ionery, pipes, tobacco and cigars is E. Bailey’s, Depot Square. IPSWICH, ... - MASS. Furniture Moving AND BAGGAGE EXPRESS. A. P. MALLARD. Order Slate at J. M. Dunnell’s, Wait Building, Market St. Get your Puke Milk AXD FRESH EGGS OF C. M. PERLEY. i Chas. C. Brown, 1 Producer and Dealer in ALONZO BUTLER, HOUSE PAINTINO. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Residence 50 Summer Street, P. O. Box 441. IPSWICH, MASS- piiiK aim Farm Proto. My Milk being the product of my own herd, I am enabled to fully recommend it to those wish- ing" a fresh and trustworthy article. My cart will be at your door every morning with regu- larity. Granite Milk Farm, No. 1 Essex Road, Ipswich, Mass. THE DIRECTORY. 81 'Vhi*r\ti€rh our prices for pure spices. Can’t help it, uun I OC*C? i nruu^ll iLr they are A1. SMITH, Pharmacist. Jewett Leander, mason, h Water. Jewett Lucy S and Elizabeth B, Market nr Central sq. Jewett Nathan, farmer, h High nr Harris sq, Jewett Nehemiah Alvin, “The Bluffs,” Plum Island. Jewett Newell M, shop master, H. of C., h Washington opp Gravel. Howard N, clerk, Boston. Jewett Rebecca H, wid Israel K, h Green. Alice W. Cora H, teacher. Grape Island. Jewett Stephen, farmer. High nr Harris sq. Jewett Susan M, h Manning Neck off Newmarch — 89. Jewett Thomas L, book agent, h Green cor County. Jewett William H, clam dealer, h Summer. Howard 0. Jewettt William H, 2d, h Summer cor Water. Jodrey Albert, manager, M. B. Phillips’. Johnson Adolph, emp mill, rms J. Erickson’s. Johnson Charles, emp mill, rms M. E. Burns’. Johnson David S, emp mill, rms J. T. Morton’s. Johnson Dexter K, teamster, Jewett & Canney, h High. Johnson John, emp mill, rms J. Erickson’s. Johnson John A, h No Main opp Meeting House Green. Ida B and Amy M. Johnson Joseph, shoes, M. W. & Co.’s, h Central. Johnson Pauline, emp mill, rms W. Boynton’s. Johnson Winnifred, carpenter, rms P. Hennessey’s. Jones Christina, emp mill, h Winter. Jones Ida, emp Independent office, rms E. T. Pike’s. Jones Kate, at J. B. Caverly’s. Jordan Charles F, blacksmith. No Main, h No Main cor Summer. Jordan Ellen M, h High nr Manning. Jordan Robert, (R. Jordan & Co.) gent’s furnishing, etc.. Market, h Central nr Hammatt. Etta M. Joy William B, h High nr Mineral. Oar little Liver Pills are effective, easy to take and cost only 15c. a package. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 82 THE DIRECTORY. Agawam Advertising Agency, General Advertisers and distributors. 936 Harrison Avenue, Boston, Mass. H. C. WAIT, Manager. 10 to 15 percent. SAVED in buying goods at our store. Don’t Believe It? Come in, look over our stock, inquire the prices and you will be convinced that the}’ are right. South Main Street, = = Ipswich, Mass, Jones’ Block, C. F. WILCOX, Dealer in Hardware, Tonis, Paints and Wall Paper. - - Ipswich, Mass. pRHNK B. PHCe, BLACK5M1TH1NQ Of all kinds executed with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention given to Shoeing Over-reaching and Interfering Horses. South Main Street, Ipswich, Mass. THE DIRECTORY. 83 A !nru=^ when competitors try to catch up with us, in the matter of Headache Powders, 10c. smith, Pharmacist. Joyce Harry, h School opp Linden. Judge Michael J, mason, h Mt. Pleasant ave. Kavanagh Edward, clerk, E. R. Smith’s. Keagle William, h Mt. Pleasant. Exina, Alanda and Ezila, emp mill. Keith , emp mill, rms L. I. Davelin’s. Keith Precilia L, emp mill, rms E. A. Hall’s. Kelly Charles M, cashier. National Bank and clerk Ipswich Water Board, h So Main opp common. Kelley Cecelia, emp mill, rms G. H. Dixon’s. Kelley Maggie, emp mill, rms M. J. Judge’s. Kennett Henry K, farmer, Kimball’s point — 156., Kent Charles, at Gustavus Kinsman’s. Kilborn Samuel, farming and fishing. Grape Island. John D, life saving station. Elizabeth G, invalid. Kilt on George W, laborer, h So Main. Kimball Daniel, farmer, h Market, nr Depot sq. Hannah L. Kimball Daniel W’^, butcher, G. H. Green’s, rms same. Kimball Fred A, lumber merchant, Boston, h County nr School. Kimball Hannah A L, wid William, Salem rd, c Essex — 22. William, emp mill. Ada F, shoes, M. W. & Co.’s. Annie E and Lizzie L. Kimball J Henry, emp mill, h East. Alice. Kimball N Scott, fruit and produce, Boston, h Market nr Depot sq. Lizzie H, Arthur W, Carrie B, and Robert S. Kimball Phillip R, carpenter, h Cross nr Pine rd. Luey A. Kimball Susan, h County nr brook, born 1815. Fannie V R, and Susie L. King Arthur, emp mill, rms M. C. Robichau’s. Sure Cure Headache Powders cure where others fail; we have scores of testimonials to prove it. EDWAKD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 84 THE DIRECTORY. Agawam House, IPSWICH, .... MASS. 5T0RER F. CRAFTS, Proprietor. Thoroughly Refitted and Enlarged. Steam Heat and all ' Modern Improvements. Livery Connected. T he AGAWAM is a large, rooniy house, open 365 days in the year. It furnishes a palatable cuisine and restful lodgings. There is no village in New England more healthy or lovely for sum- mer vacation. Ipswich abounds in beautiful scenery and fine drives. Her hills are highest ; her roads are best in the county. Boating and aquatic sports are in the immediate vicinity — Castle Neck, Rowley and Ipswich rivers and their marshes. Via the B. AI. Railroad, Eastern Division, only 65 cents from Boston. for the L. A. W. Hotel = Russell, SALEM, MASS. S ’’ORER F. CRAFTS, Proprietor. League All Modern Improvements. First.Class in every Respect. HOTEL- EOF? THE L. K. W. THE DIRECTORY. 85 anri flfain for borses, are “all right so aie our Condition Pow CfllCi KJtCllHf ders, big box, 35c. SMITH, Pharmacist. King Joseph A, blacksmith J. F. Graffum’s h High bey R. R. Abbie, wid Joseph. King Ella A, domestic, William Mayes. Kinnear James, farmer, Linebrook. Thomas D. Kinsella Margaret, cook, Agawam House. Kinsman Aaron, b June 4, 1804, h E. K, Brown’s. Kinsman Bethiah, dressmaker, h No Alain opp Summer. Kinsman Gustavus, farmer and real estate, h School. Mary E, in school at Salem. Kinsman J Farley, farmer, Winthrop n Heartbreak — 63. Kinsman Joanna, County opp So Green. Kinsman Annie M, housekeeper, E. B. Wildes’. Kinsman Willard F, farmer and hay dealer, Essex rd n Heartbreak — 58. Kinsman Mrs William Henry, wid Wm Henry, last h Brown. Arthur D, and Rhoda F. Kirb}^ Hattie, emp mill, rms J. S. McMellan’s. Kirk William H, janitor, h High cor Lord ct. Millie H. Knight Margaret, lodgings, h Central, E. B. Wildes’ blk. Kyes Dr Frank W, dentist, Lynn, h High. LaBelle Frank, emp mill; h Brown sq. Mar 3 ^ emp mill. La Fave Francis J, laborer, h Water nr East. La Fave Mary, washing etc., h Willow ct. La Roche Ferdinand, h Estes. . Ida, Eva, Robert and Joseph, emp mill. Dona. Laffy John H, meat wagon, h Washington, cor new street. Lafify Michael, laborer, h Washington nr Alineral. Kate. Lague Alfred, emp mill, rms J. B. Landry’s. Lakeman Carrie L, teacher, grammar school, at G. Wood- bury’s. Lakeman J Howard, painter. County cor School. Lakeman Louise A, dressmaker, h Prospect. Our little Liver Pills are effective, easy to take aud cost only 15c. a package. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 86 THE DIRECTORY. G. H. HASKELL, :::Dealer in::: Fine Groceries, Teas, Coffees and Spices, Cigars and Tobacco. Jones’ Block, South Main Street, Ipswich, Mass A. W. BROWN, Teaming in aii its Branches PROT'APXLY DONE. Ice delivered at all seasons of the year. Cellars Dug and Material Furnished. Prospect Street, Ipswich, Mass, THE DIRECTORY. 87 Hardware and Nails Pharmacist. will do lots for a house, our Horse Liniment will ao lots for a horse. 75c. and $1.25. SMITH, Lakeman Perlev B, mason, h Winthrop. Lakeman Susan L, wid Eben, born Nov. 18, 1815, h East. George R, carpenter. Lamson Martha, wid John B, h Depot sq. Landry John B, carpenter, h Brown sq. Fred, emp mill. Lane Mary A, h High nr Harris sq. Lang Ellen V, wid James, h Central cor Hammatt. Ellen V. Lange Emil, baker. East h same. Langdon George F, clerk, W. H. Robert’s, h High cor Cald- well ct. Lauer Adam G, Linebrook. Layain Bertha C, rms H. E. Green’s. Layalette William H, farmer, Linebrook — 118. Gertrude E. Elizabeth C, born August 10, 1809. Lawrence Eunice R, wid Julian D, h High. Mary E, music teacher. L’Eyesque Flora, h Union opp mill. Mary L, Omar, Joseph and Thomas, emp mill. Leet Albert H, h East. Leary Mary, emp mill, h Mt. Pleasant cor Washington. Leyasque Elizabeth, h Hammatt. Eliza, Azilda, Daura and Graziellia, emp mill. Leayitt Guentine, h Warren nr hose house. Philomine, Emma and Clorinda, emp mill. Le Blanc , emp mill, rms J. Lemieux. Le Blanc Philomine, emp mill, rms B. Prudent’s. LeMa^^ Ernest, engineer, rms H. E. Warner’s. Lemieux Joseph, shoes, h Brown sq. Adelia, Roneal, Adelar and Noelia, emp mill. Leno Joseph, h Cross. Gertie and Willard. Leno Eli, laborer, h Mineral nr Central. Leonard George, confectioner, rms F. Currier’s. Sure Cure Headache Powders cure where others fail; we have scores of testimonials to prove it. EDWARD F. BROWX & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 88 THE DIRECTORY. E. T. PIKE Keeps constantly on hand a Full Line of Boots, Shoes I Rubber Goods For Men, Women and Children. PRICES A5 LOW AS THE LOWEST. AT THE OLD STAND, CENTRAL STREET. Also a CIRCULATING LIBRARY. Terms, 5c. a week, Ic. a day. CALL AND SEE US. E. T. PIKE, Measures’ Block, Central Street, IPSAVICH, MASS. The Most Complete Stock ! THE HANDSOMEST STOCK! The Most Extensive Variety ! LAMPS — Hand; Table, Pendant, all styles, from 25c, to $5.00. TABLEWARE — Plates, Knives and Forks, Silver Plated Spoons, Napkin Rings, Castors, Fruit Knives, Mugs, Tea and Coffee Pots, Dinner Sets, etc., etc. TINWARE— For all uses. PUMPS AND IRON SINKS — Set with care, and all kinds of Pump and Tin Repairing attended to with dispatch. FANCY CHINA and GLASS— Shaving Mugs, Mustache Cups, Gift Cups and Saucers, Water and Tea Sets, Vases. KITCHEN Ware, Laundry Goods and Earthen Ware. A large line of these goods. STOVE Furniture and Stove parts of all kinds. N. NEWMAN, South Main Street. Year Choate’s Bridge, IPSAVICH, MASS. THE DIRECTORY. 89 Ifs Hair Oil Time : Our R ise Oil neither gums or sticks ; absorbed natural gloss, 25c. SMITH, Pharmacist. Lewis William T, shoes, M. W. & Co.’s, h East. Le Sure Aldora, emp mill, rms Hale Wait’s. Lindberg Anna M, wid Marcus, at J. I. Horton’s. Annie E, teacher elocution. Linnehan Sadie, h Washington opp Mineral Little Maggie, emp mill, rms M. Conant’s. Littlefield Charles T, emp J. Stackpole & Son’s, h County nr brook. Littlefield Jennie H, and Mabel L, emp mill, rm G. P. Smith’s. Lord Aaron, farmer and carpenter, Underhill cor County. Lord Abigail H, wid Asa, born Sept. 26, 1802, High between Gravel and Cross. \ Lucy Ann, housekeeper. Lord Arthur and Mar^^ E, emp mill, h So Main. Lord Austin L, mason, 93 High. Lord Caleb, born Nov. 2, 1802, h High, died May 9. Caroline E, housekeeper. Lord Daniel, at Little Neck. Lord Eben, farmer h Cross. Lord Edward, High nr Harris sq. John Edward, shoe cutter, Beverly, died Mar. 29, 1896. Martha S, tailoress, Jordan’s. Edward. Lord Frank H, elk car shop, Fitchburg R. R., Boston, h off Mineral nr R. R. Alice G, clerk, W. E. Lord’s. Annie D, typewriter, copyist, Boston. Lord George A, h High nr Manning. Lord George E, wheelwright. High opp Lord’s grocery. George W, clerk, Boston. Lord George H, carpenter, Summer. Lydia A, wid Ezra W. Lord George M, laborer. High nr Mineral. Lord James A, shoe maker. Highland ave. Leon R, baker. Palmer’s. Lord John Frank, carpenter, Boxford. Sure Cure Headache Powders cure where others fail; we have scores of testimonials to prove it. EDWAKD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 90 THE DIRECTORY. HARRIS’ Ipswich and Salem EXPRESS. Leaves Ipswich Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Order slates at T. H. Lord’s and T. E. Ccndon’s. Willard Harris, Prop. Pure Milk and CREAM Supplied in large and small quantities. W. A. Mitchell. QEORQE A. SCHOFIELD, NOTARY PUBLIC. Leases, /Mortgages, Deeds, etc., etc., promptly executed. Oaths administered and affidavits taken. S. H. THURSTON, —DEALER IN ALL KIND5 OF— Ladies’, Misses’ —AND— Children’s Boots, SHOES and RUBBERS. No. I Newman’s Block, Ipswich, Mass. THE DIRECTORY. 91 Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Cougrh^^ ^yrup. 35c. SMITH, Pharmacist. ^ Lord Joseph H, farmer, High. Sarah F, wid Charles R. Dora, reader. Lord Lydia A, wid Josiah, h Mineral. Abbie B. Lord Josiah, Jr., farming, h High nr Manning. Lord Julia A, wid Henry A, lodgings, h Hammatt. ^ Lord Lucy Slade, h Aleeting House Green cor No Main, Lord Luther, farming, h High. L Albert, farming. Lord Mary E, at F. H. Lord’s, Lord Moses G, b L. Wait’s. Lucy S. . Lord Nathaniel H, engineer gas house, h cor So Mam and Llm. Lizzie E, dressmaker, cor So Main and Elm. Lord Sarah, wid Aaron P, born Jan. 27, 1801, No Mam nr Summer. J Brown, lawyer, Boston. Charlotte Carleton. i tt- i. Lord Thomas H, grocer, High bet w Gravel and Cross, h High. Annie L, teacher. Lord Thomas R, market gardener. Cross cor Pine. Lord Walter E, dry goods. Central, h High, Lowe Andrew, farmer, opp pump. Fruit. . , , Lowe Georgianna, wid George, h off High n brick-kiln. Alice May. Lowe John C, milk producer, h High. George H, milk producer. Lowe Nathaniel T, farmer, Sutton Farm, East. Lowe Winnie E, wid Howard B, at J. A. Perkin’s. Low David, farming, at Mrs. Susan Brown’s. Low Winthrop, h Summer. Loud Jean, emp mill, rms W. D. Fisher’s. Ludwig Gustave, emp mill, h Winter. Lvnch Annie and Lizzie, emp mill, rm Edmund Ready’s. Lyons Frank L, shoes, M W. & Co.’s, rms Dr. W. H. Clark s. - O’lr little Liver Pills are effective, easy to take and cost oidy 15c. a package. EDWARD E. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 92 THE DIRECTORY. Psti^nt if you have not been able to get suited in fine stationery else where, see ours, all grades. SMITH, Pharmacist. Macarth\^ George E, ph^^sician, Central, h No Main nr East. ^ Mrs George, teacher drawing and painting. Maguire Edward, at E. E. Sullivan’s. Maguire Edward, heel maker, Rowley, h High. Mahoney John B, carpenter, h Granite ct. Mailly Ulric, baker. Central. Malenfant John B, barber. Central, h Wildes’ ct. Malenfant Joseph S, emp mill, h Wildes’ ct. George, barber. Corinne A. Mallard Albert D, expressman, h Summer. Alallard Levi W, janitor, Red Men’s blk, h Green. Malonson Joseph, rms N. Bouche’s. Malonson Joseph, h Damon’s blk. Annie, emp mill. Molonson Annie S, housekeeper, Franklin House. Malonson Mena C, domestic W. S. Russell’s. Malonson John, emp mill, rms J. Burridge’s. Malonson Sophie, domestic X. Cassidy’s' Malone John, insurance agent, rms D. C. Sheehan’s. Mann Amos P, knitter, h High. Mann James F, gardener, h Washington nr R. R. Manning Sadie, emp mill, rms L. A. Currier’s. Alanning William E, “ 3 'e cordwainer,” County nr East. Mansfield John W, artist, last h Brown — 45. Manson Henry W, carpenter, R. R., h Market. Manthorn Enos, laborer, h So Main. Man thorn John E, emp mill, h So Main. Manthorn Lewis, Lewis A, Clara D, Clarence H and Joanna, emp mill, rm C. F. Dort’s. Mapplebeck Rupert D, teamster, G. B. Brown’s, h High. Marble Sarah E, at C. S. Willcomb’s. Marcorelle Napoleon, emp mill, h Estes. Marriott Thomas, knitter, Brookdale cor Mile rd. Emma F. Marshall Joseph, farmer, Essex nr Brown. Marshall William, blacksmith, AI. Nolan, h Central. Sure Cure Headache Powders cure where others fail; we have scores of testimonials to prove it. EDWARD F. BROWX & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. THE DIRECTORY. 93 Drkrkia ft nr! not in stock, but Blank Books, stacks of ’em, all itlikl sorts, aud descriptions. SMITH, Pharmacist. Marston John P, teacher, High school, h No Main nr monu- ment. Martel Joseph, emp mill, h Topsfield rd. Martin Bertha, emp mill, rms J. S. McMellan’s. Martin Brotherton, night watchman H. of C. Martin Dolena A, emp mill, rms M. Knight’s. Martin Enos, emp mill, rms N. Cassidy’s, Martin Everard H, agent mill, h Central opp Hammatt. Matterson Tillie, emp mill, rms A. R. Eustace’s. Mather Nimrod D, emp mill, rms J. S. Mattieu Peter, laborer, h off Saltonstall nr Cooper’s arch. Emma and Phillip, emp mill. Matherson Jennie, emp mill, rms A. P. Batchelder’s. Mayer Edward, emp mill, rms William Mayes’. Mayes William, lodging house, Appleton pi. Ma}'o Susan H, wid William, h East nr Ne win arch. William A, clammer. McAvoy Annie, emp mill, rms A. B. Pearson’s. McCall — , farm hand. River Bend Farm. McCarry Michael E, lodgings, h new street off Gravel. McCarthy Francis H, mason, Washington nr Cross. McClellan Alexander, emp R. R., h No Main. McClellan Anna J, nurse, rms J. T. Morton’s. * McClellan Emma A, housekeeper, L. C. Coburn’s. McCloskey Josephine, rms L. F. Ricker’s. McCole Susan M, emp mill, rms J. D. Abbott’s. McCue Clara, ems mill, rms J. Dunham’s.’ McCutchin S H, carpenter, h Market. McDonald Carrie M, ims L. H. Coggeshall’s. McDonald Frank, farmer, N. Lowe’s. McDonald Maggie, domestic, H. C. Dodge’s. McDonald Mary, emp mill, rms J. Peters’. McDonald Nellie, emp mill, rms C. Chisholm’s. McDougall Ella, emp mill, rms N. Bancroft’s* McGilvary Winnie, at C. H. Noyes’. McGinnis Simon, emp mill, h County nr brook. Our little Liver Pills are effective, easy to take and cost only 16c. a package. EDWARD E. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 94 THE DIRECTORY. r^rkr'frki^f^rl f Lots of people; goods too; our Flavoring extracts are "lull • strength. 25c, SM (TH, Pharmacist. McGuinnis Randall and John, emp mill, rm Franklin House. McGuire Sadie, emp mill, rms Franklin House. Mclntire Charles, laborer, h Winter cor Saltonstall. Mclntire Dexter, shoe maker, h Pine rd, George, Granville O and Francena, emp mill. Elmer D, emp Chronicle office. Mclntire Kate, emp mill, rms H. Welsh’s. Mclntire Jennie, emp mill, rms G. Healey’s. McIntosh Mary C, emp mill, rms J. F. Campbell’s. McKay Belle, emp mill, rms C. W. Harve}^’s. McKay Charles, h County. McKenzie Lizzie, emp mill, rms William Mayes’. McKennon Effie, emp mill, rms J. F. Campbell’s. McKeough Maria and Annie, emp mill, rm A. B. Pearson’s, j McKeon Alexander, carpenter, rms M. E. Burns’. I McLain Maggie, emp mill, rms M. Young’s. | McLaughlin James, farmer, h Pleasant, Mary A, bookkeeper, Boston. McMannus Mary, emp mill, rms Franklin House. McMullan John S, carpenter, h Market. McPhee Alexander, mason, h Brookdale. Mary Jane and Henrietta, emp mill. McVerrish Margaret (?), h Prospect opp bridge. Means Saida, emp mill, rms L. E. Fowler’s. • Measures Austin, ice cream and confectionery. Central, h No Main. Mercier J L Alexander, emp mill, h Estes. Merrey James R, machinist, Hammat, h Washington. Eliza, Clara and Lizzie, emp mill. Merrey Alfred, machinist, mill, h Poplar cor Fruit. Merrill Ezra B, born Alarch 7, 1809, East nr Newmarch. Lucy R, housekeeper. Merro John, emp mill, h County nr church. Milk Helen, emp mill, rms I. N, Stackpole’s. Miller Amanda M, emp mill, rms A. Atkinson’s. Miller C\rus, emp mill, rms J. Smith’s. _ Miller Herbert, barber, rms J. B. Malenlant’s. AVe liave’no'pet doctor and can save you 20 per cent, on Prescrip- tions. Try it. EDAVARD F. BROWN & CO., Rod Men’s Block, Central street. THE DIRECTORY. 95 tbe reputation oi our Orris Tooth Powder, leaves the ijLiiiCL r^iuuif enamel, cleanses the teeth. 'A5c, SMITH, Pnarmacist. Miller Lottie, emp mill, rms J. Graffum’s. Miller Cora E, emp mill, rms I, N. Stackpole’s. Millet George V, poultry, etc.. Spring h same. Mar}^ E. Millett Lucy, emp mill, rms A. Duguay’s. Milnes James, emp mill, h High. George. Mingo Angie, rms Hale Wait’s. Minnihan Dennis, mason, last house Mt. Pleasant. Dennis, Jr. Mitchell John B, farmer, h High nr R. R. Mitchell Margaret G, \vid James, h County nr Willcomb sq. Mitchell William A, farmer and milk, h Village. Montgomery Arthur, fishing, rms [. A. Jewett’s. Moore Mary, wid Richard, h Washington opp Mineral. Richard, laborer. Thomas F, farmer. Morrill Charles W, deputy sheriff and master H. of C. Morrill Hattie A, h Summer. Moren Malvane and Rose, emp mill, rm E. Tousignent’s. Moren , emp mill, rms E. Tousignent’s. Moriarty Mary, emp mill, rms T. Carey’s. Morris Ellida, emp mill, rms J. D. Abbott’s. Morris John R, clerk, A. W. Brown’s, rms N. Rust’s. Morrison Maggie, nurse, rms D. Wells’. Morrison Mary, emp mill, rms J. F. Campbell’s. Morrison William, carpenter, h Washington. Alorse Austin, farmer, last h Willowdale. Alorse Joseph and Rosina, emp mill, rms A. Duguay’s. Morton Edgar F, shoes, h County opp So Main. Morton Joseph T, shoes, M. W. & Co.’s, h new street cor Gravel. Morton Sarah D. h County cor Summer. Moulton Eben B, foreman, J. Marshall’s. Moulton George W, shoes, M. W. & Co’s., h Central. Moulton William, emp mill, h Cleveland ave. We have no pet doctor and can save you 20 per cent, on Prescrip- tions. Try it. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 96 THE DIRECTORY. DaSc^rl r\n • A fine heaa of hair, makes it j?row, our Excelsior Hair L//J Ml • Restorer, 50c. smith, Pharmacist. Mnlcahej David, carpenter, h Winter cor Saltonstall. John, Edward and Mary, emp mill. Mullens Jackson, emp mill, rms H. Parlee’s. Mullens Mary B, emp mill, rms M. C. McGarry’s. Mullin Bridget, emp mill, rms M. E. Burns’. Mullin Dorrin, rms E. Olmstead’s. Mnnn Isabelle, housekeeper, F. L. Taylor’s. Murphy Thomas, painter, h Saltonstall cor Willow ct. Mary, Maggie and Rose, emp mill. Murphy Mary, emp mill, rms C. Jones’. Murray Luke, farmer, h Washiggton opp freight yard. Nason Joseph A, shoes, M. W. Co.’s, h Pleasant. Nason Frederick, shoes, M. W. & Co.’s, h Washington. Nelson Jacob, emp mill, rms C. Olson’s. Nelson William, at “Richard Grounds.” Nesbitt Sarah A, rms J. R. Goodwin’s. Newman John W , painter. River Bank offBoardman. Newman H Ellen, h High cor Manning. Newman Mark, crockerv, tin ware. So Main h High. Abbie L. Newman Benjamin, h Market. S Annie. Nichols Arthur H, carriage maker, Amesbury, rms J. Griffing’s. Nichols Albert N, shoes, F. D.’s, h Caldwell’s. A Sumner, clerk, C, S. Tyler’s. Nichols John E, laborer, h Peatfield. Nichols William 0, shoes, F. & D.’s, h East nr Hovey. Mary C, shoes, F. & D.’s. Noel Leonie, emp mill, rms E. Tousignent’s. Nolan Malachi, blacksmith. Central, h same. Norman Alfred, painter, h So Main nr Town House. Norman John E, shoes, M. W. & Co.’s, h Prospect. Norman T Morley, farmer, Essex. Norwood Alfred, teamster, G. B. Brown’s, h Village. Norwood Arthur, emp mill, rms J. W. Perkin’s. Norwood Epes, laborer, h Locust. Mary E. We have no pet doctor and can save you 20 per cent, on Prescrip- tions. Try it. EDWARD, F. BROWN & CO.. Red Men’s block, Central street. THE DIRECTORY. 97 Bo^rd of HG 3 .ith an sorts, ours is odorless, 25c. SMITH, North Julia M, emp mill. Nourse John W, farmer and civil engineer. Hervey, born July 26, 1804. Nourse Luther, born Nov 5, 1809, at Caroline Pickard’s. Nourse Sophia, clerk, W E Lord’s, h Summer. Nourse Warren, born Jan 23, 1816, h County cor Summer. Noyes Charles H, shoes, F & D’s, h East. Harriet E, press correspondent. Noyes Charles W, laborer, h Boxford nr R. R. Noyes Charles W, laborer, rms G. H. Day’s. Nutter , emp mill, h So Main. Nutting Elizabeth, wid James P, h Winter. O’Brien Catharine, wid William, h Washington. Margaret E and Mary A, emp mill. O’Brien Josie, emp mill, rms W. Boynton’s. O’Brien Sarah E, wid William F, h No Main cor Warren. Nellie G, emp mill. O’Brien William, farm hand. River Bend Farm. O’Connor Mary and Kate, emp mill, rms I. Dodge’s. O’Connor Myra and Vinnie, emp mill, rm S.H. McCutchin’s. Ohlen Andrew, shoes, Rowley, h Gravel. Oliver Mary, emp mill, rms A. D. Mallard’s. Olmstead Alice C, dressmaker, h So Main. Olmstead Valentine, watchman, mill, h So Main. Enoch, emp mill. Olson Charles 0, baker. Market, h County nr brook. Flossie L. Olson Eda, domestic, T. F. Cogswell’s. Ordway Henry L, h School. Osgood Dr Charles H, Brier Hill, Appleton Farms. Otis George T, clerk, Haye’s Tavern, rms D. Minnihan’s. Page Frank B, blacksmith. So Main, rms N. Rust’s. Pagnan Joseph, emp mill, h Peatfield. Joseph Jr, Denista and Hilire, emp mill. Parlee Charles W, emp mill, h off Union. Parless Hiram, farmer, h Winter. Amanda, Susan and Emma, emp mill. We have no pet doctor and can save you 20 per cent, on Prescrip- tions. Try it. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 98 THE DIRECTORY. firifl V\/nnrf winter, will do piles; our ointment “does” ’em any- K^UcU ctliU VVUUU time, 50c. SMITH, Pharmacist. Parlee Aledley, farm hand, A. S. Brown’s, h School. Palmer Charles, physician, h No Main opp monument. Elizabeth H, teacher, Wheaton Seminary. Palmer Nathaniel, baker, h Green. Howard N. Parker John A, teamster, h Prospect. Parsley Byron, emp mill, h Mineral cor Central. Parsons Frank, emp mill, h Pleasant. Parsons Hannah L, wid Ephraim, h Elm cor County. Arthur 0, sea captain. Parsons Lemuel, mason, h River ct. Annie, Nellie F, Mary A and Eva M, emp mill. Parsons Samuel C, mason, h High nr Mineral. Patch Charles, farmer. Beach rd. Patch John R, laborer, h High nr Mineral. Patch Margaret A G, wid John, Essex nr Heartbreak — 57. , Estelle C and EmiH G. Patterson Sarah A, wid William, h Estes cor Peatfield. John W, clerk, Damon’s grocery. Mary, and Walter, invalid. Peabody Mrs John Q, wid John Q, h Meeting House Green. Peachey Agnes L, rms W.H. Butler’s. Pear John, laborer, h High cor Manning. Pearson Abigail B, wid Levi, lodgings, h So Main. Peatfield Albert, mason, rms S. P. Rutherford’s. Peatfield Augustine H, wood and coal. Brown sq, h Salton- stall nr Willow ct. Augustine H, Jr and John H. Peatfield John, machinist, rms A. P. Mann’s. Peavey Frank E, agent, h So Main. Peneaut Alza, (?) emp mill, tms N. Cassidy’s. Perkins Alvah A, emp mill, h East cor Hovey. Perkins Frank J, laborer, h Water nr Summer. Perkins I Edward B, shoe dealer, Caldwell’s blk, h Meeting House Green. John A. Perkins John, retired, h Meeting House Green, died March 27. We have no pet doctor and can save you 20 per cent, on Prescrip- tions. Try it. EDWARD F. BROWxV & CO.. Red Men’s block, Central street. THE DIRECTORY. 99 ^ hr^/=tSnrr doesn’t Cure snavin, our Horse Liniment helps it lots, ilorsc » 3 nucing 75^. smith, Pharmacist. Perkins J Warren, provisions, East, h same. Perkins Josiah, shoes, M W & Co.’s, h Linden cor School. Carrie L. Perkins Lucy A, h Green nr County. Perley Charles AI, farmer and milk, h Linebrook — 134. Per ley Elizabeth, wid David T, h Linebrook. Roscoe D, physician. Perley D Sidney, farmer, Linebrook. Perley Eliza H, h Linebrook. Lyman H, farmer. Perley Alartin Van B, journalist, h Alanning. Edith F and Lottie E. Peters James, shoe repair, at Thurston’s, h So Alain. Peters John G, emp mill, h So Alain. Peterson Etta, emp mill, rms L. I. Davelin’s. Peterson Lizzie A, at J. J. Gould’s, Phelan Sylvanus D, teamster, h Pleasant. Phillip Aloritz B, lawyer. New York, h off Poplar. Phillips A Jackson, farmer, Linebrook — 117. Alary D and Aloses G. Phillips Frank, farmer, Topsfield rd. Phipps Cyrus H, steward, H. of C. Pickard Caroline, wid David Jr, Village. Hallett. Pickard Greenleaf A, laborer, h High. Ralph B, shoes, AT W & Co’s. Pickard Henry A, carpenter, h Alanning. Pickard Lavina, wid LutherC, h Village. Pickard Lewis D, shoe repairer. Wait bldg, Alarket. Pickard Washington P, h High nr Gravel. Oscar A, emp mill. Pickett Francis, emp mill, rms J. D. Abbott’s. Pierce Warren, at D. W. Appleton’s. Pike Edwin T, shoe dealer and circulating library. Central, h Alanning. Edwin L. Pinder Caroline F, with A. H. Spiller. Sure Cure Headache Powders cure where others fail; we have scores of testimonials to prove it. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 100 THE DIRECTORY. \ ^Va.tet VVork^ *^*^*^^® . “^o»ey ^ood Pocket-books of ^ JsMITrf, Pliariuticist. Pingree D Mighill, farmer, h Lmebrook nt— 123. Pinkham Mary E, domestic, Z. Cushing’s, Pitman Charles H, at C. Patch’s. Pitman Mary P, h High cor Caldwell ct. Charles C. John W, farmer, Pitty Charles, emp mill, h Poor Farm rd. Michael, fishing. Ambrizine, emp mill. Player Margaret, wid George, lodgings, Washington cor Mt. Pleasant ave. Elizabeth and Esther M, emp mill. Platts A Edward, emp mill, h Mineral. Joseph, John and Wilson, emp mill. Plouff Augustine H, tinsmith, housefurnishings. Market h Prospect. Plouff Edward, tin peddler. Myrtle opp Linden. M Louise, at Mrs. Julia Willett’s. Eliza F, clerk, at W. S. Russell’s. Plouff John W, prop Turkc}^ Shore Poultr}^ Yards, Prospect, h same. George, emp mill. Plourdre Amand and Alda, emp mill, rm E. Tomsignent’s. Plummer Abbie, wid William, housekeeper, J. Lord’s. Plummer Mary E, at E. K. Brown’s. Plummer William H, at Hayes Tavern. Poirier Joseph, emp mill, rms N. Bouche’s. Polsome Hannah, wid Lewis, at A. H. Peatfield’s. Poole George, h High cor East. Edwin M, fishing. Walter F, clerk, A. P. Hills’. Ida C, M W & Co’s. Poor Charles E, machinist, mill, h Highland ave. Porter May, emp mill, rms M. Knight’s. Post John W, prop Grape Island House. Potter Frank G, clerk, A. H. PloufPs, h Linden. Our little Liver Pills are effective, easy to take and cost only 15c. a package. EDWARD F. BROWK & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. THE DIRECTORY. 101 in if* the imitations o£ our Worm f5yrup, pleasant, effective. 25c. lyCVCi lit ILf SMITH, Pharmacist. Potter Lucy, born Oct 2, 1816, h Summer nr County, died April 10. Potter Mary A, wid Perkins, h High nr R. R. Powers David, laborer, rms S. Jewett’s. Powers Kate, emp mill, rms C. Parlee’s' Poyner John, emp mill, h High nr Harris sq. Clara A, Mar}% John Jr, and Charles, emp mill. Prescott S Olive, h Village — 142. Preston Maria A, wid Benjamin, h High nr Alineral, Bertha M. Proudman Abbie F, seamstress, h High nr Mineral. Charles A, emp mill. Proulx Joseph P, clerk, Proulx & Co., Hammatt, h same. Purington John M, h Willowdale — 16. Eva M, teacher, Dennison school. Putnam Allen, invalid, at I. Buzzell’s, Quai Leong Tong, emp George Lee’s, Caldwell’s blk. Quigley Eliza, h Estes cor Peatheld. Thresia J, Maud J and Abbie E, emp mill. Quill Kate H, rms S. J. Hodgkins’. Quill Peter, farmer, h Topsfield — 11. Rainford Edward; emp mill, rms P. Hennessey’s. Rainford Lawrence, rms Peter Hennessey’s. Ramie Maxime, baker, Mailly’s, rms Franklin House. Rand William H H, tin worker, M. Newman’s, h Manning. Ratte Achilles, emp mill, rms J. Lemeiux’s. Ratte Edmund and Ovila, emp mill, rm T. Standin’s, Ready Edmund, lodging, So Main nr Town House. Ready William, farmer, h Locust. Michael A, blacksmith. Pleasant. John F and James E. Ready William H, h Poor Farm rd nr Locust. Reardon Julia and Mary, emp mill, rms A. N. Nichols’. Reddy Michael, h Washington. Annie. Reddy Thomas H, h Mt. Pleasant ave. O'lr little Liver Pills are effective, easy to take and cost only 15c. a package. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 102 THE DIRECTORY. Shop We. Us&Co., for close prices. SMITH, Reed Minnie E, \vid Ernest, h Summer nr Water. Reedy James, farmer, h High nr brick-kiln. Reid Abner, farmer, last h Pine rd. Emma R. Reid Annie M, emp mill, rms W. Boynton’s. Reilley James M, clerk, P, O., h Winter opp Estes. Minnie E, housekeeper. Annie A, tailoress, R. Jordan & Co.’s. Reilley William P, clerk, F. T. Goodhue’s, h County. Reilley Jessie, emp mill, rms E. A. Hall’s. Rice Edward P, clerk, F. T. Goodhue’s, rms T. E. Robert’s. Richards William B, groceries and provisions. High, h same. [ Raymond, harness maker. High. Richardson Nellie M, emp mill, rms W. Boynton’s. Ricker Charles H, at E. Lange’s, h High bey R. R. Ricker Lillian F, lodgings, h So Main. Rigby Jennie, emp mill, h Count\" cor School. Riley Catharine, wid Edmund, h Estes. Maggie L, emp mill. Rile}’ Edward F, emp mill, h Elm cor County. Riley Patrick, farmer, h Washington opp freight yard. Riva Charles, shoes, Beverly, h Wildes blk. Central. Roberts John, janitor,h East opp Hovey. Roberts John W, trader, h Gravel. Mary F and Emma, dressmakers. Caroline K, wid John F. Roberts William H, gent’s furnishings, Damon bid, h Man- ning. Roberts Thomas E, mason, h Payne nr Poplar. Roberts Thom ^s R, shoes, M W & Co.’s, h Water. Robicheau Isaac, emp mill, h off Saltonstall nr R. R. Robicheau Catharine, lodgings, h off Saltonstall nr R. R. Tennie, Mary and Mary J, emp mill. Robicheau Edward, emp mill, h rear Agawam House. Robicheau Fitz, bicycles, Ham matt, rms P. Gedray’s. Robinson Bertha, emp mill, rms H. L. Parson’s. Robinson Elizabeth B, at Mrs. E. M. Brown’s. We have no pet doctor and can save yon 20 per cent, on Prescrip- tion^. Try it. EDWARD F. BROWX A CO., Rod Men’s Block, Central street. THE DIRECTORY. 103 hot days, for our Florida Oranee Phosphate, made from fJCill ^ t' ailL^ oranges. SMITH, Pharmacist. Robinson James and Martha, rms A. B. Trundy’s. Rodgers Charles W, engineer, Brown’s mill, h Washington. Fannie W, clerk at F. Baker’s. Rollins Charles H, mason and contractor, h East cor Water. John G, enip E. Lange’s. John, born March 12, 1810. Roper Jennie, emp mill, rms J. Nutter’s. Roper John, coachman. Dr VV. E. Tucker, h No Main. Roper Luke, emp mill, h rear C. M. Jewett’s. Rose Laura and Maggie D, emp mill, rm John Manthorn’s. Rose Mary P, h Washington cor Pleasant. Ross Frank A, mason, h Washington. Ross Fred G, h High nr No Main. Ross Joseph, bridge builder and contractor, h High. Anna W . Ross Joseph F, bridge builder and contractor, h High. Marion P. Ross Mattie I, emp mill, rms E. V. Lang’s. Ross Timothy B, born 1816, homestead exemption and Jus- tice of the Peace, h High nr Mineral. Ross William P, teamster, h East. Carrie F, shoes, M W Co.’s. Rowbottom John, emp mill, at J. Lord’s. Roy Agnes E and Hannah, emp mill, rm [. P. Holland’s. Roy Francis, emp mill, rms M. Beveau’s. Royal Wesley T, invalid, h Central. Rumney Thomas R, baker, rms W. Mayes’. Russell Ann M, wid Daniel S, h Central. Etta. Russell H Arthur, billiards and bowling, Damon bid, rms Peter Hennessey’s. Russell Edward W, dyer mill. Manning c Warren. Edmund A, engineer mill. Frank A, elk, Boston. Russell Foster, carpenter. Central, h same. Kate H and Annah M. Fresh and Bright. We keep our Stock fresh and bright. If goods won’t sell we give them away. No Shop worn Goods. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 104 THE DIRECTORY. Be Patient, if you have not been able to get suited in fine stationery else- where, see ours, all giades, SMITH, Pharmacist. Russell John W, gatetender R. R. Harriet C, and Elizabeth S. Fred W, clerk G. W. Tozer’s. Russell John W, frt agent, R. R., h Gravel. Russell Kate C, wid John, h N. R. Wait’s. John L, carpenter. Russell Martha, wid Foster, born Oct 30, 1805, h East. Lizzie B. Russell Maynard, carpenter. East. Russell W H, M D, rms W. Low’s. Russell William S, dry goods. Market, h High. William W. Rust Charles P, ( Rust & Grant ) fish dealers. East cor Choate’s lane. Fred C, box maker. Ethelena, dressmaker. Rust Dennison, Rust & Grant, fish, h Summer. Rust Vallancourt E, printer, h Summer. Rust Hannah J, h Mrs. M. A. Preston’s. Rust Mary S, at J. S. Glover’s. Rust Nathaniel, farming and boarding, Bamford House, County. Maud C, stenographer and type writer. Rutherford A Augustus, farmer. High nr R, R. Lizzie S, milliner, at F. Baker’s. Rutherford Augustus H, farm hand, h High cor Mile rd. Rutherford Mrs Martha L, wid Henry, h George Hodgdon’s. Rutherford Samuel P, carpenter. High bey R. R. George S, farm hand. Ryan Alice E, dressmaker, rms J. W. A. Hayes’. Safford Jacob C, butcher and farmer. Green nr Water. Alonzo C. Helen G, emp mill. Sanborn Aaron T, section boss, R. R.,h Pleasant c Cleveland. Sanborn Frank C, emp R. R., h East nr Newmarch, Sanborn George 0, section boss R. R., h East nr Newmarch. _Sanpierre Salina. emp mill, rms M. C. Robicheau’s. Sure Cure Headache Powders cure where others fail; we’Jhave scores of testimonials to prove it. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Centra) street. THE DIRECTORY. 105 10. 26. and 50c. a box ; an excellent imoorted Rouge, 25c. SMITH, LfiUZiUCii* Pharmacist. Sargent Asa, farmer, h Village. Sargent George H, h Pleasant. Francis. Sargent Jonathan, h Fruit. Saunders Edward, retired, at L. F. Ricker’s. Saunders Elizabeth, born Jan 14, 1816, at A. A. Searles’. Saunders Esther, wid Aloses, h Gravel cor Washington. Saunders Moses A, shoes, F & D, h Washington nr Pleasant. Saunders Martha, h River ct. Saunders Newman, mason, Linebrook. Saunier Mabel, (?), emp mill, rms J. Vlalonson’s. Savory Angus I, druggist, Blake’s, rms Measures’ blk. Sawyer Margaret E, emp mill, rms H. F, Dawson’s. Sawyer Margaret, emp mill, rms E. Ready’s. Sawyer Warren, emp Wright Bros, rms H. S. Wright’s. Savward Charles A, lawyer, h No Main nr Meeting House Green. I Harry M, at Phillips Academy, j Scahill Bernard H, carpenter, at Franklin House. Scahill Margaret; prop Franklin House, Hammatt. : Scahill Thomas, barber. Central, h East opp wharf. Schofield George A, postmaster, h County nr Green. Schofield Kate, wid Cornelius, h High cor Manning. Scott Edward, emp mill, rms Franklin House. Scott George W, laborer, h Saltonstall. George F. I Scott James, laborer, h East cor Spring. I Scott James B, mason, h Prospect. Scott Minnie, emp mill, rms Franklin House. I Scott William H, emp mill, h Spring. Susan and Elizabeth. Scotton Amos, farmer, last h Newmarch. Scotton Amos E L, jeweler, Tyler’s, rms C. S. Tyler’s. Scotton George F, at Ipswich Creamery. Scotton Matilda E, rms C. S. Tyler’s. Scotton J Frank, at Appleton’s Farms. Searles A Andrew, carpenter, h East nr Water. You get what you ask for at EDWARD F. BROWN & CO.’S. If you want Salts we don’t try and sell you sulphur. Red Men’s Block Central street. 106 THE DIRECTORY. / Can^t cist. Seeley Allen R, jobber, h Summer. Senior Emma, emp mill, rms A. Wilders’. Senior Seth, farmer, h Willowdale — 18. Seward Sarah A, wid William, h Poplar nr Prospeet. Shatswell Capt John H, ass’t M.B. atR R., rms J. A. Smith’s. Shatswell Col Nathaniel, h High, old Shatswell house. Shattuck Almira L, wid Milton D, h N. Burnham’s. Shaw Harry S, emp mill, h River et. Walter G, elerk, J, W. Goodhue’s. Shaw John S, eoachman, Boston, h Washington. Shaw Thomas C, laborer, h Wait building. Market. Shea Daniel D, emp mill, rms Franklin House. Sheehan Daniel C, lodgings, h Peatfield. Sheppard Albert, cutter, Salem, h High. Sheppard Arthur, farmer, at Charles G. Brown’s. Sheppard Emory, emp mill, h Mineral cor Central. Sheppard Fred W, laborer, h Hammatt. Sheppard James, farmer, h Boxford rd — 110. Annie, emp mill. Sheppard Walter, janitor, h Prospect nr Green. Sheppardson Herbert, gardener, h Beach rd. Sherburne George W, rms Poor Farm. Shearman George F, laborer, h off Newmarch nr East — 90, Silverman Samuel, gents’ furnishings. Central, h Market nr Depot sq. Skinner Nathaniel C, heeler, Boynton’s H of C, h Spring. Simmons Henr\q lodgings, h So Main opp foot bridge. Sinn Woon G, laundry, Hammatt, h same. Small Charles A, farmer, h Boardman — 88. Small Samuel S, farming and fishing. Grape Island. John. Smith Albert and Annie, emp mill, rms J. E. Nichols’. Smith Benjamin, laborer, h Prospect opp Cove. Smith Charles E, contractor carpenter, h High. Smith Charles W, baker, Emil Lange’s, rms A. R. Eustace’s. Smith Ebin R, apothecary, Alarket sq, h Central. You get what you ask for at E. F. BKOWX & CO.’s, If you want Salts we don’t try and sell you sulphur. Red Men’s Block, Central street. Keep 'em. Always have sucli a good line of Razors, and Shav- ing Supplies, that they sell. S3HTH, Pharma- THE DIRECTORY. 107 Brushes, All sorts and prices; Tamniuo, Horse Hair, Whisks, anu Bristle* Cloth Brushes. saiiTH, PuHrmacist. Smith Edward Frank, h High above Gravel. Edward H, carpenter. Smith Elmer E, stone mason, h Summer. Smith Fannie, wid J Harry, emp mill, h Hammatt. Smith Frank, farmer. Beach rd — 82. Smith George E, farmer. Beach rd — 77. Lizzie L, and Cora A, school teacher. Elizabeth G, wid Charles, housekeeper. Smith George P, carpenter. Central. Smith George W, gatetender, R. R., Hammatt nt wagon shop Alice M, stenographer, Boston. Grace E, school teacher, Cogswell. Smith Grenville C, ticket agt, R. R, h Wildes’ ct. Smith Harriet N, wid Joseph, at I. E. B. Perkins’. Smith J Albert, blacksmith. Market^ h Alanning nr brook. Sarah E, wid Webster. Smith Jeremiah, wood dealer, h Market. Smith John Allen, teamster, h High nr Harris sq. Smith Mrs John Cotton, Brier Hill, Appleton Farms. Smith Lucy, h Z. Cushing’s. Smith Lydia A, wid Nathaniel P, dressmaker, h High. Cora A, dressmaker. Smith Martha B, East. Smith Mary E, teacher, Cogswell school, rmsE. C. Caldwell’s. Smith Mary F, domestic, J. E. Nichol’s. Smith Nora, emp mill, rms J. M. Hoyt’s. Smith Oliver C, machinist, Glenburn, off County n Fellows. James 0. Smith Walter, emp mill, h Washington. Smith W illiam A, blacksmith, J. A. Smith, b Charles McKay’s. Smith William H, carpenter, h Mineral. Eunice K, housekeeper. Smith William, emp William G. Brown estate, h Elm, Snow Mary, emp mill, rms J. F. Condon’s. Salner Alice, emp mill, rms C. T. Littlefield’s. Sonier , emp mill, rms M. C. Robicheau’s. Sonier Mary A, emp mill, rms N. Cassidy’s. You get what you ask for at EDWARD F. BROWN & CO.’S. If you want Salts we don’t try and sell you sulpher. Red Men’s Block, Central stieet. 108 THE DIRECTORY. Homeopathic remedies, a full line of simnles, ( pellets or liquids) and Mu n- yon’s, Hilton’s, and Humphrey’s SpeciHcs.SiVi ith, Pha r- Spaulding Elizabeth K, at Mrs. J. Q. Peabody’s^ Spencer Albert, farmer, at N. Lowe’s. Spencer George, mason, h Manning. George A, physician, Haverhill. Spencer John, emp mill, h East. Spencer John W, emp mill, h Water. Spencer Hannah, lodgings, h Payne. Spencer Isaac, emp mills, rms G. W. Kilton’s. Spading John G, cutter, R. Jordan’s, h Measures’ blk, Central. Spiller Augustine H, grocer, ( Dodge &Spiller) No Main, h East. Spiller Charles W, jobbing, h Elm. Henry S, clerk, Boston. Ida E. Spiller Esther, wid Moses, h County cor Summer, Spiller George, retired, h County cor Summer. Spiller George VV, silversmith, Newburyport, h East. Spiller Jerry, at E, L. Thomas’s. Spiller Joseph, h Central nr Mineral. Spiller Lucy F, with H. L. Hovey. Spiller Mary E, wid David, h No Main coa East. Spiller Rev Richard, h Village. Spiller William A, wheelwright. County, h same, cor Summer. Spiller Charles G, (R. Jordan & Co., ) h County cor Summer. Spinney Paul, farmer. Heartbreak Terrace, Winthrop. George, journalist. New York. Spjuit Otto, emp mill, rms E. Stromberg’s. Stackpole Frank A, (J. Stackpole& Son), soap mfrs, h Poplar. Stackpole Ida N, wid William A, lodgings, n Linden nr School. Stackpole Josiah, (J. Stackpole & Son), soap, h So Main opp Elm. Stacy John R, invalid, rms George E. Willis’. Standin Toussind, emp mill, h Brown sq. Stamford Augustine, painter. Summer, h Highland ave. Stamford Maria and Mary J, Summer nr No Main. Stanwood Ernest, track hand, R. R.,h East nr Willcomb sq. Stan wood Eunice H, retired teacher. Water n Hovey. Mehitable Frisbie. Fresh and Bright. We keep our Stock fresh and bright. If goods won’t sell we give them away. No Shopworn Goods. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. THE DIRECTORY. 109 Hahvr \l/=*/=^rtc tf • O'lr Medicated Talcum Powder, Pure, antiseptic. UdUy ML, absorbent- large box. 1.5e, smith, Pharmacist. Starkey George \V, tele operator, Boston, h High, opp ceme- ter\'. Steele David J, invalid, h Central. , Stevens S Henry, shoes, M \V & Co.’s, h Spring. Stevens Minnie E, emp mill, rms H. A. Falls’. Steven James, emp mill, rms J. Smith’s. Steeves Maud, emp mill, rms A. J. Barton’s. Stewart Andrew R, at A. Stone’s, t Stewart Duncan, emp mill, h Water. Stewart Esther, rms John S. Shaw’s. Stewart Sarah D, emp mill, rms J. S. Shaw’s. Stilson Frank, mason, h new screet off Gravel. Stockton Eva, emp mill, rms J. Wallace’s. Stockwell Dr Frank H, dentist, Caldwell’s blk, h East. Israel, retired. Stone Augustine, farmer, h Heartbreak — 61. Stone Daniel W, track hand, R. R., h Hovey. Howard W, teamster. Stone Grace N, housekeeper, F. Sanborn’s. Stone Henr\% farmer, Linebrook. , Lewis R and Henry Jr. 1 Stone James C, variety store, Jones’ blk, h East. I Stone Robert, carpenter, h Washington. I Stone William, h Hovey, born Dec 1, 1811. I Albert S. ' Stone Silas, gunner. Eagle Hill, j Stone William A, clerk. A, C. Damon’s, h Mineral. Stone W Lewis, h East, rear T. R. Caldwell’s, opp Hovey. Stone William L J, laborer, h Water cor East. Story Alden, farmer. Beach rd — 72. I Abbie L and Luc\’ Belle, j Story Charlotte A, wid Alvan, h Beach rd — 79. Story H Horatio, farmer, off Beach — 75. ! Stromburg Esther, lodgings. So Main, ' Stuart May, emp mill, rms I. N. Stackpole’s. I Sturgis William B, farmer. County cor Fellows. Henry E. k erosene peddler. Fresh and Bright. tVe keep our Stock fresh and bright. If goods won’t sell we give them away. Xo Shopworn Goods. EDWAKD F. I BRO WX & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 110 THE DIRECTORY. with Nursing Bottles, Brushes, Fittings. Baby Foods. LJCiui^:^ Talcum Bowders, Snonges, Neutral Soans, we’ve got ’em all. SMITH. Pharrracist. Sullivan Annie, domestic, Dr. F. H. Stockwell’s. Sullivan Eugene, farmer, Topsfield cor Warner — 7. Kate F, teacher. Sullivan Jeremiah, b May 25, 1811. h Estes. Mar}^ F, emp mill. Sullivan Jeremiah, farming, h Alt Pleasant. Jeremiah F, box shop, mill. Nellie G, emp mill. Edward Mark. Sullivan John Jay, machinist, Alarket opp Depot sq. Sullivan Joseph H, carder mill, h Alarket cor Winter. Sun Leung, emp George Lee laundry. Surat Albini, emp mill, rms AI. C. Robicheau’s. Sutton Alar}" L. wid Capt Richard, h Summer, b Feb 3, 1816. Susan. Sweetser Arthur L, broker, Boston, h Greystone, Boardman. Arthur and Edward. Sweetser Charles H, painter and paper hanger, rms L. E. Fowler’s. Sylvester Charles W, supt Town Farm. Tarr Ernest W, com trav, h County nr Willcomb sq. Tarr Sarah J, h Count\" nr Alaple. Edith A, Grace L and Wil iam T. Delia Al, emp Independent office. Taylor Annie AI, dressmaker. So Alain. Taylor Edith, emp mill, rms N. Bancroft’s. Taylor Emma, emp mill, rms H. Parlee’s, Ta^dor Frank R, emp mill, h Estes cor Peatficld. C\Tus, Fred A and Lena, emp mill. Taylor George F, at Charles A. Say ward’s. Tenner" Albert, expressman, rms J. Tenney’s. Tenne\’ George H,emp W. G. Brown est,h Green corConnty. Tenney Joanna S, wid Francis V, h Green. Tenney John, painter, last h Poplar. Theriault Rose and Jennie, emp mill, rm A. B. Pearson’s. Thibedeau James S, hostler, D. Grady’s, h Prospect. Alary Grace, Alary Kate and Maggie J, emp mill. Fresh and nright. We keep our Stock fresh and bright. If goods won t sell we give them away. No Shopworn Goods. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. THE DIRECTORY. Ill Sponffes, Soaps, Bath Brushes, and Mits. Neutral CjcillHiI^ Soaps, too, for babies. SMITH, Phamacist. Thibedeau Mandey, laborer, h Union. Charles, shoemaker. John. Thomas Eben L, emp mill, h Cogswell cor Saw^^er. Alice F. Thomas Mar^^, wid Martin, housekeeper, D. Wells’. Thomas Susan L, wid John, b Nov 9, 1809, h East opp Agawam ave. Thompson Fred G, emp mill, h Gravel nr R. R. Oscar F, shoes, M W & Co’s. Frank W, emp mill. Thompson Elizabeth T, h Mineral cor Central. Harriet, emp mill. Marie E. Tnurlow Amos, at H. F. Blaine^^’s farm. Thurston Rebecca, wid Timothy J, h No Main opp Summer. Thurston Samuel H, boots and shoes, Choate’s bridge, h Central. Tibbetts Sarah E, wid [ohn C, rms J. W. Perkins’. Tierne}" Patrick, at G. Kinsman’s. Tilton Arthur F, clerk, S. N. Baker’s, h So Main opp Elm. Tilton George L, clerk, mill, h Central nr Lord sq. Tilton Mary N, at H. L. Ordway’s. Tilton Thomas C, hackman, h So Main opp School. Titcomb Catharine G, h High nr Mineral Titus Enos, h Union. Titus Essie M, emp mill, rms F. R. Hull’s. Tobey \nnie, h High nr Harris sq. Tobin Charles T, machine agent, h Green. Tompkins Blanche, emp mill, rms W. A. Clark’s. Thompkins Augusta, emp mill, rms E. F. Riley’s. Tonge Henry F, carpenter, rms S G. Hodgkin’s. Topping Margaret, housekeeper, J. W. Nourse, Village. Tougas Ferdinand, carpenter, h Brown sq. Tousginent Eli, laborer, h Wildes ct. Towles Jenness, farmer, h Agawam. Thomas K, emp mill. Fresh and Bright. We keep our Stock fresh and bright. If goods won’t sell we give them away. No Shopworn Goods. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 112 THE DIRECTORY. I a L- Lose your money? We sell good Pocket Books for small r-UK.tS.CL treats . gmu3. smith. Pharmacist. Tozer George \V, groceries, provisions, Market, h Maple av, Tozer Phoebe A, h Elm. Tozer William H, farmer. Village — 148. Trahan Joseph, emp mill, rms J. C. Foss’s. Trask Airs Thomas, h Countv cor Alyrtle. Ellen R. Treadwell Abbie, wid William P, h East cor Spring, Trethewev Laura R, emp mill, rms W. Boynton’s. Trund}^ Arthur B, emp mill, h Peatheld. Helen F, nurse. Tucker Albert J, clerk, T, H. Lord’s, h East. Tucker James A, boots and shoes. Union, h County c Summer. Tucker Dr William E, h Xo Main nt Agawam House. Tuckerman Charles S, Appleton Farms. Turner Orlando U, shoes, M W 8: Co.’s, rms AI. V. B. Perley’s. Turner William, knitter, h Locust. Fred W, clerk, National Bank. Tuttle Evara, emp mill, rms H. C. Green’s. Tyler Charles S, jeweler, Jones’ blk, h Central nr Lord sq. Tyler Sophia A, wid James S, h High nr Alineral. James W. Underhill J Choate, wood and coal, Saltenstall, h same. A Hurd. Underhill N Rawson, farmer, h Cross opp Pine rd. Alary A, teacher. West Roxbury. Laura B, teacher, Rockland. Oliver R. Edith, at Normal school. Villier Susan J, wid Charles E,emp mill, h High nr AlineraL Georgia A, emp mill. Ralph AA telegrapher. Wackham Susan R, wid Samuel J, h Warren. S Jewett, shoemaker. Wackham W Herbert, emp at J. C, Carlisle’s. Wade Annie P, teacher, Dennison school, h Green nr County. Wade Francis H, retired, h Fruit nr Poplar. Annie G. We have no pet doctor and can save von 20 per cent, on Prescrip- tions. Try it. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, -Central street. THE DIRECTORY. 113 A Straightened with our shoulder braces, 75c. llLilliPf SMITH, Pharmacist. Wade JCvSse H, clerk, mill, h County nr Maple. Wade Sarah H, b Nov 24, 1809, h Countv nr Maple. Nellie F. Wait Charles W, clerk, T. E. Condon’s, rms D. F. Weeks’. Florence L, emp mill. Wait Eunice, emp J. W. Bond’s, h East. W’ait Hale, shoes, F & D’s, h East opp Hovey. Wait Liither, chairman Selectmen, h East nr Choate’s lane. Wait Nathaniel R, insurance, h Green. Arthur, emp B. & M, R. Harry C, publisher Directory. Wait Margaret, invalid, h East nr No Main. Ella, housekeeper. Wait Susan, h Market. Emma E. Wait W’ayland W, farmer, h Prospect nr bridge. Wall Annie B, h High nr Harris sq. Wall Martha C, h High above Gravel. Wallace John, h Estes. Mary A and Sadie M, emp mill. Maggie C, shoes, M W & Co’s. Wall Henry H, farmer, h Fellows. Wallace William H, hackman, D. A. Grady’s, h Central. Walton Arthur H, shoes, M W Co’s, h High opp cemetery. Walton Ellsworth W, shoes, M W& Co’s, h High nr Harris sq. Walton Eliza A, wid William A, h Summer nr County. William W, shoes, M W & Co’s. Ward Alice E, emp mill, rms N. H. Lord’s. Warner Carles L, farmer at W. L. Warner’s. Warner Henry C, h Z. Cushing’s. C L, wid Aaron E. Anna L. Warner Henry E, harness maker, Hammatt, h Estes. William D, Emma, Evangeline and Edward, emp mill. Warner Lucy A, wid Daniel A, at J. F. Lord’s. Thomas L. Inspect our line of perfumes. We claim to have the best assort- right. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 114 THE DIRECTORY. \A/hicf keen ev’^erytbiue new in Cards, and Counters : VV prices riprht. 5»3I1T±1, I’liarmacist. Warner William F, farmer, Warner’s bridge — 8. George, William, Fred and Arthur W. Warren Jesse S C, carpenter, h Cross opp Lord sq. Waterman Hosea, carpenter, rms L. F. Ricker’s. Waters Rev T Frank, h County nr brook. Webber James N, shoes, F & D’s, h Summer. Webber J William, carpenter, h East. Webber Moses, shoes, F & D’s, h Xo Main cor East. Weeks Daniel F, engineer, mill, h Warren cor Loney ct. Harriet A, emp mill. Welsh Alfred, baker, E Lange’s, rms J. H. Lafty’s. Welsh Hannah, lodgings, h So Main. Welsh Kate M, emp mill, rms H. Welsh’s. Wells Aaron D, horse radish mfr, h Loney ct. Grace J, emp mill. Well Charles H, emp mill, h Cross nr R. R. Wells Edward E, shoes, M W & Co’s, h Lind n. Wells Olive H, emp mill, h Agawam ave. Daniel H, fisherman. Gertrude W. Wentworth Oscar E, shoes, Beverly, rms L. A. Smith’s. Wentworth Sylvester W, shoes, M \V & Co’s, rms J. Smith’s. Weymouth Capt Richard L, emp B. & M. R. R., h High. Lizzie M. Whalen John, bottler, J. W. A. Hayes, h Marketnr Depot sq. Whalen Matthew J, barber, George G. Young’s, rms Frank- lin House. Whipple George A, farming and milk. Brown cor Essex — 54. Whipple Hannah X, housekeeper, Mary Haskell’s. Whipple Lucretia D, wid Nathaniel, b June 12, 1815, h School cor Linden. Susan C, nurse. Whitcher Charles H. emp mill, h Washington nr Gravel. White Israel, emp mill, rms J. Burridge’s. White William J, emp mill, h Union. Frank E and Maggie F, emp mill. White Samuel, farmer, h Essex nr Brown. Inspect our line of perfumes. tVe claim to have the best assort- ment in Ipswich. See if we are right. EDWARD F. BROWX & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. THE DIRECTORY. 115 W/haf Pin Vntt We guarantee our preparations satisfactory, if rr ticiL L^u I uu don’t suit, we refund or excnange. SMITH, Pharmacist. Whitman Annie M, h Caldwell ct. Everett H and Lambert S, emp mill. Whittier Maynard, butcher, h Count}^ cor Essex — 21. Whittier Herbert 0, emp at J. Stackpole’s, h Winthrop. Carrie R, emp mill. Wiggins L W, emp mill, rms C. H. Wells. Wilber Irene, matron, H. of C. Wblcox Charles F, hardware, Jones’ blk, h School nr Pa^me. Wilders Annie, wid John, lodging, Hammatt n wagon shop. Wildes Edward B, of Union Towboat Co., Boston h County. Wildes George D, corn merchant, Boston, h Central cor No Main. Wildes Harry H, grocer. Central, rms E. B. Wildes. Wile}^ Elmer H, emp W. G. Brown’s estate. Wiley Olive J, milliner, rms A. Abbie Foster’s. Wilkinson Henry, teamster, J. S. Glover, h Wainwright. Willard Ira P, gatetender R. R., h High. Albert N, farmer. Cora A, emp mill. Willcomb Charles S, gatetender, R. R., h Washington opp Gravel, Mrs Charles S, dressmaker. Willcomb Hon Fred, auctioneer and real estate, No Main. Willcomb Henry P, Jackson’s Boston Ex, h opp ch. County. Willcomb Capt Joseph W, night watchman, H of C, h No Main. Eva A, teacher North school. Willcomb Lewis E, grocer, Willcomb sq, cor East and County. Daniel L, clerk, and Eva C. Willcomb William, retired. County. Carrie. Willett George Albert, station agent, R, R., h High. Mamie E, dressmaker. Willett Mrs Julia A, County nr Maple. Williams Price, stone cutter, B & W, rms G. L. Tilton’s. Williams Miss, emp mill, rms N. Bancroft’s. Inspect our line of perfumes. We claim to have the best assort- ment in Ipswich. See if we are right. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. 116 THE DIRECTORY. pyrnf^rif^nrf^ Cnnnt<^ compoundingr prescriptions, the difference w'lywiji.sj between an active, and an inert mixture may depend only on the manner ot combininer. smith, Pharmacist. Williams William M, (Barton & Williams) Granite, h Gran- ite ct. Willis Augustus E, carpeter, Market. Mabelle R, teacher, Wainwright. Willis George E, emp mill, h Market opp Union. Wilson Joseph R, farmer. Walnut, nt R. R. — 31. Winn Thomas S, laborer, A. S. Brown’s. Winterson Thomas J, painter, h East nr Spring. Wippich John F, jeweler, Caldwell’s blk, h County nr Poplar. Witham Mary C, wid George B, 9 Damon’s blk. Prospect. Herbert H, Daniel, George W, Zebulon, emp mill. Wood Francis M, emp mill, h East. George, emp mill. Woodfin Abbie, emp mill, rms C Foster’s. Woodbur\^ Andre, wool broker, Boston, h off High bey R. R. Charles W, clerk, Thomas H. Lord’s. Chester P and Clarence G. Woodbury George, farmer, Castle Beach — 85. George L, farmer. Woodward Benjamin W, carpenter, rms George C. Poole’s Wood wood Dollie, actress, rms E. A. Bray’s. Woodworth Adelia, emp mill, rms N. J. Conrad’s' Worth Abbie J, housekeeper for J. Brocklebank. Wright Harry S, (Wright Bros.) plumbing, stoves and fur- naces, Jones’ blk, h Fruit. Wright James R, wood cutter, rms S. D. Phelan’s. Wright John, teamster, Alex. Clark’s. Wright Josiah, plumber, (Wright Bros) h Fruit. Wyckoff Joseph, shoes, M W & Co’s, at N. Bancroft’s. Wyman Blanche, emp mill, rms J. Hall’s. Yingburg Julia, rms J. Eng’s. Young Amos, foreman, Alex. Clark’s farm. Young George G, barber. Market, h same. Y^oung Frank H, rms E. L, Andrew’s. Inspect our line of perfumes. We claim to have the best assort- ment in Ipswich. See if we are right. EDWARD F. BROWN & CO., Red Men’s Block, Central street. THE DIRECTORY. 117 THE BROADHOOR GOLD niNING COMPANY Operating in Crippie Creek, and North Cripple Creek, West Creek and the Front Range, Mining Districts, Colorado. Captalizaton, $1,500,000. Par Value of Shares $1 each. Fully Paid and Non-assessable. In Treasury 500,000 Shares. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 6 PIKE’S PEAK, Coloraclo Springs, Colorado. BRANCH OFFICES: WILLIAM NICHOLSON, Jeffries Square, E. C., London. J. A. MACPHEPiSON, 510 John Hancock Building, Boston. T. YATES WALOH, 205 E. Baltimore Street, Baltimore. The Broadmoor Gold Mining Co. has 17 mines and 80 acres of placer ground in this wonderful district, and enough low grade ore on the dumps to make this stock worth many times the amount asked. At present prices we can recommend to our customers the purchase of this stock as a safe and permanent investment, which with further developments and increased milling faciltiies now under way, is certain to sell for 75 cents to $1.00 per share within a year. The present price of shares is 25 cents, which can be had of the New England Agent, J. A. MACPHERSON, Room 510, John Hancock Building, Devonshire Street, Boston Mass. Dorchester Beacon — Is the only — Local Family Newspaper CIRCULATING IN A SECTION CONTAINING 75,000 inhabitants Its News and Social Items of Dorchester, Mattapan, Lower Mills, Washington Village and South Boston. The Columns ‘‘By the Way” and Political Notes and Queries signed respectively by “Old Sarbet” and “Passe Partout” are intense- ly interesting, likewise the Woman’s Column, It is the Most Valuable Local Advertising Medium in Massa- chusetts. J. K. 7VIKCPHERSON, Proprietor and Publisher, 1414 DORCHESTER AVENUE. = BOSTON, MASS. Business Directory. Figures with a p prefixed (p 56) against a name refer to the page of that person’s advertisement. Apothecaries John A Blake P O Bldg Chas W Brown Central st p 66 Edw F Brown Red Men’s blk Ebin R Smith Caldwell’s blk Artists Geo G Dexter crayon and photo p 52 Central Geo K Dodge photo and crayon No Main Everett S Hubbard photo and oil East Mrs Geo E Macarthy oil and crayon teacher Auctioneer Fred Willcomb No Main p 20 Bakers Emil Lange East v p cover Chas O Olson Market Ulric Mailly Central Bands Ipswich Brass Chapman Orchestra Banks First National So Main Ipswich Savings So Main cor Elm Barbers Anson L Clark No Main James E Gallagher Damon bldg P 54 J B Alalenfant Central T Scahill Central Bicycles J W Goadhue Central p 44 Fitz Robicheau Hammatt p 56 C F Wilcox Jones blk p 82 Bill Poster J Howard Lakeman County c School Billiards and Pool C O Amazeen Central S J Goodhue Peatfield iv p cover Will Hallam Estes up cover H A Russell Depot sq p 80 Blacksmiths Akerman & Conant Hammatt John Durand County C F Jordan No Main Malachi Nolan Central Frank F Page So Main p 82 M J Ready Pleasant J Albert Smith Market p 20 Boats To Let S J Goodhue Pier i Peatfield IV p cover Will Hallam Estes 1 1 p cover Wm Stone Hovey cor Water Boarding and Lodging Houses J D Abbott East N Bancroft Depot sq S G Brackett (summer) Willow- dale Mary Burns No Main nr Aga- wam House Lydia A Currier No Main nr Agawam House Ada R Eustace new st off Gravel Almira Foster High nr Man- ning Julia A Lord Hammatt Wm Mayes Appleton pi M E McCarry new st off Gra- vel BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 119 Margaret Player Washington cor Mt Pleasant Daniel C Sheehan Peatfield Harry Simmons So Main Hannah Welsh So Main Book Agents Thomas L Jewett cor Green and County Chas S Whllcomb Washington opp Gravel Books Periodicals Etc Fred F Byron Market p 54 Ebin R. Smith Caldwell’s blk Mrs C S Willcomb Washington Boots and Shoes J P Holland Market I E B Perkins Caldwell’s blk PP 60 74 E T Pike Central p 88 S H Thurston So Main p 90 J A Tucker Market cor Union Bowling Alleys C O Amazeen Central H A Russell Damon bldg p 80 Box Manufacturer S F Canney board Brown sq p 62 Brick Manufacturer C E & J A Brown High bey R R Brokers John A Caldwell Boston John A Hobbs cotton Agawam ave Chas H Sweetser Boston Geo D Wildes corn Boston Andre Woodbury wool Boston Building Mover Chas H Rollins East cor Water P 50 Bridge Builder J Ross & Son High p 22 Butchers. Robert W Bolles Heartbreak T J Chaput Harris sq George H Green Market sq John H Laffy Washington J Warren Perkins East Maynard Whittier Essex cor County Butter and Tea Team J J Carey Summer p 66 Carbonated Drinks J W A Hayes Depot sq p 76 Carpenters (Contracting) Nath Archer Elm Asa Brown Beach rd Irving Brown East John M Brown Central Sylvester Brown High Edward W Chote East Chas H Dodge New st off Gravel J J Gleason Summer Gorham F Hills High Wm H Hills High nr Cross Francis Hovey East cor Wain- right Aaron Lovel County Henry A Pickard Manning Chas E Smith High nr Gravel Geo P Smith Central Wm H Smith Merrat Carpets and P'urniture A C Damon Damon’s blk i p cover A H Plouff Market Carriage Manufacturers J Graffum Hammatt p 68 Wm A Spiller County Carriage Painters John E Dodge County J Graffum Hammatt p 68 120 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Carriage Trimmings James Graffum Hammatt p 68 Cattle Brokers Wm G Horton Essex D Sidney Perley Linebrook Cellar Builders A W Brown Prospect p 86 Lemuel G Parsons River ct Chas H Rollins East cor Water P 50 Cement Manufacturer C F P'oss Union Cigars & Tobacco C O Amazeen Central F F Byron Market p 54 W A Chaplin Hammatt p 40 S F Damon Damon’s blk Geo H Haskell Jones blk p 86 J W A Hayes Depot sq p 60 Hood Bros Hammatt p 26 Ebin R Smith Caldwell’s blk G W Tozer Market p 76 Circulating Library E T Pike Central p 88 Civil Engineer John W Nourse Village Clam Dealers J F Claxton East Wm G Claxton Newmarch J J Hill East Wm H Jewett Summer Clothing Ready Made S N Baker So Main pp 54 58 70 82 R Jordan & Co Market pp 30 51 64 66 S Silverman Central Coal Wood Lime & Cement J M Caldwell & Son Market p 28 Conway Bros Wood County Fall & Son Brown sq vi p cover J S Glover Water p 38 A H Peatfield Brown sq p 32 J C Underhill Saltonstall Confectionery Fruit etc C A Amazeen Central Enoch Bailey Depot sq p 80 F P" Byron Market p 54 A Measures Central ii cover J C Stone Jones blk *iv cover Confectionery Mfr A Measures Central Crockery A C Damon Damon bldg i p cover Mark Newman So Main p 88 A H Plouff Market Dentist F H Stockwell Caldwell’s blk HI p cover Dining Rooms J F Claxton ^Market J W A Hayes Depot sq p 60 M E Burns No Main Designers of Monuments Barton & Williams Brown sq Dressmakers Mrs Grace Brocklebank Cald- well’s blk Annie G Brown rms N V Fang’s Eliza G Brown East Nellie W Currier East nr Willcomb sq Clara M Ewing So Main opp Elm i Mabel W Hardy Summer ! Lois H Hardy No Main opp ! Monument j Hattie J Hoyt High bey R R Louise A Lakeman Prospect BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 121 Alice C Olmsteacl So Main Estella Jewett Mineral Annie Taylor So Main Mrs C S Willcomb Washing- ton opp Gravel Rust & Baker So Main nr Bridge Dry Goods C W Bamford Market p 30 W E Lord Central p 36 W S Russell Market Electrician Erank A Gove Prospect Expresses American Central W Harris Salem High p 90 Jackson’s Boston Market Fish Dealers A W Atkinson County p 66 H C Atkinson County p 20 W Atkinson County Rust & Grant Water Grant & Son Boardman Florist B Fewkes Prospect p 64 Furniture & Carpets A C Damon Damon bldg i p cover A H Plouff Market Furniture Moving D A Grady Union See local expresses Furniture Repairing P E Clark Summer p 46 Geo Haskell High p 34 W C Henderson Central PTuit & Produce Dealers Wm G Claxton Newmarch Frank K Daniels Newmarch Grain Millers G B Brown Washington C M Jewett & Co Brown sq P 48 Granite Works Barton & Williams Brown sq Grocers N L Blaisdell Union p 50 N J Bolles So Main p 52 N Burnham High T E Condon Caldwell’s blk 1 1 p cover C Damon & Co Depot sq F T Goodhue So Main vi ii p cover Hart & Lord Central pp 20 78 C W Hayes Summer p 32 Geo H Haskell So Main p 86 A P Hills No Main T H Lord High p 24 Proulx & Co Hammatt W B Richards High G W Tozer Market p 76 H H Wildes Central p 70 L E Willcomb East Hacks and Depot Carriages Warren Boynton So Main D A Grady Union T C Tilton So Main Hardware J W Goodhue Central p 44 C F Wilcox Jones blk p 82 Harness Makers C F Chapman Central E L Irving Hammatt J R Richards High opp Min- eral Hay Merchants John A Brown, Fellows Albert S Brown County John C Carlisle Essex Erastus Clark Central Willard F Kinsman Essex n Heartbreak 122 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Joseph Marshall Essex n school h Alden Story Beach rd Homestead Exemption T B Ross High Hosiery Mfrs Ipswich Mills Union & Winter Sami W Hallam Estes Wm & Wm Jr Estes Hotels Agawam House No Main p 84 Bluff House (summer) Plum Island Franklin House Hammatt Grape Island House (summer) Grape Island Little Neck House (summer) Little Neck Ice Allen W Brown Prospect p 86 Carter Bros County M Whittier County cor Essex Ice Cream Mfrs Austin Measures Central up cover J C Stone Jones blk iv p cover Insurance & Real Estate Theo F Cogswell Bank Elm p 20 N R Wait Green 1 1 p cover F Willcomb No Main p 20 A H Jewett Green Isinglass Mfr C J Norwood Norwood’s Mills Justices of the Peace C W Bamford 1 1 p cover town hall T F Cogswell So Main G H W Hayes Caldwell’s blk T B Ross High C A Sayward Market Gustavus Kinsman School Jewelers C S Tyler Jones blk in p cover J P' Whippich Caldwell blk Jobbing Expresses (Local) C W Gwinn Central p 50 Frank H Howe High cor Mineral p 80 A D Mallard Summer p 80 Albert Tenney Poplar Laundry J W Bond County George Lee Caldwell’s blk Leon Tung Hammatt Lawyers G H W Hayes Caldwell’s blk P 54 C A Sayward Market p 64 Lumber S F Canney County p 62 Masons (contracting) Brocklebank Geo Summer • F F Macarthy Washington Austin Lord Harris sq in p cover Charles H Rollins East George Spencer Manning 1 1 p cover Newman Saunders Linebrook Meat Markets N L Blaisdell Union p 50 Geo H Green Central sq J W Perkins East G W Tozer Market p 76 Merchant Tailor R Jordan & Co Market pp 30 56 64 66 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 123 Milkmen C G Brown “Granite Hill Farm” p 8o E Dole High John Galbraith Beach rd Sami Jordan Essex nr County G A Hodgdon East J C I.owe & Son High W A Mitchell p 90 Perley Bros p 30 C M Perley Linebrook p 80 G A Whipple Brown Milliners F Baker Market L A Cowles & Co Jones blk p 62 D Dupont Central Musical Instruments C F Chapman Central Music Teachers S L Dudley Willowdale rd Eunice Fellows Myrtle cor Linden Mrs Wm Garrette “Elm Hill Farm” L A Hubbard East M E Lawrence High Newsdealers F F Byron Market p 54 A Measures Central ii p cover J C Stone Jones blk ivp cover Newspapers Chronicle Geo A Schofield Editor Central p 72 Independent Lewis R Hovey Caldwell’s blk Notary Publics E F Brown Central viii p cover G A Schofield Central p 90 I Oil (Kerosene pedlar) I Henry E Sturgis County nr Fellows Paints T F Cogswell Elm J W Goodhue Central p 44 Painters (contracting) Alonzo Butler Summer p 80 John E Dodge (carriage) County S F Foss Union J Graffum (carriage) Hammatt p 68 A H Hicks Hammatt p 52 Alfred Norman So Main John W Newman Boardman Howard Lakeman County cor School p 32 A Staniford Highland ave C H Sweetzer Appleton pi iv cover John Tenney Poplar Paper Hangings Theo F Cogswell Elm A C Damon Damon’s blk i p cover Paper Hangers P E Clark Summer p 46 S F Foss Union A H Hick Hammatt p 52 J H Lakeman County cor School p 32 C H Sweetzer Appleton pi iv p cover Pension Agent Chas W Bamford town clerk ii p cover Physicians C E Ames Central vii p cover Wm H Clark Market n Mar- ket sq VII cover Geo E Macarthy Elm 124 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Chas Palmer No Main opp Monument vii p cover Wm H Russell Summer vii p p cover Wm E Tucker No Main nr hotel V 1 1 p cover Plumbers J M Dunnels Central sq v p cover A H Plouff Central sq Wright Bros Jones blk p 56 Poultry (Live) Dealers Geo Millett Spring J W Plouff Prospect Printers and Publishers Chronicle Pub Co Central p 72 Independent Pub Co Cald- well’s blk H C Wait Directory Green Provisions N L Blaisdell p 50 T J Chaput Harris sq Geo H Green Market sq J W Perkins East G W Tozer p 76 M Whittier County cor Essex Shoe Makers and Repairers John H Baker High Wm Butler at I E B Perkins John P Holland Market J Lemieux p 80 Wm E Manning County nr Willcomb sq Lewis D Pickard Wait bid Central sq p 20 J A Tucker Market cor Union Shoe Mrfs Farley & Daniels Market Millett Woodbury & Co Mar- ket Stables Livery Board and Sale Agawam stables No Main Boynton Warren So Main D Grady Union Stenographers and Type- writers K M Boynton East Maud C Rust County Alice M Smith Manning Stone Cutters Barton & Williams Brown sq Steamer Carlotta Capt N Burnham p 30 Soap Mfrs J Stackpole & Son County Stores and Kitchen Goods A C Damon Damon’s bid i p cover J M Dunnels Central sq v p cover A H Plouff Central sq Mark Newman So Main p 88 Wright Bros p 56 Upholsterers P E Clark Summer p 46 Geo Haskell High p 34 Undertakers P E Clark Summer p 46 Geo Haskell High p 34 W C Henderson Central Variety Stores Enoch Bailey Depot sq p 80 P" F Byron Market p 54 Measures Central ii p cover J C Stone Jones blk iv p cover Vegetable Dealers Hart & Lord Cross nr Pine rd pp 20 78 Thomas D Gould Cross BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 125 Wines Liquors Etc i Wheelwright Agawam House No Main p 84 Wm Chaplin Hammatt p 40 | J Graff um p 68 J W A Hayes Tavern Depot! Geo E Lord High opp Gravel sq p 60 ! Wm A Spiller County Hood Bros Hammatt p 26 Index to Agawam Adv Agency p 82 Agawam House p 84 Ames C E VII p cover Appleton C W 32 Atkinson A W 66 Atkinson H C 20 Baker S N 54 58 70 82 Bailey Enoch 80 Bamford Chas W ii p cover Bamford Chester W 30 Blaisdell N L 50 Bolles N J 52 Brown A W 86 Broadmoor Mining Co 117 Brown Chas G 80 Brown Chas W 66 Brown E E Bryant D 50 Butler Alonzo 80 Byron F F 54 Caldwell J M & Son 28 Canney S F 62 Carey J J 66 Chaplin W A 40 Clark P E 46 Clark Dr W H VII p cover Cogswell T F 20 Condon T E ii p cover Cowles & Co 62 Damon A C i p cover Dexter Geo G 52 Dodge & Spiller 42 Dorchester Beacon 117 Dunnels J M v p cover Fall & Son vi p cover Fewkes Benjamin 64 Advertisers. Foster Frank A 58 Gallagher J E 54 Glover J S 38 Goodhue F T viii p cover Goodhue J W 44 Goodhue S J iv p cover Graffum 68 Gwinn C W 50 Hadlock & Co 58 Hallam W 1 1 p cover Harris W 90 Hart & Lord 20 78 Haskell George 34 Haskell Geo H 86 Hayes C W 32 Hayes G VV H 54 Hayes J VV A 60 76 Hicks A H 52 Hood Bros 26 Howe F H 80 Ipswich Chronicle 72 - Ipswich Independent Jordan R & Co 30 56 64 66 Jewett C M 48 Kearns John 58 Lakeman J H 32 Lange E v p cover Lemieux J 58 Lord A L III p cover Lord T H 24 Lord W E 36 Mallard A D 80 Measures A ii p cover Mitchell W A 90 Newman M 88 Page F B 82 126 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. Palmer Dr Chas vi p cover Peatfielcl A H 32 Perley Bros 30 Perley C M 80 Perkins I E B 60 74 Pickard L D 20 Pike E T 88 Roberts W H i p cover Robicheau Fitz 56 Rollins C H 50 Ross Joseph 22 Russell House 84 Russell H A 84 Ressell Dr VV H vii p cover Sayward C A 64 Schofield Geo A 90 Smith J A 20 Smith E R Smith H P & Co 74 Spencer Geo ii p cover Spencer Geo A vii Stock well Dr F H III p cover Stone J C IV p cover Sturgis H E 50 Str Carlotta 30 Sweetzer C H iv p cover Thomas T P 70 Thurston S H 90 Tozer G W 76 Tyler C S iii p cover Tucker Dr VV E vii p cover Wait N R VI p cover Whittier M 78 Wildes H H 70 Willcomb F 20 Wilcox C F 82 Wright Bros 56 THE DIRECTORY. 127 THE Independent Printing: Company. f ALL KINDS OF Printing Book, Job and Commercial. First-Class Work at Living Prices. Ipswich, CALDWELL BUILDING, Mass. 128 ADDITIONAL NAMES. Additional Names. Boardman William, wine clerk, Agawam House. Burbank A E, foreman. Independent, bds N. Rust’s. Crafts Storer F, prop Agawam House. Collins Mary, h Central nr Lord sq. Durgin Rev Geo F, h County. Hickey William H, clerk, Agawam House. Lane Frank, barber, J. E. Gallagher’s, rms AI. Ewing’s. Redd}" Thomas H, emp mill at M. Reddy’s. Schleicher Fred, Independent office, bds N Rusts’. Simmons Charles A, wine clerk, Agawam House. Corrections. The last line on page 88 should read M. NEWMAN, South Main St., near Choate’s Bridge, IPSWICH, MASS. There is no M\^rtle street. This name in the street directory should read Maple. The 12th line on page 31 should read Brown, Elizabeth G. . The 12th line on page 43 should read High cor Manning. The 2d line from the bottom of page 101 should read Nellie instead of Annie. EAST ST. BAKERY, lEnyCIL L^TSTG-IB, BREAD, CAKE AND PASTRY . . . BROWN BREAD AND BEANS Saturday Afternoons and Sunday Mornings. WEDDING CAKE A SPECIALTY. Ipswich, Mass. John M. Dunnels, ALL KINDS OF Stoves and Kitchen Goods. FURNACE WORK A SPECIALTY. Ventilators made and applied, Plumbing faith^ fully done. Pumps set. All kinds of Repairing neatly done. IVIARKHTT STRKKTr, Ipswich. CHARLES PALMER, M. D pi7y5eiap ai>d OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, North Main Street, Opposite the Soldiers’ Monument. Ofiioe 1 to S and o to *7 F. 3X. — — DEALERS IN- STOVE, EGG AND FURNACE COAL. SHEDS:==Brown Square, near the Railroad. T. B. FALL. GEO. FALL. DORCHESTER MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1855, Boston, Mass. Home Office, Neponset, Mass. N. R. Wait, Agent. OREEN ST., lESWICH. BOSTON COLLEGE 9031 025 666 W. E. TUCKER, M. D. OFFICE:- 6 5 Door to f\(^a\uafr[ North Main Street. WM. H. CLARK, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Medical Examiner for the Eistrict of Essex , Hamilton^ Roicley and Ij)sivich. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE:==Market Street, Ipswich. C. E. AMES, M. D„ .HOMEOPATHIC PHYSCIAN # SURGEON, JEWETT’S BLOCK, CENTRAL ST.. Ipswich. WM. H. RUSSELL, M. D., OFFICE HOURS; 1 TO 3 AND 6 TO 8 P. M. SUMMER ST. DR. GEORGE A. SPENCER, Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Hose and Throat, Will be at his Residence, Manning Street, Satiii day After- noons and Sundays 12 to 3 P. M. ^25,000 of Property listed on OuivBooks at the Pres- ent Time, ‘"^^arrhs. Town Homes, House Lots, etc. Come in and Talk Insurance Can Perhaps Save You Some Money. I Have for Others. ' 1 not only represent some of the strong= ^ ^ A J est and safest Insurance .Companies, but L haying a Broker’s License, can place ANY | AMOUNT or “KIND of Insurance at ^ ’ FAyORABLE RATES. NOTARY PUBLIC. Edw. F. Brown, Ipswich, Mass. F. f . Qoodhu^^ JHE SOUJfl-; % .. w • ^ < ' ' '> i A large stock of Foreign a^tf^ Domestic Groceries. > Fruits in their season. ^ Grass and VeletabU %e0# I Best Quality. . , t*\ . n - - • ' . Ju'Y Coiden Crown Flour, aiso O. and O. Tea, ;a1 ‘^jYaPi/H OJiE AND ONE- HALF POUND TINS