Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/theoryoffunction1893fors THEORY OF FUNCTIONS OF A COMPLEX VARIABLE BY A. R. FORSYTH, 1 Sc.D., LL.D., Math.D., F.R.S., CHIEF PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN THE IMPERIAL ioLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON : AND SOMETIME SADLERIAN PROFESSOR OF PURE MATHEMATICS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE THIRD EDITION BOSTON COLLEGE LIBRARY CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. MATH. " CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1918 G b 3^^ <^ 1 P f PEEFACE. AMONG the many advances in the progress of mathematical -^^^ science during the last forty years, not the least remarkable are those in the theory of functions. The contributions that are still being made to it testify to its vitality : all the evidence points to the continuance of its growth. And, indeed, this need cause no surprise. Few subjects can boast such varied processes, based upon methods so distinct' from one another as are those originated by Cauchy, by Weierstrass, and by Kiemann. Each of these methods is sufficient in itself to provide a complete development ; combined, they exhibit an unusual wealth of ideas and furnish unsurpassed resources in attacking new problems. It is difficult to keep pace with the rapid growth of the literature which is due to the activity of mathematicians, especially of continental mathematicians : and there is, in con- sequence, sufficient reason for considering that some marshalhng of the main results is at least desirable and is, perhaps, necessary. Not that there is any dearth of treatises in French and in German : but, for the most part, they either expound the pro- cesses based upon some single method or they deal with the discussion of some particular branch of the theory. The present treatise is an attempt to give a consecutive account of what may fairly be deemed the principal branches of the whole subject. It may be that the next few years will see additions as important as those of the last few years : this account would then be insufficient for its purpose, notwithstanding the breadth of range over which it may seem at present to extend. My hope is that the book, so far as it goes, may assist mathe- maticians, by lessening the labour of acquiring a proper knowledge of the subject, and by indicating the main lines on which recent progress has been achieved. No apology is offered for the size of the book. Indeed, if there were to be an apology, it would rather be on the ground of the too brief treatment of some portions and the omissions of others. The detail in the exposition of the elements of several VI PREFACE important branches has prevented a completeness of treatment of those branches: but this fuhiess of initial explanations is deliberate, my opinion being that students will thereby become better qualified to read the great classical memoirs, by the study of which effective progress can best be made. And limitations of space have compelled me to exclude some branches which other- wise would have found a place. Thus the theory of functions of a real variable is left undiscussed : happily, the treatises of Dini, Stolz, Tannery, and Chrystal are sufficient to supply the omission. Again, the theory of functions of more than one complex variable receives only a passing mention ; but in this case, as in most cases, where the consideration is brief, references are given which will enable the student to follow the development to such extent as he may desire. Limitation in one other direction has been imposed : the treatise aims at dealing with the general theory of functions and it does not profess to deal with special classes of functions. I have not hesitated to use examples of special classes : but they are used merely as illustrations of the general theory, and references are given to other treatises for the detailed exposition of their properties. The general method which is adopted is not limited so that it may conform to any single one of the three principal inde- pendent methods, due to Cauchy, to Weierstrass and to Riemann respectively : where it has been convenient to do so, I have combined ideas and processes derived from different methods. The book may be considered as composed of five parts. The first part, consisting of Chapters I — VII, contains the theory of uniform functions : the discussion is based upon power- series, initially connected with Cauchy's theorems in integration, and the properties established are chiefly those which are con- tained in the memoirs of Weierstrass and Mittag-Leffler. The second part, consisting of Chapters VIII — XIII, contains the theory of multiform functions, and of uniform periodic functions which are derived through the inversion of integrals of algebraic functions. The method adopted in this part is Cauchy's, as used by Briot and Bouquet in their three memoirs and in their treatise on elliptic functions ; it is the method that PREFACE Vll has been followed by Hermite and others to obtain the properties of various kinds of periodic functions. A chapter has been devoted to the proof of Weierstrass's results relating to functions that possess an addition-theorem. The third part, consisting of Chapters XIY — XVIII, contains the development of the theory of functions according to the method initiated by Riemann in his memoirs. The proof which is given of the existence-theorem is substantially due to Schwarz ; in the rest of this part of the book, I have derived great assist- ance from Neumann's treatise on Abelian functions, from Fricke's treatise on Klein's theory of modular functions, and from many memoirs by Klein. The fourth part, consisting of Chapters XIX and XX, treats of conformal representation. The fundamental theorem, as to the possibility of the conformal representation of surfaces upon one another, is derived from the existence-theorem : it is a curious fact that the actual solution, which has been proved to exist in general, has been obtained only for cases in which there is distinct limitation. The fifth part, consisting of Chapters XXI and XXII, contains an introduction to the theory of Fuchsian or automorphic functions, based upon the researches of Poincare and Klein : the discussion is restricted to the elements of this newly-developed theory. The arrangement of the subject-matter, as indicated in this abstract of the contents, has been adopted as being the most convenient for the continuous exposition of the theory. But the arrangement does not provide an order best adapted to one who is reading the subject for the first time. I have therefore ventured to prefix to the Table of Contents a selection of Chapters that will probably form a more suitable introduction to the subject for such a reader ; the remaining Chapters can then be taken in an order determined by the branch of the subject which he wishes to follow out. In the course of the preparation of this book, I have consulted many treatises and memoirs. References to them, both general and particular, are freely made : without making precise reserva- tions as to independent contributions of my own, I wish in this Vlll PREFACE place to make a comprehensive acknowledgement of my obligations to such works. A number of examples occur in the book : most of them are extracted from memoirs, which do not lie close to the direct line of development of the general theory but contain results that provide interesting special illustrations. My inten- tion has been to give the author's name in every case where a result has been extracted from a memoir : any omission to do so is due to inadvertence. Substantial as has been the aid provided by the treatises and memoirs to which reference has just been made, the completion of the book in the correction of the proof-sheets has been rendered easier to me by the unstinted and untiring help rendered by two friends. To Mr William Burnside, M.A./formerly Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge, and now Professor of Mathematics at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, I am under a deep debt of gratitude : he has used his great knowledge of the subject in the most generous manner, making suggestions and criticisms that have enabled me to correct errors and to improve the book in many respects. Mr H, M. Taylor, M. A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, has read the proofs with great care : the kind assist- ance that he has given me in this way has proved of substantial service and usefulness in correcting the sheets. I desire to recognise most gratefully my sense of the value of the work which these gentlemen have done. It is but just on my part to state that the willing and active co-operation of the StafP of the University Press during the progress of printing has done much to lighten my labour. It is, perhaps, too ambitious to hope that, on ground which is relatively new to English mathematics, there will be freedom from error or obscurity and that the mode of presentation in this treatise will command general approbation. In any case, my aim has been to produce a book that will assist mathematicians in acquiring a knowledge of the theory of functions : in proportion as it may prove of real service to them, will be my reward. A. R FOUSYTH. Trinity College, Cambridge, 25 February, 1893. PEEFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. IN issuing the second edition of this treatise, I desire to express my grateful sense of the reception which has already been accorded to the book. When it was first published, I could not but fear that, if from no other reason than the breadth of range which it covers, it would contain blemishes in the way of inaccuracy and obscurity. During the preparation of the second edition, I have had the advantage of suggestions and criticisms sent to me by friends and correspondents, to whom my thanks are willingly returned for the help they thus have afforded me ; my hope is that improvement has been secured in several respects. The principal changes may be indicated briefly. Some moditications have been made in the portion that is devoted to the theory of uniform functions : no substantial additions have been made to this part of the book, but new references are given for the sake of readers who may wish to acquaint themselves with the most recent developments. The exposition of Schwarz's proof of the existence of various classes of functions upon a Niemann's surface has been considerably changed. The new form seems to me to be free from some of the difficulties to which exception has been taken from time to time : the general features of the proof have been retained. Several sections have been inserted in Chapter XVIII, which are intended to serve as a simple introduction to the theory of birational transformation of algebraic equations and curves and of Riemann's surfaces. Moreover, as that part of the book is occupied with integrals of algebraic functions and with Abelian functions, it seems not unnatural that a proof of Abel's Theorem should be given, as well as some illustrations : this has been effected in some supplementary notes appended to Chapter XVIII. With minor exceptions, these additions constitute the whole of the new matter relating to algebraic functions and their integrals. X PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION The chief omission from the contents of the former edition is caused by the transference, to the second volume of my Theory of Differential Equations, of the sections that discussed the properties of certain binomial differential equations of the first order. The space thus placed at my disposal has been assigned to the theory of birational tranvsformation ; and I have been enabled to keep the numbering of the paragraphs the same as in the former edition with only very few exceptions. The increased size of the book has prevented me, even more definitely than before, from attempting to discuss some of the subjects left undiscussed in the first edition. The volume will probably be regarded as sufficiently large in its present form : I hope that it may continue to be found a useful introduction to one of the most important subjects in modern pure mathematics. A. R. F. Trinity College, Cambridge, 31 October, 1900. PEEFACE TO THE THIED EDITION. THE differences between the present edition and the second edition are not substantial. The general plan of the book is unaltered ; and no change has been made in the numbering of the paragraphs. Not a few detailed changes have been made in places as, for instance, in the establishment of the fundamental functions in the Weierstrass theory of elliptic functions ; but some chapters remain entirely unaltered. The theory of conformal representation is important in particular ranges of subjects such as hydrodynamics and electrostatics ; so I have included a note giving some applications of that theory to some branches of mathematical physics. It is intended only as an introduction ; but it may suffice to shew that many analytical results are common to these selected ranges, though they are ex- pressed in the various vocabularies appropriate to the respective subjects. In passing from the first edition to the second, I omitted certain sections which discussed the properties of certain differential equa- tions of the first order. These sections are now contained in the second volume of my Theory of Differential Equations. Owing to their importance as illustrations of the theory of functions, I have included a note stating the results. Here and there, throughout the book, some further examples have been added. At the end of the book, I have given a set of some two hundred miscellaneous examples, which have been collected from Cambridge examination papers. For making the collection, I am indebted to Mr C. H. Kebby, B.Sc, A.RC.S., a demonstrator in the department of mathematics and mechanics in the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. The Staff of the University Press have shewn to me the same courteous consideration that I have experienced for many years ; 62 Xll PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION and they have achieved the task of printing the volume within a brief period in spite of their grave depletion by the demands of this world-wide war. To all of them, who have been concerned with the book, I tender my most cordial and" appreciative thanks. A. R. F. Imperial College op Science and Technology, London, S.W. 11 October, 1917. ' CONTENTS. The following course is recom mended, in the order specified, to those who are , reading the subject for the first time : The theory of uniform functions, Chapters I — V ; Gonformal representation, Chapter XIX ; Multiform functions and uniform periodic fimctions, Chapters VIII — XI ; Rieinann^s surfaces, and Riemann)s theory of algebraic functions and their integrals, Chapters XIV — XVI, XVIII. CHAPTER I. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. §§ PAGE 1 — 3. The complex variable and the representation of its variation by points in a plane ............. 1 4. Neumann's representation by points on a sphere 4 5. Propei'ties of functions assumed known ....... 6 6, 7. The idea of complex functionality adopted, with the conditions necessary and sufficient to ensure functional dependence ..... 6 8. Riemann's definition of functionality ....... 8 9. A functional relation between two complex variables establishes the geometrical property of conformal representation of their planes . 10 10, 11. Relations between the real and the imaginary parts of a function of z; with examples ........... 12 12, 13. Definitions and illustrations of the terms monogenic, uniform, multiform, branch, branch-point, holomorphic, zero, pole, meromorphic ... 15 CHAPTER II. INTEGRATION OF UNIFORM FUNCTIONS. 14, 15. Definition of an integral with complex variables; inferences. Definitions as to convergence of series . . . . . ... j . 20 16. Proof of the lemma I /(a — ^) dxdy = \{pdx + qdy), under assigned conditions 24 XIV CONTENTS PAGE 17, 18. The integral \f{z)dz round any simple curve is zero, when f{z) is holomorphic within the curve ; and 1 f{z) dz is a holomorphic J a function when the path of integration lies within the curve . . 27 19. The path of integration of a holomorphic function can be deformed without changing the value of the integral 30 20—22. The integral — A-L^dz, round a curve enclosing a, is f{a) when ° 2TnJz-a f{z) is a holomorphic function within the curve; and the integral I — L\2 — dz is 4-^^ . Superior limit for the modulus of 27ril{z-a)^ + ^ n\ da^^ ^ the nth derivative of /(a) in terms of the modulus of f{a) . . 31 23. The path of integration of a meromorphic function cannot be deformed across a pole without changing the value of the integral . . 39 24. The integral of any function (i) round a very small circle, (ii) round a very large circle, (iii) round a circle which encloses all its infinities and all its branch -points 40 25. Examples 43 CHAPTER III. EXPANSION OF FUNCTIONS IN SERIES OF POWERS. 26 27. Cauchy's expansion of a function in positive powers of z-a; with re- marks and inferences 50 28 30. Laurent's expansion of a function in positive and negative powers of z-a; with corollary 54 31. Application of Cauchy's expansion to the derivatives of a function . 59 32. Definition of an ordinary/ point of a function, of the domain of an ordinary point, of (a jooZe) or an accidental singularity^, and of an essential singularity/. Behaviour of a uniform function at and near an essential singularity - . . . . 60 33. Weierstrass's theorem on the values of a uniform function in the imme- diate vicinity of an essential singularity 64 34 35. Continuation of a function by means of elements over its region of continuity ............ 66 36. Schwarz's theorem on symmetric continuation across the axis of real quantities 70 CHAPTER IV. UNIFORM FUNCTIONS, PARTICULARLY THOSE WITHOUT ESSENTIAL SINGULARITIES. 37. A function, constant over a continuous series of points, is constant everywhere in its region of continuity 72 38, 39. The multiplicity of a zero, which is an ordinary point, is finite; and a multiple zero of a function is a zero of its first derivative . . 75 CONTENTS XV §§ 40. ■ 41, 42. 43, 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. A function, that is not a constant, must have infinite values Form of a function near an accidental singularity . Poles of a function are poles of its derivatives A function, vsrhich has infinity for its only pole and has no essential singularity, is a polynomial ..... Polynomial and transcendental functions .... A function, all the singularities of which are accidental, is a rational meromorphic function ....... Some properties of polynomials and rational functions . PAGE 77 78 80 83 84 85 87 CHAPTER V. TRANSCENDENTAL INTEGRAL FUNCTIONS. 49, 50. 51. 52, 53. 54. 55—57. 58. 59, 60. 61. Construction of a transcendental integral function with assigned ■ zeros ax, a^i ^3, ..., when an integer s can be found such that 2|a„|~' is a converging series. Definitions as to convergence of products . 90 Weierstrass's construction of a function with any assigned zeros . . 95 The most general form of function with assigned zeros and having its single essential singularity at 2=00 . . . . . . . 99 Functions with the singly-infinite system of zeros given by 0=mco, for integral values of ?« . . . . . . . . . .101 Weierstrass's cr-function with the doubly-infinite system of zeros given by z = ma-{-m'a>', for integral values of m and oi m' . . , . . 104 A uniform function cannot exist with a triply-infinite arithmetical pro- gression of zeros ........... 108 Class (genre) of a function 109 Laguerre's criterion of the class of a function; with examples . . Ill CHAPTER VI. FUNCTIONS WITH A LIMITED NUMBER OF ESSENTIAL SINGULARITIES. 62. Indefiniteness of value of a function at and near an essential singularity 115 63. A function is of the form O y — j) +P{z-b)m the vicinity of an essential singularity at b, a point in the finite part of the plane . . .117 64, 65. Expression of a function with n essential singularities as a sum of n functions, each with only one essential singularity . . . .120 66, 67. Product-expression of a function with n essential singularities and no zeros or accidental singularities . . 122 68 — 71. Product-expression of a function with n essential singularities and with assigned zeros and assigned accidental singularities ; with a note on the region of continuity of such a function 126 XVI CONTENTS CHAPTER VII. FUNCTIONS WITH UNLIMITED ESSENTIAL SINGULAEITIES, AND EXPANSION IN SERIES OF FUNCTIONS. PAGE 72. Mittag-Leffler's theorem on functions with unlimited essential singu- larities, distributed over the whole plane 134 73. Construction of subsidiary functions, to be terms of an infinite sum . 135 74_76. Weierstrass's proof of Mittag-Leffler's theorem, with the generalisation of the form of the theorem 136 77, 78. Mittag-Leffler's theorem on functions with unlimited essential singu- larities, distributed over a finite circle 140 79. Expression of a given function in Mittag-Leflfler's form .... 146 80. General remarks on infinite series, v»rhether of powers or of functions . 150 81. A series of powers, in a rfegion of continuity, represents one and only one function; it cannot be continued beyond a natural limit . . 152 82. Also a series of functions : but its region of continuity may consist of distinct parts ........... 153 83. A series of functions does not necessarily possess a derivative at points on the boundary of any one of the distinct portions of its region of continuity ........... 155 84. A series of functions may represent different functions in distinct parts of its region of continuity ; Tannery's series 161 85. Construction of a function which represents different assigned functions in distinct assigned parts of the plane ...... 163 86. Functions with a line of essential singularity 164 87. Functions with an area of essential singularity or lacunary spaces ; with examples ............ 166 88. Arrangement of singularities of functions into classes and species . . 175 CHAPTER VIII. MULTIFORM FUNCTIONS. 89. Branch-points and branches of functions .178 90. Branches obtained by continuation : path of variation of independent variable between two points can be deformed without affecting a branch of a function if it be not made to cross a branch-point . 179 91. If the path be deformed across a branch-point which affects the branch, then the branch is changed . . . . . . . .184 92. The interchange of branches for circuits round a branch-point . is cyclical 185 93. Analytical form of a function near a branch-point 186 94. Branch-points of a function defined by an algebraic equation in their relation to the branches : definition of algebraic function . . 190 95. Infinities of an algebraic function . . . . . . . .192 96. Determination of the branch-points of an algebraic function, and of the cyclical systems of the branches of the function . . .197 CONTENTS XVll ? §§ PAGE 97. The analytic character of a function defined by an algebraic equation 203 98. Special case, when the branch-points are simple : their number . . 208 99. A function, with n branches and a limited number of branch-points and singularities, is a root of an algebraic equation of degree n . . 210 CHAPTER IX. PERIODS OF DEFINITE INTEGRALS, AND PERIODIC FUNCTIONS IN GENERAL. 100. Conditions under which the path of variation of the integral of a multiform function can be deformed without changing the value of the integral 214 101. Integral of a multiform function round a small curve enclosing a branch-point 217 102. Indefinite integrals of uniform functions with accidental singularities dz fdz f dz 218 103. Hermite's method of obtaining the multiplicity in value of an integral sections in the plane, made to avoid the multiplicity . . . 219 104. Examples of indefinite integrals of multiform functions ; \wdz round any loop, the general value of J(l - z^)~^dz, of J{(1 - z^) (I - kH'^)]'^dz, and of J{(z - e^ {z — e^) (z - es)}~^ dz 224 105. Graphical representation of simply-periodic and of dcmbly-periodic functions 235 106. The ratio of the periods of a uniform doubly-periodic function is not real 238 107, 108. Triply-periodic uniform functions of a single variable do not exist . 239 109. Construction of a fundamental parallelogram for a uniform doubly- periodic function . 243 110. An integral, with more periods than two, can be made to assume any value by a modification of the path of integration between the limits 246 CHAPTER X. UNIFORM SIMPLY-PERIODIC AND DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS, 2Trzi 111. Simply -periodic functions, and the transformation Z=e '» . . . 250 112. Fourier's series and simply -periodic functions 252 113, 114. Properties of simply -periodic functions without essential singularities in the finite part of the plane 253 115. Uniform doubly-periodic functions, without essential singularities in the finite part of the plane . 257 116. Properties of uniform doubly-periodic functions ..... 268 XVlll CONTENTS 117. The zeros and the singularities of the derivative of a doubly-periodic function of the second order .271 118, 119. Relations between homoperiodic functions ...... 273 Note on differential equations of the first order having uniform integrals 283 CHAPTER XL DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS OF THE SECOND ORDER. 120, 121. Formation of an uneven function with two distinct irreducible in- finities ; its addition-theorem . . . . . . . • 286 122, 123. Properties of Weierstrass's o--function ....... 291 124. Introduction of ^{z) and of ^(2) 295 125, 126. Periodicity of the function ^{z\ with a single irreducible infinity of degree two ; the differential equation satisfied by the function ^ {£) 296 127. Pseudo-periodicity of {"(2) . . . . . . . . . 300 128. Construction of a doubly-periodic function in terms of ^{z) and its derivatives ........... 301 129. On the relation 7;&)' — ?;'a)= +^7ri ........ 302 130. Pseudo-periodicity of a- (2) 304 131. Construction of a doubly-periodic function as a product of tr-functions ; with examples ........... 305 132. On derivatives of periodic functions with regard to the invariants gi and g^ 309 133 — 135. Formation of an even function of either class ..... 312 CHAPTER XIL PSEUDO-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS. 136. Three kinds of pseudo-periodic functions, with the characteristic equa tions ............ 137, 138. Hermite's and Mittag-Leffler's expression for doubly-periodic functions of the second kind ....... 139. The zeros and the infinities of a secondary function . 140, 141. Solution of Lame's differential equation 142. The zeros and the infinities of a tertiary function 143. Product-expression for a tertiary function 144 — 146. Two classes of tertiary functions ; Appell's expressions for a function of each class as a sum of elements 147. Expansion in trigonometrical series .... 148. Examples of other classes of pseudo-periodic functions 320 322 327 328 333 334 335 340 342 CONTENTS XIX CHAPTER XIII. FUNCTIONS POSSESSING AN ALGEBRAICAL ADDITION-THEOREM. §§ PAGE 149. Definition of an algebraical addition -theorem ..... 344 150. A function defined by an algebraical equation, the coefficients of which are algebraical functions, or simply-periodic functions, or doubly-periodic functions, has an algebraical addition-theorem . 344 151 — 154. A function possessing an algebraical addition-theorem is either algebraic, simply-periodic or doubly-periodic, having in each in- stance only a finite number of values for an argument . . 347 155, 156. A function with an algebraical addition-theorem can be defined by a differential equation of the first order, into which the independent variable does not explicitly enter 356 CHAPTER XIV. CONNECTIVITY OF SURFACES. 157 — 159. Definitions of connection^ simple connection, multiple connection, cross- cut, loop-cut ........... 359 160. Relations between cross-cuts and connectivity 362 161. Relations between loop-cuts and connectivity ..... 367 162. Effect of a sht 368 163, 164. Relations between boundaries and connectivity ..... 369 165. Lhuilier's theorem on the division of a connected surface into curvilinear polygons 372 166. Definitions of circuit, reducible, irreducible, simple, multiple, compound, recondleable ........... 374 167, 168. Properties of a complete system of irreducible simple circuits on a surface, in its relation to the connectivity . . . . . 375 169. Deformation of surfaces 379 170. Conditions of equivalence for representation of the variable . . 380 CHAPTER XV. riemann's surfaces. 171. Character and general description of a Riemann's surface . . . 382 172. Riemann's surface associated with an algebraic equation . . . 384 173. Sheets of the surface are connected along lines, called branch-lines . 384 174. Properties of branch-lines 386 175, 176. Formation of system of branch-lines for a surface ; with examples . 387 177. Spherical form of Riemann's surface 393 XX CONTENTS §§ PAGE 178. The connectivity of a Riemann's surface 393 179. Irreducible circuits : examples of resolution of Riemann's surfaces into surfaces that are simply connected .... 180, 181. General resolution of a Riemann's surface 182. A Riemann's ?i-sheeted surface when all the branch -points are simple 183, 184. On loops, and their deformation 185. Simple cycles of Clebsch and Gordan 186 189. Canonical form of Riemann's surface when all the branch-points are simple, deduced from theorems of Lliroth and Clebsch 190. Deformation of the surface 191. Remark on rational transformations 397 400 403 404 407 408 412 415 CHAPTER XVI. ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS AND THEIR INTEGRALS. 192. Two subjects of investigation .' . . . . . . .416 193, 194. Determination of the most general uniform function of position on a Riemann's surface . . . . . . . • • .417 195. Preliminary lemmas in integration on a Riemann's surface . . 422 196, 197. Moduli of periodicity for cross-cuts in the resolved siu-face . . 423 198. The number of linearly independent moduli of periodicity is equal to the number of cross-cuts, which are necessary for the resolution of the surface into one that is simply connected .... 427 199. Periodic functions on a Riemann's surface ; with examples . . . 428 200. Integral of the most general uniform function of position on a Riemann's surface 436 201. Integrals, everywhere finite on the surface, connected with the equa- tion ^v^-S{z) = 438 202 — 204. Infinities of integrals on the surface connected with the algebraic equation /{w, s) = 0, when the equation is geometrically interpret- able as the equation of a (generalised) curve of the nth order . 438 205, 206. Integrals of the Jirst kind connected with f{w, z) = 0, being functions that are everywhere finite : the number of such integrals, linearly independent of one another : they are multiform functions . . 444 207, 208. Integrals of the second kind connected with f{w, z) = 0, being func- tions that have only algebraic infinities ; elementary integral of the second kind .......... 446 209. Integrals of the third kind connected with /(w, s)=0, being functions that have logarithmic infinities 450 210, 211. An integral of the third kind cannot have less than two logarithmic infinities ; elementary integral of the third kind . . . .451 CONTENTS XXI CHAPTER XVII. SCHWAEZS PROOF OF THE EXISTENCE-THEOREM. §§ PAGE 212, 213. Existence of functions on a Riemann's surface ; initial limitation of the problem to the real parts u of the functions .... 455 Conditions to which u, the potential function, is subject . . . 457 Methods of proof : summary of Schwarz's investigation . . . 458 The potential-function u is uniquely determined for a circle by the general conditions and by the assignment of finite boundary values . 460 Also for any plane area, on which the area of a circle can be con- formally represented ... . . . . . . .477 Also for any plane area which can be obtained by a topological com- bination of areas, having a common part and each conformally representable on the area of a circle ...... 480 Also for any area on a Riemann's surface in which a branch-point occurs ; and for any simply connected surface .... 485 224 — 227. Real functions exist on a Riemann's surface, everywhere finite, and having arbitrarily assigned real moduli of periodicity, whether the surface has a boundary or not ....... 487 And the number of the linearly independent real functions thus ob- tained is 2jo .......... . 495 Real fimctions exist with assigned infinities on the surface and assigned real moduli of periodicity. Classes of functions of the complex variable proved to exist on the Riemann's surface . . 495 214. 215. 216—220 221. 222. 223. 228. 229. CHAPTER XVIII. APPLICATIONS OF THE EXISTENCE-THEOREM. 230. Three special kinds of functions on a Riemann's surface . 231 — 233. Relations between moduli of functions of the first kind and those of functions of the second kind 234. The number of linearly independent functions of the first kind on a Riemann's surface of connectivity 2p + l is p 235. Normal functions of the first kind ; properties of their moduli . 236. Normal elementary functions of the second kind : their moduli . 237, 238. Normal elementary functions of the third kind : their moduli : inter change of arguments and parametric points .... 239. The inversion--^voh\em. for functions of the first kind . 240. Algebraic functions on a Riemann's surface without infinities at the branch-points but only at isolated ordinary points on the surface Riemann-Roch's theorem : the smallest number of singularities that such functions may possess ...... 241. A class of algebraic functions infinite only at branch-points 242. The Brill-Nother law of reciprocity ...... 243. Fundamental equation associated with an assigned Riemann's surface 498 500 504 506 509 511 515 519 524 526 528 XXll CONTENTS PAGE 531 537 542 548 554 562 566 567 244. Appell's factoHal functions on a RiemaQn's surface : their multipliers at the cross-cuts ; expression for a factorial function with assigned zeros and assigned infinities ; relations between zeros and infinities of a factorial function ....... 245. Birational transformation of equations and Riemann's surfaces 246. Conservation of genus under birational transformation : moduli 247. Equations of genus 248. Equations of genus 1 - . 249. Equations of genus 2 ...... . 250. Equations of genus jo (^ 3) . 251. Normal equivalents of equations for birational transformation 252. Birational transformation of any algebraic plane curve into an algebraic plane curve having no singularities except simple nodes . . 569 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES : ABEL's THEOEEM. I. Proof of Abel's Theorem in general; with examples . . . 579 II. Application of Abel's Theorem to the normal elementary integrals of three kinds on a Riemann's surface ...... 590 III. Proof that the sum of any number of integrals is expressible as a sum of p integrals together with an additive function . 598 CHAPTER XIX. CONFORMAL REPRESENTATION : INTRODUCTORY. 253. A relation between complex variables is the most general relation that secures conformal similarity between two surfaces .... 602 254. One of the surfaces for conformal representation may, without loss of generality, be taken to be a plane ....... 606 255, 256. Application to surfaces of revolution; in particular, to a sphere, so as to obtain maps .......... 607 257. Some examples of conformal representation of plane areas, in par- ticular, of areas that can be conformally represented on the area of a circle ............ 614 258. Linear homographic transformations (or substitutions) of the form w= -, ; their fundamental properties 625 cz + d ^ ^ 259. Parabolic, elliptic, hyperbolic, and loxodromic substitutions . ." . 631 260. An elliptic substitution is either periodic or infinitesimal: substitutions of the other classes are neither periodic nor infinitesimal . . 635 261. A linear substitution can be regarded geometrically as the result of an even number of successive inversions of a point with regard to circles ............ 637 NOTE: SOME APPLICATIONS OF CONFORMAL REPRESENTATION TO MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS. I. Applications to hydrodynamics . 639 II. Applications to electrostatics ........ 646 III. Applications to conduction of heat 649 CONTENTS xxiii CHAPTER XX. CONFORMAL REPRESENTATION : GENERAL THEORY. §§ PAGE 262. Riemann's theorem on the conformal representation of a given area upon the area of a circle with unique correspondence . . . 653 263, 264. Proof of Riemann's theorem : how far the functional equation is algebraically determinate ......... 654 265, 266. The method of Beltrami and Cayley for the construction of the functional equation for an analytical curve ..... 658 267, 268. Conformal representation of a convex rectilinear polygon upon the half-plane of the variable ........ 665 269. The triangle, and the quadrilateral, conformally represented . . 671 270. A convex curve, as a limiting case of a polygon ..... 678 271, 272. Conformal representation of a convex figure, bounded by circular arcs : the functional relation is connected with a linear differential equation of the second order 679 273. Conformal representation of a crescent ....... 684 274 — 276. Conformal representation of a triangle, bounded by circular arcs . 685 277 — 279. Relation between the triangle, bounded by circles, and the stereographic projection of regular solids inscribed in a sphere .... 694 280. On families of plane algebraic curves, determined as potential-curves by a single potential-parameter u : the forms of functional relation z=(f)(u + iv), which give rise to such curves ..... 706 Supplementary note ; surfaces of constant negative curvature, and their representation on a plane, in connection with § 275 . . . 712 CHAPTER XXI. GROUPS OF LINEAR SUBSTITUTIONS. 281. The algebra of group-symbols 715 282. Groups, which are considered, are discontinuous and have a finite number of fundamental substitutions . . . . . .717 283, 284. Anharmonic group : gsoup for the modular -functions, and division of the plane of the variable to represent the group . . . .719 285, 286. Fuchsian groups : division of plane into convex curvilinear polygons : polygon of reference .......... 724 287. Cycles of angular points in a curvilinear polygon .... 729 288, 289. Character of the division of the plane: example 732 290. Fuchsian groups which conserve a fundamental circle .... 736 291. Essential singularities of a group, and of the automorphic functions determined by the group 739 292, 293. Families of groups: and their genus 740 294. Kleinian groups : the generalised equations connecting two points in space ............ 743 295. Division of plane and division of space, in connection with Kleinian groups 747 296. Example of improperly discontinuous group 749 XXIV CONTENTS CHAPTER XXII. - AUTOMORPHIC FUNCTIONS. §§ PAGE 297. Definition of automorphic functions ....... 753 298. Examples of functions, automorphic for finite discrete groups of sub- stitutions ............ 754 ^99. Cayley's analytical relation between stereographic projections of posi- tions of a point on a rotated sphere ...... 754 300. Polyhedral groups ; in particular, the dihedral group, and the tetra- hedral group 757 301, 302. The tetrahedral functions, and the dihedral functions .... 762 303. Special illustrations of infinite discrete groups, from the elliptic modular-functions 767 304. Division of the plane, and properties of the fundamental polygon of reference, for any infinite discrete group that conserves a funda- mental circle ........... 771 305, 306. Construction of Thetafuchsian functions, pseudo-automorphic for an infinite group of substitutions . . . . . . .775 307. Relations between the number of irreducible zeros and the number of irreducible poles of a pseudo-automorphic function, constructed with a rational meromorphic function as element .... 779 308. Construction of automorphic functions ....... 784 309. The number of irreducible points, for which an automorphic function acquires an assigned value, is independent of the value . . 786 310. Algebraic relations between functions, automorphic for a group : application of Riemann's theory of functions .... 788 311. Connection between automorphic functions and linear differential equations; with illustrations from elliptic modular-functions . 789 Miscellaneous examples 794 Glossary of technical terms 829 Index 833 CHAPTER T. Genekal Introduction. 1. Algebraical operations are either direct or inverse. Withoiit entering into a general discussion of the nature of rational, irrational, and imaginary quantities, it will be sufficient to point out that direct algebraical operations on numbers that are positive and integral lead to numbers of the same character ; and that inverse algebraical operations on numbers that are positive and integral lead to numbers, which may be negative or fractional or irrational, or to numbers which may not even fall within the class of real quantities. The simplest case of occurrence of a quantity, which is not real, is that which arises when the square root of a negative quantity is required. Combinations of the various kinds of quantities that may occur are of the form x + iy, where x and y are real, and i, the non-real element of the quantity, denotes the square root of — 1. It is found that, when quantities of this character are subjected to algebraical operations, they always lead to quantities of the same formal character ; and it is therefore inferred that the most general form of algebraical quantity is ^ + iy. Such a quantity x 4- iy, for brevity denoted by z, is usually called a complex variable * ; it therefore appears that the complex variable is the most general form of algebraical quantity which obeys the fundamental laws of ordinary algebra. 2. The most general complex variable is that, in which the constituents X and y are independent of one another and (being real quantities) are separately capable of assuming all values from — oo to + cc ; thus a doubly- infinite variation is possible for the variable. In the case of a real variable, it is convenient to use the customary geometrical representation by measure- ment of distance along a straight line; so also in the case of a complex variable, it is convenient to associate a geometrical representation with the algebraical expression ; and this is the well-known representation of * The conjugate complex, viz. x - iy, is frequently denoted by z^. F. F. 1 2 GEOMETRICAL REPRESENTATION OF [2. the variable x + iy by means of a point with coordinates x and y referred to rectangular axes*. The complete variation of the complex variable z is represented by the aggregate of all possible positions of the associated point, which is often called the point z; the special case of real variables being evidently included in it because, when y = 0, the aggregate of possible points is the line which is the range of geometrical variation of the real variable. The variation of z is said to be continuous when the variations of x and y are continuous. Continuous variation of z between two given values will thus be represented by continuous variation in the position of the point z, that is, by a continuous curve (not necessarily of continuous curvature) between the points corresponding to the two values. But since an infinite number of curves can be drawn between two points in a plane, continuity of line is not sufficient to specify the variation of the complex variable ; and, in order to indicate any special mode of variation, it is necessary to assign, either explicitly or implicitly, some determinate law connecting the variations of a; and y or, what is the same thing, some determinate law connecting a? and y. The analytical expression of this law is the equation of the curve which represents the aggregate of values assumed by the variable between the two given values. ' In such a case the variable is often said to describe the part of the curve between the two points. In particular, if the variable resume its initial value, the representative point must return to its initial position ; and then the variable is said to describe the whole curve f. When a given closed curve is continuously described by the variable, there are two directions in which the description can take place. From the analogy of the description of a straight line by a point representing a real variable, one of these directions is considered as positive and the other as negative. The usual convention under which one of the directions is selected as the positive direction depends upon the conception that the curve * This method of geometrical representation of imaghiary quantities, ordinarily assigned to Gauss, was originally developed by Argand who, in 18U6, published his Essai sur une maniere de representer les quantites imaginaires dans les constructions geometriques. This tract was republished in 1874 as a second edition (Gauthier-Villars) ; an interesting preface is added to it by Hoiiel, who gives an account of the earlier history of the publications associated with the theory. .Other references to the historical development are given in Chrystal's Text-hook of Algebra, vol. i, pp. 248, 249 ; in Holzmiiller's Einfuhrung in die Theorie d'r isogonalen Verwandschaftcn und der confo)-men Abbildungen, verbunden mit Amoendungen auf mathematische Physik, pp. 1 — 10, 21^-23; in Schlomilch's Compendium der hoheren Analysis, vol. ii, p. 38 (note) ; and in Casorati, ^Teorica delle funzioni di variabili complesse, only one volume of which was published. In this connection, an article by Cayley {Quart. Journ. of Math., vol. xxii, pp. 270 — 308; Coll. Math. Papers, t. xii, pp. 459 — 489) may be consulted with advantage. t In these elementary explanations, it is unnecessary to enter into any discussion of the effects caused by the occurrence of singularities in the curve. 2.] THE COMPLEX VARIABLE Fig. 1. is the boundary, partial or complete, of some area ; under it, that direction is taken to be positive which is such that the bounded area lies to the left of the direction of description. It is easy to see that the same direction is taken to be positive under an equivalent convention which makes it related to the normal drawn outwards from the bounded area in the same way as the positive direction of the axis of y is usually related to the positive direction of the axis of x in plane coordinate geometry. Thus in the figure (fig. 1), the positive direction of description of the outer curve for the area included by it is DEF\ the positive direction of description of the inner curve for the area without it (say, the area excluded by it) is ACB: and for the area between the curves the positive direction of description of the boundary, which consists of two parts, is DEF, ACB. 3. Since the position of a point in a plane can be determined by means of polar coordinates, it is convenient in the discussion of complex variables to introduce two quantities corresponding to polar coordinates. In the case of the variable z, one of these quantities is {x- + y^)^, the positive sign being always associated with it; it is called the modulus^ (sometimes the absolute value) of the variable and it is denoted, sometimes by mod. ^'j sometimes by \z\. The modulus of a complex variable is quite definite, and it has only one value. The other is 6, the angular coordinate of the point z; it is called the argument (and. less frequently, the amplitude) of the variable. It is measured in the trigonometrically positive sense, and is determined by the equations x= \z\ cos Sim so that z = \z\ e^\ The actual value depends upon the way in which the variable has acquired its value ; when variation of the argument is considered, its initial value is usually taken to lie between and 27r or, less frequently, between — ir and + it. The argu- ment of a variable is not definite ; it has an unlimited number of values differing from one another by integer multiples of 27r. This characteristic property will be found to be of essential importance. Fig. * Der absolute Betrag is often used by German writers. 1—2 4 GREAT VALUES OF [3. As z varies in position, the values of | ^ | and Q vary. When z has com- pleted a positive description of a closed curve, the modulus of z returns to the initial value whether the origin be without, within, or on, the curve. The argument of z resumes its initial value, if the origin 0' (fig. 2) be with- out the curve ; but, if the origin be within the curve, the value of the argument is increased by 27r when z returns to its initial position. If the origin be on the curve, the argument of z undergoes an abrupt change by tt as ^^ passes through the origin ; and the change is an increase or a decrease according as the variable approaches its limiting position on the curve from without or from within. No choice need be made between these alternatives ; for care is always exercised to choose curves which do not introduce this element of doubt. Later on, it will appear that, for the discussion of particular types of functions of z, a knowledge of the actual value of z or the actual position of z is not sufficient ; account has to be taken of the fact that the argument of z is not uniquely determinate. 4. Representation on a plane is obviously more effective for points at a finite distance from the origin than for points at a very great distance. One method of meeting the difficulty of representing great values is to introduce a new variable z' given by z'z-=\: the part of the new plane for z which lies quite near the origin corresponds to the part of the old plane for z which is very distant. The two planes combined give a complete representation of variation of the complex variable. Another method, in many ways more advantageous, is as follows. Draw a sphere of unit diameter, touching the ^-plane at the origin (fig. 3) on the under side: join a point z in the plane to 0', the other extremity of Pig- 3. the diameter through 0, by a straight line cutting the sphere in Z. Then Z is a unique representative of z, that is, a single point on the sphere corresponds to a single point on the plane : and therefore the variable 4.] THE COMPLEX VARIABLE 5 can be represented on the surface of the sphere. With this mode of representation, 0' evidently corresponds to an infinite value of z ; and points at a very great distance in the ^•-plane are represented by points in the immediate vicinity of 0' on the sphere. The sphere thus has the advantage of putting in evidence a part of the surface on which the variations of great values of 2 can be traced*, and of exhibiting the uniqueness of 2 = X as a value of the variable, a fact that is obscured in the represent- ation on a plane. The former method of representation can be deduced by means of the sphere. At 0' draw a plane touching the sphere : and let the straight line OZ cut this plane in /. Then z' is a point uniquely determined by Z and therefore uniquely determined by z. In this new /-plane take axes parallel to the axes in the 2^-plane. The points z and z' move in the same direction in space round 00' as an axis. If we make the upper side of the ^•-plane correspond to the lower side of the /-plane, and take the usual positive directions in the planes, being the positive trigonometrical directions for a spectator looking at the surface of the plane in which the description takes place, we have these directions indicated by the arrows at and at 0' respectively, so that the senses of positive rotations in the two planes are opposite in space. Now it is evident from the geometry that Oz and O'z' are parallel; hence, if be the argument of the point z and 6' that of the point /, so that 6 is the angle from Ox to Oz and 6' the angle from OV to O'z', we have 6 + 6'= 27r. Further, by similar triangles, ^yy = -y^, , that is, Oz.O'z'=00'- = l. Now, if z and z' be the variables, we have z=Oz. e^', z = O'z . e^'\ so that 5/=0^.0V.e'»+«''^ which is the former relation. The /-plane can therefore be taken as the lower side of a plane touching the sphere at 0' when the ^r-plane is the upper side of a plane touching it at 0. The part of the ^-plane at a very great distance is represented on the sphere by the part in the immediate vicinity of 0'. Conversely, this part of the sphere is represented on the very distant part of the ^r-plane. Consequently, the portion of the sphere in the immediate vicinity of 0' is a space wherein the variations of infinitely great values of z can be traced, * This sphere is sometimes called Neumann's sphere; it is used by him for the representation of the complex variable throughout his treatise Vorlesungen ilher Riemann's Theorie der Abel'schen Integrale (Leipzig, Teubner, 2nd edition, 1884). 6 CONDITIONS OF [4. But it need hardly be pointed out that any special method of represent- ation of the variable is not essential to the development of the theory of functions; and, in particular, the foregoing representation of the variable, when it has very 'great values, merely provides a convenient method of dealing with quantities that tend to become infinite in magnitude. 5. The simplest propositions relating to complex variables will be assumed known. Among these are, the geometrical interpretation of opera- tions such as addition, multiplication, root-extraction ; some of the relations of complex variables occurring as roots of algebraical equations with real coefficients ; the elementary properties of functions of complex variables which are polynomial, or exponential, or circular, functions ; and simple tests of convergence of infinite series and of infinite products*. 6. All ordinary operations effected on a complex variable lead, as already remarked, to other complex variables; and any definite quantity, thus obtained by operations on z, is necessarily a function of z. But if a complex variable w be given as a complex function of x and y without any indication of its source, the question as to whether w is or is not a function of z requires a consideration of the general idea of functionality. It is convenient to postulate w -\- iv as a form of the complex variable w, where u and v are real. Since iv is initially unrestricted in variation, we may so far regard the quantities u and v as independent and therefore as any functions of x and y, the elements involved in z. But more explicit expressions for these functions are neither assigned nor supposed. The earliest occurrence of the idea of functionality is in connection with functions of real variables ; and then it is coextensive with the idea of dependence. Thus, if the value of X depends on that of x and on no other variable magnitude, it is customary to regard X as a function of x ; and there is usually an implication that X is derived from x by some series of operations j". A detailed knowledge of z determines x and y uniquely ; hence the values of u and v may be considered as known and therefore also w. Thus the value of IV is dependent on that of z, and is independent of the values * These and other introductory parts of the subject are discussed in Chrystal's Text-book of Algebra, Hobson's Treatise on Plane Trigonometry, Bromwich's Theory of infinite series, and Hardy's Course of pure mathematics. They are also discussed at some length in the translation, by G. L. Cathcart, of Harnack's Elements of the differential and integral calculus (Williams and Norgate, 1891), the second and the fourth books of which contain developments that should be consulted in special relation with the first few chapters of the present treatise. These books, together with Neumann's treatise cited in the note on p. 5, will hereafter be cited by the names of their respective authors. t It is not important for the present purpose to keep in view such mathematical expressions as have intelligible meanings only when the independent variable is confined within limits. 6.] FUNCTIONAL DEPENDENCE 7 of variables unconnected with z ; therefore, with the foregoing view of functionality, w is a function oi z. It is, however, equally consistent with that view to regard -?/; as a complex function of the two independent elements from which z is constituted ; and we are then led merely to the consideration of functions of two real independent variables with (possibly) imaginary coefficients. Both of these aspects of the dependence of lu on z require that z be regarded as a composite quantity involving two independent elements which can be considered separately. Our purpose, however, is to regard z as the most general form of algebraical variable and therefore as an irresoluble entity ; so that, as this preliminary requirement in regard to z is unsatisfied^ neither of the aspects can be adopted. 7. Suppose that w is regarded as a function of z in the sense that it can be constructed by definite operations on z regarded as an irresoluble magnitude, the quantities u and v arising subsequently to these operations by the separation of the real and the imaginary parts when z is replaced by X + iy. It is thereby assumed that one series of operations is sufficient for the simultaneous construction of u and v, instead of one series for u and another series for v as in the general case of a complex function in § 6. If this assumption be justified by the same forms resulting from the two different methods of construction, it follows that the two series of opera- tions, which lead in the general case to ?(. and to v, must be equivalent to the single series and must therefore be connected by conditions ; that is, u and V as functions of x and y must have their functional forms related. We thus take li + iv = IV =f{z) =f{co + iy) without any specification of the form of/". When this postulated equation is valid, we have dti) dw dz _ V /. _dw dx dz dx - ' dz ' dw _ dw dz _ . ,, __ . dw dy dz dy d,z' , ^, „ dw I div dw ^ and thereiore ^r- = - ^:;- = -y- (1), dx t dy dz ^ ^ equations from which the functional form has disappeared. Inserting the value of IV, we have . 9 , . , d , . . dx dy whence, after equating real and imaginary parts, dv _ du du _ dv dx~ dy' dx dy ^ These are necessary relations between the functional forms of u and v. 8 riemann's [7. These relations are easily seen to be sufficient to ensure the required functionality. For, on taking w = u+ iv, the equations (2) at once lead to dw _ldw doc i dy ' . , ■ , dw .dw ,. that IS, to 7^ + ^ t;— = 0, dw 01/ a linear partial differential equation of the first order. To obtain the most general solution, we form a subsidiary system dx dy dw T "" T ^ "0" • It possesses the integrals tv, x + iy ; then from the known theory of such equations we infer that every quantity w satisfying the equation can be expressed as a function of a; + iy, that is, of z. The conditions (2) are thus proved to be sufficient, as well as necessary. 8. The preceding determination of the necessary and sufficient conditions of functional dependence is based upon the existence of a functional form : and yet that form is not essential, for, as already remarked, it disappears from the equations of condition. Now the postulation of such a form is equivalent to an assumption that the function can be numerically calculated for each particular value of the independent variable, though the immediate expression of the assumption has disappeared in the present case. Experience of functions of real variables shews that it is often more convenient to use their properties than to possess their numerical values. This experience is confirmed by what has preceded. The essential conditions of functional dependence are the equations (1), and they express a property of the function w, viz., that the value of the ratio -7— is the same as that of ^r- , or, in other dz ox Avords, it is independent of the manner in which dz ultimately vanishes by the approach of the point z ^ dz to coincidence with the point z. We are thus led to an entirely different definition of functionality, viz. : — A cotwplex quantity w is a function of another complex quantity z, ivhen dw they change together in such a manner tliat the value of -^ is independent of the value of the differential element dz. This is Riemann's definition* ; we proceed to consider its significance. We have dw du + idv dz dx + idy _ (du .dv\ dx fdu .dv\ dy \dx dxj dx + idy \dy dyj dx+idy' * Ges. Werke, p. 5 ; a modified definition is adojDted by him, ib., p. 81. 8.] DEFINITION OF A FUNCTION Let <^ be the argument of dz ; then dec cos , the angular coordinate of z relative to the same point a, is the real part of —i]og(z — a) and satisfies the same equation : the more usual form of being tan~^ {{y — yQ)l{x - x^)], where a = x^-\-iy^. Again, if a point z be distant r from a and r from 6, then log(?Y?"'), being the real part of log \{z - a)\{z- 6)], is a solution of the same equation. The following example, the result of which will be useful subsequently* uses the property that the value of the derivative is independent of the differential element. Consider a function where c' is the inverse of Then I ?< = los; I ?i + ?'2; = w = loo; ,. with regard to a circle, centre the origin and radius R. y z — c z — d so the curves, u = constant. (fig. 4) Oc = i\ xOc = a, so that c then if \z-c I _'i\ \ z — c' \ R are circles. Let R^ ■ Fig. 4. the values of X for points in the interior of the circle of radius R vary from zero, when the circle ?{ = constant is the point c, to unity, when the circle ■« = constant is the circle of radius R. Let the point ^( = ^e"*) be the centre of the circle determined by a value of X, and let its radius be p ( = ^i/iV). Then since cM _r cN 7M~R 7N' we have r-irp-6 — +p-6 = *=^ e^-p- R^ -U-p * In § 217, in connection with the investigations of Schwarz, by whom the result is stated, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 183. ' 14 EXAMPLES [11. Whence Xig(/^^-r^) ^^^M^-X^) Now if dn be an element of the normal drawn inwards at z to the circle A^zM, we have dz=dx-\-idy— — dn . cos ■<^ —idn . sin i\r = —e^'^dn, where •^{ = zKx') is the argument of z relative to the centre of the circle. Hence, since dw I 1 dz z — c z — c'^ du .dv dw ( \ 1 \ ^i^ we have ^~ + *^~ = -7-= > )^ • dn dn dn \z — g z — c J But z = 6e'''+pe'^\ so that z-c= ^"^^ ( -ffe*^*' - Xre»0, and 2 - c' = - ^^^, (Xre-^* - i?e"^) ; r It'^ — r^X" , , du . dv B? 7-2X2 ^i {Z. 1 _ ?L 1 1 and therefore - + ^- = -^-^e \R^^^^i_j^ai X^,#_x^,«/- Hence, equating the real parts, it follows that du_ {m-r^-X^f dn~ XR{R^-r^){R^-2ErXcos{f-a) + X^r^'}' the differential element dn being drawn inwards from the circumference of the circle. The application of this method is evidently effective when the curves «= constant, arising from a functional expression of w in terms of z, are a family of non-intersecting algebraical curves. Kv. 1. Prove that, if Zi and zo denote two complex variables, 1^1 + 22 !^ i%l +l^2l» !%-%|^|2ll~i22|- Ex. 2. Find the values of u and v when w is defined as a function of z in the following cases : — (i) z = {w + if; (ii) z = {l + GOSw)e^'^; ,..., 1 -(1-2)4 (m) ^^ ^^ =e"' w2 logi^,. l + {l-z)i In each case, trace the curves 2i = a, v = c, regarded as loci in the plane of x, y. Ex. 3. Shew that x~ -y^ — 2ixy is not a function of z; and that x'^ — Zo:;y'^ + i{Zx'^y-y^) + ax is a function of z only when a = 0. Ex. 4. Shew that a possible value of u is [x -y){x'^ + Axy -\-y'^); and determine the associated value of w in terms of z. Determine also the value of w in teyms of z when the preceding expression is the value of u — v. Ex. 5. Find the value of v, and of w in terms of z, when sin a; u — — :r— . cosh y — cos X 11-] DEFINITIONS 15 Ex. 6. Prove that, when x and y are regarded as functions of n and v (with the foregoing notation), the relations 9^_3^ Zx _ dy B% 32_^_ 32y d^y 8^2 + a^-O, 9^2 + 9^ = 0, are satisfied. ^A'. 7. Shew that, if J and B are any two fixed points in a plane, if P is any variable point {x, y), and if 6 denotes the angle APB, then dx^ dy^ (Jonstruct the function of z, =x + iy, of which 6 is the real part, and also the function of 3 of which id is the imaginary part. Ex. 8. Given X, a function of x and y ; shew that cf){X) can be the real part of a function of z if the quantity ^dx^ dy^J \\dxj \dyj J is expressible in terms of X alone. Verify that the condition is satisfied when \ = x+{x^+y^)i ; and obtain the function of z which has (X) for its real part. 12. As the tests which are sufficient and necessaiy to ensure that a complex quantity is a function of z have been given, we shall assume that all complex quantities dealt with are functions of the complex variable (§§ 6, 7). Their characteristic properties, their classification, and some of the simpler applications will be considered in the succeeding chapters. Some initial definitions and explanations will now be given. (i). It has been assumed that the function considered has a differential coefficient, that is, that the rate of variation of the function in any direction is independent of that direction by being independent of the mode of change of the variable. We have already decided (§ 8) not to use the term analytic for such a function. It is often called monogenic, when it is necessary to assign a specific name ; but for the most part we shall omit the name, the property being tacitly assumed*. We can at once prove fi-om the definition that, when the derivative / diu\ . . . . ,r, n ■ -n dw Idw Wi ( = -y-) exists, it IS itself a function, lor Wj =-^ = - ^ are equations * This is in fact done by Eiemann, who calls such a dependent complex simply a function. Weierstrass, however, has proved (see § 85, post) that the idea of a monogenic function of a complex variable and the idea of dependence expressible by arithmetical operations are not coextensive. The definition is thus necessary; but the practice indicated in the text will be adopted, as non- monogenic functions will be of relatively rare occurrence. 16 DEFINITIONS [12. which, when satisfied, ensure the existence of w^ ; hence 1 dwi _ 1 9 fdw\ i dy i dy \dx) _ 3 /I 3w^ dx \i dy J dx shewing, as in § 8, that the derivative -^ is independent of the direction in which dz vanishes. Hence w-^ is a function of z. Similarly for all the derivatives in succession. (ii). Since the functional dependence of a complex is ensured only if the value of the derivative of that complex be independent of the manner in which the point z -[-dz approaches to coincidence with z, a question naturally suggests itself as to the effect on the character of the function that may be caused by the manner in which the variable itself has come to the value of z. If a function has only one value for each given value of the variable, whatever be the manner in which the variable has come to that value, the function is called uniform*. Hence two different paths from a point a to a point z give at z the same value for any uniform function; and a closed curve, beginning at any point and completely described by the ^r-variable will lead to the initial value of tu, the corresponding ty-curve being closed, if z has not passed through any point which makes lu infinite. The simplest class of uniform functions is constituted by rational functions. (iii). If a function has more than one value for any given value of the variable, or if its value can be changed by modifying the path in which the variable reaches that given value, the function is called multiform^;. Characteristics of curves, which are graphs of multiform functions corre- sponding to a ^-curve, will hereafter be discussed. One of the simplest classes of multiform functions is constituted by algebraical irrational functions, that is, functions defined by an irresoluble algebraic equation /(w, z) = 0, where/ is a polynomial in w and z. The rational functions in (ii) occur when /is of only the first degree in w. (iv). A multiform function has a number of different values for the same value of z, and these values vary with z : the aggregate of the variations of any one of the values is called a branch of the function. Although the function is multiform for unrestricted variation of the variable, it often happens that a branch is uniform when the variable is restricted to particular regions in the plane. * Also monodromic, or monotropic; with Grerman writers the title is eindeutig, occasionally, einandrig. + Also polytropic ; with German writers the title is viehrdeutig. 12.] DEFINITIONS 17 (v). A point in the plane, at which two or more branches of a multiform function assume the same value, and near which those branches are inter- changed (§ 94, Note) by appropriate modification in the path of z, is called a hranch-point* of the function. The relations of the branches in the immediate vicinity of a branch-point will be discussed hereafter. (vi). A function, which is monogenic, uniform and continuous over any part of the ^r-plane, is called holomorphic-f over that part of the plane. When a function is called holomorphic without any limitation, the usual implication is that the character is preserved over the whole of the plane which is not at infinity. The simplest example of a holomorphic function is a polynomial in the variable. (vii). A root (or a zero) of a function is a value of the variable for which the function vanishes. The simplest case of occurrence of roots is in a rational integral function, various theorems relating to which (e.g., the number of roots included within a given contour) will be found in treatises on the theory of equations. (viii). The infinities of a function are the points at which the value of the function is infinite. Among them, the simplest are the poles^ of the function, a pole being an infinity such that in its immediate vicinity the reciprocal of the function is holomorphic. Infinities other than poles (and also the poles) are called the singular points, or the singularities, of the function : their classification must be deferred until after the discussion of properties of functions. (ix). A function, which is monogenic, uniform and, except at poles, continuous, is called a meroniorphic function^. The simplest example is a rational fraction. 13. The following functions give illustrations of some of the preceding definitions. (a) In the case of a meromorphic function * Also critical point, which, however, is sometimes used to include all special points of a function; with German writers the title is Verziopigungspunkt, and sometimes Windungspunht. French writers use point de ramification, and Italians punto di giramento and punto di diraniazione. t Also synectic. X Also polar discontinuities ; also (§ 32) accidental singularities. § Sometimes regular, but this term will be reserved for the description of another property of functions. 18" EXAMPLES ILLUSTRATING [13. Avh©Fe-:F' and /"are polynomials in z without a common factor, the roots are the- roots of F iz) and the poles are the roots of /(^). Moreover, according, as the- degree of F is greater or is less than that of /, ^ = oo is a pole or a- zero of w;. (6) If w be a polynomial of order n, then each simple root of w is a br9.n;C^ -point and a zero of w'", where m is a positive integer ; z = qo is a pole of w ; and z=qc is a pole but not a branch-point or is an infinity (though not a pole) and a branch-point of w- according as n is even or odd. • , (c) In the case of the function _ 1 ,7 sn - z (the. notation being that of Jacobian elliptic functions), the zeros are given by - = iK' ■\- '2'mK + 2m' iK', iK' -I- ImK + 'hyi'iK' + ^, for all positive and negative integral values of 7)i and of m . If we take ' ■ ■ 1 z where t, may be restricted to values that are not large, then so that, in the neighbourhood of a zero, %v behaves like a holomorphic function. There is evidently a doubly-infinite system of zeros ; they are distinct from one another except at the origin, where an infinite number practically coincide. The infinities of w are given by - - ^=1nK^%iiK\ z for all positive and negative integral values of n and of n . If we take z then l=(-l)-sn^, , w so that, in the immediate vicinity of ^ = 0, — is a holomorphic function. Hence ^ = is a pole of w. There is thus evidently a doubly-infinite system of poles ; they are distinct from one another except at the origin, where an infinite number practically coincide. But the origin is not a pole ; the 13.] THE DEFINITIONS 19 function, in fact, is there not determinate, for it has an infinite number of zeros and an infinite number of infinities, and the variations of value are not necessarily exhausted by zeros and infinities. For the function — - , the origin is a point which will hereafter be called sn- z an essential singularity. Ex. Obtain essential singularities of the functions e^, sinh-, tanlis. 2 2—2 CHAPTER II. Integration of Uniform Functions. 14. The definition of an integral, that is adopted when the variables are complex, is the natural generalisation of that definition for real variables in which it is regarded as the limit of the sum of an infinite number of infinitesimally small terms. It is as follows : — Let a and z be any two points in the plane ; and let them be connected by a curve of specified form, which is to be the path of variation of the independent variable. Let f{z) denote any function of ir; if any infinity of f(z) lie in the vicinity of the curve, the line of the curve will be chosen so as not to pass through that infinity. On the curve, let any number of points Zi, Z.2, ..., Zn in succession be taken between a and z; then, if the sum (Z^ - a)f{a) + (Z2 - 2i)f{Zi) +...+{z- Zn)f{Zn) have a limit, when n is indefinitely increased so that the infinitely numerous points are in indefinitely close succession along the whole of the curve from a to z, that limit is called the integral oif{z) between a and z. It is denoted, as in the case of real variables, by ''f{z)dz. It is known* that the value of the integral of a function of a real variable between limits a and h is independent of the manner in which, under the customary definition, the interval between a and h is divided up. Assuming this result, we infer at once that, the same property holds for the complex integral f{z)dz; for, if f{z) = a + iv, where u and v are real, / {z) dz = u dx — vdy + iudy + ivdx, and each of the integrals judx, jvdy, Judy, Jvd.r, * Harnack's Introduction to the Calculus, (Cathcart's translation), §§ 103, 142. 14.] DEFINITIONS AS TO CONVERGENCE 21 taken between limits corresponding to the extremities of the curve, is inde- pendent of the way in which the range is divided up. The limit, as the value of the integral, is associated with a particular curve: in order that the integral may have a definite value, the curve (called the path of integration) must, in the first instance, be specified*. The integral of any function whatever may not be assumed to depend in general only upon the limits. We have to deal with converging series; it is therefore convenient to state the definitions of the terms used. For proofs of the statements, developments, and appli- cations in the theory of convergence, as well as the various tests of convergence, see Bromwich's Theory of infinite series, Carslaw's Fottri&r's series and integrals, Hobson's Functions of a real variable, and Pringsheim's article in the Encycloplidie der mathema- tischen Wissensckaften, t. i, pp. 49 — 146, where full references are given. A series, represented by «!, a.j, «3, ... ad inf., is said to converge, when the limit of •S'^,, where '^n = «l + «2 + •••+««) as n increases indefinitely, is a unique finite quantity, say *S'. When, in the same circum- stances, the limit of S^ either is infinite or, if finite, is not unique (that is, may be one of several quantities), the series is saidt to diverge. The necessary and sufficient condition that the series «1, «2J «3, ••• should converge is that, corresponding to every finite positive quantity e taken as small as we please, an integer m can be found such that for all integers n such that n ^ m, and for every positive integer r. When the series converges, the series converges ; and it is said to converge absolutely. When the series of moduli | aj | , | (Xg | , | as | , . . . , does not converge, though the series a^, a.^, a-,, ... converges, the convergence of the latter is said to be conditional. In a conditionally converging series, the order of the terms must be kept : derangement of the ordei' can lead to different limits ; and any assigned sum, as a limit, can be obtained by appropriate derangement. In an absolutely converging- series, the order of the terms can be deranged without affecting the limit to which the series converges ; the convergence is sometimes called unconditional. These definitions apply to all infinite series, whatever be the source of their terms. AVhen the terms depend upon a vai'iable quantity z, and the convergence of th.e series is considered as z varies, we have further classifications. Denote the series by /i(4 /2(^), /3(4-ad inf., * This specification is tacitly supplied when the variables are real: the variable point moves along the axis of x. t Sometimes the series, such that the limit of r, then the circle, centre the origin of the variable z and radius equal to r, is called the circle of convergence : and the i-adius is sometimes called the radius of convergence. A series such as flfi, «i2, a.2Z^, ...'Ad inf., converges absolutely within its circle of convergence, though not necessarily on its circumference. It does not necessarily converge unifonnly within its circle of convergence ; but if /■' is a positive quantity, less than the radius of convergence by a finite quantity which can be taken small, the series converges uniformly within the circle of radius r' concentric with its circle of convei-gence. Again, when a uniformly converging series is integrated term by term over a finite range, the resulting series also converges uniformly. But a uniformly converging series can be differentiated term by term only if the series of derivatives converges. 15. Some inferences can be made from the definition of an integral. (I.) The integral along any path from a to z passing through a point ^ is the sum of the integrals froTii a to ^ and from ^ to z along the same path. Analytically, this is expressed by the equation {"^ f{z)dz=\^ f{z)dz+\y{z)dz, J a -la J ^ the paths on the right-hand side combining to form the path on the left. (II.) When the path is described in the reverse direction, the sign of the integral is changed : that is, jy(z)dz=-jj\z)dz, the curve of variation between a and z being the same. (III.) The integral of the sum of a finite number of terms is equal to the sum of the integrals of the separate terms, the path of integration being the sam,e for all. (IV.) If a function f(z) be finite and continuous along any finite line between two points a and z, the integral \ f{z)dz is finite. J a 15] INTEGRATION 23 Let / denote the integral, so that we have / as the limit of n hence | / j = limit of 2 {Zr+, - z,)f{z,.) < %\z,^^-Z,.\\f{Zr)\. Because f{z) is finite and continuous, its modulus is finite and therefore must have a superior limit, say M, for points on the line. Thus so that ! -^ i < limit of M% \ z,.+i — z,. | a + y8. But the corresponding condition for convergence on the circumference ceases to be satisfied for some one of the derivatives and for all which succeed it : as such functions do not then converge, the circumference of the circle must be excluded from the region within which the derivatives are holomorphic. Ex. Let F{z) and G (z) denote two functions of z, holomorphic in a region enclosing the point a, which is a zero of G (z) and a non-zero of F{z) ; prove that 1 [ ^{^) ._ ^'{(t)G'{a)-F{a)G"{a) 27nj{Giz)}^'^' {G'(a)Y when a is a simple rOot of G{z)=0, and that J-.f: 2m J '^(') ^, _ ^^' («) <^" (^) - 2i^(^) (^"' (^) G{z) S{G"ia)f when a is a double root of G (z) = 0, both integrals being taken round a small contour which encloses a but no other zero of G{z). 22. Expressions for the first and the second derivatives have been obtained. By a process similar to that which gives the value of /'(a), the derivative of order n is obtainable in the form the integral being taken round the whole boundary of the region or round any curves which arise from deformation of the boundary, provided that no point of the curves in the final form of the boundary or in any intermediate form of the boundary is indefinitely near to a. In the case when the curve of integration is a circle, no point of which circle may lie outside the boundary of the region, we have a modified form for /("' (a). For points along the circumference of the circle with centre a and radius r, let z — a = re^*, so that, as before, z — a then and 27r being taken as the limits of 0, we have ^ t r27r fw (a) = ^ e-"^^/(a + re«'") dd. •^ ^ 2irr^ Jo Let M be the greatest value of the modulus oi f{z) for points on the 38 PROPERTIES OF [22. circumference (or, as it may be convenient to consider, for points on or within the circumference) : then I /■*"' (a) I < ^r^ I e-''^' I \f(^ + ^«^') 1 ^^ \j V y I 27rr'Mo 27rr'* .' Now, let a function ^ (^) be defined by the equation '^i.^) = — : — I' r evidently it can be expanded in a series of ascending powers of ^ — a which converges within the circle. The series is Hence ■ n\- so that, if the value of the nth derivative of ^iz), when z = a, be denoted by (^f'^' (a), we have |/<") (a) j < <^"^' (a). These results can be extended to functions of more than one variable : the proof is similar to the foregoing proof. When there are two variables, say z and /, the results may be stated as follows : — For all points z within a given simple curve C in the 2^-plane and all points / within a given simple curve C" in the /-plane, let f{z,z') be a holomorphic function; then, if a be any point within C and a' any point within C, . n\n'\ n f{z, z') _ d-+-'f{a, aQ where n and n' are any integers and the integral is taken positively round the two curves G and C\ If M be the greatest value of \f(z, z')\ for points z and / within their respective regions when the curves C and C" are circles of radii r, ?•' and centres a, a', then a"+"7(a, a') , , , M and if ^ (z, z') = M <■ I ^ M (-^-^K-^)' 22.] HOLOMORPHIC FUNCTIONS 39 then B'^+^'/(a , a') I 3'^+'*' cf) (z, z) da^dd''' I dz'^dz''"-' '. . . when^ = a and /= a' in the derivative of ^(^, /). . ' • A function cfj, related in this manner to a function / in association with which it is constructed, is sometimes called* a dominant function. 23. All the integrals of meroinorphic functions that have been considered have been taken along complete curves : it is necessary to refer to integrals along curves which are lines only from one point to another. A single illustration will suffice at present. Consider the integral 'LAJ_ ^^ ; the function f{z) is supposed holomorphic in the given region : z and Zg are any two points in that region. Let some curves joining z to Zq be drawn as in the figure (fig. 7). f(z) Then is holomorphic over the whole area en- ' -c- „ z — a ^ J^ig. 7. closed by Zo^zSz^: and therefore we have j "^ dz = 0, the integral being taken round the boundary of that area. Hence, as in the earlier case, we have j ,„ 2 - a J zo ^ -a- The point a lies within the area enclosed by Zq'^z^Zq, and the function is holomorphic, except in the immediate vicinity of ^ = a ; hence "^ ~ ^ , M --,,■. 1 ■ \l^^dz=Uif{a), ■ the integral on the left-hand side being taken round z^f^z^z^,. Accordingly i z,z-a ]z,z-a f(z) We denote by g {z), so that g {z) is a function which has one pole a in the region considered. The preceding results are connected only with the simplest form of meromorphic functions ; other simple results can be derived by means of the other theorems proved in §§ 17 — 21. Those which have been obtained are sufficient however to shew that : The integral of a meromovphic function Jg (z) dz, from one point to another of the region of the function, is not in general a uniform function. The value of the integral is not altered by any deformation of the path which does not meet or cross a pole of the * Poincare uses the term majorante. 40 GENERAL PROPOSITIONS [23. function ; but the value is altered when the path of integration is so deformed as to pass over one or more poles. Therefore it is necessary to specify the path of integration when the subject of integration is a mero- morphic function ; only partial deformations of the path of integration are possible without modifying the value of the integral. 24. The following additional propositions* are deduced from limiting cases of integration round complete curves. In the first, the curve becomes indefinitely small ; in the second, it becomes infinitely large. And in neither, are the properties of the functions to be integrated limited as in the preceding propositions, so that the results are of wider application. I. If f{z) he a function which, whatever he its character at a, has no infinities and no hranch-points in the immediate vicinity of a, the value of Jf(z) dz taken round a small circle with its centre at a tends towards zero when the circle diminishes in magnitude so as ultimately to be merely the point a, provided that, as \z — a\ diminishes indefinitely, the limit of {z - a)f{z) tend uniformly to zero. Along the small circle, initially taken to be of radius r, let so that and therefore Hence z — a= re ai = idd, z — a ff{z)dz r27r = i {z — Jo a)f(z) d0. Jf{z)dz\ JO «)/(^) dd r2n . a)f{^) de /•27r < Mde Jo where M' is the greatest value of M, the modulus of (z — a)f(z), for points on the circumference. Since {z — a)f{z) tends uniformly to the limit zero as \z-a\ diminishes indefinitely, \ff{z)dz\ is ultimately zero. Hence the integral itself jf{z) dz is zero, under the assigned conditions. Note. If the integral be extended over only part of the circumference of the circle, it is easy to see that, under the conditions of the proposition, the value of jf{z) dz still tends towards zero. * The form of the first two propositions, which is adopted here, is due to Jordan, Cours d' Analyse, t, ii, § 256. 24.] IN INTEGRATION 41 Corollary. If {z — a)f{z) tend uniformly to a limit k as \z — a\ diminishes indefinitely, the value of ^f{z)dz taken round a small circle, centre a, tends towards 27rik in the limit. r ^2, Thus the value of I j , taken round a very small circle centre a, where a is ] {a? - s2)2 not the origin, is zero: the value of / ^ round the same circle is ^ ( -V. Neither the theorem nor the corollary will apply to a function, such as sn , 1 which has the point a for an essential singularity : the value of (2 - a) sn , as |z-a| diminishes indefinitely, does not tend (§ 13) to a uniform limit. As a matter of fact, the function sn has an infinite number of poles in the immediate vicinity of a as the limit z=a\s, being reached. II. Whatever he the character of a function f {z) for infinitely large values of z, the value of jf{z) dz, taken round a circle tvith the origin for centre, tends towards zero as the circle becomes infinitely large, provided that, as \ z\ increases indefinitely, the limit of zf{z) tend uniformly to zero. Along a circle, centre the origin and radius R, we have z = Re^^, so that ^ = ide, z and therefore !f{^) dz = i\ zfiz) dO. Jo Hence | ^f{z) dz \ = zf{z)de < r\zf(z)\de Jo ■2ir < I Mde where M' is the greatest value of M, the modulus of zfiz), for points on the circumference. When R increases indefinitely, the value of M' is zero on the hypothesis in the proposition ; hence | jf{z) dz \ is ultimately zero. Therefore the value of jf{z) dz tends towards zero, under the assigned con- ditions. Note. If the integral be extended along only a portion of the circumfer- ence, the value of //(^) dz still tends towards zero. Corollary. If zfiz) tend uniformly to a limit k as \z\ increases indefinitely, the value of jf{z) dz, taken round a very large circle, centre the origin, tends towards 27rik. Thus the value of j (1 - z^)~idz round an infinitely large circle, centre the origin, is zero if n > 2, and is £77 it n = 2. 42 GENERAL PROPOSITIONS [24. III. If all the infinities and the hranch-points of a function lie in a finite region of the z-plane, then the value of jf{z) dz round any simple curve, which includes all those points, is zero, provided the value of zf{z), as \z\ increases indefinitely, tends uniformly to zero. The simple curve can be deformed continuously into the infinite circle of the preceding proposition, without passing over any infinity or any branch-point ; hence, if we assume that the function exists all over the plane, the value of J f(z)dz is, by Cor. I. of § 19, equal to the value of the integral round the infinite circle, that is, by the preceding proposition, to zero. Another method of stating the proof of the theorem is to consider the corresponding simple curve on Neumann's sphere (§ 4). The surface of the sphere is divided into two portions by the curve*: in one portion lie all the singularities and the branch-points, and in the other portion there is no critical point whatever. Hence in this second portion the function is holo- morphic ; since the area is bounded by the curve we see that, on passing back to the plane, the excluded area is one over which the function is holomorphic. Hence, by § 19, the integral round the curve is equal to the integral round an infinite circle having its centre at the origin and is therefore zero, as before. Corollary. If, under the same circumstances, the value of zf(z), as I z I increases indefinitely, tend uniformly to k, then the value of Jf(z) dz round the simple curve is lirik. Thus the value of / ^ along any simple curve, which encloses the two points J {a^-z^)2 ^ a and — a, is 27r ; the value of dz {(1-22)(1-F02)}4 round any simple curve enclosing the four points 1, —1, y, — y, is zero, h being a non- , _i vanishing constant; and the value of \ {\ — z'^'^)~ ^ dz, taken round a circle, centre the origin and radius greater than unity, is zero when n is an integer greater than 1. dz But the value of i{(^-' ■ei)(2-e2)(s-e3)]2 round any circle, which has the origin for centre and includes the three distinct points gj, 62? ^3, is not zero. The subject of integration has 3=oo for a branch-point, so that the condition in the proposition is not satisfied ; and the reason that the result is no longer valid is that the deformation into an infinite circle, as described in Cor. I. of § 19, is not possible because the infinite circle would meet the branch-point at infinity. * The fact that a single path of integration is the boundary of two portions of the surface of the sphere, within which the function may have different characteristic properties, will be used hereafter {§ 104) to obtain a relation between the two integrals that arise according as the path is deformed within one portion or within the other. 25.] EXAMPLES 48 25. The further consideration of integrals of functions, that do not possess the character of uniformity over the whole area included by the curve of in- tegration, will be deferred until Chap. IX. Some examples of the theorems proved in the present chapter will now be given. Ex. 1. It is sufficient merely to mention the indefinite integrals (that is, integrals from an arbitrary point to a point z) of rational integral functions of the variable. After the preceding explanations it is evident that they follow the same laws as integrals of similar functions of real variables. Ex. 2. Consider the integral / , taken round a simple curve. When n is 0, the value of the integral is zero if the curve do not include the point a, and it is 2ni if the curve include the point a. When n is, & positive integer, the value of the integral is zero if the curve do not include the point a (by § 17); and the value of the integral is still zero if the curve do include the point a (by § 22, for the function /(s) of the text is 1 and all its derivatives are zero). Hence the value of the integral round any curve, which does not pass through a, is zero. We can now at once deduce, by § 20, the result that, if a holomorphic function be constant along any simple closed curve ivithin its region., it is constant over the whole area within the curve. For let t be any point within the curve, z any point on it, and C the con.stant value of the function for all the points z ; then ZTTl J Z—l o-s^.. ;f^'&, ■^W^a^'/i the integral being taken round the curve, so that dz 't since the point t lies within the curve. Ex. 3. The integral - — . I /' (2) log - — - dz is taken round a circle, centre the origin ZtvZ J z — 1 and radius greater than unity ; and the function f{z) is holomorphic everywhere within the circle. Prove that the value of the integral is Ex. 4. Consider the integral \e~^'^dz. In any finite part of the plane, the function e"^ is holomorphic; therefore (§ 17) the integral round the boundary of a rectangle (fig. 8), bounded by the lines x=±a, y=0, y = h, is zero : and this boundary can be extended, provided the deformation remain in the region where the function is holo- morphic. Now as a tends towards infinity, the modulus of e"^^, being e-^'^^v'^, tends towards zero when y remains finite ; and p. g therefore the preceding rectangle can be extended towards infinity in the direction of the axis of x, the side h of the rectangle remaining unaltered. 44 ExAMPLEtl IN [25. Along A' A, we have z=x: so that the value of the integral along the part A' A of the boundary is I e ^" dx. J -a Along AB, we have z = a-\-iy, so that the value of the integral along the part AB is i I e-(« + *2')^)=(iy. The second of these portions of the integral is e~"^ . ■i . I e'-i'-'^'^y'-dy, which is easily seen jo to be zero when the (real) quantity a is infinite. Similarly the fourth of these portions is zero. Hence as the complete integral is zero, we have, on passing to the limit, /• 00 /-co whence ^''^ e~'^^-^'-'"=dx= j e-''^ dx = 7r^, or I e"^'^ (cos 2bx — ^ sin 2bx) dx= iT^e~^'^ ; and therefore, on equating real parts, we obtain the well-known result e-^^ cos 'ihxdx = -n\e-^''. L This is only one of numerous examples* in which the theorems in the text can be applied to obtain the values of definite integrals with real limits and real variables. Ex. 5. By taking the integral ^e~^''dz along the perimeter of a sector of a circle between the radii of a circle given ^ = 0, 6 = \ir, and the intercepted part of the circum- ference of radius r which is ultimately increased without limit, establish the value (-|-7r)2 for each of Fresnel's integrals /: cos vP' du, \ sin ifi dii. J Ex. 6. Prove that, when a^ + b'^ < 1, the value of the integral /, 2i" a cos x + 13 sin x + y ^ ^ (X cos ^+6 sin a- +1 for real values of x within the range, is 27r f _ aa + b^ ] (l"_ a2 _ 52)i V (1 - a2 - ¥)i + V' * See Briot and Bouquet, Theorie des fonctions elliptiques,\ (2nd ed.), pp. 141 et sqq., from which examples 4 and 8 are taken. 25.] CONTOUR INTEGRATION 45 Ex. 7. Evaluate the following integrals by the process of contour integration : — ,., f ■" cos ax ^ ^ . . (1; I TT, — ,, , o — 7x «-^5 where a is real ; .... /" °° cos a^ — COS 6x - ,.... /" °° eax_Qhx (u) j^ ^^ c?^; (m) ^_^-^-^dx, where a and h are real and lie between and 1 ; r— — - c?a7, where < a < 1. _ao 1-f e* r 5.11—1 ^jj;. 8. Consider the integral / ^ — dz., where n is a real positive quantity less than unity. The only infinities of the subject of integration are the origin and the point - 1 ; the branch-points are the origin and ^ = 00 . Everywhere else in the plane the function- behaves like a holomorphic function ; and, therefore, when we take any simple closed curve enclosing neither the origin nor the point —1, the integral of the function round that curve is zero. Choose the curve, so that it lies on the positive side of the axis of x and that it is made up of : — (i) a semicircle C3 (fig. 9), centre the origin and radius R which is made to increase indefinitely : (ii) two semicircles, Cj and C2, with their centres at and —1 respectively, and with radii r and r', which ultimately are made infinitesimally small : (iii) the diameter of C3 along the axis of x excepting those ultimately infinitesimal portions which are the diameters of c^ and of c^. The subject of integration is uniform within the area thus enclosed although it is not uniform over the whole plane. We shall take that value of 2"-i which has its argument equal to {n-\)6, where 6 is the argument of z. Fig. 9. The integral round the boundary is made up of four parts. (a) The integral round C3. The value of z. j-^, as 1 2 1 increases indefinitely, tends uniformly to the limit zero ; hence, as the radius of the semicircle is increased indefinitely, the integral round G^ vanishes (§ 24, il., Note). ^n — l (6) The integral round Ci. The value of z. ^--— , as | 2 | diminishes indefinitely, tends uniformly to the limit zero; hence as the radius of the semicircle is diminished indefinitely, the integral round q vanishes (§ 24, i.. Note): ; 46 EXAMPLES IN [25. (c) The integral round 03. The value of (1 + z) —- , as j 1+ z | diminishes indefinitely for points in the area, tends uniformly to the Hmit (-l)»-i, i.e., to the limit e^'^~'^>''^. Hence this part of the integral is In-\)m i _^±_ being taken in the direction indicated by the arrow round c^, the infinitesimal semicircle. Evidently — — =id6 and the limits are tt to 0, so that this part of the whole integral is = nre ymi id) The integral along the axis of x. The parts at - 1 and at which form the diameters of the small semicircles are to be omitted ; so that the value is This is what Cauchy calls the principal value of the integral dx. Since the whole integral is zero, we have f .»-i ^•7re'*'^'+ I f— - dx = 0. ol+^ -1 /"O and Q = \^ fzi^^'^ principal values being taken in each case. Then, taking account of the arguments, we have /•"(-^A'i-i ,-,,„, f'^x"'-'^dx jo 1--^ Jo 1-^ _g(»-l)7ri Since i'n-e^'''+ P + P' = 0, we have so that P—Q cos mr — TT sin mr, Q sm nir = tt cos mr. Hence | ^f--dx=P=7rcosecn7r, J ^ +* /' "" x^ ~ ^ dx = Q= IT cot nir. 1-^ '- Ex. 9. In the same way it may be proved that /: dx= -^ — 2 0)'"^ 'e . IT t where n is an integer, a is positive and w is e ^w. 25.] CONTOUR INTEGRATION 47 Ex. 10. By considering the integral Je-^2»-i(^2 round the contour of the sector of a circle of radius r, bounded by the radii (9 = 0, ^ = a, where a is less than Jtt and n is positive, it may be proved that /•OO i K-le~''''°'"cos(/3 + rsina)}c^r = r(%)cos(i3 + ?ia), on proceeding to the limit when r is made infinite. (Briot and Bouquet.) JE^x. 11. By considering the integral j{z^ - l)^ z''^^-^-'^ dz, taken round a semicircle, prove that r sin» e^^ dd = ^ . ,, -^f n(m) provided the real part of m is greater than - 1. Similarly deduce the value of / sin™ ^ cos™ (9 e"*^ c?<9, where the real parts of m and n are each greater than - 1, from a consideration of the integral taken round a semicircle. (Many of the results stated in de Haan, Nouoelles tables dHntegrales definies, can be obtained in a similar manner.) r dz Ex. 12. Consider the integral I -^ — - , where n is an integer. The subject of integration is meroraorphic ; it has for its poles (each of which is simple) the n points w'' for r=0, 1, ..., TO — 1, where w is a primitive ?ith root of unity ; and it has no other infinities and no branch-points. Moreover the value of -^ — - , as | ^ | increases indefinitely, tends uniformly to the limit zero ; hence (§ 24, iii.) the value of the integral, taken round a circle centre the origin and radius > 1, is zero. This result can be derived by means of Corollary II. in § 19. Surround each of the poles with an infinitesimal circle having the pole for centre ; then the integral round the circle of radius > 1 is equal to the sum of the values of the integral round the infinitesimal circles. The value round the circle having aT for its centre is, by § 20, Ittx (limit of -^^^ — - , when 0=0)'" j 27r^■ = — < n Hence the integral round the large circle 2W-1 2 0)™-'" n r=0 =0. -^-— -^ c?2, taken round a semicircle, prove that /■* cosao; , TT . /"" sin a.r tt provided a is positive. 48 EXAMPLES IN [25. Ex. 14. Taking as the definition of Bernoulli's numbers that they are the coefficients in the expansion ^ _£_!_£_ y I _-\ \m-l "»' r,,2m-\ e^-1 x^2~„%i^ ^ {2m) I prove (by contour integration) that _2(2m) ! °° 1 ™~(27r)2'« ,ill^' In the same way, obtain expressions for the coefiicients, in the expansion in powers of x, of the quantity gxy e^-1 (Hermite.) Ex. 15. In all the preceding examples, the poles that have occurred have been simple : but the results proved in § 21 enable us to obtain the integrals of functions which have multiple poles within an area. As an instance, consider the integral dz — ^ round any curve which includes the point i but not the point — ^, these /: (1+22)" points being the two poles of the subject of integration, each of multiplicity n + 1. We have seen that /(») (a) = -^. , ■' \i^, dz where / (s) is holomorphic throughout the region bounded by the curve round which the integral is taken. In the present case a is i, and f(z) = -, r-— -r ; so that nl (2 + i)2« + i' and therefore Hence we have / dz 2ni .,,,.. 2n\ it (H-22^" + i n\-' ^' n\7i,\2^^' In the case of the integral of a function round a simple curve which contains several of its poles, we first (§ 20) resolve the integral into the sum of the integrals round simple curves each containing only one of the points, and then determine each of the latter integrals as above. Another method, that is sometimes possible, makes use of the expression of the uniform function in partial fractions. After Ex. 2, we need retain only those fractions which are of the form A/{z — a) : the integral of such a fraction is 2TriA, and the value of the whole integral is therefore 27ri2A. It is thus sufficient to obtain the coefficients of the inverse first powers which arise when the function is expressed in partial fractions corresponding to each pole. Such a coefficient A, being the coefficient of in the expansion of the function, is called by Cauchy the residue of the function relative to the point. For example, 1 „ f 1 (23+1)2 ■•> [^+1 2 + ^0^2 + 0)2/^9 1(2+1)' (2 + to)2 ^ (2 + 0)2)-'/ ' h 25.] CONTOUR INTEGRATION 49 so that the residues relative to the points —1, -co, —a>^ are |, fw, fw^ respectively. Hence if we take a semicircle, of radius >1 and centre the origin with its diameter along the axis of y, so as to lie on the positive side of the axis of y, the area between the semi-circumference and the diameter includes the two points - a> and — m^ ; and therefore the value of dz taken along the semi-circumference and the diameter, is that is, the value is - ^ tti. Ex. 16. Let ?f denote j I - ^ , ' J dzdz', f being a rational mtegral function J (C) j (C) 22 - 1 * ^ 2vlm„2™s''' of the complex variables z, z', the integrations being taken in the positive sense round the closed contours C, C, of which C is a circle of unit radius with its centre at the origin. Shew that « = if C" lies wholly inside C, or if C and C lie wholly outside one another, and that ii= —4Tr^'SAnim (w=0, 1, 2, ...) if C completely surrounds C. Discuss also the value of u if C is a circle passing through the points ±i but not coinciding with C, ?ind f{z, z')=f{-z, —z'). (Math. Trip., Part II., 1898.) Note. For further applications of Cauchy's theory of residues, together with many references to Cauchy's own results, Lindelof 's monograph Ze calcul des residus (Gauthier- ViUars, 1905) may be consulted. F. F, CHAPTER III. Expansion of Functions in Series of Powers. 26; We are now in a position to obtain the two fundamental theorems relating to the expansion of functions in series of powers of the variable : they are due to Cauchy and Laurent respectively. Cauchy's theorem is as follows* : — When a function is holomorphic over the area of a circle of centre a, it can he expanded as a series of positive integral powers of z — a, converging for all points within the circle. Let z be any point within the circle ; describe a concentric circle of radius r such that \z — a\ = p ''' (ii) CQ + C2{z-af + Ci{z-aY + .,. ziri J {t-z){t + z-'ia) fm^___a,^ (iii) Ci + C3{z-aY + Cs{z-ay+:.. (t-z) {t+z-2a) 28. Laurent's theorem is as follows* : — A function, which is holomorphic in a part of the plane bounded hy two concentric circles with centre a and finite radii, can be expanded in the form of a double series of integral poiuers, positive and negative, of z— a; and the series converges in the part of the plane between the circles. * Comptes Rendus, t. xvii, (1843), p. 939. 28.3; A FUNCTION IN SERIES 5§' Let z be any point within the region bounded l)y the two circles of radii/ U and R' \ describe two concentric circles of radii r and r' , such that R>r> \z— a\>r' > R. Denoting by t and by 6- current points on the circumference of the outer and of the inner circles respectively, ^nd considering the space which lies between them and includes the point z, we have, by § 20, fi^)=^mjt-^-m"/(») + J-. ffi^r*' /w ds 2iri j\z — aJ z — s The modulus of the last term is less than M' /rY+' p where M' is the greatest value of \f{s) \ for points along the circle of radius /. With unlimited increase of n, the modulus of this last term is ultimately zero ; and thus, by an argument similar to the one which was applied to the former integral, we have liriU-z z-a {z-af^ {z-a)^^ ' where Vm denotes the integral J (s — a)™~^/(s) ds taken round the circle. 28.] A FUNCTION IN SERIES 57 As in the former case, the series is one which converges, its converg- ence being without the inner circle; the equivalence of the integral and the series is valid only for points z that lie without the innermost circle of radius K . The coefficients of the various negative powers ol z—a are of the form \s-a) ^i f^T^ ^ (s - a)"* a form that suggests values of the derivatives of f(s) at the point given by -— — = 0, that is, at infinity. But the outermost circle is of finite radius ; and no knowledge of the function at infinity, lying without the circle, is given, so that the coefficients of the negative powers may not be assumed to be the values of the derivatives at infinity, just as, in the former case, the coefficients m,. could not be assumed to be the values of the derivatives at the common centre of the circles. Combining the expressions obtained for the two integrals, we have f(z) = Uo + (z-a) ?ii + {z — of Uz+ ... -\-{z-a)-^v^ + {z-a)-^v^-V .... Both parts of the double series converge for all points in the region between the two circles, though not necessarily for points on the boundary of the region. The whole series therefore converges for all those points : and we infer the theorem as enunciated. Conformably with the notation (§ 26, Note) adopted to represent Taylor's expansion, a function f{z) of the character required by Laurent's Theorem can be represented in the form P,{z-a) + FJ-^) the series Pa converging within the outer circle and the series Pg converging without the inner circle ; their sum converges for the ring-space between the circles. 29. The coefficient Uo in the foregoing expansion is 27^^• ]*-«"**' the integral being taken round the circle of radius r. We have t— a 58 ; iAURENT'S THEOREM . [29. for points on the circle ; arid therefore so that \ua\< \ ^—Mt< M', J Lit M' being the greatest value of Mt, the modulus of f(t), for points along the circle. If M be the greatest value of [/(-S") | for any point in the whole region in which f(z) is defined, so that M' < M, then we have I Uo I < M, that is, the modulus of the term independent of ^^ — a in the expansion of f(z) by Laurent's Theorem is less than the greatest value of \f(z) \ at points in the region in which it is defined. Again, (z — a)~'^f{z) is a double series in positive and negative powers of z — a. the term independent of z — a being /^,„ ; hence, by what has just been proved, j m,,^ | is less than p~™M, where p is \z— a\. But the coefficient Um does not involve z, and for any point z we can therefore choose a limit. The lowest limit will evidently be given by taking z on the outer circle of radius R, so that \t(>in\< MR~^. Similarly for each coefficient v^^ ; and therefore we have the result : — If fiz) he expanded as hy Laurent's Theorem in the form 00 00 m=l m = l then . \um\?;7n'+log^4, z where k is any integer, positive or negative. Let A = ae'^^, where a and a ar^ real ; so that - = {2kn + a)i+\oga. If z=x + iy as usual, then x — iy ,^, \ ■ 1 ^2-j-p =-- (2/?:7r + a) I + log a ; 1^ , and therefore all the points, for which e^ acquires the value J., lie upon the circle x^-\-y^=.- . ^ log a Accordingly, we consider an arc of this circle which lies within the circle 1 Not every point on the arc leads to the value A of e'; for taking any point (|, 77) on it, let J log a = 2m7r + 6, where m is an integer, and ^ 6 < 2Tr ; thus 75 — %,= -i{2mTr + 6)+loga, ?■' + '? 1 so that the value of e- is e^osa-i(2mn+9)^ =ae~^\ which is only the same as ae"* for I -\ particular points. It is however clear that \e^\ is the same for all points on the circular arc. 1 The values of z for which ez = A are given by 1 ~'(2/?;7r + a)z + loga' where k is an integer. It is manifest that a value of k (say ki) can be chosen for which i 2 I < K, ■ 1 this inequality holding for all values of k greater than k^ : so that the function e« acquires the value A at an unlimited number of points in the region \z\ < k. Further, by sufl&ciently increasing k, we can make | 2 | smaller than any assigned quantity however 1 small; and therefore A is one of the (unlimited number of) values of e^ as z ultimately becomes zero. . . 64- UNIFORM FUNCTIONS AT AND NEAR [32. It may be remarked at once that there must be at least one infinite value among the values which a uniform function can assume at an essential singularity. For if/(^) cannot be infinite at a, then the limit of {z — a)f{z) would be zero when z — a\ no matter what the non-infinite values oi f{z) may be, and no matter by what path z acquires the value a ; that is, the limit would be a determinate zero. The function (z — a)f{z) is regular in the vicinity of a : hence by the foregoing test for an ordinary point, the point a would be ordinary and the value of the uniform function f{z) would be determinate, contrary to hypothesis. Hence the function must have at least one infinite value at an essential singularity. Further, a uniform function must be capable of assuming any value C at an essential singularity. For an essential singularity of /(^) is also an essential singularity of f(z) — G and therefore also of tt-t-t — p. The last function must have at least one infinite value among the values that it can assume at the point; and, for this infinite value, we have f{z) = C at the point, so that f{z) assumes the assigned value G at the essential singularity. Note. This result, that a uniform function can acquire any assigned value at an isolated essential singularity, is so contrary to the general idea of the one-valuedness of the function, that the function is often regarded as not existing at the point : and the point then is regarded as not belonging to the region of significance of the function. The difference between the two views is largely a matter of definition, and depends upon the difference between two modes of considering the variable z. If no account is allowed to be taken of the mode by which z approaches its value at an essential singularity a, the function does not tend uniformly to any one value there. If such account is allowed, then it can happen (as in Ex. 4, above) that z may approach the va,lue a along a particular path through a limiting series of values, in such a way that the function can acquire any assigned value in the limit when z coincides with a after the specified mode of approach. 33. There is one important property possessed by every uniform funct- ion in the immediate vicinity of any of its isolated essential singularities ; it was first stated by Weierstrass *, as follows: — In the immediate vicinity of an isolated essential singularity of a uniform function, there are positions at which the function differs from an assigned value by a quantity not greater than a non-vanishing magnitude that can he made as small as we please. * Weierstrass, Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 122 — 124; Durege, Elemente der Theorie der Funktionen, p. 119; Holder, Math. Ann., t. xx, (1882), pp. 138—143; Picard, " Memoire sur les fonctions entieres," Annales de I'Ecole Norm. Sup., 2""= Ser., t. ix, (1880), pp. 145 — 166, which, in this regard, should be consulted in connection with the developments in Chapter V. See also § 62. Picard's proof is followed in the text. 33.] AN ESSENTIAL SINGULARITY 65 Let a be the singularity, G an assigned value, and e a non-vanishing magnitude which can be chosen arbitrarily small at our own disposal ; and in the vicinity of a, represented by \z -a\< p, consider the function -t7~\ — p- •'^^^ values of z in the range 0<\z — a\< p, this function may have poles, or it may not. If it has poles, then at each of them /(^) - = : that is, the function f{z) actually attains the value C, so that the difference between f{z) and G for such positions is not merely less than e, it actually is zero. If it has no poles, then the function 1 is regular everywhere through the domain < I ^ — a I < p, because no point in that domain is either a pole or an essential singularity. Accordingly, by Laurent's theorem, it can be expanded in that domain in a converging series of positive and negative powers, in the form = Uq-\- {z-a)u-i^ + -\-{z — aYun + fi^)-G z - a (z — af {z — ay^ Choose a quantity p' such that < p Accordingly, as \S{z)\ is finite and \T{z)\ not zero — it may be a rapidly increasing quantity as | ^ — a | decreases — choose | ^ — «- 1 so that, while not being zero, it gives the modulus of the right-hand side as greater than - . As z — a occurs in a denominator, this can be done. Then, for such a value of z, 1 and therefore which proves the theorem. F. F. 1 >- e \f(^)-C\ 0. Such a value is called an exceptional value ; the discussion of exceptional values is effected by Picard in his memoir quoted. Ex. Discuss the character of the functions cos (l/s), tan (l/z) for values of | 2 j which 1 are very small ; and the character of the functions tan s, e^^, ^""■e^, e ^, z log z, for values of 1 2 I which are very large. 34. Let f{z) denote the function represented by a series of powers Pi {z — a), the circle of convergence of which is the domain of the ordinary point a, and the coefficients in which are the values of the derivatives of f {z) at a. The region over which the function f{z) is holomorphic may extend beyond the domain of a. although the circumference bounding that domain is the greatest of centre a that can be drawn within the region. The region evidently cannot extend beyond the domain of a in all directions. Take an ordinary point h in the domain of a. The value at h of the function f{z) is given by the series Pj (b — a), and the values at b of all its derivatives are given by the derived series. All these series converge within the domain of a and they are therefore finite at h ; and their expressions involve the values at a of the function and its derivatives. Let the domain of b be formed. The domain of b may be included in that of a, and then its bounding circle will touch the bounding circle of the domain of a internally. If the domain of b be not entirely included in that of a, part of it will lie outside the domain of a; but it cannot include the whole of the domain of a unless its bounding circumference touch that of the domain of a externally, for otherwise it would extend beyond a in all directions, a result inconsistent with the construction of the domain of a. Hence there must be points excluded from the domain of a which are also excluded from the domain of b. For all points z in the domain of b, the function can be represented by a series, say P^{z—b), the coefficients of which are the values at b of the function and its derivatives. Since these values are partially dependent upon the corresponding values at a, the series representing the function may be denoted by P^ {z ~ b, a). At a point z in the domain of b lying also in the domain of a, the two series Pi (z — a) and Po (z — b, a) must furnish the same value for the function f{z) ; and therefore no new value is derived from the new series Pg which cannot be derived from the old series Pi. For all such points the new series is of no advantage ; and hence, if the domain of b be included in that of a, the construction of the series P^{z-b,a) is superfluous. Thus, in choosing the ordinary point b in the domain of a we choose a point, if possible, that will not have its domain included in that of a. 34] OVER ITS REGION OF CONTINUITY 6Y At a point z in the domain of h, which does not lie in the domain of a, the series Pg iz — b, a)- gives a value for /(z) which cannot be given by Pi (z-a). The new series P^ then gives an additional representation of the function ; it is called* a continuation of the series which represents the function in the domain of a. The derivatives of Pg give the values of the derivatives of f{z) for points in the domain of h. It thus appears that, if the whole of the domain of h be not included in that of a, the function can, by the series which is valid over the whole of the new domain, be continued into that part of the new domain excluded .from the domain of a. Now take a point c within the region occupied by the combined domains of a and h ; and construct the domain of c. In the new domain, the function can be represented by a new series, say Po {z — c), or, since the coefficients (being the values at c of the function and of its derivatives) involve the values at a and possibly also the values at h of the function and of its derivatives, the series representing the function may be denoted by P3 {z — c, a, h). Unless the domain of c include points, which are not included in the combined domains of a and h, the series P3 does not give a value of the function which cannot be given by Pj or P^: we therefore choose c, if possible, so that its domain will include points not included in the earlier domains. At such points z in the domain of c as are excluded from the combined domains of a and h, the series P3 {z — c, a, b) gives a value for f(z) which cannot be derived from P^ or Pg ; and thus the new series is a continuation of the earlier series. Proceeding in this manner by taking successive points and constructing their domains, we can reach all parts of the plane connected with one another where the function preserves its holomorphic character; their combined aggregate is called *|- the region of continuity of the function. With each domain, constructed so as to include some portion of the region of continuity not included in the earlier domains, a series is associated, which is a continuation of the earlier series and, as such, gives a value of the function not deducible from those earlier series ; and all the associated series are ultimately deduced from the first. Each of the continuations is called an Element of the function. The aggregate of all the distinct elements is called a monogenic analytic function : it is evidently the complete analytical expression of the function in its region of continuity. Let z be any point in the region of continuity, not necessarily in the circle of convergence of the initial element of the function ; a value of the * Biermann, Theorie der analytischen Functionen, p. 170, which may be consulted in connection with the whole of § 34; the German word is Fortsetzung. t Weierstrass, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 77. 5—2 68 REGION OF CONTINUITY OF [34. function at z can be obtained through the continuations of that initial element. In the formation of each new domain (and therefore of each new element) a certain amount of arbitrary choice is possible ; and there may, moreover, be different sets of domains which, taken together in a set, each lead to z from the initial point. When the analytic function is uniform, as before defined (§ 12), the same value at z for the function is obtained, whatever be the set of domains. If there be two sets of elements, different^ obtained, which give at z different values for the function, then the ana- lytic function is multiform, as before defined (§ 12) ; but not every change in a set of elements leads to a change in the valu.e at 2: of a multiform function, and the analytic function is uniform within such a region of the plane as admits only equivalent changes of elements. The whole process is reversible when the function is uniform. We can pass back from any point to any earlier point by the use, if necessary, of intermediate points. Thus, if the point a in the foregoing explanation be not included in the domain of h (there supposed to contribute a continu- ation of the first series), an intermediate point on a line, drawn in the region of continuity so as to join a and h, would be taken ; and so on, until a domain is formed which does include a. The continuation, associated with this domain, must give at a the proper value for the function and its derivatives, and therefore for the domain of a the original series F^{z—a) will be obtained, that is, Pi iz — a) can be deduced from P^ {z — b, a) the series in the domain of b. This result is general, so that any one of the continuations of a uniform function, represented by a power-series, can be deduced from any other ; and therefore the expression of such a function in its region of continuity is potentially given by one element, for all the distinct elements can be deduced from any one element, 35. It has been assumed that the property, characteristic of some of the uniform functions adduced as examples, of possessing either accidental or essential singularities, is characteristic of all such functions; it will be proved (§ 40) to hold for every uniform function which is not a mere constant. The singularities limit the region of continuity ; for each of the separate domains is, from its construction, limited by the nearest singularity, and the combined aggregate of the domains constitutes the region of continuity when they form a continuous space*. Hence the complete boundary of the region of continuity is the aggregate of the singularities of the function f. * Cases occur in -whicli the region of continuity of a function is composed of isolated spaces, each continuous in itself, but not continuous into one another. The consideration of such cases will be dealt with briefly hereafter, and they are assumed excluded for the present : meanwhile, it is sufficient to note that each continuous space could be deduced from an element belonging to some domain of that space and that a new element would be needed for a new space. t See Weierstrass, Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 77 — 79; Mittag-Leflier, " Sur la representation analy- tique des fonclions monogenes uniformes d'une variable independante, " Acta Math., t. iv, (1884), pp. 1 et seq., especially pp. 1 — 8. 35.] AN ANALYTIC FUNCTION 69 It may happen that a function has no singularity except at infinity ; the region of continuity then extends over the whole finite part of the plane but it does not include the point at infinity. It follows from the foregoing explanations that, in order to know a uniform analytic function, it is necessary to know some element of the function, which has been shewn to be potentially sufficient for the derivation of the full expression of the function and for the construction of its region of continuity. But the process of continuation is mainly descriptive of the analytic function, and in actual practice it can prove too elaborate to be effected*. To avoid the continuation process, Mittag-Leffler has devised f another method of representing a uniform function. Let a be an ordinary point of the function, and let a line, terminated at a, rotate round it. In the vicinity of a, let the element of the function be denoted hy P{z — a); and imagine the continuation of this element to be effected along the vector as far as possible. It may happen that the continuation can be effected to infinity along the vector; if not, there is some point a' on the vector beyond which the continuation is impossible. In the latter case, the part of the vector j from a to infinity is excluded from the range of variation of the variable. Let this be done for every position of the vector ; then the part of the plane, which remains after these various ranges have been excluded, gives a star- shaped figure, which is a region of continuity of the uniform function of which P{z — a) is the initial element. The function manifestly can be continued over the whole of this star, by means of appropriate elements ; but there is no indication as to the necessary number of elements. Instead of using the elements to express the function, Mittag-Leffler constructs a single expression, which is the valid representation of the function over the whole star; the expression is an infinite series of polynomials, and not merely a power-series. Thus let there be a power-series h + h^{z-a) + ^^b(^y 39.] UNIFORM FUNCTION 77 where ^ (-J is holomorphic for very large values of z and does not vanish at infinity. Therefore The coefficient of z'''-^ is holomorphic for very large values of z, and does not vanish at infinity; hence ^= go is a zero oi f {z) of increased multiplicity r + 1. Corollary I. If a function be finite at infinity, then ^ = oo is a zero of the first derivative of multiplicity at least two. Corollary II. If a be a finite zero of f{z) of multiplicity n, we have f(z)^ n ^ <^'{z) f{z) z-a c}){z)' Now a is not a zero of cb (z); and therefore . ! is finite, continuous, uniform and monogenic in the immediate vicinity of a. Hence, taking the integral of both members of the equation round a circle of centre a and of radius so small as to include no infinity and no zero, other than a, of f (z) — and therefore no zero of cf) (z) — we have, by former propositions, ^nij/iz)"^'-''- 40. Theorem IV. A function must have an infinite value for sovne finite or infinite value of the variable. If ilf be a finite maximum value of the modulus for points in the plane, then (§ 22) we have where r is the radius of an arbitrary circle of centre a, provided the whole of the circle is in the region of continuity of the function. But as the function is uniform, monogenic, finite and continuous everywhere, this radius can be increased indefinitely ; when this increase takes place, the limit of |/(-)(a)l is zero, and therefore/"** (a) vanishes. This is true for all the indices 1, 2,.., of the derivatives. Now the function can be represented at any point z in the vicinity of a by the series f{a) + {z- a)f' (a) -f ^^V" («)+-, 78 INFINITIES OF A [40. which degenerates, under the present hypothesis, to /(a), so that the function is everywhere constant. Hence, if a function has not an infinity somewhere in the plane, it must be a constant. The given function is not a constant; and therefore there is no finite limit to the maximum value of its modulus, that is, the function acquires an infinite value somewhere in the plane. Corollary I. A function must have a zero value for some finite or infinite value of the variable. For the reciprocal of a uniform monogenic analytic function is itself a uniform monogenic analytic function ; and the foregoing proposition shews that this reciprocal must have an infinite value for some value of the variable, which therefore is a zero of the original function. Corollary II. A function must assume any assigned value at least once. Corollary III. Every function which is not a mere constant must have at least one singula^^ity, either accidental or essential. For it must have an infinite value : if this be a determinate infinity, the point is an accidental singularity (§ 32) : if it be an infinity among a set of values at the point, the point is an essential singularity (§§ 32, 33). 41. Among the infinities of a function, the simplest class is that con- stituted by its poles or accidental singularities, already defined (§ 32) by the property that, in the immediate vicinity of such a point, the reciprocal of the function is regular, the point being an ordinary (zero) point for that reciprocal. It follows from this property that, because (§ 37) an ordinary zero of a uniform function is an isolated point, every pole of a uniform function is also an isolated point : that is to say, in some non-infinitesimal region round a pole a, no other pole of the function can occur. Theorem V. A function, which has a point c for an accidental singularity, can he expressed in the form {z - c)-'^ (/) {z), where n is a finite positive integer and ^ (z) is a continuous function in the vicinity of c. Since c is an accidental singularity of the function /(ir), the function -;-— is regular in the vicinity of c and is zero there (§ 32). Hence, by § 38, there is a finite limit to the multiplicity of the zero, say n (which is a positive integer), and we have 41.] UNIFOEM FUNCTION 79 where % (z) is uniform, monogenic and continuous in the vicinity of c and is not zero there. The reciprocal of x (2), say cf) (z), is also uniform, monogenic and continuous in the vicinity of c, which is an ordinary point for (f) (z) ; hence we have f(z) = {z-c)-<}>(z), which proves the theorem. The finite positive integer n measures the multiplicity of the accidental singularity at c, which is sometimes said to be of multiplicity n or of order n. Another analytical expression for f{z) can be derived from that which has just been obtained. Since c is an ordinary point for ^ (z) and not a zero, this function can be expanded in a series of ascending, positive, integral powers of ^ — c, converging in the vicinity of c, in the form cl>{z) = P(z-c) = Uq + Ui{z - C)+ ... + Un-1 (Z - C)"'-^ + Un{z-cY ^- ... = Wo + U^ (^ - C) + ... + Un-i {Z - Cy-' + (Z- Cy Q(Z- C), where Q (z — c), a series of positive, integral, powers of ^ — c converging in the vicinity of c, is a monogenic analytic function of z. Hence we have the indicated expression for/ (2^), valid in the immediate vicinity of c, where Q,{z - c) is uniform, finite, continuous and monogenic. CoEOLLARY. A function, which has z = 00 for an accidental singularity of multiplicity n, can he expressed in the form <)> ivliere ^{-\is a continuous function for very large values of \z\, and is not zero when ^ = 00 . It can also he expressed in the form aoz"" + a,z''-' + ...+ an-i ^ + Q (") .' where Q [— ) is uniform, finite, continuous and monogenic for very large values of \z\. The derivation of the form of the function in the vicinity of an accidental singularity has been made to depend upon the form of the reciprocal of the function. As the accidental singularities of a function are isolated points, there is only a finite number of them in any limited portion of the plane. 80 INFINITIES OF A [42. 42. We can deduce a criterion which determines whether a given singularity of a uniform function f{z) is accidental or essential. When the point is in the finite part of the plane, say at c, and a finite positive integer n can be found such that {z-crf{z) is not infinite at c, then c is an accidental singularity. When the point is at infinity and a finite positive integer n can be found such that z-f{z) is not infinite when z= oo , then z={z), where ^ (z) is holomorphic in the vicinity of c, and does not vanish for z = c. We have /' (z) = (z- c)--P <^' (z) -p(z- c)-P-' {z)} where v (z) is holomorphic in the vicinity of c, and does not vanish for z = c. Hence c is a pole of/' (z) of multiplicity p + 1. Similarly it can be shewn to be a pole of /*''* (z) of multiplicity p + r. This proves that all the poles of /(^•) in the finite part of the plane are poles of its derivatives. It remains to prove that a derivative cannot have a pole which the original function does not also possess. Let a be a pole of /' (z) of multiplicity m : then, in the vicinity of a, f'iz) can be expressed in the form 43.] UNIFORM FUNCTION 81 where yjr (z) is holomorphic in the vicinity of a and does not vanish for z = a. Thus and therefore /' (z) = ^(^ + _i>l_ + . . . , so that, integrating, we have •^ ^ ^ (m - 1) (^ - a)»^-i (;?i _ 2) (^ - a)"*-2 •"• When there is no term in log (z — a) in this expression, f(z) is uniform : that is, a is a pole o{f(z). When there is a term in log (z - a), then f(z) is not uniform. An exception occurs in the case when m is unity: for then /'W=^^t'(«) + ^V"(«)+.... the integral of which leads to f{z) = ylr{a)\og(z-a) + ..., so that f(z) is no longer uniform, contrary to hypothesis. Hence a derivative cannot have a simple pole in the finite part of the plane ; and so this exception is excluded. The theorem is thus proved. Corollary I. The r^^ derivative of a function cannot have a pole in the finite part of the plane of multiplicity less than r + 1. Corollary II. If c be a pole of f{z) of any order of multiplicity [i, and if f^''"' {z) he expressed in the form an «1 there are no terms in this expression with the indices — 1, — 2, . , . , — r. Corollary III. If c be a pole of f{z) of multiplicity p, we have f'{z)^ -p ^ <\>'{z) f{z) z-c (ji(z)' where ^ (z) is a holomorphic function that does not vanish for ^ = c, so that J/ / \ ^ is a holomorphic function in the vicinity of c. Taking the integral of (l>{z) f (z) ■^-^-^ round a circle, with c for centre, with radius so small as to exclude all other poles or zeros of the function f(z), we have A^[l(^dz = -p. Corollary IV. If a simple closed curve include a number N of zeros of a uniform function f{z) and a number P of its poles, in both of which P F. 6 82: INFINITIES OF A [48. numbers account is taken of possible multiplicity, and if the curve contain no essential singularity of the function, then liri J f (z) _ 27rijf{z) the integral being taken round the curve. . f (z) . . The only infinities of the function " ^ ^ , . within the curve are the zeros and the poles of /(^^). Round each of these draw a circle of radius so small as to include it but no other infinity; then, by Cor. II. § 19, the integral found the closed curve is the sum of the values when taken round these circles. By the Corollary II. § 39 and by the preceding Corollary III., the sum of these values is = Xn — 1p It is easy to infer the known theorem that the number of roots of a polynomial of order n is n, as well as the further result that 2tt {N — P) is the variation of the argument oi f{z), when z describes the closed curve in a positive sense. Ex. 1. A function f{z) is uniform over an area bounded by a contour; it has no essential singularity within that area ; and it has no zero and no pole on the contour. Prove that the change in the argument oi f{z\ as z makes a complete description of the contour, is 27r (n ~p), where n is the number of zeros and p is the number of poles within the area. (Cauchy.) Ex. 2. Prove that, if F{2) be holomorphic over an area of simple contour, which con- tains roots «!, a2, ... of multiplicity m^, m^,... and poles Cj, C2, ... of multiplicity p\, P2-,--. respectively of a function f{z) which has no other singularities within the contour, then ' -\. fF{z/-^dz= 2 mrF{a,)- 2 ^,i^(c,), ^^* J J\^) J-=r r=l the integral being taken t'ound the contour. In particular, if the contour contains a single simple root a and no - singularity, then that root is given by «=s— • \^ -rri^z, 27^^j -f\z) the integral being taken as before. (Laurent.) Ex. 3. Discuss the integral in the preceding example when F{z) = \ogz, and the origin is excluded by a small circle of radius p, less than the smallest of the quantities | a^ \ and \c^\. (Goursat.) 44. Theorem VII. If infinity he a pole of f{z), it is also a pole of f'{z) only when it is a multiple pole of f{z). Let the multiplicity of, the pole for f{z) be n ; then for very large values of z we have f(,) = ,n^Q^ 44.] UNIFORM FUNCTION 83 where (f> is holomorphic for very large values of z and does not vanish at infinity; hence /'W=...-.|„^(i)-i<^'(l)i The coefiicient of z'^-^ is holomorphic for very large values of z and does not vanish at infinity ; hence infinity is a pole of/' (z) of multiplicity n — 1. If n be unity, so that infinity is a simple pole of /(^), then it is not a pole of f'(z); the derivative is then finite at infinity. 45. Theorem VIII. A function, which has no singularity in a finite part of the plane, and has z= qc for a pole, is a polynomial in z. Let n, necessarily a finite integer, be the order of multiplicity of the pole at infinity : then the function f{z) can be expressed in the form tto^'^ + tti^'^-i + + an-^z + Q (-) , where Q\~] is a holomorphic function for very large values of z, and is finite (or zero) when z is infinite. Now the first n terms of the series constitute a function which has no singularities in the finite part of the plane: and y(2^) has no singularities in that part of the plane. Hence Q\-] has no singularities in the finite part of the plane : it is finite for infinite values of z. It thus can never have an infinite value : and it is therefore merely a constant, say a„. Then f{z) = a^z'^ + a^z'^-^ + + an-iZ + a„, a poljTiomial of degree equal to the multiplicity of the pole at infinity, supposed to be the only pole of the function. The above result may be obtained also in the following manner. Since z = ao is a pole of multiplicity n, the limit of z-'^f{z) is not infinite when = 00 . Now in any finite part of the plane the function is everywhere finite, so that we can use the expansion /(^)=/(0) + ^/'(0) + +^^/('^)(0) + E, ^«+i r/(0 dt where ^=27rvU-+^^ the integral being taken round a circle of any radius r enclosing the point z and having its centre at the origin. As the subject of integration is finite everywhere along the circumference, we have, by Darboux's expression in (IV.) § 15, 6—2 84 TRANSCENDENTAL AND [45. where t is some point on the circumference and X, is a quantity of modulus not greater than unity. Let T = re^°- ; then r /"(t) By definition, the limit of -—■ as t (and therefore r) becomes infinitely large is not infinite ; in the same case, the limit of (1 — e~" j is unity. Since | \ | is not greater than unity, the limit of Xjr in the same case is zero ; hence with indefinite increase of r, the limit of R is zero, and so f{z)^f{0) + zf'{0) + H-f;/<'nO), shewing as before that f{z) is a polynomial in z. 46. As the quantity n is necessarily a positive integer*, there are two distinct classes of functions discriminated by the magnitude of n. The first (and the simpler) is that for which n has a finite value. The function then contains only a finite number of terms, each with a positive integral index; it is a polynomial or a rational integral function of z, of degree n. The second (and the more extensive, as significant functions) is that for which n has an infinite value. The point ^^ = oc is not a pole, for then the function does not satisfy the test of § 42 : it is an essential singularity of the function, which is expansible in an infinite converging series of positive integral powers. To functions of this class the general term transcendental is applied. The number of zeros of a function of the former class is known : it is equal to the degree of the function. It has been proved that the zeros of a transcendental function are isolated points, occurring necessarily in finite number in any finite part of the region of continuity of the function, no point on the boundary of the part being an essential singularity; but no test has been assigned for the determination of the total number of zeros of a function in an infinite part of the region of continuity f. Again, when the zeros of a polynomial are given, a product-expression can at once be obtained that will represent its analytical value. Also we know * It is unnecessary to consider the zero value of n, for the function is then a polynomial of order zero, that is, it is a constant. t In connection with the zeros of a transcendental function, as expressed in a Taylor's series, a paper by Hadamard, Liouville, 4"« S^r., t. viii, (1892), pp. 101—186, may be consulted with 46.] EATIONAL UNIFORM FUNCTIONS 85 that, if a be a zero of any uniform analytic function of multiplicity n, the function can be represented in the vicinity of a by the expression where (f)(2) is holomorphic in the vicinity of a. The other zeros of the function are zeros of (b(z); this process of modification in the expression can be continued for successive zeros so long as the number of zeros taken account of is limited. But when the number of zeros is unlimited, then the inferred product-expression for the original function is not necessarily a converging product ; and thus the question of the formal factorisation of a transcendental function arises. 47. Theorem IX. A function, all the singularities of which are accid- ental, is a rational nier amorphic function. Since all the singularities are accidental, each must be of finite multiplicity ; and therefore infinity, if an accidental singularity, is of finite multiplicity. All the other poles are in the finite part of the plane; they are isolated points and therefore only finite in number, so that the total number of distinct poles is finite and each is of finite order. Let them be «!, eta, , a^ of orders mj, m^, , m^ respectively: let m be the order of the pole at infinity : and let the poles be arranged in the sequence of decreasing moduli such that | a^ | > | a^_i | > > | a^ | . Then, since infinity is a pole of order m, we have f{z) = a^z'^ + a^-.z'"'-^ + +a,z+f (z), where fo{z) is not infinite for infinite values of z. Now the polynomial m 2 aiZ'^ is not infinite for any finite value of z ; hence f (z) is infinite for all the finite infinities of f{z) and in the same way, that is, the function f (z) has tti, , a^ for its poles and it has no other singularities. Again, since a^ is a finite pole of multiplicity m^, we have where f (z) is not infinite for z^a^ and, as f (z) is not infinite for z=co , evidently f (z) is not infinite for 2^ = 00 . Hence the singularities of f (z) are merely the poles aj, , a^_i; and these are all its singularities. Proceeding in this manner for the singularities in succession, we ultimately reach a function f^ (z) which has only one pole aj and no other singularity, so that /'(^) = (^+ +.-^.+^w. where g{z) is not infinite for z = ai. But the function f^,(z) is infinite only 86 UNIFORM [47. for z = aT^, and therefore g{z) has no infinity. Hence g{z) is only a constant, say ko : thus g{z) = K Combining all these results we have a finite number of finite series to add together : and the result is that where g-i.{z) is the series A;o + aa^+ ■{■a.nZ^, and ^^-j-x is the sum of the finite number of fractions. Evidently g^ {z) is the product {z - ai)""' {z - ct^)'"' {z- a^)'^'^ ; and ^2 (z) is at most of degree mi+ 7n2+ + m^ — 1- If F{z) denote gi(z)g3(z)+g2{z), the form of f(z) is l(z) 9z{zy that is, f{z) is a rational meromorphic function. It is evident that, when the function is thus expressed as a rational fraction, the degree of F{z) is the sum of the multiplicities of all the poles when infinity is a pole. Corollary I. A function, all the singularities of which are accidental, has as many zeros as it has accidental singularities in the 'plane. When 2 = 00 is a pole, it follows that, because f{z) can be expressed in the form F{z) 9M' the function has as many zeros as F{z), unless one such should be also a zero of GTs {z). But the zeros of ^3 {z) are known, and no one of them is a zero oiF{z), on account of the form of f{z) when it is expressed in partial fractions. Hence the number of zeros off(z) is equal to the degree of F (z), that is, it is equal to the number of poles of f(z). When 2^ = 00 is not a pole, two cases are possible ; (i) the function f(z) may be finite for ^ = 00 , or (ii) it may be zero for z = 00 . In the former case, the number of zeros is, as before, equal to the degree of F(z), that is, it is equal to the number of infinities. In the latter case, if the degree of the numerator F{z) be k less than that of the denominator g^ (z), then z = cc is a zero of multiplicity k ; and it follows that the number of zeros is. equal to the degree of the numerator together with k, so that their number is the same as the number of accidental singularities. 47:]i RATIONAL FUNCTIONS ^1l GoROLLARY II. At the beginning of the proof of the theorem: of ' the present section, it is proved that a function, all the singularities of which are accidental, has only a finite number of such singularities. Hence, by the preceding Corollary, such a function can have only a finite number of zeros. If, therefore, the number of zeros of a function be infinite, the function must have at least one essential singularity. Corollary III. When a uniform function has no essential singularity, if the (finite) number of its poles, say Ci, ..., c,„, be m, no one of them being at ^^= 00 , and if the number of its zeros, say aj, ..., a^y^, be also m, no one of them being at ^- = 00, then the function is -pr I ^ ar except possibly as to a constant factor. When z= CO is a zero of order n, so that the function has tn — n zeros, say tti, a^, ..., in the finite part of the plane, the form of the function is 111 - n n {z — a^ r=l . m ' U{z-c,) and, when z = 00 is a pole of order p, so that the function has m — p poles, say Ci, C2, ..., in the finite part of the plane, the form of the function is m U (z — a,.) r=l m-p U(z-Cr) r=l Corollary IV. All the singularities of rational meromorphic functions are accidental. 48. Some properties of the simplest functions thus defined may con- veniently be given here*. We shall begin with polynomials. (i) Let P {z) denote a.nz'^ + a^_i^"*-^ + + a^z-\-ao, where the coefficients a are constants which may be complex; it is con- tinuous, for every one of the finite number of terms is continuous ; it is finite for all finite values of z ; and \P{z)\ tends to become infinite as I z I tends to become infinite. * For these and other properties, reference may be made to Jordan's Cours d' Analyse, t. i, p. 198. 88 SOME PROPERTIES OF [48. Further, a finite value oi \z\ can be determined which will make \P{z)\ greater than any assigned finite value, say A . For we have I P (^) I > I a,^ 1 I ^ I'" - j a„,_i I I z \^-^ - I a,n-2 1 | ^ l"*"' - - | o^ [ 1 ^ ] - | ao ! IiJivn 1 tZ"m 9 ^1 ^0 ■^'^' ^"*"^l Ul 1^1^ \z\^-^ \z\ so that, when \z\ > 1, - 1 r { 1 ttm-i I + I C^m-2 I + + I «! I + ! tto \z\ Now take c = , r{| a„^_l l + l (X^-sI + + I (Xil + jao 1 + ^} ; then \P{z)\>A + \ar,n\{\z\ — c). Hence if \z\, already supposed greater than unity, is also greater than c should c be greater than unity, we have \P{z)\>A, for values of z such that | ^^ | > 1, | 2^ I > c. (ii) Next, the equation P{z) = always has a root. The quantity I P (2^) I is continuous, is never negative, and tends to become infinite as I z j tends to become infinite. Hence, if it cannot be zero, there must be at least one minimum value greater than zero below which it cannot fall. Denote this value by fi ; and suppose it acquired for the value c of z, so that |P(c)| = ^. Construct a circle of radius greater than \c\, and take a place c + h lying within that circle. Then P{c + h) = P(c)+hP'{c)-^ +^£P^^-Kc), where the coefficient of h^ is a^, a quantity different from zero. As (hypothetically) P(c) is not zero, the first term and the last term in P{c + h) do not disappear; but intervening terms may disappear, and so we write P(c + h) = P{c)+ brh"- + br+yh'-+' + + a„,h'^, where r is the lowest index of the powers of h that survive. Now choose h in such a way that | A. | is small enough to secure the inequality |P^|.|/i|'-<|P(c)|<^, while at the same time r {arg. h] + {arg. Br] = {arg. P (c)} + (2?i + 1) tt, 48.] RATIONAL FUNCTIONS . 89 SO that the arguments of Brh'' and P {c) differ by an odd multiple of tt. Hence, if P{c) = \P{c)\e^\ then Brhr = - \ Brlf \ e^\ so that P (c) + Brh' = { | P (c) | - | Brh^' \ ] e'\ and therefore i -P (c) + Brh'' \ = \P {c)\-\Brlr \. Now P{c->rli) = P{c)^ h?-Br + /l^'+^^.+i + . . . ; consequently I P(c + /i) I < I P(c) +/i'-5,. I + 1 A'^+i^^+i i + ... ^ I P (c) I - I /^'•P, I + I /i'-+i 1 1 P,+i I + . . . As I P^ I differs from zero, the coefficient of —\'h I*" on the right-hand side is positive when | A | is quite small ; consequently, for such values of A, |P(c + /i)|<|P(c)|, that is, the modulus of P {£) in the immediate vicinity of c can be made less than I P(c) |, contrary to the hypothesis that \P {g)\ is a minimum different from zero. Thus there cannot be a minimum different from zero, and | P (^) | can always be diminished so long as it is different from zero. Hence there must be a value of z which makes P iz) zero. It now follows, by the customary argument, that there are m, such values, (iii) Any rational function of z, say w, is of the form w = P(^)' where Q {z) and P {£) are polynomials in z of degrees m and n respectively. Every zero of Q (z) is a zero of w. Every zero of P (z) is a pole of w. The place z= oo is a pole of w if m > n, and it is of order m — n; it is a zero of w ii m 0, so that the origin is temporarily excluded from the set of zeros. Let z be any point in the finite part of the plane. Then only a limited number of the zeros can lie within and on a circle centre the origin and radius equal to j^ | ; let these be aj, ag, ... , a^-i, and let a^ denote any one of the other zeros. We proceed to form the infinite product of quantities u^, where Ur denotes and gr is a rational integral function of z which, being subject to choice, will be chosen so as to make the infinite product converge everywhere in the plane. We have a series which converges because ] ^ | < | a,, j . Now let gr= 2, -[ — ] , then \ogUr=- t - (^) , n=s "' \^r' and therefore w,. = e "~* " ^"' * The following investigations are based upon the famous memoir by Weierstrass, " Zur Theorie der eindeutigen analytisehen Punctionen," published in 1876: see his Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 77—124. In connection with the product-expression of a transcendental function, Cayley, "Memoire sur les fonctions doublement periodiques," Liouville, t. x, (1845), pp. 385—420, or Collected Mathe- matical Papers, vol. i, pp. 156 — 182, should be consulted. 50.] INFINITE PRODUCTS 1 f z \» 93 Hence if the expression on the right-hand side is finite, that is, if the series 2 2 - (- ) r=k n=s ^ \^rJ converges. Denoting the modulus of this series by M, we have so that 00 00 1 i/< 2 2 - r='k n=s ^ CO 00 sM< 2 2 < 2 r=k 1- - whence, since 1 — sum, we have is the smallest of the denominators in terms of the last sM \l- 2^ — < \z\' 2 '=]c dr If, as is not infrequently the case, there be any finite integer 5 for which (and therefore for all greater indices) the series 00 1 2 7»=1 1 W'^ 00 and therefore the series 2 | a^ |~*, converges, we choose s to be that least r = k integer. The value of M then is finite for all finite values of z ; the series 1 f z 2 2 -(-) converges unconditionally, and therefore n Ur r=k is a product, which converges unconditionally, when Mr = I 1 I e ' ar 9'4 WEIERSTRASS'S CONVERGING Moreover, it converges uniformly. We have i+v n Ur r=k n w,. r=k -1 l+V - S l+V 00 1 I y I m L I 2; li r=i\ai\' ' + m„ 2 \r+mn n W/ The infinite product represented by f{z) will converge, if the double series in the exponential be a converging series. Denoting the double series by S, we have ^|< 2 t n=k r=\ ^ ' ^»i r+mn 00 cx) 1 ~ r+m„ < 2 2 -i n=k r=l I ^n : < 2 M = & 1- on effecting the summation for r. Let A be the value of 1 all the remaining values of n, we have >A, z then for 1- and so 1^|<^ 2 - |i+?n.„ < This series converges ; hence for finite values of \z\, the value of | ^S | is finite, so that *S is an unconditionally converging series. Hence it follows that f{z) is an unconditionally converging product. We now associate with f{z) as factors the h—\ functions E , wi J , 51.] INFINITE PRODUCT 97 for 1 = 1, 2, ..., ^— 1 ; their number being finite, their product is finite and therefore the modified infinite product still converges. We thus have it is an unconditionally converging product. In the same way as for the simpler case, we prove that the infinite product converges uniformly for finite values of z. Denoting the series in the exponential by gn (z), so that ^' 1 /^ 771,1 1 / C' \r r=ir\aj we have E ( — , m,i ) = ( 1 - — ] es^nfz) • \an J \ ay, and therefore the function obtained is «w=n{(^-|;)^'-4 The series gn usually contains only a limited number of terms ; when the number of terms increases without limit, it is only with indefinite increase of j an |, and the series is then a converging series. Since the product G{z) converges uniformly and unconditionally, no product constructed from its factors E, say from all but one of them, can be infinite. The factor \an J \ a J vanishes for the value z = an and only for this value ; hence O {z) vanishes for z = an. It therefore appears that G{z) has the assigned points a-^, a^, a^, ... for its zeros. Further, take any finite quantity, say p ; and let a^ be such that /J < I a^ I < 1 ttm+i I < . • . . G{z)=Il E( — ,mn] n 1 + — e*^^ Then But n \(l-^)e^='- '"^' \ = e The double sum in the index is a series, which converges unconditionally for values of z such that \z\, we have on integration where g (z) = Cq + C^z + C^z^ + ..., and g (z) is finite everywhere in the finite part of the plane. Hence it follows that, ifg (z) denote any integral function of z which is finite everywhere in the finite part of the plane, and if G {z) he some transcendental integral function with a given series of zeros and z = co as its sole essential singularity, all transcendental integral functions ivith that series of zeros and z = 00 as the sole essential singularity are included in the form G(z)e^^'K Corollary I. A function which has no zeros in the finite part of the plane, no accidental singularities, and z=cc for its sole essential singularity, is necessarily of the form where g {z) is an integral function of z finite everywhere in the finite part of the plane. Corollary II. Every transcendental function, which has the same zeros in the same multiplicity as a polynomial A (z) — the number, therefore, being necessarily finite — , which has no accidental singularities, and has z=co for its sole essential singularity, can be expressed in the form A{z)e9^'K ■ ■ 7—2 100 INFINITE PRODUCTS [52. Corollary III. Every function, which has an assigned set of zeros and an assigned set of poles, and has z= oc for its sole essential singularity, is of the form where the zeros of Go {z) are the assigned zeros and the zeros of Gp (z) are the assigned ijoles. For if Gp {z) be any transcendental integral function, constructed as in the proposition, which has as its zeros the poles of the required function in the assigned multiplicity, the most general form of that function is Gp{z)e^^'K where h {z) is integral. Hence, if the most general form of function which has those zeros for its poles be denoted hy f{z), f{z)Gp{z)e^i^^ is a function with no poles, with infinity as its sole essential singularity, and with the assigned series of zeros. But if Gq {z) be any transcendental integral function with the assigned zeros as its zeros, the most general form of function with those zeros is Go{z)e9^^); and so f{z) Gp (z) e^ (^' = G, {z) es (^), whence /(^) = |ii^e^<^), in which g {z) denotes g (z) — h (z). If the number of zeros be finite, we evidently may take Go{z) as the polynomial in z with those zeros as its only zeros. If the number of poles be finite, we evidently may take Gp{z) as the polynomial in z with those poles as its only zeros. And, lastly, if a function has a finite number of zeros, a finite number of accidental singularities, and ^; = oo as its sole essential singularity, it can be expressed in the form e' P(^).,i. where P and Q are polynomials. This is valid, even though the number of assigned zeros be not the same as the number of assigned poles; the sole effect of the inequality of these numbers is to complicate the character of the essential singularity at infinity. 53. It follows from what has been proved that any uniform function, having z=oo for its sole essential singularity and any number of assigned 53.] PRIMARY FACTORS 101 zeros, can be expressed as a product of expressions of the form 1 — — ^ e9n(^) aj Such a quantity is called* a primary factor of the function. It has also been proved that : — (i) If there be no zero an, the primary factor has the form e^n (2). (ii) The exponential index gn {z) may be zero for individual primary factors, though the number of such factors must, at the utmost, be finite f. (iii) The factor takes the form z when the origin is a zero. Hence we have the theorem, due to Weierstrass : — Every uniform integral function of z can he expressed as a product of primary factors, each of the form {kz + l)e9^^>, where g (z) is an appropriate polynomial in z vanishing with z, and where k, I are constants. In particular factors, g {z) may vanish ; and either k or I, hut not hoth k and I, may vanish with or without a non-vanishing exponential index g {z). 54. It thus appears that an essential distinction between transcendental integral functions is constituted by the aggregate of their zeros : and we may conveniently consider that all such functions are substantially the same when they have the same zeros. There are a few very simple sets of functions, thus discriminated by their zeros : of each set only one member will be given, and the factor e^'^', which makes the variation among the members of the same set, will be neglected for the present. Moreover, it will be assumed that the zeros are isolated points. I. There may be a finite number of zeros ; the simplest function is then a polynomial. II. There may be a singly-infinite set of zeros. Various functions will be obtained, according to the law of distribution of the zeros. Thus let them be distributed according to a law of simple arithmetic progression along a given line. If a be a zero, (o a quantity such that | co \ is the distance between two zeros and arg. w is the inclination of the line, we have a + mto, * Weierstrass's term is Primfunction ; see Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 91. t Unless the class (§ 59) be zero, when the index is zero for all the factors. 102 PRIMARY [54. for integer values of m from - oo to + oo , as the expression of the set of the zeros. Without loss of generality, we may take a at the origin — this is merely a change of origin of coordinates — and the origin is then a simple zero : the zeros are given by mco, for integer values of m from — 00 to + 00 . 111. Now S — = - 5^ — is a diverging series : but an integer s — the lowest value is s = 2 — can be found for which the series 2 f — | converges uncon- ditionally. Taking s = 2, we have «-i 1 =1 n \am/ mco so that the primary factor of the present function is gm {z)= 2 - - ( 1--^^." met)/ and therefore, by § 52, the product z \ -- /(^>=^n{(i-£) fflO) converges uniformly and unconditionally for all finite values of z. The term corresponding to m = is to be omitted from the product ; and it is unnecessary to assume that the numerical value of the positive infinity for m is the same as that of the negative infinity for m. If, however, the latter assumption be adopted, the expression can be changed into the ordinary product-expression for a sine, by combining the primary factors due to values of m that are equal and opposite. In any case, we have J., . (O . TTZ f{z) = — syn — . -' ^ -^ TT CO This example is sufficient to shew the importance of the exponential term in the primary factor. If the product be formed exactly as for a polynomial, then the function is zU (1 ) m=-q\ incoj in the limit when both p and q are infinite. But this is known* to be Another illustration is afforded by Gauss's n-function, which is the limit when k is infinite of 1.2.3 k {z+l){z + 2) {s + k) * Hobson's Trigonometry, § 287. 54.] FACTORS 108 This is transformed by Gauss* into the reciprocal of the expression that is, of (1 + z) n [(\ + ,^) e "' ^°^ (;^i)] the primary factors of which have the same characteristic form as in the preceding investigation, though not the same literal form. This is associated with the Gamma Function t. It is chiefly for convenience that the index of the exponential j)art of the primary S-l 1 /0 \» factor is taken, in § 50, in the form 2 - ( — ) . With equal eSfectiveness it may be s-\ 1 taken in the form 2 -hr^^z"^, provided the series 2 2 ji (6,. „-«,.-») ^4 converges uniformly and unconditionally. Ex. 1. Prove that each of the products "{0-,-£>"}- (i^-';?)„"£[{'-(2^}*~]> for w=±l, ±3, ±5, to infinity, the term for » = being excluded from the latter product, converges vmiformly and unconditionally, and that each of them is equal to cos 2. (Hermite and Weyr.) Ex. 2. Prove that, if the zeros of a transcendental integral function be given by the series 0, ±co, ±4cB, ±9a), to infinity, the simplest of the set of functions thereby determined can be expressed in the form sin{zv(l)* Ex. 3. Construct the set of transcendental integral functions which have in common the series of zeros determined by the law m^wi + 2m&)2 + W3 for all integral values of m between - qo and + qo ; and express the simplest of the set in terms of circular functions. Ex. 4. A one-valued analytical function satisfies the equation f{x)=-xf{ax), where | a | 7-^ 1 ; it has a simple zero at each of the points x = a™-(m=0, ±1,...) and no other zero, and it is finite for all values of x which are neither zero nor infinite. Shew that it has essential singularities aX x=0, x= 2 : the following proof is based upon a general method due to Eisenstein*. m = a> ?i = oo First, the series 2 % (m^ + n^)~i^ converges unconditionally, if yu. > 1. • 00 n= — «> Let the whole series be arranged in partial series : for this purpose, we choose integers k and I, and include in each such partial series all the terms which satisfy the inequalities 2* < m ^ 2^+1, 2^ < n < 2^+1, so that the number of values of m is 2*^ and the number of values of n is 2^ Then, if A; + ^ = 2/c, we have 2-2/c < 2-^+1 ^ ^k j^ 2fl < w^ -1- ?^^ so that each term in the partial series < ^^ • "^^^ number of terms in the * Crelle, t. xxxv, (1847), p. 161. A geometrical exposition is given by Halphen, Traite des fonctions elliptiques, t. i, pp. 358 — 362 ; and another by Goursat, Cours d' Analyse MatMmatique, t. ii, § 324. 106 WEIERSTRASS'S FUNCTION AS [56. partial series is 2* . 2^, that is, 2^" : so that the sum of the terms in the partial series is 1 Expressing the latter in the form 1 1 2* ^~^^ * 2^ ^~'^i ' and taking the upper limit of k and I to be p, ultimately to be made infinite, we have the sum of all the partial series P M 1 1 1 _ 2-(K-i) which, when j9 = oo , is a finite quantity if yu- > 1. Next, let ft) = a + /3t, tu' = 7 + 8*, so that n = mci) -f wco' = ma. + ny + i (m^ + nS) ; hence, if 6 = ma + ny, cf) = m/3 + wS, we have | H |^ = ^^ + or is greater than it by unity. Let the product of the two numbers be g ; then the number of terms D. satisfying the inequalities is q. 56.] A DOUBLY-INFINITE PRODUCT IQT Then SS | O j-^^ = 22 (^^ + c^^)"'* which, by the preceding result, is finite when yu, > 1. Hence converges unconditionally when /a > 1 ; and therefore the least integer s, for which 22 {mw +m'ft)')~* converges unconditionally, is 3. But this series converges unconditionally for any real value of s which is definitely greater than 2. The series 22 (wo) + m'^2^ + +'m'n)~'^, the multiple summation extending over all integers mi, m2, , m^ between - oo and + 00, converges unconditionally if 2iJL>n. (Eisenstein.) 57. Returning now to the construction of the transcendental integral function the zeros of which are the various points fi, we use the preceding result in connection with § 50 to form the general primary factor. Since s= S, we have _ z ^ z^ and therefore the primary factor is z pi. Moreover, the origin is a simple zero. Hence, denoting the required function by or (z), we have -^«=4n{(i-n) '.'^^a^ as a transcendental integral function which, since the product converges uni- formly and unconditionally for all finite values of z, exists and has a finite value everywhere in the finite part of the plane; the quantity D. denotes m&) + mco', and the double product is taken for all values of m and of m' between - oo and + oo , simultaneous zero values alone being excluded. This function will be called Weierstrass's o--function ; it is of import- ance in the theory of doubly-periodic functions which will be discussed in Chapter XL * See a paper by the author, Quart. Journ. of Math., vol. xxi, (1886), pp. 261—280. 108 PRIMARY FACTORS [57. Ex. If the doubly-infinite series of zeros be the points given by Q. = m^coj + 2m7ia>2 + n^oa^ , 0)1, 0)2, COS being complex constants such that Q does not vanish for real values of m and n, then the series 2 2 i2-» converges for s = 2 but not for s = l. The primary factor is thus 1 - - V^ , and the simplest transcendental integral function having the assigned zeros is The actual points that are the zeros are the intersections of two infinite systems of parabolas. 58. One other result — of a negative character — will be adduced in this connection. We have dealt with the case in which the system of zeros is a singly-infinite arithmetical progression of points along one straight line, and with the case in which the system of zeros is a doubly-infinite arithmetical progression of points along two different straight lines. We proceed to prove that a uniform transcendental integral function cannot exist with a triply- infinite arithmetical progression of points for zeros. A triply-infinite arithmetical progression of points would be represented by all the possible values of for all possible integer values for pi, p^, Pz between — oo and + oo , where no two of the arguments of the complex constants Oi, Ho, Ho are equal. Let O^ — air + iwr, (r = 1, 2, 3) ; then, as will be proved (§ 107) in connection with a later proposition, it is possible* — and possible in an unlimited number of ways — to determine integers ^i, |>2, p^ so that, save as to infinitesimal quantities, j3i Vi _ Pz all the denominators in which equations differ from zero on account of the fact that no two arguments of the three quantities fli, fl.,, Dg are equal. For each such set of determined integers, the quantit}^ PiHi + i?2i^2+i?3^3 is zero or infinitesimal. If it is zero, then (as in § 107 for periods) the triple infinitude is really only a double infinitude. If it is infinitesimal, then (as at the end of § 55) the origin is an essential singularity, contrary to the * Jacobi, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 27. 58.] CLASS OF A FUNCTION 109 hypothesis that the only essential singularity is for ^ = oo . Hence a uniform transcendental function cannot exist having a triply-infinite arithmetical succession of zeros. 59. In effecting the formation of a transcendental integral function by means of its primary factors, it has been proved that the expression of the primary factor depends upon the values of the integers which make a converging series. Moreover, the primary factors are not unique in form, because any finite number of terms of the proper form can be added to the exponential index in mn-l 1 ^r aj the added terms will only the more effectively secure the convergence of the infinite product. But there is a lower limit to the removal of terms with the highest exponents from the index of the exponential ; for there are, in general, least values for the integers mi, m^, ..., below which these integers cannot be reduced, if the convergence of the product is to be secured. The simplest case, in which the exponential must be retained in the primary factor in order to secure the convergence of the infinite product, is that discussed in § 50, viz., when the integers wij, m^, ... are equal to one another. Let m denote this common value for a given function, and let m be the least integer effective for the purpose: the function is then said* to be of class m, and the condition that it should be of class m is, that the integer m be the least integer to make the series 00 y I f, I— TO— 1 M = l converge, the constants a„ being the zeros of the function. Thus algebraical polynomials are of class ; the circular functions sin z and cos z are of class 1 ; Weierstrass's o--function and the Jacobian elliptic function sn 2 are of class 2, and so on : but for no one of these classes do the functions mentioned constitute the whole of the functions of that class. 60. One or two of the simpler properties of an aggregate of transcendental integral functions of the same class can easily be obtained. Let a function f{z), of class n, have a zero of order r at the origin and have a,, a^, ... for its other zeros, arranged in order of increasing moduli. Then, by § 50, the function f{z) can be expressed in the form * The French word is genre ; the Italian is genere. Laguerre (see references on p. 113) appears to have been the first to discuss the class of transcendental integral functions. 110 CLASS-PROPERTIES OF [60. where gi{z) denotes the series 2 - ( — ] and 0{z) must be properly determined s—X ^ \(^i' to secure the equality. Now consider the series f=i at"" {ai - z) for all values of z that lie outside circles round the points a, taken as small as we please. The sum of the series of the moduli of its terms is ^11 t=i ai Let d be the least of the quantities 1- 1-^ , necessarily non-evanescent because z lies outside the specified circles ; then the sum of the series 1 '^ which is a converging series since the function is of class n. Hence the series of moduli converges, and therefore the original series converges. Moreover, the series 2 j cij | """^ converges. Denoting by e any real positive quantity, as small as we please, we can choose an integer m such that lj. + r S I a,- 1 -'*-!< e, for all integers yu^m and for all positive integers r. Accordingly, for the values of z considered, we have ) = u. Oji 1- dl d' for all integers fx'^m, for all positive integers r, and for all the values of z. Hence the series converges unconditionally and unifot-mly within the specified region of variation of z ; let it be denoted by S (z), so that S(z) = t-—^ .. i=iai''{ai-z) We have f(z) ^,, . r " 1 r, ^ , , 5r«-i 1 ] f{z) z i=i ai { ai ai" 1-1 ai ^ 00 1 G'(z)+~-z^^ z i=iai''{ai- z) GUz) + --z''S(z\ z ^ ^ 60.] TRANSCENDENTAL INTEGRAL FUNCTIONS 111 Each step of this process is reversible in all cases in which the original product converges. If, therefore, it can be shewn of a function f(z) that "Ct^^ takes this form, the function is thereby proved to be of class n. If there be no zero at the origin, the term - is absent. z If the exponential factor G {z) be a constant so that G' {z) is zero, the function f{z) is said to be a simple function of class n. ^ 61. There are several criteria, used to determine the class of a function : the simplest of them is contained in the following proposition, due to Laguerre*. If, as z tends to the value oo , a very great value of \z\ can he found for f (z) which the limit of z~'^y-~, where f(z) is a transcendental integral function, tends uniformly to the value zero, thenf{z) is of class n. Take a circle, centre the origin and of radius R equal to this value of | ^ j ; then, by § 24, II., the integral 1 {lf{t) dt 2iri\ t^ fit) t-z' taken round the circle, is zero when R becomes indefinitely great. But the value of the integral is, by the Corollary in § 20, lirij t"" f{t)t-z'^ 27riJ f' f{t) t-z^ ^iri ^=i j V" f{t)t- taken round small circles enclosing the origin, the point z, and the points tti, which are the infinities of the subject of integration; the origin being supposed a zero of f{f) of multiplicity r. Now 1 r'^) i/'(0 dt \f'{z) 27nJ t"" fit) t-z z'"f{z)' 1 r<«i' l/'(0 dt __1 1 2iri] f^ f{t) t - z at at-z' and 1 r'°' I fjt) dt ^ ct>{z) r 27ri] f^ f{t) t-z z^ ^^+1' where ^ {z) denotes the polynomial l/l(Q_*^U.ii/l(i)_^l4- , ^''-' d-^ {fit) r \f{t) ~t]^'dt\f{t) t]''-''{n-l)\dt-^\f{t) t when t is made zero. Hence z"" f{z) itiai^ia-i-z) z>' z'^^^ ' * Comptes Rendus, i. xciv, (1882), p. 636 ; (Euvres Completes, t. i, p. 172. 112 ' CLASS-PEOPERTIES OF [61. and therefore which, by § 60, shews that/ (2^) is of class n. Corollary. The product of any finite number of functions of the same class n is a function of class not higher than n ; and the class of the product of any finite number of functions of different classes is not greater than the highest class of the component functions. Note 1. In connection with Weierstrass's theorem in § 52, one remark may be made as to its influence upon the class of a function; it will be sufficiently illustrated by taking e^' sin z as an example. Laguerre's test shews that the class is two, whereas by the test of § 60 the class apparently is unity. The explanation of the difference is that, in § 60, the zeros of the generalising factor e^<^' of § 52 are not taken into account. It is true that all these zeros are at infinity ; but their existence may affect the integer, which is the least that secures the convergence of the series 2 | ai\~'^~^. Thus the zeros of the function e^' sin ^ are mir, where m = 0, ±1, ..., ± oo , arising from sin z : and ^p^ -ip^, each occurring p times, where p is an infinite positive integer : the latter arising from e^\ by regarding it as the limit of when p is an infinite positive integer. In order that the critical series may converge, it is necessary that, as these new zeros are at infinity, the integer n should be chosen so as to make p I (ip^y-^ \+p\{- ip^y-^ I vanish. The lowest value of n is two ; and therefore the function really is of class two, agreeing with the result of Laguerre's test. More generally, consider a function F(z)=e<^i^^f{z), where f{z) is of class n, and G (z) is itself an integral function. On the application of Laguerre's test, the limit of when \z\ increases indefinitely, is the limit of z~''^ G' (z). Thus F(z) is not of class n, unless G {z) is a polynomial in z of degree < n. If G (z) is a polynomial of degree m>n, then F(z) is of class m. If G{z) is a transcen- dental integral function, F(z) is of infinite class. 61.] TEANSCENDENTAL INTEGRAL FUNCTIONS llS Of course, this is not the only manner in which functions of infinite class can arise. Thus consider an integral function having log 2, log 8, log 4, . . . for its infinite succession of zeros. It has been noted (p. 95, foot-note) that no finite 00 integer s exists such that the series 2 (log n)~^ converges ; consequently the 11 = 2 class of the series is infinite*. Note 2. Borelf introduces the notion of the order of an integral function as distinct from the class of the function. In the preceding investigation (§ 59), the class of the equation is taken to be the lowest integer s (if any) for which the series (where aj, a.2, ... are the zeros arranged in non-descending magnitude of moduli) converges absolutely. Borel takes the order of the function to be the lowest real quantity for which the same series converges absolutely ; so that, if /jl be the class and /n' the order of a function, /x' ^ /Jb< fl +1. Thus the class of the product is unity, because 2 is the lowest integer which makes the series 2 n~^ converge; n=l its order is 1 -I- k, where k is any quantity greater than zero but as small as 00 we please, because the series 2 w~^~* converges. n=l The following are the chief references to memoirs discussing the class of functions :— Laguerre, Comptes Rendus, t. xciv, (1882), pp. 160—163, pp. 6.35—638, ib. t. xcv, (1882), pp. 828—831, ib. t. xcviii, (1884), pp. 79 — 81 J ; Poincare, Bull, des Sciences Math., t. xi, (1883), pp. 136—144; Ceskro, Comptes Rendus, t. xcix, (1884), pp. 26—27 (followed (p. 27) by a note by Hermite), Giornale di Battaglini, t. xxii, (1884), pp. 191 — 200 ; Vivanti, Giornale di Battaglini, t. xxii, (1884), pp. 243 — 261, pp. 378— 380, ib. t. xxiii, (1885), pp. 96—122, ib. t. xxvi, (1888), pp. 303—314; Hermite, Cours d la faculte des Sciences (4™« ed., 1891), pp. 91—93; ll&d&ma.v&, Liouville, ^^^ Ser., t. ix, (1893), pp. 171 — 214; Borel, Acta Math., t. xx, (1897), pp. 357 — 396, Lecons sur les fonctions entteres, (1900), ch. ii. Ex. 1. Prove that the class of the functions sin0, 1+2 sin 2 is unity. Ex. 2. The function n 2 eV/i(2), i=l where the quantities c are constants, n is a, finite integer, and the functions fi{z) are polynomials, is of class unity. * For functions of infinite class, reference may be made to Blumenthal's monograph Principes de la theorie des fonctions entieres d'ordre infini (1910). t Lecons sur les fonctions entieres, p. 26. X All these are included in the first volume of the CEuvres de Laguerre, (1898, Gauthier- Villars). F. P. S 114 EXAMPLES [61, Ex. 3. If a simple function be of class n, its derivative is also of class n. Ex. 4. Discuss the conditions under which the sum of two functions, each of class w, is also of class n, Ex. 5. Examine the following test for the class of a function, due to Poincare. Let a be any number, no matter how small provided its argument be such that e"^ vanishes when z tends towards infinity. Then f{z) is of class ?i, if the limit of vanish with indefinite increase of z. A possible value of a is 2 Cia,"""^, where Cj is a constant of modulus unity. Ex. 6. Verify the following test for the class of a function, due to de Sparre*. Let X be any positive non-infinitesimal quantity ; then the function f(z) is of class n, if the liinit, for ?w = oo , of I <^7» I (i'^m + ll \^m\f be not less than X. Thus sin z is of class unity. Ex. 7. Let the roots of (9"^ + i=l be 1, a, a^, , a'^; and let f{z) be a function of class n. Then forming the product n n f{a>z\ s=o we evidently have an integral fimction of 2" + i; let it be denoted by F{z'^*'^). The roots of i^(2''"^i) = are a^a*, for^ = l, 2, , and 5 = 0, 1, , n; and therefore, replacing 2"+ ^ by z, the roots of F{z)=0 are «»«■ + !, for z = l, 2, Since f{z) is of class n, the series 00 1 converges unconditionally. This series is the sum of the first powers of the reciprocals of the roots of F{z) = 0; hence, according to the definition (p. 109), F{z) is of class zero. It therefore follows that from a function of any class, a function of class zero with a modified variable can he deduced. Conversely, hy appropriately modifying the variable of a given function of class zero, it is possible to deduce functions of any required class. Ex. 8. If all the zeros of the function be real, then all the zeros of its derivative are also real. (Witting.) * Gomptes Rendus, t. cii, (1886), p. 741. CHAPTER YL Functions with a Limited Number of Essential Singularities. 62. Some indications regarding the character of a function at an essential singularity have already been given. Thus, though the function is regular in the vicinity of such a point a, it may, like sn {Ijz) at the origin, have a zero of unlimited multiplicity or an infinity of unlimited multiplicity at the point ; and in either case the point is such that there is no factor of the form {z — a)\ which can be associated with the function so as to make the point an ordinary point for the modified function. Moreover, even when the path of approach to the essential singularity is specified, the value acquired may not be definite : thus, as z approaches the origin along the axis of x, so that its value may be taken to be 1 -=- {4)mK + x), the value of sn (Ijz) is not definite in the limit when w is made infinite. One characteristic of the point is the indefiniteness of value of the function at the essential singu- larity, though in the vicinity the function is uniform. A brief statement and a proof of this characteristic were given in § 32 ; the theorem there proved — that a uniform analytical function can assume any value at an essential singularity — may also be proved as follows. The essential singularity will be taken at infinity — a supposition that does not detract from generality. Let f{z) be a function having any number of zeros and any number of accidental singularities and z — cc for its sole essential singularity ; then it can be expressed in the form w^here Gi (z) is polynomial or transcendental according as the number of zeros is finite or infinite, and G2 (z) is polynomial or transcendental according as the number of accidental singularities is finite or infinite. If Gsiz) be transcendental, we can omit the generalising factor e^^^K Then/(3;) has an infinite number of accidental singularities; each of them 8—2 116 FORM OF A FUNCTION NEAR [62. in the finite part of the plane is of only finite multiplicity and therefore some of them must be at infinity. At each such point, the function 0^ {z) vanishes and (ti {z) does not vanish ; and Qof{z) has infinite values for ^ = cso . If Gz {z) be polynomial and G^ {z) be also polynomial, then the factor e^ '** may not be omitted, for its omission would make f{z) a rational function. Now ^^ = 00 is either an ordinary point or an accidental singularity of G,{z)IGAz); hence as g {z) is integral, there are infinite values of z which make G,{z) G,(^) infinite. gg (2) If G2 (z) be polynomial and Gi (z) be transcendental, the factor e^ '^' may be omitted. Let a^ , ag, . . . , a„ be the roots of G^ (z) : then taking n A f{z)= S ^+G,,{z), 1 G-i, {ar) we have ^ ,. = j^ — r , (jTo yO^r) a non-vanishing constant ; and so where Gn (z) is a transcendental integral function. When z= cc , the value of G^{z)IG2{z) is zero, but Gn{z) is infinite ; hence /(^) has infinite values for z = cc . Similarly it may be shewn, as follows, that/(^) has zero values for ^•^ 00 . In the first of the preceding cases, if (tj {z) be transcendental, so that f{z) has an infinite number of zeros, then some of them must be at an infinite distance ; f{z) has a zero value for each such point. And if (zi {z) be polynomial, then there are infinite values of z which, not being zeros of (t2 {z), make f{z) vanish. In the second case, when z is made infinite with such an argument as to make the highest term in g{z) a real negative quantity, then f {z) vanishes for that infinite value of z. In the third case, f{z) vanishes^ for a zero of Gi {z) that is at infinity. Hence the value of f{z) for ^r = 00 is not definite. If, moreover, there be any value neither zero nor infinity, say G, which f{z) cannot acquire for z = Z—a {z — af which converges uniformly everywhere outside any small circle round a. Let this series be denoted by H ( ] ; it has an essential singularity at a and its only zeros are the points a, /3, ..., X, because the series multiplied by g^ ( ) has no zeros : - (iii) The function f P (z — a) dz is a series of positive powers of z — a, converging uniformly in the vicinity of a; and therefore e/-P(«-«)c^« ^g^j^ j^g expanded in a series of positive integral powers of ^ - a, which converges in the vicinity of a. Let it be denoted by Q(z — a) which, since it is a factor of F{z), has no zeros within the circle. Hence we have f{z)^A{z-ayQiz-a)H(^^y where fj, is an integer ; H ( J is a series that converges everywhere outside an infinitesimal circle round a, is equal to unity when vanishes, and has as its zeros the (finite) number of zeros assigned to f(z) within a 128 GENERAL FORM OF A FUNCTION [68. finite circle of centre a ; and Q{z — a) is a series of positive powers of ^ - a. beginning with unity which converges (but has no zero) within the circle. The foregoing function f{z) is supposed to have no essential singularity except at a. If, however, a given function have singularities at points other than a, then the circle would be taken of radius less than the distance of a from the nearest essential singularity. Introducing a new function /i {z) defined by the equation f{z)=^A{z-aYH(^j^\Mz), the value of /i {z) is Q {z — a) within the circle, but it is not determined by the foregoing analysis for points without the circle. Moreover, as {z — aY and also H ( ) are finite everywhere except in the immediate vicinity of the isolated singularity at a, it follows that essential singularities of f{z) other than a must be essential singularities of /j {z). Also since /i {z) is Q{z - a) in the immediate vicinity of a, this point is not an essential singularity of /i {z). Thus /i {z) is a function of the same kind SiS, f{z) ; it has all the essential singularities of f{z) except a,1)ut it has fewer zeros, on account of the m zeros o{ f{z) possessed by H (-^— ) • The foregoing expression ior f{z) is the one referred to at the beginning of the section. If we choose to absorb into f^{z) the factors e ' ^^-a' and e/-P(a^-a)d«^ which occur in A (z-ay^+'g, ( ") e^' ^^ eJP(«-a)f/^. an expression that is valid within the circle considered, then we obtain a result that is otherwise obvious, by taking f{z) = iz-aYg,(^^^f,{z), where now g-i ( ) is polynomial in , and has for its zeros all the zeros within the circle ; /x, is an integer ; and f^ (z) is a function of the same kind as f{z), which now possesses all the essential singularities of /(^), but its zeros are fewer by the m zeros that are possessed by g^ ( 69. Next, consider a function f(z) with n essential singularities (Xj, a.j, ..., a^ but without accidental singularities; and let it have any number of zeros. 69.] WITH ESSENTIAL SINGULARITIES 129 When the zeros are limited in number, they may be taken to be isolated points, distinct in position from the essential singularities. When the zeros are unlimited in number, then at least one of the singularities must be such that the zeros in infinite number lie within a circle of finite radius, described round it as centre and containing no other singularity. For if there be not an infinite number in such a vicinity of some one point (which must be an essential singularity : the only alternative is that the zeros should form a continuous aggregate, and then the function would be zero everywhere), the points are isolated and there must be an infinite number outside a circle \z\ = R, where i^ is a finite quantity that can be made as large as we please, say an infinite number at 5 = oo . If ^ = 00 be an essential singularity, the above alternative is satisfied : if not, the function, as in the preceding alternative, must be zero at all other parts of the plane. Hence it follows that, if a uniform function have a finite number of essential singularities and an infinite number of zeros, all but a finite number of the zeros lie within circles of finite radii described round the essential singularities as centres ; at least one of the circles contains an infinite number of the zeros, and some of the circles may contain only a finite number of them. We divide the whole plane into regions, each containing one but only one singularity and containing also the circle round the singularity ; let the region containing ai be denoted by C,-, and let the region C„ be the part of the plane other than (7,, Co, ..., Gn-i- If the region C^ contain only a limited number of the zeros, then, by § 68, we can choose a new function /j {z) such that, if the function f-^ (z) has a^ for an ordinary point, has no zeros within the region Cj, and has a.,, ctg, ..., an for its essential singularities. If the region C-^ contain an unlimited number of the zeros, then, as in Corollaries II. and III. of §63, we construct any transcendental function (ti I ) , having aj for its sole essential singularity and the zeros in Oi for all its zeros. When we introduce a function ^i {z), defined by the equation the function gi{z) has no zeros in G^ and certainly has tta, Cis, ••■, a^ for essential singularities; in the absence of the generalising factor of (tj, it can have tti for an essential singularity. By § 67, the function g^ {z), defined by g,{z) = {z-a,y^e ^^-^^ , F. P. 9 130 GENERAL FORM OF A FUNCTION [69. has no zero and no accidental singularity, and it has a^ as its sole essential singularity : hence, properly choosing c^ and h^ , we may take so that /i (2) does not have a^ as an essential singularity, but it has all the remaining singularities of ^^ (z), and it has no zeros within C^. In either case, we have a new function /j (z) given by /(^) = (^-a,)'^^G,(-j^^-j/,(^), where /Xj is an integer. The zeros o{f(z) that lie in Cj are the zeros of Gi] the function /i (2:) has ttg, as, ..., a„ (but not (Xj) for its essential singularities, and it has the zeros off{z) in the remaining regions for its zeros. Similarly, considering Cg, we obtain a function /a (z), such that . /,(^) = (^-a,^(?,(-_^)/,(4 where yu-g is an integer, G^ is a transcendental function finite everywhere except at tta and has for its zeros all the zeros of/i (z) — and therefore all the zeros of f(z) — that lie in C^. Then/g (-s^) possesses all the zeros of /(^) in the regions other than Cj and Co, and has as, a^, ..., an for its essential singularities. Proceeding in this manner, we ultimately obtain a function /„ (z) which has none of the zeros of /(2^) in any of the n regions C^, G^, ..., Cn, that is, has no zeros in the plane, and it has no essential singularities ; it has no accidental singularities, and therefore /„ {z) is a constant. Hence, when we n substitute, and denote by 8* {z) the product 11 {z — aiYi, we have f(.) = 8*i.)nG,{^). which is the most general form of a function with n essential singularities, no accidental singularities, and any number of zeros. The function S^ (z) is a rational function of z, usually meromorphic in form, and it has the essential singularities of f{z) as its zeros and poles; and the zeros of f{z) are dis- tributed among the functions Gi. As however the distribution of the zeros by the regions G and therefore the functions G i ] are somewhat arbitrary, the above form though general is not unique. If any one of the singularities, say a,„, had been accidental and not essential, then in the corresponding form the function Gm ( ) would be polynomial and not transcendental. TO.] WITH ESSENTIAL SINGULARITIES 131 70. A function fiz), which has any -finite number of accidental singu- larities in addition to n assigned essential singularities and any number of assigned zeros, can be constructed as follows. Let A (z) be the polynomial which has, for its zeros, the accidental singularities oif{z), each in its proper multiplicity. Then the product f(z)A{z) is a function which has no accidental singularities ; its zeros and its essential singularities are the assigned zeros and the assigned essential singularities of f{z), and therefore it is included in the form ^*«n{«'G-^)} where S* (z) is a rational meromorphic function having the points ai,a2, .. for zeros and poles. The form of the function / (2) is therefore A (z) ,-=1 I '\z- tti 71. A function f(z), which has an unlimited number of accidental singu- larities in addition to n assigned essential singularities and any number of assigned zeros, can be constructed as follows. Let the accidental singularities be a', /3', .... Construct a function f (z), having the n essential singularities assigned to f{z), no accidental singu- larities, and the series a', /3', ... of zeros. It will, by §69, be of the form of a product of n transcendental functions Gn+i, ..., G2n, which are such that a function G has for its zeros the zeros oi f (z) lying within a region of the plane, divided as in § 69 ; and the function G^+i is associated with the point a^. Thus f{z) = T*{z)hG..^J~^), i=\ \^ — ay where T* {z) is a rational meromorphic function having its zeros and its poles, each of finite multiplicity, at the essential singularities oif{z). Because the accidental singularities of/(^;) are the same points and have the same multiplicity as the zeros oi f{z), the innction f {z) f-^ (z) has no accidental singularities. This new function has all the zeros of f {z), and Oi, ..., a^ are its essential singularities; moreover, it has no accidental singu- larities. Hence the product/ (2^) /i {z) can be represented in the form 8* {z) U Gi^ ^ i=l and therefore we have f/ ^ ^* (^) ft ft \2 - aj Gn+i as an expression of the function. z — a. 9—2 132 GENERAL FORM OF A FUNCTION [71. But, as by their distribution through the n selected regions of the plane in § 69, the zeros can to some extent be arbitrarily associated with the functions G^, G^, ■■■, Gn and likewise the accidental singularities can to some extent be arbitrarily associated with the functions Gn-\-i, Gn+2, •■■, G^n, the product-expression just obtained, though definite in character and general, is not unique in the detailed form of the functions which occur. The fraction T* { \ is rational, neither S*' nor T* being transcendental ; it vanishes or becomes infinite only at the essential singularities ai, a^, ..., a^, being the product of factors of the form {z — aij^i, for ^ = 1 , 2, . . . , n. Let the power {z — ciiy'h be absorbed into the function GijGn+i for each of the n values of ^; no substantial change in the transcendental character of Gi and of Gn^i is thereby caused, and we may therefore use the same symbol to denote the modified function after the absorption. Hence f the most general ■product- expression of a uniform function of z, which has n essential singularities a^, tta, ..., an, ciny unlimited number of assigned zeros, and any unlimited number of assigned accidental singularities, is n M ^ — n — j=i G. ck The resolution of a transcendental function with one essential singularity into its primary factors, each of which gives only a single zero of the function, has been obtained in § 63, Corollary IV. We therefore resolve each of the functions Gi, ..., G^n into its primary factors. Each factor of the first n functions will contain one and only one zero of the original functions f{z) ; and each factor of the second ?? functions will contain one and only one of the poles oi f{z). The sole essential singularity of each primary factor is one of the essential singularities oif{z). Hence we have a method of constructing a uniform function with any finite number of essential singularities as a product of any number of primary factors, each of which has one of the essential singularities as its sole essential singularity and either (i) has as its sole zero either one of the zeros or one of the accidental singularities oi f{z), so that it is of the form or (ii) it has no zero and then it is of the form t Weierstrass, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 121. 71.] WITH ESSENTIAL SINGULAEITIES 133 When all the primary factors of the latter form are combined, they constitute a generalising factor in exactly the same way as in § 52 and in § 63, Cor. III., except that now the number of essential singularities is not limited to unity. The product converges uniformly for all finite values of z that lie outside small circles round the singularities ; and similarly for infinite values, if the function is regular for ^ = oo . Two forms of expression of a function with a limited number of essential singularities have been obtained : one (§ 65) as a sum, the other (§ 69) as a product, of functions each of which has only one essential singularity. Inter- mediate expressions, partly product and partly sum, can be derived, e.g. expressions of the form n ,•=1 \z-c. 2 (r , ■ But the pure product-expression is the most general, in that it brings into evidence not merely the n essential singularities but also the zeros and the accidental singularities, whereas the expression as a sum tacitly requires that the function shall have no singularities other than the n which are essential. Note. The formation of the various elements, tlie aggregate of which is the complete representation of the function with a limited number of essential singularities, can be carried out in the same manner as in § 34 ; each element is associated with a particular domain, the range of the domain is limited by the nearest singularities, and the aggregate of the singularities determines the boundary of the region of continuity. To avoid the practical difficulty of the gradual formation of the region of continuity by the construction of the successive domains when there is a limited number of singularities (and also, if desirable to be considered, of branch-points), Fuchs devised a method which simplifies the process. The basis of the method is an appropriate change of the independent variable. The result of that change is to divide the plane of the modified variable ^ into two portions, one of which, (rg? i^ finite in area and the other of which, 6^1, occupies the rest of the plane; and the boundary, common to Q-^ and O^, is a circle of finite radius, called the discriminating circle'^ of the function. In 0^ (z) is zero at infinity, because, when z= cc . G^( ) is finite by hypothesis. Evidently cf)u{z) is infinite only at z = a^, and its singularity is of the same kind as that of G^, 74. Now let c be any point in the plane, which is not one of the points «!, ^2, (h, ••• ; it is possible to choose a positive quantity p such that all the points a lie without the circle \z —c\= p. Let a^ be the singularity, which is the point nearest to the origin satisfying the condition \a^\>\c\+ p; then, for points within or on the circle, we have then, since F^^i {z) is the only one of the functions F which has a singularity at a^, the series %^[Fr{z)], ,. = 1 where 2"* implies that F,^ {z) is omitted, converges uniformly in the vicinity of a, and therefore it can be expressed in the form P (z — a^). Hence ^Fr{z) = F,,{z)+P{z-a,n) r=l -=G)f^. (1 = mi - 1 Hence, if we take ft (z) = 1 c^(z- a^)-»^^+^ M. = we have f(z) = fi (z) +P(z- ai). Now deduce from fi{z) a function Fi (z) as in § 73, and let this deduction be effected for each of the functions /^ (ir). Then we know that ^Fiiz) ?:=i * This remark was made to me by Prof. A. C. Dixon. 140 FUNCTIONS POSSESSING [76. is a uniform function of s having the points aj, ag, ... for poles in the proper multiplicity and no essential singularity except z= oo . The most general form of the function therefore is "Hence any uniform analytical function which has no essential singularity except at infinity can he expressed as a sum of functions each of which has only one singularity in the finite part of the plane. The form of F^ {z) is f.{z)-Gr{z), where fr{z) is infinite at z = ay, and Gr{z) is a properly chosen integral function. We pass to the case of a function, having a single essential singularity at c and at no other point, and any number of accidental singularities, by taking / = as in 5 63, Cor. II. : and so we obtain the theorem : — z — c Any uniform function which has only one essential singularity , say at c, can he expressed as a sum of uniform functions each of which has only one singularity different from c. Evidently the typical summative function F^ (z) for the present case is of the form y,.(,) + e,(_l_) .77. The results, which have been obtained for functions possessed of an infinitude of singularities, are valid on the supposition, stated in § 72, that the limit of a\, with indefinite increase of v is infinite ; the terms in the sequence aj, ttg, ... tend to one definite limiting point which is ^■=00 and, by the substitution z' (z — g) = 1, can be made any point c in the finite part of the plane. Such a sequence, however, does not necessarily tend to one definite limiting point : it may, for instance, tend to condensation on a curve, though the condensation does not imply that all points of the continuous arc of the curve must be included in the sequence. We shall not enter into the dis- cussion of the most general case, but shall consider that case in which the sequence of moduli \aj\, | ttg j; ••• tends to one definite limiting value so that, with indefinite increase of v, the limit of | a^ \ is finite and equal to It ; the points «!, ag, ... tend to condense on the circle \z\=R. Such a sequence is given by h'^] 77.] UNLIMITED SINGULARITIES 141 for Z- = 0, 1, ... , », and n = l, 2, ...ad inf. ; and another* by where c is a positive proper fraction. With each point a^ we associate the point on the circumference of the circle, say 6„,,, to which a,„ is nearest : let I (^m (^m I ^^ Pm > so that p,„ approaches the limit zero with indefinite increase of m. There cannot be an infinitude of points o^, such that pp^ @, any assigned positive quantity ; for then either there would be an infinitude of points a within or on the circle \z\ = B, — ®, or there would be an infinitude of points a within or on the circle \z\ = II + ®, both of which are contrary to the hypothesis that, with indefinite increase of /', the limit of \a^\ is R. Hence it follows that a finite integer n exists for every assigned positive quantity @, such that I civi - K ! < ® when m ^ n. Then the theorem, which corresponds to Mittag-Leffler's as stated in § 72 and which also is due to him, is as follows : — It is always possible to construct a uniform analytical function of z which is definite over the whole plane, except within infinitesimal circles round the points a and b, and which, in the immediate vicinity of each one of the singularities a, can be expressed in the form where the functions Gi are assigned functions, vanishing luith , and finite z — a^ everywhere in the plane except at the single points a^ with which they are respectively associated. In establishing this theorem, we shall need a positive quantity e less than unity and a converging series ej, eg, eg, ... of positive quantities, all less than unity. Let the expression of the function Gn be n ( "^ ^ - '^^.i 1 '^»,2 _|_ ^n,z Then, since z-an={z- bn) \ 1 - ^3^ p the function Gn can be expressed! in the form * The first of these examples is given by Mittag-Leftler, Acta Math., t. iv, p. 11 ; the second was stated to me by Prof. Burnside. t The justification of this statement is to be found in the proposition in § 82. 142 FUNCTIONS POSSESSING [77. for values of z such that < e z-h,_ and the coefficients A are given by the equations Now, because G^ is finite everywhere in the plane except at a„, the series I On. ^ 1 I <^w,2 I j^ I ^71, 3 j has a finite value, say g, for any non-zero value of the positive quantity ^^ ; then Hence | ^„ , < ^2^ ^^-^, (^-.).(.-l) ! ^ii^\an-bnnfM-r)l{r-l)l Introducing a positive quantity a such that (l+a)e< 1, we choose ^n so that ^n < « | «« — &n I ; and then | J.^^ ^ | < ^a (1 + ay~\ Because (1 + a) e is less than unity, a quantity 6 exists such that (1 +a)e<^^ = 0, 1, ...,n-l; n=l, 2, ..., 00), and if Om { ) = — 5 shew that is a function of the character specified in the theorem. Discuss the nature of the function defined by -,._(i+l (Math. Trip., Part II., 1899.) 78. The theorem just given regards the function in the light of an infinite converging series of functions of the variable : it is natural to suppose that a corresponding theorem holds when the function is expressed as an infinite converging product. With the same series of singularities as in § 77, when the limit of \a^\ with indefinite increase of v is finite and equal to R, the theorem * is : — It is always possible to construct a uniform analytic function, luhich behaves regularly everywhere in the plane except within infinitesimal circles * Mittag-Leffler, Acta Math., t. iv, p. 32 ; it may be compared with Weierstrass's theorem in § 67. 78.] AN INFINITE PRODUCT OF FUNCTIONS 145 round the points a and h, and which in the vicinity of any one of the points a^, can be expressed in the form where the numbers ?ii, nQ, ..; ai^e any assigned integers. The proof is similar in details to proofs of other propositions and it will therefore be given only in outline. We have 7l„ riv n^ + z — a^ z — b^ z — b^ ^=i\z — b„J ' dv — bS\i^ provided a^,— b^, -r^\v\l^ If we denote a„ — 6„ V*" «r / a^ - 6.A V z~bj 1 fa^-bv\iJ- ^=1 M \ z-K by E^ {z), we have E^ {z) = e %=m;,+i ix\z-b^ Hence, if ^(^r) denote the infinite product H E^(z), we have - S {z) be the given function, and let >S' be a simple contour embracing the origin and yu, of the singularities, viz., a^, ..., a^: then, if t be any point, we have ■«"^(0 fzY\,^ , f^'^ ^jt) fz\ t- z\h ^^(t) fz t-z\t t — z \t v = l J t — Z \t/ where I implies an integral taken round a very small circle centre a. If the origin be one of the points aj, as, ..., then the first term will be included in the summation. Assuming that z is neither the origin nor any one of the points a-^, ...,a we have so Now xr^('^ dt 27ri J t — z \t z (m - 1) ! dV""-^ t - z ^m-i j-^(^) ^0(^) {m - 1) ! Idt^-"- { z z" z^ (to — 1) - ^'"-i (0) + --^ ^"^-2 (0) + . . . z z ^ ^ 1 (m — 1) ! = -G^(^), unless ^ = be a singularity and then there will be no term Q {£). Similarly, it can be shewn" that 2^1 t-z\tj is equal to where G^ \z — a^ - lv,(^] =F,(z), dt, 2 — ft,// A = \^v 1 \ 1 fK^^(t) 27^^ t-z 10—2 148 ' TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTION AS [79. and the subtractive sum of m terms is the sum of the first m terms in the development of G^ in ascending powers of z. Hence ^^, dt. v = l If, for an infinitely large contour, m can be chosen so that the integral 1 f^(t)[^ I'm J t — z \t/ diminishes indefinitely with increasing contours enclosing successive singu- larities, then ^{z)=G {z) +i F, (z). v = l The integer m may be called the critical integer. If the origin be a singularity, we take 1^ Fo(z)=Go and there is then no term G (z) : hence, including the origin in the summa- tion, we have so that if, for this case also, there be some finite value of m which makes the integral vanish, then 0(^)= i F^(z). Other expressions can be obtained by choosing for m a value greater than the critical integer; but it is usually most advantageous to take m equal to its lowest effective value. Ex. 1. The singularities of the function v cot ttz are given by z='\, for all integer values of X from — oo to +.i< 2 k(-T^, s = l and the latter series converges uniformly. The two series "^A^'zi^, '2,A^"z'^, can therefore be combined into the series which accordingly is a converging series. Finally, we have i /, (z) - ^A^z'^ =1 fs {z) - s^;^'^ - s^/> and therefore = S/,(^)-2^/>, t Mz) -tA^z<^ \= t fs{z)-X a;'z^ s=l 1^ 1 s=n <\ S/.(^) + 2 1^/> ^\k + k ^ +k '—. As the assigned quantity k is at our disposal, we can choose it so that the quantity on the right-hand side is smaller than any assignable magnitude : consequently, for the values of z under consideration, we have 00 ^f,(z) = lA^z^. s=l f" 83. In the second place, consider the series of functions f, (z), /g (z), fs{z), ... more generally. The region of continuity may be supposed to "consist of one part or of more than one part : let such a part be denoted by 156 REGION OF CONTINUITY OF [83. A, and let F{z) denote the function represented by the series within A, so that 00 F{z)=XMz), s = \ and assume that within A (though not necessarily at points on its boundary) the function-series converges uniformly. Let a denote any arbitrarily assumed position within A ; each of the functions fg {z) is regular in the vicinity of a and is expressible in the form of a power-series Pg (z — a) containing only positive powers of z— a. By the preceding investigation, the function-series can be represented as a power-series, and we have F{z)=P{z-a). 00 In P{z— a), the coefficient of (z — ay is J.yx, which is 2 ag^, where a^^ is the coefficient of (z — aY in fg {z) ; accordingly di^P (z - a) dzi^ d>^fg{z) s=i dzi^ for all values of /x. Since a is any arbitrarily chosen point in A, it follows that, for all points within A, we have d^F{z)_ ^ di^fs(z) dz>^ ~ s^i dzi^ As the function-series ^ fg (z) converges uniformly, and as fg (z) is regular in s=l the vicinity of a, it is easy to see that the series s=i dzi- also converges uniformly ; and therefore the derivatives of the function-series within the region of continuity are the derivatives of the function the series represents. The expression P {z— a) is an Element of the function F {z) : and within the domain of a, contained in the region A, it represents the function. It can be used for the continuation of F (z) so long as the domains of successive points lie within A ; but this restriction is necessary, and the full continuation of P (z — a) as an element of a power-series is not necessarily limited by the region A. It is solely in that part of its region of continuity which is included within A that it represents the function F(z); the boundary of the region A must not be crossed in forming the continuations of P (^ — a). It therefore appears that a converging series of functions of a variable can be expressed in the form of series of powers of the variable, which converge within the parts of the plane where the series of functions converges uniformly ; but the equivalence of the two expressions is limited 83.] A SEEIES OF FUNCTIONS 157 to such parts of the plane, and cannot be extended beyond the boundary of the region of continuity of the series of functions. If the region of continuity of a series of functions consist of several parts of the plane, then the series of functions can in each part be expressed in the form of a set of converging series of powers : but the sets of series of powers are not necessarily the same for the different parts, and they are not necessarily continuations of one another, regarded as power-series. Suppose, then, that the region of continuity of a series of functions F{z)^lf,{z) consists of several parts A^, Ao_, .... Within the part A^ let F {z) be represented, as above, by a set of power-series. At every point within A-^, the values of F {z) and of its derivatives are each definite and unique ; so that, at every point which lies in the regions of convergence of two of the power-series, the values which the two power-series, as the equivalents of F{z) in their respective regions, furnish for F {z) and for its derivatives must be the same. Hence the various power-series, which are the equivalents of ^(^) in the region A-^, are continuations of one another: and they are sufficient to determine a uniform monogenic analytic function, say F^ {z). The functions F{z) and F-^ {z) are equivalent in the region A-^ ; and therefore, by § 81, the series of functions represents one and the same function for all points within one continuous 'part of its 7'egion of continuity. It may (and frequently does) happen that the region of continuity of the analytical function F^ (z) extends beyond A^; and then Fi{z) can be continued beyond the boundary of ^j by a succession of elements. Or it may happen that the region of continuity of F-^{z) is completely bounded by the boundary of A^ ; and then that function cannot be continued across that boundary. In either case, the equivalence 00 of Fj{z) and 2 fs(z) does not extend beyond the boundary of A-^, one s = l complete and distinct part of the region of continuity of 2 fg (z) ; and therefore, by using the theorem proved in § 81, it follows that: — A series of functions of a variable, tuhich converges within a continuous part of the plane of the variable z, is either a partial or a complete representation of a single uniform analytic function of the variable in that part of the plane. Further, it has just been proved that the converging series of functions can, in any of the regions A, be changed into an equivalent uniform analytic function, the equivalence being valid for all points in that region, say lf{z) = F,{z). s=l ^ 158 A CONVERGING SERIES OF FUNCTIONS [83. We have seen that every derivative of J'^ {z) at any point within A is the sum of the corresponding derivatives oi fg{z), this sum converging uniformly within A. The equivalence of the analytic function and th^ series of functions has not been proved for points on the boundary ; even if they are equivalent there, the function i'^ {z) cannot be proved to have a uniform finite derivative at every point on the boundary of A, and therefore it cannot he affirmed that X fs (z) has, of necessity, a u7iiform finite derivative at points s=l 00 on the boundary of A , even though the value of S f (z) be uniform and finite s = l at every point on the boundary*. Ex. In illustration of the last inference, regarding the derivative of a function at a point on the boundary of its region of continuity, consider the series g{z)= 2 6"2«'', «=o where 6 is a positive quantity less than unity, and a is a positive quantity which will be taken to be an odd integer. For points within and on the circumference of the circle | 2 | = 1, the series converges uniformly and unconditionally ; and for all points without the circle the series diverges. It thus defines a function for points within the circle and on the circumference, but not for points without the circle. Moreover, for points actually within the circle, the function has a first derivative and consequently has any number of derivatives. But it cannot be declared to have a derivative for points on the circle : and it will in fact now be proved that, if a certain condition be satisfied, the derivative for variations at any point on the circle is not merely infinite but that the sign of the infinite value depends upon the direction of the variation, so that the function is not monogenic for the circumference t. Let z=e^^ : then, as the function converges unconditionally for all points along the circle, we take f{6)= i 6™e«"^'-, ■n.=0 where ^ is a real variable. Hence f{6 + 4>)-f{6) ; &\x(«+*)^-Xe^'

)i _ ga"fl J) 71=0 I «"<^ i + 2 6'» + 'M )l = I (j) * It should be remarked here, as at the end of § 21, that the result in itself does not contravene Eiemann's definition of a function, according to which (§ 8) -r- must have the same value whatever be the direction of the vanishing quantity dz ; at a point on the boundary of the region there are outward directions for which dw is not defined. t The following investigation is due to Weierstrass, who communicated it to Du Bois- Reymond: see Crelle, t, Ixxix, (1875), pp. 29 — 31; Weierstrass, Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 71—74. 83.] NOT POSSESSING A DERIVATIVE 159 assuming m, in the first place, to be any positive integer. To transform the first sum on the right-hand side, we take and therefore 2 (ahY -I sin (ia''(j)) I )B-1 < 2 (ab)» H=0 m-l (ah')™- ^ ' ' a.«(^ J ^ ah-V '\i ab> \. Hence, on this hypothesis, we have 2 ?l=0 where -y is a complex quantity with modulus < 1. n To transform the second sum on the right-hand side, let the integer nearest to «™- be a„j, so that 6 2 ^ ** — a„j ^ — 9- TT for any value of m : then taking « we have ' \tt^x> -\it , and cos x is not negative. We choose the quantity so that and therefore <± = , which, by taking m sufiiciently large {a is >1), can be made as small as we please. We now have ga."'+" i0-t-(}>)i_ ^a^'iri (1 + «„,)__/■_■[ N a™ if a be an odd integer, and Hence ^ — — = - ( - 1 )'^» ^^ a™, ^ TT — .r and therefore 2 6™ + M^ ^ l = _(-l)«.. 2 6"(l-fe«^*). J!=0 I 9 J TT— X „ = o The real part of the series on the right-hand side is 2 6" {1 -1- cos a'^x} ; 71 = every term of this is positive and therefore, as the first term is 1 -t-cos x, the real part > 1 -1- cos X >1, 160 A CONVERGING SERIES OF FUNCTIONS [83, for cos^ is not negative. Also it is finite, for it is < 2 2 6" «=o 2 Moreover ^n < tt — x < §77, TT . 2 so tliat is positive and > ;r . Hence TT-X 3 io'™i ^ }=-^-l)"''^3^' where j; is a finite complex quantity, the real part of which is positive and greater than vmity. We thus have /(5 + <^)-/(^) = -(-l)«m («&)'» where i y' | < 1, and the real part of rj is positive and > 1. Proceeding in the same way and taking TT a'" ' SO that Y = , where | 7/ j < 1 and the real part of t^j, a finite complex quantity, is positive and greater than unity. If now we take ab — l> fir, the real parts of - -+y' ~j: — ; , say of ^, 3 TT (CO — i and Of |^+^/_L_,sayofCi, _ are both positive and different from zero. Then, since and /(^-x)-/W ^(-i)°>.(a&y»^i, m being at present any positive integer, we have the right-hand sides essentially different quantities, because the real part of the first is of sign opposite^'to the real part of the second. Now let m be indefinitely increased ; then and x are infinitesimal quantities which ultimately vanish; and the Hmit of -[f(6 + cj))-f{d)] for ^ = is a complex infinite quantity with its real part opposite in sign to the real part of the complex infinite quantity which is the limit of ^[/(^-;^)-/(^)] for x = 0. If /(^) had a differential coefficient, these two limits would be equal : hence f{6) has not, for any value of 6, a determinate differential coefUcient. 83.] NOT POSSESSING A DERIVATIVE 161 From this result, a remarkable inference relating to real functions may be at ouce derived. The real part of f{6) is 2 6»cos(a»(9), which is a series converging uniformly and unconditionally. The real parts of -i-ir"' {abrC and of +(-l)''™(a&)™^i are the corresponding magnitudes for the series of real quantities : and they are of opposite signs. Hence for no value of has the series 2 6"cos(a"^) a determinate difFereutial coefficient, that is, we can choose an increase (p and a decrease x of d, both being made as small as we please and ultimately zero, such that the limits of the expressions f{e + cl>)-f(d )^ f{6-x)-f{6) 4> ' ~x are diflFerent from one another, provided a be an odd integer and ab> l+§ir. The chief interest of the above investigation lies in its application to functions of real variables, continuity in the value of which is thus shewn not necessarily to imply the existence of a determinate differential coefficient defined in the ordinary way. The application is due to Weierstrass, as has already been stated. Further discussions will be found in a paper by Wiener, Crelle, t. xc, (1881), pp. 221 — 252, in a remark by Weierstrass, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 229, and in a paper by Lerch, Crelle, t. ciii, (1888), pp. 126 — 138, who constructs other examples of continuous functions of real variables; and an example of a continuous function without a derivative is given by Schwarz, Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 269—274. The simplest classes of ordinary functions are characterised by the properties : — (i) Within some region of the plane of the variable they are uniform, finite, and continuous : (ii) At all points within that region (but not necessarily on its boundary) they have a differ ential coefficient : (iii) When the variable is real, the number of maximum values and the number of minimum values within any given range is finite. The function 2 6"cos(a«^), suggested by Weierstrass, possesses the first but not the 71=0 second of these properties. Kopcke (Math. Ann., t. xxix, pp. 123 — 140) gives an example of a function which possesses the first and the second but not the third of these properties. 84. In each of the distinct portions A^, A.,, ... of the complete region of continuity of a series of functions, the series can be represented by a monogenic analytic function, the elements of which are converging power- series. But the equivalence of the function-series and the monogenic analytic function for any portion A^ is limited to that region. When the monogenic analytic function can be continued from J.i into A. 2, the continua- tion is not necessarily the same as the monogenic analytic function Avhich is F. F. 11 162 ANALYTICAL EXPRESSION [84. 00 the equivalent of the series 2 fs{z) in A.^- Hence, if the monogenic analytic s = l functions for the two portions J-j and A.2 be different, the function-series represents different functions in the distinct parts of its region of continuity. A simple example will be an effective indication of the actual existence of such variety of representation in particular cases ; that, which follows, is due to Tannery*. Let a, b, c be any three constants ; then the fraction a + hcz''^ when m is infinite, is equal to a if | 2^ j < 1, and is equal to c if | 2^ j > 1. Let nio, nil, m.2, ... be any set of positive integers arranged in ascending- order and be such that the limit of lUn, when n = co , is infinite. Then, since a + hcz'"^'' a + 6c^*"« ^ [a ■\- bcz'^i a + hcz'^t-^ 1 + hz'^'^ 1 + bz'"" i=i [l + bz'^i 1 + bz'^i-^ a + bcz""" , , . ^ ! (2»^-'»i-i - 1) £r™i-i + b{c-a) _-.^ |(l + 5^m,)(l + ^^m,_,^| 1 + bz""" the function 1. But if [^| = 1, the value to which the series tends depends upon the argument of z : the series cannot be said to converge for values of z such that 1 2^ j = 1. The simplest case occurs when 6 = — 1 and nii = 2^ ; then, denoting the function by 4>(^)> ^^ ^^"^^ a — cz r2» <^ (^) = -. — - + (a - c) 2 --H — T i —Z i = {)Z^ — 1 a— cz , ^ { ' ^ , ^" , ^ , ] that is, the function (f> (z) is equal to a if j ^ | < 1, and it is equal to c if kl >!• * It is contained in a letter of Tannery's to Weierstrass, who communicated it to the Berlin Academy in 1881, Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 231— 23B. A similar series, which indeed is equivalent to the special form of (j>{z), was given by Schroder, Schldm. Zeitschrift, t. xxii, (1876), p. 184; and Pringsheim, 3Iath. Ann., t. xxii, (1883), p. 110, remarks that it can be deduced, without material modifications, from an expression given by Seidel, Crelle, t. Ixxiii, (1871), pp. 297—299. 84.] EEPRESENTING DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS 163 When \2\ = 1, the function can have any value whatever. Hence a circle of radius unity is a line of singularities, that is, it is a line of discontinuity for the series. The circle evidently has the property of dividing the plane into two parts such that the analytical expression represents different functions in the tiuo pa,rts. If we introduce a new variable f connected with 2 by the relation* ^^ 1 +^ ^ 1-z' then, if ^= f + irj and z = x + iy, we have J, _ 1 — ic^ — 2/2 so that ^ is positive when | ^ j < 1, and ^ is negative when [ ^ | > 1. If then the function % (^) is equal to a or to c according as the real part of ^ is positive or negative. And, generally, if we take ^ a rational function of z and denote the modified form of ^{^), which will be a sum of rational functions of z, by (/>! {z), then ! {z) will be equal to a in some parts of the plane and to c in other parts of the plane. The boundaries between these parts are lines of singular points : and they are constituted by the ^-curves which correspond to! ^1 = 1. 85. Now let F {z) and G{z) be two functions of z with any number of singularities in the plane : it is possible to construct a function which shall be equal to F{z) within a circle centre the origin and to G{z) without the circle, the circumference being a line of singularities. For, when we make a = \ and c = in j> {z) of § 84, the function '\ z z" z^ ^-^ 1—z z^ — 1 z*—l z^ — 1 is unity for all points within the circle and is zero for all points without it : and therefore G(z)+{F{z)-G{z)]d{z) is a function which has the required property. Similarly F^ (z) + {F^ (z) - F^ iz)) d (z) + {F, (z) - F^ (z)] 6 {^ is a function which has the value F^ {z) within a circle of radius unity, the value F^ (2) between a circle of radius unity and a concentric circle of radius r greater than unity, and the value F^ (z) without the latter circle. All the singularities of the functions Fi, F^, F^ are singularities of the function thus represented ; and it has, in addition to these, the two lines of singularities given by the circles. * The significance of a relation of this form will be discussed in Chapter XIX. 11—2 164 MONOGENIC FUNCTIONALITY [85. Again, G{z) + {F{z)-0{z)}e(^^^ is a function of z, which is equal to F{z) on the positive side'of the axis of y, and is equal to O (z) on the negative side of that axis. 1+2 Also, if we take ^e-?", —pi = - , 1 — 2 where oj and pi are real constants, as an equation, defining a new variable ^+^v, we have I cos a^-TT) sin ai -joi = ^y_^Y+y^- ' so that the two regions of the 2-plane determined by | 2 | < 1 and | 2 | > 1 correspond to the two regions of the {"-plane into which the line | cos a^+ri sin ai—pi = divides it. Let so that on the positive side of the line | cosai + j?sin ai -J0i=0 the function 6^ is unitj- and on the negative side of that line it is zero. Take any three lines defined by ai5 i^i; 02? ^"2; 035 pz respectively; then is a function which has the value F within the triangle, the value —F in three of the spaces without it, and the value zero in the remaining three spaces without it, as indi- cated in the figure (fig. 13). And for every division of the plane by /g^ J- ^ \- /^\ lines, into which a circle can be transformed ~ ^ / ^ ^T ^ by rational equations, as will be explained (1)/ \(2) when conformal representation is discussed pj y^ hereafter, there is a possibility of represent- ing discontinuous functions, by expressions similar to those just given. These examples are sufficient to lead to the following result*, which is complementary to the theorem of § 82 : — When the region of continuity of an infimte series of functions consists of several distinct parts, the series represents a single function in each part hut it does not necessarily represent the same function in different parts. It thus appears that an analytical expression of given form, which con- verges uniformly and unconditionally in different parts of the plane separated from one another, can represent ditferent functions of the variable in those different parts; and hence the idea of monogenic functionality of a complex variable is not coextensive with the idea of functional dependence expressible through arithmetical operations, a distinction first established by Weierstrass. 86. We have seen that an analytic function has not a definite value at an essential singularity and that, therefore, every essential singularity is excluded from the region of definition of the function. * Weierstrass, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 221. 86.] LINE OF SINGULARITIES 165 Again, it has appeared that not merely must single points be on occasion excluded from the region of definition but also that functions exist with continuous lines of essential singularities which must therefore be excluded. One method for the construction of such functions has just been indicated : but it is possible to obtain other analytical expressions for functions which possess what may be called a singular line. Thus let a function have a circle of radius c as a line of essential singularity*; let it have no other singularities in the plane and let its zeros be a^, a._, a., ..., supposed arranged in such order that, if p„e^'^« = «„, then \pn-c\ ^\pn+i-c\, so that the limit of pn, when n is infinite, is c. Let Cn = ce*^«, a point on the singular circle, corresponding to an which is assumed not to lie on it. Then, proceeding as in Weierstrass's theory in § 51 if G{z)= n ]l_^e.«.(^) where ^. (.) = «!^^ + 1 f ^^^t^V + . . . + 1 "^'^-'=' Z — Cr, Z -Cn 2\ Z -Cn ' '" nin - 1 G (z) is a uniform function, continuous everywhere in the plane except along the circumference of the circle which may be a line of essential singularities. Special simpler forms can be derived according to the character of the series of quantities constituted by | a„ - c„ | . If there be a finite integer m, such that 2 \an — Cn\^ is a converging series, then in gni^) only the first «.=i m — 1 terms need be retained. JEx. Construct the function when a„ = ( I — - m being a given positive integer and r a positive quantity. Again, the point Cn was associated with a„ so that they have the same argument : but this distribution of points on the circle is not necessary, and it can be made in any manner which satisfies the condition that in the limited case just quoted the series 2 j «„ — c^ j*^ is a converging series. 11=1 SingTilar lines of other classes, for example, sections'^ in connection with functions defined by integrals, arise in connection with analytical functions. They are discussed by Painleve, S^w les lignes singuUeres des fonctions analytiques, (Th^se, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1887). Ex. 1. Shew that, if the zeros of a function be the points h + c — {a — d)i A = a + d-^{h-c)i'' * This investigation is due to Picard, Comptes Rendus, t. xci, (1881), pp. 690—692. t Called coupures by Hermite ; see § 103. 166 LACUNARY [86. where a, b, c, d are integers satisfying the condition ad — hc=\, so that the function has a circle of radius unity for an essential singular line, then if h-\-di B: ' d + W (Z-A TT^l the function H <——^e Y, where the product extends to all positive integers subject to the foregoing condition ad-bc = l, is a uniform function finite for all points in the plane not lying on the circle of radius unity. (Picard.) Ex. 2. Examine the character of the distribution of points % in the plane of z which are given by 2,„=('l+l^e^/2'»'rS (7i=l, 2, 3, ...). Consider especially the neighbourhood of the circle whose centre is the origin and whose radius is 1. Shew that - _ 1 represents a monogenic function of z at all points within the circle ; and investigate the possibility of an analytical continuation of this function beyond the circle. (Math. Trip., Part II., 1896.) 87. In the earlier examples, instances were given of functions which have only isolated points for their essential singularities: and, in the latter examples, instances have been given of functions which have lines of essential singularities, that is, there are continuous lines for which the functions do not exist. We now proceed to shew how functions can be constructed which do not exist in assigned continuous spaces in the plane. Weierstrass was the first to draw attention to lacunary functions, as they may be called; the following investigation in illustration of Weierstrass's theorem is due to Poincare*. Take any convex curve in the plane, say G : and consider a function- series of the form CO A where the constants An and 6« are subject to the conditions 00 (i) The series % ^ .^ converges unconditionally : (ii) Each of the points hn is either within or upon the curve C : (iii) When any arc whatever of G is taken, as small as we please, that arc contains an unlimited number of the points hn. * Acta Soc. Fenn., t. xii, (1883), pp. 341—350 ; Amer. Journ. Math., t. xiv, (1892), pp. 201—221. 87.] FUNCTIONS 167 It will be seen that, for values of z outside C, i^{z) is represented by a power-series, which cannot be continued across the curve C into the interior, and which therefore has the area of G for a lacunary space. 00 Let 8 denote the sum of the converging series S \An\: then denoting by K any assigned quantity, as small as we please, an integer p can always be determined so that 0« — '-I \ -^1 R. Let z be any point within the circle, so that \z — c\ A n=0 2 — On * This will be either the shortest normal from c to the boundary, or the distance of c from some point of abrupt change of direction, as for instance at the angular point of a polygon ; for brevity of description we shall assume the former to be the case. 168 LACUNARY [87. converges uniformly and unconditionally within any circle concentric with the circle of radius R and lying within it. Accordingly, by Weierstrass s investigation (§§ 82, 83), this is expressible in the form of a converging series P {z — c); manifestly 00 oc A (z - c)"\ }«=0 n=0 Vn ^} We have A (z - cY' 00 oc J =0 n=0 {O-ii — Cf' I A,, 1 d'^R' {hn - cy^+' A.. I e^ R and therefore 2 t 0)1=0 n=0 A I "1 00 00 R{i-e)' that is, the series P (z — c) converges unconditionally. Let C,„ denote 2 An(bn-cy'-^; then 71 = P{z-c) = - 5 C,„(5-c)'". The point c is any arbitrarily chosen point outside the curve C ; and therefore the function represented by p) can be chosen so that it is greater than k : we may therefore assume p > k. Draw a circle, centre c and radius R' greater than R, so as to include the point b/c, and exclude the points bg, ...,bp with the exception of b^. This can be done : for if I bk - bk-i I > XE, i bk - bk+i 1 > XE, where A. is some positive quantity as small as we please (but not absolutely zero), we can take R'' =R' + \^R' ; and then \bn — c\< R', for n = 0,l, ...,k—l,k +1, .. p. Let q denote a number sufficiently large to secure that Then as we have 8 fRy , R'VR'J ^^'■ G,-Ak{bk-c)-^-'= S p-i + S A. + X A. =0 {bn - Cy+' ^ n=k+l (hn " 0^+' n=p Q>n " c)5+^ ' and therefore k-\ \R'i{Cq-Ak{bk-c)- p; all that is requisite is that the series, made up of the numerators, should converge uncondition- ally, (ii) The preceding is only a particular illustration, and is not necessarily the most general form of function having the assigned lacunary space. It is evident that one mode of constructing a function, which shall have any assigned lacunary space, would begin by the formation of some expression which, by the variation of the constants it contains, can be made to represent indefinitely nearly any point within or on the contour of the space. Thus for the space between two concentric circles, of radii a and c and centre the origin, we could take TTiia + {n — mi) b ~^^i n which, by giving m^ all values from to n, m^ all values from to n-1, and n all values from 1 to infinity, will represent all rational points in the space : and a function, having the space between the circles as lacunary, would be given by CO n n-1 r U^Hj'^^U2^ 2^ 2Li 2^ n=l mi=0 m2=0 m^a + {n — mi) b — '27ri[ n J provided j i^ | < 1, | Wj j < 1, | Wg ] < 1. 172 EXAMPLES [87. In particular, if a = 6, then the common circumference is a line of essential singularity for the corresponding function. It is easy to see that the function 2 n=0 2?l— 1 ^ in, n m, n m=0 — TTl z — aen 00 2ji— 1 m n s 2 W V m=l m=0 m, n m, n provided the series converges unconditionally, is a function having the circle \z\ = a as a line of essential singularity. It can be expressed as an analytic function within the circle, and as another analytic function without the circle. Other examples will be found in memoirs by Goursat* Poincaret, and Homenl. Ex. 1. Shew that the fimction 2 2 (m + ?is)-2-'-, ?K=o 5!=-c where r is a real positive quantity and the summation is for all integers m and n between the positive and the negative infinities, is a uniform function in all parts of the plane except the axis of real quantities which is a line of essential singularity. Ex. 2. Discuss the region in which the function CO cc CO ^^-2^--Zp-2 2 2 2 — n=\ m=l ii=\ ^_(^ 1 !_-,• \?i n is definite. (Homen.) Ex. 3. Prove that the function 2 ^-'^x^'" exists only within a circle of radius unity and centre the origin. (Poincare.) Ex. 4. Prove that the series CO 4 2 -^ represents a uniform meromorphic function, if the quantities | a^ \ increase without limit as n increases and if the series | An Ian I converges. Ex. 5. An infinite number of points a^, ao, as, are taken on the circumference of a given circle, centre the origin, so that they form the aggregate of rational points on the circumference. Shew that the series ^ 1 z 2 s^^l n=l **■ ^n 2 can be expanded in a series of ascending powers of z which converges for points within the circle, but that the function cannot be continued across the circumference of the circle. (Stieltjes.) * Comptes Rendus, t. xciv, (1882), pp. 715—718; Bulletin de Darboux, 2'"« Ser., t. xi, (1887), pp. 109—114. t In the memoirs, quoted p. 166, aud Comptes Rendus, t. xcvi, (1883), pp. 1134 — 1136. + Acta Soc. Fenn., t. xii, (1883), pp. 445—464. 87.] EXAMPLES 173 Ex. 6. Prove that the infinite continued fraction 1111 converges for all values of z, provided the series 2 a„ H = l diverges, the quantities a being real. Discuss, in particular, the cases, (i) when z has real positive values, (ii) when z has real negative values. (Stieltjes.) Ex. 7. Denoting by «„ a positive quantity less than 1, prove that the infinite product n ^ 1-- e» 1 I e^+^n «=i iV nj \ n + e, converges ; and that the series i l(^ L »=i fn \s-n-en z-n converges. Shew that, if a new series be constructed by separating the two fractions in the single term so as to provide two terms, this new series does not converge when e^ = n~^. Does the same consequence follow when e^^=n~'^1 (Borel.) Ex. 8. Prove that the series '2 , „ 2 * °° f z 1 TT TT _^ _„ \{l — 2m—2nzi) {2m + 2nzi)'^) 2 <=c 00 ^ + - 2 2 i- [{I -27n-2nz-H) {2m + 2nz-H)^j ' where the summation extends over all positive and negative integral values of m and of n except simultaneous zeros, converges uniformly and unconditionally for all points in the finite part of the plane which do not lie on the axis of i/ ; and that it has the value +1 or —1, according as the real part of z is positive or negative. . (Weierstrass.) Ex. 9. Prove that the region of continuity of the series consists of two parts, separated by the circle 1^1 = 1 which is a line of infinities for the series: and that, in these two parts of the plane, it represents two different functions. bi'n If two complex quantities a and a be taken, such that z=e "'^ and the real part of — . is positive, and if they be associated with the elliptic function g> (u) as its half-periods, then for values of s, which lie within the circle | 2 | = 1, "1 ft) 0-3 (7ith circles, and the value C'n + i for points lying without the nth circle. Construct a function which shall have any assigned values in the various bands into which the plane is divided by the circles. (Pincherle.) Ex. 15. Examine the nature of the functions defined by the series (02-a2)» (i) (ii) 2 „=i 2 (s - a)2" - 5 (^2 - a2)» + 2{z + af^ ' (22-a2)» „=i(3-a)2« + 2(3+a)2'" where a is a real positive constant. (Math. Trip., Part II., 1897.) 88.] CLASSIFICATION OF SINGULARITIES 175 88. In § 32 it was remarked that the discrimination of the various species of essential singularities could be effected by means of the properties of the function in the immediate vicinity of the point. Now it was proved, in § 63, that in the vicinity of an isolated essential singularity h the function could be represented by an expression of the form «C4j)+^(-'') for all points in the space without a circle centre b of small radius and within a concentric circle of radius not large enough to include singularities at a finite distance from b. Because the essential singularity at b is isolated, the radius of the inner circle can be diminished to be all but infinitesimal : the series P{z-b) is then unimportant compared with GI y], which can be regarded as characteristic for the singularity of the function. Another method of obtaining a function, which is characteristic of the singularity, is provided by § 68. It was there proved that, in the vicinity of an essential singularity a, the function could be represented by an expression of the form i^-TB[^^Qi^-o), where, within a circle of centre a and radius not sufficiently large to include the nearest singularity at a finite distance from a, the function Q {z — a) is finite and has no zeros : all the zeros of the given function within this circle (except such as are absorbed into the essential singularity at a) are zeros of the factor ^f j , and the integer-index n is affected by the number of these zeros. When the circle is made small, the function {z-aYH{-^) ' \z — a) can be regarded as characteristic of the immediate vicinity of a or, more briefly, as characteristic of a. It is easily seen that the two characteristic functions are distinct. For if F and F^ be two functions, which have essential singularities at a of the same kind as determined by the first characteristic, then Fiyz) - F^ (z) = P(z-a)-P,(z-a) = P,{z-a), while if their singularities at a be of the same kind as determined by the second characteristic, then F(z) _Qiz-a) _^ 176 CLASSIFICATION [88. in the immediate vicinity of a, since Qi has no zeros. Two such equations cannot subsist simultaneously, except in one instance. Without entering into detailed discussion, the results obtained in the preceding chapters are sufficient to lead to an indication of the classification of singularities *. Singularities are said to be of the first class when they are accidental ; and a function is said to be of the first class when all its singularities are of the first class. It can, by § 48, have only a finite number of such singularities, each singularity being isolated. It is for this case alone that the two characteristic functions are in accord. When a function, otherwise of the first class, fails to satisfy the last condition, solely owing to failure of finiteness of multiplicity at some point, say at z — oo , then that point ceases to be an accidental singularity. It has been called (§ 32) an essential singularity ; it belongs to the simplest kind of essential singularity ; and it is called a singularity of the second class. A function is said to be of the second class when it has some singularities of the second class ; it may possess singularities of the first class. By an argument similar to that adopted in | 48, a function of the second class can have only a limited number of singularities of the second class, each singularity being isolated. When a function, otherwise of the second class, fails to satisfy the last condition solely owing to unlimited condensation at some point, say at £; = oo , of singularities of the second class, that point ceases to be a singularity of the second class : it is called a singularity (necessarily essential) of the third class. A function is said to be of the third class when it has some singularities of the third class ; it may possess singularities of the first and the second classes. But it can have only a limited number of singularities of the third class, each singularity being isolated. Proceeding in this gradual sequence, we obtain an unlimited number of classes of singularities : and functions of the various classes can be constructed by means of the theorems which have been proved. A function of class 7i has a limited number of singularities of class n, each singularity being isolated, and any number of singularities of lower classes which, except in so far as they are absorbed in the singularities of class n, are isolated points. * For a detailed discussion, reference should be made to Guichard, Theorie des points singuliers essentiels (These, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1883), who gives adequate references to the investigations of Mittag-Letfler in the introduction of the classification and to the researches of Cantor. See also Mittag-Leffier, Acta Math., t. iv, (1884), pp. 1 — 79 ; Cantor, Crelle, t. Ixxxiv, (1878), pp. 242—258, Acta Math., t. ii, (1883), pp. 311—328. 88.] ■ OF SINGULARITIES 177 The effective limit of this sequence of classes is attained when the number of the class increases beyond any integer, however large. When once such a limit is attained, we have functions with essential singularities of unlimited class, each singularity being isolated ; when we pass to functions which have their essential singularities no longer isolated but, as in previous class-developments, of infinite condensation, it is necessary to add to the arrangement in classes an arrangement in a wider group, say, in species*. Calling, then, all the preceding classes of functions functions of the first species, we may, after Guichard (I.e.), construct, by the theorems already proved, a function which has at the points a^, an, ... singularities of classes 1, 2, .. , both series being continued to infinity. Such a function is called a function of the second species. By a combination of classes in species, this arrangement can be continued indefinitely ; each species will contain an infinitely increasing number of classes ; and when an unlimited number of species is ultimately obtained, another wider group must be introduced. This gradual construction, relative to essential singularities, can be carried out without limit ; the singularities are the characteristics of the functions. * Guichard (I.e.) uses the term genre. F. F. 12 CHAPTER YIII. Multiform Functions. 89. Having now discussed some of the more important general properties of uniform functions, we proceed to discuss some of the properties of multiform functions. Deviations from uniformity in character may arise through various causes : the most common is the existence of those points in the 2^-plane, which have already (§ 12) been defined as branch-points. As an example, consider the two power-series u = l -i^' — l'^'"— •••, v = — (1 -^/ -i/'— ...), which, for points in the plane such that \z' \ is less than unity, are the two values of (1 — z')^ ; they may be regarded as representing the two branches of the function w, say w^ and Wg, defined by the equation w^ = 1 — z' = z. Let z' describe a small curve (say a circle of radius r) round the point z' = l, beginning on the axis of x ; the point 1 is the origin for z. Then z is r initially, and at the end of the first description of the circle z is ?'e^''i The branch of the function, which initially is equal to u, changes continuously during the description of the circle. The series for u, and the continuations of that series, give rise to the complete variation of the branch of the function which originally is u. Its initial value is ?'*, and its final value is r^e'^', that is^ —r~^ ; so that the final value of the branch is v. Similarly for the branch of the function, which initially is equal to v; it is continuously changed during the description of the circle ; the series for v, and the continuations of that series, give rise to the complete variation of the branch of the function which originally is v ; and the branch acquires u as its final value. Thus the effect of the single circuit is to change Wi into Wg ^md Wg into w^ , that is, the effect of a circuit round the point, at which w^ and lUo coincide in value, is to interchange the values of the two branches. If, however, z describe a circuit which does not include the branch-point, Wi and W2 return each to its initial value. 89.] CONTINUATION OF MULTIFORM FUNCTION 179 Instances have already occurred, e.g. integrals of uniform functions, in which a variation in the path of the variable has made a difference in the result; but this interchange of value is distinct from any of the effects produced by points belonging to the families of critical points which have been considered. The critical point is of a new nature; it is, in fact, a characteristic of multiform functions at certain associated points. We now proceed to indicate more generally the character of the relation of such points to functions affected by them. The method of constructing a monogenic analytic function, described in § 34, by forming all the continuations of a power-series, regarded as a given initial element of the function, leads to the aggregate of the elements of the function and determines its region of continuity. When the process of con- tinuation has been completely carried out, two distinct cases may occur. In the first case, the function is such that any and every path, leading from one point a to another point z by the construction of a series of successive domains of points along the path, gives a single value at z as the continuation of one initial value at a. When, therefore, there is only a single value of the function at a, the process of continuation leads to only a single value of the function at any other point in the plane. The function is uniform throughout its region of continuity. The detailed properties of such functions have been considered in the preceding chapters. In the second case, the, function is such that different paths, leading from a to z, do not give a single value at z as the continuation of one and the same initial value at a. There are different sets of elements of the function, associated with different sets of consecutive domains of points on paths from a to z, which lead to different values of the function at z ; but any change in a path from a to ^^ does not necessarily cause a change in the value of the function at z. The function is multiform in its region of continuity. The detailed properties of such functions will now be considered. 90. In order that the process of continuation may be completely carried out, continuations must be effected, beginning at the domain of any point a and proceeding to the domain of any other point h by all possible paths in the region of continuity, and they must be effected for all points a and b. Continuations must be effected, beginning in the domain of every point a and returning to that domain by all possible closed paths in the region of continuity. When they are effected from the domain of one point a to that of another point 6, all the values at any point z in the domain of a (and not merely a single value at such points) must be continued : and similarly when they are effected, beginning in the domain of a and returning to that domain. The complete region of the plane will then be obtained in which the function can be represented by a series of positive integral powers : and the boundary of that region will be indicated. 12—2 180 BRANCHES OF [90. Fig. 14. In the first instance, let the boundary of the region be consti'tuted by a number, either finite or infinite, of isolated points, say Xj, Xo, L-^, Take any point A in the region, so that its distance from any of the points L is not infinitesimal ; and in the region draw a closed path ABG...EFA so as to enclose one point, say Xj, but only one point, of the boundary and to have no point of the curve at a merely infinitesimal distance from L^. Let such curves be drawn, beginning and ending at A, so that each of them encloses one and only one of the points of the boundary : and let Kr be the curve which encloses the point Lr. Let Wi be one of the power-series defining the function in a domain with its centre at A : let this series be continued along each of the curves Kg by successive domains of points along the curve returning to A. The result of the description of all the curves will be that the series Wj cannot be reproduced at A for all the curves, though it may be reproduced for some of them ; otherwise, tUi would be a uniform function. Suppose that w^, w^, ..-., each in the form of a power-series, are the aggregate of new distinct values thus obtained at A] let the same process be effected on w^, lu.., ... as has been effected on w-^, and let it further be effected on any new distinct values obtained at A through w^, w^, ..., and so on. When the process has been carried out so far that all values obtained at A, by continuing any series round any of the curves K back to A , are included in values already obtained, the aggregate of the values of the function at A is complete : they are the values at A of the branches of the function. We shall now assume that the number of values thus obtained is finite, say n, so that the function has n branches at ^ : if their values be denoted by Wi, W2, ..., Wn, these n quantities are all the values of the function at A. Moreover, n is the same for all points in the plane, as may be seen by con- tinuing the series at A to any other point and taking account of the corollaries at the end of the present section. The boundary-points L may be of two kinds. It may (and not infre- quently does) happen that a point Lg is such that, whatever branch is taken at A as the initial value for the description of the circuit A'^, that branch is reproduced at the end of the circuit. Let the aggregate of such points be /i, I2, .... Then each of the remaining points L is such that a description of the circuit round it effects a change on at least one of the branches, taken as an initial value for the description ; let the aggregate of these points be 5i, jBg, .... They are the branch -points ; their association with the definition in 02 will be made later. 90.] MULTIFORM FUNCTIONS 181 Fig. 15. When account is taken of the continuations of the function from a point A to another point B, we have n values at B as the continuations of n values at A. The selection of the individual branch at B, which is the continuation of a particular branch at A, depends upon the path of z between A and B; it is governed by the following fundamental proposition : — ■ The final' value of a branch of a function for two paths of variation of the independent variable from one point to another will he the same, if one path can he deforvied into the other without passing over a branch-point. Let the initial and the final points be a and b, and let one path of variation be acb. Let another path of variation be aeb, . both paths lying in the region in which the function can be expressed by series of positive integral powers : the two paths are assumed to have no point within an infinitesimal distance of any of the boundary-points L and to be taken so close together, that the circles of convergence of pairs of points (such as Ci and e^, Cg and e^, and so on) along the two paths have common areas. When we begin at a with a branch of the function, values at Ci and at e^ are obtained, depending upon the values of the branch and its derivatives at a and upon the positions of Cj and e^ ; hence, at any point in the area common to the circles of convergence of these two points, only a single value arises as derived through the initial value at a. Proceeding in this way, only a single value is obtained at any point in an area common to the circles of con- vergence of points in the two paths. Hence ultimately one and the same value will be obtained at b as the continuation of the value of the one branch at a by the two different paths of variation which have been taken so that no boundary-point L lies between them or infinitesimally near to them. Now consider any two paths from a to b, say acb and adb, such that neither of them is near a boundar3'--point and that the contour they constitute does not enclose a boundary-point. Then by a series of successive infinitesimal deformations we can change the path acb to adb ; and as at h the same value of w is obtained for variations of z from a to 6 along the successive deformations, it follows that the same value of w is obtained at b for variations of z along acb as for varia- tions along adb. Next, let there be two paths acb, adb constituting a closed contour, enclosing one (but not more than one) of the points / and none of the points B. When the original curve K which contains the point / is described, the initial value is restored : and hence the branches of the function obtained at any point of K by the two paths from any point, taken as initial point, are the same. By what precedes, the parts of this curve K can be deformed 182 EFFECT OF DEFORMATION OF [90. into the parts of achda without affecting the branches of the function : hence . the value obtained at b, by continuation along acb, is the same as the value there obtained by continuation along adb. It therefore follows that a path between two points a and b can be deformed over any point I without affecting the value of the function at 6 ; so that, when the preceding results are combined, the proposition enunciated is proved. By the continued application of the theorem, we are led to the following results : — Corollary I. Whatever be the effect of the description of a circuit on the initial value of a function, a reversal of the circuit restores the original value of the function. For the circuit, when described positively and negatively, may be re- garded as the contour of an area of infinitesimal breadth, which encloses no branch-point within itself and the description of the contour of which ' therefore restores the initial value of the function. Corollary II. ^1 circuit can be deformed into any other circuit ivithout aff^ecting the final value of the function, provided that no branch-point be crossed in the process of deformation. It is thus justifiable, and it is often convenient, to deform a path con- taining a single branch-point into a loop round the point. A loop* consists of a line nearly to the point, O I v V'^ nearly the whole of a very small circle round the point, p- -^rj and a line back to the initial point ; see figure 17. Corollary III. The value of a function is unchanged when the variable describes a closed circuit containing no branch-point ; it is likeivise unchanged ivhen the variable describes a closed circuit containing all the branch-points. The first part is at once proved by remarking that, without altering the value of the function, the circuit can be deformed into a point. For the second part, the simplest plan is to represent the variable on Neumann's sphere. The circuit is then a curve on the sphere enclosing all the branch -points : the effect on the value of the function is unaltered by any deformation of this curve which does not make it cross a branch-point. The curve can, without crossing a branch-point, be deformed into a point in that other part of the area of the sphere which contains none of the branch-points; and the point, which is the limit of the curve, is not a branch-point. At such a point, the value of the function is unaltered ; and therefore the description of a circuit, which encloses all the branch-points, restores . the initial value of the function. Corollary IV. If the values of lu at b for variations along tivo paths * French writers use the word lacet, German writers the word Schleife. 90.] PATH OF THE VAEIABLE 183 acb, adb be not the same, then a description of acbda will not restore the initial value of w at a. In particular, let the path be the loop OeceO (fig. 17), and let it change iv at into w'. Since the values of lu at are different and because there is no branch-point in Oe (or in the evanescent circuit OeO), the values of w at € cannot be the same : that is, the value with which the infinitesimal circle round a begins to be described is changed by the description of that circle. Hence the 'part of the loop that is effective for the change in the value of w is the small circle round the point; and it is because the description of a small circle changes the value of w that the value of tu is changed at after the description of a loop. itf{z) be the value of ^u which is changed into /i (z) by the description of the loop, so that / (z) and f (z) are the values at 0, then the foregoing explanation shews that /"(e) and /i (e) are the values at e, the branch /(e) being changed by the description of the circle into the branch /i (e). From this result the inference can be derived that the points B^, B.2,... are branch-points as defined in § 12. Let a be any one of the points, and let/(^) be the value of w which is changed into/i(^) by the description of a very small circle round a. Then as the branch of w is monogenic, the difference between / (z) and f (z) is an infinitesimal quantity of the same order as the length of the circumference of the circle : so that, as the circle is infinitesimal and ultimately evanescent, \f(z) —f (z) j can be made as small as we please with decrease of \z — a\ or, in the limit, the values of / (a) and f (a) at the branch-point are equal. Hence each of the points B is such that two or more branches of the f miction have the same value at the point, and there is interchange among these branches ivhen the variable describes a small circuit round the point: which affords a definition of a branch-point, more complete than that given in | 12. CoEOLLARY V. If a closed circuit contain several branch-points, the effect luhich it produces can be obtained by a combination of the effects produced in succession by a set of loops each going round only one of the branch-points. If the circuit contain several branch-points, say three as at a, b, c, then a path such as AEFD, in fig. 18, can without crossing any branch-point, be deformed into the loops A aB, BbC, CcD ; and therefore the complete circuit AEFD A can be deformed validly into AaBbCcDA, and the same effect will be produced by the two forms of circuit. When D is made D^ practically to coincide with A. the whole of the Fig. 18. second circuit is composed of the three loops. Hence the corollary. This corollary is of especial importance in the consideration of integrals of multiform functions. 184 BRANCHES OF [90. Corollary VI. In a continuous 'part of the plane where there are no branch-points, each branch of a multiform function is uniform. Each branch is monogenic and, except at isolated points, continuous; hence, in such regions of the plane, all the propositions which have been proved for monogenic analytic functions can be applied to each of the branches of a multiform function. 91. If there be a branch-point within the circuit, then the value of the function at b consequent on variations along acb may, but will not necessarily, differ from its value at the same point consequent on variations along adb. Should the values be different, then the description of the whole curve a^bda will lead at a not to the initial value of w, but to a different value. The test as to whether such a change is effected by the description is immediately derivable from the foregoing proposition; and as in Corollary IV., § 90, it is proved that the value is or is not changed by the loop, according as the value of w for a point near the circle of the loop is or is not changed by the description of that circle. Hence it follows that, if there be a branch-point which affects the branch of the fanction, a path of variation of the independent variable cannot be deformed across the branch- point without a change in the value of w at the extremity of the path. And it is evident that a point can be regarded as a branch-point for a function only if a circuit round the point interchange some {or all) of the branches of the function which are equal at the point. It is not necessary that all the branches of the function should be thus affected by the point : it is sufficient that some should be interchanged*. Further, the change in the value of w for a single description of a circuit enclosing a branch-point is unique. For, if a circuit could change w into w or w" , then, beginning with w" and describing it in the negative sense we should return to iv and afterwards describing it in the positive sense with w as the initial value we should obtain w'. Hence the circuit, described and then reversed, does not restore the original value w" but gives a different branch w' ; and no point on the circuit is a branch-point. This result is in opposition to Corollary I., of § 90; and therefore the hypothesis of alternative values at the end of the circuit is not valid, that is, the change for a single description is unique. But repetitions of the circuit may, of course, give different values at the end of successive descriptions. * In what precedes, certain points were considered which were regular singularities (see p. 192, note) and certain which were branch-points. Frequently points will occur which are at once branch-points and infinities ; proper account must of course be taken of them. 92.] MULTIFORM FUNCTIONS 185 92. Let be any ordinary point of the function ; join it to all the branch-points (generally assumed finite in number) in succession by lines which do not ;!; * meet each other : then each branch is uniform % for each path of variation of the variable which % meets none of these lines. The effects pro- 'm ::P^^ duced by the various branch-points and their % ^.p^ -yi^ relations on the various branches can be indi- % -;#' -><^^ cated by describing curves, each of which %'f^l;^^^^ begins at a point indefinitely near and ^^----- ------ zz::z:"~" ::::::"":"i Bj returns to another point indefinitely near it after passing round one of the branch-points, and by noting the value of each branch of the function after each of these curves has been described. The law of interchange of branches of a function after description of a circuit round a branch-point is as follows \— All the branches of a function, which are affected hy a hranch-point as such, can either he arranged so that the order of interchange (for description of a path round the point) is cyclical, or he divided into sets in each of which the order of interchange is cyclical. Let Wi, W2, Ws,... be the branches of a function for values of z near a branch-point a which are affected by the description of a small closed curve C round a : they are not necessarily all the branches of the function, but only those affected by the branch-point. The branch w^ is changed after a description of C ; let w.2 be the branch into which it is changed. Then Wa cannot be unchanged by C ; for a reversed description of C, which ought to restore Wj, would otherwise leave w^ un- changed. Hence lu.^ is changed after a description of C; it may be changed either into tv^ or into a new branch, say Wg. If into m/i, then Wj and Wg form a cyclical set. If the change be into w^, then tUs cannot remain unchanged after a description of G, for reasons similar to those that before applied to the change of lUo ; and it cannot be changed into Wg, for then a reversed de- scription of C would change w^ into Wg, and it ought to change w^ into w^. Hence, after a description of G, w^ is changed either into w^ or into a new branch, say w^. If into lUj, then w^, w.., tu.^ form a cyclical set. If the change be into w^, then w^ cannot remain unchanged after a description of G ; and it cannot be changed into VJ2 or w^ , for by a reversal of the circuit that earlier branch would be changed into lu^ whereas it ought to be changed into the branch, which gave rise to it by the forward descrip- tion — a branch which is not tv^. Hence, after a description of G, w^ is changed either into w^ or into a new branch. If into w^, then Wi, iv^., w^, w^ form a cyclical set. 186 INTERCHANGE OF BRANCHES * [92. If Wi he changed into a new branch, we proceed as before with that new branch and either complete a cyclical set or add one more to the set. By repetition of the process, we complete a cyclical set sooner or later. If all the branches be included, then evidently their complete system taken in the order in which they come in the foregoing investigation is a system in which the interchange is cyclical. If only some of the branches be included, the remark applies to the set constituted by them. We then begin with one of the branches not included in that set and evidently not inclusible in it, and proceed as at first, until we complete another set which may include all the remaining branches or only some of them. In the latter case, we begin again with a new branch and repeat the process; and so on, until ultimately all the branches are included. The whole system is then arranged in sets, in each of which the order of interchange is cyclical. 93. The analytical test of a branch-point is easily obtained by con- structing the general expression for the branches of a function which are interchanged there. Let z = ahe Si branch-point where n branches Wj, Wg, ..., w„ are cyclically interchanged. Since by a first description of a small curve round a, the branch Wj changes into lu^, the branch Wo into Ws, and so on, it follows that by r descriptions w^ is changed into Wr+i and by n descriptions w^ reverts to its initial value. Similarly for each of the branches. Hence each branch returns to its initial value after n descriptions of a circuit round a branch- point where n branches of the function are interchangeable. Now let z-a=^Z'^; then, when z describes circles round a, Z moves in a circular arc round its origin. For each circumference described by z, the variable Z describes -th part of its circumference; and the complete circle is described by Z n ^ round its origin when n complete circles are described by z round a. Now the substitution changes tUr as a function of z into a function of Z, say into Wr', and, after n complete descriptions of the ^^-circle round a, w,. returns to its initial value. Hence, after the description of a .^'-circle round its origin, Wr returns to its initial value, that is, Z = ceases to be a branch- point for Wr. Similarly for all the branches W. But no other condition has been associated with a as a point for the function w; and therefore Z = maybe any point for the function W, that is, it may be an ordinary point, or a singularity. In every case, we have W a uniform function of Z in the immediate vicinity of the origin ; and therefore in that vicinity it can be expressed in the form e(^)+P(2). 93.] ANALYTICAL TEST 187 with the significations of P and G ah^eady adopted. When Z=0 is an ordinary point, (r is a constant or zero ; when it is an accidental singularity, (r is a polynomial function ; and, when it is . an essential singularity, G is a transcendental function. The simpler cases are, of course, those in which the form of G is poly- nomial or constant or zero ; and then W can be put into the form Z'^P{Z), where P is an infinite series of positive powers and m is an integer. As this is the form of W in the vicinity of ^ = 0, it follows that the form of w in the vicinity of ^^ = a is m 1 (z - afP [{z - af] ; and the various n branches of the function are easily seen to be given by substituting in the above for {z — a)'^ the values 27rsi 1 e'^(z-aY, where s = 0, 1, . . . , » — 1. We therefore infer that the general expression for the n branches of a function, which are interchanged by circuits round a branch-point z = a, assumed not to be an essential singularity, is m _ 1 1 whei^e in is an integer, and luhere to (z — a)" its n values are in tarn assigned to obtain the different branches of the function. There may be, however, more than one cyclical set of branches. If there be another set of r branches, then it may similarly be proved that their general expression is {z-afQ{{z-af], where ?«! is an integer, and Q is an integral function ; the various branches are obtained by assigning to {z — af its r values in turn. And so on, for each of the sets, the members of which are cyclically interchangeable at the branch-point. When the branch-point is at infinity, a different form is obtained. Thus in the case of a set of n cyclically interchangeable branches we take z = %~**, so that n negative descriptions of a closed ^-curve, excluding infinity and no other branch-point, require a single positive description of a closed curve round the ^t-origin. These n descriptions restore the value of w as a function of z to its initial value ; and therefore the single description of the it-curve round the origin restores the value of U — the equivalent of w after the 188 BRANCHES OF [93. change of the independent variable — as a function of u. Thus u = ceases to be a branch -point for the function U\ and therefore the form of U is (?(l)+p(«). where the symbols have the same general signification as before. If, in particular, ^r = oo be a branch-point but not an essential singularity, then G is either a constant or a polynomial function ; and then U can be expressed in the form _ w-'« P (u), where m is an integer. When the variable is changed from u to z, then the general expression for the n branches of a function which are interchangeable at z = ^ , assumed not to be an essential singularity, is in 1 ^P{z~% 1 where m is an integer and where to s" its n values are assigned to obtain the different branches of the function. If, however, the branch-point z = a in the former case or z= cc in the latter be an essential singularity, the forms of the expressions in the vicinity of the point are G{(z-a) ^]+P{(z-ay], 1 _T_ and G(z'')-\-P{z «), respectively. Note. When a multiform function is defined, either explicitly or im- plicitly, it is practically always necessary to consider the relations of the branches of the function for z = co as well as their relations for points that are infinities of the function. The former can be determined by either of the processes suggested in § 4 for dealing with z—co; the latter can be determined as in the present section. Moreover, the total number of branches of the function has been assumed to be finite. The cases, in which the number of branches is unlimited, need not be discussed in general : it will be sufficient to consider them when they arise, as they do arise, e.g., when the function is of the form of an algebraical irrational with an irrational index such as z^'^ — hardly a function in the ordinary sense — , or when the function is the logarithm of a function of z, or is the inverse of a periodic function. In the nature of their multiplicity of branching and of their sequence of interchange, they are for the most part distinct from the multiform functions with only a finite number of branches. Ex. The simplest illustrations of multiform functions are furnished by functions defined by algebraical equations, in particular, by algebraic irrationals. 98.] MULTIFORM FUNCTIONS 189 The general type of the algebraical irrational is the product of a nimiber of functions of the form iv = {A (z — a^) (z - a2) (s-«n)}™) ™ and n being integers. This particular function has ?h branches ; the points a^, a^, , a„ are branch-points. To find the law of interchange, we take z - a,.^ pe^"^ ; then when a small circle of radius p is described round ar, so that z returns to its initial position, the value of d increases by 2rr and the new value of w is aiv, where a is the mth. root of unity defined by em "^ Taking then the various branches as given by w,^aiv, ahv, , a™-%, we have the law of inter- change for description of a small curve round any one branch-point as given by this succession in cyclical order. The law of succession for a circuit enclosing more than one of the branch-points is derivable by means of Corollary V., § 90. To find the relation of z=cc to w, we take zz' = l and consider the new function W in the vicinity of the s'-origin. We have 1 -'1 ^W={A (l—aiz')(l-a2z') {l-anz')}mz' m. If the variable z' describe a very small circle round the origin in the negative sense, then -2771 z' is multiplied by e~ "^^ and so W acquires a factor e""'™, that is, W is changed unless this acquired factor is unity. It can be unity only when n/m is an integer ; and therefore except when nj/n is an integer, z = oc is a branch-point of the function. The law of succession is the same as that for negative description of the /-circle, viz., w, aP-iv, a^Hv, ; the m vakies form a single cycle only if n be prime to m, and a set of cycles if n be not prime to m. Thus s=oo is a branch-point for w = {4z^ — ff2^-ff3)~'^; it is not a branch-point for w = {(I - z^) {I — kh^)}~ '^ ; and z = b is a branch-point for the function defined by {z —b)iv'^ = z — a, but z = b is not a branch-point for the function defined by {z—})fvfl = z — a. Again, if p denote a particular value of 2^, when z has a given value, and q similarly lz-\\k 2 J denote a particular value of ( r-j , then w=p-\-q is a six- valued function, the values being Wx= p + q, w^= p+aq, tv^= p + a^q, W2= -p + q, «'4= -p + ciq, "2^6= -p + a^q, where a is a primitive cube root of unity. The branch-points are — 1, 0, 1, oo ; and the orders of change for small circuits round one (and only one) of these points are as follows : — For a small circuit round -1 1 oc Wi changes to Wo W2 W3 W2 1^2 „ We Wi W4 Wi ^3 „ Wi W4 Wr, Wi -4 „ W.2 Ws We W3 W5 „ w^ We Wi lOg ■"'6 „ Wi Wr, W2 Ws 190 ALGEBRAIC [93. Combinations can at once be effected ; thus, for a positive circuit enclosing both 1 and oc but* not - 1 or 0, the succession is Wi, W4, w^, rv2, W3, tVQ in cyclical order. 94. It has already been remarked that algebraic irrationals are a special class of functions defined by algebraical equations. Functions thus generally defined by equations, which are polynomial so far as concerns the dependent variable but need not be so in reference to the independent variable, are often called algebraical. The term, in one sense, cannot be strictly applied to the roots of an equation of every degree, seeing that the solution of equations of the fifth and higher degrees can be effected only by transcendental functions; but what is implied is that a finite number of determinations of the dependent variable is given by the equation f. The equation is polynomial in relation to the dependent variable w, that is, it will be taken to be of finite degree n in w. The coefficients of the different powers will be supposed to be uniform functions of z : were they multiform (with a limited number of values for each value of z) in any given equation, the equation could be transformed into another, the coefficients of which are uniform functions. And the equation is supposed to be irreducible, that is, if the equation be taken in the form f{w,z) = 0, the left-hand member f{w, z) cannot be resolved into factors of a form and character as regards lu and z similar to / itself. The existence of equal roots of the equation for general values of z requires that f{w,z) and .-^;— dw shall have a common factor, which will be uniform owing to the form of f{w, z). This form of factor is excluded by the irreducibility of the equation ; so that /= 0, as an equation in w, has not equal roots for general values of z. But though the two equations are not both satisfied in virtue of a simpler equation, they are two equations determining values of w and z; and their form is such that they will give equal values of w for special values of 5. Since the equation is of degree n, it may be taken to be yjn j^ ^n-ip^ (^2) + W'^-'F^ (z)+...+ wFn-i (z) + Fn {z) = 0, where the functions F-^, F2,... are uniform. If all their singularities be accidental, they are rational meromorphic functions of z (unless z= cc is the * Such a circuit, if drawn on the Neumann's sphere, may be regarded as excluding - 1 and 0, or taking account of the other portion of the surface of the sphere, it may be regarded as a negative circuit including - 1 and 0, the cyclical interchange for which is easily proved to be if?!, M'4, iv^, W2, W3, 1*^6 as in the text. t Such a function is called Men defini by Liouville. 94] FUNCTIONS 191 only singularity, in which case they are holomorphic) ; and the equation can then be replaced by one which is equivalent and has all its coefficients holomorphic, the coefficient of w'^ being the least common multiple of all the denominators of the meromorphic functions in the first form. This form cannot however be deduced, if any of the singularities be essential. The equation, as an equation in lu, has n roots, all functions of z; let these be denoted by Wj, Wo, . . ., w„, which are the n branches of the function lu. When the geometrical interpretation is associated with the analytical relation, there are n points in the w'-plane, say ttj,..., ct^, which correspond with a point in the 4?-plane, say with a-^\ and in general these n points are distinct. Further, as will appear from the investigations in § 97 (p. 207), the n roots w are continuous functions of z; that is to say, any small change in the value of z entails corresponding small changes in the value of each of the n roots lu. Hence, when z varies so as to move in its own pfene, each of the i^-points inoves in their common plane ; and thus there are n w-paths corresponding to a given z-path. These n curves may or may not meet one another. If they do not, there are n distinct w-paths, leading from ai, ...,a„ to /3i, ..., yS„, respectively corresponding to the single ^-path leading from a to h. If two or more of the w-paths do meet one another, and if the describing ■w-points coincide at their point of intersection, then at such a point of intersection in the ?(;-plane, the associated branches w are equal ; and therefore the point in the 2^-plane is a point that gives equal values for w. It is one of the roots of the equation obtained by the elimination of w between /('->=«■ '^-'■' the analytical test as to whether the point is a branch-point will be considered later. The march of the concurrent 'ly-branches from such a point of intersection of two iy-paths depends upon their relations in its immediate vicinity. When no such point lies on a ^^-path from a to h, no two of the w-points coincide during the description of their paths. By | 90, the ^-path can be deformed (provided that, in the deformation, it does not cross a branch-point) without causing any two of the w-points to coincide. Further, if z describe a closed curve which includes none of the branch-points, then each of the w-branches describes a closed curve and no two of the tracing points ever coincide. Note. The limitation for a branch-point, that the tracing w-points coincide at the point of intersection of the w-curves, is of essential . im- portance. What is required to establish a point in the i;-plane as a branch-point, is not a mere geometrical intersection of a couple of completed zy-paths 192 ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS [94. but the coincidence of the w-points as those paths are traced, together with interchange of the branches for a small circuit round the point. Thus let there be such a geometrical intersection of two w-curves, without coincidence of the tracing points. There are two points in the ^•-plane corresponding to the geometrical intersection ; one belongs to the intersection as a point of the w-path which first passed through it, and the other to the intersection as a point of the w-path which was the second to pass through it. The two branches of w for the respective values of z are undoubtedly equal ; but the equality would not be for the same value of z. And unless the equality of branches subsists for the same value of z, the point is not a branch-point. A simple example will serve to illustrate these remarks. Let w be defined hj the equation so that the branches ivi and Wg are given by CWi = CS 4-2 (S2 + C2)4, CIV2 = CZ - Z {z'^ + G^f' ] it is easy to prove that the equation resulting from the elimination of w between /=0 and 1^=0 is aw s2(22 + c2)=0, and that only the two points z= ±ic are branch-points. The values of z which make lOi equal to the vakie of Wo for z = a (supposed not equal to either 0, ci or - ci) are given by cz + z (0^+ c^)^ = ca — a {o? + c^) ^ , which evidently has not z=a for a root. Rationalising the equation so far as concerns z and removing the factor z-a, as it has just been seen not to furnish a root, we find that z is determined by s3 + z'^a + sa2 -1- cfS + 2ac^ - 2ac {a^ -f c^)^ = 0, the three roots of which are distinct from a, the assumed point, and from + ci, the branch- point. Each of these three values of z will make W] equal to the value of lo^ for z = a: we have geometrical intersection without coincidence of the tracing points. 95. When the characteristics of a function are required, the most im- portant class are its infinities : these must therefore now be investigated. It is preferable to obtain the infinities of the function rather than the singularities alone, in the vicinity of which each branch of the function is uniform* : for the former will include these singularities as well as those branch-points which, giving infinite values, lead to regular singularities when the variables are transformed as in § 93. The theorem which determines them is : — The infinities of a function determined by mi algebraical equation are the singularities of the coefficients of the equation. Let the equation be ^^Jn + ^o''-'F, (z) + tu''-'F, {z)+...+ wFn-i (z) + Fn {z) = 0, * These singularities will, for the sake of brevity, be called regular. 95. J THEIR INFINITIES 193 and let w' be any branch of the function; then, if the equation which determines the remaining branches be we have F^ {z) = — w'Gn-i (z), i^,^_l (Z) = - w'Gn-, (Z) + Gn-, (z), Fn-2 {z) = - w'Gn-3 (Z) + Gn-2 (z), F,{z) = -w' + G,(z). Now suppose that a is an infinity of w' ; then, unless it be a zero of order at least equal to that of Gn-i (z), a is an infinity of Fn (z). If, however, it be a zero of Gn-i (z) of sufficient order, then from the second equation it is an infinity of Fn^-^ (z) unless it is a zero of order at least equal to that of Gn-i{z); and so on. The infinity must be an infinity of some coefficient not earlier than Fi {z) in the equation, or it must be a zero of all the functions G which are later than Gi--^{z). If it be a zero of all the functions Gr, so that we may not, without knowing the order, assert that it is of rank at least equal to its order as an infinity of lu, still from the last equation it follows that a must be an infinity of F-^^ (z). Hence any infinity of w is an infinity of at least one of the coefficients of the equation. Conversely, from the same equations it follows that a singularity of one of the coefficients is an infinity either of w' or of at least one of the co- efficients G. Similarly the latter alternative leads to an inference that the infinity is either an infinity of another branch w" or of the coefficients of the (theoretical) equation which survives when the two branches have been removed. • Proceeding in this way, we ultimately find that the infinity either is an infinity of one of the branches or is an infinity of the coefficient in the last equation, that is, of the last of the branches. Hence any singularity of a coefficient is an infinity of at least one of the branches of the function. It thus appears that all the infinities of the function are included among, and include, all the singularities of the coefficients ; but the order of the infinity for a branch does not necessarily make that point a regular singularity nor, if it be a regular singularity, is the order necessarily the same as for the coefficient. The following method is effective for the determination of the order of the infinity of the branch. Let a be an accidental singularity of one or more of the F functions, say of order m^ for the function Fi ; and assume that, in the vicinity of a, we have Fi {z) = {z- a)-'^i [d + di(z - a) + ei(z-ay +...]. F. F. 13 /Ao A / /A«-t An ^^^.A .A •A / An-. A„- y 194 INFINITIES OF [95. Then the equation which determines the first term of the expansion of w in a series in the vicinity of a is w" + Ci (^ - ay-'^^w^-^ -\-c^{z- aY'^^'up-^ 4- ... Mark in a plane, referred to two rectangular axes, points n, 0; n—1, — m-^; w — 2, — ma ; . . . , 0, — m„ ; let these be Aq, J.1, ..., An respectively. Any line through Ai has its equation of the form y -\-mi = X[x — {n — i)], that is, y — \x = — \{n — i) — vii. If then w = {z — a)~^f{z), where f{z) is finite when z = a, the intercept of the Fig- 20. foregoing line on the negative side of the axis of y is equal to the order of the infinity in the term This being so, we take a line through An coinciding in direction with the negative part of the axis of y, and we turn it about 4^ in a trigonometrically positive direction until it first meets one of the other points, say An-r', then we turn it about An-r until it meets one of the other points, say Ans', and so on until it passes through Aq. There will thus be a line from An to Aq, generally consisting of a number of parts; and none of the points A will be outside the figure bounded by this line and the axes. The perpendicular from the origin on the line through An-r and Ans is evidently greater than the perpendicular on any parallel line through a point A, that is, on any line through a point A with the same value of A.; and, as this perpendicular is it follows that the order of the infinite terms in the equation, when the par- ticular substitution is made for w, is greater for terms corresponding to points lying on the line than it is for any other terms. If f{z) = 6 when z = a, then the terms of lowest order after the substitu- tion of (z — a)~^f{z) for w are {Z - ay'^n-r->^r \cn-rd'' + . . . "F Cn-sd% as many terms occurring in the bracket as there are points A on the line joining An-r to Ans- Since the equation determining w must be satisfied, terms of all orders must disappear, and therefore Cn—s t/ + . . • + Cn—r ^^ ^j an equation determining s — r values of 6, that is, the first terms in the expansions of s — r branches w. 95.] ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS 195 Similarly for each part of the line : for the first part, there are r branches with an associated value of \ ; for the second, s — r branches with another associated value ; for the third, t — s branches with a third associated value ; and so on. The order of the infinity for the branches is measured by the tangent of the angle which the corresponding part of the broken line makes with the axis of x; thus for the line joining A^-r to A^s the order of the infinity for the s — r branches is where nin-r and mns are the orders of the accidental singularities of Fn_r C-^) and Fn-s (2). If any part of the broken line should have its inclination to the axis of X greater than I^tt so that the tangent is negative and equal to — //,, then the form of the corresponding set of branches w is (z — a)i^g{z) for all of them, that is, the point is not an infinity for those branches. But when the inclination of a part of the line to the axis is < -^tt, so that the tangent is positive and equal to X, then the form of the corresponding set of branches w is (z — a)~''f{z) for all of them, that is, the point is an infinity of order \ for those branches. In passing from An to A^, there may be parts of the broken line which have the tangential coordinate negative, implying therefore that a is not an infinity of the corresponding set or sets of branches w. But as the revolving line has to change its direction from A^y to some direction through Ao, there must evidently be some part or parts of the broken line which have their tangential coordinate positive, implying therefore that a is an infinity of the corresponding set or sets of branches. Moreover, the point a is, by hypothesis, an accidental singularity of at least one of the coefficients, and it has been supposed to be an essential singularity of none of them; hence the points Aq, A^, ..., An are all in the finite part of the plane. And as no two of their abscissae are equal, no line joining two of them can be parallel to the axis of y, that is, the inclination of the broken line is never ^-tt and therefore the tangential coordinate is finite, that is, the order of the infinity for the branches is finite for any accidental singularity of the coefficients. If the singularity at a be essential for some of the coefficients, the corresponding result can be inferred by passing to the limit which is obtained by making the corresponding value or values of m infinite. In that case the corresponding points A move to infinity and then parts of the broken line pass through A^ (which is always on the axis of x) parallel to the axis of y, that is, the tangential coordinate is infinite and the order of 13—2 196 INFINITIES [95. the infinity at a for the corresponding branches is also infinite. The point is then an essential singularity (and it may be also a branch-point). It has been assumed implicitly that the singularity is at a finite point in the ^^-plane ; if, however, it be at oo , we can, by using the transformation zz' = 1 and discussing as above the function in the vicinity of the origin, obtain the relation of the singularity to the various branches. We thus have the further proposition : — The order of the infinity of a branch of an algebraical function at a singulanty of a coefficient of the equation, which determines the function, is finite or infinite according as the singularity is accidental or essential. If the coefficients Fi of the equation be holomorphic functions, then ^ = 00 is their only singularity and it is consequently the only infinity for branches of the function. If some of or all the coefficients Fi be mero- morphic functions, the singularities of the coefficients are the zeros of the denominators and, possibly, z— ao; and, if the functions be rational, all such singularities are accidental. In that case, the equation can be modified to h, {z) w'^ + h^ (z) w'^-i + h^ (z) io«-2 + . . . = 0, where Ao(^) is the least common multiple of all the denominators of the functions F^. The preceding results therefore lead to the more limited theorem : — When a function w is determined by an algebraical equation the coefficients of which are holomorphic functions of z, then each of the zeros of the coefficient of the highest power of w is an infinity of some of {and it may be of all) the branches of the function w, each such infinity being of finite order. The point z= CO may also be an infinity of the function w ; the order of that infinity is finite or infinite according as z= 1. The equation now has the form = Az'^ + higher powers of / + Bw ^ + higher powers of w l-l m-\ + S S ArsZ'^'w'+l.^GrsZ'^w'', where in the last summation r and s are not zero and in every term either (i), r is equal to or greater than I or (ii), s is equal to or greater than m or (iii), both (i) and (ii) are satisfied. As only terms of the lowest orders 96.] BRANCH-POINTS 199 Fig. 21. need be retained for the present purpose, which is the derivation of the first term of w' in its expansion in powers of z , we may use the foregoing equation in the form r=l s=l To obtain this first term we proceed in a manner similar to that in § 95 *. Points Aq, ..., Arn are taken in a plane referred to rectangular axes having as co- ordinates 0,1; ... ; s,r ;...', m,-0 respectively. A line is taken through Am and is made to turn round A^ from the position AmO until it first meets one of the other points ; then round the last point which lies in this direction, say round Aj, until it first meets another ; and so on. Any line through Ai (the point Si, r^) is of the form y-ri= -\(x- Si). The intercept on the axis of ^'-indices is Xsi + Vi, that is, the order of the term involving Ar.g. for a substitution w' = vz'\ The perpendicular from the origin for a line through A^ and Aj is less than for any parallel line through other points with the same inclination ; and, as this perpendicular is {\Si + n) (1 + x^y-', it follows that, for the particular substitution w' = vz'^, the terms correspond- ing to the points lying on the line with coordinate \ are the terms of lowest order, and consequently they are the terms which give the initial terms for the associated set of quantities w'. Evidently, from the indices retained in the equation, the quantities \ for the various pieces of the broken line from A^, to A^^ are positive and finite. Consider the first piece, from A^ to A^ say; then taking the value of \ for that piece as fx^, so that we write v-^z*^^ as the first term of w , we have as the set of terms involving the lowest indices Bw'"^ + ll^ArsZ^'w' -f- Ar.,z"iW''3, Sj being the smallest value of s retained ; and then so that r n- H-i = m — s m — Sj * Eeference in this connection may be made to Chrystal's Algebra, cb. xxx., -with great advantage, as well as the authorities quoted on p. 197, note. 200 GROUPING OF BRANCHES [96. Let piq be the equivalent value of /^i as the fraction in its lowest terms ; and write /=^?. Then iv' = v^z' ^ = v-^^p ; all the terms except the above group are of order >mp, and -therefore the equation leads after division by ^"^Pv^jto an equation which determines m - Sj values for v-^, and therefore the initial terms of m — Sj of the iw-branches. Consider now the second piece, from A^ to Ai say ; then taking the value of \ for that piece as jx^, so that we write Va^'"^ as the first term of w', we have as the set of terms involving the lowest indices for this value of yttg Ar s Z^'w'^i + SS^rs^'V^ + Ar.,z"''W% J 3 * ' where s,- is the smallest value of s retained. Then Sjix^ + Vj = SjX2 + r = Sifi2 + n. Proceeding exactly as before, we find Ar.s.Vi-'i + t^ArsV^'' + A ...s. = as the equation determining Sj — si values for v^, and therefore the initial terms of Sj — Si of the ^f;-branches. And so on, until all the pieces of the line are used ; the initial terms of all the w-branches are thus far determined in groups connected with the various pieces of the line A,nAjAi...A^. By means of these initial terms, the m branches can be arranged for their interchanges, by the description of a small circuit round the branch-point, according to the following theorem : — Each group can he resolved into systems, the 'members of each of which are cyclically interchangeable. It will be sufficient to prove this theorem for a single group, say the group determined by the first piece of broken line : the argument is general. Since ^ is the equivalent of and of — ^ — and since Sj < s, we have q ^ m — s m —Sj ■' m — s = kq, m — Sj = kjq, kj > k ; and then the equation which determines v^ is Bv^hi + ^Arsvfi-^^ 3 + Ar.s. = 0, that is, an equation of degree kj in Vj^ as its variable. Let U be any root of it ; then the corresponding values of t'l are the values of C/"?. Suppose these .1 possible, because p is prime to q. Then the q values of tv', being the values q values to be arranged so that the arguments increase by 27r-, which is 2 of ViZ'l^^ are p p p ViiZ'l, VizZ'l, VnZ'i, 9 6. J GROUPING OF BRANCHES 201 where v^^, is that value of U^ which has ^^ for its argument. A circuit q ° round the /-origin evidently increases the argument of any one of these w'-values by ^Trp/g, that is, it changes it into the value next in the succession ; and so the set of q values is a system the members of which are cyclically interchangeable. This holds for each value of U derived from the above equation ; so that the whole set of m — Sj branches are resolved into % systems, each containing q members with the assigned properties. It is assumed that the above equation of order kj in v^^ has its roots unequal. If, however, it should have equal roots, it must be discussed ab initio by a method similar to that for the general equation; as the order kj (being a factor of m - Sj) is less than m, the discussion will be shorter and simpler, and will ultimately depend on equations with unequal roots as in the case above supposed. It may happen that some of the quantities /j, are integers, so that the coiTesponding integers q are unity : a number of the branches would then be uniform at the point. It thus appears that z = a is a branch-point and that, under the present circumstances, the m branches of the function can be arranged in systems, the members of each one of which are cyclically interchangeable. Lastly it has been tacitly assumed in what precedes that the common value of w for the branch-point is finite. If it be infinite, this infinite value can, by § 95, arise only out of singularities of the coefficients of the equation : and there is therefore a reversion to the discussion of §§ 95, 96. The dis- tribution of the various branches into cyclical systems can be carried out exactly as above. Another method of proceeding for these infinities would be to take luw' = 1, z = c + z' ; but this method has no substantial advantage over the earlier one and, indeed, it is easy to see that there is no substantial difference between them. Note. In the first case considered, a single transformation of the variables represented by / = ^^", w' = v^, was sufficient to discriminate among the m branches. In the second case, the number of different directions in the broken 'line of fig. 21 is finite (^ m) ; to each such direction there corresponds a trans- formation of the variables which leads to a discrimination among one of the groups out of the m branches, and therefore the whole number of trans- formations needed to discriminate among the m branches is finite. If the m branches are infinite at the point, the corresponding analysis shews that the whole number of transformations needed to discriminate among those m branches is finite. 202 EXAMPLES [96. Moreover m is finite, being ^ n ; hence the various branches of the function w are discriminated, at a branch-point, by a finite number of trans- formations. Ux. 1. As an example, consider the function determined by the equation 8ziv^+{l-z)(3w + l) = 0. The equation determining the values of z which give equ^l roots for w is 8^(2-1)2 = 4(2-1)3, SO that the values are 2«=1 (repeated) and z= — l. When z — 1, then w=0, occurring thrice; and if z=l+z', then 8w'^=^z\ that IS, w = ^2 3. The three values are branches of one system in cyclical order for a circuit round 2=1. When 2= — 1, the equation for w is 4w3_3^_l=0, that is, (w-l)(2w + 1)2 = 0, so that w=l, or w= -\, occurring twice. For the former of these we easily find that, for 2 = — 1 + 2', the value of w is 14. 2 2'^ ^ an isolated branch as is to be expected, for the value 1 is not repeated. For the latter we take w— —^-\-w\ and find ^'^ = 2^^' + » so that the two branches are ^ l_ 2^6' W=-^ + ^;-j^z'^ + . w=-^- J-2'U 2V6 +' , and they are cyclically interchangeable for a small circuit round 2=-l. These are the finite values of w at branch-points. For the infinities of w, which may arise in connection with the singularities of the coefficients, we take the zeros of the coefficient of the highest power of w in the integral equation, viz., 2=0, which is thus the only infinity of w. To find its order we take w=z-"'f{z)=yz~'^-\- , where y is a constant and f{z) is finite for 2 = 0; and then we have -^ -y3 + = 3y2-'^-H -HI. 1 —2 Thus l-3n=-n, provided both of them be negative; the equality gives n = ^ and satisfies the condition. And 8y3= -3y. Of these values one is zero, and gives a branch of the function without an infinity; the other two are ±|>/^ and they give the initial term of the two branches of w, which have an infinity of order --^ at the origin and are cyclically interchangeable for a small circuit round it. The three values of w for infinitesimal values of 2 are /3._i 1 7 /3.1 4 275 /3 ^ 4 ^ «'!= Vs'' +6~T8 \/8''"'8T'-1944 V8'''~729^ + /3 . _i 1 7 /3 . i 4 275 /3 | ^^=-\/8'' +6 + T8 VS*^ -81^ + 1944 \/ s'^ " ^22-. 729 18 8 , ^^=-3 + 81^ + 729^ +■ 96.] ALGEBEAIC FUNCTIONS 203 The first two of these form the system for the branch-point at the origin, which is neither an infinity nor a critical point for the third branch of the function. Ex. 2. Obtain the branch-points of the functions which are defined by the following equations, and determine the cyclical systems at the branch-points : — (i) w^ — tv+z=0; (ii) w3_3^2 + 26 = 0.: (iii) w3-3iv + 2z^{2-z^) = 0; (iv) iv^ — Szw+z^ = 0; (V) iv^-{l-z^)wi-^^z^{l- -z^Y =0. (Briot and Bouquet.) Also discuss the branches, in the vicinity of ^=0 and of 3 = oo , of the functions defined by the following equations : — ( vi) aw' ■^hitT'z + mo*z* + dw^^ + ewz'' +fz^ +fftv^ + hiu^z^ + kz^^ = ; ( vii) '?<;™2™ + w» + s'» = 0. 97. Having shewn how to discriminate at any point among the various branches of the algebraic function defined by the equation /(w, z) = ho (z) w'^+ih (z) W^-^ + h^ (z) W'-^ -^ . . . = 0, where the quantities ho(z), h-^{z), h^iz), ... are holomorphic functions, we proceed to indicate the character of the various branches near the point. After the preceding discussions, it will be sufficient to consider only finite values of z ; the consideration of infinite values can be obtained through the zero values of z', where — is substituted for z. It is only for zeros of ho (z) that an infinite value (or several infinite values) of w can arise : they can be discussed through the zero values of w , where — , is substituted for w. Accordingly, let a denote a finite value of z, and let a denote a finite value of w for z = a, where a may be a simple root or multiple root of y (a, a) = 0. Take w = a + y, 2^ = a -1- ^, so as to consider some vicinity of the point a and the character of w in that vicinity ; and let f{w, z) =/(« + y,a + w) = F(y,a;), where jP is a polynomial in y of degree not greater than n, and the coefficients are holomorphic functions of oc which are polynomials when all the coefficients ho, hi, ... are polynomials. We have F (0, 0)=0, so that there is no term free from cc and y in F(y, x). Also F (y, 0) does not vanish for all values of y ; for that would imply that some integral power of a; is a factor of F(y, x) and therefore that some integral power of ^ - a is a factor of f{w, z), which is not the case. Hence there is at least one term in the polynomial F {y, x), which has a constant for its coefficient, and there may be more than one such term ; let the term of lowest order in y be By"^, and let the aggregate of such terms be denoted by Fo{y). Denoting the rest by Fi{y, x), where JPi is a polynomial in y that has holomorphic functions of x for its coefficients, we have F{y,x) = F,{y)-F,{y,x)- 204 THEOREM OF [97. clearly F^{y, x) vanishes when x = Q for all values of y, in any vicinity of 2/ = 0. Hence* we can choose a region in the vicinity of y = 0, x = 0, such that !^ol>|i^i|; but as ^0 vanishes when y = 0, there may be some limit oi \y\ other than zero, at and below which the inequality does not hold. Accordingly, assume as the range for the inequality \po\<\y\

\cc\ 1, so that the root a is a multiple root of /(a, a) = 0, and z = a may be (and generally is) a branch-point. The equation g(y,x) = y- + g^y-^-' + g,y^-^ + ...+g^ = determines in branches. By | 96 these branches can be arranged in groups, p each group corresponding to a particular order j i/ 1 x | ^r | « for sufficiently small values of\y\ and \x\, and the order being determined by a portion of a broken line in a Puiseux diagram. Thus for the first portion of the line, take x =^i,y= v^p; then the equation becomes of the form V'" + iKrV''-'- + KsV^-' + ^P {V, = 0, where P {v, ^) is a regular function of its arguments. When ^=0, we have v^ + 2 a:,. ■?;*■"'■ + Kg = 0, rejecting the zero values of v. If v = Vi be a simple root of this equation, then in the earlier equation we write v = v^ + u; and it then follows, by Case 1 above, that where jR is a regular function of ^ that vanishes when ^=0. Accordingly for every simple root of the equation in v when ^ is zero, we have z-a=^^, ^v-a = ^P{v, + R(^)}, 97.] IS ANALYTIC 207 shewing that the corresponding branch of the algebraic function is a. uniform 1 function of (2 — a)«. When q is 1, the branch is a regular function of ^^ — a. When q>l, there is a system of roots of the same form. It may happen that Vi is a multiple root* of V' + iKr-if-'' + Ks = 0. This equation is of degree s, being less than 771, the degree of the original equation. To it we apply, for the multiple root, the preceding process : and so gradually reach the stage in which each of the branches is discriminated and analytically expressed. Similarly for the remaining portions of the broken line in the Puiseux diagram of § 96. It therefore follows that all the branches (if the branches be more than one) of the function, defined by the equation f{w, z) = and acquiring the value a when z = a, where /(a, a) = 0, can be represented in the analytical form z-a = ^'i, w-ci=^PS(^), where S{^) is a regular function of its argument which does not vanish when ^=0, and where p, q are positive integers not necessarily the same for all the branches. (As already remarked, we have assumed a and a to be finite. It is easy to see that for an infinite value of w when z = a, we have a branch of the form where p' is a finite integer; and similarly for infinite values of z.) Conse- quently the function defined by the equation f(w, z) = 0, which is polynomial in w and uniform in z, has tyi branches at any point a, each of the branches being expressible as a uniform analytic function of (z — a)'^. If f(w,z) is polynomial in 5 as well as in w, the non-regular points of the branches are poles and branch-points: no point in the plane is an essential singularity for any branch. Corollary. We have the theorem, originally due to Cauchy, as an inference from the whole investigation: — The roots lu of an equation f{iv,z) = 0, which is polynomial in w and uniform in z, are continuous functions of z. It follows at once from the two' relations * Such is the case for the equation w^-15w*z- 2wh + 15w%^ + Qwz^ + z^-z^ = 0. 208 SIMPLE BRANCH-POINTS [97. Note. If Vi be a multiple root of its equation, the form is still valid : but p and q are then not necessarily prime to each other. (The equation represented by is an example.) The condition is that, if the indices in the expression for w — a have a common factor y, then y is not a factor of q. 98. There is one case of considerable importance which, though limited in character, is made the basis of Clebsch and Gordan's investigations* in the theory of Abelian functions — the results being, of course, restricted by the initial limitations. It is assumed that all the branch-points are simple, that is, are such that only one pair of branches of w are interchanged by a circuit of the variable round the point ; and it is assumed that the equation /= is pol3momial not merely in w but also in z. The equation /= can then be regarded as the generalised form of the equation of a curve of the nth. order, the generalisation consisting in replacing the usual coordinates by complex variables ; and it is further assumed, in order to simplify the analysis, that all the multiple points on the curve are (real or imaginary) double-points. But, even with the limitations, the results are of great value in themselves ; and the theory of birational transformation (§§ 245 — 252) brings them within the range of unrestricted generality. It is therefore desirable to establish the results that belong to the present section of the subject. We assume, therefore, that the branch-points are such that only one pair of branches of w are interchanged by a small closed circuit round any one of the points. The branch-points are among the values of z determined by the equations /./ N f. df{w,z ) When /"= has the most general form consistent with the assigned limitations, f(w, z) is of the nth. degree in z ; the values of z are determined by the eliminant of the two equations which is of degree n {n — 1), and there are, therefore, n(n- 1) values of z which must be examined. First, suppose that „ ' — - does not vanish for a value of z, thus obtained, and the corresponding value of lu; then we have the first case in the preceding investigation. And, on the hypothesis adopted in the present instance, ??z = 2 ; so that each such point z is a branch-point. * Clebsch und Gordan, Theorie der AheVschen Fiinctionen, (Leipzig, Teubner, 1866). It will be proved hereafter (§ 252) that any algebraical equation can be transformed birationally into an equation of the kind indicated. The actual transformations, however, tend to become extremely complicated; and, in particular instances, detailed results would be obtained more simply by proceeding directly from the original equation. 98.] SIMPLE BRANCH-POINTS 209 Next, suppose that \ vanishes for some of the n {n — 1) values of z ; the value of m is still 2, owing to the hypothesis. The. case will now be still d^f(iu z) further limited by assuming that ^ ) ' ' does not vanish for the value of z oz^ and the corresponding value of w ; and thus in the vicinity of ^^ = a, w = a we have an equation = Az'^ + 2Bz'w' + Cw'^ -t- terms of the third degree + , where A, B, C are the values of t— , 7~- , ~; for z = a,w = a. 02^ ozotu ovr \i B"^ '^ A C, this equation leads to the solution Ctu + Bz oc uniform function of z'. The point z = a, lu = a is not a branch-point ; the values of w, equal at the point, are functionally distinct. Moreover, such a point z occurs doubly in the eliminant ; so that, if there be h such points, they account for 28 in the eliminant of degree n{n — V); and therefore, on their score, the number n{n — l) must be diminished by 2S. The case is, reverting to the generalisation of the geometry, that of a double point where the tangents are not coincident. If, however, 5'-= AG, the equation leads to the solution Ciu + Bz' = Lz''^ + Mz'^ + Nz'^ + The point z = a, w = a. is a point where the two values of z interchange. Now such a point z occurs triply in the eliminant ; so that, if there be k such points, they account for 3/c of the degree of the equation. Each of them provides only one branch-point, and the aggregate therefore provides k branch-points ; hence, in counting the branch-points of this type as derived through the degree of the eliminant, the degree must be diminished by 2/c. The case is, reverting to the generalisation of the geometry, that of a double point (real or imaginary) where the tangents are coincident. It is assumed that all the n{n — \) points z are accounted for under the three classes considered. Hence the number of branch-points of the equation is = 7i(w-l)-28-2«, where n is the degree of the equation, S is the number of double points (in the generalised geometrical sense) at which tangents to the curve do not coincide, and k is the number of double points at which tangents to the curve do coincide. And at each of these branch-points, O in number, two branches of the function are equal and, for a small circuit round it, interchange. F. F. 14 210 FUNCTIONS POSSESSING [99. 99. The following theorem is a combined converse of many of the theorems which have been proved : — A function w, which has n (and only n) values for each value of z, and which has a finite number of infinities and of branch-points in any part of the plane, is a root of an equation in w of degree n, the coefficients of which are uniform functions of z in that part of the plane. We shall first prove that every integral symmetric function of the n values is a uniform function in the part of the plane under consideration. n Let Sjc denote % w/, where A; is a positive integer. At an ordinary point ^ = l of the plane, S^ is evidently a one-valued function and that value is finite ; Sjc is continuous ; and therefore the function 8^ is uniform in the immediate vicinity of an ordinary point of the plane. For a point a, which is a branch-point of the function w, we know that the branches can be arranged in cyclical systems. Let w-^, ..., w^^ be such a system. Then these branches interchange in cyclical order for a description of a small circuit round a ; and, \{ z — a = Z^, it is known (§ 93) that, in the vicinity of Z = 0, a branch w is a uniform function of Z, say w -^V P{Z). Therefore w^ =«'&)+ Pu{Z), in the vicinity of^ = 0; say w^ = = ^k + % B]c,mZ~ m = l m = \ m Now the other branches of the function, which are equal at a, are derivable from any one of them by taking the successive values which that one acquires as the variable describes successive circuits round a. A circuit of w round a changes the argument oi z — a by 27r, and therefore gives Z reproduced but multiplied by a factor which is a primitive /^th root of unity, say by a factor a; a second circuit will reproduce Z with a factor o? ; and so on. Hence w.} = Aj,+ t Bk,rna-^^Z-'^'+ 2 Cfc,„,a'-Z^ m=l m = l ' w,+i^-=^^+ 2 5jfc,„,a-™^-™+ 2 G.^^oa-^Z^, 99.] A FINITE NUMBER OF BRANCHES 211 and therefore S w/ = fiAj, + S Bj,,nZ-^ (1 + «-'« + a-2"^ + . . . + a-"''^+'«) »• = ! »j = l + S C;!;^^'*^ (1 + a»^ + a^'*^ + . . . + a»"^-'"). in = l Now, since a is a primitive fxth root of unity, 1 + a« + a^s- + ... + as^ + C,,,,Z^-^ + Gk,,,Z'^'^ + ... =Ak + B'k,, {z - a)-i + B\,. {z - a)-^ + B\^^ {z - a)-' + ... + C'k, 1 {z - a) + C"^,o {z - af + Cj,^, {z-af+.... Hence the point z = a may be a singularity, of S w/ but it is not a branch- r=l point of the function ; and therefore in the immediate vicinity of ^^ = a the E, . . quantity X w,.* is a uniform function. The point a is an essential singularity of this uniform function, if the order of the infinity of w at a be infinite : it is an accidental singularity, if that order be finite. This result is evidently valid for all the cyclical systems at a, as well as for the individual branches which may happen to be one-valued at a. Hence 8]^, being the sum of sums of the form 2 wj' each of which is a uniform r = l function of z in the vicinity of a, is itself a uniform function of z in that vicinity. Also a is an essential singularity of 8]c, if the order of the infinity Sit z = a for any one of the branches of w be infinite ; and it is an accidental singularity of ^S^^, if the order of the infinity at ^^ = a for all the branches of w be finite. Lastly, it is an ordinary point of Sjc, if there be no branch of w for which it is an infinity. Similarly for each of the branch-points. Again, let c be a regular singularity of any one (or more) of the branches of w ; then c is a regular singularity of every power of each of those branches, the singularities being simultaneously accidental or simultaneously essential. Hence c is a singularity of Sk'- and therefore in the vicinity of c, S^ is a uniform function, having c for an accidental singularity if it be so for each of the branches w affected by it, and having c for an essential singularity if it be so for any one of the branches w. It thus appears that in the part of the plane under consideration the function S^-is one-valued ; and it is continuous and finite, except at certain U—2 212 FUNCTIONS POSSESSING [99. isolated points each of which is a singularity. It is therefore a uniform function in that part of the plane ; and the singularity of the function at any point is essential, if the order of the infinity for any one of the branches w at that point be infinite, but it is accidental, if the order of the infinity for all the branches w there be finite. And the number of these singularities is finite, being not greater than the combined number of the infinities of the function w, whether regular singularities or branch-points. Since the sums of the Mh powers for all positive values of the integer k are uniform functions, and since any integral symmetric function of the n values is a rational integral function of the sums of the powers, it follows that any integral symmetric function of the n values is a uniform function of z in the part of the plane under consideration; and every infinity of a branch w leads to a singularity of the symmetric function, which is essential or accidental according as the orders of infinity of the various branches are not all finite or are all finite. Since w has n (and only n) values Wy, . . . , w^ for each value oiz, the equation which determines w is {W — Wi) (W — W2) ...{W — Wn) = 0. The coefficients of the various powers of w are symmetric functions of the branches Wi, ...,Wn', and therefore they are uniform functions of z in the part of the plane under consideration. They possess a finite number of singularities, which are accidental or essential according to the character of the infinities of the branches at the same points. Corollary. If all the infinities of the branches in the finite part of the whole plane he of finite order, then the finite singularities of all the coefficients of the powers of w in the equation satisfied by w are all accidental ; and the coefiicients themselves then take the form of a quotient of an integral uniform function (which may be either transcendental or merely polynomial, in the sense o/§ 47) by another function of a similar character. If 2r = 00 be an essential singularity for at least one of the coefficients, through being an infinity of unlimited order for a branch of w, then one or both of the functions in the quotient-form of one at least of the coefficients must be transcendental. If 2r = 00 be an accidental singularity or an ordinary point for all the coefficients, through being either an infinity of finite order or an ordinary point for the branches of w, then all the functions which occur in all the coefficients are rational expressions. When the equation is multiplied throughout by the least common multiple of the denominators of the coefficients, it takes the form w'^h, {z) + w''-'h, (z)+ ...+ whn-i (z) + hn (z) = 0, where the functions h^ (z), h^ {z), ..., hn (z) are poljmomials in z. 99.] A FINITE NUMBER OF BRANCHES 213 A knowledge of the number of infinities of w gives an upper limit of the degree of the equation* in z in the last form. Thus, let a^ be a regular singularity of the function; and let oii,^i, corresponding to X^ for a^- or to ei for Ci, so that for the coefficient of any power of w in {w —JWi) ...{w- Wn) the greatest difference in degree between the numerator and the denominator is p in favour of the excess of the former. Then the preceding product is of order p + SXi + Sej, which is therefore the degree of the equation in z when it is expressed in a holomorphic form. CHAPTER IX. Periods of Definite Integrals, and Periodic Functions in general, 100. Instances have already occurred in which the value of a function of z is not dependent solely upon the value of z but depends also on the course of variation by which z obtains that value ; for example, integrals of uniform functions, and multiform- functions. And it may be expected that, a fortiori, the value of an integral connected with a multiform function will depend upon the course of variation of the variable z. Now as integrals which arise in this way through multiform functions and, generally, integrals connected with differential equations are a fruitful source of new functions, it is desirable that the effects on the value of an integral caused by variations of a £^-path be assigned so that, within the limits of algebraic possibility, the expression of the integral may be made completely determinate. There are two methods which, more easily than others, secure this result ; one of them is substantially due to Cauchy, the other to Riemann. The consideration of Riemann's method, both for multiform functions and for integrals of such functions, will be undertaken later, in Chapters XV,, XVI, Cauchy's method has already been used in preceding sections relating to uniform functions, and it can be extended to multiform functions. Its characteristic feature is the isolation of critical points, whether regular singularities or branch-points, by means of small curves each containing one and only one critical point. Over the rest of the plane the variable z ranges freely and, under certain conditions, any path of variation of z from one point to another can, as will be proved immediately, be deformed without causing any change in the value of the integral, provided that the path does not meet any of the small curves in the course of the deformation. Further, from a knowledge of the relation of any point thus isolated to the function, it is possible to calculate the change caused by a deformation of the ^■-path over such a point ; and thus, for defined deformations, the value of the integral can be assigned precisely. 100.] INTEGKAL OF A BRANCH 215 The properties proved in Chapter II. are useful in the consideration of the integrals of uniform functions ; it is now necessary to establish the propositions which give the effects of deformation of path on the integrals of multiform functions. The most important of these propositions is the following : — If w he a multiform function, the value of I wdz, taken between two ordinary points, is unaltered for a deformation of the path, provided that the initial branch of w be the same and that no branch-point or infinity be crossed in the deformation. Consider two paths ach, adb, (fig. 16, p. 181), satisfying the conditions specified in the proposition. Then in the area between them the branch w has no infinity and no point of discontinuity ; and there is no branch-point in that area. Hence, by § 90, Corollary VI., the branch w is a uniform monogenic function for that area ; it is continuous and finite everywhere within it and, by the same Corollary, we may treat w as a uniform, mono- genic, finite and continuous function. Hence, by § 17, we have rb ra (c) I ludz + (d) wdz = 0, J a b the first integral being taken along acb and the second along bda; and therefore rb ra rb (c) 1 ludz = — (d) I wdz = (d) I wdz, J a •' b J a shewing that the values of the integral along the two paths are the same under the specified conditions. It is evident that, if some critical point be crossed in the deformation, the branch w cannot be declared uniform and finite in the area, and the theorem of § 17 cannot then be applied. Corollary I. The integral round a closed curve containing no critical point is zero. . Corollary II. A cm-ve round a branch-point, containing no other critical point of the function, can be deformed into a loop without altering the value of Jtudz ; for the deformation satisfies the condition of the proposition. Hence, when the value of the integral for the loop is known, the value of the integral is known for the curve. Corollary III. From the proposition it is possible to infer conditions, under which the integral Jwdz round the whole of any curve remains unchanged, when the whole curve is deformed, without leaving an infinitesimal arc common as in Corollary II. 216 INTEGRATION [100. Let GDC , ABA' be the curves : join two consecutive points AA' to two consecutive points GC. Then if the area GABA'G'DG enclose no critical point of the function w, the value of jwdz along GDG' is by the proposition the same as its value along GABA'G'. The latter is made up of the value along GA, the value along ABA', and the value along A'G', say ••A r rC wdz + 1 ludz + w'dz, C J B J A' where w' is the changed value of tu consequent on the description of a simple curve reducible to B (§ 90, Cor. II.). Now since w is finite everywhere, the difference between the values of w at A and at A' consequent on the description of ABA' is finite: hence as A'A is infinitesimal the value of ^wdz necessary to complete the value for the whole curve B is infinitesimal and therefore the complete value can be taken as the foregoing integral wdz. Similarly for the complete value J B along the curve D : and therefore the difference of the integrals round B and round D is rA rC A rv wdz -\- I w'dz, C J A' say / {w — w')dz. J c In general this integral is not zero, so that the values of the integral round B and round B are not equal to one another : and therefore the curve D cannot be deformed into the curve B without affecting the value of Jwdz round the whole curve, even when the deformation does not cause the curve to pass over a critical point of the function. But in special cases it may vanish. The most important and, as a matter of fact, the one of most frequent occurrence is that in which the description of the curve B restores at A' the initial value of w at ^. It easily follows, by the use of § 90, Cor. II., that the description of D (as- suming that the area between B and D includes no critical point) restores at G' the initial value of w at G. In such a case, w = w' for corresponding points on AG and A'G', and the integral, which expresses the difference, is zero : the value of the integral for the curve B is then the same as that for D. Hence we have the proposition : — If a curve he such that the description of it by the independent variable restores the initial value of a imdtiform function w, then the value of jwdz taken round the curve is unaltered when the cm've is deformed into any other curve, provided that no branch-point or point of discontinuity of w is crossed in the course of deformation. 100.] OF MULTIFORM FUNCTIONS 217 This is the generalisation of the proposition of | 19 which has thus far been used only for uniform functions. Note. Two particular cases, which are very simple, may be mentioned here : special examples will be given immediately. The first is that in which the curve B, and therefore also D, encloses no branch-point or infinity; the initial value of lu is restored after a description of either curve, and it is easy to see (by reducing 5 to a point, as may be done) that the value of the integral is zero. The. second is that in which the curve encloses more than one branch- point, the enclosed branch-points being such that a circuit of all the loops, into which (by Corollary V., § 90) the curve can be deformed, restores the initial branch of w. This case is of especial importance when w is two-valued : the curves then enclose an even number of branch-points. 101. It is important to know the value of the integral of a multiform function round a small curve enclosing a branch-point. Let c be a point at which m branches of an algebraic function are equal and interchange in a single cycle ; and let c, if an infinity, be of only finite order, say kini. Then in the vicinity of c, any of the branches w can be expressed in the form s= —k where A; is a finite integer. The value of fwdz taken round a small curve enclosing c is the sum of the integrals gsj(z-crdz, the value of which, taken once round the curve and beginning at a point Zi, is where a is a primitive mth. root of unity, provided m -j- s is not zero. If then wi 4- s be positive, the value is zero in the limit when the curve is infinitesimal : if m -f s be negative, the value is oo in the limit. But, if m + s he zero, the value is ^arigs. Hence we have the proposition : If, in the vicinity of a hranch-point c, where m branches w are equal to one another and interchange cyclically, the expression of one of the branches be _k fc-i , gic{z-cy'"' + gic-^{z-c) "* + then Jwdz, taken once round a small curve enclosing c, is zero, if k m ; and is 2'7rigk, if k = m. 218 MULTIPLICITY OF VALUE [101. It is easy to see that, if the integral be taken m times round the small curve enclosing c, then the value of the integral is ^mirigm when k is greater than m, so that the integral vanishes unless there be a term involving {z — c)~^ in the expansion of a branch w in the vicinity of the point. The reason that the integral, which can furnish an infinite value for a single circuit, ceases to A. do so for m circuits, is that the quantity {z-^ — c) "% which becomes indefi- nitely great in the limit, is multiplied for a single circuit by a^— 1, for a second circuit by a?^ — a^, and so on, and for the mth circuit by ct"*^ — a*™'"^'^ the sum of all of which coefficients is zero. Ex. The integral \{{z -a) {z — b)...{z — f)}~idz taken round an indefinitely small curve enclosing a is zero, provided no one of the quantities 6, . . . , / is equal to a. 102. Some illustrations have already been given in Chapter II., but they relate solely to definite, not to indefinite, integrals of uniform functions. The whole theory will not be considered at this stage ; we shall merely give some additional illustrations, which will shew how the method can be applied to indefinite integrals of uniform functions and to integrals of multiform functions, and which will also form a simple and convenient introduction to the theory of periodic functions of a single variable. We shall first consider indefinite integrals of uniform functions. /dz — , and denote* it by f{z). The function to be integrated is uniform, and it has an accidental singularity of the first order at the origin, which is its only singularity. The value of jz~''-dz taken positively along a small curve round the origin, say round a circle with the origin as centre, is 2ni ; but the value of the integral is zero when taken along any closed curve which does not include the origin. Taking 2 = 1 as the lower limit of the integral, and any point z as the upper limit, we consider the possible paths from 1 to z. Any path from 1 to 2 can be deformed, without crossing the origin, into a path which circumscribes the origin positively some number of times, say mj, and negatively some number of times, say m^, all in any order, and then leads in a straight line from 1 to z. For this path the value of the integral is equal to (27ri) mi + ( - Stti) WI2 +1 — , J 1 2 [^dz that is, to 2«^73■^^- I — , where m is an integer, and in the last integral the variation of z is along a straight line from 1 to z. Let the last integral be denoted by u; then f{z) — u + 'i'>mTi, and therefore, inverting the function and denoting /"i by (^, we have = ^(% + 2m7r2). Hence the general integral is a function of z with an infinite number of values ; and s is a periodic function of the integral, the period being ^Tri. * See Chrystal, ii, pp. 288—297, for the elementary properties of the function and its inverse, when the variable is complex. 102.] OF INTEGRALS 219 f dz Ex. 2. Consider the function I t—^; and again denote it by f{z). The one-valued function to be integrated has two accidental singularities ± i, each of the first order. The value of the integral taken positively along a small curve round i is IT, and along a small curve round — i is - tt. We take the origin as the lower limit aod any point z as the upper limit. Any path from to z can be deformed, without crossing either of the singularities and therefore without changing the value of the integral, into (i) any numbers of positive {m^, m-i) and of negative (m/, m{) circuits round i and round — ?', in any order, and (ii) a straight line from to z. Then we have /(2) = TOi7r +TOi' ( - 7r) + m2 ( - ir)^m{ {- ( - 7r)}+ [^ ^ [^ dz ^'''" • ' = Utt + u, where ?i is an integer and the integral on the right-hand side is taken along a straight line from to z. Inverting the function and denoting f~^ by 0, we have z = (f) (u + 7nr). The integral, as before, is a function of z with an infinite number of values ; and is a periodic function of the integral, the period being n. Ex. 3. Denoting by / the value of the integral livl J : i^ *, 2'rzj:s„ {z-a){z-h){z-c) taken along a straight line from z^, to z on which no one of the points a, 6, c lies, find the general value of the integral for a path from Z(, that goes I times round a, m times round 6, Qi times round c. What is the form of the result, when a and h coincide ? 103. Before passing to the integrals of multiform functions, it is con- venient to consider the method in which Hermite* discusses the multiplicity in value of a definite integral of a uniform function. Taking a simple case, let ^ {z)= \ -z ^ .and introduce a new variable t such that Z = zt; then '1 zdt When the path of t is assigned, the integral is definite, finite and unique in value for all points of the plane except for those for which 1 +zt = 0\ and, according to the path of variation of t from to 1, there will be a ^^-curve which is a curve of discontinuity for the subject of integration. Suppose the * Crelle, t. xci, (1881), pp. 62—77; Gours a la Faculte des Sciences, 4'"^ 6d. (1891), pp. 76 — 79, 154 — 164, and elsewhere. 220 hermite's [103. path of t to be the straight line from to 1 ; then the curve of discontinuity- is the axis of x between — 1 and — oc . In this curve let any point — |^ be taken where ^ > 1 ; and consider a point ^^j = — | + ^e and a point 2^ = — ^ — ie, respectively on the positive and the negative sides of the axis of x, both being ultimately taken as infinitesimally near the point — ^. Then = 2i t- tan Let 6 become infinitesimal ; then, when t is infinite, we have tan~^ = ^ir, for e is positive ; and, when t is unity, we have tan~^ = — ^TT, for ^ is > 1. Hence (z^) — cf) {z^ = 2^%. The part of the axis of x from — 1 to — oo is therefore a line of discon- tinuity in value of (f) (s), such that there is a sudden change in passing from one edge of it to the other. If the plane be cut along this line so that it cannot be crossed by the variable which may not pass out of the plane, then the integral is everywhere finite and uniform in the modified surface. If the plane be not cut along the line, it is evident that a single passage across the line from one edge to the other makes a difference of ^iri in the value, and consequently any number of passages across will give rise to the multiplicity in value of the integral. Such a line is called a section* by Hermite, after Riemann who, in a different manner, introduces these lines of singularity into his method of representing the variable on surfaces f. When we take the general integral of a uniform function of Z and make • the substitution Z = zt, the integral that arises for consideration is of the form ^{z)=j ^' F (t, z) t.G{t,z) dt. We shall suppose that the path of variation of t is the axis of real quantities : and the subject of integration will be taken to be a general function of t and z, without special regard to its derivation from a uniform function of Z. * Goupure ; see Crelle, t. xci, p. 62. t See Chapter XV. 103.] SECTIONS 221 It is easy, after the special example, to see that is a continuous function of z in any space that does not include a ^-point which, for values of t included within the range of integration, would satisfy the equation G {t, z) = 0. But in the vicinity of a 2^-point, say ^, corresponding to the value t = 6 m the range of integration, there will be discontinuity in the subject of integration and also, as will now be proved, in the value of the integral Let Z be the point ^, and draw the curve through Z corresponding to t = real constant ; let iV^ be a point on the positive side and N^, a point on the negative side of this curve positively described, both points being on the normal at Z ; and let ZN-^ = ZN^ — e, supposed small. Then for N-^ we have x^ = P—e sin -v/r, y =n + e cos -v|r, SO that 2-1 = ^+^V (cos -v/r + {sin -v/r), where -v/r is the inclination of the tangent to the axis of real quantities. But, if da be an arc of the curve at Z, dar , , ■ ■ , X d^ .dt) dt for variations along the tangent at Z, that is, ~rr (cos y + * sm y) = — -:: . • f^G(0,O Thus, since -y- may be taken as finite on the supposition that Z is an ordinary point of the curve, we have where ^ = ^'|^ P=~G{e,^), Q = l^G(d,0. . P Similarly Z2=^+ie Q' Hence ^ (z,) = f' ^.^dt Ta rp(^t^ ^a^)--|aj^ao}Q 222 HERMITE'S [103. with a similar expression for (z^) ; and therefore (^^. The subject of integration is infinitesimal, except in the immediate vicinity of ^ = ^ ; and there powers of small quantities other than those retained being negligible. Let the limiting values of t, that need be retained, be denoted hy 6 + v and — fi; then, after reduction, we have , J e-ij. = 2'7Ti F{e, i{G(0,o} dd in the limit when e is made infinitesimal. Hence a line of discontinuity of the subject of integration is a section for the integral ; and the preceding expression is the magnitude, by numerical multiples of which the values of the integral differ*. Ex. 1. Consider the integral zdt We have Fie,c) c 1 1 |(^(.,C)} '''' ''' ''' so that TT is the period for the above integral. Ux. 2. Shew that the sections for the integral t" sin z i: dt. l + 2tcosz + fi where a is positive and less than 1, are the straight lines ^ = (2^ + 1) n, where k assumes all integral values ; and that the period of the integral at any section at a distance tj from the axis of real quantities is 27r cosh (arj). (Hermite.) * The memoir and the Cours d' Analyse of Hermite should be consulted for further develop- ments ; and, in reference to the integral treated above, Jordan, Cours d' Analyse, t. ii, pp. 293 — 296, may be consulted with advantage. See also, generally, for functions defined by definite integrals, Goursat, Acta Math., t. ii, (1883), pp. 1—70, and ib., t. v, (1884), pp. 97—120; and Pochhammer, Math. Ann., t. xxxv, (1890), pp. 470 — 494, 495 — 526. Goursat also discusses double integrals. 103.] ~ SECTIONS 223 Ex. 3. Prove that the function defined by l+^^+p + .p+, has a logarithmic singularity at x=l and no other finite singularity. If the plane be divided by a cut extending along the positive part of the real axis extending from 1 to qo , shew that in the divided plane the function defined by the above series and its con- tinuations is one-valued, and that, at corresponding points on opposite sides of the cut, its values difier by 2^1 log x. (Math. Trip., Part II., 1899.) Ex. 4. Shew that the integral J where the real parts of and -y - /3 are positive, has the part of the axis of real quantities between 1 and + oo for a section. Shew also that the integral <^ (2)= I «,P-1 (1 _ 9.l)y-^-^ (1 - ZU^du, where the real parts of (3 and I — a are positive, has the part of the axis of real quantities between and 1 for a section : but that, in order to render (2) a uniform function of 2, it is necessary to prevent the variable from crossing, not merely the section, but also the part of the axis of real quantities between 1 and -l-oo . (Goursat.) (The latter line is called a section of the second kind.) Ex. 5. Discuss generally the effect of changing the path of ^ on a section of the integral ; and, in particular, obtain the section for I „ when, after the substitution J i- + ^ Z=zt, the path of t is made a semi-circle on the line joining and 1 as diameter. Ex. 6. Shew that, for the function /(z) defined by the definite integral e -f-e t t e , -00 g2nnt_^^-2nnt ^-27rt_^2nzi '^^' where % is a positive integer and the integration is for real values of t, while z=x + i^, the sections are the lines a;=0, ±1, ±2,..., and that the increment oi f{z) in crossing the section .r=0 in the positive direction is 2". (Appell.) Note. It is manifestly impossible to discuss all the important bearings of theorems and principles, which arise from time to time in our subject; we can do no more than mention the subject of those definite integrals involving complex variables, which first occur as solutions of the better-known linear differential equations of the second order. Thus for the definite integral connected with the hypergeometric series, memoirs by Jacobi* and Goursatt should be consulted; for the definite integral connected with Bessel's functions, memoirs by HankelJ and Weber § should be consulted; and Heine's Handhuch der Kugelfunctionen for the definite integrals connected with Legendre's functions. * Crelle, t. Ivi, (1859), pp. 149 — 165 ; the memoir was not published until after his death, t Sur I'equation differentielle lineaire qui adviet pour integrale la serie hypergeometrique, (Th^se, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1881). t Math. Ann., t. i, (1869), pp. 467—501. § Math. Ann., t. xxxvii, (1890), pp. 404—416. 224 EXAMPLES [104. 104. We shall now consider integrals of multiform functions. Ex. 1. To find the integral of a multiform function round one loop; and round a number of loops. Let the function be w = {{z — a-i) {z-a^ ...{z — «„)}»», where m may be a negative or a positive integer, and the quantities a are unequal to one another ; and let the loop be from the origin round the point a-^ . Then, if / be the value of the integral with an assigned initial branch w, we have '"= I wdz+ I wdz+ I awdz, Jo J c J a, where a is e ™ and the middle integral is taken round the circle at a-^ of infinitesimal radius. But, since the limit of (s- ai) w when z = aj^ is zero, the middle integral vanishes by § 101 ; and therefore /«, = (! -a) I wdz, Jo where the integral may, if convenient, be considered as talcen along the straight line from to ai. (1) (2) (3) Fig. 25. Next, consider a circuit for an integral of w which (fig. 25) encloses two branch-points, say «! and a2, but no others; the circuit in (1) can be deformed into that in (2) or into that in (3) as well as into other forms. Hence the integral round all the three circuits must be the same. Beginning with the same branch as in the first case, we have /"aj (1-a) I wdz, as the integral after the first loop in (2). And the branch with which the second loop begins is aw, so that the integral described as in the second loop is f Ul (I— a) I awdz; Jo and therefore, for the circuit as in (2), the integral is /= (1 — a) wdz + a (1 - a) / wdz. Jo Jo Proceeding similarly with the integral for the circuit in (3), we find that its expression is /=(l-a) I wdz + a{l-a) / wdz, Jo Jo and these two values must be equal. But the integrals denoted by the same symbols are not the same in the two cases ; the function I wdz is different in the second value of / from that in the first, for the deforma- Jo tion of path necessary to change from the one to the other passes over the branch-point a^^ . In fact, the equality of the two values of / really determines the value of the integral for the loop Oai in (3). 104.] OF PERIODICITY OF' INTEGRALS 225 And, in general, equations thus obtained by varied deformations do not give relations (among loop-integrals ; they define the values of those loop-integrals for the deformed paths. We therefore take that deformation of the circuit into loops which gives the simplest path. Usually the path is changed into a group of loops round the hranch-points as they occur, taken in order in a trigonometrically positive direction. The value of the integral roimd a circuit, equivalent to any number of loops, is obvious. Ex. 2. To find the value of \wdz, taken round a simple curve which includes all the branch-points of iv and all the infinities. If s = Qo be a bra.nch -point or an infinity, then all .the branch-points and all the infinities of lo lie on what is usually regarded as the exterior of the curve, or the curve may in one sense be said to exclude all these points. The integral round the curve is then the integral of a function round a curve, such that over the area included by it the function is uniform, finite and continuous ; hence the integral is zero. If 2= 00 be neither a branch-point nor an infinity, the curve can be deformed until it is a circle, centre the origin and of very great radius. If then the limit of zw, when j ^ | is infinitely gTeat, be zero, the value of the integral again is zero, by II., § 24. Another method of considering the integral, is to use Neumann's sphere for the rej)resentation of the variable. Any simple closed curve divides the area of the sphere into two parts ; when the curve is defined as above, one of those parts is such that the function is uniform, finite and continuous throughout, and therefore its integral round the curve, regarded as the boundary of that part, is zero. (See Corollary III., § 90.) Ex. 3. To find the general value of \{\-z'^)~'^dz. The function to be integrated is two-valued: the two values interchange round each of the branch-points ± 1, which are the only branch-points of the function. Let / be the value of the integral for a loop from the origin round -|- 1, beginning with the branch which has the value -1- 1 at the origin ; and let /' be the corresponding value for the loop from the origin round - 1, beginning with the same branch. Then, by Ex. 1, /=2 Wl-z'^y^^dz, /' = 2 r\l-z'')-^^dz Jo Jo' the last equality being easily obtained by changing variables. Now consider the integral when taken round a circle, centre the origin and of indefinitely great radius R ; then by § 24, II., if the limit of ziv for 2=qo be k, the value of jwdz round this circle is 2TTik. In the present case w = {l-z-)~2 so tha.t the limit of zw is +-; hence J(l-22)-ic^^=27r, the integral* being taken round the circle. But since a description of the circle restores the initial value, it can be deformed into the two loops from q' to A and from Q to A'. The value round the first is /; and ^ — — — y -D the branch with which the second begins to be described has the value - 1 at the origin, so that the consequent value ^ig- 26. round the second is — /' ; hence /-/' = 27r* and therefore /= - /' = tt, verifying the ordinary result that /: when the integral is taken along a straight line. * It is interesting to obtain this equation when 0' is taken as the initial point, instead of 0. F. F. 15 226 EXAMPLES OF PERIODICITY [104. To find the general value of w for any path of variation between and 2, we proceed as follows. Let S2 be any circuit which restores the initial branch of (1— s^)-!. Then by § 100, Corollary II., 9. may be composed of (i) a set of double circuits round + 1, say m' in number, (ii) a set of double circuits round - 1, say m" in number, and (iii) a set of circuits round + 1 and — 1 ; and these may come in any order and each may be described in either direction. Now for a double circuit positively described, the value of the integral for the first description is / and for the second description, which begins with the branch —{l-z^)~^, it is — /; hence for the double cii'cuit it is zero when positively described, and therefore it is zero also when negatively described. Hence each of the m' double circuits yields zero as its nett contribution to the integral. Similarly, each of the m" double circuits round — 1 yields zero as its nett contiubution to the integral. For a circuit round +1 and —1 described positively, the value of the integral has just been proved to be /-/', and therefore when described negatively it is /'-/. Hence, if there be %i positive descriptions and 7i2 negative descriptions, the nett contribution of all these circuits to the value of the integral is {n-^ - 712) {I- 1'), that is, 2%7r where n is an integer. Hence the complete value for the circuit Q. is 2«7r. Now any path from to z can be resolved into a circuit Q, which restores the initial branch of (1 — z^)"^, chosen to have the value + 1 at the origin, and either (i) a straight line Oz ; or (ii) the path OA Cz, viz., a loop round + 1 and the line Oz ; or (iii) the path OA'Cz, viz., a loop round — 1 and the line Oz. Let u denote the value for the line Oz, so that u= f\l-z^)-idz. Hence, for case (i), the general value of the integral is 2n7r + u. For the path OACz, the value is / for the loop OAC, and is {-u) for the line Cz, the negative sign occurring because, after the loop, the branch of the function for integration alono- the line is -(l-z^)"^; this value is I-u, that is, it is tt-u. Hence, for case (ii), the value of the integral is 271 TT + 77 - ?J. For the path OA'Cz, the value is similarly found to be -tt-u; and therefore, for case (iii), the value of the integral is 2n7r — TT — II. If f{z) denote the general value of the integral, we have either f{z) = 2nTr + u, or f{z) = {2m + l)7r-u, -where n and m are any integers, so that f{z) is a function with two infinite series of values. 104.] OF INTEGRALS 227 Lastly, if z=cj){6) be the inverse of f{z) = 6, then the relation between u and z given by u= r\l-z2)-hdz can be represented in the form (f) {u) = z = (j){2mr+ii) "I and (m) = 2 = (/) (2??i7r + 7r-?i)J ' both equations being necessary for the full representation. Evidently 2 is a simply -periodic function of ic, the period being 27r ; and from the definition it is easily seen to be an odd function. Let y = (l — 2^)^ = x(^0) so that 3/ is an even function of u; from the consideration of the various paths from to z, it is easy to prove that = — X (^wr + TT - ^() J " Ex. 4. To find the general value of J{(1 - z'^) (1 —k-z-)}~2dz. It will be convenient to regard this integral as a special case of Z=j{{z-a){z-b){z-c){z- d)} -hdz= \wdz. The two-valued function to be integrated has a, 6, c, d (but not cc ) as the complete system of branch-points ; and the two values interchange at each of them. We proceed as in the last example, omitting mere re-statements of reasons there given that are applicable also to the present example. Any circuit O. which restores an initial branch of w., can be made up of (i) sets of double circuits round each of the branch-points, and (ii) sets of circuits round any two of the branch-points. The value of \wdz for a loop from the origin to a branch-point k (where /t = a, &, c, or d) is ■ft wdz; and this may be denoted by ^, where A' = ^, B, C, or D. The value of the integral for a double circuit round a branch-point is zero. Hence the amount contributed to the value of the integral by all the sets in (i) as this part of Q, is zero. The value of the integral for a circuit round a and b taken positively is, A—B; for one round b and c is B -C ; for one round c and d is C— D ; for one round a and c is ^ — 0, which is the sum of ^ -^ and B — C; and similarly for circuits round a and d, and round b and d. There are therefore three distinct values, say A — B, B—C, C-B, the values for circuits round a and b, b and c, c and d respectively ; the values for circuits round any other pair can be expressed linearly in terms of these values. Suppose then that the part of Q, represented by (ii), when thus resolved, is the nett equivalent of the description of m' circuits round a and b, of ?i' circuits round b and c, and of I' circuits round c and d. Then the value of the integral contributed by this part of Q, is m'{A-B) + n'{B-C') + l'{C-I)), which is therefore the whole value of the integral for Q. But the values of A, B, C, D are not independent*. Let a circle with centre the origin and very great radius be drawn ; then since the limit of zw for | 2 | = oo is zero and since * For a purely analytical proof of the following relation, see Greeuhill's Elliptic Functions, Chapter II. 15—2 228 PERIODICITY [104. z = co is not a branch-point, the value of \wdz round this circle is zero (Ex. 2). The circle can be deformed into four loops round a, 6, c, d respectively in order ; and therefore the value of the integral is A — B + C — D, that is, A-B + C-D = 0. Hence the value of the integral for the circuit Q, is m{A-B) + n{B-C), where m and n denote m' — I' and n' respectively. Now any path from the origin to z can be resolved into Q., together with either (i) a straight line from to z, or (ii) a loop round a and then a straight line to z. It might appear that another resolution would be given by a combination of O with, say, a loop round b and then a straight line to z ; but it is resoluble into the second of the above combinations. For at G, after the description of the loop B, introduce a double description of the loop A, which adds nothing to the value of the integral and does not in the end affect the branch of w at C ; then the new path can be regarded as made up of (a) the circuit constituted by the loop round h and the first loop round a, O) the second loop round a, which begins with the initial branch of to, followed by a straight path to z. Of these (a) can be absorbed into i2, and (/3) is the same as (ii) ; hence the path is not essentially new. Similarly for the other points. Let u denote the value of the integral with a straight path from to z; then the whole value of the integral for the combination of Q. with (i) is of the form m{A-B) + n{B-C) + u. For the combination of Q, with (ii), the value of the integral for the part (ii) of the path is A, for the loop round a, -\-{-u), for the straight path which, owing to the description of the loop round a, begins with - w ; hence the whole value of the integral is of the form m{A-B) + n{B-C) + A-it^. Hence, if f{z) denote the general value of the integral, it has two systems of values, each containing a doubly-infinite number of terms; and, if z = (j}{u) denote the inverse of u=f{z), we have (j){tc) = (f){m{A-B) + n{B-C) + u} = ct>{m{A-B) + n{B-0) + A-u}, where m and n are any integers. Evidently 2 is a doubly -periodic function of u, with periods A-B and B—C. Ex. 5. The case of the foregoing integral which most frequently occurs is the elliptic integral in the form used by Legendre and Jacobi, viz. : tt = J{(l -z^) {\-F'z^)}-^idz==jwdz, where k is real. The branch-points of the function to be integrated are 1, — 1, y, * The value for a loop round h and then a straight line to z, just considered, is i> - u, = -{A-B) + A-u, giving the value in the text with m changed to hi - 1. 104.] OF ELLIPTIC INTEGRALS 229 and — -r ^, and the values of the integral for the corresponding loops from the origin are i: 2 I wdz, J ivdz= -2 / wdz, and 2 I tvdz, J 'k fk 2 I wdz= -2 / w(^2. Now the values for the loops are connected by the equation A-B + G-D = 0, and so it will be convenient that, as all the points lie on the axis of real variables, we arrange the order of the loops so that this relation is identically' satisfied. Otherwise, the relation will, after Ex. 1, be a definition of the paths of integration chosen for the loops. Among the methods of arrangement, which secure the identical satisfaction of the Fig. 28. relation, the two in the figure are the simplest, the curved lines being taken straight in the limit ; for, by the first arrangement when k < 1, we have 1 _1 and, by the second when X' > 1, we have 2-2 +2 JO ./ 2 / \wdz = 0, both of which are identically satisfied. We may therefore take either of them ; let the former be adopted. The periods are A-B, B-C, (and G - D, which is equal to B - A), and any linear combination of these is a period : we shall take ^4 — B, and B~ D. The latter, B - D, is equal to 2 I iodz-2 I ivdz, Jo Jo which, being denoted by. 4A'', gives /■I ^2 4^=4 J Jo {(l-02)(l_^2-2^}4 as one period. The former, A-B, is equal to 2 2 / wdz — 2 1 ivdz, Jo Jo which is wd,z: 230 PERIODICITY [104. this, being denoted by 2^A'', gives 2 2iA' = 2 1 {(1-S2)(l-Ps2)}4 Jo {(l-2'2)(l-/^'2/2)|4' where X-'2 + F = l, and the relation between the variables of the integrals is k'^z^ + k''^z''^ = \. }_ [^ Hence the periods of the integral are AK and '2,iK'. Moreover, ^ is 2 I ivdz, which is J n \_ [1 fk 2 I wch + 2 I todz = 2K+2iK'. Hence the general value of | {(l—z^)(l—Pz-)]~2dz is either J or 2K+2iK'-u + 4mK+2niK', that is, 2K—u + 4:mK+2niK', where m is the integral taken from to z along an assigned path, often taken to be a straight line ; so that there are two systems of values for the integral, each containing a doubly-iniinite number of terms. If z be denoted by (p (u) — evidently, from the integral definition, an odd function of M-^-, then cj) {u) = (f) {u + 4raK+ 2niK') = (^ (2Z -u + 4mK+ 2niK'\ so that 2 is a doubly-periodic function of ?«, the periods being 4K and 2iK'. Now consider the function Si = (l — z^)a. A 0-path round y does not affect ^j by way of change, provided the curve does not include the point 1 ; hence, if 2i=x (■")» ^^ have But a 3-path round the point 1 does change z^ into — % ; so that Hence x. (^0? which is an even function, has two periods, viz., AlK and 2A'-f 21^', whence -^ (u) = ^ (^( + 4mK+ 2nK+ 2mA'). Similarly, taking 22 ==(1 - k^z^)^ — -^ (u), it is easy to see that ^|.(M) = ^/.(tt+2A), -yjr{u)=yfr{u + 2K+2iK') = yl^{u + 2iK'), SO that -v//- (m), which is an even function, has two periods, viz., 2A' at:id 4iK' ; whence yl^(u)=^^{u + 2mK+4mK'). The functions (p (m), x (u), yj/ (k) are of course sn u, cu n, dn to respectively. Ex. 6. If in a single infinite sheet, representing the values of z, three cuts be made along the real axis joining respectively ( — 00 , — t)) (-1? 1)? (7.5 ^ j? shew that the integral (in the notation of elliptic functions, 0<^-'(2raa)i + 2wco3-?<), where ^' (w) is - {4 {z-e^) iz-e.^ [z-e^^. Ex. 8. Prove that, when m is a positive integer ^2, and when q is a positive quantity such that < 9" < m, ?/3-l , TT 1 •^ ait— 1+?/™ - m . o' " "^ sni TT - m drawing the deformed figure of the loops. From this relation, deduce the results (i) / --j.^=i.3, . (ii) j^^^c^.=A.^ ao8-)^rf,_i,3 . (ii) [^'(logf)* (iii) /;^w^^,=,...(^_^), where A and B are constants. Shew also how to deduce the value of i^(y)§(log3/) / 1+/" ^^' where Q (log y) is any polynomial in log y, and P {y) is a polynomial in y of degree not greater than m - 2. 104.] PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 233 The foregoing simple examples are sufficient illustrations of the multi- plicity of value of an integral of a uniform function or of a multiform function, when branch-points or discontinuities occur in the part of the plane in which the path of integration lies. They also shew one of the modes in which singly-periodic and doubly-periodic functions arise, the periodicity consisting in the addition of arithmetical multiples of constant quantities to the argument. To the properties of such periodic functions, especially of uniform periodic functions, we shall return in Chapter X. It will there appear that each of the special functions, which have been considered in the preceding examples 3, 4, 5, 7, expresses ^ as a uniform function of its argument. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to prove directly that the functions of u in Ex. 5 and of lu in Ex. 7 are uniform functions of their arguments. Consider the quantity 2 and the integral u connected by the relation or by the differential equation J n with the condition that u = when z = and the further property as to the periods of ti. Evidently the vicinities of the respective critical points 1, —1, 1/^', — l/k must be taken into account; likewise the vicinity of any other finite value of z ; likewise very large values of z. We take them in turn. In the vicinity of z= l,\et z ^1 + ^. At 2^ = 1, we can take u = K (subject to periods) ; so u-K=\ {-n + f)''' {k'-' - 2kH - kH") "^dt J = f (- 2k''-) 'U ''P (t) dt, J where P (t) is a regular function of t in the vicinity of ^ = such that P(0) = 1. Thus where E (^) is a regular function of ^ such that R (0) = 1. Consequently, z-l = ^=-^k''{u-KyS{u-K), where S (u - Z) is a regular function of (« - Kf, such that ^ (0) = 1. Clearly ^ is a regular function of u in the vicinity of the place z=l. 234 UNIFORM [104. Exactly similar analysis shews that ^r is a regular function of u in the vicinity of the place z = — l, the substitution being z = — 1 + ^; we find ^ + 1 = _ 1- /c'2 (^a + Kf 8{n. + K), where S (u + K) is a regular function of (tt + Kf, such that 8 (0) = 1. Again, for the vicinity of ^^ = Ijk, we take z -ljk=i:^' \ we find z-\=^' ^^{u- K -iKJ 8 {u- K -iKJ, where S is & regular function of its argument such that S (0) = 1. For the vicinity of 2^ = — 1/^, we find ^ + ^ = ^ (^, + A^ + iKy S(u+K + iKJ, where again >S is a regular function of its argument such that 8 {0) — \. Next, for a value of | ^ j < 1, we have u=W{\-P){l-kH'')]~^dt J = zP(z), where P (z) is a regular even function of z such that P (0) = 1. Consequently ^ is a regular function and an uneven function of u for values of | 2^ | < 1. For any ordinary place for z, given by ^ = a, let a value of u be a. Taking z = a + Z, we have ra+Z _i u-a=\ 1(1 - f) (1 - kH')] '' dt J a = T R {Z), \{\-o?){\-k\i%-^ where R {Z) is a regular function of Z such that P (0) = 1. As before, Z is a regular function of u — a in the vicinity ; that is, ^ is a regular function of u in the vicinity of any ordinary place. Finally, for large values of z, say z, we have u = 1 rk J + I J 1 k {(1- t^) (1 - kH-)]-^^ dt. In the integral. write kt. 1 then u = 1 •k . kz' =/: 1 rkz' {(1- ■p){i- -¥^^r ■'dt' = iK '^f: ''{(1- -t'^-){i -k^^^yi' 'h,'. 104] PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 235 Thus -j—> ^s a regular function of u in the vicinity of u = iK' and it vanishes to the first order at that place. Therefore 5 is a uniform function of u in the vicinity oiu = iK' \ and it has a simple pole at that value. Hence, in every case, 5 is a uniform function of u ; and this uniform function has simple poles at u = iK' and at all places reducible to this place by multiples of 2A'and 2iK'. As already stated, we shall give full references at a later stage to the cases when a differential equation defines ^^ as a uniform function of u. Ex. 9. Shew that, for the relation just discussed, the functions {l — z^)^ and (1— Ps^)^ fire uniform functions of u. Ex. 10. Shew that, when u and z are connected by the relation of Ex. 7, when we denote s as a function of m by ^ (u), each of the functions ^{u), {,..., — CO, — 2(0, ...; and through these points we draw a series of parallel lines, dividing the plane into bands. Let P be any point z in the band between the lines through and through A^; through P draw a line parallel to OA^ and measure off PPi-P^Ps = . . . = PP-, =P-,P-,== . . ., each equal to OA^ ; then all the points Pi, Pg,..., P-i, P-2,... are represented ^ig- 30. hy z + nco for positive and negative integral values of n. But f{z + no)) =f{z); and therefore the value of the function at a point P„ in any of the bands is the same as the value at P. Moreover, to a point in any of the bands there corresponds a point in any other of the bands ; and therefore, owing to the periodic resumption of the value at the points corresponding to each point P, it is sufficient to consider the variation of the function for points within one band, say the band between the lines through and through A^^. A point P within the band is sometimes called irreducible, the corresponding points P in the other bands reducible. If it were convenient, the boundary lines of the bands could be taken through points other than A-^, A^_, ...\ for example, through points (m -f ■^) cd for positive and negative integral values of m. Moreover, they need not be straight lines. The essential feature of the graphic representation is the division of the plane into bands. (ii) ' For doubly-periodic functions a similar method is adopted. Let w and w' be the two periods of such a function f{z), so that /(5 + a))=/»=/(5 + a.'); then f{z -h nu) + n'co') =f{z), where n and n are any integers positive or negative. .105.] DOUBLE PERIODICITY 237 For graphic purposes, we take points 0, ^i, J.,,, ..., J._i, J._2, ... representing 0, &), 2co, . . . , — oj, — 2&), . . . ; and we take another series 0,B-^,B.2, ... , B_^, B^n, . . . representing 0, w, 2', — 2(o', . . . ; through the points A we draw lines parallel to the line of points B, and through the points B we draw lines parallel to the line of points A. The intersection of the lines through An and Bn' is evidently the point nco + n'co', that is, the angular points of the parallelograms into which the plane is divided represent the points nco + n'w' for the values of n and n. Let P be any point z in the paral- Fig. 31. lelogram OA-JJ-^B^ ; on lines through P, parallel to the sides of the parallelogram, take points Qi, Q^, ... , Q-i, Q-2, ••• such that PQi = QiQo= ... = + m, w for its angular points. A point P within this parallelogram is sometimes called irreducible, the corresponding points within the other parallelograms reducible to P ; the whole aggregate of the points thus reducible to any one are called homologous points. And the parallelogram to which the reduction is made is called the parallelogram of periods. As in the case of simplj^-periodic functions, it may prove convenient to choose the position of the fundamental parallelogram so that the origin is not on its boundary; thus it might be the parallelogram the middle points of whose sides are + \co, ± ^-w'. Ex. Shew how to reduce a given point numerically ; for instance, find the irreducible point homologous to 730 + ■''i82^■ for periods l + 9i, 3 + 2z'. 238 RATIO OF THE PERIODS OF [106. 106. In the preceding representation it has been assumed that the line of points A is ditferent in direction from the line of points B. If w = m + iv and (o' = u+iv', this assumption implies that v'/u' is unequal to v/u, and therefore that the real part of w'/ico does not vanish. The justification of this assumption is established by the proposition, due to Jacobi* : — The ratio of the periods of a uniform doubly-periodic function cannot he real. Let/(2) be a function, having w and w as its periods. If the ratio w'/fw be real, it must be either commensurable or incommensurable. If it be commensurable, let it be equal to n'jn, where n and n are integers, neither of which is unity owing to the definition of the periods w and ct)'. Let n'jn be developed as a continued fraction, and let yn'lm be the last convergent before nfn, where m and m are integers. Then n' m _ 1 n m inn ' that is, *'»^' ~ '>n'n = 1, so that m'co ^moi =-- {m n ~ mn ) = -. to Iti Therefore f{z) =f{z + m'o) ~ mco'), since m and m' are integers ; so that contravening the definition of w as a period, viz., that no submultiple of m is a period. Hence the ratio of the periods is not a conniiensurable real quantity. If it be incommensurable, we express co'/w as a continued fraction. Let pjq and p jq^ be two consecutive convergents : their values are separated by the value of w/o), so that we may write w q \q q/ where l>h>0. Now pq -p'q = 1, so that o) q qq" where e is real and lej < 1 ; hence , e qo) —po} = —, CO. Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 25, 26. 106.] A UNIFORM DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTION 239 Therefore f{z) =f{z + qw' - pco), since p and q are integers ; so that f(z)=f[z + ^^co Now since co'/co is incommensurable, the continued fraction is unending. We therefore can take an advanced convergent, so that q' is very large ; and we choose it so that — 6) is less than any assigned positive quantity, however a ■ small. But -co is equal to qco' —pco, where q and p are integers, and it therefore is a period of the function f{z). Hence, on the assumption that ft)7« is real and incommensurable, it follows that the function possesses an infinitesimal period : the possibility of which was initially excluded (§ 105). The ratio of the periods is thus not an incommensurable real quantity. We therefore infer Jacobi's theorem that the ratio of the periods cannot be real. In general, the ratio is a complex quantity; it may, however, be a pure imaginary*. Corollary. If a uniform function have two periods a^ and m^, such that a relation ??2-iC0i + nu(02 = exists for integral values of m^ and niz, the function is only simply-periodic. And such a relation cannot exist between two periods of a simply-periodic function, if mj and m2 be real and incommensurable ; for then the function would have an infinitesimal period. Similarly, if a uniform function have three periods Wj, Wg, cog, connected by two relations 7?ii&)i -I- m20).2 + m^cos — 0, ?li&)i -I- 722(1)2 + "^Isf^s = 0, where the coefficients m and n are integers, then the function is only simply- periodic. 107. The two following propositions, also due to Jacobif, are important in the theory of uniform periodic functions of a single variable : — If a uniform function have three periods w^, w^, co-i, such that a relation niiCOi + ni2002 + ms&jg = is satisfied for integral values of n^, m^, m^, then the function is only a doubly- periodic function. * It was proved, in Ex. 5 and Ex. 7 of § 104, that certain uniform functions are doubly -periodic. A direct proof, that the ratio of the distinct periods of the functions there obtained is not a real quantity, is given by Falk, Acta Math., t. vii, (1885), pp. 197 — 200, and by Pringsheim, Math. Ann., t. xxvii, (1886), pp. 151—157. t Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 27—32. 240 JACOBl'S THEOREMS ON THE PERIODS OF [107. What has to be proved, in order to establish this proposition, is that two periods exist of which coi, coo, Wj are integral multiple combinations. Evidently we may assume that ???i, mg, vu have no common factor: let / be the common foctor (if any) of m^ and nig, which is prime to m^. Then since and the right-hand side is an integral combination of periods, it follows that -^ &)i IS a period. ]SI'ow ^ is a fraction in its lowest terms. Change it into a continued fraction and let - be the last convergent before the proper value; then "^ _ 1? = + 2l / q ~f3 (snh - rm^) --^ smJwz + ^ (?n](Wi' + "io'wo) = 7?iir&)i' + m^ (rft).2 + sw-^ ; and &)i =f(Oi. Hence two periods &)/ and rco^ + soos exist of which co^, coo, w^ are integral multiple combinations ; and therefore all the periods are equivalent to o)i and rcoo + scos, that is, the function is only doubly-periodic. 107.] UNIFORM PERIODIC fun;ctions 241 Corollary. If a function have four periods to^, Wo, (o-,, w^ connected by two relations iiiWi -\- HqCOo + ?i3&>3 + n^w^ = 0, where the coefficients m and n are integers, the function is only doubly- periodic. 108. If a uniforiu function of one variable have three periods w,, Wo, w., then a relation of the form nijO)^ + 7n.2a)2 + "jg&jo = must be satisfied for some integral values of vii, uio, ni-^. Let Wr = «;• + ^/3r, for r = 1, 2, 3 ; in consequence of § 106, we shall assume that no one of the ratios of Wy, &>2, w.^ in pairs is real, for, otherwise, either the three periods reduce to two immediately, or the function has an infini- tesimal period. Then, determining twp/quantities \ and jx by the equations OTg = XCKj + fji^.^, l3s = X/8i + 1X^.2, so that A, and /x are real quantities and neither zero nor infinity, we have Wo = A,&)i -f jjiw.T, for real values of X and jx. Then, first, if either X or yu, be commensurable, the other is also commen- surable. Let X = ajb, where a, and b are integers; then 6/iCt)o = 6(1)3 ~ b\(o-y = bcos — aa)i, so that 6/xft»2 is a period. Now, if bfx be not commensurable, change it into a continued fraction, and let pjq, p'/q' be two consecutive convergents, so that, as in § 106, T p X bfx = -^+~, q qq where 1 > ^- > — 1. Then - &>., -I y is a period, and so is w, ; hence q ' qq ^ (p xw.,\ q[^ w^-] A- po).2 \q qq J is a period, that is, — w^ is a period. We may take q indefinitely large, and then the function has an infinitesimal quantity for a period, which has been excluded by our initial argument. Hence bp, (and therefore /x) cannot be incommensurable, if X be commensurable; and thus X and p. are simul- taneously commensurable or simultaneously incommensurable. F. P. 16 242 JACOBI'S THEOREMS ON THE PERIODS OF [108. that If \ and fi be simultaneously commensurable, let A, = t- , /x = -7 , so a c and therefore bdcos = adw-^ + hcu)^, a relation of the kind required. If \ and fx be simultaneously incommensurable, express X as a continued fraction; then by taking any convergent rjs, we have X- r X ) s s- s\ - - r X "J' where 1 > ^ > — 1, so that by taking the convergent sufficiently advanced the right-hand side can be made infinitesimal. Let Vy be the nearest integer to the value of Syu., so that, if s^i -r, = /\, we have A numerically not greater than ^. Then X so)s — rwi — 7\oi.-> — — (01 + Zifi).2, s and the quantity - coi can be made so small as to be negligible. Hence •integers r, r-^^, s can be chosen so as to give a new period cog' (= Awa), such that I Wa' j ^ -2 I &>2 1- We now take Wi, co^', 0)^: ihej will be connected by a relation of the form and A,' and fi' must be incommensurable : for otherwise the substitution for &)./ of its value just obtained would lead to a relation among &)i, Wg, 0)3 that would imply commensurability of \ and of yu,. Proceeding just as before, we may similarly obtain a new period Wg" such that I Wg" \^^\a>2\] and so on in succession. Hence we shall obtain, after n such processes, a period 0)3"*' such that | Wo"" | ^ ^J coa 1, so that by making n sufficiently large we shall ultimately obtain a period less than any assigned quantity. Such a period is infinitesimal ; and infinitesimal periods were initially excluded (§ 105) for reasons there given. Thus \ and fi cannot be simultaneously incommensurable. Hence the only constructive result is that X and /i are simultaneously commensurable ; and then there is a period-equation of the form where wij, m.j, mj are integers. 108.] UNIFORM PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 243 The foregoing proof is substantially due to Jacobi (I.e.). The result can be obtained from geometrical considerations by shewing that the infinite number of points, at which the function resumes its value, along a line through z parallel to the Wg-line will, unless the condition be satisfied, reduce to an infinite number of points in the w^, co^ parallelogram which will form either a continuous line or a continuous area, in either of which cases the function would be a constant; or there will be an unlimited number condensed in any region round z, however small, thus making the point an essential singularity, which is impossible for every point z. But, if the condition be satisfied, then the points along the line through z reduce to only a finite number of points*. Corollary I. Uniform functions of a single variable cannot have throe independent periods ; in other words, triply -periodic uniform functions of a single variable do not exist ^i and, a fortiori, uniform functions of a single variable tuith a number of independent periods greater than tiuo do not exist. But functions involving more than one variable can have more than two periods, e.g., Abelian transcendents ; and a function of one variable, having more than two periods, is tiot uniform. Corollary II. All the periods of a uniform, periodic function of a single variable reduce either to integral multiples of one period or to linear combinations of integral multiples of tivo periods whose ratio is not a real quantity. 109. It is desirable to have the parallelogram, in which a doubly- periodic function is considered, as small as possible. If in the parallelogram (supposed, for convenience, to have the origin for an angular point) there be a point &)", such that f{z+C0"):^f{z) for all values of z, then the parallelogram can be replaced by another. It is evident that w" is a period of the function; hence (§ 108) we must have &) " = \(0 + yu-o) ; and both A, and fx, which are commensurable quantities, are less than unity since the point is within the parallelogram. Moreover, a -\-o)' — w", which is equal to (1 — X) to + (1 — /a) to', is another point within the parallelogram ; and f {z -^^ w + w - Oi") = f {z), since w, w', w" are periods. Thus there cannot be only one such point unless X = ^ = /u.. * For another proof, see Goursat, Cours d' analyse n.athematique, t. ii, § 324. t This theorem is also due to Jacobi, (I.e., p. 239, note). 16—2 244 FUNDAMENTAL [109. But the number of such points within the parallelogram must be finite. If there were an infinite number, they would form a continuous line or a continuous area where the uniform function had an unvarying value, and the function would have a constant value everywhere ; or they would condense within any region (however small) round any point, and so would make the point an essential singularity, a result to be excluded as in § 37. To construct a new parallelogram when all the points are known, we first choose the series of points parallel to the co-line through the origin 0, and of that series we choose the point nearest 0, say A^. We similarly choose the point, nearest the origin, of the series of points parallel to the co-line and nearest to it after the series that includes A^, say B^: we take OA-^, OB^ as adjacent sides of the parallelogram, and these lines as the vectorial repre- sentations of the periods. No point lies within this parallelogram where the function has the same value as at ; hence the angular points of the original parallelograms coincide with angular points of the new parallelograms. When a parallelogram has thus been obtained, containing no internal point n such that the function can satisfy the equation f{z + ^)=f{z) •' for all values of z, it is called a fundamental, or a primitive, 'parallelogram. The parallelogram of reference in subsequent investigations will be assumed to be of a fundamental character. But a fundamental parallelogram is vot unique. Let (o and co' be the periods for a given fundamental parallelogram, so that every other period &>" is of the form \(o + /xco', where \ and /j, are integers. Take any four integers a, h, c, d such that ad — bc — ± 1, as may be done in an infinite variety of ways; and adopt two new periods coj and co,, such that &>! = aa> + bo)', o).i = Cay + dco'. Then the parallelogram with co^ and coo for adjacent sides is fundamental. For we have ± 0) = da>i — bo)2, ± co' = — ca)i + aa)2, and therefore any period co" = X(o + /jLco' = {Xd — fxc) coj + (— X6 -t- /Lta) (jci.2, save as to signs of \ and jx. The coefficients of coj and w,, are integers, that is, the point co' lies outside the new parallelogram of reference; ther.e is therefore no point in it such that f{z + co")=f{z), and hence the parallelogram is fundamental. 109.] PARALLELOGEAM 245 CoROLT.AEY. The aggregate of the angular points in one division of the plane into fundamental parallelograms coincides with their aggregate in any other division into fundamental parallelograms ; and all fundamental parallelograms for a given function are of the same area. The method suggested above for the construction of a fundamental parallelogram is geometrical, and it assumes a knowledge of all the points w" within a gi\en pai'allelograra for which the equation f{z + a)") = f{z) is satisfied. Such a point 0)3 within the wj, C02 parallelogram is given by mi m, TO3 m-s -' where mj, m^, m^ are integers. We may assume that no two of these three integers have a common factor; were it otherwise, say for Wj and m^, then, as in § 107, a submultiple of 0)3 would be a period — a result which may be considered as excluded. Evidently all the points in the parallelogram are the reduced points homologous with i = — ('^'"i + e'&)2) > the left-hand sides are periods, say Oj and Q2 respectively, and since ja + e is not > ms and A + e' is not > ms, the points Qj and 0,2 determine a parallelogram smaller than the initial parallelogram. Thus ecBl + /^(B2 = H^3Ql, Xcui -f- c'a)2 = OT3Q2 ) are equations defining new periods Hi, i22. Moreover J . X TO, p es . , fjL m^ r e'q ^ m^ ms q qm^ m^ ^ m^ -' s sm^ so that, multiplying the right-hand sides together and likewise the left-hand sides, we at once see that X^-ee' is divisible by 7n.^ if it be not zero: let \fi - ee' = Wig \. Then, as X and fj. are less than m^, they are greater than A; and they are prime to it, because ee' is + 1. Hence we have Acoi = jLifi2~ «'^]) AQ)2 = Xi2| - 6Q2- »ll p e 7713 q ~ qyiis ' 5?l2 ^' _ f ms s sni;, them ± 1. Let TO3 Wis 5 — = 6-1- — TO3 ^ ms 246 FUNDAMENTAL PARALLELOGRAM [109. Since X and /x arc both greater than A, let X=XiA + X', ij. = ^i^+fj.', where X' and /x' are < A. Then X'/x' - ee' is divisible by A if it be not zero, say X'/x' — 66' = AA' ; then X' and fi' are > A' and are prime to it. And now A {o)^ - fjnSl2) — 1^'^2— f'^i) ^ ('"2 ~ XiOj) = X'Qi — 6^2 ; thus, if a>i- fjLiSl2=^3, co2-XjOi = f24, which are periods, we have AQ,o=ij.'Q.o-€'Sli, An4 = X'Oi-6i22- With Q3 and ^4 we can construct a parallelogram smaller than that constructed with Oj and Qn. We now have A'£2] = 612,3 + /x'i24, A'02 = ^'^3 + f'^4) that is, equations of the same form as before. We. proceed thus in successive stages : each quantity A thus obtained is distinctly less than the preceding A, and so finally we shall reach a stage when the succeeding A would be unity, that is, the solvition of the pair of equations then leads to periods that determine a fundamental jaarallelogram. It is not difficult to prove that wi, 0)2, CB3 are combinations of integral multiples of these periods. ^ If one of the quantities, such as X'/x'-«') be zei'o, then X' = yx' = l, e = e'=±l; and then 123 and i24 are identical. If € = e'= + l, then AQ3=Q2-i2i, and the fundamental parallelogram is determined by r n,' = Sl^-\ (Qg-^l), 04' = 02-- (02-i2i). If € = € = — 1, then A123=r02-|-i2j, so that, as A is not unity in this case, the fimdamental parallelogram is determined by O2 and SI3. , Sx. If a function be periodic in a>i, 0)2, and also in a>3 where 29a)3= 17coi + lla)2, periods for a fundamental parallelogram are Qj' = 5ci)i + 3cB2 ~ 8^3 , i22' = '^<"i + 2ci)2— 5w3, and the values of coi, wo, 013 in terms of O/ and Qo' are coj = fi/ + 3l2i', (B2 = 9fi2'-2fii', a)3 = 4fi2' + fii'. Further discussion relating to the transformation of periods and of fundamental parallelograms will be found in Briot and Bouquet's Theorie des fonctions ellipdques, pp. 234, 235, 268—272. 110. It has been proved that uniform periodic functions of a single variable cannot have more than two periods, independent in the sense that their ratio is not a real quantity. If then a function exist, which has two periods with a real incommensurable ratio or has more than two independent periods, either it is not uniform or it is a function (whether uniform or multiform) of more variables than one. 110.] MULTIPLE PERIODICITY 247 When restriction is made to uniform functions, the only alternative is that the function should depend on more than one variable. In the case when three periods co^, w^, w^ (each of the form a + i^) were assigned, it was proved that the necessary condition for the existence of a uniform function of a single variable is that finite integers nii, m^, m^ can be found such that m-^a-^ -{- iiincn^ -\- m-^az = , nij /3i + wia/^a + in., 183 = ; and that, if these conditions be not satisfied, then finite integers m^, m^, m^ can be found such that both Swa and -mj3 become infinitesimally small. This theorem is purely algebraical, and is only a special case of a more general theorem as follows : — Let ail, «i2, ••• > ^\,r+i', «2i: «22. ••• , «2,r+i; ••• ; ot-n, oi.ro, ... , w,-, r+i ^& ^ sets of real quantities such that a relation of the form ?li ttsi + 71.20(^2+ ... -r '«r+i "s, r+i = is not satisfied among any one set. Then finite integers m^, ..., Trir+i can he determined such that each of the sums m 1 a^i + 7?i o ofgo + . . . + ???,;.+i a,^ ,.+1 (for s=l, 2, ..., r) can be made less than any assigned quantity, however small. And, a fortiori, if fewer than r sets, each containing r + 1 quantities be given, the r + 1 integers can be determined so as to lead to the result enunciated ; all that is necessary for the purpose being an arbitrary assign- ment of sets of real quantities necessary to make the number of sets equal to r. But the result is not true if more than r sets be given. We shall not give a proof of this general theorem * ; it would follow the lines of the proof in the limited case, as given in § 108. But the theorem can be used to indicate how the value of an integral with more than two periods is affected by the periodicity. Let / be the value of the integral taken along some assigned path from an initial point z^ to a final point z; and let the perio*ds be rui, Wo, ..., &>,., (where r > 2), so that the general value is I + nil &)i + m2 &)2 + . . . + nir coy , where mi, ma,...,??^,. are integers. Now if a)s = o(s + i^s, for s = l, 2,...,r, when it is divided into its real and its imaginary parts, then finite integers /ii , Wo , . . . , Ur can be determined such that * n^cti + n^Oc, + . . . + n,.0(r n^l3^ + n.2/32+ ...+nr^r * A proof will be found in Clebsch and Gordan's Theorie der AbeVschen Ftmctmnen, § 38. See also Baker's Abelian Functions, chapters ix, xix, where full references will be found. 248 MULTIPLE PERIODICITY [110. can be made infinitesimal, that is, less than any assigned quantity, however small; and then 2??s&)s| is infinitesimal. But the addition of '^yigCOg still gives a value of the integral ; hence the value can be modified by infinitesimal quantities, and the modification can be repeated indefinitely. The modifica- tions of the value correspond to modifications of the path from z^ to z; and hence the integral, regarded as depending on a single variable, can be made, by modifications of the path of the variable, to assume any value. The integral, in fact, has not a definite value dependent solely upon the final value of the variable ; to make the value definite, the path by which the variable passes from the lower to the upper limit must be specified. It will subsequently (§ 239) be shewn how this limitation is avoided by making the integral, regarded as a function, depend upon a proper number of independent variables — the number being greater than unity. Ex. 1. If Fq be the value of I -, , {n integral), taken along an assigned path, and if ^ „ /"' dx , ,, P=2 -. (.^■real)J Jo {\-x^)-i (1 - x^y^ then the general value of the integral is (-i)«r„+p " !{!_(_ 1)9}+ 2 m^e where q is any integer and m.p any positive or negative integer such that 2 TOp=0. (Math. Trip., Part II., 1889.) Ex. 2. If, in an integration in regard to the complex variable 5, (a,.&g...) denote a contour enclosing the "critical" points a,., 6^, ... ; and, for two points, (a,.; 6s) denote the triple contour (a,, 6s) (a,.) - 1 (6s) ~\ prove that in the integrals 2/1= f zv-\{z-\yi-\{z-xy-^dz, 3/2=/ zP-^{z-\Y-^\z-xy-'^dz, J(cc;0) 7 {:<-•; 1) where jo, q, r are not rational integers, if x describe a closed curve round ^ = 0, the s-loops being deformed so as not t6 be intersected by this x-closed curve, the new values of ?/i, 2/2 are and determine the similar changes in y^, y^ when x moves round z = \. Deduce without direct calculation, that if |) + r be a rational integer, y^ is uniform in the neighbourhood of ^ = 0, and, also in this neighbourhood, y, = ^ {x) + ^-^^ yx log X, , we may conveniently take any point a, and another point a^ = a + a), through a and a^ draw straight lines perpendicular to aa^, and then consider the function within this band. The aggregate of points within this band is obtained by taking (i) all points along a straight line, perpendicular to a boundary of the band, as aa^ ; (ii) the points along all sti'aight lines, which are drawn through the points of (i) parallel to a boundary of the band. In (i), the value of z varies from to w in an expression a + z, that is, in the Z-plane for a given value of R, the angle varies from to 27r. In (ii), the value of logR varies from — oo to + go in an expression (O © 7i — . log R + 7,— (o, that is, the radius R must vary from to oo . ZTTi ° ZTT -^ Hence the band in the ^-plane and the whole of the .^-plane are made equivalent to one another by the transformation Now let Zq be any special point in the finite part of the band for a given simply-periodic function, and let Zq be the corresponding point in the .^-plane. Then for points z in the immediate vicinity of Zo and for points Z which are consequently in the immediate vicinity of Z^, we have Z-Zo = e^"-e^"' 2rri 2vi = e" {e"' -1} = \ e " (z — Zo), CO where | A, | differs from unity only by an infinitesimal quantity. 252 Fourier's [111. If then w, a function of z, be changed into W a function of Z, the following relations subsist : — When a point z^ \'s, 2. zero of w, the corresponding point Z^ is a zero of F. When a point z^ is an accidental singularity of xv, the corresponding point Zq is an accidental singularity of W . When a point z^ is an essential singularity of %v, the corresponding- point ^0 is an essential singularity of W. When a point z^ is a branch-point of any order for a function w, the corresponding point -^0 is a branch-point of the same order for W. And the converses of these relations also hold. Since the character of any finite critical point for iv is thus unchanged by the transformation, it is often convenient to change the variable to Z so as to let the variable range over the whole plane, in which case the theorems already proved in the preceding chapters are applicable. But special account must be taken of the point z= ao . 112. We can now apply Laurent's theorem to deduce what is practically Fourier's series, as follows. Let f{z) he a simply-periodic function having co as its period, and suppose that in a portion of the z-pkme bounded by any two parallel lines, the inclina- tion of which to the axis of real quantities is equal to the argument of (o, the function is uniform and has no singularities; then, at points tuithin that portion of the plane, the function can be expressed in the form of a converging series of positive and of negative integral powers of e '^ . In figure 32, let aa^a^... and cc-^c^... be the two lines which bound the portion of the plane : the variations of the function will all take place within that part of the portion of the plane which lies within one of the repre- sentative bands, say within the band bounded by ...ac... and . . .ttiCj. . . : . that is, we may consider the function within the rectangle acc^a^a, where it has no singularities and is uniform. Now the rectangle acc-ia^a in the 5-plane corresponds to a portion of the .^-plane which, after the preceding explanation, is bounded by two circles tin 2tu with the origin for common centre and of radii \e'^ '"' j and | e ^ "' j ; and the variations of the function within the rectangle are given by the variations of a transformed function within the circular ring. The characteristics of the one function at points in the rectangle are the same as the characteristics of the other at points in the circular ring : and therefore, from the character of the assigned function, the transformed function has no singularities and it 112.] THEOREM 253 is uniform within the circular ring. Hence, by Laurent's Theorem (§ 28), the transformed function is expressible in the form F{Z)= 2 anZ^\ n= — 00 a series which converges within the ring : and the value of the coefficient a,i is given by 27rr ' Z'"+' taken along any circle in the ring concentric with the boundaries. Retransforming to the variable z, the expression for the original function is f{z)= 2 , the function is a rational f miction of e '^ , which is integral if all the singidarities be at an infinite distance and is meromorphic if some (or all) of them be in a finite part of the plane. (But any number of zeros and any number of infinities may be absorbed in the essential singularity at ^ = oo .) The simplest function of Z, thus restricted to have the same number of zeros as of infinities, is one which has a single zero and a single infinity in the finite part of the plane; the possession of a single zero and a single infinity will therefore characterise the most elementary simply-periodic function. Now, bearing in mind the relation Z = e~^, the simplest ^-point to choose for a zero is the origin, so that Z=l; and then the simplest ^-point to choose for an infinity at a finite distance is ^ w, (being half the period), so that Z= — l. The expression of the function in the Z-plane with 1 for a zero and — 1 for an accidental singularity is ^Z+l' and therefore assuming as the most elementary simply-periodic function that which in the plane has a series of zeros and a series of accidental singularities all of the first order, the points of the one being midway between those of the other, its expression is A •Iiviz e " - 1 ^itiz e^-f 1 irz . ~ — which is a constant multiple of tan — . Since e '" is a rational fractional function of tan — , part of the foregoing theorem can be re-stated as follows : — • If the period of the f motion be w, the function is a rational function ttz of tan — , 113.] FUNCTIONS 255 Moreover, in the general theory of uniform functions, it was found convenient to have a simple element for the construction of products, there (§ 53) called a primary factor : it was of the type Z-c where the function G\-y J could be a constant; and it had only one infinity and one zero. Hence for simply-periodic functions we may regard tan — as a typical ft) primary factor when the number of irreducible zeros and .the (equal) number of irreducible accidental singularities are finite. If these numbers should tend to an infinite limit, then an exponential factor might have to be TTZ associated with tan — ; and the function in that case mig'ht have essential O) ^ singularities elsewhere than at ^ = oo . Ex. Prove that a rational function of z cannot be simply-periodic. 114. We can now prove that every uniform function, luhich has no essential singularities in the finite part of the plane and is such that all its accidental singularities and its zeros are arranged in groups equal and finite in number at equal distances along directions parallel to a given direction, is a simjjly -periodic function, save as to a possible factor of the form e^<^', tvhere g (z) is a uniform function of z regular everyiuhere in the finite part of the plane. Let (o be the common period of the groups of zeros and of singularities : and let the plane be divided into bands by parallel lines, perpendicular to any line representing co. Let a,b, ... be the zeros, a, /3, ... the singularities in any one band. Take a uniform function (f){z), simply -periodic in w, and having a single zero and a single singularity in the band : we might take tan — as a value of ( 2!)-(f> (a) cfi\z) - cf) {a) is a simply-periodic function having only a single zero, viz., z = a and a single singularity, viz., z = a: for as (f)(z) has only a single zero, there is only a single point for which (l){z) = (f) (a), and a single point for which (f}(z) =

(z)-cf>(a)]\cj>(z)-cf>(b)]... {{^u)}[cl>{z)-4>{l3)\... 256 SIMPLY-PERIODIC [114. is a simply-periodic function with all the zeros and with all the infinities of the given function within the band. But on account of its periodicity it has all the zeros and all the infinities of the given function over the whole plane; hence its quotient by the given function has no zero and no singularity over the whole plane. Hence, by Corollary I. in § 52, this quotient is of the form e^'^', where g(2) is a uniform function of z, finite everywhere in the finite part of the plane : and it may be a constant. Consequently, the expression for the given function is known. It is thus a simply-periodic function, save as to the factor specified ; and this factor may be a constant, in which case the function is actually simply-periodic. This method can evidently be used to construct simply-jaeriodic functions, having assigned zeros and assigned singularities. Thus if a function have a + ma as its zeros and G + 7n'co as its singularities, where m and in' have all integral values from — oo to -f-oo, the simplest form is obtained by taking a constant multiple of tan tan — TTZ tan — £x. Construct a function, simply-periodic in w, having zeros given by (?n + J)co and (m + |)a) and singularities by (m-t-J)cB and {m + ^)co. The irreducible zeros are |cb and |') = -e~^6{z). Then ^3(2)^^(2) is douhly-| eriodic in a and 2co', though constructed only from functions simply-periodic in u : it is a function with an infinite number of irreducible accidental singularities in a band. 115. We now pass to doubly-periodic functions of a single variable, the periodicity being additive. The properties, characteristic of this important class of functions, will be given in the form either of new theorems or appropriate modifications of theorems, already established ; and the develop- ment adopted will follow, in a general manner, the theory given by Liouville*. It will be assumed that the functions are uniform, unless multiformity be explicitly stated, and that all the singularities in the finite part of the plane are accidental •}■. * In his lectures of 1847, edited by Borchardt and published in Crelle, t. Ixxxviii, (1880), pp. 277 — 310. They are the basis of the researches of Briot and Bouquet, the most com- plete exposition of which will be found in their Theorie des fonctions elliptiques, (2nd ed.), pp. 239—280. t For doubly-periodic functions, which have essential singularities, reference should be made to Guichard's memoir, (the introductory remarks and the third part), already quoted on p. 176, note. F. F. 17 258 PROPERTIES [115. The geometrical representation of double-periodicity, explained in § 105, will be used concurrently with the analysis ; and the pai^allelogram of periods, to which the variable argument of the function is referred, is a fundamental parallelogram (§ 109) with periods* 2od and 2&)'. An angular point Zq for the parallelogram of reference can be chosen so that neither a zero nor a pole of the function lies on the perimeter ; for the number of zeros and the number of poles in any finite area must be finite, as otherwise they would form a continuous line or a continuous area, or they would be in the vicinity of an essential singularity. This choice will, in general, be made ; but, in particular cases, it is convenient to have the origin as an angular point of the parallelogram and then it not infrequently occurs that a zero or a pole lies on a side or at a corner. If such a point lie on a side, the homologous point on the opposite side is assigned to the parallelogram which has that opposite side as homologous; and if it be at an angular point, the remaining angular points are assigned to the parallelograms which have them as homologous corners. The parallelogram of reference will therefore, in general, have Zq, Zo+ 2&j, Z(, + 2(1)', Zo-¥2o) + 2ft)' for its angular points; but occasionally it is desirable to take an equivalent parallelogram having z^ ± co ± o)' SiS its angular points. When the function is denoted by cf) (z), the equations indicating the periodicity are (t>{z + 2w) = ({> (z) = ) - o/r ( ^) = i/tj ( ^), then \-^{z)dz= i/r, (^'o + 2(o't) 2(o'dt - yjr^ {z^ + 2ait) 2a)dt, ■ .'0 .'0 where on the left-hand side the integral is taken positively round the boundary of the parallelogram and on the right-hand side the variable t in the integrals is real. The result may also be written in the form j'yjr{z)dz= I -v/tj (z) dz— I i/r^ (z) dz, the integrals on the right-hand side being taken along the straight lines AD and AB respectively. Evidently the foregoing main proposition is established, when yjr^ (^) and 1/^2 (^) vanish for all values of ^. III. If <^ doubly-periodic function <^{z) have infinities a^, az, ... within the parallelogram, and if A^, A^, ... be the coefficients of (z — ai)"^, (z — a2)~^, . . . respectively in the fractional part of (f) (z) when it is expanded in the paral- lelogram, then ^1 + ^2+. .. = 0. 262 INTEGRAL RESIDUE [116. As the function (z) is uniform, the integral /<^ (z) dz is, by § 19, II., the sum of the integrals round a number of curves each including one and only one of the infinities within that parallelogram. Taking the expression for ^{z) on p. 259, the integral A,-^l{z - a)-'"^ dz round the curve enclosing a is 0, if m be not unity, and is ^iriA-^, if m be unity; the integral KmSi^ — Ky^dz round that curve is for all values of m and for all points k other than a ; and the integral Jx (^) dz round the curve is zero, since x (•^) i^ uniform and finite everywhere in the vicinity of a. Hence the integral of <^ {z) round a curve enclosing ai alone of all the infinities is 27riA-^. Similarly the integral round a curve enclosing a^ alone is ^ttiA^ ', and so on, for each of the curves in succession. Hence the value of the integral round the parallelogram is 27ri%A. But by the preceding proposition, the value of /^ (z) dz round the parallelo- gram is zero ; and therefore A, + A,+ ... = 0. This result can be expressed in the form that the sum of the residues* of a douhly -periodic function relative to a fundamental parallelogram of periods is zero. Corollary 1. A doubly -periodic function of the first order does not exist. Let such a function have a for its single simple infinity. Then an expression for the function within the parallelogram is where x (^) i^ everywhere finite in the parallelogram. By the above propo- sition, A vanishes ; and so the function has no infinity in the parallelogram. It therefore has no infinity anywhere in the plane, and so is merely a constant : that is, qua function of a variable, it does not exist, . Corollary 2. Doubly-periodic functions of the second order are of tiuo classes. As the function is of the second order, the sum of the degrees of the infinities is two. There may thus be either a single infinity of the second degree or two simple infinities. In the former case, the analytical expression of the function is * See p. 48. 116.] FUNCTIONS OF THE SECOND ORDER 263 where a is the infinity of the second degree and xi^) ^s holomorphic within the parallelogram. But, by the preceding proposition, J.i = ; hence the analytical expression for a doubly-periodic function with a single irreducible infinity a of the second degree is within the parallelogram. Such functions of the second order, which have only a single irreducible infinity, may be called the first class. In the latter case, the analytical expression of the function is (^) = — - + — — + X i^\ Z — Ci Z — C2 where Cj and Co are the two simple infinities and % {z) is finite within the parallelogram. Then so that, if C^ = — 62= C, the analytical expression for a doubly-periodic function with two simple irreducible infinities ttj and ttg is \z-a, z- a J ^ within the parallelogram. Such functions of the second order, which have two irreducible infinities, may be called the second class. Corollary 3. If within any parallelogram of periods a function is only of the second order, the parallelogram is ftmdamental. Corollary 4. A similar division of douhly -periodic functions of any order into classes can be effected according to the variety in th^ constitution of the order, the number of classes being the number of partitions of the order. The simplest class of functions of the nth order is that in which the func- tions have only a single irreducible infinity of the nth degree. Evidently the analytical expression of the function within the parallelogram is (z — of (z — af (z — ap "^ where x (^) is holomorphic within the parallelogram. Some of the coefficients G may vanish ; but all may not vanish, for the function would then be finite everywhere in the parallelogram. It will however be seen, from the next succeeding propositions, that the division into classes is of most importance for functions of the second order. IV. Two functions, which are doubly-periodic in the same pei^iods*, and which have the same zeros and the same infinities each in the same degrees respectively, are in a constant ratio. * Such functions will be called homoper iodic. 264 * HOMOPERIODIC [116. Let (f) and ^jr be the functions, having the same periods ; let a of degree v, ^ of degree /x, . . . be all the irreducible zeros of and yp- ; and let a of degree /?, b of degree m,... be all the irreducible infinities of (f> and of ^/r. Then a function G (2), without zeros or infinities within the parallelogram, exists such that ^ {z — ay^ {z — by^. . . and another function H (z), without zeros or infinities within the parallelo- gram, exists such that (z-ay{z-By... ^^^^ ^('^ = (,-ariz-by^...^^'^- Hence ^, /--x = u / \- -yjr {z) H [z) Now the function on the right-hand side has no zeros in the parallelogram, for G has no zeros and H has no infinities ; and it has no infinities in the parallelogram, for G has no infinities and H has no zeros : hence it has neither zeros nor infinities in the parallelogram. Since it is equal to the function on the left-hand side, which is a doubly-periodic function, it has no zeros and no infinities in the whole plane; it is therefore a constant, say A. Thus* (l)(z) = Ayjr(z\ V. Tivo functions of the second order, doubly -periodic in the same periods and having the same infinities, are equivalent to one another. If one of the functions be of the first class in the second order, it has one irreducible double infinity, say at a; so that we have '^W = (^)= + ?<:«■ where ^ {^) i^ finite everywhere within the parallelogram. Then the other function also has ^ = a for its sole irreducible infinity and that infinity is of the second degree ; therefore we have where %i {z) is finite everywhere within the parallelogram. Hence H<^ {z) - Gf {z) = Hx (^) - Gx. {zy Now X and xi are finite everywhere within the parallelogram, and therefore so is Hx - Gxi- But Hx - Gxi, being equal to the doubly-periodic function H(^-G^\r, is therefore doubly-periodic; as it has no infinities within the * This proposition is the modified form of the proposition of § 52, when the generalising exponential factor has been determined so as to admit of the periodicity. 116.] FUNCTIONS 265 parallelogram, it consequently can have none over the plane and therefore it is a constant, say /. Thus H(f> (z) - G^jr (z) = /, proving that the functions (f) and yfr are equivalent. If on the other hand one of the functions be of the second class in the second order, it has two irreducible simple infinities, say at b and c, so that we have where 6 (z) is finite everywhere within the parallelogram. Then the other function also has z = b and z = c for its irreducible infinities, each of them being simple; therefore we have where d^ (z) is finite everywhere within the parallelogram. Hence D(f> (z) - Of (z) = De (z) - ce, (z). The right-hand side, being finite everywhere in the parallelogram, and equal to the left-hand side which is a doubly-periodic function, is finite everywhere in the plane ; it is therefore a constant, say B, so that Dcf> (z) - Cyfr (z) = B, proving that (f) and yjr are equivalent to one another. It thus appears that in considering doubly-periodic functions of the second order, horaoperiodic functions of the same class are equivalent to one another if they have the same infinities ; so that, practically, it is by their infinities that homoperiodic functions of the second order and the same class are discriminated. CoROLLAEY 1. If two equivalent functions of the second order have one zero the same, all their zeros are the same. For in the one class the constant /, and in the other class the constant B, is seen to vanish on substituting for z the common zero ; and then the two functions always vanish together. Corollary 2. If two functions, doubly -periodic in the same periods but not necessarily of the second order, have the same infinities occurring in such a way that the fractional parts of the two functions are the same except as to a constant factor, the functions are equivalent to one another. And if in addition, they have one zero common, then all their zeros are common, so that the functions are then in a constant ratio. 266 ' IRREDUCIBLE ZEROS [116. Corollary 3. If two f mictions of the second order, doubly-periodic in the same periods, have their zeros the same, and one infinity common, they are in a constant ratio. VI. Every doubly-periodic function has as ynany irreducible zeros as it has irreducible infinities. Let ^ {z) be such a function. Then (}>(z + h)- (f) (z) z + h — z is a doubly-periodic function for any value of h, for the numerator is doubly- periodic and the denominator does not involve z ; so that, in the limit when k = 0, the function is doubly-periodic, that is, (j)' (z) is doubly-periodic. Now suppose ^(z) has irreducible zeros of degree m^ at a^, mg at tto, ..., and has irreducible infinities of degree yUj at «!, fj,2 at 0I2,...', so that the number of irreducible zeros is nii + m<>+ ..., and the number of irreducible infinities is /ij -f /^a -H . . . , both of these numbers being finite. It has been shewn that (f>(z) can be expressed in the form • (z-a,)^^(z-a2)"'^... ^ {z - Oj)'^' (z - a^Y^ ... ^ ^' ■ where F(z) has neither a zero nor an infinity within, or on the boundary of, the parallelogram of reference. Since F(z) has a value, which is finite, continuous and different from zero everywhere within the parallelogram or on its boundary, the function „ . is not infinite within the same limits. Hence we have (f){z) ^ ^ ^ z — tti z — a.2 z — Ui z — a2 where g (z) has no infinities within, or on the boundary of, the parallelogram of reference. But, because 4>'(z) and (2:) and therefore the same as the number of irreducible, zeros of (p (z). And every irreducible zero of {z) assumes the value A. Corollary 2. A doubly -periodic function luith only a single zero does not exist; a douhly-periodic function of the second order has two zeros ; and, generally, the order of a function can he measured by its number of irreducible zeros. Note. It may here be remarked that the doubly-periodic functions (§ 115), that have only accidental singularities in the finite part of the plane, have 2^=00 for an essential singularity. It is evident that for infinite values of z, the finite magnitude of the parallelogram of periods is not recognisable ; and thus for z= qc the function can have any value, shewing that z='X} is an essential singularity. VII. Let ttj, ttg, ... he the irreducible zeros of a function of degrees m-i, ma, ... respectively ; Oj, 0.3, ... its irreducible infinities of degrees /u,i, /X2, ... respectively ; and z^, z^, ... the irreducible points tuhere it assumes a value c, luhich is neither zero nor infinity, their degrees being M^, M.2, ... respectively. Then, except possibly as to additive multiples of the periods, the quantities S m,.ar, S /i,.a,. and 2 MrZ,. are equal to one another, so that r=l r=l r=l 2 mrCir = S 3IrZ,. = 2 yu.,.a,. (mod. 2a), 2(o'). r=l r=\ >• = ! Let (f> (z) be the function. Then the quantities which occur are the sums of the zeros, the assigned values, and the infinities, the degree of each being taken accou];it of when there is multiple occurrence ; and by the last proposition tiiese degrees satisfy the relations Sm,. = %Mr = "2 fir. The function (f)(z) — c is doubly-periodic in 2&> and 2&)'; its zeros are z^, z^, ... of degrees il/j, M„, ... respectively; and its infinities are a^, a.^, ... of degrees /^i, fx.^, ..., being the same as those of ^{z). Hence there exists a function G {z), without either a zero or an infinity lying in the parallelogram or on its boundary, such that (f}(z) — c can be expressed in the form (z-z,)^^{z-z,)^^... ^ {z - a^Y^ (z - a^Y^ . . . ^ ^ ^ for all points not outside the parallelogram ; and therefore, for points in that region '(z) ^^ Mr K I'r ^ 0'{Z) (f){z) — C y. = i Z — Zr "^ Z — C^r ^ (z) 268 IRREDUCIBLE ZEROS Hence zcf)' (z) ^ MyZ ^ fjbyZ ^ zG' (z) {z)-c where in is some positive or negative integer and may be zero. Similarly a4>{z)-c where n is some positive or negative integer and may be zero. Thus 27rt {l^MrZr — 2/6t;.a,.) = 2ft) . 2miri — 2ft)' . ^niri, and therefore "EM^Zr — '^P'r^r = 2mo) — 2nco' = 0(mod. 2ft), 2ft)'). Finally, since 'EMrZr = -f^r^r whatever be the value of c, for the right-hand side is independent of c, we may assign to c any value we please. Let the value zero be assigned; then 271/^^,. becomes Intrttr, so that ^nirar = Itii-cxr (mod. 2ft), 2&)'). The combination of these results leads to the required theorem*, expressed by the congruences S m,.a^ = 2 MrZy= S i^rOir (mod. 2&), 2&)'). r=\ r=l r=l Note. Any point within the parallelogram can be represented in the form Zo + a2w -\- 62&)', where a and h are real positive quantities less than unity. Hence tMrZr = J.,2ft) + B,2(o' + z.XMr, where A and B are real positive quantities each less than XM^, that is, less than the order of the function. In particular, for functions of the second order, we have ^1 + ^2 = A^2w + B^2(o' + 2^0, * The foregoing proof is suggested by Konigsberger, Theorie der elliptischen Functionen, t. i, p. 342 ; other proofs are given by Briot and Bouquet and by Ijiouville, to whom the adopted form of the theorem is due. The theorem is substantially contained in one of Abel's general theorems in the comparison of transcendents. 270 DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS [116. where A, and B, are positive quantities each less than 2. Similarly, if a and b be the zeros, a + h = Aa2o) + Ba2a}' + 2z„, where Aa and Ba are each less than 2; hence, if Zi + Z2 — a — h = m2co + m'2Q)', then m may have any one of the three values — 1, 0, 1, and so may m', the simultaneous values not being necessarily the same. Let. a and /3 be the infinities of a function of the second class ; then a + ^ - a — h = n2o) + n'2oi', where n and n may each have any one of the three values — 1, 0, 1. By changing the origin of the fundamental parallelogram, so as to obtain a different set of irreducible points, we can secure that n and n are zero, and then a + /3 = a + 6. Thus, if n be 1 with an initial parallelogram, so that a + ^ = a-\-h + 2&), we should take either /3 — 2ft) = /3', or a—^w — a', according to the position of a and /3, and then have a new parallelogram such that ot + jS' = a + &, or a' + /3 = a + 6. The case of exception is when the function is of the first class and has a repeated zero. VIII. Let 4>{z) he a doubly -periodic function of the second order. If j be the one double infinity ivhen the function is of the first class, and if ol and /3 he tl'.e two simple infinities when the function is of the second class, then in the former case cf>{z) = cl>{2y-z), and in the latter case (f> (z) = (f) (a + ^ — z). Since the function is of the second order, so that it has two irreducible infinities, there are two (and only two) irreducible points in a fundamental parallelogram at which the function can assume any the same value : let them be z and z'. Then, for the first class of functions, we have z + z''= 27 = 2y + 2m&) + 2n(o', where m and n are integers ; and then, since (^{z) = ^ {z') by definition of z and /, we have (f)(z) = (f) (2y — z + 2niu) + 2?i&)') = (^{2r^-Z). 116.] OF THE SECOND ORDER 271 For the second class of functions, we have z + z' = ci + 13 = a + /3 + 2mQ} + 27i(o'; so that, as before, (f)(z) = (f>{a + /3 -z + 2m(i} + 2nco') = (a + ^-z). 111. Among the functions which have the same periodicity as a given function (f){z), the one which is most closely related to it is its derivative ' {z). We proceed to find the zeros and the infinities of the derivative of a function, in j^articular, of a function of the second order. Since

{z), no account being taken of their degree. If, then, a function be of order m, the order of its derivative is not less than m + 1 and is not greater than 2m. . Functions of the second order either possess one double infinity, so that within the parallelogram they take the form <^ ^^) = {z - 7f ^ ^ ^^^' — 2A and then <^' {£) = jj^Ty + X (^l that is, the infinity of (f){z) is the single infinity of (f)' (z) and it is of the third degree, so that ^' (z) is of the third order ; or they possess two simple infinities, so that within the parallelogram they take the form cf>{z) = C[~ -^) + %(^), ^ ^ \z - ai z - OiJ and then <^' {z) = -C \^^^ - ^-^j + x (z), that is, each of the simple infinities of 4> {■^) is an infinity for (p' (z) of the second degree, so that cf)' (z) is of the fourth order. It is of importance (as will be seen presently) to know the zeros of the derivative of a function of the second order. FQr a function of the first class, let y be the irreducible infinity of the second degree; then we have {z) = cj,(2j-z), and therefore '{^) = ~ ^ (^7 '" ^)- 272 DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS [117. Now (/>' (z) is of the third order, having 7 for its irreducible infinity in the third degree : hence it has three irreducible zeros. In the foregoing equation, take z = ^: then ^ (7) = -i>' (7), shewing that 7 is either a zero or an infinity. It is known to be the only infinity of <^' {z). Next, take ^r = 7 + &) ; then ^' (7 + a>) = — and Iw and having 7 for its double {and only) irreducible infinity, are J + 0), {a-\-^-z), and therefore 4> {z) = - (f)' {a+ ^ - z). Now ^' {z) is of the fourth order, having a and y8 as its irreducible infinities each in the second degree; hence it must have four irreducible zeros. In the foregoing equation, take ^ = ^ (a 4- ^); then shewing that ^ (a + /3) is either a zero or an infinity. It is known not to be an infinity; hence it is a zero. Next, take ^ = ^ (q + yS) + &) ; then '{i(a + ^)+ft)}, shewing that h (a + /8) + &) is either a zero or an infinity. As before, it is a zero. 117.] OF THE SECOND ORDER 273 Similarly ^ (a + /3; 4- ft)' and ^(a + ^) + (o + w are zeros. Four zeros are thus obtained., distinct from one another ; and only four zeros are required. Hence : — X. The four zeros of the derivative of a function, douhly -periodic in 2a) and 2a>' and having a and ^ for its simple (and only) irreducible infinities, are ^ (a + /3), ^ (a + /3) + w, -^a + yS) + «', ^ (a + /3) + « + w. The verification in each of these two cases of Prop, VII., that the sum of the zeros of the doubly-periodic function ^' {z) is congruent with the sum of its infinities, is immediate. Lastly, it may be noted that, if z^ and z^ he the tivo irreducil^e points for which a doubly -periodic function of the second order assumes a given value, then the values of its derivative for Zi and for z., are equal and opposite. For (f> (z) = (f) (a + j3 - z) = (f) (z, + z. - z), since z-l + Z2 = a + ^; and therefore (f)' (z) = - of the first class Avith 7 as its irreducible double infinity. Consider a function z— rr . ; , .; , . ^{z + h) - {h ) A zero of ^{z + h) is neither a zero nor an infinity of this function ; nor is an infinity oi ^{z-^h) a zero or an infinity of the function. It will have a and b for its irreducible zeros, if a -\rh = h', b-\-h + h'=2y; and these will be the only zeros, for O is of the second order. It will have a and /3 for its irreducible infinities, if a + h = h", ^ + h + h" = 2y; F. P. 18 274 RELATIONS BETWEEN [118. and these will be the only infinities, for <[> is of the second order. These equations are satisfied by /?/ = ^ {2y - b + a), h = -h {2ry-a-j3) = ^ (27 - a-b). Hence the assigned function, with these values of h, has the same zeros and the same infinities as {z)', and it is doubly-periodic in the same periods. The ratio of the two functions is therefore a constant, by Prop. IV., so that If the expression be required in terms of (z) alone and constants, then {z ^-h) must be expressed in terms of (z) and constants which are values of $ (z) for special values of z. This will be effected later. The preceding proposition is a special case of a more general theorem which will be considered later; the following is another special case of that theorem : viz. : — XII. A doubly -pei'iodic function with any number of simple infinities can be expressed either as a sum or as a product, of functions of the second order and tJte second class which are doubly -periodic in the same periods. Let tti, flo, ..., a,i be the irreducible infinities of the function , and suppose that the fractional part of ^ (^) is ^' +-^+ + -^, z — OL-^ z — a^ with the condition A^+ A2+ +An = 0. Let ^^ (z) be a function, doubly- periodic in the same periods, with a^, aj as its only irreducible infinities, supposed simple; where i has the values l,...,n — l, and j = i+l. Then the fractional parts of the functions <^i2 (z), (^os (^), • • ■ are G (J^ LV ^\Z — Ui Z — ttoj ' \z-02 z- a J respectively; and therefore the fractional part of A, ^ , ^ A, + A, ^ , . . A^ + A ^+.-.-hAn -i^ . , qT (f>i2 KZ) + —^ Cf>,3 {z)+ ... + g—^ 4>n~h n (^) IS 118.] DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 275 ** . . since ^Ai = 0. This is the same as the fractional part of (z); and therefore i = l ^ (Z) - -^ (/)i2 (^) ^-- os (Z)-... ^- (l>n-i,n (2) has no fractional part. It thus has no infinity within the parallelogram ; it is a doubly-periodic function and therefore has no infinity anywhere in the plane ; and it is therefore merely a constant, say B. Hence, changing the constants, we have 4) (z) - B^ <^i2 {z) - B^(^^ {z)'- ...- Bn-^ (i>n-i,n (^) = A giving an expression for

C^i— 2 ^n—i I n n this being possible because 2ar = 2a,.; and we denote by <^(^; a, ^; e,/) a function of z, which is doubly-periodic in the periods of the given function, has o and /3 for simple irreducible infinities, and has e and / for simple irreducible zeros. Then the function 4>{z; «!, a^; aj, c^)^{z; a.^, Ci ; a^, 0.3) ... cj)(z; «„, c^-a; a^-i, ««) has neither a zero nor an infinity at Ci, at c^, ..., and at Cn-2', it has simple infinities at a^, cto,..., a,i, and simple zeros at a^, a^, ...,a„_i, a^- Hence it has the same irreducible infinities and the same irreducible zeros in the same degree as the given function ^ {z); and therefore, by Prop. IV., ^{z) is a mere constant multiple of the foregoing product. The theorem is thus completely proved. Other developments for functions, the infinities of which are not simple, are possible ; but they are relatively unimportant in view of a theorem. Prop. XV., about to be proved, which expresses any periodic function in terms of a single function of the second order and its derivative. 18—2 276 RELATIONS BETWEEN [118. XIII. If two doubly -periodic functions have the same periods, tliey are connected by an algebraic equation. Let u be one of the functions, having n irreducible infinities, and v be the other, having m irreducible infinities. By Prop. VI., Corollary 1, there are n irreducible values of z for a value of u ; and to each irreducible value of z there is a doubly-infinite series of values of z over the plane. The function v has the same value for all the points in any one series, so that a single value of v can be associated uniquely with each of the irreducible values of z, that is, there are n values of v for each value of u. Hence (§ 99) v is a root of an algebraic equation of the nt\\ degree, the coefficients of which are functions of u. Similarly u is a root of an algebraic equation of the mth degree, the coefficients of which are functions of v. Hence, combining these results, we have an algebraic equation between u and V of the /ith degree in v and the mth in u, where m and n are the respective orders of v and u. Corollary 1. If both the functions be even functions of z, then n and m are even integers ; and the algebraic relation between u and v is of degree \n in V and of degree |-m in u. Corollary 2. If a function u be doubly-periodic in co and co', and a function v be doubly -periodic in O and D,', where n = mco + no)', £1' = m'co + ii'co', m, n, III', n being integers, then there is an algebraic relation between ii and v. 119. It has been proved that, if a doubly-periodic function ii be of order m, then its derivative du/dz is doubly-periodic in the same periods and is of an order n, which is not less than m + 1 and not greater than 2m. Hence, by Prop. XIII., there subsists between u and u an algebraic equation of order m in u and of order n in tt ; let it be arranged in powers of u, so that it takes the form Uou'"" + U, u''''-^ + . . . + U^-2u'^ + U^^^u' + Uy,, = 0, where Uq, Uj, ..., U^n are rational integral functions of u one at least of which must be of degree n. Because the only distinct infinities of u are infinities of u, it is iriipossible that u should become infinite for finite values of u : hence Uo=0 can have no finite roots for u, that is, it is a constant and so it may be taken as unity. And because the m values of z, for which u assumes a given value, have their sum constant save as to integral multiples of the periods, we have Sz-i + Bz2-\- ... + &z,n = corresponding to a variation Bu ; or dZ:i dz2 , , dZm _ Q du du '" du 119.] DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 277 dtt Now ^y- is one of the values of u' corresponding to the value of u, and so for the others ; hence m "I that is, by the foregoing equation, and therefore f/m_i vanishes. Hence : — XIV. There is a relation, between a uniform doubly-periodic function ti of order m and its derivative, of the form tuhere Ui, ..., Um-2, U.,„, are rational integral functions of u, at least one of which must be of degree n, the order of the derivative, and n is not less than m + 1 and not greater than 2m. Further, by taking v = - , which is a function of order ni because it has the m irreducible zeros of u for its infinities, and substituting, we have The coefficients of this equation must be integral functions of v ; hence the degree of Ur in u cannot be greater than 2r*.- Corollary. The foregoing equation becomes very simple in the case of doubly-periodic functions of the second order. Then m = 2. If the function have one infinity of the second degree, its derivative has that infinity in the third degree, and is of the third order, so that w = 3 ; and the equation is = Xu" 4- 6fj,u- + 6vu -\- p, ^dz , where \, fx, v, p are constants. If 6 be the infinity, so that A where x {^) is everywhere finite in the parallelogram, then - = ^A ; and the fill zeros of -r- are + co, 6 + o)' , 6 + co + co' : so that dz This is the general differential equation of Weierstrass's elliptic functions. * For a converse proposition, see the Note on differential equations of the first order having uniform integrals, at the end of this chapter. 278 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS SATISFIED BY [119. 'If the function have two simple infinities a and /3, its derivative has each of them as an infinity of the second degree, and is of the fourth order, so that ?i = 4 ; and the equation is ( ^- I = CqW^ + 4CsU + c^, \dzj where Co, Ci, c.,, c^, c^ are constants. Moreover 1 1 .= *(.) = g(_-^_) + ^(.). where x {^) is finite everywhere in the parallelogram. Then Co= G - ; and the zeros of j- are ^(a+/S), ^ (a +/3) + o), ^{a +/3) + w, | (a +yS) + w + a, so that the equation is ^'{^J=\-^(')-^{'2{^+/3)]m{^)-{H^+/3) + co]] X [<^ (z) - (^ |i (a +/8) + ft)'}] [0 (z)-cf>{^ia+/3) + co + (o']]. This is the general differential equation of Jacohi's elliptic functions. The canonical forms of both of these equations will be obtained in "Chapter XI,, where some properties of the functions are investigated as special illustrations of the general theorems. Note. All the derivatives of a doubly-periodic function are doubly- periodic in the same periods, and have the same infinities as the function but in different degrees. In the case of a function of the second order, which must satisfy one or other of the two foregoing equations, it is easy to see that a derivative of even rank is a rational integral function of u, and that a derivative of odd rank is the product of a rational integral function of u by the first derivative of u. It may be remarked that the form of these equations confirms the result at the end of § 117, by giving two values of u' for one value of u, the two values being equal and opposite. Ex. 1. If z6 be a doubly-periodic function having a single irreducible infinity of the third degree so as to be expressible in the form — 5 + ^ + integral function of s within the parallelogram of periods, then the differential equation of the first order which determines u is 2<'3 + (a-l-3(9«)?f'^=t^4, where ^7^ is a quartic function of u and where a is a constant which does not vanish with 6. (Math. Trip., Part II., 1889.) Ex. 2. A doubly-periodic function u has three irreducible poles a^, 02, ag, such that in the immediate vicinity of each n = — ^ -H v^ {z - aj + powers of 2 - a,, 2 — a* 119.] DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 279 ' for s=l, 2, 3. Prove that where \Ai A2 A3/ A1A2 + A2A3 + A3A1 and V is a sextic polynomial in u of which the highest terms are (Math. Trip., Part II., 1895.) XV. Every doubly -periodic function can he expressed rationally in ter7ns of a /miction of the second order, doubly -periodic in the same periods, and its derivative. Let II be a function of the second order and the second class, having the same two periods as v, a function of the ??ith order; then, by Prop. XIII., there is an algebraic relation between u and v which, being of the second degree in v and the ???-th degree in u, may be taken in the form Lv' - 2Mv + P = 0, where the quantities L, M, P are rational integral functions of u and at least one of them is of degree m. Taking Lv- M = w, we have w^ = M^ — LP, a rational integral function of u of degree not higher than 2m. Thus lu cannot be infinite for any finite value of u : an infinite value of u makes w infinite, of finite multiplicity. To each value of u there correspond two values of to equal to one another but opposite in sign. Moreover w, being equal to Lv — M, is a uniform function of z, say F{z), while it is a two-valued function of u. A value of u gives two distinct values of z, say z-^ and z., ; hence the values of lu, which arise from an assigned value of u, are values of w arising as uniform functions of the two distinct values of z. Hence as the two values of w are equal in magnitude and opposite in sign, we have F{z,) + F{z,) = 0, tljat is, since z-^ + z^^ol-^- ^ where a and ^ are the irreducible infinities of u, F{z,) + F{ci + ^-z,) = 0, so that ^(a 4-/3), ^(a + /?) + «, H« +/S) + «'. and i(a -I- ^) -|- &> + a are either zeros or infinities of iv. They are known not to be infinities of m, and w is infinite only for infinite values of u ; hence the four points are zeros of w. But these are all the irreducible zeros of u' ; hence the zeros of u' are included among the zeros of w. 280 EELATIONS BETWEEN [119- Now consider the function tuju'. The numerator has two values equal and opposite for an assigned value of u ; so also has the denominator. Hence wju' is a uniform function of u. This uniform function of u may become infinite for (i) infinities of the numerator, (ii) zeros of the denominator. But, so far as concerns (ii), we know that the four irreducible zeros of the denominator are all simple zeros of it and each of them is a zero of w ; hence wju does not become infinite for any of the points in (ii). And, so far as concerns (i), we know that all of them are infinities of u. Hence wju, a uniform function of u, can become infinite only for an infinite value of u, and its multiplicity for such a value is finite ; hence it is a rational integral function of u, say N, so that w = Nu' . Moreover, because w- is of degree in u not higher than '2m, and ?./"- is of the fourth degree in u, it follows that N is of degree not higher than m — 2. We thus have ■' Lv - M = Nu', M + Nu' M N , where L, M, N are rational integral functions of u ; the degrees of L and M are not higher than m, and that of N is not higher than m — 2. Note 1. The function u, which has been considered in the preceding proof, is of the second order and the second class. If a function u of the second order and the first class, having a double irreducible infinity, be chosen, the course of proof is similar; the function iv has the three irreducible zeros of u' among its zeros and the result, as before, is w = Nil. But, now, vf is of degree in u not higher than 2m and u'- is of the third degree in u ; hence N is of degree not higher than m - 2, and the degree of vf' in u cannot be higher than 2m — 1. Hence, if L, M, P be all of degree m, the terms of degi-ee 2m in LP - M- disappear. If all of them be not of degree in, the degree of M must not be higher than m-1 ; the degree of either X or P must be m, but the degree of the other must not be greater than m — 1, for otherwise the algebraic equation between u and v would not be of degree m in u. We thus have Xv- - 2Mv + P = Q, Lv-M = Nu, 119.] DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 281 where the degree of N in u is not higher than m — 2. If the degree of L be less than m, the degree of M is not higher than m — 1 and the degree of P is m. If the degree of L be m, the degree of M may also be m provided that the degree of P be m and that the highest terms be such that the coefficient of iv^ in LP — ]\P vanishes. Note 2. The theorem expresses a function v rationally in terms of u and w' : but w' is an irrational function of u, so that v is not expressed rationally in terms of u alone. But, in Propositions XI. and XII., it was indicated that a function such as V could be rationally expressed in terms of a doubly-periodic function, such as u. The apparent contradiction is explained by the fact that, in the earlier propositions, the arguments of the function u in the rational expression and of the function v are not the same ; whereas, in the later proposition whereby V is expressed in general irrationally in terms of u, the arguments are the same. The transition from the first (which is the less useful form) to the second is made by expressing the functions of those different arguments in terms of functions of the same argument when (as will appear subsequently, in I 121, in proving the so-called addition-theorem) the irrational function of u, represented by the derivative u', is introduced. Note 3. The theorem of this section, usually called Liouville's theorem, is valid only when there .are no essential singularities in the finite part of the plane. The limitation arises in that part of the proof, where the irreducible zeros and the irreducible poles are considered : it is there assumed that their number is finite, which cannot be the case when essential singularities exist in the finite part of the plane and when therefore there are irreducible essential singularities. Hence Liouville's theorem is true only for those uniform doubly-periodic functions which have their essential singularities at infinity. In illustration of this remark, it may be noted that e^^'^\ though a uniform doubly -periodic function of u, is not expressible rationally in terms of sn u and sn' u. Ex. If /(%) be a doubly-periodic function of the third order with poles at Cj, Cg, c^; and if (p {^l) be a doubly-periodic function of the second order, with the same periods, and with poles at a, ^, its value in the neighbourhood of u=a being (j) {u) = -—- + \i{u-a) + X2(u-a)- + ...; prove iX2 { /" (a) -/" m -X {/' (a) - /' m i {c^) + {f{a)-fm {SXXi-t-l (^ (c,) (c3)} = 0. 1 1 Corollary 1. Let fl denote the sum of the irreducible infinities or of the irreducible zeros of the function u of the second order, so that il = 2y for functions of the first class, and n = a + /3 for functions of the second class. 282 RELATIONS BETWEEN [119. Let u be represented by ^ (z) and v hj yjr (z), when the argument must be put in evidence. Then so that x|r (a - ^) = ^ =Y-Y^ (^)- M Hence f (z) + ^|r (n - z) = 2 j- = 2R, N yjr (z) - yjr (n - z) = 2 Y (f>' (z) = 2Scb' (z). First, if ■xjr (z) = -xlr (£1 - z), then S=0 and ■^{z) = R: that is, a function \|r (2'), which satisfies the equation ylr{z)^ir{D.-z), can be expressed as a rational meromorphic function of (f) (z) of the second order, doubly -periodic in the same periods and having the sum of its irreducible infinities congruent with O. Second, if f{z)^-f(n-z), then R = and yjr{z) = Scb' (z); that is, a function yjr (z), which satisfies the equation ^|r (z) = - f {^ - z), can be expressed as a rational meromorphic function of (j> (z), multiplied by (f>'(z), luhere <^{z) is doubly -per iodic in the same periods, is of the second order, and has the sum of its irreducible infinities congruent with il. Third, ii -^{z) have no infinities except those of u, it cannot become infinite for finite values of u ; hence Z = has no roots, that is, Z is a constant which may be taken to be unity. Then •x/r {z) a function of order m can be expressed in the form M + N<^'{z), ' where, if the function {z) be of the second class, the degree of M is not higher than m ; but, if it be of the first class, the degree of M is not higher than m — 1 ; and in each case the degree of N is not higher than m — 2. It will be found in practice, with functions of the first class, that these upper limits for degrees can be considerably reduced by counting the degrees of the infinities in M + N4>' {z). Thus, if the degree of ilf in w be /x and of N be X, the highest degree of an infinity is either 2/Lt or 2X + 3 ; so that, if the order of y\r {z) be m, we should have m= 2fji, or m = 2\ +• 3, according as m is even or odd. 119.] HOMOPERIODIC FUNCTIONS 283 When functions of the second class are used to represent a function yjr (z), which has two infinities a and /8 each of degree n, then it is easy to see that M is of degi'ee n and iV" of degree n — 2; and so for other cases. Corollary 2. Any doubly-periodic function can he expressed rationally in terms of any other function a of any order n, doubly -periodic in the same periods, and of its derivative; and this rational expression can always he taken in the form Uo + U^ U + U^U'^ + . . . + Vn-i U"'~\ where Uq, ..., Un-i are rational meromorphic functions of u. Corollary 3. If <^ he a doubly -periodic function, then (f)(u-\-v) can he expressed in the form A 4- B^lr' {a) + C^^' jv) + i)^/r' {u) -f' {v) E ' luhere yjr is a doubly -periodic function in the same periods and of the second order: each of the functions A,D, E is a symmetric function of-^^ (u) and yjr {v), and B is the same function of yjr (v) and ■xjr (u) as C is of -v|r (m) and -yj/ (v). The degrees of A and E are not greater than m in -v/^(w.) and than m in -^(v), where m is the order of ^; the degree of D is not greater than m — 2 in ■^{u) and than m— 2 in '\lr{v); the degree of B is not greater than m — 2 in yjr (u) and than m in yjr (v), and the degree of G is not greater than m — 2 in yjr (v) and than m in \jr (u). Note on Differential Equations of the First Order HAVING Uniform Integrals. The relation given in Proposition XIV., § 119, immediately suggests a converse qufestion as follows: — Under what conditions does an equation possess integrals expressing w as a uniform function of s ? Further, we should expect, after the proposition which has just been mentioned, that under fitting conditions the uniform function could be doubly-periodic ; and we have already seen (in § 104) that the integral of the equation is a uniform doubly-periodic function of z. But it might 'happen (and it does happen) that other classes of uniform functions are integrals of differential equations of the same form. The full investigation belongs to the theory of differential equations ; an account is given in Chapter X., Part II. (vol. ii.) of my Theory of Differential Equations. The following statement of results, which are established there, may be useful for reference. The differential equation is to be regarded as irreducible. We shall need the equation satisfied by Iju; so we shall take v = l/u and denote its derivative by v'. 284 NOTE ON DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF [119. I. In order that the equation F (u', u) = m'™ -f m''» - 1 /i (m) + . . . +/,„ (u) = may have a uniform function for its integral, the coefficients fi{u), ..., fmiti) must be polynomials in u of degrees not higher than 2, ..., 2-rti respectively; and the condition is then satisfied for the equation G {v', V) = V'"} - 2/» - 1 /i (^) + ...+■(- 1 )™ /,„ {v) = 0. II. If any finite value of ti is a branch-point of u' determined as a function of u by the equation F {%', ?<) = 0, all the affected values of u' must be zero for that value of u ; and likewise for the value i' = in connection with the equation O {v', v) — 0. (The latter condition covers an infinite value of m as a branch-point of u'.) III. If there is a multiple root n' of F{u', u) — 0, which is zero for n branches for the branch-place u, then the term of lowest degree in the expansion of each of those n branches in the vicinity of that branch-place u is of degree either 1 — , 1, or 1 -I- - ; and likewise for the value v = for the equation G iv'. v) = 0. The number 1 — , 1, or 1-f--, is called the index-degree. IV. The genus of the equation F {u', m) = 0, regarded as an equation in «', is either zero or unity — as is therefore also the genus of the associated Eiemann surface (see Chapter XV., post). V. When the index-degree of m', for any finite value or for an infinite value of u as a branch value for u', is less than unity, being then necessarily of the form 1 — for each branch value, though n need not be the same for all the different branch-places, w is a uniform doubly -periodic function of z. VI. If for some one value of u there is a single set of multiple zero roots v! of index- degree equal to unity, and if for other values of u (finite or infinite) all the multiple zero roots xi! ^re of index-degree less than unity and therefore necessarily of the form 1 — , then u is a uniform singly -periodic function of z. VII. If for some one value of u there is a single set of multiple zero roots v! of index- degree greater than unity and therefore necessarily of the form 1 -t-- , and for other values of u (finite or infinite) all the multiple zero roots %i! are of index-degree less than unity and therefore necessarily of the form 1 — , then u is a rational function of z. VIII. When these conditions are applied to the binomial equation (S)'-/^)- where f{u) is a polynomial in u of degree not greater than 2s, so as to obtain integrals u which are uniform functions of z, the results are as follows : — (A) Equations, having uniform integrals which are rational functions of z. du dz where /i is a constant in each case ; Y = ^ (j, _«,).-! (W- 6)3-1, 119.] THE FIRST ORDER HAVING UNIFORM INTEGRALS 285 (B) Equations, having uniform integrals which are simply-periodic functions of z, du , . dz '^ " az \£) = /^ (^* - «)^ (^* -b){u- c), where /x is a constant in each case ; (C) Equations, having uniform integrals which are doubly-periodic functions of z, -£) =fi{i(.-af(u-bf, {^^^" = ^^n-af{u-b)\ (^^J = f,(^u-anu-b)Hu-cy\ {^^'=y.{u-af{u-bf{u-cf, /dv\^ \dz) "= /^ ^^* ~ ^)^ '^'^ ~ ^)^ "^^ ~ '^)^' ^j =fx.{u-a){u-b){u-c), [-rj =fM{u — a){u-b){u-c){u-d). CHAPTER XL Doubly-Periodic Functions of the Second Order. The present chapter will be devoted, in illustration of the preceding theorems, to the establishment of some of the fundamental formulae relating to doubly-periodic functions of the second order which, as has already (in § 119, Cor. to Prop. XIV.) been indicated, are substantially elliptic functions : but for any development of their properties, recourse must be had to treatises on elliptic functions. It may be remarked that, in dealing with doubly-periodic functions, we may restrict ourselves to a discussion of even functions and of odd functions. For, if (fi (z) be any function, then ^ {(j)(z) + ^(— z)] is an even function, and ^ {(f) (z) — (f) {— z)] is an odd function, both of them being doubly-periodic in the periods of (j)(z); and the new functions would, in general, be of order double that of (z). We shall practically limit the discussion to even functions and odd functions of the second order. 120. Consider a function (f)(z), doubly-periodic in 2fo and 2w'; and let it be an odd function of the second class, with a and ^ as its irreducible infinities, and a and b as its irreducible zeros*. Then we have cf) (z) = cf) (ol + ^ — z), which always holds ; and (f)(— z) = - ^ (z), which holds because (f> (z) is an odd function. Hence , or = ft)', or = ft) + &)' ; the first two alternatives merely interchange a> and &>', so that we have either a + /3 = &>, or a -I- ^ = ft) + ft)'. And we know that, in general, a + 6 = a + /9. First, for the zeros : we have c/,(0) = -(/)(-0) = -c^(0), so that (0) is either zero or infinite. The choice is at our disposal ; for satisfies all the equations which have been satisfied by {z) and an infinity of either is a zero of the other. We therefore take <^(0) = 0, so that we have a = 0, b = (o or (0 + ft)'. Next, for the infinities : we have cf>(z) = -{-2) and therefore ( — a) = — (a) = oo , The only infinities of (p are a and /3, so that either — a = a, or -a = /3. The latter cannot hold, because it would give a + /3 = whereas a -I- /9 = &) or = ft) + ft)' ; hence •2oi= 0, which must be associated with u + /3 = o) or with a + = cl>+ co'. Hence a, being a point inside the fundamental parallelogram, is either 0, ft), ft) , or ft) + ft)'. ♦ It cannot be in any case, for that is a zero. If a + 13= CO, then a cannot be co, because that value would give yS = 0, which is a zero, not an infinity. Hence either « = &)', and then /3 = &)' -I- ft); or a = ft)' + ft), and then /3 = co'. These are effectively one solution ; so that, if a + /S = ft), we have a, iS = ft)' , ft)' 4- ft) 1 and ' a, b = 0, CO j If a + /3 = ft) + ft)', then a cannot be co +&>', because that value would give /8 = 0, which is a zero, not an infinity. Hence either a=co and then .d = ft)', or a = ft)' and then ^ = co. These again are effectively one solution ; so that, if a + /3 = ft) + ft)', we have (X, j3 =■ (o, co' ] and a, 6 = 0, ft) + ft)' J 288 DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS [120. This combination can, by a change of fundamental parallelogram, be made the same as the former ; for, taking as new periods 2&)' = 2&)', 211 = 2w + 2ft)', which give a new fundamental parallelogram, we have a + ^ = fl, and w, /3 = ft)', 11 — ft)', that is, ft)', n - ft)' + 2ft)', so that a, |8 = ft)', fl + ft)' ] and a, b = 0, Q J ' being the same as the former with H instead of ft). Hence it is sufficient to retain the first solution alone : and therefore a = ft)', /S = ft)' + ft), a = 0, b = CO. Hence, by | 116, I., we have {Z — CO){Z — (0 — CO) where F {z) is finite everywhere within the parallelogram. Again, (f>(z + co') has z = and z = co SiS its irreducible infinities, and it has ^ = ft)' and z = co + o)' as its irreducible zeros, within the parallelogram of (z) ; hence / / '\ (^ — ^') (Z— (O— ft)') „ , . where F^^ {z) is finite everywhere within the parallelogram. Thus ^{z)c^{z + co')=^F{z)F,{z), a function which is finite everywhere within the parallelogram ; since it is doubly-periodic, it is finite everywhere in the plane and it is therefore a constant and equal to the value at any point. Taking — ^co' as the point (which is neither a zero nor an infinity) and remembering that is an odd function, we have k being a constant used to represent the value of — [' {z) were obtained in § 117, X. In the present example, those points are ft)' + -|&), co' + ^co, ^co, fo); so that, as there, we have K[c\^{z)Y-\<^{z)-^{\co)][{z)-c^{%co)]{{z)-^{co' + \c^^^^^ where ^ is a constant. But {^Q} + a)'); so that {(/)' (z)}- = A 1 [(^)r where J. is a new constant, evidently equal to {^' (0)]"^. Now, as we know the periods, the irreducible zeros and the irreducible infinities of the function (f) (z), it is completely determinate save as to a constant factor. To determine this factor we need only know the value of <^ (z) for any particular finite value of z. Let the factor be determined by the condition then, since ^(^o))^(|^ft> + &)') = y K by a preceding equation, we have and then .[ (z)]^] [1 - k^ {(^ (z)Y] = f^^[l-{cf>{z)Y][l-k^{cf^(z)Y]. . Hence, since ^ (z) is an odd function, we have (f) (z) = sn (fjiz). Evidently 2/x(o, 2/ji(o' = 4tK, 2iK', where K and K' have the ordinary signifi- cations. The simplest case arises when /i = 1. 121. Before proceeding to the deduction of the properties of even functions of z which are doubly-periodic, it is desirable to obtain the addition-theorem for (f), that is, the expression of (z) not higher than 2 and iVis independent of z. Moreover y + z= a and y + z = /3 are the irreducible simple infinities of (f>{y + z); so that L, as a function of z, may be expressed in the form {cf,(z)-cf>{a-y)]{cf>(z)-cf>(^-y)], and therefore P+Qcf>{z) + R {'(z) f'^y + '^- jc/, (,) - c^ (« _ y)]{f(-z) -<^{^-y)Y F. F. 19 290 DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS [121. where P, Q, R, S are independent of 2 but they may be functions of y. Now and <^(/3-2/)=^K+^-2/)=^^7^7^ = X:^^); so that the denominator of the expression for (f){y+z) is Since (f> (z) is an odd function, ^' (z) is even ; hence P-Qcf,(z) + R{cf>{z)Y + S{y-^) = 1 ' 2Qcf>(z) and therefore 4> (y + z) - cf>{y - z) = - Differentiating with regard to z and then making 2- = 0, we have 2<^ (2/) = T > so that, substituting for Q we have Interchanging y and 2^ and noting that cp (y — z) = - (2/ - ^) = ^^ ^0) r^A- 10 (2/)p{cf> {z)Y ' and therefore (2/ + ^) «/> (0) - i _ kn4> {y)Y {cf> {z)f~ ' which is the addition-theorem required. Ex. If f{u) be a doubly -periodiu function of the second order with infinities 61, b.^, and (}) (u) a doubly- periodic function of the second order with infinities Oj, a.^ such that, in the vicinity of a^ (for {=1, 2), we have (f,(^u) = i:L^+p^ + qi{u-ai) + -1- Z'i (w - a^)" + , u — ai then ^i^^±^=-^{(^(^) + c^(62)-^i-p2}, the periods being the same for both functions. Verify the theorem when the functions are sn « and sn(M+i;). Prove also that ki = {-l)^k2. (Math. Trip., Part II., 1891.) 122.] OF THE SECOND CLASS 291 122. The preceding discussion of uneven doubly-periodic functions having two simple irreducible infinities is a sufficient illustration of the method of procedure. That, which now follows, relates to doubly-periodic functions with one irreducible infinity of the second degree ; and it will be used to deduce some of the leading properties of Weierstrass's o-- function (of § 57) and of functions which arise from it. The definition of the o--function is where 12 — 2nia) + 2m' co', the ratio of w' : « not being purely real ; and the infinite product is extended over all terms that are given by assigning to m and to m' all positive and negative integral values from -|- oo to — oo , excepting only simultaneous zero values. It has been proved (and it is easy to verify quite independently) that, when a (z) is regarded as the product of the primary factors the doubly-infinite product converges uniformly and unconditionally for all values of z in the finite part of the plane ; therefore the function which it represents can, in the vicinity of any point c in the plane, be expanded in a converging series of positive powers of ^ — c, but the series will only express the function in the domain of c. The series, however, can be continued over the whole plane. It is at once evident that cr (z) is not a doubly-periodic function, for it has no infinity in any finite part of the plane. It is also evident that cr (z) is an odd function. For a change of sign in z in a primary factor only interchanges that factor with the one which has equal and opposite values of m and of m', so that the product of the two factors is unaltered. Hence the product of all the primary factors, being independent of the nature of the infinite limits, is an even function ; when z is associated as a factor, the function becomes uneven and it is or {z). The first derivative, a' (z), is therefore an even function ; and it is not infinite for any point in the finite part of the plane. It will appear that, though a (z) is not periodic, it is connected with functions that have 2(o and 2g)' for periods ; and therefore the plane will be divided up into parallelograms. When the whole plane is divided up, as in § 105, into parallelograms, the adjacent sides of which are vectorial repre- sentations of 2&) and 2co', the function a (z) has one, and only one, zero in each parallelogram ; each such zero is simple, and their aggregate is given by ^ = ft. The parallelogram of reference can be chosen so that a zero of 19—2 292 DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS [122. o- (z) does not lie upon its boundary ; and, except where explicit account is taken of the alternative, we shall assume that the argument of co' is greater than the argument of co, so that the real part* of co'jio) is positive. Before proceeding further, it is convenient to establish some proi^ositions relating to series which will be used almost immediately. We have seen that the series Sfi"^,,^,, where Q„,, ^' denotes 2mco + 2,m' a for all positive and negative integers m and m' ranging independently from — oo to + co (only the simultaneous zero values being excepted), converges absolutely. Now consider the series 1 V"»i, in' '') for the same range of summation; and assume that z can have any value except a quantity Q„j, „', when there is obviously an infinite term of order three. From the series, we temporarily exclude all the terms for which as I 2 I is finite, these terms are finite in number and their sum does not affect the convergence of the series. For all the remaining terms, we have |0|<1|Q|. Now |12-2|>|G|-|5|, i O-zl , Izl so that I I > I - j-— -| consequently the series -{St-zf converges absolutely for all finite values of z except the isolated values given by z = Q; and, by Weierstrass's J/-test+, the same inequality shews that the series converges uniformly. It is a known property (p. 22) of uniformly converging series that they can be integrated term by term within a finite range and the resulting series will also converge uniformly. Now dz (0-2)3 2 t(Q- choosing the path of integration merely to avoid a possible infinity of the subject of integration — a choice that does not affect the result in this case. Hence dropping the factor -^j we see that the series f 1 ' _ V\ ^\a-zf Q^j is a series that converges uniformly for all finite values of 2, except the isolated values given by z = Q.. * This quantity is often denoted by 9{ ( — j . t Bromwicb, Theory of Infinite Series, § 81. 122.] OF THE FIRST CLASS 293 As this series converges uniformly, it also can be integrated term by term within a finite range and the resulting series will also converge uniformly. Now (I z I hence 2 i — + tt^ H [a fl2 ' 2-12 is a series which converges uniformly for all finite values of z, except the isolated values given by z = O. Again integrating within the finite range from to s, we have + .-^}^^ = l + l5 + ^°H'-i2 ^^^^^ ^{l + ^l + ^^s^-^yj is a series which converges uniformly for all finite values of s, except the isolated values given hj z = Q. 123. We now proceed to obtain other expressions for a (z), and particu- larly, in the knowledge that it can be represented by a converging series in the vicinity of any point, to obtain a useful expression in the form of a series, converging in the vicinity of the origin. Since a (z) is represented by an infinite product that converges uniformly and unconditionally for all finite values of z, its logarithm is equal to the sum of the logarithms of its factors, so that log.(.)=log.+_Si(^ + l^,+log(l-^)j. where the series on the right-hand side extends to the same combinations of m and m as the infinite product for z. When it is regarded as a sum of functions o + s 7v + ^°S" P- " n ' ^^^ series converges uniformly and uncon- n 2 a- ^ V ^/ ditionally, except for points ^ = H. This expression is valid for log cr {z) over the whole plane. Now let these additive functions be expanded, as in § 82. In the imme- diate vicinity of the origin, we have z \ z"' ^ ( ^ z + on-2 + log l- Xl ' 2 n^ ^ V ^ \ z^ _\^_\^_ ""siP'So^ sn-' ■■■' a series which by itself converges uniformly and unconditionally in that vicinity. When this expression is substituted in the right-hand side of the foregoing expression for log a {z), we have a triple series 00 00 f CO 1 ^r 294 WEIERSTRASS'S [123. It is easy to see that this triple series converges uniformly for the values of z considered. As in the lemma at the end of § 122, we omit temporarily all the terms for which | ^ | ^ -^ | fi 1 ; they are finite in number for finite values of z, and their omission does not affect the convergence of the series. Now the modulus of the remainder 00 00 00 1 \ ^ [>" < 2 2 2 i ' ■ » 00 CO and w', two independent constants. It is convenient to introduce two other magnitudes, g^ and g^, defined by the equations g2 = 6022^l-^ g, = uottn-', 123.] ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS 295 SO that gz and y^ are evidently independent of one another ; then all the remaining coefficients are functions* of g^ and g^. We thus have l0gc.(.) = l0g.-2^^,^-gL^3,e_...__L,..X2a--..., and therefore a{z) = ze ^-^'^^"' s^o^^^ -^ where the series in the index, containing only even powers of z, converges uniformly and unconditionally in the vicinity of the origin. It is sufficiently evident that this expression for a {z) is an effective representation only in the vicinity of the origin ; for points in the vicinity of any other zero of a {z), say c, a similar expression in powers of ^ — c instead of in powers of z would be obtained. . 124. From the first form of the expression for log a {z), we have a {z) z^ n -^ \^^ ^^ z- n where the quantity in the bracket on the right-hand side is to be regarded as an element of summation, being derived from the primary factor in the product-expression for a (z). We have seen (p. 293) that this double series converges uniformly for the values of z concerned, except of course the isolated values CI. We write ^(^) = ^\ so that ^(z) is, by § 122, an odd function, a result also easily derived from the foregoing equation ; and so This expression for ^(z) is valid over the whole plane. Evidently ^(z) has simple infinities given by z = n, for all values of m and of ni between + x and — oo , including simultaneous zeros. There is only one infinity in each parallelogram, and it is simple ; for the function is the logarithmic derivative of a (z), which has no infinity and only one zero (a simple zero) in the parallelogram. Hence ^(z) is not a doubly -periodic function. For points, which are in the immediate vicinity of the origin, we have d dz ['°g^ L^'^'-L^'^' - al^-S^"-'"--] 1 z eV^^' 140^'^= ...-.-22n-»_...; * See Quart. Journ., vol. xxii, pp. 4, 5. The magnitudes g.2 and g^ are often called the invariants. 296 WEiERSTR ass's [124. but, as in the case of cr (z), this is an effective representation of ^ (z) only in the vicinity of the origin ; and a different expression would be used for points in the vicinity of any other pole. We again introduce a new function ^j (z) defined by the equation Because ^ is an odd function, g) {z) is an even function ; and , , _ 1 ^ ^ j 1 1 ] _ 1 V V 1 1 11 i, {Z) - ^.^ - 2^ _Z ^^, ^-^-^1 - ^,3 + -, 2^ 1^^ _ ^^^ - ^,| , where the quantity in the bracket is to be regarded as an element of summation. We have seen (p. 293) that this double series converges uni- formly for the values of z concerned, except of course the isolated values H. Thus the expression for ^ (z) is valid over the whole plane. Evidently ^J (z) has infinities, each of the second degree, given by ^^ = 0, for all values of m and of m' between + oo and — oo , including simultaneous zeros ; and there is one, and only one, of these infinities in each parallelogram. One of these infinities is the origin ; using the expression which represents log a (z) in the immediate vicinity of the origin, we have ^^'^ = -d^^ 1 1 4 1 6 ° 240^ 840^ for points z in the immediate vicinity of the origin. A corresponding expression exists for ^J (z) in the vicinity of any other pole. 125. The importance of this function ^o (z) lies in its periodic character ; and the importance of the functions a-{z) and ^{z) partly lies in their pseudo-periodic character. To establish the necessary properties, we use the derivative of ^ (z) ; we differentiate term by term the series in the expression ^'^'^ = z^ + ll\{^^ny^-m' and we have 9 . 00 00 = -2 S S (z-ny 1 (z - ny ' where the double summation no longer excludes the simultaneous zero values of m and m' in the expression of fl. The series on the right-hand side converges uniformly and absolutely (p. 292) for all values of z except the isolated places given by ^^ = ft ; and so this expression for ^J (z) is valid over the whole plane. 125.] ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS 297 Evidently ^j' (2) has infinities, each of the third degree, given by 2 = H for all values of m and m' within the range from +00 to — 00 , including the simultaneous zero values ; and there is one, and only one, of these infinities within each parallelogram. Using the expression for ^j{z) in the vicinity of 2 = 0, we have 2 1 1 Clearly g?' is an odd function of z. The periodicity of ^y (z) can be deduced at once. We have ^'(^) = - 2SS -^7— = - 21X , ^ — ^^^-7-^x3; '' ^ ^ {z — ^Y {z — 2m&) — 2m &> y and therefore * ^ ' {z-2 (vi - 1) ft) — 2?7z. CO Y Now the series S2 {z — fl)"^ converges absolutely; and so (p. 21) its sum does not depend upon the order in which the terms are taken. The series in §)' (z + 2&)) differs fi'om the series in ^' (z) merely in taking the terms in the order of values of m — 1 from - 00 to + 00 instead of the terms in the order of values of m from — -jd to + 00 ; this negative unit derangement in the summation for m is permissible under the convergence; and so we have ^y (z + 2&)) = p' (z). Similarly we have ^' (z + 2a)') = g> (z), equations which shew the double periodicity of ^j' (z). Further, we have g>' (z +2a)+ 2&)0 = ^0 (z + 2ft)') = ^' (z); or writing ft)" = ft) + ft)', we have p' (z + 2ft)") = p' (z). Integrating these equations respectively, we have p{z + 2o}) = p{z) + A, p{z+ 2(i)')=p{z) + B, where A and B are constants. To determine these constants, take z= — co in the former equation and z = — co' in the latter ; we have ^(co) = p{-(o)+A, p(co') = iJ(-co')+B. Neither ft) nor &)' is a pole of p (z), for the isolated poles of ^ (z) are given by z = 2mo) + 2m co', for integer values of m and m' ; and ^ (z) is an even function. Thus ^4. = 0, B = 0; and so we have p (z + 2co) = p (z), p(z + 2co') = p(z), and therefore also p(z+2co") = i0(z), equations which shew the double periodicity of p (z). 298 WEIERSTRASS'S [125. The poles of ^j (z) are given hy z = H, and each is of order 2. Thus in any parallelogram whose adjacent sides are 2a) and 2(o', there is one (and there is only one) pole, and it is of order 2. Hence by § 116, Prop. III., Cor. 3, 2&) and 2co' determine a primitive parallelogram for ^j(z). Conse- quently our function ^ (z) is of the first class and the second order. We shall assume that the parallelogram of reference is so chosen as to include the origin in its interior. 126. In the preceding chapter, we have seen (§119) that there exists an algebraical relation between ^j (z) and g)' (z). Owing to the order of ^j (z), this must have the form ^'2 (z) = A^j' (z) + Bf {z) + Gf (z) + D, where A, B, C, D are constants. The only irreducible infinity of (^' {z) is of the third order, being the origin ; and the function ^' {z) is odd. As <^j' (z + 2(o) = gy (z) = p'(z + 2co') = ^y (z -f 2(o"), we have ^'(&)) = -^'(ft)), p' (o)') = - g>' («'), p'(«") = -^j'(«"), so that the irreducible zeros of ^' (z) are a, co', co". We write ^o(w) = e„ ^j{o)") = e^, ^{co') = es, ^j(z) = ^, ^o' (z) = ^j' ; and then the foregoing relation becomes ^j'' = A(^-e,)(^-e,)(^j-e.,), where A is some constant. To determine the equation more exactly, we substitute the expression of ^J in the vicinity of the origin. Then ^'= ^^ + ^^^"'' + ^^^"'+-" 2 1 1 so that ^ =--3 + iq92^ + Y^'s^' + • • • • When substitution is made, it is necessary to retain in the expansion all terms up to 2" inclusive. We then have, for jp'^ the expression ?~5z'-~7^'^"-' and for A(f — e^) (^ — e.^) (^ — 63), the expression A z'^20 z''^28^''^ - {e, + So + 63) (- + ^ 5^2 + ••• j + (ei^o + e.e.i + e,e,) ^- + ... j - e^e^e^ When we equate coefficients in these two expressions, we find ^ = 4, 6^ + 62 + 63 = 0, 6162 + 6.263 + 6361 = - i^'-^. 616,63 = ^5^3; 126.] ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS 299 therefore the differential equation satisfied by p is Evidently ^" = 6^J^ — ^g2, and so on ; it is easy to verify that the 2?ith derivative of p is a rational integral function of ^ of degree n + 1, and that the (2n + l)th derivative of ^ is the product of ^^-g,^-g,f' The upper limit is determined by the fact that when z = 0, ^= co; so that dp dp This is, as it should be, an integral with a doubly-infinite series of values. Wehave, by Ex. 7 of§104, dp 0)1 = 0) = 0)9 = O) = ^. (4>f -92^-93)'' =° dp e.{'^p'-g,p-gzf' e^i^p^-g^p-gzf with the relation o)" = o) + o)'. 127. We have seen (§ 125) that p {z) is doubly-periodic, so that p (z + 2o)) = p {z), and therefore , = — -. — ; dz dz hence integrating ^ (^ + 2o)) = ^ (z) + A. Now ^ is an odd function ; hence, taking z = — q) which is not an infinity of ^, we have say, where 77 denotes ^ (o)) ; and therefore ^{z + 2(o)-^(z) = 2'n, which is a constant. Similarly l;{z + 2co')-^ (z) = 2r]', where ^' = ^ (o)') and is constant. 127.] OF WEIERSTRASS'S FUNCTIONS 301 Similarly r(^+2a)'o-r(^) = 2V', where r]" = ^{co") and is constant. Moreover, l;{2 + 2&)") =^(z+2co + 2(o') = l; {z + 2co) + 27]' = ^(2)+2l] + 27]', and therefore v = v + V > a relation which merely expresses ^ (co + co') as the sum of ^(eo) and ^ (&)')• Combining the results, we have ^(z + 2mco + 2m'(o') — ^(^) = 2m7} + 2m tj', where m and m' are any integers. It is evident that rj and rj' cannot be absorbed into ^; so that ^is not a periodic function, a result confirmatory of the statement in § 124. There is, ho^yever, a, pseudo-periodicity of the function ^: its characteristic is the reproduction of the function with an added constant for an added period. This form is only one of several simple forms of pseudo-periodicity which will be considered in the next chapter. 128. But, though ^ {z) is not periodic, functions which are periodic can be constructed by its means. Thus, if cj) {z) = A ^(z- a) + B ^(z -b) + C ^(2 - c) ^ ... , then 4>{z+2(o)-cf>(z) = tA {^{z- a + 2oo)- ^(z -a)} = 2r]{A+B + C-{-...), and (f)(z+2oo')-(f>{z)^2v{A + B + C+...), so that, subject to the condition A+B + C+... = 0, (f)(z) is a doubly-periodic function. Again, we know that, within the fundamental parallelogram, ^ has a single irreducible infinity and that the infinity is simple ; hence the irre- ducible infinities of the function (f> (z) are z = a, h, c, ..., and each is a simple infinity. The condition A -\- B + G + ... = Q is merely the condition of Prop. III., § 116, that the 'integral residue' of the function is zero. Conversely, a doubly-periodic function with m assigned infinities can be expressed in terms of ^ and its derivatives. Let aj be an irreducible infinity of $ of degree n, and suppose that the fractional part of $ for expansion in the immediate vicinity of a-^ is A^ B, K, — 1 — '+ -\ — . z — a-i^ {z — a^Y '" (z — a-^Y 302 PSEUDO-PERIODIC [128. Then A,U^-ci^)-B,^'(z-a,) + ^^r(z-a,)-... is not infinite for z = o.i. Proceeding similarly for each of the irreducible infinities, we have a function ^ (^) - S Ar^{z- ar) - 5,r {Z - «r) + ^ K" (^ " «-•) " which is not infinite for any of the points z — a-^, a^, .... But because {z) is doubly-periodic, we have ^1 + ^0+ ... +^,, = 0, and therefore the function m S Ar^{z — ar) r=l is doubly-periodic. Moreover, all the derivatives of any order of each of the functions ^ are doubly-periodic ; hence the foregoing function is doubly- periodic. The function has been shewn to be not infinite at the points ai , a^, ... , and therefore it has no infinities in the fundamental parallelogram ; con- sequently, being doubly-periodic, it has no infinities in the plane and it is a constant, say G. Hence we have m with the condition ^ Ar = 0, which is satisfied because 4> (z) is doubly- r=l periodic. This is the required expression* for (z) in terms of the function ^and its derivatives ; it is evidently of especial importance when the indefinite integral of a doubly-periodic function is required. 129. Constants v and tj', connected with co and &)', have been introduced by the pseudo-periodicity of ^(z); the relation, contained in the following proposition, is necessary and useful : — The constants rj, rj', co, w are connected hy the relation 'r}(ii' — 7]'(0 = + ^TTl, the + or — sign being taken according as the real pa7-t of w' /coi is positive or negative. * See Hermite, Ann. de Toulouse, t. ii, (1888), C, pp. 1 — 12. 129.] FUNCTIONS 303 A fundamental parallelogram having an angular point at z^ is either of f(o'\ the form (i) in fig. 34, in which case 9t ( — . 1 is positive ; or of the form (ii), in which case 9{ 03lj 2n + 2£o', is negative. Evidently a description of the paral- lelogram ABGD in (i) will give for an integral the same result (but with an opposite sign) as a de- scription of the parallelogram in (ii) for the same integral in the direction ABGD in that figure. We choose the fundamental parallelogram, so that it may contain the origin in the included area. The origin is the only infinity of ^ which can lie within the area : along the boundary ^ is always finite. Now since ^(z + 2co')-^{z) = 2v', the integral of ^(z) round ABGD in (i), fig. 34, is (§ 116, Prop. II., Cor.) B/?o + 2co Fig. 34, 27]dz 2'n'dz, the integrals being along the lines AD and AB respectively, that is, the integral is 4 {^TjO)' - 1] w). But as the origin is the only infinity within the parallelogram, the path of integration ABGD A can be deformed so as to be merely a small curve round the origin. In the vicinity of the origin, we have r(^) = \92Z' 1 ^gz^ - and therefore, as the integrals of all terms except the first vanish when taken round this curve, we have = 27ri. Hence and therefore 4 (?;&)' — •?/'&)) = 2Tri, 7]w' — r]'(o = ^iri. This is the result as derived from (i), fig. 34, that is, when Ot ( — ) is positive. When (ii), fig. 34, is taken account of, the result is the same except that, when the circuit passes from z^ to ^o + 2&), then to ^(, + 2&) -h 2&)', 304 PSEUDO-PERIODICITY OF WEIERSTRASS'S [129. then to Zq + Iw and then to z^, it passes in the negative direction round the parallelogram. The value of the integral along the path ABCDA is the same as before, viz., 4 (770)' — //'&>) ; when the path is deformed into a small [dz curve round the origin, the value of the integral is I — taken negatively, and therefore it is — l-iri : hence 7]ai' — rj'o) = — ^Tri. Combining the results, we have ?;&)' — 77'ft) = + ^TTl, according as 9i (— .) is positive or negative. Corollary. If there be a change to any other fundamental parallelo- gram, determined by 211 and 2Q', where n =pQ) + qco', D' =p'(o -f qo)', p, q, p, q' being integers such that pq' —p'q = ± 1, and if H, H' denote ^(fi), ^(n'), then H=pr] + qr]', H' = prj + q'7)' ; therefore HO,' - H'O = ± ^iri, M' . according as the real part of -7^ is positive or negative. 130. It has been seen that ^{z) is pseudo-periodic; there is also a pseudo-periodicity for a{z), but of a different kind. We have ^(^-h2ft))=^(^)+277, ^ that is, — -, — , o X — — T\ + ^'7' ' a {z -\- 2&)) (^ + ^mco + 2,mco') = e^-(mr,+mW) (s^^-sa,.) ^ ^^-^^ so that '), and the new points are the irreducible zeros and the irreducible infinities of (f) (z). This result, w^e know from Prop. III., § 116, must be satisfied. It is naturally assumed that no one of the points a is the same as, or is homologous with, any one of the points l3 : the order of the doubly-periodic function would otherwise be diminished by 1. If any a be repeated, then that point is a repeated zero of (p (z); similarly if any /3 be repeated, then that point is a repeated infinity of cf>(z). In every case, the sum of the irreducible zeros must be congruent with the sura of the irreducible infinities in order that the above expression for (f) (2) may be doubly-periodic. F. F. 20 306 DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS [131. Conversely, if a doubly-periodic function (b(z) be required with m assigned irreducible zeros a and m assigned irreducible infinities b, which are subject to the congruence 2a = 26 (mod. 2(w, 2&)'), we first find points a and l3 homologous with a and with b respectively such that la = 1/3. (t{z— ai) a (z — a„i) Then the function — t- — w\ —jz — ^-^ o-{z — (3i) a{z- /dm) has the same zeros and the same infinities as ^ (z), and is homoperiodic with it; and therefore, by § 116, IV., "^^^"^(^-A) ^(^-^j: where A is & quantity independent of z. Ex. 1. Consider g>' {£). It has the origin for an infinity of the third degree and all the remaining infinities are reducible to the origin ; and its three irreducible zeros are w, co', m". Moreover, since a" = (•>' + a, we have co + co' + w" congruent with but not equal to zero. We therefore choose other points so that the sum of the zeros may be actually the same as the sum of the infinities, which is zero ; the simplest choice is to take m, a', — co". Hence (T {z- co) (x (z - co') a- (z + o )") ^('^ = '^ ^3-(i) ' where 4 is a constant. To determine A, consider the expansions in the immediate vicinity of the origin ; then 2 a- {-co) cr {-co')cT{(o") Z^ Z^ cr {z — co) (7 (z — co') (T {z + co") SO that ^'(2)=~2 / \ / '\ t "\ ■6/~\ • ° cr {co) cr {(o ) CT {co ) a"^ {zj Another method of arranging zeros, so that their sum is equal to that of the infinities, is to take -co, - co', co" ; and then we should find ^ a{z + co)cr{z + co')cr{z-co") r^')-^ a{co)a{co')cT{co")a^{z) ' This result can, however, be deduced from the preceding form merely by changing the sign of z. Ex. 2. Consider the function cT{u + v)a{u-v) ^ ^Hu) ' where v is any quantity and A is independent of ?«. It is, qua function of u, doubly- periodic ; and it has u=0 as an infinity of the second degree, all the infinities being homologous with the origin. Hence the function is homoperiodic with f {u) and it has the same infinities as ^ {u) : thus the two are equivalent, so that ^w> a formula of very great importance. £x. 3. Taking logarithmic derivatives with regard to « of the two sides of the last equation, we have f("+''>-^f(''-'')-^f<«'->w-^(»)' and, similarly, taking them with regard to v, we have ^'hence C(» + i^) - t(»)-C(^0 = i ^!S~ ^' ^ , giving the special value of the left-hand side as (§ 128) a doubly-periodic function. It is also the addition-theorem, so far as there is an addition-theorem, for the {"-function. Ex. 4. We can, by diflferentiation, at once deduce the addition-theorem for ^{u + v). Evidently which is only one of many forms : one of the most useful is which can be deduced from the preceding form. The result can be used to modify the expression for a general doubly -periodic function ^(z) obtained in § 128. We have 2ArC {z - a,) =^2^^, |f (.) - C («.) - 2 ^ («,,,) _^(,) I Each derivative of f can be expressed either as a polynomial function of p {z — a,.) or as the product of ^'{z-aj.) by such a function; and by the use of the addition-theorem, these can be expressed in the form M+JVjJ'iz) Z ' 20—2 308 EXAMPLES [131. where Z, J/, iV are rational integral functions of. ^ (2). Hence the function $ {z) can be expressed in the same form. The simplest case arises when all its infinities are simple, and then $(2)=C'+ 2 ArCiz-dr) = C- 2 J,.f(a,.) + i 2 A r(^)+rK) _„, 1 ™ . r(^)+rK) ~^ + ^=i '■g>(^)-P(a.)' m with the condition 2 ^4^ = 0. r=l Ex. 5. The function ^ {z) - e^ is an even function, doubly-periodic in 2, we have where Q (2) has no zero and no infinity for points within the parallelogram. Again, for ^(2 + 0)) — ei, the irreducible zero of the second degree within the parallelo- gram is given by 2 + co = &), that is, it is 2=0; and the irreducible infinity of the second degree within the parallelogram is given by 2-|-(» = 0, that is, it is 2 = 0). Hence we have ^(2 + co)-e, = ^-^§i(2), {Z-ca) where Qi (2) has no zero and no infinity for points within the parallelogram. Hence {^ (2) - e,} {^ (^ + «) - e^} = $ (2) Q, (2) ; that is, the function on the left-hand side has no zero and no infinity for points within the parallelogram of reference. Being doubly-periodic, it therefore has no zero and no infinity anywhere in the plane ; it consequently is a constant, which is the value for any point. Taking the special value 2 = a>', we have ^(co') = e3, and g>(co'-|-a)) = e2 ; ^ncl therefore ' {^(^)-ei}{^^(^ + a> )-ei} = (63-61) (62-^1). Similarly [<^o {z)-e")- e.^ = {e^-e^){e^-e.\ and /^ (s) _ eg} |g> (2 + ^' ) _ ^3} = (e^ _ e^) (e^ - e^). It is possible to derive at once from these equations the values of the ^i>-function for the quarter-periods. Note. In the preceding chapter some theorems were given which indicated that functions, which are doubly-periodic in the same periods, can be expressed in terms of one another : in particular cases, care has occasionally to be exercised to be certain that the periods of the functions are the same, especially when transformations of the variables are eflfected. For instance, since g> (2) has the origin for an infinity and snu has it for a zero, it is natural to express the one in terms of the other. Now g) (2) is an even function, and sn u is an odd function ; hence the relation to be obtained will be expected to be one between g> (2) and sn^ u. But one of the periods of sn^ « is only one-half of the 131.] OF DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS . 309 corresponding period of anu; and so the period-parallelogram is changed. The actual relation* is where 7i = (ei — espz and k^={e2 — 63)1(61 — es). Again, with the ordinary notation of Jacobian elliptic functions, the periods of snz are 45" and 2iK', those of dnz are 2K and 4iA'', and those of en 2 are 4:K and 2K+2iK'. The squares of these three functions are homoperiodic in 2K and 2iK' ; they are each of the second order, and they have the same infinities. Hence sn^ z, cn^ z, dn^ z are equivalent to one another (§ 116, V.). But such cases belong to the detailed development of the theory of particular classes of functions, rather than to what are merely illustrations of the general propositions. Ex. 6. Prove that , .__ (r{u + Ui)(T(w + U2) (r(u + Us)(T{u + Ui) ^ a-[2u+^ (% + U2 + U3 + %4)] is a doubly-periodic function of u, such that, with the ordinary notation, g(u)+g{7i + co)+ff {u + co')+g {u + o) + a') = -2a(^ 2 j"V ^ hi ^ Prove further that, if S denote the substitution i(-i 111), 1-111 11-11 111-1 and {Ui, U2, Us, U^ = S(ui, u^, M3, M4) and 0{ii) denote what g (u) becomes when, therein, U^, U^, Uz, Ui are written for Ui, %, u^, u^ respectively, then also (-6^(w), -G{n + (o\ -G{u + ci'), -G{u + o) + o}')) =S(g{zi), giu + m), g(ii + J), g {u-ira>+co')). (Math. Trip., Part II., 1893.) Ex. 7. All the zeros of a function, doubly -periodic in the periods of U>(s), are simple and are given by pec + qa, where p and q are integers such that ^ -f g' is odd ; all its infinities are simple and are given by pa + qa, where p and q are integers such that p + q is, even. Shew that the function is a constant multiple of f'/^^ ; (Trinity Fellowship, 1896.) iHz)-e2 "■ ^ Ex. 8. Construct the diflferential equation of the first order, satisfied by az-a)-C{z-h). (Trinity Fellowship, 1899.) 132. As a last illustration giving properties of the functions just con- sidered, the derivatives of an elliptic function with regard to the periods will be obtained. Let (^{z) be any function, doubly-periodic in 2ft) and 2ft)' so that (f)(2; + 2mft) + 27110)') = (f> (z). * Halphen, Fonctions Elliptiques, t. i, pp. 23—25. 310 . PERIOD-DERIVATIVES [132. The coefficients in implicitly involve eo and w . Let ^i, (^2, and ^ respectively denote dcp/do), d(f)jdw', dcfi/dz; then (^1 {2 + %nw + 2riiw') + 2m (z + 2mco + 2m co') = (f)^ (2), (f)o {2 + 2moi + 27h'g)') + 277i'(^' (^ + ^mw + 2?>i'q)') = <^2 {z), (j)' (2 + 2m(o + 2m Qi') = 4/ {2). Multiplying by w, on', 2 respectively and adding, we have ftx^i {2 + 2mw + 2m w) + w'^s (-^ + 2m&) + 2m co') + (2^ + 2??-i&) + 2??i'&)') 0' (2 + 27?i&) + 2m' 0)') = co^i (^) + &)'^2 {z) + z(\i' {2). Hence, if f {z) = wgbi {2) + w'^a (^) + ^s^' {z), then f (2) is a function doubly-periodic in the periods of cf). Again, multiplying by 77, tj', ^{2), adding, and remembering that ^(2 + 2mco + 2ni(o') = ?(^) + 2mr) + 2m 7]', we have 77^1 (2 + 2mo) + 2m' w) + 7?'<^2 {z + 2/7i&) + 2m' a>') + ^(^ + 277ZG) + 2m w) (f)' {2 + 2mco + 2m V) = r,cf,,(2) + v'cl>,(2) + U2)cf>'(2). Hence, i/ g{2) = v4>, (z) + v'^2 (z) + ? (^) 0' (z), then g(2) is a function doubly -periodic in the periods of cj). In what precedes, the function ^ (2) is any function, doubly-periodic in 2(o, 2(1)' ; one simple and useful case occurs when 0(^) is taken to be the function i^j{z). Now and ^(')=]-io^"-''-m^-^''-MOO^'''''-' hence, in the vicinity of the origin, we have ft) -^ -t- ft)' ^, + 2^ tJ- = ; + even integral powers of 2^ do) 9ft) 02 2' since both functions are doubly-periodic and the terms independent of z vanish for both functions. It is easy to see that this equation merely expresses the fact that <^, which is equal to is homogeneous of degree — 2 in 2^, «, w . 132.] OF AVEIERSTRASS'S FUNCTION 311 Similarly V ^ + v' J^' + ^ i^) 4- "^ ~ —^ + T^ 9^ + ^^'^^ integral powers of z. ' dco dw oz z* lo'^ But, in the vicinity of the origin, 92/^ 6 1 -e^ = — f- T7^ f/o + even integral powers of z, dz- z' 10^' 6 ^ so that V^ + V ^, + ^(^)^ + o^2 = a9'^ + even integral powers of z. dco d(o dz S dz^ b "^ The function on the left-hand side is doubly-periodic : it has no infinity at the origin and therefore none in the fundamental parallelogram ; it there- fore has no infinities in the plane. It is thus constant and equal to its value anywhere, say at the origin. This value is Igz, and therefore "^dco^^ d The equations are identically satisfied. Equating the coefficients of z'^ in the expansions, which are valid in the vicinity of the origin, we have OO) 00) and equating the coefficients of z* in the same expansions, we have dft) 00) da. , 8f/3 1 00) dco o Hence for any function u, which involves w and w and therefore implicitly involves g<2, and g^-, we have 9it , 9u /, 'bii . ^ 9tt^ di ft) 9co V 95^2 ogj du , du 1 /, „ dii 2 du 312 EVEN [132. Since ^ is such a function, we have being the equations which determine the derivatives of p with regard to the invariants g^ and g^. The latter equation, integrated twice, leads to ^"(^ -I « 9o" 2 „ 9o- 1 „ „ a differential equation* satisfied by cr{z). 133. The foregoing investigations give some of the properties of doubly- periodic functions of the second order, whether they be uneven and have two simple irreducible infinities, or even and have one double irreducible infinity, If a function TJ of the second order have a repeated infinity at 2^ = 7, then it is determined by an equation of the form V'"' = ^a''[{U -\){U - iJi){V -v)], or, taking U—^{\-\-^-\-v) = Q, the equation is Q'-' = 4a^ [(Q - e,) (Q - e,) {Q - e,)], where ej + 62 + ^3 = 0- Taking account of the infinities, we have Q = iO {az - ay) ; and therefore U'—^(\ + /jb-^v) = ^ {az — ay) by Ex. 4, p. 308. The right-hand side cannot be an odd function; hence an odd function of the second order cannot have a repeated infinity. Similarly, by taking reciprocals of the functions, it follows that an odd function of the second order cannot have a repeated zero. It thus appears that the investigations in §§ 120, 121 are sufficient for the included range of properties of odd functions. We now proceed to obtain the general equations of even functions. Every such function can (by § 118, XIII., Cor. 1) be expressed in the form \ai^{z) + h]^{cip{z)-{-d], and its equations could thence be deduced from those of ^ {z) ; but, partly for uniformity, we shall adopt the same method as in § 120 for odd functions. And, as already stated (p. 286), the separate class of functions of the second order that are neither even nor odd, will not be discussed. * For this and other deductions from these equations, see Frobenius und Stiekelberger, Grelle, t. xcii, (1882), pp. 311—327 ; Halphen, Traite des fonctions elliptiques, t. i, (1886), chap. IX. ; and a memoir by the author, quoted on p. 299, note. 134.] DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 313 134. Let, then, (f) (2) denote an even doubly-periodic function of the second order (it may be either of the first class or of the second class) and let 2&), 2(o' be its periods ; and denote 2&) + 2co' by 2&)". Then c}>iz) = cf>(-z), since the function is even ; and since (f) (co + z) = (f) (— (o — z) = (^ (2&) — 0} — z) = (f)((0-z), it follows that cf) (o) + z) is an even function. Similarly, (f) (co' + z) and (ft)" + z) are even functions. Now ^ (o) 4- z), an even function, has two irreducible infinities, and is periodic in 2ft), 2&)' ; also <^ {z), an even function, has two irreducible infinities and is periodic in 2ft>, 2ft)'. There is therefore a relation between <^ {z) and <\>{(>) + z), which, by § 118, Prop. XIII., Cor. 1, is of the first degree in 4>{z) and of the first degree in ^ (ft) -f- 2^) ; thus it must be included in 5(/) {z) 4>{co + z)- C(t> (z) -C'(f)(co+z) + A= 0. But (z) - Ccf) (ft) + z)-C'^{z) + A=0; thus C=C'. If B be zero, then C may not be zero, for the relation cannot become evanescent : it is of the form {z) + ct>{co+z) = A' (1). If B be not zero, then the relation is 'f'^'' + '^ = B4>(z)-C ^^^- Treating (f) (co' + z) in the same way, we find that the relation between it and (co' + z) + E = 0, so that, if F be zero, the relation is of the form (f>(z) + (i>{co' + z) = E' (ly, and, if F be not zero, the relation is of the form D<^{z)-E ^^''^'^= F^{z)-D ^^>- Four cases thus arise, viz., the coexistence of (1) with (1)', of (1) with (2)', of (2) with (1)', and of (2) with (2)'. These will be taken in order. 314 EVEN [134. I. : the coexistence of (1) with (1)'. From (1) we have (f)((0' + Z) + (J3{0)" + Z)=A', so that (]) (z) + (f) {(o + z) + (}> (co' + z) + (f) (&)" + z) = 2A'. Similarly, from (1)', ■ ct)(z) + (t)((o' + z) + (f)(w + z)+ cf) (a)" +z) = 2E'; so that A' = E', and then ^(&) + ^) = ^(&)' + 2r), whence to ~ w' is a period, contrary to the initial hypothesis that 2w and 2(u determine a fundamental parallelogram. Hence equations (1) and (1)' cannot coexist. II. : the coexistence of (1) with (2)'. From (1) we have <^{(o" -\-z) = A' -<^{oi' + z) _ {A'F -B)cf) (z) -(A'D- E ) F(z)-I) on substitution from (2)'. From (2)' we have (bid) + Z)= r^ . . r R _ (A'D -E)-D(\> {z) ~ A'F-D-F<\>{z) ' on substitution from (1). The two values of cj) (m" + z) must be the same, whence A'F-D = D, which relation establishes the periodicity of (f> (z) in 2&)", when it is considered as given by either of the two expressions which have been obtained. We thus have A'F=2D; and then, by (1), we have (i>{z)-j + (f>((o + z)-j = 0; and, by (2)', we have If a new even function be introduced, doubly-periodic in the same periods having the same infinities and defined by the equation <^i (^) = (^) - J . the equations satisfied by 0i (z) are 01 (a) + z) + ! {z) = I 01 (&)' + z) 01 (z) = constant] ' 134.] DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 315 To the detailed properties of such functions we shall return later ; meanwhile it may be noticed that these equations are, in form, the same as those satisfied by an odd function of the second order. III. : the coexistence of (2) with (1/. This case is similar to II., with the result that, if an even function be introduced, doubly-periodic in the same periods having the same infinities and defined by the equation G the equations satisfied by ^2 (z) are fji,(a>' + 2) + <}>,(z) = [_ (^2 (« + ^) ^2 (^) = constant) ' It is. in fact, merely the previous case with the periods interchanged. IV. : the coexistence of (2) with (2)'. From (2) we have C(f, {co' + z)-A _(CD - AF) 6 (z) - (CE - AD) ~~ (BD - CF) (t> (z) - (BE -CD) ' on substitution from (2)'. Similarly from (2)', after substitution fi:om (2), we have „ (GD-BE)iz) + {CE-AD) ^^" + ^'^ - (CF-BD) 4> {z) + {CD - AF)' The two values must be the same ; hence CD-AF = -(CD-BE), which indeed is the condition that each of the expressions for (f)(o)" + z) should give a function periodic in 2(o". Thus AF + BE=2CD. One sub-case may be at once considered and removed, viz. if C and D vanish together. Then since, by the hypothesis of the existence of (2) and of (2)', neither B nor F vanishes, we have A__F B~ F' so that ^(- + ^> = -^^) = F^)=-^^"' + ^^' and then the relations are <^ {to -\- z) -\- <^ {w + z) = 0, or, what is the same thing, (f>(z) + cf) {(o" -f ^) = 0) and ,-C((f> + 4>,) + A = 0, Now a doubly-periodic function, with given zeros and given infinities, is determinate save as to an arbitrary constant factor. We therefore introduce an arbitrary factor \, so that CD and then taking 5\ = ^^ ' FX^^^' we have (i/r - d) {-^^ - c^) = Cj^ - ^, , W (yjf - c) (yjrs - C3) = C,^ - j^, • The arbitrary quantity X is at our disposal: we introduce a new quantity Ca, defined by the equation A _ and therefore at our disposal. But since AF + BE = 2CD, , A E ^ G D ^ ^^^"^^ BX^ + FX^ = ^BXFX = ^'^'- and therefore -f^— = Cg (c, + c) — c;iC.2. Hence the foregoing equations are (■f - Ci) if I - Ci) = (Ci - Ca) (Ci - C3), if - C3) (-^/^s - C3) = (Cs - Ci) (Cs - C2). The equation for ^2, which is ^{ay" + z), is where L = CD - BE = AF - GB, M = AD-GE, N=GF-BD, so that AN + BM^2GL. 134.] DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 317 As before, one particular sub-case may be considered and removed. If N be zero, so that C _D_ A E ^GD ^ , say, and B'^ W^ BF^ then we find (^ -h ^2 = ^i + <^3 = ^a, or taking a function •)( = 4> — a, the equation becomes X (^) + X (•" -\- z) = 0. The other equations then become X (^) X {''"' + ^) = «' - J and therefore they are similar to those in Cases II. and III. If N be not zero, then it is easy to shew that N=BF\{c,-c,), L= BF\"(c,-c3)c.2, M=BF\^(ci-Cs)(c2Ci + Co^c-i-c^Ca); and then the equation connecting <^ and ^2 changes to (^|r - C2) (-^o - Co) = (Co - Ci) (Cn - C3) \ which, with (-yjr — Ci) (-v//^: — Ci) = (Cj — c,) (Cj — Cg) ("^ - C3) (-»/^3 - C3) = (Cs - Ci) (C3 - Co) are relations between -v/r, yfr^, -v/r.,, -v|r3, where the quantity Cg is at our disposal. IV. (2). These equations have been obtained on the supposition that neither C nor JD is zero. If either vanish, let it be C : then D does not vanish ; and the equations can be expressed in the form F D\/ . I)\ D' -EF E\f E\ E{D^-EF) We therefore obtain the following theorem : — If ^ he an even function doubly -periodic in 2&) and 2w' and of the second order, and if all functions equivalent to (j) in the form R^ + S {where R and 318 EVEN [134. S are constants) he regarded as the same as , then either the function satisfies the system of equations (f)(z) (f,{z) (ji{(o" + z) = -H\ where H is a constant ; or it satisfies the system of equations [(j) (2) - Ci} [(f) (oy +Z)- Ci} = (Ci - Ca) {C^ - C3) j {(f> (z) - C^ \(f> {(o' +Z)-C.^ = (C3 - Ci) (C3 - C2) [ (11), {(f) {2) - Co} {(f) (ft)" +2)- C2I = (Ca - Ci) (C2 - C3) ) where of the three constants c^, c^, c, one can be arbitrarily assigned. We shall now very briefly consider these in turn. 135. So far as concerns the former class of equations satisfied by an even doubly-periodic function, viz., (f) (2) + (f) {cO +2) = i) ] (f>{z) (}) {(o' + 2) = H y we proceed initially as in (§ 120) the case of an odd function. We have the further equations (f)(z) = (f)(-z), ^(o) + z) = (f){o) — z), (f) (o)' +z) = ) + (/,(icu) = 0, so that ^ft) is either a zero or an infinity. If ^ ft) be a zero, then <^ (|a)) = ^ (ft) + ^co) = - as the infinities. The function ^ is evidently of the second class, in that it has two distinct simple irreducible infinities. * The systems obtained by the interchange of tu, w', w" among one another in the equations are not substantially distinct from the form adopted for the system I. ; the apparent difference can be removed by an appropriate corresponding interchange of the periods. 135.] DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 319 Because co' + ^(o, w + f w are the irreducible infinities of ^iz), the four zeros of <^ {z) are, by § 117, the irreducible points homologous with to", o)" + ft), ft)" -!- ft)', ft)" + ft)", that is, the irreducible zeros of ^' {£) are 0, &), ft)', w" . Moreover (^ (0) + (o))} {c^ {z) - (ft,')} {(/> {z) - (^ (ft)")} = ^ [(/)H0) - 0^^)} {0^^') - H^)}- Since the origin is neither a zero nor an infinity of ^ {z), let (^(^) = <^(0)<^,(^), so that ^i(O) is unity and ^/(O) is zero; then <^,"-{z) = ^-{\-<^^\z)]{^^-^^-{z)] the differential equation determining ')=/(^), it is strictly periodic : it is sometimes called a douhly -periodic function of the first kind. The general properties of such functions have already been considered. Secondly, if a function F{z) satisfy the equations F {z -v 2ai) = fjiF {z), F(z + 2co') = fju'F{z), 136.] PSEUDO-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 321 where jm and /i' are constants, it is pseudo-periodic : it is called a doubly- periodic function of the second kind. The first derivative of the logarithm of such a function is a doubly-periodic function of the first kind. Thirdly, if a function {z) satisfy the equations (^ + 2o)) = e«^+& (^ {z), (f>{z+ 2a)') = e'»'^+*' (f> (z), where a, b, a, b' are constants, it is pseudo-periodic : it is called a doubly- periodic function of the third kind. The second derivative of the logarithm of such a function is a doubly-periodic function of the first kind. The equations of definition for functions of the third kind can be modified. We have {z+ 2(0 + 2ft)') = ea(2+2'o')+6+«'^+&' (f) (^) whence a'co — aco' — — nfiiri, where m is an integer. Let a new function E {z) be introduced, defined by the equation E{z) = e^^-+''^<^{z); then X and /z can be chosen so that E{z) satisfies the equations E{z-\-2(o) = E {z), E{z + 2&)') = e^^^ E (z). From the last equations, we have E(z-i-2a)+ 2ft)') = e^^'+"^>+^E(z) = e^'+^E{z), so that 2 J. ft) is an integral multiple of 27ri. Also we have E (z -\- 2ft)) = g A(2+2<")=+M(2+2a>) cf){z-{- 2(o) so that 4Xft) -I- a = 0, and 4A,ft)2 -\- 2/j,co -\-b = (mod. 2^). Similarly, E(z + 2co') = e^(2+2a.') 2+^.(2+20.') (^ + 2&)') _ g 4A2(o'+4Xio'2+2|a(o'+«'2+6' E (z^ so that 4Xft)' -{- a = A, and 4Xft)'2 -f- 2/Aft)' + b' = B (mod. 2^). From the two equations, which involve X and not /*, we have u4ft) = a' ft) — aft)' = — miri, agreeing with the result that 2 Aw is an integral multiple of 27ri. And from the two equations, which involve [ju, we have, on the elimination of /i and on substitution for \ b'oo — boo' - aw (&)' — &)) = Bw (mod. 27ri). F. F. 21 322 DOUBLY-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS [136. If A be zero, then E (z) is a doubly-periodic function of the first kind when e^ is unity, and it is a doubly-periodic function of the second kind when e^ is not unity. Hence A, and therefore m, may be assumed to be different from zero for functions of the third kind. Take a new function ^(2), such that then ^ (z) satisfies the equations _nnTi . (P (2 + 2(o) = ^ (z), ^(z-\-2(o') = e~^~^ ^{z), which will be taken as the canonical equations defining a doubly -periodic function of the third kind. Ex. Obtain the values of X, /x, A, B for the Weierstrassian function o- (2). We proceed to obtain some properties of these two classes of functions which, for brevity, will be called secondary -periodic functions and tertiary- 'periodic functions respectively. Doubly-Periodic Futfctions of the Second Kind. For the secondary-periodic functions the chief sources of information are : — Hermite, Comptes Rendus, t. liii, (1861), pp. 214—228, ib., t. Iv, (1862), pp. 11—18, 85 — 91; Si0' quelques applications des fonctions elliptiqices, §§ i — iii, separate reprint (1885) from Comptes Re7idus ; " Note sur la theorie des fonctions ellip- tiques'' in Lacroix, vol. ii, (6th edition, 1885), jjJ). 484 — 491; Cours d^ Analyse, (4'^« ed.), pp. 227—234. Mittag-LefEer, Comptes Rendus, t. xc, (1880), pp. 177—180. Frobenius, Crelle, t. xciii, (1882), pp. 53—68. Brioschi, Comptes Rendihs, t. xcii, (1881), pp. 325 — 328. Halphen, Traite des fonctions elliftiques, t. i, pp. 225—238, 411—426, 438—442, 463. 137. In the case of the periodic functions of the first kind it was proved that they can be expressed by means of functions of the second order in the same period — these being the simplest of such functions. It will now be proved that a similar result holds for secondary-periodic functions, defined by the equations F{2^2(o) = fj^F{2), F(z + 2co') = fM'F{z). Take a function G (2) = "^ /\ ^^\ e^^; then we have G{2 + 2oy) = /^(^+;^ + ^^) ^x^+^x. = e2^^+2^" G (2), and G(2-^ 2a)') = e^Va+sxa,' q (^). The quantities a and \ being unrestricted, we choose them so that and then G{z), a known function, satisfies the same equation as F(2). 137.] OF THE SECOND KIND 323 Let u denote a quantity independent of z, and consider the function f^z) = F{z)G{u-z). We have f{z -v2oi) = F{z+ 2&)) G{u-z- 2a)) = tiF{z)'^G{u-z) and similarly f{z + 2a>') =f(^z), so that f{z) is a doubly-periodic function of the first kind with 2a) and 2aj' for its periods. The sum of the residues of f{z) is therefore zero. To express this sum, we must obtain the fractional part of the function for expansion in the vicinity of each of the (accidental) singularities of f{z), that lie within the parallelogram of periods. The singularities oif{z) are those of G {u — z) and those oi F{z). Choosing the parallelogram of reference so that it may contain u, we have ^ = li as the only singularity of G (u — z) and it is of the first order, so that, since G(^) = -r + positive integral powers of ^ in the vicinity of ^=0, we have, in the vicinity of u, f{z) = [F (u) + positive integral powers of u — z] \ h positive powers [ Fhi) ... , = + positive integral powers oi z — u; hence the residue off(z) for ii is — F (u). Let z = c be a pole of F{z) in the parallelogram of order n+1; and, in the vicinity of c, let ^ (^) - ^ + <^^ ^ (^c) + • • • + ^'^+^ & (^c) + P°'^^^^' '""^^^^^ P^^^^'- Then in that vicinity G{u-z) = G(u-c)-(z-c)^^G(u-c) + ^-^^^^G(u-c)-..., and therefore the coefficient of in the expansion of f(z) for points in the ^ — c vicinity of c is C,G{u-c) + a,gG(u-c)+G,I^^G(u-c) + ... + Cn^,^,G{u-c), which is therefore the residue off(z) for c. This being the form of the residue of /(z) for each of the poles of F (z), then, since the sum of the residues is zero, we have -F(u) + 1. G,G(a-c) + C,-g^G(u-c) + ... + Cn+r-^G(u-c) = 0, 21—2 \ 324 or, changing the variable F{z) = t HERMITE S THEOREM [137. C,G{z-c) + C,^^G{z^c)+...+C,,^,^^G{z-o) where the summation extends over all the poles of F{z) within that parallelo- gram of periods in which z lies. This result is due to Hermite. 138. It has been assumed that a and X, parameters in G, are determinate, an assumption that requires [x and yu,' to be general constants : their values are given by r]a-\- (o\ = \ log /i, 7]' a + w'X = -| log yu.', and, therefore, since ??«' — 77'a) = ± ^iir, we have + iira = co' log IX — w log jjl ± iifk = — r]' log /i + 77 log jjb Now X. may vanish without rendering G {z) a null function. If a vanish (or, what is the same thing, be an integral combination of the periods), then G {z) is an exponential function multiplied by an infinite constant when \ does not vanish, and it ceases to be a function when X does vanish. These cases must be taken separately. First, let a and X, vanish*; then both [x and [x are unity, the function F is doubly-periodic of the first kind ; but the expression for F is not determinate, owing to the form of G. To render it determinate, consider \ as zero and a as infinitesimal, to be made zero ultimately. Then 0- {z) -\- acr {z)-\- ... G{z) = aa (z) (1 + powers of a higher than the first) = - ^- ^{z) + positive powers of a. Since a is infinitesimal, /x and /x' are very nearly unity. When the function J^is given, the coefficients Cj, C^, ... may be affected by a, so that for any one we have Gjs = bk + (^Jk + higher powers of a, where 7^ is finite ; and bjc is the actual value for the function which is strictly of the first kind, so that 26i = 0, the summation being extended over, the poles of the function. Then retaining only a~^ and a°, we have 2 G,G{ii-c) + G2-^^G{u-c) + + Cn+, -^^ G (u - c) br ^f^ + Xj. + X a d cf 6it (m - c) + 62 ^^ ? (m - c) + . . . + hn+, ;^ ^(m - C) diC' d"' bi^{u -c)+ ...+ bn+i -^, ^{u - c) This case is discussed by Hermite, (I.e., p. 322). 138.] mittag-leffler's theorem 325 where C^, equal to S71, is a constant and the term in - vanishes. This a expression, with the condition 26i = 0, is the value of F{u); changing the variables, we have with the condition S61 = 0, a result agreeing with the one formerly (§ 128) obtained. When F is not given, but only its infinities are assigned arbitrarily, then 20=0 because jP is to be a doubly-periodic function of the first kind; the term - 2(7 vanishes, and we have the same expression for F(z) as before. Secondly, let a vanish* but not \, so that /x and /x' have the forms We take a function g (z) = e^^ t(^) ; then g{z-2o}) = fi-^e'^^(z-2o)) = /x-'e'^\^{z)-2v} = fji-'{g{z)-2ve^], and g(z—2(a') = jji'-'^{g(z) — 2r}'e'^}. Introducing a new function H(z) defined by the equation H{z} = F{z)g(u-z), we have H{z + 2w) = H {z) - 277e^(«-^' F{z), and H{z + 2(o') = H{z)- 27;'e^<«-^' F{z). Consider a parallelogram of periods which contains the point u; then, if @ be the sum of the residues of H {z) for poles in this parallelogram, we have 2'jri®=fH{z)dz, the integral being taken positively round the parallelogram. But, by § 116, Prop. II. Cor., this integral is 4e^« I corj' r e-Mi^+2a.f, ^(^ ^ 2(ot) dt - w't) [ g-^'^+^-'f) F {p + 2(o't) dt \ , where p is the corner of the parallelogram and each integral is taken for real values of t from to 1. Each of the integrals is a constant, so far as concerns u ; and therefore we may take @ = - Ae^'', the quantity inside the above bracket being denoted by — ^iirA. The residue of H(z) for z= u, arising from the simple pole of g(u — z), is -F{u) as in § 137. If 2; = c be an accidental singularity of F{z) of order n+1, so that, in the vicinity of ^ = c, * This is discussed by Mittag-Leffler, (I.e., p. 322). 326 SECONDARY " [138. then the residue of H (z) for ^ = c is , d d"" and similarly for all the other accidental singularities of F{z). Hence F(z) = Ae>^^ + %i^C, + C,^^+...+C^^,^^g{z-c), where the summation extends over all the accidental singularities of F{z) in a parallelogram of periods which contains 2, and g{z) is the function e^t,{z). This result is due to Mittag-LefBer. Since /i = e'^^'" and ^r (^^ - c + 2&)) = /z^ (^r - c) + 2?7/ie'^<2-<'>, we have ixF{z)^F{z + 1ai) id fJ'>^ ^ = f,Ae^^ + %\^C, + G,^^ + ... + C^^,^J^f.g{z-c) and therefore 2 (C^ + CgX + . . . + Gn+jV) e-^" = 0, the summation extending over all the accidental singularities of F (z). The same equation can be derived through fji!F{z) = F{z + 2(o'). Again 2(7i is the sum of the residues in a parallelogram of periods, and therefore 2'jriXG,=jF(z)dz, the integral being taken positively round it. If p be one corner, the integral is 2a) (1 - fi') rF(p + 2cot) dt - 2co' (1 -/x)[' F(p+ 2o)'t) dt, Jo Jo each integral being for real variables of t. Hermite's special form can be derived from Mittag-Leffler's by making X vanish. Note. Both Hermite and Mittag-Leffler, in their investigations, have used the notation of the Jacobian theory of elliptic functions, instead of dealing with general periodic functions. The forms of their results are as follows, using as far as possible the notation of the preceding articles. I. When the function is defined by the equations F{z + 2K) = fiF (z), F(z + 2iK') = ix'F {z), then i?'(^) = slc, + a^ + ... + a.+i^}G^i^-c), where a^,^- H' {^) H{z^ .) where (^{z)- ^^^-^^^^^ ^ , 138.] ^ PEEIODIC FUNCTIONS 327 (the symbol H denoting the Jacobian fi'-function), and the constants co and \ are determined by the equations ^ = e^^^, iJb =e ^ II. If both A, and a be zero, so that F {z) is a doubly-periodic function of the first kind, then d ^ , d^} H'iz-c) with the condition 26i = 0. H{z-c)' III. If a be zero, but not \, then F(z) = Ae^^ + t\G, + G.^^^-^... + G,^,^J^g(z-c), Xz where , ^^^^^~WU)^' the constants being subject to the condition 2 (Ci + ax + . . . + a+A'O e-^'' = 0, and the summations extending to all the accidental singularities of F {£) in a parallelogram of periods containing the variable z. 139. Reverting now to the function F {£), we have G {z)^ defined as o- iz) a (a) ' when a and \ are properly determined, satisfying the equations G{z + 2co) = ^lG{z), G(z + 2co') = /u,'G(z). Hence fl (z) = F {z)/G (z) is a doubly-periodic function of the first kind ; and therefore the number of its irreducible zeros is equal to the number of its irreducible infinities, and their sums (proper account being taken of multi- plicity) are congruent to one another with moduli 2co and 2co\ Let Ci, Ca, ..., Cm be the set of infinities of F (z) in the parallelogram of periods containing the point z; and let 71, ..., 7^ be the set of zeros of F{z) in the same parallelogram, an infinity of order n or a, zero of order n occurring n times in the respective sets. The only zero of G{z) in the parallelogram is congruent with — a, and its only infinity is congruent with 0, each being simple. Hence the m + 1 irreducible infinities of H (z) are congruent with (I, Cj , C2 , . . . , Cin , and its fi + 1 irreducible zeros are congruent with 0, 7i, 72, •••, 7/*; and therefore i^^^K m -t- 1 = //. -f- 1 , a -h 2c = 27. 328 SECONDARY FUNCTIONS ^ [139. From the first it follows* that the numher of infinities of a doubly -periodic function of the second kind in a parallelogram of periods is equal to the numher of its zeros, and that the excess of the sum of the former over the sum of the latter is congruent with ^.log^--.log^j, < CO \ the sign being the same as that o/ 9t ( — j . The result just obtained renders it possible to derive another expression for F {z), substantially due to Hermite. Consider a function (t{z-c^)(t{z-c.) ... cr{z- c„i)- where p is a constant. Evidently F^ (z) has the same zeros and the same infinities, each in the same degree, as F (z). Moreover i^i (^ + 2g) ) = J^i (^) e2')(2c-2y)+2p.^ F^ (Z + 2&)') = F, (Z) e2V(2c-2v)+2pa.'^ If, then, we choose points c and 7, such that 2c — 27 = a, and we take p = \ where a and \ are the constants of G (z), then F, {z + 2(o) = fxF, {z), F, (z + 2co') = fi'F, {z). The function F^ {z)/F (z) is a doubly-periodic function of the first kind, and by the construction of F-l(z) it has no zeros and no infinities in the finite part of the plane : it is therefore a constant. Hence F{z) = A ^(;-7:)^(^-7.)-.^(^-7>n) ^,,^ a{z-Cj,)a{z -C2) ... (t{z- c^) where 2c — 27 = a, and a and X, are determined as for the function G (z). 140. One of the most important applications of secondary doubly-periodic functions is that which leads to the solution of Lame's equation in the cases when it can be integrated by means of uniform functions. This equation is subsidiary to the solution of the general equation, which is characteristic of the potential of an attracting mass at a point in free space ; and it can be expressed "I" either in the form -r— = (Ak' sn^z + B) w, dz' or in the form -^Y — {-^^ (^) + ^1 '^^' * Frobenius, Crelle, xciii, pp. 55 — 68, a memoir which contains developments of the properties of the function G (2). The result appears to have been noticed first by Brioschi, (Gomptes Rendits, t. xcii, p. 325), in discussing a more limited form. t The equation arises when the coordinates of any point in space are taken to be the parameters of the three confocal quadries through the point. For the actual derivation of the equation in either of the forms stated, see my Theory of Differential Equations, vol. iv, § 148. 140.] lamia's equation 329 according to the class of elliptic functions used. In order that the integral may be uniform, the constant A must be n (n + 1), where n is a positive integer; this value of A, moreover, is the value that occurs most naturally in the derivation of the equation. The constant B can be taken arbitrarily. The foregoing equation is one of a class, the properties of which have been established* by Picard, Floquet, and others. Without entering into their discussion, the following will suffice to connect them with the secondary period^ function. Let two independent special solutions be g (z) and h (z), uniform functions of z ; every solution is of the form ag (z) + j3h (z), where a. and /3 are constants. The equation is unaltered when z + 2(o is substituted for z ; hence g(z + 2&)) and h(z + 2&)) are solutions, so that we must have g{z + 2co) = Ag (z) + Bh {z), h (z + 2co) = Cg (z) + Dh (z), where, as the functions are determinate. A, B, C, D are determinate constants, such that AD — BC is different from zero. Similarly, we obtain equations of the form g(z + 2«') = A'g (z) + B'h {z), A (5 + 2a)' ) = G'g {z) + D'h (z). Using both equations to obtain g{z ^-^.a + 2co') in the same form, we have BC = B'C, AB'-hBD' = A'B + B'D ; and similarly, for h {z -\-2(o + 2&)'), we have CA' + DC = CA + D'C, BC = B'C ; . „ G C . A-D A'-D' therefore B^W~ — W ^ — R — ^ ^' Let a solution F{z) = ag (z) + bh (z) be chosen, so as to give F{z + 2co) = fiF(z), F(z + 2co')=/xT(z), if possible. The conditions for the first are aA +hC aB + bD a b so that ajb (= |) must satisfy the equation A-D = ^B-^^; and the conditions for the second are aA' + bC aB'+bD' , = T = /^> a * Picard, Comptes Rendus, t. xc, (1880), pp. 128—131, 293—295 ; Grelle, t. xc, (1880), pp. 281—302. Floquet, Comptes Rendus, t. xcviii, (1884), pp. 82—85; Ann. de VEc. Norm. Sup., 3™ Ser., t. i, (1884), pp. 181—238. 330 lamp's [140. so that I must satisfy the equation A'-D' = ^B'-^. These two equations are the same, being p _ e^ _ g = 0. Let |i and ^o be the roots of this equation which, in general, are unequal; and let yLti, fu,i and //-a, H^z he the corresponding values of //-, /jf. Then two functions, say ^1 (z) and F2 (^), are determined : they are independent of one another, so therefore are g (z) and h (z) ; and therefore every solution can be expressed in terms of them. Hence a linear differential equation of the second order, having coefficients that are doubly -periodic functions of the first kind, can generally he integrated by means of doubly -periodic functions of the second kind. It therefore follows that Lame s equation, which will be taken in the form can be integrated by means of secondary doubly-periodic functions. 141. Let z = c be an accidental singularity of w of order m ; then, for points z in the immediate vicinity of c, we have ^ " {z - cT (1 + i^ (^ - c) + ? (^ - c)^ + . . and therefore 1 d^w m-\-m^ 2mp , ... p — - — = -; ; ~ + positive powers 01 z — c. w dz^ {z-cf z-c ^ ^ Since this is equal to n {n -{- 1) (^ {z) + B it follows that c must be congruent to zero and that m, a positive integer, must be n. Moreover, ^ = 0. Hence the accidental singularities of tv are congruent to zero, and each is of order n. The secondary periodic function, which has no accidental singularities except those of order n congruent to z = 0, has n irreducible zeros. Let them be — Oi, -a-i, ■■■> —cin', then the form of the function is cr(z + ai) (r(z-{-a2) ... cr(z+ an) „^ w = — ^^ -rrr eP". (7^ {z) 1 dw "" Hence ^ = p-n^(z)+ 2 l;(z + a,.), tu dz ^ r=\ or, taking p — — 2^(a^), we have W dz y.= l and therefore ^ f-^ ) = ni^ (z) - 1 iJ{z + a,.). w dz^ w^ \dz.l r=l 141.] DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION 331 But, by Ex. 3, § 131, we have lu- \dz J 4 (^=1 gj {ar) — f {z) by Ex. 4, § 131. Thus Now ^y(a,)-^'(^) (^'{as)-^ (^) where ^ ^ ^^X;^.) + P>.) ^ _ ^ ^j (a,.) - ^J (a,) Let the constants a be such that ^y(ai) + ^y(a2) ^ gy (ai) + g)^ (go) _^ ^ ^ , ^j (gO - §) (gg) g.) (gO - ^J W gy(g,) + gy(gi) _^ ^y(g2) + |P^(a3) ^ _ (^i , ^J (ga) - ^i) (g-i) ^J> (go) - ^J (gg) ?i equations of which only n—1 are independent, because the sum of the n left-hand sides vanishes. Then in the double summation the coefficient of each 01 the fractions " — y-^ — —, — { is zero ; and so gj (ir) - gj (g,.) . 2 2 i^-H^ — S^T —7-^^ — ^-^ r = 27i (71 - 1) ^ (^) + 4 (n - 1) 2 g? (g^), 1 (i^W ^ and therefore — -7^ = n (w + 1) p (^r) + (2n — 1)2^ (g^). Hence it follows that _ q- (^ + g,) o- (^ + g^) ... cr(^ + ^n) "^f/K) J^Kz)-tu,- ^^^ satisfies Lame's equation, provided the n constants a he determined by the preceding equations and by the relation n B = (2n-1) X iJ (ar). r=l 332 lamp's equation [141. Evidently the equation is unaltered when — z is substituted for z ; and therefore n is another solution. Every solution is of the form MF{z) + NF{-z), where M and N are arbitrary constants. Corollary. The simplest cases are when n = l and n = 2. When n = 1, the equation is lu dz- ^ ^ ■^ there is only a single constant a determined by the single equation and the general solution is -.^criz + a) ., . ^^ a (z — a) ., . (t{z) a{z) When n= 2, the equation is The general solution is 0-2 (^) is determined by the equation dn"a = h-k^; and discuss in particular the solution when h has the values 1+F, 1, F. Obtain the solution for n = 2 in the form dz\_ e (z) E(i±^ >-|g]} ']+B± [^-(i^> e-^-ir^ ' dz e(z) 141.] TERTIARY PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 333 where X and co are given by the equations (2F sn2 a - 1 -F) (2F sn2 a - 1) (2 sn2 a- 1) sn2 0) = 3F sn* a-2 (l + F) sn^ a + 1 sn*a(2Fsn2a-l-y(;2) "3Fsn*a-2(l+F)sn2a + l' and d is derived from h by the relation A=4(l+X-2)-6/l-2sn2a. Deduce the three solutions that occur when X is zero, and the two solutions that occur when X is infinite. (Hermite.) Doubly -Periodic Functions of the Third Kind. 142. The equations characteristic of a doubly-periodic function {z) of the third kind are _ m-rri ^ (^r + 2&)) = $ {z), (^{z + 2(o') = e~^^ ^ (z), where m is an integer different from zero. Obviously the number of zeros in each parallelogram is invariable, as well as the number of infinities. Let a parallelogram, chosen so that its sides contain no zero and no infinity of (z). have p, p+ 2co, p + 2&)' for three of its angular points; and let a^, a^, ...,ai be the zeros and Ci, ..., Cm be the infinities, multiplicity of order being represented by repetitions. Then using ■^ {z) to denote -j- {log <^ {z)], we have, as the equations characteristic of ^ (5 + 2co) = ^ {z), ^{z + 2co') = ^(z)-''-^^; CO and for points in the parallelogram II ^» 1 r = l ^ ^r s = l ^ Gg where H {z) has no infinity within the parallelogram. Hence 2'7Ti{l-n) = j^r{z)dz, the integral being taken round the parallelogram : by using the Corollary to Prop. II. in § 116, we have ZTTi {i — n) = — \ — ( 1 dz = zmiri, \ CO J so that ' l = n + m: or the algebraical excess of the number of irreducible zeros over the number of irreducible infiiiities is equal to m. Z IM A gam, since = 1 + Z — fX Z— [Jb we have 2 -^ -S^ -^ +1 - n = z^ {z) - zH {z), z — a z — c and therefore ^-ni (%a — 2c) = /^^ {z) dz, 334 PSEUDO-PERIODIC FUNCTIONS [142. the integral being taken round the parallelogram. As before, this gives 27ri (Sa - 2c) - 2g)^ {z) dz- 2co'^ (z) - -— (z + 2a)') \ dz. The former integral is '25 + 2-' (^' /^\ i (z). The latter integral, with its own sign, is - 2ft)' ^iTT^/ (^^ + (Z + 2ft) ) (^0 jp ^(Z) ft) j^ ^ ^ = + ^' {(^ + 2ft) + 20,')^ -{p + 2 (z) satisfies the equations characteristic of doubly-periodic functions of the third kind, if j = 4X,ft) + 2mr}, [k . 27^^ = 4X,ft)- -|- 2m7]oi + 2fxco + miri — 2m7) {w + 2a) ; = 4Xft) + 2mr) , ft) k'. 2Tri = 4\ft)'- + 2mriw -f 2yu-ft)' + mivi — 2mi) (ft) -f 2ft)'), * Both in this integral and in the next, which contain parts of the form / — , there is, as in Prop. VII., § 116, properly an additive term of the form Ik-kI, where k is an integer. But, as there, both terms can be removed by modification of the position of the parallelogram ; and this modification is supposed, in the proof, to have been made. 143.] OF THE THIRD KIND 335 k and k' being disposable integers. These are uniquely satisfied by taking _ 1 1117] with k = 0, k' =m. Assuming the last two, the values of \ and jx are thus obtained so as to make ^ {z) a doubly-periodic function of the third kind. Now let «!,..., a; be chosen as the irreducible zeros of ^ {z) and Cj, ...,Cn as the irreducible infinities of ^ {z), which is possible owing to the conditions to which they were subjected. Then (^{z)l(^{z) is a doubly-periodic function of the first kind; it has no zeros and no infinities in the parallelogram of periods and therefore none in the whole plane ; it is therefore a constant, so that $ (z) = Ae~^^ " '"'"'^^^ " +(r,+2r,')}mz o-(z - a,) (t(z - a,) ..: ct(z - ai) (t{z- Ci) a{z- C.2) ... cr(z- Cn) ' a representation of (z) in terms of known quantities. Ex. Had the representation been effected by means of the Jacobian Theta-Functions which would replace {Z)+ 2 ^(br)Gr(z)+ S Es{z) = 0, r=l s=l m and therefore ^ (z) = t Es (^) -t- 2 (6,) Gr {z), giving the expression of $ {z) by means of donbly -periodic functions of the third kind, which are of positive class m and either have ■ no accidental singularity or have only one and that a simple singularity. F. F. 22 338 TERTIARY FUNCTIONS [145. The m quantities h^, .■■,hm are arbitrary; the simplest case occurs when the m zeros of ^(z) are different and are chosen as the values of 61, ..., 6,^. The value of (z) is then S = l where the summation extends to all the irreducible accidental singularities ; while, if there be the further simplification that all the accidental singularities are simple, then ^ (2) = A.yjr.r, (z, a,) + A^ylr,n (z, 0^)+ ..., the summation extending to all the irreducible simple singularities. The quantity ^m{^, ^r), which is equal to g;,(^. _ „,2)+^(, - .,) + 2oy') ~ ff,} ^ (7{ar — 61)... (7 (a,. — hm) o-[S6 — m(&) + 2(«')} cr{z — a^)' and is subsidiary to the construction of the function E {z), is called the simple element of positive class m. In the general case, the portion ^<^(br)Gr{z) gives an integral function of z, and the portion S £'« {z) gives a fractional s = l function of z. 146. Secondly, let m be negative and equal to — n. The equations satisfied by ^{z) are nwzi ^ (^ + 2a)) = 4> {z), {z+ 2&)0 = e~^ ^ {z), and the number of irreducible singularities is greater by n than the number of irreducible zeros. One expression for ^ {z) is at once obtained by forming its reciprocal, which satisfies the equations and is therefore of the class iust considered : the value of ^ , , is of the form lE,{z) + ^ArGr(z). For purposes of expansion, however, this is not a convenient form as it gives only the reciprocal of (z). To represent the function, Appell constructed the element %n(^,2/) = ^. 2 e cot — , 146.] OF NEGATIVE CLASS 339 which, since the real part of w jwi is positive, converges for all values of z and y, except those for which z.^y (mod. 2&), 2&)'). For each of these values one term of the series, and therefore the series itself, becomes infinite of the first order. Evidently Xn (^. i/ + 2a,) = ^n (^> v), _mryi Xn {z, y + 2ft)0 = e '^ Xn (z, y) ; therefore in the present case regarded as a function of y, is a doubly-periodic function of the first kind. Hence the sum of the residues of its irreducible accidental singularities is zero. Within the parallelogram, which includes z, these singularities are: — (i) y = z, arising through %« {z, y) ; (ii) the singularities of (y), which are at least w in number, and are n+ I in number when 4> has I irreducible zeros. The expansion of Xn {z, y), in powers oi y ~ z, in the vicinity of the point z, is h positive integral powers of y — z\ y ~ ^ therefore the residue of Vl{y) is Let Or be any irreducible singularity, and in the vicinity of a^ let {y') denote d ^ d? , T^ dP\ 1 (^'-^' {z, a^) is the value of d'^Xn jz, y) dy^ when y = ccr after differentiation. Similarly for the residues of other singu- larities : and so, as their sum is zero, we have a> (Z) = 2 {ArXn (Z, Or) + BrXn {z, a,.) -F . . . -f PrXn'^) (z, a,)}, the summation extending over all the singularities. 22—2 340 TERTIARY [146. The simplest case occurs when all the N (> n) singularities a are accidental and of the first order ; the function ^ (z) can then be expressed in the form The quantity %,i(^, o), which is equal to is called the simple element for the expression of a doubly -periodic function of the third kind of negative class n. Hx. Deduce the result = 2 ( - 1)« cot ' ^ TT sn u s=_cc 1 2^ 147. The function 'x^n (z, y) can be used also as follows. Since %,„ {z, y), qua function of y, satisfies the equations %m (z, y + 2co) = xm {z, y), imryi Xm. {z, y + 2ft)') = e - Xm (^, y\ which are the same equations as are satisfied by a function of y of positive class m, therefore %,„(«> z), which is equal to ^ Z e cot ^ ■- , 2ft)s=_a> ^ft> being a function of z, satisfies the characteristic equations of § 142 ; and, in the vicinity of z = a, Xm («) z) = 1- positive integral powers of ^ — of. If then we take the function ^ {z) of § 14.5, in the case when it has simple singularities at Wj, a,, ... and is of positive class m, then <|) {z) + A^X^n («!, Z) + ^2Xm (O2, Z)+... is a function of positive class m without any singularities: it is therefore equal to an integral function of positive class m, say to G(z), where G{z)=Ae''^'+''^a-(z-a,)...a(z-a„,), so that (^(z) = G (2) - AjXm {^1, z) - ^2%7» (a,, ^) - . . . . Ex. As a single example, consider a function of negative class 2, and let it have no zero within the parallelogram of reference. Then for the function, in the canonical product-form of § 14.3, the two irreducible infinities are subject to the relation Ci + C2 = 2((u + 2co'), and the function is ^{z) = Ke'" ^^ ' (t{z- Ci) {z) as a sum are X2 (2, ^i) = 2^ _^ ^ " ^°*^ 2^ (2- Ci-2sco ), , TT 1 — '{(«-l)')°° {(r-l)') = e~ S{z)F{z), where 71 is an integer, can be expressed in the form F{z) = Aei^sJzj+^r'^''^'', where A is a constant and tt {3) denotes iTT \ ' ' dz ''' dz^ the summation extending over all points h^ and the constants B,. being subject to the relation 25,= -^. Explain how the constants 6, G and B can be determined. (Picard.) Ex. 4. Shew that the function F {£) defined by the equation F{^Z)= "2" Z2«+1(1_22")2^ n= — CO for values of k|, which are < 1, satisfies the equation F{f) = F{z) ; and that the function F^ {x) = 2 , g/ % > where ^(^) = ^3_ 1^ and 4>n{x), for positive and negative values of n, denotes ^[(^{(^...(^(.^)}], (^ being repeated n times, and a is the positive root of a^ -a — 1 =0 ; satisfies the equation F,{x^-\) = F^{oo) for real values of the variable. Discuss the convergence of the series which defines the function F^ {x). (Appell.) CHAPTER XIII. Functions possessing an Algebraical Addition-Theorem. 149. We may consider at this stage an interesting set* of important theorems, due to Weierstrass, which are a justification, if any be necessary, for the attention ordinarily (and naturally) paid to functions belonging to the three simplest classes of algebraic, simply-periodic, and doubly-periodic, functions. A function n (I) = 0, where the coefficients g are rational (and can be taken as integral) functions of ^. If q be the highest degree of ^ in any of them, the equation can be transformed into where the coefficients f are rational integral functions of U of degree not higher than 27w. Let r) denote p (v) and ^ denote p (u + v) ; then the corresponding values of the function are determined by the equations v'fo(V)+v'^-'f^{V)+ +f,(V) = 0, and ^Vo{W)+i:^-\fAW)+ +f^{W)=0. By using Ex. 4, § 131, it is easy to shew that the relation between ^, rj, ^ is ^(i (^ + V + OH^ - vf - 8 {^ + V + {4^(e + r)- g.{^ + V) - ^9s} + (4p + 4|^77 + 4r7- - g.y = 0. 150.] AN ADDITION- THEOREM 347 The elimination of |, 77, f from the three equations leads as before to an alsrebraical equation G{U, V, W)=0, of finite degree and Avith coefficients independent of u and v. Therefore in this case also the function U possesses an algebraical addition-theorem. If, however, all the quantities N be zero, the equation defining U is of the form t/-/Ao (?) + U'-'K (I) + • • . + /'m (I) = ; and a similar argument then leads to the inference that U possesses an algebraical addition-theorem. The proposition is thus completely established. 151. The generalised converse of the preceding proposition now suggests itself: what are the classes of functions of one variable that possess an algebraical addition-theorem ? The solution is contained in Weierstrass's theorem : — An analytical function (f) (»), icJiich possesses an algebraical addition- theorem, is either (i) an algebraic function of u ; or (ii) an algebraic function of e '^ , where w is a suitably chosen constant; or (iii) an algebraic function of the elliptic function (^ {u), the periods — or the invariants g^ and g^ — being suitably chosen constants. Let U denote (/> {u). For a given general value of u, the function U may have m values where, for functions in general, there is nob a necessary limit to the value of m ; it will be proved that, when the function possesses an algebraical addition- theorem, the integer m must be finite. For a given general value of U, that is, a value of U when its argument is not in the immediate vicinity of a branch-point if there be branch-points, the variable u may have p values, where p may be finite or may be infinite. Similarly for given general values of v and of F, which will be used to denote {v). First, let p be finite. Then because u has p values for a given value of U and v has p values for a given value of V, and since neither set is affected by the value of the other function, the sum u + v has p" values because any member of the set m can be combined with any member of the set v; and this number p"- of values of u-\-v is derived for a given value of U and a given value of V. Now in forming the function (^{u + v), which will be denoted by W, we have m values of W for each value oi u + v and therefore we have mp"" values 348 WEIERSTRASS ON FUNCTIONS [151. of W for the whole set, that is, for a given value of U and a given value of V. Hence the equation between U, V, W is of degree* mp' in W, necessarily finite when the equation is algebraical ; and therefore m is finite. Because in is finite, U has a finite number m of values for a given value of u ; and, because p is finite, u has a finite number p of values for a given value of U. Hence U is determined in terms of u by an algebraical equation of degree m, the coefficients of which are rational integral functions of degree p ; and therefore U is an algebraic function of u. 152. Next, let p be infinite ; then (see Note, p. 350) the system of values may be composed of (i) a single simply-infinite series of values or (ii) a finite number of simply-infinite series of values or (iii) a simply-infinite number of simply-infinite series of values, say, a single doubly-infinite series of values or (iv) a finite number of doubly-infinite series of values or (v) an infinite number of doubly-infinite series of values : where, in (v), the infinite number is not restricted to be simply-infinite. Taking these alternatives in order, we first consider the case where the p values of u for a given general value of U constitute a single simply -infinite series. They may be denoted by f{u, n), where n has a simply-infinite series of values and the form of / is such that f{u, 0) =■ u. Similarly, the p values of v for a given general value of V may be denoted by f(v, n'), where n has a simply-infinite series of values. Then the different values of the argument for the function W are the set of values given by f{u, n) + f{v, n), for the simply-infinite series of values for n and the similar series of values for n'. The values thus obtained as arguments of W must all be contained in the series f{u+v, n"), where n" has a simply-infinite series of values ; and, in the present case, f{u + v, n") cannot contain other values. Hence for some values of n and some values of n, the total aggregate being not finite, the equation f{u, n) + f{v, n')=f{u -F v, n") must hold, for continuously varying values of u and v. In the first place, an interchange of u and v is equivalent to an inter- change of n and n on the left-hand side; hence n" is symmetrical in n and n'. Again, we have 9/ {u, n) _ df(:Li + v, n") du ~ d(u + v) _ df(v, n) dv * The degree for special functions may be reduced, as in Cor. 1, Prop. XIII., § 118 ; but in no case is it increased. Similarly modifications, in the way of finite reductions, may occur in the succeeding cases ; but they will not be noticed, as they do not give rise to essential modification in the reasoning. 152.] POSSESSING AN ADDITION-THEOREM 349 SO that the form of f(ii, n) is such that its first derivative with regard to u is independent of u. Let 6 {n) be this value, where 6 (n), independent of ^t, may- be dependent on n ; then, since ou we have f{^>'> '0 — ^''^ ('0 + "^ 0^)> '\lr(n) being independent of u. Substituting this expression in the former equation, we have the equation ae (n) + y^r (n) + vO {n) + y\r (nf) = {u +v)e (?i") + yjr (n"), which must be true for all values of u and v ; hence d{n) = e{n") = e(n'), so that 6 (n) is a constant and equal to its value when oi = 0. But when 7i is zero, f{ti, 0) is u ; so that ^ (0) = 1 and i/r (0) — 0, and therefore f(u, n) = u + yfr^n), where yfr vanishes with n. The equation defining yfr is -v/r(??) + -v|r(;i') = -»|r(7i"); for values of ?i from a singly-infinite series and for values of n from the same series, that series is reproduced for n". Since 1/^(7?) vanishes with n, we take and therefore n^ (n) + nx (^^') = '^"% (^^")- Again, when n vanishes, the required series of values of n" is given by taking n" = n ; and, when n does not vanish, n" is symmetrical in n and n , so that we have n" = n + n -\- nn'X, where A. is not infinite for zero or finite values of n or n'. Thus n^ (?0 + y^'x (^0 = 0^ + *^' + nn'X) x (n + n + nn'X). Since the left-hand side is the sum of two functions of distinct and inde- pendent magTiitudes, the form of the equation shews that it can be satisfied only if \^0, so that n" =n + n' ; and ■ X ('0 = % (jO = X ('^')' so that each is a constant, say co ; then / (m, ?? ) = u + ncD, which is the form that the series must adopt when the series f(u + v, n") is obtained by the addition of /(w, n) and f(v, n). 350 WEIERSTRASS ON FUNCTIONS [152. It follows at once that the single series of arguments for W is obtained, as one simply-infinite series, of the form u + v + n"w. For "each of these arguments we have m values of W, and the set of m values of W is the same for all the different arguments; that is, W has m values for a given value of U and a given value of V. Moreover, U has m values for each argument and likewise F; hence, as the equation between U, V, W is of a degree that is necessarily finite because the equation is algebraical, the integer m is finite. It thus appears that the function U has a finite number m of values for each value of the argument u, and that for a given value of the function the values of the argument form a simply-periodic series represented by u + nw. But the function tan — is such that, for a given value, the values of the ft) argument are represented by the series u + noo ; hence for each value of tan — there are m values of U, and for each value of U there is one value of tan — . It therefore follows, by §§ 113, 114, that between U and tan — there is an algebraical relation which is of the first degree in tan — and the mth degree in U, that is, U is an algebraic function of tan — . Hence U is an algebraic function also of e '" . Note. This result is based upon the supposition that the series of argu- ments, for which a branch of the function has the same value, can be arranged in the form/(w, n), where n has a simply-infinite series of integral values. If, however, there were no possible law of this kind — the foregoing proof shews that, if there be one such law, there is only one such law, with a properly determined constant to — then the values would be represented hj u^, U2, . . . , Up with p infinite in the limit. In that case, there would be an infinite number of sets of values for u + v of the type u^ + v^, where X, and fi might be the same or might be different ; each set would give a branch of the function W, and then there would be an infinite number of values of W corresponding to one branch of U and one branch of V. The equation between U, V and W would be of infinite degree in W, that is, it would be transcendental and not alge- braical. The case is excluded by the hypothesis that the addition-theorem is algebraical, and therefore the equation between U, V and W is algebraical. 153. Next, let there be a number of simply-infinite series of values of the argument of the function, say q, where q is greater than unity and may be either finite or infinite. Let ti^, ih, ..-, Uq denote typical members of each series. Then all the members of the series containing Uj must be of the form y; (^<,l, n), for an infinite series of values of the integer n. Otherwise, as in the 153.] POSSESSING AN ADDITION-THEOREM 351 preceding Note, the sum of the values in the series of arguments a and of those in the same series of arguments v would lead to an infinite number of distinct series of values of the argument u + v, with a corresponding infinite number of values W; and the relation between U, V, W would cease to be algebraical. In the same way, the members of the corresponding series containing v^ must be of the form fi{v^, n) for an infinite series of values of the integer n'. Among the combinations /i(«i, n)+/i(yi> n'y the simply-infinite series /^ (Wj + v-^, n") must occur for an infinite series of values of n" ; and therefore, as in the preceding case, y*! (ttj , n) = t(i -I- ?i(«i , where oo^ is an appropriate constant. Further, there is only one series of values for the combination of these two series ; it , is represented by ^ are properly determined, represents a series of values of the variable u, included among the original series or distributed through them. And generally, when accouut is taken of all the distinct series thus obtained, the aggregate of values of the variable u can be represented in the form Wa + Swi^o)^, for X = 1, 2, ...,«, where k is some finite or infinite integer. Three cases arise, (a) when the quantities w are equal to one another or can be expressed as integral multiples of only one quantity co, (b) when the quantities o) are equivalent to two quantities fi^ and Xlg (the ratio of which is not real), so that each quantity co can be expressed in the form (Or = Pir^i + P2r^2, the coefficients p^,., p2r being finite integers ; (c) when the quantities co are not equivalent to only two quantities, such as Xli and Og- 352 FUNCTIONS POSSESSING AN [153. For case (a), each of the k infinite series of values u can be expressed in the form W;^ + pco, for X = 1, 2, ..., /c and integral values of j9. First, let k be finite, so that the original integer q is finite. Then the values of the argument for W are of the type Uf, -\- pw -\rV^ + p'o3, that is, U), ^-v^-\r p"o), for all combinations of A, and /x and for integral values of p". There are thus k'^ series of values, each series containing a simply-infinite number of terms of this type. For each of the arguments in any one of these infinite series, W has m values ; and the set of m values is the same for all the arguments in one and the same infinite series. Hence W has mK^ values for all the arguments in all the series taken together, that is, for a given value of U and a given value of V. The relation between U, V, W is therefore of degree m/c^, necessarily finite when the equation is algebraical ; hence m is finite. It thus appears that the function U has a finite number m of values for each value of the argument u, and that for a given value of the function there are a finite number k of distinct series of values of the argument of the form 2i + p(o, (o being the same for all the series. But the function tan — has one value for each value of u, and the series u + pw represents the series of ITU' values of w for a given value of tan — . It therefore follows that there are ° CO TTti TTU m values of U for each value of tan — and that there are k values of tan — ft) &) for each value of U ; and therefore there is an algebraical relation between U and tan — , which is of degree k in the latter and of degree m in the w inu TTIC former. Hence U is an algebraic function of tan — and therefore also of e "' . Next, let K be infinite, so that the original integer q is infinite. Then, as in the Note in § 152, the equation between U, V, W will cease to be algebraical unless each aggregate of values u^ + pco, for each particular value of p and for the infinite sequence X= 1, 2, ..., k, can be arranged in a system or a set of systems, say a in number, each of the form fp{u + pco, pp) for an infinite series of values of p^. Each of these implies a series of values fp(v +p'co, pp) of the argument of V for the same series of values of pp as of Pp, and also a series of values fp(it -h v + p"co, pp") of the argument of W for the same series of values of pj'. By proceeding as in § 152, it follows that fp {u + pco, Pp) = a +po3+ PpCOp , where cOp is an appropriate constant, the ratio of which to co can be proved 153.] ALGEBRAICAL ADDITION-THEOREM 353 (as in § 106) to be not purely real, and p^ has a simply-infinite succession of values. The integer a may be finite or it may be infinite. When CO and all the constants to' which thus arise are linearly equivalent to two quantities flj and Clor so that the terms additive to it can be expressed in the form s-^Hi + 531^2, then the aggregate of values -u can be expressed in the form Up + pT^ni+p^n^, for a simply -infinite series for pi and for po', and p has a series of values 1, 2, ...,o-. This case is, in effect, the same as case (h). When o) and all the constants co' are not linearly equivalent to only two quantities, such as Oj and fig) we have a case which, in effect, is the same as case (c). These two cases must therefore now be considered. For case (h), either as originally obtained or as derived through part of case (a), each of the (doubly) infinite series of values of u can be expressed in the form u^^+p^n^ + p^no^, for X = 1, 2, ..., a, and for integral values of p^ and p.^. The integer a may be finite or infinite ; the original integer q is infinite. First, let o- be finite. Then the values of the argument for W are of the type Ul^ + p^n^ -f P2^-2 + I'm + Pl^l + P2'^2, that is, Ux + v^ + pi'D,^ + p^'^^, for all combinations of A, and /x,, and for integral values of ja/' and p^'. There are thus o-- series of values, each series containing a doubly-infinite number of terms of this type. For every argument there are m values of W ; and the set of m values is the same for all the arguments in one and the same infinite series. Thus W has m1. Hence a function, that possesses an addition-theorem, cannot have only one doubly-infinite series of values for its argument. If o- be infinite, there is an infinite series of values of u of the form "x + Pi^i + P2^^ \ an argument, similar to that in case (a), shews that this is, in effect, the same as case (c). It is obvious that cases (ii), (iii) and (iv) of § 152 are now completely covered; case (v) of § 152 is covered by case (c) now to be discussed. 154. For case (c), we have the series of values u represented by a number of series of the form Ma. + 2 nir(Or, )• = ! where the quantities &> are not linearly equivalent to two quantities Hj and Dg. The original integer q is infinite. Then, by §§ 108, 110, it follows that integers ni can be chosen in an unlimited variety of ways so that the modulus of S nirWr r = l is infinitesimal, and therefore in the immediate vicinity of any point u^^ there is an infinitude of points at which the function resumes its value. Such a function would, as in previous instances, degenerate into a mere constant, unless each point were an essential singularity (as is not the case) ; hence the combination of values which gives rise to this case does not occur. 154.] ALGEBRAICAL ADDITION-THEOREM 355 All the possible cases have been considered : and the truth of Weierstrass's theorem* that a function, which has an algebraical addition-theorem, is either an algebraical function of u, or of e " (where co is suitably chosen), or of <^ (u), where the periods of ^J{u) are suitably chosen, is established; and it has incidentally been established — it is, indeed, essential to the derivation of the theorem — that a function, ivhich has an algebraical addition -theorein, has only a finite number of values for a given argument. It is easy to see that the first derivative has only a finite number of values for a given argument; for the elimination of U between the algebraical equations G(U,u) = 0, ^Cr' + ?^ = 0, ^ ^ db tiu leads to an equation in U' of the same finite degree as G in U. Further, it is now easy to see that if the analytical function (p (u), luhich possesses an algebraical addition-theorem, be uniform, then it is a rational iwu .. function either of u, or ofe*^, or of ^j (u) and ^j' (u) ; and that any uniform function, which is transcendental in the sense of § 46 and which possesses an algebraical addition-theorem, is either a simply-periodic function or a doubly- periodic function. The following examples will illustrate some of the inferences in regard to the number of values of (f)(u + v) arising from series of values for ti and r. Fx: 1. Let U=u^ + {2u + l)^. Evidently m, the number of values of U for a value of u, is 4 ; and, as the rationalised form of the equation is the value of p, being the number of values of u for a given value of U, is 2. Thus the equation in W should be, by § 151, of degree (4. 22 = ) 16. This equation is n {3 ( Tf 2 _ 1/2 _ 72) + 1 _ 2kr]=0, r=l where k,. is any one of the eight values of when rationalised, the equation is of the 16th degree in W. Ex. 2. Let U—cosi(. Evidently m = l ; the values of u for a given value of U are contained in the double series u+2Trn, —u-\-2ivn, for all values of n from — c» to +00. The values of u + v are u + 2Trn-\-v+2iTm, that is, ^l + v + 2^^p ; —u + 2TT}i+v + 27r?n, that is, —u + v + 2Trp ; u + 2Tr7i- v + 2Trni, that is, u — v + 2Trp ; -u+2irn — v+2Trm, that is, —u-v-\-2ttp, * The theorem has been used by Schwarz, Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 260 — 268, in determining all . the families of plane isothermie curves which are algebraic curves, an ' isothermic ' curve being of the form u = c, where m is a function satisfying the potential-equation 23—2 356 FUNCTIONS POSSESSING AN [154. so that the number of series of values of li + v is four, each series being simply-infinite. It might thus be expected that the equation between U, V, W would be of degree (1.4 = ) 4 in W ; but it happens that cos {u + v) = cos ( — It — v), and so the degree of the equation in W is reduced to half its degree. The equation is If 2 _ 2 WUV+ U^+ F2 -1=0. Ex. 3. Let U= sn u. Evidently m = l; and there are two doubly-infinite series of values of w determined by a given value of U, having the form u + 2m(o + 2m' a>', q> — u + 2mco + 2m'co'. Hence the values of ii+v are = u+v (mod. 2a), 2(b') ; =a) — u+v (mod. 2, 2co') ; four in number. The equation may therefore be expected to be of the fourth degree in W ; it is 4 {l-V^} (1 - F2) (i_ W^) = {2-U-^- F2- W^ + F-U^V'n¥^)l 155. But it must not be supposed that any algebraical equation between U, V; W, which is symmetrical in U and V, is one necessarily implying the representation of an algebraical addition-theorem. Without entering into a. detailed investigation of the formal characteristics of the equations that are suitable, a latent test is given by implication in the following theorem, also due to Weierstrass : — If an analytical function possess an algebraical addition-theorem, an algebraical equation involving the function and its first derivative with regard to its argument exists ; and the coefficients in this equation do not involve the argument of the function. The proposition might easily be derived by assuming the preceding proposition, and applying the known results relating to the algebraical dependence between those functions, the types of which are suited to the representation of the functions in question, and their derivatives ; we shall, however, proceed more directly from the equation expressing the algebraical addition-theorem in the form G{U, V, W) = 0, which may be regarded as a rationally irreducible equation. Differentiating with regard to w, we have dU dW and similarly, with regard to v, we have from which it follows that dU dV 155.] ALGEBRAICAL ADDITION-THEOREM 857 This equation* will, in general, involve W ; in order to obtain an equation free from W, we eliminate W between G^ = and ^-^^ZT' = |^F', oL V the elimination being possible because both equations are of finite degree ; and thus in any case we have an algebraical equation independent of W and involving U, U', V, V . Not more than one equation can arise by assigning various values to v, a quantity that is independent of u; for we should have either inconsistent equations or simultaneous equations which, being consistent, determine a limited number of values of JJ and U' for all values of u, that is, only a number of constants. Hence there can be only one equation, obtained by assigning varying values to v ; and this single equation is the algebraical equation between the function and its first derivative, the coefficients being independent of the argument of the function. N'ote. A test of suitability of an algebraical equation G = between three variables U, V, W to represent an addition-theorem is given by the condition that the elimination of W between oL oV leads to only a single equation between U and U' for different values of V and v. Ecc. Consider the equation (2- v- Y- Tr)2-4 (1- r)(i- r)(i- n')=o. The deduced equation involving V and Y' is (2 Fir- r- ir-f- u) u'={2 uw- u- Tr+ f) p, so that W- ^^-U)iV' + U') ••'^ ^^^^^ ^-{%Y-l)U'-{iU-\)Y'- The ehmination of IF is simple. We have 1-TF= {V+U-l){V'-Y') (2F-l)Z7'-(2 6^-l)F" and 2 - U- Y- W- 2 (r+ ^- 1) {(1 - F) ^'-(1- C/) F} -""^ ^ ^ (^-H-2 (2F^l)?7'-(2C^-l)F Neglecting 4 (F-|- £/"—!) = 0, which is an irrelevant equation, and multiplying by (2 F- 1) U' - (2U- 1) F, we have {Y+ U-l) {(1- F) U'-(l-U) F'}2 = (1- Z7) (l-Y){U'- F') {(2F- 1) U'-{2U-1) Y'}, ' and therefore V{U-Y)(l~ F) U"-+ U{ F- U) {I - U) F'2 = 0. * It is permissible to adopt any subsidiary irrational or non-algebraical form as the equivalent of G = 0, provided no special limitation to the subsidiary form be implicitly adopted. Thus, if W can be expressed explicitly in terms of XJ and V, this resoluble (but irrational) equivalent of the equation often leads rapidly to the equation between U and its derivative. 358 FUNCTIONS WITH AN ADDITION-THEOREM [155. When the irrelevant factor U— V is neglected, this equation gives Uil-[7)~ V{1- F)' the equation required : and this, indeed, is the necessary form in which the equation involving U and V arises in general, the variables being combined in associate pairs. Each side is evidently a constant, say 4a^ ; and then we have U'^ = 4a^U{l-U). Then the value of U is sin^ (aw + /3), the arbitrary additive constant of integration being /3 ; by substitution in the original equation, ^ is easily proved to be zero. 156. Again, if the elimination between G = and l^jU'^l^^V oil V be supposed to be performed by the ordinary algebraical process for finding the greatest common measure of G and U'' ^tj— ^'orr? regarded as functions of W, the final remainder is the eliminant which, equated to zero, is the differential equation involving U, U', V, V'\ and the greatest common measure, equated to zero, gives the simplest equation in virtue of which the equations = Q and ^rjf U' = ?r^ V subsist. It will be of the form oU o V f(W, U, V, U', V') = 0. If the function have only one value for each value of the argument, so that it is a uniform function, this last equation can give only one value for W; for all the other magnitudes that occur in the equation are uniform functions of their respective arguments. Since it is linear in W, the equation can be expressed in the form W=R(U,V, U', V), where R denotes a rational function. Hence* : — A uniform analytical function cf) (u), tvhich possesses an algebraical addition-theorem, is such that (f> {u + v) can be expressed rationally in tet^ms of (u), (v) does not, in general, express (f) {u + ^;) as a rational function of 6 (w) and ^ (v). And it should be noticed that the rationality of the expression of (j) (u + v) in terms of ^ {u), (j) {v), (f)' (ii), (f)' {v) is characteristic of functions with an algebraical addition-theorem. Instances do occur of functions such that (f){u + v) can be expressed, not rationally, in terms of cf) (u), (f) (v), (f)' (m), ' (v) ; they do not possess an algebraical addition-theorem. Such an instance is furnished by ^{u): the expression of ^(u + v), given in Ex. 3 of § 131, can be modified so as to have the form indicated. * The theorem is due to Weierstrass ; see Schwarz, § 2, (I.e. in note to p. 344). CHAPTER xry. Connection of Surfaces. 157. In proceeding to the discussion of multiform functions, it was stated (§ 100) that there are two methods of special importance, one of which is the development of Cauchy's general theory of functions of complex variables and the other of which is due to E-iemann. The former has been explained in the immediately preceding chapters ; we now pass to the consideration of Riemann's method. But, before actually entering upon it, there are some preliminary propositions on the connection of surfaces which must be established ; as they do not find a place in treatises on geometry, an outline will be given here, though only to that elementary extent which is necessary for our present purpose. In the integration of meromorphic functions, it proved to be convenient to exclude the poles from the range of variation of the variable by means of infinitesimal closed simple curves, each of which was thereby constituted a limit of the region : the full boundary of the region was composed of the aggi'egate of these non-intersecting curves. Similarly, in dealing with some special cases of multiform functions, it proved convenient to exclude the branch-points by means of infinitesimal curves or by loops. And-, in the case of the fundamental lemma of § 16, the region over which integration extended was considered as one which possibly had several distinct curves as its complete boundary. These are special examples of a general class of regions, at all points within the area of which the functions considered are monogenic, finite, and continuous and, as the case may be, uniform or multiform But, important as are the classes of functions which have been., considered, it is necessary to consider wider classes of multiform functions and to obtain the regions which are appropriate for the representation of the variation of the variable in each case. The most conspicuous examples of such new functions are the algebraic functions, adverted to in §§ 94 — 99 ; and it is chiefly in view of their value and of the value of functions dependent upon them, as well as of the kind of surface on which their variable can be simply represented, that we now proceed to establish some of the topological properties of surfaces in general. 158. A surface is said to be connected when, from any point of it to any other point of it, a continuous line can be drawn without passing out of the 360 CONNECTED [158. surface. Thus the surface of a circle, that of a plane ring such as arises in Lambert's Theorem, that of a sphere, that of an anchor-ring, are connected surfaces. Two non-intersecting spheres, not joined or bound together in any manner, are not a connected surface but are two different connected surfaces. It is often necessary to consider surfaces, which are constituted by an aggregate of several sheets ; in order that the surface may be regarded as connected, there must be junctions between the sheets. One of the simplest connected surfaces is such a plane area as is enclosed and completel}^ bounded by the circumference of a circle. All lines drawn in it from one internal point to another can be deformed into one another ; any simple closed line lying entirely within it can be deformed so as to be evanescent, without in either case passing over the circumference ; and any simple line from one point of the circumference to another, when regarded as an impassable barrier, divides the surface into two portions. Such a surface is called* simply connected. The kind of connected surface next in point of simplicity is such a plane area as is enclosed between and is completely bounded by the circumferences of two concentric circles. All lines in the surface from one point to another cannot necessarily be deformed into one another, e.g., the lines Zf^az and zjbz ; a simple closed line cannot necessarily be deformed so as to be evanescent without crossing the boundary, e.g., the line azjjza ; and a simple line from a point in one part of the boundary to a point in another and different part of the boundary, such as a line AB, does not divide the surface into two portions but, set as an impassable barrier, it makes the surface simply connected. Again, on the surface of an anchor-ring, a closed line can be drawn in two essentially distinct ways, abc, ab'c, such that neither can be deformed so as to be evanescent or so as to pass continuously into the other. If abc be made the only impassable barrier, a line such as a/37 cannot be deformed so as to be evanescent ; if ab'c be made the only impassable barrier, the same holds of a line such as a/3'7'. In order to make the surface simply connected, two impassable barriers, such as abc and ab'c, must be set. Surfaces, like the flat ring or the anchor-ring, Fig. 36. * Sometimes the term monadelphic is used. hdngend. The German equivalent is einfach zusainmen- 158.] SURFACES 361 are called* multiply connected; the establishment of barriers has made it possible, in each case, to modify the surface into one which is simply connected. 159. It proves to be convenient to arrange surfaces in classes according to the character of their connection; and these few illustrations suggest that the classification may be made to depend, either upon the resolution of the surface, by the establishment of barriers, into one that is simply connected, or upon the number of what may be called independent irreducible circuits. The former mode — -that of dependence upon the establishment of barriers — will be adopted, thus following Riemannf ; but whichever of the two modes be adopted (and they are not necessarily the only modes), subsequent demands require that the two be brought into relation with one another. The most effective way of securing the impassability of a barrier is to suppose the surface actually cut along the line of the barrier. Such a section of a surface is either a cross-cut or a loop-cut. If the section be made through the interior of the surface from one point Fig. 37. of the boundary to another point of the boundary, without intersecting itself or meeting the boundary save at its extremities, it is called a cross-cutX- Every part of it, as it is made, is to be regarded as boundary during the formation of the remainder ; and any cross-cut, once made, is to be regarded as boundary during the formation of any cross-cut subsequently made. Illustrations are given in fig. 37. The definition and explanation imply that the surface has a boundary. Some surfaces, such as a complete sphere and a complete anchor-ring, do not possess a boundary; but, as will be seen later (§§ 163, 168) from the discussion of the evanescence of circuits, it is desirable to assign some boundary in order to avoid merely artificial difiiculties as to the numerical * Sometimes the term pohjadelphic is used. The German equivalent is viehrfach zusammen- hdngend. t " Grundlagen fiir eine allgemeine Theorie der Functioneri einer veranderlichen coraplexen Grosse," Kiemann's Gesammelte Werke, pp. 9—12; "Theorie der Abel'schen Functionen," ib., pp. 84—89. "When reference to either of these memoirs is made, it will be by a citation of the page or pages in the volume of Eiemann's Collected Works. + This is the equivalent used for the German word Querschnitt; French writers use Section, and Italian writers use Trasversale or Taglio trasversale. 562 CROSS-CUTS AND LOOP-CUTS [159. expression of the connection. This assignment usually is made by taking for the boundary of a surface, which otherwise has no boundary, an infinitesimal closed curve, practically a point ; thus in the figure of the anchor-ring (fig. 36) the point a is taken as a boundary, and each of the two cross-cuts begins and ends in a. If the section be made through the interior of the surface from a point not on the boundary and, without meeting the boundary or crossing itself, return to the initial point, (so that it has the form of a simple curve lying Fig. 38. entirely in the surface), it is called* a loop-cut Thus a piece can be cut out of a bounded spherical surface by a loop-cut (fig. 38) ; but it does not necessarily give a separate piece when made in the surface of an anchor-ring. It is evident that both a cross-cut and a loop-cut furnish a double boundary-edge to the whole aggregate of surface, whether consisting of two pieces or of only one piece after the section. Moreover, these sections represent the impassable barriers of the pre- liminary explanations ; and no specified form was assigned to those barriers. It is thus possible, within certain limits, to deform a cross-cut or a loop-cut continuously into a closely contiguous and equivalent position. If, for instance, two barriers initially coincide over any finite length, one or other can be slightly deformed so that finally they intersect only in a point ; the same modification can therefore be made in the sections. The definitions of simple connection and of multiple connection will nowf be as follows : — A surface i,9 simply connected, if it he resolved into tiuo distinct pieces by every cross-cut ; but if there be any cross-cut, ivkich does not resolve it into distinct pieces, the surface is midtiply connected. 160. Some fundamental propositions, relating to the connection of surfaces, may now be derived. * This is the equivalent used for the German word Riickkehrscknitt ; French writers use the word Retrosection. t Other definitions will be required, if the classification of surfaces be made to depend on methods other than resolution by sections. 160.] PROPERTIES OF CONNECTED SURFACES 363 I. Each of the two distinct pieces, into which a simply connected surface S is resolved by a cross-cut, is itself simply connected. If either of the pieces, made by a cross-cut ah, be not simply connected, then some cross-cut cd must be possible which will not resolve that piece into distinct portions. If neither c nor d lie on ah, then the obliteration of the cut ah will restore the original surface S, which now is not resolved by the cut cd into distinct pieces. If one of the extremities of cd, say c, lie on ah, then the obliteration of the portion ch will change the two pieces into a single piece which is the original surface 8; and S now has a cross-cut acd, which does not resolve it into distinct pieces. If both the extremities lie on ah, then the obliteration of that part of ah which lies between c and d will change the two pieces into one ; this is the original surface 8, now with a cross-cut acdh, which does not resolve it into distinct pieces. These are all the possible cases should either of the distinct pieces of 8 not be simply connected ; each of them leads to a contradiction of the simple connection of 8 ; therefore the hypothesis on which each is based is untenable, that is, the distinct pieces of 8 in all the cases are simply connected. Corollary 1. A simply connected surface is resolved hy n cross-cuts into n+1 distinct pieces, each simply connected ; and an aggregate of m, simply connected surfaces is resolved hy n cross-cuts into n + m distinct pieces each simply connected. Corollary 2. A surface that is resolved into tivo distinct simply con- nected pieces hy a cross-cut is simply connected hefore the resolution. Corollary 3. If a, midtiply connected surface he resolved into two different pieces hy a cross-cut, hoth of these pieces cannot he simply connected. We now come to a theorem* of great importance: — II. If a resolution of a surface hy m cross-cuts into n distinct simply connected pieces he possible, arid also a different resolution of the same surface hy fi cross-cuts into v distinct simply connected pieces, then m — n = /j, — v. Let the aggregate of the w pieces be denoted by 8 and the aggregate of the V pieces by 2 : and consider the effect on the original surface of a united, system of m -\- /j, simultaneous cross-cuts made up of the two systems of the 7n and of the /x cross-cuts respectively. The operation of this system can be carried out in two ways : (i) by effecting the system of /j. cross-cuts on >S^ and * The following proof of this proposition is substantially due to Neumann, p. 157. Another proof is given by Eiemaun, pp. 10, 11, and is amplified by Durege, Elemente der Theorie der Functionen, pp. 183—190 ; and another by Lippich, see Durege, pp. 190—197. 364 EFFECT OF CROSS-CUTS ON [160. (ii) by effecting the system of m cross-cuts on ^ : with the same result on the original surface. After the explanation of § 159, we may justifiably assume that the lines of the two systems of cross-cuts meet only in points, if at all : let S be the number of points of intersection of these lines. Whenever the direction of a cross-cut meets a boundary line, the cross-cut terminates ; and if the direction continue beyond that boundary line, that produced part must be regarded as a new cross-cut. Hence the new system of /x cross-cuts applied to S is effectively equivalent to /x -(- S new cross-cuts. Before these cuts were made, S was composed of n simply connected pieces ; hence, after they are applied, the new arrangement of the original surface is made up of /i -f- (/x -I- S) simply connected pieces. Simihirly, the new system of in cross-cuts applied to 2 will give an arrangement of the original surface made up of v + {m-\- 8) simply connected pieces. These two arrangements are the same : and therefore n •{■ fx + h = V + m + h, so that m — n = jju — v. It thus appears that, if by any system of q cross-cuts a multiply connected surface be resolved into a number p of pieces distinct from one another and all simply connected, the integer q — p is independent of the particular system of the cross-cuts and of their configuration. The integer q—p is therefore essentially associated with the character of the multiple connection of the surface : and its in variance for a given surface enables us to arrange surfaces according to the value of the integer. No classification among the multiply connected surfaces has yet been made : they have merely been defined as surfaces in which cross-cuts can be made that do not resolve the surface into distinct pieces. It is natural to arrange them in classes according to the number of cross- cuts which are necessary to resolve the surface into one of simple connection or a number of pieces each of simple connection. For a simply connected surface, no such cross-cut is necessary : then q = 0, p = l, and in general q — p = — l. We shall say that the connectivity* is unity. Examples are furnished by the area of a plane circle, and by a spherical surface with one hole"f*. A surface is called doubly-connected when, by one appropriate cross-cut, the surface is changed into a single surface of simple connection : then g = 1, p = l for this particular resolution, and therefore in general, q — p = 0. We * Sometimes ordei- of connection, sometimes adelphic order; the German word, that is used, is Grundzahl. t The hole is made to give the surface a boundary (§ 163). 160.] THE CONNECTIVITY 365 shall say that the connectivity is 2. Examples are furnished by a plane ring and by a spherical surface with two holes. A surface is called triply-connected when, by two appropriate cross-cuts, the surface is changed into a single surface of simple connection : then g = 2, p = I for this particular resolution and therefore, in general, q — p = 1. We shall say that the connectivity is 3. Examples are furnished by the surface of an anchor-ring with one hole in it*, and by the surfaces f in figure 39, the surface in (2) not being in one plane but one part beneath another. And, in general, a surface will be said to be iV^-ply connected or its connectivity will be denoted by N, if, by N — 1 appropriate cross-cuts, it can be changed into a single surface that is simply connected :|:. For this particular resolution q = N —1, p = 1 : and therefore in general q-p = N -2, or N = q — p + 2. Let a cross-cut I be drawn in a surface of connectivity N. There are two cases to be considered, according as it does not or does divide the surface into distinct pieces. First, let the surface be only one piece after / is drawn : and let its connectivity then be N'. If in the original surface q cross-cuts (one of which can, after the preceding proposition, be taken to be I) be drawn dividing the surface into p simply connected pieces, then N'=q-p + 2. To obtain these p simply connected pieces from the surface after the cross-cut I, it is evidently sufficient to make the q — 1 original cross-cuts other than I ; that is, the modified surface is such that hy q —1 cross-cuts it is resolved into p simply connected pieces, and therefore N' = {q-l)-p + 2. Hence iV' = iV— 1, or the connectivity of the surface is diminished by unity, * The hole is made to give the surface a boundary (§ 163). t Riemann, p. 89. X A few writers estimate the connectivity of such a surface as N-1, the same as the number of cross-cuts which can change it into a single surface of the simplest rank of connectivity : the estimate in the text seems preferable. 366 CONNECTIVITY AS AFFECTED BY [160. Secondly, let the surface be two pieces after I is drawn, of connectivities i\^i and N^ respectively. Let the appropriate N-^ — 1 cross-cuts in the former, and the appropriate N^ - 1 in the latter, be drawn so as to make each a simply connected piece. Then, together, there are two simply connected pieces. To obtain these two pieces from the original surface, it will suffice to make in it the cross-cut I, the iVj — 1 cross-cuts, and the iVg — 1 cross-cuts, that is, 1 4- (iV"i — 1) + {No — 1) or iVj -f iVg — 1 cross-cuts in all. Since these, when made in the surface of connectivity N, give two pieces, we have and therefore N, + N.^-^N+1. If one of the pieces be simply connected, the connectivity of the other is N ; so that, if a simply connected piece of surface be cut off a multiply connected surface, the connectivity of the remainder is unchanged. Hence : — III. If a cross-cut he made in- a surface of connectivity N and if it do not divide it into separate pieces, the connectivity of the modified surface is N —1 ; hut if it divide the surface into two separate pieces of connectivities Ni and iVa, then N^ + N^ = N+l. Illustrations are shewn, in fig. 40, of the effect of cross-cuts on the two surfaces in fig. 39. IV. In the same way it may be proved that, if s cross-cuts he made in a surface of connectivity N and divide it into r + 1 separate pieces (where r^s) of connectivities N^, iV'a, ... , Nr+i respectively, then N,+N^-\- ... + N,+, = N+2r-s, a more general result including both of the foregoing cases. Thus far we have been considering only cross-cuts : it is now necessary to consider loop-cuts, so far as they affect the connectivity of a surface in which they are made. 160.] CROSS-CUTS AND LOOP-CUTS 367 A loop-cut is changed into a cross-cut, if from A any point of if a cross-cut be made to any point C in a boundary-curve of the original surface, for CAhdA (fig. 41) is then evidently a cross-cut of the original surface ; and CA is a cross-cut of the surface, which is the modi- fication of the original surface after the loop-cut has been made. Since, by definition, a loop-cut does not meet the boundary, the cross-cut CA does not divide the modified surface into distinct pieces ; hence, according as the effect of the loop-cut is, \ '^' or is not, that of making distinct pieces, so will the effect of the whole cross-cut be, or not be, that of making distinct pieces. 161. Let a loop-cut be drawn in a surface of connectivity N; as before for a cross-cut, there are two cases for consideration, according as the loop-cut does or does not divide the surface into distinct pieces. First, let it divide the surface into two distinct pieces, say of connectivities -A^i and Nn respectively. Change the loop-cut into a cross-cut of the original surface by drawing a cross-cut in either of the pieces, say the second, from a point in the course of the loop-cut to some point of the original boundary. This cross-cut, as a section of that piece, does not divide it into distinct pieces: and therefore the connectivity is now N.j {= N^— 1). The effect of the whole section, which is a single cross-cut, of the original surface is to divide it into two pieces, the connectivities of which are N-^ and iV/ : hence, by § 160, III., and therefore N^ + N.^^ N + 2. If the piece cut out be simply connected, say iV^i = 1, then the connectivity of the remainder is N +1. But such a removal of a simply connected piece by a loop-cut is the same as making a hole in a continuous part of the surface : and therefore the effect of making a simple hole in a continuous part of a surface is to increase by unity the connectivity of the surface. If the piece cut out be doubly-connected, say N-^ = 2, then the connect- ivity of the remainder is iV, the same as the connectivity of the original surface. Such a portion would be obtained by cutting out a piece with a hole in it which, so far as concerns the original surface, would be the same as merely enlarging the hole — an operation that naturally would not affect the connectivity. Secondly, let the loop-cut not divide the surface into two distinct pieces : and let JSf' be the connectivity of the modified surface. In this modified surface make a cross-cut k from any point of the loop-cut to a point of the boundary : this does not divide it into distinct pieces and therefore the ■connectivity after this last modification is N' — 1. But the surface thus 368 EFFECT OF LOOP-CUTS [161. finally modified is derived from the original surface by the single cross-cut, constituted by the combination of k with the loop-cut ; this single cross-cut does not divide the surface into distinct pieces, and therefore the connectivity after the modification is K — 1. Hence i\^'-l = A"-l, that is, N' = N, or the connectivity of a surface is not affected by a loop-cut which does not divide the surface into distinct pieces. Both of these results are included in the following theorem : — V. If after any number of loop-cuts made in a surface of connectivity N, there be r-^1 distinct pieces of surface, of connectivities JSf^, N^, ..., ^r+i, then N,-\-N,-\-...+ Nr+^ = J^+2r. Let the number of loop-cuts be s. Each of them can be changed into a cross-cut of the original surface, by drawing in some one of the pieces, as may be convenient, a cross-cut from a point of the loop-cut to a point of a boundary : this new cross-cut does not divide the piece in which it is drawn into distinct pieces. If k such cross-cuts (where k may be zero) be drawn in the piece of connectivity iV',^, the connectivity becomes N^', where -^^ in ^^ -^ m "^ J r+1 r+1 r+1 hence ^ iV^^ = t N.^-^k^ t N^-s. m = \ m = l m = 1 We now have s cross-cuts dividing the surface of connectivity N into r + 1 distinct pieces, of connectivities i\^i', N2, ..., N,.', J^^r+i ', and therefore, by ^ 160, IV., iV/+ ... -f N; + Nr+^=N + 2r - s, so that N, + N.-{- ...+ ^^r+^ = ^'' + 2r. This result could have been obtained also by combination and repetition of the two results obtained for a single loop-cut. Thus a spherical surface with one hole in it is simply connected : when 7h — 1 other different holes * are made in it, the edges of the holes being outside one another, the connectivity of the surface is increased by n — 1, that is, it becomes n. Hence a spherical surface ivith n holes in it is n-ply connected. Ex. Two equal anchor-rings, which are horizontal and have their centres in the same vertical line, are connected together by three vertical right circular cylinders. Determine the connectivity of the solid so formed. (Math. Trip., Part II., 1893.) 162. Occasionally, it is necessary to consider the effect of a slit made in the surface. * These are holes in the surface, not holes bored through the volume of the sphere ; one of the latter would give two holes in the surface. 162.] BOUNDARIES 369 If the slit have neither of its extremities on a boundary (and therefore no point on a boundary), it can be regarded as the limiting form of a loop-cut which makes a hole in the surface. Such a slit therefore (§ 161) increases the connectivity by unity. If the slit have one extremity (but no other point) on a boundary, it can be regarded as the limiting form of a cross-cut, which returns on itself as in the figure, and cuts off a single simply con- / nected piece. Such a slit therefore (§ 160, III.) leaves the [_ ^_^ connectivity unaltered. I "^""^ If the slit have both extremities on boundaries, it ceases to be merely a slit : it is a cross-cut the effect of which on the connectivity has been obtained. We do not regard such sections as slits. 163. In the preceding investigations relative to cross-cuts and loop-cuts, reference has continually been made to the boundary of the surface con- sidered. The houndary of a surface consists of a line returning to itself, or of a system of lines each returning to itself. Each part of such a boundary-line as it is drawn is considered a part of the boundary, and thus a boundary-line cannot cut itself and pass beyond its earlier position, for a boundary cannot be crossed : each boundary-line must therefore be a simple curve*. Most surfaces have boundaries : an exception arises in the case of closed surfaces whatever be their connectivity. It was stated (| 159) that a boundary is assigned to such a surface by drawing an infinitesimal simple curve in it or, what is the same thing, by making a small hole. The advantage of this can be seen from the simple example of a spherical surface. When a small hole is made in any surface the connectivity is increased by unity : the connectivity of the spherical surface after the hole is made is unity, and therefore the connectivity of the complete spherical surface must be taken to be zero. The mere fact that the connectivity is less than unity, being that of the simplest connected surfaces with which we have to deal, is not in itself of importance. But let us return for a /^CT'^^'^^^^^^X moment to the suggested method of determining the / c \ connectivity by means of the evanescence of circuits / - \ without crossing the boundary. When the surface is T -- """ / the complete spherical surface (fig. 43), there are two \ / essentially distinct ways of making a circuit C evan- ^^ , y^ escent, first, by making it collapse into the point a, secondly, by making it expand over the equator and * Also a line not returning to itself may be a boundary ; it can be regarded as the limit of a simple curve when the area becomes infinitesimal. F. F. 24 370 BOUNDARIES AND [163. then collapse into the point b. One of the two is superfluous : it introduces an element of doubt as to the mode of evanescence unless that mode be specified — a specification which in itself is tantamount to an assignment of boundary. And in the case of multiply connected surfaces the absence of boundary, as above, leads to an artificial reduction of the connectivity by unity, arising not from the greater simplicity of the surface but from the possibility of carrying out in two ways the operation of reducing any circuit to given circuits, which is most effective when only one way is permissible. We shall therefore assume a boundary assigned to such closed surfaces as in the first instance are destitute of boundary. 164. The relations between the number of boundaries and the connect- ivity of a surface are given by the following propositions. I. The boundary of a simply connected surface consists of a single line. When a boundary consists of separate lines, then a cross-cut can be made from a point of one to a point of another. By proceeding from P, a point on one side of the cross-cut, along the boundary ac.c'a we can by a line lying wholly in the surface reach a point Q on the other side of the cross-cut : hence the parts of the surface on opposite sides of the cross-cut are connected. The surface is therefore not resolved into distinct pieces by the cross-cut. A simply connected surface is resolved into distinct pieces pi„_ ^^^ by each cross-cut made in it : such a cross-cut as the foregoing is therefore not possible, that is, there are not separate lines which make up its boundary. It has a boundary : the boundary therefore consists of a single line. II. A cross-cut either increases by unity or diminishes by unity the number of distinct boundary -lines of a multiply connected surface. A cross-cut is made in one of three ways : either from a point a of one boundary-line A to & point b of another boundary-line B ; or from a point a of a boundary-line to another point a of the same boundary-line ; or from a point of a boundary-line to a point in the cut itself. If made in the first way, a combination of one edge of the cut, the remainder of the original boundary A, the other edge of the cut and the remainder of the original boundary B taken in succession, form a single piece of boundary ; this replaces the two boundary-lines A and B which existed distinct from one another before the cross-cut was made. Hence the number of lines is diminished by unity. An example is furnished by a plane ring (ii., fig. 37, p. 361). If made in the second way, the combination of one edge of the cut with the piece of the boundary on one side of it makes one boundarj^-line, and the 164.] CONNECTIVITY 371 combination of the other edge of the cut with the other piece of the boundary makes another boundary-line. Two boundary-lines, after the cut is made, replace a single boundary-line, which existed before it was made : hence the number of lines is increased by unity. Examples are furnished by the cut surfaces in fig. 40, p. 366. If made in the third way, the cross-cut may be considered as constituted by a loop-cut and a cut joining the loop-cut to the boundary. The boundary- lines may now be considered as constituted (fig. 41, p. 367) by the closed curve ABD and the closed boundary abda'c'e ...eca; that is, there are now two boundary-lines instead of the single boundary-line c€...e'cc in the uncut surface. Hence the number of distinct boundary-lines is increased by unity. Corollary. A loop-cut increases the number of distinct boundary -lines by two. This result follows at once from the last discussion. III. The number of distinct boundary-lines of a surface of connectivity N is N — 2k, where k is a positive integer that may be zero. Let m be the number of distinct boundary-lines ; and let iV^ — 1 appro- priate cross-cuts be drawn, changing the surface into a simply connected surface. Each of these cross-cuts increases by unity or diminishes by unity the number of boundary-lines ; let these units of increase or of decrease be denoted by Cj, e^, ... , 6iv-i- Each of the quantities e is + 1 ; let /fc of them be positive, and N — 1 — k negative. The total number of boundary-lines is therefore m + k- (i\^ - 1 - k). The surface now is a single simply connected surface, and there is therefore only one boundary-line ; hence m-{-k-{N-l-k)=l, so that m = N —2k; and evidently k is an integer that may be zero. Corollary 1. A closed surface with a single boundary -line* is of odd connectivity. For example, the surface of an anchor-ring, when bounded, is of con- nectivity 3 ; the surface, obtained by boring two holes through the volume of a solid sphere, is, when bounded, of connectivity 5. If the connectivity of a closed surface with a single boundary be 2p -|- 1, the surface is often saidf to be of genus p (§ 178, p. 395). * See § 159. t Sometimes class. The German word is Geschlecht ; French writers use the word genre, and Italians genere. 24—2 372 lhuilier's [164. Corollary 2. If the number of distinct boundary -lines of a surface of connectivity N be N, any loop-cut divides the surface into ttvo distinct pieces. After the loop-cut is made, the number of distinct boundary-lines is JV-l-2; the connectivity of the whole of the cut surface is therefore not less than iV+ 2. It has been proved that a loop-cut, which does not divide the surface into distinct pieces, does not affect the connectivity; hence as the connectivity has been increased, the loop-cut must divide the surface into two distinct pieces. It is easy, by the result of § 161, to see that, after the loop-cut is made, the sum of connectivities of the two pieces is 1^+2, so that the connectivity of the whole of the cut surface is equal to N + 2. Note. Throughout these propositions, a tacit assumption has been made, which is important for this particular proposition when the surface is the means of representing the variable. The assumption is that the surface is bifacial and not unifacial; it has existed implicitly throughout all the geometrical representations of variability : it found explicit expression in I 4 when the plane was brought into relation with the sphere : and a cut in a surface has been counted a single cut, occurring on one side, though it would have to be counted as two cuts, one on each side, were the surface unifacial. The propositions are not necessarily valid, when applied to unifacial surfaces. Consider a surface made out of a long rectangular slip of paper, which is twisted once (or any odd number of times) and then has its ends fastened together. This surface is of double connectivity, because one section can be made across it which does not divide it into separate pieces ; it has only a single boundary-line, so that Prop. III. just proved does not apply. The surface is unifacial ; and it is possible, without meeting the boundary, to pass continuously in the surface from a point P to another point Q which could be reached merely by passing through the material at P. We therefore do not retain unifacial surfaces for consideration. 165. The following proposition, substantially due to Lhuilier*, may be taken in illustration of the general theory. If a closed surface of connectivity 2N + 1 (or of genus N) be divided by circuits into any number of simply connected portions, each in the form of a curvilinear polygon, and if F be the number of polygons, E be the number of edges and S the number of angular points, then 2N=2 + E-F-S. Let the edges E be arranged in systems, a system being such that any line in it can be reached by passage along some other line or lines of the * Gergonne, Ann. de Math., t. iii, (1813), pp. 181—186; see also Mobius, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 468. A circuit is defined in § 166. 165.] THEOREM 373 system ; let k be the number of such systems*. To resolve the surface into a number of simply connected pieces composed of the F polygons, the cross-cuts will be made along the edges ; and therefore, unless a boundary be assigned to the surface in each system of lines, the first cut for any system will be a loop-cut. We therefore take k points, one in each system as a boundary ; the first will be taken as the natural boundary of the surface, and the remaining k-\, being the limiting forms of ^' - 1 infinitesimal loop-cuts, increase the connectivity of the surface by A^— 1, that is, the connectivity now iB^N + k The result of the cross-cuts is to leave ^simply connected pieces : hence Q, the number of cross-cuts, is given by Q = 2N+k + F~2. At every angular point on the uncut surface, three or more polygons are contiguous. Let S,n be the number of angular points, where vi polygons are contiguous ; then S= S^-\- S^-\- S^+ ... Again, the number of edges meeting at each of the S. points is three, at each of the Si points is four, at each of the ^g points is five, and so on ; hence, in taking the sum 35^3 -1- 45^4 4- bS^-{- ..., each edge has been counted twice, once for each extremity. Therefore Consider the composition of the extremities of the cross-cuts ; the number of the extremities is 2Q, twice the number of cross-cuts. Each of the k points furnishes two extremities; for each such point is a boundary on which the initial cross-cut for each of the systems must begin and must end. These points therefore furnish 2k extremities. The remaining extremities occur in connection with the angular points. In making a cut, the direction passes from a boundary along an edge, past the point along another edge and so on, until a boundary is reached ; so that on the first occasion when a cross-cut passes through a point, it is made along two of the edges meeting at the point. Every other cross-cut passing through that point must begin or end there, so that each of the 8^ points will furnish one extremity (corresponding to the remaining one cross-cut through the point), each of the S^ points will furnish two extremities (corresponding to the remaining two cross-cuts through the point), and so on. The total number of extremities thus provided is Hence ^Q = 2k^ 8, + 'lS, + ^S,+ ... = 2k + 2E-28, * The value of /c is 1 for the proposition and is greater than 1 for the Corollary. 374 CIRCUITS ON [165. or Q = k + E - S, which, combined with Q = 2N + k + F-2, leads to the relation 2N=2 + E-F-S. The simplest case is that of a sphere, when Euler's relation F+8 = E + 2 is obtained. The case next in simplicity is that of an anchor-ring, for which the relation is F+8-=E. Corollary. If the result of making the cross-cuts along the various edges he to give the F polygons, not simply connected areas hut areas of connectivities iVi + 1, i\^2+l) •••) -Z^j+l respectively, then the connectivity of the original surface is given hy 2N=2 + E-F-S+ 2 Nr- r=l 166. The method of determining the connectivity of a surface by means of a system of cross-cuts, which resolve it into one or more simply connected pieces, will now be brought into relation with the other method, suggested in § 159, of determining the connectivity by means of irreducible circuits. A closed line drawn on the surface is called a circuit. A circuit, which can be reduced to a point by continuous deformation without crossing the boundary, is called reducihle ; a circuit, which cannot be so reduced, is called irreducihle. An irreducible circuit is either (i) simple, when it cannot without crossing the boundary be deformed continuously into repetitions of one or more circuits ; or (ii) multiple, when it can without crossing the boundary be deformed continuously into repetitions of a single circuit ; or (iii) compound, when it can without crossing the boundary be deformed continuously into combinations of different circuits, that may be simple or multiple. The distinction between simple circuits and compound circuits, that involve no multiple circuits in their combination, depends upon conventions adopted for each particular case. A circuit is said to be reconcileahle with the system of circuits into a combination of. which it can be continuously deformed. If a system of circuits be reconcileahle with a reducible circuit, the system is said to be reducible. Let a simple circuit be denoted by a single letter, say, A, B, C, .... A multiple circuit, composed of n repetitions of a simple circuit A, can then be denoted by A'K A compound circuit, composed of a simple circuit A followed by another simple circuit B, can be denoted hy AB: the order of the symbols being of importance. As circuits thus have their symbols associated in the manner of (non-commutative algebraical) factors, the symbol 1 will represent 166.] CONNECTED SURFACES 375 a reducible circuit ; for a circuit causing no change must be represented by a factor causing no change. There are two directions, one positive and the other negative, in which a circuit can be described. Let it be described first in the positive direction and afterwards in the negative direction : the circuit, compounded of the two descriptions, is easily seen to be continuously deformable to a point, and it therefore is reducible. Similarly, if the circuit is described first in the negative direction and afterwards in the positive direction, the compound circuit thus obtained is reducible. Accordingly, if a simple circuit described positively be represented by A, the same circuit described negatively can be represented by A~'^, the symbols of the circuits obeying the associative law. A compound circuit, reconcileable with a system of simple irreducible circuits A, B, C, ..., would be represented by A'^B^A"-'B^' ... GyA"-" ..., where o, /3, a', /3', . . . , 7, a" are integers positive or negative. In order to estimate circuits on a multiply connected surface, it is sufficient to know a system of irreducible simple circuits. Such a system is naturally to be considered complete when every other circuit on the surface is reconcileable with the s^^stem. It also may be supposed to contain the smallest possible number of simjjle circuits ; for any one, which is reconcile- able with the rest, can be omitted without affecting the completeness of the system. 167. Such a system is indicated by the following theorems : — I. No irreducible simjtle circuit can he drawn on a simply comiected surface *. If possible, let an irreducible circuit C be drawn in a simply connected surface with a boundary B. Make a loop-cut along C, and change it into a cross-cut by making a cross-cut A from some point of C to a point of B ; this cross-cut divides the surface into two simply connected pieces, one of which is bounded by B, the two edges of A, and one edge of the cut along G, and the other of which is bounded entirely by the cut along G. The latter surface is smaller than the original surface; it is simply connected and has a single boundary. If an irreducible simple circuit can be drawn on it, we proceed as before, and again obtain a still smaller simply connected surface. In this way, we ultimately obtain an infinitesimal element ; for every cut divides the surface, in which it is made, into distinct pieces. Irreducible circuits cannot be drawn in this element; and therefore its boundary is reducible. This boundary is a circuit in a larger portion of the surface : the circuit is reducible so that, in that larger portion, no irreducible circuit is possible and therefore its boundary is reducible. This boundary is a circuit in a still larger portion, and the circuit is * All surfaces considered are supposed to be bounded. 376 RELATIONS BETWEEN CONNECTIVITY [167. reducible : so that in this still larger portion no irreducible circuit is possible and once more the boundary is reducible. Proceeding in this way, we find that no irreducible simple circuit is possible in the original surface. Corollary. No irreducible circuit can he drawn on a simply connected surface. II. A complete system of irreducible simple circuits for a surface of connectivity N contains N — 1 simple circuits, so that every other circuit on the surface is reconcileable with that system. Let the surface be resolved by cross-cuts into a single simply connected surface : N —1 cross-cuts will be necessary. Let CD be any one of them : and let a and h be two points on the ,g opposite edges of the cross-cut. Then since the surface is / simply connected, a line can be drawn in the surface from '^ a to h without passing out of the surface or without \ meeting a part of the boundary, that is, without meeting V any other cross-cut. The cross-cut CD ends either in Fig. 4-5. another cross-cut or in a boundary ; the line ae ... fb surrounds that other cross-cut or that boundary as the case may be : hence, if the cut CD be obliterated, the line ae . . .fba is irreducible on the surface in which the other i\^ — 2 cross-cuts are made. But it meets none of those cross- cuts; hence, when they are all obliterated so as to restore the unresolved surface of connectivity N, it is an irreducible circuit. It is evidently not a repeated circuit ; hence it is an irreducible simple circuit. Hence the line of an irreducible simple circuit on an unresolved surface is given by a line passing from a point on one edge of a cross-cut in the resolved surface to a point on the opposite edge. Since there are N ~\ cross-cuts, it follows that iV — 1 irreducible simple circuits can thus be obtained : one being derived in the foregoing manner from each of the cross-cuts, which are necessary to render the surface simply connected. It is easy to see that each of the irreducible circuits on an unresolved surface is, by the cross-cuts, rendered impossible as a circuit on the resolved surface. But every other irreducible circuit C is reconcileable with the N —1 circuits, thus obtained. If there be one not reconcileable with these N —\ circuits, then, when all the cross-cuts are made, the circuit G is not rendered impossible, if it be not reconcileable with those which are rendered impossible by the cross-cuts : that is, there is on the resolved surface an irreducible circuit. But the resolved surface is simply connected, and therefore no irreducible circuit can be drawn on it : hence the hypothesis as to C, which leads to this result, is not tenable. 167.] AND IRREDUCIBLE CIRCUITS 377 Thus every other circuit is reconcileable with the system of i\^ — 1 circuits : and therefore the system is complete*. This mfethod of derivation of the circuits at once indicates how far a system is arbitrary. Each system of cross-cuts leads to a complete system of irreducible simple circuits, and vice versa ; as the one system is not unique, so the other system is not unique. 168. It follows that the niunher of simple irreducible circuits in any complete system must he the same for the same surface: this number is iV^— 1, where iF is the connectivity of the surface. Let A^, A^, ..., ^j^r-i; B^, B^, ..., B 2,7-1 ; be two distinct complete systems ; then we have B,= U,(A,A,...A^_,), where Tig means the symbolic product representing that circuit compounded of the system A-^, ..., -4^y_i with which Bg is reconcileable; and Ar = U;{B,B,...B,^_,) with a similar significance for 11/. Further any circuit, that is reconcileable ivith one cotnplete system, is reconcileable with any other complete system. For if X denote a circuit reconcileable with A^, A^, ..., A^^i, we have X = U{A,A,...A^_,): whence, taking account of the reconcileability of each circuit A with the complete system B^, B2, ..., Bj^t-^, we have x = n(n/n/...nVi) = U''(B,B,...B^_,), thus proving the statement. For the general question, Jordan's memoir, " Des contours traces sur les surfaces," Liouville, 2™« Ser., t. xi, (1866), pp. 110 — 130, may be consulted. Ex. 1. On a doubly connected surface, one irreducible simple circuit can be drawn. It is easily obtained by first resolving the surface into one that is simply connected — Fig. 46, (i). * If the number of independent irreducible simple circuits be adopted as a basis for the definition of the connectivity of a surface, the result of the proposition would be taken as the definition : and the resolution of the surface into one, which is simply connected, would then be obtained by developing the preceding theory in the reverse order. 378 EXAMPLES [168. a single cross-cut CD is effective for this purpose — and then by drawing a curve aeh in the surface from one edge of the cross-cut to the other. All other irreducible circuits on the unresolved surface are reconcileable with the circuit aeba. Ex. 2. On a triply connected surface, two independent irreducible circuits can be drawn. Thus in the figure Ci and C2 will form a complete system. The circuits C3. Fig. 46, (ii). and C4 are also irreducible : they can evidently be deformed into Ci and €'2 and reducible circuits by continuous deformation : in the algebraical notation adopted, we have But C3 and C4 are not simple circuits : hence they are not suited for the construction of a complete system. E.r. 3. Another example of a triply connected surface is given in fig. 47. Two irreducible simple circuits are Cj and Co. Another irreducible circuit is C3 ; this Fig. 47. can be reconciled with Cj and C2 by drawing the point a into coincidence with the intersection of Cj and C2, and the point c into coincidence with the same point. Ex. 4. As a last example, consider the surface of a solid sphere with n holes bored through it. The connectivity is 2n + l : hence 2?? independent irreducible simple circuits can be drawn on the surface. The simplest complete system is obtained by taking 2n curves : made up of a set of n, each round one hole, and another set of n, each through one hole. 168.] DEFORMATION OF CONNECTED SURFACES 379 A resolution of this surface is given by taking cross-cuts, one round each hole (making the circuits through the holes no longer possible) and one through each hole (making the circuits round the holes no longer possible). Fig. 48. The simplest case is that for which n = l: the surface is equivalent to the anchor-ring. 169. Surfaces are at present being considered in view of their use as a means of representing the value of a complex variable. The foregoing inves- tigations imply that surfaces can be classed according to their connectivity ; and thus, having regard to their designed use, the question arises as to whether'all surfaces of the same connectivity are equivalent to one another, so as to be transformable into one another. Moreover, a surface can be physically deformed and still remain suitable for representation of the variable, provided certain conditions are satisfied. We thus consider geometrical transformation as well as physical deformation ; but we are dealing only with the general results and not with the mathematical relations of deformed inextensible surfaces, which are discussed in treatises on Differential Geometry*. It is evident that continuity is necessary for both : discontinuity would imply discontinuity in the representation of the variable. Points that are contiguous (that is, separated only by small distances measured in the surface) must remain contiguous f: and one point in the unchanged surface must correspond to only one point in the changed surface. Hence in the continuous deformation of a surface there may be stretching and there may he bending ; but there must be no tearing and there must be no joining. For instance, a single untwisted ribbon, if cut, comes to be simply connected. If a twist through 180° be then given to one end and that end be then joined to the other, we shall have a once-twisted ribbon, which is a surface with only one face and only one edge ; it cannot be looked upon as an equivalent of the former surface. * See Darboux's Theorie generale des surfaces, Books vii and viii, for the fullest discussion. Some account is given in Chapter x of my Lectures on the differential geometry of curves and surfaces. t Distances between points must be measured along the surface, not through space; the distance between two points is a length which one point would traverse before reaching the position of the other, the motion of the point being restricted to take place in the surface. Examples will arise later, in Eiemann's surfaces, in which points that are contiguous in space are separated by finite distances on the surface. 380 DEFORMATION OF SURFACES [169. A spherical surface with a single hole can have the hole stretched and the surface flattened, so as to be the same as a bounded portion of a plane : the two surfaces are equivalent to one another. Again, in the spherical surface, let a large indentation be made : let both the outer and the inner surfaces be made spherical ; and let the mouth of the indentation be contracted into the form of a long, narrow hole along a part of a great circle. When each point of the inner surface is geometrically moved so that it occupies the position of its reflexion in the diametral plane of the hole, the final form* of the whole surface is that of a two-sheeted surface with a junction along a line ; it is a spherical winding- surface, and is equivalent to the simply connected spherical surface. 170. It is sufficient, for the pnrj)ose of representation, that the two surfaces should have a point-to-point transformation : it is not necessary that physical deformation, without tears or joins, should be actually possible. Thus a ribbon with an even number of twists would be as effective as a limited portion of a cylinder, or (what is the same thing) an untwisted ribbon : but it is not possible to deform the one into the other physically f. It is easy to see that either deformation or transformation of the kind considered luill change a bifacial surface into a lifacial surface ; that it tuill not alter the connectivity, for it will not change irreducible circuits into reducible circuits, and the number of independent irreducible circuits deter- mines the connectivity : and that it will not alter the number of boundary curves, for a boundary will be changed into a boundary. These are necessary relations between the two forms of the surface : it is not difficult to see that they are sufficient for correspondence. For if, on each of two bifacial surfaces with the same number of boundaries and of the same connectivity, a complete system of simple irreducible circuits be drawn, then, when the members of the systems are made to correspond in pairs, the full transformation can be effected by continuous deformation of those corresponding irreducible circuits. It therefore follows that : — The necessary and sufficient conditions, that two bifacial surfaces may be equivalent to one another for the representation of a variable, are that the two surfaces should be of the same connectivity and shoidd have the same number of boundaries. As already indicated, this equivalence is a geometrical equivalence : deformation may be (but is not of necessity) physically possible. Similarly, the presence of one or of several knots in a surface makes no essential difference in the use of the surface for representing a variable. Thus a long cylindrical surface is changed into an anchor-ring when its ends are joined together; but the changed surface would be equally effective for purposes of representation if a knot were tied in the cylindrical surface before the ends are joined. * Clifford, Coll. Math. Papers, p. 250. t The difference between the two cases is that, in physical deformation, the surfaces are the surfaces of continuous matter and are impenetrable ; while, in geometrical transformation, the surfaces may be regarded as penetrable without interference with the continuity. 170.] REFERENCES 881 But it need hardly be pointed out that though surfaces, thus twisted or knotted, are equivalent for the purpose indicated, they are not equivalent for all topological enumerations. Seeing that bifacial surfaces, with the same connectivity and the same number of boundaries, are equivalent to one another, it is natural to adopt, as the surface of reference, some simple surface with those characteristics ; thus for a surface of connectivity 2p + 1 with a single boundary, the surface of a solid sphere, bounded by a point and pierced through with p holes, could be adopted. Klein calls* such a surface of reference a Normal Surface. It has been seen that a bounded spherical surface and a bounded simply connected part of a plane are equivalent — they are, moreover, physically deformable into one another. An untwisted closed ribbon is equivalent to a bounded piece of a plane with one hole in it — they are deformable into one another : but if the ribbon, previous to being closed, have undergone an even number of twists each through 180°, they are still equivalent but are not physically deformable into one another. Each of the bifacial surfaces is doubly connected (for a single cross-cut renders each simply connected) and each of them has two boundaries. If however the ribbon, previous to being closed, have undergone an odd number of twists each through 180°, the surface thus obtained is not equivalent to the single-holed portion of the plane ; it is unifacial and has only one boundary. A spherical surface pierced in n + \ holes is equivalent to a bounded j)ortion of the plane with n holes ; each is of connectivity n + 1 and has n-\-\ boundaries. The spherical surface can be deformed into the plane sui-face by stretching.one of its holes into the form of the outside boundary of the plane surface. Ex. Prove that the surface of a bounded anchor-ring can be physically deformed into the surface in fig. 47, p. 378. For continuation and fuller development of the subjects of the present chapter, the following references, in addition to those which have been given, will be found useful : — Klein, Math. Ann., t. vii, (1874), pp. 548—557 ; ib., t. ix, (1876), pp. 476—482. Lippich, Math. A7in., t. vii, (1874), pp. 212 — 229 ; Wiener Sitzungsb., t. Ixix, (ii), (1874), pp. 91—99. Durfege, Wiener Sitzungsb., t. Ixix, (ii), (1874), pp. 115 — 120 ; and section 9 of his treatise, quoted on p. 363, note. Neumann, chapter vii of his treatise, quoted on p. 5, note. Dyck, Math. Ann., t. xxxii, (1888), pp. 457—512, ib., t. xxxvii, (1890), pp. 273—316; at the beginning of the first part of this investigation, a valuable series of references is given. Dingeldey, Topologische Studien, (Leipzig, Teubner, 1890). Mair, Quart. Joitrn. of Math., vol. xxvii, (1895), jjp. 1 — 35. * Ueber Riemami's Theorie der algebraischen Functionen und ihrer Integrale, (Leipzig, Teubner, 1882), p. 26. This tract has been translated into English by Miss Hardcastle, (Cambridge, Macmillan and Bowes, 1893). j CHAPTER XV. RiEM Ann's Surfaces. 171. The method of representing a variable by assigning to it a position in a plane or on a sphere is effective when properties of uniform functions of that variable are discussed. But when multiform functions, or integrals of uniform functions occur, the method is effective only when certain parts of the plane are excluded, due account being subsequently taken of the effect of such exclusions ; and this process, the extension of Cauchy's method, was adopted in Chapter IX. There is another method, referred to in § 100 as due to Riemann, of an entirely different character. In Riemann's representation, the region, in which the variable z exists, no longer consists of a single plane but of a number of planes; they are distinct from one another in geometrical conception, yet, in order to preserve a representation in which the value of the variable is obvious on inspection, the planes are infinitesimally close to one another. The number of planes, often called sheets, is the same as the number of distinct values (or branches) of the function w for a general argument z and, unless otherwise stated, will be assumed finite ; each sheet is associated with one branch of the function, and changes from one branch of the function to another are effected by making the ^-variable change from one sheet to another, so that, to secure the possibility of change of sheet, it is necessary to have means of passage from one sheet to another. The aggregate of all the sheets is a surface, often called a Riemann's Surface. For example, consider the function the cube roots being independent of one another. It is evidently a nine-valued function ; the number of sheets in the appropriate Riemann's surface is therefore nine. The branch-points are 2=0, s=l, 2 = oc. Let w and a denote a cube-root of unity, independently of one another ; then the values of z^ can Be represented in the form 171.] EXAMPLES OF RIEMANN S SURFACES 383 z'^, cos^, cu^s3 . and the Vcxlues of (s — 1) ^ can be represented in the form (2 — 1) ^, a^{z-l)~ '^, a{z—l)~^. The nine values of iv can be symbolically expressed as follows : — W'l 1 1 W2 a 1 W3 0)2 1 Wi 1 a^ W5 (0 a2 VJq a>2 a-' 2^7 1 a IVs 0) a Wq 0)2 a Fig. 49. Fig. 50. where the symbols opposite to v give the coefficients of 2^ and of (s— 1) ^ respectively. Now when z describes a small simple circuit positively round the origin, the groups in cyclical order are Wi, W2, 'iVs ; ?i'4, W5, Wg ; %'7, Wg, Wg. And therefore, in the immediate vicinity of the origin, there must be means of passage to enable the z-point to make the corresponding changes from sheet to - — sheet. Taking a section of the whole surface near the origin so ZZ as to indicate the passages and regarding the right-hand sides ^^^ as the part from which the 2-variable moves when it describes a i^ , circuit positively, the passages must be in character as indicated in fig. 49. And it is evident that the further description of small simple circuits round the origin will, with these passages, lead to the proper values : thus W5, which after the single description is the value of w^, becomes Wq after another description, and it is evident that a point in the W5 sheet passes into the Wq sheet. When z describes a small simple circuit positively round the point 1, the groups in cyclical order are Wi, w^, w- ; w.>, w^, «'g ; 103, Wg, ivq: and therefore, in the immediate vicinity of the point 1, there must ~V / | be means of passage to render possible the corresponding ■— ^ — 5 changes of z from sheet to sheet. Taking a section as before —y \ s near the point 1 and with similar convention as to tlie positive direction of the 2-path, the jjassages must be in character as indicated in fig. 50. Similarly for infinitely large values of z. If then the sheets ctin be so joined as to give these possibilities of passage and also give combinations of them corresponding to combinations of the simple jjaths indicated, then there will be a surface to any point of which will correspond one and only one value of w : and when the value of w is given for a, point z in an ordinary plane of variation, then that value of w will determine the sheet of the surface in which the point z is to be taken. A surface will then have been constructed such that the function w, which is multiform for the single-plane representation of the variable, is uniform for variations in the many-sheeted surface. Again, for the simple example arising from the two-valued function, defined by the equation ^o = {{z-a){z-b){z-c)}--^ the branch-points are a, 6, c, qo ; and a small simple circuit round any one of these four points interchanges the two values. The Riemann's surface is two-sheeted and there must be means of passage between the two sheets in the vicinity of a, that of b, that of c, and at the infinite part of the plane. These examples are sufficient to indicate the main problem. It is the construction of a surface in which the independent variable can move so 384 SHEETS OF RiEM Ann's surface [171. that, for variations of z in that surface, the multiformity of the function is changed to uniformity. From the nature of the case, the character of the surface will depend on the character of the function : and thus, though all the functions are uniform with their appropriate surfaces, these surfaces are widely various. Evidently for uniform functions of z the appropriate surface on the above method is the single plane already adopted. 172. The simplest classes of functions for which a Riemann's surface is useful are (i) those called (§ 94) algebraic functions, that is, multiform functions of the independent variable defined by an algebraical equation of the form f{w,z) = Q, which is of finite degree, say n, in w ; and (ii) those usually called Ahelian functions, which arise through integrals connected with algebraic functions. Of such an algebraic function there are, in general, n distinct values ; but for the special values of z, that are the branch-points, two or more of the values coincide. The appropriate Riemann's surface is composed of n sheets ; one branch, and only one branch, of w is associated with a sheet. The variable z, in its relation to the function, is determined not merely by its modulus and argument but also by its sheet ; that is, in the language of the earlier method, we take account of the path by which z acquires a value. The particular sheet in which z lies determines the particular branch of the function. Variations of z, which occur within a sheet and do not coincide with points lying in regions of passage between the sheets, lead to variations in the value of the branch of w associated with the sheet ; a return to an initial value of z, by a path that nowhere lies within a region of passage, leaves the ^-point in the same sheet as at first and so leads to the initial branch (and to the initial value of the branch) of w. But a return to an initial value of ^^ by a path, which, in the former method of representation, would enclose a branch-point, implies a change of the branch of the function according to the definite order prescribed by the branch-point. Hence the final value of the variable z on the Riemann's surface must lie in a sheet that is different from that of the initial (and arithmetically equal) value ; and therefore the sheets must be so connected that, in the immediate vicinity of branch-points, there are means of passage from one sheet to another, securing the proper interchanges of the branches of the function as defined by the equation. 173. The first necessity is therefore the consideration of the mode in which the sheets of a Riemann's surface are joined : the mode is indicated by the theorem that sheets of a Riemann's surface are joined along lines. The junction might be made either at a point, as with two spheres in contact, or by a common portion of a surface, as with one prism lying on Fig. 51. 173.] JOINED ALONG BRANCH-LINES 385 another, or along lines; but whatever the character of the junction be, it must be such that a single passage across it (thereby implying entrance to the junction and exit from it) must change the sheet of the variable. If the junction were at a point, then the ^r- variable could change from one sheet into another sheet, only if its path passed through that point : any other closed path would leave the ^^-variable in its original sheet. A small closed curve, infinitesiraally near the point and enclosing it and no other branch-point, is one which ought to transfer the variable to another sheet, because it encloses a branch-point: and this is impossible with a point-junction when the path does not pass through the point. Hence a junction at a point only is insufficient to provide the proper means of passage from sheet to sheet. If the junction were effected by a common portion of surface, then a passage through it (implying an '"''' ,. .a entrance into that portion and an exit from it) ought to change the sheet. But, in such a case, closed contours can be constructed which make such a passage without enclosing the branch-point a: thus the junction would cause a change of sheet for certain circuits the description of which ought to leave the ^-variable in the original sheet. Hence a junction by a continuous area of surface does not provide the proper means of passage from sheet to sheet. The only possible junction which remains is a line. The objection in the last case does not apply to a closed — *—f — i contour which does not contain the branch-point ; for the /---"' line cuts the curve twice and there are therefore two ^^^' ^^• crossings ; the second of them makes the variable return to the sheet which the first crossing compelled it to leave. Hence the junction between any two sheets takes place along a line. Such a line is called* a hranch-line. The branch-points of a multiform function lie on the branch-lines, after the foregoing explanations ; and a branch-line can be crossed by the variable only if the variable change its sheet at crossing, in the sequence prescribed by the branch-point of the function which lies on the line. Also, the sequence is reversed when the branch-line is crossed in the reversed direction. Thus, if two sheets of a surface be connected along a branch-line, a point which crosses the line from the first sheet must pass into the second and a point which crosses the line from the second sheet must pass into the first. Again, if, along a common direction of branch-line, the first sheet of a surface be connected with the second, the second with the third, and the third with the first, * Sometimes cross-line, sometimes branch-section. The German title is Verzioeigungschnitt ; the French is ligne de passage ; see also the note on the equivalents of branch-point, p. 17.. P. F. 25 386 PROPERTIES OF BRANCH-LINES [173. a point which crosses the line from the first sheet in one direction must pass into the second sheet, but if it cross the hue in the other direction it must pass into the third sheet. A branch-point does not necessarily affect all the branches of a function : when it affects only some of them, the corresponding property of the Niemann's surface is in evidence as follows. Let z = a determine a branch-point affecting, say, only r branches. Take n points a, one in each of the sheets ; and through them draw n lines cah, having the same geometrical position in the respective sheets. Then in the vicinity of the point a in each of the r sheets, associated with the r affected branches, there must be means of passage from each one to all the rest of them ; and the lines cab can conceivabty be the branch-lines with a properly established sequence. The point a does not affect the other n — ?' branches : there is therefore no necessity for means of passage in the vicinity of a among the remaining n — r sheets. In each of these remaining sheets, the point a and the line cab belong to their respective sheets alone : for them, the point a is not a branch-point and the line cah is not a branch - line. 174. Several essential properties of the branch-lines are immediate inferences from these conditions. I. A free end of a branch-line in a surface is a branch-point. Let a simple circuit be drawn round the free end so small as to enclose no branch-point (except the free end, if it be a branch-point). The circuit meets the branch-line once, and the sheet is changed because the branch-line is crossed ; hence the circuit includes a branch-point which therefore can be only the free end of the line. Note. A branch-line may terminate in the boundary of the surface, and then the extremity need not be a branch-point. II. When a branch-line extends beyond a branch-point lying in its course, the sequence of interchange is not the same on the tivo sides of the point. If the sequence of interchange be the same on the two sides of the branch- point, a small circuit round the point would first cross one part of the branch- line and therefore involve a change of sheet and then, in its course, would cross the other part of the branch-line in the other direction which, on the supposition of unaltered sequence, would cause a return to the initial sheet. In that case, a cii-cuit round the branch-point would fail to secure the proper change of sheet. Hence the sequence of interchange caused by the branch- line cannot be the same on the two sides of the point. III. If two branch-lines with different sequences of interchange have a common extremity, that point is either a branch-point or an extremity of at least one other branch-line. 174.] SYSTEM OF BRANCH-LINES 387 If the point be not a branch-point, then a simple curve enclosing it, taken so small as to include no branch-point, must leave the variable in its initial sheet. Let A be such a point, AB and AC he two branch- lines having A for a common extremity ; let TV^^ ^ ^ the sequence be as in the figure, taken for a simple case; and suppose that the variable initially is in the rth sheet. A passage across AR makes the variable pass into the sth sheet. If there be no branch-line between AB and AG having an extremity at A, and if neither 7i nor m be s, then the passage across AG makes no change in the sheet of the variable and, therefore, in order to restore r before AB, at least one branch-line must lie in the angle between AC and AB, estimated in the positive trigonometrical sense. If either n or wi, say n, be s, then after passage across AG, the point is in the ??ith sheet ; then, since the sequences are not the same, m is not r and there must be some branch-line between AC and AB to make the point return to the 7'th sheet on the completion of the circuit. If then the point A be not a branch-point, there must be at least one other branch-line having its extremity at A. This proves the proposition. Corollary 1. If both of two branch-lines extend beyond a point of inter- section, which is not a branch-point, and if no other branch-line pass through the point, then either no sheet of the surface has both of them for branch-lines, or they are branch-lines for tivo sheets that are the same. Corollary 2. If a change of sequence occur at any point of a branch- line, then either that point is a branch-point or it lies also on some other branch-line. Corollary 3. No part of a branch-line with only one branch-point on it can be a closed curve. It is evidently superfluous to have a branch-line without any branch-point on it. 175. On the basis of these properties, we can obtain a system of branch- lines satisfying the requisite conditions which are : — (i) the proper sequences of change from sheet to sheet must be secured by a description of a simple circuit round a branch- point : if this be satisfied for each of the branch-points, it will evidently be satisfied for any combination of simple circuits, that is, for any path whatever enclosing one or more branch- points. (ii) the sheet, in which the variable re-assumes its initial value after describing a circuit, that encloses no branch-point, must be the initial sheet. 25—2 388 ^ SYSTEM OF BRANCH-LINES [175. In the ^■-plane of Cauchy's method, let lines be drawn from any point /, not a branch-point in the first instance, to each of the branch- points, as in fig. 19, p. 185, so that the joining lines do not meet except at /: and suppose the ?z-sheeted Riemann's surface to have branch-lines coinciding geometrically with these lines, as in § 173, and having the sequence of interchange for passage across each the same as the order in the cycle of functional values for a small circuit round the branch-point at its free end. No line (or part of a line) can be a closed curve ; the lines need not be straight, but they will be supposed drawn as direct as possible to the points in angular succession. The first of the above requisite conditions is satisfied by the establish- ment of the sequence of interchange. To consider the second of the conditions, it is convenient to divide circuits into two kinds, (a) those which exclude /, (yS) those which include /, no one of either kind (for our present purpose) including a branch-point. A closed circuit, excluding / and all the branch-points, must intersect a branch-line an even number of times, if it intersect the line in real points. Let the figure (fig. 54) represent such a case: then the crossings at A and B counter- act one another and so the part be- tween A and B may without effect be transferred across IB3 so as not to cut the branch-line at all. Similarly for the points C and I) : and a similar transference of the part now between C and D may be made across the branch-line without effect : that is, the circuit can, without effect, be changed so as not to cut the branch-line IB3 at all. A similar change can be made for each of the branch-lines : and so the circuit can, without effect, be changed into one which meets no branch-line and therefore, on its completion, leaves the sheet unchanged. A closed circuit, including / but no branch-point, must meet each branch- line an odd number of times. A change similar in character to that in the previous case may be made for each branch-line : and without affecting the result, the circuit can be changed so that it meets each branch-line only once. Now the effect produced by a branch-line on the function is the same as the description of a simple loop round the branch-point which with / determines the branch-line : and therefore the effect of the circuit at present contemplated is, after the transformation which does not affect the result, the same as that of a circuit, in the previously adopted mode of representation. 175.] FOE A SURFACE 389 enclosing all the branch-points. But, by Cor. III. of § 90, the effect of a circuit which encloses all the branch-points (including ^^ = oo , if it be a branch-point) is to restore the value of the function which it had at the beginning of the circuit : and therefore in the present case the effect is to make the point return to the sheet in which it lay initially. It follows there^re that, for both kinds of a closed circuit containing no branch-point, the effect is to make the ^•-variable return to its initial sheet on resuming its initial value at the close of the circuit. Next, let the point / be a branch-point; and let it be joined by lines, as direct* as possible, to each of the other branch-points in angular suc- cession. These lines will be regarded as the branch-lines ; and the sequence of interchange for passage across any one is made that of the interchange prescribed by the branch-point at its free extremity. The proper sequence of change is secured for a description of a simple closed circuit round each of the branch-points other than /. Let a small circuit be described round I; it meets each of the branch-lines once and therefore its effect is the same as, in the language of the earlier method of representing variation of z, that of a circuit enclosing all the branch-points except /. Such a circuit, when taken on the Neumann's sphere, as in Cor. III., § 90 and Ex. 2, § 104, may be regarded in two ways, according as one or other of the portions, into which it divides the area of the sphere, is regarded as the included area ; in one way, it is a circuit enclosing all the branch- points except /, in the other it is a circuit enclosing / alone and no other branch-point. Without making any modification in the final value of w, it can (by § 90) be deformed, either into a succession of loops round all the branch-points save one, or into a loop round that one ; the effect of these two deformations is therefore the same. Hence the effect of the small closed circuit round / meeting all the branch-lines is the same as, in the other mode of representation, that of a small curve round / enclosing no other branch-point; and therefore the adopted set of branch-lines secures the proper sequence of change of value for description of a circuit round 1. The first of the two necessary conditions is therefore satisfied by the present arrangement of branch-lines. The proof, that the second of the two necessary conditions is also satisfied by the present arrangement of branch-lines, is similar to that in the preceding case, save that only the first kind of circuit of the earlier proof is possible. It thus appears that a system of branch-lines can be obtained which secures the proper changes of sheet for a multiform function : and therefore Riemann's surfaces can be constructed for such a function, the essential property being that over its appropriate surface an otherwise multiform function of the variable is a uniform function. * The reason for this will appear in §§ 183, 184. 890 EXAMPLES [175. The multipartite character of the function has its influence preserved by the character of the surface to which the function is referred : the surface, consisting of a number of sheets joined to one another, may be a multiply connected surface. In thus proving the general existence of appropriate surfaces, there has remained a large arbitrary element in their actual contraction : moreover, in particular cases, there are methods of obtaining varied configurations of branch-lines. Thus the assignment of the n branches to the n sheets has been left unspecified, and is therefore so far arbitrary : the point I, if not a branch-point, is arbitrarily chosen and so there is a certain arbitrariness of position in the branch-lines. Naturally, what is desired is the simplest appropriate surface : the particularisation of the preceding arbitrary qualities is used to derive a canonical form of the surface. 176. The discussion of one or two simple cases will help to illustrate the mode of junction between the sheets, made by branch-lines. The simplest case of all is that in which the surface has only a single sheet: it does not require discussion. The case next in simplicity is that in which the surface is two-sheeted : the function is therefore two-valued and is consequently defined by a quadratic equation of the form Lu- + 2Mu + N = 0, where L, M, and N are uniform functions of z. When a new variable w is introduced, defined by Lu + M=w, so that values of w and of u correspond uniquely, the equation is w^ = M-'-LN=P(z). It is evident that every branch-point of u is a branch-point of iv, and vice versa ; hence the Riemann's surface is the same for the two equations. Now any root of P (z) of odd degree is a branch-point of w. If then P(z) = Q^{z)R{z), where R (z) is a product of only simple factors, every factor of R (z) leads to a branch-point. If the degree of R (z) be even, the number of branch-points for finite values of the variable is even, and ^ = co is not a branch-point; if the degree of R (z) be odd, the number of branch-points for finite values of the variable is odd, and z = fx> is a branch-point : in either case, the number of branch-points is even. There are only two values of w, and the Riemann's surface is two-sheeted: crossing a branch -line therefore merely causes a change of sheet. The fi-ee ends of branch-lines are branch-points ; a small circuit round any branch- point causes an interchange of the branches w, and a circuit round any two branch-points restores the initial value of w at the end and therefore leaves the variable in the same sheet as at the beginning. These are the essential requirements in the present case; all of them are satisfied by taking each 176.] OF riemann's surfaces 391 branch-line as a line connecting two (and only tiuo) of the branch-points. The ends of all the branch-lines are free : and their number, in this method, is one-half that of the (even) number of branch-points. A small circuit round a branch-point meets a branch-line once and causes a change of sheet; a circuit round two (and not more than two) branch-points causes either no crossing of branch-line or an even number of crossings and therefore restores the variable to the initial sheet. A branch-line is, in this case, usually drawn in the form of a straight line when the surface is plane : but this form is not essential and all that is desirable is to prevent intersections of the branch-lines. IS^ote. Junction between the sheets along a branch-line is easily secured. The two sheets to be joined are cut along the branch-line. One edge of the cut in the upper sheet, say its right edge looking along the section, is joined to the left edge of the cut in the lower sheet ; and the left edge in the upper sheet is joined to the right edge in the lower. A few simple examples will illustrate these remarks as to the sheets : illustrations of closed circuits will arise later, in the consideration of integrals of multiform functions. Kv. I. Let w^=A(z-a){z-b), so that a and b are the only branch-points. The surface is two-sheeted : the line ab may- be made the branch-line. In fig. 55 only part of the upper sheet is shewn*, as likewise only part of the lower sheet. Continuous lines imply what is visible ; and dotted lines what is invisible, on the supposition that the sheets are opaque. The circuit, closed in the surface and passing round a, is made up of the continuous line in the upper sheet from H to K : the point crosses the branch-line at K and then passes into the lower sheet, where it describes the dotted line from K to H: it then meets and crosses the branch-line at H, passes into the upper sheet and in that sheet returns to its initial jjoint. Similarly of the line A BC\ the part AB lies in the lower sheet, the part BG in the upper : of the line DG the part DE lies in the upper sheet, the part EFG in the lower, the piece FG of this part being there visible beyond the boundary of the retained portion of the upper surface. Ex.± Let \w'^=z^-a^. The branch-points (fig. 56) are A{ = a), B{ = aa), G{ = aa^), where a is a primitive cube root of unity, and ?= qo . The branch -lines can be made by BC, Aco ; and the two-sheeted surface is a surface over which w is uniform. Only a part of each sheet is shewn in the figure ; a section also is made at i/" across the surface, cutting the branch-line Aco . Ex. 3. Let iv'^^z'', where n and m are prime to each other. The branch-points are z=Q and z = cc ; and the branch-line extends from to oo . There are m sheets ; if we associate them in order with the branches u\, where for s = l, 2, ..., HI, then the first sheet is connected with the second forwards, the second with the third forwards, and so on ; the mih being connected with the first forwards. * The form of the three figures in the plate opposite p. 392 is suggested by Holzmiiller, Einfuhrung in die Theorie der isogonalen Venoandschaften und der conformen Abhildungen, (Leipzig, Teubner, 1882), in which several illustrations are given. 592 EXAMPLES OF RIEMANN S SURFACES [176. The surface is sometimes also called a winding -surface ; and a branch-point such as z=0 on the surface, where a number m of sheets j)ass into one another in succession, is also called a ivinding -point of order yn - 1 (see p. 17, note). An illustration of the surface for m = 3 is given in fig. 57, the branch-line being cut so as to shew the branching : what is visible is indicated by continuous lines ; what is in the second sheet, but is invisible, is indicated by the thickly dotted line ; what is in the third sheet, but is invisible, is indicated by the thinly dotted line. Ex. 4. Consider a three-sheeted surface having four branch-points at a, b, c, d ; and let each point interchange two branches, say, ^2, lOs Bit a; w,, W3 at 6; if 2, W3 at c; ■?i'2, w^ at d; the points being as in fig. 58. It is easy to verify that these branch -points satisfy the condition that a circuit, enclosing them all, restores the initial value of w. The branching of the sheets may be made as in the figure, the integers on the two sides of the line indicating the sheets that are to be joined along the line. A canonical form for such a surface can be derived from the more general case given later (in §§ 186—189). Ex. 5. Shew that, if the equation fi^v,z)=^0 be of degree M in ^v and be irreducible, all the 71 sheets of the surface are connected, that is, it is possible by an appropriate path to pass from any sheet to any other sheet. For if not, let a denote any arbitrary value of z, and let Ui, U2, ..., m„ denote the n values of w when z = a. Let z vary, beginning with a value a ; let the variation be restricted solely by the condition that z does not acquire a value giving rise to a branch- point, and otherwise be perfectly general ; and let z return to the value a. If it is not possible to pass from any sheet of the Riemann's surface to any other, suppose that the first, second, ..., mth sheets are connected with one another, and that no one of them is connected with any one of the rest. Then whatever be the variation of z, and whichever of the values Ui, U2, ..., u^ he chosen as an initial value of w, the final value of w (when z resumes its value a) will be one of the set iii, U2, ..., «,„• Hence any rational symmetric function of Ui, U2, ..., «,„ remains unchanged when z, after varying quite arbitrarily, resumes an initial value; in other words, that symmetric function of Ui, U2, ..., w,„ is a uniform function of z, which (as in § 193) is a rational function of z. Consequently, the values Ui, «2) •••) «,„ of w are the roots of an algebraical eqiiation f\ {w, z) = 0, which is polynomial in iv and s, and is of degree m in tv. But these values of w are roots of /(w, z)=0; hence f{w, z) is divisible by /j {;iv, z), contrary to the given condition that f{iv,z) = is irreducible. Corollary I. When /=0 is irreducible, it is possible to make z vary from an initial value, and return to a, in such a way that any assigned initial value of lu shall lead to any assigned final value of xv, among the n values which it has for z = a. Corollary II. If 3 = a, u'=A, and z = ^, w = B are any two positions on the Riemann's surface corresponding to an equation f{w,z) = 0, and if a path exists in the surface c ' -^ b ^, Fig. o5. Fiff. .56. )\ Ym. 57. 17 6. J SPHEKICAL RIEM ANN'S SURFACE 393 joining the one position to the other, then / is either an irreducible polynomial or is some power of an irreducible polynomial. For if / can be resolved into the product of two different polynomials, each of them equated to zero would give rise to a Riemann's surface ; and the two surfaces would not be connected, so that it would be impossible to pass from any position on one of them to any position on the other. If therefore /is resoluble, its component polynomials must be one and the same : that is, on the given hypothesis, when / is reducible, it is a power of an irreducible polynomial. 177. It is not necessary to limit the surface representing the variable to a set of planes ; and, indeed, as with uniform functions, there is a convenience in using the sphere for the purpose. We take n spheres, each of diameter unity, touching the Riemann's plane surface at a point A; each sphere is regarded as the stereographic projection of a plane sheet, with regard to the other extremity A' of the spherical diameter through A. Then, the sequence of these spherical sheets being the same as the sequence of the plane sheets, branch-points in the plane surface project into branch-points on the spherical surface : branch-lines between the plane sheets project into branch-lines between the spherical sheets and are terminated by corresponding points ; and if a branch-line extend in the plane surface to z= cc , the corresponding branch-line in the spherical surface is terminated at A'. A surface will thus be obtained consisting of n spherical sheets; like the plane Riemann's surface, it is one over which the ?i-valued function is a uniform function of the position of the variable point. But also the connectivity of the n-sheeted spherical surface is the same as that of the n-sheeted plane surface tuith which it is associated. In fact, the plane surface can be mechanically changed into the spherical surface without tearing, or repairing, or any change except bending and compression : all that needs to be done is that the n plane sheets shall be bent, without making any change in their sequence, each into a spherical form, and that the boundaries at infinity (if any) in the plane sheet shall be compressed into an infinitesimal point, being the South pole of the corresponding spherical sheet or sheets. Any junctions between the plane sheets extending to infinity are junctions terminated at the South pole. As the plane surface has a boundary, which, if at infinity on one of the sheets, is therefore not a branch-line for that sheet, so the spherical surface has a boundary which, if at the South pole, cannot be the extremity of a branch- line. 178. We proceed to obtain the connectivity of a Riemann's surface : it is determined by the following theorem : — Let the total number of branch-points in a Riemann's n-sheeted surface be r ; and let the number of branches of the function interchanging at the first 394 CONNECTIVITY OF A [178. point he m-^, the iiumher interchanging at the second he m^, and so on. Then the connectivity of the surface is n - 2w + 3, where fl denotes Wj + ?7io + . . . + nir — r. Take * the surface in the bounded spherical form, the connectivity N of which is the same as that of the plane surface : and let the boundary be a small hole A in the outer sheet. By means of cross-cuts and loop-cuts, the surface can be resolved into a number of distinct simply connected pieces. First, make a slice bodily through the sphere, the edge in the outside sheet meeting A and the direction of the slice through A being chosen so that none of the branch-points lie in any of the pieces cut off. Then n parts, one from each sheet and each simply connected, are taken away. The remainder of the surface has a cup-like form ; let the connectivity of this remainder be M. This slice has implied a number of cuts. The cut made in the outside sheet is a cross-cut, because it begins and ends in the boundary A. It 'ig- divides the surface into two distinct pieces, one being the portion of the outside sheet cut off, and this piece is simply connected ; hence, by Prop. III. of § 160, the remainder has its connectivity still repre- sented by N. The cuts in all the other sheets, caused by the slice, are all loop-cuts, because they do not anywhere meet the boundary. There are n — 1 loop- cuts, and each cuts off a simply connected piece ; let the remaining surface be of connectivity M. Hence, by Prop. V. of § 161, M+n-l = N+2{n-l), and therefore M = N + n — 1. In this remainder, of connectivity M, make r — 1 cuts, each of which begins in the rim and returns to the rim, and is to be made through the n sheets together ; and choose the directions of these cuts so that each of the r resulting portions of the surface contains one (and only one) of the branch- points. Consider the portion of the surface which contains the branch-point where mi sheets of the surface are connected. The m^ connected sheets constitute a piece of a winding- surface round the winding-point of order mi — 1 ; the remaining sheets are unaffected by the winding-point, and * The proof is founded on Neumann's, Vorlesungen ilber Riemann's Theorie der AbeVschen Integrale, pp. 168 — 172. 178. J riemann's surface 395 therefore the parts of them are n — m-^ distinct simply connected pieces. The piece of winding-surface is simply connected ; because a circuit, that does not contain the winding-point, is reducible without passing over the winding-point, and a circuit, that does contain the winding-point, is reducible to the winding-point, so that no irreducible circuit can be drawn. Hence the portion of the surface under consideration consists of n — 7ni+l distinct simply connected pieces. Similarly for the other portions. Hence the total number of distinct simply connected pieces is S (n q = l — 771 , + i) = nr - r . % q = l niq + r = )ir - n. But in the portion of connectivity if each of the r — 1 cuts causes, in each of the sheets, a cut passing from the boundary and returning to the boundary, that is, a cross-cut. Hence there are n cross-cuts from each of the 5 — 1 cuts, and therefore n (r — 1) cross-cuts altogether, made in the portion of surface of connectivity M. The effect of these %(r— 1) cross-cuts is to resolve the portion of con- nectivity M into 7ir — fi distinct simply connected pieces ; hence, by | 160, M=7i(r-l)-{7ir-n)+2, and therefore N=M - {71- 1) = n - 271 + 3, the connectivity of the Riemann's surface. r The quantity O, having the value 2 (niq — 1), may be called the rcuni- q = l ficatio7i of the surface, as indicating the aggregate sum of the orders of the different branch-points. Note. The surface just considered is a closed surface to which a point has been assigned for boundary; hence, by Cor. 1, Prop. III., § 164, its connectivity is an odd integer. Let it be denoted by 2p + 1 ; then 2p = n-27i + 2, and 2p is the number of cross-cuts which change the Riemann's surface into one that is simply connected. The integer p is often called (Cor. 1, Prop. III., § 164) the geTius of the Riemann's surface ; and the equatioTi f{w,z) = is said to he of genus p, when p is the genus of the associated Miemanns surface. 396 EXAMPLES OF CONNECTIVITY OF [178. The genus of an equation is discussed, partly in association with Abel's Theorem on transcendental integrals, in an interesting paper* by Baker, who gives a simple graphical rule to determine the integer when the coefficients are general. This rule is given in the example at the end of § 182. Ex. 1. When the equation is iv" = \ (z — a) (z~ b), we have a two-sheeted surface, n = 2. There are two branch-points, s = a and z = b; but 2 = CO is not a branch-point; sotliatr = 2. At each of the branch-points the two values are interchanged, so that mi — 2, m-2 = 'i; thus i2 = 2. Hence the connectivity =2 — 4-1-3 = 1, that is, the surface is simply connected. The surface can be deformed, as in tlae example in § 169, into a sphere. Ex. 2. When the equation is we have n = % There are four branch-points, viz., gj, e^, %, Qo , so that r=4 ; and at each of them the two values of w are interchanged, so that mg = 2 (for s = 1, 2, 3, 4), and therefore 12 = 8 — 4 = 4. Hence the connectivity is 4 — 4-1-3, that is, 3 ; and the value of jo is unity. Similarly, the surface associated with the equation^ iv'^=U{z), where U (z) is a rational integral function of degree 2m - 1 or of degree 2m, is of con- nectivity 2j>i + 1 ; so that JO = m. The equation w'^^{l-z^)il-kh^) is of genus p = l. The case next in importance is that of the algebraical equation leading to the hyperelliptic functions, when t^is either a quintic or a sextic ; and then p = 2. Ex. 3. Obtain the connectivity of the Riemann's surface associated with the equation w^ + 2^ — 3awz = l, where a is a constant, (i) when a is zero, (ii) when a is different from zero. Ex. 4. Shew that, if the surface associated with the equation f(u',z) = 0, have /x boundary-lines instead of one, and if the equation have the same branch-points as in the foregoing proposition, the connectivity is Q,-2n + fx + 2. Ex. 5. Shew that the genus of the equation w^-z^z'^ + z+l) = is 1 , and that the genus of the equation tv^ + z^=^5wz^ is 2. (Raffy.) Discuss the genus of the equation z(fi-5w'^{z'-+z + l} + 5iv{z^- + z+lf-2z{z'^+z + iy=0. (Raffy: Baker.) * " Examples of the application of Newton's polygon to the theory of singular points of algebraic functions," Camb. Phil. Trans., vol. xv, (1894), pp. 403 — 405. 178.] riemann's surfaces 397 Ex. 6. In the equation the sum of the positive integers n-^, ..., n^ is divisible by n. Shew that the genus p of the associated Riemann's surface is given by where X, is the greatest common measure of Uq and n. Shew also that, for surfaces of a given genus p, associated with equations of the assigned form, s cannot be greater than ip-i. (Trinity Fellowship, 1897.) Ex. 7. Shew that the values of ^ for the equations (i) w^-z^ + ^2ivz(ivh^~l) = Q: (ii) {w'^-z^f-Awh^{wz-lf=0: are 7 and 3 respectively. (Cayley.) Ex. 8. Shew that the genus of the equation where n is a positive integer or zero, is unity. Ex. 9. Shew that the genus p of the equation where 11 is a positive integer, is given as follows : — when n = Qk-a, then p = 'ik — a, for a = l, 2, 3; n = Qk + a, ... p = Sk , ... a = l, 2; ... n = Gk , ... p = Sk-l. Ex. 10. Find the genus of the equation w- = il-z^)il-kh% where n is a positive integer > 2. 179. The consideration of irreducible circuits on the surface at once reveals the multiple connection of the surface, the numerical measure of which has been obtained. In a Riemann's surface, a simple closed circuit cannot he deformed over a branch-point. Let CX- /q, A he a branch-point, and let AE... be the branch-line -• ^a(^' having a free end at A. Take a curve ...GED... crossing '\ V q/ the branch-line at E and passing into a sheet different pj„ gQ from that which contains the portion CE ; and, if possible, let a slight deformation of the curve be made so as to transfer the portion GE across the branch-point A. In the deformed position, the curve ...C'E'D' ... does not meet the branch-line; there is, consequently, no change of sheet in its course near A and therefore E'D'..., which is the continuation of ...G'E', cannot be regarded as the deformed position of ED. The two paths are essentially distinct ; and thus the original path cannot be deformed over the branch-point. It therefore follows that continuous deformation of a circuit over a branch-point on a Riemann's surface is a geometrical impossibility. Ex. Trace the variation of the curve CED, as the j3oiut E moves up to ^-1 and then returns along the other side of the branch-line. 398 RESOLUTION OF RIEMANN S SURFACES [179. Hence a circuit containing two or more (but not all) of the branch-points is irreducible ; a circuit containing all the branch-points is equivalent to a circuit that contains none of them, and it is therefore reducible. If a circuit contain only one branch-point, it can be continuously deformed so as to coincide with the point on each sheet and therefore, being deformable into a point, it is a reducible circuit. An illustration has already occurred in the case of a portion of winding-surface containing a single winding-point (Ex. 3, p. 391); all circuits drawn on it are reducible. It follows from the preceding results that the Riemann's surface associated with a multiform function is generally one of multiple connection; we shall find it convenient to know how it can be resolved, by means of cross-cuts, into a simply connected surface. The representative surface will be supposed a closed surface with a single boundary; its connectivity, necessarily odd, being 229 + 1^ the number of cross-cuts necessary to resolve the surface into one that is simply connected is 2^; when these cuts have been made, the simply connected surface then obtained will have its boundary composed of a single closed curve. One or two simple examples of resolution of special Riemann's surfaces will be useful in leading up to the general explanation ; in the examples it will be shewn how, in conformity with § 168, the resolving cross-cuts render irreducible circuits impossible. Ex. 1. Let the equation be w-'- = A{z-a){z-h){z-c){z-d), where a, 6, c, d are four distinct points, all of finite modulus. The surface is two-sheeted ; each of the points a, 6, c, rf is a branch-point where the two values of w interchange ; and so the surface, assumed to have a single boundary, is triply connected, the value of p being unity. The branch-lines are two, each connecting a pair of branch-points ; let them be ah and cd. Two cross-cuts are necessary and sufficient to resolve the surface into one that is simply connected. We first make a cross-cut, beginning at the boundary B, (say it is in the upper sheet), continuing in that sheet and re- turning to B, so that its course encloses the branch-line ah (but not cd) and meets no branch- line. It is a cross-cut, and not a loop-cut, for it begins and ends in the boundary ; it is evidently a cut in the upper sheet alone, and does not divide the surface into distinct portions ; and, once made, it is to be regarded as boundary for the partially cut surface. The surface in its present condition is con- nected : and therefore it is possible to pass fi'om one edge to the other of the cut just made. Let P be a point on it ; a curve that passes from one edge to the other is indicated by the line PQR in the upper sheet, RS in the lower, and SP in the upper. Along this line make a cut, beginning at P and returning to P; it is a cross-cut, partly in the upper sheet and partly in the lower, and it does not divide the surface into distinct portions. Fig. 61. 179.] BY CROSS-CUTS 399 Two cross-cuts in the triply connected surface have now been made ; neither of them, as made, divides the surface into distinct portions, and each of them when made reduces the connectivity by one unit ; hence the surface is now simply connected. It is easy to see that the boundary consists of a single line not intersecting itself; for beginning at P, we have the outer edge of PBT, then the inner edge of FQRSP, then the inner edge of PTB, and then the outer edge of PSRQP, returning to P. The required resolution has been eflfected. Before the surface was resolved, a number of irreducible circuits could be drawn ; a complete system of irreducible circuits is composed of two, by § 168. Such a system may be taken in various ways ; let it be composed of a simple curve C lying in the ujnper sheet and containing the points a and b, and a simple curve D, lying partly in the upper and partly in the lower sheet and containing the points a and c; each of these curves is irreducible, because it encloses two branch-points. Every other irreducible circuit is reconcileable with these two ; the actual reconciliation in particular cases is effected most simply when the surface is taken in a sphei'ical form. The irreducible circuit C on the unresolved surface is impossible on the resolved surface owing to the cross-cut SPQRS ; and the irreducible circuit Z> on the unresolved surface is impossible on the resolved surface owing to the cross-cut PTB. It is easy to verify that no irreducible circuit can be drawn on the resolved surface. In practice, it is conveniently effective to select a complete system of irreducible simple circuits and then to make the cross-cuts so that each of them renders one circuit of the system impossible on the resolved surface. A\v. 2. If the equation be = 4(2-ei)(z- | a |. The surface is two-sheeted, (2 - c) (a2 - s2)2 with branch-points at +a but not at 00 : hence the line joining a and —a is the sole branch-line. The infinities of the subject of integration are a, —a, and c. Of these a and —a need not be excluded, for the same reason that their exclusion was not required in the last example. But c must be excluded ; and it must be excluded in both sheets, because z = c makes the subject of integration infinite in both sheets. There are thus two points of accidental singularity of the subject of integration ; in the vicinity of these points, the two branches of the subject of integration are J__(a2_,2)-i+...^ _J_(a2_,2)-i_ Fig. 73. 432 MODULI OF PERIODICITY [199. the relation between the coefficients of {z-c)~'^ in them being a special case of a more general proposition (§ 210). And since zl{{z-e){a^ — z'^)'^] when s=ao is zero, oo does not need to be excluded. The surface taken plane is doubly connected, as in the last example, one of the curves surrounding c, say that in the upper sheet, being taken as the boundary of the surface. A single cross-cut will suffice to make it simply connected : the direction of the cross-cut must pass from the c-curve in the lower sheet to the branch-line and thence to the boundary in the upper sheet. There is only a single modulus of periodicity, being the constant for the single cross-cut. This moduhis can be obtained by means of the curve AB in the first sheet; and, on contraction of the curve (by II. § 195) so as to be infinitesimally near c, it is easily seen to be 27^^■(a^-c2)~i, or say 'iTr( roo (i) a quantity I { — u)dz, that is, — I udz, or, -w; (ii) a quantity inEi + nE^, where m and n are integers ; (iii) a quantity zero, since the integi'al vanishes at infinity : so that If now we regard s as a function of w, say 2 = ^(w), we have ^(w) = 5 = ^(m£'i + »jE'3 + w), (^{w')=z'. But / = 2 arithmetically, so that we have z=(^{w) = f {mEy^ + nj&3 ± w) as the function expressing z in terms of w. Similarly it can be proved that f'{w)=±^o'{mEy + nEs±w), the upper and the lower signs being taken together. Now ^ {iv), by itself, determines a value of z, that is, it determines two points on the sui-face : and ^' (vj) has different values for these two points. Hence a point on the surface is uniquely determined hy ^ i^w) and Ex. 6. Consider %o= / {{\-z^){\-Bz'')]~\dz= judz. The subject of integration is two-valued, so that the surface is two-sheeted. The branch-points are ±1, ±y, but not 00 ; no one of the branch-points need be excluded, nor need infinity. The connectivity is 3, so that two cross-cuts will render the surface simply connected : let the branch-lines and the cross-cuts be taken as in the figure (fig. 76). The details of the argument follow the same course as in the previous case. The modulus of periodicity for Q^ is 2 1 udz = 4 / zidz = 4A'', in the ordinary notation. 1 udz = 2iK', as before. Hence, if m; be a value of the integral for a point z in the first sheet, a more general value for that point is w-{:m4:K+n2iK'. Let w' be a value of the integral for a point z' in the second sheet, where z' is arithmetically equal to z — the point in the first sheet at which the value of the integral Qi is w ; then /^^^ y^- ^ _I (C- a — « w' = 2K+m4:K+n2iA' — w, k \\ -1 v:^^^ ^'/ . so that, if we invert the functional relation and take z = sn w, we have ^^" su w = 2 = sn {w + 4:mK +2niK') = sn {(4ot + 2) K+2niK' - w}. 199.] OF MODULI OF PERIODICITY 435 Esc. 7. Consider the integral w= I -. r- , where u={{l-z^) (1 -kh^)}h. 1 As in the last case, the surface is two-sheeted : the branch-points are ± 1, +j ; no one of them need be excluded, nor need s=qo . But the point z = c must be excluded in both sheets ; for expanding the subject of integration for points in the first sheet in the vicinity of s = c, we have ^{(l-c2)(l-FO}-U..., and for points in the second sheet in the vicinity of 2 = c, we have in each case giving rise to a logarithmic infinity for z = c. We take the small curves excluding z=c in both sheets as the boundaries of the surface. Then, by Ex. 4, § 178, (or because one of these curves may be regarded as a Fig. 77. boundary of the surface in the last example, and the curve excluding the infinity in the other sheet is the equivalent of a loop-cut which (§ 161) increases the connectivity by unity), the connectivity is 4. The cross-cuts necessary to make the surface simply connected are three. They may be taken as in the figure ; Qi is drawn from the boundary in one sheet to a branch-line and thence round t to the boundary in the other sheet : ^2 beginning and ending at a point in Qi , and Q3 beginning and ending at a point in Q2 ■ The moduli of periodicity are : — for Qi, the quantity (Ql = )27^^{(l -c^){l- k"c^)}~i, obtained by taking a small curve round c in the upper sheet : Q2, the quantity (122 = ) 2 dz _i {z — c)u , obtained bj taking a circuit round 1 and T, passing from one edge of Q^ to the other at F: f k ciz §3, the quantity (03=) 2 I — , obtained by taking a circuit round -1 and — -7 , passing from one edge of Qz to the other at G : so that, if any value of the integral at a point be ^<;, the general value at the point is where mj, m2, m^ are integers. Conversely, z is a triply-periodic function of w ; but the function of w is not uniform .(§ 108). 28—2 436 MODULI OF PERIODICITY [199. Ex. 8. As a last illustration for the present, con^der The surface is two-sheeted ; its connectivity is 3, the branch-points being ±1, ±t , but not of them. To consider the integral at infinity, we substitute s = ;j, and then s=oo . No one of the branch-points need be excluded, for the integral is finite round each it infinity ^2 { dz' (. k'^ ,„ k k'^ , giving for the function at infinity an accidental singularity of the first order in each sheet. The point z = cc must therefore be excluded from each sheet: but the form of w, for infinitely large values of z, shews that the modulus for the cross-cut, which passes from one of the points (regarded as a boundary) to the other, is zero. The figure in Ex. 6 can be used to determine the remaining moduli. The modulus, for §2 is ^1 — k'^x^\^ \—x^ dx = 4 dx with the notation of Jacobian elliptic functions. The modulus for §i is dx jo{(l-/)(l-/&V)}* on transforming by the relation ^^^^ ^ ^'2^2 _ j . the last expression can at once be changed into the form 2^■ (K' — E'\ with the same notation as before. If then w be any value of the integral at a point on the surface, the general value there is w + AmE+2ni{K'-E'), where m and n are integers. 200. After these illustrations in connection with simple cases, we may proceed with the consideration of the integral of the most general uniform rational function lu of position on a Riemann's surface, constructed in connec- tion with the algebraical equation f{w, z) = w'' + w^'-^g^ {z)+...+ wgn-i (^) + 9n (^) = 0, 200.] INTEGRAL OF ALGEBRAIC FUNCTION 437 where the fanctions g {z) are rational and integral. Subsidiary explanations, which are merely generalised from those inserted in the preceding particular discussions, will now be taken for granted. Taking w' in the form of § 193, we have w=-K{z) + ^ = ~Kiz) + —^, dw dw so that in taking the integi'al of w we shall have a term - | Iiq (z) dz, where ho (z) is a rational function. This kind of integral has been discussed in Chapter II. ; as it has no essential importance for the present investigation, it will be omitted, so that, without loss of generality merely for the present purpose *, we may assume h^ (z) to vanish ; and then the numerator of w' is of degree not higher than n — 2 in tv. The value of z is insufficient to specify a point on the surface : the values of w and z must be given for this purpose, a requisite that was unnecessary in the preceding examples because the point z was spoken of as being in the upper or the lower of the two sheets of the various surfaces. Corresponding to a value a of z, there will be n points : they may be taken in the form (tti, fli), (tta, a.^, ..., {an, oLn), whero aj, ..., a„ are each arithmetically equal to a, and Wj , . . . , a„ are the appropriately arranged roots of the equation f{w, a) = 0. U (w z) The fimction w to be integi^ated is of the form ^' ' , where TJ is polynomial of degree 7i — 2 in w, but though rational in z it is not necessarily integral in z. An ordinary point of w' , which is neither an infinity nor a branch-point, is evidently an ordinary point of the integral. The infinities of the subject of integration are of prime importance. They are : — (i) the infinities of the numerator, (ii) the zeros of the denominator. The former are constituted by (a), the poles of the coefficients of powers of w in Uiiv, z), and (/S), 2^ = 00: this value is included, because the only infinities of w, as determined by the fundamental equation, arise for infinite values of z, and infinite values of w and of z may make the numerator U (w, z) infinite. * See § 207, where ho {z) is retained. 438 INTEGRALS [200. So far as concerns the infinities of w which arise when 2; = oo (and therefore w = 00 ), it is not proposed to investigate the general conditions that the integral should vanish there. The test is of course that the limit, zTjiuu z\ for ^ = 00 , of )rr — - should vanish for each of the n values of w. dw ' But the establishment of the general conditions is hardly worth the labour involved; it can easily be made in special cases, and it will be rendered unnecessary for the general case by subsequent investigations. 201. The simplest of the instances, less special than the examples already discussed, are two. The first, which is really that of most frequent occurrence and is of very great functional importance, is that in which f{w, z) = has the form w''-S{z) = {), where S {z) is of order 2m — 1 or 2m and all its roots are simple : then -J- = 2w = 2^/8 (z). In order that the limit of rrr — may be zero when dw z = ao , we see (bearing in mind that U, in the present case, is independent of w) that the excess of the degree of the numerator of U over its denominator may not be greater than m — 2. In particular, if U be an integral function of z, a form of U which would leave Jw'dz zero at ^^ = 00 is U ^ CqZ ' + CiZ + . . . + CyfisZ + Cjjj_2. As regards the other infinities of Ul\/S(z), they are merely the roots of 8 {z) = or they are the branch-points, each of the first order, of the equation 10^ -8 (z) = 0. By the results of § 101, the integral vanishes round each of these points ; and each of the points is a branch-point of the integral function. The integral is finite everywhere on the surface : and the total number of such iyitegrals, essentially different from one another, is the number of arbitrary coefficients in U, that is, it is m—1, the same as the genus of the Riemanns surface associated with the equation. 202. The other important instance is that in which the fundamental equation is, so to speak, a generalised equation of a plane curve, so that gg {z) is a polynomial function of z of degree s : then it is easy to see that, at 5; =00, each branch wcxzz, so that ■^ (c2, h), ■•, (Cn, kn), where c^, Co, ..., Cn are arithmetically equal to c. In the vicinity of each of these points let w' be expanded : then, near (c^, kr), we have a set of terms of the type + ^. . \m-l +■■■+ /T— -^ + -— +P(Z- Cr), where P{z — Cr) is a converging series of positive integral powers of z — Cr. A corresponding expansion exists for every one of the n points. The integral of lu' will therefore have a logarithmic infinity at (c^, kt), unless Ai^r is zero; and it will have an algebraic infinity, unless all the coefficients A^^^, , A^^r are zero. The simplest cases are (i) that in which the integral has a logarithmic infinity but no algebraic infinity ; and (ii) that in which the integral has no logarithmic infinity, W (in f\ For the former, w' is of the form '-rr^ , and therefore in the vicinity of c^ {z-c)?- we have tv' — — ^^^ + P {z — Cr), the value of A^^r being ^Z ^ , and W is an integral function of kr, of dkr degree not higher than n — 2. Hence ^ » W (kr, Cr) ^ -^l,r= ^ ^7 r=\ r=l ^ "bkf _ - W{kr,6) dkr 440 INFINITIES OF THE INTEGRAL [202. since c is the commQn arithmetical value of the quantities Ci, Ca, ..., c„. Now ^1, k^, ..., kn are the roots of /(^,c) = 0, an equation of degree n, while W is of degree not higher than n — 2 ; hence, by a known theorem*, I W{kr,c) Q^ dkr n SO that S ^1,,- = 0- The validity of the result is not affected if some of the coefficients A vanish. But it is evident that a single coefficient A cannot be the only non-vanishing coefficient ; and that, if all but two vanish, those two are equal and opposite. This result applies to all those accidental singularities of coefficients of powers of iv in the numerator of w' which, being of the first order, give rise solely to logarithmic infinities in the integral of w. It is of great importance in regard to moduli of periodicity of the integral. (ii) The other simple case is that in which each of the coefficients Ai^r vanishes, so that the integral of w' has only an algebraic infinity at the point Cr, which is then an accidental singularity of order less by unity than its order for w'. In particular, if in the vicinity of Cr, the form of w be the integral has an accidental singularity of the first order. It is easy to prove that n so that a single coefficient A cannot be the only non-vanishing coefficient ; but the result is of less importance than in the preceding case, for all the moduli of periodicity of the integral at the cross-cuts for these points vanish. And it must be remembered that, in order to obtain the subject of integration in this form, some terras have been removed in § 200, the integral of which would give rise to infinities for either finite or infinite values of z. It may happen that all the coefficients of powers of tv in the numerator of w' are integral functions of z. Then ^ = x is their only accidental singularity; this value has already been taken into account. * Burnside and Panton, Theory of Equations, (7th ed ) vol. i, p. 172. 203.] OF AN ALGEBRAIC FUNCTION 441 203. The remaining source of infinities of w\ as giving rise to possible infinities of the integral, is constituted by the aggregate of the zeros of ^ = 0. Such points are the simultaneous roots of the equations In addition to the assumption already made that /= is the equation of a generalised curve of the ?ith order, we shall make the further assumptions that all the singular points on it are simple, that is, such that there are only two tangents at the point, either distinct or coincident, and that all the branch-points are simple. The results of § 98 may now be used. The total number of the points given as simultaneous roots is n (n — 1) : the form of the integral in the immediate vicinity of each of the points must be investigated. Let (c, 7) be one of these points on the Riemann's surface, and let (c + ^, 7 + f ) be any point in its immediate vicinity. I. If -^ ^ do not vanish at the point, then (c, 7) is a branch-point for the function w. We then have f(tu, z) = A'^+ B'v^ + quantities of higher dimensions, for points in the vicinity of (c, 7), so that u cc ^^ when | ^| is sufficiently small. Then ^— = 25'l/ + quantities of higher dimensions when j^j is sufficiently small. Hence, for such values, the subject of integra- tion is a constant multiple of U (7, c) -f- positive integral powers of v and ^ ^^ + powers of ^ with index > -|- that is, of ^~^, when | ^1 is sufficiently small. The integral is therefore a constant multiple of ^'^, when | ^j is sufficiently small; and its value is therefore zero round the point, which is a branch-point for the function represented by the integral. II. If ^ — ^ ' vanish at the point, we have (with the assumptions of § 98), / {w, z) = A^^ + 2B^u + Gv"' -h terms of the third and higher degrees ; and there are two cases. (i) If B^^ AC, the point is not a branch-point, and we have Cv^B^=^ (B' -AC)i+ integral powers ^^ ^^,.... 442 INFINITIES OF ALGEBEAIC FUNCTION [203. as the relation between v and ^ deduced froni/= 0. Then ^ = 2 (B^ + Cv) + terms of second and higher degrees = X^+ higher powers of ^. In the vicinity of (c, 7), the subject of integration is U (y, c) + Dv + E^ + positive integral powers A,^ + higher powers of ^ Hence w^hen it is integrated, the first term is -^-^ log ^, and the remain- A, ing terms are positive integral powers of ^: that is, such a point is a logarithmic infinity for the integral, unless U (7, c) vanish. If, then, we seek integrals which have not the point for a logarithmic infinity and we begin with U as the most general function possible, we can prevent the point from being a logarithmic infinity by choosing among the arbitrary constants in fT^ a relation such that U{y,c) = Q. There are h such points (§ 98) ; and therefore S relations among the , constants in the coefficients of U must be chosen, in order to prevent the integral dz dw from having a logarithmic infinity at these points. When these are chosen, the points become ordinary points of the integral. (ii) If B^ = AC, the point is a branch-point ; we have B^+Cv = ^L^Km^' + N^^+... as the relation between ^ and v deduced fromy= 0. In that case, rif ^ = 2 (B^+ Cv) + terms of the second and higher degrees s. = Z^2 _|_ powers of ^ having indices > |. In the vicinity of (c, 7), the subject of integration is U (7, c) + Du + E^+ higher powers L^ + higher powers of ^ Hence when it is integrated, the first term is — 2 — \p-2 ^-f and it can be proved that there is no logarithmic term ; the point is an infinity for the integral, unless U(y, c) vanish. 203.] TO BE INTEGRATED 443 If, however, among the arbitrary constants in U we choose a relation such that then the numerator of the subject of integration = Dv + E^-{- higher positive powers = A,'^+ yu,'^ + higher powers of ^, on substituting from the relation between v and ^ derived from the funda- mental equation. The subject of integration then is that is, the integral of which is 2 -^ ^- + positive powers. The integral therefore vanishes at the point : and the point is a branch-point for the integral. It therefore follows that we can prevent the point from being an infinity for the function by choosing among the arbitrary constants in t/" a relation such that r7(7,c) = o. There are k such points (§ 98) : and therefore k relations among the constants in the coefficients of U are chosen in order to prevent the integral from becoming infinite at these points. Each of the points is a branch-point of the integral. 204. All the possible sources of infinite values of the subject of integra- tion iv, = — ~— i , have now been considered. A summary of the preceding dw results leads to the following conclusions relative to fw'dz: — (i) an ordinary point of w' is an ordinary point of the integral : (ii) for infinite values of z, the integral vanishes if we assign proper limitations to the form of U{w, z) : (iii) accidental singularities of the coefficients of powers of w in U{w,z) are infinities, either algebraic or logarithmic or both algebraic and logarithmic, of the integral : (iv) if the coefficients of powers of w in U(w,z) have no accidental singularities except for z^cc , then the integral is finite for infinite values of z (and of w) when U('w,z) is the most general 444 INTEGEALS [204. rational integral function of w and z of degree n — 3 ; but, if the coefficients of powers of w in U{w,z) have an accidental singularity of order //,, then the integral will be finite for infinite values of z (and of w) when U(w,z) is the most general rational integral function of w and z, the degree in w being not greater than n — 2 and the dimensions in w and z combined being not greater than n + /j, — S: (v) those points, at which df/dw vanishes and which are not branch- points of the function, can be made ordinary points of the integral, if we assign proper relations among the constants occurring in U{w,z) : (vi) those points, at which dfjdw vanishes and which are branch- points of the function, can, if necessary, be made to furnish zero values of the integral by assigning limitations to the form of U{w,z)\ each such point is a branch-point of the integral in any case. These conclusions enable us to select the simplest and most important classes of integrals of uniform functions of position on a Riemann's surface. 205. The first class consists of those integrals which do not acquire* an infinite value at any point ; they are called integrals of the^?"s^ kind^. The integrals, considered in the preceding investigations, can give rise to integrals of the first kind, if the numerator U{w,z) of the subject of integra- tion satisfy various conditions. The function U(w,z) must be a polynomial function of dimensions not higher than n — S in w and z, in order that the integral may be finite for infinite values of z and for all finite values of z not specially connected with the equation f(w,z) = 0; for certain points specially connected with the fundamental equation, being 8 -f /c in number, the value of U{w,z) must vanish, so that there must be S-f /c relations among its coefficients. But when these conditions are satisfied, then the integral function is everywhere finite, it being remembered that certain limitations on the nature off{w, z) = have been made. Usually these conditions do not determine U (w, z) uniquely save as to a constant factor ; and therefore in the most general integral of the first kind a number of independent arbitrary constants will occur, left undetermined by the conditions to which U ib subjected. Each of these constants multiplies an integral which, everywhere finite, is different from the other integrals so multiplied; and therefore the number of different integi-als of the first kind * They will be seen to be multiform functions even on the multiply connected Kiemann's surface, and they do not therefore give rise to any violation of the theorem of § 40. t The German title is erster Gattung ; and similarly for the integrals of the second kind and the third kind. 205.] OF THE FIRST KIND 445 is equal to the number of arbitrary independent constants, left undetermined in U. It is evident that any linear combination of these integrals, with constant coefficients, is also an integral of the first kind ; and therefore a certain amount of modification of form among the integrals, after they have been obtained, is possible. The number of these integrals, linearly independent of one another, is easily found. Because ?7 is a polynomial function of w and z of dimen- sions n — 3, it contains, ^ (w — 1) {n — 2) terms in its most general form ; but its coefficients satisfy S + /c relations, and these are all the relations that they need satisfy. Hence the number of undetermined and independent constants which it. contains is i(w-l)(/?.-2)-S-/c, which, by § 182, is the genus p of the Riemann's surface ; and therefore, for the present case, the number of integrals, tuhich are finite everywhere on the surface and are linearly independent of one another, is equal to the genus of the Riemann's surface. Moreover, the integral of the first kind has the same branch-points as the function w. Though the integral is finite everywhere on the surface, yet its derivative w' is not so : the infinities of tu' are the branch-points. The result has been obtained on the original suppositions of § 98, which were, that all the singular points of the generalised curve f{w,z) — are simple, that is, only two tangents (distinct or coincident) to the curve can be drawn at each such point, and that all the branch-points are simple. Other special cases could be similarly investigated. But it is superfluous to carry out the investigation for a succession of cases, because the result just. obtained, and the result of | 201, are merely particular instances of a general theorem which will be proved in Chapter XVIII., viz., that, associated with a Riemann's surface of connectivity 2p-+l, there are p linearly independent integi^als of the first kind luhich are finite everywhere on the surface. The function U{w,z), which occurs in the subject of integration in an integral of the first kind, is often called an adjoint polynomial of order 9i — 3 ;. and the generalised curve • • U(w,z) = is called an adjoint curve of order ?i — 3. 206. The functions, which thus arise out of the integral of an algebraic- function and are finite everywhere, are not uniform functions of position on the unresolved surface. If the surface be resolved by 2p cross-cuts into one that is simply connected, then the function is finite, continuous and uniform everywhere in that resolved surface, which is limited by the cross-cuts as a single boundary. But at any point on a cross-cut, the integral, at the two 446 INTEGRALS [206 points on opposite edges, has values that differ by any integer multiple of the modulus of the function for that cross-cut (and possibly also by integer multiples of the moduli of the function for the other cross-cuts). Let the cross-cuts be taken as in § 181 ; and for an integral of the first kind, say W, let the moduli of periodicity for the cross-cuts be coi, CO2 , ••■, •••> ^jp> respectively : the moduli for the cuts c are zero. It is evident fi:'om the form of the integral in the vicinity of any infinite point that, as the integral has only an algebraic infinity, the modulus for each of the k cross-cuts, obtained by a curve from one edge to the other round the point, is zero. Hence if one value of the integral of the second kind at a point on the surface be E{z), all its values at that point are included in the form E{z)-\-^ 7lr€r, r=l where nj, n^, ..., n^ are integers. The importance of the elementary integral of the second kind, inde- pendently of its simplicity, is that it is determined by its infinity, save as to an additive integral of the first kind. Let 7^1 {z) and E^ (z) be two elementary integrals of the second kind, having their single infinity common, and let a be the value of z at this point ; then in its vicinity we have E,(z)==^^ + F,(z-a), E,(z)^-^+P,(z-a), Z — (X- Z Oj and therefore A-^E^{z)— A^E^{z) is finite at z = a. This new function is therefore finite over the whole Riemann's surface : hence it is an integral of the first kind, the moduli of periodicity of which depend upon those of E^ {z) and Eo,{z). Ex. It may similarly be proved that for the special case in Ex. 2, § 207, when the integral of the second kind has two simple infinities for the same arithmetical value of z in different sheets, the integral is determinate save as to an additive integral of the first kind. Let ai and a-i be the two points for the arithmetical value a of 2 ; and let F{z) and G {£) be two integrals of the second kind above indicated having simple infinities at aj and ag and nowhere else. Then in the vicinity of a^ we have so that BF {z)- AG (2) is finite in the vicinity of %. Again, in the vicinity of ag, we have, by § 202, F{z)=~^^F^kZ-(l^\ 6-'(2) = ;^+$2(^-«2), so that BF(z) — AG (2) is finite in the vicinity of ^2 also. Hence BF{z)-AG{z) is finite over the whole surface, and it is therefore an integral of the first kind ; which proves the statement. 208.] OF THE SECOND KIND 449 It therefore appears that, if F {z) be any such integral, every other integral of the same nature at those points is of the form F (z) + W, where W is an integral of the first kind. Now there are p linearly independent integrals of the first kind : it therefore follows that there are p + 1 linearly independent integrals of the second kind, which have simple infinities with equal and opposite residues at two points, (and at only two points), deter- mined by one algebraical value of z. From the property that an elementary integral of the second kind is determined by its infinity save as to an additive integral of the first kind, we infer that there are p + 1 linearly independent elementary integrals of the second kind tuith the same single infinity on the Miemann's surface. This result can be established in connection with /(w, z) = as follows. The subject of integration is U (w, z) {z-afT ^ ' CIV where for simplicity it is assumed that a is neither a branch-point of the function nor a singular point of the ciu-ve f{w,z) = 0, and in the present case (I is of degree n — l in to. To ensure that the integral vanishes for s=co, the dimensions of U{w,z) may not be greater than n- 1. Hence (J{w, z), in its most general form, is a polynomial function of w and z of degree n — l ; the total number of terms is therefore \n{n+\), which is also the total number of arbitrary constants. In order that the integral may not be infinite at each of the 8 -f- k singularities of the curve /(?<', 2) = 0, a relation U {y, c) = must be satisfied at each of them ; hence, on this score, there are b + < relations among the arbitrary constants. Let the points on the surface given by the arithmetical value a of 2 be (aj, ai), {a^, a<^, ..., (a„, a„). The integral is to be infinite at only one of them; so that we must have for r = 2, 3, ...,n ; and 71 — 1 is the greatest number of such points for which U can vanish, unless it vanish for all, and then there would be no algebraic infinity. Hence, on this score, there are n — l relations among the arbitrary constants in U. In the vicinity of 2 = a, iv=a, let z = a + ^, ^v=a + v■, r\-f 7\-f then we have = v ^ + tJ- + ..., da da where ~- is the value of ^ , and ^ that of J- , for z=a and w = a. For suflficientlv small ca dw da oz '' values of 1 V I and j ^ | , we may take For such points we have U{w,z)=U{a,a)+vj^+C^ + ... da and ^^ = 1'+— ^{f^l dw da df d{a,a) d^ P. F. • 29 450 INTEGRALS [208. /40 ■ TiiGii uniGss ^^ ^ - — , . U{a, a) d (a, a) vf 9 (a, a) da 7\ ( -f Tl\ for («! , ai), and 3 (7^ = *^ for (ct2, 02)5 («3) "3)' •••) {'^n, «n)» there will be terms in - in the expansion of the subject of integration in the vicinity of the respective points, and consequently there will be logarithmic infinities in the integral. Such infinities are to be excluded ; and therefore their coefficients, being the residues, must vanish, so that, on this score, there appear to be n relations among the arbitrary constants in U. But, as in § 210, the sum of the residues for any point is zero : and therefore, when n — 1 of them vanish, the remaining residue also vanishes. Hence, from this cause, there are only n — \ relations among the arbitrary constants in U. The tale of independent arbitrary constants in U {w, z), remaining after all the conditions are satisfied, is |?i (n + 1) - (8 + Ac) - (w - ] ) - (?i - 1) =p+l. As each constant determines an integral, the inference is that there are p + 1 linearly independent elementary integrals of the second kind with a common infinity. 209. Next, consider integrals which have logarithmic infinities, inde- pendently of or as well as algebraic infinities. They are called integrals of the third kind. As in the case of integrals of the first kind and the second kind, we take the subject of integration to be as general as possible so that it contains arbitrary coefficients ; and we assign suitable relations a.mong the coefficients to prevent any of the points, given as zeros of df/dtv, ft-om becoming infinities of the integral. It follows that the only infinities of the integral are accidental singularities of coefficients of powers of w in the numerator of the general expression for w' ; and that, when w' is expanded for points in the immediate vicinity of such an expression, the term with index — 1 must occur. To find the general value of an integral of the third kind, we should first exclude from the Riemann's surface all the infiinite points, say tj, I2, . . . , l^> by small curves ; the surface would then have to be resolved into one that is simply connected. The cross-cuts for this purpose would consist of the set of 2p cross-cuts, necessary to resolve the surface for an integral of the first kind, and of the additional cross-cuts, /j, in number and drawn from the boundary (taken at some ordinary point of the integral) to the small curves that surround the infinities of the function. The moduli for the former set may be denoted by -OTj, OT2, ..., '^p for the cuts cii, Uo, ..., Qp, and -^p+i, ■OT^+2; •••, '^2p for the cuts bi,h2, ...,hp respectively; 209.] OF THE THIRD KIND 451 they are zero for the cuts c. Taking the integral from one edge to the other of any one of the remaining cross-cuts ^i, l^, ..., Iq, (where Iq is the cross-cut drawn from the curve surrounding Iq to the boundary), its value is given by the value of the integral round the small curve and therefore it is 27riXq, where the expansion of the subject of integration in the immediate vicinity of z = lq is M^-A^^<^-«- Then, if 11 be any value of the integral of the third kind at a point on the unresolved Riemann's surface, all its values at the point are included in the form 2p ft. n + S mj-OTr + 27^^ S iiqXq, r=l q=l where the coefficients irii, ..., ni^p, rii, ..., n^i are integers. 210. It can be proved that the quantities Xq are subject to the relation X^ + X2+...+X^ = 0. Let the surface be resolved by the complete system of 2p + fi cross-cuts : the resolved surface is simply connected and has only a single boundary. The subject of integration, tu', is uniform and continuous over this resolved surface : it has no infinities in the surface, for its infinities have been excluded ; hence Jw'dz = 0, when the integral is taken round the complete boundary of the resolved surface. This boundary consists of the double edges of the cross-cuts a, h, c, L, and the small curves round the //. points I ; the two edges of the same cross- cut being described in opposite directions in every instance. Since the integral is zero and the function is finite everywhere along the boundary, the parts contributed by the portions of the boundary may be con- , sidered separately. First, for any cross-cut, say a^: let be the point where it is crossed by hq, and let the positive direction of description of the whole boundary be indicated by the arrows (fig. 82, § 230). Then, for the portion Ga...E, the part of the [^ . integral is I w'dz, or, if Ca...E be the negative edge (as in § 196), the part J c oi the integral may be denoted by E w'dz. c The part of the integral for the portion F...aD, being the positive f^ . rF edge of the cross-cut, is w'dz, which may be denoted by — / w'dz. The 29—2 452 ELEMENTAEY INTEGEAL [210. course and the range for the latter part are the same as those for the former, and w' is the same on the two edges of the cross-cut ; hence the sum of the two is rE = I {w' — w') dz, J c which evidently vanishes*. Hence the part contributed to jw'dz by the two edges of the cross-cut ciq is zero. Similarly for each of the other cross-cuts a, and for each of the cross-cuts h, c, L. The part contributed to the integral taken along the small curve enclosing Iq is tiriXq, for §'=1, 2, ..., fx: hence the sum of the parts contributed to the integral by all these small curves is 27rl 2 \q. All the other parts vanish, and the integral itself vanishes ; hence establishing the result enunciated. CoROLLAEY. An integral of the third kind, that is, having logarithmic infinities on a Riemanns surface, must have at least two logarithmic infinities.. If it had only one logarithmic infinity, the result just proved would require that Xj should vanish, and the infinity would then be purely algebraic. 211. The simplest instance is that in which there are only two. logarithmic infinities; their constants are connected by the equation \^-{-\^ = 0. If, in addition, the infinities be purely logarithmic, so that there are na algebraically infinite terms in the expansion of the integral in the vicinity of either of the points, the integral is then called an elementary integral of the third kind. If two points Cj and Cg on the surface be the two infini- ties, and if they be denoted by assigning the values Cj and c^ to z ; and if Xi = 1 = — X2 (as may be assumed, for the assumption only implies division of the integral by a constant factor), the expansion of the subject of inte- gration for points in the vicinity of Ci is * It vanishes from two independent causes, first through the factor 10' - w', and secondly because Zj^=z^, the breadth of any cross-cut being infinitesimal. The same result holds for each of the cross-cuts a and 6. For each of the cross-cuts c and L, the sum of the parts contributed by opposite edges vanishes only on account of the factor w' - to' ; in these cases the variable z is not the same for the upper and the lower limit of the integral. 211,] OF THE THIRD KIND 453 and for points in the vicinity of Cg the expansion is Z-Cz Such an integral may be denoted by Ilia : its modulus, consequent on the logarithmic infinity, is 27ri. Ex. 1. Prove that, if ni2, 1123, Hsi be three elementary integrals of the third kind having Cx, C2; c^, c^; C3, c^ for their respective pairs of points of logarithmic discontinuity, then 1X12 + 1123 + Hsi is either an integral of the first kind or a constant. Clebsch and Gordan pass from this result to a limit in which the points c^ and c^ coincide and obtain an expression for an elementary integral of the second kind in the form of the derivative of His with regard to c^ . Klein, following Riemann, passes from an elementary integral of the second kind to an elementary integral of the third kind by integrating the former with regard to its parametric laoint*. Ex. 2. Reverting again to the integrals connected with the algebraical equation fiw, z)=0, when it can be interpreted as the equation of a generalised curve, an integral of the third kind arises when the subject of integration is , V{w, z) '' = -37' cw where V{tv, z) is of degree to — 2 in w. If V {w, z) be of degree in z not higher than w- 2, the integral of w' is not infinite for infinite values oi z; so that F(w, 2) is a general integral function of w of degree n — 2. Corresponding to the arithmetical value c of 2, there ai'e n points on the surface, say (•^i) '^i)) ('^2j ^2)) •••) (c») ^n) ; ^'D'd the expansion of w' in the vicinity of (c^, h^) is 3/ Z-Cr dk,. the coefi&cients of the infinite tenns being subject to the relation because V(w, 2) is only of degree n-2 in w. The integral of lo' will have a logarithmic infinity at each point, unless the corresponding coefl&cient vanish. Not more than n — 2 of these coefficients can be made to vanish, unless they all vanish ; and then the integral has no logarithmic infinity. Let 71 -2 relations, say for r=3, 4, ..., TO, be chosen; and let the S + k relations be satisfied which secure that the integral is finite at the singularities of the curve /{to, s) = 0. Then the integral is an elementary integral of the third kind, having (ci, ^1) and {c^, Jc^^ for its points of logarithmic discontinuity. Ex. 3. Prove that there are ^ + 1 linearly independent elementary integrals of the third kind, having the sarae logarithmic infinities on the surface. * Clebsch und Gordan, (I.e., p. 408, note), pp. 28 — 33 ; Klein-Fricke, Vorlesungen Uber die Theorie der elUptischen Modulfunctionen, t. i, pp. 518 — 522 ; Riemann, p. 100. 454 CLASSES OF FUNCTIONS [211. Ex. 4. Shew that, in connection with the fundamental equation any integral of the first kind is a constant multiple of 'dz j;2' that an integral of the second kind, of the class considered in Ex. 2, § 207, is given by l—w, dz ; and that an elementary integral of the third kind is given by I — r ^^• ] zw^ Ex. 5. An elementary (Jacobian) elliptic integral of the third kind occurs in Ex. 7, p. 435 ; and a (Jacobian) elliptic integral of the second kind occurs in Ex. 8, p. 436. Shew that an elementary (elliptic) integral of the second kind, associated with the equation io^ = ^z^-g^z-go„ and having its infinity at (ci, yj), is 'yi(^^+yi) + (6gi'-ig'2)(g-ci) / {z-c^)'^w ^''' and that an elementary (elliptic) integral of the third kind, associated with the same equation and having its two infinities at (cj, yj), (c2, 72)5 is 1 f fw+yi w + y2\ dz 2 J \z — Ci z — cS'. Therefore 216.] FOR SCHWARZ'S PROOF ' 453 In the same way, we obtain the equation and therefore [ [(PV^Q - QV^P) dxdy =^(^q'^-~- P ^^\ ds, where the double integral extends over the whole of >S^, and the single integral is taken round the whole boundary of S in the direction that is positive for the bounded area S. Now let u be a potential function defined as in the lemma; then u satisfies all the conditions imposed on P, as well as the condition V^z^ = throughout the area and on the boundary. Let Q = l; so that V'-^Q = 0, ;^ = 0. Each element of the left-hand side is zero, and there is no dis- on continuity in the values of P and Q; the double integral therefore vanishes, and we have J on the result which was to be proved. Ex. 1. Let u be a potential function as in the lemma: and let the area S be the interior of a circle of radius R. Let two concentric circles of radii ri and ?"2 be drawn such that R'^ri>r2^0: then I u (ri ,(f))d(f)= j u (;-2 ,4>)d4), a result due to Schwarz. Take any concentric circle of radius r such that R>r>0; and consider the space between this circle and S. The function u satisfies the general conditions over this space, and its derivatives satisfy the boundary conditions for the whole contoiu- ; hence f dtc , f c>u , - 7^ ds+ ;^as=0, / 5 on J on where the first integral is taken in the counterclockwise direction round S, and the second clockwise round the circle of radius r. On account of the character of u over the whole of S, and the character of its derivatives along the circumference of S, we have and therefore / ^— as=0; sdn taken round the circle of radius r. But =^=^^ along this circumference, and ds=ro on or hence, dropping the factor r, we have 'du or ^ Integration with respect to r between ri and 7-2 leads to the result stated. 464 POTENTIAL FUNCTION [216. Ex. 2. Let w be a potential function as in the lemma : and let the area S be the space lying without the circumference of the circle of radius R. Let two concentric circles of radii r^ and 7-2 be drawn, such that ri\'^R: a precisely similar proof leads to the result But if the derivatives of m are not required to satisfy the boundary conditions, the equation in Lemma II may not be inferred; we then have the following proposition. Lemma-' III. Let u he a function, which is only required to satisfy the general conditions for an area S; and let u he any other function, which is required to satisfy the general conditions for that area and may or may not he required to satisfy the houndary conditions. Let A he an area entirely enclosed in S and such that no point of its whole houndary lies on any part of the whole boundary of S; then where the integral is taken round the whole houndary of A in a direction which is positive with regard to the hounded area A, and the element dn of the normal to a houndary-line is drawn towards the interior of the space enclosed hy that houndary-line, regarded merely as a simple closed curve. The area A is one over which the functions u and 11 satisfy the general conditions. The derivatives of these functions satisfy the boundary conditions for A, because they are uniform, finite and continuous for all points inside 8, and the boundary of A is limited to lie entirely within S. Hence 1 {ii^^u' — uV'^u)dxdy = — \iu^ u ^jds, the integrals respectively referring to the area of A and its boundary in a direction positive as regards A. But, for every point of the area, V^u = 0, V^u' = 0; and tt and It' are finite. Hence the double integral vanishes, and therefore taken round the whole boundary of A in the positive direction. One of the most effective modes of choosing a region A of the above character is as follows. Let a simple curve Cj be drawn lying entirely within the area S, so that it does not meet the boundary of S; and let another simple curve Cg be drawn lying entirely within Cj, so that it does not meet d, and that the space between Cj and Co lies in S. This space is an area of the character of A, and it is such that for all internal points, as well as for all points on the whole of its boundary (which is constituted by Cj and C2), 216.] DETERMINED FOR A CIRCLE 465 the conditions of the preceding lemma apply. The curve C^ in the above integration is described positively relative to the area which it includes : the curve Ci is described, as in § 2, negatively relative to the area which it includes. Hence, for such a space, the above equation is dii ,dit\ , if du ,dii\ , - if the integrals be now extended round the two curves in a direction that is positive relative to the area enclosed by each, and if in each case the normal element dn be drawn from the curve towards the interior. 217. We now proceed to prove that a function u, required to satisfy the general conditions for an area included within a circle, is uniquely determined hy the series of values assigned to u along the circumference of the circle. Let the circle 8 be of radius R and centre the origin. Take an internal point Zo = re^' (so that r < R), and its inverse z^'^r'e'^^ (such that rr' = R'^), so that V is external to the circle. Then the curves determined by z- Zq r ' ~ n^^ z — Z(, \ ri for real values of X, are circles which do not meet one another. The boundary of S is determined by A, = 1, and X= gives the point z^ as a limiting circle : and the whole area of S is obtained by making the real parameter X change continuously from to 1. Lemma III. may be applied. We choose, as the ring-space, the area included between the two circles determined by Xj and X^, where 1 > Xi > Tu > 0, and the positive quantities 1— Xj, X^ can be made as small as we please. Then we have [/ du , du\ , r/ du , du\ , where the integrals are taken round the two circumferences in the trigono- metrically positive direction (dn being in each case a normal element drawn towards the centre of its own circle), and the function ii' satisfies the general and the boundary conditions for the ring-area considered. Moreover, the area between the circles, determined by Xj and Xg, is one for which u satisfies the general conditions, and its derivatives certainly satisfy the boundary conditions : hence 'du jrn'^'^ = ^' ds2 = 0. dn Now the function u is at our disposal, subject to the general conditions for the area between the two X-circles and the boundary conditions for each F. F. 30 466 INTEGRAL EXPRESSION FOR [217. of those circles. All these conditions are satisfied by taking u' as the real part of log { _ ° , j , that is, in the present case, 11 = log z — z„ For all points on the outer circle, u' is equal to the constant log ( ^ >-i ) , so that U' ;r- dSi = on and similarly for all points on the inner circle, u' is equal to the constant log ( -^ Xg ) , so that u' ^ ds2 = 0. Again, for a point z on the outer circle, whose angular coordinate is yjf, the value of tt— for an inward drawn normal is (^ 11) on " (E^ - r^Xj'f . ~\R (i?2 - r2) {R^ - 2RrX^ cos (i/r - ) + r'X,^} ' and because the radius of that outer circle is \R {R- — r-)/(R^ — r-Xi^), we have \R{R'-r^^) Denoting by /"(A-j, \/r) the value of m at this point yjr on the circle determined by A,i, we have J ^ d^ ^'^ = - J ^^''^' ^^ R^-2RrX,oos{t-cj.) + r"^x;^ ^^^- Similarly for the inner circle, the normal element again being drawn towards its centre, we have ju~ds, = -j^ f (X,, t) ^. _ 2^,^ eos (t - c/,) + r^V ^^^^ Combining these results, we have Jo /(^- ^) iJ. _ 2RrX, cos (t- <^) + r^V "^"^ In the analysis which has established this equation, Xj and Xg can have all values between 1 and : the limiting value is excluded because then u' is not finite, and the limiting value 1 is excluded because no supposition has 217.] A POTENTIAL FUNCTION 467 been made as to the character of the derivatives of u at the circumference But the equation which has been obtained involves only the values of u and not the values of its derivatives. On account of the general conditions satisfied by u, the values of u, represented by /(A, i/r), are finite and continuous within and on the circumference of the circle : they therefore are finite and continuous for all values of A, from to 1, including both X. = and \ = 1. Hence the integral (since r < R), is also finite and continuous for all these values of X, both X = and X = 1 inclusive. The preceding equation has been proved true, however small the positive quantities 1 — A.; and A^ may be taken ; we now infer that it is valid when we take Xj = 1 , X., = 0. When X2 = 0, the corresponding circle collapses to the point Zq : the value of /(X2, yjr) is then the value of ii at Zq, say u{r, cf>); and the integral connected with the second circle is 2Tru (r, 0). When Xi = 1, the corresponding circle is the circle of radius R ; the value ■of /(Xi, yfr) is then the assigned value of u at the point yjr on the circum- ference, say the function f{;^)- Substituting these values, we have u (r, (/>) = ^ fyW R._^nrooI{l-<^) + r^ ^^' the integral being taken positively round the circumference, of the circle >S^. It therefore appears that the function u, subjected to the general conditions for the area of the ciicle, is uniquely determined by the values assigned to it along the circumference of the circle. The general conditions for u imply certain restrictions on the boundary values. These values must be finite, continuous and uniform : and therefore f{^), as a function of -y^r, must be finite, continuous, uniform and periodic in i/r of period 27r. 218. It is easy to verify that, when the boundary values fi'^) are not otherwise restricted, all the conditions attaching to u are satisfied by the function which the integral represents. Since the real part of (i^e*^ + z)/{Re'^^ — z) is the fraction {B? - r-)/{E2 - 2Rr cos (->/--(/)) + r% it follows that u is the real part of the function F {z), defined by the equation „, , 1 [Re'^^ + z nt ,\j , 30—2 468 INTEGRAL EXPRESSION FOR [218. For all values of z such that \z\<'R, the fraction can be expanded in a series of positive integral powers of z, which converges unconditionally and uni- formly; and therefore F {z) is a uniform, continuous, analytical function^ everywhere finite for such values of z. Hence all its derivatives are uniform, continuous, analytical functions, finite for those values of z ; and these properties are possessed by the real and the imaginary parts of such derivatives. Now^ „ ^, _ ^ is the real part of i^ ^ — --^-^ ; and therefore,. for all integers m and n positive or zero, it is a uniform, finite and continuous- function for points such that |^|) as r is made equal to R, we change the integral expression for u (r, 0) into Moreover for all values of r do = - tan M ^ tan ^ 27rj_^ R^ — 2Rr COS 6 + r^ tt |_ [R — r and therefore I=u(r,4>)-f(-/'« SOT COS 6 + r^ de. Let (H) denote the subject of integration in the last integral. Then, as r is made to approach indefinitely near to R in value, @ becomes infinitesimal for all values of 6 except those which are extremely small, say for values of 6 between —h and + S. Dividing the integral into the corresponding parts,, we have i=J- %de + ^\ ede + —- me. Let i¥be the greatest value of f(^) for points along the circle. Then the first integral and the second integral are less than ct>-S R^-r^ and ^"-^-^ 2ilf ^^-^ 2vr (R-ry + 2Rr{l-cosS) 27r {R - rf + 2Rr (1 - cos 8) respectively ; by taking r indefinitely near to R in value, these quantities can be made as small as we please. For the third integral, let k be the greatest value of f ((f) + 6) —/(cp) for values of between 8 and — 8 : then the: third integral is less than k /•« R'-r' ,. aff, 27r/_. R' - 2Rr cos 6 + r^ '218.] POTENTIAL FUNCTION 469 "k f\K-\-r\ that is, it is less than — tan~^ ( ^ -^ 8 j ; so that, when r is made nearly equal to R, the third integral is less than k. If then k be infinitesimal, as is the case when f{<^) is everywhere finite and continuous, the quantity / can be diminished indefinitely ; hence u (r, ^) continuously changes into the function f()-u (0) | for the circumference of a circle of radius r, concentric with the given circle, r being less than R : say R — r'^p, where p is a quantity that may not be made as small as we please. We have and clearly so that ^^'^^^ = liy^'^^m-2Rr R^-r^ cos {■\f^ — (f>) + r^ df, uiO) = - fWd^; dy^. To indicate one upper limit for the modulus of the right-hand side, we can proceed as follows. Let be the common centre of the two circles ; P the point {R, 0) on the outer circle, Q the point {r, y\r) on the inner circle ; and let x denote the angle between QP and OQ produced. Then R cos (•(//■ — 0) — r=PQ cos Xi so that 27r{«(r, <^)-«(0)} = 2rj^ f {^) -^ d^. Let M be the maximum value of \f{'^)\ along the circum- ference of the outer circle : then an upper limit for the modulus of the right-hand side will be given by taking/(-v|r) = J/" when cos;^ is positive and /(■//■)= —M. Returning now to the initial expressions, with these values, we have R^-r^ 2n{u{r, (j))-u{0)}\//•) for points along the circumference of the circle and if u (0) vanish, then 4 T tf (r, <^)<— iftan-i -p. (Schwarz.) 77 it 219. But in view of subsequent investigations, it is important to consider the function represented by the integral when the periodic function /(<^) which occurs therein is not continuous, though still finite, for all points on the circumference. The contemplated modification in the continuity is that which is caused by a sudden change in value of /() as <^ passes through a value a : we shall have f{a^e)-f{a-e) = A, when € is ultimately zero. Then the following proposition holds : — Let a function /() he periodic in Itt, finite everywhere along the circle, and continuous save at an assigned point a where it undergoes a sudden increase in value : a function u can be obtained, which satisfies the general conditions for the circle except at such a point of discontinuity in the value of f {(}>), and acquires the values off(^) along the circumference. * It is due to Schwarz, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 190. # • 219.] ALONG THE CIRCUMFERENCE 471 Let p be a quantity p^-2prcL~i^-i?^-^/^7cos(^-<^)+r^^^' and A' is a quantity vanishing with R — p because the subject of integration is everywhere finite. So far as concerns q, let M be the greatest value of Ifi^jr) j, so" that M is finite , then a quantity which, because of the mode of occurrence of the arbitrary quantity e, can be made less than any finite quantity, however small, provided r is never actually equal to R. If then, an infinitesimal arc from a — e to a + e be drawn so as, except at its assigned extremities, to lie within the area of the circle, the last proviso is satisfied : and the effect is practically to exclude the point a from the region of variation of m as a point for which the function is not precisely defined. With this convention, we therefore have " ('■■ ■^) - iijr' ^^- ^^ R' - ^bZh"^ - ^) + .. -^t = a + A' + ,, so that, by making p ultimately equal to R and e as small as we please, the difference between u (r, ) and the integral defined as above can be made less 472 DISCONTINUITY IN VALUE [219. than any assigned quantity, however small. Hence the integral is, as before, equal to the function u (r, (f>), provided that the point a be excluded from the range of integration, the value /(a — e) just before ■^ = (x and the value /(a + e) just after ■ylr=a being assigned to u{R,ylr). It therefore appears that discontinuities may occur in the boundary values when the change is a finite change at a point, provided that all the values assigned to the boundary function be finite. Corollary. The boundary value may have any limited number of points of discontinuity, provided that no value of the function be infinite and that at all points other than those of discontinuity the periodic function be uniform, finite and continuous : and the integral will then represent a p)otential function satisfying the general conditions. The above analysis indicates why discontinuities, in the form of infinite values at the boundary, must be excluded : for, in the vicinity of such a point, the quantity M can have an infinite value and the corresponding integral does not then necessarily vanish. Hence, for example, the real part of eRe"^^ - Re"'' is not a function that, under the assigned conditions, can be made a boundary value for the function u. There is however a different method of taking account of the discon- tinuities ; it consists in associating other particular functions, each having one (and only one) discontinuity, taken in turn to be the assigned discontinuities of the required functions, and thus modifying the boundary conditions. The method might not prove the simplest way of proceeding in any special case, because of the substantial modification of those conditions ; but this is of relatively less importance in the establishment of an existence-theorem, which is the present quest. Two cases arise, according as the assigned discontinuity in value takes place at a point of continuity in. the curvature of the boundary, or at a point of discontinuity in the curvature. In the former, when the discontinuity is required to occur at a point of continuous curvature, we know (§ 3) that the argu- ment of a point experiences a sudden change by tt when the path of the point passes through the origin. Let a point P on a circle (fig. 79, i) be considered relative to ^4 : the inclination of -4 P to TT the normal, drawn inwards at A, is -^ — -g- (a — 0), 219.] ALONG THE CIRCUMFERENCE 473 aad o{ AQ to the same line is — _ 1 !(«-') , so that there is a sudden change by tt in that inclination. Now, taking a function 9i4>)=-- *an-^ tan || - 1 (« - )} ' and limiting the angle, defined by the inverse function, so that it lies between - ^tt and +^77, as may be done in the above case and as is justifiable with an argument determined inversely by its tangent, the function g{<^) undergoes a sudden change J. as increases through the value a. Moreover, all the values of g ((p) are finite : hence g (0) is a function which can be made a boundary value for the function u. Let the function thence determined be denoted by iia- By means of the functions u^, we can express the value of a function u whose boundary value /{(p) has a limited number of permissible discontinuities. Let the increases in value be A^, ... , A^ at the points a^, a2, ..., a.m respect- ively : then, if gn {(f)) denote tan TT t&n\--^(an-(f)) we have gn (an + e) — gn (a« — e) = An, when e is infinitesimal. Hence /(«,„ + f ) -/ («« - e) - [gn (an + e) - gn («« - e)} has no discontinuity at a„, that is, f((f>) — gni'P) has no discontinuity at «„. m Hence also /()— 2 gn{4>) l^^s no discontinuity at a^, ..., a^, and n = l therefore it is uniform, finite, and continuous everywhere along the circle ; and it is periodic in 27r. By § 218, it determines a function U which satisfies the general conditions. Each of the functions gn{4>) determines a function Un satisfying the general conditions : hence, as u is determined by /(^), we have m It - 2 Un = U, n = \ which gives an expression for u in terms of the simpler functions Un and of a function U determined by simpler conditions as in § 218. Ex. Shew that, if /(\/^) = l from -Itt to +\iv and =0 from +\-n- to f tt, then u is the real part of the function 1 , \+iz- -T- log -. ; and obtain a corresponding expression for a function, which is equal to 1 from - a to + a, and is equal to from a to 27r — a. 474 GENERAL _ [219. In the second case, when a discontinuity (say K in magnitude) is required to occur at a point of sudden change in curvature, we proceed similarly. Let A be such a point, and suppose the curve (fig. 79, ii) referred to as pole : as in the first case, we consider the point P relative to A. Let 6 denote the internal angle QAP, so that e is not equal to ir ; let TPO = ct>,, AQO=^(Po, P00'= d„ A00'= a, QOO' = 02- Then the inclination of AP to AO is (/)i — (a — ^i), and the inclination of AQ to AO is — {tt — c])2- {S.2 — oi)}, so that, in passing from the direction AP to the direction A Q, there is a sudden change of ! — ^2 + tt, which is e in the limit when P and Q move up to A. Accordingly, if we take a function — tan-i [tan ((/>-«+ 6)], where 6 is the polar angle and ^ is the inclination of the (backwards-drawn) tangent to the radius vector, this function suddenly increases in value by K as the point P passes through A towards Q. The result is used in exactly the same way as in the preceding case : and we obtain a new function, assigned as the succession of boundary values, the new (boundary) function being free from all discontinuities. Ex. Obtain the expression of such a function in the case of two equal circles, when the boundary curve consists of the two arcs each external to the other. 220. The general inference from the investigation therefore is, that a function of two real variables x and y is uniquely determined for all points within a circle by the following conditions : — (i) at all points within the circle, the function u and its derivatives du du d^u d'U ^ , -r 12 -^ j ^- ^ TT- , TT- , ^:r-„, ;:r^ must be unitorm, finite and continuous, and ox oy dor oy^ must satisfy the equation V-w = : (ii) if /((^) denote a function, which is periodic in of period 27r, is finite everywhere as the point ^ moves along the circumference, is continuous and uniform at all except a limited number of isolated points on the circle, and at those excepted points undergoes a sudden prescribed (finite) change of value, then to u is assigned the value /( m and can therefore be represented in the form Mp + m(l — p), where p is 'a real positive proper fraction, varying from point to point. Also p never vanishes, except for the minimum on the boundary ; and it is never so great as unity, except for the maximum on the boundary. In particular, let a function have the value zero for a part of the boundary and have the value unity for the rest, the points (if any) where the sudden change from to 1 takes place being cut off as in § 219. Let a line be drawn from any point of the boundary, through the interior, to any other point of the boundary ; and at each extremity let it cut the boundary at a finite angle. The value, which the function has for points along the line, in the interior is always positive and has an upper limit q, a proper fraction. But q will vary from one line to another. If the region be a circle and q be the proper fraction for a line in the circle, then the value along that line of a function u, which is still zero over the former part of the boundary but has a varying positive value ^ fj. along the remainder, is evidently ^ q/x. This fraction q may be called the fractional factor for the line in the supposed distribution of boundary values. Again, let a function have a value zero over part of the boundary, and have positive values over the rest of it, the greatest of them being unity: and suppose that there is no sudden discontinuity in value. When a line is drawn (as above) through the area, both of its extremities being at zero values on the boundary, let the value of the function along the line be q', where q' varies from point to point ; it is zero at the extremities of the line, and it is 220.] FRACTIONAL FACTORS 477 never so great as 1, because a maximum value cannot occur in the interior; hence O^q ^Q, where Q is a real positive quantity, greater than and less than 1. The fraction Q is the fractional factor for the line. Lastly, let a function have a value zero over part of the boundary, and have values over the rest of it, some positive, others negative ; let — C be the minimum, and + D the maximum, where C > 0, D >0; and suppose that there is no sudden discontinuity in value. Let a line be drawn (as above) through the area, beginning at one point of zero value and ending at another ; the value of the function along Jbhis line is — C + q" (D + C), where q" varies from point to point along the line. Now q" cannot be as small as 0, for the minimum — C is not to be found on the line ; nor can it be as large as 1, for the maximum D is not to be found on the line. Hence 0 : it is always less than Q^, and Qi is less than 1. Let — G^ denote the smallest value of U^ — Ui along Li , and + -Di its greatest value ; Dj cannot be less than zero, nor d greater than zero, the terminal values* at A and £. Then -C, = -G + R,{D + G), n, = -G + Q,(D + G); where, in general, Cj and D^ are both greater than : if C be zero, then Ri is zero. Also, let pi = Qi — Ri> so that < pi < 1 : we have A + 0, = p,(D + (7). Similarly as regards the function U^— U^, for T^. It satisfies the general conditions. It is zero along L^; it is zero at A, and at B; along L^, it takes the values of f/g — f/^, (for 11^ takes the values of U^, and Uo the values of U-^, so that along L^ it is uniform, finite, and changes continuously from at JL, through a minimum — G^ and a maximum D^, to at B. Then along L^, a line in the area of T^, the value of 11^ — U^ is (§ 220, V.) -C', + 9(A + C'0, where < jRs < ^ < Qa < 1 ; here R2 is zero if Gi is zero, and otherwise i^g > ; it is always less than Qo, and Q2 is less than 1. Let — G2 denote the smallest value of f/4 — Uo along Zg, and + D2 its greatest value along the line. Then -G2 = -G, + R2(D, + G,), D2 = -G, + Q2{D, + G,); where, in general, Cg and Dg are both greater than : if C'l be zero, then Ro is zero. Also, let , so that < p., < 1 : we have D2 + G2 = p2{D, + G,). * It is at this step in each of the stages that advantage accrues from (i) having modified initially the assigned values, so that no discontinuity occurs at A or at B, and (ii) having secured continuity in value through the points A and B, both along Li and L2, for the successive functions. By these conditions, we secure that A and B do not need to be excluded by small arcs, as in the earlier part of § 219 (the points A and B would otherwise remain excluded throughout, and would not be part of the boundary at the end) ; and we secure that Qi is certainly less than unity at each step. 222.] OF AREAS 483 And so on, alternately, for the functions connected with the two regions. The functions U<,_n, U^n+i (for successive values of n) satisfy the general conditions. In T^, the function U^n+i — U'zn-i is greater than — C^-^, and less than -Dsw-sj while along ij it ranges continuously between — C2,i_i and An-i (with at ^ and at B), where — (^211-1 =^ ^291—2 + -ti'-zn—i \-L'2n—2 "f" ^271—2) j -^2?l— 1 ^^ ~ ^271—2 "1" ^5211—1 \-L'2n-2 "T ^2n—2)) where Q271-1, R^n-i are the major and the minor factorial fractions for the distribution ranging between —C271-2 and 1)2^-2 (with at A and at B) along Z2. In T2, the function U2n+2—U'2n is greater than —Gzn-i, and less than Dzn+i, while along L^ it ranges continuously between — Cg^ and D2n (with at J. and at B), where — ^211 = ■" ^2,1-1 + R-in (j-^m-i + C^2n-i)] J^-2n — ~ ^271—1 + ^211 {J-'2n-i + ^2?i— i)j where Q.2»n -^271 are the major and the minor factorial fractions for the distribution ranging between — Co^-i and A»i-i (with at ^ and at B) along Xj. Now let pni = Qm - Rm, for all values of m, odd and even : we have < p,n < I' Then Doii-i + C^2«-i = p^n-i (^211-2 + ^271-2), ■i-'2>i "I" ^271 ^ Pin V-^271— 1 + ^2n—i) 3 hence, taking account of the value of Di + C\, we have Dm + C,n = pip-i." pm (D + C). Since each of the quantities p is a positive quantity, known to be less than 1, Tve have Lim{pip2... pm) = 0, and therefore Lim (i),„ + C„i) = 0. In Tj, the range of value of the function U 2,1+1 — ^271-1 is equal to -D271-2 + C'2n-2 along L.2, and is equal to D.^n-i + Cm-i along A; and in T^, the range of value of the function U 2,1+2 — ^^2,1 is equal to Dan-i + <^2w-i along L^, and is •equal to D^n + C'o^ along Zg. Hence, as the number of operative constructions is made to increase indefinitely, there are limits to which the functions with an odd suffix and functions with an even suffix approach along ii and Zg. Let TJ' denote the limit of functions with an odd suffix along Zj, and U" that of functions with an even suffix along L^. 31—2 484 COMBINATION OF AREAS [222. Both of these limits are finite. To prove this, let M denote the maximum and m the minimum of the assigned values ; so that the range in value of Ui is not greater than M — m. We have, along Zj , U' = U,+{U,-U,) + {U,-U,) + ... adinf., U' vu — Mi. (i) If 7712 — -^i be positive, then ilig — ^'^1 is positive and equal, say, to A, ; the boundary values for W3 — Uj_ may range from to X, and we have Us — 111 > < q^X along Q2. (ii) If ??i2 — Ml be negative and equal to — e, then M2 — m^ is either positive or negative. (a) If ifg — nil be negative, then the boundary values for U3 — Ui may range from to — e, that is, boundary values for Uj — u^ may range from * In the special case, when Tj is bounded by concentric circles and the cross-cut is made along a diameter, the region can be represented eonformally on the area of a circle : see a paper by the author, Quart. Journ. Math., vol. xxvi, (1892), pp. 145—148. 224.] MODULI OF PERIODICITY 489 to e, and we have u-[ — u^>0 < qi€ along Q2, which may be expressed in the form \ U3' - Ut' \ < q-^e, where e is the greatest modulus of values along the boundary. (b) If M2 — nil be positive, let its value be denoted by rj : then the boundary values for Ug — Ui may range from 77 to — e. The boundary values for U3 — Ui + e may range from to ?; + e, and it is a function satisfying all the internal conditions : hence M3 — Ui + e^qi{r) + e), and therefore W3 - "1 < qiV - (1 - 2i) e ^ ^iV- Again, the boundary values of u^ — 11$ + rj may range from 77 + e to 0, and it is a function satisfying all the internal conditions : hence -w^ — Wg + V'^qiiv + ^)y and therefore «i - '<3 < gie - (1 - 5i) 7; ^ 5ie. Hence at points where u^ > th , so that u.^ — u-^ is positive, we have u^ — Ui^qii]; and at points where Wg < Ui, so that U]_ — u^ is positive, we have u^ = u^^qie. Every case can be included in the following result * : If //. be the greatest modulus of the values of u.2 — d along the two edges of Qi in Tj , then along Q2, so that q^/u, is certainly the greatest modulus of u-/ — Ui along Qa- 225. For the region T2 determine a function u^, satisfying the general conditions and having as its boundary values, H along a' and b', Q — K along a and b, u^ — K along Q.^ and w/ along Qa"^ : the function so obtained is unique. Let its values along the line Q^ be denoted by w/. Then the function u^ — 11.2 satisfies the general conditions in T2 : it is zero along a and b', a and b: it is Ug' — u/ along Qo" and also along Qs"*", and along Q2 we have I Us - Ui \ the boundary values of which are, H along a and b', G — K along a and 6, u'on+i — K along Q.," and u'^n+i along Qg"*" : and along Qi I ^^'2,1+2 - u'2n I < qi^q-Z'H'- * Another method of proceeding, different from the method in the text, depends upon the introduction of the minor fractional factor (§ 322) for the cross-cut, having the same relation to minimum values as qi to maximum values ; but it is more cumbersome, as it requires the continuous consideration of successive cases, and the method is adequately indicated by the process of § 222. 490 POTENTIAL FUNCTION FOR [225. Thus both the function Uon+i along Q2 and the function U2n along Qy approach limiting values; let them be u' and u" respectively. These limiting values are finite. For Uon+i = Wi + (Us - i/i) + ('Us - U3) + . . . + (ihn+i " ^2/1-1) ; in the limit, when n is infinitely large, the sum of the moduli of the terms of the series at points along Q^ < (M, +K) + q.iJi + q^%fji + q,%J^i + . . . < M, +K + i-q^q^' so that the series converges and the limit of u.2n+i, viz. u', is finite. Similarly for u". Now consider the functions in the portions T — T' and T' of the region T. For T — T' we have iion , (that is, u" in the limit), with values H along a' and h', u along Qo+: and also u.yn+i, (that is, u' in the limit), with values H along a and b' and u" along Qi~: thus u' and ii" have the same values over the whole boundary oi T — T' and, therefore, throughout that portion we have u = u". For T' we have 1(2,1, (that is, u" in the limit), with values G^ — ^ along a and b, and u' — K along Q.2~ : and also Won+i , (that is, u' in the limit), with values G along a and b and ii" + K along Q{^. Thus over the whole boundary of T' we have u' — u" = K: and therefore within the portion T' we have Lastly, for the whole region T we take u = u. In the portion T — T' we have ii = u'=u", and in the portion T' we have it= ii = u" + K ; that is, the function is suck that in the region T^ the value changes from u" at Q~ to u" + K at Q{^, or the modulus of periodicity is K. Hence the function is uniquely determined for a doubly connected surface by the general conditions, by the assigned boundary values, and by the arbitrarily assumed real modulus of periodicity. 226. We now consider the determination of the function, when the surface S is triply connected and has a single boundary. Let *S^ be resolved, in two different ways, into a doubly connected surface. Let ^1 be a cross-cut, which changes the surface into one of double connectivity and gives two pieces of boundary: and let Q.y be another cross-cut, not meeting the direction of Qi anywhere but continuously deformable into Q^, so that it also changes the surface into one of double connectivity with two pieces of boundary. Then, in each of these doubly 226.] MULTIPLY CONNECTED SURFACES 491 connected surfaces, any number of functions can be uniquely determined which satisfy the ' general conditions, each of which assumes assigned boundary values, that is, along the boundary of >S and the new boundary, and possesses an arbitrarily assigned modulus of periodicity. The combination of these functions, by an alternate process similar to that for the preceding case, leads to a unique function which has an assigned modulus of periodicity for the cross-cut Q^. The conditions which determine it are : (i), the general conditions : (ii), the values along the boundary of the given surface, (iii) the value of the modulus of periodicity for the cross-cut, which resolves the surface into one of double connectivity, and the modulus of periodicity for the cross-cut, which resolves the latter into a simply connected surface, that is, by assigned moduli of periodicity for the two cross-cuts necessary to resolve the original surface S into one that is simply connected. Proceeding in this synthetic fashion, we ultimately obtain the result that a real function u exists for a surface of connectivity 2jj -H 1 with a single boundary, uniquely determined by the following conditions : (i) its derivatives within the surface are everywhere uniform, finite and continuous, and they satisfy the equation Vhc = ; (ii) it assumes, along the boundary of the surface, assigned values which are always finite but may be discontinuous at a limited number of isolated points on the boundary ; (iii) the function within the surface is everywhere finite and, except at the positions of cross-cuts, is everywhere uniform and continuous : the discontinuities in value in passing from one edge to another of the cross-cuts are arbitrarily assigned real quantities. . 227. The question next arises as to the existence of a function ic upon a Riemann's surface of connectivity 2p + 1 that has no boundary, the function satisfying (i) and (iii) of the foregoing conditions. The existence can be established as follows*. On some sheet of the surface, take two concentric circles of radii r and r (where r > r), choosing them so that the outer circle (and therefore also the inner circle) encloses no singularity and meets no cross-cut; clearly the magnitude of r' will be at our disposal, and it will be supposed finite (not zero). Let the circumferences of the circles be denoted by G and C ; denote the part of the Riemann's surface outside C by /S", and the circular area within C on the Riemann's surface by S. Thus 8' and 8 are Riemann's surfaces, each with a single boundary ; and they have a common annulus. Assume any set of finite and continuous values along C. Determine for the bounded Riemann's surface 8' a function m/, which acquires these values * Schwarz, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 306; Picard, Cours d' Analyse, t. ii, p. 470. 492 POTENTIAL FUNCTION ON A [227. along C, satisfies the general conditions everjrwhere in 8', and at the various cross-cuts possesses arbitrarily assigned real moduli of periodicity. This function u-^ is unique ; and it acquires finite and continuous values along G, which lies within the region of its existence. Determine for the bounded Riemann's surface 8 a function iii, which acquires along C the values that are acquired along that circle by u^ , and which satisfies the general conditions everywhere in S. (As no cross-cut occurs within 8, all the moduli of periodicity may be regarded as zero.) This function u^ is unique : and it acquires finite and continuous values along C, which lies within the region of its existence. Determine for 8' a function u^, which acquires along C" the values acquired by u-^, satisfies the general conditions everywhere in 8', and at the various cross-cuts possesses the same arbitrarily assigned moduli of periodicity as u-^. This function u.2 is unique ; and it acquires finite and continuous values along C, which lies within the region of its existence. Determine for 8 a function U2, which acquires along C the values that are acquii'ed along that circle by u^, and which satisfies the general conditions everywhere in 8; as there are no cross-cuts within 8, there are no moduli of periodicity. This function Uo. is unique : and it acquires finite and continuous values along C, which lies within the region of its existence. And so on, in alternate succession for the spaces 8' and 8. We thus obtain a sequence of functions u^, u^, ..., u^, •■■, which satisfy the general conditions within 8' and possess the arbitrarily assigned moduli of periodicity at the various cross-cuts : and a sequence of functions Ui,U2, ...,Un, •■•, which satisfy the general conditions within 8, an area that contains no cross-cuts. Moreover, we have Un=Un-x along G'\ iLn = tin along C J ' as values along the boundaries of aS^' and 8 respectively, assigned to the functions in the respective sequences. Now (by Ex. 1, Lemma II. § 216) we have [•■ItT r 277 Un, (r, (j))d(j)= u,n {r, (f>) dcj). Jo . •' But Urn {r , (f>) = u\n+i (r, 4>\ Oil accouut of boundary values : thus TStt U,n {r, 4))d(j>= U'm+i (r, (j)) d(f) J ■277 u'm+1 (r, (j>) d(f), by Ex. 2, Lemma II. § 216. Also u'm+i (r, (f>) = Um-^i (?•, 0), on account of boundary values : and therefore u,n (r, (f>) dcf) = Um+i {r, <^) d)] along the circles C and C respectively. At the common centre, we have and therefore, if Mm he the maximum value of | Um (r, (f))\ along the circle C, we have (by Ex. 1, § 218) 4 r' I U^m (r\ (b) \ ^ -Mm - sin-1 - TT r along the circle C". Now in the initial assumption of the circles C and G', we have merely made r < r, provided r' does not become an indefinitely small quantity. Suppose now that the inner circle is chosen so that 4 . r' — sin~^ — < (T, TT r where cr is a finite positive quantity less than unity. Then I Vm (r, (f>) I < a-M„,. Consequently, we have I U',n+i (.r, (/>) I = i U,n (r', 0) I < a Mm. Now the function U\n+i, which exists in the Riemann surface S' outside C, is such that it satisfies the general conditions within >S"; moreover, it has no moduli of periodicity, for the functions w'r„+2 and m',^+i have the same arbitrarily assigned moduli of periodicity ; hence (§ 220) the maximum values of i!7'w,+i and the minimum values of U'^+j lie on its boundary which is the circle C, and therefore | U\n+i \ within S' is less than the maximum value of j U'm+i 1 along C. Accordingly I U\n+i {r, (f))\<\ U'rn+i (r, (f)) I < 0-M,n, that is, f^m+i {f^, ) I < o-Mm )\. 494 FUNCTIONS ON A RIEMANN's SURFACE [227. Hence, if the maximum value of j u.2 — u-^ \ along the circle C be N, we have 1 ^1 (^'> <^) I ^ -^ ; ^-nd therefore \U^{r,4>)\)\<)\ be the corresponding typical representation of the assigned boundary values of S ?R

is a typical representation of r=l the boundary values of IT. The moduli of periodicity of U may arise through two sources : (1) arbitrarily assigned real moduli of periodicity at the 2p cross-cuts of the canonical system (§ 181), that are necessary to resolve the original surface into one that is simply connected: (2) the various moduli 9i {2'TriBr), arising from the infinities Cr in the surface, the occurrence of which infinities renders these additional moduli necessary for the various additional cross-cuts that must be made in resolving the surface. Then U has all these moduli as its moduli of periodicity, it is finite everywhere on the surface and, except for its moduli of periodicity, it is uniform and continuous on the surface; hence it is a function uniquely determinate, which is a constant if all the moduli be zero. It therefore follows that the determination of u is unique, that is, that a real function u on the Riemanns surface is determined by the general conditions at all points on the surface except infinities, hy the assignment of specified forms of infinities at isolated points, and hy the possession of arbitrarily assigned moduli of periodicity at the cross-cuts which would have to be made in order to resolve the surface into one that is simply connected. And, when all the moduli are zero, the real function u is uniform. Now w, = u-\- iv, is determined by u save as to an arbitrary additive constant. Hence, summarising the preceding- results, we infer the existence of the following classes of functions on the surface : — (A) Functions which are finite everywhere on the surface and, except at the lines of the cross-cuts which suffice to resolve the surface * The form of

) = - BrAr'. J D And the value of the integral for the combination of the two edges of any cross-cut c is zero. Hence summing for the whole boundary of the resolved surface, we have [pdQ = I {ArB; - BrAr'), J r=l and therefore ' ■ subject to the assigned conditions. This theorem is of considerable importance : and the conditions, subject to which it is valid, permit P and Q (or either of them) to be real or complex potential functions of oc and y or to be a function of z. 231. As a first application, let P and Q be real potential functions such that P -I- iQ is a function of z, say w, evidently a function of the first kind. Let its moduli for the cross-cuts be cog + ivg at tts, for s = 1, 2, ... , _p ; and Wg+ivs at &«, for s = l, 2, ...,p. Since P -F iQ is a function of ^ -1- iy, we have, by §§ 7, 8, dP^dQ _dP^dQ dx dy ' dy dx' 231.] SYSTEM OF MODULI 501 The double integral then becomes which cannot be negative, because P is real ; it is a quantity that is positive except only when P (and therefore w) is a constant everywhere. In the present case Ar = (&>2,i, 6^2,2, •••> «2,2f))) •••> ('"g,!. ft>q,-2, •■■,c^q,2p)- The modulus of wv at the cross-cut G^n has its real part denoted by &)^_,„ : when the modulus is divided into real and imaginary parts, let it be ^r, m 1 ^^ r, m • If any set of g arbitrary complex constants be denoted by Ci, ..., Cq, where Cg is of the form Og + i^g, then, at the cross-cut Cm, the real part of the modulus of 2 Cr^i'r is the real part of 1 Cr((Or,m + *'&>';•, wX that is, it is equal to r=l r=l Ol<«l,»i+ ••• + ^q(^q,m- 0lf^\,m— ••• — 0q(^'q,m, holding for ??i = l, 2, ..., 2p, and therefore giving 2^) expressions in all. Now let a set of real arbitrary quantities A^, A.^, ..., A^p be assigned as the real parts of the moduli of periodicity of a function of the first kind, which is uniquely determined by them ; and consider the equations -^1= «!&>!, 1-1- a2&)2,l+ ... -I- OfgW^^l — ZSj ft)'i_i — yS2 <»'2,1— ••• —y^^tu'j^i 1 A.p= ai2,22)+ ••• + '^qfOq,2p - ^lO)\,op — ^2(^'2,2p - ••• — ^q<»'q, 2p) First, let qn, C0i2, , 0)ip pi > f"p2 > ) f"pp cannot vanish : for otherwise by taking constants Cj, ...,Cp proportional to the p first minors, we should obtain a function S CgiVg, having all its moduli for the cross-cuts a-^, ..., ap zero and therefore, by § 231, merely a constant, so that Wi, ..., iVp would not be linearly independent. Hence A does not vanish. Next, we can choose constants c so that the moduli of periodicity vanish p for the function S CgWs at all the cross-cuts a, except at one, say a,., and that there it has any assigned value, say iri. For, solving the equations, = Cia>s,i + c.20)s^o + ... + CpCOg^p, (for s = 1, 2, .,., p, except r); Tri = Ci (Or, 1 -f Co &)r, 2 + • • • + Cp(Or,p, the determinant of the right-hand side does not vanish, and the constants c, say Cr^i, c,.,2, ..., Cr,p, are determinate. The function Cr^iW-^ + 0^,2^2 + •■• + Gr,pWp, say Wy, then has its moduli zero for ttj, ..., ttr-i, ^r+u ..., a^: it has the modulus iri for a^; it has moduli, say 5^,1, ..., B^^p at b^, ...,bp respectively. And the function is determinate save as to an additive constant. This combination can be effected for each of the values 1, ...,p of r: and thus p new functions will be obtained. These p functions are linearly independent : for, if there were a relation of the form GjW^ + C2W2 + . . . + GpWp = constant, p the modulus of the function 2 GrWr at the cross-cut a^ would be zero r=l because the function is a constant ; and it is Cs'jri, so that all the coefficients would be zero. 508 NOEMAL FUNCTIONS OF THE FIRST KIND The functions W, thus obtained, have the moduli : — [235. «l «2 dp &1 &2 &P w. 7^^■ A.1 A, 2 a:p ^2 7^^ I A,l ^2,2 -^2,p w. TTl -^p.l ^P,2 ! ^P,P These functions are called normal functions of the first kind : they are a complete system linearly independent of one another, and are such that every function of the first kind is, except as to an additive constant, a linear combination of constant multiples of them. The quantities B are not completely independent of one another. Since Wj, Wf are functions of the first kind we have, by § 232, >• = ! which, for the normal functions, takes the form •jriBjf — iriBj'j = 0, that is, Bjf = Bj'j. Hence the moduli B with the same pair of integers for sufiix are equal to one another. This is a first relation among the moduli. Another is given by the following theorem : — Let B„i^n = Pm,n + 'i(^m,n, (sO that Pm,n = Pn,my Cl^d CT^^n = (^7i,m) '• then, if Ci, ..., Cp he any real quantities, the expression pnCi^ + 2/!3i2CiC2 + p^Co'+ ... + PppCp% is negative, unless the quantities c vanish together. The function c-iW-^ + c..W and the normal integral is TriFjz) ttK' The other period of this function is — ^rfr, which, when k is real and less than unity, is a negative quantity ; it is the value of p^ and satisfies the condition that puCi is negative for all real quantities c. 236. It has been proved that functions exist on a Riemann's surface,, having assigned algebraic infinities and assigned real parts of its moduli of periodicity, but otherwise uniform, finite and continuous. The simplest instance of these functions of the second kind occurs when the infinity is an accidental singularity of the first order. Let the single infinity on the surface be represented by ^^ = c : let Ec {z} be the function having 5 = c as its algebraical infinity, and having the real parts of its moduli of periodicity assigned. If Eg {z) be any other function with that single infinity and the real parts of its moduli the same, then Eci^) — Ec (z) is a function all the real parts of whose moduli are zero; it does not have c for an infinity and therefore it is everywhere finite : by § 231, it is a constant. Hence an elemeyitary function of the second kind is determined, save as to an additive constant, by its infinity and the real parts of its moduli. Again, it can be proved, as for the special case in § 208, that an elementary function of the second kind is determined, save as to an additive function of the first kind, by its infinity alone : hence, if E (z) be any elementary function,, having its infinity at ^^ = c, we have E (z) = Ec(z) + \W,+ ... + \pWp + A, where \, ...,\p,A are constants, the values of which depend on the special function chosen. Let E^z) have TriC^, ..., TriCp for its moduli at the cross- cuts «!,..., a^ respectively : and let the function E (z) be chosen so as to- 510 NOEMAL FUNCTION OF THE SECOND KIND [236. have all its moduli at a-^, ...,ap equal to zero : then \,. = — 6',. and £" (z) is given by The special function of the second kind, which has all its moduli at the cross- cuts tti, ..., Op equal to zero, is called the normal function of the second kind. It is customary to take unity as the coefficient of the infinite term, that is, the residue of the normal function. This normal function is determined, save as to an additive constant, by its infinity alone. For HE {z) and E'{z) be two such normal functions, the function E{z) - E'{z) is finite everywhere; its moduli are zero at ttj, ..., o^; hence (§231) it is a constant. Normal functions of the second kind will be used later (§ 240) in the construction of functions with any number of simple infinities on the surface. Let the moduli of this normal function E (z) of the second kind be Bj, ..., Bp for the cross-cuts h^, ..., bp. Then applying the proposition of §233 and considering the integral [EdW,., we have A^= ... =Ap = ; also Ai = ... = A r—i — A r^i = ... = Ap = 0, and Ar = 7ri. The relation therefore is „ . ^ .fdWr\ - Br-m -h 27^^ I -~ = 0, V djZ J z=c where, in the immediate vicinity of ^^ = c, E{z) = j--^+p{z-c), p being a converging series of positive powers. Thus dW or, as —j-^ is an algebraic function (§ 241) on the surface, the periods of a normal function of the second kind at the cross-cuts h ai^e algebraic functions of its single infinity. In th« case of the Jacobian ellii^tic integrals, the integral of the second kind has at z= 00 an infinity of the first order in each sheet (Ex. 8, § 199). The moduli of this integral, denoted by E (z), are 4E and 2i (K' - E') for a^ and b^ respectively ; hence the normal integral of the second kind is F{z) being the (one) integral of the first kind. This is the function Z{z). Its modulus is zero for aj ; for hi , it is ^i{K'-E')-^^2iK', which is -r^{KK' - E' K - EK'), that is, the modulus is —^- 237.] NORMAL FUNCTION OF THE THIRD KIND 511 237. The other simple class of function, which exists on a Riemann's surface with assigned infinities and assigned real parts of its moduli, is that which is represented by the elementary integral of the third kind. It has two points of logarithmic infinity on the surface*, say Pi and P^; let these be represented by the values Ci and Ca of z. On division by a proper constant, the function, which may be denoted by Ilia, takes the forms - log {z - Ci) + pi{z- Ci), + log {z - Ca) + i?2 (^ - C2), in the immediate vicinities of Pi and of Pg respectively, where p^ and p2 are converging series of positive integral powers. The points Pi and P2 can be taken as boundaries of the surface, as in Ex. 7 in § 199. A cross-cut fi-om P2 to Pi is then necessary for the resolution of the surface : and the period for the cross-cut is ^iri, being the increase of the function in passing from the negative to the positive edge of the cross-cut. Then with this assignment of infinities and with the real parts of the moduli at the cross-cuts tti, ..., a^, 61, ... , 6^ arbitrarily assigned, functions Ilia exist on the Riemann's surface. As in the case of the function of the second kind, it is easy to prove that a function Oio of the third kind is determined, save as to an additive constant, by its two infinities and the assignment of its moduli : and that it is determined, save as to an additive function of the first kind, by its infinities alone. Among the infinitude of elementary functions of the third kind, having the same logarithmic infinities, a normal form can be chosen in the same manner as for the functions of the second kind. Let IIio be an elementary function of the third kind, having Pi and Po for its logarithmic infinities : let its moduli of periodicity be ^iri for the cross-cut P1P2; Trt'Ci, ..., iriCp for ai, ..., ap respectively; and other quantities for h^, ..., hp respectively. Then ^,,= Ii,,-G,W,-...-GpWp is an elementary function of the third kind, having zero as its modulus of periodicity at each of the cross-cuts a^, ..., ap. This function is the normal form of the elementary function of the third kind. If -5712' and ffiTia be two normal elementary functions of the third kind with the same logarithmic infinities and the same period liri at the cross-cut PiPo, then ■SJia — "STia is a function without infinities on the surface ; its modulus for Pi Pg is zero, and its modulus for each of the cross-cuts ai, ...,ap is zero; and therefore * The representation of a single point on the Riemann's surface by means solely of the value of z at the point will henceforward be adopted, without further explanation, in instances when it cannot give rise to ambiguity. Otherwise, the representation with full detail of statement will be adopted. 512 MODULI OF NOKMAL ELEMENTAEY FUNCTION [237. it is a constant. Hence a normal elementary function of the third kind is determined, save as to an additive constant, by its infinities alone. Ex. The sum of three normal elementary functions of the third kind, having as their logarithmic infinities the respective pairs that can be selected from three points, is a constant. 238. A relation among the moduli of an elementary function of the third kind can be constructed in the same way as, in § 233, for the function of the second kind. Let the surface be resolved by the 2p cross-cuts a^, ..., a^, \, . . . , hp and by the cross-cut P^P^, joiiiing the excluded infinities of an elementary function Ilia of the third kind. Let iv be any function of the first kind ; then over the resolved surface, we have dx dy dy dx everywhere zero; and therefore jlii^dw round the whole boundary of the resolved surface is zero, as in § 233. Let the moduli of Ilja be A^, ..., Ap, B^^, ..., Bp, and those of w be J./, ..., Ap, B^, ..., Bp for the 2^ cross-cuts a and h respectively. The whole boundary is made up of the two edges of the cross-cuts a, the two edges of the cross-cuts h, the two edges of the cross-cut P^P^, and the small curves round Pj and Pg. The sum of the parts contributed to jTl^zdw by the edges of all the cross- cuts a and h is, as in preceding instances, i{A,B:-A:B,). The direction of integration along PjPa that is positive relative to the area in the resolved surface is indicated by the arrows ; the portion of ^W-^^dw along the two edges of the cut is J , ^ ^ ^2 r ^1 . ITia+cZw; 4- Yl^^rdw Ci .' C2 Fig. 83. ri, ..., Bp as its moduli for the cross-cuts a-^, ..., Up, b^, ..., 6^; and let 1134 be another elementary function with logarithmic discontinuities at Cg and C4, with ^iri as its modulus for the cross-cut C3C4, and with A-^, ,.., Ap, 5/, ...,Bp' as its moduli for the cross-cuts a-^, ..., ap, b^, ...,bp. Then when the infinities are excluded and the /^nK^ i-W> surface is resolved so that both IT 12 and 1134 ^ G O + m are uniform finite and continuous throughout f Ar r the whole surface, we have '^^ + Hi d"^ 9 II 12 51134 _ 9II34 dU-^2 ^ Q Fig. 84. dx dy dx dy ' everywhere in the resolved surface ; and therefore, as in the preceding instances, / 012^^1134 round the whole boundary vanishes. The whole boundary is made up of the double edges of the cross-cuts a and the cross-cuts 6, and of the configuration of cross-CTits and small curves round the points. The modulus of both Ilia and 1134 for the cut AG is, zero ; the modulus of II12 for the cut C3C4 is zero, and that of 1134 for the cut C1C2 is zero. The part contributed to /IIi2C^n34 by the aggregate of the edges of the p cross-cuts a and 6 is S {AgBg — AgB^, as in preceding cases. s=\ F. F. 33 514 INTERCHANGE OF ARGUMENT [238. The part contributed by the small curve round Ci is zero, because the limit, for z = d, of (z — d) ITis -j^ is zero. Similarly the part contributed by the small curve round Ca is zero. The part contributed by the two edges of the cross-cut C1C2 is = 27^^• r dU^ = 27ri [U^ (c,) - U,, (c,)}. J c, The part contributed by the two edges of the cross-cut AG is the subject of integration does not change in crossing from one edge to the other, and therefore this part is zero. For points on the small curve round C3, we have dJls4 = — — \- p(z — C3) dz, Z C3 where p is a converging series of integral powers of z— Cs: and therefore for points on that curve U^^dUsi = '-^-^ dz + q(z- Cg) dz, where q (z — Cs) is a converging series of positive integral powers of z — Cg. Hence the part contributed to JYIi^dns^ by the small curve round C3 in the direction of the arrow, which is the negative direction for integration relative to C3, is 27rin 12(03). Again, for points on the small curve round C4, we have dz dUsi = h Pi{z — Ci) dz. Proceeding as for C3, we find the part contributed to {^y-^d'U.-.i^ by the small curve round C4, which is negatively described, to be — 27rini., (C4). Lastly, the sum of the parts contributed by the two edges of the cross-cut C3C4 IS '*ni,(^n34++ [''ni2c^n34- 238.] AND PARAMETER 515 But though 1134 has a modulus for the cross-cut C3C4, its derivative has not a modulus for that cross-cut : we have dU..^-^/dz = dlis^jdz, and therefore the last part contributed to jYl^^d^M vanishes. The integral along the whole boundary vanishes ; and therefore I (^,B; - A^B,) + 27ri {U^ (cs) - n,, (c,)] + 27rm,, (c,) - 27riU,, (C4) = 0, a relation between the moduli of two elementary functions of the third kind. The most important case occurs when both of the functions are normal elementary functions. We have A^, ..., Ap zero for tn-ja, and Ai, ..., Ap zero for 13-34 ; and the relation then is tD-34 (Ca) - -3734 (Ci) = tSTi.^ (C4) - tn-12 (Cs), which is often expressed in the form re-2 rc-i - Ci •' C3 the paths of integration in the unresolved surface being the directions of cross-cuts necessary to complete the resolution for the respective cases. Hence the normal elementary integral of the third kind is unaltered in value hy the interchange of its limits and its logarithmic infinities. Ex. 1. Denoting by Ei and E^ the normal elementary integrals of the second kind which have their single simple infinities at Cj and c^ respectively, shew that the value , of —j^ at Co is equal to the value of —r^ at c, . dz ' ^ dz ^ - Ex. 2. Denoting by E^ the normal elementary integral which has its single infinity ,at C3, prove that the value of '^ at c^ is E-i{c2)- E^{ci). 239. From the simple examples, discussed in § 199 and elsewhere, it has appeared that when a function w is defined as the integral of some function of z, the integral being uniform except in regard to moduli of periodicity, a process of inversion is sometimes possible whereby z becomes a function of w, ■ either uniform or multiform. But in all the cases, in which z thus proves to be a uniform function, the number of periods possessed by w is not gTeater than two; and it follows, from § 110, that, when w possesses more than two periods, z can no longer be regarded as a uniform function of w. A question therefore arises as to the form, if any, of functional inversion, when w has more than two independent periods and when there are more functions w than one. Taking the most general case of a Riemann's surface of class p, let w-^, w^, ..., Wp denote the jp functions of the first kind. Let there be q inde- pendent variables z-^^, ..., Zq, where q is not, of initial necessity, equal to p; 33—2 516 PROBLEM OF [239. and, by means of any q of the functions of the first kind, say Wi, ...,Wq, form q new functions, also of the first kind, and defined by the equations -y,. = lU^ {z-^ + Wr (^2) -\- ... -\-Wr (Zq), where r = 1, 2, ..., q. We make the evident limitation that q is not greater than p, which is justifiable from the point of view of functional inversion. Then the functions v,. are multiform on the surface with constant moduli of periodicity ; they have the same periods as Wr, say t»,-,i, cor,2, •••> c^r,2p- The various values of Wr (^m) differ by multiples of the periods : so that, if Wr(zm) be the value for an exactly specified ^^-path (as in § 110), the value for any other ^j^-path is This being true for each of the integers w = 1, 2, ... , q, it follows that, if Q ms= % nm,s, {s = l,2,...,2p), m = l q and if v.y be the value of Z w,. (z^n) for the exactly specified paths for z^, •••, 2q^ then the general value of v,. for any other set of paths for the variables is Vr + mift),.^i 4- 1112,(0 r, 2. + ... + ^2pf^r,2p> holding for r = 1, 2, ..., q. The integers 7im,s, and therefore the integers Wg,. are evidently the same for all the functions v. The reason which, in the earlier case (§ 110), prevented the function w from being determinate as a function of z alone was, that integers could be determ- ined so as to make the additive part of w, dependent upon the periods, less than any assigned quantity however small : say less than an infinitesimal quantity. It is necessary to secure that this possibility be excluded. Let (0\^fi = a^^fj, + i^\^fj,, where the quantities a and /3 are real: then we have to prevent the possibility of the additive portions for all the functions v being infinitesimal. In order to reduce the additive part to an infinitesimal value for each of the functions v, it would be necessary to determine integers oiii, niz, ..., m^p so that the 2q quantities rriyfir,! + vn^^r,2 + • • ■ + 'ni2p^r,2p for r = 1, .,., q, all become infinitesimal. If q be less than p, the 2p integers can be so determined. In that case^ the general possibility of functional inversion between the q functions v and the q variables z would require that the quantities z are so dependent upon the quantities v that infinitesimal changes in the latter, carried out in an 239.] INVERSION 517 infinite variety of ways and capable of indefinite repetition, would leave the quantities z unchanged. The position, save that we have q variables instead of only one, is similar to that in § 110 : we do not regard the functions v as having determinate values for assigned values of z-^, ..., Zg, but the values of Vi, ...,Vq are determinate, only when the paths by which the independent variables acquire their values are specified. And, as before, the inversion is not possible. If q be not less than p, so that it must in the present circumstances be equal to p, then the 2p integers cannot be determined so that the 2p quanti- ties all become infinitesimal. They can be determined so as to make any 2p—l of the quantities become infinitesimal ; but the remaining quantity is finite as, indeed, should be expected, because the determinant of the constants a. and /3 is different from zero*. If then there be p variables Zi, ..., Zp, and p functions Vi, ..., Vp, defined by the equations Vr = lUr (^i) + W,. (Z.2) + ...+ W,. (Zp), for ?^ = 1, 2, ..., j^, then the values of the functions v for assigned values of the variables z, whatever be the paths by which the variables attain these values, are of the form for r = 1, 2, ..., p ; and it has been proved that the 2p integers m cannot be determined so that all the additive parts, dependent upon the periods, become infinitesimal. Hence the functions v-^, ..., Vp are, except as to additive multiples of the periods (the numerical coefiicients in these multiples being the same for all the functions), uniform functions of the variables z^, ..., Zp-, and they are finite for all values of the variables. Conversely, we may regard the quantities z as functions of the quantities W], ..., Vp, which have 2p sets of simultaneous periods Wi^g, &>2,6., ..., &)^,s for s = l, 2, ..., 2p: that is, the variables z are 2j9-ply periodic functions oi p variables v^, ..., Vp. This result is commonly called the inversion-pi^ohlem for the Abelian transcendents. In effecting the inversion of the equations dvi = u\ {z-^) dzi + ■z^i' (^s) dz.2+ ... + Wi (zp) dzp\ dvp = lUp {z-) dzi + tUp {z.^ dz^-Jr ... + w/ (Zp) dzp] the actual form, which is adopted, expresses all symmetric functions of the quantities ^■j, ...,% as uniform functions of the variables, so that, if z-^, Z.2, . . . , Zp he the roots of the equation (/) {Z) = ZP + P,Zp-' + P,ZP-' + ...+Pp = 0, * The 2p potential-functions, arising from the p functions w, would otherwise not be linearly independent. 518 ABELIAN FUNCTIONS [239. then* Pi, ..., Pp are uniform multiply-periodic functions of the variables Vi, ...,Vp. Consequently, all rational symmetric functions of z-^, ...,Zp are uniform multiply-periodic functions oi v-^, . . . , Vp. Frequent reference has been made to the functions determined by the equation w^- R(z) = w^ — {z-ao) (z- cci) ...{z- a2p) = 0. f U (z) It has been proved that an integral of the form I — ^ dz is an integral of the first kind, provided U {z) be any polynomial function of degree not higher than ^-1, and that the otherwise arbitrary character of U {z) makes it possible to secure the necessary p integrals by allowing the suitable choice of the coefficients. "Weierstrass takes the equations, which lead to the inversion, in the following formt : — The constants a are different from one another and can have any values : and it is convenient to take P {x) = {x- ai) {x -a3)...{x- a^p-i), Q{x) = {x-aQ){x-a2)...{x-a.2p-2){x-ao^p\ so that P{x) Q{x) — R{x). If the coefficients a be real, it is assumed that ao > «i > 0^2 > ••• > «^2p- The equations which give the new variables are ^ P (0i) dzr P{z.,)dz2 , ^ P(zp)dzp au-,= , -I- , -r -t- - (^1 -ai)'jR {zx) (S2 -ai)\/R (z^) (zp - ay) s/R (Zp) du = ^ ^^'^ ^^1 + Pi^2)dzz _^ _^ P (zp) dzp (^1 - as) Vii (si) (02 - «3) "^R (^2) {z,p - as) "-' R (^p) P{z^)dz^ , Piz2)dz2 P{zp)dzp a\ip = ■ H ; — ,„ , . + H (^1 - «2p-i) "^R (%) (22 - ^2^-1) "^R (22) {h - «2p-i) ■^R (s), and when integration takes place, the arbitrary constants are defined by the equations Wi, ?<2; •••5 Wp = (with periods for moduli), when Sj, 235 •••) %=«!) «3) •••> «2p-i respectively. The p variables z are the roots of an algebraical equation of degree jo, the coefficients in which are (multiply-periodic) uniform functions of the variables u. The functions, arising out of the equations in this form, are discussed J in Weierstrass's two memoirs, just quoted. Note 1. The results thus far established in this chapter lie at the basis of the theory of Abelian functions. The fuller establishment of that theory and its development are beyond the range of the present treatise. So far as concerns the general theory, recourse must be had to the fundamental memoirs of Abel, Jacobi, Hermite, Riemann and Klein, and to treatises, in addition to * For further considerations see Clebsch und Gordan, Theorie der AheVschen Functionen, Section vi. t Equivalent to that given in Crelle, t. lii, (1856), pp. 285 et seq. ; it is slightly diiierent from the form adopted by him in Crelle, t. xlvii, (1854), p. 289. X Some of the results are obtained, somewhat differently, in a memoir by the author, Phil. Trans., (1883), pp. 323—368. 239.] UNIFORM FUNCTIONS ON RIEMANN'S SURFACE 5l9 those by Neumann and by Clebsch and Gordan already cited, by Prym, Krazer, Konigs- berger, Briot, and Stahl. The most comprehensive of all is Baker's treatise Abel's theorem and the allied theory^ including the theory of the theta functions, (Cambridge, 1897). Moreover, as our propositions have for the most part dealt with functions of only a single variable, it is important in connection with the Abelian functions to take account of Weierstrass's memoir* on functions of several vaciables. Note 2. We have discussed only very limited forms of integrals on the Riemann's surface : and any professedly complete discussion would include the theorem that \iv'dz, where ^o' is a general function of position on the surface, can be expressed as the sum of some or all of the following parts : — (i) algebraical and logarithmic functions ; (ii) Abelian transcendents of the three kinds ; (iii) derivatives of these transcendents with regard to parameters ; but such a discussion is omitted as appertaining to the investigations relative to Abelian transcendents. Supplementary Notes will be found at the end of this Chapter XVIII., giving an account of Abel's theorem, and indicating a mere beginning of the theory of Abelian transcendents. For the particular case in which the integral iio'dz is an algebraical function of 2, see Briot et Bouquet, TheoHe des fonctions elliptiques, (2™« e'd.), pp. 218- — 221 ; Stickelberger, Crelle, t. Ixxxii, (1877), pp. 45, 4fi ; and Humbert, Acta Math., t. x, (1887), pp. 281—298, by whom further references are given. 240. There are functions belonging to class {B) in § 229, other than those already considered. In particular, there are functions with assigned infinities on the surface and with the real parts of all their moduli of periodicity for the canonical system of cross-cuts equal to zero. But it does not therefore follow that all the moduli of periodicity vanish ; in order that their imaginary parts may vanish, so as to make the moduli of periodicity zero, certain conditions would require to be satisfied. We shall limit the ensuing discussion to some sets of these functions with zero moduli, and shall assign the conditions necessary to secure that the moduli shall be zero. We shall assume that all their infinities are algebraic ; the functions are then uniform everywhere on the surface, and, except at a limited number of isolated points, where they have only algebraic infinities, are finite and continuous. They are, in fact, algebraic functions of z. Two classes of these functions are evidently simpler than any others. The first class consists of those which have a limited number, say m, of isolated accidental singularities and which are not infinite at any of the branch-points ; the other class consists of those which have no infinities except at the branch-points. These tAvo classes will be briefly discussed in succession. * First published in 1886 ; Ahliandhingen aus der Functionenlehre, pp. 105 — 164 ; Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 135 — 188. See also the author's Lectures introductory to the theory of functions of tivo complex variables (Camb. Univ. Press, 1914). 520 UNIFORM FUNCTIONS IN TERMS OF [240. Let w be a uniform function having accidental singularities at the points Ci, ...,Cm and no other infinities; and for simplicity, assume* that each of them is of the first order. Also let the normal function of the second kind, having c,. for its sole infinity, be Z^. Then where /Si, ..., ^m are constants at our disposal, is a function, having infinities of the same class and at the same points as tv has; the function is otherwise finite everywhere on the surface and therefore, by properly choosing the constants /S, we have the function VJ-{^rZ,+ ...+^,r,Z„,) finite everywhere on the surface, so that it is a function of the first kind. Now because its modulus vanishes at each of the cross-cuts a in the resolved surface, it is a constant, so that tU=^,Z,+ ...+|3n^Z,,,+0o■ The modulus of w is to vanish at each of the cross-cuts 6^. Let (f)r(z)= , ^ , so that r {c.^ + ...+ ^mA (Cm) = 0, an equation which must hold for all the values r = 1, ...,p. When the quantities c represent quite arbitrary points, thei^e must be at least p+ 1 of them ; otherwise, as the equations are independent of one another, they can be satisfied only by zero values of the constants /5, a result which renders the uniform function evanescent. If m > p, the equations determine p of the coefficients /S linearly in terms of the remaining on - p : when these values are substituted, the resulting expression for w contains ^Yi — p -^ I constants, viz., the remaining m — p constants yS, and the constant /3o. The coefficient of each of the m — p constants /3 is a function of z, which has p+l accidental singularities of the first order, p of which are common to all the functions, so that w then is an arbitrary linear combination of constant multiples of m — p functions, each of which possesses ^3 + 1 accidental singularities and can be expressed in the form A,. (2;)= Zi, Zo, , Zp, Zp^r <^l (Ci), ! (C2), , ! (Cp), 4>i (Cp+r) 4>2{Ci), 2{Cp)- (p-2(Cp+r) ^p{Ci), <\>p{CoX (i>p{Cp), (f)piCp+r) If a pole, say at cj, is of order s, then /Si^i would be replaced by OCi in the expression for tv ; and so for other cases. 71+72 g^+...+-,.g,^. 240.] NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF THE SECOND KIND 521 When the quantities c are not completely arbitrary, but are such that relations among them can be satisfied so as no longer to permit the preceding forms to be definite, we proceed as follows. The most general way in which the preceding forms cease to be definite is by the dependence of some of the equations ^,(f>r (Ci) + /3,(br (Ca) + . . . + /3,nr (Cm) = on the remainder. Let q of them, say those given by r = l, ..., q, be dependent on the remaining p — q, so that 0,. (Cn) = ^1, r4>q+l (^n) + ^2,rp (C„), for 7' =1, 2, ..., q and n = 1, 2, ..., m. The functions of the first kind W, through which the functions <^ are derived, are a complete set of normal functions : when any number of them is replaced by the same number of independent linear combinations of some or all, the first derivatives are still algebraic functions. We therefore replace the functions W-^, TTo, ..., Wq by Wi, Wg, ..., Wq, where for r = 1, 2, ..., g, so that, for all values of z, ^r{^) = ^r{2)-A,^r(i>q+ii2)-A,^rq+2(2)- . .. - Ap^q^.^pi^)- Hence the functions i, o, ..., ^q vanish at each of the points Cj, Ca, ..., c,„. The original system of j) equations in ^j, ..., q+i, ..., <^p, when made a system of equations in 3, ..., g, ^q+i, ..., (f)p is equivalent to A % (Ci) + l3,^r (C,) + ..•+ An <^,- (C,n) = 0) A 0s (Ci) + A 0, (C.,) + . . . + /3„, (f)s (Crn) = Oj ' for r = 1, ..., q and s = q + 1, ..., p. The first q of these are evanescent ; and therefore their form is the same as if we had initially assumed that each of the functions (f}^, ..., (f)q vanished for each of the points z = Ci, ..., c^, the two assumptions being in essence equivalent to one another on account of the property of linear combination characteristic of functions of the first kind. Suppose, then, that q of the functions (f), derived through functions of the first kind, vanish at each of the points Cj, ..., c^; the .number of surviving equations of the form /Si (fir (Ci) + /3,<^, (C.) + . . . + /3,«0r (C,n) = is p- q, and they involve m arbitrary constants /S. Hence they determine p — q of these constants, linearly and homogeneously, in terms of the other 7n—p + q. When account is taken of the additive constant ^o, then* the * This is usually known as Eiemann-Roch's Theorem. It is due partly to Eiemann and partly to Eoch ; see references in § 242. 522 RIEMANN-ROCH S [240. function tu contains m.—p-\-q^-l arbitrary constants ; and it is a linear com- bination of arbitrary multiples of m—p + q functions, each having p — q--\-\ accidental singidarities of the first order, p — qof which are common to all the functions in the combination. The functions under consideration, being linear combinations of normal functions Z of the second kind, have no infinities except at the accidental singularities ; the branch-points of the surface are not infinities. And it appears, from the theorem just proved, that there are functions having only p — q+1 accidental singularities, each of the first order, so that the total number is less than p + 1. A question therefore arises as to what is the inferior limit to the number of accidental singularities that can be possessed by a function which is uniform on the Riemann's surface and which, except at these accidental singularities, is everywhere finite and continuous on the surface. Let this limit be denoted by /a ; then the p equations A<^r(ci)+...+/3^(^,.(c^) = 0, for r = l, 2, ...,p, must determine yu, — 1 of the constants 13 in terms of the remaining constant /3, say, B. The function thence determined contains two constants, viz., the surviving constant j3 and the additive constant, its form being A+B i (Ci), ■Z„ z. 2 (Cm) <^^_i(Ci),*0^_i(C2), , <^^_i(c^) Among the points Ci, Cj, , c^, the relations (j>i(c,), <^i(Co), , <^a(c^) for r = 0, 1, ...,p — fX; must be satisfied, that \s,p — /u. + l relations must be satisfied *. Since there are fi points c among which p — /x+l relations are satisfied, it follows that the number of surviving arbitrary constants c is, in general, equal to fi -(p — /jl+I), that is, to 2/j, — p — 1. These occur as arbitrary con- stants in the inferred function, independently of the two constants A and B : so that the number of arbitrary constants, in the function with //, accidental singularities, is 2yu, — p — 1 + 2, that is, 2yu, — p + 1. * This result implies that the relations are independent of one another, which is the case in general : but it is conceivable that special relations might exist among the branch-points, which would affect all these numbers. 240.] THEOREM 523 Again, the number of infinities of a uniform function of position on a Riemann's surface is equal to the number of its zeros (| 194), and also to the number of points where it assumes an assigned value ; and all these properties are possessed by any function, with which lu is connected by any lineo-linear relation. If u be one such function, then another is au + b lu — 7 , ■u — a where a, h, d are arbitrary constants ; and therefore lu contains at least three arbitrary constants, when it is taken in the most general form that possesses the assigned properties. But it has been shewn that the number of independent arbitrary con- stants in the general form of w is 2/j, — p+l. This number has just been proved to be at least three, and therefore 2fi-p + l^S, or yu, ^ 1 + ^p. Thus the integer equal to, or next greater than, \ -{- hp is the smallest number of isolated accidental singularities that an algebraical function can have on a Riemanns surface, on the supposition that it has no infinities at the branch-points*. Note. A method of decomposing rational functions on a Riemann's surface, so that the elements are normal functions of the second kind, is given above ; another method of constructing a rational function is as follows. It was seen that the number of simple poles of a rational function, when all of them are arbitrarily assigned, cannot be less than p + 1; to consider the simplest case, we accordingly assign ^ + 1 arbitrary points, which shall be infinities (and the only infinities) of a rational function. Take the most general polynomial P (w, z) of order n— 2 in w and z combined, and make it vanish at the ^ + 1 assigned points. Also make P vanish at each of the multiple points of the curve /= in such a way that, when the point is of multiplicity A, for /= 0, it is of multiplicity X — 1 for P = 0; consequently such a point counts for A,(X— 1) intersections among the points common to /=0, P = 0. Hence the number of mtersections common to/=0, P = 0, other than the multiple points of / = 0, and the p + l arbitrary points, is = n{n-2)-(p + l)-^\(X-l). * This result applies only to a completely general surface of class p. And, for special forma of siu'face of class p, a lojver limit for /j. can be obtained; thus, in the case of a two-sheeted surface, the limit is 2. (See Klein-Fricke, i, p. 556.) 524 CONSTEUCTION OF FUNCTIONS [240. But, as in § 182, we have* |9 = i(w-l)(?i-2)-2U(X-l); and therefore the number of remaining intersections is = n (n - 2) - ( j9 + 1) - {n - 1) {n -2) + 2p = n + p — S. Now a polynomial in w and z of order n-2 contains in(n-l) terms. The number of relations among the constants, necessary to secure that a point on a curve is of order k, is ^k(k + l); so that the number of relations among the constants, necessary to make each. of the multiple points of /=0 a multiple point of the proper order for P = 0, is l^\(\-l). Since ^n{n -l)-l^\(X-l)-(n + p- 3) = i?r (a - 1) - ^{n - l){n - 2) + p - {7i+p - 3) = 2, it follows that there are two independent polynomials, which can be drawn through the multiple points of /=0, vanishing to the proper order at each of them, and through the n+p -3 points common to /= 0, P = 0, which are other than the p + 1 arbitrary zeros of P. Clearly P itself can be taken as one of these polynomials; let P^ denote another independent of P. In general. Pi does not pass through any other zero of P ; in order to make it do so, one other relation among the constants would be necessary, and then there would be only a single polynomial passing through the multiple points to the proper order, through the n+p-S points, and through the other zero of P: the single polynomial being P itself. Thus _ Pi (w, z ) ^' P{iv,z)' is a function, which has the p + 1 assigned points for poles, because they are zeros of P and not of Pj ; all the other zeros of P on the surface are zeros of Pi to the same order,, and they therefore are not jDoles of g. Thus a rational function has been constructed, which has ^ + 1 assigned points as poles, and it has no other poles. 241. The other simple class of uniform functions on a Riemann's surface consists of those which have no infinities except at the branch- points of the surface. They will not be considered in any detail : we shall only briefly advert * A multiple point of order X on a curve is equivalent to i\(\ — 1) double points (Salmon's Higher Plane Curves, § 40) : hence the aggregate of equivalent double points is SiX (\ - 1). 241.] ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS 525 to those which consist of the first derivatives of functions of the first kind. This set is characterised by the theorem : — These functions (f) (z) are infinite only at branch-points of the surface, and the total number of infinities is 2p — 2+ 2n. For, let w (z) be the most general integral of the first kind, and let Near an ordinary point a on the surface we have w (z) = w (a) + (z — a) P (z — a), where P is a converging series that may, in general, be assumed not to vanish for z = a] hence (z) = P(z -a) + (z - a) P' {z- a); that is, cf) (z) is finite at an ordinary point. Near z= ao (supposed not to be a branch-point) we have, if k be the value of lu there, where P [-) may, in general, be assumed not to vanish for z = cc ; so that 1 - - 1 - - P {{z - y) '"I '" + - (z - jY" P' {{z - ryy z- \z I z" \z , and therefore (^ (2^) has a zero of the second order at z = cc , Near a branch-point 7, where m sheets of the surface are connected, we have IV {z) - w (7) = {z- 7)'" P {{z - 7)'»|, where P may, in general, be assumed not to vanish for ^ = 7 : hence 4> (^) = (^ - 7) so that <^ (ir) is infinite at 2; = 7, and the infinity is of order ni — 1. Hence the total number of infinities is 2 (m — 1), where m is the number of sheets connected at a branch-point, and the summation extends over all the r branch-points. But 2p -f- 1 = S (m — 1) — 2?i -|- 3, and therefore the number of infinities is 2p — 2 -r 2n. • We can now prove that the number of zeros of (f) (z) in the finite part of the surface is 2p - 2, of tuhich p — I can be arbitrarilij assigned. The total number of zeros is 2p — 2-\-2n, being equal to the number of infinities because (^{z) is an algebraic function. But (^{z) has been 526 ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS [241. proved to have a zero of the second order when ^ = qo ; and this occurs in each of the n sheets, so that 2?i (and no more) of the infinities of (p (z) are given by z=oo . There thus remain 2p — 2 zeros, distributed in the finite part of the surface. Moreover, the most general function (f) (z) of the present kind is of the form (z) = C, (/)i (z) +C,(f>,{z)+... + Cp(f>p (z), where <^i (z), ..., (f)p (z) are derived through the normal functions of the first kind. The p — 1 ratios of the constants C can be chosen so as to make (b (z) vanish for p — 1 arbitrarily assigned points. Hence an algebraic function arising as the derivative of an integral of the first kind is determined, save as to a constant factor, by the assignment of p)—l of its zeros in the finite part of the plane. Note*. It may happen that the assumptions as to the forms of the series in the vicinity of a particular point a, of oo , and of 7, are not justified. If (/) (a) vanish, we may regard a as one of the 2p) — 2 zeros. If 5 = 00 on one sheet be a zero of «^ {z) of order higher than two, say 2 + s, we may consider that s of the 2p — 2 zeros are removed from the finite part of the surface to coincide with ^ = 00 . j^ If P [{z — 7)"*} vanish for 2- = 7, the order of the infinity for ^ {z) is reduced from m — 1 to, say, m — s—1; we may then consider that s of the 2p — 2 zeros coincide with the branch-point. 242. When the integer ^ of § 240 is greater than zero, so that a rational function having m assigned simple poles can be expressed as a linear combination of m — p + q functions each possessing only p -\-l—q poles, then the rational function is called f a special function, to distinguish it from the most general case, when g = and the points c are quite arbitrary. In the case of a special function, having Ci, ..., c,,,, for its (simple) poles, these points are such that q of the functions ^, say ^1, 02, ..., (^q, vanish at each of them. Now in § 241 it was proved that the number of zeros of any function for finite values of ^ is 2p—2; consequently, in the case of a special function, m^2p — 2, or the degree of a special function is not greater than 2p — 2. Moreover, q denotes the number of distinct adjoint curves of order n — 3, which pass through the poles of the special function. * See Klein-Fiicke, vol. i, p. 545. t Klein-Fricke, Vorl. ii. d. Th. d. ell. Modulfunctionen, t. i, p. 552. 242.] SPECIAL ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS 527 Denoting the special function by g, and selecting any one of the q adjoint polynomials of order n — 3, which occur in the q functions <^, say U-i^{w, z), consider the product gU^^. This product is finite at each of the points Ci, ..., Cm, because those points are zeros of U^ ; and g is not elsewhere infinite on the surface. Consequently the integral dw is finite everywhere on the surface, and it is therefore an integral of the first kind, say [ V,dz 9/" ' - dw where Fj is the appropriate adjoint polynomial of order w — 3. Thus or a special function is expressible as the quotient of one adjoint polynomial of order n — S by another*. Consider, in particular, the function _ a^cf), + Of202 + . . ■ + aq({)q where a-i^,\..,o.q are arbitrary constants. Each of the quantities (pi,...,(f>q vanishes at the points Ci,...,Cni- The only infinities of gi are the zeros of (f)i, which are only 2^ — 2 for finite values of z; and m of these 2^—2 zeros are not infinities of g^ , so that gi has only 2p — 2 — m infinities, say where m =2p — 2 — m. Now, by the Riemann-Roch theorem of | 240, the most general rational function, which has m simple poles (and no athers) on the surface, contains m' —p + q' + l arbitrary constants, where q' is the number of the functions (or the number of linear combinations of them), which vanish at all the points kx, k2, ...,k\n'. The arbitrary constants in gi are a^, ..., aq, being q in number ; hence • » q^m' —p + q + 1. Now treat the m' points k-^^, ...,km' in the same way as the m points Ci, ...,c-m have been treated; and let the analogous function be constructed. Let (or linear combinations of them) vanish ; and it contains q constants, so that, by another application of the Riemann-Roch theorem, we have q ^m — p + q + 1. But m + m = 2p — 2, so that m — p + 1 + m' - p + 1 = 0; that is, the preceding relations betAveen q and q' are equalities, so that q = m' —p + q' + 1, q' = m—p + q + l, and therefore* 2(q — q') = m' — m, which is called the Brill-Nother latu of reciprocity. It is a complement of the Riemann-Roch theorem. Since q is actually equal to m' —p + q +1, and does not merely possess it for an upper limit, it follows that a](^i + ... + aq^q is a special function, which contains the largest admissible number of arbitrary constants. Note. The preceding investigations deal solely with those rational functions on a Riemann's surface which have their poles of the first order. When we have to deal with functions which have poles of order higher than unity, the investigations are much more complicated and really belong to the general theory of Abelian functions. They will be found, together with references, in Baker's Abelian Functiotis, ch. in. The simplest result is contained in the following example. £x. If a rational function is infinite at only a single point c on a Eiemann surface the order of its infinity being m, and if the point c is perfectly arbitrary, then m must be greater than p. (Weierstrass.) 243. The existence of functions that are uniform on the surface and, except at points where they have assigned algebraical infinities, are finite and continuous, has now been proved ; we proceed, as in § 99, to shew how algebraical functions imply the existence of a fundamental equation, now to be associated with the given surface. The assigned algebraical infinities may be either at the branch -points, or at ordinary points which are singularities only of the branch associated with the sheet in which the ordinary points lie, or both at branch-points and at ordinary points. * Brill u. Nother, Math. Ann., t. vii, (1874), p. 283. 243.] FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION FOR THE SURFACE 529 Let the surface have n sheets; on the surface let the points Ci, Cg, •.■■,Cm, be ordinary infinities of orders q^, q.y, ..., q^ respectively — we shall restrict ourselves to the more special case in which g^, q^, ..., qm are finite integers, thus excluding (merely for the present purpose) the case of isolated essential singularities; and let the branch-points a^, a^,, ... be of orders pi, p^, ... as infinities* and of orders n — 1, r^ — l, ... as winding-points. Let w-i, W2, ..., Wn be the n values of the function for one and the same arithmetical value of z ; and consider the function {w — w^) {w — w^ ...{tu — Wn). The coefficients of w are symmetric functions of the values Wi, ..., w^ of the assigned function. An ordinary point for all the branches w is an ordinary point for each of the coefficients. An ordinary singularity of order q for any branch, which can occur only for one branch, is an ordinary singularity of the same order for each of the symmetric functions ; and therefore, merely on the score of all the ordinary singularities, each of these symmetric functions can be expressed as a mero- morphic function the denominator of which is the same polynomial function m of degree 2 q^ in z. In the vicinity of the branch-point cv^, there are r-^ branches obtained from {z-a,) ^^P{{z-a,)% 1 where P is finite when z = a^ by assigning to (z — a^)^' its r^ various values. Then, as in § 99, the point a^ is no longer a branch-point of any of the symmetric functions ; for some of the symmetric functions the point tti is an accidental singularity of order p^, but for no one of tjiem is it a singularity of higher order. Hence, merely on the score of the infinities at branch -points, each of the symmetric functions can be expressed as a mero- morphic function the denominator of which is the same polynomial function of degree 2_pi in ^. No other points on the surface need be taken into account. If, then, P (z) be the denominator of the coefficients arising through the isolated algebraical TO singularities, so that P (z) is of degree S qs in z, and if Q (z) be the de- .9=1 nominator of the coefficients arising through the infinities at the branch- points, then P (z) Q (z) (tU - Wi) (W - tU^) ...{lU - Wn) * A branch-point a is said to be an infinity of order p and a winding-point of order r-1, _2 1 when the affected branches in its Yicinity can be expressed in the form {z-a) ''P {(^-a)'"}, where P is finite when z = a. F. F. . - 34 530 FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION [243. is a rational integral function of w and z', say f{w, z), which is evidently m of degree n in w and of degree "^ qs-\- Xp in z. s=l Its only roots are iu = Wi, ..., Wn', that is, the function w on the Riemann's surfece is determined as the root of the equation f(w, z) = 0; and therefore the equation f(w, z) = is a fundamental equation, to be associated with the surface. Ex. 1. Shew that a fundamental equation for a three-sheeted surface, having e"^"*'^^ (for i {z), where 4)i {z) = e" (^^ , is uniform on the resolved Riemann's surface : it has a single zero (of the first order) at (3-1 and a single accidental singularity (of the first order) at «! ; its factor for the cross-cut a^ is unity, and its factor for the cross-cut hr is g2{i«r(|8i)-Wr(ai)} The function i {z) may therefore be regarded as an element for the repre- sentation of a factorial function. Let ^ {z) be a factorial function on the Riemann's surface with given multipliers m and n; and let it have a number q of zeros /Sj, ^^, ..., /3g, each of the first order, and the same number q of simple accidental singularities «!, 0L2, ..., ofg, each of the first order, and no others. Then ^' {z)l^{z) has 2g' accidental singularities ; in the vicinity of the q points jB, it is of the form and in the vicinity of the q points a, it is of the form 1 z— a + P(z-a); ^'(z) ^ hence ___2^^/(.) * It may be pointed out that this result is an illustration of the remark, at the beginning of § 244, that the factorial functions have a uniform function of position on the surface for their argument and not the integrals of the first kind, of which that variable of position is a multiply- periodic function. 534 EXPEESSIONS FOE [244. is finite in the vicinity of all the singularities of ^ . . Thus s = l has no logarithmic infinities on the surface : neither log (z) nor any one of the functions tt (z) has infinities of any other kind ; and therefore the foregoing function is finite everywhere on the surface. It is thus an integral of the first kind ; so it is expressible in the form 2Xi Wi (0) + 2X2^/2 (2) + ... + 2\pWp (z) + constant. Hence (^(z) = Ae'=' '^=^ where J. is a constant. The function represented by the right-hand side evidently has the q points /S as simple zeros and the g points a as simple accidental infinities, and no others. Higher order of a zero or an infinity is permitted by repeti- tions in the respective assigned series. In order that it may acquire the factor m^ on passing from the negative edge to the positive edge of the cross-cut a,., we have and that it may acquire the factor n^ in passing from the negative edge to the positive edge of the cross-cut br, Ave have a p The former equations determine the constants X,,. in the form 1 , \r=Tr--^ogmr, for r = 1, 2, ..., p ; the latter equations then give q 1 ^ X [Wr (/3,) - Wr (Ot,)} = i log tl^ " 9— ■ ^ (Bjcr log m^), S=l ■"'''■ k = l for r = 1, 2, ..., p. Apparently, X^ is determinate save as to an additive integer, say 31^ ; and the value of -^log?v is determinate save as to an additive quantity, say Nriri, where JS^r is an integer. The left-hand side of the derived set of equations being definite, these integers JSf^ and Mr must be subject to the equations k=l 244.] FACTORIAL FUNCTIONS 536 for r= 1, 2, ..., p; and therefore, equating the real parts (§ 235), we have I M^^pkr = 0, A: = l SO that ^ 2 MkMrpkr = 0, k = l r=l which, by § 235, can be satisfied only if all the integers Mr vanish and there- fore also the integers Nr. Hence when the foregoing equations connecting the quantities a, 13, log n, log m are satisfied, as they must be, for one set of values of log n and log m, that set may be taken as the definite set of values ; and the only way in which variation can enter is through the multiplicity in value of the functions Wi, ..,, Wp, which may be supposed definitely assigned. The expression for the function O {z) is therefore 7 1 P 2 7rs(z)+—, 2 {wAz)iosm.} Ae'=' the q zeros /9 and the q simple poles a being subject to the equations S \Wr (/3,) - w, (a^)} = \ log ??,. - ^^— ^ 2 {B^r log m^fc). Corollary I. The function $ {z) is a rational function of position on the surface, that is, of w and z, if all the factors n and m be unity. Such a function has been proved (§ 194) to have as many infinities as zeros; and therefore integers N-l, ... , Np , i//, ..., MJ exist such that, between the zeros and the infinities of a rational function of w and z, the p equations 2 [Wr (^s) - Wr («,)} = iriN; - I M^Bkr, s=l k=\ for r = 1, 2, ..., p, subsist*. The function O (z) then corresponds to a rational function, when regarded as a product of simple factors, in the same way as the expression (§ 241) in terms of normal elementary functions of the second kind corresponds to the function, when regarded as a sum of simple fractions. Corollary II. Every factorial function has as many zeros as it has infinities. For if a special function <^ (z), with the given factors and possessing q zeros and q infinities, be formed, every other function with those factors is included in the form F{z)=^(z)R(w, z), where R (w, z) is a rational function of w and z. But R iw, z) has as many zeros as it has infinities ; and therefore the property holds of F {z). * Neumann, p. 275. 536 FACTORIAL FUNCTIONS [244. Further, it is easy to see that the equations of relation between the zeros, the infinities and the multipliers are satisfied for F{z). For among the zeros and the infinities of '^■{z), the relations q 1 J' S [Wr (/3s) - Wr (tts)} = i log llr - 9— • S {B^r log m,,) S = l '^^'' Jc = l are satisfied ; and among the zeros and the infinities of R (w, z), the relations S Wr (A') - Wr (a/) = iriN; - I {Bi,r M„') s=l it=l are satisfied, where i\V and the coefficients M' are integers. Hence, among the zeros and the infinities of F (z), the relations 1 ^ t \wr (zero) -Wr{cc)] = ^ (log Ur + Nr 27ri) - K— • 2 [Bj,r (log mjfc + 2 Wtti)} are satisfied, giving the same multipliers n^ and w^ as for the special function (4 Corollary III. It is possible to have factorial functions without zeros and therefore without infinities: hut the multipliers cannot he arbitrarily assigned. Such a function is evidently given by ^ derived from {z) by dropping from the exponential the terms dependent upon the functions tt (2;). The relations between the factors are easily obtained. Note. The effect of the p relations q 1 *^ • 2 [Wr (/3s) - Wr (Gs)] = h log ?^r " ^T"" ^ (Bkr log mfc), subsisting between the factors, the zeros and the infinities of the factorial function, varies according to the magnitude of q. If q be equal to or be greater than p, it is evident that all the infinities a and ^— j3 of the zeros ^ can be assumed at will and that the above relations determine the p remaining zeros. The function therefore involves 2q—p arbitrary elements, in addition to the unessential constant A. In particular, when q is equal to p, the infinities a can be chosen at will and the zeros /3 are then determined by the relations. It therefore appears that a factorial function, which has only p infinities, is determined hy its infinities and its cross-cut factors. When q is greater than p, say = p+ r, then the q infinities and r zeros may be chosen at will. By assigning various sets of r zeros with a given set of infinities, various functions ^1 (z), ^.^ (z), . . . will be obtained all having the 244.] BIRATIONAL TRANSFORMATION 537 same infinities and the same cross-cut factors. Let s such functions have been obtained ; consider the function it will evidently have the assigned infinities and the assigned cross-cut factors. Then s—1 ratios of the quantities /jl can be chosen so as to cause (z) to acquire s — 1 arbitrary zeros. The greatest number of arbitrary zeros that can be assigned to a function is r, which is therefore the greatest value of s — 1. Hence it follows that ?' + 1 linearly independent factorial functions i {z), ..., ^r+i (2) exist, having assigned cross-cut factors and p + r assigned infinities ; and every other factorial function with those infinities and cross-cut factors can he expressed in the form /^i^i {z) + ^lf^■2 {z) + ...+ /i,-+i^r+i {z), tuhere /jl^, ..., /x^+i are constants whose ratios can he tised to assign r arhitrary zeros to the function. These factorial functions are used by Appell to construct new classes of functions in a manner similar to that in which Riemann constructs the Abelian transcendents. Their properties are developed on the basis of algebraic functions ; but as only the introduction to the theory can be given here, recoiirse must be had to Appell's interesting memoir, already cited. See also Baker's Abelian Functions, ch. xiv. BiRATioNAL Transformation. 245. It has already been pointed out (§ 193) that, if w' denote any arbitrary rational function on a Riemann's surface (say S) associated with the relation f{iv, z) = 0, then w' satisfies an equation f (w', z) = 0. Similarly, if / denote another rational function on S, the elimination of w and z between the three algebraical equations w' = R^ (w, z), z = R2 (w, z), f(w, z) = 0, leads to another equation F {iv , z) = 0. Relations such as these, which express new variables w' and z' as rational functions of old variables w and z, are called transformations: sometimes rational transformations. Transformations exist between two sets of variables, each set being regarded as a pair of independent variables: with such transformations (which include the well-known Cremona transformations) we are not specially concerned, seeing that our variables w and z are connected by a permanent equation f{tu,z) = 0. We have to deal* with rational transformations between two equations such as f{w,z) = 0, F(w',z') = 0. * The difference is the same as the difference between the rational transformations of a plane and the rational transformations of a curve in the plane; the former give rise to the latter, though not to the whole of the latter. 538 TRANSFORMATION OF . [245. The degree of F in w' and /, when the orders of w' and z' are known, can be inferred. Suppose that /= is of degree m in lu and of degree nm z; and let the orders of tv' and z', defined by the equations w' = Ri (lu, z), z = i^o {Wy z), be m' and ?i' respectively. There are m positions on S which correspond to any given value of w' ; each such position gives one value of z' ; and therefore there are m values of z' for any given value of w'. Similarly, there are 7i' values of w' for any given value of /. Accordingly, the equation F(tu',z') = is of degree n' in w', and of degree w' in /. As the two rational functions of position on S, represented by w' and z', are quite unrestricted, it follows that we can obtain an unlimited number of transformations of the equation f=0. We assume that /' is an irreducible polynomial, that is, ^cannot be resolved into factors rational in w and z, so that /= is an irreducible equation ; and we find that the equation F = 0, arising out of any rational transformation of /=0, is such that the polynomial F either is irreducible or is some poiver of an irreducible polynomial. For let TTq and Z^ denote any values of w and z, which satisfy ^ = ; they arise through some position iv^, Zq on S: and let Wj and Z^^ denote any other values of w' and z, which satisfy F = 0; they arise through some position Wj, Zi on S. (In each case, there may be more than one position.) We can pass from Wq, Zo to w^, z^ on ^ by a continuous path, which avoids all the branch- poirlts, and which does not pass through any infinity of w' or z' ; during the passage the values Wq and Z^ change continuously into W^ and Z^^. Hence when we have constructed the Riemann's surface (say S') associated with F =0, and take account of the dependence of w' and / upon w and z that leads to F=0, it follows that, on this new surface S', a continuous path exists which joins the position Wq, Z^ to the position TTj, Z^. Also these positions are any positions on 8', because the values W^, Z,^', Wj, Z^; are any values that satisfy ^ = 0; hence (§ 176, Ex. 5, Cor. II.) F either is an irreducible polynomial or, if reducible, is some power of an irreducible polynomial. Consider any position w', z' on -8'. To the value of iv , there correspond m! positions on 8, say and to the value of /, there correspond ri positions on *S^, say /Si, 61; A> ^2; •••; Ai'> ^ft'- Then as w\ z constitute a position on 8\ it follows that one (or more than one) position on 8 must be common to the two sets. First, let only one position be common to the two sets. In that case, the simultaneous values of w' and / (which determine a position on >S") determine a single position on 245.] ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS 539 S, that is, give w and z uniquely. Now w and z, as functions of position on S', at"e manifestly not transcendental; it has just been proved that they are uniquely determined by iv' and /; and they consequently are rational functions of position on 8', that is, we have lu = S, (w', /), z = S, {w\ /), F (w', z') = 0, where S-^ and S2 are rational functions. Moreover in this case, to a general value of z', there correspond n' different positions on S; each of these determines a value of tv', so that there are n values of lu' ; these values are all different, for taking the single value of z and the various values of w' in turn, the n' positions in the second set must be exhausted, and no first set has more than one point common with the second set. Hence to a value of /, there correspond n different values of w'. Also F is either an irreducible polynomial of degree n' in tu', or it is a power of some irreducible polynomial ; in the present case, therefore, F is. irreducible. Accordingly, the surfaces 8 and 8' associated with the two equations f{w,z) = 0, F(iv',z') = are such that each position on one determines one (and only one) position on the other ; and the variables of each position are expressible rationally in terms of the other, in forms w' = -Ri (w, z)\ w = 8-^ (w', z')] z' = R2 (w, z)} ■ z = 82 (w', z')\ where H^, Ro, 8^, 8.2 are rational functions. Such a transformation is called birational. Next, let I of the positions on 8 be common to the two sets, which give the values of w' and / respectively. To the position a^, a^ in the w'-set, there corresponds a definite value of z' ; as I positions on 8 arise through given values of w' and z', it follows that other I — 1 positions in the ly'-set give the same value of /. Let these be Cg, ag; ... ; oli, ai; so that no other position in the w'-set gives that value of /. Take now some other position a^+i, a^+i; it gives a definite value to /, and there are other ^— 1 positions, say a;_,.2, a^^-a ; ...; a^i, aazV which give that value. Proceeding in this way, we see that m must be a multiple of I, say in' = 'ni"l ; and that the one value of w , which gives m' positions on 8, gives rise to m" values of /, each of them repeated I times. Dealing similarly with the ^'-set, we see that n is a multiple of I, say n = n"l ; and that the one value of /, which gives n' positions on 8, gives rise to n" values of w , each of them repeated I times. In this case, F is the lih. power of an irreducible polynomial F^ {w', z'), of degree n" in w and degree m" in / ; and the surfaces 8 and 8' associated with the two equations f{w,z) = 0, F,(tv,z') = are such that to one position on 8, there corresponds only a single position on 8' : while to one position on ;S^', there correspond I positions on 8. The 540 RATIONAL TRANSFORMATIONS [245. transformation from f to F^ is rational ; it is not rational fi^om F^ to /; that is, the transformation is not birational. Sometimes the results are expressed in geometrical language by saying that, in the former case, there is a (1, 1) correspondence between the curves /= 0, F = 0: and in the latter case a (1, I) correspondence between the curves /= 0, Fi = 0. The whole subject of rational transformation is involved in the theory of correspondence between curves. JS^ote 1. It has been proved that, in the equation F(w', z) = obtained by eliminating w and z between w' = i^i (w, z), z' = R.2 {iv, z), f{w, z) — 0, the polynomial F either is irreducible or it is some power of an irreducible polynomial. Now when the values iv' = R^, z' = R.j, are substituted in F—0, the result is to give an equation in w, z only; so that, F(Ri, R^) must have f{iv, z) as a factor. It is not possible to prove that i^ is a power of /(w, z), because this is not always the case. As one example of this remark, let tv = T,{W,Z), z=T,(W,Z), be substitutions, which leave w' and z' unchanged in form, that is, give vj' = R, ( W, Z), z'=R,{ W, Z) ; the equation F (w', z') = will be obtained in association with the relation /(Ti, Tz) = 0; and therefore F will contain f{T-^{w, z), T^iw, z)] as a factor. Thus when we substitute for w' and / in F, the resulting expression may be divisible by factors other than f{iu, z). Note 2. When ^ is a power of a pol3rnomial, some special process of the elimination indicated on p. 537 may lead, not to F, but immediately to the polynomial. The explanation is that the eliminant then obtained is not of the proper degree in w and z' as required on p. 538. As a trivial example, we see that the equations w^ + z^ = 1, w' = w^, z' = z^. lead at once to w' + z' — \, whereas F{w', z) is {w' + z' — ly. Ex. 1. Consider the transformation of the equation ^^ + ^^ = 1 by the relations Jcvf = wz, %z' = aw + cz. As regards the degrees of vJ and 2', each of these variables is infinite only when \z\^ and so | w|, is infinite. There are three such positions on the surface; at each of them, w' is infinite of the second order, and z of the first order ; so that wi', the degree of w\ is 6 ; and w', the degree of z\ is 3. Accordingly, the equation between w and 0' must be of degree 3 in to' and degree 6 in z . We have {aw — cs)^ = 4 (s'^ - kaciv') = iA^, say ; so that aw = z' + di., cz = z' — ^. 245.] EXAMPLES 541 Substituting in w^ + z^=l, we have = (c^ + a3) {4z''^ — 3kaciv') z' + (c^- a^) A {'iz'^ — kacw'), and therefore (c3 _ a3)2 {iz'^-kacivy (s'^ - kacio') - {a^c^ - {c^ + a^) (4s'2 - Zkacw') /}2=0, which is the equation F{;w', z') = 0. Manifestly i^is irreducible, so that the transformation is birational ; in fact, , a^c^ — { .(where F is of degree n in lu'), which belong to the p normal integrals of F of the first kind. We have ■rrr dz, Vk = div dF ' dw' so that the above p relations between u and v give p differential relations of the form ■rpdz = ^(c^jV, + c^2V2+ ...+c^pVp), dw div' 544 EQUATIONS OF BIKATIONAL TRANSFORMATION [246. satisfied in virtue of the birational transformation. Hence, when p>l,we have or the ratio of two adjoint polynomials of order ?i — 3 for the one surface is transformed into the ratio of two adjoint polynomials of order n — 8 for the other surface, when the transformation is birational. When p = 1, we merely have U . V , dj_ dF dw dw' satisfied in connection with the birational transformation ; and when p = 0, there is no relation. The transformations of equations of genus or 1 are to be considered separately. It is clear that, when two equations of the same genus greater than unity, are known to be birationally transformable into one another, the equations Ui CiiFi + ... + CipFp can be used to obtain the birational transformation. As a birational transformation conserves the genus of the equation to which it is applied, we naturally regard all equations, which are birationally transformable into one another, as belonging to the same class : and we- have to determine what are the characteristics other than conserved genus upon which the class depends. To obtain these, take an equation of genus p(> 1) ; (equations of genus and 1 will be considered separately, from this point of view as well as for the reason above) : and on the Riemann's surface of the equation, take a rational function /, having /j, poles each of the first order. Let the positions of the /Lt poles be chosen quite arbitrarily, and let their number be >2p — 2, so that the rational function is not a special function (§ 242). Now / contains fi- p + 1 arbitrary constants, which enter linearly (| 240 : the number q is zero, because /jb>2p — 2): and therefore as the positions of the poles are arbitrary, each of them accordingly being determined by an arbitrary quantity, it follows that the total number of arbitrary constants in z' is (fi -p + l) + fj., = 2fi -p + 1. Choose z' as the independent variable for a transformed equation. Since the degree of / on the original surface is /x, being the number of its infinities, we know (| 245) that the degree of the new equation in its 246.] CLASS-MODULI 545 dependent variable is equal to ix ; hence the new Riemann's surface is /i-sheeted. As its genus is equal to p, its ramification is given by n = 2(/^+i)-l). Now when the branch-points and the branchings of a surface, of given genus and given number of sheets, are assigned, the surface is definitely known as (at the utmost) one of a limited number (§ 212 : footnote). The corresponding equation is then known (§ 193) so that, as z is known, the dependent variable can be regarded as determined by the assignment of the ramification : it contains no independent arbitrary element. We have 2^ — _p + 1 disposable constants by which to meet the demands of the ramification, which amount to 2/Li 4- 2j9 — 2 constants : hence there are 'ip - 3, = 2yu, 4- 2|) — 2 — (2/x — j!> -I- 1), constants surviving, as undetermined by the arbitrary elements in z'. The transformation is, of course, definite ; and therefore these Zp — 3 quantities are determined by the first surface. It therefore follows* that the class of equations, which are birationally transformable into one another, are determined by 3jw — 3 quantities ; they are called the class-moduli of the equations. In this result, which is due to Riemann, one modification must be made, as pointed out by Klein f. In the course of the proof, it was assumed that all the 2fj,—p + l disposable constants could be used to determine 2yu, — p -f 1 quantities connected with the ramification. As will be seen, a surface may be transformable into itself by a birational transformation; and it might happen, in such a case, that the transformation contained arbitrary constants. If p be the number of these arbitrary constants, then it follows that, in the transformation under our earlier consideration, we cannot use more than 2/uL — p + 1 — p of the arbitrary constants in / for the ramification of the surface ; and therefore the number of class-moduli is n - (2^ -p + l-p) = Sp — S + p. As a matter of fact, p = when j9 > 1 (§ 250) ; p = 1 when p = 1 (§ 248) ; p =^S when p = (§ 247) ; all of which results will be established later. Ex. 1. Consider the equations where Z^ is a sextic function of 2, «4 is a quartic and % is a quadratic in i'. Each of the equations is of genus 2 ; and therefore it may be expected that, if they are birationally * Eiemann, Ges. Werke, p. 113. It is assumed thioughout that each equation is comijletely general : it may happen that, for equations which are special in form, the number of class-moduli is less than dp - 3. t Ueher Riemann's Tluorie der algehraischen Functionen, (Leipzig, Teubner, 1882], p. 65. F. F. 35 546 EXAMPLES OF [246. transformable into one another, three ( = 3.2-3) relations among their constants will be satisfied. Integrals of the first kind belonging to the first equation are I Z^ 2 dz^ I zZq ^ dz ; and integrals of the first kind belonging to the second are I (Mo %) ~ ^ dz', j Z {U2 Ui) " 2 dz'. As the equations are to be rationally transformable into one another, we have (§ 246) Zq~^ dz — y {U2tii)~ ^ dz' -\- 8z' (2t2%)~''^ d^-, zZe~^ dz = a (u2Ui)~^ dz +^z' {u^Ui)"^ dz', and therefore a + ^z' y + ^z' Take w = iv'u2K, whei'e A' is some function of z ; then ZQ — K^u^Ui. In other words, the effect of substituting {a + ^z')l{y+bz') for z in the sextic Z^ must be to give a multiple of the sextic U2Ui ; so that, taking where e is a constant, we have ZQ{a+l:iz', y + S2') = e"^«2«4. In order that one sextic may be transformable into another by a substitution / : l=a + /3/ : y + bz', they must have their invariants the same save as to a factor. The invariants of a sextic are of deo-ree 2, 4, 6, 10 (as well as one of degree 1.5, the square of which is expressible as an integral function of the others); denoting them for Z^ by Li, I^, !&, Jw, and for ^2% ^^y ^^2) Ji^ Jqi '-^w respectively, three relations as required are 7^/2-2 =J^J,^-'^] In order to find the actual transformations, we compare the coefficients in ZQ{a+^z', y+8z') = eh(,2th- There are seven equations, each expressing some homogeneous combination of dimensions six in a, /3, y, S in terms of e'-^ and constants. The equations are equivalent to four in virtue of the preceding three relations ; they therefore suffice for the determination of a, Idj y, S. The transformation thus is a + 3z' eU2 y+6z" {y + 8z'f which happens to be a Cremona transformation. Ex. 2. Consider the birational transformations of the equation where U is a quartic function of z. 246.] BIRATIONAL TRANSFORMATION 547 Let H, $ denote the Hessian and the cubicovariant of U respectively : /, J its quadrin- variant and its cubinvariant. Then 20.= ^^- 6^^ ^z dz' $2 3 m^^ium- -JU^. Take a new va] fiable z' such that z'U+H=Q; then dz' 2$ dz~ U^-' and therefore 9, dz dz' Ui ' (4£'3-Iz'-J)h' Accordingly, the integral of the first kind, belonging to the equation becomes an integral of the first kind, belonging to the equation the equations of (birational) transformation being U , $ The integral of the first kind can be transformed slightly by writing z'I=JC; it becomes ^ (4K'-C-i)* where A denoting the discriminant of the original quartic, viz. A = P — 27J^. Thus 2/ dz _ dC so that the integral of the first kind associated with the original equation becomes a constant multiple of the integral of the first kind belonging to the equation with which it is birationally related. In order to determine all the equations of the same class as w"^ — U= 0, it is clear that, in each case, their integral of the first kind must be a constant multiple of dc that is, the constant p is the (sole) class-modulus. It manifestly is the single absolute invariant possessed by the quartic ; and so we infer the result that the equations w'^=U{z,\\ w'2=F(/, 1), ivhere U and V are quartic fimctions of z and ^, are birationally transformable into one another, if the quartics have equal absolute invariants*. * Hermite, Crelle, t. lii, (1856), p. 8. 35—2 548 EQUATIONS OF [246. In particular, consider the equation if it is to belong to the same class as iv^= U {z, 1), its absolute invariant must be the same. Now accordingly, the condition is that c satisfies the equation 108c (1-c)* ~ A" As a A^ery special case, we infer that the equations are birationally trans foi'mable into one another if (H-14a + a2)3_(l + 14c + c2)3 a{l-af c(l-c)* ■ The actual construction of the transformations is left as an exercise. Ex. 3. Obtain Riemann's theorem as to the number of class-moduli of a class of algebraic equations from a relation of the type V = aiUi+ +ap2

i (/^) ' (p2 in) ' and denote by ^ (/x) the greatest common measure of cpi (/x) and (^2 (/"•)• Now any straight line, say Aiu + Bz + C = 0, cuts the curve /= in n points ; and therefore the equation must give n values of /x, one for each point, that is, it must be of degree n. Hence the degrees of cannot be greater than n. * This result is in accordance with § 205. For U is an adjoint polynomial ; the number of adjoint polynomials, which are of degree 71 - 3, isp, viz., zero in the present case, 550 EQUATIONS OF GENUS ZERO [247. Conversely, if the variables w and z of an equation f=0 are rationally expressible in terms of an arbitrary parameter, the equation is of genus zero. For if the genus were greater than zero, an integral of the first kind, say dw would exist which would be finite everywhere on the associated Riemann's surface. Substituting for w and z their values in terms of ft, we should have the integral R (/ju) d/ji (where E is a rational function) finite for all values of /n — an impossible result. Hence the genus of the equation must be zero. Further, any curve (or equation) of genus zero can be birationally trans- formed into any other curve {or equation) of genus zero by relations which involve three arbitrary parameters. Let one of the equations be represented by w = Ri ifM), z = R2 ilj), IJ^ = R {w, z) ; and the other by w' = &^{\), / = ^2(^), \ = ^{w',z'); where R-^, R2, S-^, Sq, R, S are rational fanctions. In a birational transforma- tion, one set of values of w and z determines one set of values of w' and z', and vice versa ; therefore one value of fi determines one of A,, and vice versa, so that the relation between \ and /i, is of the form _a\ + b ^~ c\ + d' where a, b, c, d are arbitrary. This relation, containing the three arbitrary parameters a : b : c : d, gives the birational transformation „ faS +b\ r> fci^S + b ^cR — aJ' ^\cR — aj establishing the proposition. It is an immediate corollary that any curve of genus zero can be biration- ally transformed into itself by equations that contain three arbitrxiry parameters ; thus the quantity p of p. 545 is 3 when p = i). If desired, the three parameters can be determined so that any three assigned points correspond to three other assigned points. 247.] SUB-RATIONAL REPRESENTATION 551 Note. It may happen, in a particular instance, that the actual expressions for w and z in terms of the parameter are obtained in a different manner, so that w = R, (X), z = Ro^ (X), but that \ is not a rational function of tu and z. Thus the possibility could arise from the preceding result by taking /jb = S (A,), where *S is a rational function of X not of the form j : we then should cX + a only have SCX) equal to a rational function of z. Such a representation, which may be called sub-rational, is easily detected in fact, because the equation Aw + Bz+ C=0 then gives more than n values of A, ; and it can be corrected in form by the suitable inverse substitution, which can be obtained as follows*. Suppose that, in the expressions 0, (X) e. (X) w = — --^ , z = , . , where the quantities 6^, 0.,, ^^i, -^o are polynomials, s values of A,, say Xj, X2, . . ., Xs, correspond to given values of lu and z: then the equations E, (A) = d, (X) X, M - 0, (AO Xl (^) = 0, E, (A) = 6, (A) X. M - e, (A,) X. (^) - 0, have the s roots A = Aj, Aj, ..., Xg common. Also each of these roots is simple for each of these equations ; because if any one were multiple, say, Aj for E^ (A) = 0, then it would satisfy ^/(A-)Xi(A0-^x(A0%/(A) = O, so that ^/(A)^ ^/(A) when A = Aj. The quantity Aj would then satisfy an algebraic equation the coefficients of which are non-parametric constants — a result obviously excluded when Ai (and so the other values of Ao, ..., A^) are parametric. We therefore can obtain the greatest common measure of E-^ (A) and E2 (A) in the form (A - Aj) (A - As) ... (A - Xs) = \' - /zi A'~' + ^l. X'-' - .... Now not all the quantities /n can be absolute constants : some at any rate must be a function of Aj, say /tx,. is such a function. But /i,. is a symmetric * Liiroth, lilath. Ann., t. ix, (1876), pp. 163—165. 552 EQUATIONS OF [247. function of Xj, ..., X^, so that it does not change its value when X,, ..., X^ are substituted for Xi ; hence it acquires only a single value for given values of w and z. Moreover, to a given value of /li,- correspond s values of X ; if one of these be Xi, the others are A,, ..., X,., because ft is a symmetric function of Xj, ..., Xg. Hence to a given value of //.;., there correspond a single value of w and a single value of z : that is, when the equations _^i(X) ^ O2 (X) are transformed by the relation /LL = Hr (X), the result is of the form "^1 (/^) „ "^2 (fJ^) w = <^l (^) ' <^2 (^) ' z = -j-^ — - , fjb = R (iv, z). Ex. 1. The equation* (2/2 + Qxy + A'2)2 = IQxij {\yx - Zx -Zy + 4)2 is of genus ; so that x and y are rationally expressible in terms of a variable jDarameter. To obtain their expressions, we notice that xy must be a perfect square ; so that, writing xy = 6'^, .r+y = ^, we have and therefore (^ + 6^)2 = 16^(1 + ^)2. Hence ^ is a perfect square, say 6=\^; then xy = \^, a; + 3/ = /x=4X— 6X24-4A^ Accordingly (y_a;)2 = ;x2_4X4 = (4X - 8X2 4. 4X3) (4x _ 4X2 + 4X3) = 16X2(1-X)2(1-X + X2), P so that 1 -X+X2 must be a perfect sqviare. Take A = 7^, so that P- - PQ + Q- is a perfect square. This form will be secured for P'-PQ+Q'\ ={P+aQ) (P+co^Q), where « is a cube root of unity, by writing P + $co = (a-«2)2, P+(^co2 = (a-«)2, SO that P=2a + a2, Q=l+2a, P^- - PQ + Q'- = {1 + a + a-y-. which gives _ 2a+_a2 l-a 2 l+a + a2 ^~'^~ Y+2^ ' T+2a' l+2a ' Also ^2a + a2 2 + 2a + a2 + 2a3 + 2a^ •^ '^ l+2a (l+2a)- hence /'2+a\3 , 2 + a ^ = nrT2a)' ^' = «l+2-a- * It is one form of the modular equatiou in the cubic transformation in elliptic functions ; Cayley, Coll. Math. Papers, t. ix, p. 170. 247.] GENUS ZERO ' 553 It is clear that the line gives rise to six values of a ; it cuts the original unicursal sextic in six points ; and therefore the expressions are rational, not merely sub-rational. To express a in terras of X and y, let _ y'^ + Qxy + x^' _ then { l + '2a j so that as may be verified directly by substitutuig the values of x and y. Also y_ r 2 + a ^- ia(l+2a)j ' SO that U X . 4y = .r-l-2aA'-2a3, from the value of x ; and therefore Also so that accordingly and therefore ^-iyr=2a(.r-l) + 2a(l-a2). ?7_ a(l+2a) 4j/~ 2 + a ' (^-l).^. = 2a(.^--l) + a(2 + a)(l a2 + 2a ^ + A-=0. From the expression for — , ^ve have ^«^+«"-|)-|-«- Subtract this equation from twice the preceding quadratic ; and we have ^^ . ^ u V ^y)\ '2y 4j/ which, on substituting \'6xy for V^ when it occurs, leads to 4.ry-4A-+ U{l-y ) ~~ dixy — 2y — ^x— U 554 EQUATIONS OF [247. Ex. 2. Shew that the coordiDates of the curve in the preceding example can be rationally expressed in terms of an arbitrary parameter jS, by taking /3*- 682 + 4/3 4^3 - Qli'i + 1 as a value for X in the investigation. Obtain the relation between a and /3 : and thence (or otherwise) shew that this representation is sub-rational. Ex. 3. Discuss the curve represented by the equations Ex. 4. Obtain relations of birational transformation which transform the unicursal quartic ^2y2 _ 2_j.^ (^^ -p ^ fiy-^ _j. Qj_^2 _|_ 2bxy + cy"^ = into the circle x^+y'^ = l.' 248. Some of the simpler properties possessed by equations (or curves) of genus unity* can be obtained similarly. In the first place, we have Clebsch's theorem that the variables can he expressed as rational functions of a parameter 6, and of @^ where is a polynomial of either the third or the fourth degree in 6. To establish this result, we take an adjoint polynomial U of order n — linw and z, where / is of order n ; we make it vanish at each of the multiple points of/ to the multiplicity A, — 1, when X, is the multiplicity of the multiple point of /; and we make it pass through n — 2 arbitrarily assigned points on /= 0. Then the number of remaining intersections of U=0 and /= is n (n - 2) - (n -2)-tX{\- 1). But (§ 240) we have '^\{\ - 1) = (n - 1) (n - 2) - 2p = n (n - 3), in this case ; and therefore the remaining number of points of intersection is n (n - 2) - (n - 2) - n (n - 3), = 2. Let C/^i = 0, U2 = 0, be any two curves satisfying all the conditions of U, as regards its order, and its relations to the multiple points of /, and the n — 2 arbitrarily selected points on/; then where 6 is arbitrary, is another such curve. It cuts/= in two points, other than the multiple points and the assigned ?i — 2 points ; hence, eliminating z between u, + eu, = o, /=0, and removing from the eliminant the factors that correspond to the multiple points and the assigned points, the remaining factor must give the values of w for the two points, that is, it is a quadratic in w. Hence we have * For a full discussion, see Clebsch, Crelle, t. Isiv, (1865), pp. 210 270. 248.] GENUS UNITY 555 where A and B are rational functions of 6, and contains no repeated factor. Similarly, by eliminating w, we should have z=^ C + D^^'^, where C and D are rational functions of 0, and ©i contains no repeated factor. Substituting these values of w and z in 11^+ OUz^O, /=0, the equations are to be satisfied; and therefore the radicals @^, ©^^ are the same. Thus we have Moreover B ' the first represents ^ as a one-valued function of lu and z ; the second, on substitution of this value for 0, represents ©^ as a one-valued function of w and 2. Hence, writing e = z', ©i = w', we have ■ w'-'=%{e) = %{z)\ results which shew that the equations /=0, iv'- = %{z), are birationally related by the equations 10 = A {z') + %v'B {z'\ z=C {z') -f- iv'D (/). Now when two equations are birationally related, we know (§ 246) that their genus is the same ; hence the genus of w'^ = © (/) must be unity. This can be the case only if © (z) is a cubic or a quartic polynomial in z ; and there- fore @ is a polynomial of either the third or the fourth degree in 6. The proposition is established. Such curves (or equations) are called bicursal by Cayley*; they also are sometimes called elliptic, because the equation w''^ = © (/) is associated with elliptic functions, an association that leads to another mode of expression, as follows. If © be of the third degree in d, a linear transformation of the form ^ = a + h6 changes © into If © be of the fourth degree in 6 and k be one of its roots, a transformation 1 1 $2 = k + ^, ©^ = X2-' leads to an expression of the same kind, where is of the third degree and so can be taken (after the above) as 4i6^ — gocf) — gs- Moreover, both of these transformations are birational ; and neither of them affects the general * Coll. Math. Papers, t. viii, p. 181. 556 ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS AND [248. character of the expressions for iv and z, which accordingly can be taken in the form iv = A+ B^^, z = G + JJ^^, where A, B,G, D are rational functions of <^ ; and ^, 2 are rational functions of w and z. Now take = ^ (a), where a is a new parametric quantity ; then - g.^) must give 2wi + 1 values of . Hence, in the most general case, the degrees of P, S, R are m, and the degrees of Q, T are m — 1. Thus a curve, of order 2??i + 1 and genus 1, is represented by _ (<^, i)^'^ + ((^, 1)^-1 # _ ((^, 1)"^ + ((/), ly^-^^i "^ (^TTr ' ^~ ( = 40^ — ^o(/) — ^s; of course, in particular instances, considerable simplifications may occur. Ex. 1. The sextic equation (j/2 + Qxy + .^2)2 = 1 Qxy {xij + lf is of genus 1 ; express the A^ariables x and y rationally in terms of a parameter and the appropriate $^. (Cay ley.) * Ex. 2. Likewise express in that form the variables of the equations ^ y'^ = {x-ay{x-hf, y^={x-af{x-hf, y Z=S,(w„z,), W = S,{w„z,) J express Wj and z^ uniquely in terms of w<2, z^_, and a. Also the relations w^ = E (Z) + WF (Z), z, = G (Z) + WH (Z)) W=Qj(w,z,a), Z=Q^{w, z,a) \ w = R2 (w^ , z-,), z=^R, (wi , ^1) ' 560 TRANSFORMATION INTO ITSELF OF [248. express Wa and z^ uniquely in terms of w^, z^, and a. The relations therefore express a birational transformation, and they contain an arbitrary constant ; hence we have the theorem: An equation, of genus unity, is birationally related to any other equation, of genus unity and the same invariant modulus, by equations which involve an arbitrary constant. Also we infer, as an immediate corollary, that any equation of genus unity admits an infinitude of birational transformations into itself; the equations of transformation involve an arbitrary parameter algebraically. Hence, when j> = l, the number p of p. 545 is unity. We have seen that, in a birational transformation, an integral of the first kind belonging to one equation is transformed into an integral of the first kind belonging to the other. When the genus is unity, each equation possesses 'only a single integral of the first kind ; and denoting it by v for the equation f{w, z) = 0, and by u for the transformed equation ty'2 = 4s'^ — g<2.z' — gz, we have (§ 246) V = au + b, where a and b are constants. But u is the argument of the doubly-periodic functions in terms of which w' and z are expressed. Hence v is effectively that argument ; in other words, the integral of the first kind associated with an equation of genus unity is effectively the argument of the doubly-periodic functions in terms of which the variables are expressible. lu connection with the preceding discussion, reference may be made to Picard* who uses the results to prove, among other theorems, that when a differential equation /(w, i(;') = has integrals w which are uniform functions of z, these integrals are either (i) doubly-periodic functions of z ; or (ii) rational functions of e^^, where ^ is a constant, that is, are simjaly-periodic functions of z ; or (iii) rational functions of z. (See also, on this matter, the Note appended supra at the end of the foregoing chapter x.) Consider also, in this connection, the birational transformations of the equation f{w, ^) = into itself, say into f{w', z) = 0. After the preceding result, we must have some relation V (w', z') = av (w, z) + b, where a and b are constants. The integral of the first kind connected with an equation of genus unity possesses two. distinct periods; let them be denoted by co^, Wo. It is clear that when v (iv, z) increases by a period, then V {iv, z) also changes by some period : and likewise for v (w, z), when V (w', z') increases by a period. Hence we have \cl>i + ficoo = acoi, X'coi + X coo— awo, from the first of these results, X, fx, X' , jju being integers : and &)] = a (pcoi -t ao)..), cOo = a (p'coi + a'o).,), * Traite cVAnahjse, t. iii, (190S), ch. iv. 248.] AN EQUATION OF GENUS UNITY 561 from the second, p, a, p', a being integers. Denoting Xpf — X'fi by A and pa' — pa by A' the first two equations give* Aa)i = a (fx'coi — P'dOo), ^Wo — a (~ X'coi + XcWg). When these are compared with the second two equations, we have Lb u — XX,, ^ &)j — ^ 0)2 = pcoi + aco2, —r- a>j + ^co.2 = p aii + a 0)2- Now the ratio o)^ : w^ is not entirely real (§ 231) ; hence u. — iJ' — X , \ , A = P' -^^""^ ^' = P' A^""' and therefore AA'=1. Now A and A' are integers : hence each of them is 1 or is — 1, that is, A = ± 1. Also, let O, denote the ratio co.,: (o^, so that we have fi'n + x' ^^^ fiCl + X that is, /xO- -f (\ -fM')n-\' = 0, a relation which either is an identity or is an equation satisfied by H. If the relation is an identity, then /x = 0, X^ — 0, X = p,'. Since Xpf — X'p. = ± 1, we have X = p = ±1 (or + i, but these values are to be excluded because X and p! are integers) ; also a =X, a= pf, that is, a= ±1. Hence we have V {iv\ z')= ±v (w, z) + h. If the relation is an equation, then the value of ft may not be entirely real ; consequently (\ - /)2 + 4 V/x < 0, that is, {X + p:y < 4A, so that A, which is either + 1 or — 1, must now be -f 1 ; and the possible values ofX + p,' are 0, 1, — 1. Also ^ p,'-X+{{X + p.y-4^/\'l^ 2p, ' ' * It is assumed that A is not zero. If A were zero, so that \' = kX, /x'^k/j,, where k is real, we should have (on dividing one equation by the other] Xui + fj-ca-i wi' which would make the ratio of the periods real ; this (§ 231) is impossible. F. P. 36 562 EQUATIONS OF [248. which is a non-parametric constant ; so that this case cannot occur if the invariant modulus of the equation (which is a transcendental function of II) is parametric. Even in those cases where the invariant modulus has an appropriate constant value, we have, on eliminating Wj and Wo between \o)i + /ji(02 = cc(Oi , \'aii + /x'a).2= C('(i>2, an equation (k — a) {[x — a) — X'yLt = 0, that is, a^ -a{X + fx)+l= 0. The possible values of X + /u,' being 0, 1, —1, the corresponding values of a are given by a^ + 1 = 0, a^ - a + 1 = 0, a^ + a + 1 = 0, respectively. In every instance, the constant a is determinate : and all the conditions are satisfied when the constant h is left arbitrary. Moreover the relations have arisen in connection with the birational transformation of the curve into itself; and we therefore infer the theorem that the birational trans- formations of a curve of genus unity into itself can be represented by V (w', z')= ±v (w, z) + h, where h is an arbitrary constant : they obviously constitute the simple infinitude (p. 560) of birational transformations. The cases, which corre- spond to a^ -I- 1 = 0, a^ — a -1- 1 = 0, a^ -F a + 1 = 0, are each of them extremely special. 249. As regards equations (or curves) of genus two, the method adopted for equations of genus zero or unity can be applied, if we begin with adjoint polynomials of order n — 3 instead of with those of order n — 2. It is known that, for equations of genus two, there are two distinct integrals of the first kind : and each of them determines an adjoint polynomial of order n — 3. Let these be denoted by U-^ {w, z) and U^ {w, z) ; then as each of them vanishes to multiplicity X, — 1 at a multiple point of / which is of multiplicity A,, the polynomial ^ • u. + eu, also vanishes to that multiplicity, so that, among the intersections ofy"=0 and U^ + 6U2 = 0, such a multiple point counts for \(X — 1) intersections. Hence the number of intersections of/= and Ui + 6LL= 0, other than the multiple points of/, is = n(n-S)-tX{X-l) = 7i{n-:^)-{(n-l)(n-2)-4>] in the present case, that is, the number is 2. Eliminate z between the two equations, and remove from the resulting equation in w the factors which 249.] GENUS TWO 563 correspond to the multiple points off= ; the result is a quadratic in w, the coefficients of which are rational functions of 0, and the roots of which are the values of w for the remaining two points of intersection. They are tv = A + B(&K where A, B, @ are rational functions, @ having no repeated factor. Proceed- ing similarly, we find z = C + D@'K where C, D, ©' are rational functions ; and substituting in the equation /= 0, we have ©^ = ©'- , or the variables can be represented in the form w = A+B@i, 2=C+DbK where A, B, C, D, S are rational functions of the parameter 0. Moreover „ f/i (w, z) ©2 = U.2 (.w, z) ' w- A the first of these expresses ^ as a rational function of w and z ; the second, on the substitution of this expression for 6, expresses also ©^ ^g ^ rational function of tu and z. There is therefore a birational transformation between the curves f(w, z) = 0, w'2 = (/) ; and the curves are therefore of the same genus, viz. 2, the genus of/. Hence %{z') is of degree either five or six (Ex. 2, § 1'78); and therefore @, as a polynomial in 6, is of degree either five or six. It therefore appears that the variables in an equation of genus 2 are expressible as rational functions of 6 and of the radical ©-, ivhere © is a polynoinial in 6 of the fifth or the sixth degree. When is a sextic which (as has been seen) has no repeated factor, it is of the form {e-a){e-b){9-c){e-d){e-e){e-f). Take (a — b){a — c) '-a = ©2 = a — c + (6 — c) is a constant multiple of ^(1 — 0)(1 — K(^) (1 — X(jb) (1 — fx^) and, in the circumstances, can be taken as equal to this quantity. 36—2 564 EQUATIONS OF GENUS TWO [249. When @ is a quintic which (as has been seen) has no repeated factor, it is of the form (d -a)(0- h) {6 -c)(e- d) (0 - e). Take — a = — (a — h)(p, which determines a birational transformation : then, as in the preceding case, ^ can be taken as equal to cj,(l-cl>){l-Kcf>)(l-Xcj>)il-fi4>). The representation of the coordinates in either case becomes w = E+F(^i, z^G + H^^, where E, F, G, H are rational functions of j>, and = ,/> (1 - c^) (1 - «(^) (1 - X(^) (1 - /X(^). To determine the degrees of these rational functions, let T be the least common multiple of their denominators (if any), so that, say, The line aw -f /S^' + 7 = must cut the curve in a number of points equal to its order, and therefore the equation {aF + /3R + ryTf = {aQ + /SSy ^ must determine the same number of values of . If the equation (or curve) / = be of odd order 2m + 1, then P, R, T may be of degree m, and Q, 8 may be of degree m — 2 ; so that the representation is _ ((^, 1)"^ + {4>, l)'"-^ O* ^ (0, l)"^ + ((^, \)rr>-^^h If the equation (or curve) be of even order 2in, then P, R, 2'' may be of degree m, and Q, S may be of degree m — 3 ; so that the representation is _ (ch, ly' + jcf), l)"^-''^ ^ ((f>, iy" + (4>, l)'>^-='# '^~ {,ir ' ' (<^>i)" Note 1. The three constants «:, A,, yu, in determine the three class-moduli, which (p. 545) every equation of genus 2 conserves as invariants under birational transformation. Note 2. It was proved (Ex. 1, § 246) that the equations 249.] HYPERELLIPTIC CURVES 565 where u^, Ui are a quadratic and a quartic, are birationally transformable into one another, when they have their class-moduli the same. Similarly, the equations are birationally transformable into one another with similar limitations : where, in each case, neither 11.2 nor Ui has a repeated factor. Now is geometrically interpretable as a quartic curve : owing to the forms of u^ and u^, the curve has only one double point*, as ought to be the case, because its genus is 2. Hence any plane curve of genus 2 is birationally transformable into a plane quartic having only one double point. Note 3. It might be imagined that a similar result would hold for jj = 3 and for p > 3 : but this is not the case. In the first place, the argument would not apply. It is true that there are p adjoint polynomials of order ?i — 3, so that would be the general equation of a curve of order n — 3, vanishing to the proper order at the multiple points of /. But the remaining number of points of intersection is 2p — 2 ; and we should then (if the earlier process be adopted) have an equation of degree '2p — 2 to solve, its coefficients being rational functions of p — 1 parameters. In the second place, if a curve of genus 3 be birationally related to lU- = / (1 - Z) (1 - K^Z') (1 - K^Z') (1 - K,Z') (1 - K,Z') (1 - K,z), it manifestly can have only 5 invariant moduli, to determine the five quantities k. As a curve of genus 3 in general has 6 (=3.3 — 3) such moduli, it follows that the preceding curve is not general. This argument applies, a fortiori, when the genus of a curve is greater than 3. There are curves of genus p, which are birationally related to w- = / (1 — /) (1 — K^z) ... (1 — K2p--i,z') ; but they are not general, for they have only 2p — 1 moduli instead of 3j9 — 3. Such curves are often called hyperelliptic. It thus appears that, so far as concerns the representation of the variables of an equation in a form that is birational, there is a fundamental distinction between the cases p < 3, p^ 3. It is also found (though this is beyond the range of these present investigations) that there is a fundamental distinction between the properties of functions associated with an equation of genus less than three and those associated with an equation of genus equal to, or greater than, three. * The double point is at infinity. 566 BIRATIONAL TRANSFORMATION OF EQUATIONS [250. 250. We have seen that, in the case of an equation of genus zero, there is a triple infinitude of birational transformations of the equation into itself (§ 247); and that, in the case of an equation of genus unity, there is a single infinitude of similar transformations (§ 248): the infinitude, in each case, arising through the existence of arbitrary constants in the relations of transformation. For equations of genus greater than unity, we have the theorem that the 7iumher of birational trarisforniations of an equation of genus greater than unity into itself is limited. Schwarz* first proved that such a birational transformation cannot exist involving an arbitrary parameter, so that there cannot be a continuous infinitude of such transformations ; Klein -j- first stated that there could not be a discrete infinitude of such transforma- tions, that is, not an infinitude of particular transformations ; and Hurwitz]: obtained 84 (2> - 1) as the upper limit of the number. The first two of these results can be established by the following argument, due to Picard§ : for the third, reference can be made to Hurwitz's memoir. It was proved that, when a birational transformation is effected upon an equation of genus p, so that it gives another equation also of genus p, the integrals of the first order associated with one equation are linearly express- ible in terms of those associated with the other. Let u-^^, ..., Up denote the normal elementary integrals of the first order associated with f{w, z) = Q; and let u^, ...,Up' denote those associated with f{w'.z')-=0, a birational transformation of / into itself. Then we have p equations of the form where the quantities h and h are constants (§ 246). The constants h depend only upon the periods. For let the point w, z move on the Riemann surface from one edge of the cross-cut »« to the same point on the opposite edge : then the point w' , z' describes a closed irreducible cycle on its surface. Let HV.s denote the period for w/, which is a combina- tion of the periods of the normal integrals with integers for coefficients : we therefore (| 235) have for all values r, s == 1, 2, . . . , |). Let U:i_(w, z), U^iw, z), ..., Up{w, z) denote the adjoint polynomials of order n — 3 arising through the normal integrals : then differentiating the above relation, we have duy = kridui + kroduo + ... + krpdup , * Grelle, t. Ixxxvii, (1879), pp. 139—145. t In a letter (dated 1882) to Poincare, quoted Acta Math., t. vii, (1885), p. 10. + Math. Ann., t. xli, (1893), p. 424; see also a memoir by him, Math. Ann., t. xxxii, (1888), pp. 290—308. § Cows d'Analyse, t. ii, p. 480. 250.] OF GENUS GREATER THAN UNITY 567 that IS, Ur (tv', z') -^ = \kn U-, (w, z) + k,.., U^ (w, z)+ ...+krpUp (w, z)] ^. . dw' dtv This holds for all the values 1, 2, ..., p, and (by hypothesis) j? > 1. Taking the relation for r=l, 2, and dividing, we find C/g (w', z') _ k^i f/i (w, z) + k22 U<2{w, z)+ ... + kip Up (w, z) Uj (w', z') kn Ui (w, z) + k-^o, Uoiw, z)+ ... + k^p Up (w, z) ' which, in connection with f{w\z) = 0, f\w,z) = 0, serves to define the birational transformation of / into itself. As "the constants k depend only upon the moduli at the cross-cuts of the Rieraann's surface, so that they are pure constants and are not parametric, it follows that no arbitrary constant can occur in the equations of the birational transformation. This is Schwarz's result. Any birational transformation of /'= into itself leads to a relation (or to several relations) between the adjoint polynomials of the foregoing type ; and such a relation may be regarded as the initial form of the birational trans- formation. In order that the relations may exist, the constants k must satisfy equations which clearly ax-e algebraical in form. If these equations do not determine the constants k, then one or more of them would be arbitrary ; and then the birational transformation would involve an arbitrary constant, contrary to Schwarz's result. The constants k must then be determinate, manifestly by a finite number of algebraical equations. Hence there is a limited number of solutions ; accordingly, as each solution deter- mines a birational transformation, there is only a limited number of birational transformations, distinct from one another. This is Klein's result. The preceding argument is valid, only if p ^ 2. The results are known not to hold when p <2. For various properties (such as the periodicity for repeated application) of the birational transformations of an equation of genus greater than unity into itself, see Hurwitz's memoirs quoted on p. 566; also Baker's Abelian Fimctions, ch. xxi. 251. The assignment by Riemann (§ 247) of a class of equations, as constituted by those of the same genus birationally transformable into one another, suggests the desirability of reserving some form of equation of that genus as a normal form (or normal curve). When p = 0, a normal form is superfluous; when jo = 1, the normal form can clearly be taken to be the nodeless cubic (§ 249) ; when p = '2, the normal form can clearly be taken to be the uninodal quartic (§ 250) ; and we therefore are concerned with the cases, where p is equal to 3 or is greater than 3, 568 NORMAL FORM OF EQUATIONS [251. Denoting the p functions, which arise as the derivatives of the p normal elementary integrals of the first kind, by c^j, ..., either z' — a or tu' — a begins with a power of ^ equal to the degree of the cycle and neither of them begins with a lower power. Accordingly, we can take linear combinations of X, Y, Z above, so as to secure that p, a, r are unequal, without affecting the degree of the cycle. X Y When the cycle has a finite origin as above, viz. z — a = ^ , tu — a = -^ , Z Z then p > T, (T> T\ the degree of the cycle is the smaller of the two integers p — r, a — T. The reason for the introduction of homogeneous coordinates is to treat cycles by one and the same method, whether their origin be in the finite part of the plane or at infinity. Accordingly, we assume that the three integers p, cr, r are different from one another and are in decreasing order : then o- — T is the degree of the cycle. The number p — o- is the class of the cycle. When the origin of a cycle is at infinity, the expression of the branches in the cycle is of the form ■i/=a(,Xp, the three indices in decreasing order are q, q—p, 0: so that q—p is the degree of the cycle. If q—p, the degree depends upon the lowest index in Y—a^^X, being equal to that index if less than q. If g- < p, the decreasing order of the indices is q, 0, q —p : so that p — q is, the degree of the cycle. 572 RESOLUTION OF [252. For the second case, we have where l~^\\ as before, we take and therefore F-yo^^yiC^ + H.... The indices, in decreasing order, are 2" + ^, g, 0: the degree of the cycle is q. For the third case, we have _k fc + l where ^' ^ 1 ; we take z-1, z=cs r=c«(i3oC'+...)=/^oC'^''+--- The degree of the cycle is q. Lastly, y may have infinite values for finite values of x : the expression of the cycle then is ,« s— 1 y = \x 9 + Si^ 2 +..., where s > 0. We take the degree of the cycle is s. For purposes of transformation, we use the birational transformation which arises out of a geometrical relation used for this purpose by Halphen*. Given a plane curve G ; let an arbitrary conic % be taken in its plane : draw the tangent to G at any point p of the curve, and let this tangent be intersected at P by the polar of ;p with regard to S ; then P is regarded as the geometrical transformation of.j?. Manifestly, a point p leads to a single point P ; to infer the converse, let PP' be the polar of p with regard to the conic, P' denoting the point where the line touches the reciprocal of G. Thus pPP' is a self-conjugate triangle ; ^and therefore pP' is the polar of P. Hence given the locus of P, we find p by drawing the polar of P with regard to the conic : this will cut (7 in a number of points: we select as p* that one of the points such that Pp is a tangent to G at the point f. Thus each point of the locus of p determines a single point P, and conversely ; the analytical expressions of the geometrical relation constitute a birational transformation, which may be called Halphen s transformation. Two forms arise, according as the conic does not or does cut in real points the curve to be transformed. The conic is at our disposal and it could be * Liouville, 3™<= Ser., t. ii, (1876), pp. 87—144. + A limited number of pairs of points can exist, for any conic 22, such that the construction would not discriminate between them. We do not regard this as interfering with the general character of the transformation : its significance in the result appears towards the close of the investigation. For the analytical relations, expressing jj in terms of P, see a note by the author, Messenger of Mathematics, vol. xxx, (May, 1900), pp. 1 — 7; they are not actually required for the succeeding investigation. 252.] ■ A CYCLE 573 chosen so that it does not cut the curve to be transformed ; but the transformation has to be repeated a number of times, and some of the transformed curves might be cut by the conic. On the other hand, there is a finite limit to the number of times the transformation is applied ; and we may therefore assume that, if the conic cut in real points the curve or a transformed curve, the tangents to the conic and the curve are different from one another. When the conic and the curve do not cut, take any point M on the curve and the tangent MM" to C; let M"M' be the polar of M with regard to t, cutting MM" in M" ; and let MM' be the polar of M" with regard to 2, cutting M'M" in M'. The triangle MM'M" is self-conjugate with regard to 2 ; when this is chosen as the triangle of reference, the equation of the conic can be taken to be When the conic and the curve cut, say in a point M, then let the tangent at M to the curve cut the conic in M and M' ; and draw M"M' , M"M the tangents to the conic at these points. We choose MM'M" as the triangle of reference ; the equation of the conic can be taken to be Y' + 2ZZ = 0. In the former case, let x, y, z denote the position p, and X, T, Z that of P. Then we have Xx+Yy + Zz = 0, because P lies on the polar of p with regard to the conic ; and X, Y, Z\ = 0, X, y, x, y', : (where x = dxjdt, and so for y and z), because P lies on the tangent at 'p to the original curve. Hence X = y {xy - yx') — z {zx — xz') = x {xx + yy + zz') — x' {jx? + y^ + z")" Y — z {yz — zy') — x {xy —yx') — y {xx + yy' + zz') — y' {x^ + y' + z^) Z = X {zx — xz) — y {yz' — zy') — z {xx + yy' + zz) — z {x"^ + y"" + z'^). which express X, F, Z in terms of x, y, z. In the latter case, we find similarly the relations X = y {xy — yx) — x {zx — xz')\ Y=-x {yz - zy') - z {xy - yx) \ Z = z {zx — xz') — y{yz' — zy')j which • express X, F, Z in terms of x, y, z. These respective relations constitute part of the analytical form of Halphen's transformation, which is birational for the curve but not birational for the plane. 574 halphen's [252. Let any point on the curve to be transformed be denoted by ^=r2^(D=r(To+...)i where R, S, T denote regular functions of ^ in the vicinity of ^ = : and we assume that the integers p, a, r are distinct from one another. When the second transformation is the one to be effected, we remember that the tangent to the curve is the axis of y for the triangle of reference ; accordingly, we assume o- > /o > t, so that p — t is the degree of the cycle, and cr — p is the class of the cycle ; also p — 2o- + t < 0. The result of the transformation is *. X = - Po^To (p - t) r^P+^l + . . . = p/'^P" + . . . > Y = poCToT, {p-2a + t) ^p+-+-i + . . . = a-o"r" + . , Z = To^po (P - t) ^''+'^-' +...= To"r" + . . say. We have a" > p" > r" ; also p" — t" = p — r, a" — p" = a — p ; so that the degree and the class of the cycle (if any) are unaltered. When the transformation with regard to an assumed conic is applied a number of times, the conic being assumed so as not to cut the initial curve, then it may happen that, after a number of transformations, the latest curve cuts the conic. The further application of the transformation will then, by the foregoing analysis, have no effect upon either the degree or the class of a cycle : it therefore is ineffective for our purpose of further reduction. To secure such further reduction, we should proceed to effect transformation with regard to another arbitrarily assumed conic, chosen so as not to cut the curve. When the first transformation is the one to be effected, assume that p > o- > T, so that o- — T is the degree of the cycle (if any) at the point, and p — o- is its class. The result of the transformation is x = ^<'^^—^{p,T,^{T-p) + ...] = i:^'{p:+...y Y= ^<^+2-i |^^^^2(^ -a)+...]=^^' {a: + . . .) Z= ^2^+^-1 {croVo(o- - t) +...} = r (To' + ...)) say. We have p > a' \ also because t' — a = a — t, we have t > a' ; there are therefore three cases. (i) Let p' >t' > cr'. The degree of the cycle (if any) is r' — cr', that is, o" — T : it is unaltered by the transformation. The class of the cycle is p' — t', which is p — 2(7 + T, = p - cr — (cr — r), so that p —t' < p — a; it is decreased by the transformation. In this case p — 2o- + t > ; also p' — 2t'+c7', =p — 2cr-t- t — (cr — t),

p > a'. The degree of the cycle (if any) is p — a , that is, p — (T. But t' > p', so that p — a< (t — t: hence p' — a < a — r, or the degree is decreased. The class of the cycle is t — p', that is, a — t — (p — a); there is no useful rule of increase or decrease compared with the old cycle in general, though we note that the new class is less than the old degree. In this case p — 2cr + t < 0. (iii) Let t' = p', so that p — 2cr + t = 0, or, the degree and the class of the cycle (if any) are equal. Effect a (birational) transformation X' = X, Y' = Y, Z' == aif' (a — t) X — PqTo {'^ — p) ^ = r' (To'" +•..). where r'" > p + 2t—1, that is, r'" > p . Accordingly, for the transformed cycle, we have r"' > p > a-'. The degree of the cycle (if any) is p — a' , that is, p — a, which is equal to cr — t : it is unaltered by the double transformation. Also t'" - 2p' + p + 2t - 1 - 2 (p + 2t - 1) + a- + 2t -1 > a - p, where o- — p is a negative quantity. If t" — 2p' + o-' > 0, another application of the transformation by the conic leads to the first case above : and the class is decreased, while the degree is unaltered. If r" — 2p' + cr' < 0, another application of the transformation by the conic leads to the second case above : the degree is decreased. If r'" — 2p + cr' = 0, the new class is equal to the new degree, each of them equal to the common value of the old class and the old degree : the cycle must be considered further. For this last case, let p — cr = cr — r = n : then f-f-(^■■■)■ f=^"(^••■)■ or, remembering the source of the homogeneous coordinates, and taking ^ : q : \ = y : X : z. we have ^ = pG^(r)> where (r is a regular function of |", that does not vanish with ^ : and this corresponds to the original cycle by a birational transformation. It may happen that the initial powers of p' in G give integral powers of ^ ; let ^ = P(l)+f^'^G^i(r), where P (^) contains powers of ^ not higher than the gth and not lower than the second, where 7^ > a > 0, and where G^ does not vanish with ^. To this form, apply the Halphen transformation with respect to the conic , G {x, y, z) = 0, 576 RESOLUTION OF A CYCLE [252. taken arbitrarily in the first instance. The point X, Y which corresponds to f , 7] is given by F-, = ^(X-f)=,-(X-|); OX oy oz where we write x, y, z = r), ^, 1 in the latter : thus X=a(^,7],v'), Y=^(^,v,v\ where a and /3 are rational functions in r]' of the first degree. Hence dY , ^^ + /3^V + /3vV' ,. , .. d'Y dX'" generally dX dy d| dX d^ — 7 ' \i^ '/) '/ 5 dy dt]" '/ and «f + a,^' + S 87 d'^Y ?r)" Choose the conic C, so that ^, =1= 0, a^ + a^i] + a,/ r?" ^ 0, for ^=0, 17 = 0; then as 7;<9'+^> is the first derivative of 77 with regard to ^ that becomes infinite at ^ = 0, 7; = 0, so F'^' is the first derivative of Y with regard to X that becomes infinite at the new origin : that is, if Fq, X^ be the new origin, we have Y-Y, = A (X - Xo) + (X - Xo)'"'^- G, {(X - Xo)-}. Let the transformation be applied g- — 2 times in succession ; we have, at the end, F' - Fo' = a, {X' - Xo') + a, (X' - Xo')^ + a, (X' - Xo'f^" + . • • , or changing the axes by taking X' — Xq = X", Y' — Y^ — a^ (X' — Xq) = Y", we have F" = a,X"^ + a3X"'^'"^+..., where n > a> 0. This can be represented in the homogeneous form y = ^'\ X = a^^-" + a3^2n+a ^ _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ 1 = ^o_ Applying now the Halphen transformation in its analytical form, we have X = - 2na2^-»-^ - (2?2 + a) a^l;-''+^-^ - ..., Y^-n^""-^- ..., Z = n ^-^-^ + 2nai ^'''-' + ...; 252.] INTO LINEAR CYCLES 577 or transforming so as to have X + la^Z, Y, Z, as the new coordinates, we have X'" =-{2n + a) ttst^^+^-i - . . .1 The three indices in decreasing order are 2u + a— 1, 2« — 1, 7i — 1 ; the degree of the cycle is n, its class is a, which is less than n ; and therefore the birational transformations have reduced the class below the degree. Hence given a cycle of any degree m, greater than unity, and of any class 7)i.', we can by Halphen's birational transformation change it into another cycle. If m be greater than in, the new class is less than m while the new degree is m : and repetition of the transformation can, by the first case, be made, so long as the class is greater than the degree : and, by the third case, until the class is less than the degree ; without altering the degree. When another repetition of the transformation is made, the degree will (by the second case) be decreased. Proceeding in this way, we can make the cycle of the first degree : then by the first case, of the first class also : that is, we can make the cycle linear. When this process is applied to each cycle, the final equation has only linear cycles : and it is connected with the initial equation by birational transformation. Further, it was proved that a Halphen transformation of a linear cycle of the form w — a == A'l {z — a)-\- ko {z — a)'' + • • . + ^m (z — a)'" + . . . leads to a relation W-a'= k,' (Z - a) + h' (Z-a'y+...+ k'„,_, (Z- a')^-^ +..., where /c,,„,_i depends upon ^■,^ linearly and upon k^^, ..., A'-m^j. If therefore two linear cycles agree up to (but not beyond) the nith order of small quantities, the transformation replaces them by two linear cycles agreeing up to only the (???, — l)th order of small quantities: and so on, by successive repetitions of the transformation, until they agree only in their origin, so that the tangents differ. Now the origin of a new cycle, engendered by trans- formation, lies on the tangent to the cycle which is to be transformed : hence, applying a Halphen transformation once more, the origins of the two cycles are different. It therefore follows that the cycles of any degree and class having a common origin can be birationally transformed into linear cycles, each of them with its own origin distinct from that of all the remainder. The resolution thus effected transforms every multiple point 'of any charaeter into an aggregate of simple points, and would therefore transform an equation with multiple characteristics into an equation having only simple points, if new singularities were not introduced in the process of birational transformation. Reverting to the initial geometrical exposition of the birational transformation, we see that such singularities may arise through P. F. 37 578 BIEATIONAL TRANSFORMATION [252. exceptional points on the locus, as follows. From P, which is uniquely obtained from the point p on the given curve, a number of other tangents can be drawn to that curve ; let q denote the point of contact of any one of them. In order that pq may be the polar of P with regard to the conic, one relation must be satisfied by x and y, the coordinates of P, in addition to the equation of the curve on which p lies : that is, there are two algebraic equations satisfied by {x, y), and therefore there is a finite number of simultaneous values satisfying these conditions. Each such point is a double point on the locus of P, with distinct tangents for the branches : so that the transformed curve thus possesses simple nodes unrepresented by any multi- plicity on the original curve. But, in general, there cannot be two points such as q, say q and q, the tangents at which are concurrent with the tangent at p ; for this purpose, some relation between the coefficients of the curve and the constants of the conic would need to be satisfied — which is not the case, when the conic is arbitrarily assumed and the curve is not extremely special. We therefore have the theorem, expressed geometrically : A7iy algebraic curve can he hirationally transformed into some algebraic carve the singularities of luhich are double points with distinct tangents. The two curves must be of the same genus, and they must have the same moduli : the complexity of the transformation manifestly depends upon the original equation. Ex. Consider the resolution* of the singularity of if - "ix^f + x^ = %x°y^ ' at y = 0, « = 0. Proceeding as in Chap. VIII., we find the six branches of the curve given by where co^--!, &^ = \ : thus for our homogeneous coordinates, we may take Thvis p = 8, (r=6, r = 0. The class of the cycle is 2, the degree is 6. Since p — 2o- + r<0, Halphen's transformation, when applied, falls under the second case. The indices after transformation are t' =2(7+ r-l = ll = pi'] p' = p + 2t - 1 = 7 = (Ti> ; 0-'= o- + 2r-l= 5 = rJ the class of the cycle is 4, the degree is 2. Since pj — 2o-i+ri >0, Halphen's transformation, when applied, falls under the first •case. The indices after transformation are p"= pi + 2ri-l = 20j r"=2cri+ ri-l = 18 0-"= o-i + 2ri-l = 16j * C. A. Scott, A7ner. Journ. Math., t. xiv, (1892), p. 318. 252.] OF ALGEBRAIC CURVES 579 the degree of the cycle is 2, the class is 2. For the cycle, we have and therefore Y" = A^X"^ + .... This is an instance of the second case, when the class and the degree are equal : the actual form is 4 81 47^43 ,„ V-, 9 4 8 Three applications of the Halphen transformation will reduce the class to unity and will give a cycle of the form ,, , -. ,1^ y =a2x''-' + a^x "^+...; and one more application will give a linear cycle. I^ote. The preceding sketch (§§ 245 — 252) is intended only as an intro- duction to the theory of birational transformation, the development of which really belongs to the detailed theory of Abelian functions. Moreover, transformations which are rational but not birational are practically omitted from consideration. If further information be ) W (iV, Z) , ^ 4dz - A M{z) ¥ = © M{z)C{z)j C(z) 2 — ^^7 — •' log 6 (wr, z) I , dWr where ^ is a constant of integration, and where we now write w for w-^ in the subject of integration, Wi having been any branch of the quantity w defined by f{iu, z) = 0. To evaluate the right-hand side, only algebraic expansions are necessary; and the result will be some function of the parameters. These parameters are connected by the equation P (x) = * The symbol, in this significance, is due to Boole, Phil. Trans. (1857), p. 751 ; the various coefficients are manifestly the Cauchy residues (§ 25, Ex. 9) of the expression for its poles, which arise through the zeros of ill (z) C (z) and through an infinite value of z. 586 Abel's theorem [252. with the upper limit of the integrals : when expressed in terms of them, the right-hand side is clearly a logarithmic and an algebraic function of those limits, which in special cases may degenerate to a more simple form. The constant A can, if desired, be determined by taking another conditional equation, similar to (lu, z) = 0, in order to assign lower limits to the integral. This result is Abel's Theorem in its most general form. We proceed to some applications, first recapitulating the significance of the various symbols. The fundamental equation is f{w, z) = 0, of degree n in w, having the coefficient of w''^ equal to unity, and polynomials in z for the coefficients of the remaining powers of iv. The conditional equation is 6 (w, z) = 0, which (by means of /= 0) is taken of degree not higher than 7?. — 1 in iu\ the coefficients of the various powers of %u are polynomials in z, having arbitrary parameters for coefficients of powers of z. The result of eliminating w between /=0, ^ = 0, is obtained; G {z) represents the aggregate of factors, corresponding to roots that are independent of the parameters; the roots, that depend upon the parameters, are taken, in conjunction with the appropriate values of iv, to be the upper limits of the integral. The quantity W {iv, z) is a polynomial in iv and in z, of degree not higher than ?i — 2 in iv. The quantity M {z) is a polynomial in z\ it may be a constant ; if it is variable, no one of its roots may be one of the quantities x^, ..., x^ belonging to the upper limits of the integrals. And lastly, the symbol @ requires the various algebraic operations specified in its definition, connected with the roots of if (^) = and of G {z) = as well as with an expansion in descending powers of z. Usually we have G {z) = l; but even when it is different from unity, its roots frequently contribute only zero terms to the final sum on the right- hand side. Note. The preceding proof dispenses with many of the properties of functions of position on a Kiemann's surface that have already been estabhslied ; the main reason why such a proof is given is, that some notion of Abel's theorem may be obtained on the lines solely of Abel's analysis. We shall, however, in the proof of other results, use more freely the properties of functions of position to which reference has just been made. Another method* of obtaining the result is to consider the integral taken over the Riemann's surface, where / denotes ' "-N g W {VJ, Z) ^_ M(z^S ow If is left as an exei'cise : it follows the lines of § § 230 — 238. * This is Neumann's method, Vorlesungen ilber Eiemann's Theorie der AbeVsehen Integrale, pp. 285—303. 252.] EXAMPLES 587 Ex. 1. Let the permanent equation be and take aw + hz-\-c=0 as the conditional equation. There are three quantities .rj, a'2, x^ given as the roots of a?{Az^-g^z-g^)-{hz + cf = 0. Now take the integral of the first kind associated with the equation ; it is ^dz "We have M{z) = \, C{z) = l, W{;w, z) = \; and the roots of the permanent equation can be taken as w\ —vf. Hence in the operation we have only to obtain the coefficient of - in a descending expansion, so that z s /"'^o-fis d 1 \ 2 / A=-Cx\-\og{aw->rhz-\-G) \Qg{-aw-{-hz-\-c)\ = lj ''<' -.. \y^ w J o-=l ~ 1 , hz-\-c-\-aw = - (7i - log -. . r 10 oz + c — aw When the quantity on the right-hand side is expanded in descending powers of z, the first ttZ 1 term is — - , so that no term in - exists. Accordingly 2z^ ^ 3 /■ '"-V dz where ^ is a constant independent of the arbitrary constants in the conditional equation, and therefore determinable by assigning special values to those constants. Taking a=0, 6 = 0, the three values oi x become each infinite, so that 3 /"-Vri^ ^ 2 - = 0. Now let x^ = p {u^), for a= 1, 2, 3 ; the last equation can be written i rw, P{a), P'M , p (^'1), F(«i), P{U2), F(«2), where x^, x0, being a positive integer unless z= qo is a branch-point. Hence, in the vicinity of ^^ = oo , we have W (w, z) _ - kA-^ Moreover, log Q (w, z), when expanded in descending powers of z, contains no term zf having a positive integer for its index p. Consequently, in W{iu, z) ^ ar \ (7i — ^^ log e (w, z) no term in - occurs, for any of the branches w ; and therefore . ^ of Hence ^M W (w, z) dz = K, dw where K is a constant of integration independent of the parameters in e (w, z). The constant K can be obtained by taking the sum of the integrals as determined by a different set of parameters in 6 which (as ^ is a constant independent of their value) may be made as particular as we please. Moreover, we recall the property that an integral of the first kind upon a Riemann's surface is not entirely determinate, its expression being subject to additive integral multiples of its periods: and we have the theorem that the sum of the values of an integral of the first kind at the positions on a Riemann's surface, tvhere a polynovnal 6 (w, z) vanishes, remains unaltered no matter hoiu the parameters in that poly- nomial are changed: subject always to modification by additive multiples of the periods. The theorem is also expressed sometimes as follows : If u (w, z) denote an integral of the first kind, then 1 v{w^,z„.)= S u{y I ' . dz = S At (z - of , rational on the Riemann surface: then ^ E{w„,z,)- ^ E{ya,x^) = -A -^^ — ^ The equality is subject to additive multiples of the periods of the integral. Ex. 1. lu the preceding investigation, the assumption is made that a is finite, so that ?=ao is a point where the integral is finite. Obtain the corresponding result when 2 = oc is the sole simple infinity of a normal elementary integral of the second kind. 252.] THE ELEMENTARY INTEGRALS 597 Ex. 2. The line aw 4-/32 + 7 = touches the curve f{^o, z)=0, and U {w, z) is an adjoint polynomial of order n — 2, which vanishes at. each of the remaining n — 2 points •where the line meets the curve. Obtain an expression for M f'^a- U {W, Z) dz where the upper limits of the integrals are the points of intersection oif{w, z) = with any other curve 6 {w,z)=0; also an expression for U {w, z) dz are, by the two equations of condition, the same for ds and dS, and denoting by t/t the real quantity (<^ — 6")^, we have ds^ = (a' + b^ + C-) {dt + du (6 + ?»} [dt + du (6 - ?»}, and dS-^= (A"" + 5^ + C^) [dt + du(e + ;»} [dt + du (9 - ?»}. 253.] OF SURFACES 605 Then, except as to factors which do not involve infinitesimals, the factors of cZi'- and of dS^ are the same. Hence, except as to the former factors, the numerator of the fraction for m^ is, qua function of the infinitesimal elements, substantially the same as the denominator; and therefore either ., dP + idQ .dP-idQ „ ., .. . . . (a) , . , and , r^- are finite quantities snnultaneouslv ; dp + idq dp — idq ^ -^ or .^,, dP + idQ ,dP-idQ . ., . . . . . (p) --. r-^ and r^ r^ are finite quantities simultaneously. dp — idq dp + idq -^ Either of these pairs of conditions ensures the required form of in, and so ensures the conformal similarity of the surfaces. Ex. Shew that both p and q satisfy the partial difierential equation Consider {a) first. Since {dP + idQ)/(dp + idq) is a finite quantity, the differentials dP + idQ and dp + idq vanish together, and therefore the quan- tities P 4- iQ and p + iq are constant together. Now P and Q are functions of 'the variables which enter into the expressions for_p and q; hence P + iQ and p + iq, in themselves variable quantities, can be constant together only if P + iQ=fip + iq), where /denotes some functional form. This equation implies two independent relations, because the real parts, and the coefficients of the imaginary parts, on the two sides of the equation must separately be equal to one another ; and from these two relations we infer that where / {p — iq) is the function which results from changing i into — i throughout /(p + iq) and is equal to f(p — iq), if i enter into /only through its occurrence in p + iq. From this equation, it follows that dP - idQ dp - idq is finite ; and therefore a necessary and sufficient condition for the satisfaction of (a) is that P, Q and p, q be connected by an equation of the form P + iQ=f(p+iq)- Moreover, the function / is arbitrary so far as required by the preceding analysis; and so the conditions will be satisfied, either if special forms of / be assumed or if other (not inconsistent) conditions be assigned so as to determine the form of the function. Next, consider (/3). We easily see that similar reasoning leads to the conclusion that the conditions are satisfied, when P, Q and p, q are connected by an equation of the form p + iQ = g(p- iq) ; 606 gauss's [253. and similar inferences as to the use of the undetermined functional form of g may be drawn. Hence we have the theorem : — Parts of two surfaces may he made to correspond, point by point, in such a way that their elements are similar to one another, by assigning any relation between their parameter's, of either of the for-ms P + iQ=f{p + iq), P + iQ^g(p-iq); and every such correspondence between two given surfaces is obtained by the assignment of the proper functional form in one or other of these equations. Ex. In establishing this conformal representation, only small quantities of the first order are taken into account. Sketch a method whereby it would be possible to evaluate, to a higher order of small quantities, the magnitude dS' ds' where dlS, dS' are two small conterminous arcs on one surface, and ds, ds' are the corresponding small conterminous arcs on the other surface. (Voss.) 254. Suppose now that there is a third surface, any point on which is determined by parameters \ and /ju ; then it will have conformal similarity' to the first surface, if there be any functional relation of the form \ + i/jb = h(p + iq). But if h~'^ be the inverse of the function h, then we have a relation P + iQ=f{h-'(X + ifM)] = F{\ + ifi), which is the necessary and sufficient condition for the conformal similarity of the second and the third surfaces. This similarity to one another of two surfaces, each of which can be made to correspond to a third surface so as to be conformally similar to it, is an immediate inference from the geometry. It has an important bearing, in the following manner. If the third surface be one of simple form, so that its parameters are easily obtainable, there will be a convenience in making it correspond to one of the first two surfaces so as to have conformal similarity, and then in making the second of the given surfaces correspond, in conformal similarity, to the third surface which has already been made conformally similar to the first of them. Now the simplest of all surfaces, from the point of view of parametric expression of points lying on it, is the plane : the parameters are taken to be the Cartesian coordinates of the point. Hence, in order to map out two surfaces so that they may be conformally similar, it is sufficient to map out a plane in conformal similarity to one of them and then to map out the other in conformal similarity to the mapped plane : that is to say, we 254.] THEOREM 607 may, without loss of generality, make one of the surfaces a plane, and all that is then necessary is the determination of a law of conformation. We therefore take P = X, Q=Y,N=1: and then P + iQ = X + iY=Z, where Z is the complex variable of a point in the plane ; and the equations which establish the conformation of the surface with the plane are ds' = n (dp- + dq^) • X + i7=f(p + iq) m^n =f (p + iq)f' (p - iq) where f I (p — iq) is the form of f(p + iq) when, in the latter, the sign of i is changed throughout. As yet, only the form P + iQ = f(p+ iq) has been taken into account. It is sufficient for our present purpose, in regard to the alternative form P + iQ = g{p — iq), to note that, by the introduction of a plane as an inter- mediate surface, there is no essential divStinction between the cases*. For as P = X, Q = Y, we have X-YiY=g {p-iq), and therefore X — iY= g-i^{p + iq), which maps out the surface on the plane in a copy, differing from the copy determined by X ^iY = g,{p + iq), only in being a reflexion of that former copy in the axis of X. It is therefore sufficient to consider only the general relation X + iY=f{p-^iq). Ex. We have an immediate proof that the form of relation between two planes, as considered in § 9, is the most general form possible. For in the case in which the second surface is a plane, we have ds^ = dx''- + dif, so that n = l, p = x, q=y: hence the most general law is X+iY=f{x + iy), that is, w—f{z), in the earlier notation. Some illustrations arising out of particular forms of the function /will be considered later (§ 257). 255. In the case of a surface of revolution, it is convenient to take <^ as the orientation of a meridian through any point, that is, the longitude of the point, a as the distance along the meridian from the pole, and q as the perpendicular distance from the axis ; there will then be some relation between cr and q, equivalent to the equation of the meridian curve. Then ds"^ — da- + q-d^'^ ^ q^ (d(f>' + d0% * A discussion is given by Gauss, Ges. Werke, t. iv, pp. 211 — 216, of the corresponding result when neither of the surfaces is plane. 608 ' CONFOEMAL REPRESENTATION OF [255._ where dd ■= — , so that ^ is a function of only one variable, the parameter of the point regarded as a point on the meridian curve. Here n=q"; and so the relation, which establishes the law of conformation between the plane and the surface in the most general form, is *' + iy =/(<^ + *'^) ; and the magnification m js given by m^ q^ =f ((b + ie)f,' (0 - id). Evidently the lines on the plane, which correspond to meridians of lono'itude, are given by the elimination of 6, and the lines on the plane, which correspond to parallels of latitude, are given by the elimination of + ie) -/,{ -ie)\- Ex. 1. A plane map is made of a surface of revolution so that the meridians and the parallels of latitude are circles. Shew that, if (r, a) be the polar coordinates of a point on the map determined by the point {B, (p) on the surface, then ?^^ = - 2ac {ae^"^ cos 2 {c^ +g) + b cos {g + h)}, r ?^ = 2ac {ae^'^ sin 2 {c^ +g) + b sin [g + h)], where a, 6, c^g, h are constants. Prove also that the centres of all the meridians lie on one straight line and that the centres of all the parallels of latitude lie on a perpendicular straight line. (Lagrange.) Ex. 2. Prove that, in a plane map of a surface of revolution, the curvature of a meridian at a point <9 is ;^ ( — ) , and the curvature of a parallel of latitude at a point nqj circles on the plane map given by z=f{+ie), the function /and the conjugate function /j must satisfy the relation {f,^ + ie}=-{fu^- + d'^% where sech ^ = cos \. Hence we have X + iY=f((j> + i^); and the magnification m is given by ma cos \ = {/' {(j) + ^^)// (q6 - i^)}^. . There are two forms of / which are of special importance in representa- tions of spherical surfaces. First, let/(/Lt) = k/x, where k is a real constant ; then X + iY=k(cf> + i^), and therefore X = k(f), Y= k^ = k sech~^ (cos X) ; that is, the meridians and the parallels of latitude are straight lines, necessarily perpendicular to each other, because angles are conserved. The meridians are equidistant from one another ; the distance between two parallels of latitude, lying on the same side of the equator and having a given difference of latitude, increases from the equator. We have /' ((f) + i^) = k =// (<^ — i^) ; and therefore m = ~ sec A,, a or the map is uniformly magnified along a parallel of latitude with a magnification which increases very rapidly towards the pole. This map is known as 3Iercator's Projection. Secondly, let/(yu,) = ke^'''^, where k and c are real constants ; then ' X + iY= ke^" <*+^^' = ke-"'^ (cos c^ + i sin c0), and therefore X = ke'"^ cos ccj) and F= ke^"'^ sin ccf). For the magnification, we have /' ((/) + {^) = icke^'^ '*+'"^' and // ((/> - t^) = - icke-''^ <*-^'^', so that ma cos X. = cke~'''^, ck ,, , c^^(l-sinX)4(''-^) or • m = — e "^ secX = — 7^7— — r , . F. F. 39 610 MAPS [256. The most frequent case is that in which c = 1. Then the meridians are represented by the concurrent straight lines F=Z tan ; the parallels of latitude are represented by the concentric circles 1 — sin A, )f the circ lines ; and the magnification is 1 + sin X ' the common centre of the circles being the point of concurrence of the k a(l + sin A.) " This map is known as the ste7^eographic projection. The South pole is the pole of projection. It is convenient to take the equatorial plane for the plane of z: the direction which, in that plane, is usually positive for the measurement of longitude, is negative for ordinary measurement of trigonometrical angles. If we project on the equatorial plane, we have which gives a stereographic projection. Ex. 1. Prove that, if x, y, z be the coordinates of any point on a sphere of radius a and centre the origin, every plane representation of the sphere is included in the equation for varying forms of the function /. Ex. 2. In a stereographic projection of a sphere, the complex variable of a point corresponding to a point Pon the sphere is x-\-%y. Prove that the complex variable of the point, which corresponds to the point diametric'ally opposite to P, is . Ex. 3. Two conforraal representations of the surface of a sphere on a plane are given by Mercator's projection and a stereographic projection. Find the form of relation which will transform these projections into one another. Ex. 4. Shew that rhumb-lines (loxodromes) on a sphere become straight lines in Mercator's projection and equiangular spirals in a stereographic projection. Ex. 5. A great circle cuts the meridian of reference (0 = 0) in latitude a at an angle a; shew that the corresponding curve in the stereographic projection is the circle {X-\-h tan aj' + ( F+ h cot a sec cCf = k"^ sec^ a cosec^ a. Ex. 6. A small circle of angular radius r on the sphere has its centre in latitude c and longitude a ; shew that the corresponding curve in the stereographic projection is the circle '' „ k cos c cos a\ 2 / ^^ k cos c sin a\^ k^ sin^ r ^ + T--- + M + 7-^ =/ r-- — N2- cosr + smc/ \ cos ?• + sine/ (cosr+smc)^ 256.] GENERAL REFERENCES 611 The less frequent case is that in which the constant c is allowed to remain in the function for the purpose of satisfying some useful condition. One such condition is assigned by making the magnification the same at the points of highest and of lowest latitude on the map. If these latitudes be Xi, \2, then ( 1 - sin \j)i "'-^' _ (1 - sin >^)^ '°-i' (1 + sinXi)*'"^" ~ (1 + sin \,)i^<=+'^ ' so that 1 — sin XA , /l + sin X^ 1 fi- — sm XA , ^°Hr3^mxJ + i°g 1 + sin \. , , 1 — sm XA 1 / 1 + sin X, logU— T-;rr -log J — sm Xg/ \1 + sm Xg/ This representation is used for star-maps : it has the advantage of leaving the magnification almost symmetrical with respect to the centre of the map. Ex. Prove that the magnification is a minimum at points in latitude arc sin c. Shew that, if the map be that of a belt between latitudes 30° and 60°, the magnification is a minimum in latitude 45° 40' 50"; and find the ratio of the greatest and the least magnifications. Note. Of the memoirs which treat of the construction of maps of- surfaces as a special question, the most important are those of Lagrange* and Gauss f. Lagrange, after stating the contributions of Lambert and of Euler, obtains a solution, which can be applied to any surface of revolu- tion ; and he makes important applications to the sphere and the spheroid. Gauss discusses the question in a more general manner and solves the question for the conformal representation of any two surfaces upon each other, but without giving a single reference to Lagrange's work : the solution is worked out for some particular problems and it is applied, in subsequent memoirsj, to geodesy. Other papers which may be consulted are those of Bonnet§, Jacobi||, Korkinelf, and Von der Miihll**; and there is also a treatise by Herz"f*f. But after the appearance of Riemann's dissertation JJ, the question ceased to have the special application originally assigned to it; it has gradually become a part of the theory of functions. The general develop- ment will be discussed in the next chapter, the remainder of the present * Nouv. Mem. de VAcad. Roy. de Berlin, (1779). There are two memoirs : they occur in his CGllected works, t. iv, pp. 635 — 692. t Schumacher's Astr. Abh. (1825) ; Ges. Werke, t. iv, pp. 189—216, X Gott. Abh., t. ii, (1844), ib., t. iii, (1847); Ges. Werke, t. iv, pp. 259—340. § Liouville, t. xvii, (1852), pp. 301—340. II Crelle, t. lix, (1861), pp. 74—88 ; Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 399—416. Ii Math. Ann., t. xxxv, (1890), pp. 588—604. ** Crelle, t. Ixix, (1868), pp. 264—285. ft Lehrbuch der Landkartenprojectiunen, (Leipzig, Teubner, 1885). Xt " Grundlagen fiir eine allgemeine Theorie der Functionen einer veranderlichen complexen Grosse," Gottingen. 1851 ; Ges. Werke, pp. 3 — 45, especially § 21. 39—2 612 • EXAMPLES [256. chapter being devoted to some special instances of functional relations between lu and z and their geometrical representations. The following examples give the conformal representation of the respective surfaces upon a plane or a part of a plane. Ex. 1. A point on an oblate spheroid is determined by its longitude I and its geographical latitude /x. Shew that the surface will be conformally represented upon a plane by the equation for any form of the function /; where sech = cos ju, and e is the eccentricity of the meridian. Also shew that, if the function / be taken in the form f{u) — ke^'^, the meridians in the map are concurrent straight lines, and the parallels of latitude concentric circles ; and that the magnification is stationary at points in geographical latitude arc sin c. (Gauss.) Eoc. 2. Let the semi-axes of an ellipsoid be denoted by p, (p^ — b^)"^, (p^-c^)"^, in descending order of magnitude. Shew that the surface will be conformally represented upon a plane by the equation V , -TT V- fz. / , ■\,l^ Q(u + a)e{iv + a)] -^ \ ^ ^ - ° e{u-a)e{tv-a)l for any form of the function /; 'where u and v are expressed in terms of the elliptic coordinates p^ and p2 of a point on the surface by the equations cHpi'-b^) _ 2 l{pl^)_ 2- p /c2-62\4 the modulus is - ( —^ — ^r, ) , the constant a is given by 6 = c dn a, and the value of the constant h is tn a dn a - Z (a). (Jacobi.) Ex. 3. The circular section of an anchor-ring by a plane through the axis subtends an angle tt — 2e at the centre of the ring, and the position of any point on such a section is determined by I, the longitude of the section, and by X, the angle between the radius from the centre of the section to the point and the line from the centre of the section to the centre of the ring. Shew that, by means of the equations l = 2nx, tan ^X = cot Je tan (ttt/ tan e), the surface of the anchor-ring is conformally represented on the area of a rectangle whose sides are 1 and cot e. (Klein.) Ex. 4. Consider the surface generated, by revolution round the axis of ?/', of the curve whose equations are .^■' = a sin t, i/ = a (cos t + log tan y), sometimes called the tracti'ix. The radius of curvature of the curve is — a cot t ; the length of the normal intercepted between the curve and the axis of y' is a tan t. Hence the Gauss measure of curvature of the surface of revolution is — 1/a^, that is, the surface of revolution is one of constant negative curvature. Surfaces of the same measure of curvature can be deformed into one 256.] EXAMPLES 613 anotlier ; in particular, when the measure is constant, the surface is applicable upon itself in an infinite variety of ways*. The arc-element of the surface of revolution is given by = d^ cot^ t dt"^ + or sin^ t dcf)'-^ Let a new variable x//' be introduced by the relation so that then the arc-element is given by When we write this becomes , , cos t , a\l/- = 7—r- dt, ^ sin t (/) = .r, >/^ = ?/, ds^ = —^ {dx^ + d'lf' and io the surface can be represented conformally upon the x^ y plane. For the upper half of the surface, corresponding to the positive part of the x' , y' plane of the original curve, the range of ;; is from tt to ^tt ; and therefore the range of y is from 00 to 1. The range of x is from to Itv. The area in the x, y plane is a half -rectangle ; it is bounded by a line x=Q> while y ranges from co to 1, by a hne y = \ while x ranges from to 277, by a line x=^tt while y ranges from 1 to oo . Thus the relations, between the coordinates X, F, Z of the surface and the coordinates a;, y of the part of the plane upon which the surface of revolution is conformally represented, are „ cos X -r^ sin A' X = a , 1 =a , V y Z=a (cos ?;+log tan \t), where y sin t=\. For the lower half of the surface, corresponding to the negative part of the x' , y' plane of the original curve, the range of t is from ^tt to ; and therefore the range of y is from 1 to -f CO . The range of x, as before is from to 27r. When in the original curve, t ranges from ir to Stt, the value of y' is complex ; the corresponding sheet of the surface is imaginary. When t ranges from 27r to Stt, there is a real sheet of the surface coincident with the former real sheet. And so on, for the successive 7r-intervals of the quantity t\. Ex. 5. In the representation of the surface of constant curvature given in the preceding example, prove that any geodesic upon the surface becomes a circle in the x, y plane having its centre on the axis of x. * See my Lectures on Differential Geometry, §§ 211 — 213. t For a further discussion of the surface and its representation upon the 2-plane, see Darboux's TMorie generale des surfaces, t. iii, pp. 394 et seq. From later investigations it will appear that, by other transformations, the infinite strip in the s-plane can be represented upon different forms of areas in different planes, so that any number of representations of the surface of revolution upon a plane can be obtained. 614 CONFORMAL REPRESENTATION [257. 257. It was pointed out (§ 254) that the conformation of surfaces is obtained by a relation and therefore that the conformation of planes is obtained by a relation w=f{z\ whatever be the form of the function /, or by a relation (/) {w, z) = 0, whatever be the form of the function . Some examples of this conformal representation of planes will now be considered ; in each of them the representation is such that one point of one area corresponds to one (and only one) point of the other. Ex. 1. Consider the correspondence of the two planes represented by {a-h)vfi- 2ztv + {a+b) = 0, that is, . 7^ a-\-b zz=(a — o)w-\ . Let r, 6 be the coordinates of any point in the io-plane : and x, y the coordinates of any point in the 2-plane : then 2^= (a -6) r 2y-. ' a + b' {a — b)r Hence the s-curves, corresponding to circles in the H'-plane having the origin for their common centre, are confocal ellipses, 2c being the distance between the foci, where c^=a^ — b^: and the ^-curves, corresponding to straight lines in the w-plane passing through the origin, are the confocal hyperbolas, a result to be expected, because the orthogonal intersections must be maintained. Evidently the interior of a t«-circle, of radius unity and centre the origin, is, by the above relation, transformed into the part of the s-plane which lies outside the ellipse x'^ja^+y^lb'^=l, the i<;-circumference being transformed into the s-ellipse. Ux. 2. Discuss the correspondences tvz^=l, w + z^ = l. Ex. 3. Consider the correspondence implied by the relation 2K ,_i f2K \ , , , . , , k ^ 11) = sn ( — z\—s,nz, where x +ty = 2 = with the usual notation of elliptic functions. Taking vj=X+iY., we have ^" 2 (X+ {F) = sn {x' + iy') sn x' en iy' dn iy' + sn iy' en x' dn x' " 1 — X-2 sn^ x' sn^ iy' Let y'= ±hK' : then sn iy' =^ ± —r=. , en iy' ■= a/ , , dn iy'=Jl-{-k^ so that , _ i • T^N _ 1 + ^' sn x' i_ en x ' dn x' ^ ^ +'^ ^~ "^ 1 +/[• sn2.r' - ik 1 +/f^^2^' ' whence (l+^)sn^' cn^Vdn^ l+/?rsn2^'' -\^l%v?x" and therefore Jr2+F2 = l, 257.] OF PLANES • 615 which is the curve in the i/;-plane corresponding to the hnes y' = ±^K' in the /-plane, that is, to the lines y= ± -r-^ in the z-plane. When v=-\ 77- and x' lies between K and — K. that is, x lies between \ir and — in-, then T is positive and X varies from 1 to — 1 ; so that the actual curve corresponding to the line y= — ^ is the half of the circumference on the positive side of the axis of X. ttK' Similarly, the actual curve corresponding to the line y= — -jy^ is the half of the circum- ference on the negative side of that axis. The curve hereby suggested for the ^-plane is a rectangle, with sides ^ = ± -gTr, ?/= +— -=. To obtain the zy-curve corresponding to x=\iv^ that is, to x'=K, we have 4 K 7 1 / -ir • T7A cn iw 1 cn tv^ so that F=0 and X=Jc-i -. — ^, . an ly Now y' varies from ^K' through to —hK': hence X varies from 1 to k^ and back from ^* to 1. Similarly, the curve corresponding to x= —\n, that is, to x' = — K, is part of the axis of X repeated from — 1 to —k^ and back from -k^ to —1. Hence the area in the w-plane, corresponding to the rect- angle in the 3-plane, is a circle of radius unity with two diametral slits from the circumference cut inwards, each to a distance k'^ from the centre. The boundary of this simply connected area is the homo- logue of the boundary of the ^-rectangle given hj x= ±W, y= ±^^^-— : the analysis shews that the two interiors corre- ^^S- ^"• spond*. And the sudden change in the direction of motion of the w-point at the inner extremity of each slit, while z moves continuously along a side of the rectangle, is due to the fact that dwjdz vanishes there, so that the inference of § 9 cannot be made at this point. (See also Ex. 15.) Corollary. We pass at once from the rectangle to a square, by assuming K' = 2^ ; then k = {j2— 1)2, and the corresponding modifications are easily made. JEx. 4. Shew that, if z=sn^(^w,k) where iv = u + iv, then the curves « = constant, w = constant, are confocal Cartesian ovals whose equations may be written in the form r^ - r dn (^«, k) = cn («, k), r^ -f r dn {vi, k') = cn {vi, k'), where r and j'l denote the distances from the foci z — and z = l. If J2 denote the distance of a point from the third focus 0=^, find the corresponding equations connecting r, r2 ; and r-^ , ^2 . Shew that the curves to = K,v = K' are circles, and that the outer and the inner branches of an oval are given by lo and 2K-u, or by v and 2K'-v. (Math. Trip., Part II., 1891.) * For details of corresponding curves in the interiors of the two areas, see Siebeck, Crelle, t. Ivii, (1860), pp. 359—370; ib., t. lix, (1861), pp. 173—184 : Holzmiiller, treatise cited (p. 2, note), pp. 256—263 : Cayley, Gamb. Phil. Tram., vol. xiv, (1889), pp. 484—494, Collected Mathematical Papers, vol. xiii, pp. 9 — 19. 616 EXAMPLES OF [257. Ex. 5. The zf-plane is conformally represented on the s-plane by the equation C \\—Wi where h and c are real positive constants. Shew that, if an area be chosen in the w-plane included within a circle, centre the origin and radius unity, and otherwise hounded by two circles centres 1 and — 1 (so that its whole boundary consists of four circular arcs), then the corresponding area in the 2-plane is a portion of a ring, bounded by two circles, of radii c^ and ce~'' and centre the origin, and by two lines each passing from one circle to the other. Prove that, when the semi-circles in the w-plane are very small, so as merely to exclude the points 1 and —1 from the circular area and boundary, the corresponding 2-figure is the ring with a single slit along the axis of real quantities *. Ex. 6. Consider the correspondence implied by the relation z = c sin iv. Taking w=X-{-iY., we have X + iy = c sin {X + ^ T) = c sin X cosh Y+ ic cos X sinh F, so that X = c sin X cosh Y, y = c cos X sinh Y. When Y is constant, then z describes the curves - + x^ r =1, c^ cosh^ Y ' c'^ sinh^ Y which, for different values of Y, are confocal ellipses. Now take a rectangle lying between ^^= + 577, Y=±'k. For all values of X, cos X is positive : hence when Y= + X, y is positive and x varies from c cosh A to — c cosh X, that is, the half of the ellipse on the positive side of the axis of 3/ is covered. Let X= — ^TT : then 3/ = and X— —c cosh Y. As Y varies from +X through to —X along the side of the rectangle, x passes from B to H (the focus) and back from H to B. When F= —X, then z describes the half of the ellipse on the negative side of the axis of y : when X= +^7r, then ,?/ = 0, x = c cosh Y, so that z passes from A to S (a focus) and back from 5 to J. Hence the s-curve corresponding to the contour of the ^(J-rectangle is the ellipse with two slits from the extremities of the major axis each to the nearer focus : the analytical relations shew that the two interiors correspond. Ex. 7. Consider the correspondence implied by the relation /2K . ■ sn — sni " V T -(v^ From Ex. 3, it follows that the interior of a w-circle, centre the origin and radius unity, corresponds to the interior of the ^-rectangle bounded by ^= + |^7r, 3/= ± ^-^ , See reference, p. 488, note. 257.] PLANE CONFOEMAL REPRESENTATION 617 provided two diametral slits be made in the w-circle along tlie axis of a; to distances 1—k^ from the circumference ; and, from Ex. 6. it follows that the same ^-rectangle is transformed into the interior of the z-ellipse ^ f_ where a=c cosh ^-=- and 6 = c sinh — ^^ , provided two slits be made in the elliptical area along the major axis from the curve each to the nearer focus. Thus, by means of the rectangle, the interiors of the slit w-circle and the slit j-ellipse are shewn to be conformal areas. But the lines of the two slits are conformally equivalent by the above equation. For the slit on the positive side of the axis of x extends from x=c to ^ = ccosh\, where X=--^:^, and it has been described in both directions: we thus have 4A z = c cosh /3, where /3 passes from to X and back from X to 0. Hence sin~ 1 - = sin~'i (cosh /3) = \tt + i0, so that the corresponding iv-cnrve is given by k -w=sn A-1 f2K0t en — ■) W"^' -^ Then, when /3 assumes its values, w passes from 1 to t^ and back from X-^ to 1, that is, w describes the circular slit on the positive side of the axis of X. Similarly for the two slits on the negative side of the axis of real quantities. Thus the two slits may be obliterated : and the whole interior of the ^(;-circle can be represented on the interior of the ^-ellipse. From the equations defining a and b, it follows that -by -^' in the Jacobian notation ; and c^=a^— b^. Combining the results of Ex. 1 and Ex. 7, we have the theorem* : — The part of the z-plane, which lies outside the ellipse x'^/a^-\-9/^lb^ = l, is transformed into the interior of a iv-circle^ ■ of radius \inity and centre the origin^ by the relation (a-6)w2_22w+(a + 6) = ; and the part of the z-plane, which lies inside the same ellipse, is transformed into the interior of the same w-circle by the relation Jc~'^tv = sn\ '^— sin~i{3(a2_62)~2| tvhere the Jacobian constant q luhich determines the constants of the elliptic functions, is given by ■ fa-b\'^ ^ = 1^6,) • * Schwarz, Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 77, 78, 102—107, 141. 618 EXAMPLES OF [257. Ex. 8. Investigate the equations that effect the conformal representation of the annular region between two confocal eUipses, whose semi-axes are ao, b^ and %, 6i, upon the annular region between two coaxal circles whose limiting points are A and B. Prove that, if the circles cut BA produced in Pq ^-nd P\ , then the ratio (ai + bi) : (% + b^) is one of the anharmonic ratios of the raoge {BA, PqPi). (Math. Trip., Part II., 1896.) Ex. 9. Consider the correspondence implied by the relation {'W+lfz=A. When w describes a circle, of radius unity and centre the origin, then w = e** : so that, if r and 6 be the coordinates of z, we have - (cos ^ -z sin ^) = (1 + 6*^)2, or -p ( cos --i sin - j = 1 + e**** = 1 + cos ^ + 1 sin 0. s'r \ ^ ^J Hence -— cos ^ - 1 + - sm^ - = 1, a that is, ?'Cos2-=l, ^ shewing that z then describes a parabola, having its focus at the origin and its latus rectum equal to 4. Take curves outside the parabola given by where yx is a constant ^ 1. so that therefore so that a series of circles touching at the point X= — 1, ^^"=0, and (for ^ varying from 1 to oo ) covering the whole of the interior of the -w-circle, centre the origin and radius unity. Hence, by means of the relation (w + 1)20=4, the exterior of the £-space bounded by the parabola is transformed into the interior of the w-space bounded by the circle. Ex. 10. Shew that, if z (w** — 1)2 + 4 w" = 0, the curves in the w-plane corresponding to the real axis in the 2-plane are three arcs of circles ; and find the angles at which they cut. Ex. 11. Prove that the infinite half-strip in the 2-plane, bomided by 0^^^27r, 0 1, that is, R<2 cos 9 ; while, if u > ^tt, we have i2> 2 cos 9. It thus appears that the s-space lying within the parabola ?<■= Jtt, that is, r cos2i^ = l, is transformed into the interior of a -^y-circle, centre the origin and radius unity, by means of the relation By the two relations* in Ex. 9 and Ex. 12, the spaces within and without the parabola are conformally represented on the interior of a circle. Ex. 13. Consider the relation I — to then, if s=.^■ + ^^/ and w = X+iY, we have x^ty- j:2 + (1+7)2 • When 10 describes the whole of the axis of X from - oo to + oo , so that we can take A''=tan^, F=0, where varies from - ^ to + ^, we have .r = cos2(^, y = sin20; and z describes the whole circumference of a circle, centre the origin and radius 1. For internal points of this circle \—x^-y'^ is positive: it is equal to 4F-4-{2'2 + (l + 3^)^}, and therefore the positive half of the '2<;-plane is the area conformal with the interior of the circle, of radius unity and centre the origin, in the 2-plane. Ex. 14. On the circle in the s-plane in the preceding example, three points ABC are taken as the angular points of an equilateral triangle. Circles BA., AC, CB are drawn touching OB, OA; OA, OG; OC, OB; respectively, where is the centre. Draw the figure in the w-plane corresponding to the curvilinear triangle ABC. Ex. 15. Again, consider a relation ^z - {c\^ \z + ic) „, , ^ .^^ (^■2 + y2-c2)2-4c2.z;2 + 4^•c^(c2-^2_^2) We have X-\-iY= 1 o , , — , xo^o ' {x^ + {y + cYY so that X= ^, , , , ,212 r= (a-2 + / - 2CX - C2) (.372 + 3/2 + 2CX - C^) {^'2 + (y + c)2}2 4cx{G^ — x'^ — 'lf) {x^ + {y+c)Y ' Let x = 0, so that F=0 ; then * Schwarz, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 146. 620 EXAMPLES OF [257. As z passes from A io B (where OA = OB = c), then y changes from -c to +c, and X changes continuously from + qo to 0. Let x^+y^-c^ = 0, so that r=0; then X= ^ ~^f\ .^ = _ ^Z^ = _ tan2 U, (2c + 2j/)^ c+y 2 ; where 3/ = c cos 6. Hence, as z describes the semi-circular arc BCA, the angle 6 varies from to tt and X changes from to — 00 . (The whole axis of X is the equivalent of AOBCA ; and at the w-origin, corresponding to B, there is no sudden change of direction through ^tt. The result is apparently in contradiction to § 9 : the explanation is due to the div Fig. 88. fact that -^- = at B. and the inference of ^ 9 cannot be made. Similarly for A, where dz is infinite. See also Ex. 3. For any point lying within the ^-semi-circle, both x and c^ — x^—y'^ are positive, so that Y is positive. Hence by the relation the interior of the s-semi-circle is conformally represented on the positive half of the ic-plane. It is easy to infer that the positive half of the ?(;-plane is the conformal equivalent of (i) the interior of the semi-circle ACBA by the relation w-- (iii) CBDC BDAB (iv) DAGD ■+ic z + c Z — Gj — ic) ST- And, by combination with the result of Ex. 13, it follows that the relation ■-^ic. i^ ■ic z + ic .z^-c^ + 2cz conformally represents the interior of the s-semi-circle ACBA on the interior of the ««;-circle, radius unity and centre the origin. Similarly for the other cases. Ux. 16. Shew that, by the relation z^ + 2z-l ''z^-2z-l the interior of the circle | ??; | = 1 is conformally represented on the interior of a semi-circle in the 2-plane. 257.] CONFORMAL REPRESENTATION 621 Ex. 17. Find a figure in the 2:-plane, the area of which is conformally represented on the positive half of the 'i(;-plane by (i) ir=z-, (ii) ^'^=(^^^\ (iii) tv=z-^{l-zY. Ex. 18. Consider the relation tv = ae^^ : then jr= ae~^ cos x, T= ae~y sin x. The curves corresponding to y = constant are concentric circumferences; those corre- sponding to .r= constant are concurrent straight lines. As X ranges from to ^tt, both X and Y are positive ; for a given value of x between these limits, each of them ranges from to oc , as ?/ ranges from co to — cjo . As ^ ranges from \tt to TT, X is negative and Y is positive ; for a given value of x between these limits, - A' and Y range from to oo , as j/ ranges from oo to — qc . Hence the portion of the 2-plane lying between ?/= — oo, y = oo, .r = 0, x = '77, that is, a rectangular strip of finite breadth and infinite length, is conformally represented by the relation on the positive half of the t<;-plane. Combining this result with that in Ex. 13, we see that the same strip is conformally represented on the area of a ^«;-circle, centre the origin and radius a, by means of the relation = aie^. w+1 Ex. 19. Find a portion of the s-plane that corresponds, luider the relation w = e*^, to the interior of the circle and the portion of the ?-circumference, centre the origin and radius c. Taking Wq and Zq as the conjugate variables, we have c2™ + 2 0(,) ^^(,;^ L'o- ^«(?)' so that tviV(j=- Now if z describe the circumference of a circle, centre the origin and radius c, we have 1 •'O" so that ?<;?fQ = c2, shewing that lu describes the circumference of a circle, centre the origin and radius c. To determine whether the internal area of the ^-circumference corresponds to the internal area of the ?(;-circumference, we take zZ(f = c^ — e, where e is small. Then ^0 ( -j = <^0 ( 2o + ^ j = 00 (^O) + \ 4>o' (2o) ; therefore ^^,^=e^ (i + ^J^) jl-^^H il-'-^^A i 0(2) 0o(2o)J so that the interior of the ^-circumference finds its conformal correspondent in the interior or in the exterior of the ^^-circumference according as «..fi^ + .,^, 4> (2) 00 (2o) taken along the circumference. The simplest case is that in which (^ (2) is of degree m, so that it can be resolved into m factors, say (li{z) = A{z — a){z-^)...{z — 6): then c^\ . fC'' \ fc and A (z-a)iz-l3)...{z-6) iu = ^«^""Vi-5.)(i-|A..(i-'j. * Cayley, Crelle, t. evil, (1891), pp. 262—277; Coll. Math. Papers, vol. xiii, pp. 191—205. 624 EXAMPLES OF [257. But the converse of the result obtained — that to the ?i'-circumference there corresponds the s-circumference — is not complete unless the correspondence is (1, 1). Other ciirves which are real — they may be, but are not necessarily, circles — and imaginary curves enter into the complete analytical representation on the 2-plane corresponding to the ^c-circum- ference, of centre the origin and radius c on the -w-plane. Ex. 22. Discuss the s-curves corresponding to | ^(^ | = 1, determined by Ex. 23. Consider the relation We have W — Wq = 1-n/22 ' 4 {z^-z + Vf ^"~Ti {f-zf ■ (Cayley.) 27 (22-2)2 {Zi-Z^f J The function on the right-hand side, being connected with the expressions for the six anharmonic ratios of four points in terms of any one ratio, vanishes for ^0 ~ -I ^0 so that tV—tVo Hence, taking we have 2^■^^ 2o 4 (z - So) (2^0 - 1) (s + ^0 - 1) {2 (^0 - 1) - 0} (2Zo - ^0 + 1) {2 (^0 - 1) + 1} 27 2_« -12 (s^-0)2(2o2-0o; ^t; = J^+^i'', z=x-\-iy, 4 2% (^2^.^2 _ 1) (2a^ - 1) (^'2+/-2A-){(x2+,y2-.r + l)^+/ 27 (x'2+y2)2(^2+^2_2^-+l)2 Hence it appears that, when 1^=0, so that iv traces the axis of real quantities in its own plane, the s- variable traces the curves y = 0, ^2+2/2-1=0, 2.r-l = 0, ^2^2^2_2^=:0, that is, two straight lines and two circles in its own plane. In order to determine the parts of the a-plane that correspond to the positive part of the w-plane, it is sufficient to take Y equal to a small positive quantity and determine the corresponding sign of y. Let where Y (and therefore y) is small : then, to a first approximation, _27 x^{x-\f Fig. 90. '^ 4:{2x-l){x + l)(x-2){x''--x + lf' and the sign of y. determines whether the part on the positive or negative side of the axis of X is to be taken. When X <-\, ^ is negative; z lies below the axis of x. When x is in AO, so that x>—l<0,ix\s. positive ; z lies above. When x is in OB, so that .i- > < ^, /x is negative ; z lies below. When x is in BC, so that .r > -I < 1, /x is positive; z lies above. When x is in CD, so that a' > 1 < 2, jn is negative; z lies below. And, lastly, when x is beyond D, so 257.] CONFORMAL REPRESENTATION 625 that ^ >2, |i is positive and z lies above the axis of real quantities. The parts are indicated by the shading in fig. 90. It is easy to see that w = 0, for z = P, Q; that w = l, for z = A, B, D; and that w = cc, for z=0, C. The zero vahie of w is of triple occurrence for each of the points P and Q; the unit value and the infinite value are of double occurrence for their respective points*. Note. It is easy to see that figures 89 and 90 are two diflfereut stereographic projections of the same configuration of lines on a sphere (§ 277, I., w = 3), so that the relations in Ex. 20 and Ex. 23 may be regarded as equivalent. Eo% 24. Find, in the same way, the curves in the 0-plane, which are the conformal representation of the axis of X in the w-plane by the relation t ^~ 108 (2* + 2-*- 2)2 • Ex. 25V Shew that, by the relation the lines, .:«; = constant in the 2- plane, are transformed into a series of confocal lemniscates in the ?{>-plane ; and that, by the relation where c is a real positive constant greatel' than unity, the interior of a s-circle, centre the origin and radius unity, is transformed into the interior of the lemniscate RR' = c in the it^-plane, where R and R' are the distances of a point from the foci (1, 0) and (-1,0). (Weber.) 258. The preceding examples | may be sufficient to indicate the kind of coriielation between two planes or assigned portions of two planes, that is provided in the conformal representation determined by a relation ^ {w, z) = connecting the complex variables of the planes. We shall consider only one more instance ; it is at once the simplest and functionally the most important of all§. The equation, which characterises it, is linear in both variables ; and so it can be brought into the form az + h w = J , cz + a where a, h, c, d are constants : it is called a homographic transformation, sometimes a homographic or a linear substitution. Taking first the more limited form /^ tu = - , z and writing lu = i^e'®, z = re^^, fx = Pe^^*, we have Rr^k\ % + d = 27, that is, - 7 = 7 - d, * See Klein-Fricke, vol. i, p. 70. t See Klein-Fricke, vol. 1, p. 75. X Many others will be found in Holzmuller's treatise, already cited, which contains ample references to the literature of the subject. § For the succeeding properties, see Klein, Math. Ann., t. xiv, pp. 120 — 124, ib., t. xxi, pp. 170 — 173 ; Poincare, Acta Math., t. i, pp. 1 — 6 ; Klein-Fricke, Elliptische Modulfunctionen, vol. i, pp 163 et seq. They are developed geometrically by Mobius, Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 189—204, 205—217, 243—314. F. P. 40 626 HOMOGRAPHIC [258. and therefore the new w-locus will be obtained from the old ^^-locus by turning the plane through two right angles round the line 7 through the origin, and inverting the displaced locus relative to the origin. The first of these processes is a reflexion in the line o — ycao, * do = — bdo + Ocoh + 6oada — jCoa, 7' = bbo — Ottob — dottbo + yaao. Here 8' and 7' are real, and 6' and Oq are conjugate imaginaries ; therefore the equation between lu and Wn represent? a circle. Ex. 1. A circle, of radius ?• and centre at the point (e, /), in the s-plane is transformed into a circle in the w-^\a.ne, by the homographic substitution az + b %o= • cz + d' shew that the radius of the new circle is ad— he where A = (cr cos /3 + e)^ + (o- sin /3 +ff - r% d and a, (3 are the modulus and the argument respectively o'f - . Find the coordinates of the centre of the i(7-circle. Ux. 2. The inverse of a point P, with regard to a circle, is Q ; and the inverse of Q, with regard to any other circle is R. Prove that the complex variables of P and R are connected by a homographic relation yz + 8 Moreover, since there are three independent constants in the general homographic transformation, they may be chosen so as to transform any three assigned ^^-points into any three assigned w-points. And three points on a circle uniquely determine a circle : hence any circle can be transformed into any other circle {or into itself) by a properly chosen homographic transforma- tion. The choice of transformation can be made in an infinite number of ways : for three points on the circle can be chosen in an infinite number of ways. A relation which changes the three points z^, z^, z^ into the three points Wi, w^, Ws is evidently {W — Wj) (Wa - W3) _ (Z — Zi) {z.2 — Z3) (w - W2) (wi - W3) ~ {z- Z2) {Zi -Z3)' Hence this equation, or any one of the other five forms of changing the three points z-^, Z2, Zo, into the three points Wj, Wg, w^ in any order of correspondence, is a homographic transformation changing the circle through ^^j, ^2, ^3 into the circle through w-^, w^. w^. . 40—2 628 ■ " HOMOGEAPHIC [258. It has been seen that a transformation of the form w =f{z) does not change angles : so that two circles cutting at any angle are transformed by w = , into two others cutting at the same angle. Hence* a plane crescent, of any angle, can be transformed into any other crescent, of the so.me angle. The expression of homographic transformations can be modified, so as to exhibit a form which is important for such transformations as are periodic. If we assume that w and z are two points in the same plane, then there will in general be two different points which are unaltered by the transforma- tion ; they are called the' fixed (or double) points of the transformation. These fixed points are evidently given by the quadratic equation au + b u — -J, cu -h a that is, cu^ — (a — d) u — b = 0. Let the points be a and ^, and let M denote (d — ay + 46c ; then 2ca = a-d + M^, 2c/3 = a-d- M^. If, then, the points be distinct, we have w.— OL _ {z — a){a — ca) z — a w-^~ {z - /3) (a - c/3) " 7^ ' a — ca a + d — M^ where K = a-cl3 a + c? + ilf 2 ' / 1 Y (a + df and therefore ( JR + -?= I = ad — bo' The quantity K is called the midtiplier of the substitution. If there be a 2^-curve in the plane passing through a, the w-curve which arises from it through the linear substitution also passes through a. To find the angle at which the ^-curve and bhe w-curve intersect, we have w = a+ Bw, z=a+ Sz: and then Sw = K8z, so that the angle between the tangents to the w-cnrve and the ^^-curve is the argument of K. Similarly, if a ^-curve pass through ^, the angle between the tangents to the ^^-curve and the w-curve is the argument of ^. The form of the substitution now obtained evidently admits of reapplica- tion ; if z^ be the variable after the substitution has been applied n times, (so that Zq = z, z^ = lu), we have Zn-J3 z-^' Kirchhoff, Vorlesungen ilber matheviatische Phifsik, i, p. 286. 258.] SUBSTITUTIONS 629 The condition ttat the transformation should be periodic of the 7zth order is that Zn = z and therefore that K'^ = 1 ; hence (a -\- dy = ^ {ad — he) cos- — , where s is any integer different from zero and prime to ?i; K cannot be purely real, and, in general, M is not a real positive quantity. The various substitutions that arise through different values of s are so related that, if points z-^^, z^, ..., Zn be given by the continued application of one substitution through its period, the same points are given in a different cyclical order by the continued application of the other substitution, through its period. JVote The formula in the text may be regarded as giving the ?ith power of a substi- tution. The form of the substitution obtained is equally effective for giving the ?ith root of a substitution : all that is necessary is to express K in the form pe ^, and the nth. root is then ^1-° 1 1 n Ex. 1. The value of Zn has been given by Cayley in the form {K» + i -l){az + b) + {E'' - K) {- dz + b) _ {K''+'^-l){cz + d) + {K''-K){cz-a) " obtain this expression. , Ex. 2. Periodic substitutions can be applied, in connection with Kirchhoff's result that a plane crescent can be transformed into another plane crescent of the same angle ; the plane can be divided into a limited number of regions when the angle of the crescent is commensurable with tt. Let ACBDA be a circle of radius unity, having its centre at the origin : draw the diameter AB along the axis of y. Then the semi-circle ACE can be regarded as a plane crescent, of angle \it ; and the semi-circle ABD as another, of the same angle. Hence they can be transformed into one another. We can effect the transformation most simply by taking A ( = i) and 5(= — ^) as the fixed points of the substitution, which then has the form w — i_ jT-z — i w + i z+i' The line AB for the w-curve is transformed from the z-circular arc AGB: these curves cut at an angle ^tt, which is therefore the argument of K. Considerations of symmetry shew that the 2- point C on the axis of x can be transformed into the w-origin, so that -1+?.' whence K=i, so that the substitution is iu — i_.z—i iv + i z+i' It is periodic of order 4, as might be expected : when simplified it takes the form 1-1-2 ^ = 1—.- 630 EXAMPLES [258. The figure (fig. 91) shews the effect of repeated application of the substitution through a period. The first application changes the interior of ACBA into the interior of ABDA : by a second application, the latter area is transformed into the area on the positive side of the axis of 3/ lying without the semi-circle ADB ; by a third application, the latter area is e,<- C^3\ transformed into the area on the negative side of the axis of 3/ lying without the semi- circle ACB ; and by a fourth application, completing the period, the latter area is transformed into the interior of ACBA, the initial area. The other lines in the figure correspond in the respective areas. Ex. 3. Prove that the substitution is periodic of order six ; express it in canonical form ; and trace the geometrical eflfect of the application of the successive powers of the substitution upon (i) the straight line joining ?■ and -i; (ii) the semi-circle on the last line lying to the right of the axis of y. Ux. 4. Shew that, if the plane crescent of Ex. 2 have an angle of -tt instead of ^TT but still have +i and - i for its angular points, then the substitution z+t where t denotes tan ;^ , is a periodic substitution of order 2n which, by repeated appli- 2n cation through a period to. the area of the crescent, divides the plane into 2n regions, all but two of which must be crescent in form. Under what circumstances will all the 2ii regions be crescent in form ? 258.] HOMOGRAPHIC SUBSTITUTIONS 631 Ex. 5. If in the plane of the complex variable z,. two circles be drawn entirely exterior to one another, sketch the proof of the theorem, that a function of z exists which is real at the circumferences of these circles and, exterior to the circles, is everywhere finite and continuous save at 5=oo, where its infinite part is ^s™, A being a real assigned constant and n an assigned positive integer. If o, /3 be the complex arguments of the limiting points of these circles, and a, h the modulus of - — - upon the circles surrounding a, /3 respectively, express this function Z — a 2 h in terms of ^u — ^c; where 10 -a z-a 634 ELLIPTIC SUBSTITUTIONS [259. (ii) For real elliptic substitutions, a and /3 are conjugate complexes; hence M is negative, so that (d - of + 46c < 0, or {d + a)' < 4 {ad - he) < 4. The value of K, by using the relation ad — hc = \, is K = ^ [{a + dy-2-i (a + d) [4, - {a + dffy It is easy to see that \K\ = 1 and that its argument is cos"^ {^ (a + df -1], so that, if this angle be denoted by cr, we have K = e<^^ shewing that the substitution is elliptic. It is evident that, if z describe a circle through a and /3, its centre being therefore on the axis of x, then w also describes a circle through a and cutting the ^■-circle at an angle cr. The two curves together make a plane crescent of angle 4!: we may evidently take a + d > 2. Moreover K is real and positive, shewing that the substitution is hyperbolic. Taking one of the fixed points for origin and denoting by / the distance of the other, we have and / as the roots of au + b u = T, cu + d with the conditions ad — be = 1, a + d > 2. Hence h = 0, a — d = cf, ad = 1, K = -j', then K is greater or is less than 1 according as cf is positive or is negative. We shall take K >1 as the normal case ; and then the sub- stitution is a2 w = T cz + d with a>l> d, a + d>2, ad = l. Ex. 1. A 2-eurve is drawn through either of the fixed points of a real hyperbolic substitution : shew that the w-curve, into which it is changed by the substitution, touches the z-curve. Hence shew that any 2-circle through the two fixed points of the substi- tution is transformed into itself. 259.] ■ ELLIPTIC SUBSTITUTIONS 635 Ex. 2. Let A be a circle through the origin and the point / ; and let Cq be the other extremity of its diameter through/. Let a real hyperbolic substitution, having the origin and / for its fixed points, transform Cq into Ci, Cj into C2, C2 into C3, and so on : all these points being on the circumference of A. Shew that the radius of a circle C„, having its centre on the axis of x and passing through c„ and the origin, is so that C,i is the locus of all the points c„ arising through different initial circumferences A. What is the limit towards which C„ tends as n becomes infinitely great 1 Ex. 3. Apply the inverse substitution, as in Ex. 2, to obtain the corresponding result and the corresponding limit. Ex. 4. Prove that a curve of finite length will meet an infinite number, or only a finite number, of the circles (7„, according as it meets or does not meet the circle having the line joining the common points of the substitution for diameter. {Note. All these results are due to Poincare.) It follows, from what precedes, that no real substitution can be loxodromic ; for, when the multiplier of a real substitution is not real, its modulus is unity. It is not difficult to prove that when a substitution, with complex coefficients a, h, c, d, is parabolic, elliptic, or hyperbolic, then a + d is either purely real or purely imaginary. In all other cases, the substitution is loxodromic Any loxodromic substitution can be expressed in the form VI — a_j^z — a the coefficients of the quadratic determining a and ^ are generally not real, and the multiplier K, defined by 2K = {a + dy-2- (a + d) {{a + df - 4}^, is a complex quantity such that, if K = pe''", where p and w are real, then p is not equal to unity and w is not zero. Ex. Shew that, if a, b, c, d are real or complex integers and ad- he is equal to 1 or j, the only possible elliptic substitutions are periodic of order 2, 3, or 6 : and construct an example of each. (Math. Trip., Part II., 1898.) 260. Further, it is important to notice one property, possessed by elliptic substitutions and not by those of the other classes : viz. an elliptic substitution is either periodic or infinitesimal. Any elliptic substitution of which a and /3 are the distinct fixed points, (they are conjugate imaginaries), can be put into the form «; — «_„ z — a 636 INFINITESIMAL AND PERIODIC SUBSTITUTIONS [260. where \K\ = 1: let K = e^\ Then the mth power of the substitution is Wr». — CL z — a Now if 6 be commensurable with 27r, so that ej^TT = X/fM, then, taking m = /u,, we have z — a that is, w^ = z, or the substitution is jDeriodic. But if Q be not commensurable with Itt, then, by proper choice of m, the argument inQ can be made to differ'from an integral multiple of Itt by a very small quantity. For we expand ^/27r as an infinite continued fraction : let jj/g, 'p'\(i be two consecutive convergents, so that p'q — pq' = ± 1- We have /=^ + xr<-a,whereO is constant, that is, the corresponding lines in the ^-plane are the radii of the circle of radius unity which represents the free surface in the w-plane. We thus have a figure in the ^-plane. Next, introduce another complex variable ^', defined by the equation r = iog^; then ^' = log y + ^(/), so that we have another figure in another plane, the ^'-plane. The circle F = 1 in the ^-plane becomes part of the ^'-axis of imaginary quantities, which accordingly corresponds to the free surface in the motion, given in the w-plane by a particular line v = constant. To the radial lines = constant in the ^-plane, correspond straight lines in the f'-plane parallel to the real axis in that plane, that is, by general lines v = constant. It thus is necessary to construct a relation which shall secure that a figure- in the ■?^-plane bounded by straight lines parallel to its axis of real quantities shall correspond to a figure in the ^'-plane bounded by straight 41—2 644 APPLICATIONS OF CONFOKMAL REPRESENTATION [261. lines, neither necessarily nor usually parallel to the axis of real quantities in the ^'-plane. Finally, this result is achieved by making the figures in the w-plane and in the ^'-plane respectively to be represented upon one and the same half of another plane of a final complex variable t, the boundary in each representation being transformed into the real axis in the i-plane. We thus have a succession of planes of complex variables, conformally represented each upon the next and therefore all upon one another. There is the 5-plane, the original plane of motion of the fluid. There is the w-plane, giving the velocity potential and the stream line function of the motion. There are the ^-plane, relatively unimportant, and the ^'-plane (where ^' = log ^), giving the magnitude and the direction of the velocity of the fluid. And there is the i-plane, on the same positive half of which both the variables ^' and w are represented. In these final representations we have some relations of the types and so, eliminating t we have a relation that is, a relation iogf-;7i)=/(^)' which, on integration, gives the connection between the variables 2 and tv. The hydrodynamical problem can thus be made to depend upon the solution of the associated problem in conformal representation. The examples of the latter, which have been given already, can be used to solve some of the hydrodynamical problems which arise : one further illustration must suffice here. &. Imagine a fluid moving symmetrically between two parallel walls inserted into a relatively infinite quantity of the fluid, so as to form a sort of jet coming out between the walls. We shall assume these to have their ends in a line perpendicular to their direction. Then in the s-plane, we have between the walls a fluid moving along the canal sym- metrically with respect to the middle line and outside the canal so as to supply the canal. The boundary of the fluid is made up of the sides of the two walls in the fluid and the double free surface within the canal, the two free surfaces being symmetrical with respect to the middle line. In the ^-plane, we have so that the boundary formed by one wall up to its extremity is given by ^ = 0, that is, by the axis of real quantities from 00 to + 1 ; then by the circumference of a circle of radius V= 1 and centre ihe origin, representing the free surface ; and then by = 27r, that is, by the axis of real quantities from + 1 to oo , representing the other wall. 261.] TO HYDRODYNAMICS .645 In the {"'-plane, we have so the boundary of the configuration in the ^'-plane is ^' + irj' = ]og l+i(f) viz. it is two lines parallel to the axis of real quantities given by (^ = and = 27r, together with the part of the axis of imaginary quantities intercepted between these lines. The representation of this bounded area upon the half of the ^-plane is (§ 269, p. 673) given by dC'^ P . dt (^2_i)4-' or, adapting the scale and settling the origin, we can take f'=2cosh-ii;. When {■' ranges along the line (^ = from the origin to oo , < ranges from 1 to oo along its real axis. When f ranges along the line (f) = 2ir from the axis of imaginary quantities to infinity, t ranges from — 1 to — oo along its real axis. When ^' ranges along the axis of imaginary quantities from 7;' = to r]' = 2Tr, t ranges from 1 to — 1 along its real axis. Now for the ■?y-plane, let the breadth of the jet towards its issue (that is, at a great distance from the extremities of the walls where the jet enters the canal) be 26 ; so that one free surface is given by v = 6, and the other by v = — 6. Let the velocity potential curve through the finite extremities of the walls be u = (). We have in general (§ 269, p. 673) w = M\ogt-\-N. At the place corresponding to the extremity of the lower wall, we have w = (d — ib ; and at the place corresponding to the extremity of the upper wall, we have tt; = + lb. Hence 26, ?« = — log t — %b. TV Consequently, the relation between z and vj is given by the elihiination of t between the two equations dz log -r^ = t' = 2 cosh" 1 1 ^ dw ^ 26. ^ ., IV = — log t — ib TT As a matter of fact, it is more convenient to keep the two equations and not eliminate t. Along the free stream line, we have V=\, and so dz __ ^i dw~ ^ ' or writing 6 = (f) + iT, we have dz _ ei ^ dvj ' consequently along that stream line we have ie = 2Gosh-'^t, and therefore t = GOSw0, 646 APPLICATIONS OF CONFORMAL REPRESENTATION [261. where t ranges from to 1. Also 11= — log cos T! 6 ■n along the line. But u is the velocity potential ; and along the line, we have so that we can take llz= —s. Thus the equation of the free stream line is Further, we have s = 2 — log sec \ 6. 1 _ dz _ ie p — iq div along the stream line, because p^ + q^=\; so p=-cos^, y— — sin^, and therefore 6 is the inclination to the axis of x of the tangent to the stream line. The foregoing equation is therefore the intrinsic equation of the free stream line. It is easy to prove that the equivalent Cartesian equations of the line are x = 2- (sin2 1(9 - log sec h6) ] y= -(^ — sin^) j TV ' taking the origin at the finite extremity of the wall. As 6 ranges from to tt, ^ ranges from to - 00 , and y ranges from to 6, that is, ?/ = & gives the asymptotic distance between the free stream line and the nearer wall. Similarly for the other free stream line and the other wall. Thus, as the breadth of the issuing jet is 26, the distance between the walls is 6 + 26 + &, that is, 4&. Thus the breadth of the issuing jet is one-half the distance between the parallel walls, a result first stated approximately by Borda in 1766 and first proved by Helmholtz in 1868. For a full discussion of many similar applications of the theory of conformal repre- sentation to the irrotational motion of a liquid in two dimensions, reference may be made to Lamb's Hydrodynamics (4th ed.), ch. iv. "Some later investigations are due to J. G. Leathern, Phil. Trans. (1915), pp. 439 — 487, and Proc. Lond. Math. Soc, Ser. 2, vol. xvi, (1917), pp. 140 — 149; he gives some further references. II. Electrostatics. C. In all the space free from electric charges in a planar electrostatic field, the electric potential v satisfies the equation d^v d-v _ dx^ dy- The equipotential lines are given by V = constant. The component of electric force in any direction is dv /^ 261.] TO ELECTROSTATICS 647 where dt is the increment in the positive direction ; thus the components of electric force parallel to the positive directions of the axes are dv dv dx' dy' The direction of the line of electric force at any point is given by the equation '^/(-s)=''2'/(-|)' that is, by . ^r- dec — ^ dy = 0. dy ox ^ The left-hand side is a perfect differential, because d_ /dv\ _^(_dv\. ^y \^y) 9^ V 9^/ ' denoting it by du, we have du _dv du dv dx dy' dy dx' Eliminating v, we have 9% dhi _ _ dx" dy"^ ' and the lines of electric force are given by u = constant. Alike from the physical properties, and from these mathematical expressions for equipotential lines and from the lines of electric force, it follows that the two sets of lines are orthogonal to one another at every common point. It thus follows from former investigations (§ 8) that, if w = u + iv and z = X + iy, tu = some function of z =f{z). The electric intensitv at any point is that is, it is equal to dw dz corresponding to the velocity in the hydrodynamical problem and to the magnification in the conformation problem. Further, v = constant along any conductor ; thus, by Coulomb's law, if a is the surface density of electrifi- cation at any place on the plane conductor, 1 dw j ^ ~ 4!7r dzV 648 APPLICATIONS OF CONFORM AL REPRESENTATION [261. the electric intensity being measured outwards from the surface of the conductor. Thus the analysis is the same throughout for the various classes of problems. We have interpretations in the various vocabularies of the different subjects of applied mathematics. We shall therefore deal very briefly with a few quite simple examples. Ex'. 1. Let then we have the equipotential lines given by 1) = r^ sin -J 6 in "polar coordinates, with the equivalent equation in Cartesian coordinates. They are a family of coaxial and confocal parabolas. In particular, when v=0, we have = from x = cc to .r=0 ; and then ^ = 27r from d; = to ^ = 00 . Thus we have an infinitely thin conductor, in the form of a straight line stretching along the axis of real quantities from the origin to infinity. The surface density of electrification on this conductor at a distance d from the origin is 1 7-1 ~d 2. OTT The lines of electric force, given by u = r2 cos 5 ^ = constant, are represented in Cartesian coordinates by the equation that is, they are a family of coaxial and confocal parabolas, orthogonal to the former family. Ex. 2. Let w=sin~^s. We have (Ex. 6, § 257) A^ = sin u cosh v, y=cos u sinh i\ The equipotential lines v= constant are given by the equation cos^ hv sin^ hv ' a family of confocal ellipses. In particular, when v = 0, x ranges from +1 to —1 on the positive side and on the negative side along the real axis. Thus there is an infinitely thin conductor in the fonn of the straight line between —1 and +1 on the axis of real quantities. The surface density of electrification on the conductor at a distance c from the middle is The lines of electric force are given by x"^ y^ _^ sin^ u cos^ u that is, they are the family of confocal hyperbolas, orthogonal to the former family. 261.] TO CONDUCTION OF HEAT 649 ■. 3. Construct electrostatic interpretations of the following equations : (i) ■iv = ism~^ z ; (ii) w=\ogz ; (iii) 3 = log ?(? ; (iv) z =^\iw ; (V) w = sn ^ ; (vi) e^ = en w. For a full discussion of the application of the theory of conformal representation to general problems in electrostatics, reference should be made to Sir J. J. Thomson's Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism, ch. iii ; and to the treatise by J. H. Jeans, The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. III. Conduction of Heat. D. The same analysis can be used for the discussion of any number of two-dimensional problems in conduction of heat when the temperature is steady : that is, when the temperature varies from place to place in the plane of the two dimensions, while at every place it is independent of the time. For purposes of illustration, we shall assume that the conductivity K is constant. The temperature at any point will be denoted hy v; so the flux of heat at a point perpendicular to the axis of oc is and at a point perpendicular to the axis of y is f'-^,y The condition that there is neither gain nor loss of heat at any place is that is, K being constant, dx dy The curves across which there is no flux of heat — they may be called lines of flow — are given by dx _dy that is, f^dx-fjy = 0. Because d_fdv\ _d_ fdv^ dy \dy) dx V dxj 650 APPLICATIONS OF CONFORM AL REPRESENTATION [261. this last expression is a perfect differential, say du ; then du _dv du _ dv doc dy' dy dx' and therefore d^u dhi _ dx^ dy- Once more, we have the same equations as before. We know that u + iv can be expressed as a function oi x-\- iy ; so, writing tu = u + iv and z = x -\- iy, and taking w=f{z\ where f is any functional form, we can interpret the analytical relation as a result in a steady temperature problem in the conduction of heat, by taking the lines V = constant as the isothermal line's, and the lines u = constant as the lines of flow. The total flux of heat at any point is that is, it is ^Sf in a third plane conformally similar to T, then S and R are also conformally similar to one another, whatever S may be. Hence, choosing some form for 8, it will be sufficient to investigate the question for T and that chosen form. The simplest of closed curves is the circle, which will therefore be taken as S : and the natural point within a circle to be taken as a point of reference is its centre. Two further limitations will be made. It will be assumed that the plane surfaces are simply connected* and one-sheeted. And it will be assumed * The conformal representation of multiply connected plane surfaces is considered by Schottky, Crelle, t. Ixxxiii, (1877), pp. 300 — 351. Some special cases are considered by Burnside, Lond. Math. Soc. Proc, vol. xxiv, (1893), pp. 187—206. 654 riemann's theorem [262. that the boundary of the area T is either an analytical curve* or is made up of portions of a finite number of analytical curves — a limitation that arises in connection with the proof of the existence-theorem. This limitation, initially assumed by Schwarz in his early investigations f on conformal representation of plane surfaces, is not necessary : and Schwarz himself has shewn J that the problem can be solved when the boundary of the area T is any closed convex curve in one sheet. The question is, however, sufficiently general for our purpose in the form adopted. Then, with these limitations and assumptions, Riemann's theorem § on the conformation of a given curve with some other curve is effectively as follows : — Any simply connected part of a plane hounded by a curve T can always he conformally represented on the area of a circle, the two areas having their elements similar to one another; the centre of the circle can be made the homologue of any point Oo within T, and any point on the circumference of the circle can he made the homologue of any point 0' on the boundary of T ; the conformal representation is then uniquely and completely determinate. 263. We may evidently take the radius of the circle to be unity, for a circle of any other radius can be obtained with similar properties merely by constant magnification. Let w be the variable for the plane of the circle, z the variable for the plane of the curve T ; and let log w = t — m + ni. Evidently n will be determined by m (save as to an additive constant), for m + ni is a function of z : and therefore we need only to consider m. At the centre of the circle the modulus of w is zero, that is, e'^ is zero : hence m must he — oo for the centre of the circle, that is, for (say) z = Zo in T. At the boundary of the circle the modulus of iv is unity, that is, e^ is unity : hence m must be along the circumference of the circle, that is, along the boundary of T. Moreover, the correspondence of points is, by hypothesis, unique for th'e areas considered : and therefore, as e'"" and n are the polar coordinates of the point in the copy arid as m is entirely real, m is a one-valued function, which within T is to be everywhere finite and continuous except only at the point z^. Hence, so far as concerns m, the conditions are : — (i) m must be the real part of some function of z : (ii) m must be — oo at some arbitrary point z^ : * A curve is said to be an analytical curve (§ 265) when the coordinates of any point on it can be expressed as an analytical function (§ 34) of a real parameter, t Crdle, t. Ixx, (1869), pp. 105—120. t Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 108—132. § Ges. Werke, p. 40. 263.] ON CONFORMAL REPRESENTATION 655 (iii) m must be along the boundary of T : (iv) for all points, except Zo, within T, m must be one-valued, finite and continuous. Now since m + ni = log w = log R-\-i%, the negatively infinite value of m at 2^0 arises through the logarithm of a vanishing quantity ; and therefore, in the vicinity of z^^, the condition (ii) will be satisfied by having some constant multiple of log {z — z^) as the most important term in m + ni ; and the rest of the expansion in the vicinity of z^ can be expressed in the form p{z — z^), an integral series of positive powers of z — z^, because m is to be finite and continuous. Hence, in the vicinity of ^'o, we have log lu = m + ni = - log (z -Zf)+p{z- z^), where \ is some constant. This includes the most general form : for the form of any other function for m + ni is -\og[{z-z,)g{z-z,)\+P{z-z,), where g is any function not vanishing when z = Zq: and this form is easily expressed in the form adopted. Hence 1 Since w is one-valued, we must have X. the reciprocal of an integer ; and since the area bounded by T is simply connected and one-sheeted we must have z — z^ H. one-valued function of w. Hence \ = 1 ; and therefore, in the vicinity of ^o; w = {z — Zq) e^^^~^'>\ a form which is not necessarily valid beyond the immediate vicinity of Zf^, for ]} (z — Zq) might be a diverging series at the boundary. Thus, assuming that p (z — Zo) is when z = Z(,, we have, in the immediate vicinity of Zq, m + ni = log (z — Zq), a form which satisfies the second of the above conditions. It now appears that the quantity m must be determined by the con- ditions : — (i) it must be the real part of a function of z, that is, it must satisfy the equation V^wi = : (ii) along the boundary of the curve T, it must have the value zero : (iii) at all points, except Zq, in the area bounded by T, m must be uniform, finite and continuous : and, for points z in the immediate vicinity of z^, it must be of the form logr, where r is the distance from z to Zq. 656 riem-ann's theorem [263. When m is obtained, subject to these conditions, the variable w is thence determinate, being dependent on z in such a way as to make the area bounded by T conformally represented on the circle in the w-plane. 264. The investigations, connected with the proof of the existence- theorem, shewed that a function exists for any simply connected bounded area, if it satisfy the conditions, (1) of acquiring assigned values along the boundary, (2) of acquiring assigned infinities at specified points within the area, (3) of being everywhere, except at these specified points, uniform, finite, and continuous, together with its differential coefficients of the first and the second order, (4) of satisfying V^w = everywhere in the interior, except at the infinities. Such a function is uniquely determinate. But the preceding conditions assigned to m are precisely the conditions which determine uniquely the existence of the function : hence the function m exists and is uniquely determinate. And thence the function w is determinate. It thus appears that any simply connected hounded area can he conformally represented on the area of a circle, with a unique correspondence of points in the areas, so that the centre of the circle can he made the homologue of an internal point of the hounded area. An assumption was made, in passing from the equation w = {z — Zq) e'P '^"^o' to the equation which determines the infinity of m,, viz. that, when z — Zq, the value of ^ (^ — z^) is 0. If the value of ^ (^; — Zq) when z = Zo be some constant other than zero, then there is no substantial change in the conditions: instead of having the infinity of m actually equal to \og\z — Zo\, the new condition is that m is infinite in the same way as logl^^ — ^o|, and then a constant factor must be associated with w. A constant factor may also arise through the circumstance that n is determined by m, save as to an additive constant, say 7 : hence the form of w = e''^'^^'^ will be w = A'ey^u = All. Since displacement in the plane makes no essential change, we may take a form tu = Au + B, where now the conformal transformation given by w is over any circle in its plane, the one given by u being over a particular circle, centre the origin and radius unity. The conformation for w is derived from that for u by three operations : — (i) displacement of the origin to the point — B/A : (ii) magnification equal to A' : (iii) rotation of the circle round its centre through an angle 7 : 264] DERIVATIVE FUNCTIONS REQUIRED 65T these operations evidently make no essential change in the conformation. If the limitation to the particular circle, centre the origin and radius 1, be made, evidently J5 = 0, A' =1, but 7 is left arbitrary. This constant can be determined by assigning a condition that, as the curve C has its homologue in the circle, one particular point of C has one particular point of the circumference for its homologue : the equation of transformation is then completely determined. This determination of A', B, 7 is a determination by very special con- ditions, which are not of the essence of the conformal representation : and therefore the apparent generality for the present case should arise in the analysis. Now, if w = J. ?< + 5, we have d2 \ ^ \dz)] dz \ ^ \dz) which is the same for the two forms ; and therefore the function to he sought is when the area included by C is to be represented on a circle so that a given point internal to C shall have the centime of the circle as its homologue. The arbitrary constants, that arise when w is thence determined, are given by special conditions as above. Again, if the conformation be merely desired as a representation of the 2^-area bounded by the analytical curve C on the area of a circle in the w-plane (without the specification of an internal point being the homologue of the centre), there will be a further apparent generality in the form of the function. From what was proved in § 258, a circle in the zt-plane is trans- formed into a circle in the vj-plane by a substitution of the form _ Au+ B '^~Cu + B' so that, if u be a special function, w will be the more general function giving a desired conformal representation ; and, without loss of this generality, we may assume AB — BC — 1. Using [w, z] to denote ^(\.J-^\-i dz" {^"^thi s('» d /■, dw dz that IS, — -. 4 w ■" \w called the Schwarzian derivative by Cayley*, we have {w, z] = [u, z], * Camb. Phil. Trans., vol. xiii, (1879), p. 5, Coll. Math. Papers, vol. xi, p. 148 ; for its properties, see the memoii' just quoted, and my Treatise on Differential Equations, pp. 106 — 108. F. F. 42 658 SOLUTION BY BELTRAMI AND CAYLEY [264. which is the same for the two forms: and therefore the function to he sought is {w, z], luhen the area included by the analytical curve C is to be conformally repre- sented on a circle. The (three) arbitrary constants, that arise when w is thence , determined, are obtained by special conditions. These two remarks will be useful when the transforming equation is being derived for particular cases, because they indicate the character of the initial equation to be obtained : but the importance of the investigation is the general inference that the conformal representation of an area bounded by an analytical curve on the area of a circle is possible, though, as the proof depends on the existence-theorem, no indication is given of the form of the function that secures the representation. Further, it may be remarked that it is often convenient to represent a ^-area on a w-half-plane instead of on a «^-circle as the space of reference. This is, of course, justifiable, because there is an equation of unique trans- formation between the circular area and the half-plane ; it has been given (Ex. 13, § 257). Moreover, a further change, given by u' = -, , is still possible : for, when a, b, c, d are real, this transformation changes the half- plane into itself, and these real constants can be obtained by making points p, q, r on the axis change into three points, say 0, 1, oo , respectively — the transformation then being , u—pq—r u = — . u — r q — p 265. Before discussing the particular forms just indicated, we shall indicate a method for the derivation of a relation that secures conformal representation of an area bounded by a given curve C. Let * the curve C be an analytical curve, in the sense that the coordinates w and y can be expressed as functions of a real parameter, say of u, so that we have x=p (u), y = q (u) ; then z = x + iy =p + iq = (w) ; and the curve G is described by z, when lu moves along the axis of real quantities in its plane. When the equation x -\-iy = (^ {ii + iv) is resolved into two equations involving real quantities only, of the form x — \ {u, v), y = fx {u, v), then the eliminations of v and of u respectively lead to curves of the form yjr (x, y, u) = 0, X (^. 2/. ^) = 0, * Beltrami, Ann. di Mat., 2"" Ser., t. i, (1867), pp. 329—366 ; Cayley, Quart. Journ. Math., vol. XXV, (1891), pp. 203—226, Ooll. Math. Papers, vol. xiii, pp. 170—190; Schwarz, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 150. 265.] FOR ANALYTICAL CURVES 659 which are orthogonal trajectories of one another when u and v are treated as parameters. Evidently x {^> y> 0) = is the equation of C : also So far as the representation of the area bounded by (7 on a half-plane is concerned, we can replace w by an arbitrary function of Z{=X + iY) with real coefficients : for then, when Y= 0, we have w=f(X) and ^=p{f(X)], y = q[f{X)], which lead to the equation of G as before, for all values of /. This arbi- trariness in character is merely a repetition of the arbitrariness left in Gauss's solution of the original problem. Now let the w-plane be divided into infinitesimal squares with sides parallel and perpendicular to the axis of real quantities. Then the area bounded by Cis similarly divided, though, as the magnification is not every- where the same, the squares into which the area is divided are not equal to one another. The successive lines parallel to the axis of u are homologous with successive curves in the area, the one nearest to that axis being the curve consecutive to G. Similarly, if the ^-plane be divided. Conversely, if a curve consecutive to G, say G', be arbitrarily chosen, then the space of infinitesimal breadth between G and G' can be divided up into infinitesimal squares. Suppose the normal to C at a point L meet G' in L' : along G take LM= LL', and let the normal to G at M meet G' in M'\ along G take MN= MM', and let the normal to C at iV meet G' in N': and so on. Proceeding from G' with L'M', M'N', ... as sides of infinitesimal squares, we can obtain the next consecutive curve G", and so on; the whole area bounded by G may then be divided up into an infinitude of squares. It thus appears that the arbitrary choice of a curve consecutive to G completely determines the division of the whole area into infinitesimal squares, that is, it is a geometrical equivalent of the analytical assumption of a functional form which, once made, determines the whole division. Next, we shall shew how the form / of the function can be determined so as to make the curve consecutive to C a given curve. As above, the curve G is given by the elimination of a (real) parameter between x = p (u), y=^q{u); and the representation is obtained by taking x + iy = z=p{w) + iq (w)=p [f{Z)} + iq [f{Z)]. Let the arbitrarily assumed curve G', consecutive to G, be given by the elimination of a (real) parameter 6 between x=p + eP, y = q + eQ, where p, P, q, Q are functions with real coefficients, and e is an infinitesimal constant : the form of/ has to be determined so that the curve corresponding 42—2 660 CONFORMATION OF AREA [265. to an infinitesimal value of Y is the curve C Taking u=f{X), where u and X are real, we have, for the infinitesimal value of T, ^ + ii/=p{fi^)]+n{fm so that ^ = p — y-y^^, y = 9+^'yYP' dashes denoting difi'erentiation with regard to u. This is to be the same as the curve C, given by the equations x=p + eP, y = q + eQ. Hence the (real) parameter 6 in the latter differs from u only by an infini- tesimal quantity : let it be ti — fi, so that we have x=p — jxp' + eP, y = o — fJ^(l' + eQ, the terms involving products of e and yu. being neglected, because they are of at least the second order. Hence -^p' + eP = -Y^q', -^q^+eQ=Y^p'; whence /^ (p'' + q'^) = e (Pp' + Qq'), and e{p'Q-q'P)=Y^{f^ + (^^r. Now e is a real infinitesimal constant, as is also F for the present purpose : so that we may take 6 = AY, where J. is a finite real constant : and A may have any value assigned to it, because variations in the assumed value merely correspond to constant magnification of the ^-plane, which makes no difference to the division of the area bounded by C Thus A{p'Q-q'P)=^{p'-^ + q% and therefore AX = I —rp^ 77:; du, J pQ-qP the inversion of which gives u=f{X) and therefore w =f{Z), the form required. Also we have fi = A Y?K^^^ , p^ + q^ shewing that, if the point oc=p + eP, y = q + eQ on C lie on the normal to C a,t x=p, y = q, the parameters in the two pairs of equations are the same; the more general case is, of course, that in which the typical point on C is in * Beltrami obtains this result more directly from the geometry by assigning as a condition that the normal distance between the curves is equal to the arc given by du : I.e., (p. 658, note), p. 343. 265.] BOUNDED BY ANALYTICAL CURVE 661 the vicinity of C. And it is easy to prove that the normal distance between the curves at the point in consideration is „ ds dX' where ds is an arc measured along the curve C. Ex. 1. As an illustration* let Cbe an ellipse x^ I a?' + y'^ jl)^ = \ and let C be an interior confocal ellipse of semi-axes a — n, 6-/3, where a and /3 are infinitesimally small ; so that, since (a-a)2-(6-^)2 = a2-62 = c2, we have aa=bj3—C€ say; then the semi-axes of C are a — e, b-^e. We have a b p = a cos u, q=bsinu, c b' P= — COS.U, ^=-^sini«, so that AX=\ — du=~u, J c c ' or, taking A= — , we have X=u and therefore Z=w. Hence the equation of transform- ation is z=x + iy = a cos Z+ib sinZ; or, if a = c cosh Yq, 6 = csinh Fq, and if Y' denote Fq- Y, the equation is z = c cos {X+iY') = c cos Z'. The curves, corresponding to parallels to the axes, are the double system of confocal conies. Ex. 2. When the curve C is a parabola, with the origin as focus and the axis of real quantities as its axis, and C is an external confocal coaxial parabola, the relation is z=a{Z+if; substantially the same relation as in Ex. 9, § 257. Ex. 3. When C is a circle with its centre on the axis of real quantities and C is an interior circle, having its centre also on the axis but not coinciding with that of C, the circles being such that the axis of imaginary quantities is their radical axis, the relation can be taken in the form z=c tan Z. (Beltrami ; Cayley.) . Note. Although, in the examples just considered, the successive curves G ultimately converge to a curve of zero area (either a point or a line), so that the whole of the included area is transformed, yet this convergence is not always a possibility, when a consecutive to G is assigned arbitrarily. There will then be a limit to the ultimate curve of the series, so that the representation ceases to be effective beyond that limit. The limitation may arise, either through the occurrence of zero or of infinite values of -^^ for areas and not merely for isolated points, or through the occurrence of branch-points for the transforming function. In either case, the uniqueness of the representation ceases. * Beltrami, I.e., (p. 658, note), p. 344 ; Cayley, (ib.), p. 206. 662 EXAMPLES • [265. Ex. 4. Consider the area, bounded by the cardioid r=2a (1+cos^); then we can take x=p = 'ia (l + cos«) cos u, y = q='2a {\ + cos u) sin u, where evidently u = d along the curve. Let the consecutive curve be given by ^= -a6 + 2a(l + e) i\ + GOsu')cosu', y = 2a(l + e) (1 + cos M')sin u', so that, to determine X, we assume P= — a+2a (1 + cosm) cos^f, ^ = 2a (1+cosm) sinw, for m' — 2«= -/a a small quantity. We have p"^ + q''^ = 16a^ cos^ ^i, q'P—p'Q=12a? cos2 ■!«., p'P+q'Q= — 2a^ sin u ; and then, proceeding as before and choosing A of the text as equal to — |^, (which implies that e is negative and therefore that the interior area is taken), we find X=u, therefore Z= w. Thus the cardioid itself and the consecutive curves are given by iZ zz=p + iq = 2a{l+cos Z)e . To trace the curves, corresponding to lines parallel to the axes of X and Y, we have '^^'' = 2cos^Zei'^, Hence, multiplying, we have and, dividing, we have (f)* = 2c„.K.«-i^ r = 4:ae {cos ^ Z cos ^ Zq) = 2ae (cosh T+ cos X) ; iX cos^Z cos l^o' ,•, , . i{X-e)_cos^X cosh^T+isin ^Xsmh^Y ^ ^^' ^ ~ cos i X cosh I r- i sin ^X sinh ^Y' and therefore Moreover, we have tan ^{X-0) = tan | X tan h i Y. dz ^ . iz,, , iZ. -^=2aie (1 + e ), which vanishes when Z=Tr (2% + l), that is, at the point X={'2,n+\)Tt, F=0; whence the cusp of the cardioid is a singularity in the rej)resentation. When F=0, then X=^d and r=2a (1 + cos(9), which is the cardioid; when F is very small and is expressed in circular measure, then tan|(Z-^)=irtaniX, or .r=(9+rtani^, so that r =2a {I + cos 6) -AaY. It is easy to verify that 6=u' + \Yisji\u', agreeing with the former result. The relation may be taken in the form («/a)* = 2 cos lZe^^^ = e'^+l, 265.] OF ANALYTICAL CURVES 663 which shews that z = a is a branch -point for Z. Two different paths from any point to a point P, which together enclose a, give different values of Z at P. Hence the representa- tion ceases to be effective for any area that includes the point a. Consider a strip of the Z-plane between the lines F=0, Y=+ 668 RECTILINEAR POLYGON [267. All kinds of points on the boundary of the ty-polygon have been con- sidered, corresponding to points on the axis of x. We now consider points in the interior. If lu' be such an interior point and z be the corresponding ^--point, then w — iv' = {z — z') S {z — z'), where S does not vanish for z = z' , because at every point -7 - must be different from zero : for otherwise the magnification from a part of the ^•-plane to a part in the interior of the polygon would be zero and the representation would be ineffective. Now in the present case, just as in the first case suggested in § 264, it is manifest that, if a particular function w' give a required representation, then Aw'^-B, where |^| = 1, will give the same w-polygon displaced to a new origin and turned through an angle a, = arg. A, that is, no change will be made in the size or in the shape of the polygon, its position and orientation in the w-plane not being essential. Hence the function to be obtained may be expected to occur in the form lu = Aiu' + B ; hence dw _ . dw' dz dz ' and therefore log -y- = log e^" + log -j— , ,, , d L dw\ d /, dw'\ BO that £rs&j=sr»3rj- Thus, in representing a figure hounded hy straight lines, the function to he ohtained is Now in the vicinity of a boundary-point /3, not being an angular point and corresponding to a finite value of z, we have w-l3 = e^(-^+^\z-b)P(z-h), and therefore Z= Pi{z — b), having z = b for an ordinary point. For a boundary-point /3', not being an angular point and corresponding to an infinite value of z on the real axis, we have w-/3' = e*'(-+^'> IqI]), 2 ] /1\ and therefore Z — h — Qi ( - 1 , z z'- \z ) where Qi is not zero for ^ = 00 . Thus Z vanishes for such a point. 267.] REPRESENTED ON A HALF-PLANE 669 In the vicinity of an angular point 7, corresponding to a finite point c on the real axis, we have and therefore Z = \- B.,(z — c), Z — G where i^^ has z-=g for an ordinary point. In the vicinity of an angular point 7', corresponding to a place at infinity on the real axis, we have z z- \zj where R^ is not zero when z = ao . Thus Z vanishes at such a point. Lastly, for a point lu' in the interior of the polygon, we have w-iu'={z-z')S{z-z'), and therefore Z = Si(z — /), having z = z' for an ordinary?- point. Hence Z, considered as a function of z, has the- following properties: — It is an analytical function of z, real for all real values of its argument, and zero when a; is infinite : It has a finite number of accidental singularities each of the first order and all of them isolated points on the axis of-^: and at all other points on one side of the plane it is uniform, finite and continuous, having (except at the singularities) real continuous values for real continuous values of its argument. The function Z can therefore be continued across the axis of x, conjugate values of the function corresponding to conjugate values of the variable: and its properties make it, by § 48, a rational meromorphic function of z. Let a,h,c,...,l be the points (all in the finite part of the plane) on the axis of X corresponding to the angular points of the polygon, and let OTT, /StT, ryir, ..., XlT be the internal angles of the polygon at the respective points. The residues at these points are a— 1, ;8-l,7 — 1,...,A,— 1 respectively ; so, after § 48, we consider the function W given by [z — a z — z - c z — L It is finite everywhere in the finite part of the plane z. 670 RECTILINEAR POLYGON [267. If no angular point of the polygon corresponds to ^^=00, then for large values of z we have where T\-\ is finite for large values of z. But S (tt — om) = sum of the external angles of the polygon = 27r, so that 2 (a - 1) = - 2. Thus W is zero of the second order when z = cc . If an angular point of the polygon corresponds to z = 00 , then for large values of z we have n.=_'i±.i+\ij.(i)_l2(«-i)-lr(i), z z^ \zj z z^ \zj where T{-\ is finite for large values of z. But now (tt — /i7r) + S (tt - air) = sum of the external angles of the polygon • = - 27r, so that 1 - /i + 2 (1 - a) = - 2, that is, /A + l + 2(a-l) = 0. Thus W is. zero of the second order when z — ^ . Consequently W has no pole anywhere in the ^r-plane ; so it is a constant. At infinity, W is zero, so that this constant is zero. Hence we have , d L fdw\] _ « — 1 A. — 1 dz\ ° \dz )\ z — a '" z — i dz and each of the quantities a, /3, ..., X- is less than 2. This equation*, when integrated, gives w = GJ(z - ay-' (z - by-' ...(z- ly-' dz + C, where G and C are arbitrary constants, determinable from the position of the polygon •(-. • It is to be noted that, when no angular point of the w-polygon has its homologue at infinity, the relation 2 («-!) = -2 is satisfied ; and that this relation does not hold when an angular point of the w-polygon has its homologue at infinity. The final expression for w in terms of z is commonly called the Schwarz- Christoffel transformation. * This relation is made the basis of some interesting applications in hydrodynamics, by Michell, Phil. Trans., (1890), pp. 389 — 43 L See also the authorities quoted in the " Note on some appli- cations of couformal representation to mathematical physics," pp. 639 — 652, ante. t This result was obtained independently by Christoffel and by Schwarz: I.e., p. 666, note. 268.] TRIANGLE ON A HALF-PLANE 671 268. It may be remarked, first, that any three of the real quantities a, h, c, . . . , I can be chosen arbitrarily, subject to the restrictions that the points a, h, c, ..., I follow in the same order along the axis of w as the angular points of the polygon and that no one of the remaining points passes to infinity. For if three definite points, say a, b, c, have been chosen, they can, . by a real substitution where p, q, r, s are real quantities satisfying ps — qr = 1, be changed into other three, say a, b', c' : and then, substituting and using the relation S(a — 1)= — 2, we have tu = TJ(^-ay-'(^-by-'...{^-iy-'d!;+C\ where F is a new constant. By the real substitution, the axis of real quantities is preserved : and thus the new form equally effects the con- formal representation of the polygon. But, secondly, it is to be remarked that when three of the points on the axis of a; are thus chosen, the remainder are then determinate in terms of them and of the constants of the polygon. 269. The simplest example is that of a triangle of angles utt, /Sir, j-jr, so that a + /3 + y = l. Then a particular function determining the conformal representation of this w-triangle on the half 2^-plane is _ r dz ^^ ~ j (^ - a)i- {z - by-^ (z - cf-y ' dz so that T- = (^ - «y~" (^ - by~^ (^ - oy-^ > aw a differential equation of the first order*. For general values of a, yS, 7, which are rational fractions, the integral- function w is an Abelian transcendent of some class which is greater than 1 : and then, after §§ 110, 239, z is no longer a definite function of w, and the path of integration must be specified for complete definition of the function. If a = 0, the only instance when the integral is a uniform function of w is when yS = i, 7 = i : and then the function is simply-periodic. In such a case, the w-figure is a strip of the plane of finite breadth, extending in one * Equations of this type are discussed in my Theory of Differential Equations, Part 11, vol. ii ; in particular, see Chapters ix, x. The cases when the integrals are uniform functions, either algebraic, simply-periodic, or doubly-pei iodic, are discussed in § 137 of the volume quoted. 672 SQUARE ON A CIRCLE [269. direction to infinity and terminated in the finite part of the plane by a straight line perpendicular to the direction of infinite extension. Ex. Discuss the case when a = 0, i3=0, 7=1, pointing out the relation between the half of one plane and a strip in the other. If no one of the quantities a, ^, 7 be zero, then on account of the condition aJ^ ^ -\. ^ = 1, the only cases when the integral gives ^^ as a uniform function of IV are as follows : — (I) a = i, /3 = J, 7=3; an equilateral triangle : (II) 0L = \, /3 = \, 7 = i; an isosceles right-angled triangle : (III) a = i, ^ = i, 7 = i; ^ right-angled triangle, with one angle equal to ^TT. In each of these cases z is a, uniform doubly-periodic function of w ; and after arranging the constants of integration, the respective relations are (I) -j = ^'(^o), where the invariants g2, gz are = 0, 4 ; . (H) ^=r(^). where the invariants g^, gz are = — 4, ; (HI) 1^. = ^'W' where the invariants g^,, gz are 0, 4. The integral expressions for these cases were given by Love*, who also discussed a further case, (due to Schwarz), in which z occurs as a two-valued doubly-periodic function of w. The triangle is then isosceles with an angle of f TT, the values of a, /3, 7 being a = f, ;8 = ^,7 = |-; the relation is where the invariants g^ and g.^ are 0, 4. The example next in point of simplicity is furnished by a quadrilateral, in particular by a rectangle : then a = ;S = 7 = 8 = i. When no one of the homologues of the angular points is at infinity on the real axis in the ^-plane, the general form is 'w=j[{z—a){z — h){z — c){z — d)\~^dz, so that 2^ is a doubly-periodic function oi z. * Amer. Journ. of Math., vol. xi, (1889), pp. 158—171. 269.] SQUARE ON A CIRCLE 673 When one (but only one) of the homologues of the angular points is at infinity, the form is w=J[(2-a)(z- b) {z - c)]~^dz, so that again ^ is a doubly-periodic function of z. When two of the homologues of the angular points are at infinity — and there cannot be more than two — then after the explanations of § 267, the form of relation is dz\ dz J z — b z — c' We shall consider the last form at once. There are two alternatives according as b and c are distinct or as they coincide. When they are distinct, we take 6 = + l, c = — 1; when they coincide, we take 6 = c = 0. For the first case, we easily find w = A \ — : + B -' {Z' - 1)2 = A cosh~^ z + B. Dropping the constant B (which only affects the origin in the w-plane), we have w z = cosh , , A and we shall take A real. Thus u V . , u . V ^ cos -^ , 2/ = smh J sm ^ ; the upper half of the ^-plane is conformally represented upon the interior of a strip in the w-plane bounded by the lines v = 0, v = 7rA, and the part of u = between these two lines. For the second case, we have d A dw\ dz\ ^^ dz) ~ 1 z ' and so we easily find w = A log z 4- ■B. Again dropping the constant B and taking A real, we have u X = e^ cos -T , y = = e^ sin V the upper half of the ^;-plane is conformally represented upon the interior of the strip in the w-plane bounded by the lines v = 0, v = irA. Passing now to the general form, we shall first suppose that the rectangle is a square. We choose oo , 1, as points on the axis of x corresponding to three of the angular points in order. The symmetry of the figure then F. F. 43 674 RECTANGLE ON [269. enables us to choose — 1 as the point on the axis of x corresponding to the remaining angular point. As the homologue of one angular point is at infinity, and as — 1, 0, 1 are the homologues of the other three, we have the relation between w and z in the form w = CJ{z {z - 1) (^ + V)\-^dz + G' dz = -T + C, {z(z^-l)}^ C and C being dependent upon the position and the magnitude of the w-square. Again, the half ^-plane is transformed (§ 257, Ex. 13) into the interior of a ^-circle, of radius 1 and centre the origin, by the relation I + Z Then except as to a constant factor, which can be absorbed in C, the integral in IV changes to dZ so that, by the relation W = (1 - Z'f dZ (1 _ z^y the interior of a ^-circle, centre the origin and radius 1, is the conformal representation of the interior of some square in the TT-plane. Denoting by L the integral 1 , so that 2L is the length of adiagonal, the angular points of the square are D, A, B, G on the axes of reference : and these become d, a, h, c on the circumference of the circle. They correspond to representation on the half-plane; Ex. Shew that the area outside a square in the w-plane can be contbrmally repre- sented on the interior of a circle in the s-plane, centre the origin and radius unity, by the equation Fig. 94. 1, 0, 1, GO on the axis of x in the J 1 2" the 2-origin corresponding to the infinitely distant part of the ?6'-plane. (Schwarz.) Secondly, let the rectangle have unequal sides. Then the symmetry of the figure justifies the choice of j, 1,— 1, — ^ as four points on the axis of x 269.] A HALF-PLANE 675 corresponding to the angular points of the rectangle when it is represented on the half-plane. We thus have = g!" {(1 - z') (1 - A;V^)|- idz+ G\ w J If the rectangle be taken so that its angular points are a, a + 2bi, -a + 2bi, - a in order, these corresponding to 1, ^ , - r , - 1 respectively, then we have so that the relation is and then 0: = C', a- = CK, a + 2bi : = C(K + iK'); w a K = 'Jo {(1-. K' K~ q = e _2b a ' 27r6 a whence where q is the usual Jacobian constant : this equation determines the relation between the shape of the rectangle and the magnitude of k. In the particular case when the rectangle is a square, we have b = a and K' - 1 - so ^ = e-2^ or -^ = 2 : and therefore * ^^ - 3 - VS or y = 3 -f- V8. The differ- ence from the preceding representation of the square is that, there, the point z = i was the homologue of the centre of the square, whereas now, as may easily be proved, the point z = i{\l2 -[- 1) is the homologue of the centre. Ex. Discuss the transformation /"2 1 1 tO=\ -,(1-202 COS a -I- 3*) "2(^0^ shewing that the perimeter of a rectangle in the w-plane is transformed into the circum- ference of a circle in the z-plane. Discuss also the correspondence of the areas bounded by these perimeters. But in the case of a quadrilateral, in which such symmetrical forms are obviously not possible, and, in the case of any convex polygon, only three points can be taken arbitrarily on the axis of x : the most natural three points to take are 0, 1, x for three successive points. The values for the remaining points must be determined before the representation can be considered definite. * This is derived at once by means of the quadric transformation in elliptic functions. 43—2 676 QUADRILATERAL [269. Thus in the case of a quadrilateral, taking oo , 0, 1 as the homologues of D, A, B respectively and - as the homologue of C, c (where yu.00, a' + 1 -y' = 2 -y- a- /3 = S > 0, SO that, as jLt < 1, the definite integral is finite at all the critical points. * For the analytical relations in reference to the definite integrals, see Goursat, " Sur r^quation differentielle lineaire qui admet pour integrale la s^rie hypergeometrique," Ann. de VEc. Norm. Sup., 2°^= Ser., t. x, (1881), Suppl., pp. 3—142; and for the relations between the hypergeometric series, see my Treatise on Differential Equations, 4th ed., pp. 211 — 230, 290 — 293, the notation of which is here adopted. 269.] We have DETERMINATION OF CONSTANT 677 />^=-j«ji&;=«^K ,■„.,,) r(a)r(/3) Ti; ,r.(ff-i) r-(g)r(y) _ r(/3+y) '^*' xi^U'-/3', l-,3', y'-a'-/3' + l, _ -..■(i3+v)r(y)r(S) Xi^(^^'-y' + l, 1-a', 2-y', -^ r(y+8) ^T-'I^2• Hence Now, if r(a)r(^) ^ ^.•(/3-i)r O)r(y) x. , -«(0+y)r^yOr^) .. ^^ '^ r(a+/3) -^^-' r(y+S) ^*+' TFPsy ■ J/l=- n(y-i)n(-a')n(-/y) r(a+^)r(y)r(i-a) n(l-y')n(y'-a'-l)n(y'-/3'-l) T (y + S) T (1 -8) T (/3) ' ^,^ ^ n(-aOn(-^') _ r(y)r(i-«) n(y'-a'-i3')n(-y') r(/3 + y)r(y-i-S-i)' ■ then ri = Af^Yo+N^Yi. Substituting, we have *L^ ^ r(a+^) r(^+y) _ ^L r(y + S) ^ ^ r(a + i3) i_ By using properties of the Gamma functions, the coefficient of Y^ can be proved equal to e"'" r((3)r(y),, . , ^, - ^ -, e""siny7r r (^) r (y) asmoTT r(/3 + y) ^ ^ ' ' asmoTr r(/3 + y) ' and the coefficient of Y.2 can be proved* equal to e"° r(y)r(g) ,^ . . _^^^ , w«_L. ^ ) e"Siny7r,r(y)r(8) — ^ '/ . ^N {asm (a + j3 + y) 7!--a sm (/S+y) 7r}= ^ ^— h —rj-^ — ^ . asmaiv r(y + 8) ^ ^ 'MT-// \t-^ r/ j a sm ott r(y + S) Moreover l-y SO that 72=^20=^4 = / ^(l-/^f "" ^ F{l-a', 1-0', 2-y', m}, "^>{l-a', 1-/3', y'-a'-/3' + l, 1-/.}: Fa i^{y, 1-a, y + 8, /x} . ^4=y24=J/8 = /^^ ^ (1-M Fi /'{y, 1-a, y+ft 1-;^}' and therefore an equation to determine /i is F{y, l-g, y + d, ^} ^C V{^)V{y + b) F{y, 1-a, y + /3, l-^a} 6 T (S) T (y+/3) ' * In reducing the coeflBcients to these forms, limiting cases (such as ;8 + y=l) of the quadri- lateral are excluded. 678 LIMITING CASE OF POLYGON [269. Ex. 1. A convex quadrilateral in the w-plane has its sides AB, BC equal to unity, its angles A and C each equal to air, and its angle B equal to /Stt ; prove that it can be conformally represented upon the positive half of the s-plane by the relation -1/1 ^.•iNa-i j„_ / -^-1/1 „2n'^~i "l 2 Ts _2 (1- -^") » dx= / ^1- -s") ^dz. ^ /o x^-\l-x'f 'dx= z^ \\-z^T dz. (Math. Trip., Part II., 1895.) Ex. 2. A regular polygon of n sides, in the w-plane, has its centre at the origin and one angular point on the axis of real quantities at a distance unity from the origin. Shew that its interior is conformally represented on the interior of a circle, of radius unity and centre the origin, in the 2-plane by means of the relation (Schwarz.) Ex. 3. A plane non-reentrant hexagon ABCDEF is symmetrical about its diagonal AD: prove that the enclosed area can be conformally represented upon a half -plane, so that the angular points correspond to points co , — 1, — /x, 0, /x, 1 on the real axis, provided /x is determined by the equation ]_ where the variable 6 is real throughout the two ranges of integration, b and c are the sides AB and BC respectively, and air, /Stt, yn are the internal angles A, B, G respectively, (Trinity Fellowship, 1898.) 270. It is natural to consider the form which the relation assumes when we pass from the convex polygon to a convex curve, by making the number of sides of the polygon increase without limit. The external angle between two consecutive tangents being denoted by d\lr, and the internal angle of the polygon at the point of intersection of the tangents being ^tt, we have TT — ^TT = dyjr, dyl/' so that ^—1 — . TT Let X be the point on the axis of real quantities, which corresponds to this angular point of the polygon ; then the limiting form of the relation d /, dw\ _ n;> a — 1 dz\°dzj 2 — a d (. dw\ 1 i dylr dz \ dz] TT J z — x^ where x is the point on the real axis in the ^-plane corresponding to the point on the tu-cwxve at which the tangent makes an angle i/r with some fixed line, and the integral extends round the curve, which is supposed to be simple (that is, without singular points) and everywhere convex. 270.] AS A CONVEX CURVE 679 The disadvantage of the form is that x is not known as a function of -v/r ; and its chief use is to construct curves such that the contour is conformally represented, according to any assigned law, along the axis of real quantities in the ^-plane. The utility of the form is thus limited : the relation is not available for the construction of a function by which a given convex area in the w-plane can be conformally represented on the half of the 2^-plane*. Ex. Let A' = tan ■^■v//- : then taking the integral from — tt to +7r, we have log dz\ ^ dz J TT j _^^-tan|■v//■ 7r 7 _i„3 — tan The integral on the right-hand side is p'^ d(i> _ fo j 2 - tan (^ j 1 z + tan (f) d(t> / z^ — tan^ (p and therefore d^ / ^\ _ _ _2_ dz\^dz)~ z-V which, on further integration, leads to the ordinary expression for a circle on a half- plane. 271. In regard to the conformal representation on the half of the ^-plane of figures in the 'Zt'-plane bounded by circular arcs, we proceed-f- in a manner similar to that adopted for the conformal representation of rectilinear polygons. * See Christoffel, Gott. Naehr., (1870), pp. 283—298. t For the succeeding investigations the following authorities may be consulted : — Schwarz, Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 78—80, 221—259. Cayley, Camb. Phil. Trans., vol. xiii, (1879), pp. 5—68; Coll. Math. Papers, vol. xi, pp. 148—216. Klein, Vorlesungen ilber das Ikosaeder, Section I., and particularly pp. 77, 78. Darboux, Theorie generale des surfaces, t. i, (2nd ed.), pp. 512 — 526. Klein-Fricke, Theorie der elliptischen Modulfunctionen, t. i, pp. 93 — 114. Goursat, I.e., p. 676, note. Schonflies, 3Iath. Ann., t. xlii, (1893), pp. 377—408, ib., t. xliv, (1894), pp. 105—124. 680 SCHWARZIAN DERIVATIVE [271. It is manifest that, if u=f{z) determine a eonformal representation on the 2^-plane of a w-polygon bounded by circular arcs and having assigned angles, then Au + B Cu + D' where A, B, C, D may be taken subject to the condition AD — BG = 1, will represent on the half ^-plane another such polygon with the same assigned angles : for the homographic transformation, preserving angles unchanged, changes circles into circles or occasionally into straight lines. Hence, as in § 264, when the transforming function is being obtained, it is to be expected that it will be such as to admit of this apparent generality : and therefore, since [w, z] = [u, z], where [w, z\ is the Schwarzian derivative, it follows that, in obtaining the eonformal representation of a figure bounded by circidar arcs, the function to be constructed is We proceed, as in the case of the rectilinear polygon, to find the form of the appropriate function in the vicinity of points of various kinds. But one immediate simplification is possible, which enables us to use some of the earlier results. Let C be an angular point, CA and CB two circular arcs, one of which may be a straight line : if both were straight lines, the modification would be unnecessary. In- vert the figure with regard to the other point of intersection of CA and GB : the two circles invert into straight lines cutting at the same angle /jltt. Take the reflexion of the inverted figure in the axis of imaginary quantities : and make any displacement parallel to the axis of real quantities : if W be the new variable, the relation between lo and W is of the form aW + b cW + d~'"' rhere ad - -bc = l; and therefore { W, z] = [w, z Consider the function for the T^-plane. Let T be the point corresponding to G, an angular point of the polygon, having ^r = c as its homologue on the axis of x, account being taken of the possibility of having c = x ; let /3 be any point on either of the straight lines corresponding to a point on the contour of the polygon not an angular point, having z = b as its homologue on the axis of x. If a contour point not an angular point have ^ = oo as its homologue on the axis, denote it by /3'. 271.] FOR EEPRESENTATION ON A CIRCLE 681 Then for the vicinity of ^, we have (as in § 267) a relation of the form F- /3 = e*>+«) (z-b)P(z-b); then so that dW log -7— = const. 4- log Pi (z — b), {W,z]=P,(z-b), where Pg is an integral function of z — b, converging for sufficiently small values of \ z — b\.' For the vicinity of /3', we have similarly z \z then and therefore f=^" }=«.©. :f,^}=--I where Q2 is finite for ^^ = co . In the vicinity of the angular point F, having a finite point on the axis of X for its homologue, we have W-T = e''(-+«) (z - cY R{z- c), and, proceeding as before, we find that r + R^{z- c), Tf, ^} = *^^~^'^ ■ ^' + {z — c)~ z — c where G^ depends on the coefficients in the series R{z — c). But if the angular point F have the point at infinity on the axis of x for its homologue, we have F-F = e*"(-+^)-Tf- then, proceeding as before, we find that \W,z]=^ ia-/^^) , 1 -^^U' where T^i-] is finite when z ^ 00 682 CURVILINEAR POLYGON [271. Lastly, for a point W in the interior having its homologue at 2^ = z', we have W- W' = {z-z)S{z-z'), and then [W,z]= S^ {z - z). Hence [ W, z], considered as a function of z, has the following properties : — (i) It is an analytical function of z, real for all real vaTues of the argument z ; and if ic = 00 do not correspond to an angular point of the polygon, then for very large values of z where Q^ is finite when z = 00 . (ii) It has a finite number of accidental singularities, all of them isolated points on the axis of x : and at all other points on one side of the plane it is uniform, finite, and continuous, having (except at the accidental singularities) real continuous values for real continuous values of its argument. Its form near the singularities, and its form for infinitely large values of z, it ^ = 00 be the homologue of an angular point, are given above. Hence {IT, ^r| can be continued across the axis of x, conjugate values of [W, z] corresponding to conjugate values of z: and thus its properties make it a rational meromorphic function of z. Two cases have to be considered. First, let the angular points of the polygon have their homologues at finite distances from the ^-origin, say, at a, 6, . . . , ^ : and let air, ^ir, ..., Xtt be the internal angles of the polygon at the vertices. Then w ^|_V_^^_iV 2 — z — a " (z — of has no infinity in the plane ; it is a uniform analytical function of z, and must therefore be a constant, which, by the value at z= ao , is seen to be zero. Hence [W,z]=X-^+^X^—^^ = 2J{z\ ^ ' z — a {z -ay the summation being for the homologues of all the angular points of the polygon. But when z is very large, we have, in this case F..) = ^ft(l-), 271.] REPRESENTED ON A CIRCLE 683 SO that, expanding 2J{z) in powers of - and comparing with the latter form, we have, on equating coefficients of z'~'^, z~^, z~^, = 2^0^' + 2a (1 - a^), relations among the constants of the problem. Secondly, let one angular point, say a, of the polygon have its homologue on the axis of x at infinity, and let oltt be the internal angle at a : and let the homologues of the others be h, ..., k, I, the internal angles of the polygon being /Stt, . . . , kit, Xtt. Then the function has no infinity in the plane : it is a uniform analytical function of z, and must therefore be a constant, say M; thus ' ^ z — b{z — by But, when z is very large, we have tr,.) = ^ z \z Z" ' because a; = oo is the homologue of the vertex a of the polygon, the angle ■ there being cctt ; also, T (-) is finite when z = ao . Hence, expanding in powers of - and comparing coefficients, we have 25o = 0, so that lW,z] = ^^ + it^—^.= 2I{z), z — b {z — bf where the summation is for the homologues of all the angular points other than a, and the constants are subject to the two conditions %B,b=^{i-o?)-\x{i-n The form of the function { W, z] is thus obtained for the two cases, the latter being somewhat more simple than the former : and the exact expansion of W in the vicinity of a singular point can be obtained with coefficients expressed in terms of the constants. 684 CEESCENT [2T2. 272. In either case the equation which determines W is of the third order; but the determination can be simplified by using a well-known property of linear differential equations*. If i/i and 3/2 be two solutions of the equation the quotient of which is equal to the quotient of two solutions of dx- dP where I=Q--j P-, being the invariant of the equation for linear trans- formation of the dependent variable, and where Y/y = e^^'^^, then the equation satisfied by s, = y-ily-,, is [s, x] = 21. Hence for the present case, if we can determine two independent solutions Z^ and Z2 of the equation drZ dz^ + ZJ{z) = , for the first case, or two independent solutions of the equation for the second case, then AZ, + BZ, CZ, + DZ, is the general solution of the equation {W,z] = ^J{z)oy2I{z\ and therefore is the function by which the curvilinear w-polygon is conform- ally represented on the ^-half-plane. 273. As a first example, consider the w-area between two circular arcs which cut at an angle Xtt. The ^r-origin can be conveniently taken as the homologue of one of the angular points, and the ^-point at infinity along the axis of X as the homologue of the other. Then we have [W,z]= — + ^^^—^ — , ' z z^ provided ^ = 0, vl . = |(1 -\-) -i(l ->^'X both of which conditions are satisfied by J. = ; and so '■ See my Treatise on Differential Equations, §§ 59 — 62. 273.] CURVILINEAR TRIANGLE 685 The linear differential equation is so that Z, = z^-^^^'^\ Z, = ^i(i-^>; and therefore the general solution for Tl^ is cz^ + d' The (three) arbitrary constants can be determined by making z = and z = QC correspond to the angular points of the crescent, and the direction of the line z — z^ (which is the axis of x) correspond to one of the circles, the other of the circles being then determinate. If the w-circles intersect in — i (the homologue of the 5-origin) and + i (the homologue of « = oo ), and if the centre of one of the circles be at the point (cot a, 0), then the relation is . z^ — ce~"'' w = ^ — -, ^^ + ce~°-^ where c is an arbitrary constant, equivalent to the possible constant magnifi- cation of the 5^-plane without affecting the conformal representation : it can be determined by fixing homologous points on the contour of the crescent. More generally, if the w-circles intersect in w-^ and Wg) respectively homo- logous to ^ = and z= cc , then is the form of the relation. Evidently a segment of a circle is a special case. 274. Next, consider a triangle in the w-plane formed by three circular arcs and let the internal angles be Xtt, fiir, vtt. The homo- logue of one of the angular points, say of that at yu,7r, can be taken at z—co; of one, say of that at Xtt, at the 2^-origin ; and of the other, say of that at vir, at a point z=l: all on the axis of cc. Then we have B C z z — \ . 1 - \2 + h 7r-+^ ''{z-iy where the constants B and G are subject to the relations 5+0=0, 5 . + (7 . 1 = i (1 - /^^) - i (1 - X^) - i (1 - v% Fig. 97. SO that and therefore -B=C=^{X^-fi? + v''-l\ iz-^y + ^ V - yU,^ -I- V^ - 1 ^ z{z-\) 686 CON FORMAL REPRESENTATION [274. But I{z) is the invariant of the differential equation of the hypergeometric series * < 1 we shall obtain merely general values of a, /3, 7 ; hence the transforming function will be obtained as a quotient of two particular solutions of the equation of the series. Now according to the magnitude of \z\, these solutions, which are in the form of infinite series, change: and thus we have w equal to an analytical function of z, which has different branches in different parts of the plane. The distribution of the values ^^ =^ 0, 1, 00 as the homologues of the three angular points was an arbitrary selection of one among six possible arrange- ments, which change into one another by the following scheme : — 1-z 1 1 1-z z 2-1 z-\ z 1 00 1 00 1 1 00 00 00 00 1 1 1 The quantities in the first row are the homographic substitutions, conserving the positive half-plane and interchanging the arrangements. These substitutions are the functions of z subsidiary to the derivation of Kummer's set of 24 particular solutions of the equation of the hypergeometric series. Ex. Take the case when two of the angles of the triangle are right, say v = h, ^■ = ^. X = ~ . Then, when n is finite t, a transforming relation is l + (i-2)*' and, when n is infinite, a transforming relation is 1 l-(l-3)* «<^ = log i -- l+(l-2)^ * Treatise on Differential Equations, § 116. t ib., § 131. and 274.] OF CURVILINEAR TRIANGLE 687 obtainable either as a limiting form of the above, or by means of the solutions F{a, ^, y, z) and i^(a, /3, a + /3 - 7+ 1, 1 -«) of the differential equation of the hypergeometric series. In the respective cases the general relations,' establishing the conformal representation, are aw + by _!-{!- z)^ ^«' + ^/ ~l+(l-2)4' aw + b , l-n-z)i , = log ^ — . CW + d ^l + (i._^)4 The three circles, arcs of which form the triangle, divide the whole of the w-plane into eight triangles which can be arranged in four pairs, each pair having angles of the same . magnitude. Thus D' D, D' have angles Xir, /xtt, vtt. ^^ A, A' Xtt, (l-/x)7r, (l-z/)7r, / \ /'"A ^ B, B' i\ — X) TT , IXTT , {1 — v) IT , A M' and C, C (1 — X)7r, (1 — yu,) vr, z^tt ; \ \C/ B and when any one of the triangles is given, it determines the remaining seven. It is convenient to choose the particular pair which has the sum of its angles not greater than the sum for any of the others. A triangle of the selected pair is called the reduced triangle*; let it be the triangle D. Let Sir be this smallest sum, so that 8=\ + fx-\-v\ as the sum of the angles in each of the other pairs of triangles is equal to, or greater than, Sir, we have 4*S^7r < sums for pairs A, B, C, J) < Gtt, so that ^ < I , that is, A, + //, 4- 1- < f . (The only case of exception arises when all the four sums are equal to one another ; and then A, = ^u, = z/ = ^.) We have already, in part, considered the case in which X + fj, + v = 1. For, when this equation holds, inversion with the other point having Xir for its angle as centre of inversion, changes f D into a triangle bounded by straight lines and having Xir, /jltt, vtt as its angles; and therefore, in that case, the problem is merely a special instance of the representation of a w-rectilinear polygon on the ^•-half-plane. But there is a very important difference between the cases for which \ + [x-\-v < 1 and those for which \ + iju + v >1: in the former, the ortho- gonal circle (having its centre at the radical centre of the three circles) is real, and in the latter it is imaginary. The cases must be treated separately, ,^ * Schwarz, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 236. t The figure in the text does not apply to this case, because, as may easily be proved, the three circles must meet in a point. 688 FUNCTIONAL RELATION [275. 275. First, we take \ + //, + v < 1. Then of the two triangles, which have the same angles, one lies entirely within the orthogonal circle and the other entirely without it ; and each is the inverse of the other with regard to the orthogonal circle *. Let inversion with regard to the angular point Xtt in A take place : then the new triangle is bounded by two straight lines cutting at an angle Xtt and by a circular arc cutting them at angles /xtt and vir respectively, the convex side of the arc being turned towards the straight angle. The new orthogonal circle is the inverse of the old and its centre is A, the angular point at Xir ; its radius is the tangent from A to the arc GB, and therefore it com- pletely includes the triangle ABC. The homologue of A is, as before, taken to be the ^r-origin 0, that of C to be the point z = 1, say c, and that of 5 to be ^ = co on the axis of x, say b for + 00 and 6' for — 00 . Suppose that we have a representation of the triangle on the positive half-plane of z. The function [w, z] can be continued across the axis of x into a negative half-plane, if the passage be over a part of that axis, where the function is real and continuous, that is, if the passage be over Oc, or over c&, or over h'O ; and therefore w is defined for the whole plane by [w, z] = 2/ (z), its branch -points being 0, a, b. Any branch on the other side, say w^, will give, on the negative half-plane, a representation of a triangle having the same angles, bounded by circular arcs orthogonal to the same circle, and having 0, c, b for the homologues of its angular points. Thus if the con- tinuation be over cb, the new w-triangle has CB common with the old, and the angular point J.' lies beyond CB from A. To obtain the new triangle A 'CB geometrically, it is sufficient to invert the triangle AGB, with regard to the centre of the circular arc CB. This inversion leaves CB unaltered; it gives a circular arc CJ.' instead of CA and a circular arc BA' instead of BA: the angles of A'CB are the same as those of A CB. Since the orthogonal circle of A CB cuts CB at right angles and CB is inverted into itself, the orthogonal circle is inverted into itself; therefore the triangle A'CB has the same orthogonal circle as the triangle ACB. The branch lu^ , by passing back across the axis round a branch-point into the positive half-plane, leads to a new branch lUo, which gives in that half-plane a representation of a triangle, again having the angles Xtt, /mtt, vtt and having 0, c, b for the homologues of its angular points. Thus if 'the passage be over Oc, the new w-triangle has A'C common with A'CB and the angular point B" lies on the side of CA' remote from B : but if the passage be * For the general properties of such systems of circles, see Lachlan, Quart. Journ. Math., vol. xxi, (1886), pp. 1—59. 275.] FOR CURVILINEAR TRIANGLE 689 over cb, then we merely revert to the original triangle CAB. The new triangle has, as before, the same orthogonal circle as A'GB. Proceeding in this way by alternate passages from one side of the axis of X to the other, we obtain each time a new w-triangle, having one side common with the preceding triangle and obtained by inversion with respect to the centre of that common side : and for each triangle we obtain a new branch of the function w, the branch-points being 0, 1, oo . If, by means of sections such as Hermite's (§ 103), we exclude all the axis of x except the part between two branch-points, the function is uniform over the whole plane thus bounded. All these triangles lie within the orthogonal circle, and they gradually approach its circumference : but as the centres of inversion always turn that circle into itself, while the sides of the triangle are orthogonal to it, they do not actually reach the circumference. The orthogonal circle forms a natural limit (§81) to the part of the w-plane thus obtained. Ex. Shew that all the inversions, necessary to obtain the complete system of triangles, can be obtained by combinations of inversions in the three circles of the original triangle. (Burnside.) Each of the triangles, thus formed in successive alternation, gives a w-region conformally represented on one half or on the other of the 2^- plane. If, then, the original triangle be combined with the first triangle that is conformally represented on the negative half-plane, every other similar combination may be regarded as a symmetrical repetition of that initial combination : each of them can be conformally represented* upon the whole of the ^-plane, with appropriate barriers along the axis of x. The number of the triangles is infinite, and with each of them a branch of the function w is associated: hence the integral relation - between w and z which is equivalent to the differential relation [w, z] = 2I (z), when \ + /J, + v kI, is transcendental in w. In the construction of the successive triangles, the successive sides passing through any point, such as C, make the same angle each with its predecessor : and therefore the repetition of the operation will give rise to a number of triangles at G eaqh having the same angle A-tt. If X, be incommensurable, then no finite number of operations will lead to the initial triangle : each operation gives a new position for the homologous side and ultimately the w-plane in this vicinity is covered an infinite number of times, that is, we can regard the w-surface as made up of an infinite number of connected sheets. If A, be commensurable, let it be equal to l/l', where I and I' are finite integers, prime to each other. When I is odd, 21' triangles will fill up the w-space immediately round C, and the {21'+ l)th triangle is the same as the F. F. 44 690 SPECIAL [275. first : but the space has been covered I times since ^I'Xir = 2^7r, that is, in the vicinity of C we can regard the w- surface as made up of I connected sheets. When I is even (and therefore V odd), V triangles will fill up the space round G completely, but the (Z'+ l)th triangle is not the same as the first: it is necessary to fill up the space round G again, and the (2Z'+l)th triangle is the same as at first ; the space has then been covered I times, so that again the w-surface can be regarded as made up of I connected sheets. The simplest case is evidently that in which X is the reciprocal of an integer, so that l = \\ and the w-surface must be regarded as single-sheeted. Similar considerations arise according to the values of /u, and of v. If then either A,, fx, or v be incommensurable, the number of t«-sheets is unlimited, that is, ^ as a function of w has an infinite number of values, or the equation between z and w is transcendental in z. Hence, when X. + yu, + y < 1 and either \ or /j, or v is incommensurable, the integral relation between w and z, luhich is equivalent to the differential relation [w, z] =21 (z), is transcend- ental both in tv and in.z. If all the quantities X, (x, v he commensurable, the simplest case of all arises when they are the reciprocals of integers*. Then ^ is a uniform transcendental function of w, satisfying the equation {w,z] = 2I{z); or, making z the dependent and w the independent variable, we have the result : — A function z that satisfies the equation 1 /V 1 " n^ . P' m- n d^z dz ^ fd^zy dw^ dw ^ \dw^J 1 1 1 1 111/ fi'-Y 2 ^2 +h(^2_iy+l- ^(^_i) ]\dwj' 111 where I, m, n are integers, such that -j+~-\--yi dcji, K' =\^ [I -{I - z)sin^ (f)]'^ d(f>, .' JO * The figure for the example v = \, /J. = i, X = i is given by Schwarz, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 240; and the figure for the example v = ^, ,u.=i, X = 7 is given in Klein-Fricke (p. 370); both of course satisfying the conditions 'K + fi + v 1 from the pair D and D', — \ + /u, + vS are the middle points of the edges : all projected from the centre of the sphere. The shaded triangles (the visible twelve being one half of the aggregate) correspond to one half of the ^-plane ; the unshaded triangles correspond to the other half of the 5-plane. Each of the angles at is ^tt : each of the angles at C is ^tt : each of the angles at 8 \b ^ir; and it may be noted that the triangles GOG are the triangles in the tetrahedral division of the spherical surface, the point 696 CONSTRUCTION [2*77. in the present triangle COC being the point ^ in a triangle STF, and the two points G being the points F and T in the former figure (fig. 102). 0|6 The solid is the icosahedron or the dodecahedron. These two solids can be placed so as to have the same planes of symmetry, by making the centres of the twenty faces of the icosahedron the vertices of the dodecahedron. In the figure (fig. 104) the vertices of the icosahedron are the points I: those of the dodecahedron are the points D : and the middle points of the edges . are the points >S^. The shaded triangles (the visible thirty, six in each lune through the vertex of the icosahedron, being one half of their aggregate) correspond to one half of the ^-plane : the unshaded triangles, equal in number and similarly distributed, correspond to the other half of the ^■-plane. The angles at the vertices I of the icosahedron are ^tt ; those at the vertices D of the dodecahedron are ^v ; and those at the middle points S of the edges (the same for both solids) are -^tt. 278. Having obtained the division of the surface, we now proceed to determine the functions which establish the conformal representation. In all these cases, ^ is a rational function of w : therefore when we know the zeros and the infinities of ^ as a function of w, each in its proper degree, we have the function determined save as to a constant factor. This factor can be determined from the value of tu when z = l. 278.] OF TRANSFORMING RELATIONS 697 The variable tu belongs to the stereographic projection of the point of the spherical surface on the equatorial plane, the south pole being the pole of projection. If X, Y, Z be the coordinates of the point on the spherical surface, the radius being unity, then X + iY ^ = TTX- For a point in longitude I and latitude ^tt — 8, we have X = cos ^ sin S, Y = sin 7 sin 8, Z = cos 8 : so that, if preferable, another form for w is IV = e»'^ tan ^8. In our preceding investigation, the angle at Xir was made to correspond with z = 0, that at vir with 2=1, that at /j^tt with z= cc . Case I. We take X,= -, ix = ^, v = I. ^77" 47r For the angular points /i7r we have 8 = \tt\ 1 = 0, — , — , . . . , each pomt belonging to two triangles of the same set, that is, triangles represented on the same half of the plane : thus the various ty-points in the plane are 2712 ^ for r = 0, 1, ..,,« — 1, each occurring twice. Hence z = cc , when the function w— 1 '^ n {w-e"" ''y r=0 vanishes, that is, s = oo , when (w" — 1)'-* vanishes. For the angular points vir, we have S = -^7r; 1=—, — , — , ..., each point belonging to two triangles of the same set : thus the various w-points in the plane are ^\2r + l) for r = 0, 1, ..., n — 1, each occurring twice. Hence z = l, when the function H [w-e"" Y vanishes, that is, z=l, when {w''^ + 1)^ vanishes. Now ^ is a uniform function of lu : hence v^e can take where ^ is a constant, easily seen to be unity : because, when u> = (corresponding to the common vertex Xtt at the North pole) and when 698 TETRAHEDRAL FUNCTION [278. w = 00 (corresponding to the common vertex Xtt at the South pole), z vanishes, as required. The relation is often expressed in the equivalent form z -.2-1 -.1 = - 4>w'' : - (w" + 1)^ : (w" - l)^ which gives the conformation on the half ^^-plane of a w-triangle bounded by circular arcs, the angles being -, ^tt, ^tt. The simplest case is that in 77" which the triangle is a sector of a circle with an angle - at the centre. The preceding relation is a solution of the equation I1-- --1I (z-iyz(z-i)]- If we choose X = ^, /^ = ^, v = -; so that z = when (w" + l)^ vanishes, 2: = 00 when {w'^—Vf vanishes, and z=l when w"^ vanishes, the relation establishing the conformal representation is z : z-1 : 1 = (w'» + 1)^ : 4^^* : {w-^ - If. This relation is a solution of the equation [lU, + T TT„ + z- (z — If z {z — l)j Case II. We take A, = I ; so that z = must give the points S, each of them twice, since there are two triangles of the same set at ;S : yu- = ^ (and these are taken at T), so that z = co must give the points T, each of them thrice : and v = ^ (and these are taken at F), so that ^ = 1 must give the points F, each of them thrice. Taking the plane of the paper as the meridian from which longitudes are measured, the coordinates of the four w-points in the plane, corresponding to T by stereographic projection, are V2 _V2 .x/2 _ .V2 V3 V3 'V3 \/3 V3 V3 '^V3 "^V3 say w^, W2, Ws, Wi. Then z=oo gives each of these points thrice: that is, z= , when {(w — Wi) ... (w — iUi)Y vanishes, or 2^ = 00 , when (iv' - 2w- V3 - 1)=^ vanishes. 278.] OCTAHEDRAL FUNCTION 699 The coordinates of the four points corresponding to F, are V2 V2 . V2 . \/2 \/3 ^3 V3 1^73' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ^V3 V3 V3 Hence z—1, when (w^ + 2W^ \/3 - 1)' vanishes. (2j.+i)-:if The coordinates of the six points corresponding to S are 0, e ^ (for ?' = 0, 1, 2, 3) and X) : hence z = Q, when vanishes. Moreover, 2; is a uniform function of w : and therefore _ ( w* + 2w^ V3 -^ 1)=^ ^~(w^-2tt;V3-l)'' the constant multiplier on the right-hand side being determined as unity by the relation between the points S and the value z = 0. The relation is often expressed in the equivalent form z :z-\ : l = 12V3w2(w*+l)' : K + 2wW3-l)' : -{w'-2iu- ^J^-l)\ It gives the conformation on the 2;-half-plane of a triangle in the w-plane, bounded by circular arcs, the angles of the triangle being ^-tt, Jtt, ^tt. The simplest case is that of a portion cut out ,,--' of a sector of a circle of central angle 30°, by the ,--'' arc and two lines at right angles to one another ^ symmetrical with respect to the arc. ^' It has been assumed that the plane of the paper is the meridian. Another convenient meridian to take is one which passes through a point 8 on the equator : in that case, the preceding analysis applies if a rotation through an angle ^tt be made. The effect of this rotation is to give the new variable W for any point in the form in so that 'uf = — iW^. The relation then takes the form 'z :z-l : 1 = 12 V^ W\W'-iy:(W' + 2W"^^+iy : -(W'-2W'^'^ + iy; but there is no essential difference between the two relations. 700 OCTAHEDRAL FUNCTION [278. The lines by which the w-plane is divided into triangles, each conformally represented on one or other half of the ^-plane, are determined by z = Zo, that is, by The figure is the stereographic projection of the division of the sphere, and it can be obtained as in § 257 (Ex. 20, Ex. 23). Case IV. We take X = i, so that z=0 must give the eight points C : each is given three times, because at C there are three triangles of the same set : we take v = i, so that z = l must give the six points 0, each four times : and /i = I, so that z = cc must give the twelve points S, each of them twice. We take the plane of the paper as the meridian. The points are 0, 1, i, — 1, — ^, 00 ; each four times. Hence z=l, when the function vanishes. + 1 + i The points C are the eight points ~ ~ : the product of the eight i V " ~ 1 corresponding factors is w^ + 14^4 + 1 : and each occurs thrice, so that z = 0, when the function vanishes. The points S are (i) the four points — =^ — =- in the plane of the paper, giving a corresponding product w* - Qw^ + 1 : + i . (ii) the four points ~ — - in the meridian plane, perpendicular to the plane of the paper, giving a corresponding product lu^ + Quj- + 1: ■ and (iii) the four points e* , (for r = Q, 1, 2, 3), in the equator, giving a corresponding product w*+ 1. Each of these points occurs twice : and therefore .2 = 00, when the function that is, when the function (lu'-' - ssw' - ssw' + ly- vanishes. 278.] Hence z = OCTAHEDRAL FUNCTION (w^ + 14w'' +1)=' 701 (wi2-33w«-33w^+l)2' the constant multiplier being determined as unity, by taking account of the value unity for z : and _ _ 108w^ {w^ - iV (w^^ - 33 w« - ;i3tt;* + 1)'-' ■ The relation can be expressed in the equivalent form z:z-\:\ = {'ufi-\- 14w* + 1)^ : lOSit;^ {w^ - Vf : (w^^ - 33w» - 33w* + Yf. It gives the conformation on half of the ^-plane of a w-triangle bounded by circular arcs and having its angles equal to \'k, \ir, \'k respectively. The lines, by which the ?<;-plane is divided into the triangles, are given by z = z^, that is, by w*{w*- ly Wo' {wo* -ly Fig. 106. The division is indicated in fig. 106, being the stereographic projection of the divided spherical surface of fig. 103, with respect to the south pole, taken to be diametrically opposite to the central point 0. Case VI. We take \ = |^, so that z = must give the twenty points D, each of them thrice; v = ^, so that z = l must give the twelve points I, each 702 ICOSAHEDRAL [278. of them five times ; and yu. = i , so that ^ = oo must give the thirty points S, each of them twice. Let an edge of the icosahedron subtend an angle 6 at the centre of the sphere: then its length is 2rsm^0. Also, five edges are the sides of a pentagon inscribed in a small circle, distant d from a summit : hence the radius of this circle is r sin 6 and the length of the edge is 2rsin ^siniTr, so that 2 sin ^6 = 2 sin sin ^tt, whence tani6' = i (\/5 - 1), cot i^ = i (V5 + 1). 2771 Let a denote e'^^. Then the value of w corresponding to the north pole / is ; the values of tu for the projections on the equatorial plane of the five points / nearest the north pole are tan ^6, aHan^^, a" tan ^^, aHan^^, ocHan^^: the values of w for the projections on the equatorial plane of the five points / nearest the south pole are a cot ^ 6, a^ cot h 6, o? cot \ d, (x! cot \ 6, o? cot i ^ : and for projection of the south pole the value of w is infinity. The product of the corresponding factors is 4 4 w . n (w-a2'-tani6') . 11 (w - a^'^+i cot i ^) . 1 = w{w^- t&iv' ^d) (w' + cot^ -|- 6) = w {v:^° + Uw' - I), after substitution. Each point / occurs five times ; and therefore z = l, when the function vanishes. The points D lie by fives on four small circles with the diameter through the north pole and the south pole for axis. The polar distance of the small circle nearest the north pole is tan S = 8 — V5, and of the circle next to it is tan 8' = 3 + \/5, so that V1.5-6V5-1 , V15 + 6V5-1 tan .^6 = rp , tan 16 = ^-- — . The function corresponding to the projections of the five points nearest the north pole is w^ + tan' ^ S, and to the projections of the five nearest the south pole is w'^ — cot^ ^S; 278.] FUNCTION 703 while, for the projections of the other two sets of five, the products are w^ + tan^iS' and w'-cot'^8' respectively. Each occurs thrice. Hence z = 0, when the function {{w' + tan^S) (w5 _ cot^ |g) (^s + tan^S') (W - cot^ ^S')Y, vanishes, that is, when (w^-' - 228w'' + 4^Mtv^o ^ 22Siv' + ly, which is the reduced form of the preceding product, vanishes. Fig. 107 The points S lie by tens on the equator, by fives on four small circles having the polar axis for their axis. Proceeding in the same way with the products for their projections, it is found that ^= oo , when the function [w^' + 1 + 522^5 (,^^20 _ 1) _ lOOOotw^o (w'° + 1)Y vanishes. 704 THE FIFTEEN RATIONAL [278. (w^o - 228^15 ^ 494^1° + 228w' + 1 )^ Hence z = |,^3o + i + 522m;5 (w^" - 1) - 10005w>» (w" + 1)1' ' the constant factor being found to be unity, through the value of 1 — ^ which IS l-z = 1^30 ^_ 1 + 522^-5 (lu^-o _ 1) _ 10005m;" (w^" + 1)]^ ' These relations give the conformal representation on half of the ^-plane of a wrtriangle, bounded by circular arcs and having angles Itt, ^tt, ^tt. The lines, by which the w-plane is divided into the triangles, are given by z = 2o, that is, by (w-^« - 228^15 + 494m;1o + 228w^ + 1)^ _ (wp^" - 228<^ + 494wo^« + 228wo^ + 1 )^ w' {w'' + iiiu' - ly ~ Wo'{wo'' + uwo'-iy The division is indicated in figure 107, which is the stereographic projection* of the divided spherical surface of figure 104, with I^^ as the pole of projection. 279. The preceding are all the cases, in which simultaneously ^ is a uniform function of w, and w is an algebraical function of z : they arise when the surface of the sphere has been completely covered once with the two sets of triangles corresponding to the upper half and the lower half of the ^-plane. But an inspection of the figures at once shews that they are not the only cases to be considered, if the surface of the sphere may be covered more than once. In the configuration arising through the double-pyramid, the surface of the sphere will be covered completely and exactly m times, if the angles at the poles be Imirjn, where m is prime to n. The corresponding relation between w and z is obtained from the simpler form by changing n into nj.m. In the tetrahedral configuration (fig. ]02) the surface of the sphere will be exactly and completely covered twice by triangles FFT (or by triangles TTF, it being evident that these give substantially the same division of the surface). The relation between w and z will then be of the same degree, 12, as before in w, for the number of different triangles in the two ^y-sheets is still twelve of each kind : because there are two w-sheets corresponding to the single ^^-plane, that relation will be of the second degree in z. The values of the angles are determined by (III.) \,^.,v = l,\,\. * lu regard to all the configurations thus obtained as stereographic projections of a spherical surface, divided by the planes of sjmmetiy of a regular solid, Mobius's " Theorie der symme- trischen Figuren" [Ges. Werke, t. ii, especially pp. 642 — 699), may be consulted with advantage ; and Klein-Fricke, Elliptische Modulfunctionen, vol. i, pp. 102 — 106. 279.] TRANSFORMING FUNCTIONS 705 Again, in the octahedral configuration, the surface of the sphere will be exactly and completely covered twice by triangles OCO! The relation between w and z will be of degree 24 in tu and degree 2 in ^ : and the values of the angles are determined by (V.) X,f.,v=ll,l Similarly, a number of cases are obtainable from the icosahedral configu- ration, in the following forms : (VII.) \ /Jb, V = ^, i, J with triangles such as IiD^D.^; (VIII.) \,f.,v = hh^ A/J.; (IX.) \,x,v = ^,l^ SJJ,; (X.) \f.,v = l,hi DJJ,; (XL) x,/., z. = |, f,| IJJ,; (XII) \ /z, z. = f , 1, 4 /lAAs; (XIII.) \,f,,r; = A,i,± IJJ,,; (XIV.) \,fi,v = ^,ii 7AA; (XV.) \, /., j. = f,i, 1 IJ,D,. Other cases appear to arise : but they can be included in the foregoing, by taking that supplemental triangle which has the smallest area. Thus, apparently, I^DJ^f^ would be a suitable triangle, with ^, /"-, ?^ = f , f , ^: it is replaced by IioD-zo^iot an example of case (X.) above. These, with the preceding cases numbered* (I.), (II.), (IV.), (VI.), form the complete set of distinct ways of appropriate division of the surface of the sphere. It is not proposed to consider these cases here : full discussion will be found in the references already given. The nature, however, of the relation, which is always of the form f(z) = F(w), where / and F are rational functions, may be obtained for any particular case without difficulty. Thus, for (III.), we have [w, z\ = when _ 1 2 "1—1 1_1 l_l-4-i — 1' z^ '^ {1-zf z{z-\) ]' z■.l-z■.l = -li^/^wHw'^-lf: (w* + 2w;V3- 1)' : (w^ - 2t^V3 - 1)^ Again, if z: 1 - z : 1 = (Z + iy : - 4^Z : {Z -ly, * These numbers are the numbers originally assigned by Schwarz, Ges. Werke, t. ii, p. 246, and used by Cayley, Camb. Phil. Trans., vol. xiii, pp. 14, 15. F F. 45 706 POLYHEDRAL FUNCTIONS [279. a special case of § 278, I., by taking n = 1, then 'dzY Hence iQ(z + iy (i-i)^. i(i-i) " _ 1 2 (Z-iy iii-^y z{z-i)_ "1—1 1—4^ l — i-f-l— 1 9 I ■'■ 9 I 9 9^9 -* Z' ^{Z-iy^ z{Z-i) J' so that X. = -3-, v=^, yU' = j. Hence the relation {Z+iy:-4>Z:{Z-iy = - 12 V3 w^ (w* + 1)^- : {w' + 2tv'~ ^S -iy:(w'- Iw" V3 - 1)' gives the conformation of triangles bounded by circular arcs and having angles Jtt, ivr, f tt. The foregoing are the only cases, for A, + yu, + v > 1, in which the integral relation between w and z is rational both in w and in z. In all other cases in which X, /x, v are commensurable, this integral relation is rational in z and transcendental in iv. It is to be noticed, in anticipation of Chapter XXII., that, since every triangle in any of the divisions of the spherical surface, or of the plane, can be transformed into another triangle, the functions which occur in these integral relations are functions characterised by a group of substi- tutions. When the functions are rational, the groups are finite, and the functions are then the polyhedral functions : when the functions are transcendental, the groups are infinite, and the functions are then of the general automorphic type. The case in which \+ /j,+ v = 1 has already been considered : the spherical representation is no longer effective, for the radius of the sphere becomes infinite and the triangle is a plane rectilinear triangle. The equation may still be used in the form {w,z} = 2I(z), with the condition \-\- ibi + v = l. A special solution of the equation is then given by -r- = z^-' (1 - zY-\ dz leading to the result of § 268, the homologue of the angular point fjuir being at ^ = 00 . 280. It is often possible by the preceding methods to obtain a relation between complex variables that will represent a given curve in one plane on 280.] ALGEBRAIC ISOTHERMAL CURVES 707 an assigned curve in the other : there is no indication of the character of the relation for an arbitrary curve or a family of curves. But in one case, at any rate, it is possible to give an indication of the limitations on the functional form of the relation. Let there be a family of plane algebraical curves, determined as potential curves by a variable parameter*: and let their equation be F {x, y, u) = 0, where u is the variable parameter, which, when it is expressed in terms of x and y by means of the equation, satisfies the potential-equation Since u is a potential, it is the real part of a function w oi x-\- iy : and the lines u = constant are parallel straight lines in the w-plane. It therefore appears that the functional relation between w and z must represent the w-plane conformably on the ^-plane, so that the series of parallel lines in the one plane is represented by a family of algebraical curves in the other : let the relation, which effects this transformation, be X {z, w) = 0. Let the algebraical curve, which corresponds to some particular value of u, say u = 0, be F{x,y,0)=f{x,y)^0, which in general is not a straight line. Let a new complex ^ be determined by the equation f[l = this equation is algebraical, and therefore ^ can be regarded as a function of lu, say t/t (w), between which and z, regarded as a function of w, say {w), there is an algebraical equation. Now when u — 0,z describes the curve f{x,y)=0: hence at least one branch of the function ^, defined by * Such curves are often called isothermal, after Lame. The discussion of the possible func- tional relations, that lead to algebraical isothermal curves, is due to Schwarz, Ges. Werke, t. ii, pp. 260 — 268: see also Hans Meyer, " Ueber die von geraden Linien und von Kegelschnitten gebildeten Schaaren von Isothermen ; so wis iiber einige von s-peciellen Curven dritter Ordnung gebildete Schaaren von Isothermen," (a Gottingen dissertation, Ziivich, Zlircher and Furrer, 1879); Cayley, Quart. Journ. Math., vol. xxv, (1891), pp. 203—226, Coll. Math. Papers, vol. xiii, pp. 170 — 191 ; and the memoir by Von der Miihll, cited p. 611. 45—2 708 FAMILIES OF [280. can be taken as equal to x when u = 0, that is, there is one branch of the function ^ which is purely real when w is purely imaginary. The curves in the ^-plane are algebraical : when this plane is conformally represented on the ^-plane by the foregoing branch, which is an algebraical function of z, the new curves in the ^-plane are algebraical curves, also determined as potential curves by the variable parameter u. And the ^-curve corresponding to i< = is (the whole or a part of) the axis of real quantities. In order that the conformal representation may be effected by the functions, they must allow of continuous variation : hence lines on opposite sides of u = correspond to lines on opposite sides of the axis of real quantities. The functional relation between ^= | + ^»7 and w = u-\- iv is therefore such that ^ + ir} = '^jr (u + iv), ^ — irj^yjr (— u + iv). The equation of the ^-curves, which are obtained from varying values of u, is algebraical : and therefore, when we substitute in it for f and 77 their values in terms of y^ {u + iv) and i/r (— w + iv), we obtain an algebraical equation between -^ {u + iv) and i/r (— t^ + iv), the coefficients of which are functions of u though not necessarily rational functions of lo. Let 6 = — 2u; and let yjrz, •\/^3 denote -^{w), ylr(w + d) respectively; then the equation can be represented in the form g(ir„ir.,0) = 0, rational in 1^2 and yps, but not necessarily rational in 6. Because the functions allow continuous variation, we can expand -1/^3 in powers of 6 : hence ,(^.,^.,.^^,,^*^, ^)=o. When this equation, which is satisfied for all values of w and of 6, where w and 6 are independent of one another, is arranged in powers of 6, the coefficients of the various powers of 6 must vanish separately. The coefficient independent of 6, when equated to zero, can only lead to an identity, for it will obviously involve only yfr^ : any non-evanescent equation would determine i/to as a constant. Similarly, the coefficient of every power of 0, which involves none of the derivatives of yjr^, must vanish identically. The co- efficient of the low^est power of 6, which does not vanish identically, involves "^2. -y— " and constants: but, because the equation g (^jr^, ■^s, 6) = is rational in i/tj, the second and higher derivatives of yfr^, associated with the second and higher powers of 6 in the expansion of -v/tj, cannot enter into the coefficient of this power of 6. Hence we have «Vh'>' 280.] ALGEBRAIC ISOTHERMAL CURVES 709 an algebraical equation between o/to and -~ , the coefficients of which are constants. The coefficient of the next power of 6 will involve —^ , and so on for the powers in succession. Instead of using the equations, obtained by making these coefficients vanish, to deduce an algebraical equation between -v^a and any one of its derivatives, we use A = 0. Thus for ~~^ , the equation would be obtained by eliminating -v/r/ between the (algebraical) equations and so for others. Returning now to the equation in which, as it is rational in -v/r, and yfr^, only a limited number of co- efficients, say k, are functions of 6, we can remove these coefficients as follows. Let k — 1 differentiations with regard to w be effected : the resulting equations, with g = 0, are sufficient to determine these k coefficients ration- ally in terms of -v/^a, yfra and their derivatives. But the coefficients are functions of 6 only and do not depend upon w : hence the values obtained for them must be the same whatever value be assigned to w. Let, then, a zero value be assigned : yjr^ and its derivatives become constants ; yjrs becomes ylr{6), say -v/rj, and all its derivatives become derivatives of i/tj; so that the coefficients can be rationally expressed in terms of -x/^j and its derivatives. When these values are substituted in g — 0, it takes the form 9i (^2, i^s,^!, fi, -^i", ■■■) = 0, rational in each of the quantities involved. But between yjr^ and each of its derivatives there subsists an algebraical equation with constant co- efficients : by means of these equations, all the derivatives of yjri can be eliminated from g^ = 0, and the final form is then an algebraical equation involving only constant coefficients. But ^fr,=^^lr (0), ^|r,= ^Jr (w), f, = ir(w + d); and therefore the function ^|r (w) possesses an algebraical addition-theorem. Now yjr (w) and 4> {w) are connected by the algebraical equation therefore ^{w) possesses an algebraical addition -theorem. But, by § 151, 710 FAMILIES OF [280. when a function K x^ _ 1 4: SO that , _ 1 1. „ "*" , _^ ^.„ {q ^ + q^y (q i^-q^y an ellipse, agreeing with the result in | 257, Ex. 7. This is obtained from the relation ' il-w /2K . , \ k 2 = sn — sm ^ z ] , 1+W \ TT 1 which is not included in the general forms of relation obtained in the preceding investigation. 712* SUEFACES OF [280. But the equation yfctsnf— ^) + [7I /2^ „ does not lead to an algebraical relation between x and y for a general (non- zero) value of u. Neither the conditions of the earlier proposition nor its limitations apply to this case. The problem of determining the kinds of functional relation which will represent a single algebraical curve in the 5-plane upon a single line of the w-plane is wider than that which has just been discussed : it is, as yet, unsolved. Note on § 275 (see foot-note, p. 690). The investigations in §§ 276-279 shew how important, in the development of the polyhedral functions connected with the hypergeometric series, is the surface of a sphere, that is, a surface of constant positive curvature. All the cases in which algebraic expression can arise for \ + /bu + v > 1 are thereby considered. It might seem not improbable that a corresponding use of surfaces of constant negative curvature could be made for X + fM + v < 1 ; but the whole investigation is much more difficult, because the relation between w and z is always transcendental in one of the two variables. The following propositions are worthy of record. A. All surfaces of given constant (negative) curvature are deformable into one another, without stretching or tearing*. Consequently, it is sufficient to take any one of them as a surface of reference ; and the simplest, as regards the geometrical property, appears to be the surface of revolution formed by the rotation of the plane tractrix — the symmetrical involute of a catenary — about its asymptote which is the directrix of the catenary. The equations of the generating curve ■[- are Xo = a sin cf), yQ = a (cos ^ + log tan ^ cf)) ; the range of ^ for the upper part of the (dotted) curve is tt to -|-7r, and for the lower part is J-tt to 0. The curve is periodic analytically, so far as con- cerns (f), with a period 27r ; but geometrically it is * A well-known theorem, originally due to Minding, on the basis of a theorem proved by Gauss ; see my Lectures on Differential Geometry, §§ 211, 212. t See Darboux, Theorie generate des surfaces, (t. iii, pp. 394 sqq.), for a discussion of the surface. 280.] CONSTANT NEGATIVE CURVATURE 713 imaginary, and therefore also the sheet of the surface is imaginary, for the half-period ir to 2it. and for every corresponding half-period. And there is an infinite number of sheets, real and imaginary. The arc Sq of the tractrix from its vertex is given by So = <-i log cosec <^. The arc of the surface of revolution is given by ds- = dSff' + x^ d&^ = -, {dxi-^ + de% where u = sin<^ ' The surface is isothermal in terms of these variables u and Q ; the range of ^ is to Stt, and the range of u (for ^ between ^tt and 0) is from 1 to oo . The area of the upper half of the surface is the same as that of the lower half; each of them = I 277 Xndsg = 2'7ra^. Jo For the Gaussian measure of curvature of the surface of revolution, we have p = — a cot S^ S\ .... But we have negative powers of S also. The definition of S° (z) is given by SS'>{z) = S(z), so that So (z) = z and it is often called the identical substitution : the definition of S~^ (z) is given by SS-^z) = S'>{z) = z, ■ {■ -r a / \ Cl^ + b SO that 8-1 (z) is a substitution the inverse of S ; m fact, it w = S{z)= , ^ > then z = S-Hu^ ~ ^ And then, from S-'^z, by repetition we obtain cw — a s-\s-\s-\ .... If some of all the substitutions to which a variable z is subject be not included in 8 and its integral powers, then we have a new substitution T and its integral powers, positive and negative. The variable is then subject to combinations of these substitutions : and, as two general linear substitutions are not interchangeable, that is, we do not have T{8z) = 8{Tz) in general, therefore among the substitutions to which z is subject there must occur all those of the form .„8^T^SyT'..., where a, /3, ^,8, ... are positive or negative integers. If, again, there be other substitutions affecting z, that are not included among the foregoing set, let such an one be U: then there are also powers of U and combinations of 8, T, U (with integral indices) operating in any order: and so on. The substitutions >S^, T, U, ... are called fundamental : the sum of the moduli of a, ^S, 7, 8, ... of any substitution, compounded from * Corns d'Algebre Superieure, t. ii. Sect, iv, (Paris, Gauthier-Villars). f Traite des substitutions, (lb., 1870). J Substitutionentheorie und ihre Anwendung auf die Algebra, (Leipzig, Teubner, 1882). § Vorlesungen uber das Ikosaeder, (ib., 1884). II Theory of groups of finite order, (Cambridge, University Press, 2nd ed., 1911). ** Math. Ann., t. xxi, (1883), pp. 141 — 218, where references to earlier memoirs by Klein are given. ft Acta Math., t. i, (1882), pp. 1—62, pp. 193—294; ib., t. iii, (1883), pp. 49—92. Xt Math. Ann., t. xx, (1882), pp. 1—44; ib., t. xxii, (1883), pp. 70—108. §§ Amer. Jottrn. of Math., vol. xiii, (1890), pp. 59—144. 281.] GROUPS OF SUBSTITUTIONS 7l7 the fundamental substitutions, is called the index of that substitution ; and the aggregate of all the substitutions, fundamental and composite, is the group. There may however be relations among the substitutions of the group, depending on the fundamental substitutions ; they are, ultimately, relations among the fundamental substitutions, though they are not necessarily the simplest forms of those relations. Hence, as we may have a relation of the form ...lS^...T^...U'...{z) = z, the index of a composite substitution is not a determinate quantity, being subject to additions or subtractions of integral multiples of quantities of the form (a) + (6) + (c) + ..., there being one such quantity for every relation: we shall assume the index to be the smallest positive integer thus obtainable. 282. There are certain classifications which may initially be associated with such groups, in view of the fact that the arguments are the arguments of uniform automorphic functions satisfying the equation f{Sz)=f{z): in this connection, the existence of such functions will be assumed until their explicit expressions have been obtained. Thus a group may contain only a finite number of substitutions, that is, the fundamental substitutions may lead, by repetitions and combinations, only to a finite number of substitutions. Hence the fundamental substitutions, and all their combinations, are periodic in the sense of § 260, that is, they reproduce the variables after a finite number of repetitions. Or a group may contain an infinite number of substitutions : these may arise either from a finite number of fundamental substitutions, or from an infinite number. The latter class of infinite groups will not be considered in the present connection, for a reason that will be apparent (p. 732, note) when we come to the graphical representations. It will therefore be assumed that the infinite groups, which occur, arise through a finite number of fundamental substitutions. A group may be such as to have an infinitesimal substitution, that is, there may be a substitution — -y , which gives a point infinitesimally near to z for every value of z. It is evident there will then be other infinitesimal substitutions in the group ; such a group is said to be continuous. If there be no infinitesimal substitution, then the group is said to be discontinuous, or discrete. But among discontinuous groups a division must be made. The definition of group-discontinuity implies that there is no substitution, which gives an infinitesimal displacement for every value of z: but there may be a number 718 ' DISCONTINUOUS GROUPS [282. of special points in the plane for regions in the immediate vicinity of which there are infinitesimal displacements. Such groups are called improperly discontinuous in the vicinity, of such points: all other groups are called properly discontinvous. For instance, with the group of real substitutions yz + 8' where a, /?, 7, 8 are integers such that a8 — ^y = l, it is easy to see that, when 2-i a,nd Z2 are real, we can make the numerical magnitude of jZi + 8 yz.2 4- 8 as small a non-evanescent quantity as we please by proper choice of oc, /3, 7, S : thus the group is improperly discontinuous, because for real values of the variable it admits infinitesimal transformations. But such infinitesimal transformations are not possible, when z does not lie on the axis of real quantities, that is, when z is complex : so that, for all complex values of z, the group is properly discontinuous. The various points, derived from a single point by linear substitutions, will, in subsequent investigations, be found to be arguments of a uniform function. Continuous groups would give a succession of points infinitely close together; that is, for these points, either /(^) would be unaltered in value for a line or a small area of points and therefore constant everywhere, or else the point would be an essential singularity, as in § 37. We shall therefore consider only discontinuous groups. A group containing only a finite number of substitutions is easily seen to be discontinuous : hence the groups which are to be considered in the present connection are the discontinuous groups which arise from a finite number of fundamental substitutions*. The constants of all linear substitutions of the form -^ are sup- posed subject to the relation ad — be = 1. This condition holds for all combinations, if it hold for the components of the combination. For let az + ^ rpi az + b then ST = 7^ -I- S ' cz + d' (aa + ^c)z^ab + ^d _ Az + B {ya + 8c) z + yb + 8d Cz + L ' whence AD- BC = {a8 - ^y)(ad - bc)= I. ''* These discontinuous, or discrete, groups will be considered from the point of view of auto- morphic functions. But the theory of such groups, which has many and wide applications quite outside the range of the subject of this treatise, can be applied to other parts of our subject. Thus it has been connected with the discussion of Riemann's surfaces by Dyck, Math. Ann., t. xvii, (1880), pp. 473—509, and by Hurwitz (I.e., p. 456, note). 282.] FINITE GROUPS • 7l9 It is easy to see that ST (= U) and TS (= V) are of the same class, that is, they are elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic or loxodromic together : but there is no limitation on the class arising from the character of the component sub- stitutions. Moreover, if U = V, so that S and T are interchangeable, then a — dch oi^8 " 7 " ;s ' that is, *S* and T have the same fixed points. They can be applied in any order ; and, for any given number of occurrences of 8 and a given number of occurrences of T, the composite substitution will give the same point. Thus if S = z+ CO, then T = 2 + Qi' ; it S = kz, then T = k'z. The class of func- tions, which have their argument subjecj, to interchangeable substitutions of the former category, have already been considered : they are the periodic functions with additive periodicity. The group is S'^T'^', {= z + mw + mfo)'), for all integral values of m and of in. The latter class of functions have what may be called a factorial periodicity, that is, they resume their value when the argument is mul- tiplied by a constant *. 283. Some examples have already been given of groups containing a finite number of substitutions!, in the case of certain periodic elliptic substitutions. The effect of such substitutions is (p. 628) to change a crescent-shaped part of the plane having its angles at the (conjugate) fixed points of the substitution into consecutive crescent-shaped parts : and so to cover, the whole plane in the passage of a substitution through the elements constituting its period. They form the simplest discontinuous group — in that they have only one fundamental substitution and only a finite number of derived substitutions. The groups which are next in point of simplicity are those with only two substitutions that are fundamental and only a finite number that are composite. Both of the fundamental substitutions must be periodic, and therefore elliptic, by § 260. Taking one of these groups as an example, * Functions having this property are discussed by Piucherle, " Sulle funzioni monodrome aventi un' equazione caratteristica," Rend. 1st. Lomb., Ser. 2, t. xii, (1879), pp. 536 — 542. See also Eausenberger's Tlieorie der periodischen Functionen, (Leipzig, Teubi)er, 1884) : in particular, Section VI. t The complete theory of finite groups of linear substitutions is discussed, partly in its geometrical lelation with polyhedral functions, by Klein, Math. Ann., t ix, (1876), pp. 183—188, and, in its algebraical aspect, by Gordan, Math. Ann., t. xii, (1877), pp. 23 — 46. A reference to these memoirs will shew that the previous chapter contains all the essentially distinct finite groups of linear substitutions. 720 EXAMPLE OF FINITE GROUP [288. one of its fundamental substitutions has ± 1 as its fixed points and it is periodic of the second order : it is evidently o 1 w = oz = - . z The other has ^ and oo as its fixed points, and it is periodic of the second order : it is evidently xu=Tz = \-z. Evidently ^H = z, T'z = z, (S^S-\ T=T-^), so that we have already all the powers of the fundamental substitutions taken separately. But it is necessary to combine them. We have Uz = STz = , a new substitution : and then U'z = ^^, mz = z, z so that U is periodic of the third order. Again Vz = TSz = ^-^, z which is not a new substitution, for Vz — U^z : and it is easy to see that there is only one other substitution, which may be taken to be either TUz ov 8Vz: it gives TUz=SVz = -^^, z — 1 again periodic of the second order. Hence the group consists of the six substitutions for 2r«given by 1 1 z- 1 z z \ — z z z—1 taking account of the identical substitution. These finite discontinuous groups are of importance in the theory of polyhedral functions : to some of their properties we shall return later. Next, and as the last special illustration for the present, we form a discontinuous group with two fundamental substitutions but containing an infinite number of composite* substitutions. As one of the two that are fundamental, we take w=Tz=--, z which is elliptic and periodic of the second order. As the other, we take w = Sz= z + 1, which is parabolic and not periodic. All the substitutions are real. One such group has already occurred : its fundamental (parabolic) substitutions were w — Sz = z + o}, iv=Tz=z + w'. 283.] DIVISION OF PLANE 721 Evidently T^z = z, so that T = T~^ : and S'^z = z + m, where m is any integer. Then all the composite substitutions are either of the form ...SpTS^'TS'^z or of the form ...SpTS^'TS^Tz, both of these being included in -J , where a, b, c, d are integers, such that ad — be = 1. CZ ~r a Ex. Prove the converse— that the substitution -7 , where a, b, c, d are integers such that ad — bc=l, is compounded of the substitutions JS and T. This group, again, is of the utmost importance : it arises in the theory of the elliptic modular-functions. As with the polyhedral groups, the general discussion of the properties will be deferred : but it is advantageous to discuss one of its properties now, because it forms a convenient introduction to, and illustration of, the corresponding part of the theory of groups of general substitutions. 284. In the discussion of the functions with additive periodicity, it was found convenient to divide the plane into an infinite number of regions such that a region was changed into some other region when to every point of the former Avas applied a transformation of the form z + m&) + mfco\ that is, a substitution : and the regions were so chosen that no two homologous points, that is, points connected by a substitution, were within one region, and each region contained one point homologous with an assigned point in any region of reference. Similarly, in the case when the variable is subject to the substitutions of an infinite group, it is convenient to divide the plane into an infinite number of regions ; each region is to be associated with a substitution which, applied to the^points of a region of reference, gives all the points of the region, and each region is to contain one and only one point derived from a given point by the substitutions of the group. It is a condition that the complete plane is to be covered once and only once by the aggregate of the regions. When the discontinuous group has only the two fundamental substitutions, Sz = z + 1 and Tz = , the division of the plane is easy : the difficulty of z determining an initial region of reference is slight, relatively to that which has to be overcome in more general groups*. The ordinates of z and w (= Sz) are positive together or negative together ; and similarly for the ordinates of z and tu (= Tz) : so that it will suffice to divide the half-plane on the positive side of the axis of real quantities. For the repetitions of the substitution S, it is evidently sufficient to divide the plane into a series of strips, bounded by straight lines parallel to the axis of y at unit distance apart. * In addition to the references already given, a memoir by Hurwitz, Math. Ann., t. xviii, (1881), pp. 531—544, may be consulted for this group. , P. F. 46 72:2 DIVISION OF PLANE BY [284. For the application of the substitution T, we have to invert with regard to a circle of radius 1 and centre the origin, and to take the reflexion of the inversion in the axis of y. In these circumstances, we can choose as an initial region of reference, the space bounded by the conditions 1 1 , , . It is sufficient to prove that any point in this region when subjected to a substitution of the group, necessarily of the form — -^ , where a, b, c, d are integers such that ad — bc = l, is transformed to some point without the region, and that the aggregate of the regions covers the half-plane. If c be 0, then a=l =d and the transformation is only some power of *S', which transforms the point out of the region. If c be + 1, then, since ad — hc = 1, we have 1 z + d a and d being integers. For any point z within the region, |i^ + cZ|, which is the distance of the point from some point 0, ±1, ± 2, ... on the axis of x, is > 1 : hence jw — a| < 1, that is, the distance of w from some point 0, +1, + 2, ... on the axis is < 1, and therefore the transformed point is without the region. Similarly, if c be — 1. -rn , , -, ^ . all 11 c be > 1, then w — = — c c- d' z+- c d z+- c VS. ^ 2 • V3 2 a w c As z is within the region, z +- ^-^ '• and therefore 1 1 ^ c^ ^ 4 ' so that Hence the distance of w from some point 0, + 1, + 2, ... on the axis of x is < ^ \/S, that is, the transformed point is without the region. The exceptions are points on the boundary of the region. The boundary x = — ^ is transformed by S to x = + ^: the boundary x"^ -f ^Z"- = 1 is trans- formed by T into itself: but all other points are transformed into others without the region. 284.] ELLIPTIC MODULAR-FUNCTION GROUP 723 We now apply the substitutions S and T to this region and to the resulting regions. Each substitution is uniform and is reversible : so that to a given point in the initial region there is one, and only one, point in each other region. The accompanying diagram (Fig. 108) gives part of the division of the plane into regions, the substitutions associated with each region being placed in the region in the figure ; it is easy to see that the aggregate of regions completely covers the half-plane. All the linear boundaries of S'^, for different integral values of n, are changed by the substitution T into circles having their centres on the axis of x and touching at A : thus the boundary between S and S'" is transformed into the boundary between TS and TS^. All the lines which bound the regions are circles having their centres on the axis of x or are straight lines perpendicular to that axis ; and the configuration of each strip is the same throughout the diagram. Fig. 108. It will be noticed that in one region there are two symbols, viz., S~^TS~^ and TST : the region can be constructed either by S'^ applied to TS-^ or by T applied to ST. It therefore follows that TST = S-'TS-\ Hence S . TST. S=S. S'^TS'' .S=T, or, since T^ = 1 , we have S TST ST = 1 = TSTSTS, a relation among the fundamental substitutions. Thus the symbol of any region is not unique : and, as a matter of fact, if we pass clockwise in a small 46—2 724 FUCHSIAN GROUPS [284. circuit round from the initial region, we find the regions to be 1, T, TS, TST, TST8, TSTST, TST8TS, the seventh being the same as the first and giving the above relation. By means of this relation it will be found possible to identify the non- unique significations of the various regions. At each point there are six regions thus circulating always, either in the form ®S, ©ST, SSTS, ... or in the form @T, @TS, @T8T,.... And by successive transformations, the space towards the axis of on is distributed into regions. The decision of the region to which a boundary should be assigned will be made later in the general investigation ; it will prove a convenient step towards the grouping of edges of a region in conjugate pairs. Note. It may be proved in the same way that, for any discontinuous group of substitutions, the plane of the variable can be divided into regions of a similar character. As will subsequently appear, there is considerable freedom of choice of an initial region of reference, which may be called a fundamental region. 285. We now pass to the consideration of the more general discontinuous groups, based on the composition of a finite number of fundamental substitu- tions. By means of these groups and in connection with them, the plane of the variable can be divided into regions, one corresponding to each substitu- tion of the group. The regions are said to be congruent to one another : the infinite series of points, one in each of the congruent regions, which arise from z when all the substitutions of the group are applied to z, are said to be corresponding or homologous points : and the point in Mq of the series is the irreducible point of the series. As remarked before, the correspondence between two regions is uniform : interiors transform to interiors, boundaries to boundaries. / Two regions are said * to be contiguous, when a part of their boundaries is commbri to both. Each region, lying entirely in the finite part of the plane, is closed: the boundary is made up of a succession of lines whicb may for convenience be called edges, and the meeting-point of two edges may for con- venience be called a corner. Such a group, when all the substitutions are real, is called f Fuchsian, by Poincare ; the preceding example will furnish a simple illustration, useful for occasional reference. All the substitutions are of the form ds^ + bs . . CgZ + ds ' * Poincare uses the term limitrophes. t Math. Ann., t. xix, p. 554, t. xx, pp. 52, 53: Acta Math., t. i, p. 62. The same term is applied to a less limited class of groups; see p. 740, note. 285;] CATEGORIES 725 which form will be denoted by fs{z). We shall suppose that an infinite group of real substitutions is given, and that it is known independently to be a discontinuous group: we proceed to consider the characteristic properties of the associated division of the plane, which is to be covered once and only once by the aggregate of the regions. The fundamental region is denoted by R^: the region, which results when the substitution fm{z) is applied to the points of Rq, will be denoted by Rm. So long as we deal with real substitutions, it is sufficient to divide the half-plane above the axis of x into regions : and this axis may be looked upon as a boundary of the plane. Since the group is infinite, the division into regions must extend in all directions in the plane to its finite or infinite boundaries : for we should otherwise have infinitesimal transformations. Thus the edge of a region is either the edge of a contiguous region, and then it is said to be of the first hind ; or it is a part of the boundary of the plane, that is, in the present case it is a part of the axis of x : and then it is said to be of the second kind. Since all real substitutions transform a point above the axis of X into another point above the axis of x, it follows that all edges congruent with an edge of the first kind (an edge lying ofi" the axis of x) themselves lie ofi" the axis of x, that is, are of the first kind : and similarly all edges con- gruent with an edge of the second kind are themselves of the second kind. The corners, being the extremities of the edges, are of three categories. If a corner be an extremity of two edges of the first kind and not on the axis of X, then it is of the first category : and the infinite series of corners homologous with it are of the first category. If it be common to two edges of the first kind and lie on the axis of x, then it is of the second category: and the infinite series of corners homologous with it are of the second category. If it be common to two edges, one of the first and one of the second kind, it is of the third category ; of course it lies on the axis of X and the infinite series of corners homologous with it are of the third category. We do not consider two edges of the second kind as meeting : they would, in such a case, be regarded as a single edge. Each edge of the first kind belongs to two regions. We do not assign such an edge to either of the regions, but we use this community of region to range edges as follows. Let the edge be Bp, common to Rq and Rp ; then, making the substitution inverse to fp (z), say fp~'^ (z), Rp becomes Rq, Rq becomes R-p, and Ep becomes fp~'^(Ep), which is necessarily an edge of the first kind and is common to the new regions R_p and R^, that is, it is an edge of Rq. Let it be Ep : then Ep and Ep' may be the same or they may be different. If Ep and Ep be different, then we have a pair of edges congruent to one another : two such congruent edges of the same region are said to be conjugate. Since the substitutions are of the linear type, the correspondence 726 FUNDAMENTAL SUBSTITUTIONS [285. being uniform, not more than one edge of a region can be conjugate with a given edge of that region. If Ep and Ep be the same, then the substitution transforms Ep into itself: hence some point on Ep must be transformed into itself As the edge is of the first kind so that the point is above the axis of X, the substitution is elliptic and has this point as the fixed point of the substitution in the positive half-plane. The two parts of Ep can be regarded as two edges: and the common point as the corner, evidently of the first category. Because the directions of the edges measured aAvay from the point are inclined at an angle tt, it follows that the multiplier of the elliptic sub- stitution is 6"^ or —1. An illustration of this occurs in the special example of § 284, where the circular boundary of the initial region of reference is changed into itself by the fundamental substitution wz = — \, that is, w — i z — i w + i z + i' Hence the edges of the first kind are even in number and can he arranged in conjugate pairs. Further, a point on an edge of the first kind is transformed into a point on the conjugate edge — uniquely, unless the point be a corner, when it belongs to two edges. Hence points on edges of the first kind other than corners correspond in pairs. An edge of the second kind is transformed into one of the second kind, but belonging to a different polygon : there is no correspondence between points on edges of the second kind belonging to the same polygon. Each corner, as the point common to two edges, belongs to at least three regions. As a point of one edge, it will have as its homologue an extremity of the conjugate edge : as a point of another edge, it will have as its homologue an extremity of the edge conjugate to that other : and these homologues may be the same or they may be different. Hence several corners of a given region may he homologous : the set of homologous coymers of a given region is called a cycle. Since points of a series homologous with a given point all belong to one category, it is convenient to arrange the cycles in connection with the categories of the component parts. The number of edges of the first kind is even, say 2?i : and they can be arranged in pairs of conjugates, say E^, En+i ; Ez, En+2 ; • . . • Then since En+p is the conjugate of Ep, and fn+p (z) is the substitution which changes Rq into Rn+p, fn+p{z) is a substitution changing Ep into E^-^p. After the preceding explanation, /j5~^ {z) is also a substitution changing Ep into its conjugate En+p : hence we have fn+p (^) =/p ^ i^)' 285.] FUNDAMENTAL SUBSTITUTIONS 72? Hence for a division of the plane, each region of which has 2n edges of the first kind, the group contains n fundamental substitutions : the remaining n substitutions, necessary to construct the remaining contiguous regions, are obtained by taking the first inverses of the fundamental substitutions. The edge Ep has been taken as the edge common to Ro and Rp, the region derived from R^ by the substitution fp (z). Every region will have an edge congruent to Ep : if Ri be one such region, then the region, on the other side of that line and having that line for an edge (the edge is, for that other region, the congruent of the conjugate of Ep), is obtainable from Rq by the substitution y^- 1/^(5)}. We thus have an easy method of determining the substitution to be associated with the region, by considering the edges which are crossed in passing to the region : and, conversely, when the substitutions are associated with the regions, the correspondence of the edges is known. As in the special example, there are relations among the fundamental substitutions. The simplest mode of determining them is to describe a small circuit round each corner of Rq in succession : in the description of the circuit, the symbol of each new region can be derived by a knowledge of the edge last crossed and when the circuit is closed the last symbol is the symbol also of R^, so that a relation is obtained. « 286. The only limitations as yet assigned to the initial region (and there- fore to each of the regions) of the plane are (i) that it contains only one point homologous with z, and (ii) that the even number of edges of the first kind can be arranged in congruent conjugate pairs. But now, without detracting from the generality of the division, we q E___^_^ can modify the initial region in such a way that all the /^---il^ — -^ edges of the first kind are arcs of circles with their centres on the axis of x. For let C. ..AFB. ..DGG be a region with \ \ CGD and AFB for conjugate edges; join CD by an arc of \ ^ \ a circle CED with its centre on the axis of x : and apply to aV^^^^^o^J^ B CED the substitution inverse to that which gives the region ^ . . Fi". 109 in which E lies : let AHB be the result, being also (§ 258) an arc of a circle with its .centre on the axis of x. Then the part AFBHA, say So, is transformed to CGD EG, say So, by the substitution which causes a passage from Rq across CGD into another region: every point in *S„ has a homologue in >So' : and there is, by the hypothesis that Ro is the initial region, no homologue in Ro of a point in So except the point itself. If, then, we take away ^0 from Ro and add >S^o') we have a new region Ro' = Ro + So — So- It satisfies all the conditions which apply to the regions so far obtained : there is no point in Ro homologous with a point in it, and the conjugate edges CGD and AFB are replaced by conjugate edges CED, AHB congruent 728 CONVEXITY OF [286. by the same substitution as the former pair. And the new conjugate edges are circles having their centres on the axis of x. Proceeding in this way with each pair of conjugate edges that are not arcs of circles having their centres on the axis of x, and replacing it by a pair of conjugate edges congruent by the same substitution and consisting of arcs of circles having their centres on the axis of x, we ultimately obtain a region in which all the edges of the first kind are arcs of circles having .their centres on the axis of x. These can, of course, be arranged in conjugate pairs, congruent by the assigned fundamental substitutions. Straight lines perpen- dicular to the axis of x count as circles with centres at x= 2. 289.] EXAMPLE 735 The fundamental substitution, which changes AD into CZ), has D and the complex conjugate to B for its fixed points: these points are +^psin — . The argument of the 9 multiplier is — , being the angle ADC: hence the substitution is w — ip Sin — z — ip sin — ^ = e which reduces to w + ip sin— z + ip sin — VI '^ Vfl z cos — Vp sin^ — w — 1-cos — p v% where p has the value given by the above equation. This substitution, and the substitution w= — , are the fundamental substitutions of z the group. The special illustration in § 284 gives m = 00 , p = 00 , ?i = 3, p sin^ — = 2 cos — = 1 : VI 11 the special form therefore is w=z + \. Taking cos— = a, cos- = 6, /S. = (a'^ + b'^ — \)^, we have p (l-a^) = h + ^\ the second VI 11 r \ / fundamental substitution is az+A + ft i = Sz= (A-6)3 + a" It is easy to see that where Tz= — ; the complete figure can be constructed as in § 284. An interesting figure occurs for m=4, n = Q. In the same way it may be proved that, if an elliptic substitution have re * for its common points and 29 for the argument of its multiplier, its expression is __ Az+B ^~Gz + D' , , sin(<9-e) „ sine ^ 1 sin 6 ^ sin((9 + e) where A = ^ — -^-^ , B=r—. — ^r , C= -. — ^, D= ^ — ^ , sm 6 sm ^ /• sm ^ sm 6 Taking now the more general case where B = ^ri D = — , A + C= — , let B (in figure 112) be the point 6e^\ and A the point ae*'. Then the substitution which transforms AB into BC is the above, when ^ = /3, r = h, e=B, so that, if C be ce^*. yj g sin (/3-^)e°'' + & sing giving two relations among the constants. ■^sin5e"' + sin(/3 + 5) 736 FUNDAMENTAL [289. Similarly, two more relations will arise out of the substitution which transforms CD into DA. And three relations are given by the conditions that the sum of the angles at A and C is an aliquot part of Stt, and that each of the angles B and D is an aUquot part of 27r. 290. All the substitutions hitherto considered have been real : we now pass to the consideration of those which have complex coefficients. Let 75 + S be such an one, supposed discontinuous : then the effect on a point is obtained by displacing the origin, inverting with respect to the new position, reflecting through a line inclined to the axis of a; at some angle, and again displacing the origin. The displacements of the origins do not alter the character of relations of points, lines, and curves : so that the ' essential parts of the transformation are an inversion and a reflexion. Let a group of real substitutions of the character considered in the preceding sections be transformed by the foregoing single complex substitu- tion : a new group az + ^ 70 + S + 6 we have p^ = zzq, and therefore / ^ ^■^00:70 + Zq^jo + zaSp + /38o _ az + ^ ^^o77o + ^o7oS + zy^o + 8S0 yz + B' on the removal of the factor 70^0 + ^o common to the numerator and the denominator; and ^' vanishes when ^=0. The uniqueness of the result is an a posteriori justification of the initial assumption that one and the same point Q is derived from P, whatever be the inversions that are equivalent to the linear substitution. Ex. 1. Let an elliptic substitution have ti and v as its fixed points. Draw two circles in the plane, passing through u and v and intersecting at an angle equal to half the argument of the multiplier. The transformation of the plane, caused by the substitution, is equivalent to inversions at these cii'cles ; the corresponding transforma- tion of the space above the plane is equivalent to inversions at the spheres, having these circles as equatorial circles. It therefore fallows that every point on the line of intersection of the spheres remains unchanged : hence when a Kleinian substitution is elliptic, evet'y point on the circle^ in a plane perpendicular to the plane of x, y and having the line joining the common points of the substitution as its diameter, is unchanged by the substitution. Poincare calls this circle C the double (or fixed) circle of the elliptic substitution. . Ex. 2. Prove that, when a Kleinian substitution is hyperbolic, the only points in space, which are unchanged by it, are its double points in the plane of x, y ; and shew that it changes any circle through those points into itself and also any sphere through those points into itself. 294.] KLEINIAN GEOUPS 747 Ex. 3. • Prove that, when the substitution is loxodromic, the circle C, in a plane perpendicular to the plane x, y and having as its diameter the line joining the common points of the substitution, is transformed into itself, but that the only points on the circumference left unchanged are the common points. Ex. 4. Obtain the corresponding properties of the substitution when it is parabolic. (All these results are due to Poincare.) 295. The process of obtaining the division of the ^^-plane by means of Kleinian groups is similar to that adopted for Fuchsian groups, except that now there is no axis of real quantities or no fundamental circle conserved in that plane during the substitutions : and thus the whole plane is distributed. The polygons will be bounded by arcs of circles as before : but a polygon will not necessarily be simply connected. Multiple connectivity has already arisen in connection with real groups of the third family by taking the plane on both sides of the axis. As there are no edges of the second kind for polygons determined by Kleinian groups, the only cycles of corners of polygons are closed cycles ; let A^, A-^, ..., An-i in order be such a cycle in a polygon R^. Round Aq describe a small curve, and let the successive polygons along this curve be Ra, R^, ..., Rn-1, Rn, •••• The corner ^o belongs to each of these polygons: when considered as belonging to R^, it will in that polygon be the homologue of Am as belonging to R^, if m< n; but, as belonging to Rn, it will, in that polygon, be the homologue of Aq as belonging to R^. Hence the substitution, which changes Ra into Rn, has Aq for a fixed point. This substitution may be either elliptic or parabolic, (but not hyperbolic, I 292): that it cannot be loxodromic may be seen as follows. Let pe*" be the multiplier, where (§ 259) p is not unity and a is not zero : and let 2o denote the aggregate of polygons Rq, R^, ..., Rn-i, 2i the aggregate Rn, ..., Rm-i, and so on. Then Xo is changed to 2i, 2i to Sa, and so on, by the substitution. Let p be an integer such that ptw ^ 27r ; then, when the substitution has been applied p times, the aggregate of the polygons is 1p, and it will cover the whole or part of one of the aggregates 2o, Sj, .... But, because p^ is not unity, Xp does not coincide with that aggregate or the part of that aggregate : the substitution is not then properly discontinuous, contrary to the definition of the group. , Hence there is no loxodromic substitution in the group. If the substitution be elliptic, the sum of the angles of the cycle must be a submultiple of 27r ; when it is parabolic, each angle of the cycle is zero. In the generalised equations whereby points of space are transformed into one another, the plane of x, y is conserved throughout : it is natural therefore to consider the division of space on the positive side of this plane into regions Po, Pi, ..., such that Pq is changed into all the other regions in turn by the application to it of the generalised equations. The following 748 DIVISION OF SPACE [295. results can be obtained by considerations similar to those before adduced in the division of a plane*. The boundaries of regions are either portions of spheres, having their centres in the plane of x, y, or they are portions of that plane : the regions are called polyhedral, and such boundaries are called faces. If the face is spherical, it is said to be of the first kind : if it is a portion of the plane of oc, y, it is said to be of the second kind. Faces of the second kind, being in the plane of x, y and transformed into one another, are polygons bounded by arcs of circles. The intersections of faces are edges. Again, an edge is of the first kind, when it is the intersection of two faces of the first kind : it is of the second kind, when it is the intersection of a face of the first kind with one of the second kind. An edge of the second kind is a circular arc in the plane oi x, y : an edge of the first kind, being the intersection of two spheres with their centres in the plane of x, y, is a circular arc, which lies in a plane perpendicular to the plane of x, y and has its centre in that plane. The extremities of the edges are corners of the polyhedra. They are of three categories : (i) those which are above the plane of x, y and are the common extremities of at least three edges of the first kind : (ii) those which lie in the plane of x, y and are the common extremities of at least three edges of the first kind : (iii) those which lie in the plane of x, y and are the common extremities of at least one edge of the first kind and of at least two edges of the second kind. Moreover, points at which two faces touch can be regarded as isolated corners, the edges of which they are the intersections not being in evidence. Faces of a polyhedron, which are of the first kind, are conjugate in pairs: two conjugate faces are congruent by a fundamental substitution of the group. Edges of the first kind, being, the limits of the faces, arrange themselves in cycles, in the same way as the angles of a polygon in the division of the plane. If E^, E^, ..., En-i be the n edges in a cycle, the number of regions which have an edge in Eo is a multiple of n : and the sum of the dihedral angles at the edges in a cycle (the dihedral angle at an edge being the constant angle between the faces, which intersect along the edge) is a submultiple of 27r. The relation between the polyhedral divisions of space and the polygonal divisions of the plane is as follows. Let the group be such as to cause the * See, in particular, Poincar^, Acta Math., t. iii, pp. 66 et seq. 295.] FUNDAMENTAL POLYHEDRA AND POLYGONS 749 fundamental polyhedron Pq to possess n faces of the second kind, say ^oi, ^02, •••, F^n- Every congruent polyhedron will then have n faces of the second kind; let those of Pg be jP^i, -^82, •••, Fm- Every point in the plane of X, y belongs to some one of the complete set of faces of the second kind : and, except for certain singular points and certain singular lines, no point belongs to more than one face, for the proper discontinuity of the group requires that no point of space belongs to more than one polyhedron. Then the plane of x, y is divided into n regions, say Z)i, Dg, •••, Dn', each of these regions is composed of an infinite number of polygons, consisting of the polygonal faces F. Thus D,. is composed of F^^., F-^^, F.^r, ... ; and these polygonal areas are such that the substitution Sg transforms -For into Fg^. Hence it appears that, by a Kleinian group, the whole plane is divided into a finite number of regions ; and that each region is divided into an infinite number of polygons, which are congruent to one another by the substitutions of the group. 296. The preceding groups of substitutions, that have complex co- eflficients, have been assumed to be properly discontinuous. JSx. Prove that, if any group of substitutions with complex coefficients be improperly discontinuous, it is improperly discontinuous only for points in the plane of x, y. (Poincare.) One of the simplest and most important of the improperly discontinuous groups of substitutions, is that compounded from the three fundamental substitutions z =Sz = z-^\, z =-Tz = , z' =Yz = z + %, z where % has the ordinary meaning. All the substitutions are easily proved to be of the form a^ + /3 7^ -f- S ' where aS — ^^7 = 1, and a, y8, 7, S are complex integers, that is, are represented by m + ni, where m and n are integers. This is the evident generalisation of the modular-function group: consequently there is at once a suggested generalisation to a polyhedron of reference, bounded by which will thus have one spherical and four (accidentally) plane faces. The following method of consideration of the points included by the polyhedron of reference differs from that which was adopted for the polygon of reference in the plane. If possible, let a point (|, 77, ^) lying within the above region be transformed by the equations generalised from some one substitution of the group, say 750 EXAMPLE OF AN IMPROPERLY [296. from " ^ \, , into another point of the region, say ^', rj', ^'. Then we have l>-i> 4>^>-i, r + ^^ + r>i- From the last, it follows that ^ > ^^ : and similarly for |', r]', ^', by the \/ z hypothesis that the point is in the region. Now ^' 1 1 and therefore 1/(?D = l7p + p |7^ + ^P- Hence, as ^ and ^' are both > -7^ , we have |7|^ < 2 : so that, because 7 is a complex integer, we have 7 = 0, + 1, + i as the only possible cases. If ry = 0, then since aS — ^y — 1, we have a8 = 1 and a, S are complex integers : thus either a=l) a=:_l] a= i] a — — i For the first of these sub-cases we have, from the equations of the substitu- tion, where yS is a complex integer : if the new point lie within the region, then /3 = 0, and we have z' = z, K'=t which is merely an identity. For the second, we have z = z — ^ : leading to the same result. For the third, we have, since So = i, z = — z-\- 1/3. But as j I' 1 , 1 7;' 1 , 11^ 1 , 1 77 1 are all less than \, we have /3 = 0, and so f = -|, v' = -v; and ^'=C For the fourth case, we have z' = — z — i^, leading to the same result as the third. Hence, if 7 = 0, the only point lying within the region is given by determined by the substitution w' = — . , which is TVT~^ V~^TV. 296.] DISCONTINUOUS GROUP 751 If I7I = 1, that is, 77o= 1, then , p = p'' + 2;oyo8 + zyBo + 8So. Of the two quantities ^ and f ', one will be not greater than the other : we choose ^ to he that one and consider the accordingly associated substitution*. Thus ^/r^l, p2>l, andso ^o7oS 4- ^7^0 + 5^0 < 0, say ^„l + ^io^Sao^()_ 7 To 7 7o Now I7I = 1, so that - is of the form p + iq, where p and q are integers : thus Ave have p'' + q^+ 2p^ + 2qr) < 0, which is impossible because 2f < 1, 2?; < 1. Hence it follows that within the region there are only two equivalent points, derived by the generalised equations from the substitution f %w w = -. — I and that all points within the region can be arranged in equivalent pairs ^, 77, ^ and -^,-v,^- If the region be symmetrically divided into two, so that the boundaries of a new region are then no point within the new region is equivalent to any other point in the regionf. As in the division of the plane by the modular group, it is easy to see that the whole space above the plane of ^, ij is divided by the group : therefore the region is a polyhedron of reference for the group composed of the fundamental substitutions S, T, V. The preceding substitutions, with complex integers for coefficients, are of use in appli- cations to the discussion of binary quadratic forms in the theory of numbers. The special division of all space corresponds, of course, to the character of the coefficients in the substitutions : other divisions for similar groups are possible, as is proved in Poincare's memoir already quoted. * Were it f ', all that would be necessary would be to take the inverse substitution, t Bianchi, Math. Ann., t. xxxviii, (1891), pp. 313—324, t. xl, (1892), pp. 332—412; Picard, ib , t. xxxix, (1891), pp. 142—144; Mathews, Quart. Journ. Math., vol. xxv, (1891), pp. 289—296. 752 EXAMPLE [296. These divisions all presuppose that the group is infinite : but similar divisions for only- finite groups (and therefore with only a finite number of regions) are possible. These are considered in detail in an interesting memoir by Goursat* ; the transformations conserve an imaginary sphere instead of a real plane as in Poincare's theory. Ex. Shew that, for the infinite group composed of the fundamental substitutions z = , 2=0 + 1, z=z + e, z where e is a primitive cube root of unity, a fundamental region for the division of space above the plane of z, corresponding to the generalised equations of the group, is a sym- metrical third of the polyhedron extending to infinity above the sphere and bounded by the sphere and the six planes 2£=±1, | + W3=±1, |-W3=±1- (Bianchi.) * " Sur les substitutions orthogonales et les divisions regulieres de I'espace," Ann. de VEc. Norm. Sup., 3'"'= Ser., t. vi, (1889), pp. 9—102. See also Schonflies, Math. Ann., t. xxxiv, (1889), , pp. 172 — 203 : other references are given in these papers. CHAPTEE XXII. AuTOMORPHic Functions. , 297. As was stated in the course of the preceding chapter, we are seeking the most general form of the arguments of functions which secures the property of periodicity. The transformation of the arguments of trigo- nometrical and of elliptic functions, which secures this property, is merely a special case of a linear substitution : and thus the automorphic functions to be discussed are such as identically satisfy the equation where Si is any one of an assigned group of linear substitutions of which only a finite number are fundamental. Various references to authorities will be given in the present chapter, in connection with illustrative examples of automorphic functions : but it is, of course, beyond the scope of the present treatise, deahng only with the generalities of the theory of functions, to enter into any detailed development of the properties of special classes of automorphic functions such as, for instance, those commonly called polyhedral and those commonly called elliptic-modular. Automorphic functions, of types less special than those just mentioned, are called Ftichsian functions by Poincare, when they are determined in association with a Fuchsian group of substitutions, and Kleinian functions, when they are determined in association with a Kleinian group : as our purpose is to provide only an introduction to the theory, the more general term automorphic will be adopted. The establishment of the general classes of automorphic fimctions is eflfected by Poincare in his memoirs in the early volumes of the A eta Mathematica, and by Klein in hie memoir in the 21st volume of the Mathematische Annalen : these have been already quoted (p. 716, note) : and Poincare gives various historical notes* on the earlier scattered occurrences of automorphic functions and discontinuous groups. Other memoirs that may be consulted with advantage are those of Von Mangoldtt, Weber |, Schottky§, Stahl||, * Acta Math., t. i, pp. 61, 62, 293: ib., t. iii, p. 92. Poincare's memoirs occur in the first, third, fourth and fifth volumes of this journal : a great part of the later memoirs is devoted to their application to linear differential equations. t Gbtt. Nadir., (1885), pp. 313—319; ib., (1886), pp. 1—29. J Gbtt. Nachr., (1886), pp. 359—370. § Crelle, t. ci, (1887), pp. 227—272. II Math. Ann., t. xxxiii, (1889), pp. 291—309. F. F. 4S 754 ANHARMONIC GROUP 'AND FUNCTION [297. Schlesinger* and Rittert : and there are two by BurnsideJ, of special interest and importance in connection with the third of the seven families of groups (§ 292). Finally, reference may be made to the comprehensive treatise** by Fricke and Klein. 298. We shall first consider functions associated with finite discrete groups of linear substitutions. There is a group of six substitutions 1 1 2-1 ^_ z \ — z z z—\ which (§ 283) is complete. Forming expressions z — x, z , z — ^Y—x), 1 QC *^ 1 OC z — , z , z z. and multiplying them together, we can express X ~" *ju OG 3G "^ ±. their product in the form (,-> _ ,y [ (^^-^+1)^ _ {x^-x + m ^ ^ \ {z'-zf {a?-xy I' so that A {z) = ^-— -^ {z^ — zf is a function of z which is unaltered by any of the transformations of its variable given by the six substitutions of the group. The function is well known, being connected with the six anhannonic ratios of four points in a line which can all be expressed in terms of any one of them by means of the substitutions. Another illustration of a finite discrete group has already been furnished in the periodic elliptic transformation of § 258, whereby a crescent of the plane with its angle a subijiultiple of 27r was successively transformed, ultimately returning to itself: so that the whole plane is divided into portions equal in number to the periodic order of the substitution. If a stereographic projection of the plane be made with regard to any external point, we shall have the whole sphere divided into a number of triangles, each bounded by two small circles and cutting at the same angle. By choice of centre of projection, the common corners of the crescents can be projected into the extremities of a diameter of the sphere : and then each of the crescents is projected into a lune. The effect of a substitution on the crescent is changed into a rotation round the diameter joining the vertices of a lune through an angle equal to the angle of the lune. 299. This is merely one particular illustration of a general correspondence between spherical rotations and plane homographies, as we now proceed to shew. The general correspondence is based upon the following proposition due to Cayley : — * CreMe, t. cv, (1889), pp. 181—232. t Math. Ann., t. xli, (1892), pp. 1—82. X Loud. Math. Soc. Proc, vol. xxiii, (1892), pp. 48—88, ib., pp. 281—295. ** Vorlesungen ilber die Theorie der automorphen Functionen, (Leipzig, Teubner, Bd. i, 1897). 299.] HOMOGRAPHY AND ROTATIONS 755 When a sphere is displaced hy a rotation round a diameter, the variables of the stereographic projections of any point in its original position and in its displaced position are connected hy the relation , _{d-\- ic) z — {h — ia) {b 4- ia) z + (d - ic) ' where a, b, c, d are 7'eal quantities. Rotation about a given diameter through an assigned angle gives a unique position for the displaced point: and stereographic projection, which is a conformal operation in that it preserves angles, also gives a unique point as the projection of a given point. Hence taking the stereographic projec- tion on a plane of the original position and the displaced position of a point on the sphere, they will be uniquely related : that is, their complex variables are connected by a lineo-linear relation, which thus leads to a linear substitu- tion for the plane-transformation corresponding to the spherical rotation. Now the extremities of the axis are unaltered by the rotation ; hence the projections of these points are the fixed points of the substitution. If the points be ^, ??, ^ and — f , — 77, — ^, on a sphere of radius unity, and if the origin of projection be the north pole of the sphere, the fixed points of the substitution are ^^^''^ and -l+h- so that the substitution is of the form , ^ + ir] ^ + ir)' To determine the multiplier K, we take a point P very near C, one extremity of the axis : let P' be the position after the rotation, so that CF' = CP. Then, in the stereographic projection, the small arcs which correspond to OP and CP' are equal in length, and they are inclined at an angle a. Hence the multiplier K is e^'* : for when z, and therefore z', is nearly equal to — ■ -, y , a fixed point of the substitution, the magnification is | ^ | and the angular displacement is the argument of K, which is a. Inserting the value of K, solving for z and using the condition ^^ + 7}^ + ^^= 1, we have , _ {d + ic) z — (b- ia) ~ {b + ia) z + (d- ic) ' where a = |^ sin |a, b = rj sin \a, c= ^ sin -|a, d = cos ^a, so that a^ + ¥ + c'' + d^ = 1, the equivalent of the usual condition to which the four coefficients in any 48—2 756 HOMOGENEOUS SUBSTITUTIONS [299. linear substitution are subject : it is evident that the substitution is elliptic. The proposition* is thus proved. When the axis of rotation is the diameter perpendicular to the plane, we have, by § 256, z = ke-^+i^, z' = A;e-^+^<*+»', so that / = ^e*", agreeing with the above result by taking ^=0 = 77, ^=1, so that a = = 6, c = sin |a, d = cos ^a. It should be noted that the formula gives two different sets of coefficients for a single rotation : for the effect of the rotation is unaltered when it is increased by 27r, a change in a which leads to the other signs for all the constants a, b, c, d. It thus appears that the rotation of a sphere about a diameter interchanges pairs of points on the surface, the stereographic projections of which on the plane of the equator are connected by an elliptic linear substitution : hence, in the one case as in the other, the substitution is periodic when a, the argument of the multiplier and the angle of rotation, is a submultiple of 27r. In the discussion of functions related in their arguments to these linear substitutions, it proves to be convenient to deal with homogeneous variables, so that the algebraic forms which arise can be connected with the theory of invariants. We take zz^ = z^ : the formulae of transformation may then be represented by the equations z^ = K {az^ + ^z^, z^ = K {'yz^ + hz^, for the substitution z' = {az + ,8)/(yz + 8). As we are about to deal with invariantive functions of position dependent upon rotations, it is important to have the determinant of homogeneous transformation equal to unity. This can be secured only if k = + 1 or if « = — 1 : the two values correspond to the two sets of coefficients obtained in connection with the rotation. Hence, in the present case, the formulae of homogeneous transformation are z-i' =^{d + ic) Zi — {b — ia) z^, z^ = (6 + ia) z-^-\-id — ic) z^, where a^ + 6^ + c^ + rf^, being the determinant of the substitution, = 1 ; every rotation leads to two pairs of these homogeneous equations f. Each pair of equations will be regarded as giving a homogeneous substitution. Moreover, rotations can be compounded : and this composition is, in the analytical expression of stereographically projected points, subject to the same algebraic laws as is the composition of linear substitutions. If, then, there * Cayley, Math. Ami., t. xv, (1879), pp. 238—240; Klein's Vorlesungen ilber das Ikosaeder, pp. 32—34. + The succeeding account of the polyhedral functions is based on Klein's investigations, which are collected in the first section of his Vorlesungen ilber das Ikosaeder (Leipzig, Teubner, 1884): see also Cayley, Camb. Phil. Trans., vol. xiii (1883), pp. 4—68; Coll. Math. Papers, vol. xi, pp. 148—216. It will be seen that the results are intimately related to the results obtained in §§ 271 — 279, relative to the eonformal representation of figures, bounded by circular arcs, on a half-plane. 299.] GROUPS FOR THE REGULAR SOLIDS 757 be a complete group of rotations, that is, a group such that the composition of any two rotations (including repetitions) leads to a rotation included in the group, then there will be associated with it a complete group of linear homogeneous substitutions. The groups are finite together, the number of members in the group of homogeneous substitutions being double of the number in the group of rotations : and the substitutions can be arranged in pairs so that each pair is associated with one rotation. 300. Such groups of rotations arise in connection with the regular solids. Let the sphere, which circumscribes such a solid, be of radius unity : and let the edges of the solid be projected from the centre of the sphere into arcs of great circles on the surface. Then the faces of the polyhedron will be repre- sented on the surface of the sphere by closed curvilinear figures, the angular points of which are summits of the polyhedron. There are rotations, of proper magnitude, about diameters properly chosen, which displace the polyhedron into coincidence (but not identity) with itself, and so reproduce the above- mentioned division of the surface of the sphere : when all such rotations have been determined, they form a group which may be called the group of the solid. Each such rotation gives rise to two homogeneous substitutions, so that there will thence be derived a finite group of discrete substitutions : and as these are connected with the stereographic projection of the sphere, they are evidently the group of substitutions which transform into one another the divisions of the plane obtained by taking the stereographic projection of the corresponding division of the surface of the sphere. For the construction of such groups of substitutions, it will therefore be sufficient to obtain the groups of rotations, considered in reference to the surface of the sphere. I. The Dihedral Group. The simplest case is that in which the solid, hardly a proper solid, is composed of a couple of coincident regular polygons of n sides* : a reference has already been made to this case. We suppose the polygons to lie in the equator, so that their corners divide the equator into n equal parts : one polygon becomes the upper half of the spherical surface, the other the lower half The two poles of the equator, and the middle points of the n arcs of the equator, are the corners of the corresponding solid. Then the axes, rotations about which can bring the surface into such coincidence with itself that its partition of the spherical surface is topo- graphically the same in the new position as in the old, are (i) the polar axis, (ii) a diameter through each summit on the equator, (iii) a diameter through each middle point of an edge : the last two are the same or are different according as n is odd or is even. * The solid may also be regarded as a doable pyramid. 758 DIHEDEAL GROUP AND FUNCTION [300. For the polar axis, the necessary angle of rotation is an integral multiple 27- of — . Thus we have ^ = = v, ^=1, and therefore ■ n a = = 6, c = sm - , ct = cos — , n n the substitutions are iirr JTT Z-i = 6 Zi, Z^ = 6 Z<^ , for r = 0, 1, ...,n — 1, and iirr iirr z(r= — e'^z^, %' = — e "•^2, for the same values of r. These are included in the set inr inr 2r/=e^^i, zl = e "^ z^, forr = 0, 1, 2, ..., 2^1 — 1, being ^n in number: the identical substitution is included for the same reason as before, when we associated a region of reference in the ^r-plane with the identical substitution. For each of the axes lying in the equator, the angle of rotation is evidently tt. Let an angular point of the polygon lie on the axis of |, say at I = 1, 77 = 0, ^=0. Then so far as concerns (ii) in the above set, if we take the axis through the (r + l)th angular point, we have | = cos , 77 = sin , ^= ; hence, as a is equal to tt, we have, for the corresponding substitutions, z^' = ie "^ ^2, z^= ie '^ z^, for r = 0, 1, . . ., n — 1, and 2nri 2rTci z-i = — ie "■ Z2, Z2 = — ie '^ z^, for the same values of r- And so far as concerns (iii) in the above set, if we take an axis through the middle point of the rth side, that is, the side which joins the rth and the (2r-l)7r . (2r-l)7r (r + l)th points, then ^ = cos ^ , 77 = sm — , ^= : hence as a is equal to tt, we have, for the corresponding substitutions, {2r-l)ni (2r-l) Tri Zj'=ie *" Z2, Z2=ie ** z^, for r = 0, 1, . . ., 71 — 1, and (2r-l)Tri {.2r-l)m Zi = — ie ^ Zz, Z2 = — ie '^ Z:^, for the same values of r. If n be even, the set of substitutions associated with (ii) are the same in pairs, and likewise the set associated with (iii) ; if w be odd, the set associated with (ii) is the same as the set associated with (iii). Thus in either case there are 2n substitutions : and they are all included in the form VKT %Tvr Z^ ^ '2'^ -^2? ■^2 ^~ "^^ ^\ 3 rr-O. 1, . .., 2n-l. 300:] TETRAHEDRAL GROUP 759 Thus the whole group of 4w substitutions, in their homogeneous form, is ■ e '" ^1 Zn ^^ 6 Zf} zirr z( = ie ^ z^ _77rr for r = 0, . . . , 2w — 1 : and in the non-homogeneous form, the group is z' = e~>^ z. e~n' Z = where r = 0, 1, ..., n—\ for each of them. The non-homogeneous expres- sions are not in their normal form in which the determinant of the coefficients in the numerator and denominator is unity. Each expression gives two homogeneous substitutions. It is easy geometrically to see that all the axes have been retained : and that they form a group, that is, composition of rotations about any two of the axes is a rotation about one of the axes. The period for each of the equatorial axes is 2 ; the period for a rotation about the polar axis depends on the r reducibilitv of - . "^ n Before passing to the construction of the functions which are unaltered for the dihedral group of substitutions, we shall obtain the tetrahedral group and construct the tetrahedral functions, for the explanations in regard to the dihedral functions arise more naturally in the less simple case. II. The Tetrahedral Group. We take a regular cube as in the figure. Then ABGD is a tetrahedron, A'B'C'D' is the polar tetrahedron. Fig. 119. It is easy to see that the axes of rotation for the tetrahedron are (i) the four diagonals of the cube AA', BB', CC, DD' ; %^ TETRAHEDRAL GROUP - [300. (ii) the three lines joining the middle points of the opposite edges of the tetrahedron. The latter pass through the centre of the cube and are perpendicular to pairs of opposite faces. When the sphere circumscribing the cube is drawn, the three axes in (ii) intersect the sphere in six points which are the angles of a regular octahedron. Thus, though the axes of rotation for the three solids are not the same, the tetrahedron, the cube, and the octahedron may be considered together: in fact, in the present arrangement whereby the surface of the sphere is considered, the cube is merely the combination of the tetrahedron and its polar. For each of the diagonals of the cube, the necessary angle of rotation for the tetrahedron is or f tt or |7r : the first of these gives identity, and the others give two rotations for each of the four diagonals of the cube, so that there are eight in all. For each of the diagonals of the octahedron, the angle of rotation for the tetrahedron is tt : there are thus three rotations. With these we associate identity. Hence the number of rotations for the tetrahedron is (8 + 3 + 1 =) 12 in all. There are two sets of expressions for the tetrahedron according to the position of the coordinate axes of the sphere. One set arises when these are taken along Ox, Oy, Oz, the diagonals of the octahedron; the other arises when a coordinate plane is made to coincide with a plane of symmetry of the tetrahedron such as B'DBD'. Let the axes be the diagonals of the octahedron. The results are obtainable just as before, and so may now merely be stated: For OB', ^ = V=^=^^'> when a = f7r, the substitution is , _ z + i ~ z — i' and when a = ^ir, the substitution is , .z + \ z =1 ^ . z — \ For OA, ^= — 7] = ^= --; when a = |7r, the substitution is .z + 1 and when a = |7r, the substitution is , z-i z = -. . Z + l 300.] OF SUBSTITUTIONS 761 For OG, — ^ = '7 = ?=-7q5 when a = |7r, the substitution is z =% , z + l and when a. = ^tt, the substitution is , z + i z = -. . z — t For OD', — ^ = — '? = ^= -7^ ; when a = |7r, the substitution is , z — i z + i' and when a = ^ir, the substitution is .z-1 Z =-l -. z+1 For Ox, 1 = 1, 'n = (), ^=0 and a = tt : the substitution is Z For Oy, f = 0, ■/7 = 1, ^=0, and a = tt : the substitution is 1 z = . z For Oz, f = 0, 7? = 0, ^=1 and a = tt : the substitution is z' = -z. And identity is ^' = z. Hence the group of tetrahedral non-homogeneous substitutions is , 1 .z—1 .z + l z — i z + i z = -^ z, +-, +z =■ , + I =- , + — --. , ± . , - z - z+l z-1 z + l z-% when the axes of reference in the sphere are the diameters bisecting opposite edges of the tetrahedron. Each of these substitutions gives rise to two homo- geneous substitutions, making 24 in all. To obtain the transformations in the case when the plane of xz is a plane of symmetry of the tetrahedron passing through one edge and bisecting the opposite edge, such as B'DBD' in the figure, it is sufficient to rotate the preceding configuration through an angle ^tt about the preceding O^f-axis, and then to construct the corresponding changes in the preceding formulae. For this rotation we have, with the preceding notation of § 299, ^ = = ?;, ^=1, a = i7r: then a = = b, c = sini7r, c? = cosi7r, so that d + ic = e^^'^^ : and therefore the ^' of the displaced point in the stereographic projection is connected with the ^ of the undisplaced point in the stereographic projection by the equation y,_d + ic in_l+i^y 762 TETRAHEDRAL SUBSTITUTIONS [300. If then Z be the variable of the projection of the undisplaced point and Z' that of the projection of the displaced point with the present axes, and z and / be the corresponding variables for the older axes, we have 1+z 1+* ' that IS, z = —j^ z , z = —^ Zi. Taking now the twelve substitutions in the form of the last set and substi- tuting, we have a group of tetrahedral non-homogeneous substitutions in the .form i Z^^-{l+i) ^V2 + (l+0 ^-±A ±^, -\l-i)z+^Jr -\\-i)z-^r . Z^/2 + (1 - i) . Z^/2 - (1 -0 -\l+i)Z-^2' -\l+i)Z+^f2' when one of the coordinate planes is a plane through one edge of the tetrahedron bisecting the opposite edge: each of these gives rise to two homogeneous substitutions, making 24 in all. 301. The explanations, connected with these groups of substitutions, implied that certain aggregates of points remain unchanged by the operations corresponding to the substitutions. These aggregates are (i) the summits of the tetrahedron, (ii) the summits of the polar tetrahedron — these two sets together make up the summits of the cube : and (iii) the middle points of the edges, being also the middle points of the edges of the polar tetrahedron — this set forms the summits of an octahedron. When these points are stereographically projected, we obtain aggregates of points which are unchanged by the substitutions. We therefore project stereographically with the extremity z of the axis Oz for origin of projection : and then the projections of x, x, y, y , z, z are 1, — 1, i, — ^, oo , 0, which are the variables of these points. Instead of taking factors z—1, z-\-l, ..., we shall take homogeneous forms z-^ — z^, Z1+Z2, z^ — iz^, z^ + iz^, Z2, ■^i 5 the product of all these factors equated to zero gives the six points. This product is t = ZiZo^ (z^* - zi). 1 — 1 1 For the tetrahedron ABCD, the summits A, B, G, D are —r^, — -, —r^; \/S 1^0 v^ _j^ _i_ __L _J_ J^ A J_ Ji_ zl V3' V3' V3' V3' V3' V3' \/3' V3' V3 ' ^^^P^^^^^^^^ • ^^^ therefore the variables of the points in the stereographic projection are ^3 _ 1 ' "^ ^' ^3 + 1 ' ' V3 - 1 ' ' V3 + 1 ■ 301.] TETRAHEDRAL FUNCTIONS 763 Forming homogeneous factors as before, the product of the four equated to zero gives the stereographic projections of the four summits of the tetra- hedron ABGD. This product is Similarly for the tetrahedron A'B'G'D'; the product of the factors corresponding to the stereographic projections of its four summits is ^ = ^1^ + 2 V^^i V + Z2*- And the product of the eight points for the cube is '^, that is, Tr=5/ + i42iV + .^2'. All these forms t, , ^ are, by their mode of construction, unchanged (except as to a constant factor, which is unity in the present case) by the homogeneous substitutions : and therefore they are invariantive for the group of 24 linear homogeneous substitutions, derived from the group of 12 non- homogeneous tetrahedral substitutions. If '^ be taken as a binary quartic, then is its Hessian and t is its cubicovariant : the invariants are numerical and not algebraical : and the syzygy which subsists among the system of concomitants is a relation easily obtained by reference merely to the expressions for the forms <|), ^, t. The object of this investigation is to form Z, the simplest rational function of z which is unaltered by the group of substitutions. For this purpose, it will evidently be necessary to form proper quotients of the foregoing homogeneous forms, of zero dimensions in z-^ and z^. Let R be any rational function of z, which is unaltered by the tetrahedral substitutions. These substitutions give a series of values of z, for which Z has only one value : hence R and Z, being both functions of z and therefore of one another, are such that to a value of Z there is only one value of R, so that ii is a rational function of ^. In particular, the relation between R and Z may be lineo-linear : thus Z is determinate except as to linear transformations. This unessential indeterm- inateness can be removed, by assigning three particular conditions to determine the three constants of the linear transformation. The number of substitutions in the ^-group is 12. As there will thus be a group of 12 ^r-points interchanged by the substitutions, the simplest rational function of Z will be of the 12th degree in z, and therefore the numerator and the denominator of the fraction for Z, in their homogeneous forms, are of the 12th degree. The conditions assigned will be (i) Z must vanish at the summits of the given tetrahedron : (ii) Z must be infinite at the summits of the polar tetrahedron : (iii) Z must be unity at the middle points of the sides. 764 TETRAHEDRAL [301. As ^ is a fractional function with its numerator and its denominator each of the 12th degree and composed of the functions ^, '^, t, it must, with the foregoing conditions, be given by z = <|)3 By means of the syzygy, we have Z:^- 1 : 1 = ^3 : - Us/^St' : ^^ which is Klein's result. Removing the homogeneous variables, we have Z: Z-1 : l={z'- 2\/^2^ + If : - l2^/^z' (^ - 1)^ : (^ + 2 V^^^ + 1)^ ; and then ^ is a function of z which is unaltered by the group of 12 tetra- hedral substitutions of p. 761. And every such function is a rational function of ^. This is one form of the result, depending upon the first position of the axes. For the alternate form it is necessary merely to turn the axes through an angle of ^tt round the 2^-axis, as was done in § 300 to obtain the new groups. The result is that a function Z, unaltered by the group of 12 substitutions of p. 762, is given by ^ : ^ - 1 : 1 = (^* - 2^/Sz' - 1)=' : - 12^/Sz' (^ + 1)^ : (z^ + 2 VS^^ _ ly^ It still is of importance to mark out the partition of the plane corre- sponding to the groups, in the same manner as was done in the case of the infinite groups in the preceding chapter. This partition of the plane is the stereographic projection of the partition of the sphere, a partition effected by the planes of symmetry of the tetrahedron. Some idea of the division may be gathered from the accompanpng figure, which is merely a projection on the circumscribing sphere from the centre of the cube. The great circles Fig. 120. 301.] FUNCTIONS 765 meet by threes in the summits of the tetrahedron and its polar, being the sections by the three planes of symmetry, which pass through every such summit, and the circles are equally inclined to one another there : they meet by twos in the middle points of the edges and they are equally inclined to one another there. They divide the sphere into 24 triangles, each of which has for angles ^-tt, ^tt, Jtt. (See case II., § 278.) The corresponding division of the plane is the stereographic projection of this divided surface. Taking A as the pole of projection, which is projected Fig. 121. to infinity, then A' is the origin : the three great circles through A' become three straight lines equally inclined to one another; the other three great circles become three circles with their centres on the three lines concurrent in the origin. The accompanying figure shews the projection: the points in the plane have the same letters as the points on the sphere of which they are the projections : and the plane is thus divided into 24 parts. There are, in explicit form, only 12 non-homogeneous substitutions: but each of these has been proved to imply two homogeneous substitutions, so that we have the division of the plane corresponding to the 24 substitutions in the group. The fundamental polygon of reference is a triangle such as GA'x. 302. It now remains to construct the function for the dihedral group. The sets of points to be considered are : — (i) the angular points of the polygon : in the stereographic projection, these are 2Trsi e '^ , for s=0,l, ...,n-l; 766 DIHEDEAL FUNCTION [302. (ii) the middle points of the sides : in the stereographic projection, these are e "■ , for 5 = 0, 1, . . . , w - 1 ; and (iii) the poles • of the equator which ' are unaltered by each of the rotations : in the stereographic projection, these are and oo , Forming the homogeneous products, as for the tetrahedron, we have, for (i), for(ii), V = 2,^+z,^; and, for (iii), W = z^z^ \ these functions being connected by a relation Because the dihedral group contains 2n non-homogeneous substitutions, the rational function of z, say Z, must, in its initial fractional form, be of degree 2n in both numerator and denominator ; and it must be constructed from U, V, W. The function Z becomes fully determinate, if we assign to it the following conditions : (i) Z must vanish at points corresponding to the summits of the polygon, (ii) Z must be infinite at points corresponding to the poles of the equator, (iii) Z must be unity at points corresponding to the middle points of the edges : and then we find Z:Z-1.1 = {i(^-- l)r- : {i(^'^ + l)p :-z-, which gives the simplest rational function of z that is unaltered by the substitutions of the dihedral group. The discussion of the polyhedral functions will not be carried further here : sufl&cient illustration has been provided as an introduction to the theory which, in its various bearings, is expounded in Klein's suggestive treatise already quoted. JSa;. 1. Shew that the anharmonic group of § 298 is substantially the dihedral group for 71=3 ; and, by changing the axes, complete the identification. (Klein.) Ex. 2. An octahedron is referred to its diagonals as axes of reference, and a partition of the surface of the sphere is made with reference to planes of symmetry and the axes of rotations whereby the figure is made to coincide with itself. Shew that the number of these rotations is 24, that the sphere is divided into 48 triangles, that the non-homogeneous substitutions which transform into one another the partitions of the plane obtained from a stereographic projection are ' s' Z-1 2+1' Z + t' Z-%^ where ^=0, 1, 2, 3 ; and that the corresponding octahedral function is Z: Z-\ : 1 = (28 -I- 142*+!)^ : (^^^ _ 3328 _ 33^+1)2 . 1082* (s^ _ i )4. (Klein.) 303.] ELLIPTIC MODULAR-FUNCTIONS 767 303. We now pass from groups that are finite in number to the consideration of functions connected with groups that are infinite in number. The best known illustration is that of the elliptic modular- functions; one example is the form of the modulus in an elliptic integral as a function of the ratio of the periods of the integral. The general definition of a modular-function* is that it is a uniform function such that an algebraical equation subsists between i/r i ^j and ■^{w), where a, j3, 7, S are integers subject to the relation aS-/37=l. The simplest case is that in which the two functions t^ are equal. The elliptic quarter-periods K and iK' are defined by the integrals ^K=\ [z(l-z){l-k-'z)]-^dz=Wz{l-z){l-cz)\-^'dz, .0 Jo 2K'= Wz{\-z){l-k''z)]-^dz= W2{l-z){\-c'z)]-idz, Jo Jo where c + c' =1. The ordinary theory of elliptic functions gives the equation dc dc 4cc" whatever be the value of c. To consider the nature of these quantities as functions of c, we note that c = 1 is an infinity of K and an ordinary point of K', and that similarly c = is an infinity of K' and an ordinary point of K : and these are all the singular points in the finite part of the plane. The value c = 00 must also be considered. All other values of c are ordinary points for K and K'. For values of c, such that | c j < 1, we have so that, in the vicinity of the origin, d fK'^ dc\K 4>K'cc' = i+o"*" positive integral powers of cL Hence in the vicinity of the origin — =--Iogc-HP(c), where P (c) is a uniform series converging for sufficiently small values of \c\: and therefore, still in the vicinity of the origin, ^' = --logc + irP(c). TT * This is the definition of a modular- function which is adopted by Hermite, Dedekind, Klein, Weber, and others. 768 ELLIPTIC [303. Now let the modulus c describe a contour round the origin and return to its original value. Then K is unchanged, for the c-origin is not a singularity oi K. The new value of K' is evidently --(27ri + \ogc)+KP(c), IT that is, iK' changes into 2K + iK'. Hence, ^uhen c describes positively a small contour round the origin, the quarter-periods K and iK' become K and 2K + iK' respectively. In the same way from the equation „, dK „ dK' _ TT and from the expansion of ^' in powers of c' when \c'\< 1, we infer that when c' describes positively a small contour round its origin, that is, when c describes positively a small contour round the point c = 1, then iK' is unchanged and K changes to K— 2iK'. It thus appears that the quantities K and iK', regarded as functions of the elliptic modulus c, are subject to the linear transformations U{K) = K ) V{K) = K-2iK'] U (iK') =2K + iK'] ' V (iK') = iK'\ without change of the quantity c ; and the application of either substitution is equivalent to making c describe a closed circuit round one or other of the critical points in the finite part of the plane, the description being positive if the direct substitution be applied and negative if the inverse be applied. When these substitutions are applied any number of times — the index being the same and composed in the same way for K as for iK' — then, denoting the composite substitution by P, we have results of the form PK=ZK + r^iK' PiK' = ^K + aiK' where /3, and 7 are even integers, a and S are odd integers of the forms 1 + 4 UTw 2 + Tw l-2w so that V is compounded of T and U. Hence the substitutions for cc', regarded as a modular-function, are the infinite group which is derived from the fundamental substitutions Uw=w + 2, Tw= . w Denoting the modular-function cc' by ^ {w), we have CC' = % (w) = % (W + 2) = ;^; ( - - ) V wj To obtain the change in w caused by changing c into c/c, we use the differential expression When the variable is transformed by the equation* (1 — y)(l — k^x) = 1— x, where kfH^ = — k^, the expression becomes k' [x{l-x){\- k''x)]~^ dx. When y describes the straight line from to 1 continuously, x also describes the straight line from to 1 continuously. Integrating between these limits, we have A = k'K, where A is a quarter-period. When y describes the straight line from to 1/^ continuously, x describes the straight line from to oo continuously, or, say, the line from to Ijk"^ and the line from Ijk^ to oo continuously. Integrating between these limits, we have A -h ^A' = k' (K + iK') + \k' T [x{l- x){l- k-'x)]'^ dx = k'{K + iK') + k'K, on using the transformation k^xu = 1 and taking account of the path described by the variable u : and therefore iA' = k' {K + iK'). Hence the change of modulus from k to ikfk', which changes c to — cjc, gives the changes of quarter-periods in the form A = k'K, iM = k'{K+ iK') ; and therefore the new value of w, say Wi, is Wi = w + 1 = 8w. It therefore follows that, when — cjc' is regarded as a modular-function of the quotient lu of the quarter-periods K and iK', it must be subject to the substitutions S(w)=^w+l, U{w) = iu+2, V{tv)=^ _^^^. * This is the e(j[aation expressing elHptic functions of k'u in terms of elliptic functions of u. 303.] AUTOMORPHIC FUNCTIONS 771 Evidently S^ = U, and U may therefore be omitted ; V and 8 are the fundamental substitutions of the infinite group of transformations of w, the argument of the modular-function c/c'. As a last example, we consider the function / = (c'^c + iy It is a rational function of cc, and therefore is a modular-function having the substitutions Tw and Uw. By § 298, it is unaltered when we substitute c — -y for c. It has just been proved that this change causes a change of w into w-f-1, and therefore /, as a modular-function, must be suT^ject to the substitution Sw^w -\- 1. Evidently S^w = w + 2= Uw, so that U is no longer a fundamental substitution when aS^ is retained. Hence we have the result that J is unaltered, when w is subjected to the infinite group of substitutions derived from the fundamental substitutions Sw = w + 1, Tw = — , w so that we may write J = = J{w) = J{w+l) = j{-^. This is the group of substitutions considered in § 284 : they are of the form 5^ , where a, /3, 7, 8 are real integers subject to .the single relation These illustrations, in connection with which the example in § 298 should be consulted, suffice to put in evidence the existence of modular-functions, that is, functions periodic for infinite groups of linear substitutions, the coefficients of which are real integers. The theory has been the subject of many investigations, both in connection with the modular equations in the transformation of elliptic functions and also as a definite set of functions. The investigations are due among others to Hermite, Fuchs, Dedekind, Hiu-witz, and especially to Klein* ; and reference must be made to their memoirs, or to Klein-Fricke's treatise on elliptic modular-functions, or to Weber's ElUptische Functionen, for an exposi- tion of the theory. 304. The method just adopted for infinite groups is very special, being suited only to particular classes of functions : in passing now to linear substitutions, no longer limited by the condition that their coefficients are real integers, we shall adopt more general considerations. The chief purpose of the investigation will be to obtain expressions of functions characterised by the property of reproduction when their argument is subjected to any one of the infinite group of substitutions. * Some references are given in Enneper's Elliptische Functionen, (2*« Aufl.), p. 482. 49—2 772 CONSTRUCTION OF ' [304. The infinite group is supposed of the nature of that in § 290: the members of it, being of the form (ni^:)' - <^'/'<^)>' are such that a circle, called the fundamental circle, is unaltered by any of the substitutions. This circle is supposed to have its centre at the origin and unity for its radius. The interior of the circle is divided into an infinite number of curvilinear polygons, congruent by the substitutions of the group : each polygon contains one, and only one, of the points in the interior associated by the substitutions with a given point not on the boundary of the polygon. Hence corresponding to any point within the circle, there is one and only one point within the fundamental polygon, as there is only one such point in each of the polygons : of these homologous points the one, which lies in the fundamental polygon of reference, will be called the irreducible point. It is convenient to speak of the zero of a function, implying thereby the irreducible zero : and similarly for the singularities. The part of the plane, exterior to the fundamental circle, is similarly divided : and the division can be obtained from that of the -internal area by inversion with regard to the circumference and the centre of the fundamental circle. Hence there will be two polygons of reference, one in the part of the plane within the circle and the other in the part without the circle : and all terms used for the one can evidently be used for the other. Thus the irreducible homologue of a point without the circle is in the outer polygon of reference : for a" substitution transforms a point within an internal polygon to a point within another internal polygon, and a point within an external polygon to a point within another external polygon. Take a point z in the interior of the circle, and round it describe a small contour (say for convenience a circle) so as not to cross the boundary of the polygon within which 2 lies : and let Zi be the point given by the substitution fi{z). Then corresponding to this contour there is, in each of the internal polygons, a contour which does not cross the boundary of its polygon : and as the first contour (say Cq) does not occupy the whole of its polygon and as the congruent contours do not intersect, the sum of the areas of all the contours Cj is less than the sum of the areas of all the polygons, that is, the sum is less than the area of the circle and so it is finite. If fii be the linear magnification at Zi, we have dzi f^i dz and therefore, if mj be the least value of the magnification for points lying within Co, we have Ci>7n/G.. 304] A CONVERGING SERIES 773 The point is the homologue of z = by the substitution z, ^ VI , and therefore — 84/7^ lies without Ji2 + OiJ the circle : though, in the limit of i infinite, it may approach indefinitely near to the circum- ference*. Let this point be G : and through G and 0, the centre of the fundamental circle, draw straight lines passing through the centre of the circular contour. Then evidently , , „ 1 ^i= |7i| GP'' and, if Mi be the greatest magnification, then Fig. 122. 1 GQ^ so that Mj^GP" mi~ GQ'' Now G is certainly not inside the circle, so that GQ is not less than RA : thus GP_ PQ^-,,A^ . AB RB GQ~ '^ GQ ^ GQ^ '^ RA^RA' which is independent of the point G, that is, of the particular substitution fi (z). Denoting ( ^^ j by K, we have M, ^ < K, or Evidently fjb^ is finite. Now and therefore so that mi Mi < Kmi. \yiZ + -s-|2 = /^i < Mi < Krrii 1 K^ \'yiZ + bif t>o S \yiz + Si\-^ < jT S C'i- 4=0 ^0 r=o * For, in § 284, when the coefficients are real, a point associated with a given point may, for i = cx> , approach indefinitely near to a point on the axis of x : and then, by the transformation of § 290, we have the result in the text. 774 A CONVERGING SERIES [304. It has been seen that 2 Ci is less than the area of the fundamental circle and is therefore finite : hence the quantity 00 is finite. It therefore follows that 2 /*/ is an absolutely converging series. i = 00 Similarly, it follows that 2 /uLi"^ is an absolutely converging series for all i=0 integral values of m that are greater than unity*. This series is evidently i = and the absolute convergence is established on the assumption that z lies within the fundamental circle. Next, let z lie without the fundamental circle. If z coincide with some one of the points — Si/l and H{z) he a rational function of z. The singularities of B are : — (i), the accidental singidarities of H {z) and the points homologous with them by the substitutions of the group : all these points are accidental singularities of B {z) ; (ii), the points — S,:/7i, which are the 'points homologous with z = co by the substitutions of the group : all these points, if not ordinary points of B {z), are accidental singularities ; and (iii), the essential singularities of the group: these lie on the fundamental circle and they are essential singularities of B {z). If H{z) had any essential singularity, then that point and all points homo- logous with it by substitutions of the group would be essential singularities of B {z). The function B {z), thus defined, is called* Thetafuchsian by Poincare. * Acta Math., i. i, (1882), p. 210. 305.] PSEUDO-AUTOMOEPHIC PROPERTY 777 If the group belong to the first, the second, or the sixth family, it is known that the circumference of the fundamental circle enters into the division of the interior of the circle (and also of the space exterior to the circle) only in so far as it contains the essential singularities of the group. But if the group belong to any one of the other four families, then parts of the circumference enter into the division of both spaces. In the former case, when the group belongs to the set of families, made up of the first, the second, and the sixth, the circumference of the fundamental circle is a line over which the series cannot be continued : it is a natural limit (§ 81) both for a function existing in the interior of the circle and for a function existing in the exterior of the circle : but neither function exists for points on the circumference of the fundamental circle. The series represents one function within the circle and another function without the circle. It has been proved that the area outside the fundamental circle can be derived from the area inside that circle, by inversion with regard to its circumference. Hence a function of z, existing only outside the funda- mental circle, can be transformed into a ftmction of — , and therefore also of - , existing for points only within the circle. When, therefore, a group belongs to the first, the second, or the sixth family, it is sufficient to consider only the function defined hy the series for points within the fundamental circle : it will be called the function @ {z). In the latter case, when the group belongs to the third, the fourth, the fifth, or the seventh families, then parts of the circumference enter into the division of the plane both without and within the circle. Over these parts the function can be continued : and then the series represents one {and only one) function in the two parts of the plane : it will be called the function {z). 306. The importance of the function © {z) lies in its pseudo-automorphic character for the substitutions of the group, as defined by the property now to be proved that, if ^ he any one of the substitutions of the group, then «. Since the whole integral must prove to be a real quantity, we omit the parts — -x — . log M as in the aggregate constituting an evanescent (imaginary) quantity : hence we have m 2^ (- 9a + 96) as the part corresponding to the side AB. In this expression, (p^ is the angle required to turn AG into a direction parallel to A'C, and ^j is the angle required to turn QB, that is, GB into a direction parallel to QB', that is, G'B', both rotations being taken positively. Thus (^a = inch A'G' — incl. AG, 6 = 27r - incl. BG + incl. B'G' ; and therefore <^„ _ (^j, = - 27r + incl. A'G' - incl. B'G' + incl. BG - incl. AG = -27r + Ci' + Ci, where Ci and c/ are the angles AGB, A' G'B' respectively. Hence, if we take c and c to be the external angles AGB, A' G'B' as in the figure, we have c + Ci = 27r = c' + c/, and therefore (fib— 4>a = c + c' — 27r. The part corresponding to the arc AB in the above integral is therefore (c + c'-27r). ztt There are no sides of the second kind in the path of integration, because the function is supposed to exist only within the circle. Therefore the whole excess is given by £;=^X(c + c'-27r), the summation ' extending over those sides of the polygon, being in number half of the sides of the first kind, which are transformed into their conjugates by the fundamental substitutions of the group. 782 EXCESS OF NUMBER OF ZEROS [307. Draw all the pairs of tangents at the extremities of the bounding arcs of the fundamental polygon of reference : then the angles, such as c and c' above, are internal angles of the rectilinear polygon formed by the straight lines. The remaining internal angles of this new polygon are the angles at which the arcs cut, which are the angles of the curvilinear polygon : and therefore their sum is the sum of the angles in the cycles, that is, the sum is equal to ^27r iU-i 2-; Fig. 125. where ^^^ is the sum of the angles in one of the cycles. Now let 2n be the number of sides of the first kind in the curvilinear polygon, so that n is the number of fundamental substitutions in the group : hence the number of terms in the above summation for E is n, and therefore E = -mn + ^t(c + c'). Moreover, the rectilinear polygon has 4n sides : and therefore the sum of the But &is sum is equal to S (c + c') + 2 — internal angles is (4?i - 2) tt. where the first summation extends to the different conjugate pairs and the second to the different cycles : thus Therefore (4w - 2) TT = 2 (c + c') + 2'jrt E = — mn + m (2?i — 1) — mX = m{n — l — ^ — 1^ where the summation extends over all the different cycles in the fundamental polygon. Hence for a function, which is constructed from the additive element H {z) and exists only within the fundamental circle of the group, the excess of the number of its irreducible zeros over the number of its irreducible accidental singularities is m 72-1-S- where m is the parametric integer of the function constructed in series, 2n is the number of sides of the first kind in the fundamental polygon, — is the sum 307.] ^ OVEE NUMBER OF SINGULARITIES 783 of the angles in a cycle of the first kind of corners, and the summation extends to all these cycles. The number of irreducible accidental singularities has already been obtained ; it is finite, and thus the number of irreducible zeros is finite. Secondly, let the function exist all over the plane : then the irreducible points are (i) points lying within (or on) the boundary of the fundamental polygon of reference within the fundamental circle and (ii) points lying within (or on) the boundary of the fundamental polygon of reference without the fundamental circle, the outer polygon being the inverse of the inner poly- gon with regard to the centre. For such a function the excess of the number of irreducible zeros over the number of irreducible accidental singularities is the integral 1 [(d'{z) 27ri J S (s) ^^' taken positively round the boundaries of both polygons. We shall assume that there are no zeros and no infinities on the path of integration ; the result can, however, be shewn to be valid in the contrary case. For the sides of the internal polygon that are of the first kind the value of the integral is, as before, equal to 7n[n — l — z — and for the sides of the external polygon that are of the first kind, the value is also 1 m ( n — 1 — S V /", Let the value of the integral along the sides of the second kind in the internal polygon be /. Those lines are also sides of the second kind in the external polygon ; but they are described in the sense opposite to that for the internal polygon, the integral being always taken positively: hence the value of the integral along the sides of the second kind in the external polygon is — /. Hence the excess of the number of irreducible zeros over the number of irreducible accidental singularities of a function % {z), which is constructed from the additive element E {z) and exists all over the plane, is 2m {n—l—'2 — where the summation extends over all the cycles of the first category of either {but not both) of the fundamental polygons of reference. As before, the number of irreducible zeros of such a function is finite, because the number of irreducible accidental singularities is finite. 784 FUCHSIAN FUNCTIONS [307. In every case, this excess depends only upon (i) the parametric integer m, used in the construction of the series : (ii) the number of sides, 2w, of the first kind in the polygon of reference : (iii) the sum of the angles in the cycles of the first category. Ex. Prove that a corner belonging to a cycle of the first category is in general a zero ' of order ^, such that p= -m (mod. fj), where 27r//i is the sum of the angles in the cycle : and discuss the nature of the corners which belong to cycles of the remaining categories. (Poincare.) 308. We are now in a position to construct automorphic functions, using as subsidiary elements the pseudo-automorphic functions which have just been considered. For, if we take a couple of these functions, @i and @2j associated with a given infinite group, characterised by the same integer m, and arising through different additive elements H {z), then we have \'yz + h = (7^ + sr«@,(4 where ^ is any one of the substitutions of the group ; and therefore \^z + h) @i(^) ^ (az + /3\ @2 {2) &f) = ^»(^)' \^z + S / that is, the quotient of two such functions is automorphic. Denoting the quotient by Pn(z)*, we have ^cizj\- /3^ ^yz the automorphic property being possessed for each of the substitutions. It thus appears that such functions exist : their essential property is that of being reproduced when the independent variable is subjected to any of the linear substitutions of the infinite group. The foregoing is of course the simplest case, adduced at once to indicate the existence of the functions. The construction can evidently be general- ised: for, if we have any number of functions @i, ..., ©^, ^i, ..., ^g with characteristic integers wij, ..., mr,n^, ..., ng and all associated with one group * Poincare calls such functions Fuchsian functions: as already indicated (§ 297), I have preferred to associate the general name automorphic with them. But, because Poincare himself has constructed one class of such functions by means of series as in the foregoing manner, his name, if any, should be associated with this class : the symbol Pn {z) is therefore used. 308.] TWO CLASSES OF AUTOMORPHIC FUNCTIONS 785 while constructed from different additive elementary functions H (z), then, denoting ^i(^) ^s{^) by Pn (2), we evidently have SO that, provided only 2 ti^ ^ 2 Wg, 3=1 9=1 the function is automorphic. If we agree to call m, the integer characteristic of a pseudo-automorphic function, the degree of that function, then the quotient of two products of pseudo-automorphic functions is autovnorphic, provided the products be of the same degree. There are evidently two classes of automorphic functions: those which exist all over the plane, and those which exist only within the fundamental circle. The classes are discriminated according to the composition of the functions from the subsidiary pseudo-automorphic functions. When the pseudo-automorphic functions, which enter into the composi- tion of the function, exist all over the plane, then the automorphic function exists all over the plane. But when the pseudo-automorphic functions, which enter into the composition of the function, exist only within the fundamental circle, then the automorphic function exists only within the circle. Ex. Consider the quantities go, and ^3, defined in § 123. We have o, = 6022 -. TT , where the double summation extends over all positive and negative integer values of TOi and wi2, simultaneous zeros alone excepted. Writing w = a)]/(»2, we have and therefore 1 Oo (c<)) = 60a)2 22 7 ; TT ; where yyod- Mi = mia + m^y, M^ = m-^j^ + m^^. Because ab — ^y=\, we have m^ = Mxb - M^y, »i2 = - Mi^ + M^a. If then h, iS, y, 8 be integers, subject solely to the condition aS-/3y = l, it follows that, to every pair of integer values of mj and 7^2, there corresponds one pair (and only one pair) of integer values of i/j and M^ ; and conversely. Also, simultaneous zeros for the one set are simultaneous zeros for the other ; so that 1 1 22 .,. . ,,,, =22 {Mia + M^y {m^ca + mzY' 50 786 ESSENTIAL SINGULAEITIES OF AUTOMORPHIC FUNCTIONS [308. Consequently, Similarly, as we have qr, (a,) = 14022 , rs = 140w2-<'22 -. ; r^, It therefore follows that g'^gi~^ is automorphic ; and if we take J:J-\:\=gi: 27^3^ : gi - ^^gi ( = A), then J is an automorphic function, such that where a, /3, y, S are integers subject to the condition ah-i^y=\. Evidently ^2 (<») ^-iid ^3 (o)) are pseudo-automorphic for the group. Taking ei=/i(l + c'), e3=-/x(l+o), e2=M(c-c')j where c + c' = l, we have 5r2=-12^2(cc'-l), 5f3= -4/i3 (2 + cc')(c-c'), A=16.272.,i6c2c'2^ so that , (1-C + C2)3 ^2^ C^(l-C)2 ' as in § 303, where other examples are given. 309. It is evident that all the essential singularities of an automorphic function, thus constructed, lie on the fundamental circle. For whether the pseudo-automorphic functions exist only within that circle or over the whole plane, all their essential singularities lie on the circumference : so that, whatever be the constitution of the various subsidiary pseudo-automorphic functions, all the essential singularities of the automorphic function lie on the fundamental circle. Next, the number of irreducible zeros of an automorphic function is equal to the number of its irreducible accidental singularities. For an irreducible zero of an automorphic function is either (i) an irreducible zero of a factor in the numerator or (ii) an irreducible accidental singularity of a factor in the denominator ; and similarly with the irreducible accidental singularities of the function. The numerator and the denominator may have common zeros ; this will not affect the result. First, let the automorphic function exist only within the circle : then each of its factors exists only within the circle. The space without the circle is not significant for any of the factors of the function, because they do not 309.] LEVEL POINTS OF AUTOMORPHIC FUNCTIONS 787 there exist. Let ei, ..., e^, e/, ..., e/ be the excesses of zeros over accidental singularities for the pseudo-automorphic functions within the fundamental circle : then eg = 7W„ ( n — 1 - 2 — \ /til where n and S — are the same for all these functions, and Now the excess of zeros over poles in the denominator becomes, after the above explanation, an excess of poles over zeros for the automorphic function : hence, for this automorphic function, the excess of zeros over accidental singularities is r s 3=1 g=l = f /?, — 1 — X — ) ( S rria— X ric = 0, 1 H^ \q = l g = l by the condition X mq= 2 iiq. Hence the number of irreducible zeros of 9=1 q=l the automorphic function is equal to the number of irreducible accidental singularities. Secondly, let the automorphic function exist all over the plane ; then all its factors exist all over the plane. For the present purpose, the sole analytical difference from the preceding case is that each of the quantities e now has double its former value : and therefore the excess of the number of zeros over the number of poles is 2{n—l—2 — ){ Sm^— 2 Ug \ fliJ \q = l 3 = 1 which, as before, vanishes. Hence the number of irreducible zeros of the automorphic function is equal to the number of its irreducible accidental singularities. It follows, as an immediate Corollary, that the number of irreducible points for which an automorphic function assumes a given value is equal to the number of its irreducible accidental singularities. For Pn{z)-A, where J^ is a constant, is an automorphic function: the number of its irreducible accidental singularities is equal to the number of its irreducible zeros, that is, it is equal to the number of irreducible points for which Pn {z) assumes an assigned value. 50—2 788 DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS FOR ONE GROUP [309. Moreover, each of these numbers is finite : for the number of irreducible zeros and the number of irreducible accidental singularities of each of the component pseudo-automorphic factors is finite, and there is only a finite number of these factors in the automorphic function. The integer, which represents each number, will evidently be as characteristic of these functions as the corresponding integer was of functions with linear additive periodicity. Note. The preceding method, due to Poincar6, of expressing the pseudo- automorphic functions as converging infinite series of functions of the variable, is not the only method of obtaining such functions. It was shewn that uniform analytical functions can be represented either as converging series of powers or as converging series of functions or as converging products of primary factors, not to mention the (less useful) forms intermediate between series and products. The representation of automorphic functions as infinite products of primary factors is considered in the memoirs of Von Mangoldt and Stahl, already referred to in | 297. 310. Let Pni{z), Pn2{z), say Pj and P^, be two automorphic functions with the same group, constructed with the most general additive elements ; and let the number of irreducible zeros of the former be k^, and of the latter be k^,. Then for an assigned value of P^ there are /Ci irreducible points : P^ has a single value for each of these points, and therefore it has Kj values alto- gether for all the points, that is, it has k^ values for each value of Pj. Similarly, Pj has k.2 values for each value of Pg. Hence there is an alge- braical relation between Pj and Pg of degree k^ in P^ and of degree k^ in Pg, which may be expressed in the form Let Pn{z), say P, be any other uniform automorphic function, having the same group as Pj and P^', and let k be the number of its irreducible zeros. Then we have an algebraical equation F,iP,P,) = Q, which is of degree Ki in P and of degree /c in Pj ; and another equation P,(P,P,) = 0, which is of degree «2 in P and of degree ic in Pg. The last two equations coexist, in virtue of the relation P,,(A,P,) = o satisfied by P^ and Pg. Since Pi = = Po coexist, the ordinary theory of elimination leads to the result that the uniform function P can be expressed rationally in terms of Pj and Pg, so that we have the theorem that evei'y automorphic function associated with a given group can be expressed rationally in terms of two general a. utomorphic functions associated with that gi^oup: and between these two functions there exists an irreducible algebraical relation. 310.] ALGEBRAICAL RELATIONS 789 The genus (§ 178) of this algebraical relation can be obtained as follows. Let N denote the genus of the group, determined as in § 293 : then the fundamental polygon of reference, if functions exist only within the circle, or the two fundamental polygons of reference, if functions exist over the whole plane, can be transformed into a surface of multiple connectivity 2iV+ 1. The automorphic functions are uniform functions of position on this surface; and hence, as in Riemann's theory of functions, the algebraical relation between two general uniform functions of position, that is, between two general auto- morphic functions is of genus N, where N is the genus of the group*. It is now evident that the existence-theorem and the whole of Riemann's theory of functions can be applied to the present class of functions, whether actually automorphic or only pseudo-automorphic. There will be functions of the same kinds as on a Riemann's surface : the periods will be linear numerical multiples of constant quantities acquired by a function when its argument moves from any position to a homologous position or returns to its initial position. There will be functions everywhere finite on the surface, that is, finite for all values of the variable z except those which coincide with the essential singularities of the group. The number of such functions, linearly independent of one anot-her, is N ; and every such function, finite for all values of z except at the essential singularities, can be expressed as a linear function of these N functions with constant coefficients and (possibly) an additive constant. And so on, for other classes of functions f. 311. Because Pn {z) is an automorphic function, we have \'yz + h' and therefore, as aS — ^^7 = 1, Hence, if @ {z) be a pseudo-automorphic function with m for its characteristic integer, so that ®(|Tf) = ^^^ + ^)"®<^>- 0iZ-\- 13\ @ r^z + hj B {z) p^./az + lBW^ {Pn(z)Y have J P-n' \yz + B/ * It may happen that, just as in the general theory of algebraical functions, the genus of the equation between two particular automorphic functions may be less than N : thus one might be expressed rationally in terms of the other. The theorems are true for functions constructed in the most general manner possible. t The memoirs by Burnside, quoted in § 297, develop this theory in full detail for the group which has its (combined) polygons of reference bounded by 2?i circles with their centres on the axis of real quantities, the group being such that the pseudo-automorphic functions exist over the whole plane. 790 DERIVATIVES OF AUTOMORPHIC FUNCTIONS [311. that is, © (2) [Pn {z)]~^ is an automorphic function. Such a function can be expressed rationally in terms of Pn{z) and some other function, say of P and Q : hence the general type of a pseudo-automorphic function with a characteristic integer m is (f r^(^' «■ where / is a rational function. Corollary. Two automorphic functions P and Q, belonging to the same group, are connected by the equation For evidently unity is the characteristic integer of the first derivative of an automorphic function. This equation can be changed to §=fiP. Q). where / is a rational function : moreover, P and Q are connected by an equation FiP,Q) = 0, which is an algebraical rational equation, and can evidently be regarded as an integral of the above differential equation of the first order, all trace of the variable 2 having disappeared. Evidently the form of/ is given by dF j.,y~, r\\^F ^ Again, denoting ^ by ^, and Pn ( — — -» j by 11 (^), we have say Then {yz + Sf 27 jyz + P" I'^P' so that n' rr = (yz + 8y = 2y{rYZ + 8) + {jz + 8y-^ P" rP' 2Y + 2y{yz + 8)^+(yz + 8Y(^~ P'2 and therefore ^[7 ~ f \ fF [ ={yz + oy P' MP' whence n'2 P'2 where [P, z] is the Schwarzian derivative. It thus appears that, if P be an 311.] DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 791 automorphic fiinction, then (P, 2] P'~^ is a function automorphic for the same group. But between two automorphic functions of the same group, there subsists an algebraical equation : hence there is an algebraical equation between P and [P, 2] P'~^, that is, P {2), an automorphic function of 2, satisfies a differential equation of the third order, the degree of which is the integer representing the number of irreducible 2eros of P and the coefficients of which, where they are not derivatives of P, are functions of P only and not of the independent variable. This equation can be differently regarded. Take 2/, = P'i y, = 2P'^; then it is easy to prove that ld'y,_ld^y,_^{P,2] y^dP^ y^dP^ 2 p/^ • The last fraction has just been proved to be an automorphic function of 2 ; and therefore it is rationally expressible in terms of P and any other general function, say Q, automorphic for the group. Then y^ and y^ are independent integrals of the equation % = y^{P,Q), where Q and P are connected by the algebraical equation F{P,Q) = 0. . Conversely, the quotient of two independent integrals of the equation ^, = y(P,Q), where Q and P are connected by the algebraical equation P(P, Q) = 0, can be taken as an argument of which P and Q are automorphic functions : the genus of the equation P = is the genus of the infinite group of sub- stitutions for which P and Q are automorphic*. Ex. One of the simplest set of examples of automorphic functions is furnished by the class of homoperiodic functions (§ 116). Another set of such examples arises in the triangular functions, discussed in § 275 ; they are automorphic for an infinite group, and the triangles have a circle for their natural limit. A third set is furnished by the polyhedral functions (§§ 276—279). As a last set of examples, we may consider the modular-functions which were obtained by a special method in § 303. * Klein remarks (Math. Ann., t. xix, p. 143, note 4) that the idea of uniform automorphic functions occurs in a posthumous fragment by Eiemann (Ges. Werke, number xxv, pp. 413 — 416). It may also be pointed out that the association of such functions with the linear differential equation of the second order is indicated by Riemann. 792 MODULAR-FUNCTIONS [311. First, we consider them in illustration of the algebraical relations between functions automorphic for the same group. It follows, from the construction of the group and the relation of c to w, that, in the division of the plane by the group with Uw and Vw for its fundamental substitutions, where ^ ^ w uw = w + 2, Vw=z — jr— , 1— 2w there is only a single point in each of the regions for which c has an assigned value ; hence, regarding c as an automorphic function of w, the number k (§ 310) is unity. If there be any other function C of w, automorphic for this group, then between C and c there is an algebraical relation of degree in C equal to the number k. for c, that is, of the first degree in G. Hence every function automorphic for the group, ivhose fundamental substitutions are U and V, where w Uw = W + '2, Vw=- ;r— , ' 1 - 2w is a rational function of c. In the same way, it can be inferred that every function automorphic for the group, whose fundamental sicbstitutions are Uw=w + 2, Tw= , is a rational function of cc' ; and that every function automorphic for the group, whose fundamental substitutions are Sw = iv-\-l, Tw= , w that is, automorphic for all substitutions of the form -^, where a, b, c, d are real integers, such that ad-bc=\, is a rational function of J—^-^j v^ • Secondly, in illustration of the general theorem relating to the differential equation of the third order which is characteristic of an automorphic functioUj we consider the iK' quantity c as a function of the quotient of the quarter-periods. Let z denote -^ : then because every function, automorphic for the same group of substitutions as c, is a rational function of c, we have {c z\ . ^-^ = I'ational function of c: * c^ and therefore, by a property of the Schwarzian derivative, {z, c]= —same rational function of e. By known formulae of elliptic functions, it is easy to shew that thus verifying the general result. Similarly, it follows that j-^ > ^j-, where O — cc', is a rational function of cc', the actual value being given by UK' J 1 - 5(9 -h 16^2 K ' \ 2^2(1 _ 4^)2 ' and that j-^j J\ is a rational function of J, the actual value being given by \iK' 1 _ 16J^-mJ-330 In this connection a memoir by Hurwitz* may be consulted. * Math. Ann., t. xxxiii, (1889), pp. 345—352. 311.] CONCLUSION 793 The preceding application to differential equations is only one instance in the general theory which connects automorphic functions with linear differential equations having algebraic coefficients. This development belongs to the theory of differential equations rather than to the general theory of functions : its exposition must be reserved for another place. Here my present task comes to an end. The range of the theory of functions is vast, its ramifications are many, its development seems illimit- able : an idea of its freshness and its magnitude can be acquired by noting the results, and appreciating the suggestions, contained in the memoirs of the mathematicians who are quoted in the preceding pages. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. I. 1 . Find the curves which cut orthogonally the family of curves r^ r^ r^ = a, where ri , r2 , r^ are the distances of a variable point from three fixed points. 2. P and Q are conjugate functions, so that P + ^■$ is a function f{z) of a compl^;^ variable z=x-\-iy and P-§=(cos.r + sin^-e-'')/(2cos.r-e!'-e-!'). Find /(?), subject to the condition /(i?r) = 0. 3. Evaluate the integral j _„l-2a;cos^ + ^2 ■*' where a, 5 are real, obtaining the necessary limitation of the values of a, for which the integral is finite. 4. Evaluate rigorously the integrals n sinao?.^ ^ ' j _i 1 — 2«cosa + .»2' (2) dx, Jo ^ in which a may have any real value. State in each case the value or values of a for which the integrals are discontinuous functions of a. 5. Prove that, if a and b are real, then f °° sin (x—a) , I ^ -dx=ir, J _oo X — a /■* sin {x - a) sin (^ -b) j _ sin (a-b) J -oc {x-a){x-h) _ {a-b) ' 6. Prove that, if a is positive, jo 2Va/ Justify differentiating the integral under the sign of integration any number of times with respect to a, and so obtain the formula /"" , , , 1.3 (2%-l) f TT 1^ Finally justify the deduction of the formula 1 6* I e-aa;'^cos26^'c?^=-i— i e «, by expansion of the cosine as a power series and integration term by term. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 796 7. Prove that, if < w < 1, /; smo; , ^" 2r(w)sin(i7r?i) 8. Prove that X cos ax , TT^e-aT ax— ■ sinh a; (1 + e-ajr)2 ' -=loar2. {l-hx'^) cosh ^TT^ 9. Obtain expansions of the cosine and sine integrals defined by ... f^cosx J ... f'^sinx ^ ci[x)= j — —ax, si{x)= I dx, J X ^ J ^ ^ appropriate for calculation (i) when x is large, and (ii) when x is small. /■" g—iex Express I ,„ „ dk in terms of the cosine integral and sine integral. 10. Shew that, if m is real and positive, sin mx /: 11. Prove that, when a is real and positive, °° cos a? , 7re~«, 12. By contour integration (or any method) prove that * sin a? , TT , . , _.^(^2-2.r+2)^^ = 2^^^-"°'^ + '^^y)' 1 — cos X /; /; j _oo « {x"^ - "ix + i) """~2e the angle y being the unit of circular measure. 13. Prove that, when n is even, , r sinhM^ "I '•='*, , r 2rw . , 1 tan-M — T-^ 7^^r= 2 tan-Msec;r^ — vsmha?}-. (cosh(n + l)^J ,.=1 ( 2»+l j 14. Prove that, if a > 0, the value of the integral / taken round three sides of a rectangle from z = R to R + ni, R + ni to —R + ni, —R + ni to —R, will tend to zero as R and n tend to oc (n being an even integer). Deduce, or otherwise prove, that /; l+x' 15. Prove that, if a < 1, tanh (^ ttx) 5 dx = a cosh a — sinh a log (2 sinh a). sinrx , tt ( ,, 1 a.r = - i coth Trr - e=^-l 2 (. Trr 1 f^ -x'^-e^ _ 1 /■" =lH 1 v. 796 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 16. Prove that, if a is positive, X — sin X /: (^^=|7ra-*(^a2-a + l-e-«) x^{cfi + x^) If ■ .■?; = a+^sin ^, obtain the expansion of in powers of t, in the form x — a cos a . =° f^ o?«' + i(sin"a) - 2 ^ - x — a t sin a sin a n=\ (?i + 1) ! *i c?a' 18. By evaluating the integral (where c is real) / — cosh {v/(c2 - z^)} &, taken round a path which consists of the real axis and a large semicircle, prove that / Prove similarly that cosh {x/(c2 - x'^)} dx = \'n (cosh c - ^). r cos iax) ''°Mf "' .f ^^ dx = Uh {c v/(l -«^)}, if 0 1. 19. Criticise the following argument : — ~ "Putting 2=rcos^ = rja; r^^x^^-y^-^-z^, ar = rsin^, the functions (where % is a positive integer) 2^i 2» (2 + ^ar cos (^)" 0?^', 277 (2 + m COS 0) - ("^ + 1) C?^ are finite over a unit sphere, and for ar = they reduce to r" and r~^^'^^^ respectively. They must therefore be equivalent to r»P„ {]i) and r-('' + i)P^(ju.) respectively." Shew that the conclusion is invalid with regard to the second integral when z is negative : and give the correct result. Prove that, if the coefficients a^ are such that the series 2 |a„ — a^+i | is convergent, then the series 2a„ P„ (/x) converges uniformly in any interval for /x which falls within the interval ( — 1, +1). Determine an asymptotic formula for the sum of 2 P^ {fj), as r tends to 1 and fi tends to 1. 20. Prove that, when the real part of ?i is greater than — 1, l fc + cci , ., ... where J^ (x) is Bessel's Function of order n satisfying the equation Establish the relations /; / dx^ X dx \ x^J " bn '' e~ax"'Jn{bx)x^'-^dx = j^^^^e 4«, ?i>-l. 1 (26')" e-axJn(bx)x'^dx=-= T(n + h) — ^ — - — rr? «>-i- MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 797 21. Prove that e«»'cose may be expanded in either of the two forms JoW + 2 2 ^■»J„(r)cos?^<9, 2 {2n + l) i^Jn^i (r) P„ (cos 6). By employing the first expression, or otherwise, prove the theorem Jo{(?-H/2-2rr'eos(9)4} = Jo(0«4(''') + 2 2 J"„ (r) /„ (/) cos to^. 22. Prove that ^m /•"& ri '^™^^) = 2;;?j./^Pl2 where the path of integration encloses the negative real axis in the w-plane. Prove, (i), that /: J^,{qx)e-^^^-x"^^^dx=~'^— - ^^ (ii), that, with In{x) — i~'^J^{ix\ 1 r** -— . ey'h{z)z'^dz _ 8m{n + m)TT T{n+m + l) /n + ??i + l n + 7n + 2 ^A - ~ 2»r(?i+l)2/™+'" + i V 2 ' 2 ''* + ^'.y y' where |y | > 1, and the real parts of ay, 6y, are negative ; and (iii), that j ^ J^{px)J„{qx)a;r--^^dx=^ 2--^-4{n-my where q> p, n'>m> -1. 23. Shew that eXcose = 2«-in(«-l)^r(n + X-) C,»(cos^)%^\ fc=o '>■ * where Cfc" (cos 5) is the coefl&cient of k'' in the expansion of ( 1 — 2A cos ^ 4- A^) ""■ in powers of h. Prove further that 27^^ j (._ooi \ ^(x6\ (if TyT' where c is any real positive quantity, the real part of n is greater than - 1 and the real parts of (a ± b)^ are positive, and hence deduce the addition theorem for J„J{a^ + b^-2abGosd) , {J(a^^b^'-2ab cos 6)}'' ' /■" e^f*"^*^) , . 1 , 27r >_i ■ 24. If X, g, be positive numbers, prove that / . dz is equal to jY?x^) ^^ to 0, according as c is positive or negative. Explain how this integral may be employed in the transformation of a multiple integral taken through a limited domain. Hence or otherwise, prove that where the double integration is taken for all values of ^, ?;, such that 1 — 2~p^^^^ ^^^ 6q is the positive root of the equation 1 — ^-y-^ - tAxa - -^ = 0. 798 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 25. If the contour of the integral separates positive and negative sequences of poles of the subject of integration and at a large distance from the origin is parallel to the imaginary axis, shew that, for general 'complex values of a^, Cg, ^i and /32, the integral ^-. / r (ai + s) r {a2+s) r (/3i -s) r (/^2-«) <^« 27 is convergent and equal to r (ai + ^i) r (g^ + 132) r (ai + jgg) r (a2 + ^l) ' r(ai + a2+^i+^2) Deduce, or obtain independently, Riemann's transformation F{2a,2^; y; x} = F{a,^; y, 4x{l-a;)}, when y = a + ^ + ^, R{x)<^, |^|<1, | 4.* (1 -a;) | < 1. 26. Give the definition of V (z) by means of an infinite product and prove that it agrees with the equation r{z) J where the integral is taken along a path which encloses the negative real axis and inter- sects the positive real axis. Prove that 2Tri fc+ix ~= T{t)z-*dt, (c>0), ^ J C—icc where the phase of ^ is between — ^tt and -t-^Tr. 27. The generalised Riernann ^-function is defined, when ^ ( - j > 0, by the relation , 2r(l-s) r , ,,_! e-«^ , t(s,a,a)) = — I -I (-^)i dx, the contour of the integral embracing a straight axis L from the origin through the point - to infinity, and ( — ^)1~^ having a cross cut along the axis L and being real when a; is real and negative. Obtain an expression for the continuation of the function for all finite values of \a\. Shew further that, except for particular values of a/co or s, the equality ™-i 1 >/ V '^s'n(a)rd'' x^-n ^=0 (« + '*<») "=o nl \_aaf' l-sJx=m (0 ^^ ^^ terms of the values of cf) (t) at the zeros and poles of f{t) which J c J{t) fall within C. It f{t) = fig {t) — 7/ where ^(0) = 1 and g{t) has no singularity within a small circuit round t = 0, prove that/(^) has two zeros (say t = Xi, x-^ within the circuit, when \y\ is Sufficiently small. Shew further that (Pix,) + cf> {X2) = %4> (0) + i A^y\ n=l / where nAf^ is the coefficient of ^2»-i in the expansion of j /\(m in powers of t. 33. Extend Cauchy's Theorem of Residues, so as to establish the following result : — If T' be a simple contour in the plane of a variable t, and Uhe a, simple contour in the plane of a variable u, etc., and if n analytic functions f{t,u,...z), (f){t,u,...z)..., of the n variables t,u, ... z, have no singularities or zeros for values of t, ti, ... z, on these contours, then (27r^•)«,^j^^•••jz/(«,^*,...^)0(^,«,...2)^(^,«,...^) is an integer. 34. Prove that the integral I dt is an analytic function of x in any region from J x-\-t which the negative real axis is excluded. 35. Shew that the integral f{t,z)dt will converge uniformly for a given domain of values of s, provided a function <^ {t) exists independent of z and such that I \l except for a simple pole at s= 1. 38. By considering the expression „=o n\ 1 + 2™ .3;' or otherwise, shew that if x~c be a singular point of a function f{x) represented in a certain region by an expression Fix) it may happen, not only that F{x) and all its diflFerential coefficients are finite at that point, but also that the series I ^F(-){c).{x-cY converges for all finite values of x. 39. Prove that the series i (l+?i2 ^-2) -1(1+^2 + ^2)-! TO = 1 converges for all real values of x, but represents a function which cannot be expanded in positive powers of x. Shew further that when x lies between 1 and ^^2 it can be expanded in powers of x and x~^. 40. If the triangle formed by z^, Z2, S3 does not enclose the origin the series 00 00 00 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 imiZi+7n2Z2 + '>n3ZsY is absolutely convergent when p>3. 41. By considering the behaviour of both sides of the identity \_Z-Zi Z-Zz Z — ZnJ where /(s) = {z- Zi) {z — z,^...{z — z^), on passing round an oval path on the Argand diagram (or otherwise), prove that an oval path, enclosing all the roots of f{z) = 0, necessarily encloses all the roots of /'(«) = 0. 42. Shew that the equations e* = ax, eF = ax'^, (F = ax^, where a > e, have respectively (i) one positive root, (ii) one positive and one negative root, and (iii) one positive and two complex roots within the circle | ^ | = 1. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 801 43. li f{z) denote a single-valued monogenic function, and Rifizj] be a rational function of f{z), shew that a pole oi f{z) is equally a pole of i? [/(«)], unless it is an ordinary point. What statement can be made for an essential singularity of f{z) 1 44. - Find for what values of z the series 00 g — im represents a monogenic function of z, and for what values its diflferential coefficient is represented by the series of the diflferential coeflficients of its terms. 46. Rearrange the series in powers of {z-^i), and find the value of z of greatest modulus on the circle of con- vergence of the new series, and the sum of the series for this value of z. 46. Investigate the convergence of the series 00 ^™ + 2 ^^ n=i (a»-t-l)K + 2)' where a is a positive integer > 1 ; also the region of existence and the singularities of the function represented by it. 47. Prove that, when n is an integer, {z + ix cos a + iy sin a)" n n = Ao+ 2 ^^{(^■^-f-y)™^-(^>-«/)™} cos ma -j-^■ 2 A^ {{ix + 2/)"" -{ix-y)^} sin ma, m=l m=l where ^™ = — ^ ,-. =-^ ^—, '" 2» {n + m)\ dz^^'^ ' r^ being equal to x^-{-y^-\-z^ and being treated as a constant in the differentiations. Deduce the expressions for the 2n + 1 complete spherical harmonics which are of order n. 48. If f{z), (j) (2), and -r-p. ^^ ^^^^ regular functions of the complex variable z in the vicinity of the origin, shew that for sufficiently small values of \z\. If i z I < >/2 — 1, shew that Ana ^^^'= ; (-)""' ^•4- (2^-2) fjz_\^n \^l-z) nil nl S.5...{2n-l)\l-zy ' 1 '^ A 49. If • — - is expressed in the form 2 , n being a nL!;+tau2^ '^ '^-ftan2— — - r=i\ 2n+lJ 2n+l positive integef, shew that Ar= -^ ^ Sm2 COS^" '^ rr -^ . 271 + 1 2n + l 2n + l 50. Shew that a straight line can be drawn in the plane of the complex variable^/ which divides the plane into two regions in one of which the function .ziz-l) 0(0-1) (.-2) ■^"2! ~ 3! "*"••■ is everywhere zero, and in the other of which it is everywhere infinite. P. F. 51 802 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 51. A regular function f{z) has zeros ai, ..., a,„ of orders ai, ..., a^ and it has poles Ci, ..., Cm of orders 71, ...,7n within a given simply-connected region, which contains no other singularities of the function ; also f {£) is regular and has no zero along S, the boundary of the region ; and R (z) is any function of z which is regular within and along S. Prove that m n 1 f f (z) ^2 a,. R (a,.) - ^^y,R{c,)=^.\R (z) ''j^ dz, the integral being taken along the contour. Apply this result to prove (or otherwise obtain) the theorem that, if /(s, C) be a regiolar function of its arguments within finite domains round the respective origins -and ii f{z, 0) has the origin for a zero of order n, then the equation /(2, = 0, regarded as an equation in 2, has n roots which vanish with {" and which are the roots of an equation 2» + C]2'^~' + --- + t« = 0, where ^1, ..., ^„ are regular functions of f all of which vanish when ^=0. 52. By consideration of the expression 2 —^ . ^ , or in any other way, prove that n=\ "^^ I — Z the function defined by the series 2 a^z^, where a„ denotes the sum of the reciprocals of n=l the squares of all the divisors of n, exists only within the unit circle whose centre is the origin. 53. Let (f) (x) be an analytic function defined by a series of powers of x, of unit radius of convergence. The points x = a and .v=b are singularities of and ^ - ^ cos ?2-7rA', n'' (smh 2?i7rp - zmrfj,) where ?i = l, 3, 5, ..., is approximately equal to ^ {l-ex^+4x^)-^il-2x); 128fi^^ ' 320 and obtain an expression for the difference when - is large, in terms of the roots of the equation sinh 2=2. 51—2 804 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES III. 62. Shew that, when m and n become infinite together in a finite ratio, s ™ / 2 \ _ /»*V sin z 63. Discuss the convergence of the infinite product w=i \ c„y where c^, C2, C3, ... have the single limiting point 2=co . ■ Form an integral function whose zeros are the points log 2, log 3, log 4, .... 64. Assuming 2 | a„ | is convergent, deduce the form of the product Prove that, if | 5- 1 < 1, n (1 -y2«) n {(1 + j2«-i^) (1 + ^2n-i/^)} = i +2 (x-^ +— j q^. 65. If ? and m become infinite in such a way that — = jo, where jo is a finite quantity, shew that 2(«2+t;2) n' i 22 [ = (cosh2y-cos2M)p'^ , where the accent in n' denotes that the term corresponding to 7i=0 is to be omitted. 66. Discuss the problem of finding, where possible, the most simple type of integral function whose zeros are given by n r=l where m^ can take all positive integral values (zero included) and the a's are general complex quantities. 67. If 0(.)=^_n{(l-?).^}. and if the values of (f) (x) and its differential coefficient for x=^ he denoted by a and b, prove that bx J. {0-■;^i)'"i=^"° *<-+*>■ 68. Discuss the problem of constructing an integral function whose zeros are known. What is meant by the class of a function ? Is it possible to determine it without knowing its zeros ? Prove that, if F (2) be an integral function of class p, and have all its zeros real, then F'{z) has at most p imaginary zeros, if p be even, and {p - 1), if p be odd. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 805 69. Shew that the function r(g)r(a) T{z+a) ' which, when a is positive, can be expressed in the form °° R where ^,(-l)-(.-l)^.-2)...(a-.)^ ^_^_ can, when a is negative, be expressed by the series ,,=0 V + ^i "^^j' where (r„(2) is a polynomial of degree {v-l)\az, defined by the equation whUe 0{z) = (\^~\U + ^-^...(\ + aj\ a+lj V a + v-ly and where v is the integer next greater than — a. 70. If ai, a2, as . . . , he a.n assigned simple sequence of zeros whose moduli ultimately increase without limit; if the real part of a„, for n=l, 2, 3..,, is positive; and if 2 1/1 a„ I** is convergent, shew that the product is convergent if o-^2p > 2, where 71. Construct a function f(x) which has a pole at each of the points «=1, x=2, ... and no others, and such that/(.'«7) — .r cot 7r^-*-0, at each of these points. 72. Discuss the continuity of the function and prove that, whatever be the character oif{z) and g{z), the function ^ {zg (?) -f{z)} + {/(.) - g {z)} 4> (z) represents the function f{z) within the circle | 2 | =1 and the function g (z) without that circle. 73. A finite region of the plane being given which does not, include the part of the real axis between z = l and z=+cc, obtain a series of polynomials which converges uni- formly over this region and represents (1 — 2^)"* therein. 74. For the region between the two circles (x -a){x-b)+f= 0, (x - a') (x - h') +y'^ = 0, where a, b, a', b' are real and positive, and a I ^ (2) I is satisfied. Shew that f{x) can be expanded in powers of 6 {x) in the form 00 00 7? /(^)= 2 Ar,e-{x)+ 2 -^ , w=o 51=1 ^ K^J where ^ - ' ' f^'^''^'^'' Bn = ^^f{.^)e^'-'{z)6'{z)dz; and shew how the coefl&cients A^ and 5„ can be evaluated when the function f{z) has no singularities in the interior of the curve s except poles. 76. Obtain the theorem known as Mittag-LefHer's, for the expression of a single valued monogenic function whose singularities have only the infinite point as their point of condensation, as a series of functions each with only one finite singularity. Prove the ordinary formula for cot irz as an infinite series of rational functions each with one pole, pointing out the properties of the trigonometrical functions which you assume. Prove the corresponding formula for the logarithmic differential coefficient of the Gamma function r(l + 2). 77. Explain what is meant by a branch and a branch -point of an analytic many valued function. Illustrate your remarks by consideration of the following functions : 1or(1— ^) /riog(l — ^)) log(l-^), J{\og{\-x)}, -^V~' Vl \ }• In each case enumerate all the branches of the function and the singularities attaching to each branch, and shew how to pass from any branch to any other branch by the description of a suitably chosen contour. 78. Defining the principal value of log 2 as that value whose amplitude lies between - TT and TT, prove that the coefficient of i in the expression log(l+^■^)-log(l-^■^), where r<\ and each logarithm has its principal value, is that value of /2?-cos(9'^ arc tan — ^ -, \ 1-r which lies between — -jtt and -f^rr. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 807 IV. 79. By the relation with the customary significance for Z and z, shew that a family of circles in the Z-plane, having the origin for a common centre, and a family of straight lines, concurrent in the origin, are transformed into a double family of confocal conies in the s-plaue. Draw the family of curves which are the representation, in the .Z'-plane, of the circles I 2 — 1 1 = constant. 80. The interior of the circle j s j = 1 is to be conformally represented on part of the w-plane by the relation log(l-ag) ''-log(l-.)' where a is a real constant lying between and 1 ; indicate the part of the ■z<;-plane required for the purpose. 81. Find all systems of values of m, y, for which sn2(w+w) is real, where u and v are real and 0a. Taking x=- (a + - 2 \ a so that vP'=-z^-'±xz-k-\., dz 1 (zH 2117 J u shew that „ . , 2^7^ J u is a solution of Legendre's Equation fJ2 p dp (l-^2)^.-2^^' + »(v^ + l)P„ = 0, the integral being taken round a closed contour including the points z = a, z=- , but excluding the origin. Assume (after verification) that dz \^ u^ ^ " II ) { u^ u^ It] 87. Writing .^=Jr+zF, where X and Fare real, and taking Z= sin z, determine a simply-connected region of the plane of z which is transformed conformally into the half-plane Y> 0. 88. Prove that the relation 2 = aCOs(|3log.Z'), a^ + lfi where a^ = a^ — h'^, cosh/37r = -5 — j^,, a^ — 0^ gives the conformal representation of the interior of the region' boimded by the ellipse -2 + ^2 = 1? aiid two lines joining the foci to the extremities of the major axis, upon the interior of an annular region in the .^-plane bounded by two concentric semi-circles and two segments of a diameter. 89. Find the area on the z-plane of which the upper half of the w-plane is the {z — c\^ conformal representation, when w and z are connected by the relation w^l \ . If ?;•= - ic cot ^z, shew that the infinite rectangle bounded by .^"=0, a'= tt, ^=0, y = oo on the 5-plane is conformally represented on a quarter of the i'j-plane. 90. Shew that the most general representation of the interior of a circle of unit radius upon itself is expressed by the formula z' = ize^'' + ixe'^)/{zixe-'^ + e-'''), where fi is real and positive but less than unity. Obtain the most general conformal representation of the interior of a square upon itself MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 809 91. Prove that the surface of revolution engendered by the revolution of the tractrix about its base can be conformally represented upon the plane of 2, in virtue of the fact that the square of its arc-element can be conformally represented in the form where x ranges from to 27r, and y ranges from 1 to + 00 . Discuss its representation upon the s'-plane, when z and z' are connected by the relation / = sin2{i(s-^•)}, indicating what part of the s'-plane is covered by the conformal representation. 92. Develope the Schwarz-ChristofFel formula for conformal representation in detail in the case when the polygon is a triangle whose angles are — , — , — , discussing the Ji S Xi character of each variable as a function of the other. 93. Obtain the conformal representation of the interior of the equilateral triangle whose vertices are 2 = 1, z — i J^, z= — I, upon the upper half of the plane of ^, expressing each of the variables z and f explicitly in terms of the other. 94. State briefly in precise analytical terms what you understand by a closed oval curve everywhere convex and with a definite tangent. For such a curve drawn in the plane of the complex variable z, an analytic function exists, single-valued and finite, and having its imaginary part positive within the oval, which is real and has one pole of the first order on its perimeter. Explain how this is to be proved. Find the function for the conformal representation of the part of an infinite plane which is exterior to two intersecting circles upon the upper half of another plane, verifying that it has the properties desired. V. /T' 95. Assuming that -=. is real and positive, establish the formula 9^ ^^ ~^ " ^ 1 _„2»-l ' determining the values of x for which it holds ; and find the corresponding formula for any finite value of x. 96. Prove that 2Kx . -r/l + o2™-i\2 / l-2o2»cos2^-f-o*» \"1 ^^^r = '^^^TLVTT?^j U-2g^»-cos2^^-fj^»-2.jJ' a :Anx)n\( ^-^"^~y (l-2g'>sin.^ + y^-)^ I (i-sm^;ii|^^ j_l_^2» j (i_2^2«-ico8 2^-i-?*«-2)J' 1 /I \^ 97. Prove that, if ^' = - ( - - a ) , «. being positive and less than unity, and that 2Kx 1 — sn snH^= ^'"^ ■(l-f-a2)(l+2a-a2)' and prove that the value of sn^ |^ is obtained by writing - - for a in this expression. 810 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 98. Discuss the functional relations connecting the pairs of the three quantities (i) the cross ratio of the roots of the quartic polynomial f{z\ (ii) the absolute invariant J of this quartic, (iii) the ratio r of two fundamental periods of the elliptic integral 99. Obtain a formula of reduction for Jsn» udu ; and thence shew how to perform the integration when n is an even positive integer. Establish the formula sn^ u du (i+F)t-/;,-^ =1. [-\-CQ.u)diV?U 100. Prove that ?5_^=-y&'-l{f(^i-^)-C(tt-^-2lX')-f(2^X')}, en w the f -functions being formed with the periods 2^, AiK'. 101. Establish the identity of the infinite series 1 +2 2 ( — )" q"^ cos 'inx 1 with the infinite product (?n(l-2j2«-icos2A' + g^™-2), 1 where G = li.{\-q^'^). 1 Either of these expressions being denoted (as in Jacobi's lectures) by ^ (^), prove that, if Ig-I^ <|e*^| < l^pi, 2Z#5(0) , „^ „ • — t^ , = tto + 2 2 (X„ cos 2%^, ir ^ {x) 1 where a« = 2 i ( - 1)™ j(»^+i)(2»+m+i). 102. If Mi + M2 + W3 + ^4=2^, shew that the anharmonie ratios of the four quantities sn 2fi, ..., sn Ui are equal to those of the quantities sn (? 0, and | /(m) j if | g|^< | g/^) | <1, 1 h < ? 117. Prove that, if | 5- 1 < 1, the series ^1 (^) = 2 2 ( - 1)" qin^W sin (2% + 1) .*', and the product sin A- n ( 1 - 22'2» cos 2.^ + ^*"), differ from one another only by a constant factor. Prove also that, \i q = e K ^ m being any integer. 118. Defining the Jacobian theta-functions by the equations - » -00 i(9i(A')= 2 (-l)'»^(m+i)2e(2m + l)a;i^ ^2 (^') = 2 ^(»i +*)''' e(2m + l)a;t^ 00 — QO prove that 6^^ 62, O3 are even functions of .r, while di is an odd function of x ; that ^q and ^3 are periodic with tt as period, while B^ and ^2 are periodic with Stt as period ; and that all four functions are pseudo-periodic with i log g as a period, two of them with - e^^t as 1 . ' a factor, and the other two with — e^m ^s a factor. Prove that ^3-^ (0) 6s {X + i/) Os {X -I/) == 6i (x) ds' (y) + e;^ {x) e,^ {y) =^e,^x)e,\y) + 6i{x)e.i{y); and deduce from these equations similar exjiressions for ei{Q)6,{x+y)e,{x-y) for r = 0, 1, 2. 119. With the notation ^{x)= 2 (_l)»j»2g2ma;i^ ^2 {x) = 2 ^i (2-1 - 1? e(2« - 1) a;i, establish the periodic and pseudo-periodic properties of the ^-functions. Prove also that the expression 4 4 n ^2 (■«?«) + n .^3 {x^) 1 1 is unaltered when jti, X2, Xs, x^ are replaced by ^{Xi + X2 + X3 + Xi), |(.^i-t-.^2-*'3-'*4)5 | G^'l - .^2 + ^3 " -^'4), i i^l' •'^2 — ^3 + ^i) ', respectively. 814 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES VI. 120. Examine under what circumstances p {ku) is a rational function of p (u), k being a suitable constant multiplier ; and if ?7,i be a function of u defined by the equations ^1 = 1, U^=-p'{u\ U^^, = ^{p{u)-p{'>iu)}, prove that f2m + i '^^^ C^2m/P' ^^^ rational integral functions of p (u), ^g^ and g^, with integral coefficients, and that If IT — IJ TT 7^7 2 _ TJ TT TJ 2 ^ n — in'^ n-\-in ^ n+X'^ n—\^ m '^m + l ^ m—l "-^ » > where m and n are positive integers. Prove that, if p (w), g^-, and ^3 are rational numbers, p{nu)ei> 63), prove that {^(M+i-)- 63}!^ («-.') -63}' { ^(«)-g2} {^W-e2}-eie3 - 262' LIP W- 63} Wky)~e^]-ex^i -2622-12 -2.32 J < iu {PW -p(a)}2 :-[' dx 127. Prove that a doubly-periodic meromorphic function of %i can be expressed linearly in terms of functions f(?« — a), f'('w — a), ..., where f (?<) = — -j-^- Evaluate / J 128. Shew that the equation ■ -r — ^ J xo Jf{x) where /(a") is any quartic function of x, and Xq is a root oi f{x), is equivalent to the equation _ /' (.To) ^-^■« + 4{^(.)-Jj/"K)}' where the doubly -periodic function ^ {z) is formed with the invariants g^ and g^ of f{x). If Xq be not a root of /(^), shew that the last equation must be replaced by ^^^ , /^ (^0) F (^) + i/ (-^0) W {^)—hf' (^0)}+ 2V/(^0)/" (^0) 2 {^(2)_ Jj./"(^o)F--^L/(^o)/"(^o) 129. Shew that, if n is an odd prime, the value of the elliptic function of the wth part of a primitive period, e.g. ^ ( — J , may be obtained by solving an equation of degree 71-1-1, and ?i-|-l equations of degree n — \. 816 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 1 30. Starting from the definition of o- (z) as an infinite product, prove the formula " a {b + c) cr{b — c) a{a + d) a- {a — d) + (r{c+a) a- {c — a) a {h -\- d) a- {h - d) + (T {a-\-h) ,.,, , ,. {g>(^)^(.y)-ig^2} {g>(^-)+^(y)}-i^'(^)F(y)-^^3 Prove also that 0'3 3C(3«)-9a«)=^._.^^p_^^^_^^^^2; and shew that n^ (nu) - n^ ^ (it) can be expressed in terms of p and ^' only, n being an integer. 138. Prove that 2p' (2«) f (u) = {^ (?^) - p {u + o))} {p (u) -p{u + 0)')} {^ (u) -Piu + o)")}. r=4 1 139. Express (62 - 63) n {p (t<,.) — ^il +two similar terms, by means of Jacobi's elliptic r=l 4 functions; and hence (or otherwise) shew that, when 2 ^^,. = 0, the expression is equal to r=l - (61-62) (^2- 63) (63-61 )• 140. Shew that 2o .•2i7(m+(o)/)h '(4Kt)] where 2a> is a period of p {u) and m is an integer, is the mth root of a rational integral function of p (u) and p' (u). 141. Obtain a general formula for p (nu) in terms of p (ii). The periods of p (u) being 2co, 2a)', and a, b, c, d, denoting the quantities prove that a^ + eb^ + e^c^ = 0, e'^b^ - ec^ + d^ =0, where e is an imaginary cube root of unity. 142. Specify briefly the descriptive properties characterising the elliptic function P (•?«), and prove that the function is determined thereby. Shew that the function (p (u) = {p (u) — e,}"^ is a single-valued function; obtain its periods, and the expression of cf) {u+v) in terms of (f) (u), 0' (m), (v), 0' (v). Find the ^-function having the periods of

(r{u- 6)], and the algebraic relation connecting these derivatives. ■ 145. Prove that every elliptic function can be expressed linearly in terms of ^(m - aj), ^(w — 02), ... and their differential coefficients, where C(^) = o"' {u)/(r{u). Prove that 1 yw+FW _ &'Xv)+&'H ] 146. Establish the formula : = -C{'^-u) + C{w-v)-i-C{v)-C{u). 1, ^W, F(«) I, Piw), p'{w) 147. Express = -2a- {u-v)cr{v -to)cr (w-u) cr {u + v + w)j a^ (u) a^ (v) a^ (vj). 1, p(a;), p(^), p'{a;) 1, ^(3/), PH^), P'{y) 1, ^(^), P(2), F(2) 1, p{u\ P(«), p'{u) as a fraction whose numerator and denominator are products of a--functions. Deduce that, if a = p {x\ /3 = p (3/), 7 = ^ {z), 8 = p {u), where x+y + z + u = 0, (62 - 63) {(a - ei) O - ei) (7 - ei) (S - ei )}* + (63 - ^i) {(a - eg) (/3 - 63) (y - e^) (8 - e,)}^ + (ei - 62) {(« - 63) (3 - 63) (7 - 63) (S - 63)}* = (62 - %) (63 - 61) (^1 - 62). . 148. Denoting the roots of 4^^ — ^2^-5'3 = by ei, 62, 63, prove that where I, m, n=l, 2, 3, and the summation extends over the three corresponding terms. 149. Prove that, for any three arguments u-^, u^, u^, C(%) + CC«2) + t(%)-CK + W2 + %) _2 W (^1) - P (^2)} W K) -

)-^(ia, + a,') = 2 {(61-62) (61-63)}*, ^' (i») = - 2 {(61 - 62) (61 - 63)}^ {(61 - 62)^ + (61 - 63)^}. 153. Shew that r(.)=6 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 819 a- (z + a) a- (z — a) a- (z-hc) a (z — c) 0-* (z) 0-2 (a) 0-2 (c) where P {a) = {^92)^-, ^ («)= -(tV5'2)*- 154. State the properties of the eUiptic function p {u) which prove that there is a single-vakied function a (u), such that a^{ii) = p (^) — ^i, and ua{u) = l when u = 0. Defining similarly b (w) = (p (u) - e^^ , c {u) = (p (w) — gg)^ , prove that a (u) b {v) c (v) — a{v)b (u) c (u) Shew also that a{tL + v)=- a^ {v) — a^ (u) a{u + a>)a (?<) = a' {a) = — or'^ ( i^ ^j,), 2a (m) 6 (m) c{u) a (2u) = a^ (u) — (X* (^ co), '<^ fl 1 -^ a{u)\- dzo = log [^ M {6 («) + c («)}], da{u) where a iu) = — j^ . du 155. From the theory of doubly-periodic functions, or otherwise, obtain the formula (.) Shew how to express the points of a plane quartic curve, which has two double points, by means of elliptic functions. ^(»)-^<»-)=-.s{frgl^ VII. 156. Obtain Euler's relation C+ F=E+2 connecting the numbers of corners, faces and edges of an oi'dinary convex solid bounded by plane faces ; and extend this result to the case of a solid for which the surface is not simply connected. A closed rectangular box has a partition lying midway between two opposite faces, and this partition is pierced with two holes. Discuss the connectivity of the inner surface. 157. Prove that on any closed sui-face in space (or on a Riemann's surface) a system of closed curves can be drawn, so that (i) it shall be possible to pass from any one point of the surface to any other by a continuous path which does not cut the closed curves, and (ii) any two paths so drawn between two given points shall be continuously deformable the one into the other without crossing the closed curves. Construct such a system of closed curves for a three-sheeted Riemann's surface with two branch lines at each of which the three sheets are connected cyclically. 158. A table consists of a rectangular parallelepiped resting on two other rectangular parallelepipeds, placed vertically, and each pierced with a hole. Upon the table is laid a book, and upon this a much smaller book. Estimate the connectivity of the surface of the whole I'esulting solid, each book being regarded as a rectangular parallelepiped. 159. There are n rings placed in order, each connected to those on either side by a cylinder, whilst the two rings at the end have each a point boundary. Find the con- nectivity of the surface so formed. There are n rings placed in order, each connected to those on either side by a cylinder, whilst the first and last rings are connected to each other by a cylinder. To the surface so formed, a point boundary is supplied. Find the connectivity of the surface. 52—2 820 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 160. Prove that, if an anchor ring be hollowed out and the exterior and interior surfaces connected by a hollow cylinder, and if a point boundary be supplied to the surface so formed, then its connectivity is 5. 161. A surface of connectivity n has h boundary lines. Shew that it is impossible, without dividing the surface, to make more than ^{n — h) cross-cuts, each of which passes from a point of an original boundary to another point of the same boundary. 162. A variable u is defined by means of the relation /"« dx where y^ = Ax^- g^x- g^, and the inversion of this relation is expressed in a form apply Abel's Theorem to shew how an expression can be obtained for Q{u + v) in terms of Q (w), Q' {u), Q (v), Q' (v). Find also the periods of the function Q (u). Construct the integrals that remain finite on the Riemann's surface associated with i/i = 4x^- g2X- gs. 163. The equation f{w, z) = is algebraic in w and z ; and it is satisfied hj w = a,z=a. Shew that, when z=a + z', where \z' \ is small, then values of w are given by a + v/, where I ti^ I is small, and where w', if not a uniform function of /, belongs to a set of values the members of which interchange cyclically when z describes a small circle round a. Obtain explicitly the branches of the function w, as defined by the equation w^ + 3wz + z^ = l for values of z, (i) near the origin z = 0, (ii) near the point z=-l. J (■ 164. Shew that the integral {{x - ai) {x - a^) {x - as) {x - ai)} ^ dx is transformed to the integral by the relations (a2-ai)(^-a4)' («3-«i)(«2-a4) ' and obtain an expression for the general value of the former integral. 165. Prove that every integral of the first class associated with the equation iv^ + z'^ = l is of the form \aw + Bz^C)'^^^, where A, B, C are arbitrary constants ; and construct integrals of the second and the third classes, associated with the same equation. /< 166. Obtain the integrals of the first kind connected with the equation vfi — z{z—l){z~a) (z — b), where | a | > | 6 | > 1 ; and shew how to obtain the addition -theorem for the functions that arise in the inversion of the integrals. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 821 167. For the equation y^ — byx^ + 4^ = 0, find the form of the everywhere finite integrals. 168. Determine the genus of the equation y'^ = x {\ — xy. Find a system of integrals of the first kind, and also an elementary integral of the third kind with its infinities at the values x = 0, x = l. 169. Construct and dissect the Riemann's surfaces associated with the equations (i) w^=z^{z'^-\\ (ii) v^ = {z-aif{z-a2f{z-a^f, (iii) -?«;*= (0-ai)2(0-a2)3 (2 -a3)3. Give two dissections for the last surface, one of which does not involve any cut in one of the sheets. 170. Construct a Riemann's surface on which the function w defined by the equation 2<^-(22 + 3)w2 + l=0 can be exhibited as a uniform function. 171. Explain in general terms the principles of the theory of the dissection of a Riemann's surface, to render the surface simply connected, and the part which the number of everywhere finite integrals upon the surface plays in the number of necessary dissections. Shew how to find the number of everywhere finite integrals associated with an equation y»» = (^-aj)»i(^-a2)"2 .... Find these integrals in particular for the equation {x — a){x — h) r= and dissect the surface. {x-c)(x-d)' 172. Describe the character and position of the infinities of the integral 'y^ + ax'^ + Ax + By + C /^ {2y^-x^-l)y where w is an imaginary cube root of unity, and x, y are connected by x^+x'^y'^+y'^ = x^-\-y^ + ^; and find the sum of its values extended from the points where Px-\-Qy + R=Q to the points where P'x+Q'y + R' = 0. 173. Construct a Riemann's surface to represent the equation {x-l)y^ = a^{x + lf; draw cuts reducing it to a simply connected surface ; and construct an Abelian integral of the first kind associated with the equation. 174. Discuss the general pharaoter of the Riemann's surface which represents the equation {w — z) (w^ — z'^) (w^ — 2^) = 1 ; and prove that its genus is equal to 4. 822 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 175. lu the whole of a Riemann's surface of n sheets, the total number of branch points is s ; and the numbers of the branches of the represented algebraic function, which interchange at the branch-points, are m^^ m^, ..., mg respectively. Prove that the connectivity of the surface is ( 2 9n,.^-(2w + s-3), and that its genus is Prove that the genus of the Riemann's surface associated with the equation w^^=A{z-af{z-hf{z-c)\^ where a, b, c are unequal constants, is 7 ; and indicate the relations between the sheets of the surface at each of the branch-points. 1 76. Indicate various classes of functions of position on a Riemann's surface of genus p, explaining specially the characteristic properties of the functions which usually are called of the first kind, the second kind, and the third kind, respectively, as well as of adjoint polynomials j and prove that an adjoint polynomial possesses 2p — 2 zeros on the surface. At a set of m among these 2p—2 places, q other adjoint polynomials vanish together : at the remaining 2p — 2 — m places, q' other adjoint polynomials similarly vanish together. Prove that, on a general Riemann's surface, q' — q = m—p + \. 177. Find the genus p of the relation Construct a rational function associated therewith with p+\ arbitrary poles, and obtain the forms of p everywhere finite integrals. 178. For the Riemann's surface associated with the equation ^y -f Ms + ^4 = 0, where %, % are homogeneous polynomials in x, y respectively of orders 3 and 4 with general coefficients, construct a set of linearly independent integrals of the first kind and an elementary integral of the third kind whose infinities are at ^=0, ?/ = 0. Find, save for an additive constant, the sum of the values of the integral / ^-dx X at the intersections with the given curve of the line Ax-\-By-^C=-'d^ expressed in terms of -4, 5, C, and the coefficients of the curve. 179. Construct a Riemann's surface suitable for the representation of a function y given by the equation Make a series of cuts which will render the surface simply connected. 180. Shew that the genus of the equation y'^-\-y{,x,y)''-\{x,y)^ = . is unity ; and construct an integral of the first kind associated with the equation. Similarly for the equation /=(l-^2)(l_^2^2)_ MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 823 181. Obtain the position and character of the branch places of the Riemann's surface representing the equation and the forms of the everywhere finite integrals. 182. For the fundamental equation y* = .K^ + ^ + 1, describe the behaviour of the integral /-[|--5^.]^ and find the sum of its four values integrated from the four points where P^^x + §oy + -^0 = 0, to the four points where Px + Qi/ + R = 0. 183. Prove that the equation of a curve of order n, having ^n{7i — 3)-l double points, can be transformed birationally into the hyperelliptic form where/ is a polynomial of degree 5 or 6. Transform in this way the equation f = x^'{x^--3x+2). 184. Prove that the equation fix, y) dx wherein y^=^- g%oc-g^^ defines x^ y as single-valued meromorphic functions of %. If y'^=a?'X^-\-4tbx^-\-Qcx"-\-'^dx-\-e, and R{x,y) denote a rational function of x and y, find three integrals R {x, y) dx /^ respectively (i) everywhere finite, (ii) algebraically infinite to the first order bvit not logarithmically infinite, at .■v = |, y = r), (iii) logarithmically but not algebraically infinite s,t x—^, y=rj, andat.r = co, y = ax'^; and shew that every integral jR(x,y)dx is expres- sible, save for rational functions of x and y, in terms of integrals of these three forms. 185. If JO and n be positive integers, yP = l + aj^x + a2X^ + ...+anX"; the right-hand side having no repeated roots, prove that v= I dx/yP ^ J is an elliptic integral, provided that p and n have the greatest values consistent with the inequalities -+ ->:! and -+ ->1. . p n n p Determine the possible values of p and b. Shew that p (v) can be expressed in the form where t>=0 corresponds to ,^;=0, y = l. Completely determine the invariants ^2 ^^'^ ffs "^ *^® cases ji9 = 2, n = 4, and p — 3, n—3. 824 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES VIII. 186. If fix) be a quintic polynomial in x, and investigate the character and general form of Xi + x^a.^, fi, function of Uy and U2 . 187. If 3/^ be a quintic polynomial in .r,. vanishing when x=ai and when .2; =0^2 5 and discuss the character of XyX^ and of {(«! — ^1) («i — *'2)}* as functions of % and 'M2' r^i 0?.^; /'■^s 0?^ /"^i xdx f' J a^ y J a^ y J a^ y Jo X ~~~ Xq ■(^0 Ex + F , f^^'^'> Ex+F dx + y 188. If A, B, C, D, E, F be constants, f{x) a quintic polynomial, (^o^o) a variable pair satisfying y'^=f{x), and {xi), (x^), ..., be the zeros of the rational function in {x, y) A {x-\-x^)^-Bxx^-\-Cy;^^^D, d Y f^^^^ Ex + F , f evaluate -^— | ax+ I "■^^o L ./ y J 189. Quantities u a,ud v are defined by the relations 2u=r^:^dx+ri^^d,, where X={X'~ ao) (x — aj) {x - a^ (x — a^) (x — a^), T is the same function of j/ as X is of x, and the constants ao, «!, a2, «3, a^ are real, unequal, and (so arranged) are in descending order of magnitude. Prove that any rational symmetric function of x and y is an even quadruply-periodic function of u and v, and that, in particular, {Ur - x) (a,. - y) (for '/■=0, 1, 2, 3, 4) is the perfect square of a quadruply-periodic function of u and v, which is even for even values of r and is odd for odd values. Writing p^? = {a^ - x) (a,. — y), («™ - «.) Pmn -Pm {j^i + J^ ) ' Pn[ ^^ + ^^ ) , obtain the types of quadratic relations connecting the fifteen functions ; and prove that Pi , Pm ^ Pn I ) Plrj pmri Pnr Pis 5 Pms ) Pns 1 where I, m, n, r, s are any arrangement of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, is constant. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 825 /: 190. If the curve F {z, m) = be of degree m, shew that every integral of the first kind is of the form Fu (^, m) ' where Q (s, u) is a polynomial in z and ii of degree (m- 3) at most. If the curve F {z, u) = Q have no multiple points except such as have distinct tangents, shew that any multiple point of order q on the curve i'' is a multiple point of order q—1 on the curve Q. Find the integrals of the first kind for the curve z'^-u'^ + ahu^O ; and discuss the transformation of this curve to the hyperelliptic form. 191. Shew that every uniform function of position on a Riemann's surface, connected with an algebraic equation f{w, z) = of degree m in io, the function having infinities only of finite order, can be expressed in a form dw where C^ is a polynomial in w of degree ^m — 2 having rational functions of z for its coefficients, and ff (2) is a rational function of z. Prove that there are integrals of rational functions of w and z, which do not acquire an infinite value upon the surface. Construct these integrals, when the algebraic equation is w3 = s (l-z) (1 -az) (1 - bz) (l-cz), where the constants a, b, c are unequal to one another and no one of them is either zero or unity. 192. If an analytical correspondence be set up between two variable points x and y of a non-singular Riemann's smface, of such a nature that to every point x there cor- respond m variable points 3/1,3/2) ■•■■>ymi distinct in general from x, prove that m 2 %(,yj)-fy%(.^) = Ji, (-^=1, 2, ...,/•), i=l where y is a certain positive or negative integer, Jj is a quantity independent of x, and %i, U2, ..., Wp are p independent and everywhere finite integrals on the surface. Prove further that, if Cj, C2, ..., Cp be suitably chosen constants, and if denote the ^-function belonging to the surface, then 6{ ui{y)-Ui{x)-c,] «=™ e{Ui{y)-Ui{y^)-G,) 6 K {.y) - Wi i^) - Ci} bh if) - Mi {^) - Ci} n=i B {Mi ( /) - y'i iyn) - Ci) e k {y) - Ui (y„o) - c,] is an algebraic function of x and y ; x^, j/", denoting fixed points and x, y a. variable point of the surface, z/i", 3/2**, ..., ym^ the points corresponding to x^. Deduce that such a correspondence can always be represented by an algebraic function properly interpreted. 826 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 193. If Wi, Wo, ..., u>p be the p normal integrals of the first kind on a Riemann's surface, and 5;,(*) be the modulus of periodicity of the normal integral of the second species to tc,^{z) with respect to the cut b^, shew that Hence or otherwise shew that the necessary and sufficient conditions, that q distinct points Ci, C2, ..., Cq{q^p) should be such that at a certain number of them a regular function assumes the same value, are = w/(Ci), ...,Wi'{Cq) W2'{Ci), ..., W2'(Cg) Wp'{Cl), ...,'Wp'{Cg) Shew also that if, for every integral of the first kind W (z), W (ci) dci + W (cg) dc2+...+ W (Cg) dcg = 0, then Ci, Cg, ...', Cg are points at which a regular function assumes the same value. IX. 194. Give an outline of a proof that a potential function ti exists, subject to the conditions, (i) at all points within the area of a circle of radius unity, the quantities M, ^ , ^ , — , ^-"2 are regular functions of x and y such that ^^ + ^-2 = ; (ii) the quantity u acquires assigned values along the circumference, which are regular functions of the position on the circumference ; and obtain the function in the form 2 r 27r \ _^2 _ y2 ""^^nj ^^^'^\x- COS ^/.)2 + Cy - sin y\rf '^'^' where / (■v//') represents the values along the circumference. Prove also that / (yj^) can have a finite discontinuity at a limited number of points. Apply the transformation x+iy — -TjT. ^^ — ^ to the above integral so as to prove that a potential function u, which exists over the whole plane and is such that its value is unity between — 1 and + 1 on the real axis and elsewhere is zero on the real axis, is given by - ^ where 6 is the angle subtended at the point in the plane by the part of the real axis lying between — 1 and + 1. 195. Deduce, from Cauchy's integral formula, Poisson's expression for the value of a developable potential function at any point interior to a given circle, in terms of the values of the function on the circumference. Shew ab initio in the case when u (t) is finite and continuoiis for all real values of t, the values ^( + 00) being the same, that the integral 1 /■+" u{t)ydt represents a developable potential function of {x, ?/), for y>0, reducing when (x, y) approaches to {xq, 0) to the value t(,{xQ). Evaluate the integral when u (t) = -x — -. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 827 196. Taking as an area the whole of the plane of z with the exception of the finite straight line joining z= — \ to ^ = 1, find a function of a, which is single-valued in the area, is real on the boundary, and is discontinuous within or upon the boundary of the area only like {z - i)~^. 197. Find a function which shall be regular within the circle 1^1 = 1 and shall have on the circumference the value a^ - 2a cos d + cos 26 + i {2a sin 6 - sin 26) {a^-2acos6 + lf ' where | « | > 1, 198. Prove that the most general form for a function which (i) is to be single-valued and analytic in a rectanglis in the plane of the complex variable u whose corners are u = 0, m = 2q), u = iH, u=2a> + iH, where co, iTare real; and (ii) is to be further such as to assume equal values at opposite points, ?i = t^, ^t = ^■A-f2«, of one pair of sides; is a series of integral powers of exp ( — m j . If a < 6 be real and positive, and the function p {u) be consti-ucted with the real period 2a) and the period 2co' given by , im , b &) = — log - , IT ^ a' find the region in the plane of z given by the formula when ( varies in the annulus lying between two circles with centre at ^=0 of respective radii a and h. Shew that there is, in this annulus, only one value of ( corresponding to any point in the region obtained. 199. Shew how to define an integral function of the two variables u, v, which shall satisfy the equations 0(W+1, v) = (f,(u, v) = (t){u, v+l), (}) (2i + p,v + a-) = )u/'' (f) (u, v), (p (m + p',v + a-') = /x'e^'" ^ {u, v), obtaining any necessary conditions for the constants p, cr, p', a', X, X', p., p.'. 200. If the substitutions of an infinite discontinuous group be t^J^ (^=1.2, ...CO), shew that the series 2 (7^3 + Si)-''" i=l is absolutely convergent when m is a greater integer than unity, except for special points z. Construct a group of substitutions of genus p, for which the fundamental polygon is the space outside 2p circles, and the fundamental substitutions make these circles corre- spond in pairs ; and shew that, subject to certain inequalities, the series ^{yiZ+K)-^ i is absolutely convergent for groups of this character. 828 MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 201. Give an example of a rational function R (x) which is unaltered by a group of transformations of the form x' = {ax + h)l{cx + d), finding, for your example, a region in the plane of the complex variable x in which the function assumes every value just once. Explain some general method of expressing automorphic functions when the group of linear transformations is assigned. 202. In the equation which is satisfied by the quarter periods K and iK' of the Jacobian elliptic functions formed with the modulus k=\/z, shew that is a uniform function of the quotient t = -^ of two solutions of the equation, being automorphic for the group generated by the substitutions (M + 2)and(^,^). Shew how, by using this as an auxiliary differential equation, any linear differential equation with uniform coefficients and three singular points can be solved in terms of uniform functions. GLOSSARY QF TECHNICAL TERMS. {The numbers refer to the pages, ivhere the term occurs for the first time in the book or is defined.) Abbildung, conforme, 11. Absolute convergence of series, 21 ; of pro- ducts, 91. Absoluter Betrag, 3. Absolute value, 3. Accidental singularity (pole), 17, 61. Addition-theorem, algebraic, 344. Adelphic order, 864. Adjoint curves, 445. Adjoint polynomials, 445. Algebraic addition-theorem, 344. Algebraic function, determined by an equation, 190. Amplitude, 3. Analytical curve, 458,' 478, 658. Analytic function, 10; monogenic, 67. Anharmonic group, 754. Argument, 3. Argument and parameter, interchange of, 513. Arithmetic mean, method of the, 458. Ausserwesentliche singuldre Stelle, 61. Automorphic functions, 715, 753. Betrag, absoluter, 3. Bicursal, 555. Bien defini, 190. Bifacial surface, 372. Birational transformation, 537. Boundary, 369. Branch, 16. Branch-line, 385. Branch-point, 17, 183. Branch-section, 385. Canonical resolution of surface, 402. Categories of corners, cycles, 725, 729. Circle, discriminating, 133. Circle of convergence, 22. Circuit, 374. Class, or genus, (of connected surface), 371. Class of doubly-periodic function of second order, 263. Class of equation, 395. Class of group, 742. Class of singularity, 177. Class of tertiary-periodic function, 335. Class of transcendental integral functions, 109. Class-moduli, 545. Combination of areas, 480. Compound circuit, 374. Conditional convergence of series, 21; of pro- ducts, 91. Conditional equation in Abel's theorem, 581. Conformal representation, 11. Conforme Abbildung, 11. Congruent figures, 631, 724. Conjugate edges, 725. Connected surface, 359. Connection, order of, 364. Connectivity, 364. Constant modulus for cross-cut, 427. Contiguous regions, 724. Continuation, 67. Continuity, region of, 67. Continuous substitution, 717. Convergence of series, 22; of products, 91. Convexity of normal polygon, 727. Corner of region, 724. Coupure, 165, 220. Critical point, 17. Cross-cut, 361. Cross-line, 385. Cycles of branches of algebraic function, 570. Cycles of corners, 726. 830 GLOSSAEY OF TECHNICAL TERMS Deficiency, 403. Deformation of loop, 407. Deformation of surface, 379. Degree of cycle, 570. Degree of pseudo-automorphic function, 785. Degree of rational function on Biemann's surface, 420. Derivative, Schwarzian, 657. •Dihedral group, 757. Diramazione, punto di, 17. Dirichlet's principle, 458. Discontinuity, polar, 17. Discontinuous groups, 717. Discontinuous substitution, 717. Discrete substitution, 717. Discriminating circle, 133. Divergence of series, 22 ; of products, 91. Domain, 60. Domaine, 60. Dominant function, 39. Double (or fixed) circle of elliptic substitution, 746. Doubly-periodic function of first, second, third, kind, 320, 321. Edge of region, 724. Edges of cross-cut, positive and negative, 424. Eindndrig, 16. Eindeutig, 16. Einfach zusammenhcmgend, 360. Element, 67. Element of doubly-periodic function of third kind, 338, 340. Elementary integral of the second kind, third kind, 446, 452. Elliptic substitution, 631. Equivalent homoperiodic functions, 260. Essential singularity, 19, 61. Exceptional value, 66. Existence-theorem, 416, 455, Factor, primary, 101. Factorial functions, 531. Families of groups, 740. Finite groups, 719. First kind, doubly-periodic function of the, 321. First kind of Abelian integrals, 444. Fixed (or double) points of substitution, 628. Forlsetzung, 67. Fractional factor for potential function, 476. Fractional part of doubly-periodic function, 259. Fuchsian functions, 753. Fuchsian groups, 740. Fundamental circle for group, 737. Fundamental loops, 407. Fundamental parallelogram, 237, 244. Fundamental polyhedron (of reference for space), 748. Fundamental region (of reference for plane), 724. Fundamental substitutions, 716. Gattung (kind of integral), 444. Genere, 109. Genere (genus of connected surface), 371. Genre (applied to singularity), 177. Genre (applied to transcendental integral functions), 109. Genre (genus of connected surface), 371. Genus (of connected surface), 371. Genus (of equation), 395. Genus (of group), 742. Geschlecht, 395, 403. Giramento, punto di, 17. Gleichverzweigt, 419. Grenze, natilrliche, 153. Grenzkreis, 133. Group of substitutions, 715. Grmidzahl, 364. Harmonic functions, 9. Hauptkreis, 737. Holomorphic, 17. Homogeneous substitutions, 756. nomographic transformation, or substitution, 625. Homologous (points), 237. Homoperiodic, 263. Hyperbolic substitution, 631., Hyperellipti^ curves or equations, 565. Improperly discontinuous groups, 718. Index of substitution, 717. Infinitesimal substitution, 636, 717. Infinity, 17. Integrals of the first kind, second kind, third kind, Abelian, 444, 446, 452. Interchange of argument and parameter, 513. Invariants of elliptic functions, 295. Inversion-problem, 517. Irreducible circuit, 374. Irreducible (point), 236, 237. Isothermal, 707. Kleinian functions, 753. Kleinian group, 743. GLOSSAEY OF TECHNICAL TERMS 831 Lacet, 182. Lacunary functions, 166. Level values, 269. Ligne de passage, 385. Limit, natural, 153. Limitrophe, 724. Linear cycles, 570. Linear substitution, 625. Loop, 182. Loop-cut, 362. Loxodromic substitution, 631. Majorante, 39. Mehrdeutig, 16. Mehrfach zusainmenhdngend, 361. Meromorphic, 17. Modular-function, 767. Modular group, 721. Modulus, 3. Modulus for cross-cut, constant, 427. Modulus of periodicity (cross-cut), 427. MonadeliDbic, 360. Monodromic, 16. Monogenic, 15. Monogenic analytic function, 67. Monotropic, 16. Multiform, 16. Multiple circuit, 374. Multiple connection, 362. Multiplicateurs, fonctions a, 531. Multiplier of substitution, 628. Natural limit, 153. Natiirliche Grenze, 153. Negative edge of cross-cut, 424. Non-essential singularity, 61. Normal (connected) surface, 381. Normal form of linear substitution, 715. Normal form of transformable equations, 567. Normal function of first kind, second kind, third kind, 508, 510, 511. Normal polygon for substitutions, 728. Order of a doubly-periodic function, 25?. Order, of connection, adelphic, 364. Order of rational function on Eiemann's surface, 420. Ordinary point, 60. Origin of cycle, 570. Orthomorphosis, 11. Oscillating series, 21. Parabolic substitution, 631. Parallelogram, fundamental or primitive, 237, 244. Path of integration, 21. Period, 235. Periodicity for cross-cut, modulus of, 427. Permanent equation in Abel's theorem, 581. Polar discontinuity, 17. Pole, 17, 61. Polyadelphic, 361. Polyhedral functions, 706. Poly tropic, 16. Positive edge of cross-cut, 424. Potential function, 457. Primary factor, 101. Primfunction, 101. Primitive parallelogram, 244. Products, convergence of, 91. Properly discontinuous groups, 718. Pseudo-periodicity, 301, 304, 320, 321. Punto di diramazione, punto di giramento, 17. Querschnitt, 361. Eamification (of Eiemann's surface), 395. Ramification, point de, 17. Eational function, 84. Eeal substitutions, 631. Eeconcileable circuits, 374. Eeducible circuit, 374. Eeducible (point), 236, 237. Eegion of continuity, 67. Eegular, 17, 60. Eegular singularities, 192. Mepresentation conforme, 11. Eesidue, 48. Eesolution of surface, canonical, 402. Retrosection, 362. Eiemann's surface, 382. Eoot, 17. RUckkehrschnitt, 862. Schleife, 182. Schwarzian derivative, 657. Second kind, doubly-periodic function of the, 821. Second kind of Abelian integrals, 446. Secondary-periodic functfcns, 322. Section, 69, 165, 220. Section (cross-cut), 361. Series, convergence of, 22. Sheet, 382. Simple branch-points, 208. Simple circuit, 374. Simple connection, 360. Simple curve, 24. Simple cycle of loops, 408. 882 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS Simple element for tertiary-periodic function, 338, 340. Singular point, 17. Singularity, accidental, 17, 61. Singularity, essential, 19, 61. Special function on Riemann's surface, 526. Species of singularity, 177. Sub-categories of cycles, 740. Sub-rational representation of variables, 551. Substitution, homogeneous, 756. Substitution, linear or homographic, 625. Syneetic, 17. Umgebung, 60. Unconditional convergence of series, 22 ; of products, 91. Unicursal, 548. Unifacial surface, 372. Uniform convergence of series, 22; of pro- ducts, 91. Uniform function, 16. Verzweigungschnitt, 385. Verzweigungspunkt, 17. Taglio trasversale, 361. Tertiary-periodic functions, 322. Tetrahedral group, 759. Thetafuchsian function, 776. Third kind, doubly-periodic function of the, 321. Third kind of Abelian integral, 452. Transcendental function, 84. Transformation, birational, 537. Trasversale, 361. Wesentliche singulare Stelle, 61. Winding-point, 392. Winding-surface, 392. Windungspunkt, 17. Zero, 17. Zusammenhangend, einfach, mehrfach, 360, 361. INDEX. (The numbers refer to the pages. Abel, 269, 518, 580. Abel's formula for sum of transcendental integrals, 585 : examples of, 587-590 ; ap- plied to integrals of first kind, 590 ; of second kind, 594; of third kind, 597. Abel's Theorem on integrals, quoted, 519 ; proved, 579-601 : the main result, 585. Abelian transcendental functions, arising by inversion of functions of the first kind on a Eiemann's surface, 517; Weierstrass's form of, 518. Absolute convergence, of series, 21 ; of pro- ducts, 91. Accidental singularities, 17, 61, 78 ; must be possessed by uniform function, 78; form of function in vicinity of, 78; are isolated points, 78; number of, in an area, 82, 86; if at infinity and there be no other singularity, the function is polynomial, 83; if there be a finite number of, and no essential singularity, the uniform function is rational and meromorphic, ■ 85. Addition-theorem, for uneven doubly-periodic function of second order and second class, 290; for Weierstrass's ^-function, 307; quasi-form of, for the (7-function and tbe f-function, 307; definition of algebraical, 344; algebraical, is possessed by algebraical functions, 344; by simply- periodic functions, 345; by doubly -periodic functions, 846; function which possesses an algebraical, is either (i) algebraical, 347; or (ii) simply -periodic, 350, 352; or (iii) doubly-periodic, 354; F. F. satisfies a differential equation be- tween itself and its first derivative, 355; condition that algebraical equation be- tween three variables should express, 357; form of, when function is uniform, 358. Adjoint curves, 445. Adjoint polynomial on Eiemann's surface, quotient of one by another, is a special function, 527. Adjoint polynomials, 445. Algebraic equation between three variables should express an addition-theorem, condi- tion that, 357; Algebraic equation, defining algebraic multi- form functions, 190 (see algebraic function); genus of, 395 ; for any uniform function of position on a Eiemann's surface, 417. Algebraic equation defines functions that are analytic, 207. Algebraic equation has roots, 88. Algebraic function, cycle of branches of, 570: birationally transformed, 571-577. Algebraic function is analytic, 207. Algebraic (multiform) functions defined by algebraical equation, 190; branch-points of, 191 ; infinities of, are singularities of the coefficients, 192 ; graphical method for determination of order of, 194 ; branch-points of, 197; cyclical arrangements of branches round a branch-point, 200; when all the branch-points are simple, 208; in connection with Eiemann's surface, 386. 53 834 INDEX Algebraic function on a Eiemann's surface, integrals of, 436; integrals of, everywhere finite, 438 ; number of, in a special case, 438; when all branch-points are simple, three kinds of integrals of, 439 ; infinities of integrals of, 440, 443; branch-points of integrals of, 443. Algebraic functions on a Eiemann's surface, constructed from normal elementary func- tions of second kind, 520; smallest number of arbitrary infinities to render this construction possible, 520; Kiemann-Roch's theorem on, 521 ; smallest number of infinities of, which, f except at them, is everywhere uniform and continuous, 523 ; which arise as first derivatives of func- tions of first kind, 524 ; are infinite only at branch-points, 525; number of infinities of, and zeros of, 525; most general form of, 526 ; determined by finite zeros, 526; Brill-Nother law of reciprocity for, 528; determine a fundamental equation for a given Eiemann's surface, 528; relations between zeros and infinities of, 535. Algebraic isothermal curves, families of, 707 et seq. (see isothermal curves). Algebraic plane curve birationally transformed into another with double points only, 569-578. Algebraic relation between functions automor- phic for the same infinite group, 788 ; genus of, in general, 789. Analytic function, monogenic, 67. Analytic function represented by series of polynomials, 69, 134. Analytic function defined by algebraic equation, 207. Analytical curve, 459, 478, 658; represented on a circle, 478; area bounded by, represented on a half- plane, 658; consecutive curve can be chosen at will, 659. Analytical test of a branch-point, 186. Aiichor-ring conformally represented on plane, 612. Anharmonic function, automorphic for the an- harmonic group, 754. Anharmonic group of linear substitutions, 754. Anissimoff, 133. Appell, 174, 223, 342, 343, 530, 531, 559, 570. Appell's factorial functions, 531 (see factorial functions). Area, simply connected, can be represented conformally upon a circle with unique cor- respondence of points, by Eiemann's theorem, 654; form of function for representation on a plane, 657, 670; on a circle, 657; bounded by analytical curve represented on half- plane, 658 ; bounded by cardioid on half-plane, 662 ; of convex rectilinear polygon, 666 et seq. (see rectilinear polygon) ; bounded by circular arcs, 679 et seq. (see curvilinear polygon). Areas, combination of, in proof of existence- theorem, 480. Argand, 2. Argument (or amplitude) of the variable, 3. Argument of function possessing an addition- theorem, forms of, for a value of the function, 347 et seq. Argument and parameter of normal elementary function of third kind, 515. Ascoli, 459. Automorphic function, 753 ; constructed for infinite group in pseudo- automorphic form, 771 et seq. (see thetafuchsian functions) ; expressed as quotient of two theta- fuchsian functions, 784; its essential singularities, 786 ; number of irreducible zeros of, is the same as the number of irreducible accidental singularities, 786; different, for same group are connected by algebraical equation, 788; genus of this algebraical equation in general, 789; connection between, and general linear differential equations of second order, 791; modular-functions as examples of, 792. Baker, 247, 396, 404, 519, 528, 530, 537, 567, 579; a rule for determining the genus of a Eiemann's surface, 404. Barnes, 103. Barrier, impassable, in connected surface, 360 ; can be used to classify connected sur- faces, 361 ; changed into a cut, 361. INDEX 835 Beltrami, 658, 660, 661. Bernoulli's numbers, 48. Bertini, 570. Bianchi, 751, 752. Bicursal equations and curves, 555. Biehler, 342. Biermann, 67, 344. Bifacial surfaces, 372, 380. Birational transformation, 415, 587-579 ; conserves genus of equation, 542 ; conserves kind of function, 543 ; conserves Sp-S + p class-moduli, 545. Birational transformation of algebraic plane curves, 569-578: of cycles of branches of algebraic function, 571-577. Birational transformation of equations of genus zero, 550 ; of genus unity, 558 ; of genus greater than unity, 566; of genus greater than two, 569. Blumenthal, 113. Bolza, 716. Bonnet, 611. Bonola, 714. Boole, 585. Borchardt, 257. Borda, 646. Borel, 113, 134, 173. Boundary of region of continuity of a function is composed of the singularities of the function, 68. Boundary, defined, 369 ; assigned to every connected surface, 361, 369; edges acquired by cross-cut and loop- cut, 362; of simply connected surface is a single line, 370; effect of cross-cut on, 370; and of loop-cut on, 371. Boundary conditions for potential function, 460 (see potential function). Boundary, functions on a Eiemann's surface without, 491. Boundary values of potential function for a circle, 465; may have limited number of finite dis- continuities, 470; include all the maxima and the minima of a potential function, 476. Boundaries of connected surface, relation between number of, and connectivity, 371. Branches of a function, defined, 16; affected by branch-points, 180 et seq. ; obtained by continuation, 180 ; are uniform in continuous regions where branch-points do not occur, 184; which are affected by a branch-point, can be arranged in cycles, 185; restored after number of descriptions of circuit round branch-point, 186 ; analytical expression of, in vicinity of branch-point, 187; number of, considered, 188; of an algebraic function, 190 (see alge- braic function) ; a function which has a limited number of, is a root of an algebraic equation, 210. Branch-lines, are mode of junction of the sheets of Eiemann's surfaces, 385 ; properties of, 386 et seq.; free ends of, are branch-points, 386; sequence along, how affected by branch- points, 387; system of, for a surface, 387; special form of, for two-sheeted surface, 391; when all branch-points are simple, 403 ; number of, when branch-points are simple, 412. Branch-points, defined, 16, 183 ; integral of a function round any curve containing all the, 42; effect of, on branches, 178, 180 et seq. ; analytical test of, 186 ; expression of branches of a function in vicinity of, 187 ; of algebraic functions, 191, 197 ; simple, 208, 403; number of simple, 209; are free ends of branch-lines, 886; effect of, on sequence of interchange along branch-lines, 887 ; joined by branch-lines when simple, 391; deformation of circuit on Eiemann's surface over, is impossible, 396 ; circuits round two, are irreducible, 396 ; number of, when simple, 402; in connection with loops, 404 (see loops) ; canonical arrangement of, when simple, 411. Brill, 404, 415, 528, 530, 570. Brill-Nother law of reciprocity, 528. Brioschi, 822, 828. Briot, 531. Briot and Bouquet, vi, 27, 44, 47, 197, 208, 246, 249, 257, 269, 519. 53—2 836 INDEX Bromwich, 6, 21, 292. Burnside (W.), 141, 402, 456, 638, 653, 664, 689, 716, 754, 774, 789. Burnside (W. S.) and Panton, 440, 584. Canonical form, of complete system of simple loops, 409; of Kiemann's surface, 413 ; resolved, 414. Canonical resolution of Eiemann's surface, 402. Cantor, 176. Cardioid, area bounded by, represented on strip of plane, 662 ; on a circle, 663. Carslaw, 21, 23, 652, 714. Casorati, 2, 27, 407. Categories of corners, 725 (see corners). Cathcart, 6, 20, 61. Cauchy, v, vi, 24, 27, 31, 49, 50, 52, 59, 75, 82, 207, 214, 359, 585. Cauchy's theorem on the integration of a holomorphic function round a simple curve, 27; and of a meromorphic function, 30; on the expansion of a function in the vicinity of an ordinary point, 50. Cayley, 2, 11, 92, 397, 403, 552, 555, 557, 615, 622, 623, 629, 657, 658, 661, 665, 679, 705, 707, 710, 754, 756. Cesaro, 113. Chessin, 250. Christoffel, 652, 666, 670, 679. Chrystal, vi, 2, 6, 199, 218. Circle, areas of curves represented on area of : exterior of ellipse, 614; interior of ellipse, 617 ; interior of rectangle, 615, 674; interior of square, 615, 674; exterior of square, 674 ; exterior of parabola, 618 ; interior of parabola, 619 ; half-plane, 619; interior of semicircle, 620 ; infinitely long strip of plane, 621 ; any circle, by properly chosen linear substitution, 627; any simply connected area, by Eiemann's theorem, 654; interior of cardioid, 662 ; interior of regular polygon, 678. Circle of convergence of series, 22. Circuits, round branch-point, effect of, on branch of a function, 182, 184; restore initial branch after . number of descriptions, 186; on connected surface, 374 ; reducible, irreducible, simple, multiple, compound, reconcileable, 374; represented algebraically, 375 ; drawn on a simply connected surface are reducible, 376 ; number in complete system for multiply connected surface, 377; cannot be deformed over a branch-point on a Eiemann's surface, 397. Circular functions obtained, by integrating algebraical functions, 226; on a Eiemann's surface, 430. Class-moduli of equations under birational transformation, 544: number of, 545. Class, of transcendental integral function as defined by its zeros, 109; Laguerre's criterion of. 111; simple function of given, 112 ; essential singularity, 176 ; tertiary-periodic function, positive, 335; negative, 338; (see genus] . Classes of doubly-periodic functions of the second order are two, 262. Clebsch, 208, 247, 403, 407, 408, 411, 415, 453, 518, 519, 548, 554, 557, 569, 579. Clifford, 380, 408. Closed cycles of corners in normal polygon for division of plane, 730 (see corners). Combination of areas, in determination of potential function, 480. Complex variable defined, 1 ; represented on a plane, 2 ; and on Neumann's sphere, 4. Compound circuits, 374. Conditional convergence of series, 21; of pro- ducts, 91. Conditional equation in Abel's Theorem, 581. Conditions that one complex variable be a function of another, 7. Conduction of heat, application of conformal representation to, 649. Conformal representation applied to hydro- dynamics, 639 ; to electrostatics, 646 ; to conduction of heat, 649. Conformal representation of planes, established by functional relation between variables, 11; magnification in, 11 ; used in Schwarz's proof of existence- theorem, 478; most general form of relation that secures, is relation between complex variables, 606; examples of, 614 et seq. INDEX 837 Conformal representation of surfaces is secured by relation between complex variables in the most general manner, 606 ; obtained by making one a plane, 607; of surfaces of revolution on plane, 607 ; of sphere on plane, 609 ; Mercator's and stereographic projec- tion, 609, 610; of oblate spheroid, 612 ; of ellipsoid, 612; of anchor-ring, 612 ; of surface of constant negative curvature, 613; Eiemann's general theorem on, 654 ; form of function for, on a plane, 657 ; on a circle, 657. Congruent regions by linear substitutions, 631, 724. Conjugate edges of a region, 725 (see edges). Conjugate functions, 9. Connected surface, supposed to have aboundary, 360, 368, 375 ; to be bifacial, 372 ; divided into polygon s , Lhuilier ' s theorem on, 372 ; geometrical and physical deformation of, 379; can be deformed into any other connected surface of the same connectivity having the same number of boundaries, if both be bifacial, 380 ; Klein's normal form of, 381; associated with irreducible equation, 392. Connection of surfaces, defined, 359 ; simple, 360 ; definition of, 362 ; , multiple, 361 ; definition of, 362 ; affected by cross-cuts, 366 ; by loop-cuts, 367 ; and by slit, 368. Connectivity, of surface defined, 364 ; affected by cross-cuts, 366 ; by loop-cuts, 367 ; by sUt, 368 ; of spherical surface with holes, 368 ; in relation to irreducible circuits, 376 ; of a Eiemann's surface, with one boun- dary, 394; with several boundaries, 396. Constant, uniform function is, everywhere if constant along a line or over an area, 72. Constant difference of integral, at opposite edges of cross-cut, 424 ; how related for cross-cuts that meet, 425 ; for canonical cross-cuts, 426 (see moduli of periodicity). Constant negative curvature, surfaces of, 712. Construction of rational function on Eiemann's surface, 519-524. Contiguous regions, 724. Continuation , of function by successive domains, 67; Schwarz's symmetric, 70 ; of function with essential singularities, 120; of multiform function to obtain branches, 180. Continuity of a function, region of (see region of continuity). Continuous convergence, 22. Continuous group, 718. Contour integration, 43-49. Contraction of areas in conformal representa- tion, 665. Convergence of products, kinds of, 91. Convergence, of series, kinds of, 22 ; circle of, 22 ; of products, 91. Convex curve, area of, represented on half- plane, deduced as the limit of the representa- tion of a rectilinear polygon, 679. Convex normal polygon for division of plane, in connection with an infinite group, 728 ; angles at corners of second category and of third category, 730 ; sum of angles at the corners in a cycle of the first category is a submultiple of four right angles, 731 ; when given leads to group, 734 ; changed into a closed surface, 742. Corners, of regions, 724 ; three categories of, for Fuchsian group, 725; cycles of homologous, 726 ; how obtained, 730 ; ' closed, and open, 730 ; categories of cycles, 730 ; of first category are fixed points of elliptic substitutions, 734 ; of second and third categories are fixed points of parabolic substitutions, 734 ; sub-categories of cycles of, 741 ; open cycles of, do not occur in Kleinian groups, 747. Crescent changed into another of the same angle by a linear substitution, 628 ; represented on a half- plane, 684. Criterion of character of singularity, 80 ; class of transcendental integral function, 111. 838 INDEX Critical integer, for expansion of a function in an infinite series of functions, 148. Cross-cuts, defined, 361 ; effect of, on simply connected surface, 363; on any surface, 363 ; on connectivity of surface, 366 ; on number of boundaries, 370 ; and irreducible circuits, 377 ; on Eiemann's surface, 398 ; chosen for resolution of Eiemann's sur- face, 399 ; in canonical resolution of Eiemann's surface, 401 ; in resolution of Eiemann's surface in its canonical form, 413 ; difference of values of integral at opposite edges of, is constant, 424 ; moduli of periodicity for, 426 ; number of independent moduli, 428 ; introduced in proof of existence- theorem, 487 et seq. Curve, birational transformation of algebraic plane, 569-578. Curves, adjoint, 445. Curvilinear polygon, bounded by circular arcs, represented on the half-plane, 679 et seq. ; function for representation of, 680 ; equation which secures the representa- tion of, 683 ; connected with linear differential equations, 684 ; bounded by two arcs, 684 ; bounded by three arcs, 685 (see curvi- linear triangles). Curvilinear triangles, equation for representa- tion of, on half-plane, 685 ; connected with solution of differential equation for the hypergeometric series, 686; when the orthogonal circle is real, 688 ; any number of, obtained by inver- sions, lie within the orthogonal circle, 689 ; equation is transcendental, 689 ; discrimination of cases, 689, 690 ; particular case when the three arcs touch, 691 ; when the orthogonal circle is imaginary, 692; stereographic projection on sphere so as to give spherical triangle bounded by great circles, 693 ; connected with division of spherical surface by planes of symmetry of inscribed regular solids, 694 et seq.; cases when the relation is algebraical in both variables and uniform in one, 694 ; equations which establish the representation in these cases, 697 et seq. ; cases when the relation is algebraical in both variables but uniform in neither, 704 et seq. Cycles of branches of algebraic function, 570: birational transformation of, into linear cycles, 571-577. Cycles of corners, 726 (see corners). Cyclical interchange of branches of a function which are affected by a branch-point, 185 ; when the function is algebraic, 200. Darboux, 23, 53, 70, 83, 379, 613, 666, 679, 712. Dedekind, 767, 771. Deficiency of a curve, 403 ; equal to genus of associated Eiemann's surface, 403 ; determined by Baker's rule, 404 ; is an invariant for rational transforma- tions, 415, 542. Deformation, of a circuit on a Eiemann's surface over branch-point impossible, 397 ; of connected surfaces, geometrical and physical, 379 ; can be effected from one to another if they be bifacial, be of the same connectivity, and have the same number of boundaries, 380 ; to its canonical form of Eiemann's sur- face with simple winding-points, 413 ; of loops, 405 et seq. ; of path of integration, of holomorphie function does not affect value of the integral, 30 ; over pole of meromorphic function affects value of the integral, 39 ; of multiform function (see integral of multiform function) ; form of, adopted, 224 ; effect of, when there are more than two periods, 247 ; on Eiemann's surface (see path of integration) ; of path of variable for multiform functions, 181 ; how far it can take place without affecting the final branch, 181- 184. INDEX 839 Deformation of surfaces of constant negative curvature, 712. Degree of a function on a Eiemann's surface, 420. Degree of cycle of branches of algebraic function, 570. •De Haan, 47. Derivative, Schwarzian, 657 (see Schwarzian derivative). Derivatives, a holomorphic function possesses any number of, at points within its region, 36; do not necessarily exist along the boun- dary of the region of continuity, 36, 158; superior limit for modulus of, 38 ; of elliptic functions with regard to the invariants, 311, 312. Description of closed curve, positive and nega- tive directions of, 3. De Sparre, 114. Differential equation of first order, satisfied by uniform doubly-periodic functions, 277 ;. in particular, by elliptic functions, 277, 278; possessing uniform integrals, 283; satisfied by function which possesses an alge- braic addition-theorem, 356. Differentiation of uniformly convei-ging function-series, 156. Dihedral function, automorphic for dihedral group, 765 (see polyhedral functions). Dihedral group, of rotations, 757 ; of homogeneous substitutions, 758 ; of linear substitutions, 759 ; function automorphic for, 765. Dingeldey, 381. Dini, vi. Directions of description of closed curve, 3. Discontinuous, groups, 717 ; properly and improperly, 718 ; all finite groups are, 719 ; division of plane associated with, 724 (see regions). Discrete group, 717. Discriminating circle for uniform function, 133. Discrimination between accidental and essen- tial singularities, 61, 80. Discrimination of branches of a function ob- tained by various paths of the variable, 181 -184. Divergence, of series, 22 ; of products, 91. Division of surface into polygons, Lhuilier's theorem on, 372. Dixon, 139, 589. Domain of ordinary point, 60. Dominant function, 39. Double points of linear substitution, 628. Double-pyramid, division of surface of cir- cumscribed sphere by planes of symmetry, 694; equation giving the conformal represen- tation on a half-plane of each triangle in the stereographic projection of the divided spherical surface, 698. Doubly-infinite system of zeros, transcendental function having, 104. Doubly-periodic functions, uniform, 235 ; graphical representation of, 236 ; those considered have only one essential singularity which is at infinity, 257, 267, 281 ; fundamental properties of uniform, 258 et seq.; order of, 259 ; equivalent, 260 ; integral of, round parallelogram of periods, is zero, 260 ; sum of residues of, for parallelogram, is zero, 262 ; of first order do not exist, 262 ; of second order consist of two classes, 262; number of zeros equal to number of infinities and of level points, 266 ; sum of zeros congruent with the surfi of the infinities and with the sum of the level points, 267 ; of second order, characteristic equation of, 270 ; zeros and infinities of derivative of, 271; can be expressed in terms of any assigned homoperiodic function of the second order with an ap- propriate argument, 273 ; of any order with simple infinities can be expressed in terms of homoperiodic functions of the second order, 274 ; are connected by an algebraical equation if they have the same periods, 276 ; differential equation of first order satis- fied by, 276 ; in particular, by elliptic functions, 277; can be expressed rationally in terms of. a homoperiodic function of the second order and its first derivative, 279 ; of second order, properties of (see second order) ; 840 INDEX Liouville's theorem as to, 281 ; expressed in terms of the f- function, 302; and of the (j-function, 305 ; possesses algebraical addition-theorem, 344. Doubly-periodic integral of differential equation of first order, 283. Du Bois-Eeymond, 158. Durege, 64, 363, 381. Dyck, 381, 716, 718. Edges of cross-cut, positive and negative, 424, 499. Edges of regions in division of plane by an infinite group, 724 ; two kinds of, for real groups, 725 ; congruent, are of the same kind, 725 ; conjugate, 725 ; of first kind are even in number and can be arranged in conjugate pairs, 726 ; each pair of conjugate, implies a funda- mental substitution, 726. Eisenstein, 105, 107. Electric force, electric intensity, 647. Electrostatics, application of conformal repre- sentation to, 646. Elementary function of second kind, 509 (see second kind of functions). Elementary functions of third kind, 511 (see third kind of functions). Elementary integrals of second kind, 446 ; determined by an infinity, except as to additive integral of first kind, 448 ; number of independent, 449 ; connected with those of third kind, 453. Elementary integrals of third kind, 452 ; connected with integrals of second kind, 453; number of independent, with same log- arithmetic infinities, 453. Elements of analytic function, 67 ; can be derived from any one when the function is uniform, 68 ; any single one of the, is sufficient for the construction of the function, 68. Ellipse, area without, represented on a circle, 614; area within, represented on a rectangle, 616; and on a circle, 617. •Ellipsoid conformally represented on plane, 612. Elliptic equations, or curves, 555. Elliptic functions and equations of genus unity, 556. Elliptic functions, obtained by integrating mul- tiform functions, in Jacobian form, 228 ; in Weierstrassian form, 231, 293 et seq.; ■ on a Riemann's surface, 432 et seq. Elliptic substitutions, 631, 633; are either periodic or infinitesimal, 635; occur in connection with cycles of cor- ners, 741, 747. Enneper, 771. Equations, of genus greater than two, 566 : normal form of, 569. of genus two, 562-565: variables in, expressible by sextic or quintic radical, 563: only limited number of birational trans- formations into one another, 566 : normal form of, 567. of genus unity, 554-562 : variables in, expressible by quartic or cubic radical, 554, and as uniform . elliptic functions, 556: bi- rationally transformable into one another with one arbitrary parameter, 558 : normal form of, 567. of genus zero, 548-554: variables in, expressible as rational functions, 548 : bi- rationally transformable into one another with three arbitrary parameters, 550 : sub- rational representation of variables in, 551, made rational, 552 : normal form of, 567. Equipotential lines in planar electrostatics, 647. Equivalent homoperiodic functions, 260; conditions of equivalence, 265. Essential singularities, 19, 61 ; uniform function must assume any value at or near, 64, 116; of transcendental integral function at infinity, 90; form of function in vicinity of, 118 ; continuation of function possessing, 120 ; form of function having finite number of, as a sum, 121 ; functions having unlimited number of, Chap. VII. ; line of, 165 ; laeunary space of, 166 ; classification of, into classes, 175 ; into species, 177 ; into wider groups, 177; of pseudo-automorphic functions, 776; of automorphic fjmctions, 786. Essential singularities of groups, 637, 739; are essential singularities of functions automorphic for the group, 739 ; lie on the fundamental circle, 739 ; may be the whole of the fundamental circle, 740. INDEX 841 Exceptional values unattainable near an essential singularity, 66. Existence of functions on a Eiemann's surface without boundary, 491. Existence-theorem for functions on a given Eiemann's surface, Chap. xvii. ; methods of proof of, 459 ; abstract of Schwarz's proof of, 460 ; results of, relating to classes of functions proved to exist under conditions, 496. Expansion of a function in the vicinity of an ordinary point, by Cauchy's theorem, 50 ; within a ring, by Laurent's theorem, 54. Expression of uniform function, in vicinity of ordinary point, 50 ; in vicinity of a zero, 75 ; in vicinity of accidental singularity, 79; in vicinity of essential singularity, 118 ; having finite number of essential singu- larities, as a sum, 122 ; as a product when without acciden- tal singularities and zeros, 125, 126; as a product, with any number of zeros and no accidental singu- larities, 130; as a product, with any number of zeros and of accidental singulari- ties, 132; in the vicinity of any one of an infinite number of essential singularities, 135 ; having an assigned infinite number of singularities over the plane, 137 ; generalised, 138 ; having infinity as its single essential singularity, 140; having unlimited singularities distrib- uted over a finite circle, 140. Expression of multiform function in the vicinity of branch-point, 187. Factor, generalising, of transcendental integral function, 99; primary, 101 ; fractional, for potential-function, 476 ; major and minor, 477. Factorial functions, pseudo-periodic on a Eie- mann's surface, 531 ; their argument, 531; constant factors (or multipliers) for cross- cuts of, 532 ; forms of, when cross-cuts are canon- ical, 532; general form of, 532 ; expression of, in terms of normal ele- mentary functions of the third kind, 533 et seq. ; zeros and infinities of, 535 ; cross-cut multipliers and an assigned number of infinities determine a limited number of independent, 537. Factorial periodicity, 719. Factors (or miTltipliers) of factorial functions at cross-cuts, 532; forms of, when cross-cuts are canonical, 532. Falk, 239. Famihes of groups, seven, 740 ; for one set, the whole line conserved by the group is a line of essential singu- larity ; for the other set, only parts of the conserved line are lines of essential singularity, 741. Finite groups of linear substitutions, 719, 754 ; containing a single fundamental substi- tution, 719; anharmonic, containing two elliptic fundamental substitutions, 720. Finite number of essential singularities, func- tion having, expressed as a sum, 122. First kind of pseudo-periodic function, 320. First kind of functions on a Eiemann's surface, 498; moduli of periodicity of functions of, 500 et seq. ; ' relation between, and those of a function of second kind, 503; when the functions are normal, 508 ; number of linearly independent functions of, 505 ; normal functions of, 508 ; inversion of, leading to multiply periodic functions, 515 ; derivatives of, as algebraical functions, 524; infinities and zeros of, 525 ; conserved under birational transforma- tion, 542. First kind of integrals on Eiemann's surface, 444; number of, linearly independent in par- ticular case, 445 ; are not uniform functions, 445 ; general value of, 446 (see first kind of functions) ; sum of, expressed by Abel's Theorem, 590. Fixed circle of elliptic Kleinian substitution, when the equation is generalised, 747. 842 INDEX Fixed points of linear substitution, 628. Floquet, 329. Form of argument for given value of function possessing an addition-theorem, 347 et seq. Fourier, 651. Fractional factor for potential function, 476 ; major, minor, 477. Fractional part of doubly-periodic function, 259. Fredholm, 54. Fresnel's integrals, 44. Fricke, vii, 153, 453, 523, 526, 530, 625, 704, 754. Frobenius, 312, 322, 328. Fuchs, 133, 771. Fuchsian functions, 753 (see automorpMc functions). Fuchsian group, 723, 740 ; if real, conserves axis of real quantities, 723; when real, it is transformed by one complex substitution and then con- serves a circle, 737; division of plane into two portions within and without the fundamental circle, 737; families of, 740; genus of, 742. Function defined by algebraic equation is analytic, 207. Function on Eiemann's surface, construction of rational, 523 ; special, 526. Function, Eiemann's general definition of, 8 ; relations between real and imaginary parts of, 9 ; equations satisfied by real and imaginary parts of, 12 ; monogenic, defined, 15 ; uniform, multiform, defined, 16; branch, and branch-point, defined, 16 ; holomorphic, defined, 17; meromorphic, defined, 17; continuation of a, 67; region of continuity of, 67 ; element of, 67 ; monogenic analytic, definition of, 67 ; constant along a line or area, if uniform, is constant everywhere, 73 ; properties of uniform, without essential singularities, Chap. iv. ; rational integral, 84; transcendental, 84; having a finite number of branches is a root of an algebraical equation, 210; potential, 457 (see potential function). Function possessing an algebraic addition- theorem, is either algebraic, or algebraic simply-periodic, or algebraic doubly-periodic, 347; has only a finite number of values for one value of the argument, 355 ; if uniform, then either rational, or simply-periodic, or doubly-periodic, 355 ; satisfies a differential equation between itself and its first derivative, 356. Functional dependence of complex variables, form of, adopted, 7; analytical conditions for, 7; establishes conformal representation, 11. Functionality, monogenic, not coextensive with arithmetical expression, 164. Functions, expression in series of (see series of functions). Functions of two variables, Weierstrass's theorem on regular, 203-6. Fundamental circle of Fuchsian group, 737 ; divides plane into two parts which are inverses of each other with regard to the circle, 738; essential singularities of the group lie on, 740. Fundamental equation for a Biemann's surface is determined by algebraical functions that exist on the surface, 529. Fundamental parallelogram for double period- icity, 237, 244; is not unique, 244. Fundamental region (or polygon) for division of plane associated with a discontinuous group, 724; can be taken so as to have edges of the first kind cutting the conserved line orthogonally, 728, 738; in this case, called a normal polygon, 727; which can be taken as convex, 728; angles of, 730 (see convex normal polygon) ; characteristics of, 732. Fundamental set of loops, 407. Fundamental substitutions of a group, 716; relations between, 717, 726, 732; one for each pair of conjugate edges of region, 726. Fundamental systems of isothermal curves, 712 ; given by a uniform algebraic function, or a uniform simply -periodic function, INDEX 843 or a uniform doubly-periodic function, 712; all families of algebraic isothermal curves are derived from, by algebraic equa- tions, 713. Galois, 715. Gauss, 2, 11, 103, 458, 602, 607, 611, 712, 714. General conditions for potential function, 460 (see potential function). Generalised equations of Kleinian group, 745 (see Kleinian group) ; polyhedral division of space in connec- tion with, 747. Generalising factor of transcendental integral function, 99. Genus of, algebraic equation associated with a Kiemann's surface, 395 ; between automorphic functions, 789 ; connected surface, 371 ; conserved under birational transformation, 542; Fuchsian group, 742 ; Eiemann's surface, 395; of Eiemann's surface equal to deficiency of associated curve, 403 ; determined by Baker's rule, 404. Genus zero, equations of, 548-554; unity, equations of, 554-562; two, equations of, 562-565 ; curve of, transformable into a quar- tic, 565. Gordan, 208, 247, 407, 415, 453, 518, 519, 569, 579, 719. Goursat, 82, 105, 172, 222, 223, 243, 342, 530, 676, 679, 752. Graphical determination of, order of infinity of an algebraic function, 194 ; the leading term of a branch in the vicinity of an ordinary point of the coefficients of the equation, 196; the branches of an algebraic function in the vicinity of a branch-point, 199. Graphical representation of periodicity of func- tions, 236, 237. Green, 458. GreenhiU, 227. Group of linear substitutions, 715 ; fundamental substitutions of, 716 ; relations between, 717 ; continuous, and discontinuous (or dis- crete), 717; properly and improperly discontinuous, 718; finite, 719 (see finite groups) ; modular, with two fiindamental sub- stitutions, 720 ; division of plane into polygons associated with, 721 et seq. ; relation between the funda- mental substitutions, 723 ; division of plane for any discontinuous group, 724 (see region) ; fundamental region for, 724 ; Fuchsian, 724, 740 (see Fuchsian group) ; when real, conserves axis of real quanti- ties, 724; fundamental substitutions of, connected with the pairs of conjugate edges of a region, 726 ; seven families of, 740 ; conserved line in relation to the essential singularities, 741 ; Kleinian, 743 (see Kleinian group) ; dihedral, 757; tetrahedral, 759. Grouping of branches of algebraical function at a branch-point, 200. Giinther, 530. Guichard, 126, 176, 177, 256, 257. Gutzmer, 53. Gyld^n, 150. Hadamard, 54, 113, 803. Half-plane represented on a circle, 619; on a semicircle, 620; on an infinitely long strip, 621 ; on a sector, 622; on a rectilinear polygon, 665 et seq. (see rectilinear polygon) ; on a curvilinear polygon, bounded by circular arcs, 79 et seq. (see curvilinear polygon, curvilinear triangle). Halphen, 105, 309, 312, 322, 332, 342, 343, 572. Halphen's birational transformation of plane curves, 572 ; used to transform cycle of branches of algebraic function, 572-577. Hankel, 153, 223. Hardcastle, F., 381. Hardy, 6. Harnack, 6, 10, 20, 61, 459. Heine, 223. Helmholtz, 642, 646. Henrici, 459. Hermite, vii, 23, 48, 95, 103, 113, 134, 165, 219, 220, 222, 302, 322, 324, 326, 333, 342, 518, 531, 541, 547, 767, 771. Hermite's sections for integrals of uniform functions, 220. Herz, 611. 844 INDEX Hexagon, symmetrical about one diagonal, area of, represented on half-plane, 678. Hilbert, 134. Hill, M. J. M., 69. Hobson, 6, 21, 102. Hodgkinson, 690. Hofmann, 414. Holder, 64. Hole in surface, effect of making, on connec- tivity, 367. Holomorphie function, defined, 17; integral of, round a simple curve, 27 ; along a line, 28; when line is deformed, 29 ; when simple curve is deformed, 30 ; has a derivative for points within, but not necessarily on the boundary of, its region, 36; superior limit for modulus of derivatives of, 38 ; expansion of, in the domain of an ordi- nary point, 50, 60; within a -ring of convergence by Laurent's theorem, 55. Holzmiiller, 2, 391, 615, 625. Homen, 172. Homogeneous form of linear substitutions, 756. Homogeneous substitutions, 756; two derived from each linear substitu- tion, 756; dihedral group of, 758. nomographic substitution connected with sphe- rical rotation, 755. nomographic transformation, or substitution, 625 (see linear substitution). Homologous points, 237, 724. Homoperiodic functions, 263; when in a constant ratio, 263 ; are connected by an algebraical equation, 263. when equivalent, 265; Hotiel, 2. . Humbert, 519, 530. Hurwitz, 456, 566, 718, 721, 771, 792. Hydrodynamics, application of conformal repre- sentation to, 639. Hyperbolic substitutions, 631, 633; neither periodic nor infinitesimal, 636; do not occur in connection with cycles of corners, 741, 748. Hyperelliptic equations or curves, 565. Hypergeometric series, solution of differential equation for, connected with conformal repre- sentation of curvilinear triangle, 685 et seq. ; cases of algebraical solution,697 et seq. Icosahedral (and dodecahedral) division of sur- face of circumscribed sphere, 696; equation giving the conformal represent- ation on a half-plane of each triangle in the stereographic projection of the divided surface, 704. Identical substitution, 716. Imaginary parts of functions, how related to real parts, 9 ; equations satisfied by real and, 12. Improperly discontinuous groups, 718 ; example of, 749 et seq. Index of a composite substitution, 716; not entirely determinate, 717. Infinite circle, integral of any function round, 41. Infinite class of integral function, 113. Infinitesimal curve, integral of any function round, 40. Infinitesimal substitution, 717. Infinities, of a function defined, 17; of algebraic function, 192. Infinities of doubly-periodic functions, irre- ducible, are in number equal to the irreducible zeros, 266; and, in sum, are congruent with their sums, 267; of pseudo-periodic functions (see second kind, third kind). Infinities of potential function on a Riemann's surface, 495. Integral function, 52; of infinite class, 113. Integral with complex variables, defined, 20; elementary properties of, 22, 23 ; over area changed into integral round boundary, by Riemann's fundamental lemma, 25; of holomorphie function round simple curve is zero, 28 ; of holomorphie function along a line is holomorphie, 29; of meromorphic function round simple curve containing one simple pole, 31; round simple curve, containing seve- ral simple poles, 33 ; round curve containing multiple pole, 37; of any function round infinitesimal circle, 40; round infinitely great circle, 41; round any curve enclosing all the branch-points, 42. Integral of multiform function, between two points is unaltered for deformation of path INDEX 845 not crossing a branch-point or an infinity, 215; round a curve containing branch-points and infinities is unaltered when the curve is deformed to loops, 216 ; also when the curve is otherwise deformed under conditions, 217; round a small curve enclosing a branch- point, 217; round a loop, 224; deformed path adopted for, 225 ; with more periods than two, can be made to assume any value by modi- fying the path of integration between the limits, 246. Integral of uniform function round parallelo- gram of periods, is zero when function is doubly-periodic, 260; general expression for, 261. Integrals, at opposite edges of cross-cut, values of, differ by a constant, 424; when cross-cuts are canonical, 426 ; discontinuities of, excluded on a Kie- mann's surface, 427 ; general value of, on a Eieraann's surface, 428; of algebraic functions, 436 ; when branch-points are simple, 438 ; infinities of, of algebraic functions, 439; first kind of, 444 ; number of independent, of first kind, 445; arenot uniform functionsof position, 445; general value of, 446; second kind of, 446 (see second kind) ; elementary, of second kind, 446 (see elementary integrals) ; third kind of, 450 (see third kind) ; elementary, of third kind, 452 (see elementary integral) ; connected with integrals of second kind, 453. Integration, Eiemann's fundamental lemma in, 24. Interchange, cyclical, of branches of a function affected by a branch-point, 185; of algebraical function, 210. Interchange of argument and parameter in normal elementary function of the third kind, 515. Interchange, sequence of, along branch-lines determined, 387. Interchangeable substitutions, 719. Invariants, derivatives of elliptic functions with regard to the, 312 ; as automorphic functions, 785. Inversion-problem, 517; of functions of the first kind with several variables leading to multiply periodic functions, 517 et seq. Inversions at circles, even number of, lead to lineo-linear relation between initial and final points, 638. Irreducible circuits, 374; complete system contains same number of, 375; cannot be drawn on a simply connected surface, 376; round two branch-points, 398. Irreducible equation and singleness of con- nected surface, 392. Irreducible, points, 236, 237, 724, 772; zeros of doubly-periodic function are the same in number as irreducible infini- ties, 266; hkewise the number of level-points, 266; also of automorphic functions, 787; sum of irreducible points is independent of the value of the doubly-periodic function, 267. Isothermal curves, families of plane algebraical, 707; form of equation that gives such families as the conformal representation of parallel straight lines, 710; three fundamental systems of, 710 ; all, are conformal representations of fundamental systems by algebraical equations, 711; isolated, may be algebraical by other relations, 711. Isothermal lines in conduction of heat, 650. Jacobi, 108, 223, 228, 239 et seq., 278, 518, 592, 611, 612. Jacobi's theorem in algebraic equations used to deduce Abel's Theorem, 592-594. Jeans, 649. Jordan, 40, 87, 222, 570, 716. Kapteyn, 740. Kinds of edges in region for Fnchsian group, 725 (see edges). Kinds of pseudo-periodic functions, three prin- cipal, 320, 321 ; examples of other, 342. Kirchhoff, 628, 641. . 846 INDEX Klein, vii, 153, 381, 417, 453, 458, 518, 523, 526, 530, 545, 566, 579, 612, 625, 631, 679, 704, 716 et seq., 753 et seq. Kleinian functions, 753 (see automorphic functions). Kleinian group, 748; conserves no fundamental line, 743; generalised equations of, applied to space, 745; conserve the plane of the complex variable, 745 ; double (or fised) circle of elliptic substitution of, 746 ; polygonal division of plane by, 746; polyhedral division of space in connec- tion with generalised equations of, 747; relation between polygonal division of plane and polyhedral division of space associated with, 748. Konigsberger, 269, 519. Kopeke, 161. Korkine, 608, 611. Krause, 342. Krazer, 519. Kronecker, 153. Lachlan, 688, 692. Lacunary functions, 166. Lagrange, 608, 611. Laguerre, 109, HI, 112. Laguerre's criterion of class of transcendental integral function. 111. Lamb, 646. Lame, 328, 707. Lamp's differential equation, 328 ; can be integrated by secondary periodic functions, 330; general solution for integer value of n, 331; special cases, 332. Laurent, 50, 54, 57, 58, 82, 252, 253. Laurent's theorem on the expansion of a func- tion which converges within a ring, 54. Law of reciprocity, Brill-Nother's, 528. Leading term of a branch in vicinity of an ordinary point of the coefficients of the equation determined, 196. Leathern, 646. Legendre, 228. Lerch, 161. Level places are isolated points, 74. Lhuilier, 372. Lhuilier's theorem on division of connected surface into polygons, 372. Limit, natural, of a power-series, 153. Lindelof, 49. Lindemann, 403, 530. Linear cycles of branches of algebraic func- tions, 570 ; all cycles can be birationally transformed into, 577. Linear differential equations of the second order, connected with automorphic functions, 791. Linear substitution, 625; equivalent to two translations, a reflexion and an inversion, 626; changes straight lines and circles into circles in general, 627 ; can be chosen so as to transform any circle into any other circle, 628; changes a plane crescent into another of the same angle, 628; fixed points of, 628; multiplier of, 628 ; condition of periodicity, 629; parabolic, 631 ; and real, 632; elliptic, 631; and real, 633 ; is either periodic or infinitesimal, 635; hyperbolic, 631 ; and real, 633 ; loxodromie, 631, 635 ; can be obtained by any number of pairs of inversions at circles, 637; group of, 715 et seq. (see group) ; normal form of, 715 ; identical, 716 ; algebraical symbols to represent, 716 ; index of composite, 716 ; infinitesimal, 717; interchangeable, 719; in homogeneous form, 756. Lines of flow in conduction of heat, 649, 650. Liouville, 190, 249, 257, 269. Liouville's theorem on doubly-periodic func- tions, 281. Lippich, 363, 381. Logarithmic differentiation of converging products is possible, 92. Logarithmic infinities, integral of third kind on a Eiemann's surface must possess at least two, 452. Loop-cuts, defined, 362 ; changed into a cross-cut, 367; effect of, on connectivity, 367; on number of boundaries, 371. INDEX 847 Loops, defined, 182; effect of a loop on a branch, is unique, 184; symbol to represent effect of, 405; change of, when loop is deformed, 406; fundamental set of, 407 ; ' simple cycle of, 408; canonical form of complete system of simple, 409. Love, 672. Loxodromic substitutions, 631, 635; neither periodic nor infinitesimal, 637 ; do not occur in connection with cycles of corners, 747. Liiroth, 407, 408, 551, 554. Magnification in conformal representation, 11, 603; in star-maps, 611. Mair, 381. Major fractional factor, 477. Maps, 611. Mathews, 751. Mathieu, 652. Maximum and minimum values of potential function for a region he on its boundary, 476. Maxwell, 458. Mercator's projection of sphere, 610. Meromorphic function, defined, 17; integral unchanged by deformation of simple curve in part of plane where function is uniform, 31; integral round a simple curve, containing one simple pole, 31 ; round a curve containing several simple poles, 33 ; round a curve containing multiple pole, 36; cannot, without change, be deformed across pole, 39; is form of uniform function with a limited number of accidental singu- larities, 85 ; all singularities of rational, are acci- dental, 87. Meyer, 707. Michell, 670. Minding, 712. Minimum number of integrals in terms of which any number is expressible by Abel's Theorem, 599 ; the same as genus of equa- tion, 599. Minor fractional factor, 477. Mittag-Leffler, vi, 68, 69, 70, 134 et seq., 176, 322, 324, 326. ' Mittag-Leffler' s theorem on the expression of a uniform function over its whole region of existence, 69. Mittag-Leffler's theorems on functions having an unlimited number of singularities, dis- tributed over the whole plane, 134; distributed over a finite circle, 183. Mobius, 372, 623, 704. Modular-function defined, 767; connected with elliptic quarter-periods, 767; (see modular group) ; as automorphic function, 792. Modular group of substitutions, 719 ; is improperly discontinuous for real variables, 718 ; division of plane into polygons, asso- ciated with, 720 et seq. ; relation between the fundamental sub- stitutions of, 723; for modulus of elliptic integral, 768; for the absolute invariant of an elliptic function, 770. Moduh of periodicity, for cross-cuts, 427 ; values of, for canonical cross-cuts, 427 ; namber of linearly independent on a surface, 428; examples of, 429 et seq. ; introduced in proof of existence-theorem , 487 et seq. ; of function of first kind on a Riemann's surface, 498 et seq. ; relation between, of a function of first kind and a function of second kind, 503 ; properties of, for normal function of first kind, 508; of normal elementary function of second kind are algebraic functions of its infinity, 510; of normal elementary function of third kind are expressed as normal functions of first kind of its two infinities, 513. Modulus of variable, 3. Monogenic, defined, 15; function has any number of derivatives, 36; analytic function, 67. Monogenic functionality not coextensive with arithmetical expression, 164. Multiform function, defined, 16; elements of, in continuation, 68; expression of, in vicinity of a branch- point, 187; 848 INDEX defined by algebraic equation, 190 (see algebraic function) ; integral of (see integral of multiform function) ; is uniform on Eiemann's surface, 384, 390. Multiple circuits, 374. Multiple periodicity, 247 ; of uniform function of several variables, 248. Multiplication-theorem, 344. Multiplicity of zero, 75 ; of pole, 80; of a function on a Eiemann's surface, 421. Multiplier of linear substitution, 628. Multipliers of factorial functions at cross-cuts, 532; forms of, when cross-cuts are canonical, 532.- Multiply connected surface, 'SSO; defined, 860; connectivity modified by cross-cuts, 364 ; by loop-cuts, 367; and by slit, 368; boundaries of, affected by cross-cuts, 370 ; relation between boundaries of, and con- nectivity, 371 ; divided into polygons, Lhuilier's theorem on, 372; number of circuits in complete system of circuits on, 377. Multiply-periodic uniform functions of n vari- ables, cannot have more than 2n periods. 248; obtained by inversion of functions of first kind, 515 et seq. Natural limit, of a power-series, 153; of part of plane, 689 ; for pseudo-automorphic function with certain families of groups, 777. Negative curvature, surfaces of constant, 712. Negative edge of cross-cut, 424, 499. Nekrassoff, 133. Netto, 716. Neumann, vii, 5, 6, 42, 182, 190, 363 et seq., 384, 401, 458, 459, 518, 531, 535, 586. Neumann's sphere used to represent the vari- able, 4; used for multiform functions, 182. Normal elementary function of second kind, 509 (see second kind of functions). Normal elementary function of third kind, 510 (see third kind of functions). Normal form of equations subject to birational transformation, 567-569. Normal form of linear substitution, 715. Normal functions of first kind, 508 (see first kind of functions). Normal polygon for division of plane, 728; can be taken convex, 728 (see convex normal polygon). Normal surface, Klein's, as a surface of refer- ence of given connectivity and number of boundaries, 381, 413. Nother, 404, 528, 530, 570. Number of zeros of uniform function in any area, 75, 77, 82, 86; of periodic functions (see doubly-periodic functions, second kind, third kind) ; of pseudo-automorphic functions (see pseudo-automorphic functions). Octahedral (and cubic) division of surface of circumscribed sphere, 695 ; equation giving the conformal repre- sentation on a half-plane of each triangle in the stereographic projec- tion of the divided surface, 701. Open cycles of corners in normal polygon for division of plane by Fuchsian group, 710 (see corners); do not occur in division of plane by Kleinian group, 747. Order (Borel's) of integral function, 113. Order of a function on a Eiemann's surface, 420. Order of doubly-periodic function, 259. Order of infinity of a multiform function deter- mined, 193. Ordinary point of a function, 60; domain of, 60. Origin of cycle of branches of algebraic function, 570. Oscillating series, 21. Painleve, 70, 134, 165. Parabola, area without, represented on a circle, 618; area within, represented on a circle, 619. Parabolic substitutions, 631, 632; neither periodic nor infinitesimal, 636 ; occur in connection with cycles of cor- ners, 741, 747. Parallelogram for double periodicity, funda- mental, 238, 243; edges and corners in relation to zeros and to accidental singularities of func- tions, 258. , INDEX 849 Parametric integer of thetafuchsian functions, 784. Path of integration, 20 ; can be deformed in region of holomor- phic function without affecting the value of the integral, 30 ; on a Eiemann's surface, can be de- formed except over a discontinuity, 422. Periodic hnear substitutions, 629 ; are elliptic, 633. Periodicity of uniform functions, of one variable, 235 et seq. ; of several variables, 247. Periodicity, modulus of, 427 (see moduli of periodicity). Periods of a function of one variable, 235 ; cannot have a real ratio when the func- tion is uniform, 237; cannot exceed two in number indepen- dent of one another if function be uniform, 242. Permanent equation in Abel's Theorem, 581. Phragmen, 134, 444, 457, 666. Picard, 64, 66, 166, 329, 343, 491, 530, 560, 566, 569, 751. Pincherle, 174, 719. Plane used to represent variation of complex variable, 2. Pochhammer, 222. Poincare, vii, 39, 113, 114, 166, 172, 342, 344, 566, 623, 632 et seq., 637, 716 et seq., 740, 752 et seq. Poisson, 458. Poles of a function defined, 17, 61. Polyhedral division of space in connection with generalised equations of group of Kleinian substitutions, 748. Polyhedral functions, connected with conformal representation, 696 et seq. ; for double-pyramid, 697, 766 ; for tetrahedron, 698-764 ; for octahedron and cube, 700 ; for icosahedron and dodecahedron, 703. Polynomials, adjoint, 445. Polynomials, analytic function represented by series of, 70, 134. Polynomials on a Eiemann's surface, adjoint, lead to special functions, 527. Position on Eiemann's surface, most general uniform function of, 417; their algebraical expression, 419 ; has as many zeros as infinities, 420. Positive edge of cross-cut, 424, 459. Potential function, defined, 457; F. F. conditions satisfied by, when derived from a function of position on a Eie- mann's surface, 467; general conditions assigned to, 460; boundary conditions assigned to, 460; Green's integral- theorems connected with, 461 et seq. ; is uniquely determined for a circle by general conditions and continuous finite boundary values, 463 ; integral expression obtained for, satisfies the conditions, 467 ; the boundary values for circle may have finite discontinuities at a limited number of isolated points, 470; properties of, for a circle, 475 ; maximum and minimum values of, in a region, lie on the boundary, 476 ; is determined by general conditions and boundary values, for area conformally representable on area of a circle, 478 ; for combination of areas when it can be obtained for each sepa- rately, 480; for area containing a winding-point, 485; for any simply connected surface, 486; introduction of cross-cut moduli for, on a doubly connected surface, 487 ; on a triply connected surface, 490 ; on any multiply connected surface, 491; number of linearly independent, every- where finite, 495, 505 ; introduction of assigned infinities, 495 ; classes of, determined, 496 ; classes of complex functions derived from, with the respective conditions, 496. Power-series, as elements of an analytical function, 67 et seq., 152 et seq.; region of continuity of, consists of one connected part, 152 ; may have a natural limit, 153. Primary factor, 101. Primitive parallelogram of periods, 244. Pringsheim, 21, 91, 162, 289. Product-form of transcendental integral func- tion with infinite number of zeros over whole plane, 99. Products, convergence of, 91. Prym, 400, 401, 417, 459, 519, 531. Pseudo-automorphic functions, 777 (see theta- fuchsian functions). 54 850 INDEX Pseudo-periodic functions, Chap, xii.; of the first kind, 320 ; of the second kind, 321 ; properties of (see second kind) ; of the third kind, 321 ; properties of (see third kind) ; on a Kiemann's surface (see factorial functions) . Pseudo-periodicity of the ^-function, 301 ; of the (T-function, 305. Puiseux, 197. Quadrilateral, area of, represented on half- plane, 676; determination of fourth angular point, three being arbitrarily assigned, 678. Quartic transformable into sextic curve, 546 ; into another quartic, 547. EafEy, 896. Eamification of a Eiemann's surface, 395. Eatio of periods of uniform periodic function cannot be real, 238. Eational function on Eiemann's surface, how to construct, 523. Eational integral of differential equation of first order, 283. Eational representation of variables in equation of genus zero, 548. Eational transformation, 537, 579. Eauseuberger, 342, 719. Eeal and imaginary parts of functions, how related, 9; equations satisfied by, 12 ; each can be deduced from the other, 12. Eeal potential function, 457 (see potential function). Eeal substitutions, 723 (see Fuchsian group). Eeciprocity, Brill-Nother's law of, 528. Eeconcileable circuits, 374. Eectangle, area within, represented on a circle, 613; and on an ellipse, 615 ; on a half-plane, 674, 675. Eectilinear polygon, convex, represented on half- plane, 666 et seq.; function for representation of, 668 ; equation which secures the representa- tion of, 668 ; three angular points (but not more) may be arbitrarily assigned in the repre- sentation, 670 ; determination of fourth for quadri- lateral, 677; three sides, 673 (see triangle) ; four sides, 674 (see rectangle, squa,re quadrilateral) ; limit in the form of a convex curve, 678. Eeducible circuits, 374. Eeducible points, 236, 237. Eegion of continuity, of a uniform function, 67, 150; bounded by the singularities, 68 ; of a power-series consists of one con- nected part, 152; may have a natural limit, 153 ; of a series of uniform functions, 153 et seq.; of multiform function, 179. Eegions in division of plane associated with discontinuous group: fundamental, 724; uniform correspondence between, 724 ; contiguous, 724; edges of, 724 (see edges) ; corners of, 724 (see corners). Eegular functions of two variables, Weier- strass's theorem on, 204-6. Eegular in vicinity of ordinary point, function is, 60. Eegular polygon, area of, conformally repre- sented on a circle, 678. Eegular singularities of algebraical functions, 192. Eegular solids, planes of symmetry of, dividing the surface of the circumscribed sphere, 694 et seq. Eepresentation, conformal, 11 (see conformal representation). Eepresentation of complex variable on a plane, 2; and on Neumann's sphere, 4. Eesidue of function, defined, 48; when the function is doubly-periodic, the sum of its residues is zero, 261. Eesidues (Cauchy's) in Abel's Theorem, 585. Eesolution of Eiemann's surface, 398 et seq.; how to choose cross-cuts for, 399 ; canonical, 402; when in its canonical form, 413. Eevolution, surface of, conformally represented on a plane, 608. Eiemann, v, vi, vii, 8, 10, 15, 24, 158, 214, 220, 359 et seq., 372 et seq., 416 et seq., 421, 453, 458, 459, 509, 518, 521, 527, 530, 543, 545, 548, 567, 611, 654, 792. Eiemann, J., 459. Eiemann-Eoch's theorem on algebraic functions having assigned infinities, 521; comple- mented by Brill-Nother law, 528. INDEX 851 Riemann's definition of function, 8. Riemann's fundamental lemma in integration, 24. Riemann's surface, aggregate of plane sheets, 382; used to represent algebraic functions, 384 ; sheets of, joined along branch-lines, 385 ; can be taken in spherical form, 393; connectivity of, with one boundary, 394 ; with several boundaries, 396 ; genus of, 395 ; ramification of, 395; irreducible circuits on, 397; resolution of, by cross-cuts into a simply connected surface, 398 at seq. ; canonical resolution of, 402; form of, when branch-points are simple, 411; * deformation to canonical form of, 412; resolution of, in canonical form, 414; uniform functions of position on, 417 ; their expression and the equation satisfied by them, 419; have as many zeros as infinities, 420; integrals of algebraic functions on a, 423 et seq.; existence-theorem for functions on a given, 455 ; functions on (see first kind, second kind, third kind of functions, algebraic functions). Riemann's theorem on conformalrepresentation of any plane area, simply connected, on area of a circle, 654. Ritter, 754. Roch, 521, 530. Roots of a function, defined, 17 ; of an algebraic equation, 88. Rotations, connected with linear substitutions, 754; groups of for regular solids, 757 ; dihedral group of, 757 ; tetrahedral group of, 759. Rouche, 53. Rowe, 580. Runge, 134. Salmon, 403, 415, 524. Schlafli, 666. Schlesinger, 754. Schlomilch, 2. Schonflies, 679, 752. Schottky, 653, 753. Schroder, 162. Schwarz, vii, 13, 70, 161, 344, 455 et seq., 491, 566, 617, 619, 654 et seq. Schwarz- Christoff el transformation, 670. Schwarz's symmetric continuation, 70. Schwarzian derivative, used in conformal re- presentation, 657, 680 et seq. Scott, C. A., 578. Second kind of pseudo-periodic function, 321 ; Hermite's expression for, 324, 326; limiting form of, when function is periodic of the first kind, 325, 327; Mittag-Leffler's expression for, in inter- mediate case, 325, 327 ; number of irreducible infinities same as the number of irreducible zeros, 327; difi'erence between the sum of irreducible infinities and sum of irreducible zeros, 328; expressed in terms of the cr-fnnction, 328; used to solve Lamp's differential equa- tion, 328. Second order of doubly-periodic functions (see also doubly-periodic functions), properties of. Chap. XI. ; of second class and odd, 286 ; connected with Jacobian elliptic functions, 289; addition-theorem for, 290 ; of first class and even, illustrated by Weierstrassian elliptic functions, 293 et seq. ; of second class and even, -313 et seq. Second kind, of functions on a Riemann's sur- face, 498 ; relation between moduh of periodicity of functions of, and those of a function of first kind, 503; elementary function of, is determined by its infinity and moduli, 509 ; normal elementary function of, 509 ; moduli of periodicity of, 510 ; used to construct algebraic functions on a Riemann's surface, 520. Second kind, of integrals on a Riemann's sur- face, 446; elementary integrals of, 446 ; general value of, 448 ; elementary integrals of, determined by an infinity except as to integral of first kind, 448 ; number of, 449 ; 852 INDEX (see second kind of functions) ; sum of, expressed by Abel's Theorem, 594. Secondary periodic function, 322 (see second kind of pseudo-periodic function). Sections for integrals of uniform functions, Hermite's, 69, 165, 220. Sector on a half-plane, 622. Seidel, 162. Semicircle represented on a half-plane, 620; on a circle, 620. Sequence of interchange along branch-lines determined, 387. Series, convergence of, 21. Series of functions, expansion in, 185 et seq. ; region of continuity of, 156 ; represents the same function throughout any connected part of its region of continuity, 157; may represent different functions in dis- tinct parts of its region of continuity, 162. Series of polynomials representing analytic function, 69, 134. Series of powers, expansion in, 50 et seq. ; function determined by, is the same throughout its region of continuity, 152; natural limit of, 153. Serret, 716. Sextic hyperelliptic curve transformable into quartic, conditions, 546. Sheets of a Eiemann's surface, 382 ; relation between variable and, 384 ; joined along branch-lines, 385. Siebeck, 615, 710. Simple branch-points for algebraic function, 208; number of, 209, 403 ; in connection with loops, 404; canonical arrangement of, 411. Simple circuit, 374. Simple curve, defined, 24 ; used as boundary, 369. Simple cycles of loops, 408 ; number of independent, 409. Simple element for tertiary periodic functions, of positive class, 338 ; of negative class, 340. Simply connected surface, 360 ; defined, 362; effect of cross-cut on, 363 ; and of loop-cut on, 367; circuits drawn on, are reducible, 376 ; winding-surface containing one winding- poiilt is, 395. Simply infinite system of zeros, function having, 101. Simply-periodic functions, 237 ; graphical representation, 237, 251; properties of, with an essential singu- larity at infinity, 252 et seq. ; when uniform, can be expressed as series of powers of an exponential, 253; of most elementary form, 255 ; limited class of, considered, 257; possess algebraical addition-theorem, 345. Simply-periodic integral of differential equa- tion of first order, 283. Single connected surface associated with irre- ducible equation or with repetition of irreducible equation, 393. Singular line, 165. Singular points, 17. * Singularities, accidental, 17 (see accidental singularity) ; essential, 19 (see essential singularity) ; discrimination between, 61, 80; • bound the region of continuity of the function, 67; must be possessed by uniform functions, 78; of algebraical functions, regular, 192. Singularity of a coefficient of an algebraic equa- tion is an infinity of a branch of the function, 193. Slit, effect of, on connectivity of surface, 368. Special function on Eiemann's surface, 508 ; is quotient of one adjoint polynomial by another, 517. Species of essential singularity, 177. Sphere conformally represented on a plane, 609; Mercator's projection, 609; stereographic projection, 610. Spherical form of Eiemann's surface, 393 ; related to plane form, 393. Spherical surface with holes, connectivity of, 368. Spheroid, oblate, conformally represented on plane, 612. Square, area within, represented on a circle, 615, 674; on a half-plane, 673, 675; area without, represented on a circle, 674. Stahl, 519, 753, 788. Star-shaped region of continuity, constructed by Mittag-Leffler, 69. Stereographic projection of sphere on plane as a conformal representation, 610; INDEX 853 of curvilinear triangle on the surface of a sphere, 693. Stickelberger, 312, 519. Stieltjes, 172, 173. Stokes, 458. Stolz, vi. Straight line changed into a circle by a linear substitution, 626. Stream-lines, 640, 641 et seq. Strip of plane, infinitely long, represented on half -plane, 621; on a circle, 619; on a cardioid, 662. Subcategories of cycles of corners, 741. Sub-rational representation of variables in equation of genus zero, 551. Substitution, linear or homographic, 625 (see linear substitution). Sum of residues of doubly-periodic function, relative to a fundamental parallelogram, is zero, 261. Sum of transcendental integrals, Abel's expres- sion for, 583 : examples of, 587-590 : of first kind, 590: of second kind, 594 : of third kind, 597 : minimum number equivalent to, 599. Surface, connected, 359 ; has a boundary assigned, 360, 368, 375; effect of any number of cross-cuts on, 363; connectivity of, 364; affected by cross-cuts, 366; by loop-cuts, 367 ; and by slit, 368 ; genus of, 371 ; of constant negative curvature repre- sented on a plane, 613, 712 ; supposed bifacial, not unifacial, 872; Lhuilier's theorem on division of, into polygons, 372; Biemann's (see Eiemann's surface). Symbol for loop, 405 ; change of, when loop is deformed, 406. Symmetric continuation, Schwarz's, 70. System of branch-lines for a Eiemann's surface, 387. System of zeros for transcendental function, simply-infinite, 101; doubly-infinite, 104; cannot be triply-infinite arithmetical series, 108; used to define its class, 109. Tannery, vi, 162. Tannery's series of functions representing dif- ferent functions in distinct parts of its region of continuity, 162. Teixeira, 174. Tertiary periodic functions, 322 (see third kind). Test, analytical, of a branch-point, 186. Tetrahedral division of surface of circumscribed sphere, 695; equation giving the conformal represent- ation on a half-plane of each triangle in the stereographic projection of the divided surface, 699. Tetrahedral function, automorphie for tetra- hedral group, 764 (see polyhedral functions). Tetrahedral group, of rotations, 759 ; of substitutions, 761 ; in another form, 762 ; function automorphie for, 764. Thetafuchsian functions, 776; their essential singularities, 776 ; exist either only within the fundamen- tal circle, or over whole plane, accord- ing to family of group, 777; pseudo-automorphic for infinite group, 778; number of irreducible accidental singu- larities of, 778 ; number of irreducible zeros of, 782 ; parametric integer for, 784; quotient of two with same parametric integer is automorphie, 785. Third kind, of functions on a Eiemann's sur- face, 498; normal elementary function of, 511 ; moduli of periodicity of, 512 ; elementary functions of, 511 ; interchange of argument and para- meter in, 513; used to construct Appell's factorial functions, 533 et seq. Third kind, of integrals on a Eiemann's surface, 450; sum of logarithmic periods of, is zero, 451; must have two logarithmic infinities at least, 452; elementary integrals of, 452 (see third kind of functions); sum of, expressed by Abel's Theorem, 597. Third kind of pseudo-periodic function, 321 ; canonical form of characteristic equa- tions, 322 ; relation between number of irreducible zeros and number of irreducible infini- ties, 333; relation between sum of irreducible zeros and sum of irreducible infinities, 334 ; expression in terms of cr-function, 335 ; 854 INDEX of positive class, 335 ; expressed in terms of simple ele- ments, 337; of negative class, 338 ; expressed in terms of Appell's ele- ment, 340; expansion in trigonometrical series, 340. Thomas, 580. Thomson (Lord Kelvin), 458. Thomson, Sir J. J., 649. Three principal classes of functions on a Biemann's surface, 498 (see first kind, second kind, third kind, of functions). Tractrix and surface of constant negative curvature, 612, 672. Transcendental function, 84; it has 2^00 for an essential singu- larity, 90; with unlimited number of zeros over the whole plane, in form of a product, 92 et seq. ; most general form of, 99 ; having simply-infinite system of zeros, 102; having doubly-infinite system of zeros, 104; Weierstrass's product form of, 107 ; cannot have triply-infinite arithmetical series of zeros, 108 ; class of, determined by zeros, 109 ; simple, of given class, 112. Transcendental integrals, Abel's expression for sum of, 585 : examples of, 587-590 : of first kind, 590 : of second kind, 594 : of third kind, 597. Transcendents, Abel's Theorems relating to, 579-601. Transformation, birational, 537-579; effect of, on irreducible equation, 539. Transformation, homographic, 625 (see linear substitution). Transformation, rational, 537, 579; effect of, on irreducible equation, 540. Transformation, uniform, 415 ; birational (see birational transformation). Triangle, rectilinear, represented on a half- plane, 671 ; with special cases, 672 ; separate cases in which representation is complete and uniform, 672; curvilinear, represented on a half- plane, 685 (see curvilinear tri- angle). Trigonometrical series, expansion of tertiary periodic functions in, 340. Triply-infinite arithmetical system of zeros can- not be possessed by transcendental function, 108. Triply-periodic uniform functions of a single variable do not exist, 243 ; example of this proposition, 435. Two equations of genus, 562-565. Two-sheeted surface, special form of branch- lines for, 390. Two variables, Weierstrass's theorem on regular functions of, 204-6. Unconditional convergence of series, 21 ; of products, 91. Unicursal equations or curves, 548. Unifacial surfaces, 372, 380. Uniform convergence of series, 21 ; of pro- ducts, 91. Uniform function, defined, 16. Uniform function, must assume any value at an essential singularity, 61, 64, 115 ; has a unique set of elements in continua- tion, 68; is constant everywhere in its region if constant over a line or area, 72 ; number of zeros of, in an area, 77 ; must assume any assigned value, 78 ; must have at least one singularity, 78 ; is polynomial if only singularity be accidental and at infinity, 83 ; is rational and meromorphic if there be no essential singularity and a finite number of accidental singularities, 85; transcendental (see transcendental func- tion) ; Hermite's sections for integrals of, 220 ; of one variable, that are periodic, 238 et seq.; of several variables that are. periodic, 247; simply-periodic (see simply-periodic uni- form functions) ; doubly-periodic (see doubly-periodic uni- form functions). Uniform function of position on a Eiemann's surface, multiform function becomes, 383, 390; most general, 418; algebraic equation determining, 419 ; has as many zeros as infinities, 420. Uniform integrals of differential equations of the first order, and their characters : con- ditions for, 283. Uniformity of elliptic functions, 233-235. INDEX 855 Uniformly converging function-series can be differentiated, 156. Unity, equations of genus, 554-562. Unlimited number of essential singularities, functions possessing. Chap. vii. ; distributed over the plane, 134 ; over a finite circle, 140. Velocity, and velocity potential, in hydro- dynamics, 639 et seq. Vivanti, 113. Von der Miihll, 611, 707. Von Mangoldt, 753, 788. Voss, 606. Watson, 103. Weber, 223, 625, 753, 767, 771. Weierstrass, v, vi, vii, 15, 51, 61 et seq., 64, 67, 68, 92 et seq., 118 et seq., 134 et seq., 166, 173, 204, 277, 299, 344, 358, 518, 519, 528. Weierstrass's il/-test for uniform convergence, 292. Weierstrass's ^-function, 296; is doubly-periodic, 297 ; is of the second order and the first class, 298; its differential equation, 299 ; its addition-theorem, 307 ; derivatives with regard to the invariants and the periods, 311. Weierstrass's (7-f unction, 293; its pseudo-periodicity, 305 ; periodic functions expressed in terms of, 306; its quasi-addition-theorem, 307 ; differential equation satisfied by, 312 ; used to construct secondary periodic functions, 328 ; and tertiary periodic functions, 335. Weierstrass's f- function, 292; its pseudo-periodicity, 301; periodic functions expressed in terms of, 302; relation between its parameters and periods, 303; its quasi-addition-theorem, 307. Weierstrass's product-form for transcendental integral function, with infinite number of zeros over the plane, 92 et seq. ; with doubly-infinite arithmetic series of zeros, 107. Weierstrass's theorem on regular functions of two variables, 204-6. Weyr, 103. Whittaker, 103. Wiener, 161. Winding-point, 392. Winding-surface, defined, 392; portion of, that contains one winding- point is simply connected, 395. Witting, 114. Zero, equations of genus, 548-554. Zero of a function on Eiemann's surface, how estimated in multiplicity, 421. Zeros of doubly -periodic function, irreducible, are in number equal to the irreducible infini- ties and the irreducible level points, 266 ; and in sum are congruent with their sum, 267. Zeros of uniform function are isolated points, 74 ; form of function in vicinity of, 75 ; in an area, number of, 75, 77, 82, 86 ; of transcendental function, when simply- infinite, 102; when doubly-infinite, 104; cannot form triply-infinite arith- metical series, 108. Zuhlke, 690. CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY J. B. PEACE, M.A., AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 521 I 2 o