Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/analyticgeometryOOnich ANALYTIC GEOMETRY FOR COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES, AND TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. BY E. W. NICHOLS, PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN THE VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. CHESTNUT HILL,, MAS.S. MATH. DEPT. LEACH, SHEWELL, & SANBORN, BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. Copyright, 1892, By Leach, Shewell, & Sanborn, C. J. PETERS & SON, Typographers and Electrotypers. Press of Berwick & Smith. 150580 PREFACE This text-book is designed for Colleges, Universities, and Technical Schools. The aim of the author has been to prepare a work for beginners, and at the same time to make it sufficiently comprehensive for the requirements of the usual undergraduate course. For the methods of develop- ment of the various principles he has drawn largely upon his experience in the class-room. In the preparation of the work all authors, home and foreign, whose works were available, have been freely consulted. In the first few chapters elementary examples follow the discussion of each principle. In the subsequent chapters sets of examples appear at intervals throughout each chapter, and are so arranged as to partake both of the nature of a review and an extension of the preceding principles. At the end of each chapter general exam,ples, involving a more extended application of the principles deduced, are placed for the benefit of those who may desire a higher course in the subject. The author takes pleasure in calling attention to a "Dis- cussion of Surfaces," by A. L. Nelson, M.A., Professor of Mathematics in Washington and Lee University, which appears as the final chapter in this work. He takes pleasure also in acknowledging his indebtedness IV PREFACE. to Prof. C. S. Venable, LL.D., University of Virginia, to Prof. William Cain, C.E., University of North Carolina, and to Prof. E. S. Crawley, B.S., University of Pennsylvania, for assistance rendered in reading and revising manuscript, and for valuable suggestions given. E. W. Nichols. Lexington, Va. January, 1893. CONTENTS, PAET L— PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETEY. CHAPTEE I. co-okdinates. Arts. Pages 1-3. The Cartesian or Bilinear System. Examples .... 1 4-6. The Polar System. Examples 4 CHAPTER 11. LOCI. 7. Locus of an Equation. The Equation of a Locus 8. Yariables. Constants. Examples 9. Relationship between a Locus and its Equation , 10-16. Discussion and Construction of Loci. Examples 17, 18. Methods of Procedure. Examples 10 11 11 23 CHAPTEE III. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 19. The Slope Equation. Examples 25 20. The Symmetrical Equation. Examples 29 21. The Normal Equation 32 22. Perpendicular Distance of a Point from a Line. Ex- amples 33 23. Equation of Line, Axes Oblique. Examples 35 24. General Equation, Ax + By + C = 37 25. Equation of Line passing through a Point. Examples . 38 26. Equation of Line passing through Two Points. Ex- amples 39 27. Length of Line joining Two Points. Examples ... 41 vi CONTENTS. Akts. Pages 28. Intersection of Two Lines. Examples 42 29. Ax + B?/ + C + K (A'x + B'y + C') = 43 30. Angle between Two Lines. Examples. General Ex- amples ..... 44 CHAPTER IV. TRANSFOEMATION OF CO-OEDINATES. 31. Objects of. Illustration 50 32. From One System to a Parallel System. Examples . . 51 33. Eectangular System to an Oblique System. Rectangular System to Another System also Rectangular. Examples. 53 34, 35. Rectangular System to a Polar System. From a Polar System to a Rectangular System. Examples. General Examples 55 CHAPTER V. THE CIRCLE. 36, 37. Generation of Circle. Equation of Circle ...... 59 38. General Equation of Circle. Concentric Circles. Ex- amples 61 39. Polar Equation of Circle 63 40. Supplemental Chords 64 41. Tangent. Sub-tangent 66 42. Normal. Sub-normal 67 43. General Equations of Tangent and Normal. Examples . 68 44. Length of Tangent 70 45, 46. Radical Axis. Radical Centre. Examples 70 47. Condition that a Straight Line touch a Circle. Slope Equation of Tangent 74 48. Chord of Contact 74 49, 50. Pole and Polar 75 51. Conjugate Diameters. Examples. General Examples . 77 CHAPTER VI. THE PAKABOLA. 52, 53. Generation of Parabola. Equation of Parabola. Defini- tions 83 54. Construction of Parabola 85 55. Latus-Eectum. Examples 86 CONTENTS. vii Arts. Pages 56. Polar Equation of Parabola 88 57-59. Tangent. Sub-tangent. Construction of Tangent . . 89 60, 61. Normal. Sub-normal 90 62. Tangents at Extremities of Latus-Rectum 91 63. x^ + yi — + a^- Examples 92 64. Tangent Line makes Equal Angles with Focal Lines and Axis 95 65. Condition that a Straight Line touch the Parabola. Slope Equation of Tangent 95 66. Locus of Intersection of Tangent and Perpendicular from Focus 96 67. Locus of Intersection of Perpendicular Tangents ... 97 68. Chord of Contact 97 69. Pole and Polar ; 98 70. Conjugate Diameters 98 71, 72. Parameter of any Diameter. Equation of a Diameter . 100 73. Tangents at the Extremities of a Chord. Examples. General Examples 101 CHAPTER VIL THE ELLIPSE. 74, 75. Generation of Ellipse. Definition. Equation of Ellipse . 106 76, 77. Eccentricity. Focal Radii 108 78. Construction of Ellipse 109 79. Latus-Rectum. Examples Ill 80. Polar Equation of Ellipse 113 81. Supplemental Chords 114 82,83. Tangent. Sub-tangent 115 84. Tangent and Line through Point of Tangency and Centre 118 85. Methods of constructing Tangents 118 86, 87. Normal. Sub-normal. Examples 119 88. Normal bisects Angle between the Focal Radii .... 122 89. Condition that a Straight Line touch the Ellipse. Slope Equation of Tangent 123 90. Locus of Intersection of Tangent and Perpendicular from Focus 124 91. Locus of Intersection of Perpendicular Tangents . . . 125 92. Equation of Chord of Contact 125 93. Pole and Polar 126 94. Conjugate Diameters 126 vm CONTENTS. Akts. Pages 95, 96. Equation of a Diameter. Co-ordinates of Extremities of Conjugate Diameter 129 97. a'2 + 6'^ = a2 + &2 230 98. Parallelogram on a pair of Conjugate Diameters . , . 131 99. Kelation between Ordinates of Ellipse and Circles on Axes 133 100, 101. Construction of Ellipse. Area of Ellipse. Examples. Genei'al Examples 134 CHAPTER VIII. THE HYPERBOLA. 102, 103. Generation of Hyperbola. Definitions. Equation of Hyperbola 141 104, 105. Eccentricity. Focal Radii 143 106, 107. Construction of Hyperbola. Latus-Rectum .... 144 108. Relation between Ellipse and Hyperbola 146 109. Conjugate Hyperbola. Examples 146 110. Polar Equation of Hyperbola 149 111. Supplemental Chords 150 112,113. Tangent. Sub-tangent 150 114. Tangent and Line through Point of Tangency and Centre 151 115. Method of constructing Tangents ........ 151 116, 117. Normal. Sub-normal. Examples 152 118. Tangent bisects Angle between the Focal Radii . . . 154 119. Condition that a Straight Line touch the Hyperbola. Slope Equation of Tangent 155 120. Locus of intersection of Tangent and Perpendicular through Focus 155 121. Locus of intersection of Perpendicular Tangents . . 155 122. Chord of Contact 156 123. Pole and Polars 156 124. Conjugate Diameters 156 125. Conjugate Diameters lie in the same Quadrant . . . 157 126, 127. Equation of Conjugate Diameter. Co-ordinates of Extremities of Conjugate Diameter 157 128. a/2 — 6'2 = a2 — 5'2 158 129. Parallelogram on a pair of Conjugate Diameters. Ex- amples 159 1.30. Asymptotes 160 131. Asymptotes as Axes. Rhombus on Co-ordinates of Vertex 162 CONTENTS. ix Arts. ' Pages 132. Tangent Line, Asymptotes being Axes. The Point of Tangency 164 133. Intercepts of a Tangent on the Asymptotes .... 165 134. Triangle formed by a Tangent and the Asymptotes . . 165 135. Intercepts of a Cliord between Hyperbola and its Asymptotes. Examples. General Examples . . . 165 CHAPTEE IX. GENERAL EQUATION OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 136, 187. The General Equation. Discussion 170 138. First Transformation. Signs of Constants .... 171 139. Second Transformation 172 140,141. a'=:0. c' = 178 142. Summary 175 143. lfi<4.ac ~ . . 175 144. 62 — 4 (jc YIQ 145. 62 -> 4 (tc Yin 146. General Summary. Examples 178 CHAPTER X. HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 147. Definition 188 EQUATIONS OF THE THIRD DEGREE.' 148. The Semi-cubic Parabola 188 149. Duplication of Cube by aid of Parabola 190 150. The Cissoid 191 151. Duplication of Cube by aid of Cissoid 193 152. The Witch 194 EQUATIONS OF THE FOURTH DEGREE. 153. The Conchoid 196 154. Trisection of an Angle by aid of Conchoid 198 155. The LimaQon 199 156. The Lemniscate 201 TRANSCENDENTAL EQUATIONS. 157. The Curve of Sines 208 158. The Curve of Tangents 204 159. The Cycloid 206 X CONTENTS. Arts. Pages SPIRALS. 160. Definition 208 161. Tlie Spiral of Arcliimedes 208 162. Tlie Hyperbolic Spiral 210 163. The Parabolic Spiral 212 164. The Lituus . 213 165. The Logarithmic Spiral. Examples . 214 PART II. — SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETEY. CHAPTER I. CO-ORDINATES. 166. The Tri-planar System. Examples 217 167. Projections 219 168, 169. Length of Line joining Two Points. Directional Angles. Examples 220 170. The Polar System 222 171. Relation between Systems. Transformation of Co- ordinates. Examples 223 CHAPTER II. THE PLANE. 172. Equation of Plane 226 173. Normal Equation of Plane 227 174. Symmetrical Equation of Plane 229 175. General Equation of Plane • 229 176. Traces. Intercepts 230 177. Perpendicular from Point on Plane 231 178. Plane through three Points 232 179. Any Equation between three Variables. Discussion. Examples 283 CHAPTER in. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 180. Equations of a Straight Line 236 181. Symmetrical Equations of a Straight Line 237 CONTENTS. xi Arts. Pages 182. To find where a given Line pierces the Co-ordinate Planes " 2.38 183. Line through One Point 239 184. Line through Two Points. Examples 239 185. Intersecting Lines 242 186, 187. Angle between Two Lines 243 188. Angle between Line and Plane 246 189, 190. Transformation of Co-oi'dinates 247 191-193. The Cone and its Sections 250 194, 195. Definitions. Equation of a Conic. Examples . . . 254 CHAPTER IV. DISCUSSION OF SURFACES OF THE SECOND OEDER. General Equation of the Second Degree involving three Variables. Transformations and Discussion . . . 259 The Ellipsoid and varieties 262 The Hyperboloid of One Sheet and varieties .... 265 The Hyperboloid of Two Sheets and varieties . . . 267 The Paraboloid and varieties 269 Surfaces of Revolution. Examples 273 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. PART I. CHAPTER I. CO-ORDINATES. — THE CARTESIAN OR BILINEAR SYSTEM. 1. The relative positions of objects are determined by referring them to some other objects whose positions are assumed as known. Thus we speak of Boston as situated in latitude — ° north, and longitude — ° west. Here tlie ob- jects to which Boston is referred are the equator and the meridian passing through Greenwich. Or, we speak of Bos- ton as being so many miles north-east of New York. Here the objects of reference are the m^eridian of longitude through New York and Hew York itself. In the first case it will be observed, Boston is referred to two lines which intersect each other at right angles, and the position of the city is located when we know its distance and direction from each of these lines. In like manner, if we take any point such as Pi (Fig. 1) in the plane of the paper, its position is fully determined when we know its distance and direction from each of the two lines X and Y which intersect each other at right angles in that plane. This method of locating points is known by the name of The Cartesian, or Bilijsteak System. The lines of 1 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY reference X, O Y, are called Co-ordinate Axes, and, when read separately, are distinguished as the X-axis and the Y-AXIS. The point 0, the intersection of the co-ordinate axes, is called .the Okigin of Co-ordinates, or simply the Origin. The lines x' and y' which measure the distance of the point Pi from the Y-axis and the X-axis respectively, are ?z Y x' R y Y P3 P4 Fig. 1. called the co-ordinates of the point — the distance (x') from the Y-axis being called the abscissa of the point, and the dis- tance (?/') from the X-axis being called the ordhiate of the point. 2. Referring to Fig. 1, we see that there is a point in each of the four angles formed by the axes which would satisfy the conditions of being distantras' from the Y-axis and distant y' from the X-axis. This ambiguity vanishes when we com- bine the idea of direction with these distances. In the case of places on the earth's surface this difficulty is overcome by using the terms north, south, east, and ivest. In analytic geome- try the algebraic symbols -|- and — are used to serve the same purpose. All distances measured to the right of the Y-axis CO-ORDINA TES. 8 are called jjositive abscissas ; those measured to the left, negative ; all distances measured above the X-axis are called positive ordinates ; all distances beloiv, 7iegative. With this understanding, the co-ordinates of the point Pj become (x', y') ; of P„ (- x', y') ; of Pa, (- x', - y') ; of P,, (x', - y'). 3. The four angles which the co-ordinate axes make with each other are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4. The first angle is above the X-axis, and to the right of the Y-axis ; the second angle is above the X-axis, and to the left of the Y-axis ; the third angle is below the X-axis, and to the left of the Y-axis ; the fourth angle is below the X-axis and to the right of the Y-axis. EXAMPLES. 1. Locate the following points : ■ • (- 1, 2), (2, 3), (3, - 1), (- 1, - 1), (- 2, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0), (3, 0), (0, - 4). 2. Locate the triangle, the co-ordinates of whose vertices are, (0, 1), (- 1, - 2), (3, - 4). 3. Locate the quadrilateral, the co-ordinates of whose ver- tices are, (2, 0), (0, 3), (- 4, 0), (0, - 3). What are the lengths of its sides ? Ans. VT3, 5, 5, V 13. 4. The ordinates of two points are each = — 5 ; how is the line joining them situated with reference to the X-axis ? Ans. Parallel, below. 5. The common abscissa of two points is a; how is the line joining them situated ? 6. In what angles are the abscissas of points positive ? In what negative ? 7. In what angles are the ordinates of points negative ? In what angles positive ? 4 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 8. In what angles do the co-ordinates of points have like signs ? In what angles unlike signs ? 9. The base of an equilateral triangle coincides with the X-axis and its vertex is on the Y-axis at the distance 3 below the origin ; required the co-ordinates of its vertices ? Ans. a VT2, 0), (0, - 3), (-x Vl2, 0). 10. If a point so moves that the ratio of its abscissa to its ordinate is always = 1, what kind of a path will it describe, and how is it situated ? Ans. A straight line passing through the origin, and mak- ing an angle of 45° with the X-axis. 11. The extremities of a line are the points (2, 1), ( — 1, — 2) : construct the line. 12. If the ordinate of a point is = 0, on which of the co-ordinate axes must it lie ? If the abscissa is = ? 13. Construct the points (— 2, — 3), (2, 3), and show that the line joining them is bisected at (0, 0). 14. Show that the point . (m, n) is distant Vm^ + n"^ from the origin. 15. Find from similar triangles the co-ordinates of the middle point of the line joining (2, 4), (1, 1). Ans. (f, f). THE POLAR SYSTEM. 4. Instead of locating a point in a plane by referring it to two intersecting lines, we may adopt the second of the two methods indicated in Art. 1. The point Pi, Fig. 2, is fully determined when we know its distance Pi (= ^) and direc- tion Pi X (= 0) from some given point in some given line X. If we give all values from to oo to r, and all values from 0° to 360° to $, it is easily seen that the position of every point in a plane may be located. This method of locating a point is called the Polar System. CO-ORDINA TES. 5 The point is called the Pole ; the line X, the Polar Axis, or Initial Line; the distance r, the Radius Vector; the angle 6, the Directional or Vectorial Angle. The distance r and the angle 6, (r, 6), are called the Polar Co- ordinates of a point. 5. In measuring angles in this system, it is agreed (as in trigonometry), to give the positive sign (-J-) to all angles meas- FlG. 2. ured round to the left from the polar axis, and the opposite sign (— ) to those measured to the right. The radius vector (r) is considered as positive (-j-) when measured from the pole toivard the extremity of the arc {&), and negative (— ) when measured from the pole away from the extremity of the arc (6). A few examples will jnake this method of locating points clear. If r = 2 inches and 6 — 45°, then (2, 45°) locates a point Pi 2 inches from the pole, and on a line making an angle of -|- 45° with the initial line. If r = —2 inches and = 45°, then (— 2, 45°) locates a point Pg 2 inches from the pole, and on a line making an angle of 45° with the initial line also ; but in this case the point is on that portion of the boundary line of the angle which has been produced backward through the pole. If r = 2 inches and = — 45°, then (2, — 45°) locates a 6 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. point P4 2 inches from the pole, and out on a line lying below the initial line, and making an angle of 45'^ with it. If r= -2 inches and 0= - 45°, then ( - 2, - 45° ) locates a point Pg directly opposite (with respect to the pole), the point P4, (2, - 45°). 6. While the usual method in analytic geometry of express- ing an angle is in degrees, Tninictes, and seconds (°, ', "), it frequently becomes convenient to express angles in terms of the angle whose arc is equal in length to the I'adius of the measuring circle. This angle is called the Circular Unit. We know from geometry that angles at the centre of the same circle are to each other as the arcs included between their sides ; hence, if and 0' be two central angles, we have, 6 arc 6' ~ arc' ' Let 6' = unit angle ; then arc' = r (radius of measuring circle). arc Hence circular unit r ,-. r 6 = arc X circular unit. If ^ = 360°, common measure, then arc = 2 7r r. Hence, r X 360° = 2 tt ?■ X circular unit. Therefore the equation, 360° = 2 TT X circular unit, ... (1) expresses the relationship between the two units of measure. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the value in circular measure of an angle of 30° ? Prom (1) Art. 6, we have, 360° = 30° X 12 = 2 TT circular unit. .-. 30° = " circular unit. 6 CO-ORDINA TES. 7 2. What are the values in circular measure of the following angles ? 1°, 45°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 180°, 225°, 270°, 360°. 3. What are the values in degrees of the following: angles? TT TT 3 3 5 17 5 — 1 — > — TT, — TT, — TT, — TT, — TT, — TT, — ■ 3' 2 4 '8 4 '4 '8 '8 '6' 9 4. What is the unit of circular measure ? Ans. 57°, 17', 45". 5. Locate the following points : (2, 40°), U, |\ (- 4, 90), (3, - 135°), (- 1, - 180°), ( - 1, - ^), {2, - fj, (a, ^^ 6. Locate the triangle whose vertices are, 2, ^ i> 3,^\ri,-'' 7. The base of an equilateral triangle (= a) coincides with the initial line, and one of its vertices is at the pole ; re- quired the polar co-ordinates of the other two vertices. . Ans. la, Ij, (^a, 0). 8. The polar co-ordinates of a point are (2, - ]. Give three other ways of locating the same point, using polar co-ordinates. -• (-■¥)'(-'-¥)-^-V')- 9. Construct the line the co-ordinates of whose extremities 8 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 10. How is the line, the co-ordinates of two of its points being I 3,-\ I 3, '^ \ situated with reference to the initial line ? Ans. Parallel. Find the rectangular co-ordinates of the following points : 11. (s, fj. 13. (4, 12. (-3, ^Y 14. f-2, |- LOCI. CHAPTEE II. LOCI. 7. The Locus of an Equation is the path described by its generatrix as it moves in obedience to the law expressed in the equation. The Equation of a Locus is the algebraic expression of the law subject to which the generatrix moves in describing that locus. If we take any point Pg, equally distant from the X-axis and the Y-axis, and impose the condition that it shall so move Fig. 3. that the ratio of its ordinate to its abscissa shall always be equal to 1, it will evidently describe the line P3P1. The algebraic expression of this law is ^ = 1, or 2/ = X, X and is called the Equation of the Locus. The line P3P1 is called the Locus of the Equation. Again : 10 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. if we take the point P4, equally distant from the axes, and make it so move that the ratio of its ordinate to its abscissa at any point of its path shall be equal to — 1, it will describe the line P4 Po. In this case the equation of the locus is ^ = — 1, or y = — x, X and the line P4 P2 is the locus of this equation. 8. It will be observed in either of the above cases (the first, for example), that while the point Pg moves over the line Pg Pi, its ordinate and abscissa while always equal are yet in a constant state of change, and pass through all values from — 00, through 0, to -\- 00. For this reason y and x are called the Variable or General Co-ordinates of the line. If we consider the point at any particular position in its path, as at P, its co-ordinates {— x', — y') are constant in value, and correspond to this position of the point, and to this position alone. The variable co-ordinates are represented by X and y, and the particular co-ordinates of the moving point for any definite position of its path by these letters with a dash or subscript ; or by the first letters of the alphabet, or by numbers. Thus {x', y'), {xi, y^), (a, b), (2, 2) correspond to some particular position of the moving point. EXAMPLES. 1. Express in language the law of which ?/ = 3 cc + 2 is the algebraic expression. Ans. That a point shall so move in a plane that its ordinate shall always be equal to 3 times its abscissa plus 2. 2. A point so moves that its ordinate -|- a quantity a is always equal to ^ its abscissa — a quantity h ; required the alp'ebraic expression of the law. Ans. y -\- a ^ \x — h. 3. The sum of the squares of the ordinate and abscissa of a moving point is always constant, and = «, ^ ; what is the equation of its path ? Ans. x^ -\- y^ ^= a^. LOCI. 11 4. Give in language the laws of which the following are the algebraic expressions : •^ 2 X^ — y^ = —Q. 3 2 xy = 16. if = -ix. 4 ^2 - 5 ^2 = - 18, 2 cc2 -1- 3 2/' = 6. y' = 2 px. *V" + ^^^^ == '*^^^- 9. As the relationship between a locus and its equation constitutes the fundamental conception of Analytic Geometry, it is important that it should be clearly understood before entering upon the treatment of the subject proper. We have been accustomed in algebra to treat every equation of the form ?/ = a; as indeterminate. Here we have found that this equation admits of a geometric interpretation ; i.e., that it repre- sents a straight line passing through the origin of co-ordi- nates and making an angle of 45° with the X-axis. We shall find, as we proceed, that every equation, algebraic or transcen- dental, which does not involve more than three variable quan- tities, is susceptible, of a geometric interpretation. We shall find, conversely, that geometric forms can be expressed alge- braically, and that all the properties of these forms may be deduced from their algebraic equivalents. Let us now assume the equations of several loci, and let us locate and discuss the geometric forms which they represent. 10. Locate the geomet7'ic figure tvhose algebraic equivalent is y = ^x+2. We know that the point where this locus cuts the Y-axis has its abscissa a; = 0. If, therefore, we make ic = in the equa- tion, we shall find the ordinate of this point. Making the substitution we find y = 2. Similarly, the point where the loous cuts the X-axis has for the value of its ordinate. Mak- 12 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. ing 2/ = in the equation, we find x = the axes and marking on them the points (0, 2), 3 Drawing now Now make x we will have two points of the required locus successively equal to 1, 2, 3, -1, -2, - 3, etc. in the equation, and find the corresponding values of y. convenience let us tabulate the result thus : Corresponding Values of y 5 For Fig. 4. Locating these points and tracing a line through them we have the required locus. This locus appears to be a straight LOCI. 13 line — and it is, as we shall see hereafter. We shall see also that every equation of the first degree between two variables represents some straight line. The distances Oa and Ob which the line cuts off on the co-ordinate axes are called Intercepts. In locating straight lines it is usually sufficient to determine these distances, as the line drawn through their extremities will be the locus of the equation from which their values were obtained. EXAMPLES. 1. Locate the geometric equivalent of 1 9 y — X ^ 1 — 2 X. Solving with respect to y in order to simplify, we have, y=-2x + 2. The extremities of the intercepts are (0,2), (1,0). Locating these points, and drawing a straight line through them, we have the required locus. Construct the loci of the following equations : 2. y = -2x — 2. 1. ''J- + 2x = 'Sx — y. Z. y = ^x — 1. 8. 2x + 3y = 7 — y. 4. y ^ ax -\- b. 9. = ^ . ■^ 2 3 «1 ^ ini2/-2, 2a; -2, 0. - y = ex — a. 10. 1 — -^ \- X ^ \- y. 2 2 3 6. 2 ?/ = 3 a?. 11. a? — 2/ = y — 2 a;. 12. Is the point (2, 1) on the line whose equation is 2/ = 2 a; - 3 ? Is (6, 9) ? Is (5, 4) ? Is (0, - 3) ? Note. — If a point is on a line, its co-ordinates must satisfy the equation of the line. 14 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 13. Which of the following points are on the locus of the equation 3 a?^ -f- 2 y'^ = 6 ? (2, 1), (V2, 0), (0, V3), (- 1, 3), (- V2, 0), (2, V3) 14. Write six points which are on the line - y — 2 X = 3y — 6. 15. Construct the polygon, the equations of whose sides are y == — 2 X — 1, y = x, y = 5. 16. Construct the lines y = sx -\- b and y = sx -{- 4, and show by similar triangles that they are parallel. 11. Discuss and construct the equation : x'^ -\- y^ = 16. Solving with respect to y, we have, y =± Vl6 - x^- The double sign before the radical shows us that for every value we assume for x there will be two values for y, equal and with contrary signs. This is equivalent to saying that for every point the locus has above the X-axis there is a cor- responding point below that axis. Hence the locus is symmet- rical with respect to the X-axis. Had we solved the equation with respect to cc a similar course of reasoning would have shown us that the locus is also symmetrical with respect to the Y-axis. Looking under the radical we see that any value of x less than 4 (positive or negative) will always give two real values for y ; that x = -^4 will give y =z ^0, and that any value of X greater than J- 4 will give imaginary values for y. Hence the locus does not extend to the right of the Y-axis farther than cc = -j- 4, nor to the left farther than x = — 4. Making x = 0, we have ?/ = J- 4 " 2/ = 0, " " X = i 4. LOCI. 15 Drawing the axes and constructing the points, (0, 4), (0, — 4), (4, 0), (— 4, 0), we have four points of the locus ; i.e., B, B', A, A'. Values of y + 3.8 and — 3.8 + 3.4 and - 3.4 + 2.6 and - 2.6 iO + 3.8 and - 3.8 + 3.4 and — 3.4 + 2.6 and - 2.6 ±0 Constructing these points and tracing the curve, we find it to be a circle. This might readily have been inferred from the form of the equation, for we know that the sum of the squares ues of X C orresponding 1 a 2 u 3 a 4 (I -1 a -2 it -3 ec -4 u 16 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY, of the abscissa (OC) and ordinate (CPi) of any point Pi in the circle is equal to the square of the radius (OPi). We might, therefore, have constructed the locus by taking the origin as centre, and describing a circle with 4 as a radius. IS]"oTE. ic = _J_ for any assumed value of ^Z, or ?/ = _[- 0, for any assumed value of x always indicates a tangency. Re- ferring to the figure we see that as x increases the values of y decrease and become J- when x = 4. Drawing the line represented by the equation cf = 4, we find that it is tangent to the curve. We shall see also as we proceed that any two coincident values of either variable arising from an assumed or given value of the other indicates a point of tangency. 12. Construct and discuss the equation 9 »-2 + 16 2/2 = 144. Solving with respect to y, we have =W^ /144 - 9 £c2 16 a; = gives ?/;=_[- 3 ; y = " ic .-= ^ 4. Drawing the axes and laying off these distances, we have four points of the locus ; i.e., B, B', A, A'. Fig. 6. Values of x Corresponding Values of y 1 4- 2.9 and - 2.9 2 + 2.6 " -2.6 3 _|_ 2 " 2 4 ±0 -1 + 2.9 " -2.9 -2 4-2.6 " -2.(^ -3 + 2 " -2 -4 ±0 Locating these points and tracing the curve through them, we have the required locus. Referring to the value of y we see from the double sign that the curve is symmetrical with respect to the X-axis. The form of the equation (containing LOCI. 17 only the second powers of the variables), shows that the locus is also symmetrical with respect to the Y-axis. Looking under the radical we see that any value of x between the limits 4- 4 and — 4 will give two real values for y ; and that any value beyond these limits will give imaginary values for y. Hence the locus is entirely included between these limits. This curve, with which we shall have more to do hereafter, is called the Ellipse. 13. Dismiss and construct the equation y^ = 4: X. Solving, we have 7/ = J- V4 X. We see that the locus is symmetrical with respect to the X-axis, and as the equation contains only the first power of X, that it is not symmetrical with respect to the Y-axis. As every positive value of x will always give real values for y, the locus must extend infinitely in the direction of the posi- tive abscissse ; and as any negative value of x will render y 18 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. imaginary, the curve can have no point to the left of the Y-axis. Making x = 0, we find y = J^Q-, hence the curve passes through the origin, and is tangent to the Y-axis. Making y = 0, we find x =0; hence the curve cuts the X-axis at the origin. Values of x Corresponding 1 2 3 4 From these data we easily see that the locus of the equation is represented by the figure below. Values of y + 2 and - 2 + 2.8 " - 2.8 + 3.4 " - 3.4 -f 4 " — 4 Fig. 7. This curve is called the Parabola. 14. Discuss and construct the eqtcation 4 a;2 _ 9 2/2 = 36. Hence y = W 4 x^ - 36 9 We see from the form of the equation that the locus must be symmetrical with respect to both axes. Looking under LOCI. 19 the radical, we see that any value of x numerically less than + 3 or — 3 will render y imaginary. Hence there is no point of the locus within these limits. We see also that any value of x greater than + 3 or — 3 will always give real values for y. The locus therefore extends infinitely in the direction of both the positive and negative abscissae from the limits a; ^ -j- 3. Making x = 0, we find ?/ = -J^ 2 V — 1 ; hence, the curve ■ does not cut the Y-axis. Making y = 0, we find a; = -J- 3 ; hence, the curve cuts the X-axis in two points (3, 0), (— 3, 0). Value of X. Corresponding. Values of y 4 + 1.7 and - 1.7 5 + 2.6 " -2.6 6 _|_3.4 " _3.4 -4 + 1.7 " - 1.7 -5 + 2.6 " -2.6 -6 _i_3.4 " -3.4 Fig. s. This curve is called the Hyperbola. 20 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 15. We have in the preceding examples confined ourselves to the construction of the loci of Rectangular equations ; i.e., of equations whose loci were referred to rectangular axes. Let us now assume the Polar equation r = 6 (1 - cos 6) and discuss and construct it. Assuming values for 9, we find their cosines from some convenient table of Natural Cosines. Substituting these values, we find the corresponding values of r. lues of 9 Values of cos 9 Values of r 1. 6 (1 - 1 ) = 30° .86 6 (1 - .86) = .84 60° .50 6 (1 - .50) = 3. 90° 6 (1 - ) = 6. 120° -.50 6 (1 + .50) = 9. 160° -.94 6 (1 + .94) = 11.64 180° -1. 6 (1 + 1 ) = 12. 200° -.94 6 (1 + .94) = 11.64 240° -.50 6 (1 + -50) = 9. 270° 6 (1 - ) = 6. 300° .50 6 (1 - 50) = 3. 330° .86 6 (1 - .86) = .84 Draw the initial line OX, and assume any point as the pole. Through this point draw a series of lines, making the assumed angles with the line OX, and lay off on them the corresponding values of r. Through these points, tra- cing a smooth curve, we have the required locus. LOCI. 21 Fig. 9. This curve, from its heart-like shape, is called the Cardioid. 16. Discuss and construct the transcendental equation y = log X. Note. — A transcendental equation is one whose degree transcends the power of analysis to express. Passing to equivalent numbers we have 2^ = x, when 2 is the base of the system of logarithms selected. As the base of a system of logarithms can never be nega- tive, we see from the equation that no negative value of x can satisfy it. Hence the locus has none of its points to the left of the Y-axis. On the other hand, as every positive value of X will give real values for y, we see that the curve extends infinitely in the direction of the positive abscissae. li y = 0, then 2° = aj .•. = log X .•. X = 1. 22 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. If a; = 0, then 2,y = .-. y = log .-. 2/ = — 00. The locus, therefore, cuts the X-axis at a unit's distance on the positive side, and continually approaches the Y-axis with- out ever meeting it. It is further evident that whatever be the base of the system of logarithms, these conditions must hold true for all loci whose equations are of the form ct" = x. Values of x Corresponding Values of y 1 " 2 " 1 4 " 2 8 " 3 .5 " - 1 .25 " — 2 Locating these points, the curve traced through them will be the required locus. Fig. 10. This curve is called the Logarithmic Curve, its name being taken from its equation. LOCI. 23 17. The preceding examples explain the method employed in constructing the locus of any equation. While it is true that this method is at best approximate, yet it may be made sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes by assuming for one of the variables values which differ from each other by very small quantities. It frequently happens (as in the case of the circle) that we may employ other methods which are entirely accurate. 18. In the discussion of an equation the first step, usually, is to solve it with respect to one of the variables which enter into it. The question of which variable to select is immate- rial in principle, yet considerations of simplicity and conven- ience render it often times of great importance. The sole difficulty, in the discussion of almost all the higher forms of equations, consists in resolving them. If this difficulty can be overcome, there will be no trouble in tracing the locus and discussing it. If, as frequently happens, no trouble arises in the solution of the equation with respect to one of the vari- ables, then that one should be selected as the dependent variable, and its value found in terms of the other. If it is equally convenient to solve the equation with respect to either of the variables which enter into it, then that one should be selected whose value on inspection will afford the simpler discussion. EXAMPLES. Construct the loci of the following equations : 1. 2 2/ - 4 ^ + 1 = 0. 5. ?/2 + 4 cc = 0. 2. y^-x'' = U. 6. «2 + 2/'-25 = 0. 3. 2 7/2 + 5x2 = 10. 7. r^ = a^coa2e. 4. 4 a;2 — 9 ?/2 = - 36. 8. cc = log y. 24 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Construct the loci of the following : 9. a;2 - 2/2 = 0. 14. a;2 — a; — 6 = 0. 10. x"" + 2 ax -\- a^ = 0. 15. x^ + cc — 6 = 0. 11. ic2 - ^2 ^ 0. 16. a:--^ + 4 a; - 5 = 0. 12. 2/2 _ 9 _ 0. 17. x"' -1x^12 = 0. 13. y'' — 2x7j -[- x^ = 0. 18. a;2 + 7 £c + 10 = 0. Note. — Factor the first member : equate each factor to 0, and construct separately. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 25 CHAPTER III. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 19. To find the equation of a straight line, given the angle which the line makes tvith the X-axis, and its intercept on the Y-axis. Fig. 11. Let C S be the line whose equation we wish to determine. Let SAX = a and OB = b. Take any point P on the line and draw PM || to OY and BN || to OX. Then (OM, MP) = (x, ?/) are the co-ordinates of P. From the figure PM = PN + OB = BNtan PBN + b, but BN = OM = X, and tan PBN = tan SAX = tan a. .*. Substituting and letting tan « = s, we have, y := sx -\- b (1) 26 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Since equation (1) is true for any point of the line SC, it is true for every point of that line ; hence it is the equation of the line. Equation (1) is called the Slope Equation of the Straight Line ; s ( = tan «) is called the slope. Corollary 1. If ^ = in (1), we have, y = sx . . . {2) for the slope equation of a line which passes through the origin. Cor. 2. If s = in (1), we have y = h which is, as it ought to be, the equation of a line parallel to the X-axis. Cor. 3. If s = oo, then « = 90°, and the line becomes parallel to the Y-axis. Let the student show by an independent process that the equation of the line will be of the form x = a. Scholium. We ha.ve represented by « the angle which the line makes with the X-axis. As this angle may be either acute or obtuse, s, its tangent, may be either positive or nega- tive. The line may also cut the Y-axis either above or beloiv the origin; hence, b, its Y-intercept, may be eilYiev positive or negative. Erom these considerations it appears that y = — sx -{- b represents a line crossing the first angle ; y = sx -\- b represents a line crossing the second angle ; y = — sx — b represents a line crossing the third angle ; y = sx — b represents a line crossing the fourth angle. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 27 EXAMPLES. 1. The equation of a line is 2 2/ + a; = 3 ; required its slope and intercepts. Solving with respect to y, we have, 1 ,3 1 3 Comparing with (1) Art. 19, we find s = - - and & = - = Y-intercept. Making 3/ = in the equation, we have a; = 3 = X-intercept. 2. Construct the line 2 y -\- x = 3. The points in which the line cuts the axes are 0, ^ ] , and (3, 0). Laying these points off on the axes, and tracing a straight line through them, we have the required locus. Or otherwise thus : solving the equation with respect to y, we have, y = 1 .3 — ^ + ;r • 2 2 Lay off OB — h = —; draw BIST II OX and make it = 2, also NP II OY and make it r= + 1. The line through P and B is the required locus. p"Nr 1 For -^ = i = tan PEN NB 2 ^ — tan BAX. tan BAX = s = —■ 28 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 3. Construct the line 2 y — x ^ 2>. Solving with respect to y, we have, 1 , 3 2 2 Lay off BO = ^» = - . Draw BN II to OX and make it = 2 ; draw also ISTP II to OY and make it = 1. ^ A straight line through P and B will be the required locus. PTsT 1 For — = - = tan PBN = tan NB 2 BAX = s. Hence, in general, BN is laid off to the right or to the left of Y according as the coefficient of x is j)ositive or negative. Give the slope and intercepts of each of the following lines and construct : 4. 22/ + 3cc-2 = 0. Ans. s = — — , b = 1, <^ = -^ 5. a;-22/+3 = 0. Ans. s = — , b = — , a = — 3. 6. 6aj + i-y + l = 0. Ans. s=— 12, h = —2,a=— — . 6 7. ^-'^ J^V- 4. 8. 2/-1 + 2x 9. a;+2 + |- 4. Note. — a and h in the answers above denote the X-intercept and the Y-intercept, respectively. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 29 What angle does each of the following lines cross ? 10. y = 3 a; + 1. \2. y = 2x — l. 11. y = —X -^2. 13. 2/ = - 3 cc - 2. 14. Construct the figure the equation of whose sides are 2y +x-l = 0,^y = 2x + 2,y= -X -1. 15. Construct the quadrilateral the equations of whose sides are x = 3, y^— x-\-\, y = 2, x = 0. 20. To find the equation of a straight line in terms of its intercepts. Fig. 12. Let S C be the line. Then OB =b = Y-intercept, and OA = a = X-intercept. The slope equation of a line we have determined to be Art. 19, equation (1), y ^= sx -\- b. 30 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. From the right angled triangle AOB, we have, OR tan GAB = — tan BAX = — s = -— . OA ^ _^ a Substituting in the slope equation, we have, y = X +b; a .-. ^ + ^ = 1 . . . (1) a This is called the Symmetrical Equation of the straight line. Cor. 1. It a -\- and b -\-, then we have, — + ^ = 1, for a line crossing the first angle. a b If a — and b -\-, then _^_|_2/_-j^-gg^ line crossing the second angle. a b If a — and b —, then _^_y_^.g^ line crossing the third angle. a b If a -f- and b —, then - — ^ = 1 is a line crossing the fourth angle. a b EXAMPLES. 1. Construct — — ^ = 1. Note. — Lay off 3 units on the X-axis and — 2 units on the Y-axis. Join their extremities by a straight line. Across which angles do the following lines pass ? THE STRAIGHT LINE. 31 Give the intercepts of each, and construct. 2. ^+^=1. 4. -1-2^ = 1. 3 2 2 4 3.-^+^ = 1. o. ^-^=1. •3^3 57 Write the slope equations of the following lines, and construct : 6. ^ _ ^ = 1. 5 6 Ans. y = — X — 6. 5 7. X 3 7 Ans. y = — 7. o 8. 2 ^ ^ = -1. 6 A71S. y = X — 2. ^ 3 9. -y 5 ^?ZS. ?/ = — -X — 1. 5 10. Write 3/ = sec + ^ in a symmetrical form. Given the following equations of straight lines, to write their slope and symmetrical forms : 11. 2 2/ + 3 a; - 7 = a; + 2. 13. '^^^ = 3. X 12 y ~ ^ — ^ — ^ 14 ^ — y = 2x — 1 2 3 • 4 3 * 32 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 21. To find the equation of a straight line in terms of the perpe7idicular to it from the origin and the directional cosines of the 'perpendicular. Note. — The Directional cosines of a line are the cosines of the angles which it makes with the co-ordinate axes. Fig, 13. Let CS be the line. Let OP = p, BOP = 7, AOP = «. From the triangles AOP and BOP, we have OA = OP , OB = -0£- that is, cos « cos y cos a COS 7 Substituting these values in the symmetrical equation, Art. 20. (1), ? -)- ?^ = 1, we have, after reducing, ah X cos cc -\- 1/ COS Y =: p . . . (1) which is the required equation. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 33 Since y = 90° — «, cos y = sin a ; hence X cos « + 2/ sin a = ^j . . . (2) This form is more frequently met with than that given in (1) and is called the Normal Equation of the straight line. CoR. 1. If a = 0, then X =p and the line becomes parallel to the Y-axis. CoR. 2. If a = 90°, then and the line becomes parallel to the X-axis. 22. If X cos « + 2/ sin a = p be the equation of a given line, then X cos « + ?/ sin « =^ ^^ _j_ (Z is the equation of a parallel line. For the perpendiculars p and j^ i c? coincide in direction since they have the same directional cosines ; hence the lines to which they are perpendicular are parallel. Cor. 1. Since p) -^d — 2^ ^ ^d it is evident that d is the distance between the lines. If, therefore, (x', y') be a point on the line whose distance from the origin is j^ rt d, we have x' cos « + y' sin a = p ^ d. .-. ^ d = x cos oi -\- y' sin « — p . . . (1) Hence the distance of a point {x, y') from the line ic cos " + ?/ sin c£ =^ is found by transposing the constant term to the first member, and substituting for x and y the co- ordinates x', y' of the point. Let us, for example, find the distance of the point {-^ 3, 9) from the line x cos 30° -j- y sin 30° = 5. From (1) c^ = V3 cos 30° + 9 sin 30° - 5 = V3.^| + 9.|-5 .-. d = l. 34 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. From Fig. 13 we have cos «=-?-, sin a = -y = — ^^^^^^ a b Va^ + ^2 ab .-. p = Va' + b"" Hence J^d = [ — + ^ -1 ' a b J -yj a^ -j- b'^ ' is the expression for the distance of the point (x', y') from a line whose equation is of the form ^ -f- ?!' = 1. a b Let the student show that the expression for d becomes VA2 + B-^ ■ when tlie equation of the line is given in its general form. See Art. 24, Equation (1). EXAMPLES. 1. The perpendicular let fall from the origin on a straight line = 5 and makes an angle of 30° with X-axis ; required the equation of the line. Ans. V3 X -\- y = 10. 2. The perpendicular from the origin on a straight line makes an angle of 45° with the X-axis and its length = ■\/2 5 required the equation of the line. Ans. X -\- y = 2. 3. What is the distance of the point (2, 4) from the line - + i^ = 1. Ans. d = -^ . 4^2 VB" Find the distance of the point from the line in each of the following cases : 4. From (2, 5) to ^ -1 = 1. 5. From (3, 0) to - - ?^ = 1. ^ ' ^ 4 3 6. From (0, 1) to 2 ?/ — a; = 2. 7. From (a, c) to ?/ = sx + b. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 35 23. To find the equation of a straight line referred to oblique axes, given the angle between the axes, the angle lohich the line makes with the X-axis and its Y-intercept. Note. — Oblique axes are those whicli intersect at oblique angles. Fig. 14. Let CS be the line whose equation we wish to determine, it being any line in the plane YOX. Let YOX = fi, SAX = «, OB = ^'. Take any point P on the line and draw PM II to OY and ON || to SC ; then, PM = 2/, OM = a;, NOX = «, NP = OB = Z>. From the figure 2/ = MN + NP = MN + ^> . . . (1) From triangle OISTM, we have, MN ^ sin NOM . OM sin MNO ' MN sin « sin {fS — a) Substituting the value of MN drawn from this equation in (1), we have, sm « Sill « I , /o\ y = ^-^^ r ^ + ^ • ■ • (2) sm ((3 — u) 36 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. This equation expresses the relationship between the co- ordinates of at least one point on the line. But as the point selected was any point, the above relation holds good for every point, and is, therefore, the algebraic expression of the law which governed the motion of the moving point in de- scribing the line. It is therefore the equation of the line. CoK. 1. If ^» = 0, then y==-^^x... (3) sm (/3 — «) is the general equation of a line referred to oblique axes passing through the origin. Cor. 2. If 5 = and « = 0, then y = . . . (4) the equation of the X-axis. CoR. 3. If & = and /? = «, then a; = ... (5) the equation of the Y-axis. CoR. 4. If /3 = 90° ; i.e., if the axes are made rectangular, then y = tan ft X -\- b. But tan = in the normal equation of a line, through what point does the line pass, and what does its equation become ? A^is. (0, 0) ; y ^ s x. 22. Required the perpendicular distance of the point (r cos 0, r sin &), from the line x cos 6 -\- y sin 6 =2^- Ans. r — ^j. 23. Given the base of a triangle = 2 a, and the difference of the squares of its sides = 4 c^ Show that the locus of the vertex is a straight line. 24. What are the equations of the lines which pass through the origin, and divide the line joining the points (0, 1), (1, 0), into three equal parts. Ans. 2x = y,2 y ^ x. 25. If (x', y') and {x", y") be the co-ordinates of two points, show that the point ( — '■ — ^^^ — , — ^^ — ~ — ^ Vlivides the line \ m -\- n in -\- n J joining them into two parts which bear to each the ratio m : n. 50 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. CHAPTEE IV. TRANSFORMATION OF CO-ORDINATES. 31. It frequently happens that the discussion of an equa- tion and the deduction of the properties of the locus it represents are greatly simplified by changing the position of the axes to which the locus is referred, thus simplifying the equation, or reducing it to some desired form. The operation by which this is accomplished is termed the Transformation OF CO-ORDINATES. Fig. 17. The equation of the line PC, Fig. 17, is y = SX -{■ b when referred to the axes Y and X. If we refer it to the axes Y and X' its equation takes the simpler form y := sx'. TRANSFORMATION OF CO-ORDINATES. 51 If we refer it to Y" and X", the equation assumes the yet simpler form y" = 0. Hence, it appears that the position of the axes materially affects the form of the equation of a locus referred to them. Note. — The equation of a locus which is referred to rec- tangular co-ordinates is called the Eectangular Equation of the locus ; when referred to polar co-ordinates, the equation is called the Polar Equation of the locus. 32. To find the equation of transformation from one system of co-ordinates to a ])arallel system, the origin being changed. Y Y' "v V \. ^M o' A [ ) \ I Fig. 18. Let CM be any plane locus referred to X and Y as axes, and let P be any point on that locus. Draw PB || to OY ; then from the figure, we have, (OB, BP) = (x, y) for the co-ordinates of P when referred to X and Y ; (O'A, AP) = (x', y') for the co-ordinates of P when referred to X' and Y' ; (OD, DO') = (a, b) for the co-ordinates of 0', the new origin. 52 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. From the figure OB = OD + DB ; and BP = BA + AP ; hence x = a -\- x' and y — h -\- y' are the desired equations. As these equations express the relations between x, a, x', y, b, and y' for any point on the locus they express the relations between the quantities for every point. Hence, since the equation of th'^ locus CM expresses the relationship between the co-ordinates of every point on it if we substitute for X and y in that equation their values in terms of x' and y' the resulting or transformed equation will express the rela- tionship between the x' and y' co-ordinates for every point on it. EXAMPLES. 1. What does the equation y = 3 ic + 1 become when the origin is removed to (2, 3) ? Ans. y ^ o X -{- 4:. 2. Construct the locus of the equation 2 y — x = 2. Trans- fer the origin to (1, 2) and re-construct. 3. The equation of a curve is y'^ -{- x"^ -{- Ay — Ax — 8 = 0; what does the equation become when the origin is taken at Ans. x^ -\- y " = lb. 4. What does the equation y"^ — 2x'^ — 2y-\-Qx — 'd = ^ become when the origin is removed toi - , 1 j ? Ans. 2y^ — 4:x'=— 1. 5. The equation of a circle is x^ -\- y^ = a^ when referred to rectangular axes through the centre. What does this equation become when the origin is taken at the left-hand extremity of the horizontal diameter ? TRANSFORMATION OF CO-ORDINATES. 53 33. To find the equations of transforvuition from a rectangu- lar system to an obl'ujue system, the origin being changed. Y y c ( / \ p / / \m^^-""'^ / 3^ F ^-' ^ 1 N K ^-^^ 1 .^-"ie h D L B ^ Fig. 19. Let P be any point on the locus CM. Let O'Y', O'X' be the new axes, making the angles , AN = x' sin Q, PF = / sin , FP = O'P sin PO'F = r sin (^ + cp) ; hence, substituting, we have, X = a -\- r cos (6 -\- (f))\ y = b -\- r sin (^ +

/o\ y ^ r siu ) will be the required equations of transformation. 35. To find the equations of transformation from a polar system to a rectangular system. 1°. When the pole and origin are coincident, and when the initial line coincides with the X-axis. From equations (3), Art. 34, we have, by squaring and adding r"^ = x^ -\- y^ ; and, by division tan r=y- . X for the required equations. We have, also, from the same equations, cos ^ = - = ^ : sin ^ = ^ = y 2°. When the pole and origin are non-coinciderit, and when the initial line is parallel to the X-axis. From equations (2) of the same article, we have, by a simi- lar process, r^ = (a; — a)" -\- {y — by tan. 6 = ^L^^ j also cos d = X — a X — a r V(x - af + {y- by ; sin 6 __y —b y — b ^- V(a; — ay + (y — by for the required equations. TRANSFORMATION OF CO-ORDINATES. 57 EXAMPLES. 1. The rectangular equation of the circle is x^- -{- 7/ = a^ ■ what is its polar equation when the origin and pole are coin- cident and the initial line coincides with the X-axis ? Ans. r = a. 2. The equation of a curve is (x^ + 2/^) " = *" (^^ ~ V"^) '■> es- quired its polar equation, the pole and initial being taken as in the previous example. Ans. r^ = a^ cos 2 0. Deduce the rectangular equation of the following curves, assuming the origin at the pole and the initial line coincident with the X-axis. 3. r = a tan ^ sec 6 5. r^ ^ a^ sin 2 3. 1 Ans. x'^ ^ a- y. Ans. (x^ -\- y'^Y = 2 a^xy. 4. r^ = a^ tan 6 sec^ 6 6. r = a (cos — sin 0) Ans. x^ = a^y. Ans. x^ -{- y^ ^ a (x — y) GENERAL EXAMPLES. Construct each of the following straight lines, transfer the origin to the point indicated, the new axes being parallel to the old, and reconstruct : 1. ?/ = 3 cc -f 1 to (1, 2). 5. y = sx -{- b to (c, d). 2. 2 y - a; - 2 = to (- 1, 2). 6. y -\- 2 x = to (2, — 2). 3. i ?/ + X — 4 = to (- 2, — 1). 7. y = nix to (Z, n). 4. y -f ^ -}- 1 = to (0, 2). 8. ?/ — 4x -f c = Oto(cZ,o). What do the equations of the following curves become when referred to a parallel (rectangular) system of co-ordinates passing through the indicated points ? 9. 3 ^2 + 2 ?/2 = 6, (V2, 0). 11. 9 2/^ -4:^2 =-36 (3,0). ^^-y-^^H 2'^ 68 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 13. What does the equation x^ -{- y'^ = 4: become when the X-axis is turned to the left tlirough an angle of 30° and the Y-axis is turned to the right through the same angle ? 14. What does the equation x'^ — ?/2 _ ^2 become when the axes are turned through an angle of — 45° ? 15. What is the polar equation of the curve 3/^ = 2 px, the pole and origin being coincident, and the initial line coincid- ing with the X-axis ? 16. The polar equation of a curve is r = a (1 -|- 2 cos 6) ; required its rectangular equation, the origin and pole being coincident and the X-axis coinciding with the initial line. Ans. (x^ -\- y^ — 2 ax)^ = a^ (x^ -f y-). Required the rectangular equation of the following curves, the pole, origin, initial line, and X-axis being related as in Example 16 .. 17. r2 = ^ . 20. r = a sec^ -^ Ans. x^ — ?/^ = al 18. r = a sin 0. 21. r = a sin 2 e. 19. r = ae. 22. r^ - 2 r (cos ^ + V3 sin 0) = 5. Find the polar equations of the loci whose rectangular equations are : 23. x^ = y^(2a — x). 25. aY = «-^* - ^^• 24. 4.a^x = y- (2 a- x). 26. x^ ^ y^ = a^. THE CIRCLE. 59 CHAPTER V. THE CIRCLE. 36. The circle is a curve generated by a point moving in tlie same plane so as to remain at the same distance from a fixed point. It will be observed that the circle as here de- fined is the same as the circumference as defined in plane geometry. 37. Given the centre of a circle and its radius to deduce its equation. Y Fig. 21. Let C (x', y') be the centre of the circle, and let P be any point on the curve. Draw CA and PM || to OY and CIST || to OX; then (OA, AC) = (x', y') are the co-ordinates of the centre C. (OM, MP) = (x, y) are the co-ordinates of the point P. 60 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Let CF = a. From the figure, we have, CN2 + NP2 =. CP2 ; ... (1) But QW = (OM - 0A)2 ={x- x'Y, NP2 = (MP - ACy = (y- y'f, and CP2 = a" Substituting tliese values in (1), we have, (^ _ :^'y + (y _ y'y = «2 . . . (2) for the required equation. For equation (2) expresses the relation existing between the co-ordinates of any point (P) on the circle ; hence it expresses the relation between the co- ordinates of every point. It is, therefore, the equation of the circle. If in (2) we make a?' = and y' = 0, we have, x^ -^y'' = a' . . . (3) or, SAanmetrically, \- ^ = 1 . . . (4) a^ a^ for the equation of the circle when referred to rectangular axes passing through the centre. Let the student discuss and construct equation (3). See Art. 11. Cor. 1. If we transpose cc^ in (3) to the second member and factor, we have, y"^ = (a -\- x) (a — x) ; i.e., in the circle the ordinate is a mean "projiortional between the segments into lohich it divides the diameter. CoR. 2. If we take £, Fig, 21, as the origin of co-ordinates, and the diameter Z,H as the X-axis, we have, £0 = x' = a and ?/' = 0. These values of x' and y' in (2) give {x — ay -|- ?/2 = a^, or, after reduction, x^ -{- y"^ — 2 ace = . . . (5) for the equation of the circle when referred to rectangular THE CIRCLE. 61 axes taken at the left hand extremity of the horizontal diameter. 38. Every equation of the second degree between two varia- bles, in which the coefficients of the second jiowers of the variables are equal and the term in xy is missing, is the equa- tion of a circle. The most general equation of the second degree in which these conditions obtain is ax^ -\- aif -\- ex -\- dy -\- f = ^ . . . . (1) Dividing through by a and re-arranging, we have, x^ -\- - X -{- y- ^ - y = —-'- . a a a If to both members we now add c2 d^ 4 a^ 4 (^2 ' the equation may be put under the form , cW f . d Y c^ + d^-4.af 2 a J \ 2 a J 4za^ Comparing this with (2) of the preceding article, we see that it is the equation of a circle in which G d 2^' "~2^ are the co-ordinates of the centre and ^ c^ -\- d^ - 4. af ig the radius. 2a Cor. 1. If ax ^ + ay^ -\- cx -\- dy -\- m = be the equation of another circle, it must be concentric with the circle repre- sented by (1) ; for the co-ordinates of the centre are the same. Hence, when the equations of circles have the variables in 62 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. their terms affected with equal coefficients, each to each, the circles are concentric. Thus 2 X- -^ 2 if + 3 X + 4.tj -{- 25 = are the equations of concentric circles. EXAMPLES. What is the equation of the circle when the origin is taken. 1. At D, Fig. 21 ? Ans. x" ^ y" — 2 ay = 0. 2. At K, Fig. 21 ? Ans. x"^ ■^y'^ + 2 ay = 0. 3. At H, Fig. 21 ? Ans. x- + y- + 2 ax = {). What are the co-ordinates of the centres, and the values of the radii of the following circles ? 4. 4a;2 + 4 2/2-8x-8?/ + 2 = 0. Ans. (1, 1), a = yi 5. ^2 ^ 2/^ -I- 4 cc _ 6 ?/ — 3 = 0. Ans. (- 2, 3), a = 4. 6. 2 x2 + 2 2/2 _ 8 a; = 0. Ans. (2, 0), a = 2. 7. ^2 _^ 2/2 _ 6 ^ ^ 0. Ans. (3, 0), a = 3. 8. a;2 + ?/2 — 4 X + 8 ?/ — 5 = 0. ^?zs. (2, — 4) a = 5. 9. ic^ -|- 2/^ — '''^^ -\- n y -\- c = 0. 10. a;'^ + 2/^ = ■'^• 11. x^ — ^x = — y- — my. 12. ^2 + y2 ^ c2 + ) •IS the polar equation of the circle. This equation might have been obtained directly from the triangle OO'P. CoR. 1. If 6' = 0, the initial line OX passes through the cen- tre and the equation becomes ^2 _j_ j/2 _ 2 rr' cos = a^. Cor. 2. If & = 0, and / = a, the pole lies on the circum- ference and the equation becomes r = 2 a cos 9. CoE. 3. If 9' = 0, and r' = 0, the pole is at the centre and the equation becomes 40. To show that the supplemental chords of the circle are perpendicular to each other. The supplemental chords of a circle are those chords which pass thi'ough the extremities of any diameter and intersect each other on the circicmference. 65 BIG. 23. Let PB, PA be a pair of supplemental chords. We wish to prove that they are at right angles to each other. The equation of a line through B (— «, o) is y = s (x + a). For a line through A (a, o), we have y ^ s' (x — a). Multiplying these, member by member, Ave have y^ = ss' (x- — rt.^) . . . (ci) for an equation which expresses the relation between the co-ordinates of the point of intersection of the lines. Since the lines must not only intersect, but intersect 07i the circle whose equation is y^ = ^2 — ^2^ this equation must subsist at the same time with equation (a) above ; hence, dividing, we have 1 = — ss', or, 1 + ss' = . . . (1) Hence the supplemental chords of a circle are perpendicular to each other. Let the student discuss the proposition for a pair of chords passing through the extremities of the vertical diameter. 66 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 41. To deduce the equation of the tangent to the circle. Fig. 24. Let CS be any line cutting the circle in the points P' (x', y')^ P" {x", y"). Its equation is y-y' - 'i' I 'C' (^ - ^')- (^^*- 26, (4) ). Since the points {x', y'), (x", y") are on the circle, we have the equations of condition x"" + ?/'" = ft" ... (1) x"^ + /'2 = a^ . . . (2) These three equations must subsist at the same time ; hence, subtracting (2) from (1) and factoring, we have, (^' + ^") (^' - ^") + {y' + y") {y' - y") = o ; y' — y" ^ x' + x" " x' — x" ~ / + y" ' Substituting in the equation of the secant line it becomes x' + x" y -y (x — x') (3) y' + y' If we now revolve the secant line upward about P" the point P' will approach P" and will finally coincide with it when the secant CS becomes tangent to the curve. But when THE CIRCLE. . 67 F' coincides with V", x' = x" and ?/ = y"; hence, substituting in (3) we have, y-.f^-'^ix-x"), ... (4) or, after reduction, xx" + yij" = a?; . .. (5) or, symmetrically, ^^ I yy = 1 ... (6) or a^ for the equation of the tangent. ScHOL. The Sub-tangent for a given point of a curve is the distance from the foot of the ordinate of the point of tangency to the point in which the tangent intersects the X-axis ; thus, in Fig. 24, AT is the sub-tangent for the point F". To find its value make y = in the equation of the tangent (5) and we have, OT == cc = — . x" But AT = OT - OA ^ ^ - x" x" .-. sub-tangent = ; = ^ . x'' x ' 42. To deduce the equation of the normal to the circle. The normal to a curve at a given point is a line perpen- dicular to the tangent drawn at that point. The equation of any line through the point F" (x", y") Fig. 24, is y - 2j" = s (x - x") ... (1) In order that this line shall be perpendicular to the tangent F"T, we must have 1 -j_ S5' = 0. x" v" But Art. 41, (4) s' = — ; hence, we must have s = -i— . y" x" 68 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Therefore, substituting in (1), we have, y -y" = ^'^ri^ - ^") • • • (2) ; X or, after reduction, yx" - xy" = ... (3) for the equation of the normal. We see from the form of this equation that the normal to tlie circle passes through the centre. ScHOL. The SuB-NOKMAL for a given point on a curve is the distance from the foot of the ordinate of the point to the point in which the normal intersects the X-axis. In the circle, we see from Fig. 24 that the Sub-normal = x" . 43. By methods precisely analogous to those developed in the last two articles, we may prove the equation of the tangent to ix — x'y + (^ — y'Y = a} to be {X - x') ix" - x') + {y- y') {y" - y') = a? . . . (1) and that of the normal to be {y -y") {x" - x') - (^ - ^") {y" -y') = o . . . (2) Let the student deduce these equations. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the polar equation of the circle ax^ + ay^ -\- ex -\- dy +/= 0, the origin being taken as the pole and the X-axis as the initial line ? Ans. ?'^ + ( - cos ^ -| — sin ^ )?•-)- =^ = 0. ^a a a 2. What is the equation of the tangent to the circle x^ -\- y^ = 25 at the point (3, 4) ? The value of the sub- tangent ? A71S. 3x -\- 4,y = 25; J/. 3. What is the equation of the normal to the circle x^ -\- y^ = 37 at the point (1, 6) ? What is the value of the sub-normal ? Ans. y = 6x; 1. THE CIRCLE. 69 4. What are the equations of the tangent and normal to the circle a?^ + t/^ = 20 at the point whose abscissa is 2 and ordi- nate negative ? Give also the values of the sub-tangent and sub-normal for this point. Ans. 2x -4:ij = 20; 2?/ + 4x = 0; Sub-tangent = 8 ; sub-normal = 2. Give the equations of the tangents and normals, and the values of the sub-tangents and sub-normals, to the following circles : 5. x^-{-i/ = 12, at (2, + V8). 6. a;2 4- 2/2 = 25, at (3, - 4). 7. X- -{-if = 20, at (2, ordinate +). 8. x^ -\- f = 32, at (abscissa -f, — 4). 9. x^ -{- f = a^, Sit (b, c). 10. x'^ -\- f = m, at (1, ordinate -|-). 11. ic- -)-?/- = k, at (2, ordinate — ). 12. :k- -f- y2 = 18, at (m, ordinate -(-), 13. Given the circle x^ -\- y^ = 45 and the line 2-1/ -\- x = 2; required the equations of the tangents to the circle which are parallel to the line. J (3x + 62/ = 45. ^*- \3x-\-6y = -45. 14. What are the equations of the tangents to the circle x^ -{- f ^= 45 which are perpendicular to the line 2 y -\- x = 2? , \oy — Qx = 45. \ Q X — S y = 45. 16. The point (3, 6) lies outside of the circle x^ -\- y^ ^ 9; required the equations of the tangents to the circle which pass through this point. , ( X = 3. ^^^- Uy-3x = W. 70 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 17. What is the equation of the tangent to the circle (x - 2)2 + (y - 3)2 = 5 at the point (4, 4) ? Ans. 2 X -\- y = 12. 18. Tlie equation of one of two supplementary chords of the circle a;^ + y^ = 9 is t/ = § a; + 2, what is the equation of the other ? Ans. 2 ?/ + 3 .X = 9. 19. Find the equations of the lines which touch the circle (x — a)'^ ^ (fj — by ^= r- and which are parallel to y = sa: + c. 20. The equation of a circle is a:;^ + 2/^ — 4 x + 4 ?/ = 9 ; required the equation of the normal at the point whose abscissa = 3, and whose ordinate is positive. Ans. 4:X — y = 10. 44. To find the length of that portion of the tangent lying bettveen any point on it and the point of tangency. Let (xi, yi) be the point on the tangent. The distance of this point from the centre of the circle whose equation is (x — x'Y + (y — y'Y = o?- is evidently V(a;, - xy + (2/1 - y'f. See Art. 27, (1). But this distance is the hypothenuse of a right angled tri- angle whose sides are the radius a and the required distance d along the tangent ; hence d' = ix, - xy- + (yi - yj - a^ ... (1) Cor. 1. If x' = and y' = 0, then (1) becomes d' = x^ + y,2 _ a^ . . . (2) as it ought. 45. To deduce the equation of the radical a.xis of tivo given circles. The Radical axis of two circles is the locus of a point from which tangents drawn to the two circles are equal. THE CIRCLE. 71 Fig. 25. Let {x — x'Y + (i/ — y'Y = a% (x — x"y -\- (jj — y") = b^ be the given circles. Let P (xi, iji) be any point on the radical axis ; then from the preceding article, we have, d^ = (xi -X'Y + (7/1 - 2/') l\2 a^ d'- = (Xi — x"y + (yi - y"y — P .-. by definition (x^ — x')- + (yi — ?/')- — a" = (x^ — x"Y + (2/1 ~ y'Y' ~ ^^j hence, reducing, we have, 2 (a;" — x') a;i + 2 (?/" — y') y^ = x'"'^ — x'- + y"^ — y'^ -\- a- — b~. Calling, for brevity, the second inember m, we see that (iCi, ?/i) will satisfy the equation. 2 {x" — x')x +2 (y" — y')y = m . . . (1) But (ccj, ?/i) is awy point on the radical axis ; hence every point on that axis will satisfy (1). It is, therefore, the re- quired equation. CoK. 1. If c = and c' = be the equation of two circles,, then, c — c' = is the equation of their radical axis. 72 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Cor. 2. From the method of deducing (1) it is easily seen that if the two circles intersect, the co-ordinates of their points of intersection must satisfy (1) ; hence the radical axis of two intersecting circles is the line joining their points of intersection, PA, Fig. 25. Let the student prove that the radical axis of any two circles is perpendicular to the line joining their centres. 46. To shoio that the radical axes of three given circles in- tersect in a common ■point. Let c = 0, c' = 0, and c" = be the equations of the three circles. Taking the circles two and two we have for the equations of their radical axes c _ c' = . . . (1) c-c" = . . . (2) c' - c" = . . . (3) It is evident that the values of x and i/ which simultaneously satisfy (1) and (2) will also satisfy (3) ; hence the proposition. The intersection of the radical axes of three given circles is called The Kadical Cejs^tre of the circles. EXAMPLES. Find the lengths of the tangents drawn to the following circles : 1. (x - 2)2 + {y- 3)- = 16 from (7, 2). 2. a;' + (y + 2)^ = 10 from (3, 0). 3. (x — af ^y- = V1 from (h, c). 4. a;' + ?/- - 2 ic + 4 2/ = 2 from (3, 1). 5. ^2 + 2/' = 25 from (6, 3). Ans. d = VlO. Ans. d = V3 . Ans. d = V20. THE CIRCLE. 73 6. a;2 + 3/2 _ 2 x = 10 from (5, 2). Ans. d = 3. 7. (x. - ay -^(ij -hy = c from {d, /). 8. x2 + 2/2 _ 4 7/ = 10 from (0, 0). Give the equations of the radical axis of each of the follow- ing pairs of circles : 9. Ux- 2)2 + (y - 3)2 - 10 = 0. t(a:+3)2 + (2/ + 2)^-6 = 0. Ans. 5 X -\- o y -{■ 2 = 0. 10. J- a;2 + 2/2 — 4 y = 0. \(x-3y + t/-^ = Q. Ans. 3x = 2ij. 11. r(a;+3)2 + 2/2_2y_8=0. \x- -\- y- — 2 y = 0. Aris. x = — J. 12. f (cc + ay + 2/2 _ c2 = 0. |:r2 + (2/-3)2-16 = 0. 13. ( a;2 + 2/2 = 16. I (.r — 1)' + r = «'• 14. j a;2 + (2/ - ay = g\ X(x-2y + y'- = d\ Find the co-ordinates of the radical centres of each of the following systems of circles : 15. {{x- 3)2 + 2/2 = 16. x' -\- y' = 9. x2 4- (2/ - 2)2 = 25. Ans. (1,-3). 16. r cc2 _j_ 2/2 — 4 cc -)- 6 2/ — 3 = 0, ■.x--\-y'^ — 4iX^= 12. (a;2 + 2/2 + 62/ = 7. ^ws. (1, -i). 17. 18. «^ + r = «^- (^ - 1)2 + f=9. x" -\-y- — 2x -\-^y = = 10. a;2 -|- 2/^ "" ^-"^ = <^- a-2 -j- 2/2 = m. ^^ + //" "~ <^'Z/ = ^• 74 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 47. To find the condition that a straight line y = sx -{- h must fulfil in order that it may touch the circle x' -\- y- = a\ In order that the line may touch the circle the perpendicu- lar let fall from the centre on the line must be equal to the radius of the circle. From Art. 21, Fig. 13, we have sec )' VI + tan.-' y P Vi + «' hence, a^ (1 4- s') = b'' . . . (1) is the required condition. CoR. 1. If we substitute the value of b drawn from (1) in the equation y = sx -\- b, we have y ^ sx -^a Vl + s'^ . . . (2) for the equation of the tangent in terms of its slope. 48. Two tangents are drawn from a- point ivithout the circle ; requii'ed the equation of the chord joining the points of tangency. Fig. 26. Let P' {x', y') be the given point, and let P'P", PT, be the tangents through it to the circle. THE CIRCLE. 75 It is required to deduce the equation of PP''. The equation of a tangent through P" (x", y") is xx" . yy" _ -I Since P' (x', y') is on this line, its co-ordinates must satisfy tlie equation ; hence ^'^'' I y'v" ^ 1 The point {x", y"), therefore, satisfies the equation ^ + ^ = 1; •■•(!) .-. it is a point on the locus represented by (1). A similar course of reasoning will show that P is also a point of this locus. But (1) is the equation of a straight line ; hence, since it is satisfied for the co-ordinates of both P" and P, it is the equation of the straight line joining them. It is, therefore, the required equation. 49. A chord of a given circle is revolved about one of its points ; required the equation of the locus generated by the point of intersection of a pair of tangents drawn to the circle at the points in which the chord cuts the circle. Let P' (x', i/), Fig. 27, be the point about which the chord P'AB revolves. It is required to find the equation of the locus generated by Pi {xi, yi), the intersection of the tangents APi, BPi, as the line P'AB revolves about P'. Prom the preceding article the equation of the chord AB is ^1^ I yiV __ 1 a Since P' (x', y') is on this line, we have ^\^ I yai + a' a' hence ^ + "^ = 1 • • • (1) a^ a^ 76 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. is satisfied for the co-ordinates of Pi (x^, y^ ; hence Pj lies on the locus represented by (1). But Pi is the intersection of any pair of tangents drawn to the circle at the points in Fig. 27. which the chord, in any position, cuts the circle ; hence (1) will be satisfied for the co-ordinates of the points of intersec- tion of every pair of tangents so drawn. Equation (1) is, therefore, the equation of the required locus. We observe that equation (1) is identical with (1) of the preceding article ; hence the chord PP'' is the locus whose equation we sought. The point P' (x', y') is called the pole of the line PP" (^\yly = \\ and the line PP" /^ + ^ = 1 Vs called \a^ a^ J ya^ a^ J THE POLAR of the poiut P' {x', y') with regard to the circle a^ a^ = 1. THE CIRCLE. 77 As the principles here developed are perfectly general, the pole may be tvithoiit^ on, or within the circle. Let the student prove that the line joining the pole and the centre is perpendicular to the polar. ]SroTE. — The terms ^ole and i:)olaT used in this article have no connection with the same terms used in treating of polar co-ordinates, Chapter I. 50. If the polar of the point P' (x',y'), Fig. 27, passes through Pi (^i> Vi), then the polar of F^ (x^, y^) ivill pass through F' (x', y'). The equation of the polar to P' (x', y') is x'x . y'y -| a^ a- In order that Pi {x^, t/i) may be on this line, we must have, ^'^1 I y!]h ^ 1, tt"' a But this is also the equation of condition that the point P' (x', y') may lie on the line whose equation is ^1^ ^^ii/ = 1 9 I 9 a'^ a^ But this is the equation of the polar of P^ (xi, y^) ; hence the proposition. 51. To ascertain the relationship hetiveen the conjugate diam- eters of the circle. A pair of diameters are said to he conjugate when they are so related that when the curve is referred to them as axes its equation will contain only the second powers of the variables. Let cc- -f ?/2 = a2 ... (1) be the equation of the circle, referred to its centre and axes. To ascertain what this equation becomes when referred to OY', OX', axes making any angle with each other, we must substitute in the rectangular equation the values of the old 78 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. co-ordinates in terms of the new. Prom Art. 33, Cor. 1, we have X = x' cos 6 -{- y' cos go y = a;'' sin 6 -\- y' sin go for tlie equations of transformation. Substituting these values in (1) and reducing, we have, y'^ + 2x'y' cos {(f — 9) -\- x'^ = a^ . . . (2) Now, in order that OY', OX' may be conjugate diameters they must be so related that the term containing x'y' in (2) must disappear ; hence the equation of condition, cos (go — ^) = ; .-. cp _ ^ = 90°, or cp - e = 270°. The conjugate diameters of the circle are therefore perpen- dicular to each other. As there are an infinite number of pairs of lines in the circle which satisfy the condition of being at right angles to each other, it follows that in the circle there are an infinite number of conjugate diameters. THE CIRCLE. 79 EXAMPLES. 1. Prove that the line y = V3 x -\-10 touches the circle .-r' -\- y'^ = 25, and find the co-ordinates of the point of tangency. / 5—5 Ans. Point of tangency _ -^-y/^, — 2. What must be the value of h in order that the line y = 2 X -{- b mB,y touch the circle x^ + ?/' = 16 ? Ans. b = ^ V80. 3. What must be the value of s in order that the line y = sx — 4: may touch the circle x- -\- y"^ = 22 _ Ans. s = J- V7. 4. The slope of a pair of parallel tangents to the circle X- -\- y- = 1Q> is 2 ; required their equations. Ans. W = 2x + Vi0. ]^y = 2x — V80. Two tangents are drawn from a point to a circle ; required the equation of the chord joining the points of tangency in each of the following cases : Ans. 4 X + 2 ?/ = Q. Ans. 3 a; -f 4 2/ = 8. Ans. X -\-o y =^ 16. 5. From (4, 2) to a;- + / = 9. 6. From (3, 4) to x"" -\- if = 8. 7. From (1, 5) to x^ + f~ = 16. 8. From (a, b) to x^ + ^f = c". Ans. ax -\- by ^= c^. What are the equations of the polars of the following points : 9. Of (2, 5) with regard to the circle x^ -{- y- = 16? Ans. ^+^ = 1. 16 16 10. Of (3, 4) with regard to the circle x^ -\- y- = 9? Ans. S X -(- 4 3/ = 9. 80 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 11. Of (a, h) with regard to the circle x- -\- y^ = m? Ans. ax -\- by = m.. What are the poles of the following lines : 12. Of 2 a; + 3 2/ = 5 with regard to the circle x"^ -\- y- = 2?> 2 Ans. (10, 15). 13. Of — [- y = 4 with regard to the circle o 16+16 = ^' ^- (2'*)- 14. Oi y = sx -\- h with regard to the circle X ~2 a^ a^ Ans. (_^ ^ h ' b 15. Pind the equation of a straight line passing through (0, 0) and touching the circle x'^ -\- y^ — 3 x -{- 4 y = 0. Ans. y = — X. ^ 4 GENERAL EXAMPLES. 1. Find the equation of that diameter of a circle which bisects all chords drawn parallel to y := sx -\- b. Ans. sy -\- X ^ 0. 2. Eequired the co-ordinates of the points in which the line 2y — x-{-l = intersects the circle ^^1/1 = 1 4 "^ 4 3. Find the co-ordinates of the points in which two lines drawn through (3, 4) touch the circle ^ + i! = 1 9 9 [The points are common to the chord of contact and the circle.] THE CIRCLE. 81 4. The centre of a circle which touches the Y-axis is at (4, 0) ; required its equation. Ans. {x — 4)- -\- y- = 16. 5. Find the equation of the circle whose centre is at the origin and to which the line y = x -\- S is tangent. Ans. 1x' -^Itf = 9. 6. Given x~ ^ if = 16 and (x — 5)^ + ?/^ = 4 ; required the equation of the circle which has their common chord for a diameter. 7. Required the equation of the circle which has the dis- tance of the point (3, 4) from the origin as its diameter. Ans. x^ -\- y"' — o X — 4 ?/ = 0. 8. Find the equation of tlie circle which touches the lines represented by cc = 3, ?/ ^ 0, and y ■= x. 9. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the points (1, 2), (- 2, 3), (- 1, - 1). 10. Required the equation of the circle which circumscribes the triangle whose sides are represented by 3/ = 0, 3 ?/ = 4 a^, and 3^/= — 4a:;-j-6. Ans. xJ -\- y^ — & X — 11 ?/ = 0. 11. Required the equation of the circle whose intercepts are a and b, and which passes through the origin. Ans. x^ + y- — ax — by = 0. 12. The points (1, 5) and (4, 6) lie on a circle whose centre is in the line y = x — 4 ; required its equation. Ans. 2 x^ + 2 y'- - 17 X - y = SO. 13. The point (3, 2) is the middie point of a chord of the circle x'^ -]-?/- = 16 ; required the equation of the chord. 14. Given x^ -{- y^ ^ 16 and the chord ?/ — 4 a; = 8. Show that a perpendicular from the centre of the circle bisects the chord. 15. Find the locus of the centres of all the circles which pass through (2, 4), (3, - 2). 82 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 16. Show that if the polars of two points meet in a third point, then that point is the pole of the line joining the first two points. 17. Required the equation of the circle whose sub-tangent = 8, and whose sub-normal = 2. Ans. x^ -\- y^ = 20. 18. Eequired the equation of ihe circle whose sub-normal = 2, the distance of the point in which the tangent intersects the X-axis from the origin beinr = 8. A71S. X- -\- 1/^ ^ 16. 19. Eequired the conditions in order that the circles ax^ -f- ay^ -\- ex -\- dy -\- e = Q and ax- -f- ajf -\- kyc. -\- ly -{- m ^ may be concentric. Ans. c ^^ k, d = I. 20. Required the polar co-ordinates of the centre and the radius of the circle ■ r"^ — 2r (cos ^ + VS sin 6) = 5. Ans. (2, 60°) ; r = 3. 21. A line of fixed length so moves that its extremities remain in the co-ordinate axes ; required the equation of the circle generated by its middle point. 22. Find the locus of the vertex of a triangle having given the base = 2a and the sum of the squares of its sides = 2 b^. Ans. x"^ -\- y"^ = h^ — a^. 23. Find the locus of the vertex of a triangle having given the base =2 a and the ratio of its sides = — . Ans. A circle. n 24. Find the locus of the middle points of chords drawn from the extremity of any diameter of the circle ^ _|- l!_ = 1. THE PARABOLA. 83 CHAPTER VI. THE PARABOLA. 52. The parabola is the locus generated by a point moving in the same plane so as to remain always equidistant from a fixed point and a fixed line. The fixed point is called the Focus ; the fixed line is called the Directrix ; the line drawn through the focus perpendic- ular to the directrix is called the Axis ; the point on the axis midway between the focus and directrix is called the Vertex of the parabola. 53. To find the equation of the j^arabola, given the focus and directrix. R Y ^^„,,--^'^ B 1 D^.^-""''^ ^^ D // \ "^ ' ^ C Fig. 29. Let EC be the directrix and let F be the focus. Let OX, the axis of the curve, and the tangent OY drawn at the vertex 84 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 0, be the co-ordinate axes. Take any point P on the curve and draw PA ||.to OY, PB || to OX and join P and F. Then (OA, AP) = {x, y) are the co-ordinates of P. From the right angled triangle FAP, we liave tf = AP2 = FP2 - FA^; ... (1) But from the mode of generating the curve, we have FP2 = BP- = (AO -f OD)- = (x-\- 0D)2, and from the figure, we have FA- = (AO - 0F)2 = (x- OF)l Substituting these values in (1), we have ■if = (x + ODf - (x- 0F)2. . . (2) Let DF = 2), then OD = OF = -g ; hence y^ = ix +^- lA" U ^P X — or, after reduction, ?/^= 2^j).x ... (3) As equation (3) is true for cmy point of the parabola it is true for every point ; hence it is the equation of the curve. CoR. 1. If (x', y') and (x'^, y") are the co-ordinates of any two points on the parabola, we have, tf = 2px' and y"^ = 2 px" ; hence y'^ : y"^ :: x' : x" ; i.e., the squares of the ordinates of any two points on the para- bola are to each other as their abscissas. ScHOL. By interchanging x and y, or changing the sign of the second member, or both in (3), we have y"^ = ~ 2px for the equation of a parabola symmetrical with respect to X and extending to the left of Y; cc^ = 2 py for the equation of a parabola symmetrical with respect to Y and extending above X. £c^ = — 2py for the equation of a parabola symmetrical with respect to Y and extending below X. Let the student discuss each of these equations. See Art. 13. THE PARABOLA. 85 54. To construct the parabola, given the focus and directrix. Fig. 30. First Method. — Let DR be the directrix and let F be the focus. From F let fall the perpendicular FD on the directrix ; it will be the axis of the curve. Take a triangular ruler ADC and make its base and altitude coincide with the axis and directrix, respectively. Attach one end of a string, whose length is AD, to A ; the other end to a pin fixed at F. Place the point of a pencil in the loop formed by the string and stretch it, keeping the point of the pencil pressed against the base of the triangle. Now, sliding the triangle up a straight edge placed along the directrix, the point of the pencil will describe the arc OP of the parabola ; for in every position of the pencil point the condition of its being equally distant from the focus and directrix is satisfied. It is easily seen, for instance, that when the triangle is in the position A'D'C that FP = PD'. Second Method. — Take any point C on the axis and erect 86 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. the periDendicular P'CP. Measure the distance DC. With F as a centre and DC (= FP) as a radius describe the arc of a circle, cutting P'CP in P and P'. P and P' will be points of the parabola. By taking other points along the axis we may, by this method, locate as many points of the curve as may be desired. 55. To find the Latiis-rectum, or parameter of the jjarabola. The Latus-Rectum, or Parameter of the parahola, is the double ordinate 2)cissin(/ through the focus. The abscissa of the points in which the latus-rectum pierces the parabola is x =-^- . Making this substitution in the equation if = 2px we have ■ 2/^ = 2p| = F Hence 2y=2p. CoR. 1. Forming a proportion from the equation 2/2 = 2];jx, . we have x : y :: y : 1 p ; i.e., the latxis-rectum of the jparahola is a third p>'^'02^ortional to any abscissa and its corres^yonding ordinate. EXAMPLES. Find the latus-rectum and write the equation of the parab- ola which contains the point : 1. (2,4). 3. (a,b). Ans. 8, y^ = S x. Ans. —, y'^ = — x. a a 2. (-2,4). 4. {-a, 2). Ans. — 8, ?/2 = — 8 X. Ajis. ? 2/" = ^• a a 5. What is the latus-rectnm of the parabola x'^^2py? How is it defined in this case ? THE PARABOLA. 87 6. What is the equation of the line which passes through the vertex and the positive extremity of the latus-rectum of any parabola whose equation is of the form ?/^ = 2 px ? Ans. y =^ 2 X. 7. The focus of a parabola is at 2 units' distance from the vertex of the curve ; what is its equation (a) when symmetrical with respect to the X-axis ? \b) " " " " " " Y-axis? Ans. (a) y^ = 8 cc, (b) cc^ = 8 y. Construct each of the following parabolas by three differ- ent methods. 8. ?/2 = 8 X. 10. x^ = 6i/. 9. y" = — 4: X. 11. ic- = — 10 y. 12. What are the co-ordinates of the points on the parabola y^ = Q X where the ordinate and abscissa are equal ? Ans. (0, 0), and (6, 6). 13. Required the co-ordinates of the point on the parabola x^ — 4:y whose ordinate and abscissa bear to each other the ration 3 : 2. Ans. (6, 9). 14. What is the equation of the parabola when referred to the directrix and X-axis as axes ? Ans. y'^ = 2px — iJ^. Find the points of intersection of the following : 15. y" ^= 4x and 2 y — cc = 0. Ans. (0, 0), (16, 8). 16. 03^ = 6 y and ?/ — a; — 1 = 0. 17. ?/2 = — 8 a; and x + 3 = 0. 18. ?/- = 2 ic and x" -\- y"- := 8. Ans. (2, 2), (2, - 2). 19. a;2 = _ 4 ?/ and 3 x^ + 2 y'-^ = 6. 20. x- = -iy and ?/- = 4 x. 88 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 56. To deduce the polar equation of the ijarabola, the focus being taken as the pole. The equation of the parabola referred to OY, OX, Fig. 29, is y- = 22:)x ... (1) To refer the curve to the initial line FX and the pole F -2 , ) we have for the equations of transformation, Art. 34, Cor. 1, ic = -2 + r cos y = r sm 6. Substituting these values in (1), we have r^ sin' =^ p' -\- 2 pr cos 6. But sin- = 1 — cos- 6 ; .-. 7- := j;;2 _j_ 2 237' COS 6 + '"^ cos^ ^ — (^ -j- /• cos Oy, ,-. r ^ p -\- r cos 0, or, solving, r = -^ ... (2) 1 - cos ^ ^ ^ is the required equation. We might have deduced this value directly as follows : Let P (?', &) Fig. 29 be any point on the curve ; then FP = DA = DF + FA =p + r cos ^ ; i. e., ?* = j9 -j- r cos Q. Hence r = ^ . 1 — cos Cor. 1. If 6 = 0, r = co. li e = 90°, r=p. If 6 = 180°, r = I . If ^ = 270°, r = p. li d = 360°, r = oo. An inspection of the figure will verify these results. THE PARABOLA. 89 57. To deduce the equation of the tangent to the •parabola. If {x\ y'), {x", y") be the points in which a secant line cuts the parabola, then y-y'= y^-^^, (x-x') ... (1) will be its equation. Since (x', y'), (x", y") are points of the parabola, we have y'^ = 2px' ... (2) y"^ = 2px" ... (3) These three equations must subsist at the same time ; hence, subtracting (3) from (2) and factoring, we have ?/ - y" _ 2^ i.e., x' — x" y' + y" Substituting this value in (1), the equation of the secant becomes y-y' = -^^ (x-x') . . . (4) y +y When the secant, revolved about (x", y"), becomes tangent to the parabola {x', y') coincides with {x", y") ; hence x' = x", y' = y". Making this substitution in (4), we have, y - 2/" = 4 (^ - ^") (5) y or, simplifying, recollecting that y""^ = 2 ^^x", we have ^Jy" =p(x + x") ... (6) for the equation of the tangent to the parabola. 58. To deduce the value of the sub-tangent. Making ?/ = in (6), Art. 57, we have x = -x" = OT, (Fig. 31) for the abscissa of the point in which the tangent intersects the X-axis. But the sub-tangent CT is the distance of this point from the foot of the ordinate of the point of tangency ; i.e., twice the distance just found; hence Sub-tangent = 2 x" \, 90 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. i.e., the sub-tangent is equal to double the abscissa of the point of tangency. 59. The preceding principle affords us a simple method of constructing a tangent to a parabola at a given point. Let P" (x", y") be any point of the curve. Draw the ordi- nate P"C, and measure OC. Lay off OT = OC. Fig. 31. A line joining T and P" will be tangent to the parabola at P". 60. To deduce the equation of the normal to the parabola. The equation of any line through P" (x", y") Fig. 31, is y-y" = s(x- x") ... (1) We have found Art. 57, (5) for the slope of the tangent P"T hence, for the slope of the normal P^IST, v/e have p ' THE PARABOLA. 91 Substituting this value of s in (1), we have y -y" = - ^ (X - X") ... (2) for the equation of the normal to the parabola. 61. To deduce the value of the sub-normal. Making y = in (2) Art. 60, we have, after reduction, x=p-\-x" = 01^; Eig. 31, .-. Sid)-normal = ISTC =p -]- a?" — x'' = p. Hence the sub-normal in the parabola is constant and equal to the semirparameter FB. 62. To show that the tangents drawn at the extremities of the latiis rectum, are perpendicular to each other. The co-ordinates of the extremities of the latus-rectum are ~ , p\ for the upper point, and [-^ ,— p j for the lower point. Substituting these values successively in the general equa- tion of the tangent line. Art. 57 (6), we have yp =p{x +1 or, cancelling, y = x-\-P...(l) y=-x-^ . . . (2) for the equations of the tangents. As the coefficient of x in (2) is minus the reciprocal of the coefficient of x in (1), the lines are perpendicular to each other. Cor. 1. Making ?/ = in (1) and (2), we find in each case that X ^ — ^ ; hence, the tangents at the extrem,ities of the -yp=p{x+l 92 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. latus-rectum and the directrix meet the axis of the parabola in the same point. The values of the coefficients of x in (1) and (2) show that these tangent lines make angles of 45° with the X-axis. 63. To deduce the equation of the parabola when referred to the tangents at the extremities of the latus-rectum as axes. Fig. 32. The equation of the parabola when referred to OY, OX, is 2/2 = 2px . . . (1). We wish to ascertain what this equation becomes when the curve is referred to DY', DX', as axes. Let P' (x', y') be any point of the curve ; then, Fig. 32 (OC, CP') = (x, y), and (DC, C'P') = {x', y'). Prom the figure, we have, OC -- DC - DO = DK + CM - DO ; THE PARABOLA. 93 but DK = x'gos 45° = -^, CM = /cos 45° =^, DO =| V2 V2 2 mce X X V2 V2 V 2 We have, also, 11 CP' = _ y' = MP'- x' C'K; I.e., V2 V2 Substituting the values of x and y in (1), we have, \{:U' -x'Y ^^{x' ^y') -p'^ . . . (2) In order to simplify this expression let DP = a ; then from the triangle DPF, we have, DF = j9 = a cos 45° = -^ . V2i Substituting this value of j) in (2) and multiplying through by 2, we have, {y' — x'Y = 2a (x' -\- y') — a-, or, tj'^ + x'-^ - 2 x'y' - 2 ax' -2aij' + a^ = 0. Adding 4 x'y' to both members, the equation takes the form (x' +y' -ay = 4.x'y', or x' -\- y' — a ^ ^2 a;'^ t/''^ ; .-. transposing, x' -}^2 x'^ y'^ -\- y' ^ a; .: x'^ ^y'}^= ^a^-, . . . (3) or, symmetrically, dropping accents, ^;±2^=±l...(4) a^ a^ is the required equation. 94 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. EXAMPLES. 1. What is the polar equation of the parabola, the pole being taken at the vertex of the curve ? A71S. r ^= 2i 2) cot 6 cosec 6. Find the equation of the tangent to each of the following parabolas, and give the value of the subtangent in each case : 2. 7/2 = 4 £c at (1, 2). Ans. y = x + l; 2. 3. cc^ = 4 ?/ at (— 2, 1). Ans. x + y -i-l=0; 2. 4. y^ = — 6xat (— 6, ord +). Ans. 2y -\-x = 6', 12. 5. x^ = — 8 y a.t (abs -{-, — 2). Ans. x -\- y = 2; 4. 6. y^ = 4 ax at (a, — 2 a). 7. 7/2 = 7JIX at (m, ?7i). 8. iC' = —2^1/ ^t (^bs +, — p). 2py at ^a^-s — , I j Write the equation of the normal to each of the following parabolas : 10. To 7/2 = 16 ic at (1, 4). 11. To x' = — lOy at (abs +, - 2). 12. To 7/2 = — mx at (— m, vi). 13. To ic2 = 2 7n,y at ( a^s — , — ] 14. The equation of a parabola is x^ J- y^ = J- a^ ; what are the co-ordinates of the vertex of the curve ? Ans. na^-a \4: '4 15. Given the parabola y^ = 4x and the line y — x = ; required the equation of the tangent which is, (a) parallel to the line, (b) perpendicular to the line. Ans. (a) y = x -\- 1, (b) y -\- x -\- 1 = 0. THE PARABOLA. 95 16. The point (—1, 2) lies outside the parabola y~ = (Sx; what are the equations of the tangents through the point to the parabola ? 17. The point (2, 45°) is on a parabola which is symmetri- cal with respect to the X-axis ; required the equation of the parabola, the pole being at the focus. A71S. / = (4 - 2 V2) X. 18. The subtangent of a parabola = 10 for the point (5, 4) ; required the equation of the curve and the value of the sub- normal. Ans. tf = —x\ p . 64. The tangent to the parabola makes equal angles with the focal line drawn to the j^oint of tangency and the axis of the curve. From Fig. 31 we have, FT = FO -f OT = £ -f x' 2^ We have, also, P FP" = DC = DO + OC = ^ + x". .-. FT = FP". The triangle FP"T is therefore isosceles and jrp"T = FTP". 65. To find the condition that the line y = sx -{- c must fulfil in order to touch the parabola y^ = 2 px. Eliminating y from the two equations, and solving the resulting equation with respect to x, we have, p — sc ^^-\/ {cs — pY — cV • • (1) for the abscissae of the points of intersection of the parabola and line, considered as a secant. When the secant becomes 96 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. a tangent, these abscissas become equal ; but the condition for equality of abscissas is that the radical in the numerator of (1) shall be zero ; hence (cs — p)- — c^s^ = 0, or, solving c = -^ "" 2 s is the condition that the line must fulfil in order to touch the parabola. Cor. 1. Substituting the value of c in the equation y = sx -\- c, we have, y = sx -\- — — ... (2) ^ s for the equation of the tangent in terms of its slope. 66. To find the locus generated by the intersection of a tan- gent, and a perpendicular to it from the focus as the point of tangency moves around the curve. The equation of a straight line through the focus | -^, ] is y=s'(x-P\...{l) In order that this line shall be perpendicular to the tangent y = sx -\- ^ . . . (2) ^ 2s ^ ^ we must have, s' = — - ; s hence y = — - a; + -^ ... (3) s 2 s is the equation of a line through the focus perpendicular to the tangent. Subtracting (3) from (2), we have s -\ — ) cc ^ 0, or, ic = 0, for the equation of the required locus. But cc = is the equation of the Y-axis ; hence, the perjyendiculars from the THE PARABOLA. 97 focus to the tangents of a parabola intersect the tangents on the Y-axis. 67. To find the locus genei'ated by the inter'section of ttvo tan- gents which are. 'perpendicular to each other as thepoints of tan- gency moves around the curve. The equation of a tangent to the parabola is, Art. 65 (2), y = 5^ + -^ • • • (1) The equation of a perpendicular tangent is y = _l^_^. . . (2) Subtracting (2) from (1), we have, S ) \ S I \L x = -l.. . (3) is the equation of the required locus. But (3) is the equa- tion of the directrix; hence, the intersection of all pjerpendicu- lar tangents drawn to the parabola are points of the directrix. 68. Two tangents are drawn to the parabola from a point without ; required the equation of the line joining the points of tangency. Let (x', y') be the given point without the parabola, and let (x", y"), (x2, 2/2) be the points of tangency. Since (x', ?/) is on both tangents, its co-ordinates must satisfy their equations ; hence, the equations of condition, y'y"=p(x' + x''), y% =v ix' ^xo^. The two points of tangency {x" , if), (xo, y^ must therefore satisfy y'y =p (x' -\-x'), or yif =p {x +x') . . . (1) Since (1) is the equation of a straight line, and is satisfied for the co-ordinates of both points of tangency, it is the equation of the line joining those points. 98 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 69. To find the equation of the polar of the pole (x,' y') with regard to the parabola ^/^ = 2 px. The pjolar of a pole with regard to a given curve is the line generated by the point of intersection of a pjair of tangents drawn to the curve at the p)oints in which a secant line through the pjole intersects the curve as the secant line revolves about the pole. By a course of reasoning similar to that of Art. 49, we may prove tlie required equation to be yy' =p {x ^x') . . . (1) As the reasoning by means of whicli (1) is deduced is per- fectly general, the pole may be without, on, or within the parabola. Cor. 1, If we make, in (1), {x' , ?/') = | ^ , j, we have — _-2 • ^ — 2 ' hence, the directrix is the p>olar of the focus. 70. To ascertain the position and direction of the axes, other than the axis of the parabola and the tangent at the vertex, to which if the piarabola be referred its equation will remain unchanged in form. Fig. 33. THE PARABOLA. 99 Since the equation is to retain the form •?/2 _ 2pcc . . . (1) let y'-' = 2p'x' ... (2) be the equation of the parabola when referred to the axes, whose position and direction we are now seeking. It is obvious at the outset that whatever may be the position of the axes relatively to each other, the new Y'-axis must be tangent to the curve, and the new origin must be 07i the curve ; for, if in (2) we make x' = 0, Ave have ?/' = -|- 0, a result whicli we can only account for by assuming the Y'-axis and the new origin in the positions indicated. This conclu- sion, we shall see, is fully verified by the analysis which follows. Let us refer the curve to a pair of oblique axes, making any angle with each other, the origin being anywhere in the plane of the curve. The equations of transformation are. Art. 33 (1), X = a -\-x^ cos 9 -{- ■}/ cos go y = b -\- x^ sin -{- y' sin go. Substituting these values in (1), we have, y'^ sin"^ and AN = p, Art. 61. Hence in the triangle FO'A AO' = FO' sin 2cp = FO' 2 sin (jp cos q>. In the triangle NO' A, , ^, . T,x , cos (p AO = AN cot cp =p -^ — — ; sm cp cos QP hence FO' 2 sin go cos qp = ^^ —. ; sm qp THE PARABOLA. 101 But ,. YO' = — ^ — 2/ = ^J^-- Sin.-' qp .-. 2/ = 4 FO'. 72. To ^wcZ ^7ie equatiori of any diameter in terms of the slope of the tangent and the semi-parameter. The equation of any diameter as O'X', Fig. 33, is y = AO'= b. But from the triangle AO'N, we have, b = A^GOtq) = -^—=^', tan (jp s hence y = - ■ ■ ■ Q-) s is the required equation. 73. To show that the tangents draivn at the extremities of any chord meet in the diameter which bisects that chord. p: R Y J^ ^ M^ ^ o'X^ / \ 1/ X f// / y \ \ X' Fig. 34. Let P' {x', y'), P" (x", y") be the extremities of the chord then y-y' = l^i---^ ■■■(>-> 102 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. is its equation. The equation of the tangents at P' (x', y'), P" (x", y") are yy' =- x> (x -\- x') . . . (2) yy" =p (x + x") ... (3) Eliminating x from (2) and (3) by subtraction, we have, for tlie ordinate of tlie point of intersection of the tangents. x' — x" But is the reciprocal of the slope of chord P'P", y' - y" (see (1) ). Hence, since the chord PT" and the tangent Y'T are parallel, we have, x' -x" ^ 1 y'-y"~~s' Substituting in (4) it becomes V y = -• s Comparing this value of y with (1) of the preceding article, we see that the point of intersection is on the diameter. EXAMPLES. 1. What must be the value of c in order that the line y ^ 4zX -{- c may touch the parabola ?/^ = 8 cc ? Ans. \. 2. What is the parameter of the parabola which the line y = 3x -\-2 touches ? Ans. 24. 3. The slope of a tangent to the parabola y"^ = Q x \& = 3. What is the equation of the tangent ? Ans. y = 3 0? + i- 4. The point (1, 3) lies on a tangent to a parabola ; required the equation of the tangent and the equation of the parabola, the slope of the tangent = 4. Ans. y = 4:X — 1; y^ = — 16 x. THE PARABOLA. 103 5. In the parabola y- = 8 a; what is the parameter of the diameter whose equation is ?/ — 16 = ? Ans. 136. 6. Show that if two tangents are drawn to the parabola from any point of the directrix they will meet at right angles. 7. From the point (—2, 5) tangents are drawn to ?/^ = 8 a; ; required the equation of the chord joining the points of tangency. Ans. 5y — 4a; + 8 = 0. 8. What are the equations of the tangents to y- = Qx which pass through the point (— 2, 4) ? Find the equation of the polar of the pole in each of the following cases : 9. Of (- 1, 3) with regard to y"- = ^x. Ans. 3?/ — 2a;+2 = 0. 10. Of (2, 2) with regard to i/- = - 4 a;. Ans. 2?/ + 2x + 4 = 0. 11. Of («, h) with regard to ?/^ = 4 x. Ans. by — 2 x — 2 a ^ 0. 12. Given the parabola y"^ ^ x and the point (— 4, 10) ; to find the intercej)ts of the polar of the point. Ans. a = 4, b = . 5 13. The latus-rectum of a parabola = 4 ; required the pole of the line y — 8a:; — 4 = 0. Ans. (1 1). 14. Given y^ = 10 x and the tangent 2y — x = 10; required the equation of the diameter passing through the point of tangency. Ans. y = 10. GENERAL EXAMPLES. 1. Assuming the equation of the parabola, prove that every point on the curve is equally distant from the focus and directrix. 104 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 2. Find the equation of the parabola which contains the points (0, 0), (2, 3), (- 2, 3). Ans. 3x^ = 4:y. 3. What are the parameters of the parabolas which pass through the point (3, 4) ? A71S. J/, and |. 4. Find the equation of that tangent to y^ = 9 x which is parallel to the line y — 2x — 4z = 0. Ans. 8y — 16x — 9 = 0. 5. The parameter of a parabola is 4 ; required the equation of the tangent line which is perpendicular to the line y = 2 X -\- 2. Give also the equation of the normal which is parallel to the given line. 6. A tangent to y^ = 4:X makes an angle of 45° with the X-axis ; required the point of tangency. A71S. (1, 2). Show that tangents drawn at the extremities of a focal chord 7. Intersect on the directrix. 8. Meet at right angles. 9. That a line joining their point of intersection with the focus is perpendicular to the focal chord. 10. Find the equation of the normal in terms of its slope. 11. Show that from any point within the parabola three normals may be drawn to the curve. 12. Given the parabola r = to construct the tan- ^ 1 + cos ^ gent at the point whose vectorial angle = 60°, and to find the angle which the tangent makes with the initial line. A71S. 6 = 60°. 13. Find the co-ordinates of the pole, the normal at one extremity of the latus-rectum being its polar. THE PARABOLA. 105 14. Ill the parabola y^ = 4 ck what is the equation of the chord which the point (2, 1) bisects ? Ans. y = 2 X — 3. 15. The polar of any point in a diameter is parallel to the ordinates of that diameter. 16. The equation of a chord of y"^ = 10 x \s y = 2 x — 1; required the equation of the corresponding diameter. 17. Show that a circle described on a focal chord of the parabola touches the directrix. 18. The base of a triangle = 2 a and the sum of the tan- gents of the base angles = b. Show that the locus of the vertex is a parabola. 19. Required the equation of the chord of the parabola y^ =:2px whose middle point is (m, n). . n X — m Ans. — = . p y — n 20. A focal chord of the parabola y"^ = 2px makes an angle = / cos q) y = x' sin -\- y' sin cp for the equations of transformation. Substituting in (1), we have (a^ sin^ 6 -\-b'^ cos^ 6) x"^ + (^^ sin^

-\- b' cos 9 cos qp = . . . (3) is the condition that a pair of axes must fulfil in order to be conjugate diameters of the ellipse. Making the co-efficient of x'y' equal to zero in (2), we have after dropping accents (o-^ sin^ 6 -\-b'^ cos^ 6) x'^ -\- (cr sin^ ; area CTC'T' = area BB'H'H. I.e., 99, To shoiv that the ordinate of any point on the ellipse is to the ordinate of the corresponding point on the circumscribing circle as the semi-conjugate axis of the ellipse is to the semi- transverse axis. R /-^ B A ?" «M / Xv X D X [ D' J Jj B' Fig. 45. Let DP', DP'' be the ordinates of the corresponding points P' (x', y') and P" (x", y"). Since P' (x', y') is on the ellipse, we have y- = — (a^ — X-). a- Since Y" (x", y") is on the circle whose radius is a, we have y"^- = a2 _ a;"l Dividing these equations, member by member, we have fO 7 9 ^ = — , (since X =x ) ; y -^ a- .: y' : y" :: b : a. 134 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Similarly we may prove that where Xi is the abscissa of any point on the ellipse, and x^ is the corresponding abscissa of a point on the inscribed circle. 100. The principles of the preceding article give us a method of describing the ellipse by points when the axes are given. From 0,. Fig. 45, as a centre with radii equal to the semi- axes OA, OB describe the circles A'RA, BOB'. Draw any radius OR of the larger circle, cutting the smaller circle in M ; draw MIST || to OA', cutting the ordinate let fall from E in jST ; N is a point of the ellipse. Since MN is parallel to the base of the triangle ED'O, we have D'N : D'R :: OM : OR ; i. e., y' -.y" ■.-.h-.a; hence, the construction. 101. To show that the area of the ellipse is to the area of the circumscribing circle as the semi-minor axis of the ellijjse is to its semi-major axis. Pa Pi Fig. 46. THE ELLIPSE. 135 Inscribe in the ellipse any polygon ARRiE,2E'3l^4A', and from its vertices draw the ordinates RD,RiDi, etc., producing them upward to meet the circle in P, P^, Pg, etc. Joining these points we form the inscribed polygon APP1P2P3P4A' in the circle. Let (x, y^), (x', y{), {x", y<^ etc., be the co-ordinates of P, Pi, Pg, etc., and let (a;, ?/), (x' , y'), (x", y"), etc., be the co-ordi- nates of the corresponding points R, E-i, Eg? etc., of the ellipse. Then Area RDDiRj = (x - x') ^ ^^ ^ Area PDDiPi = {x - x') l^+ll . hence Area RDDiRi _ y +/ Area PBD^Pi 2/0 + 2/i ' But, Art. 99, ^ = - and i^ == - ; yo a yi a 2/0+2/1 » ' Hence Area RDDiRi _ ^ Area PDDjPi ~ a ' We may prove in like manner that every corresponding pair of trapezoids bear to each other this constant ratio ; hence, by the Theory of Proportion, the sum of all the trapezoids in the ellipse will bear to the sum of all the trapezoids in the circle the same ratio. Representing these sums by 'M and ST, respectively, we have ^t b ST a As this relationship holds true for any number of trape- zoids, it holds true for the limits to which the sum of the trapezoids of the ellipse and the sum of the trapezoids of the circle approach as the number of trapezoids increase. 136 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. But these limits are the area of the ellipse and the area of the circle ; hence area of ellipse h area of circle a Cor. Since the area of the circle is tt a^, we have area of ellipse h TT a^ a .*. area of ellipse = tt ab. Since -k a^ : -k ah : : ir ah : tt V^ , we see that the area of the ellipse is a mean proportional be- tween the areas of the circumscribed and inscribed circles. EXAMPLES. 1. What must be the value of c in order that the line y = 2 X -\- c may touch the ellipse Ans. G = 5. 2. The semi-transverse of an ellipse is 10 ; what must be the value of the semi-conjugate axis in order that the ellipse may touch the line 2?/ + a; — 14 = 0? Ans. b = V24. 3. What are the equations of the tangents to the ellipse ^'' _i_ f" — 1 whose inclination to X-axis = 45° ? 4. The locus of the intersection of the tangents to the 2 2 ellipse -— + ^ = 1 a- b'^ drawn at the extremities of conjugate diameters is an ellipse ; required its equation. ^^^- -^ + li = 2. a^ b^ THE ELLIPSE. 137 5. Tangents are drawn from the point (0, 8) to tlie ellipse ^ + y^ = 1 ; required the equation of the line joining the points of tangency. Ans. 8 ?/ — 1 = 0. Eequired the polar of the point (5, 6) with respect to the following ellipses : 6. x^ + 3,f = (Fig. 45) is called the eccentric angle of the point P' {x\ y') on the ellipse. Show that (x', y') = (ct cos q>, h sin gp) and from these values of the co-ordinates deduce the equation of the ellipse. 23. Express the equation of the tangent at (x", y") in terms of the eccentric angle of the point. Ans. - cos (p -\- — sin (p = 1. a b 24. If (x', y'), (x", y") are the ends of a pair of conjugate diameters whose eccentric angles are (p and tp', show that q>' -q> = 90°. THE HYPERBOLA. 141 CHAPTER VIII. THE HYPERBOLA. 102. The hyperbola is the locus of a point so moving in a plane that the difference of its distances from two fixed points is always constant and equal to a given line. The fixed points are called the Foci of the hyperbola. If the points are on the given line produced and equidistant from its extremities, then the given line is called the Transverse Axis of the hyperbola. 103. To deduce the equation of the hyperbola, given the foci and the transverse axis. Fig. 47. Let F, F' be the foci, and AA' the transverse axis. DraAv OYlto A A' at its middle point, and take OY, OX as the 142 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. co-ordinate axes. Let P be any point of the curve. Draw PF, PF' ; draw also PD || to OY. Then (OD, DP) = {x, y) are the co-ordinates of P. Let AA' =2 a, FF' = 2 OF = 2 0F'= 2 c, FP = r and FT = /. From the right angled triangles FPD and F'PD, we have r = Vy^ + (^ — <^y and / = ■yjy'^ -\- (x -\- cy . . . (a) From the mode of generating the curve, we have r' -r = 2a. Hence, substituting, ^f + (^ + cf -^y^J^(x-cy = 2a', . . . (1) or, clearing of radicals and reducing, we have (c" — oF) x^ — a^y'^ = a? {c~ — or) . . . (2) for the required equation. This equation, like that of the ellipse (see Art. 75), may be put in a simpler form. Let c" -a"" =h^ . . . (3) This value in (2) gives, after changing signs, ahf- - Vx' = - o?h-, ... (4) or, symmetrically, ^-f^ = l. • • (5) a- b- for the equation of the hyperbola when referred to its centre and axes. Let the student discuss this equation. (See Art. 14) Cor. 1. li h = a in (5), we have x^ -,f = a? , . . (6) The curve represented by this equation is called the Equi- lateral Hyperbola. Comparing equation (6) with the equation of the circle a?^ + 2/^ = «^ %ve see that the equilateral hyperbola bears the same relation to the comvion hyperbola that the circle bears to the ellipse. THE HYPERBOLA. 143 Cor. 2. If (x', y') and (x", y") are the co-ordinates of two points on the curve, we have from (4) y'^ = il (x'2 - a") and y"^ = -^ (cc"^ _ a^) • Oj cc hence y'^ : y"" :: (x' — a) (x -{- a) : {x" — a) (x" + «) ; i.e., the squares of the ordinates of any two points on the hyperbola are to each other as the rectangles of the segments in tvhich they divide the ti-ansverse axis. Cob. 3. By making x = x' — a and y =■]/ va. (4) we have after reducing and dropping accents, aY -V'x^-\-2 aWx = ... (7) for the equation of the hyperbola, A' being taken as origin. 104. From equation (3) Art. 103, we have ^» = J_ Vc2 - a'. Laying this distance off above and below the origin on the Y-axis, we have the points B, B', Fig. 47, Art. 103. The line BB' is called the Co^mugate Axis of the hyperbola. The jDoints A and A' are called the Vertices of the curve. The point bisects all lines drawn through it and terminating in the curve ; for this reason it is called the Centre of the hyperbola. The ratio -^Ti^jITfl r ^'' +^ =~ = e. See (3) Art. 103 .. . (1) a a is called the Eccentricity of the hype rbola. This ratio is evidently > 1. The value of c = -|- Va^ + b^ measures the distance of the foci F, F' from the centre. If b = a in (1), we have e = V2 for the eccentricity of the equilateral hyperbola. 105. To find the values of the focal radii, r, r' of a point on the hyperbola in terms of the abscissa of the point. From equations (a) Art. 103, we have ?' = V 2/^ + (^ — (^Y ' 144 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. From the equation of the hjqoerbola, (4) Art. 103, we have y^ = — - (x^ — a^) = — x^ — b^. Hence, substituting =v/: p x"^ — b^ -\- x^ — 2 ex -\- c% V a- x^ — 2 ex -}- c^ — b^, = d^x^ -2cx + a'-, Art. 104 (1), = —X — a\ a hence r = ex — a . . . (V) Similarly, we find r' = ex -{- a . . . (2) 106. To construct the hyperbola having given the transverse axis and the foci of the curve. Fig. 48. First Method. — Let A A' be the transverse axis and F, F', the foci. Take a straisfht-edge ruler whose length is L and attach THE HYPERBOLA. 145 one of its ends at F' so that the ruler can freely revolve about that point. Cut a piece of cord so that its length shall be = L — 2 a, and attach one end to the free end of the ruler, and the other end to the focus F. Place the ruler in the position indicated by the full lines, Fig. 48, and place the point of a pencil in the loop formed by the cord. Stretch the cord, keeping the point of the pencil against the edge of the ruler. If we now revolve the ruler upward about F', the point of the pencil, kept firmly pressed against the ruler, will describe the arc AP' of the hyperbola. By fixing the end of the ruler at F, we may describe an arc of the other branch. It is evident in this process that the difference of the distances of the point of the pencil from the foci F',F, is always equal to 2 a. Second Method. — Take any point D on the transverse axis. Measure the distances A'D, AD. With F' as a centre and A'D as a radius describe the arc of a circle ; with F as a centre and AD as a radius describe another arc. The intersection of these arcs will determine two points, Pi, Po, of the curve. By interchanging centres and radii we may locate the points Pi, Rs) on the other branch. In this manner we may determine as many points as the accuracy of the construction may require. 107. To find the latus-rectuvi or parameter of the hyperbola. The Latus-Pectum, or Parameter of the hyperbola, is the double ordinate passing through either focus. Making x^= ^^ Vft^ -|- b'^ in the equation of the hyperbola IP- 2/" = ^r (^^ — «^)» a- ip- 2 b"^ we have y = — .-. 2 y a a Forming a proportion from this equation, we have 2y:2b::b:a; .:2y:2h::2b:2a; i.e, the latus-rectum of the hyperbola is a third pjroportional to the axes. 146 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 108. The equation of the ellipse when referred to its centre and axes is a'^y'^ + ^^^^ = f'^^"- The equation of the hyperbola when referred to its centre and axes is ay — b-x"^ = — a~h'^. Comparing these equations, we see that the only difference is in the sign of b"^. If, therefore, in the various analytical expressions we have deduced for the ellipse, we substitute — b'^ for b^, or, what is the same thing, + & V— 1 for b, we will obtain the corresponding analytical expressions for the hyperbola. 109. To deduce the equation of the conjugate hyperbola. T\vo hyperbolas are Conjugate when the transverse and con- jugate axes of one are respectively the conjugate and trans- verse axes of the other. Thus in Fig. 49, if AA' be the transverse axis of the hyper- bola which has BB' for its conjugate axis, then the hyperbola which has BB' for its transverse axis and AA' for its conjugate THE HYPERBOLA. 147 axis is its conjugate; and, conversely, the hyperbola whose transverse axis is BB' and conjugate axis is AA' has for its conjugate the hyperbola whose transverse axis is AA' and whose conjugate axis is BB'. We have deduced. Art. 103, (5), £! - l! = 1 . . . (1) for the equation of the hyperbola whose transverse axis lies along the X-axis. We wish to find the equation of its conju- gate. It is obvious from the figure that the hyperbola which has BB' for its transverse axis and AA' for its conjugate axis bears the same relation to the Y-axis as the hyperbola whose transverse axis is AA' and conjugate axis is BB' bears to the X-axis ; hence, changing a to h and b to a, x to y and y to x in (1), we have li _ ^ = 1 or 4 - ^ = - 1 • • • (2) for the equation of the conjiigate hyperbola to the hyperbola whose equation is (1). Comparing (1) and (2) we see that the equation of any hyperbola and that of its conjugate differ only in the sign of the constant term. CoR. Since V^^ + ^-^ = V«^ -f- b^, the focal distances of any hyperbola and those of its conjugate are equal. The eccentricities of conjugate hyperbolas, however, are not equal. For the hyperbola whose semi-transverse axis is a and semi-conjugate axis is h, we have Art. 104, (1) e=^^' + ^'. a For its conjugate hyperbola, we have ,_ Vfr + b-" 148 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. EXAMPLES. Find the semi-axes, the eccentricity and the latus-rectum of each of the following hyperbolas : 1. 9 ^2 _ 4 ^2 _ _ og_ b. 3^/ -2x^ = 12. 6. ay- — hx^ = — ab. 4 ^ 8. y' — mx' = n. Write the equation of the h3^perbola having given : 9. The transverse axis = 12 ; the distance between the foci = 16. Ans. ^ = 1 36 28 2. X- 2/- _ 1 4 9 3. y'^ — 16 X' = — 16. 4. 4 cc^ — 16 y- = — 64, 10. The transverse axis = 10; parameter = 8. /2 Ans. i^ ^ 1. 25 20 11. Semi-conjugate axis = 6 ; the focal distance = 10. Ans. -^ = 1. 64 36 12. The equation of the conjugate hyperbolatoa;^— 3 y- = 6. Ans. cc2 — 3 2/' + 6 = 0. 13. The conjugate axis is 10, and the transverse axis is double the conjugate. . x^ %r -, Ans. -^ =1 1. 100 25 14. The transverse axis is 8, and the conjugate axis = \ distance between foci. Ans. i^-V = i. 16 16 THE HYPERBOLA. 149 15. Given the hyperbola ^ _ J^ = 1- 10 4 ' required the co-ordinates of the point whose abscissa is double its ordinate. -• (Vf ' \/f ) 16. Write the equation of the conjugate hyperbola to each of the hyperbolas given in the first eight examples above. 17. Given the hyperbola 9 ?/^ — 4 a;^ = — 36 ; required the focal radii of the point whose ordinate is = 1 and abscissa positive. 18. Determine the points of intersection of — — -^^— = 1, and -— + -^ = 1. 4 9 ' 16 16 110. To deduce the iwlar equation of the hyperbola, either focus being taken as the pole. Let us take F as the pole, Fig. 47. Let (FP, PFD) = (?•, 6) be the co-ordinates of any point P on the curve. From Art. 105, (1), we have 1^^ = r = ex — a . . . (1) From Fig. 47, OD = OF + FD ; i.e., X = ae -\- r cos 6. Substituting this value in (1) and reducing, we have r = _ '' (^ - ^') ... (2) 1 _ e cos ^ ^ ^ for the polar equation of the hyperbola, the right hand focus being taken as the pole. Similarly from Art. 105, (2), we have a(l- e^) 1 — e cos 9 for the polar equation, the left hand focus being the pole. r- = ^^ ^ ■ • • (3) 1 — e cos 9 150 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Cor. If e = 0, r = - a - ae = - FA', r' = a -\- ae = F'A. If ^ = 90°, , 2 a"e^ — a^ b^ . , ^ r = — a -\- ae = = — = semi-Latus rectum. a a r' ^ a — ae^ = = = semi-latus rectum. a a lie = 180°, r = - a + ae = FA, r' = a — ae= — F'A'. If 6 = 270°, ?• = — a -\- ae^ = — = semi-latus rectum. a b^ r' ^ a — ae^ = = semi-latus rectum. a 111. To deduce the equation of condition for the stipple- mentary chords of the hyperbola. By a method similar to that of Art. 81, or by placing — h'^ for y^ in (3) of that article, we have ss' = ^;... (1) hence, the product of the slopes of any pair of supplementary chords of an hyperbola is the same for every pair. CoR. If a. = 6, we have ss = 1, or, s = — , s .'. tan « = cot «' ; hence, the sum of the ttvo acute angles ivhich any p)air of sup- pjlementary chords of an equilateral hyperbola make with the X-axis is equal to 90°. 112. T'o dedaice the equation of the tangent to the hyperbola. By a method entirely analogous to that adopted in the circle, or ellipse, or parabola, Arts. 41, 82, 57 ; or substituting — ^2 for 7.2 in (5) of Art. 82, we find '- yl= 1 ... (1) to be the equation of the tangent to the hyperbola. THE HYPERBOLA. 151 113. 2^0 deduce the value of the sub-tangent. By operating on (1) of the preceding article (see Art. 83), we find Sub-tangent = x" — = . 114. Tlie slope of a line passing through the centre of an hyperbola (0, 0) and the point of tangency {x", y") is t = y:L. x" The slope of the tangent is, Art. 112, (1) t' = ^ ^ ~ a^ ' y"' Multiplying these equations, member by member, we have ttf^^. . . (1) a^ Comparing (1) of this article with (1) of Art. Ill, we find ss' = tt' . . . (2) Hence, the line from the centre of the hyperbola to the point of tangency and the tangent enjoy the property of being the supplemental chords of an hyperbola whose semi-axes bear to each other the ratio - • a CoR. If s ^ t, then / = t' ; i.e., if one supplementary chord of an hyperbola is parallel to a line drawn through the centre, then the other supplementary chord is parallel to the tangent drawn to the curve at the point in which the line through the centre cuts the curve. 115. The preceding principle affords us a simple method of drawing a tangent to the hyperbola at any given point of the curve. 152 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Fig. 50. Let P' be auy point at which we wish to draw a tangent- Join P' and 0, and from A' draw A'C || to P'O ; join C and A. The line P'T, drawn from P' || to CA will be the required tangent. 116. To deduce the equation of the 7iormal to the hyperbola^ We can do this by operating on the equation of the tangent, as in previous cases, or by changing h- into — b'-^ in the equa- tion of the normal to the ellipse. Art. 86, (3). By either method, we obtain y-y =- cry 1^ {x - x") (1) for the required equation. 117. To deduce the value of the sub-normal. By a course of reasoning similar to that of Art. 87, we have- sub-normal = — 5- ^ ' a' CoK. lib = a, sub-no7'mal = x" ; i.e., in the equilateral hyperbola the sub-normal is equal tO' the abscissa of the point of tangency. THE HYPERBOLA. 153 EXAMPLES. 1. Deduce the polar equation of the hyperbola, the pole being at the centre. .2 ^ o^ a^ sin^ 6 — &^ cos ^ 6 Write the equation of the tangents to each of the follow- ing hyperbolas, and give the value of the sub-tangent in each case. 2. 9 y' - 4 a;2 = — 36, at (4, ord. +). 3. yi _ i^ = _ 1 at (5, ord. +). 9 16 ' V . -ry 4. ^ _ id = 1 at (4, ord. +). 9 16 ' ^ ' ^ 5. 2/^ -- 4 a;2 = — 36, at (abs. +, 6). 6. ay' — bx^ = — ab, at (-Vab, ord. -|-)- 7. ^ - ll = 1, at (Vm, 0). 8. Write the equation of the normal to each of the above liyperbolas, and give the value of the sub-normal in each case. 9. The equation of a chord of an hyperbola is y — x — 6 = ; what is the equation of the supplemental chord, the axes of the hyperbola being 12 and. 8 ? Ans. y = -X — - . -^9 3 10. Given the equations ^^ = — 1 and y — OS = : 9 4 ' ^ ' required the equations of the tangents to the hyperbola at the points in which the line pierces the curve. 154 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 11. One of the supplementary chords of the hyperbola 9 2/^ — 16 rK^ = — 144 is parallel to the line y = x; what are the equations of the chords ? Ans. \ 16 16. (-^9 3 12. Given the hyperbola 2 a;^ — 3 ^/^ = 6 ; required the equations of the tangent and normal at the positive end of the right hand focal ordinate. 13. What is the equation of a tangent to ^_ jT _-, 4 6 ~ ' which is parallel to the line 2 y — a; + l = 0? 118. The angle formed by the focal lines drawn to any point of the hyperbola is bisected by the tangent at that point. Making ?/ = o in the equation of the tangent line, Art. 112, (1), we have x = ^ = OT. Fig. 50. x' From Art. 104, (1) OF = OF' = ae ; hence OF - OT = FT = ae - ^ = ^ {ex" - a). OF' + OT = F'T = ae + -^ = -^ (ex" + a); XX .: FT : F'T :: ex" - a : ex" + a. But from Art. 105 we have FP' = ex" - a FT' = ex" + a ; . : FF : FT' :: ex" - a : ex" + a. Hence FT : F'T :: FP' : F'P' ; i.e., the tangent P'T divides the base of the triangle FP'F' into two segments, which are proportional to the adjacent sides ; it must therefore bisect the angle at the vertex. THE HYPERBOLA. 155 Cor. Since the normal P'N, Fig. 50, is perpendicular to the tangent, it bisects the external angle formed by the focal radii. ScHOL. The principle of this article gives us another method of drawing a tangent to the hyperbola at a given point. Let P' be the point. Fig. 50. Draw the focal radii FP', F'P'. The line P'T drawn so as to bisect the angle between the focal radii will be tangent to the curve at P'. 119. To find the condition that the line y = sx -\- c must fulfil 171 order that it may touch the hyperbola a"" b- By a method similar to that employed in Art. 89, we find s2 a'' -h'' = (-' . . . (1) for the required condition. Cob. 1. Substituting the value of c drawn from (1) in the equation of the line, we have ?/ = sx -1- ^ s^a^ — b'^ ... (2) for the equation of the tangent to the hyperbola in terms of its slope. 120. To find the locus generated by the intersection of a tangent to the hyperbola and a perpendicular to it from a focus as the point of tangency inoves around the curve. x^+ tf^a'' . . . (1) is the equation of the required locus. (See Art. 90.) 121. To find the locus generated by the intersection of tivo tangents ivhich are perpendicular to each other as the points of tangency move around the curve. x^ -]- y^ = a^ - b'' . . . (1) is the equation of the required locus. (See Art. 91.) 156 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 122. Tivo tangents are draivn to the hyperbola from, a point without ; required the equation of the line joining the points of tangency. ^ ^ yy_ ^-^^ (i\ O 7 9 ' ' ' \ / a^ 0- is the required equation. (See Art. 92.) 123. To find the equation of the polar of the pole (x', y'), with regard to the hypjerhola a^ b-' ' ^ ^ _ yy __ -^ /-^ a^ b^ is the required equation. (See Arts. 49 and 93.) 124. To deduce the equation of the hyperbola tvhen referred to a pair of conjugate diameters. A pair of diameters are said to be conjugate when they are so related that the equation of the hyperbola, when the cu7've is referred to them as axes, contains only the second p)owers of the variables. — - i^ = 1 ... (1) a"' b'^' ^ ^ is the required equation, and ct^ sin 6 sin cp — b"^ cos 6 cos go = 0, or tan 6 tan qo = — ... (2) a'^ is the condition for conjugate diameters. (See Art. 94.) Cor. Erom the form of (1) we see that all chords drawn parallel to one of two conjugate diameters are bisected by the other. ScHOL. From Art. Ill, (1) we have b^ a^ hence ss' = tan d tan (jd. If, therefore, s = tan 6, we have s' = tan cp ; i.e., if one of tivo conjugate diameters is parallel to a chord, the other conjxi- gate diameter is parallel to the supplement of that chord. THE HYPERBOLA. 157 From Art. 114 we have a- hence tt' = tan 6 tan qp. If, therefore, t = tan 6, we have t' = tan q> ; i.e., */ one of two conjugate diametei's is parallel to a tangent of the liyper- bola, the other conjugate diameter coincides with the line joining the point of tangency and the centre. 125. Prom the condition for conjugate diameters, tan 6 tan cp = b"" we see that the products of the slopes of any pair of conju- gate diameters is positive ; hence, the slopes are both positive or both negative. It appears, therefore, that any two conju- gate diameters must lie in the same quadrant. 126. To find the equation of a conjugate diameter. Fig. 51. 158 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Let V'R" be any diameter ; then P'E', drawn through the centre parallel to the tangent at P" (P^N') will be its eon- jugate diameter. Art. 124, Schol. The equation of the tangent at P" (x", y") is • (1) XX yy _^ a? V^ hence, the equation of P'R' is ^^" yy" __ or V' x" y = ^r- —TT^ • ■ «*• y But ^ = cot P"OX = 1 y s hence y = -^x . . . (£ ') (2) as is the equation of a diameter in terms of the slope of its conju- gate diameter. 127. To find the co-ordinates of either extremity of a diameter, the co-ordinates of one extremity of its co7ijugate diameter being given. Let the co-ordinates of P" (x", y"), Fig. 61, be given. By a course of reasoning similar to that of Art. 96, we find «=-[-- y", rf = 4--X . a The upper signs correspond to the point P' {x', y') ; the loAver signs to the point R' (— x', — y'). 128. To shoiv that the difference of the squares of any pair of semi-conjugate diameters is equal to the difference of the squares of the semi-axes. By a course of reasoning similar to that of Art. 97, or, by substituting — b^ for b^, — b'^ for b'^ in (4) of that article, we find a'2 _ S'2 _ ^2 _ 52 _ _ _ ^ij THE HYPERBOLA. 159 Cor. If a = b, then a' =b' ; i.e., the equilateral hyperbola has equal conjugate diameters. 129. To show that the 'parallelogram constructed on any two conjugate diameters is equivalent to the rectangle constructed on the axes. By a method similar to that of Art. 98, we can show that 4 a'b' sin (go - ^) = 4 ab ; i.e., Area MNM'N' = Area CDC'D'. Fig. 51. EXAMPLES. 1. The line y = 2x -\-c touches the hyperbola x^ y^ 1 what is the value of c .^ Ans. c = i V32. 2. A tangent to the hyperbola x^ _ ?/^ _ -1 10 12 ~ has its Y-intercept = 2 ; required its slope and equation. Ans. VlTe ; y = ViTG a; + 2. 3. A tangent to the hyperbola 4?/^ — 2x^ = 6 makes an angle of 45° with the X-axis ; required its equation. 4. Two tangents are drawn to the hyperbola A y^ — 2 x^ ^ — 36 from the point (1, 2) ; required the equation of the chord of contact. Ans. 9 cc — 8 y ^ 36. 5. What is the equation of the polar of the right-hand focus ? Of the left-hand focus ? 6. What is the polar of (1, ^) with regard to the hyperbola 4y^ — x'^ = — 4? Ans. x — 2 y = 4. 7. Find the diameter conjugate to y = x in the hyperbola -^ _ i^ = 1 9 16 Ans. y = ^ X. 160 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 8. Given the chord y — 2x -\- Q oi the hyperbola required the equations of the supplementary chord. Ans. y = ^ X — §. 9. In the last example find the equation of the pair of conjugate diameters which are parallel to the chords. Ans. y = 2x, 9 y = 2x. 10. The point (5, ^^) lies on the hyperbola 9y- — IQx^ = — 144; required the equation of the diameter passing through it; also the co-ordinates of the extremities of its conjugate diameter. 130. To deduce the equations of the rectilinear asymptotes of the hyperbola. An Asymptote of a curve is a line passing within a finite distance of the origiii which the curve continually approaches^ and to which it becomes tangent at an infinite distance. Fig. 52. THE HYPERBOLA. 161 The equation of the hyperbola whose transverse axis lies along the X-axis may be put under the form The equations of the diagonals, DD', CC, of the rectangle constructed on the axes AA', BB' are y' = ^-x, a or, squaring, y''^ = ^x^ . . . (2) where y' represents the ordinates of points on the diagonals. Let P' {x, y) be any point on the X-hyperbola ; and let D" (x, y') be the corresponding point on the diagonal DD'. Sub- tracting (1) from (2) and factoring, we have hence / - 2/ = ^"^' = /' • • • (3) As the points D", P' recede from the centre, 0, their ordi- nates D"]Sr, P'N increase and become infinite in value when D" and P' are at an infinite distance. But as the ordinates increase the value of the fraction (3), which represents their difference, decreases and becomes zero when y' and y are infinite ; hence, the points D'' and P' are continually approach- ing each other as they recede from the centre until at infinity they coincide. But the locus of D" during this motion is the infinite diagonal DD' ; hence, the diagonals of the rectangle constructed on the axes of the hyperbola are tha asymptotes of the curve. Therefore y z= -\ — x and tj = x a a are the reqiiired equations. CoR. 1. If a- = h, then y = -\- X and y =. — x\ i.e., the asymptotes of the equilateral hyperbola make angles of 45° with the IL-axis. 162 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Cor. 2. The equation of the hyperbola conjugate to (1) may be put under the form ^.2 - (x'^ + a^) . . . (4) Subtracting (1) from (4), we have y y = PiP' = 2 b'' y" + y hence, an hyperbola and its conjugate are curvilinear asymp- totes of each other. CoK. 3. Subtracting (2) from (4), we have b- y y' = P,D" = y"^y" hence, the rectilinear asymptotes of an hyperbola and of its con- jugate are the same. 131. To deduce the equation of the hyperbola when referred to its rectilinear asym,ptotes as axes. Y Fig. 53. The equation of the hyperbola when referred to OY, OX, IS 1 . (1) THE HYPERBOLA. 163 We wish to ascertain what this equation becomes when OY', OX' the rectilinear asymptotes are taken as axes. Let P' be any point of the curve ; let Y'OX = XOX' = 6. Then (OC, OF) = {x, y) ; (OD, DP') = {x', ij'). Prom the figure, OC = OK + DP ; CP' = RP' - DK ; i.e., x = {x' + y') cos 6 \ y = {y — x') sin Q. But from the triangle OAB, we have AB h sin B cos it = OB ^ci? + ^2 OA a OB Va- + y" hence, x = ix' -{- y') — ==:^^- ; y = iv' — ^') — : . Substituting these values in (1), we have (^' + yj - in' - xy = «' + ^^ or, reducing and dropping accents, xy = — J— ... (2) for the equation of the hyperbola referred to its asymptotes. In a similar manner we may show that xy = ^ ■ • • (3) is the equation of the hyperbola conjugate to (1), when re- ferred to its asymptotes as axes. Cor. Multiplying (2) by sin 2 6 we may place the result in the form vx sin 2 ^ = Va^_+1' . ^/^!_±i! siu 2 ^ • 2 2 ' that is DP'. P'H' = ON. AH ; therefore area ODP'P = area OMAN ; hence, the area of the parallelogravi constructed upon the co- ordinates of any point of the hyperbola, the asymptotes being axes, is constant and equal to the area of the rhombus con- structed upon the co-ordinates of the vertex. 164 PLANE ANAL YTIC GEOME TR Y. 132. To deduce the equation of the tangent to the hyperbola when the curve is referred to its rectilinear asymptotes as axes. Fig. 54. By a course of reasoning similar to that employed in ArtSo 41, 57, 82, we find the required equation to be y — y or, symmetrically. x" ^ y" y^^x- X") ■ ■ (2) (1) CoR. If we make ?/ = in (2), we have x = 2x" = OT. Fig. 54. But OM = x", .: OM = MT .-. T'D = TD ; hence, the point of tangency in the hyperbola bisects that por- tion of the tangent included between the asymptotes. THE HYPERBOLA. 165 133. Since D (x", y") is a point of the hyperbola, we have (see Fig. 54) 4 x"y" =a^ + b% or 2x" .2 y" = a- + h"- ; i.e., OT . OT' = a' ^y . . . (1) hence, the rectangle of the intercepts of a tangent on the asymp- totes is constant and equal to the sum of the squares on the semi-axes. 134. From (1) of the last article we have, after multiply- ,1 , , sin 2 6 mg through by — - — , ^'^ • ^^' sin 2 ^ = ^J—±Jl. sin 2 ^ = {a^ + h'-) sin 9 cos 6. But, Art. 131, sm ii = — , cos 9 = hence sm 2 9 ^ ab ; i.e., area OTT' = area OAD'B. .-. the triangle formed by a tangent to the hyperbola and its asymptotes is equivalent to the rectangle on the serai-axes. 135. Draw the chord RE,', Fig. 54, parallel to the tangent T'T. Draw also the diameter OL through D. Since TD = T'D, we have P/L = RL. Since OL is a diameter, we have LK = LH ; hence R'L — LK = RL - LH ; i.e., R'K = RH ; hence, the intercepts of a chord between the hyperbola and its asymptotes cure equal. 166 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. EXAMPLES. 1. What are the equations of the asymptotes of the hyper- bola ^ _ i^ = 1? 9 16 Ans. y = _1_ |- cc. What are the equations of the asymptotes of the follow- ing hyperbolas : 2. 16 ^ Ans. , X 4. 10 ~f-' 3. 3 2/2 _ 2 a;2 = -6. 5. mx^ - - ny^ = Ans. y ^ i Vf X. 6. What do the equations given in the four preceding ex- amples become when the hyperbolas which they represent are referred to their asymptotes as axes ? 7. The semi-conjugate axis of the hyperbola xy = 25 is 6 ; what is the value of the semi-transverse axis ? A71S. 8. What are the equations of the tangents to the following hyperbolas : 8. To xy = 10, at (1, 10). Ans. y -\-10x = 20. 9. To xy = + 12, at (2, 6). Ans. y = — 3x + 12. 10. To xy = m, at (— 1, —m). 11. To xy=-p, at (-2,|^ 12. Required the point of the hyperbola xy = 12 for which the sub-tangent = 4. Ans. (4, 3). 13. The equations of the asymptotes of an hj^perbola whose transverse axis = 16 are 3 ?/ = 2 x and 3 ?/ + 2 ic = ; required the equation of the hyperbola. Ans. ^_^ = i, 64 256 THE HYPERBOLA. 167 14. Prove that the product of the perpendiculars let fall from any point of the hyperbola on the asymptotes is con- stant and «2 -I- &2 • GENERAL EXAMPLES. 1. The point (6, 4) is on the hyperbola whose transverse is 10 ; required the equation of the hyperbola. Ans. ^ = 1. 25 400 2. Assume the equation of the hyperbola, and show that the difference of the distances of any point on it from the foci is constant and = 2 a. 3. Required the equation of the hyperbola, transverse axis = 6, which has 5 y = 2 x and 3 ?/ = 13 a; for the equa- tions of a pair of conjugate diameters. X btf_ Ans. _ - ^1^ = 1. 9 78 4. Show that the ratio of the sum of the focal radii of any point on the hyperbola to the abscissa of the point is con- stant and = 2 e. 5. What are the conditions that the line y =: sx -\- c must fulfil in order to touch — — -^ = 1 at infinity ? Ans. s = -J- - , c = 0. a 6. Show that the conjugate diameters of an hyperbola are also the conjugate diameters of the conjugate hyperbola. 7. Show that the portions of the chord of an hyperbola included between the hyperbola and its conjugate are equal. 8. What is the equation of the line which passes through the focus of an hyperbola and the focus of its conjugate hyperbola ? Ans. X -\- y ^ -y/ a^ -(- b^. 168 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 9. Show that e' a when e and e' are the eccentricities of two conjugate hyper- bolas. } 10. Find the angle between any pair of conjugate diame- ters of the hyperbola. 11. Show that in the hyperbola the curve can be cut by only one of two conjugate diameters. 12. Find whether the line y = ^x intersects the hyperbola 16 y- — 9 a;- — — 144, or its conjugate. 13. Show that the conjugate diameters of the equilateral hyperbola make equal angles with the asymptotes. 14. Show that lines drawn from any point of the equilat- eral hyperbola to the extremities of a diameter make equal angles with the asymptotes. 15. In the equilateral hyperbola focal chords drawn parallel to conjugate diameters are equal, 16. A perpendicular is drawn from the focus of an hyper- bola to the asymptote : show (a) that the foot of the perpendicular is at the distance a from the centre, and {b) that the foot of the perpendicular is at the distance h from the focus. 17. For what point of an hyperbola is the sub-tangent = the sub-normal ? 18. Show that in the equilateral hyperbola the length of the normal is equal to the distance of the point of contact from the centre. 19. Show that the tangents drawn at the extremities of any chord of the hyperbola intersect on the diameter which bisects the chord. THE HYPERBOLA. 169 20. Find the equation of the chord of the hyperbola ^ — J^ =1 9 12 which is bisected at the point (4, 2). 21. Eequired the equations of the tangents to 16 10 which make angles of 60° with the X-axis. 22. Show that the rectangle of the distances intercepted on the tangents drawn at the vertices of an hyperbola by a tangent drawn at any point is constant and equal to the square of the semi-conjugate axis. 23. Given the base of a triangle and the difference of the tangents of the base angles ; required the locus of the vertex, 24. Show that the polars of (?»., n) with respect to the hyperbolas ^ — l!- = 1, ll — ^ = 1 are parallel. 25. If from the foot of the ordinate of a point (ic, y) of the hyperbola a tangent be drawn to the circle constructed on the transverse axis, and from the point of tangency a line be drawn to the centre, the angle which this line forms with the transverse axis is called the eccentric angle of (a;, y). Show that (cc, ?/) = {a sec qo, b tan qo), and from these values deduce the equation of the hyperbola. 26. If («', y'), {x", y") are the extremities of a pair of conjugate diameters whose eccentric angles are qo' and go, show that (p' + 9 = 90°. 170 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. CHAPTER IX. THE GENERAL EQUATION OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 136. The most general equation of the second degree be- tween two variables is ay~ + bxy -\- cx^ -{- dy -\- ex + f == . . . (1) in which a, b, c, d, e, f are any constant quantities whatever. To investigate the properties of the loci which this equation represents under all possible values of the constants as to sign and magnitude is the object of this chapter. 137. The equations of the lines in a plane, with which we have had to do in preceding chapters, are Ax + By + C = 0. Straight line. (Ace + B?/ 4" C)^ = 0. Two coincident straight lines. 2/2 _ aj2 _ Q_ rji^^Q straight lines. 2/2 -|- a;^ = a". Circle. ?/2 -j- a;2 = 0. Two imaginary straight lines. y"^ = 2, px. Parabola. aY + h^'x^ = a%\ Ellipse. o?y^ — b^x^ = — a^b^. Hyperbola. a^y- — b'^x" — a-b^. Hyperbola. Comparing these equations with the general equation, we see that all of them may be deduced from it by making the constants fulfil certain conditions as to sign and magnitude. We are, therefore, prepared to expect that the lines which these equations represent will appear among the loci repre- sented by the general equation of the second degree between two variables. In the discussion which is to ensue we shall find that these lines are the only loci represented by this equation. EQUATION OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 171 DISCUSSION. 138. To show that the locus represented by a coynjplete equa- tion of the secoiid degree hetxoeen two variables is also represented by an equation of the second degree betiveen two variables, in which the term containing xy is wanting. Let us assume the equation ay"^ + ^^y + ^^^ +^y + ^^ + / = • • • (1) and. refer the locus it represents to rectangular axes, making the angle 6 with the old axes, the origin remaining the same. From Art. 33, Cor. 2, we have X = x' cos 9 — y' sin y = x sin 6 -{- y' cos 6 for the equations of transformation. Substituting these values in (1), we have, aY' + b'x'y' + c'x'^ + d'y + e'x' +/ = . . . (2) in which a' = a cos^ 6 -\- c sin^ 9 — b sin 9 cos 9 b' = 2 {a— c) sin ^ cos ^ + ^» (cos^ 9 — sin^ 9) c' = a sin2 9 ^ c cos^ ^ + 5 sin ^ cos ^ J. ... (3) d' ^ d cos 9 — e sin 9 e' =^ d sin 9 -\- e cos 9 Since 9, the angle through which the axes have been turned, is entirely arbitrary, we are at liberty to give it such a value as will render the value of b' equal to zero. Supposing it to have that value, we have 2 (a — c) sin 9 cos 9 + b (cos^ 9 — sin^ $) = 0, or (a — c) sm 2 ^ + 6 cos 2 ^ = . . . (4) or tan 29 = -^— ... (5) c — a Since any real number between -|- oo and — go is the tan- gent of some angle, equation (5) will always give real value for 2 9 ; hence the above transformation is always possible. Making &' = in (2), we have, dropping accents, a'y'' + cV ^d'y ■\-e'x-^f=^ . . . (6) for the equation of the locus represented by (1). To this equation, then, we shall confine our attention. 172 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. CoE. 1. To find the value of a' and c' iii terms of a, b, and c. Adding and then subtracting the first and third of the equations in (3), we have c' -\-a' = c -\- a . . . {!) c' — a' = (c —a)coB2 6 -\-bB\n26 . . . (8) Squaring (4) and adding to the square of (8), we have (c' - a'y = (c - ay + b^ ; .-. c' — a' = V(c - af -\-b^ . . . (9) Subtracting and then adding (7) and (9), we have a' = i\c + a- V(c - af -{- b^ . . . (10) c' = 1 ^c + a + V(c - ay + b'l . . . (11) Cor. 2. To find the signs of a' and c'. Multiplying (10) and (11), we have a'c' = \\{c + ay - {{c-ay -^b')\; .: a'c' = -i{b^ -4.ac) . . . (12) Hence, the sigiis of a' and c' depend upon the sign of the quantity P — 4: ac. The following cases present themselves : 1. b^ 4 ac. The sign of the second member of (12) is negative, .-. a' must be positive and c' negative, or a' must be negative and c' positive. 139. To transform the equation a't/"^ -\- c'x^ + d'y -\- e'x -\- y = into an equation in which the first pmwers of the vari- ables are missing. EQUATION OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 173 Let us refer the locus to a parallel system of rectangular axes, the origin being at the point (m, n). From Art. 32, we have X = VI -\- x', y ^= n -{- y'. Substituting these values in the given equation, we have a'y'2 + c'x"" + d"y'+ e"x'+f" = ... (2) in which d" =2a'n + d' 1 6" = 2 c'm + e' !- . . . (3) f" = a'n^ + c'lv? -\- d'n + e'ln + / J Since m and n are entirely arbitrary, we may, in general, give them such values as to make 2 a'?i + cZ' = and 2 c'm + e' = ; i.e., in general, we may make and m = - -^ ... (4) 2 a' 2 c' We see from these values that when a' and c' are not zero, this transformation also is possible ; and equation (2) becomes, after dropping accents, ay+flV+r = ... (5) Equation (5), we observe, contains only the second power of the variables ; hence it is satisfied for the points (x, y) and (— X, — y). But only the equation of curves with centres can satisfy this condition ; hence, equation (5) is the equa- tion of central loci. When either a' or c' is zero, then n or m is infinite and the transformation becomes impossible. Hence arise two cases which require special consideration. 140. Case 1. a' = o. Under this supposition equation (6), Art. 138, becomes c'x- + d'y + e'x +/= ... (1) Referring the locus of this equation to parallel axes, the origin being changed, we have for the equations of trans- formation X = m -\- x', y = n -\- y'. 174 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Substituting in (1), we have c'x'^ + d'y' + (2 dm + e') x' + c'm'' + d'n -\- e'm -\-f =0 . . . (2) Kow, in general, we may give vi and ?i such values as to make 2 c'??i -[- e' = 0, and c'm^ + c?'?i + e'm -|-y = ; i.e., we may make m = , and e c'm^ + e^«?, + / _ e'' - 4/c^ ;. . . . (a) If c^' is not zero (since a' = 0, c' is not zero), this transfor- mation is possible and (2) becomes, after dropping accents, c'x^ + d^y = 0, °^ d' x^=-^y . . . (3) CoR. If d' = 0, (1) becomes cV-f e'a;-f / = ... (4) or, solving with respect to x, 2 c' ^ ^ 141. Case 2. c' = o. Under this supposition equation (6), Art. 138, becomes ay + d'y + e'x+f=0 ... (1) Transforming this equation so as to eliminate y and the constant term, by a method exactly similar to that of the preceding article, we find d' n = , 2 a' ' d'^ - 4 a'f 4 a'e' ' and, if e' is not zero, we have (a' is not zero since c' = 0) f=-^,x . . . (2) a EQUATION OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 175 Cob. If e' = 0, equation (1) becomes y d' ^ Vd'^ - 4. fa' (3) 142. Summarizing the results of the preceding articles, we find that the discussion of the general equation ay^ -j- hxi/ -^ cx'^ ->r di/ -{- ex + f = has been reduced to the discussion of the three simple forms : 1. a' if + c'x- -\-f" = 0. Art. 139, (5) f=-I.tj. Art. 140, (3) 2/2 = _ 1- ic. Art. 141, (2) _ e' jz ^e'-' - ^fo' ^~ 2 c' -d' :^ ^d'^ - 4. fa' 2 a' Art. 140, (5) Art. 141, (3) The discussion now involves merely a consideration of the sign and magnitude of the constants which enter into these equations. 143. b^ <'i ac. Under this supposition, since a' and c' are both positive or both negative, Art. 138, Cor. 2, neither a' nor c' can be zero ; hence, forms 2 and 3 of the preceding article are excluded from consideration. The first form becomes either ay + c'x^+/"=0, 1 .^^ or _ay-cV+.r=0| in which a' and c' may have any real value and /' may have any sign and any value. Hence arise four cases : 176 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Case 1. If f" has a sign different from that of a' and c', equations (1) are equations of ellipses whose semi-axes are v/^-dj=Y//; Case 2. If /" has the same sign as that of a' and c', equa- tions (1) represent imaginary curves. Case 3. If a' = c' and/" has a different sign from that of a' and c', equations (1) are equations of circles. If f" has the same sign as a' and c', then the equations represent imagi- nary curves. Case 4. If/" = 0, equations (1) are equations of t^vo imagi- nary straight lines jmssing through the origin. Hence, when 5^ < 4 ac, every equation of the second degree bettveen two variables represents an ellipse, an imaginary curve, a circle, or two imaginary straight lines intersecting at the origin. 144. ^2 = 4 ac. Under this supposition, Art. 138, Cor. 2, either a' = 0, or c' = ; hence, form (1) of Art. 142 is excluded. Resuming the forms y = - d' e' (2) _ e' _J_ Ve'- - 4 fc' " = 2^^ -~ y ^ -d: ^^ ^d'^- - ^fa' ~ 2 a' (3) J we have four cases depending upon the sign and magnitude of the constants. Case 1. If d' and c' in the first form of (2) are not zero, and if e' and a' in the second form of (2) are not zero, then equations (2) are equations of parabolas. EQUATION OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 177 Case 2. Since the first form of (3) is independent of y, it represents tiuo lines parallel to each other and to the Y-axis. The second form of (3) represents, similarly, tivo li7ies which are parallel to the X-axis. Case 3. If e"^ < 4/c' the first form of (3) represents tivo imaginary lines. If d'"^ < 4: fa', the second form of (3) represents tivo imagi- nary lines. Case 4. If e'^ = 4/c', the first form of (3) represents one straight line parallel to the Y-axis. If c^'2 _ 4.faf, the second form of (3) represents one straight line parallel to the X-axis. Hence, when &^ := 4 ac, every equation of the second degree between two variables represents a parabola, two parallel straight lines, two hnaginary lines, or one straight line, 145. b''> 4. ac. Under this supposition, Art. 138, Cor. 2, since a' and c' must have opposite signs, neither a' nor c' can be zero ; hence forms (2) and (3) of Art. 142 are excluded from con- sideration under this head. The first form becomes either ay-cV+/" = 1 or -aY + c'x'^f" =0] " " " (^) We have here three cases. Case 1. If f has a different sign from that of a', equations (1) are equations of hyperbolas whose semi-axes are « = y//;andi=y'r. If /" has a different sign from that of c', equations (1) are still equations of hyperbolas. Case 2. If a' = c' , equations (1) are equations of equilat- eral hyperbolas. Case 3. If f" = 0, equations (1) are equations of two inter- secting straight lines. 178 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Hence, when 6^ > 4 ac, every equation of the second degree between two variables represents an hyperbola, an equilateral hyperbola, or two intersecting straight lines. 146. Summary. The preceding discnssion has elicited the following facts : 1. That the general equation of the second degree between tivo variables represents, under every conceivable value of the constants which enter into it, an ellipse, a parabola, an hyper- bola, or one of their limiting cases. 2. When b'^ < 4ac it represents an ellipse, or a limiting case. 3. When h'^ = 4:ac it represents a parabola, or a limiting case. 4. When b'^ > 4ac it represents an hyperbola, or a limiting case. EXAMPLES. 1. Given the equation 3 2/^ + 2a;?/ + 3a;^ — 83/ — 8x = 0; to classify the locus, transform and construct the equation. {a) To classify. Write the general equation and just below it the given equation, thus : ay^ + bxy -\- cx^ -\- dy -\- ex -}- f = Sy"" -{-2xy -{-Sx'' -8y -Sx = . . . (1) Substituting the co-efficients in the class characteristic 52 _ 4 ^(.^ -^g have 5^ — 4 ac = 4 — 36 = — 32 ; hence &^ <4 ac. and the locus belongs to the ellipse class. Art. 146. (b) To refer the locus to axes such that the term containing xy shall disap)pear. From Art. 138, (5), we have b tan 2 ^ = c — a 2 hence tan 2 6 = = + 00, o — o /. 2^ = 90° .-. ^ = 45° . . . (2) EQUATION OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 179 i.e., the new X-axis makes an angle of -\- 45° with the old X-axis. Taking now (10), (11), (3), Art. 138, and substitut- ing values, we have a' = ^\c -\- a — V(c — af + b~\ = 2. c' = X ^c + a -f V(c-ay-\-b'\ = 4. d' = dcos6 — e sin 6 = ^ -^2 (d — e) = 0. e' = dsine -{-ecos6 = ^^2 (d -\- e) = —8 V2. Substituting these values in (6), Art. 138, we have (/ being zero), 2tf-^4.x~-8 V2T a; = ... (3) (c) To refer the locus to its centre and axes. Substituting the values found above in (4), Art. 139, we have ?^ = = 0. 2 a' m = - -^ = 8 V2 _ ^2 Hence/" = a'n- + c'm"" + d'n + e'm-\-f= - 8, Art. 139, (3). Substituting this value of /" together with the values of a' and c' found above in (5), Art. 139, we have 2 y2 _|. 4 ^2 _ 8 = 0, or ^' _i_ l! = 1 . . . (4) 2^4 ^ ^ for the reduced equation. The semi-axes of the ellipse are a = V2 and & = 2. (d) To construct. Draw the axis OX', making an angle of 45° with the old X-axis. See (b). Draw OY' 1 to OX'. The equation of the curve when referred to these axes is given in (3). Constructing 180 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. the point 0' (V2, 0) we have the centre of the ellipse. See (c). Draw O'Y" -L to OX' at 0'. The equation of the curve when referred to O'Y", O'X' as axes is given in (4). Fig. 55. Having the semi-axes, V2 and 2, we can construct the ellipse by either of the methods given in Art. 78. DISCUSSION. If 2/ = in (1), we have for the X-intercepts 0, OD, 3 If cc = in (1), we have for the Y-intercepts 0, OC, 7/ == 0, 7/ = - . If £c = in (3), we have y = j- 0; i.e., the ellipse is tangent to the Y'-axis. If y = in (3), we have for the X'-intercepts 0, OB, X = 0, cc = 2 V2. If a; = in (4), we have for the Y"-intercepts O'A, O'A'. 2/- ±2. EQUATION OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 181 If 2^ = ill (4), we have for the X'-intercepts O'B, O'O, a; = -t- V2. 2. Given the equation t/ — 2 xy -{- x^ — 2 7j — \ = 0, class- ify the locus, transform and construct the equation. (a) To classify. ay"^ + bxy + cx^ -\- dy -\- ex -\- f = y'' — 2xy -h x--2y-l = ... (1) hence b"^ — 4= ac = A — 4: = 0, ,'. b- = 4:ac ; hence the locus belongs to the parabola class, Art. 146. (b) To refer the locus to axes such that the term containing xy shall disappear. From Art. 138, (5), we have tan 26 = —^ ; c — a hence, substituting tan 2 ^ = — 1 _ 1 - .-. ^ = -45° . . . (2) Substituting the values of the coefficients in (10), (11), (3) of Art. 138, we have a' = ^\c + a — V(c — ay + b''\= 0. c' = :L^c^a + V(c - ay + b'^ ^ = 2. d' = dGosd — esinO = —2 (^ V2) = — V2. e' = t^ sin ^ + e cos ^ = — 2 (— i V2) = + V2. Substituting these values in (1), Art. 140 (since a' — 0), we have 2x^ — V2 y + V2 a; — 1 = . . . (3) (c) To refer the p>arahola to a tangent at the vertex and the axis. Substituting the values of the constants in (a), Art. 140, we have e' V2 oc^ i m = — . = = — .60 nearly. 2 c' 4 ^ e'2 — 4 /c' 5 182 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Substituting the values of d' and c in (3), Art. 140 (since d) is not zero), we have a;2 = iV2.2/ . . . (4) for the reduced equation. (d) To construct. V Fig. 56. Draw OX' making an angle of — 45° with the X-axis ; draw OY' ± to OX'. See {b). The equation of the parabola when referred to these axes is given in (3). Constructing the point (— .35, — .90), we have the vertex of the parabola 0'. See (c). Draw O'X" and O'Y" parallel to the axes OX', OY' respectively. The equation of the parab- ola referred to these axes is given in (4). The curve can now be constructed by either of the methods given in Art. 54. EQUATION OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 183 DISCUSSION. If ic = in (1), we have for the Y-intercepts OC, OC, y = 2.4 2/ = - •4- If y = in (1), we have for the Y-intercept OD, OD', a^= -t 1. If cc = in (3), we have for the Y'-intercept OK, 1 y = = - .707. V2 If 2/ = in (3), we have for the X'-intercepts OL, OL', _ _ V2 + VlO _ - V2 - Vlo If X = in (4), y = 0; if ?/ = in (4), x = -t 0. 3. Given the equation y^ — 2x^ — 2'i/-\-6x — 3 = 0, classify the locus, transform and construct the equation. (a) To classify. ay'^ -\- bxy + cx'^ -\- dy -\- ex + f= 0. y^ — 2x^-2 y + 6x — 3 = . . . (1) b^-4:ac = 8 .: b^>4.ac; hence, the locus belongs to the hyperbola class, Art. 146. (b) To ascertain the direction of the rectangular axes (xy being wanting). tan 26 = — ^— = -^ = ; c — a — 3 .-. ^ = 0; i.e., the new X-axis is parallel to the old X-axis. (c) To refer the hyperbola to its centre and axes, we have, Art. 139, (4), n = d' _ e' 2^''^~~T7' hence n = \, m ^= -. 2 Substituting in the value of /", Art. 139, (3), we have /" = a'n'' -f c'm^ + d'n + e'm -\- f = 1 -^ - 2 +9-3; hence f" = -. -^ 2 184 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. This value, together with the values of a' and c' in (5), Art. 139, gives 2^f-4.x^ = -l . . . (3) for the required equation. (d) To construct. Fig. 57. Construct the point 0' (|, 1), and through it draw O'X" || to OX, and O'Y" || to OY. The equation of the hyperbola referred to these axes is given in (3). AVe see from this equa- tion that the semi-transverse axis is -. Laying off this dis- tance to the right and then to the left of 0', we locate the vertices of the curve A, A'. DISCUSSION. If a; = in (1), we have for the Y-intercepts OC, OC, y = 3,y = —1. If 2/ = in (1), we have for the X-intercepts OD, OD', 3 + V3 V3 EQUATION OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 185 If a; = in (3), we have If ?/ = in (3), we have for the X-intercepts O'A, O'A', -^\ From this data the student may readily determine the eccentricity, the parameter, and the focal distances of the hyperbola. 4. Given the equation T/^-fa;^ — 42/ + 4a;— 1 = 0, class- ify the locus, transform and construct the equation. (a) b"^ <4 ac .-. the locus belongs to the ellipse class. (b) 6 = 0.: new X-axis is || to old X-axis. (c) (m, n)=(-2,2) and /" = - 9 hence x^ -\- y^ = 9 is the transformed equation of the locus, which from the form of the equation is evidently a circle. (d) Locate the point (— 2, 2). With this point as a centre, and with 3 as a radius, describe a circle ; it will be the re- quired locus. 5. y^ - 2 xy -\- x^ - 2 = 0. (a) b^ ^ 4: ac .-. parabola class. (b) = — 4:5° .: new X-axis inclined at an angle of — 45° to the old X-axis. We have also a' = 0, c' = 2, d' = 0,e' = i.e., X = 1 and x = — 1 . . . (1) are the equations of the locus when referred to the new axes. (c) The construction gives the lines OX', OY' as the new axes of reference. Equations (1) are the equations of the two lines CM, CM' drawn || to the Y'-axis and at a unit's distance from it. 186 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Fig. 58. We may construct the locus of the given equation without going through the various steps required by the general method. Factoring the given equation, we have hence {y -x + V2) {y -X- V2) = y = X — V2 and y = x -\- V2 are the equations of the locus. Constructing these lines (OY, OX being the axes of reference), we get the two parallel lines CM, CM'. Classify, transform, and construct each of the following equations : 6. 2/' - 2 cKy + a;' + 2 2/ - 2 a; + 1 = 0. 7. 2/' + 2 x?/ + a;2 - 1 = 0. 8. b y^ + 2 xy + 5 x" — 12 X — 12 y x = ^^2 2 "^ 3 EQUATION OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 187 9. 2 1/ -\- 2 x^ — 4.y — 4.x -\- 1 = 0. ^' + y' = |. 10. y^ + x^ — 2 X -\- 1 = (). y = x^ -!,{{),()). 11. ?/2 _|_ ^2 _j_ 2 a; + 2 = 0. Imaginary ellipse. 12. 2/'' - 2 xy + a;2 - 8 a; + 16 = 0. Parabola. 13. y^- — 2xy -\-x'^ — y -\-2x — l=0. Parabola. 14. 4 a;y — 2 ic + 2 = 0. Hyperbola. 15. y~ — 2x' -\-2y + !=(). Two intersecting lines. 16. ?/2 _ a;2 4_ 2 2/ + 2 cc - 4 = 0. Equilateral hyperbola. 17. 2/^ — 2 XT/ + a;2 + 2 2/ + 1 = 0. 18. 2/^ + 4 xy + 4 a;' — 4 = 0. 19. y"" — 2xy -\-2x'' — 2y -\-2x = 0. 20. 2/2 — 4 a;?/ + 4 a;2 = 0. 21. 2/^ — 2 cc?/ — cc2 _^ 2 = 0. 22. 2/'-ic' = 0. 188 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. CHAPTER X. HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 147. Loci lying in a single plain and represented by equa- tions other than those of the first and second degrees are called Higher Plane Curves. We shall confine our atten- tion in this chapter to the consideration of a few of those curves which have become celebrated by reason of the labor expended upon them by the ancient mathematicians, or which have become important by reason of their practical value in the arts and sciences. EQUATIONS OF THE THIRD DEGREE. 148. The Semi-cubic Parabola. This curve is the locus generated by the intersection of the ordinate TT^ of the common parabola with the perpendicular OP let fall from its vertex upon the tangent drawn at T' as the point of tangency moves around the curve. 1. To deduce the rectangular equation. Let T' {x", y") be the point of tangency, and let P (cc , 3/ ) be a point of the curve. Let y"^ = 4: px be the equation of the common parabola. Since the equation of the tangent line T'M to the parabola is Art. 57, (6), yy" = 2p(x + x"), the equation of the perpendicular (OM) let fall from the vertex is y = — ^ x . . . (V) HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 189 Fig. 59. Since TT' is parallel to OY, we have for its equation x=x" . . . (2) Combining (1) and (2), we have y = - _ y 'p But hence y" = V4:2)x" ; V4 px" „ y = — ^ • X . 2 p Squaring and dropping accents, we have 2/^ = ^ . . . (3) P for the equation of the semi-cubic parabola. This curve is remarkable as being the first curve which was rectified, that is, the length of a portion of it was shown to 190 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. be equal to a certain number of rectilinear units. It derives its name from the fact that its equation (3) may be written x^ — p'^ y. 2. To deduce the polar equation. Making x = r cos 6 and y ^= r sin Q in (3), we have, after reduction, r = p tan ^ 6 sec ^ . . . (4) for the polar equation of the curve. ScHOL. Solving (3) with respect to y, we have y = Wf An inspection of this value shows (a) That the curve is symmetrical with respect to the X-axis ; (b) That the curve extends infinitely from the Y-axis in the direction of the positive abscissas. 149. To dupjlicate the cube hy the aid of the parabola. Let a be the edge of the given cube. We wish to con- struct the edge of a cube such that the cube constructed on it shall be double the volume of the given cube ; i.e., that the condition x^ = 2 a^ shall be satisfied. Fig. 60. HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 191 Construct the parabola whose equation is 2/2 = 2 ace ... (1) Let MPO be the curve. Construct also the parabola whose equation is x^ = ay . . . (2) Let NPO be this curve. Then OA (= x), the abscissa of their point of intersection is the required edge. For eliminating y between (1) and (2), we have x^ = 2 a\ This problem attained to great celebrity among the ancient geometricians. We shall point out as we proceed one of the methods employed by them in solving it. 150. The Cissoid. The cissoid is the locus generated by the intersection (P) of the chord (OM') of the circle (OMM'T) with the ordinate Fig. 61. 192 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. MIST (equal to the ordinate M'N' let fall from the point M' on the diameter through 0) as the chord revolves about the origin 0. It may also be defined as the locus generated by the inter- section of a tangent to the parabola ^/^ = — 8 aa; with the perpendicular let fall on it from the origin as the point of tangency moves around the curve. 1. To deduce the rectangular equation. Fh^st Metliod. — Let OT = 2 a, and let P {x, y) be any point of the curve. From the method of generation in this case MN = WW .-. ON = N'T. From the similar triangles ONP, ON'M', we have NP : ON : : M'N' : ON'. But NP = y, ON = X, M'N' = VON' . N'T = V(2 a - cc) x, ON' = 2a -x\ .-. y : X :: V(2 a — x) x -.2 a — x. Hence y"" = -~^ •••(!) 2 a — X is the required equation. Second Method. — The equation of the tangent line to the parabola 3/^ = — 8 ax is Art. 65, (2) , 2a y = — sx -\- The equation of a line passing through the origin and per- pendicular to this line is X 2/ = -• s Combining these equations so as to eliminate s, we have x^ y = 2 a — X for the equation of the locus. This curve was invented by Diodes, a Greek mathematician of the second century, B.C., and called by him the cissoid from HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 193 a Greek word meaning '* ivy." It was employed by him in solving the celebrated problem of inserting two mean propor- tionals between given extremes, of which the duplication of the cube is a particular case. 2. To deduce the polar equation. From the figure (OP, PON) = (r, 0) we have also r = OP = M'K = OK - OM'. But OK = 2 a sec ^ and OM' = 2 «. cos ^ ; hence r = 2 (z (sec 6 — cos 6), or r = 2 a tan 6 sin 6 is the polar equation of the curve. ScHOL. Solving (1) with respect to y, we have V^ 2/=± An inspection of this value shows (a) That the cissoid is symmetrical with respect to the X-axis. (b) That X = and x =2 a are the equations of its limits. (c) That ic = 2 a is the equation of a rectilinear asymp- tote (SS'). 151. To duplicate the cube by the aid of the cissoid. Let OL, Fig. 61, be the edge of the cube which we wish to duplicate. Construct the arc BO of the cissoid, CO = a being the radius of the base circle. Lay off CD = 2 CA = 2 a and draw DT intersecting the cissoid in B ; draw BO and at L erect the perpendicular LE, intersecting BO in R. Then LR is the edge of the required cube ; for the equation of the cissoid gives x^ y = 2 a — X OPTS hence HB^ = ^ (since HB =y,OB.= x, and HT = Hi 2 a — x). The similar triangles CDT and HBT give CD : CT :: HB : HT. 194 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. But CD = 2 CT by construction ; hence HB = 2 HT 2 This value of HT in the value of HB^ above gives 2 0H3 HB2 = HB hence HB^ = 2 OH". The triangles OHB and OLR are similar ; hence HB : OH :: LR : OL .-. HB3:OH3::LR=^::OL3 But HB^ = 2 OH^, hence LR^ = 2 OL^ ; whence the con- struction. 152. The Witch. Fig. 62. V HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 195 The witch is the locus of a point P on the produced ordi- nate DP of a circle, so that the produced ordinate DP is to the diameter of the circle OA as the ordinate DM is to the outer segment DA of the diameter. It may also be defined as the locus of a point P on the linear sine DM of an angle at a distance from its foot D equal to twice the linear tangent of one-half the angle. 1. To deduce the rectangular equation. First Method. — From the mode of generation, we have DP : OA :: DM : DA But DP = 2/. OA = 2 a, DM = VOD . DA = ^/x (2 a - x), DA = 2 a — x\ hence ' y-2 a :: V(2 a — x) x : 2 a — x. o ^ Cv JO /^ \ 2 a — X is the required equation. Second Method. — Let MCO = 6 ; then by definition o ^ ^ c, ^ la 0- — cos &) V = 2 « tan - = 2 ft i / — ^^ '- . 2 V a (1 + cos 6) But ft (1 — cos ^) = a, - a cos ^ = 00 — DC = OD = x, and a (1 + cos ^) = a + ft cos ^ = 00 + DC = OD' = 2a — x; hence 4 a^x = 2^2- or, squaring y 2 a — X This curve was invented by Donna Maria Agnesi, an Italian mathematician of the eighteenth century. ScHOL. Solving (1) with respect to y, we have y = _1_ 2 a \/ ^- . \ 2a-x Hence (a) the witch is symmetrical with respect to the X-axis. (b) cc = and x = 2 a are the equations of its limits. (c) x = 2a is the equation of the rectilinear asymptote SS'. 196 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY, EQUATIONS OF THE FOURTH DEGREE. 153. The Conchoid. The conchoid is the locus generated by the intersection of a circle with a secant line passing through its centre and a fixed point A as the centre of the circle moves along a fixed line OX. As the intersection of the circle and secant will give two points P, P, one above and the other below the fixed line, it is evident that during the motion of the circle these points will generate a curve with two branches. The upper branch MBM' is called the Supekior Branch ; the lower, the In- ferior Branch. The radius of the moving circle O'P (= OB) is called the Modulus. The fixed line OX is called the Directrix ; the point A, the Pole. 1, To deduce the rectangidar equation. Let P (x, y), the intersection of the circle PP'P and the HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 197 secant AOT, be any point of the curve. Let O'P = OB = h, and let OA = a. The equation of the circle whose centre is at 0' (x', 0) is (x — x'Y -\- y^ = b^- The equation of the line AOT is y ^= sx — a . . . (1) Making y — in (1), we have a s for the distance 00'. But 00' = x' ; hence ^-^J+^' = ^'- • • ^^> is the equation of the circle. If we now combine (1) and (2) so as to eliminate s, the resulting equation will express the relationship between the co-ordinates of the locus generated by the intersection of the loci they represent. Substituting the value of s drawn from (1) in (2), we have a +y ,.xY=(b'-y^)(a + yy . . . (3) is the required equation. We might have deduced this equation in the following very simple way : Draw AT || to OX, and PT || to OY. Since the triangles ATP and O'SP are similar, we have PS : SO' :: PT : TA : i.e., y : -\/b^ — y^ :: a -{- y : x. Hence xY = {b^ — y^) (a + yy. This curve was invented by Nicomedes, a Greek mathema- tician who flourished in the second century of our era. It was employed by him in solving the problems of the duplication of a cube and the trisection of an angle. 198 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 2. To deduce the polar equation. From the figure we have (AY being the initial line, and A the pole) (AP, PAB) = (r, 6) But AP = AO' ± OT ; hence r = a sec 6 ^^b is the polar equation of the curve. ScHOL. Solving (3) with respect to x, we have O' + y X = ^ — ■y/b'' — if . ■ An inspection of this value shows (a) That the conchoid is symmetrical with respect to the Y-axis. (5) That y ^b and y = — b are the equations of its limits. (c) That 2/ = gives x = -I- c/d, .-. the X-axis is an asymp- tote. (d) If a = 0, then x = -^ V^" — y''; i.e., the conchoid be- comes a circle. (e) If 6 > a, the inferior branch has a loop as in the figure, (/) li b = a, the points A' and A coincide and the loop. disappears. (g) li b 45° and <135° r is imaginary. If ^ = 135°, cos 2 ^ = cos 270° = .-. r = 0. If ^ = 180°, cos 2 ^ = cos 360° = 1 .-. r = -J- a. An examination of these values of r shows that the curve occupies the opposite angles formed by the asymptotes of the hyperbola. The curve is symmetrical with respect to both axes. HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 203 TRANSCENDENTAL EQUATIONS. 157. The Curve of Sines. This curve takes its name from its equation y = sin X, and may be defined as a curve whose ordinates are the sines of the corresponding abscissas, the latter being considered as rectified arcs of a circle. Y Fig. 67. To construct the curve. Give values to x which differ from each other by 30°, and find from a "Table or Natural Sines " the values of the corresponding ordinates. Tabulating the result, we have, Value of X Corresponding Value of y .50 .87 30° = IT 6 ~ .52 « 60° = 2 TT "6" = 1.04 « 90° = 37r 6 = 1.56 « 20° 47r 6 = 2.08 1.00 .87 204 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Value of X Corr esponding Value of y 150° -^"^ - 2.60 6 « .50 180° = TT = 3.14 (( 210° = IjL = 3.66 6 (( -.50 240° = ?Z = 4.18 6 It -.87 270° - ^ ^ - 4.70 6 u - 1.00 300° = ^^ '^ - 5.22 6 11 -.87 330° = ^^'^ = 5.75 6 a -.50 360° = 2 TT = 6.28 a Constructing these points and tracing a smooth curve through them, we have the required locus. As x may have any value from to -J:; oo and yet satisfy the equation of the curve, it follows that the curve itself extends infinitely in the direction of both the positive and negative abscissas. 158. The Cukve of Tangents. Y Fig. HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 205 This curve also takes its name from its equation y = tan x. To construct the curve. Give x values differing from each other by 30° and find from a Table of Natural Tangents the corresponding values of y. Tabulating, we have, Value of X Corresponding Value of y " " .57 « 1.73 30° " 6 ~ -- .52 60° _27r 6 = 1.04 90° 377 6 = 1.56 120° _47r "6" = 2^8 150° _57r 6 = 2.60 180° = TT = 3.14 210° _lir = 3.66 « - 1.73 -.57 " .57 6 240° =^ = 4.18 " 1.73 6 270° = ^ = 4.70 « oo 6 300° = ^^ = 5.22 " - 1.73 6 330° = 11^ == 5.75 " - .57 6 360° = 2 TT = 6.28 " Constructing these points and tracing a smooth curve through them, we have the locus of the equation. This curve, together with that of the preceding article, belong to the class of Repeating Curves, so called because they repeat themselves infinitely along the X-axis. 206 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 159. The Cycloid. This curve is the locus generated by a point on the circum- ference of a circle as the circle rolls along a straight line. The line OM is called the Base of the cycloid ; the point P, the Generating Point ; the circle BPL, the Gen- erating Circle; the line HB', perpendicular to OM at its middle point, the Axis. The points and M are the Vertices of the cycloid. 1. To deduce the rectangular equation, the origin being taken at the left-hand vertex of the curve. Let P be any point on the curve, and the angle through which the circle has rolled, PCB = 0. Let LB, the diameter of the circle, = 2 a. Then OA = OB - AB and AP = CB - CK. ButOA == a;, OB = a ^, AB = PK = a sin ^, AP = 3/, CB = a, CK = a cos 9 ; hence, substituting, we have X = a t) — a sm y =z a — a cos 6 (1) HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 207 Eliminating 6 between these equations, we have /T If 1i X = a cos"^ — V'2 ay — y"^ = a vers~^ - CO (^ -^2ay-y' ... (2) for the required, equation. ScHOL. An inspection of (2) shows {a) that negative values of y render x imaginary. (b) When y = 0, x = a vers~^ = 0; but a vers"^ = 2 tt a, or 4 TT a, or 6 TT (X, or etc. ; hence there are an infinite number of points such as and M. (c) When y = 2 a, x = a vers"^ 2 = tt a = OB' ; but a vers~^ 2 = 3 tt a, or 5 tt a, ov 1 tt a, ov etc. ; hence, there are an infinite number of points such as H. (d) y = and y = 2 a are equations of the limits. (e) For every value of y between the limits and 2 a there are an infinite number of values for x. 2. To deduce the rectangular equation, the origin being at the highest 'point H. We have for the equations of transformation a; = OA = OB' - PK' = tt a + cc' 2/ = AP = B'H - HK' = 2a^y' These values in (1) above give x' =^ a {0 — it) — a sin Q 1 .o\ y' '= — a — a cos Q f But &, the angle through which the circle has rolled from H, = ^ — TT ; hence x' = aQ' -\- a sin & 1 ,^ y' = a (cos 6' -1) ] ■ ■ ' ^ ^ _ y' _ . Hence cc' = a vers~^ — ■ -}- V— 2 ay^— y'^ . . . (5) The invention of this curve is usually attributed to Galileo. With the exception of the conic sections no known curve possesses so many useful and beautiful properties. The fol- lowing are some of the more important : 208 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 1. Area OPHDB'O = area HDB' = tt a". 2. Area of cycloid OHMO = 3 HDB' = 3 tt a^. 3. Perimeter OPHM = 4 HB' = 8 a. 4. If two bodies start from any two points of the curve (the curve being inverted and friction neglected), they will reach the lowest point H at the same time. 5. A body rolling down this curve will reach the lowest point H in a shorter time than if it were to pursue any other path whatever. SPIRALS. 160. The Spiral is a transcendental curve generated by a point revolving about some fixed point, and receding from it in obedience to some fixed law. The portion of the locus generated during one revolution of the point is called a Spire. The circle whose radius is equal to the radius-vector of the generating point at the end of the first revolution is called the Measuring Circle of the spiral. 161. The Spiral of Archimedes. \^^— r-x / /\ "''' ' ~~ ""■•^w\ / '' \ x\\ / / \^-- / \ / 1 / \ y 'a \ [/ \ // \ ^^ J/ \ \ / * \ .X ^^''^>-^ ^^^-^""^^ \/ '^-— ■" \ Fig. 70. HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 209 This spiral is the locus generated by a point so moving that the ratio of its radius-vector to its vectorial angle is always constant. From the definition, we have hence r ■= cO . . . (1) is the equation of the spiral. To construct the spiral. Assuming values for 6 and finding from (1) the correspond- ing value for r, we have Values of 6 Corresponding Values of r "0 " . — C 4 cc 2 TT 4 ,, 3 TT " G 4 " TTC 4 " c 4 " . G 4 " 2 TTC Constructing these points and tracing a smooth curve through them, we have a portion of the spiral. Since ^ = gives r =0, the spiral passes through the pole. Since $ = cc gives r = oo, the spiral makes an infinite number of revolutions about the pole. Since = 2 tt gives r = 2 ir c, OA (= 2 tt c) is the radius of the measuring circle. 45° TT "4 90° _27r 4 135° _37r 4 180° = TT 225° 5x 4 270° _67r 7 _ 315° / TT 4 360° = 277- 00 210 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 162. The Hyperbolic Spiral. This curve is the locus generated by a point so moving that the product of its radius-vector and vectorial angle is always constant. From the definition we have or r = - . . . (1) e ^ ^ for the equation of the spiral. Fig. 71. To construct the spiral. Giving values to 6, finding the corresponding values of r, we have Values of 6 Corresponding Values of r 45° = '- 00 n HIGHER PLANP CURVES. 211 Values of 6 Corresponding Values of r 90° = ? TT 4 a 2c TT 135°=^7r 4 ti 4c 3 TT 180° = TT u c IT 225° = ^ TT 4 u Ac 57r 270°=^7r 4 u 4c 315° =1,7 4 it 4c 360° = 2 TT ii 2^ 00, a Constructing the points we readily find the locus to be a curve such as we have represented in the figure. Since ^ = gives r = oo there is no point of the spiral corresponding to a zero-vectorial angle. Since 6 ^ oo gives r = 0, the spiral makes an infinite number of revolutions about the pole before reaching it. Since 6 = 2tt gives c 2 TT c is the circumference of the measuring circle. ScHOL. Let P be any point on the spiral ; then (OP, POA) = (r, 0). With as a centre and OP as a radius describe the arc PA. By circular measure, Arc PA = r 6, and from (1) c =r 0; hence Arc PA = c ; i.e., the arc of any circle between the initial line and the spiral is equal to the circumference of the measuring circle. 212 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 163. The Parabolic Spiral. This spiral is the locus generated by a point so moving that the ratio of the square of its radius-vector to its vectorial angle is always constant. From the definition we have or, r^ = c6 . . . (1) for the equation of the spiral. Fig. 72. To construct the spiral. Values of $ Corresponding Values of r 45°='" 4 11 ^ Vctt 90° _ 2 T 4 ti i V2c7r 135° - ^7 4 ti •1 VSCTT 180° = TT li Vc TT HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 213 Values of $ 225° = ^ 4 270^ = — 4 315° = 1^ 4 360° = 2 TT GO Corresponding Values of r *V6 Ctt V27^ 00 Constructing these points and tracing a smooth curve through them we have the required locus. Since ^ = gives r = 0, the spiral passes through the pole. Since 6 = cc gives r = go, the spiral has an infinite num- ber of spires. 164. The Lituus or Trumpet. This curve has for its equation or = v/,^..w Fig. 73. 214 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. If ^ = 0, ?' = 00 ; if ^ = 00, r = 0. This curve has the initial line as an asymptote to its infinite branch. 165. The Logarithmic iSph^al. This spiral is the locus generated by a point so moving that the ratio of its vectorial angle to the logarithm of its radius vector is equal to unity. Hence = 1; i.e., e = logr; log r or passing to equivalent numbers (a being the base), we have r ^aO . . . (1) for the equation of the spiral. To construct the sjnral. Let a = 2, then r = 29 is the particular spiral we wish to construct. HIGHER PLANE CURVES. 215 Values of ^ Corresponding Values of r a 1 1 = 57.°3 u 2 2 = 114.°6 ii 4 3 = 171.°9 a 8 4 _ 229. °2 a 16 00 i( 00 - 1 = - 57.°3 (I .5 - 2 = - 114. °6 i( .25 - 3 = - 171. °9 ii .125 _. 4 = — 229. °2 (( .062 — 00 i( ' A smooth curve traced through these points will be the required locus. Since 6 = gives r = 1 whatever be the assumed value of a, it follows that all logarithmic spirals must intersect the initial line at a unit's distance from the pole. Since 6 = cc gives ?• = oo , the spiral makes an infinite number of revolutions without the circle whose radius OA = 1, Since 6 = — oc gives r = 0, the spiral makes an infinite number of revolutions within the circle OA before reaching its pole. EXAMPLES. 1. Discuss and construct the cubical parabola _ ^^ 2. What is the polar equation of the limayon, Fig, 65, the pole being at C ? Ans. r = 2 a cos - Q. o 3. Let OF = OF' = a yi Fig. ^^. Show that the lemnis- cata is the locus generated by a point so moving that the 216 PLANE ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. product of its distances from the two fixed points F, F' is constant and Discuss and construct the loci of the following equations 4. a; = tan y. 5. 1/ = cos X. G. y = sec X. 7. a; = sin y. S. y = cot X. 2. y = cosec X. 10- y = ^ 11. xV + :.,/ = !. _.. , j_^i„^- 20. Discuss and construct the locus of the equation yi _ 96 ah/ + 100 a'^x'^ — x* = or y = ^ Vis «2 _^ V(a; — 6 a) (x + 6 a) (x — S a) (x -{- 8 a). 21. Show that ?/ = _j- cc are the equations of the rectilinear asymptotes of the locus represented by the equation of Ex. 20. 12. a^ = x^ — axy. 13. xl + ?/§ = 1. 14. 15. r ^= a sin 2 6. 16. a ^ ~ sin 2 ^ ' 17. r = a sm** - . 3 18. r2 sin2 2^ = 1. 1Q .. _ 1 + sin 6 N SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. PART 11. CHAPTER I. CO-ORDINATES. —THE TRI-PLANAR SYSTEM.. 166. The position of a point in space is determined when we know its distance and direction from three planes which intersect each other, these distances being measured on lines drawn from the point parallel to the planes. Although it is immaterial in principle what angle these planes make with each other, yet, in practice, considerations of convenience and simplicity have made it usual to take them at right angles. They are so taken in what follows. Let XOZ, ZOY, YOX be the Co-ORDiisrATE Planes inter- secting each other at right angles. Let OX, OY, OZ be the Co-OEDiNATE AxES and 0, their intersection, the Origin of Co-ordinates. Let P be any point in the right triedral angle - XYZ. Then P is completely determined when we knoAV the lengths and directions of the three lines PA, PB, PC let fall from this point on the planes. As the planes form with each other eight right triedral angles, there are evidently se^wn other points which satisfy the condition of being at these distances from the co-ordi- nate planes. The ambiguity is avoided here (as in the case 217 218 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. of the point in a plane) by considering the directions in which these lines are measured. Assuming distances to the right of YOZ a,s positive, distances to the left will be negative. Pa P3 p. /j l\ / /\\ B/ '1 ,. P/ 1 _ ]/ 1 / / 1 / / ' 1 / V / ' !/ / i -X /' 1 n/ 'T-----. / +x i c -■) f / F 3 -2 p. Fig. 75. Assuming distances above XOY as j^ositive, distances below will be negative. Assuming distances in front o/XOZ as J9os^^5^^' e, distances ifo ^7ie rear will be negative. Calling x', y', z' (= BP, AP, CP, respectively) the co-ordi- nates of the point P in the first angle, we have the follow- ing for the co-ordinates of the corresponding points in the other seven : Second Angle, above XY plane, to left YZ plane, in front of XZ plane, (- x', y', z') V^. Third Angle, above XY plane, to left YZ plane, in rear of XZ plane, (- x', - y', z') P3. CO-ORDINA TES. 219 Fourth Angle, above XY plane, to right YZ plane, in rear of XZ plane, {x', — y', z') P4. Fifth Angle, below XY plane, to right YZ plane, in front of XZ plane, (x', y', - z') P5. Sixth Angle, below XY plane, to left YZ plane, in front of XZ plane, (— x', y', — z') Pg. Seventh Angle, below XY plane, to left YZ plane, in rear of XZ plane, {— x', — y', — z') P7. Eighth Angle, below XY plane, to right YZ plane, in rear of XZ plane, {x', — /, — z') Pg. EXAMPLES. 1. In what angles are the following points : (1, 2, - 3), (- 1, 3, - 2), (- 1, - 2, - 4), (3, - 2, 1). 2. State the exact position with reference to the co-ordi- nate axes (or planes) of the following points : (0, 0, 2), (- 2, 1, 2), (3, 1, 0), (3, - 1, 2), (2, 0, 3), (- 1, 2, 0), (0, - 1, 0), (3, 0, 1), (1, - 2, 3), (0, 0, - 2), (4, 1, 2), (5, 1, - 1), (1, 1, - 1). 3. In which of the angles are the X-co-ordinates positive ? In which negative ? In which of the angles are the Y-co- ordinates positive ? In which are the Z-co-ordinates negative? 167. Projections. The projection of a point on a plane is the foot of the perpendicular let fall from the point on the plane. Thus A, B, and C, Fig. 75, are the projections of the point P on the planes XZ, YZ, XY, respectively. The projection of a line of definite length on a plane is the line joining the projections of its extremities on that plane. Thus OC, Fig. 75, is the projection of OP on the XY plane. The projection of a line of definite length on another line is that portion of the second line included between the feet of the perpendiculars drawn from the extremities of the line of definite length to that line. 220 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Thus OM, Fig. 75, is the projection of OP on the X-axis. KoTE. — The projections of points and lines as above de- fined are orthogonal. Unless otherwise stated, all projections will be so understood in what is to follow. 168. To find the length of a line joinmff two points in space. Fig. 76. Let P' {x', y', z') and Y' {x", y", z") be the given points. Let L (= PT") be the required length. Draw Y'G and P'N II to OZ; NA and CD || to OY; NB || to OX. Join N and C and draw P'M || to NC. We observe from the figure that L is the hypothenuse of a right angled triangle whose sides are P'M and P''M, Hence L = y/p'M + P^' ;...(!) but P'm'= NC = NB + Bc'= (OD - 0A)2 + (DC - AN)^ = (x" - x'Y + (y" - y')\ and Pm'= (P"C - P'N)^ = (." - zj. •.L= V(a r + i:y" - y'f + {^" - ^7 • • • (2) CO-ORDINATES. 221 Cor. If x' = 0, 1/ = 0, z' = 0, then the point P' coincides with the origin and .•.L = Vx''2 + 2/''^' + ,^''^ ... (3) expresses the distance of a point from the origin. 169. Given the length and the directional angles of a line joining any i^oint tvith the origin to find the co-ordinates of the point. The Directional angles of a line are the angles tvhich the line makes with the co-ordinate axes. Let P (x, y, z), Pig. 75, be any point, then OP ^ L will be its distance from the origin. Let POX, POY, POZ = «, ^, y, respectively. Since OM, OlST, OR (= x, y, z) are the projections of OP on X, Y, Z, respectively, we have £c = L cos « I y = L cos y8 I ... (1) s = L cos / J for the required co-ordinates. Cor. Squaring and adding equations (1), we have ^^ + Z/^ + «" = L^ (cos^ « + cos^ /3 + cos^ y) ; but ic^ + 2/2 _j_ ^2 _ L2 ^j.^_ jg3 (^3^) . hence cos^ « -\- cos^ /3 + cos^ y = 1 . . . (2) That is, the sum of the squares of the directional cosines of a space line is equal to unity. ScHOL. The directional angles of any line, as PT", Pig. 76, are the same as those which the line makes with three lines drawn through P' || to X, Y, Z. The projections of PT'' on three such lines are x" — x', if — ij , z" — z', Art. 168 ; hence x" — x' = L cos « 1 /' - / = L cos ;8 j. ... (3) z" — z' = Jj COS y 222 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. EXAMPLES. Required the length of the lines joining the following points : 1. (1, 2, 3), (- 2, 1, 1), _ 4. (0, 0, 0), (2, 0, 1). Ans. V14. Ans, ^5. 2. (3, - 2, 0), (2, 3, 1). _ 5. (0, 4, 1), (- 2, - 1, - 2). Ans. V27. Ans. V38. 3. (0, 3, 0), (3, - 1, 0). 6. (1, - 2, 3), (3, 4, 6). Ans. 5. Ans. 7. 7. Find the distance of the point (2, 4, 3) from the origin ; also the directional cosines of the line. 8. A line makes equal angles with the co-ordinate axes. What are its directional cosines ? 9. Two of the directional cosines of a line are Vf and ^ What is the value of the other ? 10. If (x'', y', z') and (x", y", z") are the co-ordinates of the extremities of a line show that (x' + x" y' + y" z' + ^-\ \ 2 ' 2 ' 2 ) are the co-ordinates of its middle point. THE POLAR SYSTEM. 170. The position of a space point is completely determined when we know its distance and direction from some fixed point. For a complete expression of the direction of the point it is necessary that two angles should be given. The angles usually taken are 1st, The angle which the line joining the point and the fixed point makes with a plane passing through the fixed point ; and 2d, The angle which the projection of the line join- ing the points on that plane makes with a fixed line in the plane. CO-ORDINA TES. 223 Fig. 77. Let O be the fixed point and P the point whose position we wish to determine. Join and P, and let XOY be any plane passing through 0. Leb OX be a given line of the plane XOY. Draw PB 1 to XOY and pass the plane PBO through PB and OP. The intersection OB of this plane with XOY will be the projection of OP on XOY. The angles POB (6), BOX (&'>y^'n.dic- idar have the same equation. YJl. If X cos a -\- y cos jB -\- z cos y ^ p be the normal equa- tion of a plane, then x cos u -\- y cos ft -\- z cos y = p -^ d is the equation of a parallel plane at the distance d from it. For the directional cosines of the perpendiculars are the same ; hence, the perpendiculars are coincident ; hence, the planes are parallel. The distance of the planes apart is equal to the difference of the perpendiculars drawn to them from the origin; but this difference is^ -|- d—p\ i.e., -i- d. Hence, the proposition. Cor. If (x' , y', z') be a point in the plane whose distance from the origin \q p) J^d; then :^d ^x' cos « + y' cos ^ + z' cos y — p ■ ■ ■ (1) 232 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. is its distance from the parallel plane whose distance from the origin is p. From equations {ci), Art. 174, we have cos « = i- ^ cos 13 = ^ , cos 5' = =L ; a b c 2 2 2 hence cos^ « + cos'-^ ft -\~ cos^ y = -2L -)- E — [_ P— — i. a^ IP- c^ These values in (1) give for the expression of the distance of a point from a plane which is given in its symmetrical form. Let the student show that the expression for d becomes ^^^AaM;E£^C£^-D _ VA--^ + B^ + C^ when the equation of the plane is given in its general form. What is the significance of the double sign in (1), (2), and (3)? 178. To find the equation of a i^lane which jpasses through three given lyoints. Let {x', tj', z'), {x", y", z"), {x"' , y"\ z"') be the given points. Since the equation we seek is that of a plane, it must be Aaj + B^/ + C,^ = D . . . (1) in which A, B, C, D are to be determined by the conditions imposed. Since the plane is to contain the three given points, the co- ordinates of each of these must satisfy its equation ; hence, the following equations of condition : Kx' + Bt/' + Cs' = D Kx" + By'' + C;s'' = D Aa;'" + B?/'" + C.~"' = D. These three equations contain the four unknown quantities A, B, C, D. If we find from the equations the values of A, THE PLANE. 233 B, C in terms of D and the known quantities, and substitute these vahies in (1), each term of the resulting equation will contain D as a factor. Let A = A'D, B = B'D, C = CD be the values found. Substituting in (1), we have MT>x + B'Dy + C'D« = D. ... A'cc+BV + C'a = l • • • (2) is the required equation. 179. The preceding discussion has elicited the fact that every equation of the first degree between three variables represents a plane surface. It remains to be shown that every equation between three variables represents a surface of some kind. Let ^=f{x, y) ■ ■ ' (1) be any equation between the three variables (x, y, z). Since X and y are independent, we may give them an infinite number of values. For every pair of values thus assumed there is a point on the XY plane. These values in (1) give the corre- sponding value or values of z, which, laid off on the perpen- dicular erected at the point in the XY plane, will locate one or more points on the locus of the equation. But the number of values of z for any assumed pair of values of x and y are necessarily finite, while the number of pairs of values which may be given x and y are infinite ; hence (1) must represent a surface of some kind. If ^=f{^, y)\ , , , (2) z = (p{x,y)\ be the equations of two surfaces, then they will represent their line of intersection if taken siviultaneously. For these equa- tions can only be satisfied at the same time by the co-ordinates of points common to both. Hence, in general, two equations between three variables determine the position of a line in sp>ac6. 234 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. If z ^f{x, y) 1 z = ^{x,ij)\ . . . (3) z-=xp{x, y) j be the equations of three surfaces, then they will represent their point or points of intersection when considered as simul- taneous. Hence, in general, three equations between three variables determine the, positions of space points. EXAMPLES. Find the traces and intercepts of the following planes: 1. X -2y + z =Q. 6. - - ^ + - = 1. ■^ 2 3 4 2. |.-3/+|=l. 7. |_|-| = 1. 3. .-, + 4.,= l. 8. 2_^-^f + ^ = l. 4. 2cc + 32/-4,^=0. 9. ^ + |_^ = 1. 5 ^ — ^ JL. y — ^ = 2 10?^ — ^ = ^ 2^3 ■ - y ^ 4:' 11. The directional cosines of a perpendicular let fall from 2 12 the origin on a plane are - , - , -; required the equation of the o o o plane, the length of the perpendicular = 4. Ans. ^ + i^ + A = 1. 6 12 6 Required the equations of the plane whose intercepts are as follows : 12. 1, 2, 3. 14. ^, |, -2. 13. 2, - 1, 3. 15. _ 1, _ I , _ 4. o 16. What is the equation of the plane, the equations of whose traces are x — 3 ^z = 4 and cc -|" ^ = 4 ? Ans. x — 3?/4-« = 4. THE PLANE. 235 17. The co-ordinates of the projection of a point in the plane cc — 3?/ + 2s; = 2on the XY plane are (2, 1) ; required the distance of the point from the XY plane. Ans. §. Write tlie equations of the planes which contain the follow- ing points : 18. (1, 2, 3), (- 1, 2, - 1), (3, 2, 0). 19. (4, 1, 0), (2, 0, 0), (0, 1, 2). 20. (0, 2, 0), (3, 2, 1), (- 1, 0, 2). 21. (2, 2, 2), (3, 3, 3), (- 1, - 1, - 1). Find the point of intersection of the planes 22. 2x-\-y — z = ^. 23. 2x —ij + z = 10. 2x — 3z -\-ij = 10. x-{-y-2z = 3. X -\- y — «=2. 2 X — 4?/-l-5s = 6. 24. 2x — y-z = 2. 2x — 3y-{-z = 10. 2x—y-{-2z = 8. Find the distance of the point (2, 1, 3), from each of the planes 25. x cos 60° + y cos 60° + z cos 45° = 9. 26. x-\-3y-z = 8. 27. x+^ -\-3z = 4.. 28. - - ^ + - = 1. 2 3 2 5 29. Find the equation of the plane which contains the point (3, 2, 2) and is parallel to the plane x — 2 y -\- z = 6. Reduce the following equations to their normal and sym- metrical forms : 30. 2x-3y -\-z = 4. 31. 4.x -^ 2y — z = ~ . 32. ~x-\-y — ~z = ^. 3 "^ 4 33. If s, /, s" represent the sides of the triangle formed by the traces of a plane, and a, h, c represent the intercepts, show that s2 4. s'^ 4- s'"" ^2(a^ -^b^ + c"). 236 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. CHAPTER III. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 180. To deduce the equations of the straight line. The straight line in space is determined when two planes which intersect in that line are given. (See Art. 179.) The equations of any two planes, therefore, may be considered as representing a space line when taken simultaneously. Of the infinite number of pairs of planes which intersect in and de- termine a space line, two of its projecting planes — that is, two planes which pass through the line and are perpendicular to two of the co-ordinate planes — give the simplest equations. For this reason two of these planes are usually selected. Fig. so. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 237 Let PBM be the plane which projects a space line on XZ, then its equation will be of the form X ^= sz -{- a (see Art. 176, Cor.) in which s = tan ZBP and a = OA. Let P'B'M' be the plane which projects the line on YZ, then its equation will be y=tz+b, in which t = tan ZBT' and b = OA'. But the tAvo planes determine the line ; hence X = sz -\- a )^ ,-.s y = tz + b\ ' ' ' ^^ are the required equations. Cob. 1. If a = and 5 = 0, then X = sz^ _ _ _ ^2') y = tz) are the equations of a line which pass through the origin. Cob. 2. If s = and ^^ = 0, we have ^ = ''1 ... (3) y = bS for the equation of a line || to the Z-axis. CoR. 3. Since equations (1) express the relation existing between the co-ordinates of every point on the space line, if we eliminate z from these equations we obtain the immediate relation existing between x and y for points of the line. But this relation is evidently the same for all points in the pro- jecting plane of the line which is L to XY and therefore for its trace on XY. But the trace is the projection of the line on XY ; hence, eliminating, we have sy — tx = bs — at . . . (4) for the equation of the projection of the line on XY. 181. We have found, Art. 169, SchoL, for the length of a line joining two points the expression L ^ x" -x' ^ if - if ^ z" - z' cos « cos ^ cos y 238 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Eliminating L and letting x", y", z" {= x, y, z) be the co- ordinates of any point on the line, we have X — X y — y z — z ... (1) cos « COS ^ COS 7 for the Symmetrical Equation of a straight line. 182. To find ivhere a line given by the equations of its projections pierces the co-ordinate planes. CT — ^^ I ft f Let ^"^ T 7 (he the equations of the line. y = tz -\-b ^ -L 1. To find where the li7ie jnerces the XY-plane. The equation of the XY-plane is z = Q. Since the jDoint of intersection is common to both the line and the plane, its co-ordinates must satisfy their equations. Hence X ^= sz -\- a y = tz -\-b z = are simultaneous equations. So treating them we find {a, b, 0) to be the required point. 2. To find tvhere the line p)ieTces the XZ-plane. The equation of the XZ-plane is Combining this with the equations of the line, we have at — ■^^ A ^ t t for the required point. 3. To find xohere the line pierces the YZ-plane. X ^ sz -\- a') y = tz -\- b > are simultaneous ; x = ) hence [0, ^^ ~ ^^ ^ s s is the required point. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 239 183. To find the equations of a line passing through a given point. Let (x\ y', z') be the given point. Since the line is straight its equations are X = sz + a I .-|^^ y = tz + b^ in which the constants are unknown. Since it is to pass tlirougii the point (x', y',z') its equations must be satisfied for the co-ordinates of this point ; hence the equations of condition : X = sz -\- a I /9^ y' = tz' +h \ ' ' ' ^'^^ As the three conditions imposed by these four equations cannot, in general, be fulfilled by a straight line, we must eliminate one of them. Subtracting the first equation in group (2) from the first in group (1) and the second in group (2) from the second in group (1), we have iC CC = S (Z ^ / ) f'X\ y-y' = t{z-z')S ' - ' ^^ for the general equations of a straight line p)Cissing through a point. 184. To find the equations of a line passing through two given p)oi7its. Let (x', y', z'), {x'\ y", z") be the given points. As the line is straight its equations are y = tz-{-b\' ' ' ' ^ ^ in which the constants are to be determined. As it is to pass through (x', y' , z'), we must have x' = sz' -\- a (2) y' = tz' -^b ' ^ ^ 240 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. As it is to pass through (x", y", z"), we must have also x" = sz" + a ~> /ON y'^ = tz" -\-l\ As these six equations impose four conditions on the line, we must eliminate two of them. The conditions of the proposition, however, require the line to pass through the two points ; hence we must eliminate the other two. Elimiting a and h from groups (1) and (2), by subtraction, we have X — x' = s {z — z'")^ y-y'^t{z-z')\ ■ • • ^^) Now, eliminating a and b from (2) and (3), we have x' — x" = S {z' — «") ) /f-N. ^J -y" = t {z' - z") i Eliminating s and t between (4) and (5), we have x = (z — z) y-y'-^-f^,i?-^') for the required equations. (6) EXAMPLES. 1. Given the line ^, ^^ 4 ^ _ 3 [• required the equation of the projection on XY. Ans. 2 X — y = 5. 2. How are the following lines situated with reference to the axes ? x=2} y=Ol 2/ = 01 =S} Find the co-ordinates of the points in which the following lines pierce the co-ordinate planes : X = 3z — y = 2z + 1} A X = — Z —1\ *• 2/ = 2^ + 3 ) THE STRAIGHT LINE. 241 6. Given (2, 1, - 2), (3, 0, 2) ; required (a) The length of the line joining the points. (h) The equation of the line. (c) The points in which the line pierces the co-ordinate planes. Find the equations of the lines which pass through the points : 7. (2, 1, 3), (3, - 1, - 1). 9. (2, - 1, 0), (3, 0, 0). 8. ( - 1, 2, 3), ( - 1, 0, 2). 10. (1, - 1, - 2), (- 1, -2, - 3). 11. The projections of a line on XZ and YZ make angles of 45° and 30° respectively with the Z-axis, and the line in space contains the point (1, 2, 3) ; required the equations of the line. X = z — 2. 12. The vertices of a triangle are (2, 1, 3), (3, 0, — 1), (—2, 4, 3) ; required the equations of its sides. 13. Is the point (2, — 1, 3) on the line which passes through (- 1, 3, 2), (3, 2, - 2) ? 14. Write the equations of a line which lies in the plane x-2y + 3z = l. Note. — Assume two points in the plane; the line joining them will be a line of the plane. 15. Find the equation of a line through (1, — 2, 2) which is parallel to the plane x — y -\- z = 4:. T J- 2 s; = 3 ^ 16. Find the point in which the line _ ^ t o _ a r pierces the plane Sx-{-2y — z = 4:. 17. Required the equation of the plane which contains the ^ T x-2z-l=0} . x-z-5 = I t^^°l^^^^ 2/-2^-2 = 0| ^^'^ 2/-4^ + 6 = j 242 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. 18. Find the point of intersection of the planes 19. Find the equations of the projecting planes of the line 2x ^3y — z= Q\- 20. Which angles do the following planes cross ? X— y-\-z = 4:, 2x-\-y — 3z = 2, X— 2y — z = l. 185. To find the intersection of two lines given hy their ec[uations. _ . X ^ sz -\- a^ :, X = s'z -\- a' Let ^ ; 7 ^ and ., ,, y =^tz -\-b '^ y = tz -{- be the given equations. Since the point of intersection is com- mon to both lines, its co-ordinates must satisfy their equations. Hence these equations are simultaneous. But we observe that there are four equations and only three unknown quantities ; hence, in order that these equations may consist (and the lines intersect), a certain relationship must exist between the con- stants which enter into them. To find this relationship, we eliminate x between the fii^st and third, y between the second and fourth, and z between the two equations which result. We thus obtain (s - s') (b - b') - (t- t') (a — a') = for the required equation of condition that the two lines shall intersect. If this condition is satisfied for any pair of as- sumed lines the lines will intersect, and we obtain the co-ordinates of this point by treating any three of the four equations which represent them as simultaneous. So treating the first, second, and third we obtain s«' — s'a .a' — a , -, a' — a — — :^ ' ^ z — J + ^' - — V for the co-ordinates of the required point. ISToTE. — We were prepared to expect that our analysis would lead to some conditional equation, for in assuming the equations of two space lines it would be an exceptional case THE STRAIGHT LINE. 243 if we so assumed them that the lines which they represent intersected. Lines may cross each other under any angle in space without intersecting. In a plane, however, all lines except parallel lines must intersect. Hence, no conditional equation arose in their discussion, 186. To find the angle between two lines, given by their equations, in terms of functions of the angles which the lines make with the axes. Let sz -\- a tz^b , a; = s'z 4- »' and ,, ,, y = tz^b ''} be the equations of the two lines. The angle under which two space lines cross each other is measured by the angle formed by two lines drawn through some point parallel to their directions. Let OB and OC be two lines drawn through the origin parallel to the given lines. Then ^ = f| and^=^. y = tz\ y = tz will be their equations. The angle between these lines is the angle sought. Let go (= BOC) be this angle. 244 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Let a', p', y' represent the angles which the line BO makes with X, Y, Z, respectively; and u", (3'', y" the angle which CO makes with the same axes. Take any point P' (x', y' , z') on OB and any point V (x", y", z") on CO and join them by a right line forming the triangle P'OP". Let OP' = V, OV"^ V, and PT" = L. Prom the triangle P'OP'', we have L'2 + L''2_L2 ,,. cos cp = y^TjTT • ■ • (1) But Art. 168, equation (3) and (2) L'2 = x''- + y'- + z'% L"2 = x"^^ y"' + z"% U = (x" - x'f + {y" - yj + iz!' - z'f = x"^ + 2/"2 ^ ^//2 ^ ^'2 ^ ^/2 + ~'2 _ 2 (a;V + yY + «'0- Substituting these values in (1), we have x'x" + yY + «'^'' /o\ cos q> = ^£,£,,^ • • • (2) But Art. 169, (1) x' = L' cos a', ?/' = L' cos f3', z' = L' cos y' x" = V cos a", y" = L" cos (3'', z" = V cos y" Substituting in (2), we have cos qo = cos a' cos a" + COS /3' COS yS" + cos "/ cos /" . . . (3) for the required relation. Cor. If (p = 90° cos a' COS a" -\- COS /5' COS ^" + COS y' COS y" = . . . (4) 187. To find the angle which two space lines Tnake with each other in terms of functions of the angles which the projections of the lines 'make with the co-ordinate axes. T ^i_ X ^^ SZ f -I X — s z Let , y and ., y = tz\, y = tz be, as in the preceding article, the equations of the lines THE STRAIGHT LINE. 245 drawn through the origin parallel to the given lines. Since P' (x', y', z'), Fig. 81, is a point on the first line, we have x' = sz' '2 _l_ V2 and, Art. 168, L"-^ = x"^ + tj'^ + s' Eliminating, we find sh' , tV , \! y •^ - Vi + s--^ + ^^ VI +5' + ^- Vi + s^ + ^^' and since P" {%" , y", z") is a point on the second line, we have x" = s'z" y" = t'z", and, Art. 168, L"^ = x"'- + y"^ + s"^. Hence, y Vl + s'2 + ^'2 V 1 + s'-' + t"' Vl + s'" + t'^ But, Art. 169, f 0(1 S f/ 00 s cos « = =: ^^=^z=^ , cos (X = — - = z=z3^^=- L' Vl+6'-' + ^' ^ Vl + s'2 + ^'' o, y t or, 4: ac. Case 1. ^ > go. We find this supposition in (2) gives a > and c > ; hence, ^^ < 4 ac, i.e., the intersection is an ellipse. If ^ > gp and c = 0, the equation resulting from introducing this supposition in (1) can only be satisfied by the point (0, 0) ; hence it is the equation of two imaginary lines inter- secting at the origin. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 253 If (jp = 0, equation (1) becomes y'^ tan ^ -\- x' tan ^ =^ c^, that is, the intersection is a circle. Case 2. 6 = (p. This supposition in (2) gives a > and G = .-. b" = 4ac. Hence the intersection is a parabola. If ^ = qo and c = 0. From (1), we have 7/'^ tan '^6 = ; i.e., y = which is the equation of the X-axis — a straight line. If ^ = go = 90° andc = gc, then the cone becomes a cylinder, and the cutting plane is perpendicular to its base. The inter- section is therefore two parallel lines. Case 3. 6 0, c < .*. 5^ > 4 ac. Hence the intersection is an hyperbola. It . 4 ac, is the equation of an hyperbola for all values of n. (c) Plane \\ to XZ-plane. Let y = 2^^Q the equation of such a plane. Combining with (2), Art. 192, we have after reduc- tion xHan'-e -z^ + 2 cz +^/ tan ^ ^ - c^ = . . . (5) 254 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. which, since 6^ > 4 ac, is the equation of an hyperbola for all values of p. Hence, in all possible positions of the cutting plane, the intersection is an ellijyse, a parabola, an hyperbola, or one of their liviiti7ig cases. JSToTE. — Equations (3), (4), (5) of case 4 are the equa- tions of the projections of the curves of intersection on the planes to which they are parallel. But the projection of any plane curve on a parallel plane is a curve equal to the given curve ; hence the , conclusions of case 4 are true for the curves themselves. 194. We have defined the conies, Art. 191, as the curves cut from the surface of a right circular cone by a plane, and assuming this definition we have found and discussed their general equation. Art. 193. A conic, hoivever, tnay be otherwise defined as the locus generated by a point so moving in a plane that the ratio of its distance from a fixed point and a fixed line is always constant. 195- To deduce the general equation of a conic. Y Fig. Let us assume the definition of Art. 194 as the basis of the operation. Let F be the fixed point and OY the fixed line. Let P be the generating point in any position of its path. THE STRAIGHT LINE. 255 Draw FO J_ to OY, and take OY and OX as co-ordinate axes. Draw PL i| to OY, PD J_ to OY, and join P and F. Let OF FP By definition = e = a constant. From triangle FPL, FP^ = FL^ + PL^ ; . . . (1) but FL2 = (OL - OYf = (x - j^f, LP^ = y'- ■ and FP^ = e^DP^ = eV. These values in (1) give e- x^ = (x — iSf + xf' or, after reduction, 7/2 + (1 - (?) x" - Ipx +^2 ^ ... (2) for the required equation. CoR. Comparing (2) with (1), Art. 138, we find a = 1, 5 = 0, and c = (1 — e^), hence V - ^ac = - ^ (Y - (?) = ^ {e" - V) . . . (3) Case 1. The fixed point not on the fixed line ; i.e., p not zero. If e < 1, &2 < 4 ac ; hence equation (2) is the equation of an ellipse. If e = 1, 6^ = 4 ac ; hence equation (2) is the equation of a parabola. If e > 1, 5^ > 4 ac; hence equation (2) is the equation of an hyperbola. Case 2. The fixed point is on the fixed line, i.e., ^ = 0. In this case (2) becomes y'i j^ (I - e}) x"" = . . . (4) If 6 < 1, equation (4) represents two imaginary lines inter- secting at origin. If 6 = 1, equation (4) represents one straight line (the X-axis). If e > 1, equation (4) represents two straight lines inter- secting at the origin. Hence, equation (2) represents the conies or one of their lim- iting cases. = 2) X -2z-\- 3 = 0} -If' 2j-z = 2 \ 256 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. GENERAL EXAMPLES. 1. Find the point of intersection of the lines x = 2z -\-ll x=z -{-2 y = 3z+2S^ y = 4.z + l and the cosine of the angle between them. 5 Ans. (3, 5, 1) ; cos go = — 1| 2. Eequired the equation of the line which passes through (1, — 2, 3) and is parallel to - = 2- + n. Ans. - = 2.-5 1 y = 2-z^ y = -« + l| 3. What is the angle between the lines X -\-z = 2 y Ans. (p = 90°. 4. What is the distance of the point ( — 3, 2, — 1) from the line ic + 3« + 1 == 0| ^ 2/ = 4. + 3 r 5. A line makes equal angles with the co-ordinate axes ; required the angles which it makes with the co-ordinate planes. 6. The equation of a surface is x^ -\- y"^ -\- z^ — 2x — Ay — 6z =2; what does the equation become when the surface is referred to a parallel system of axes, the origin being at (1, 2, 3) ? Ans. x^-\-y^ + z^ = 16. 7. Given the line _ ^ ^"T [■ , required the projection of the line on XY and the point in which the line pierces the co-ordinate planes. Ans. in part, 2 3/ + cc = 4. 8. Eequired the distance cut off on the Z and Y axes by the projections of the line '^ i o ^^ o [- on YZ. z= -6 Ans. 3 2/ = o • THE STRAIGHT LINE. 257 9. How are the following pair of lines related ? x^2z^2 \ x = 2z-l \ 2/__^_4| y=-z-\-2\ 10. What are the equations of the line which passes through the origin and the point of intersection of the lines x=2z-^l\ x = z + 2 \^ . x = -Sz\ 11. What is the distance of the point (3, 2, — 4) from the origin ? What angle does this line make with its projection on XY ? 12. A straight line makes an angle of 60° with the X-axis and an angle of 45° with the Y-axis ; what angle does it make with the Z-axis ? Ans. 60°. 13. What are the cosines of the angles which the line X = 3 z — 1 , o r makes with the co-ordinate axes ? y= — z-^2 14. A line passes through the point (1, 2, 3) and makes V2 1 1 angles with X, Y, Z whose cosines are — — > o ' 2 ' respect- ively ; required (a) the equation of the line, (b) the equation of the plane J_ to the line at the point, (c) to show that the projections of the line are J_ to the traces of the plane. 2 12 15. The directional cosines of two lines are - , -- , ~ and o o o ^^, -, -. What is the cosine of the angle which they 2 2 2 make with each other ? _ 3 -f 2 V2 Ans. Cos 'x'y' + ^x'z' + Yy'z' -f GV + Wy' + IV + K = . . . (2). 260 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Since the original axes were supposed rectangular the nine angles a', /3; y' etc., are connected by the three relations cos^ «' + cos^ /3' + cos^ y' = 1. cos2 a" 4- cos^ ^" + cos^ y" = 1. COS^ a'" + C0S2 /3'" + COS^ f" = 1. If we take the new axes also rectangular, which is desir- able, the nine angles will be connected by the three additional relations cos a' COS a"' -{- cos ^' COS /3" + COS y' COS y" = 0. cos «' COS a'" -|- COS (3' COS (3'" + COS y' cos y"' = 0. COS «" cos «'" + cos (3" cos ^'" + cos y" cos r'" = 0. This will leave three of the nine angles to be assumed arbi- trarily. Let us give to them such values as to render the co- efficients D', E', and F' each equal to zero in equation (2). The general equation will thus be reduced to the form A'x'^ + By^ + G'^'' + G'x' + Hy -f IV + K = 0, or, omitting accents, Ax^ -\- By' -\- Gz^ + Gx -\- mj -\- Iz + K = . . . (3) In order to make a further reduction in the form of the equation let us endeavor to move the origin without changing the direction of the axes. The formulae of transformation will be (Art. 189) X = a -\- x', 1/ ^ b -{- y', z = c -\- z' . Equation (3) will become A (a + x'Y + B (^< + y'Y + C (c + z!y -f G (a + a?') + H (Z» + y') + I (c + ^0 + K = 0. Developing, omitting accents, and placing Ao? + BIP- -\- Cc^ + Ga + HS + Ic + K = L, the equation takes the form Aa;2 -j- B^/^ + Gz" + (2 Aa + G) cc + (2 Bh +H) y + (2 Cc +1 )z + L = 0. In order now to give definite values to the quantities a, 5, and c, which were entirely arbitrary, let us assume G (,= _ H , I „. 2A ' 2B ' 20 SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 261 2 Aa + G = 0, 2 B6 + H = 0, 2 Cc + I = . . . (4) If these values of a, b, and c be finite, the general equation reduces to the form A^2 + By^ + C^^ + L = . . . [A], a form which will be set aside for further examination. It may be remarked that equations (4) are of the first degree, and will give only one value to each of the quantities a, b, and c, and there is therefore only one position for the new origin. If, however, either A, B, or C be zero, then a, b, or c will become infinite, and the origin will be removed to an infinite distance. This must be avoided. Let us suppose A = 0, while B and C are finite. We may then assume 2 B6 + H = 0, and 2 Cc + I = 0, but we cannot assume 2 A.a -|- G = 0. Having assumed the values of b and c as indicated, let us assume the entire constant term equal to zero. This will give B^»2 4_ Cc2 + Ga + H6 + Ic + K = 0, B&2 + Cc2 + H5 + Ic + K or a = ! ! ! 1 G and the general equation will be reduced to the form By'' + Cz^ + Gx = . . . (B), a second form set aside for examination. We must observe that this last proposed transformation will also fail when G = 0, that is, when the first power of x, as well as the second power of x, is wanting in the general equation. And without making the second transformation we have a third form for examination, viz. : By2 + c^^ + Hy + I^ + K = . . . (C) Lastly, two of the terms involving the second powers of the variables may be wanting, and the equation (1) then becomes C^2 + Gx + Hy + I;s + K = . . . (D) 262 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. It is apparent, therefore, that every equation of the second degree involving three variables can be reduced to one or another of the four forms Kx" + B?/2 + C«- + L = . . . (A) B?/2 + C,^^ + G^ = . . . (B) B2/2 + C«2 + Hy + I« + K = . . . (C) C«2 + Gx + Hy + I^ + K = . . . (D) We will examine each of these forms in order, beginning with the first form : Aa;2 + B7/2 + C^2 _^ L = . . . (A) This equation admits of several varieties of form according to the signs of the coefficients. 1. A, B, and C positive, and L negative in the first member. 2. A, B, C, and L positive. 3. Two of the coefficients as A and B positive, C and L negative. 4. Two of the coefficients as A and B positive, C negative, and L positive. No other cases will occur. Case 1. Kx" + By'- + Cs^ = L, in which form all of the coefficients are positive. In order to determine the nature of the surface represented by this equation, let it be intersected by systems of planes parallel respectively to the co-ordinate planes. The equations of these intersecting planes will he x = a, y ^= b, z = c. Com- bining the equations of these planes with that of the surface, we find the equations of the projections on the co-ordinate planes of the curves of intersection. When X = a, ■By^ + C«2 = L - Aa^ an ellipse. " y = h, Ax2 + C«2 = L - BP an ellipse. " z = c, Ax^ + By' =L- Cc2 an ellipse. Thus we see that the sections parallel to each of the co- ordinate planes are ellipses. SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 263 The section made by the plane x = a is real when L — A(x- > or a < -j- y— r-j and imaginary in the contrary case. The section made by the plane y = h is real when ft < J^ t/ — , and imaginary when ^ > J^ V/^~ • The section made by the plane 2: = c is real when c < -t y -j;- , and imaginary when c > i W — - . Thus we see that the surface is enclosed within a rectangu- lar parallelepiped whose dimensions are When a B and ovb = ^ \ — or c = V B ± the A'' ^VB -^VC sections become points. When a = 0,h = 0, and c = 0, we find the sections made, by the co-ordinate planes to be B^/' + Cz^ = L. Kx^ + C«2 = L. Xx- + B?/- = L. E 264 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. These are called the principal sections of the surface. The principal sections are larger ellipses than the sections parallel to them, as is indicated by the magnitude of the absolute term. The surface is called the Ellipsoid. It may be generated by the motion of an ellipse of variable dimensions whose centre remains on a fixed line, and whose plane remains always perpendicular to that line, and whose semi-axes are the ordinates of two ellipses Avhich have the same transverse axis, but unequal conjugate axes placed at right angles to each other. The axes of the principal sections are called the axes of the ellipsoid. If we represent the semi-axes of the ellipsoid by a, J, and c, we shall have and the equation of the surface kx' + B?/- + Cs- = L becomes r^ 7/2 z^ -^ + i^ + -^ = 1, or a2 ^ ^2 ^ ^2 Tr(?x^ -f- o^c^'if' -\- a-lrz' = a}lrc^. These are the forms in which the equation of the ellipsoid is usually given. If we suppose B = A, then b = a, and the equation becomes ^•' + 2/" I «' _ 1 cr c- and the surface is the ElUi^soid of Bevohdion about the axis of Z. If A = B = C, then a = h = c, and the equation becomes ^2 _|_ yi j^ ^ji ^ (.^2^ and the surface is a sphere. If L = 0, the axes 2 sj^, 2 y/-^, 2 sj ^ reduce to zero, and the ellipsoid becomes a point. SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 265 Case 2. If L be negative in the second member, the equa- tion A.x^ + B?/^ + Cs;^ = — L will represent an imaginary surface, and there will be no geometrical locus. Hence the varieties of the elUjosoid are (1) The ellipsoid proper with three unequal axes. (2) The ellipsoid of revolution with two equal axes. (3) The sphere. (4) The point. (5) The imaginary surface. Case 3. In this case the equation takes the form Ax^ + B2/2 _ C^2 ^ L, in which A, B, C, and L are essentially positive. Cutting the surface by planes as before, the sections will be, when cc = a, By^ — Cz^ = L — Ao-^, a hyperbola, having its transverse axis parallel to the Y-axis when «,<_[_ t / — , but parallel to the Z-axis when a > -[- i / And when a = J- — - , the intersection becomes two straight lines whose pro- jections on the plane of YZ pass through the origin. When y = b, Kx"^ — Gz^ = L — B5^, a hyperbola, with simi- lar conditions as above. When z = c, Kx"^ + Bi/ = L + Cc^, an ellipse real for all values of c. Since the elliptical sections are all real, the surface is con- tinuous, or it consists of a single sheet. The principal sections are found by making successively a = 0, which gives B?/^ — Cz^ = L, a hyperbola. 5 = 0, " " Ax'' - Cz^ = L, « c = 0, " " Aa;2 -f By^ = L, an ellipse. The surface is called the elliptical hyperholoid of one sheet. The equation may be reduced to the form x^ . y'^ z'^ _ -, a?- y c^ / 266 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. This surface may be generated by an ellipse of variable dimensions whose centre remains constantly on the Z-axis, and whose plane is perpendicular to that axis, and whose semi-axes are the ordinates of two hyperbolas having the same conjugate axis coinciding with the Z-axis, but having different transverse axes placed at right angles to each other. Fig. B. If we suppose A = B, then will a = h, and the equation of the surface becomes 9 1 ^ - — = 1, the hyperboloid of revolution of one sheet. If A = B = C, we have x"" -^ y"^ — z" = a^, the equilateral hyperboloid of revolution of one sheet. If L = 0, the equation represents a right cone having an elliptical base ; and if A = B this base becomes a circle. SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 267 Hence we have the following varieties of the hyxjerholoid of one sheet. 1. The hyperboloid proper, with three unequal axes. 2. The hyperboloid of revolution. 3. The equilateral hyperboloid of revolution. 4. The cone. Case 4. A.x'' + Bif - Gz'' = - L, where A, B, C, and L are essentially positive. Intersecting the surface as before we have, when x = a, B,r/2 _ Cs;2 =^ — L — Ka^, a hyperbola having its transverse axis parallel to the axis of Z. When y = h, A-x" — C«' = - L -B^^^ A hyperbola hav- ing its transverse axis parallel to the axis of Z. When ^_= c, Ax^ + By^ = — L + Cc^, an ellipse real when c > -i; i/ — ., and imaginary when c < -^ y ~7r' Since the sections between the limits « = J- y — are imaginary, but real beyond those limits, it follows that there are two distinct sheets entirely separated from each other. The surface is called the hyperboloid of two sheets. The principal sections are found by making successively a = 0, which gives By^ — Cs;^ = — L, a hyperbola with its transverse axis coinciding with the Z-axis. b =0, which gives Ax^ — Cz^ = —Jj, a, hyperbola with its transverse axis coinciding with the Z-axis. c = 0, which gives Ax^ -f- By^ = — L, an imaginary ellipse. The semi-axes of the first section are i/jz_andt/_. V B V C Those of the second section are 1/ and i/— . And those A V C of the imaginary section are y — . (— 1) and i / (— !)• The distances 2 i/ , 2 v/-:^ , and 2 1/-^- are called the axes 268 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. Fig. C. of the surface. Eepresenting the semi-axes by a, b, and c, the equation of the surface may be reduced to the form „9 "1" 70 o If we suppose A = B, then a = b, and the equation re- duces to x^ + f _ ^' _ 1 the hyperboloid of revolution of two sheets. SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 269 If A = B = C, the equation becomes x^ -\- if — z^ = — a-, which represents tlie surface generated by the revokition of an equilateral hyperbola about its transverse axis. Finally, if L = 0, the surface becomes a cone having an elliptical base, and the base becomes a circle when A = B. We have, therefore, the following varieties of the liyper- boloid of two sheets : 1. The hyperboloid proper having three unequal axes. 2. The hyperboloid of revolution. 3. The equilateral hyperboloid of revolution. 4. The cone. We will now examine the second form, B2/2 + C.~2 + G a; = . . . (B) Three cases apparently different present themselves for examination. (1). B and C positive and G negative in the first mem- ber. (2). B, C, and G positive. (3). B positive and C and G negative. Case 1. The equation may be written B7/2 + C«2 = Ga; in which B, C, and G are essentially positive. Let the surface be intersected as usual by planes parallel respectively to the co-ordinate planes. When X = a, B?/^ + Cs^ = Ga, an ellipse real when a > 0, and imaginary when a < 0. When y = b, Cz'^ = Gx — B6^, a parabola with its axis parallel to the axis of X. When z = c, B?/^ = Gx — Cc^ a parabola with its axis parallel to the axis of X. The principal sections are found by making a = 0,b = 0, and c = 0. When a =0, B?/^ + Gz^ = 0, a point, the origin. When b = 0, Gz'^ = Ga:;, a parabola with its vertex at the origin. 270 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. When c, = 0, Bt/^ = Gx, a parabola with vertex at the origin. Since every positive value of x gives a real section, and every negative value of x an imaginary section, the surface consists of a single sheet extending indefinitely and contin- uously in the direction of positive abscissas, but having no points in the opposite direction from the origin. The surface is called the elliptical paraboloid. It may be generated by the motion of an ellipse of variable dimensions whose centre remains constantly on the same straight line, and whose plane continues perpendicular to that line, and whose semi-axes are the ordinates of two parabolas having a common axis and the same vertex, but different parameters placed with their planes perpendicular to each other. Fig. D. Case 2. If we suppose G to be positive in the first member so that the equation will take the form B7/2 4- C^- = - Gx, SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 271 the sections perpendicular to the X-axis will become imaginary when X > 0, and real when a; < 0. In other respects the results are similar to those deduced in case 1. Thus the equation will represent a surface of the same form as in case 1, but turned in the opposite direction from the co-ordinate plane of YZ. If B = C, the surface becomes the paraboloid of revolution. Case 3. By^ _ C^^ = Go?. Intersect the surface by planes as before. When X ^= a, B?/^ — Gz^ = Ga, a hyperbola with transverse axis in the direction of the Y-axis when a > 0, and in the direction of the Z-axis when a. < 0. When y = b, Gz^ = — Qx -\- B6^, a parabola having its axis in the direction of the X-axis and extending to the left. When z = c, By^ = Gx + Cc^, a parabola having its axis in the direction of the X-axis and extending to the right. Since every value of x, either positive or negative, gives a real section, the surface consists of a single sheet extending indefinitely to the right and left of the plane of YZ. This surface is called the Hyperbolic Paraboloid. To find its princi- pal sections make x, y, and z alternately equal to zero. When X = 0, By'^ = Cz^, two straight lines. When y = 0, Cz~ = — Gx, a parabola with axis to the left. When z = 0, By^ = Gx, a parabola with axis to the right. The hyperbolic paraboloid admits of no variety. Now taking up form (C), By"" + Cs;^ + H?/ + I« + K ^ 0, we see that it is the equation of a cylinder whose elements are perpendicular to the plane of YZ, and whose base in the plane of YZ will be an ellipse or hyperbola according to the signs of B and C. The fourth form (D), Cz" ^ Gx -{- B.y + Iz -\- K = repre- sents a cylinder having its bases in the planes XZ and YZ 272 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY, Fig. E. parabolas, and having its right-lined elements parallel to the plane XY and to each other, but oblique to the axes of X and Y. The preceding discussion shows that every equation of the second degree between three variables represents one or an- other of the following surfaces : 1. The ellipsoid with its varieties, viz. ; the ellipsoid proper, the ellipsoid of revolution, the sphere, the point, and the imaginary surface. SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 273 2. The hyperboloid of one or two sheets, witli their varieties, viz. : the hyperboloid proper of one or two sheets, the hyperboloid of revolution of one or two sheets, the equilateral hyperboloid of revolution of one or two sheets, the cone with an elliptical or circular base. 3. The paraboloid, either elliptical or hyperbolic, with the variety, the paraboloid of revolution. 4. The cylinder, having its base either an ellipse, hyper- bola, or parabola. Surfaces of Revolution. — The general equatioii of surfaces of revolution may be deduced by a direct method, as follows : Fig. F. Let the Z-axis be the axis of revolution, and let the equa- tion of AB, the generating curve in the plane of XZ, be x^ = fz. Let P be the point in this curve which generates the circle 274 SOLID ANALYTIC GEOMETRY. PQR, and let r be the radius of the circle. We will have r^ z= x^ -\- y^. The value of r may also be expressed in terms of z from the equation of the generatrix in the plane of XZ as follows : r2^CF^= Od' =fz. Equating these two values of r we have x^ + y"" =fa as the general equation of surfaces of revolution. It will be observed that the second value of r'^ is the value of x^ in the equation of the generatrix. Hence, to find the equation of the surface of revolution we have only to substi- tute x^ + 'if of the surface for x^ in the generatrix. Surface of a Sjihere. — Equation of generatrix x^ -\- z"^ = W: Hence the equation of the surface of the sphere is x^J^ifJ^z'' = ^K Ellipsoid of Revolution. — Generatrix — + — = 1. a" c^ Surface ^!J:J^ + ^ = i. a^ & Similarly, the equation of the hyperboloid of revolution is x^ -\- y- _ z' _ ^ a^ c- Paraholoid of Revolution. — x"^ = 'ipz, the generatrix. x^ -{- y- = 4,2jz, the surface of revolution. Cone of revolution, z = mx -\- /3 the generatrix, 7Ji ' m? Hence x"^ + y- _(z-Jl or m^ (x^ + y-) = (z — 0)- SURFACES OF THE SECOND ORDER. 275 EXAMPLES. 1. What is the locus in space of 4 a;^ + 9 y^ = 35 ? Qf 9 ^2 — 16 ?/- = 144 ? Of a;' + 2/' = r^ ? Of y' + -' = r^ ? Of y2 + 8 a; = ? 2. Determine the nature of the surfaces a;^ + 2/^ + 4 «^ = 25, 3. Find the equation of the surface of revolution about the axis of Z whose generatrix is s = 3 a; + 5. 4. Find the equation of the cone of revolution Avhose inter- section with the plane of XY is a;^ + y^ = 9, and whose vertex is (0, 0, 5.) 5. Determine the surfaces represented by ic2 ^ 4 2/' + 9 ^2 ^ 36. a;2 _|. 4 ^2 _ 9 ^2 ^ 3e_ a;2 + 4 ?/' = 9 «2 _ 36. 4 3/2 _|_ 9 ^2 _ 36 ^_ 4 ?/2 - 9 «2 = 36 a;. J Date Due mm ?' ''6t' .1 -wm^ , /,■:/ 1 m^. :..!/[ mn © 5^ ttfiS'ftt|v^ MARiO-SS (^ A «R)3^ V ! IWHittWJ 1 *•'' ' *sd p ' ^ ..V "'^l ■' ' 1 f I 3 9031 01550374 1 ^TONSomEs, BOSTON COLLEGE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS CHESTNUT HILL. MASS. 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