: 0 1 ; ,p/ : J aA^. \ , o i & 7 7 ; ■ i ' tsAJ?.,- • Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/specimensofearly02morr T K > so s , - Sfat-ertbon , M" $rei30 JSeme SPECIMENS OF EARLY ENGLISH PART II MORRIS AND SKEAT VOL. II. a HENRY FROWDE, M.A. PUBLISHER TO THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD LONDON, EDINBURGH, AND NEW YORK £farenbon (preset iSertee SPECIMENS OF EARLY ENGLISH A NEW EDITION , REVISED FOR THE THIRD TIME WITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES, AND GL OSSA RIAL INDEX BY THE Rev. RICHARD MORRIS, LL.D; AND THE Rev. WALTER W. SKEAT, Litt.D. Part II, from ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER to GOWER A.D. 1298 — A. D. 1393 ©jfotri) AT THE CLARENDON PRESS boston library CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. PRINTED A’J ©?for& THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY CONTENTS OF PART IT PAGE Preface ix Introduction xiii I. Robert of Gloucester. (a) Reign of William the Conqueror 1 (b) Life of St. Dunstan . » . 19 II. Metrical English Psalter. Psalm viii . 2 3 Psalm xiv (xv) 24 Psalm xvii (xviii) 25 Psalm xxiii (xxiv) 29 Psalm cii (ciii) 29 Psalm ciii (civ) 3i III. The Proverbs of Hendyng . 35 IV. Specimens of Lyric Poetry. (a) Alysoun .... . 43 (b) A Plea for Pity . . 44 (c) Parable of the Labourers . . 46 (d) Spring-time . 48 Y. Robert Mannyng, of Brunne. Handlyng Synne : The Tale of Pers the Usurer 50 VI CONTENTS OF PART II. VI. William of Shoreham. page De Baptismo 63 VII. Cursor Mundi, or Cursur o Werld. The Visit of the Magi, and the Flight into Egypt 69 VIII. Sunday Homilies in Verse. (a) From the Homily for the Second Sunday in Advent 83 (B) Homily for the Third Sunday after the Octave of Epiphany 89 IX. Dan Michel of Northgate. # Sermon on Matthew xxiv. 43 . . . .98 Pater-noster, Ave Maria, and Credo . . .105 X. Richard Rolle de Hampole. Extracts from ‘The Pricke of Conscience * . .107 XI. Laurence Minot. (a) Edward’s Expedition to Brabant . . .126 (b) The same, continued 131 (c) The Landing of Edward at La Hogue . .134 XII. William of Palerne, or William and the Werwolf 138 XIII. Alliterative Poems. The Deluge . . . . . . . .151 The Destruction of Sodom 16 1 XIV. Sir John Mandeville. (a) Prologue to the Voiage 164 (b) The Begynnyng of Machomete . . .168 (c) The Contrees beyonde Cathay . . .170 CONTENTS OF PART II. Vll XV. William Langland, or Langley. page Piers the Plowman (Earliest Version, or A-text) : Prologus 176 The same: Passus I . . . . • .180 The same: part of Passus 1 1 .... 186 The same: part of Passus III . . , .188 The same : Passus V . . . • • 193 XVI. John Barbour. The Bruce: Extracts from Book VII . . 203 XVII. John Wyclif, and Nicholas Hereford. (a) Wyclif’s Translation of St. Mark’s Gospel: cap. i-vi (b) Hereford’s Translation of Psalms xiv, xxiii, and cii XVIII. John of Trevisa. (a) Description of Britain . (b) The Norman Invasion . XIX. Geoffrey Chaucer. From ‘ The Man of Lawes Tale ’ 215 231 235 243 249 XX. John Gower. Confessio Amantis: The Tale of the Three Coffers Confessio Amantis: Aeson regains his Youth . 270 274 Notes 283 Glossarial Index . * 355 PREFACE TO THE PRESENT EDITION. An intimate and thorough acquaintance with a language is only to be acquired by an attentive study of its literature. Grammars and histories of literature are, at best, but guides, and are not always wholly trustworthy ; the statements and principles they contain need verification as well as illustra- tion, and this necessitates a certain amount of familiarity with the literature itself. In studying the latest periods of the English language there is no lack of materials, and the student has it in his power to correct, by his own reading and observation, any errors of fact that may occur in the text-books he uses. With the literature of the earlier stages it is far otherwise; the printed editions of old authors are, in many cases, on account of their rarity or price, inaccessible to ordinary readers, who are thus placed completely at the mercy of their guides. Within the last few years this defect has been in some measure remedied by the Early English Text Society, who have issued many new editions and reprints at a compara- tively moderate cost; and it may be as well to state here, that the student may find amongst their publications the complete texts from which the extracts quoted in Sections IX, XII, XIII, XV, and XVI are taken; and amongst the X PREFACE. publications of the Philological Society the complete text of Hampole's ‘Pricke of Conscience' (Sect. X). The necessarily scanty extracts which occur, even in the best manuals of English literature, are quite inadequate to convey any clear notion of the dialect, grammar, and voca- bulary of the writers of the Early English period, and hence it is that most students find their information upon the subject limited to a list of names of persons, places, and dates, and some few uninteresting details, which, even in these days of competitive examinations, are accepted as a knowledge of English literature. The aim of the present work is to supplement the ordinary text-books, and furnish students with abundant material for making themselves familiar with the older forms of English, and so enabling them to obtain a sounder knowledge of the language as spoken and written at the present day. The ‘ Specimens/ which are chronologically arranged, may be considered as types of the English spoken during the fourteenth century. Not long previously, the language had undergone many changes, owing to the loss of gram- matical inflexions and a simplification of syntactical struc- ture, and was entering upon a new phase in its history, in which we may trace a gradual approximation to its modern representative, the English of the present day. The extracts have been chosen so as, in most cases, to present continuous narratives of considerable length, and they embrace a variety of topics, amongst which may be mentioned Biblical translations, religious teaching, proverbs, history, and romance. No knowledge of the oldest English (Anglo-Saxon) is required before commencing the following pages, as the Introduction, Notes, and Glossary contain all that is neces- sary to enable the student to read the most difficult sped- PREFACE. xi mens with pleasure and profit. If the language of the earlier Sections seem to be too unfamiliar to the beginner, the later Sections may be read first. In preparing a new edition in 1872, several modifications and alterations were made. Four sections at the beginning of Dr. Morris's edition of 1867, containing extracts from the English Version of Genesis and Exodus, the Owl and the Nightingale, the Lay of Havelok the Dane, and the Romance of King Alexander, were omitted, as belonging to a period earlier than the fourteenth century, and being more suitable for a volume containing Specimens of the language of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The Section containing an extract from ‘ Sir Gawayn and the Grene Knyght' was re- placed by a portion of Barbour’s ‘ Bruce'; and the extracts from the ‘Cursor Mundi' and Wyclif's Translation of St. Mark's Gospel were shortened. The Chaucer section, in the edition of 1867, contained ‘The Pardoneres Tale' and ‘The Prioresse Tale,' from the Harleian MS. In preparing the edition of 1872, advantage was taken of the recent publications of the Chaucer Society, to produce a new edition of the first part of ‘The Man of Lawes Tale,' in which the various readings were considered, and the scan- sion of the lines carefully marked. The Notes also were carefully revised. Several of the remarks on etymology were transferred from the Notes to the Glossarial Index for the sake of greater facility of reference, and considerable additions made to the Notes themselves. The Glossarial Index was entirely rewritten, in order to insert the references to the passages in which the harder words occur. At the same time, the various parts of the verbs were exactly described, cross-references added to account for variations of spelling, and some hints as to the derivations of the words (partly taken from the Notes Xll PREFACE. to the edition of 1867) were given, in as concise a form as possible. The above remarks apply, as has been said, to the edition published in 1872. Since then, a new edition has been called for, and advantage has been taken of the opportunity to revise the whole work yet once more in the most careful manner. Several additions have been made to the Notes, but it is chiefly upon the Glossarial Index that most pains have been bestowed. Every one of the very numerous refer- ences has been verified , and more than six hundred new references added. The explanations of a few words have been amended or more clearly expressed, and every pre- caution has been taken to secure critical accuracy. Wherever a form is quoted as Anglo-Saxon, Icelandic, Swedish, &c., the spelling of it will be found to agree with that given in the Dictionaries, a list of which is given at p. 355- For this purpose, the use of pocket-dictionaries has often been preferred, with the express object of avoid- ing the citation of other than sufficiently common words. The student will do well to refer to the authorities indicated, before rejecting any of the results here given in favour of plausible guesses of his own. The result of the labour thus bestowed upon the Glossary will, we hope, prove useful, as supplying, within a small compass, a ready means of ascertaining the meanings and modes of use of all such words as are of most common occurrence in the literature of the Fourteenth Century. Our thanks are due to Professor Mayor, of St. John’s College, Cambridge, for several useful notes upon the Glossary. INTRODUCTION. PRELIMINARY REMARKS. § i. The Alphabet . The letters employed are the same as those employed now, with two additions, and with some variations in significance. The additional letters are j> and 3 ; the capitals of which are printed p and 3* Both of these are of frequent occurrence in early MSS. The former (}>) signifies th . In our modern pronunciation, we make a distinction between the initial sounds of thine and thin , a distinction which in the earliest times possibly did not exist, the th in both cases being sounded soft , as in thine ; and it is remarkable that we still preserve this sound in all our oldest and commonest words, such as thou, the , that , there , then , and the like 1 . But we often find a distinction made in the fourteenth century. Some scribes used ]> at the beginning of pe , pat (the, that), and the letters th at the beginning of thin , thikke (thin, thick). In the fifteenth cen- tury, this distinction was less regarded, and the symbol J? was gradually disused. 1 See Appendix I to ‘Gregory’s Pastoral Care,’ edited for the Early English Text Society by H. Sweet, Esq. XIV INTRODUCTION. The character 3 has various powers. At the beginning of a word it is to be sounded as so that 3 ard is our modern yard ; in the middle of a word it had a guttural sound, still represented in our spelling by gh, as in li^l for light ; at the end of a word it either had the same sound, or stood for z. In fact, the character for z was commonly made precisely like it, although sparingly employed ; yet we find marchaunt 3 for marchauniz , where the z, by the way, must necessarily have been sounded as s. This use of the character is French, and appears chiefly in French words. In early French MSS. it is very common, and denotes z only. The characters v and u require particular attention. The latter is freely used to denote both the modern sounds, and the reader must be prepared at any moment to treat it as a consonant. Thus the words haue , leue, diuerse are to be read have , leve, diverse ; where it will be observed that the symbol appears between two vowels. The former is used sparingly (except when written in place of f in Southern MSS.), but sometimes denotes the modern u , chiefly at the beginning of a word. The following are some of the commoner examples of it, and may as well be learnt at once ; viz. vce or vse (use), vtier (utter), vp (up), vpon (upon), vs (us), vr or vre (our), vche (each), vuel (for uvel , evil), and the prefixes vm- (around), vn- (un-), vnder - (under-), and vt - (out-). It is common to find, even in well-edited edi- tions of old authors, that the vs and us are altered so as to suit the modern taste; but a very little attention will overcome the difficulty occasioned by the old usage. The letter J is very rare. It is generally denoted by a capital I; as in Tape , Ieoperdie , Tourney, for jape , jeopardy , INTRODUCTION . XV journey . The combination quh is common in the Lowland Scottish dialect, and answers to the modern English wh and the Anglo-Saxon hw; as in quhy for w/iy, A.S. hwi. § 2. Abbreviations . The most usual marks of contraction employed in early books and MSS. are so few that they may soon be learnt. The commonest are these following, their expansions being denoted throughout this volume by the use of italic letters. A stroke over a vowel signifies m or n ; as in sic, hi, houd , meaning su m, hi m, houzzd. An upward curl, above the line, signifies er; as in mar? , s 9 ue, for man^r, seme (serve). But if this symbol follows the letter p, it means re ; as in j? che for pr^che. It arose from a roughly written e, the letter r being understood. A small undotted i above the line means ri, the letter r being understood , as before; hence p'nce , c l st, for prmce, crzst (Christ). A roughly written a (ou) in like manner stands for ra ; as in g M ce, p^y, for grace, p ray. A curl, of a form which arose from a roughly written v (for u), signifies ur ; as in tne, o, for tzzrne, our. The reason for the upward curl after p being used for re, arose from the fact that there was already a way of writing per, viz. by drawing a stroke through the tail of the p; as in pit, for p^ril. Sometimes this sign stood for par ; as in pty for party. A similar stroke, but curling, enabled the scribe to abbre- viate pro . Thus we ha ve 9 for \us (thus). A not very common mark of contraction is ci_ for com or con; as in o -fort, O-seil, comfort, conseil. Other examples of contraction are q or qd for quod or quod , i. e. quoth ; ^ for \>at ; ]> u for \>ou ; and iHc, i%m, for i esus, iesum (Jesus, Jesum), where the h came from the Greek H (long e), and the c from the Greek C (2, s'). § 3. Pronunciation. On this subject the student may con- sult 4 Early English Pronunciation/ by A. J. Ellis. There is reason to believe that very considerable changes have taken place since the fourteenth century, and that the vowels were at that time pronounced much more like those which are heard in continental languages, as e.g. in German, than is the case at present. § 4. Punctuation. As no marks of punctuation occur in the early MSS., the editors are responsible for the various stops introduced into the text; and the reader may, if he pleases, disregard or alter them. § 5. Metre. The favourite metre in the fourteenth cen- tury was that which was made up of riming couplets, each line containing four accents. When perfectly regular, it consisted of eight syllables, as, Of mouth | of chil | der and | soukand || (Sect. II. Ps. viii. 5) ; but the first syllable was often omitted, as in the line imme- diately following, viz. Made | ]>ou lof | in ll | ka land JJ INTRODUCTION . XVII Less regular lines admitted additional unaccented syllables. In this metre are written the poems illustrated in Sections II, V, VII, VIII, X, XVI, and XX. The occasional intro- duction of shorter lines having only three accents, especially in the third and sixth lines of a stanza, produced a metre which was well suited for lines of a lyrical cast. See Sec- tions III, IV, and XI for examples of this. Not very dis- similar is the metre in Section VI. The long lines in Robert of Gloucester may be compared with the Common Metre in Hymn-books, as explained in the note at p. 283. The scansion of Section XIX has been carefully marked, and some of the less regular lines are pointed out in the Notes. In Sections XII, XIII, and XV we have examples of Alliterative Metre, which prevailed in the Western part of England during a long period, and was indeed the only metre used in England previously to the eleventh century. Here no rimes are employed at all, but each line is divisible into two sections, as indicated by the inverted full-stop. In lines of the most regular type, three emphatic syllables occur, two in the former, and one in the latter section, which commence with the same letter ; as in & foiddes ful fcrdmely * on J>e bo wes singe. (XII. 23.) Here the three first emphatic or loud syllables commence with the letter h , whilst the last loud syllable begins with another letter, viz. s. Sometimes the number of loud syllables is increased, as in J?e sauor of )?e swete sesoun * & song of J?e briddes (Id. 29), in which three loud syllables commencing with s occur in the first section. VOL. II. b XV 111 INTRODUCTION . This metre is regulated chiefly by accent and emphasis, the number of syllables being not much regarded 1 . § 6. EARLY ENGLISH DIALECTS. From historical testimony, and an examination of the literary records of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, we learn that the English speech was represented by three principal dialects 2 . 1. The Northern dialect, spoken throughout the Lowlands of Scotland, Northumberland, Durham, and nearly the whole of Yorkshire. Roughly speaking, the Humber and Ouse formed the southern boundary of this area, while the Penine Chain determined its limits to the west. 2. The Midland dialect, spoken in the counties to the west of the Penine Chain, in the East- Anglian counties, and in the whole of the Midland district. The Thames formed the southern boundary of this region. 3. The Southern dialect, spoken in all the counties south of the Thames ; in Somersetshire, Gloucestershire, and por- tions of Herefordshire and Worcestershire. There is no doubt that the Midland dialect exercised an influence upon the Southern dialect wherever it happened to be geographically connected with it, just as the Northumbrian acted upon the adjacent Midland dialects ; and this enables 1 Various peculiarities of this metre are discussed, and a complete list given of all extant English poems composed in it since the beginning of the thirteenth century, in an Essay on Alliterative Poetry, by the Rev. W. W. Skeat, prefixed to vol. iii. of ‘ The Percy Folio MS.’ ed. Hales and Furnivall. 2 See Higden’s account of these dialects, pp. 240 and 343. INTRODUCTION. XIX us to understand that admixture of grammatical forms which is to be found in some of our Early English MSS. § 7. These dialects 1 are distinguished from each other by the uniform employment of certain grammatical inflexions. A convenient test is to be found in the inflexion of the plural number, present tense, indicative mood. The Northern dialect employs -es, the Midland -en, and the Southern - eth , as the inflexion for all persons of the plural present indicative 2 . NORTHERN. MIDLAND. SOUTHERN. i st pers. hop-^y 3 , hop-en 4 , hop-eth, we hope. 2nd „ hop-^y, hop-en, \iop-eth, ye hope. 3rd „ hop-es, hop -en, hop -eth, they hope. The inflexions of the singular number, though no absolute test of dialect, are of value in enabling us to separate the West-Midland from the East-Midland. The West-Midland conjugated its verb, in the singular number and present tense, almost like the Northern dialect. WEST-MIDLAND. NORTHERN. i st pers. hop£, z!r) = them ; his (is) = her. 24. Use of hethen = hence; thethen = thence; whethen = whence. 25. *Sz//zz = as. 26. At = to ; = from ; til = to. 27. Conj. at = that. SOUTHERN. Genitive plural in -ene retain- ed as late as a.d. 1387. Adjectives retain many in- flexions of number and case. Definite article inflected ; pat (pet) the neuter of the defi- nite article, and not a de- monstrative adjective. pise , pes. Ich (uch). Heo (hi, hue , ho). Hii (hi, heo , hue), here (hire, heore), hem (heom, huem). Ure (vr), eowere (3 oure , ore , or), hire, here (heore). Use of the pronouns ha (a), hine, wan, his (hise, is), his (is). Unknown in Southern dialect. Unknown in Southern dialect. Unknown in Southern dialect. Unknown in Southern dialect. INTRODUCTION . XXlll § 9. II. ORTHOGRAPHICAL DIFFERENCES. NORTHERN. 1. d; as in ban (bone), laf (loaf). 2. i; as in kin , hil (hill), pit. 3. k; as in link ; so cloke (clutch), kirke (church), croke (cross), rike (kingdom). skrike (screech, shriek), sek (sack). sk ; as in aske (to ask). 4. Absence of compound vowels. 5. qu ( qw ) ; as in quat (what). 6. /*; as in fel (fell),/# (foe). SOUTHERN. o; as in bon , lo/ loo/. u; as in kun 1 , hul , put. ch ; as in bench ; so clouche . chirche . crouche. riche. schriche (s chirche). zech (seek). ss; as in esse (to ask). Use of the compound vowels ea y eo ( ie , ue) 2 . hw (wh) ; as in hwat. v; as in vel, vo 3 . 1 The Kentish dialect substitutes e for as lien (kin), hel (hill), pet (pit). 2 The Southern dialect of Kent seems to have pronounced ea as yea , as we find east , eald (old), written yeast , yeald. 3 The Kentish dialect of the fourteenth century, like the modern pro- vincial dialects of the South of England, has 2 for s, as zinge , to sin ; zay, say ; zede , said. OUTLINE OF GRAMMATICAL FORMS. § io. SUBSTANTIVES. I. Formation of Plurals : — 1. The suffix -es (-is, -ys) is for the most part the ordinary plural, especially in the Northern dialects. -us is a West-Midland variety of -es. Romance words form their plurals in s (or z). In the middle of the fourteenth century, words ending in a liquid — mostly words of more than one syllable — take -s as the plural inflexion. 2. In the Northumbrian dialect no plurals in -en (-n) are met with, except eghen , oxen, hosen , shoon, and fan (foes). In the Southern dialect -en is very common side by side with -es. The suffix -en (-n) represents (i) the oldest English -an (-n), as aschen, ben (bees), chirchen, eyen, sterren , ton (toes), &c. ; (2) - u , as heveden (heads), tren, sustren , do^tren, brethren , &c. ; (3) -a, as honden, benen, &c. ; (4) y, as ken, kin ( = cy, pi. of cd, cow). 3. -e sometimes occurs (1) for -en, as myle, tyme , bene, blosme, &c. ; (2) for - u , as brethre , childre , &c. 4. For childre , brethre, we find childer and br ether in the Northern dialect : defter = dehtren ■= dohtru , daughters. 5. Plurals formed by vowel change : — men,fet, tep, ges, ky (kie) ; modern English, men, feet, teeth, geese, cows, &c. 6. Some few old neuters are flexionless in the plural, as hors, schep, der,folk, swin,ping, yr (years), hous,pund &c. INTRODUCTION . XXV II. Case-endings. The genuine case singular is com- monly -es (-is, -ys, -us). Father , brother , moder , daughter are found without the genitive sign, as in the oldest English. In the Southern dialect (as in Robert of Gloucester) we find many feminine substantives forming the genitive in - e , as 4 queue fader/ 4 empresse sone/ &c. The genitive plural is -es (-s), but the old genitive suffix -ene (oldest English -ena) of the n declension is often met with in the Southern dialect, as clerkene, of clerks ; kyngene, of kings ; cliildrene, of children. The dative suffix (singular and plural) is sometimes de- noted by a final -e, but for the most part the nominative and dative have the same form. § ii. ADJECTIVES. There are two forms of the adjective, (i) Definite (or Weak), (2) Indefinite (or Strong). The definite form is denoted by a final e, as 4 the gode man.’ The plural is also denoted by a final e, as 1 god'e frendes/ This e is often dropped towards the end of the fourteenth century. In Chaucer it disappears in words of more than one syllable, as 4 mortal batailles/ The vocative case is denoted by the final e, as 4 3 onge men/ 4 O stronge God/ The Norman-French plural -es (-s) is not uncommon, mostly when the adjective follows the noun it qualifies, as 4 wateres principales / 4 cosins germains / &c. A few instances of the genitive singular in -es occurs in alles, nones , when united to kyn ; as alleskynnes = of every kind, noskynnes = of no kind. In the Northern dialect the genitive ending is dropped; hence the following forms, nakin, alkin , sumkin , whaikin, &c. XXVI INTRODUCTION . This -kyn once belonged to the following noun as suffix, not to the adjective. The genitive plural suffix - re or -er ( = - ra ) occurs in (i) alre , aller , alder, alther , genitive plural of al, ( 2 ) beire , genitive plural of bo = both. Comparison. The comparative is formed by adding -ere, -er to the positive. In some writers of the earlier part of the fourteenth century we find -or, -ur for - er . The superlative ends in -esle, -est; sometimes in -ost. Adjectives and adverbs in - lich form their comparative and superlative in - loker (- liker , -laker, -Inker), - lokest {-likes t, -lukest) ; though -Iyer, - lyest are more common towards the end of the fourteenth century. Eldre, lengre, slrengre have vowel-change as well as the inflexion of comparison: older, longer, stronger, are also found (as in Chaucer). Bet, leng, streng (comparatives), are mostly used adverbially. Irregular Comparisons : — POSITIVE. COMPARATIVE. god, bad, vuel, uvel, yvel, muchel, mochel, betre, betur, better, bet, badder (Chaucer), wers, wors, werse, worse, werre, war, mare, more, mor, mo, ma, •1 SUPERLATIVE. best. werst, worst, mest, most, lest, leest. much, lutel, lytel, litel, 1 j lasse, lesse, les, Shortened forms of the comparative and superlative are — fer {ferre) = farther; ner (nerre) = nigher, nearer ; nest, next = nighest, nearest ; herre = higher ; best, hext = highest. INTRODUCTION. XXV 11 More and most make their appearance in the formation of comparison, as mest gentyl (Robert of Gloucester), more hy (Robert of Brunne). § 12. PRONOUNS. PERSONAL PRONOUNS. SINGULAR. Nom. Ic, ik, ich, uch, Gen. min ( rare ) l , Dat. Acc. me, Nom. ]>u, ]>ou, Gen. jnn 1 , Dat. Acc :}i*. PLURAL. we. ure, ur, our. us, ous. 3 e > ye, }'he. 5ure, your, yhour, ower. you, yhou, 30W, ow, ou. SINGULAR. Masc. Fern. Neut . XT . , r hi, ho, hue, heo, he; scho,},. ., Nom. he, ha, a A 9 ’ ^ hit, it. [ sco, sche, J Gen. his 1 , hire, hir, his, hit. Dat. him, hire, hir, him, hit, it. Acc. hine, him, hire, hir ; is, hise, his, hit, it. PLURAL. Masc. Fem. and Neut. Nom. hi, hii, heo, hue, hy ; J>ei, ]>ai. Gen. here, hare, hire, heore, hor, her, hir. Dat. hem, ham, horn, heom, huem ; ]>aim, J?am, ]>eim, J>em. Acc. hi, hem, ham, horn, huem ; j?am, Jjeim, J>em ; hise, his, is. 1 Min, \in , and his , are used as genitives with the prep, maugre ; in most instances they are merely possessive pronouns ; ure , $ure, here, are genitives when used with an indefinite pronoun ; as ure non f none of us. xxviii INTRODUCTION . Uch, ich (I), are Southern forms; ich, Midland; ic , ik. Northern. I is used in the Southern dialect before n, as I nere = I ne were, I were not. Ha (he) ; his , is (her, them) are peculiar to the Southern dialect. Sco , scho, pai, paim, pam are Northern forms; sche , pei are Midland varieties. Ho, hit (gen.) are West-Midland forms. Hine is only found in the Southern dialect. The pronouns are often agglutinated to the verbs, as Ichot = Ich wot, I know ; Icholle - Ich wolle, I will ; nuly = ne + wule + i, I will not, &c. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS. Self is added (i) to the personal pronouns in the nomi- native — pou self ; (2) after the dative, as Ich me self, pou pe self, he him self But the genitive form often replaces the dative, as I mi self, pou pi self we ure self, &c. Chaucer uses the lengthened form seluen, as I myseluen. His self rarely occurs in Old English. ,S>^/*when used as a demonstrative - same, very. ADJECTIVE PRONOUNS. Min , pin, his, hire (hir), our {ure, vr), ytre (y hour, your, ore, or), her {hir, here, hare, hor), or pair ( peir ). Min and pin are mostly shortened to mi and pi. The longer forms remain (1) before vowels and h, (2) when used after a noun, as handes mine, (3) in the plural and oblique cases. Hise is often used as the plural of his. In addition to the ordinary possessives we find forms (1) in - s , especially in the Northern dialect; as urs, 3 oures , pairs, &c. ; (2) in -n, as ouren,youren, haren, &c. INTRODUCTION. XXIX DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. 1. pe (Definite Article). — The definite article pe is used without inflexion in all cases, singular and plural. In the Southern dialect we often find pane , pen (acc. sing.)." The plural pa , po is also in use in the fourteenth century ; po often signifies those. The article is often agglutinated to substantives, as popynioun , the opinion ; peir y the air. The ion and the toper , = ‘ thet on ’ and ‘ thet oj^er/ contain the old neuter {that) of the definite article. 2. This . — This is properly a neuter form: the masculine pes, feminine pues ( peos ), are rarely met with. The accusative pesne , pisne ( perne , Kentish) is sometimes found in the Southern dialect. This has for its plural thes, these , theose, thuse , thise, this. 3. Compounds of -like (O. E. lie). — (1) ilk^ylk = same 1 ; (2) thylke, thulke (Kentish pelliche) = the-like, such; (3) swilk , swuch , swich , as also sli, slifc, sic , silk = so-like, such. INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. Masculine and Feminine. Nom. who, wo, wha, ho, huo, hua, qua, quha. Gen. whos, wos, quas, huas, quhas. Dat. 1 Acc f w ^ om J wham, worn, quam, huam, warn, quham. Neuter. Nom. and Acc. what, wat, huet, quat, quhat. Gen. and Dat. like the Masculine. 1 Il1i = i-lih y that-like, where i is the instrumental case of the base a, he, that ; different from ilk when put for eche , which is from st, ht , //, &c., then -de or - te represents d-de or t-te , as in the following : — INFINITIVE. bulden, sende, resten, PRETERITE. PAST PART. bulde, ibuld. sende, isend. reste, irest, &c. INTRODUCTION . XXXlll / often replaces d in the fourteenth century, as in — sende, sent(e), sent, wende, went(e), went. (a) The suffix - d is changed to -/ after a sharp mute (p, f ch , ss , /, &c.). (b) ch becomes 3 (gh) before /. (c) becomes^ or in (rarely ng) before /. ( d ) ng becomes or in before d or /. Examples : — (a) kepen, kepte, ikept. lefen, lefte, ileft, &c. (*) cacchen, cau3te, icau3t. techen, tau3te, itau3t, &c. to drenchen, dreynte, idreynt, &c. (d) mengen, meynte, imeynt, &c. II. IRREGULAR, or STRONG VERBS. 1. Strong verbs differ from weak ones in not adding any tense-suffix, the preterite being formed by vowel-change. The passive participle of strong verbs ends in -en (and by loss of n , -e), as PRES. PRET. PAST PART. holde, heold, held, iholden, iholde. 2. Many verbs have a distinct vowel-change for the preterite plural, identical with the vowel of the passive participle, as PRES. PRET. SING. PRET. PLUR. PAST PART. binde, band (bond), bunden, ibunden. write, wrat (wrot), writen, iwriten. The 2nd person singular of these verbs has also this vowel- change, as thou bunde> &c. VOL. 11. c XXXIV INTRODUCTION. 3. The 1 st and 3rd person of strong verbs have no per- sonal suffixes. That of the 2nd person was originally - e , but -est often replaces it in words of the fourteenth century. Hence the conjugation of the preterite is as follows : — SINGULAR. PLURAL. 1. heold, held (I held), heold-en, held-en (we held). 2. heolde, helde (thou heldest), heold-en, held-en (ye held). 3. heold, held (he held), heold-en, held-en (they held). 4. Both strong and weak verbs (when the stem ends in - d , - nd , -s) have in the 3rd person singular present indica- tive -/ for -tep or - dep , or even -ep, as halt = holdej>, rit = ride)?, sent = sende]?, rist = rise}?. 5. The 2nd and 3rd person-endings are often shortened, as lixt = l^est (tellest lies) ; telp = tellej>. 6. The present or active participles of all verbs end in (1) - hide , -ing (Southern dialect); (2) - ende , - end (Midland dialect); (3) - ande , - and (Northern dialect, and Midland dialect with Northern tendencies). 7. Passive Participles in the Southern and Midland dia- lects take the prefix i ox y, as i-kept,y-ronnen . All preterites formed by vowel-change, and anomalous forms occurring in the text, will be found in the Glossary. Observe particularly Habhen , to have ; Ben , to be ; Worpe , to become; SchvIIe (sal), Scholde (suld), shall, should; Wol, Wolde , will, would; Con , Coupe , can, could; Mowe, Mi^te, may, might ; Most , Moste , must. Note also that the pres, tense, 1st and 3rd persons sing., of Wile, to wit or know, is Wot , and the past tense Wiste, or Wuste. INTRODUCTION. XXXV § 14. ADVERBS. I. COMPARISON. Adverbs are compared by the suffixes -er or -re (com- parative) and -est (superlative). Bet , leng, streng , ma (mo) are shortened forms of the comparatives be/re, lengre , strengre , (more). II. ADVERBIAL PREFIXES. ^4 (before a consonant), an (before a vowel) most com- monly = on, in ; as in anihte (by night), ayr (yearly), an-ende (lastly), anon (in one, at once), anunder (under). On ; as in on-rounde (around). In; as in in-idel (in vain). Urnbe (about) ; as in umbe-stunde (at intervals), umqwile (whilom, formerly). Bi, be (by) ; as in besides , bilife (quickly). To ; as in to-daie , to-gedere , &c. For; as in forsoope (forsooth). At ; as in at erst (at first), ate or atte taste (lastly), atten ende (lastly) ; where atte = at pe, atten = at pen . Occasionally we find a equivalent to the oldest English of, as of buve , above ; of newe , newly ; adown = of dune , down- wards. In fact, the prefix a- may have twelve, or even thirteen, interpretations. We have (1) a- = of as in adown, A.S of- dune\ (2) a- - on, as in around for on-rounde : (3) #- = A.S. and-, G. ent as in along, A.S. andlang , G. entlang\ (4) a- = G. er-, Moeso-Goth us-, ur-, as in arise, Moeso-Goth. ur- reisan : (g) a- = O. Fr. es-, as in abash, from O. Fr. esbahiF : 1 Some make this O. Fr. es- the same as the Lat. ex-; at any rate, the Lat. ex- is preserved in amend , from Lat. emendare, and in afraid , from Lat. exfrigidare. C 2 XXXVI INTRODUCTION. (6) a - = Fr. a (from Lat. ad), as in avalanche , from Fr. h val , Lat. ad vallem: (7) a- = Fr. a- (from Lat. ab), as in abridge, Fr. abreger , Lat. abbreviare 1 \ (8) a- = Lat. as in astrin- gent, from ad and siringere: (9) a - = Lat. ab, as in avert, from ab and vertere\ (10) a-, shortened from Gk. an (cf. an-odyne), as in abyss , from Gk. a, not, and fiuo-o-os , depth, bottom : (n) a-, used (like ah!) as an interjection, as in alas, French helas : (12) a- = at, as in ado from at do, Matzner’s Eng. Gram. ii. 2. 58: whilst (13) aware answers to O. E. iwar, G. gewahr , making a - a substitute for ge-. The adverb ne, not, is sometimes agglutinated to the verb following ; as nis = ne is, is not ; nap = ne hap, hath not ; not = ne wot, know not, &c. We also find nif= ne if, if not. III. TERMINATIONS. 1. Adverbs that now end in - ly formerly ended in -liche (-like). (The adjectival affix singular is - lich , -lie.) 2. Adverbs are formed from adjectives by adding a final -e, as soth, sooth, true ; sothe , soothe , truly 2 . 3. Many adverbs are cases of nouns, adjectives, &c., e. g. -es (genitive) ; alles, altogether, of necessity, needs ; aynes, against ; amiddes, amidst ; amonges , amongst ; bisides , besides ; deathes, at death, dead ; days, by day ; lives, alive ; nedes, of necessity; newes, anew; nvytes, by night; togederes , together. Enes, ones , once ; hennes, hence ; neodes, needs ; iwies , twice ; thries, thrice, — are later forms for en-e, henn-e (hennen, heon - an), neod-e, twie (twien, A. S. twiwd), thrie (thrien, A. S. prywa). Also -um (dative), as whilom, seldum, &c. 1 Curiously corrupted into ad- in the word advance , O. Eng. avance , which is from the Lat. ab ante. 2 The loss of the final -e explains the modern use of adjectives for adverbs, as right (for righte) = rightly ; long (for longe) = a long (time). INTRODUCTION . XXXV11 4. Other endings are -tinge, as altinge, altogether ; hed- tinge, headlong; grovtinge, on the face, prone; flattinge , flatly. 5. -en (- e ), abouten , about ; befor-en , befor-n , before ; buven , buve , above; binncn , binne, within; with-outen , without. 6. (-£), motion from ; hennen , henne, hence ; thennen , thanen , thenne, thence; whennen, wenen, whenne , whence; which gave rise to the later forms with genitive affix -ar, as hennes , thennes , whennes. 7. -der, motion to; as in hider , thider , whider, hither, thither, whither. Dialectical varieties : — 1. The Scandinavian forms hethen , hence; quethen ( whe - then), whence ; thethen , thence ; sum , as — are not used in the Southern dialect. 2. The Northern dialect prefers the prefix 0#- (0-) to <2-; as on-slepe , asleep ; aback ; on-rounde , around. 3. In the West-Midland dialect we find m- as an ad- verbial prefix, as in-blande , together, mixedly ; in-lyche , alike ; in-mydde , inmyddes , amidst; in-monge , in-monges , amongst. Chaucer uses in-fere , together. 4. The Southern affix -tinge becomes -tinges (Sc. -/«w) in the Northern dialect, as grovetinges, on the face, prone; handtinges, hand to hand; hedtinges , headlong. 5. The Northern dialect employs or (way) as a suffix, as al-gate , always ; how-gate , how-so ; thus-gate, thus wise ; swa-gate, so-wise, in such a manner. 6. In-with, within; ut-with , without; forwit , before — are peculiar to the Northern dialect. INTRODUCTION. xxxviii § 15. PREPOSITIONS. The Northern dialect employs fra for the Southern fram ( vram ), Midland fro , from ; at , /z 7 , before the infinitive, for the Southern to ; am el, emel , for the Southern amiddes , amid. Mide, mid , with, and toppe ( = at-oppe ; oppe = uppe = up; cf. O. E. at-above) above, are unknown to the Northern dialect. § 16. CONJUNCTIONS. 1. If takes a negative form in the West-Midland dialect, as nif- if not. 2. No- but occurs in the Midland dialect for only. 3. Warn, warne = unless ; and thofquether = thohquether (Barbour has the quheihir), nevertheless — are unknown to the Southern dialect. 4. Ac, but, is not found in the Northern dialect. INTRODUCTION . XXXIX § 17. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. DATE I. (a) Robert of Gloucester s Chronicle ..... I. (b) Lives of Saints; see Furnivall’s edition (Phil. Soc.) , Lives of SS. Brandan and Beket (Percy Soc.) ; Popular Science, ed. T. Wright ...... II. Metrical English Psalter ...... III. The Proverbs of Hendyng ...... IV. Lyric Poems; MS. Harl. 2253 . . V. Handlyng Synne ; by Robert Manning, of Brunne . . Accession of Edward II ....... VI. Religious Poems ; by William of Shoreham VII. Cursor Mundi ; or, Cursor 0 Werld .... Pieces in Digby MS. 86 (Maxirpian, Dame Siriz, Vox and Wolf, &c.) Poem on the Times of Edward II (Percy Soc.) Romances, & c. in the Auchinleck MS. (Bevis of Hamptoun ; Guy of Warwick; Sir Tristram; Seven Sages, &c.) Accession of Edward III ...... VIII. Metrical Homilies ....... Birth of William Langland Alisaunder; a fragment, by the author of ‘William of Palerne* Birth of Geoffrey Chaucer . IX. Ayenbite of Inwyt ; by Dan Michel of Northgate X. Priche of Conscience ; by Richard Rolle of Hampole The Polychronicon (in Latin) ; by Ralph Higden . . , XI. Poems concerning Edward III ; by Lawrence Minot XII. William of Palerne; or, William arid the Werwolf XIII. Alliterative Poems ; in MS. Cotton, Nero A. x XIV. Voiage and Travaile ; by Sir John Maundeville . Morte Arthure ; in Alliterative Verse . The Gest Historyale of the Destruction of Troy; by the same author ........ Sir Gawayne and the Grene Knight . . . , XV. Piers the Plowman ( A-text ) ; by William Langland , Romaunt of the Rose ; by Geoffrey Chaucer .... 1298 about 1300 about 1300 about 1300 about 1300 1303 1307 about 1320 about 1320 about 1320? about 1320? I3 20_I 33°’ ' 3 2 7 about 1330 1332 about 1340 about 1340 1340 about 1340 1352 1352 about 1355 before 1 360 1356 about 1360 about 1360 about 1360 1362 about 1366? xl INTRODUCTION. Boke of the Duchesse ; by Geoffrey Chaucer . . . • XVI. The Bruce ; by John Barbour . Accession of Richard II ....... Piers the Plowman (B-text) ; by William Langland XVII. Tra?islation of the Bible; by John Wyclif and others . Death of Wyclif ......... XVIII. Translation of Hig den's Polychronicon ; by John of Trevisa ......... XIX. The Canterbury Tales; by Geoffrey Chaucer XX. Confessio Amantis; by John Gower . Piers the Plowman (C-text) ; by William Langland Peres the Ploughman’s Crede ...... The Complaint of the Ploughman, or the Plowman’s Tale; by the author of the ‘ Crede ’...,. Richard the Redeles ; by William Langland .... Accession of Henry IV ....... Death of Chaucer DATE 1369 1375 1377 *377 I 37 0_I 3®° 1384 1387 about 1387 1393 1393-1394 about 1394 about 1395 1399 *399 1400 L ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER'S CHRONICLE. A. D. 1298. Robert of Gloucester, a monk of the abbey of Gloucester, who lived in the reign of Edward I, wrote a rhymed Chronicle of England from the Siege of Troy to the death of Henry III (1272). The contemporary MS. in the British Museum has furnished the present specimen of the chronicler’s language, which repre- sents the Southern dialect of Gloucester. Robert of Gloucester is supposed to have been also the author of a metrical version of the Lives of the Saints. A few of these Lives (including the Life of St. Dunstan) have been printed in ‘ Early English Poems,’ edited for the Philological Society by F. J. Furnivall, M.A. 1862. The letters printed in italics are denoted in the MS. only by marks of abbreviation. E. g. the er in ‘maisters’ in 1 . 7 is de- noted by an upward curl; see the Introduction. The raised full-stops shew where the metrical pauses occur in each line; they are written like ordinary full-stops in the MS. (A) Reign of William the Conqueror . From Cotton MS. Caligula A. xi. leaves 107-114. Mvche ap pe sorwe ibe * ofte in Engelonde, As |e mowe her & er * ihure & vnderstonde, Of moni bataile ]>at aj> ibe • & pat men |>at lond nome. Verst, as $e abbej> ihurd * pe empmmrs of Rome, B VOL. II. 1. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. iC Suppe Saxons & Englisse * mid batayles stronge, 5 & suppe hii of Denemarch • pat hulde it al so longe ; Atte laste hii of Normandie * pat maisters bep 3ut here, Wonne hit & holdep ^ut * icholle telle in wuch manure, po Wiliam bastard hurde telle * of Haraldes suikelhede, Hou he adde ymad him king * & mid such falshede — 10 Vor pat lond him was bitake • as he wel [hit] wuste, To wite hit to him wel * & he wel to him truste — As [>e hende he dude verst • & messages him sende, pat he vnderstode him bet • is dede vor to amende, & p03te*t>n pe grete o]> • pat he him adde er ydo, 1 5 To wite him wel Engelond * & to spousi is do^hr also ; & hulde him per- of vorewarde * as he bihet ek pe kinge, & bote he dude bi-time he wolde * sende him o per tidinge, & seche him out ar tuelf monpe * & is rytes winne, pat he ne ssolde abbe in al Engelond * an heme to wite him inne. 20 Harald him sende word * ‘ pat folie it was to truste To such op, as was ido * mid strengpe, as he wel wuste; Vor jif a maide treupe ipl^t * to do an foie dede Al one priueliche • wipoute hir^ frepdes rede, pulke vorewarde were uor noft * ibroke • ]>at he suor mid is riyt hond, pat he wolde to is biofye • witie Engelond, & uor Seint Edward him $ef * Engelond al-so, & vo r he was next of is blod * & best wmpe per -to, & uor Harald nadde no ri^t * bote in falshede. 43 pes J?inges him made mest • biginne jmlke dede. & uor he wolde pat alle men * iseye is trewehede, To pe pope Alisandre he sende * in such cas him to rede. Haraldes falshede * po pe pope ysey |>ere, & parauntre me him tolde * more j>an sop were, 5*> pe pope asoilede & blessede * Wiliam, & alle his pat into pis bataile • mid him ssolde iwis, & halwede is bamr * pat me at-uore him bere. po was he & alle his * gladdore pan hii er were. So pat pis due adde * a$en heruest al $are 55 His barons & knifes • mid him uorto fare. To j?e hauene of Sein Walri * j >e due wende po Mid pe men pat he adde • & abide mo. Aft er heruest ]>o hor ssipes • & hii al preste were, & [wynd] 1 hom com af ter wille • hor seiles hii gonne arere, & hiderward in pe se * wel glad J?en wei nome, 61 So pat bi-side Hastinge * to Engelond hii come ; Hom po$te j>o hii come alo'nd * pat al was in hor hond. 1 Supplied from Hearne’s edition. 4 1. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER . As so ne as pe due Wiliam * is fot sette alond, On of is knrjtes gradde • ‘ hold vaste Wiliam nou 65 Engelond, uor per nis * no king bote pou, Vor siker |?ou be, Engelond * is nou J>in, iwis/ pe due Wiliam anon * uor-bed alle his, \j pa t non nere so wod to robby * ne no ma ner harm do pere, Vpe pe lond, pat is 1 was • bote horn pat a^en him were. 7c A 1 an fourtene n^t • hii bileuede per aboute, & conseilede of batayle * & ordeinede hor route. King Harald sat glad ynou * at Eu^rwik atte mete, So pat per com a messager * ar he adde i^ete, & sede, pat due Wiliam * to Hastinges was icome, 75 & is ba ner adde arerd * & pe contreie al inome. Harald anon, mid grete h^rte * corageus ynou, As he of nomon ne tolde # Jmd^rward uaste he drou. He ne let no^t clupie al is foie * so willesfol he was, & al for in pe o per bataile * him vel so vair cas. 80 po due Wiliam wuste * f>at he was icome so nei, A monek he sende him in message * & dude as pe sley, pat lond, )>at him was i^iue * pat he ssolde him vp-^elde, O per come, & dereyni pe ri^te * mid suerd in pe velde. 3if he sede, pat he nadde * none ri^te per-to, 85 pat vpe pe popes lokinge * of Rome he ssolde it do, & he wolde j?er-to stonde * al 2 wiJ?oute fi^te, Wer Seint Edward hit him }af * & wer he adde p^-to ri$te. Harald sende him word a3en • pat he nolde him take ho lond, Ne no lokinge of Rome • bote suerd & ri^t hond. 90 po hit o per ne m^te be * eiper in is side Conseilede & 3arkede horn * bataile uor to abide, pe Englisse al pe n^t bi-uore * uaste bigonne to sbzge, & spende al pe n^t in glotonie * & in drinkinge. 1 MS. ‘ it’ ; Hearne has ‘ hys.* 2 After * al’ Hearne inserts ‘ clene.* I. (a) reign of william the conqueror . 5 pe Normans ne dude nojt so * ac criede on God uaste, 95 & ssriue horn, ech aft er oper * fe wule fe ni^t ylaste, & amorwe hom let hoseli • mid milde herte ynou. & su ffe fe due wip is ost • toward fe bataiie drou, An stou^de he gan abide * & is knifes rede : — 4 3e kni^tes/ he sede, 4 fat bej> * of so noble dede, 100 pat nere neu^re outcome * ne 3oure elderne na|>emo, Vnder-stondef of fe kynge 1 of France * pat 30ure elderne dude so wo, Hou mi fad^r in Paris • amidde is kinedom, Mid prowesse of 30ure fad^res • mid strengfe him ou^rcom. Vnderstondef hou 30ure elderne * pe king nome also, 105 & held him uorte he adde amended • pat he adde misdo, & Richard, pat was po a child * ^olde Normandie, pat was due herbiuore * & pat to such maistrie, pat at eche parlem^t * pat he in France were, pat he were igurd wif suerd * pe wule he wen? fere, no Ne pat pe king of France * ne his so hardi nere, Ne non atte parlem^t * pat knif ne suerd bere. Vnder-stondef ek pe dedes * fat fulke Richard dude al-so, pat he ne ou^rcom no3t kinges alone * ac wel more per- to, Ac he oum;om fe deuel * & adoun him caste, 115 To-gadere as hii wrastlede * & bond is honden vaste Bihinde at is rugge * of such prowesse 3e fenche, Ne ssame 3e no3t fat Harald * fat eu^re was of luf er wrenche, & bi-uore 30U was uorsuore • fat he wolde mid is taile Turne is wombe toward vs • & is face in bataiie. 120 Vnderstondef fe suikedom • fat is fad^r & he wro3te, & hii fat mid him here bef * fo hii to defe bro3te So villiche Alfred mi cosin * & my kunesmen al-so. 1 So in Hearne ; the MS. has * kuwde/ 6 I. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER . Hou mi^te in eny wise • more ssame be ido ? Monie, pat dude Jmlke dede * ;e mowe her [to day] 1 ise. 125 Hou longe ssolle hor lu per heued • aboue hor ssoldren be ? Adrawef ^oure suerdes * & loke wo may do best, pat me ise joure prowesse * fram est to pe west, Vor to awreke pat gentil blod • pat so villiche was inome Of vr kunesmen, vor we mowe wel • vr time is nou icome/ pe due nadde no3t al ised * pat mid ernest gret 131 His folc quicliche 2 * to pe bataile sscet. A suein, pat het Taylefer * smot uorj) bi-uore per, & slou anon an Engliss mon * pat a burner ber, & ef-sone anop?r baneur * & pe fridde almest also, 135 Ac him-sulf 3 he was aslawe • ar pe dede were ydo. pe uerst ende of is ost biuore * Harald mid such ginne So pikke 4 sette, pat nomon • ne mijte come wijnnne, Wif stronge targes horn biuore * pat archers ne dude ho m A ■ ' i nojt, So pat Normans ^ere * nei to grounde ibro^t. 140 Wiliam bipo^te an q&ointise * & bi-gan to fle uaste, & is folc uorj? mid him • as hii were agaste, OJ & flowe ou^r an longe dale * & so vp anhey. pe Engliss ost was prout ynou * po he pis isey, & bigonne him to sprede * & aft er pen wey nome. 145 pe Normans wen? aboue pe hul • pe opere vpward come, & bi-turnde horn aboue al eseliche * as it wolde be donward, & pe opere binefe ne mi^te no3t • so quicliche vpward, & hii wen? biuore al tosprad • fat me m^te bitwene horn wende. pe Normans wen? po wel porueid * aboute in eche ende, 150 & stones adonward slonge • vpe horn ynowe, & mid spares & mid flon * vaste of horn slowe, 1 Supplied from Hearne. s MS. * hom sulf.* 2 Hearne has * Al ys folc wel atyled.* 4 MS. ‘ Jnlke’ ; Hearne ‘ )>ycke.’ 7. (a) reign of william the conqueror . 7 & mid suerd & mid ax * ug|jiijj)aj;. < ypward nome Ne myte no wille abbe of du;?t * as hii J>at donward come, & hor vantwarde was to-broke * J>at me m^te wi]?inne hom wewde, 155 So f?at pe Normans uaste • slowe in ech ende Of J?e Englisse, al uor no; t * J>at pe valeie was nei As heie ifuld mid dede men * as pe doune an-hei. pe ssetare donward al uor nojt • vaste slowe to gronde, So pat Harald ]>oru pen eie * issote was depes wounde. 160 & a knijt pat isei • pat he was to depe ibrojt, & smot him, as he lay bine]?e * & slou him as uor no$t. Fram pat it was amorwe • J?e bataile ilaste strong, Vor-te it was hei midou^rnon * & pat was somdel long. Moni was pe gode dunt * pat due Wiliam jef aday; 165 Vor pre stedes he slou * vnder him, as me say, Vorpriked, & uor-anzd aboute * & uor- wounded also, & debrused ajen dedemen • ar pe bataile were ido. & 3Ut was Willames grace * Jmlke day so god, pat he nadde no wounde warworn * he ssedde an drope blod. 170 pus, lo ! pe Englisse folc • vor nojt to grouwde com Vor a fals king, pat nadde no r^t * to pe kinedom, & come to a nywe louml * pat more in ri^te was. Ac hor noper, as me may ise * in pur r^te nas. & ]ms was in Normannes hond * pat lond ibrojt iwis, 175 pat anaunter jif eumno * keu^ringe per- of is. Of pe Normans hep heyem en * pat be]? of Engelonde, ^ & pe lowemen of Saxons * as ich vnderstonde, So pat je sep in eipev side • wat rijte 3e abbe]? perto ; Ac ich vnderstonde, pat it was * poru Godes wille ydo. 180 Vor pe wule pe men of pis lond * pur hexene were, No lond, ne no folc * ajen horn in armes nere ; Ac nou suppe pat pet folc • auenge cristendom, 8 7 . ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. & wel lute wule hulde * ]>e biheste }>at he nom, & turnde to sleuj^e & to prute * & to lecherie, 185 To glotonie, & heye men * muche to robberie ; As j>e gostes in auision * to Seint Edward sede, Wu \er ssolde in Engelond * come such wrecchede; Vor robberie of heiemen * vor clerken hordom, Hou God wolde sorwe sende * in J>is kinedom. 190 Bituene Misselmasse & Sein Luc * a Sein Calixtes day, As vel in Jmlke ^ere * in a Saterday, * In ]>e $er of grace * as it vel al-so, A J>ousend & sixe & sixti • J>is bataile was ido. Due Wiliam was \o old * nyne & J^ritti ^er, 195 & on & }>ritti }er he was * of Normandie due er. po pis bataile was ydo * due Wiliam let bringe Vaire is folc, )>at was aslawe • an er]>e Jjoru alle }>inge. Alle pat wolde, leue he jef * pat is fon anerj^e bro^te. Haraldes moder uor hire sone * wel 3erne him biso^te 200 Bi messages, & largeliche * him bed of ire ]>inge, To grand hire hire sones bodi • anerj^e vor to bringe. Wiliam hit sende hire vaire inou * wi]?oute eny jnng ware- uore : So pat it was ]>oru hire * wij? gret honour ybore To J?e hous of Waltham * & ibro$t aner}>e ]>ere, 205 In J?e holi rode chirche * pat he let him-sulf rere, An hous of religion * of canons ywis. ' Hit was ]>ev vaire an erj^e ibro^t * as it }ut is. Wiliam pis noble due * j?o he adde ido al pis, pen wey he nom to Londone * he & alle his, 210 As king & prince of londe * wij> nobleye ynou. A$en him wij? uair precession • pat folc of toune drou, & vnderueng him vaire inou * as king of pis lond. pus com, lo ! Engelond * in-to Normandies hond. & ]>e Normans ne cou]?e speke }>o * bote hor owe speche, 7. (a) reign of william the conqueror . 9 & speke French as hii dude atom • & hor children dude also teche. 216 So \at heiemen of J>is lond * ]?at of hor blod come, Holde]> alle Jmlke speche • J>at hii of horn nome. Vor bote a man conne Frenss * me telj> of him lute ; Ac lowe men holdej> to Engliss * & to hor owe speche jute. Ich wene \er ne bej> in al J?e world * contreyes none, 221 pat ne holdej) to hor owe speche * bote Engelond one. Ac wel me wot uor to conne * bo}>e wel it is, Vor J>e more pat a mon can * Ipe more wur]?e he is. pis noble due Wiliam • him let crouny king 225 At Londone a midwinter-day * nobliche )>oru alle pin g, Of f»e erchebissop of Eu^rwik * Aldred was is name ; per nas prince in al ]?e world * of so noble fame. Of J?e heyemen of ]>e lond • pat hii ne ssolde a$en bit&me, He esste ostage strong inou * & hii ne ssolde nojt wz/rne, Ac toke him ostage god • at is owe wille, 231 So pat 3if eny a3en him was * huld him po stille : 3 if toward Edgar Ameling * eni is herte drou, pat was kuwde eir of pis lond * him huld ]>o stille ynou. So pat ]>o pis Edgar • wuste al hou it was, 235 pat him nas no J>ing so god • as to [fie pe] 1 cas, His moder & is sostren tuo * mid him sone he nom, To wende a3en to pe lond * fram wan he er com. A wind per com po in pe se • & drof horn to Scotlonde, So }>at after betere wind * hii moste J>ere at-stonde. 240 Macolom king of pe lond * to him sone horn drou, & vor pe ku/rne fram wan hii come • honoured horn ynou. So pat ]>e gode Margarete * as is wille to [him] com, pe eldore soster of }>e tuo * in spoushod he nom. Bi hire he adde an do3ter suj?J?e * J>e gode quene Mold, 245 1 So in Hearne ; MS. * feky/ 10 I. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER . pat quene was of Engelond • as me ap er ytold, pat goderhele al Engelond * was heo eu ere ybore. Vor pom hire com suppe Engelond • into kunde more. In pe $er of grace a pousend * & sixti per-to King Macolom spousede * Margarete so. 250 Ac 1 king Wiliam po, As Teoskesburi & Oseneye * & aboute o per mo. King Wiliam was to milde me^ • debomre ynou, Ac to men J>at him wi])-sede • to alle sturnhede he drou. 280 In chirche he was deuout inou * vor him ne ssolde no day abide, pat he ne hurde masse & matines * & euesong & ech tide. So varj> monye of pis heyemen * in chirche me may yse Knely to God, as hii wolde * al quic to him fie, Ac be hii arise, & abbej) iturnd * fram pe weued hor wombe, Wolues dede hii nimep vorj? * J>at er dude as lombe. 286 Hii todrawe)) pe sely bondemen * as hii wolde horn hulde, ywis ; pey me wepe & crie on horn * no mercy per nis. VnneJ>e was per eni hous * in al Normandie Of religion, as abbey • o per priorie, 290 pat king Wiliam ne feffede * here in Engelonde Mid londes, oper mid rentes • pat hii abbej) her^ an honde, As me may wide aboute * in moni contreye ise, Ware-J)Oru pis lond nede mot * pe pou^rore be. King Wiliam adde ispoused * as God 3ef pat cas, 295 pe erles dojter of Flaundres * Mold hire name was. Sones hii adde to-gadere * & do3tren bo])e tuo, As Roberd pe Courtehese, & Wiliam * pe rede king al-so, Henry J>e gode king * was 3ongost of echon. Do3tren he adde al-so • Cecile het }>at on 300 pe eldoste, pat was at Cam • nonne & abbesse. Constance pe oper was • of Brutayne contesse, pe erles wif Alein * Adele 3ongost was, To Steuene Bleis ispoused * as God 3ef pat cas, & bi him adde ek an sone • Steuene was is name, 305 pat su])])e was king of Engelond * & endede mid ssame. Macolom king of Scotlond * & Edgar Ameling, 12 7. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER . pat best kunde in Engelond * adde to be king, Hulde hom euere in Scotlond * & poer to hom nome, To worri vpe king Wiliam • wanne god time come. 310 & gret compainie of heyemen * here in Engelonde pat ne louede no$t king Wiliam • were J?o in Scotlonfle, Vor king Macolom [alle] 1 vndmieng * pat a$en king Wiliam were, & drou hom to him in Scotlond * & susteinede hom )>ere. Vor Edgar, is wiues bro \er • was kunde eir of pis londe, 315 So pat hii adde of bo]?e )>e londes * gret poeir sone an honde. Ar king Wiliam adde ibe king * volliche ])re ^er, pat folc of Denemtfrch * pis lond worrede er, Gretyede hom mid gret poer * as hii dude er ilome, & mid ]>ve hondred ssipuol men * to Engelond hii come. 320 Hii ariuede in ]>e norJ>contreye * & Edgar Ameling & king Macolom were J?o ‘ glade J?oru alle J?ing. To hom hii come at Homb^r • mid poer of Scotlond, & were alle at o conseil * to worri Engelond. Hii worrede al Norjfliomb^rlond • & uorj? eu^re, as hii come, So pat J?e tou n of Euq castel ek hii nome, & monye heyemen al-so • of pe contreie aboute, So pat pet folc binorpe * ne dorste nour at-route. & ]>o hii adde al iwonne * pe contreie \er bi-side. Hii ne come no uer soupward * ac \er hii gonne abide Bi-tuene pe water of Trente • & of Ouse al-so. pere hii leuede 2 in hor poer * vorte winter were ido. pe king Wiliam abod is time * vorte winter was al oute, & po com he mid gret poer * & mid so gret route, pat hii nadde no poer * a^en him uor to stonde, Ac lete pe king pe maistrie * & flowe to Scotlonde, & hom to hor owe lond * pe Deneis flowe 2^6. 3 26 330 335 1 Supplied from Hearne. 2 bi-leuede ? Hearne has ‘ byleuede.’ 7 . (a) reign of william the conqueror . 13 pe king destruede pe contreie * al aboute pe se, Of frut & of corne * pat per ne bileuede no:$t Sixti mile fram pe se * £>at nas to grounde ibro^t. 340 & al pat pe Deneis • no mete ne fowzde pere Wanne hii come to worri • & so pe feblore were. So J>at $ute to pis day * muche lond per is As al wast & vntuled * so it was po destrued ywis. King Wiliam adau/ztede * J>at folc of Walis, 345 & made horn bere him truage * & bihote him & his. pe seue)>e ^er of is kinedom * an alle soule day, pe quene Mold is wif deide * pat er longe sik lay, In J>e 3er of grace a ]>ousend * & seuenti & J>re. Anon in Jmlke sulne ^ere * as it wolde be, 350 pe king Wiliam, uorto wite * pe wurj? of is londe, Let enqueri streitliche * |>oru al Engelonde, Hou moni plou-lond * & hou moni hiden al-so, Were in emrich ssire * & wat hii were wmp pr-to ; & pe rentes of ech tou^ • & of pe wateres echone 355 pet worJ>, & of wodes ek * pat per ne bileuede none, pat he nuste wat hii were worJ> * of al Engelonde, & wite al clene pat wor)> * per- of, ich vnd^r-stonde, & let it write clene ynou * & pat scrit dude iwis In j?e tresorie at Westm instre * pere [as] 1 it 3ut is ; 360 So pat vre kinges su^e * wanne hii rauzzson toke, Iredy wat folc mi^te ^iue * hii fou/zde pere in hor boke. per was bi king Willames daye • worre & sorwe inou, Vor no mon ne dorste him wipegge * he wro^te muche w[ip] wou. To horn, paA wolde is wille do * debon^re he was & milde, & to horn pat him wipsede 2 • strong tirant & wilde. 366 Wo-so come to esse him ri^t * of eni trespas, 1 Supplied from Hearne. 2 MS. ‘ wif) him sede ’ ; him being expuncted. 14 I. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. Bote he payde him pe bet • pe wors is ende was, & pe more vnri^t me ssolde him do * ac amo ng opere napeles poru-out al Engelond • he huld wel god pes; 37° Vor me m^te here bi is daye * & lede hardeliche Tresour aboute & o \er god * ou^ral ap^rteliche, In wodes & in oper studes • so pat no time nas pet pes bet isusteined • pan bi his time was. Game of hou#des he louede inou * & of wilde best, 375 & is forest & is wodes * & mest pe niwe forest, pat is in Souphamtessire * vor pulke he louede inou, & astorede wel mid bestes * & lese, mid gret wou. Vor he caste out of house & horn • of men a gret route, & bi-nom hor lond, %e, pritti mile * & more per-aboute, 380 & made it al forest & lese * pe bestes uor to fede. Of pouere me[n] deserited * he nom lutel hede. P^r-uore p^r-inne vel 1 * mony mis-cheuing, & is sone was p^r-inne issote * Wiliam, pe rede king; & is o sone, pat het Richard * ca$te per is dep al-so. 385 & Richard, is o neueu * brec pere is nekke p^r-to, As he rod an hontep * & p so gret prute & wast * & so richeliche, pat wonder it was wenene it com • ac, to susteini sue h nobleye, He destruede pat pou^re folc * & nom of hom is preye, So pat he was riche him-sulf * & \aA lond pomre al out. 405 Sturne he was ]>oru-out al * & heiuol & prout. Sui}?e pikke 1 mon he was * & of grete strengj?e, Gret-worzbede & ballede * & bote of euene lengj^e. So stif mon he was in armes • in ssoldren, & in lende, pat vnnej?e eni mon • mi^te is bowe bende, 410 pat he wolde him-sulf vp is fot * ridinge wel vaste, L^tliche, & ssete also * mid bowe & arblaste. So hoi he was of body ek * pat he ne lay neu^re uaste Sik in is bed vor non vuel • bote in is de|>-vuel atte laste. As he' wolde some-time * to Normandie wende, 415 Al pat ajt was in E/zgelo/zd * he let somony in ech ezzde To Salesburi to-uore him * pat hii suore him alle \>ere To be him triwe & holde * J>e wule he of londe were. per-to he nom gret peine of hom • & fram Salesburi to \V13t He wende, & fram ]>anene * to Normandie ri^t. 420 & pe wule he was out of Engelond * Edgar Ameling (pat rqt eir was of Engelond • & ku/zde to be king) 2 Made is 3onge soster * as God 3ef pat cas, Nonne in pe hous of Romeseye * Cristine hirulke lond • & of France he nom 1 MS. * pike* ; Hearne, * Jjycke/ 2 MS. transposes the latter parts of lines 421 and 422. i6 I. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER . Mid him in-to Engelond * of kn^tes & squiers, Speremen auote & bowemen * & al-so arblasters, 430 pat hom J>03te in Engelond * so muche folc neu^re nas, pat it was wonder ware-J>oru • isousteined it was. Hii of Denemarch flowe sone • vor hii nadde no poer, Ac pet folc of blonde se * bileuede alle her, pat vnnej>e al pat lond • sustenance hom vond. 435 & J >e king hom sende her & per • aboute in Engelond To diu^rse men, to finde hom mete * more J>a n hor poer was, So pat in ech manure * pat lond destrued was : Frut & corn per failede * tempestes per come, pondringe & li^tinge ek * pat slou men ilome. 440 Manne orf deide al agrounde * so gret qualm per com po, Orf failede & eke corn * hou m^te be more wo ? Seknesse com ek among men * pat aboute wide, Wat vor hong^r, wat uor wo * men deide in ech side, So pat sorwes in Engelond * were wel mony-volde. 445 pe king & oper richemen * wel lute per- of tolde, Vor hii wolde euer come & bode more * he were inne anon, So pat hii J>at bode mest * bro^te out monion. Nere pe vorewarde no so strong * me bo3te is out wij? wou, So pat pe king in such manure * sulu^r wan ynou. 456 po he adde iset is londes so • mid such tricherye So heye, & al is o per ]nng * he wende to Normandie, & pere he dude wowe ynou * mid slajt & robberye, & nameliche vpe pe king of France * & vpe is corzpainie, 7. (a) reign of william the CONQUEROR. 1 7 So [>at in |>e toun of Reins • king Wiliam atte laste, 461 Vor eld & uor trauail • bigan to febli vaste. pe king Phelip of France * j>e lasse ]?o of him tolde, & drof him to busemare * as me ofte dej> }>an olde. ‘ pe king/ he sede, ‘ of Engelond ■ halt him to is bedde, 465 & lij? mid is grete wombe • at Reins, a child-bedde/ po king Wiliam hurde pis * he made him sorzdel wro|>, Vor edwit of is grete wombe * & suor anora pis oJ>: ‘ Bi J?e vprisinge of Ihmi Crist • $if God me wole grace sende, Vor to make mi chirchegong * & bringe me of pis bende, 470 Suche wiues icholle mid me lede * & such li}t atten ende, pat an hondred |>ousend candlen * & mo icholle him tende Amidde is lond of France * & is prute ssende, pat a sori chirgegong ic^cholle him make • ar ic^ ]?anne we[nde]/ Vorewarde he huld him wel inou • vor to hmiest anon, 475 po he sey pat feldes were * vol of corne echon, A 1 pe contreie vol of frut • wawne he mijte mest harm do, He let gadery is knifes • & is squiers al-so, & pat were is wiues • pat he wij> him ladde. He wende him in-to France * & pe contreie omr-spradde, & robbede & destruede * him ne mi^te noting lette. 481 pe grete citd of Medes * su{?J?e afure he sette, Vor me ne m^te no chirchegong * wtyoute li$te do. pe cite he barnde al clene • & an chirche al-so Of vr leuedi, pat J>^r-inne was * & an au/zcre, Godes spouse, pat nolde vor no }>ing ■ fle out of hire house. 486 & monimo/z & workman ek * \er vel in meschauzzce, So pat a sori chirchegong * hit was to ]>e king of France. King Wiliam wende a}en * ]?o al pis was ido, & bigan sone to grony • & to febly al-so, Vor trauail of j>e voul asaut * & vor he was feble er, vol. n. c 490 1 8 I. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER . & parauntre vor wreche al-so * vor he dude so vuele per. po he com to Reins a$en • sik he lay sone, His leches lokede is stat * as hor ri^t was to done, & iseye & sede also * pat he ne mi^te ofscapie no3t. 495 pere was sone sorwe ynou * among is men ybro^t, & he him-sulf deol inou * & sorwe made al-so, & nameliche uor pe muche wo * pat he adde anerjie ydo. He wep on God vaste ynou * & criede him milce & ore, & bihet, }if he moste libbe * pat he nolde misdo nawmore. Er he ssolde pat abbe ydo * vor it was po late ynou. 501 Atte laste, po he isei * pat toward is ende he drou, His biquide in pis man ere • he made biuore is dej>. Wiliam, pe rede, al Engelond * is sone he bi-quej?, pe ^ongore, al is porchas * ac, as lawe was & wone, 505 Normandie, is eritage * he 3ef is eldoste sone, Robml pe Courtehese * & Henry pe 3ongoste po He biquej? is tresour * vor he nadde sones nawmo. He het dele ek pou^remen * muche of is tresorie, Vor he adde so muche of horn • inome in robberye. 510 Chirchen he let rere al-so * & tresour he 3ef ynou, To rere vp pe chirche of France * pat he barnde wi)> wou. pe prisons he let of Engelond * deliu^ry echonc* & of Normandie al-so * pat per ne leuede none. po deide he in pe $er of grace * a J?ousend, as it was, 515 & four score & seuene * as God 3ef pat cas. He was king of Engelond * four & tuenti 3er al-so, & due ek 1 of Normandie * vifty 3er & tuo. Of elde he was nyne & fifty 3er * po God him 3ef such cas. pe morwe after Seinte Mari day * pe later , ded he was. 520 In ]>e abbey of Cam * iburr^d was pis king; & Henry is 3onge sone • was at is buriing, 1 So in Hearne ; MS. ‘ er.* /. (b) THE LIFE OF ST. DUNSTAN. 19 Ac noj )er of is o per sones • vor in France po Rob^rd Courtehese was * in worre & in wo ; Sc Wiliam ano/z so is fad, 525 He nolde nojt abide * vorte is fad^r dej>, Ac wende him out of Normandie * ano n to Engelozzde, Vorto nime hastiliche • seisine of is londe, pat was him po leu^re • j?an is fad^r were, So J>at per nas of is sones • bote pe jonge Henry )>ere. 530 (B) From the ‘ Life of St. Dunstan.' The following legend of St. Dunstan’s adventure with the Devil is in the same dialect as the ‘ Reign of William the Conqueror’; see p. 1. Harleian MS. 2277, leaf 51. Seint Dunstan was of Engelond • icome of gode more ; Miracle oure Lou $ut nou, 5 Here lyt aqueynte oueral • here non nuste hou ; Her ri$t hit brende suyj^e wel * & her r^t hit was oute. pat folc stod in gret wonder * & also in grete doute, And hi speke ech to oper • in whiche manure hit were, Hou hit queynte so sodeynliche * pe lyt pat hi bere. 10 As hi stode Sc speke peroi ' in gret wounder echon, Seizzt Dunstanes moder tap^r • afure worp anon, pat heo huld on hire hond * heo nuste whannes hit com. pat folc stod & bihuld * Sc gret wonder peroi nom ; Ne non nuste wannes hit com * bote purf oure Lou^rdes grace. per-oi hi tende here lyt • alle in pe place. 16 c 2 20 I. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER . What was pat oury Louyrd Crist • pe l^t fram heuene sende, & pat folc pat stod aboute * hery tapyres peroi tende, Bote of pat holi child • pat was in hiry wombe pere, A 1 Engelonde scholde pe bet beo ili^t * pat hit ibore wery? 20 pis child was ibore neo3e hondred 3er • & fyue & tuenti ar^t, After pat oury suete Louerd * in his moder was ali^t, pe furste ^er of pe crouning • of pe king Adelston ; His moder het Kenedride * his fader Herston. po pis child was an vrj?e ibore * his freond nome perto hede, Hi lete hit do to Glastnebury * to norischi & to fede 1 , 26 To teche hi m eke his bileue * pater-nw/yr & crede. pe child wax & wel ipe^ * for hit moste nede. Lute ^eme he nom to pe wordle * to alle godnisse he drou3 ; Ech man pat hurde of hi m speke * hadde of hi m ioye ynou3* po he was of manes wit * to his vncle he gan go, 31 Pe archebischop of Canterbury * seiwt Aldelm pat was po , p hi m ioye ynou^ • & euer^ pe lenger to bidde his bedes ; pj>e * alone him to fonde, 70 Rijt as pe sonne wende adoun # ryt as he workman were, & spac wip hi m of his wore * wij? [a] la3inge chere nose * & wel faste drou$ ; 80 He tuengde & schok hire bi pe nose * pat J>e fur out-blaste ; pe deuel wrickede her & per • & he huld euere faste. He }al & hupte & drou} a$e * & makede grislich bere, He nolde for al his b^ete * pat he hadde icome pere. Mid his tonge he snytte hire nose * & tuengde hire sore, 85 For hit was wij?-inne pe ny}te • he ne mi}te iseo nomore. pe schrewe was glad & blipe ynou3 * po he was out of his honde, He fle^ & gradde bi pe lifte • pat me hurde in-to al pe londe : ‘ Out ! what ha]> pe calewe ido • what haj> pe calewe ido !' In pe contrai me hurde wide * hou pe schrewe gradde so. 90 As god pe schrewe hadde ibeo * atom, ysnyt his nose, He ne hi^ede no more )?iderward * to hele hi m of pe pose. METRICAL ENGLISH PSALTER, BEFORE A.D. I3OO. T he following extracts are from the Northumbrian Psalter in the Cotton MS. Vespasian D. vii, which was written about the middle of the reign of Edward II. The language, however, is much earlier, and represents the speech of Yorkshire and the Northumbrian dialect in the latter half of the thirteenth century. This Psalter was published by the Surtees Society in 1843-7, together with an Anglo-Saxon one. Nothing whatever is known concerning the authorship of this version of the Psalms ; but it was evidently made from the Latin Vulgate. The numbers of the Psalms and verses are the same as in the Vulgate. A later version of Psalms xiv., xxiii., and cii. will be found in Section XVII. Psalm viii. 2 Lauerd, oure Lauml, hou selkouth is Name June in alle land )>is. For vpehouen es }>i mykelhede Ouer heuens j>at ere brade. 3 Of mouth of childer and soukand 5 Made ]>ou lof in ilka land, For j>i faes ; pat ]>ou fordo « pe faa, ]>e wreker him vnto. 4 For I sal se j)ine heuenes hegh, And werkes of j>ine fingres slegh ; 10 pe mone and sternes mani ma, pat Jjou grounded to be swa. 77. METRICAL ENGLISH PSALTER . 5 What is man, )?at J?ou mines of him ? Or sone of man, for ]>ou sekes him ? 6 pou liteled him a litel wight Lesse fra June aungeles bright ; With blisse and mensk J)Ou crouned him yet, 7 And ouer werkes of j>i hend him set. 8 pou vnderlaide alle Jnnges Vnder his fete pat ought forthbringes, Neete and schepe bathe for to welde, Inouer and beestes of j?e felde, 9 Fogheles of heuen and fissches of se, pat forthgone stihes of J?e se. io Lauml, our Laumi, hou selkouth is Name June in alle land pis. Psalm xiy (xv). 1 L,\uert>, in \\ telde wha sal wone ? In J>i hali hilh? or wha reste mone ? 2 Whilke pat incomes wemles, And ai wirkes rightwisenes ; 3 pat spekes sothnes in hert his, And noght dide swikeldome in tung his, Ne dide to his neghburgh iuel ne gram ; Ne ogaines his neghburgh vpbraiding nam. 4 To noght es led^ lither in his sight; And dredand Laumi he glades right. He pat to his neghburgh sweres, And noght biswikes him ne deres. 5 Ne his siluer til okir noght es giuand; Ne giftes toke ouat wan? dounfalland Kindled ere of him glouand. 10 He helded heuens, and doune come he; And dimnes vnder his fete to be. 11 And he stegh ou^r Cherubin, and flegh fare He flegh ou^r fetheres of windes ware. 1 2 And he set mirkenes his lurking lang, 2 6 //. METRICAL ENGLISH PSALTER. His telde to be in his vmgang; Mirke watres J>at war* of hewe, In J?e kloudes of ]>e skewe. 13 For leuening in his sight cloudes schire 35 Forthyheden, haile, and koles of fire. 14 And Lau*rd thonered fra heuen, and heghest sire Gaf his steuen ; haile, coles of fire. 15 And he sent his arwes, and skatered J?a; Felefalded leuening, and dreued j?am swa. 4° 1 6 And schewed welles of watres ware, And groundes of ertheli werld* vnhiled are, For )?i snibbkg, Laumi myne; For onesprute of gast of wreth ]>ine. 17 He sent fra hegh, and vptoke me; 45 Fra many watres me nam he. 18 He outtoke me }>ar* amang Fra mi faas f>at war sa strang, And fra j>a me J>at hated ai ; For samen strenghj?ed ouer me war j>ai. 50 19 pai forcome me in daie of twinging; And made es Lau*rd mi forhiling. 20 And he led me in brede to be ; Sauf made he me, for he wald me. 2 1 And foryhelde to me Lau*rd sal 55 After mi righ[t]wisenes al; And after clensing of mi hende Sal he yhelde to me at ende. 22 For waies of Lau*rd yemed I, Ne fra mi God dide I wickedly. 60 23 For al his domes in mi sight ere })a, And his rightwisenes noght put I me fra. 24 And I sal be with him wemmeles, And loke me fra mi wickednes. II. PSALM XVII (XVI I l). 25 And Lau^rd to me foryhelde he sal After mi rightwisnes al, And after clennes of mi hend swa In sight of eghen his twa. 26 With hali halgh bes of J>e ; With man vnderand, vnderand be. 27 With chosen, and be chosen j?ou sal; With il-torned, and il-tornest al. 28 For J?ou meke folk sauf make sal nou; And eghen of proude meke sal-tou. 29 For f>ou lightes mi lantern bright, Mi God, mi mirkenes light. 30 For in J?e be I outtane fra fanding al, And in mi God sal I ouerfan? j?e wal. 31 Mi God vnfiled es his wai ; Speche of Lau^rd with fire es ai Fraisted ; forhiler es he Of al }>at in him hopand be. 32 For wha God bot Lauml we calle; Or wha God bot our God of alle ? 33 Lauml, J?at girde me with might, And set vnwemmed mi wai right ; 34 pat set mi fete als of hertes ma, And ouer heghnes settand me swa ; 35 pat leres mi hend at fight nou, And mine armes als brasen bow set J>ou. 36 And J>ou gaf me forhiling of hele of j?e, And J)i right hand onfanged me ; And ]>i lare in ende me rightid al, And }>i lare it me lere sal. 37 pou tobreddest mi gainges vnder me, And mi steppes noght vnfest pai be. 38 I sal filghe mi faas, and vmlap }>a ; 28 II. METRICAL ENGLISH PSALTER. And noght ogaintorne to j>ai wane swa. 39 I sal |?am breke, ne stand f>ai might; pai sal falle vnder mi fete dounright, 100 40 And })Ou girde me with might at fight in land, And vnderlaide vnder me in me riseand, 4 1 And mi faas obak J>ou gaf me nou ; And hatand me forlesed \>ou. 42 pai cried, ne was pat sauf made ought, 105 To Lau^rd, and he herde J?am noght. 43 And I sal gnide [j>am] als dust bi-for winde likam; Als fen of gates owai do J?am. 44 Outtake fra ogainsaghes of folk )>ou sal; In heued of genge me set with al. no 45 Folk whilk I ne knewe serued to me; In hering of ere me bogned he. 46 Outen sones to me lighed pai, Outen sones elded er pai ; And pai halted \>ave pai yhode 115 Fra June sties pat er^ gode. 47 Lau^rd Hues, and mi God blissed be; And God of mi hele vphouen be he. 48 God pat giues wrekes me to, And vnders folk vnder me so, 120 Mi leser artou, night and dai, Fra mi faes ben wrathful ai, 49 And fra in me risand vpheue sal-tou me ; Fra wicke man outtake me to fie. 50 For-]?i in birj>es sal I to J?e schryue, 125 Lau^rd, and to J?i name salm sai mi Hue. 5 1 Heles of his king mikeland, And als swa mercy doand To his crist, pat es Dauid, And to his sede til in werld J?ar wid. 130 II. PSALM XXIII (XXIV). Psalm xxiii (xxiv). 1 Of Laumi es land and fulhed his ; Erf>eli werld, and alle j?ar-in is. 2 For ouer sees it grounded he, And ouer stremes grained it to be. 3 Wha sal stegh in hilk of Laumi winli, Or wha sal stand in his stede hali ? 4 Vnderand of hend bidene, And J>at of his hert es clene ; In vnnait f>at his saule noght nam, Ne sware to his neghburgh in swikedam. 5 He sal fang of Laue king of blisse }>at isse? Lauml of mightes es king of blisse. Psalm cii (cm). 1 Blisse, mi saule, to Lauml ai isse, And alle pat with-in me ere to hali name hisse. 2 Blisse, mi saule, to Lauml of alle thinges, 30 II. METRICAL ENGLISH PSALTER. And nil forgete alle his foryheldinges. 3 pat winsom es to alle pin e wickenesses, pat heles alle }>ine sekenesses. 4 pat bies fra steruing J?i lif derli, pat crounes J?e with rewj>es and with merci. 5 pat filles in godes Jn yherninges al, Als erne J?i yhouthe be newed sal. 6 Doand mercies Lauerd 1 in land, And dome til alk vnright tholand. 7 Kouthe made he to Moises his waies wele, His willes til sones of I'[s]rael. 8 Rewful and mildeherted Lauml gode, And mildeherted and langmode. 9 Noght wreth he sal in eumnore , Ne in ai sal he threte J>ar-fore. 10 Noght after our sinnes dide he til vs, Ne after our wickenes foryheld vs )ms. 1 1 For after heghnes of heuen fra land, Strengbped he his merci OMer him dredand. 1 2 Hou mikle estdel stand westdel fra, Fer made he fra vs oure wickenes swa. 13 Als rewed es fadre of sones, Rewed es Lauerd, pare he wones, Of pa pat him dredand be ; 14 Fore our schaft wele knawes he, Mined es he wele in thoght pat dust ere we and worth noght. 15 Man his daies ere als hai, Als blome of felde sal he welyen awai. 16 For gaste thurghfare in him it sal, And noght vndrestand he sal with-al; 5 10 20 25 30 1 MS. ‘ Lamed/' II. PSALM CII (cm). 3 1 And knawe namare sal he His stede, whare fat it sal be. 17 And Lauerdes merci eure dwelland, And til ai our him dredeand ; And in sones of sones his rightwisenes, 18 To fas J>at yhemes witeword his; And mined sal J>ai be, night and dai, Of his bodes to do fam ai. 19 Lauerd in heuen grained sete his, And his rike til alle sal Lauerd in blis. 20 Blisses to Lauerd with alle your might, Alle his aungels, fat eve bright ; Mightand of thew, doand his worde swa, To here steuen of his saghs ma. 2 1 Blisses to Lauerd, alle mightes his, His hine, J>at does J>at his wille is. 22 Blisses Lauerd, with wille and thoght, Alle fe werkes J>at he wroght. In alle stedes of his laumlschipe ma, Blisse, mi saule, ai Lauerd swa. Psalm ciii (civ). 1 Blisse, mi saule, Lauerd nou; Lauerd, mi God, swith mikel ertou. Schrift and fairehed schred fou right ; 2 Vmlapped als klefing with light, Strekand heuen als fel with blis ; 3 pat hiles with watres omrestes his ; pat settes pin vpsteghing kloude, pat gaas ouer fetheres of wyndes loude ; 4 pat makes fine aungels gastes flighand, And fin hine fire brinnand ; 5 pat groundes land ouer stafelnes his, 35 40 45 50 5 10 II. METRICAL ENGLISH PSALTER . Noght helde sal in werld of werld Jns. 6 Depnes als schroude his hiling alle, Ouer hilles his watres stand salle. 7 Fra fi snibbing sal fai fie, For steuen of Jn thoner fered be ; 8 Vpsteghes hilles and feldes doun^as, In stede whilk fou grounded to fas. 9 Mere set fou whilk ouerga fai ne sal, Ne turne to hile fe land with-al. 10 pat outsendes welles in dales ma, Bitwix mid hilles sal watres ga. 1 1 Drink sal alle bestes of felde wide, Wilde asses in far thrist sal abide. 12 Ouer fa wone sal foghles of heuen, Fra mid of stanes gif sal pai steuen. 13 Fra his ouermastes hilles watrand, Of fruite of his werkes filled bes fe land. 14 Forthledand hai to meres ma, And gresse to hinehede of men swa, pat ]>ou outelede fra erthe brede. 15 And hert of man faines wyne rede, pat he glade likam in oyele best, And brede fe hert of man sal fest. 16 Be fullefilled sal trees of felde ilkan, And fe cedres of Yban, Whilk he planted with his hand. 17 pare sal sparwes be nestland, Wilde haukes hous-leder of fa. 18 Hilles hegh til hertes ma, And fe stane, bi dai and night, Vntil irchones es toflight. 19 He made fe mone in times lang; pe sunne, it knew his setelgang. II. PSALM Cl II (CIV). 33 20 pou set mirkenesses, and made es night gode ; 45 In it sal forthfare alle bestes of wode ; 2 1 Lyoun whelpes romiand j>at ]>ai reue swa, And seke fra God mete vnto j>a. 2 2 Sprungen es sunne and samened ere j>ai, And in J?ar dennes bilouked sal be al dai. 50 23 Oute sal man ga vnto his werke, And til his wirkeing til euen merke. 2 4 Hou mikeled ere, Lauml, ]>ine werkes ma ; Alle in wisedome made ]?ou J>a : Ilka land fulfilled es it 55 With Jnne aght thurgh j?i wit. 25 pis see mikel and roume til hende, par wormes, of whilk es nan ende ; Bestes smaller with ]>e mare. 26 pider schippes sal ouerfare ; 60 pis dragoun pat ]>on made biforn, For to plaie with him in skorn. 27 Alle fra ]>e pai abide, pat \>ou gif ]>am mete in tide. 28 Giueand J?e to J>am, gedre pai sal* 65 pe oppenand \\ hand with-al, Alle sal pai, man? and lesse, Be fulfilled with jn godenesse. 29 pe sothlik turnand J?i likam, pai sal be dreued ; j>e gast of ]>am 70 pou salt outbere, and wane sal pai, And in pair duste sal turne for ai. 30 Outsend J?i gaste and made pai sal bene, And new saltou pe face of erthe bidene. 31 Be blis of Lamrd in werld pis, 75 And faine sal Lauml in werkes his, 32 pat bihaldes land, and to qwake makes it; VOL. II. D II METRICAL ENGLISH PSALTER . 34 pat neghes hilles, and j>ai smoke yhit. 33 I sal sing to Lauml in mi lif for-pi, I sal salme to mi God hou lang am I. 80 34 Winsome to him be mi speche al, I sothlik in Lau^rd like sal. 35 Wane sinful fra erthe, and wik pat isse, Swa pat pai noght be : mi saule, Lau^rd blisse. III. THE PROVERBS OF HENDYNG. A.D. I272-I307. T he following illustrations of English proverbial philosophy in the thirteenth century are taken from MS. Harleian 2253. They are printed in ‘ Reliquiae Antiquae’ (ed. Wright and Halliwell), vol. i. pp. 109-116, and in J. M. Kemble’s appendix to c The Dialogues of Salomon and Saturn’ (JElfric Society), 1848. The dialect is Southern intermixed with some few Midland peculi- arities. A few readings are added from MS. Gamb. Gg. i. 1. [MS. Harl. 2253; leaves 125 — 127.] 1 Mon }>at wol of wysdam heren, At wyse Hendyng he may lernen, pat wes Marcolues sone ; Gode jxmkes & monie f>ewes Forte teche fele shrewes, 5 For pat wes euer is wone. 2 lesu Crist, al folkes red, pat for vs alle ]?olede ded Vpon J?e rode-tre, Leue vs alle to ben wys, 10 Ant to ende in his seruys ! Amen, p ar charitd ! * God beginning make)? god endyng;' Quo)? Hendyng. d 2 Ill . PROVERBS OF HENDYNG . 3 6 3 Wyt & wysdom lurnej? }erne, 15 Ant loke )>at non oj>er werne To be wys & hende ; For betere were to bue wis pen forte were 1 fob & grys, Wher-so mon shal ende. 20 ‘ Wyt & wysdom is god warysoun Quoj> Hendyng. 4 Ne may no mon pat is in londe, For nojjyng pat he con fonde, Wonen at home, & spede 2 s So fele J^ewes for te leorne, Ase he pat ha}> ysoht 2 ^eorne In wel fele ]>eode. 4 Ase fele J?ede, ase fele pewes Quoj> Hendyng. 30 5 Ne bue pi child neuer so duere, Ant hit wolle vn]?ewes lerne, Bet hit oJ?er-whyle ; Mote hit al habben is wille, Woltou, nultou, hit wol spille, 35 Ant bicome a fule. ‘Luef child lore byl^e^;’ QuoJ) Hendyng. 6 Such lores ase pou lernest, After pat Jjou sist & herest, 40 Mon, in )>yne 30uj>e, Shule pQ on elde folewe, BoJ>e an eue & amorewe, & bue pe fol couj?e. 1 where ’ in MS. ; Camb. ‘ weri.’ MS. has ‘ysojrt ; Camb. *isowt.’ Ill . PROVERBS OF HENDYNG. 37 4 Whose 3ong lerne}>, olt he ne \esep 45 Quop Hendyng. 9 Me may lere a sely fode, pat is euer toward gode, WiJ> a lutel lore ; 65 3ef me nul him former teche, penne is herte wol areche Forte lerne more. 4 Sely chyld is sone ylered Quop Hendyng. 70 # 10 3ef \>ou wolt fleysh^ lust outcome, pou most fiht 1 & fle ylome, WiJ? eye & wij> huerte ; Of fleyshlust come]? shame ; pah 2 hit }>unche pe body game, 75 Hit dop pe soule smerte. 4 Wei fyht 3 , pat wel hyp ; Quop Hendyng. 1 1 Wis mon halt is wordes ynne ; For he nul no gle bygynne, 80 Er he haue te^pred is pype. Sot is sot, & pat is sene ; For he wol speke wordes grene, Er }>en hue buen rype. 4 Sottes bolt is sone shote 85 Quop Hendyng. 12 Tel pon neuer py fomon Shome ne teone pat pe is on, pi care ne py wo ; 1 MS. has * fist.* MS. has * J>aJ? ' ; Camb. £ bowh.* MS. has ‘ fyht.’ Ill . PROVERBS OF HENDYNG. For he wol fonde, ^ef he may, 90 Bo]>e by nyhtes & by day, Of on to make two. ‘ Tel j?ou neuer J?y fo J?at j>y fot akej? Q«oJ> Hendyng. 13 J?ou hauest bred & ale, * 95 Ne put J?ou nout al in j>y male, pou del hit sum aboute. Be )?ou fre of \>y meeles, Wher-so me eny mete deles, Gest ]>o\i nout wi)>-oute. 100 4 Betere is appel y^eue j?en y-ete Quo]? Hendyng. 14 Alle whyle ich wes on er]?e, Neuer lykede me my wer]>e, For none wynes fylle; 105 Bote myn & myn owen won, Wyn & water, stok* & ston, Al go]? to my wille. ‘ Este bue)> oune brondes Quo]> Hendyng. no 15 3ef ]e lacke]? mete o]?er clo]? 1 , Ne make ]?e nout for-)>y to wro}? 1 , pah 2 )>ou byde borewe ; For he ]at hauef> is god ploh 3 , Ant of worldes wele ynoh, 115 Ne wot he of no sore we. ‘ Gredy is ]>e godles Q[u]oJ? Hendyng. 1 MS. has ‘ cloJ>t/ ‘ wro>t ’ ; Camb. ‘ clo}>e,’ ‘ wrothe/ 2 MS. has ‘ >a pi 3 MS. has * plop * ; Camb. ‘ plouh.’ III. PROVERBS OF HENDYNG. 1 6 }ef pon art riche & wel ytold, Ne be j>ou noht 1 Jjarefore to bold, Ne wax J?ou nout to wilde; Ah ber po feyre in al )>yng, & j?ou miht habbe blessyng, & be meke & mylde. 1 When }>e coppe is follest, penne ber hire feyrest Quo)? Hendyng. 1 9 pah Jjou muche penche, ne spek pon nout al ; Bynd pine tonge wij? bonene wal ; Let hit don synke, per hit vp swal ; penne myht 2 pon fynde frend oueral. 1 Tonge breke}> bon, & nad hire-selue non;' Quo]) Hendyng. 20 Hit is mony gedelyng, When me him $enep a lutel ])yng, Waxen wol vn-saht 3 . Hy telle he dep wel by me, ])at me %enep a lutel fe, Ant owe}> me riht naht. ‘ pat me lutel %enep, he my lyf ys on;’ Quo]) Hendyng. 2 1 Mon pat is luef don ylle, When pe world go]) after is wille, Sore may him drede ; For 3ef hit tyde so pat he falle, Men shal of is owen galle Shenchen him at nede. ‘ pe bet pe be, pe bet pe byse Quop Hendyng. 2 MS. has ‘ 39 I 20 126 140 145 150 155 l60 MS. has ‘ noJ>t/ MS. has ‘ vn saj?t.’ 4 o 111 . PROVERBS OF HENDYNG. 22 pah \>e wolde wel bycome Forte make houses roume, pou most nede abyde, Ant in a lutel hous wone, . 165 Forte J>ou fele pat j>ou mone 1 Wij>-outen euel pryde. 4 Vnder boske shal men weder abide;’ Quo]> Hendyng. 23 Holde ich nomon for vnsele, 170 Ojjerwhyle J?ah he fele Sumj>yng pat him smerte : For when mon is in treye & tene, penne here}> God ys bene pat he byd myd herte. 175 4 When j>e bale is hest, J^enne is pe bote nest Quo|> Hendyng. 24 Drah 2 J>yn hond sone a}eyn, 3ef men pe dop a wycke peyn, per pyn ahte ys lend ; 180 So pat child wij)-drawe)> is hond From pe fur & pe brond, p#t haj) byfore bue brend. 4 Brend child fur dredej> Quop Hendyng. 185 25 Such mon haue ich land my clop, pat haj> maked me fol wro]?, Er hit come a^eyn. Ah he pat me ene serue}> so, Ant he eft bidde mo, 190 He shal me fynde vnfeyn. 4 Selde come)? lone lahynde horn Quop Hendyng. 1 MS. ‘ mowe.’ 2 MS. ‘ Draj) ’ ; Camb. ‘ drawe.’ III. PROVERBS OF HENDYNG. 26 3ef pou trost to borewyng, pe shal fayle mony J?yng, LoJ? when pe ware 3ef pou haue pin oune won, penne is py treye ouergon, A 1 wyJ?-oute care. ‘ Owen ys owen, & oj?er mennes edne)> QuoJ) Hendyng. 27 pis worldes loue ys a wrecche, Whose hit here, me ne recche, pah y speke heye ; For y se pat on broker Lutel recche of J>at oper } Be he out of ys e3e. ‘ Fer from eje, fer from herte Quop Hendyng. 29 Moni mon seip, were he ryche, Ne shulde non be me ylyche To be god & fre; For when he haj? oht bygeten, A 1 }>e fredome is for^eten Ant leyd vnder kne. ‘ He is fre of hors pat ner nade non Quo)? Hendyng. 32 Mon, pat muntej? ouer flod, Whiles pat pe wynd ys wod Abyde fayre & stille ; Abyd stille, jef pat pou may, & pou shalt haue an oper day Weder after wille. 42 III . PROVERBS OF HENDYNG. * Wei abit \>at wel may j>olye [Quo]? Hendyng.] 33 y telle an euel lype, Mon ]>at do]? him in-to shype Whil j?e weder is wod; For be he come to ]?e depe, He mai wrynge hond & wepe, Ant be of drery mod. ‘ Ofte rap rewe}> . Quo]? Hendyng. 39 Riche & pore, 3onge & olde, Whil ^e habbe}? wyt at wolde, Seche]? ore soule bote ; For when }e wene]? alrebest Forte haue ro & rest, pe ax ys at }?e rote. * Hope of long lyf gyle]? mony god wyf Quo}? Hendyng. 40 Hendyng sei]? so]? of mony }?yng : lesu crist, heuenne kyng, Vs to blisse brynge: For his sweet model* loue, pat sit in heuene vs aboue, 3 eue vs god endynge. Amen. 250 255 300 305 310 IV. SPECIMENS OF LYRIC POETRY. ABOUT A. D. 1300. The following short poems are from the same MS. and in the same dialect as the ‘ Proverbs of Hendyng.’ They have been printed in ‘ Specimens of Lyric Poetry/ edited by T. Wright, M.A., for the Percy Society; London, 1842. [From Harl. MS. 2253; * ea f 63, back^ 4 (A) Alysoun. Bytuene Mersb? & Aueril When spray biginnej? to springe, pe lutel foul ha]? hire wyl On hyre lud to synge ; Ich libbe in louelonginge 5 For semlokest of alle |>ynge, He may me blisse bringe, Icham in hire baundoun. An hendy hap ichabbe yhent, Ichot from heuene it is me sent, 10 From alle wymmen mi loue is lent & lyht on Alysoun. On heu hire her is fayr ynoh, Hire browe broune, hire e^e blake, Wi]? lossum chere he on me loh ; r5 44 IV. SPECIMENS OF LYRIC POETRY . Wi]> middel smal & wel ymak won; Leuedi, al for jnne sake Longinge is ylent me on. In world nis non so wyter mon pat al hire bountd telle con ; 30 Hire swyre is whittore ]>en ]>e swon, & feyrest may in toune. An hend*, &c. Icham for wowyng al forwake, Wery so water in wore ; Lest eny reue me my make, Ychabbe y-^yrned jore. 40 Betere is J?olien whyle sore pen mournen euermore. Geynest vnder gore, Herkne to my roun. An hendi, &c. 45 (B) A Plea for Pity. Wi|> longyng y am lad, On molde y waxe mad, A maide marreji me ; Y grede, y grone, vn-glad, For selden y am sad 5 IV SPECIMENS OF LYRIC POETRY . 45 pat semly forte se ; Leuedi, J>ou rewe me ! To rou]>e }>ou hauest me rad; Be bote of pat y bad, My lyf is long on |?e. Leuedy of alle londe, A Les me out of bonde, Broht icham in wo ; Haue resting on honde, & sent J>ou me J?i sonde, Sone, er J?ou me slo ; My reste is wij? ]>e ro : pah men to me han onde, To loue nuly noht wonde, Ne lete for non of ]?o. Leuedi, wij? al my miht My loue is on ]>e liht, To menske when y may; pou rew & red me ryht. To dej>e J?ou hauest me diht, Y de3e longe er my day ; pou leue vpon mi lay. Treu]?e ichaue ]>e plyht, To don pat ich haue hyht, Whil mi lif leste may. Lylie-whyt hue is, Hire rode so rose on rys, pat reuej) me mi rest. Wymmon war & wys, Of prude hue berej) J>e pris. IO 15 20 25 30 35 IV. SPECIMENS OF LYRIC POETRY. Burde on of }>e best ; pis wommon wone)> by west, Brihtest vnder bys : Heuene y tolde al his pat o nyht were hire gest. (C) Parable of the Labourers. Of a mon Matheu J^ohte, po he ]>e wy^ord whrohte, Ant wrot hit on ys boc ; In marewe men he sohte, At vnder mo he brohte, Ant nom ant non forsoc ; At mydday ant at non Pie sende hem pider fol son, To helpen hem wij? hoc; Huere foreward wes to fon So ]>e furmest heuede ydon, Ase ]>e erst vndertoc. At euesong euen neh, Ydel men 3et he seh Lomen habbe an honde ; To hem he sayde an heh, pat suyjje he wes vndreh So ydel forte stonde. So hit wes bistad, pat nomon hem ne bad, Huere lomes to fonde ; Anon he was by-rad, To werk pat he hem lad, For nyht nolde he nout wonde. IV. SPECIMENS OF LYRIC POETRY. 47 Huere hure a nyht hue nome, He pat furst ant last come, A peny brod & bryht ; pis o ) ier swore alle & some, p#t er were come wi]> lome, p#t so nes hit nout ryht ; Ant swore somme vnsaht, pat hem wes werk by-taht Longe er hit were lyht; For ryht were pat me raht pe mon pat al day wraht pe more mede a nyht. penne seip he ywis, ‘ Why, naj> nout vch mon his ? Holde]? nou or pees; A- way ! J?ou art vnwis, Tak al pat pin ys, Ant fare ase foreward wees. 3ef y may betere beode To mi latere leode, To leue nam y nout lees; To alle pat euer hider eode To do to day my neode, Ichulle be wraj)j>e-lees/ pis world me wurche]> wo, Rooles ase ]>q roo, Y sike for vn-sete ; Ant mourne ase men do]? 1 mo, For doute of foule fo, Hou y my sunne may bete. 1 MS. ‘ doh.’ 4 8 IV. SPECIMENS OF LYRIC POETRY. pis mon pat Matheu $ef 55 A peny wes so bref, pis frely folk vnfete ; 3et he ^yrnden more, Ant saide he come wel }ore, Ant gonne is loue for-lete. 60 (D) Spring-time. Lenten ys come wi}> loue to toune, WiJ> blosmen & wij? briddes roune, pat al pis blisse brynge}) ; Dayes-e3es in pis dales, Notes suete of nyhtegales, 5 Vch foul song singe}?, pe ])restelcoc him }>retej) 00, Away is huere wynter wo, When woderoue springe}) ; pis foules singe}) ferly fele, 10 Ant wlyte]) on huere wynter wele, pat al ])e wode rynge}). pe rose rayle}) hire rode, pe leues on J)e lyhte wode Waxen al wi]) wille ; 15 pe mone mande}) hire bleo, pe lilie is lossom to seo, pe fenyl & ]>q fille ; Wo wes pis wilde drakes, Miles murge}) huere makes ; 20 Ase strem \>at strike}) stille, Mody menej), so do}) 1 mo, Ichot ycham on of })0, For loue \ai likes ille. 1 MS. ‘ doh.* IV. SPECIMENS OF LYRIC POETRY . 49 pe mone mandej> hire lyht, 25 So do)? J>e semly sonne bryht, When briddes singej) breme ; Deawes donke)> }?e dounes, Deores wij? huere derne rounes, Domes forte deme ; 30 Wormes wowej) vnder cloude, Wymmen waxe]) wounder proude, So wel hit wol hem seme, 3ef me shal wonte wille of on: pis wunne weole y wole forgon, 35 Ant wyht in wode be fieme. VOL. II. E V. ROBERT MANNYNG, OF BRUNNE. a.d. 1303. Robert Mannyng, commonly called Pvobert of Brunne (from his birthplace, Brunne or Bourn in Lincolnshire, seven or eight miles from Market Deeping), was born about a.d. 1260, and died about 1340. In the year a.d. 1303 he translated William of Waddington’s ‘Le Manuel des Pechiez , into English, under the title of ‘ Handlyng Synne.* Between the years 1327 and 1338, Mannyng also translated the French rhyming chronicle of Piers (or Peter) de Langtoft into English verse, at the request of Dan Robert of Malton, prior of the Gilbertine order, of which Mannyng was a canon. The following tale, from * Roberd of Brunne’s Handlyng Synne,’ which was edited for the Roxburghe Club by F. J. Furnivall, M.A. (London, 1862), is here printed from the manuscript. The Tale of Pers the Usurer . [Harleian MS. 1 70 1, leaf 37, back.’] Seynt Ion^, ]>e aumenere, 5575 SeyJ) Pers was an okerere, And was swy]?e coueytous, And a nygun and auarous, And gadred pens vnto store, As okerers don^ ay whore. 5580 V. HANDLYNG SYNNE . 51 Befyl hyt so vp-on a day pat pore men sate yn pc way, And spred hen? hatren on hen? barme A^ens ]>e son nc pat was warme, And rekened }>e custome houses echorn?, 5585 At whych pey had gode, and at whyche non? ; pen? pey hadde gode, |>ey pr yn }>ar gat, pan seyd echom? pat sate and stode, ‘ Hen? comp Pers pat neuan fonde he none. For pe stone he toke a lofe, And at ]>e pore man hyt drofe. pe pore man hente hyt vp belyue, And was perof ful ferly blype. To hys felaws faste he ran W ilk pe lofe, pys pore man. ‘ Lo/ he seyd, ‘ what y haue Of Pers 3yft, so God me saue !' ‘ Nay/ pey swore by here J?ryft, ‘ Pers $aue neu^r swych a 3 yft/ He seyd, ‘ 3e shul weyl vndyrstonde pat y hyt had at Pers honde ; pat dar y swen? on pe halydom A Her* before 30W echonoght£ weyl pat he was ledde With one pat aftyr hym was sent To come vn-to hys Iugement. Before pe luge was he broght To 3elde acourcte how he hadde wroght; Pers stode ful sore adrad, An (J was a-bashed as [a] mad, He sagh a fende on pe to party Bewreyyng hym ful felu/zly ; Alle hyt was shewed hym before, How he had lyued syn he was bore ; 5615 5620 5 6a 5 5630 5635 5640 5645 V. HANDLYNG SFNNE. And namely eu^ry wykked dede Syn fyrst he coude hym-self lede ; Why he hem dyd, and for what chesu;z, Of alle behoue]> hym to ^elde a resou#. On J?e tou^r party stode men ful bry^t, pat wulde haue saued hym at hen? my3t, But |?ey myghte no gode fynde pat my^t hym saue or vnbynde. pe feyre men seyd, ‘ what ys to rede ? Of hym fynde we no gode dede pat God ys payd of, — but of a lofe pe whych Pers a[t] ]>e pore man drofe ; 3 yt 3aue he hyt wit/i no gode wylle, But kast hyt aftyr hym wztA ylle ; For Goddys loue 3aue he hyt no3t, Ne for almes-dede he hyt had J)Oght. Noj>eles, J?e pore man Had J>e lofe of Pers J>an/ pe fende had leyd yn balau^ce Hys wykked dedes and hys myschau^ce ; pey leyd }>e lofe a$ens hys dedys, pey had no3t elles, ]>ey mote nedys. pe holy man tellep vs and seys pat J?e lofe made euen peys. pan seyd j>ese feyre men to Pers, ‘ 3 yf J>ou be wys, now j?ou leres How pys lofe ]>e helpej) at nede To tylle ]>y soule wzt h almes-dede.* Pers of hys slepe gan blynke, And gretly on hys dreme gan ])ynke, Syghyng w Ah mornyng chere, As man pat was yn grete wer^, How pat he acouped was 54 V. ROBERT MANNYNG, OF BRUNNE. W ith fendes fele for hys trespas, And how ) >ey wulde haue dampned h ym J?erys yn hys herte he kast, — And to hym-self he spak at j>e laste, — • 4 pat, for a lofe, yn eueyl wylle, Halpe me yn so grete perel, Moche wide hyt helpe at nede With gode wyl do almes-dede.’ Fro }>at tyme )>a n wax Pers A man of so feyr* maners, pat no man my^t yn hym fynde But to J?e pore boj?e meke and kynde ; A mylder man ne my^t nat be, Ne to J?e pore more of almes fre; And reuful of herte also he was, pat mayst J>ou here lere yn J>ys pas. Pers mette vp-on a day A pore man by j?e way, As naked as he was bore, pat yn J>e see had alle lore. He come to Pers }>ere he stode, And asked hym sum of hys gode. Sum what of hys cloj?yng, For \>e loue of heuene kyng. Pers was of reuful herte, He toke hys kyrtyl of, as smert. And ded hyt on J>e man aboue, And bad hym were hyt for hys loue ; pe man hyt toke and was ful blyj?e ; He 3 ede and solde hyt asswyj?e. ^ Pers stode and dyd beholde How J>e man J>e kyrtyl solde. 5680 5685 5690 5695 5700 5705 57*o V. HANDLYNG SYNNE . 55 And was paxvjiih ferly wro]?e pat he solde so sone hys elope ; He my^t no lenger for sorow stande, But 3ede home ful sore gretand ; And seyd, ‘ hyt was an euyl sygne, And pat hym-self was nat dygne For to be yn hys preyere, perfor nolde he pe kyrtyl were/ / Whan he hadde ful long grete, And a party perof began lete ; - For comu;zlych aftyr wepe Fal men sone on slepe, — As Pers lay yn hys slepyng, Hym Jjoght a feyre sweuenyng. Hym J>oght he was yn heuene ly^t, And of God he had a syght Syttyng yn hys kyrtyl clad, pat pe pore man of hym had, And spak to hym ful myldely : * Why wepest J>ou, and art sory ? Lo, Pers/ he seyd, ‘ pys ys py cloth. For he solde hyt, were ]?ou wroth; Know hyt weyl, }yf pat J?ou kan, For me J?ou 3aue hyt pe pore man ; pat pon ^aue hym yn charytd, Eu*ry deyl pou ^aue hyt me/ Pers of slepe oute-breyde, And j>oght grete wu/zder, & sepen seyd, ‘ Blessyd be alle pore men. For God almy^ty louej? hem ; And weyl ys hem pat pore are her*, pey are witA God bo)?e lefe and der*, And y shal fonde, by ny3t and day, 57*5 5720 5725 573 ° 573-5 5740 5745 5 6 V. ROBERT MANNYNG , OF BRUNNE. To be pore, $yf pat y may/ Hastly he toke hys kateyl, And 5aue hyt to pore men echedeyl. Pers kalled to hym hys clerk pat was hys notarye, and bad hyzzz herk: — 5750 ‘ Y shal pe shewe a pryuyt£, A j>yng pat J?ou shalt do to me ; Y wyl pat ]>ou no man hyt telle ; My body y take pe here to selle To sum man as yn bondage, To lyue yn pouert and yn seruage ; But )>ou do pus y y wyl be wroth, And j>ou and j>yne shal be me loth. 3yf j>ou do hyt, y shal )>e 3yue Ten pownd of gold wel wttA to lyue; po ten pownd y take pe here, And me to selle on bonde manere; Y ne recche [not] vn-to whom, But onlych he haue pe crystendom ; pe raunsuzz pat }>ou shalt for me take, par fore j?ou shalt sykernes make For to ^yue hyt blepely and weyl To pore men eu^ry deyl, And wzt^holde perof no J?yng, pe mountouzzs of a ferjjyng/ Hys clerk was wo to do pat dede, But only for manas and for drede. a [For drede Pers made hym hyt do, And dede hym plyghte his trouthe J?er-to. Whan hys clerk had made hys othe, 5775 Pers dede on hym a foule clothe ; 1 Lines 199-204, being omitted by the Harleian MS., are supplied from Mr. Furnivall's edition. 5755 £ 760 £765 £ 77 ° V. HANDLYNG SYNNE 57 Vnto a cherche bo)>e \ey ^ede For to fulfylle hys wyl yn dede.] Whan J>at \ey to ]>e cherche com, ‘ Lorde 1 ' J?oght j?e clerk, ‘ now whom 5780 Myjt y fynde, J>ys yche sele, To whom y my^t selle Pers wele?' pe clerk loked eu^ry where, And at ]>e last he knew where v A ryche man [was] pat er had be Specyal knowlych eu^r betwe, But jmrgh myschamzce at a kas Alle hys gode y-lore was ; ‘ 3ole' )>us pat man hyghte, And knew J?e clerk wel be syghte. pey spak of olde a-queyntau;/ce, And 3ole tolde hym of hys chauwce. ‘ 3e/ seyde \e clerk, ‘ y rede ]>ou bye A man to do ]>y marchauwdye, pat }>ou mayst holde yn seruage To restore weyl ]>yn dammage.’ pan seyd 3ole, ‘ on swych chaffare Wulde y feyn my syluer ware/ — — ■ pe clerke seyd, ‘ lo one here, A trew man an a dubonun?, 5800 pat wyl serue ]>e to pay, Peyneble, al pat he may. ‘ Pers ’ shalt J?ou calle hys name, For hym shalt J?ou haue moche frame. He ys a man ful gracyous 5805 Gode to wynne vn-to j>yn hous, And God shal 3 yue ]>e hys blessyng, And foysyn, yn alle }>yn g/ pe clerk 3 aue alle hys rau/zsu« 5785 579 ° V 5795 58 V. ROBERT MANNYNG, OF BRUNNE. To J>e pore men of J>e tou n , — Plenerly, alle J>at he toke, Wyj?helde he nat a feipyng noke. pe emp^rour* sent hys messageres Alle aboute for to seke Pers, But J?ey ne my^t neu^r her* Of ryche Pers, )>e tollers, Yn what stede he was nome, No whydyrward he was become; No j>e clerk wuld telle to none Whydyrward pat Pers was gone. Now ys Pers by come bryche, pat er was boj?e stoute and ryche. Alle pat eu*r any man hym do bad, Pers dyd hyt w Ah hert glad. He wax so mylde and so meke, A mylder man ]mrt no man seke ; For he meked hym-self ou*r skyle Pottes and dysshes for to swele. To grete penau/zce he gan hym take, And moche for to fast and wake, And moche he loued }?olmodnesse To ryche, to pore, to more, to lesse. Of alle men he wuld haue doute, And to here byddyng mekly loute ; Wulde }?ey bydde hym sytte or stande, Eu^r he wulde be bowande ; 0- 1 And for he bare hym so meke and softe, Shrewes mysdede hym ful ofte, And helde hym folted or wode For he was so mylde of mode. And )>ey pat wen? hys felaus Mysseyd hym most yn hen? sawes ; 5810 5815 5820 5 8 *5 5 8 3o 5835 —A 5840 V. HANDLYNG SYNNE . 59 And alle he suffred here vpbreyd. And neu^r naght a 3 ens hem seyd. 3ole, hys lorde, wel vndyrstode pat al hys grace and hys gode Com for ]>e loue of Pers pat was of so holy maners ; And whan he wyst of hys bounty He kalled Pers yn pryuytd : ‘ Pers/ he seyd, ‘ j>ou were wur J?y For to be wurscheped more j>an y, For Jjou art weyl wit/i Imi, He shewej) for ]>e grete vertu ; parfor y shal make J^e fre, Y wyl pat my felaw ]>ou be/ par-to Pers granted noght To be freman as he besoght; He wulde be, as he was ore, Yn pat seruage for eu^rmore. He Ranked ]>e lorde myldely For hys grete curteysy. Sy)>J?en Imi, jmrgh hys my^t, Shewed hym to Pers sy^t, For to be stalwor]>e yn hys fondyng And to hym haue loue-longyng. 4 Be nat sorowful to do penaurcce ; Y am mtA j?e yn eu^ry chamzce ; Pers, y haue mynde of j?e, Lo, here ]>e kyrtyl pat J;ou $aue for me ; parfor grace y shal j?e sende Yn alle godenesse weyl to ended Byfyl pat seriamztes and squyers pat were wunt to serue Pers, Went yn pylgrymage, as yn kas, 5%5 5850 5855 5860 5865 5870 5875 6o V. ROBERT MANNYNG, OF BRUNNE. To J>at cuntrd pere Pers was. 3ole ful feyre gan hem kalle, And preyd hem home to hys halle. Pers was pere, f>at yche sele, And eu^rychone he knew hem wele. Alle he serued hem as a knaue, ))at was wunt here seruyse to haue. But Pers nat ^yt pey knew, For penauwce chauwged was hys hew; Nat forpy pey behelde hym fast, And oftyn to hym here y^en pey kast, And seyd, 4 he pat stonte here Ys lyche to Pers tollere.’ He hydde hys vysege al pat he my3t Out of knowly.ch of here sy$t ; Nopeles pey behelde hym more And knew hym weyl, al pat werc pore, And seyd, ‘ 3 ole, ys }one py page ? A ryche man ys yn py seruage. pe emp^roure bope fer and nere Hap do hym seche pat we fynde her9 00 5905 V, HANDLYNG SYNNE. 6l Pers oute at pe ^ate wente, And pedyr ^ede, pere God hym sente, pe porter jede vp to pe halle, And pys merueyle tolde hem alle ; ‘ How pe squyler of pe kechyn, Pers, pat hap woned here-yn, He asked leue, ry3t now late, And went furp out at pe 3ate. Y rede 30W alle, 3euep gode tent, Whederward pat Pers ys went. With lesu Cry st he ys pryu£, And pat ys shewed weyl on me. For what tyme he to me spak, Out of hys moup me poght[e] brak A fla/Tzme of fyre bryght and clere, pe flau/rcme made me bope speke and here ; Speke and here now bope y may, Blessed be God and Pers to day V pe lorde and pe gestes alle, One and o\er pat were yn halle, Had merueyle pat hyt was so, pat he my3te swych myracle do. pan asswype Pers pey soght, But al here sekyng was for no3t ; Neu^r Pers pey ne fou/zde, Ny3t ne day, yn no stounde ; For he pat toke Ennok and Ely, He toke Pers, purgh hys mercy , To reste wzbfoutyn ende to lede, For hys meknes and hys gode dede. Take ensample hen? of Pers, And partep with pe pore, 3e okerers, For 30W shal neu^r come Ioye with-ynne, 59 l ° 59 ‘5 5920 5925 5930 5935 5940 62 V. ROBERT MANNFNG, OF BRUNNE. But leue fyrst J>at synne ; And ^yue to almes J>at yche J?yn g pat haue wune wyj> okeryng. Now w/t h God leue we Pers ; 594 God 3yue vs grace to do hys maners I VI. WILLIAM OF SHOREHAM. a.d. 1307—1327. William of Shoreham, so called from Shoreham, near Ot- ford (about four miles and a half from Sevenoaks), was originally a monk of the Priory of Leeds, in Kent, but was appointed vicar of Chart-Sutton by Walter, Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1320. He translated the entire Psalter into English prose about the year 1327. His short poem ‘De Baptismo’ (a copy of which is contained in ‘ The Religious Poems of William de Shoreham/ edited for the Percy Society by T. Wright, M.A., London 1849) is here copied from the Additional MS. 17,376 in the British Museum. The dialect of course is Southern. De Baptismo. 1 Cristendom his J>at sacrement pat men her ferst fonge]> ; Hit openeJ> ous to heuene blisse pat many man after longej? Wei sore ; 5 For who pat entre}> J?er, He his sauff euere-more. 2 Nou ferst ich wille telle 30U Wet may be J?e materie, Wer-inne cristning may be mader licour. 6 4 VI. WILLIAM OF SHORE II AM. 3 per-fore ine wine me ne may, Inne sif>ere ne inne pereye, Ne ine Jnng pat neuere water nes P013 cristning man may reneye, Ne inne ale ; For pei 1 hi^t were water ferst, Of water nej? hit tale. 4 Ne mede, ne forJ?e, no o|>er licour pat chaunge}> wateres kende, Ne longej? nau3t to cristendom, pa3t some foies hit wende For wete ; For suich is kendeliche hot, pa3t j>er no feer hit ne hete 2 . 5 Ac water is kendeliche cheld, pa3 hit be warmd of fere ; per-fore me mey cristni J?er-inne, In whaut time falpe a 3ere Of yse ; So mey me nau3t in ewe ardaurt, pat ne}> no wateris wyse. 6 Al-so me may inne sealte se Cristny wel mitte beste ; And eke inne oj>ere sealte watere, Bote me in to 3 moche keste 4 Of sealte; For 3ef pat water his kende lest, pat cristning stant te-tealte. 1 5 20 2 5 3 ° 35 40 1 MS. ‘ pie.’ 3 MS. ‘ into.’ 2 MS. ‘ heute.’ 1 MS. * keschte.’ VI. DE BAPTISMO . 6 5 7 Ac ^yf J>er were y-mengd licour Of>er wid kende watere, Ich woijt wel }>rinne to cristnye 45 Hit nere nefur J?e betere ; Ac wonde ; For bote |?at water his kende haue, pat cristnynge may nau^t stonde. 8 In water ich wel \>e cristny her 50 As Gode him-self hyt d^te ; For mide to wessche nis no)?ynge pat man come]? to so l^te, In londe ; Nis non pat habben hit ne may 55 pat habbe hit wile founde. 9 pis bej>e ]>e wordes of cristning Bi ]>yse Englissche costes : ‘ Ich cristni ]>e ine ]>e Uader name, And Sone and Holy Gostes' — 60 And more, ‘ Amen V wane hit his ised J>ertoe, Conferme]? pet ]>er-to-fore. 10 pe wordes scholle be ised WiJje-oute wane and eche ; 65 And onderstand, hi mo^e 1 bi sed In alle manere speche Ine lede ; pat euerich man hi sigge moje 1 And cristny for nede. 70 1 MS. ‘ more/ VOL. II. F 66 VI. WILLIAM OF SH OR EH AM. 1 1 Ac :$if man scholde i-cristnid be pat ne)> none dea]>es signe, pe pope forte cristny hyne So nere nau3t te digne pe leste ; 75 per-fore hi bej> in cherche broi^t, To cristny of J?e preste. 12 Ac he pat 3T so large water pe fend fram ous te reaue, In nede for to cristny men, 80 3ef alle men ileaue At felle ; Olepi me mot hym depe ine pe water, And eke ]>e wordes telle* 13 And wanne hi cristnek ine \>e format, 85 pe prestes so }>ries duppe]>, In ]>e honur of Ipe Trinitd, Ac gode 3eme kepej? pe ned, On time a clo}>e pat water ikest, 90 Ac ope }>e heuede te bede. 14 Ac water ikest an oj?er loue 1 Cristne|j j?e man alyue, Ac hit his sikerest in ]>e heeued per be)? ]>e wittes fyue ; 95 Wei, broker, Ne non ne may icristned be, Ar 36 his boren of moder. 1 halve? VI. DE B APT IS MO. 67 1 5 gret peryl hy vndergo)?e pat cristnej? twyes enne, ^00 Ctyer 1 to jeue asent }>er-to, Oj>er for loue of kenne For-hedeJ?, Wanne child arijt cristnyng hej>. And pat o}?er nauyt for-bedep §05 16 Bote hi pis conne, hit his peril To pise medewyues ; For ofte children scheawi}> quike, X-bore to schorte lyues, And deye]>; bid Bote hi ari^t i-cristned be, Fram heuene euere hi weyej>. 1 7 Ac $if pat child icristned his, Ac 2 me fot, as 3 me hit wenej?, pise habbej? forme )?er-of a 15 A Latin pat ham geine)> 4 Te depe; And ich schel seggen hit an Englisch, Nou ]>er-of neme je kepe ; 18 pe prest take]) pat ilke child 920 In his honden by-thuixte, And seip, * ich ne cristni pei nair^t, 3ef j?ou ert icristned, Eft-sone ; Ac jyf J)OU nart, ich cristni ]?e ;* 325 And dej? pat his to donne. 5 MS. * Orer/ 8 MS. ‘At . 5 * * * MS. ‘ at/ * MS. ‘ genie)).* F 2 VI. WILLIAM OF SHOREHAM. 19 Ac 1 3et )?er bej? cristnynges mo, Ac no man ne may d^tti ; For hi be)? Godes grace self, Men of gode wil to ri^ti 2 And Wynne, Wanne hi wolde icristned be, And mo3e 3 mid none ginne. 20 pat on his cleped cristning of blode, Wanne suche blede)? for Criste; pat oj?er of )?e Holi Gost, pat mo3e mid none liste Be icristned ; And deye)> so, wanne hi be]? deede, In heuene hi be)? igistned. 21 pe children atte cherche dore So be)? yprimisined; And )?at 4 hi bee)?e eke atte fount Mid oylle and creyme alyned, A 1 faylle)? ; Hi3t wor)?e)? 5 cristnyng, And pat child }?er-to hit auaille)?. MS. ‘ At.* 2 At the end of the line is written the word ‘ MS. ‘ more.* 4 For * J?at’ we perhaps ought to read ‘ but.’ « worchej*’ is written at the side in the MS. VII. CURSOR MUNDI, or CURSUR O WERLD. ABOUT A.D. 1320. The ‘Cursor Mundi’ is a metrical version of Old and New Testament history, interspersed with numerous mediaeval legends. It is of great length, and has never yet been printed. It seems to have been a very popular book with our forefathers, and one MS. has the following rubric : — ‘ This is the best book of all, The Course of the World men do it call/ There are several MSS. of this work, but the Cottonian MS. Vespasian A. iii., in the Northumbrian dialect, has furnished the following extract. The Visit of the Wise Men , and the Flight into Egypt . Fra he ( Christ ) was born J?e dai thritteind, pai offerd him, J>aa kinges heind, Wit riche giftes pat pai broght. pat 1 he was born bot ]?at yeire noght, And sum sais bot ]>e nest yeire 5 Foluand, and sum wit resun sere Sais, [tua] yere efter pai com. Iohn Gilden-moth sais wit pis dome, pat he fand in an aid bok, pis kinges thre ]?ar wai pai tok 10 1 We should perhaps read ‘Yet/ VII. CURSOR MUNDI. A tuelmo[n]th ar pe natiuit^, For elles moght not kinges thre Haf raght to ride sa ferr ewai, And com to Crist ]>at ilk dai. He sais j?at in |?e bok he fand Of a prophet of Estrinland, Hight Balaam, crafti and bald, And mikel of a stern he tald, A sterne to cum pat suld be sene, Was neuer nan suilk be-for sua scene. Vs telles alsua Iohn Gildenmoth Of a folk ferr and first vncuth, Wofmand be pe est occean, pat bi-yond j?am ar wo^nand nan. Amang squilk was broght a writte, O Seth pe name was laid on it ; O suilk a stern pe writt it spak, And of pir offerands to mak. pis writte was gett fra kin to kin, pat best it cuth to haf in min, pat at pe last pai ordeind tuelue, pe thoghtfulest amang j?am selue. And did }>am in a montain dern, [Biseli] to wait pe stern. Q uen ani deid o pat dozein, His sun for him was sett again. Or his neist pat was fere. Sua pat euer }>an ilk yere Quen pair corns war in don, pai went in-to pat montaine son, par pai offerd, praid, and suank, Thre dais noj?er ete ne dranc ; pus thorn ilk oxspring pai did. VII. THE VISIT OF THE MAGI. 7 1 Til at pe last pis stern it kyd. pis ilk stern j^am come to warn, 45 Apon pat mont in forme o barn, And bar on it liknes of croice, And said to J>aim wit man[ne]s woice, pat pai suld wend to Iuen land. pai went, and tua yeir war wakand. 50 pe stern we«t forth-wit, pat pam ledd, And ferlilic pan war pai fedd, pair scrippes, quer pai rade or yode, pam failed neu er o drinc ne fode. pir kinges rides forth pair rade, 55 pe stern alwais pam forwit glade. pai said, ‘ far we nu to yond king v pat sal in erth haf nan ending 1 ; pis king we sal be offrand nu, And honur him wit truthes tru ; 60 A1 pe kinges o pis werld For him sal be quakand an ferd/ pai folud o pis stern pe leme, Til pai come in-to Ierusalem ; Bot fra pai come par als-suith, 65 pe stern it hid and can vnkyth, Thoru pe might of sant Drightin, For Herods 2 sak his wiperwin. pat wist J?of-que)?er J?e kinges noght, Bot wend haf funden pat pai soght. 70 pai toke pair gesting in pe tun, And spird him efter vp and dun ; Bot pe burgeses o pe cit£ Thoght ferli quat pis thing suld be ; 1 MS. * na nending.* 2 MS. ‘ Horods.* 72 VII. CURSOR MJJNDI. pai asked quat J>ai soght, and pai 75 Said, ‘ a blisful child, par fai, He sal be king of kinges alk, To hend and fete we sal him fall*?; Sagh we an 1 stern ledd us hidir/ pan pai gedir }>am to-gedir, 80 And spak hir-of wit gret wondring ; And word cum til Herod ]>e kyng, p<2t j^ar was suilk kynges cummun, And in pzt tun gestenizzg had nuwmu^. Q uen he pis tij?and vndir-stod, 85 Him thoght it no|?er fair na god, For wel he wend, pat ful o suik, To be put vte of his kingrike ; And did he suith to-samen call pe maisters of his kingrik all, 90 And fraind at ]>aim if pai wist, Quav suld he be born, pat Crist, pat suld ]?e king of lues be. pai said, ‘ in Bethleem Iude/ For J?e prophet had written sua, 95 And said ‘ J?ou Bethleem Iuda, pof J?ou be noght }>e mast citd, pou es noght lest of dignity ; O ]>e sal he be born and bred, Mi folk of Israel sal lede/ 100 Herod J>aa kings cald in dern, And spird j>am q uen pai sagh J?e stern ; ‘ Gais/ he said, ‘ and spirs well gern, And quen yee funden haf ]?e barn, Cuzrcs again and tels me, 105 For wit wirscip I will him se.’ 1 MS. « na.’ VII. THE VISIT OF THE MAGI . ‘ Sir/ J>ai said, ‘ J>at sal be yare.’ Q uen f>ai went in }>air wai to far, And left Herod, J?at fals felun, pe stern pai sagh be-for fam bon ; And herbi semis, sua thine me, Sagh nan it bot J?a kinges thre ; Bituix ]>e lift a n J)e erth it glade, Sua fair a stern was neuer made ; Right fra tun of Ierusalem It ledd j>am in-to Bethleem ; Vte ou^r pat hus ]>an stode ]>e stern, par lesus and his moder wern. pai kneld dun and broght in hand, Ilkan him gaf worjn offrand. pe first o ]mm pat Iasp^r hight, He gaf him gold wit resuTz right, And p< 2 t was for to seen takning O kynges all ]>at he was kyng. Melchior him com pair neist — Reid he was, bath Godd and prist— Wit recles forwit him he fell, ptft agh be brint in kirc to smell; It es a gum 1 p<7t cums o firr. Bot Attropa gaf gift o mir, A smerl o selcuth bitturnes, Paa giftes riche and dere. 1 MS. * gun/ n no 115 120 125 130 J 35 74 VII . CURSOR MUNDI. Ioseph and Maria his spuse, Ful fair J?ai cald J^am til huse, 140 Fair f>ai 1 did ]>air conrai dight; Wit pe child war J?ai p>at night Wit-vten pride ; j;e soth to tell, Had J>ai na bedd was spred wit pell ; Bot [>at }?ai faand, wit-vten wand, 145 pai tok and thanked Godd his sand ; Ful fain war pai, pai sua had spedd. paa kinges thre ar broght to bedd, Thre weri kinges o pair wai, pe feirth a child, wel mare }>an pai ; 150 pat wist pai wel and kyd wit dede, Ful wel he wil j>am quit pair mede. pai had in wil ]>at ilk night, To torn be Herods als pai hight, Bot quils pai slepand lai in bedd, 155 An angel com pat J>am for-bedd To wend ]>am bi him ani wai, (For he was traitur, fals in fai), A-no|>er wai pat ]?ai suld fare. pe morun quen pai risen ware, 160 And pai had honurd par pe child, pai tok pair leue at Mari mild, And thanked Ioseph curtaisli O pair calling and herbergeri ; paa kinges ferd a-no]>er wai. 165 Quen pat Herods herd ]>er-of sai, Ful wrath he wex, pat wrangwis ki^g, And herd 2 Y\\m driuen al til hewing. Fie sett his waites bi pe stret, If pai moght wit ]?aa kinges mett, 1 MS. f 3ai.’ 2 Read ‘held,’ as in three other MSS. 170 VII. THE VISIT OF THE MAGI. He co^mandid son J>ai suld be slan, If pai moght o)?er be ou^r-tan. Bot Godd wald not f>ai mett pa m wit ; pai ferd al sauf in-to pair kyth. Q uen Herods sagh he moght not sped, Sua wa was him pat he wald wede ; For pat his wil sua moght not rise, He thoght him wenge on oJ>er wise. He made a purueance in hi, pat mani saccles suld it bij ; For he moght find nan wit sak, On pe sakles he suld ta wrake. Qua herd eu^r ani slik Purueance sa ful o suike, pat for pe chesun of a barn Sua mani wald pat war for-farn ? He cotfzmandid til his knyghtes kene To sla pe childer al be-dene, Wit-in pe tun of Bethleem ; And vtewit mani barntem Did he sacclesli o lijf, Ful waful made he mani wijf. Wit-in j>e land left he noght an O tua yeir eild, pat he ne was slan ; Tua yeir or less, I tel it yow, For sua he wend to sla Dm; All for noght can he to striue, Moght he noght Imi bring o liue Ar he self wald, pat mighti king ; To ded it moght naman hi/;z bring, And not yeitt pan pat he ne suld rise, Al at his aun deuise. It was a mikel sume o (\uam 7 6 VII. CURSOR MUNDI. O )>aa childer ]>at war slain ; An hundret fourti four thusand Thoru Imi com to lijf lastand. Bot seuen dais for-wit, we rede, Ar Herod had gert do Jns dede, par Ioseph on his sleping lai, An angel j>us til him can sai : ‘ Rise vp, Iosep, and busk and ga, Maria and ]>i child al-sua, For yow be-houes nu all thre In land of Egyp[t] for to fle ; Rise vp ar it be dai, And folus forth j?e wildrin wai ; Herod, pat es pe child 1 fa, Fra nu wil sek him for to sla ; pare sal yee bide stil wit pe barn, Til pat I eft cum yow to warn/ Son was Ioseph redi bun, Wit naghtertale he went o tun, Wit Maria mild, and pair meine, A maiden and pair suanis thre, pat seruid J?am in pair seruis ; Wit J>aim was nan bot war and wis ; For[)>] sco rad, pat moder mild, And in hir barm sco ledd hir child, Til pai come at a coue was depe 2 . par pai J?am thoght to rest and slepe ; par did pai Mari for to light, Bot son pai sagh an vgli sight. Als pai loked J?am biside, Vte o pis coue }>an sagh pai glide Mani dragons, wel sodanli ; 1 MS. ‘clild.* So also ‘ clilder* in 1 . 188. 2 MS. ‘ dipe/ 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 VII. THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT. 77 pe suanis J>an bi-gan to cri. Q uen lesus sagh J?am glopnid be, He lighted of his moder kne, And stod a-pon |?aa bestes grim, And pai J>am luted vnder him. 240 pan com j>e pr^pheci al cler To dede, pat said es in Sauter: * pe dragons, wona^d in pair coue, pe Lauerd agh yee worthli to lofe V lesus he went be-for J>am J?an, 245 Forbed }>am harm do ani man. Maria and Ioseph ne-for-J>i For J?e child war ful dreri ; Bot lesus ansuard ]>aim onan : ‘ For me drednes haf nu yee nan, 250 Ne haf yee for me na barn-site, For I am self man al partite, And al pe bestes pat ar wild For me most be tame and mild/ Leon yode ]>am als imid, 255 And pardes, als ]>e dragons did, Bifor Maria and Ioseph yede, In right wai J?am for to lede. Q uen Maria sagh }>aa bestes lute 2 , First sco was gretli in dute, 260 Til lesus loked on hir blith, And dridnes bad hir nan to kith. ‘Moder/ he said, ‘haf )?ou na ward, NoJ?er o leon ne 0 lepard, For pai com noght vs harm to do, Bot pair seruis at serue vs to/ Bath ass and ox [p] at wit }>am war, 1 MS. * lufe* ; seel. 332. 2 MS. ‘dute’; see 1 . 240. 265 7 « VII, CURSOR MUNDI. And bestes J?at J>air harnais bar Vte o lerusalem, j?air kyth, pe leons mekli yod J?am wit, 270 Wit-vten harm of 1 ox or ass, Or ani best pat wit J?am was. pan was fulfild J>e pr^pheci, pat said was thoru Ieremi, ‘ Wolf and we]?er, leon and ox, 275 Sal comen samen, and lamb and fox.* A wain pai had }>air gere wit-in, pat draun was wit oxen tuin. Forth pair wai pai went fra J>an, Wit-vten kithing of ani man. 280 Maria forth }>am foluand rade, Gret hete in wildernes it made ; O gret trauail sco was weri, A palme-tre sco sagh hir bi; Ioseph sco said, ‘ fain wald I rest, 285 Vnder pis tre, me thine wer best.* ‘ Gladli/ said he, ‘ pat wil resun / Son he stert and tok hir dun. Quen sco had sitten |?ar a wei, Sco bihild a tre was hei, 290 And sagh a frut J?ar-on hingand, Man clepes palmes in ]>at land. * Ioseph/ sco said, 4 fain wald I ete O )?is frut, if I moght gete / ‘ Maria, me thine ferli o ]>e 295 pat se J?e gret heght o pis tre ; pe frut hu suld man reche vnto, pat man his hand mai to nan do ? Bot I site for an o|>er thing, a MS. ‘ or.* VII. THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT. pat we o water has nu wanting ; Vr water purueance es gan, And in pis wildernes es nan, NaJ>er for vs, ne for vr fee, Ne for nan of vr mein^/ lesus satt on his moder kne, Wit a ful blith cher said he, ‘ Bogh ]?ou til vs suith, pou. tre, And of pi frut j?ou giue vs plente/ Vnnethe had he said pe sune, Quen pe tre it boghed dune, Right to Maria, his moder, fote, pe crop was euening to pe rote. Quen all had eten frut i-nogh, Yeit it boghud dun ilk bogh, Til he wald comand it to rise, pat gert it lute in his seruis. To pat tre J?an spak I^u : ‘ Rise vp/ he said, ‘ and right pe nu, I wil pou, fra nu forward, Be planted in min orcherd, Amang mi tres o paradise, pat J>ou and pai be of a prise ; Ynder Jn rote J>ar es a spring, I wil pat vte pe wat er wring ; Mak vs a well, for mine sake, pat all mai plentd o water take/ Wit pis stert vp pe tre stedfast ; Vnder pe rote a well vte-brast, Wit strand suete, and clere, and cald; All dranc i-nogh, ilkan £>at wald, Wit all pe bestes in pat place, pai loued ai Drightin of his grace. 79 300 3°5 310 3i5 320 325 330 8o VII. CURSOR MUNDI. Apon pe morn, qu en it was dai, And J>ai ware busked to f>air wai, lesus him turnd to pe tre, 335 And said, ‘ pou palme, I comand pe, pat o pi branches an be scorn, And wit mine angel he]?en born, To planted be in paradise, par mi fader mirthes es/ 340 Vnnethes he had pis word spoken, An angel com, a bogh was broken, And born awai it was alson ; His comanmewt was noght vndon, pe bugh til heuen wit him he bar. 345 pai fell in suun, al pat J>ar war, For angel sight pai fell dun mad ; lesus j>an said, ‘ qui er yee rade ? Quer it es sua, yee wat it noght pat handes mine pis tre has wroght ? 350 And I wil nu pis ilk tre Stand in paradis, to be To mi santes in sted of fode, Als in pis wai to yow it stode/ Sij?en forth pai ferd pair wai, 355 And Ioseph can to I^ra sai, 4 Lau^rd, pis es a mikel hete, It greues vs, it es sua grete ; If j>ou redes pat it sua be, We wil pe wai ga be pe se, 360 For }>ar es tuns in for to rest, pat we[i] to ga me thine it best/ * Ioseph, nu dred pe noght I sai, For I sal mak pe scort pi wai, ' pat pou on thritt£ dais long 365 VII. THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT. 8l Iornds sal haf bot a dai-gang/ Als J>ai togedir talked sua, pai loked J>am on ferru m fra, And sun began J?ai for to see O land of Egypt sum cit 6 . 370 pan [p]ai wex ful glad and blith, And come J?am till a cite suith ; par pai fand nan o pair knaing, pat pai cuth ask at pair gesting. In pat siquar pai come to tun, 375 Was prastes at pair temple bun To do pe folk, als pai war sete, Ma sacrifies to pair maumet. Bot Maria ner was gesten par, To se pat kirck hir sun sco bar; 3*o Q uen sco was oilmen pat kirck wit-in, Man moght a selcuth se to min, pat al pair idels, in a stu/zd, Grouelings fel vnto pe grund, Dun at pe erth a\\e war pai laid. 385 pan come pe pram sagh in temple lijj Hijs godds and his maumentri, He com to Maria wit-vten harme, par sco hir child bar in hir arme ; 400 Honurand for-wit him he fell, And til his folk ]ms he can tell : * pis child, if he ne war Godd Almight, Vr godds had standen al vpright; Bot for he es Godd mighti sene, 405 Vres ar fallen don be-dene; Quat dos v or goddes or mai do ger, Bot we ne wark 1 J?e wisliker ; pe wrick 2 of him sua mai we dred, Als wittnes on vr eldres dede, 410 Hu it be-tide to Pharaon, Wit al his folk he was for-don ; For pai wald noght apon him tru, Sua ful o might and o wrtu, Al pai drund in J?e se; 4*5 I tru on him, alsua do yee/ Was noght a temple or-quar in tun, pat J>ar ne fel sum idel dun. 1 MS. ‘ wrick/ * MS. ‘ wark/ VIII. SUNDAY HOMILIES IN VERSE. ABOUT A. D. I33O. The following portions of some curious Homilies and Tales, in the Northumbrian dialect, illustrating mediaeval preaching, are taken from ‘ English Metrical Homilies/ edited by John Small, M.A., Edinburgh, 1862, from a MS. in the Library of the Royal College of Physicians at Edinburgh. The extracts have been compared with MS. Gg. 5. 31 in the Cambridge University Library. (A) From the Homily for the Second Sunday in Advent . [ The Signs of the Doom.\ Pages 25-33. Bot for Crist spekes of takeninge, That tithand of this dom sal bringe, 100 Forthi es god that I you telle Sum thing of thir takeninges snelle 1 : Sain Jerom telles that fiften Ferli takeninges sal be sen Bifor the day of dom,. and sal jcc Ilkan of thaim on ser dai fal. The first dai, sal al the se Boln and ris and heyer be 1 Camb. ‘ fell*.’ G 2 VIII . (a) homilies in verse . *4 Than ani fel of al the land, And als a felle 1 up sal it stand ; 1 10 The heyt thar-of sal passe the felles Bi sexti fot, als Jerom telles; And als mikel, the tother day, Sal it sattel and wit away, And be lauer than it nou esse, 115 For water sal it haf wel lesse. The thride dai, mersuine and qualle And other gret fises alle 2 Sal yel, and mak sa reuful ber That soru sal it be to her. 120 The ferthe day, freis water and se Sal bren als fir and glouand be. The fift day, sal greses and tres Suet blodi deu, that grisli bes. The sexte day, sal doun falle 125 Werdes werks, bathe tours and halle. The seuend day, sal stanes gret Togider smit and bremly bete. And al the erthe, the achtande day, Sal stir and quae and al folc flay 3 . 130 The neynd day, the fels alle Be mad al euin wit erthe salle. The tend day, sal folc up crep, Als wod men, of pittes dep. The elleft day, sal banes rise 135 And stand on graues thar men nou lies. The tuelft day, sal sternes falle. The thretend day, sal quek 4 men dey alle, 1 Camb. * hylle.* 2 Camb. ‘ othir fys, gret and small.’ 3 Camb. ‘ flay*; printed text * slay.* 4 Camb. omits ‘ quek.’ VIII. (A) THE SIGNS OF THE DOOM. Wit other ded men to rise, And com wit thaim to gret asise. The faurtend day, at a schift Sal bathe brin, bathe erthe and lift. The fifetende day, thai bathe Sal be mad newe and fair ful rathe ; And al ded men sal vp rise 1 , And cum bifor Crist our iustise. Than sal Crist dem als king ful wis, And ger the sinful sare grise ; Sa grisli sal he to thaim be, That thaim war leuer that thai moht fle Fra that dom that he sal dem Than al this werd ; sa bes he brem Till thaim that sinful cumes thar, And forthi sal thai gret full 1 sar, And say, ‘ alias, that we war born l Shamlic haf we us self forlorn/ Than salle thair wike dedes alle Stand and igaines thaim kalle, And with thair takening ber witnes Of thair sin and thair wiknes. Of mikel soru sal thai telle, For Satenas wit feres felle, To bind thaim he sal be ful snelle, And bremli draw thaim till helle, Thar thai sal euermare duelle, And wafullic in pines welle, And en deles of soru telle. This bes thair dom that her in sin Ligges, and wil thair sin noht blin ; 6 vp' in 1 . 145, and 4 full* in 1 . 154 are supplied from Camb. VIII, (a) homilies in verse. Bot wald thai think on domes dai, Thaim bird lef thair plihtful play. Allas ! alias ! quat sal thai say Bifor him, that miht-ful may 1 , Quen al the men that was and esse Sal se thair sines mare and lesse, And al the angeles of the heuin, And ma fendes than man mai nefen ? Igain-sawe may thar nan be, Of thing that alle men may se. Of this openlic schauing Hauis Godd schawed many tak[n]ing, Of a tak[n]ing 2 that I haf herd telle. That falles wel til our godspelle. Narracio . [ Tale of a Monk.~\ A blak munk of an abbaye Was enfermer of all, I herd say 3 , He was halden an hali man Imange his felaus euerilkan ; An cloyster monk loued him ful wel, And was til him ful speciel, For riuelic togider drawes Faithe lufreden god felawes 4 . Fel auntour that this enfermer Was sek, and he that was til him der Com to mak him glad and blithe, And his lufredene til him to kithe ; He asked him hou he him felid, Camb. * /£at al le myghtes may/ Camb. ‘takynyng*; but ‘takyng* in the previous line. Camb, * Was in a farmory, als I hard say/ Camb. ‘Faythefulle frendes & felaus/ VIII. (A) TALE OF A MONK. «7 And he his stat alle til him telld, And said, 4 ful hard fel I me, To dede I drawe, als ye mai se/ His felau was for him sary, And praied him ful gern forthie, That yef Godd did of him his wille, That he suld scheu his stat him tille. This seke monk hiht to com him to, Yef he moht get lef thar-to : 1 1 sal/ he said, 4 yef I may, Com to the, my stat to say.’ Quen this was sayd, he deyed son, And his felau asked his bon, And prayed Godd, for his mercye, That he suld schew him openly, Other wakand or slepand, Of his felaw state 1 sum tithand. And als he lay apon a niht, His felaw com wit lemes liht, And tald him bathe of heuin and helle. And he prayed he suld him telle His state, and he said, 4 wel far I Thoru the help of our Lefdi, War scho ne hafd ben, I hauid gan To won in helle wit Satan/ His felau thoht herof ferly, And asked him quarfor and qui, And sayd, 4 we wend alle wel that thou Haued ben an hali man til nou : Hou sal it far of us kaytefes, That in sin and foli ly[f]es, Quen thou, that led sa hali life, 200 205 210 215 220 225 1 Camb. omits ‘ state.' VIII. (a) homilies in verse . Was demed tille hell for to drife?’ Quen this was said, the ded ansuerd, And tald his felaw hou he ferd, And said, ‘ son, quen I gaf the gaste, Till my dom was I led in haste, And als I stod my dom to her Bifor Jesus, wit dreri cher, Of fendes herd Ic mani upbrayd, And a boc was bifor me layd, That was the reuel of sain Benet, That Ic hiht to hald and get. This reul thai gert me rapli rede, And als I red, sar gan I drede, For ouerlop moht I mac nan; Bot of the clauses euerilkan Yald Ic account, hou I thaim held, And my consciens gan me meld ; It schawed thar ful openlye That I led mi lif wrangwislie, For in the reul es mani pas, That than igain me casten was, Quar-thoru almast haued I thare Ben demid til helle for to fare. Bot for I lufed wel our Lefdye Quil I lifd, Ic hafd forthie Ful god help thar, thoru hir mercy. For scho bisoht Crist inwardlie That I moht in purgatorie Clens mi sin and mi folye. Forthi hop I to far ful welle, For mi soru sal son kele ; Forthi, my frend, I prai the, That thou ger felaus prai for me/ VIII. (b) the stilling of the tempest. 89 Quen this was said, awai he went, And his felawe ful mikel him ment, And efter this siht mani a dai Gert he for his sawell prai. 265 (B) A Homily for the Third Sunday after the Octave of Epiphany . [The Miraculous Stilling of the Tempest on the Sea of Galilee .] Pages 134— 144. Sain Matheu the wangeliste Telles us todai, hou Crist Schipped into the se a time, And his decipelis al wit him. And quen thair schip com on dep, 5 Jesu seluen fel on slep, And gret tempest bigan to rise, That gert the schipmen sar grise. Thai wakned Crist, and said yare, ‘ Help us, Lauerd, for we forfare 1 / 10 And Crist, als mihti Godd, ansuerd And said, ‘ foies, qui er ye fered ?' Als qua sai[d], ‘ Godd es in this schip, That mai wel saue this felauschip.' And Crist comanded wind and se 15 To lethe, and fair weder [to] 2 be. An sa fair weder was in hie, That al his felaues thoht ferlie, And said, ‘ quatkin man mai this be ? Til him bues bathe winde and se.' 20 Printed ‘ sofare’; Camb. * fore fare.’ * to* supplied from Camb. 9 ° VIII . (B) HOMILIES IN VERSE . This es the strenthe of our godspelle, Als man on Ingelis tong mai telle. A1 hali kirc, als thine me, Mai bi this schippe takened be, That Crist rad in and his felawes, Imang dintes of gret quawes. For schip fletes on the flode, And hali kirc, wit costes 1 gode, Fletes abouen this werldes se, Flouand wit sin and caitifte ; God cresten men er hali kirc, That Goddes wil wille gladli were. This schip ful gret wawes kepes ; And Crist tharin gasteli slepes, Quen he tholes god men and lele, Wit wic men and fals dele 2 , That betes thaim wit dede and word Als se-bare betes on schip-bord. For wit ensampel, mai we se That al this werld es bot a se, That bremli bares on banc wit bale, And gret fisches etes the smale. For riche men of this werd etes That pouer wit thair trauail getes. For wit pouer men fares the king Riht als the quale fars wit the elringe 3 , And riht als sturioun etes merling, And lobbekeling etes sperling, Sua stroies mare men the lesse, Wit wa and werldes wrangwisnes ; And schathe, that lesse tholes of mare 25 30 35 40 45 50 1 Camb. ‘gostes.’ 2 Camb. ‘ Wyth wyked men and fals to dell Camb. ‘herynge.* VIII. (B) THE STILLING OF THE TEMPEST. Smites als storm of se fill sare. And forthi that Crist tholes this, Ite sembeles that he slepand is ; Bot thai that thol thir strange stowres, Thai waken Crist and askes socoures Wit orisoun, that es prayer, That wakenes Crist, and gers him her A1 thair wandreth and thair wrake, And wit his miht he geres it slake. For rihtwis cristen man praier Es til Jesus sa lef and dere, That quat-sa-euer we ask tharin, And we be out of dedeli sin, Our Lauerd grauntes 1 it us son, Yef sawel hel be in our bon. For yef we prai God that he Grant that igain our sawel be. Us au to thine na ferlye Thoh Godd it warnes ouertlye. For bi ensampel mai we se That praier mai unschilful be; Als ef thou prai Godd that he Apon thi fais venge the ; Thi praier es igain his wille, Forthi wil he it noht fulfille ; Or yef thou prai efter catele, That es igain thi sawel hele ; Or efter werdes mensc and miht, That geres foies fal in pliht ; Or ef thou praye him that he lethe 2 Thi fandinges and thi wandrethe, 1 Printed ‘ grannies.* 2 Printed ‘leche’; Camb. ‘ leth.* 92 VIII. (B) homilies in verse . That dos in-to the sawel gode, Yef thou it thol wit milde mode, Wit resoun mai thou Godd noht wite, 85 Yef he the silc askinges nite; For yef he graunt the thi schathe, Thou war noht lef til him, hot lathe. Forthi es godd that we him praye Thing that our sawel hele mai ; 90 For ar we bigin our prayer, Wat he quarof we haf mister. Bot for our godspel spekes of se, Quarbi this werld mai bisend be, Forthi wil I schaw other thinges, 95 That er apert biseninges Bituixe this wlanc 1 werld and se, This werldes welth to do fle. Bi sake water of the se Ful gratheli mai bisend be 100 This werldes welth, auht, and catel, That werdes men lufes ful wel ; For salte water geres men threst, And werdes catel geres men brest. The mar thou drinkes of the se, 105 The mare and mar threstes the 2 ; And ai the richer that man esse, The mar him langes efter riches. And in se dronkenes folc ful fele, And sua dos men 3 in werdes catele ; 1 10 For water drunkenes the bodie, And catel the sawel gastelie ; For catel drawes man til helle, 1 Camb. * wankyll.’ 2 Printed ‘ ye.’ 8 ‘ men* supplied from Camb. VIII. (B) TALE OF A USURER. 93 Thar wattri wormes er ful felle, And of thir wormes wil I telle i A tal, yef ye wil her mi spelle. Narracio. [Tale of a Usurer .] An hali man biyond the 1 se Was bischop of a gret cit 6 ; God man he was, and Pers he hiht. And thar bisyd woned a kniht, i That thorn kind was bond and thralle, Bot knihthed gat he wit catalle 2 . This catel gat he wit okering, And led al his lif in corsing ; For he haunted bathe dai and niht i His okering, sine he was kniht, Als fast as he did bifore, And tharwit gat he gret tresore. Bot Crist, that boht us der wit pine, Wald noht this mannes sawel tine, i Bot gaf him graz himself to knaw, And his sin to the bischop schaw. Quen he him schraf at this bischop, This bischop bad him haf god hop, And asked him, yef he walde tac i Riht penanz, for his sinful sac. ‘Ful gladli wil I tac/ he said, The penanz that bes on me laid / And the bischop said, ‘ thou sal mete A beggar gangand by the strete ; i And quat-als-euer he askes the, Gif him ; this sal thi penanz be/ 1 ‘ the’ supplied from Camb. 2 Camb. * catalle’; printed copy ‘catelle.* 120 '25 30 135 140 94 VIII. (b) homilies in verse. And ful wel paid was this kniht, For him thoht his penanz ful liht. And als he for hamward, he mette 145 A beggar that him cumly grette, And said, 4 lef sir, par charity Wit sum almous thou help me.’ This kniht asked quat he wald haf ; 4 Lauerd/ he said, 4 sum quet I craue/ 150 4 Hou mikel/ he said, 4 askes thou me V 4 A quarter, lauerd, par charit 6 .’ This kniht granted him his bone, And gert met him his corn sone. This pouer man was will of wan, 155 For poc no sek no hauid he nan, Quarin he moht this quete do ; And forthi this kniht said him to, 4 This quete I rede thou selle me, For ful pouer me thine the/ 160 The pouer said, 4 layth thine me To selle Goddes charitd, Bot len me sum fetel 1 tharto, Quarin I mai thin almous do/ And he ansuered and said, 4 nai/ 165 For al that this beggar moht sai, And said, ‘this corn 2 thou selle me, For fetil wil I nan len the/ The beggar moht na better do, Bot said this corn igain him to, 170 And toe thar-for fif schilling, And went him forthe on his begging. Quen this corn to the kniht was said, Camb. ‘vessell.* 2 ‘ corn’ supplied from Camb. VIII . (b) tale of a usurer. He did it in an arc to hald, And opened this arc the thrid daye, And fand tharin, selcouthe to saye, Snakes and nederes thar he fand, And gret blac tades gangand, And arskes, and other wormes felle, That I kan noht on Inglis telle. Thai lep upward til his visage, And gert him almast fal in rage, Sa was he for thir wormes ferde ; Bot noht forthi that arc he speride, And to the bischope in a ras He ran, and tald him al 1 his cas. The bischop sau that Godd wald tak Of this man sin wrethful wrac. And said, ‘ yef thou wil folfille Wit worthi penanz Goddes wille, And clens wit penanz riht worthi Al thi sinnes and thi foli, I red that thou self the falle Nakid imang tha wormes alle, No gif thou of the self na tale, Bot bring thi sawel out of bale. Thoh tha wormes thi caroin gnawe, Thi pynes lastes bot a thrawe ; And than sal thi sawel wende To lif of blis, witouten ende/ This okerer was selli radde To do that this bischop him badde. Bot of mercy haft he god hop, And gern he prayd the bischop, 95 '75 j8o '^5 190 195 2CO 1 * al* supplied from Camb. VIII. (b) homilies in verse. And said, ‘ lef fader, I prai the, That thou prai inwardli for me, That God gif me his graz to fang, One my bodi, this penanz Strang/ The bischop hiht this man lelye, To prai for him riht inwardlye. This man went ham, thoh he war rad, And did als his bischop him badde ; For imang al thir wormes snelle, Als nakid als he was born, he felle. Thir wormes ete that wreche 1 manne, And left nathing of him bot ban. The bischop went in-to that toun, Wit clerkes in processioun, And come into this knihtes wanes, And soht ful gern his hali banes, And til this forsaid arc he yod, And opened it wit joiful mod, And riped imang tha wormes lathe, Bot nan of thaim moht do him schathe, And forthe he gan tha banes draw, And thai war als quite als snaw. Quen al tha banes out tan ware Tha wormes gert he brin ful yare, And bar thir bannes menskelye, And fertered thaim at a nunrye ; Thar Godd schewes mirakelle and miht, And gifes blind men thar siht ; And croked men thar geres he ga, And leches seke men of wa, And schewes wel, wit fair ferlikes, 1 Printed ‘ wrethe’ ; Camb. ‘ wreched.’ VIII . ( B ) homilies in verse . 97 That thas banes er god relikes. This tal haf I nou tald here, To ger you se on quat maner That the mar catel that man haues, The mar and mare his hert craues ; And namlic thir okerers, That er cursed for thair aferes ; Bot yef thai her thair lif amend, Thai wend til wormes witouten end, That sal thaim reuli rif and rend In helle pine witouten end. That wist this bischop witerlye, And forthi did he quaintelye, Quen he gert wormes ete this man, To yem his sawel fra Satan. For wormes suld his sawel haf rended, Quar-sa-euer it suld haf lended, Yef he no hauid wel ben scriuen, And his caroin til wormes giuen. Bot for his fleis was pined here, His sawel es now til Godd ful dere, Thar it wones in plai and gamen, Godd bring us thider alle samen. Amen ! 240 245 250 255 VOL. II. H IX. DAN MICHEL OF NORTHGATE. A. D. 1340. In the year 1340, Dan Michel of Northgate (Kent), ‘ a brother of the cloister of St. Austin of Canterbury,’ translated into Eng- lish the French treatise ‘ Le Somme des Vices et des Vertus’ by Frere Lorens (a. d. 1279), under the title of ‘The Ayenbite of Inwyt’ (Remorse of Conscience). This work is preserved in the Arundel MS. 57, which also contains two short Sermons, prob- ably turned into the Kentish dialect by the same writer. These Kentish productions are the most valuable specimens which have been preserved of the Southern dialect in the fourteenth century. They were edited for the Early English Text Society by Dr. Morris in 1866, with the title, ‘ Dan Michel’s Ayenbite of Inwyt, or Remorse of Conscience.’ The following Sermon was known in English long before Dan Michel’s time. A thirteenth-century version of it, entitled ‘ Sawles Warde,’ is printed in ‘ Early English Homilies’ (ed. Morns, Early English Text Society, 1867), at p. 245. Sermon on Matthew xxiv. 43. [See Morris’s edition, p. 263.] Uor to sseawy }>e lokynge of man wyj>-i«rie. J?ellyche ane uorbysne / oure lhord imi crist zayp ‘ pis uorzofe ywytep pet yef pe uader of ]>e house wyste huyche time \>e j>yef were comynde : uor-zo^e he wolde waky / and nolde IX. SERMON ON MATTHEW XXIV. 43. 99 na^t ]?ol ye ]?et me dolue his hous/ Be j>ise uader of house 5 me may onderstonde / J?e wyl of skele. to huam be-longej? moche maynd pontes, and his besteriinge. wyt. and dedes / ase wel wy]?-oute : ase wy]?-inne. pet is to zigge / huych mayn6 / to moche slac / and wylles-uol ssel by : bote yef j?e ilke uaderes stefhede hise strayny / and ordayny. Vor 10 zo pe yef he hym a lyte of his bysyhede wyjj-dra^J? : huo may zigge / hou ]>03tes. e3en. earen. tonge. and alle o]?re wyttes : become]? wylde. Hous. is inwyt / in huychen ])e uader of house wone)>. }?e hord of uirtues gadere]?. Vor iiuych hord: pet ilke zelue hous ne by y-dolue / he3lyche 15 he wake]?, per ne is na^t on ]?yef : ac uele. ac to eche uzrtue: ech vice wa ytep. paries he3lyche by }?e ]?yeue: is onderstonde ]?e dyeuel. a-ye huam and his kachereles / ]?e ilke zelue uader / fables yef he ne were na^t onlosti : his hous mid gre ate streng]?e wolde loky. pe uader of ]?e house / 2c ate uerste guoinge in : he zette sle3]?e / to by doreward. pet y-knau]? huet is to uorlete : and huet ys to wylny. huet uor to bessette out of ]?e house, huet uor to onderuonge into ]?e house. Nixt }?an : ha zette streng]?e. pet ]?e vyendes/ pet sle3]?e zent to zygge / to keste out : streng]?e wy^dro^e. pet 25 his uoule lostes wyJ?-dro:$e : and wyj?-zede. Ri^tnesse uorzo]?e ssel zitte amydde / pet ech zn his o^en yef]?. Hueruore: huyche time }?e ]?yef is comynde / me not. ac eche tyme me ssel drede. pise zuo y-di^t : na$t longe to }?e wakynde ]?e slep of zenne benym)?. Vor al pet lyf is to waky. Zome 30 messagyers slej]?e ssel lete in. pet zome ]?inges mo3e telle / pet me may a-waki myde. pus }?e messagyer of dya]?e acsej? inguoynge : he is onderuonge. Me hi^ acse}? huo he ys. huannes he com]?, huet he he]? yso3e. He ansuere]?. he, ne may na3t zigge : bote yef j?er by he3liche clom. Huych 35 y-graunted : ]?us he begyn]?. 4 Ich am drede / and be- ]?enchinge of dya]?e. and dya]? [is] comy[n]de : ich do you to H 2 IOO IX. DAN MICHEL OF NORTHGATE. wytene/ Sle3)?e spec}) uor alle. and acsej). 4 And huer is noil })e ilke dya)>. and huanne ssel he come V Drede zay}>. 40 4 Ich wot wel )>et he ne abyt na3t to comene / and nyej he is. ac }>ane day / o]?er )>ane tyme of his comynge : ich not/ Sle^J^e zayp 4 And huo ssel come myd hyre?' Drede zayj). 4 A j)Ouzend dyeulen ssolle come mid hire, and brenge mid ham / greate bokes / and bernynde hokes / 45 and chaynen auere/ Sle^e zay}). 4 And huet wyllej) hy do mid alle })an?' Drede zay}>. 4 Ine J>e bokes bye}) y-write alle ze^nen of men. and hise brenge}) / }>et be ham hi mo^e ouercome men. of huychen })e zewnes }?erinne bye)» ywryte. }?et bye}) to hare ri^te. Hokes hi brenge}) / }?et ]>o 50 }>et bye]) to hare r^te ouercomej) : hire zaulen be streng})e : of })e bodye dra^e}) out. and hise bynde}) mid ]>e chaines / and in to helle hise dra3e}>/ Sle3}>e zay}). 4 Hua^nes comste? , Drede zayj). 4 Vram helle/ Sle3})e zay}>. 4 And huet is helle. and huet yse3e }>e ine helle?' Drede zay}). 55 4 Helle is wyd / wy})-oute metinge. dyep / wy])-oute botme. Vol of brene on-}>olyinde. Vol of stenche / wy[j)]oute com- parisoun. per is zoqe. })er is }>yesternesse. }>er ne is non ordre. )>er is groniynge wy})-oute ende. })er ne is non hope of guode. non wawtrokiynge of kueade. Ech pet 6 d }>erinne is : hate}) him zelue : and alle o}>ren. per ich yze3 alle manyere tormens. }>e leste of alle / is more ^amie alle |)e pynen pet mo3e by y-do ine pise wordle. per is wop. and grindinge of tep ]>er me ge}) uram chele in to greate hete of uere. and buo}>e on}>olyinde. pere alle be uere / 65 ssolle by uorbernd. and myd wermes ssolle by y-wasted / and na3t ne ssolle wasti. Hire wermes / ne ssolle na3t sterue. and hare ver ne ssel neure by ykuenct. No rearde ne ssel })er by y-hyerd / bote, wo : wo. wo hy habbej) : and wo hy gredep pe dyeules tormentors pynep and to- 70 gydere hy bye}) y-pyned. ne neure ne ssel by ende of pyne : IX. SERMON ON MATTHEW XXIV. 43. IOI o]?er reste. pellich is helle / an a ]?ousend zy]?e worse. And ]?is ich yze^ ine helle / and a )?ousendzi]?e more worse, pis ich com uor to zygge you/ SlejJ^e zay)?. 4 God wet ssolle we do. Nou broken and zostren y-hyre}? my red. and yuej) youre. Bye]? sle3e. an wake]? ine youre bedes / porueynde 75 guodes. na3t onlyche beuore gode : ac be-uore alle men.’ polemodness zay)?. ‘ Do we to worke godes nebsseft / ine ssrifte / and ine zalmes : glede we hym. bye]? sobre / and wakye]? / uor youre uo ]?e dyuel / ase j?e lyoun brayinde gej? aboute ]?an : pet he wyle uor-zue^e/ Streng]?e zay]?. 80 * Wy]?stonde}? hym : stronge ine byleaue. Byej? glede ine god. Clo]?e)> you mid godes armes. ]?e hauberk of ry3t. |?ane sseld of beleaue. nymej? ]?ane helm of hel]?e. and pe holy gostes zuord : pet is godes word/ Ry3[t]nesse zay]>. ‘ Lybbe we sobreliche. ry[3t]uollyche an bonayrelyche. So- 85 brelyche : ine ous zelue. ry3tuollyche : to oure emcristen. bonayrelyche : to god. pet we nolle]? pet me do to ous zelue : ne do we hyt na3t to o]?ren. and pet we wylle]? pet me do to ous zellue do we hit to o]?re men. and uor zoJ?e pet is r^t/ Sle3]?e zay]?. 4 per is ano]?er wy]?-oute ]?e gates uayr. r>o and gled. hit pingp pe[t] he bre[n]g)? glednesse/ Ry3[t.]- nesse zay]?. f onderuonge)? hym. be cas he ous ssel gledye. uor ]?es ilke uerste : gratlyche he ous he}? y-mad of-dret/ Sle3pe zay]? to }>e messagere. ‘ Guo in. and huo ]?ou art. and hua^nes ]?ou comst. and huet ]?ou hest yzo3e : zay 95 ous/ pe messagyr zay]?. f Ich am loue of lyue eurelest- ynde. an wylnynge of ]?e contraye of heuene. Yef ye me wylle]? y-here : habbej? amang you. dorm/and reste. Na3t uor zo]?e amang gredynges and novses : ych ne may by yherd/ Ri3[t]uolnesse zay]?. 4 Yef we longe godes drede / ico and be-]?enchinge of dya]?e were stille : ry3t hit is / pet j?e spekinde / wel more we by stille/ Wylningge of ]?e lyue wy]?-oute ende / zay>. 4 peruore bye]? stille / and yhere)) 102 IX. DAN MICHEL OF NORTHGATE. myd wylle. Ich come uram heuene. and J>elliche Jjinges 105 ich y-ze:$ )>er. pet no man ne may dyngneliche zigge. paries zomjjyng ich wylle zigge : ase ich may. Ich yze3 god. ac be ane sseawere ine ssede. Ich yze$ }?e ilke onspekynde / an on-todelinde magest£ of J?e holy trinyt£ be-gynnynge / ne ende ne hej>. Ac and 1 jo ly^t J?er-inne wone}> / pet me ne may na3t come to. Vra m \>o ly3te bye)? y-)>orsse mine e3en / and |?e zy3f>e ]?yester. Hyt ouergej) uorzojje alle wyttes / and alle zy3)>es. }?e ilke bry3[t]nesse. and }>e ilke uolnesse. pa3les a lytel ich yze3 oure lhord iesn crist / ine ri3t half zittinde. f>et is to zygge : 1 15 ine J>e lyue wyj)-oute ende regnynde. pa3 he ouer alle ssep)?es by zuo uayr : pet ine hi m wylne)> J>e angles to zyenne. Yet nou J)e wounden and ]>e toknen of J?e pas- sion he he)? ine his bodye. huermyde he ous bo3te. be-uore )>e uader uor ous stant uor to bydde. Ich y-ze3 nyxt iesu 120 crist ]>e ilke blisfolle mayde / and moder j?e ilke zodes 1 / and oure Ihordes iesu cristes / myd alle worj?ssipe and reuerence / y-nemned marie / ine ]>e wonderuolle trone zittynde / aboue alle j?e holy ordres of angles / and of men : an-he3ed. hire zone iesus uor ous byddinde. and to 125 huam hi is uol of merci. Ac }>e ilke wonderuolle mageste / and ]>e br^tnesse of J?e moder / and of )>e zone : ich ne my3te na3t longe j>olye / ich wente myne zi3pe uor to yzi / ] ?e ilke holy ordres of }>e gostes: pet stondej? beuore god. of huichen [?e eureiestinde holynesse of )>e zi3pe of god / 130 an of f>e loue. ne hit ne ssel lessi : ne hit ne ssel endi / ac eure wexe and blefj>. Ac na3t j>e ilke degrez / and dingnetes / heryinges alsuo / huyche hyre makyere hy bere)> no man 2 uollyche )>enche / ne na3t ne may by yno3 to telle, perefter )?e profetes ich y-ze3. and )?e patrzarkes 135 wonderlyche glediynde ine blisse. uor pet hy yze3en ine 1 * godes * or ‘ zones ’? 2 Probably ‘ may’ should be supplied here. IX. SERMON ON MATTHEW XXIV. 43. I03 goste : uolueld hy yzep j>et ine longe anoy onderuynge / }>et ouet of blysse wypoute ende chongeden. Ich y-ze} J>e apostles ine tronen zittynde. J>e tribz / and pe tongen / alle preste. and of poure / and of zyke : zuo blisuolle and holy / of oure lhord iesu crist / and zuo he3e / yno^ 140 alneway ich am wondrinde. Ich y-ze3 / ac uollyche ich ne my[ 3 ]te al yzy / ]>e innumerable uela3rede of }>e holy martires / mid blisse and worJ>ssipe / y-corouned. J?et be ]>e pinen of J>ise time / huyche hi beren to J?o blisse / J?et wes ysseawed ine ham: hy come J?erto. Hyre holynesse / and 145 hyre blysse : long time ich me lykede. Ich yze3 to ]>e blyssede heape of ctf/zfessours. amang huam / men apostles / and techeres / J>et holy cherche mid hare techinge wereden. and alsuo uram alle heresy e / \vyQ>]-oute wem habbe]? yclenzed: sseawej?. and hy uele habbe]? y-ta3t. ssynej> ase 150 sterren / ine eurelestynde wy[J?]-oute ende. per bye]> Monekes pet uor claustres / and uor strayte cellen. wel moche / an clyerer J>anne ]>e zonne : habbej) wonyinges. Vor blake and uor harde kertles / huyter )>ane )?e snaw. and of alle zofthede / and nesshede / clo}>inge habbe)> an. 155 Vram hare e3en / god wypej? alle tyeres. and J?ane kyng hy ssolle ysy ine hys uayrhede. Alast / to }>e uela3rede of maydynes ich lokede. of huychen / blysse / ssepj>e / agray- pin ge / and melodya. huyche none mannes speche : dingne- lyche may telle. And hy zonge })ane zang: pet non o]?er 160 ne may zynge. Ac and }>e zuete smel ine hare regyon / zuo zuete ys : pet alle manyre zuete smelles ouercomp And to hare benes : oure lhord arist. to alle o)?ren : zittinde he Ihest/ Sle3f>e zayp 4 Hyt lykep pet J?ou zayst. Ac uor of echen of j?e holy ordres / wondres ]?ou hest 165 y-zed : we byddej? pet )>ou zigge ous / huet is hare dede in mennesse / and hjiet is ]>e ^?7zuers[ac]ion of uela3rede : zay ous/ pe wylny[n]gge of ]>e lyue wypoute ende zayp 104 IX. DAN MICHEL OF NORTH GATE . 4 Vor zo)>e ich wylle zygge. pe dede of alle ine mennesse / j 70 ys zeueuald. Hy lybbep hy smackep hy louye)>. hy bye{> glede. hy heryep hy byej? zuyfte. hy bye]? zikere.' Sle3pe zayj>. ‘ pa^ ich zomdel pis onderstonde : uor ham pet lhestej>/of echen zay/ Wylnynge of J?e lyue wy[]?]-oute ende zayp ‘ Zuo by hyt. Hy lybbej? be lyue wyJ>-oute ende. 1 75 wyj?-oute enye tyene. wy[]?]-oute enye lessinge. wyf>-oute enye wy]?stondynge. Hyre lyf is J?e zy$)>e and )>e knaulechynge of ]>e holy trinytd ase za yp oure lhord iesus. pis is pet lyf wyj^-oute ende / pet hy knawe j?e zo]?e god / and huam j?e zentest iesu crist. and J?eruore ylyche hy bye)? / uor hy i8oy- Z yeJ>: ase he is. Hy smacke]? pe redes and )>e domes of god. Hy smacke)? J?e kendes / and J?e causes / and {>e begynny[n]ges of alle jjynges. Hy louyej? god wy^-oute enye comparisoun. uor pet hy wytej? huerto god his hej> y-bro3t uorp hy louye]> ech o]?ren : ase ham zelue. Hy bye]? glede >85 of god onzyginde. hy byej> glede of zuo moche of hare o^ene holynesse : and uor pet ech louej? o]?ren ase hi m zelue. ase moche blisse he]? ech of o]?res guode: ase of his o^ene. peruore by ziker / uor eurych hej? aseuele blyssen : ase he he]? uela3es. and aseuele blissen to echen : *9° ase his 03ene of alle. and peruore eureich more louej> wyj?oute comparisoun god : pet hym and oJ?re made / j)anne hi m zelue / and alle oJ>re. More hy byej> glede wy)>-oute gessynge of godes holynesse : ]>anne of his 03ene / and of alle oj?re myd hym. Yef Jeanne on onneaj^e nymb *95 al his blisse. hou ssel he nyme zuo uele and zuo manye blyssen? And peruore hit is yzed. guo into J?e blysse of ]>yne lhorde. na3t J?e blisse of jnne lhorde / guo in to }>e. uor hy ne may. perefter / hy heriej? god wy|?-oute ende / wy)?-oute werynesse. ase hyt is y-wryte. Lhord / y-blvssed 200 by J?o pet wonyej) ine j?yne house / in wordles of wordles : ssolle [hy] herye ]>e. Zuyfte hy bye3* uor huer pet ]>e gost IX. SERMON ON MATTHEW XXIV. 43. 105 wyle by: uorzope }>er is J?et body. Alle hy bye]? myf^Jt- uolle. Zykere hy bye)? of zuyche lyue. of zuo moche wysdome. of zuo moche loue. of zuo moche blysse. of zuyche heryinge. of zuyche holynesse. J>et non ende. non lessynge. non uallynge doun ssolle habbe. Lo alyte ich habbe yzed to you. of J?an J?et ich yze$ ine heuene. Na^t uor zo]?e ne may zigge / ase ich yze} / ne najt ase hy bye)? : ne my^te ysy/ Sle3[>e zayp ‘ Vorzoj^e ine heuene we onderstonde)) j?et J?ou were, and zo)> J>ing ]>er ]?ou yse3e. and zo]> J>ou hest y-zed/ Streng}>e zay]>. ‘ Huo ssel ous todele uram cristes loue? tribulacion. o[>er zor3e. and of>re. zykere bye}?, uor nofer dya|> / ne lyf. and o^re/ Ry3t zayj). ‘ Do)> out )>ane uerste messagyer. hyt ne is na3t r^t J>et he bleue ine }>e house / myd J?e ry3tuolle. Vor ry3[t]uolle loue : def> out drede.’ Strengj>e zayp 4 guo out drede. }>ou ne sselt na3t by ine oure stedes/ Drede zayp € Huet habbe ich mis-do 1 . ich uor guode zede/ Temperancia zay)?. ‘ Bro}>[r]en and zostren / ich zigge to you. na/rcmore smacky / j^a^ne be-houeJ>. ac smacke to sobretd. pou drede / guo out myd guode wylle. J?ole ]>ane dom / pet r^t hej> y-demd. be auenture J?e my3t eft by onderuonge. yef wylnynge of lyf wyj>-oute ende / o|;erhuyl let of/ pe makyere zayj?. pus / )>us / nou ssel eurich hys heuynesse / ssake a-way / uram drede / to J>e loue of J?e heuenelyche contraye him-zelue wende. Zuo by hit. [The following interesting extracts are from the same work ; see Morris’s edition of the ‘ Ayenbite of Inwyt/ p. 262.] Pater Noster. Vader oure pet art ine heuenes / y-ha^ed by \\ name, cominde J>i riche. y-worJ>e ]>\ wil / as ine heuene : and ine 1 MS. repeats ‘do’ thrice, with a point after it each time. 205 210 215 220 225 io6 IX. DAN MICHEL OF NORTHGATE. er}>e. bread oure echedayes : yef ous to day. and uorlet ous oure yeldinges : ase and we uor-lete}> oure yelderes. and ne 230 ous led na$t : in-to uondinge. ac vri ous vram queade. zuo by hit. Aue Maria . Hayl Marie / of J>onke uol. lhord by mid ]?e. y-blissed (?ou ine wymmen. and y-blissed j>et ouet of June wombe. 235 zuo by hit. Credo . Ich leue ine god / uader almi^ti. makere of heuene / and of erj?e. And ine iesu crz'st / his zone on-lepi / oure lhord. j>et y-kend is / of }>e holy gost. y-bore of Marie Mayde. y-pyned onder pouns pilate. y-nayled a rode. dyad, and 240 be-bered. yede doun to helle. ]>ane J^ridde day a-ros uram J?e dyade. Stea} to heuenes. zit aj>e ri^t half of god J?e uader al-mi^ti. )>annes to comene he is / to deme J?e quike / and )>e dyade. Ich y-leue ine )>e holy gost. holy cherche general- liche. Me/messe of hal^en. Lesnesse of ze^nes. of ulesse 245 arizinge. and lyf eurelestinde. zuo by hyt. X. RICHARD ROLLE DE HAMPOLE. ABOUT A.Di 1340. Richard Rolle de Hampole, commonly called Hampole, was (according to some) an Augustine monk of the Priory of Hampole, about four miles from Doncaster ; but he seems merely to have lived in that neighbourhood as a hermit. He died in the year a.d. 1349. He was the author of a prose version of the Psalms, with a Commentary, portions of the Book of Job, and some very excellent prose treatises, as yet inedited. About 1340 he wrote, both in English and Latin, a poem called 4 The Pricke of Conscience.’ The English version of this poem, in the Northumbrian dialect, has been edited from MSS. in the British Museum, by Dr. Morris, for the Philological Society, London 1863. The following selections are taken from the Cotton MS. Galba E. ix. The Pricke of Conscience . [The Wretchedness of Mari s Birth i\ [Lines 432 — 439.] Alle mans lyfe casten may be, Prmcipaly, in ]ns partes thre, pat er thir to our vndirstandyng, Bygynnyng, midward, and endyng. 435 per thre partes er thre spaces talde Of J>e lyf of ilk man, yhung and aide. X. RICHARD ROLLE DE HAMPOLE . 108 Bygynnyng of mans lif, pzt first es, Contenes mykel wrechednes ; [Lines 464 — 509.] And [when man\ was born til )>is werldys light, He ne had nouther strenthe ne myght, 465 Nouther to ga ne yhit to stand, Ne to crepe with fote ne with hand, pan has a man les myght J?an a beste When he es born, a^d es sene leste ; For a best, when it es born, may ga 470 Als^tite aftir, and ryn to and fra; Bot a man has na myght |>ar-to, When he es born, swa to do ; For J>an may he noght stande ne crepe, Bot ligge and sprawel, and cry & wepe. 475 For vnnethes es a child born fully pat it ne bygynnes to goule and cry ; And by pat cry men may knaw }>an Whether it be man or weman, For when it es born it cryes swa; 480 If it be man, it says ‘ a, a/ pat J?e first letter es of j>e nam Of our forme-fader Adam. And if J?e child a woman be, When it es born, it says ‘ e, e/ 485 E es j;e first letter and f>e hede Of }>e name of Eue pat bygan our dede. parfor a clerk made on pis manere pis vers of metre pat es wreten here : Dicentes E uel A quotquot nascuntur ah Eua. 490 ‘ Alle j>as/ he says, ‘ ]>at comes of Eue, pat es al men pat here byhoues leue, X . PR1CKE OF CONSCIENCE . 109 When )>ai er born, what-swa pai be, pai say outher “ a, a,” or “ e, e.” * pus es here j>e bygynnyng Of our lyfe sorow and gretyng, Til whilk our wrechednes stirres vs, And j^arfor Innocent says J>us : Omnes nascimur eiulantes , vt nature nostre exprimamus . He says, ‘ al er we born gretand, And makand a sorowful sembland, For to shew pe grete wrechednes Of our kynd pat in vs es.’ pus when ]>e tyrne come of our birthe, Al made sorow and na mirthe ; Naked we come hider, and bare, And pure, swa sal we hethen fare. [Lines 528—555.] pus es a man, als we may se, In wrechednes borne and cayteft£, And for to life here a fon dayse, 530 parfor lob jms openly sayse : Homo nalus de muliere , breui uiuens tempore , repleiur multis misenjs. He says, ‘ Man pat born es of woman, Lyfand short time, to ful fild es J?an 535 Of many maners of wrechednes/ pus says lob, and swa it es. Alswa man es borne til noght elles Bot to trauayle, als lob yhit telles : Homo nascitur ad laborem , sicut auis ad uolatum. He says, f Man es born to trauaile right Als a foul es to pz flight/ 495 miseriam 1 IO X . RICHARD ROLLE DE H AMP OLE. For littel rest in J>is lyf es, Bot gret trauayle and bysynes ; 545 Yhit a man es, when he es born, pe fendes son, & fra God es lorn, Ay til he thurgh grace may com Til baptem and til cristendom ; pus may a man his bygynnyng se 550 Ful of wrechednes and of caytiftd [The Middle of Man's Life.] pe tother part of pe lyf, men calles pe mydward, aftir pat it falles, pe wilk reches fra pe bygynnyng Of mans lyfe vn-til pe endyng. 555 [ Man is like a Tree.] [Lines 662 — 707.] A man es a tre, pat standes noght hard, Of whilk pe crop es turned donward, And pe rote to-ward pe firmament, Als says pe grete clerk Innocent. 665 Quid est homo , secundum formam, nisi quedam arbor euersa , cuius radices sunt crines ; tr uncus est caput cum collo ; stipes est pectus cum aluo , rami sunt ulne cum tibiis ; frondes sunt digiti cum articulis ; hoc est folium quod a uento rapitur, et stipula [que] a sole siccatur. He says, ‘ What es man in shap bot a tre Turned vp [>at es doun, als men may se? Of whilk pe rotes, pat of it springes, Er pe hares pat on pe heued hynges; pe stok, nest pe rot growand, Es pe heued with nek folowand ; 675 X . PRICKE OF CONSCIENCE. pe body of f>at tre J?arby Es J?e brest with }>e bely ; pe bughes er J?e armes with J?e handes, And j>e legges, with J>e fete pat standes; pe braunches men may by skille calle pe tas and J?e fyngers alle ; pis es }>e leef pat hanges noght faste, pat es blawen away thurgh a wynd-blaste, And j?e body alswa of J?e tre, pat thurgh ]?e son may dried be/ A man pat es yhung and light, Be he neuer swa stalworth a^d wyght, And comly of shap, lufly and fayre, Angers and yuels may hym appayre, And his beut6 and his streng[t]h abate, And mak hym in ful wayk state, And chaunge alle [his] fayre colour, pat son fayles azzd fades, als dos ]>e flour. For a flour ]?at semes fayre & bright Thurgh stormes fades, & tynes ]?e myght. Many yuels, angers, and mescheefes, Oft comes til man ]>at here lyues, Als feuyr, dropsy and Iaunys, Tysyk, goute and other malady s, pat hym mas streng[t]h & fayrnes tyne, Als grete stormes dose a flour to dwyne ; parfor a man may likend be Til a flour pat es fayre to se, pan, son aftir pat it es forth broght, Welkes a/zd dwynes til it be noght. I 12 X. RICHARD ROLLE DE HAMPOLE. [. Length of Man's Life.] [Lines 728 — 829.] In J>e first bygynnyng of J>e kynd of man, Neghen hundreth wynter man lyfed j>an, Als clerkes in bukes bers witnes ; 730 Bot sythen by-com mans lyf les, And swa wald God at it suld be ; For-whi he sayd J?us til Noe : Non permanebit spiritus meus in homine in eternum, quia caro est , erunt dies illius centum viginti annorum . ‘ My gast/ he says, ‘ sal noght ay dwelle In man, for he es flesshe and felle ; Hys days sal be for to life here 740 An hundreth and twenti yhere/ Bot swa grete elde may nane now bere. For sythen mans lyfe bycom shortere, For-whi )?e collection of ilk man Was sythen febler J^an it was J?an; 745 Now es it alther-feblest to se, parfor mans life short byhoues be ; For ay }?e langer pat man may lyfe, pe mare his lyfe sal hym now griefe, And pe les hi m sal thynk his lyf swete, 730 Als in a psalme says ]>e pr^phete : Si auiem in potentatibus octogynta anni , et amplius eorum labor et dolor! 1 If in myghtfulnes four scor yher falle, Mare es pair swynk a«d sorow with-alle/ 755 For seldom a man pat has pat held Hele has, and hi^-self may weld ; Bot now falles yhit shorter mans dayes. X. PRICKE OF CONSCIENCE. 113 Als lob, pe haly man, p\xs says : Nunc paucitas dierum meorum finietur breui. 760 4 Now / he says, 4 my fon days sere Sal enden with a short tym here/ \0!d AgeJ\ Fone men may now fourty yhere pas, And foner fifty, als in somtym was ; 765 Bot als tyte als a man waxes aide, pan waxes his kynde wayke & calde, pan chaunges his complexcion And his maners & his condicion ; pan waxes his hert hard and heuy, 770 And his heued feble and dysy ; pan waxes his gast seke and sare, And his face rouncles, ay mare & mare ; His mynde es short when he oght thynkes, His nese ofte droppes, his hand stynkes, 775 His sight wax[es] dym pat he has, His bak waxes croked, stoupand he gas ; Fyngers and taes, fote & hande, And alle his touches er tremblande. His werkes forworthes pat he bygynnes ; 780 His hare moutes, his eghen rynnes ; His eres waxes deef, and hard to here, His tung fayles, his speche es noght clere ; His mouthe slauers, his tethe rotes, His wyttes fayles, and he ofte dotes ; 785 He es lyghtly wrath, and waxes fraward, Bot to turne hym fra wrethe it es hard ; He souches & trowes sone a thyng, Bot ful late he turnes fra pat trowyng ; VOL. II. I X. RICHARD ROLLE DE H AMP OLE. T T 4 He es couatous and hard haldand, 790 His chere es drery and his sembland ; He es swyft to spek on his manere, And latsom and slaw forto here ; He prayses aid men and haldes pa m wyse, And yhung men list him oft despyse ; 795 He loues men pat in aid tyme has bene, He lakes pa men J>at now er sene ; - — He es ofte seke and ay granand, And ofte angerd, a^d ay pleynand; Alle pir, thurgh kynd, to an aid man falles, 800 pat clerkes pr^pertes of eld calles. Yhit er par ma pan I haf talde, pat falles to a man pat es aide, pus may men se, wha-so can, What pt condicions er of an aid man. 805 [The End of Man's Life .] pe last ende of mans lyfe es hard, pat es, when he drawes to ded-ward. - — For when he es seke, and bedreden lys, And swa feble pat he may noght rys, pan er men in dout and noght certayn 810 Wethir he sal euer couer agayn. Bot yhit can som men, pat er sleghe, Witte if he sal of pat yuel deghe By certayn takens, als yhe sal here, pat byfalles when j>e ded es nere; 815 pan bygynnes his frount dounward falle, And his browes heldes doun wyth-alle ; pe lefte eghe of hym |?an semes les And narower pan J>e right eghe es; His nese, at pe poynt, es sharp & smalle, 820 X. PRICKE OF CONSCIENCE . 115 pan bygynnes his chyn to falle ; His pouce es stille, with-outen styringes, His fete waxes calde, his bely clynges. And if nere J?e dede be a yhung man, He ay wakes, a/zd may noght slepe J>an ; 825 And an aide man to dede drawand May noght wake, bot es ay slepand ; Men says, al jnr takens sere Er of a man pat J?e dede es nere. \Fke World . Lines 1211 — 1292.] pe world here who-so wille Vn-to four thinges may liken by skille. First J?e world may lykend be, Mast properly, vn-to \>e se ; For j?e se, aftir tydes certayn, 1215 Ebbes and flowes, and falles agayn, And waxes ful ken, thurgh stormes pzt blawes, And castes vp and doun many gret wawes ; Swa castes J?e world, thurgh fauour, A man to riches and honour ; 1220 And fra pat agayn he castes hym doun Til pouert and to tribulacioun. And J?a er ]>e grete stormes kene, And ]>e wawes, pat in ]?e world er sene. Yhit may J?e world here, pat wyde es, 1225 Be liken d to a wildernes, pat ful of wild bestes es 1 sene, Als lyons, libardes, & wolwes kene, pat wald worow men bylyue, , And rogg j>am in sonder and ryue ; 1 230 1 MS. ‘ er/ 1 2 X. RICHARD ROLLE DE HAMPOLE. Swa j>e world es ful of mysdoers, And of tyrauntes ]>at men ofte ders, pe whilk er bisy, nyght and day, To nuye men in alle pat pai may. pe world alswa may lykend be Til a forest, in a wilde cuntr6, pat es ful of thefs awd outlawes, pat, commonly, til forestes drawes, pat haldes pases, & robbes and reues Men of pat pai haue, & noght j>am leues ; Swa es J?e world here }>ar we duelle, Ful of thefs, pat er deuels of helle, pat ay vs waytes, and er bysy To robbe vs of our gudes gastly. pe world may yhit, als yhe sal here, Be lykend, on (>e fierth manere, To a feld ful of batailles Of enemys, J?^t ilk day men assayles. For- why here we er, on many wyse, Alle vmset with sere enmys, And, speciali, with enmys thre, Agaynes wham vs by-houes armed 1 be : pa er pe world, J>e fende, our flesshe, pat, to assayle vs here, er ay freshe ; And f>arfor byhoues vs, day and nyght, Whilles we lif here, agayn fam fight, pe world, als clerkes vnderstandes, Agayn vs fightes with twa handes, With J >e right hand & |>e left ; J>ere twa May be-taken bathe wele and wa ; pe right hand es welthe, als I halde, And } >e left hand es angre calde ; 1 MS. ‘ armeud.’ 1235 1240 1245 1250 1255 1260 X. PRICKE OF CONSCIENCE . For ]>e world assayles sum men awhile With }>e right hand, J?am to bygile, pat es welth, als I sayde before, Of worldly riches and tresore ; And assayles men, nyght and day, With j>e left hand, J?am to flay, pat es, with angre and tribulacion, And pouert a^d persecution, pe whilk f>er clerkes j>e left hand calles Of J>e world, pat ofte sythes falles. Bot with J?e world comes dam fortone, pat ayther hand may chaung sone ; For sho turnes obout ay hir whele, Vp and doune, als many may fele ; When sho hir whele lates obout-ga, Sho turnes sum doune fra wele to wa, And, eft agaynward, fra wa to wele ; pus turnes sho obout oft hir whele, pe whilk pir clerkes noght elles calles, Bot happe or chaunce, pat sodanli falles, And pat men haldes here noght elles, Bot welthe and angre in whilk men dwelles. parfor worldly happe es ay in dout, Whilles dam fortune turnes hir whele about. Angre men dredes a«d walde it fle, And in welthe men wald ay be ; Bot parfit men, pat j>air lif right ledes, Welthe of J>e worlde ay flese and dredes ; For welthe drawes a man fra pe right way pat ledes til pe blisse pat lastes ay. 117 1 265 1270 *275 1280 1285 1290 1 1 8 X . RICHARD ROLLE DE HAMPOLE. [Lines 1412 — 1473.] pe life of pis world es ful vnstable, And ful variand and chaungeable, Als es sene in contrarius manere, By J?e tymes and vedirs a«d sesons here. 1415 For J>e world & worldis life to-gider Chaunges and turnes oft hider & jnder, And in a state duelles ful short while, Vnnethes j>e space of a myle. And for-pi pat J>e worlde es swa vnstable, 1420 Alle pat men sese j>ar-in es chaungeable ; For God ordayns here, als es his wille, Sere variaunce, for certayn skille, Of ]>e tyms, and wedirs, and sesons, In taken of J?e wo rides condicions, 1425 pat swa vnstable er and variande, pat ful short while may in a state stande. For God wille men se, thurgh swilk takens sere, How vn-stable pis world es here, Swa pat men suld mare drede and be abayste 1430 Ouer-mykel in j?e world here to trayste. Ofte chaunges J>e tymes here, als men wele wate, Als jms ; now es arly, now es late, Now es day, now es nyght, Now es myrk, now es light; 1435 And ]>e wedirs chaunges a«d )?e sesons, pus aftir pe worldes condicions ; For now es cald, now es hete, Now es dry, and now es wete ; Now es snaw, hail, or rayn, And now es fair wedir agayn ; 1440 X . PRICKE OF CONSCIENCE. Now es ]>e wedir bright and shynand, And now waxes it alle domland ; Now se we |>e lyfte clere and faire, Now gadirs mystes a«d cloudes in ]>q ayre. Alle }>er variance to vnderstande, May be takens of |ns world swa wariande ; And yhit er |>ar other ma takens sere Of J >e vnstablenes of Jns lif here. For now es mirthe, now is murnyng, Now es laghter, and now es gretyng; Now er men wele, now er men wa, Now es a man frende, now es he faa ; N Now es a man light, now es [he] heuy, Now es he blithe, now es he drery ; Now haf we ioy, now haf we pyn, Now we wyn, & now we tyn; Now er we ryche, now er we pur, Now haf we or-litel, now pas we mesur ; Now er we bigg, now er we bare, Now er we hale, now seke and sare ; Now haf we rest & now trauail, Now we fande our force, now we fail ; Now er we smert, now er we slawe, Now er we hegh, now er we lawe; Now haf we ynogh, now haf we noght, Now er we a-bouen, & now doun broght ; Now haf we pees, now haf we were, Now eese vs a thyng, now fele we it dere ; Now lofe we, now hate ; now saghtel, now strife, per er ]>e maners here of pis lyfe, pe whilk er takens of vnstablenes Of pis worldis lyfe, pat chaungeable es. I IQ *445 1450 *455 2460 1465 1470 120 X. RICHARD ROLLE DE H AMP OLE. [Death. Lines 1818-1829.] Four skilles I fynd writen in som stede, Why men suld specialy drede |>e dede ; An es for j >e dede-stoure swa felle pat es mare payne J>an man can telle, pe whilk ilk man sal fele with-in, When J)e body and [>e saule salle twyn. Another es for j>e sight pat he sal se Of deuels, pat about hym J?an sal be. pe thred es for the acount pat he sal yheld Of alle his lyf, of yhouthe and elde. pe ferth es, for he es vncertayne Whether he sal wend til ioy or payne. [Lines 1836—1851.] First aght men drede pe ded in hert, For \>e payn of j>e dede pat es swa smert, pat es j?e hard stour at J?e last ende, When }>e saule sal fra ]>e body wende ; A doleful partyng es pat to telle, For f>ai luf ay to -gy der to duelle; Nouther of J?am wald other for-ga, Swa mykel lof es by-twen j?am twa ; And J?e mare pzt twa to-gyder lufes, Als a man and his \vyfe ofte pmies, pe mare sorow and murnyng By-houes be at pair departyng. Bot )?e body and J>e saul with J?e lyfe Lufes mare samen J>an man and his wyfe, Whether pai be in gude way or ille, And pat es for many sere skylle. 1820 1825 1840 1845 1850 X . PRICKE OF CONSCIENCE. [Lines 1884 — 1929.] Dede wil na frendshepe do, ne fauour, Ne reu^rence til kyng, ne til emp^rour, Ne til pape, ne til bisshope, ne na prelate, Ne til nan other man of heghe estate, Ne til religiouse, ne til na seculere, For dede ouer al men has powere. And thurgh J>e dede hand al sal pas, Als Salamon says, |?at wyse was : Communionem mortis scito . ‘ Knaw j)Ow/ he says, ‘ J>at J>e dede es Comon to al men, bathe mare & les/ pus sal dede visite ilk man, And yhit na man discryue it can, For here lyues nan vnder heuen-ryke, pat can telle til what J?e ded es lyke. Bot j>e payn of dede pat al sal fele A philosopher jms discriued wele ; For he lykend mans lyf til a tre pat war growand, if it swa mught be, Thurgh a mans hert & swa shuld sprynge, pat obout war lapped with ]>e hert strynge, And ]>q croppe out at his mouth 1 mught shote, And to ilk a ioynt war fested a rote ; And ilk a vayne of ]?e mans body Had a rote festend fast j>ar-b y, And in ilk a taa and fynger of hand War a rote fra pat tre growand, And ilk a lym, on ilk a syde, With rotes of pat tre war occupy de ; 121 1885 1890 *895 1900 1905 1910 1 MS. 4 mught.’ 122 X. RICHARD ROLLE DE HAMPOLE. Yf ]>at tre war tjte pulled oute At a titte, with al ]>e rotes oboute, pe rotes suld J?an rayse J>ar-with Ilk a vayn & ilk a synoghe and lith. A mare payne couthe na man in hert cast pan pis war, als lang als it suld last; Knd ytiit halde I |>e payne of dede mare, A/zd mare Strang & hard }?an pis payn ware, pos a philosopher, when he lyfed, pe payn of ]>e dede here discriued. parfor ilk man, als I byfor sayde, Aght to drede J>e bitter dedes brayde, For bathe gode & ille sal it taste ; Bot ille men aght drede it maste, For dred of ded mast pyns wyth-in A man pat here es ful of syn. [Lines 2216 — 2233.] pe secund skil, als byfor es redde, Why J?e dede es swa gretely drede, Es for J>e grisly syght of fendes pat a man sal se, when his lyf endes. For when J?e lyf sal pas fra a man, Deuels sal gadir obout hym J?an, To rauissche ] >e saul with |?am away Tyl pyne of helle, if pai may. Als wode lyons pai sal j>an fare And raumpe on hym, and skoul, & stare, And grymly gryn on hym awd blere, And hydus braydes mak, hym to fere, pai sal fande at his last endyng Hym in-to wanhope for to bring, . X. PRICKE OF CONSCIENCE . 123 Thurgh thretynges J>at J>ai sal mak, And thurgh fe ferdnes J>at he sal tak. Ful hydus sightes J>ai sal shew hym, pat his chere sal make grisly aftd grym. [Lines 2300 — 2311.] For pai er swa grisely, als says fe buke, And swa blak and foule on to loke, pat al fe men here of mydlerd Of pat sight mught be aferd ; For al fe men here of pis lyfe Swa grysely a sight couth noght descryfe, Ne, thurgh wyt, ymagyn ne deme, Als pai sal in tyme of dede seme ; Ne swa sleygh paynt&r nemr nan was, pogh his sleght myght alle other pas, pat couthe ymagyn of fair gryslynes, Or paynt a poynt aftir pair liknes. [Lines 2334—2355.] Bot I wille shew yhow a party Why pai er swa foul and grisly ; For sum tyme, when pai war bright angels Als fa er fat now in heuen duels, Fra f#t blisful place, thurgh syn, fai felle, And bycome fan foule deuels of helle, And horribely defygurd thurgh syn, pat fai war wyth fild, and hardend farin. For war ne syn war, fai had ay bene Bright aungels, als f ai war first sene ; And now er fai made foule and vgly T[h]urgh fylyng of fair syn anly ; 2230 2300 2305 2310 2335 2340 2345 X. RICHARD ROLLE DE HAMPOLE . pan es syn mar foule & wlatsome pan any deuel pat out of helle may come ; For a thyng es fouler pat may file, pan pe thyng pat it fyles, & mare vile ; parfor says clerkes of grete cu/myng, pat syn es swa foule and swa grisly thyng, prtt if a man mught properly se his syn In j>e kynd lyknes pat it falles be in, He shuld for ferdnes titter it fie pan any deuel pat he mught se. [Lines 2364—2373.] Syn J?e deuel Jms has tane his vglines 1 Of J>e filth of syn, pat swa filand es, pan aght ]>e saul of synful with-in Be ful foule, pat es alle sloterd in syn. parfor a man aght, war-so he wendes, Mare drede syn }?an \>e syght of fendes, pat sal aper til hym at his dede-day ; Bot his syn he sal se fouler j>an J>ay, Of whilk he wald noght hym right shrife, Ne repent hym here in his lyfe. [Heaven. Lines 7813 — 7824 ] A\\e manere of ioyes er in pat stede. pare es ay lyfe with-outen dede ; pare es yhowthe ay with-outen elde, pare es alkyn welth ay to welde. pare es rest ay, with-outen trauayle ; pare es alk'gudes pat neuer sal fayle; MS. * vnglines.’ X. PRICKE OF CONSCIENCE . pare es pese ay, with-outen stryf ; pare es alk manere of lykyng of lyfe ; pare es, with-outen myrknes, lyght ; pare es ay day and neuer nyght, pare es ay somer full* bryght to se, And neuer mare wynter in pat centre. XI. LAURENCE MINOT. a.d. 1352. Laurence Minot lived and wrote about the middle of the fourteenth century. He composed eleven poems in celebration of the following battles and exploits of King Edward III : — The Battle of Halidon Hill (1333); the taking of Berwick; two poems on Edward’s expedition to Brabant (1339); the Sea-fight of Swine at the mouth of the West Scheldt (1340) ; the Siege of Tournay (1340); the Landing of Edward at La Hogue (1346); the Siege of Calais (1346); the Battle of Neville’s Cross (1346); the Sea-fight with the Spaniards off Winchelsea (1350); and the Capture of Guisnes (1352). These poems, all in the Northumbrian dialect, are printed in ‘ Political Poems and Songs relating to English History,’ vol. i., edited by T. Wright, M.A. (for the Record Commission), London 1859. The extracts comprise the two poems on the expedition to Brabant, and part of that on the landing at La Hogue. Political Songs . [From Cotton MS. Galba E. ix.] (A) How Edward pe king come in Braband , And toke homage of all pe land. God, J>at schope both se and sand, Saue Edward, king of Ingland, Both body, saul and life, And grante him ioy withowten strif 1 XI. (a) political songs. For mani men to him er wroth, In Fraunce and in Flandres both ; For he defendes fast his right, And J^arto Imi grante him might, And so to do both night and day, pat yt may be to Goddes pay. Oure king was cumen, tre[w]ly to tell, Into Brabant forto dwell ; pe kayser Lowis of Bauere, pat in pat land ]>an had no pere, He, and als his sons two, And, o)>er princes many mo, Bisschoppes and prelates war J?are fele, pat had ful mekill werldly wele, Princes and pople, aid and ^ong, A1 pat spac with Duche tung, All pai come with grete honowre, Sir Edward to saue and socoure, And pn?ferd him, with all J?ayre rede, Forto hald j?e kinges stede. pe duke of Braband, first of all, Swore, for thing pat might bifall, pat he suld both day and night Help sir Edward in his right, In toun, in feld, in frith and fen. pis swore ]>e duke and all his men, And al ]>e lordes pat with him lend, And J>arto held pai vp J?aire hend. pan king Edward toke his rest, At Andwerp, whare him liked best ; And J?are he made his mone playne, pat no man suld say J?are-ogayne. X/. LAURENCE MINOT. His mon£, }>at was gude and lele, Left in Braband ful mekill dele ; And all )>at land, vntill |>is day, Fars J?e better for J?at iornay. When Philip }>e Valas herd of J)is, parat he was ful wroth i-wis ; He gert assemble his barounes, Princes and lordes of many tounes. At Pariss toke pai )>aire counsaile, Whilk pointes might J>am moste availe : And in all wise pai )?am bithoght To stroy Ingland, and bring to noght. Schipmen sone war efter sent, To here )?e kinges cumandment ; And J>e galaies men also, pat wist both of wele and wo. He cuzrcand |>an pat men suld fare Till Ingland and for no thing spare, Bot brin and sla both man and wife, And childe, J>at none suld pas with life, pe galay men held vp ]?aire handes,* And thanked God of pir ti{>andes. At Hamton, als I vnderstand, Come ] >e gaylayes vnto land, And ful fast pai slogh and brend, Bot noght so mekill als sum m zn wend. For, or pai wened, war pai mett With men pat sone J?aire laykes lett. Sum was knokked on }?e heuyd, pat \>q body J?are bileuid ; XI. (a) political songs. 129 Sum lay stareand on fe sternes, And sum lay, knoked out faire hernes ; pan with fam was none ofer gle, Bot ful fain war pai pat might fie. 70 pe galay men, pe suth to say, Most nedes turn anof er way ; pai soght fe stremis fer and wide, In Flandres and in Seland syde. pan saw pai whare Cristofer stode, 75 At Armouth, opon fe flude, pan wen[te] pai feder all bidene, pe galayes men, with hertes kene, Viij. and xl. galays, and mo, And with fam als war tarettes two, Sq And ofer many of galiotes, With grete noumber of smale botes ; All pai houed on fe flode To stele sir Edward mens gode. Edward oure king fan was noght fere, 85 Bot sone, when it come to his ere, He sembled all his men full still, And said to fam what was his will. Ilk man made him redy fen, So went fe king and all his men 90 Vnto faire schippes ful hastily, Als men fat war in dede doghty. pai fand f e galay men grete wane, A hundereth euer ogaynes ane ; pe Inglis men put fam to were 95 Ful baldly, with bow and spere ; VOL. 11. K XI. LA URENCE MINOT . pai slogh ]>are of ])e galaies men Euer sexty ogaynes ten ; pat sum ligges $it in pat mire All heuidles, with-owten hire. pe Inglis men war armed wele, Both in yren and in stele ; pai faght ful fast, both day and night, Als lang als |>am lasted might. Bot galay men war so many, pat Inglis men wex all wery ; Help pai soght, bot |>are come nane, pan vnto God pai made ]?aire mane. Bot sen pe time pat God was born, Ne a hundreth ^ere biforn, War neuer men better in fight pan Ingliss men, whils pai had myght. Bot sone all maistri gan pai mis ; God bring }?aire saules vntill his blis ! And God assoyl ]?am of ]>aire sin, For ]>e gude will pat pai war in ! Amen. Listens now, and leues me, Who-so lifes, }>ai sail se pat it mun be ful dere boght pat pir galay men haue wroght. pai houed still opon J?e flode, And reued pouer men }>aire gude ; pai robbed, and did mekill schame, And ay bare Inglis men ]?e blame. Now lesus saue all I/zgland, And blis it with his haly hand ! Amen. XI. ( B ) political songs. (B) Edward, oure cumly king, In Braband has his woning, With mani cumly knight ; And in )>at land, trewly to tell, Ordanis he still forto dwell To time he think to fight. Now God, J?at es of mightes maste. Grant him grace of J>e Haly Gaste, His heritage to win ! And Mari moder, of mercy fre, Saue oure king and his mcn%6 Fro sorow and schame and syn 1 pus in Braband has he bene, Whare he bifore was seldom sene, Forto pmie J?aire iapes ; Now no langer wil he spare, Bot vnto Fraunce fast will he fare, To confort him with grapes. Furth he ferd into France, God saue him fro mischance And all his cu^pany ! pe nobill due of Braband With him went into pat land, Redy to lif or dy. pan ]>e riche floure-de-lice Wan }>are ful litill prise, Fast he fled for ferde; pe right aire of pat cuntrd Es cumen, with all his knightes fre, To schac him by pe berd. I 3 2 XI. LA URENCE MINOT. Sir Philip \>c Valayse, Wit his men in \>o dayes, To batale had he thoght; He bad his men |>am puruay With-owten lenger delay, 35 Bot he ne held it noght. He broght folk ful grete wone, Ay seuyn oganis one, pat ful wele wapnid were ; Bot sone whe[n] he herd ascry 40 pat king Edward was nere ]>arby, pan durst he noght cum nere. In pat morni[n]g fell a myst, And when oure I[n]gliss men it wist, It changed all j>aire chere ; 45 Oure king vnto God made his bone, And God sent him gude confort sone, pe weder wex ful clere. Oure king and his men held J>e felde Stalwortly, with spere and schelde, 50 And thoght to win his right, With lordes, and with knightes kene And o]>er doghty men bydene, pat war ful frek to fight. When sir Philip of France herd tell 55 pat king Edward in feld walld dwell, pan gayned him no gle ; He traisted of no better bote, Bot both on hors and on fote He hasted him to fie. 60 XI. (b) political songs . It semid he was ferd for strokes, When he did fell his grete okes Obout his pauilyoune ; Abated was )>an all his pride, For langer j?are durst he noght bide. His bost was broght all doune. pe king of Beme had cares colde, pat was ful 1 hardy and bolde A stede to vmstride, pe king als of Nauerne, War faire feld in J>e ferene, paire heuiddes forto hide. And leues wele, it es no lye, pe felde hat Flema/zgrye pat king Edward was in, With princes pat war stif ande bolde, And dukes pat war doghty tolde In batayle to bigin. pe princes, pat war riche on raw, Gert nakers strike and tmrnpes blaw, And made mirth at }>aire might; Both alblast and many a bow - War redy railed opon a row, And ful frek forto fight. Gladly pai gaf mete and drink, So )>at pai suld J?e better swink, pe wight men pat J>ar ware. Sir Philip of Fraunce fled for dout, And hied him hame with all his rout ; Coward, God giff him care 1 *34 XI. LA URENCE MINOT. For J>are j>an had J?e lei y flowre Lorn all halely his honowre, pat sogat fled for ferd ; Bot oure king Edward come ful still, When pat he trowed no harm him till, 95 And keped him in pe berde. (C) How Edward at Hogges vnto land wan. And rade thurgh 1 France or ever bt Horn. Men may rede in Romance right Of a grete clerk pat Merlin hight ; Ful many bokes er of him wreten, Als pir clerkes wele may witten ; And 3it in many prfue nokes 5 May men find of Merlin bokes. Merlin said ]ms with his mowth. Out of }>e north into j?e sowth Suld cum a bare ouer J>e se, pat suld mak many man to fle ; io And in pe se, he said ful right, Suld he schew ful mekill might ; And in France he suld bigin, To mak }>am wrath pat er J?arein ? Vntill )>e se his taile reche sale, 35 All folk of France to mekill bale, pus haue I mater forto make, For a nobill prince sake ; Help me God, my wit es thin ; Now Laurence Minot will bigin. 20 1 MS. * tlurgh/ XI. (C) POLITICAL SONGS. A bore es broght on bankes bare, With ful batail bifor his brest ; For Iohn of France will he noght spare In Normondy to tak his rest, With princes f>at er proper and pr^st. Alweldand God, of mightes maste, He be his beld, for he mai best, Fader, and Sun, and Haly Gaste. Haly Gaste, ]>ou gif him grace pat he in gude time may bigin, And send to him both might & space His heritage wele forto win ; And sone assoyl him of his sin, Hende God, pat heried hell. For France now es he entred in, And }>are he dightes him forto dwell. He dwelled )>are, J?e suth to tell, Opon ]>e coste of Normondy. At Hogges fand he famen fell, pat war all ful of felony ; To him pai makked grete maistri, And pr^ued to ger f>e bare abyde. Thurgh might of God & mild Mari, pe bare abated all J^aire prfde. Mekill pnde was }?are in pr^se, Both on pencell and on plate, When ]>e bare rade with-outen rese Vnto Cane pe graythest gate, pare fand he folk bifor J?e $ate Thretty thowsand stif on stede. Sir Iohn of France come al to late; pe bare has gert J?aire sides blede. 136 XI. LAURENCE MINOT. He gert [j>am] blede, if J>ai war bolde. For |>are was slayne and wounded sore Thretty thowsand trewly tolde, £5 Of pitaile was J>are mekill more ; Knightes war )>are wele two score pat war new dubbed to pat dance ; Helm and heuyd pai haue forlore, pan misliked Iohn of France. 60 More misliking 1 was ]>are J?en, For fals treson alway )>ai wroght; Bot fro pai met with Inglis men, All )>aire bargan dere pai boght. Inglis men with site ]?am soght, 65 And hastily quit }?am J?aire hire, And at J>e last forgat pai noght, pe toun of Cane pai sett on fire. pat fire ful many folk gan fere, When pai se brandes o-ferrum flye ; 70 pis haue pai wonen of \>e were, pe fals folk of Normundy. I sai 30W lely how pai lye Dongen doun all in a daunce; paire frendes may ful faire for]>i 75 Pleyn J>am vntill Iohn of France. Franche men put J>am to pine At Cressy, when pai brak pe brig, pat saw Edward with both his ine. pan likid him no langer to lig ; So 1 MS. ‘ misliling.’ XI. (c) POLITICAL SONGS . 3 37 Ilk Inglis man on o}>ers rig, Ouer |>at water er fai went ; To batail er J>ai baldly big, With brade ax and with bowes bent. With bent bowes J>ai war ful bolde, 85 Forto fell of J?e Frankisch men ; pai gert tham lig with cares colde, Ful sari was sir Philip j?en. He saw ]>e toun o-ferrum bren, And folk for ferd war fast fleand ; 90 pe teres he lete ful rathly ren Out of his eghen, I vnderstand. pan come Philip, ful redy dight, Toward J?e toun with all his rowt, With him come mani a kumly knight, 95 And all vmset ]>e bare obout. pe bare made J>am ful law to lout, And delt j^am knokkes to |?aire mede : He gert J?am stumbill pat war stout ; pare helpid nowj^er staf ne stede. 100 Stedes strong bileuid still Biside Cressy opon pe grene. Sir Philip wanted all his will, pat was wele on his sembland sene. With spere and schelde and helmis schene, 105 pe bare ]>an durst pai noght habide. pe king of Berne was cant and kene, Bot }>are he left both play and pride. XII. THE ROMANCE OF WILLIAM OF PALERNE, OR, WILLIAM AND THE WERWOLF. A.D. 1350-1360. All that is known concerning the author of the English ro- mance of ‘ William of Paterae,’ or ‘ William and the Werwolf/ is that his Christian name was William, and that he translated his work (with frequent additions of his own) from the French romance of ‘Guillaume de Paterae’ (William of Palermo) at the command of Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, nephew to King Edward II, who died a.d. 1361. The poem in its English form is supposed by Sir F. Madden to have been written about the year 1350. The dialect is Midland (possibly Shropshire). The same author translated from the Latin a portion of the ‘ Romance of Alexander,’ of which only a fragment is extant. The poem was first edited by Sir F. Madden for the Rox- burghe Club, London, 1832 ; and re-edited in 1867 for the Early English Text Society (together with the ‘Alexander’ fragment) by the Rev. W. W. Skeat, with Sir F. Madden’s assistance, from* the unique MS. (No. 13) in the library of King’s College, Cam- bridge. T T it bi-fel in ]?at forest * J?ere fast by-side, \er woned a wel old cherl * J>at was a couherde, j>at fete winterres in J>at forest * fayre had kepud 5 Mennes ken of | >e cuntre * as a comen herde ; XII. WILLIAM OF PALERNE. *39 & jrtis it bitide }?at time * as tellen oure bokes, j>is cowherd comes on a time * to kepen is bestes Fast by-side ] >e borw^ • }?ere J?e barn was inne. J?e herd had with him an hound * his hert to l^t, io forto bayte on his bestes * wanne J>ai to brode went. ]>q herd sat j?an wij? hou?zd * a^ene J>e hote sunne, Nou^t fully a furlong • fro f>at fayre child, clou3tand kyndely his schon • as to 1 here craft falles. J?at while was |>e werwolf * went a-boute his praye, 15 what behoued to }>e barn * to bring as he m^t. J>e child )?an darked in his den • dernly him one, & was a big bold barn * & breme of his age, For spakly speke it couj>e tho * & spedeliche to-wawe. Louely lay it a-long * in his lonely denne, 20 & buskede hi m out of }>e buschys * j>at were blowed grene, & leued ful louely * J>at lent grete schade, & briddes ful bremely * on J>e bowes singe, what for melodye j?at J>ei made * in ]>e mey sesoun, ]?at litel child listely * lorked out of his caue, 25 Faire floures forto fecche * |>at he bi-fore him seye, & to gadere of J?e grases * J?at grene were & fayre. & whan it was out went * so wel hit him liked, J?e sauor of ]>z swete sesou n * & song of ]>e briddes, *f>at [he] 2 ferde fast a-boute • floures to gadere, 30 & layked him long while * to lesten J?at merj>e. j>e couherdes hou?zd j>at time * as happe by-tidde, feld foute of \>e child * and fast Jjider fulwes ; & sone as he it sei3 * soJ?e forto telle, he gan to berke on j?at barn • and to baie it hold, 35 J?at it wax nei3 of his witt * wod for fere, and comsed j>an to crye * so kenly and schille, 1 MS. « afto.' 2 Read * that it ferde,’ or ‘ be ferde.’ — Sir F. Madden . 140 XII. WILLIAM OF PALERNE. & wepte so wonder fast * wite J?ou for sothe, J>at )>e son of J?e cry com * to the cowherde euene, f>at he wist witerly it was ' )>e voys of a childe. }>an ros he vp radely * & ran frider swij>e, & drow him toward |?e den * by his dogges noyce. bi )>at time was }>e barn • for bere of }>at hourcde, drawe him in to his den * & darked j?er stille, & wept eu^re as it wolde * a-wede for fere ; & eue dogge at )>e hole * held it at a-baye. & whan j>e kouherd com jndlVrJe 1 * he koured lowe to bi-hold in at J?e hole * whi his houwd berkyd. Jeanne of-saw he ful sone * f>at semliche child, j>at so loueliche lay & wep * in }?at loj?li caue, closed ful komly • for ani kud kinges sone, In gode clones of gold * a-gref>ed ful riche, wij> perrey & pellure * pertelyche to j>e ri^ttes. \>e cherl wondred of j>at chauwce * & chastised his doi bad him blinne of his berking * & to J>e barn talked, acoyed it to come to him * & clepud hit oft, & foded it wij> floures * & wij? faire by-hest, & hi}t it hastely to haue * what it wold ^erne, appeles & alle fringes * f>at childern after wilnen. so, forto sei} al J?e sof?e * so faire }>e cherl glosed, |>at J?e child com of J?e caue * & his criynge stint. j>e cherl ful cherli J?at child * tok in his armes, & kest hit & clipped * and oft crist Jxmkes, J>at hade him sent \o sonde * swiche prey to finde. w^tliche wij? ]>e child * he went to his house, and bi-tok it to his wif * ti^tly to kepe. a gladere wommo« vnder god * no mi^t go on erj>e, }>an was J>e wif wi)> \>e child • witow for soJ?e. 1 Read ‘ thidere.’ — Madden , XII. WILLIAM OF PALERNE . I 4 I sche kolled it ful kindly * and askes is name, & it answered ful sone • & seide, 4 william y hi^t/ 70 }>an was f>e godwif glad * and gan it faire kepe, J?at it wanted nou^t • J>at it wold haue, J?at J>ei ne fond him as faire • as for here state longed, Sc J?e beter, be ye sure * for barn ne had J?ei none brou^t for)? of here bodies ; • here bale was J>e more. 75 but soJ?ly f>ai seide child * schuld weld al here godis, Londes Sc ludes as eyer * after here lif dawes. but from J?e cherl & ]>e child * nov chaunge we oure tale, For i wol of j?e werwolf * a wile nov speke. 1 ^hanne J>is werwolf was come * to his wlonk 1 denne, & hade brou^t bilfoder * for }?e barnes mete, 81 }>at he hade wonne with wo * wide wher a-boute, }>an fond he nest & no nei$ * for nou3t nas \er leued. & whan J?e best }?e barn missed * so balfully he g[r]inne}> 2 , J?at alle men vpo n molde * no m^t telle his sorwe. 85 For reuliche gan he rore • & rente al his hide, Sc fret oft of J?e erj?e * & fel doun on swowe, Sc made J?e most dool * J>at man mi^t diuise. Sc as J>e best in his bale * )>er a-boute wente, he fond J>e feute al fresh • where for|> j>e herde 90 hadde bore }>an barn * beter it to ^eme. wijtly f>e werwolf * ]>an went bi nose euene to )?e herdes house * & hastely was J>are. j>ere walked he a-boute J>e walles * to winne in si^t ; & at f>e last lelly * a litel hole he findes. 95 j?ere pried he in priuely • and p^rtiliche bi-holdes hov hertily J?e herdes wif * hules J>at child, Sc hov fayre it fedde * Sc fetisliche it baj?ede, Sc wrou3t wi]? it as wel * as 3if it were hire owne. 1 Miswritten ‘ wolnk.* 2 See note. 142 XII. WILLIAM OF PALERNE. ]>anne was J?e best bltye i-nov * for J>e barnes sake, ioo For he wist it scholcl be warded • wel Jeanne at J>e best. & hertily for J?at hap * to-heuene-ward he loked, & l>roliche ]>onked god * mani Jxmsand styes, & se]tyen went on is way • whider as him liked ; but whiderward wot i neuer • witow for so|?e. 105 ak now|?e ^e J>at arn hende * haldes ow stille, & how J?at best J?erwe bale * was brou3t out of kinde, I wol 30U telle as swtye * trewly j?e so)>e. W 7 " erw °lf was ^ no?* * wox of kinde, ac kome/2 was he of kun * J?at kud was ful nobul ; For J?e kud king of spayne • was kindely his fader. m he gat him, as god jaf grace * on his ferst wyue, & at ]>e bur)) of J>at barn * J?e bold lady deyde. sijtyen J>at kud king so * bi his conseyl wrout, another wif J>at he wedded * a worchipful ladi, 1 1 5 }>e princes doubter of portingale * to pmie J>e so}>e. but lelliche f>at ladi in 30uJ>e * hadde lerned miche schame, For al j>e werk of wicchecraft • wel y-nou^ che cou^Jje, nede nadde ^he namore * of nigramauncy to lere. of coninge of wicche-craft * wel y-nou} ^he cou^de, 120 & brau;zde was J>at bold quene * of burnes y-clepud. }>e kinges furst child was fostered * fayre as it ou3t, & had lordes & ladies * it iouely to kepe, & fast gan J>at frely barn * fayre forto wexe. ]>e quene his moder on a time • as a mix J>ou3t, 125 how faire & how fetis it was * & freliche schapen. & Jns )?anne |)OU3t sche }>roly * J>at it no schuld neu^r kuuere to be king J>er * as j?e kinde eyre, whille ]>e kinges ferst sone * were j?er a-liue. |?an studied sche stifly * as stepmoderes wol alle, 130 to do dernly a despit * to here stepchilderen ; XII. WILLIAM OF PALERNE. H3 Fefli a-mong foure schore • vnnefe findestow on gode. but truly ti^t hadde J>at quene * take hire to rede to bring fat barn in bale * botles for euer, fat he ne schuld wi^tli in fis world • neuer weld reaume. a noynemewt anon sche made • of so grete strengfe, 136 bi enchau^me^s of charmes * fat euel chaunche hire tide, J>at whan J>at womma« fat hire deth was nei$ di^t • to deme f e sofe. but carfuli gan sche crie * so kenely and lowde, fat maydenes & mi^thi men * manliche to hire come, & wolden brusten fe best • nad he be fe li^ttere, & fled a-way fe faster • in-to ferre londes, 155 so fat p^rtely in-to poyle • he passed J>at time, as fis fortune bi-fel • fat i told of bi-fore ; fus was this witty best * werwolf ferst maked. but now wol i stint a stounde * of fis Sterne best, & tale of fe tidy child * fat y of told ere. 160 fus passed is fe first pas * of fis pris tale, & je fat louen & lyken * to listen a-ni more, alle wi$th on hoi hert * to fe hei} king of heuene preieth a pater noster * priuely fis time 144 XII. WILLIAM OF PALERNE . for j>e hend erl of herford * sir humfray de bowne, 165 |?e king edwardes newe * at glouseter j>at ligges. For he of frensche ]>is fayre tale * ferst dede translate, In ese of englysch men * in englysch speche ; & god graunt hem his blis * ]>at godly so prayen 1 Leue lordes, now listenes * of jns litel barn, 170 )>at f>e kinde kowherde-wif * keped so fayre. 3he wissed 1 it as wel or bet * as $if it were hire owne, til hit big was & bold • to buschen on felde, & cou)>e ful craftily * kepe alle here bestes, & bring hem in \>e best lese * whan hem bi-stode nede, 175 & wited hem so wisly * J>at wanted him neu^r one. a bowe al-so }>at bold barn * bi-gat him J?at time, & so to schote vnder J?e schawes * scharplyche he lerned, f>at briddes & smale bestes * wif> his bow he quelles so plenteousliche in his play * f»at, pertly to telle, 180 whanne he went horn eche n^t * wi]> is droue of bestis, he com him-self y-charged * wij? conyng & hares, wij? fesauws & feldfares * and o]?er foules grete ; f>at j>e herde & his hende wif * & al his hole meyne f>at bold barn wi}> his bowe * by )>at time fedde. 185 & 3it hadde fele felawes * in }>e forest eche day, 3ong bold barnes * f>at bestes al-so keped. & blij?e was eche a barn * ho best mi^t him plese, & folwe him for his fredom * & for his faire }>ewes. for what J?ing willam wan * a-day wij? his bowe, 190 were it fevered foul * or foure-foted best, ne wold J>is william neu^r on * wi]>-hold to him-selue, til alle his felawes were ferst * feffed to here paie. so kynde & so corteys * comsed he }?ere, f>at alle ledes him louede * }>at loked on him ones; 195 & blesseden };at him bare * & brou3t in-to J>is worlde, 1 MS. ‘wist’; but elsewhere in the poem the form is ‘ wissed.' XII, WILLIAM OF PALERNE, 145 so moche manhed & murj?e * schewed J?at child eu^re. Hit tidde after on a time * as tellus oure bokes, as |ns bold barn his bestes • blyj?eliche keped, |>e riche emp^rour of rome * rod out for to hunte In ]>at faire forest • fetyely for to telle, wi|> alle his menskful meyne * J>at moche was & nobul. |’an fel it hap j^at f>ei fouzzde • ful sone a grete bor, & huntyng wi]> houzzd & horn • harde alle sewede. J>e emp^rowr entred in a wey * euene to attele to haue bruttenet }?at bor * at 1 J?e abaie se|>J>en ; but missely marked he is way • & so manly he rides, J>at all his wies were went * ne wist he neu^r whider ; so ferforj? iram his men * fef>ly for to telle, f>at of horn ne of hou/zd * ne mi^t he here sowne, &, boute eny liuing lud * left was he one. J>empm>ur on his stif stede • a sty forj> )?anne takes to herken after his houzzdes * oj?er horn schille ; so komes \er a werwolf * ri^t bi J>at way J^enne, grimly after a gret hert * as J>at god wold, & chased him Jmrth chauzzce * }>ere J?e child pleide, J>at kept )?e kowherdes bestes * i carped of bi-fore, jjemp^rour J?anne hastely * J>at huge best folwed as stiffuly as is stede mijt • strecche on to renne ; but by-]?an he com by J>at barn * & a-boute loked, \>e werwolf & ]>e wilde hert • were a-weye bo]?e, J?at he ne wist in J>is world * w[h]ere J>ei were bi-come, ne whiderward he schuld seche * to se of hem more. but Jeanne bi-held he a-boute • & J>at barn of-seye, hov fair, how fetys it was * & freliche schapen ; so fair a si}t of seg * ne sawe he neuer are, of lere ne of lykame * lik him nas none, ne of so sad a semblant • ]>at euer he say m\> e^yen. 1 MS. ‘ but cf. 1. 46. VOL. II. L 200 205 210 215 220 225 146 XII. WILLIAM OF PALERNE . (jemp^rour wend witerly * for wonder of j>at child, J>at fei3j>ely it were of feyrye • for fairenes j>at it welt, 230 ■ & for J)e curteys cu«tenau«ce * )>at it kudde j>ere. Ri3tly |>enne }?emp^rour * wendes him euene tille, \>q child comes him agayn * & curtesliche him gretes. In hast j?emp^rour hendely * his gretyng him 3eldes, and a-non r^ttes after * askes his name, 235 & of what kin he were kome * komanded him telle. J>e child )>anne soberliche seide * 4 sir, at 30ure wille I wol 30W telle as tyt • trewely alle J?e so|>e. william, sire, wel y wot * w^es me calles ; I was bore here fast bi * by J?is wodes side. 240 a kowherde, sire, of J>is kontrey * is my kynde fader, and my menskful moder * is his meke wiue. f>ei han me fostered & fed * faire to |>is time, & here i kepe is kyn * as y kan on dayes ; but, sire, by cr/st, of my kin * know i no more/ 245 whan }>emp^rour 1 hade herd * holly his wordes, he wondered of his wis speche * as he wel m^t, & seide, ‘ )>ow bold barn * biliue i ]>e praye, Go calle to me cowherde * ]>ow clepus }>i fadere, For y wold talk [wij>] him 2 * tijnnges to frayne/ 250 ‘ nay, sire, bi god/ qua)? j?e barn • ‘ be 3e r^t sure, bi crfst, j?at is krowned * heye king of heuen, For me non harm schal he haue * nemr in his Hue F ‘ ac p^rauenture Jmrth goddis [grace] 3 4 * to gode may it turne, For-Jn bring him hider * faire barn, y preye/ 255 ‘ I schal, sire/ seide j >e child * ‘ for saufliche y hope 4 1 Miswritten * )>empour.* 2 The sense and cadence of the line seem to require ‘ with’ before ‘him.’ — Madden . 3 Read ‘ thurth goddis grace.* — Madden. 4 MS. ‘ for y saufliche y hope,’ where there seems to be a y too much. XII . WILLIAM OF PALERNE. 1 47 I may worche on jour word * to wite him fro harm/ ‘ ja, safliche/ seide Jjemp^rour * ‘ so god jif me ioie ! ’ J>e child witly Jeanne wende * wi])-oute ani more, comes to J>e couherdes hows ' & clepud him sone; 260 For he feijliche wen[d ] 1 * J>at he his fader were 2 ; & seide J>an, 4 swete sir • s[o] 30U criste help ! Go{) yond to a gret lord * J?at gayly is tyred, & on J>e feirest frek * for soj?e }>at i haue seie ; and he wilnes wijtli • wij) 30U to speke ; 265 For godis loue go}) til him swi)?e * lest he agreued wex/ ‘ what? sone,’ seide }>e couherde * ‘ seidestow i was here?’ ‘ ja, sire, sertes,’ seide ]>e child * ‘ but he swor formest J>at je schuld haue no harm * but hendely for gode he praide jou com speke wij? him * & passe a-jein sone/ J>e cherl grocching for]) go]> * wi)> }>e gode child, 271 & euene to ]>emp£rour * J>ei etteleden sone. }>emp^rour a-non ri^t * as he him of-seie, clepud to him ]>e couherde * & curteysly seide ; ‘ now telle me, felawe, be )>i fei^]) * for no ])ing ne wonde, sei ])OU eu^r j)empm)ur * so crist help V 276 ‘ nay, sire, bi crist,’ qua]) j)e couherde * ‘ })at king is of heue«, I nas neu^r 3et so hardi * to ne3h him so hende ])ere i schuld haue him seie • so me wel tyme/ ‘ sertes,’ })an seide ]>emperouv * 4 ]>e so])e forto knowe, 280 J>at y am J>at ilk we^h * i wol wel J)Ou wite ; al ])e regal of rome • to r^tleche y weld. ])erfore, couherde, i ]>e coniure • & comande att alle, bi vertu of j)ing f>at ])OU most * in J>is world louest, ])atow telle me ti^tly * truly ]>e so])e, 285 wh e]>er j)is bold barn * be lelly J>in owne, o])er corner of oJ)er kin • so }>e crfst help!’ 1 See note. 2 MS. ‘ where/ L 2 148 XII. WILLIAM OF PALERNE . |>e couherd comsed to quake • for kare & for drede, whanne he wist witerly * J>at he was his lorde, & biliue in his hert be-|?out * 3if he him gun lye, he wold prestely p^rceyue * pertiliche him J?out. j>er-fore trewly as tyt * he told him J?e soj>e, how he him fond in J>at forest * j?ere fast bi-side, clothed in comly closing * for any kinges sone, vnder an holw ok * jmrth help of his dogge, & how faire he hade him fed * & fostered vij winter. ‘ bi crzst/ seide j>empm)ur * ‘ y con )>e gret j>onke, [?at |>ou hast [seide ] 1 me |?e so)?e * of J?is semly childe, & tine schalt j?ou nou^t f>i trawayle * y trow, at J?e last ! ac wend schal it wi)? me * witow for soj>e, Min hert so harde wilnes * to haue {>is barne, J>at i wol in no wise * J?ou wite it no lenger/ whan J^emp^rour so sayde * soj?e forto telle, ]>g couherde was in care * i can him no-jnng wite 2 . ac witerly dorst he nou3t werne * J?e wille of his lord, but grau/zted him goddeli • on godis holy name, Forto worchen his wille * as lord wij? his owne. whan william, J?is worjn child * wist ]>e sof>e, and knew }>at j?e cowherde * nas nou3t his kinde fader, he was wi*3tliche a-wondered * & gan to wepe sore, & seide saddely to him-self • sone ]>er-after, ‘ a 1 gracious gode god ! * j?ou3 grettest of alle ! Moch is J)i mercy & ]>i mi$t * )>i menske, & J>i grace 1 now wot i neu er in }>is world * of wham y am come, ne what destene me is di3t * but god do his wille ! ac wel y wot witerly * wij^-oute ani faile, to j>is ma n & his meke wif * most y am holde ; For J?ei ful faire han me fostered * & fed a long time, 1 Read ‘ thou hast seide me the sothe/ — Madden . 2 MS. ‘white/ 290 295 300 305 315 XII. WILLIAM OF PALERNE. 149 fat god for his grete mi^t * al here god hem 3eld. but not y neuat hal j)i kin * hastely here-after, $if ))0U wolt 3eue fe to gode * swiche grace may fe falle, ])at alle fi frendes fordedes * faire schalstow quite/ 325 ‘ 3a, sire,’ qua]? fe couherde, ‘ 3if crzst wol * J)at cas may tyde, & god lene him grace * to god man to worj)e/ & J)an as tit to fe child * he tau3t J)is lore, & seide, ‘ ))Ou swete sone • sej))>e J)Ou schalt hennes wende, whanne J)OU komest to kourt * among fe kete lordes, 330 & knowest alle J)e kuJ)J)es * fat to kourt langes, bere fe boxumly & bonure * J)at ich burn fe loue. be meke & mesurabul * nou3t of many wordes, be no tellere of talis * but trewe to J)i lord, & prestely for pore men * profer J)e eu^r, 335 For hem to rekene wij) fe riche • in ri^t & in skille. be fei^tful & fre * & euer of faire speche, & seruisabul to J)e simple * so as to f e riche, & felawe in faire manere * as falles for J)i state ; so schaltow gete goddes loue * & alle gode mennes. 340 Leue sone, ))is lessou/z * me lerde my fader, J>at knew of kourt J)e f ewes * for kourteour was he lo;zg, & hald it in J)i hert * now i J)e haue it kenned ; fe bet may fe bi-falle * J)e worse bestow neuere/ pe child weped al-way * wonderliche fast, 345 but fempmmr had god game * of pat gomes lore, & comande J)e couherde * curteysli and fayre, to heue vp pat hende child * bi-hinde him on his stede. & he so dede deliuerly * ]>ou^h. him del fou3t, & bi-kenned him to crist * fat on croice was peyned. 350 1 150 XII. WILLIAM OF PALERNE. [>anne ]?at barn as biliue * by-gan for to glade |?at he so realy schuld ride * & redeli as swij?e Ful curteisle of J>e couherde * he cacces his leue, & se|)))en seyde, ‘ swete sire * i bes[e]che 3011 now|>e, For godes loue, gretes ofte * my godelyche moder, 355 J?at so faire haj? me fed * & fostered till nowJ?e. & lellyche, $if our lord wol * J?at i liif haue, sche ne schal nou$t tyne hire trauayle * treuly for soJ?e. & gode sire, for godes loue * also gretej? wel oft alle my freyliche felawes * f>at to )?is forest longes, 360 han p^rtilyche in many places * pleide wi}> [me] ofte, hugonet, & huet * J?at hende litel dwerj?, & abelot, & martynet * hugones gaie sone ; & Ipe cristen akarin * J?at was mi kyn fere, & J?e trewe kinnesman • J>e payenes sone, 365 & alle o\er frely felawes * }>at j?ou faire knowes, J>at god mak hem gode men * for his mochel grace/ of J?e names J>at he nemned • J?empm3ur nam hede, & had gaynliche god game * for he so grette alle of his reapers J?at he knew • so curteysliche & faire. 370 & J?an be-kenned he J>e kouherde • to cr/st & to hal alwes, & busked for)? wi)> J>at barn • bliue on his gate. j?e kouherde kayred to his house * karful in hert, & nei} to-barst he for bale * for j)e barnes sake. & whan his wiif wist * wittow for soJ?e, 375 how J>at child fro m here warde * was wente for eu^r-more, J?er nis man on )ns mold * ]>at mi^t half telle )>e wo & ]>e weping * J>at womman made. sche wold haue sleie hire-self |>ere * so)>ly, as bliue, ne hade )?e kind kouherde * conforted here }>e betere, 380 & pult hire in hope to haue * gret help j?er-of after. XIII. ALLITERATIVE POEMS. ABOUT A.D. I360. Author unknown — Dialect West-Midland (Lancashire). The following extracts are from ‘Early English Alliterative Poems/ edited for the Early English Text Society by Dr. Morris, London, 1864; of which a second and revised edition was pub- lished in 1869. The latter is here followed. These poems are preserved in the unique Cotton MS. Nero A. x., written about the close of the fourteenth century. The symbol 3 is used to represent both y, gh, and z. In the first case it commonly begins a word, and in the last commonly ends one. The symbol t3 has the force of ss or sz, sounded like z. The Deluge . [Lines 235-544.] Bot J>at oper wrake }>at wex * on wy;e3 hit ly3t 235 pur3 pe faut of a freke * pat fayled in traw|?e, Adam ira-obedyent * ordaynt to blyssje ; per pryuely in paradys • his place wat3 de-vised, To lyue per in lyk yng * pe lenj>e of a terme, & penne en-herite }>at home * pat au^gele3 for-gart. 240 Bot pur 3 pe eggyng of eue * he ete of an apple, pat en-poysened alle peple3 * pat parted fro hem hope , For a defence, pat wat3 dy^t * of dry3tyn seluen, & a payne J?er-on put • & pertly halden. pe defence wat3 J?e fryt • pat pe freke towched, 245 152 XIII. ALLITERATIVE POEMS. Sc J?e dom is ]?e def>e * }>at drepe^ vus alle. A 1 i n mesure & mef>e * wat^ mad )?e vengiau/zce, & efte amended wft h a mayden * ]>at make hade neu^r. Bot in }>e j>ryd wat^ for|>rast * al J?at j>ryue schuld, per wat} malys mercy les * & mawgre much scheued ; 250 pat wat} for fylpe vpon folde * pat pe folk vsed, [p]at [?en wonyed in pe worlde * wft/^-outen any mayste/3. Hit wern pe fayrest of forme * & of face als, pe most & f>e myriest * pat maked wern euer, pe styfest, pe stalworj^est • pat stod eu*r on fete, 255 & lengest lyf in hem lent * of lede$ alle oper ; For hit was pe forme-foster * pat pe folde bred, pe a)?el au;zcetere3 su^e^ * pat adam wat^ called, To wham god hade geuen * alle pat gayn were, Alle pe blysse boute blame * pat bodi my^t haue, 260 & J?ose lykkest to pe lede * pat lyued next after, For-Jjy so semly to see * sypen wern none, per wat$ no law to hem layd * bot loke to kynde, & kepe to hit, & alle hit cors * clanly ful-fylle ; & penne fourden )>ay fylpe • in fleschlych dede3 265 & controeued agayn kynde • contrary werke^, & vsed hem vn-J?ryftyly * vchon on oper, Sc als with o per, wylsfully * vpon a wrange wyse. So ferly fowled her flesch * pat pe fendejj] loked, How pe defter of pe dou);e * wern dere-lych fayre, 270 & fallen in fela^schyp with hem * on folken wyse, & en-gendered on hem ieauwte^ * wzb$ her Iape} ille. pose wern men mej^ele^ * & ma^ty on vrj>e, pat for her lodlych layke^ * alosed )>ay were. He wat3 famed for fre • pat fe3t loued best, 275 & ay pe bigest in bale • pe best wat3 halden. & penne euele3 on er|>e * ernestly grewen, & multyplyed mony-folde * i«-monge3 mankynde, XIII. THE DELUGE. *53 For J>at |>e ma^ty on molde * so marre[d] pise oper , pat ]>e wy3e pat al \vr03t # ful wro]>ly bygynne^. 280 When he knew vche contr£ * corupte in hit seluen, & vch freke forloyned * fro pe ry^t waye}, Felle temptande tene * towched his hert; As wy^e, wo hy m with-iwne * werp to h ym seluen: ‘ Me for-J?y«ke3 ful much * pat eu er I mon made, 285 Bot I schal delyu er & do away * pat doten on pis molde, & fleme out of pe folde • al pat flesch were}, Fro pe burne to pe best * fro bryddej to fysche} ; Al schal dou/z & be ded * & dryuen out of eipe pat eu^r I sette saule izme * & sore hit me rwe3 290 pat eu er I made hem my self ; * bot if I may her-aft er> I schal wayte to be war * her wrenche3 to kepe/ pezzne in worlde wat3 a wy}e * wonyande on lyue, Ful redy & ful ry3twys • & rewled bym fayre ; In pe drede of dry3tyn * his daye3 he vse3, 295 & ay glydande wyth his god * his grace wat3 pe more. Hy;# wat3 pe nome Noe * as is innoghe knawen, He had j>re J>ryuen s\ine% 9 & p&y J>re wyue3 ; Sem sof>ly pat on * pat o per hy}t cam, & pe iolef Iapheth * wat3 gendered pe j>ryd. 300 Now god in nwy * to Noe con speke, Wylde wrakful worde} * in his wylle greued : 4 pe ende of alle-kyne3 flesch * pat on vrpe meue} Is fallen forjj-wyth my face * & for] ier hit I ]>enk ; With her vn-wor]?elych werk • me wlate3 wztA-i«ne, 305 pe gore per-of me hat3 greued * & pe glette nwyed ; I schal strenkle my distresse * & strye al to-geder, Bope lede3 & londe * & alle pat lyf habbe}. Bot make to pe a manciou^ * & pat is my wylle, A cofer closed of tres * clanlych planed; 310 Wyrk wone3 perinne * for wylde & for tame, 154 *///. alliterative poems . & f>ezzne cleme hit with clay * comly with-inne, & alle j?e endentur dryuen • daube wft^-outen. & j ms of lenf>e & of large • J>at lome ]>ou make ; pre hundred of cupyde^ * ]>ou holde to J>e len]>e, Of fyfty fay re ou£r-J>wert * forme J?e brede ; & loke euen pat jjyn ark • haue of he^e ]>rette, & a wyndow wyd vpon • \vr03t vpon lofte, In J?e compas of a cubit * kyndely sware, A wel dutande dor * don on j>e syde ; Haf halle} j^er-i/me * & halke^ ful mony, Bof>e boske^ & bo ure% * & wel bouzzden pene^ ; For I schal waken vp a water * to wasch alle ]>e worlde, & quelle alle pat is quik * with quauende flode3. Alle pat glyde} & got3 * & gost of lyf habbe}, I schal wast with my wrath * pat wons vpon vr]?e ; Bot my forwarde with J?e * I festen on pis wyse, For pm in reysouzz hat3 rengned * & ry3twys ben eu^r ; pou schal enter pis ark * with J?yn a|?el barne3, & \>y wedded wyf; * with )>e p?u take pe make3 of ]>y myry suzze3 ; * pis meyny of a3te I schal saue of mozzne3 saule3 • & swelt J?ose oper. Of vche best pat bere3 lyf * busk pe a cupple, Of vche clene comly kynde * enclose seuen make3, Of vche horwed, in ark * halde bot a payre, For to saue me pe sede * of alle ser kynde3 ; & ay pou meng wz‘t^ pe male3 * pe mete ho-beste3, Vche payre by payre * to plese ay ) yer oper ; With alle pe fode pat may be fouzzde * frette ]>y cofer, For sustnauzzce to yow self * & also j?ose o per! Ful grayj^ely got3 pis god man * & dos gode3 hestes, In dry3 dred & dauzzger * pat durst do non o{>er. Wen hit wat3 fettled & forged * & to |?e fulle grayed, pezzn con dry3ttyn hym dele * dry3ly pyse worde3 ; 315 320 325 330 335 340 XIII, THE DELUGE, 155 4 Now Noe/ quod oure lorde * ‘ art pon al redy ? 345 Hat} ]>ou closed py kyst * with clay alle aboute?' ‘ 3 e, Lorde, with py leue’ * sayde |>e lede penne, ‘ Al is wro}t at pi word * as pon me wyt lante}.' 4 Enter in penn,’ quod he * ‘ & haf pi wyf with pe, py pre su?ze3 wzU-outen J?rep * Sz her |>re wyue} ; 350 Beste}, as I bedene haue * bosk per-inne als, & when 3e arn staued styfly * steke3 yow perinne ; Fro seuen daye3 ben seyed * I sende out by-lyue, Such a rowtande ryge * ]>at rayne schal swyj>e, pat schal wasch alle pe worlde * of werke} of fylpe ; 355 Schal no flesch vpon folde * by fonden onlyue ; Out-taken yow a}t * in J?is ark staued, & sed }>at I wyl saue * of pyse ser beste}.* Now Noe nener styste} 1 * pat niy3[t] he bygynney, Er al wer stawed & stoken * as pe steuen wolde. 360 The^ne sone com pe seuenpe day * when samned wern alle, & alle woned in pe whichche * pe wylde & pe tame. pen bolned pe abyme * & bonke} con ryse, Walter out vch walle-heued * in ful wode streme}, \Vat3 no bryrzme pat abod * vnbrosten bylyue, 365 pe mukel lauande logh^ * to pe lyfte rered. Mony clustered clowde * clef alle in clowte}. To-rent vch a rayn-ryfte * & rusched to pe vr]?e, Fon neu er in forty daye3 * & pen pe flod ryses, Ou£r-walte3 vche a wod * & pe wyde felde} ; 370 For when pe water of pe welkyn * with pe worlde mette, Alle pat deth mo}t dry3e * drowned per-inne ; per wat3 moon forto make * when meschef was cnowen, pat no3t dowed bot pe deth * in pe depe streme}. Water wylger ay wax * wone3 pat stryede, 375 Hurled in-to vch hous * lient pat j>er dwelled 2 . 1 stynte3 ? 2 MS. ‘ dowelled.’ • 5 6 XIII. ALLITERATIVE POEMS. Fyrst feng to J?e fly^t 1 alle ]>at fle my^t, Vuche burde vjAh her barne * }>e byggy^g )?ay leue^, & bowed to J>e hy^ bonk * j>er brentest hit were \ & heterly to J?e hy3e hylle^ * }>ay [h]aled on faste ; 380 Bot al wat$ nedle^ her note * for neuer cowJ?e stynt pe ro^e raynande ryg * [&] J?e raykande wawe^, Er vch boj)om wat^ brurd-ful * to J>e bonke^ egge^, & vche a dale so depe * pat deemed at ]>e brynke3* pe moste mou«tay«e3 on mor * ]>enne wat3 no more dry3e, & \er - on flokked J?e folke * for ferde of J?e wrake. 386 Sy)?en J;e wylde of J?e wode * on Ipe water flette ; Surzme swyrzmed \er - on * pat saiie hemself trawed, Surzme sty3e to a stud * & stared to J?e heuen, Rwly wyth a loud rurd * rored for drede. 390 Hare3, hertte3 also * to j>e hy3e ru/men, Bukke3, bausene3, & bule3 * to J>e bonkke3 hy3ed, & alle cryed for care * to J?e kyng of heuen, 4 Re-coue flod to her fete * flo3ed & waxed, pen vche a segge se3 wel * pat synk hy m byhoued ; Frende3 fellen i«-fere * & farmed togeder, To dry3 her delful deystyn^ • & dy3en alle samen; 400 Luf loke3 to luf * & his leue take3, For to ende alle at one3 * & for emr twy/me. By forty daye3 wern faren • on folde no flesch styryed, pat ]>e flod nade al freten * with fe3tande wa3e3 3 , For hit clam vche a clyffe * cubits fyftene, 405 Ou er J?e hy3est hylle * pat hurkled on erf>e. pe^ne moz/rkne in J?e mudde * most ful nede 1 MS. ‘ wern/ 2 MS. ‘ be masse mase/ 3 wa3e3 = waghez = wawes, i. e. waves. XIII. THE DELUGE. 157 Alle J>at spyrakle i«-spranc 1 • no sprawlywg awayled, Saue pe ha]?el vnder hach • & his here strauwge, Noe, J>at ofte neuened * pe name of oure lorde, 410 Hyw a^t-sum in pat ark * as aj?el god lyked, per alle lede^ in lome • lenged druye. pe arc houen \vat3 on hy^e * with hurlande gote^, Kest to kythe^ vncouJ>e * pe clowde^ ful nere. Hit waltered on pe wylde flod * went as hit lyste, 415 Drof vpon pe depe dam • in dau^g^r hit semed, With-oute^ mast, oper myke • o per myry bawelyne, Kable, oper capstan * to clyppe to her ankre3, Hurrok, o per hande-helme • hasped on ro per, Oper any sweande sayl * to seche after hauen, 420 Bot flote forthe w ith pe flyt * of pe felle wynde^ ; Wheder-warde so pe water • wafte, hit rebouwde. Ofte hit roled on-rou«de * & rered on ende, Nyf oure Lorde hade ben her lode^-mon * hem had lumpen harde. Of pe lenj>e of noe lyf * to lay a lei date, 425 pe sex hundreth of his age • & none odde ^ere^, Of secou?zde monyth * pe seu enpe day ryjte3, To-walten alle pyse welle-hede3 * & pe water flowed, & prye 3 fyfty pe flod * of folwande daye3, Vche hille wat3 J>er hidde * w ith ype3 2 ful graye; 430 A 1 wat3 wasted pat J?er wonyed • pe worlde with-inne, per eu er flote, oper flwe * oper on fote 3ede, That ro3ly 3 wat} pe remnau/zt * pat pe rac dryue3, pat alle gendre3 so ioyst * wern ioyned wyth-bme. Bot quen pe lorde of pe lyfte * lyked hymseluen 435 For to mynne on his mon * his meth pat abyde3, pen he wakened a wynde * on wattere3 to blowe ; pezrne lasned pe llak 4 * pat large wat3 are, 1 in-sprang? 2 MS. * yre}.' 3 rwly? 4 So in MS. 158 XIII. ALLITERATIVE POEMS. pen he stac vp pe stange 3 * stoped pe Welle}, Bed blyzrne of pe rayn * hit batede as fast, pe/zne lasned pe I03 * lowkande to-geder. After harde daye3 wern out * an hundreth & fyftt?, As pat lyftande lome * luged aboute, Where pe wynde & pe weder * warpen hit wolde, Hit sa3tled on a softe day * synkande to grou/zde ; On a rasse of a rok * hit rest at pe laste, On pe mouwte of mararach * of armene hilles, pat opr-waye3 on ebrv * hit hat pe thanes. Bot pa3 pe kyste in )>e crage3 * were 1 closed to byde, 3et fyned not pe flod * ne fel to pe bopeme}, Bot pe hy3est of pe egge3 • vnhuled were 1 a lyttel, pat pe burne byzrne borde * byhelde pe bare erpe ; pe/zne wafte he vpon his wyndowe * & wysed j^r-oute A message fro pat meyny * hem molde3 to seche, pat wat3 pe rauen so ronk * pat rebel wat3 euelych \vy3t • vus \v0ne5 to seche, Dryf ou er J>is &ymme water * if j>tfu druye fynde3, Br yng bodworde to bot * blysse to vus alle ; pa^ pat fowle be false * fre be \>ou euer/ Ho wyvles out on j>e weder * on wynge% ful scharpe, Dre3ly alle a longe day * jxzt dorst neu^r ly^t ; & when ho fynde3 no folde • her fote on to pyche, Ho vmbe-keste3 J?e coste * & pe kyst seche3, Ho hitte3 on pe euentyde * & on pe ark sitte3 ; Noe nyrzmes hir anon * & naytly hir staue3- Noe on anopat sende h e?n oure lorde, & pe sa3tlywg of hy/rc-self • w iih po sely beste3* pe^ wat3 per ioy in pat gyn * where Iuwpred er dry3ed, & much comfort in pat cofer * pat wat3 clay-daubed. Myryly on a fayr morn * monyth pe fyrst, pat fallen formast in pe 3er * & pe fyrst day, Lede3 l°3 en in pat lome * & loked \er- oute, How pat wattere^ wern woned * & pe worlde dryed. Vchon loued oure lorde * bot lenged ay stylle, Tyl pay had typy^g fro pe tolke * pat tyned hem \er-itme ; pen gode3 glam to hem glod * pat gladed hem alle, Bede hem drawe to pe dor * delyu^r hem he wolde ; pen went pay to pe wykket * hit wait vpon sone, Bo|>e pe burne & his barne3 * bowed p?r-oute ; Her wyuej walkej hem wyth * & pe wylde after, l 6 o XIII. ALLITERATIVE POEMS. proly ]>niblande in ]?ronge • J^rowen ful J?ykke. Bot Noe of vche honest kynde * nem out an odde, & heuened vp an auter * & halted hit fayre, & sette a sakerfyse per-on * of vch a ser kynde, pat wat} comly & clene * god kepe$ non oper. When bremly brened )?ose beste} * & pe brejje rysed, pe sauoarr of his sacrafyse • so;$t to hym euen pat al spedej & spylle3 * he spek^ wzt h pat ilke In comly comfort ful clos • & cortays \v0rde3 : ‘ Now, noe, no more • nel I neuer wary Alle pe mukel mayny [on] molde * for no mawne^ sywne3, For I se wel pat hit is sothe * pat alle manner wytte3 To vn-J?ryfte arn alle J?rawen • with po%t of her hertte3, & ay hat3 ben & wyl be * 3et fro her barnage ; Al is pe mynde of pe man * to malyce enclyned, For-]?y schal I neu^r schende * so schortly at ones, As dysstrye al for mane3 syzme * [in] daye3 of pis erj^e. Bot waxe3 now & wende3 forth • & wor)>e3 to monye, Multyplye3 on pis molde * & menske yow by-tyde. Sesou«e3 schal yow neu^r sese * of sede ne of heruest, Ne hete, ne no harde forst * vmbre ne dro3)>e, Ne pe swetnesse of somer * ne pe sadde wynter, Ne pe ny3t, ne pe day • ne pe newe $ere3, Bot eu^r re»ne restle3 * rengne3 3e per-inueJ p^rwyth he blesse3 vch a best • & byta3t hem pis erj>e. pe^ wat3 a skylly skyualde * quen scaped alle pe wylde ; Vche fowle to pe fly3t * pat fyj?ere3 my3t serue, Vche fysch to pe flod * pat fyzzne couj?e nayte, Vche beste to pe bent * pat 1 bytes on erbe3 ; Wylde worme3 to her won * wryj>e3 in pe erpe ; pe fox & pe folmarde * to pe fryth wynde3, Herttas* to hy3e hej)e * hare3 to gorste3, 1 MS. ‘ pat pat/ 505 510 5*5 520 525 530 535 XIII. THE DESTRUCTION OF SODOM. & lyou«e$ & lebardej * to }>e lake-ryft^, Herne^ & haueke^ * to J?e hy^e rochej ; pe hole-foted fowle * to J>e flod hy^e^, & vche best at a brayde * ]>er hym best lyke^ ; pe fowre freke^ of [?e folde * fonge3 ]>e empyre. Lo ! suche a wrakful wo • for wlatsu/ra dede^ Parformed J>e hy3e fader * on folke pat he made ; pat he chysly hade cherisched * he chastysed ful harde \ In de-voydy«ge J?e vylanye * ]>at venkquyst his ]>ewe3. The Destruction of Sodom. [Lines 947 — 972.] pe grete god i n his greme * bygy/zne3 onlofte ; To wakan wedere3 so wylde * J?e wynde3 he calle3, & j?ay wroj>ely vp-wafte * & wrastled togeder, Fro fawre half of j?e folde • flytande loude. Clowde3 clustered bytwene * kesten vp torres, Pat \>e pik }m/zder-]>rast * pirled hem ofte. pe rayn rueled adou/z * ridlande pikke. Of felle flauzzkes of fyr * & flakes of soufre, A 1 in smolderande smoke * smachande ful ille, Swe 2 aboute sodamas • & hit syde3 alle, Gorde to gomorra • pat pe grouzzde lansed; Abdama and syboym * pise ceteis alle faure, A 1 birolled wyth J ?e rayn * rostted & brezmed, & ferly flayed pat folk • pat in pDse fees lenged. For when )>at ]>e helle herde * j >e hou//de3 of heuen, He wat3 ferlyly fayn * vnfolded bylyue ; pe grete barre3 of }>e abyme * he barst vp at one3, pat alle J >e regiouzz to-rof * in riftes ful grete, 1 MS. ‘ bar dee.' VOL. II. 2 sweyed? M i6v XIII . ALLITERATIVE POEMS. & clouen alle in lyttel cloutes * pe clyffe^ ay where, 965 As lance leue3 of J?e boke * f>at lepes in twy/me. pe brethe of pe brynston * bi pat hit blende were, A 1 po citees & her sydes * sunkken to helle. Rydelles wern po grete rowtes * of renkkes wzU-ircne, When }>a y wern war of J>e wrake * pat no wy^e achaped ; 970 Such a jointly 3arm * of ^ell yng ]?er rysed, per-of clatered pe cloudes * pat kryst my3t haf rawj?e. [Lines 1009 — 1051.] Suche a rojnift of a reche * ros fro pe blake, Aske3 vpe in pe ayre * & vselle3 J?er flowen, ioto As a fornes ful of flot * pat vpon fyr boyles, When bry3t bre/mande bronde3 * ar bet p?r-an-vnder. pis wat3 a uengamzce violent * pat voyded pise places, pat foundered hat3 so fayr a folk • & pe folde sonkken. per faun? citees wern set * nov is a see called, 1015 pat ay is drouy & dym * & ded in hit kynde, Bio, blubrande, & blak * vnbly}>e to ne3e, As a stynkande stanc * f>at stryed sywne, pat eu^r of synne & of smach • smart is to fele ; For-]>y pe derk dede see • hit is demed eue * duren peve %et. For hit is brod & bopemle 3 * & bitter as pe galle, & no3t may lenge in pat lake * pat any lyf bere3, & alle pe costej of kynde * hit combre3 vchone ; For lay per- on a lump of led * & hit on loft flete3, 1025 & folde per-on a ly^t fy^r * & hit to fou^s synkke3. & per [pat] water may waiter * to wete any erj>e, Schal nem?r grene p?r-on growe • gresse ne wod nawp?r. If any schalkre to be schent * wer schowued per-inne, pa3 he bode in pat boj>em * bro)?ely a monyth, 1030 He most ay lyue in pat loje * in losy^g eu^r-more, XIII, THE DESTRUCTION OF SODOM . 1 63 & neu er dry$e no dethe • to dayes of ende. &, as hit is corsed of kynde • & hit cooste^ als, pe clay pat clenges per-by • arn corsyes strong, As alum & alkaran 1 • pat angr6 2 arn bo]>e, 1035 Soufre so&r, & saundyuer * & oper such mony ; & per \valte3 of pat water * in waxlokes grete, pe spuniande 3 aspaltou/z • pat spysere} sellen ; & suche is alle pe soyle • by pat se halues, pat fel fretes pe flesch * & festred 4 bones. 1040 & per ar tres by pat terne * of trayto&res [kynde], & pay borgou«e3 & beres * blome3 ful fayre, & pe fayrest fryt • pat may on folde gro'we, As orenge & o per fryt * & apple garnade ; Also red & so ripe * & rychely hwed, 1045 As any dom my3t deuice • of dayntye3 oute ; Bot quen hit is brused, o per broken * o per byten in twy/me, No \v0rlde3 goud hit wyth-i/zne • bot wydowande 6 askes ; Alle pyse ar teches & tokenes * to trow vpon 3et, & wittnesse of pat wykked werk * & pe wrake after, 1050 pat oure fader forferde * for fylpe of j>ose ledes. 1 alkatran? 2 augre = aigre? 3 spinnande? 4 festres ? 6 MS. 4 wyndowande.* M 2 XIV. SIR JOHN MANDEVILLE. a.d. 1356. Sir John Mandeville was born about a.d. 1300, commenced his travels in the year 1322, and wrote an account of them in English in the year 1356. He died in November 1371 or 1372. The following extracts, in the Midland dialect, are copied from ‘The Voiage and Travaile of Sir John Maundeville,’ edited, from the edition of 1725, by J. O. Halliwell, London, 1839. This edition was founded on the Cotton MS. Titus C. xvi. The Prologue . [Corrected by Cotton MS. Titns C. xvi.] [Pages 1-5.] For als moche as the lond be^onde the see, that is to seye, the holy lond, that men callen the lond of promys- sioun, or of beheste, passynge alle othere londes, is the most worthi lond, most excellent, and lady and sovereyn of alle 5 othere londes, and is blessed and halewed of the precyous body and blood of oure Lord Ihesu Crist ; in the whiche lond it lykede him to take flesch and blood of the virgyne Marie, to envyrone that holy lond with his blessede feet ; and there he wolde of his blessednesse enoumbre him in the seyd XIV. (a) prologue to the voiage. 165 blessed and gloriouse virgine Marie, and become man, and 10 worche many myracles, and preche and teche the feyth and the lawe of crystene men unto his children ; and there it iykede him to suffre many reprevynges and scornes for us ; 1 and he that was kyng of heuene, of eyr, of erthe, of see, and of alle thinges that ben conteyned in hem, wolde alle only 15 ben cleped kyng of that lond, whan he seyde, Rex sum Iudeorum , that is to seyne, I am kyng of Iewes ; and that lond he chees before alle other londes, as the beste and most worthi lond, and the most vertuouse lond of alle the world : for it is the herte and the myddes of alle the world : 20 wytnessynge the philosophere, that seyth thus : Virtus re- rum in medio consistit : that is to seye, the vertue of thinges is in the myddes ; and in that lond he wolde lede his lyf, and j! suffre passioun and deth, of Iewes, for us; for to bye and ; to delyvere us from peynes of helle, and from deth with- 25 outen ende; the whiche was ordeynd for us, for the synne ;! of oure formere fader Adam, and for oure owne synnes also : for as for himself, he hadde non evylle deserved : for he thoughte nevere evylle ne did evylle : and he that was kyng j of glorie and of ioye, myghte best in that place suffre 30 I deth, because he ches in that lond, rathere than in ony othere, there to suffre his passioun and his deth ; for he that wil pupplische ony thing to make it openly knowen, he wil make it to ben cryed and pronounced in the myddel place of a town, so that the thing that is proclamed and 35 pronounced may evenly strecche to alle parties : right so he that was formyour of alle the world, wolde suffre for us at Ierusalem, that is the myddes of the world ; to that ende and entent, that his passioun and his deth, that was pup- plischt there, myghte ben knowen evenly to alle the parties 4 ° of the world. See now how dere he boughte man, that he made after his owne ymage, and how dere he a^enboght XIV. SIR JOHN MANDEVILLE. 1 66 us, for the grete love that he hadde to us, and wee nevere deserved it to him. For more precyous catelle ne gretter 45 raunsoun ne myghte he put[te] for us than his blessede body, his piecious blood, and his holy lyf, that he thralled for us ; and alle he offred for us, that nevere did synne. A! dere God, what love hadde he to us his subiettes, whan he that nevere trespaced wolde for trespassours suffre deth ! 50 Right wel oughte us for to love and worschipe, to drede and serven such a lord ; and to worschipe and preyse such an holy lond that brought forth such fruyt, thorgh the whiche every man is saved, but it be his owne defaute. Wel may that lond ben called delytable and a fructuouse lond, 55 that was bebledd and moysted with the precyouse blode of oure Lord Ihesu Crist ; the whiche is the same lond, that oure Lord behighte us in heritage. And in that lond he wolde dye, as seised, for to leve it to vus his children. Wherfore every gode cristene man, that is of powere, and 60 hath whereof, scholde peynen him with alle his strengthe for to conquere oure right heritage, and chacen out alle the mysbeleevynge men. For wee ben clept cristene men, after Crist oure fader. And }if wee ben right children of Crist, wee oughte for to chalenge the heritage that oure fader lafte 65 us, and do it out of hethene mennes hondes. But now pryde, covetyse, and envye han so enflawmed the hertes of lordes of the world, that thei are more besy for to disherite here neyghbores, more than for to chalenge or to conquere here right heritage before-seyd. And the comoun peple, 70 that wolde putte here bodyes and here catelle for to con- quere oure heritage, thei may not don it withouten the lordes. For a semblee of peple withouten a cheventeyn or a chief lord, is as a flok of scheep withouten a schepperde ; the which departeth and desparpleth, and wyten never whider 75 to go. But wolde God, that the temporel lordes and alle XIV, (a) prologue to the voiage. 167 worldly lordes weren at gode acord, and with the comoun peple wolden taken this holy viage over the see. Thanne I trowe wel that, within a lityl tyme, oure right heritage before-seyd scholde be reconsyled, and put in the hondes of the right heires of Ihesu Crist. 80 And for als moche as it is longe tyme passed, that ther was no generalle passage ne vyage over the see ; and many men desiren for to here speke of the holy lond, and han there-of gret solace and comfort ; I Iohn Maundevylle, Knyght, alle be it I be not worthi, that was born in Englond, 85 in the town of Seynt Albones, and passed the see, in the 3eer of oure Lord Ihesu Crist Mill. ccc. & xxij., in the day of Seynt Michelle ; and hider-to have ben longe tyme over the see, and have seyn and gon thorgh manye dyverse 'londes, and many provynces and kyngdomes and iles ; and have 90 passed thorghout Turkye, Ermonye the litylle and the grete, Tartarye, Percye, Surry e, Arabye, Egypt the high and the lowe 1 ; thorgh Lybye, Caldee, and a gret partie of Ethiope ; thorgh Amazoyne, Inde the lasse and the more, a gret partie ; and thorgh-out many othere iles, that ben abouten Inde ; 95 where dwellen many dyverse folk, and of dyverse maneres and lawes, and of dyverse schappes of men. Of whiche londes and iles I schalle speke more pleynly hereafter. And I schalle devise 30U sum partie of thinges that there ben, whan tyme schalle ben, after it may best come to my mynde; 100 and specyally for hem, that wille and are in purpos for to visite the holy citee of Ierusaiem and the holy places that are thereaboute. And I schalle telle the weye, that thei schulle holden thider. For I have often tymes passed and ryden that way, with gode companye of many lordes : God be 105 thonked. And 3ee schulle undirstonde, that I have put this boke 1 From * Surrye’ to * lowe’ is omitted in the printed editions. 1 68 XIV . SIR JOHN MANDEVILLE. out of Latyn into Frensch, and translated it a$en out of Frensch into Englyssch, that every man of my nacion may iio understonde it. But lordes and knyghtes and othere noble and worthi men, that conne not Latyn but litylle, and han ben be^onde the see, knowen and understonden $if I seye trouthe or non, and 1 $if I erre in devisynge, for for^etynge, or elles ; that thei 115 mowe redresse it and amende it. For thinges passed out of longe tyme from a mannes mynde or from his syght, turnen sone into for^etynge : because that mynde of man ne may not ben comprehended ne withholden, for the freeltee of mankynde. (B) Part of Cap. XII. Of the hegynnyng of Machomete . [Pages 1 39-1 42.] And ^ee schulle understonde that Machamete was born in Arabye, that was first a pore knave that kepte cameles, that wenten with marchantes for marchandise; and so be- felle, that he wente with the marchandes in-to Egipt : and 5 thei weren thanne cristene in tho partyes. And at the desertes of Arabye, he wente into a chapelle where a eremyte duelte. And whan he entred into the chapelle, that was but a lytille and a low thing and had but a lityl dore and a low, than the entree began to wexe so gret 10 and so large and so high, as though it had ben of a gret mynstre, or the }ate of a paleys. And this was the firste myracle, the Sarazins seyn, that Machomete dide in his ^outhe. After began he for to wexe wyse and riche, and he was a gret astronomer : and after, he was governour 1 From ‘jif I seye* to ‘ and’ is omitted in the printed editions. XIV. (b) the begynnyng of machomete . 169 and prince of the lond of Corrodane ; and he governed it 15 fulle wisely, in such manere, that whan the prince was ded, he toke the lady to wyfe, that highte Gadrige. And Macho- mete felle often in the grete sikenesse, that men callen the fallynge evylle : wherfore the lady was fulle sory, that evere sche toke him to husbonde. But Machomete made hire to 20 beleeve* that alle tymes, whan he felle so, Gabriel the angel cam for to speke with him ; and for the gret light and brightnesse of the angelle, he myghte not susteyne him fro fallynge. And therfore the Sarazines seyn, that Gabriel cam often to speke with him. This Machomete regned in 25 Arabye the ^eer of oure Lord Ihesu Crist .vi. c. & x. ; and was of the generacion of Ysmael, that was Abrahames sone, that he gat upon Agar his chamberere. And therfore ther ben Sarazines that ben clept Ismaelytenes ; and summe Aga- ryenes, of Agar : and the othere propurly ben clept Sarra- 30 zines, of Sarra : and summe ben clept Moabytes, and summe Amonytes, for the .ij. sones of Loth, Moab and Amon, that he begatt on his doughtres, that weren aftirward grete erthely princes. And also Machomete loved wel a gode heremyte, that duelled in the desertes, a myle fro Mount 35 Synay, in the weye that men gon fro Arabye toward Caldee, and toward Ynde, o day iourney fro the see, where the marchauntes of Venyse comen often for marchandise. And so often wente Machomete to this heremyte, that alle his men weren wrothe : for he wolde gladly here this here- 4c myte preche, and make his men wake alle nyght : and ther- fore his men thoughten to putte the heremyte to deth : and so befelle upon a nyght, that Machomete was dronken of gode wyn, and he felle on slepe ; and his men toke Macho- metes swerd out of* his schethe whils he slepte, and there- 45 with thei slowgh this heremyte, and putten his swerd al blody in his schethe a3en. And at morwe, whan he fond 170 XIV. SIR JOHN MANDEVILLE . the heremyte ded, he was fulle sory and wroth, and wolde have don his men to deth : but thei alle with on accord 50 [seyde], that he himself had slayn him, whan he was dronken, and schewed him his swerd alle blody: and he trowed that thei hadden seyd soth. And than he cursed the wyn, and alle tho that drynken it. And therfore Sarra- zines, that ben devout, drynken nevere no wyn : but summe 55 drynken it prevyly. For $if thei dronken it openly, thei scholde ben repreved. But thei drynken gode beverage and swete and norysshynge, that is made of Galamelle : and that is that men maken sugre of, that is of right gode savour-: and it is gode for the breest. Also it befalleth sumtyme, 60 that Cristene men becomen Sarazines, outher for povertee or for symplenesse, or elles for here owne wykkednesse. And therfore the archiflamyn or the flamyn, as oure e[r]che- bisshopp or bisshopp, whan he resceyveth hem, seyth thus, La ellec olla syla , Machomet rores alia x ; that is to seye, There 65 is no God hut on , and Machomete his messages (C) Cap. XXVI. Of the Contrees and Ties that ben beionde the lond of Cathay ; and of the Frutes there ; and of xxij Kynges enclosed within the Mountaynes. [Pages 263-269.] Now schalle I seye 30U sewyngly of contrees and yles, that ben be^onde the contrees that I have spoken of. Wherfore I seye 30U, in passynge be the lond of Cathaye, toward the high Ynde, and toward Bacharye, men passen be a kyng- 5 dom that men clepen Caldilhe ; that is a fulle fair contre. And there groweth a maner of fruyt, as though it weren gowrdes : and whan thei ben rype, men kutten hem a-to, 1 Rather, La Ilia ilia Allah , we Muhammed Resul Allah. XIV. (c) THE CONTREES BEYONDE CATHAY, ljl and men fynden with-inne a lytylle best, in flesch, in bon and blode, as though it were a lytille lomb with-outen wolle. And men eten bothe the frut and the best: and that is a gret merveylle. Of that frute I have eten; alle-though it were wondirfulle : but that I knowe wel, that God is mer- veyllous in his werkes. And natheles I tolde hem of als gret a merveyle to hem, that is amonges us : and that was of the Bernakes. For I tolde hem, that in oure contree weren trees, that baren a fruyt, that becomen briddes fleeynge : and tho that fellen in the water, lyven ; and thei that fallen on the erthe, dyen anon : and thei ben right gode to mannes mete. And here -of had thei als gret mer- vaylle, that summe of hem trowed, it were an inpossible thing to be. In that contre ben longe apples, of gode savour ; where-of ben mo than an .c. in a clustre, and als manye in another : and thei han grete longe leves and large, of .ij. fote long or more. And in that contree, and in other contrees there abouten, growen many trees, that beren clowe-gylofres and notemuges, and grete notes of Ynde and of Canelle and of many other spices. And there ben vynes that beren so grete grapes, that a strong man scholde have ynow to done for to bere o clustre with alle the grapes. In that same regioun ben the mountaynes of Caspye, that men clepen Uber in the contree. Betwene tho mountaynes, the Iewes of .x. lynages ben enclosed, that men clepen Goth and Magoth : and thei mowe not gon out on no syde. There weren enclosed .xxij. kynges with hire peple, that dwelleden betwene the mountaynes of Sythye. There Kyng Alisandre chacede hem betwene tho mountaynes, and there he thoughte for to enclose hem thorgh werk of his men. But whan he saugh that he myghte not don it, ne brynge it to an ende, he preyed to God of Nature, that he wolde io i5 20 25 30 35 40 172 XIV, SIR JOHN MANDEVILLE, parforme that that lie had begonne. And alle were it so that he was a payneme and not worthi to ben herd, jit God of his grace closed the mountaynes to-gydre : so that thei dwellen there, alle faste y-lokked and enclosed with high 45 mountaynes alle aboute, saf only on o syde ; and on that syde, is the see of Caspye. Now may sum men asken, sith that the see is on that o syde, wherfore go thei not out on the see syde, for to go where that hem lyketh ? But to this questioun, I schal answere, that see of Caspye goth out .50 be londe, under the mountaynes, and renneth be the desert at o syde of the contree ; and after it streccheth unto the endes of Persie. And alle -though it be clept a see, it is no see, ne it toucheth to non other see : but it is a lake, the grettest of the world. And though thei 55 wolden putten hem in-to that see, thei ne wysten never where that thei scholde arryven. And also thei conen no langage but only hire owne, that noman knoweth but thei : and therfore mowe thei not gon out. And also jee schulle understonde, that the Iewes han no propre lond of Go hire owne for to dwellen inne in alle the world, but only that lond betwene the mountaynes. And jit thei jelden tribute for that lond to the Queen of Amazoine, the whiche that maketh hem to ben kept in cloos fulle diligently, that thei schulle not gon out on no syde, but be the cost of hire G 5 lond. For hire lond marcheth to tho mountaynes. And often it hath befallen, that summe of the Iewes han gon up the mountaynes, and avaled down to the valeyes : but gret nombre of folk ne may not do so. For the mountaynes ben so hye and so streght up, that thei moste abyde there, 7° maugree hire myght. For thei mowe not gon out but be a litille issue, that was made be strengthe of men ; and it lasteth wel a .iiij. grete myle. And after, is there jit a lond alle desert, where men may fynde no water, ne for XIV. (c) THE CONTREES BEYONDE CATHAY. J 73 dyggyng e ne for non other thing. Wherfore men may not dwellen in that place : so is it fulle of dragounes, of 75 serpentes, and of other venymous bestes, that noman dar not passe, but }if it be be strong wynter. And that streyt 1 passage men clepen in that contree, Clyron. And that is the passage that the queen of Amazoine maketh to ben kept. And thogh it happene sum of hem, be fortune, 80 to gon out, thei conen no maner of langage but Ebrew ; so that thei can not speke to the peple. And ^it natheles, men seyn thei schulle gon out in the tyme of Antecrist, and that thei schulle maken gret slaughter of Cristene men. And therfore alle the Iewes that dwellen in alle londes, 85 lernen alle weys to speken Ebrew, in hope that whan the other Iewes schulle gon out, that thei may understonden hire speche, and to leden hem in-to Cristendom, for to destroy e the cristene peple. For the Iewes seyn, that thei knowen wel, be hire prophecyes, that thei of Caspye schulle 9° gon out and spreden thorgh-out alle the world; and that the Cristene men schulle ben under hire subieccion, als longe as thei han ben in subieccion of hem. And }if that 3ee wil wyte how that thei schulle fynden hire weye, after that I have herd seye, I schalle telle 30U. In the tyme of 95 Antecrist, a fox schalle make there his trayne, and mynen an hole, where kyng Alisandre leet make the ^ates : and so longe he schalle mynen and percen the erthe, til that he schalle passe thorgh, towardes that folk. And whan thei seen the fox, they schulle have gret merveylle of him, be 100 cause j>at thei saugh never such a best. For of alle othere bestes thei han enclosed amonges hem, saf only the fox. And thanne thei schulle chacen him and pursuen him so streyte, tille that he come to the same place that he cam fro. And thanne thei schulle dyggen and mynen so strongly, 105* tille that thei fynden the jates, that Kyng Alisandre leet make 174 XIV. SIR JOHN MANDEVILLE. of grete stones and passynge huge, wel symented and made stronge for the maystrie. And tho $ates thei schulle breken, and so gon out, be fyndynge of that issue. Fro that lond * 10 gon men toward the lond of Bacharie, where ben fulle yvele folk and fulle cruelle. In that lond ben trees, that beren wolle as thogh it were of scheep ; where-of men maken clothes, and alle thing that may ben made of wolle. In that contree ben many Ipotaynes, that dwellen somtyme 1 1 5 in the water and somtyme on the lond : and thei ben half man and half hors, as I have seyd before : and thei eten men, whan thei may take hem. And there ben ryveres and watres that ben fulle byttere, three sithes more than is the water of the see. 120 In that contre ben many griffounes, more plentee than in ony other contree. Sum men seyn, that thei han the body upward as an egle, and benethe as a lyoun : and treuly thei seyn soth, that thei ben of that schapp. But o griffoun hath the body more gret and is more strong t2 5 thanne .viij. lyouns, of suche lyouns as ben o this half; and more gret and strongere than an .c. egles, suche as we han amonges us. For o griffoun there wil bere, fleynge to his nest, a gret hors, (}if he may fynde him at the poynt 1 ,) or .ij. oxen 3 oked to-gidere, as thei gon at the plowgh. For *3° he hath his talouns so longe and so large and grete upon his feet, as though thei weren homes of grete oxen or of bugles or of ky^n ; so that men maken cuppes of hem, to drynken of : and of hire ribbes and of the pennes of hire wenges, men maken bowes fulle stronge, to schote with r 35 arwes and quarelle. 1 Omitted in the printed editions. XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND, or LANGLEY. A. D. 1362. According to tradition, William Langland, Longland, or Langley, was a native of Gleobury Mortimer in Shropshire. He must have been born about the year 1332, and have died about 1400. He is supposed to have been educated near the Malvern Hills (Worcestershire), where he composed the first version of his great poem entitled ‘ The Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman’ ( Fisio Willelmi de Petro le Plowmati) shortly after the time of the great plague which ravaged England, a.d. 1361-2. About the year 1377 he was living in London, where he wrote his second version of the poem, extending it to three times its former length. Subsequently he returned to the West of Eng- land, and again re-wrote his poem, with various additions and alterations, between 1380 and 1390. Piers the Plowman is an allegorical poem, or series of poems, in which the author satirizes the vices and abuses of the age, the degeneracy of the prelates and priests, political corruptions, the avarice and rapacity of the nobility, and the oppression of the poor by the rich. Piers is intended to represent the model Christian, and is at times identified with Christ. All three versions of the poem (A-text, B-text, and C-text) are being published for the Early English Text Society, edited *by the Rev. W. W. Skeat ; the first two volumes have already appeared. The following extracts are from the A-text, which is based upon the copy in the Vernon MS. in the Bodleian Library, the dialect of which is Southern, with Midland peculiarities. XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND. 17 6 [ From the earliest version of ‘ The Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman .’] Prolog us. In A somer sesun * whon softe was J>e sonne, I schop me in-to a schroud * A scheep as I were ; In Habite of an Hermite * vn-holy of werkes, Wende I wydene in J>is world * wondres to here. Bote in a Mayes Morwnynge * on Maluerne hulles f Me bi-fel a ferly * A Feyrie, me J>ouhte; I was weori of wandringe * and wente me to reste Vndur a brod banke * bi a Bourne syde, And as I lay and leonede * and lokede on ]>e watres, I slumberde in A slepyng * hit sownede so murie.* io penne gon I Meeten * A Meruelous sweuene, pat I was in A Wildernesse * wuste I neuer where, And as I beo-heold in-to ]>e Est * an-hei} to ]>e sonne, I sauh a Tour on A Toft * tritely 1 I-maket ; A Deop Dale bi-neoj>e * A dungun J>er-Inne, 15 With deop dich and derk * and dredful of siht. A Feir feld ful of folk * fond I }>er bi-twene, Of alle maner of men * j?e mene and ]>e riche, Worchinge and wondringe * as ]>e world aske]>. Sume putter hem to J>e plou} * & pleiden hem ful seldene, 20 In Eringe and in Sowynge * swonken ful harde, pat monie of peos wasturs * In Glotonye distruen. And summe putter hem to pruide * apparaylde/z hem Jj^r-after, In Cuntinau^ce of cloJ?i«ge * queinteliche de-Gyset ; 1 So in Trin. MS.; Vern. MS. ‘ wonderliche.’ XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN. PROLOGUE. IJJ To prey ere and to penaunce * putten heom monye, 25 For loue of vr lord * liueden ful harde, In Hope for to haue * Heuene-riche blisse ; As Ancres and Hermytes • pat holdej? hem in heore Celles, Coueyte not in Cuntre * to carien a-boute, For non likerous lyflode * heore licam to plese. 30 And suwme chosen Chaffare * to cheeuen pe bettre, As hit seme)? to vre siht * J>at suche men scholden ; And suffzme Murj>hes to maken * as Munstrals cunne, And gete gold wip here gle * giltles, I trowe 1 . Bote Iapers and Iangelers * Iudas Children, 35 Founden hem Fantasyes * and fooles hem maaden, And habbej> wit at heor wille * to worchen $if hem luste. pat Poul preche]? of hem * I dar not preouen heere ; Qui loquitur* turpiloquium • Hee is Luciferes hyne. Bidders and Beggers • faste a-boute eoden, 40 Til heor Bagges & heore Balies * were;* bratful 2 I-crowmet ; Feynedew hem for heore foode * fou^ten atte ale ; In Glotonye, God wot • gon heo to Bedde, And ryseth vp wij? ribaudye * pis Roberdes knaues ; Sleep and Sleu^e * suwej) hem euere. 45 Pilgrfmes and Palmers * Plihten hem to-ged^res For to seche seint Ieme * and seintes at Roome; Wenten for)? in heore wey * with mony wyse tales, And hedden leue to ly^en * al heore lyf aftir 3 . Ermytes on an hep * wij> hokide staues, 50 Wenten to Walsyngham * & here wenchis aftir 4 ; Grete lobres & longe * pat lop weore to swynke, CloJ>eden hem in Copes * to beo knowen for hxeperen : 1 This line is from Trin. MS. ; omitted in Vernon MS. 2 Vern. ‘faste*; Trin. ‘ bratful.’ 3 So in Trin.; Vern. ‘ tyme.’ 4 Vern. MS. omits 11 . 50, 51, which are supplied from Trin. MS. VOL. II. N » 7 « XV. WILLIAM LANG LAND. And suwme schopen hem 1 to hermytes * heore ese to haue. I Font pere Freres * all pe Foure Ordres, 55 Prechinge J?e peple * for pr^fyt of heore wombes, Glosynge J?e Gospel * as hem good like)?, For Couetyse of Copes * Construe)? hit ille ; For monye of ]?is Maistres * mowezz cloJ?ezz hem at lyking, For Moneye & heore Marchauzzdie * meetezz ofte toged^re. 60 SeJ?)?e charite haj? be chapmon * and 2 cheef to schriuezz lordes, Mony ferlyes han bi-falle * in a fewe }eres. But holychirche bi-ginne * holde bet to-gedere, pe moste Mischeef on molde * mountej? vp faste. per pradiede a pardoner * as he a prest were, 65 And brou3t vp a Bulle * with Bisschopes seles, And seide pal him-self mihte * a-soylen hem alle Of Falsnesse of 3 Fastinge * and of vouwes I-broken. pe lewede Men likede him wel * and leeue]? his speche, And comen vp knelynge * and cusseden his Bulle ; 70 He bonchede hem with his Breuet * & blered heore e^en, And rauhte with his Ragemon * Ringes and Broches. Weore J?e Bisschop I-blesset * and worj? bo)?e his Eres, 75 Heo scholde not beo so hardi * to deceyue so pe peple. Saue hit nis not bi J?e Bisschop * pat pe Boye pzrchej? ; Bote J?e Parisch-prest and he * de-parte pe seluer, pat haue schulde J?e pore parisschens * $if pat heo ne weore. P^rsones and parisch -pastes • playne)? to heore Bis- schops, 80 pat heore Parisch ha)? ben pore * se)?)?e pe Pestilence tvme 4 , And askej? leue and lycence * at londun to dwelle, 1 Vern. MS. omits hem . 8 Vern. ‘and*; Trin. ‘ of.* 2 Vern. MS. omits and. 4 Vern. MS. omits tyine. XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN. PROLOGUE. 179 To singe ]>er for Simonye * for seluer is swete. per houej? an Hundret * In Houues of selk, Seriauns hit seme|> * to semen atte Barre ; 85 Pleden for pons * and pourades J?e lawe, Not for loue of vr lord * vn-losej? heore lippes ones, pow mihtest beter met tn ]?e Myst • on Maluerne hulles, pen geten a Mom of heore Mou]? • til moneye weore schewed. I sauh ]>er Bisschops Bolde * and Bachilers of diuyn 9c Bi-coome Clerkes of A-Counte • )?e kyng for to seruen ; Erchedekenes and Deknes * pat Dignite hauen, To pradie } >e peple * and pore men to feede, Beon lopen to londun * bi leue of heore Bisschopes, To ben Clerkes of ]?e kynges Benche * ]?e Cuntre to schende. Barouns and Burgeis * and Bonde-men also 96 I sau^ in pat Semble * as je schul heren her-aftur. Bakers, Bochers * and Breusters monye, Wollene websteris • and weu^ris of lynen, Tailloars, tann^ris * & tokkeris boj?e \ 100 Masons, Minours * and mony o]?er craftes, Dykers, and Deluers * pat don heore dedes ille, And driue]? for]? j?e longe day * with ‘deu vous saue, dam Emme ! ’ Cookes and heore knaues • Cryen ‘ hote pies, hote ! Goode gees and grys • Go we dyne, Gowe !’ 105 Tauerners to hem • tolde ]>e same tale WiJ> good wyn of Gaskoyne • And wyn of Oseye, Of Ruyn and of Rochel • )?e Rost to defye. A 1 pis I sau3 slepyng^ • & seue sipes more \ 1 Vera. MS. omits 11 . 99, loo, and 109, which are supplied from Trin. MS. N 2 i8o XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND. Primus passus de visions . What j?is Mouzztein be-Mene]? * and J?is derke Dale, And ]?is feire feld, ful of folk • feire I schal ow schewe. A louely ladi on leor * In linnene I-clo]?ed, Com a-doun fro m ]>e clyf 1 * and clepte me feire, And seide, 4 sone ! slepest j?ou ? • Sixt ]?ou j?is peple 5 A 1 hou bisy ]?ei ben * A-boute j>e Mase ? pe moste p#rti of ]?e peple * \at passe]? nou on eorj?e, Hauen heo worschupe in pis world * kepe pei no betere ; Of o)?er heuene }>en heer * holde 2 pei no tale/ Ich was a-ferd of hire Face * )>auh heo feir weore, 10 And seide, ‘Merci, Ma dame * What is pis to mene?’ ‘ pis Tour & pis Toft,’ q«^d heo * ‘ treu]?e is ]?er-Inne, And wolde pat je wrou^ten * as his word techej? ; For he is Fader of Fei * pat formed ow alle Bo)>e with Fel and with Face * and }af ow fyue wittes, 15 Forte worschupe/z him }?erwith 3 • while %e beoj? heere. And for he hihte }>e eor]?e * to seruen ow vchone Of wollene, Of linnene * To lyflode at neode, In Mesurable Maner * to maken ow at ese ; And Comauzzdet of his Cortesye * In Comune ]?reo ]?inges ; 20 Heore nomes be]? neodful * and nempnen hem I j?enke, Bi Rule and bi Resun * Rehersen hem her-aftur. pat on Clothing is * from Chele ow to saue : And pat o]?ur, Mete at Meel * for meseise of ]?iseluen : And drink whon ]>ou dru^est • but do hit not out of Resun, 25 pat }?ou weor[]?]e ]?e worse * whon ]>ou worche scholdest. 1 So in MS. Univ. Coll. Oxford; Vem. ‘loft/ 2 Vern. ‘3eueb’ 3 Vem. omits \erwitb. Most of the corrections are from the Trin. MS. XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN . PASSUS I. l8l Dreede dilitable drinke • And ]?ou schalt do ]?e bettre ; Mesure is Medicine * ]?auh ]?ou muche 3eor[n]e. A 1 nis not good to pe gost * ]?at pe bodi lyke]?, Ne lyflode to pe licam * J?at leof is to pe soule. 35 Leef not pi licam * for ly3ere him teche]?, pat is pe Wikkede word * pe to bi-traye. For pe Fend and ]?i Flesch * foie wen to-gedere, And schende}? pi soule * seo hit in pin herte ; And for pon scholdest beo war * I wisse j>e pe bettre/ 40 * A Madame, Merci !' qu&p I • ‘ me like]? wel J?i wordes ; Bote ]?e Moneye on pis Molde * pat men so faste holden, Tel me to whom ■ )?at Tresour appende)??' ‘ Go to pe gospel/ qua]? heo * ‘ pat god seip hiw-seluen, Whon ]?e peple hi/7z a-posede * w ith a peny in ]?e Temple, 45 3if heo schulden worschupe per- with • Cesar heore kyng. And he asked of hem * of whom spac )?e lettre, And whom j?e ymage was lyk * pat j?er-Inne stod. 4 Ceesar, pei seiden * We seo)? wel vchone.’ Reddite ergo que sunt cesar is cesari f et que sunt dei deo h 1 )?e«ne Reddite / qua]? God * f pat to Cesar fallep, 50 Et que sunt dei deo * or elles do $e ille/ For Rihtfoliche Resoun * schulde rulen ou alle, And kuynde wit be wardeyn * oure weol]?e to kepe, And tour of vr tresour • to take hit 30W 2 at nede ; For husbondrie and he * holden to-gedere/ 55 penne I fraynede hire feire * for hi m pat hire made, i pat dungun 3 in pat deope dale * pat dredful is of siht, What may hit Mene, Madame * Ich pe bi-seche?' 4 pat is pe Castel of care/ quod heo * ‘ hose come]? per-lnne , Mai Banne pat he born was * to Bodi or to soule. 60 per-lnne wonej? a wiht • pat wrong is I-hote, 1 Vern. omits this quotation. 2 Vern. omits 3 ow 3 Vern. * doun’; cf. Prol. 1 . 15. i8'2 XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND. Fader of Falsness • he foundede it 1 him-seluen ; Adam and Eue • he eggede to don ille; Counseilede Caym * to cullen his Broker; Iudas he Iapede * with pe Iewes seluer, 65 And on an Ellerne treo * hongede hi m after. He is a lettere of loue * and ly^e)? hem alle pat trustej? in heor tresour * j?er no tru)?e is Inne/ penne hedde I wonder in my wit • what wo^mon hit weore, pat suche wyse wordes * of holy writ me schewede ; 70 And halsede hire in }?e hei^e nome * er heo J>eonne ;eode, What heo weore witerly • pat wisside 2 me so feire. 4 Holi churche Icham/ qua]? heo * 4 J?ou ouhtest me to knowe : Ich ]?e vndurfong furst * and pi feip }?e tau3te. pow brou3test me Borwes * my biddyng to worche, 75 And to loue me leelly * While pi lyf durede.’ pewne knelede I on my kneos • and crimed hire of grace, And preiede hire pitously • to preye for vr suwnes, And eke to teche me kuyndely • on crist to bi-leeue, pat Ich his wille mihte worche * pat wrouhte me to Mon. 80 4 Tech me to no Tresour * bote tel me pis ilke, Hou I may saue my soule * pat seint art I-holde/ 4 Whon alle tresour is I-trijed * Treu]?e is }?e Beste; I do hit on Deus Caritas * to deeme ]?e so}>e. Hit is as derwor]?e a drurie * as deore god him-seluen. 85 For hose is trewe of his tonge • telle]? not elles, Do]? his werkes \er-with * and do}? no mon ille, He is a-counted to pe gospel * on grouwde and on lofte, And eke I-liknet to vr lord * bi seint Lucus wordes. Clerkes pat knowen hit * scholde techen hit aboute, 90 For Cristene and vn-cristene * him cleymej? vchone. 2 Vern. 4 techej?.* 1 Vern. omits it. XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN . PASS US /. 183 Kynges and knihtes * scholde kepen hem bi Reson, And Rihtfuliche Raymen * ]>e Realmes a-bouten, And take trespassours * and tei^en 1 hem faste, Til treu}>e hedde I-termynet * j?e trespas to j?e ende. 95 For Dauid, in his dayes • he Dubbede knihtes, Dude hem swere on heor swerd * to serue treu]?e eue perte profession * pat a-pende]> to knihtes, And not to faste a Friday * In Fyue score jeres, But holder with hem & with heore * ]>at asken j>e treu)?e, 100 And leuen for no loue * ne lacching of $iftus ; And he \at passe)? p^t poynt * is a-postata in ]?e ordre. For crist, kyngene kyng * knyhtide ten 2 , Cherubin & Seraphin * an al ]?e foure ordres, And 3af hem maystrie & miht * in his Maieste, 105 And ouer his meyne * made hem Archaungelis 2 , And tau^te hem 3 j?orw j?e Trinite * treu]?e for to knowe;/, And beo boxum at his biddynge * he bad hem not elles. Lucifer with legiouzzs * lerede hit in heuene ; He was louelokest of siht * aftur vr lord, no Til he brak Boxurznes * )?orw bost of him-seluen. pene fel he with his felawes * & fendes bi-comen, Out of heuene in-to helle * hobleden faste, Suzzzme in }>e Eir, & suzzzme in ]?e Eor]?e * & su/zzme in helle deope. Bote Lucifer louwest • li^p of hem alle ; 115 For pruide ]>at he put out * his peyne ha]? non ende; And alle ]>at wrong worchen * wende pei schulen After heore de]?-day * and dwellen with pat schrewe. Ac heo pat worchen \at word * pat holi writ techep And ende]?, as Ich er seide * in profitable werkes, 120 Mouwen be siker pat heore soules * schullezz to heuene, 1 Vern. ‘bynden/ 2 Vern. omits 11 . 103 and 106. 3 Vern. omits hem. XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND. l8 4 per Treu)>e is in Trinite * and Coroune]> hem alle. For I sigge sikerli * bi siht of \>e textes, Whon alle tresor is I-trijet * Treu)?e is J?e beste. Lerej? hit pis lewed men * for lettrede hit knowej?, 125 pat treuj>e is tresour * triedest on eor)>e/ 4 Yit haue I no kuynde knowing/ quod I • * ]>ou most teche me bet j>e in herte 130 For to loue J>i louml * leuere }>en }>i-seluen ; No dedly su/me to do * dy3e \>2lu$ j>ou scholdest. pis 1 trouwe beo treuj?e ! * hose con teche j>e betou suffre him to seye * and se]>]>e teche hit for) jure ! For ]>us teche j> us his word • (worch j>ou }>er-aftur) 135 pat loue is ]>e leuest Jung • pat vr lord askep And eke ]>e playnt of pees ; * prechet in 1 pin harpe per )>0U art Murie at J>i mete * whon me biddep ]>e ^edde ; For bi kuynde knowynge in herte * Cumse[j>] j>er a Fitte. pat FalleJ? to J>e Fader • pat formede vs alle. 140 He lokede on vs w ith loue * and lette his sone dye Mekeliche for vre misdede[s] * forte amende vs alle. And 3k wolde he hem no wo * pat wrou^te 2 him pat pyne, But Mekeliche with mou}>e • Merci he by-sou^te, To haue pite on pat peple * pat pynede him to de]>e. 145 Her })OU miht seon ensaumple * in hymselfe 3 one, Hou he was mihtful and Meke * pat merci gon graunte To hem \at heengen hi m he^e * and his herte ]>urleden. For-Jn I rede J?e riche * haue reu)?e on J?e pore ; pei3 3e ben m^ty to mote * be)> meke of 30 ur werkis ; 1 50 Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis, remeci\e\tur uobis 4 ; 1 For 1 in/ Vem. has 4 }>e.’ 2 Vern. 4 wolde.* 3 Vern. 4 )>i-$elf/ 4 Vern. omits part of 11 . 1 49, 150, and the Latin. XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN . PASSUS I. 185 For j>e same Mesure pat $e Meten • A-mis oJ>er elles, Je schul be weyen }?er-wz't/$ * whon $e wenden hennes. For }>au3 ^e ben trewe of tonge * & treweliche winne, And eke as chast as a child * }?at in Chirche wepej>, Bote ;$e liuen trewely * and eke loue J?e pore, 155 And such good as God sent * Treweliche parten, 3e naue no more merit * In Masse ne In houres pen Malkyn of hire Maydenhod • pat no Mon desyrej). For lames pe gentel * bond hit it in his Book, pat Fey wft/^outen fait 1 * Is febelore pen nou3t, 160 And ded as a dore-nayl • but pe deede folewe. Chastite wzt^outen Charite • (wite pou forsoj^e), Is as lewed as a Laumpe * pat no liht is Inne. Moni Chapeleyns ben chast * but Charite is aweye ; Beo no men hardore pen per* whon heo beo}> avaunset; 165 Vn-kuynde to heore kun * and to alle cristene; Chewen heore charite * and chiden after more 1 Such Chastite wzt^outen Charite 2 * worj) claymed in helle ! Curatours pat schuldezz kepe hem • clene of heore bodies, pei beop cuzrcbred in care * & cunnen not out-crepe ; 170 So harde heo beoj? wz't h Auarice * I-haspet to-gedere. pat nis no treu]?e of Trinite * but tricherie of helle, And a leornyng for lewed men • pe latere forte dele. For peos hep wordes I-writen * In pe Ewangelye, Date et dabitur vobis * for I dele ow alle 175 3oure grace & ^oure good happe * joure wetye for to Wynne, & permp knowej) me kyndely * of pat I 30U sende, pat is pe lok of loue * pat letip out my grace To counforte )>e earful * Acumbrid wip synne. Loue is pe leueste pinge • pat our lord askij?, 180 1 Vern. ‘TreuJ>e wft&outen Fey’; corrected by Trin. MS. 2 Vern. * Charite w/b&outen Chastite/ absurdly. 1 86 XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND. And ek* pe grai|> gate * pa t gop into heuene. For-jn I sei^e as I seide er * be si$te of J>ise tixtes, Whan alle tresouris arn tri^ede * treu)>e is pe beste. Now haue I tolde pe what treuj>e is * pat no treso ur is bet*re, I may no \engere lenge • now loke pe oure lord V 185 [ From ‘ Passus Secundus /] Now Fals and Fauuel • fare)) forJ> to-gedere, And Meede in pe Middel * and al pe Meyne aftur. I haue no tom* 1 2 3 to telle • pe Tayl J?at hem folwe]>, 160 Of so mony Maner Men * J>at on Molde liuen. Bote gyle was for-goere • and gyede 3 hem alle. Sojmesse sauh hem wel * and seide bote luyte, Bote prikede on his palfrey * and passede hem alle, And com to J>e kynges Court * and Concience tolde, 165 And Concience to pe kyng * Carpede hit aftur. 4 Now be crist/ quod pe kyng * ‘jif I mihte Chacche Fals opur Fauwel • or eny of his Feeres, I wolde be wreken on j>is wrecches * j>at worchen so ille, And don hem hon gen bi pe hals * & al pat hem Meyn- tenen; 170 Schal neuer mon 4 vppon Molde * Meyntene pe leste, But riht as pe lawe lokej? * let fallen of hem alle. And Comauwde pe Cunstable * pat Com at pe furste, To a-Tache pe Tray tours * for eny Tresour, Ich hote, $e Fet*re Fals faste * for eny kunnes jiftus, 175 And gurdej? of gyles hed * let him go no former ; And bringe]? Meede to me * Maugre hem alle. 1 Lines 176, 177 are from MS. Harl. 875; and 11 . 178-185 from the Trinity MS. Vern. omits them all. 2 Vern. 4 while.* 3 Vern. ‘gilede.* 4 Vern. ‘non.* XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN . PASS US II. 187 Symonye and Siuile * I seende hem to warne, pat holichirche for hem * worj) harmet for euere. And 3if :$e chacche ly3ere * let hi m not a-skape, 180 To ben set on J?e pillori * for eny preyere ; I bydde J>ee awayte hem wele * let non of hem ascape V Dreede at J>e dore stood * and j>e dume 1 2 herde, And wihtliche wente * to Warne ]?e False, And bad hi m faste to fle * and his feeres eke. 185 pe/zne Fals for fere * fleih to |?e Freeres, And gyle do)? him to go * a-gast for to dy$e ; Bote Marchauzzdes Mettezz va't/i hi m * & maaden hizzz to abyden, Bi-soujten hi m in heore schoppes * to sullen heore ware, Apparaylede/z hi m as a prentis * j>e Peple for to serue. 190 Li^tliche Lyjere * leop a-wey Rennes, Lurkede ]>ovw lones • to-logged of Monye ; He nas nou^wher wel-come * for his mony tales, Bote ouur al I-hunted * and hote to trusse. Pardoners hedden pite * and putten him to house, 195 Wosschen him and wrongen hi m * & woundezz him in cloutes, And senden hi m on sonendayes • with seales to churches. And jaf pardun for pons * poundmele a-boute. pis leornden pis leches * and lettres hi m senden For to wone with hem 3 • watres to loke. 200 Spicers speeken with him * to a-spien heore ware, For he kezznede hizzz in heore craft * & kneu$ mony gummes. Muzzstrals and Messagers * metten with him ones, And wz‘t^-heo[l]de hi m half a jer * and elleuene wykes. 1 Vern. omits 1 . 182. 3 Vern. * ben with him.* 2 Vern. 4 dune.* 1 88 XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND. Freres with feir speches • fetten him Rennes ; 205 For knowynge of Comers * kepten him as a Frere ; Bote he ha}> leue to lepen out • as ofte as him lykej>, And is wel-come whon he wole * & wonej? with hem ofte. And alle fledden for fere * and flowen in-to huirnes ; Saue Meede j>e May den * no mon dorste abyde; 210 But trewely to telle * heo tremblede for fere, And eke wepte and wrong hire hondes * who« heo was a-tachet. Passus Tercius de Visione . Now is Meede )?e Mayd en I-nome« * & no mo of hem alle, Wi)> Beodeles & Baylyfs * I-brouht to J?e kyng. pe kyng clepet a Cler[ke] * (I knowe not his nome), To take Meede f>e May den * & Maken hire at ese. ‘ Ichulle assayen hire my-self • & so|>liche aposen 5 What Mon in pis world * pat hire weore leouest. And 3if heo worche be my wit * and my wil folewe, I schal for-^iue hire J>e gult • so me god helpe !' Corteisliche J>e Clerk J?o * as f>e kyng hihte, 9 Tok ]>e May den bi |?e Middel * & brouhte hire to chau^zbre. per was MurJ>e and Munstralsye * Meede with to plese ; Heo pat wone]? at westmu^stre * worschipej) hire alle. Gentiliche with Ioye * J?e Iustise soone Busked him in-to J>e Bour * \er J^e Buyrde was Inne, Cumfortede hire kuyndely * and made hire good chere, 15 And seide, ‘ Mourne pm not, Meede * ne make ]x?u no serwe, For we wolen wy[s]sen \>q kyng * and ]>i wey schapen, For alle Concience Craft * and Casten, as I trouwe, pat ]>ou schalt haue boJ?e my3t & maystrye * & make what }>e likep XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN. PASS US III. 189 wij? J>e kynge & J?e comyns * & ]>e courte bo]>e V 20 Mildeliche J>enne Meede • Merciede hem alle Of heore grete goodnesse • and jaf hem vchone Coupes of clene Gold • and peces of seluer, Rynges with Rubyes • and Richesses I-nouwe, pe leste man of here mayne • a mutou/z of gold l . 25 penne la^ten 2 pei leue * pis lordynges, at Meede. Wi]> pat J?er come Clerkes • to Cu/rcforte j?e same : c We bidde]? J>e be blipe * for we beoj? pin owne, Forte worche ]>i wil * while vr lyf dure)?/ Hendeliche j ?e/zne heo # be-hihte hem J?e same, 30 To louen hem lelly * and lordes to maken, And in Constorie at Court * to tellen heore names. 4 Schal no lewednesse hem lette * ]>e lewedeste pat I loue, pat he ne worj> avaunset ; • for Icham I-knowe per Cunnynge Clerkes * schul Couche be-hyride/ 35 penne com per a Confessour * I-Copet as a Frere; To Meede J?e May den * ful Mekeliche he loutede, And seide ful softely * in schrift as hit weore, 1 pau^ Fals hedde folewed ]>e * pis Fiftene winter, 40 I schal asoyle )>e my-self • for a suzrcme of whete, And eke be \>i Baude * and Bere wel pin ernde Among Clerkes and knihtes * Concience to falle/ penne Meede For hire misdede * to pat Mon knelede, And schrof hire of hir suzmes * schomeliche, I trouwe. 45 Heo tolde him a tale * and tok him a noble, For to ben hire beode-mon * and hire Baude after. pene he asoylede hire soone * and si]? 3 to hire seide, ‘ We han a wyndow in worching * wol stonden vs ful he^e : 1 Vern. omits 11 . 19, 20, which are from Harl. MS.; and 25, from Trin. MS. 2 Vern. ‘ tok.’ 3 Vern. omits s*')>. 190 XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND. Woldustow Glase }>e Gable * & grawe ]>erinne pi nome, 50 Siker schulde p\ soule ben * for to dwellen in heuene/ ‘ Wust I pat’ quo<\ pe woramon * ‘ per nis noupur Wyndou 1 ne Auter, pat I ne schulde maken o pur mende * and my nome write, pat vche mon schulde seye * Ich were suster of house/ Bote god to alle good folk • such grauynge defendet, 55 And sei}>, Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dexter a. Lete not pi luft hond * late ne ra]?e, Beo war what Jn riht hond * worche)> or dele)? ; Bote part hit so priueli * pat pruide beo not se3en Nou|?er in siht, ne in soule * for god hiw-self knowe]? Ho is Corteis, or kuynde * Couetous, or elles. 6c For-)n I lere 30U, lordynges * such writynge 3e leue, To writen in Wyndou wes * of 30ure wel dedes, Or to greden aftur Godus folk * whon 3c 3iuen or doles ; Parauenture 3e han • oure hure perfore here. For vr saueour hit seip ‘ and him-seliien prechep, 65 Amen dico vobis , receperunt mercedem suam ; Here forso}?e pei fongen * her mede forJ)-wiJ > l . Meires and Maistres * and 3e pat beo}? mene Bitwene J;e kyng and pe Comuns * to kepe pe lawes. As to punisschen on pillories * or on pynnyng stoles Brewesters, Bakers * Bochers and Cookes; 70 For peose be Men vppon Molde • pat most harm worchen, To }?e pore people * pat percel-mel 2 buggen. pei punisschen pe peple * priueliche and ofte, And rechej) |>orw Reg[r]atorie * & Rentes hem bugge}>, With pat Jie pore people * schulde puten in heore wombe; 75 For toke pei on trewely * j?ei timbrede not so hye, Ne bou3te none Borgages * beo 3e certeyne. 1 Vern. omits 1. 66 ; supplied from Harl. MS. 8 Vern. ‘J?at al schal a-buggen/ XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN. PASSUS III . 191 Bote Meede j?e Mayden • ]>e Meir heo bi-sou^te, Of alle suche sullers • seluer to taken, Or pre Regratour to fauere. ‘ For my loue/ quod ]>e ladi * ‘ loue hem wel vchone, And soffre hem to sulle * sumdel a3eyn Resoun/ Bote Salamon ]?e Sage * a Sarmoun he made, To a-Mende Meires • and men j>at kepe}> J?e lawe; 85 And tolde hem ]>is teeme * )>at I wol telle nou]?e : Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eorum qui libenter accipiunt munera. Among J>is lewede men • )ns latin Amountej?, pat Fuir schal falle * and brenne atte laste pe houses and j?e homes * of hem pat desyre]? For to haue ^iftes * in 30uj?e or in elde. 90 Now beoj? ^e war, if 3e wole • ^e may stars of J>e lawe; for J?e so]>e schale be soujte of joure soules * so me god helpe, pe suffraunce pat ;e suffre * such wrongs to be wrou^t ; While J?e chaunce is in 3oun? choyse * cheose 3e [?e best 1 . pe king com from Cou/zseyl * and cleped aftur Meede, 95 And of-sente hire a-swij?e * Seriauns hire to fette, And broi^te hire to boure * w Ah Blisse and with loye ; wi}> myrj>e & wif> mynstrasye * pei pleseden hir ychoone h Corteisliche ]>e kyng • Cumse}) to telle, To Meede }>e Mayden * melej) J?eose 2 Wordes: 100 4 Unwittily, ywys 3 * wrouht hastou ofte ; Bote worse wrouhtest )>o\i neu^re * ]>en whon J?ou fals toke. Ac I fo^iue ]>e pis gult * and grauwte J?e my grace ; Hennes to J>i dej? day • do so no more. 1 Vem. omits 11 . 91-94, and 1 . 98 ; supplied from Harl. MS. 2 Vem. ‘ melodyes,' corruptly. 3 Vem. * Qweynteliche, qua]? )?e kyng.’ 192 XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND. Ichaue a kniht hette Concience * com late from bi^onde, 3 if he wilne ]>e to wyf * wolt j)OU him haue?' 106 ‘ 3e, lord/ qua)) )>at ladi * ‘ Lord 1 for-beode hit elles ! Bote Ich holde me to oure heste * honge me sone !' pewne was Concience I-clepet • to comen and apeeren To-fore }>e kyng and his Counsel * Clerkes and oj mrt. no Kneolynge Concience * to ]>e kyng loutede, to wyte what his wille were * & what he do schulde 2 . 4 Woltou wedde pis wowmon/ quo& pe kyng • ‘ ^if I wol assente ? Heo is fayn of j)i felawschupe * for to beo })i make/ ‘ Nay/ qua)) Concience to ]>e kyng • ‘ Crist hit me for- beode ! 1 15 Er Ich wedde such a wyf * wo me bi-tyde ! Heo is frele of hire Flesch * Fikel of hire tonge ; Heo make)) men misdo * moni score tymes ; In trust of hire tresour • teone)) ful monye. Sisours and Sumpnours • suche men hire preisen ; Schirreues*of schires • weore schent 3# heo nere. 130 Heo do)) men leosen heore lond * and heore lyues after, And letep passe pnsons * and payej) for hem ofte. Heo 3eue)) j)e Iayler Gold * and grotes to-gedere, To vn-Fetere j)e False * and fleo where hem lykep. Heo take)) j)e trewe bi ]>e top * and ti^ep him faste, 135 And hongej) him for hate * pat harmede neuere. Heo \at ben Curset in Constorie * couwtej) hit not at a Russche ; For heo Cope)) J>e Comissarie * and Cote)) ]>e Clerkes ; Heo is asoyled as sone * as hire-self lykep. » Heo may as muche do * In a Moonej) ones, 140 1 Vern. « God/ 2 Vern. omits 1 . 1 1 2 ; supplied from Harl. MS. XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN. PASSUS V. 1 93 As ^oure 1 secre seal • In Seue# score dayes. Heo is pr/ue w Ah j>e Pope * Pmiisours hit knowen ; Sir Simonie and hire-self * asselen j>e Bulles ; Heo Blessede ]>e Bisschopes * J?ou3 J>at J>ei ben lewed. Proue^dreres, p^rsuns * Preostes heo meyntenej? ; 145 per heo is wel w Ah J>e kyng • wo is J?e Reame ! For heo is Fauerable to fals * and foulej? Treu)?e ofte. Barouns and Burgeis * heo bringej? to serwe, 150 Heo Buggej> with heore Iuweles ; * vr Iustises heo schende}>. Heo lihp a^eyn J>e lawe * and lettej? so faste, pat Feip may not han his for)) * hir Florins gon so pikke. Heo ledej? ) >e lawe as hire luste * & loue-dayes make]), pe Mase for a Mene mon * )?au3 he mote euere. 155 Lawe is so lordlich * and lop to maken eende, WVtA-outen pr^sentes or pons * heo pleseji ful fewe. Clergye an Couetise • heo Couple)) to-gedere. pis is ) ?e lyf of ]>e ladi • vr lord ^if hire serwe ! And alle pat MeynteneJ) hire * myschau^ce hem by tide 2 ! 160 For J>e 3 pore may haue no pouwer • to playne, J>au3 hew smerte, Such a Mayster is Meede • A-Mong Men of goode/ Passus quintus de visione. pe kyng and his knihtes * to J?e Churche wenten To heere Matyns and Masse * and to J?e Mete aftur. p e/me Wakede I of my wink * me was wo vfiXk alle pat I nedde sadloker I-slept * and I-se3e more. Er I a Furlong hedde I-fare • A Feyntise me hente, 5 1 So Triii.; Vern. ‘ vre/ 2 Vern. ‘ vr lord 3if hem care.’ 3 Vern. omits ‘ he.’ VOL. II. O i 9 4 XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND . pat Former mihti not a-fote • for defaute of Sleep. I sat Softeliche a-doun * and seide my beo-leeue, And so I blaberde on my Beodes * pat brouhte me a-Slepe. pen sauh I muche more * )?en I beofore tolde, For I sauh pe Feld ful of Folk * pat ich of bi-fore schewede, And Concience w ith a Crois * com for to pr^che. i x He preide pe peple * haue pite of hem-selue, And preuede pat pis pestilences * weore for puire synne, And pis sou|)-Westerne wynt * on a Seterday at euen Was a-perteliche for pruide • and for no poynt elles. 15 Piries and Plomtres * weore passchet to pe grou^de, In ensau/7zple to Men * pat we scholde do J?e bettre. Beches and brode okes * weore blowen to pe eorf>e, And turned vpward pe tayl * In toknyng of drede pat dedly Synne or domesday • schulde fordon hem alle. 20 penne Ron Repentaunce * and Rehersed pis teeme, And made William to weope * wat ur with his e5en. Pernel proud-herte * platte hire to grounde, 45 And lay longe ar heo lokede * and to vr ladi criede, And beo-hi^te to him * pat vs alle maade, Heo wolde vn-souwen hire smok • & setten per an here Forte fayten hire Flesch • pat Frele was to synne: ‘ Schal neuer liht herte me hente • bote holde me lowe, 50 And suffre to beo mis-seid — • & so dude I neu^re. And nou I con wel meke me * and Merci be-seche Of al pat Ichaue I-had * envye in myn herte/ Lechour seide 4 Allas V • and to vr ladi criede To maken him han Merci * for his misdede, 55 Bitwene god almihti * and his pore soule, Wippat he schulde pe seterday * seuen ^er after Drinken bote with pe Doke * and dynen 1 but ones. 1 Trin. ‘dyne*; Vern. ‘ eten.* XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN. PASSUS V. 195 Envye wij> heui herte • asket aftur schrift, And gretliche his gultus * bi-ginnej> to schewe. 60 As pale as a pelet * In a palesye he seemede, I-clo)>ed in A Caurimauri • I cou]?e him not discreue ; A kertil & a courtepy * a knyf be his side ; Of a Freris frokke * were pe fore-sleuys 1 2 . As a leek pat hedde X-lei^en * longe In pe sonne, 65 So loked he with lene chekes ; * lourede he foule. His Bodi was Boiled * for wraJ)J?e he bot his lippes, Wro]>liche he wrong his fust * he ]>ou3te him a-wreke WiJ> werkes or with Wordes • whon he sei3 his tyme. 4 Venim or vernisch * or vinegre, I trouwe, 70 Walle}) in my wombe • or waxe]>, ich wene. I ne mihte mony day don • as a mon ouhte, Such wynt in my wombe * waxej>, er I dyne. Ichaue a neih^ebor me neih • I haue anuy3ed hi m ofte, Ablamed him be-hynde his bak • to brz'nge him in di- sclauzzdre, 75 And peired him bi my pouwer • I-punissched hi m ful ofte, Bi-lowen him to lordes * to make him leose Seluer, I-don his Frendes ben his fon * with my false tonge ; His grase and his good hap * greuej? me ful sore. Bitwene him and his Meyne • Ichaue I-Mad wraj?j>e, 80 Bo]?e his lyf and his leome * was lost ]?orw my tonge. Whon I mette hi m in pe Market • J>at I most hate, Ich heilede him as hendely • as I his frend 2 weore. He is dou^tiore J>en I * i dar non harm don him. Bote hedde I maystrie & miht * I Mor]>erde hi m for euere ! 85 Whon I come to pe churche * & knele bi-fore pe Roode, And scholde pre^e for pe peple * as pe prest vs techej?, 1 Vern. omits 11 . 63 and 64 ; supplied from Trin. * Vern. ‘ his frend as 1 / 196 XV. WILLIAM LAN GLAND. pe/me I crie vppon my knes • pat crist ^iue hem serwe pat ha)> I-bore a-wei my Bolle * and my brode schete. From the Auter I terne • myn ei^e, and bi-holde 90 Hou heyne haj? a newe Cote • and his wyf ano)?er ; pewne I wussche hit weore myn * and al J?e web after. Of his leosinge I lauhwe * hit like)? me in myn herte ; Ac for his wynnynge I wepe * and weile J?e tyme. I deme men pat don ille * and yt I do wel worse, 95 For I wolde pat vch a wiht * in pis world were mi knaue, And who-so ha)? more ]?anne I * pat angri)? myn herte l . pus I Hue loueles • lyk A lu)?er dogge, pat al my breste BolleJ? * for bitter of my galle ; May no Suger so swete * a-swagen hit vnne)?e, 100 Ne no Diopendion * dryue hit from myn herte ; 3if schrift schulde hit j?e;me swopen out * a gret wonder hit were.’ ‘ 3 us, rediliche/ quod Repentauwce * and Radde him to goode, ‘ Serw for heore su/mes * sauej? men ful Monye/ ‘Icham sori/ quod Envye • ‘I ne am but seldene o)?er, 105 And pat Make)? me so mad * for I ne may me venge/ penne com Couetyse * I cou)?e him not discreue, So hungri and so holewe • sire herui him loked. He was bitel-brouwed * wit h twei blered e^en, And lyk a le)?erne pors * lullede his chekes; no In A toren Tabart * of twelue Wynter Age ; But 3if a lous cou})e lepe * I con hit not I-leue Heo scholde wandre on pat walk * hit was so }?red-bare. ‘ Ichaue ben Couetous/ quod pis Caityf * ‘ I beknowe hit heere ; For sum tyme I Seruede * Simme atte noke, 115 Vern. omits 1 . 97 ; supplied from Trim XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN. PASSES V. 1()J And was his pliht prentys * his profyt to loke. Furst I leornede to Lyje * A lessun or tweyne, And wikkedliche for to weie * was myn opr lessun. To Winchestre and to Wych * Ich wente to p Feire WVt h mony maner marchau&dise * as my mayster hihte ; 120 Bote nedde p grace of gyle • I-gon a-mong my ware, Hit hedde ben vn-sold J>is seuen ;er * so me god helpe ! pezzne I drou3 me a-mo^g pis drapers * my Donet to leorne, To drawe p lyste wel along • p lengore hit semede ; Among pis Riche Rayes * lernde I a Lessun, 125 Brochede hem -with a pak-neelde * & pletede hem to- gedere, Putte hem in a pressour * & pinnede hem pr-Inne Til ten jerdes opr twelue * tolden out pettene. And my Wyf at Westmuzzstre * pat Wollene clo)> made, Spak to p spinsters * for to spinne hit softe. 130 pe pound pat heo peysede by 1 • peisede a quartrun more pen myn Auncel dude * whon I weyede treup. I Bouhte hire Barly • heo breuh hit to sulle ; Peni-Ale and piriwhit * heo pourede to-gedere For laborers and louh folk * pat liuen be hem-seluen. 135 pe Beste in p Bed-chauzrcbre * lay bi p wowe, Hose Buwmede prof * Bouhte hit pr-after, A Galouzz for a Grote * God wot, no lasse, Whon hit com in Cuppemel ; * such craftes me vsede. Rose p Regratour • Is hire rihte name; 140 Heo haj> holden hoxterye * pis Elleuene wynter. Bote I swere nou solely 2 * pat sunne wol I lete, And neu ere wikkedliche weye • ne fals chaffare vsen, Bote weende to Walsyngham * and my wyf alse, 1 Vern. omits ‘ by.' s Vern. omits ‘solely/ 198 XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND. And bidde |>e Rode of Bromholm * brrnge me out of dette/ A Jjousent of Men ]>o * J?rongen to-geders, 260 Weopyng and weylyng • for heore wikkede dedes, Cr^inge vpward to Crist • and to his clene moder To haue grace to seche seint treujje • god leue J>ei so mote ! Passus Sextus de visione , vt prius. Now riden j?is folk * & walken on fote to seche J>at seint • in selcouj?e londis \ Bote \er were fewe men so wys • \a\. cou]>e |?e wei j?ider, Bote bustelyng for]) as bestes • ou er valeyes & hulles, . for while f>ei wente her* owezz wille * ]>ei wente alle amys l . 5 Til hit 2 was late & longe * |>at ]>ei a Leod metten, Apparayled as a Palmere * In pilgrimes wedes. He bar a bordun I-bounde * wi|> a brod lyste, In A wej?e-bondes wyse * I-wrij?en aboute. A Bagge and a Bolle * he bar bi his syde; 10 An hundred of ampolles * on his hat seeten, Signes of Synay • and Schelles of Galys ; Moni Cros on his cloke * and kei^es of Rome, And j>e vernicle bi-fore * for men schulde him knowe, And seo be his signes * whom he souht hedde. 15 pis Folk fraynede hi m feire * itom whe/me pat he coome ‘ From Synay/ he seide, * ‘ and from the Sepulcre; From Bethleem and Babiloyne • I haue ben in bo)?e, In Ynde and in Assye * and in mony o]>er places. 3e mouwe seo be my Signes * pat sittep on myn hat, 20 pat I haue walked ful wyde * In weete and in druye, And souht goode seyntes * for my soule hele/ 1 Vem. omits 11 . 1, 2, and 5 ; supplied from MS. Harl. 875. 2 Vern. omits * hit.’ XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN. PASS US VII. I99 ‘ Knowest J?ou ouht A Corseynt * Men callej? Seynt Treu]?e? Const \om wissen vs J>e wey * wher J>at he dwelled V ‘ Nay, so God glade me!’ * seide J?e gome )^enne, 25 ‘ Sauh I neuere Palmere * with pyk ne with schrippe Such a seint seche • bote now in J>is place/ ‘ Peter V quod a Plou^-Mon • and putte for)? his hed, ‘ I knowe him as kuyndeliche • as Clerk do J> his bokes ; Clene Concience and wit * kende 1 me to his place, 30 And dude enseure me sej>J>e * to serue him for eu^re. BoJ>e to sowen and to setten • while I swynke mihte, I haue ben his felawe * J>is fiftene wynter; BoJ?e I-sowed his seed • and suwed his beestes, And eke I-kept his Corn • I-caried hit to house, 35 I-dyket and I-doluen • I-don what he hihte, WztA-Innen and wz'tAouten * I-wayted his pr^fyt; per nis no laborer in pis leod * pat he loue]? more, For J?auh I Sigge hit my-self * I serue him to paye. I haue myn hure of hi m wel * and oj>erwhile more ; 40 He is ]>e presteste payere * pat pore men habbej? ; He wztA-halt non hyne his huire * \at he hit naf> at euen. He is as louh as A lomb : louelich of speche, And jif $e wollej? I-wite • wher pat he dwellej), I wol wissen ow J?e wey * horn to his place/ 45 [From ‘ Passus Septimus /] ‘ For kuynde wit Wolde * pat vche mon wrouhte WiJ> techinge or with tilynge * or trauaylynge of hondes, 235 Actyf lyf or Contemplatyf * Crist wolde hit alse. For so seip J?e Sauter * In Psalm of beati omnes , Labores manuum tuarum quia manducabis , dec . 2 1 So Trin. ; Vern. ‘ taiyte/ 2 Vern. omits the Latin. 200 XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND. He )?at get his fade her * v/it/i trauaylinge in Treu)?e, God 3iueJ> him his blessyng * pzt his lyflode so swynkep’ 4 Yit I preye J?e/ quod pers • 4 par Charite, $if J?ou Conne 240 Eny lyf of leche- Craft * lere hit me, my deore. For suwme of my seruau^s • beoj> seke o]?er- while, Of alle \>q wike heo Worchej? not * so heor wombe akej?.’ 4 1 wot wel,’ quod Hun gur * 4 What seknesse hem eilej?, pei han I-Mau»get ou ur muche * pzt makej> hem grone ofte. 245 Ac Ich hote pe/ quod Hungur • 4 and ]?ou pin hele wylne, pat p?u drynke no dai * til ]?ou haue dynet sumwhat; Ete not, Ich hote ]?e * til hunger ]?e take, And sende J?e sum of his sauce * to sauer pe J?e betere ; Keep sum til soper-tyme * And sit 1 J?ou not to Longe, 250 A-Rys vp ar appetyt • habbe I-jeten his Fulle. Let not sir Surfet * sitten at jn Bord ; Loue him not, for he is a lechour * & likerous of Tonge, And aftur mony Metes * his Mawe is a-longet. And $if j?ou di^ete ]?e jms • I dar legge bo)?e myn Eres, 255 pat Fisyk schal his Forred hod • for his foode 2 sulle, And eke his cloke of Calabre * with knappes of Gold, And beo Fayn, be my Feij? * his Fisyk to lete, And leorne to labre wi}> lond * leste lyflode Faile ; per beoJ> mo ly^ers J?en leches * vr lord hem amende ! 260 pei don men dy$en ])Oyu% heor drinke • er destenye wolde/ 4 Bi seint Poul !' quod pers • 4 )>eos beo)? pr^phitable wordes I pis is a loueli lesson • vr lord hit ]>e for-^elde ! Wend nou whon J?i wille is * Wel }?e beo for euere V 4 1 beo-hote J?e,’ quod hungur * 4 heonnes nul I wende 265 Er I haue I-dynet bi pis day * and I-dronke bo)?e/ 4 1 haue no pen y/ quod pers • 4 Poletes to bugge, 1 Trin. ‘sit*; Vern. ‘ faste.’ 1 Vern. ‘ tyflode.’ XV. PIERS THE PLOWMAN. PASSUS VII. 201 NouJ^er gees ne grys * bote twey grene cheeses, And a fewe Cruddes and Craym * and a perf Cake, And a lof of Benes and Bren * I-Bake for my Children. 270 And I sigge, bi my soule * I haue no salt Bacon, Ne no Cokeneyes, bi Crist * Colopus to maken. Bot I haue porettes & percyl * and moni Colplontes, And eke a Cou, and a Calf * and a Cart-Mare To drawe a-feld my donge * Whil pe drouhj^e lastej>. 275 Bi J>is lyflode I mot lyuen * til lammasse tyme ; Bi J>at, Ich hope forte haue • heruest in my Croft ; pe^ne may I dihte pi dyner * as pe deore \ykep.’ A 1 pe pore peple * pese-coddes fetten, Bake Benes in Bred * J>ei brouhten in heor lappes, 280 Chibolles, Cheef mete • and ripe chiries monye, And proferde pers pis present * to plese with hungur. Honger eet pis in haste * and asked aftur more, pewne pis folk for fere * fetten him monye Poretes, and Peosen • for pei him plese wolden ; 285 Fro m pat tyme pat Jmlke weore eten * take he schulde his leue Til hit to heruest hi^ede * pat newe corn com to chepynge. penne was pat folk fayn * and fedde hunger jeorne Wz*t^ good Ale, and glotonye * and gart him to slepe. And po nolde pe wastor worche * but wandren aboute, 290 Ne no Beggere eten Bred • pat Benes Inne coome, Bote Coket and Cler-Matin * an of clene whete ; Ne non halfpeny Ale * In none wyse drynke, Bote of pe Beste and pe Brouneste * pat Brewesters sullen. Laborers pat haue no lond • to liuen on Bote heore honden, 295 Deyne not to dyne a day • niht-olde wortes. Mai no peny-Ale hem paye * ne no pece of Bacun, Bote hit weore Fresch Flesch • or elles Fisch I-Fri^et, 202 X V . WILLI A M LA NGLA ND. Boj>e chaud and pluschaud * for chele of heore Mawe. Bote he beo heihliche I-huret • elles wol he chide, 300 pat he was werkmon I-wrou^t • warie J>e tyme, And Corse ^erne }>e kyng • and al his Counseil aftur, Suche lawes to loke • laborers to chaste. Ac while hunger was Mayster heer * wolde \er non chyde, Ne strriie a^eyn J>e statues * so steorneliche he lokede. 305 I warne 30U, alle werk-men * winnej> while je mowe, Hunger hiderward a^eyn * hi^ej? him ^eorne. He wole a-wake J?orw watur * j>e wastours alle, Er Fyue ^er ben folfult * such Famyn schal a-Ryse porw Flodes and foul weder • Fruites schul fayle; 310 And so seij> Saturne 1 * and sent vs to warne. 1 Vera. ‘ Saturnes.* XVI. JOHN BARBOUR. a.d. 1375. John Barbour was born, according to some, in 1316; ac- cording to others, as late as 1330. He is described as being Archdeacon of Aberdeen in 1357. He died about the year 1395. His great work, entitled 6 The Bruce/ was partly written in 1375, as he himself tells us. It extends to more than 13,000 lines, and describes the life and adventures of Robert Bruce, King of Scots, and his companions. It has been many times printed. The latest edition (not yet completed) is that published for the Early English Text Society, and edited by the Rev. W. W. Skeat from a MS. in the library of St. John’s College, Cambridge, written A.D. 1487, with collations from the MS. in the Advocate’s Library at Edinburgh, written A.D. 1489, and the early printed editions. We extract from this edition a portion of the Seventh Book. Book VII. How Iohn of lorne soucht tlie gud kyng robert bruce vyth the sleuth-hund. The kyng toward the vod is gane, Wery for-swat and vill of vayn ; In-till the wod soyn enterit he, And held doun toward a vale, XVI. JOHN BARBOUR . Quhar throu the vod a vatt ir ran. Thiddzr in g ret hy went he than, And begouth to rest hym thair, And said he mycht no forthzrmar. His man said, ‘ sckir, that may nor^t be ; Abyde $e heir, $e sal soyn se V hundreth ^arnand 50U to sla, And thai ar fele aganis twa ; And sen we may nocht deill wyth myr/zt, Help vs all that we may vyt/i slycht/ The kyng said, 4 sen that thou will swa, Ga furth, and I sail vith the ga. Bot I haf herd oftsiss say, That quha endlang a vattzr ay Wald vayd a bow-draucht, he suld ger Bath the sleuthhund & the ledar Tyne the sleuth men gert him ta; Pruf we gif it will now do swa. For war ^on deuillA hund a-vay, I roucht noc/it of the layff, perfayd Here the slowth-hund tynt his sent. As he deuisit, thai haf done, And enterit in the wattzr sone, And held on endlang it thar way, And syne to the land $eid thai, And held thair way as thai did er he sais, 4 May I trast the me to valk, So in Hart’s edition ; MSS. ‘ slew.* 2 So in Edinb. ; Camb. 4 fastyn/ 3 So in Edinb. ; Camb. ‘ was/ VOL. H. P 210 XVI. JOHN BARBOUR . Till I a litill slepyng tak?’ 180 * 3ha, s chir,’ he said, ‘ till I may dre.’ The kyng than vynkit a litill we, And slepit nocht full 1 ynkurly, Bot gliffnyt vp oft 2 suddandly ; For he had drede of thai thre men, 185 That at the tothir fyre war then. That thai his fayis war he wyst, Tharfor he slepit as foul on twist. Heire lie slew the iij. tratowris. The kyng slepit bot litill than, Quhen sic a slepe fell on h is man, 390 That he mycht not hald vp his E, Bot fell on slepe and routit he. Now is the kyng in gret perell, For slepe he swa a litill quhile, He sail be ded forouten dred. 195 For the thre tratourA tuk gud hede, That he on slep wes and his man. In full gret hy thai raiss vp than, And drew thair swerdA hastely, And went toward the kyng in hy, 200 Quhen that thai saw he slepit swa, And slepand thoucht thai vald hym sla. *Till hym thai ^eid a full gret pass 3 , *Bot in that tym, throu goddis grace 3 , The kyng blenkit vp hastely, And saw his man slepand him by, 1 So in Edinb. ; Camb. * bot/ 2 Edinb. ‘ Bot gliffnyt wp oft’; Camb. ‘ And gluffnyt oft vp/ 5 These two lines are omitted in Edinb. MS. XVI. THE BRUCE. BOOK VII. 21 1 And saw cuffzand the tratoum thre. 205 Ddyuerly on fut gat he, And drew his suerd out and thame met, And as he jeid, his fut he set Apon his man weill hevaly ; He valknyt, and raiss all desaly; 210 For the sleip masterit hym swa, That, or he gat vp, ane of thai That com for to sla the kyng, Gaf hym a strake in his rysyng, Swa that he mycht help hym no main 215 The kyng so stratly stad wes thair. That he wes neuer jeit swa stad ; Na war the Armyng that he had, He had beyn ded foroutyn weyr. Bot nocht-for-thi on sic maneir 220 He helpit hym swa in that bargane, That thai thre tratoum he has slane, Throu goddis grace and his manheid. His fostzr-brothzir thair wes ded. Than wes he vound^r will of vayn, 225 Quhen he saw he wes left allane. His fostzr-broth/r menyt he, And varyit all the tothzr thre, And syne his vay tuk hym allane, And richt toward his trist is gane. 230 Here the kyng metis iij. tratowris. Swa hapnyt it that, on a day, 400 He vent till hwnt, for till assay p 2 2 I 2 XVI. JOHN BARBOUR. Quhat gammyn wes in that cuntre ; And sa hapnyt that 1 day that he By a vode-syde to sett is gane, Vith his twa hundA hym allane ; Bot he his swerd ay vith hym bare. He had bot schort quhill syttyn thare, Quhen he saw fra the vode cuwand Thre men vith bowis in thar hand. That toward hym com spedely, And he persauit that in hy, Be thair effeir and thair havyng, That thai lufit hym na kyn thyng. He raiss & his leysch^ till him drew he, And leit his hounds gang all fre. God help the kyng now for his my chi 1 For, bot he now be viss and vicht, He sail be set in mekill press. For thai thre men, vithouten less, War his fay is all vtrely, And had vachit so besaly, To se quhen thai vengeans mycht tak Of the kyng for Iohne cwmynys sak, That thai thoucht than thai laser had; And sen he hym allane wes stad, In hy thai thoucht thai suld him sla, And gif that thai mycht cheviss swa, Fra that thai the kyng had slayn, That thai mycht vyn the vode agayn, His men, thai thoucht, thai suld nocht dreid. In hy towart the kyng thai $eid, And bend thair bowis quhen thai var neir ; 405 410 415 420 425 430 1 So in Edinb. ; Camb. ‘ a.’ XVI. THE BRUCE. BOOK VII. 213 And he, that dred in gret maneir Thair arowis, for he nakit was, In hy ane spekyng to thame mais, And said, ‘ $he aucht to shame, perde, Syn I am ane and 3he ar thre, For to schut at me on Fer ! Bot haf ^he hardyment, cum ner Vith 30m* swerdA, me till assay ; Wyn me on sic viss, gif 3he may ; 3he sail weill mair all prisit be/ * Perfay/ quod ane than of the thre, ‘ Sail no man say we drede the swa, That we vith Arrowis sail the sla/ With that thair bowis avay thai kest, And com on fast 1 but langar frest. The kyng thame met full hardely, And smat the first so Rigorusly, That he fell ded doun on the greyn. And quhen the kyng A hounds has seyn Thai men assale his mastir swa, He lap till ane and can hym ta Richt be the nek full felonly, Till top our taill he gert hym ly. And the kyng, that hA swerd vp had, Saw he so fair succour hym maid, Or he that fallyn 2 wes mycht ryss, Had hym assa^eit on sic wiss, That he the bak strak evyn in twa. The thrid that saw his fallowis swa Forouten recou^ryng be slayne, T uk till the vod his vay agane. 435 440 445 450 455 460 So in Edinb. ; Camb. 'than.* 2 So in Edinb.; Camb. ‘ fallit.’ 214 XVI. JOHN BARBOUR . Bot the kyng followit spedely ; And als the hound that wes hym by, 465 Quhen he the man saw gang hym fra, Schot till hym soyn, & can hym ta Richt be the nek, and till hym dreuch ; And the kyng that ves neir eneuch, In his risyng sic rowt hym gaf, 470 That stane-ded till the erd he draf. The kyngA me^e that war neir, Quhen at thai saw on sic maneir The kyng assalit sa suddandly, Thai sped thame toward hym in hy, 475 And askit how that cass befell. And he all haly can thai m tell, How thai assal^eit hym all thre. ‘ Perfay/ c\uod thai, ‘ we may weill se That it is hard till vndz'rtak 480 Sic mellyng vith 30W for to mak, That so smertly has slayn thir thre Forouten hurt:' — perfay/ said he, ‘ I slew bot ane forouten ma, God and my hound has slane the twa. 4S5 Thair tresoune cu^rit thame, perfay, For richt vicht men all thre var thai/ XVII. (a) JOHN WYCLIF. ABOUT A.D. 1380. John Wyclif was born at the village of Hipswell, near Rich- mond, Yorkshire, about the year 1324, and died at the vicarage of Lutterworth, Leicestershire, A. D. 1384. He was the first Englishman who undertook a complete version of the Scriptures in his native tongue. This great work is supposed to have been completed about the year 1380. Wyclif was the author of many religious treatises written in English, among which may be men- tioned several sets of ‘Sermons/ ‘Fifty Heresies and Errors of Friars/ and ‘ Wyclif’s Wicket.* The ‘ Select English Works of John Wyclif/ edited by T. Arnold, M.A., have lately been pub- lished in 3 vols. 8 vo. ; Oxford, 1871. The Gospel of St. Mark (cap. i-vi) is taken from ‘ The Holy Bible in the Earliest English Versions made from the Latin Vulgate, by John Wycliffe and his Followers/ edited by the Rev. J. Forshall and Sir F. Madden; Oxford, University Press, 1850, 4 vols. 4to. Here bygynneth the gospel of Mark. Cap. I. The bigynnynge of the gospel of Jhesu Crist, the sone of 1 God. As it is writun in Ysaie, the prophete, ‘Lo! I sende 2 myn angel bifore thi face, that schal make thi w eye redy bifore thee. The voice of oon cryinge in desert, Make $e 3 2l6 XVII . (A) JOHN WFCLIF. 4 red y the weye of the Lord, make y his pathis ri^tful/ Jhon was in desert baptisynge, and prechinge the baptym of 5 penaunce, in-to remiscioun of synnes. And alle men of Jerusalem wenten out to him, and al the cuntre of Judee ; and weren baptisid of him in the flood of Jordan, know- 6 lechinge her synnes. And John was clothid with heeris of camelis, and a girdil of skyn abowte his leendis ; and he 7 eet locustus, and hony of the wode, and prechide, seyinge, 4 A strengere than I schal come aftir me, of whom I knelinge am not worthi for to vndo, or vnbynde , the thwong of his 8 schoon. I haue baptisid $ou in water; forsothe he shal 9 baptise yu in the Holy Goost/ And it is don in thoo dayes, Jhesus came fro Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptisid of 10 Joon in Jordan. And anoon he styinge vp of the water, say} heuenes openyd, and the Holy Goost cummynge doun 1 1 as a culuere, and dwellynge in hym. And a voys is maad fro heuenes, 4 Thou art my sone loued, in thee I haue plesid/ j 2 And anon the Spirit puttide hym in-to desert. And he was in desert fourty dayes and fourty ni}tis, and was temptid of Sathanas, and was with beestis, and angelis mynystriden to 14 hym. Forsothe after that Joon was taken, Jhesus came in-to 15 Galilee, prechinge the gospel of the kyngdam of God, and seiynge, 4 For tyme is fulfillid, and the kyngdam of God shal come ni} ; forthinke }ee, or do ye penaunce , and bileue }ee to 16 the gospel/ And he passynge bisidis the see of Galilee, say Symont, and Andrew, his brother, sendynge nettis in-to the 17 see; sothely thei weren fishers. And Jhesus seide to hem, 4 Come }ee after me ; I shal make 5011 to be maad fishers of 18 men/ And anoon, the nettis forsaken, thei sueden hym. 19 And he gon forth thennes a litil, say James of Zebede, and Joon, his brother, and hem in the boot makynge nettis. 20 And anoon he clepide hem ; and Zebede, her fadir, left in 21 the boot with hirid seruauntis, thei sueden hym. And thei XVII. ( a ) the gospel of MARK . CAP. I. 217 wenten forth in-to Cafarnaum, and anoon in the sabotis he, gon yn into the synagoge, tau^te hem. And thei wondreden 22 on his techynge ; sothely he was techynge hem, as hauynge i power, and not as scribis. And in the synagoge of hem 23 was a man in an vnclene spirit, and he criede, seyinge, 24 i What to vs and to thee, thou Jhesu of Nazareth ? haste thou cummen bifore the tyme for to destroie vs ? Y woot that thou art the holy of God/ And Jhesus thretenyde to hym, 25 seyinge, ‘ Wexe dowmb, and go out of the man/ And the 26 vnclene goost debrekynge hym, and cryinge with grete vois, wente awey fro hym. And alle men wondriden, so that thei 27 soften togidre amonge hem, seyinge, 4 What is this thinge ? what is this newe techyng ? for in power he comaundith to vnclene spiritis, and thei obeyen to hym/ And the tale, or 28 ty thing, of hym wente forth anoon in-to al the cun tree of Galilee. And anoon thei goynge out of the synagoge 29 camen in-to the hous of Symont and Andrew, with James and Joon. Sothely and the modir of Symontis wif sik in 30 feueris restide, or lay; and anoon thei seien to hym of hir. And he cummynge to, reride hir vp, the hond of hir taken, 31 and anoon the feuere left hire, and she mynystride to hem. Forsothe the euenynge maad, whenne the sone wente doun, 32 thei brou^ten to hym alle hauynge yuel, and hauynge deuelis. And al the cite was gaderid at the jate. And he helide 33 many that weren traueilide with dyuers soris, and he castide out many deuelis, and he suffride hem nat for to speke, for thei knewen hym. And in the morewynge ful erly he 35 rysynge, gon out, wente in-to desert place, and preiede there. And Symont suede hym, and thei that weren with 36 hym. And whanne thei hadden founden hym, thei seiden 37 to hym, 4 For alle men seeken thee/ And he seith to hem, 38 ‘ Go we in-to the nexte townes and citees, that and there I preche, for to this thing I came/ And he was prechynge in 39 2l8 XVII. ( a ) JOHN WYCLIF. the synagogis of hem, and in alle Galilee, and castynge out 40 fendis. And a leprous man cam to hym, bisechynge hym, and, the knee folden, seide, ‘ 3^ thou wolt, thou maist dense 41 me/ Forsothe Jhesus, hauynge mercy on hym, street out his hond, and, touchynge hym, seith to hym, ‘ I wole, be thou 42 maad clene/ And whanne he hadde seide, anoon the lepre 43 partide awey fro hym, and he is clensid. And he thretenyde 44 to hym, and anoon he putte hym out, and seith to hym, ‘ Se thou, seie to no man ; but go, shewe thee to the princis of prestis, and offre for thi clensynge tho thingis that Moyses 45 badde, in-to witnessynge to hem/ And he, gon out, biganne to preche, and diffame, or puplishe , the word, so that nowe he mi^te nat opynly go in-to the citee, but be with-out-forth in deserte placis ; and thei camen to-gidre to hym on alle sydis. * Cap. II. 1 And eft he entride in-to Capharnaum, after ei^te days, 2 And it is herd, that he was in an hous ; and many camen togidre, so that it tok nat, nether at the ^ate. And he spac 3 to hem a word. And there camen to hym men bryngynge 4 a man sike in palesie, the whiche was borun of foure. And whanne thei mi^te nat offre hym to hym for the cumpanye of peple, thei maden the roof nakid, wher he was ; and makynge opyn, thei senten doun the bedd, in whiche the 5 sike man in palasie lay. Sothely whanne Jhesus say the feith of hem, he seith vnto the sike man in palasie, ‘ Sone, 6 thi synnes ben foqouen to thee/ Forsothe there weren summe of the scribis sittynge and thenkynge in her hertis, 7 ‘ What spekith he thus ? He blasfemeth ; who may for^eue 8 synnes, no-but God alone?" The whiche thing anoon knowen by the Holy Goost, for thei tho^hten so with-inne hem-self, Jhesus seith to hem, ‘ What thenken $ee these XVII . (a) the gospel of MARK . CAP, II. 219 1 thingis in joure hertis? What is latere for to seie to the 9 sike man in palasie, Synnes ben for^ouen to thee, or for to : seie, Ryse, take thi bed, and walke? Sothely that ^ee wite 10 that mannes sone hath powere in erthe to foqeue synnes/ he seith to the sike man in palasie, 4 1 seie to thee, ryse vp, 1 1 take thy bed, and go in-to thin house/ And anoon he roos 12 vp, and, the bed taken vp, he wente bifore alle men, so that | alle men wondriden, and honouriden God, seyinge, 4 For we sayen neuer so/ And he wente out eftsone to the see, and 13 al the cumpanye of peple cam to hym ; and he tau^te hem. And whenne he passide, he say Leui Alfey sittynge at the 14 tolbothe, and he seith to hym, 4 Sue thou me/ And he I rysynge suede hym. And it is don, whenne he sat at the 15 mete in his hous, many puplicanys and synful men saten togidre at the mete with Jhesu and his disciplis ; sothely there weren manye that foleweden hym. And scribis and 16 Pharisees seeyinge, for he eet with puplicanys and synful men, seiden to his disciplis, 4 Whi $oure maister etith and drinkith with puplicanys and synners ?’ This thing herd, 1 7 Jhesus seith to hem, 4 Hoole man han no nede to a leche, 1 but thei that han yuele ; forsothe I cam not for to clepe iuste men, but synners/ And disciplis of Joon and the 18 Pharisees weren fastynge ; and thei camen, and seien to hym, 4 Whi disciplis of Joon and of Pharisees fasten, but thi disciplis fasten nat?’ And Jhesus seith to hym, 4 Whether 19 the sonnys of weddyngis mown faste, as long as the spouse is with hem? Hou longe tyme thei han the spouse with hem, thei mowe nat faste. Forsothe dayes shulen come, 20 whenne the spouse shal be taken awey from hem, and thanne thei shulen faste in thoo days. No man seweth a pacche of 21 rude, or newe , clothe to an old clothe, ellis he takith awey the newe supplement, or pacche , and a more brekynge is maad. And no man sendith newe wyn in-to oold* botelis, 22 220 XVII, (A) JOHN WYCLIF. or wyne-vesselis , ellis the wyn shal berste the wyn-vesselis, and the wyn shal be held out, and the wyne-vesselis shulen perishe. But newe wyn shal be sent in-to newe wyn-ves- 23 selis/ And it is don eftsoone, whanne the Lord walkide in the sabothis by the cornes, and his disciplis bigunnyn to 24 passe forth, and plucke eris. Sothly the Pharysees seiden, 4 Loo ! what don thi disciplis in sabotis, that is nat leeueful.’ 25 And he seith to hem, 4 Radde $ee neuere what Dauyth dide, whanne he hadde neede, and he hungride, and thei that 26 weren with him? Hou he wente in-to the hous of God, vndir Abiathar, prince of prestis, and eete loouys of propo- sicioun, the whiche it was nat leeful to ete, no-but to prestis 27 alone, and he $aue to hem that weren with hym/ And he seide to hem, 4 The sabote is maad for man, and nat a man for the sabote; and so mannys sone is lord also of the saboth/ Cap. III. 1 And he entride eftsoone in-to the synagoge, and ther was 2 a man hauynge a drye hond. And thei aspieden hym, $if 3 he helide in sabothis, for to accuse hym. And he seith to 4 the man hauynge a drye honde, 4 Ryse in-to the mydil/ And he seith to hem, 4 Is it leeueful to do wel in the sabothis, or yuele? for to make a soule saaf, whether to lese?’ And thei 5 weren stille. And he biholdynge hem aboute with wrathe, hauynge sorwe vpon the blyndnesse of her herte, seith to the man, 4 Holde forth thin honde/ And he helde forth, 6 and the honde is restorid to hym. Sothely Pharisees goynge out anoon, maden a counseil with Herodyans a^eins 7 hym, hou thei shulden lese hym. Forsothe Jhesus with his disciplis wente to the see ; and myche cumpanye from 8 Galilee and Judee suede hym, and fro Jerusalem, and fro Ydume, and bi^endis Jordan, and thei that aboute Tyre and XVII, (a) the gospel of mark. CAP. III. 221 Sydon, a grete multitude, heerynge the thingis that he dide, camen to hym. And Jhesus seith to his disciplis, 9 that the litil boot shulde serue hym, for the cumpanye of peple, lest thei oppressiden hym; sothely he helide 10 many, so that thei felden fast to hym, that thei shulden touche hym, Forsothe hou many euere hadden soris, or woundis; and vnclene spiritis, whenne thei seien hym, 11 felden down to hym, and crieden, seyinge, ‘ Thou art the sone of God/ And gretely he manasside hem, that thei shulden 12 nat make hym opyn, or knowen. And he styinge in- to an hil, 13 clepide to hym whom he wolde ; and thei camen to hym. And he made, that there weren twelue with hym, and that 14 he shulde sende hem for to preche. And he $aue to hem 15 power of heelynge siknessis, and of castynge out fendis. And 16 to Symount he putte name Petre, and James of Zebede 17 and Joon, the brother of James, and he putte to hem names Boonerges, that is, the sones of thondrynge ; and Andrew 1 8 and Philip, and Bartholomewe and Mathew, and Thomas and James Alfey, and Thadee and Symount Cananee, and 19 Judas Scarioth, that bitraide hym ; And thei comen to an hous ; and the cumpanye of peple came togidre eftsoone, so 20 that thei mi^te not nether ete breed. And whanne his 21 kynnesmen hadden herdde, thei wenten out for to holde hym; sothely thei seiden, for he is turnyd in-to wodenesse. And the scribis that camen doun fro Jerusalem, seiden, ‘ For 22 he hath Belsebub, and for in the prince of deuels he castith out fendis/ And, hem gadrid togidre, he seide to hem in 23 parablis, ‘ Hou may Sathanas caste out Sathanas ? And if a 24 rewme be departide in itself, the ilke rewme may not stonde. And if an hous be disparpoilid on it-self, thilke hous may 25 not stonde. And if Sathanas hath risen a^eins hym-self, he 26 is disparpoilid, and he shal not mowe stonde, but hath an ende. No man, gon in-to a stronge mannes hous, may take 27 222 XVII. (A) JOHN WYCLIF. awey his vessels, no-but he bynde firste the stronge man, 28 and thanne he shal diuersly rauyshe his hous. Trewly I seie to 30U, for alle synnes and blasphemyes, by whiche thei han blasfemed, shulen be for^ouen to the sones of men. 29 Sothely he that shal blasfeme a^eins the Holy Gost, shal not haue remissioun in-to with-outen eend, but he shal be gilty 30 of euerlastynge trespas.’ For thei seiden, * He hath an un- 31 clene spirit.’ And his modir and bretheren comen, and thei stondynge with-oute-forth, senten to hym, clepynge hym. 32 And a cumpany sat aboute hym ; and thei seien to hym, ‘ Lo ! thi modir, and thi bretheren with-outen-forth seken 33 thee/ And he answerynge to hem seith, ‘ Who is my modir 34 and my bretheren?’ And biholdynge hem aboute, that saten in the cumpas of hym, he seith, 1 Lo ! my modir and my 35 bretheren. Forsoth who that doth the will of God, he is my brother, and my sister, and modir.’ Cap. IV. 1 And eft Jhesus bigan for to teche at the see ; and myche cumpany of peple is gedrid to hym, so that he, styinge in-to a boot, sat in the see, and al the cumpany of peple was 2 aboute the see, on the lond. And he tau^te hem in parablis many thingis. And he seide to hem in his techynge, 3 ‘ Heere jee. Loo ! a man sowynge goth out for to sowe. 4 And the while he sowith, an other seed felde aboute the wey, and briddis of heuene, or of the eire, camen, and eeten 5 it. Forsothe an other felde doun on stony placis, wher it had[de] nat myche erthe ; and anoon it sprong vp, for it 6 hadde nat depnesse of erthe. And whenne the sunne rose vp, it welwide for heete, and it dried vp, for it hadde not 7 roote. And an other felde doun into thornes, and thornes 8 stieden vp, and strangliden it, and it $aue not fruyt. And an other felde doun in-to good lond, and jaue fruyt, styinge XVII. (a) the gospel of mark. cap. IV. 223 vp, and wexinge ; and oon broujte thritty-fold, and oon sixtyfold, and oon an hundridfold/ And he seide, ‘ He that 9 hath eris of heeryng, heere.' And whenne he was singuler, io j or by hym-silf \ the twelue that weren with hym axiden hym ' for to expowne the parable. And he seide to hem, ‘ To 3011 n it is ^ouen for to knowe the mysterie, or pryuite , of the kyngdam of God. Sothely to hem that ben with-oute-forth, I alle thingis ben maad in parablis, that thei seynge se, and 12 se nat, and thei heerynge heere, and vnderstonde not ; that sum tyme thei be conuertid, and synnes be for^ouen to hem.’ And he seith to hem, ‘ Witen not $ee this parable ? and howe 13 3ee shulden knowe alle parablis? He that so with, sowith a 14 1 word. These sothly ben that aboute the weye, where the 15 1 word is sowun ; and whenne thei han herd, anoon cometh ! Sathanas, and takith awey the word that is sowun in her hertis. And also these ben that ben sown on a stoon, the 16 whiche whanne thei han herd the word, a-noon taken it with ioye ; and thei han nat roote in hem-silf, but thei ben 1 7 temporal, that is , lasien a lityl tyme ; afterward tribulacioun sprongen vp, and persecucioun for the word, anoon thei ben sclaundrid. And there ben other that ben sowun in thornis ; 18 these it ben, that heeren the word, and myseise of the world, and disseit of richessis, and other charge of coueitise en- 19 trynge ynne, strangulen the word, and it is maad with-outen fruyt. And these it ben that ben sowun on good lond, the 20 whiche heren the word, and taken, and maken fruyt, oon thritti-fold, oon sixti-fold, and oon an hundrid.' And he 21 seide to hem, ‘ Wher a lanterne come, that it be put vndir a bushel ? wher not, that it be put vpon a candil-stike ? Forsothe ther is no thing hid, that shal not be maad opyn ; 22 nether ony thing is preuy, the whiche shal not come in-to apert. If ony man haue eeris of heryng, heere he.’ And he *3 seide to hem, 4 See jee what jee heeren. In what mesure }ee 224 XVII. (A) JOHN WYCLIF. 25 meten, it shal be meten to 30U, and be kast to 30U. Sothely it shal be ^ouen to hym that hath, and it shal be taken awey 26 from hym that hath not, also that that he hath/ And he seide, * So the kingdom of God is, as if a man caste seed in- 27 to the erthe, and he slepe, and it ryse vp in ni$t and day, and brynge forth seed, and wexe faste, the while he wcte 28 not. Forsothe the erthe by his owne worchynge makith fruyt, first an erbe, or grene corn , afterward an eere, afterward 29 ful fruyt in the ere. And whanne of it-silf it hath brou^t forth fruyt, anoon he sendith a sikil, or hook , for rype corn 30 cometh/ And he seide, ‘To what thing shulden we likene the kyngdom of God ? or to what parable shulen we com- 3 1 parisoune it ? As a corn of seneueye, the which, whann it is sowun in the erthe, is lesse than alle seedis that ben in 32 erthe ; and whanne it is bredd, or quykened , it sty^eth vp in- to a tree, and is maad more than alle wortis, or erbis; and it shal make grete braunchis, so that briddis of heuene mowe 33 dwelle vndir the shadewe ther-of.’ And in many siche parablis he spac to hem a word, as thei mitten heer^ ; 34 sothely he spak not to hem with-outen parable. Forsothe he expounyde to his disciplis alle thingis on-sidis hond, or 35 by hem-self. And he seith to hem in that day, whenne 36 euenyng was maad, ‘ Passe we a^einward/ And thei leeuynge the cumpanye of peple, taken hym, so that he was, in the 37 boot; and other bootis weren with hym. And a greet storme of wynd is maad, and sente wawis in-to the boot, so 38 that the boot was ful. And he was in the hyndir part of the boot, slepynge on a pilewe. And thei reysen hym, and seien to hym, ‘ Maistre, perteneth it nat to thee, that we 39 perishen ?’ And he rysynge vp, manasside to the wynd, and seide to the see, ‘ Be stille, wexe doumb/ And the wynd 40 ceeside, and greet pesiblenesse is maad. And he seith to 41 hem, ‘ What dreden 3ee ? — Nat 3ft han 3ee feith V And thei XVII . (A) THE GOSPEL OF MARK . CMP. F. 225 dredden with greete dreed, and seiden to eche other, ‘ Who, gessist thou, is this ? for the wynd and the see obeyshen to hym/ Cap. V. And thei camen ouer the wawe of the see into the cuntree 1 of Genazareth. And anoon a man in vnclene spirit ran out 2 of a biryel, to hym goynge out of the boot. The whiche 3 man hadde an hous in graues, or biriels , and nether with chaynis now mi^te eny man bynde hym. For oft tymes he, 4 bounden in stockis and chaynes, hadde broken the chaynes, and hadde brokun the stockis to smale gobetis, and no man mi^te daunte, or make tame , hym. And euer-more, ni}t and 5 day, in biriels and hillis, he was cryinge, and betynge hym- silf with stoones. Sothely he, seynge Jhesus afer, ran, and 6 worshipide hym. And he, cryinge with greet voice, seide, 7 ‘What to me and to thee, thou Jhesu, the sone of God hieste? I conioure thee bi God, that thou tourmente not me/ Forsothe Jhesus seide to hym, ‘Thou vnclene spirit, go 8 out fro the man/ And Jhesus axide hym, ‘What name is to 9 thee V And he seith to hym, ‘A legioun is name to me ; for we ben manye/ And he preide hym myche, that he shulde 10 nat put hym out of the cuntreie. Forsothe there was there 1 1 aboute the hill a flock of hoggis lesewynge in feeldis. And 12 the spiritis preieden Jhesu, seyinge, ‘ Sende vs into hoggis, that we entre into hem/ And anoon Jhesus grauntide to 13 hem. And the vnclene spiritis entriden in-to the hoggis, and with greet bire. or haste , the floe was cast doun in-to the see, to tweyne thousynde, and thei ben strangelid in the see. Sothely thei that fedden hem, fledden, and tolden in-to the 14 citee, and in-to the feeldis ; and thei wenten out, for to see what was don. And thei camen to Jhesu, and thei seen 15 hym that was traueilid of the fend, sittynge clothid, and of VOL. II. Q 226 XVII. (A) JOHN WYCLIF. 1 6 hoole mynde; and thei dreden. And thei tolden to hem, that sayen, hou it was don to hym that hadde a fend, and of 17 the hoggis. And thei bygunnen for to preie hym, that he 18 shulde go awey fro her coostis. And when he stiede in-to a boot, he that was traueilid of the deuel bygan to preye 19 hym, that he shulde be with hym. Sothly Jhesus resceyued hym nat, but seith to hym, ‘Go thou in-to thin hous to thine, and telle to hem, hou many thingis the Lord hath don to 20 thee, and hadde mercy of thee/ And he wente forth, and bigan for to preche in Decapoly, that is , a cwitree of ten citees , how manye thingis Jhesus hadde don to hym ; and alle 21 men wondriden. And whanne Jhesus hadde stiede in-to the boot eftsoone ouer the see, myche cumpanye of peple 22 cam togidre to hym, and was aboute the see. And oon of the princis of synagogis, by name Jayrus, cam, and seyinge 23 hym, fel doun at his feet, and preiede hym myche, seyinge, ‘ For-whi my doubter is in the laste thingis; come thou, putte 24 thin hond on hire, that she be saaf, and lyue/ And he wente forth with hym, and myche cumpanye of peple suede 25 hym, and oppresside hym. And a womman that was in the 26 flux of blood twelue jere, and hadde suffride many thingis of ful many lechis, and spendid alle hir thingis, and no-thing 27 prophitide, but more hadde worse, whanne she hadde herd of Jhesu, she cam in the cumpanye byhynde, and touchide 28 his cloth. Sothly she seide, ‘For if I shal touche or his 29 cloth, I shal be saaf/ And anoon the welle of blood is dried vp, and she felide in body that she was helid of the wound, 30 or sikenesse. And anoon Jhesus knowynge in hym-silf the vertu that was gon out of hym, he, turned to the cumpenye, 31 seith, ‘ Who touchede my clothis V And his disciplis seiden to hym, ‘ Thou seest the cumpenye pressinge thee, and seist 32 thou, Who touchide me?’ And Jhesus lokide aboute, for to 33 see hir that hadde don this thing. Forsothe the womman XVII . (A) THE GOSPEL OF MARK. CAP . VI. 22 J \ dredinge and quakynge, witynge that it was don in hir, cam, and fel down bifore him, and seide to hym al treuthe. Forsothe Jhesus seide to her, ‘ Dou3tir, thi feith hath maad 34 thee saf ; go in pees, and be saf fro thi sykenes/ 3^ him 35 spekynge, messageris camen to the prince of a synagoge, I seyinge, ‘For thi doirjtir is deed; what traueilist thou the maistir ferthere?’ Forsothe the word herd that was seide, 36 Jhesus seith to the prince of the synagoge, ‘ Nyle thou drede, oonly byleue thou/ And he resceyuede not ony man to sue 37 him no-but Petre, and James, and John, the brother of James. And thei camen in-to the hous of the prince of the 38 synagoge. And he si$ noyse, and men wepinge and weilinge moche. And he, gon yn, seith to hem, ‘What ben jee troublid, 39 and wepyn ? The wenche is not deed, but slepith/ And 40 thei scorneden him. Forsothe alle kast out, he takith the fadir and modir of the wenche, and hem that weren with him, and thei entren yn, where the wenche lay. And he 41 holdinge the hond of the wenche, seith to hir, ‘ Tabita, cumy/ that is interpretid, or expownid , ‘ Wenche, to thee I seie, rise thou/ And anon the wenche roos, and walkide ; sothly she 42 was of twelue ;eer. And thei weren abaischt with greet stoneyinge. And he comaundide to hem greetly, that no 43 man schulde wite it. And he comaundide to jiue to hir for to ete. Cap. VI. And Jhesus, gon out thennis, wente in-to his owne 1 cuntree ; and his disciplis folwiden him. And the saboth 2 maad, Jhesus bigan for to teche in a synagoge. And manye heeringe wondriden in his techinge, seyinge, ‘ Of whennis to this alle these thingis ? and what is the wys- dom that is 30mm to him, and suche vertues the whiche ben maad by his hond? Wher this is not a smyth, 3 Q 2 228 XVII. (A) JOHN WYCLIF . or carpenter , the sone of Marie, the brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Symound? wher and his sistris ben 4 nat here with vs?' And thei weren sclaundrid in him. And Jhesus seide to hem, ‘ For a prophete is not with-outen honour, no-but in his owne cuntree, and in his hows, and in 5 his kyn/ And he my^te not make there ony vertu, no-but 6 heelide a fewe sike men, the hondis put to. And he wondride for the vnbileue of hem. And he wente aboute 7 castelis in enuyrown, techinge. And he clepide twelue and bigan for to send hem bi tweyne ; and :$af to hem power 8 of vnclene spiritis, and comaundide hem, that thei schulde not take ony thing in the w eye, no-but a $erd oonly, not a 9 scrippe, not bred, neither money in the girdil, but schoon with sandalies, that ben opyn aboue , and that thei weren not 10 clothid with tweie cootis. And he seide to hem, ‘ Whidir euere }ee schulen entre in-to an hous, dwelle ;e there, till $e 1 1 gon out thennis. And who euere schulen not resseyue, ne heere $ou, $e goynge out fro thennes shake awey the powdre 12 fro }oure feet, in-to witnessinge to hem.’ And thei goynge 13 out, prechiden, that men schulden do penaunce. And thei castiden out many fendis, and anoyntiden with oyle manye 14 syke men, and thei weren heelid. And kyng Eroude herde, forsothe his name was maad opyn, and he seide, ‘ For Johne Baptist hath risun a3en fro deed men, and therfore vertues 15 worchen in hym/ Sothely othere seiden, ‘For it is Ely;' but othere seiden, ‘For it is a prophete, as oon of prophetis/ 16 The whiche thing herd, Eroude seith, ‘Whom I haue bihedid, 17 John, this hath risun fro deed men/ Forsothe the ilke Eroude sente, and held Joon, and bond him in-to prisoun, for Erodias, the wyf of Philip, his brother; for he hadde 18 weddid hir. Sothly John seide to Eroude, ‘It is not leefful 19 to thee, for to haue the wyf of thi brother/ Erodias forsothe leide aspies to him, and wolde sle him, and m^te not. XVII. (A) THE GOSPEL OF MARK . CAP . FT. 229 Sothly Eroude dred[d]e John, witinge him a iust man and 20 hooly, and kepte him. And him herd, he dide many thingis, and gladly herde hym. And whanne a couenable day hadde 2 1 fallun, Eroude in his birthe-day made a soupere to the princis, and tribunys, and to the firste, or gretteste , of Galilee. And whanne the doubter of thilke Erodias hadde entrid yn, 22 and lepte, and pleside to Eroude, and also to men restynge, the kyng seide to the wenche, ‘Axe thou of me what thou wolt, and I schal $yue to thee/ And he swoor to hir, ‘For 23 what euere thou schalt axe, I schal $yue to thee, thou} the half of my kyngdom/ The whiche, whanne sche hadde gon 24 out, seide to hir modir, ‘What schal I axe?' And she seide, ‘ The heed of John Baptist/ And whanne she hadde entrid 25 anon with haste to the kyng, she axide, seyinge, ‘ I wole that anoon thou }yue to me in a dische the heed of John Baptist/ And the kyng was sory for the ooth, and for men sittinge 26 to-gidere at mete he wolde not hir be maad sory; but, a 27 manquellere sent, he comaundide the heed of John Baptist for to be brought. And he bihedide him in the prison, and 28 brou3te his heed in a dische, and }af it to the wenche, and the wench 3af to hir modir. The which thing herd, his 29 disciplis camen, and token his body, and puttiden it in a buriel. And apostlis comynge to-gidere to Jhesu, tolden to 30 hym alle thingis, that thei hadden don, and tau}t. And he 31 seith to hem, ‘ Come 3e by }ou-selue in-to a desert place ; reste }e a litel/ Forsoth there weren manye that camen, and wenten a}en, and thei hadden not space for to ete. And thei, st^ynge in-to boot, wenten in-to a desert place by 32 hem-selue. And thei sy3en hem goynge awey, and manye 33 knewen, and goynge on feet fro alle citees, thei runnen to-gidere thidir, and came bifore hem. And Jhesus goynge 34 out sy3 moche cumpanye, and hadde mercy on hem, for thei weren as scheepe not hauynge a shepherde. And he bigan 23 ° XVII. ( a ) JOHN WYCLIF. 35 for to teche hem manye thingis. And whanne moche our was maad now, his disciplis camen ny}, seyinge, ‘ This place 36 is desert, and now the our hath passid; leeue hem, that thei goynge in-to the nexte townes or vilagis, bye to hem 37 metis whiche thei schulen ete/ And he answerynge $eith to hem, ‘3yue }e to hem for to ete/ And thei seiden to hym, ‘ Goynge bye we loues with two hundrid pens, and we 38 schulen 3yue to hem for to ete?’ And he seith to hem, ‘Hou many loues han 3e ? Go 3e, and se/ And whanne thei 39 hadden knowun, thei seien, ‘ Fyue, and two fyschis/ And he comaundide to hem, that thei schulden make alle men sitte 40 to mete aftir cumpenyes, vpon greene hey. And thei saten 41 down by parties, by hundridis, and fyfties. And the fyue looues taken, and two fyschis, he biholdynge in-to heuene, blesside, and brak loouis, and 3af to his disciplis, that thei schulden putte bifore hem. And he departide two fyschis 42 to alle : and alle eeten, and weren fillid. And thei token 43 the relyues of broken mete, twelue coffyns full, and of the 44 fyschis. Sothli thei that eeten, were fyue thousynd of men. 45 And anon he constreynede his disciplis for to stye vp in-to a boot, that thei schulden passe bifore him ouer the see to 46 Bethsayda, the while he lefte the peple. And whanne he 47 hadde left hem, he wente in-to an hil, for to preie. And whanne euenyng was, the boot was in the myddil see, and 48 he aloone in the lond ; and he sy3 hem trauelinge in row- ynge ; sothli the wynd was contrarie to hem. And aboute the fourthe waking of the ny3t, he wandrynge on the see 49 cam to hem, and wolde passe hem. And thei, as thei sy3en him wandrynge on the see, gessiden [him] for to be a 50 fantum, and crieden ; forsoth alle sy3en hym, and thei weren disturblid. And anon he spak with hem, and seide 51 to hem, ‘ Triste 3c, I am ; nyle 3e drede/ And he cam vp to hem in-to the boot, and the wynd ceesside. And thei more xvii. (b) Hereford's English psalter. 231 wondriden with-ynne hem ; for thei vndirstoden not of the 52 looues ; sothli her herte was blyndid. And whanne thei 53 hadden passid ouer the see, thei camen in-to the lond of Genazareth, and setten to londe. And whanne thei hadden 54 gon out of the boot, anon thei knewen him. And thei, 55 rennynge thur$ al that cuntree, bigunnen to bere aboute in beddis hem that hadden hem yuele, where thei herden him be. And whidur euere he entride yn-to vilagis and townes, 56 or in-to citees, thei puttiden syke men in stretis, and preieden him, that thei schulden touche either the hem of his cloth ; and how manye euere touchiden him, weren maad saf. XVII. (B). HEREFORD’S VERSION OF THE PSALMS. about a.d. 1380. For the sake of comparison with some of the Psalms in Section II., Psalms xiv., xxiii., and cii., in a Midland dialect, are here given, from the translation of the Psalter made by Nicholas Hereford; as printed in the Wycliffite versions of the Scriptures, edited by the Rev. J. Forshall and Sir F. Madden; Oxford, 1850. Psalm xiv (xv). Domine quis. 1 Lord, who shal duelle in thi tabernacle; or who shal eft resten in thin holy hil ? 2 That goth in withoute wem ; and werkith ry^ttwisnesse. 3 That speketh treuthe in his herte ; that dide not trech- erie in his tunge. Ne dide to his nejhebore euel; and reprof toe not to a^en hise ne^hboris. 4 To nojt is bro^t doun in his si^t the malice-doere ; 232 xvii. (b) Hereford’s English psalter . forsothe the dredende the Lord he glorifieth. That swereth to his ne^hebore, and desceyueth not ; g that his monee ^af not to vsure ; and 3iftis vp-on the innocent toe not. He, that doth these thingus, shal not be moued in-to without ende. Psalm xxiii (xxiv). Domini est terra. 1 Off the Lord is the erthe, and the plente of it ; the roundnesse of londis, and alle that duellen in it. 2 For he vpon the ses foundede it; and vp-on the flodis befor greithide it. 3 Who shal stejen vp in-to the hyl of the Lord ; or who shal stonde in his holy place ? 4 The innocent in hondis, and in clene herte, that toe not to in veyn his soule ; ne swor in treccherie to hys ne^hebore. 5 This shal take blessing of the Lord ; and mercy of God his helthe-^iuere. 6 This is the ieneracioun of men sechende God ; of men sechende the face of God of Jacob. 7 Doth awei 30ur'e ^atus, $ee princis, and beth rerid out, ^ee euer-lastende ^atis; and ther shal gon in the king of glorie. 8 Who is this king of glorie ? a Lord strong and my^ti, a Lord my^ti in bataile. 9 Doth awei 30ure 3atis, 3ee princis, and beth rered vp, 3ee euer-lastende 3atis; and ther shal gon in the king of glorie. 10 Who is this king of glorie? the Lord of vertues, he is king of glorie. Psalm cii (ciii). Benedic , anima mea. 1 Blesse thou, my soule, to the Lord; and alle thingus that witbinne me ben, to his holi name ! xvii. (b) Hereford's English psalter . 233 2 Blesse thou, my soule, to the Lord ! and wile thou not foi^ete alle the jeldingus of hym. 3 That hath mercy to alle thi wickidnessis ; that helith alle thin infirmytees. 4 That a3een-bieth fro deth thi lif ; that crouneth thee in mercy and mercy-doingis. 5 That fulfilled! in goode thingus thi diseyr; shal be renewid as of an egle thi 30uthe. 6 Doende mercies the Lord ; and dom to alle men suf- frende wrong. 7 Knowen he made his weies to Moises ; and to the sones of Israel his willis. 8 Reewere and merciful the Lord; long-abidende and myche merciful. 9 In-to euermore he shal not wrathen ; ne in-to withoute ende he shal threte. 10 Aftir oure synnes he dide not to vs; ne aftir oure wickidnessis he 3elde to vs. 1 1 For after the he^te of heuene fro erthe ; he strengthide his mercy vpon men dredende hym. 1 2 Hou myche the rising stant fro the going doun ; aferr he made fro vs our wickidnessis. 13 What maner wise the fader hath mercy of the sonus; the Lord dide mercy to men dredende hym ; 14 for he knew oure britil making. He recordide for pouder wee be ; .15 a man as hey his da3es ; as the flour of the feld so he shal floure out. 16 For the spirit shal thur3-passen in hym, and he shal not stonde stifle ; and he shal no more knowen his place. 17 The mercy forsothe of the Lord fro withoute ende, and vnto withoute ende, vpon men dredende hym. And the r^twisnesse of hym in-to the sones of sones, 234 xvii. (b) Hereford's English psalter. 1 8 to hem that kepen his testament. And myndeful thei ben of his maundemens, to do them. 19 The Lord in heuene made redi his sete; and his reume to alle shal lordshipen. 20 Blisse ^ee to the Lord, alle his aungelis ; mi^ti bi vertue, doende the woord of hym, to ben herd the vois of his sermounes. 2 1 Blessith to the Lord, alle ^ee his vertues ; $ee his seruauns, that don his wil. 2 2 Blessith to the Lord, alle ^ee his werkis : in alle place, jee his domynaciouns ; blesse thou, my soule, to the Lord ! XVIII. JOHN OF TREVISA. A.D. 1387. John of Trevisa was a native of Cornwall, but resided chiefly in Gloucestershire, being vicar of Berkeley, and chaplain to Thomas Lord Berkeley. He is said to have been the author of an English version of the Old and New Testaments; of which, however, nothing is now known. His best -known work is a translation of ‘ Higden’s Poly- chronicon,’ which was completed in a.d. 1387. It was printed by Caxton in 1482, with a continuation of the narrative from 1357 to 1460. The first three volumes of a complete edition of 6 Higden’s Polychronicon,’ with Trevisa’s translation, have been published under the direction of the Master of the Rolls ; but as the English MS. selected for that edition is not, philologically, a very important one, the contemporary MS. Tiberius D. vii., in the Southern dialect, has been resorted to for the following extracts. The last extract , 6 The Norman Invasion,’ exhibits more of the translator’s provincialisms than are apparent in the former ones ; and may be advantageously compared with Robert of Gloucester’s narrative of this event (p. 1) in the same dialect. (A) Description of Britain ; Lib. I. Cap. 41. [Cotton MS. Tiberius D. vii., leaf 38, bach. See vol. ii. p. 13 of the printed edition.] As Fraunce passe}? Britayn, so Brytain passe)? Irlond yn fayr weder & noble td, bote no$t in helthe; For J?is yl[on]d ys 236 XVIII. JOHN OF TREVISA. best to brynge for]? tren, & fruyt, & ropron, & opre bestes, and wyn growej> pr-ynne in som places, pe lond ha)> 5 plentd of foules & of bestes, of dyuers manere kunde ; pe lond ys plentuos & pe se also ; pe lond ys noble, copious, & ryche of noble welles, & of noble ryuers wij> plenty of fysch. par ys gret plentd of smal fysch & of eeles, so pat cherles in som place feede]> sowes wif> fysch. par buj> ofte ytake jo delphyns, & se-calues, & balenes (gret fysch, as hyt were of whaales kunde), and dyuers manere schyl-fysch, among pe whoche schyl-fysch bu}> moskles pat habbef> wipynne ham margery perles of al manere colour of hu} 1 , of rody & reed, of p&rpre & of blu} 2 , & specialych & moost of whyyt. par 15 ys also plente of schyl-fysch pat me dyej> wij> fyn reed; pe reednes pr-of ys wondre fayr & stable, and steynej) neuer^ \v\p cold ne wi}> heete, wi{) weete ne wij? drythe ; bote euer pe el) pr, pe hu ys pe veyrer ; J?ar bup also salt welles & hoote welles, pr-of eornef) stremes of hoot baps, to-deled yn 20 dyuers places acordyng for man & woraman, & for al maner age, $ong & old. Basilius seip pat pe water pat eornej? & passe]? by veynes of certyn metayl take]) in hys cours gret heete. pys ylond ys plentuos of veynes of metayls, of bras, of yre, of leed, of tyn, & of seluer also ; yn pis ylond, vndur 25 ptorf of pe lond, ys good marl yfounde. pe thryft of pe fatnes drye]? hym-sylf pr-ynne, so pat euer pe pkker pe feeld ys y-marled, pe betre corn hyt wol bere. p^r ys also ano per maner whyt marl ; pe lond ys pe betre four score $er pat per-wip ys y-marled. Yn pis ylond growe]> a ston pat 30 hatte gagates ; ^ef me axe]) hys feyrnesse — a 3 ys blak as gemmes buj? ; jef me axej> hys kunde — a 3 brenne]? yn water & quenchej) in oyle ; jif me axej> hys my3t — jif a 4 ys yfroted J Harl. MS. 1900 reads ‘ & hewe.* 2 For ‘ blw* or ‘ blew.* 8 Harl. MS. 1900 reads ‘it,* ‘hit.* 4 Harl. MS. ‘he.* X VIII. (A) DESCRIPTION OF BRITAIN. 237 Sc yhat, a 1 holdef> what hym ney^hej? ; $ef me axej> hys goodnes — hyt heelef> pe dropesy & 2 hyt be ydrongke ; ytend yn pe fuyr, hyt ferej? a-way s what hym ney:$he]>, as succinis a ston pat so hatte. par buj> scheep pat bere]? good wolle ; pir buj> meny hertes & wyld bestes, Sc few wolues, j^r-fore scheep bup pe more sykerlych, wi]?-oute kepyng, yleft in pe foold ; yn pis ylond also bu]> meny cites & tounes, faire, noble, Sc ryche ; meny 40 gret ryuers Sc streemes wij? gret plentd of fysch ; meny fayr wodes Sc gret, wij> wel meny bestes, tame Sc wylde. pe eoipe of pat lond ys copious of metayl oor & of salt welles ; of quareres of marbel of dyuers manere stones, of reed, of whyt, of nasche, of hard, of chalk, Sc of whyt lym ; }>ar ys 45 also whyt cley Sc reed, for to make of crokkes Sc steenes Sc o per vessel, Sc barnd tyyl to hele wij? hous Sc churches, as hyt were in pe o per Sarnia, pat hatte Samos also. Flaundres \ouep pe wolle of pis lond, Sc Normandy pe skynnes & pe fellys ; Gaskuyn pe yre & pe leed ; Irlond pe oor & pe salt ; 5° al Europa \ouep Sc desyrej? pe whyt metayl of pis lond. Brytayn haj) y-now of al matyr pat neodej? bugge Sc sylle, oper ys neodfol to mannes vse ; J?ar lakkej? neuere salt Sc yre, J?ar-fore a vercefyo&r in hys metre preysej) pis lond in pis manere : — 55 Engelond ys good lond fruytfol of J?e wolle, bot a kornere ! Engelond fol of pley ! freo men wel worj?y to pleye ! Freo men, freo tonges, hert freo ! Freo bup alle pe leden ; here hond ys more freo, more betre j>an here tonge. Also : Engelond hy^t of lond ‘ flour of londes al aboute 60 pat lond ys fol payd wij? fruyt & good of hys oune. Straange men pat neode}> pat lond wel ofte releue[> ; whan hon gur greue]?, pat lond al such men 3 feede}> ; pat lond ys good ynow; 1 Had. MS. 1900 has ‘ it.* 2 For ‘ an. 3 MS. ‘ men such. 2 3 8 XVIII. JOHN OF T REV ISA. wond ur moche fruyt bere)? & corn ; pat lond ys wel at eese, 65 as longe as men lyuej? in peese. Est & west al lond knowe)? haunes ry^t wel of Engelond ; here schypes foondes & ofte helpej? meny londes. par mete, ]?ar monay, men habbe)? more comyn alway, For heer pat creftes men wol gladlych 3eue ^yftes ; yn lond, & yn strond, wel wyde men spekej? of 70 Engelond. Lond, hony, mylk, chyse ! pis ylond schal bere J?e pryse; as [of] al londes ryjt 1 , pis ylond ha)? neode to noone ; al londes mot seech help neodes of pis al-one ; of lykyng per woon, wondrye my^t Salomon ; rychesse pat J?ar ys an, ^ern wold Octauian. 75 Cap. 42. In Brytayn bup hoot welles, wel arayed & yhy^t to ]?e vse of man-kunde. Mayster 2 of pu\ke welles ys J?e gret spyryt of Minerua. Yn hys 3 hous fuyr duyre)? al-wey p^zt neuer chaungej? in-to askes, bote J?ar pe fuyr slake]?, hyt change)? yn-to stony clottes. 80 Yn Brytayn bup meny wondres, no]?eles foure bup most wonderfol. pe furste ys at Pectou/z, }?ar blowe]? so strong a wynd out of pe chenes of pe eorpe pat hyt caste)? vp a$e clo)?es pat me caste)? yn. pe secunde ys at Stonhenge, bysydes Salesbury, )?ar gret stones & wondzzr huge bu(? 85 arered an hy^, as hyt were ^ates, so pat J?ar seme)? ^ates yset apon o per 3ates ; noj?eles hyt ys no3t clerlych yknowe no per parceyuet I10U3 & whar-fore a buj? so arered & so wonderlych yhonged. pe J?ridde ys at Cherdhol, J?^r ys gret holwenes vndzzr eor]?e ; ofte meny men habbe]? y-be per-yuue & 90 ywalked aboute wi)?-ynne & yseye ryuers & streemes, bote nowhar conne]? hy fynde non ende. pe feur]?e ys, pat reyn ys yseye arered vp of J?e hulles, & anon yspronge aboute yn pe feeldes. Also per ys a gret pond, pat conteyne)? pie score .y londes couenable for men to dwelle ynne ; pat pound ys by- 1 St. John’s Coll. MS. ‘ Of alle londes richesse/ 2 St.John’s MS. * Maistresse.* a St.John’s MS. ‘hire.’ XVIII . (a) DESCRIPTION OF BRITAIN . 239 clypped aboute wij? six score rooches ; a-pon euerych rooch 95 ys an egle hys nest; and J>re score ryuers eorneJ> in-to J?at pound and non of ham alle eorneJ> in-to ]?e se bot on. par ys a pound yclosed aboute wip a wal of tyyl & of ston ; yn pat pound men waschej? & baj?ej> wel ofte, and euerych man feele]> pQ water hoot o per cold, ry^t as a wol hym-sylf. par 100 buf> also salt welles fer fram J?e se & buf> salt al pe woke long for-to Saturday noon, and fersch fram Saturday noon for-to Moneday. pe water of pis welles whanne hyt ys ysode turnej? in-to smal salt, fayr & whyyt. Also ]?ar ys a pond, pe water per- of haj> wonder worchyng; ffor pey al an ost stood 105 by pe pond & turnede pe face j>yderward, pe water wolde drawe hem 1 vyolentlych toward pe pond & weete al here clones ; so scholde hors be drawe yn pe same wyse ; bote }ef pe face ys a-weyward fram pe water, |?e water noye)> no^t. p^r ys a welle pat 1 non streem eorne)> J^ar-fram noper per-io, no and jet four maner fysch buf> ytake }>ar-ynne. pat welle ys bote twenty foot long & twenty foot brood, & no$t deop bote to pe kneo, and ys yclosed wip hy$ bankkes in euerych syde. Yn pe contray aboute Wynchestre ys a den ; out of pat den alwey blowe]? a strong wynd, so pat no man may endure 1 1 5 for to stonde to-for J>at den. par ys also a pond pat turnej) tre in-to yre, & hyt be p?r-ynne al a jer ; and so tren bup yschape in-to whestones. Also per ys yn J>e cop of an hul a buryel ; euerych man p<^t come)> & metej> pat buriel, a schal fynde hyt euene ry$t of 1 20 hys oune meete; and :$ef a pylgrym o per eny wery man kneole]? per- to, anon a schal be al fersch, and of werynes schal he feele non nuy. Fast by pe Ministre of Wynburney, pat ys no3t fer fram Bathe, ys a wode pat bere}> moche fruyt. 3ef )?e tren of pat wode falle in-to a water oper grounde pat 1 ]>ar 125 1 The words ‘hem’ and ‘ hat’ are supplied from St.John’s MS. 240 XVII 1. JOHN OF T RE VISA. ys ny^, & lygge )?ar al a ^er, j?e tren teornej? yn-to stoones. Vnd ur pe cit <5 of Chestre eorne)? J?e ryuer Dee, pat now to- delej? Engelond & Wales; pat ryuer eu^rych monthe chaunge)? hys fordes, as men of pe contray telle]?, & leue]? ofte pe < 3 ° chanel. Bote wh eper pe wa ter drawe more toward Engelond o per toward Wales, to what syde pat hyt be, pat 3er men of pat syde schal habbe pe wors ende & be ouerset, and pe men of [?e o per syde schal habbe pe betre ende, & be at here aboue. Whanne }?e water chaunge]? so hys cours, hyt bode}? i 35 such happes. pis ryuer Dee eornej? & come]? out of a lake pat hatte Pimbilmere. Yn |?e ryuer ys gret plentd of samon, no]?eles in )?e lake ys neuer samon yfounde. Tak heede hou} gret ly}t & bry^tnes of God hys myldenes ha]? byschyne Englysch men, se]?the pat hy turnede furst to 140 ry3tfol byleue; so pat of no men yn on pr^uynce bu\> yfounde so meny hole bodies of men after here dee]?, yn lyknes of euerlestyng lif 1 pat schal be after }?e day of doom; as hyt wel seme]? in pis holy seintes, Etheldred, Edmund ]?e kyng, Elphege, & Cuthbert. Y trowe ]>at hyt ys y-do by special 145 grace of God Almy3ty, For j?e nacion \>at ys yset, as hyt were, wij?-oute ]?e world, scholde take hede to duyryng of bodyes wij?-oute corrupcion & rotyng, and be ]?e more bold & studefast for to tryste on }?e fynal arysyng of ded bodyes for to leste euere-more after ]?e day of doome De incolarum Imguis ; cap . 59. (Vol. ii. p. 157.) 150 As hyt ys yknowe hou3 meny maner people bu]? in pis ylond, \er bu]? also of so meny people longages & tonges ; no]?eles Walschmen & Scottes, pat bu]? no3t ymelled wi]? o per nacions, holde]? wel ny3 here furste longage & speche, bote- 3ef Scottes, pat were som tyme confederat & wonede wij? 1 The word ‘lif’ is supplied from St.John’s MS. XVIII. (A) DESCRIPTION OF BRITAIN. 24 1 \>e Pictes, drawe somwhat aft er here speche. Bote pe Flem- 155 mynges, pat wonej? in pQ west syde of Wales, habbej? yleft here strange speche & speke)? Saxonlych ynow. Also Eng- lysch men, J)ey$ hy hadde fram pe bygynnyng }?re maner speche, Sou^ron, NorJ?m>n, & Myddel speche (in pe myddel of lond), as hy come of pre maner people of Germania ; 160 no]?eles, by co;/zmyxstion & mellyng furst wij? Danes & after- ward wij? Normans, in menye pe contray longage ys apeyred, & som vse]? strange wlaffyng, chyteryng, harryng & garryng, grisbittyng. pis apeyryng of J?e burj?-tonge ys by-cause \ of twey ]?inges: — on ys, for chyldern in scole, a^enes pe vsage 165 and manere of al o\er nacions, bu)? compelled for to leue here oune longage, & for to construe here lessons & here fringes a Freynsch, & habbe)?, suj?the pe Normans come furst in-to Engelond. Also, gentil men children buj? ytau^t for to speke Freynsch fram tyme pat a buj? yrokked in here cradel, 170 & conne)? speke & playe wij? a child hys brouch ; and oplondysch men wol lykne harz-sylf to gentil men, & fondej? wij? gret bysynes for to speke Freynsch, for to be more ytoldof - wvCok pys manem was moche y-vsed to-fore j?e furste moreyn, & 1 75 ys seethe somdel ychaunged. For Iohan Cornwal, a mayster of gramme, chayngede J?e lore in granw-scole, & construc- cion of Freynsch in-to Englysch ; & Richard Pencrych lurnede pat manen? techyng of hym, & oper men of Pen- crych ; so pat now, pe 3er of oure Lord a J?ousond J?re 1 80 hondred foure score & fyue, of J?e secunde kyng Richard after pe conquest nyne, in al pe gram^r-scoles of Engelond childern leuej? Frensch & construe]? & lurnej? an Englysch, and habbej? per- by avauntage in on syde & desavauntage yn anoper ; here avauntage ys, pat a lurnej? here gramer yn lasse 185 tyme pan childern wer ywoned to do — disavauntage ys, pat now childern of gram^r-scole conne]? no more Frensch pan VOL. II. R 242 XVIII . JOHN OF TREVISA. can her* lift heele, & f>at ys harm for ham, & a scholle passe pe se & trauayle in strange londes, & in meny caas also. 190 Also gentil men habbej? now moche yleft for to teche hen? childern Frensch. Hyt seme)? a gret wonder hou} Englysch, pat ys J?e bur]?-tonge of Englysch men & here oune longage & tonge, ys so dyuers of soun 1 in j>is ylond; & j?e longage of Normandy ys comlyng of a-noj?re, and ys 200 abyde scarslych wi|? feaw vplondysch men, & ys gret wonder ; for men of j?e est wi)> men of J?e west, as hyt wen? vndur pe same party of heuene, acorde]? mon? in sounyng of speche )?an men of pe nor)? wi)> men of J?e sou]?; per-fore hyt ys pat Mercij, pat bu)? men of myddel Engelond, as hyt were 205 parteners of J?e endes, vnd&rstonde)? betre J?e syde longages, Norton & Sou^ron, )?an Norj?humbres, & specialych at 3ork, ys so scharp, slyttyng & frotyng, & vnschape, pat we 2ioSou)?£ron men may j?at longage vnne)?e vndz/rstonde. Y trowe pat ]?at ys bycause pat a hup ny$ to strange men & aliens pat speke)? strangelych, and also by cause pat pe kynges of Engelond wonej? alwey fer fram ]?at contray : For a hup more yturnd to pe sou)? contray ; & $ef a go)? to pe 215 nor)? contray, a go)? wi]? gret help & strengthe. pe cause why a bu)? mon? in pe sou)? contray J?an in pe nor)? may be, betre cornlond, more people, more noble cytes, & more prtffytable hauenes. 1 Harl. MS. ‘soun’; Cotton MS. ‘soon/ XV III. (B) THE NORMAN INVASION. 243 (B) The Norman Invasion ; Lib. VI. cap . 29. Panne Harold was yset op in \e kyngdom & po^te no$t on J>e couenantes ]?at were y-made bytwene hym & William. He huld hym-sylf deschargede of }?e o]?, vor William hys dou^ter^ pat he hadde yspoused was ded wyjnnne age of wedlok, and also vor William was ocupyed wyj? werres in 5 londes pat wen? ny% hym. Bote William warnede hym of couenaunt ybroke, & mellede manas wyj> prayers. Harold seyde pat a nyse foly coue- nau/zt scholde no^t be yholde, & namelich^ |?e byhest of opere menne kyngdom, wy]?oute comyn assent of alk pe 1 > senatours ; pare a lewede o]? scholde be ybroke, namelyche while hyt was repelled to be yswore vor nede in an nedfol tyme. In pe mene tyme William arayej? al pat nede}? vor pe journey, & geteth assent of ]?e lordes of hys lond, and 15 purchaseth fauour^ of Alisaunder j?e pope, wy}> a baner pat hym was sent. pues were ]>e causes why due William axede & chalangede Englond a^enes Harold: — pe dej? of Aluredus pat was hys cosyn, ]?e sone of Emma, (on Aluredus hadde yproc[u]red 20 his de]?) ; }?e secunde j?e exilyng^ of Robert Archebyschop of Canturbury ; }?e )?rydde cause was, vor kyng hys o voot & stykede in p sond ; & p kny3t pt was nexte erzede to hym anon & seyde: — ‘Now, Ser* Erl, p?u holdest Englond, pm schalt ry3t neulich* be kyng*.’ panne he 50 chargede pat hy scholde take no prayes, & seyde p*ztr a moste spar* Synges pat scholde be hys oune. And he 2 lefte so vyftene dawes. Harold come vram werre of Noreganes & hurde tyj?ynges her*of, & hyede wel vast, & hadde bote veaw kny3tes aboute 55 hym ; vor he hadde ylost meny stalword men in p rap r batayl, & he hadde no3t y-sent vor more help ; and, py3 a hadde, men were wrop & wolde haue wyprawe ham, vor hy moste haue no part of p prayes atte batayl of Noreganes. Bote Harold sent vor)? spyes vor to aweyte 1 MS. ‘ J?e o)?er lordes )?e o)>e lordes.' 3 ‘ he' supplied from Harl. MS. Several words, indistinct in the Cottoa MS., are corrected by collation. XVIII. (B) THE NORMAN INVASION. 245 & se pe number & pe st rmgfe of hys enymyes. Due William 60 touk pues spyes and ladde ham aboute hys tentes & hys pauylons, & vedde ham vy^t realyche, & sent ham to Harold a^e. pamie hy tolde Harold typynges & seyde pat al pat were in due William his ost were prustes, vor hy hadde pe chekes 65 & bope lyppes yschaue. Englysch^ men vsede pat tyme pe here of here oue Abbay of Batayl ys ybuld, as we be)? enformed. pe ny3t to-vore pe batayl Englyschf men 3af ham to songe & to drynke, & woke al ny3t. Erlyche a-morwe vot-men with here axes made a gret stryngj>e of schyldes & sette ham 95 to-gedders, & hadde y-hadde pe meystry, nadde pe Normans y-feyned to vie. Kyng hys twey bref>ern ; (pat baner was afterward ysent to pe pope), pe Normans pe ny3t tovore pe batayl schrof ham of here 100 synnes & were yhousled. Erlyche a-morwe vootmen & archers were y-set in pe batayl, & pa nne kny3tes, wyji whynges in eyj>er syde. Due William awfortede hys men to pe batayl, & was war* pat hys haburjon was ytornd in & out, & amendede 105 pat hap wyp a bourd, & seyde — ‘pe strfng)?e of an erldom schal torne into a kyngdom.’ Bote, ar pe scheltroms come to-gedders, on of pe Normans syde, pat hy3te Tailefer by hys name, cast hys sword & pleyde to-vore pe ostes, & SI0U3 a banyour of Englysch*? men pat cam a-3enes hym, no & dude eft pe same of an opev ; al-so a SI0U3 pe j?rydde & was y-slawe hym-sylf. panne anone pe scheltroms smyte to-gedders wyp Roland hys song*?, pat was bygonne in pe Normans syde. pe batayl durede vram vndern of pe day to euesong tyme, & 115 nere noper p*zrty wolde wyj?-drawe ; bote pe due hys archers hadde her*? vorp panne pe due made a token to hys men pat hy scholde feyne to vie, and by pat wyle Englysch^ men were bygyled & desarayed ham, as hyt were, vor to pursywe & to rese on here enymyes. Bote whawne Englysch*? men 120 were so out of aray, pe Normans arayede ham efte, & tornde a3e oppon pe Englysch*? men pat were out of aray, & chasede ham in eu*?ryche syde. Atte laste Harold was y-hyt wyj? an XVIII. (B) THE NORMAN INVASION. 247 arewe & loste hys on ye, & was yhurt on pe breyn, & vul dou n in J>at plas, & on of pe kny^tes stykede hym in pe py} whyle a lay |>an?; )>an?-vore William potte j?at kny^t out of 125 cheualry, vor he hadde ydo an vnkunnyng* dede. pat day William loste pve pe beste hors )>at he hadde, & were ystyked ry$t vnder hym ; bote he ban? hym so J>at no blod com out of hys body. Wha^ne pe victory was ydo, William buryede hys men pat 130 were y-slawe, & grauntede hys enymyes to do pe same, who £at wolde, and sent Harold hys body to Harold hys moder wyjjoute eny mede 1 , as hue hadde y prayed ; and hue buryede hym at Waltham, in pe Abbay of Chanons J>at Harold hadde yfounded. 135 Bote Girald Cambrensis in hys bok, J>at hatte Itenerarius , wol mene J>at Harold hadde meny woundes, & loste hys lyft ye wyj> a strok of an arewe, & was outcome & scapede to pe contray of Chester ; & lyuede J>ar holylich^, as me trowe]?, an anker hys lyf in Seynt lames celle, vaste by Seynt Ioh#n hys 140 cherche; & made a gr^cyous ende, and J>at was y-knowe by hys laste confessyon ; & pe comyn fame in J>at cyte acordeth to J>at sawe. 1 Harl. MS. * mede*; Cotton MS. * myde.’ XIX. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. A. D. I34O 1400. Chaucer was born about the year 1340, as in 1386 he deposed that he was forty years of age, and upwards. He was frequently employed in diplomatic service during the years 1370 to 1380. He died (as is said) on Oct. 25, 1400, and was buried in West- minster Abbey. His writings are very numerous, but his most famous and best-known work is the ‘Canterbury Tales,’ which we may roughly date about 1390, though it was never finished. Amongst his chief works we may specially mention : — ( a ) ‘The Dethe of Blaunche the Duchesse’ (1369), ‘The Parlement of Foules,’ and a translation of ‘Boethius de Consola- tione Philosophise ’ (in prose), in five books. (Z>) ‘Troilus and Creseide,’ in five books; ‘The House of Fame,’ in three books. (c) ‘The Legende of Good Women,’ the ‘Canterbury Tales,’ and a ‘ Treatise on the Astrolabe’ (in prose), written for his son Lewis, about a.d. 1391. Several works have been ascribed to him which are not his ; amongst them are ‘ The T estament of Love,’ in prose and anony- mous, ‘ The Complaint of the Black Knight,’ by Lydgate ; also ‘ The Dream,’ ‘ The Flower and the Leaf,’ and ‘ The Court of Love,’ all by unknown authors. He is known to have translated the ‘ Roman de la Rose,’ but it does not appear that the sole translation of it now extant is his. In the former edition of this work will be found the ‘ Pardoneres Tale’ and ‘The Prioresse XIX. THE MAN OF LA WES TALE . 249 Tale,’ chiefly from MS. Harl. 7334. The publications of the Chaucer Society now enable us to give a large portion of ‘ The Man of Lawes Tale/ in which the Ellesmere MS. (denoted by E.) is followed verbally, except where notice to the contrary is given in the foot-notes; but in some instances the spellings of the words have been altered so as to agree with the spellings in the other MSS., viz. the Hengwrt, Cambridge, Corpus, Pet- worth, Lansdowne, and Harleian. Here begynneth the man of la we his tale. In Surrye whilom dwelte a companye Of chapmen riche, and therto sadde and trewe, 135 That wyde-where senten hir spicerye, Clothes of gold, and satyns riche of hewe ; Hir chaffare was so thrifty and so newe, That euery wight hath deyntee to chaffare With hem, and eek to sellen hem hir ware. 140 Now fel it, that the maistres of that sort Han shapen hem to Rome for to wende ; Were it for chapmanhode or for disport, Noon other message wolde they thider sende, But comen hem-self to Rome, this is the ende; 145 And in swich place, as thoughte hem auantage For hir entent, they take hir herbergage. Soiourned han thise marchantz in that toun A certein tyme, as fel to hir plesance, And so bifel, that thexcellent renoun 150 Of themperoures doughter, dame Custance, Reported was, with euery circumstance, Vn-to thise Surryen marchantz in swich wyse 1 , Fro day to day, as I shal yow deuyse. 1 E. ‘swich a wyse*; but the other MSS. omit * a.* 250 XIX. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. This was the commune voys of euery man — 155 ‘ Oure Emperour of Rome, god him see, A doughter hath that, syn the world bigan, To rekne as wel hir goodnesse as beautee, Nas neuere swich another as is she ; I prey to god in honour hir susteene, 160 And wolde she were of al Europe the queene. In hir is heigh beautee, with-oute pride, Yowthe, with-oute grenehede or folye; To alle hir werkes vertu is hir gyde, Humblesse hath slayn in hir al tirannye. *65 She is mirour of alle curteisye ; Hir herte is verray chambre of holynesse, Hir hand, ministre of fredom for almesseV And al this voys was soth, as god is trewe, But now to purpos lat vs turne agayn ; 17° Thise marchantz han doon fraught hir shippes newe, And, whan they han this blisful mayden seyn, Hoorn to Surrye ben they went ful fayn, And doon hir nedes as they han doon yore, And lyuen in wele; I can sey yow no more. 175 Now fel it, that thise marchantz stode in grace Of hym, that was the sowdan of Surrye ; For whan they came from any strange place, He wolde, of his benigne curteisye, Make hem good chere, and bisily espye 180 Tidynges of sondry regnes, for to lere The wondres that they myghtS seen or here. XIX. THE MAN OF LA WES TALE. 2$ 1 Amonges othere thinges, specially This marchantz han hym told of dame Custance So gret noblesse in ernest, ceriously, 185 That this sowdan hath caught so gret plesance To han hir figure in his remembrance, That all his lust and al his bisy cure Was for to loue hir while his lyf may dure. Parauenture in thilke large book 190 Which that men clepe the heuen, ywriten was With sterres, whan that he his birthe took, That he for loue shulde han his deth, alias I For in the sterres, clerer than is glas, Is writen, god wot, who so coude it rede, 195 The deth of euery man, withouten drede. In sterres, many a wynter ther-biforn, Was writen the deth of Ector, Achilles, Of Pompei, Iulius, er they were born ; The strif of Thebes; and of Ercules, 200 Of Sampson, Turnus, and of Socrates The deth ; but mennes wittes ben so dulle, That no wight can wel rede it atte fulle. This sowdan for his priuee conseil sente, • And, shortly of this mater for to pace, 205 He hath to hem declared his entente, And seyde hem certein, ‘ but he myghte haue grace To han Custance with-inne a litel space, He nas but deed and charged hem, in hye, To shapen for his lyf som remedye. 210 XIX. GEOFFREY CIIA UCER. Diuerse men diuerse thinges seyden ; They argumenten 1 , casten vp and doun ; Many a subtil resoun forth they leyden, They speken of magik and abusioun; But finally, as in conclusioun, They can not seen in that non auantage, Ne in non other wey, saue mariage. Than seye they ther-in swich difficultee By way of resoun, for to speke al playn, By cause that ther was swich diuersitee Bitwene hir bothe lawes, that they sayn, They trowe ‘ that no christen prince wolde fayn Wedden his child vnder oure lawes sweete That vs were taught by Mahoun oure prophets/ And he answerde, ‘ rather than I lese Custance, I wol be cristned doutelees ; I mot ben hires, I may non other chese. I prey yow holde youre argumentz in pees ; Saueth my lyf, and beth nought recchelees To getten hir that hath my lyf in cure, For in this wo I may not longe endure/ What nedeth gretter dilatacioun ? I seye, by tretys and embassadrie, And by the popes mediacioun, And al the chirche, and al the chiualrie, That, in destruccioun of Maumettrie, And in encrees of cristes lawe dere, They ben accorded, so as ye shal here ; Harl., Corp. * argumentes’; but see I. 228. XIX. THE MAN OF LA WES TALE . How that the sowdan and his baronage And alle hise lieges shulde ycristned be, And he shal han Custance in mariage, And certein gold, I not what quantitee, And her-to founden suffisant seurtee ; This same accord was sworn on eyther syde ; Now, faire Custance, almyghty god thee gyde ! Now wolde som men waiten, as I gesse, That I shulde tellen al the purveiance That themperour, of his gret noblesse, Hath shapen for his doughter dame Custance. Wei may men knowe that so gret ordinance May no man tellen in a litel clause As was arrayed for so heigh a cause. Bisshopes ben shapen with hire for to wende, Lordes, ladies, knyghtes of renoun, And other folk ynow, this is the ende ; And notified is thurgh-out the toun That euery wight, with gret deuocioun, Shulde preyen crist that he this mariage Receyue in gree, and spede this viage. The day is comen of hir departy ng, I sey, the woful day fatal is come, That ther may be no lenger tariyng, But forthward they hem dressen, alle and some Custance, that was with sorwe al ouercome, Ful pale arist, and dresseth hir to wende ; For wel she seeth ther is non other ende. XIX. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. 2,54 Allas ! what wonder is it though she wepte, That shal be sent to strange nacioun Fro frendes, that so tendrely hir kepte, And to be bounden vnder subieccioun 770 Of oon, she knoweth not his condicioun. Housbondes ben alle goode, and han ben yore, That knowen wyues, I dar say yow no more. 4 Fader/ she sayde, ‘ thy wrecched child Custance, Thy yonge doughter, fostred vp so softe, And ye, my mooder, my souerayn plesance Ouer alle thing, out-taken crist on lofte, Custance, your child, hir recomandeth ofte Vn-to your grace, for I shal to Surry e, Ne shal I neuer seen yow more with ye. Allas ! vn-to the Barbre nacioun I moste gon, syn that it is your wille ; But crist, that starf for our sauacioun, So yeue me grace, hise hestes to fulfille ; I, wrecche womman, no fors though I spille. Wommen are born to thraldom and penance, And to ben vnder mannes gouernanceV I trowe, at Troye whan Pirrus brak the wal Or Ylion 1 brende, at Thebes the citee, Nat 2 Rome, for the harm thurgh Hanybal That Romayns hath venquysshed tymes thre, Nas herd swich tendre wepyng for pitee 1 All the best MSS. read * ylion/ In this difficult passage, ‘ Or ’ signifies ere, i. e. before. The sense is — ‘ when P. broke the wall ere Ilium blazed, [nor] at Thebes, nor at Rome.’ 2 ‘Nat’ is the reading of the Ellesmere, Hengwrt, and Cambridge MSS.; but in this instance it is probably a contraction of ‘ ne at,* instead of being equivalent to ‘not,’ as usual. The Harl. MS. reads ‘ Ne at* accordingly. 275 280 285 290 XIX. THE MAN OF LA WES TALE . 255 As in the chambre was for hir departynge ; Bot forth she moot, wher-so she wepe or synge. O firste moeuyng cruel firmament, With thy diurnal sweigh that crowdest ay And hurlest al from Est til Occident, That naturelly wolde holde another way, Thy crowdyng set the heuen in swich array At the bigynnyng of this fiers viage, That cruel Mars hath slayn this mariage. Infortunat ascendent tortuous, Of which the lord is helplees falle, alias ! Out of his angle in-to the derkest hous. O Mars, O Atazir, as in this cas ! O feble moone, vnhappy ben thy pas ! Thou knyttest thee ther thou art not receyued, Ther thou were wel, from thennes artow weyued. Imprudent emperour of Rome, alias ! Was ther no philosophre in al thy toun? Is no tyme bet than other in swich cas ? Of viage is ther non eleccioun ? Namely, to folk of heigh condiciourr, Not whan a roote is of a birthe yknowe? Allas ! we ben to lewed or to slowe. To shippe is brought 1 this woful faire mayde Solempnely with euery circumstance. 4 Now Ihesu crist be with yow alle/ she sayde, Ther nys no more but ‘ farewel ! faire Custance 1’ She peyneth hir to make good contenance, And forth I lete hir saile in this manere, And turne I wol agayn to my matere. 295 300 305 310 315 320 1 E. * come’; ‘brought* in the rest. 3 5 6 XIX. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. The mooder of the sowdan, welle of vices, Espied hath hir sones pleyn entente, How he wol lete his olde sacrifices, 325 And right anon she for hir conseil sente ; And they ben come, to knowe what she ment£. And whan assembled was this folk in-fere, She sette hir doun, and sayde as ye shal here. ‘ Lordes,’ quod she 1 , ‘ ye knowen euerichon, 330 How that my sone in point is for to lete The holy lawes of oure Alkaron, Yeuen by goddes message 2 Makomete. But oon auow to grete god I hete, The lyf shal rather out of my body sterte 335 Than Makometes lawe out of myn herte ! What shulde vs tyden of this newe lawe But thraldom to our bodies and penance ? And afterward in helle to be drawe For we reneyed Mahoun oure creance? 340 But, lordes, wol ye maken assurance, As I shal seyn^ assentyng to my lore, And I shal make vs sauf for euermore?’ They sworen and assenten, euery man, To lyue with hir and dye, and by hir stonde; 345 And euerich, in the beste wise he can, To strengthen hir shal alle hise frendes fonde ; And she hath this emprise ytake on honde, Which ye shal heren that I shal deuyse, And to hem alle she spak right in this wyse. 350 1 E. ‘she seyde*; ‘ quod she’ in the rest. 2 ‘ messager ’ Corp., Petw., and Lansd. MSS. ; but see the note. XIX. THE MAN OF LA WES TALE. %57 ‘ We shul first feyne vs cristendom to take, Cold water shal not greue vs but a lite ; And I shal swich a feste and reuel make, That, as I trowe, I shal the sowdan quite. For though his wyf be cristned neuer so white, She shal haue nede to wasshe awey the rede, Though she a font-ful water with hir lede.’ O sowdanesse, roote of iniquitee, Virago, thou Semyrame the secounde, O serpent vnder femynynytee, Lik to the serpent depe in helle ybounde, O feyned womman, al that may confounde Vertu and Innocence, thurgh thy malice, Is bred in thee, as nest of euery vice 1 O Satan, enuious syn thilke day That thou were chased fro oure heritage, Wei knowestow to wommen the olde way ! Thou madest Eua brynge vs in seruage. Thou wolt fordoon this cristen mariage. Thy instrument so, weylawey the while ! Makestow of wommen, whan thou wolt begile. This sowdanesse, whom I thus blame and warye, Let priuely hir conseil goon hire way. What shulde I in this tale lenger tarye ? She rydeth to the sowdan on a day, And seyde him, that she wolde reneye hir lay, And cristendom of preestes handes fonge, Repentyng hir she hethen was so longe, vol. 11. s 355 360 365 37 ° 375 258 XIX. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Bisechyng him to doon hir that honour, That she moste han the cristen men to feste ; ‘ To plesen hem I wol do my labour/ The sowdan seith, ‘ I wol doon at youre heste/ And knelyng thanketh hir of that requests. So glad he was, he nyste what to seye ; She kiste hir sone, and horn she goth hir weye. Explicit prima pars . Sequitur pars secunda. Arryued ben this cristen folk to londe, In Surrye,with a gret solempne route, And hastily this sowdan sente his sonde, First to his mooder, and al the regne aboute, And seyde, his wyf was comen, out of doute, And preyde hir for to ryde agayn the queene, The honour of his regne to susteene. Gret was the prees, and riche was tharray Of Surryens and Romayns met yfere ; The mooder of the sowdan, riche and gay, Receyueth hir with al so glad a chere As any mooder myghte hir doughter dere, And to the nexte cite ther bisyde A softe pas solempnely they ryde. Nought trowe I the triumphe of Iulius, Of which that Lucan maketh swich a bost, Was roialler, ne 1 more curious Than was thassemblee of this blisful host. But this scorpioun, this wikked gost, The sowdanesse, for al hir flaterynge, Caste vnder this ful mortally to stynge. 380 385 390 395 400 4°5 1 E. ‘ or’; ‘ ne’ in the rest. XIX. THE MAN OF LA WES TALE. 2 59 The sowdan comth him- self soone after this So roially, that wonder is to telle, And welcometh hir with al ioye and blis. And thus in merthe and ioye I lete hem dwells. 410 The fruyt of this matere is that I telle. Whan tyme cam, men thoughte it for the beste That 1 reuel stynte, and men goon to hir reste. The tyme cam, this olde sowdanesse Ordeyned hath this feste of which I tolde, 415 And to the feste cristen folk hem dresse In general, ye ! bothe yonge and olde. Here may men feste and roialtee biholde, And deyntees mo than I can yow deuyse, But al to dere they boughte it er they ryse. 420 O sodeyn wo ! that euer art successour To worldly blisse, spreynd with bitternesse; Thende 2 of the ioye of oure worldly labour ; Wo occupieth the fyn of oure gladnesse. Herke this conseil for thy sikernesse, 425 Vp-on thy glade day haue in thy mynde The vnwar wo or harm .that comth bihynde. For shortly 3 for to tellen at a word, The sowdan and the cristen euerichone Ben al tohewe and stiked at the bord, 430 But it were oonly dame Custance allone. This olde sowdanesse, this 4 cursed crone, Hath with her frendes doon this cursed dede, For she hir-self wolde al the contree lede. 3 E. * The'; * That’ in the rest. 3 So in Camb.; the rest have ‘ The ende.’ 3 So in the rest ; E. * soothly.* * So in Petw. and Harl.; the rest omit * this.* S 2 XIX. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. 260 Ne ther 1 was Surryen noon that was conuerted 435 That of the conseil of the sowdan wot, That he nas al tohewe er he asterted. And Custance han they take anon, foot-hot, And in a shippe al sterelees, god wot, They han hir set and bidde 2 hir lerne sayle 440 Out of Surrye agaynward to Itayle. A certein tresor that she thider 3 ladde*, And, soth to sayn, vitaille gret plentee They han hir yeuen, and clothes eek she hadde, And forth she sayleth in the salte see. 445 O my Custance, ful of benignytee, O emperoures yonge doughter dere, He that is lord of fortune be thy stere ! She blesseth hir, and with ful pitous voys Vn-to the croys of crist thus seyde she, 450 4 O cleere, o welful 4 auter, holy croys, Reed of the lambes blood ful of pitee, That wessh the world fro the olde iniquitee, Me fro the feend, and fro his clawes kepe That day that I shal drenchen in the depe. 455 Victorious tree, proteccioun of trewe, That oonly worthy were for to bere The kyng of heuen with his woundes newe, The white lamb, that hurt was with the spere, Flemer of feendes out of hym and here, 460 1 So in the rest ; E. omits * ther/ 2 Heng. and Camb. ‘bidde*; Corp. and Petw. ‘bidden*; Lansd. ‘beden*; E. ‘biddeth*; Harl. ‘ bad.* 3 E. ‘with hire’; but the rest have ‘thider/ 4 E. * woful * : the rest, ‘ welful/ ‘ wilful/ ‘ weleful/ XIX. THE MAN OF LA WES TALE. 261 On which thy lymes feithfully extenden, Me helpe, and yif me myght my lyf tamenden/ Yeres and dayes fleet 1 this creature Thurghout the see of Grece vn-to the strayte Of Marrok, as it was hir auenture ; 465 On many a sory meel now may she bayte ; Aftir hir deeth ful often may she wayte, Er that the wilde wawes woll hir dryue Vn-to the place 2 , ther she shal arryue. Men myghten asken why she was not slayn? 470 Eek at the feste who myghte hir body saue ? And I answere to that demaunde agayn, Who saued danyel in the horrible caue, Ther euery wyght saue he, maister and knaue, Was with the leoun frete er he asterte ? 475 No wyght but god, that he bar in his herte. God list to shewe his wonderful myracle In hir, for we shulde seen his myghty werkes ; Crist, which that is to euery harm triacle, By certein menes ofte, as knowen clerkes, 480 Dooth thing for certein ende that ful derk is To mannes wit, that for oure ignorance Ne conne not knowe his prudent purueiance. Now, sith she was not at the feste yslawe, Who kepte hir fro the drenchyng in the see ? 485 Who kepte Ionas in the fisshes mawe Til he was spouted vp at Nynyuee? Wei may men knowe it was no wight but he 1 E. ‘fieteth*; but the contracted form ‘fleet’ occurs in Heng., Corp., and Petw. 2 Probably read ‘place’; Harl. alone inserts ‘as’ after ‘ther.’ 262 XIX. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. That kepte peple Ebrayk fro hir drenchyng, With drye feet thurgh-out the see passyng. 490 Who bad the foure spirites of tempest, That power han tanoyen lond and see, ‘ Bothe north and south, and also west and est, Anoyeth neither see, ne land, ne tree?' Sothly the comaundour of that was he 495 That fro the tempest ay this womman kepte As wel whan she wook as whan she slepte. Where myghte this womman mete and drinke haue ? Thre yeer and more how lasteth hir vitaille ? Who fedde the Egypcien Marie in the caue, Or in desert ? no wight but crist, sanz faille. Fyue thousand folk it was as gret meruaille With loues fyue and fisshes two to fede. God sent his foyson at hir grete nede. She dryueth forth in-to oure occean Thurgh-out oure wilde see, til, atte laste, Vnder an hold that nempnen I ne can, Fer in Northumberlond the wawe hir caste, And in the sond hir ship stiked so faste, That thennes wolde it noght of al a tyde, The wil of crist was that she shulde abyde. The constable of the castel doun is fare To seen this wrak, and al the ship he soughte, And fond this wery womman ful of care ; He fond also the tresor that she broughte. 515 In hir langage mercy she bisough te The lyf out of hir body for to twynne, Hir to deliuere of wo that she was inne. 5 °° 505 510 XIX . THE MAN OF LA WES TALE . 263 A maner latyn corrupt was hir speche, But algates ther-by was she vnderstonde ; The constable, whan hym list no lenger seche, This woful womman brought he to the londe ; She kneleth doun, and thanketh goddes sonde. But what she was she wolde no man seye, For foul ne fair, thogh that she shulde deye. She seyde, she was so mased in the see That she forgat hir mynde, by hir trouthe ; The constable hath of hir so gret pitee, And eek his wyf, that they wepen for routhe, She was so diligent, with-outen slouthe, To serue and plese euerich in that place That alle hir louen that looken on 1 hir face. This constable and dame Hermengyld his wyf Were payens, and that contree euery -where ; But Hermengyld louede hire right as hir lyf, And Custance hath so longe soiourned 2 there, In orisons, with many a bitter tere, Til Ihesu hath conuerted thurgh his grace Dame Hermengyld, constablesse of that place. In al that lond no cristen durste route, Alle cristen folk ben fled fro that contree Thurgh payens, that conquereden al aboute The plages of the North, by land and see ; To Walys fled the cristianytee Of olde Britons, dwellynge in this lie ; Ther was hir refut for the mene while. 5 2 ° 525 530 535 540 545 1 E. and Camb. ‘in’; the rest ‘ on.’ 2 Harl. only has ‘ herberwed.’ 264 XIX. GEOFFREY CHAUCER . But yet nere cristene Britons so exiled That ther nere somme that in hir priuitee Honoured crist, and hethen folk bigiled ; And neigh the castel swiche ther dwelten three. 550 That oon of hem was blynd, and myghte not see But it were with thilke yen of his mynde, With whiche men seen, whan that they ben blynde. Bright was the sonne as in that someres day, For which the constable and his wyf also 555 And Custance han ytake the righte way Toward the see, a furlong wey or two, To playen and to romen to and fro ; And in hir walk this blynde man they mette Croked and old, with eyen faste y-schette. 560 ‘ In name of Crist/ cryede this blynde 1 Britoun, ‘ Dame Hermengyld, yif me my sighte agayn/ This lady wex affrayed of the soun, Lest that hir housbonde, shortly for to sayn, Wolde hir for Ihesu cristes loue han slayn, 565 Til Custance made hir bold, and bad hir werche The wil of Crist, as doughter of his chirche. The constable wex abasshed of that sight, And seyde, ‘what amounteth al this fare?' Custance answerde, ‘ sire, it is Cristes might 570 That helpeth folk out of the feendes snare/ And so ferforth she gan oure lay declare, That she the constable, or that it were eue, Conuerted 2 , and on Crist made 3 him bileue. 1 E. * olde Harl. 4 old *; but the rest * blynde ’ or ‘ blynd.* 2 Harl. ‘Conuerted*; Camb. ‘Conuertid’; the rest ‘ Conuerteth.* 8 E. ‘maketh*; Lansd. ‘maad*; the rest, ‘made.* XIX. THE MAN OF LA WES TALE. 265 This constable was no-thing lord of this place 575 Of which I speke, ther he Custance fond, But kepte it strongly, many wintres space, Vnder Alla, kyng of al Northumberlond, That was ful wys, and worthy of his hond Agayn the Scottes, as men may wel here, 58c But turne I wol agayn to my matere. Sathan, that euer vs waiteth to bigile Sey of Custance al hir perfeccioun, And caste anon how he might quite hir while, And made a yong knyght, that dwelte in that toun, 585 Loue hir so hote of foul affeccioun, That verraily him thoughte he shulde spille But he of hir mighte ones haue his wills. He woweth hir, but it auailleth nought, She wolde do no synne, by no weye; 590 And, for despit, he compassed in his thought To maken hir on shameful deth to deye. He wayteth whan the constable was aweye, And pryuely, vp-on a nyght, he crepte In Hermengyldes chambre whil she slepte. 595 Wery, for-waked in her orisouns, Slepeth Custance, and Hermengyld also. This knyght, thurgh Sathanas 1 temptaciouns, Al softely is to the bed ygo, And kitte the throte of Hermengyld atwo, 600 And leyde the blody knyf by dame Custance, And wente his wey, ther god yeue him meschance ! 1 E. and Heng. ‘Sathans’; Harl. ‘Satanas*; but ‘Sathanas’ in Corp., Petw., and Lansd. 266 XIX . GEOFFREY CHA UCER. Soone after comth this constable hoom agayn, And eek Alla, that kyng was of that lond, And sey his wyf despitously yslayn, 605 For which ful ofte he wepte 1 and wrong his hond, And in the bed the blody knyf he fond By dame Custance ; alias ! what myghte she seye ? For verray wo hir wit was al aweye. To kyng Alla was told al this meschance, 610 And eek the tyme, and wher, and in what wisS That in a ship was founden dame Custance, As her-biforn that ye han herd deuyse. The kynges herte of pitee gan agryse, Whan he sey so benigne a creature 615 Falle in disese and in mysauenture. For as the lomb toward his deth is brought, So stant this Innocent bifore the kyng ; This false knyght that hath this tresoun wrought Berth 2 hir on hond that she hath doon this thing. 620 But natheles, ther was gret moornyng 3 Among the peple, and seyn, ‘ they can not gesse That she hath doon so gret a wikkednesse, For they han seyn hir euer so vertuous, And louyng Hermengyld right as her lyf/ 625 Of this bar witnesse euerich in that hous Saue he that Hermengyld slow with his knyf. This gentil kyng hath caught a gret motyf Of this witnesse, and thoughte he wolde enquere Depper in this, a trouthe for to lere. 630 1 E. ‘weep*’; Camb. Corp. Petw. ‘wepte.* 2 So in E.; the rest * Bereth.* 3 Harl. ‘ murmuryng*; see note. XIX. THE MAN OF LA WES TALE . 267 Allas ! Custance ! thou hast no champioun Ne fighte canstow nought, so weylawey ! But he, that starf for oure redempcioun And bond Sathan (and yit lyth ther he lay) So be thy stronge champioun this day ! 635 For, but if crist open myr^cle kithe, Withouten gilt thou shalt be slayn as swithe. She sette 1 her doun on knees, and thus she sayde, ‘ Immortal god, that sauedest Susanne Fro false blame, and thow, merciful mayde, 640 Mary I mene, doughter to Seint Anne, Bifore whos child aungeles synge Osanne, If I be giltlees of this felonye, My socour be, for 2 elles I shal dye !' Haue ye not seyn som tyme a pale face, 645 Among a prees, of him that hath be lad Toward his deth, wher as him gat no grace, And swich a colour in his face hath had, Men myghte knowe his face, that was bistad, Amonges alle the faces in that route : 650 So stant Custance, and looketh hir aboute. O queenes, lyuynge in prosperitee, Duchesses, and ladyes euerichone, Haueth som routhe on hir aduersitee ; An emperoures doughter stant allone ; 655 She hath no wight to whom to make hir mone. O blood roial ! that stondest in this drede, Fer ben thy frendes at thy grete nede ! 1 E. ‘sit*; Heng. Camb. Petw. ‘sette.’ 2 E. ‘ or *; the rest ‘ for.* 268 XIX . GEOFFREY CHAUCER. This Alla kyng hath swich compassioun, As gentil herte is fulfild of pitee, 660 That from his yen ran the water doun. 4 Now hastily do fecche a book/ quod he, 4 And if this knyght wol sweren how that she This womman slow, yet wole we vs auyse Whom that we wole that shal ben oure Iustise/ 665 A Briton book, writen with Euangiles, Was fet, and on this book he swor anoon She gilty was, and in the mene whiles A hand him smot vpon the nekke-boon, That doun he fel atones as a stoon, 670 And both his yen braste out of his face In sight of euery body in that place. A voys was herd in general audience, And seyde, 4 thou hast disclaundered giltelees The doughter of holy chirche in heigh presence; 675 Thus hastou doon, and yet holde I my pees.’ Of this meruaille agast was al the prees ; As mased folk they stoden euerichone, For drede of wreche, saue Custance allone. Gret was the drede and eek the repentance 680 Of hem that hadden wrong suspeccioun Vpon this sely innocent Custance; And, for this miracle, in conclusioun, And by Custances mediacioun, The kyng, and many another in that place, 685 Conuerted was, thanked be cristes grace 1 XIX. THE MAN OF LA WES TALE . This false knyght was slayn for his vntrouthe By Iugement of Alla hastily ; And yet Custance hadde of his deth gret routhe. And after this Ihesus, of his mercy, Made Alla wedden ful solempnely This holy mayden, that is so bright and sheene, And thus hath Crist ymaad Custance a queene. XX. JOHN GOWER. a.d. 1393. John Gower (born about a.d. 1325, died a.d. 1408), spoken of by his contemporary and friend Chaucer as the ‘ Moral Gower,* was a person of condition, being connected with a knightly family of Kent, and possessed of considerable property. He studied at Merton College, Oxford, and adopted the profession of the law. Gower was the author of three well-known poetical works, the ‘ Speculum Meditantis,’ written in French; the ‘Vox Clamantis,* written in Latin; and the ‘Confessio Amantis,’ in English (a.d. 1 393). The ‘Confessio Amantis’ has been several times printed, — by Caxton, in 1483; by Berthelette, in 1532; and by Pauli, in 1857. The following extracts, selected from the Fifth Book, are tran- scribed from Harl. MS. 3869, in the British Museum. The Tale of the Coffers . [Harleian MS. 3869, leaf 182.] In a croniq^ }ns I rede : — A-boute a king, as moste nede, Ther was of knyhtes and squiers Gret route, and ek of officers. Some of long time him hadden serued, And J?oghten J>at j?ei haue deserued 5 XX. CONFESS 10 A MANTIS. BOOK V. 271 Auancement, and gon wtyoute; And some also ben of \>e route That comen bot a while agon, And J>ei auanced were anon. These olde men vpon J?is }>ing, So as pei dorst, a^ein \>e king, Among hemself compleignen ofte; Bot \er is noting seid so softe That it ne com]? out at[t]e laste. The king it wiste, and als-so faste, As he which was of hih prudence, He schop ]^rfore an euidence J- Of hem f>at pleignen in |?at cas, To knowe in whos defalte it was. And al wif>inne his oghne entente That noman wist[e] what it mente, Anon he let tuo cofres make, Of o semblance, and of o make, So lich, hat no lif ]?ilke J?rowe That on mai fro £>at o\er knowe. Thei were into his chambre broght, Bot noman wot why j?ei be wroght. And natheles J>e king hah bede That Ipe i be set in priue stede, As he hat was of wisdom slih ; Whan he h^rto his time sih, Al priuely, hat non it wiste, Hise oghne hondes hat o kiste Of fin gold and of fin perreie, The which out of his tresorie Was take, anon he felde full ; That oher coffre, of straw and mull Wih stones meined, he felde also ; 10 15 20 25 30 35 XX. JOHN GOWER. Thus be ]>ei fulle bo)?e tuo. So J>at erliche, vpon a day, He bad wijnnne, J>er he lay, Ther scholde be, tofore his bed, A bord vpset and faire spred : And J?anne he let f»e cofres fette, Vpon J>e bord and dede hem sette. He knew j?e names wel of tho The which a^ein him grucche so, BoJ?e of his chambre and of his halle ; Anon he sende for hem alle, And seide to hem in ]>is wise : — ‘ Ther schal noman his happ despise : I wot wel $e haue longe serued, And God wot what ^e haue deserued ; Bot if it is along on me Of )>at :$e vnauanced be, Or elles it be long on 30V, The so)?e schal be proued nov. To stoppe wij? $oure euele word, Lo ! hier to cofres on J>e bord. Ches which 30U list of bo)?e tuo, And witej? wel j>at on of tho Is wi]> tresor so full begon, That if $e happe ]?ervpon, 3e schull be riche men for eu^re, Now ches and tak which 30U is leuat on I vndertake Ther is no man^r good ^rinne, Wherof }e mihten profit winne. Now go]? togedre on on assent, And take]? ^oure avisement ; XX. CONFESSIO AMANTIS. BOOK V. 273 For, bot I 30U ]?is dai auance, It stant vpon ^oure oghne chance, A 1 only in defalte of grace ; 75 So schal be schewed in ]?is place Vpon 30U alle wel a fyn, That no defalte schal be myn/ Thei knelen alle, and wij? o vois The king ]?ei ]?onken of J>is chois ; 80 And after J>at J>ei vp arise, And gon aside and hem auise ; And at[t]e laste }?ei acorde, Wherof, her tale to recorde To what issue f>ei be falle, 85 A knyht schal speke for hem alle. He knele}? doun vnto ]?e king, And sei}? ]?at j?ei vpon J>is ]?ing, Or forto winne or forto lese, Ben alle auised forto chese. 90 Tho tok f>is knyht a ^erde on honde, And go]> ]?ere as ]?e cofres stonde, And wi]? assent of eumchon He lei]? his ^erde vpon J>at on, And sei]? ]?e king, hou J>ilke same 95 Thei chese in reguerdozm be name, And preij? him ]?at }?ei mote it haue. The king, which wolde his honour saue, Whan he ha]? herd the co/^mun vois, Ha]? graunted hem here oghne chois, 100 And tok hem j?ervpon ]?e keie ; Bot, for he wolde it were seie What good ]?ei haue as }?ei suppose, He bad anon j?e cofre vnclose, Which was fulfild wi]? straw and stones ! 105 VOL. 11. T XX. JOHN GOWER . Thus be f>ei serued al at ones. This king J>anne, in []>e] same stede, Anon f>at oper cofre vndede, Where as J>ei sihen gret richesse Wei more J?an J>ei covj>en gesse. ‘ Lo !’ seij> pe kyng, 4 nov mai ^e se That per is no defalte in me ; For)>i miself I wole aquite, And berej? je 30ure oghne wite Of J>at fortune haj> ;ou refused/ Thus was jns wise king excused : And pei lefte of here euele speche, And mercy of here king beseche. Aeson regains his Youth at the Hands 0/ Medea. [Harleian MS. 3869, leaf 199, back.] Iason, which sih his fader old, Vpon Medea made him bold Of arte magiqz^, which sche cou)?e, And preij? hire, J>at his fader ^oujje Sche wolde make ajeinward newe. And sche, J>at was toward him trewe, Behihte him j>at sche wolde it do, Whan J?at sche time sawh perto. Bot what sche dede in J>at matiere It is a wonder J>in g to hiere ; Bo[t] jit, for pQ nouellerie, I J?enke tellen a partie. Thus it befell vpon a nyht, Whan per was noght bot sterreliht. Sche was vanyssht riht as hir liste, That no wyht bot hirself it wiste ; XX. CONFESSTO AMANTIS. BOOK V. 275 And J>at was at[t]e mydnyht tyde ; 135 The world was stille on euery side. WiJ> open hed and fot al bare, Hir her tosprad, sche gan to fare ; Vpon hir clones gert sche was, Al specheles, and on ]>e gras 240 Sche glod for}> as an addre do]>. Non o^rwise sche ne go)>, Til sche cam to }?e fresshe flod, And J;ere a while sche wi}>stod. Thries sche torned hire aboute, 145 And thries ek sche gan doun loute ; And in }>e flod sche wette hir her, And Juries on ]>q water j>er Sche gaspe]) wi]) a drechinge onde, And \o sche tok hir speche on honde. 150 Ferst sche began to clepe and calle Vpward vnto ]>e sterres alle ; To wynd, to air, to see, to lond Sche preide, and ek hield vp hir hond ; To Echates and gan to crie, 255 Which is goddesse of sorcerie : Sche seide, ‘ Helpe]? at jhs nede, And as $e maden me to spede Whan Iason cam ]>e Flees to seche, So helpe me nov, I 3011 beseche.’ 560 Wi|) J>at sche loke}), and was war, Doun fro })e sky ]>er cam a char, The which dragoons aboute drowe. And })0 sche gan hir hed doun bowe, And vp sche styh, and faire and wel 165 Sche drof for]) bo]>e char and whel Aboue in J>air among ]>e skyes. T 2 XX. JOHN GOWER . 27 6 The lond of Crete and \>o parties Sche soughte, and faste gan hire hye, And J>ere, vpon )?e hulles hyhe 170 Of Othrin and Olimpe also, And ek of oJ>re hulles mo, Sche fond and gadrej? herbes suote ; Sche pullej? vp som be ]>e rote, And manye wi]> a knyf sche scher|>, 175 And alle into hir char sche ber)?. Thus whan sche ha)? J?e hulles sought, The flodes \er for3at sche nought, Eridian and Amphrisos, Peneie and ek Spercheidos ; 180 To hem sche wente, and \er sche nom Bof>e of ]>e water and J?e fom, The sond and ek J>e smale stones, Whiche as sche ches out for j>e nones, And of }?e Rede See a part, 185 That was behouelich to hire art, Sche tok ; and after ]>at, aboute Sche soughte sondri sedes oute, In feldes and in many greues, And ek a part sche tok of leues ; 190 Bot j>in g, which mihte hire most auaile, Sche fond in Crete and in Thessaile. In daies and in nyhtes nyne, Wi|> gret trauaile and wij? gret pyne \ Sche was pourveid of eu^ry piece, 195 And torne}? homward into Grece. Before J?e gates of Eson Hir char sche let awey to gon, And tok out ferst |>at was ^rinne ; 1 MS. ‘peyne.’ XX. CONFESSIO AMANTIS. BOOK V. For po sche }?oghte to beginne Suche jnng as semej? impossible, And made hirseluen invisible, As sche J?at was wij? air enclosed And mihte of noman be desclosed. Sche tok vp turues of pe lond Wij>oute helpe of mannes hond, A 1 heled wij? pe grene gras, Of which an alter mad per was Vnto Echates, pe goddesse Of art magiqz^ and pe maistresse, And eft an oper to Iuuente, As sche whiche dede hir hole entente. Tho tok sche fieldwode and wrueyne, Of herbes be noght betre tueyne, Of which anon wi}>oute let These alters ben aboute set. Tuo sondry puttes faste by Sche made, and wij? }?at hastely A wether, which was blak, sche slovh, And out perof pe blod sche drovh, And dede into pe pettes tuo ; Warm melk sche putte also perto WiJ? hony meynd, and in such wise Sche gan to make hir sacrifise, And cried and preide for]? wif>al To Pluto pe god infernal, And to pe queene Proserpine. And so sche soghte out al )^e line Of hem, j?at longen to f»at craft, Behinde was no name laft, And preide hem alle, as sche wel couj^e, To grante Eson his ferste 30u];e. XX. JOHN GOWER . This olde Eson broght for)? was )>o, Awei sche bad alle o)?re go Vpon peril J>at mihte falle, And wij? )?at word )?ei wenten alle, And leften J?ere hem tuo al one. And }?o sche gan to gaspe and gone, And made signes manyon, And seide hir wordes {?^rupon ; So )?at wij> spellinge of hir charmes Sche tok Eson in bo)?e hire armes, And made him forto slepe faste, And him vpon hire herbes caste. The blake wether tho sche tok, And hiewh )?e fleissh, as do}? a cok ; On ei ) ->er alter part sche leide, And wij? )?e charmes J>at sche seide A fyr doun fro )?e sky alyhte, And made it forto brenne lyhte. Bot whan Medea sawh it brenne, Anon sche gan to sterte and renne The fyri aulters al aboute. Ther was no beste which go)? oute More wylde, ]?an sche seme)? )>er. Ah oute hir schuldres hyng hir her, As )?ogh sche were out of hir mynde And torned in an o]?er kinde. Tho lay \er certein wode cleft, Of which J?e pieces nov and eft Sche made hem in }?e pettes wete, And putte hem in }?e fyri hete, And tok J?e brond wij? al )?e blase, And J?ries sche began to rase Aboute Eson, \er as he slepte. XX. CONFESSIO A MANTIS. BOOK V . 279 And eft wi}? water, which sche kepte, Sche made a cercle aboute him Juries, And eft wi}? fyr of sulphre twyes ; Ful many an oper ping sche dede, Which is noght writen in pis stede. 270 Bot po sche ran so vp and doun, Sche made many a wonder soun; Somtime lich vnto J?e cock, Somtime vnto pe lauerock, Somtime kacle}? as an hen, 275 Somtime spekej? as don pe men. And riht so as hir iargozm strange]?, In sondri wise hir forme change]?, S[ch]e seme}? faie and no wo^man. For wi]? pe craftes ]?at sche can 280 Sche was, as who sei)?, a goddesse ; And what hir liste, more or lesse, Sche dede, in pe bokes as we finde, That passe}? ou^r mannes kinde ; Bot who }?at wole of wondres hiere, 285 What }?ing sche wroghte in pis matiere, To make an ende of J?at sche gan, Such m^rueile herde neu^re man. Apointed in pe newe mone, Whan it was time forto done, 29c Sche sette a caldron on pe fyr, In which was al pe hole atir, Wheron pe medicine stod, Of ius, of water, and of blod, And let it buile in such a plit, Til ]?at sche sawh pe spume whyt ; And po sche caste in rynde and rote, And sed and flour, ]?at was for bote, 295 28 o XX. JOHN GOWER. Wi}> many an herbe and many a ston, Wherof sche ha|> J>er many on. And ek Cimpheiwj*, \>o serpent, To hire ha)> alle his scales lent ; Chelidre hire ^af his addres skin, And sche to builen caste hem in ; A part ek of }>e horned oule, The which men hiere on nyhtes houle ; And of a raven, which was told Of nyne hundred wynter old, Sche tok J>e hed wij> al j>e bile ; And as j>e medicine it wile, Sche tok ]>erafter ]>e bouele Of J?e seewolf, and for }>e hele Of Eson, wij> a j?ousand mo Of J>inges, J?at sche hadde j>o, In J>at caldron togedre, as bliue, Sche putte, and tok }>anne of olyue A drie branche hem wij> to stere, The which anon gan floure and bere, And waxe al freissh and grene a^ein. Whan sche J>is vertu hadde sein, Sche let ]>e leste drope of alle Vpon j>e bar[e] flor doun falle ; Anon )>er sprong vp flour and gras Where as J^e drope falle was, And wox anon al medwe-grene, So J?at it mihte wel be sene. Medea )?anne knewe and wiste Hir medicine is forto triste, And go]> to Eson )>er he lay, And tok a swerd, was of assay, WiJ? which a wounde vpon his side 300 305 310 315 320 325 33 ° XX. CONFESSTO AMANTIS . BOOK V. 281 Sche made, f>at j^r-out mai slide The blod wij^inne, which was olde, And sek, and trouble, and fieble, and cold. And ]>o sche tok vnto his vs Of herbes al J?e beste ius, And poured it into his wounde, That made his veynes fulle and sounde. And J>o sche made his wounde clos, And tok his hand, and vp he ros. And ]>o sche $af him drink a dravhte, Of which his 30vj?e a^ein he cavhte, His hed, his herte, and his visage Lich vnto twenty wynter age ; Hise hore heres were away And lich vnto ]?e freisshe Maij, Whan passed ben J>e colde schoures ; Riht so recou^rej) he his floures. 335 340 345 NOTES I. ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. (A) Reign of William the Conqueror. At present, the only complete edition of Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicle is that by Hearne, Oxford, 1724, chiefly based on MS. Harl. 201. There is some account of Robert of Gloucester in Warton, who, however, quite fails to appreciate him. Warton gives a few extracts, and others (modernised) may be found in Chambers’ Cyclopaedia of Eng. Lit. vol. i. For the account of the battle of Hastings, &c. see Freeman’s Norman Conquest, and Old English History for Children. Robert of Gloucester chiefly follows Geoffrey of Monmouth. He alludes to the canonization of St. Louis in 1297; hence his work was subsequent to that date. The metre of the poem, though a little irregular, is practically the same as that of Chevy Chase, or that known as C.M. (Common Metre) in our hymn-books, which is derived from the old long-line metre by writing two long lines as four short ones. This is why (in C.M.) the first and third lines do not rime together. In this poem, written in the Southern dialect, uor=for ( u—f ), and ss — sh. The verbal inflexion for the plural pres, indie, is -eth for all persons, as, we 3 iue\>, we give ; 3 e iiue)p, ye give ; hii or heo 3 iue]>, they give. There are many plurals of nouns in -en (such as candlen, 1 . 472) unknown to the Northern dialects. Several infinitives end in i or ie. For another account of the Norman Invasion, see Sect. XVIII. (b) below Line 1. ‘ Great hath the sorrow been.’ A\> = ha)r t ibe = i-ben, been. 2. Her er, now and in former passages. Er = ere; cf. 1 . 246. But probably a better reading would be her & \>er , here and there, i. e. in various ways ; cf. 1. 436. 5. Saxons and Englisse ; here Englisse is evidently used as equivalent to Angles. 8. Icholle = ich wolle , I will. 284 NOTES. 12. 4 To keep (defend) it well for him, and he well to him trusted.’ 13. Hende , courteous. As pe hende; like a courteous man, politely. 16. On Harold’s oath to guard William’s interests, and his engage- ment to marry one of William’s daughters, see Freeman’s Norman Conquest, iii. 241. 23. Foie dede, a foolish deed. 2 ;. Watloker , much rather, the more. Cf. O. E. ofter-luker, otherwise. 28. Nede is here an adverb = of necessity, and is equivalent to O. E. nedes , needs. It is an instrumental case ; see Grein’s Anglo-Saxon Diet, ii. 302. 32. Of-sende, send for ; so of-aksen, to ask for. 4 He caused men to send for his knights from all (parts of) Normandy.* 34. Porchas , property that they might win. Horn bede , offer them. 40. Alfred, the son of iEthelred II, was put to death a.d. 1036, by some followers of Harold. The crime was laid to the charge of Harold’s father, Earl Godwine. 42. Biof\>e , behoof. A. S. behofan , to behove, to be fit, need. Wide — O. E. witen, to protect, defend, keep ; as in 1 . 12. 48. Alexander II (elected pope a.d. 1061) acted in this matter by the advice of Hildebrand, afterwards Gregory VII. 51. Asoilede, absolved, assoiled. O. Fr. assoiler , to acquit; Lat. ab- soluere, loose from. In 1 . 52, ssolde = should go; iwis = certainly. 53. Bere, subj. should bear; the pret. indie, would be ber or bar. 57. Sein Walri , St. Valery, on the French coast, at the mouth of the Somme. 58. Abide mo , to await more (men). 59. Preste , ready. Cf. to press for a soldier, />r£ss-gang, press- money, &c. See Wedgwood’s Etym. Diet. 65. The point of the story is missed. The tale went that William stumbled , and so embraced the land with his arms. See Sect. XVIII. (b) 48. 73. Euerwik , York. A. S. Eoferwic , Lat. Eboracum. 74. I}ete = i-ye(e, eaten. In the South of England the people say, 4 1 have a-yeat an apple.’ 78. 4 As if he made no account of any one.* 80. In the battle of Stamfordbridge, Harold had defeated and killed King Harold of Norway, Sept. 25, 1066. 82. Sley f sly, crafty. With pe sley cf. pe hende , 1 . 13. 84. Dereyni = Fr. desraigner , try, prove; Lat. deradonare. 86. Lokinge f award, judgment, decision. 4 That he should place it at the decision of the pope of Rome.* 88. Wer, whether. Seint Edward , Edward the Confessor. 89. Him take , deliver up to him. I. (a) ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 285 103. Mi fader , i. e. his ancestor Rollo, not his father Robert. 107. Isolde, yielded. It means ‘until he had yielded Normandy to Richard, then a child/ Richard is here a dative. 4 Nonne patres vestri regem Fran- corum in Rotomago ceperunt, et tenuerunt donee Ricardo puero, Duci vestro, Normanniam reddidit eo pacto, qu5d in omni colloquutione Regis Franciae et Ducis Normanniae gladio Dux accingeretur. Regem vero nec gladium nec etiam cultellum ferre liceret/ Henry of Hun- tingdon, 762 D. 1 16. Wrastlede, wrestled. A. S. wrcestlian, wrcexlian, to wrestle. The reference is to Duke Richard the Fearless, of whom several singular stories are told. Two of these may be found in Uhland’s poems ; see the translation of Uhland by the Rev. W. W. Skeat, p. 439. 1 1 8. Lu\>er = A. S. lyfier, bad, wicked ; Ger. liederlich , loose, disorderly. Wrenche — A. S. wrence , deceit, stratagem. 135. Baneur , bannerer, banner-bearer. The story is that Taillefer (i. e. cutter of iron), a Norman minstrel, asked to be allowed to strike the first stroke. He rode before the Norman army, singing the song of Roland, and tossing his sword in the air and catching it. He then rushed on the English, killed three men, and was slain. Uhland has a ballad on the subject, called Taillefer; see Transl. by Skeat, p. 353. 137. Ginne , contrivance, skill. 139. Ne dude horn no$t, did nothing to them, could not harm them. 142. Agaste , aghast, frightened. Gothic us-gaisjan, to frighten. 147. 4 And (the Normans) turned themselves round quite easily, being above the others.* 154. No wille . . . of dunt, no power of striking. Bunt , dint, stroke. 157. Al for no^t, without harm to themselves. See 11. 159, 162, 171. 158. \>e dounean hei, the hill on high, the hill above. 165. A day, in (that) day. 1 66. As me say, as one saw. 167. Uor-arnd is here a weak past participle; so also vorpriked and uorwounded are past participles, referring to the stedes. A. S. yrnan , to run, is a strong verb, but the verb here used is a weak one, from A. S. cernan , to cause to run, to ride. The sentence means, 4 he slew three steeds under him, as folks saw (or, as men say) ; which were spurred to death, ridden about till tired out, and severely wounded and bruised against the corpses, ere the battle could be ended/ See Layamon, ed. Madden, 1. 9296, and note at p. 470, vol. iii. 168. Bebrused , bruised. O. Fr. bruiser , Fr. briser , to bruise, crush. 1 74. Hor no\>er , neither of them. This nother , contracted and used as a conjunction, gives us nor, just as other, either, gives or. 176. An-aunter , (it is) in doubt. An, on, in ; aunter , adventure, chance. 286 NOTES. 1 7 6. Keueringe , recovering, recovery. The O. E. vb. cover is frequently used for to recover . 187. The story of Edward the Confessor’s vision in his last illness may be read in Freeman’s Norman Conquest, iii. 11. 19 1. St. Calixtus, pope, martyred a.d. 222. His day is Oct. 14. 198. An er\>e , into earth, to burial. Cf. 1 . 205. An becomes a before a consonant, as, a sumere, in summer. 199. Fon, foes. A. S./a, enemy, from fian , to hate. 201. £7* largelicke, &c., and liberally proffered him of her wealth. 210. pen wey , the way; he took the way; i. e. went his way. See pen in the Glossary. With 11 . 214-224 compare Sect. XVIII. (a) 150-174. 230. Esste , asked. A. S. cccsian , to ask (see esse , 1 . 367). Strong , severe. 232. Huld him, he held or kept himself quiet. 247. Goderhele , (as) a benefit (to); from gode , good, fo/e, health. Cf. O. E. wrotherhele , misfortune. The -er was originally a dat. fern, inflexion ; cf. A. S. to godre hcele , for a benefit. 248. Into liunde more , into its natural root or stock ; viz. by her marriage with Henry I. 254. St. Nicholas’ day; Dec. 6, 1067. The date given in 1 . 249 is obviously wrong. It should be 1067, not 1060. 262. Feffede, endowed. Fr .Jieffer, to convey the fief or fee (Mid. Lat. feudnm, property in land distributed by the conqueror to his companions in arms, as a reward for their services) to a new owner. 265. Uorlore , ruined , forlorn. Cf. frore (Milton), frorne (Spenser), for frozen ; also O. E. ycore, chosen. 279. Bebonere — Yx. debonnaire, courteous, affable; cf. 1 . 365. Be bon aire = good-humoured. Cf. Fr. de mal aire , bad-humoured. 285. Weued, altar. A. S. weofod , altar. 287. Hulde, flay. Cf. A. S. behyldan , to flay; hyldere, a butcher. 295. As God $ef pat cas , as God gave that hap, i. e. as God had ordained. 303. Erles wif Alein , wife of earl Alan ; referring to Constance. See Freeman, iii. 659. Cam , Caen. 328. Other MSS. shew nour to be an error for nowhar, nowhere. At-route , to assemble in troops. (See next line following.) 334. Route , army. O. Fr. route , crowd, troop. 344. Vntuled, uncultivated, untilled. The land laid waste extended from the Humber to the Tees. 345. Adauntede , subdued. Fr. dompter, to tame, daunt ; Lat. domitare. 347. An alle soule day, on All Souls’ Day, Nov. 2, 1083; not 1073. 353. hiden = hides of land. A hide of land was as much as could be tilled by a single plough. A hide is still used as a measure of land in Norway. I. (a) ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 287 358. Wite, perhaps for wiste, knew. Al clene, thoroughly. 359. Scrit, shortened from O. F. escrit, F. ecrit, from Lat. scriptum, a piece of writing. 367. ‘ Whosoever should come to ask him for justice on account of any injury.* 368. Ende, end, i. e. subsequent fate. 370. 4 And the more injustice would people do to him.* 378. Astorede , stored, filled. O. F. estorer, to build, garnish. 386. per-to, moreover. Hearne’s copy reads atuo , in two. 387. An huntep , on hunting, a-hunting. Spurnde, stumbled. A. S. spurnan , to kick, stumble. 390. Pur blind, entirely blind. Pur =pure, entire. In Wyclif, Exod. xxi. 26, it means 4 blind of one eye/ It has now the meaning of almost blind. 408. Ballede, bald. The original meaning seems to have been (1) shining, (2) white (as in bald- faced stag). 409. Lende, loins ; pi. lenden. A. S. lendenu } the loins. 41 1. ‘Which he could do himself with his foot, easily, whilst riding very fast/ Ssete = shete , shoot. 412. Arblaste, arbalast; Mid. Lat. arcubalista (see arblasters , 1 . 430), crossbow. 414. Non vuel = non uvel, no evil, sickness; in is dep-vuel, in his death- evil, last illness. 416. ay, rich. A. S. ceht, property; cehtig, rich. Al pat ay was , all the rich men. 441. Manne orf, men’s cattle. Qualm = A. S. cwealm, pestilence, death, destruction. 450. Sette . . . tojerme — Mid. Lat. dare or ponere ad firmam , to let on lease ; Jirma , rent. Perhaps connected with A. S. feorm, supper-board, hospitality. Lands were once let on the condition of supplying the lord with so many night’s entertainment for his household. 453. 4 If another came and offered more, he would immediately be in possession, so that they who offered most ejected many a one. Were the agreement never so strongly expressed, people bought it out wrong- fully/ Is, it ; a form used by Southern writers in the acc. fern. sing, and the acc. plural ; see Introd. §12. Not this passage only, but many more in this extract agree almost word for word with the account given in the (so-called) Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, which the reader may consult with much advantage. 457. Tricherye, treachery, is another form of trickery. 463. pe lasse, &c., the less of him then accounted, i. e. esteemed him the less. Reins , Rheims. 464. 4 And drove him to mockery (mocked him), as people often do the old (man)/ 288 NOTES. 468. Edwit, twitting, reproach. A. S. ed-witan, to reproach, twit. 470. Chirchegong, churching, literally church-going. Bende, sickness, is another form of bond. 471. Atten = at \>en , at the; before a consonant it is atte, as atte laste , atte bestc , &c. Cf. \>cin olde — \>en olde (acc. sing.), the old, 1. 464. 482. Medes is intended for Mantes. 483. * Because one cannot have a churching without lights/ 490. Grony , to groan, complain of (being ill). A. S. grdnan , to lament. Groan is connected with grunt. 494. Leches , surgeons, physicians. A. S. Icece , a physician, leech ; whence leechcraft , * His physicians examined his condition.’ 497. Deol, dole, sorrow. Sc. dule , grief; Fr. deuil , mourning; Lat. dolere , to grieve. 505. Porchas, probably, personal property ; cf. 1. 508. 509. Dele , distribute. A. S. dail, a part, dole, deal. 517. Fowr Ct* tuenti. Rather ‘ owe and tuenti’ ; viz. 1066-1087. 520. William died Sept. 9, 1087. pe later must mean the last, viz. of the days dedicated to St. Mary. These are (1) the Purification, Feb. 2; (2) Annunciation, Mar. 25; (3) Visitation, July 2 ; (4) Assumption, Aug. 15 ; (5) Nativity, Sept. 8. We might, however, add (6) the Presentation, Nov. 21 ; (7) the Conception of the Blessed Mary, Dec. 8. 525. ‘Immediately after his father bequeathed England to him.’ 528. Seisine , possession. Fr. saisine, seisin, from saisir , to seize. (B) The Life of St. Duns tan. St, Dunstan ‘was born in the first year of ^Ethelstan, 925 1 f near Glastonbury, where his father Heorstan was a great Thane. His mother’s name was Cynethrith. As a boy, he was taught in the school which belonged to the Abbey at Glastonbury. Afterwards he was intro- duced to the court of king iEthelstan, where he did not stay long, as it seems he found enemies there. As he grew’ up, he greatly desired to marry a lady about the court, whose name is not mentioned, but his kinsman iElfheah, Bishop of Winchester, with a good deal of difficulty persuaded him to become a monk. . . In 943, King Edmund made him Abbot of Glastonbury.* Freeman’s Old Eng. Hist, for Children, p. 164 See also the Life of St. Dunstan in Chambers’ Book of Days, i. 653. Line 1. More, root, stock. Prov. Eng. moor. root. 2. Candlemass day is February 2, or the festival of the Purification 1 ‘ The date is given in the Chronicle, yet it can hardly be right : as, if so, Dunstan must have become Abbot of Glastonbury when he w r as only eighteen.’ — Freeman. I. (B) ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER. 289 of the Virgin. Candles were then blessed by the priest, lighted, and carried by the people in procession. See Chambers’ Book of Days, i. 213. 5. As me dop , as people do even at this day. 6. Aqueynte , pret. was quenched. Cf. O. E. adreynte , was drowned. Here non nnste hou, none of them knew how. 7. Her riy, just at one moment; her ri}t, just at another moment; i. e. immediately afterwards. 15. pur/, for ) mrh, through. Cf. O. E. pof=thog , though. 1 7. What was , why was it ? 22. In his moder was aliit , was descended into His mother; became incarnate. 28. Ipe^, throve. O. E. the , to thrive, flourish = A. S. peon, to thrive (pret. pah, p.p. gepogen, gepungen). 32. Aldelm ; the Chronicles call him Wulfhelm. 35. Beynte , pleasure, dainty. It literally signifies (1) toothsome, nice, (2) rare. Cf. O. E. daintith , a dainty ; Welsh dant , a tooth, dantaidd , toothsome, delicate. 37. Bone, petition, prayer, boon. A. S. ben, prayer. 47. This date (453 years before 925) is a.d. 472, viz. about the time of St. Patrick’s supposed visit to Glastonbury. Glastonbury Abbey was said to have been founded by Joseph of Arimathea, but there is no certain trace of Christianity in Britain before the year 208. 51. This date (a.d. 252) is quite wrong. The date commonly assigned for St. Patrick’s death is 493. 53. Hudinge, secresy, hiding; from O. E. hude , to hide; whence O. E. hidels, hudels, a hiding place. 55. Athelwold became bishop of Winchester a.d. 963 ; he died Aug. 1, 984. 61. Oreisouns, orisons, prayers. Reste of, rest from. 64. He ne kipte, & c., he took not of them no (any) reward. 66. Bedes bede, would offer prayers. Cf. our phrase to ‘ bid beads/ 67. At preo stedes, in three places at once. 73. Treoflinge , playfully, triflingly. - inge is an adverb-ending = -ly. Trifle signifies literally ‘ small piece/ if derived from A. S. tr if elan, to pound. But we also find in O. E. the spelling trofle, trufle, as if from O. F. truffle, a gibe, mock. 79. ‘ Until the tongs were quite red-hot.* 81. Out-blaste, puffed out, flew out. 82. Wrickede, wriggled; probably connected with writhe. 85. Snytte, wiped. A. S. snylan, snite, clean. The literal meaning of suite is to blow the nose or snout. 86. ‘ Because it was at night, he could see no more (of the fiend than just the nose.)* VOL. II. U 290 NOTES . 88. Lifte , air, as in a-loft. A. S. lyft. Bi \>e lifte , in the air. 89. Caleiue, bald-pate. A. S. calu, bald. Eng. callow. 91. god , &c., he might as well have been. Atom , yswy* fo's wos£, at home, with his nose snited (his nose being snited or wiped). 92. Hi^ede , hastened. A. S. higan, higian, endeavour, hasten, hie. Pose, cold in the head. It occurs in Chaucer. II. METRICAL ENGLISH PSALTER. These Psalms are written, as has been observed, in the Northumbrian dialect, in which the present indicative of the verb is thus declined : — Sing. 1. singe; 2. singes; 3. singes: Plur. 1. singe; 2. singes; 3. singes. The imper. pi. also ends in - es . In a relative clause, the verb often ends in - es when the relative pronoun with which it agrees refers to the first person, singular or plural. Psalm viii. Line 1. selhouth , strange, marvellous; cf. uncouth , unknown, strange. The real clue to the sense is best obtained by consulting the Latin Vulgate Version; thus selkouth translates the Latin admirabile. 6. Lof= A.S. I of, praise; lof-sang , a hymn. The Vulgate has laudem. 17. Mensk, honour. It is a sb. from the A.S. mennisc , (1) human, (2) mankind; whence O. E. menske , gracious. The Vulgate has honore. 19. ‘Thou hast put under his feet all young ones that any animal produces.’ 22. In-over is a translation of Lat. insuper; cf. O.E. at-over, at-above. 24. Forth-gone , proceed in, travel along ; Lat. perambulant. Stihes , paths, ways. A.S. stig, a way, path; stigan (pret. stah , p.p. gestigen), to go, climb, ascend; whence stile (A.S. stig el), stirrup (A.S. stig-rdp , i. e. mounting-rope), stair (A. S. stceger). Cf. O. E. stegh = Prov. E. stie , steye , stee , a ladder. Psalm xiv. It should be observed that this numbering follows that of the Vulgate Version, according to which Psalm x. is equivalent to Psalms x. and xi. Hence the Psalm xiv. here mentioned is the same as Psalm xv. in the Authorised Version. Line 1. Telde , tabernacle. A. S. teld, tent, tabernacle; teldian , to pitch a tent. Cf. ‘ tilt * of a cart. 77. METRICAL ENGLISH PSALTER. I 2. Mone , shall. Icel. mw«, shall, may, must : cf. A. S. gemunan , to remember, mmd; and cf. Gk. fxiWeiv. 3. Incomes ; Lat. ingreditur. Wem-les, pure, spotless. A. S. wem , womm, spot, blemish. 9. Es fccfe, Lat. deductus est. ‘An evil person is brought (led) to nothing in his sight/ 13. Okir , usury. Icel. okr, from auka , to increase, eke. 1 4. Ouer vnderand; Lat. super innocentem. Psalm xvii. Psalm xvii. is Psalm xviii. in the Authorised Version. Line 3. To-Jlight , refuge ; Lat. refugium. 4. Leser, deliverer ; lit. looser or loosener ; Lat. liberator. 11. Um-gaf , Lat. circum-dederunt ; um-griped , Lat. conturbauerunt. The prefix um = A. S. ymb, around, about; as in O.E. um-gang , circuit, um-thinke, consider, umivhile , sometime, umlap , to surround. 12. Weeles = weles, wells, torrents; Lat. torrentes. A whirlpool, in Lancashire, is still called a tt/ee/e. Burns uses the form wiel. Quede , evil. Du. kwaad , bad; O.E. the devil. 14. Bisied , were busied about, i. e. troubled (me); Lat. praeoccupaue- runt. 15. Droning , persecution; Lat. tribulatione. O.E. rfrov*, to trouble, persecute ; A. S. drefan , to make muddy, disturb, vex. Chaucer uses drovy, troubled. Cf. 1. 20 below, where we find to-dreucd , troubled. 21. The MS. reads o/, but the correct reading is evidently \>of=\>ogh, though ; so that \>of \>aim be lath = though it be displeasing to them. 23. Reke, smoke, reek ; Lat. fumus. A. S. rec, Du. rook, smoke. 26. Kindled, often written kinled. Cf. Norse kynnel, a torch, whence cannel coal (coal that burns like a torch) ; Wedgwood’s Etym. Diet. 27. Helded, bowed; from helde, to incline to, bend. A. S. hyldan , healdan, to incline, bend ; whence to heel . Prov. Eng. hele, to pour out. 31. Lurking, hiding-place, lair. Cf. lurch and lurcher . 33. ‘ Waters that were dark of hue (colour, appearance)/ 34. Skewe, sky. A. S. scua , a shade, cloud. Cf. Germ, wolke , cloud, with Eng. welkin, the sky. The Vulgate has in nubibus aeris. 35. Leuening, lightning. O. E. levin , lewenynge , lightning. 42. Groundes , foundations. 43. Snibbing = snubbing, rebuke, reproach. 44. One-sprute , a sprouting or spurting forth. Cotgrave has ‘ regailler , to spurt or sprout (as water) back again/ Swed. spruta , to sprout. 50. Lat. quoniam confortati sunt super me. 64. Loke me, guard myself. Lat. obseruabo me. 69. Halgh for halgh[e\ = A. S. halga, a saint. Chaucer has halewes, U 2 292 NOTES. saints. ‘ With the holy, a saint shall become of thee/ i e. thou shalt be a saint. Observe the future sense of bes. 79. Utijiled , undefiled. Cf. O. E .file, to defile; lit. to foul. 81. Fraisted , tried, purified. Icel. freista, to try. Lat. examinata. 89. At fight, to fight. The use of the preposition at = to , before verbs in the infinitive mood, is good evidence of Danish influence upon the Northumbrian dialect. 91. For-hiling of hele of \>e = Lat. protectionem salutis tuae. A. S. ver- sion, gescildnesse hcelu fiinre ; Eng. version, ‘ shield of thy salvation.’ 97. Filghe — A. S . fylgean, to follow. Lat. persequar. Umlap, lap about, surround, seize ; Lat. comprehendam. O. E. wlap , to fold. A cognate root is seen in Ital. inviluppare ; Fr. envelopper. 98. Ogaintorne , turn back, return. To = unto , until. Lat. non conuertar donee deficiant. 98. Wane, may be consumed. A. S. wana, lack (as in wan- hope, wan- ton, &c.); wanian, diminish, wane. 102. In me riseand , them that rise up against me ; cf. 1 . 123. 103. O-bdk — on-bak, on the back. The A. S. version has bee; Lat. version, dorsum : Eng. version, necks. 107. Gnide = A.S. gnidan, break (in pieces), rub, comminute. Likam, face, countenance ; literally the body. A. S. lie, form, body ; lichama, the living body. Winde likam = the face of the wind ; Lat. faciem uenti. no. Genge, people, gentiles ; Lat. gentium. Cf. O. E. genge, troop, in Havelok ; probably connected with A. S. gangan, to go. Cf. E. gang. 1 13. Outen, foreign, strange ; Lat. Filii alieni mentiti sunt mihi ; filii alieni inueterati sunt, et claudicauerunt a semitis suis. 125. Bir\>es , nations; Lat. nationibus. A. S. ge-byrd, a family, lineage. 127. Lat. Magnificans salutes regis eius. Psalm xxiii. (A.V. xxiv.) Line 5. Winli, joyous, winsome. A. S. win, pleasure; wine, a friend ; wynlxc , joyous ; wynsum, pleasant, winsome (Ps. cii. 1. 5). 9. In un-nait = \,2X. in uano = 0 . 1 E. in y del, vain, useless. A. S. unnet , useless, from neotan , to use, enjoy. See Nayte in the Glossary. 12. Of God ; Lat. a Deo salutari suo. 14. Laitand, seeking. O. E. laite , Icel. leita, seek, discover. 2 6. Of mightes ; Lat. uirtutum. Psalm cii. (A.V. ciii.) Line 7. Bies, for ogain-bies, redeems ; Lat. redimit. Cf. O. E. wfy- II. METRICAL ENGLISH PSALTER. 293 begge , to redeem. The use of the verb begge or bye , buy, for redeem , is not uncommon in O. E. writers, though again-bye (or of -bye) is more usual. 9. Filles , satiates ; Lat. replet. 23. Fs/ del , eastern part, east. JFes/ cfe/, west. The <&/ (A. S. f/<®/) is in these words merely an affix =part. 25. Rewed es translates the Lat. miseretur , which the translator seems to treat as a passive rather than a deponent verb. 28. Schaft , frame, form. A.S. scea//, gesceaft , creature. Lat. figmentum. 32. Welyen = welwen, wither. A.S. wealwian, wealowigan , to wallow; also to roll up, dry up, wither. Cf. Germ, welken, to wither. 34. This line = Lat. et non subsistet. The translation is incorrect. 44. Til . . lauerd = Lat. omnibus dominabitur ; lauerd being a verb. Psalm ciii. (A.V. civ.) Line 5. Strekand , spreading; from streke — A.S. streccan , to stretch. Lat. extendens caelum sicut pellem. Fel = A. S./e/, skin. It still exists in fell-monger. 6. Overestes, highest parts. The -es/ or -os/ as the superlative suffix of adverbs is seen in overmost , O. E. over-m-est ; utter-est = utter-m-ost and upper est = upper-m-ost. Lat. qui tegis aquis superiora eius. 11. Groundes ( = Lat .fundasti), from O. E. grounde , to lay the founda- tion of, establish. The A. S. version has steaftelade, made steadfast. 12. Helde y incline, begin to fall; Lat. non inclinabitur in saeculum saeculi. 19. Mere = A. S. gemcere , boundary, limit; Du. meere, boundary, mere; connected with march , a boundary, as in the phrase Marches of Wales. 30. Gresse, grass. The Southern dialect generally prefers the softer form gers, A. S. gcers. Cf. thrist for thirst , 1 . 23. 32. Lat. Et uinum laetificet cor hominis. 33. Lat. Ut exhilaret faciem in oleo. 36. Yban in the MS. is clearly an error for Lyban t Lebanon. 42. Irchones = urchins, hedgehogs (we still have sea-urchin ), from F. herisson , O. F. erigon , from Lat. ericius , a hedgehog. We find also in Latin the forms eres and erinaceus. The A. S. term for hedgehog is igil (connected by Curtius with the Gk. kx^os). 44. Setel-gang = A.S. setl-gong, seil-gang , sun-se/, setting (literally, seat-going). The first element is retained in the word settle. 47. Romiand — ramand, roaring. A.S. hr earn, cry, scream; hreman , to cry, weep. Lat. rugientes ut rapiant. 57. Roume = A.S. rum, space, spacious; whence roomy, roam. Til hende, to the hands ; roume til hende, spacious to the hands, is a literal translation of the Lat”. spatiosum manibus. 69. Lat. Auertente autem te faciem, turbabuntur. 294 NOTES. III. THE PROVERBS OF HENDYNG. There is a MS. copy of these Proverbs in the Cambridge University Library (marked Gg. i. i), partly printed in Reliquiae Antiquoe, i. 193; and another in the Bodleian Library at Oxford (MS. Digby 86). The dialect is mixed, the verbal plurals (indicative) ending in -en and -e\>. As to the subject matter, the reader should consult chapter iv. in vol. i. of Wright’s Essays on the Literature, &c. of the Middle Ages, and Trench on Proverbs. There is also a great deal of information in Kemble’s edition of the Dialogue of Solomon and Saturn (^Elfric Society). Hending is here said to be the son of Marcolf. Marcolf replaced Saturn, so that whilst we find the Dialogue between Solomon and Saturn in Anglo-Saxon, in German it is one between Solomon and Marcolf. These were traditional philosophers, who held imaginary discourses for the purpose of introducing wise sayings. Such legends were once popular ; their origin is obscure. Many of the proverbs recur in several languages, and some are still current. The Proverbs of Hending are imitated from the French proverbs of the Count of Bretaigne, printed in ‘Proverbes et dictons populaires,’ par M. Crapelet; Paris, 1831. Line 4. Thonltes, thinkings, thoughts. 6. Is wone, his wont. 13. The Camb. MS., which varies considerably from the text, has — * Wei is him \>at wel ende mai.’ 16. 4 And take care that no man forbid another to be wise and good.’ 18. Bue = beo = be. Throughout this poem, ue = eo = e. 19. Foh = A.S.fah, variegated; hence, a parti-coloured dress. Grys = F. gris, a kind of fur. The Camb. MS. has — 4 pan to weri fow an grise Wan man ssal hen wende.’ 21. ‘ Wit and wisdom are a good support.’ Warysoun = O. F. warison, Fr. guerison , a cure; originally, a pro- tection, also, provisions, supply, support. Cf. E. garrison. 24. Con fonde, can attempt, can do. 25. Spede, succeed in learning so many customs as he that hath sought diligently in very many nations. 29. ‘As many lands, so many customs.* In German, Landlick sittlich. So in Chaucer, ‘Eche countre hath its lawes;’ Troilus and Creseide, ii. 1. 42. 32. Lerne. The rime requires lere, to learn ; indeed the Camb. MS. has — ‘ And he wil mis-hewis lere .* So also in 11. 2, 39. 33. Otherwhyle . sometimes; whyle, like the Sc. whyles y has occasionally this signification. III. THE PROVERBS OF HENDYNG. 295 35. Woltou, nullou , wilt thou (or) wilt thou not; i. e. willing or un- willing. Cf. the phrase willy nilly ; see Hamlet, v. 1. 19. 37. Luef=leof=lef , or leue , dear, beloved. * A pet child needs teaching/ This is quoted in Piers the Plowman, B-text, v. 38. It means ‘spare the rod and spoil the child.’ Cf. Proverbs xiii. 24. 44. Bue the fol couthe , be well known to thee. 45. * Whoso learns when young he loses (it) not when old.’ Cf. Horace, Epist. i. 2. 69. Trench quotes a Latin proverb, ‘ Cui puer assuescit, maior dimittere nescit.’ 63. Sely fode , good child. Fode is literally on z fostered or fed. 69. * A good child is easily taught.’ This proverb is quoted by Chaucer (Prioresse Tale, st. 4) in the form ‘For sely child wol alway soone lere.* 75. * Though it may appear game (pleasure) to the body.* 77. * Well fights he who well flies ’ This occurs also in the Owl and Nightingale, by Nicholas de Guildford. Cf. the lines in Butler’s Hudibras, Pt. iii. can. 3, 1 . 243 (often wrongly quoted) — * For those that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that’s slain.* 80. Gle, music. 81. Tempred, tuned. 84. Camb. MS. has — ‘ Ar fiai ben half ripe.* 85. ‘ A fool’s bolt is soon shot.’ In Latin — ‘ Vt dicunt multi, cito transit lancea stulti.’ (MS. Harl. 3362, fol. 4.) See also As You Like It, v. 4. 67. 87. This occurs in a collection called the Proverbs erf Alfred — ‘ pus quad Alfred : gif fiu hauist sorwe, ne say J>u hit pin arege ; * if thou hast sorrow, tell it not to thy foe. See Kemble, Salomon and Saturn, p. 233 ; or see p. 1 1 7 of An Old English Miscellany, edited by Dr. Morris for the Early English Text Society. The same collection has * Sottis bold is sone iscoten’ (Kemble, p. 241 ; Morris, p. 129). 100. Gest thou , thou shalt go ; answering to be thou , if thou art. 10 1. ‘ Better an apple given away than eaten.’ The Camb. MS. gives the proverb in two widely differing forms, as follows ; ‘ Bettir is one appil iyeuin fian twein iyetin, quod heading. Soche man fiou misth yeuin fiat betir wer* yetin, q?;od Marcol.’ The latter proverb, attributed to Marcolf, intimates that you may give a thing to a man so unworthy that you might as well have eaten it yourself ; which is contrary to the experience of Hending. 103. The Camb. MS. has a very different stanza upon the same proverb, as follows ; — 21)6 NOTES. 4 Mamman hat is unwise Sechet frendis ware non ise [is], To spele [spare] his owen wone ; Ac, ar he mai home wende, He seel mete with unhende [rude men ] To done him scam and sconde [disgrace], 44 Este beth owen gledes ; ” Quod Rending.’ 104. Werthe probably means a host, landlord. Cf Sw. vdrd , Du. vaard , Germ wirth , Dan. vert , a landlord, host, innkeeper./ 109. 4 Pleasant are one’s own brands ’ (fireside). 4 Scintillae propriae sunt mihi deliciae.’ MS. Trin. Coll. O. 2. 45, fol. 365. 113. ‘Though thou wait for a surety,’ i. e. canst not get a surety. The Camb. MS. has — 4 pouth hou bid and borou,’ i. e. though thou beg and borrow. 117. 4 Greedy is the needy man.’ Godless goodless, without goods. 125. 4 When the cup is fullest, carry it most carefully.* See Kemble, Sal. and Sat. p. 281. 144. 4 The tongue breaks bones, though itself boneless.* So in the Proverbs of Alfred — 4 For ofte tunke brekit bon, And nauid hire selwe non.’ In Latin, 4 Ossa terat lingua, careat licet ossibus ilia.’ 148. Unsaht, dissatisfied, discontented, unfriendly. A.S. saht, peace. 152. 4 He who gives me little is in my favour; ’ or, 4 wishes me to live.’ 4 Me uult uitalem qui dat mihi rem modicalem ;’ MS. Hail. 3362, fol. 39. 154. That is luef=that him is luef , that prefers. 159. Schenchen , pour out, give to drink. Germ, schenken. 160. 4 The better it is for thee, the better look about thee.* Byse = hy-se, look about. 165. The Camb. MS. ends the stanza thus: — 4 And in hi litil wonis wende Fort hat [until] crist he betir sende Alle with-oute pride.’ 168. ‘Under bush shall men abide the storm;* i. e. even a humble dwelling will keep you dry. 173. Treye = A. S. trega , vexation. The expression treye and tene occurs in Csedmon (ed. Thorpe, p. 137), and in William of Palerne, 1 . 2073. 176. Hest — heghest, highest; nest = neghest, nighest. 4 W r hen the tribu- lation is greatest, the remedy is nearest.’ This proverb is twice quoted in the Owl and Nightingale. It occurs also in Heywood's Proverbs, E iii. back. Trench quotes a Jewish proverb — 4 When the tale of bricks is doubled, Moses comes.’ 179. The Camb. MS. has — 4 Yef man doth he ouht unbein [uncivil] par pine herte is ilende.’ IV. SPECIMENS OF LYRIC POETRY . 297 The sense seems to be that one should cease to benefit those who repulse benefits with rudeness. 1 86. Land , lent ; spelt ilend in the Camb. MS. 189. Ene , once. Cf. twi-e , thri-e , twice, thrice. 190. Ant, if. Eft bidde mo , again ask for more. 191. Unfeyn , unfain, unwilling (to lend). Camb. MS ‘ unbein.* 192. * Seldom cometh a loan laughing home.’ 196. ‘ When to thee were loath ; ’ i. e. when thou art most loath to be in need. 200. Perhaps, ‘ One’s own is one’s own, and another man’s property returns (to him').’ Cf. A. S. ed-, back ; but there is no other example of edne\>. The Camb. MS. has man his hedwite , i. e. ‘ another man’s (is a) reproach.’ The sense is expressed by the well-known proverb— 4 He that goes a-borrowing goes a-sorrowing.’ Mr. Hazlitt says — ‘ Heywood ( Workes , 1562, part ii. c. 4) and Clarke (Parsem., 1639, P* *82) have it: Owne is owne at reckonings end.’ See Hazlitt’s Eng. Prov. p. 312. Cf. 'For at the ending Home will the borrowed thing;’ The Northern Mother’s Blessing, in Hist, of Placidas, ed. Gibbs, p. 169. 208. We now say, ‘ Out of sight, out of mind.’ 224. ‘ He is free of horse (ready to lend it) who ne’er had one.’ 242. Munte\>, wishes to cross. A. S. myntan , to purpose, intend. 247. After wille , at will, after one’s desire. 248. ‘ He well abides who can well endure.’ In Italian, ‘ II mondo e di chi ha pazienza,’ the world is his who has patience. In Latin, ‘ Vincit qui patitur;’ or ‘ Patientes vincunt.’ In the latter form it is quoted several times in Piers the Plowman. 250. ‘ I count that an evil (bad) leap.’ In the Camb. MS. the line is— ‘ pat ich telle a lipir lippe.* 256. ‘Oft haste repenteth;* i.e. the more haste, the worse speed (success). Cf. Bacon’s Essays, No. xxv. 299. Wyt at wolde , wit (wisdom) at command. 300. Ore = eowre, your; spelt youre in Camb. MS. Soule bote , soul’s boot, salvation of the soul. It means, ‘ repent while you may.’ Cf. Matt. iii. 10. 302. Ro = A. S. row , rest. Cf. O.E. rooles , restless, E. un-ru-ly. IV. SPECIMENS OF LYRIC POETRY. Song 1. Line 4. On hyre lud , in her language. A. S. leden, language. Chaucer uses the same expression ; Squyeres Tale, pt. ii. 11. 89, 90. 7. He = hue = heo, she. This use of he is not uncommon. 8. Baundoun , power. Fr. bandon , power, authority. The literal meaning is proclamation. Cf. Ital. bando, Eng. banns. 9. An hendy hap , a (piece of) good fortune. 298 NOTES. 10. Ichot — ich wot , I know. 15. Lossum = lov-sum, lovesome, lovely. 19. Forsake , refuse; Germ, versagen. 20. Feye, near to die, dead. A. S. f stingy. Sw. njugg , sparing. The same root is contained in niggle ; see Wedgwood’s Etym. Dictionary. 5583. Hatren, clothes. O. E. hater, clothing; A. S. hceter, clothing; Germ, hader, a rag. Barme , bosom, lap. A. S. bearm 5589. Many what, many things of whatever kind, many various things. See Morris’s Accidence, sect. 213, p. 137. 5590. Gat , way. The word wey is written above it in the MS Cf. 1- 5 f, °3- 5593 . gangland, chattering, jangling. O.Fr . jangler, to prattle, tattle, jest, lie; Du .janken, to yelp. Cf. Piers Plowm. prol. 35. 5600. Gryl, sharp, stern. O. E. gril, cold, shivering ; Du. grillen, to shiver, tremble. 5605. Bode the quede , waited for the evil man. 5629. Halydom = halidom ; from Icel. haligr domr, reliques of the saints, on which sacred (holy) oaths (dooms) were formerly taken. 5643. The to party , the one side. The to = thet o = that on, that one, the one. Cf. the tou\>er = thet ou\>er, that other, the other, 1 . 5651. 5668. ‘ They had nothing else, they must needs (take that).’ 5670. Peys, weight. Fr. poiser, peser , to weigh; from poids (Lat. pe/isum ), weight ; whence to poise. VI. WILLIAM OF SHO REHAM. 3 ° l 5679. Acouped = aculped, accused, from Lat. culpa; whence culprit (as if for culpit\ a corruption of culpatus , the old Law Latin for an accused person. 5706. Kyrtyl — A. S. cyrtel , Dan. hjortel, a garment, either for man or woman. It generally means a petticoat with a body. As-smert , at once, smartly, quickly. Cf. as-sivy]pe , immediately, 1. 5710. 5721. Grete, wept; see 1 . 5716. Cf. Sc. greet. In the MS. wepte is written above, as a gloss. 5722. ‘ And began in some measure to leave off.’ 5723. ‘Because that often, after weeping.’ 5743. Weyl ys hem , well is it for them; cf. ‘well is thee,’ Ps. cxxviii. 2 in the Prayer Book. 5772. Manas, menace. Fr. menace; Lat. minae , minaciae , threats. 5781. Thys eche sele , this very (same) time. Cf. 1 . 5879. 5811, 5812. Robert of Brunne must have read the Lay of Havelok the Dane, which was written in the same county (Lincolnshire! about fifty years previously. For in that lay is a couplet nearly identical with these lines, viz. — ‘ A 1 fiat he J?er-fore tok With-held he nouth a ferhinges nok.* Havelok, 819, 820. Similarly 11 . 5837, 5838 are again imitated from Havelok, 991, 992. 5821. Bryche, humble, low, poor. A. S. bryce, fragile (Grein). 5827. Ouer style, exceedingly; literally, beyond reason. ^5828. Swele, to swill, wash. A. S. swilian, to wash. 5839. Folted, foolish. Fr. fol, foolish. It may be connected with Spanish falta, a fault ; j altar , to fail, be deficient. 5887. Stonte = stont, standeth. 5913. Squyler , a swiller or scullion . O. E. squillary, scullery; from O. E. swille, or squille, to wash. See 1 . 5828. 5923. This is also probably taken from the Lay of Havelok ( 1 . 2112), who was recognised as a true prince by a flame that proceeded from his mouth. VI. WILLIAM OF SHOREHAM. De Baptismo . N.B. The language of this poem is archaic, and appears to be occasionally corrupt. Line 1. ‘Baptism is the sacrament.’ 9. ‘ What substance may be used.* 3°2 NOTES. 1 6. Sithere, cider. Fr. eidre; Lat . sic era. 1 8. 4 Through christening one may renounce (the devil).’ 20, 21. 4 For though it were water first, Of water hath it (now) no account.’ 2 2. Forthe , froth, scum (of anything). 25. Thcr^t = thai, though. Hit wende , may have esteemed it. 31. Ther-inne , i. e. in warm water. 32. 4 In what time (there) falleth in the year some ice.* Falthe , happeneth, falleth. 34. ardaunt , burning water, brandy, spirit. 37. foste, with the best, very properly. 39. Keschte is evidently an error for keste , i. e. may have cast ; past sing, subjunctive. 41. His kende, its true nature. Z>s/ = loseth. 42. Te-tealte , overturned, worthless. A.S. tealtian, to tilt , shake, be in jeopardy. The A. S. prefix *0- is written /e in Old Saxon. 45. Thrinne = ther-inne , therein. 50. Ich wel \>e cristny , I desire thee to baptize. PFW = tw7, i. e. will, with the sense of the Lat. uolo . 52, 53. ‘For [there]-with to wash is nothing That man cometh to so easily.* 65. 4 Without diminution and (or?) increase.* 66. More (and in 1 . 6 f) = mo^e, may; see 1 . 133. 73. 4 The pope (even) would be in that case not in the least too worthy to christen him.* Christening by midwives was allowed only in case of necessity. 78. '$if=gef gave ; see 1. 81. 81. I-leave = A.S. ge-leaf, permission, leave. 82. At felle = that felle , that fell, sinned. 83. Olepi = onlepi, only ; 4 only one must dip him in the water.* 88. 4 But they take special heed of the necessity, that water (be) cast once upon the clothing, but (especially) to offer (i. e. throw) it upon the head * Or for On read No, i. e. 4 that no water be cast,’ &c. 92. Loue is perhaps an error for alve = halfe , side, place. 98. 3 e , he. His , is. 100. 4 That christen one (child) twice.* 103. For-hedeth—for-hudeth—for-hideth, conceals. 105. 4 And (the priest) does not forbid the second (christening).* 108. Scheawith quike , appear alive. 1 1 2. Weyeth , depart, turn aside, move. Cf. M. H. Germ, ivegen , Germ, bewegen , to move. See also To-wawe in the Glossary. 1 14. ‘But men fetch (bring) it (to church) as men suppose (it to be not christened).* The words are obscure ; but it clearly refers to the VII, CURSOR MUNDI, 303 case of a child really baptized, but supposed to be unbaptized. See next stanza. n6. Ham geine\> te depe, it behoves them to dip it. A Latin , in Latin ; so also an E?iglisch, in English (1. 1 18). 122. pei = \>e, thee. ‘I baptize thee not again, if thou art baptized (already)/ Eft-sone means again ; see Sect. XVII (a) cap. ii. v. 13. 128. Ditfti, perform or celebrate them. 129. 4 For they are the very grace of God/ 133. ‘And may by no means (be so)/ 140. I-gistned, received or entertained as guests. O. E. gest, a stranger, guest; Goth, gasts, a stranger; Welsh gwest, lodging, entertainment; Fr. giste, lodging. See gesting, lodging, Sect. VII. 1. 71. 143. ‘And, except they be also anointed at the font with oil and chrism, all fails ; (but, when this is done) it becomes a (true) baptism/ VII. CURSOR MUNDI. (In the same dialect as Sect. II, which see.) A few readings are added from MS. R. 3. 8 in Trinity College, Cambridge. Line 2. Kinges, The Magi were called kings. Their names were said to be Jaspar, king of Tars (Tharsis) ; Melchior, king of Arabia; and Balthazar, king of Saba; these countries being suggested by Ps. lxxii. 10. The names are given in Peter Comestor’s Historia Scholas- tica. In the present account, Balthazar is replaced by Attrppa. 4. The Trin. MS. has — ‘ Bot in J>e furste 3eer was hit noujt/ 7. The Cotton MS. omits tua; but the Trin MS. has two. 8. Gilden-moth , golden-mouth, i. e. Chrysostom. The reference is to St. Chrysostom’s second homily on St. Matthew (vol. vi. col. 637, ed. Migne). But St. Chrysostom says the Magi took two years for their journey — ‘ Proficiscentibus eis per biennium praecedebat Stella, et neque esca, neque potus defecit in peris eorum/ Indeed our author actually quotes this very passage below, 11. 50-54. The whole of 11. 21-49 also taken nearly verbatim from the same passage, which begins — ‘ Au- diui aliquos referentes de quadam scriptura . . quoniam erat quaedam gens sita in ipso principio orientis juxta oceanum, apud quos ferebatur quaedam scriptura, inscripta nomine Seth, de apparitura hac stella, et muneribus ei huiusmodi offerendis, quae per generationes studiosorum hominum, patribus referentibus filiis suis, habebatur deducta. Itaque elegerunt seipsos duodecim quidam ex ipsis studiosiores, et amatores 3 ° 4 NOTES. mysteriorum caelestium, et posuerunt seipsos ad cxpectationem stellae illius. Et si quis moriebatur ex eis, filius eius, aut aliquis propinquo- rum.. in loco constituebatur defuncti . . . Hi ergo per singulos annos, post messem trituratoriam, ascendebant in montem aliquem . exspec- tantes semper . . donee apparuit eis [stella] descendens super montem ilium . . habens in se formam quasi pueri paruuli, et super se similitu- dinem crucis. Et loquuta est eis,’ &c. See the whole passage. 1 8. Stern , star. This is a Northern form of the word, corresponding to the Southern English sterre ; cf. Goth, stairno , star. The allusion is to Numbers xxiv. 17. 22. First uncuth , (for a) long period uncouth, unknown. First = A.S. fyrst , space of time, period; O. F. f rest y fur st y delay. Trin. MS. — ‘Of a ferren folk vneouk.’ 25. Arnang squilk = amangs quilk , among which. Trin. MS. — ‘ Among whiche.’ 34. Biseli. The Cotton MS. has Desselic, but this seems to be an error, as we find Bisily in the Trin. MS., and Bysely in MS. Laud 416. 39. 4 When their harvests were' gathered in.’ 43. Oxspring , offspring, i. e. generation. ‘ The custom was kept up for many generations.’ 44. It hyd , shewed itself; pret. of kythe, to shew; cf. 1 . 151. A.S. tjtian, to make known. Trin. MS. — ‘Til >e sterre was to hem kid.’ 51. Forth-wit =for-wit , before; cf. 1 . 127. O. E. in-wit , within; ut- wit, without, &c. 53. Scrippes , wallets, scrips. Quer , whether. 60. Truthes tru , true pledges. A. S. treowfi, a pledge. 61. The word werld is frequently written werd in the Northumbrian dialect ; see Werd in the Glossary. Hence it affords a true rime to ferd. 63. Leme , light. A. S. leoma, ray of light, flame, g-leam. 66. Can unkyth , did hide, disappear (see 1 . 44). 67. Sant drightin , the holy Lord. 68. Wi\>erwin y an enemy, opponent. A.S. wiSer-winna, a striver against ; from wV&er , against, and luinna , a fighter. Cf. A. S. win , war ; winnan , to contend, struggle. 69. Ipof-quether, though-whether, nevertheless. A. S. beah-hweeftere, yet, moreover, nevertheless. It means ‘ The kings, however, knew not that, but weened they had found what they sought.* 72. Spird , enquired. O. E. spere , Sc. speer , to ask. 74. Thoght ferli , thought it a wonder, wondered. 87. patful 0 suik t that (man) full of treachery. 103. Gais f go ye. Spirs y enquire ye. The pi. imp. ends in -s in Northumbrian. 107. pat sal be yare, that shall be quickly (done). VII. CURSOR MUNDI. 3°5 no. Bon = boun, bound, ready (to start), from buinn, p.p. of Icel. vb. bua, to prepare, set out ; whence bound , in the expression ‘ the ship is bound for New York.’ Quite unconnected with the vb. to bind. 12 6 . * He (Christ) was exalted ; * lit. made high. But the Trin. MS. has And kud, i. e. and shewed, instead of Held; which makes better sense. 131, 132. ‘ An ointment (balm) of wonderful bitterness, That (a) dead man’s body is anointed with/ Smerl — A.S. smerels, ointment ; from smeru , fat, Eng. smear. 133. For roting , for (preventing) decay. 134. * In token that he was a man, and would die.’ 136. At ans = at anes, at once. 1 41. Conrai , entertainment. The same root is contained in Fr. conroyer, to curry , dress leather ; Fr. ar-rayer , to array. Bight , set in order, prepare. 144. Was , that was ; the relative being omitted. Cf. 1 . 229. 150. ‘ The fourth a child, much greater than they.’ 168. Hewing, scorn. Icel. hafiung, contempt, scorn. 172. 0 ])er is probably an error for ower, anywhere. The old symbol for w , which closely resembled ]>, went out of use about a. d. 1300. 174. Kyth, country. A. S. cy%, a region. 180. ‘ That many innocent (ones) should suffer for it.’ 18 1. Salt, fault, guilt ; saccles or sables , innocent, guiltless. 182. Ta wrake , take vengeance. 183. Ani slik, any such. Slik = silk = swilk, such; whence (by dropping/) Sc. sic , such. 186. For f am , p.p. of forfare, to perish, be destroyed. 198. Bring o Hue = bring of live, bring out of life, i. e. kill; a common phrase. Here o = of= off, out of. 203, 204. ‘It was a great amount of the number Of those children that were slain/ Here swwe = sum, amount; quain = 0 . E. wane , wone, a quantity, number. Cf. O. Sc. quheyne, orig. a few, a small number ; Sc, wheen, an indefinite number, a * lot ’ ; perhaps connected with O. E. wone , a quantity. But sume o quain may also mean ‘ distress of mourning/ where sume = swem, grief, and quain = whining, mourning. The phrase ‘ sweem of mornynge, tristitia,’ occurs in the Prompt. Parv. The Trin. MS. has — ‘ pis was ]?e somme in certayne, Of fie childre )>at were slayne/ 205. The number 144,000 is taken from Rev. vii. 2 1 1. Busk and ga, get ready and go. From Icel. bua , to prepare, comes at buast ( = at buasc ), contracted from at bua sig, signifying 4 to bend one’s steps’ and, secondarily, to prepare oneself; whence E. busk, to get ready. VOL. IL X 3°6 NOTES. 216. Wildrin , wilderness; probably A. S. wild-dedren , pertaining to wild beasts. 217. child fa , child’s foe. The Northumbrian dialect can dispense with an inflection in the gen. singular. 229. Coue , cave, den. Holland translates in secretis recessihus by ‘in secret coves or nooks.’ A. S. cofa , a den, occurs in the Northumbrian version of St. Mark’s Gospel; xi. 17. The Trin. MS. has ‘ caue/ 237. Glopnid , terrified. Prov. Eng. glop , gloppen , to stare, feel aston- ished ; O. N. gldpa, to stare, gape. (Wedgwood.) 242. 7o dede = to the deed, i.e. to actual fulfilment. 243. Probably alluding to Ps. cxlviii. 7. 247. Ne for-\>i , nevertheless. 251. Barn-site , child-sorrow, sorrow that a mother feels for her child. Site = lcel. sut, sorrow, sin. Cf. 1. 299. 25Q. Bute, in the MS., is clearly an error for lute , to bow down (1. 240). The Trin. MS. reads route , to advance, march on; or, to assemble. 274. Jeremi ; not in Jeremiah, but Isaiah. See Isaiah xi. 6, 7. 287. Ipat wil resun, that reason demands, i. e. that is reasonable. 289. A wei, a wee, i. e. a little time ; see Sect. XVI. 1. 182. 295. ‘ Mary, I am surprised at you ! ’ 319. Fra nu forward , from hence forward. 320. Orcherd = orchard =ort-$erd. A. S. wyrt-geard , from wyrt, herb, and geard, yard, enclosure. Cf. Moeso-Goth. aurtigards, an orchard. 322. Of a prise , of one value. 329. Strand, stream. This is not an uncommon meaning of the word in O. E. writers. The Trin. MS. has ‘stremes.* 373* O ]>air hiaing , of their knowing, i. e. of their acquaintances. 375. Siquar = si\>e-quar = time-where, time when, period at which. 378. Maumet , idol. The O. Fr. mahommet , an idol, mahumerie , idolatry, shew that the word is borrowed from the name of Mahomet. Cf. O. E. maumetry , idolatry; mawment, an idol. It is often confounded with mam- met , a doll, puppet. The story of the idols falling down at the pre- sence of Christ is in the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew ; see Apocryphal Gospels, ed. Cowper, p. 63. It occurs also in the Arabic Gospel of the Infancy ; id. p. 1 79. It may be observed that the untrue and unjust notions that the Mahometans were worshippers of idols, and that idols were made representing Mahomet, were very common in the middle ages. Colonel Yule, in his edition of Marco Polo, vol. i. p. 174, quotes from Weber’s Metrical Romances the following lines ; — ‘Kyrkes they made of crystene lawe, And her Maumettes lete downe drawe.* — Weber, ii. 228. He adds — ‘ So Correa calls a golden idol, which was taken by Da Gama in a ship of Calicut “ an image of Mahomed.” Don Quixote too, who VIII . SUNDAY HOMILIES IN VERSE, 307 ought to have known better, cites with admiration the feat of Rinaldo in carrying off, in spite of forty Moors, a golden image of Mahomed.’ 379. ‘But Mary had taken up her lodging near there.’ 387. Alluding to Isaiah xix. 1. 400. Bar in hir arine. The Trin. MS. reads bare in bar me (bosom, breast). 407, 408. For or, the Gottingen MS. has vr, in both places. The difficulty is in the second or = vr, the gen.pl. It means — ‘What he does with our Gods, he may do with us, if we work (act) not more wisely.* 408. Wrick should certainly be warli ; and wark in 1 . 409 should be wrick — wr eke, vengeance ; as the Trin. MS. reads wreche, 415. Drund , were drowned. The Trin. MS. has drowned , which is / used intransitively. See Dronkenes in the Glossary. 41 7 ‘ Or-quar y otherwhere, elsewhere. Cf. O. E. owhar , anywhere. VIII. SUNDAY HOMILIES IN VERSE. (A) Homily for the Second Sunday in Advent, (In the same dialect as the preceding extract.) There are at least seven copies of these Homilies, but they do not all entirely agree. The best is that printed by Mr. Small, viz. the MS. in the Library of the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh. Two are in the Cambridge University Library, marked Dd. 1. 1 and Gg. 5.31, the latter being the better. The others are, the Ashmole MS. 42 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford ; MSS. Cotton Tiberius E. vii. and Harl. 4196 (British Museum), and MS. Lambeth 260. A few readings from the better Cambridge MS. are given, but in many places it differs con- siderably, and, in general, for the worse. The text of the Homily here partly printed is Luke xxi. 25, 26. Line 103. * Several versions of these fifteen signs will be found, along with an interesting note, in the “Chester Mysteries,” edited for the Shake- speare Society by T. Wright, vol. ii. pp. 147 and 219. No copy of the original is to be found, however, in the Benedictine edition of Jerome’s works, although nearly all the versions refer to Jerome as having found them in some Hebrew MS.’ — Small. Sir David Lyndesay also enumerates these fifteen signs from Jerome ; see the passage printed in Skeat’s Specimens of English, a. d. 1394-1579, from ‘The Monarche,’ bk. iv, 1 . 5462. There is a- chapter, ‘De signis judicium praecedentibus ’ in a treatise De Contemptu Mundi, lib. iii. c. 14, by Pope Innocent IIL 1 1 3. Tother, i. e. second, next. See note to Sect. V. 1 . 5643. 1 1 7. Mersuine , sea-swine, porpoise. X 2 NOTES. 3 ° 8 117. Qualle , whale. The qu represents hw in the A. S. hwcel, a whale. Cf. Du. walrus, a walrus, from wal, a whale, and ros, a horse. 1 19. Ber , noise. Cf. Sect. XII. 1 . 43. 126. Werdes , the world’s. In Old Northumbrian we find and ward for world , world. See 1 . 152. 130. Flay, frighten. The printed copy incorrectly has slay. The Harl. MS. has flay, which is supported by the Camb. MS. 1 3®* Quek — quike, living. 1 4 1. At a schift (like O. E. at a brayd) in a turn, in a twinkling, in a moment. 146. After this line occur thirty-three Leonine Latin verses, enumerating the signs once more. There is a direction that these are to be omitted by the reader when he reads the English before the laity — ‘ quando legit Anglicum coram laycis.* 152. Sa bes he brem , so wrathful shall he be. Observe bes , shall be. 165, 167. The Camb. MS. varies here, and reads — ‘bar sail bai sorow euermar dry \endure \ , For bair sawles sail neuermar dye ; When bestes dy, bair sawles says [ cease'] ben ; Why ne war yt swa of synfull men ? * Cf. note to 1 . 220. 1 71. Bird, it would behove. A. S. byrian, to become, behove. Plihtful = plightful, dangerous. 178. Igai?i-sawe = ogain-sawe, contradiction, denial. 183. Falles, suits ; points a good moral to. 184. * Roger of Wendover inserts in his Chronicle (a. d. 1072) a tale of a similar character, and states that the circumstances occurred at Nantes about that time. It will be found in Dr. Giles’ Translation (Bohn’s ed, vol. i. p. 339) under the heading “Digression concerning the two Confederate Priests.” ’ — Small. 185. Fnfermer, the Infirmarius of the abbey, who had charge of the infirmary Belonging to it. Probably we should read, Was enfermer , als I herd say. The Black Monks were the Benedictines. This explains the allusion to the Rule of St'. Benet (Benedict) in 1 . 238. 190. ‘For frequently faith and good-will draw good companions together.’ After faithe the word and seems to be required, though absent in Small’s edition. 191. Lufreden , good-will, love; see 1 . 195. The suffix -reden = -red, as in hin-d-red, hatred , &c. 192. Fel auntour, fell adventure, it happened by chance. 197. Telld, shewed, told. 198. Ful hard, & c., very afflicted I feel myself (to be). Cf. the phrase ‘ to go hard with one.* VIII. SUNDAY HOMILIES IN VERSE . 3° 9 199. 7b dede , to death ; i. e. I am near death. 220. War scko ne hafd ben = war-ne scho hafd ben , unless she had been (at hand to help me). War-ne — were (it) not, if not, unless; it is some- times written warn ; cf. ne war , unless. Cf. A. S. ncere , for ware, were it not. See note to 1. 165, and compare its use in Sect. X. 1. 2342, and in the following passages : — ‘For here has na man payn swa strang, pat he ne has som tyme hope omang, . . . Elies suld Je hert, thurgh sorow and care, Over-tyte fayle, warn som hope ware ; . . . And men says, “ warn hope ware, it suld brest.” ’ Hampole’s Pricke of Consc. 11. 7259-7266. 227. Ly/es, live. The MS. has lyes , but the rime helps us to the true reading. 232. Gaf the gaste, gave up the ghost. 239. Get. keep. 242. Overlop , omission, from O. E. ouerlepe , to leap (skip) over, omit. 245. Meld , accuse. A. S. meld , evidence, proof ; meldian, to betray. 249. ‘Was cast up (brought up, alleged) against me/ (B) Homily for the Third Sunday after the Octave of Epiphany . In the Camb. MS. this is called a Sermon for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, the text being from Matt. viii. 23, as in our present Book of Common Prayer. Line 13. Als quha said , as who said; i. e. as if he had said. 21. Strenthe, force, general meaning (of the Gospel for the day). 38. Se-bare , sea-wave. Bares in 1. 41 = flows. The bore in a river = the tidal wave. Cf. Dutch baar, a wave. 43. ‘ For rich men of this world eat up that which the poor procure by labour/ 51. ‘And (the) harm (scathe) that the less (poor men) suffer at the hands of the more (greater)/ 59. Wandreth , peril. I cel. vandrafoi, danger, difficulty. 86. Nile , refuse ; from Icel. neita, to refuse. 88. ‘ Thou wouldst not be dear to Him, but hateful/ 94. Bisend, betokened. A. S. bysen, example, resemblance; bysenian, to give an example. See 1. 96, where biseninges = tokens, resemblances. 1 1 4. Thar , where. Wattri , a variation of attri, poisonous. 124. Corshig , dealing (as a broker); from O. Fr. couracier, a broker, dealer ; whence ‘ horse-cowrs^r/ a horse-dealer. 155. Jamieson explains will of wan to mean destitute of habitation , giving a reference to The Bruce. He is wrong, for (see Sect. XVI. 2, and 225) the meaning there is the same as here, viz. destitute of an opinion. 3 IQ NOTES. at a loss what to do. O.E. wille is to go astray; wan - A.S. win, weening, opinion. See the line following, which explains the nature of the beggar’s difficulty, viz. that he had no sack to put the wheat in. 156. Poc no sek, poke (bag) nor sack. 179. A r sites, water-newts. Prov. Eng. ask, a lizard; A.S. a\>exe, a lizard. Garnet says that ask is probably connected with Gaelic easg , eel, the first element in a\>exe (Ger. eidechse ), a lizard, newt, signifying prickly, sharp. 182. R age, madness. Lat. rabies, rage, madness. 184. Speride, closed, fastened. Instead of that arc he speride, the Camb. MS. has he askede a swerde (asked for a sword). This perfectly ridiculous error is important as proving that scribes frequently wrote from dictation . The two readings, in the old pronunciation, must have sounded somewhat alike. 185. In a ras, in a great hurry. Ras = A.S. rds, a race, rush, force. 195. ‘Nor give thou of thyself any account,’ i. e. take no thought of thyself. 201. Selli radde, dreadfully (wonderfully) afraid. Cf. 1 . 21 1. 223. Riped, searched. O.E. ripe , to try, search; A.S. ripan , to reap. 229. ‘ And bare those bones reverently/ 230. Fertered, enshrined. O. Fr .fertere, a shrine. 235. Ferlikes , wonders; more commonly spelt ferlies, as in 1 . 18. IX. DAN MICHEL OF NORTHGATE. Sermon on Matthew xxiv. 43. The language of this Sermon, like that of Sect. VI, is of an archaic character, and represents the Kentish dialect. To this Sermon in the Arundel MS. 57, there is the following marginal note : — Vor to ssake awey heuinesse / and drede : and hys wende / into loue of god. ‘For to shake away heaviness and dread, and turn it (lit. her, i. e. dread) into the love of God/ Note. — ea, ie = e; v = f ; z = s; ss = sh. Observe also that the punc- tuation of the MS. is followed, and differs widely from the modem system. What seem to be full stops are often semicolons or commas, whilst the colons and bars are sometimes hardly equivalent even to a comma. Line 1. Ipellyche ane = this. Ipellyche = A. S. \yllic, \>ylc (f>y, that; lie, like), that like, such. O. E. thilke, thulke, that. 2. Uorbysne = A.S.forebysen , example (see Bisend in the Glossary). IX. DAN MICHEL OF NORTHGATE . 3 11 5. Ipolye, suffer, endure ; A. S. \>olian , to suffer. Dolue , should undermine, dig through, from cfe/ve (pret. rfa//"), to dig. The meaning is — ‘ And would not suffer that one should break into his house.’ 6. Wyl of slide , the will of reason. 7. Besteriinge , bestirrings, emotions. 8. ‘ Which household shall be too (much) slack (slothful) and wilful, unless the same father’s stiffness (strength) restrain and order them (aright).’ 13. Inwyt , inner wit, inner sense, conscience. Cf. Piers the Plowman, B. ix. 18. 14. ‘For which treasure, that this same house be not broken through, chiefly he watcheth.’ 17. Ipafes, nevertheless. 18. Kachereles , catchpolls, servants. The O. E. cache , catch, signifies to chase , or drive away, being derived from Fr. ckasser. The suffix -rel is perhaps French. It occurs as a diminutive in pickerel , a small pike, cockerel, a small cock. 19. Onlosti , un-lusty, careless, idle; literally, unwilling; from A. S. lust, lyst f pleasure, desire. 21. Slei\>e, Sleight, i. e. Prudence. The allusion is to the four cardinal virtues, Prudence (Sle&e), Fortitude ( Streng\>e ), Justice ( Riynesse ), and Temperance. 22. To uorlete , to be forsaken. A. S . for-lcetan, to forgo, to relinquish. To wylny, to be desired. A. S. wilnian , to desire ; uiln , a wish. 23. Bessette = to be-shut, to shut out. 24. ‘Next that, he setteth Strength; that Strength should withdraw the fiends whom Sleight (Prudence) commands (sends to say) to be cast out, that he (Strength) should withdraw and reprove his (the man’s) foul lusts.' 34. Yso-s > e=ysagen f seen. 35. He^liche clom , a profound silence. Chaucer uses clorn as an interjection = ‘ hush !’ It is evidently connected with Prov. Eng. clam , clem, to pinch, starve. A. S. clam, bond ; Du. klemmen, to pinch, compress. 37. Ich do you to wytene, I assure you; literally, I do (cause) you to wit (know). Wytene is the gerundial infinitive (see to comene , to come, 1. 40). 40. Ahyt natf, abideth not, delayeth not. 45. Chaynen auere, chains on fire, fiery chains. 47. And hise brenge\>, and (they) will bring them. Hise, (acc.) them. Observe the future force of the present form brenge \> ; this idiom is com- mon in A. S. We can still say — ‘ he comes to-morrow.* I 3 12 NOTES . 49. part byep, that shall be to their right, i. e. that are rightly theirs. 53. Comste = comestu, comest thou. 54. Yze 3* pe, sawest thou, pe, thou thyself. 56. Vol ofbrene on-polyinde, full of intolerable burning. Cf. polye, in 1 . 5. 59. Wantrokiynge , default, want. Wan = un (as in wan-hope , despair), here used intensitively ; trokiynge, want; A.S. trucan , to fail, abate. 64. Buo\>e = hope, both (are). On\>olyinde, intolerable. 74. Y-hyrep = hyerep, hear. Yue\> your e=yeuep year e, give ear, listen.- 77. Do we , &c. This hardly makes sense, but it is intended as a translation of ‘ Praeoccupemus faciem eius in confessione; et in psalmis iubilemus ei;’ Ps. xciv. 2 (Vulgate). 82. Hauberk. Alluding to Ephes. vi. 14. 85. Bonayrelyche , well ; the translator was thinking of goodly instead of godly. See Titus, ii. 12. 91. Hit pingp \>et , &c., it seems that, &c. 92. Be cas , perchance. 100. Longe godes drede, on account of the fear of God. Longe = Hong, along of. Chaucer uses long on, on account of. Shakespeare has long of, Cymbeline, v. 5. 271. See Longe in the Glossary. 107. Sseawere, shewer, mirror; ssede, shade, shadow. The phrase ac be. , &c. = but by (as in) a glass darkly; 1 Cor. xiii. 12. 108. Onspekynde, un-speaking, ineffable. On-todelinde = un-to-deal-ing, indivisible. in. Y-\>orsse, threshed, struck (dazzled, blinded). A.S. \>erscan (pret. \>arsc. p.p. geporscen), to thresh, beat. Cf. Dante, II Paradiso, canto xxxii. 1 14. Half, side, part. 1 16. Sseppes, forms. A.S. sceppan , to form, shape. 120. Zodes may be for zones, of the Son, or for godes, of God. 124. An-he}ed = an-high-ed, exalted. The an- is the same prefix as in an-hanged, viz. A. S. on. , 131. Blefp, endures. The context seems to require bleue = bleuen = bt- leuen, to endure, continue, last. 132. Heryinges, praises, honours. O.E. hery, A.'S. herian, to praise, honour (see 1. 171.) 135. ‘For that which they saw (only) in the spirit they (now) see fulfilled.’ 139. Alle preste, all the proudest, highest; preste=pretteste, proudest. A.S. pryt, prut, pride. The usual meaning of preste is ‘ ready.’ 154. Huy ter qualifies clopinge in 1 . 155. 155. Nesshede, tenderness, delicateness. A.S. hneese, tender, soft, nesh ; whence nasty (O. E. nasky). % X. RICHARD ROLLE DE H AMP OLE, 3 J 3 156. See Rev. vii. 17 ; Isaiah xxxiii. 17. 160. See Rev. xiv. 3. 164. Lhest = hlest , listeneth. 4 At their prayers our Lord arises; to all others He listens sitting/ Hyt lyke\> j >et \>ou zayst , What thou sayest pleaseth (us). 167. Mennesse, communion, fellowship. A. S . ge-mcene, communion; ge-mektines , fellowship. The ge ( = Lat. con ) = Gothic ga, as a prefix. 174. Be lyue = by the life, in the life. Unless it be an error for \>e lyf> the life. 185. Onzyginde, un-see-ing, invisible. 193. Gessynge, may be for lessynge , diminution. Wfyonte gessynge, if correct, signifies ‘ without doubt/ 196. See Matt. xxv. 21. 199. See Ps. lxxxiv. 4. 21 1. See Romans viii. 35. 213. And o\>re , et cetera. 219. See Romans xii. 3. Smacly , to taste, is a literal rendering of sapere in the V ulgate. 224. Makyere , maker, author. X. RICHARD ROLLE DE HAMPOLE. Line 471. Als-tite , as-soon, immediately. Tite , soon, is connected with tide , time. 483. Forme-fader , first father, forefather. Forme = A. S. forma, whence E. former; cf. A. S ./rum, first ; frym, original; Moeso- Goth, fruma, first. 498. This, as well as the quotation in 1 . 490, will be found in a trea- tise De Contemptu Mundi, lib. i. cap. 7, by Pope Innocent III. 503. Sembland, sometimes written semblant , appearance. 509. Pure=pouer , poor. 530. j Fon, few (see 11 . 761, 7 ^ 4 )* The n represents e in A. S .feaw-e, few. For the Latin texts see Job xiv. 1, and v. 7 in the Vulgate version. 666. From the same treatise by Innocent, lib. i. c. 9. 682. By sTiille , with reason, rightly. 691. Angers , troubles, grievances. Lat. angere , to strain; angor anguish, vexation. Yuels , evils, disease, ills. Appayre , impair. Fr . pire, Lat. peior, worse. 697. Tynes, loses. Icel. tyna, to lose; A. S. teon, loss. 700. Jaunys, jaundice. Fr .jaunisse; from jaune, yellow. 734. See Gen. vi. 3 (Vulgate). This is here interpreted to mean that man’s life should be limited to 120 years. 3 l 4 NOTES. 752. Ps. lxxxix. 10 (Vulgate'); Ps. xc. 10 (A. V). 756. Held = eld, age; spelt elde in 1. 742. 760. See Job x. 20 (Vulgate). 766-801. Also translated closely from the above-named treatise, lib. i. c. 9. 771. Dysy, dizzy. A. S. dysig, foolish, erring; O. E. dizze , to stun. 773. Rouncles, wrinkles. Sc. runkle, Germ, ritnzel, a wrinkle. Cf. Sw. rynka, A.S. wrinclian, to wrinkle. The root rinc or rune, crooked, bent, appears in ring; Icel. hringr, a circle; Dan. k rink el, crooked; Eng. crinkle, crumple (Sc. crunkle ), crimpy crank , shrink (A. S. scrincan , Sw. sktynkla). 774. His mynde es short, his memory is short. 775. Hand = and, breath. Icel. andi, breath; Sc. aynd . 780. For-worthes, come to nothing. A. S. for-weorftan, to become nothing, be undone, perish. 781. Moutes, falls off, moults. Du. muiten, to moult. 784. Slavers , slobbers, drivels. Icel. slafra, to lick; slefa , slaver , drivel ; whence slow-worm (Norse sleva, Icel. slefa). 7S8. S ouches, suspects. O. Fr. souchier, to suspect, be suspicious. 790. Hard haldand, hard-holding, i. e. close-fisted, stingy. 793. Latsom : not late-some, but wlatsom , loath, irksome. A. S. wlcetian , wlatian, to loathe, irk. 797. Lakes , blames. Du. lak, a blemish ; Sw. lak, vice, fault. 807. To ded ward— toward ded, toward death ; where ded = death. 811. Couer agayn = agayn cover, recover. 1211. Compare Sect. VIII (b), 11. 93 to 112. 1229. Worow , to strangle. Sc. worry , to strangle, choke; Germ. wurgen , Eng. worry. Dogs that worry sheep seize them by the throat. 1230. Rogg. Sc. rug, to tear in pieces. Norse rugga, to shake, rock ; whence rug, rugged. 1 277 . Lates obout-ga, causes to revolve. 1418. A=ane, one. State is elsewhere used by Hampole (1. 716) to translate the Lat. status in Job xiv. 2, where the Vulgate has nunquam in eodem statu permanet. 1443. Domland , dark, cloudy, is formed from a verb domle or dromle, to be disturbed, with which we may compare Prov. Eng. droumy, dirty ; drumly, muddy ; drumble , to be disturbed, confused (Shakespeare, ‘Look how you drumble ;* Merry Wives, iii. 3. 156). Sc. drum, dull. 1459. Or-litel = ouer little , very little. Pas mesur, have a superfluity. 1460. Bigg seems here to mean ‘well furnished.* A.S. byzgan, to build, inhabit. O. Sw. bygga, to prepare, build. In the North of England, XI. LAWRENCE MINOT. 315 A bug or big , signifies swollen, elated, as if connected with bulge. Dan* bugne, to bend, bulge. 1469. Now eese us a thyng , now to us a thing is pleasant 1818. ‘In a certain passage I find four reasons written.* 1820. Bede stoure, death-struggle, the agony of death. Icel. stur , sorrow, styrr , tumult, disturbance; O.Sc. stour , battle, conflict. The line means ‘ One is because of the death-struggle so severe.’ 1825. In old woodcuts, devils are often represented as gathering round the bed of a dying man. See 1 . 2216, &c. 1890. Bede hand , death’s hand. See Ecclesiasticus ix. 20. 1914. Tite, quickly. Hence titter , more quickly; 1 . 2354. Icel. titty frequently, /fSr, accustomed; from time; cf. Germ, zeit, time, E. tide, betide . 1917. Ilk a synoghe and lith , each sinew and joint. A. S. lift, Germ. g-lied, a limb, joint. Norse tide, to bend the limbs; whence lithy , lithe (pliable), lithesome , lissome (active, pliant). 2225.. Raumpe , rajnp, paw with the feet. Ital. rampare , to ramp, clamber ; whence romp , rampage , &c. Cf. Ital. rampa , Sw. ram , a paw. Skouly scowl. Dan. skule , to cast down the eyes. Prov. Eng. skellyy Dan. skele, to squint. 2226. Blerey to put out the tongue, to make grimaces, wry mouths. It is probably connected with Du. blaeren , to roar, blare. 2311. A poynty i. e. a whit, a jot. Aftiry according to. 2341. Fildy defiled ; fylyng, defiling, occurs in 1 . 2345, as a substantive. The participle jiland is in 1 . 2365. A. S .Julian, Du. vuilen , to mak zfoul or filthy; whence O. E .file, a vile wretch. 2342. ‘ For had it not been for sin;* cf. note to Sect. VIII (a), 220. 2353. ‘In the natural likeness that it behoves to be in;’ i. e. in the shape which the sin ought to assume. 2367. Slotered , bespattered. Prov. Germ, schlott, mud ; schlutteny to dabble in the wet and elirt. Prov. Eng. slotch, a sloven ; slutch, mud. With these words are connected Dan. slatte y a slatterny a slut; Germ. schlotterny to dangle, wabble. XI. LAWRENCE MINOT. (A) Edward's Expedition to Brabant , A.D. 1339. Line 10. To Goddes pay, to God’s pleasure, pleasing to God. 13. Lowis of Bauere; Louis III, Duke of Bavaria in 1294, became 3 l6 NOTES . sole emperor of Germany in 1330, with the title of Louis TV ; died in 1347 - 20. Duche , i. e. German. Cf. Germ. Deutsch. But it here seems to include Dutch as well. 29. Frith and fen, forest and marsh ; Welsh ffridd. 35. Made his mone, coined his money. Edward obtained enormous sums from his parliament for the expedition, a large portion of which went to his German allies. 41. Philip; Philip VI, de Valois, sumamed the Fortunate, king of France, 1328 to 1350. 5;. Edward III had, in a similar manner, taken the 'vow of the heron,’ swearing by God and the bird to shew no mercy to the French. 59. Hamton , Southampton. 64. Laykes lett, spoilt their sport ; layke is a game, lark. 68. ‘ And some lay, with their brains knocked out.’ 75. Cristofer ; the great English ship called The Christopher, was taken by the French, but recaptured by the English in the great sea- fight off Sluys, June 22, 1340. See Specimens of English from a.d. 1394 to a.d. 1579, ed. Skeat, p. 156. Armouth , Yarmouth. 93. Great wane , a great quantity, in great numbers. Cf. Extract B, 1- 37. (B) The same , continued . 15. Japes , boasts. Jape is a softened form of O. E. gabbe, to talk, boast. 28. Aire , heir. At the suggestion of James van Arteveldt, Edward assumed the title of King of France, which he claimed to inherit from his mother Isabella, who was daughter to Philip le Bel. 40. .dscry = Sw. anskri , an outcry, alarm. 57. Gayned him no gle , no glee (i. e. song, sport) availed him. But gle may perhaps have the meaning of fortune of war , of which there are some examples in Barbour’s Bruce. 67. Berne, Bohemia; Germ. Bohmen . 70. Naiierne, Navarre. 71. Feld. Mr. Wright alters this to ferd, i. e. frightened; but feld may mean felled , knocked down. Or it may be an error for fled; ‘ were (i. e. had) fairly fled away.’ 80. Naker , a kind of kettle-drum. It means, ‘ caused drums to be beaten and trumpets to be blown.’ 82. Alblast— O. E. arblast, a cross-bow; Lat. arcubalista. 96. ‘ And caught him by the beard ; ’ cf. 1. 30. XT. LAWRENCE MINOT. 3 1 7 (C) The Landing of Edward at La Hogue, A.D. 1346. 2. Merlin. The Romance of Merlin is one of the Arthur legends. A long English prose version of the French romance has been edited by Mr. Wheatley for the Early English Text Society. See also Bishop Percy’s Folio MS., ed. Hales and Furnivall, vol. i. p. 417. 9. Bare , boar. This passage bears a remarkable resemblance to a ‘ Poem on Thomas a-Beket’s Prophecies,’ edited by Mr. Lumby for the Early English Text Society in 1870, in which we read ( 1 . 50) — ‘A Bayre sail come out of Berttane wytht so brode tuskis,’ &c. 21. Bore. The boar is Edward III, to whom the word his refers in 1. 27, 23. John II did not succeed his father Philip de Valois as king of France till August, 1350. 29. Observe how each stanza begins by repeating the words with which the preceding one ended. A stanza seems wanting after 1 . 92. 39. Hogges. The landing of Edward at La Hogue is described by Froissart; see Johnes’s translation, bk. i. cap. cxxi. 46. Pencell , a pennon, small banner. Fr. peticel. 48. Cane , Caen. See Johnes’s Froissart, bk. i. cap. cxxiii. Graythest gate , the nearest way. Cf. Piers the Plowman, ed. Skeat (Clarendon Press) ; note to Pass. ii. 1 . 103 ; or see Sect. XV. i. 181. 58. Dubbed; cf. O. Fr. addouber , to dress, arm at all points; Fr. douber , to rig or trim a ship. Dance , i. e. game, action ; see 1 . 74. 70. O-ferrum , afar. Cf. whil-om , O. E. quil-um or um-quile, awhile, formerly. XJm , when a prefix, is the A. S. ymbe, about. Cf. O. E. umgang , circuit ; um-set , 1 . 96 below. Trench quotes um-stroke , circum- ference, from Fuller. 78. Brak the brig , broke the bridge. The French broke the bridge at Poissy over the Seine, and also many of the bridges over the Somme, except a few which they strongly guarded. Edward and his army at last crossed by the ford of Blanchetaque, near Abbeville. The battle of Crecy was fought almost immediately afterwards, Aug. 26, 1346. 79. Ine , eyes; spelt eghe?i in 1. 92. 98. 6 And dealt them blows as their reward/ 107. Cant , j 5 roud. Cf. O. Sw. kant , a corner, which Ihre says was also used in the sense of proud , from an old expression wara pa. sin hant y to be in his corner, to be proud. 318 NOTES. XII. THE ROMANCE OF WILLIAM OF PALERNE. The story is that prince William of Palermo, son of Embrons king of Sicily, was stolen when a child by a werwolf, who hid him in a forest in Apulia, and tended him with great care. He was there found by a shepherd, who adopted him ; but he was afterwards adopted by no less a person than the emperor of Rome, whom- he succeeded on the throne. The werwolf was prince Alphonse, who was afterwards disenchanted, and became king of Spain. Lines 3-35. These thirty-three lines are represented in the French text by only seven short lines, which run thus : — * Uns vachiers qui vaches gardoit, qui en cele forest manoit, el bois estoit avoec sa proie, .i. chien tenoit en sa coroie, de pasture la nuit repaire; 11 chiens senti lenfant et flaire, forment abaie, et cil le hue,’ &c. Hence it is clear that the excellent lines, 20-31, are original; and they shew that our own author was a man of very considerable poetical power. So again, in 1 . 59 — * appeles and alle hinges * hat childern after wilnen,* — is entirely his own, and proves that he knew how to add a graceful touch to the poem he copied from. 6. Ken — kin , cows, kine. 11. Bayte on , to set on; as in bait a bull. 14. ‘Mending (patching) his shoes according to custom, as belongs to their craft.’ 17. Barked , was hiding (for fear). O. E. dare , to lie motionless ; for the suffix - k , cf. stal-k, tal-k. Him one r by himself. 19. To waive was explained by Sir F. Madden as meaning to the wall; but it may be but one word. See To-wawe in the Glossary. 33. Feld fonte , felt the smell, got scent. Foute =fewt, the trace of a fox or beast of chase by the odour. 80. The letter /, like r, is one that sometimes shifts its place in a word. As we find brid for bird, so we find wordle for worlde ; and wolnk may be intentionally put for wlonk. So also carfti for cra/ti , 1 . 3221. 83. No nei$ = non ei}, i. e. no egg. So thi narmes for thin armes , thy arms, in 1. 666. 84. Grinne J>. The MS. has ginne ]>. Sir F. Madden’s note? is — ‘ A verb is wanting after ginneth. We may, probably, supply it by “ so balfully he ginneth greue,” or by some similar word.’ But this rather spoils the XII. THE ROMANCE OF WILLIAM OF PALERNE. 319 rhythm of the line. It is possible that ginne J>=howl, utter, send out, from A. S. ginan, to open, yawn. Or it may be miswritten for grinneb, which is not an inappropriate word, and is familiar to us from the ex- pression in the Psalms— to grin like a dog , i. e. to grin with rage and spite. But it is still more to the point to observe that there is, as it were, some authority for the grinning of werwolves, if we compare with the text the following quotation — ‘ pai grennede for gladschipe euchan toward ofter, as wode wulues bet fainen of hare praie.* Morris, Early English Homilies, p. 277 (E. E. T. S.) Cf. also ‘The Lyon did both gape and gren ;’ Bp. Percy’s Folio MS., Carle of Carlisle, 213. 1 16. ‘ The daughter of the prince of Portugal.’ 12 1. Between this line and the next, the translator has missed a por- tion of the original, viz. the lines following : — 4 de mult de gens estoit loee ; de son signor avoit .i. fil, biau damoisel, franc et gentil; Brandins ot non, ce dist lescris/ ‘She was praised by many people. She had by her lord one son, a fine lad, frank and gentle ; he bore the name of Brandins [or Braundins], as says the writing.* The name of Brandins being so very like Brande , the translator may easily have lost his place, and omitted the passage unintentionally. Braundins is mentioned in the latter part of the Romance. 132. 4 Verily amongst fourscore thou scarcely findest one good one.’ 136. A noynement — an oynement , i. e. an ointment, unguent. Cf. note to I.83. Seel. 139. 141. 4 All the form of man so amiss had she shaped (transformed).’ 1 43-1 44. 4 But truly he never after possessed any other resemblance that belongs to human nature, but (was) a wild werwolf.’ The con- struction is involved. 156-160. Here the translator, finding a tendency to repetition in his original, cuts matters short, omitting how the werwolf lived two years in Apulia, and grew fierce and big and strong ; and how, hearing of the treachery of King Embrouns’ brother, who had plotted William's death, he resolved to steal away William from his father’s court. It is need- less to say that 11. 161-169 are wholly interpolated. 206. There is something amiss with this line ; it hardly makes sense as it stands. In 1. 35 the phrase is 4 to hold to baie; * in 1. 46 it is 4 to hold at a baye.’ So here, if one may be permitted to change 4 & ’ into 4 at,’ we have, 4 to haue bruttenet bat bor • at J?e abaie sefiben,’ i. e. 4 to have afterwards destroyed the boar, (when held) at bay/ 216. \>urth = burgh, through, by. 3 2 ° NOTES. 233. Comes him agayn , comes to meet him, comes towards him. 251. In the original, William very properly grounds his refusal on the fact that he does not know who the emperor is, or what he wants to do. ' non ferai, sire, et por coi, car je ne sai que vos voles, qui vos estes, ne que queres; ne se voles riens, se bien non, ja ne me face Dix pardon ! * 261. * Read wend , and again elsewhere, in 1 . 5185. This elision of a final d in such words as hond, lond, sheld , held , &c. is by no means un- common in ancient poetry, and arises simply from pronunciation.’ — Madden. Cf. hah ’ for hand in Burns. We find wend in 1 . 229. 267-272. Hereabouts the translator condenses his original with great judgment. The ‘ churl’s ’ grumbling, as there given, is not very inter- esting. 278. To nefh him so hende , to approach him so nearly. 293-295. The French merely says, * en ceste forest le trouvai, asses pres dont nous somes ore. The man who could turn this prosaic statement intc 4 how he him fond in hat forest * here fast bi-side, clothed in comly closing * for (i. e. fit for) any hinges sone t vnder an holw oh ‘ \>urth help of his dogge ’ had certainly both poetic power and a lively imagination. Indeed, the translation is very superior to the original. It should be observed that, immediately after writing the two lines printed above in italics, the translator boldly omits about sixteen lines of the cowherd’s rather prosy story. 325. Fordedes , fore-deeds, previous actions. The word occurs again in the Romance, 1 . 5182. 327. ‘ And God grant him grace to become a good man.’ 329-343. The translator here follows the original pretty closely, giving, however, rather the sense than the exact words. 347. ‘ This is not an error of the scribe, but formed by the same analogy as ali$t for alighted , comfort for comforted , gerde for girded, &c. It occurs often in the Wycliffite versions of the Bible.’ — Madden. The very word comaund ( = commanded) occurs in 11. 2557 and 2564 of the alliterative Romance on the Destruction of Troy. 360-365. Compare the original text — 4 Salues moi Heut le nain , et Hugenet et Aubelot, et Martinet le fil Heugot, et Akarin et Crestien, XIII . ALLITERATIVE POEMS. 321 et Thumassin le fil Paien, et tos mes autres compaignons,* &c. 362. Dwerth , dwarf, is simply the translation of le nain, Lat. nanus; and just as dwer\> is written for A. S. diverge so our author continually writes \>ur\> for \>ur$, through. 3 64. Kyn — hynd , kind. 365. For kinnesman, we may perhaps read Thomasin or Thomasyn. It would improve the alliteration, of which there is none in the line as it stands. 371. Hal alwes = al halwes; ‘he commended the cowherd to Christ and all saints/ XIII. ALLITERATIVE POEMS. The Deluge. N.B. In the West-Midland dialect, the 2nd and 3rd person sing, indie, end in - es , and the plural commonly ends in -en. The imperative plural ends in -es. Line 235. The context shews that \>at o\>er wrake means the second ven- geance of God. Lucifer committed three faults : the first was when he at- tempted to make himself equal with God — for this, he fell from heaven ; the second was when he tempted man — in this case, the second vengeance lighted upon men , as here said ; the third (for which see 1. 249) was when the sons of God beheld the daughters of men, Gen. vi. 2 ; where- upon the third vengeance, the Deluge, came upon all men then alive, except Noah and his family. Wy$e}, men. A. S. wig-a , a warrior ; from wig, war. 236. Faut , fault. Fr. j ante. Traw\>e, truth, true obedience. 238. Wat}. Here the symbol written / 3, is probably equivalent to cz, where c has the soft French sound of s. This answers to the German sz, which is merely a double s. In Scottish MSS. we often find wass written for was, where the ss is made like a German sz. Hence fitz = fiss or fis, the O. Fr. for Lat. filius ; in which the t is now sounded, but only from ignorance. In fact, wat^ — wacz = wass = was. We may sound it like z. In many MSS. the letters t and c are confused. 240. For-gart , lost. It literally signifies for-did , ruined ; from O. E. gar, ger, to do, cause, make. 241. Eggyng, instigation. Icel. egg, an edge; eggja, to sharpen, in- stigate ; hence, to egg on. VOL. II. Y 322 NOTES. 243. Defence , prohibition. Fr. defendre , prohibit ; whence fend, fender, fence . 244. Payne , penalty. Fr. Pertly — apertly, openly, plainly. 246. Drepe 3, destroys. A. S. drepan , to strike, hew, wound. 249. For-)?ras/, overwhelmed ; from threste , thruste. A. S. \>rcestian , to rack, twist, torture. 250. Mawgre , displeasure. Fr. wo/, ill, ^re, will, pleasure. 257. TFas should be w/errc, as in 1 . 253. Translate ‘For they were the sons of the noble ancestor, the forefather whom the earth produced, that was called Adam, to whom,’ &c. Strictly, forme-foster should be forme-fosterz, being in apposition with aunceterez, but the position of the word affects its ending. 259. Gayn , suitable, good. Sc. gane , to suffice. Icel. gegn, convenient. 260. Boute, without. Cf. O. E. binne , within ; buve, above. 261. For lede (in the MS.) read ledez, i. e. men. 263. Loke to kynde , to keep to nature, i. e. observe the laws of nature. 271. Onfolken wise, after the manner of men. 278. In-monge 3, among Cp. O. E. in-middes , amidst. 282. Forloyned , gone astray, departed; from Fr. loin , far, which we have in pur-loin, O. Fr. purloignier , which, literally, means to delay. 284. Werp, uttered ; from werpen, to throw out, to utter, speak. 288. Burne , man. A. S. beorn , warrior, chief. 297. Innoghe knawen , enough (well) known. 301. Nwy, anger; nwyed, grieved (306). 303. ‘ Finis uniuersae carnis uenit coram me; ’ Gen. vi. 13. 306. Gore , sin, but literally vileness, filthiness. A. S. gor, dirt, mud. Cf. Eng. gorbelly , gor crow (carrion crow). Glette , wickedness, but literally filth, dirt. Prov. Eng. glut, slime. 312. Cleme, to daub or plaster with mud or clay. A. S. clem, clam, , (1) mud, clay; (2) a bandage, fold; (3) prison. Du. hlemmen, to pinch; Tdampen , to hook together. The root still exists in clammy , to clamp, clumsy. Cf. A. S. lam , loam, clay ; prov. E. cloam , earthenware. 318. Vpon , i. e. open. See 11 . 453, 501. 319. Sware = sqware, square. 320. Dutande , shutting ; from dute = A. S. dyttan, to shut up, close, dit. Shakespeare uses dick, another form of dit — * Much good dich (fill) thy good heart, Apemantus.’ (Timon of Athens, i. 2. 73.) 331. Meyny of a^te, household (family) of eight. 335. Horwed, unclean. A. S. horu, horwa, filth, dirt. 337. Ho-beste 3, she-beasts; ho = heo, she. An. early example of this mode of expressing gender. XIII . ALLITERATIVE POEMS. 323 339. Frette, furnish. A. S. frcetwu , frcetu , finery, treasure ; frcetewian, to trim, adorn. Drayton uses fret , in the sense of an ornamental border, lace. 343. Fettled , set in order, fully prepared. Still in use. 348. As )>ou me ivyt lante^, as thou lentedst me wit, i. e. gavest me instruction, directedst me. 350. \>rep, gainsaying, contradiction. Witkouten \>rep , answers to our expression 4 without more words * or ‘without more ado.’ 352. Steke, to shut up, fasten. Sc. steek , to shut. The pret. stac , closed up, occurs in 1. 439 ; and the p.p. stoken in 1. 360. 353. Seyed, passed ; from O. E. sweye, to go, turn, sway (see 1 . 420 and 956). 354. Rowtande ryge, a rushing shower. Otherwise, rowtande • may signify roaring, from O. E. route , to roar, howl ; Icel. hrjota, to grunt, snore. The rendering rushing, connects rowtande with rout, a gang, Germ, rotte, which seems different from rout , a discomfiture, which is the Fr. route , from Lat. rupta, a division. Ryge, shower. A. S. reh , deluge, which seems to be connected with A.S. regen , Goth, rign; whence ^by loss of g) E. rain . 357-360. ‘Except you eight in this ark stowed (placed), And seed that I will save of these various beasts. Now Noah never ceases (that night he begins) Ere all were stowed and enclosed, as the command re- quired/ 362. Whichche , an old and genuine form of hutch = A.S. hwcecce, a chest. 364. Waites, wells, flows. A. S. weallan, wyllan, to spring up, boil, flow; wealtian, to roll. Cf. 1 . 370. 365, 366. ‘There was soon no bank that remained unbroken; The great flowing deep to the sky arose.’ Lauande, flowing (rapidly). The A. S. lafian, signifies to sprinkle water ; whence to lave. Loghe = A. S. lagu, water, sea, lake ; Sc. loch . 369. Fon is the preterite of the old verb fy?ie, to come to an end, to cease, finish ; also spelt fyned, 1 . 450. It is unusual for French verbs to follow the strong conjugation. 370. Ouer-waltez, overturns, overwhelms. Vche a, each, eveiy. 372. Beth motf dry^e, might suffer death, could die. Cf. 1 . 400. 374. No# dowed, nothing was of avail, there was no help. 375. Wylger, more wildly, more fiercely. 379. Brentest , highest, steepest. Sw. brant , steep. Cf. Welsh bryn, a hill. 3 2 4 NOTES. 380. Heterly (quickly, hastily) is connected with A. S. hete , hate ; hetol , fierce ; hettan, to pursue, drive. Cf. N. Prov. Eng. hetter , eager, earnest. rushed. Fr. haler , to hale , Aaw/, tow. 382. Raykande , advancing, from O. E. rayke, Icel. r*/£a, to wander. 383, 384. ‘Ere each valley was brim-full to the edges (tops) of its banks. And every dale so deep, that it became choked at the brinks.* Brurd-ful , full to the brim. A. S. hrerd , breord, margin, rim, bank. 388. ‘ Some swam thereon that expected (trowed) to save themselves.* 390. Rurd , cry. A. S. reord , speech, language. 391. Hy^e, high grounds, heights. 392. Hy^ed, hastened, hied. A. S. higati , to hasten ; Dan. hige, to pant. 394. Re-couerer of \>e creator , recoverer (saviour) of the creature. 395. Here the reading \>e masse \>e mase is probably an error for \>e mase , which is needlessly repeated. The sense is, that the state of con- fusion increased, pe mase , a state of confusion ; cf. Piers the Plowman (Clarendon Press Series), i. 6, iii. 159; or Sect. XV. i. 6, iii. 155. 401. ‘Friend looks to friend and his leave takes.* Luf=lef dear, beloved (one). 406. Hurkled , rested, settled. Prov. Eng. hurlde, to squat. 407. Mourkne , to rot. Sw. murken , rotten ; murkna, to rot. 408. Perhaps — ‘ all into whom the breath of life entered.* It is a mere paraphrase of Gen. vii. 2 2 — ‘ Et cuncta, in quibus spiraculum uitae est in terra, mortua sunt.* 417. Myke = Du. mik , the crutches of a boat, which sustain the main boom or the mast and sail when they are lowered for the convenience of rowing. 419. Hurrok , oar. Cf. Prov. Eng. orruck-holes , oar-drawing holes, Eng. rullocks, from Dan. ryleke, to draw. 421. Flyt , force, lit. contention; cf. jlytande in 1 . 950. 424. Nyf= ne + if if not. Lumpen , befallen. A. S. limpan , to happen. 425. A lei date , a true date (period) ; lei, leal, loyal. 433. Roily , peaceful, comforted, merry, glad. Sw. rolig, pleasant, calm ; A. S. row , sweet. The sense is ‘ the remnant whom the rack drives were glad that all kinds of animals, so well lodged, were safely kept inside.* With ioyst cf. Prov. Eng. joist , to agist or find a lodging for cattle, from O. F. giste, a lodging, which from gesir , to lie down. 438. Lasned , became less; from O. E. lasse, less. XIII. ALLITERATIVE POEMS. 3*5 439. Stange 3, pools, wells. O. Fr. estang , a pond, stagnant water. 440. * Bade leave off the rain, it abated at once/ 446. Rasse , eminence, is still used in the North of England for a mound, hill-top, and is an affix in local names, as in Dunmail Raise. 449. Kyste , chest, ark. 466. Ellez has here the force of if only , so long as. 469. Doune = dovne = dovene, a female dove (see 1 . 481). Cf. vixen, a female fox; O. E. wolvene, a female wolf. 483. Skyrmei, skims or glides along ; cf. Prov. E. sldr, to glide along, Germ, schurren , to scrape, to slide. 491. Iumpred , mourning, misery. Cf. Germ, jammer , mourning, misery ; A. S. geomor , sad. See note to 1 . 971. 497. Loued , praised, from A. S. lofian , to praise. 498. Tolke , person (lit. a talker ), here refers to God. 499. Glam , word. Sw. glamma , to chatter, talk ; glam , talk. 501. kPh//, turned open soon, i. e. opened at once ; cf. 11. 318, 453. 504. \)rublande , urging onwards. O. E. \>roble, to press on. 527. Rengne 3 32 may be for rengne 3, courses. A. S. bring , a ring, circuit. As it stands, it means * reign ye, continue ye/ 529. ‘Then was a separative (i. e. general) dispersion, when escaped all the wild (animals)/ SZy/Zy = separative, distinct ; Icel. skilja , to separate ; whence E. s&ZZZ, Dan. s£/eZ, discernment. Skyualde may be connected with Icel. skifa, to cut in twain, to cleave, Germ, schiefer , a splinter. 535. Gorste 3, places overgrown with furze, or gorse. 540. * The four men (Noah and his sons) receive the empire of the earth/ Destruction of Sodom. 950. Flytande , chiding, roaring. A.S . flitan, to scold, quarrel. 953. Ridlande , pouring, dripping. Ger. rutteln , to shake, sift, riddle. 969. Ry delies = redeles , without advice, uncertain what to do. 971. 3 omerly = A\S . geomorlic, doleful, sorrowful; geomor , sad, grim; geomrian , to grieve, groan, Germ, jammern , to moan. 3 «rm = Welsh garm, shout, outcry ; garmio , to set up a cry. 1009. o/a reche, a rush of smoke ; ra:Zt£, vapour, smoke. 1010. Vsellei , ashes. A.S. ysela, ysla, sparks, hot ashes. 101 1. jPZo/, boiling fat. Icel. j#o/, grease swimming on the surface of broth; Low. Germ, flot, cream. See Fleet , in Wedgwood. 1012. Bet , kindled; from O. E. bete , to make up the fire. 1017. Blubrande , bubbling, boiling up. Cf. Prov. Eng. blob , a bubble, drop ; blubber , to bubble, foam. Chaucer uses blubber , a bubble. 3 2(5 NOTES . 1024. Coste^ of hynde, the properties of nature, natural properties. 1029. Schalke , man. A. S. a servant, soldier, man; marshal (Mid. Lat. marescalus) is from the O. H. Germ, in'dhre (Eng. mare), horse, and schalk , a servant. Seneschal is from Goth, sineigs , old (superl. sinista), and skalks y a servant. 1030. Bro\>ely, hastily, quickly, soon; here a mere expletive. Cf. Icel. braft, haste, brd'Qliga, hastily, soon. 1034. Corsyes, corrosives. Spenser has corsive for corrosive. For a discussion on this word, see Notes and Queries, Third Series, xii. 390, 516; Fourth Series, i. 62, 160; and Corsey in Nares’s Glossary. 1035. Alkatran is the Arabic word for pitch; see Matzner’s note on Mandeville, cap. ix. in Sprachproben, vol. ii. p. 207. The whole account of the Dead Sea in Mandeville should be compared with that here given. 1038. ‘ The bituminous (sticky) asphalt that spice-mongers sell/ 1041. Terne , lake, tarn. Icel. tjdrn. XIV. SIR JOHN MANDEVILLE. The MSS. of this are very numerous ; there are at least nineteen in the British Museum, and there are three in the Cambridge University Library. For a list of the former set and an account of several early editions, see Mr. Halliwell’s preface. MSS. of Mandeville are some- times found in company with MSS. of Piers the Plowman. There is a modernised version of Mandeville, edited by Mr. Wright, in ‘ Early Travels in Palestine/ Bohn’s Antiquarian Library, London, 1848. The knight is said to have spent thirty-four years in travel, in Tartary, Persia, Armenia, Lybia, Ethiopia, India, Palestine, &c. His book may be compared with Colonel Yule’s new edition of Marco Polo. The date of the work is not quite certain ; for, whilst in the Cotton MS. it is said to be 1356, in MS. Bibl. Reg. 17 C. xxxviii. it is 1366. (A) The Prologue. Line 8. Envyrone, to go about. But the Royal MS. has honoure. 9. Enoumbre him, hide himself ; from the O. F. ‘ enombrer, obscurcir, cacher;’ Burguy. 20. Myddes of alle , &c. Jerusalem was supposed to be the exact centre of the earth, which was imagined to be a flat plane, or else a sort of hemisphere, of which Jerusalem was the highest point. But it is most remarkable that Mandeville himself argues that the earth is XIV. SIR JOHN MANDEV 1 LLE . 3 2 7 globular (cap. xvii) and that it is possible to travel completely round it. The proof of Jerusalem being the centre of the earth was derived from Psalm lxxiv. 12 ; ‘For God is my king of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth? Cf. Josephus, Wars of the Jews, iii. 3. 5. 21. The philosophre ; Aristotle, Nicom. Eth. ii. 6. 91. Surry e, Syria; Ermonye , Armenia. Amazoyne, the country of the (supposed) Amazons, on the south coast of the Black Sea, about the modern Trebizonde. Chaucer calls it the regne (kingdom) of Feminie ; Knightes Tale, 1 . 8; and says it was formerly called Scythia. Else- where Mandeville says it is beside Chaldaea. Inde the lasse is Northern India ; Inde the more , or greater, is Southern India. The names of these countries vary in the MSS. 107. And }ee, &c. The whole of this last paragraph is wanting in nearly every other MS. 1 1 7. Here mynde is used with the sense of memory. (B) Of the begynning of Mac homete. Mahomet, born a.d. 570 ; died June 8, 632. The name is better spelt Mohammed or Muhammed. Line 15. Corrodane , possibly Koraidha, the name of a Jewish tribe whom Mahomet subdued. 17. Gadrige , Khadija, a rich widow, whom he married. 24. Sarazines, from the Arabic sharkeyn, meaning the Eastern people; quite unconnected with Sarah , notwithstanding the assertion in 1 . 30. 32. Loth , Lot. See Gen. xix. 37. 57. Galamelle , apparently from Greek 7aA.cc, milk, and fieki, honey, a kind of mead. This is possibly ‘ the sweet liquor or syrup called Dushdb , which Della Valle says is just the Italian Mostocotto , but better, clearer, and not so mawkish; * see Marco Polo, ed. Yule, i. 84. (G) The Contrees beyond Cathay . Line 3. Cathay e, China. Bachary e, perhaps Bokhara. 15. Bernakes, barnacles. See the whole story explained in Max Muller’s Lectures on the Science of Language, Second Series. 27. Canelle , cinnamon; see Romaunt of the Rose, 1 . 1370. 32. Uber , the mountains of Caucasus. The reference is to the pass of Derbend, on the Western side of the Caspian Sea. The mediaeval romances of Alexander say that he shut up Gog and Magog, and twenty other nations, behind a mountain barrier. See Yule’s edition of Marco Polo, vol. i. p. 52. 328 NOTES . 33. Ly nages, tribes ; the lost ten tribes of the Jews. 36. Alisandre, Alexander. The story of the twenty-two kings occurs in the alliterative Romance of Alexander, ed. Stevenson (Roxburghe Club), Passus xxvi ; which was founded upon Pseudo-Callisthenes. 65. Marcheth to, borders upon. Cf. the phrase the Marches of Wales. 57. Avaled, descended. To vail is to lower; cf. ‘vailed lids,’ Hamlet. 77, Be be = be bi; ‘except it be by’ (i. e. during). 1 1 4. Ipotaynes; hippopotami are intended. 120. Griffounes , griffins. A griffin is a vulture, but it was represented as being a compound of eagle and lion. Cf. Spenser, F. Q. i. 5. 8; Milton, Par. Lost, ii. 943. There is a long extract from Mandeville, with notes, in Matzner’s Altenglische Sprachproben, part ii. XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND, OR LANGLEY. The portion of ‘ Piers the Plowman ’ here printed may be advantage- ously compared with that printed in the edition published in the Clarendon Press Series. There are many resemblances, and» many differences. The differences of spelling in lines otherwise alike are due to the pieces being printed from different MSS. It has been explained that there are three quite different versions of the poem. The portions of the A-text, here printed, are from the Vernon MS. in the Bodleian Library, with a few improvements from other MSS. This MS. makes the dialect more remarkable for Southern forms than it should be ; this is due to the scribe of that MS. being a southern man, as evidenced in all the numerous pieces he has written out. The true dialect of the author appears more plainly in the B-text MS. (Laud 581), and is more uniformly Midland. The differences of the texts are these : — (1) The A-text contains two distinct poems, viz. a Prologue and eight Passus of ‘ Piers the Plowman/ and a Prologue and three Passus of ‘ Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest.’ (2) The B-text contains a Prologue and seven Passus of ‘ Piers the Plowman/ a Prologue and six Passus of ‘ Dowel/ a Prologue and three Passus of ‘ Dobet/ and a Prologue and one Passus of ‘Dobest;* of these, the Clarendon Press edition contains only the first portion, or * Piers the Plowman,’ properly so called . (3) The C-text contains a Prologue and nine Passus of Piers, a Prologue and six Passus of Dowel, a Prologue and three Passus of Dobet, and a Prologue and one Passus of Dobest. The Early English Text Society will publish all three texts in full, and has already published the two first. But we shall here consider only the portion of the A-text here printed, and the portion of the B-text printed by the Clarendon Press, some of the notes XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND. 329 to which we here quote, and refer the reader to the same volume for further information. Prologus. Line 1 . Softe, mild, warm ; in the month of May. 2. ‘ I put myself into (rough) clothing, as if I were a shepherd/ Schop, shaped; cf. 1 . 52. Scheep , a shepherd; a rare word, but there are a few examples. In MSS. of the C-text, the word is actually written shepherd , at length. 3. The shepherd’s dress resembled a hermit’s; the epithet unholy seems to express the author’s opinion of hermits, especially of those who roamed about, instead of staying in their cells. Cf. 1 . 28. 5. Maluerne hulles , Malvern hills, in Worcestershire. 6. ‘ There befel to me a wonder, of fairy (origin), it seemed to me/ Observe the phrase of feyr ye in Sect. XII. 1 . 230. 7. Wente me. The exact use of me here is uncertain ; it can either mean turned myself , the original meaning of wcnde being to turn; or else, went to rest myself; or perhaps me is an ethic dative, meaning as far as relates to myself. Of the first usage there is an example in Caedmon, ed. Thorpe, p. 56, ‘ Wend \>e from wynne ,’ turn thyself from joy ; also in the Ancren Riwle, ed. Morton, p. 53, ‘ wend te awei* turn thyself away. 11. 4 Then did I dream a marvellous dream/ 12. ‘And as I looked eastward, on high, towards the sun/ 13. Tour , tower. This Tower is the abode of Truth, i. e. of God the Father ; the dungeon in the valley is the abode of Satan. This is ex- plained in Pass. i. 12, 61. 17. The fair field is the world ; Matt. xiii. 38. The occupations of the various occupants of it are next minutely described. 19. Asketh , i.e. as the way of the world requires. 21. Swonken , obtained by labour; \>at in the next line = that which. 29. Carien — cairen , wander (about). In many MSS. it is written cairen. Cf. Germ, hehren. 34. Giltles , honestly. The true minstrels gained their living honestly, but most of the tribe were a bad set and children of Judas ; see next line. 36. ‘Found out fancies for themselves, and made fools of themselves, and (yet) have they wit at their command, to work if it pleased them/ 38. The text of Paul alluded to is, ‘Qui non laborat non manducet’ (2 Thess. iii. 10); but the poet dares not quote it, because every speaker of evil against another is a servant of Lucifer. 41. Heor = heore , their. Balies, bellies. 33 ° NOTES. 41. Bratfvl Icrommet , crammed brimful. 42. A/te alle = atten ale = at \>en ale , at the ale; over their cups. Ale, an ale-house, as in Launce’s speech in Two Gentlemen of Verona, ii. 5, ‘go to the ale with a Christian.’ 44. p*s, these. The Robert's men , or Roberdesmen , were lawless vaga- bonds. In the Statutes of 5 Edward III, c. xiv, a class of malefactors, guilty of robbery and murder, are called Roberdesmen. 47. Seint Ieme, St. James of Compostella in Gallicia. Pilgrimages to Rome and Compostella were then much in vogue. In England, the most famous places of pilgrimage were Walsingham in Norfolk (see 1 . 51), Glastonbury, and Canterbury. 55. The four orders of friars were the Franciscans, Augustines, Dominicans, and Carmelites. See Specimens of English, a.d. 1394 to 1579, ed. Skeat, p. 357. 57. Glosynge , commenting upon. See Chaucer, Sompnoures Tale, 1. 80. .ds hem good like\> , as it well pleases them. 61. Chapmon, pedlar. The friars, instead of exercising charity, went about selling indulgences ; see Chaucer’s description of the Frere in his Prologue. 65. Pardoner. See Chaucer’s Prologue; and Massingberd’s English Reformation, p. 127. 71. * He banged them with his brevet (i. e. thrust it in their faces), and cajoled them.’ Blered heore ei^en, bleared (blinded) their eyes, cajoled them. 72. Ragemon , catalogue, list. The full expression is Ragman Roll , now corrupted into rigmarole. The Ragman Roll was a document with many seals ; here used of the papal bull. 78. Sometimes the boy (i. e. young pardoner) and the parish priest, instead of quarrelling, agreed to fleece the people, and divide the spoil. 81. The pestilence here referred to is probably the first of three, viz. that which occurred in 1348 and 1349. See note to Pass. v. 1 . 13. The evil occasioned by parish-priests, who neglected their parishes to go to London, is alluded to by Chaucer; see the description of the Persone in his Prologue. After 1 . 83 the B-text inserts no less than 123 extra lines, which were added in the year 1377. 89. Mom — mum, the least sound made by closed lips. 103. Dieu vous sauve , dame Emme (God save you, lady Emma!) is evidently the refrain of some popular ballad. 105. ‘ Good geese and pigs ! let’s go and dine !’ This description is copied by Lydgate, in his London Lyckpeny ; see Specimens of English, a.d. 1394-1579; p. 26. XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND. 33 1 107, 108. Oseye, Alsace. Ruyn, the Rhine, pe rost to defye , to digest the roast meat. Passus I. A Passus is a canto, or portion of a poem. 2, 3. Oiv , you ; see 1. 14. A loueli , &c. ; a lady, lovely of face. This is the Lady Holy- Church, the poet's instructor ; see 1. 73. 9. Holde \>ei no tale , they make no account. 20. ‘ Three things in common ;’ i. e. clothing, meat, and drink ; see Ecclesiasticus xxix. 28. 36. ‘Believe not thy body, for a liar — this wicked world — teaches it to betray thee/ 53. Kuynde wit , natural wit, common sense. 54. Tour, tower, safe place of custody. Many MSS. have tut our, custodian. Take it low, bestow it on you. 6 r. ‘There dwells a wight (Satan) who is named Wrong.’ 66. Ellerne , elder-tree. Cf. Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost, v. '2. 75. Borwes, sureties, sponsors; viz. at baptism. 83. The subject of 11. 83-134 is Truth ; that of 11. 135-181 is Love or Charity. 84. ‘I appeal to the text — God is Love’ (1 John iv. S\ Hose = hoso , who so. Not elles , not otherwise (than the truth). 89. Lucus. See Luke viii. 21. 103. Kyngene , of kings ; gen. pi., which in A. S. ended in -a or - ena . 104. The reading ‘ and all the four orders’ is corrupt. The Trin. MS. has such seuene If a-anoper, which is right. There were ten orders of angels: (1) Cherubim; (2) Seraphim; (3-9) seven more such; and (10) one other beside, viz. the one over which Lucifer presided, and which fell from heaven with him; see 1. 112. 1 1 4. According to the popular creed of the middle ages, the less guilty of the rebellious angels were permitted to occupy the different elements on earth instead of being condemned to the pit 125. ‘ Teach it to these unlettered men ; for lettered men know it/ 1 30. ‘ It is thy natural conscience, that teaches thee in thy heart.’ 137. Prechet = preche it, preach it. 138. Me, men ; used with a singular verb, like the French on. %edde, to sing. A. S. geddian, giddian, to sing. 154. ‘As pure as a child, that cries when baptized/ 33 2 NOTES. t 67. ‘ They devour what they should give in charity, and then cry out for more.’ 168. Wor\> , shall be. The present is often used for the future. 173. ‘And a lesson to ignorant men to put off almsgiving;’ lit. to be the later in distributing. 18 1. Grai\> gate , direct way. It occurs in Blind Harry’s Wallace, v. 135 - Pas jus II. 158. Fauuel = Favel, the impersonation of Flattery; from O. Fr. favele , idle talk, E. fable. Occleve also uses the same word, and says of Favel — 4 His crafte is ay to sustene the wrong side, And fro vertu his lord to divide;* and again — ‘ But favelle taketh alle another parte, In wrong preisyng is all his craft and arte.* Occleve, De Reg. Princ. ed. Wright, pp. 106 and hi. 175. Eny hunnes yftus, gifts of any kind. 187. Do]> him to go , prepares himself to depart. 192. To-logged = to-lugged, pulled about by the ear or hair. Cf. O. E. lug , the ear ; Sw. lugga, to pull by the hair. 194. Hote to trusse, bidden to pack (and be off). 206. For knowynge of comers, to prevent recognition by travellers. Passus III. 18. Conscience, Conscience’s; a gen. fern, in -e. 26. Lau^ten leue at, took leave of. 46. Tok him, gave him. Take in O. E. often = give. 49. Wol stonden vs ful hei$e, will cost us a good deal. 69. ‘ The use of fraudulent measures and weights were severely punished in the middle ages ; ’ see note to Myrc’s Instructions for Parish Priests, ed. Peacock, p. 80. 74. Reche )>, grow rich ; richen in some MSS. Regratorie, regrating. * Regrating,’ or the buying up of provisions and other things cheaply, and selling them dearly, w T as one of the great sources of oppression of the poor by the rich in the middle ages ; we may translate it by retail dealing. Bugge\> hem, buy for themselves. 76. Toke \>ei on trewely , if they made profit honestly. Timhrede not, would not build. XV. WILLIAM LANGLAND . 333 86. The quotation is not from Solomon, but from Job xv. 34. 142. Prouisours , persons who purchased privileges from Rome, such as provisions for holding benefices before they fell vacant, &c. 154. Loue-dayes , days for the (supposed) amicable settlement of dif- ferences; see Chaucer, Prol. 1 . 258. 155. ‘It is bewilderment for a poor man, though he plead for ever/ Passus V. 4. * That I had not slept more soundly, and seen more/ 13. There were three great pestilences (some count four) in Edward Ill’s reign. The first two are here referred to. The first lasted from May 31, 1348, to September 29, 1349; the second from August 15, 1361, to May 3, 1362. The third was in 1369; the fourth in 1375-6. 14. Wynt , wind. There was a great storm of wind, from the South, on the evening of Saturday, January 15, 1362. This fixes the date of this early version of the poem. 44. William , i. e. the author himself, as appears from other passages. 45. We have here the confessions of some of the seven deadly sins. The first is Pride , represented by one Pernel Proud-heart. Pride comes first, owing to the text ‘ For pride is the beginning of sin Eccles. x. 13. The rest are Luxury, Envy, Wrath, Avarice, Gluttony, and Sloth. Pernel is short for Petronilla. In the A-text the character of Wrath is omitted. 60. Gultus , guilts, sins. 92. A l \>e web aftur } all the piece of cloth from which the coats had been cut as well. 108. Sire herui , Sir Harvey. It seems to have been a nickname for a skinflint. Skelton uses it (ed. Dyce, i. 35). 1 15. Atte nohe = atten ohe , at the oak. Cf. John Nohes , John at the Oaks ; John Styles , John at the Stile. 1 19. Wych; other MSS. wy. It means Weyhill, near Andover, in Hampshire, a famous place for fairs to this day. * The tolls derived from the sheep-fair form part of the stipend of the rector of Weyhill;’ Standard newspaper, October 11, 1870. The fair lasts eight days, be- ginning on October 10. 123. Donet, grammar, elements (of a subject); from Mlius Donatus , a grammarian, who flourished at Rome about a.d. 356. 125. Rayes, striped cloths; they were measured by the list or edge. See Liber Albus, ed. Riley, p. 631. 127. Pressour , press. Pinnede , pressed (them) severely ; E. to pen. Cf. pindar, pinfold 9 pound. 128. Tolden, counted. 334 NOTES. 132. Auticel (or auncer). This old weighing-machine answers exactly to that known as the * Danish’ steelyard. His Nvife, when paying her women, paid them by weight ; and used a weight which weighed too much. 134. Peni-ale. The commonest ale, sold in London at a penny a gallon. See Stow’s Chronicle, p. 218; or Strutt’s Manners and Customs, ii. 81. 137. Bummede y tasted. Ther-after , according to the sample. 145. Rode of Brotnholm , rood (cross) of Bromholm in Norfolk. It was said to be made of wood from the real cross, brought to England by a priest named Sir Hugh in 1223. It is mentioned by Chaucer; Keve’s Tale, 1 . 366. The line means, ‘ and pray the cross of Bromholm to bring me out of debt (to the church).’ He could make restitution by offering at the shrine. 263. Leue , permit, allow; cf. Germ, erlauben. Misprinted lene (in this place) in Mr. Skeat’s edition. Passus VI. This Passus, in the B-text, forms the latter part of Pass. v. 8. ‘ He bare a travelling-staff bound about with a broad list (of cloth), which was wreathed round it after the fashion of a withy-band;’ or, ‘ of a woodbine.’ In Harman’s Caveat (Early English Text Society's ed. p. 26) the three essential parts of a broom are described as ‘ A staff, a beesom, and wyth , that wyll wynde.’ The withy , wound round and round the besom, binds it on to the staff or broomstick ; which will explain the reading withy-band. But the Harl. MS. has wodbyndis, i. e. of a woodbine , which was also called a withwind or withiewind, and ac- cordingly some MSS. have the reading withcwyndes. See the Glossary. 11. Ampolles , little leaden phials for holy water, bought at different shrines, and worn in the hat to shew how many shrines had been visited, much as a traveller brands names on his alpenstock. People who went to Galys (Gallicia) brought home scallop-shells. The vernicle (from St. Veronica) was a copy of the true picture ( vera icon = Gr. dtcivv) of Christ miraculously imprinted on a handkerchief preserved in the church of St. Peter at Rome. For the legend of St. Veronica, see Chambers’ Book of Days, i. 100. 28. Peter , by St. Peter ! a common exclamation ; see Chaucer, Schip- mannes Tale, 1 . 214. Plouymon; here Piers the Plowman first appears; he signifies Honesty, or an honest teacher of men. The poet afterwards identified XVI. JOHN BARBOUR. 335 him, in a later version, with Jesus Christ ; he is here introduced as a servant of Truth, i. e. of God the Father. 39. To paye, to His satisfaction. 45. Wissen, teach, shew. Piers offers to shew all men the way to the abode of Truth ; i. e. to heaven. Passus VII. 234. Kuynde wit , natural wit, common sense. 237. Bead omnes , Ps. cxxvii. in the Vulgate ; cxxviii. in the A. V. 246. ‘But I bid thee, quoth Hunger, if thou desire (to have) thy health.’ 257. Calabre , i. e. a Calabrian fur; a gray fur with a black stripe. 269. \>erf—K. S. \>eorf \ unleavened. 276. Lammasse , i. e. Loaf-mass, August 1. 303. Lawes. After the pestilence of 1349, there was a want of labourers. The king published a proclamation, limiting their wages ; but it was evaded, and, especially in harvest, exorbitant wages were both demanded and given. 305. Statues , statutes. 3TI. Saturne. The influence of the planet Saturn was supposed to be malign, and to cause floods and similar disasters. XVI. JOHN BARBOUR. The poem of the Bruce is not divided into books in the MSS. The division into twenty books (here followed) was made by Pinkerton. Jamieson divided the poem into fourteen books, but in his Scottish Dictionary he always refers to Pinkerton’s numbering of the lines, and not to his own. For further information about the meaning of words, see Jamieson’s Dictionary. Observe that, in Lowland-Scotch MSS., «, v, and w are interchanged ; so that vyth , vod , mean with , wood; wenge means venge ; mwre is for mure , a moor, and so on. Line 1. The reader should consult the notes to Sir Walter Scott’s beautiful poem entitled ‘ The Lord of the Isles ;*. especially note 2 B. 2. Vill ofvayn; cf. note to 1 . 225. 7. Begouth, began. This corrupt form arose from supposing a con- nection between gan (sometimes can ) — which was used as an auxiliary, like did i although a part of the verb ginnen, to begin, — and the totally different word can t which had a past tense couth , now spelt could . 33 6 NOTES. io. Abyde 3 e heir , if ye abide here. Observe that an inferior, speaking to a superior, uses the termy* ; the superior replies with thou (1. 15). 1 7. Oftsiss = oftsithes , oftentimes ; from O. E. sith , a time. 18. Quha , whosoever. Endlong a vattir , along a stream. 27. ‘And continued their way along it’; where foL? on = continued, persevered in. 37. 4 There would he no longer abide.* 48. Weill fer , well far, very far off. 65. Lest on lif \ last alive, remain alive. 71. Intill a bush lurhand, lurking in a bush. 72. Quhill , until. Cf. Macbeth, iii. 1. 43 ; and Rich. II, i. 3. 122. At his hand, close at hand. 81. Amer , Sir Aymer de Valence, earl of Pembroke. 87. Randale, Sir Thomas Randolph, who afterwards sided with Bruce. 90. Price and lovyng , honour and praise. If loving were intended, the word used would have been luff. 103. ‘If he were attacked (or, challenged to fight) on equal terms.* 105. This story is told in ‘The Lord of the Isles,’ canto iii. A similar story is told of Wallace. 1 18. ‘ And asked them whither they wished to go.* 127. Late , demeanour ; see the Glossary. 132. Bryng of daw, bring out of day, i. e. kill ; cf. did o lijf, i. e. did out of life, slew ; Sect. VII. 1 . 191. 135. Hawyng, behaviour; literally, having. 137. 4 Ye must all three, till we be better acquainted, go in front all by yourselves.’ 139. Forrouth , before, in front; so also forroiv in 1 . 145. Sw. forut, before. 142. 4 Sir, there is no need to believe any ill (to be) in us.' 145. 4 Until we be better acquainted with each other/ 148. 4 And forth upon their way did go/ 160. Here a is emphatic, and signifies one ; see 1 . 162. 177. ‘Saw that it became him of necessity to sleep/ 1 79. Valk , awake ; used transitively. The intransitive form is walJcyn t whence valhnyt in 1 . 210. The introduction of the letter n renders a verb intransitive in Moeso-Gothic, Swedish, &c. Thus we have Sw. vaka, to watch, vakna, to awake. 188. As foul on twist , as fowl on twig, like a bird on a bough. 192. Routit he, snored loudly; where fo = high, highly, loudly. 216. So stratly stad, so closely beset, so hardly put to it. 218. Na war, had it not been for his defensive armour. 225. Will of vayn ; for will of wane. Will means at a loss, distracted, XVII. (a) JOHN WYCLIF. 337 puzzled, whence our wild . Wane means weening, purpose, design, plan. Will of wane , at a loss for a plan, not knowing what to do. Jamieson explains it quite wrongly. Cf. 1 . 2 above. 423. Cwmynys , Comyn’s. Bruce stabbed John Comyn before the high altar in the Greyfriar’s Church at Dumfries, shortly before his own accession to the crown in 1306. See ‘Lord of the Isles/ note K. 434. Nakit. naked ; this means, unprovided with defensive armour. 439. Haffhe , i. e. if ye have. 447. But langar f rest, without longer delay. 455. Top our taill, top over tail, head over heels. 467. Schot , rushed ; which is the right meaning in Havelok the Dane 1. 1838. 470. ‘ In his rising, such a blow gave him That stone-dead to the earth he went* (lit. drove). 471. Draf drove, fell. XVII. (A) JOHN WYCLIF. Cap. i. Verse 11. And a voys; Lat. Et uox facta est de caelis. 16. Sendynge , an exact translation of the Lat. mittentes. It must be remembered that Wyclif follows closely the peculiarities of the Latin (Vulgate) version, from which he translated. Some of his expressions can only be wholly understood by examining the Vulgate. Thus, in verse 18, the phrase \>e nettis forsaken is an imitation of the Lat. abl. absolute, relic tU retibus ; and so on. 19. He gon forth ; Lat. progressus; cf. he gon yn (Lat. ingressus) in v. 21. 31. \>e hond ofhir taken ; Lat. apprehensa manu eius 32. \>e euenynge maad ; Lat. uespere autem facto. 35. Gon out; Lat. egressus. 40. \>e knee f olden ; Lat. genu flexo. Cap ii. 2. Tok nat ; Lat. ita ut non caperet neque ad ianuam. 9. What ; Lat. Quid est facilius. 15. It is don; Lat. factum est. So also in v. 23. 19. Sonnys; Lat. filii nuptiarum. 26. Loouys ; Lat. panes propositionis, i. e. shewbread. Cap. iii. 4. To make a soul saaf; Lat. animam saluam facere. 10. How many euere ; Lat. quotquot. 21. Wodenesse, madness; Lat. in furorem uersus est. 2 7. Diuersly rauyshe, a translation of Lat. diripiet. 28. For, put for Lat. quoniam. VOL. II. Z NOTES. 33 8 29. Into withouten eend ; Lat. in aeternura. 34. In pc cumpas ; Lat. in circuitu eius. Cap. iv. 9. Of heeryng ; Lat. audiendi. 10. Singuler ; Lat. singularis. 1 2. pat sum tyme ; Lat. nequando. 20. Taken; Lat. suscipiunt. 34. On-sidis bond . aside ; Lat. seorsum. 35. Passe we ; Lat. transeamus contra. 39. Greet pesiblenesse ; Lat. facta est tranquillitas magna. Cap. v. 2. To hym ; Lat. exeunti ei de naui. 19. To pine ; Lat. ad tuos, i. e. to thy relations. 23. In pe laste J nngis ; Lat. in extremis. 35. %it him spekynge ; Lat. adhuc eo loquente, answering to the (so- called) dative absolute in A. S. 36. \>e word herd; Lat. audito uerbo. Nyle p ou drede ; Lat. noli timere. 37. Resceyuede ; Lat. admisit. 38. Sii noyse, lit. saw a noise ; Lat. uidet tumultum. 39. What , put for why; Lat. quid. 40. Alle hast out ; eiectis omnibus. Cap. vi. 2. pe saboth maad ; sabbato facto. 5. Vertu, exercise of power ; uirtutem. The hondis put to ; impositis manibus. 6. Castelis in enuyrown; castella in circuitu. 9. Schoon wip sandalies ; calceatos sandaliis. 14. Forsope , &c. ; manifestum enim factum est nomen eius. Fro deed men ; a mortuis. Worchen; operantur. 19. Leide aspies to him; insidiabatur illi. 20. Kepte; custodiebat. 26. And for men , &c. ; et propter simul discumbentes, noluit earn contristare. 27. A manquellere sent ; misso speculatore. 31. Space for to ete; spatium manducandi. 35. Moche our ; iam hora praeteriit. 36. Leeue hem , send them away ; dimitte illos. 3 7. Goynge, & c. ; Euntes emamus ducentis denariis panes. 41. Et acceptis duobus panibus, & c. 50. Triste , & c. ; confidite ; ego sum ; nolite timere. 56. Either the hem ; Lat. uel fimbriam. How manye , &c. ; quotquot tangebant eum, salui fiebant. XVIII. JOHN OF T REV ISA . 339 XVII. (B) HEREFORD’S PSALTER. Ps. xiv. Verse i. Eft resten, requiescet. Eft , again, Lat. re-. 2. Qui ingreditur sine macula, &c. 3. reprof, & c. ; et opprobrium non accepit aduersus proximos suos. 4. The dredende, & c. ; timentes autem Dominum glorificat. 5. £ 7 />orc /A* innocent ; super innocentem. In-to without ende ; in aeternum. Ps. xxiii. I. Rozindnesse oflondis; orbis terrarum. 2. Befor greithide it ; praeparauit eum. 4. Toe not to in veyn his soule ; non accepit in uano animam suam. 5 .And mercy, & c. ; et misericordiam a Deo salutari suo. 7. Doth awei 3 oure $atus; Attollite portas (a mistranslation). Beth rerid out, eleuamini ; in v. 9 it is better translated, viz. beth rered vp. 10. Lord of vertues ; Dominus uirtutum. Cf. note to Mark vi. 5. Ps. cii. 1. Blesse to the Lord; Benedic Domino. 2. Wile, &c. ; noli obliuisci omnes retributiones eius. 4. A^een-bieth, buys back, redeems ; Lat. redimit. Mercy-doingis, miserationibus. 6. Doende, & c. ; Faciens misericordias Dominus. 9. Non in perpetuum irascetur ; neque in aeternum comminabitur. 10. Aftir, according to ; Lat. secundum. 14. Quoniam ipse cognouit figmentum nostrum ; recordatus est quo- niam puluis sumus. 1 5. Homo, si cut foenum dies eius ; tanquam flos agri, sic efilorebifc. 16. Quoniam spiritus pertransibit in illo, et non subsistet, &c. 17. Sones ofsones; filios filiorum. 19. His reume, &c. ; regnum ipsius omnibus dominabitur. 20. Mi$ti bi vertue ; potentes uirtute. To ben herd ; ad audiendum uocem sermonum eius. XVIII. JOHN OF TREVISA. (A) Description of Britain . The following is an extract from Mr. Babington’s preface to Higden, vol. ii. p. viii. * The natural productions of the island are enumerated in the 41st chapter. It is to be regretted that Higden, instead of stating facts Z 2 34 ° NOTES. which must have come within his own knowledge, should have done little else but remand us to the classical authors Pliny and Solinus, and to earlier medieval writers, as Isidore, Bede, William of Malmes- bury, Alfred of Beverley, and Henry of Huntingdon. There is little or nothing in their accounts of the animals, plahts, or minerals of England to call for remarks here. Higden himself remarks principally on the richness of our ores, marbles, and other minerals ; of our exports of wool to Flanders, of iron and lead to Gascony, of salt to Ireland, and of white metal (so Trevisa translates aera nivea) to all Europe. An enumeration of some of the marvels of England follow, which may be passed over lightly. They are principally derived from Alfred of Beverley, Giraldus Cambrensis, and William of Malmesbury. Among the marvels are recounted various petrifying springs and windy caverns, while others are of a magical or supernatural character in connection with lakes, mountains, and caves. In conclusion it is observed that in no country are there more bodies of saints preserved from corruption than in England, as instanced in St. Etheldreda, St. Edmund, St. El- phege, and St. Cuthbert.’ The English text of Trevisa in the ‘Rolls’ edition is from MS. H. i in St. John’s College, Cambridge. It is a fine MS., and a few readings are given from it here. Some others have been adopted from MS. Harl. 1900, as pointed out in the footnotes. The Cotton MS. (here chiefly followed) has been preferred as preserving the author’s own (Southern) dialect ; it has been collated for the * Rolls ’ edition, the various read- ings from it being there marked by the Greek letter y. Mr. Lumby (vol. iii. p. xxv.) has the following remarks upon it. ‘ In the personal pronouns the favourite forms for the first person singular are ych, ich , and y ; and for all genders of the third person singular, as well as for the third person plural, the not unusual form is a. [See 1 . 30.] This is most common for the masculine, and least common for the neuter of the singular. The feminine likewise appears as heo , also the neuter hyt , and the plural hy. The orthography is also peculiar; v is very fre- quently used instead of /, indicating the Southern character of the MS., b|Ut there occurs an equal number of instances of the contrary inter- change K There is a marked preference also shown for forms with the vowel combinations eo , eu , uy , aa , ee , 00. The mark of the feminine form in nouns is as (as wolvas , a she-wolf, godas, a goddess), and a frequent form of the plural is on (as roper on, oxen). In the words live and have , the v is always represented by hb , as lybbe , habbe ; and y by gg , in ligge for lay and sigge for say. Preterites and perfect participles have 1 There are no instances of / being put for v in the extracts here given. XVIII. JOHN OF TREVISA 341 unusual [i.e. the usual Southern ] forms, as leop , leapt, ful, fell. Now and then we find a word entirely differing from the reading in the text [i.e. from the St. John’s MS.] and of a more antiquated character, as teer , clean, fulled , baptized, eldede , lived/ The word teer is Welsh; cf. W. ter , pure. Line 1. Passe p, surpasses; Lat. ‘vincit/ Throughout Extract A, Tre- visa follows Higden closely. 10. Balenes, Lat. ‘balaenae/ The words in parentheses are not in the Latin. 13. Margery-perles, pearls ; Lat. ‘margaritas/ 15. Carefully observe the use of me , which is equivalent in use to the French on, signifying men, people. Note also that wi]> would follow reed in modern English ; cf. 1 . 47. The Latin is, * quibus tinctura coccinei colons efficitur/ 17. \>e elper , the older it is; Lat. ‘quo uetustior, eo solet esse ue- nustior/ 25. pe pryft, the essence, the most profitable part ; Lat. ‘desiccante se pinguedinis nucleo.’ 30. Gagates , is the F. jay el, and E .jet. 3 ef me axep , if people ask about ; Lat. ‘ cuius si decorem requiras. nigro-gemmeus est/ 33. That , heated ; repeated in 1 . 35 in the form hat. 35. Lat. ‘ calefactus applicita detinet, aeque ut succinum/ Trevisa calls it ‘ succinis, a stone that is so named.’ Succinum , or rather sucinum, means amber ; and there is clearly the allusion to the electrical experi- ment of warming and rubbing amber to cause it to attract very small light articles. 48. Lat. ‘uelut altera Sarnia/ The words ‘ Jat hatte Samos also,’ i. e. that is also called Samos, were added by Trevisa. 51. Whyt metayl , Lat. ‘ aera niuea ; * meaning tin. 54. A vercefyour , a versifier; not in English, but in Latin. The Latin has ‘ Unde quidam metricus in laudem eius sic prorupit. ‘ Henricus de Praerogativis Angliae. Versus. ‘Anglia terra ferax et fertilis angulus orbis, Anglia plena iocis, gens libera, digna iocari ; Libera gens, cui libera mens et libera lingua, Sed lingua melior liberiorque manus.’ Next follow ten Leonine verses, hexameters, and pentameters alternately, beginning — ‘Anglia, terrarum decus et flos finitimarum’ — and ending (in Trevisa) at the word yftes ( 1 . 69). After these six more lines, by one Alfridus, beginning — ‘ Ilia quidem longe celebri splendore beata/ Trevisa begins by translating these into prose; but at 1 . 61 evidently 343 NOTES. begins to aim at poetry. His lines are very irregular, but may be thus arranged — * Strange men that needeth That land well oft relieveth ; When hunger grieveth, That land all such men feedeth. That land is good enough ; Wonder-much fruit beareth, and corn. That land is well at ease, As long as men live in peace. East and West all land Knoweth havens right well of England. Here ships fondes [ approach , seek to come'], And oft help many ‘ londes/ Their meat, their ‘ monay * Men have more common alway. For here that ‘ creftes ’ Men will gladly give gifts. In land and in strand Well wide men speak of England. Land, honey, milk, cheese ! This island shall bear the prize. As of lands aright, this island hath need of none; All lands must seek help, needs, of this alone. Of liking [pleasure ] there the ‘ woon ’ [ abundance ] Wonder at might Solomon ; Riches, that there is in, Yearn (for) would Octavian.’ The word creftes , of a craft or trade, is used here in a very singular manner in place of the Latin de more ; as the original has ‘ Nam de more uiri sunt ibi magnified’ In I. 72, neodes signifies of necessity, as usual. 76. Mayster ; probably Maistresse (as in the John’s MS.) was intended. The Latin is * Quibus fontibus praesul est numen Mineruae.’ 81. Pectoun; Lat. ‘ Peccum.* The reference seems to be to the Peak in Derbyshire, as Henry of Huntingdon has the words ‘ in monte qui uocatur Pec ; ’ Monum. Hist. Brit. p. 694. In fact, a short pass near Castleton is still called the Winnats or Wind-gates. Another wonder of the Peak is the chasm called the Eldon-hole. 88. Cherdhol. Henry of Huntingdon has Chederhole , i. e. Cheddar in Somerset ; see Mr. Babington’s note, vol. ii. p. ix. Mr. Lumby adds (vol. iii. p. xxvii.) ‘ it is worth while to observe that Ceadboldes wigh is mentioned (Cod. Dipl. 427, 1198) near Lambourne and Welford in Berkshire, and seems to approach more nearly to the name in the text. XV III. JOHN OF TREVISA. 343 The name Chaddleworth exists still in that neighbourhood, and close by is the curious natural feature known as Wayland Smith’s c|ve.’ 96. Egle hys nest , eagle’s nest. The genitive case-ending in A. S. was - es , as in modern Dutch and German ; in Early English it was -es or -is. This ending was sometimes by careless scribes written apart from the word, so that we find sone is written for sones (Romans of Par- tenay, 1 . 38). Conversely, the word his was often spelt is (William of Palerne, 1 . 8) ; and hence arose a curious confusion, by which, at the close of the fourteenth century, such substitutions as egle hys for egles became common. But besides this, the use of his, after a proper name , sprang up independently , for the sake of convenience of expression, as is apparent from the later text of Layamon ; in which case it is not to be regarded as a mistake, but as an intentional periphrasis. See Sir F. Madden’s ‘ Glossarial Remarks’ on Layamon, 1 . 1459 ; and an article in the Cambridge Philological Museum, vol. ii. p. 245. At a later period, the frequent use of his suggested the use of her after feminine nouns (names especially) ; but this is far less common, and seems to have been rather avoided than sought. Lastly, the error arose, and is still current, of looking upon his as the real sign of the genitive case, and of supposing eagle* s to be derived, not from the Old English egles , but from the awkward periphrasis egle hys. The plain answer to which absurd notion is to remember that we cannot thus account for such words as womans, queen's , and the like; and that to suppose his to be itself a contraction of he his (as, by the same rule, it would be) is to offer an inexplicable explanation. 1 1 4. There are actually such phenomena as wind-caverns. * From a blowing cave in the Alleghany Mountains a hundred feet in diameter, the current of air is so strong as to keep the weeds prostrate at the distance of sixty feet from its mouth. But the most extraordinary example is the great cavern of Ouybe, of unknown extent, in Central Asia.* Atlas of Physical Geography, by Petermann and Milner, p. 22. 1 1 7. Tre in-to yre, wood into iron. He evidently means stone , and alludes to petrifaction. Cf. Hamlet, iv. 7. 20. 123. Wynburney ; Lat. monasterium Wynburnense. Clearly Wim- borne, or Wimborne Minster, in Dorsetshire. But it must be at least fifty miles from Bath. 136. Pimbilmere ; the English name for the Bala Lake, through which the river Dee runs. The sources of the river are in the Berwyn mountains. 143. Etheldred ; Lat. Etheldreda. The day of St. Etheldreda, virgin and martyr, is June 23 in the Romish, but Oct. 17 in the English calendar. She founded a convent at Ely, and died as its abbess a.d. 679. She was commonly called St. Audry, and from her name, as is well 344 NOTES. known, is derived the word tawdry , originally applied to fineries bought at St. Audry’s fair at Ely. Compare Tooley Street, named from St. Olave. See Chamber’s Book of Days, ii. 459. The day of St. Edmund, king and martyr, is Nov. 20 or 22. He was shot to death with arrows by the Danes a.d. 870. By St. Elphege is meant iElfheah, archbishop of Canterbury, martyred by the Danes a.d. 1012. — Freeman’s Old Eng. History for Children, p. 219. His day is April 19 ; see under that date in Chambers’ Book of Days. St. Cuthbert, bishop of Lindisfarne, died March 20, a.d. 687; Chambers’ Book of Days, i. 395. 150. By comparing this chapter with the original, we find that Trevisa has added something of his own, viz. the passage beginning with 1 . 175 down to the word Frensch in 1 . 190. The whole chapter is of considerable importance, and has been frequently quoted from ; for which reason Higden’s Latin version is here subjoined. ‘ Ut patet ad sensum, quot in hac insula sunt gentes, tot gentium quot linguae; Scoti tamen et Wallani, utpote cum aliis nationibus imper- mixti, ad purum paene pristinum retinent idioma ; nisi forsan Scoti, ex conuictu Pictorum, cum quibus olim confoederati cohabitabant, quip- piam contraxerint in sermone. Flandrenses uero, qui occidua Walliae incolunt, dimissa iam barbarie, Saxonice satis proloquuntur. Angli quoque, quamquam ab initio tripartitam sortirentur linguam, austrinum scilicet, mediterranean!, et borealem, ueluti ex tribus Germaniae populis procedentes, ex commixtione tamen primo cum Danis, deinde cum Nor- mannis, corrupta in multis patria lingua peregrinos iam captant boatus et garritus. Haec quidem natiuae linguae corruptio prouenit hodie multum ex duobus ; quod uidelicet pueri in scholis, contra morem cae- terarum nationum, a primo Normannorum aduentu, derelicto proprio uulgari, construere Gallice compelluntur : item quod filii nobilium ab ipsis cunabulorum crepundiis ad Gallicum idioma informantur. Quibus profecto rurales homines assimilari uolentes, ut per hoc spectabiliores uideantur, francigenare satagunt omni nisu. Ubi nempe mirandum uidetur, quomodo natiua et propria Anglorum lingua, in unica insula coartata, pronuntiatione ipsa sit tarn diuersa ; cum tamen Normannica lingua, quae aduentitia est, uniuoca maneat penes cunctos. De prae- dicta quoque lingua Saxonica tripartita, quae in paucis adhuc agrestibus uix remansit, orientales cum occiduis, tanquam sub eodem coeli climate lineati, plus consonant in sermone quam boreales cum austrinis. Inde est quod Mercii siue Mediterranei Angli, tanquam participates na- turam extremorum, collaterals linguas arcticam et antarcticam melius intelligant quam adinuicem se intelligunt iam extremi. Tota lingua Northimbrorum, maxime in Eboraco, ita stridet incondita, quod nos australes earn uix intelligere possumus; quod puto propter uiciniam XVIII. JOHN OF TREVISA. 345 barbarorum contigisse, et etiam propter iugem remotionem regum Anglorum ab ill is partibus, qui magis ad austrum diuersati, si quando boreales partes adeunt, non nisi magno auxiliatorum manu pergunt. Frequentioris autem morae in austrinis partibus quam in borealibus causa potest esse gleba feracior, plebs numerosior, urbes insigniores, portus accommodatiores.’ 153. Bote 3 ef, except it be that; a translation of nisi forsan. 168. A Freynsch , in French. See the passage at p. 9, 11. 216 to 219. 175. Here begins Trevisa’s addition. The furste moreyn is the first great plague, a.d. 1349. See note to Section XV, v. 13. Johan Cornwal was probably, like Trevisa, a native of the county of Cornwall; Pen- crych certainly appears to be a Cornish name. 180. He gives the date 1385, which he also calls the ninth year of Richard’s reign. This is correct, as this ninth year was from June 22, 1385, to June 21, 1386. 187. pan can here lift hele , than their left heel knows. 188. tf a scholle passe , if they shall cross. 202. Party of heuene , i. e. degree of latitude; Lat. ‘sub eodem coeli climate lineati.’ In old astronomy, a clima or climate was a portion of the earth bounded by two given lines of latitude ; cf. our use of zone. (B) The Norman Invasion . Compare this passage with Section I. and the Notes to that section. 9. Nameliche , especially, in particular. 21. Robert, archbishop of Canterbury, was deprived of his bishopric in 1052, at the time when Earl Godwine was again received into favour by Edward the Confessor. He was succeeded by Stigand. 27. William Fitz-Osbern is the right name; see Freeman’s Old Eng. Hist, for Children, p. 303 ; or Freeman’s Norman Conquest, iii. 258. 48. A similar story is told of Caesar when he landed in Africa ; Freeman’s Old Eng. Hist. p. 317. 50. One of the Peruvian princes is said to have made a similar remark, viz. ‘ We must spare our enemies, or it will be our loss, since they and all that belongs to them must soon be ours ; ’ Prescott, Con- quest of Peru, bk. i. c. 2. 65. See Freeman’s Old Eng. Hist. p. 328. 69. See the same, p. 325; and the whole account of the battle, pp. 326-339. 104. In and out, inside out. Bourd, a jest. 136. See the story, quoted from Giraldus (Itin. Kamb. ii. 11) in Freeman’s Norman Conquest, iii. 758. To this account Higden (lib. vi. NOTES. 34<5 p. 286, Gale) adds that the scene of Harold’s penance was * cella Sancti Iacobi, iuxta ecclesiam Sancti Iohannis;’ which statement Trevisa here translates. XIX. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. A story, agreeing closely with The Man of Lawes Tale, is found in Book II. of Gower’s Confessio Amantis, from whom Tyrwhitt supposes that Chaucer borrowed it. He observes further that it resembles in many points The Lay of Emare, which is printed in the second volume of Ritson’s Metrical Romances. The story also exists in French prose (by Nicholas Trivet) in MS. Arundel 56, in the British Museum. In some places Chaucer agrees with this French version tolerably closely, but he makes variations and additions at pleasure. The first ninety-eight lines of the preceding Prologue are written in couplets, in order to link the Tale to the others of the series; but there is nothing to shew which of the other tales it was intended to follow. Next follows a more special Prologue of thirty-five lines, in five stanzas of seven lines each; so that the first line in the Tale itself is 1 . 134 of the second of the fragments into which the Canterbury Tales are broken up, owing to the incomplete state in which Chaucer left them. In this extract, such final e’s as may be considered to form a distinct syllable are marked by two dots above. In like manner -es is marked, when forming a distinct syllable. There are, in general, sufficient reasons for the full pronunciation of these final syllables, but these cannot here be stated. The reader is referred to Morris’s edition of Chaucer’s Prologue and Knightes Tale (Clarendon Press Series), p. xliv. for general rules ; and to Ellis’s Early English Pronunciation for a full discussion of the subject. In the first stanza, for example, the word trewe is dissyllabic, being plural ; hewe is so, because it is an oblique case governed by the prep, of , which formerly governed a dative, though now associated with the idea of a possessive case ; newe is so, because modified from the A. S. dissyllabic niwe. Chaffare is an infinitive mood, and infinitives are commonly marked by the termination -e or -en (A. S. -an). Ware is dissyllabic, being the A. S. warn. Sometimes an e is sounded in the middle of a word, as in wydewher (three syllables). Observe also clothes (A.S. claftas). In some French words, such as companye , the pronunciation of the e final is less certain, and seems to partake of poetic licence ; yet there is nothing very remarkable in the assumption, since the same word contains four syllables to this day, and is accented on the penultimate, both in Spanish and Italian ; cf. Span. compahia and Ital. compagnia. Again, such words as grace f space , from XIX. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. 347 the Latin gratiam , spatium , may fairly be allowed two syllables ; espe- cially when we find cause (Lat. causatn) with two syllables; Cant. Tales, 4142, 5705. Against this view it has been urged that French words, in French poetry, did not at that time exhibit a distinct final - e ; and that such a word as rose, for example, was then a pure monosyllable in French poetry. On the other hand, it is fair to suppose that such a word, when completely adopted into English, would become dissyllabic as in German; and hence Chaucer so uses it in the Knightes Tale, 1 . 180. The fact seems to have been that, in Chaucer’s time, the habit of the Southern and Midland dialects inclined to the pronunciation of the final -e, whilst the French habit inclined to its suppression. In the conflict, the English habit prevailed at first for a short time only, but was soon overwhelmed, and succumbed completely. Moreover, if the final e be followed by a vowel, or (in some cases) by the letter h, it is elided, or, to speak more strictly, slurred over by rapid pronunciation. This is why the e is left unmarked in the words dwelte (134), riche, sadde (135), and riche again (137). Chaucer’s lines, if read with attention, are beau- tifully melodious. Line 134. Surrye , Syria; called Sarazine (Saracen-land) by N. Trivet. 145. The final e in Rome is pronounced, as in 1 . 142 ; but the words the ende are to be run together, forming but one syllable, thende , accord- ing to Chaucer’s usual practice; cf. note to 1 . 255. Indeed, in 1 . 423, it is actually so spelt; just as, in 1. 150, we have thexcellent , and in 1. 151, themperoures. 151. Themperoures, the emperor’s. Gower calls him Tiberius Con- stantine, who was Emperor (not of Rome, but) of the East, a.d. 578, and was succeeded, as in the story, by Maurice, a.d. 582. His capital was Constantinople, whither merchants from Syria could easily repair ; but the greater fame of Rome caused the substitution of the Western for the Eastern capital. 166. Mir our, mirror. Such French words are frequently accented on the last syllable. 1 71. Han doon fraught, have caused to be freighted. 185. Ceriously, with great minuteness of detail. It is the Low Latin seriose, used in two senses; (1) seriously, gravely; (2) minutely, fully. In the latter case it is perhaps to be referred to the Lat. series, not serins. A similar word, cereatly (Lat. seriatim ) is found three times in the Romance of Partenay, ed. Skeat, with the sense of in due order. 190. This refers to the old belief in astrology and the casting of nativities. Compare Scott’s novel of * Guy Mannering.’ 197. Tyrwhitt shews that this stanza is imitated closely from some Latin lines, some of which are quoted in the margin of many MSS. of 348 NOTES. Chaucer. He quotes them at length from the Megacosmos of Bemardus Silvestris, a poet of the twelfth century. The names Ector (Hector), &c. are too well known to require comment. The death of Tumus is told at the end of Virgil’s TEneid. 205. 4 And, briefly to pass away from this matter;’ i. e. to get over it quickly. 207, 208. Here haue seems to be used as the form of the auxiliary verb, whilst han signifies possession. See han again in 1 . 24 1. 224. Mahovn , Mahomet. The French version does not mention Mahomet. This is an anachronism on Chaucer’s part ; the Emperor Tiberius II. died a.d. 582, when Mahomet was but twelve years old. 228. I prey yow holde , I pray you to hold. Here holds is the infinitive mood. The imperative plural would be holdeth ; see saueth in the next line. 236. Maumettrie, idolatry; from the O. E. maumet , an idol, corrupted from Mahomet. The confusion introduced by using the word Mahomet for an idol may partly account for the anachronism in 1 . 224. See note to Sect. VII. 1 . 378. 242. Not , put for ne wot , know not. 248. An imperfect line. There are a few such lines in Chaucer, in which the csesural pause seems to count for a syllable. Scan it thus: — That them | perour || — of | his gret | noblesse || 255. Ynowe, being plural, may take a final e; we should then read th'ende, as explained in note to 1 . 145. The pi. ino^he occurs in the Ormulum. 263. Alle and some , collectively and individually, all and singular, one and all. See Some in the Glossary, and cf. note to Sect. IV (c). 1 . 28. 276. Ye. It was a mark of respect to use ye for thou. It is most curious to observe that, although Constance says thou to her father, she says ye to her ‘ souerayn plesance.’ 295. In the margin of the Ellesmere MS. is written — * Vnde Ptholo- meus, libro i. cap. 8. Primi motus celi duo sunt, quorum vnus est qui mouet totum semper ab Oriente in Occidentem vno modo super orbes, &c. Item aliter vero motus est qui mouet orbem stellarum currencium contra motum primum, videlicet, ab Occidente in Orientem super alios duos polos.’ The old astronomy imagined nine spheres revolving round the central stationary earth ; of the seven innermost, each carried with it one of the seven planets, viz. the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn ; the eighth sphere, that of the fixed stars, had a slow motion from west to east, to account for the precession of the equinoxes, whilst the ninth or outermost sphere, called the primum mobile , or the sphere of first motion, had a diurnal revolution from east to west, carrying everything with it. This exactly corresponds with XIX. GEOFFREY CHA UCER. 349 Chaucer’s language. He addresses the outermost sphere or primum mobile (which is the ninth if reckoning from within, but the first from without), and accuses it of carrying with it everything in its irresistible westward motion; a motion contrary to that of the ‘natural’ motion, viz. that in which the sun advances along the signs of the zodiac. The result was that the planet Mars, hurried into a position of evil influence, prevented the marriage. 302. A planet is said to ascend directly, when in a direct sign; but tortuously when in a tortuous sign. The tortuous signs are those which ascend most obliquely to the horizon, viz. the signs from Capricornus to Gemini inclusive. The most ‘tortuous’ of these are the two middle ones, Pisces and Aries. Of these two, Aries is called the * mansion’ of Mars, and we may therefore suppose that Chaucer is speaking of Aries, the lord of which (Mars) is said to fall ‘ from his angle into the darkest housed The sign of Aries rises so obliquely that the whole of it appears above the horizon in less than an hour. The use of the word * angle ’ is technical. The whole sphere was divided into twelve ‘houses,’ or equal parts. Of these, four were called ‘angles,’ four others ‘ succedents,’ and the rest ‘cadents.’ It seems to be meant that Mars was not placed in an ‘ angle ’ or lucky ‘ house,’ but in the unluckiest of the four ‘ cadent ’ houses, and so in the ‘ darkest house ’ of all. See the full explanation in Chaucer’s Treatise on the Astrolabe, ed. Skeat ; p. lii. 1 305. The meaning of Alazir has never hitherto been discovered. But, by the kind help of Mr. Bensly, one of the sub-librarians of the Cam- bridge University Library, we are now enabled to explain it. In Spanish, the letter z (ore before i) is pronounced like th ; hence atazir or atacir is the Spanish spelling of the Arabic attathir, influence, given at p. 13 of Frey tag’s Arabic Lexicon. It is a noun derived from dthara, a verb of the second conjugation, meaning to leave a mark on, from the substantive dthar, a mark. Its use in astrology is commented upon by Dozy, who gives it in the form atacir , in his Glossaire des Mots Espagnols derives de l’Arabique, p. 207. It signifies the influence of a star or planet upon other stars, or upon the fortunes of men. In the present case it is clearly used in a bad sense ; we may therefore translate it by ‘ evil in- fluence.’ On this common deterioration in the meaning of words, see Trench, Study of Words, p. 52. The word craft , for example, is a very similar instance; it originally meant skill, and hence, a trade, and we find star-craft used in particular to signify the science of astronomy. 307. ‘Thou art in conjunction in an unfavourable position; from the position in which thou wast favourably placed thou art moved away.’ 312. ‘Is there no choice as to when to fix the voyage?* The favour- able moment for commencing a voyage was one of the points on which 35 ° NOTES. it was considered desirable to have an astrologer’s opinion. Travelling, at that time, was a serious matter. 314. Roote is the astrological term for the epoch from which to reckon. The exact moment of a nativity being known, the astrologers were sup- posed to be able to calculate everything else. 332. Alkaron, the Koran; al is the Arabic article. 333. Here Makomete is used instead of Mahoun ( 1 . 224). See Extract XIV (B). Message, messenger. This is a correct form, according to the usages of early English. In like manner we find prison used to mean a prisoner, which is often puzzling at first sight. 340. ‘ Because we denied Mahomet, our (object of) belief.’ 356. ‘She shall have difficulty in washing away the red;’ i. e. the blood. 360. ‘ O serpent under female form ; ’ alluding to the curious belief that Satan had the head of a woman with the tail of a serpent ; as in Piers the Plowman, B. xviii. 335. A scorpion was also said to have this shape ; cf. 1. 404. 367. Knowestow is probably a trisyllable; and the olde to be read tholde. But in 1 . 371, the word Makestoiv , being differently placed in the line, is to be read with the e slurred over, almost a dissyllable. 380. Moste , might. It is not always used like the modern must . 401. See Lucan’s Pharsalia. 404. There are undoubtedly a few lines in Ghaucer, in which the first foot consists of one syllable only ; this is one of them, the word But standing by itself as a foot. See Ellis’s Early English Pronunciation, pp. 333, 649. This peculiarity was pointed out by Mr. Skeat in 1866, in the Aldine edition of Chaucer, i. 1 74. 421. Pronounce euer rapidly, and accent successour on the first syllable. 438. Compare Trivet’s French prose version : — ‘ Dount ele fist estorier vne neef de vitaile, de payn quest apele bisquit, & de peis, & de feues, de sucre, & de meel, & de vyn, pur sustenaunce de la vie de la pucele pur treis aunz ; e en cele neef fit mettre la richesse & le tresour que lempire Tiberie auoit maunde oue la pucele Constaunce, sa fille ; e en cele neef fist la soudane mettre la pucele saunz sigle, & sauntz neuiroun, & sauntz chescune maner de eide de homme.’ I. e. ‘ Then she caused a ship to be stored with victuals, with bread that is called biscuit, with peas, beans, sugar, honey, and wine, to sustain the maiden’s life for three years. And in this ship she caused to be placed the riches and treasure which the Emperor Tiberius had sent with the maid Constance his daughter ; and in this ship the Sultaness caused the maiden to be put, without sail or oar, or any kind of human aid.’ XIX. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. 35 1 Foot-hot , hastily. It occurs in Gower, in The Romaunt of the Rose, 1 . 3827, and in Barbour’s Bruce, iii. 418. 460. Hym and here , him and her, i. e. man and woman ; as in Sect. XV. Pass. i. 1 . 100. 464. See of Grece, here put for the Mediterranean Sea. Marrok , Morocco ; alluding to the Strait of Gibraltar. 474. Ther, where ; as usual. 475. ‘Was eaten by the lion ere he could escape.’ 491. See Revelation vii. 1-3. 497. Here As seems to form a foot by itself. See note to 1 . 404. 500. Alluding to St. Mary the Egyptian ( Maria Egiptiaca) who, according to the legend, after a youth spent in debauchery, lived entirely alone for the last forty-seven years of her life in the wilderness beyond the Jordan. 508. Northumberland, the district, not the county. Yorkshire is, in fact, meant, as the French version expressly mentions the Humber. 512. The constable; named Elda by Trivet and Gower. 519. Trivet says that she answered Elda in his own language, ‘en sessoneys,* in Saxon, for she had learnt many languages in her youth. 525. The word deye seems to have had two pronunciations ; in 1 . 644 it is dye , with a different rime. 527. For gat hir mynde , had lost her memory. 531. The final e in plese is preserved from elision by the caesural pause. Or, we may read plesen ; yet the MSS. have plese. 578. Alla, i. e. iElla, king of Northumberland, a. d. 560-588 ; the same whose name Pope Gregory turned, by a pun, into Alleluia, according to some versions of the celebrated story about Gregory and the English slaves. 585. 'The plot of the knight against Constance, and also her subse- quent adventure with the steward, are both to be found, with some vari- ations, in a story in the Gesta Romanorum, ch. 101 ; MS. Harl. 2270. Occleve has versified the whole story.’ Tyrwhitt. Compare the con- duct of Iachimo, in Cymbeline. 584. Quite her while , repay her time ; i. e. her occupation, action. Wile is not intended. 645. Perhaps seyn is pronounced seyen , a dissyllable. 660. ‘ For pite renneth sone in gen til herte ; * Knightes Tale, 1 . 903. 664. Vs auyse , deliberate with ourselves, consider the matter again. Compare the law-phrase Le rot savisera , by which the king refuses assent to a measure proposed. 666. I. e. a copy of the Gospels in Welsh or British, called in the French prose version ‘liure des Ewangeiles.’ Agreements were some- 35 2 NOTES. times written on the fly-leaves of copies of the Gospels, as may still be seen in two copies of the A. S. version of them. 669. A very similar miracle is recorded in the old alliterative romance of Joseph of Arimathea. The French version has: — ‘a peine auoit fini la parole, qe vne mayn close, com poyn de homme, apparut deuant Elda et quant questoient en presence, et ferri tiel coup en le haterel le feloun, que ambedeus lez eus lui enuolerent de la teste, & les dentz hors de la bouche ; & le feloun chai abatu a la terre ; et a ceo dist vne voiz en le oyance de touz : Aduersus filiam matris ecclesie ponebas scanda- lum ; hec fecisti, et tacui.’ I. e. ‘ Scarcely had he ended the word, when a closed hand, like a man’s fist, appeared before Elda and all who were in the presence, and smote such a blow on the nape of the felon’s neck that both his eyes flew out of his head, and the teeth out of his mouth ; and the felon fell smitten down to the earth ; and thereupon a voice said in the hearing of all, “ Against the daughter of Mother Church thou wast laying a scandal ; this hast thou done, and I held my peace.” ’ 693. The story may conveniently be broken off here, with Constance’s momentary happiness After many further troubles, the son of JE 11 a and Constance, named Maurice, succeeds Tiberius as emperor of Rome. This is an allusion to the fact that a Maurice (who was, however, a Cappadocian) succeeded Tiberius II as emperor of the East, a. d. 582. XX. JOHN GOWER. The numbering of the lines in these extracts is arbitrary. The Fifth Book is of great length, and the extracts begin at some distance from the beginning of it. ‘ Chap. cix. [of the Gesta Romanorum contains the story of] the chest and the three pasties. A like story is found in Boccace’s Decameron, x. 1., in the Cento Novelle Antiche, Nov. lxv., and in Gower’s Confessio Amantis, lib. v. The story, however, as it stands in Gower, seems to be copied from one which is told by the hermit Barlaam to king Avena- more, in the spiritual Romance, written originally in Greek about the year 800, by Johannes Damascenus, a Greek monk, and translated into Latin before the thirteenth century, entitled Barlaam and Josaphat. But Gower’s immediate author, if not Boccace, was perhaps Vincent of Beauvais, who wrote about the year 1 290, and who has incorporated Damascenus’s history of Barlaam and Josaphat, who were canonised, into his Speculum Historiale. Barlaam ’s fable is probably the remote but original source of Shakespeare’s Caskets in the Merchant of Venice.’ Warton, Hist. Eng. Poetry, i. clxxiii. ed. 1840; i. 271, ed. 1871. XX. JOHN GOWER. 353 The final e commonly forms a distinct syllable, as in Chaucer, except when slurred over before a following vowel. Thus we have moste , 1 . 2 ; olde, 1 . 11 ; atte (for at the), 1. 15 ; wiste, 1 . 22, and the like. So also hondes , 1 . 34 ; auancement (four syllables) 1 . 7. Lines 38, 39. Midi , mould, dust ; meined , mingled ; /0 parties, those parts. Thessaly is meant; see 1 . 192. The mention of Crete in this line is a singular mistake; Ovid does not mention that islahd at all, but has the line : — ‘Despicit, et cretis regionibus applicat angues.* The sense of cretis is not quite certain, but it is generally considered as equivalent to creteis f i. e. chalky. See the long note in Burmann’s edition of Ovid. VOL. II. A a 354 NOTES. 1 71. Othrys and Olympus, mountain-ranges of Thessaly. 1 79. Amphrysus, Peneus, and Spercheus, are rivers of Thessaly ; the fourth river is wrongly called Eridian by Gower. The original has Apidanus , which also is a Thessalian river ; but the English- poet was evidently more familiar with the Eridanus, now called the Po. 204-208. For these five lines Ovid merely has — ‘ et tantum coelo tegitur,’ which Gower, singularly enough, seems to have understood to mean that she became invisible, and was covered only with dir; but it refers rather to her remaining out-of-doors. 21 1. Iuuente , i. e. Juventas, the Latin name of Hebe, the goddess of youth. 214. Fieldwode may be taken perhaps to mean jieldwort or gentian; but it is evident that Gower obtained the word by translating the words agrestis silua in the line — ‘Has ubi uerbenis siluaque incinxit agresti.* 241. Spelling ofhir charmes , recital of her spells. 301. Cimpheius, put for Cinyphius, which is, however, an adjective, and has reference to the African river Cinyphus. Ovid has — ‘ Nec defuit illis Squamea Cinyphii tenuis membrana chelydri.* 303. Chelidre, Lat. Chelydrus (Virgil), Gk. x*^ v fy>os, an amphibious and venomous serpent. See above. 311. Cf. ‘Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, Witches’ mummy, maw and gulf Of the ravin’d salt-sea shark,’ See . Macbeth, iv. 1. ADDITIONAL NOTES. Section XVIII (a). This ‘ Description of Britain * may be compared with the opening lines of Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicle, and the first section of Camden’s Remaines concerning Britain. Section XIX. 295. It is worth while to note the following passage in Chaucer’s translation of Boethius : — ‘ O J>ou maker of }>e whele })at bere]> ]>e sterres, whiche )>at art fastned to }>i perdurable chayere ; and turnest ]?e heuene wi]) a rauyssyng sweighe and constreinest Je sterres to suffren Ji lawe;’ ed. Morris, p. 21 ; see also pp. 106, 110. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. [For words beginning with J>, see Th ; for words beginning with 3, after Y.~] Abbreviations employed , and List 0/ Dictionaries referred to. A. S. = Anglo-Saxon (Bosworth, Grein). Ch. = Chaucer (Clar. Press Series). Dan. = Danish (Ferrall and Repp). Du. = Dutch (Tauchnitz). E. = English (Webster, revised by Goodrich, Porter, and Mahn). F. = French (Pick’s Etymological Dictionary). G. = German (Fliigel). Gael. = Gaelic (Macleod and Dewar). Icel. = Icelandic (Egilsson, Mobius, Vigfusson). It. = Italian (Meadows). Low Lat. = Low Latin (Ducange). Mceso-Goth. = Mceso-Gothic(Skeat). O. E. =• Old English (Halliwell, Strat- mann). O. F. = 01d French (Burguy, Roque- fort). O. H. G. = Old High German (Wack- ernagel). P. P1. = Piers the Plowman (ed. Skeat, or ed. WrightV Prompt. Parv. = Promptorium Parvu- lorum, ed. Way (Camden Society). Prov. E. = Provincial English (Halli- well). Sc. = Scottish (Jamieson). Sp. = Spanish (Meadows). Sw. = Swedish (Tauchnitz). Suio-Goth. = Suio- Gothic, or Old Swedish (Ihre). W.= Welsh (Spurred). Wedgwood = Wedgwood’s Etymo- logical English Dictionary. Also adj. adjective ; adv. adverb ; num. numeral ; pres. part, present par- ticiple ; pp. past participle, &c. The following abbreviations are used in a particular sense : — v. verb in the infinitive mood ; pr. s., pt. s. the third person singular of the present or past tense ; pr. pi . , pt. pi. the third person plural of those tenses, except when I p. or 2 p. is added ; imp. s., imp. pi., the second person singular or plural of the imperative mood. Further information concerning many of the words may be found in the Glossaries to Chaucer’s Prologue and Knight es Tale and to Piers the Plow- man in the Clarendon Press Series, to which the reader is particularly referred. A. A, for an, i. e. one, one and the same, 10. 1418; one, a single, 15 i. 99; the Harl. MS. has oon. A. S. an. A, prep . in, I a. 4 66; a ]>re = m three, 18 a. 199;- in, on, 6. 32, 1 16 ; aFreynsch , into French, 18 a. 168 ; on, 1 b. 3 ; a nyht, on night, at night, 4 c. 25 ; a rode , on the cross, 9. 239. A. S. on. A, prep, of, 15 pr. 6. A. S. of. A, put for he, with the sense of it, 1 8 a. 30 ; for he, 1 8 a. 1 88, &c. ; put for they, 18 a. 185, &c. a a 2 35 6 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Abaie, in pJir. at \>e abaie, i.e. at bay, when at bay, 12. 206; at abaye, 12. 46. O.F. baer , to open the mouth ; It. tenere a bada, to keep open-mouthed, to keep at bay. See Bay in Wedgwood. Abaischt, pp. astonished (lit. abashed), 17. Mar. v. 42; A- bayste, afraid, 10. 1430; Abashed, frightened, 5. 5642. O. F. es- bahir , to frighten, from baer , to open the mouth, cry ba or bo. Cf. Prov. Eng. bash, modest. Abashed. See Abaischt. A-baye. See Abaie. Abayste. See Abaischt. Abbe, v. to have, 1 a. 20, 154; 2 p. pr. pi. Abbe]?, I a. 4, 179; Abbe y-do, have done, 1 a. 501. A.S. habban. Abbeis, sb. pi. F. abbeys, 1 a. 277. Abbod, sb. abbot, I b. 58; pi. Abbodes, I a. 397. A. S. abbod , from the Lat. abbas , gen. abbatis. Abide, v. to wait for, 1 a. 92 ; to wait, tarry, 1 a. 99 ; pr. s. Abit, abides, 3. 248 ; imp. s. Abyde, 3. 244; Abyd, 3. 245; pt. pi. Abide, they waited for, I a. 58. A. S. abidan, from bidan , to wait. Aboue, prep, above, la. 126; prep, as sb. in phr. at here aboue = at their exaltation, i.e. having the upper hand, 18 a. 134. A.S. abvfan. Abusioun, sb. F. imposture, deceit, 19. 214. See Cotgrave’s F. Diet. Abyme, sb. abyss, 13. 363. F. abime , O.F. abisme ; Gk. a, not, fivacros, depth, bottom. Abyt, pr. s. abides, delays, 9. 40. See Abide. Ac, con j. but, I a. 95, 136; 6. 29. A.S. ac. Accord, sb. agreement, 19. 244. Achaped, pt. s. escaped, 13. 970. O.F. eschapper. See Escape in Wedgwood. Cf. E. skip. Achtande, adj. eighth, 8 a. 129. Acorde, pr. pi. agree, 20. 83; Acordeb, 18 a. 202; pres. part. Accordyng, suiting, suitable, 1 8 a. 20; pp. Accorded, agreed, 19. 238. Lat. cor. Acouped, pp. accused, 5. 5679 0. F. encolper , from Lat. culpa. Cf. E. culprit , corrupted from cul - pit or culpat , Lat. culpatus. Acoyed, pt. s. F. coaxed, 12. 56. E. coy, from Lat. quietus. Acse]?, pr. s. demands, 9. 32 ; asks, 9. 33. See Axeb. Acumbrid, pp. F. encumbered, 15. 1. 179. F. encombrer , prob. from a Teutonic source; G. kummer , trouble. Adauntede,^.s. subdued, 1 a. 345. F. dompter , to tame, Sc. dant , to subdue, from Lat. domitare , which is from domare ; cf. E. tame. Aday, adv. in the day, 1 a. 165. Here a is for on. Adde, pt. s. had, 1 a. 10. Addre, sb. adder, 20. 141 ; gen. Addres, 20. 303. Adele, prop, name, Adela, 1 a. 303. Adelston, Athelstan, 1 b. 23. Adelwold, St. Athelwold, 1 b. 55. Adonward, adv. downwards, 1 a. 1 5 1. Adoun, adv. down, I a. 115, 398; 15. i. 4. A.S. of dune , off the down or hill, downwards. Adrad ,pp. afraid, alarmed, 5. 5641. A. S. adreedan , to dread. We also find the form of dr ad. Adraweb, imp. pi. draw out, 1 a. 1 2 7. Aferes, sb. pi. affairs, dealings, 8 b. 242. Affrayed, pp. afraid, frightened, 19. 563* F. ejfroi , terror. After, prep, according to, 2. cii. 20; 17. Ps. cii. 11 ; for the sake of, for, 1 a. 240. After )?at, conj. according as, 3. 40. Aftir , prep, according to, 10. 2311. Afure, adv. on fire, 1 a. 482 ; .1 b. 12, 79. GLOSSARIAL INDEX . 357 Agast, adj. amazed, ig. 677; A- gaste, terrified, I a. 1 42 ; aghast, afraid, fearing, 15. ii. 187. Cf. Mceso-Goth. usgaisjan , to terrify. The mod. aghast is misspelt. Agayn, prep, in an opposite direc- tion to, towards, 12. 233; opposite to, to meet, 19. 391. A. S. on - gean , against, towards. Agaynward, aar ys an, is therein, 18 a. 74; An honde, in hand, in their hands, 4 c. 15. A. S. on. An, art. a, I a. 99 ; An tuo ^er = a space of two years, I a. 251. A. S. an, whence E. an, often shortened to a. Cf. Lat. unus. Anaunter = an adventure or chance ; anaunter 3 if = it’s a chance whether, 1 a. 176. F. aventure. See Auntour. Ancres, sb. pi. anchorites, 15 pr. 28. A.S. ancra, from Gk. ava- X&prjTrjs. And, conj. if, 15. vii. 246; And. (written &), if, (8 a. 188. And, conj. also, 2. xvii. 71. A.S. and. Anerly, adv. singly, 16. 59; sepa- rately, 16. 158. A.S. anlice. Sc. anerly, E. only. Anerfie, adv. on earth, 1 a. 498 ; into earth, 1 a. 198; to bringe aner]>e = to bury. Angers. See Angre. Angle, sb. an astrological term, 19. 304. The whole sphere was divided into twelve equal parts called ‘ houses,’ four of which were named ‘ angles.’ See the note. Angre, sb. vexation, trouble, afflic- tion, 10. 1284; pi. Angers, 10. 691. Still in use; A.S. ange , trouble ; Lat. angor. Angre, adj. angry, caustic, 13. 1035. Or read augre = aigre, eager, biting. An-hei3, adv. on high, 15 pr. 13; An-hei, 1 a. 158; Anhey, 1 a. 1 43. See An, prep. An-he3ed, pp. exalted (lit. on-high- ed), 9. 124. GLOSS ARIAL INDEX , 359 Ani, pron. any one, 7. 35. Anker, sb. an anchorite, 18 b. 140. See Ancres. Anly, adv. only, 10. 2345. Anon, adv. soon, I a . 68, 398. A. S. on an , in one. Anoy, sb. annoyance, sorrow, 9. 136. O. F. noire , Lat. nocere , to harm. Anoyeth, imp. pi. injure ye, 19. 494. See Tanoyen. Ans, adv. once ; at ans , at once, 7. 136. A. S. anes. Ant, conj. and, 3. 1 1 ; 4 c. 6 ; if, 3. 190. Anuy3ed, pp. annoyed, 15. v. 74. From Lat. nocere , to hurt. Aper, to appear, 10. 2370. Apert, sb. open view, that which is openly displayed, 17. Mar. iv. 22 ; into apert — \ ulg. in palam. Cf. Lat. apertus , open. Aperteliche, adv. openly, 1 a. 372 ; evidently, 15. v. 15. See above. Apeyred,/>/>. impaired, made worse, 18 a. 162. F. empirer , to make worse, from Lat. peius , worse. Apeyryng, sb. injuring, 18 a. 164. Apon, prep, upon, 7. 46. Aposen, v. to question, examine verbally, 15. iii. 5 ; pt. s . Aposede, 15. i. 45. Apostata, sb. apostate, 15. i. 102. Apparayleden, pt. pi. apparelled, dressed, 15. ii. 190. Appayre, v. impair, injure, 10. 691. See Apeyred. Appendeb, pr. s. belongs, 15. i. 43 ; Apendeb, 98. Lat. pendeo , I hang. Aqueynte, pt. s. quenched, went out (speaking of light), I b. 6. A. S. acwencan , to quench. Aqueyntaunce, sb. acquaintance, 5 - 5791 - Aquynt, pp. acquainted, 16. 138. Ar, prep, before, I a. 1 9 ; 7. 1 1 ; conj. before, ere, I a. 136; 6. 98. A. S. cer. Ar, pr. pi. are, 7. 24. Arblaste, sb. crossbow, la. 412. Lat. arcubalista. Arblasters, sb. pi. crossbowmen, 1 a. 430. See above. Arc, sb. an ark, chest, 8 b. 1 74. Archers, sb. pi. 1 a. 139. Archiflamyn, sb. high priest, 146. 62. From Lat . jlamen. Are, adv. before, 12. 226. See Ar. Areche, v. to reach after, strive after, desire, 3. 67. A.S. arcecan , from rckcan , to reach. Arere, v. to raise, hoist, 1 a. 60 ; pp. Arered, reared up, 18 a. 85 ; lifted, drawn, 18 a. 92 ; Arerd, I a. 76. A. S. arccran . Arest, sb. stop, stay, 16. 63. Lat. ad , re , and sto. Are we, sb. an arrow, 18 b. 123. Argumenten, pr. pi. argue, 19. 212. Arise, pp. arisen, 1 a. 285. Arist, pr. s. (contr. from ariseth ), arises, 19. 265 ; arises, stands up, 9. 163. (Cf. zittende in 1 . 164.) A. S. arisan. Ariuede, pt. pi. landed, come to shore, I a. 321. Lat. ad , to, ripa , a bank. Ari3t, adv. aright, just, I b. 21 ; rightly, 6. 104. Arly, adj. early, 10. 1433. Armene, prop. name. Armenia ; armene hilles, the hills of Armenia, I 3 * 447 . Armyng, sb. armour, 16. 218. Arskes, sb. pi. newts, 8 b. 179. Prov. E. ask , a lizard, A.S. apexe. Cf. Gaelic easg , an eel ; the first element in A. S. apexe, G. eidech.se , a lizard, signifies prickly, sharp. Artou = art thou, 2. xvii. 121; Artow, 19. 308. Arwes, sb. pi. arrows, 2. xvii. 39 ; 14 c. 135. A. S. arewe , arwe, an arrow. As = as if, 1 a. 142. See Alsua. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 36° Asaut, sb. F. assault, 1 a. 491. Lat. ad , to, salio , I leap. Ascry, sb. outcry, alarm, 1 1 b. 40. Sw. anskri (on-shriek), alarm. Ase, conj. as, 3. 39; Ase — ase = as — so, 3. 29. Asent, sb. F. assent, 6. 10 1. Lat. ad, to, sentio , I feel. Aseuele, for ase uele = as many, 9. 189. O. E. fele, many. Asise, sb. assize, judgment, 8 a. 140. Askes, sb. pi. ashes, 18 a. 78 ; Askez, 13. 1010. A.S. asce. Aske]>, pr. s. asks, requires, 15. pr. 1 9 * Aslawe, pp. slain, I a. 136, 198. A. S. aslagen, pp. of aslean, from slean , to slay, strike. A-soylen, v. to absolve, 15. pr. 67; pt. s. Asoylede, 15. iii. 48; Asoilede, absolved, I a. 51. Lat. ab, from, solvo, I loose. Aspaltoun, sb. asphaltum, as- phalte, 13. 1038. Aspien, v. to look after, mind, 15. ii. 201. AssaHeit, pp. assailed, 16. 459. See Asaut. Assay, sb. proof, 20. 330 ; was of assay = which had been proved. F. essay er, from Lat. exagium , a balance, from ex and ago. Assay, v. to attack, 16. 440. Lit. to examine, try, find out, as in 16. 401. See above. Assayen, v. to examine, 15. iii. 5. Asselen, pr. pi. seal, 15. iii. 143. Asswype, adv. immediately, at once, 5. 5710, 5931. From as and swithe. See Als-suith.. Asterted, pt. s. escaped, 19. 437; pt. s. subj. Asterte, might get away, could escape, 19. 475. Cf. E. start, Du. storten, to pre- cipitate, rush, G. sturzen. Astorede, pt. s. stored, stocked, 1 a. 378. O.F. estorer, to build, gar- nish; Lat. instaurare, to repair. A-strangelod, pp. completely strangled, 12. 1 50. A-swihe, for as swibe, adv. as quickly as possible, 15. iii. 96. At, prep, to ; at seme — to serve, 7. 266; at fight — to fight, 2. xvii. 89. At is the sign of the infin. in Icel. and Dan. ; so Sw. att. Eng. ado = at do , i. e. to do. At, prep, to, 8 b. 133 ; according to, 13. 348 ; from ; at hym, from him, 5. 5599 ; see 1. 5628 ; at here my3t, to the best of their power, 5 - 5652. At, conj. and demon, or rel. pron. that, 16. 152, &c. Atache, v. to attach, arrest, 15. ii. 1 74 ; PP' Atachet, taken prisoner (lit. attached), 15. ii. 212. From Lat. ad , to, tango, I touch. Atazir, sb. evil influence, 19. 305. See the note. A\>,pr. s. hath, 1 a. 1, 3. Abe, on the, 9. 241. Abel, adj. noble, 13. 258,411. A.S. cepel, G. and Du. edel , noble. Atir, sb. attire, i. e. preparation, 20. 292. A-to, atwo, in twain, 14. c. 7. Atom, adv. at home, I a. 216; 1 b. 91. Atones, adv. at once, 19. 670. At-route, v. to assemble in troops, I a. 328. O. F. route, G. rotte, a troop, of Teutonic origin. At-stonde, v. to abide, 1 a. 240. Atte, for at the, 1 a. 73 ; 6. 141 ; atte fulle = at the full, in complete- ness, 19. 203 ; ate laste, at the last, 20. 1 5 ; atte laste, 1 a. 7 ; 18 b. 122 ; att alle, in every way, 12. 283. Attele, v. to go directly, 12. 205. North. E. and Sc. ettle, to design, intend ; Icel. cetla, to aim at, intend. Atten = at pen, at the, 1 a. 471. Here pen = A. S. pam , dat. of def. art. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. At-nore, prep, before, I a. 53. A. S. cetforctn, close before. Atwo, a-two, in twain, 19. 600. Au, pr. s. impers. ought ; us au , it behoves us, 8 b. 69. A. S. ah , pt. t. of dgan , to own. Auailleb, pr. s. avails, 6. 147. Lat. ualeo , whence E. value. Avaled, pp. descended, 14 c. 67. F. a val , downwards ; Lat. ad uallern , whence O. E. vai 7 , to lower. Cf. E. avalanche. Auanced, pp. F. advanced, pro- moted, 20. 10 ; Avaunset, 15. i. 165. Lat. ab and ante , whence F. avant , avancer. Auancement, sb. F. advancement, 20. 7. Auantage, sb. as adj. advantage- ous, 19. 146. Auarous, adj. greedy, 5. 5578. Lat. auarus. Audit, 2 p. pi. pt. (as pr.) ought, 16. 436. Aueng q, pt. pi. received, 1 a. 183. A. S. afon , to receive. See Fon. Auentur, sb. adventure, danger, 16. 70. Auere, on fire (a = on, uere — fire), 9 - 45 - Aueril, sb. F. April, 4 a. 1. Auht, sb. possessions, wealth, 8 b. 1 01. A. S. ceht. See Aght. Auise, pr. pi. rejl. consider, 20. 82 ; pp. Auised, well-advised, 20. 90. F. aviser, from Lat. ad , and viso, I visit, from uideo. Avisement, sb. careful considera- tion, counsel, 20. 72. See above. Auision, sb. Vision, 1 a. 187. Aumenere, sb. almoner, 5. 5575. O. F. aumosnier , almosnier , from almosne , the O. F. form of Lat. eleemosyna. Auncel, sb. a kind of steel-yard, known as the ‘ Danish ’ steelyard, 15. v. 132. Etym. doubtful. Aunceterez, sb. gen. sing, ances- tor’s, 13. 258. 361 Auncre, sb. anchoress, I a. 485. See Ancres. Aungeles, sb. pi. angels, 2. viii. 16; Aungels, 2. cii. 46; 2. ciii. 9 ; Aungelez, 13. 240. Auntour, sb. adventure, 8 a. 192. Fel auntour = the adventure be- fel, it chanced. F. aventure, from Lat, uenio , I come. Auote, adv. afoot, on foot, 1 a. 430. Auow, sb. vow, 19. 334. Lat. uoueo , I vow. Austyn, St. Augustin, 1 b. 50. Auter, sb. F. altar, 13. 506 ; 15. v. 90; 19. 451. Auyse, v. to consider; vs auyse, con- sider with ourselves, deliberate, 19. 664. See Auise. Away, int. away ! go away ! 4 c. 40. Awayled, pt. s. availed, 12. 408. Awayte, v. to watch, guard, keep (in prison), 15. ii. 182. A-wede, v. to become mad, go out of one’s wits, 12. 45. A. S. awedan , to go mad, from ivod, mad. A-wondered, pp. astonished, 12. 310. A.S awundrian , to admire. Here a- = A. S. of-. Awreke, v. to avenge, 1 a. 129. Axeb, pr. s. asks, inquires about, 18 a. 30; pt.pl. Axiden, 17. Mar. iv. 10; imp. s. Axe, id. vi. 22. A. S. dcsian , to ask. Ay, adv. aye, ever, for ever, 10. 548. A. S. a, aa. A-ye, prep, against, 9. 18. Contr. from a^en. A. S. ongean. Ayber oj^er, i. e. each one the other, 13. 338. Ay where, adv. everywhere, 13. 965 ; Ay whore, 5. 5580. A3e, adv. again, back, j a. 337 ; I b. 8 3; A3een-bieth, pr. s. redeems, 17. Ps. 102. 4; pt. s. A3enboght, 14 a. 42. Lit. to buy again. A3ein, prep, against, 20. 12, 48. A3einward, adv. again, 20. 123; / O ' 362 GLOSSARIAL INDEX . back, to the other side, 17. Mar. 35 - A3en, prep, against, I a. 55 ; adv. back, 1 a. 89 ; prep, towards, I a . 212. A. S. ongean , against. A^enboght. See A3eenbieth. A 3 ens, prep . against, 5. 5584, 5667 ; A3enes, 18 b. 19, &c. A3er, adv. in the year, 1 a. 399. A3eyn, adv. back, 3. 178, 188. A3t, num. eight, 13. 357 ; A3te, 13. 331. A. S. eahta , G. acht , Du. acht. A3t, ac?/. rich ; al \>at a^t was , all the men that were rich, 1 a. 416. A. S. cehtig , rich. See Aght. A3te, s?/6y. pt. s. ought, 1 a. 25. See Agh. A3t-sum, adj. either (i) sorrowful, or (2) eight in all, in a company of eight, 13. 41 1. Cf. G. acht , care, heed. The former seems to be the right explanation, but the O. E. 03/, care, is very rare. B. Bad, pt. s. 1 p. asked, 4 b . 9. See Bidde. Bad, pt. s. bad, 4 c. 20. See Bede. Baie ; in phr. to baie = at bay, 12. 35. See Abaie. Balaunce, sb. balance, a pair of scales, 5. 5665. Bald, adj. bold, 7. 17. A. S. bald , Baldly, acfv. boldly, n a. 96. Bale, s6. S. sorrow, 12. 75 ; destruc- tion, 8 6. 41; 13. 276. A. S. bealo , bale, woe, evil. Balenes, sb. pi. large fish, some species of whale, 18 a. 10. Lat. balaena . Balfully, adv. sorrowfully, 12. 84. Balies, sb. pi. bellies, 15. pr. 41. Ballede, adj. bald, 1 a. 408. The original meaning seems to have been shining, white (as in bald- faced stag). W. bali , a white spot, baly marked with white. Ban, sb. bone, 8 b. 216; pi. Bancs, 220; Bannes, 229. A. S. ban. Baner, sb. banner, 1 a. 53, 76. Baneur, sb. a banner-bearer, 1 a. 135 ; Banyour, 186. 109. Banne, v. to ban, curse, 15. i. 60 ; pt. s. Banned, 13. 468. A. S. bannan. Baptym, sb. baptism, 17. Mar. i. 4. Bar, pt. s. bore, 7. 47 ; Bare, 5. 5837. See Bere, vb. Barbre, adj. barbarous, 19. 281. Bare, sb. boar, 11 c. 9. See 1. 21. Bares, pr. s. flows, beats noisily, 8 b. 41. Cf. E. bore , the tidal wave in a river; Icel. bara, a wave. Bargane, sb. business, strife, com- bat, 16. 221. O. F. barguigner , to haggle. Barme, sb. bosom, lap, 5. 5583; Barm, 7. 228. A. S. bearm. Barn, sb. a child, 7. 46; 12. 9; gen. Barnes, 12. 81. Mceso-Goth. barn , a child, bairn. Barnage, sb. childhood, 13. 517. Barnde, pt. s. burnt, I a. 484 ; pp. Barnd, burnt, 1 8 a. 47. See Brende. Barn-site, sb. child-sorrow, sorrow felt for a child, 7. 251. See Site. Barntem, sb. progeny, offspring, a number of children, 7. 190. A. S. beam-team , posterity. Baronage, sb. assembly of barons, 19. 239. Barst, pt. s. burst, 13. 963. Bataile, sb. F. battle, I a. 3, 52; Batayle, I a. 72; pi. Batayles, 1. a. 5. Batede, pt. s. abated, 13. 440. F. battre , E. beat , bat. Bathe, pron. both, 2. viii. 21. Baundoun, sb. power, 4 a. 8. F. bandon , power. The orig. meaning is proclamation. Cf. It. bandog E. banns. Bausenez, sb.pl. badgers, 13.392. * Bawstone or bawsone, or a gray, Taxus, melota.’ Prompt. Parv. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Bawelyne, sb. bowline, 13. 417. Bayte, v. to bait, feed, 19. 466 ; also in phr. bayte on, i. e. set on, 12. 11. Icel. belt a, to feed ; also to set on dogs ; E. bait , abet. Be, prep, by, 7. 23 ; 20. 96. Be, subj. pr. pi. if they be, when they be, 1 a. 285. Be-bered, pp. buried, 9. 240. Bebledd, pp. covered with blood, 14 a. 55. Become, pp. become ; was become = had gone, 5. 5818. Bede, v. to offer, 1 a. 34; to proffer, place, put, throw, 6. 91 ; pt. s. Bed, offered, I a. 201 ; bade, 13. 440; pt. pi. Bode, offered, I a. 454 ; subj. pt. s. Bode, I a. 451 ; pp. Bede, bidden, 20. 29 ; Bedene, 13. 35 1 - A. S. beodan , to offer, bid; Mceso-Goth. biudan. Bede, pt. s. prayed, 1 b. 66. A. S. biddan , pt. s. bced. To bid beads , is to pray prayers. Bedene, adv. forthwith, 7. 188. Du. bij dien , by that. See Bidene. Bedes, sb. pi. prayers, 1 b. 66 ; 9. 75. A. S. bed , a prayer, biddan , to pray. Bedreden, adj. bedridden, 10. 808. Beestes, sb. pi. F. beasts, 2. viii. 22 ; Bestes, 2. ciii. 23. Be-for, adv. before, 7. 20. Befyl, pt. s. befell, 5. 5581. Begon, pp. filled, 20. 63. A. S. began , to go over, follow after, take in hand, occupy. Begoutb, pt. s. began, 16. 7. See the note. Beheste, sb. promise, 14 a. 3. A. S. behces , a promise, bees , a command, best , bdtan , to ordain. Behighte, pt. s. promised, 14 a. 57; Behihte, 15. iii. 30; 20. 125. A.S. bdtan , to order, pt. t. ic bet , ic bebt. Bebouelich, adj. behoveful, neces- sary, 20. 186. A. S. behojlic , needful, bebofan, to behove. 363 Behoueb, />r. s. behoves, 5. 5650. Be-kenned, />/. s. commended, 12. 37 i- Beknowe, I p. s. pr. acknowledge, 15. v. 114. Beld, sb. protection, 11 c. 27. Sc. beild, protection. Belyne, adv. quickly, 5. 5619. A. S. hi life , with life. Be-menej), pr. s. signifies, means, 15. i. 1. Ben, v. to be, 3. 10 ; Bene, 2. ciii. 73; Buen, 4 a. 18; Bue, 3. 18; By, 9. 9 ; Beo, 1 b. 20 ; pr. s. (with fiit. sense) Bes, shall be, 2. xvii. 69, ciii. 28 ; pr.pl. Bes, shall be, 8 a. 124; Ben, are, 2. xvii. 122; Bef), 6. 76; Be|?e, 6. 57; Bee]?e, 6. 143; Bub, 18 a. 9; Bueb, 3. 109 : Byeb, 9. 46 ; subj. pr. s. Bue, 3. 31 ; pi. Buen, 3. 84; imp.pl. Beth, 19. 229; Byeb, 9- 75 ; pp. Bue, 3. 183. A.S. beon, to be, commonly with future sense. Bend, pt. pi. bent, 16. 432. Bende, sb. d. pi. bonds; hence , distress, I a. 470. A. S. bendy a band, a bond. Bene, sb. petition, 3. 174; pi. Benes, 9. 163. A. S. ben, a petition, E. boon. Benymb, pr. s. seizes upon, sur- prises, 9. 30. A. S. niman, to take, seize; cf. E. benumb. Beo. See Ben. Beode, v. offer, 4 c. 43. See Bede. Beodeles, sb.pl. beadles, 15. iii. 2. A.S. bydel, bidel, orig. a messenger; cf. A. S. bod , a message, beodan , to bid. Beodemon, sb. beadsman, one who prays for another for money, 15. iii. 47. See Bedes. Beodes, sb. pi. prayers, 15. v. 8. See Bedes. Beoheold, 1 p.s.pr. beheld, 15 pr. 13 - Beohote, 1 p. s. pr. promise, 15. vii. 3 6 4 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 265; pt. s. Beohijte, vowed, 15. v. 47. See Behighte. Beoleeue, sb, belief, creed, 15. v. 7. Ber, sb. noise, 8 a. 1 19. See Bere. Ber, imp. s. 2 p. bear, 3. 122 ; pt.s. bore, 1 a. 399. See Bere, vb. Berd, sb. beard, 1 1 b. 30. Bere, sb. a roaring noise, 1 b 83 ; violent noise, here used of the barking of a dog, 12.43. Cf. Sc. birr , a loud whirring sound ; E. burr, a rough sound ; Sw. bor f wind. See Ber, Bire. Bere, v. to bear, 1 a. 37 1 ; pt. s. Ber, bare, brought forth, 1 b. 52 ; bore, 1 a. 134 ; Bar, 7. 47 ; Bare, 5- 583 7; pt.pl. Bere, 1 b. 10; subj. pt.s. Bere, 1 a. 112; imp.pl, Bereh, 20. 1 14. A. S. ber an, pt. t. ic beer. Berke, vb. to bark, 12. 35 ; pt. s. Berkyd, 12. 48. Bernakes, sb. pi. barnacles, 14 c. 15. Gael, bairneach , a limpet; W. brenig, limpets. Bernynde, pres. part, burning, 9. 44- Berth, pr. s. bears, 19. 620 ; BerJ>, 20.176. See Bere. Bes. See Ben. Besoght- pt. s. besought, 5. 5858. Bessette, v. to shut, exclude (lit. be-shut), 9. 23. Best, sb. F. beast, 1 a. 375 ; 14 c. 8 ; pi. Bestes, 1 a. 378. Besteriinge, sb. pi. bestirrings, emotions, 9. 7* Bestow, for best how, = shalt thou be, 12. 344. See Ben. Bet, adj. better, 19. 31 1. Bet, adv. S. better, 1 a. 14; 12. 172515 . pr. 6 s. A. S. bet, better. Bet, imp. s. beat, 3. 33. Bet, pp. kindled, 13. 1012. See Bete. Be-taken, v. to betoken, 10. 1260. Bete, v. to amend, make amends for, I a. 274; 4 c. 54; pp. Bet, kindled, 13. 1012. A. S betan. to make better, kindle ; Sc. beet, to kindle ; E. boot, profit. Betere, adj. better, 1 a. 36. BeJ>, pr. pi. are, 1 a. 7 ; Bee)>e, 6. 143; BeJ?e, 6. 57; imp.pl. Beth, 19. 229. See Ben. Behenchinge, sb. thinking upon, meditation, 9. 37, 101. Be-pout, pt. s. bethought, 12. 290. Betre, adj. better; more betre = better, 18 a. 59. Betwe, prep, between, 5. 5786. A. S. betweoh. Bewreyyng, pr. pa. accusing, 5. 5644. A. S. wregan, to accuse. See Bewray in Bible Workbook. Beye, adj. nom. mas. both, 1 b. 44. A. S. bd. Bi, conj. by, throughout, 6. 58 ; to the extent of, commensurately with, 15. v. 76; near, 12. 240. Bi, v. inf. be, 6. 66; imp. s. 12. 322. See Ben. Bicome, v. to become, 3. 36 ; pp. Bicome, gone to, 12. 222. Bidde, v. to ask, 1 b. 38 ; to pray, 15. v. 144; subj. pr. s. Bidde, 3. 190 ; pt. s. Bad, 1 b. 39. A. S. biddan , to ask, beg ; orig. a weak vb. ; cf. Goth, bidjan. Bidders, sb. pi. beggars, 15 pr. 40. Bidene, adv. at once, soon, quickly, 2. xxiii. 7; 2. ciii. 74; II a. 77. Du. bij dien , by that, thereby ; hence, forthwith. See Bedene. Bi-falle, pp. befallen, happened, 15- Pr- 62. Bies, pr. s. buys, redeems, 2. cii. 7. Biforn, ado. before, 2. ciii. 61. Bi-gat, pt. s. acquired ; bigat him, acquired for himself, 12. 1 77. Bigg, adj. wealthy (?), 10. 1460. It seems to be here connected with A. S. byggan , to build, inhabit ; hence, perhaps, built up, well- furnished, well-endowed. See Byggyng. Biginne, v. to begin, 1 a. 38 ; pt. pi. Bigonne, 1 a. 93. GL OSSA RIAL INDEX. Bihaldes, pr. s. beholds, 2. ciii. 77 - Biheste, sb. promise, 1 a. 184. See Beheste. Bihet. See Bihote. Biliinde, adv. behind, 1 a. 117. Bihote, v. to promise, I a. 346 ; pt. s. Bihet, I a. 17, 500. A. S. behatan, to vow, promise. Bihuld, pt. s. beheld, 1 b. 14. to atone for, pay the penalty, 7. 180. O. E. aby — A. S. abicgan , to buy back, redeem ; wrongly written abide in later authors. Bi-kenned,^/. s. recommended, 12. 350; Be-kenned, 12. 371. Bileue, sb. belief, lb. 27. Bileuede, pt. s . remained, 1 a. 339; Bileuid, 11 a. 66 ; Bileuede, pt. pi. remained, abode, 1 a. 71, 356; Bileuid, II c. 101. Cf. E. leave , Sc. latf \ lave , remnant. From A. S. belifan , to remain behind. Bilfoder, sb « food, sustenance, 12. 81. Probably from A.S. bylg , belly, and fodder. Cf. prov. Eng. belly timber, food. Biliue, adv. quickly, at once, 12. 248; as biliue = as soon as possi- ble* immediately, 12. 351. See Belyue. Bilouked, pp. locked up, shut up, enclosed, 2. ciii. 50. A. S. be- lucan,' to lock up. Bilowen, pp. lied against, accused falsely, 15. v. 77. A.S. ledgan , to lie, pp. logen. Bine]>e, adv. beneath, 1 a. 162. Binom, pt. s. took away, I a. 380. See BenymJ>. Binorbe, adv. in the north, 1 a. 328. Biofbe, sb. behoof, advantage, bene- fit, 1 a. 42. A. S. behofan , to behove. Biquebj pt. s. bequeathed, I a. 504, 525. A.S. cwefian, to say, cwide , a speech, E. bequeath , bequest. Biquide, sb. S. bequest, 1 a. 503. 3 6 5 A. S. cwide , a speech, saying, becwefian, to bequeath. Bird, pt. s. sub j. it would behove, 8 a. 171. A.S. byrian , to behove, lit. to taste; Dan. burde , it be- hoved, pr. bor y it behoves. Bire, sb. force, rush, haste, 17. Mar. v. 13. Vulg. impetu. Cf. Sw. bor , a fair wind, W. bur, violence; prov. E. bur, force. See Bere. Biroiled, pp. berolled, rolled about, J 3 - 959 - Biryel, sb. a burying-place, tomb, 17. Mar. v. 2. A.S. byrgels, a sepulchre, from byrgan, to bury ; cf. G. bergen, to hide. Birbes, sb. pi. nations, 2. xvii. 125. A. S. gebyrd, a family, lineage ; from beran, to bear. Bisay, pt. $. ordained, 1 b. 55. Lit. besaw , saw concerning. Bisend, pp. likened, betokened, 8 b. 100 ; signified, 8 b. 94. A. S. by sen, an example, bysenian, to give an example. Biseninges, sb. pi. resemblances, 8 b. 96. A. S. bysenung, a resem- blance. See above. Biseo, v. to see about, ordain, appoint, I b. 60; Bisay, lb. 55. Bi-side, prep, beside, 1 a. 62. Bisied, pt. pi. were busied about, troubled, 2. xvii. 14. Suggested by the Lat. prceoccupauerunt . Bisou3ten, pt. pi. besought, 15. ii. 189. Biso3te, pt. s. besought, 1 a. 2CO. Bissopes, sb. pi. bishops, 1 a. 397. A. S. biscop, from Lat. episcopus. Bistad, pp. established ; hence, brought about by force of circum- stances ; it was bistad = it came about, 4 c. 19. A.S. stede, a place, stead. Bistad, pp. hard bestead, greatly imperilled, 19. 649. See above. Bi-stode, pt. s. approached, came upon, 12. 175. Lit. stood by. Biswikes, pr. s. deceives, 2. xiv. 3 66 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 12. A.S. beswxcan , to deceive; from swican , to deceive ; cf. siuica , a traitor, swic, treachery. Bitake, pp. handed over, delivered, committed, ia. II. A.S. betcecan, to deliver to, commit, betake. Bitel-browed, adj. with projecting brows, 15. v. 109. Cf. E. heeding. Bibc>3te, pt. s. planned, I a. 141 ; BiJ)03te him, bethought himself, I a. 265; considered, 1 b. 76. A. S. be\>encan, to think about. Bitide, pt. s. happened, 12. 7. Bi-time, adv. betimes, soon, 1 a. 18. Bi-tok, pt. s. entrusted, gave over, 12.66. See Bitake. Bitter, sb. bitterness, 15. v. 99. Bituene, prep, between, 1 a. 331. Biturne, v. to turn, la. 229; pt. pi. Biturnde hom = turned them- selves about, 1 a. 147. Bitwix, prep, between, 2. ciii. 22. A. S. betweox , betwix. Bi-uore, adv. before, la. 93 ; prep, before, la. 1 19. Bi-yond, prep, beyond, 7. 24. Bi3endis, prep, beyond, 17. Mar. iii. 8. Bi 3 ete, sb. S. gain, winnings, I b. 84. Lit. what one can get. A. S. gytan , to acquire, get ; begytan , to obtain. Blonde, prep, beyond, 1 a. 255. Blaberde, pt. s. babbled, mumbled over, 15. v. 8. E. blab, babble , from the sound made by the lips. Dan. blabbre , to gabble. Blake, adj. black, 4 a. 14. Blake, sb. black, blackness, 13. 1009. Blawen, pp. blown, 10. 685. Bledej), pr. pi. bleed, 6. 135. BlefJ), pr. s. remains, endures, 9. 1 31. A short form of bileueth. Perhaps we should read bleue, may remain. Bleis, Blois, 1 a. 304. Blende,/#, mingled, blended, mixed all together, 13. 967. Blenkit, pt. s. blinked, glanced, looked, 16. 203. Cf. E. blink , blench , G. blicken, to look. Bleo, sb. colour, 4 d. 16. A.S. bleo, colour, hue, complexion. Blere, vb. to leer, 10. 2226; pt. s. Blered, bleared, blinded, 15 pr. 71 ; pp . Blered, dimmed, 15. v. 109. O. E. blere is to put out the tongue. Blesseth. bir, i.e. crosses herself, 19. 449. Blepely, adv. blithely, cheerfully, 5. 5767- Bleue, pr. s. subj. may remain, 9. 215. See Blefb- Blinne, v. S. to cease, 12. 55; Blin, to leave off, make to cease, 8 a. 169; imp. s. Blinne, cease, 12. 322. A. S. blinnan, to cease, from bi, prefix, and linnan, to cease. Blis, imp. s. 3 p. bless, 11 a. 126; 2 p. Blisse, 2. cii. 3 ; imp. pi. Blisses, 2. cii. 45; pp. Blissed, 2. xvii. 1 1 7. A. S. blissian, to make joyful. Blisse, sb. S. joy, 2. viii. 17 ; glory, 2. xxiii. 18; Blis, glory, 2. ciii. 75. A. S. blis, bliss, joy. Blissing, sb. blessing, 2. xxiii. 11. Blibe, adj. blithe, cheerful, 1 b. 87. Bliue, adv. quickly, 12. 372; as bliue, as quickly as possible, 12. I49; 20. 315. For bi life, with life, quiokly. Bio, adj. blueish, livid, 13. 1017 - Dan. blaa, Lancash. bla. Blod, sb. S. blood, la. 44 ; dat. Blode, 6. 134. Blome, sb. flower, 2. cii. 32. G. blume, E. bloom; from vb. to blow. Blosmen, sb. pi. blossoms, 4 d. 2. A. S. bldsma, a blossom. Blubrande, pres. part, bubbling, foaming. 13. 1017. Prov. E. blob, bleb, a bubble, pimple. BIU3, sb. blue, 18 a. 14. A.S. bleo, a colour ; also^ blue. See Bleo. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 367 Blynke, v. to blink, awake, 5. 5675- Blynne, v. to cease, 13. 440. See Blinne. Blyfie, adj. glad, 5. 5620. A.S. blifte, glad; Mceso-Goth. bleiths , kind. Boc, sb. book, 4 c. 3. Bochers, sb. pi. butchers, 15 pr. 98 ; iii. 70. F. boucher. Bod, sb. abiding, waiting, delay, 12. 149. Bod, pt. s. waited, 13. 467 ; Bode, awaited, waited for, 5. 5605 ; abode, 13. 1030; waited, 13. 467. A.S. bidan , to bide. Bode, 1 a. 454. See Bede. Bodes, sb. pi. commandments, 2. cii. 42. A. S. bod, a command. Bodworde, sb. message, 13. 473. A. S. bod , a command. Bodyn, pp. bidden, hence , bidden to do battle, challenged to fight, 16. 103. See Bede. Bogh, imp. s. bow, 7. 307; pt. s. Boghed, bowed to, obeyed, 2. xvii. 112; Boghud, bowed, 7. 314. A. S. bugan , to bow. Bogh, sb. bough, 7* 3 I 4* A. S. boh. Boght, pp. bought, 5. 5607. Bok, sb. S. book, 7. 9 ; dat. s. Boke, I a. 362. Bolle, sb. bowl, 15. v. 89. A.S. and O. Fries, bolla. Boiled, pp. swollen, 15. v. 67. Also spelt bolned. See Boln. Used in Exod. ix. 31. Bolle]?, pr. s. swells, 15. v. 99. Also spelt Bolneb. Boln, v. to swell, 8 a. 108 ; pt. s. Bolned. swelled, became full, 13. 363. Dan. bolne, Sw. bulna, to swell, bulge ; cf. E. bole of a tree, boil, a tumour, billow , a swelling wave. Bon, adj. (generally boun ), bowne, ready, ready to start, 7. no. Icel. buinn , pp. of bua, to prepare; whence bound in the phrase ‘ a ship bound for New York;* un- connected with the vb. bind. Bon, sb. boon, 8 a. 209 ; prayer, 8 b. 66. Cf. A. S. ben , a prayer. Bon, sb. bone, 3. 144. A.S. ban. Bonayrelyche, adv. debonairly, reverently, 9. 85, 87. Fr. de bon air , of good mien. Bonchede, pt. s. struck, 1 $pr. 71. Du. bonken , to knock. Bond, pt. s. bound, 1 a. 116; en- closed, 1 5. i. 159. Bonde, sb. dat.pl. bonds, 4 b. 12. Bonde, sb. gen. bondman’s, 5. 5762. Bondemen, sb. pi. bondmen, serfs, 1 a. 287; peasants, 15 pr. 96. Bone, sb. petition, 1 b. 37 ; prayer, 116.46. See Bon. Bonen, adj. made of bone, 3. 141. A. S. bdnen, bony. Bonk, sb. bank, 13. 379; & en * Bonkez, 13. 483 ; pi. Bonkez, 13. 363- Bonure, adv. debonairly, politely, 12. 332. See Bonayrelyche. Boot, sb. S. a boat, 17 a. iv. 1. Bor, sb. boar, 12. 203. Bord, sb. a table (lit. a board), 20. 44 - Bordun, sb. a pilgrim’s staff, 15. vi. 8. F. bourdon, Ital. bordone. Bore, pp. born, 5. 5646; 12. 240; Boren, 6. 98. Borewe, sb. a surety, 3. 113. A. S. borh , a pledge, loan. Borewyng, sb. borrowing, 3. 194. Borgages, sb. pi. tenements in towns, held by a particular tenure, 15. iii. 77. F. bourg , town, and gage, pledge. Borgounez, pr. pi. burgeon, bud, 13. 1042. O. F. bourgeon; cf. Gael, borr, a knob, bunch, burr. Borne, sb. stream, burn, 13. 482. A.S. burne ; cf. G. brunnen , a well. Borwes, sb. pi. sureties, sponsors, 15. i. 75. See Borewe. 3 68 GLOSSARIAL INDEX . Borwj, S. a place of shelter, 12. 9. E. borough , barrow , from A. S. beorgan , to hide. Bosk, s. stow, 13. 351. O. E. 6ws&, to get oneself ready, Icel. b&ask, to prepare oneself, from bun, to prepare. See Busk. Boske, sb. bush, wood, 3. 168; sb. pi. Boskez, bushes, thickets, 13. 322. Icel. b?iskr, a tuft of hair, bush ; cf. It. bosco. The O. E. boske is not derived from It. bosco , but is of cognate origin. Bot, sb. boot ; to bot = as a remedy, for our good, 13. 473. See Bote. Bot, pt. s. bit, 1 5. v. 67. Bot, conj. but, however, 7. 4 ; Bote, except, I a. 45 ; unless, I a. 1:8 ; 6. 39 ; but, except, 1 a. 70. Bote, sb. amendment, remedy, 3. 176; 4 b. 9; 20. 298; good, 3. 300. A. S. bot , a remedy, boot ; from A. S. bet , better, betan , to make better, kindle a fire ; cf. Sc. beet , to kindle. See Bete. Bote-3ef, conj. but if, except that, 18 a. 153. Bopem, sb. bottom, 13. 1030; Bofiom, a bottom, vale, 13. 383; pi. Bopemez, 13. 450. Botles, adv. without remedy, ir- remediably, 12. 134. See Bote. Bouele, sb. bowel, 20. 31 1. O. F. boel, from Lat. botellus, a little sausage. Bounte, sb. F. goodness, 4 a. 30; 5 - 5 8 49 - Bourd, sb. jest, 186. 105. O. F. bourde, a jest, corrupted from O. F. bohort , a tournament, game ; from horde , a barrier, E. hurdle. Boure, sb. bower, i. e. lady’s chamber, 15. iii. 97; pi. Bourez, bowers, sleeping-places, 13. 322. A. S. bur , a bedchamber, from biian , to dwell in. Bourne, sb. brook, 1577*. 8. See Borne. Bout q, prep, without, 12. 149, 211. A. S. butan , without. Bowande, pres. part, bowing, obe dient, 5. 5836. Bow-draucht, sb. bowshot (lit. bow-draught), 16. 19. Bowe, v. to bend one’s way, go, 13. 482 ; pt. s. Bowed, bent their way, made their way, went, 13. 379. See Bues. Boxum, adj. obedient, 15. i. 108. A. S. buhsom (for bugsom ), pliant, obedient, from bugan, to bow , bend. Boxumly, adv. obediently, 12. 332 . Boxumnes, sb. obedience, 15. i. iii. A. S. buhsomnes. See Boxum. Boye, sb. young man, 15 pr . 77. It implies contempt rather than youthfulness. Bo3te, pt. s. bought, 1 a. 455. Brade, adj. broad, 2. viii. 4. Brak, pt. s. broke, 5. 5922. Braste, pt. pi. burst, T9. 671. A. S. berstan , pt. t. bcerst , later E. brast. Bratful, adv. brimful, 15 pr. 41. Sw. braddftd, brimful, from brddd, a brim. Cf. A. S. brerdful , from brerd, a brim. Brayde, sb. moment ; at a brayde at a start, in a moment, 13. 539* attack, 10. 1925; pi. Braydes, grimaces, 10. 2227. Icel. bragi S, a sudden motion, trick, sleight, look, expression. Braydes, pr. s. moves quickly, hastens, rushes, 12. 149. Icel. bregma, to start. See above. Brayinde, pres, part . braying, roaring, 9. 79. O. F. braire , to bray, roar, W. bragal , to voci- ferate. Brec, pt. s. broke, I a. 386. Brede, sb. bread, 2. ciii. 31, 34. A. S. bread. Brede, sb. breadth, 13. 316; a GLOSS ARIAL INDEX. 369 broad space, freedom, 2. xvii. 53. A. S. brcedo, G. breite. Bref, adj. short, little, 4 c. 56. F. bref, Lat. brevis. Breke, v. to break, 2. xvii. 99. Breme, adj. S. fierce, bold, 12. 18; Brem, furious, angry, 8 a. 152. A. S. bremman , to rage, roar. Breme, adv. boldly, loudly, 4 d. 27. See above. Bremely, adv. S. fiercely; hence, loudly, 12. 23; Bremly, furiously, 8 a. 128; Bremli, 8 b. 41. Bren, sb. bran, 15. vii. 270. Bren, v. to burn, 8 a. 122 ; Brenne, 20. 251 ; pr. s. Brenneb, burns, 18 a. 31 ; pt. s. Brende, burnt, I b. 7 ; 19. 289; pt.pl. Brenned, burnt, 13. 959 ; Brend, II a. 61 ; pp. Brend, 3. 183. See also Barnde. A. S. brennan , to burn, G. brennen. Brene, sb. burning, fire, 9. 56. A.S. bryne , a burning. Brened, pt. pi. burned, 13. 509. See Bren. Brent, pt. s. burnt, 2. xvii. 24. See Bren. Brentest, adj. superl. steepest, highest, 13. 379. Sw. brant , steep ; cf. W. bryn, a hill. Brest, v. to burst, 8 b. 104. Breuet,s&. brief, letter of indulgence, T 5 -pr- 71 - Breuh, pt. s. brewed, 15. v. 133. Breusters, sb. pi. alewives, female brewers, 1 5 pr. 98. Briddes, sb. pi. birds, 4 d. 27 ; 12. 23 ; gen. pi. Briddes, 4^2; pi. Briddis, 17a. iv. 32. A.S. brid, a brood, the young of any bird or animal. Brig, sb. bridge, 11 c. 78. A. S. brig, brycg, G. brucke. Brin, v. to burn, 8 a. 142 ; 8 b. 228; 11 a. 55; pres. part. Brin- nand, 2. ciii. 10. See Bren. Britil, adj. brittle, frail, 17. Ps. cii. 14. VOL. II. Brochede, s. 1 p. fastened (them) together, 15. v. 1 26. Cf.E. brooch, Gael, brog, to goad, prick. Brod, adj. broad, 4 c. 27. Broght, pt. pi. brought, 7. 3 ; Brohte, 4 c. 5 ; pp. Broght, 7. 25 ; pp. Broht, 4 b. 13. Brond, sb. brand, 3. 182 ; 20. 263 ; pi. Brondes, brands, i. e. fireside, 3. 109. Brobely, adv. hastily, quickly, T3. 1030. The proper meaning of Icel. bradSligr is suddenly, quickly ; it also means rashly ; but Sc. braithly sometimes means violently. It is here a mere expletive. See Bro\>el, in Stratmann. Brouch, sb. brooch, 18 a. 171. Brou3te, pt. s. brought, 1 b. 50; Bro3te, la. 273; pt. pi. Brojte, I a. 122 ; pp. Brou3t, 6. 7 6. Brurd-ful, adj. full to the brim, brimful, 13. 383. A.S. brerd , breord, a brim. See Bratful. Brusten,7>/>. damaged, hurt severely, 12. 154; ( have being omitted). A. S. berstan, O. E. bresten, to burst. Cf. Dan. brost, hurt, damage. Brutayne, Brittany, 1 a. 302. Brittany was sometimes called Little Britain to distinguish it from Great Britain. Bruttenet, pp. destroyed, slain, 12. 206. A. S. breotan, brytan, Swed. bryta , Dan. bryde, to destroy; cf. A.S. brytse, a fragment, britlic , broken in pieces, E. brittle. The n appears in Sw. brytning, a fragment. Bryche, adj. reduced, poor, 5. 5821. A. S. bryce, liable to break, frail, vain. (Grein.) Bryddez, sb. pi. birds, 13. 288. See Briddes. Bryht, adj. bright, 4 c. 27 ; 4 d. 26. Brynston, sb. brimstone, 13. 967. A better modern spelling would be brinstone , where brin — burning, B b 37 ° GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. from O. E. brenne , to burn. Cf. Sc. brunstane. See Brene. Bry3t, adj. bright, 5. 5651 ; as sb. bright one, fair one, 13. 470. Buen, to be, 4 a. 18 ; subj. pr. pi. 3. 84. See Ben. Bues, pr. s. bows, obeys, 8 b. 20. A. S. bugan , to bow , bend. Bueb, pr. pi. are, 3. 109. See Ben. Bugge, v. to buy, 18 a. 52 ; pr. s. Bugge)?, buys, bribes, 15. iii. 151; pr. pi. Buggen, 15. iii. 72; Bugge)?, id. 74. A. S. bicgati. Bughes, sb. pi. boughs, 10. 680. A. S. boh. See Bogh. Bugles, sb. pi. wild oxen, 14 c. 132. O. F. bugle , Lat. buculus , dim. of bos. Buile, v. to boil, 20. 295 ; Builen, 20. 304. Bulez, sb. pi. bulls, 13. 392. Bummede, pt . s. tasted, took a draught, 15. v. 137. Prov. E. bum , drink, bumpsy , tipsy. Cf. E. bumper. Bun, 7. 221. See Bon, adj. Bundyn, pp. bound, 16. 115. Buope, adj. pi. both, 9. 64. Burde, sb. woman, lady, 4 b. 36 ; 13. 378. A. S. bryd, a wife, bride, lady. The opposite change is seen in O.E. brid for bird. Burgeis, sb. pi. burgesses, 15 pr. 96 ; iii. 150. Buriel, sb. tomb, 17. Mar. vi. 29; Buryel, 18 a. 119. A. S. byrgels , tomb, from byrgan , to bury ; cf. A. S. beorgan, to hide. Buriing, sb. burying, 1 a. 522. Burn, sb. stream, 16. 39. Burn, sb. man, 12. 332; Burne, 13. 288 ; pi. Burnes ; of burnes , by men, 12. 12 1. A. S. beorn, a warrior, chief. BurJ?-tonge, sb. native tongue, 18 a. 192. Buschen, v. to go, 12. 173. Generally spelt busken , buske , or busk. See Busk. Busemare, sb. scorn, mockery, 1 a. 464. A. S. bysmer , infamy, from bismerian , to besmear ; from bi, by, and smere , fat. Busk, imp. s. get ready, 7. 21 1 ; pt. s. Busked, went his way, 12. 372; Buskede him, hurried, 12. 21; Busked him, prepared himself to go, repaired, went, 15. iii. 14; imp.s. Busk, prepare (for thyself)* 13. 333. Icel. bHask, to prepare oneself, reflexive form of bfia, to prepare. See Bosk. Busk, sb. bush, 16. 71. Bustelyng, pres. pari, used as pr. pi. bustle, hurry, 15. vi. 4. But, prep, without, 16. 447. But, conj. unless, 5. 5757; 19. 552; provided that, 5. 5764; but if= unless, 19. 636. Bu)?, pr. pi. are, 18 a. 9. See Ben. Buyrde, sb. lady, 15. iii. 14. A. S. bryd , E. bride. See Burde. By, conj. by the time that, 13. 403. By, v. to be, 9. 9; 13. 356; 1 p. pi. pr. subj. may be, 9. 102. See Ben. Byclypped, pp. surrounded, 18 a. 94. Bycome, v. to become, suit. 3. 162 ; pp. Bycome, become, 5. 5821. Byd, pr. s. asks, begs for, 3. 175. Put for byt , contr. form of bydde\). See below. Bydde, v. to pray, intercede, 9. 1 19; 1 p. pi. pr. Bvddeb, pray, 9. 166. A. S. biddan. See Bidde. Byddinde, pres. part, praying to, 9. 124. Byde, subj. pr. s. 2 p. abide for, have to wait for (a surety), 3. II 3 - Bydene, adv. at once, besides, 11b. 53. See Bidene. Bye, subj. pr. s. 2 p. buy, 5. 5793. Bye)?, pr. pi. are, 9. 46 ; imp. pi. be ye, 9. 75. See Ben. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 37 1 Byfyl, pt. s. it befell, 5. 3873. Bygeten, pp. gotten, gained, 3. 221. Byggyng, sb. building, habitation, 13. 378. A. S. biggan , to build, Sw. bygga. By-Best, sb. S. promise, 12. 57; grant, 18 b. 9; Byheste, 18 b. 25. See Beheste. ByBote, pp. promised, 18 b. 23. See BiBote. ByBoueb, pr. s. is needful, 3. 37; pr. pi. Byhoues, behove, are obliged to, 10. 492. A. S. behofian , to behove. Bylyue, adv. quickly, 10. 1229. See Belyue. Bynne, prep, within, 13. 452. A. S. binnarij within ; cf. Sc. ben. By-rad, pp. determined, resolved, self-advised, 4 c. 22. A. S. reed - an , to advise, determine. Bys, sb. purple, 4 b. 38. Lat. byssus , Gk. (Macros. ByscByne, pp. shone upon, 18 a. x 39 - Byse, imp. s. 2 p. look about, be circumspect, 3. 160. A. S. beseon , to look about. Bysyhede, sb. busyhood, continual care, 9. 1 1. By-taBt, pp. committed, delivered, 4 c. 32 ; pt. s. Byta3t, entrusted, gave, 13. 528. A. S. betdean, to commit, betake. By-ban, by the time that, 12. 220. A. S. bi \>am. By-thuixte, betwixt, 6. 121. Bytuene, prep, between, 4 a. X. A. S. betwynan . c. Cacces, pr. s. takes, lit. catches, 12. 353 ; pt- s ‘ Ca 3 te, 1 a. 385. See Chacche. Caitifte, sb. wretchedness, 8 b. 30 ; Caytefte, 10. 529. O. F. caitivete , j from Lat. captivitas. Cald, sb. cold, 10, 1438. Calewe, sb. baldpate, shaveling, I b. 89. A. S. calo, bald, E. callow. Calixtes, Saint Calixt’s, 1 a. 19 1. Cam, Caen, 1 a. 271, 301. Cam, pt. s. came, 1 b. 70. Cam, prop, name , Ham, 13. 299. Can, pr. s. knows, 20. 280. A. S. cunnan , pr. t. ic can , \>u canst , he can. Can, pt. s. and pi. began ; but used as aux. vb., as in Can ga = did go, went, 16. 148; cf. 7. 66. Candelmasse day, sb. Candlemas day, 1 b. 3. Candlen, sb. pi. candles, I a. 472. Canelle, sb. cinnamon, 14 c. 27. F. cannelle , dim. of canne , a cane. Canstow, for canst thou, 19. 632. Cant, adj. proud, 11 c. 107. Either from O. F. coint, neat, pretty, or from the O.Sw. kant, proud, which Ihre connects with the Sw. phrase vara pa sin kant , to give oneself airs, lit. to be one’s corner. Carayne, sb. carrion, 13. 459. F. charogne ) from Lat. caro , flesh. Carfuli, adv. full of anxiety, anxiously, ruefully, 12. 152. Carien, v. to wander, go to and fro, 1 5 pr. 29. A. S. cerran , to turn, G. kehren. Caroin, sb. carcase, 8 b. 197. See Carayne. Carped, 1 p. s. pt. spoke, talked, 12. 217; pt. s. Carpede, told, 15. ii. 166. Etym. doubtful. Cas, sb. case, 1 a. 33 ,- circumstance, 1 a. 36; chance, hap, fortune, I a. 80; 12. 326. Lat. casus , from cadere , to fall. Cast, v. to imagine, contrive, 10. 1918; Casten, 15. iii. 18; pr.pl. Casten, reckon, consider, 19. 212 ; pt. s. Caste, threw, 1 a. 1 1 5 ; designed, purposed, 19. 406 ; plotted, 19. 584 ; pp. Casten, con- sidered, 10. 432. Sw. kasta t to cast. B b 2 372 'LOSSARIAL INDEX. Catele, sb. goods, property, 8 b. 77 ; Catel, 8 6. 1 1 2 ; Catelle, price, 14 a. 44. See Kateyl. Caurimauri, sb. the name of a rough coarse material, 15 v. 62. Sometimes called cary , as in Pierce the Ploughman’s Crede. Caytefte, sb. wretchedness, 10. 529; Caytifte, 10. 551. See Caitifte. Ca3te, pt. s. caught, 1 a. 385. Cecile, Cecilia, 1 a. 300. Cedres, sb.pl. cedars, 2. ciii. 36. Ceriously, adv. minutely, with full details, 19. 185. The word is glossed by ceriose in the Ellesmere MS., and Ducange has ‘ Seriose , fuse, minutatim, articulatim.’ Chacche, v. catch, 15. ii. 167; 2 p. pi. pr. subj. Chacche, 15. ii. 180. F. chasser , to chase, get. See Cacces. Chaffare, s6. merchandise, 5. 5797; 19. 138; barter, traffic, 15 pr. 31. Ch aff a re = chap-fare. A . S . cenp y a bargain, sale, whence E. cheap , A. S. ceapian , to buy, chop t cheapen. Chaffare, v. to traffick, 19. 139. Chalenge, v. to claim, 14 a. 64; Chalange, 186. 38 ; pt. s. Chalan- gede, claimed, 18 6. 18. F. law term ; from Lat. calumniare , to accuse. Chamberere s6. handmaid, 146. 28. Chapeleyns, s6. pi. chaplains, 15. i. 164. Chapmanhode, sb. trade, barter, 19. 143. See Chaffare. Chapmon, sb. pedlar, 15 pr. 61 ; pi. Chapmen, merchants, 19. 135. A. S. cedp, barter ; cf. E. chop , cheapen ; also chap , a fellow ; cf. merchant in Rom. and Jul. ii. 4. Char, sb. car, chariot, 20. 162. F. char , Lat. carrus. Charge, sb. burden, 17. Mar. iv. 19. The usual sense of O. E. charge; from F. charger , to load a car. Charged, pp. loaded, 5. 5^06. See above. Charyte, sb. charity, 5, 5737; par charite = for charity, 3. 12. Lat. earns , dear. Chaseris, sb. pi. chasers, men in chase, 16. 91. Chaste, v. to chasten, 15. vii. 303. Chaud, adj. hot, 1 5. vii. 299. F. chaud , Lat. calidus. Chaunce, sb. chance, 5. 5632 ; fortune, 5. 5792 ; circumstance, 12. 54. Chaunge]), pr. s. changes, 6. 23; pp. Chaunged, 5. 5884. Che, she, 12. 1 18. Cheef-mete, sb. chopped food (?) 15. vii. 281. Other MSS. have chirinellis or cheruelys , i. e. cher- | vils ; Hall, gives * chife , a frag- j merit.’ Chees, pt. t. chose, 14 a. 18 ; Ches, : 14 a. 31. See Chese. Cheeuen, v. to succeed (lit. jl achieve), 15 pr. 31. F. achever , | from chef \ head- Cheld, adj. cold, 6. 29. Chele, sb. chill, cold, 9. 63; 15. i. i 23; for chele = to prevent a chill, 1] 15. vii. 299. A. S. cele, coldness. 4 Chenes, sb. pi. chines, chinks, lj cracks, 18 a. 82. A.S. cinu, a chink. Cheose, imp.pl. choose, 15. iii. 94. Chepynge, sb. market, 15. vii. 287. Cf. Chaffare. Cherche, sb. church, 5. 5777; 6. 76. Cher, sb. countenance ; dreri cher, sorrowful countenance, 8 a. 235. i- Chere, sb. countenance, 16. J2; j manner, mien, 4 a. 15; 19. 396; demeanour, 5. 5677; bear- * ing, 1 1 6. 45. O. F. chere , the = face ; Low. Lat. cara t face ; Gk. /capa , the head. Cherles, sb. pi. churls, peasants, 18 a. 8. A. S. ceorl , a peasant ; Icel. harl , a man. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 373 Cherli, adv. dearly, fondly, 12. 62. • F. cher , Lat. carus. Cherub in, sb. pi. cherubim, 2. xvii. 29. Chese, v. to choose, 19. 227; 20. 90 ; imp . s. {used for imp. pi.) Ches, 20. 61, 184. A. S. ceosan. Chesun, sb. cause, reason, 5. 5649 ; occasion, account, 7. 185. O. F. enchaison, from Lat. acc. occa- sionem. Cheventeyn, sb. captain, 14 a. 72; Cheuetayn, 13. 464. E. chieftain , captain , from E. chief \ F. chef, Lat. caput , which is equivalent to A. S. heafod , E. head. Cheviss, v. achieve their purpose, be successful, prosper, speed, 16. 427. See Cheeuen. Chewen, pr. pi. chew, i. e. eat up, devour, 15. i. 167. Chibolles, sb. pi. onions of a small kind, 15. vii. 281. F. ciboule , Lat. ccBpulla , dim. of ccepe , an onion. Childer, sb. pi. children, 2. viii. 5. Chirche, sb. church, 1 a. 484 ; pi. Chirchen, I a. 51 1. Chirchegong, sb. churching, 1 a. 470, 483, 488 ; Chirgegong, 1 a. 474. Lit. a church-going. Chiries, sb. pi. cherries, 15. vii. 281. Chiualrie, sb. company of knights, the knights of Christendom, 19. 235 - Chongeden, pt. pi. they changed, 9 - I 37 - Christen, adj. Christian, 19. 222. Churche, sb. church, 1 b. 4. Chysly, adv. choicely, dearly, 13. 543 - Chyteryng, sb. chattering, chirp- ing, 18 a. 163. Formed from the sound. Citd, sb. F. city, 1 a. 482. Clam, pt. s. climbed, 13. 405. Clanlycli, adv. cleanly, 13. 310. Claustres, sb. pi. cloisters, 9. 152. Lat. claustrum, from claudere , to shut. Clef, pt. s. cleft, 13. 368. Cleme, imp. s. daub, plaster with clay, 13. 312. A.S. clcemian , to smear ; clam , mud, clay ; South Prov. E. cloam , earthenware. Connected with A.S. lam, loam. Clene, adv. thoroughly, 1 a. 358. Clenges, pr. s. clings, adheres, 13. 1034. See Clynges. Clennes, sb. cleanness, purity, 2. xvii. 67. Clepe, v. to call, 20. 15 1 ; Clepus, 2 p. s. pr. callest, 12. 249 ; pr.pl. Clepe, 19. 191 ; pt. s. Clepte, 15. i. 4 ; Clepide, 17 a. 1. 20 ; Clepud, 12. 56 ; Clepet, 15. iii. 3 ; pp. Cleped, 6. 134; Clept, 14 a. 62. A. S. cleopian , to call ; cf. O. E. clappe (Chaucer) to talk, boast. Clerken, sb. gen. pi. clerics’, of clerks, I a. 189. Cler-matin, sb. a kind of fine bread used for breakfast, 15. vii. 292. From clear, fine, and matin , morning. Clipped, pt. s. S. embraced, 12. 63- Clom, sb. a profound silence, 9. 35. O. E. clom, hush ! Cf. Prov. E. clam, clem , to pinch, starve, A. S. clam, a bandage, Du. hlemmen, to pinch, E. clamp. Cloos, sb. a close place, emprison- ment, 14 c. 63. Clottes, sb. pi. clots, lumps, 18 a. 79 - Clobe, sb. garment, 5. 5714; clothing (?), 6. 90 ; Cloth, 5. 5733 - Clobeden, pt. pi. clothed, 15. pr. 53 - Clo>t, for C\o]>, sb. clothing, 3. hi. Cloude, sb. clod, earth, 4 d. 31. Clouen. pt. pi. cleft, became cloven, a . 965. 374 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Cloutes, sb. pi. old clothes, 15. ii. 196; pieces, 13. 965. Clou3tand, pres. part, patching, cobbling, mending, 12. 14. See Clowtes. Clowe-gylofres, sb. pi. cloves, 14. c. 26. F. clou , Lat. clavus , a nail, and F. girojle, a clove, Lat. caryophylhan, from Gk. napvov , nut, and know, 1 a. 219; pi. Conne, 6. 106; A.S. cunnan, pr. t. ic can , pt. t. ic ciift. Conrai, sb. entertainment, 7. 141. O. F. conroi, preparation, from O. F. roi, order ; hence Y.corroyer , to prepare, curry leather. E. ar-ray is from the same root. Conseil, sb. F. counsel, I a. 27. Conseili, v. F. counsel, advise, I a. 33; pt.pl. Conseilede, 1 a. 72. Constablesse, sb. constable’s wife, 19 - 539 - Constorie, sb. consistory, an eccle- siastical court, 15. iii. 32. Contenance, sb. appearance, mien, 19 320. Contesse, sb. countess, 1 a. 302. Contrai, sb. F. country, 16. 90; Contreie, 1 a. 76 ; Contreye, 1 a. 293 ; pi. Contreies, districts, 1 a. 263; Contreyes, 1 a. 221. F. contree , It. contrada, from Lat. contra , against : cf. G. gegend , country, from gegen , against. Controeued, pt. pi. contrived, 13. 266. Conyng, sb. pi. rabbits, conies, 12. 182. The form cotiynges might have been expected here. G. kaninchen, a rabbit, Du. konjin. Coostez, sb. pi. properties ; hit coostez , its properties, 13. 1033; Costez, 13. 1024. Icel. kostr , custom, habit, circumstance. Cop, sb. top, 18 a. 1 19. W. cop , a top. Copes, sb. pi. copes, capes used by friars, 1 5 pr. 53, 58. Copeb, pr. s. gives a cope to, 15. iii. 138. Coppe, sb. cup, 3. 125. Corageus, adj. F. courageous, 1 a. 7 7 - Corbyal, sb. raven, 13. 456. O. F. corbel , a raven, Lat. corvus; prov. E. corbie. Corns, sb. pi. corn, harvests, 7. 39; Cornes, cornfields, 17 a. ii. 23. Corouneb, pr. s. crowns, 15. i. 122. Cors, sb. F. course, 13. 264. Corse, v. to curse, 15. vii. 302; pp. Corsed, 13. 1033. A. S. corsian , cursian, to curse. Corseynt, sb. saint, 15. vi. 23. Lit. a holy body ( corpus sanctum). Corsing, sb. exchange, barter, 8 b. I24. O. F. couracier , a broker; cf. E. horse-courser , a horse- dealer. Corsyes, sb. pi. corrosives, caustics, 13. 1034. A shortened form of corrosive ; see the note. Corteis, adj. F. courteous, 15. iii. 60; Corteys, 12. 194. Cosin, sb. F. kinsman, 1 a. 40, 123 Cost, sb. coast, 14 c. 64 ; pi. Costes, 6. 58; Costese, 13. 460. Costez, sb.pl. properties, 13. 1024. See Coostez. Cote, sb. a coat, garment (either for man or woman), 15. v. 91. Cotej), pr. s. gives coats to, 15. iii. 138. Couche, pr. pi. lie, lie down apart, i. e. are left in the lurch, 15. iii. 35. Other MSS. have clokke, i. e. hobble, limp, from E. clog. Coud e,pt. s. could, 5. 5648; Coude, subj. pt. s. could, were able, 5. 5596. See Conne. Coue, sb. cave, den, 7. 229. Northumbrian co/a, a den (of thieves), Mark xi. 17 ; E. cove. 37 6 GLOSSARIAL INDEX . Couenable, adj. convenient, suit- able, 17. Mar. vi. 2 1 ; suitable, 18 a. 94. F. convenable. Couer, v. to recover, 10. 811. Coueytous, adj. covetous, avari- cious, 5. 5577; Couetous, 15. iii. 60. Couetyse, sb. covetousness, 15. pr. 58; avarice, 15. v. 107. Counforte, v. to comfort, 15. i. 179 - Coupes, sb. pi. either hoops, rings, or cups, 15. iii. 23. The B-text favours the former interpreta- tion ; cf. E. cooper ; Du. kuiper. See Coupe in Stratmann. Courtepy, sb. short cloak, 15. v. 63. Du. kort, short, and pije, rough coat ; whence E. pea- jacket. Couhe, pt. s. knew (how to do), 20. 231; Cou3de, 12. 120; Cou^e, 12. 1 18; pt.pl. Couthen, could, 20. no; pp. Couhe, known, familiar, 3. 44. See Conne. Craft, sb. trade, 15. ii. 202. Crafti, adj. crafty, 7. 17. Creance, sb. belief, object of faith, 19. 340. O.F. creance , from Lat. credere , to believe. Creator, sb. creature, 13. 394. Cresten, adj. Christian, 8 b. 31. Creyme, sb. chrism, oil used in anointing, 6. 144. Gk. xP^h 10 '* unguent, from XP l0J > I anoint. Criede, pt. pi. cried, 1 a. 95. Crist, sb. anointed one, 2. xvii. 129; Crist = Christ, 1 b. 17; dat. Criste, 6. t 35 . Gk. xP t(7T0S > anointed, from XP LQJ > I anoint. Cristendom, sb. christening, I a. 183; 6. 1 ; Christianity, I b. 50; the state of being a Christian, 10. 549 ; baptism, 19. 351 ; Christendom, i. e. Christian lands, 14 c. 88. Cristianytee, sb. company of Christians, 19. 544. Cristni, v. to christen, 6. 31 ; Cristny, 6. 37 ; Cristnye, 6. 45 ; 1 p. s. pr. Cristni, 6. 122 ; pr. s. CristneJ), 6. 93 ; pr. pi. Cristnej), 6. 85 ; pp. Cristned, baptized, 19. 226. Cristninge, sb. christening, 6. 10; Cristnynge, 6. 49 ; Cristnyng, 6. 104 ; pi. Cristnynges, 6. 127. Cri3ed, 1 p. s. pt. cried to ; crimed hire of, cried to her for, 15. i. 77 - Crying e, pres. part, crying, 15. v. 262. Croft, sb. meadow, field, 15. vii. 277. A. S. croft. Croice, sb. F. cross, 7. 47 ; 12. 350. Crokkes, sb. pi. crocks, pots, earthen vessels, 18 a. 46. A. S. croc , a pot. Crone, sb. crone, hag, 19. 432. Cronique, sb. F. a chronicle, 20. I. Crop, sb. top (esp. of a tree), 7. 312; 10. 663. A.S. crop , a top. Croukez, pr. s. croaks, 13. 459. Crouning, sb. crowning, corona- tion, 1 b. 23. Crouny, v. to crown, 1 a. 225; pr. s. Crounes, 2. cii. 8 ; pt. s. 2 p. Crowned, crownedst, 2. viii. 17. Lat. corona. Crowdest, pr. s. 2 p. dost press, dost push, 19. 296. A. S. crydan, to crowd, press. Crowdyng, sb. pressure, motive power, 19. 299. See above. Croys, sb. cross, 19. 450. See Croice. Cruddes, sb. pi. curds, 15. vii. 269. W. crwd , a round lump. Cruwelnes, sb. cruelty, 186. 30. Crystendom, sb. the Christian religion, 5. 5764. Culuere, sb. a dove, 17. Mar. i. 10. A. S. culfre , a dove. Cum, v. to come, 7. 19 ; pres. part. Cumand, 16. 205. See Com. Cumand, pt. s. commanded, 11 a. 53 . GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 377 Cumbred, pp. encumbered, 15. i. 170. Cumrit, pt. s. encumbered, troubled, overwhelmed, 16. 486. G. hummer , trouble, seems to have been confused with F. combler , to heap up, from Lat. cumulus , a heap. Cumse]), pr. s. commences, 15. i. 128, 139 ; iii. 99. See ComseJ?. Cunne, pr. pi. know how to, 1 5 pr. 33; Cunnen, can, 15. i. 170. See Conne. Cuntinaunce, sb. appearance, out- ward show, 15 pr. 24. Cuntre, sb. F. country, 5. 5876; 15 Pr. 95. Cuppemel, adv. by cupfuls, 15. v. 139. Cf. Poundmele. Cupydez, sb. pi. cubits, 13. 315. Curatours, sb. pi. curates, priests who have cure of souls, 15. i. 169. Cure, sb. care, endeavour, 19. 188; in cure = in her care, 19. 230. Curteysy, sb. courtesy, kindness, 5. 5862 ; Curteisye, 19. 166. Cusseden, pt. pi. kissed, 15 pr. 70. A. S. cos, a kiss. Custome-houses, sb. pi. appa- rently the houses or shops which beggars used to visit with the hope of receiving alms, 5. 5585. Cuth., pt. s. knew (how to), 7. 30. A. S. cunnan , to know, pt. t. ic cuft. D. Daffe, sb. a dolt, 15. i. 129. Old Sw. dof stupid, E. deaf. Dai-gang, sb. a day’s journey, 7. 366 . Dampned, pp. F. damned, 5. 5681. Dance, sb. dance (used ironically), II c. 58; Daunce, 74. Darked, pt. s. lay hid, 12. 17, 44. Cf. O. E. dare, to lie motionless, to be stupefied ; Du. bedaren, to cause to be still ; Prov. E. dor , to stupefy, dor, a fool ; G. tkor, a fool, stupid. Daunte, v. to tame, 17. Mar. v. 4. 0. F. danter (mod. F. dompter ), from Lat. domitare , intens. of domare, to tame. Daw, sb. day ; of daw , from day, 1. e. out of day, out of life ; bring of daw, to kill, 16.132 ; pi. Dawes, days, 12. 77. Dayes-e3es, sb. pi. daisies, 4 d. 4. A. S. dceges edge, the eye of day, a daisy. Deabes, sb. gen. s. of death, 6. 72. Deawes, sb. pi. dews, 4 d. 28. Debonere, adj. F. mild, gentle, 1 а. 279. F. de bon air, of a good mien. Debrekynge, pres. part, tearing, 17. Mar. i. 26. Vulg. discerpens. Debrused, pp. bruised, 1 a. 168. O. F. bruiser, F. briser , to break, bruise. Decipelis, sb. pi. disciples, 8 b. 4. Ded, pt. s. did, put, 5. 5707. Ded, sb. death, 3. 8; Dede, 2. xvii. 11 ; Dede, death’s, 10. 1890; to ded-ward = towards death, 10. 807; bygan our dede = was the author of our death, 10. 487. Sw. dod, Du. dood , G. tod. Dede, pt. s. did, 20. 127; put, 5. 5776; caused, made, 5-57745 dede translate = caused to be translated, 12. 167. Dede, sb. deed, 1 a. 23; pL Dedes, 1 a. 1 13; Dedys, 5. 5667; to dede = to actual fulfilment, 7. 242. A.S. deed, G. that. Dede-stoure, sb. conflict of death, death-struggle, 10. 1820. See Stour. Deed, adj. dead, 19. 209; pi. Deede, б. 139- Deeme, v. to judge, decide, 15. i. 84. See Deme. Defalte, sb. fault, 20. 20, 78; lack, 20. 75. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 378 Defaute, s6. fault, 14 a. 53 ; lack, 15. v. 6. O. F. deffaute , from faute or falte, lack ; Lat. fallere , to fail. Defence, sb. prohibition, 13. 243. See below. Defendet, pt. s. forbade, 15. iii. 55. (Defende]) = forbids, is another reading.) F. defendre , to forbid; whence E. fend , fender , fence. Defye, v. to digest, 15 pr. 108. O. F. deffier , to distrust, from Lat. fides ; hence O. E. defy , to renounce, reject ; but frequently used in the sense to digest. Defygurd, pp. disfigured, 10. 2340. Deghe, v. to die, 10. 813. Dan. doe. Degyset, pp. F. disguised, 15 pr. 24. Deid, pt. s. died, 7- 35 ; Deide, 1 a. 348 ; pi. 1 a. 444. Dan. doe , to die ; the A. S. word is steorfan , E. starve. Deknes, sb. pi. deacons, 15^.92. Del, sb. F. grief, sorrow, pain, 12. 349. See Dool. Dele, v. to divide, distribute, I a. 509; to give, 15. i. 173; 1 p. s . pr. I give, 175; pr. s. Deles, 3. 99; imp. s. Del, distribute, 3. 97; pp. Deled, parted, 18 a. 199. A. S. dcel , a deal , dole , part ; G. theil. Delful, adj. doleful, 13. 400. Deliuerly, adv. F. quickly, 12. 349; Delyuerly, nimbly, 16. 206. Deliuery, v. to set free, liberate, 1 a. 513. Lat. liber, free. Delphyns, sb.pl. dolphins, 18 a. 10. Deluers, sb. pi. diggers, workmen with the spade 1 5 pr. 102. Delytable, adj. F. delightful, 14 a. 54- Demaunde, sb. question, 19. 472. Deme, v. to deem, judge, 4 c?. 30 ; 9. 243; to tell, 12. 151 ; I p. s.pr. I condemn, judge, 15. v. 95 ; pp. Demed, considered to be, deemed, called, 13. 1020. A. S. deman , to judge, d6m, doom ; O. E. deemster, dempster, a judge. Demmed, pt. s. became dammed up, J 3- 384. A. S. demman , to dam, stop water. Deneis, sb. pi. Danish, Danes, 1 a . 337, 341. This is a French form ; the termination -eis == ais, ois of Mod. French = Lat. -ensi. Denemarch., Denmark, 1 a. 6. The ending -march = mark, boundary ; cf. E. the marches = the border-land. Dennes, sb. pi. dens, 2. ciii. 50. Dent, sb. dint, stroke, 18 b. 86. A. S. dynl , a blow. Deol, sb. grief, sorrow, 1 a. 497. See Dool. Deore, v. to dure, to endure, 1 b. 63. Lat. durare. Deores, sb. pi. dears, lovers, 4 d. 29. Departeth., pr. s. parts, becomes separated, 1 4 a. 74 5 pt. s. De- partide, divided, 17 a. vi. 41. Depe, v. to dip, 6. 83, 1 1 7. A. S. depan, to dip. baptise. Depe, sb. the deep, open sea, 3. 253. Depnes, sb. depth, abyss, 2. ciii. 13- Der, adv. dearly, 8 6. 129. Derelych., adv. beautifully, dearly, 13. 270. Deres, pr. s. harms, 2. xiv. 12 ; pr. pi. Ders, harm, 10. 1232. A. S. derian, to injure, dere, dar, daru 9 injury ; Du. deren, to harm. Dereyni, v. F. to fight out, decide by battle, I a. 84 ; pp. Dereyned, adjudged, decided, 1 8 6. 86. O. F. derainer, deresnier, to try the truth of an accusation, as if from Lat. derationare , to reason out, from ratio, reason. Derk, adj. dark, 15 pr. 16; 19. 481. Derli, adv. dearly, 2. cii. 7. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Derne, adj. secret, 4 d. 29 ; Dern, hidden, secret, 7 - 33- A. S. dearn, secret, dyrnan , to hide. Dernly, S. secretly, 12. 17. See above. Ders 3 pr.pl. harm, injure, 10. 1232. See Deres. Derworbe, adj. precious, 15. i. 85. Lit. dear-worth ; A. S. deorwur^Se, precious. Desaly, adv. dizzily, 1 6. 210. Desarayed ham, pt. pi. fell into disorder, 1 8 b. 118. Desavauntage, sb. disadvantage, 18 a. 184. Desclosed, pp. disclosed, perceived, 20. 204. Descryfe, vb. to describe, 10. 2305. Deseritede, pt. s. disinherited, 1 a. 258 ;/>/>. Deserited, 1 a. 382. Desparpleth, pr. s. becomes scat- tered, 14 a. 74. O. E. sparple , another form of O. E. sparkle , Lat. spargere. Despar pie is there- fore another form of disperse. Despit,s6.spite,harm, injury, 1 2. 131. Despitously, adv. despitefully, 19. 605. O. F. despit , contempt, Lat. despectus , a looking down upon. Desselic, adv. ignorantly (?), 7. 34 ; cf. A. S. dysig. The Trin. MS. reads Bisily. See the note. Destruede, pt. s. destroyed, 1 a . 338 ; pp. Destrued, 1 a. 344, 438. DeJ), pr. s. doth, does, 1 a. 464 ; 6. 126; deb out = doeth out, casteth out, 9. 216. A. S. don , to do; pr. s. I p. ic do , 2 p. ]>u dest, 3 p. he de& ; pi. dr£s./w/. clouding over, cloudy, 10. 1443. From a vb. domle , to be dull, disturbed ; cf. Prov. E. drumly , muddy ; drumble , to be confused or disturbed ; cf. Sw. drumla , to be sluggish, Sc. drum , dull. Don, adv. down, 3. 142. Done, v. to do, 12. 320; pr. pi. Done, do, 5. 5580; gerund , to done = to do, I a. 426; pp. Don, made, 13. 320; also put, stowed; don in = gathered, 7. 39. See Do. Donet, sb. elementary instruction, 15. v. 123. O. E. donet , a gram- mar, so named from Donatus , a grammarian. Dongen, pp. knocked, beaten, 11c. 74. Sc. ding, to beat, Sw. ddnga, to bang. DonkeJ), pr. pi. make damp, moisten, 4 d. 28. Milton uses dank, moist. Probably connected with Du. donker , dark, G. dunkel , dark, Prov. E. danker , a dark cloud. (To) donne, gerund , to do, 6. 1 26. Equiv. to Lat. faciendum. D onward, adv. downwards, I a. I47> I 54- GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 3 Sl Dool, sb. sorrow, grief, 12. 88 ; Del, 12. 349. F. deuil , mourn- ing, Sc. dule , grief, Lat. dolium in comp, cordolium , heart-grief, from dolere , to grieve. Dore, s6. door, 6. 141. Doreward, .-6. warden of the gate, porter, 9. 21. Dorste, pt. s. durst, 1 a. 364 ; pi. Dorste, 1 a. 391 ; Dorst, 20. 12. A. S. dear , I dare, pt. t. dorste . Doten, pr.pl. dote, are foolish, 13. 286. Du. dutten y to take a nap, to dote ; cf. F. radoter , to talk incoherently. Dotest, adj, superl . most doting, stupidest, 15. i. 129. See above. Dob, pr. s. does, 1 b. 5 ; makes, 3. 76 ; pr. pi. do, 4 c. 52. See Do. Dovene, sb. dove (a feminine form), 13. 481; spelt Doune, 469; Downe, 485. Cf. vixen , a female fox, O.E. ivulvene, a female wolf; and cf. the G. fern, termination -inn. Doumbe, adj . dumb, 5. 5907. A. S. dumb. Doun, v. go down, be slain, 13. 289. Doune, sb. hill, mountain, I a. 158; pi. Dounes, 4 d. 28. A. S. dun , E. down , a hill. Dounfalland, pres, part . falling down, 2. xvii. 25. Doungas, pr. pi. descend, 2. ciii. 17. Lit. go down. Dounright, adv. right down, 2. xvii. 100. Doute, sb. F. fear, 1 b. 8 ; 4 c. 53; reverence, 5. 5833; Dout, fear, 116. 88. Lit. doubt ; but almost always =fear in O.E. Doutelees, adv. without doubt, 19. 226. Dou3tiore, adj. comp, doughtier, stronger, 1 5 v. 84. Doube, adj. doughty, brave, noble (ones), 13. 270. See below. Dowed, pt. s. availed, 13. 374. A. S. dugan (pr. s. deah y pi. dugon y pt. s. dohte , pi. dohton ), to avail, to be noble or doughty; cf. Sc. dowy to avail, Du. deugen y G. taugeny to profit. Wedgwood de- nies the connection with E. do in the phr. ‘ this will do / ‘ how do you do .* Dozein, sb. F. dozen, 7. 35. Do3ter, sb. daughter, I a. 296 ; pi. Do3tren, 1 a. 297,300. A.S .dohtor. Draf, pt. s. drove, fell, 16. 471. Dragoun, sb. dragon, 2. ciii. 61. Drah., imp. s. draw, 3. 178. Drakes, sb. pi. drakes, wild fowl, 4 d. 19. Dranc, pt. pi. drank, 7. 42. Drawand, pres. part, drawing near, 10. 826 ; Drawis, pr. s. draws, ' inclines (one), 1 6. 1 75 ; pp. Drawe, 19 - 339 * Dra3eb, pr. pi. subj. they may draw, 9. 51. Dre, v. to endure, hold out, 16. 1 81. A.S. dreogan , to endure; Sc. dree. Drechinge, adj. vexing, painful, deeply drawn (said of a breath or sigh), 20. 149. A. S. drecany to vex, oppress. Dredand, pres. part, fearing, 2. cii. 27; they who fear, 2. xiv. 10; 2. cii. 22; Dredeand, 2. cii. 38. Drede, sb. dread ; but we find withouten drede — without doubt, 19. 196; cf. 16. 195. Drede, v. to fear, 3. 156; where him drede = fear for himself. A.S. dreedan, to fear, dreed , dread, fear. Drenchen, v. to be drowned, 19. 455. A.S. drencany to cause to drink , to drench. Drenchyng, sb. drowning, 19. 485. Cf. A. S. drenc-jlod , a drenching flood, i. e. the deluge. Drepez ,pr. s. slays, 13. 246. A. S. drepan , to wound ; Sw. drdpa y to kill, Icel. drapy a death-stroke. Dressen, pr. pi. prepare (lit. direct), 19. 263; Dresseth hir= prepares 382 GLOSSARTAL INDEX. herself, 19. 26 5. F. dresser , from Lat. dirig ere. Dreuch, pt. s. drew, 16. 468. Dreued, pt. s. troubled, 2. xvii. 40 ; 2. ciii. 70. A. S. drefan , to dis- turb, vex, Prov. E. drovy , dis- turbed, dirty. Dre3ly, aer = one after another, I a. 96; ech to o)>er = to each other, 1 b. 9. A. S. ale, each. Eche, sb. increase, addition, 6. 65. A.S. ecan , to eke , increase ; cf. Lat. augere. 3 8 3 Echedayes, apparently an adv. on each day, daily, 9. 229. Echedeyl, adv. every bit, entirely, 5. 5748. See Dele. Echen, to each (one), 9. 27. Cf. Lat. motto suum cuique. Echon, pron. each one, 1 a. 299 ; I b. II, • Echone, 1 a. 355; 5.5585. Ednej>, (perhaps) returns (to him), 3. 200. The Camb. MS. has his hedwite = \s a reproach, which gives some sense. But the mean- ing is uncertain. Cf. A. S. ed, back again. Edwit, sb. reproach, 1 a. 468. A. S. edwit e, reproach, edwitan , to blame; from ed, prefix signi- fying anew , again , and wite, a penalty. Eese, sb. ease; put for eese is = is easy to, 10. 1469. Cf. the use of F. aise as an adj. = glad. Ef, conj. if, 8 6. 73. Icel. ef, if, prob. connected with Icel. ef \ doubt, O. Sw. jefwa , to doubt. Effere, sb. show, bustle, 16. 30; Effer, appearance, demeanour, 16. 126; Effeir, 16. 412. Probably O. F. afaire , state, condition. Ef-sone, adv. soon after, 1 a. 135. See Eftsone. Eft, adv. afterwards, again, 3. 190; again, 17 a. iv. 1 ; Efte, again, 13. 248; eft resten = Lat. re- quiescet , 17. Ps. xiv. 1. A.S. eft , again, afterwards. Efter, prep, after, 7. 7 ; for, 8 6. 77 * A. S. after, Sw. efter. Eft-sone, adv. again, 6. 124; 17a. ii. 13 (where the Lat. has rursus ). A. S. eft-sona , soon after ; lit. after-soon. Eggede, pt. s. incited, instigated, 15. i. 63. A.S. eggian , Icel. eggja, to sharpen, excite, incite. See below. Eggez, sb. pi. edges, 13. 383, 451, A. S. ecg , Icel. egg, Lat. acies , an edge ; cf. Gk. a/c/jirj. 3 8 4 GLOSSARIAL INDEX . Eggyng, s6. instigation, 13. 241. Icel. egging^ an inciting, egging on. See above. Eghe, sb. eye, 10. 818; Eie, 1 a. 160; pi. Eghen, 2. xvii. 68; 10. 781. A. S. edge, pi. eagan. Eild, sb. age, 7. 194. See Eld. Eileb, pr. s. ails, 15. vii. 244. Eir, sb. F. heir, 1 a. 234; pi. Eirs, la. 257. Lat. haeres . Ei);er, proti. each (of two), la. 91. Either, adv. even, 17. Mar. vi. 56. Ei3yen, sb. pi. eyes, 12. 228; Ei3en, 15 pr. 71. See Eghe. Ek, conj. also, la. 17; Eke, 6. 38. A. S. edc, G. aucTi , Du. 00k. Eld, sb. old age, I a. 462 ; Elde, old age, age, 3. 42 ; 10. 742 ; 15. iii. 90. A. S. yldo, Mceso- Goth. aids, alths , old age. Elded, pp. grown old, 2. xvii. 1 14. A. S. ealdian, G. altern , to grow old. Elderne, sb. pi. ancestors, 1 a. 101, 102, 105. A.S. ealdor, an elder, ancestor, ruler; whence E. alderman. Eldore, adj. comp, elder, 1 a. 244 ; superl. Eldoste, 1 a. 301, 506. A.S. eald, old. Eleccioun, sb. choice (an astro- logical term), 19. 312. Elleft, adj. eleventh, 8 a. 135. Ellerne, sb. an elder-tree, 15. i. 66. A. S. ellen. Elies, adv. else, 5. 5668 ; provided only, 13. 466; otherwise (than the truth), 15. i. 86 ; cf. 1. 108 below. A. S. elles ; cf. Gk. aWcvs. Elringe, sb. a herring, 8 b. 46. Probably an error of the scribe, as the Camb. MS. has herynge. ElJ>er, adj. older, 18 a. 18. A.S. eald, old, yldra, older. Embassadrie, sb. embassaye, em- bassy, 19. 233. Emcristen, sb. fellow-Christian, 9. 86. A. S. efen-cristen, a fellow Christian, from efen, efn, even. So also Sw. jamnchristen, fellow- Christian, from jamn, even, equal. Emprise, sb. enterprise, 19. 348. O. F. emprise , emprinse , from prendre , to take in hand, Lat. prehendere. Enchaunmens, sb. pi. enchant- ments, 12. 137. Encrees, sb. increase, 19. 237. Endentur, sb. (as pi.) notches, crevices, cracks, 13. 313. O. Fr. endenter , to indent, notch. Endlang, prep, along, 16. 27. A.S. andlang , G. entlang. Ene, adv. once, 3. 189. A. S. dtne, once. Enes, adv. once, I a. 393 ; Ene, 3. 189. A.S. dnes, gen. case of an, one. Enfermer, sb. attendant on the in- firm, the injirmarius of an abbey, 8a. 185. Enflawmed, pp. F. inflamed, 14 a. 66. Lat . jlamma. Engelond, prop. n. England, I a. 16. A. S. Engla lond, land of the Angles or English ; where Engla is gen. pi. of Angle , Engle , the Angles. Englissche, adj. English, 6. 58 ; Engliss, 1 a. 134; pi. Englisse, I a. 5 ; Englisch, the English lan- guage, 6. 1 18. Enne, ac. s. m. of On = one, 6. 100. A. S. an, ac. s. m. anne, cenne. Ennok, Enoch, 5. 5935. Enoumbre, v. to conceal, obscure ; enoumbre him , to be obscured, 14 a. 9. Lat. inumbrare , from «ra- bra; whence O. F. enombrer. See Ombre , in Burguy. Enpoysened, pt. s. poisoned, 13. 242. Enqueri, v. F. to inquire, 1 a. 352. Ensample, sb. example, 5. 5939. Entente, sb. intent, consideration, plan, 20. 21 ; Entent, purpose, 19. 147. Lat. intendere , to give attention to. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 385 Entre)?, pr. s. enters, 6. 6. Envyrone, v. to go about, roam over, 14 a. 8. F. virer , to turn. Enuyrown ; in enuyrown = in the environs, round about, 17. Mar. vi. 6. Eny, adj.' any, 1 a. 124. A. S. cknig. Eode, pt. pi. went, came, 4 c. 46 ; pt. pi. Eoden, went, 15. pr. 40. A. S. eode , used as pt. t. of gan , to go ; Moeso-Gothic iddja, I went, as pt. t. of gangan , to go. Eorne]), pr. s. runs, 18 a. 21; pi. 18 a. 19. A. S. yrnan , to run; by metathesis we get A.S. rennan , G. rennen , E. rww. Er, before, previously, 1 a. 2 ; 16. 2; formerly, 15. i. 182; conj. before, 19. 199. A. S. cer , formerly, ere ; cf. E. early. Erbez, sb. pi. herbs, 13. 532. Erchebissop, sb. archbishop, 1 a. 227; Erchebisshopp, 146. 62. Ere, pr. pi. are, 2. viii. 4 ; 2. xvii. 26; Er, 2. xvii. 114; 10. 434. Icel. 3 p. pi. eru , Dan. ere or £r. Erchedekenes, s&. pi. archdeacons, 15 Pr- 9 2 * Eremyte, hermit, 146. 7 ; pi. Ermytes, 15 . pr. 50. Eringe, sb. ploughing, 15 pr. 21. A. S. erian, Lat. arare , to plough. Eritage, s6. F. heritage, I a. 506. Erlicbe, early, 20. 41 ; Er- lyche, 186. 93. Ernde, sb. errand, 15. iii. 42. A. S. cerend, an errand, Moeso-Goth. aims , a messenger, airinon , to go on a message. Erne, s6. eagle, 2. cii. 10. A.S. earn , erra, an eagle ; Icel. and Sw. orrc, an eagle ; Gk. opvis , a bird. Ernest, s6. earnest, I a. 13 1. W. era, errces, a pledge, O. F. arra or from Lat. arrha, arrhabo , a pledge, Gk. appa/ 3 wv. Ernestly, adv. quickly, 13. 277. VOL. II. Erst, adj. first, 4 c. 12. A. S. <«rs/, cerost , first, from err, before, rre. Ert, j!>r. s. 2 p. art, 6. 123. A.S. eart , Icel. er/, 2 p. s. pr. Er]?eli, at//, earthly, 2. xxiii. 2. Er-l^en, conj. before, 3. 84. Ertou = art thou, 2. ciii. 2. Es = is, pr. s. 2. viii. 3; 2. xiv. 9, 13; 8 a. 101 ; 10. 476; Esse, 8 a. 115. A. S. is, Icel. es , older form of Icel. er, 3 p. s. pr. Eschaping, sb. escape, 16. 54. Eschapit, pt. s. escaped, 16. 53; pt.pl. 1 6. 86; pp. 1 6. 94/ Eseliche, aafo. easily, 1 a. 147. Esse, v. to ask, demand, 1 a. 367 ; pt. s. Esste, asked, 1 a. 230. A.S. acsian , to ask, Prov. E. axe. Est, sb. east, in. 128; 7. 23; 15 pr. 15. Estdel, sb. the east, 2. cii. 23. See Dele. Este, adj. pi. pleasant, 3. 109. A. S. este , benign, mild, est, grace, favour ; Moeso-Goth. ansts , grace ; G. g-unst. Ester, Easter, I a. 400. A. S. Eoster. Estrinland, sb. Eastern land, 7. 16. Ete, pt. s. ate. 13. 241 ; pi. 7. 42. Etteleden, pt. pi. directed their way, went straight, 12. 272. See Attele. Euangiles, sb.pl. gospels, 19. 666. Gk. evayyeKiov. Euelez, pt. pi. evils, 13. 277. Euene, adj. mean, average, I a. 408. A. S. efen , equal, even. Euere, adv. ever, 1 a. 118. A.S. cefre, from ce, ever, aye. Euerichon, every one, 19. 330. Euerich, adj. every, la. 354; 6. 69 ; 9. 190. The termination y in every is equivalent to O. E. ich> ilk , A. S. oe/c, E. each. Euerilkan, every one, 8 a. 243. Euermo, adv. evermore, ever again, 1 a. 176. C C 3 86 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Euerwik, prop. n. York, i a. 73, 2 2 7, 326. A. S. Eoferwic, Eoforwic. Euerychone, adj. every one, 5. 5880. Euesong, sb. vespers, 1 a. 282 ; the time at which vespers were sung, 4 c. 13. Eueyl, adj. evil, 5. 5685. A. S. eofel, yfel , G. ubel, Mceso-Goth. ubils , evil. Eure, ar. 62. A. S. fcerlic , sudden, from far, fear, sudden danger ; cf. Du. vaarlijk , quickly, G. gefdhrlich , dangerous. Sc. ferly, a marvel. Ferly, ar/v. wondrously, 4 c?. 10; 13. 960; strangely, 13. 269; extremely, 5. 5620; Ferlyly, 13. 962. See above. Ferme, s6. rent, I a. 450. O. F. ferme , Low Lat. firma , rent, really borrowed from a Teutonic root ; so that we also find A. S. feorm , provision, food, goods, a farm. Ferr, acfo. far, 7. 13, 22. Ferrum, adv . ; on-ferrum, afar, 7. 368. Fersch, adj. fresh, 18 a. 102. A. S. fersc. Ferst, adv. first, 6. 2, 8, 20. Fertered, pt. s. enshrined, 8 b. 230. O. F. fertere , a shrine ; Lat. feretrum , Gk. (peperpov. (Burguy.) Ferth, a^‘. fourth, 10. 1828. Fer])yng, s£>. farthing, 5. 5770, 5812. A . S . feor ft feor°& ling , a fourth part, feorfta, fourth. Fesauns, pi. pheasants, 12. i 8 3 - Fest, v. to make firm, 2. ciii. 34; 1 p. s. pr. Festen, I fasten, ratify, 13. 327 ; pp. Fested, fastened, 10. 1907 ; Festend, 10. 1909. A.S. fastnian , to fasten, from fcest, fast, firm. Festes, sb. pi. F. feasts, 1 a. 401 ; to feste = at a feast, 19. 380. Festnes, sb. fastness, 2. xvii. 2. A. S. fastennes , a fastness, walled town, from fcestnian , to make fast. Fet. See Fetten. Fetel, sb. vessel, 8 b. 163. A. S. fetels, a bag,/<2/, a /a£ or va/. Febli, adv. faithfully, verily, 12 , 132. Fetis, ar//. F. neatly made, 12. 126. O. F. fetis , Lat. factitius , from facere , to make. Fetisliche, acfv. neatly j hence, carefully, 12. 98. See above. Fette, v. to fetch, 15. iii. 96; let fette = caused to be fetched, 20. 45 ; ft- pl- Fetten, fetched, 15. ii. 205; brought, 15. vii. 279; pp. Fet, 19. 667. A.S. fetian , to fetch. Fettled, pp. made ready, set in order, 13. 343. Prov. E. fettle , to set in order, Moeso-Goth. fetjan , to adorn, make fit ; allied to A. S. fetel , a fetter, and E. fit. See Diefenbach, i. 373. Fetys, adj. well made, 12. 225. Low Lat. factitius (from facere') ; whence O. Y. fetis. Feurbe, or din. fourth, 18 a. 91. Feute, sb. scent, 12. 90. Also spelt Foute, q.v. Feuyr, sb. fever, 10. 700. Feye, adj. about to die, dying, 4 a. 20. A. S. f&ge, Icel. feigr , O. H. G.feigi, about to die ; Sc. fey. 390 GLOSSARIAL INDEX , Feyn, adv. gladly, 5. 5798. See Fayn. Feyneden, pt.pl. feigned ; feyneden hem , played the hypocrite, 15 pr. 42. Y.feindre , Lat. finger e. Feyntise, 56. faintness, 15. v. 5. 0. F. feintise , from feuidre , to feign. Feyre, nencan. Forthirmar, adv. further-more, i.e. further on, 16. 8. Forthledand, pres. part, producing, 2. ciii. 29. Forbrast, pp. killed, slain, 13. 249. A. S. forprczstian , to bruise, kill, b rcestian, to rack, torment. Forthward, adv. forwards, ] 9. 263. Forth-wit, adv. forward, before, onwards, 7. 51. Cf. O. E. in-wit, within, ut-wit , without. Forb-wyth, prep, right before, 13. 304. See above. For-by, adv. on that account, 3. 11 2 ; For-bi, 4 a. 26. See Forbi. Forthyheden, pt. pi. went forth, 2. xvii. 36. O. E. yhede , yede, went, A. S. ic eode , I went. For])ynkez, pr. s. impers. it repents me, 13. 285. See Forbinke. Forto 9 prep, until, 18 a. 102. Forfco, to, 20. 243 ; For to, 18 a. 166. For-travalit, pp. overcome with toil, 16. 176. For-waked, pp. tired out with watching, 19. 596; Forwake, 4 a. 37 - Forwarde, sb. agreement, 13. 327. Connected with ward and guard, not with word. A. S. foreweard, a covenant made beforehand. See Foreward. For-whi, adv. on which account, wherefore, 10. 733 ; because, 744. Here whi is from A. S. hwi, the instrumental case of hwa , who ; cf. Mceso-Gothic hwe , inst. case of hwas, who. Forwit, prep, before, 7. 56 ; adv. beforehand. 7. 207. See Forth- wit. Forworthes, pr. pi. come to naught, 10. 780. A. S.forweorftau, to become nothing, perish. Foryhelde, v. to render, 2. xvii. 55, 65 ; pt. s. Foryheld, 2. cii. 20. (Lit. for-yield.) Foryheldinges, sb.pl. retributions, 2. cii. 4. F0r3el.de, subj. pr. s. requite (lit. for-yield), 15. vii. 263. A. S./or- gyldan , to recompense, from gyl- ,594 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. dan , to pay, yield; cf. A. S. gyld , payment, also, a guild , club. Forjete, pt. s. forgat, 13. 463 ; pp. For3eten, forgotten, 3. 222. Foremen, pp. forgiven, 17. Mar. ii. 5. Fot, sb. S. foot, I a. 64, 41 1 ; feet (in measure), 8 a. 112. Fot, pr. s. fetches (?), 6. 114. An obscure passage ; see the note. Foul, sb. S. bird, 4 a. 3; 4 d. 6; 10. 542 ; pi. Foules, 4 c?. 10. A. S. fit gel. FouleJj, pr.s. defiles, reviles, 15. iii. 149; pt.pl. Fowled, defiled, 13. 269. Founde, pt. pi. found, 1 a. 35 ; Founden, found out, invented (for themselves), 15 . pr, 36; Founden, found, 19. 243. Founde, v. to try, endeavour, 6. 56. See Fonde. Foundered, pp. caused to founder, destroyed, 13. 1014. Founs, sb. the bottom, 13. 1026. Lat .fundus, O. Fr .fons, mod. F. fond. Foun3t = font, sb. 6. 85 ; Fount, 6. 143. Fourtene ni3t, sb. fortnight, 1 a. 7r. Foute, sb. scent, trace of a beast of chase by the odour, 12. 33. Fowre, four, 13. 540. Foyson, sb. abundance, 19. 504 ; Foysyn, plenty, 5. 5808. O. F. foison, Lat. acc. fusionem , from Lat. fundere , to pour forth. Fra, conj. from the time when, 7. 1 : prep, from, 2. xvii. 10 ; 7. 29. Dan. fra , from, frem , forth, Sw. fram , forth. In 2. viii. 16, fra is wrongly made to mean than ; this is no English idiom, but due to the Latin ab in the Vulgate. Fraind, pt. s. asked ; fraind at, asked of, 7. 91. See Frayne. Fraisted, pp. tried, tested, 2. xvii. 8 1 . Icel. freista , to try, seek ; Sw .fresta, to attempt, tempt. Frakly, adv. greedily, 16. 166. See Frek. Fram, prep, from, 1 a. 128 ; 6. 79 - Frame, sb. advantage, benefit, 5. 5804. A. S. freoma , fremu , freme , profit ,fremian, to benefit. Fraught, pp. freighted ; doon fraught = caused to be laden, 19. 171. Sw .frakta, to lade, frakt t freight. Fraward, adj. froward, peevish, 10. 786. Frayne, v. to ask, 12. 250 ; pt. s. Fraynede, asked, 15. vi. 16; 1 p. s. pt. asked, 15. i. 56. A. S. fregnan, G. fragen , Du. vragen , Moeso-Goth. fraihnan , to ask ; Lat. precari , whence E. pray. Fre, adj. S. free, liberal, 3. 220, 224; 12. 337 . Fredome, sb. S. liberality, 3. 222 ; Fredom, 19. 168. Frek, sb. S. man, warrior, 12. 264. See Freke. Freis, adj. fresh, 8 a. 121 ; Freissh, 20. 319. Frek, adj. bold, daring, 11 b. 54, 84. A. S. free , bold ; freca , a hero. Freke, sb. a man, 13. 236; pi. Frekez, 13. 540. See Frek. Frele, adj. frail, 15. iii. 117; v. 49. Freliche, adv. nobly, 12. 126. Frely, adj. (1) blameworthy, 4 c. 57 ; (2) free, noble, 12. 124. (1) Icel.fryja, to blame; (2) A.S. freolic, liberal, noble. Frenss, sb. French, 1 a. 219. Freo, adj. free, 18 a. 57. A.S. freo. Freond, sb.pl. friends, lb. 25. Frest, sb. delay, 16. 447. A.S. fyrst , a space of time. Fretes, pr. s. eats, 13. 1040 ; Fret, pt. s. ate, 12. 87; Frete, pp. eaten, devoured, 19. 475; Freten, 13. 404. Mceso-Goth. fra-itan, to devour, where fra = E. for as a prefix, and itan = to eat. Cf. G. fresseri. GL0SSAR1AL INDEX. 395 Frette, imp. s . furnish, 13. 339. A. 8. frcetwian, to deck, adorn. Freyliche, adj. free, noble, 12. 360. See Frely. Frith, sb. wood, 11 a. 29. Gael. frith , a deerpark, forest, W .ffridd, Prov. E. frith , unused pasture land, brushwood. Fro, prep, from, 5. 5689; conj. from the time that, 11 c. 63. See Fra. Frotyng, adj. rubbing, grating, harsh, 18 a. 209. F . f rotter, to rub ; cf. Lat. fricare. Frount, sb. front, forehead, 10. 816. Lat. ac c.frontem. Fructuouse, adj. fruitful, 14 a. 54. Frut, sb. fruit, 1 a. 339,439 ; Fryt, 13 - 245. Fryth, sb. wood, plantation, 13. 534. See Frith. Fuir, sb. fire, 15. iii. 88. Ful ; to ful = to the full, completely, 535 - Fule, sb. fool, 3. 36. See Fol. Fulhed, sb. fullness, 2. xxiii. I. (Lit. ful-hood.) Fullefilled, pp. filled full, 2. ciii. 35 ; Fulfilled, 2. ciii. 55, 68 ; Fulfild, 19. 660; 20, 105. Fulwes, pr. s. S. follows, 12. 33. Funden, pp. found, 7. 70. Fur, sb. fire, 1 b. 78 ; 3. 182. Fust, sb. fist, 15. v. 68. A. S .fyst, G. faust . Furmest, adj. foremost, first, 4 c. 11. Furste, adj. first, lb. 23 ; adv. Furst, 1 b. 47 ; 4 c. 26. Fur>, adv . forth, 5. 5905, 5916. Fyht, pr. s. fights, 3. 77. (Contr. form of Jighteth ; A. S. feohtan , to fight ; pr. s. he fiht.) Fyl, pt. s. fell, 5. 5634. Fylle, sb. fill, 3. 105. Fylyng, sb. defilement, foulness, 10. 2345. See File. Fyn, sb. end, conclusion, 19. 424 ; 20. 77. F .fin, Lat. finis, E .finish. Fyned, pt. s. ceased, 13. 450. See Fon. Fyfer, sb. a feather, 13. 1026. Fyue, adj. five, 6. 95. G. Ga, v. to go, 2. ciii. 22. 51 ; to walk, 8 b. 233; 10. 4 66; 2 p.s.pr. Gaas, walkest, 2. ciii. 8. A.S.gdn, Mceso-Goth. gangan , to gang , go. Gadery, v. to gather, 1 a. 478 ; Gadir, 10. 2221 ; pt. s. Gadred, 5. 5579. A. S. gadrian, gaderian. Gaf, pt. s. gave, 2. xvii. 38 ; 2 p. Gaf=gavest, 2. xvii. 91, 103. A. S. gif an, pt. t. ic gcef. Gagates, sb. an agate, 18 a. 30. See Halliwell’s Diet. Gainges, sb.pl. goings, 2. xvii. 95. Gais, imp. pi. go ye, 7. 1 03 . See Ga. Galamelle, sb. mead, 14 b. 57. See note. Galay, sb. galley, 11 a. 57; pi. Gaylayes, II a. 60. Galiotes, sb.pl. small galleys, 11 a. 81. It. galeotta, from galea , a galley. Galle, sb. gall, bitter drink, 3. 158. Galys, sb. Gallicia (in Spain), 15. vi. 12. Gamen, sb. play, pleasure, 8 b. 2 57 ; Gammyn, game, sport, 16. 402 ; affair, 16. 36. A. S. gamen, a sport, a game, a taunt, a scoff; hence gammon. Gan, pt. s. began, 20. 287; often used as an auxiliary = did, 1 a. 34. Cf. A.S. anginnan, to begin, pt. t. ic angan. Gan, pp. gone, 8 a. 220. Gang, sb. going; dai gang, day’s travel, 7. 366. A.S. gang , a going, journey. Gangand, pres. part, going about, crawling, moving, 8 6. 178; walking, 8 b. 140. See Ga. Garnade ; apple garnade = pome- granate, 13. 1044. Lat. granatus , full of seeds, from granum . 39 6 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Garryng, sb. roughness of sound, harshness of voice, 18 a. 163. An imitative word; cf. Harryng. Gart, pt. s. caused, 15. vii. 289. See Ger. Gas, pr. s. goes, walks, 10. 77 7. See Ga. Gast, sb. spirit, 2. xvii. 44; 10. 738 ; Gaste, 2. cii. 33 ; pi. Gastes, 2. ciii. 9; gaf the gaste = gave up the ghost, 8 a. 232. A. S. gdst , the breath, spirit ; G. geist, Du. geest. The modern ghost should be spelt gost. Gasteli, adv. spiritually, 8 b. 34. A. S. gastlic, ghostly. Gat, sb. way, road, 5. 5590; 16. 42; Gate, 5. 5603; 12. 372; 15. 1. 1 81; graythest gate = readiest way, lie. 48 ; pi. Gates, streets, 2. xvii. 108. Sw. gata, G. gasse , a street ; A. S. geat. Moeso-Goth. gatwo , a way ; cf. E. gait. Gayn, adj. suitable, convenient, 13. 259. Icel. gegn , serviceable ; Icel. gegna , to meet, suit. Gayned, pt. s. availed, 11 b. 57. Dan. gavne, to benefit, be a gam to ; Sc. gane, to suffice. Gaynliche, adv. readily, tho- roughly, 12. 369. See Gayn. Gedelyng, sb. fellow, 3. 146. A. S. geedeling, a companion ; in Mceso- Goth. gadiliggs means a sister’s son, a nephew (Col. iv. 10). Or it may be from A. S. gad, need ; hence, a needy man. Gedre, v. to gather, 2. ciii. 65 ; pr. pi. Gedir, 7. 80 ; pp. Gedrid, 17. Mar. iv. I. See Gadery. GeineJ>, pr. s . avails, 6. 116. See Gayned. Gendrez, sb.pl. kinds (of creatures), ' 3 - 434 - Genge, sb. pi. nations, 2. xvii. no. Cf. A. S. genge, a flock, E. gang. Gentil, adj. gentle, 1 a. 1 29. Ger, v. to cause, make, 8 a. 148; 16. 19; 2 p. s. pr. subj. Ger, mayst cause, 8 a. 261 ; Gert. pt. s. caused, 8 a. 265 ; pt. s. Gart, 15. vii. 289. Icel. gjora , Sw. gora , Sc. gar , to cause, make. Gere, sb. gear, property, 7. 277. A. S. gearwa , clothing, gear, gear- wan , to prepare, gearo , ready ; O. E. yare. Gern, adv. earnestly, 8 a. 201 ; 8 b. 204. A. S. georn , desirous, eager, georne, eagerly, geornian, to desire, to yearn. Gert, pp. girt, surrounded with a girdle, 20. 1 39. In the same line, vpon means above, around. Gesse, v. to suppose, imagine, 19. 622; 20. no; 2 p. s. pr. Gessist, 17 a. iv. 41; pt. pi. Gessiden, 17 a. vi. 49. Sw. ghsa, Dan. gisse, Du. gissen, to guess. Gessynge, sb. guessing, i. e. doubt, 9. 193. See above. Gest, pr. s. 2 p. goest, 3. 100. A. S. gan , to go ; whence ic gd , I go, J >71 geest, thou goest, he gdfo, he goes ; pi. gdfi. Gest, sb. guest, 4 b. 40 ; pi. Gestes. guests, 5. 5927. A. S. geest. Gesten, pp. lodged, 7. 379. Sw. gasta, to lodge ; cf. A. S. geest, Moeso-Goth. gasts, a guest, W. gwest, entertainment ; but the O.F. giste, lodging, is to be re- ferred to Lat. iacere , to lie. Gestening, sb. 7. 84. See Ges- ting. Gesting, sb. lodgings, 7. 7r. See Gesten. Geh pr. s. goes, 9. 63. See Gest. Get, pr. s. getteth, gets, 15. vii. 238. Gett, pp. granted ; and hence, committed, handed over, 7. 29. (Lit. got.) Geynest, adj. fairest, loveliest, 4 a. 43. Icel. gegn, serviceable, suit- able, kindly, gentle; cf. E. un- gainly. See Gayn. Gif, v. to give, 2. ciii. 26 ; subj. pr. s . Gif, 2. ciii. 64; imp. s. G.f; GLOSSARIAL INDEX . 397 no gif no tale = take no account, heed not, 8 b. 1 95. A. S. gif an. Gilden-moth, prop. n. Golden- mouth, a translation of the Greek name Chrysostom , 7. 8, 21. Ginne, contrivance, 1 a. 137; 6. 133. Short form of O.F. engin , contrivance, Lat. ingenium. Hence E. g-m, a snare, trap ; also e?igine, a machine. Girde, pt. s. 2 p. girtest, 2. xvii. 85, ICI. Giuand, pres. part, giving, 2. xiv. 13; Giueand, 2. ciii. 65. Glad, adj. I a. 61 ; comp. Gladdore, 1 a. 54. A. S. glced. Glade, suhj. pr. s. gladden, 2. ciii. 334 pr. s. Glades, gladdens, 2. xiv. 10; pt. s. Gladed, 13. 499. A. S. glcedian , to be glad. Glade, pt. s. glode, glided, 7. 56. A. S. glidan, pt. t. ic gldd. Glam, sb. word, message, 13. 499. Sw. glam, chat, talk, Icel. glam , glamr, a noise, Sc. glamer , noise. Glastnebury, Glastonbury, 1 b. 26, 43 ; Glastnebure, 1 b. 40. Gle, sb. glee, singing, 3. 80; 15. pr. 34; sport, n a. 69. A. S. gleo, music, glee . Glede, imp. pi. 1 p. let us gladden, let us rejoice before, 9. 78 ; pres . part. Glediynde, rejoicing, 9. 135. See Glade (1). Gledye, v. gladden, 9. 92. Glette, sb. dirt, filth, sin, 13. 306. O. Friesic gled, G. and Sw .glatt, slippery ; cf. E. gleet. Gliffnyt, pt. s. glanced, gave a hasty glimpse, looked up quickly for a short time, 16. 184. Sc. gliff, a moment ; cf. E. glimpse , glint. Glod, pt. s. glode, glided, 13. 499; 20. 141. See Glade. Glopnid, pp. terrified, 7. 237. Icel. glupna , to look downcast. Glosed, pt. s. spoke smoothly, spoke coaxingly, 12. 60. Glosynge, pres. part, glossing, ex- pounding, 15 pr. 57. Glotonie, sb. gluttony, 1 a. 94, 186. Glouand, pres. part, glowing, 2. xvii. 26. Glydande, pres. part, walking (lit. gliding), 13. 296. Gnide, v. to crush, grind, 2. xvii. 107. A. S. gnidan, to rub, break in pieces. Gobetis, sb. pi. small pieces, lit. mouthfuls, morsels, 17. Mar. v. 4. O. E. gobet , a mouthful, from Gael, gob , the mouth, whence also gobble , gabble. God, as an interj. Oh God ! 9. 73. God, adj. good, 1 b. 91 ; Gode, 6. 88 ; es godd = it is good, 8 b. 89. A. S. god. God, sb. goodness, kindness, 12. 319; goods, property, I a. 372; Gode, good, alms, 5. 5586. A.S. god, pi. god, good, goods, pro- perty. Goddeli, adv. in a goodly manner, politely, 12. 306; Godly, kindly^-, 12.169. A.S. godlic, goodly, kind. Goddys, gen. God’s, 5. 5661. Godenesse, sb. goodness, bount}', 2. ciii. 68 ; 5. 5872. Goderhele = fortunately for ; lit. to the good health of, 1 a. 247. Compare the opposite expression wrotherhele ; - er is the old dative ending of the adj. answering to the A. S. fern. dat. ending -re. Godes, sb. pi. good things, 2. cii. 9. Godles, adj. goodless, having no goods, needy, 3. 117. Godnisse, s&.S. goodness, 1 b. 29,34. Godwine, prop. n. Godwin, 1 a. 39. Gome, sb. man, 15. vi. 25; gen. sing. Gomes, 1 2. 346. A. S. guma, a man, Lat. homo. Cf. G. brautigam, E. bridegroom (for bride-gome ). Gon, to go, 19. 282; pr.pl. Gon, they go, 20. 7. 3 9 8 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Gon, aux. i>6.= did, 15. i. 147. See Gan. Gone, v. to yawn, open the mouth wide, 20. 238. (There is no need to suppose it an error for grone ; see the phr. * gape and gane * in Occleve, De Regim. Princip. st. 625.) A. S. ganian. Gonne, pt. pi. began, 1 a. 60 ; 4 c. 60; as aux. = did, 1 a. 330. See Gan. Good, adv. well ; hem good likeb = best pleases them, 15. pr. 57. Gorde, pt. pi. rushed, 13. 957. O. E. girde , gurde, to strike, dash; A. S. gyrd, a rod, y ard ; Moeso-Goth. gazds , a rod, which Graff connects with Lat. hasta. Cf. E. goad. Gore, sb. filth, 13. 306. A. S. gor, mud, gore ; cf. E. gorbelly , a person with a large belly, gor - crow , a carrion-crow. Gore, sb. part of a woman’s dress ; hence, the dress itself, 4 a. 43. Icel. geiri , a gore or triangular strip, a gusset, G. gehre, a gore ; perhaps connected with Icel. geirr , A. S. gar , a spear. Gorstez, sb. pi. gorse, 13. 53;. A. S. gor st, gorse, furze. Cf. W. gores, gorest , waste, open; hence, gorse is a shrub growing on waste lands. Gost, sb. spirit, breath, 13. 325; spirit, 19. 404; gen. Gostes, 6. 60; pi. Gostes, I a. 187 ; 9. 128. See Gast. Gotez, sb. pi. streams, 13. 413. Prov. E. goit , gowt , a ditch, sluice, gutter ; Du. goot, a sluice; A. S. geotan , to pour ; cf. E. gush , and Gk. Gob, imp- pi. go ye, 12. 263. Gotz, put for goz or gos, i. e. goes, 13 - 325 , 341 - Gond, sb. good, 13. 1048. See God. Goule, v. to yell, cry, 10. 477. Prov. E. yowl , E. yell; cf. yelp. Icel. gala , to sing; whence E. nightingale. Gowe, for Go we, let us go , 15 />r. 105. Gowrdes, s6. pi. gourds, 14 c. 7. Grace, sb. favour, 19. 176; Grase, honour, favour, 15. v. 79. Gradde, pt. s. shouted, 1 a. 65 ; cried out, 1 b. 88. See Greden. Graip, adj. direct, ready, 15. i. 181. Icel. greiftr, ready, G. gerade , direct. See below. Graced, pt. s. prepared, 2. xxiii. 4; 2. cii. 43. Icel. greilSa , to furnish, equip, get ready; Moeso- Goth. garaidjan , to prepare. Gram, sb. anger, wrath, 2. xiv. 7. A. S. gram , fierce, grama , rage, fury, gramian , to anger, grim, rage, grom, fierce, grima, a ghost, grimetan, to be furious ; Du. grimmen, to snarl; E. grim, grumpy, grumble', cf. Gk. Granand, />res. />ar/. groaning, 10. 798. A. S. granan , to groan ; E. groan, grunt. Granti, 2/. to grant, I a. 202 ; pt. s. Granted, consented, 5. 5857; pt. pi. Graunted, agreed, 5. 5601. See Grant in Wedgwood. Grases, sb.pl. grasses, 12. 27. Grauynge, sb. engraving, 15. iii. 55 - Gratheli, adv. readily, 8 b. 100. See Graifi. Graybed, pp. prepared, 13. 343. See Graibed. Graybely, adv. readily, 13. 341. Graythest, 11 c. 48. See Graib. Graz, sb. grace, 8 6. 131. Lat. gratia. Greden, v. to cry aloud, 1 5. iii. 63 ; I p. s. pr. Grede, I cry out, 4 6. 4 ; pr.pl. Gredeb, 9.69; pt. s. Gradde, shouted, I a. 65. A.S .grcedan, to cry, grcetan, to weep, Moeso-Goth. gretan , to weep, Sc. greit ; cf. Gk. XaAafa, Lat. grando (Curtius). GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 399 Gredynges, sb. pi. cryings, out- cries, 9. 99. See above. Gree, sb. favour, 19. 259. O. F. gre, from Lat. grains , pleasing. Greitbide, pi. s. prepared, i 7. Ps. 23. 2 ; pt. pi. GreiJ?ede, I a. 319. See Grained. Greme, sb. anger, 13. 947. See Gram. Grene, adj. green, unripe, 3. 83. Grenebede, sb. greenness, wan- tonness, 19. 163. Gresse, sb. grass, 2. ciii. 30 ; pi. Greses, 8 a. 123. A. S. gcers , grces. Gret, v. to lament, 8 a. 154. See Gre den. Gret, adj. S. great, 1 a. 1 3 1 ; 6. 99; dat. s. Grete, la. 77 \ def. Grete, I a. 15. A.S. great. Gretand, pres. part, weeping. 5. 5716; mourning, 10. 502; pp. Grete, wept, 5. 5721. See Greden. Gretes, imp. pi. greet, 12. 355; Greteh 12. 359. Gretly, adv. greatly, 5. 5676. Grette, pt. s. greeted, 12. 369. A. S. gretan , to greet ; pt. t. ic grette. Gret-wombede, adj. big-bellied, 1 a. 408. Gretyng, sb. mourning, lamenta- tion, 10. 496. See Greden. Greues, sb. pi. groves, 20. 189. Griffounes, sb. pi. griffins, 14 c. 120. See note. Grisbitting, sb. gnashing, grinding of teeth, 18 a. 164. A. S. gristbitan , to gnash the teeth. Grise, v. to be afraid, to fear, 8 a. 148; 8 b. 8. A.S. agrisan , to be afraid, shudder, grislic , grisly, horrible. Grisli, adj. terrible, 8 a. 124, 149; Grislich, horrible, I b. 83. See above. Grocching, pres. part, complaining, 12. 271. See Gruccbe. Gronde. See Gronnde. Grony, v. to groan, x a. 490. A. S. granan , to groan, lament. Grouelings, adv. groveling, 7. 384. O. E. grojfe , flat on the ground, and adverbial suffix, - ling , -lings ; cf. flatting, darkling , headlong. Ground, sb. ground ; dat. Gronde, 1 a. 159; to grounde ibro3t = ruined, I a. 140, 340; to grounde com = was ruined, 1 a. 171; pi. Groundes, foundations, 2. xvii. 20. Grounded, pt. s. founded, estab- lished, 2. xxiii. 3 ; 2 p. estab- lishedst, 2. viii. 12 ; Groundes, 2. ciii. 11 (where the Vulgate has fundasti ). A. S. grund , ground, bottom. Gruccbe, pr.pl. complain, 20. 48; pt. s. Grucchede, grumbled, 186. 38. O. F. grocer , groucer , to murmur, grumble ; whence E. grudge. Gryl, adj. fierce, 5. 5600. * Grym, gryl, and horryble. Horridus , horribilis Prompt. Parv. Cf. G. grduel , a horror, abomination. Grym, adj. fierce, 5. 5600, 5614. See Gram. Grys, sb. a kind of fur, 3. 19. So named from its gray colour ; F. gris , gray. Grys, sb. pl. pigs, 15 pr. 105. Sw. gris, a pig ; cf. E. griskin , and Gk. x°ip os ‘ Gult, sb. guilt, offence, 15. iii. 8; pi. Gultus, guilts, faults, 15. v. 60. A. S. gylt , guilt, a debt, from gyldan, to pay, yield. Gummes, sb.pl. gums, 15. ii. 202. Gun, pt. s. did (used as an auxiliary), lit. began to, 12. 290. See Gan. Guodes, sb.pl. things that be good, 9. 76. Gurdef), imp.pl. strike, 15. ii. 176. O. E. girde , to strike ; cf. A. S. gyrd, G.gerte , a rod, switch. Gyede, pt. s. F. guided, 15. ii. 162. O. F. guier, guider , from a Teu- 400 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. tonic root ; Moeso-Goth. witan , to watch. Gyle]>> pr. s. beguiles, 3. 304. O. F. guile, guile; A.S. wile, crafti- ness. Gyn, sb. contrivance, machine, i. e. the ark, 13. 491. See Ginne. H. Ha, pron. he, 9. -24. Habben, v. to have, 3. 34 ; 6 . 55 ; Habbe, 3. 123 ; pr. s. 2 p. Hauest, 3. 95 ; pr. s. Haue]?, 3. 114; pr. pi. Habbefi, 3. 229; 6. 1 15 ; Hab- bez, 13. 308. A. S. hcebban. Habide, v. to abide, wait for, resist, lie. 106. Haburjon, sb. habergeon, coat of mail, 18 b. 104. O. F. hauberc , O. H. G. halsberc, A. S. heals- beorga, a neck - defence, from heals, the neck, and beorgan, to protect. Hach, sb. hatch (of a ship), 13. 409. Hadde, pt. s. had, 1 b. 30, &c. A. S. habbart, to have, pt. t. ic hcefde. Haf, v. to have, 7. 1 3 ; &c. ; 1 p.s. pt. Hafd, had, 8 a. 253 ; pp. Hafd, had, 8 a. 220. A.S. habban, pp. hcefed, hcefd. Hai, sb. grass (lit. hay), 2. ciii. 29. See Hey. Hal, adj. all, 12. 323 ; hal alwes — al halwes, i. e. all saints, 12. 371. Halde, 1 p. s. pr. I hold, consider, 10. 1261 ; imp. pi. Haldes, hold ye, 12. 106; Haldis, 16. 123; pres. part. Haldand; hard haldand = close-fisted, 10.790; pp. Halden, kept, 13. 244; esteemed, 13. 276. A. S. healdan, G. halten. Haled, pt.pl. dragged (themselves), 13- 38°- Halely, adv. wholly, 11 b. 92. A. S. heel. Halewed, pp. hallowed, 14 a. 5 ; pt. s. Halwede, 1 a. 53 ; Ha^ed, 13. 506. A.S. halgian , to hallow. Half, sb. region, part of the world, 14 c. 125; side, 9. 1 14; pi. Half ( better Halues), portions, quarters, 13. 950. A.S. heal f, a half, side, division. Hali, adj. holy, 2. xiv. 2; 2. xvii. 17; Halgh, 2. xvii. 69. A.S. hdlig, G. heilig. Halkez, sb.pl. recesses, 13. 321. A. S. hylca, hooks, turnings. Halpe, pt. s. helped, 5. 5686. A. S. helpan , pt. t. ic healp. Hals, sb. neck, 15. ii. 170. A.S. heals, G. and Du. hals. Halsede, I p. s. pt. besought, con- jured, 15. i. 71. A. S. heals, the neck, healsian , to embrace, be- seech. Halsing, sb. salutation, 16. 1 1 7. Sw. helsning, salutation, from helsa , health. See Halsit. Halsit, pt. s. saluted, 16. 116. Sw. helsa, sb. health, helsa, vb. to salute. [This word should be distinguished from Halsede.~\ Halt, pr. s. holds, I a. 465 ; 3. 79. Halted, pt. pi. walked as lame, 2. xvii. 115. Mceso-Goth. halts, lame. Halwede, pt. s. hallowed, 1 a. 53. See Halewede. Haly, adv. wholly, 16. 477. A S. heel, whole. Halydom, sb. relics, 5. 5629. Icel. heilagr domr (or helgir domr , holy dooms), things of especial holiness, the relics of the saints, on which oaths were formerly taken. — Wedgwood. Haljed, pt. s. hallowed, 13. 506. See Halewed. Hal3en, sb. pi. holy men, saints, 9. 244 - Ham, pron. them, 6. 116. Han, v. to have, to possess, 19. 208. In the preceding line haue occurs, but as an auxiliary verb only. Han, pr. pi. have (i. e. who have), GLOSSARIAL INDEX . 4OI 12. 361 ; sub. pres. pi. have, 4 b. 18. JIand, s&. breath, 10. 775. Better spelt and; cf. Sc. aind, breath, Lat. anima , Gk. avisos. Hand; at his hand = close at hand, 16. 72. Happe, sb. hap, fortune, chance, 12. 32. W. hap. Happe, pr. pi. 2 p. chance, light upon, happen to choose, 20. 64. See above. Harald, prop, name , Harold, 1 a. 21 ; gen. Haraldes, I a. 9. Harde, adv. strongly, 12. 301 ; close, fast, eagerly, 12. 204. Hardeliche, adv. boldly, I a, 371 - Hardi, adj. bold, daring, 1 a. ill. O. F. hardi , bold, obviously of Teutonic origin ; A. S. heard , Du. Aar*/, Gk. /cparvs , strong. Hardyment, s&. boldness, courage, 16. 439. O. F. hardiment y cour- age. See above. Hare, their, 9. 49. Hares, s&. />/. hairs, 10. 675. Harryng, sb. growling, snarling like a dog, 18 a. 163. R is called the dog’s letter ; R or arre represents a dog’s growling. Hasped, pp. fastened, 13. 419. Hastiliche, adv. hastily, quickly, I a. 528. Hastinge, prop. n. Hastings, I a. 62 ; Hastinges, 1 a. 75. Hastly, adv. hastily, quickly, 5. 5747. O. F. haste , haste ; Sw. hast , haste. Hastou, for hast thou, 15. iii. 101. Hat, sb. hat, 15. vi. 11, 20. Hat, pr.pl. call, name, 13. 448; pt. s. Hat, was called, II b. 74. See Hatte. Hatand, pres. part, hating, they that hate, 2. xvii. 104. Habel, adj. as sb. noble one, 13. 409. See A{?el. Hatren, sb. pi. clothes, 5, 5583. VOL. II. A. S. hcetery clothing, G. hader t a rag. Hatte, pr. s. is called, 18 a. 30; pr.pl. Hat, call, name, 13. 448; pt. s. Hat, was called, 116. 74. A. S. hatany O. Fris. heta, G. heis- sen, Du. heeten, to call, name; a/so, to have for a name, be called. The Mceso-Gothic shews that this is a passive form, as it has haitithy he calls, haitaday he is called, which occurs in John ix. 16. Hatz, put for Haz or Has, 13. 306; 2 p.s.pr. hast, 13. 328. Hauberk, sb. coat of mail, 9. 82. See Haburjon. Haued,/>/. s. ip. had, 8 a. 250; 2 p. hadst, 8 a. 225 ; Hauid, pt. s. 1 p. had, 8 a. 220. Hauene, sb. S. haven, port, 1 a. 57; pi. Haunes, havens, 18 a. 66. A.S. hcefeny Dan. havn, Sw. hamn. Haues, pr. s. has, 8 b. 239 ; imp.pl. Haueth, have ye, 19. 654. Haukes, sb. pi. hawks, 2. ciii. 39 ; Hauekes, 13. 537. A.S. hafoc, Du. havilty G. habicht , W. hebog. Haunted, pt. s. practised, 8 b. 125. O. F. hantery to frequent, practise, either from Icel. hiemta , Sw. hamta , to take home (Burguy), or from Breton hent , a path (Wedgwood). Havyng, sb. having, i.e. behaviour, 16. 412; Hawyng, 16. 135. He, pron. she, 4 a. 7, & c. A. S. heo , she. He, adv. high, loudly, 16. 192. Hee, adj. high, 16. 109. A.S. hedh. Heengen, pt.pl. hanged, 15. i. 148. Heeued, sb. head, 6. 94 ; dat. s. Heuede, 6. 91. A. S. heafody Mceso-Goth. haubithsy Lat. caputy Gk. K€(pa\rj. Hegh, adj. high, 2. viii. 9 ; 2. ciii. 40; superl. Heghest, 2. xvii. 37. A. S. hedhyDu.hoogyG.hoch. SeeHeh. Heghnes, sb. highness, height, 2. xvii. 88 ; 2. cii. 21. d d 402 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Heh, adj. high ; an heh = aloud, 4 c. 16 ; Hei, 1 a. 164 ; pi. Heie, I a. 189; Heye, I a. 177. See Hegh. Heie, cLdv. high, la. 158; Heye, I a. 458. Heigh, adj. high, great, 19. 162. See Hegh. Heihliche, adv. at a high price, 15 - vii. 300. A. S. hedhlice , highly. Heilede, 1 p. s. pt. hailed, greeted, 15. v. 83. Cf. Dan. hilse , to greet. See Halsit. Heind, adj. courteous, 7. 2. See Hende, adj. Heiuol, adj. haughty, 1 a. 406. Apparently a compound from O. E. hei , high, and uol , full. Hei3, adj. high, 12. 163; adj. or adv. high, costly, 15. iii. 49. See Hei, Hegh. Hei, sb. health; sawel hei = soul’s health, 8 b. 66. See Heie, sb. Held, pp. poured (out), 17. Mar. ii. 22. Icel. hella , O. E. heie, to pour out. Vulg. effundetur. Held, sb. old age, 10. 756. Better spelt eld. Cf. Hand. Held, pt.pl. held, I a. 106. Helde, v. to incline, 2. ciii. 12 ; pr. pi. Heldes, 10. 817 \ pt. s. Helded, inclined, bowed, 2. xvii. 27. A. S. hyldati , to incline, bend, Icel. hella , to pour out ; cf. E. to heel over. Heie, sb. health, 10. 757 5 salva- tion, 2. xvii. 7 ; pi. Heles, 2. xvii. 127; soule heie = soul’s salvation, 15. vi. 22. A. S. hcelu, hcelo , health ; cf. Gk. /ca\os , good, sound. Heie, v. to cover, roof, 18 a. 47 ; pp. Heled, hidden, covered over, 20. 207. A. S. helan , Lat. celare , to hide, con -ceal; cf. Gk. tcaXia. Heie, v. to cure, 16. 92 ; pr. s. Heles, heals, cures, 2. cii. 6. A.S. hcelan , to make hale, make whole. Heling, sb. salvation, 2. xxiii. 12. A. S. hading , healing. Helpen, v. to help, 4 c. 9 ; pt. s. Halpe, q. v. Helbe, sb. salvation (lit. health), 9. 83- Hem, pron. them, 4 c. 8. A. S. heom , dat. pi. of hi, they. Hend, sb. pi. hands, 2. viii. 18; 2. xvii. 67 ; Hende, 2. xvii. 57 ; 2. ciii. 57. Hende, adv. at hand, close, near, 12. 278. Hende, adj. courteous, 3. 17 ; 12. 106, 348; benign, 11 c. 34; as J?e hende = like a courteous man, courteously, 1 a. 13. Sw .h'dndig, dexterous ; whence, polite, cour- teous ; cf. E. handy. Hendeliche, adv. courteously, 15. iii. 30 ; Hendely, 1 5. v. 83. See above. Hendy, adj. gracious, 4 a. 9 ; Hendi, 4 a. 45. See Hende. Hennes, adv. hence, 12. 329. Hente, pt. s. seized, 1 b. 80 ; 15. v. 5; snatched, 5. 5619; Hent, 12. 150; caught, 13.376. A.S. hentan, to hunt after, seize. Heo, pron. she, I a. 247; 1 b. 13; 15. iii. 1 14. A. S. heo. Heo, pron. pi. they, 15. iii. 1 3 7. A. S. hi , hig , pi. of he. Her, adv. here; her ri3t = just here, just there, i. e. at one time, at another, I b. 7. A. S. her , G. hkr. Her, sb. hair, 4 a. 13; 20. 138. A.S. hcer. Herbergage, sb. lodging, 19. 147. A F. form, from O. H. G. ; cf. A. S. herc-beorgan , to lodge, here - berga, a resting-place, E. harbour. Herbergeri, sb. lodging, shelter, 7. 164. See above. Herbinore, adv. heretofore, 1 a. 108. Herd, pt. s. heard, 2. xvii. 17; 5. 5897; Herde, 2. xvii. 106. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Here, prott. of them ; here non = not one of them, I b. 6 ; used as pron. poss. their, I b. 6; 5. 5583. A. S. hira , gen. pi. of he. Here, sb. a hair, hair-shirt, 15. v. 48. See Her. Here, sb. army, host, 13. 409. A. S. here , an army, G. and Du. heer. Hence, E. harbour , har- binger , harry. Heremyte, sb. hermit, 14 b. 35. Lat. heremita , from G. IpiJ/xos, a desert. Heren, v. to hear, 3. 1 ; pt. s. Herde, 2. xvii. 106. See Herd. Heried, pt. s. harried, despoiled, 11 c. 34. A. S. here , an army, herian, herigan , to act as an army, to ravage, harry; cf. O.E. the harrowing of hell = the spolia- tion of hell. Christ was said to harrow hell when, after His cru- cifixion, He delivered thence the souls of the righteous, who had died and had been held captive by Satan since the beginning of the world. Herk, v. to hark, 5. 5750. A.S. heorcnian , to hearken. Herne, sb. S. corner, 1 a. 20. A. S. hirne , a corner. See Huirnes. Hernes, sb.pl. brains, 11 a. 68. Sc. hairns , brains, Sw. hjerna , the brain ; cf. Lat. cere-brum , the brain, Gk. tcapa, the head. Hernez, sb. pi. eagles, 13. 537. Properly spelt ernes , from A. S. ern , earw, an eagle. See Erne. Herston, prop, name , 1 6. 24. Hert, S. hart, I a. 389; 12. 215; pi. Hertes, harts, stags, 2. xvii. 87 ; 2. ciii. 40. A. S. foor/, Du. hert , G. hirsch. Herte, s&. S. heart, 1 a. 36 ; Hert, 2. xiv. 5 ; 5. 5824. A. S. heorte , Du. hart, G. herz. Heruest, s&. S. harvest, 1 a. 55, 59. A. S. hcerfest , harvest, autumn; G. herbst. 403 Heryeh, pr. pi. praise, 9. 171. A.S. herian , to praise. Heryinge, sb. praise, 9. 205 ; pi. Heryinges, 9. 132. See above. Hest, adj. highest, 3. 176. A.S. hehst, superl. of heah , high. Cf. nest, for nighest. Heste, sb. bidding, 15. iii. 108; command, 19. 382 ; pi. Hestes, commands, 13. 341 ; 19. 284. A. S. hcks, a command, hatan, to command. Het, pt. s. was named, 1 a. 133, 300 ; I b. 24. See Hatte. Het, pt. s. ordered, I a. 509. See next word. Hete, pr. s. 1 p. promise, 19. 334; pt. s. Het, ordered, 1 a. 509. A.S. hatan , to command, promise. Hete, subj. pr. s. heat, 6. 28. Heterly, adv. quickly, hastily, 13. 380. Icel. heitr , hot ; A. S. hcetol , hot, furious; A. S. hcetu , Sw. hetta, heat ; A. S. hat, Sw. het, hot. Hefi, pr. s. has, 6. 104; 9. 109. Hethen, adj. heathen, 19. 378. Hethen, adv. hence, 10. 509. Icel. heftan, hence. Hething, sb. scorn, 7. 168. Icel. h, pr. s. refl. hies, hurries him- self, 15. vii. 307 ; pt. s. Hi3ede, \ hastened, 1 6. 92 ; came near to, 15. vii. 287. A. S. higan, to hie, ' Du. hijgen, to pant. See Hye. Hi3t, I p. s. pr. I have for a name, am named, 12. 70. See Hatte. GLOSSARIAL INDEX . 405 Hist = hit, pron. it, 6. 13, 20, 146. Hist, pt. s. S. promised, 12. 58. See Hihte. Ho, pron. who, lb. 77; 15. iii. 60; whosoever, 12. 187. (Not used as a simple relative). Mceso- Goth. hwas, A. S. hwa, Lat. quis , Gk. t/s. Ho, pron. she, 13. 475. A. S. heo. Ho-bestez, sb. pi. she -beasts, females, 13. 337. A. S. heo , she. See above. Hobleden, pt. pi. hobbled, limped, 15. i. 113. Cf. Du. hobbelen , to jolt about, to stammer, from hobbel , a knob ; cf. E. hub , /ro&. Hoc, sb. hook, 4 c. 9. A. S. hoc. Hod, sb. hood, 15. vii. 256. A. S. hod. Hoggis, sb. pi. swine, 17. Mar. v. 12. Hoi, adj. whole, sound, 1 a. 413 ; on hoi hert = one whole heart, unanimously, 12. 163. A. S. hal, E. hale , Gk. Ka\os. Holde, adj. faithful, 1 a. 418. A. S. hold , faithful, iriendly, true, from healdan , to hold ; cf. E. hold to. Holde, v. to hold, 1 a. 401 ; pr.pl. HoldeJ?, hold, 1 a. 8; pt.pl. Hulde, held, I a. 6 ; subj. pt. s. Hulde, should keep, la. 17; pp. Holde, beholden, indebted, 12. 317. See Halde. Hole-foted, adj. web-footed (lit. whole-footed), 13. 538. Holly, adv. wholly, 12. 246. Horn, sb. home, 1 a. 379 ; adv. home, 3. 192. A. S. ham, G. heim , Gk. kcu^os, a village ; cf. Lat. ciuitas. Horn, pron. dat. pi. to them, 1 a. 34 ; acc. pi. Horn, themselves, I a. 92, 96. See Hem. Homber, the Humber, 1 a. 323. Hond, sb. S. hand, I a. 41, 63 ; pi. Honden, 1 a. 116; 6. 121 ; 15. vii. 295 ; on honde = in hand, 19. 348. A. S. hand. See Hend. Hondred, sb. hundred, I a. 320. Hongen, v. to hang, be hanged, 15. ii. 170; pt. s. Hongede, hung, hanged (in transitive sense), 15. i. 66 . A. S. hangian , to hang down, hon , to suspend. Honger, sb. hunger, I a. 444. Hontef;, sb. hunting, 1 a. 387. A. S. huntafi, hunto° 6 , a hunting ; himta 6 -fcer, a hunting expedition. Honur, v. to honour, 7. 60. Honur, sb. F. honour, 6. 87. Hoole, adj. whole, hale, sound, 1 7. Mar. v. 15. See Hoi. Hopand, pres. part, hoping, 2. xvii. 82. Hor, poss. pron. their, 1 a. 34, 36 ; gen. pi. of them ; hor noJ?er = neither of them, I a. 174. Hord, sb. hoard, treasure, 9. 14. A. S. hord , heord, wealth, hyrdan , to guard ; cf. E. herd , Lat. custos. Hordom, sb. whoredom, 1 a. 189. Hors, sb. pi. horses, 18 a. 108. A. S. hors, a neut. sb. of which the pi. form likewise is hors. Horwed, adj. unclean one, 13. 335. A. S. horuy dirt, pollution ; cf. E. whore. Hose, whoso, whoever, 15. i. 86. Hoseli, v. to housel, administer the sacrament; let horn hoseli = caused themselves to be houselled, 1 a. 97. A. S. hiisely an offering, the sacra- ment, Moeso-Goth. hunsl, a sacri- fice ; comp. Sansk. han , to kill. Hote, adv. hotly, ardently, 19. 586. Hote, I p.s.pr. command, 15. ii. 175 - Hou, adv. how, I a. 103, 105. Houen, pp. heaved, 13. 413. See Heue. Houez, pr. s. hovers, 13. 458; pi. Houe}>, hover about, 15 pr. 84; pt. pi. Houed, waited about, 1 1 a. 83. W. hofioy hofian, to hover, hang ; from A. S. hofy a dwelling. Houres, sb. pi. the 4 hours/ or ser- 40 6 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. vices for particular times of the day, 15. i. 157. Hous, sb. house (in astrology), 19. 304. A ‘ house ’ is a twelfth part of the celestial sphere, bounded by great circles passing through the N. and S. points of the horizon. Hous-leder, sb. master of the house, 2. ciii. 39. The Vulg. has domus dux. Houues, sb. pi. hoods, 1 5 pr. 84. A. S. hitfe, a headdress, mitre. Hoxterye, sb. huckstery, retail dealing, 15. v. 141. G. holier , a hawker , a huckster , from the same root as G. wucher , Du. woeker , O. E. oker , usury, and Lat. augere. Hu, conj. how, 7. 297. A. S. hu. Huanne, adv. when, 9. 39. A. S. hwcenne. Huannes, adv. whence, 9. 34. A. S. hwanon, whence. Hudinge, sb. hiding, concealment, 1 b - 53. Hue, pron. she, 4 b. 31, 35. See Heo. Hue, pron.pl. they, 3. 84; 4 c. 25. See Hi. Huer, adv. where, 9. 38. A. S. hwcer. Huere, pron. their, 4 c. 10, 21, 25. A. S. heora , of them. Huermyde, wherewith, 9. 118. A. S. hwcer , where, and mid , with. Huerte, sb. heart, 3. 73. See Herte. Huet, pron. rel. what, 9. 22. Huirnes, sb. pi. corners, 15. ii. 209. A. S. hirne , a corner, hiding-place, Gaelic cearn; E. corner ; cf. E. horn. See Heme. Hul, sb. hill, 1 a. 146 ; 18 a. 119 ; pi. Hulles, pr. 5. A.S. hyll ; cf. Lat. celsus , lofty. Huld, pt. s . held, esteemed, 1 a. 258 ; kept, 1 a. 370. Huld, pt. s. held, 1 a. 232 ; 1 b. 13. See Halde. Hulde, v. to flay, 1 a. 287. A.S. behyldan, to skin ; cf. Sw. hull, skin. Hules, pr. s. covers up, 12. 97. Cf. E. hull, shell of a pea ; and see Hele, Hile. Humblesse, sb. F. humility, 19. 165. Hundereth, num. a hundred, 1 1 a. 94- Huo, pron. inter, who, 9. 11. See Ho. Hupte, pt. s. jumped about, lit. hopped, I b. 83. A. S. hoppian, to leap, dance ; the notion of re- stricting it to one leg seems to be modern. Hurde, pt. s. heard, 1 a. 9, 31. Hure, sb. hire, wages, I b. 64 ; 4 c. 25 ; 15. vi. 40 ; reward, 15. iii. 64 ; Huire, 1 5. vi. 42. A. S. hyr, hire. Hurkled, pt. s. rested, 13. 406. The original meaning is to squat, crouch, as in Du. hurken, to squat ; cf. O. E. rouke , to squat ; prov. E. hurkle , to shrug up the back. Hurlande, pres. part, hurling, rushing, 13. 413. Hurne, sb. S. corner, I a. 30. See Herne, Huirnes. Hurrok, sb. an oar, 13. 419. Prov. E. orrock, an o&r ; orruck-holes , oar-drawing holes, rowlocks, rui- locks, from oar , and Dan. rykke , to draw. Hurte, sb. S. heart, 1 b. 66, 68. See Herte. Husbandis, sb. gen. sing, husband- man’s, small farmer’s, 16. 15 1. Icel. hus-bondi, master of a house ; bondi (Dan. bonde, a peasant) is for buandi , dwelling, from bua, to dwell. Huyche, pron. which, what, 9. 3; dat. pi. Huychen, 9. 48. {Of governs a dative.) Huy ter, ad}, whiter, 9. 154. A.S. hwit. Hu3, sb. hue, colour, 18 a. 13 ; Hu, 18. See Heu. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. w 407 Hwed, pp. hued, tinted, 13. 1045. See Heu. Hy, pron. they, 6. 99 ; 9. 45. See Hi. Hy, pron. I, 3. 149. Hydus, adj. hideous, 10. 2227. F. hideux , from O. F. hide , hisde , terror; cf. Sw. hissnad, shivering, horror. Hye, sb. haste ; in hye = quickly, 19. 209 ; in hy, 16. 6. Hye, v. to haste ; hire hye, to make haste (lit. to hasten herself), 20. 169. A. S. higan , to hasten, Dan. hige } Du. hijgen, to pant ; cf. Lat. citus , Gk. tcivvfjiai. Hygbte, pt. s. was named, 5. 5789. See Hatte. Hyht, pp. promised, 4 b. 29. See Hibte. Hyne, pron. acc. him, 6. 73. A. S. hine , acc. of he. Hyne, sb. servant, 15 pr. 39; vi. 42. A. S. Mna, a domestic, whence E. hind. Hynges, pr. pi. hang, 10. 675 ; pt. s. Hyng, hung, 20. 256. Hyt, pron. it, 5. 5581. See Hit. Hy3ez, pr. pi. hie, hasten, 13. 538 ; pt. pi. Hy3ed, hied, hastened, 13. 392. See Hi3eJ?, Hye. Hy3e, adj.pl. high (places), heights, 13 * 39 T - Hy3t, pr. s. is called, 18 a. 60 ; pt. s. Hy3t, had for a name, was named, 13. 299. See Hatte. I. J. The prefix I- or Y- is some- times prefixed to all parts of a verb, but most commonly to infinitives or past participles. It is the A. S. ge -, G. and Du. ge -, Mceso-Goth. ga -, a particle of obscure origin. The letter J is hardly ever found in early MSS. A capital I is used instead ; hence Iangelers is to be read Jangelers, &c. Iangelers, sb. pi. tattlers, story- tellers, 15 pr. 35. O. ¥ 1. j angler, to jest, from a Teutonic root ; cf. Du. janken, to howl. Iangland, pres. part, jangling, chattering, 5. 5593. See above. Iapede, pt. s. befooled, cheated, 15. i. 65. See Iapes. Iapers, sb. pi. jesters, 15 pr. 35. See below. Iapes, sb.pl. jests, tricks, 11b. 15; Iapez, 13. 272. F. japper, to yelp ; E. gabbe , to lie, deceive, gabble, from Gael, gob, mouth. Iargoun, sb. jargon, confused speech, 20. 277. O.F .jargonner, to cackle; cf. A.S. cearcian , to chatter, O. E. chirk , E. creak. Iaunys, sb. jaundice, 10. 700. F. jaunisse , from jaune, yellow, Lat. galbineus. Ibe, pp. been, 1 a. I ; Ibeo, 1 b. 91. I-blesset, pp. blessed, i. e. holy, 1 5 P r - 75 - Ibore, pp. born, I b, 2 ; 6. 109; borne, carried, 15. v. 89. Ibroke, pp. broken, 1 a. 28, 41. I-brouht, pp. brought, 15. iii. 2. Ibro3t, pp. brought, 1 a. 140, 340. Iburred, pp. buried, 1 a. 521. Ich, pron. S. I, I a. 26; 6. 118. A.S. ic, G. ich, Du. ik, Sw. jag, Dan. jeg, Icel. ek, Lat. ego, Sansk. aham. Ichabbe = ich habbe, I have, 4 a. 9. Icbam = ich am, I am, 4 a. 8, 37 ; 15 . i- 73 * Ichaue = ich haue, I have, 4 b. 28. Icholle = ich wolle, I will, I a. 8, 471, 472; Jchcholle, la. 474. Idiot == ich wot, I know, 4 a. 10; 4 d. 23. Ichulle = Ich wulle, I will, 4 a. 19; 4 C - 48 ; 15* ^ 5 - Iclepet, pp. called, 15. iii. 109. I duped, pp. called, 1 a. 270. Icome, pp. come, 1 a. 75 ; 1 b. 1. Icopet, pp. dressed in a cope, 15. iii. 36. 408 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. I-cristnid, pp. christened, 6. 71; Icristned, 6. 97, 1 1 1. Icrommet, pp. crammed, 15 pr. 41. A. S. crammian, to stuff. Idelnisse, sb. S. idleness, 1 b. 62. Ido, pp. done, made, I a. 22; finished, ended, 1 a. 332 ; (of a battle) fought, I a. 194. Idoluen, pp. delved, dug, 15. vi. 36. A. S. delfan , to dig ; pp. dolfen. I-don, pp. done, caused, made, 1 5. v. 78. Idyket, pp. ditched, 15. vi. 36. A. S. dlcian, to make a dike. Ieauntez, sb.pl. giants, 13. 272. F. geant , Lat. acc. gigantem, from Gk. 7 iyas, from same root as yiyvofxai, to be born. Ifare, pp. fared, gone, 15. v. 5. Ifri3et, pp. fried, 1 5. vii. 298. Ifuld, pp. filled, 1 a. 158. Igain, adv. again, back, 8 b . 170. Igain, prep, against, 8 b. 68. Igaines, prep, against, 8 a. 158. Igain-sawe, sb. gainsaying, contra- diction, denial, 8 a. 1 78. Igistned, pp. lodged, 6. 140. Igranted, pp. granted, 1 a. 451. Igurd, pp. girt, la. no. A. S. girdan, to gird ; cf. E. girth , girdle. Ihaspet, pp. hasped, clasped, fastened, 15. i. 171. A. S. keeps , hcespe , a hasp. Ih.esu, Jesus, 1 a. 469. Iholde, pp. holden, considered to be, 15. i. 82. Ihote, pp. called, named, 15. i. 61. See Hatte. Ihure, v. to hear, 1 a. 2; pp. Ihurd, 1 a. 4. Ihuret, pp. hired, paid with wages, 15. vii. 300. See Hure. Ikest, pp. cast, 6. 90, 92. Sw. kasta , to throw. Iknowe, pp. known, 15. iii. 34. Ilaste, pt. s. lasted, 1 a. 163. lie, sb. isle, 19. 545 ; pi. lies, 14 a. 95* F. He, O. F. isle , It. isola , Lat. insula. Ileaue, sb. leave, 6. 81. A. S. ge-leafa , assent, belief, from leaf, license, permission ; cf. G. g-lauben, to believe, erlauben , to permit. Ilei3en, pp. lien, lain, been laid, x 5 - v - 65. A. S. liegan , to lie, pp. legen. Ileue, v. to believe, 15. v. 112. A. S. lyfan , to believe. See Ileaue. Iliknet, pp. likened, 15. i. 89. Cf. Sw. likna, to compare, liken. Ili3t, pp. lighted, 1 b. 20. Ilk, adj. each, every, 7. 38 ; 10. 437 ; same, 7. 14 ; >at ilk, that same, 12. 281. A. S. celc , each. Ilka, adj. every, 2. viii. 6 ; 2. ciii. 55. See below. Ilkan, pron. each one, 2. ciii. 35 ; 8 a. 106. A.S. celc , each, an, one. like, adj. same, 6. 120; very, 9. 108; j>et ilke = the same, 9. 15. A. S. ylc , same ; Sc. ilk. Home, adv. frequently, 1 a, 319, 440. A. S. gelome, often. Il-torAed, adj. froward, perverse, 2. xvii. 72. (Lit. ill-turned.) Il-tornest, pr. s. 2 p. art perverted, 2. xvii. 72. Vulg. perverteris. See above. I-maket, pp. made, 15. pr. 14. Imange, among, 8 a. 187. Imaunget, pp. eaten, 15. vii. 245. F. manger, to eat. Imid, prep, in the midst of, amid, 7. 255. O. E. in middes, amidst; the prefix i- = in. In, prep, on, 7. 33. Income, v. to enter, 2. xxiii. 18, 24; pr. s. Incomes, comes in, 2. xiv. 3. Ine, sb. pi. eyes, 11 c. 79. A. S. edgan, eyes, pi. of edge. Ine, prep, in, 6. 13, 15; amongst, 9. 234. (Better in.) Infortunat, adj. unlucky, 19. 302. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 409 In-fere, adv . together, 13. 399 ; 19. 328. A. S. in, in, and gefera , a comrade, from Jeer an, to journey, go. See Fere, sb. Inguoynge, sb. entrance, ingoing, admittance, 9. 33. Inmongez, prep, amongst, 13. 278. Inne, prep, in, 6. 16, 38. (Better in.') Inne, adv. or prep, in (almost equal to therein ), 1 a. 453 ; used after an injin. I a. 20. A. S. innan , adv. within, innan , prep, within. The O. E. inne ( = with- in) is disyllabic; see 19. 518. Innoghe, adv. enough, 13. 297. A. S. genoh. In-obedyent, adj. disobedient, 13. 237 - Inome, pp. taken, I a. 76 ; taken away, 1 a. 1 29; Inomen, 15. iii. I. A. S. niman } G. nehmen , to take. See Nime. Inou, adv. enough, 1 a. 203 ; Inov, 12.100. A. S. genoh. Inouer, adv. over and above, 2. viii. 22. An imitation of the word insuper in the Vulgate. Inouwe, adj . pi. sufficient, enough, 15. iii. 24. A. S. genoh , sufficient. Inpossible, adj. impossible, 14 c. 20. In-spranc, pt. s. sprang into, enter- ed into, 13. 408. In-till, prep, into, 16. 3 ; in, 1 6. 71. Sw. intill, till, unto. Inwardlie, adv. closely, intimately, earnestly, 8 a. 255. Inwyt, sb. indwelling wit or con- sciousness, conscience, 9. 1 3. A. S. inwit , inward sense, con- science. Iolef, adj. happy, handsome, 13. 300. O. F .jolif It. giulivo , from Icel./o 7 , Sw .jul, O.E .yule, Christ- mas time. lone, Seynt, St. John, 5. 5575. I-ordeyned, pp. ordained, 1 b . 56. Iornay, sb. journey, 1 1 a. 40 ; pi. Iornes, 7. 366. F. journee , from Lat. diurnus , daily, dies , a day. Ioye, sb. F. joy, 1 b. 30, 33. Lat. gaudium. Ioyst, adj. lodged, 13. 434. O. F. gister , to provide with a lodging ; North E. joist , to agist or lodge cattle. See Gesten. Ipli3t, pp. plighted, la. 23. Ob- serve the omission of hadde , just as h'dtte is sometimes dropped in Mod. High German. Ipotaynes, sb. pi. hippopotami, 14 c. 114. Irael, Israel, 2. cii. 14. Irchones, sb. pi. urchins, hedge- hogs, 2. ciii. 42. F. herisson , Lat. ericius , eres, a hedgehog. Ire, pron. = Hire, her, 1 a. 201. Iredy, adj. ready, 1 a. 362. A. S. gerded , ready, G. gerade, direct. Is, put for His, his, I a. 14 ; 12. 8. Is , pron. fern. acc . it, I a. 455. Is is used as a fern. acc. and as pi. pron. by Southern writers. Ise, v. to see, 1 a. 125, 174 ; pt. s. Isei, 1 a. 502 ; subj. pr. s. Ise, 1 a. 128. A. S . geseon, to see; pt. t. ic gesedh. Ised, pp. said, 1 a. 131 ; 6. 62. Iseo, v. S. to see, 1 b. 86 ; pp. Ise3e, seen, 1 5. v. 4. See Ise. Iset, pp. set, 1 a. 457. Iseb, pr.pl. 2 p. see, 1 a. 260 ; pt. s. Isey, saw, 1 a. 144; Isei, I a. 16 1 ; pt. pi. Iseye, 1 a. 495. See Ise, Iseo. Iseye, subj. pt. pi. should see, 1 a. 47. See above. Isousteined, pp. maintained, 1 a. 432 ; Isusteined, I a. 374. Ispoused, pp. married, 1 a. 295, 3 ° 4 - Isse, is, pr. s. 2. xxiii. 25 ; 2. cii. 1 ; 2. ciii. 83. (Miswritten.) Issote, pp. shot, 1 a. 160, 384. 4io GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Isuore, pp. sworn, I a. 28. It, proti.; pese it ben =* these are they, 1 7. Mar. iv. 18. It, pron.— itself, 7. 44. Itermynet, pp. determined, or per- haps heard out, 15. i. 95. Ih©3, pt. s. throve, 16. 28. A. S. \>eon, to thrive ; pt. t. ic \>eah or ic ge\>edh , pp. \>ungen or gepogen. Cf. G. gedeihen , to thrive. Itrised, pp. tried, 15. i. 83; Itr^et, 15. i. 124. Iturnd, pp. turned, 1 a. 285. Iuel, sb. evil, harm, 2. xiv. 7. Iuen, gen. pi. of Jews, 7. 49. luge, sb. F. judge, 5. 5639. Iugement, sb. F. judgment, 5. 5638. Iumpred, sb. mourning, 13. 491. A. S. geomor , sad, G. jammer , mourning; where -ed—O. E. hed — A. S. Mg?. Cf. E. God-Mao?. Ius, s&. juice, 20. 294. Lat. ius. Iustise, sb. judge, 8 a. 146 ; 19. 665. See Tyrwhitt’s Glossary. Iuuente, sb. Youth (the god of youth), 20. 21 1. I-wayted,/>/>. watched after, taken, heed of, 15. vi. 37. Iwis, adv. certainly, 1 a. 52, 67. Du. gewis , adj. certain, and adv. certainly; A.S. gewis , adj. sure, foreknowing. Iwite, v. to know, 15. vi. 44. A. S. gewitan , to understand, witan , to wit, know. Iwoned, pp. wont, 1 a. 426. A. S. gewunian, to dwell in, to be used to ; E. wont is contracted from woned; E. wonted is a form in which the pp. ending is redupli- cated. Iwonne, pp. won, 1 a. 35, 329. I-wrij)en, pp. wreathed, 15. vi. 9. A. S. wrifian, to wreathe , pp. wrffien or gewrffien. I3ete, pp. eaten, 1 a. 74 ; Ijeten, 15. vii. 251. A.S. ge-eten , eaten. In the South of England, the people say, 1 1 have a-yeat an apple.’ I3iue, pp. given, 1 a. 83. l3olde, pp. restored, 1 a. 107. A. S. gildan f to pay, yield. K. Kachereles, sb. pi. catchpolls, bailiffs, 9. 18. Low Lat. cache - rellus, which Ducange explains as ‘ baillivus inferioris ordinis apud Anglos, idem forte quod cace- pollus* Kalle, v. to bid, invite, 5. 5877. A. S. ceallian, Icel. kalla, to call. Kan, pr. s. 2 p. canst, 5. 5735. Kare, sb. anxiety, 12. 288. Karful, adj. anxious, sorry, 12. 373 - Kas, sb. accident, chance, hap, 5. 5787 > 5875. F. cas , Lat. casus . Kast, pt. s. considered, 5. 5683. Kateyl, sb. chattels, goods, 5. 5747. O. F. catel. Low Lat. captale , capitaley goods, property, from caput. Kayred, pt. s. returned, 12. 373. A. S. cerran, cirran , to turn, G. hehren, to return ; cf. Lat. gero. Hence E. chare , a turn of work, charing, work done by the job, and churn. Kayser, sb. emperor, 11 a. 13. Lat. Caesar. Kaytefes, sb. pi. caitiffs, wretches, 8 a. 226. O. F. caitif, F. chetif, from Lat. captivus. Kechyn, sb. kitchin, 5. 5913. Kei3es, sb.pl. keys, 15. vi. 13. Kele, v. to cool, abate, 8 a. 259. A. S. celan , to cool. Ken, sb.pl. kine, cows, 12. 6. Kende, pt. s. shewed (me) the way, 15. vi. 30. See Kenneh. Kende, sb. nature, 6. 23, 41, 48 ; pi. Kendes, 9. 181. See Kynde. Kende, adj. natural, in its natural state, 6. 13,44. See Kynde. GLOSS ARIAL INDEX. 41I Kendeliche, adv. naturally, 6. 27, 29. Kenedride, prop, name , 1 b. 24. Kenne, sb. kin, 6. 102. See Kin. Kennej), pr. s. teaches, 15. i. 130 ; pt. s . rejl. Kennede him, lit. in- structed himself, was learned, 15. ii. 202 ; pp. Kenned, taught, 12. 343. O. E. kennen , to make to know ; A. S. cennan , to produce, adduce, vouch the truth, from cunnan, to know. See Kende, pt. s. Kepe, v. to mark, observe, 13. 292 ; Kepen hem = govern them- selves, 15. i. 92; pr. s. Kepez, regards, 13. 508; pr.pl. Kepes, catch, 8 b. 33; Kepe, regard, 15. i. 8 ; Kepe]? 3eme, take care, 6. 88 ; pt. s. Keped, caught, seized, 116. 96. A. S. cepan, to catch, keep. Kepe, sb. heed, 6. 1 19. See above. Kest, pt. s. kissed, 1 2. 63. A. S. cyssan, to kiss. Keste, v. to cast, 9. 25; pt. pi. Kesten, 13. 951 ; Kest, 16. 446. subj. pt. s. Keste, 6. 39 ; pp. Kest, 13. 414. Sw. kasta , Dan. kasle , to throw. Kete, adj. bold, keen, 12. 330. See Stratmann. Keueringe, sb. recovery, I a. 17 6. (Lit. covering.) Kin, sb. generation, 7. 29. A. S. cyn, kin, race. Kinde, sb. natural shape, 12. 107. A. S. cynd , nature. Kindely, adv. naturally, by na- tural relationship, 12. ill. See above. Kinedom, sb. kingdom, 1 a. 103, 172 ; reign, 1 a. 347. Not king + dom , but kine + dom ; where kine = A. S. cyne , royal. Kingdom was a new compound, formed at a later stage of the language. Kingrike, sb. kingdom, 7. 88, 90. A.S. cyne-rice t a kingdom, from cyne, adj. kingly, and rice , rule. See above. Kipte, pt. s. received, took, 1 b. 64. See Kepe. Kirc, sb. church ; hali kirc = holy church, 8 6. 31 ; Kirke, temple, 2. xvii. 17. Kiste, sb. chest, 20. 34. A. S. cist , ciste , a chest, coffer. Kithe, v. to shew, disclose, 8 a. 195 ; Kith, 7. 262 ; pr. s. subj. Kithe, may shew, 19. 636. A.S. cffian, to make to know. Kithing, sb. knowledge, 7. 280. A. S. cy'Sung , knowledge. See above. Kitte, pt. s. cut, 19. 600. W. cwt, a tail, cwta, bobtailed, short, cwtau , to curtail, to shorten. Klefing, sb. clothing, 2. ciii. 4. A. S. cldfi, a cloth. Knaing, sb. acquaintance (lit. knowing), 7. 373. Knappes, sb. pi. knops, knobs, 15. vii. 257. A.S. cncep, a knob , button, nob; prov. E. knap , a round hill. Knaue, sb. menial servant, 5. 5881 ; 15. v. 96; 19. 474; pi. boys, apprentices, 15 pr. 104. A.S. cndpa , cnafa , a son, boy, youth ; cf. G. knecht , kind; and E. kin. Knaulechynge, sb. acknowledg- ing, recognition, 9. 176. Knawe, v. to know, 2. cii. 35 ; pr. s. Knawes, 2. cii. 28 ; pp. Knawen, 13. 297; Knawyn with, acquainted with, 16. 146. A.S. cndwan, Lat. ( g)noscere , Gk. 71- yVU )<7K€IV. Kn e, sb. knee, 3. 223; leyd vnder kne = put under foot, put aside, forgotten. A.S. cneow , Lat. genu , Gk. 7 ovv. Knely, v. to kneel, 1 a. 284. A. S. cneowian , Dan. knale. Kneu3, pt. s. knew, 15. ii. 202. Knif, sb. S. knife, la. 112 ; Knyf, 19. 601. 4T2 GLOSSARIAL INDEX . Knist, sb. knight, I a. 1 6 1 ; pi. Knijtes, I a. 32, 56. A. S. cniht , a boy, servant ; G. knecht , a servant. Knowes, 2 p. s. pr. knowest, 12. 366 ; Knowestow = knowest thou, 19. 367 ; Knoweb, imp. pi. know ye; knoweb of = acknowledge, give (me) thanks for, 15. i. 177. Knowlechinge, pres. part, ac- knowledging, confessing, 17. Mar. I. 5. ( Knowleche for acknowledge is invariably used.) Knowlych, sb. knowledge, 5. 5786, 5890. The second syl- lable answers to the A.S. -lac, Sw. - lek , meaning a gift or sport, used in the composition of abstract nouns. It appears again in E. wed -lock. Knowyng, sb. knowledge, 5. 5898; Knowynge, recognition; for know- ynge of=to prevent recognition by, 15. ii. 206. A.S. cnawung, sb. a knowing. Knyttest, 2p. s.pr. joinest, 19. 307. Koles, sb.pl. S. coals, 2. xvii. 25, 36. A.S. col. Kolled, pt. s. hugged, embraced, 12. 69. O.F. acoler, to embrace, from col, Lat. collum , the neck. Koured, pt. s. cowered, bent down, 12. 47. W. cwrian , to squat, to cower. Kouthe, pp. known, 2. cii. 13. A. S. cvfi, known ; pp. of cunnan, to know. Kowherde-wif, sb. wife of a cow- herd, 12. 1 71. Kud , pp. known (to be), 12. no; also used as an adj. known ; hence, notable, famous, 12. 51. Another form of Kouthe. Kudde, pt. s. displayed, 12. 231. A. S. cy%an, to cause to know, make known, shew, teach. Kueade, sb. evil, 9. 59. Du. kwade, evil. See Queade. Kun, sb. kin. kindred, 12. no; 1 5. i. 1 66 ; dat. Kunne, I a. 242 . See Kin. Kunde, sb. kind, sort, 18 a. 5; nature, 18 a. 31 ; natural right, I a. 308. A. S. cynd, gecynd, nature. Kunde, adj. natural, 1 a. 234 ; native, I a. 258; fitted by birth, having a natural right, 1 a. 422. See above. Kunesmen, sb. pi. kinsmen, 1 a. 123, 130. A. S. cynnes man , man of kin. Kunnes, gen. sing, of kind ; eny kunnes $iftus = gifts of any kind, 15. ii. 175. A.S. cynnes, gen. of cyn, kin, kind. It always pre- cedes the sb. upon which it de- pends. Kubbes, sb. pi. manners, habits, 12. 331. Cf. A.S. cyft, acquaint- ance, friendship. Kuuere, v. attain, 12. 128. O. E. keuer , to attain ; also used in the same sense as mod. E. cover. Kuynde, adj. natural ; kuynde wit, natural wit, common sense, 15. i. 53 J kuynde knowynge, conscience, 15. i. 130. See Kunde. Kuyndeliche, adv. intimately (lit. kindly), 15. vi. 29. Kyd, pt. s. shewed (itself), 7. 44 ; pp. Kyd, shewn, 12. 321. A.S. cyftan, to make known. Kyn, sb.pl. kine, cows, 12. 244. A.S. cu , a cow, pi. cy, cows, North. E. kye, cows ; kine is a double plural, formed from kye. Kynde, sb. nature, 13. 266; natu- ral power, 10. 767 ; Kynd, 10. 505. A.S. cynd, gecynd, nature. Kynde, adj. natural, by kinship, 12. 241. Kyndely, adv. S. in his usual manner, lit. naturally, 12. 14. Kyngene, gen.pl. of kings, 15. i. 103. The termination is from A.S. gen. pi. termination - ena ; as in wit-ena gemot , assembly of wise men. Kyrtyl, sb . kirtle, kind of coat, GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 4*3 mantle, 5. 5706, 5712. A. S. cyrtel, a vest, a petticoat ; Dan. kiortel. It means properly a pet- ticoat with a body, but the use of it varied. Kyst, sb. chest, ark, 13. 346; Kyste, 13. 449. See Kiste. Kyth, sb. country, 7. 1 74 ; pi. Kythez, countries, regions, 13. 414. A. S. cyft, a country, region. Ky3n, sb.pl. kine, 14 c. 132. See Kyn, Ken. I*. Lacehing, sb. taking, receiving, 15. i. 10 1. A. S. Iceccan , gelceccan , to seize ; whence, E. latch. Lacked, pr. s. is wanting, 3. ill. Du. I ah, defect. Lad,^>/. s. led, 4 c. 23 ; Ladde, 18 b. 61 ; pp. Lad, 46. 1 ; 19. 646. See Lede. Laft, pp. left, 20. 230. See Leue. Lahynde, pres. part, laughing, 3. 192. See Lauhwe. L ait and, pres. part, seeking, 2. xxiii. 14. Icel. leita, to seek. Lake-ryftes, sb. pi. chines, gullies, 13 - 536 - Lakes, pr. s. blames, 10. 797. Du. lahen , to blame, lak , fault ; A. S. ledhan, to blame; cf. E. lack. Lammasse, sb. lit. loaf-mass, a name given to August I ; 15. vii. 276. Land, pp. lent, 3. 186. See Lene. Lang, adv. long, 2. xvii. 31 ; 2. xxiii. 20 ; hou lang am I = as long as I exist, 2. ciii. 80. A. S. lang or long. Langes, pr.pl. belong, 12. 331. Usually spelt longes. Cf. Du. belangen , to concern, belang , con- cern, interest. Langmode, adj. long-suffering, patient, 2. cii. 1 6. A. S. lang - mod , patient, from mod, mind, courage, mood. Lanse, pr. pi. leap forth, 13. 966 ; pt. s. Lansed, leapt, jumped, quaked, 13. 957. Fr. lancer , to dart, launch. Lantez, 2 p. s. pr. lentest, gavest, 13.348. See Lene. Lap, pt. s. leapt, 16. 453. Lare, sb. lore, teaching, 2. xvii. 93, 94. A. S. lar, lore. Large, sb. F. size, 13. 314. Large, adj. F. plentiful, 6. ?8. Lat. largus. Largeliche, adv. liberally, 1 a. 34, 201. Laser, sb. leisure, opportunity, 16. 424. F. loisir , from Lat. licere. Lasned, pt. s. lessened, became less, 13. 438. Lasse, adj. less, 1 a. 463. A. S. Ices. Late, imp. s. let, 5. 5905. See Lete. Late, sb. manner, gesture, demean- our, 16. 127. Icel. Iced, voice, gesture. Latere, adv. later, more slowly, less diligently, 15. i. 173. Lates, pr. s. lets, 10. 1277. Lath, adj. loath, unpleasant, 2. xvii. 21 ; Lathe, loathsome, 8 b. 223. A. S. Idfi, sb. evil, adj. bad. Latsom, adj. loath, 10. 793. A.S. wlatsom , loathsome, loath. A. S. wladan , to loathe. Lauande, pres. part, pouring forth water, 13. 366. A.S. lafian , to sprinkle with water. Lauer, adj. lower, 8 a. 115. Lauerd, sb. Lord, 2. viii. 1, 25 ; 2. xiv. 10; 8 b. 152; gen. Lauerdes, 2. cii. 37. A. S. hldford, Icel. lavarlSr, a lord. The supposed derivation is from hlaf \ a loaf, and weard , a keeper. Lauerding, sb. lording (dim. of lord), 7. 391. 414 GL 0 SSAR 1 AL INDEX. Lauerdschipe, sb. lordship, domin- ion, 2. cii. 53. Lauerock, sb. lark, 20. 274. A.S. laiverc , Du. leeuwrik. Lauhwe, 1 p. s. pr. laugh, 15. v. 93. A. S. hlihan , Du. lagchen , G. lachen. Laumpe, sb. a lamp, 15. i. 163. Lau3ten, pt. pi. took ; lau^ten leue at, took leave of, 15. iii. 26. Pt. t. of Lacche. See Lacching. Lay, pt. s. lay, suited, 1 b. 4. Lay, sb. law, religion ; hence, fidelity, 4 b. 27 ; religious belief, 19. 376, 572. Prob. from O.F. lei , F. loi, law, rather than from the cognate A. S. lagu, law. LayfF, sb. what is left, the rest, 16. 24. A.S. laf, a remainder ; Sc. the lave. Layked, pt. s . rejl. amused him- self, played about, 12. 31. See below. Laykes, sb. pi. sports, games, 1 1 a. 64; Laykez, pleasures, 13. 274. Sw. lek, a game ; A. S. lac , game; North, prov. E. laik . Layth, adj. loath ; layth thine me, it seems loath to me, I dislike, Sb. 1 61. See Lath. La3inge, pres. part, laughing, 1 b. 72. See Lauliwe. Lebardez, sb. pi. leopards, 13. 536. Leche, sb. physician, 17. Mar. ii. 17; pi. Leches, physicians, I a. 494; 15. ii. 199. A.S. Idee , Moeso-Goth. lekeis , a physician. Leche-craft, sb. knowledge of medicine, 15. vii. 241. See Leche. Lecherie, sb. fornication, 1 a. 185. O. F. lecherie, gluttony, debauch- ery, from lecher, to lick; cf. Du. leleker, dainty. Leches, pr. s. heals, 8 b. 234. Mceeso-Goth. leikinon, to heal. Lede, v. to lead, 5. 5937 ; to con- trol, 5. 5648 ; to govern, 19. 434 ; to carry, convey, I a. 371 ; pr.s. Lede}), controls, sways, 15. iii. 154; pt. s. Ladde, led, 1 a. 479 ; Lede, brought, 2. xiv. 9. A. S. Icedan, to guide, lad, a way ; Icel. left, a track. Lede, sb. the people, 6. 68 ; pi. Ledes, people, 12. 195; Ledez, nations, 13. 256. In 13. 261 we should perhaps read Ledez, as in 1 . 256. A.S. ledd, a man; leode , G. leute , people. Leden, sb. language, speech, 18 a. 58. A. S. leden , Latin ; also a language. It seems a mere cor- ruption of Latin. Leed, sb. lead, 18 a. 50. Du. lood. Leef, imp. s. believe, 15. i. 36. See Leue. Leeful, adj. (leave-full), allowable, 17. Mar. ii. 26; Leeueful, 24. A. S. leafful, from leaf, leave, permission. Also spelt lefful. LeefFul, adj. (leave-full), allowable, permissible, 17. Mar. vi. 18. See above. Leelly, adv. leally, truly, 15. i. 76. See Lele. Leendis, sb.pl. loins, 17. Mar. i. 6. A. S. lendenu , the loins. Lees, adj. false, 4 c. 45. A. S. leas, false, loose; whence E. leasing, ¥ n g- Leet, pt. s. let, i. e. caused ; leet make, caused to be made, 14 c. 97. See Lete. Leeue, imp. s. dismiss (lit. leave), 17. Mar. vi. 36. See Leue. Leeueful. See Leeful. Leeue b, pr.pl. believe, 15 pr. 69. See Leue. Lef, v. to leave, forsake, 8 a. 171. See Leue. Lefdi, sb. lady, 8 a. 219; Lefdye, 8a. 252. A.S. hlcefdige, Icel. lafdi. Lefe, adj. dear, beloved, 5. 5744. A. S. leof dear ; cf. Lat. lubet. Lefte, pt. s. dismissed, 17. Mar. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 415 vi. 45; remained, 18 6. 52; Left, 1 1 a. 38. Legge, v. to lay, stake, 15. vii. 255 - Leide, pt. s. laid, 1 b. 78. Lele, adj. leal, loyal, 8 b. 35 ; Lei, true, 13. 425; Lele, true, genuine, it a. 37. O. F. /eel, loial, loyal, from loi, law ; from Lat. acc. legem. Lelliche, adv. truly, 12. 1 1 7 ; Lelly, verily, 12. 95 ; Lelye, truly, 8 b. 209. See above. Lely, sb. lily, 11 b. 91. Leme, sb. S. gleam, light, 7. 63 ; gen. Lemes, 8 a. 215. A. S. leoma. Len, imp . s. lend, 8 b. 163. See Lene. Lend ,pp. lent, 3. 180. See Lene. Lend, pt. pi. went, came, 11 a. 31 ; pp. Lended, arrived, 8 b. 252. A. S. gelandian , to land, arrive, Dan. lande , to land. Lende, sb. pi. loins, 1 a. 409. A. S. lendenu , loins. But the E. loin is from O. F. logne , F. longe, from Low Lat. lungus , Lat. lumbns; whence also Sc. lunyie, loin. Lene, pr. s. imp. 3 p. may he grant, lend, or give, 12. 327 ; imp. s. Len, lend, 8 6. 163 ; pp. Lend, lent, 3. 180. A. S. Icenan , to lend, give, Ian, a loan. It must not be confused with Leue. Lenge, v. to linger, tarry, 15. i. 185; to remain, 13. 1023; pt. pi. Lenged, dwelt, 13. 960 ; remained, 13. 412. A.S. langian, to lengthen, lengian , to prolong. Lenger, adv. comp, longer, 5. 5715; 19. 521 ; Lengere, 1 b. 33. Lengest, adj. superl. longest, 13. 256. Lengore, adj. comp, longer, 15. v. 124 ; Lenger, 19. 262. Lent, pp. given, granted, bestowed, id- 256; lent from = given away from, 4 a. II. A. S. Icenan , to lend, give. See Lene. Lenten, sb. spring, 4 d. 1. A.S. lencten, spring ; whence E. Lent. Lenpe, sb. S. length, 13. 314. Leod, sb. tenement, holding, farm, 15. vi. 38. Other MSS. lordship. Cf. G. lassgut , an estate subject to a ground rent ; connected with E. leet in court -leet. Leod, sb. man, 15. vi. 6; Leode, people, 4 c. 44. A. S. leod , G. leute, folks. See Lede, sb. Leof, adj. lief, dear, 15. i. 35. Leome, sb. limb, body, 15. v. 81. A. S. leome , a limb. Leon, sb. lion, 7. 264. Lat. acc. leonem . Leonede, I p. s. pt. leaned, reclined, 15 pr. 9. Leop, pt. s. leapt, ran, 15. ii. 191. Cf. G. laufen , to run ; A. S. hleapan, to run, leap, pt. t. ic hleop. See Lepen. Leor, sb. face, complexion, 15. i. 3, A. S. hleor, jaw, cheek, face. Leorne, v. S. to learn, 3. 26 ; pt.pl, Leornden, discovered, 15. ii. 199. Leornyng, sb. teaching, instruction, lesson, 15. i. 173. Leosen, v. to lose, 15. iii. 131. Leosinge, sb. losing, loss, 15. v. 93. A. S. losing, loss. Leouest, adj. liefest, dearest, 15. iii. 6. See Lefe. Leoun, sb. lion, 19. 475. Lepen, v. to run (lit. to leap), 1 5. ii. 207; pt. s. Leop, ran, 15. ii. 191 ; pt.pl . Lep, leapt, 8 6. 181. See Leop. Lepre, sb. leprosy, 17. Mar. i. 42. Vulg. lepra. Lepte, pt. s. danced, 17. Mar. vi. 22. See Leop. Lerde, pt. s. taught, 12. 341. See Lere, vb. Lere, sb. countenance, features, 12. 227. A. S. hleor. See Leor. Lere, v . (1) to teach, 2. xvii. 94; 4i 6 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. pr. s. I p. Lere, 15. iii. 61 ; pr. s. 2 p. Leres, teachest, 2. xvii. 89 ; imp, s. Lere, teach, 15. vii. 241 ; imp. pi. Lere)?, teach ; lere)? hit )>is = teach it to these, 15. i. 125 ; also (2) Lere, to learn, 12. 1 1 9 ; 19. 181 ; 2 p. s.pr. Leres, learnest, 5. 5672 ; pt.s. Lerede, learnt, 15. i. 109. A. S. Iceran , G. lehreti, to teach; A.S. leornian, G. lernen , to learn ; but Du. leeren has both meanings, and so has prov. E. learn. Lernen, v. to learn, 3. 2. See above. Les, imp. s. loose, deliver, 4 b. 12. A. S. lysan , to loosen, release. Lese, sb. pasture, 1 a. 378, 381 ; 12. 175. A.S. Icesu* prov. E. leasowe , a pasture. Lese, v. to lose, 20. 89 ; pr. s. Lese)?, loses, 3. 45 ; 1 p. s. pr. subj. I may lose, 19. 225; v. active , to destroy, 17 a. iii. 4 (where the Vulg. has perdere). A. S. leosan , to lose, Moeso-Goth. fra-liusan , to lose. Leser, sb. deliverer, 2. xvii. 4, 1 2 1. See Les. Lesewynge, pres. part, feeding, pasturing, 17. Mar. v. 11. A.S. Icesu , a pasture, leasowe; whence Iceswian , to pasture, feed. See Lese, sb. Lesnesse, sb. remission, 9. 244. A.S. lysan , to loosen. Less, sb. pi. lies, lying, 16. 419. Lessi, v. to become less, 9. 130. Lessinge, sb. diminution, 9. 175. Lest, pr. s. loses, 6. 41. A.S. leosan, to lose ; pr. s. he lyst. Leste, adj. least, 6. 75 ; 10. 469. Leste, v. to last, endure, 4 b. 30 ; lest on lif = last alive, remain alive, 16. 65. A. S. Icestan, to last. Lesten, vb. to listen to, 12. 31; pt. s. Lestned, listened, 5. 5897. Lesyng, sb. lying, 16. 77. A.S. leasung , a leasing, lie. See Lees. Let, sb. hindrance, delay, 20. 215; resistance, 16. 1 72. A.S. lettan, to hinder. Let, caused ; as in let bringe an er)>e = caused to be brought into earth, caused to be buried, la. 1 97; let crouny = caused to be crowned, I a. 225; let enquiri = caused to be inquired into, I a. 352 ; let gadery = caused to be gathered, 1 a. 478; let ofsende = caused to be sent for, 1 a. 32 ; let somony = caused to be summoned, 1 a. 416. See below. Lete, v. to cease, 4 b. 20 ; to de- sist, 5. 5722 ; to forsake, 19. 325 ; to forego, 15. v. 142 ; pr. s. Let, leaves ; let of = leaves off, ceases, 9. 223; pt. s. Let, caused; let make = caused to be made, 20. 23; pt.pl. Let, 1 a. 97 ; Lete, lb. 26; left, 1 a. 336. A.S. Icetan, Du. laten, G. lassen . LetiJ?, pr. s. lets, 15. i. 178. Lethe, v. to grow calm, 8 b. 16; pres. sing. subj. alleviate, lessen, 8 b. 81. A.S. liftian, to mitigate. Lette, v. to hinder, stop, 1 a. 481 ; to keep back, 15. iii. 33; pr. s. Lette)?, makes difficulties, 15. iii. 152; pt.pl. Lett, stopped, 11 a. 64. A.S. lettan, Du. letten, to hinder. Lettere, sb. preventer, hinderer, 15. i. 67. See above. Leue ; has many senses in O. E. as (1) vb. to live, (2) vb. to remain, (3) vb. to leave, (4) vb. to allow, (5) vb. to believe, (6) sb. leave, (7) adj. dear. Leue (4) must be carefully distinguished from lene, to lend, with which it is some- times confused by editors of MSS. Leue, v. to live, 10. 492. A.S. lybban, to live, G. leben, Du. leven. Leue, imp. pi. I p. let us leave, 5 - 5945 * Leue, v. to remain ; pt. pi. Leuede, GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 417 remained, I a. 332, 514. Du. b-lijven, G. b-leiben , to remain ; cf. A. S. Icefan , to leave. Xieue, sw5/‘. pr. s. allow, grant, 3. 10; 15. v. 263. A. S. Ijfan , to allow, G. erlauben , to permit, Du. verlof leave, permission. Lew* and Lew* (written alike) may be distinguished by observing that leue ( = permit) generally governs a clause, but lene ( = lend, give) takes an acc. case. Leue, 1 p. s. pr. believe, 9. 236; imp. s. Leue, 4 b. 27; imp. pi. Leues, II a. 117 ; to leue nam y nout lees = I am not to be be- lieved to be false, 4 c. 45. A. S. leafan , to believe, Du. geloovert , G. g-lauben. Leue, leave, 15 pr. 49 ; iii. 26. A. S. leave, permission, Du. verlof. Leue, adj. S. lief, dear, 12. 170; 12. 341. A. S. leof dear; cf. E. lief love. Leued, pp. furnished with leaves, in full leaf, 1 2. 22. Leuede. See Leue, to remain. Leuedi, sb. S. lady, 1 a. 485 ; 4 a. 27; Leuedy, 4 b. 11 ; Lefdi, 8 a . 219. A. S. hlcefdige , Icel. lafdi. Leuening, sb. lightning, 2. xvii. 35, 40. Sw. ljunga , to lighten ; Icel. logi , flame, /o^a, to burn ; Dan. lyn , lightning. ' Leuere, adj. comp, dearer, 1 a. 529; rather to be chosen, 20. 66; Leuer, rather, 8 a. 150. See Leue, adj. Leuere, adv. more dearly, 15. i. 131. Leues, imp.pl. believe ye, 11b. 73. Leues, pr. pi. leave, 10. 1240. Leueste, adj. liefest, dearest, 15. i. 180. See above. Lewed, adj. ignorant, 19. 315; 15- i- 173; useless, 15. i. 163; lewede o]) = an oath taken in ignorance, 18 b. 11. A. S. icewede, belonging to the laity. VOL. II. Lewednesse, sb. ignorance, 15. iii. 33. See above. Leyd, pp. laid, 3. 223; 5. 5665; pt.pl. laid, 5. 5667; forth leyden = displayed, 19. 213. Leysche, sb. leash, cord for hold- ing in dogs, 16. 414. Lhest, pr. s. listens, 9. 164 ; pr. pi. LhesteJ?, listen, 9. 173. A. S. hlistan , to listen. Libardes, sb. pi. leopards, 10. 1228. Libbe, v. to live, 1 a. 500 ; 1 p. s. pr. Libbe, 4 a. 5. A. S. lybban. Licam, sb. body, 15 pr. 30; i. 35. See Likam. Lich, adj. like, similar, 20. 25, 273. A. S. lie , G. g-leich. Licht, adj. light-armed, 16. 112. Licour, sb. F. liquor, liquid, 6. 14, 22, 43- Lieges, sb. pi. subjects, 19. 240. Lif, sb. a living person, a man, creature, 20. 25. The same curious use of the word occurs in Piers the Plowman. Lifd, 1 p. s. pt. lived, 8 a. 253 ; pr. pi. Lifes, 11 a. 118. See Libbe, Leue. Liffand, pres. part, living, 16. 100. Lift, sb. air, 8 a. 142 ; sky, 7. 113 ; Lifte, air, I b. 88. A.S. lyft , G. luft, Du. lucht , air ; hence E. aloft = on loft , in the air. Lift, adj. left, 18 a. 188. Ligge, v. to lie, 10. 475; Lig, to lie down, II c. 87 ; pr. s. Ligges, dwells, 12. 166; pr. pi. Ligges, continue, 8 a. 169; lie, 11 a. 99. A. S. liegan , Du. liggen, G. liegen. Lighed, pt. pi. lied, 2. xvii. 113. A. S. ledgan , Du. and G. leugen , O. E. lig , to tell lies. Light, v. to alight, 7. 231. Light, imp. s. enlighten, 2. xvii. 76 ; pr. s. 2 p. Lightes, 2. xvii. 75- Lihb, pr. s. lies, tells lies, 15. iii. 152. e e 418 GLOSS ARIAL INDEX. Liht, f>p. alighted, settled, 4 b. 22. Likam, sb. face, 2. xvii. 107 ; 2. ciii. 33, 69 (where the Vulg. has facierri) ; Licam, body, 15 pr. 30. A. S. lichama, a body ; from lie, body, and hama, a covering. Like, v. to rejoice, delight, 2. ciii. 82 ; pr. s. impers. Likeb, pleases, 1 5 P r - 57 5 P*- s • impers. Liked, it pleased, 12. 28; pr. pi. Likes ille = are displeased, 4 d. 24. A. S. lician , to be pleased with, to delight. Likerous, ad}, lecherous, 15 pr. 30 ; dainty, 15. vii. 253. Cf. O. F. lescher , to lick ; Du. lekker , dainty. Liknes, sb. likeness, image, 7. 47. A. S. licnes. Lilie, sb. lily, 4 d. 17. * See Lely. List, />r. s. impers. it pleases ; God list = it pleases God, 19. 477; hym list = it pleases him, 19. 521 ; pt. s. hir liste = it pleased her, 20. 133. Liste, sb. craft, 6. 137. See below. Listely, adv. slily, 12. 25. A. S. listlice , artfully, from list, slyness. Listenes, imp. pi. listen ye, 12. 170. Lite, ad j. as sb. a little, 19. 352. A. S. lyt , little. Litel, adj. S. little, 2. viii. 15. A. S. lytel. Liteled, pt. s. 2 p. diminishedst, 2. viii. 15. See above. Lith, sb. limb, 10. 1917. A. S. lift, G. g-lied , a limb, joint ; hence lithe , lithesome , lissome , flexible, pliant. Lif>, pr. s. lies, I a. 466. See Ligge. Lither, adj. wicked, bad, 2. xiv. 9. A. S. /yfter, bad. Liue, sb. life, 2. xvii. 126. Li3t, v. to lighten, amuse, 12. 10. Li3t, sb. pi. lights, 1 b. 5, 6. Li3te, adv. easily, 6. 53. Latere, adv. comp, lighter, i. e. easier, 17. Mar. ii. 9; adj. comp. Ii3ttere, more nimble, 12. 154. Li3>, pr. s. lies, 15.1.115. See LiJ>. Li3tinge, sb. lightning, 1 a. 440. Li3tliche, adv. lightly, easily, 1 a. 256, 412. Llak, sb. lake, water ; put for pi. lakes, 13. 438. Lobbekeling, sb. a large fish, 8 b. 48. O. E. lob , lumpish, and keling, a large cod. Lobres, sb. pi. lubbers, 15 pr. 52. Cf. Du. lobbes , a booby. Lodez-mon, sb. pilot, 13. 424. Cf. lode-stone , lode-star , from O. E. lede, to lead, draw. Lodlycb, adj. loathsome, 13. 274. A. S. laftlic, from laft , evil, and lie, like ; cf. Du. leed , G. leid, wrong, harm. Lof, sb. S. praise, 2. viii. 6 . A. S. lof, Du. lof, G. lob , praise. Lofe, v. to praise, 7. 244. A. S. lojian, to praise. See above. Lofte ; on lofte = aloft, on high, 15. i. 88; 19.277. See Lift, sb. Loghe, sb. low place, deep, abyss, 13. 366. Du. laag , low. [Or else it is a lake , Sc. loch , A. S. lag «•] Lob, pt. s. laughed, smiled, 4 a. 1 5. See Lauhwe. Lok, sb. lock, fastening of a door, 15. i. 178. Loke, v. to look after, find out, 15. vii. 303 ; to guard, keep, 2. xvii. 64; to have regard, pay heed, 13. 263; pr. s. LokeJ?, decides, 15. ii. 172 ; pt. s. Loked, looked, 5. 5613 ; pt.pl. Lokede, examined, I a. 494 ; imp. s. Loke, look, see, I a. 127 ; pr. s. subj. Loke, may protect, 15. i. 185. A. S. Ibcian , to look ; cf. Gk. Xevaaeiv. Lokinge, sb. S. decision, 1 a. 86, 90. Loky, v. to look after, guard, 9. 20. See Loke. Lokynge, sb. watchfulness, protec- tion, 9. 1. See Loke. GLOSSARIAL INDEX . 419 Lomb, sb. lamb, 15. vi. 43; pi. Lombe, 1 a. 286. A. S. lamb , pi. lambru. Lome, (1) sb. tool, 4 c. 29; pi. Lomen, tools, 4 c. 15; Lomes, 4 c. 21; also (2) a vessel of any kind, the ark, 13. 314, 412. A.S. loma , utensils, geloma , furniture ; E. /00m. Lond, S. land, country, 1 a. 3, 11, 27; Ja/. Londe, 6. 54. A.S. land. Lone, sb. loan, anything lent, 3. 192. A.S. Ickn, a loan, Du. leening. Lones, sb. pi. lanes, 15. ii. 19 2. Du. laan , a lane ; W. llan , a cleared space ; cf E. lawn. Long e, prep. along of, on account of, 9. 100; is long on J?e = de- pends on thee, 46. 10. Here longe = ilong, along of; A.S. ge- lang , owing to, gelingan, to happen. Chaucer has long on, on account of; Cant. Tales, ed. Tyr- whitt, 1. 16390. Shakespeare has long of, Cymb. v. 5. 271. Longe, adv. long, 1 a. 126. Longes, pr. pi. belong, 12. 360; pr.pl. Longen, belong, 20. 229; pr. s. Longeb, belongs 6. 24 ; pt. s. Longed, suited, belonged, 12. 73* Cf. G. gelangen, to attain. Longinge, sb. longing, 4 a. 28 ; Longyng, 4 b. 1. A.S. langian, to lengthen ; also , to crave, long after. Loouys, sb. pi. loaves, 1 7. Mar. ii. 26. Lopen, pp. run off, gone away, 1 5 pr. 94. A. S. hleapan , to run, leap, pt. t. ic hleop. Lordshdpen, v. to rule over, 17. Ps. 102. 19. Vul g. dominabitur. Lordynges, sb. pi. lordlings, little lords, a contemptuous expression, 15. iii. 26. It is often used for our modern sirs , without any con- tempt being implied. Lore, sb. teaching, instruction, 3, 65; learning, I b. 34; pi. Lores. 3. 39. A.S. lar , lore. Lore, pp. lost, 5. 5700, 5901. See Lorn. Lorked, pt. s. lurked, slunk, 12. 25. W. llercian , to lurk about, loiter ; cf. E. lurch, lurcher. Lorn, pp. lost, 10. 547 ; 11 b. 92 ; 16. 44. A.S. ledsan, to lose, pp. loren. Lossom, adj. lovesome, lovely, 4 a. 1 5 ; 4 d. 1 7. A.S. lufsum, lovely. Lostes, sb. pi. lusts, 9. 26. Losyng, sb. perdition. 10. 1031. A. S. los, losing, destruction. Lof>, adj. loath, unpleasant, 3. 196 ; hateful, 5. 5758; loath, unwil- ling, 15 pr. 52. A.S. lafS, evil. Lobli, adj. loathsome, wretched, 12. 50. Louand, pres. part, praising, 2. xvii. 9. See Loued. Loue, v. to love, 2. xvii. 1. A.S. lufian. Loue, sb. 6. 92. Apparently an error for halue, i. e. part. Thus an other loue = on another half, i. e. on any other part. Loued,/)/. s. praised, 13. 497; pt. pi. praised, 7. 332. A.S. lojian, G. loben. Louedayes, sb. pi. lovedays, 15. iii. 154. See the note. Louelokest, adj. superl. loveliest, 15. i. no. A.S. lujlicest. Louelonginge, sb. love-longing, 4 a. 5 ; Loue-longyng, 5. 5866. Louerd, sb. lord, 1 a. 173; 16. 2 ; gen. Louerdes, I b. 15. See Lauerd. Louh, adj. low, poor, 15. v. 135. Lourede, pt. s. lowered, looked sour, 15. v. 66. Du. loeren , to peer, leer ; cf. Sc. glowre. Loute, v. to bow, 5. 5834; to bend down, 20. 146; Lout, to bend, ii c. 97 ; pt. s. Loutede, made obeisance, 15. iii. ill; e e 2 420 GLOSSARIAL INDEX . bowed low, 15. iii. 37. A. S. hlutan, to bow ; O. E. underlout , a subject, North E. lout , to bow. Lovyng, praising, praise, 16. 90. See Loued. Lowkande, pres. part, locking, closing up, 13.441. A.S . locan, lucan , to lock, fasten. L03, sb. low place, deep ; or, lake, 13. 441; Lo3e, 13. 1031. See Loghe. Lo^en, pt. pi. laughed, 13. 495. See Lauhwe. Luc, Saint Luke, I a. 191. Lud, sb. voice, 4 a. 4 ; on hyre lud = in her own voice, according to her peculiar song. O. H. G. liit, adj. loud, sb. voice; cf. Du. luid , loud, and phr. naar luid van , according to the tenor of, G. laut , sound. Lud, sb. person, 12. 21 1, See Leod, a man. Ludes, sb. pi. tenements, holdings, 12. 77. See Leod, a tenement. Luef, adj. dear, 3. 37 ; agreeable, pleasant, 3. 154. A. S. leof , dear ; see Leue. Luf, adj. as sb. dear (one), love, lover, 13. 401. Lufreden, sb. good-will, 8 a. 191. A. S. luf-r a maner latyn, 19. 5 J 9 J 0/1 maner soun, 18 a. 194. Manhed, s6. manhood, 12. 197; Manheid, valour, 16. 223. Manly, adv. boldly, 12. 207. Manne, gen.pl. men’s, 1 a. 441. Manquellere, sb. mankiller, exe- cutioner, 17. Mar. vi. 27. A. S. cwellan, to quell , bill. Manyon, for many one, 20. 239. Manywhat, many things, 5. 5589. Mararach, i. e. Ararat, 13. 447. Marchantz, sb.pl. merchants, 19. 148. Marchaundye, sb. merchandise, traffic, 5. 5794; Marchaundie, 15. pr. 60. From Lat. mercatus, merces. Marclietli,/>r. s. borders ; marcheth to , borders upon, 14 c. 65. A. S. mearc , a mark, boundary, border- land. Marcolues, Marcolf’s, 3. 3. Mare, adj. greater, 2. ciii. 59, 67; 10. 1918. See Ma, adj. Marewe, sb. morning, 4 c. 4. See Morwe. Margery-perles, sb. pi. pearls, 18 a. 13. A reduplicated word, since Gk. p-apyapir-qs is a pearl. Marrok, i.e. Morocco, 19. 465. Mas, pr. s. makes, 10. 702. See Ma, vb. Mase, sb. maze, confusion, 13. 395 ; a confused medley of people, 15. i. 6; bewilderment, 15. iii. 155. Mased, pp. bewildered, 19. 52 6. Mast, adj. greatest (lit. most), 7. 97; Ma'ste, 11 b. 7. A. S. mcest, greatest. Matere, sb. matter, subject, 19. 322; Matiere, 20. 127. Materie, sb. F. material, stuff, 6. 9. Matheu, Matthew, 4 c. 1. 55. Maugree, in spite of, 14 c. 70; Maugre, 15. ii. 177. F. mal gre, ill will. Maundemens, sb. pi. command- ments, 17. Ps. 102. 18. O. F. mander , to command ; Lat. man- dare. Maumet, sb. idol, 7. 378. O. F. mahumet , from the name Maho- met. Often confused with O. E. mammet, a doll. Maumettrie, sb. idolatry, 19. 236; Maumentri, objects of idolatry, 7. 398. See above. Mawgre, sb. ill-will, vengeance, 13. 250. See Maugree. May, pr. s. 1 p. can, 5. 5925 ; pr.s. May, 1 a. 12 7. A. S. magan , to be able, pr. t. ic mceg. May, sb. maiden, 4 a. 32. A. S. mceg, Sw. mo, a maiden ; cf. G. magd, E. maid. Mceso-Goth. magus, a boy, magaths, a girl; W. macwy, a boy, magu, to breed, rear ; Sansk. maha, great. May, sb. person (lit. man), 8 a. 173. A. S. mcecg, mecg, a man. Mayne, sb. F. household, company, 9. 7; Mayny, 13. 514. O. F. mesnee, maisnee ; Low Lat. mais- nada, a family ; from Lat. minores natu, younger sons, dependants, menials. Maysterz, sb.pl. masters, 13. 252. Maystrie, sb. mastery; power, 15. v. 85; full power, 15. iii. 19; hence superiority, greater strength, 14 c. 108. For the maystrie — for the greater excellence ; cf. Chaucer, Prol. 1 . 165. See Maistri. Ma3ty, adj. mighty, 13. 273. Me, indef. pron. they, people, 1 a. 50, 128; 1 b. 5; 9. 5; 18 a. 15; with pi. vb. 1 a. 53. Generally with a sing, vb., like F. on. It is contracted from Men, q. v. Mede, sb. mead (the drink), 6. 22. A. S. medu, W. medd , meddyglyn (metheglin), Gk. j ueOv, GL OSSA RIAL. INDEX. 423 Mede, sb. meed, reward, 4 c. 36. A. S. tried ; cf. Gk. /xiaOos. Medes, prop, name , 1 a. 482. Pro- bably Mantes. Medewyues, sb. pi. midwives, 6. 107. Medwe-grene, adj. green as a meadow, 20. 325. Meede, sb. meed, reward, bribery, 15. iii. 1. See Mede. Meeles, sb. pi. meals, 3. 98. A. S. mcel. Meete, sb. measure, height, 18 a. 1 21. A. S. mete, a measure, metan , to mete. Meeten, v. to dream, 15 pr. 11. A. S. mcetan , to dream. Meine, sb. company, 7. 223. See Mayne. Meined, pp. mingled, 20. 39. A. S. rnengian , to mix ; 0 . E. ming , to mingle. Meires, sb.pl. F. mayors, 15. iii. 67. Meke, v. to humble, 2. xvii. 74 5 to render meek, 15. v. 52 ; pt. s . Meked, humbled, 5. 5827. Du. Soft. Mekly, adv. meekly, 5. 5834. Meknes, sb. meekness, 5. 5938. Meld, v. to accuse, 8 a. 245. A. S. meld , evidence, meldian , to tell; Dan. melde , to announce. MeleJ), s. speaks, 15. iii. 100. A.S. mcklian, mdftelian; Icel. mcela, to speak. Mellede, pt. s. mixed, 18 b. 7. 0 . F. mesler , F. meler, Low Lat. misculare , from Lat. miscere , to mix. Mellyng, s6. mingling, 18 a. 161 ; fighting, 16. 481. See above. Men, indef. pron. they, people, 3. 158,168. See Me. Mene, v. to intend, to have it so, 18 b. 137. A.S. mcenan , G. meinen , to intend. Mene, v. to mean ; what is Jns to mene = what does this mean, 15 pr. 11. Mene, adj . mean ; mene while, mean time, 19. 546 ; mene whiles, mean whiles, 19. 668. Mene, adj. pi. mediators, in an intermediate position, 15. iii. 67. F. moyen , Lat. medius. Menes, sb. pi. means, ways, 19. 480. Meneh, pr. s. complains, 4 d. 22. A. S. mcenan , to complain, moan. Meng, imp. s. mingle, mix, 13. 337. A. S. mengian, to mix. Menne, gen. pi. men’s, 18 6. 10, 39 - Mennesse, sb. communion, fellow- ship, 9. 167, 244. A. S. gemcene , common, gemcennes , communion. The A.S. ge= Mceso-Goth. ga , as a prefix. Mensk, sb. honour, 2. viii. 17; Menske, favour, 12. 313; grace, 13. 522 ; Mensc, favour, 8 b. 79. A. S. mennisc , human ; hence, manly, honourable. Cf. Sc. mense , worthiness. Menske, v. to honour, 4 b. 23. See above. Menskelye, adv. worthily, reve- rently, 8 b. 229. Menskful, adj. worshipful, noble, 12. 202, 242. Ment, pt. s. bemoaned, lamented, 8 a. 263 ; Menyt, 16. 33. See Mene, vb. Men3he, sb. company, 16. 51; Men^e, 11 b. 11. See Mayne. Merciede, pt. s. thanked, 15. iii. 21. F. merci, thanks. Mere, sb. limit, boundary, 2. ciii. 19. A. S. mearc, a mark, a limit; gemcere, a limit, a mere. Meres, sb. pi. mares, 2. ciii. 29. Merie, adv. merrily, joyfully, 6. 11. Merke, adj. dark, 2. ciii. 52. A.S. mire , Sw. mork , obscure, dark. Merling, sb. a small fish, 8 b. 47. Possibly derived from A. S. mere , a mere, and ling, a kind of fish. Mershe, sb. F. March, 4 a. 1. 424 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Mersuine, sb. pi. porpoises, sea- pigs, 8 a. 1 1 7. A. S. mere-swin , sea-swine ; cf. F. marsouin , and E. porpoise , from Lat. porous , a pig, and piscis, a fish. Merueyle, s6. F. marvel, wonder, 5- 5631, 5912, 5929. From Lat. mirabilis , wonderful. Mesaunture, s6. F. misadventure, mishap, 1 a. 388. Meschaunce, sb. F. misfortune, mischance, 1 a. 487; Meschance, evil chance, misfortune, ill luck, 19.602; sad circumstance, 19.610. Meseise, sb. misease, discomfort ; for meseise , to prevent discomfort, 15. i. 24. Message, sb. F. mission, message, la. 82; messenger, 13. 454; 19. 333 - So too we have O.E. prison = a prisoner. Low Lat. missaticum , a message, from mit- tere , to send. Messager, sb. F. messenger, 1 a. 74; pi. Messagers, 1 a. 13; 15. ii. 203. See above. Mest, adv. most, chiefly, 1 a. 38, 46. See Mast. Mestedel, sb. greater part, majority, I a. 259. From O. E. meste, most, del , part. Mesur, sb. measure, moderation, 10. 1459; Mesure, 15. i. 33. Mesurabul, adj. moderate, 12. 333. Met, v. to mete, measure; gert met , caused to be measured, 8 b. 154. See Meten. Mete, sb. S. meat, food, 1 a. 73. (Not used in the restricted modern sense.) Mceso-Goth. mats , food, matjan, to eat. Mete, adj. meet, fitting, 13, 337. A.S. mete, a measure. Meten, v. to mete, measure, 15 pr. 88 ; pr. s. MeteJ?, 18 a. 120 ; 2 p. pi. pr. Meten, mete, measure, 15. i. 15 1. A.S. metan , to measure. Mehe» sb. moderation, mildness, pity, 13. 247; Meth, 13. 436. A. S. maftian, to measure, mode- rate ; from metan , to mete. Me}>elez, adj. immoderate, 13. 273. See above. Metinge, sb. measure, 9. 55. See Meten. Meuez f pr. s. moves, 13. 303. Mey, pr. s. may, 6. 31, 34. See May. Mey, sb. May ; mey sesoun = season of May, 12. 24. Meynd, pp. mingled, 20. 223. See Meined. Meyne, sb. F. household, 12. 184; Meyny, 13. 331. See Mayne. Meyntene, v. to abet, back up, 15. ii. 1 7 1 ; pr. pi. Meyntenen, abet, support (in an action at law), 15. ii. 170. A legal and technical term. From Lat. manu tenere, to hold by the hand. Meystry, sb. mastery, victory, 186. 95. See Maystrie. Mi, pron. my, I a. 103. Miche, adj. much, 12. 117. Mid, prep, with, I a. 5, 10; be- twix mid = between among, 2. ciii. 22. A.S. mid , G. mit , with. Middel, sb. waist, 4 a. 16. Mide, adv. wherewith, with, 6. 52. (Supplies the place of the prep. mid only in certain constructions.) Midewinter, sb. Christmas, 1 a. 399 - Midouernon, sb. middle of the afternoon ; hei midouernon = fully the middle of the afternoon, I a. 164. Midward, sb. middle, 10. 435. Midwinter day, sb. Christmas day, 1 a. 226. Mightand, pres. part, being mighty, 2. xxiii. 20 ; 2. cii. 47. Miht, sb. might, 4 b. 2 1; pi. Mightes, powers, 2. xxiii. 26; 2. cii. 49. A. S. miht. Miht,/>r. s. 2p. mayst, 3. 123. A.S. magan, to be able; whence ic mceg, I may, \>u might , thou mayest. GL0SSAR1AL INDEX . 425 Mihti, for Miht i, might I, i. e. might I go, 15. v. 6. Mikel, adj. great, 2. ciii. 2, 57. A. S. tnycel , Lat. magnus, Gk. /jLeyas, Sansk. maha, great. Mikel, adv. much, 7. 18; Mikle, 2. cii. 23. Mikeled, pp. magnified, 2. ciii. 53 ; pres. part. Mikeland, 2. xvii. 127. A. S. myclian, to make great. Milce, sb. compassion, mercy, 1 a. 499. A. S. milts , mercy, milde , merciful, mild. Milde, adj. mild, meek, la. 97. See above. Mildeherted, adj. merciful, 2. cii. I5» 16. Miles, sb. pi. either (1) animals, or (2) maidens, 4 d. 20. Cf. W. f»*7, an animal, beast, brute ; A. S. meowle , a maid, virgin. The former suits the context best. Min, sb. memory, 7. 30. A. S. mynan , to remember ; memory ; cf. Lat. memini. Min, poss. pron. mine, 1 a. 27. Mined, adj. mindful, 2. cii. 29, 41 ; or else pp. being a too close render- ing of recordatus. See below. Mines, pr. s. 2 p. rememberest, 2. viii. 13. A. S. mynan , to bear in mind, intend, Ministre, sb. minster, 18 a. 123. Mir, sb. myrrh, 7. 130. Mirke, adj. dark, 2. xvii. 33. See Merke. Mirkenes, sb. darkness, 2. xvii. 31 ; gen. of darkness, 2. xvii. 76; pi. Mirkenesses, 2. ciii. 45. Mis, vb. to miss, lose, 11 a. 113. Mis-cheuing, sb. mishap, 1 a. 383. Misdo, v. to do amiss, I a. 500 ; pp. Misdo, done amiss, I a. 106. Misliked, pt. s. impers. it was dis- pleasing to, lie. 60. Misliking, sb. displeasure, 11 c. 61. Misseid, pp. slandered, reviled, 15- v. 51- Missely, adv. wrongly, 12. 207. A. S. misselic, dissimilar, unlike ; cf. Sw. miste , wrong, false. Misselmasse, sb. Michaelmas, 1 a. 191- Mister, sb. need, 8 b. 92. Sw. mista, Dan. miste, to miss, to lose. Mitte = mid \>e, with the; mitte beste = with the best, 6. 37. Mix, sb. a vile wretch, 12. 125. A. S. meox , O. E. mixe, muck, filth. Similarly, a vile person is sometimes called a felthe, lit. a filth; Will, of Palerne, 2542. Mi3te, pt. s. might, could, 1 a. 91, 138; subj. Mi^te, I a. 124. Mi3thi, adj. mighty, 12. 153. Mo, adj. more, 1 a. 58 ; 6. 127; also more than myself, i. e. others, 4 c. 22. See Ma. Mocke, adj. much, 6. 39 ; 5. 5804 ; adv. 1 b. 46 ; 5. 5687. Mochel, adj. mickle, great, 12. 367. See Mikel. Mocht, pt. pi. might, 16. 120. Mod, sb. mind, 3. 255 ; Mode, temper, 5. 5840. A. S. mod, mind; Du. moed , G. muth. Moder, sb. mother, 1 a. 200; 6. 98 ; gen. Moder, 1 b. 3. A. S. moder , modor , Du. moeder, G. mutter. Mody, adj. moody, 4 d. 22. See Mod. Moeuyng, pres. part, moving, 19. 295* Moght, subj. pt. pi. could, 7. 12. Moises, Moses, 2. cii. 13. Mold, prop, name, Maud, Matilda, 1 a. 245, 296. Molde, sb. mould, earth, 4 b. 2 ; the earth, 13. 279; on molde = in the world, 15 pr. 64; sb. pi. Moldez, dry pieces of ground, 13.454. A. S. molde. Mom, sb. a sound made with closed lips, the least sound pos- sible, 15 pr. 89. E. mum; cf. Gk. /id ; also E. mumble , O. E. 426 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. mummyn , to be mute (Prompt. Parv.). Mon, sb. man, i a. 134. Mono, sb. moon, 2. viii. it; 2. ciii. 43; 4 d. 16. A.S. mona. Mone, pr. s. shall, 2. xiv. 2 ; 2/>. mayest, 3. 166 ; Icel. ek mnn , I must. See Man. Mone, $6. money, 11 a. 35. F. monnaie , Lat. moneta. Mone, s6. moan, complaint, 19. 656. Monek, s&. monk, 1 a. 82; pi. Monekes, I a. 264. A. S. munuc , a monk, Gk. /xovaxos , solitary, from fxovos, alone. Moni, arf/. many, 1 a. 3 ; pi. Monie, I a. 125. Monimon, many (a) man, 1 a. 487. Monion, many (a) one, I a. 257, 454. (Found in Layamon.) Mont, sb. F. mount, 7. 46. Montain, sb. F. mountain, 7. 33; Montaine, 7. 40. Monyth, sb. month, 13. 493. Mony-volde, adj. manifold, 1 a. 445 - Mooder, s6. mother, 19. 323. Moon, sb. moan, moaning, 13. 373. A. S. tncenan, to moan. Mooneb, sb. month, 15. iii. 140. A. S. mondft, month, mona , moon. See Monytli. Moot, pr. s. must (go), 19. 294. Mor, sb. a moor; on mor, above each moor, 13. 385. More, sb. root ; hence, stock, race, 1 a. 248; 1 b. 1. O. H. G. moraha, a root ; G. mohre, a carrot ; Sanskrit mula , root, is probably the same word. More, adj. greater, 17. Mar. ii. 21. Moreyn, sb. murrain, plague, 18 a. 175. O. F. morine , murrain, from Lat. mori, to die. Morewynge, sb. morning, 17. Mar. i. 35. Mornyng, adj. mourning, 5. 5677. Mor];erde, 1 p. s. pt. subj. would have murdered, 15. v. 85. Mceso- Goth. maurthrjan , to murder. Morwe, sb. morrow, 1 a. 520. A. S. morgen , morning. Morwnynge, sb. morning, 15 pr. 5. Moskles, sb. pi. muscles (shell- fish), 18 a. 12. Most, adj. superl. biggest, 13. 254. Most, pr. s. 2 p. must, 3. 72, 164 ; pt. pi. 13. 407* A.S. ic mot, pr. t. of which the pt. t. is ic moste. In modern E., must is both pr. and pt. tense. Moste. See Mot. Mot, pr. s. must, 1 a. 294 ; 6. 83 ; pr. pi. Mote, 5. 5668 ; pt. s. Moste, must, 1 b. 28 ; pt. pi. Moste, were obliged, 1 a. 240 ; pr. s. subj. Mote, may, 3. 34; pt. s. subj. Moste, might, 1 a. 500; 19. 380. See Most. Mote, v. to cite to a law court, to summon, 15. i. 150; pr. s. subj. Mote, plead, 15. iii. 155. A.S. motan , to cite, make to meet. Motyf, sb. motive, incitement, or suspicion, 19. 628. Mountouns, sb. amount, 5. 5770. Mourkne, v. to rot, 13. 407. Sw. murlina, to rot, murhen , rotten; O. E. morkin , a wild beast found dead, carrion ; cf. Lat. morior. Mournen, v. to mourn, 4 a. 42. A.S. murnan. Moutes, pr. s. moults, 10. 781. Du. muiteny F. muer , Lat. mutare. Cf. E. mews , place where moult- ing falcons were kept. Mouwen, pr. pi. may, 15. i. 121 ; Mown, 17. Mar. ii. 19; 2 p. pr.pl. subj. Mowe, may, 1 a. 2. A.S. magan, to be able. Moysted, pp. wetted, 14 a. 55. Mose, pr. pi. may, 6. 66; 9. 31; can, 6. 133; subj. pr. s. ma y be able, 6. 69. See Mowe. Mo?t = mot, pr. s. must, 6. 13. Muche, adj. S. great, 1 a. 1, 498. GLOSSARIAL INDEX . 427 Muchedel, sb. a great part, 1 a. 396. Mught, pt. s. might, 10. 1906. Mukel, adj. great, 13. 366. Mull, sb. mould, dirt, rubbish, 20. 38. O. E. tnullok, rubbish ; Platt Deutsch mull, loose earth; Flemish mul, dust ; Mceso-Gothic mulda , dust, mould. Mu TX,pr. s. must, 11 a. 119. Munstrals, sb. pi. minstrels, 1 5 pr. 33 • Munteb, pr. s. intends, purposes, 3. 242. A. S. myntan, to propose. Murgej), pr. pi. make mirthful, make merry with, 4 d. 20. A. S. murge , joyful ; myrg, pleasure ; myrig, merry. Murhhes, sb. pi. mirths, merry- makings, revels, 15 pr. 33. Mutoun, sb. a gold coin called a ‘mutton* or sheep, 15. iii. 25. See note. Mwre, sb. a moor, 16. 108. Myd, prep, with, 3. 175; Myde, 9. 32. See Mid. Myddes, sb. midst, 14 a. 38. Mydlerd, sb. the world, 10. 2302. A. S. middan-eard , the middle region, the world; O. E. middle - erd. Myghtfulnes, sb. physical strength, 10. 754. Myht, pr. s. 2 p. mayst, 3. 143. See Miht. Myke, sb. the crutches of a boat, which sustain the main boom or mast when lowered, 13. 417. Cf. Du. mik, a prong, See. Mykel, adj. much, 10. 439. Mykelhede, sb. greatness, majesty, 2. viii. 3, Myldely, adv. mildly, 5. 5731. Mynde, sb. remembrance, 5. 5869 ; memory, 10. 774; 14 a. 1 1 7 ; forgat hir mynde = lost her me- mory, 19. 52 7. Mynen, v. to mine, 14 c. 96. Mynne, v. to recollect, remember, 13. 436. See Min, Mines. Mynstrasye, sb. minstrelsy, 15. iii. 98. Myriest, adj. merriest, 13. 254. Myrk, adj. dark, 10. 1435. Icel. myrkr, dark, also as sb. darkness. See Merke. Myrknes, sb. darkness, 10. 7821. Myry, adj. serviceable, 13. 417. Myschaunce, sb. mischance, 5. S 787 ; inadvertent wickedness, 5. 56 66. Myschief, sb. ill-fortune ; at mys- chief=in danger, 16. 101. Mysdede, pt. pi. misdid, ill-treated, 5. 5838. See Misdo. J Myseise, sb. want of ease, care, trouble, 17. Mar. iv. 18. Mysse, adv. amiss, 12. 141. A. S. mis , wrongly. Mysseyd, pt. pi. spake ill, 5. 5842. Mysteir, sb. need, 16. 142. See Mister. My 3 t, sb. might, 5. 5652, 5863. My?t, pt. s. was able, 5. 5889 ; My 3 te, could, 5. 5930 ; subj. My 3 t, might, 5. 5602. My 3 tuolle, adj.pl. mighty, 9. 202. (Lit. might-full .) 1ST. Na war, phr. were it not for, had it not been for, 16. 218 ; na kyn thyng = in no degree, 1 6. 413. Nabbe}), pr.pl. have not, 1 a. 264; pr. s. Nad {put for NaS), has not, 3. 144 ; pt. s. Nadde, la. 45 ; 12. 119; Nade, 3. 224; pt. pi. Nadde, I a. 335. A. S. nabban , not to have. TsTaght, pron. naught, 5. 5844; Naht, 3. 1 5 1. A. S. ndht. Naghtertale, sb. night-time, 7. 222. Icel. nattar-tal; cf. A.S. niht , night (G. nacht), and tal , number, reckoning. INaht. See NTaght. Nai, adv. no, 8 b. 165. Nakers, sb.pl. kettle-drums, II 6. 80. Of Arabic origin. 428 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Nakid, adj. uncovered, bare, 17. Mar. ii. 4; Nakit, naked, i. e. un- armed, undefended by body- armour, 16. 434. Mceso-Goth. nakivaths , naked. Nam, sb. name, 10. 482. Nam, pr. s. 1 p. am not, 4 c. 45. Put for ne am. Nam, pt. s. took, 2. xvii. 46; 2. xxiii. 9 ; 12. 368 ; took his way, went, 5. 5899 (where for a-wey we should perhaps read a wey, i. e. a way). See Nime. Naman, for no man, 7. 200. Namare, adv. no more, 2. cii. 35. Nameliclie, adv. especially, 1 a. 460, 498; particularly, 18 b. 9; Namely, 5. 5647; Namlic, Sb. 241. Nammo, adj. no more, 1 a. 508; Nammore, adv. no more, 1 a. 500. A. S. nd , no, not, and ma, more. Namore, for no more, 12. 119. See above. Nan, adj. no, 2. ciii. 58; 7. 20; pron. pi. none, 7. 24. A. S. ncen, nan , no one, from ne, not, an , one. Nart, pr. s. 2 p. art not, 6. 125. For ne art. Nas (/or ne was), was not, I a. 27 ; 12.278; 19.159; nasbut = was no better than, 19. 209. Nasche, adj. nesh, soft, 18 a. 45. See Nesshede. Nat, adv. not, 5. 5693, 5718. A. S. nate , not. Nat (/or Ne at), i. e. nor at, 19. 290. Nat-forby, conj. notwithstanding, nevertheless, 5. 5885. Nab {for Ne haj?), hath not, 4 c. 38; 15. vi. 42. See Nabbeb. Nabeles, adv. none the less, never- theless, 1 a. % 6 g. A. S. nd, not. Nabemo, adv. none the more, I a. 1 01. See above. Natiuite, sb. F. Nativity, 7. 11. Naue (/or Ne haue), have not, 15. i. 157. See Nabbeb. Nau3t, not, 6. 24. Used with ne; but, at 6. 49, without ne. Nawber, conj. neither, 13. 1028. Nayte, v. to employ, 13. 531. See Note. Naytly, adv. neatly, 13. 480. Na3t, sb. night, 13. 484. Na3t, not, 9. 76. Ne, not, 1 a. 29, &c. Ne is employed before the verb, and no3t after it. Ne, conj. nor, 1 a. 69; 7. 54; II a. no. A. S. ne, not, nor. Nebsseft, sb. appearance, presence, 9. 77. Translates Lat. faciem. From A. S. neb, a face, nose, or nib, and - sceaft , E. - ship . Nedde (/or Ne hadde), had not, 15. v. 4, 1 21. See Nabbeb- Nede, sb. S. need, 1 a. 33; 6. 70; Ned (?), 6. 89 ; pi. Nedes, neces- sary things, business, 19. 174. A. S. nead, G. noth. Nede, adv. needs, of necessity, by compulsion, 1 a. 28 ; moste nede = must needs be, 20. 2. A. S. nedde, of necessity. Nederes, sb. pi. adders, 8 b. 1 77. A. S. nceddre, an adder. Nedes, adv. of necessity, 11 a. 72 ; Nedys, 5. 5668. A. S. neddes , needs, from nead, need. Nedfol, adj. needful, necessary, compulsory, 186. T2. Neete, sb.pl. cattle, neat, beeves, 2. viii. 21. A.S. neat, cattle, Icel. naut, a horned beast. Ap- parently, the radical meaning is * useful ; * cf. A. S. neotan , to use, pt. t. neat. Nefen, v. to name, 8 a. 177. See Neuened. Ne-for-thi, adv. nevertheless, 7. 247. See Natforby. Nefur, adv. never, 6. 46. A.S. ncefre. Neghburgh, sb. neighbour, 2. xiv. 7, 8, 11. A. S. neah-bur , a neighbour, from neah, near, and bur, a dweller, a boor . Neghen, num. nine, 10. 729. A. S. nigon. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 429 Negh.es, pr. s. approaches, comes near, 2. ciii. 78. A. S. neah , near. Neh, adv. nigh, near, 4 c. 13; Nei, nigh, I a. 81 ; nearly, 140. A. S. neah. Neidwais, adv. of necessity, 16. 177 - Neigh, adv. nigh, 19. 550. Neist, adj. next, nearest (in kin- ship), 7. 37; adv. next, 7. 125. See Nest. Nei3 ; in phr . no nei3 = non ei3, i. e. no egg, 12. 83. Nekke-boon, sb. neckbone, 19. 669. Nel (/or Ne wil), I will not, 13. 513. A. S. nyllan , Lat. nolle , to be unwilling. Nem, pt. s. took, 13. 505 ; imp. pi. Neme, take, 6. 119. See Nam, Nime, Nome. Nempnen, v. to name, 15. i. 21 ; 19. 5 ° 7 ; pt. s. Nemned, named, 12. 368. A. S. nemnan , to name. Neode, s6. business, 4 c. 47. See Nede. Neodes, adv. needs, necessarily, 18 a. 72. Neo3e, adj. nine, I b. 21. Ner, adv. never, 3. 224; Nerenofer, neither, 186. 115. Nere, pt. pi. were not, 1 a. 101 ; 15. iii. 130 ; 19. 547 ; Nere, subj. pt. s. should not be, I a. 69 ; 6. 46. For ne were. Nes, pt. s. was not, 4 c. 30 ; 6. 1 7. Nese, sb. nose, 10. 820. A. S. ness , a nose, a «ess. Nesshede, sb. tenderness, delicate- ness, 9. 155. A. S. hnesse , soft, ; cf. nas/y, O. E. nasky. Nest, adj. nighest, nearest, 3. 176; next, 7- 5 J nighest to, 10. 676. A. S. neah , nigh, superl. nyhst, neahst , nighest, Dan. N estland, _pres. />ar/. building nests, 2. ciii. 38. Neb, pr. s. hath not, 6. 21, 35, 72. See Na Neuened, pt. s. named, called upon, 13. 410. Icel. nafn , Dan. navn, a name. Neuere, adv. never, 1 a. 101 ; Neuer non, none at all, 18 b. 7 1. Neueu, sb. nephew, 1 a. 386. Neuliche, adv. newly, soon, 18 b. 49 - New, v. to renew, 2. ciii. 74; pp. Newed, 2. cii. 10. Newe, sb. F. nephew, 12. 1 66. See Neueu. Nexte, adj. nearest, 1 7. Mar. i. 38 ; 19. 398. See Nest. Neynd, adj. ninth, 8 a. 131. Sw. nionde. Ne3e, v. to draw nigh, approach to, 13. 1017; Ne3h, 12. 278; pr. s. Ney 3 heb, 18 a. 33. Nicolas day, St. Nicholas day, 1 a. 254. Nigramauncy, sb. necromancy, 12. 119. Nihtes, adv. at night, 4 a. 25. A. S. nihtes , at night, from niht. Niht-olde, adj. a night old, a little stale, 15. vii. 296. Nil, imp. s. be unwilling, do not, 2. cii. 4. A. S. nyllan , to be un- willing ; Lat. nolle. Nime, v. to take, 1 a. 391, 528; pr. pi. NimeJ), take, 1 a. 286, A. S. niman , Du. nemen, G. nehmen , to take, seize ; O. E. turn, to steal. Hence E. numb , benumb , nimble. Palsgrave has ‘ I benome , I make lame or take away the use of ones lymmes, Je perclose .’ See Prompt. Parv. p. 358. Cf. Gk. vkixeiv. Nis (/or Ne is), is not, 1 a. 66. 6. 52; 12. 377. Nite, v. to refuse, 8 b. 86. Icel neita , Sw. neha, to say nay to from Icel. nei, Sw. nej, nay, no. Niwe, adj. new, 1 a. 376. A.S. niwe Ni3t, sb. night, 1 a. 93, 94. N o, not ; no gif = do not give, do not take, 8 b. 195. 43 ° GLOSSARIAL INDEX . No, cottj. nor, 5. 5818 ; 6. 22. Noblesse, sb. F. nobility, worthy behaviour, 19. 185, 248. Noblete, sb. nobleness, richness, 18 a. 2. Nobleye, sb. F. splendor, grandeur, I a. 211, 403. Noblicbe, adv. nobly, 1 a. 226, 401. No-but, cottj. except, 17. Mar. ii. 26. Prov. E. nobbut. Nocht-for-thi, adv . nevertheless, 16. 220. Noght, pron. naught, 2. xiv. 9. A. S. naht , from ne , not, and dht, anything ; we find also A. S. nawht y from na y not, and wuht, a whit. Noght, adv. not, 2. xiv. 6 ; 7. 4 ; Noht, 3. 120 ; 4 6. 19. Noke, sb. a nook, corner, piece, bit ; a fer)>yng noke = a piece of a farthing, 5. 5812. Noke; atte noke = atten oke, i. e. at the oak, 15. v. 115. Nolde, pt. s. would not, 1 a. 89 ; 9. 4; 15. vii. 290. For ne wolde ; but, in fact, it is the pt. t. of Nil, q. v. Nolle]) ( for Ne wolleh), (we) desire not, 9. 87. See Nil, Nel. Nom, pt. s. took, had, I b. 14; 20. 181 ; pt. pi. Nome, I a. 3 ; went, I a. 145 ; pp. Nome, taken, gone, 5. 5817. See Nime. Nome, sb. name, 13. 297; 15. i. 71 ; pi. Nomes, 15. i. 21. A. S. nama. Nomon, pron. no man, nobody, I a. 78 ; Noman, 20. 22. Non, pron. none, 1 a. 69 ; not one, I b. 6; None, no, 6. 133; dat. sing.fem. None, 1 a. 30. Non, sb. the ninth hour, 4 c. 7. Nones; in phr. for the nones, i. e. for the nonce, for the occasion, 20. 184. ( For \>e nones = for J?en ones, where J?en is the def. art.y and ones = once.) Nonne, sb. nun, 1 a. 301, 424. A. S. nunne , Dan. nonne. Nonnerye, sb. nunnery, 1 a. 272. Noreganes, sb. pL Norwegians, i8*. 53. Norischi, v. to nourish, bring up, 1 b. 26. Normandie, Normandy, 1 a. 32, 107. Normans, sb. pi. 1 a. 95. Nor])homberlond, the district of Northumberland, 1 a. 325. Not ( for Ne wot), I know not, 19.242; 12. 320; knows not, 9. 28. A. S. n&t, I know not, or he knows not ; for ne wdt. Note, sb. attempt, employment, labour, 13. 381. A. S. notion, to employ, notu , use, employment. Notemuges, sb. pi. nutmegs, 14 c. 27. The ending muge = O. F. miiguet, musguet , Lat. muscata , from muscus, musk ; it signifies mush-scented. See below. Notes, sb. pi. nuts, 14 c. 27. A. S. h?iuty G. nuss. Nofieles, adv. none the less, never- theless, 5. 5663, 5891. No])er, pron. neither, 1 a. 174, 523; Nouther, 10.465. No]>er . . . ne, conjs. neither . . . nor, 7. 42. No-thing, adv. nowise, in no respect, 19. 575. Nou, adv. now, 1 a. 6 5; nov and eft = now and again, repeatedly, 20. 260. A. S. ndy now. Nouellerie, sb. novelty, 20. 129. Nour, adv. nowhere, 1 a. 328. Put for no wer = no wher ; see note. Nout, adv. not, 3. 96, 100. Nou5wher, adv. nowhere, 15. ii. 193 . Nowfie, adv. now, 12. 106 ; Nou he, 15. iii. 86. A. S. nu \>a , just now, now then. Noyeh, pr. s. hurts, 18 a. 109. F. nuire , Lat. nocere , to hurt. Hence F. ennuyer , and E. annoy. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX . TToynement; a noynement = an oynement, i. e. an ointment, 12. 136. Cf. Nei3. ]Vo3t, pron. naught; uor no3t = in vain, 1 a. 25; vor no3t = for naught, needlessly, 1 a. 1 71 ; al uor no3t = without receiving harm themselves, 1 a. 157; as uor no$t = as if needlessly, without much resistance, 1 a. 162. No$t is often used to strengthen the ordinary negative ne ; see 1 a. 27. IsTo3t, adv. not, 5. 5661. Nu, adv. now, 7. 57. A. S. nu. !Nul, pr. s. will not, 3. 66; 15. vii. 265; Nultou = wilt thou not, 3. 35. See Nel, Nil, Myle. Nuly ( = ]STul y), I will not, 4 b. 19. See above. Nummun, pp. taken, 7. 84. See Nime. USTuste, pt. s. knew not, 1 a. 357; I b. 6 . Equivalent to ne wuste or ne wiste , wist not. Nuy, sb. annoyance, 18 a. 123. See below. Nuye, v. to annoy, 10. 1234. See N oy e j). Nwy, sb. annoyance, wrath, 13. 301. See 3 STuy. 3 XTwyed, pp. annoyed, grieved, angered, 13. 306. See Nuye. Nye3, adv. nigh, 9. 40. Nyf, /or ne yf, except, 13. 424. Nygun, sb. niggard, miser, 5. 5578. Sw. njugg, niggardly, njugga, to scrape ; cf. Dan. gnidsk , niggardly, from gnide , to rub ; also E. nig- gard, niggle. Tsryht, sb. night, 4 c. 24. See Ni3t. EJyhtegales, sb. pi. nightingales, 4 d. 5. Lit. singers by night ; from A. S. galan, to sing. Nyle, imp. s. be thou unwilling, do not, 17. Mar. v. 36. Vulg. noli. A. S. nyllan , to be unwilling ; whence willy-nilly , for will he or nill he. Nymeb, imp. pi. take ye, 9. 83 ; 43 1 pr. s. Nymmes, takes, 13. 480; pr. s. Nymj?, receives, takes in, 9. 194. See Nime. TTys = is not, 19. 319. See Nis. Nyse, adj. silly, 186. 8. O. F. niais , foolish. Nyste, pt. s. knew not ( put for Ne wyste), 19. 384. See BTuste. Nywe, adj. new, 1 a. 173. See Niwe. Wy5t, sb. night, 5. 5745 ; Ny3te, 1 b. 86. O. O, adj. one, 1 a. 324; 4 b. 40; one and the same, 20. 24 ; J>at o = the one, 20. 34. Contr. from O.E. on, one; A. S. an. O, prep, of, 7. 26; of, off; o lijf, o liue = off life, out of life ; do o lijf, or bring o liue = to kill, 7. 198 ; see also 1. 191. O, prep, on, in, 14c. 125. Shortened from on, not from of. Obak, adv. back, 2. xvii. 103. A. S. on-bcec, behind, E. aback. Obeyshen, pr.pl. obey, 17. Mar. iv. 41. Obout, adv. about, 10. 1275, 1280. Obout-ga, v. to go about, revolve, 10. 1277. Occean, sb. ocean, 7. 23. Occident, sb. West, 19. 297. Odde ; an odde = an odd one, a single one, 13. 505. Of, prep, from, out of, 5. 5675 ; by, 6. 77 ; out of, 9. 51. A. S. of. Of-dret, pp. terrified, afraid, 9. 93. A. S. of-drcedan, to dread. O-ferrum, adv. afar, 1 1 c. 70, 89 ; On-ferrum, afar, 7. 368. Offerands, sb.pl. F. offerings, 7. 28. Ofiferd, pt. pi. offered, presented, 7. 2, 41 ; pres. part. Offrand, offering, 7. 59. Of-saw, pt. s. perceived, 12. 49; Of-seye, 12. 224; Of-seie, 12. 273. A. S. of-seon, to see, find. 4 32 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Ofscapie, v. to escape, i a. 495. Apparently a hybrid form ; cf. A. S. of, away, and F. echapper , to escape ; but the F. verb is of Teutonic origin; cf. E. skip. Of-sende, v. to send for, 1 a. 32 ; pt. s. Ofsente, sent for, sent after, 15. iii. 96. Cf. A. S. of-acsian , to ask for, ask after, seek out. Oftsiss, adv. ofttimes, often, 16. 17. O. E. sithe , a time; A. S. sti$, a path, a time ; Mceso-Goth. sinth , a journey, a time. Ogaines, prep, against, 2. xiv. 8. A. S. ongean, against. Ogainsagh.es, sb.pl. contradictions, 2. xvii. 109. Ogaintorne, v. to turn again, re- turn, 2. xvii. 98. Ogaynes, prep, against, 11 a. 94; Oganis, 11 b. 39. See Ogaines. Oghne, adj. own, 20. 21. A. S. agen, own, from dgart, to possess, to own. Oht, pron. aught, 3. 221. A.S. aht. Ok, sb. oak, 12. 295. A.S. ac. Okerer, sb. usurer, 8 b. 201 ; Okerere, 5. 5576; pi. Okerers, 5. 5580. See Okir. Okering, sb. usury, 8 b. 123; Okeryng, 5. 5944. See below. Okir, sb. usury, 2. xiv. 13. Icel. okr, Sw. ocker , Du. woeker , G. wucher , usury, increase ; cf. A. S. eacan, Lat. augere , to eke, in- crease ; also E. huckster, auction . Olepi, adv. simply, only, 6. 83. See Onlepi. Olt, adj. old, 3. 45. On, prep, in, 1 6. 13 ; 3. 42 ; on dayes = by daytime, daily, 12. 244 ; cf. on nyhtes, 20. 306 ; J?at he is on = that is upon thee, 3. 88; on slepe = asleep, 16. 192. A. S. on, in. On, adj. one, 1 a. 65 ; 6. 134; h at on = the one, I a. 300 ; On time, once, 6. 90. A.S. an, G. ein, Lat. unus. Onan, adv. anon, 7. 249. A. S. on an, in one. Onde, sb. breath, 20. 149. Icel. andi. Sc. aytid, Gk. ave/xos ; cf. Lat. ventus , E. wind. Onde, sb. jealousy, envy, 1 b. 69 ; 46. 18. A. S. anda, malice, envy, andian, to envy. Onderstand, imp. 2 p. s. under- stand, 6. 66 ; pp. Onderstonde, understood, 9. 18. Onderuonge, v. to receive, enter- tain, 9. 23 ; pt. pi. Onderuynge, they received, 9. 136; imp. pi. OnderuongeJ), receive ye, 9. 92. A. S. underfon , to take. One, adv. S. alone, 1 a. 24 ; adj. alone, 12. 21 1. See On. Ones, adv. once, 12. 195. Onesprute, sb. inspiration, 2. xvii. 44. The lit. meaning is spirting upon ; it is clearly intended as an equivalent to the word inspira- tion in the Vulgate. Onfanged, pt. s. received, 2. xvii. 92. A. S. onfon, to receive, from fon , to take. The Vulgate has suscepit. See Onderuonge. Onlepi, adj. only, 9. 237. A.S. ceh- lipig, anlipig, singular, sole, every. Onlofte, adv. aloft, 13. 947. A.S. on lyfte , in the air. Onlosti, adj. idle (lit. unlusty), 9. 19. A. S. unlust , weariness, lack of pleasure, from lust , pleasure, desire. Onlych, adv. only, 5. 5764. Onneahe, adv. scarcely, 9. 194. A. S. uneafi, difficult, from un, not, eaft, easy. On-rounde, adv. around, round and round, 13. 423. On-sidis-hond, adv. aside, 17. Mar. iv. 34. Vulg. seorsum. Wyclif also uses on-si dis-hondis, asydis-hond, and aside-half. Onspekinde, pres. part, unspeak- able, ineffable (lit. unspeaking), 9. 108. On-holyinde, adj . insufferable, in- GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 433 tolerable, 9. 56. (Lit. unsuffering). A. S. } oolian, to suffer. On-to-delinde, pres. part. (lit. un- dividing), indivisible, 9. 108. A.S. to-dcelan, to divide in two. Ony, adj. any, 14 a. 33. Onzyginde, pres. part. (lit. unsee- ing), invisible, 9. 185. Oo, adv. ever, always, continually, 4 d. 7. A.S. aa , d, ever, aye. Oon, adj. one, 19. 271; that oon = that one, i. e. the one, 19. 551. Oor, sb. ore, 18 a. 43. Dan. aare , G. ader , a vein ; the ore is the vein of metal. Op, adv. up, 18 b. 1. Du. o/>, up ; G. auf. Ope, prep, upon, 6. 91. See above. Open, adj. uncovered, 20. 137. Openlic, adj. open, manifest, 8 a. 180. Oplondysch, adj. uplandish, countryfied, from the country, 18 a. 172; Vplondysch, 200. Oppenes, imp. pi. open, 2. xxiii. 15, 21 ; pres. part. Oppenand, opening, 2. ciii. 66. A. S. open , adj . open, openian , to open. Or, adv. even, only, 17. Mar. v. 28. Or, prep, before, ere, 15. v. 20. A. S. dr, cer , before. Or, pron. your, 4 c. 39 ; 15. iii. 63; Ore, 3. 300. A. S. eower , of you. Ordayny, ^r. s. set in order, 9. 10 ; />/. pi. Ordeinede, ordered, arranged, 1 a. 72 ; Ordeind, ap- pointed, 7. 31; Ordaynt, 13. 237. Lat. ordifiare, from ordo. Ordeynour, sb. ordainer, arranger, 1 b. 45. Ordinance, sb. provision, array, 19. 250. Ore, adv. before, formerly, 5. 5859. See Or, prep. Ore, sb. mercy, 1 a. 499. A. S. dr, grace, favour, honour ; Du. eer , G. ehre , honour. Oreisouns, sb. pi. F. prayers, I b. 61 ; Orisouns, 19. 596. VOL. II. Orf, sb. cattle, I a. 441, 442. A.S. yrfe, cerfe, inheritance, goods, cattle, G. erbe , inheritance. Or-litel, adj. too little, 10. 1459. Lit. ozw-little. Orped, adj. valiant, 18 b. 70. ‘Orpud, audax.’ Prompt. Parv. Or-quar, adv. otherwhere, else- where, 7. 417. But perhaps read o-ivhar = anywhere. Oseneye, prop, name , 1 a. 278. Ost, sb. host, army, 1 a. 98, 137 ; 18 a. 105. Ostage, sb. hostage, la. 230, 231. O ]?, sb. S. oath, I a. 1 5, 2 2, 41 ; 186. 3. A. S. d$. 0>er, conj. or, 1 a. 84, 290; 6. 101 ; either, 18 b. 77. A.S. ofifie, or. Ofer, adj. second, 15. v. 118; bat o]?er = the second time, 6. 105. A. S. o'Ser, other, second. Ober-whyle, adv. occasionally, 3. 33; Oj^erhuyl, sometimes, 9. 223; OJ>erwhile, 15. vi. 40; vii. 242. Obre, other things ; in phr. and obr o — et cetera , 9. 212, 213. Oueral, adv. everywhere, in all quarters, 1 a. 372 ; 1 b. 6 ; 3. 143. Ouercomeb, pr. pi. subj. they may overcome, 9. 50; pt. s. Ouercom, la. 104 ; pp. Ouercome, I a. 10 1. A.S. ofercuman , to over- come. Ouerestes, sb. pi. uppermost parts, 2. ciii. 6. From oferest , a super, form from A. S. ofer , over. Ouerfare, v. to pass over, 2. xvii. 78 ; 2. ciii. 60. A. S. oferfceran , to pass over. Ouerga, v. to pass over, 2. ciii. 19; 7>r. s. Ouergeb, goes over, exceeds, 9. 1 1 2 ; pp. Ouergon, past, 3. 198. A.S. ofergan , to go over. Ouerlop, overleaping, omission, 8 a. 242. A. S. oferhJyp i a leap- ing over. Ouerlyppes, sb. pi. upper lips, 18 b . 67. Cf. Chaucer, Prol. 133. F f 434 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Ouermastes, sb. pi. summits, tops, 2. ciii. 27. Lit. overmost , or uppermost places. Ouer-mykel, adv. overmuch, 10. H 3 I- Ouer-spradde, pt. s . overspread, 1 a. 480. Ouer-tan, pp. overtaken, 7. 172. Ouer-bwert, adv. across, 13. 316. A. S. \nveorh , G. zwerch , oblique, slanting; Icel. \vert, across, whence E. athwart , thwart. Ouertlye, sb. openly, 8 b. 70. F. ouvert, open. Ouer-waltez, pr. s. overflows, 13. 370. Cf. A. S. wealtian , to roll. Ouet, sb. fruit, 9. 137, 234. A. S. ofcet, ofet , fruit. Perhaps we should read ine ouet — into fruit, in 1. 137. Ought, adv. at all, 2. xvii. 105. Oule, sb. owl, 20. 305. Our, prep, over, 2. cii. 38. Our, sb. hour, time, 17. Mar. vi. 35. Lat. hora. Oure, pron. poss. your, 15. i. £3 ; 15. iii. 64. See Or, pron. Ous, pron. us, 6. 3, 11, 79. A.S. us, G. uns. Out, interj. away ! T b. 89. Sw. hut (interj.), be off ! get away ! Hence E. hoot , to bid to go away. Outbere, v. to bear out, take away, 2. ciii. 71. Out-blaste, pt. s. puffed out, I b . 81. A. S. blcestan , to puff, blcest , a blowing. Oute-breyde, pt. s. awoke, 5. 5739. See Braydes. Outelede, subj. pr. s. 2 p. mayst bring forth, 2. ciii. 31. (Lit. lead out.) Outen, adj. foreign, strange ; used as a sb. in gen. pi. 2. xvii. 1 1 3, 1 14. A. S. ut , ute , out, abroad, utan M beyond. Outlier, conj. either, 10. 494. Outsendes, pr. s. 2 p. sendest out, 2. ciii. 21 ; imp. s. Outsend, 2. ciii. 73. A. S. vit-sendan, to send out. Outtake, v. to take out, deliver, 2. xvii. 109, 124; pt. s. Outtoke, delivered, 2. xvii. 47 ; pp. Out- taken, excepted, 19. 277; except, 13. 35 7 ; Outtane, delivered, 2. xvii. 77. Ouur, prep, over ; ouur al = over all, i. e. everywhere, 15. ii. 1 94. Cf. G. uberall. Ow, pron.pl. you, 12. 106; 15. i. 2 ; Ou, 15. i. 52. A. S. eow, acc. from ge , ye. Owai, adv. away; owai do j)am = do away with them, destroy them ; 2. xvii. 108. Owen, adj. own, 3. 106, 158; Owe, 1 a. 215; pi. Oune, 3. 109 ; def. Oune, 3. 197. A.S. agen, own. Oxspring, sb. offspring, generation, 7 - 43 - Oyele, sb. oil, 2. ciii. 33 ; Oylle, 6. 144, A.S. cel , Lat. oleum. 03ene, adj. own, 9. 186; 03en, (his) own, 9. 2 7. Cf. Lat. pro- verb suum cuique. A. S. agen, own. P. Pace, v. F. to pass, go ; to pace of = to pass from, 19. 205. Paid, pp. satisfied, 8 b. 143. See Pay. Paie, sb. F. pleasure, satisfaction, 12. 193. See Pay. Pak-neelde, sb. pack-needle, 15. v. 126. Du. naald, a needle. O. E. neeld = needle occurs in Shakespeare, M. N. D. iii. 2. 204 ; cf. Lat. neo. Palesye, sb. palsy, 15. v. 61 ; Pale- sie, 17. Mar. ii. 3 ; Palasie, 4. Palfrey, sb. horse, nag, 15. ii. 164. Palmers, sb.pl. palmers, 1 $ pr. 46. Parauntre, adv. peradventure, per- haps, I a. 50, 387, 492 ; Parauen- ture, peradventure, perhaps, 19. 190. GLOSSARIAL INDEX . 435 Parfit, adj. F. perfect, io. 1289. Parisschens, sb. pi. parishioners, 15 P r * 79* F- paroissien , from Low Lat. parochia, Gk. 7 rapoticia, from 7 rapoiKos, living near. Parlement, sb. F. parliament, I a. 109, 1 1 2. Parten, 2 p. pi. pr. distribute, 15. i. 156; imp. s. Part, give away, 4 bestow, 15. iii. 58 ; pi. Parte]?, share, 5. 5940. Parteners, sb. pi. partners, 18 a. 205. Party, sb. F. side, 5. 5643, 5651 ; a party = partially, in some mea- sure, 5. 5722; 10. 2334; pi. Parties, parts, 14 a. 36 ; 20. 168. Pas, sb. passage, 8 a. 248 ; part of a narration, 5. 5696 ; passus, canto, 12. 1 6l ; Pass, a pace, 1 6. 203* ; used as pi. Pas, paces, movements, 19. 306. F. pas. Pases, sb. pi. passes, narrow paths, 10. 1239. Passchet, pp. dashed, 15. v. 1 6. O. E. pash , to dash; Dan. baske , to slap. Passe, v. to pass, go away, return, 12. 270; to surmount, 8 a. ill; pr. s. Passe)?, surpasses, 1 8 a. I ; goes beyond, 15. i. 102 ; pr. pi. live, 15. i. 7; Passe]? ouer = sur- passes, 20. 284; pres. part. Pas- synge, surpassing, 14 a. 3. F. passer. Pauilyoune, sb. pavilion, tent, 11 b. 63 ; pi. Pauylons, 18 b. 62. Pay, sb. satisfaction, 5. 5801 ; 11 a. 10; Paye, 15. vi. 39. O. F . paie, F.pay , from Lat. pacare, to pacify, from pax , peace. Paye, v. to satisfy, 15. vii. 297; pp. Payd, pleased, 5. 5657; 18 a. 61 ; Payde, supplied, 1 a. 368. See above. Payenes, sb. F. (gen. case) pagan’s, 12. 365; J pl- Fayens, 19. 534. See below. Payne, sb. pain, penalty, 13. 244. Payneme, sb. pagan, 14 c. 42. Norman F. paynem , F. paien , Lat. paganus , from pagus , a village. Peces, sb. pi. cups, small drinking- cups, 15. iii. 23. Formerly, a drinking-cup was called a pece , lit. a piece. 4 Pece , to drinke in, tasse;* Prompt. Parv. (note). Pees, sb. F. peace, 4 c. 39. Peine, sb. penalty, 1 a. 419. Lat. poena. Peired, pp. injured, 15. v. j6. O. E. appaire , paire , to injure, from F. pire , worse, Lat. peior. Pelet, sb. ball, 15. v. 61. Pellets were stone balls used as missiles, and of course of a pale white colour. They were also called gunstones. Pell, sb. fur, dressed skin, 7. 144. Lat. pellis, E. fell , skin. Pellure, sb. F. costly fur, 12. 53. See above. Penaunce, sb. penance, 5. 5829, 5867. Pencell, sb. pennon, streamer, 1 1 c. 46. Also called pennoncel; Lat. penicillus , a little tail ; whence E. pencil , orig. a painting-brush. Penez, sb.pl. pens, cribs, 13. 322. A. S.pyndan, to enclose, impound; whence E. pen, pound , pindar. Peni-ale, sb. common ale, sold at a penny a gallon, 15. v. 134. Pennes, sb. pi. quills of a feather, 14 133 - Peny, sb. penny, 4 c. 27, 56; pi. Pens, pence, 5. 5579. Peosen, sb.pl. peas, 15. vii. 285. A. S. pise ; O. E. pese (sing, sb.), pi. pesen. The modern pea is a false form. Percel-mel, adv. by retail, in parcels at a time, 15. iii. 72. Cf. Poundmele. Percen, v. F. to pierce, 14 c. 98. Percyl, sb. parsley, 15. vii. 273. F. persil , Gk. 7 Terpooehivov. F f 2 4 3 6 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Pereye, sb. peny, 6. 16. From Lat. pyrus , a pear. See Piries. Pernel, s6. Pernel (proper name, shortened from Petronilla),l5.v. 45. Perrey, sb. F. jewellery, 12. 53; Perreie, 20. 35. F. pierrerie , from pierre, a stone, jewel, Lat. petra, a stone. Pers, Peter, 5. 5576, 5590. Persauit, pt. s. perceived, 16. 44. Perte, ad j. apert, manifest, obvious, 15. i. 98. Pertelyche, adv. evidently, 12. 53; Pertiliche, 12. 291 ; Pertly, truly, 12. 180; Pertely, complete ly, 12. 156. Shortened from apertliche , from F. apert, Lat. apertus , open. Peryl, sb. F. peril, 6. 99. Pes, sb. peace, 1 a. 370, 374. Pesecoddes, sb. pi. pea-pods, 15. vii. 279. A. S. coddy a bag. See Peosen. Pesiblenesse, sb. calm, 17. Mar. iv. 39. Peter! inter j. by saint Peter! 15. vi. 28. So also in Chaucer. Pettes, sb.pl. See Puttes. Peyneble, adj. painful, careful, 5. 5802. F. penibUy painful, from peine. Peynen, v.refl. to take pains, 14 a. 60 ; pr. s. Peyneth hir, endea- vours, strives, 19. 320. Peys, sb. F. weight, 5. 5670. F. poids, Lat. pensum. Peysede, pt.s. weighed, 15. v. 131. See above. Phelip, Philip, 1 a. 463. Pilewe, sb. pillow, 17. Mar. iv. 38. Pined, pp. tormented, 8 b. 255. See below. Pines, sb. pi. torments, 8 a. 166. A. S. pin , pine, pain. Pinnede, ip.s.pt. fastened tightly, kept (them) squeezed down, 15. v. 127. A. S. pyndany to confine, whence E. pen y pinfold , pindar. See Penez. Piries, sb. pi. pear-trees, 15. v. 16. Lat. pyrus , A. S. pirige , a pear- tree. Piriwhit, sb. some common kind of perry, 15. v. 134. Pitaile, sb. footsoldiers, infantry, lie. 56. O. F. pietaille , pedaille; from Lat. pes. Plages, sb. pi. regions, 19. 543. Lat. plaga. Plate, sb. plate-armour, lie. 46. Platte, pt. s. threw (herself) flat, 15. v. 45. F. plat, Sw .plan, flat. Playne, v. to complain, 1 5. iii. 161 ; pr. pi. Playneb, 15 pr. 80. Playnt, sb. plant, growing shrub, 15. i* J 37 * Badly spelt ; other MSS. have plante, plonte , plaunte „ Pleiden hem, pt.pl. amused them- selves, played, 15 pr. 20. A. S. plegan, to play, plega , play. Pleignen, pr. pi F. complain, 20. 19 ; pres. part. Pleynand, 10. 799. Plenerly, adv. fully, 5. 5811. Lat. plenus, full. Plentuos, adj. plenteous, fertile, abounding in, 18 a. 6, 23. Plesance, sb. F. pleasure, 19. 149; delight, 19. 276. Pletede, 1 p. s. pt. plaited, folded up, 15. v. 126. Pleynand. See Pleignen. Pliht, sb. danger, 8 b. 80. A. S. plihty a pledge, danger ; E. plight. Plihten, pr. pi. pledge, plight, agree, 15 pr. 46 ; pp. Pliht, pledged, 15. v. 116. A. S. plihty a pledge. Plihtful, adj. dangerous, 8 a. 171. Plit, sb. plight, state, 20. 295. Ploh, sb. plough, 3. 1 14. Plou-lond, sb. pi. ploughlands (a measure of land), 1 a. 353. A.S. land (a neuter sb.), has land also in the plural. Pluschaud, adj. very hot, 15. vii. 299. F. plus chaud. Ply lit, pp. plighted, 4 b. 28. See Pliliten. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 437 Poc, sb. poke, bag, pouch, 8 6. 156. A. S. pocca, a bag. Poer, sb. F. power, I a. 26 ; forces, 1 a. 309, 323 ; Poeir, la. 316. Point, sb. in phr. in point = at the point, about to (do), 19. 331. Poletes, sb.pl. pullets, 15. vii. 267. F. poulet , from Lat. pullus. Pons, sb. pi. pence, 1 5 pr. 86. See Peny. Porchas, s6. F, gain, winnings, 1 a. 34, 505. What a man wins for himself; hence, personal property ; lit. purchase. Pore, adj. poor, 5. 5582, 5595. Porettes, sb. pi. young onions, or leeks, 15. vii. 273. O. F. poret , F. porreau. Pors, sb. purse, 15. v. no. F. bourse , purse, Gk. fivpaa, skin. Portingale, sb. Portugal, 12. 116. Porueid, pp. provided, 1 a. 150 ; pres, part . Porueynde, provident of, 9. 75. See Pourveid. Pose, s6. cold in the head, 1 6. 92. Used by Chaucer, C. T. 4150. F. pousse , shoot, also, asthma ; from F. pousser , Lat. pulsare. Potte, pt. s. put, 18 6. 125 ; pt.pl. Pot, 18 6. 31. Pouce, sb. pulse, 10. 822. See Pose. Pouere, adj. poor, 1 a. 382; Pouer, 8 6. 160 ; comp. Pouerore, 1 a. 294. F . pauvre, Lat. pauper. Pouert, sb. poverty, 5. 5756; 10. 1222. Poules, St. Paul’s, 1 a. 448. Pound, sb. 18 a. 94. Pond and pound (for cattle) are both from A. S. pyndan , to shut in, pen in. See Pinnede. Poundmele, adv. by pounds at a time, 15. ii. 198. A. S .-malum, by pieces, dat. pi. of mcel , a por- tion. Poure, adj. F. poor, 1 6. 63. See Pouere. Pourveid, pp. provided; pourveid of = provided with, 20. 195. F. pourvoir , Lat. providere. Pownd, sb. pi. pound, pounds, 5. 5760. A.S.ywmf (neut. sb.) pi .pund. Poyle, sb. Apulia, 12. 156. Poynt, sb. small portion ; a poynt, a single bit, one mite, 10. 2311 ; at the poynt = conveniently placed, 14c. 128. Prayes, sb. pi. spoils, 186, 50. Prechet ( for Preche it), preach it, proclaim it, 15. i. 137. Other MSS. preche it. Prees, sb. press, throng, 19. 677. Preieth, imp.pl. F. pray ye, 12. 164; pr. s. Preith, 20. 122. Prentis, sb. apprentice, 15. ii. 190. Preostes, sb. pi. priests, I 6. 56. Preouen, v. F. to prove, test, 15 pr. 38 \ pt. s. Preuede, proved, 15. v. 13. Lat. probar e. Pressour, sb. a press, 15. v. 127. Prest, sb. priest, 6. 120 ; dat. Preste, 6. 77 ; pi. Prestes, 6. 86 ; Preostes, 1 6. 56. Prest, adj. ready, 11 c. 25 ; Preste, I a. 59. O, F. prest , F. pret , ready ; Lat. prcesto , quick. Preste, adj. (contr. from pret-ste ), proudest, highest, 9. 139. Ken- tish pret - O.E .prut. See Prout. Prestely, adv. F. quickly, 12. 291. See Prest, adj. Presteste, adj. readiest, 15. vi. 41. See Prest, adj. Preuede. See Preouen. Preyd, pt. s. prayed, begged, in- vited, 5. 5878. Preyere, sb. a prayer, 5. 5719. Price, sb. high esteem, 16. 90; Pris, prize, 4 6. 35 ; Prise, victory, II 6. 26. O.F. pris, F. prix , Lat. pretium. Prikede, pt. s. spurred, 15. ii. 164. Pris, adj. F. precious, valuable, excellent, 12. 161. See Price. Prisons, sb.pl. prisoners, I a. 513; 15. iii. 132. O. F. prison , a prisoner. 43 8 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Priss, v. to prize ; to priss = to be prized, 16. 99. See Pris. Priuei, adj. privy, private, I 6. 60. Priueliche, adv. secretly, 1 a. 24. Priuitee, sb. secrecy, 19. 548. Promyssioun, sb. promise, 14 a. 2. Proper, adj. valiant, 11 c. 25. Propertes, sb.pl. peculiarities, 10. 801. Prophitide, pt. pi. profited, 17. Mar. v. 26. Proued, pt. pi. attempted, iu. 42. Prouendreres, sb. pi. one who holds a prebend, 15. iii. 145. Lat. prcebenda (from prcebere, to afford), a ration, an allowance; whence F. provende , provendre , and E. provender. Prouisours, sb. pi. provisors, 15. iii. 142. See the note. Prout, Adj. proud, I a. 144, 406. A. S. prtit, proud. Prowesse, sb. F. prowess, valour, 1 a. 104, 1 1 7, 128. F. preux , valiant, Lat. probus . Prude, sb. pride, splendour, 4 b. 35 ; Pruide, 15 pr. 23. A. S. pryd. Pruf, imp. pi. 1 p. let us see, let us test, 16. 22. See Preouen. Prustes, sb. pi. priests, 18 b. 65. See Prest, sb. Prute, sb. pride, 1 a. 185, 402. See Prude. Pryue, adj. intimate, 5. 5919. See Priuei. Pryuyte, sb. secret matter, 5. 5751 ; privacy, 5. 5850. See Priuitee. Pulte, v. to thrust, I a. 390 ; pt. s. Pult, put, 12. 381. W . pwtio, to push. In O. E. we often find pult written for put. Pupel, sb. people, 18 b. 38. Pupplische, v. to publish, make public, 14 a. 33. Pur ch.aryte,^F. for charity, 5. 5611. Pur, adj. F. pure ; hence, thorough, complete, la. 174, 181. Pur, adv. completely, 1 a. 390. Pure, adj. poor, 10. 509. See Pouere. Purpos, sb. design, i. e. plot of a story, 19. 170. Puruay, v. to provide for them- selves, 11 b. 33. See Pourueid. Purueance, sb. provision, plan, 7. 179; also , provision, supply; water purueance = supply or provision of water, 7. 301; Purueiance, equip- ment, 19. 247; providence, 19. 483. See Pourveid. Puttes, sb. pi. pits, 20. 217; Pettes, 20.221. A. S . pytt. Puttide, pt. s. put, i. e. led, 17. Mar. i. 12. Pyk, sb. pike, spiked staff, 15. vi. 26. A. S. pic, a point, peak. Pyn, sb. pain, 10. 1456 ; pi. Pynes, torments, 8 6. 198 ; Pynen, pains, punishments, 9. 62. See below. Pyneb, pr- pi- torment, 9.69; pr. s. Pyns, torments, 10. 1928; pt. s. Pynede, 15. i. 145. A. S. pin , pain, pinan , to torment. Pynnyng-stoles ( rather Pynyng- stoles), sb. pi. stools of punish- ment, 15. iii. 69. O. E. pine , to punish. See above. Pyns. See PyneK Q, Quain, 7. 203; either (1) adj. as sb. number, multitude, quantity; cf. A. S. hwcene, a little, hwene , somewhat : Sc. wheen , quheyne , quhone , a few, but also used for a considerable number, a quantity ; whence Sc. wane , O. E. wone , a multitude, a ‘lot’: or (2) whining, mourning, lamentation. See the note. Quaintelye, adv. quaintly, i. e. cunningly, knowingly, 8 6. 248. O. F. cointe , from Lat. cognitus. Quakand, pres, part . quaking, 7. 62. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 439 Quale, sb. a whale, 8 b. 46 ; pi. Qualle, whales, 8 a. 117. A. S. hwcel, a whale; cf. walrus , i. e. whale-horse, from Du. «/aZ or walvisch, a whale, and ros, a horse. Qualm, s6. plague, wide-spread and fatal disease, I a . 441. A.S. cwealtn , death, from cwellan , to kill, aZ, pain, qvalm , sultriness, from qvalja , to torment, to render qualmish. Quarelle, s6. a crossbow-bolt, 14 c. 135. F. carreau , a square, carre, square, from Lat. quadrum , qua - /wor. Named from its square head. Quareres, s6./>Z. quarries, 18 a. 44. Quat-als-euer, whatsoever, 8 6. 141. Quatkin, of what kind, 8 6. 19. Qua]}, said, 186. 17. See Quod. Quauende, pres. part, overwhelm- ing, causing things to quake, 13. 324. We also find quaue = to quake, as in Piers Plowman, B. xviii. 61. Quawes, sb. pi. waves, 8 b. 2 6. Quawe = wawe , a wave. Queade, sb. evil, 9. 231 ; Quede, iniquity, 2. xvii. 12 ; an evil man, 5. 5605. Du. kwaad, evil. Queinteliche, adv. curiously, 15 pr. 24. Quek, adj. quick, living, 8 a. 138. A. S. cwic , Lat. uiuus. Quelle, v. to kill, 13. 324; pr. s. Quelles, 12. 179. A.S. cwellaii , to kill. Queii, adv. when, 7. 35 ; 13. 435. Quer, conj. whether, 7. 53. Quer = wher , a contracted form of whether. Querel, sb. F. quarrel, 186. 75, 79. Lat. querela , a complaint, queri , to complain. Quet, s6. wheat, 8 6. 1 50 ; Quete, 157. A.S. hwcete, wheat. Queynte, pt. s. quenched, became extinguished, 16. 10. A. S. cwencan , to quench. Quha, pron. whosoever, 16. 18. A. S. hwa . Quhetliir, adv. whither, 16. 118. A. S. hwyder. Quhill, conj. until, 1 6. 106. Qui, adv. why, 8 a. 223 ; 8 b. 12. A. S. hwi. Quic, adv. quick, alive, living, 1 a. 284; Quik, 13. 324; pi. Quike, 9. 242; 6. 108. A.S. cwic, Lat. uiuus. Quicliche, adv. quickly, I a. 132, 148. Quite, v. to requite, quit, 12. 325 ; to satisfy, pay in full, 19. 354. F. quitter , to quit; from Lat. quies. Quite, adj. white, 8 b. 226. A.S. hwit. Quod, pt. s. said, 19. 330. A.S. cwefian, to say, pt. t. ic cwcelS. Quointise, sb. stratagem, 1 a. 141. O. F. cointise , from cointe , Lat. cognitus. Quoke, pt. s. quaked, 2. xvii. 19. A. S. ewe can, pt. t. ewehte ; a weak verb. R. Rac, sb. storm, driving vapour, 13. 433. Prov.E. rack, driving clouds. Rad, pt. s. rode, 8 b. 25 ; pt. pi. Rade, 7. 53. See Ride. Rad, pp. advised, 4 b. 8. (It seems here rather to mean promised, or appointed.) A. S. rcedan, to advise, appoint, reed, counsel. Radde, pt. s. advised, exhorted, 15. v. 103; pt.pl. 2 p. read, 17. Mar. 11. 25. Radde, adj. afraid, 8 6. 201 ; Rade, 7. 348; Rad, 8 6. 2 1 1. Sw. radii, afraid, radas, to fear. Rade, sb. road, 7. 55. A.S. rad. Rade, pt. s. rode, 11 c. 47 ; pt.pl. 7. 53. See Rad. Radely, adv. S. readily, quickly, 12. 41. 44 ° GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Rage, sb. F. madness, 8 b. 182. From Lat. acc. rabiem. Ragemon, sb. bull, 15 pr. 72. See the note. Raght, pp. reached, 7. 13; Raht, pt. s. svbj. should give, 4 c. 34. A. S. reccan y pt. t. ic r elite, reahte . Railed, pp. set in order, set in a row, II b. 83. E. rail; cf. a row of railings . See RayleK Raiss, pt. s. rose, 16. 414. Rap, sb. haste, 3. 256. Du. rap , Sw. rapp, brisk, Sw. rappa , to snatch ; Icel. hrapa, to hasten. Rapli, adv. quickly, 8 a. 240. See above. Ras, sb. race, rush, fast pace, 8 b. 185. A. S. rces ; cf. E. mill -race. Rase, v. to race, run quickly, 20. 264. A. S. rcesan, to rush, race. Rasse, sb. mound, top, 13. 446. Prov. E. raise, a mound, cairn. Rathe, adv. quickly, 8 a. 144; Ra])e, soon, early, 15. iii. 56. A. S. hrce'S, swift ; E. rather , lit. quicker. Raker, adj. comp, earlier, former, preceding, 18 b. 55. Rathly, adv. quickly, 11 c. 91. See Rathe. Rauhte, pt. s. raught, reached, got, 15 pr. 72. See .Raght. Raumpe, v. ramp, seize or scratch with the paws, 10. 2225. Sw. ram, a paw, rama, to paw; Ital. rampare, to claw, rampa, a claw. Raunson, sb. ransom, 1 a. 361 ; Raunsun, price, 5. 5765 ; Raun- soun, ransom, 14 a. 45. From Lat. acc. redemptionem. Raw, sb. row, rank ; riche on raw , grand in array, lib. 79. A.S. raw a, row. Rawke, sb. ruth, mercy, 13. 972. A. S. hreow, grief. Rayes, sb. pi. striped cloths, 15. v. 125. F. raie , a stripe, Lat. radius. Raykez, pr. s . roams, 13. 465; pres. part. Raykande, flowing, advancing, 13. 382. Icel. reka, to drive. N. Prov. E. rake, to go about, roam. Rayleh, pr. s. sets in order, arrays, 4 d. 13. Du. regelen , to rule, order, from regel, a rule. Raymen, pr. pi. roam about, make royal progresses, 15. i. 93. To make a progress was esteemed a royal duty ; the B-text has riden. Realy, adv. F. royally, 12. 352; Realyche, 18 b. 62. Reame, sb. kingdom, 15. iii. 148. F. royaume. See Rewme. Rearde, sb. voice, cry, 9. 67. A. S. reord. See Rurd. Reaue, v. to deprive, take away, rob, 6. 79. A. S. reajian , to spoil, redf, a garment, spoil. See Eeue. Reaume, sb. F. realm, 12. 135, See Rewme. Rebounde, pt. s. rebounded, went about, 13. 422. Recche, v. to reck, care, 3. 206 ; pr. s. 1 p. Recche, 5. 5763 ; pr. s. subj. me ne recche, I may not care, i. e. I care not, 3. 203. A.S. recan, to reck, rec, care. Recchelees, adj. careless, indiffer- ent (lit. reckless), 19. 229. Reche, sb. reek, smoke, 13. 1009. A.S. rec, smoke, vapour. Reches, pr. s. recks, cares, 13.465. See Recche. Rechek (other MSS. Richen), pr.pl. grow rich, 15. iii. 74. Recles, sb. incense, 7. 127. Redes = recels = A. S. recels, incense, from recan, to reek, smoke. Recomandeth, pr. s. commends, 19. 278. Reconsyled, pp. recovered. 14 a. 79 - Recouerer, sb. saviour, succour, refuge, 13. 394. Red, sb. counsel, 3.-7; advice, 9. 74. See Rede. Rede, adj. red, I a. 298, 384 ; GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 441 blood, 19. 356. A. S. read, Gk. kpvOpos. Rede, sb. S. counsel, advice, 1 a. 24; 11 a. 23; take hire to rede = considered as advisable for her- self, 12. 133; what ys to rede = what is advisable to be done, 5. 5655. A. S. reed , G. rath , Du. raad. Rede, v. to advise, I a. 48 ; to harangue, la. 99 ; pr. s. 1 p. I advise, 5. 5793; 8 b. 159; 15. i. 149; 2 p. Redes, advisest, 7. 359; imp. s. Red, counsel, 4 b. 24. A. S. rcedan , to read, to advise. See above. Redeli, adv. readily, 12. 352 ; Rediliche, easily, 15. v. 103. Reed, adj. red; reed of = red with, 19. 452. Reewere, sb. a ruer, one who nities, 1 7. Ps. cii. 8. A. S. hred- wan , to rue. Refut, sb. place of refuge, 19. 546. Regal, sb. kingly power, regality, 12. 282. Regnes, sb. pi. kingdoms, 19. 181. Lat. regnum. Regratorie, sb. selling by retail, 15. iii. 74. F. regrattier, a huck- ster. Regratour, sb. retail-dealer, 15. iii. 81 ; v. 140. See above. Reguerdoun, sb. guerdon, reward, recompence, 20. 96. Rehersen, v. to rehearse, enume- rate, 15. i. 22. Reins, Rheims ( but perhaps meant for Rouen), 1 a. 461, 466. Reke, sb.. smoke, 2. xvii. 23. See Reche. Rekne, v. to reckon, 19. 158; pt.pl. Rekened, reckoned, 5. 5585. A. S. recnan , to reckon.* Releyt, pt. s. rallied, 16. 51 ; pp. Releit, 16. 91. F. rallier , Lat. re-adligare , to unite again. Relyues, sb. pi. pieces left, leav- ings, fragments, 17. Mar. vi. 43. A. S. lifan , to leave, remain behind, with Lat. prefix re -. Rem, sb. realm, 18 a. 196. See Rewme. Rended, pp. rent, 8 b. 251. Reneye, v. to deny, abjure, 19. 376; forsake (eyil), 6. 18; pt.pl. 1 p. denied, abjured, 19. 340. Lat. re-negare. Rengned, pp. reigned, i. e. con- tinued, 13. 328 ; imp.pl. Rengnez, reign ye, i. e. continue, 13. 527; cf. 1. 328. But this is doubtful ; see the note. Renkkes, sb. pi. men, 13. 969. A. S. rinc, a solditr, warrior. Renne, v. to run, 12. 219. A. S. rennan . Rentes, sb. pi. rents, revenues, 1 a. 262, 292. Reparit, pp. (lit. repaired) returned, 16. 82. Repreved, pp. reproved, 14 b. 56. Reprevynges, sb. pi. reproofs, 14 a. 13. Rere, v. to rear, I a. 206, 267 ; pt. s. Reride, 17 a. i. 31 ; Rerde, I a. 271 ; Rered, lifted itself up, 13.423; pt.pl. Rerde, 1 a. 277 ; pp. Rerid, lifted, reared, 17. Ps. xxiii. 7; Rered, 9. A.S. varan, to rear, raise. Rese, sb. haste, 11 c. 47. E. race , A. S. rces , a rush. See Ras. Rese, v. to rush, 18 b. 119. See above. Resoun, sb. F. reason, 5. 5650; Resun, 7* 6. Reue, subj. pr. s. deprive, take away from, 4 a. 39 ; pr.pl. Reue, plunder, take prey, 2. ciii. 47 ; pt. pi. Reued, robbed, 11 a. 122 ; pr.pl. Reues, spoil, rob, 10. 1239. A. S. reafian, to spoil, Lat. rapere , Gk. apna^en/ ; E. bereave. Reuel, sb. rule, 8 a. 238 ; Reul, 240. Reuful, adj. pitiful, compassionate, 44 - GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 5- 5 6 95* 57°5 ; Rewful, 2. cii. 15. See Rewj)es. Reuliche, adv. S. ruefully, 12. 86. A. S. hreowlice , mournfully. Reume, sb. kingdom, 1 7. Ps. cii. 19. See Rewme. Rewed es of = pities, 2. cii. 25, 26 ; (an overclose rendering of the Vulgate miser etur) ; pr. s. Rewe}>, causes regret, 3. 256 ; imp. s. Rewe, pity, 4 b. 7 ; Rew, 4 b. 24. A. S. hreowan , to rue. Rewled, pt. s. ruled, conducted (himself), 13. 294. Rewme, sb. kingdom, realm, 17. Mar. iii. 24. O.E . reame, rewme, reaume, rem , from O.F. roiaulme , from a Low Lat. form regalimen , from Lat. rego , I rule. Rew}?es, s6. pi. pityings, compas- sions, 2. cii. 8. E. ruth , from A. S. hreow, pity. Reygned, pp. reigned, 13. 328. Ribaudye, sb. ribaldry, sin, 15 pr. 44 - Riche, s&. kingdom, 9. 228. A. S. ric, G. reich, Du. rijk, Lat. reg- num. Richeliehe, adv. richly, 1 a. 402. Richesses, sb. pi. costly articles, 15. iii. 24; Richessis, 17 a. iv. 19. E. riches (F. richesse ) is, etymologically, a singular noun ; the plural richesses is here em- ployed; for richesse , see 20. 109. Ride, v. S. to ride, 7. 13 ; pr.pl. Rides, 7. 55. A. S. ridan , pt. t. ic rad. See Rad. Ridlande, pres. part, dripping (as out of a sieve), 13. 953. A. S. hriddel , a sieve, a riddle. Rif, v. to rive, rip, tear, 8 b. 245. Icel. hrifa , to snatch. See Riped, Ryue. Rig, sb. back, II c. 81. A S. hrycg , E. ridge, Sc. rigg, Gk. fid X iS. Rightid, pt. s. corrected, 2. xvii. 93. Rightwisenes, sb. righteousness, 2. xiv. 4; 2. xvii. 56; Right- wisnes, 2. xvii. 66. A. S. rihtwis, righteous. Riht, adv. right, 3. 15 1; exactly, 15. ii. 172. Rike, sb. kingdom, 2. cii. 44. See Riche. Riped, pt. s. groped, 8 b. 223. Icel. hrifa , to snatch, E. rip, rive , grip, grope, connected with A. S. reajian, to seize, rob, and A. S. ripan , to reap, orig. to pluck. Riseand, pres. part, rising, 2. xvii. 102 ; Risand, 2. xvii. 123. Riuelic, adv. frequently (lit. rifely), 8 a. 190. Icel. rifr, abundant. Ri3t, sb. right, 1 a. 45 ; Rijte, 1 a. 84; pi. Rijtes, I a. 19. A. S. riht, Ri3t, adj. right, 1 a. 41, 90. Ri^t, adv. right, 1 b. 7, 71. Ri3ti, v. to set right, 6. 130. RiStful, adj. straight, direct, 17. Mar. i. 3. Vulg. rectas. Ri3tleche, v. to govern, rule over, 12. 282. A.S. rihtlcecan, to govern. Ri3tnesse, sb. rightness, justice (a cardinal virtue), 9. 26. R^ttes ; in phr. to j ?e n'3ttes = exactly, suitably, 12. 53. Cf. the phr. to set to rights. Ri3ttes, adv. directly, immediately, straightway, 12. 235. See above. Ro, sb. peace, quiet, 3. 302. A.S. row, Sw. ro, quiet, Dan. ro, G. ruhe , rest ; cf. E. un-ru-ly. Ro, sb. S. roe, 4 b. 17 ; Roo, 4 c, 50. A. S. rd. Robby, v. to rob, 1 a. 69. Roberd ]>e Courtehese, Robert Curt-hose, 1 a. 298, 507, 524. Rod, pt. s . rode, 1 a. 387. See Rad. Rode, sb. complexion, 4 b. 32, 4 d. 13. A.S. rud, red, rudu , redness. Rode, sb. rood, cross, 1 a. 206; 15. v. 145. A.S. rod; cf. Lat. rudis. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 443 Rode-tre, sb. cross, 3. 9. Body, adj. ruddy, 18 a . 13. See Bode. Rogg, v. to tear in pieces, 10. 1230. Sc. rug , to tear, Sw. ruggct, to raise the nap upon cloth, make rough , Sw. rugg, rough ; cf. E. rugged . Roialler, adj. more royal, 19. 402. Bomeseye, Romsey, 1 a. 424. Bomiand, pres. part, roaring, 2. ciii. 47. A. S. hream, a cry, hreman , to cry out. Bon, pt. s. ran, 15. v. 43. See Benne. Bonk, adj. rank, bad, 13. 455. A. S. ranc. Rooch, sb. a rock; pi. Rooches, 18 a. 95. F. roche. Booles, adj. restless, 4 c. 50. See Bo. Boote, sb. root, an astrological term for the epoch of a nativity, 19. 314. Bote, sb. root, 3. 303; 10. 664; Rot, 10. 676. Sw. rot; cf. Lat. radix. Rober, sb. rudder, 13. 419. A. S. roller, a rudder. Roberon, sb. pi. rothers, heifers, 18 a. 3. A. S. hryHer, pi. hry^ru, a heifer. Robun, sb. rush, 13. 1009. W. rhuthr , a rush, assault. Botyng, sb. rotting, 18 a. 147. A. S. rotung , a rotting, from rotian , to rot. RoucM, I p. s. pt. subj. would not reck, would not care, 16. 24. See Recche. Bourne, adj. spacious, 2. ciii. 57; 3. 163. A. S. rum, sb. room, adj. spacious ; cf. E. roam, to wander abroad. Roun, sb. S. song, lay, 4 a. 44; Roune, 4 d. 2 ; pi. Rounes, mur- murs, 4 d. 29. A.S. run, a mystery, rune, song, whisper. Rouncles, pr. s. wrinkles, becomes wrinkled, 10. 773. A.S. wrin • clian, Sw. rynka, G. runzeln, to wrinkle. Cf. E. ring , crinkle, crank, shrink , from a root signify- ing crooked, bent. Rounes. See Roun. Route, sb. troop, throng, company, 1 <*. 72, 334; Rout, 1 6. 31. F. route, G. rotte, a rout, throng. Route, v. to assemble in a com- pany, 19. 540. Roube, sb. pity, 4 b. 8 ; Routhe, 19. 529. See Rewbes. Routit, pt. s. snored, 16. 192. A. S. hrutan, to snore, hndS, noise, commotion; Icel. ryta , to grunt. Rowt, sb. stroke, blow, 16. 470. Cf. G. ruthe , E. rod. Rowtande, pres. part, rushing ; or else tumultuous, noisy, 13. 354. Cf. G. rauschen, to rush, Prov. rota , a tumult. See Routit. Rowtes, sb. pi. routs, companies, 13. 969. See Route. Rose, rough, 13. 382. A.S. roh. Ro^ly, adv. roughly ; but probably an error for rwly, rueful or rue- fuHy.. 13 - 433 - Rude, adj. new ( used 0/ cloth), 17. Mar. ii. 21. Rueled, pt. s. rolled, 13. 953. Dan. rulle, to roll. Rugge, sb. back, 1 a. 177. A.S. hrycg, the back, E. rigg, ridge. See Rig. Rurd, sb. cry, noise, 13. 390. A. S. reord. Rwez, pr. s. impers. it grieves, 13. 290. See Rewed. Rwly, adv. ruefully, 13. 390. See Reuliche. Rydelles, adj. without counsel, 13. 969. A.S. redeleas, without advice. Ryge, sb. rain, torrent, 13. 354. Icel. hr egg, a storm ; A.S. racu, rain, a flood; N. Prov. E. rag; cf. also A. S. hreh, a deluge. Ryht, adj. right, 4 c. 30, 34. GL 0 SSAR 1 AL INDEX. < 3 > Z> 444 Ryn, v. to run, io. 471. Rynde, sb. rind, 20. 297. A. S. rind. Rys, sb. twig, spray, 4 b. 32. A. S. hris , Du. rijs, G. reis , a twig. Rysed, pt. s. rose, 13. 509. Ryue, v. to tear, rend, 10. 1230. Sw. ryfva , Icel. hrifa, to snatch, E. rive. Ry3t now late = just now, only lately, 5. 5915. Ry3tez, adv. rightly, exactly, 13. 427. Ry3tuolle, adj. rightful, just per- fect, 9. 215 ; Ry3tfol, 18 a. 140. RyBttwisnesse, sb. righteousness, 17. Ps. xiv. 2. Ry3twys, adj. righteous, 13. 294. A. S. rihtwis , of which righteous is a corruption. S. Sa, adv. so, 2. xvii. 48 ; 7. 13. A. S. swa. Saaf, adj. healed, made whole, 17. Mar. v. 23 ; Saf, v. 34. Fre- quently used for the Lat. saluus. See Sauf. Sabote, sb. sabbath, 17. Mar. ii. 27 ; pi. Sabothis, 23. Sac, sb. crime, guilt, 8 b. 136. A. S. sacu, strife, sacan, to contend. Saccles, adj. innocent, guiltless, 7. 180. See above. Sacclesli, adv. guiltlessly, i. e. though innocent, 7. 191. Sacrement, sb. F. sacrament, 6. I. Sad, (1) adj. serious, sedate, wise, grave, 12. 228. See Sadde. Sad, (2), adj. satisfied, 4 b. 5. G. satt, A. S. seed, sated. Sadde, adj. pi. discreet, 19. 135. W. sad , discreet. Sadloker, adj. more soundly, more fully, 15. v. 4. See Sad(i). Sagh, pt. s. saw, 5. 5609, 5643. Sagbs, sb. pi. saws, sayings, 2. cii. 48. A. S. sagu, a saying, a saw. Saghtel, 1 p. pr. pi. become recon- ciled, 10. 1470- A. S. saht, peace, sahtlian , to make peace. Sak, sb. sake, 7. 68. Sak, sb. guilt, fault, 7. 181. See Sac. Sakles, adj . innocent, 7. 182. See Saccles. Sal, pr. s. 1 p. shall, 2. viii. 9 ; Salle, 2. xvii. 6 ; 2 p. Sal ( for Salt), 2. xvii. 71 ; 3 p. Sal, 2. xiv. I; pr. pi. Sal, 2. ciii. 15; Salle, 2. ciii. 14. A.S. ic sceal , I shall. Said, pt. s. sold, 8 b , 170; pp. 8 b. 173. Sale, pr.s. shall, 11 c. 15. See Sal. Salm, sb. psalm, 2. xvii. 126. Salme, v. sing psalms, 2. ciii. 80. Salt, pr. s. 2 p. shalt, 2. ciii. 71. Sal-tou = shalt thou, 2. xvii. 74, 123 ; Saltou, 2. ciii. 74. Samen, adv. together, 2. xvii. 50; 7. 276; 13. 400. A.S. samod, together, G. zusammen, together, Mceso-Goth. samath, samana, to- gether ; from sama, the same. Samened, pp. gathered, assembled, 2. ciii. 49. Cf. G. sammeln , to assemble ; see above. Sammyn, adj. same, 16. 140. A. S. sama , Sw. samma. Samned, pp. collected, assembled, 13. 361. See Samened. Samon, sb. salmon, 18 a. 136. Sand, sb. sending, gift, 7. 146. See Sonde. Sant, adj. F. holy, 7. 67. Sanyt, pt. s. rejl. crossed himself, blessed himself, 16. 98. O. F. seigner , F. signer , Lat. signare , to mark or sign with a cross. Sanz, prep, without, 19. 501. F. sans, Lat. sine. Sar, adv. sorely, 8 b. 8. Sare, adj. sore, 10. 772. A.S. sar. Sat, pt. s. sat, 1 a. 73. Sattel, v. to settle, 8 a. 114. Sauacioun, sb. salvation, 19. 283. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 445 Sauer, v. to give an appetite to, 15. vii. 249. E. savour. Saueth, imp. pi. save ye, 19. 229. Sauf, adj. F. safe, or in a state of salvation, 2. xvii. 10, 54, 73; 19. 343 ; Sauff, 6. 7 * Lat. saluus. See Saaf. Saufliehe, adv. safely, 12. 256. Saule, sb. soul, 2. xxiii. 9 ; 2. cii. I ; 13. 290. A. S. sawol , G. seele. Saundyuer, sb. sandiver, glass- gall, 13. 1036. Sandiver or glass-gall is the scum on fused glass-; sandiver is said to be cor- rupted from F. sel de verre , salt of glass. Sauter, sb. psalter, 15. vii. 237. Sauyte, sb. safety, 13. 489. Saxonlych, adv. in Saxon manner, 18 a. 157. Sawel, sb. soul ; sawel hel , the health of the soul, salvation, 8 b. 66. See Saule. Sawe, sb. saying, 186. 143; pi. Sawes, saws, sayings, 5. 5842. See Saghs. Say, pt. s. saw, 1 a. 1 66; 12. 228; 17 a. i. 16; Sawh, 20. 126; Say3, 17. Mar. i. 10. See Sagh. Sayn, v. to say, 19. 564. Sa3tled, pt. s. settled, 13. 445. A. S. setlan , to settle, serf, a seat, a settle. Sa3tlyng, sb. reconciliation, 13. 490. See Saghtel. Searslych, adv. sparingly, 18 a. 200. Scarste, sb. scarcity, 186. 29. Scene, adj. bright, beautiful, 7. 20. A. S. seine, bright, seine, splen- dour, sheen. Sceu, v. to shew, 7. 123. Scliaft, sb. make, structure, 2. cii. 28. A. S. sceaft, a creature, scapan, to shape, make. Schalke, sb. man, 13. 1029. A. S. scealc, a servant, man ; Mceso- Goth. skalks, a servant. Hence E. marshal , i. e. mare-servant, groom, and seneschal , oldest ser- vant, from Mceso-Goth. sineigs, old, sinista, oldest. Schalstow, shalt thou, 12. 325. Generally written shallow, with- out the second s. See below. Schaltow, shalt thou, 12. 340. Scliapp, sb. shape, 14 c. 123. Schathe, sb. scath, harm, 8 b. 51. Schauing, sb. shewing, revelation, 8 a. 180. Schaw, v. to shew, 8 b. 132. Schawes, sb. pi. groves, 12. 178. Dan. skov , a wood, Sw. skog, Icel. skogr; cf. A. S. scua, shade, E. sky , i. e. a cloud. Scheawi]?, pr. pi. appear, come to sight, 6. 108. A. S. sceawian, E. shew. S cheep, sb. a shepherd, 15 pr. 2. See note. Schel, pr. s. 1 p. shall, 6. 118. Schelder, sb. shielder, protector, 2. xvii. 7. Scheltroms, sb.pl. squadrons, bat- talions, 18 b. 106. A. S. scyld - truma , lit. a troop-shield, hence, an armed company; A. S. scyld , a shield, truma, a troop; cf. E. shelter. Schende, v. to put to shame, destroy, 13. 519; to pillage, 15 pr. 95 ; pr. pi. Schende]?, hurt, 15 . i. 39; pp. Schent, undone, 15. iii. 130; destroyed, 13. 1029. A. S. scendan , to destroy, G. schanden, to dishonour. Schene, adj. shining, bright, 11 c, 105. A. S. seine, bright. Schepe, sb.pl. sheep, 2. viii. 21. Seller]?, pr. s. sheareth, cuts, 20. 175. A. S. sceran, to shear. S chewed, pp. shewn, 2. xvii. 41. Schift, sb. a shift, sudden motion ; at a schift = on a sudden, in a moment, 8 a. 141. Schille, adj. shrill, 12.213; a ^v. shrilly, 12. 37. Du. schel, shrill; cf. Sc. skirl , to cry with a loud voice. 446 GLOSSARIAL INDEX . Schilling, sb.pl. shillings, 8 6. 171. Schip-bord ; on schipbord = on board a ship, 8 6. 38. Schippes, sb.pl. ships, 2. ciii. 60. Schire, adj. bright, 2. xvii. 35. A. S. scir , bright, sheer ; Moeso- Goth. skeirs , clear. Schirreues, sb. pi. shire-reeves, sheriff's, 15. iii. 130. A. S. scir - gerefa , a shire-reeve. Schok, pt. s. shook, 1 b. 81. Scholle, pr. pi. shall, must, 6. 64 ; pt. s. Scholde, should, 1 6. 20 ; 6. 71. A. S. ic sceal , I shall, ic sceolde , I should. Schomeliclie, auto. shamefully, 15. iii. 45. But other MSS. have shameles. Schon, sb. pi. S. shoes, 12. 14; Schoon, 17 a. i. 7. A. S. sco , seed , a shoe, pi. seeds, seds, sceon, sedn , or gescy. Schop, 1 p. s. pt. put (lit. shaped) ; schop me into a schroud = got me into a garment, 15 pr. 2; pt. s. Schop, contrived, 20. 18; Schope, created, shaped, 11 a. 1 ; pt. pi. Schopen, shaped, put ; schopen hem to hermytes = made them- selves hermits, 15 pr. 54. A. S. scapan, to shape. Schoppes, sb.pl. shops, 15. ii. 189. Schore, sb. a score, twenty, 12. 132. Schorte, adj. short, 6. 109. Schot, pt. s. intrans. rushed, dashed, 16. 467. A. S. sceotan , to shoot ; also, to rush, dash. Schowued, pp. shoved, 13. 1029. A. S. scufan , to shove. Schraf, pt. s. shrove, 8 6. 133; schraf him at = shrove himself to. Schred, pt. s. 2 p. didst put on (as a garment), 2. ciii. 3. The Vulg. has induisti. A. S. scry dan, to put on, scrud , a garment, a shroud. Sclirewe, sb. wicked one, 1 6. 87, 90, 91 ; 15. i. 118. Cf. E. shrew , Du. schreeuwer , a bawler, brag- gart, from schreeuwen, to cry out ; cf. also E. screw , a vicious horse. Schrift, sb. confession, 2. ciii. 3. A. S. scrift. Schrippe, sb. scrip, 15. vi. 26. Schroude, sb. garment, 2. ciii. 13 ; a rough outer garment, 15 pr. 2. A. S. scrud, a garment. Schryue, v. to confess, 2. xvii. 125. A. S-. serif an, to shrive, to receive confession. Schullen, pr. pi. shall, i. e. shall go, 15. i. 121. Schut, v. to shoot, 16. 438. Sclaundrid, pp. scandalised, of- fended, 17. Mar. iv. 17. Vulg. scandalizantur. Sco, pron. she, 7. 227. Scorn, pp. shorn, 7. 337. A. S. sceran, to shear ; pp. scoren. Scort, adj. short, 7. 364. Scowkyng, sb. skulking, ambush, 16. 130. Dan. skulke , to slink; Du. schuilen, to take shelter, skulk, lurk ; cf. Sw. skyla, to hide, E. shelter, shield. Scrippes, sb.pl. scrips, wallets, 7. 53. Sw. skrdppa , Fr. echarfe; cf. A. S. sceorp, a loose garment, sash, E. scarf. Scrit, sb. writing, document, I a. 359. F. ecrit, O. F. escrit, Lat. scriptum. Seriuen, pp. shriven, 8 6. 253. Se, v. to see, 2. viii. 9. A. S. sedn. Se, sb. S. sea, 1 a. 61; 6. 36; Se halues = sea-coasts, 13. 1039; pi. Sees, 2. xxiii. 3. A. S. see, G. see, Du. zee. Sealt, sb. salt ; dat. s. Sealte, 6. 40. A. S. sealt. Sealte, adj. salt, 6. 36, 38. Se-bare, sb. sea-bore, surge, 8 6. 38. Se-calues, sb. pi. sea-calves, i. e. seals, 18 a. 10. Seche, v. S. to seek, 1 a. 19; 5. 5896; to visit, 15^.47; pres, part. Sechende, 17 6. xxiii. 6; GLOSSARIAL INDEX . 447 imp. pi. Seche)>, seek ye, 3. 300. A. S. secan. Secre, adj. secret, 15. iii. 141. Sede, pt. s. said, 1 a. 37 ; pt. pi. Sede, I a. 187; subj. pt. s. Sede, I a. 85 ; pp. Sed, 6. 66. Sed, sb. seed, 13. 358. A. S. sdd , G. saat , Du. zaad. See, imp . s. 3 p. may (God) behold, may (God) guard, 19. 156. Seg, sb. a man; also , a lad, 12. 226. A. S. secg, a speaker, a man, from secgan , to say. Seggen, v. to say, 6. 118. A.S. secgan , Du. zeggen , G. sagen. Sei, 2 />. s. pt. sawest, 12. 276; />/. s. Seh, saw, 4 c. 14. Seide, pt. s. said, 1 b. 73. Seidestow, for saidst thou, 12. 267. Seie, pp. seen, 12. 264; 20. 102. Seien, pr. pi. say, tell, 1 7. Mar. i. 3 °- Seiles, sb. pi. sails, 1 a. 60. A. S. segel , a sail. Sein, saint, 1 a. 57 ; Seint, I a. 43. Sein, pp. seen, 20. 320. Seised, pp. possessed of, 14 a. 58. Seisine, sb. F. possession, 1 a. 528. Seifi, pr. s. says, 3. 218; 6. 122. SeiB, v. to say, 12. 60; I p. s. pr. Sei3e, I say, 15. i. 182. A.S. secgan. Sei3, pt. s. saw, 12. 34. See Sei. Sek, adj. sick, 20. 334. A. S. sede. Sek, sb. sack, 8 b. 156. A.S. sac , sacc, Lat. saccus, Du. zak. Sekand, pres. part, seeking, 2. xxiii. 13. See Seche. Sekes, pr. s. 2 p. seekest, 2. viii. 14; subj.pr.pl. Seke, 2. ciii. 48. See Seche. Seknesse, sb. S. sickness, 1 a. 443 ; pi. Sekenesses, 2. cii. 6. Sekyng, sb. search, 5. 5932. Selcuth, sb. wonder, 7. 382. See Selkouth. Seide, adv. seldom, 3. 192 ; Selden, 4 b. 5 ; Seldene, 15 pr. 20. A. S. seld, seldan, rarely, G. sei ten, Du. zelden. Sele, sb. time, 5. 5781, 5879. A. S. seel, an opportunity, a good time. Self, adj. very, 6. 129. (Grace self = the very grace.) Selkouth, adj. strange, marvellous, 2. viii. I, 25; Selcouthe, 8 b. 176; pi. Selcouhe, strange, 15. vi. 2. It signifies little known; from A. S. seld, seldom, and cufS, known. Selli, adv. wonderfully, greatly, 8 b. 201. A.S. sellic, from seld , seldom, rarely. See Selkouth. Seluer, sb. silver, money, 15 pr. 8 3 - Sely, adj. blessed, happy, good, 3. 63, 69 ; simple, innocent, 1 a. 287; 13.490; blessed, 19.682. A.S. scelig , lucky, from seel, a good opportunity. Note that sely came to mean innocent, and then silly, miserable. Sembeles, pr. s. seems, 8 b. 54. F. sembler, Lat. simulare. Sembland, sb. appearance, 10. 503. Also spelt semblant, sem- blance, as in 12. 228 ; 20. 24. Semblance, sb. appearance, 20. 24. Semble, sb. assembly, 15 pr. 9 7; Semblee, 14 a. 72. F. assembler, to assemble ; the root is Lat. simul, A.S. sam, together ; cf. Gk. afjia, Sanskr. sam. Sembled, pt. s. assembled, 11 a. s?. Seme, v. become, or, appear, seem, 4 d ■ 33 - Semly, adj. seemly, beautiful, 4 d. 26; adj. as sb. comely one, 4 b. 6 ; Semliche, seemly, fine, 12. 49 ; superl. Semlokest, seemliest, fairest, 4 a. 6 . Sen, conj. since, II a. 109; 16. 13. Sende, v. S. to send. 1 a. 18 ; pt. s. 448 GLOSS ARIAL INDEX . Sende, sent, I a. 13; pt.pl. Send, sent, 16. 164; Senten, 19. 136. A. S. sendan. Sene, pp. seen, 7. 19; evident, 3. 82. Seneueye, sb. mustard, 17. Mar. iv. 31. Lat. sitiapi. Sent, pr. s. (contr. from sende]>), sends, 15. vii. 31 1 ; imp. s. Sent, send, 4 b. 15. Seo, gerund , to see, 4 d. 17; pr. pi. 1 p. SeoJ>, see, 15. i. 49. A. S. seon. Ser, adj. separate, 13. 336; Sere, various, 7. 6 ; different, 8 a. 106 ; separate, 10. 761 ; several, 10. 1250. Icel. ser, Dan. seer , several. Seriauns, sb. pi. serjeants, 15 pr. 85; Seriauntes, servants, 5. 5873. E. serjeant and servant are one word. Sertes, adv. certainly, 12. 268. Lat. certe. Seruage, sb. F. servitude, thraldom, 5-5756,5795; 19-368. Serui, v. to serve, 1 b. 63. Seruys, sb. F. service, 3. 11. Serwe, sb. sorrow, 15. iii. 159. Sese, pr. pi. see, 10. 1421. (Mis- written for Ses or Seis.) Set, pt. s. 2 p. settest, didst set, 2. ciii. 45. Setelgang, sb. setting, 2. ciii. 44. A. S. setl, a seat, settle, gang , a going ; setlgang , a going to a seat, setting. Seb, pr. pi. 2 p. see, 1 a. 179. Se|)en, adv. afterwards, 5. 5740 ; Se]?]?en, 12. 206. A. S. sf$, late, stiftfiafi, afterwards ; cf. G. seit, since, seitdem, since then. Sebhe, conj. since, 12. 329; 15 pr. 81. A. S. sififta, since. Sett, v. to set, watch game, 16. 404 ; pr. s. Settes, sets ; settez on = lights upon, chooses, 13. 469 ; 2 p. Settes, dost set, 2. ciii. 7 ; pt. s. Sette, 1 a. 6 4; pres. part. Settand, 2. xvii. 88. A. S. settan. Seuebe, adj. seventh, 1 a. 347; Seuend, 8 a. 127. A. S. seofofia, seventh, from seofon , seven. Seurtee, sb. surety, 19. 243. Sewede, pt. pi. F. followed, 12. 204. Lat. sequi. Sewer, sb. household officer, 18 b. 28. In Wace he is called li seneschal. Sewyngly, adv. in due sequence, in order, 14 c. 1. E. sue, F. suivre , Lat. sequi , to follow. Sexte, adj. ordin. sixth, 8 a. 125. Sey, pt. s. saw, 1 a. 476 ; 19. 605 ; Se3, 1 b. 34; Seye, 12. 26; pt.pl. Seye, 19. 218 ; pp. Seyn, seen, 19. l72;Se3en, seen, 15. iii. 58. A. S. seon, to see, pt. t. ic sedh, pp. gesawen. Seyed, pp. passed, 13. 353. Lit. swayed; cf. Dan. sveie , to bend, svaie , to swing. See Swe. Seyn, v. to say, 19. 342. Seyb, pr . s. says, 5. 5576. Shal, 1 p. s. pr. shall, i. e. must go, 19. 279. Shame, v. to feel shame, be ashamed, 16. 436. Shamlic, adv. shamefully, 8 a. 156. Shapen, pp. provided, 19. 249 ; shapen hem = disposed themselves, 19. 142. Sheene, adj. shining, fair, 19. 692. See Sehene. Shenchen, v. to pour out, 3. 159. A. S. scencan, to pour out, scene , drink ; Sw. sk’djik, a bribe, a pre- sent, G. schenke, an alehouse. Shome, sb. S. shame, 3. 88. A. S. sceamu. Shote, pp. shot, 3. 85. Shrewes, sb. pi. bad people, 3. 5 ; wicked men, 5. 5838. See Schrewe. Shrife, v. to shrive, 10. 2372. See Schryue. Shul, pr. pi. shall, 5. 5627 ; Shule, 3. 42 ; pt. s. Shuld, should, 5. 5608. See Scholle. GLOSSARIAL INDEX . 449 Sigge, v. to say, 6. 69 ; 1 p. s. pr. I say, 15. vi. 39. See Seggen. Sill, pt. s. saw, 20. 32 ; pi. Sihen, 20. 109. See Sei, Sy3. Sike, pr. s. 1 p. sigh, 4 c. 51. A. S. sican, Du. zuchten , G. seufzen. Siker, adj. sure, certain, 1 a. 30, 67; 15. i. 121 ; super l. Sikerest, safest, 6. 94. Du. zeker , G. sicker , Lat. securus , secure. Sikernesse, s&. security, 19. 425. Silc, /or swilc, i. e. such, 8 6. 86. Singuler, ao/ alone, 17. Mar. iv. 10. Siquar, for si]) quar = time when, 7. 375. Perhaps from A. S. s^, time, and North. Eng. quar = where = when. Sire, sb. Lord, 2. xvii. 37. Sisours, pi. persons deputed to hold assizes, 15. iii. 129. O. F. seoir , to sit, from Lat. seder e ; cf. F. assises , assizes, sessions. Sist, pr. s. 2 p. seest, 3. 40. Sit, pr. s. sitteth, 3. 310. Site, sb. grief ; with site J)am soght = visited them with grief, brought sorrow upon them, 11 c, 65. Icel. sut, sorrow, syta, to grieve. Site, pr. s. 1 . p. sorrow, grieve, 7. 299. See above. Sith, conj. since, 19. 484. See Sebbe. Sif>e, sb. pi. times, 1 a. 399 ; Sibes, times, 12. 103; 15 pr. 109. A.S. sift, time, also, a path ; Mceso- Goth. si nth, a journey, a time. Sibere, sb. cider, 6. 16. Lat. sicera, Gk. ai/cepa, strong drink. Sibbe> adv. afterwards, 1 b. 79. See Sebbe. Sixt, 2 p. s. pr. seest, 15. i. 5. A. S. b u sihst , thou seest, from seon, to see. Si3, pt. s. saw, perceived, 17. Mar. v. 38. See Sih. Skatered, pt. s. scattered, 2. xvii. 39 - VOL. II. Skele. See Skille. Skewe, sb. sky, 2. xvii. 34. A.S. scua, a shade, shadow, Sw. sky , cloud ; cf. Gk. gkicl, a shade. Skille, sb. reason, 10. 1423,; by skille = with reason, rightly, 10. 682; Skele, reason, 9. 6; pi. Skilles, 10. 1818. Icel. skil, sepa- ration, skilja, to separate, Dan. skiel, a limit, discretion. Skowtez, pr. s. pries, looks, 13. 483. O. F. escouter , Lat. auscul- tare, to listen. Skwe, sb. sky, 13. 483. See Skewe. Skyle, sb. reason, 5. 5827. See Skille. Skylly, adj. dispersing, separat- ing (?), 13. 529. See Skyualde. Cf. Dan. skille, to separate. Skyrmez, pr. s. skims, glides swiftly on whirring wings, 13. 483. Cf. O. E. skir, to graze ; which in Macbeth, v. 3, is used for scour. Skyualde, sb. scuffle, scramble (?), 13. 529. Cf. Sw. skuffa, to push. Another explanation is to make a skylly skyualde = a purpose de- vised ; cf. O. E. skil, reason, and O. E. skyfte, to devise, shift. Sla, v. to slay, 16. 11. A.S. sledn, G. schlagen, to smite. Slac, adj. slack, weak, 9. 9. A. S. sleac, Sw. slak; cf. Lat. laxus. Slake, v. slacken, become less grievous, 8 b. 60; pr. s. Slake]), burns low, 18 a. 78. Slauers, pr. s. slavers, slobbers, 10. 784. Icel. slefa, saliva. Slaw, adj. slow, dull, 10. 793. A. S. slaw , slow. Sla3t, sb. S. slaughter, 1 a. 459. A.S. slcege, slaughter, Du. slag , a blow, slagten, to kill. Slegh, adj. cunning, skilful, 2. viii. 10 ; Sleghe, sly, cunning, wise, 10. 812. Sw. slug, sly, shrew'd, slog, handy, dexterous. 45 ° GLOSSARIAL INDEX. slojd, mechanical art ; cf. E. sleight. Sleght, sb. skill, io. 2309. Sleie,/>/>. slain, 12. 379. Slepe, sb. sleep, 5. 5739; on slepe = asleep, 5. 5724. A. S. sldep. Slepyng, sb. sleep, 5. 5725. Sleuth, sb. track, scent, slot, 16. 2 1 . Icel. slofi, a track ; cf. E. slide ; and slowhound (sleuth-hound). Sleube, sb. sloth, 1 a. 185 ; Sleu^e, 15 P r - 45 * A. S. slceioft, sloth, slowness, from slaw , slow. Sleuthhund, sb. sleuth-hound, 16. 20. See Sleuth. Sley, adj. prudent, cunning, sly, I a. 82; As he sley = like a shrewd man ; Sle3e, wary, 9. 75. See Slegh. Sleube, sb. sleight, prudence, (one of the four virtues), 9. 21. Slih, adj. sly, i. e. cunning, expe- rienced, 20. 31. See Slegh. Slik, adj. such, 7. 183. Icel. slikr, whence slik and sic; cf. Mceso- Goth. swa-leiks , so-like, whence swilk, sic , such , by contraction. Slo, subj. pres. s. 2 p. slay, 4 b. 1 6 ; pt. pi. Slogh, slew, 11 a. 61. A. S. slean , to smite. See Slou. Slod, pt. s. slid, 18 b. 46. Slonge, pt. pi. slung, 1 a. 15 1. Sloterd, pp. bespattered, befouled, 10. 2367. Cf. E. slutch y sludge , mud, and slut. Slou, pt. s. slew, I a. 134; Slow, 19. 664; Slou$, 186. 109; Slovh, 20. 219; pt.pl. Slowe, I a. 152, 156. See Slo. Slouthe, sb. sloth, 19. 530. See Sleube. Slyttyng, adj. piercing, 18 a. 209. A. S. slitan, to slit, tear, pierce. Smach, sb. smack, flavour, scent, 13. 461. A. S. smcecy flavour, taste, smceccan , to taste, G. schmecken , to taste ; Prov. E. smouchy a loud kiss, smack of the lips. Smachande, pres. part, smack- ing, smelling, 13. 955. See Smacky. Smacky, v. to taste, to savour, hence , to imagine, perceive, 9. 220; pr. pi. Smackeb, taste, 9. 1 70 ; Smackeh, relish, under- stand, 9. 180. See Smach. Smal, adj. narrow, 4 a. 16. A. S. smcely small, thin, narrow. Smart, adj. bitter, 13. 1019. Smerl, sb. ointment, 7. 131. A. S. smerels, ointment, from smeru , fat ; cf. E. smear. Smerld, pp. anointed, 7. 132. See above. Smert, adj. smart, quick, 10. 1464; painful, sore, 10. 1837. Smert, adv. smart, quickly ; as smert = immediately, 5. 5706. Smerte, v. to smart, 3. 76 ; subj. pr. s. Smerte, 3. 172; it may grieve, 15. iii. 161. Smolderande, pres. part, smoul- dering, 13. 955. Smolte, pt. s. smelt (his way), 13. 461. Smot, pt. s. smote, 1 a. 133; smot in anober tale = struck into an- other sort of talk, 1 b. 74. Smybbe> sb. smithy, forge, 1 b. 60, 70. A. S. smi\>]>e, a forge, smffi, a smith. Snelle, adj. pi. quick, sudden, sharp, 8 a. 102 ; biting, 8 b. 213. A. S. snell, quick, G. schnell. Snibbing, sb. rebuke, 2. xvii. 43 ; 2. ciii. 1 5. Dan. snibbe , to scold, E. snub ; also Dan. snubbe , to cut short, E. snip , nip; whence snub- nose. Snytte, pt. s. cleaned (the nose), I b. 85. A. S. snytan, to blow the nose, Du. snuiten , to sniff; cf. E. snort , sniffs snuffle , imita- tions of nasal sounds ; cf. E. snout. So, conj . as, 4 a. 38; 4 c. 11 ; what so = whatsoever, 1 b. 38. Sodeynliche, adv. suddenly, I b. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 451 10. F. sottdain, Lat. subilaneus , sudden. Softe, adj. warm, mild, 15 pr. I; gentle, 5. 5837. Softe, adv. luxuriously, 19. 275. Sogat, adv. in such a way, 11 b. 93. O. E. gate , a way. Sohte, pt. s. sought, 4 c. 4; pi. Soght, 7. 70. Solempnely, acfv. with pomp, 19. 317. Lat. solennis. Somdel, adv. somewhat, r a. 164, 467 ; 18 a. 1 76. A. S. sum, some, dckl, part, deal. Some, adj. pi.; hence, alle and some , all and one (modern E. one and all), 4 c. 28 ; 19. 263. A common phrase. See the note. Somony, v. to summon, 1 a. 416. Somwat, adv. somewhat, 1 a. 264. Son, adv. soon, 4 c. 8 ; quickly, 7. 40. See Sone. Son, s b. F. sound, 12. 39. F. son. Sond, sb. sand, 19. 509. Sonde, sb. sending, 19. 523; mes- sage, 4 b. 15; 19. 388; a gift sent, 12. 64. A. S. sand, a send- ing, sendan, to send. Sonder, sunder, 10. 1230. Sond^zmon, sb. messenger, 13. 469. See above. Sone, sb. son, 2. viii. 14; gen. Sone, son’s, 6. 60. A. S. sunu, gen. suna. Sone, adv. S. soon, 1 a. 64. A. S. sona. soon. Sonendayes, sb. pi. Sundays, 15. 11. 197. A. S. sunne, sun ; the gen. case being sunnan. Sonne, sb. sun, I b. 71 ; 4 a. 26; 5. 5584. A. S. sunne. Sorewe, sb. sorrow, 3. 116; pi. Soreghes, 2. xvii. 13. A.S. sorh. Sori, adj. sorrowful, sorry, 1 a. 474; Sory, 5. 5732. Sorwe, sb. S. sorrow, 1 a. 1, 190; Soru, 8 a. 120; pi. Sorwes, 2. xvii. II. Soster, sb. sister, 1 a. 244, 423 ; pi. Sostren, 1 a. 237. A. S. swedstor. Sot, sb. a fool, 3. 82 ; gen. Sottes, 3- 85- . So]?, adj. true, 1 a. 50; Soth, 19. 168. A. S. soft, true; Gk. ereos. Sohe, sb. sooth, truth, 15. iii. 92. Sothlik, adv. soothly, verily, how- ever, 2. ciii. 69, 82. Sothnes, sb. truth, 2. xiv. 5 ; SoJ>- nesse, 15. ii. 163. Souches, pr. s. suspects, 10. 788. O. F. souchier, soucier , to be anxious, F. souci, care, Lat. solli- citum. Souerayn, adj. supreme, chief, 19. 276. Soufre, sb. F. sulphur, 13. 954. Soukand, pres. part, sucking (ones), 2. viii. 5. A.S. sucan, to suck. Soule, sb. gen. case , soul’s ; soule bote = soul’s good, 3. 300; pi. Soulen, souls, I a. 268. A. S. sdivl, soul. Sounyng, sb. sounding, 18 a. 202. Souj^eron, adj. Southern, 18 a. 206. Souphamtessire, Hampshire, 1 a. 377- Sowdan, sb. sultan, 19. 177. Sowdanesse, sb. sultaness, 19. 358. Sowne, sb. F. sound, 12. 210; Soun, 18 a. 193. See Son. Sownede,/)/. s. sounded, 15 pr. 10. Soyn, adv. soon, 16. 3. See Sone, adv. So^t, pt. s. made its way, 13. 510. (Lit. sought.) Spak, pt. s. spoke, 7. 27 ; Spac, ib. 72; pi. Spak, 5. 5589; Speke, I b. 9. Spakli, adv. wisely, prudently, 12. 19. Cf. Sc. spae-wife, a fortune- teller, wise woman. Icel. spakr, wise. Sparwes, sb. pi. sparrows, 2. ciii. 38. A. S. spearwa. Speche, sb. language, I a. 215; 6. 67. Spede, v. to succeed, prosper, 3. G g 2 452 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 25; Sped, 7. 175; p r . s. subj. Spede, may prosper, 19. 259. A. S. spedan , to prosper, sped , haste. Spek, sb. speech, 16. 133; Speke, 16. 157. Speke, v. to speak, la. 215 ; pr. s . Spekes, speaks, 2. xiv. 5; pt.pl. Speke, 1 a. 216; Speeke, 15. ii. 201 ; Spekinde, pres. part, in phr. j?e spekinde = whilst thou art speaking, 9. 102. A. S. spree an, to speak. Spelle, sb. a story, narrative, 8 b. 1 16. Spellinge, sb. recital, 20. 241. A. S. spellian , to relate, tell, recite, E. spell. Spende, pt. pi. spent, 1 a. 94. Speride, pt. s. sparred, barred, fastened, 8 b. 184. A. S. sparran , to fasten, Dan. speer, a rafter, a spar , a spear ; cf. E. bar. Sperling, sb. a small fish, 8 b. 48. Halliwell gives ‘ Sparling , a smelt.’ Cf. A. S. speer , small, spare. Spicers, sb. pi. spice-sellers (the old name for grocers ), i5.fi. 201. Spicerye, sb. spicery, spices, 19. 136. Spille, v. to be ruined, 3. 35 ; to perish, 19. 587 ; 1 p. s. pr. Spille, I perish, 19. 285. A. S. spillan , to destroy, spill; generally transi- tive. Spinsters, sb.pl. women who spun, 15. v. 130. Spird, pt. pi. enquired, 7. 72 ; Spirs, imp. pi. 103. A. S. spirian , to enquire, track ; cf. Du. and E. spoor, a track ; Sc. speir , to ask. Spousi, v. F. espouse, marry, 1 a. 16 ; pt. s. Spousede, I a. 250. Spoushod, sb. marriage, 1 a. 244. Spouted, pp. voided, 19. 487. Sprawel, v. to sprawl, 10. 475. Sprede, v. to spread, 1 a. 145. Du. spreiden, Dan. sprede , to spread, scatter. Spreynd, pp. sprinkled, 19. 422. A. S. springan, Du. sprengen , to sprinkle. Sftrungen, pp. risen, 2. ciii. 49. Spume, sb. froth, 20. 296. Spuniande, pres. part, sticking, sticky, 13. 1038. Perhaps it should be spinnande , with the same sense ; or spumande , fuming. Pynnand = sticky, is found in the Allit. Rom. of Alexander, ed. Stevenson, p. 142. Spurnde, pt. s. kicked, stumbled, 1 a. 387. A. S. spurnan , to strike with the heel, spor, the heel, a spur ; spornineg , a stumbling- block. Spyllez, pr. s. destroys, 13. 511. See Spille. Spyrakle, sb. the breath of life, 13. 408. Lat. spiraculum uitae , Gen. vii. 22. Spyserez, sb. pi. sellers of spices, grocers, 13. 1038. See Spicers. Squilk, adj. in phr. amang squilk = amangs quilk , among which, 7 - 25. Squyers, sb.pl. F. squires, 5. 5873. O.F. escuyer , a shield-bearer, from Lat. scutum , a shield. Squyler, sb. dish-washer, scullion, 5. 5913. A. S. swilian , to wash, swill. See Swele. Ss, often used for Sh. by Southern scribes. Ssake, v. to shake, 9. 225. Ssalt, pr. s. 2 p. shalt, 1 a. 30. Ssame, sb. shame, 1 a. 124, 306. Ssame, imp . pi. be ashamed, 1 a. 118. Sscet, pt. s. shot, i. e. darted quickly forward, I a. 132. See Schot. Sseawere, sb. a shewer, i. e. a mirror, 9. 107. Sseawy, v. to shew, 9. I ; pr.pl. Sseaweh, appear, 9. 1 50. A. S. sceawian, to shew. Ssede, sb. shade; in ssede = darkly, 9. 107. GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. Ssedde, pi. s. shed, spilt, I a. 170. Ssel, pr. s. shall, 9. 9. Sseld, sb. shield, 9. 83. Ssende, v. to put to shame, dis- grace, confound, 1 a. 473. See Schende. Scephe, sb. form, shape, appearance, 9. 158; pi. SsepJ?es, creatures, 9. 1 16. A. S. sceaft , a creature. scapan , sceppan, to create. Ssetare, sb. pi. shooters, archers, 1 a. 1 59. A. S. scytta , a bowman. (Perhaps we should read ssetares.) Ssete, v. to shoot, 1 a. 41 2. A. S. sceotan. Ssip, sb. ship ; pi. Ssipes, I a. 59. Ssipuol, sb. shipfuls, 1 a. 320. Ssire, sb. shire, 1 a. 354. Ssolde, ind. pt. pi. should, were to, 1 a. 52 ; in phr. into pis bataile ... ssolde = were to go into this battle ; pt. s. subj. Ssolde, 1 a. 20. Ssoldren, sb. pi. shoulders, 1 a. 126, 409. A. S. sculder , a shoulder. Ssolle, pr.pl. shall, 1 a. 126; 9. . 43 - Ssriue, pt.pl. confessed, 1 a. 96. Ssyne)>, pr. pi. shine, 9. 150. Stac, pt. s. (of Steke) closed up, 13. 439. A. S. stician , to stick ; Du. steken , to stick ; Sc. steeh , to fasten ; A.S. sticca , a stick, a stake. Stad, pp. bestead, hardly beset, 16. 58, 216. Stalwortly, adv. sturdily, 1 1 b. 50. Stalworbe, adj. stout, strong, sturdy, 5. 5865 ; Stalword, 18 b. 55. A. S. stcelweorfi, worth steal- ing, E. stalwart. Stalworbest, adj. super l. strongest, bravest, 13. 255. See above. Stalworthliede, sb. stalwartness, might, 2. xvii. I. Stamyn, sb. some part of a ship, probably the stem, 13. 486. It occurs in the allit. Morte Arthure, 1. 3658. Stane, sb. stagnant pool, 12. 1018. 453 Gaelic slang, a pool ; cf. Lat. stagnum. Stand, pr. s. stands, 2. cii. 23. Stane, sb. stone, rock, 2. ciii. 41 ; pi. Stanes, 2. ciii. 26. A. S. stan. Stane-ded, adj. stone-dead, 16. 471. Stangez, sb. pi. pools, 13. 439. Gael, stang , a pool ; Lat. stag- num. See Stane. Stant, pr. s. stands, 6. 42 ; 9.119; 19. 618; 20. 74. A.S. standan , to stand, pr. s. he stent. Stareand, pres. part, staring, 1 1 a. 67. Starf, pt. s. died, 19. 283. See Sterue. Stat, sb. state, condition, 1 a. 494 , 8 a. 197. Sta]?elnes, sb. stability, 2. ciii. II. A. S. stafiol, a firm foundation, stafiolnes, stability; stceffig, firm, steady, from standan , to stand. Statues, sb.pl. statutes, 15. vii. 3 ° 5 * Staues, sb. pi. staves, sticks, 1 5 pr. 50 - Stauez, pr. s. stows away, 13. 480; pp. Staued, stowed, 13. 352; Stawed, 13. 360. Du. stuwen , to stow, to push. Stea5, pt. s. ascended, 9. 241. See Steven. Stede, sb. place, 2. xxiii. 6; 2. cii. 36 ; pi. Stedes, 2. cii. 53 ; abodes, 9. 217. A.S. stede, a stead; from standan , to stand ; cf. steady , stedfast. Steenes, sb. pi. vessels or pots of stone, 18 a. 46. ‘ Stean, a stone jar.’ Halliwell. Stefliede, sb. (stiffhood), strength, 9. 10. Stegh, v. to ascend, 2. xxiii. 5 ; pt. s. Stegh, 2. xvii. 29. See Steven. Stekez, imp. pi. fasten, 13. 352. See Stac. 454 GLOSSARIAL INDEX . Stere, v. to stir, 20. 317. A. S. stirian. Stere, sb. pilot, helmsman, 19. 448. A. S. steora % one who steers, styran , to steer. Sterelees, ad], without a rudder, 19. 439. Stern, sb. star, 7. 18; pi. Sternes, 2. viii. 11; 8 a. 137; 1 1 a. 67. A Northern form of South E. sterre ; cf. Icel. stjarna , Sw. stjerna , Mceso-Goth. stairno, G. stern. Sterreliht, sb. starlight, 20. 132. Sterren, sb.pl. stars, 9. 151 ; Sterres, 19. 192. A. S. steorra , a star, pi. steorran. Sterte, v. to start, pass away, 19. 3^5 ; pt. s. Stert, came quickly, 7. 288. G. sturz , a stumble, sturzen , to dash. Sterue, v. to die, 9. 67 ; pt. s. Starf, 19. 283. A. S. steor/an, G. sterben, to die, E. starve. Steruing, sb. dying, death, 2. cii. 7. See above. Steuen, sb. voice, 2. xvii. 17; 2. cii. 48; 13. 360; command, 13. 463. A. S. stefen , a voice. Steuene, Stephen, 1 a. 272, 304, 3°5- Ste3en, v. to mount, ascend, 17. Ps. xxiii. 3 ; pt. s. Stea3, q. 241 ; Stegh, 2. xvii. 29 ; pt.pl. Stieden, arose, 17 a. iv. 7. A. S. stigan , G. steigen, to climb ; cf. Gk. , mounts, 17 a. iv. 32. See Ste3en. Sua, adv. so, 7. 20 ; Sua )>at, so that, 7. 38. A. S. swa , so. Suanis, sb.pl. swains, 7. 224. See Suein. Suank, pt. pi. laboured, toiled, 7. 41. A. S. swincan, to toil. Succinis, sb. amber, 18 a. 36. Lat. sucinum. Sue, imp. s. follow, 17. Mar. ii. 14; pt.pl. Sueden, 17. Mar. i. 18. F. suivre, Lat. sequi. Suein, sb. swain, man, 1 a. 133. A. S. swan, a servant, Dan. svend, a journeyman, servant. Suerd, sb. S. sword, 1 a. 84, 90, no ; pi. Suerdes, la. 127. A. S. sweord, swerd, G. schwert. Suete, adj. sweet, 4 d. 5. A. S. swet. Suffisant, adj. sufficient, 19. 243. Suger, sb. sugar, 15. v. 100. Suich, pron. such, 6. 2 7. A. S. swilc, Mceso-Goth. swa-leiks, lit. so-like. See Slik. Suik, sb. deceit ; ful of suik, full of treachery, 7. 87. A. S. swican , to deceive. Suikedom, sb. treachery, 1 a. 121. A. S. swicdom , treachery. 4 5 6 GLOSSARIAL INDEX . Suikelhede, s&. S. treachery, I a. 9. A. S. swicol, false. Suilk, adj. such, 7. 27. See Suich. Suibe, adv. very, 1 a. 407. A. S. swifie, very, swift, strong. Suld, pt. s. should, 7. 19; pt.pl. Suld, 7. 49. Sulf, ad j. self ; def. Sulue, same, I a. 350. Sullen, v. to sell, 15. ii. 189. A. S. syllan. Sullers, sb. pi. sellers, tradesmen, 15. iii. 79. Suluer, kb. silver, I a. 456. A. S. seolfer. Sumdel, sb. some deal, some part, in some measure, 15. iii. 83. Sume, sb. either sum, quantity ; sume 0 quain — sum of number, i. e. number; or sume = suem = swem, i. e. grief, 7. 203. See the note. Sumpnours, sb.pl. summoners or somners (officers who cite delin- quents before an ecclesiastical court), 15. iii. 129. Lat. sum - moiieo. Sun, sb. son, 7. 36. A. S. sunu. Sunne, sb. sin, 4 c. 54; 15. v. 142; pi. Sunnes, sins, 1 a. 277* A. S. syn. Sunne, sb. sun, 2. ciii. 44, 49. See Sonne. Suor, pt. s. 1 p. swore, 1 a . 26 ; 3 p. Suor, I a. 468 ; pt. pi. Suore, 1 a. 417. A. S. swerian , to swear, pt. t. ic swor. See Swere. Suote, adj. sweet, 20. 173. See Suete. Cf. Du. zoet, sweet. Supplement, sb. new piece, patch, 1 7. Mar. ii. 21. Surrye, prop, name , Syria, 19. 134. Surryen, adj. Syrian, 19. 153. Susteini, v. F. to maintain, up- hold, 1 a. 31, 403; Susteene, 19. 160; pt.s. Susteinede, 1 a. 314. Suth, sb. sooth, truth, 11 a. 71. See Sobe. Subbe, adv. afterwards, I a. 5, 6, 35 ; Su]?be b at > conj. since, I a. 183. See Sebbe* Suun, sb. swoon, 7. 346. A.S. swindan , to languish. Suweb, pr.pl. follow, 15 pr. 45; pp. Suwed, 15. vi. 34. See Sue. Suybe, adv. very, 1 b. 7 ; 4 c. 17. See Suibe. Swa, adv. S. so, 2. viii. 12; 2. xvii. 40; 10. 509. A.S. swd. Swal, pt. s. swelled, 3. 142. A.S. sivellan , pt. t. ic swedl. Sware, adj. square, 13. 319. Sware, pt. s. swore, 2. xxiii. 10. Swe, pr. pi. sway ; rather read sweyed, pt.pl. swayed, 13. 956. Dan. svaie, to sway, sveie , to bend. Sweande, pres. part, swaying, 13. 420. See above. Sweigh, sb. sway, motion, 19. 296. Du. 2 waai, a turn. See Swe. Swele, v. to wash, 5. 5828. A.S. swilian , to swill, wash. Swelt, v. destroy, cause to perish, 13. 332. Cf. A. S. sweltan f to die, perish. Swere, v. to swear, 5. 5629 ; pr. s. Sweres, 2. xiv. 11. A.S. swerian. Sweuene, sb. a dream, 15 pr. 11. A. S. swefen , a dream, Lat. som- nium; ctj Sanskr. svapna, sleep. Sweuenyng, sb. dream, 5. 5726. Swikedam, sb. deceit, 2. xxiii. 10. See Suikedom. Swikeldome, sb. treachery, deceit, 2. xiv. 6. See above. Swith, adv. very, 2. ciii. 2 ; as swibe = as quickly as possible, 12. 108. See Suibe. Swon, sb. S. swan, 4 a. 31. Swonken, pt. pi. worked ; toiled (to get), 15 pr. 21. A.S. swincan , to labour. See Swynke. Swopen, v. to sweep, cleanse, 15. v. 102. Cf. E. swab; Sw. sopa, to sweep. Swowe, s6. swoon; on swowe = in a swoon, 12. 87. See Suun. Swych, adj. such, 5. 5626, 5632. See Suich.. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 457 Swynk, s6. toil, io. 755. Swynke, v. to toil, 15^.52. A.S. swincan. See Swonken. Swyre, sb. S. neck, 4 a. 31. A.S. sweora , swira, neck. Swype, adv. very, 5. 5577. See SuiJ?e. Sygge, v. to say, 18 b. 32. See Seggen. Sykerlych, adv. securely, 18 a. 39. See Siker. Sykernes, sb. security, 5. 5 766. Sylle, v. to sell, 1 8 a. 52. See Sullen. Symented, pp: cemented, 14 c. 107. Syn, con j. since, 5. 5646, 5648 ; prep, after, 19. 365. Contr. from Sifpen or Severn See Se)?en. Syne, adv. afterwards, 16. 74. See above. Cf. O. E. thyne , thence. Synoghe, sb. sinew, 10. 1917. A. S. sinu, G. sehne. Sythen, adv. afterwards, 10. 731 ; Sybl^en, 5. 5863. See Se]?en. Syth.es, sb. pi. times, 10. 1272. See Sij^e. Syttyn, pp. sat, 16. 407. Sys, pt . s. saw, 17 a. vi. 34 ; pi. Sy^en, 17 a. vi. 33. See Sih, Sei, Sei5. Sy$t, sb. sight, 5. 5864, 5890. T. Ta, v. to take, 7- 182. Sc. ta. Taa, sb. toe, 10. 1910 ; pi. Tas, toes, 10. 683; Taes, 778. A.S. ta, Lat. digitus, Gk. dafcrvXos. Tabari, sb. tabard, a short coat, with loose sleeves, or sometimes without sleeves, 15. v. 111. Often worn by heralds. W. tabar , Low Lat. tabarrus. Tades, sb. pi. toads, 8 b. 178. A, S. fade, a toad. Taile, sb. tail, i. e. train of followers, I a. 119. Taillours, sb.pl. tailors, 15 pr. 100. Take, v. to deliver, (yield up, 1 a. 89 ; to betake, 5. 5829 ; to pre- sent, 15. i. 54; 1 p. s. pr. Take, I hand over, 5. 5754 'J p-p- Take, taken, 12. 133; imp.pl. Take]?, 20.72. A. S. tacan, to take. Ob- serve that O. E. take frequently = give. See Tok. Taken, sb. token, 7. 134 ; pi. Takens, 10. 814. A.S. tdcen , a sign, Mceso-Goth. taikns, Du. teeken, G.zeichen; cf. Gk .beiKW/JU. Takened, pp. betokened, 8 b. 24. A. S. tacnian, Mceso-Goth. taikn- jan, to betoken, shew. Takeninge, sb. a betokening, token, sign, 8 a. 99 ; Takning, 8 a. 181. A. S. tdcnung. Tale, sb. account; holde no tale = make no account, 15. i. 9 ; of water ne]> hit tale = it holds no account as water, it is not con- sidered as water, 6. 21; also, talk, 1 b. 74. A. S. tal , a reckoning, a tale ; G. 2 ahl, a number. Tale, v. to tell, relate, 12. 160; pp. Talde, accounted, 10. 436. A. S. talian, to compute, relate ; tellan , to tell, to number. Tamenden, v. to amend, 19. 462. Tan, pp. taken, 8 6. 227; Tane, 10. 2364. Cf. Ta. Tanoyen ( for to anoyen), v. to annoy, to injure, 19. 492. Taper, sb. a taper, 1 6. 12; pi. Taperes, 16. 18. A. S. taper , a candle. Tarettes, sb. pi. ships of heavy burden, 11 a. 80. Low Lat. tarida, from tara , a weight, bur- den, overweight; hence E. tare in commerce. Targes, sb. pi. round shields, 1 a. 139 - Tayl, sb. following, mob, 15. ii, 160. See Taile. Taylefer, 1 a. 133. (The mean- ing of the name is cut-iron ; F. tailler , to cut,/es, this. Thassemblee, for the assemblee, i. e. the assembly, 19. 403. pat, art. neut . the, I a. 3, 1 1 ; 6. 48 (the nouns lond and water being neuter) ; 1 b. 8 (folc being neuter) ; pat on = the one, 6. 134 ; pat oper = the second, the other, 6. 136; pat = that which, 1 a. 106; 7* 7°; use d in place of wat = what, 1 b. 75. A. S. \>cet , Du. dat , G. das. pat, conj. so that, 7. 24, 31. patow, for that thou, 12. 285. pa3, conj. though, 6. 30. A. S. pea A. pa3l.es, conj. though-less, i. e. never- theless, 9.17; pajles yef, unless, 9. 19. pa3t = pa3, conj. though, 6. 25, 28. pe, pron. thee, 6. 59, 125; pei, 6. 122 ; thou thyself, 9. 178. pede. See peode. pedyr, adv. thither, 5. 5910; peder, 1 1 a. 77. A. S. \>ider. pei, pron. thee, 6. 122. See pe. pei, conj. though, 3 a. 451. See P a 3 - pellyche, pron . such, 9. 1. A. S. \>yllic , \>ylc. pemperour, put for pe emperour, the emperor, 12. 212 ; gen. Themperoures, the emperor’s, 19. 151 . pen, art. acc. s. m. the, la. 61, 145, 210 (the A. S . weg, a way, being masculine) ; dat. s. neut. (eie being neuter), 1 a. 160. In the first case, perc = A.S. j >one ; in the last J yen = \>an = A. S. para, dat. s. neut. governed by \>oru. penche, v. to think, 9. 133 (to make sense, we must read — no man ne may uollyche penche) ; I p. s. pr. penk, I think, 13. 304; subj.pr.s . penche, 3. 140; imp. 459 pi. penche, 1 a. 117. A.S. \>encan. See pogbt. Thende, for the ende, i. e. the end, 19. 423. penne, adv. then, 3. 67, 143. A. S. \>onne, \>cenne. Thennes, adv. thence, 19. 308. peode, sb. pi. nations, 3. 28; pede, 3. 29. A. S. \>eod , a nation ; Mceso-Goth. \>iuda , a nation, people. peonne, adv. thence, 15. i. 71. per, pron. these, 10. 436. See pir. per, adv. there, I a. 66 ; where, 1 b. 4; 3. 142; 15. i. 68. See par. per-aboute, adv. round it, 1 a. 380; thereabouts, I a. 71. per-after, adv. thereafter, 1 b. 57; accordingly, 15 . pr. 23. per-an-vnder, i. e. there beneath, 13. 1012. Therbiforn, adv. before then, 19. 197. per-biuore, adv. therebefore, 1 a. 25D pere, adv . there, I a. 49, no; where, 5. 5587; 12. 9; whither, 5. 5910; pere as = where that, where, 1 a. 267. See par. perf, adj. unleavened, 15. vii. 269. A. S. \>eorf, \erf> unleavened. perfor, adv. therefore, 5. 5720. per-forne, adv. therefore, 2. xvii. 8 . per-inne, adv. therein, 1 a. 383 ; 6. 31. A.S. \>cer-inne. perto, adv. thereto, I a. 44, 85; in addition, 1 a. 114; pertoe, 6. 62 ; moreover, 19. 135. peruore, adv. therefore, 1 a. 28, 383; for it, 1 a. 451, 452. perwe, prep, through, 12. 107. A. S. \>urh. per-wi3t, therewith, 12. 138. pet, art. nom. s. neut. the, 1 a. 183, 328 ; pron. that, 6. 63. See pat. Thew, sb. virtue, 2. cii. 47 ; pi. pewes, good manners, virtues, 3. 4; good conduct, 12. 189, 342; 460 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. manners, 3. 26 ; pewe3, manners ; his j?ewes = the conduct prescribed by Him, 13. 544. A.S. peatv, a custom, manner ; pi. peawas , manners, morals; cf. A.S. J ie 6 n, to thrive. Thexcellent, put for the excellent, 19. 150. pey, conj. though, 1 a. 288 ; 18 a. 105 ; pey}, 18 6. 56. A. S. peh , peak. peyn, sb. ( probably ) service, turn ; wycke peyn = evil turn, 3. 179. A. S. pining, a service, penung , office, duty; pegen, a thane, ser- vant; cf. G. dienen , to serve. pider, adv. thither, 2. ciii. 60 ; 4 c. 8 ; 19. 144. A. S. J >ider. piderward, adv. thitherward, I b. 92. pikke, adj. thick, stout, 1 a. 407. Thilke, pron. that, 19. 190; the same, that, 17 Mar. vi. 22. pin, poss. pron. thine, I a. 67. Thine, impers. pr. s. it seems, 7. ill; 8 b. 23; pingh, seems, 9. 91. A. S. pincan , to seem, appear ; me pinc%, it seems to me. pir, pron.pl. these, *j. 28, 55; 10. 434 ; per, these, 10. 436 ; Thir, those, 8 a. 102 ; 16. 482. Com- mon in Scottish. Icel. p eir, they (masc.), Ipcer , they (fern.) ; from set, sit, pat, demonst. pronoun. pirled, pt . s. thrilled, drilled, pierced, 13. 952. A.S. pirlian, to pierce ; cf. Lat. ter ere, Gk. Ttipeiv. See purleden. pis, pron. pi. these, I a. 470 ; 4 c . 28; 7. 10; pise, 6. 107. A.S. pes, this ; pi. pas , those. po, pron. pi. those, them, 4 b. 20 ; 4 d. 23; 9.49. A.S. pa, pi. of art. se, seo, pcet ; also used as dem. pron. po, adv. then, 1 a. 26, 49, 107 ; when, 1 a. 9, 31, 35 ; I b. 3. A. S. pa, then, when. pof, conj. though, 7. 97. See pa3. pof-queper, conj. yet, nevertheless, 7. 69. A. S. peah-hioce'Sere , lit. though whether, i. e. however. Thoght, sb. thought, 2. cii. 29, 51. A. S. peaht. poght, pt. s. thought, 5. 5610 ; pt. pl. poghten, 20. 6; impers. poghte, it seemed to him, 5. 5636 ; pp. poght, thought, 5. 5662. A.S. pencan , to think, pt. t. ic pdhte ; pincan , to seem, pt. t. puhte. Thoghtfulest, adj. most thought- ful, 7. 32. polite, pt. s. thought, 4 c. 1. See Poght. polemodness, sb. patience, 5. 5831; 9. 77. A.S. polemodnes, from polian, to suffer, and mod, mood. polien, v. suffer, 4 a. 41 ; polye, 3. 248 ; 9. 5 ; pr. s. Tholes, permits, 8 6. 35 ; suffers, 8 b. 51 ; pr.pl. Thol, suffer, 8 6. 55 ; pt. s. polede, 3. 8 ; imp. s. pole, suffer, 9. 221 ; pres. part. Tholand, enduring, 2. cii. 12. A.S. polian, Lat. tolerare, Gk. t \rjvat, to suffer, pondringe, sb. thunder, thundring, I a. 440. See below. Thoner, sb. thunder, 2. ciii. 16. A. S. poner , Lat. tonitru. Thonered, pt. s. thundered, 2. xvii. 37. A. S. punerian , to thunder. See above, ponke, sb. (thanks), grace, 9. 233 (cf. Lat. gratice plena) ; thanks, 12. 297. A.S. pone, favour, thanks, ponkes, sb. pl. thoughts, 3. 4. A.S. pane , pone, thought, ponkes, pr. s. thanks, 12. 63 ; pl. ponken, 20. 80. Thoo, pron. those, 17* Mar. i. 9. pore, adv. there, 5. 5892. See par. porn, prep, through, 1 a. 160, 180; Thoru, 7. 43; poru alle ]?inge = on every account, wholly (a mere expletive phrase), 1 a. 198, 322; GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 461 thoru kind = by nature, by birth, S b. 1 2 1. A.S. purli. poru-out, prep, throughout, I a . 370, 406. p)OT^,prep. through, 6. 18. A.S. purh. pousendzipe, thousand times, 9. 72. A. S. a time. po5te, pt. s. seemed, 1 a. 63, 274; pout, seemed (to him), 12. 291. See poght. p05te, subj. pt. s. should think, I a . 1 5 ; po3te, pt. pi. thought, 1 a . 276. See poght. pontes, sb. pi. thoughts, 9. 7* Thralled, pt. s. put into bondage, 14 a. 46. A.S. j ircel, a slave. Thraw, sb. time, space of time, 16. 34; Thrawe, a moment, Sb. 198. See prowe. prawen, pp. thrown, bent, turned, 13- 516. Thred, adj. third, 10. 1826. See pridde. preo, adj. three, 1 b. 48, 67 ; Thre, 7. 10. A. S. pry, masc. ; preo , fern, and neut. ; Moeso-Goth. threis , neut. thrija ; Lat. /res, neut. /rz'a. prep, s6. contradiction, 13. 350. A. S. preapian, to chide. Threst, v. to thirst, 8 b. 103 ; Threstes, pr. s. impers. 8 b. 106. prestelcoe, sb. thrustlecock, 4 d. 7. A. S. pros/fe, a throstle, thrush ; G. drossel, Lat. turdus. Threte, v. to threaten, 2. cii. 18; pres. s. pretep, urges, excites, chides, 4 d. J. A. S. preatian , to urge, threaten, chide. Thretend, ad/. ordin. thirteenth, 8 a. 138. prette, thirty, 13. 317. prettene, thirteen, 15. v. 128. pridde, adj. third, 1 a. 135. A.S. \ridda , third. pries, adv. thrice, 6. 86 ; Thries, 20. 145. A.S. priwa. Thrifty, adj. profitable (to the buyer), serviceable, 19. 138. prinne, adv. therein, 6. 45. Thrist, sb. thirst, 2. ciii. 24. Mceso-Goth. thaurstei t G. durst , Du. dorst, A. S. ]iurst. Thritteind, adj . thirteenth, 7. 1. See Tend. pritti, adj. thirty, I a. 195, 196. A.S. \ritig. proliche, adv. vehemently, heart- ily, 12. 103 ; proly, quickly, 13. 504 ; resolutely, 12. 127. A. S. prd, vehement, Icel. prar, bold. prongen, pt. pi. thronged, 15. v. 260. A. S. pringan , to press, prowe, sb. time; pilke prowe = at that time, 20. 25. A. S. p rag, p rah, a space of time, a season, Gk. rpoxos. pro wen, pp. thrown together, 13. 5 ° 4 - prublande, pres, part . crowding, pressing, 13. 504. Cf. Lat. turba. prydde, adj. third, 5. 5633; pryd, 13. 249. See Thridde. pryft, sb. thrift, prosperity, 5. 5625 ; fertilising power, 18 a. 25. pryuen, pp. thriven, well-grown, 13. 298. Icel. prifa , to seize upon, prifst , prifast , to thrive, puderward, adv. thitherward, 1 a. 78. See piderward. pues, pron. pi. these, 186. 18. See pis. pulke = pilke, i. e. that, 1 a. 25, 38, 46 ; those things, such things, 15. vii. 286. punche, subj. pr. s. seem, appear, 3. 75. See Thine, punder-prast, sb. thunder-thrust, stroke of thunder, 13. 952. purf, prep, through, 1 b. 15; purgh, 5. 5787; Thurgh, 2. ciii. 56; pur3, by, 13. 236. With p urf, through, cf. O. E. pof, though, and O. E. diverth = A. S. diverge a dwarf. Thurghfare, v . to pass through, 4<52 GLOSS A RIAL INDEX. 2. cii. 33. A. S. ] turh-faran, to pass through. purleden, pt. pi. pierced, 15. i. 148. See pirled. purt, pt. s. needed, 5. 5826. A. S. \>earf, need ; ] >urfan, to need, pt. t. ic \>orfte ; Icel. \>urfa, pt.X.ek \>urfd ; Moeso-Goth. \>anrban , pt. t. ik \>aurfta. purth , prep. through, 12. 295. See poru. pwong, sb. thong, 17. Mar. i. 7. A. S. \>wong, ]>ivang. pyef, sb. thief, 9. 4. pyester, adj. dark, 9. hi. A. S. \>eoster , dark, G. duster , gloomy, pyesternesse, sb. darkness, 9. 57. A. S. \>eosternes y darkness, pynge, sb. d. pi. things, 4 a. 6. pyse, pron. these, 6. 58. See pis. py 5 , sb. thigh, 18 b. 124. Tidde. See Tide, vb. Tide, sb. hour, one of the hours , i. e. of the devotions so called, I a. 282; season, 2. ciii. 64. A. S. tidy G. zeit, time, hour ; hence E. tide. Tide, pr. s. subj. befal, betide, 12. 137; pt. s. Tidde, befel, 12. 198. A. S. tidaTiy to happen ; tidy time. Tidinge, sb. tidings, 1 a. 18. Cf. Icel. ttfiendi, sb. pi. tidings, from tilS, time ; G. zeitung, news, from zed, time. Til, prep, to, 2. xiv. 13 ; 2. cii. 12 ; badly spelt Tille, 8 a. 203 ; to- wards, 12. 232. Sw. till , Dan. til. Timbrede, pt. pi. subj. would have built ; t. not so hye , would not have raised such grand houses, 15. iii. 76. A. S. timbrian, to build, E. timber , building-wood ; cf. Lat. domuSy Gk. be/ico. Tine, v. to lose, 8 b. 130 ; 12. 299. Icel. tyna , to lose, tj/nast , to be lost, to perish ; whence Sc. tint, lost. Tirannye, sb. cruelty, pride, 19. 165. Tirant, sb. tyrant, 1 a. 366. Tite, adv. quickly, 10. 1914. Icel. /t'ffr, frequent, neut. titt (used as adv.), soon. See Ti5t. Tithand, sb. tidings, 8 a. 100; pi. Ti}?andes, tidings, II a. 58. Icel. ttiSendiy news; A. S. tidan, to happen, betide ; A. S. tid , G. zed, time ; E. tide. Tithing, sb. tidings, news, story, 17. Mar. i. 28 ; pi. Tijfinges, 12. 250. See above. Titte, sb. pull, tug, 10. 1915. A. S. tihtan, to draw, tighten. Titter, adv. more quickly, 10. 2354. See Tite, and Tbjt. Tixtes, sb.pl. texts, 15. i. 182. Ti3eJ>, pr. s. ties, 15. iii. 135. Ti3t, adv. quickly, 12. 133. Com- monly spelt til; cf. Icel. titt, Sw. tidty soon ; connected with A. S. tid, time, E. tide. See Tite. Ti3tly, adv. quickly, 12.66, 285. See above. To, prep, until, 11 b. 6; conj. till, 2. xvii. 98; adv. too, 3. 112; 19. 3 1 5 ; to brode = too far apart, too wide, 12. 11 ; to = up to the number of, 17. Mar. v. 13. A. S. to . G. zu, Moeso-Goth. du, to. To, num. two, 20. 60 ; Tuo, 20. 61. A. S. twa. To; in phr. he to = het o = h at o, the one, 5. 5643 ; so also he touher = het oher = h a t oj?er, the other, 5. 5651. To-, prefix , signifying in twain ; frequently used to give an inten- sive force. It answers to A. S. /o-, G. zer-y Moeso-Goth. dis -, Lat. dis- ; and must be carefully dis- tinguished from the A. S. prefix to-, signifying towards, which is the G. zu-, Moeso-Goth. du-, and is seldom used. See Toflight To-barst, pt. s. burst in twain, 12. 374. A. S. toberstan , G. zer- bersten, to burst in twain. Tobreddest, pt. s. 2 p. spreadest GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 4 6 3 out, 2. xvii. 95. A. S. tobrcedan , to spread abroad. To-broke, pp. broken in pieces, 1 a. 155. A.S. tobrecan , G. zer- brechen, to break in twain. Todele, v. to separate, 9. 212; pr. s . Todelefi, separates, 18 a. 127; pp. Todeled, divided, 18 a. 19. A.S. todcelan , G. zertheilen , to part in twain. Todrawefi, pr. pi, draw asunder, rend, 1 a. 287. See To-, prefix. Todreued, pp. troubled, 2. xvii. 20. A. S. todrefian, to disperse. Toflight, sb. refuge, 2. xvii. 3 ; 2. ciii. 42. Cf. A.S. tojleon , to flee to. Observe that the prefix is here the ordinary prep, to — towards ; see To-, prefix ; and cf. G. zuflucht , a refuge. To-fore, before, 6. 63; prep . 15. iii. no; Tofor, prep. 18 a. 1 16; Tofore, 20. 43. A.S. iofo- ran , before. Toft, s&. a rounded hill, slight eminence, 15 pr. 14. From O. Sw. tomt , originally a cleared space ; cf. Sc. toom , empty. To-gadere, adv. together, 1 a . 116, 297. A.S. togcedere. To-gedders, arfx/. together, 18 b. 95, 107; To-gydre, 14 c. 43. To-heuene-ward = towards hea- ven, 12. 102. Tohewe, pp. hewn in pieces, 19. 430. A. S. to-heawan , to hew in twain, G. zerhaueti. Tok, pt. s. gave, 15. iii. 46; 20. 101 ; Toke, took, 2. xiv. 14; pt. pi. Toke, took, 7. 71; I a. 361 ; gave, 1 a. 231 ; received, 5. 5594; pt. pi. subj. toke fiei on = if they bargained, received money, 15. iii. 76. See Take. Tokkeris, sb. pi. fullers, 15 pr. 100. Prov. E. tucker, a fuller ; tucking-mill, a fulling-mill for thickening cloth ; W. tew , thick, tewhau , tewychu , to thicken. Tolbothe, sb. toll-booth, place where tolls are collected, 17. Mar. ii. 14. Vulg. telonium. Tolde, pt. s. accounted, I a. 78 ; told, 1 a. 50; subj. pt. s. 1 p. should account, 4 b. 39 ; pt. pi. accounted, 1 a. 446; Tolden, counted, 15. v. 128; pp. Told, considered (to be), 20. 307. See Telle. Tolke, sb. a man, 13. 498. Lit. one who talks. Icel. tulkr , an interpreter, tulka, to interpret. Tollere, sb. usurer, 5. 5816, 5888. Cf. A. S. tol, toll, tolnere , a tax- gatherer. Tologged, pp. lugged in all direc- tions, dragged hither and thither, pulled about by the ear or hair, 15. ii. 192. Cf. Sw. lugga, to pull by the hair. Tome, sb. leisure, 15. ii. 1 60. Icel. tom , leisure, tomr , vacant, Sw. tom, Sc. toom , empty. Tonge, sb. tongs, pincers, I b. 77. 79, 85. A. S. tange, tongs. Tonge, sb. tongue, 3. 141, 144. Moeso-Goth. tuggo. Top-our-taill, phr. top over tail, head over heels, completely upset, 16. 455. To-rent, pr. s. became rent in twain, 13. 368. Torf, sb. turf, 18 a. 25. Icel. torf. Tormentors, sb. as adj. (in app. with dyeules), tormenting, 9. 69. Torn, v. F. to turn, return, 7. 154 ; pt. s. Torned, turned, 20. 145. To-rof, pt. s. became riven in twain, 13. 964. Torres, sb.pl. towers, tower-shaped cumuli, 13. 951. A.S. tor , a tower, hill-top. Tortuous, adj. oblique, 19. 302. See the note. To-scbed, pp. parted, 18 b. 67. A.S. to-sceadan, to divide. Tosprad, pp. spread about, scat- tered, 1 a. 149; spread abroad, 464 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. dishevelled, 20. 138. A. S. to - sprcedian , to spread abroad. Tother ; i?i phr. the tother = thet or that other, the second, 8 a. 1 13; the tothir = that other, the other, 16. 186. Toun, sb. town, 1 a. 461. A.S. tun. Toune ; to toune, in its turn, 4 d. 1. See note. To-uore, prep, before, 1 a. 417; To-vore, 18 b. 108. See To- fore. Tour, sb. a tower, 15 pr. 14; tower, stronghold, 15. i. 54; where some MSS. read tntour , i. e. guardian. F. tour , Lat. turris. Tourer. See To, in phr. pe to. To-walten, pt . pi. flowed asunder, overflowed, 13.428. A.S. weal - tian , to roll, reel, weallan , to well, flow. To-wawe, v. move or crawl about, 12. 19. The prefix to- here means towards or near an object, and wawe = wag, move. Cf. Sc. wauchle , to toddle about. Trass, sb. trace, 16. 67. Trast ( for Traist), pr. s. 1 p. trust, 16. 179. Icel. treysta , to trust, traust , trust, traustr , trusty. Trauail, sb. F. toil, 1 a. 462, 491 ; Trawayle, 12.299; Trauell, 16. 45. W. trafael . Traueilist, 2 p. s. pr. troublest, 17. Mar. v. 35; pp. Traueilid, tormented, 17. Mar. v. 15. Vulg. uexas, uexabatur. Trawed, pt. pi. trowed, trusted, expected, 13. 388. See Trow. Trawbe, sb. truth, 13. 236. A.S. treow^S, truth, troth. Trayste, v. to trust, 10. 1431. See Trast. Tre, sb. wood (lit. tree), 18 a. 117 ; pi. Tren, trees, 18 a. 3. A.S. treow , Mceso-Goth. triu, a tree, Gk. Spvs, an oak. Treoflinge, pres. part, trifling, 1 b. 74. O. F. trujler , to mock at ; trufle, a gibe, scoff. Tresorie, sb. treasury, 1 a. 360, 509- Tresour, sb. F. treasure, 1 a. 372, 508 ; 15. i. 54; Tresor, 19. 442. Lat. thesaurus , Gk. Orjoavpus , from tlOtj/u , I lay up in store. Tretys, sb. treaty, 19. 233. Cf. F. traite , from Lat. tractare. Treufie, sb. fidelity, troth, 1 a. 23 ; 4 b. 28. A. S. tredw'S, truth, troth. See Trawhe. Trew, adj. true, honest, faithful, 5. 5800 ; pi. Trewe, 19. 456. A. S. treowe , true. Trewehede, sb. truth, uprightness, 1 a. 4 7. Treye, sb. affliction, misery, 3. 173, 198. A. S. trega, vexation, tribu- lation, tregian, to vex. Triacle, sb. a sovereign remedy, 19. 479. E. treacle, F. triacle ; from Gk. 6r)pia/ca (pap/iaKa, antidotes against the bites' of animals, from Orjp, a beast. Tricherie, sb. treachery, 1 a. 31 ; 15. i. 172; Tricherye, 1 a. 457. Probably from Lat. tradere , Prov. trachar , to betray ; see Traitor in Wedgwood. Triedest, adj. superl. choicest, 15. i. 126. F. trier, to select; from Low Lat. tritare , to triturate, from Lat. terere , to rub ; cf. E. trite. Trinite, sb. the Trinity, 6. 87. Trist, sb. tryst, meeting-place, 16. 230. Triste, v. to trust; forto triste = to trust, i. e. to be trusted, 20. 328. See Trast. Triwe, adj. true, faithful, I a. 418. See Trew. Tri5ede, pp. tried, 15. i. 183. Tri3ely, adv. excellently, 15 pr. 14. Lit. choicely, from F. trier, to pick, select. See Triedest. Tronen, sb. pi. thrones, 9. 138. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 465 Trost, subj. pr. s. trust, 3. 194. See Trast, Triste, Tryste. Trouble, adj. troubled, turbid, 20. 334 - Tr outlie, sb. troth, fidelity, 5. 5774 - Trow, v. to believe, 13. 1049; 16. 143; I p. s. pr. Trowe, 15. pr. 34; 19. 288; pr. s. Trowes, believes, 10. 788; pr.pl. Trowe, suppose, 19. 222 ; me trowep, people believe, 18 b. 139 ; Trawed, expected, 13. 388. A. S. treow , trust, treowan , to believe. Trowyng, sb. belief, 10. 789. See above. Tru, adj. true, faithful, 7. 60. See Trew. Tru, v. to trow, believe, 7. 413. See Trow. Truage, sb. tribute, I a. 346. O. F. truage, truaige , tribute, (Roquefort.) Trusse, v. to pack, pack off, to begone, 15. ii. 194. O. F. trosser , torser , F. trousser , to pack up, lit. to twist up ; formed from Lat. tortus , pp. of torquere, to twist. Truste, v. to trust, 1 a. 21 ; pt. s. Truste, trusted, 1 a. 12. See Trast, Triste, Trost. Truth.es, sb. pi. pledges, 7. 60. A. S. trebufd, truth, a pledge. Tryste, v. to trust, believe, 18 a. 148. See Trast, Triste. Tua, adj. two, 7. 50. A. S. twa. Tuelf, adj. S. twelve, I a. 19. A. S. tivelf, Mceso-Goth. twalif. Tuelft, adj. twelfth, 8 a. 1 3 7. A. S. twelfta. Tuelmonth, sb. twelvemonth, 7. 1 1. Tuelue, adj. twelve, 7. 31. See Tuelf. Tuengde, pt. s. pinched, 1 b. 81. 85. Cf. E. twinge , Sw. tvinga, to force, constrain ; G. zwingen, to constrain. Tueyne, adj. twain, two, 20. 214. VOL. II. A. S. twegen , masc., twa , fern, and neut., two. Tuin, num. twain, two, 7. 278. See above. Tun, sb. town, 7. 71. A. S. tun. Tung, sb. tongue, 2. xiv. 6. See Tonge. Tuo, adj. two, I a. 237. See Twa. Turne, v. to turn, I a. 120; pres, part. Turnand, turning, 2. ciii. 69. F. tourner , Lat. tornare , to turn wood. Turues, sb. pi. turfs, 20. 205. See Torf. Twa, adj. two, 2. xvii. 68 ; Twey, 15. vii. 268. A. S. twa, G. zwei , Lat. duo. Twinging, sb. affliction, 2. xvii. 51. Sw. tvinga , to constrain, twinge. See Tuengde. Twist, sb. bough, 16. 188. Cf. E. twig; it lit. means a fork in a branch, the root being the word two. See Twyn. Twyes, adv. twice, 6. 100. So also pries, q. v. Twyn, v. to part, part in twain, 10. 1823; Twynne, to separate, 19. 517; to part, 13. 402. A.S. twynian, to doubt, lit. to be in twain. See Tuin, Tueyne. Twynne; in twynne = in twain, 13. 966. See Tuin. Tyde, sb. hour, time, 16. 48 ; 20. 135. See Tide, sb. Tyden, v. to befall, 19. 337 ; Tyde, 12. 326; pr. s. subj. Tyde, may happen, 3. 157. See Tide, vb. Tyene, sb. sorrow, 9. 175. See Teone. Tylle, v. to prepare, 5. 5674. A. S. tilian , to till, prepare, assist, exer- cise ; til, fit, suitable, excellent ; til, an aim, object ; G. ziel , an aim, zielen, to aim at. Tyme, pr. s. subj . betide, 12. 279. 46 6 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. A. S. getimian, to happen ; tima , time. Tyne, v. to lose, io. 702 ; 12. 358 ; 16. 2 r ; pr. s. Tynes, loses, 10. 697 ; pp. Tynt, lost, 16. 45. See Tine. Tyned, pt. s. fastened, 13. 498. A. S. tynan, to fasten in, to hedge in, from tun , a town, an enclo- sure, a hedge, G. zaun , a hedge, z'dunen , to shut up. Tyred, pp . attired, dressed, 12. 263. Cf. G. z/er, an ornament, zieren , to adorn. Tysyk, s6. phthisic, phthisis, con- sumption, 10. 701. Gk. , imp. pi. remember, bear in mind, I a. 102, 105, 113, 121; pp. Vnderstonde, 19. 520. A. S. under standan, lit. to under- stand. Vndertoc, pt. undertook, agreed, 4 c. 12. Vnderueng, pt. s. received, I a. 21 3 * 3 I 3 - See Vndurfong. Vndreh, adj. out of patience, un- able to tolerate, 4 c. 17. A. S. dredgan , to endure, Sc. dree. See the note. Vndrestand, v. to endure (?), 2. cii. 34. The Vulg. has subsistet , which the translator turns into understand. Vndurfong, l p. s. pt. received, 15. i. 74 - A. S. under-fon , to receive, pt. t. ic underfeng. Vndyrstonde, v. to understand, 5. 5627; pt. s. Vndyrstode, 5. 5845. Vnfest, adj. unstable, not firm, 2. xvii. 96. A. S. feest, fast, G.fest. Vnfete, adj. bad, wicked (?), 4 c . 57. Feat = F. fait, made, done, from Lat .facere, Y.faire : whence O. F. faicture , the making or form of a thing ; whence E. fea- tures, Cf. O. E. fetise, well-made, neat ; O. F. faictis, Lat. factitius. Vnfeyn, adj. displeased, 3. 191. A. S. feegen , glad,/nm. Vnfiled, adj. undefiled, 2. xvii. 79. O. E .file, to defile. Vn-glad, adj. miserable, 4 b. 4. Vnhappy, adj. unlucky, 19. 306. See Happe. Vnhiled, pp. uncovered, 2. xvii. 42; Vnhuled, 13. 451. A. S. helan , to hide, conceal. Vnkunnynge, adj. unskilful ; hence , unknightly, cowardly, 1 8 b. 126. Vnkyth, v. to cease to shew (itself), become hid, disappear, 7. 66. If it be the object of both verbs, GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 469 then can vnkyth *7 = did hide itself. A. S. cy°San, to manifest. Vn-lose]?, pr. pi. unloose, open, 15 pr. 87- Vnnait, adj. useless, unprofitable, vain, 2. xxiii. 9. Icel. neyta , to use ; Dan. nyde, to enjoy. Vnnehe, adv. scarcely, I a. 289, 410; 12.132; Vnnethes, scarcely, 10. 476. A. S. un-edft, uneasy, from edfS, easy. Vnright, sb. wrong, injustice, 2. cii. 12 ; Vnri3t, 1 a. 369. Vnsaht, adj. at variance, unfriendly, 3. 148; 4 c. 31. A. S. saht , sb. peace, adj. peaceful ; sahtlian , to reconcile. Vnscliape, pp. unshapen, out of shape, outlandish, 18 a. 209. Unschilful, adj. unreasonable (lit. unskilful), 8 b. 72. Vnsele, adj. unhappy, 3. 170. A.S. seel, happiness, scelig, happy. Vnsete, sb. 4 c. 51 ; either wicked- ness, vice, from A. S. unsidu , want of duty, from sidu, manner, cus- tom, duty ; or unsettledness, want of resting-place ; cf. Sw. sate , a seat, place of residence. Vnbewes, sb. pi. vices, 3. 32. A. S. \>eaw, a custom ; pi. J >eawas, good manners. Vn-hryfte, sb. unprofitableness, evil, 13. 516. Vn-thryftyly, adv. unprofitably, # improperly, 13. 267. Vntil, prep, to, unto, 2. ciii. 42. Vntuled, adj. untilled, 1 a. 344. A. S. tilian, to till. Vnwar, adj. unexpected, 19. 427. A. S. wcer, wary. Vnware, adv. unwarily, 18 b. 70. Vnwemmed, adj. unspotted, un- defiled, 2. xvii. 86. A.S. went, a spot, stain. Vnwis, adj. unwise, 4 c. 40. Vn-wor)>elych, adj. ignoble, un- worthy, base, 13. 305. Uo, sb. foe, 9. 79. A.S .fa. Vod, sb. wood, 16. 1. A.S .wudu. Vode-syde, sb. woodside, 16. 404. Vol, adj. full, 1 a. 476, 4 77; 9. 56. Volliche, adv. fully, 1 a. 317. Uolnesse, sb. fulness, 9. 113. Volvulle, v. to fulfil, 18 b. 24; pp. Uolueld, fulfilled, 9. 136. "Vond, pt. s. found, I a. 435. Uondinge, sb. temptation, 9. 231. A. S. fandnng , temptation, fand- ian, to tempt. Vor, conj. for, la. 11, 23 ; Uor, 1 a. 41,43 ;prep. 186. 35. A.S. for. Uor-, prefix ( chiefly before verbs), gives an intensive force, or implies abstraction or completeness, and answers to A.S. /or-, G. and Du. ver- ; cf. E. for - in forbid , for- give, forget. But it is also used for fore-, A.S .fore-, G. vor-, Du. voor-, which implies precedence, as in E. foretell, forestall . In Moeso-Goth. there is some confu- sion, the prefix faur- being used in both senses, but the prefix fra- (E. from ) only in the former. The words from and fore are the nearest intelligible English equi- valents to for- and fore-. Uor-arnd, pp. ridden all about, I a. 167. (See note on this line.) A. S. cernan, to cause to run, to ride a horse, yrnan , to run. Vor-barnd, pp. entirely burnt, I a. 448. A. S . forbyrnan, to burn up, G. verbrennen , Du. verbranden , to consume. Uor-bed, pt. s. forbade, 1 a. 68. A.S. forbeodan, G. verbieten, Du. verbieden , Mceso-Goth. faurbiud- an, to forbid. Uorbernd, pp. burnt up, 9. 65. See Vorbarnd. Uorbysne, sb. parable, 9. 2. A. S. forebysen , a fore-example, a para- ble ; from fore , before, bysen , an example. Vorewarde, sb. agreement, cove- 470 GLOSSARIAL INDEX . nant, I a. 17, 25, 455. A.S foreweard , from fore , before, weard , ward, guard ; cf. Du. voorwaarde, a condition. TJorlete, gerund , to let alone, forego, forsake, 9. 22 ; imp. s . Uorlet, forgive, 9. 229; ip.pl. pr. Uorletej?, 9. 230. A.S. forle- lan , to let go, Du. verlaten , to forsake, G. verlassen. ITorlore, pp. lost, 1 a. 265. A.S. forloren , lost, pp. of for-leosan , to lose ; G. verloren , pp. of ver- lieren, to lose ; Du. verloren , pp. of verliezen , to lose ; cf. Mceso- Goth. fraliusan, to lose; E. for- lorn. Vorpriked, pp. pricked, spurred to death, 1 a. 167. A.S. priccian , to prick, to spur ; with prefix /or-. Uorsuore, pp. forsworn, perjured, 1 a. 1 19. A.S. forswerian, to swear falsely ; cf. Du. verzweeren , pp. verzworen; G. verschworen , pp. verschworen. Vorte, till, until, 1 a. 526; co«y. tin, 1 a. 164, 332, 333; Uorte, I a. 106. Lit. /or to. See Vor to. Vorb, s6. course, way; hadde here vor\> = made their way on, made some advance, 18 b. 116. W. ffordd , a way, road, passage. See ForJ?. TJorb, adv. forth, 1 a. 133; Vorb, I a. 2 86. A.S. /or£>, Du. voor/, forth. Vorthis, pr. s. becomes, 16. 174; pt. s. Vorthit, became ; hym vorthit slep = sleep came upon him, or, it came upon him to sleep, 16. 177. See Worbe. Vor to = to before the infinitive , I a. 14, 1 29 ; Uorto, I a. 56, 351. Uor-wounded, pp. wounded se- verely, 1 a. 167. A. S. /or- wundian , G. vcrwunden, Du. ver- xuonden , to wound severely. TJorzo]?e, adv. forsooth, verily, 9. 2. Lit. for sooth , A.S. /or sdfte, for the truth. Uor-zwel^e, v. to swallow up, devour, 9. 80. A. S. forswelgan, Du. verzwelgen, to swallow up, G. verschwelgen % to consume, spend. Votmen, sb. pi. footmen, foot- soldiers, 186.93; Vootmen, 100. Voul, adj. foul, la. 491. A.S. ful. Vounder, adj. wondrously, greatly, 1 6. 225. Vourte)?e, ord. adj . fourteenth, 186.89. A.S . feowerteofia. Vouwes, sb. pi. vows, 15. pr. 68 . Voyded, pt. s. emptied, 13. 1013. F. vider , O. F. vuider ^ to empty, from Lat. uiduus. Voys, sb. voice, rumour, 19. 155. F. voixy Lat. acc. uocem. Vp, prep, upon, 1 a. 41 1; adv. vp bat es doun = upside down, 10. 673. A. S. Upy Uppy Du. Opy G. avfy Mceso-Goth. iupy Lat. sub, Gk. vno. Vpbraiding, sb. reproach, 2. xiv. 8. See below. Vpbreyd, sb. reproaches, 5. 5843. A. S. upgebredan , to cry out. Vpe, prep, upon, 1 a. 70, 86. A. S. uppan , uppe , prep. upon. Vpheue, v. to raise, exalt, 2. xvii. 123; pp. Vphouen, exalted, 2. xvii. 1 1 8 ; Vpehouen, 2. viii. 3. A. S. uphebban , upheban , to heave up, to raise. Vplondysch. See Oplondysch. Vpon, adj. open, 13. 318, 453, 501. A. S. open , Icel. opinn , Sw. oppen, G. offen. Vpon, prep, upon; vpon lofte = above, 13. 318. Vprisinge, sb. resurrection, I a . 469. Vpset, pp. set up, 20. 44. Vpstegh, pt. s. ascended, 2. xvii. 23 ; pr. pi. Vpsteghes, ascend, GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 471 rise, 2. ciii. 17. A. S. stigan , upstigan, to ascend. Vpsteghing, sb. ascent, 2. ciii. 7. See above. Vp-sterte, pt. s. started up, 5. 5603. See Sterte. Vptoke, pt. s. took up, received, 2. xvii. 45. Vp-wafte, pt. pi. uprose, upblew, 13. 949. Sw. vefta , to fan, blow. Sc. waff, to blow. See Wafte. Vp-^elde, v. to deliver up, restore, I a. 83. A. S. gildan, to pay, yield. Vr, pron. our, I a. 130 ; 15. i. 78 ; Vre, 1 a. 361 ; 15 . pr. 32 ; Vres, ours, 7.. 406. A. S. ure , of us, ure , ours. Vram , prep. from, 18&. 114. Vri, imp. s. free, deliver, 9. 231. A. S. freon, to free. Vrj^e, sb. S. earth, 1 b. 25 ; 13. 303. A. S. eorfie. Vs, sb. F. use, 20. 335. Lat. usus. Vsellez, sb. pi. cinders, ashes, 13. 1010. A. S. ysela, a hot ember ; cf. A. S. asce, ahse , a cinder, asA. Vte-brast, pt. s. burst out, 7. 328. A. S. ti/, out, berstan , to burst. Vtewit, adv. outside, beyond (the town), 7. 190. Sc. outwith , out- side, E. without. Vuel, sb. S. evil, sickness, 1 a. 414 ; De]>vuel = death-sickness, last ill- ness. A. S.yfel, sb. evil, adj. evil, G. ubel. Vuele, adv. ill, 1 a. 492. A. S. yfele, evilly. Vul, pt. s. fell, 18 b. 123. Vulde, pt. pi. filled, 186. 43. Vus, put for Vs, us, 13. 471 ; 14 a. 58. Vyfti, adj. fifty, lb. 48, 51. A. S .f if tig. Vyendes, sb. pi. fiends, 9. 24. A. S. feond. Vyn, v. to win, gain, reach, 16. 4 2 9 - Vynkit, pt. s. slept, 16. 182. Lit. winked ; A. S. wincian , to wink. Vtrely, adv. utterly; all vtrely = all utterly, 16. 420. Vysege, sb. visage, 5. 5889. O. F. visaige, F. visage, from Lat. uisus, appearance, uidere, to see. Vy$te, v. to fight, 186. 79. W. W, often used for v in Lowland Scotch, as in wenge for venge ; also for u , as in mwre for mure , i. e. moor. Wa, sb. woe, 2. xvii. 4; 10. 1260; sua wa was him = he had such woe, 7. 176. A.S. wa, woe; Mceso-Goth. wail woe! Wafte, pt. s. lifted up, raised, 13. 453; wafted, bore, 13. 422. Icel. veifa , to agitate, move quickly. Wafullic, adv. woefully, 8 a. 166. See Wa. Waiour, sb. wager, 5. 5598, 5601. O. F. wager , gagier, to pledge, gagiere, a pledge, Low Lat. uadium, a pledge, from Lat. uas (gen. uad-is ), a pledge ; cf. A. S. wed, a pledge. Gage and wed are radically identical. Wait, v. to watch for, 7. 34; Waiten, to expect, 19. 246. Wait, Watch, Wake, are various spellings of the same word ; cf. O. F. gaiter, to watch, from a Teutonic root. See Wake. Waites, sb.pl. watchmen, spies, 7. 169. O. F. waite, gaite , a sentinel, from waiter, gaiter, to watch ; see below. Wake, v. to watch, keep awake, 5. 5830 ; Wakan, to arouse, 13. 948; Waky, to watch, 9. 4; pres. part. Wakand, watching. 7. 50. A. S. wacan , to awake, wacian, to watch, Sw. vaka, Mceso-Goth. wakan, to watch ; Sw. vakna, Mceso-Goth. gawak- nan, to be awake. Waking, sb. watch, 17. Mar. vi. 48. Vulg. uigiliam. 472 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Wakynde, pres. part, keeping watch, 9. 29. See Wake. Wal, sb. wall, 2. xvii. 78. A. S. zvedll , wall , Lat. uallum, a ram- part. Wald, pt. s. would, wanted, 2. xvii. 54. See Wol. Walis, Wales, I a. 345. Walle-heued, sh. well-head, spring, 13. 364. A. S. weall , a well, hedfod , head. WalleJ?, />r. s. rolls about, keeps turning about uneasily, 15. v. 71. Cf. O. E. walsh , insipid, Moeso- Goth. walwjan , Lat. uoluere , to roll. Walri, prop, name , St. Valeri, Walaricus, or Gualaricus, abbot; (his day is Dec. 12) la. 57. Walt, pt. s. rolled, turned, moved round (on a hinge), 13. 501. A. S. wealtian , to roll. reel. Walt, 12. 144. See Welt. Walter, v. to roll, flow, 13. 1027 ; pr. s. Waltez, rolls; waltez of= rolls off, 13. 103 p;pt.s. Waltered, rolled about, went to and fro, 13. 415. A. S. wealtian , to roll, reel, Sw. valtra, to roll, G. walzen , to roll ; whence E. waltz. Waites, pr. s. wells (out), pours (forth), 13. 364. Cf. A. S. weallan , to well out ; wealtian , to roll, wealcan , to roll ; weall , a well ; G. welle, a wave. See above. Wan, pron. dat. sing, neut . which, I a. 238, 242; from wan = from which. A. S. hwam , dat. neut. of hwd , who. Wan, pt. s. won, 1 a. 456 ; pt.pl. gained (upon them), 16. 85; Van, won, 16. 88. A. S. winnan , to win. Wan, sb. weening, thought, plan, judgment, 8 b. 155. Sc. wane , A. S. wen, opinion. See Will. Wand, sb. refusal, 7. 145. See Wonde. Wandreth., sb. peril, 8 b. 59. Icel. vandrcefti , difficulty, (Mobius). Wane, subj. pr. pi. wane, fail, 2. xvii. 98 ; imp. pi. 3 p. let them vanish, 2. ciii. 83. A. S. wanian , to wane. Wane, sfe. lessening, diminution, 6. 65. A. S. wana , a deficiency, want, lack; Mceso-Goth. wans, lacking. Wane, sb. quantity, number; gret wane , a great number, II a. 93. See Wone, sb. a quantity. Wane, cozy, when, 6. 62. Wanes, sfe. pi. dwellings, haunts; put for sing, dwelling, abode, 8 b. 219. A.S. wunian , to dwell. Wangeliste, sb. evangelist, 8 b. 1. Wanhope, sb. despair (lit. waning or lack of hope), 10. 2229. A.S. wan-, prefix signifying want, and hopa, hope ; Sw. vanhopp, despair. Wankyll, adj. unstable, 8 b. 97. A. S. wancol, unsteady ; cf. Sw. vanka omkring, to wander about. Wanne, adv. when, 1 a. 310, 342 ; 6.85. A.S . hwcenne. Wannes, adv. whence, lb. 15. A. S. hwonan, whence. Wantrokiynge, sb. abatement, 9. 59. A. S. prefix wan-, want, lack, and trucan , to fail, abate. Wapnid, pp. weaponed, armed, life. 39. A. S. wcepen, a weapon ; wcepnian, to arm. War, adj. cautious, prudent, 4 fe. 34; wary, 13. 292; aware, 20. 161. A.S . wcer, wary, cautious; Mceso-Goth. wars, wary; cf. Lat. uereor , Gk. opaco. War, pt. pi. were, 2. xvii. 48, 50; 7. 39 ; 2 p.s. pt. subj. wouldst be, 8 fe. 88 ; subj . pt. s. Ware \>e, might be to thee, 3. 196. Ward, sb. regard, 7. 263. A.S. weard, a guard, a watch ; weard- ian, to take care of, keep. Warded, pp. guarded, 12. 101. A. S. weardiany to guard. GLOSSARIAL INDEX . 473 Ware, sb. ware, things for sale, 19. 140. A. S. warn. Ware, v. to lay out, spend, 5. 5798. A. S. warn, merchandise ; whence the present O. E. verb seems to be formed. See above. Ware, (?) sb. host, collection, 2. xvii. 30, 41. Thus windesware = collec- tion of winds. Cf. helleware , the host of hell, Ormulum, 3593. Wareuore, adv. for which, i. e. for it, in return, 1 a. 203. Wariande, pres. part, varying, 10. 1447. Lat. uariare. Warie, v. to curse, 15. vii. 301 ; I p. s. pr. Warye, I curse, 1 9. 372. A S. wcergian, wyrgian , to curse, wirg, wicked, wearh , a wicked wretch, a villain. Warmd, pp. S. warmed, 6. 30. War-ne, conj. if not, unless, 8 a. 220; 10. 2342. 0 . Fr. ne warn , O. Sax. ne ivari , unless ; O. E. warn (Hampole) ; war ne is for ne war ; cf. A. S. ncere ( = ne wee re) were it not. In O. Fries, we find wera used to mean but. Warnes, pr. s. denies, refuses, 8 b. 70. See Werne. Warpen, v. to throw, toss, 13. 444. A. S. weorpan , G. werfen , to throw, E. warp. Warso, adv. wheresoever, 10. 2368. War-J>oru, adv. wherethrough, whereby, 1 a. 1 70; Ware-J>oru, I a. 294, 432. Wary, v. to curse, 13. 513 ; 1 p. s. pr. Warye, 19. 372. See Warie. Warysoun, sb. protection, 3. 21. O. F. warison , garison , surety, protection, from garir , F. guerir , to protect, preserve ; cf. Mceso- Goth. warjan to bid to beware, wars , wary. Cf. E. garrison. Wastor, sb. waster, idle spend- thrift, 15. vii. 290. Wat, pron. what, 1 a. 1 79, 354. Wat, 1 p. s. pr. I wot, I know, 16. 77 ; pr. s. Wat, he knows, 8 b. 92 ; pi. Wate, they know, 10. 1432. A. S. witan , to know, wit; pr. t. ic wat, I wot, hi witon , they wot ; I wot , like the Gk. olba, is a pt. form with a pres, sense. See Wite, to know. Water, sb. 6. 13 ; gen. s. Wateres, 6. 23; Wateris, 6. 35; dat. s. Watere, 6. 38 ; pi. Watres, 2. xvii. 33. A. S. wceter, Du. water, G. wasser, Gk. vbevp. Watloker, adv. comp, more quickly, sooner, 1 a. 25. O. E. hwadiche, quickly ; A. S. hwcetlic , sharp, quick ; hwcet , sharp, hwettan , to sharpen, to whet. Watrand, pres. part, watering, 2. ciii. 2 7. Wattri, adj. poisonous, 8 b. 114. Northern spelling of attri, poison- ous, from A. S. attor , poison. Watz 9 pt.s. was, 13. 238. See the note. Wawe, sb. wave, 17. Mar. v. I ; pi. Wawis, iv. 37; Wawes, 10. 1218; Wawez, 13. 382. A. S. wceg, G. woge , a wave ; cf. Moeso- Goth. gawagjan, to wag. Waxen, v. to grow, become, 3. 148; pr. s. Waxe)?, 15. v. 71; pr.pl. Waxen, 4 d. 15; Waxej?, 4 d. 32 ; pt. s. Wax, grew, I b. 28 ; became, 5. 5689 ; Waxed, increased, 13. 397. A. S. weaxan , Mceso-Goth. vjahsjan , to grow, increase, wax; cf. Gk. avgaveiv. See Wexe, Wox. Waxlokes, sb. pi. waxlike flakes, 13. 1037. A. S. weax , wax, and loee , a lock of hair. Wayk, adj. weak, 10. 693 ; Wayke, 10. 767. A. S. wdc, weak, G. weich , soft ; cf. G. schwach , weak. Wayte, v. to watch, 13. 292 ; pr. pi. Waytes, watch, 10. 1243; wayte hire sum wicked torn = watch to do her some evil turn, 12. 148; wayte aftir = await, wait for, expect, 19. 467. See Wait. 474 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Wa3e3, sb.pl. waves, 13. 404. We, sb. a little bit, a short time, 16. 182. Cf. Prov. E. weeny , small, G. wenig, little ; A. S. hweetie, hwene, a little. Web, sb. the whole piece of ivoven cloth from which the coat was made, 15. v. 92. A. S. web. Websteris, sb. pi. female weavers, 15 pr. 99. A. S. webbestrey a female weaver ; Webber e, a weaver, webbatiy to weave. Weddir, sb. a wether, sheep, 16. 1 15. A. S. wefier, a sheep, G. widder , a ram. Wede, v. to go mad, 7. 176. A.S. wody mad, wedan , to go mad. Weder, sb. weather, 3. 168, 247; pi. Wedirs, 10. 1424; Wederez, storms, 13. 948. A.S. weder , weather ; alsoy a storm. Wedes, sb.pl. garments, 15. vi. j. A.S. weed, clothing; still preserved in phr. ‘ a widow’s weeds' Weeles, sb.pl. waves, whirlpools, torrents, 2. xvii. 12. The Vulg. has torrentes. Cf. A. S. weall , a well, spring ; G. welle, a wave ; A. S. wcely Sc. wiely Lancashire weele, a whirlpool ; cf. Lat. uoluere. Wees,^r. s< was, 4 c. 42. A. S. wees. Weete, adj. as sb. wet, 15. vi. 21. Wei, sb. little time, a ‘ wee * 7. 289. See We. Wei, sb. S. way, I a. 61. A.S. wegy Du. and G. wegy Lat. via. Weie, v. to weigh, 15. v. 118. Weile, I p. s. pr. bewail, 15. v. 94. Wei3h, sb. a man, warrior, 12. 281. A. S. wig, war, wiga, a warrior, man. See Wies. Wei, 1 p. s. pr. will, desire, 6. 50. Wei, adv. very, 6. 5 ; 12. 4; com- pletely, 14 c. 72 ; wel more = much more, 1 a. 114; wel hyt ys, it is well, 186. 74. A.S. wel. Welde, v. to rule, be master of, possess, 2. viii. 21 ; 12. 76; Weld, 12. 135 ; Weld, to have full con- trol over his limbs, 10. 757; 1 p . s. pr. Welde, I possess, 12. 282. A. S. wealdan , to wield , govern ; G. walten , to rule over. Wele, adv. well, 2. cii. 28, 29; well, indeed, 2. cii. 13; 5. 5782. See Wel. Wele, sb. wealth, 3. 115 ; joy, 4 d. 11 ; success, 10. 1260; prosperity, 19. 175. A. S. wela , weal, wealth, bliss. Welfiil, adj. full of weal, blessed, 19. 451. See above Welkes, pr. s. withers, 10. 70 j. Du. and G. welken , to wither ; cf. A. S. wealwian (Lat. uoluere ), to roll, wallow , roll up, wither. Welle, v. to boil, 8a. 166. A.S. weallan, to well up, boil. Welles, sb. pi. wells, springs, 2. xvii. 41. A. S. weall, a well. Welt, pt. s. wielded, possessed, 12. 230; used, 12. 142; Walt, 12. 144. See Welde. Welyen, v. to wither, 2. cii. 32 ; pt. s. Weiwide, 1 7 a. iv. 6. See Welkes. Wem, sb. spot, blemish, 9. 149; 17 b. xiv. 2. A. S. wem, a spot, blemish; Mceso-Goth. wamm , a spot. Wemles, adj. spotless, unblemished, 2. xiv. 3 ; Wemmeles, without blemish, 2. xvii. 63. See above. Wenche, sb. maiden, 17. Mar. v. 39 ; Wench, vi. 28 ; pi. Wenchis, female companions, 15 pr. 51. Wend. See Wene. Wende, v. to turn, 9. 226; to go, I a. 149, 238 ; Wend, 7. 49 ; 12. 300 ; 1 p.s. pr. Wende, I turn, 4 a. 25 ; pt. s. Wende, went, I a. 57; 12. 259; pt. pi. Went, went, 7. 50; imp. s. Wende, go, 13. 471. A. S. wendan , to turn, wend, go ; G. wenden, to turn; cf. E. wind. Wene, 1 p.s.pr. I suppose, 1 a. 221 ; 2 p. pr. pi. Wene]?, think, 3. 301 ; suppose (where Wene\ is GLOSSARIAL INDEX . 475 probably singular ), 6. 1 14 ; pt. s. Wend, thought, 12. 229; pt.pl. Wend haf funden = thought they had found, 7 - 7 °> Wende, esteem- ed, 6. 25. A. S. wenan , G. wdhnen , to think, «/££/* ; A. S. we«, G. wahn , a fancy. Wenene, adv. whence, 1 a. 403. A. S. hivonan , whence. Wenge, v. to revenge, 7. 178; to avenge, 16. 35. F. venger y Lat. uin die are. Wenges, sb.pl. wings, 14 c. 134. Icel. veengr , Sw. vinge, a wing; cf. E. swing. Wente, 1 p. s. pt. turned, 9. 127; Went, gone, 5. 5918. See Wende. Weole, sb. weal, happiness, 4 d. 35. See Wele. Weorj?e, 2 p. s. pr. subj. mavst become, 15. i. 26. See Worj^e. Wep, pt. s. wept, 1 a. 499 ; 12. 50. A. S. wepan , to weep, pt. t. w W£o/> ; Mceso-Goth. wopjan , to cry out, to whoop. Wepe, s6. weeping, 5. 5723. A. S. wop , a whoop , cry, lament. Wer, conj. whether, 1 a. 88. See Wher. Werd, s&. world, 8 a. 152; Werdes, the world’s, 8 a. 126; b. 79. Dan. verden , Sc. ward. See Werld. Were, v. to wear, 3. 19. A. S. werian. Were, subj.pt. s. might be, was, 1 a. 50 ; 2 p. s. pr. subj. might st be, 19. 308, 457; were it = whether it were, 19. 143. A. S. ic wees , I was, subj. ic weere , I might be. Were, sb. doubt, 5. 5678 ; war, 10. 1468. Du. war , confusion; warren , to confuse, entangle, embroil ; hence E. war , confusion, battle. Were; either sb. war; or (more likely) vb. to defend, 11 a. 95. In the first case , put J?am to were =: prepared themselves for battle ; in the second = prepared to defend themselves. See below. Wereden, pl.pl. guarded, 9. 148. A. S. wergan , werian , to defend, wering , a dam, bulwark, wcer, a we/r or wear. Werinisse, s6. weariness, 1 6. 61. A.S. werignes , from werig , weary; cf. G. wdhren, to endure. Wer-inne, ar. s. Werne, 3. 16. A. S. wyrnan , to refuse, warn ; from the root of ware, wary, beware. Werp, />/. s. cast ; hence, cast words, uttered, spake, 13. 284. See Warpen. Werj?e, sb. either for Werde, fate, destiny; or, host, landlord, inn- keeper; or, worth, honour, enter- tainment by others, 3. 104. Cf. (1) E. weird , fate; (2) G. wirth , Du. waard, a host, inn-keeper ; (3) E. worth, honour. Werwolf, sb. a man who has been turned into a wolf by enchant- ment, 12. 15. A.S. wer , a man; cf. F. loupgarou , which = loup- gar-wulf= loup-wer-wolfi by a curious corruption. Wes, s. was, 3. 3; 16. 176. A. S. wees. Wessche, v. to wash, 6. 52 ; pt. s. Wessh, washed, 19. 453. A.S. weescan , wascan, pt. t. ic loose. Westdel, sb. the west, 2. cii. 23. 476 GL OSSARIAL INDEX. Lit. the west part; A. S. dcel, a part, a deal. Wet, pron. what, 6. 9 ; 9. 73. A. S. hivcet. Wete, sb. wet, 6. 26. A. S. wcet , wet, wceta , moisture, water. Wefebondes, s6. £•£«. sin^. of Wej^ebonde, woodbine, 15. vi. 9. ‘Woodbinde, binde-weede, or withie-winde, because it windes about other plantes.’ — Minsheu. The Harl. MS. has wodbyndes. We)?er, sb. sheep, wether, 7. 275. A. S. zuefter ; see Weddir. Weued, sb. altar, 1 a. 285. A.S. weofod , wefod, wiofod, wigbed , an altar ; perhaps from A. S. wig, an idol, and bed, a bed or resting- place. Weueris, sb.pl. weavers, 15 pr. 99. Wexe, v. to wax, grow, 12. 124; pt. s. Wex, grew, 13. 235; be- came, 19. 563; pt.pl. Wex, be- came, 11 a. 106 ; pr. s. subj. Wex, become, 12. 266; imp. s. Wexe, become, 17. Mar. i. 25. See Waxen. Wexin ge, pres. part. growing, 17. Mar. iv. 8. See above. Wey, sb. way, 1 a. 145; furlong wey = distance of a furlong, 19. 557. A. S. weg. Weyen, pp. weighed, 15. i. 152 ; I p. s. pt. Weyede, weighed, 15. v. 132. A. S. wegan, to weigh, pp. gewegeti. Weyej?, pr.pl. turn aside, 6. 112. Cf. A:S. wecgan, to agitate, to wag, G. bewegen , to move ; cf. E. sway. Weyl, adv. well, 5. 5596; well, indeed, 5. 5587; weyl ys hem = it is well for them, 5. 5743 ; J?ou art weyl = thou art in favour, 5. 5853. See Wei. Weylawey, interj. well away! 19. 370. A.S. wa la wd, woe! lo ! woe! Weyr,s&. doubt, 16.219. See Were. Weyued, pp. removed, swung aside, 19. 308. Icel. veifa , to swing ; cf. E. sway. Wh-, answers to A. S. and Mceso- Goth. hw, Icel. hv. Wha, pron. who, 2. xiv. 1, 2; 2. xvii. 83. A S. hwa. Whan, adv. when, I b. 61 ; 5. 5721. A. S. hwcenne, Mceso-Goth. hwan. Whannes, adv. whence, 16. 13. A. S. hwanon, Icel. hvalSan. Whare, adv. where, 2. cii. 36. A. S. hwcer, Mceso-Goth. hwar. What, pron. whatever, 12. 148; why, 17. Mar. ii. 24; what was = what did it portend, I b. 17. What-swa, whatsoever, 10. 493. What tyme = when, 5. 5921. Whaut, pron. whatever, 6. 32. Whederward, adv. whitherward, 5. 5918 ; Whederwarde so = whithersoever, 13. 422. Whenne, adv. whence, 15. vi. 16. A. S. hwona. Wher, conj. whether, 17. Mar. iv. 21. Wher, contr. from whether , is not uncommon. Wherso, adv. whether, 19. 294. Whestones, sb.pl. (so written in the MS.) whetstones, 18 a. 118. A. S. hwcet-stan, a whetstone. Whichche, sb. hutch, ark, 13. 362. A. S. hwcccce, a box, chest, hutch. Which, rel.pron. who, 20. 1 1 9; which that = who, 19. 479; cf. 19. 191. Whiche, adj. what, 1 b. 9. Whiderward, adv. whitherward, 12. 223. Whiles, conj. whilst, 3. 243. A.S. hwil, a time, a while. Whilk, pron. which, 2. xvii. Ill ; 2. ciii. 18 ; 10. 497 ; Whilke ]?at = who, he who, 2. xiv. 3. Mce.'O- Goth. hwa-leiks, which, from hwa, who, leiks, like. Whilom, adv. once, 19. 134. A.S. hwilum, at times, dat. pi. of hwil, a while, a time. Whittore, adj. comp, whiter, 4 a. 3 1. A.S. hwit, white. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 477 Who fat, pron. whoever, 6. 6. Whose, pron. whoso, whoever, 3. 45, 203. Whrohte, pt. s. wrought, 4 c. 2. See Wroght. Whydyrward, adv. whitherward, in what direction, 5. 5818, 5820. A. S. hioider , whither. Whyle, adv. for a while, 4 a. 41. A. S. Am/, a time, hwile, awhile. Whynges, sb.pl. wings, 18 b. 102. See Wenges. Wicke, adj. wicked, 2. xvii. 124; Wic, 8 b. 36. Wickenes, sb. wickedness, 2. cii. 20, 24; pi. Wickenesses, 2. cii. 5. Wid, prep, with, 6. 44. A. S. wid, wii. Wies, sb.pl. men, 12. 208. See Wei^h. Wif, sb. S. wife, I a. 303 ; gen. s. Wiues, 1 a. 315. Wight, adj. active, 116. 87. Sw. vig, nimble. Wight, sb. whit, 2. viiu 15 ; a man, 19. 139. A. S. wiht , a creature, thing. Wiht, sb. a wight, being, 15. i. 61. See above. Wihtliehe, adv. quickly, 15. ii. 184. See Wight, adj. Wik, adj. wicked, 2. ciii. 83 ; pi. Wike, 8 a. 157. See Wicke. Wike, sb. week, 15. vii. 243. A. S. wuce. Wiknes, sb. wickedness, 8 a. 160. See Wickenes. Wildrin, adj. of the wilderness, 7. 216. A. S. wild-deoren , pertain- ing to wild beasts ; wild-deornes , a place for wild beasts, a wilder- ness ; A. S. deor, a deer, beast. Wile,/>r. s. directs, lit. wills, 20. 310. Wilk, pron. rel. which, 10. 554. See Whilk. Will, adj. at a loss, 8 b. 1 5 5. Sc. will , at a loss, Sw. vill, erroneously, vilse, astray. Will of wan — wandering in weening or thought, at his wit’s end, at a loss what to do; cf. will of vayn , 16. 225; and note that Sc. will — E. wild. Wiliam, William, 1 a. 9, 31, 37. Wille, pr. s. 1 p. will, 6. 8 ; pr. s. Wile, 6. 56. Wille, sb. will, wish ; wille of dunt = choice of stroke, I a. 154; pleasure, 4 d. 34 ; after wille = according to their (or your) liking, I a. 60; 3. 247; wif wille = with a will, pleasantly, quickly, 4 d. 15; pi. Willes, 2. cii. 14. A. S. will , willa , a wish. Willesfol, adj. wilful, headstrong, I a. 79. A. S. willes ful, full of will. Wilnes, pr. s. desires, 12. 265 ; pi. Wilnen, long for, 12. 59; pr. s. subj. Wilne, wish for, 15. iii. 106. A. S. wilnian , to long for, will, longing, wish. Wincestre, sb. Winchester, 1 a. 400. Wink, sb. sleep, 15. v. 3. A. S. wincian , Sw. vinke , to beckon, wink. Winli, adj. pleasant, 2. xxiii. 5. A. S. wynlic , joy like, pleasant ; A. S. wyn, G. wonne, joy. Winne, v. to win, 1 a. 19 ; to get, as in winne in si3t = to get in sight, obtain a view, 12. 94. A.S. winnan, to contend, win, win?i , contention. Winsom, adj. pleasant, propitious, 2. cii. 5 ; Winsome, pleasant, 2. ciii. 81. A.S. wyn-sum , pleasant. See Winli. Winter, sb.pl. winters, years, 12. 296. A. S. winter , a winter ; pi. winter, years. Wirkeing, sb. working, labour, 2. ciii. 52. Wirkes, pr. s. works, 2. xiv. 4. See Werke. Wis, adj. wise, 3. 18, 79. A.S. wis. Wise, sb. manner, 1 a. 124. Wissen, v. to shew, instruct, tell. 478 GL OSSA RIAL INDEX. 15. vi. 24; 1 p.s.pr. Wisse, I instruct, 15. i. 40; pt. s. Wissed, instructed, 12. 172; Wisside, 15. i. 72. A. S. wissian , to shew, instruct, make wise. Wist, pt. s. knew, 12. 40 ; pt.pl. knew, 7. 69. See Wite, to know. Wit, prep, with, 7. 3 ; 8 6. 36. Wit, v. depart, 8 a. 114. A. S. witan , to depart, go far ; wid , far, wide. Wite, v. to know, 1 a. 351 ; 17. Mar. v. 43 ; 2 p. pi. pr. subj. may know, 17. Mar. ii. 10; {probably an error for Wiste, knew, 1 a. 358) ; 2 p. pi. pr. Witen, know ye, 17. Mar.iv. 13; 2 p.s.pr. subj. Wite, thou mayest know, 12. 281 ; imp.pl. Wite]?, know ye, 20. 62. A. S. and Moeso-Goth. witan , Du. weten , G. wissen , to know ; cf. Mceso-Goth. witan (a weak verb), Lat. uidere , to see, observe ; E. wit, weet. The pr. s. is A. S. ic wat , Moeso-Goth. ik wait, E. I wot; the pt. t. is A. S. ic wiste, Moeso- Goth. ik wissa, E. I wist; A. S. pp. witen. Wite, sb. blame, 20. 114. A. S. wite, affliction, punishment, fine ; witan, to punish, to blame. See Wite, to keep. Wite, v. to blame, 8 6. 85 ; (MS. white), 12. 304. See above. Wite, v. to keep, guard, preserve, 1 a. 12 ; Wite (him), to preserve himself, 1 a. 20; to protect, 12. 257 ; pt. s. Wited, took care of, 12. 176; 2 p. s. pr. subj. guard, keep, 12. 302. The original sense is to see , observe ; hence, to judge, blame (see Wite, to blame) ; it answers to Lat. uidere , Moeso- Goth. witan (weak verb, pt. t. ik witaida ), to see, observe; A. S. witan (pt. t. ic witode), to see, judge, blame; hence was formed the strong Moeso-Goth. verb witan (pt. t. ik wissa), to know ; A. S. witan (pt. t. ic wiste), to know, to wit. See Wite, to know. Witerli, adv. certainly, truly, 2. xvii. 16 ; Witerlye, clearly, 8 6. 247; Witerly, assuredly, 12. 40. Cf. Dan. vitterlig, publicly known. Witesonetid, sb. Whitsuntide, 1 a. 400. Witeword, sb. covenant (Lat. tes- tamentum), 2. cii. 40. A. S. wit- word, witaword, a counsellor’s advice, the wage of law. (Bos- worth.) Wi]?, prep, by, 19. 475 ; also with; often curiously placed, as in to stoppe with youre euele word = to stop your evil saying with, 20. 59. A. S. wifi. WiJ?erwin, s6. S. adversary, enemy, 7. 68. Wi\er= A.S. wiiSer, G. wider, against (cf. E. with in withstand ) ; win = A. S. winna, a fighter, from winnan, to con- tend ; hence A. S. wvSerwinna , an enemy. Wij?-hold, v. to keep, retain, 12. 192 ; pr. s. Withhalt, withholds, 15. vi. 42; pt.pl. With-heolde, detained, kept, 15. ii. 204; pp. Withholden, kept, 14 a. 118. WiJ?-outen,/>r£>/>. without, 3. 167 ; Withoutyn, 5. 5937 ; Wij?e-oute, 6. 65. A. S. wffi-utan, adv. and prep, outside, without. With-out-forth, adv. without, outside, 17. Mar. i. 45 ; With- outen-forth, iii. 32. Vulg./or/s. Wij?segge, v. gainsay, contradict, I a. 364; pt. s. Wi)?-sede, I a. 393; pt. pi. Wi)?-sede, I a. 280, 366. A. S. wift-sceggan, to gainsay. Wi]?stod, pt. s. stood beside, stood over against (the water), or per- haps, stood still, 20. 144. A. S. wift-standan, generally with the sense of withstand , oppose. Wij?-]?afc, conj. provided that, 15. 57 - GLOSSARIAL INDEX . 479 Witie, v. to keep, I a. 42. See Wite, to keep. Witly, adv. nimbly, 12. 259. See Wi3tliche. Witow ( put for wit J>ou) know thou, 12. 68, 300. A. S. witan y to know. Witte, v. to know, 10. 813. See Wite. Wittes, sb . pi. senses, 6. 95. A. S. wit , mind, wit. Wittow ( for wit )?ow) know thou, 12.375. See Witow. Witynge, pres. part, knowing, 17. Mar. v. 33. See Wite. Wiues, pt.pl. wives, i. e. midwives, I a. 471 ; see 1. 479. Wi3es, sb.pl. men, 12. 239. See WeiBh. Wi3t, Wight, 1 a. 419. Wi3th, prep, with, 12. 163. Wi3tliche, adv. quickly, 12. 65; greatly, 12. 310; Wi3tli, soon, 12. 265. Sw. vig, nimble. Sc. wight , active. WlafFyng, sb. babbling, indistinct- ness of speech, 18 a. 163. A. S. wcejlan , to babble, to whiffle. Wlanc, adj. proud, gay, 8 b. 97. The reading wankyll , unstable (A. S. wancol) makes better sense. See Wlonk. Wlatez, pr. s, impers. it loathes (me), i. e. I am disgusted at, 13. 305. A. S. wlcetian , to loathe. Wlatsome, adj. loathsome, 10. 2346; Wlatsum, 13. 541. A. S. wlcetian , to loathe, wlcette , nausea. Wide, subj.pt. s. would, 5. 5687. Here w — uu = wu ; we sometimes find O. E. wlf= wolf ; possibly w is here sounded like 00 in wool. Wlonk, adj. fine, grand, 12. 80. A. S. wlonc , Old Sax. uulanc , ar- rogant, proud. Wlytej?, pr.pl. whistle, pipe (?), 4 d. 11. Cf. A. S. hlydan , to vociferate. Wo, adj. sorry, 5. 5771. Wo, adj. sad, sorrowful; dude so wo = caused to be so sorrowful, 1 a. 102. A. S. wa. Wo, pron. who, 1 a. 127. Wod, adj. mad, 1 a. 69 ; 3. 243; 12. 36; Wode, 5. 5839; 10. 2224. A. S. wod , Du. woede , Germ, wuth , Mceso-Goth. wods, mad. Wode, sb. wood, 4 c?. 1 2, 14 ; Wod, 16. 3 ; pi. Wodes, 1 a. 356. A. S. wudu. Wodenesse, sb. madness, 17. Mar. iii. 21; Wodnes, 18 b. 38. A. S. wod, mad ; wodnes , madness. Woderoue, sb. woodruff, 4 d. 9. A. S. wudu-rofe , wood - rowel, yellow asphodel. (Bosworth.) Woice, sb. F. voice, 7. 48. Woke, sb. week, 18 a. 101. See Wike. Wol,^r.s. will, 3. 1 ; 19 663; Wolt, wilt, 1 a. 29 ; 3. 71 ; Woltou = wolt Jou, wilt thou, 3. 35 ; pr. s. subj. Wolle, will, 3. 32 ; 4 a. ij ; pt. s. Wolde, would, 1 a. 18; wished, I a. 47. A. S. willan, to wish, will, pt. t. ic wolde. Wold, sb. power, rule ; at wolde = v at command, 3. 299. A. S. wald , power, dominion. See Welde. Woldustow, for Woldust J?ow, wouldst thou, if thou wouldst, 15. iii. 50. Wolle, sb. wool, 14 c. 9. A. S. will. Wolwes, sb.pl. wolves, 10. 1228. Wombe, sb. womb, 1 b. 3 ; belly, I a. 120; pi. Wombes, bellies, 15 pr. 56. A. S. wamb , womb, belly. Won, adj . wan, 4 a. 26. A. S. wan. Won, sb. abode, 3. 106. A. S. wunian , to dwell. Wo n, pp. won, acquired, 3. 197. Wonand, pres. part, dwelling, 7. 243. See Wone, vb. Wonde, v. to fear, hesitate, 4 b. 19 ; 4 c. 24 ; imp. s. Wonde, 480 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. hesitate from fear, 12. 275; re- frain, 6. 47. A. S. wandian , to fear, blench. Wonder, sb. as adj. wonderful, 20. 128, 272. Wonderlyche, adv. wonderfully, 9 - l 35 - Wondrye, v. to wonder, 18 a. 73 ; pt.pl. Wondriden, 17. Mar. i. 27. A. S. wundrian. Wondringe, pres. part, wandering, 15 pr. 19. Spelt wandringe in four other MSS. A. S. wandrian , to wander. Wone, s6. habit, custom, 1 a. 505 ; 3. 6. A. S. wuna , O. H. G. wone, custom ; G. gewohnheit , custom. Wone, s6. quantity, number, 11 6. 37. Sc. wane , a number of people ; which seems to be merely varied from Sc. quhoyn , a few (A.S. hwene, a little), which was after- wards extended to the notion of an indefinite number, a Got/ a quantity. Wone, v. to dwell, 2. xiv. 1 ; 2. ciii. 25; 3. 165; to abide, 15. ii. 200 ; Wonen, to live, 3. 25 ; pr. s. Wones, 2. cii. 26 ; Wons, 13. 326 ; Wone]?, 4 b. 37 ; 9. 14 ; pt. s. Woned, 12. 4; pt.pl. Wonede, 18 a. 154 ; pp. Woned, 5. 5914. A. S. wunian , G. wohnen. Woned, pp. waned, ebbed, 13. 496. Wonen, pp. won, 11 c. 71. Wonez, s6. pi. dwelling-places, rooms, 13. 31 1 ; habitations, 13. 375. See Wone, to dwell. Wonges, sb. pi. S. cheeks, 4 a. 26. A. S. wang , wong, G. wange , the cheek, jowl. Woning, dwelling, 11 6. 2. A. S. wonung , dwelling. See Wone, to dwell. Wonne, pt.pl. S. won, 1 a. 8. Wonnand, pres. part, dwelling, 7. 23. See Wonand. Wonte, v. to want, 4 d. 34. A. S. wana, a deficiency. Wonyande, pres. part, dwelling, 13. 293. See Wonand. Wonyed, pt.pl. dwelt, 13. 252. See Wone, to dwell. Wonyinges, sb. pi. dwellings, 9. 153. See Woning. Wook, pt. s. remained awake, 19. 497 - Woon, sb. quantity, abundance, 18 a. 73. See Wone, a quantity. Woot, ip. s.pr. I wot, I know, 17. Mar. i. 24. See Wat, and Wite. Wop, sb. weeping, 9. 62. A.S. wop, E. whoop. See Wepe. Wore, sb. work, 1 b. 65 ; dat. s. Worke, 1 b. 62. See Werke. Worche, v. to work; worche on = work or act according to, 12. 257. Word, sb. ( for World), world, 15. i. 37. Cf. ward for warld ( = world) in Old Lowland Scotch. See Werd. Wordle, sb. world, 1 b. 29 ; pi. Wordles, worlds ; in wordles of wordles (Lat. in scecula sceculorum) for ever and ever, 9. 200. See Werld. Wore, sb. weir ; or, the sea, 4 a. 38. A. S. wder, a weir ; also, the sea. The idea seems to refer to the ceaseless flow of water over a weir. Wormes, sb.pl. reptiles, 2. ciii. 58 ; serpents, 8 b. 179. A. S. wyrm, Lat. uermis. Wornde, pt. s. refused, 1 b. 40. See Werne. Worow, 1/. to worry, 10. 1229. G. wurgen , Sc. worry , to strangle. See the note. Worre, sb. war, 1 a. 363, 524. M. H. G. werre , Du. war, con- fusion. See Were, doubt. Worri, v. to worry, make war, 1 a. 310, 324; pt. pi. Worrede, 1 a. 318, 325. See above. Worschipeth, pr.pl. honour, 15. iii. 12. Worschupe, sb. worship, i. e. honour, 15. i. 8. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 48 1 Wortes, sb.pl. vegetables, 15. vii. 296 ; Wortis, plants, 17* Mar. iv. 32 . Worfe, v. to become, grow up, 12. 327; pr. s. Wor}>, shall be, 15. i. 168; becomes, or will be, 15. ii. 179; pt. s. WorJ?, became, 16. 12 ; pr. s. subj. Worj?, may be, 15. iii. 34; pr. s. Worj?e]?, is reckoned as being, 6. 146; imp.pl. WorJ>ez, become, grow, 13. 521. A. S. weorftan, G. werden , Mceso- Goth. wairthan , to become. Wor]di, adj. worthy, dear, 12. 138 (the MS. has this form very fre- quently; in 1. 138 it is miswritten worli ); Worfelych, noble, 13. 471. A. S. wurfilic, worthy. Worfssipe, sb. worship, 9. 121. A. S. wur^Sscipe. Wo-so, pron. whoso, I a. 367, 389. Wosschen, pt. pi. washed, 15. ii. 196. Wot, pr. s. knows, 1 a. 223; 3. 1 16; god wot = God knows, 19. 195. A. S. ic wdt , I know, \u wast, thou knowest, he wdt , he knows ; from witan , to know. See Wite, to know. Wou, sb. wrong, harm, 1 a. 364, 378 ; Wowe, 1 a. 459. A. S. w6h, wog , a bending, an error, wrong; woh, adj. bent, curving; cf. Mceso-Goth. unwahs , without fault, blameless. Wounder, sb. wonder, 16. 11; adv. wonderfully, 4 d. 32. A. S. wundor . Wowe, sb. wall, 15. v. 136. A. S. wdh. Woweth, pr. s. wooes, 19. 589; pr.pl. Wowe}>, woo, 4 d. 31; Wowes, 4 d. 19. A. S. wogan , to woo. Wowyng, sb. a wooing, 4 a. 37. •See above. Wox, pt. s. grew, became, 20. 325 ; pp. grown (lit. waxed), 12. 109. See Wexe. Wo$t = wot, pr. s. I p. I know, 6. 45. See Wot. Wrac, sb. vengeance, 8 b. 188. See Wrake. Wraht, pt. s. wrought, worked, 4 c. 35. See Wroght. Wrak, sb. wreck, 19. 513. Du. wrak, adj. cracked, broken ; wrak , sb. a wreck. Wrake, sb. vengeance, 13. 235, 386 ; ta wrake = take vengeance, 7. 182; misery, 8 b. 59. A. S. wrcec, vengeance, wracu, revenge, pain, wrecan , to wreak. Wrakful, adj. full of vengeance, 13.302. See Wrake. Wrangwis, adj. evil, 7. 167. Wrong-wise , as opposed to right- wise (E. righteous). Wrangwislie, adv. wrongly, 8 a. 247. See above. Wrangwisnes, sb. iniquity, 8 b. 5 °. Wrastlede, pt. pi. wrestled, 1 a. H 6. A. S. wrcestlian , to wrestle, wrcestan , to writhe, wrest. Wrath, adj. wroth, angry, 2. xvii. 22. A. S. wrdft, sb. wrath, adj. wroth. WraJ}J>ede, pt. s. angered, 1 a. 398. A. S. wrdftian, to be angry. WraJ}J>e-lees, adj. wrathless, 4 c. 48. Wrecche, sb. a miserable thing, 3. 202. A. S. wrcecca , sb. a wretch, adj. miserable; wrcec , revenge, misery. See Wrake, Wreche. Wrecchede, sb. wretchedness, misery, 1 a. 188. Wrecchede = wrecche-hede = wretch-hood, mi- sery. Wreche, adj. wretched, 8 b. 215; Wrecche, 19. 285. Wreche, sb. vengeance, 1 a. 492 ; 19. 679. See Wrake. Wreke, v. to take vengeance on, 7 - 395 * PP • Wreken, avenged, 15. ii. 169. A. S. wrecan , to revenge, wreak. See above. i i VOL. II. 482 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Wreker, sb. avenger, 2. viii. 8. See above. Wrekes, sb. pi. vengeances, 2. xvii. 1 1 9. See Wreche. Wrenche, sb. deceit, stratagem, I a. 1 18 ; pi. Wrenchez, deceits, 13. 292. A. S. wrence, deceit. Wreten, pp. written, 10. 489. Wreth, sb. wrath, 2. xvii. 44. See Wrath. Wreth, v. to be angry, 2. cii. 17. See WraJ^ede. Wrethful, adj. wrathful, 8 b. 188. Wrick, sb. vengeance, 7. 409. See Wreche. Wrickede, pt. s. wriggled, 1 b. 82. Cf. A. S. wrigan , to move to- wards ; also E. writhe , wring , wrinkle. Wring, subj. pr. s. press, well out, force its way, 7. 324. A. S. wringan , to wring, press. Writte, sb. writing, 7. 25, 27, 29. A. S. and E. writ. Wroght, pt. s. wrought, 2. cii. 52 ; PP- 5 - 5640. A.S. wyrcan , to work, pt. s. worhte , pp. geworht. Wrong, pt.s. wrung, I5.ii. 212; v. 68; 19. 606; pi. Wrongen, wrung, dried, 15. ii. 196. See Wring. Wrot, pt.s. wrote, 4 c. 3. Wrofely, adv. angrily, wrathfully, 13. 949 ; Wrojdy, 13. 280 ; Wrojdiche, 15. v. 68. Wro^t = wroth, 3. 112. Wro5te, pt. s. wrought, 1 a. 364 ; pi. 1 a. 1 21. See Wroght. Wryte, pp. written, 5. 5633. A.S. writ an, pp. writen. WryJ^ez, pr. pi. writhe, wriggle, 13 - 533 - Wu, adv. how, I a. 188. A.S. hu, hwu. Wuch, adj. which, what, 1 a. 8. Wuld, pt. s. would, 5. 5819, 5833 ; subj.pt.pl. 5. 5652. See Wol. Wule, sb. while, 1 a. 184; pe wule = whilst, 1 a. 96, no, 418. A. S. hwil, a while, time. Wun e, pp. won, 5. 5944. Wunne, sb. gen. sing, of joy, 4 d. 35. A. S. wyn, G. wonne, joy. Wunt, adj. wont, 5. 5874, 5882. A. S. wune , custom ; wunian, to dwell, pp. wunod , whence wont has been formed ; cf. Dan. vane, custom, vant, wont. WurcheJ), pr. s. works, 4 c. 49. Wurne, v. to refuse, 1 a. 230. See Werne. Wurscheped, pp. honoured, 5. 5852. A.S. wur%scipe , worship (lit. worthship). WurJ>e, adj. worth, worthy, 1 a. 44, 224; WurJ^y, 5. 5851. A.S. wur°S, worth, wur°Se, worthy. Wussche, 1 p. s. pr. wish, 15. v. 92. A. S. wiscan, to wish. Wuste, 1 p. s. pt. knew, 15 pr. 12; Wust, 15. iii. 52 ; pt. s. Wuste, 1 a. 11. See Wist. Wycke, adj. bad, 3. 179. See Wicke. Wydene, adv. wide, far, 15 pr 4. A. S. wide , Icel. vffia, adv. widely. Wydewhere, adv. far and wide, 19. 136. Wydowande, (or Wyn do w- ande), pres. part, withering, dry, 13. 1048. North. Prov. E. winny, to dry; cf. winnow, and Sc. windlestrae, a dry stem of grass. Wyht, sb. wight, 4 d. 36 ; creature, 20. 134; Wyght, 19. 474. A.S. wiht,z creature; Du. wicht, a child. Wyght, adj. nimble, active, 10. 689. See Wight. Wykes, sb.pl. weeks, 15. ii. 204. Wykked, adj. bad, wicked, 5. 5647. See Wicke. Wylde, adj. as sb. pi. wild deer, 13. 387 ; wild animals, 13. 503. Wyle, sb. while, I b. 63. A. S. hwil , a time. Wylger, adj. or adv. wilder, or more wildly, 13. 375. (Appar- ently an error for wylder). GLOSSARIAL INDEX. ^83 Wylie, sb. will ; myd guode wylle = willingly, without gainsaying, 9. 221. Wylles-uol, adj. wilful (lit. full of will), 9. 9. See Willesfol. Wylny, v. to desire, 9. 22 ; pr. pi. Wylnej?, 9. 1 1 6 ; 2 p. s. pr. subj. Wylne, 15. vii. 246. See Wilnes. Wylnynge, sb. * desire, yearning after, 9. 97. See above. Wylsfully, adv. wilfully, wrongly, 13. 268. See Willesfol. Wynne, v. to win, 6. 131. A. S. wintian , to fight, win. Wynt, sb. S. wind, 15. v. 14. Wynsord, sb. S. vineyard, 4 c. 2. Wyrle, or rather Wyrles, pr. s. whirls, flies, 13. 475. Cf. A. S. hweorfan , to turn. Wys, adj. wise, 3. 10, 17. See Wis. Wyse, sb. wise, quality, 6. 35 ; dat. wise, manner, 19. 153. A. S. wise, G. weise , F. guise. Wyssen, v. to instruct, inform, 15. iii. 1 7 ; pt. s . Wysed, sent, directed, 13. 453 - A. S. wissian , to instruct. See Wissen. Wyste, pt. s. subj. might know, 93. See below. Wyte, v. to know, 15. iii. 112 ; pr. pi. know, 14 a. 74 ; pr. s. Wyst, knew, 5. 5849 \ pt. pi. subj. Wysten, would know, 14 c. 55. See Wite, to know. Wytene, gerund , to know; ich do you to wytene , I do you to wit, I cause you to know, 9. 38. A. S. ie do eow to witanne , I do you to wit. See above. Wyter, adj. wise, 4 a. 29. Sw. 1 ntter, learned ; cf. A. S. witol, wise, from wit, wit. Wyte)?, pr. pi. know, 9. 183. See Wite, to know. Wy]?dra5]?, pr. s. withdraws, 9. 11 ; pt. s. subj. Wy]?dro3e, should with- draw, 9. 25. WyJ?zede, pt. s. subj. should with- say, deny, refuse entrance, 9. 26. A. S. wifisceggan, to gainsay. Wy3e, sb. person, being, 13. 280; pi. Wy3ez, men, 13. 235. See Wi3es, Wei3h. Y. Y-, prefix, answering to G. and A. S. ge-, Mceso-Goth. ga-. It is usually prefixed to past participles, but also to past tenses (see Ylaste), present tenses (see Yknau)?, Yleue), adjectives (see Ylyche), and adverbs (see Ylome). Yald, 1 p. s. pt. yielded, 8 a. 244. A. S. gyldan, gildan , to pay, pt. t. ic geald ; cf. Icel. gjalda , Mceso- Goth. gildan , to pay ; cf. E. yield , guild. Yare, adv. readily, soon, 7. 107 ; quickly, 8 b. 9. A. S. gearo , ready, gearwian , to prepare, gearwa , clothing, preparation, gear. Yates, sb. pi. gates, 2. xxiii. 15, 17, 21. A. S. geat, a gate, door; prov. E. yate, yett. Yban, obviously a mistake of the scribe for Liban, Lebanon, 2. ciii. 36. Ybe, pp. been, 18 a. 89. A. S. gebeon , been, from beon, to be. Ybore, pp. carried, la. 204 ; born, I a. 247. A. S. geboren , bom, geberan , beran , to bear ; Mceso- Goth. gabairan, to bear. Ybounde, pp. bound, 19. 361. Ybroke, pp. broken, 1 8 6. 7. Ybro3t, pp. brought, 1 a. 392, 496. A.S. gebroht , pp. of bring an, to bring. Ybuld, pp. built, 18 b. 91. Cf. A. S. byldan, to build. Ychabbe = ich habbe, I have, 4 a. 40. Ycham = ich am, I am, 4 d. 23. Y-charged, pp. loaded, 12. 182. F. charger, Low Lat. carricare , to i i 2 484 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. load, carry, from Lat. carrus , a car. Yche, adj. same, 5. 5607, 5781, 5943. A. S. ylc, same. Ychoone, i. e. each one, 15. iii. 98. Y-clepud, pp. called, 12. 12 1. A. S. clypian, geclypian, to call, pp. clypod, geclypod. Ycorouned, pp. crowned, 9. 143. From Lat. corona. Ycristned, pp. baptized, 19. 240. Ydemd, pp. doomed, judged, ad- judged, 9. 222. A. S. demon, gedeman, Mceso-Goth. gadomjany to judge ; cf. Gk. Oijjus. Y-di5t, pp. dight, ordered, 9. 29. A. S. dihtany to arrange, pp. gediht. Ydo 9 pp. done, made, 1 a. 15, 136; done, 186. 126. A. S. don, to do, pp. gedon. Y-dolue, pp. dug through, broken into, 9. 15. A. S. delfan, to dig, pp. dolfen. Ydon, pp. done, 4 c. 11. See Ydo. Ye, adv. yea, 19. 417. A. S. gea. Ye (ye), sb. eye, 19. 280 ; pi. Yen, 19. 671 . A. S. edgey pi. eagan ; Du. oogy G. augey Moeso*Goth. angOy Lat. oc-ulus. Yede, pt. s. went, 9. 240. A. S. eode, I went, Mceso-Goth. iddja, I went ; cf. Lat. eo, I go, Gk. el/ju. The A.S. for to go is gdn, Moeso- Goth. gaggan. Yef, conj. if, 9. 3. Icel. ef \ if; cf. Icel. efy doubt, Suio-Goth . yefwa, to doubt. Yef)?, pr. s. gives, 9. 2 7. A. S. gifan, to give. Yeire, sb. S. year, 7. 4, 5; pi. Yeir, 7. 50. See Yere. Yelderes, sb. pi. debtors, 9. 230. Lit. yieldersy payers ; A. S. geldany gildan, to pay. See Yald. Yeldinges, sb.pl. yieldings, pay- ments, debts, trespasses, 9. 230. Yem, v. to guard, take care of, 8 b. 250 ; I p. s. pt. ^emed, I kept, 2. xvii. 59. A. S. gyman, to take care of, Mceso-Goth. gaumjan, to see, observe; cf. Prov. E. gumption. Yen, sb. pi. eyes, 19. 552. See Eghe. Yere, sb. S. year, 7. 38; pi. 7. 7. A. S. gear , ger, a year, pi. gear ; Moeso-Goth.y>r, Du .jaar f G.jahr. See Yeire. Yet, conj. moreover, 2. viii. 17. A. S. gel, gyt. Y-ete, pp. eaten, 3. 101. A. S. etany to eat, pp. eten , geeten ; cf. G. essen, to eat, pp. gegessen. Yeue, imp. s. 3 p. may (he) give, 19. 284, 602; pp. Yeuen, given, 1 9- 333* 444- A - s - gif an > to give, pp. gifen. See ^eue. Yfere, altogether, 19. 394. See Infere. Yfroted, pp. rubbed, 18 a. 32. F. f r otter y to rub ; from Lat. fricare. Ygo, pp. gone, 19. 599. A. S. gdn, to go ; pp. gegangen , gegdn. Yhadde, pp. had, 186. 95. Yh.al3ed, pp. hallowed, 9. 227. A. S. hdlgian , gehdlgian , to conse- crate ; pp. gehalgod. Yhat, pp. heated, made hot, 18 a. 33. A. S. hdtian , to become hot. Yhe, pron. ye , 2. xxiii. 16, 17, 22. A. S. ge. See }e. Yhelde, v. render, repay, 2. xvii. 58 ; Yheld, to yield, 10. 1826. See Yald. Yhemes, pr. pi. keep, 2. cii. 40. See Yem. Yhent, pp. caught, 4 a. 9. A. S. hentan , to hunt after, to catch, seize. Yhere, sb.pl. years, 10. 741. Yherninges, sb. pi. desires, 2. cii. 9. A. S. geornung, an endeavour; geornian, to desire, yearn for ; georn , eager ; Moeso-Goth. gairn- jan , to yearn after, G. begehren. Yhit, adv. yet, 2. ciii. 78 ; more- over, 10. 539. Yhode, pt. s. went, 2. xvii. 18 ; pi. 2. xvii. 1 15. See Yod, Yede. GLOSSARIAL INDEX. 485 Yholde, pp. held, kept, 18 6. 9. Yhonged, pp. hung, suspended, 18 a. 88. A. S. hon , to hang up, hangian , to hang. Yhousled, pp. supplied with the sacramental bread and wine, 18 6. loo. A. S. huselian , to administer the sacrament, husel, husl , sacra- ment, offering, Mceso-Goth. hunsl , a sacrifice. Yhoutlie, sb. youth, 2. cii. 10; Yhowthe, 10. 7815. A. S. geoguft. Yhung, adj. young, 10. 437. Yhurt, pp. hurt, 186. 123. Y-hyerd, pp. heard, 9. 68. A. S. hjran , gehyran , pp. hyred , gehyred. Y-hyre}?, imp. pi. hear ye, 9. 74. A. S. gehyran , to hear. Y-hyt, pp. hit, 186. 122. Yhy3t, pp. ordained, 18 a. 75. A. S. hatan , to command, ordain ; pp. Mterc ; Icel. heita , to promise, pp. heitffi ; Mceso-Goth. haitan , pp. haitans. The pp. was con- fused with the pt. t. ic heht. Yif, imp. s. give, 19. 562. A. S. gif an, to give ; imp. s. gif Ykend, pp. engendered, 9. 238. A. S. cennan , to beget, pp. ge- cenned. Y-knau]}, pr.s. knows, 9. 22 ; pp. Yknowe, known, 19. 314. A. S. cnawan , gecnawan , to know, Moeso-Goth. gdkunnan. Ykuenct, pp. quenched, 9. 67. A. S. cwencan , to quench ; pp. cwuncen. Ylaste, pt. s. lasted, 1 a. 96. A. S. gelcestan , to last ; pt. t. ic gelceste. Yleft, />/>. left off, 18 a. 190. Ylent, pp. approached, arrived ; ylent me on = come upon me, 4 a. 28. A. S. gelandian , to land, arrive, pp. gelanded; hence ylent is for ylanded. Ylered, pp. taught, 3. 69. A. S. leer an, to teach ; pp. leered , geleered. Yleue, I p. s. pr. believe, 9. 243. A. S. geleafan , gelyfan, G. glauben, Du. gelooven , to believe. Ylle, sb. ill, malice, 5. 5660. Icel. illr, adj. evil, bad. Y-lokked, pp. locked in, 14 c. 44. Ylome, adv. frequently, 3. 72. A. S. gelome, often. Ylondes, sb. pi. islands, 18 a. 94. A. S. igland, an Hand, now mis- spelt island, from confusion with isle from Lat. insula . Y-lore, pp. lost, 5. 5788. A. S. leosan, to lose ; pp. loren ; cf. E. lorn, forlorn. Ylyche, adj . like, 3. 219 ; pi. Ylyche, similar, 9. 179. A. S. gelic, Mceso-Goth. galeiks, like. Ymaked, pp. made, 1 b. 58 ; Ymake (a very unusual form) 4 a. 16; Ymad, la. 10; 9. 93; Ymaad, 19. 693. A. S. macian, gemacian, to make, pp. macod, gemacod. Ymarled, pp. covered with marl, 18 a. 27. Du. mergel, marl. Ymelled, pp. mixed, 18 a. 152. O. F. mesler, to mix; from Low Lat. misculare, Lat. miscere. Y-mengd, pp. mingled, mixed, 6. 43. A. S. mengian, to mix ; pp. gemengde, gemenged. Ynemned, pp. named, 9. 122. A. S. nemnan, genemnian , to name; pp. nemned , genemned ; cf. Mceso-Goth. ganamjan , to give a name to. Ynkurly, adv. entirely, 16. 183. Ynne, adv. in, 3. 79. A. S. innan, within. Ynoh, adv. enough, 3. 1 15; 4 a. 13; Ynou, 1 a. 73; Ynou3, 1 b. 4; Ynow, 14 c. 29; 18 a. 157. A. S. genoh , G. genug, enough. Ynowe, adj.pl. enough, 1 a. 151 ; Ynow, 19. 255. Mceso-Goth. ganohs , adj. sufficient ; A. S. genoh , adj. sufficient. (Grein.) Yod, pt. s. went, 8 6. 221 ; pi. 4 86 GLOSSARIAL INDEX. Yocie, walked, went afoot, 7. 53. See Ykode, Yede. Yond, adj. yon, yonder, 7. 57 ; adv. yonder, 12. 263. A. S. geond, adv. beyond ; Moeso-Goth. joins, G. jener, D.jene , that one; and see ^one. Yore, adv. of old, formerly, 19. 272. A. S. geara , formerly. Youre, apparently for Year©, ear, 9 - 75 - Yowthe, s&. youth, 19. 163. A. S. geogulS. Yprayed, pp. prayed, asked, 18 b. 133 - Yprimisined, pp. marked for the first time with the sign of the cross, 6. 142. O. F. primseigner , to sign with the cross for the first time ; Lat. primus , first, signore, to sign. See Ormulum, 1 . 18143. Y-pyned, pp. tormented, 9. 70 ; crucified, 9. 239. A. S. pinan , to tormeut, pp. pined. Yre, sb. iron, 18 a. 50. A. S. xren , isen , G. men. Yrokked, pp. rocked, 18 a. 170. Yschape, pp. shaped, turned, 18 a. 1 18. A. S. sceapan, scapan , to shape ; pp. sceapen , gesceapen. Yschaue, pp. shaven, 18 b. 66. Yschette, pp. shut, 19. 560. A. S. scyttan , to shut. Yschore, pp. shorn, 18 b. 67. A. S. sceran , to shear ; pp. scoren , gescoren . Yse, dat. sing, of Ys, ice, 6. 33. A. S. is, G. eis, Du. ys. Yse, v. to see, 1 a. 283 ; />/. s. Ysey, saw, 1 a. 49; 1 p. Yze3, I saw, 9. 60 ; 2 p. Yse3e J>e = thou sawest for thyself, 9. 54 ; pp. Yseye, seen, 18 a. 90 ; Yso3e, 9. 34. A. S. geseon , to see, pt. t. ic geseah, or ic geseh ; pp. gesegen. Y-sent, pp. sent, 186. 56, 98. Yset, pp. set; yset op = set up, 18 b. 1. Yslawe, pp. slain, 186. 131 ; 19. 484. A. S. slean , to smite, pp. slegcn , geslagen. Ysnyt, pp. cleaned, wiped, 1 b. 91. A. S. snytan , to clean the nose or snout. Ysode, pp. boiled, 18 a. 103. A. S. seofian, to seethe, pp. soden , ge - soden, sodden. Ysoht, pp. sought, 3. 27. A. S. se'cart, to seek ; pp. gesoht. Yso3e, pp. seen, 9. 34. See Yse. Yspoused, pp. espoused, 186. 4. Yspronge, pp. sprinkled, 18 a. 92. A. S. springan , to spring, spread out, pp. spr ungen ; sprengan , to sprinkle, pp. sprenged. The former form is here followed. Ysseawed, pp , shewed, shewn, revealed, 9. 145. A. S. sceawian , gesceawian , to shew, pp. sceawod , gesceawod. Ystyked, pp. stuck, pierced, 186. 127. Yswore, pp. sworn, 186. 73. Ytaryed, pp. tarried, 186. 36. Ytake, taken, 19. 556. Yta3t, pp. taught, 9. 150. A. S. tcecan , getcecan , to teach ; pp. /<£&/, getceht. Ytend, pp. kindled, 18 a. 34. A. S. tendon, to kindle. Ytold, pp. told, I a. 246 ; ac- counted, 3. 1 19; esteemed, 18 a. 174. A.S. tellan, to tell; pp. geteald. Ytornd, pp. turned, 18 b. 104. F. tourner , to turn. Yfez, s&. />/. waves, 13. 430. A.S. yfi, y°6u, a wave. Y-j:orsse, pp. struck, blinded, 9. .ill, A.S. \erscan , to thresh , beat ; pp. ] lorscen. Yuele, sb. evil, sickness, illhealth, 17. Mar. ii. 17; pi. Yuels, evils, ills, 10. 691. Yuej), imp.pl. give ye, 9. 74. Read yiuelp. Yvsed, pp. F. used, 18 a. 175. Lat. uti, to use. GL 0 SSAR 1 AL INDEX. 487 Ywis, adv. certainly, 1 a. 207, 287. A. S. gewis , adj. certain (Grein) ; Du. gewis , adj. certain; Du. gewis , G. gewiss, adv. cer- tainly. Ywoned, pp. accustomed, wont, 18 a. 186. A.S. wunian , to dwell, remain, pp. wunod ; gewunian , to dwell, to be accustomed, pp. gewunod ; whence E. wont (for woned). See Wunt. Y-worpe, imp. s. 3 p. may (it) become, may (it) come to pass, 9. 228. A.S. weor'ftan, G. werden , to come to pass. Ywryte, pp. written, 9. 199 ; Ywriten, 19. 191. A.S. writan , gewritan, to write ; pp, writen, gewriten. Ywys, adv. certainly, 15. iii. 101. See Ywis. Ywyte]?, imp. pi. know ye, 9. 3. A. S. witan, gewitan , to wit, to know. See Wite, to know. Y5en, sb.pl. eyes, 5. 5614, 5886. A. S. edge , pi. edgan. Yseue, pp. given, 3. 101. A.S. gif an, to give ; pp. gifen. Yze}, 1 p. s. pt. I saw, 9. 72. See Yse. Y-$yrned, pp. desired, longed for, 4 a. 40. A. S. geornian , to for. Yzed, pp. said, 9. 196. A. S. secgan , to say ; pp. gesced. Yzi, v. to see, 9. 127; Yzy, 9. 142 ; pt. pi. Yze5en, saw, 9. 135 ; pp. Yso5e, seen, 9. 34; Yzo3e, 9. 95. See Yse. 3. 5 at the beginning of words is sounded like Y, and is convertible with it. 3 a, adv. yes, 12. 268. A.S. gea, G. Du. and Moeso-Goth. ja. 3af, pt. s. gave, 1 a. 88 ; 15. ii. 198. See Gaf. 3 al, pt. s. yelled, 1 b. 83. A. S. gyllan, giellan , to yell ; pt. t. ic gyllede ; Du. gillen, to scream, G. gellen , to make a shrill noise. 3 aid, pt. s. yielded ; hence , returned, 16.117. See Yald. 3 are, adj. yare, ready, I a. 55. See Yare. 3arkede, pt.pl. prepared, 1 a. 92. A. S. gearcian , to prepare, make yare or ready. See Yare. 3arm, sb. cry, 13. 971. W . garm, shout, outcry. 3arnand, pres. part, yearning, seek- ing, 16. 11. See Yherninges. 3ate, sb. gate, 5. 5604, 5909 ; 14 b. 11 ; pi. 3ates, 18 a. 85. See Yates. 3 aue. See 3 yue. 3e, adv. yea, 1 a. 380; 5. 5793; 13. 347 * See 3 a, and Ye. 3 e, pron. ye, 1 a. 2 ; 6. 119. A.S. g e - 3e = he, 6. 98. 3edde, v. to play, sing, 15. i. 138. A. S. giddian , to sing, gidd, a song ; Chaucer has yeddinges. 3ede, pt. s. went, 5. 5710, 5716; pt.pl. 3 ede, went, 5. 5777. See Yede. 3ederly, adv. quickly, soon, 13. 463. A. S. edre, quickly. 3ef, conj. if, 3. 66; 6. 41. See Yef. 3ef, pt. s. gave, 1 a. 43 ; 4 c. 55 ; 6. 81. See 3 af and 3 eue. 3eid, pt. pi. went, 16. 149. See Yede. 3elde, v. to render, 5. 5640; to yield, requite, 12. 321 ; pr. s. 3eldes, re- turns, 12. 234; pr.pl. 3elden, pay, 14 c. 61 ; pt. s. 3elde, repaid, 17. Ps. cii. 10 ; pr. s. subj. 3 eld, requite, 12. 319. See Yald. 3eldingus, sb. pi. (lit. yieldings), repayings, 17. Ps. cii. 2. Vulg. retributiones. See YJheldinges. 3eme, sb. heed, 1 b. 29 ; 6. 88. A. S. gymen , heed, care. See Y em. 488 GL 0 SSAR 1 AL INDEX. 3eme, v. to take care of, 12. 91 ; pt. s. Jemed, took care of, 13. 464. See Yem. 3eorne, adv. earnestly, diligently, 3. 27; eagerly, 15. vii. 288. Cf. E. yearn ; G. gern , willingly. See below. 3eorne, 2 p. s. pr. subj. mayest yearn, 15. i. 33. A. S . geornian, to yearn for. See Yherninges. 3 erd, sb. a staff, 17. Mar. vi. 8 ; 3erde, a yard-wand, a wand, 20. 91. A. S. gyrd , a rod, a yard. 3er, sb. year, 1 a. 193 ; ^ere, 6. 32 ; dat. s. 3ere, 1 a. 192 ; pi. 3er, 15. v. 122. See Yere. 3erne, v. S. to yearn for, wish for, desire to have, 12. 58; 3 ern » 18 a. 74. See ^eorne, vb. 3erne, adv. earnestly, eagerly, 1 a. 200; 3. 15; vigorously, 15. vii. 302. See 3 eorne, adv. 3et, adv. yet, 6. 127; moreover, 6. 99 ; still, 4 c. 14. 3eue, v. to give, surrender (oneself), apply (oneself), 12. 324; to give,^ 6 101 ; pr. s. 3eueJ>, gives, 3. 147; pt.pl. 3eue, gave, I b. 44; pp. 3ouen, 1 7. Mar. iv. n ; imp. pi. 3eue>, give, 5. 5917. A. S. gif an, to give, Du. geven, G. geben. 3h.a, adv. yea, 16. 18 1. See 3a. 3he, put for zhe = she, 12. 119. 3if, conj . S. if, I a. 23 ; 6. 71. A. S. gif, if. See Yef. 3iftus, sb. pi. gifts, 15. i. 101. 3me, v. give, 1 a. 362 ; pt. s. 3if, gave, 6. 78. See 3eue. 30, adv. yea, 5. 5906. See 3a. 3°le» prop, name, 5. 5789* 5792. 3omerly, adj. doleful, 13. 971. A. S. geomor, sad, geomorlic , doleful ; Prov. E. yammer , to howl. 3one, pron. yonder one, that man, 5. 5893. Moeso-Goth. 7’ams, that one, G. jener, that. It existed also in A. S. (though not in the Dictionaries) ; see Preface to Gregory’s Pastoral Care, ed. Sweet, p. vii. 3ong, adj. young, 3. 45; def. 3onge, la. 423 ; comp. 3ongore, 1 a • 5°5 J superl. 3ongost, 1 a. 299 ; 3 on goste, 1 a. 507. A. S. geong, G. jung, Moeso-Goth. juggs- 3ore, adv. long since, for a long time since, 4 a. 40 ; long ago, 4 c. 59. See Yore. 3011, pron. dat. pi. you, I a. 1 19; 6. 8. A. S. ge, ye ; eow, you. 3 ouen, pp. given, 17. Mar. iv. 11. See 3eue, 3 yue. 3oure, pron. your, 1 a. 101, 102, 104. A. S. eower, of you. 3ouj?e, sb. youth, 3. 41 ; 12. 1 1 7 ; 20. 122, 342. A. S. geogufi. 3 ouun, pp. given, 17. Mar. vi. 2. See 3eue. 3ow, pron. you, 5. 5598, 5917. See 3ou. 3 ude, pt. s. went, 16. 36. See Yede. 3us, adv. yes, 15. v. 103. 3 US answers a question containing negatives, or else signifies a very strong affirmation ; the weaker form is 3©j 3 a > or 5°* 3ut, adv. still, 1 a, 7, 8 ; yet, I a. 169; 3ute, still, 1 a. 220; 3ut nou = still, I b. 5. A. S. gyt, gyta , yet. 3yf, conj. if, 5. 5602, 5612 ; 6. 43. See 31 £ Yef. 3yft, sb. a gift, 5. 5602, 5626 ; pi. 3iftus, gifts, 15. i. 101. A. S. gyft, a gift. 3yrnden, pt. pi. coveted, desired, 4 c. 58. See 3eorne, vb. 3yt, conj. yet, 5. 5659 ; adv. yet, 5. 5883. See 3 ut. 3yiie, v. to give, 5. 5602, 5759; pt. s. 3aue, 5. 5659 ; pt. s. 2 p. 3 aue , 5 - 5736 , 5737. See 3 eue. GLOSSARIAL INDEX . Z. Z is put for S at the beginning of many words in Section IX. A similar substitution is common in Dutch. Zalmes, sb. pi. psalms, 9. 78. Zang, sb. song, 9. 160. A. S. sang , Du. zang. Zaulen, sb. pi. souls, 9. 50. A. S. sawel , soul, Du. z/e/. Zay, imp. s. say, tell, 9. 95 ; pr. s. ZayJ), says, 9. 2, 39. Zelue, adj. self, very, 9. 15. A. S. sylf, Du. zelf. Zenne, sb. sin, 9. 30 ; pi. Zennen, 9. 47. A. S. sy/z, sin, Du. zonde. Zent, y>r. s. sends (contr. from Zende}>), 9. 25. A. S. sendan , Du. zenden. Zette, s. set, 9. 21. A. S. settan, Du. zetten , to set. Zeueuald, sevenfold, 9. 170. A. S. seofonfald , Du. zevenvoudig. Zigge, v. to say (/o zigge is properly the gerund ), 9. 8. A. S. secgan , to say, Du. zeggen. Zigbe, s6. sight, 9. 129? A.S. gesiht , gesihfi, sight ; Du. zz*g/. Zikere, adj. pi. secure, safe, 9. .171. Du. z^er, safe. See Siker. Zitte, zl to sit, 9. 27; />r. s. (con- tracted form), Zit, sitteth, sits, 9. 489 242. A.S. sittan , Du. zitten, to sit. Zoftkede, s6. softness, 9. 155. A. S. sq/if or seft f Du. zacht. Zomdel, sb. some deal, i. e. partly, 9. 172. Zom])yng, sb. something, 9. 106. Zone, sb. son, 9. 124. A.S . sunu, Du. zoon. Zor^e, sb. sorrow, 9. 57. A. S. sor/z, Du. zorg. Zostren, sb. pi. sisters, 9. 74. A. S. sweostor , Du. zuster. Zobe, s6. sooth, truth, 9. 11. A.S. soft. Zuo, adv. so, 9. 29; zuo by hit = so be it, 9. 226. A.S. swa , Du. zoo. Zuord, sb. sword, 9. 84. A.S. sweord , Du. zwaard. Zuycke, <2$. such, 9. 203. A.S. swylc , Du. zulk , such. Zuyfte, adj.pl. swift, 9. 201. A. S. swift. Zyenne, gerund; to zyenne = to see, to look upon, 9. 117. A.S. seo'tt, to see ; gerund, to sebnne. Zyke, adj.pl. sick, 9. 139. A.S. seoc , Du. zieli. Zykere, aJ/, pi. secure, certain, 9. 203. See Siker. Zy^e, sb. pi. times, 9. 7 1 * A.S. sift, a time. See Sife. ZyBbe, sight, 9. III. See Zig^e. NOTE ON THE GLOSSARIAL INDEX. It does not fall within the scope of this present work to illustrate the use of the old English words in this Glossary by reference to provincial English words that are still extant ; since such illustration might easily be carried out to an extent which would unreasonably increase the size of the volume. The following remarks upon certain words, taken from notes kindly com- VOL. II. K k 49 ° NOTE ON THE GLOSSARIAL INDEX. municated by Mr. Goodchild, of Penrith, may suffice to show the nature of such illustrations. Darked. To dark is still used in Swaledale (Yorkshire) in the sense of to lie hid, as ‘Te rattens [rats] mun ha bin darkin whel nu [till now] ; we hannot heerd tern tis last fortnith.* A horse that shies is said to dark. Darkin also means peeping, or sly. Desselic. Dess is common in Swaledale in the sense of to pack tight or fit closely together. Possibly the word desselic (p. 70, 1 . 34), which is the reading of two MSS., may mean crowded together, or gathered closely together. Cf. Icel. hey-des y a hay-stack, W. das , a stack, dasu , to stack. Flytande. Flite> to scold, is common in Swaledale. This word, how- ever, is not uncommon elsewhere. Foute. A dog that scents a hare is said, in Swaledale, to fout it. Peyneble. In Swaledale, the word generally means suitable rather than painstaking. Ex. * T* joiner’s vara unpanible, we *s hae to git anuther.* Bayke. In Swaledale, sheep or cattle are said to raik when they extend themselves into a line. Saccles. In Swaledale, it means rather inoffensive than innocent. ‘When one of my hawks was ill at Keld, after a fit of spitefulness, a lad who was looking at it remarked that “ it leuked vara sackless nu.”* ADDITIONS TO THE GLOSSARY. The following explanations may be added. Clause, sb. sentence, 19. 251. Heid, pp. exalted, lit. made high, 7. 126. Bight, ad}, true, 14 a. 78, 80. Bise, v. to have the upper hand, get its way, lit. rise, 7, T 77. We can hardly take it to mean * succeed,’ as if connected with the A. S. gerisan , to suit, fit, as that is commonly an impersonal verb, and seems not to occur so late as at this date. / Cfaunfcon (press Retries* ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE . . pp. 1-6 HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY p. 6 MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICAL SCIENCE . . p. 7 MISCELLANEOUS p. 8 The English Language and Literature. HELPS TO THE STUDY OF THE LANGUAGE. 1. DICTIONARIES. A NEW ENGLISH DICTIONARY, ON HISTORICAL ERIN- CIPLES : founded mainly on the materials collected by the Philological Society, Imperial 4to. PRESENT STATE OF THE WORK. /A Vol. I. Vol. II. Vol. Ill \ B Edited by Dr. Murray . C Edited by Dr. Murray . D j Edited by Dr. Murray Half-morocco Half-morocco Half-morocco Vol. IV. 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