PUBLICATIONS OF THE SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY THIRD SERIES VOLUME II DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 1755-1761 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH MINISTER OF STITCHEL 1755-1761 Edited with Notes and Introduction by SIR JAMES BALFOUR PAUL, C.V.O., LL.D. EDINBURGH Printed at the University Press by T. 6° A. Constable Ltd. for the Scottish History Society 1922 CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION . . . . . . vii DIARY— Vol. I. . . . . 1 DIARY— Vol. II. . . . . . .177 INDEX . . . . . , .395 INTRODUCTION Of the two MS. volumes containing the Diary, of which the following pages are an abstract, it was the second which first came into my hands. It had found its way by some unknown means into the archives in the Offices of the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh ; it had been lent about 1899 to Colonel Milne Home of Wedderburn, who was interested in the district where Ridpath lived, but he died shortly after receiving it. The volume remained in possession of his widow, wiio transcribed a large portion with the ultimate view of publication, but this was never carried out, and Mrs. Milne Home kindly handed over the volume to me. It was suggested that the Scottish History Society might publish the work as throwing light on the manners and customs of the period, supplementing and where necessary correcting the Autobiography of Alexander Carlyle, the Life and Times of Thomas Somerville, and the brilliant, if prejudiced, sketch of the ecclesiastical and religious life in Scotland in the eighteenth century by Henry Gray Graham in his well-known work. When this proposal was considered it was found that the Treasurer of the Society, Mr. C. S. Romanes, had another volume of the Diary dealing with the years immediately preceding these contained in the volume first discovered : this Mr. Romanes with characteristic generosity has put at my disposal. But however interesting the two MSS. might be, it was found impossible to publish them in extenso in one volume, regard being had to the much increased cost of printing and the limited resources of the Society. They had therefore to be shortened in some way, and on vii DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH consideration it was decided to omit all or almost all passages dealing with events outside the subject of Scottish life and character. The sacrifice was made unwillingly, as the period treated of includes part of the Seven Years War and the war with the French in Canada. But such information can always be got in the ordinary history books, and Ridpath generally confines himself to a bare statement of the news of the day taken from the journals ; he does not indulge in many commentaries on them. If it is objected that with these omissions we are left with a chronicle of very small beer, it may be replied that it is just this small beer that we need and that is so refreshing. Reports of the big things in life are easily found, but it is less easy to get information as to the daily life of the people, their reading, their dinners and drinkings, their quarrels and reconciliations, their loves and hates, their little jaunts, painfully accomplished for the most part on horseback over very inferior roads, and, generally, the home life of the period. All this is chronicled for us in the pages of the Diary, written without the slightest idea of ultimate publication by one who, though he might be described as an obscure country minister, was nevertheless a man of rare culture, a friend of the most celebrated Scots literati of the time, and an earnest student in many branches of science. But we must consider him somewhat more in detail. George Ridpath was the eldest son of another George Ridpath who was minister of Ladykirk from 1712 till 1740. His mother, living with him during the time of the Diary in a more or less invalid state, was Ann Watson, but of her parentage I am ignorant. The name Ridpath, or its variant Redpath, is not uncommon on the Borders. There was still a third George Ridpath, who was minister at Abbey St. Bathans from 1624 to 1628, but whether or not he was an ancestor does not appear. The family at INTRODUCTION ix Ladykirk manse consisted of the diarist, two brothers Philip and William, and two sisters of whom the eldest, Elizabeth, married a Mr. Waite, a merchant in Berwick, and the youngest, Nancy, who ultimately lived with her brother George and their mother at the manse of Stitchel. Ridpath was born about 1717, educated at the University of Edinburgh, and must have been a scholar of some distinction, as may be readily seen from his acquaintance with and appreciation of the classic authors, as shown by many passages in his Diary, and by the rather contemptuous way in which he writes of the linguistic attainments of his brothers who had the same educational advantages as himself. He was licensed by the Presbytery of Chirnside in 1740, three months before his father died, and two years afterwards he was presented to the parish of Stitchel, where he remained till his death in 1772. He married, 6th September 1764, Wilhelmina Dawson, the daughter of a merchant in Kelso, and had three children, a son and two daughters. When he first began his Diary it is impossible to say ; the first of the volumes now extant begins on 13th April 1755 and ends on 25th January 1758 ; the second records his doings from 21st March 1758 to 15th July 1761. They form a delightful record of the time, and it is interesting to note how curiously modern is their style. Ridpath was a calm, unemotional, level-headed man ; in Church affairs he approached perhaps more nearly to an old ' moderate ' than anything else. Certainly his Diary is entirely free from those spiritual rhapsodies and morbid self-intro- spection which are so characteristic of diaries in the century before his. He writes down his information in an eminently matter-of-fact way. The style is rather slipshod, as might be expected in a work which was not intended for any eye but his own, though no person could be more critical of others on the question of style in DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH composition than he was. Plain and unvarnished though his story may be, he is capable of rising to heights to which many a more skilful writer might despair of attaining. Readers of his account of the death of his little niece Nancy Waite, and his attendance through a dangerous illness on her small brother, cannot fail to be touched by the pathetic narrative, poignant as it is, yet without a trace of sentimentality. We can see the dim, unventilated room, the suffering child on the bed, wrestling with the dread and little -understood diphtheria, the worn-out watchers fast asleep, and the weary but alert uncle fighting for the child's life and at last successfully snatching him from the very jaws of death : then his profound thanks- giving from an overflowing heart. Ridpath was not what we would now call an eminently spiritually-minded man ; indeed, in the wide range of his reading, theology is conspicuously absent, the only reference to it being an observation that some magazine he had been reading contained nothing ' except some silly articles on theology.' But, on the other hand, he was an excellent parish minister, and no one can have * visited his people with more exemplary regularity and assiduity. And he not only rendered himself responsible for their souls, but also to some extent for their bodies. His tastes were largely scientific, and he had more than a mere smattering of medical lore ; he did not hesitate to prescribe for his parishioners in illness, if he thought he could do them any good, and he knew the virtues of the many 8 simples ' that could be gathered in the fields. As to his preaching, I am afraid that much cannot be said to bis credit ; he never omits in his Saturday entries to say 4 prepared for to-morrow ' or ' looked out something for to-morrow,' but his preparation must have been rather perfunctory. He would have been a terror to modern congregations, as his sermons extended to an hour and a INTRODUCTION xi half or even two hours in duration. It is only fair to state that when this does happen he has a certain measure of compunction, and confesses that he preached ' far too long,' ' beyond all bounds,' or merely ' long.' But in those days people expected long sermons, and would certainly have resented a mere twenty minutes' discourse. As was the custom in his time, or at all events in the time of his father, he preached many Sundays on the same text ; all his texts are duly given in the Diary, but for reasons explained above, these have had to be omitted in the printed pages. There is no mention of a gown, and it is probable that in this little rural parish Ridpath preached clad in his one 4 black coat,' only worn on special occasions, his garments in ordinary life, being grey, though some of the clergy favoured blue. His parish work kept him busy, though the population of the parish in 1755 was under 1000. But there were always a lot of sick to be visited. Hygiene, as we know it, was non-existent ; box beds and unaired rooms took toll of the people in phthisis, while the unenclosed and un- drained lands led to a great prevalence of fever and ague. Cancer, our more modern scourge, is not mentioned, but smallpox seems to have been taken for granted, and lucky were the patients who came through it 'unspoilt.' Ridpath was much interested both in the theory and practice of medicine, and, when he was interested in a case, loves to give full particulars of it ; the consequence is that we are frequently faced with a mass of sick-room detail which is quite unprintable. I have therefore had no hesitation in omitting such passages, though indeed I may be blamed for what I have left in. Ridpath was an omnivorous reader : his favourite subject (though perhaps second to the Classics) is history, and fired no doubt by the example of his friend William Robertson, he has a secret though modest ambition DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH to enter the lists as an author. After one or two abortive attempts he at last settles to write a History of the town of Berwick, but this expanded into a more ambitious project, viz. a History of the Borders. During the remainder of his life he worked at this task assiduously, but died before he had quite finished it. It was completed and published by his brother Philip in 1776. It appeared as a very substantial quarto volume ; it is a carefully compiled record, and though its style does not attain to the excel- lence of his friends Hume and Robertson, the book is a thoroughly good and sound piece of work. It was very well received and has gone through three editions, the last being published in 1848. It is the only published work of Ridpath, if we except a sermon, probably preached before the Synod, entitled Christian Liberty opposed to Popish Superstition and Slavery, sl most extraordinary subject for Ridpath to choose, as Church polemics did not interest him. Indeed he was, I should say, one of the most tolerant of men. In his own parish, in which there has always been a large proportion of dissenters, he lived in terms of cordial friendship with the Associate minister Coventry. He distrusted mere emotional religion and had a quiet contempt for all ' zealots ' and Methodists. He read everything that came to hand, except, as mentioned above, theology. During the period covered by the Diary he notes some hundred and fifty books which he read, not to mention the magazines and newspapers of the day. And it was not ordinary reading ; he did not merely skim the contents of a book, but went through it critically both as regards its subject and the style in which it was written. And reading once was not enough ; the volume was revised again and again, notes were taken of its contents, and when necessary its information was compared with what other authors had said on the same subject. It is wonderful in how short a time the newest INTRODUCTION xiii publications came into his hands. This was no doubt to a large extent owing to the Kelso Subscription Library, of which he was an enthusiastic and active member. Somerville, in his Life and Times, states that in his day there was not a library in the south of Scotland. But here, even before his day, we find one flourishing and largely patronised ; it is astonishing to note the number of solid books which this enterprising institution bought for the use of its members. 1 In his reading, however, there was almost no fiction ; Sir Walter Scott was not yet born, and Ridpath did not know that Sandyknowe, to which he frequently refers, was within comparatively few years to shelter and preserve the life of a child who was to make the Border Country famous for all time. Fielding had published Tom Jones, and Smollett had practically written all his novels, but their names are not mentioned, though the latter may have earned the diarist's approval as the editor of the Critical Review. Gulliver's Travels, Don Quixote, and Tristram Shandy represent almost all the fiction mentioned by our author, but of solid tomes there is no lack. In History, George Buchanan is a great delight to him, principally on account of his excellent Latinity, and partly, I think, because Ridpath shared to some extent his views on Queen Mary. He read, too, with pleasure, and on the whole with approval, old John Knox's chronicles of his time. Writers on the other side he did not neglect, though they sometimes come in for adverse criticism. He was of course a great admirer of his friend and contemporary William Robertson, of whose History he speaks in terms of high commendation ; and though he disapproved of his other friend David Hume's atheistical bias, he had little 1 As it is still in existence, it must be one of the oldest libraries in Scotland. xiv DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH but praise for his famous History. Gibbon was not yet on the horizon, but we can imagine with what pleasure, mingled with disapproval, Ridpath would have read his Decline and Fall. Ridpath's mind had a strong scientific bent, and he was specially attracted towards medical science. It is astonish- ing to note the number of medical works he read, from the twelfth-century Regimen Sanitatis Salernitano of Arnaldus de Villa Nova down to his friend Francis Home's Medical Prelections. He was, too, a more than moderately good mathematician, and was able to do a certain amount of astronomical calculation. Both in this branch of learning and in languages he was always ready to put his knowledge at the disposal of any of the promising sons of his neigh- bours who were reading for examinations. Indeed he did not scruple to rewrite their theses if he thought it necessary, and on one occasion, when he found his brother Will had got the same subject set him as he himself had when at college, he handed over his own work to his brother, thus rendering his passage through the Divinity Hall so much the easier. Besides Latin and Greek he knew Hebrew, French, and a certain amount of Italian, but it was in the Classics that he found his greatest delight. They were his bedside books ; ' slept on Tully ' or on Horace are constant remarks in the Diary ; and 6 the divine Epictetus,' as he calls him, was one of his most cherished favourites, and when he had finished reading him for the time he lays him down with infinite regret. But the range of his reading must be gathered from the pages of the Diary itself. It must be kept in view that it represents the study of long winter evenings in the manse, by the light of tallow 4 dips,' and often after a strenuous day's walking, riding, visiting in the parish, or working in the glebe or garden. Indeed he complains that he is often not in a condition, through weariness, to give proper INTRODUCTION- xv attention to his books, and that he had to change his subject in order to stimulate his interest. A dull enough life, some will say ; but was it ? The manse was a centre of hospitality, and more often than not people dropped in to dinner with or without an invitation. The dinners no doubt were simple enough affairs ; on extra occasions a chicken might be caught and killed (though Ridpath never mentions either poultry or pigs), but generally a tureen full of broth and a slice off the winter's 4 mart ' would constitute the repast, though in summer a dish of curds and cream might appropriately finish the meal. Like all ministers of the time he brewed his own ale, and thus would have a sufficient quantity of very harmless stuff with which to regale his guests. Wine was not unknown, as his servant Charles is chronicled as having brought some from Berwick. It would probably be claret, as this was the staple drink in Scotland at the time and did not cost much. Whisky was not the common drink it afterwards became, but we read of many a brew of punch which Ridpath consumed. He was indeed no gloomy recluse, and loved the pleasures of the table ; 4 very merry ' is the frequent comment on many evenings he spent in company of his friends. On one occasion he admits to having had 'a great drink,' more in fact than he had drunk for a twelvemonth ; and on other occasions he confesses to having ' drunk far too much.' I do not believe, however, that Ridpath ever exceeded the bounds of a somewhat liberal moderation. On the contrary, we find him riding home after a convivial evening with his sister Nancy en croupe as he calls it, which shows that his seat on horseback must have been steady enough. Indeed through all the Diary there is only one record of anybody in his company having been drunk, and that was the successor to his father at Ladykirk, who was, he says, quite inebriated at an ordination dinner. b DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH But he was not a favourite with Ridpath, which may account for his putting this black mark against him. Ridpath was too much of a student to shine in parlour games and tricks. We read of his playing both chess and whist, though he confesses himself a novice in both pas- times. Cutting shadow profiles out of paper with the help of a pair of scissors and a candle was a favourite amuse- ment. How we should like to see some of these old silhouettes now, particularly that of the winsome Betty Pollock. Sometimes he plays at cross questions and crambo ; at other times he composes a rebus to while away a wakeful. hour, or makes up a song or glee to be sung at the next meeting of the Culloden Club, of which he was a member ; and what a charming picture is called up when we see him looking with interest and admiration on two pretty manse lassies as they endeavour to interpret the sonorous lines of John Home's Douglas. As to outdoor amusements, they are not even mentioned ; there were, of course, no facilities for playing golf at that period in Roxburghshire, but we should have thought that on one of the fine frosty days which he so often chronicles he might have been found on the curling rink. We .know that there was a Curling Club at Earlston in 1756, and the game was quite well known in the country. In summer, too, we should have expected to have found some mention of bowling, for houses like those of Stitchel and Newton can hardly have been without facilities for this popular game. But such pursuits do not seem to have appealed to Ridpath, perhaps he thought he had plenty exercise without them. There was the often undertaken walk to Home, where after a tramp of three miles he would visit his parishioners there and have tea with the Stevensons at Home Byres before setting out on his road home again. There were many rides too, some of them of long distances, on the young horse he bought from the 4 Haddon couper p INTRODUCTION , xvii for six pounds, and which seems to have turned out very well. His longest ride was perhaps to Edinburgh, where he occasionally went, sometimes to the Assembly, and sometimes to make investigations in the Advocates' Library in connection with the great and long-drawn-out Hutton Patronage case or to hear the plea itself debated before the Lords of Session. Guided by his friend David Hume, who was then Librarian, he sees some of the curiosities of the Library, including 4 the mummy ' which still, I believe, inhabits those learned precincts, though it is not so publicly exposed as it used to be, All this was strenuous enough exercise ; the roads were on the whole bad and we hear occasionally of falls from his horse, fortunately without injury to himself, though such an accident was the primary cause of the death of Mr. Dawson, the father of his beloved Minna. But while the roads were generally far from good, they were not quite so bad as has been sometimes made out. The Turnpike Act of 1751 had done much for their improvement, and far from there being no wheeled vehicles to be had in the countryside, we see the Halls, of Dunglas driving about in a chaise, and Mr. Waite, Ridpath's brother-in-law, more than once brings or takes back his family in a carriage. Matthew Dysart, the minister of Eccles, was the possessor of a chaise, and we read of its having made the journey to and from Edinburgh. I have said that there is little or no mention of games or pastimes in the Diary. There is also no reference to holidays or feasts, with the exception of the local fairs Neither Christmas nor New Year's Day is ever specifically chronicled ; Handsel Monday, an old Scots holiday, is conspicuous by its absence, and of course we do not expect Easter or any such feast to be mentioned. Holidays no doubt the diarist had, but they were spent in little jaunts about the country, calling on his friends and always xviii DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH receiving the warmest of welcomes. Of his friends and cronies few must be mentioned, and these by little more than their names, but they live as real characters in the artless pages of the Diary. James Allan of Eyemouth was Ridpath's devoted henchman, and is found putting himself to no end of trouble about his affairs, especially in the great case of the disputed patronage of the parish of Hutton, which pervades so many of these pages but which it is impossible to do more than mention. 1 If Ridpath's friendship with Allan was ever temporarily strained, it was when the latter fell a victim to the charms of a certain Mrs. Keith (nee Macleod), who seems to have been more or less of an adventuress, though how she came to be in that part of the country I cannot tell. Poor James Allan was much infatuated with her, and Ridpath did not hesitate to send him a letter of warning. Fortun- ately he was looked after by a sister (another sister was Mrs. Crow, and a third the wife of Andrew Edgar, both mentioned in the Diary), and the match was ultimately abandoned, much to Ridpath's satisfaction, who saw nothing but evil in it. Mrs. Keith later on threw her toils over another of Ridpath's friends, Mr. Temple, the Collector of Taxes in Berwick, much to the consternatipn of all his relatives and friends. What the issue of this flirtation was we are not told. The robust, genial, and humorous John Hume, the minister of Greenlaw and laird of Abbey St. Bathans, was another of Ridpath's chief companions. He always gave him a hearty welcome to Greenlaw manse and a great deal of amusement from his conversation. He had married a granddaughter of the first Earl of Marchmont, and was 1 Readers desirous of full details of this case will find it reported as Lord Home v. Officers of State in Morrison's Dictionary, 10777, anc * Faculty Collections, 28th July 1758, and the House of Lords' decision in the same volume, p. 504. INTRODUCTION xix therefore eminently of 4 the County.' His son Sandy, minister of Polwarth, a somewhat degenerate son of an aristocratic father, appears to less advantage, as he made two rather unfortunate marriages, the first of which gave his father much chagrin. Matthew Dysart of Eccles was another valued friend. He seems to have lived perhaps in a better style than any of the other members of Presbytery, as he had a chaise at a time when few persons in the country, and certainly very few ministers, were the possessors of a wheeled vehicle. His mother was a granddaughter of the fourth Earl of Torphichen, and he took the name of Sandilands on succeeding to the estate of Couston of which she was in right. His wife was a relative of David Hume, and Ridpath was nothing loth to fall under the charm of that distinguished if heterodox philosopher. Dysart was one of the clergy who, greatly daring, had attended the performance of John Home's tragedy of Douglas in the Edinburgh theatre, and had been rebuked theretor by the Presbytery and compelled to express more or less sincere regret. I am sure that Ridpath, had he been in Edinburgh at the time, would have accompanied his friend, as he had a genuine liking for John Home, as indeed everybody had. It is curious to note that while the Church censured its ministers for going to see what was undoubtedly a fine performance of an experiment in literature by one of them- selves, it left them free to indulge in other pursuits which we would now say were much more blameworthy than going to see a play. Thus poor Ridpath, 4 passing rich on eighty pounds a year,' ventured one of his few guineas in the State Lottery, but this form of gambling was so common then that nothing was thought of it, and even the clergy might risk their means to any extent they thought fit without ecclesiastical censure. Ridpath's excuse (if indeed any excuse were needed) was that if he XX DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH won a prize it would be the greatest possible help and advantage to him, while if he lost he would not be very much poorer, and would have the satisfaction of knowing that he had patriotically contributed towards the needs of the State. ■ A few of Ridpath's other friends and neighbours can only be briefly mentioned. Robert Turnbull of Sprouston was a close ally. He was a son of the minister of Tynning- hame, whose Diary has already been edited for the Scottish History Society, a very different document from the present. Robert was the youngest son, being born in 1714, three years before Ridpath himself, and had three brothers also in the Church, one of whom, Thomas of Borthwick, became the grandfather of Sir Robert Dundas of Dunira, Baronet. He had a sister who was married to Dr. Wallace, the minister of New Greyfriars, Edinburgh, and a leading man in the councils of the Church. We hear much of Robert and his brother in the Diary. But all the local clergy are admirably portrayed by Ridpath's observant and critical pen, and there is seldom a word of disapproval. Even Mr. Lundy, the minister of Kelso, who seems to have devoted the time he spent in the neglect of his parochial duties to the boring of his friends, is let down very lightly. His laziness, procrastination, and habit of sticking to people too long are said to be his worst, if not his only faults ; for the rest, he was a simple-minded, pious soul, rather a butt of his friends and a subject of Lhat rather rough raillery which was the fashion of the day. Ridpath, indeed, laments teasing the honest creature, but says the temptations always proved irresistible. With all these and many more our diarist was on the most friendly terms ; they are always James, Robert, Andrew and the like to him. It is curious that among the few friends whom he does not call by their Christian names are Mr. Dawson, the father of the girl he ultimately INTRODUCTION xxi married, and Mr. Waite, his own brother-in-law. While respecting and liking them both, he never seems to have been quite on such intimate terms with them as with others. Not only were the ministers but their families dear to Ridpath, especially if there were any pretty girls among them or engaging children, for he was a true child lover. Mr. Pollock of Ednam, a rather colourless person perhaps in himself, was the father of a large flock whom he brought up on a very slender income. Betty, 1 the Naiad ' as she was affectionately called, must have been a charming, sprightly, and very lovely little maid. Everybody seems to have lost their hearts to her, and Ridpath was one of her staunchest admirers. By this time, however, his affections had been set elsewhere, and we read of his proposing 4 on the mossy turf, under a sweet grove,' to Minna Dawson, the daughter of a merchant in Kelso and an old friend of the family. It is remarkable that Minna's answer is not recorded ; perhaps she took time to think over the matter, as a few days after they had some 4 explicatory chat ' on the subject. But Minna duly married him, though not till September 1764. Probably the delay was owing to the state of health of old Mrs. Ridpath. who lived with her son George and who was evidently rather a difficult patient. It is most likely that after the marriage she went to live with either Philip or William ; she died in February 1765, only a few months after George's marriage. Minna bore to her husband a son and two daughters, and we can imagine what a joy they must have been to one who was so fond of children as Ridpath was. Unfortunately he was not spared long to them, as he died when the eldest was only six years old. He was only fifty-five, and I doubt if he was ever a very strong man ; once at least in the course of the Diary he had a sharp attack of illness which prevented him writing anything for a week, and he admits having xxii DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATII suffered from several minor complaints. His brothers, too, do not seem to have been at all strong when young, though they both outlived him, each dying at the age of sixty- seven. Philip published his brother's History of the Borders after the death of the latter, and he issued on his own account in 1785 a Translation of Boethius's Consolations of Philosophy, the inception of which is alluded to in the Diary. He married Alison Hume, who survived him, and of whom an extraordinary local I radition asserts that she died at Eyemouth of spontaneous combustion ! Enough perhaps has now been said to show the interest of this Diary, though much more could be written about it. Persons interested in meteorology will be sorry not to have Ridpath's daily nobs about the weather, but as t he omission saved several hundred lines it was unavoidable. I am indebted to several persons for generous help. Mr. Angus of the Historical Department, ELM. Register House, has been good enough to revise all the proofs and has made many valuable suggestions. Dr. Gunn of Peebles had transcribed a large portion of the first volume of the Diary, and freely put his transcripl at my disposal. Mrs. Milne Home had copied a considerable part of the second volume, and she also gave me the free use of her transcription. The Rev. Dr. Kennedy of the New College library has put at my service his greal knowledge of out-of-the-way Scottish books. 1 am also Indebted to the Rev. Mr. Burleigh of Kdnam, the clerk of the Presbytery of Kelso, Professor Alexander Mair of Edinburgh University, and others. Mr. Mill of the Signet Library has compiled the index with his usual skill in such matters, .1. Balfour Paul. DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH VOLUME I April 1755 Sunday, Aprile 13th. — Wind westerly, pretty high. Lec- tured on Psalm 68, v. 22. Preached on 1 Cor. 15, vv. 56 and 57. Munday, Aprile l±th. — Wind still higher, with small showers. Wrote to Edinburgh and to Baby, whom my own straits, after mature reflection, hinder me from assist- ing in the way she desires. At Home, p.m., baptising and seeing sick. Read also some parts of an old Presby- tery Book extending from 1649 to 60, which I have got to look over with a view to discover whether any division has ever been made of Kelso Kirk. A good deal enter- tained with some things in it. Tuesday, Aprile loth. — Weather the same. Read almost all the day the Account of Augustus's Reign in Universal History. It is wrote but poorly, and I believe also in- exactly. Read also some things in the Kelso Register, and wrought a little in the garden. At night marked the dates of Odes and Epodes in Francis's 2nd volume 1 into my Glasgow edition, also at the end of it, Sanadon's 2 Form of the Carmen Seculare. Wednesday, Aprile 16th. — Less wind ; some drippings through the day and rain in the evening, and at night. Read to the end of Augustus's Life a.m. Afternoon at 1 Philip Francis, died 1773 ; rector of Barrow, Suffolk, 1762-73 : his version of Horace has been often republished. 1 NoSl Etienne Sanadon, a voluminous eighteenth-century commen- tator on Horace. A 2 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [i755 Sir Robert's, 1 where William 2 had just arrived. Evening and night, read Presbytery Register, and Horace. Thursday, Aprile 17th. — Rained gently from west great part of the day. Read the Character of Augustus at the end of his Life in the Universal History ; and part of the History of Cleopatra, her Father, etc., in the History of the Ptolemies. Read also more of the Presbytery Register, and slept soon on Horace. Friday, Aprile 18th. — Clouds and sun. Winds westerly and gentle. Read to the end of the Life of Cleopatra and also the History of Antony ? s expedition against the Parthians. Sandy Home here, seeking Bythner's Lyra 3 to help him to prepare for his Hebrew tryals. Will having the book at Edinburgh, wrote an analysis to him of two or three verses in the beginning of a psalm. He dined and drank tea. Read some more Presbytery Register and slept on Horace whom I shall leave with great reluctance. Saturday, Aprile 19th. — Blowing hard from the west ; sun and clouds. Prepared for to-morrow. James Richardson from Curry dined, and was here a great part of the day. He had come out to see his father who seemed in the end of last week to be in a dangerous way, but is better. Sunday, Aprile 20th. — Breath north-east where it has not been for these several weeks, a thing very uncommon at this season. Lowring, and some drippings in the evening. Lectured on Psalm 68 : 22 to the end. Preached on 1 Corinth. 15. 56, 57. Munday, Aprile 21st. — A.m. at Home, 4 baptising and seeing sick. Wrought in the garden and also in the glebe, 1 Sir Robert Pringle, third Baronet of Stitchel, Ridpath's principal heritor: born 1690: married, 1723, Katherine, eldest daughter of James Pringle of Torwoodlee : died 1779. 2 The diarist's youngest brother. 3 Victorinus Bythner, Hebrew scholar, published Lyra Prophetica Davidis Regis t sive Analysis critico-practica Psalmorum, London, 1650. 4 A small thatched village, nestling under the walls of Hume Castle. It was at one time a separate parish, but no trace of the old twelfth-century church remains. It was united to Stitchel in 1640. i 7 55] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 3 raking potatoes. Repaired my hats, and read some of Horace. Tuesday, Aprile 22nd. — Went to attend the Synod. Rogers 1 preached a pretty good sermon. Thomas Scot of Cavers elected Moderator. P.m. went through last year's Minutes. Business of no consequence. Supped, and also dined in Mrs. Wood's. Staid in Mrs. Dawson's with James Allan. 2 Wednesday, Aprile 23rd. — There was a petition from some people in Whitsum in opposition to John Waugh. 3 But the opposers,. who are inconsiderable people, having brought up no extracts, were prevailed upon to drop the prosecution of their cause. Petition was ordered to the Assembly also, for their direction about exacting the penalties for irregular marriages, which the Justices of Peace qualify so much, as to make the law of no signifi- cancy. A Cause was also heard from the Presbytery of Jedburgh, occasioned by a dispute betwixt Lord Cranstoun and the Marquis of Lothian, where the Minister of Craline should preach till a new kirk be finished. The contro- versy was found so frivolous that the Synod approved of the conduct of the Presbytery of Jedburgh, as it was really of little or. no moment whether they had done right or wrong. On this Lord Cranstoun appealed to the General Assembly. After these things, went through the ordinary forms and got up. Dined in Mrs. Dawson's ; drank tea in Dr. Gibson's ; revised the Minutes in Mrs. Wood's ; James Allan and I came home after ten. Thursday, Aprile 2Uh. — James Allan and I rode to Ednam a.m. Thomas Pollock, 4 his wife, and daughter 1 John Rogers, minister of Hownam 1749-74. 2 James Allan, one of Ridpath's greatest friends, succeeded his father as minister of Eyemouth in 1737 : died unmarried 1767. 3 John Waugh, nephew of Robert Waugh, minister of Hutton : after being minister of a Presbyterian church at Alnwick he was presented to Whitsome in 1754, and admitted 16th May 1755 : he married, 1744, Mary Mason, and had with other children a daughter who married, in 1766, George Cupples, minister of Swinton, of whom we shall hear more. 4 Thomas Pollock, minister of Ednam 1723-64 : married, 1724, Alison Mason, and had a family of five sons and six daughters, some of whom we shall hear a good deal of in the course of the Diary, 4 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1755 came up with us to dine ; staid all till the evening. Wrote for Mas Thomas an attestation for his son in order to an application to the Barons of Exchequer for a Bursary to him. Slept on Horace. Friday, Aprile 25th. — At Fallsidehill and Home baptising and seeing sick. Robert Turnbull, 1 Mr. Lundy, 2 and Robert's nephew, Hay, 3 who came a day or two ago from Edinburgh to see his uncle, drank tea. Looked at night to some things in Mead's Monita et Praecepta Medical Munday, Aprile 28th. — Saw sick in town a.m. and then went to Kelso to attend the Culloden Club ; thirteen of us only there, a variety of accidents hindering the attend- ance of members. Had a song, the making of which amused me part of last week, but could scarce get it sung for want of performers. Rode home with Sir Robert betwixt 7 and 8. Tuesday, Aprile 29th. — Revised what I had not re- vised before of the second volume of Francis's Horace in order to my returning it to-morrow. Have been much entertained with this work, which is undoubtedly one of the best of the kind in our language. The notes in par- ticular are a well-chosen and valuable collection. Those from Sanadon particularly good. Wednesday, Aprile 30th. — Read part of some reviews that came from Kelso in the morning, also about a half of Voltaire's General History and State of Europe, which has the facility, sprightliness and grace that char- 1 Robert Turnbull, minister of Sprouston, a parish not far from Stitchel on the opposite side of the Tweed, son of George Turnbull, minister of Tynninghame. 2 Cornelius Lundy, minister of Kelso 1 750-1800 : third son of Archibald Lundy, minister of Saltoun : born 1716 : married, 1762, Mary, daughter of William Ronald of Williamscraig, Provost of Linlithgow : died 1800, and was succeeded in the parish by his son Robert. 5 I have been unable to identify this nephew of Robert Turnbull : neither of his two sisters married any one of the name of Hay, so it is probably used as a Christian name. 4 Richard Mead, M.D. (1673-1754), celebrated fashionable physician. His last work, Monita et Praecepta Medica, was published in 1751, a summary of his practical experience, but it is said that the total of information contained in the book is small. 1755] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 5 acterise that author, and I believe also his incorrectness as to facts. Will 1 came from Edinburgh in the evening. My horse went in for him yesterday with Robert Turnbull's nephew Hay. Have had more of the toothach these two or three days than for some years past, the conse- quence of cold catched in the end of last week and begin- ning of this. Am opposing it by keeping within doors, abstinence, water and moderate exercise. Thursday, May 1. — Part of the forenoon in the glebe, also shaving myself. Neither of them agreed with my toothache, which however is better. Rest of day and at night read Voltaire. Friday, May 2nd. — Read Voltaire to an end and more than a third of him over again. Sunday, May Uh. — Bailie Pow, poor wandering mortal, in the Kirk p.m. and dined with us. Munday, May 5th. — At Home a.m. seeing sick. Most of the afternoon wrought in the garden, which refreshed me greatly and did not hurt my tooth-ach, at least for the time. Should, I believe, have been quit of it by this time had it not been yesterday's preaching. Had a letter from Mr. Waite 2 in the morning by his Prentice, informing me that his little daughter had fallen ill of the small pox, and desiring Nancy down. Immediately sent her away by Charles. By a letter again from Philip 3 in the evening learn that the child has been worse than Mr. Waite men- tioned. She has had a high fever, two convulsions, and what is worst of all a violent looseness since Saturday night. The pox begin to appear this morning, but they cannot yet judge of their number. Tuesday, May 6th. — Went at two to the burial of G. Mason's wife at Hassendean. The old man is a little recruited. Attended the funeral to Kelso, where were the 1 Ridpath's youngest brother, afterwards minister of Edrom. 2 Mr. Waite, as he is always called in the Diary, his Christian name never being given, was Ridpath's brother-in-law, having married his sister Elizabeth. He was in business in Berwick. 3 The Diarist's immediate younger brother. He seems to have been a schoolmaster at Berwick at this period. 6 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1755 remains of the Presbytery. Had a Library meeting, in which we commissioned a few books. Wednesday, May 7th. — Wrought in the garden a.m. and chatted with William Winter. P.m. was going to see Sir Robert who has not been well these 2 or 3 days, but met with James Mason 1 and his wife, as I was going through the town, seeing some sick. They drank tea here. Heard from Berwick in the evening that the child seems to be in no manner of danger. Also that Dr. Balderstone 2 was married yesterday morning. Thursday, May 8th. — Spent the forenoon in new cocking my hat, shaving, etc. Robert Turnbull came and dined. Set out along with him for Greenlaw, when Mr. Dysart 3 also came. Staid there all night. D. Hume's History, which John Hume 4 has been reading, the principal sub- ject of discourse. Friday, May 9th. — Set out in the morning with John and his two sons 5 for Abbey (St. Bathans). Had a pleasant ride and got there about ten. A considerable congregation, and the sermon without, which agreed ill with my toothache. Sate till near 6, drank rather too long and were too noisy. Some girls there that were 1 Perhaps James Mason, minister of Yarrow 1753-64. 2 Dr. Balderston, Berwick, was a cousin of Ridpath, and son of ' Aunt Balderston ' frequently mentioned in the Diary. 3 Matthew Dysart, minister of Eccles 1731-73: son of John Dysart, minister of Coldingham : assumed the name of Sandilands on succeeding to the entailed estate of Couston, in right of his mother who was daughter and heiress of the Hon. William Sandilands, third son of John, fourth Lord Torphichen. He married Jean, daughter of David Hume, Depute Clerk of Session, and a relative of David Hume the historian. He was one of the ministers who attended the theatre on the first production of John Home's tragedy of Douglas, for which he was rebuked after having expressed regret. 4 John Hume, minister of Greenlaw 1734-77, was the eldest son of George Hume of Abbey St. Bathans, and minister of that parish. He succeeded his father in the estate 1700 : ordained minister of Polwarth 1727 : translated to Greenlaw 1734 : married Charlotte, daughter of Charles Bellingham and Lady Julian Home, daughter of Patrick, first Earl of Marchmont. We shall hear further of his son Alexander, minister of Polwarth. 6 The ordination at Abbey St. Bathans was that of Alexander Hume, eldest son of John Hume, minister of Greenlaw. His brother George afterwards became a lieutenant R.N. 1755] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 7 animating; especially Walter Hart's daughter. Angelraw's youngest daughter 1 was also there, and a daughter of William Home of Fogo's. 2 Of ministers besides the Presbytery, there were only Landreth, 3 Cupples, 4 Robert Turnbull, and myself. Smith of Quickswood was there ; also his mother and Miss Ker. Had good plain dinner. Rode to Polwarth in the evening along with Robert Turnbull, Matt. Dysart, and Cupples. Mrs. Home has been very low and much distrest. John Home 5 on his way from London was there in the beginning of the week. Garrick has at last agreed to take his last made Play, but cannot have it acted till the winter after next. Saturday, May 10th. — Set out from Polwarth about eleven along with Mr. Dysart. Robert and I dined and drank tea at Eccles. Came home about six. Saw Edward Dodds's wife who has seemed a-dying these ten days ; and did something for to-morrow. Heard from Berwick that Nancy Waite is still in a very good way. Munday, May 12th. — A.m. at Home seeing sick. P.m. went to Sir Robert's, who has been ailing and is looking but indifferently. Came home about 9, and slept on Voltaire. Wednesday, May lUh. — Set out for Berwick by Blakader. Found Mr. Renton just ready to go to Allan-Bank to dine with a new-married pair, young Coutts and his wife, 6 who are on their way from London to Edinburgh. Dr. 1 Daughter of James Ridpath of Angelraw. 2 Grizel, daughter of William Home, minister of Fogo 1722-56 (not to be confounded with his successor in the parish, another William Home of whom we shall hear much). Grizel ultimately married Andrew Jollie, a tailor in Edinburgh. 3 James Landreth, minister of Simprin 1 725-56 : Clerk of the Synod : established the first Sunday School in Scotland. Carlyle, who calls him ' Honest James,' gives an amusing account of how he lent John Home a valise to carry the MS. of Douglas in, when he took it to London. 4 George Cupples, minister of Swinton 1754-98, son of William Cupples, minister of Kirkoswald. Alex. Carlyle gives an amusing and graphic account of the convoy which Cupples gave to him and John Home on his setting out for London with the tragedy of Douglas. 5 John Home, see p. 10, n. 6. 6 James Coutts of Hampton and Whitsome Hill, third son of John Coutts, Lord Provost of Edinburgh : born 1737 : partner in Coutts 8 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1755 Doubleday 1 there. He and I staid and dined with the children, three very fine girls. Rode to town with the Doctor in the evening, which I spent at Mr. Waite's. Nancy is doing bravely and will not be spoilt. Thursday, May loth. — Called at Mr. Chisholm's a.m. ; dined in Mr. Waite's. P.m. drank tea with my aunt Balderstone, who removed on the day her son was married to the house lately possest by John Somervail, which is fitted up very neatly. She is looking well, and they are all in very good spirits. Supped with the Doctor, where was also my aunt and two or three of my cousins. A great display of pretty expensive things. Was not greatly captivated with the Bride, though she is, upon the whole, a very well-looking woman. Friday, May 16th. — Breakfast with Mr. Hall and set out with Philip for the Ordination at Whitsum. John Renton there, and Hilton, 2 who sat till sunset and made very good company. James Allan and I went home with Mr. Renton. Had drank rather too much. Saturday, May 17th. — Breakfast at Blakader. Then set out for Eccles, whither Philip had come with Mr. Dysart last night. Dined and drank tea there. Came home between 6 and 7, and did something for to-morrow. Still harassed with the toothache, but keep it within tolerable bounds chiefly by wrapping at night. Sunday, May 18th. — Richard Brown 3 came here in the Brothers and Co., Bankers, London : married, shortly before the date in the Diary, Mary, daughter of John Peagrim, Colchester. The family of Coutts and the Stewarts of Allanbank were intimately connected. John Coutts, the Lord Provost, had married Jean, daughter of Sir John Stewart, the second Bart., and the fourth Bart, (the son of Ridpath's host) married Frances Coutts, the only surviving child of this marriage of James Coutts and Mary Peagrim. Cf. The Life of Thomas Coutts, by E. H. Coleridge, i. 38. 1 The Doubledays were a very old family in the north of England, and still exist. Mr. H. A. Doubleday, the editor of the current edition of the Complete Peerage, informs me that they were largely Quakers. 2 Wynne Johnston of Hilton, who was served heir to his father, Robert Johnston of Hilton, 1748. 3 Richard Brown, then a youth of twenty -five, son of John Brown, tenant of Home Castle, was ordained minister of the parish of Kingarth, Gth May 1756 I755J DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 9 morning about ten. He lectured and preached for me p.m. Performed not contemptibly, but in his sermon unpopularly, chiefly by a wrong choice of his subject. Philip at Ednam preaching for Mr. Pollock who is at Whitsum with John Waugh. Brown went away after tea. A fortunate boy chiefly owing to a good stock of forwardness, added to parts and knowledge not con- temptible, but no way extraordinary. Peter Cuming 1 has procured to him a Presentation to a kirk in the Isle of Bute in my Lord Bute's own parish, a very lucky thing for him ; and an obedient servant secured to Peter. Munday, May 19th. — Saw sick in the town. Mr. Lundy came to dine, and staid till between 4 and 5. Then Mr. Dawson came and drank tea. Evening slept on magazines I brought from Berwick. Tuesday, May 20th. — At Home a.m. seeing sick. Th. Pollock came before dinner, and sate till the evening. Slept on magazines. Thursday, May 22nd. — Went to Kelso with Philip, where we dined in Mr. Lundy's, and drank tea at Thomas Dawson's. Saw Mr. Lundy's tulips. He has some very good ones. Had a walk on the riverside in the evening with Minna Dawson. 2 Nancy Thompson, and Aly Steven- son. 3 Got from the Library the third part of Voltaire's General History and State of Europe. Friday, May 23rd. — Wrought much in the garden and some in the glebe. Read a little of Voltaire's third part. The former two parts are from a surreptitious copy, and he seems to promise an improved edition of them. This part he owns, and proposes to continue the Work till he translated to Lochmaben 1765 : in 1779 he succeeded his cousin, Sir Alex- ander Brown of Coalstoun, Bart., but did not assume the title : died 1781. 1 Patrick Cuming, minister of the Old Kirk, Edinburgh, 1732-76 : eldest son of Robert Cuming of Reiugas : Professor of Church History, Edinburgh, 1737-62 : D.D., Edinburgh, 1752 : was three times Moderator of the General Assembly, 1749, 1752, and 1756: leader of the Moderate party in the Church in his day : married Jean, daughter of David Lauder of Huntly- wood, a son of Lord Fountainhall. 2 Minna Dawson, daughter of Mr. Dawson, Kelso, and the future wife of Ridpath. 3 See post, p. 291, n. 2. 10 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1755 connect it with his Louis XIV. He is always lively and entertaining. On Munday morning set out along with Mr. Lundy mounted on a horse I got from W. Stevenson, 1 which he intended should go from Edinburgh to Ninian Jeffery's Colony. But as he was being worne out with hard work and lame to the boot, it was with difficulty that I got to Edinburgh on him after six o'clock at night though we set out betwixt 5 and 6 *in the morning. Mr. Lundy' s horse also -distressed with a sore throat which made us equally slow-paced and our journey very uncomfortable. Overtook not far from Bassendean Mr. Home of Pol- warth 2 and a daughter of Willy Home of Fogo 3 with Mr. Home's little boy Luke, whom they were carrying to Musselburgh to Jeffery. Dined with them at Channel- kirk. Mr. Lundy struck off at Fala to Saltoun, and I rode in to town with Abraham Ker 4 whom we met at Channelkirk. Lodged in the Solicitor's 5 along with John Home of Athelstaneford 6 who left the town on Saturday morning before the Assembly. The only Settlements were those of Leith and Carsphairn. The case of Leith 1 The tenant of Home Byres, and an intimate friend of Ridpath. 2 William Home, minister of Pohvarth 1735-58 : third son of Walter Home of Bassendean : translated to Fogo in succession to another William Home in 1758 : married, 1737, Mary, daughter of Robert Roddam of Ewart, Northumberland, and an aunt of Mrs. Alexander Carlyle. The little boy Luke was afterwards a Captain, 16th Foot. 3 Grizel Home, see ante, p. 7, n. 2. 4 Abraham Ker, minister of Nenthorn 1755-93 : son of James Ker of Crookedshaws, a former minister of the parish. 5 Andrew Pringle, eldest son of John Pringle, Lord Haining : Advocate 1740 : Solicitor-General 1755 : raised to the Bench as Lord Alemoor 1759 : died 1776. Carlyle calls him the most eloquent of all the Scottish Bar. 6 John Home, minister of Athelstaneford 1746-57 : son of Alexander Home, Town Clerk of Leith. He is best known as the author of the tragedy of Douglas which was produced in Edinburgh in 1756, and which created a great commotion in the circles of the Church. He resigned his living in 1757 and became private secretary to John, Earl of Bute, the famous Minister. In this position he was able to do a great deal for his friends and sought nothing for himself, but had a pension of £300 a year granted him from the Privy Purse. He was a universal favourite and was the intimate friend of Principal Robertson, David Hume, and Carlyle ; Ridpath also knew him well and had a high esteem for him. 1755] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 11 was considerably doubtful. Carlisle, 1 John Home, and W. Robertson, 2 who had carried it on the side of Thomas Scot 3 before the Synod, appeared in the defence of their sentence and made very good speeches in their several manners, of which Robertson's is by far the most suited to the clerical character. The good speaking was almost all on Scot's side, and would have had its effect had it not been the brigue very industriously and extensively circulated on the other. In the settlement of Carsphairn the Commissioner was interested, and the decision was given for his friend by a much greater stretch than was made in the case of Leith. The other affairs were scandals against two north country ministers Grant and Mackenzie and a country Elder, in all which the accused were assoilzied unanimously. There was a project of attacking Lord Karnes 4 and David Hume, to promote which a pamphlet had been published containing an analysis of the wicked principles contained in their works. But instead of a personal attack, a general Overture was agreed to con- taining a Declaration against such pernicious principles, and a recommendation to all ministers to oppose to the utmost of their power the spreading of them amongst their flocks. This, though not satisfying to the more zealous, appeared more eligible to the prudent, than the 1 Alexander Carlyle, minister of Inveresk 1 748-1 805 : well known as ' Jupiter Carlyle,' one of the leading members of the moderate party in the Church. His Autobiography, though unfinished, has become a classic on the subject of the Church life of the period : he had a high opinion of our diarist, whom he styles ' the judicious and learned Ridpath.' 2 Dr. William Robertson, the historian, and Principal of the University of Edinburgh, at this time minister of Gladsmuir. 3 There is no mention of this case in the Fasti Eccl. Scot., but there was a vacancy in the second charge of South Leith in 1754, by the translation of Robert Walker to St. Giles's, Edinburgh. There appears to have been two competing candidates, Thomas Scott, minister of Cavers, and Alexander Stuart. The Assembly gave its decision in favour of the latter, but he was removed to St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, in 1762, and Mr. Scott was then admitted to the charge. 4 Henry Home, son of George Home of Karnes, Berwickshire : Advocate 1723 : raised to the Bench as Lord Karnes 1752 : in 175 1 he had published his Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion, a meta- physical work which provoked the ire of some members of the Church. 12 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1755 erection of a committee for purity of doctrine. On the Saturday evening went out to the farm-house of my old friend Mr. Wilkie, minister of Ratho, 1 who has been dis- trest for some time past with an ill-formed ague [from] which he has not yet entirely recovered. Staid with him on the Saturday and Sunday nights, and preached for him at Ratho on the Sunday. The Assembly rose on Monday, and the last thing they did was to repone Moncrieff, 2 now at Etall, to the office of ministry in Shetland, in deposing him from which some irregular steps had been taken. So soon as he was reponed, he gave in a demission of his Charge in that island. The Commissioner 3 concluded the Assembly with a very handsome speech which he repeated and gave some touches at the present situation of the public affairs and the perfidy of the French with a truly British spirit. His behaviour all along was very popular. Red, his minister (of St. Quivock's), 4 was Moderator, and acquitted himself very tolerably. Tuesday and Wednes- day the Commission met and had some small affairs, but I attended it very little. Wednesday evening left the town, and came to Athelstaneford, about ten at night along with James Allan. Read John's tragedy of Douglas on the Thursday forenoon, which so far as I could judge from a cursory reading appears to be a good work. The composition much simpler and chaster than that of Agis. Called at Haddington and was an hour at Clerkington with Baby, who was removing her furniture. Found her 1 William Wilkie, minister of Ratho 1753-9, when he resigned on his appointment as Professor of Natural History in St. Andrews. He was an expert in agriculture, and his success as a farmer earned him the name of ' Potato Wilkie.' He wrote an epic poem called the Epigoniad in nine books, published in 1757, for which he was called ' the Scottish Homer.' Graham (Social Life in Scotland) calls him an ' uncouth genius,' and Carlyle in his Autobiography mentions him. Many stories are told of his eccentricities. He was a great smoker when the consumption of tobacco rather took the form of snuff : he had a great antipathy to clean sheets on his bed, and it is said slept under the weight of twenty-four blankets. 2 Matthew Moncrieff, minister of Bressay, Burra, and Ouarff : he had been deposed for deserting his charge. 3 The Commissioner to the General Assembly in 1755 was Charles, ninth Lord Cathcart. 4 George Reid, minister of St. Qui vox 1722-63. > i 7 55] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 13 in pretty good spirits and not without hopes of doing well. Rode over after four with John Home to Polwarth, where I staid till Saturday forenoon. On the Friday stept over to Redbraes and saw Nancy Burnet. Came " home on Saturday to dinner and did something for to-morrow. At Edinburgh not unhappy on the whole ; yet not so happy as I might have been. Could not use perfect freedom in my quarters, the Solicitor's, where I was under some sort of necessity of lodging, he having been here himself to ask me. Yet this was wholly owing to my shyness, for by him I was treated with great civility. John Home's flow of wit and spirits, much encouraged by the company of the Great, to which he has had more familiar access than almost any of his profession, threw a sort of damp on me. Clothes and equipments were not so good as the taste of the age and a town life requires. The room where I lodged was gloomy and extremely ill aired, and sometimes my living was too high, though this I bore very well. To live agreeably at Edinburgh I find it would be necessary for me to live in a Lodging, where I would be at perfect liberty ; to be well equipped in point of dress ; and to associate more with people of speculation and learning than those of a gayer turn ; yet not altogether to avoid the latter. But the greatest dis- advantage of all for that sort of life is my want of facility in making up to strangers and conversing with them. A disadvantage partly from complexion, but chiefly from education, and my ordinary train of life, that I believe I shall never wholly get over. The new things I saw at Edinburgh were chiefly a sort of imitation of Vaux Hall or Ranelagh erected by one Cockayne in the gardens formerly Butcher's, a very rude embryo. A copy of Le Bruyn's Alexander's Battles belonging to Lord Morton, and which he has hung up in the Abbey, wanting room for them in his own house. The best almost, indeed the only thing of the kind, I ever saw, a Grotto with a collec- tion of very curious shells. I was also at a Concert, which was a very high entertainment ; I was particularly de- lighted at the part ir^ which the voice of a singing girl 14 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1755 was accompanied with a German flute plaid by Macpherson. Another circumstance besides those already mentioned helped also to depress me, and that was my failing in a • little speech I attempted to make in the cause of Leith ; though I found it was much more noticed by myself than by anybody else. My situation was disadvantageous and spirits fatigued by long attendance, and I was quite over- powered with the universal stare on a new man. Thursday, June 12th. — Forenoon wrought in the garden and putting closet in order. P.m. went to Sir Robert's, where I staid supper. Dr. Wilson came in the evening with whom I had some disputation about gravity, etc., matters that he understands very imperfectly. Friday, June 13th.- — Wrought a good deal in the garden a.m. P.m. read part of Cadwallader Colden's History of the Five Indian Nations, 1 which I got from the Library. Also some of the January Review. Saturday, June lUh. — Prepared for to-morrow. At- tended a man who came up from Kelso to put up a second- hand clock which came from Berwick last Saturday. He got it put up, but it soon stopt ; he set it agoing again on the Monday. P.m. went to Eccles and drank tea. Mrs. Dysart somewhat aguish. Munday, June 16th. — Went to Morbattle, where I preached. Colleagued with Wilson of Coldstream 2 on Psalm 16. 8. Rogers there and Leek. 3 Staid all night. Tuesday, June 17th. — Was prevailed on to stay till after dinner, and Andrew 4 rode over with me here. Lighted at Kelso in passing and saw Lundy's garden and glebe, where there is a fine crop of everything. Wednesday, June }8th. — Rode to Eccles along with Andrew, where we preached : colleagued with John Hume. 1 Cadwallader Colden (1688-1778), American botanist and loyalist: Lieut. -Governor of New York 1761 : his History of th* Five Indian Nations of Canada was published in 1727. 2 William Wilson, minister of Coldstream 1735-77. 3 Joseph Leek, minister of Yetholm 1731-85. 4 Andrew Chatto, minister of Morebattle 1740-70 : married Agnes Tennent of Handaxwood. She was a niece of William Walker, minister of Mackerstoun, who left her ^500. ^ i 7 55] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 15 All three stayed all night. Diverted as usual with John. Coventry 1 ordained here. Thursday, June 19th. — Staid at Eccles till after tea. Mrs. and Peggy Pringle 2 and Mr. Dawson here when I came home. A very sweet evening. Slept on the Review. Friday, June 20th. — Saw sick in the town a.m., and at Home p.m. Mr. Waite and Nancy with the little boy and his maid came before dinner ; and Mr. Waite and Will set out again in the chaise for Berwick betwixt 4 and 5. Read in the evening some of the March Review, where there is an article on David Hume's History, where he is treated severely enough, yet not more than he deserves. Munday, June 23rd. — Read much of Colden's History of the Five Indian Xations, which presents a very simple scene of manners. Charles 3 went to Eyemouth for wine, etc. Tuesday, June 2Uh. — Wrought in the garden, spoke to catechumens, and read a little more of Colden's History. Wednesday, June 25th. — Wrought a good deal in the garden ; weeding and planting brocoli. Read Colden's Book to an end. It concludes with Penn's Establishments in the Pensylvania Government, which approach nearer to Harrington's plan than anything that has been exe- cuted. Read also the accounts in the magazines of Nova Scotia and the Settlements of the Colony there. In the morning read last week's news-papers, where a grand plan is spoken of for attacking the French in Canada. Saturday, June 28th. — Wrote on my sermon a.m. Abraham Ker and James Allan preached. Nobody staid all night but James Allan. Mrs. Dawson at Sir Robert's. Sunday, June 29th. — Preached on Psalm 118. 22, 23. Five double Tables and about a half of a sixth. John Hume preached p.m. Other assistants — Messrs. Pollock, 1 G. Coventry, minister of the Secession Church at Stitchel. See p. 79, n. 2. 2 The youngest daughter of Sir Robert : Mrs. Pringle may have been her sister-in-law, Capt. Gilbert's wife, but the identification is not certain. 3 Charles was the minister's ' man ' and factotum. These servants were a race of beings by themselves, and could turn their hands to anything from ploughing the glebe to gardening and any joiner work that might be required. 16 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 1*755 Allan, and Abraham Ker. Somewhat fewer hearers than ordinary by reason of a seceding sermon at Home, and a Cameronian one at Tweedside. But full as many, if not more, communicants. Munday, June 30th.— Warm. Messrs. Chatto and Pol- lock preached. Andrew and J.ohn Hume staid all night. Entertained John with the Account of David Hume's History in the Review, etc. Tuesday, July 1st. — Went to the Presbytery with Andrew Chatto. Entered to the clerkship. 1 Had a scandal before us from the Kelso session and a supplica- tion from the Heritors of Ednam to agree to a removal of the Kirk ; also from Mr. Pollock for a Visitation of the manse. Appointed to meet at Ednam on this day 3 weeks. Came home in the evening and read part of a pamphlet containing Observations on the Analysis of Sopho and D. Hume's Principles, 2 which is said to be young Wedder- burn's. (This is denied ; it is said to be Karnes's own.) 3 Wednesday, July 2nd. — At Home a.m. baptising and seeing sick. P.m. wrought some in the garden ; read news-papers and some of the Aprile Review which I got at Kelso yesterday. Thursday, July 3rd. — Looked over the magazines for accounts of North American affairs. Read also what I had not read before of February and Aprile Reviews. In 1 The Presbytery Records show that he had been appointed Clerk on 6th May. It seems to have been the custom for members to hold this office in turn for about a year. 2 David Hume's Inquiry into the Principles of Morals, published 1751. 3 The correct title of the book criticised was Analysis of the moral and religious sentiments contained in the writings of Sopho and David Hume. It appeared anonymously, but the author was the Rev. John Bonar, minister of Perth. ' Sopho ' was undoubtedly Lord Karnes who had been previously assailed under that name by the Rev. George Anderson, Chaplain in Watson's Hospital. The ' Observations ' on this pamphlet appeared in 1755, and were the work of several of Karnes's friends, the Rev. Hugh Blair, the Rev. Robert Wallace of the New North Parish, perhaps Alexander Wedderburn, and others. Karnes himself appeared in self-defence in a pamphlet entitled Objections against the Essays on Morality and Religion examined ; it was published anonymously and he is believed to have been again assisted by Hugh Blair. I am indebted for the information to the Rev. Dr. Kennedy, Librarian of U.F. College. 1755] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 17 the latter there is an account and specimens of Johnson's English Dictionary, which appears to be a valuable work. Friday, July Mh. — Read account of Cape Breton in magazines. Revised part of Colden's History of the Five Nations. Also looked over sermon for to-morrow at Smailholm. Saturday, July 5th. — Preached at Smailholm on Psalm 133. 13, 14. Colleagued with Mr. James Innes, 1 who retains a good deal of vigour with his old manners. Sunday, July 6th. — Lectured on Psalm 72. 10-fin. Preached on Matthew 16. 24. Professor Stevenson 2 in the kirk, and here with his brother betwixt sermons. John Murray of Kinaldy came in the afternoon, and staid all night. He had been for some time at Berwick with his brother. Munday, July 7th. — Was at Home attending a meeting for the poor, and seeing sick. P.m. revised some more of Colden's History of the Five Nations, which I intend to return to-morrow. It is a useful work for understanding the affairs of our Colonies with the Indians, and also for knowing the manners of these people. The author is a man of sense, and a friend to his country, but his talents as a writer are not considerable. Read in T. 37 of Bibl. Rais[onne] 3 an account of Charlevoix's History of New France* also some of the beginning of Lahontan's Voyages to North America* Wednesday, July 9th. — Read most of the day last March and May magazines, the latter of which I got from Berwick 1 James Innes, son of Robert Innes, wine merchant, Leith : minister of Mertoun 1718-67. 2 John Stevenson, LL.D., Professor of Logic in the University of Edin- burgh. He had a brother who was tenant of Home Byres and an intimate friend of the diarist. 3 Bibliotheca Raisonee des ouvrages des savans des I'Europe. 51 vols. 12 mo. Amsterdam 1728-53. 4 Pierre Francois Xavier de Charlevoix. His Histoire et Description generale de la Nouvelle France avec le Journal Historique a un Voyage, etc., was published at Paris in 1744. 5 Voyages to North America, by Baron Jean de Lahontan, went through several editions and was translated into English in 1735. B 18 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1755 this morning. John Miller 1 drank tea with us p.m., having been setting a man's arm which was broke by a loaded cart of coals running over it. Thursday, July 10th. — Finished the May Magazine, and almost finished Lahontan, who adds to his North America voyages others to Portugal, Denmark, and Spain. His accounts of things are abundantly superficial and often injudicious. Yet there is a vivacity and variety in him that afford some degree of entertainment. What is best worth reading is his account of the manners of the savages and of the beaver. Friday, July 11th. — Was beginning to read Lahontan when James Turnbull 2 and his neighbour, the Laird of Middleton, called in their way to Home Byres. Followed them and dined there, and staid till the evening. The Professor still there. Saturday, July 12th. — Preached at Sprouston on Psalm 132. 13, 14. Colleagued with Joseph Leek. Came home in the evening and did something for to-morrow. Sunday, July 13th. — John Stevenson, William and his wife dined with us and sate till the evening. Munday, July 14th. — Rode to Eccles to dine after having wrote to Will. Staid at Eccles all night. A daughter of Sir William Purves's there who was a little weight on our society. Tuesday, November 25th. — Came home from Eccles before dinner. Read afternoon and evening Stanley, where I dis- covered two very considerable mistakes — one in a trans- lation from Cicero and another in a point of chronology, which, with other circumstances, prove the execution of the work to be hasty and incorrect ; though it is full of excellent things. Wednesday, November 26th. — Read Stanley's Life of Aristotle. In the evening Letters to Atticus, and at night Nepos's Life of Atticus, which is very elegant and wrote very much like a friend, as Nepos was, of Atticus. Thursday, November 27th. — Walked to Home to baptise and see sick. Dined at William Stevenson's, and came home in the evening. Evening and night wrote to James Allan and transcribed for him my inscriptions on Francis Pringle, 1 Crow, 2 and his father, the two latter of which I made in summer last. Read also most part of the October 1 Perhaps Sir Robert's uncle, a younger son of the first Baronet, and called by Ridpath old Frankie. Cf. p. 103, n. 1. 2 Crow and his father were probably the ether Byres family. 1755] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 43 Magazine, which came from Berwick to-day with a letter from Philip. Friday, November 28th. — Read Stanley all the day and evening. Read his Account of Aristotle's Logick and Physics, where are many characters of great genius. But its efforts in a great measure useless, in the last of these Sciences, by its consulting itself rather than the nature of things. At night read the History of Alexander in Justin, who affects an elegance he is far from attaining. At night I often find myself so much ex- hausted as to be unable without some violence to follow a plan of reading. Hence am often led to vary it, which in some respects may be as useful as following out a plan. Saturday, November 29th. — Read some of the Scots Magazine for September which W. Stevenson sent me. It belongs to the Library. There is a long, ill-natured paper in it against Lord Karnes. Thomas Dawson dined with us. Evening read Letters to Atticus. Finished the first Book. The impression of these first Letters, which are the best in the collection, I find more effaced than I could have thought, but persist in the purpose of making them familiar. At night looked for something for to- morrow at Kelso. Munday, December 1st. — Read the rest of the account of Aristotle's Philosophy in Stanley. His account of the Morals is very paltry, being taken from Hobaeus. What he extracts from the originals himself is far better done. Evening read some of Cicero's Familiar Epistles. Am now going to read them and the Letters to Atticus by turns. Slept on Horace, whom I have scarce opened since I read his Odes with Francis's Translation in the spring. Also wrote to Will and looked over an old Exegesis De Necess. Div. Rev. which I am to send him, he having got the same subject assigned him by the Professor for one. Tuesday, December 2nd. — Read the Newcastle Paper which some people in the town get. There is in the last Post of it a dismal account of an earthquake at Lisbon which happened on the 1st of November. Read some of 44 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [i755 the Chaldaick Philosophy in Stanley, comparing it with, and correcting it by, Le Clere's Translation. Evening read Letters to Atticus and at night some of Lucretius. Wednesday, December 3rd. — Read Stanley's Chaldaick Philosophy, great part of which is little better than a kind of learned nonsense ; in the evening some of the Familiar Epistles ; and at night looked over Le Clere's volumes of Philosophy, which I believe deserve a reading, as the man is both learned and acute, and without dis- sembling it, collects from the best authors on his several subjects. Thursday, December Uh. — Looked to several things in Morhofs Polyhistor 1 for the illustration of what I am reading in Stanley. Read more of the Chaldaick Philo- sophy, where the doctrine concerning Daemons has a great analogy to what we meet with concerning these things in the Gospels. At night looked to some more of Le Clere's Systems. Sunday, December 7th. — Saw Sir Robert's London paper p.m., where there are still dismal accounts from Lisbon. All agree in the utter destruction, but some represent the loss of lives as less. No account of any ship arrived anywhere from that miserable place since the disaster happened. The accounts we have even in private letters are all by the way of France, and they all bear the marks of the most terrible consternation. None of them are of later date than two days after the calamity hap- pened. The King of Spain is ordering every office of humanity to his afflicted neighbours. And His Majesty, having sent a message to the Parliament about this ter- rible calamity, is empowered by them to contribute also his part to the relief of the unhappy sufferers. Munday, December Sth. — Wrote to Will a.m. ; p.m. was at Home and drank tea at W. Stevenson's. Found Messrs. Turnbull and Lundy here, when I came home, who staid all night. 1 Daniel Georg Morhof's Polyhistor, first published at Lubeck 1688-92 : fourth ed. 1747. 1755] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 45 Tuesday, December 9th. — Guests staid till after dinner. Then set out with Robert Turnbull for Greenlaw, where we staid all night. John has recovered himself tolerably from the distress of Sandy's marriage. 1 Saw Palairet's 2 Map of North America, which cost him 2 sh. It is a very neat one, but too little. Wednesday, December 10th. — Rode over with Robert Turnbull from Greenlaw to Makerstoun to see W. Walker, 3 who has been badly of a sort of aguish distemper ; also of a kind of pleurisy ; but is tolerably recruited. James Landreth came also there, and Andrew Chatto in the evening. We staid all night. Thursday, December 11th. — Found the Elders here, who were counting the Box. Afterwards went over the year's Accounts, which do not quadrate as they ought to do with the money in the Box. So that they have either told 1 Sandy Hume, minister of Abbey St. Bathans 1755-58, and of Polwarth 1758-68, had married, on 4th October previous, the daughter of a baker in Edinburgh. The Humes being of a very good family and Sandy himself being a great grandson of the first Earl of Marchmont, his father considered his marriage a sad mesalliance. Poor Sandy was not very fortunate in his choice of a second wife after the death of his first in 1764. She was the daughter of a tenant in Easter Gamalshiel, and on the death of Sandy Home she married, in 1779, Thomas Jeffrey in Whitsum Parish. But up to Whitsunday 1 782 she succeeded in imposing on the Ministers' Widows' Fund by continuing to draw her pension as a widow. She and her husband were prosecuted by the coUector and were found liable in reparation. In 1783 she raised an action of declarator of nullity of marriage against her husband, but was unsuccessful. 2 Jean Palairet wrote A concise description of the English and French possessions in North America. London 1755. 3 William Walker, minister of Mackerstoun 1726-59. For some reason or other he was suspended by the Synod in 1741, and remained under that sentence three or four years. Elsewhere in the Diary we are told that he succeeded to a fortune, ' was a man of good heart and very innoxious life,' but that his wife, Catherine Fiddes, was a termagant. It was to their manse that Sir John Clerk of Penicuik and his eldest daughter fled in fear of Prince Charles's army in 1743. Sir John says in his Diary, ' came in a coach to the minister's house of Mackerstone, near Kelso, for it hapned that both the master and mistress of the house had been long in my family.' Walker may perhaps have been his chaplain from 1720 when he was licensed, till 1726 when he was presented to Mackerstoun. His wife may have been an upper servant at Penicuik. 46 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1755 the money wrong or Willy Winter keeps his Account very incorrectly. Read what I had not read before of the Scottish and London Magazines, and slept on Plautus. Saw last night's papers from Sir Robert's. Friday, December 12th. — Read a good deal of Stanley in different places, being to return him to-morrow. Have not read quite half of him, yet do not care for dwelling longer on him *at present. Read at night Moschus's Epitaph on Bion, 1 which is a very beautiful piece of Dorick poetry. Saturday, December 13th. — Prepared for to-morrow. Read some of the History of the British Empire in America, vol. 1, which I got to-day from the library. Read Letters to Atticus in the ■ evening. And slept on Epictetus, a divine little work which I had grown pretty much un- acquainted with. Munday, December loth. — Wrought all the day and the evening on the exegesis for Will. Mr. Dawson eat a short dinner here after we were done. At night read Epictetus with vast relish. Tuesday, December 16th. — Read History of British Empire, Cicero's Familiar Letters. Finished Epictetus. Saw London paper of last Post. The ship from our Am- bassador at Lisbon is at last arrived ; and the accounts by it are rather worse than before, particularly of the destruc- tion of the people, which is very great ; some say two- thirds, others one-third, of the inhabitants — either of them a prodigious number. Wednesday, December 17th. — Read History of the British Empire in America, where the spirit of Oldmixon 2 discovers itself sometimes very divertingly. I had heard it was his, but did not imagine he had lived so long as to the '41, which is the date of this second edition. He died in the 1 Moschus was a Greek bucolic poet who flourished circa 150 B.C. His highly polished epitaph on Bion, another poet of the same school, is celebrated. Andrew Lang translated the works of both these poets along with Theocritus (1889). 2 John Oldmixon (1673-1742), Wing historian, pamphleteer, and dramatist. 1755] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 47 '42. In the evening read Letters to Atticus. Finished again the first volume. At night began to transcribe my exegesis for Will, and slept on Epictetus. Looked over also in the forenoon the first volume of Burnet's History of the Reformation, 1 which Nancy has from Sir Robert's people. Thursday, December ISth. — Did some more to the exe- gesis a.m. Told over again the Box with two Elders. Found a little mistake in their counting it before, but still it is too much different from what it should be by our Book, which is taken from notes kept by W. Winter, who is a blundering creature. P.m. saw a sick child of Wm. Aitchison's at Mainrigg. Robert Turnbull came in the evening and staid all night. He expected to have found Philip here, who does not come till next week. Got the last papers, where there is at last a very distinct account of the Lisbon calamity from one of our people there. More loss seems to have been sustained by the fire than even by the earthquake. For it kindled in the Saturday, and burnt till the Tuesday, so that the bulk of the city, and especially the best part of it, is reduced to a heap of ruins. Only 8 or 9 of the English are lost. Friday, December 19th. — Robert Turnbull staid till after dinner. Then I went to Sir Robert's. He and Miss Pringle went to Edinburgh on Wednesday, and I staid there till between 8 and 9. They have heard that Gibraltar is safe by a letter that has come from Captain Douglas. Tran- scribed at night more of my exegesis. Saturday, December 20th. — Prepared for to-morrow, and read the History of the British Empire. Oldmixon is such a captious, wrangling fool th at in many things he is certainly not to be depended on. He is often very lame in his accounts, frequently no doubt from want of materials, but often also from the subjects not suiting his humour, which is extremely freakish and very narrow. Sunday, December 21st. — Saw the News-papers of last 1 Bishop Gilbert Burnet's History of the Reformation was published in three volumes between 1679 and 171 4. 48 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1755 post in the evening. There is a letter in them from our Portuguese Ambassador, Castres, dated on the 6th, and wrote in a very affecting strain ; besides several more from merchants. All agree in representing the desolation of the poor unhappy city as total ; and much more so by the fire that burnt many days together than by the shake. Monday, December 22nd. — Went to Fallsidehill to bap- tise a child to W. Ker. Detained to dine in John Wood's, where there happened to be a general assembly of relatives, a set of very decent countrymen. Called at Park-End in coming home to see W. Anderson's child. Read in the evening more of the History of the British Empire. What an inexcusable conceit in Oldmixon not to give Penn's Constitution of Pennsylvania ! Yet the factious wretch is at great pains particularly to record a dispute of the Governor of New York, Cosby, with Tenger the printer, though a matter of infinitely less moment. In the History, too, of New York he talks dishonourably of Burnet, whom Dr. Douglas very much commends, and says not a word of the vast service he did that Colony by erecting the Fort and trading-house at Oswego, and by procuring prohibi- tion of the New York trade in woollen goods with the French at Montreal, which is said to have increased the Indian trade of the Province to five times what it was before. Of all which our Historian says not a word, perhaps knew nothing. Tuesday, December 23rd. — Wrought a little in the garden, and read Oldmixon' s History of Maryland and a good deal of that of Virginia. This latter is much better wrote than any of the former parts. I suppose he has had better originals in it, or has followed them more closely. Wednesday, December 24-th. — Read in the Atlas the account of Portugal. Read also the Reviews almost to an end, and more of the History of the British Empire, where there are good things, though the whole is certainly a very inaccurate, injudicious compilation. Slept on Epictetus. Thursday, December 25th. — Shaved a.m. and saw sick in town. Read a little of British Empire, p.m. Philip 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 49 came in the evening. He has been at Learmouth, Crook- ham and the environs since Saturday. Chatted with him the evening and night. Saturday, December 27th. — Mr. Lundy came here to dine, in his road homewards from Edinburgh. W. Stevenson called in the morning. Both the one and other told us of H. Campbell 1 being made Lord Register for Scotland. He is to be in person at Greenlaw next Thursday in order to be re-elected. Mr. Lundy says it is reported at Edin- burgh that the Marquis of Lothian has got a pension of £2000 per annum in lieu of the Place of Register. 2 Tuesday, December 30th. — Read the News-papers, where all the changes [in the Ministry] are not confirmed, par- ticularly Mr. H. Campbell's promotion ; nor is there a Writ out, nor any day appointed for the election, 3 as we learned from Sir Robert, who was here with Miss Peggy in the afternoon. 1756 Thursday. January 1st — At Eccles all day. Measured by pacing Matthew's glebe, which amounts to 10 Scots acres and a fifth, besides the garden. The enclosure adjacent to the west, of which they have lately taken a lease, contains nine and a half acres. They pay £8 for it, which is not too much considering the natural goodness of the ground, and that it is managed with no additional expense to that of the glebe. Saturday, January 3rd. — John Cleghorn left us in the morning. Robert Turnbull and Lundy staid to dine. 1 Alexander Hume Campbell, twin brother of Hugh, third Earl of Marchmont. He assumed the name of his mother, Margaret Campbell of Cessnock : advocate 1729 ; Solicitor to Prince of Wales 1741 ; Lord Clerk Register 1756 : died 1760. 2 William, third Marquess of Lothian, had been Lord Clerk Register from 1739. He resigned or was forced to resign in 1755, and the pension he is here said to have got was of the nature of a retiring allowance. He must have been about sixty-nine when be retired, and he lived eleven years after. 3 That is for Berwickshire, for which county Mr. Campbell sat in Parlia- ment. D 50 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 Philip and I rode to Sprouston in the evening with Robert. Saw some books which he had got from Mr. Hamilton's auction, chiefly ancient ; among the rest, Ficinus's Plotinus. Sunday, January Hh. — Set out for Linton about ten, to preach for J. Turnbull, who had gone to Wooler to preach for me in the Congregation, late Wallace's, which each of the Presbytery had agreed to supply one day for the benefit of his widow. My reluctance to go there myself, especially in the winter, made me agree with Mr. Turnbull that he should go there for me, on my supply- ing his kirk, and also promising to preach for him some other time when he wants supply. Philip preached at Sprouston, and Robert Turnbull at Stitchel. Philip came over to Morebattle in the evening, where I had agreed to be with Andrew on my birthday. Munday, January 5th. — At Morebattle all day. James Turnbull came to us in the evening, and staid supper. Andrew has a parcel of fine children who are very amusing, and his wife, a mighty good woman, is just about lying down with a seventh. Tuesday, January 6th. — Breakfasted at Linton and came to the Presbytery, where we had several little affairs. Lee 1 delivered a Homily and Lecture; both very good juvenile performances, and delivered with greater exactness of pronunciation than I have met with in almost any Scots lad. Drank tea in Mrs. Park's, and spent the evening in Mrs. Wood's, where T. Turner and W. Ramsay were with us. Wednesday, January 7th. — Messrs. Lundy, Chatto, Robert and James Turnbull, Philip, and I went to Makers- toun to dine. Thither also came James Home of Bowden, 2 in the evening, who served by his petulant lepidity 3 to heighten our mirth. Friday, January 9th. — Journalised the days I have been absent. Read a.m. August Review to an end. Read in the evening cursorily two Books of Apuleius's Metamorphoses, 1 I cannot trace this lad Lee in the Annals of the Church. 2 James Home-, minister of Bowden 1742-92 : he married, in 1742, Marion Ormiston, and had ten children. 3 Wit, humour. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 51 which are strange compositions both in the matter and style. Sunday, January 11th. — Philip left us in the morning to preach at Kelso, whence he goes for Berwick to-morrow. Had a letter from him in the evening, enclosing one from Mr. Waite, who informs him that he had heard that Waugh of Hutton 1 was just dying. Wrote him in answer what I thought proper to be done, and enclosed a letter to John Home of Atheist aneford, desiring him to apply to Colonel Johnson to use his interest with his sister Lady Hilton. Munday, January 12th. — Wrote to Will and to James Allan chiefly about the affair of Hutton. Will wrote us James had come to Edinburgh last week, where I suppose he continues also this, to attend his Plea. Rest of day, etc., read 2nd vol. of the British Empire in America. Went through the History of Barbadoes, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Dominica. Wednesday, January lMh. — Examined in the Kirk, and afterwards rode to Kelso to dine with Mr. Lundy, as I had engaged last week when at Makerstoun. Messrs. Walker and James Turnbull there ; also the lad Lee, who is on trials before us, and John Miller. Drank tea and supped in Mr. Lundy's, and made a call at Mr. Dawson's, where nobody was in the house but Minna. Dobby was also with us at Mr. Lundy's. Robert Turnbull and I staid in his house all night. Got letters late at night from Philip, in which he informs me that Mr. Selby has already wrote to Hilton and that Mrs. Johnson had wrote an answer in her husband's name desiring to be excused from engaging so soon. Philip desires me to wait on Mr. Renton without delay. Partly a cold I have upon me, and partly the old maxim Epistola non erubescit, determined me rather to write to him. 1 Robert Waugh, minister of Hutton, where he was ordained 1730. The settlement had been disputed by the Presbytery and parishioners for two and a half years, and it was only under the protection of a military force in obedience to the orders of the General Assembly that he was at last admitted. He died 23rd February 1756. Philip Ridpath was anxious to get the parish, but, as will be seen from the Diary, there was great delay, troublesome legal proceedings, and much anxiety before he was ordained in 1759- 52 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 Thursday, January loth. — Could not go to Linton as I had promised ; having resolved to send Charles to Black- adder with a letter to-morrow. Came home by the way of Ednam, expecting to hear what had become of Waugh, but got no intelligence there. Evening wrote a letter to Mr. Rent on, 1 with as much care as I could. Slept on British Empire. Friday, January 16th. — Read History of British Empire to an end, which has required patience, though there is something to be learned from it. Between two and three Charles returned from Blackadder. He saw Mr. Renton, who promised to answer me soon. If he had been engaged otherwise, he probably would have told me so at once, so that I do not look on this return as a very bad one. Saturday, January 17th. — Dobby dined here and sate till after tea. Slept on Epictetus. Got a letter from Will with his exegesis, as he has prepared it himself in English and Latin. The latter of these mortified me a good deal, being a sad proof how much labour he has bestowed very much in vain on that language. But alas ! the faculties of even the greatest of men have their limits ; and these narrow enough, God knows ! Sunday, January 18th. — -Got a letter from Philip in the morning, in which he informs me that James Allan writes him he had been with Mr. Renton on Friday, who told him that Lord Home had been engaged for G. Bell 2 for Hutton four months ago. This, I think, destroys at once all our hopes and makes any further pains about that affair un- necessary, though James advises Philip still to ply Hilton by Mr. Selby. But care must be taken to retreat in time, lest, without any advantage to ourselves, we should irritate Lord Home, etc. Philip had heard that Bell's wife had prevailed with him to give up the clerical profession — a 1 Renton of Blackadder, one of the heritors of the parish of Hutton. 2 George Bell, a relative of Thomas Ker of Broadmeadows, was actually presented to Hutton by Lord Home, who considered he had the right of presentation. This, as we shall see, was the beginning of a long plea in the Law Courts, which ended in the patronage being found to belong to the Crown, and Philip Ridpath was appointed minister. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 53 resolution certainly the wisest he could have taken, but it seems the report has been without foundation ; and he was the antagonist whose interest with Mr. Renton we always chiefly dreaded. Munday, January 19th. — Wrought all day on Will's exegesis. In a day or two more I shall finish it, and it is best to put it out of the way. Slept on Epictetus. Tuesday, January 20th. — Looked a little into Boyse's Pantheon sent to me by mistake from the Library. There are a parcel of pretty sculptures in it said to be copied from Antiques, but the work itself seems to be but poorly and blunderingly executed. Rest of day and night spent on Will's exegesis and almost finished it. Slept on my divine old man Epictetus. Thursday, January 22nd. — Finished Will's exegesis in the evening, all to the transcribing. Read at night the Accounts of Kent and Cornwall in a volume of the London Magazine. Friday, January 2Srd. — Wrote to Philip a.m. and wrought about an hour and a half in the glebe spreading better some dung and ashes on the grass. Looked into first volume of Douglas's Summary of the American Colonies, 1 which I got from the Library. Evening and night tran- scribed Will's exegesis. Saturday January 2Mh. — Revised Will's exegesis and corrected also a Latin prayer he had composed, and wrote to him. Received money for my oats from J. Watson and kept him to dinner with us. About 3 set out for Linton to preach for James Turnbull, from whom I had a line on Wednesday, informing me he had been seized with a remitting fever, and desiring me to supply him on Sunday. Found him a good deal distressed, yet no symptoms very violent. Chatted a good deal with him, and in the inter- 1 A Summary, historical and political . . . of the British Settlements in Nortn America, by William Douglas, M.D. 2 vols., Boston, New England, 1749-50. Other editions were published in London 1755 and 1760. 54 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH vals amused myself with Salmon's Universal Traveller, 1 which I see is a thing calculated for the popular taste, but is far from being full or satisfying. Sunday, January 25th. — At Linton all day and night. Intimated the Public Fast as James Turnbull does not know of supply for next Sabbath. Made him drink a good deal more than he used to do, which contributed, I believe, to make the two last nights easier to him. Munday, January 26th. — Andrew Chatto came to Linton to breakfast. His wife still keeps afoot, but has the midwife with her. Set out from Linton about 11 ; dined and drank tea at Kelso, in passing, with Mr. Lundy. Learned from him that Bonner's 2 presentation to the kirk of Jedburgh with the Presentee's acceptance is delivered with an Instrument to the Moderator of the Presbytery. This is likely to produce great broils, for the crowd are all madly for Boston. 3 Wrote to Philip in the evening in answer to one from him which I found here at coming home, containing some more information not very material about the affair of Hutton. Slept on Douglas's Summary. Tuesday , January 27th. — Read Douglas all day and night. He is, without comparison, the most instructive writer I have met with on the subjects he treats. He begins with a general account of colonies, chiefly of those in America. Besides his knowledge in his own trade as a physician, 1 Thomas Salmon (1679-1767), historical and geographical writer, pub- lished his Universal Traveller ; or, a Compleat Description of the several nations of the World in London, 1752-3, folio. 2 John Bonar, minister of Cockpen 1746-56. He withdrew his acceptance of the presentation to Jedburgh and accepted a call to Perth. 3 Thomas Boston, the younger son of Thomas Boston the author of the Fourfold State : he was ordained minister of Ettrick in succession to his father in 1733 at the age of twenty : translated to Oxnam 1749 : he was the popular candidate for Jedburgh in 1755, but as the Crown refused to appoint him, a meeting-house was erected in 1757, of which he was inducted minister : the following year the General Assembly, if it did not actually depose him, at least declared him incapable of receiving or accepting a presentation. In 1761 he, along with two others, founded the ' Presbytery of Relief ' : six years afterwards he died and was buried in Jedburgh Abbey. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 55 he appears to be a good Natural Historian, and to know also what is necessary of Natural Philosophy and mixt Mathematicks, for treating of geographical subjects. The greatest faults are in his method, style, and composition, in all which he is quite careless, in his style somewhat pedantick. But the whole has a very natural appearance, and by its great variety is very entertaining. His notions also in religion and civil polity are free and generally very just. He plainly discovers himself to be a thinking inquisitive man, and much more intent on matter than form. Wednesday, January 28th. — Went to William Stevenson's to examine. Dined and drank tea there. Evening and night read more of Douglas with a great deal of entertain- ment and not a little instruction. He has a very curious digression on the variations of the magnetic needle. Thursday, January 29th. — Got a letter from Philip in the morning, with one enclosed to W. Ramsay soliciting him for his interest for employing Colvill in the division of the lands of Coldingham, which is soon, it seems, to take place ; also informing him that Hilton has made Lord Marchmont a compliment of the choice of his man for the settlement of Hutton. Enclosed this letter of Mr. Allan's in one to Ramsay, and wrote him on both the subjects of it. Sent Charles with it in the afternoon, who saw James Turnbull's man in Kelso and learned from him that his master is rather worse than better. Went myself p.m. to Fallsidehill and Home to see sick. Read Douglas evening and night. He is at great pains to expose the New England expedition to C. Breton as a rash undertaking. [Several pages torn out here. The Diary resumes on February 27th.] Friday, February 21th. — Heard that the Presbytery of Jedburgh who had met last Wednesday, to moderate a Call for Bonner, had delayed proceeding for a month. The populace were very noisy and turbulent, and it 's pretended there are hopes of gaining some more concur- 56 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH rence by a delay, though this has seldom or never happened in like cases. Came from Kelso in the evening. Philip a good deal the better of the exercise and amusement of these jaunts. Saturday, February 28th. — Prepared for to-morrow. Read some of Douglas's Summary, second volume, where he still discovers a rooted aversion to Shirley, and hints that the Governor had employed what methods he could to hinder the continuation of his work. Read also some of Francis Home's 1 Treatise on Bleaching, which consists chiefly of a great number of experiments which could not be made without considerable labour. Sunday, February 29th. — Got letters from Mr. Waite and Mr. Allan in the morning informing me that Hilton had at last declared for Philip and wrote to Marchmont in his favour. Mr. Selby of Paston, Ker of Roxburgh, and the Collector went to wait on him upon the day of inter- ment, which was Thursday, and procured his letter, which was sent on Friday. Tuesday, March 2nd. — Attended the Presbytery, where Lee delivered his popular sermon and went through the remainder of his tryals, and was licensed. Breakfasted in W. Ramsay's, and drank tea in Dr. Gibson's ; John Aitchison of Morpeth with us, Andrew Chatto also, and Robert Turnbull staid, and we spent the night in Mr. Lundy's gaily enough. Wednesday, March 3rd. — Breakfasted in Dobby's, and from that rode to Home, and examined. Dined in Sked's. Came home and read a good deal of Douglas. He has a good account of the principal American trees used in the Navy, with their productions — pitch, tar, and turpentine. Philip went to Morebattle with Mr. Chatto. Thursday, March 4>th. — Examined again in the east end of Home. Dined in Alex. Wilson's. Saw sick. Found when I came home the News-papers, in which there is little appearance of peace, though it has been much talked of for some time past. Found also a letter from Mr. Temple 1 Francis Home, see post, p. 1S2, n. 3. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 57 to Philip acquainting him with Hilton granting him his interest with Lord Marchmont as a favour to Mr. Selby. Friday, March 5th. — Rode over to Linton, where I found Philip together with Robert Turnbull and Lundy, Andrew Chatto, Joseph Leek, and his son, 1 who is in the country for his health. Went to Morebattle in the evening with Philip, where the youngest child, a very fine one, is in very great danger from a violent inflammation following a blister, which torments the poor creature exceedingly, and is likely to mortify. Thomas Dawson came also there and staid all night. Saturday, March 6th. — Detained at Morebattle long by the distress of the child, who seems to be in a very danger- ous way. Called at Linton and took up Robert Turnbull and Mr. Lundy. Got home between 2 and 3. Prepared for to-morrow, and read more of Douglas. Dozed much, having slept but little last night, disturbed by the crying of the poor child. Munday, March 8th. — Examined in the east end of Home and got from John Hunter £16 in part of stipend. Read in the evening more of Douglas. The most insufferable thing in him is his frequent repetitions. Wednesday, March 10th. — Philip and I rode to Mr. Stevenson's to dine. In the evening rode thence to Pol- warth, where I found Mr. Home 2 and his wife alone, and spent the night very comfortably. Got some particulars of what was said at Redbraes about Philip's Hutton affair, which, so far as Lord Marchmont and H. Campbell were concerned, was all in Philip's favour. Thursday, March 11th. — Walked over with Mr. Home to Redbraes and saw the house. The saloon is a grand room, and finished in high and good taste. The fine furniture of Lady Marchmont' s room was covered with paper and the library locked up, which were great wants. In the afternoon Lord Marchmont's mason staked out the 1 Joseph Leek's eldest son Henry : born 1736, died 1767. 2 It is as well to remind the reader that this was William Home who went to Fogo two years after this, and his wife Mary Roddam, both previously mentioned. 58 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 ground for a new house to Mr. Home, which is to be a very good one. Prevailed with to stay another night at Polwarth. Friday, March 12th. — Mr. Laurie and his wife came into Mr. Home's before we came away. Laurie and W. Home came over with us to Greenlaw, where we dined with John Hume and sate till the evening. John Hume came over here with Philip and me and staid all night. Douglas's second volume afforded him some more entertainment. A very serene night, which gave us an opportunity of looking at Jupiter through the telescope. Saw his four moons very distinctly all on the upper side of the planet. Saturday, March ISth. — John Hume staid till after dinner. Then did something for to-morrow. Mr. Dawson called in the evening. He had been seeing Captain Pringle, who arrived yesterday. Munday, March 15th. — Dined at Sir Robert's with Philip and Nancy. Had the pleasure of seeing the Captain 1 there, who came home last Friday. He Avas long in his voyage from Gibraltar, having staid a good while at Cadiz and Lisbon. The published accounts of the desolation of the" latter are not, according to him, at all exaggerated. He was on board [sic] Captain Douglas, who has made a profitable voyage chiefly by a great sum of money he brought over from Cadiz for the merchants. Came home in the evening and almost finished Douglas's Summary, who concludes with some very judicious observations on the small- pox and an account of the success of inoculation in New England, which falls short of what it has been in other places, owing, it would seem, chiefly to some mistakes in the practice of it. Tuesday, March 16th. — Attended a meeting about the poor in Home. Then went to Eccles, whither Philip had gone before me. George Trotter and one of his daughters, together with my old friend Mrs. Nealson, there p.m. Mr. T. staid all night, as did also Philip and I. Found J. Hunter holding a Court, and John Kerr with him as 1 Gilbert Pringle of Torsonce, an officer of dragoons, brother of Sir Robert. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 59 Bailie at Home. Hunter told me that Ker, 1 G. Bell's brother-in-law, had told him that Lord Home had wrote to J. Winram that he had secured a King's presentation for Bell. Did not care for speaking of this to Philip, as it might happen to disturb him in his progress towards a recovery in which he is now making good steps. Wednesday, March 17th. — We came from Eccles before dinner. Assisted Philip a little in the Bridgewaters' accounts which he is preparing to send over. Mr. Waite came about six o'clock, with whom and Nancy Philip proposes to ride down to-morrow. Thursday, March ISth. — Philip and Nancy set out with Mr. Waite about 11. Mr. Waite told me he had the same intelligence about Philip's affair at Berwick that I got from John Hunter. Lord Marchmont, however, has not yet wrote to Hilton ; and he will certainly make a hard struggle. Read December Scots Magazine and some of the London January which Mr. Waite brought from Berwick. Also read the Preface and looked into some parts of the Transla- tion of Dr. Grieve's Celsus, which Mr. Waite also brought from Berwick. It is handsomely printed in a large 8vo volume. Friday, March 19th. — Wrought some in the garden, planting beans. Read the January London Magazine to an end. Revised some of Douglas, and wrote some things out of him in order to returning him to-morrow. Saturday, March 20th. — A.m. shaved and looked out for a sermon for Crookham, whither I set out after dinner, and got there between 5 and 6. A very agreeable ride. Went by the way of Learmouth, from which to Crookham is a very well cultivated country, though little of it is enclosed. Found Isaac with his arm in a very good way, and in spirits rather higher, I think, than ordinary. Sunday, March 21st. — Congregation thinly assembled. Lectured on Psalm 76. Preached on Matthew 5. 6. Heard first from some of Isaac's people who had been in Berwick, and then by a letter from Philip which one of 1 Probably Robert Ker of Broadmeadows. 60 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1756 them brought that Lord Marchmont writes by yesterday's post that he has secured the King's presentation to the Kirk of Hutton for Philip. Staid all night again with Isaac, and was much entertained with many of his bold sallies. Munday, March 22nd. — Left Isaac about 11 a.m. and came home to dinner, pretty much wet. P.m. and evening and night wrote to G. Laurie and to Philip. Read through Walter Anderson's Croesus, 1 which, upon the whole, exceeds much what I expected. Also read to an end Huxham's Treatise of Antimony. 2 and slept on some parts of John Grieve's Celsus, which pleased me very well. Tuesday, March 23rd. — Read in my old Adversaria some chemical things that helped me the better to under- stand Dr. Huxham's Treatise of Antimony, which I read over again. It is a judicious little work, but wrote care- lessly, abounding a good deal in repetitions. It is a pity that all other preparations of Antimony should not give place to that which he proposes, and whose safety and efficacy from a very long experience he so amply attests. For there has certainly great mischief been done by the ignorant and incautious use of this mineral. Wednesday, March 2Uh. — Returned Mr. Turnbull's horse in the morning which Philip had a loan of, and had a line from Robert desiring me to dine with him. Matthew Dysert and Mr. Lundy being to be with him. Accordingly rode over and staid all night. The three had agreed to make a visit to the Parson of Carham in the afternoon, but as I happened not to be in dress to go along with them, they delayed it, and we appointed Monday se'enight to go together. Saw in Robert's the third volume of Sully's Memoirs from the library, which have given him great entertainment. Thursday, March 25th. — John Cleghorn had been with us all night and we went with him to dine ; a visit I have 1 See ante, p. 31, n. 3. 2 John Huxham (1692-1768), physician : Copley medallist for Observa- tions on Antimony, 1755 : his medical works were published in Latin at Leipzig, 1764, 1773, and 1829. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 61 been owing very long. His wife and her sister are two neat creatures, daughters of the late Professor Scot 1 by his French wife. Came home in the evening and read at night almost all the first Book of J. Grieve's Celsus, with which I was very well pleased. Friday, March 26th.— Read about half of Francis Home's Work on Bleaching ; also read some articles in the first volume of the General Dictionary. There is a good account of Alfred in it, with some entertaining extracts from Spel- man's 2 Life of that great Prince. Got a letter from Philip. He had been at Eyemouth from Saturday to Wednesday and continues pretty well. He writes me some particulars about Hutton which he learned from James Allan and which are all rather favourable to him. Munday, March 29th. — Read General Dictionary, also at night Fr. Home's W T ork on Bleaching to an end. In which there appears a good genius for experimental philosophy joined to great industry, with little of the non- sensical affectation of a show of learning and fine taste which so much disfigures his book on Dunse water. His invention of the method of discovering and curing hard water is really valuable. Tuesday. March 30th. — Read some articles in the General Dictionary, and revised some of Fr. Home's book. Employed some part of the day on a work which I have been for some time past meditating. That is an Essay on Taste, for the prize. The motive that above all others engages me to it is the prospect of making some little gain, that might help me in the project of clearing my debts, for I know I would consult my tranquillity and real happiness more by enjoying the works of others than by composing myself ; as in the latter the labour and anxiety is certain, and the success from various causes uncertain, and almost always short of 1 Perhaps William Scott, Professor of Greek in the University of Edin- burgh, 1708-29 : he was then appointed Professor of Moral Philosophy or ' Pneumatics,' and in 1734 John, afterwards Sir John, Pringle was appointed his assistant and successor. 2 Sir John Spelman (1594-1643), royalist and author. A translation of his Life of King Alfred, originally written in Latin, was published in 1678. 62 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 the hopes the Author forms. However, a work on this subject is what I think it is not altogether improbable that I should succeed in, considering what has been the long and chief tentfr of my reading and speculations in the literary way. Wednesday, March 31st. — Wrought in the garden, where I sowed half pound of pease, Nonpareils. Mr. Pollock came and staid till after tea ; then Mr. Lundy, who staid all night. Thursday, Aprile 1st. — Was a good deal in the garden and had a call in the forenoon from the Captain and young ladies. Recruiting goes on but very indifferently. Read the last papers, in which are various reports about warlike preparations. Revised some of Dr. Home, and read some articles of the General Dictionary. Mr. Lundy went away in the morning for Gordon. Friday, Aprile 2nd. — As Philip had wrote me often about going to Blackader, I set out for it a little after ten, and was there betwixt 1 and 2. Found Mr. Renton and nobody with him but his family. Spoke to me about the Hutton affair, and seemed really uneasy that he is obliged to support Lord Home's presentation (which Bell has actually got) if my Lord insists. He thinks he should not, and that he has no probability of succeeding and has wrote him so. But to this letter has had no return. He declares he will do noth- ing for the support of the Presentation but by his own vote and those of his immediate dependents in the Parish. Staid with him till after tea, and came to Waugh's where I staid all night. Learned from him that the Kers having persuaded several of the Hutton Heritors that they would obtain the Crown's Presentation as well as my Lord Home's, have got them to concur with Bell. But all this will not signify if the King's Presentation be good. Munday, Aprile 5th. — Rode to Sprouston, where were also Mr. Dysart, and Mr. Lundy according to agreement when we were last here. We rode to Carham after dinner, but the Parson was not at home. Came home in the evening and wrote at night a long letter to James Allan giving the history of my Blackader expedition. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 63 Tuesday, Aprile 6th. — Went to the Presbytery. Elected our Members to the Assembly. Had little else to do. Were a while in Mrs. Wood's, and drank tea in Mr. Lundy's. Called also at Slatehouse's who had been applied to by T. Ker for his brother-in-law but was engaged for Philip. Read, evening, some of the reviews. Thursday, Aprile Sth. — Read most part of the First Book of Celsus with the translation, in which there are several faults though generally of no great importance. John Miller was here all night, having come to a boy who has been in much distress for several days by a strangulated rupture accompanied with a great swelling of his belly and a total want of the alvine discharge. He put him into a semicapium and gave him 2 or 3 suppositories which brought away what had been left of some clysters. But his case seems almost desperate. Friday, Aprile 9th. — John Miller left us after breakfast. Then wrote to Berwick, and happening to take up the third volume of Bishop Burnet, read his account of King W T illiam and his expedition to England in the '88. P.m. and evening, read January Review which I got from Kelso and most part of February London Magazine which came t'other day from Berwick. Saturday, Aprile 10th. — Prepared for to-morrow and read most of what I had not read before of the February Magazine. Read also Number 2 of the Edinburgh Review which came in the evening. It is still very well executed, and concludes with a learned letter giving some account of foreign books, and a great eloge of the French Encyclo- pedia which, though it has met with interruptions, is not yet dropt. Munday, Aprile 12th. — Rode to Home a.m. to see sick. Thomas Dawson called here p.m., also Walker, who gave me in his account. Wrote to John Hunter about my stipend. Am to send Black to Hirsel to see if he can get it to-morrow. Also looked over Walker's account and computed the annual amount of several articles. Tuesday, Aprile ISth. — Most of the day employed in reading Celsus in the translation and original. I wish it 64 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 had past all through my hands before it had been published, for there are several mistakes in it with regard to the sense of the Author, and also several faults in the language, though indeed for the most part they are of small import- ance, and the bulk of the translation is very just and natural. Dr. Gibson and his grandson called after dinner, and I went with them to Baptie's, where the poor creature still lives, though there seems not to be the least hope of his recovering. He seems now to be preserved by fre- quent vomitings, by which he has thrown up at different times more than a dozen of worms. What he throws up has been for some' time past fetid. His belly is mon- strously swelled, and the rest of his body miserably emaciated. Slept on Horace. Wrote a paragraph into my thing on Taste, which is like to go heavily on. Such undertakings agree very ill with avocations ; and these I cannot avoid. Wednesday, Aprile 14-th. — Waters flooded, Eden more than for many months before. Wrought most of the day on Celsus and the translation. Read at night a little of Sharp's Surgery 1 and the introduction to it, which it is a long time since I looked into before. Thursday, Aprile 15th. — Wrought a good deal in the garden a.m. Afternoon went to Sir Robert's, Miss Pringle and Miss and Lady Hall arrived from Edinburgh after tea. Lady Hall 2 died last Friday, and Sir Robert went to Edinburgh on Saturday, whence he attended her funeral to Dunglass, from which he has not yet returned. Read a very little of Celsus, and slept on the prefaces to some other parts of Lucretius, in whom there is a very high spirit of poetry. It is not a little droll that the Hutchin- sonians have taken it into their head to press this author into their service, which I learn from an Article in last Edinburgh Review, giving an account of a work of some of 1 Samuel Sharp (1700-78), surgeon. See ante, p. 41, n. 3. The book was probably A Critical Inquiry into the Present State of Surgery, published by Sharp in 1754. - Widow of Sir James Hall of Dunglass, second Baronet, and sister of Sir Robert Pringle. 1756] DIAKY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 65 these people published not long ago, at Edinburgh. But what extravagance may not be expected from such visionaries. Friday, Aprile 16th. — Was at the boy Baptie's burial, who died on Wednesday evening. Scot, the Kelso surgeon, was there and came here to breakfast. A forward Norland of little and low education, though I believe not very ignorant in his business. Read more of Celsus, also most of the Edinburgh (February) Magazine which Charles brought from Kelso. Saturday, Aprile 17 th. — Prepared for to-morrow and read variously. Slept on the last Satire of Horace in Francis's Edition, of which I got the third volume from the Library yesterday. Munday, Aprile 19th. — Saw sick in the town a.m., and was at Home p.m. Married also there Alexander Richard- son. Got a letter from Philip in the morning, informing me that Lord Marchmont had wrote to Lady Hilton in- forming her that Philip's Presentation had been stopt at the Secretary's office, by the Duke of Argyle, Lord Home having informed him that my Lord Marchmont had pro- cured it in opposition to the inclinations of the principal gentlemen of the parish, particularly Mr. Renton. On this Lord Marchmont desires Lady Hilton to try to procure Mr. Renton's concurrence, a thing I suppose she would never attempt as the attempt would be altogether vain. James Allan had been sent for to Hutton-hall to consult with on this occasion, and Hilton wrote to Marchmont on Friday evening, insisting I suppose on Marchmont's making a point of obtaining the Presentation for Philip ; the suc- cess of which, however, looks a little uncertain when there is so formidable an opposition. Tuesday, Aprile 20th. — Read the newspapers and was some time in glebe and garden. ; p.m. rode to Ednam to see Mrs. Pollock, who has been ill of an ague 1 but is better. 1 Ague was a very common complaint among country folks at this time largely owing to still undrained condition of the soil. E 66 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 Wednesday, Aprile 21st. — Read some of Horace's Satires in bed in the morning. Went to the burial of Robert White's wife at Runningburn. Met with Sir Robert there, who carried W. Stevenson and me to dine with him. Sate there till the evening. The Captain has been much distrest with an aguish pain of his head ; but is a good deal better. Got £20 sent me from John Hunter from Hirsel. Had sent Black for it in the morning, but Hunter's mes- senger mist him. Friday, Aprile 23rd. — Set out for Berwick between 10 and 11, and got there betwixt 2 and 3. Dined and drank tea in Mr. Waite's. Spent the evening in the Mayor's, where I met with Jo. Watson and his Madam, whom I have scarce been in company with since the commence- ment of Monteith's wars. Tuesday, Aprile 27th. — James Turnbull, Allan, Philip, and I rode up to the Synod at Kelso, where we arrived before the choice of the Moderator. Chose Mr. Lundy. Then attended the Culloden Club, which was very full, by falling in Synod-time. Made Captain Pringle our Preses. In the evening attended the Synod, where we went through last year's Minutes and recommended a collection for Kelso Bridge. At night stumbled into Purves's, where the Marquis of Lothian's people, managers of the Jedburgh cause, were. Did not stay long. Wednesday, Aprile 28th. — Employed forenoon and after- noon in the Jedburgh cause, the papers on which were very long, and those of Bonar's opposers shamefully scurrilous. Agreed at last to refer it to the Assembly, not from any difficulty about ordering the Presbytery to moderate a call for Bonar, as to which they have been long- delaying and bogling ; but from being informed that Bonar having got a call to Perth, is to give up Jedburgh ; so that the taking any further steps to his settlement there, further than what are requisite to save the Crown's right of presenting, is quite needless. After finishing this cause, went through the ordinary forms, and broke up. Supped in Wood's, and was afterwards in Purves's till daylight, with Laurie, Chatto, etc. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 67 Thursday, Aprile 29th. — Had such claims on Moderator, etc., as determined us to stay and dine in Mrs. Wood's. Employed most of the forenoon in revising the Minutes. James Allan and Philip came here with me, in the evening. Philip is pretty well again, though not quite free at times, from some disagreeable nervous symptoms. Friday, Aprile SOth. — James Allan and Philip staid till 3 p.m. and then set out in company for Berwick. John Ker came at night on his way to Nenthorn, where he has a surveying job. Munday, May 3rd. — Got our lint sowed in the morning. Wrought a great part of the day on it, breaking clods, raking and gathering off stones and quicken-roots. Read some of Horace at night. Tuesday, May Uh. — P.m. began to snow from northeast betwixt 2 and 3 and continued till late at night. Snow before my door took me above the ankles at 10. Was at the Presbytery where we still had before us the affair of T. Turner's seat which is not like to be adjusted. Attended a library meeting in the evening when we commissioned a few books. Came home about 9, and have seldom been out in a worse night. Wednesday, May 5th. — Read Cleghorn's Account of the Diseases of Minorca 1 which I borrowed from Davidson the Kelso surgeon. The introduction gives some account, very short and imperfect, of the Natural History of the island. The treatise itself is chiefly taken up with the description and cure of the Tertian Fever, which is a very frequent and very dangerous distemper in Minorca, and in which our author found no remedy comparable to the bark which he gave in the worst cases along with gentle purgatives in the beginning according to Dr. Mead's prescription. This work of Cleghorn's is upon the whole a very good one, discovering good judgment, considerable erudition, and a laudable candour in confessing his own mistakes. Read 1 George Cleghorn (1716-89), army surgeon at Minorca, 1736-49 : published Observations on Diseases Epidemic in Minorca, 1741 : lecturer and Professor of Anatomy in Dublin, 1751-89. 68 DIARY OF GEORGE R1DPATH [1756 the last two books of Armstrong's poem on Health 1 to which I was led by the accident of the poem being bound up in the same volume with Cleghorn's work. Read also some part of the March London Magazine which had come from Berwick yesterday. Friday, May 7th. — Read to the end of the second book of Celsus in the original and translation. Read also some parts of the beginning of the 6th and 7th Books where the translation underwent the revisal of Sharp. Can easily observe that it is much more correct and the expression more masterly than where it has not had that advantage. I am now to lay aside Celsus for the season, having read so much of the original and translation as prepares me for writing to Dr. Grieve. Wrought in the garden some time in the evening with the paddle. 2 Saturday) May 8th.— Prepared for to-morrow and revised some of Cleghorn's Minorquin Diseases. Also read some pieces of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Was at the mill seeing John Watson, who got a fall two days ago and is still much distrest with it though free of anything feverish. Munday, May 10th. — Saw sick a.m. and wrought some in the glebe ; p.m. went to Sir Robert's, all the family at home, also Walter and Dr. Wilson. Sate till after supper. Had some musick. Sir Robert, the Captain, Miss and Walter in concerto. Tuesday, May 11th. — Wrought in the garden a good deal, planting anew beans that had failed. Wednesday, May 12th. — Walked to Home a.m. to see sick and baptise a child. P.m. dozed, read some of Horace and worked a little in the garden. Had been called early out of my bed to see Robert Aymer's daughter who after being much exhausted with an ague, unhappily catched a cold which obstructed her breast and was accompanied with a looseness. Found her almost in the last agonies. She died about ten. 1 John Armstrong (1709-79), poet, physician, and essayist, was a Roxburghshire man. Published his Art of Preserving Health, by which his name is now remembered, in 1744. 2 A kind of hoe. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 69 Thursday, May 13th. — -Wrought a good deal in the garden a.m. sowing pease. Read last night's newspapers, in which there is nothing of moment. Went to the burial of Katherine Goaterson. P.m. walked to Harper-town where I have long owed a visit. Came back by Caldron Brae and baptised a child. Slept on Horace. The long Satire in the Second Book where he introduces the Stoick proving that all men are mad is none of the brightest of his works. Have been long reading it. Friday, May 14>th. — At the poor girl Aymer's burial in the morning. Wrought in garden and glebe, and read some of Horace. Francis is rather too sparing of his Notes on the Satires. Saturday. May loth. — Wrought much in the garden. Read the March Review, where there is a good article on Black well's second volume of the Court of Augustus 1 containing several strokes of satirical humour very justly placed. There is also an anecdote letter from Dr. Bently to Dr. Davies, containing some criticisms on Barnes's Homer 2 which bears the clearest characters of its being genuine, both in the uncommon learning and hypercritical spirit it discovers. Looked also into some parts of the first volume of The Compleat System of Geography 3 which I got yesterday from the Library. Munday, May 17th. — At Home a.m. seeing sick, of which there are several in fevers of the pleuritick and rheumatick kind. P.m. Mrs. Watson with Mrs. Gordon, Peggy Watson and Bessy Dysart here. Mrs. Watson still a very fine looking woman. Set them part of the way home in the evening and called in passing at Robert Aymer's. Slept on The Compleat System of Geography. Tuesday May 18th. — Wrought some in the garden and much in the glebe cleaning the west hedge. Read the first part of Whytt's 4 Physiological Essays, and part of the 1 Thomas Blackwell, the younger (1701-57), Principal of Aberdeen University. 2 Joshua Barnes (1654-1712). His Homer was published in 1710. 3 By Emanuel Bo wen, map engraver, 1747, folio. 4 Robert Whytt of Bennochy, Professor of the Institutes of Medicine in Edinburgh University, 1747-66. 70 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH second. Got the book from John Miller. Mr. Lundy and Robert Turnbull with his niece here at breakfast ; Mr. Lundy being in the way to the Assembly, and Robert Turnbull to Borthwick, where his sister, Mrs. Stevenson, is thought to be dangerously ill. Wednesday, May 19th. — Employed former part of the day in making a draught of a Petition to be presented to the General Assembly for a collection for Kelso Bridge. Waldie 1 had sent me up a draught of his making, which was not fit to be sent. P.m. read Dr. Whytt's Essays to an end. There are curious things in both, and what he says against Haller seems effectually to overthrow his hypothesis of the irritability of the Animal Gluten, as also his conclusions against the sensibility of several parts which all physicians before him have looked upon as endowed with that power. Thursday, May 20th. — Went to Oxmuir to marry a couple and saw several sick at Home. Read a second time the Medical Part of Cleghorn's book on the Diseases of Minorca, where there is a good deal of very judicious practice. Friday, May 21st. — Wrought some in garden and glebe and read a great part of the account of Ireland in the System of Geography. A considerable part of the after- noon employed in buying a horse from Lilly the Hadden cowpar. He is only three years old and cost me £8. If he thrives his value must rise considerably in a year or two. Sunday, May 23rd. — Preached at Kelso for Mr. Lundy ; baptised two children, and rebuked two fornicators. Dined in Dr. Gibson's, and drank tea in Mr. Dobby's. Heard at Kelso that war against France was proclaimed at London last Tuesday and saw particulars of it in the News- paper when I came home. Munday, May 2\th. — Was at Home seeing sick. Pleur- isies still spreading ; hitherto, however, pretty tractable. P.m wrote to Dr Grieve which I should have done some 1 John Waldie of Berryhill and Hayhope : married Jean, eldest daughter and heiress of Charles Ormiston of Hendersyde. Progenitor of the Waldie- Grifhths. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 71 time ago. Was also a little while in the glebe attending the sowing of my barley. Tuesday, May 25th. — Read over again greatest part of Dr. Whytt's Essays and was a good deal in the glebe attending the sowing of my barley for which we got much better weather than we expected ; it having threatened rain much these two days. Wednesday, May 26th. — Read Whytt's Essays to an end. Also more than a third of Fr. Home's Book on Bleaching, also to the end of the account of Ireland, in the System of Geography. Charles at Kelso in the evening for money from Alex. Ramsay which I want to pay for my horse on Friday. Thursday, May 27th. — Forenoon employed in clearing my closet of useless letters and other papers. P.m. at Eccles where I had been a very great stranger. Mrs. Dysart and her daughters at home. Matthew came not home till I was just coming away. Heard the first Assembly news there I had met with, the chief of which were that Pat. Cuming is Moderator, and that Munday last was employed as a dyet of prayer for success to His Majesty's arms, the war having been proclaimed at Edinburgh on Saturday last. This dyet was appointed upon a motion by Carlisle seconded by John Home. Friday, May 28th. — Employed still in clearing out my closet and in doing some things about books with batter. Put together three maps of North America that are in last year's Magazines. They make a pretty good one. Got Philos. Trans, for '54, from Kelso Library, and read a few things in them ; also some part of last April Magazine. Saturday, May 29th. — Prepared for to-morrow, and went to Home to baptise twins there to a poor man, two fine boys. Tis a pity that the publick should not take one of them, for what would be a matter of boast and joy to most rich men is a sore visitation to a poor one. Dobbie, schoolmaster of Kelso, and his son, a boy of ten years old, here. P.m. heard the boy explain a piece of Ovid for which the English he gave was very good ; though from several 72 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 circumstances, I have no great opinion either of Dobbie's learning or taste. But I believe he is very industrious. Tuesday, J une 1st — At the Presbytery, where we had no business, and four of our members were absent, three of whom at Edinburgh. Looked to Lundy's and T. Robert- son's flowers ; nothing extraordinary in either ; sore nipped with the bad weather. Brought home with me the February Review, and Scots (April) Magazine, and read at night some part of both. Wednesday. June 2nd. — Richard Brown who was settled at Kingarth in the Isle of Bute on the 6th of last month and was sent member to the Assembly, came betwixt 10 and 11, and dined with us. After going to Ednam with Will he came back and staid all night. Got the Assembly news from him. Read the Review to an end, also some of War tori's Virgil ; 1 the first volume of which I brought from the Library on Tuesday night. It is a good transla- tion and has cost pains. Thursday, June 3rd. — Richard Brown left us in the morning. The Misses Pringle, Maddy and Peggy here p.m. also Thomas Pollock, jr. and afterwards Sandy Herriot. The two younkers staid all night. Read most of April Scots Magazine and what I had not read before of the March Review. Also saw some sick. Had Thomas Underwood taking down and putting up hangings in low room. Friday, June Uh. — Our guests left us about 10 a.m. Read out the Scots Magazine, wrote letter about my Sacrament, etc. Robert Turnbull and his niece arrived in their way from Edinburgh in the middle of a great shower. Miss Pringle was driven in also by a shower a.m. and told us that my Lord Marchmont, who arrived at Redbraes yesterday, had told her brother Frank that he had obtained the presentation for Philip. William Dickson of Oxmuir called at the door in the forenoon and told us he had heard 1 Joseph Warton (1 722-1 800), elder son of Thomas Warton the poet, was at this time rector of Winslade, but got much Church preferment and was ultimately a Prebendary of Westminster : edited and partly translated Virgil, 1753. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 73 this at Berwick. But on his account, though probable, we could not altogether depend. Robert and his niece staid all night. Did not get much news from him. He confirmed what Brown had before been telling me, that David Hume had got printed at London a Collection of Atheism which his bookseller Andrew Millar dares not sell. Saturday, June 5th. — Robert Turnbull and his niece left us about 11. Afterwards prepared for to-morrow. Took a turn in the glebe and wrought some in the garden. Every- thing fresh and verdant from the fine rain of yesterday. Got a letter from Philip in the morning in which he writes me a confirmation of the news about Hutton. Lord Marchmont had told G. Douglas of it in passing through Berwick, and spoke of great difficulties he had met with in it. My Lord had also wrote Hilton of it in a letter which Hilton received only last Wednesday. Munday, June 7th. — Revised some of Philos. Trans. and of Scots Magazine : also read some of Virgil's Eclogues with Wart on' s translation and notes, and most of his Essay on Didactic Poetry. His translation generally is not contemptible, but seldom very good. His Notes, Essays, Life of Virgil, etc., discover both erudition and good taste, but are often defective in gravity, elegance, correctness ; his manner of writing being loose, osten- tatious, and too frequently bordering on the pedantick. About 9, when we had given over all thoughts of them, my sister and Nancy arrived in a chaise with Philip and Cupples, w hom they had picked up at Whitsum. Tuesday, June 8th. — Mr. Cupples and Philip went to Kelso after dinner ; rest of p.m. chatted and took a little walk with my sister. Read at night to the end of Warton's Essay on Didactic Poetry, where he gives just enough char- acters of some of our most celebrated writers in that way. Wednesday, June 9th.- — Spoke to some catechumens. W T rote a very little on sermon for Sabbath. Mrs. Pollock and her son Thomas here p.m. Was with the Elders about an hour p.m., Philip and Robert Turnbull came in the evening. Cupples and he had gone with Mr. Lundy to Sprouston. 74 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 Thursday, June 10th. — Fast day before the Sacrament. Messrs. Kerr, Lundy, Turnbull preached. The two last named staid all night. Friday, June 11th. — Were alarmed about ten a.m. with the arrival of Mr. Waite who came up for my sister, their little daughter being seized with the meazles in which she has been pretty severely handled, but seems now to be in a tolerable way. However the Dr. thought it proper that her mother should be at home to take care of her. They set out a little after 12. Philip went along with them, and intended to convey them as far as Swinton. Messrs. Turnbull and Lundy set out a little before. In the after- noon wrote a good deal of sermon for Sunday. After ten, arrived James Allan and Betty. Sunday, June 13th.— Preached on John 6. 51, last cl. Had five tables, the 5th wanting 15 or 20. Messrs. Pollock, Ker, and James Allan, and John Hume assistants. John preached at home before he came over and staid all night. Mr. Lundy and James Richardson the preacher came up to afternoon sermon. Preached long, and a good deal fatigued by it. Tuesday, June 15th. — Mr. Allan and his sister dined and set out about 2. P.m. dozed and read miscellaneously. Looked into Du Halde's History of China, 1 the first volume of which Charles brought from Kelso where I had him getting some money from Alex. Ramsay. Also brought a line from Mr. Waite which informs us that Nancy is in a very good way. Wednesday, June 16th. — Preached on 1 Cor. 15. 54, 55. 2 Colleagued with Messrs. Lundy and Chatto. Mr. Lundy began with preaching in the tent, but the rain drove us into the kirk, when I preached at the kirk door, with 1 Jean Baptiste Du Halde (1674-1743), a Jesuit missionary in China: wrote many works on that country. The book read by Ridpath was probably a translation by E. Brookes of his General History of China, including Chinese Tartary, Corea, and Thibet. London, 1736, 4 vols. 2 This was on the Fast Day at Eccles where Ridpath must have gone either the day before or that morning. He has omitted to mention this in the Diary. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 75 more than ordinary ease for so much loudness as was requisite. Philip came down in the afternoon, and he and I, with Andrew Chatto and Lundy staid all night, Thursday, June 17th. — Detained at Eccles all day and spent it very agreeably. Looked into some part of volume 2 of Fordyce's Book on Education, 1 which is not so con- temptible a work as I imagined. Friday, June 18th. — Came home from Eccles in the morning. Looked into some of Du Halde. Read part of Virgil's first Georgic. Wrought also some in the garden and dozed a little, being somewhat behind in the article of sleep. Munday, June 21st. — Rode with Philip to Eccles, where Wilson and Willy Home preached : the former with his usual deliberation and distinctness. Robert Turnbull and Mr. Lundy also there, and with Philip and me staid at Eccles all night, having projected an expedition further east to-morrow. Tuesday, June 22nd. — Messrs. Turnbull, Philip, Lundy, and I set out from Eccles in the forenoon and dined at Swinton according to agreement yesterday with Cupples, who had been assisting at Eccles. Staid till after tea, and in the evening rode over to Landreth's, where we nighted. Very hearty with our honest landlord. Wednesday, June 23rd. — Breakfasted at Whitsum, whither Landreth accompanied, and he, Cupples, and Waugh attended us to Polwarth, where we had pro- mised at Eccles to dine with Willy Home. Willy was not quite assured of our coming, and we were late in arriving, the consequence of which was that we did not dine till near four. In the evening we four came over to Greenlaw, and staid with Mr. Hume. Intended to have gone home, but we were very late in setting out from Polwarth. Saw the beginning of Willy Home's new manse, which has been long a-coming, but will 1 David Fordyce (171 1-89), a brother of the London banker, Alexander Fordyce, whose failure in 1772 caused a great sensation : published (anonymously) Dialogues Concerning Education, j 745-48. 76 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 be the best built minister's house in the Merse, both materials and workmanship being excellent, and the con- trivance also very good. Monteith and Walter Anderson had been dining at Marchmont's, and came to the Manse in the evening. They spoke of His Lordship being much distrest at the present state of public affairs. Willy Home saw His Lordship yesterday, and spoke to him about Philip's Presentation. He had given out very positively that with the concurrence of the Duke of Argyle, he had secured the Presentation to Jedburgh for Mr. Boston ; but in this he has happened to be mistaken ; the Presenta- tion having actually come for Douglas. This alarmed us a little about the Hutton business, but Willy Home in- forms us that His Lordship discovers great keenness in that affair, having informed Willy' that he had wrote to Edinburgh to enquire if Philip's Presentation was come, and if it was not, he was to write to London without delay in order to hasten it. Thursday, June 2Uh. — Set out from Greenlaw after breakfast. Our fellow travellers dined and drank tea with us, and then set out for their homes. Find my health and spirits much improved by this jaunt, in which we have had good weather, variety, and a good deal of amusement. Saturday, June 26th. — Prepared for to-morrow and wrought in the garden. Read most of the second Georgic. There are some good things in the Notes from Holdsworth 1 and Spence, 2 but there are not many ; and the edition might have been rendered much more useful by the addition of a few more notes from other interpreters. Munday, June 28th. — Philip set out in the morning, and Will along with him to bathe in the sea. Matthew Dysart and his nephew P. Brydon 3 came before dinner, the latter 1 Edward Holdsworth (1684-1748), poet and classical scholar: wrote much on Virgil, and many of his notes appeared in Warton's edition. 2 Joseph Spence (1699-1768) : friend of Pope : Professor of Poetry at Oxford 1728 : Regius Professor of Modern History there 1742 : published Polymetis, a treatise on classical mythology, 1747 : famous for his anecdotes which were published in 1820. 3 Patrick Brydone, a son of the minister of Coldingham : he was about twenty-three at this time. He was the author of A Tour through Sicily and 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 77 to see Will. They dined, and betwixt 3 and 4 went down to Ednara. Rest of the day wrought some in the garden, and read most of the third Book of Virgil's Georgics, sl poem that well deserves all the praises that have been bestowed on it. This book in particular abounds with charming animated descriptions. Tuesday, June 29th. — Read out the third Book of Virgil's Georgics and a great part of the fourth, also the eighth Eclogue. Mr. Dawson dined with us. Married two pair in the kirk. 1 Wednesday, June 30. — Read out the Georgics with War- ton's translation, which upon the whole is a tolerable work ; more can scarce be justly said for it. He has a strange pleasure in Alexandrines, by which he intends no doubt to raise his verse nearer to the grandeur of the Latin : but the inequality or asperity they produce in the composition is so great that I confess I can scarce be reconciled to them ; though I believe they sometimes answer the purpose intended. Returned the book to the Library, my moneth being out. Charles went to Kelso and brought up the horse which was returned from Berwick by the postman. Philip writes me that it is certain that Byng is at Gib- raltar ; also that Dr. Balderstone has a daughter a fort- night ago, which it is odd we have been so long a hearing of. Read some in the afternoon of an abridged Life of Peter the Great, which Nancy brought with her from Berwick, and which seems to be tolerably executed. Friday, July 2nd. — Read to an end the Life of Peter, than whom no man ever better deserved the name of Great. This little life of him (by the Author of the Critical Review of the Life of Cromwell 2 ) is wrote with sense and spirit, and is even tolerable, in point of style and composition. Wrought some in the garden, and got a Malta : married Mary, eldest daughter of Principal Robertson, and had three daughters who all made rather distinguished marriages. 1 It is interesting to note the celebration of marriages in the church, a practice which not long after this date was entirely discontinued in Scotland, until very properly revived within recent years. 2 Critical Review of the Life of Cromwell, London, 1739, by a gentleman of the Middle Temple (J. Banks). : 78 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 letter in the evening from Philip in which he informs me that Hilton who was with Lord Marchmont last Saturday reports that there have been new difficulties about the Presentation to Hutton, but that H. Campbell writes My Lord they are now wholly got over, and that My Lord has wrote both to his brother and to the Duke of Newcastle's Secretary to have it sent without delay. Meantime My Lord Home's Presentation to Bell with his acceptance was delivered to the Presbytery last Tuesday, so that it seems there must be a struggle the event of which, however, if a King's Presentation comes to Philip, appears no way dangerous. Saturday, July 3rd. — Prepared for to-morrow, and read about a third part of a small Life of Prince Eugene that has been long lying by me. It is said to have been wrote by an English officer who served some campaigns under him. It is much contracted, but not ill wrote. Wrought some in the garden. Sunday, July Uh. — First Seceding Sacrament here. A great multitude. Munday, July 5th. — Read in the forenoon more of Prince Eugene's life. P.m. went to Home to a meeting about the poor, and drank tea at W. Stevenson's. Nancy along with me. Slept on Telemachus, a charming work, dictated by Virtue herself, and adorned with every beauty of poetry except its numbers. Nancy brought an English translation of it from Berwick of which I have read several books by snatches, within these few days. It is wholly new to me, as I have scarce looked into it, either in French or English for these many years. Tuesday, July 6th. — Went to the Presbytery, where we had no business. Alexander Duncan 1 who had been attending a funeral came in to us. We had also Walker the bridge-builder with us, whom the Kelso people have 1 Alexander Duncan, minister of Smailholm 1743-95. He was Sir Walter Scott's minister during his boyhood at Smailholm and is thought to be the prototype of Josiah Cargill in St. Ronan's Well: married, 1774, Helen, daughter of William Home of Greenlaw Castle and granddaughter of Sir William Purves, Bart. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 79 sent for anew ; being in hopes of getting so much money by the collections to be made at church doors as will enable them to set the work agoing again. Mr. Lundy had desired him to make an estimate of the expenses of what was yet to be done, which Walker accordingly produced to us and which amounted to £1455. They had, two or three weeks ago, Brown who built the bridge at Melrose surveying all that was done and yet to be done, and he gave them an estimate of much the same amount, which is so high, and so much beyond expectation that I doubt it will throw an almost insuperable bar in the progress of the work. And it is unlucky that these estimates should have been procured and publicly spoken of before the collections had been made. For it may very probably prove a great discouragement to people's giving that they will appre- hend after all that there will be no bridge. Drank tea at Mr. Lundy 's, and came home in the evening. Wednesday, July 7th. — Read most part of the first volume of Pope, with Warburton's Notes, 1 which I brought from Kelso with me last night. Read also almost to the end of Prince Eugene's life, which is often disagreeable by being too minute in the relation of battles and sieges. Thursday, July Sth. — Read much of Telemachus, also the newspapers, where there is nothing considerable. In the afternoon went to see Coventree the Seceder, 2 who seems to be a good-natured lad. Friday, July 9th. — Read out Telemachus, which truly is a divine work. The greatest fault of it seems to be the combining of the Heathen Mythology with so pure and exalted a morale as that which runs uniformly through it. Thomas Turnbull, Robert and William Stevenson here at dinner, and sate till four. Tom had some cracks to us 1 William Warburton (1698- 1779), Bishop of Gloucester. He was Pope's literary executor and brought out an edition of that poet's works in I75i- 2 George Coventry, ' a man of apostolic dignity and meekness of character ' and who was described by an enthusiastic admirer as ' one upon whom it seemed as if the effect of Adam's fall had not lighted.' 80 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 about S. Chandler, 1 the dissenting minister, with whom he dined at the Lord Advocate's, and who had been in Scotland for some time past. He has preached several times at Edinburgh to crowded audiences. Prompted by a charitable enterprising spirit of his own, and en- couraged by the Chancellor, he is setting on foot the project of a Foundling Hospital at Edinburgh, which it is thought will succeed. He is said to have been the principal promoter of a similar erection at London, to which last Session of Parliament gave £10,000. After they were gone, looked out a sermon for to-morrow and read the Chevalier Ramsay's Discourse on Epick Poetry, 2 which is prefixed to Telemachus. . Munday, July 12th. — Rode to Lintoun and preached on Galatians 6. 14. Colleagued with Gowdie of Berwick, who came over with me here and staid all night. A very sweet-tempered, agreeable sort of man. He tells me that he heard from Philip that Lord Marchmont expected the Hutton Presentation the end of this week. Tuesday, July ISth. — Rode to Eccles according to pro- mise to Matthew on Saturday, where were Thomas Turn- bull, Robert and Lundy. Staid all night. Collector John Home with us at supper. Wednesday, July 14>th. — Rode up from Eccles a.m., and having shaved here, walked down with Nancy to Kelso to Mr. Lundy's Strawberry Feast, which was but infre- quent, none of Mr. Dysart's ladies being there, nor other women, except Nancy and Aly Stevenson. Drank tea in Dobby's, and read the News-papers in the tap-room. Came home betwixt 10 and 11, Charles having brought down the horse for us. Thursday, July loth.— Mr. Dawson here part of forenoon 1 Samuel Chandler (1693- 1766), minister of a Presbyterian congregation at Peckham, 1716: nonconformist minister at the Old Jewry, 1726-66: published pamphlets against deism, Roman Catholicism, etc. 2 Andrew Michael Ramsay (1686-1743), son of a baker in Ayr : became a Roman Catholic in 17 10 : tutor to Prince Charles Edward : published in 1727 Voyages de Cyrus in imitation of Telemaque ; a translation by Nathaniel Hooke, the younger, appeared in 1739. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 81 ♦ and at dinner. Read a considerable part of Voltaire's Life of Charles XII. Read also Edinburgh Papers of last week, in which there is nothing very considerable. Friday, July 16th. — Read to an end Voltaire's Life of Charles XII., also some of the Scots Magazine, and of the first volume of Hanway's Travels, 1 both of which I got from the Library. Saturday, July 11th. — Prepared for to-morrow, and read chiefly Hanway's Travels, which promise a good deal of entertainment, the subject being in great measure new, curious, and of late date. Got a letter in the evening from Berwick, in which Philip writes me that Lord Marchmont has had a letter from the Duke of Newcastle, and another from his secretary, in both which the Presentation is still promised. But there is not yet any intelligence of its arrival. Philip has heard nothing this Summer from Nevis, which is very distressing. Munday, July 19th. — Some thunder in the morning, hazy and a good deal of rain through the day. (This week was the destruction of the crop.) Read Hanway and looked over my sermons for one at Greenlaw on Sab- bath next. Charles was at St. Bosel's Fair, and bought a little cow for 43 sh. Tuesday, July 20th. — Went through the parish of Stitchel collecting for Kelso Bridge ; Robert Aymers along with me. Had tolerable success. Received about 54 shillings in cash, a guinea of which from Sir Robert. Several of the people at Mellerstain Fair, from whom we hope to get some thing afterwards. Thursday, July 22nd. — Fast day appointed by His Majesty in consequence of an application from last Assembly. Lectured on Psalm 130. Preached on Jeremiah 2. 13. Friday, July 23rd. — Read a good deal of Hanway's Travels, where there are several valuable observations 1 Jonas Hanway (1712-83), traveller and philanthropist: published an account of his travels in Russia, 1753 : one of the founders of the Marine Society (1756), of the Magdalen Charity (1758) : reformer of the Foundling Hospital and the pioneer of the umbrella. F 82 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 with regard to trade. Read also the Preface and first ♦ Book of Ramsay's Cyrus. Saturday, July 2Uh. — Rode over to Greenlaw and staid, being the Saturday before the* Sacrament. Laurie and Dickson preached. Had a letter from Philip in the morn- ing, in which he informs me that he had seen Hilton about 8 days before, who told him that Marchmont had sent him a letter from Jones, Secretary to the Duke of Newcastle, in which he informs Marchmont that the Duke had in strongest terms recommended that the Presentation for Philip should be made out and dispatched without delay ; and Marchmont writes Hilton that if after this, the Presen- tation should not come, it was none of his fault, and he could do no more. This letter of Jones, Hilton desired the Duke to enclose to Mr. Watson, that Mr. Watson might attend the Secretary's Office and if possible see the thing done. From both John Hume and Willy, I learned other circumstances that were not promising ; from whence I am apt to conclude the affair to be in a bad way. Sunday, July 25th. — Served three Tables, and preached p.m. from the window to a great multitude from 1 John 3. 3 ; Cupples, M. Dysart, and Willy Home co-assistants. The two former staid all night. Munday, July 26th. — Cupples and Matthew Dysart preached. Willy Home also with us. Lady Anne 1 and her son, and Coulter, his Governor, dined with us. Came home in the evening and slept on Hanway. Wednesday, July 28th. — Spent the day collecting for Kelso Bridge, in Home, Fallside-Hill, Oxmuir, Home Byres. Got betwixt 50 shillings and £3, and expect some more. Slept on Hanway's Account of Berlin, Dresden, etc. Thursday, July 29th. — Read Hanway to an end, who is a man of good natural understanding, a great goodness of heart, and seemingly an able merchant, but is not learned enough to be a traveller of the most entertaining kind ; though he is nearer the highest rate of such writers than 1 Daughter of the second Earl of Marchmont and wife of Sir William Purves, Bart. Her son Alexander was now seventeen. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 83 the lowest. This narrative is often abundantly interesting, and there are a good many useful and curious things to be learned from him. In the afternoon rode to Smailholm on a long projected visit to Alexander Duncan, who has lately been very ill of a violent attack of his old distress, the colick, but is so much better as to have set out to-day for Stow, where the Sacrament is next Sunday. Read some of May London Magazine in the Evening. Friday, July 30th. — Extracted some things from Hanway and read a good deal of P. Du Halde's History of China, with which I was very well pleased, though the length of the work had hitherto in a great measure deterred me from entering on it. But now I think I shall go through all or most of it, if my avocations be not very great. Saturday, July 31st. — Prepared for to-morrow and spent the afternoon teaching T. Pollock some practical things in Geometry. His brother Allan has taken a fancy to have him up to London to assist him in the Academy 1 ; and if he leaves it, to succeed him in his place. I know not but he may be capable of it ; for that [he] has contracted a mischievous habit of trifling and being idle, he seems to have a good enough capacity for these things. Tuesday, August 3rd. — At the Presbytery where we had no business. In the evening attended a Library meeting where we gave two or three commissions for books. Paid in to Charles Ormiston what I had collected for the Bridge, amounting to £7, Is. lOd. Also the last moiety of Subscription money, which wants of the whole betwixt 8 and 9 shillings. Robert Turnbull came home with me at night. Thursday, August 5th. — Read Du Halde and took up my tulips in the garden. About 6 W. Stevenson told me that W. Hill had told him that they had learned at Berwick yesterday that the Presentation to Philip had arrived at Edinburgh. Nancy came by the way of Ednam and John Waugh walking along with her. She had heard 1 Allan, Mr. Pollock's eldest son, had become a schoolmaster in London, with important consequences to his brother Tom and his sister Alison, as we shall see. 84 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 the same from Mr. Hall. Have nothing in writing from Philip, which is odd. However, can scarce entertain any doubt of the fact. Friday, August 6th. — Had a letter from John Home in the morning, informing me that Philip's Presentation had come to Redbraes yesterday or Wednesday, and was sent forward by Lord Marchmont to Hutton-hall. The intelli- gence of its arrival at Edinburgh must have come to Ber- wick only by the Wednesday's Scots Post, for I had a letter from Philip of the date of Wednesday morning, in which he knew nothing of it. Mr. Dawson, Miss Angely, and Walter Pringle called here in the forenoon and sate a while. Afternoon Mary Herriot, Aly and Thomas Pollock came to tea. The two lassies staid all night, Mary having long promised us a visit, which she never accomplished till now. Saturday, August 7th. — Rode to Makerstoun to break- fast, where were Peggy Hall with the two dear little girlies Grace and Bella. They had told Nancy at St. James' Fair that they intended to dine here to-day, and as I was obliged to be at Nenthorn I thought it best to go see them at Makerstoun. Came up thence with Mr. Walker and his wife to Nenthorn, where I preached. Munday, August 9th. — At Nenthorn, where Fr. Scot and Mas James Innes preached. Betwixt 4 and 5 rode down to Kelso with Richardson the preacher 1 who had come from Gordon. Hoped to find there Nancy, Aly Pollock, and Mary Herriot, but found after I came home that Mary had been sent for home last night from Ednam. Settled accounts with Alex. Ramsay and received the balance due, which was £2, 19s. Returned him one shilling. Tuesday, August 10th. — Read most of the May Review, where there is nothing very material. Also Mason's Odes, 2 1 There were, as before mentioned, two persons of this name who were licensed about the same time, the one by the Presbytery of Edinburgh and the other by that of Kelso. It is the latter who is probably meant here. He became, after being in some previous charges, minister of More- battle in 1786. ? William Mason (1724-97), poet : friend of Gray and his literary 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 85 of which the chief beauty is the versification. Was at Hairy-Heugh a.m. seeing a sick girl. Wednesday, August 11th. — Read Du Halde. Took up my anemones and ranunculuses. Wrought some in the glebe, when the last of my hay was put into a rick. Had a walk in the evening with Peggy Pringle, Minna Dawson, and Nancy. Friday, August ISth. — Read for amusement some Articles in Bibl. Rais., and about 4 set out in my way to Eyemouth. Reached Whitsum about 7 and staid all night. Learned from J. Waugh that the Royal Presentation to Philip was given in to the Presbytery last Tuesday. The Presby- tery passed no judgment on the Presentations, but ap- pointed Philip to preach at Hutton on Sunday se'ennight, which seems rather to have been too hasty and looks too much like taking a side. Saturday, August lMh. — Landreth came in the morning and breakfasted, and then John Waugh and he and I set out for Eyemouth. Hepburn and Waugh preached there. Found Philip there in pretty good health. He has been bathing in the sea and seems to be the better of it. Sunday, August 15th. — Preached in the Church-yard on Hebrews 10. 38, and served a Table. Landreth, Breyden, and Philip colleagues. Breyden 1 as usual preached without. Monday, August 16th. — Landreth and Gowdie of Berwick preached. Insisted on Landreth preaching my dyet, which was to-day, there being no particular dyet for him. Mr. Allan having got him to supply Hepburn's place on Sunday, Hepburn 2 being at Mordington. Was at New Byres in the evening. Tuesday, August 17th. — Called in the forenoon at the Robsons and James Turnbull's as we had done yesterday executor : corresponded with Horace Walpole : his Odes had just been published this year. 1 Robert Bryden, minister of Coldingham 1725-61 : married Elizabeth Dysart, only daughter of his predecessor in the parish, and half-sister of the diarist's friend, Matthew Dysart. 2 Patrick Hepburn, minister of Ayton 1753-72 : son of William Hepburn, minister of Fowlis- Wester. 86 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 afternoon at Wm. Nisbet's. After dinner Philip and I rode in to Berwick and got much rain for the last two miles. Found all well at my sister's, she herself in particular looking better than she has done for years past. Murray, W. Anderson, and Mary Neilson were drinking tea there. Mary has been sore distrest with an inflammation in her eyes, which has thinned her greatly, and her eyes still continue very weak, and not free of the inflammation. [A page missing here.] Wednesday, August 25th. — Read variously. Took a walk in the afternoon towards the place where our people were laying in lint and read some Epistles of Horace with great gout. Nancy Thompson here at tea p.m., and also John Millar a call. Thursday, August 26th. — Read some of P. du Halde's second volume. Also looked over the last Proposition of Plain (sic) Trigonometry and the Use of Sherwin's Tables of the Logs of Numbers for the sake of helping Thomas Pollock in these things. Wrought a little in the garden. Had a letter from Philip, in which he informs me had good enough spirits at Hutton last Sunday, and that he preached to a large congregation. He dined at Hilton's, and was well used there. Friday, August 21th. — Read with much gout some of the beginning of V Esprit des Loiw. Read also about forty pages of the beginning of Drummond's History of the Five King Jameses, 1 which I got from the Library. Was working with Thomas Pollock, who came up with his mother p.m., at some Trigonometry, when Mr. Dysart, his wife Nan, and the clerk arrived to tea. Tuesday, August Slst. — Read mostly Drummond, some also of Don Quixote. T. Pollock here in the afternoon, with whom I read Trigonometry. Exhausted too many spirits with him. Sent Charles to Chyrnside with a letter 1 Sir William Drummond of Hawthornden, the poet, wrote a History of Scotland during the reigns of the five Jameses, which it has been said ' for purity of style and elegance of expression ' was not surpassed by the work of any other author of the age. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 87 of concurrence with Philip's Presentation from Slatehouse, which I got from Kelso late last night. Had nothing in return but an account that the Presbytery after a good deal of reasoning had delayed the affair till next Meeting. Philip, it seems, was preaching there, of which I did not know. Wednesday, September 1st — Read Drummond to an end, who deserves the character of a judicious, candid, and not ineloquent historian. He has had the ancient models in his view and has not succeeded ill in his imita- tion of them. Looked over in the evening some things in Musschenbroek's Elements of Natural Philosophy, 1 which I got from T. Pollock, who borrows it from somebody. P.m. was so far in my way to Sir Robert's, but turned back on hearing that Sir Robert and Miss Peggy were not at home. Thursday, September 2nd. — Revised some parts of Drummond. Mrs. Stevenson of Home Byres and her sister here p.m., also a nephew of theirs of their own name, Baron, a young writer. Friday. September 3rd. — Went to Kelso to the examina- tion of Dobby's school. Andrew Chatto, Robert Turnbull, and Lundy there besides. Boys behaved tolerably and not much more. Dined in Dobby's with a large company. Drank tea in Mr. Dawson's, Nancy along with me, and came home about 8. Saturday, September Uh. — Prepared for to-morrow, and read some of Musschenbroek, who is a distinct enough writer and comprehensive in his plan. John Aitchison of Mor- peth and his wife, 2 also a boy of his at Kelso school here at dinner. His wife has long been ill and is now riding about for her. health. 1 Pierre van Musschenbroek (1692-1764), a Dutch physician of Leyden : his Epitome elementovum physico-mathematicorum in usus academicos was published at Leyden, 1725, and went through many editions. 2 John Aitchison, minister of a Presbyterian congregation at Morpeth : afterwards minister of Falkirk 1758-87 (not 1759 as stated in the Fasti Eccl. Scot.). He married in 1741 Jean Hardie, and had three sons, born respectively in 1744, 1745, and 1747 : it is impossible to say which of them is here referred to ; probably the eldest, Samuel. 88 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 Munday, September 6th. — Forenoon saw sick. Matthew Dysart came to dinner, and soon after Wallace, the parson of Carham, a good enough natured man to appearance, but contracted in principles and in knowledge of the world. He and Matthew staid till the evening. Tuesday, September 7th. — Saw in the morning John Watson's wife, who had been seized with a violent colick, but was grown better. Found W. 1 Jeffery of Musselburgh here when I returned, who went with me to the Presbytery, where we had no business.. He came back with me at night. An industrious, honest man, and of very good capacity. Wednesday, September Sth. — Set out with Jeffery after 10. Called at Greenlaw, Polwarth, and Langtown suc- cessively, but found nobody at home. Rode forward to Duns, and got something to dinner in Watson's. Went afterwards and saw Alison Bell, and drank tea in Dickson's. Came out with Jeffery to Langtown, where Mr. Laurie and his wife, together with William Home, his wife, and daughter, arrived somewhat late. They had been at a kettle of salmon 2 at Scyth's with John Home of Atheist aneford, Carlisle, etc. Thursday, September 9th. — Came over to Polwarth with Mr. Home's people, and went with W. to Marchmont House, on a long projected visit to his Lordship. Was well enough received. [The] Lord Register has been there for some weeks, but is to go away soon. The lady a very sweet looking woman, and has a good face, but by no means deserves the praises given her as a beauty. 3 Drank tea 1 Sic in MS. : perhaps a brother of the Ninian Jeffrey pieviously mentioned. * It was the custom for a party to be made up which went to the banks of the Tweed, and when salmon were landed the fish were at once cooked and formed the principal part of an al fresco repast. 3 Lady Marchmont was the Earl's second wife : she was Elizabeth, daughter of Windmill Crompton, a linen-draper in Cheapside. At the time of her marriage in 1748 she was only about seventeen, and the Earl was so infatuated with her that he proposed to her the day after seeing her for the first time in a box at the theatre : died 1797. She was painted by Reynolds, and an old retainer described her as ' just the fairest creature that ever stept this earth.' ' . 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 89 with Nancy Burnet. Staid at Polwarth all night, where was also John of Atheist aneford. 1 Friday, September 10th. — Rode with William Home, his wife, and John, to Dunse Well, where they have been at great pains within this week or two to discover the mineral spring purer and at a safer distance from the brook which sometimes overflows the old well, in which they seem to have succeeded. They will have a less quantity of water indeed than before, but by the experiments they have made, two or three times as strong. Lord Marchmont's people have been attending this Well for a good while past, and this new discovery was a project of my Lord's, of which he seems to be very fond. The company were all gone or going before we arrived. Returned to Polwarth to breakfast, and came home by the way of Greenlaw, where I dined and drank tea with John Hume. He has got a very neat plan and prospect of Marchmont House, a compliment from his Lordship. Munday, September ISth. — Nancy and I rode to Eccles to dine, and staid till the evening. Asked at Mr. Home how far the Crown lawyers might be depended on for taking on of the King's Right in the affair of Hutton. He seemed to say that they are scarce to be trusted without being paid and retained, yet advised to be cautious of embarking, as the expense may be considerable. Wrote this, with all that I knew besides concerning that affair in a long letter to James Allan enclosed in one to Philip. Slept on Black's work on the Magnesia Alba 2 in the Edinburgh Essays. Tuesday, September I4>th. — Read more of Black's treatise, which, though containing something new and curious, is wrote obscurely and disagreeably. Read also some of Melville's essay on Light, 3 where there is a great discovery 1 i.e. John Home, the author of Douglas. 2 Robert Black (1726-99), afterwards the celebrated Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh. The paper was probably his graduation thesis, De humore acido a cribis orto et magnesia alba, which laid the foundations of quantitative analysis and pneumatic chemistry. 3 Thomas Melville (1726-53), at first a divinity student in Edinburgh, but became an experimental philosopher in 1752 : he read before the 90 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 of genius. P.m. drank tea at Sir Robert's, where there was nobody but Mrs. Pringle and Miss Peggy. Wednesday, September 15th. — Rode to Kelso, chiefly to see the progress of the bridge. They have been too quick with the last built arch, in which there is a visible bulge near the top, and a crack in the middle. Yet I believe there is no hazard. They are now at work on one of the largest arches, and are going on more deliberately. Dined in Doctor Gibson's. Drank tea in Mr. Dawson's, and supped and slept in Mr. Lundy's, where John Cleg- horn was with us till bed-time. Thursday, September 16th. — Breakfasted with Mrs. Park, who has nobody with her now but Slatehouse. Came home between 11 and 12. Wrote a long letter to Professor John Stevenson, giving him a character of John Aitchison of Morpeth, who expects to be recommended to the Advocate for a Kirk, by the Chief Baron Ord. Also giving him some account of the Hutton affair, and desiring his advice about it. In the afternoon, walked with Nancy to Home Byres, and gave this letter to G. Stevenson's wife, who sets out in her return to Edinburgh to-mororw. At night read a good deal of the beginning of Huxham on Fevers, 1 which I brought from Mr. Lundy's. Friday, September 17th. — Read more of Huxham — a very judicious author. John Ker of Coldstream came before 12, and staid till 4. Munday, September 20th. — Thomas Wilkinson of London and young Thomas Rutherford came here to dine from Learmouth and went away after tea. Wilkinson has been a long tour to the North, and has taken, he informs me, the whole fishing of the Ness for 15 years. Mr. Pollock and his son also here. Mas Thomas dined at Sir Robert's. Finished Huxham, who is an excellent author ; a faithful follower of Nature, without regard to sect or hypothesis. Tuesday, September 21st. — Set out in the morning for Edinburgh Medical Society his Observations on Light and Colour, and in the following year a paper on Refrahgibility of the Rays of Light. • 1 John Huxham (1692-1768), physician : his medical works were published at Leipzig 1764, 1773, and 1829, 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 91 Dunse Well, expecting to find James Allan there, or in the neighbourhood. Breakfasted at Polwarth, where were Landreth and Walter Anderson, and dined at Langtown along with William and Sandy Home of Abbey. James Allan not casting up, was obliged to ride forward to Eye- mouth, where I found he had gone to Dunglass the day before, and did not return that night. Wednesday, September 22nd. — James Allan cast up before dinner. Had a walk in the forenoon with Andrew Edgar, his wife, and Mr. Colvill. Drank tea at Mrs. Crow's and supped in Mr. Edgar's. Philip, at my desire, by a note sent him, came out in the evening. He had got in the morning a letter from his old scholar, Thomas Bridgewater. where, along with apologies and promises, he is informed that Mrs. Bridgewater had wrote to M'Doual of Castle-Semple. who, it seems, is of West Indian extrac- tion, and is a relation of hers, desiring him to advance Philip £300. M'Doual' s lady is a niece of Mrs. Lumisden's of Blanerne. It was therefore judged proper to procure a letter from one of the young men there to M'Doual, attesting Philip's character, etc., and along with which letter he is to write himself ; though I am afraid with little probability of succeeding. Thursday, September 23rd. — Set out in the morning, James Allan and I, for Allanbank, where we found all the family gone away to Nisbet to dine. Philip went to Blanerne to see Lumisden. James and I rode down to Waugh's, where we staid all night. After much consulta- tion, it was thought most expedient for the Presbytery to keep the Hutton affair in their own hands, and to pro- ceed after the Synod, in favour of Philip, if it should be judged proper for the service of his cause. Allan and I also found it necessary to resolve to wait on [the] Lord Advocate, which we have appointed to do the week after next. Friday, September 2±ih. — James Allan left us after break- fast, and I staid till after dinner. John Waugh's house is just going to be blue-slated. 1 Came home after 6. 1 Slated houses were then the exceptions, thatch being the usual cover- 92 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 Found my barley all cut and part of the oats. Dozed over some of the Edinburgh Essays. Saturday, September 25th. — John Miller came here about 10, and supped. He was attending a poor woman in labour in the town, and proposed to sleep here, but was obliged to be up all night. Sunday, September 26th. — Wrote to James Allan about Philip's affair, and sent down the horse to go by postman to Will. Munday, September 27th. — Wrote in the forenoon to Wallace, desiring his recommendation to [the] Lord Advo- cate in Philip's affair. P.m. went to Ednam to see Aly Pollock, who is ailing of low spirits, etc. Revised some of Huxham. Tuesday, September 28th. — Revised Huxham. Weeded winter spinnage in the garden, and was sometimes in the glebe with the shearers. Will and Billy Temple arrived in the evening. Wednesday, September 29th. — Chatted with B. Temple, a fine, sensible, modest boy. Revised some of Huxham. Philip came in the evening from Polwarth, where he has been since Saturday night. Thursday, September 30th. — Mr. Dawson here at dinner. George Trotter of Belchester's eldest son here at tea to see Billy Temple, who, with Will, had gone to Kelso. In the evening, looked to the Moon and Saturn through the tele- scope. Saw Saturn's ansated shape distinctly enough, but none of his satellites, or, at most, an indistinct glimmer of one of them. Friday, October 1st. — Nancy, Will, and Billy Temple set out for Melrose in the morning. Philip and I went on foot to Kelso, where I proposed to find Robert Turnbull to tell him of my project of going to Lothian next week, also to look at something in the Library. Monteith, his wife and son, William Home, his wife, and two other boys were all in the town, having been at Sprouston yesterday. ing. See Somerville's Life and Times, p. 340, where he says that the tower in Hawick was the only slated house there in 1757. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 93 Dined in Mr. Dawson's, and drank tea with these people in the Doctor's p.m. Robert Turnbull, Philip, and I stayed in Mr. Lundy's all night, where Monteith, also John Miller and the young lad Tod, 1 supped with us. Saturday, October 2nd. — Breakfasted with Mr. Lundy and walked up before dinner. Mr. Monteith, his wife and son, gave us a call. Billy Temple and Will went to Bel- chester, and came back in the evening. Prepared for to-morrow, and read part of the August Scots Magazine, which I brought from Kelso. Sunday, October 3rd. — Philip and Billy Temple, a very fine promising lad, left us in the morning. Philip preaches at Swinton for Cupples, who is making a visit in Ireland to a sister he has married there. Got a very obliging letter from Professor John Stevenson in the morning about the Hutton affair, concerning which he spoke to the Lord Advocate, and gives me his own best advice. Munday, October Uh. — Rode to Home to see a child. Re- vised some parts of Scots (August) Magazine, and read the greatest part of Russel's Natural History of Aleppo. 2 Tuesday, October 5th. — Had Charles at Kelso in the morn- ing to enquire for letters, James Allan not having, accord- ing to expectation, cast up last night. Had no letters, but heard by Charles that poor Landreth died on Sunday night. Soon after, I got a burial letter and learned by the bearer that the good man, after having preached, ate his dinner heartily and walked half a mile from the town with a young man who dined with him, came back and went to bed after discovering some tendency to vomit, and com- plaining of a pain at his breast, when he fell asleep, and soon after, was found dead. An enviable euthanasia, after a life very remarkable for the very highest nobility and humanity. Thought, as I was riding to Kelso, of asking the votes of my co-presbyters for James Allan, who, 1 This may perhaps have been John Tod, the eldest son of John Tod the successor of George Ridpath's father at Ladykirk : he was only thirteen at this time : afterwards minister of Fogo. 2 Alexander Russell, physician to English factory at Aleppo 1740-53: his Natural History of Aleppo had just been published in this year. 94 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 a great while ago, spoke to me of having this in his view. Thought also of securing the thing for Philip, in case the Hutton business should go wrong, but found on arriving at Kelso that Laurie had been beforehand with me, having got the votes of the greatest part of our Presbytery, and wrote many letters to the members of other Presbyteries. James Allan came to Kelso in the evening with his head full of the project of the Clerkship, but he was too late. Laurie, Mr. Walker, and he came up here and staid all night. Wednesday, October 6th. — Laurie left us very early in the morning. James Allan, after further revolving the busi- ness of the Clerkship, gave it up, partly from the advantage Laurie had got in starting so early, partly from an unwilling- ness to oppose a man, his friend, and in his circumstances. W. Walker, James, and I, after dining early, set out for the funeral, where there were a great many people and great demonstrations of a well-founded grief from the inhabitants of the place. Lundy, Philip, and I rode forward to John Herriot's, and staid all night. Thursday, October 7th. — James Allan came to us from Kersfield in the morning, and we called at Tod's. Philip went away before dinner. Allan, Lundy, and I staid till after tea^ Got home a little before 8. Dozed and read some of Russel's History of Aleppo. James Allan told us that John Renton had been spoke to by Sir John Stewart about a project of getting Bell to succeed Landreth at Simprim, if he would drop Hutton ; but Renton, who has of late been far from acting a right or moderate part in this affair, rejected the proposal with- indignation. Friday, October 8th. — Read Russel to an end. His account of the Plague is good, and his practise in it seems to be judicious, and, according to him, was often successful. In general, however, this work of his is neither remarkable for genius nor erudition. But his account of things seems to be very faithful and exact, and many of them in their own nature are en- tertaining. Cleghorn's account of Minorca is the original he seems to have in his eye, but he falls a good deal 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 95 short of it. Read also most of Scots (July) Magazine, and revised part of Russel. Saturday, October 9th. — At night wrote out a sort of epitome of what we know with regard to His Majesty's claim to the patronage of Hutton. Sunday, October 10th. — In the afternoon rode down to the burial of Mrs. Wood, who died on Friday, and leaves behind her a family that seems to be in hazard of great indigence. Drank tea in Mr. Dawson's, and came home about 7. Munday, October 11th. — Prepared a.m. for my journey, and set out after dinner for Longformacus, where I had appointed Mr. Allan to meet me. Raining most of the way. Got there about sunset. James Allan arrived about two hours after. Spent the night very heartily with Monteith, Tuesday, October 12th. — Rode from Longformacus to Fala to dine. Got there about 3, and found Peter 1 at home. His sister 2 is now with him since her father's death. A cousin of his also there from Inverara, a fine girlie, and abundantly pretty. After a repast at Peter's set out for Borthwick, where we arrived about daylight's going away. Wednesday, October ISth. — Thomas Turnbull 3 having informed us that [the] Lord Advocate was to set out this morning on a course of visits to his wife's relations and not to return till Saturday night, we, after a good deal of pause, and a good deal contrary to my inclination, resolved 1 Peter or Patrick Simson, minister of Fala 1743-59: son of Matthew Simson, minister of Pencaitland : took part in the battle of Prestonpans, but is said to have fled from the field : was afterwards taken prisoner by the Prince's troops, but was liberated after a detention of three weeks : he was a great angler. 2 Probably his youngest, Janet, who in a year of great scarcity re- ceived the thanks of the Kirk Session of Pencaitland for superintending the spinning industry set on foot in the parish for the employment of the poor. 3 Thomas Turnbull, son of George Turnbull, minister of Tynninghame, and brother of Robert Turnbull of Sprouston. He had been minister of. Greenlaw 1725-34, and was now minister of Borthwick. He married in 1726 Margaret, daughter of Hugh Stevenson of Montgrenan, and had two sons and two daughters. 96 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 to stay in the country till Sunday was over, and to preach for Thomas Turnbull at Borthwick. Set out for Edin- burgh about mid-day, where we saw G. Wallace 1 in the evening ; desired his assistance, and got his opinion, which was rather favourable than otherwise. Thursday, October \4>ih. — Saw John Davidson, 2 who is Agent for the Crown, and talked to him both yesterday afternoon and this morning. He was abundantly dry about the affair, but will follow the orders of the Advocate. Breakfasted in Mr. Wallace's and dined with Mrs. Laurie. Gilbert is Town Treasurer, and happened to be so taken up with Town's affairs, that we did not see him, which I regretted much. Chiefly to save expense, we left the town p.m., and came to Fala, where we past the night. Friday, October 15th. — Went with Patrick's family to Leeston, where we dined and past the night. Hamilton of Fala 3 there, which occasioned a great drink. Have not drank so much at a time this twelvemonth, Aly Home staying there for some time, and looking very well on't. An agreeable, rough place, and the people very hospitable and sensible. Saturday, October 16th. — Came over with Patrick's people, and dined at Fala. Set out betwixt 4 and 5, and Patrick along with us, for Borthwick, he being to preach at a place in the Presbytery to which Borthwick was so far in his way. Spent the night agreeably. Much enter- tained out of Thomas's unexhausted store. Sunday, October 17th. — I lectured on 16th Psalm fluently enough. James Allan preached. [The] Lord Advocate 1 George Wallace, advocate, was a son of Dr. Wallace of the New North Parish, Edinburgh, by his wife Helen, a sister of Ridpath's friend Robert Turnbull, minister of Sprouston. Wallace was the author of several legal treatises : he died unmarried 1805. 2 John Davidson of Stewartfield and Haltree, son of James Davidson of Haltree : W.S. 1749 : Crown Agent at this time : Deputy Keeper of the Signet, 1778 till his death in 1797. He lived in the uppermost house cn the Castle Hill next the Castle, on the north side of the street. 3 Thomas Hamilton of Fala, great-grandson of James Makgill, first Viscount of Oxfuird : succeeded his kinswoman Henrietta, Viscountess of Oxfuird in her estates, and took the name of Makgill. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 97 and family in the Kirk. We went over to Arniston to dine with him, and before dinner, talked over our affair. • He told us, agreeably to what G. Wallace had told us before, that nothing certain could be pronounced con- cerning Lord Home's claim, till his rights were produced, which the King's lawyers would call for so soon as the Process was enrolled ; that if Lord Home's people affected delays, the Presbytery might demand a sight of His Lord- ship's titles, and if these were refused and the process of declarator not carried on, the Presbytery might go for- ward even to the last step with safety. He seem'd also to think, as G. Wallace also hinted before, that if My Lord's claim had been good, more of it would have ap- peared in the summonds. Civilly entertained by his Lordship, and saw his new Lady, 1 a girl of twenty-two, with the freshest bloom in her countenance that I have seen for a long time past. Arniston is a very beautiful place, but we had no time to see much of it. Came back to Borthwick in the evening, whither also Thomas had come before us from Lass wade. Munday, October 18th. — Set out from Borthwick betwixt 9 and 10. Dined at Channelkirk Braefoot, and got home betwixt 6 and 7. Our horses performed but heavily, which, with the badness of the day, made the journey disagreeable. Tuesday, October 19th. — James Allan left us about 11. Read some of Russel's account of Aleppo, and p.m. went up to Sir Robert's. Miss Hall and Sandy Purves there, besides Sir Robert and the girls. Had not seen Miss and Miss Mary before, since the return of the former from Holy Island and of the other from Moffat. They seem both to be a good deal better. Wednesday, October 20th. — Revised some more of Russel. Aly Stevenson and the lad Dickson, a young student in Sprouston, came before dinner and staid all night. Walter 1 Robert Dundas of Arniston, at this time Lord Advocate, had married on 7th September of this year, as his second wife, Jane, daughter of William Grant of Prestongrange. It was to her relatives that they were now paying a visit. G 98 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 Scot (Sandy Know) 1 called here in the evening with a letter from James Allan, dated from Allanbank, where they have persuaded him to resume Ins project of obtain- * ing the clerkship to the Synod, though most probably to no purpose, after delaying so long, and after so much dili- gence used on the part of Laurie. And I am afraid, after what is past, there may be a hazard of quarrelling with Laurie about this affair. Thursday, October 21st. — Guests left us in the forenoon. Afterwards read miscellaneously, and was a while in the glebe. P.m. went to Ednam, and spoke to Mr. Pollock about James Allan's affair. He is ready to do anything. Mused most of the night about that affair, and made a calculation, on as favourable suppositions as I could, of the number of votes that might be made for Mr. Allan in the Synod ; but cannot see probability of success. Friday, October 22nd. — Wrote a letter to James Allan about the Synod clerkship. Wrote also to Hog 2 and John Bell to ask them to keep their votes for Allan, if not already engaged. Afternoon and evening, read some of the Memoirs of the Due de Sully, the first volume of which I at last got from the library. The fall of Kelso bridge* — This evening, a little before 5, the dismal accident happened of the fall of the last-built and one of the greatest arches of Kelso bridge, from which they had almost finished the work of removing the coomb when it fell and destroyed 6 men, who have all of them left families, Pringle and Hogarth, two of the principal wrights, large ones. It was visibly giving way before it came down, but Walker, the principal workman, a stupid, brutal fellow, insisted that the men should continue their work. I heard the noise of the fall, which I thought a discharge of musquetry, or a distant, clap of thunder, 1 Walter Scott, uncle of Sir Walter Scott, eldest son of Robert Scott in Sandyknowe. He was a W.S. : married Anne Rutherford, and had thir- teen children. 2 Robert Hogg, minister of Roxburgh 1735-81, married 1743 Mary Home, and had one son and six daughters. 3 Marginal note. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 99 standing at the corner of my house. Sir Robert heard it about his own doors, and afterwards learned that Mrs. Stevenson's son and a servant heard it at Home Byres. Munday, October 25th. — Baptized a child at Home a.m. Read some more of Sully's Memoirs. In the evening arrived first Monteith and Walter Anderson, and then James Allan. Had a good deal of talk about the clerkship and other things. Tuesday, October 26th. — James Allan set out in the morning for Sandy Know, to see what W. Scot had done. Monteith, Walter Anderson, and I rode down to the Synod, where Laurie was chosen clerk at the first dyet by a majority of 11 or 12 ; whence it is easy to conclude that if James Allan had employed due pains, he must certainly have succeeded. Monteith had a considerable number of votes ; being set up and having interest made for him by his friends, after he had himself engaged for Laurie. But as he had not strength enough to carry his point, he declined standing, and most of his votes went over to Laurie. Laurie complained a good deal of Allan's be- haviour and mine, which certainly had not a very favour- able appearance. James was overpowered by the solici- tation of his friends at Allanbank, so far as not to decline being a candidate, and the interest was made for him by them and not by himself : and that after Laurie had had time to make all the interest in his power. As for myself, my engagement to Laurie proceeded always on the sup- position of James Allan's not being a candidate, so that when he became one, which he did too without my advice, I thought myself obliged to vote for him, yet the behaviour of both himself and me, is abundantly liable to miscon- struction, and few things of the kind have given me more uneasiness. In the afternoon sederunt, went through the minutes, and heard the papers in the Jedburgh Cause, which were insufferably tedious, and nothing could be more absurd and improper than Riccalton's long answers to the reasons of appeal drawn by T. Potts, consisting chiefly of low, personal altercation with that pettifogger, who is, however, much the better writer of the two. 100 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 Supped at Waldie's with Sir John Stewart and a mixt company of ministers, and some Jedburgh people, his clients. Wednesday, October 27th. — In the forenoon dyet heard parties in the Jedburgh cause, in which M'Queen 1 was advocate for the Crown, and Sir John Stewart for the opponents of Douglas the presentee, 2 and after a very short reasoning, referred it simpliciter to the Commission, who were empowered by the late Assembly, to judge in any question relating to this affair. Din'd at Wood's with M'Quean and a large company, entertained at the expense of Lord Braidelbine, whose minister Douglas is, and by whose interest he procured this presentation. One Watt, Breidelbine's agent, was attending the cause at the Synod. In the evening went through the ordinary form, appointed a collector for the poor sufferers by the fall of the bridge and rose. Spent the evening again with M'Quean and his company. Gave this attendance on M'Quean on account of his commission with the Advocate. Sate too long, and drank a good deal too much. Thursday, October 28ih. — Came home from the Synod to dine. Trotter and Lundy, with whom James Allan and I had appointed to go to Selkirk to see the Solicitor (after^ wards Lord Aylmer) 3 did not come up from Kelso till near 4. We thought it too late to set out then, and therefore prevailed with them to stay all night. Monteith came up about 8. He had disclosed himself last night a candidate for the clerkship, Laurie having only been chosen durante bene placito, and a bruit being raised without any just ground that Mr. Allan was to be a candidate. But after various conversations and dealings of him and 1 Robert Macqueen, afterwards the famous Lord Braxfield, of whom so many stories are told. No wonder that Ridpath afterwards complains of the late hours and of having drank too much in his company. 2 John Douglas, minister of Jedburgh 1758-68. He had been appointed to the parish on the resignation of his presentation by Bonar (see ante, p. 66) and his settlement had been strongly opposed, and gave rise to the Relief Church under Boston, as formerly mentioned. 3 Marginal note. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 101 his friends with Laurie, he resolved to drop it. Got a good deal of sport from him on various subjects. Friday, October 29th. — Set out for Selkirk about 8, and got to it betwixt 12 and 1. Learned that the Solicitor was gone to the burial of Davidson of Galashiels, 1 who dyed last Sunday. Staid and dined with Trotter ; and Mr. Pringle 2 having returned in the evening, James Allan, Lundy, and I went to see him, and were kept by him to sup. Very civilly received and entertain'd. Talked to him some generals about the Hutton affair, in which I hope he will be friendly. A man of much dignity and sense, and very entertaining conversation. Saturday, October 30th. — This week has been good weather, and has served to bring in the corn in most places of this country. Left Selkirk betwixt 9 and 10. Lundy struck off from us at Melrose, and James Allan and I got here before 2. After dinner he set out homewards. Did something for to-morrow, and read August Magazine, Avhich had come from Berwick while I was away. Munday, November 1st. — Rode to M'Kerston, where I preached on 1 John 3. 3. Colleagued with James Richard- son. Robert Turnbull there, and Andrew Chatto came - in the evening, having gone to Dryburgh in the morning. We staid all night. Mrs. Chatto was there at dinner, but set out immediately after it, her eldest boy having been taken ill yesterday, from which they fear the small-pox. A servant was sent to inform them of this. Tuesday, November 2nd. — Robert Turnbull came up with me from M'Kerston to dine. Borrowed £5 from Wm. Walker. He lent me it with a very good grace, for which am much obliged to him. Robert went away about 4. Read afterwards a good deal of Sully's Memoirs. . Wednesday, November 3rd. — At the Presbytery, where 1 Henry Davidson, minister of Galashiels 1714-56 : he was the last survivor of the twelve who petitioned the Assembly in 1721 against the Act condemning the Marrow of Divinity : though much in sympathy with the Glassites, both his people and the Presbytery prevailed on him to continue in his charge till his death. • 2 Lord Alemoor, then Solicitor-General. 102 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 we had no business. Staid in town all night, and attended a library meeting, where we gave commissions for a good many books. Agreed also to return the General Dictionary, which I did not much oppose as I saw it would be in vain, and as it is certain that the other parts of that work are greatly inferior to Bayle's. Thursday, November Mh. — Came from Kelso before dinner. Read Scots Magazine for September, in which is the distinctest account of the present Swedish Consti- tution I have anywhere met with. Read also a good deal of Sully. Friday, November 5th. — Read Memoirs of the Due de Sully, and finished first volume. Many pages of it are very interesting. It gives a very perfect view of the character of Henry iv., but an incompleat one of his history and actions. Wrote to Philip and James Allan in the morning, and revised some of Scots Magazine. Saturday, November 6th. — Prepared for to-morrow. Read out the Scots Magazine, and revised some of Sully. Tom Pollock here great part of the day, to whom I ex- plained some things. Munday, November Sth. — Revised in the forenoon two chapters of Job, which I had read last night. Also read some things in the Present State of Great Britain, which I had got from the library. Afternoon, went to see sick at Home, and drank tea at Home Byres. Soon slept on second volume of Sully's Memoirs, which I got from the library to-day. Tuesday, November 9th. — Delved the ground for tulips, etc., and read much of second volume of Sully's Memoirs. Young Sked here some part of the day. Nancy went to Berwick. Ventured her on my young horse with Charles, not being easily able to get another. Wednesday, November 10th. — Wm. Stevenson here at dinner, and most of the day. Examined him in Euclid. Friday, November 12th. — Read Sully's second volume to an end, and was at Sir Robert's in the evening, where was 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 103 Mr. Pringle of Lochtown, 1 who has been staying there for some time. An oldish man, resembling old Frankie a good deal in his looks and manner. Munday, November 15th. — Rode to Kelso, where Robert Turnbull and John Hume of Greenlaw preached. John Hume came home with me in the evening, and staid all night. He told us that Marchmont and his lady set out for London last Friday ; also, which is yet a sort of anecdote, that the Lord Register and his lady have parted. 2 The two brothers will be a little disconcerted with the change of the Ministry, which is now, it is said, certain to take place. Wednesday, November 17th. — Went to Home a.m. to baptize a child. Afterwards read as yesterday in Present State of Great Britain, and Sully. Andrew Johnson over in the evening with shoes to Will. Thursday, November 18th. — Read a good deal of the third volume of Sully, which I got from the library in the morning. Read also the greatest part of the September London Magazine, which I got from Berwick. Looked to some things in Buchanan. Friday, November 19th. — Read much of Sully, and walked a little in the garden and glebe. Also in the town p.m., seeing the boy Baptie, who is much the better of having been 6 or 7 weeks at Moffat. Saturday, November 20th. — Thomas Pollock came up in the forenoon to desire me down to dine on a piece of their mart. 3 Will and I went down with him, and I came up 1 Mr. Pringle of Lochtown was probably a son of Sir Walter Pringle of Lochtown, advocate, who sat on the Bench as Lord Newhall. Sir Walter was the second son of Sir Robert Pringle of Stitchel, first Baronet, and married a daughter of Johnston of Hilton. Old Frankie may refer to his younger brother Francis, who was a doctor of medicine. 2 The Lord Clerk Register had married in 1737 Elizabeth Pettie, of London. 3 Families in the country were in the habit of killing and salting an ox at Martinmas, when it was still fat from the summer feeding. They then ate down one side and up the other during the winter. This dinner may have consisted of a fresh piece of the meat before the remainder was salted. 104 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 again in the evening. Prepared something for to-morrow at Kelso, and read some of Sully. Sunday, November 21st. — At Kelso for Mr. Lundy, who went to attend the Commission. Lectured on Psalm 92. Preached on Colossians 3. 1. Dined in Mr. Dawson's. Saw Dr. Gibson in the evening, who has been distrest for some time past with some hydropic and asthmatic symp- toms, which, however, seem at present to be somewhat alleviated. Munday, November 22nd. — Read to the end of Sully's Memoirs, which, upon the whole, are a very great enter- tainment ; yet not without a mixture of less interesting details from which scarce any writings of that sort are free. Such is the importance of every man to himself. Read also a good deal of Present State of Great Britain. Wednesday, November 2Uh. — Read some of Present State of Great Britain. A good deal diverted with different people coming in. P.m. at Queen's Cairn seeing the Bailie's mother. Read at night some of Buchanan, who writes the Latin delightfully. Thursday, November 25th. — Read also again in Sully, the account of Henry's grand project, the forming of which and the wise preparations for its execution give him a better title to the name of Great than all the great things he ever actually accomplished. Wrought at night on Will's discourse. Friday, November 26th. — Read chiefly in Present State of Great Britain a.m. P.m. shaved and rode to Eccles to see Mr. and Mrs. Dysart before they set out for Edin- burgh, which they intend on Wednesday next. The children have been all there for a fortnight past. Spent evening and night very agreeably. Nobody with them but Mrs. Gordon. Munday, November 29th. — At Home seeing sick and baptizing children. Had a message in the morning from Robert Turnbull desiring me over to Sprouston. Rode over in the evening. His niece is unwell of a scorbutick disorder, complicated with a sort of remitting fever. Saw 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 105 Spence's Polymetis 1 which he has from the library, in which there is a great collection of the sculptures. Tuesday, November 30th. — Detained at Sprouston all day and night. Doctor Shaw called a.m. and dined. John Millar there p.m. seeing Aly. Wednesday, December 1st. — Came from Sprouston by the way of Ednam, Robert Turnbull along with me. Mr. Pollock also and his daughter came up to dinner. They returned in the evening. Robert staid all night. W. Stevenson here at tea. Got a letter when I came home, desiring me to the burial of Alison Bell, who died yesterday. Thursday, December 2nd. — Set out at 7 in the morning for Dunse, the hour mentioned in the burial letter being 9. Got there not long after 9 ; road somewhat deep, but not so bad as I expected. Burial did not move till past 11, and it was near 1 before we got to Bunkle, the place of interment. Laurie, who was at the burial, carried me over to Longformacus, where we staid all night. Would have done better to have gone back to Dunse, as I was desired by Haig, but was not fond of the company there, and was loth to part with Laurie. Alison made her testament about a twelvemonth ago, and appointed Haig her exe- cutor, and his children her principal heirs. To the other brothers and sisters she has left £5 each. By her death I am freed of the tax of 10 shillings a year, which I paid as the interest of the £10 I got from her some years ago, and for which she refused to take an obligation. For this I was much obliged to her, especially as it was at the time a very seasonable supply, and I have been in the use ever since, and some time I think also before, to send her a fow of malt 2 annually. It had not been sent at the usual time this year for want of proper opportunity. She also, some time after my father's death, gave me up a 1 Joseph Spence (1699-1768), Professor of Poetry at Oxford 1746, and Regius Professor of Modern History 1742 : published Polymetis, a treatise on classical mythology, 1747: chiefly known by his Literary Anecdotes, dealing with Pope and his circle. 2 A fow is a specially south country word, and from the primary meaning of a full measure came to signify a firlot or bushel. 10G DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATII [1756 bill of his for £6, and did not even take interest for this : so that I have been more obliged to her in this way than I have ever been to anybody else. Friday, December 3rd. — Came over from Longformacus to Langtown with Laurie. Din'd with him, and drank tea and supped in B.. Cockburn's, where Peggy is looking very well. An agreeable girl really. Saturday, December 4>th. — Laurie came over with me to John Hume's, with whom we dined. Home of Fogo's eldest son 1 there, who is fixed on John for a pupil in Divinity, in consequence of a grimace of a promise which John made to his father when dying, the fulfilment of which the widow and daughters insist upon, in the view of accomplishing a project which is not likely to succeed, of getting the son into the father's kirk. John has been giving the youth some lessons, and made him give Laurie and me a specimen of his proficiency, which showed that he is not incapable, tho' a foolish, affected coxcomb. He is determined, however, to shake him off, tho' I suspect that the disappointment of his own views in succeeding to Fogo might make it very disagreeable to him to defeat the schemes of others, particularly W. Home of Polwarth, who is most likely to be the man. Came home in the evening, and read some of Pitscottie's 2 Scots History, which had come from the library on Tuesday last, along with the Irish Compendium. Sunday, December 5th. — Rode to Eccles, and preached for Mr. Dysart. He and his wife set out for Edinburgh last Wednesday, and got in on the Thursday. Came by Mains, and baptized a child. Would have staid to dine 1 This was Andrew, the eldest son of William Home, who was minister of Fogo 1722 to 1756, when he died. He was no relation of his successor in the parish, another William Home of the Bassendean family and who was the minister of Polwarth 1735 to 1758, and was predecessor in that parish 'of Sandy Hume, the son of John Hume of Abbey St. Bathans, minister of Greenlaw. 2 This would likely be Freebairn's edition of the well-known History of Scotland, by Robert Lindsay of Pitscottie, published in 1728, though it may perhaps have been a reprint of that edition published by Urie, Glasgow, in 1749. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 107 with Mr. Watson, but had promised to come back to dine with Mr. Walker, whom Matthew had procured to preach for me here. Got home about 3. Mr. Walker staid all night. Munday, December 6th. — Mr. Walker staid till 12. Had the news, in which there is nothing remarkable. After- wards looked to some things in the Irish Compendium, and read Pitscottie, who is often diverting with his simple, antique manner and stile. Thursday, December 9th. — Thomas Pollock, junior, here, also three of the elders, counting the box, and giving out their share of last year's collections to the Home people. Evening and night read more of the reviews. Friday, December 10th. — Read the reviews near to an end. These works are improved a good deal of late. The account of the work on Pope's genius and writings is full of most learned and candid criticism. Attended a while, and directed the leading of the muck. Went to Sir Robert's p.m., and staid till after supper. Saturday, December llth. — Slept on the Irish Com- pendium, There is at the end of it a sort of abrege of the principles of Heraldry, from which a good deal of that art might be learned with a little pains. Wednesday, December 15th. — Read Pitscottie to an end, the whole of which is a very simple narrative, but in some places discovering much more silliness and credulity than in others. The stile abounds with old vernacular idioms, which are often diverting. Read also the prefaces to Melville's Memoirs, 1 and looked to some things in Sir John Stewart's index to the Scots Acts. Thursday, December 16th. — Read some of the Principles of Heraldry at the end of the Irish Compendium, from which I see, by a little perseverance, some knowledge may be obtained of this Art, of which I have been hitherto wholly ignorant. Rest of the day read some of Melville, also the fifteenth book of Buchannan, and the short account of Ireland in the beginning of the Irish Compendium. 1 Sir James Melville of Hallhill (1535-1617). His Memoirs were first published by his grandson, George Scott of Pitlochie, in 1683. 108 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1756 Friday, December 17th. — Mr. Dawson here at dinner. Got Drummond of Hawthornden's works from Sir Robert's, in which I read several things. At night read a good deal of the history of King James 1. in Buchannan. J find a piece of him will be very refreshing to intermix with the other Scots Historians, some of which I intend to go through. Munday, December 20th. — James Turnbull staid till after dinner. Read afterwards James i.'s life to an end in Hawthornden, who generally agrees with Buchannan, and often almost copies him. Read also in Pitscottie and Hawthornden part of the reign of James 11. Tuesday, December 21st. — At Home attending a meeting about the poor. Baptized also a child, and saw some sick. Philip came before dinner by the way of Whitsum. He preached at Swinton for Cupples on Sunday. Chatted evening and night with him. Wednesday, December 22nd. — Prepared, in the garden, ground for planting tulips, which the frequent frosts have hindered my planting hitherto. Read, evening and night, more of the Principles of Heraldry in the Irish Com- pendium, and also a good deal of the Reign of James 11. in Buchannan. Thursday, December 23rd. — A.m. planted my tulips. Would also have planted my ranunculuses, but W. Steven- son came to dinner before I had done. He sate till the evening. Afterwards read in the Irish Compendium and Buchannan. Friday, December 2Uh. — Walked to John Watson's at Mains to baptize a child to one of his servants. Philip went along with me, and we dined there. Mr. Lundy came in the evening in his way from Lothian, where he has been almost a month. He staid all night. Heard from him further accounts of the great success of John Home's play. 1 Saturday, December 25th. — Went to the burial of the 1 Douglas had been brought out at the theatre in Edinburgh on 14th December. 1756] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 109 Bailie's mother, who had been long ill. A good many people there. Mr. Lundy staid, and Mr. Dobbie came to dinner. Both went away in the evening. Did some- thing for to-morrow. Munday, December 27th. — Walked to Hermiston-heads a.m. to baptize a child to the tenant there. Evening read all the Elements of Heraldry at the end of the Irish Compendium, except the examples ; a few also of them. A revisal and a little practise would render me pretty much master of these things. Tuesday, December 28th. — Walked with Philip to Kelso. Din'd with Mr. Lundy according to agreement, when we saw him here. Drank tea in Mr. Dawson's, and supped in Dobbie's, whose wife is an agreeable, sensible woman. Robert Turnbull came up to dinner, and staid all night. Wednesday, December 29th. — Messrs. Turnbull, Lundy, Philip, and myself walked to Lintoun, where we arrived about 1. Preferred walking to riding on account of the frost. Staid at Lintoun all night. Diverted with Lundy' s simple zeal for all that he thinks right, and against all heresy and vice. This has such a root in him, that it makes it difficult for him either to know the world, or to render himself agreeable to the bulk of it, especially to that called the Beau Monde. Notwithstanding of which, he is a man of extraordinary probity and virtue. Thursday, December 30th. — Went over in a body to Morbattle, and dined ; Andrew breakfasted with us at Lintoun. Staid at Morbattle all night. Rather perse- cuted our brother Mr. Lundy too much, so as to give him some uneasiness. I often repent of this, yet it is hard to resist the temptation that the uncommon simplicity and innocent foibles of the man afford. Friday, December 31st. — Prevailed with to stay at Mor- battle to dine. Scot of Belford dined with us. After 3 set out with a design to go to Kelso, but Mr. Lundy wet his foot in a hole in the way to Lintoun, which, with its being too late, determined us to stay there all night. 110 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 1757 Saturday, January 1st. — Set out from Lintoun after break- fast, and got to Kelso before 1. Din'd with Mr. Lundy, and came home about 4. Left Philip at Kelso to preach for Mr. Lundy to-morrow. Somewhat fatigued. Did something for to-morrow. Sunday, January 2nd. — Had a letter from Mr. Dysart with the Magazine for 1757, which I had desired him to procure for me, also the June and October Magazine for the 1741, which I wanted to compleat the set for that year. He has also secured for me, in Mr. Hamilton's sale, a Latin translation of Plutarch's Lives. He writes me, what Rogers of Howman, whom we met yesterday cross- ing the boat, had told us before, that there has been a great stir in the Presbytery of Edinburgh about John Home's play, and that orders have been given to write to the Presbytery of Haddington and also to the other Presbyteries, some of whose members went to the Play House to see it acted. These were Carlisle, Wm. Home, Mr. Dysart, Francis Scot, 1 and Cupples. Also Steel 2 in Air Presbytery, and White 3 in Edinburgh Presbytery. Matthew also writes that Anderson's 4 prosecution of Lord Kaims does not fall with the prosecutor, who died a fort- night ago, but that Alexander Webster, 5 etc., appear in support of the libel. These affairs are likely to be trouble- some. 1 Francis Scott, minister of Westruther 1738-81. Succeeded his father, Walter, in the parish. 2 John Steel, minister of Stair, died ' Father of the Church ' in 1804, aged ninety-three. He, like the others who attended the performance of Douglas, had to express regret before the Presbytery. 3 John White, minister of Liberton 1752-89, was suspended for three weeks for having attended the performance of Douglas. 4 Rev. George Anderson, chaplain in Watson's Hospital, who though nearly eighty years of age had vehemently attacked Karnes in a pamphlet entitled Estimate of the Profit and Loss of Religion . . . 5 Alexander Webster, minister of Tolbooth Parish, Edinburgh, 1737-84. A leader of the evangelical party in the Church, but more famous for his convivial and social habits, which made him very popular and beloved. Carlyle gives a pungent estimate of him in his Autobiography. i 7 57] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 111 Monday, January 3rd. — Went to Home to baptize and see sick. Philip staid at Kelso, dining at Dobby's. Even- ing and night read scheme of the last year's Militia Bill in the Magazines, and also Fletcher's discourse on Militias, where there is a much nobler scheme, tho' less practicable. Tuesday, January 4>th. — Walked to the Presbytery, where we had some trifling business about a fornicator. Mr. Chatto and his wife, Messrs. Robert and James Turnbull, and Mr. Lundy came up with Philip and me, and staid all night. Abundantly cheerful. Wednesday, January 5th. — Company staid to dine. Only Mr. Lundy was obliged to go to a poor's meeting. Mr. Walker came up from M'Kerston, with whom Mr. Chatto and his wife rode down in the afternoon. Robert and James Turnbull staid all night. Thursday, January 6th. — We went down to M'Kerston to dine, whither Mr. Lundy came in the evening, and T. Hall from Berwick, which filled Mr. Walker's house. Friday, January 7th. — Came up with Philip from Mr. Walker's before dinner. Saw before I came away a great curiosity : stones taken out of John Hall. T. Hall had in a box the stones which were taken out of the bladder of his father, who died about 3 months ago. They were in number 28, nearly of the same size and shape. They were tetraedra, the angles rounded, and sides for most part a little hollowed ; of a light brown colour, and not weighty for their size, and of a pretty firm consistency. Parts of some of the strata had been broken off from several of them, and a good many of such scaly pieces were found in the bladder amongst them, and kept in a piece of paper by themselves. What was the immediate cause of the patient's death was a piece of this kind, which for a long time stopt the urethra, and was of a darker colour and much harder than any of the large stones. The weight of all the stones and pieces was about 8 ounces. I have scarce seen anything that could give the idea of greater misery than what the unhappy patient must have endured. In the evening Philip and I went up to Sir Robert's, and staid till after supper. 112 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1757 Saturday, January 8th. — Walked to Wm. Stevenson's with Philip, and dined. Saw there a burlesque epilogue to John Home's tragedy. Both it and the prologue seem to be from one hand, which is now said to be Hugh Dalrymple, 1 the advocate. They are not void of satirical wit, though their principal character is malignity. Had a line from Matthew Dysart, along with a Latin Transla- tion of Plutarch's Lives, which he has bought for me,, in which he tells me that the Presbytery of Haddington have shown great contempt of the letter from the Presby- tery of Edinburgh informing against John Home, and have delayed the consideration of it till March. Munday, January 10th. — Walked to Home to see sick, and to marry M. Brown to James Landreth's son. 2 Even- ing read part of the younger Cato's life in Plutarch, and compared it with the Latin translation, which I found in many places very helpful, though often both licentious and erroneous. It is the work of various hands, mostly Italians, and the chief hand is Lapus, a Florentine, who translates this Life of Cato. I suppose Rylander's trans- lation is better. Wednesday. January 12th. — Examined again in the kirk. Mr. Dawson here a while in the forenoon. Got Ruddi- man's edition of Buchannan 3 belonging to Mr. Lundy from Mr. Dobby, also his Answer to Man,* in both which I read miscellaneously. At night wrought on Will's exercise and addition. Thursday, January ISth. — Thomas Pollock here to bid us farewell. He sets out for London 2 or 3 days hence. Read Buchannan, and Drummond on the life of James 1. Friday, January 11th. — Read [the] Scots Compendium, 1 Hugh Dalrymple was the son of Robert Dalrymple of Waterside and Dreghorn. 2 This was not a son of James Landreth, the minister of Simprin, who is said in the Fasti Eccl. Scot, to have died unmarried. 3 Thomas Ruddiman, the grammarian, published an edition of Buchanan's works in two volumes, 1715. In his Jacobitical preface and notes he adversely criticised Buchanan's character and political views. 4 James Man, an Aberdonian philologist, who exposed errors in Ruddi- man's edition of Buchanan. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 113 Buchannan, and Sage's Preface to Drummond, in which I think it is established beyond a possibility almost of doubting that Buchannan's account of Robert n.'s marriages is wrong, and that Elisabeth Mure was his first wife and was dead before he came to the throne. Wrought at night on Will's discourse. Munday, January 11th. — Read [the] Scots Compendium, Drummond, and Buchannan, who is certainly scarce inferior to the very best classicks. I read him with vast pleasure. Had a letter from Philip, where he tells me that a ship from Nevis in which Samuel Stanton had some goods remitted for a debt long due to him at Nevis and into which he was led by Bridgewater, has been lost on the South of England. (This was a misinformation. 1 ) Philip probably had at least letters for him in the same ship. There seems to be no end of his misfortunes and disappointments from that quarter. Thursday, January 20th. — Examined at Home Byres, and rode over from that to Greenlaw according to appoint- ment with Mr. Dysart last Saturday. Very cold, and several bad steps in the riding ; yet most places still bear. Found Matthew at Greenlaw, whose errand was to talk with John Hume about the letter from the Presby- tery of Edinburgh informing against him and Willy Home for going to see Douglas. Found John as moderate as could be wished. Friday, January 21st. — Staid with John Hume till after dinner. He and Mr. Dysart were seeing in the forenoon H. Brunfield, who was seized and brought to prison on Saturday, after long hunting him in vain. It 's perfectly in his power to satisfy his creditors and be at liberty when he pleases. But he is an incorrigibly obstinate fool, not without a great dash of the rogue. Found it extremely bad riding, but my horse being pretty well shod kept up better than I could have expected. Found a letter from Philip, enclosing one to him and another to me from Ephraim, who seems to have resumed his work on Pytha- goras's Life and Philosophy. 1 Marginal note. H 114 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 Saturday, January 22nd. — Minna Dawson here till the evening. John Miller dined with us, having been at Home Byres with a lying-in woman. Andrew Johnson here most of the evening. Did something for to-morrow, and wrote to Philip at night. Munday, January 2Uh. — Walked to Fallside Hill to examine, and baptized a child at Home Byres and another at Home. Evening looked to some things relating to Pythagoras in Stanley, which I had got from Kelso in the morning, with a view of writing to Ephraim Neilson. Slept on Buchannan, end of James 11. 's life. Tuesday, January 25th. — A.m. chiefly employed in mending some things about my clothes. Rest of the day read Drummond and Buchannan. Wednesday, January 26th. — Examined at Oxmuir. Read in the evening part of the life of Pythagoras in Stanley, and wrought at night on Will's exercise and addition. Thursday, January 21th. — Walked to Todrig and ex- amined. Much ice on the ground, and a very thin covering of snow. Evening read the London (December) Magazine which came from Philip. Had also a letter from him, in which he writes me, he heard from Allan last week at Edinburgh, who wrote him that Lord Home's papers relating to Hutton have at last been seen by our lawyers, and that the issue of the affair is doubtful, tho' there are good hopes. Andrew Pringle, on whose judgment we could most depend, is, it seems, unwell. Friday, January 28th. — Look'd into and read some of the beginning of Cicero de Oratore, of which John Hume of Greenlaw sent me Pearce's edition a.m. 1 P.m. shaved and went to Sir Robert's, where Miss Pringle has been distrest a good deal with cholick pains and a looseness for some time past. Got my stipend. Came home before 9, and wrought at night on Will's discourse. Munday, January Slst — Read a pamphlet which I got from the library by Wm. Stevenson entitled Remarks on 1 Zachary Pearce (1690- 17 74), Bishop of Rochester 1756. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 115 the French Memorials about the Limits of Acadia. The pamphlet is heavily wrote, but exposes sufficiently the chicanery and effrontery of the French with regard to this affair. Paid John Smeaton for carriers etc. Andrew Johnson a while here in the evening. Tuesday, February 1st. — Paid James Hay in the fore- noon. Afterwards, having shaved, went to Ednam, where I found Andrew Chatto and James Turnbull. Mr. Pollock had trysted us to speak about the repairs of his kirk, but had settled, at least thinks he has, the affair with his heritors beforehand. Andrew and James Turnbull came up with me and staid all night. Wednesday. February 2nd. — Weather the same, ex- tremely cold. Trees and shrubs, etc., hanging with much rime, which fell both last night and this in uncommon quantities. My guests after breakfast walked down with me to the Presbytery leaving their horses here. At the Presbytery, chiefly employed in a wrangle betwixt Mr. Lundy and his heritors about the funds in the Session's hands, which they would have dispersed, and Mr. Lundy inclines to keep entire. Advised him to give them £10 to answer the present loud demands of the poor, but to endeavour, if he can, to replace it. Had a library meeting at night, where we sate till 12. Commissioned several books, amongst the rest, Postlethwayt's Dictionary of Commerce. 1 Thursday, February 3rd. — Breakfasted in Dobbie's, and din'd in Mr. Lundy 's. Came home in the evening. Dozed and read a little miscellaneously. To-day and yesterday, had letters from Philip enclosing others from James Allan and G. Wallace, all relating to the affair of Hutton, which has at last been called, and is at best in a doubtful way ; as our lawyers have nothing it seems to object to Lord Home's claim to the patronage of Hutton, so that all depends now on making out the King's right to Fishwick and that this is his vice. 1 Malachy Postlethwaite (1707-67) published in 1751 his Dictionary 0/ Trade and Commerce. It was a translation, with additions, from the trench of J. Savary des Brulons. 116 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 Friday. February \th. — Wrote a long letter to Philip, chiefly about the Hutton affair. Afterwards read some of Stanley. Also drew the form of a discharge for James Hay, etc. Should have gone to Eccles, but it was very cold and disagreeable, and I had something of a cold on me from the Kelso expedition. Munday. February 7th. — Examined at Home. Having had an invitation from Sir Robert to dine, went up there p.m., where found Dr. Wilson, Coventree, and Hunter (son of the famous Hunter), who is sometimes preaching at Home. Sate there till 8. Reverence of a common superior, and what they call good breeding, are most useful things in Society. We made very good company. Read after I came home most part of Dr. F. Home's new work on agriculture and vegetation, 1 which Mr. Dysart had sent me. Tuesday. February 8th. — Dismal weather. No plowing for these 6 weeks past. Examined again in W. end of Home, and dined with W. Stevenson. Came home in the evening, and read out Dr. Home's work, and most part of it over again. There are many good things in it, but the stile is often faulty. Wednesday, February 9th. — Read Dr. Home's work a second time to an end. There are many useful hints and a few curious enough experiments in it. But his work on bleaching is in every respect a much better one. Did something for to-morrow. Took a walk about mid-day into my glebe where I have not been before these 6 weeks 1 . There is much water on the lower parts of it which I must be at some pains to carry off. Friday. February llth. — Wrote to Philip to enclose Ephraim's, and gave him a commission to desire Mr. Waite to make Mr. Rutter to procure for W. Stevenson and my- self each of us three tickets in the guinea lottery. Had never opportunity of trying my fortune, as they call it, at 1 Francis Home (1719-1813), son of James Home of Eccles, published his Principles of Agriculture and Vegetation, 1757 : it went through three editions and was translated into French and German. The previous year he had issued his Experiments on Bleaching (see p. 56). 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 117 so small a risque, and if by the Providence that orders all things I should succeed .so far as to be enabled to dis- charge any considerable part or the whole of my debts, it would be a great blessing. And if I should get anything more, I hope that I shall be always ready to share it with my friends, or to employ it to some good purposes. And tho' I should get nothing, it is contributing my mite to serve my country in its present straits, and will not add much to my poverty. Wrought about mid-day a while in the garden, where the thaw has not penetrated above an inch or two into the ground, below which it is still as hard as iron. Rest of the day read Logan's tedious first work on Government. 1 Got a collection of these treatises and Ruddiman's answer from Mr. Dysart, being willing to see what could be said against Robert n.'s legitimacy, after the strong evidences adduced to support it by Sage in his preface to Drummond of Hawthornden. Most of what Logan advances on the subject is peevish nibbling, tho' he shows plainly enough that the Hereditary Right men have used Buchannan ill in attacking him chiefly on the account of a mistake into which all the pre- ceding historians conspired to lead him. Saturday, February 12th. — Prepared for to-morrow, and read two-thirds of Logan's second Treatise, in which he chiefly attacks the Charters published by Hay of Drum- boot for proof of Robert n.'s legitimacy. Still, he says strong things in vindication of Buchannan, but the Charters plague him sore. Mr. Dawson here at dinner. He brought me his account, running for about 5 years, which I must see to have paid. Munday, February 14>th. — Read all day Ruddiman's 1 George Logan (1678-1755), minister successively of Lauder, Sprouston, Dunbar, and Trinity, Edinburgh : he was a voluminous author and con- 'troversialist : published his first Treatise on Government in 1746, and his second the following year. They were really attacks on Thomas Ruddi- man for his Jacobitical opinions expressed in his edition of Buchanan, and were intended to prove that the right to the crown of Scotland was not hereditary in the Jacobite sense. Ruddiman issued an answer to which Logan replied in 1749, and supplemented it by five other letters which, however, Ruddiman did not notice. 118 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 answer to Logan, with which I was upon the whole very well entertained. Ruddiman writes with a good deal of spirit, and there is always something to be learned from him. His adversary, too, gives him all manner of advan- tage. Read to within 50 or 60 pages of the end of this work consisting of 400. Tuesday, February 15th. — Walked to Home and exa- mined, my horse having gone to Berwick for Nancy yesterday. She came home in the evening ; all well there. Read out Ruddiman' s work at night ; read also the news. In the Edinburgh paper there is a long remonstrance from the Bishop of Glasgow against John Home's tragedy, and the Clergy who were seeing it acted, from which it appears that these people continue the same fools they have been for a long, long period. Wednesday, February 16th. — Examined at Home, and dined at W. Stevenson's with R. Turnbull. He came home with me in the evening, and staid all night. He tells me that D. Hume has inscribed his new Treatise to John Home of Athelstaneford, which is a very strange phenomenon, and, if there be any sense in it, it is so much in the sublime as to be much above the reach of ordinary capacities. Thursday, February 17th. — Robert Turnbull staid till after dinner. We rode down together to Kelso to the burial of Mrs. Purves, who has been long in a poor shat- tered way. Drank tea at Mr. Dawson's, and came home in the evening. Rode part of the way with Sir Robert, and talked to him of a project of buying a parcel of meal for retailing at a lower rate to the Home people. He was very well pleased with it, and disposed to join in it. Read some part of Camden's account of Ireland in his Britannia, 2nd vol., which I got from the library last Friday. Read also the papers, in which there is nothing new. Friday, February ISth. — Planted anemones in the garden. Read Love's 1 pamphlet in defence of Buchannan 1 John Love (1695-1750), grammarian and controversialist : rector of Dalkeith grammar school 1739 : published in 1737 an edition of Buchanan's version of the Psalms. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 119 wherein he seems to establish his points, though he is a poor writer. Got from Kelso Hoadley and Wilson's pamphlet on electricity, and read it almost to an end. It is an ingenious work, and goes far to ascertain the existence as well as some of the principal properties and effects of Sir Isaac Newton's aether. Saturday, February 19th. — Dobbie here dining and sate till after tea. Had a letter from John Watson of Mains in the morning desiring me to the burial of one of his boys. Set out half an hour past 1, and reached it at 4. Andrew Chatto came and staid all night. Brought some new pieces of wit relating to the tragedy of Douglas, which I had not seen before. Did something for to- morrow, and wrought a little in the garden preparing a bed for ranunculuses. Had a letter from Philip at night, in which he tells me that James Allan has somewhere got a sight of the decreet for the stipend of Hutton, but that little is to be learned from it. Munday, February 21st.— Examined at Home. Din'd in Alexander Wilson's, and baptized a child to him. After- wards baptized a child at Fallside Hill and rode W. to Hardy's Mill Place to see the old man Fairbairn who is probably dying. Came home after 6, and read about 40 pages of the beginning of Abercromby, 1 who forgets the gravity of an historian, while he is almost every page either wrangling against the English historians or in defence of his idol of Hereditary Right. Otherwise he seems to be a laborious and exact compiler. Tuesday, February 22nd. — Set out after 10 on an expedi- tion to Twisel concerted some time ago with Philip. Found him according to appointment at Learmouth, where I called in passing. Got to Twisel to dine, and staid all night. Isaac Wood there, and Lamb of Norham. Had a great variety of entertaining conversation. Lamb sate till late, and Isaac a good while after the darkening. Wednesday, February 23rd. — Staid at Twisel again all 1 Probably Martial Achievements of the Scots Nation, by Patrick Abercromby, M.D. (1656-1720). 120 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1757 day and night, being a good deal prest by the Esquire, 1 who is indeed a very knowing and a very entertaining man. He seems to be particularly a good mathematician and natural philosopher ; has lived much at London and had familiar access to the most distinguished men in those branches of Science, of whom he entertained us with several amusing anecdotes. He seems also to be a pretty good classical store, and indeed talks with much judgment on most subjects either of life or learning. Thursday, February 2Mh. — Having appointed to examine to-day at Home, set out betwixt 7 and 8 in the morning, without seeing my landlord. Found the river much swelled and was obliged to bribe the Cornhill boat people with a good deal of drink to carry me over, which they accomplished not altogether without danger, a great wave breaking once into the side of the boat. Rode up straight to Home, where I examined. Drank tea with John Mack as I had often intended. Came home between 6 and 7. Read the newspapers and some of Abercromby, but mostly dozed. Friday, February 25th. — Amused variously. Set the clock a-going, which dust and smoke, I suppose, had stopt. Mr. Stevenson here at tea. He paid me for my barley, also gave me three guineas for Lottery tickets for which I have given a commission to Mr. Waite. Cleared with Sked in the forenoon ; and evening read some of Abercromby. Saturday, February 26th. — Some rain in the morning, froze at night. At Home seeing a girl ill of the small-pox, and with all the worst signs. P.m. Went to Sir Robert's and drank tea and talked with him about some affairs of the poor of Home. Miss Pringle a good deal better within these few days. Munday, February 2Sth. — Called at Sir Robert's be- twixt 10 and 11 as I had appointed last Saturday. He went with me to Home, where we settled some difficulties 1 Sir Francis Blake of Twizel Castle, an eminent mathematician : born 1709 : supported the Government in Durham during the rising of 1745 : F.R.S. 1746 : created a baronet 1774 : died 1780. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 121 about Captain Home's Mortification, and began a sub- scription for raising a fund for buying meal for the poor of Home. Came back by Sir Robert's and dined. Miss continues better, but they don't seem to understand the necessity of a strict attention to her dyet, by which means she seems to be in great danger. Evening and night read some of Camden on Scotland, also some of the January Magazine and Appendix, which came from Berwick to-day ; and wrought a while on the Epitaph on Purdey which I got from Blake in order to correct, but did not content myself about it. Tuesday, March 1st. — Attended a meeting of the Presby- tery at Ednam appointed for the visitation of Mr. Pollock's kirk, which has been lying in ruins almost these three years. Laid on, in consequence of estimates of the proper workmen given in upon oath, about £147. Andrew Potts appeared for Sir Alexander Don, insisting on the removal of the Kirk according to an agreement of the heritors of the parish amongst themselves. But, as the tendency of this opposition seem'd only to delay the thing longer which has been too long delayed already, we did not regard it. Mr. Lundy, who left Edinburgh last week, tells me that G. Wallace seems to think that the King will be found patron of Fishwick, and that they will have sufficient proof of their being distinct parishes, but thinks the affair cannot be finished this session. Wrote letters at night to go by Will, who rides in to-morrow with the horses for Mrs. Stevenson, to G. Wallace, Davidson, and Gilbert Laurie to try to forward this affair in order to have it ended if possible this Session, but I suppose in vain. Wednesday, March 2nd. — Wrought in the garden clean- ing the ground about the auriculas and crocuses. Read the Appendix and January Magazine almost to an end, and at night read half through again the pamphlet on Electricity. Thursday, March Srd. — Read the pamphlet on Elec- tricity again to an end. Besides an ingenious explication of the phenomena in former experiments, there are several new and very curious ones, and all of them are well con- 122 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 trived, well illustrated, and the reasonings from them at the same time very ingenious and very convincing. Wrought a good deal in the garden, sowing first pease and beans for which the ground is in pretty good condition. Read what I had not read before of the Magazines, and some parts of them over again. Slept soon on Horace. Friday, March Uh. — Had a letter in the morning by the return of Mr. Stevenson's servant from John Davidson, wherein he informs me that the Hutton cause is delayed till June. He complains of a delay in James Allan about examining and returning the Diligence for recovery of papers. Wrote to Philip, and enclosed one to Mr. Blake of Twisel with Purdey's epitaph. W. Stevenson here p.m. Evening read some of Ruddiman's answer to Mann, and slept on Horace. Saturday, March 5th. — Employed all day in reading Ruddiman's answer to Mann, and consulted the original of Buchannan with Ruddiman's notes where it seemed most necessary. Ruddiman proves this antagonist of his almost everywhere equally malevolent and absurd. Both of which he indeed is to a most provoking pitch so that he has very good cause to complain of the reviewers for showing any degree of mercy to such a wretch. This pamphlet against them, which was only published last summer, and is the last of his works, is bound up along with the answer to Mann. At night did something for to-morrow. Tuesday, March 8th. — An abstract in the Review, from Norden's Travels to Egypt and Nubia, 1 led me to read part of Greaves' Pyramidographia, 2 which is a learned and accurate work, tho' Norden points out some mistakes in it. Read also some things about Poland and Prussia in 1 Frederick Lewis Norden (1708-92), Danish traveller and artist : pub- lished accounts of Egypt and Nubia. 2 John Greaves (1602-1652), mathematician and traveller : Gresham Professor of Geometry, London, 1630 : measured the pyramids of Egypt and made collections of coins, gems and Oriental MSS., 1637-40 : Savilian Professor of Astronomy, Oxford, 1643. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 123 the Atlas. At night read part of Buchannan's History of David Bruce s Reign. Thursday, March 10th. — Read a.m. betwixt 40 and 50 pages of the beginning of Cicero de Oratore. Pearce's edition, whose notes are very judicious, and emendations well founded. P.m. and evening read the January Review, where there is a pretty long account of Bower's defence, and the history of his escape published by himself ; also of a pamphlet levelled particularly at his History of the Popes, 1 in which this is compared with Tillemont's History of the Emperors, from whom he appears to have copied the greatest part, also of an answer to this by Mr. Bower. From the whole, Bower's character appears still to be very suspicious, tho' he seems to have said more in his defence than I believe most people expected. Read at night Abercromby's account of the Battle of Flodden, and end of James iv.'s reign. , Friday, March 11th. — Read over again in the Review the account of Bower's defence, etc. He seems, even by his own confession, to be convicted of putting a great cheat on the publick by his History of the Popes. He also acknowledges a love-affair that is little to his honour. Read some more of Cicero de Oratore, and slept on Abercromby. Munday, March 11th. — Wind N.W., high and cold, sun and clouds. A.m. at Hardy's Mill Place and Home, seeing sick. Afternoon went to Sir Robert's, and drank tea. Frank there and sweet little Madi, who had come from Edinburgh last night. Miss has been so very ill that Sir Robert thought fit to send for her sister. Had a good deal of talk about Douglas. Wrote to Will and also to Philip. Slept on Buchannan. Wednesday, March 16th. — Read more of Tully de Oratore. Aly Pollock and the girl Cairns who is staying with her 1 Archibald Bower (1686- 1766), originally a Jesuit, but conformed to Church of England 1726 : contributed History of Rome to Universal History 1735-44 : readmitted Jesuit 1745, but again left the Society the next year : published History of the Popes, seven vols., 1748-56. He seems to have died a member of the Roman Church. 124 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 some days, came up about 4 p.m. and staid all night. Charles came from Berwick p.m. whither he had gone yesterday with a cargo of oat-meal. Got a letter from Philip, in which he informs me that James Allan is at Edinburgh this week, by whom we may expect to hear something more about the Hutton affair. Saturday, March 19th. — Did something for to-morrow, and read a little of Tully de Oratore, and of Abercromby. Robert Turnbull came here a.m. in his way from Edin- burgh where he has been attempting the relief of a man in his parishes impressed by the Justices, I believe un- justly. Robert has entered too violently into that matter and, I believe, to no purpose. He tells me that Garrick is to act John Home's Douglas. 1 W. Stevenson here p.m., also Sir Robert Pringle and Torwoodlee a call in the evening. ' Munday, March 21st. — Rode over to Linton in conse- quence of a letter from Mr. Turnbull, desiring a meeting to consider what we should do in regard to the window tax for which we are threatened to have a decreet issued against us on Tuesday next. All there but Messrs. Pollock and Walker. Resolved to send up our money that it might be paid if absolutely necessary, but at the same time got Joseph Leek to write to his brother-in-law, the Collector, desiring a delay of Diligence till we should have leisure to inquire what ministers have done in other places. We gave Mr. Hog our money, who is to be at Jedburgh to-morrow. Robert Turnbull, Mr. Lundy, and I staid at Lintoun all night. Tuesday, March 22nd. — Breakfasted and dined at Mor- battle. Set out with Robert Turnbull and Mr. Lundy about 4. Robert rode home. I came to Kelso and drank tea in passing with Mr. Lundy ; also talked to M'llwraith about some debts he has a commission to call in for Mr. Edmiston. Came home about 8. Got the news, where there is a very favourable account of John Home's play. 1 Garrick had previously refused the play, and it was produced in London by Rich at Covent Garden. i 7 57] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 125 I slept on Rollins' Quintilian, which I borrowed from Mr. Lundy. Thursday, March 2Uh. — Read Tully de Oratore, of which I finished the second book. Was spreading dung on the grass in the glebe, when Robert Turnbull came. Went up with him to Sir Robert whither he went to sollicit for his Sprowston prisoners. Walter Pringle 1 there. Miss no worse, but still in a poor way. Got the papers, in which there is an account of much damage, chiefly in the W. of England, by a tempestuous wind on the 15th. Our Fleet in the Atlantick I am afraid will have a sore time of it. Robert Turnbull staid all night. Saturday, March 26th. — Set out at the same time with Matthew [Dysart] on my expedition to Bunkel, 2 where I had engaged to preach to-morrow, when I was there at Alison Bell's burial. Dined at Greenlaw, and got a note of the Fiars. Thence went over to Polwarth, where I staid all night. Cupples there. They had just got a printed copy of the new tragedy of Douglas sent from London, whence also they hear that John had made £250 of his first Benefit night and got 20 guineas sent him by- the Duke of Cumberland. Willy [Home] read Douglas, but so badly that I could form no right judgment of it. Sunday, March 27th. — Set out from Polwarth betwixt 7 and 8, and got to Bunkel betwixt 9 and 10. A decent enough country audience. Sally Hart 3 a very well- looking girl. Came to Langtown, and staid all night. Munday, March 28th. — Set out from Langtown a.m. and came home to dinner. Read at Langtown Ferguson's 4 1 Walter Pringle, advocate, Sheriff of Roxburghshire, brother of Sir Robert, succeeded to the estate of Torsonce on the death of his brother Gilbert, and died unmarried. 2 Bunkle is now included in the united parishes of Bunkle and Preston. It is about fifteen miles from Stitchel. 3 Sally Hart was a daughter of Walter Hart, minister of Bunkle 1706-61, •by his second wife Sarah, daughter of John Ker, surgeon. She is prob- ably the Sarah Hart who married Ridpath's brother Will, the minister of Edrom, in 1766. 4 Adam Ferguson (172^-1816). At this time Librarian to the Faculty of Advocates : Professor of Natural Philosophy, Edinburgh, 1759 : of 126 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 serious work in defence of Douglas and the stage, which is well enough intended and has some reasoning and instruction in it, but the stile and manner of it is very poor and dull, so that I am positive the author cannot be a man of genius. Came home about 3. Afterwards dozed, and read some pieces of Quintilian. Slept on Buchannan. Tuesday, March 29th. — Read Cicero de Oratore, and slept on Buchannan. Read also Newcastle, Edinburgh, and last London papers. From the last-named I see that Douglas was acted, I suppose for the fifth time, on Satur- day the 19th, by the command of the Prince of Wales. But on the Monday after, there was an interruption, King Lear being acted that night for the benefit of Barry. Wednesday, March 30th. — Indifferent seed-time. Sowed second crop of beans and pease. John Miller came before dinner, and staid till after tea. Read some of Cicero de Oratore, in the evening, and slept soon on Buchannan. Thursday, March 31st. — Read Cicero de Oratore, and a good deal of Abercromby at night. Wrought a little in the garden, and was at Home Byres p.m. talking to W. Stevenson about the project of buying meal for the poor of Home, for which Hunter is still willing to advance £20, on Lord Home's account, as he informed by a letter in the beginning of this week. Friday, Aprile 1st. — Read a.m. Tully de Oratore. Sandy Herriot came and dined. In the evening got Douglas from Edinburgh, which I read and was a good deal inter- ested by it, but must read it once more before I judge. Read also great part of the February Review, which I got from Kelso. In the foreign articles which they have taken in to this Review for the first time, there is an account of a good work published at Paris on the Revo- lution of Arts, by Mehigan, also a very singular cure of a cancer by an infusion of the Solanum Lethale. Moral Philosophy 1764, and of Mathematics 1785 : a friend of Alexander Carlyle, who mentions his pamphlet on Douglas, produced about the same time as one by himself on the subject. It was entitled The Morality of Stage Plays, which the author defended as indirectly sanctioned in Scrip- ture, and directly by the fathers of the Church. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 127 Saturday, Aprile 2nd. — Read Douglas again, and am on the whole very well pleased with it. Objection, I see, may be made to some parts, both of the plan and exe- cution, but in general it is a* fine tragic tale ; the principal characters well marked and well supported ; the ex- pression strong, and often beautiful, and I think more natural and more free from fustian than almost any of our modern tragedies. I am pretty confident it is a work that will last, and as, with all its other qualities, it is strictly pure and innocent in point of its morals, those sons of dulness, faction, or malignity, who have shown so much bitterness against it, must appear to a succeeding age in a very wretched light. Read also the Review to an end. Wrought some in the garden, and did something for to-morrow. Sunday, Aprile 3rd. — Called up about 5 to see a woman who was like to die with the continuance of a vomiting, which had followed upon taking an emetic yesterday afternoon. After the vomiting ceased, some violent hysterics succeeded. John Miller was sent for and quieted these troublesome symptoms by some proper remedies. Munday, Aprile \th. — Saw in the forenoon the woman who was so ill yesterday. She is tolerably easy again, but remembers not anything that passed yesterday, nor even of the taking of her vomit, soon after which the people about her say she seemed to become insensible, which circumstances, and with the extreme violence of its operation and the fits that succeeded, make it look like something poisonous. Tuesday, Aprile 5th. — Went to the Presbytery, which met also yesterday, about the window tax business, according to an appointment at Lintoun, which I had quite forgot. Some of the Brethren had in the interval been making enquiry and had found that ministers in several other counties had not yet paid nor were resolved to pay till their appeals were discust, and that no dili- gences had been issued against any of them, upon which we resolved also to delay paying. To-day, had before us the affair of Ednam Kirk. Since our meeting at Ednam, 128 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [i757 we have all got summoned at the instance of Ednam and Sir Alex. Don on a process for transportation of the kirk by the authority of the Commissioners of the Teinds. But as we looked upon this a*s only intended for a delay, we gave our decreet against the heritors for re-building it where it formerly stood, and appointed John Waldie our factor for that effect. Settled accounts with Walker, and keep the money I owe him for part of the last of Mr. Semple's bill. Drank tea in Doctor Thompson's. Nancy and the girls walked down with me in the forenoon. Nancy staid, and I came up in the evening. Wrote to Will by T. Wood, who is to take in the horse for him to- morrow, having occasion to go to Edinburgh. Wednesday, Aprile 6th. — Look'd over a.m. Walker's account, and wrought a little in the garden. P.m. read about 100 pages of Abercromby. His account of the Acts of Parliament, which is pretty distinct, is a very use- ful supplement to Buchannan and the other historians. But his frequent excursions in defence of the absolute power of Kings and against the claims of Parliaments are very disgusting. Slept on Buchannan. Thursday, Aprile 7th. — Shaved, and went with Mr. Pol- lock, who called in passing, to Sir Robert's, and din'd. Mr. Pringle of Bowland 1 there, with whom I had a little brush about Douglas. P.m. went to Home to a meeting about the project of buying meal for the poor. Chose a man to collect the money and to give out the meal, but resolved to make no purchase till we have the money actually in our hands. Will came home in the evening. Chatted with him about Edinburgh news. Slept on Buchannan. Friday, Aprile 8th. — Read Tully de Oratore, to the end, of which this edition of Pearce's is a most excellent one. His notes indeed are scarce numerous enough to amount to a just Commentary, but they are almost without excep- tion judicious, and most remarkable for an elegant concise - 1 James Pringle of Bowland, one of the principal Clerks of Session : born 1709 : brother of George Pringle of Torwoodlee and Lady Pringle of Stitchel. i 7 57] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 129 ness that is to be met with in but very few interpreters. If ever I can afford to buy books, I must have this edition of his of the Treatise de Oratore, and also of the Offices. Rest of the day wrought in the garden, and read a little of Abercromby. Slept on Buchannan. Saturday, Aprile 9th. — Philip cast up in the evening unexpected. He came by the way of Whitsum and Swintoun, and will be here all next week. Was agreeably surprised to see him so well, after a very anxious letter which I got from him 2 or 3 days ago about the Bridge- waters. Munday, Aprile llth. — Read to the end of James m.'s Life in Abercromby. This part of the Scots History he sets in a very new light, and seemingly on good authorities, though he is certainly far too indulgent to the Monarch. G. Bell here at dinner, to talk, I suppose, about our project of buying meal concerning which I had wrote to him. Tuesday, Aprile 12th. — W. Stevenson here at tea. Had a message towards the evening from R. Monteith who had come to Kelso, seeking votes for the Synod Clerk's office, which is to be vacant by Laurie's going to Hawick. 1 John Home has obtained a Presentation for him by his interest with the Countess of Dalkeith. With this, Mon- teith thought proper to acquaint me, that Sir John Stewart might be applied to in time to secure Langtown for Philip, in case of a disappointment in Hutton. This was very obliging in Monteith, though I believe not without a view of promoting his own affair of the Clerkship by laying me aside from asking votes for Mr. Allan ; and it was my own opinion, on reflection, as well as Philip's and Mr. Lundy's, that I could not proceed to do anything in that view on this intelligence from Monteith. Wrote, however, to Dr. Balderstone and to James Allan that they might apply to Sir John for Langtown. Monteith supped with us at Mr. Lundy's. Wednesday, Aprile 13th. — Went with Mr. Lundy, accord- 1 James Laurie, the minister of Langton, had been presented to Hawick, apparently through the interest of John Home (who was always ready to be of service to his friends). I 130 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 ing to appointment yesterday, to Sprouston to dine. Called at J. Cleghorn's in passing, and were there informed of Dr. Gibson's soliciting him for Mr. Monteith. Andrew Chatto just followed us over the water in his way home from M'Kerston. He had been informed also of this business by John Miller whom he had met on the road. On this, I asked Andrew, who hesitated sore, much moved with compassion for Monteith' s great family. 1 However, I think he will not vote against Allan. Dined and spent the night at Sprouston, where we had much disputation with Mr. Lundy about Douglas, David Hume, etc. Thursday, Aprile 14>th. — Left Sprouston in the forenoon. Called at Ednam, where Mr. Pollock will be our man. Then, after calling here and shifting, rode to M'Kerston, whither Philip and Mr. Lundy were to go by the way of Kelso. Got there late to dine. W. Walker is engaged for his own vote to Monteith, but promises his elder to James Allan. He rode with us to Martin [Mertoun], where to my no little surprise Mr. Innes 2 was ignorant of the whole matter. Informed him, and got his vote and the promise of his elder's for Mr. Allan. Was encouraged to ask it by his having told me last Synod that if Mr. Allan had come to him before Laurie, he would certainly have got it. Came home with Philip betwixt 8 and 9, and found James Allan here, with whom having consulted, we re- solved to send Charles to Edinburgh to-morrow with letters to Sir John Stewart from the Dr. and James. Sate up late prequeering 3 about Douglas against which, or rather the management of which, James has contracted some prejudices. Friday, Aprile 15th. — Walked with Philip to Kelso. James Allan rode. James dispatched several letters to his friends in the Synod solliciting them for the Clerkship. Came home in the evening. Saturday, Aprile 16th. — James Allan left us about 11. 1 Monteith at this time was father of eight children. 2 James Innes, minister of Mertoun 1718-67. 3 Properly perqueering (Ft. par cceur), inquiring into, criticising. Seldom used as a verb. T757J DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 131 Did something for to-morrow, and filled up accounts. P.m. walked to Home to attend a meeting about the Poor's meal, but mistook the afternoon for the forenoon, when some of the people had met and gone away again. Called at W. Stevenson, and agreed with him to appoint another meeting on Tuesday. Came home betwixt 4 and 5. Mr. Dawson drank tea with us. Talked over with him Mr. Allan's and Philip's affairs. Charles came home betwixt 2 and 3, and had letters to the Dr. and James Allan from Sir J. Stewart, which we looked into, and by which he is engaged to serve Philip, so far as he is able, in the affair of Langtown, but thinks that the settlement of that kirk will fall into the hands of the Presbytery. Munday, Aprile 18th. — Philip left us in the morning. Afterwards read through D. Hume's dissertations which I got from the library on Friday. The Natural History of Religion is entertaining, and has curious things in it, but its tendency is very bad. Those on the standard of Taste and Tragedy are good philosophical criticism. That on the Passions is an attempt to elucidate and popularize part of the Treatise on Human Nature ; but it is both very useless, and still is very obscure. Rode to Eccles in the evening, and spent the night with Matthew, to whom the accounts about Hawick, Laurie, Monteith, etc., were new. Tuesday, Aprile 19th. — Left Eccles after breakfast. Dined at home, and read the Edinburgh papers of last week ; also some of Herd's 1 Commentary on Horace's Art of Poetry, which I have got to look into, in ihe view of doing something to a discourse on the chorus of the ancient tragedy, which Willy Temple sent me from Edin- burgh to correct for him. At Home p.m., where we at last settled the management of everything relating to the meal to be purchased for the poor, and made a minute about it. Slept at night on Herd's Dissertation on Dramatick Poetry. 1 Sic in MS. The reference is really to Richard Hurd (i 720-1 803), Bishop of Worcester, who published an edition of the Ays Poetica in 1749. 132 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 Thursday, Aprile 21st. — Forenoon and part of afternoon read Herd's Commentary. Read also and transcribed some things from Mason's letters prefixed to his Elfrida, where there are some good things relating to the Ancient Chorus. Look'd to Aristotle, de Arte Poetica, on the same subject. Afternoon at Sir Robert's at tea. Miss in a weak, languishing way. Friday, Aprile 22nd. — Read mostly Herd's Commen- tary, also some of Francis's translation and notes on the Ars Poetica in the fourth volume of his Horace, which I got from the library. Wrought some in the garden. Saturday, Aprile 23rd. — Employed chiefly in correcting Billy Temple's discourse. I would rather have composed a new one, but as his draught is capable of being corrected into a tolerable work, I thought it would be more en- couraging, tho' it has been not a little troublesome to serve him in that way. Wrought a little in the garden, and got a parcel of boys to gather the stones from the rising grass in the glebe, which, under the direction of Charles, they have done tolerably. Read some more of Francis's translation and notes on the Ars Poetica, from which I have learned the meaning of some passages that I did not understand before, particularly the Amphora coepit institui ; currente rota, cur urceus exit ? Where the rota is the potter's wheel, the amphora a splendid bowl, urceus & coarse pitcher. Sunday, Aprile 24>th. — James Allan arrived from Bunkel, where he had been preaching (by the way of Allan-bank), at near ten. Munday, Aprile 25th. — Saw sick, and baptized in the parish, and after I came home, finished my corrections and additions of Billy Temple's work, and sent them in a letter. James Allan went to Sandy Know, where he staid all day. Came back in the evening, and Monteith arrived about 10. Very good company. Tuesday, Aprile 26th. — John Hume, Willy and Thomas Scot came to breakfast. Willy had his horse to send back. Walked down with him and James Allan to Kelso. Chose 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 133 Hepburn of Aitoun 1 Moderator, and having no manner of business, broke up about 8. Sate in Wood's with a great company till about 12, and lodged in Mr. Dobbie's, Mr. Dawson's people, with whom we dined, not having a right place for us. It was not judged at all expedient for Laurie to demitt his office, and therefore there was no trial of strength betwixt James Allan and Monteith. If there had, their forces would, I believe, have been pretty near an equality, notwithstanding Monteith' s start. Wednesday, Aprile 27th. — Attended the Culloden Feast. The company broke up between 6 and 7, most part went away between 4 and 5. Captain Mirret (?) admitted a member, also Cupples. I furnished a new catch. After all the rest were gone, sate 2 or 3 hours in Wood's with Laurie, Monteith, Willy Home, and Cupples, where we were very hearty. Came home alone betwixt 10 and 11. Allan went away with Chatto in the view of going to Belford to meet with T. Cockburn. He is going thence to Riddell to see Miss, 2 who is a great potherer for him. Thursday, Aprile 28th. — Dozed and read in the fourth volume of Francis's Horace. A little opprest with the irregular living of the 2 or 3 days past. Overlook'd in the glebe the sowing of a parcel of grass seeds, to fill up the vacancies in what I sowed last year, which has, how- ever, come away pretty well. Miss Pringle died this night betwixt 11 and 12, quite exhausted with the long continuance of her distress, which was an indigestion and looseness arising from, or complicated with, a rheumatism and female obstructions. A girl of good capacity and an exceeding good heart, and whose natural spirits and once blooming health, promised a long life. Friday, Aprile 29th. — Read miscellaneously, and wrought a little in the garden. P.m. at Sir Robert's, where all are pretty well, and in an easy, composed state. James Allan came at night from an excursion in the Presbytery of Jedburgh. 1 Patrick Hepburn, minister of Ay ton 1753-72 : son of William Hepburn, minister of Foulis-Wester. 2 Probably the daughter of Sir Walter Riddell, Bart 134 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 Saturday, Aprile 30th.' — James Allan and I set out for Berwick betwixt 9 and 10. Rode hard, which with the great heat of the day. heated and fatigued me very much, the more, no doubt, by its following the irregular living and want of rest of the preceding week. James Allan and James Turnbull preached. Drank tea in Gowdie's, and supped in Mr. Waite's. Murray along with us. Sunday. May 1st. — Lectured in Murray's Meeting, and served two tables for Gowdie. Jardine 1 preached p.m., who has attained to a decency and elegance both in composition and delivery which I could scarce have expected from him, and may support him very well, even in the Tron Kirk. Supped in Gowdie's, where we had Thomson with us, and had a good deal of entertaining talk from Jardine. Munday, May 2nd. — Colleagued with Isaac Wood. Sore distrest at a pain and stiffness in the lower ribs and hypochondrium especially of the left side, the consequence of cold and irregular living, after the heat of Saturday. All our company dined in Mr. Nixon's very elegantly. Had a walk after, with Jardine, etc., to the ruins of the Castle, from which there is a noble prospect. Drank tea in Mr. Rutherford's, and supped in the Doctor's. All along, much entertained with Jardine, who is naturally a lepidum caput, with a considerable share of good sense and much practise in the world. In the evening spoke to the Doctor, Mr. Temple, and Mr. Waite, about being bound with Philip to Mather for the Bridgewaters' Board. They all readily agreed to it, which is very humane and friendly. Spoke also to Mather and his wife on the same 1 John Jardine, a native of Lochmaben, minister successively of Liberton 1741, Lady Yester's, Edinburgh, 1750, and the Tron, Edinburgh (second charge;, 1754, till his death, which occurred suddenly in the General Assembl)*, 30th May 1766. Carlyle gives a graphic account of the incident. He was one of H.M. Chaplains in Ordinary, Dean of the Chapel Royal and Dean of the Order of the Thistle : was a great friend of John Home, the author of Douglas, and, Carlyle says, ' a man of infinite pleasantry as well as great talents, whose conversation possessed the charm of easy, natural and attractive humour.' 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 135 subject, who can have nothing to object to the security, but insisted much on having the money, at least some considerable part of it. Paid Sam Stanton £12. Tuesday, May 3rd. — In the morning paid Mather his account, and also paid Mr. Waite for the porter and for brass nails for hanging hats on, which he had got a great while ago for Robert Turnbull and Lundy. Got also an account of the numbers of the Lottery tickets which he had procured for Wm. Stevenson and me. Set out betwixt 10 and 11, and got home about 3. Wm. Home from Polwarth here a little before me. Went with him and Robert Scot of Sandy Know to Miss Pringle's burial at 5. These two, Francis Scot, Doctor Gibson, and Thomas Dawson drank tea with us . . a good deal of tepid water. Willy Home read me part of a letter from John, in which he tells him that the Princess of Wales had sent him a present of a £100 bank bill, and that the Duke of Argyle had asked His Majesty to be present at his last benefit night, which was to be Thursday last. Thursday, May 5th. — Look'd over S. Stanton's and Mather's accounts, and marked some articles in my Almanack accounts. Slept these two last nights on Phaedrus, an author of singular elegance. Thomas Daw- son lu re at dinner and till 4 p.m. Easier to-day, tho' still greatly opprest. Drank in the morning ground ivy with dandelion and betony, and a little lavender to flavour them. Finding these things clearing my crop gradually, and promoting a diuresis. Friday, May 6th.— Sowed J lb. of dwarf pease in the garden. Read some of Horace's Epistles in Francis's translation. Mr. Lundy here at tea. His errand chiefly to desire me to write to James Allan to support a motion that may probably be made in the Synod of Lothian, to which James is our correspondent, to inquire into the conduct of the Edinburgh Presbytery in delaying the ad- mission of the new members to be brought to Edinburgh 1 A line and a half erased here. Apparently some allusion to Moffat Waters. 136 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 for a twelvemonth after Whitsunday, by which his brother at Abercorn, 1 with the rest, is a sufferer. Sunday, May Sth. — Got a letter from Philip by Mr. Stevenson, who was at Berwick yesterday, informing me that he had been with John Home, who came to Berwick early that morning. He is in good spirits, having made handsomely by his play, and got a settlement of £100 per annum made on him by the Prince of Wales till he is otherwise provided for. He also informs that the Countess of Dalkeith has wrote positively in favour of Laurie for Hawick. Munday, May 9th. — Was at Home a.m. seeing sick. John Miller here at dinner and all the afternoon. He had seen John Home of Athelstaneford at Polwarth yesterday, who, it seems, is resolved not to demit till the Assembly be over. Tuesday, May 10th. — Intended to have set out for Ber- wick in the morning, but the rain hindered me. Set out for Berwick about 3, and drank tea at Eccles. Nan is doing better. Got to Berwick about 9, where Whitfield 2 had been in the afternoon on his road to Edinburgh, whither he has no doubt been sent for by the Zealots ; as if peoples' passions were not sufficiently inflamed already. Wednesday, May 11th. — Breakfasted and dined at Mr. Waite's. Drank tea at Aunt Balderstone's, and supped in Mr. Temple's. Got some cold yesterday and to-day together, walking on the bleak walls, which made me considerably deaf. Thursday, May 12th. — Breakfasted and dined in Mr. Waite's ; drank tea in Sam Stanton's, and supped in the Doctor's, where were W. Hall, Sam Stanton, John Gray, and Mr. Waite. Sate pretty late. Called a.m. at Mr. Edmiston's. 1 Henry Lundy, a brother of the minister of Kelso, was minister of Monzie 1743, and Abercorn 1747 : he was called to Trinity Parish, Edin- burgh, 13th August 1756, but for some reason the Presbytery delayed his admission till 13th June 1758 : died 1800. 2 George Whitefield, the famous Methodist preacher : it was by no means his first visit to Scotland. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 137 Friday, May 13th. — Called at Mr. Chisholm's a.m. Drank tea with my sister and Philip in Mrs. Nicholson's. Called at Mr. Turner's in the evening, where was a strange rencounter, half moving laughter and half indignation be- twixt him and his wife. Called afterwards at Goldie's and carried him to Mr. Waite's, where we sate the evening. Saturday, May lUh.— Din'd in Mr. Hall's. Called at the Collector's, Doctor's, and Sam Stanton's. Set out after 3. Made a short call at Eccles, and got home after sunset. Learned at Eccles, that after a hard struggle the Synod of Lothian had decided against the Presbytery of Dalkeith, in favour of Carlisle, by a majority only of 2. 1 John Home, himself, was also to be before them, being referred to them by the Presbytery of Haddington, to whom it seems on examination, he talked in very high terms. Thursday was his day, and the news had not come. Wednesday, May 18th. — Wrought a good deal in the garden, hoeing pease and cabbage, etc. Read some things in Forbes on Tithes, 2 and Buchannan, and made some discoveries about the Abbey of Coldingham, which, by its founder, King Edgar, was first dedicated to St. Ebba. Afterwards, St. Cuthbert became its patron, a proof of its connexion with the Abbey of Durham. Read also some of the Acts of the Assembly, 1638, in which there is a fine discovery of the spirit of the times, and at night corrected part of a homily that Will is making for the Presbytery. Thursday, May 19th. — Cleaned my black coat for my Edinburgh expedition next week. Robert Turnbull came to dine, and sate till 7. Got last November and December Reviews and Appendix from Kelso, of which I read several articles. Read also the newspapers, in which there is nothing material. Friday, May 20th. — Wrought a good deal in the garden, 1 The Presbytery were of opinion that Carlyle's offences deserved more than a mere rebuke and remitted the matter to the Synod, who decided in favour of Carlyle. The Assembly affirmed this finding. 2 William Forbes, Advocate, Professor of Law in Glasgow University, published A Treatise on Church Lands and Tithes, Edinburgh, 1 703. 138 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 weeding flowers and hoeing pease. In the afternoon drank tea with Coventree. Read some articles of the Reviews, and look'd to some things in Spotiswood's Church History and Crawford's Scots Peerage, the last of which I got from the library to-day, the other yesterday. Saturday, May 21st. — Mr. Pollock came here a.m. and Mr. Lundy just before dinner, to get an answer drawn up to the reasons for a Bill of Suspension, which the heritors of Ednam have been applying for to hinder the effect of a Charge of horning given them by John Waldie whom the Presbytery appointed their factor for prosecuting their decreet for rebuilding the Kirk. This was soon done, and they both left us soon after dinner. Read some more of the Reviews, also two London chronicles sent from Sir Robert's, where there are several interesting things in the political way. Wrought also some in the garden. Munday, May 23rd. —Prepared a dinner for Mr. Blake and Isaac Wood, on an information given me by Isaac that Blake and he were to call here, and to carry me in to the Assembly along with them. Waited till past 2, and none of them came. Meantime, John Hume of Greenlaw came betwixt 11 and 12 flying from his fair, but left us and went to Ednam, on hearing of the company we expected. James Allan arrived betwixt 1 and 2, and he and I set out about 4. Got to Channel Kirk about 8. Afternoon ex- tremely cold. Lived comfortably enough at Channel Kirk. Tuesday, May 2Uh. — Set out from Channel Kirk about 5, and got to Edinburgh betwixt 8 and 9. Found Patrick Simpson in Boyd's, who told us first of the great victory obtained by the King of Prussia. Drest, and went to the Assembly, where the Appeal in Carlisle's cause was heard. The parties spoke till half an hour after 4, Robertson particularly well ; Primrose 1 learnedly and sensibly too on the other side, but with a manner and pronunciation that greatly disfigured what he said. G. Hamilton 2 1 James Primrose, minister of Crichton 1733-72. 2 Gilbert Hamilton, minister of Cramond 1737-72 : son of a former minister of the parish: D.D., Aberdeen 1760: Moderator of Assembly 1768. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 139 severely, against the Dalkeith prosecutors, but with tolerable decorum, and a well-aimed blow at Whitfield, who was present. The whole was very entertaining. But as parties had taken up so much time, the judges spoke none, but proceeded to decide by a vote which carried in Carlisle's favour by 3 to 1. Din'd with Jardine, Bailie Rochead, etc., in a tavern, where we sate till 10. Afterwards called at Gilbert Laurie's and sate till 12. Wednesday, May 25th. — Breakfasted at Mr. Wallace's, and was put into a way by his son of making some dis- coveries about Philip's affair. Spent about three hours in the Advocates' Library looking over the list of papers in the Coldingham archives, which are still preserved at Durham, and the catalogue whereof almost fills a small volume in folio, in which. list there are many titles of papers that might be probably of use in our cause. The very title of one of them clearly proves that Fishwick was a distinct church a.d. 1462. But I made a much more considerable discovery in a MS. list of parishes and stipends as they stood in the years 1574 and 5, which has very lately been brought into the library, having been in the collection of Bishop Keith's papers. From this it plainly appears that at that time Hutton and Fishwick were standing and distinct churches. These discoveries improved my spirits a good deal. Told G. Wallace of them, and in the forenoon spent more than an hour with Davidson, in which we talked over the whole affair, and concerted such a way of prosecuting it as will, I hope, bring it to an issue during next Session. Davidson has not been so careful in it as he should have been, partly, I think, from a despair of success, partly from an aversion to do anything disobliging to J. M'Kenzie or Renton, who served his friend Waugh in Whitsum affair, but I hope he will now do something. Drank tea at old J. Davidson's, who is creeping abroad again, but seems so infirm that he is not likely to live long. Made several other calls, and supped at Mr. Laurie's, himself not in the house. Thursday, May 26th. — Could not get away from town till 12. Stopt at Channel Kirk Braefoot, and got home a 140 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 little after 9. Breakfasted with Mrs. Dysart, where I had also called before. Nan seems to be in a very good way. She is drinking goats' whey, and it agrees with her. Friday, May 27th. — James Allan staid till after dinner. Read, along with him, three books of Wilkie's poem, 1 and all the rest of it after he had gone. It seems to be a very extraordinary work. Was a good deal tired with yester- day's journey, the last part of which we travelled fast. Saturday, May 28th. — Did something for to-morrow, and read some articles in last November and December Reviews. Mr. Dawson here at tea, and John Aitchison of Morpeth called in the evening. He tells me that Douglas's settle- ment at Jedburgh is ordered to go on, also that an over- ture against the stage, after long disputation, had [been] carried, but is drawn up in much less violent terms than was at first proposed. He informs me also, that his own affair at Falkirk has hitherto a favourable aspect. After sitting an hour with us, he rode down to Kelso. Tuesday, May Slst. — Read newspapers and some articles of last March Review. Also wrote some things out of Drummond of Hawthornden relating to the Abbey of Coldingham, and out of Crawford's Peerage about the Home family. Wednesday, June 1st. — Mr. Dawson came here before dinner, and John Miller p.m., who put into my hands a manuscript of a thesis he is to publish on taking his degree, which he is to do very soon, that I may revise the Latin of it. Thursday, June 2nd. — Read the March -Review to an end, and wrought a while on John Miller's thesis. P.m. at Sir Robert's with Philip drinking tea. Sir Robert and Mary had gone this afternoon to Torwoodlee and Bowland. Friday, June 3rd. — Philip set out for Morbattle a.m. to consult with Andrew Chatto about applying for Oxnam which, it is said, is to become vacant by Boston's going to the Jedburgh people. Robert Turnbull and his nephew Hay, who came with him from Edinburgh, were here dining. i.e. the Epigoniad, by William Wilkie, minister of Ratho. i 7 57] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 141 Had a good deal of talk about Assembly News. After they were gone, wrought on John Miller's thesis, which does not require very many corrections. At night finished the cor- rection of Will's homily. Saturday, June 4th. — Prepared for to-morrow, and wrought on J. Miller's thesis which I got once through. It was much less faulty in point of language than I ex- pected to find it, and proves John to be a pretty good Latin scholar. As to the work itself, the reasonings seem natural and very judicious. Mr. Dawson here, but did not stay. He has been of late attending frequently the poor man Adam Speirs, who cut his foot cruelly with an ax. Munday, June 6th. — Wrought chiefly on John Miller's thesis. When I had got through it almost a second time, he himself came. Revised it with him, and explained my corrections where it was needful. Mr. Dawson also at tea, and Bailie Laurie's and William Dickson's wives seeing my mother. Slept on Buchannan's account of Alexander m.'s reign. Tuesday, June 7th. — Attended the Presbytery, where we had a scandal remitted from the Session of Kelso, that employed us a good while. Will also delivered his homily. Drank tea in Mr. Lundy's. Wrote to James Allan to Berwick. Philip came to Kelso in the morning with Andrew Chatto and James Turnbull, and came home with me at night. Wednesday, June 8th. — Rode to Eccles, where we dined and drank tea. Robert Turnbull and Mr. Lundy also there, and Thomas Pollock at tea. The younger children grown taller, and much improved. Came home in the evening, and staked some pease in the garden. Thursday, June 9th. — Wrote some little hints about our Hutton affair, in order to keep them in my memory. T. Lillie came to dinner, absurd enough still, but rather im- proved than otherwise. Walked down p.m. with Philip and Nancy to Mr. Pollock's, where we stayed till the evening. Friday, June 10th. — Wrought a good deal in the garden, staking pease, etc. Read and transcribed some more from 142 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 Scots Peerage, also looked over some of the great catalogues for books relating to Monasteries, and marked their names, in order to consult them, if there be occasion, at Edinburgh. Read in the evening the last Chronicle, where there are some curious things from Keysler's Travels. 1 Mr. Dawson here at tea. Saturday, June 11th. — Wrought some in the garden, and consulted some books of history, law, etc. Mr. Lundy here at dinner and tea. He had a letter from Wm. Scott, our agent in the Ednam affair, which he showed me. The heritors have obtained a suspension of our decreet. Am to give him directions when I go to Edinburgh. Had a message at Hunter for money, who has disappointed me a 3rd or 4th time. This will hinder my going to Edinburgh on Monday. Munday, June ISth. — -Amused and read variously. Got £20 from Hunter in the evening by N. Leitch, which pre- pared me for Edinburgh journey. Tuesday, June lUh, to Thursday, June 23rd. — All this time at Edinburgh, and in journey to and again. Spent most of my time in attending my agent Davidson, in searching Records in the lower Parliament House, and at Sim's, who keeps the Privy Seal Register, later than the Restoration, also in the Advocates' Library transcribing things relating to Coldingham from the catalogue of its papers in the Durham archives, and also from a MS. of Father Hay which contains an account of all the religious houses in Scotland. The result of these enquiries was a discovery in the Privy Seal Register of two Royal pre- sentations to Hutton, one in 1679 to Orr on a vacancy by the death of Mr. Patrick Home, and another in 1636 to Mr. James Lundy on a vacancy by the demission of Mr. Allan Lundy. The discoveries with regard to Coldingham were of more curiosity than use. Saw, however, in the lower part of the House, the Act of erection of Coldingham in favour of John Stuart, second son of Earl Bothwell, upon an apprising on which Lord Home's claim to the 1 Johann George Keysler, Travels through Germany translated from the second edition of the German. London, 1756. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 143 patronage of the churches which depended on the Priory of Coldingham is founded. There are seven churches mentioned in that Act, of which Fishwick is one, and which, as appears from the Act, was then united to Hutton. To all these churches, it appears from the Privy Seal Register, that the Crown has given presentations without, inter- ruption down to the present times. Only to two of them, however, Stitchel and Hutton, Lord Home has presented since about the 1730, along with the Crown. These Acts of Possession, on the part of the Crown, most of the lawyers I spoke to seem to think of great weight. I was agreeably situated as to company and other respects in the intervals I was not employed in business. Saw D. Home a good deal, which was chiefly owing to Mrs. Dysart, who invited him to dine at her house on the day I was engaged to dine with her, the consequence of which was two subsequent invitations to dine at the Clerk's, and David's own house. Saw, in company with David, 1 the collection of Medals, Ancient and Modern, and the Mummy in the Advocates' Library. Met with Robertson there one day, and had a good deal of chat with him about his History, which he has brought down to the 1589. He has bestowed, and intends still to bestow a good deal of labour on it, and I daresay it will be a valuable and entertaining work. Took a ride with old James Davidson, a poor object, to New-hailes 2 on Saturday the 18th p.m., where the new drawing-room, bedchamber, and closet are the finest things in point of high finishing, furniture, etc., that I have ever seen. The library is a spacious room of about 40 feet long, by 24 broad, and 20 and upwards I think in height, and as full 1 David Hume was at this time Keeper of the Advocates' Library. - Xewhailes was built by Sir James Dairy mple, Bart., grandson of the first Viscount of Stair : it was named after his other estate of Hailes near Haddington. Carlyle says it was one of the first houses whose park was laid out and adorned with all the elegance of modern taste. In- ternally it is still a fine specimen of an eighteenth-century mansion house, and the elaborately carved mantelpieces in the principal rooms form a great feature in its architectural details. The library has long been famous : its contents were much added to by various items of excep- tional interest by Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Hailes, the son of the founder. 144 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 of books as it can hold. Had a walk also with Geo. Wallace to Braid, which is a very fine rural scene of wood, rocks, and water. Left the town on Thursday after mid- day, and came home betwixt 9 and 10. Met with John Home at Channel Kirk and drank with him half a mutchkin punch. He has taken a country house in the neighbour- hood of Braid, where he intends to live during the summer. D. Hume is to be his contubernalis for some part of it, which is certainly very wild. (This did not hold. 1 ) Found Mr. Waite here, who had come to bring Philip a letter from M'Doual's partner at Glasgow, informing him that a ship was to sail from Newport Glasgow to St. Kitt's on the 30th current, and desiring him to send the boys to go in it. Philip was detained here beyond the term of his vacancy by a strain he had got at Eccles. Richard Brown also here. Was fatigued with travelling in a hot day, and hurt by J. Home's punch, the consequence of which was a slight fit after I came home, but it went off with a loose stool. Friday, June 2Uh. — Mr. Waite, Philip, and Brown staid till after dinner. Afterwards journalized and look'd to the Acts of Assembly, [16] 38 to 49, where in the Index of unprinted Acts for Assembly 49, I see one, Mr. James Lundy, the name the same with that of the King's Presentee to Hutton, 1636, deposed, the consequence of which would be the settlement of next incumbent, prob- ably Mr. Patrick Home, without a presentation. Saturday, June 25th. — Lay so long a-bed resting, that I delayed setting out for Eyemouth till p.m. Dobby and his wife cast up to dinner, which detained me till 4. Brown also here. Got to Eyemouth jogging at 9. Sunday, June 26th. — Preached in Kirkyard and served a table. Hepburn, Waugh, Buchannan, Brydone, coadjutors. Kirk at home supplied by Richard Brown, who preached, however, only half the day, having gone to Kelso to exchange with J. Aitchison who was taken very ill with an inflammation in his stomach. 1 Marginal note. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 145 Munday. June 27th. — Drank tea with Mrs. Crow p.m. Her daughter Margaret grown a woman, and a fort jolie one. The rest very fine girls. Rode into Berwick in the evening, where I found that Philip had sent away his West Indian boys this morning. He is better of his strain. Tuesday, June 28th. — Set out with my sister from Berwick betwixt 10 and 11, and dined at Whitsuni, where we mist John, being at the Presbytery. Got home about 7. Wednesday, June 29th. — Mr. Blake in his forma pauperis and Isaac Wood came here betwixt 8 and 9. They break- fasted, and I went with them to Melrose. Robert Turn- bull came about the time we were setting out, and staid here. Din'd at Melrose and saw the Abbey, where Brown pointed out to us some new things. 1 Drank tea in his house. Came down by the promontory or peninsula of Old Melrose, opposite to which is one of the finest natural scenes that can be seen, of rocks and steep banks covered with trees and bushes. My namesake of Gladswood, from sacred love of gain, is destroying a considerable part of these beauties that is his property. The rest belong to Haig of Bemersyde. This round, and slow riding made it 11 o'clock before we got to Kelso, where we lodged in Wood's. My fellow-travellers drank tea ; I was hungry and supped on a beef-stake. Blake has a high feeling of these natural beauties, but in matters of taste, his attainments are in- considerable, in comparison of what they are in things that belong to knowledge and speculation. Thursday, June SOth. — Saw Wm. Aitchison, who was attacked by a sort of apoplexy on Tuesday night. He seemed to be in a way of recovering, tho' he still dozes much. Looked to the old Registry of the Presbytery of Kelso in my possession, where from the Acts and Recom- mendations of Synod there inserted, I found further evid- ence of Mr. J. Lundy's being deposed about the 1649. 1 James Brown (1724-81), minister of Melrose 174S : of New Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 1 767 : and of the New North parish 1 768 : Moderator of General Assembly 1777. K 146 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 Read some of Spotswood, and dozed a good deal, not being yet quite recruited from the fatigue of Edinburgh and Eyemouth journeys. Munday, July toh. — [Ridpath probably set out for Edin- burgh on this day as there is no entry in the Diary till the next Saturday, which gives an account of his visit.] Saturday, July 9th. — Set out for Edinburgh at 5, and got there before 2 p.m. Got a consultation of lawyers on Thursday evening. Davidson drew up a very good Memorial which comprehended a distinct detail of the whole affair. In looking for something else, he discovered another Royal presentation of date Anno 1614. It is to Mr. Allan Lundy, father to Mr. James Lundy, who was presented Anno 1636. This proves a possession for more than a hundred years, and destroys even the pretension of Lord Home to a vice. The lawyers seemed all satisfied of the strength of the claim from prescription. They con- sidered the old charter on which Lord Home claims, which shows that they are wrong in founding their claim on the rights of the Provostry of Dunglass. For tho' the Kirk and Hospital of Hutton are donated by the Earl of Douglas to the Collegiate Church of Dunglass, the patronage of the Kirk is given to Alexander Home and his heirs. But this is of little moment. Prescription is the strength of our plea, and the Advocate seemed to be so well satisfied of this, that he ordered J. Davidson to take care of the vacant stipend. Dined with the representatives of the Royal Burrows on Wednesday, by invitation of G[ilbert] Laurie who, as Treasurer, is their principal entertainer. Also supped with them, the consequence of which was drinking somewhat too much of their claret. The entertainment is in the Assembly Hall, 1 which is a spacious, handsome room. Had musick after our dinner. Would have come home on Friday, but waited for G. Wallace, who was de- tained by my cause, which was enrolled for Saturday, tho' my Lord Home's lawyer not being ready, nothing was 1 Probably the old Assembly Rooms in Assembly Close. The new Assembly Rooms in Bell's Close were not yet opened. i 7 57] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 147 done, and the affair was delayed till Tuesday. Employed the Friday in seeing my old friend W. Jeffery. James Allan went with me there, and dined. Got the bad news of the King of Prussia's defeat by Wednesday's post, which cheered Jacobite countenances still more than it clouded those of Whigs. Left Edinburgh about 12, and got home after 9, George Wallace along with me. The whole week's work fatiguing by the heat of the weather. The dis- covery of the last presentation was in a particular Register of presentations consisting of several volumes, and extend- ing from 1574, I think to 1663, with a gap only of 7 or 8 years preceding the 1595. Tuesday, July 12tk. — Walked part of the way to Kelso with Miss Edgar and Mr. Dudgeon, who had been here all night. My sister Mrs. Waite and Will went to the fair. Read some of Spotswood, and amused a good deal most of the afternoon with looking through Mr. Waite's tele- scope at people coming from the fair. Could find out easily people I knew well at a mile's distance. Wednesday. July }3th. — Thomas Turnbull and Robert came here to breakfast. They sate till betwixt 12 and 1. 1 accompanied them to Home Byres, where we dined and drank tea. At night slept on Spotswood. Friday. July loth. — Robert Turnbull staid till after dinner. Had a walk with him about mid-day amongst Sir Robert's trees, and went to see William Aitchison who continues still in a sort of stupor, and cannot speak above 2 or 3 sentences intelligently or coherently. Otherwise he has no complaints, and goes about. Evening read some of Spotswood. Saturday, July 16th. — Prepared for to-morrow, read Spotswood, and marked several things in my accounts. Alison Hog here at dinner, and getting payment of her interest. Munday, July 18th. — Wrought a good while in the garden a.m. Afternoon, read Spotswood, of which work I got the old MS. which Mr. Dysart gave to our library, and which seems to be a valuable one, for by the help of it, I supplied half of a sentence in a passage, which, 148 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 as it stands in the printed copy, is nonsense. Wrote to G. Wallace and J. Davidson. It is strange I have heard from neither of them. Tuesday, July 19th. — Read some more of Spots wood and corrected part of Will's exercise and addition. Got a letter in the morning by way of Berwick, from G. Wallace, in which he informs that our cause has been delayed twice, first, from the Ordinary not having time to ovei'take it, and then from Alexander Lockhart, my Lord's lawyer, not being well. It is to be called again to-morrow. Wednesday, July 20th. — Rode over to Wooler Haugh- head to see Sir Robert's people who have been there drinking go at- whey these three weeks. Found Sir Robert and Miss Peggy gone on foot, and Mrs. Pringle, Miss Maddy, and Miss Murray about to follow on horseback, all to dine at Fowberry. 1 Rode over with them and dined. Left Fowberry at 4 J. Stopt more than half an hour at Newton to give my horse corn, and got home about 10. An agreeable jaunt, tho' somewhat fatiguing. Fowberry is made and making a very elegant place. The house is a stout, ancient pile, modernized not unhappily, and elegantly finished and furnished. A large piece of ground in the neighbourhood is laid out into a garden, bowling green, and esplanade before the house, and there is a very fine brick wall of a great length, for fruit. Sunday, July 2Uh. — Got a letter from Philip informing me that G. Wallace had wrote him that Alexander Lockhart, my Lord Home's lawyer, had desired diligence to procure such papers as might instruct my Lord's possession of the patronage of Hutton. This could not be refused, but the decision of the affair will necessarily be delayed by it beyond this Session. However, G. Wallace proposes an application to be made to the Inner House to order Philip's settlement on the possession that appears for the Crown, reserving it to my Lord Home to insist for his Declarator on such evidence as he may hereafter be able to produce. This petition he would have in the name of the Presbytery, 1 Fowberry, Mr. Blake's place — Northumberland. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 149 and grounded on the long continuance of the vacancy. Upon this, Philip was to go to James Allan to endeavour to procure a meeting of Presbytery, and to engage them to such a petition which, I believe, it will be hard to obtain from the Presbytery, and if it were obtained, would probably avail little with the Lords. Munday, July 25th. — Read much of Spotswood, and made many material corrections in the printed copy by the help of the manuscript, which, by many characters, appears to have been the MS. from which the book was printed, tho' most inaccurately, especially in the latter part which I am now upon. Saw Wm. Aitchison, who is still rather some better. Wrought a little in the garden, and pulled up many of the yellow weeds on the glebe dyke. Tuesday, July 26th. — Employed as yesterday. Matthew Dysart here with Mary Ncalson, who has been staying some time at Eccles, en croupe. Her eyes, poor girl, look badly, and she sees very ill with them. The part of Spotswood I went through to-day not so erroneous as that which I read yesterday. Got letters from G. Wallace by the way of Philip, and from John Davidson, who inform us that the Lord Advocate does not approve of the petition proposed in the name of the Presbytery. Both of them speak of the Presbytery's proceeding as being in all probability a safe measure. But this must be* further considered. What Lord Home's people asked last time the cause was before the Ordinary, was a diligence for the production of Sir John Hall's papers relating to the Provostry of Dunglass, from which I do not think they will derive any benefit to their cause. This, and the other delays, destroy all hope of having the affair [decided] this Session. Wednesday, July 27th. — Rode to Kelso a.m., after shaving, on a message I had to meet Messrs. Turnbull, Duncan of Smailholm, etc., there. They had concerted a meeting to prepare an appeal against our paying the window tax to be laid before the Commissioners of Supply, who have, at last, it seems, resolved to act in that affair. Tho' upon reasoning we judged it could have little effect, yet we drew 150 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 it up in the form of the Midlothian ministers, of which Duncan had a copy, and he, James Turnbull, and I, who were the only ministers there, have subscribed it. We dined in T. Wood's. I drank tea in Thomas Dawson's, and sate a while in the evening in Dobby's. Came home about 9, and wrought at night on Will's exercise and addition. Look'd also to a sermon for to-morrow at Ednam. Saturday, July 30th. — Got also a letter from Philip, enclosing one from his friend Sandy Home at St. Christopher's, in which he informs him that he has Bridgewater imprisoned at Nevis for the debt owing Philip, and has hopes of payment very soon. It was certainly impossible to recover it in any other way. Sunday, July Slst. — Rode over to Greenlaw, where I preached long without, and served a table. Dickson preached to all the people p.m. There were 10 tables, owing to the vacancy of Fogo. John Bell of Gordon there, Matthew Dysart, Dickson, and Sandy Home. Staid at Greenlaw all night. Tuesday, August 2nd. — Went to the Presbytery, where Will delivered his exercise and addition. His voice and accent much better than I expected, but too many blunders and hesitations. Drank tea in Dobby's, and had a library meeting, where only 6 were present. Commissioned, how- ever, two or three books. Wednesday, August 3rd. — Rode over to Home Byres to breakfast, and thence to Berwick, according to concert some time ago with Professor Stevenson and his sister-in- law. Mrs. Stevenson got a fall from her horse a little on this side of Deadriggs, which, together with the heaviness of the rain, made us stop there an hour. Got to Berwick at half an hour past two, very heartily wet. Dined and drank tea in Mr. Waite's, and supped in the Collector's. Saturday, August 6th. — Prepared for to-morrow, and read almost all the June Review, which I got from Kelso in the morning. It has a pretty particular extract from the first vol. of Medical Essays and Observations, published by a new Society at London, which, from this specimen, 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 151 promises to be a valuable work. The author of this article appears to be a man of considerable abilities in the medical way. Was some time in the glebe, attending the hay- working, and also weeding in the garden. Dobby and P. Robinson, who had been at Home Byres dining, called here p.m. Munday, August 8th. — Read some of the papers and the dedication to Crawford of Drumsoy's Memoirs, 1 also at night some of Melville. Took up most of my tulips. Went to Sir Robert's p.m. to drink tea. John Stevenson and the two Mrs. Stevensons there. Tuesday, August 9th. — Spent some time with catechu- mens. Matthew Dysart, Miss Bess, and Polly Nealson here p.m. Read Crawford's preface to an end, and a good deal of his work, which, according to the account given of it in the preface, is chiefly an old MS. modernized. It is as much a party work on the side of Queen Mary as any of those of the other side against her. Thursday, August 11th. — Fast day before my Sacrament. .Messrs. Lundy and Leek preached. Duncan of Smailholm was to be here, but was taken ill with a pain in his back on the road. Nobody at dinner with us but the two ministers who preached and Minna Dawson. Friday, August 12th. — Read some more of Crawford, and made out a plan of my Action sermon. Took up anemones and ranunculuses, and spoke to some catechumens. Mr. Waite and my sister and little Nanny arrived between 6 and 7. They had set out betwixt 9 and 10 in the morning, but their chaise had very bad horses, and broke when they were near Mr. Watson's. The Laird took them up on the road, and set them forward with his chaise. Sunday, August 14>th. — Gave the Sacrament. Had 5 tables almost compleat. Placed them before the West door, and found this disposition more convenient. John 1 David Crawford of Drumsoy, near Glasgow (1665-1726), published in 1706 his Memoirs of the Affairs in Scotland, containing a full and impartial account of the Revolution in that Kingdom, begun in 1567, faithfully com- piled from an authentic MS. : it was far from an impartial work, and was intended as an antidote to Buchanan. 152 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 Hume and James Allan my only assistants, Mr. Pollock being ill of the gout. No strangers with us excepting Mr. Allan, but John Hume this night. Munday, August loth. — James Allan and John Hume preached. Mr. Pollock continuing ill of the gout. James Allan and I walked to Ednam in the evening with Mrs. Pollock. Abraham Ker at dinner with us. Never had so little company. Tuesday, August 16th. — James Allan intended a jaunt into the Presbytery of Jedburgh about his clerkship, but instead of this, after dinner, rode to Eccles with me and my sisters, where we found Mrs. Dysart come home last night with Nan, who has continued bravely since the last attack of her blood-spitting. Also the clerk, who intends to go to Bath for his health. Wednesday, August 17th. — James Allan went away in the morning to Ancrum and Sandy Know, and returned in the evening. Saw a.m. a sick girl in the town. Was some time also in the garden and in the glebe, attending the pulling our lint, which is a very good crop. Read a little of Crawford. The evident partiality and uniform ill-temper of that work are very disgusting. P.m. Sir Robert Pringle's family, also Mrs. Stevenson (Edinburgh), Nell Thompson, and Wm. Stevenson here at tea. Thursday, August 18th. — James All-in took a ride to Harper-Town a.m. He returned and went with my sisters and me to dine at Sir Robert's, where we were invited yesterday. Walter just come there. James set out from Sir Robert's in the evening for Polwarth. Robert Turn- bull and his niece called here in their way from Lothian. Robert sent for me from Sir Robert's about 6, to speak to me about something. Slept on Crawford's Memoirs. Munday, August 22nd. — Went to Home in the morning to baptize twins to a poor man, and thence to Nenthorn, where Robert Turnbull and John Bell preached. Robert Turnbull came this way in passing and sate an hour. Read Crawford's Memoirs to an end, which is a violent party work. They consist chiefly of the history of the four Regents during James vi.'s minority, no one of whom 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 153 is allowed the least good quality, excepting the Earl of Mar. It appears from the notes, that considerable blunders are committed in the work, and it is most probable that there are many besides what are there noticed. The basis of the work is an old contemporary MS. which Crawford has improved from Spotswood, Melville, etc., and put into pretty good English, reserving only a few original papers in the old language. The MS. Crawford says he had from Baird of Saughton Hall. That copy, by the preface of the late Edinburgh edition, seems to be lost. But there is a MS. judged to be another copy of the same original work in the Advocates' Library, and Bishop Keith had another. Crawford's book was published at London, Anno 1706, with a dedication to Lord Glasgow, and a preface con- sisting of severe, but mostly trite, invective against G. Buchannan. The new edition, with a few notes, correcting sometimes mistakes of Crawford, and also rendered, as is pretended, more exact in the printing, was published at Edinburgh, 1753, with a short preface prefixed, and the Earl of Morton's confession subjoined at large. Tuesday, August 23rd. — Forenoon employed variously on accounts, journal, reading Edinburgh and Newcastle papers, in which there appears at last an advertisement for the sale of Langtown estate, rental near £1500. Wrought also a while in the garden, raking some new-sown spinnage. P.m. attended a meeting at Home about the poor's affairs, where we appointed 100 stone more of oatmeal to be bought for the supply of the poor. Slept soon at night on Melville. Wednesday, August 2Uh. — Rode with my sister to Sprouston to dine, according to appointment with Robert on Monday. John Cleghorn and his wife there, and Mr. Lundy. Returned in the evening. Called at Ednam, coming and going. Read at night Melville's account of Murray and Lennox's Regencies, where there are inter- esting particulars. Thursday, August 25th. — Harvest beginning in many places, but not yet universal. Wrought some in the garden. Attended our people a while cutting barley in the 154 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 glebe. Read Spotswood, correcting the printed copy by the MS. Friday, August 26th. — Rode to Kelso with my sister en croupe, Nancy and the child walked. Present at the examination of Dobby's boys, who, in general, did very well. Dined in Dobby's, and drank tea in Doctor Gibson's. Eat some fruit in Mr. Lundy's, and came home in the evening. Nanny rode before Charles on a peatman's horse, and Nancy staid. A wet stormy night. Slept on Melville. Saturday, August 27th. — Saw in the evening an ignis fatuus over the hollow at the foot of T. Wood's yard. My sister saw it for a good while, and another on the top of the know a little to the south. I took it for the reflexion of the moonlight from water, but soon perceived it move a little northward, lessen, and vanish. It was neither large nor vivid. The moon was shining, but through a thick atmosphere, and the horizon foul. Prepared for to-morrow, and looked over some books and put them in order. Met with a small copy of Homer's Odyssey, which I see by some writing on it to be an ancient property and purchase of mine, tho' I had forgot it entirely, and have not seen it, I am sure, for many years. I suppose Will has picked it up from among Philip's books in Berwick. Read some of the fourth vol. of Dupin's abridgement in his History of the Reformation. 1 Will has this book from Mr. Lundy. It is an accurate and judicious compend, but indifferently translated. Slept on Melville. Tuesday, August 30th. — A.m. weeded turnips, shaved, and read some of Dupin. P.m. went with my sisters and little Nanny to see Mr. Pollock's people. Read some more of Dupin and of Melville at night. Thursday, September 1st. — Amused with Mr. Waite. In the afternoon went all to Sir Robert's. They have been a jaunt at Dunglass, Whitehall, etc., and came home last night. 1 Louis Ellies Dupin (1617-1719), French ecclesiastical historian. He never wrote a book under the name of a History of the Reformation. The diarist probably means a Short History of the Church, Paris, 1712. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 155 Friday, September 2nd. — Set out with my sister, Mr. Waite, and the children for Berwick betwixt 9 and 10. Din'd at John Herriot's, and got to the town about sunset. A very agreeable journey, the day being very fine, and our motion easy. The child rode on a pillow before Charles, and bore the journey very well. Spent the evening at Mr. Waite's. Philip had gone out of town, and Will has just returned from Eyemouth. Saturday, September 3rd, — Staid at Berwick till after dinner. Called at the Doctor's, Sam Stanton's, and the Collector's. Samuel is repairing or rather rebuilding the front of his house, which he has put up with bricks in a very few days. He will have a fine shop and some very good fore-rooms. Left the town about 2i p.m., and got home about 7. Did something for to-morrow. Tuesday, September 6th. — James Allan came here betwixt 9 and 10 in his way to the Presbytery of Selkirk. I baptized a child at Todrig, and afterwards went to the Presbytery, where we were all, excepting Hog. Drank tea at Dr. Gibson's, and was afterwards a while in Mr. Lundy's. Came home about 8. Read at night Spotswood, comparing with the MS. and correcting by it. If I had foreseen the tediousness of this work, I should scarce have undertaken it, and I believe shall scarce go wholly through it. Wednesday, September 7th. — A.m. shaved in order to go to M'Kerston, where Messrs. Chatto, Turnbulls, and Lundy also were, to eat a goose with Mr. Walker. Mrs. Dysart, Nan, and little Matthew called about 12, and sate half an hour. Nan is looking well, and has been free of complaints since she came to the country. Din'd with company aforesaid, and drank tea at M'Kerston, and returned in the evening. Read some articles in the July Scots Magazine, and at night Spotswood. Thursday, September Sth. — Read Spotswood to an end ; that is from the place at which I began, which was at the Accession of Mary, Queen of Scots. He expresses a high esteem and affection for James, who was his great bene- 156 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 factor. ■ Read also some of Moyses's Memoirs, 1 which is a sort of journal of events from James's assuming the Government of Scotland in 1577 till the time of his going to England. James Allan returned about 6 from his progress to Selkirk and Jedburgh Presbyteries, where he finds an interest that, with the rest, makes his success about as probable as Monteith's. A son of the late Willy Somerville of Hawick 2 came with him from Ancrum, in his way to Dunse, and staid here all night. Friday, September 9th. — The boy went away early in the morning, and James Allan soon after breakfast. Read some of Moyses's Memoirs, particularly the account of Go wry 's conspiracy as published by the King himself. It is a very strange story. Read also the abstract of the Militia Act in the Scots Magazine, and some other things. Saw a sick girl in the town. Saturday, September 10th. — Read out the Scots Magazine, and some of Dupin. Got letters from Berwick in the evening, and the July Magazine, of which I read some at night. Received in a letter from Philip 3 lottery tickets for W. Stevenson. He had given orders to register them at Edinburgh, but the account sent by W. Rutter of them was so defective that they could not be registered, so that it was necessary either to make the description of them more perfect, or to send the tickets themselves. From viewing the tickets, it is evident that Rutter has sent a very defective account of them, having ommitted the two first figures with the M subjoined, which I suppose express the thousands. Thus the number marked 10 M 740, he called No. 740. This is an odd blunder. Munday, September 12th. — A.m. read the first book of Spots wood's history, and in the evening some of the 1 David Moyse (fl. 1582-1603), clerk to the Council 1582, and in the office of King's Secretary 1596 : published Memoirs of the A ffairs of Scotland, 1577-1603. 2 This must have been Thomas Somerville, afterwards the well-known minister of Jedburgh, historian of the time of Queen Anne, and also author of My Own Life and Times. He was the only son of William Somerville, minister of Hawick 1732-57. He was only sixteen at this time. 17571 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 157 second. In these readings I only look to the MS. where I suspect a fault, an accurate comparison being too tedious, and vix tanti. In the afternoon, according to promise to James Allan, went to Robert Scot of Sandy Know to talk about his clerkship. Spoke of applying to several elders. At night read some of Dupin. In the catalogue of ecclesiastical writers of the last century, he mentions him- self, and says that in the 1718, the year when he published the last edition of his compend, he had published 100 volumes, of these 50 on the ecclesiastical writers, and was still continuing to write. Wednesday, September lMh. — Read more of Spots wood forenoon and evening, and at night wrought a little on Will's discourse. P.m. went to Queen's Cairn with Nancy, to see the Bailie's wife, 1 who has been lying-in. Saturday, September 17th. — Prepared for to-morrow, and read in Spotswood the form of Church Policy presented by John Knox and his brethren to the Convention anno 1560, which is the only part of the volume I had not read before. Read also some of Moyses and of Melville. Mel- ville's account of Queen Elizabeth is one of the best parts of his work. Munday. September 19^.-^-Employed most of the day and at night in writing to Will along with his discourse, giving the reasons of my corrections and adding some rules about composition and delivery. John Ker and his wife came here between 5 and 6, and staid all night. Wednesday, September 21st. — Led my hay, barley, and pease, of the last named of which I have a most miserable crop. Read some of the Brandenburgh Memoirs, and consulted maps about the Prussian dominions, etc. Even- ing read some of Buchannan, and at night read the first book of Phaedrus, comparing the late Edinburgh edition, according to the proposed emendations of Cunningham, with Cous teller's Paris one. 2 Both are very correctly 1 The wife of Cockburn, the bailie of Langton. 1 Antoine Urbain Coustelier, publisher and litterateur, Paris, where he died 1749. 158 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 printed, and as to Cunningham's emendations, 1 they have in some instances the appearance of considerable improve- ments, but in most I should prefer the old readings. Thursday, September 22nd. — Rode to Eccles with Nancy en croupe before dinner, and sate till the evening. Read in the evening some of the Iliad, and at night the second book and part of the third of Phaedrus. Friday, September 23rd.- — Read some of Spotswood in the life of Queen Mary, transcribing the chronology of remarkable events according to a plan begun last winter, but which it would require much time to bring to any maturity. Miss Maddy Pringle here at tea. Read more of Phaedrus. Saturday, September 24>th. — Read some of Melville's Memoirs along with Moyses, writing some dates in the former out of the latter. Read in the evening some of Homer, and at night Phaedrus. Minna Dawson here assisting Nancy to quilt. Tuesday, September 27th. — Robert Turnbull came before dinner and staid till the evening. Had a walk with him in the afternoon to the Linn. Read in the evening the Iliad, and at night got to the end of Phaedrus, who is a writer of great elegance. Many of Cunningham's proposed emendations are very judicious. Thursday, September 29th. — Rode to Twisel to see the Esquire before he leaves the country. Found him with Isaac Wood at partridge-shooting, at which he continued till 4 p.m. Philip came also here, and we staid with him all night. Friday, September 30th. — Blake had an appointment with Ker of Etill to shoot again. Attended them at that work till 4 p.m., and was sufficiently fatigued. Had some entertainment too, for they are very good shooters, and the game was pretty plentiful. Mr. Blake has his son with him, who is a Cambridge scholar, and promises 1 Alexander Cunningham, Professor of Scots Law in Edinburgh Uni- versity 1698 : published editions of Horace, Virgil, and Phaedrus, the last in 1757. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 159 to be a very good one. 1 Had a good deal of entertaining talk with the Esquire on Thursday night, but his long stay in the country seems to have cut him off from all literary intelligence. Came home betwixt 8 and 9, sufficiently tired. Tuesday, October 4>th. — At the Presbytery, where Will delivered the last of his tryals, and was licensed. He acquitted himself, on the whole, very tolerably. Drank some punch at Wood's with Messrs. Turnbulls, and came home betwixt 7 and 8. Read last week's Edinburgh papers. Journalized and looked to a sermon for Kelso to-morrow. Thursday, October 6th. — Finished the work of dating Melville from Moyses. I know not that the latter can be employed to a better use. Read Homer in the evening. Past 9, James Allan arrived. He wrote me he was to be up the country this week, but I had given over expecting him. Friday, October 7th. — Hesitated long about setting out for Hawick in the morning to Laurie's admission, whither we were both bound. However, the rain going off, we set out a little after 8, and were at Hawick at 12. Matthew Dysart kept his appointment with me of being at Kelso at 6, where he waited half an hour. Got some of the conclusion of John Cranston's work. 2 Eat and drank till the evening, and set out for Glen's 3 with Laurie, Monteith, Matthew Dysart, and Cupples. Francis Scot and Willy Home Of Polwarth came over to us from Cavers, and we spent the night with a good deal of glee. 1 Sir Francis Blake's eldest surviving son, afterwards Sir Francis, second Bart. : his elder brother Robert, a youth of extraordinary promise and expectation, had died in 1754 at the age of twenty : Francis was now about that age : he subsequently raised a regiment of infantry called ' the Gold Spinks,' and spent £80,000 in the building of a castle (Fowberry Tower) on the banks of the Till, which was never finished. 2 That is, arrived near the end of his sermon. John Cranstoun was minister of Ancrum from 1733 till his death in 1790. a Alexander Glen, minister of Kirkton, near Hawick, 1751 : translated to Galashiels, where Carlyle and his wife visited him 1767, and to Dirleton 1769, of which parish his father had been minister. His son, James, took orders in the Church of England, and another son, Nisbet, was a Com- mander R.N. 160 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 Saturday, October 8th. — Cupples, Matthew Dysart, a lad they call Potts 1 from Glen's parish to preach for Cupples or Willy Home (who, with Monteith, staid behind), and myself set out from Kirkton in the morning, and got here to dine, where James Allan, by the way of Riddell, whither he had gone last night, arrived just before us. All went off about 4. Afterwards dozed, and look'd to my lecture for to-morrow. Never was in Teviotdale before farther than Jedburgh. The ride from Mount Teviot to Hawick is a very pleasant one. A fine country of corn fields and gently rising green hills on both sides of the Teviot with some well-situated gentlemen's seats and villages. I have not seen so fine a strath. Minto Craigs and Greenhill on one side, and the lofty situation of Cavers and Rowberlaw on the other, are very fine objects. Hawick, itself, is a prettily situated town, with its waters, bridges, gardens, and green hills around it, which are disposed at such a distance as not to cover or crowd it. Sunday, October 9th. — After lecturing at home, rode to Kelso, where I preached in the schoolhouse on 2 Timothy, 1 to 10, about an hour. Will preached to the people here p.m. After dining and drinking tea at Mr. Lundy's, James Turnbull, who came from Linton to preach in the school p.m., went with me to the Doctor's, where we slept. Jenny Home there, a very good, sensible lass. Munday, October 10th. — Breakfasted in the Doctor's, and then rode to M'Kerston, where I preached on 1 John, 3. 2. Colleagued with Alexander Duncan. Innes there and his daughter, also Hog and Richardson. Came home in the evening. Wednesday, October 11th. 2 — John Miller, now an M.D., 1 Probably Robert Potts, who had been licensed by the Presbytery of Kelso in 1754 : minister of Ettrick 1772 to 1780, when he demitted and became minister of the Presbyterian congregation at Penruddock, Cumber- land. 2 The dates go wrong here. In 1757 the nth of October fell on a Tuesday, and this is correctly given. The dates continue wrong till Friday, 21st October, which is right. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 161 came before dinner, and staid till about 4. Delved some ground for tulips. Evening read Buchannan with Ruddiman's notes, which are very exact and useful. Read at night some of the last book of Quintilian. Had a letter at night from Mr. Waite, in which he informs us that all our stock of tickets were drawn blanks before last Friday, except 5. Mine are all amongst the blanks, which puts an end to my castle building, in which I have often indulged since I was an adventurer in this affair. Philip's single one was among the undrawn, also 3 of Mr. Waite' s own, and one of those he gave his wife and children. Friday, October 13th. — Walter Scot came here in the morning to breakfast. We looked over Mr. Allan's list of voters, which he left with me some time ago, and after making alterations, from what has since happened, we still made a majority of 5 or 6 on his side. Walter rode to Kelso with me, whither I went to take the case of the payment of my window tax, for which to-morrow is the last day. Not having the sum, I borrowed 25 shillings from Mr. Lundy to make it up. Dined in Mr. Lundy's with Wm. Scot, Robert Turnbull, John Cleghorn, and Wm. Stevenson. Call'd at Mr. Dawson's and the library p.m. Came home in the evening and found here the Misses Ridpaths of Angelraw, May handsome and sprightly. Saturday, October 14^. — The Misses Ridpaths staid till after dinner. Then, with Will and Nancy, they walked to Sprouston, where they wanted to see Alexander Stevenson, an old acquaintance. Did something for to-morrow, and read a considerable part of the July and August Review, with the Appendix for last semestre, all which I brought with me from Kelso yesterday. Munday, October 16th. — Our guests (May a very sweet one) staid till after dinner. Set them, with Will and Nancy, to Kenniston-Heads. Afterwards read Buchannan and some of the Reviews. Tuesday, October 17th. — Planted my tulips, and read Reviews to an end. Mrs. Lee of N[ewton ?] Mill, Miss Cy Dawson, Aly and Betty Pollock here p.m. Set the two L 162 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 latter in their way home beyond Nether Lees. Read some of Homer. Wednesday, October 18th. — James Allan came here about 10, to make his last tour about the clerk's office. Staid all day and night. Mr. Lundy came before dinner and staid all night. I was at Home, two or three hours about, mid-day, to settle our accounts about the meal bought for the use of the poor. Could not finish that matter, but brought the proper materials home with me. Thursday, October 19th. — Mr. Allan set out on his rounds betwixt 7 and 8 in the morning. Lundy staid till after breakfast. Then spent great part of the day on the accounts of the poor's meal. Evening read Homer, and slept on something in a Review. Friday, October 21st. — Read and amused variously. Saw R. Gotrie in the afternoon, who was very ill of a sore throat. Ordered him to be blooded under the tongue, which was done in the evening. Having fasted almost two days, he fell after the blooding into a deliquium, which continued, as I was told, an hour, and made all the people about him think he was gone. Saw him as he was recovering out of it. His throat grew better next morning. Read in the evening the first book of Buchannan almost to an end, where I met with some things new to me about the Western Islands. Saturday, October 22nd. — James Allan came back before dinner by way of Kelso, where he had been all last night with Lundy. Saw some great folks, his friends, in the company there, at the Assemblies, which have been held the three preceeding nights. He set out for Ligertwood to see Guland, 1 and I went to Whitsum, after dinner. Reached Withsum about day-light going. Talked a great deal about the Clerkship affair, etc. Sunday, October 2Srd. — Lectured on Psalm 16. Preached on 1 John, 3. 2. Cold work, the roof of John Waugh's kirk being mostly open in order to be recovered with slate. Dined at Waugh's. Called on horseback at John Lee's 1 William Gullan, minister of Legerwood 1753-92. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 163 and Cupples' s, and came home between 6 and 7. James Allan preached for me. Munday, October 2\th. — James Allan set out for Martin, 1 and I went to Kelso to the Presbytery for Privy Censure. Saw Willy Walker there, who has not chosen an elder, tho' he promised one for Mr. Allan. This is the effect of weak- ness, and perhaps of some degree of forgetfulness, against much influence on the other side. Dr. Gibson was also chosen yesterday elder from the Kelso session by the influence of W. Ker among the elders. How this was obtained I do not know ; perhaps by Abraham. Drank tea in Dr. Gibson's. Came home in the evening, and read Saturday's newspapers, where there is nothing very con- siderable. James Allan did not come from Marting and Sandy Know till near 11. Tuesday, October 25th. — Went to the Synod with James Allan. Got to Kelso about 11. The affair of the clerk- ship was decided in the forenoon sederunt, and Monteith carried it by 8 majority, of which two were Lindsay, correspondent from Dumfries and his elder. Afternoon went through last Synod's minutes. Supped in Purves's, where were the rivals, and a good many others. Very hearty. Slept in Mr. Lundy's. Wednesday, October 26th. — Breakfasted in Mr. Dawson's. Synod rose betwixt 2 and 3. Heard the cause of Fogo on an appeal by Lord Home's agents against the sentence of the Presbytery of Dunse appointing a moderation for Willy Home as the King's presentee. But as an action of Declarator of Home's right is depending before the Court of Session, and the Presbytery had not such documents of the Crown's possession as they expect they may hereafter be able to obtain, the cause, with consent of both parties, was delayed till next Synod. Then, after going through ordinary forms, the Synod rose. Din'd with a good deal of company in Mr. Lundy's. Drank tea in Dobby's. Called at Mr. Dawson's, and came home about 9. 1 Martin, or as it is spelt further on Marting, is Merton, of which James Innes, formerly mentioned, was minister. 164 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 Thursday, October 27th. — Set out with James Allan for Eyemouth, chiefly to see Colvill. Intended to dine at Mains, 1 where James Allan had some business, but being too late, dined on what we could get at Sandy Home's, Chyrnside. Drank tea at Mains's, where are two fine women, sisters-in-law to Mains, the one, lady to Major Dundas, the other to young Dalrymple of Dreghorn, the Advocate. The latter in particular is a celebrated beauty, but I did not see her to advantage. Got to Eyemouth betwixt 8 and 9. Found Colvill much better. All his complaints, which were chiefly of the low-spirited, nervous kind, are greatly diminished. These have been so con- siderable, that for some time he had almost despaired of being able to go to Edinburgh. Friday, October 28th. — Dined in Andrew Edgar's. Drank tea in Slatehouse's, and supped in Mrs. Crow's, whose daughters are grown fine and handsome girls, especially the eldest and two youngest. Munday, October 31st. — Rode to Ednam, where I spent the day assisting Mas Thomas in writing a letter to G. Wallace about the affair of the kirk. Came home in the evening, and found here, sent me by Balfour, 2 Renault's Abregi Chronologique, which I had commissioned when in the town in summer. Looked over a good deal of it evening and night. Tuesday, November 1st. — Nancy, Will, and Aly Steven- son came home about mid-day from Angelraw, whither Nancy and Aly had gone on Saturday. Rest of the day chiefly look'd over the Abrege Chronologique, and at night read some of the Polymetis, where the account of the Roman poetry and poets is but poor. Wednesday, November 2nd. — Mr. Lundy came here before dinner, also Robert Turnbull. Lundy went to M'Kerston immediately after dinner. Robert Turnbull 1 Mains, in the parish of Chirnside, was in the possession of John Mow or Molle : he married Margaret Crow, probably a sister-in-law of Ridpath's friend Mrs. Crow. 2 Probably Elphinstone Balfour, the bookseller in Edinburgh. He was a cadet of the Balfours of Pilrig. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 165 and his niece walked homewards about 4. Read in the evening some of the beginning of the second Iliad, and at night more of Polymetis, where the cuts are exceedingly beautiful, but the printing incorrect. Munday. November 7th. — At Hardy's Mill -Place and Home before dinner, seeing sick. P.m. went with Nancy to Sir Robert's, where we sate till after supper. T y Hall there, a sensible woman, when she is in a humour for showing herself so. Tuesday. November Sth. — Set out with Nancy about 12 for Sprouston, according to arrangement last week. John Cleghorn and his wife there, and Aly Pollock. Staid all night. Wednesday, November 9th. — Went from Sprouston to the Presbytery, where we were all, excepting Mr. Lundy. Had a pair, accused of adultery, before us from Joseph Leek's parish. Drank tea in Mr. Dawson's, and attended a library meeting, where we found ourselves so much in arrear, that we could commission no books. It will take all that we can raise for a twelvemonth to discharge what is already owing. Lodged in Mr. Lundy's with Messrs. Chatto, Dysart, and Robert Turnbull. Thursday, November 10th. — Was just about setting out with Matthew Dysart for Eccles in his chaise, which had returned yesterday from carrying John Aitchison to Edinburgh, when both he and I were prevailed with to go to Sprouston along with James Turnbull and' Andrew Chatto to eat a goose with Robert. Dobby also there, and Doctor Miller. The afternoon was so bad that all of us, excepting Dobby, staid all night. Very cheerful. I had contracted, however, a cold by wanting my great-coat on Tuesday and Wednesday, which produced a hoarseness, and a considerable degree of a toothache at night. Friday. Xorember 11th. — Came home before dinner. A good deal distrest with my cold and toothache. Read some of J. Dalrymple's book on Feudal Property, 1 which I got on Wednesday from the library. 1 Sir John Dalrymple, fourth Baronet of Cranstoun, advocate 1748 : Baron of Exchequer 1 776-1807. His best known work is his Memoirs of 166 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 Saturday, November 12th. — Remarkable streamers at night, issuing from the zenith chiefly from E. to W., with an appearance above the southern horizon like the Aurora Borealis. I saw them in the morning evolving and moving very rapidly. Prepared for to-morrow, and read last August London Magazine, where there are some good things from the last published Philosophical Transactions. Attended a mason repairing the parlour hearth, which he did very bunglingly. Wednesday, November 16th. — Rode to Kelso a.m., where I din'd with Mr. Lundy. After dinner, rode over with him to Linton, where I should have dined according to engagement last week at Sprouston, but Mr. Lundy being detained by some parish business, I waited till he could go along. Robert Turnbull and John Cleghorn at Linton, where we all staid all night. Thursday, November 17th. — Went all over to Morbattle to dine, and staid there all night. Had a sore attack of the toothache in the evening, which was at last quieted by putting some cotton full of mustard into the hollow of the sore tooth. Was apprehensive of this consequence of my travelling in winter weather, and ought to have staid at home, especially as I had the prospect so near of an Edinburgh journey. Friday, November ISth. — Set out from Morbattle be- tween 11 and 12, and rode over to Sprouston with Robert and Mr. Lundy, where we dined. Applied still the mustard cataplasm all day, which kept me tolerably easy. Came home in the evening, and read a good deal of Dalrymple's Feudal Property. Slept on the Iliad. Saturday, November 19th. — Read all that I had not read before of John Dalrymple's book. It is a very enter- taining work, even to one of my imperfect knowledge of Great Britain and Ireland, 3 vols. 1771. He wrote also on Entails, was an expert chemist, and invented a process for making soap from herrings. The work referred to in the text is his Essay towards a General History of Feudal Property in Great Britain under various heads, published in 1757, which went through several editions in a few years. He was a strong supporter of John Home, the author of Douglas, in the General Assembly. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 167 the law, but perhaps would have afforded more, both of instruction and entertainment, had it been in some articles more detailed. A conciseness is studied in it, with a view perhaps, to resemble Montesquieu, but it is the talent only of a few to please as he does, with the brevity which he always affects and maintains. Monday, November 2\st. — Set out for Edinburgh betwixt 7 and 8, din'd at Channel-kirk, and stopt a while at Fala, having found Pat Simpson on our road. Got to Edinburgh about 6. Took up our quarters at Paxton's in the Grass- Market. After dressing, went over to Mr. Wallace's and supped. Tuesday, November 22n d.— Breakfasted and din'd in Mr. Laurie's. Supped again in Mr. Wallace's. As to our cause, Lord Home's people applied at the opening of the Session for a renewal of the diligence for production of papers, which was granted them till last day of this month. Wednesday, November 23rd. — Breakfasted in James Davidson's, and din'd and drank tea in Clerk Home's. David there, and we had a good deal of entertaining conversation, of which the principal subjects were the King of Prussia, who is David's hero, and the Duke of Cumberland, who is as low in his opinion as the other is high. Sate a while with Willy Temple in his room in Professor Robert- son's in the College. James Allan and Colvill cast up at Mr. Laurie's in the evening. Went with them to Herriot's work, where Colvill 1 enters to one of the fittest and best places for him that could have been thought of. I wish he may keep his health, which he has now pretty well recovered. Thursday, November 2Mb. — Breakfasted in Herriot's Work Hospital with Hepburn, one of the Masters, who invited the Governor, Allan, and myself last night. Took a view of the building, which is one of the handsomest and most compleatly finished about the City, as its situation 1 James Colville was probably a schoolmaster in Ridpath's neighbour- hood. He was appointed House Governor of Heriot's Hospital on ist August 1757, and held office for nearly twelve years. 168 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1757 is one of the most pleasant. Din'd with Robert Turnbull at Professor Stevenson's. Drank tea at Mr. Laurie's with Willy Temple. James Allan came to us, and I went with him to James Davidson's, who, after raving a while to us, fell into a most profound sleep. Hepburn was also there at supper, and Robert Turnbull. James Allan and Hepburn went with Robert and me to our quarters, where we drank some punch till about 12. Friday, November 25th. — Breakfasted in Mr. Laurie's, and got him to price the articles of the account of things I have got from him, which I could never get done before. Nothing can be more friendly than Gilbert is, and there are few men to whom I am more obliged. Saw John Home, who has been ill 3 or 4 days and seemed to be threatened with a slow fever, which, I believe, is at an end, by a copious sweat he had last night. Willy Home and his wife are in Town, having brought in their eldest son to the College, 1 and Willy being also looking after his Fogo affair, in which Lord Home's people have not yet done anything. Willy, Robert Turnbull, and I dined in Mr. Wallace's. After dinner Robert and I set out for Borthwick, where we arrived betwixt 6 and 7. Thomas Turnbull' s family in distress by sore throats, to which he and his children are uncommonly subject. Saturday, November 26th. — Set out from Borthwick about 9. Stopp'd at the pimping 2 house at Wyndpath Ford, where we got porter, bread, a dram, and herrings. Got home a little after sunset. Dozed and did something for to-morrow. Read also some part of Sir James Stuart's defence of Sir Isaac Newton's Chronology of the Ancient Greeks, 3 a work which David Home lent me, and desired my observations on it. It seems to be very ingenious. Wednesday, November SOth. — Thanksgiving day appointed 1 Willy Home's eldest son was Walter, afterwards Colonel, 42nd High- landers. He was now fifteen. 2 Small mean house of refreshment on the road. 3 A vindication of Newton's Chronology, by Sir James Steuart of Coltness, Bart, (afterwards Sir James Steuart - Denham) : published in French 1757. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 169 by the Synod for the good harvest and crop. Preached on Psalm 107. 43. Read in the evening Sir James Stuart's 1 Apology almost to an end. Being thoroughly master of his subject by the clearness and precision wherewith he explains Sir Isaac's system, and overthrows the objections and contrary systems of his adversaries. Thursday. December 1st. — Read Sir James Stuart's Apology almost to an end. Being thoroughly master of his subject, he has pretty easy work with his adversaries, particularly Shuckford, whom he very justly laughs at. ,Read also to an end of Mr. Brown's celebrated work on the manners and principles of the times. 2 which came from Sir Robert's. Had read some part of it in the 2 or 3 preceeding days. It cannot be said to be altogether void of genius or literary merit, tho' its fame has been extra- vagantly beyond these. The language is, in general, harsh, and licences assumed in it which Mr. Brown's rank in the scale of genius gives him no title to. The sentiments and reasonings have almost nothing that deserve the name of new, and the draughts of characters are often caricatures. Friday, December 2nd. — Read Sir James Stuart's Apology to an end. I am not perfectly master of the astronomical part of it, tho' it seems to be both dis- tinctly detailed and well defended. Read a good deal of Polymetis. Tuesday, December 6th. — Walked to Kelso to the Presby- tery, where we had some scandals. Drank tea at Mr. Dawson's, and was afterwards with some co-presbyters in Waldie's, revising his and the bookseller's accounts, being members of a committee appointed for that purpose at last quarterly meeting. Made some objections to some 1 Ridpath is quite impartial as to the spelling of the author's name, and he is always wrong : it was Steuart. ■ John Brown (1715-66), son of a curate in Northumberland, was a voluminous author of plays, sermons, and essays. He is best known as the author of An estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times, which was published in 1757, and obtained much popularity, going through seven editions in a year. He had always an ill-balanced mind, and being forbidden by his doctors to go to Russia to take up an appointment there, he committed suicide in 1766. 170 1)1 A K Y OF GEORGE RIBPATH [1757 articles in the bookseller's account. Slept in Mr. Lundy 's, where were also Andrew Chatto and Robert Turnbull. Thursday, December 8th. — Spent the day on the poor's accounts, which, as usual, haw been very inaeeurat cly kept I must be obliged, I believe, to mark things myself. Two of the chirrs here counting the box. \Y. Stevenson Came to lea. After he was gone, Spent Some more time on poor's accounts, and read the last newspapers, where there is not much of consequence. Read also the addresses of Lords and Commons, which are abundantly loyal. Slept on Scots Magazine. Sent Charles to Kelso to sell Sir Robert's stipend barley, which was delivered yesterday, lie sold it to Alexander Hanisav for IS shillings the Boll, Tuesday. December 13///.— Set out with Robert Turnbull and his niece, James Turnbull and Mr. Lundy for Berwick, according to agreement last week. Got there to dine. Spent evening and night in Mr. Waifce's, where nil arc wi ll and in good spirits. Thursday, December 15th. — Call'd a.m. at my aunt's, who is Looking very well on't. Set out about 19 with Robert Turnbull, Lundy. and Philip, for Kymouth. (Jot on the road one of the bitterest showers of hail in our face that ever] was abroad in. Drank tea at Net her-Hv res, and called al Andrew Edgar's, He and Mrs. Edgar were at supper with us in James's. 1 Saturday. December 17th. — Set out from Berwick about 12, and got here betwixt 4 and 5. Philip, who gave the vacancy yesterday, 2 came along with us, but went with Mr. Lundy to preach for him to-morrow. lie had a letter yesterday from (.;. Wallace- about the Hutton affair, which was at last debated before the Ordinary on Thursday, when Lord Home's lawyers mentioned an Act of Parlia- ment Anno 1644, giving Ilulton to Lord Home, and a charter following on this Act. This Parliament was one of those that were annulled after the Restoration. They 1 That is, at James Allan's, the minister at Eyemouth. 2 Broke up his school for the Christmas vacation. 1757] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATB IT1 also pretended that minorities in the family would save the prescription. What is in these pleas will soon be tried, for informations are ordered to be given in hinc indc. 1 1 the Act of Parliament and Charter have no force, I am not afraid of the time of prescription being rendered too short by minorities. Did something for to-morrow, and read some of last October Magcudne, Wednesday, December 21s/. — Read Polymetis, being to return it to-morrow. Have read it all except a few pages. It is on the whole a very valuable collection, the fruit of long attention and great labour. The sculptures are after the best antiques, and are very beautifully executed. The explications and illustrations of them discover a consider- able portion of good sense, taste, and genius, and a great deal of classical erudition, tho' the composition is much disfigured by priggish, conceited airs. Look'd also a while into the Acts of the Covenanting Assemblies in search of something I could not find. Slept on the Abrtgt Chrono- logique. Thursday, December 22nd.— Dobby here at dinner and till the evening. Look'd over the second vol. of Uutherforth's System of Natural Philosophy, 1 which I got to-day from the library with a view of looking to what he has about Sir Isaac Newton's Chronology. Slept on Clarke's Caesar, 2 which Dobby has had for some time and brought with him to-day. Friday, December 23rd. — Walked toEccles before dinner and staid all night. Nan has had a new attack of her blood-spitting, but is better. Look'd to the Acts of the Covenanting Parliaments, which Mr. Dysart happens to have. Saw a title in the unprinted Acts for 1644, whieh must refer to the Act my Lord Home's lawyers have men- tioned in the Hutton affair. It is called a Ratification in 1 Thomas Rutherforth (1712-71), Regius Professor of Divinity, Cam- bridge: published a System of Natural Philosophy. 1 Samuel Clarke (1^75-1729), a disciple of Sir Isaac Newton : rector of St. James, Westminster, 1709: master of Wigs ton's Hospital, IvCicester, 1718 : founder of the intellectual school which deduced the moral law from a logical necessity : edited Caesar 1712. 172 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 the favour of the Earl of Hume. Diverted with some other things in that collection. Saturday, December 24th. — Came home from Eccles before dinner. Read almost all last September and some of October Rcviezv. In the former there is a critique on Wilkie which is most immoderately and ridiculously severe. Munday, December 26th. — Read the Review of September and October to an end. Laurie in Ins return from Hawick to Langtown, where he has been this fortnight, called before dinner and staid all night. Diverted us with Riccalton's 1 behaviour on [the] occasion of Boston's de- mission, winch was given in to their last Presbytery. 1758 Munday, January 2nd. — Sent Charles to Berwick for Nancy in the morning. Philip and I walked to Mains, where w T ere the Gordon-Bank people, 2 also Captain Archi- bald Don, at present in the country with his mother, and Home of Bowden and his wife. 3 Came home in the even- ing after drinking a modicum of punch, which made us feel the road much more tolerable than we thought it in the morning. T. Dudgeon here, from whom we bought some things. Read some of AbregS Chronologique. Tuesday, January 3rd. — Philip and I walked to the Presbytery, where was very little business. Drank tea in Dobby's, where also Andrew Chatto and I lay. Lundy had for his guests Patterson, chaplain to the Regiment of Gray Dragoons, with his wife, a very young girl, whom he carried lately off from her relations in the S. of England, and married her in Scotland. He, himself, is originally of Selkirk, and has been staying some time there, but the quarters not being agreeable to his wife, he has come to Kelso to seek a lodging, and till he be provided, he quarters himself upon Mr. Lundy, to whom Trotter recom- mended him. Patterson looks like fifty, is heavy, and of 1 Robert Riccalton, minister of Hobkirk 1725-69. See p. 199, n. 2. 2 Gordon-Bank, parish of Chirnside, was the property of George Gordon. 3 James Home's wife's name was Mary Ormiston. 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 173 a mean behaviour, whence it may be concluded that the animal who has clung to him and followed him so far, is not of the highest order. We saw her next morning. She is not un-handsome, seems to be very young, and her mien and behaviour show her to be quite raw and low-bred. Such guests does poor Lundy's excessive hospitality and great want of discernment in characters expose him to be plundered by. [sic] Philip lay with him. James Turnbull staid in Wood's, and Robert Turnbull was sent for in the evening to go home. Wednesday, January 4th. — Was informed in the morning that my horse had not returned last night with Nancy. The badness of the day prevented her setting out. Our choir 1 being engaged to go to M'Kerston, Philip and I rode part of the way behind Chatto and James Turnbull, but I walked most of it along with James Turnbull, taking the way by Broxlaw along the banks of the Tweed and through M*Kerston's parks ; a very pleasant road. Dined at M'Kerston, and staid there all night. Thursday, January oth. — Charles brought down our horses a.m. to M'Kerston, and informed us that my mother is no worse. Set out for Morbattle a.m., and got there to dine. Took a little survey in passing, of Dirleton's 2 late improvements at Marlefield. He has made a con- siderable progress in opening and levelling a fine extensive lawn before his house, which was formerly shut up by a stiff, contracted, Dutch policy. Spent the night at Mor- battle very agreeably. Mrs. Chatto is a nurse, and both she and her boy are in the most thriving, healthy state that can be. Friday, January 6th. — Crost over to Linton, where we dined and staid all night. Learned so much of the move- 1 Sic in MS., but it can hardly mean a church choir. Such aids to praise were not known, in the country at all events, in 1758. It probably merely signifies the band of people, Ridpath and his friends, who were going from Kelso to Mackerston. 2 William Nisbet of Dirleton, grandmaster of the Freemasons in Scot- land : married 1747 Mary, only child and heiress of Andrew Hamilton of Pencaitland : progenitor of the Nisbet-Hamiltons. 174 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 ments of the game of chess, as to be amused by seeing others play at it. Saturday, January 7th. — Left Linton betwixt 11 and 12, and got home about 2. Found my mother much in the way we left her. Did something for to-morrow. Munday, January 9th. — Philip set out for Berwick in the morning. I went to Home to see sick. Evening, began to read over again Sir J[ames] Stewart's work,, in which I also corrected the errors marked in the table prefixed, which I see is not a compleat one. Wednesday, January 11th. — Read some more of the History of the Fabulous and Heroick Times of Greece in the Universal History, which, in that part, as in too many others, is very carelessly and very poorly executed. Read also a little of the beginning of Hooke's vindication of Sir Isaac's Chronology of the Kings of Rome. 1 Hooke gives considerable verbatim extracts from Sir Isaac's work. Read also some of November Scots Magazine. Dr. Miller came betwixt 6 and 7, and staid all night. He still greatly commends the Vinum Benedictum for its use in fevers, which it often carries off in 2 or 3 days' time. Thursday, January 12th. — John Miller was sent for early in the morning. Shaved a.m. and received Sir Robert's money stipend. P.m. went to Ednam. Mas Thomas a good deal freeled 2 with his late cough and attack of the gout which has confined him for some weeks. Slept soon on Sir Isaac's Chronology. Friday, January 13th. — Read Scots (November) Magazine to an end, and was reading some of Sir J. Steuart's Apology, when John Hume of Greenlaw and Cupples arrived. They dined and staid all night. John Ker came also before 1 This was probably the first vol. of the Roman History, by Nathaniel Hooke, published in 1738, to which was prefixed Remarks on the History of the seven Roman Kings occasioned by Sir Isaac Newton's objections in his Chronology of Antient Kingdoms Amended to the supposed 244 years of the Royal State of Rome. The second volume of his history was dedicated to the Earl of Marchmont. 2 An unusual word : probably meaning ' made frailer.' 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 175 dinner, where he had been seeing his son, who has been very ill of a rheumatick fever. He has carried in Peggy to attend him. Saturday, January lUh. — Guests went away betwixt 11 and 12. Afterwards John Watson came and agreed with me about my stipend oats, which were this day received and delivered. He staid and dined. Afterwards did something for to-morrow, and transcribed in the evening into this year's Almanach the articles of accounts for current month. Slept on Hooke's account of the Chronology of the Roman Kings. Sunday, January 15th. — Many strangers in the kirk, both Ednam and Nenthorn wanting preaching. Got a letter at last from John Davidson, in which he informs me that there had not yet been any consultation in the Hutton affair, which he ascribes to delays on the part of Lord Home's doer, in giving a note of facts on their side to be laid before our lawyers. This, however, he writes me, was promised on Thursday, and expected also that day to have a consultation. Tuesday, January 17th. — Examin'd town's people in the kirk, first time this season. Mr. Dawson here at dinner. Miss Peggy Pringle called in the evening. Wrought more on Sir J. Steuart's Apology, and made myself quite master of the astronomical part of it. Wednesday, January 18th. — Examined again in the kirk. Read Sir J.'s Apology again to an end. Look'd over Wolff's Astronomy for an account of the procession of the equinoxes, but could not find it. Read also almost to an end Hooke's Chronology of the Roman Kings, where he employs almost the same reasoning against Shuckford, with [? while] Sir James W T histon, it seems, who is also a writer against Sir Isaac's system, falls into the same blunder with Shuckford. Thursday, January 19th. — Was in the forenoon at the burial of a young child of G. Laurie's. Read afterwards Hooke's Chronology of the Roman Kings to an end. Went to Sir Robert's to tea, and staid till after supper. Paid him for some seed corn I got last year. 176 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 Friday, January 20th. — Read Hooke's Defence of the Authenticity of the Antient Roman History against Beaufort. In the evening look'd over butcher's and candlemaker's accounts, both of which were sent me from Kelso, as I had desired. Saturday, January 21st. — Robert Turnbull and Mr. Lundy came in their way home from Lothian and Edin- burgh and dined. By them I learn from G. Wallace, that the only delay now of the Hutton cause is the waiting the Advocate's leisure to draw a memorial for the Inner House. Had some particulars from Robert from his old pupil Poyntz, who sent for him to Edinburgh, where he has staid some time in his return from a tour through Scotland. Read over again in the evening some of the most important pieces of Sir James Steuart's Apology. Sunday, January 22nd. — Preached at Nenthorn for Abraham Ker as he desired me by one of his people last Sunday. He has been ill these 10 days of a slow fever, but seems to have no bad symptoms. His brother Will 1 there. Dined and came home in the evening. Munday, January 23rd. — Walked to Home Byres and examined. Came back in the evening and wrote to J. Stevenson and G. Wallace about the Hutton affair ; to John Stevenson particularly to use his influence with the Advocate, to have it before the Inner House before he leaves Scotland. Wrote also to Philip. Wednesday, January 25th. — Frost keener, and day [First volume of the diary ends abruptly, as above, the next pages having been torn out : the first entry in the next volume is on 20th March 1758.] 1 William was a farmer at Clerkington. 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RLDPATH 177 VOLUME II March 1758 Tuesday, March 21st. — Robert Turnbull came to dine and went away about 4. Looked to some things in the Rescinded Acts which I got from Matthew Dysart, and at night read John Home's JZgis, which was sent from Sir Robert's. There are good speeches in John Home's work, and some very noble sentiments ; and in general the diction is chaste and simple. But there are faults in the plot, above all in the choice of a subject, which the bulk of readers are utter strangers to, and at the same time no sufficient care has been taken in the conduct of the play to make them understand it. It has not succeeded at Edinburgh, and I suppose not greatly in London, with all the help that Garrick can give it. The criticks. too, will be offended at faults in the quantity of Greek names. 1 Wednesday, March 22nd. — James Allan came here to dine according to agreement, in order to talk over Philip's affair, and to come to a resolution about the Presbytery doing anything in it. Had desired Andrew Chatto to be here also ; but his eldest son, a very promising boy, died this morning. After deliberation, James and I agreed that we could have no probable benefit from an Assembly's decision in our favour that would be in any way equivalent to the trouble and expence of a process for obtaining it, while at the same time by irritating an antagonist, we might very possibly do harm. Resolved, therefore, still to await a decision of the Court of Session. Thursday, March 2Zrd. — James Allan and I went both to Ednam to a Presbyterial visitation of manse and kirk 1 John Home's first play, <£gis, had been offered to and declined by Garrick in 1749; but this year, probably through the influence of Lord Bute, it was brought out at Drury Lane, Garrick and Mrs. Cibber taking the principal parts. M 178 DIARY Of GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 there. James went away soon after dinner. The Heritors had Andrew Potts and John Waldie to appear for them, and I suppose without further trouble will agree to re- building the Kirk. And as the estimate for repairing the Manse and office-houses amounted to upwards of £150, I suppose there will also be a new manse in the neighbourhood of the Kirk, though perhaps not this summer. Friday, March 2Mh. — Matthew Dysart was here to dinner. Poor Nan, his daughter, by his account, seems to be in a bad way. 1 My mother had often a tendency to be very ill thro' the day, but yet she was not much worse than for several days past. Munday, Aprile 3rd. — Went to Caldsom Brae to baptize a child. Got my pease and oats sowed in the glebe. Read some of the History of James v. in DrUmmond, whose chief defect as a historian is almost a total negli- gence of chronology, in which perhaps he affects to imitate some of the antients. Tuesday, Aprile 4th. — Robert Turnbull, his niece, Hay Turnbull, his nephew, came to dine, and Mrs. Pringle and Miss Pringle were here at tea. Sir Robert is gone to Moffat. John Miller was awhile here in the evening ; Philip came betwixt 9 and 10. Saturday, August 5th. — My sisters went to St. James's Fair. Philip staid here. Chatted with him and did some- thing for to-morrow. Munday, August 7th. — Philip left us after dinner. I went to Home p.m. to see sick. Read at night Elibank's pamphlet on Money Circulation and Paper Credit, 1 occa- sioned by Wallace's work. It is too short to be per- spicuous, but there are some very ingenious things in it, and except as to the Publick Debts he is much of the same mind as Wallace, though very angry at him for ascribing to him two pamphlets on Frugality and Banking which some bookseller had published along with a former one of Elibank's on the Publick Taxes. Wallace retracts this mistake in a postscript to the second edition of his Char- acteristics, a copy of which I brought from Edinburgh along with me, and of which also I read the first Disserta- tion on Banking. Thursday, August 10th. — Fast day before the Sacra- ment. Messrs. Lundy, Robert Turnbull of Sprowston, and Dysart of Eccles assistants, and nobody else here except Mrs. Pollock. Friday, August 11th. — Mused on the subject of my Action Sermon 2 and looked to Interpreters. 3 Saw a sick child in town. Saturday, August 12th. — Wrought in the morning on sermon for to-morrow. Messrs. Abraham Ker and Alex- 1 By Patrick, fifth Lord Elibank. 2 The Action Sermon was that preached immediately before the ad- ministration of Holy Communion. 3 i.e. Commentators on the text of Scripture. 196 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 ander Duncan preached. James Allan came betwixt 8 and 9 from Edrom, where he had been 2 or 3 nights. . Sunday, August 13th. — Preached on Heb. 10. 14 too long and my voice answered me ill. Tables at west door. Six services, and the last more than half full. Mr. Home preached p.m. and staid all night. Munday, August lUh. — John Waugh here. All our guests left us in the evening except Mr. Allan, who walked down in the afternoon to Kelso to see Mr. Dawson. Wednesday, August 16th. — Rode to Kelso before dinner with my sister. Dined in Mr. Dawson's ; drank tea in Dr. Gibson and called at Mrs. Cockburn's. Thursday, August 17th. — Rode to Greenlaw and preached along with Messrs. Cupples and Dysart of Eccles. John Hume wrote me last night in consequence of being dis- appointed by Dickson and Johnson, 1 but he wrote to so many that according to his usual confusion he brought together more than were wanted, for William Home was there also. I had been engaged to preach on Saturday, but I was on the spot and chose rather to preach to-day. Found Mr. Waite here when I came home, who brought a chaise to carry home my sister. Friday, August 18th. — Read most of the June Review, which I got t'other day at Kelso. J. Sked here most of the afternoon. Sent Will to Kelso to get a coat and some other things he wants for going to Newcastle and North Shields. Some people in the last-named place have fallen out with Wilkinson, who came thither from Durham, and have left his preaching for a great while past. A few of them wrote to Will two or three weeks ago desiring him to come over to preach for them three or four Sundays, and promising to satisfy him and to bear his charges. On this he wrote to James Richardson at Newcastle, to get some account of these people, and asking his advice. Richardson thinks he should come and give them one sermon, and assures him that the 1 Probably David Johnston, minister of Langton 1758-65 : of North Leith 1765-1824. D.D. Edinburgh 1781 : founder of the Asylum for the Blind, Edinburgh, 1793: one of H.M. Chaplains 1793. 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 197 Newcastle Class, with whom he is connected, will not be offended at it. After a good deal of hesitation I at last thought he might go ; if he does not, somebody else will. The division is not of his making, and according to Richardson, there is not the least probability of its being healed. He is very fond of being able to do something for himself, and it is of great importance that he should. Saturday, August 19th. — Prepared for to-morrow. Read the June Review and was some time in the glebe and garden. Got a letter from Philip in which he writes a good deal against Will's going to North Shields, chiefly from a conversation he had on the subject with Hall of Lowick. However, for the reasons above mentioned and as so many steps toward it have already been taken, I thought it still better that he should go. Sunday, August 20th. — Lectured on Ps. 117. Preached on Rom. 12. 1. Was done about half an hour after 12. Left Will to preach p.m. and rode over to Greenlaw, where I served a Table and afterwards preached. John had no assistants but Willy Home, Matthew, and myself. Willy preached p.m. ; Matthew and I staid all night. Munday, August 21st. — Robert Turnbull and Dysart preached. Dickson and Johnson came to sermon, Monteith and Laurie to dinner, also John Home from Polwarth. 1 Willy also there and Sandy from Abbey. The Duns brethren held a Presbytery meeting in order to Willy's transportation to Fogo. Sat till 6 ; abundantly cheerful. Called at Home Byres in coming home to enquire about a servant of W. Stevenson's who had been ill. Tuesday, August 22nd. — Read over again Elibank's pamphlet and a little of John Dalrymple's work, of which I bought the small edition when I was last in Edinburgh. Friday, August 25th. — In the forenoon was at Home seeing a sick man. Rest of the day read chiefly Buchanan, particularly his account of Malcolm Canmore with his 1 An evident slip of the diarist : there was no John Home, minister at Polwarth at this time. Willy Home was in that parish, but was on the eve of being translated to Fogo. 198 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 predecessors, Duncan and Macbeth. Read also some of John Dalrymple's work, which I intend to make very familiar to me, as containing a valuable collection of Political History. Slept, as I have done for some nights past, on Hawthornden's History of the 5 King Jameses*, Saturday, August 26th. — Walked to Hairy He ugh to see Mr. Pearson, who, I am a I'm id, has a suppuration going on in his urethra towards the mouth of his bladder along with suppurating piles which, at first, were his sole com- plaint. Prepared for to-morrow and read some of Buchanan and some of John Dalrymple's work. Got a letter from Will, who arrived at Newcastle safe on Thurs- day. He had not found his friend Richardson, which made him somewhat uncertain of his future motions. Munday, August 28th. — Was at Caldron Brae and Hairy Heugh a.m. seeing sick. When I returned found Robert Turnbull here on a visit to Sir Robert. Went along with him and dined and drank tea. Walter and Frank there. Mary Dysart, who has been some lime in the country seeing her friends, was lu re p.m. and staid all night. Tuesday, August 29th. — Mary staid till after dinner ; I went to Home to see sick. Wednesday, August 30th. — Read a little of Euclid at Mr. Stevenson's and shaved p.m. Went to Ednam and saw Lady Don, a visit I have long projected. At evening read some of July Magazine, where there is a good map of Senegal River and a plan of Fort Louis from the Sieur d'Anville. Thursday, August 31st. — Was at Home marrying Coss- nip's daughter, a pretty little girl not 18, to a tall, surly- looking Duns Butcher, seemingly a very impar congressus. P.m. gathered some Trip. Poind. Found Richard Brown lu re when I came to tea. He went to Sir Robert's and is to leave the country to-morrow. Read evening and night some of the Abrege Chronologique de France and some of the July Magazine. Friday, September 1st. — Went to Kelso to the examina- tion of Dobby's school. Boys pretty numerous and doing 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATII 199 very well. Dined in Dobby's in Mr. Dawson's. Slept at night on Drummond. Saturday, September 2nd. — Prepared for to-morrow and read Buchanan and John Dalrymple's Feudal Property. Wrought a little in the garden, weeding and raking some winter spinnage that was only sown yesterday, too late I fear. 1 Wednesday, September 6th. — Read Dalrymple's Feudal Property and the Abrege Chronologique. W. Stevenson here after dinner, with whom I read some of Euclid. Drank tea at Sir Robert's. Had some chat with the Captain about Ireland and the W. of England. Thursday, September 7th. — Read as yesterday. Was in the forenoon at Mainrigg seeing a sick child. P.m. rode to Angelraw with Nancy. Their son, the surgeon, who came home in the beginning of summer and seemed for some time to be at the point of death by a consumption, is now in a fair way of being better. Had a good deal of chat with him about his sea life, particularly about Cape Breton and Halifax, where he was last summer with Boscawen. According to him the country round Halifax promises to be very fine when cleared of wood. When we came home found Will returned. He had come to-day from Wooler on foot and preached at Morpeth on Sunday. The Sunday before he had preached at North Shields, but whether the people were not pleased with his performance or he did not enter sufficiently into their quarrel with Wilkinson, they gave him his leave two or three days after, informing him that they had entered into terms with another. This, it seems, is one Hall, a Northumbrian, who had been there once before, and was among them again, along with old Riccaltoun, 2 a day or two after r Marginal note — It was so. 2 Robert Riccaltoun, minister of Hobkirk 1725-69. He was a volumin- ous writer on various subjects, and his collected works were published in three volume? in 1772. He was a man of fine imagination, and James Thomson said that his poem of ' A Winter's Day,' which appeared in Savage's Miscellany in 1726, was the origin of the design of Thomson's Seasons. Riccaltoun's son John, who succeeded him in his parish, was 200 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 Will had preached. They are narrow and wild, and so much on the watch against the least appearance of hetero- doxy that it is altogether improbable that Will could have contented them or lived with any comfort amongst them, so the sooner he left them the better. Friday, September 8th. — Read some of John Dalrymple, also some of the Preface to John Knox's History, and of Rapin's 1 first and second volumes which I got from the Library last Wednesday. Knox's Life is stupidly wrote by some dull and well-meaning whig. 2 Saturday, September 9th. — Read some of Rapin and some of the Abridged Chronicle. Bell and Bett Pollock, fine girlies, here p.m. 3 Munday, September 11th. — Read almost all of John Dalrymple's book that, in this reading, I had not read before. His account of the Origin and Constitution of Scotch and English Parliaments is very distinct and well detailed. In the evening read Rapin's History of William the Conqueror, a man of uncommon abilities but of much more extraordinary good fortune. Slept on Abridged Chron. Tuesday, September 12th. — The Misses Gibson came here to breakfast and staid till after 12, when they went to Sir Robert's. After dinner went to Cumming's burial ; a good many people there. Staid all night at Mrs. Dysart's, at this time (1758) minister of a Presbyterian congregation at North Shields. 1 Paul de Rapin de Thoyras, 1661-1725. Wrote the Histoire d'Angle- terre, published 1724: it went through several editions with supplements, and there have been two editions in English, one by Rev. Nicholas Tindal, in fifteen volumes, 1725-31. Ridpath does not say whether he read the work in the original or in the translation. 2 Attributed in a marginal note to Matthew Crawford, son of the minister of Eastwood. At one time Librarian to the University of Glasgow : appointed, 1721, Professor of Church History in Edinburgh, but was not a success : died 1736. 3 Bell and Bett Pollock, daughters of the minister of Ednam. Bella (Isobel) was the eldest, and Bett (Elizabeth) the second youngest. The latter was at this time about fifteen, and is generally referred to as ' The Naiad ' by the diarist, who had a great liking for her : a very bright and lively girl. 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 201 where Clerk Home is, and where the doctor arrived in the evening. Had confirmed from him what I had heard of before, tho' never till lately, that marl is a composition of limestone and clay ; commonly as he says about four parts of the latter to one of the former. Wednesday, September 13th. — Came home from Eccles a.m. Read a little of John Dalrymple. Was a good deal in the glebe. Sked and the Kelso boy Cramond here a long time p.m. Thursday, September lHh. — Read some of Dalrymple's Feudal Property and some of Rapin, also part of Buchanan's Preface to John Knox, where are some ingenious conjec- tures about the antiquities of Britain, particularly about the names of the ancient inhabitants. Friday, September 15th. — Read Rapin chiefly and Abridged Chronol. Also began to copy the Table in Rapin of the Saxon Heptarchy. I have often wished and pro- jected to have collections of Tables of this kind, which are in several respects the most useful forms of historical abridgments. But the copying and improvising of them requires a good deal of attention, time, and labour. Saturday, September 16th. — Read more of Rapin and wrote more into the Table of the Saxon Heptarchy. Partly with sitting at that, partly with rising and walking out a little earlier than usual in the morning, have catched some cold. Sunday, September 17th. — Rode after sermon to the burial of W. Winter who died yesterday morning. He has suffered much and been almost wholly confined for near a twelvemonth past, chiefly from a rheumatick pain in the inside of one of his thighs. Munday, September ISth. — Read a.m. some of Rapin. P.m. went to Sir Robert's chiefly to see Miss Maddy, who came home from Moffat last Friday. But she, with the Captain and Peggy, were gone to Marchmont House. Cecy Haswell, 1 now Mrs. Kennedy, a fine little girlie, and her husband were there, also Smith of Jedburgh and a 1 She was possibly a daughter of Adam Haswell, surgeon in Jedburgh. 202 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 daughter of Ebenezer Erskine, 1 who is staying at Cawdel's. Sent Charles in the evening to Kelso with clothes for Berwick, whither I intend to set out with Nancy to- morrow. Tuesday, September 19th. — Rode to Berwick with Nancy en croupe. Dined at S. Herriot's, who has got a pretty, neat, agreeable little woman to his wife. Got to Berwick before sunset and spent the evening in Mr. Waite's. Found them all well. Wednesday, September 20th. — Called a.m. at the Col- lector's. Drank tea in Aunt Balderstone's and called at Mrs. Nealson's. They say Betty is going to be married to Gowdie, 2 but she has been dumpish this good while. Polly, my old friend, is looking well, but still blind and with little prospect of recovery. Spent the evening with the Collector. Bill goes to Cambridge in a week or two to study law. Saw a ship of about 160 tons launched. Thursday, September 21st. — Called in the forenoon at the Doctor's. Drank tea at S. Stanton's, who has got a very convenient house, and a most excellent shop. Spent the evening in Mr. Waite's, where were young T. Ruther- ford and Mrs. Nealson. Diverted with drawing two or three profiles of faces by the shadow from a candle. Friday, September 22nd. — Breakfasted and dined in Mr. Hall's, a very honest and friendly man. I have much reason to say so ; having been owing him the remnant of an account scandalously long, which he has never craved, nor did his behaviour to me ever discover that he was the least sensible of it. Drank tea in W. Chisholm's. A.m. called at Mr. Edmiston's and John Turner's, who had some thoughts of employing Will as his helper, when 1 Probably one of the three daughters of Ebenezer Erskine, the cele- brated founder of the Secession Church, by his second wife, Mary, daughter of James Webster, minister of the Tolbooth, Edinburgh, whom he married in 1724. Erskine had died five years before the date in the diary. 2 The report was true : Elizabeth (Betty) Nealson, daughter of Capt. Nealson, Berwick, married John Goldie, then minister of the High Meeting House, Berwick, on 19th February 1759. Goldie was afterwards minister of Penicuick and subsequently of Temple. DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 203 Murray 1 leaves him. How this will answer I know not, but am obliged to him for his good intention. Saturday, September 23rd. — Called a little at the Doctor's and the Collector's. The Collector was himself at Bare- moor with Wilkes, who came there to Coulston Stow's two or three days ago. Set out from Berwick about two. Called at Coldstream and sate near an hour in J. Ker's. Also called on horseback at Ednam, where Mrs. Pollock had just arrived from Edinburgh, where she had gone to see her brother Jamie, who is grown much better. Got here with some daylight and did something for to-morrow. Sunday, September 2Mh. — John Ker here, his daughter Bessy and son, who is pretty well recovered and soon goes again to Edinburgh. He was brought very low in the spring by a rheumatic fever. Munday, September 25th. — Dozed a good deal from the remains of last week's full swing. Mr. Dawson and his wife here p.m. on their way to Sir Robert's, also the lad Davidson of Sprouston. Was some time in the glebe attending the cutting of my hay. Read a little of Rapin and the Abr. Chronol. Wrote to John Davidson to send a commission for somebody to appear for the Crown at the Presbytery of Chyrnside, and also to inform the Presbytery of the cause being appealed, or certainly to be appealed to the Peers. Tuesday, September 26th. — Breeze easterly, mostly sunny. Dobby came before dinner and staid till the evening. At evening and night read Rapin. Was a while in the glebe attending the cutting of a second crop of clover, which is very troublesome work. Wednesday, September 27th. — Read a good deal of Rapin and looked to some things in Camden. Also read part of the preface to Greenwood's English Grammar, 2 which 1 Adam Murray, minister of the Low Meeting House, Berwick, 1756, probably as assistant to John Turner ; of Abbey St. Bathans 1759 : and of Eccles 1774-97. 2 James Greenwood, grammarian, published his Essay towards a Prac- tical English Grammar in 1711, and it went through five editions by 1753. He also published his Royal English Grammar, which was in its eighth 204 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 is a translation from Dr. Wallis with some additions. There are some very ingenious things in it. Thursday, September 28th. — Wrote and drew some more in the Table of the Saxon Heptarchy. Read at night some of Rapin. Friday, September 29th. — Walked to Home a.m. to see sick. Read some of Rapin and extracted from him the succession of English Monarchs from Egbert, so far as the 1st and 2nd volume goes. Robert Turnbull came after tea, and Philip and Nancy betwixt 7 and 8, from Berwick by way of Whitsum. Philip gave us several anecdotes about the noble and learned London world which he had from his old acquaintance John Blair, 1 who has been seeing his friends in Scotland, and whom Philip saw in his passing and repassing by Berwick. Blair has been for some time a tutor to Prince Edward in History, Philosophy, and Mathematicks, and is a man remarkable for very general acquaintance. Saturday, September SOth. — Robert Turnbull and his niece staid till after tea. Had a walk in Sir Robert's planting before dinner, afterwards did something for to- morrow. Got my corn led in. Munday, October 2nd. — Was at Home a.m. Rest of the day wrought at my hay, of which I shall have a greater quantity than ever I had before. Evening, read what I had not read before of the August Review, in which there are too many silly articles relating to theology. 2 Tuesday, October 3rd. — Weather the same. Philip set out for Berwick in the morning by way of Eccles. I edition by 1770. Ridpath evidently thought that the author owed much to the Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae (Oxford 1652) of John Wallis (1616-1703), a distinguished mathematician of his day. 1 John Blair, a cousin of the Rev. Hugh Blair, attained distinction as a chronologist. He published fifty-six chronological tables illustrating the history of the world down to 1753, and was appointed chaplain to the Princess-Dowager of Wales and mathematical tutor to the Duke of York. He held several livings in the Church of England : died 1782. He was a friend of Alexander Carlyle, and is frequently mentioned by him in his A utobiography. 2 Theology, indeed, is the one subject about which Ridpath never read. 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 205 went to the Presbytery meeting on foot, Nancy and Will along with me. Had no business of consequence. Drank tea in Mr. Dawson's and came home in the evening. Read some in the July and August Scots Magazines. There are the distinctest maps I have seen of the country about Ticanderoga and Crown Point. Wednesday, October Uh. — Read some of Euclid with William Stevenson a.m. Read afterwards some of the Scots Magazines and of Rapin. Got a letter in the evening from James Allan, in which he informs me that he has wrote to Mr. M'Leod about his matrimonial project with Mrs. Keith, which has long been the talk of the country, and in which I have had reason to think there was some- thing serious, ever since I was last at Eyemouth. He tells me also he has seen letters from M'Leod to his daughter, which, no doubt, must have had some relation to that subject, as he says there was nothing in them absolutely forbidding. If the matter had been entire I would have exerted all my influence to have hindered this match, in which I see no sense, and no right prospects either to himself or relations : but perhaps it may do better than expectation. It seems to forebode nothing more certainly than poverty, a thing he himself has been so long acquainted with that by this time it need not appear to him any great evil. But perhaps the additional burden of approaching old age may make it the harder to bear, and it may almost be taken for granted that his mate will not think it so easy a matter. But nothing is more certain than that marriages are made in Heaven ; a multitude of unforeseen circumstances concurring to determine the general appetite to a particular choice, which, when fixed, must be borne the best way we are able, taking the attendant pains and inconveniences con- tentedly along with the pleasure, and endeavouring to diminish the former as much as we can. Thursday, October 5th. — Read Rapin and some of Camden, who mixes his geography with many pieces of history and antiquity that often make it very entertaining. Wrote also some more of the Table of the Heptarchy. 206 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 Friday, October 6th. — All the day at Ednam, whither Messrs. Lundy and Turnbull also came. as a Committee to protest against the carrying on of the building of Ednam Kirk, it being 20 inches narrower than the plan agreed to by the Presbytery at their visitation in March last ; which, however, we were satisfied to let pass if the walls had been made 14 feet high so as to admit a gallery. But the walls have been levelled at the height of 10 feet 4 inches, and one of the gavels is almost built, which made it necessary for us to stop the work or to provide a remedy by taking a protest against their finishing it of these dimensions in the hands of a Notary Public. We had employed M'llwraith in our plea about the manse, but he being out of the way, Lundy brought Charles Potts along with him, in whose hands a protest was accordingly taken. These heritors of Ednam have plagued us greatly about the Kirk and Manse, and we shall not yet have soon done with them. Staid till the evening ; amused not dis- agreeably with Bet Pollock, a very pretty, lively girlie. Evening and night read some of Rapin and looked over some of the third Book of Euclid. Wrote at Ednam to James Allan, and particularly some hints about his matri- monial project, which perhaps he may not like much, tho' they mean no harm. Munday, October 9th. — Rode to Mackerston and preached from Eph. 5. 8. Colleagued with Alexander Duncan ; Finlater 1 of Lintoun there, who preached yesterday after- noon, also Andrew Chatto and his wife and D. Durham. Staid all night and had a good deal of comfortable chat. Tuesday, October 10th. — Came from Mackerston before dinner. Learned in the morning that the flood of yester- day had not carried away the coomb of Kelso Bridge, which is not a little strange. Read Rapin and a good deal of Camden, whose accounts of the ancient name of Britain and its inhabitants are very learned and ingeni- ous. Philip writes me that Slatehouse has a letter from 1 Thomas Findlater, minister of West Linton 1731-73, son of Alexander Findlater, minister of Hamilton. 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 207 his son by the fleet just arrived from the Leeward Islands, informing him that he has sued for £120 for the sugar which Bridgewater had ordered to be put into his hands on Philip's account, and by next opportunity promises to send him a bill. He also writes that he is almost certain of getting the remainder. Tis a little odd, I think, that the bill has not come by the fleet. Perhaps he had not yet received the money. Wednesday, October 11th. — Read Rapin and Camden, in which latter I still find much entertainment. Camden's stile and descriptions are lively and not inelegant, and he intersperses many passages from ancient writers both in prose and verse, that make a very agreeable variety. Read some of Euclid with William Stevenson. Thursday. October 12th. — Got in my hay. Shaved in the forenoon and went to Harpertown in the afternoon with Nancy. Matthew Dysart also there with his daughters Bet and Jean. The young good-man not at home. Even- ing read some of Buchanan and wrote letters to Philip and James Allan, to go by Will, who sets out to-morrow to preach at Eyemouth. Saturday, October 14>th. — Had a letter from John Bell of Gordon 1 in the morning desiring me to be to-morrow, as John Gowdie, who was to be with him, has fallen ill. Agreed to go ; read some of Rapin and looked to some- thing for to-morrow. Sunday, October loth. — Lowring.and cold, breeze east. Rode to Gordon, preached long in the churchyard, and served two Tables in the forenoon. Preached in the afternoon on Ps. 119. 57 in the Kirk, which held all the people. Francis Scot. Abraham Ker of Xenthorn, and William Guland of Legerwood there. Staid all night as it was darkening before we had done and I was to preach to-morrow. 1 John Bell, minister of Gordon 1727-67, son of Robert Bell, minister of Crailing : married, 1733, Elizabeth, daughter of John Ewing of Craigton, W.S. His son Robert was licensed by the Presbytery of Earlston, but, apparently in terms of the will of his paternal grandfather, he went into the English Church and became a chaplain R.N. 208 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 Munday, October 16th. — Preached on the same text ; colleagued with John Hume. Lady Greenknowe, 1 her sister, and Ann Gibson, staying there, dined with us. The Lady a woman of much humour ; she got fairly the better of John Hume. A good deal entertained with her and John Hume. Polly Home, who is staying in John Bell's at the manse, very frank and natural, proposed that I should carry her to Eccles, where she wants to make a visit. This, together with John Hume's consenting to stay along with me, engaged me to stay another night, which was spent very agreeably. Tuesday, October 17th. — Misses Bell and Home 2 came here along with me and dined, and I accompanied them to Eccles Manse, where we staid all night. Found all the Dysart family at home and were very hearty. My own two ladies gave a specimen of acting Douglas, in which Polly Home performed beyond expectation, very naturally, and her companion showed an uncommon degree of spirit. Wednesday, October 18th. — Dined at Eccles and then escorted Miss Bell, on her way home, to the top of Sweet- hope Edge. She is really a very fine girl, both for sense and spirit ; and it is a pity that an eruption on her face should have spoilt her looks much, which were abundantly agreeable. But the gifts of nature are wisely balanced. Came home about the darkening. Dozed and mended some things about my clothes for my visit to-morrow. Thursday, October 19th. — Saw James Richardson from Newcastle, who called just before I set out for Greenlaw upon an appointment there with John Hume and Matthew Dysart to see Lord Marchmont. We were very lucky in finding nobody there but My Lord, 3 the Lady, and Lord 1 Probably Sophia, daughter of James Pringle of Torwoodlee. She married in 1729 Adam Fairholm of Greenhill, whose first wife had been Isobel Pringle of Greenknowe. 2 Probably Mary Home, eldest daughter of William Home, minister of Fogo, and afterwards wife of John Home, the author of Douglas. 3 Hugh, third Earl of Marchmont, an able man and a leading supporter of the Tory party when he was in the House of Commons. It was he who commenced the erection of the present house of Marchmont (now largely altered) in 1750. 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 209 Register, who has been ten or twelve days in the country, besides ourselves and two other ministers, John Gowdie of Earlston and Francis Scot. My Lord introduced soon the Hutton business and gave me the opportunity of putting into his hands the information which I had carried along with me, and which he had not seen before. He expressed abundant keenness about the affair, assured me of dispatch with the Peer>. and recommended it to me to take care to have copies of these Informations for the use of some of the Peers, such as Hardwicke. Mansfield, etc. He was so good as to challenge me at coming away, for this being only the second time of my having seen him. The true reason of which, besides the aversion I have to be dangling on the great, was chiefly a scruple at making court to a rival and adversary of Lord Home, to whom I have been so much obliged, and whose interest I could scarce be justified in opposing, were it not in a case where the interest of a brother is so fundamentally concerned. Had also the pleasure of seeing Lady March- mont, a very amiable woman, and at present looking very well. Called, along with my companions, at Willy Home's, where our intended quarters were preoccupied by Francis Scot and John Gowdie. So returned to Greenlaw and spent the night there. Friday, October 20th. — Left Greenlaw about 11. Saw some sick at Home and came home to dine. Dozed a good deal afternoon and evening. Will came from his Eyemouth peregrination, last from Berwick, on James Allan's horse, and brought the August Magazines, most of which I read. Munday, October 23rd. — Mr. Lundy breakfasted here, on his way to Saltoun, where his father is unwell. 1 In the afternoon went to Sir Robert's and bid farewell to the Captain, who goes away to-morrow. Willy Hall and his sister there besides some other company. 1 Mr. Lundy 's father was Archibald Lundy, minister of Saltoun 1696- 1759, when he died ' Father of the Church.' He had three sons, ministers respectively of the parishes of Oldhamstocks, Trinity, Edinburgh, and Kelso. Carlyle describes the father as ' a pious and primitive old man, very respectful in his manner and very kind.' O 210 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 Tuesday, October 2Uh. — James Davidson here at break- fast, also Robert Turnbull, buying some timber from Sir Robert. Rode with Robert to the Synod, where Douglas 1 was chosen Moderator. He seems to be a sensible man. Had no business. Dined and supped in J. Waldie's, and drank tea in Mr. Dawson's, where himself and Minna have been very ill of the cold. Sate pretty late at Waldie's, and rode home about two in the morning. Heard this morning that David Duncan died of the gravel on Sunday last. He is to be buried to-morrow. 2 Wednesday, October 25th. — Did not return to the Synod, as there was nothing to do except go through the usual concluding forms. Sandy Herriot and his wife, who had been at Kelso, and Jolly, 3 also John Waugh, together with James Allan and his sister Betty, 4 here at dinner. Lord Borthwick, 5 who has been a good while past at Sir Robert's, called in the afternoon and drank tea; a good sort of body and not without some knowledge. Thursday, October 26th. — James Allan set out in the morning on a visit to Riddell, and left Bessy, his sister, here. I rode down to Ednam about midday to meet with Robert Heymer and his bride from Northumberland. They came about 2, and I married them in Mr. Pollock's. Mr. Pollock and Mr. Trotter came up here and dined. I dined at the bridegroom's, where were only a few relations 1 John Douglas, minister of Jedburgh 1758-68. 2 David Duncan (see p. 190, n. 1). 3 John Jolly, minister of Simprin 1757-61 : translated to Coldingham : died 1792. 4 James Allan's two sisters were, according to the Fasti Eccl. Scot., Margaret, who married George Craw of Netherbyres, and Grace, who married Andrew Edgar, merchant, Eyemouth. The Betty mentioned by Ridpath must have been a third. 5 Henry Borthwick of Mayshiel, de jure fifteenth Lord Borthwick and eleventh in actual possession of the dignity : second son of Captain Henry Borthwick of Pilmuir, who was himself in right of the peerage for four days, the period which he survived his kinsman, Col. William Borthwick of Johnstontown. On the death of his elder brother, Henry succeeded to the title, but did not get his claim formally acknowledged by the House of Lords till 1762. His mother, Mary Pringle, was an aunt of Sir Robert, which explains his presence at Stitchel. 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 211 and neighbours. Slept on the former part of the fifth Book of Euclid, which had gone more out of my head than I imagined. Friday, October 27th. — Went through the fifth Book of Euclid, which lost me an hour or two. James Allan cast up from his Riddel visit in the evening. Chatted most of the day and night with Betty and him. He is fairly entangled with Mrs. K., but I apprehend will be freed by M'Leod's not giving security for what remains of her fortune, which is only £600. Keith, it seems, who also thwarts the match with all his might, having got hold of £400 of the original £1000. It is an unhappy affair, but of a nature from which it would seem that no degree of wisdom can certainly exempt any man. 1 Saturday, October 28th. — Mr. Allan and his sister left us in the morning. Then prepared for to-morrow and read Camden and some of Rapin. Mr. Lundy came about midday and dined. His father is better. Sunday, October 29th. — Have had some cold for the last two days, of which a distillation from the nose has been the chief symptom. It has been, and still is, very epidemical. Munday, October 30th. — Weather the same, some rain last night. Read a good deal of Rapin. Have gone through a second time the History of the Heptarchy, which at best is very confused and imperfect, yet neces- sary to be known as a foundation for what follows. Walked to the Lint Mill to see the people there very ill of the epidemic cold. Better to-day myself, though still dripping from the nose. Tuesday, October Slst. — Wrote out the Table of the Heptarchy, the sitting and attention to which agreed ill with my cold, which is rather worse than yesterday. Read some of Rapin and all the newspapers. Wednesday, November 1st. — Went to the Presbytery, where we had a scandal and a good deal of conversation 1 James Allan's matrimonial projects came to nothing, as he died a bachelor in 1767. 212 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 about the business of Ednam kirk, manse, etc. Attended at night a Library meeting, when we could do little but make our payments, which amounted to a considerable sum, the meeting being pretty throng. John Waldie had not got the bookseller's account, and we want to be clear with him in the first place. We did not give any new commissions. Waldie also informed us that he could no longer conveniently keep our books, which introduced various proposals about our being accommodated with a place and keeper, but we could fix on nothing certain. It was referred to a Committee appointed last year to inspect the Library to take care of this affair. Thursday, November 2nd. — A great flood in the river, which carried away in the morning the coomb of the new arch of the Kelso Bridge, which had been loosened from the stonework they were just beginning to take to pieces. This will be some more loss, though probably not great. There was no boating till the afternoon, so that the Fair, which was to-day, gained greatly by the passage the Bridge gave to people on foot. Stayed in Mr. Lundy's till after dinner. Wrote in the forenoon a Memorial about the affair of Ednam kirk and manse, etc., which was yesterday entrusted to a Committee of us who were in Mr. Lundy's. Called at Mr. Dawson's p.m., where I sate a little with Lady Don and Sir Alexander, who were making some marketing there. The Lady spoke civilly of the disappointment in being away when I went to see her, and hoped I would come again. Came home in the evening. Dozed and read some of Rapin. Munday, November 6th. — Wrote to G. Wallace and Davidson a.m. Afternoon was at Home seeing sick. Evening and night made some extracts from Rapin, and wrote a considerable part of a letter to Ephraim Nealson, which I should have wrote long ago. Tuesday, November 7th. — Finished my letter to Ephraim. W. Stevenson here a.m., and with him I read some of Euclid. Dr. Miller also called in passing. He told us that Willy Ramsay is made the Duke of Roxburgh's Commissioner. Evening, made some extracts in a chrono- 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 213 logical order from the beginning of Rapin ; at night looked to something for to-morrow at Kelso. Wednesday, November Sth. — Preached at Kelso on the Fast day before the Sacrament from Matt. 5. 4. Col- leagued with James Turnbull and Matthew Dysart. Thursday, November 9th. — In the forenoon saw some sick in the town ; afterwards read Rapin. In the evening icad Camden, who is so agreeable a miscellany that often when I take him up I cannot easily lay him down again. At night read some of Euclid. Friday, November 10th. — Read Rapin and Camden, and made some more extracts from the latter. Read also almost all the September Review, where there are some curious enough things. Saturday, November 11th. — Read Rapin and prepared for to-morrow and corrected a lecture of J. Sked's for the Divinity Hall. 1 Got a letter from Davidson to-day and another from G. Wallace yesterday. Davidson informs me that he had wrote by the same post that brought mine to the Crown's agent at London to make the appeal in the Hutton affair as soon as possible after the meeting of the Peers. He also tells me what Marchmont recommended about putting the Informations in the affair before the Court of Session into the hands of the principal Peers is what they always attend to in Appeals, and will be taken care of in this. Sunday, November 12th. — Preached at home on 1 Cor. 1. 23. 24, and then rode down to Kelso, where I did nothing but dismiss the forenoon school-house with a prayer, Messrs. Pollock, Turnbull, and Lundy having despatched the preaching work. James Turnbull came and preached in the school-house p.m. Drank tea at Mr. Dawson's and lodged in Dr. Gibson's. Munday, November ISth. — Messrs. Chatto and Leek preached. Drank tea at the Doctor's and made a call at 1 John Sked, who is mentioned frequently in the Diary, was a poor lad in the parish who eked out a scanty living by making baskets. He was licensed by the Presbytery of Kelso in 1763, and was presented to Abbey St. Bathans in 1774 : died 1813, aged seventy-six. 214 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 Dr. Thompson's with Nancy, the Miss Pollocks, and Minna Dawson. Betty Pollock, a very pretty, natural thing, afforded a good deal of agreeable amusement. Tuesday, November 14th. — Saw sick in the town a.m. Evening finished nearly the correction of Sked's lecture, and slept on the September Review. Wednesday, November loth. — Read to an end the Sep- tember Review. Afternoon went to Home to see sick, and drank tea at Mr. Stevenson's in passing. Finished Sked's lecture. Thursday, November 16th. — Went to dine at Newton, where I was received with abundance of civility. W. Brown of Maxton 1 there and his wife and Robert Scot of Sandy kno we. In the newspapers the most considerable thing is the Laureate Whitehead's Birthday Ode, 2 which is no contemptible work. Heard at Sir Alexander's that the two Misses Hamilton, celebrated Edinburgh beauties, are married or to be married to the Earl of Selkirk 3 and Lord Aberdour. 4 Friday, November 17th. — Read a little of Rapin. Sked here in the afternoon, getting his lecture. John Hume of Greenlaw came in the evening and stayed all night. His son's call to Polwarth was moderated yesterday, and he will be settled with all possible dispatch. John desires me to be at the admission, which will give me an oppor- tunity, I hope, of seeing Marchmont again before he leaves the country. Saturday, November 18th. — John Hume stayed till after dinner. Robert Turnbull came to tea on his way home from Edinburgh, where he had gone to attend the Com- 1 William Brown (see ante, p. 186, n. i) married, 1753, Isobel Kirkwood, Lessudden. 2 William Whitehead (1715-85), Poet Laureate 1758 : author of many birthday odes. 3 Dunbar Hamilton, fourth Earl of Selkirk, married, 3rd December 1758, Helen, fifth daughter of the Hon. John Hamilton, second son of Thomas, sixth Earl of Haddington. 4 Sholto Charles, Lord Aberdour, afterwards fourteenth Earl of Morton, married, 19th November 1758, Katherine, the third daughter of the Hon. John Hamilton above mentioned. 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 215 mission. It was with difficulty they could get a quorum, and there was no business of consequence. Robert brought me out the paper that G. Wallace had prepared on the cause of Hutton, in case our lawyers had resolved to reclaim after last decision, which I have some thoughts of putting into Marchmont's hands. Did something for to-morrow, and amused myself a little with looking over the Parish Register of Births and Proclamations. 1 Munday, November 20th. — Forenoon saw sick at Home. Afternoon went with Nancy to Sir Robert's and sate till after supper. They are now by themselves after a long run of company. Tuesday, November 21st — Wrought on Rapin, extracting from him the accounts of the births, deaths, offspring, etc. of the Saxon Kings and disposing them in the manner of Henault, which is very distinct and commodious. Wednesday, November 22nd. — Saw sick in the town a.m. Extracted more from Rapin. At night read the last satire but one of the second Book of Horace, which is properly a satire on himself. Many fine strophies in it, and some very good notes, especially of Torrentius, in the variorum edition. A reference from these notes to Plautus's Mostellaria led me to read most of the first act of the play, which I found extremely entertaining. Friday, November 2Uh. — Was extracting from Rapin when I got a letter from Robert Turnbull at Mr. Pollock's desiring me to dine there. Rode down with Nancy and stayed at Sprouston till after tea. Saturday, November 25th. — Weather the same ; blew some time hard at night from W. to N. and froze. Minna Dawson here all day. Did something for to-morrow. Sunday, November 26th. — A remarkable meteor seen about 9 o'clock. Munday, November 27th. — Saw sick in the town a.m. Mr. Pollock, Mrs. Pollock, and Miss Bett, also Robert Turnbull, his niece, and Mr. Lundy came to dine accord- 1 Stitchel Parish Registers go back to 1640, but the older parts of them are not in very good condition. 216 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 ing to agreement last Friday. Very well amused all day and night. Mr. Pollock and his wife left us, the rest stayed. Drew paper likenesses of our guests ; Betty Pollock a very sweet one. Tuesday, November 28th. — Guests stayed till near the evening ; Messrs. Turnbull and Lundy carried Bett Pollock home. Aly Stevenson stayed and fell to work immediately after they were gone to transcribe G. Wallace's paper for putting into Lord Marchmont's hands, and wrought at it till past twelve, with very little interv al. Wednesday, November 29th. — Rode to Home a.m. seeing sick ; rest of the day employed in transcribing the rest of G. Wallace's paper, which is very diffuse. Messrs. Turnbull and Lundy came in the evening, the former to go along with me to Polwarth to-morrow, by invitation from John Hume. Thursday, November 30th. — Robert Turnbull and I set out for Polwarth at 10 ; got ourselves heartily wet. Part of Johnson's sermon was done, but we got a sufficient specimen of it. It was far from being a contemptible work, and the pronunciation and delivery of it very accurate and what may be called pretty. A very good imitation of R. Walker, but not so easy and natural. Dined at Lord Marchmont's with the rest of the clergy and put G. Wallace's paper into his hands, which he received very graciously. Bade Nancy Burnet farewell and went over to Willy Hume's, where I stayed with Robert Turnbull all night. Anderson, Laurie, and Cupples also there. Very hearty. Friday, December 1st. — Robert Turnbull and I with Laurie and W. Hume came to Greenlaw to dine, where were also Matthew Dysart, and set out on a very bad, wet evening. Laurie and Robert Turnbull came over here and stayed all night. Got a good profile of Laurie's face and bust. Saturday, December 2nd. — Laurie went away before we had got up. Robert Turnbull and his niece about mid- day. Did afterwards something for to-morrow, and made some more genealogical extracts from Rapin. 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RTDPATH 217 Monday. December Uh. — Went to Edward Fairbairn's burial. Did not go so far as Gordon, but turned back by Hardie's Mill-place to see the girl Fairbairn there who is seized with a strange nervous disorder. Evening finished the extracts so far as I intend at present from the two first volumes of Rapin. Slept on Plautus. Tuesday. December 5th. — Read in the evening John Knox ; did also something for to-morrow. Wednesday, December 6th. — Preached on Ps. 145. 15-16. Lady Don and Minna Dawson in the Kirk. Thanksgiving Day appointed for good harvest by last Synod. Evening and night read a good deal of John Knox. Thursday. December 7th. — Read some of the Abrege Clironologique and much of John Knox, whose History improves a good deal from the beginning of his second book. Friday, December 8th. — Read John Knox with a good deal of entertainment ; his conversations with the Queen are very original and very unmodern. Saw sick in the town a.m. Saturday. December 9///. — Prepared for to-morrow and read John Knox, who affords me far more entertainment than I expected from him. Munday, December 11th. — Baptized and saw sick at Home and Hairy Heugh a.m. Robert Aymer's young wife here at tea ; a very agreeable sample of the beauty and spirit of the English commons. Read in the evening to the end John Knox's History, supplement and all, and some of the additional papers. Slept on Valerius Maximus, 1 who has very fine things in him. Tuesday, December 12th. — Went to the Presbytery, drank tea at Mrs. Dawson's, and the evening being bad and Minna promising to go up with me to-morrow, I went over to Lundy's and stayed all night. Messrs. Robert and James Turnbull also there. Andrew Chatto also in town with his wife ; supped with us in Mr. Lundy's. 1 Valerius Maximus, a Latin author who completed a large collection of historical anecdotes under the title of De Factis Dictisque Memorabilibus Libri IX. 218 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1758 James Turnbull informed me of a purpose of marriage he has with his cousin, the eldest Miss Rutherford, in Berwick, and desired me to attend him thither to marry him, first day of the New Year, which I readily agreed to. Wednesday, December 13th. — Breakfasted in Mr. Lundy's, called at Andrew Chatto's boy's room, and saw Mrs. Chatto. The eldest boy has had the small-pox, and is very well recovered. Brought up Mina behind me. The lad Davidson of Sprouston here at dinner. Mina stayed all night helping Nancy with a gown. Read a little of the Account of the Colonies of N. America, which I brought up from the Library. It is wrote with elegance, and is now said to be known as a production of Melmoth. 1 Thursday, December lUh. — Three of the elders here to examine our year's accounts and count the box. Willy Dawson and his young wife, Thomas Lee and his wife here at tea. The young pair seem to thrive on matri- mony. Read some more of the Account of America where Columbus, its first discoverer, is represented as a very compleat hero, and a much more favourable idea is given of Cortez than I had formed from Solis' History of his conquest, which I read long ago. 2 Friday, December loth. — Read some more of the Account of America with no small entertainment. Evening wrote in to the book of Poors Money last year's articles, and made a balance which is not so exact as it should be, but much more so than usual. Mina left us in the forenoon. Saturday, December 16th. — Prepared for to-morrow and read to an end the Account of America, a w ork that dis- covers great sense, extensive views, a good taste, and, what is more than all the rest, an uncommon spirit of goodness and humanity. Perhaps it would have been 1 I cannot trace this to Melmoth. 2 Don Antonio de Solis, born at Alcala de Henares in 1610 : his Con- quista de Mexico appeared in 1684, a brilliant, perspicuous work which, for its elegance of style and vividness of description, has become a Spanish Classic. It is, however, by no means impartial, and the author has been accused, perhaps justly, of bigotry and fanaticism. He died 1686. 1758] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 219 more judicious in so short a work to have sacrificed some fine writing and ingenious reflexions to a few more im- portant facts that might have filled usefully their place. But it is idle to detract from a work that in other respects has so much merit as justly to entitle it to a place amongst our first-rate modern productions. The stile and com- position very much resemble those of Melmoth's other writings, which are all more remarkable for a certain uniform smoothness than for nerves or strength. Munday, December 18th. — Saw sick forenoon. Evening and night read the Life of Knox, which Ruddiman some- where ascribes to Crawford, the Professor of Church History. There is not a great deal more to be learned from its relating to the author than from John's own History. Read also part of D. Buchanan's Preface. 1 Tuesday, December 19th. — Read D. Buchanan's Preface to an end, where there is some good, rough sense and some gleanings and conjectures relating to the antiquities and history of Scotland, that are not contemptible, though incorrect. Philip came after dinner by may of Whitsum, where he was stormstaid yesterday. Chatted away even- ing and night with him. Wednesday, December 20th. — Read some of the October Magazine which Philip brought along with him. Robert Turnbull came before dinner, and Mr. Lundy p.m., and stayed all night. Had abundance of sport about our Naiad, 2 with whom Lundy is most certainly in love, and not improbably may marry her. He came to seek supply for an expedition he has on hands to Lothian and partly succeeded. Thursday, December 21st. — Most lowring, breeze S.W. Guests left us a.m. Read the news, where is nothing. Got Payne s Chronicle 3 for the first time. I imagine the 1 David Buchanan (1590-1652), son of William Buchanan of Arnprior : after a residence of some years in Paris he returned to Scotland and was the author or editor of several works on Scottish history, biography, and topography. 2 The Naiad was Ridpath's pet name for Bessy Pollock, a daughter of the minister of Ednam. 3 This was probably the Universal Chronicle, or Weekly Gazette, published 220 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1758 paper called The Idler is published in it. The number in this not a bad one ; also some other miscellaneous things in verse and prose, all pretty good. Read to an end the October Magazine. Friday, December 22nd. — Rode to Eccles before dinner with Philip, and stayed all night. Our principal subject the Naiad and Mr. Lundy in love, in which we certainly dealt too freely. But nearest the heart nearest the mouth. Had the satisfaction to find all there of the same opinion as to the Nymph's beauty. 1 Saturday, December 23rd. — Came from Eccles before dinner. Looked to something for to-morrow, and read over again part of the first volume of the Account of America. Philip had a letter from G. Trotter's son at Edinburgh, which afforded no small diversion. Tuesday, December 26th. — Rode to Hardy's Mill Place to see Mary Fairbairn, very ill of a very anomalous nervous distemper. Andrew Chatto and the bridegroom came just after dinner and stayed all night. Got two very good profiles of their faces. Wednesday, December 27th.- — The bridegroom left us after dinner. Andrew Chatto stayed all night. We had a project of going to Eccles in the evening, but dropt it. Edmund Dodds buried to-day. I attended the funeral part of the road to Eccles. Thursday, December 28th. — Andrew Chatto accompanied us to Ednam on our way to Sprouston, Nancy along with us. Mr. Pollock, his wife and two daughters, and Mr. Lundy and his sister also there. Still, I believe foolishly, conspired to fondle the Naiad, and spent the evening in a sort of mirth, more wild than elegant. Friday, December 29th. — Mr. Pollock's family went by Newbery, London. In it appeared, on 15th April 1758, the first of Dr. Johnson's essays called The Idler. The Payne mentioned in the text was, in all likelihood, John Payne the bookseller of Paternoster Row, and a friend of Johnson : but I do not know that he had any connection with the Universal Chronicle. 1 Mr. Lundie married, a few years after this, somebody else, and there is no record of the Naiad having married at all. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH* 221 home, and the rest of us set out together with Robert Turnbull and his niece for Kelso, where we dined and stayed all night. Drunk tea in Mr. Dobby's, and John Miller supped with us in Mr. Lundy's, where we had much laughter about our gallantry. I could wish, however, to see the affair betwixt Mr. Lundy and the Naiad brought to an end. He is evidently catched, and as evidently will not have his sister on his side ; and what is worst of all, it looks as if Mr. Pollock's people and the sweet child herself expected something serious. Saturday, December SOth. — Came home after 10, and rode to Home to a meeting about the poor's affairs. Nancy and Philip and Miss Lundy, a very good, sensible woman, came up after me. Miss Lundy returned after tea. Then dozed and did something for to-morrow. 1759 Munday, January 1st. — Set out at 8 in the morning, and, according to appointment, met with James Turnbull at Cornhill. Found old Thomas Rutherford and Goudie at Scythe's boat-house, where we dined, and afterwards rode over to Bailie Rule's at Bound-Road, where the bride, in a chaise, with her brother and sister, arrived a few minutes after us. Ceremony quickly over, and we got to Berwick in the darkening. Drank tea at Mr. Waite's and drest, and afterwards went and supped in Mr. Rutherford's, where were only, besides the family, Gowdie, the bridegroom, J. Miller, and myself. Gowdie and I sat late with the Messrs. Rutherfords. Rather too little acquainted with both males and females of the family to be perfectly at my ease, though both this and the following days were spent not disagreeably. Tuesday, January 2nd. — Breakfasted and dined with the bridegroom and bride. Called at my aunt's, Mr. Stanton's, and the Doctor's. James Allan and John Waugh came to town in the evening, and I spent it with them in Mr. Waite's. They had been yesterday at the burial of Mr. 222 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 Trotter 1 of Edrom, whose death I had not heard of till yesterday. James Allan, in fulfilment of a concert made some weeks before, of which Philip had informed me, got Sir John Stuart to write a letter to Lord Marchmont for a Presentation to Will, which was sent by an express last Friday. It required a good deal of communing and per- suasion to obtain this letter ; and James Allan learned from Walter Anderson that the lady had repented of the measure and was threatening to have all reversed. On this, James Allan had wrote a letter to Sir John, one to Charles Smith, the lady's father, enclosed to him, and to be sent or supprest at pleasure, and one to W. Cochran, who was witness to the conversation that preceded Sir John's writing to Marchmont, all tending to the same point of confirming Sir John against temptations from the lady. These letters James Allan read to me, and they were dispatched by the post. Wednesday. January 3rd. — Learned from James Allan in the morning that his marriage affair remains yet un- determined. Macleod has never answered his letter, but promises to meet his daughter betwixt Edinburgh and Eyemouth, after this Christmas holidays are over. James seems to wish the thing may succeed. I most heartily wish the contrary, as nothing in all probable views can promise less good. Bridegroom's company set out a little after 10. The second girl, Polly, rode behind me. The bride and Hanna single. The day was very favourable. We dined elegantly at Cornhill and got very safe to Linton betwixt four and five. Spent the night by our- selves. Thursday, January Uh. — Mr. Chatto and his wife, to- gether with Philip, who had come to Morbattle last night, also Thomas Rutherford's brother and the girl Quarry dined with us. Spent our time very merrily, Philip contributing not a little to our glee. He stayed all night. The rest left us in the evening. 1 Alexander Trotter of Leetbrae (1677-1758), minister of Edrom : son of Captain Alexander Trotter, who fought at Kilhecrankie, a cadet of the family of Trotter of Prentonan. i 7 59] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 223 Friday, January 5th. — Our Linton company dined and drank tea at Morebattle. We returned about seven at night, and by the help of cross-questions, crambo, etc., spent it very heartily. Saturday. January 6th. — Andrew Chatto came over and dined, drank tea, and supped with us. Our living too plentiful, but I always bear this better after a few days seasoning than at first. Munday, January 8th. — The bad forenoon kept us all at Linton till after dinner, when I set out homeward and Philip and Thomas Rutherford, younger, for Berwick. The old man and one of his daughters propose to set out to-morrow, the other stays a while. I called at Mr. Dawson's and stayed till the news came, which brought nothing remarkable. Got a letter from James Allan enclosing a copy of Sir John Stuart's answer to his mentioned above, which, though tolerably clear as to his own adhering to Will, yet leaves a hole to get out of, by declaring that he will not force a minister on the other heritors, and seems to say that this was mentioned as a condition in the conversation with Mr. Allan, previous to his writing to Lord Marchmont. He also says that he had obtained J. Renton's consent except in one event, which, I suppose, is Lord Home's giving a Presentation to some other. 'Tis a pity, on an event attended with so much uncertainty, to have bestowed the certain expence of an express, especially in our circumstances. Tuesday, January 9th. — Rode to Fallside Hill and Home to baptize and see sick. Read the Edinburgh papers and some of the last November Review, which I brought from Kelso last night. Also wrote to Philip about this letter of Sir John Stuart's, and filled up my accounts and Journal. Thursday, January 11th. — Read more of the Account of America a.m. John Waugh, who had brought his wife to Ednam yesterday, called in passing towards Yarrow. Cupples had come along with him to Ednam, and came up thence before dinner. Nancy and I went down with him to Ednam, and stayed all night. Robert Turnbull dined 224 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 at Sir Robert's, called in passing and drank tea with us at Ednam. Spent the night somewhat wildly, as usual excited by the sweet lassie, Bett Pollock, with whom Cupples seems to be as much captivated as anybody. I was fully resolved not to go near her for a good while, but who can foresee such temptations. Friday, January 12th. — Stayed at Ednam till after dinner. Cupples and Mrs. Waugh and Nancy and I set out at the same time. Falling off my sleep in the morning, spent it making rebuses, Cupples having put me in the humour by one he made on the Naiad. These afforded some mirth. After coming home, dozed and read more than half the second volume of Melmoth's Account of America. Saturday, January 13th. — Weather the same, wind very high all night. It put me in mind of the great wind on the 17th January 1739, which also happened at full moon, and with an eclipse, though this was far from being so violent. Got the first volume of Sir William Temple's 1 works from the Library. I wrote for that which has his introduction to the English History. But as this other is come I shall read it through. Read a good deal of his Memoirs when employed as Plenipotentiary at Nimeguen. They are very entertaining. Did also something for to- morrow. Munday, January 15th. — Read Sir William Temple, who, on many accounts, deserves the reputation he has long maintained of an excellent writer ; there is a fine collec- tion of uncommon learning and curious political specula- tion in his treatise on Heroick Virtue. Rule was here cleaning the clock, and John Miller drank tea with us. Tuesday, January 16th.— Examined in the Kirk, first time for the season ; afternoon saw sick at Home. Drank tea and sate till eight with W. Stevenson, who has been sore distrest with a cold, and is now confining himself for it. Read at night near to the end of Sir William Temple's 1 Sir William Temple (1628-99), tne patron of Swift, who assisted him in editing his Memoirs, published his Introduction to the History of England in 1695. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH • 225 Memoirs of the Peace of Nimeguen, 1 where the French, as usual, showed their great talents for negotiating. Wednesday, January 17th. — Examined in the Kirk. Read to the end of Temple's Memoirs, and the greatest part of his work on the United States. Thursday, January 18th. — Read some more of Sir William Temple's account of the Netherlands, and was in the evening at Sir Robert's. Himself and Miss Polly had gone to Edinburgh this morning, where Miss Polly is to stay the rest of the winter. Sate till after eight with Mrs. Pringle 2 and Maddy. Sunday, January 21st. — Had a letter from Philip in the morning, in which he writes me there is yet no account about the Edrom affair. It is probable it is trafficking for a vote. The papers say that the merchants have accounts of the King of Spain's death. 3 Munday, January 22nd. — A.m. at Home seeing sick. Saw also W. Stevenson in passing, who is still confined, but a good deal better. Read some things in Bishop Burnet that have relation to Sir William Temple's works. The Thompsons came in the evening and stayed all night, which was rather disturbed than entertained by their everlasting clack. The widow, however, is a soft agree- able sort of woman. Tuesday, January 23rd. — The damsels left us about 11. I examined afterwards in the Kirk. Jimmy Dawson called in the evening, a sturdy, well-looked lad. Had some talk with him relating to the last French expedition, where he was. He talked sensibly enough about it. 1 The actual title of the book is — Memoirs of what past in Christendom from the War begun 1672 to the Peace concluded 1679. 2 The Mrs. Pringle who lived with Sir Robert (whose own wife had died in 1739) was probably the wife of his son Gilbert, the Captain of Dragoons. She was the daughter and heiress of John Pringle of Torsonce, and brought that estate into the family. 3 The information in the text was incorrect. The Queen of Spain, Madeleine Therese, daughter of John v., King of Portugal, had died 27th August 1758. King Ferdinand, her husband, was so much affected by her death that he himself died 29th August 1759 at the comparatively early age of forty -six. P 226 • DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 Read in the evening Williamson's Relation of his adven- tures, 1 which was brought me by young Robert Heymer, who was mending something here in the afternoon. Most of it is paltry stuff. Thursday, January 25th. — Examined at Fallside Hill and saw W. Stevenson in passing, who is a good deal better. To-day and Tuesday's papers give an account of a discovery made of the conspiracy against the King of Portugal, from which he so very narrowly escaped. The conspirators were, it seems, some of the principal of his nobility, one of whom, the Duke de Avaro, was to have been made King. Many of them are seized. 2 Evening chiefly spent in reading these news. Had a letter from Philip, in which he writes me that James Allan has had a letter from Marchmont informing him that he had applied for and obtained a promise of the Presentation to Edrom, which he hoped soon to send down. Wrote to Philip and slept on Burnet. Friday, January 26th. — Went to Kelso with Nancy en croupe chiefly to see Jimmy Dawson. Sir Alexander Don and his lady dined in Mr. Dawson's, also J. Miller. After- wards drank tea with the Thomsons, Minna, Jimmy, and John Miller being along. Stayed there till 8. Drew some profiles and rode home betwixt 8 and 9. Denied myself the sport of the rest of the night, principally for the sake of saving the expence of my horse at Kelso. Heard at Kelso that Lord Kilkerran 3 died within these few days 1 Peter Williamson, the son of an Aberdeenshire crofter, was a boy of ten, kidnapped and sold to a settler in Pennsylvania. He had many adventures : fell into the hands of the Indians, but escaped and enlisted in the army. Coming home he published, in 1757, an account of his ex- periences : it gave great offence to the Aberdeen authorities and he was banished from that city. He is best known, perhaps, as the originator of the penny post, which he established in Edinburgh about 1777 : died 1799. 2 Joseph, King of Portugal (1750-77), was the subject of an attack by conspirators on 3rd December 1758. He was fired at as he was returning from a country house near Lisbon. For the attempted assassination three nobles, along with the wife and son of one of them, were executed. 3 Sir James Fergusson of Kilkerran, second Baronet : advocate 171 1 : raised to the Bench as Lord Kilkerran 1735 : died 20th January 1759, aged seventy-one. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 227 past. Called at Mr. Lundy's, who has not been at Ednam since he came home, from whence it looks as if he had a mind to give up the game there. I apprehended that would be the consequence of his Lothian expedition, but he might do worse. Wrote after I came home a letter to John Davidson asking news about the Hutton affair to go by W. Stevenson, who proposes to set out for Edinburgh to-morrow. Saturday, January 27th. — Prepared for to-morrow and read the October Review. It has a specimen of MQuer's Elements of Chemistry, 1 translated by Read, a work I could wish to have from the account and extract that is there given of it. Look'd also into Sir William Temple's second volume which Charles brought me from Kelso. He had gone to bring up Nancy, whom I had left behind me last week. But they are keeping her to help Minna to sew some shirts to her brother. Munday. January 29th. — Examined at Oxmuir and saw sick at Home in returning. Evening and night read news- papers and Sir William Temple's letters. In the news there is an account of the Princess of Orange's death on the 12th. 2 No account yet of the King of Spain's death, but all agree he is dying. Wednesday, January Slst. — Examined at Todrig ; Jimmy Dawson breakfasted here in passing to Sir Robert's to dine, and called again in the evening. As he goes away to-morrow I rode down with him to Kelso and stayed all night. Supped in Mr. Dawson's, where were also J. Miller and Scott the surgeon. Lodged in Mr. Lundy's, who was not at home. Laurie arrived there the same moment with me, and we lay together. Had some of his Jedburgh Presbytery chat. Thursday, February 1st— Breakfasted in Dr. Miller's and Thomas Dawson's. Rode down to Sprouston in the forenoon to see Robert Turnbull, who has had 1 Pierre Joseph Macquer (1718-84), scientist of Paris, published Elemens de Chymie Theorique, 1749, and Elemens de Chymie Practique, 1 751. - Anna, Princess of Orange, was the eldest daughter of George 11. of Great Britain. She married, 1734, William of Nassau, Prince of Orange. 228 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 a sort of slow fever, or rather ill-formed ague, these eight days. His ease continued all the evening and he rested well at night. I sate up with him till two o'clock, and read last December Magazine, where there are some pretty good articles, among the rest some entertaining extracts of Horace Walpole's Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors. Got a letter from Philip last night in which he writes me that James Allan is gone to Edinburgh, being sent for by Sir J. Steuart, who has probably got the Pre- sentation to Edrom, or has at least some business relating to that affair to negotiate with him. He writes also that J. Burnet is to come to the Low Meeting, 1 which will probably be most to his own disadvantage, though perhaps Goudie may also suffer by it. Friday, February 2nd. — Came over to Kelso and dined in Mr. Dawson's, expecting to have carried Nancy home with me, who has been there these eight days helping to sew shirts to Jimmy Dawson, but she stays a day or two longer. Mr. Lundy had not come home. I found by the intelligence his servants had got about him, that no longer able to resist his yearnings after the Naiad, he had gone to Ednam last night after crossing Tweed at the Townhead on his way from Selkirk by Maxton homeward. After I came home, dozed and read more of Sir William Temple's Letters, which would be more entertaining if they were accompanied by a short historical comment. Sunday, February Uh. — Charles went for Nancy in the morning and brought her home from Kelso. She brought a letter from Philip, in which there is one enclosed to him from W. Stevenson at Edinburgh, who informs that the Advocate had told his brother that he was credibly in- formed that Lord Home was to drop the defence of his claim to Hutton at the Bar of the Peers ; the consequence of which would be that on the Advocate's appearing there for the Crown, the right would be adjudged to it. I wish this intelligence may prove true, as it will, I hope, make us pretty sure of having the affair finished this 1 The High Meeting (House) and the Low Meeting (House) were the two Presbyterian Churches in Berwick. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 229 session. An article from Madrid of the 25th December represents their monarch as in a very miserable way from the 5th of September, that is, eight days after the loss of his Queen. It is said that he has neither been shaved nor shifted, but shutting himself up at Villa Viciosa has abandoned himself to an invincible melancholy, abstain- ing for long periods from sleep or food, and refusing utterly to hear of all business. A slow fever with remis- sions is said in the meantime to prey upon him. He has been prevailed upon, however, to make his testament, but what steps the heir-apparent is resolved to take either at home or with regard to his succession to the Spanish monarchy seems yet uncertain. What unhappy mortals are at present from one cause or another all the European monarchs. Munday, February 5th. — Examined in the west end of Home and saw sick. Took Sir Robert's on my way homewards, where I drank tea and supped and received my stipend. Paid him also for seed corn last year and for cast timber. Tuesday, February 6th. — Rode to the Presbytery meet- ing, where we had no business, but at last got W. Walker's exercise and addition. Drank tea at Dr. Gibson's ; wrote to Berwick and came home after 8. Intended to have stayed all night, but I had a letter from Philip in the morning, in which he wrote me that James Allan had wrote him that he intended to be at Riddell this week and would be here in passing. He did not, however, come to-night. Slept on the beginning of the 9th Mneid. Wednesday, February 7th. — Read Temple's Letters and consulted Burnet, Atlas, and Heraut. Read at night the very fine story of Nisus and Euryalus. 1 Thursday, February Sth. — Examined in the west end of Home, second dyet. Came home to dine. John Waugh was here in the evening. He had been at Tofts to see Tommy Pringle, who has been ill of a fever. He drank tea and stayed till 8, and went to Ednam. To-day's and In the ninth book of the Mneid. 230 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 last Post's papers give an account of the execution of some of the principal conspirators at Lisbon, amongst whom was a lady, the Marchioness de Tavora. One of the assassins, a bravo of the Duke d'Aveiro's, was burned alive, and with him the dead bodies of the rest were con- sumed and their ashes thrown into the sea. All this tragical affair is said to have been the consequence of the King's having violated or sought to violate a daughter of the Duke d'Aveiro. There are some other noblemen, two Bishops, and several Jesuits in prison. At night transcribed a song I got from Jimmy Dawson about the St. Cas affair for Miss M. Pringle. It is the work of a grenadier and has some droll enough hits in it at Clark and FitzMorris, the heroes of that expedition. Friday, February 9th. — Mr. and Mrs. Dysart here at dinner. W. Stevenson, who came from Edinburgh last night, called in the morning. He brought me a letter from Davidson, in which he says J. Pringle told him that Lord Home was to make no opposition before the Peers, on which account he had not reprinted the informations in the cause, as he had proposed. The Advocate further told Stevenson that Mr. Lockhart had given it as his opinion that so soon as an appeal should be lodged for the Crown, Lord Home ought to give up the cause, as defending it before the Peers would only be throwing away 'money to no purpose. Wrote these things and sent Davidson's letter to Philip. Evening cleared with Robert Heymer, and slept on Virgil. Munday, February 12th. — Was a good deal in the garden and glebe. Sowed some Charlton Hotspurs. Evening read to an end Sir W. Temple's Letters. The latter part of that collection is scarce worth the labour of reading, after having read his Memoirs, excepting a few of them wrote in confidence to the Treasurer Danby, the Duke of Ormund, and his father. Charles' Court and Council make a very poor figure in them and are finely contrasted by the sense and steadiness and virtue of the Prince of Orange and Sir W. Temple himself, who was certainly one of the ablest and honestest negotiators ever employed 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 231 by any Prince. In Saturday's papers, which I only got to-day, there is a Gazette account of the execution of the Portugal conspirators, as also of the nature of the con- spiracy, which is there ascribed to the disappointment of ambition in the noblesse concerned and to the resentment of the Jesuits, who were lately driven from the Court and who joined counsels with the Duke d'Aveiro, M. de Tavora, etc. At night read some of the Mneid and wrote to Philip in answer to one I had from him to-day. Tuesday, February ISth. — Was at Home seeing sick. Made a scroll p.m. of N. Wilson's testament. Rest of the day, evening, and night read Bishop Burnet's second vol. for the sake of better understanding what I have been reading of Sir W. Temple. Wednesday, February lMh. — Wrought some in the garden cleaning flower ground. Prepared for to-morrow and read a good deal of Bishop Burnet, his account of the Popish plot and exclusion Parliaments, which is a curious morsel of history. Thursday, February loth. — Preached thrice on Deutero- nomy 32. 15, and too long ; kirk well filled. Read half a volume of Sherlock's sermons, 1 which have been for some time greatly in vogue. They want not merit, being wrote in point of language very chastely and naturally ; nor are the sentiments and reasoning contemptible ; though they contain little, I think, either very new or very pro- found. They might be good and useful discourses to the Gentlemen of the Inns of Court to whom they were preached, but in general I cannot think they are right models for popular discourses, as in general they want fire, method, and address to the heart, and have often a degree of acuteness and subtlety that a popular assembly cannot be supposed able to follow. Friday, February 16th. — Walked to Mr. Pollock's and was there till evening. He had got papers from an agent in the affair of his manse ; a representation for the Heritors and an annexe to it for the Presbytery, which he was to 1 Thomas Sherlock (1678-1761), Bishop successively of Bangor, Salis- bury, and London. 232 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 write about to Edinburgh. The answer for us was not much amiss. Some corrections and additional circum- stances he gave in a letter to the agent. He had also taken it in his head to write to Prestongrange, the Ordinary, in the cause, who had given a favourable interloquitor. He thought that some old acquaintance with his lady's father made a sort of introduction. Though the impro- priety of this was very evident, yet as the letter had the air of simplicity and truth, I thought it could do little hurt and might even be possibly of service ; so, having hinted a few corrections, I thought it might be sent, but charging profound secrecy. Our Naiad has got her com- plexion sore marred with the vile distemper in the blood of the family, but in speight of it her looks and smiles still have attractions. Read some of Bishop Burnet in the evening. Saturday, February 17th. — Set out for Yarrow to preach for Mr. Mason 1 betwixt 9 and 10 a.m. Robert Turnbull was to have gone at this time, but his illness made him unwilling to enter on the journey,, and I engaged at the Presbytery meeting to go in his place. Reached Selkirk before 1 o'clock ; dined and drank tea there and rode up to Yarrow in the evening. Mason's servant had come down to guide me. Sunday, February 18th. — Found Yarrow a much more agreeable place than I expected. There is a fine little open around it, and the hills on the north side of the Yarrow are green. That water runs just by the foot of Mason's garden, and on the banks of it most of the way down to its confluence with the Ettrick, which is about a mile above Selkirk, there is wood either natural or artificial. The manse is very tolerable and so is the Kirk, and there are several well-drest people in the congregation. Found Mason perfectly sound and well, though he has not yet preached. He has been drinking sea water long and also taking frequent vomits, by which his digestion is restored, which, while he was ill, quite failed him. Con- 1 James Mason, minister of Yarrow 1753-64. He married Elizabeth Kirkwood. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 233 sidering the dreadful bout he has had, his present health and strength are not a little surprising. His wife had also a horrible time of it by her attendance, which was most affectionate and exact, and indeed she appears to have suffered more than he, being thin and her looks still retaining an air of distress. Had resolved to return to Selkirk to-night, but found it would cost too great a struggle to get away. Spent my time not at all dis- agreeably. Mundcuj. February 19th. — Set out from Yarrow between 10 and 11. Prevailed on Mason to take a ride with me, which he did as far as Hangingshaw. Got to Selkirk betwixt 12 and 1. Dined there and set out about 3. Trotter convoyed me till near Melrose bridge. I got home betwixt 6 and 7, not without some wandering betwixt Mellerstain Mill and Sir Robert's winter entrys. Found James Allan here, arrived a little before me, on his way to Riddell. MLeod has been at Eyemouth. He asked his consent to marry Mrs.. Keith, but was refused. The lady, it seems, has still some hopes of prevailing with her parent, and having no longer been able to bear her usage at Highlas, has retired to Berwick, where she lodges in Mr. Somervail's. M'Leod is soon to be in Berwick, and then it is likely the thing will be on end one way or other. Tuesday, February 20th. — James Allan stayed till after dinner and then set out for Riddel. Wednesday, February 21st. — Examined in the east end of Home ; dined in Sked's and baptized twins at Sweet- hope. Read in the evening some of the January Magazine and appendix to last year which came from Berwick two or three days ago. Thursday, February 22nd. — Examined again in the east end of Home and came home to dine. Wrote to Philip and to J. Davidson, with whom I was hopeful my corre- spondence was at an end ; but Philip wrote me that J. Rent on, who came lately from Edinburgh, had been affirming to Hilton, who told it to some of our Berwick friends, that Lord Home's people were still to prosecute the Hutton affair before the Peers. 'What is in this I 234 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 have wrote to inquire of J. Davidson, and to warn him of what we have heard, that the cause may not suffer by any neglect. Read to an end the Magazines. Friday, February 23rd. — James Allan arrived from Riddel at 4. I shaved, and Nancy and I went up with him to Sir Robert's, where we stayed and supped. Had a good deal of agreeable chat. Munday, February 26th. — Read to an end the history of the Ryehouse Plot in Burnet, where the story of Lord Russell's death is told in a very natural and affecting manner. Read also to an end Sir W. Temple's Introduction to the History of England. There is much good sense and good writing in it, but the narrative is ill-proportioned ; his account of the Roman and Saxon times being a very im- perfect sketch, while he gives almost a history of William the Conqueror, whom he makes, I think, rather too great a hero ; though it must be allowed that both his talents and fortune were very uncommon. At night wrote out fair on stampt paper N. Wilson's testament so as to be ready for subscribing. Tuesday, February 27th. — Read the newspapers, from which I did not learn much. Wrought a little in the garden and gave some attendance to a brewing of strong ale. Revised some of Sir W. Temple's Letters. Slept on M. Henry's Catechism, which is a notable little work of its kind. 1 Thursday, March 1st. — People are beginning everywhere to sow oats, the ground being in fine condition. Examined last dyet in the E. end of Home. Robert Turnbull and Lundy came here to dine and called for me at Home, but I could not get to them till 4 o'clock. Read the Chronicle, where this week's Idler on Historical Painting is a very good paper. It has also several particulars about the Portugal conspirators which are interesting. Paid Smeaton in the evening for this year's plowing. Read at night two or three letters of Cardinal Bentevoglio. 2 1 Matthew Henry (1662-17 14), nonconformist divine and well-known commentator. He published his Scripture Catechism in 1702. 2 Giu Bentevoglio was private chamberlain to Pope Clement viii. : 17591 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 235 Friday, March 2nd. — Shaved a.m. and rode to Eccles, where I dined and drank tea. At night looked to some things in the Italian Grammar ; 'tis long since I read anything in that language, but I must not forget it. Sunday. March ±th. — Stevenson dined with us. I had a letter from J. Davidson in the morning, in which he informs me that the Crown Agent at London has wrote him that the cause of Hutton is enrolled for the 5th, and that there is to be an appearance for Lord Home. As Philip and he differ about the day it is rather more likely that the former may be mistaken. Tuesday, March 6th. — Saw sick and attended a burial at Home and then rode to the Presbytery with Nancy en croupe. Once intended to ride forward to Linton, but went down to Sprouston with Robert Turnbull and stayed all night. He promised to go to Linton with us to-morrow with his niece. Drank tea at Mr. Dawson's, who is prettv well. Wednesday, March 7th. — Weather the same, but inter- vals, as the day advanced, of sun. In one of these we set out from Sprouston betwixt 12 and 1. Dined at Linton, drank tea at Morbattle, where Mrs. Chatto has got a little daughter about ten days ago. Saw the Kirk ; which has the pulpit up and galleries finished. It is really a very neat, commodious place. Returned to Linton and stayed all night, where we were abundantly cheerful. Thursday, March 8th. — Stayed till after dinner and then rode over again to Sprouston, where we stayed all night. Robert is almost quite well, though he has not yet preached. Looked to some articles in Miller's Gardeners' Dictionary, 1 which Robert has from the Library. Friday, March 9th. — Stayed at Sprouston till after dinner. Had a walk' down the riverside and reconnoitred papal nuncio in Flanders and France, and was made a Cardinal. He was an intimate friend of Urban viii., whom it was thought he would succeed as Pope. But he died at the beginning of the Conclaves in 1644. 1 Philip Miller (1691-1771), gardener to the Chelsea Botanical Garden 1722 : author of several treatises on gardening. His Gardeners' and Florists' Dictionary, published in 1724, was translated into German, Dutch, and French. 236 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [i759 Robert's glebe and garden, which he has brought into excellent form and order. Drank tea in passing at Ednam, where the Naiad is looking very lovely. Read also the Chronicle, where there are some good enough things. Saturday, March 10th. — Wrought a good while in the garden p.m. setting a few polyanthuses and auriculas which I had got from James Turnbull, and preparing ground for some ranunculuses which he also gave me. Evening read some of the History of the Jews in 10th vol. of Universal History relating to the subject of my Lecture. Sunday, March llth. — Rode to Home to see Archibald Smith's wife, who seems to be in a dying state. Munday, March 12th. — Planted the ranunculuses I got from James Turnbull. Read a good deal of Keith's History, where the original papers are a very interesting collection. Tuesday, March 13th. — Robert Turnbull, according to appointment last week, came here this morning. We rode to Homebyres, where we dined and drank tea. I also went there in the afternoon to the burial of Archibald Smith's wife. Aly Stevenson walked over from Sprouston with W T ill, who had stayed there since Saturday. Her uncle and she stayed all night. Wednesday, March 14th: — Rode over with Robert Turnbull to Greenlaw to see John Hume, who has an ague these eight or ten days. John Hume not being accus- tomed to be ill, he knows not what to make of himself, and particularly has far too much discourse, some of which is very diverting. Stayed with him till past four and came home through a severe blast most part of the way. Found a letter here when I came home from Philip by one of our egg men, informing me that John Patterson had wrote to the Collector by Munday's post that the cause of Hutton was decided by the Peers on the 7th, and given for the Crown without any difficulty. Patterson was present, and writes that Hardwicke and Marchmont (scarce anything of this true) 1 rated the Lords of Session Marginal note. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 237 pretty severely. And so this troublesome affair is at last * come to the end we desired, for which we have ground to be thankful to the Supreme Disposer. Thursday, March 15th. — Mr. Turnbull and his niece stayed till after dinner. Read the news, which afford little remarkable. Read evening and night almost all the January Review and supplement to last year, which Charles brought from Kelso, whither he had been setting down Aly Stevenson. Friday, March 16th. — Wrote Philip. Calculated the amount of the expence of my Edinburgh journeys about his cause. The eight journeys come to about £6, 13s., which, considering that I was once ten days in the town, and sometimes paid both for James Allan and myself, is certainly a very moderate sum. Began Keith, whom I intend to go through regularly, if not disturbed. At night read the Life of Drummond of Hawthornden. Sunday, March ISth. — Had a letter from Davidson in- forming me shortly that the Lords' Interloquitor in the Hutton cause was reversed by the Peers. He had not yet got their decree, but expects it soon. Munday, March 19th. — An odd creature dined here, Tait of Langrigg's son, 1 who is a candidate for Holy Orders and on his way to his friends at Girrick, 2 left here a circular letter from the Presbytery of Chyrnside to ours. Rode to Home to see sick. Heavy and listless by some cold I have got joined to the chilliness and thickness of the air. Read at night some of Milton s Life, wrote, I believe, by Toland, 3 and prefixed to the edition of his prose works in 1698, which I have borrowed from Mr. Dysart for the sake of reading the History of England 1 This odd creature was probably that Thomas Tait who was licensed by the Presbytery of Chirnside in 1760, and presented to the parish of Eyemouth in succession to James Allan in 1767 : he died unmarried 1776. The Fasti Reel. Scot, says that he was native of Whitsome : but the diarist states that he was a son of Tait of Langrigg, a place in the parish of Chirnside. 2 Girrick, a village two miles from Smailholm. 3 John Toland (1 670-1 722), a voluminous author and supporter of the Deist side in philosophical controversy. 238 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1759 before the Conquest, which is the piece that stands first in this collection. Tuesday, March 20th. — Wilson of Coldstream break- fasted here on his way homewards from Mellerstain. Wrought most of the day in the garden planting some more beans and sowing some peas. J. Aitchison of Falkirk came here in the evening and stayed all night. Was a good deal entertained with his account of his. present situation, which, according to him, is in the very centre of wildness. Wednesday, March 21st. — Mr. Dawson dined with us and sate till about 5. W r as at Home a.m. at a meeting for the poor's affairs. Read some of Bishop Keith and slept on Milton's Life. Thursday, March 22nd. — In the afternoon went up to Sir Robert's, where I sate till after supper. Talked to him about repairing my house and office houses, and was pleased to find him expressing no dissatisfaction with several articles I mentioned. Saw the Edinburgh news there, where there is an account of Andrew Pringle 1 obtaining his Commission for being Lord of Session and Justiciary in room of the late Kilkerran. Thomas Miller is made Solicitor, 2 and what is of much more moment than all this to the gay world, Foote 3 arrived at Edin- burgh and was to appear on the stage last Tuesday night. The Races at Leith and Hunters Ball are this week. Saturday, March 2Uh.- — W. Stevenson called in the fore- noon, with whom I reconnoitred the glebe and asked him 1 Andrew Pringle, son of John Pringle of Haining : advocate 1737 : Sheriff of Wigtown 1750, and of Selkirk 1751 : Solicitor-General 1755: raised to the Bench as Lord Alemore 1759. Both Carlyle and Somerville speak in the highest terms of his commanding ability and great eloquence. His strong and virile countenance is to be seen in his portrait in the Parliament House. 2 Sir Thomas Miller of Glenlee (1712-89) succeeded Pringle as Solicitor- General, and was appointed Lord Advocate 1760 : the following year he became Lord Justice-Clerk, and in 1788 succeeded Robert Dundas as Lord President of the Court of Session, and was created a Baronet. 3 Samuel Foote (1720-77), actor and dramatist. At a time when his finances were at a low ebb he hit upon the expedient of a trip to Edinburgh, which proved completely successful. Foote, however, did not appear • last Tuesday,' which would have been the 20th March, but on the 15th, when he played the part of Cadwallader in his own farce of The Author. i 7 59] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 239 some questions about its culture. Rest of the day read Keith. Got in the evening from Sir Robert by Nancy a number of the Critical Review which I saw there the other night. Read most of it. I see it is contrived to please the Tories and High Church in political articles and other things, though, perhaps, there is more vivacity and even a greater show of learning than in the Monthly Review ; yet a satirical spirit seems to be much more intemperately indulged. Nor is the writing in general so correct, so that, as far as I can judge from this specimen, I think the Monthly Magazine much preferable. 1 At night looked out something for to-morrow at Kelso. Sunday, March 25th. — Dined in Mr. Dawson's and drank tea with John Miller, who seems to be apprehensive of some consumptive symptoms, yet there is nothing of that kind violent about him, nor is he much reduced considering the continuance of his illness for two or three weeks and his low dyet. Munday, March 26th. — Rode over to Greenlaw to see John Hume, who still continues distressed with his ague. But it has now become a regular tertian, and none of its symptoms violent. The wild raving humour he was in when I saw him last has entirely left him ; but as he is apt to be in extremes, he seems now to be living more abstemiously and lying down more than is necessary. Came home in the evening and wrote at night letters to Philip and J. Hunter. Wednesday, March 28th. — Was working busily at the glebe hedge, when Matthew Dysart and the lad Grieve of Old Cambus 2 arrived. They dined and drank tea. Grieve is about finishing his tryals before the Dunbar Presbytery, 1 The Critical and the Monthly were the two leading magazines of the day. Dr. Johnson told King George ill., in answer to an inquiry as to which was the best, that the Monthly was done with most care, but the Critical upon the best principles. Johnson, of course, preferred the 1 Church and State ' periodical to its more liberal rival. Other observations of his on their merits are quoted in Boswell's Life. 2 Henry Grieve here referred to had a somewhat distinguished clerical career. Licensed by the Presbytery of Dunbar within a week of this date : minister of Twynholm 1762, and translated to Eaglesham within 240 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 and wanted some help about a Hebrew Psalm, of which I gave him a part written in Roman characters, with the translation and analysis of some of the words. Read in the evening our Weekly Chronicle, where the Idler is a good paper, and where there is also a pretty long extract of Carlyle's pamphlet about Mr. Pitt, which has had a prodigious run. 1 There is also a letter in it from Sir John Barnard 2 about the scarcity of silver coin, where he pro- poses coining £200,000 of silver with a considerable alloy, in order to prevent both the wearing of it and melting it down. He is absolutely against altering the standard of our money and the proportion betwixt gold and silver. But the theory of this matter I do not fully understand. Thursday. March 29th. — Read Keith, chiefly original papers in his appendix, and in the evening Will brought Robertson's second vol. from Kelso, sent by agreement from Robert Turnbull, of which I read more than a hundred pages, with the corresponding pages in the appendix, before I went to bed. Friday. March 30th. — Read Robertson all day. Finished the second vol. of History with the corresponding papers in the appendix, also his dissertation on King Henry \ murder. Was very much entertained and not a little instructed. 3 Richardson from Newcastle came in the evening and stayed all night. Saturday. March Slst. — Richardson left us in the fore- six months : minister of Dalkeith 1765 : of New Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 1789, and of the Old Kirk Parish 1791 till his death in 1810. D.D. St. Andrews 1775 : Moderator of General Assembly 1783, and one of H.M. Chaplains in Ordinary 1784. 1 This was Plain Reasons for Removing the Right Honourable William Pitt from His Majesty's Councils for ever, by O. M. Haberdasher. It was written, Carlyle tells us, in the ironical style of Dean Swift, and enjoyed great popularity. 2 Sir John Barnard (1 685-1 764), merchant, politician, financier, and philanthropist : Lord Mayor of London 1737 : a high authority on financial questions and 1 the type of an honourable British merchant of his day.' 3 Dr. Robertson's History of Scotland in the Reigns of Queen Mary and James VI. was published in London in February of this year. It proved a great success, and Ridpath's historical taste must have led him to peruse the work of a friend and fellow minister with much interest. I759J DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 241 noon, going to see his father. He engaged to preach for me all to-morrow and came back in the evening. I went to Ednam to see Mr. Pollock's people, Bett and Mary having had the ague. Found Mr. Lundy, poor wanderer, t here on his way home. Bett is better, but in sore deshabille, which she does not perfectly become. Read some papers in Robertson's appendix and revised some of the second vol. Sunday, Aprile 1st. — Richardson preached very popu- larly really, and with a good mixture of sense. He has none of the graces of delivery, but an excellent pipe. Got a letter from Philip informing me that his call had gone well enough on at Hutton on Wednesday : that he has tryals given him and is appointed to supply the parish. Had also a letter from Davidson enclosing the Lords' decree, but giving me little encouragement about applying for the vacant stipend. Munday, Aprile 2nd.— Richardson left us about 11 for Home and Nenthorn. I went afterwards to the glebe and to see John Nicol's wife, ill of a bad cold and cough. Found Dobbie and his son here when I came home. They stayed till the evening. Afterwards read over again some of Robertson and also the newspapers. Tuesday, Aprile 3rd. — Went to the Presbytery meeting, where we elected our members, Hog, myself, ministers, and G. Wallace ruling elder. Drank tea at Mr. Lundy's. Richardson came to us from Nenthorn, and came home with me at night. Got the first volume of Robertson which Robert Turnbull had brought with him to Kelso. W ednesday, .Aprile Uh. — Was at Home seeing sick a.m., whither Richardson went along with me, and stayed behind at Home Byres. Rest of the day and night read in Mr. Robertson's first volume. Was a while in the glebe. Thursday, Aprile 5th. — Wrought almost all the day in the garden sowing seeds. At night read the Weekly Chronicle, where, besides a good Idler, there is an answer on the subject of the coin subscribed William Shirley, 1 I 1 William Shirley ( 1694- 1 771), Governor of Massachusetts 1741-56, when he was superseded and given the governorship of the Bahamas. He did much towards the conquest of Canada from the French. Q '24,2 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH U759 suppose the late Governor of New England, to Sir .). Bamard'fl paper last week ; t he paper is well wrote. There is alio an account of the circumstances of Marshal Keith's 1 death, which is very much to his honour. Read also about a hundred pages in Robertson' 8 first volume. Friday, Aprile 6th. It happened extremely well that I sowed so many seeds yesterday, and also got home a cart of coals, our old slock being wholly exhausted. Read Robertson all the day and finished him, excepting a few of the original papers, The work certainly deserves great praises. The choice of lads is judicious, the disposition of them clear and regular, the descriptions animated, reflexions just and natural, characters painted in glow- ing colours, and the stile elegant, perspicuous, easy, and lull of vigour, What seems most liable to objection is a want of sullicient detail in some facts of consequence, which, by sparing some reflexions and declamation, might have been given without increasing the bulk of the work ; and I cannol help thinking that there is al least a, striking impropriety in the kindness shown to Mary, when 'tis plain tlx- author holds her guilty of tin worst <>t crimes. This also is naturally accompanied with a severity to Elizabeth lor which t here scarce appears sullicient ground, when t he dangers to which she and her people were con- tinually exposed by tin- increasing plots of her rival are impartially at tended to. Saturday, Aprilc 7th. -Read over carefully the disserta- tion on Darnley's murder at the end of Robertson's second vol. It is a very accurate work, and 1 think to any im- partial person is sullicient to convict both Bothwell and i\lar> of I lie infamous action. Read in Goodal Mary's letters, which are curiosities of their kind, Paris's confes- sions and sonic other original papers, Read also sonic of Camden and prepared for to-morrow. Sunday, Aprilc Hth. Philip Writes me that the corre- spondence betWlXl .lames Allan and IMrs. Keith see ins to he 1 Marshal Keith, brother of the Earl Marischal, was killed at the battle ol llochkerchen ui August, 1758. i 7 59l DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH w> broke up, w>ii with her and sate till after flipper. Talked to Sir Robert some more about the repairs of my house. At night read some articles in tin February Beview t particularly the account of Robert* son, which is very favorable, but not more than the work deserves. | Several pages min*ftrif*. \ [Friday, Aprile 27///,. | Rode down with W. Stevenson to breakfast at, Mr. Lundy's and thence went to reconnoitre 1 Marginal note. 244 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1759 his farm, concerning which Mr. Stevenson gave him very poor comfort. It is indeed a miserable parcel of land and extremely little improved by the enormous expense of £120 laid out on it. Dined at our Culloden Club, where were only 11. Sate till betwixt 6 and 7 abundantly hearty. Minna Dawson came up behind me to stay with my mother while we are all away. Saturday, Aprile 28th.— Rode to Berwick, where I arrived betwixt 1 and 2. Heard Murray and Kid preach, both of them popularly, Kid with a very singular tone and pro- nunciation. Paid in the evening S. Stanton in part of an account £10. Tuesday, May 1st. — Drank tea with Aunt Balderstone and supped in the Collector's. Mr. Waite and my sisters taken up in preparations for the Ordination dinner, which Philip left wholly to them. Wednesday, May 2nd. — Robert Turnbull came to town before dinner. We dined in Th. Rutherford's, where James Turnbull and his wife were staying. Supped in S. Stanton's, Robert Turnbull along with us. Thursday, May 3rd. — Weather the same. Philip's Ordination Day. Cupples preached an excellent sermon ad clerum, and his charge was very good. The dinner con- sisted of solids, very good, and in good order. Between 40 and 50 better sort of people were dined and a greater number of inferiors. The Berwick people filed off in several divisions. Those with me got to town betwixt 9 and 10. Hilton, Ninewells, and Eddrington were the gentlemen there. All sorts of people seemed to be ex- tremely happy. Quod feli x faustumque sit. Friday, May Uh. — Lundy and Dawson had come to town last night, detained from the Ordination by the usual trifling of Lundy. They had lodged at Mr. Gowdie's and we did not hear of them till about mid-day. Philip went out to Eyemouth. I should have gone with him, but stayed for the sake of Robert and Mr. Lundy. Spent the evening merrily in Mr. Waite's with these two and James Turnbull. Saturday, May 5th. — Lundy detained by his usual inertia, I759J DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 245 and with him Robert Turnbull and Dawson till after dinner. Then also I set out for Eyemouth. Drank tea in Andrew Edgar's, who has of late had a sore and danger- ous bout, but seems, however, to be in a way of getting better'. Supper in Mrs. Crow's, who is looking well herself, and her children are in the most thriving condition. Sunday, May 6th. — Somewhat windy from W. to X. Rode over in the morning from Eyemouth to Hutton, where I preached a.m. on John 8. 32. Philip preached p.m. and baptised a child. Got through his work well enough. Dined with Lady Spittal, 1 a most hearty and hospitable woman. The second Miss Stowe there, an agreeable enough girl very much resembling the Blakes. Philip had to see some sick at Paxton, and from thence we rode over to Eyemouth. Mrs. Crow and her famliy supped with us in James's. Munday, May 7th. — Rode in from Eyemouth before dinner, being difhculted how otherwise to procure the money for Will's Presentation. Borrowed it from Mr. Waite, who gave it with a very good grace, as no man's heart is more inclined to do good. Sent it out to James Allan to go to Thomas Cockburn by the Carrier. Drank tea at the Collector's and at Mr. Stanton's, where I took off some clothes for myself and Will. Spent the evening at Mr. Waite's. Polly Nealson there, whom I have seen pretty often during this visit to Berwick, and whom I still think a very good and sensible girl : but she still con- tinues, and is like to continue, very blind, and the distress of this, I suppose, has made her very thin. Tuesday, May Sth. — Set out from Berwick about 11 with Nancy en croupe and Philip in company, also Bessy Bell, who came along with us to Mains. Dined at John Waugh's, and drank tea at Cupples, whither Waugh and his wife rode over along with us. Cupples and Waugh had a sore squabble lately, since which the. one of them has not been in the other's house till now. Detained so long at Swintoun that we did not get home till about 10. 1 Mrs. Stowe of Spittal in the parish of Hutton. 246 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 Wednesday, May 9th. — Minna Dawson stayed till after tea. Was at Hairy Heugh a.m. seeing a sick girl, and p.m. saw a sick man in the town. Thursday, May 10th. — Read most of last March Magazine, and in the afternoon went to Sir Robert's with Nancy. Talked to him again about repairing the manse and office- houses, and agreed to intimate a meeting of Heritors next Sunday. In our Weekly Chronicle there is an account of the appearance of a comet, sent to the printer by Bevis, 1 as I conjecture from the initials subscribed. It was seen at London for the first time on Munday evening, Aprile 30th, and Bevis says he intimated to his friends that he had expected its appearance on that night or the night preceding. We stayed at Sir Robert's till after supper, and the Knight and I went out about 10 to look for it, but we could not see it, which, perhaps, was owing to the* brightness of the moon and some thickness also on the horizon, very near to which it appears. 2 Friday, May 11th. — Wrought some in the garden : read to the end of the March Magazine. Robert Turnbull dined and went away about 5. W. Stevenson drank tea with us. Slept on Tully's Offices. Munday, May l^th. — Wrought some in the garden and glebe and drew a memorial to be presented to the Barons of Exchequer about the vacant stipend of Hutton. Wrote also a letter enclosing it to Philip. Wednesday, May 16th. — Wrought some in the garden and sowed a few annuals Mr. Waite gave me. P.m. went to Home to see sick and speak to some men there about being elders. I know not if any of them will comply. Thursday, May 17th. — Rode to Sprouston to see for a mason to attend the Heritors' meeting next Thursday. Robert not at home ; dined with Alie and surveyed Robert's glebe, which is in a very nourishing state and is 1 John Bevis or Bevans (1693-1771), astronomer : physician in London before 1730 : fitted up an observatory at Stoke Newington, and published astronomical and medical works. 2 This was Halley's comet, the probable appearance of which had been foretold in November 1758. It has a cycle of seventy -six years. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 247 certainly one of the most profitable pieces of ground in this country. Came over to Ednam and drank tea ; found only the girls. Mas Thomas and his wife came home a little before I came away. In the evening wrote to James Todd of Ladykirk, from whom I had a letter last Friday, about only the smaller part of what I owe the Session of Ladykirk, without at all mentioning the greater. It had also other characters of folly and im- pertinence. However, I chose to answer calmly, though it is not impossible that he may understand me otherwise. Friday, May 18th. — Wrought in the glebe a great part of the day preparing two rigg ends of trenched ground for sowing lint on. Sowed a forpit in the evening. Looked to Sir Isaac (Newton) and to Voltaire's Newton about comets, having had a message from Stitchell desiring me to come up at night to look out, along with the Sheriff, for that which is now seen. Went up accordingly and supped. We were too long agoing to the hill, and the horizon was thick, yet we saw a star some degrees below the Cor Leonis a little to the N., which I thought had something un- common in its appearance, and also that it was magnified by the telescope so as to have a sensible diameter. And on comparing the situation of this star with the described places and motion of the comet, it agrees very nearly with them. Mr. Pringle had seen last night another star which he took for the comet, but we could not perceive that distinctly, being nearer the horizon. Walter (Pringle) showed me the paragraph of a letter he has on this subject from the Doctor, who saw the comet along with Short 1 two or three days after its first appearance at London. The astronomers at London have no doubt of its being the comet of 1682, and the Doctor observes that if it is ascertained by further observations to be that comet it will do great honour to Clairaut, who, in a Memoir some months ago given to the Academy at Paris and which 1 James Short (1710-68), at first an optician in Leith, but became famous from his attainments in mathematics and physics. His brother Thomas was the indirect means of the first observatory being built on the Calton Hill, Edinburgh, in 1792. 248 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 was read before the Royal Society, calculated that this comet would meet with such retardment on its course from the action of Saturn that it would not be seen at Paris till the moneth of Aprile. in which moneth it was accordingly first discovered there. The Doctor observes further that the tail of it is foreshortened, that is, the body of it being betwixt us and the tail, is projected on the appearance of the tail, which, therefore, only produces a lustre around it. This term of foreshortening is a word, it seems, of the painters, which the Doctor explains as above, and which I did not understand when I first met with it in the newspapers. Saturday, May 19th. — Prepared for to-morrow. Wrought some in the garden and read some of March Review. Looked a long time at night for the comet, but could come to no certainty. Only marked so carefully the place of the star that I shall soon see whether I am mistaken, if the evenings continue clear. Sunday, May 20th. — Walter Pringle was at the Kirk, and came in betwixt sermons. He thinks he saw the comet last night, but from the place he speaks of I appre- hend he is mistaken. Munday, May 21s/. — Forenoon in the garden, and wrote a letter to Philip ; afternoon at Home, and in the evening went up to Sir Robert's and looked again for the comet, but without any certain success. Thursday, May 2Uh. — Sir Robert Pringle and John Hunter attended the meeting of Heritors intimated here on Sunday gone a se'enight. They dined and wrought at business till past 6 o'clock. Sir Robert is always slow about affairs and scrupulous. Hunter knows work and is active and helped things forward. Sir Robert was, in general, very obliging, and though I have by no means got all I should have had and might have insisted on, yet I got nearly as much as I expected. They have agreed to advance to me £12 on demand to enable me to set about the work ; and to pay the rest as it falls due to the workmen employed, according to their several propor- tions. Angelraw's son, the surgeon, also here at dinner. 1 759 j DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 249 Friday, May 25th. — Got a letter from G. Bell which I should have had yesterday or before, intimating his willingness to agree to what the other Heritors should resolve upon about the repairs. Read some of Alexander's Life in the Universal History. Wrought a little in the garden. John Mack was here p.m. and paid me my glebe- rent. Still looking for the comet, and had a star in my telescope to-night that agrees well with its place, but there was nothing sufficiently remarkable of the comet in its figure. Saturday, May 26th.— Prepared for to-morrow and was some time in the garden and glebe. Spoke to J. Smeaton about driving lime for the house ; also to Thomas Under- wood about buying the timber, which I could wish to be done as soon as possible, for the sake of having it dried. Munday, May 28th. — Set out for Edinburgh to the Assembly at 3| in the morning ; got to town a little after 11. Rode through without stopping and with no great fatigue either to myself or horse. The Cause of the Assembly was that of Logie, 1 in which the hearing of parties consumed the dyet. Dined in T. Cockburn's and supped at Herriot's Work with Colville, where were also James Allan and Walter Anderson. Made calls at other places. Tuesday, May 29th. — The Assembly reasoned themselves on the cause of Logie. Solicitor Miller 2 spoke long and not contemptibly ; his first appearance in the Assembly. The sentence of the Synod of Perth was reversed. Dined in G. Stevenson's along with several brethren from this neighbourhood, and supped in Nicholson's with James Turnbull and T. Hepburn, etc. Wednesday, May 30th. — Breakfasted with Dr. Robertson 1 The Heritors and Elders of Logie had petitioned the Presbytery of Dunblane to present Mr. William Cruden, the right of presentation having, they alleged, fallen into the hands of the Presbytery jure devoluto. Two other presentations having been lodged, the Presbytery remitted the matter to the Synod, who found that the Presbytery had a right to present. The Assembly reversed this judgment and remitted the case to the Presby- tery as it stood previously to the sentence of the Synod. 2 See p. 238, n. 2. 250 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 and had a good deal of conversation with him about his History. He also informed me of a new project he has formed of writing the history of the Emperor Charles v. Dined at Mr. Laurie's, supped in Colvill's. Thursday, May 3\st. — Breakfasted with David Hume. Dined with the Commissioner. 1 Had my part of a good deal of chat there, chiefly with the Procurator and Carlisle. Friday, June 1st. — -Had a long sederunt in the Assembly reasoning on an Overture that had also employed a good part of yesterday. It was the result of the labours of a Committee appointed a great while ago to frame a new act out of the old ones for fixing the qualifications of the elders. In this they had inserted a clause putting it in the power of Royal Burghs to choose either ministers or elders to represent them. This was objected to yester- day when the Overture was read in the Assembly, and after a good deal of altercation this day was appointed for considering it. We had two very good speeches, chiefly in support of this clause, from Dr. Robertson and Webster, who were members of the above-mentioned Com- mittee. Robertson's in particular was an excellent work, in the didactic manner ; Webster's had more art and address in it, and more was requisite, as he himself was in his private opinion against the clause. By a majority of two it was agreed to transmit it to Presbyteries. 2 Sate late in Nicholson's with Robertson and Carlisle, very happy. Saturday, June 2nd. — Dined with Sir John Steuart along with the Chyrnside Presbytery. Had got a cold with yesterday's long attendance and long drink at night, which brought a deafness upon me and put me for two days following into a stupid disagreeable plight which was particularly inconvenient to-day at Sir John's. Supped at G. Stevenson's and wrought for two hours before going to bed on notes for a preaching I promised to give Dr. Dick 3 to-morrow. 1 Earl Cathcart. 2 Cf. Annals of the General Assembly, 1752-66 (Edinburgh, 1840). 3 Robert Dick, minister of Trinity Parish, Edinburgh, 1758-82 : son 17591 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 251 Sunday, June 3rd. — Breakfasted with Dr. Dick ; his wife a handsome woman. Preached twice in the College Kirk a.m. on 1 John. Dined with Mr. Laurie and supped in Dr. Wallace's 1 with Robert Turnbull, T. Hepburn, etc. Munday, June 4th. — At Sprouston Fast Day before the Sacrament, where I preached on Matt. 5. 4. Col- leagued with Andrew Chatto and Richard Hog. Thomas Turnbull came there with his son and daughter last night, but he himself had gone to Swintoun. Came up by Kelso and walked home with Nancy and Polly Crow. Lundy set us past Newton Mill, though he expected Dr. Robertson and Alexander Glen 2 at his house on a message 1 This prayer was not granted (see post, pp. 284-288). Ridpath's love for children and all young people was a marked feature in his character. 2 Alexander Glen, see ante, p. 159, n. 3. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 257 they had sent him in the forenoon. Never was such an idle dangler. Thursday, July 5th. — Walked to Home in the forenoon to a meeting about the poor. Dined at William Steven- son's, where was also W. Walker of Mackerston. Walked in the evening to see William's marie pit, which seems to be a great magazine and of a very good kind. It is situated in the extreme N.E. corner of his ground. Settled accounts with Sked a.m. and paid him interest to 1st June and his account to 8th May last. Friday, July 6th. — Set out after 10 with Polly Crow en croupe. Dined at Mr. Waugh's, who is busy reforming and improving his house. Drank tea at Mains, where was Walter Anderson. Got to Nether Byres about 9 ; stayed and supped ; James Allan there. A good deal distressed with heat, which, however, was tolerably abated in the evening. Sunday, July 8th. — A good deal of wind from W. with some drippings, clouds, and sun. Preached in the Kirk- yard an hour and in the Kirk p.m. Brydone was ex- pected to have done it, but he changed his mind, so that I never preached on shorter warning, yet not often with more spirit. Walked over with Mrs. Crow and her family and drank tea at Netherbyres. Munday, July 9th. — John Waugh and Richard Bell preached. Drank tea at Mr. Edgar's, who is in a very languid way. He is swelled both in his legs and trunk considerably, and his breathing is difficult ; yet he eats and sleeps, and was able to sit yesterday in the Kirk all the time of the long service. Paid him for the Sacramental wine of 1757, and bought some tea. Supped in Mrs. Crow's, where were also Waugh, the preacher Brown, his friend, W. Campbell, 1 Polly Home's husband, who was 1 William Campbell, son of William Campbell, Surveyor of Customs at Kirkcaldy. He had been ordained, a few days before this date, minister of the Low Meeting House, Berwick, and was translated to Lilliesleaf 1760. He married, 1759, Margaret, only daughter of Alexander Home, minister of Stitchel, Ridpath's predecessor in the parish. They had eight sons and six daughters. B 258 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 settled last week in Murray's place at Berwick. Were diverted very much by some excellent mimicry of Campbell, particularly of a sermon of Henry More's on the loss of Minorca. 1 Tuesday, July 10th. — Set out along with John Waugh and Brown about 11, and dined with Walter Anderson, who has got a neat little house in one of the finest situa- tions in the Merse. As Walter's propensity to write as well as to speak are irresistible he is now on a project of writing a parallel between the Civil Wars of England in Charles lst's time and the wars of the League in France, of which he read me a sort of Introduction. Came home about 9. Never saw the fields richer than in my whole journey, particularly the grass pastures. Thursday, July 12th. — Went to Marchmont House in consequence of an appointment with James Allan to meet him there. No other strangers there but Jamieson: John Patterson and Lady Ann there. Stayed till after tea. Not in the best spirits after my late fatigue, so that I was not able to make the decent acknowledgments due to his Lordship for his services to my brothers. Mr. Allan in some degree supplied the defect. Had as usual a great deal of discourse from his Lordship, from which there was not much of certain to be learned, so perverted are all his ideas by faction. Rode over with James Allan to Fogo in the evening, where we were much happier with the family there and John Hume, though John is not much less factious than Marchmont on the other side. Willie re- moved to Fogo Manse eight or ten days ago and has got it pretty well repaired. Saturday, July lUh. — Was weeding my hedge in the glebe p.m. when Mr. Dysart and his wife with the Clerk and John Hume, arrived. They drank tea and sate till betwixt seven and eight. Munday, July 16th. — Was some time in garden and glebe, attending also a while the carts that brought home a parcel of stones from Coldstream. Looked over and 1 Probably Henry Moore, a Methodist preacher who published an Essay on Fundamentals in 1760. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 259 parcelled some volumes of Magazines to be sent to be bound. J. Stevenson and his brother George and Mrs. Stevenson 1 here at tea. Minna Dawson also called in passing betwixt Newton and Stitchell. She is sore thinned. Tuesday, July 17th. — Walked to Home before breakfast to see sick, and went to the mineral well in the meadow above the Little Mill of which I had often heard, but never seen before. It is at best a scanty spring, and is at present almost overgrown with meadow grass. It had much of a blue scum upon it, has a sensible astringency in the taste, and something of a gunpowder smell. The juice of plantain and argentina turned it to a very dark hue. Chalk also gave it a dark look, though in a smaller degree. Drank more than two pints of it ; found it easy on the stomach, invigorating, and was sensible of its astringency on my mouth, gullet, etc. [Some leaves have been torn out of the MS. here.] Munday, July 23rd. — Read a great part of Dr. Home's Medical Facts and Experiments. They are both wrote and printed very carelessly, yet contain some curious and useful things. Was in the glebe, and in the afternoon at the Lint Mill seeing a sick child. Alison Hog here at dinner and tea and getting her interest. Tuesday, July 2Uh. — At Home a.m. seeing sick. Mrs. Pollock here p.m. seeing my mother. Read some of the History of Gengiscan 2 in Universal History. It is so full of confusion and contradiction from the jarring accounts of Oriental writers, who seem to have had no idea of accuracy or truth in history, that I do not think I shall have patience to go through it. Read Dr. Home's work to an end. The best thing in it is his account of inoculating for the measles first practised by himself, and so far as 1 George Stevenson was a brother of Professor Stevenson and of the tenant of Home Byres. There is some reason to believe that he married Marion Turnbull, a sister of the minister of Sprouston. 2 Gengiscan, i.e. Genghis Khan, the celebrated Mogul conqueror, 1162- 1227. 260 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 he carried his experiments with great success. He does it by the blood imbibed in cotton from slight incisions made amongst the measly eruptions. Wednesday, July 25th. — Read over again some of Dr. Home's work and more of the Life of Gengiscan, whose western conquests afford a good deal more entertainment by being related more consistently and with more detail. Looked also for something for Gordon for to-morrow. Have got some cold and deafness, chiefly, I believe, by sitting a while at midday among Sir Robert's trees reading. Thursday, July 26th. — Went to Gordon to preach on the Fast Day before the Sacrament. Colleagues Ford 1 and J. Hume. Heavy and hoarse with cold, which made me perform but indifferently. Came home in the evening. Friday. July 27th. — Was looking over Simpson's Euclid which Mr. Pringle sent me a day or two ago, when Messrs. Turnbull and Lundy arrived. They prevailed with me, a good deal against the grain, to go to Eccles. Happy enough there. Came home by Mains with Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Gordon, who were drinking tea at Eccles. Saturday, July 28th. — Mostly cloudy, breeze westerly. Read some of Simpson's Notes on Euclid, which are very sparing on the first four books. Read over again a good deal of Dr. Home and prepared for to-morrow. Sunday, July 29th. — Bell and Betty Pollock here, Mas Thomas being at Whit sum at Waugh's Sacrament. Munday, July 30th. — The masons came to my house and fell to work with the soles and lintels of the windows. Read over again a good deal of Dr. Home's work, and some bits of Neil's Anatomy, and slept at night on Modern Universal History. Sir Robert here in the afternoon looking at the house and work. He is very troublesome with the unsureness and fluctuation of his schemes. Tuesday, July 3\st. — Read to an end for the second time the practical part of Dr. Home's work, where there 1 James Ford, minister of Lauder 1 753-1810. He had just been married a month before this date to Isobel Kirkland, Livingston. i 7 59] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 261 are several judicious and sensible things. He gives various instances of the bad event of the sweating method in low fevers, and depends much in such fevers on wine and blisters. Read also some of Simpson's Improvements on Euclid's fifth book. Sowed spinnage for winter in the garden. Some time also with the masons, who began to put in the soles and lintels of the windows, a troublesome enough sort of work. Wednesday, August 1st. — Attended workmen a great part of the day, particularly Thomas Underwood, who repaired the dining-room window and that in my closet very ingeniously and very effectively. Sprot from Newton here p.m. Read a little of Neil and slept on Tamerlane. Will came before dinner from Whitsum ; he had preached yesterday at Chyrnside before the Presbytery, who seem now resolved to settle him before Michaelmas. Friday, August 3rd. — Still chiefly attending workmen and doing some little things with putty. Got May Review from Kelso and read some of it. Read also some of David Hume's second volume of History of Great Britain, which I have at last got to-day from the Library. Saturday, August Uh. — Read some more of David Hume and prepared for to-morrow. Heard from various hands of the death of poor Mr. Walker, our co-presbyter, at Moffat Spa last Wednesday. Other circumstances I have not learned. He has been long shaking and asthmatick, but more of late than usual. Since his accession of fortune he has been accustomed, I believe, to live a little more fully than before, which has probably hastened his end. A man, on the whole, of a good heart and a very innoxious life, thoroughly subdued by a termagant, humorous 1 wife, who, notwithstanding all his obsequious- ness, was often, I imagine, making him unhappy. Perhaps the great addition to his fortune seven or eight years ago contributed to hurt his health, but in other respects it rather improved him, as he has on all occasions ever since showed himself very generous, humane, and hospitable. Ill-humoured, bad-tempered. 262 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 This is the second death in our Presbytery in six years, a rate of living that is far too long to last with us. Munday, August 6th. — Attended workmen who began to-day to take down the wester gavel. Read also a good deal of David Hume's second volume of the Stuarts. There are always entertaining things in him, but not without a great mixture both of trifling and blundering. Tuesday, August 7th. — Had Sir Robert here in the fore- noon looking at the gavel, which, though it evidently requires to be taken further down than was proposed, yet he would not consent to have it done without acquainting Hunter. Wrote to Hunter and then went to the Presby- tery. John Stevenson there, and the poor wandering object, Mas Jas. Davidson. Drank tea with John Steven- son in Mr. Dawson's. Came home after 8. Found a letter from Hunter in answer to mine, which I had sent by Charles, allowing Sir Robert Pringle to do what he thought necessary, and promising to pay Lord Home's part. This I sent up to trie Knight, who promises to be down to-morrow forenoon. Wednesday, August 8th. — Sir Robert came down in the forenoon, and after much hesitation, agreed to have the gavel taken a piece further down. We got the supports for scaffolds put up in the afternoon, in which Thomas Underwood showed his usual invention and activity. Attended these works most of the day. Read a little of D. Hume. Thursday, August 9th. — Attending workmen and Sir Robert Pringle, visiting them, who has not yet got over his scruples. However, the rebuilding is now fairly begun. Read some of D. Hume. Dr. Miller here a while before dinner and m the evening, being called to see an hysteric patient over the way. Friday, August 10th. — Sir Robert's scruples returned upon him in the morning, and were not to be satisfied without sending for J. Home, a mason at Mellerstain, who concurred in his judgment with Douglas, that we might proceed safely. Wilson of Coldstream, on his way from Mellerstain, at dinner. Read some of David Hume, who 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 263 gives as black an account of the intrigues of the Cabal as any other historian. Saturday, August 11th. — Preached at Nenthorn on Hebrews 10. 14. Colleagued with Alexander Duncan. Heard from W. Mason that Allan Pollock 1 had arrived at Ednam on Thursday night, or rather Friday morning early. His brother George 2 from Paisley has also been here two or three days. Sunday, August 12th. — Attended at Nenthorn, where I served two tables. John Goldie preached p.m. Alex. Duncan 3 also there. Munday, August ISth. — At Nenthorn, where J. Bell and Ford preached ; Ford and his wife along with him. Matrimony seems to have scattered his ideas sore. Came home about 5, expecting to find Allan Pollock here, but he did not come. Read at night some of David Hume, with entertainment. He makes a very animated story of the Popish plots. Tuesday, August 14th. — Read David Hume and the Edinburgh and London newspapers. Dr. Allan Pollock and his brother George, together with John Waugh and his wife, and Bell and Bett Pollock here p.m. The Doctor is a man of but little conversation and is very much altered in his looks ; I should not have known him. Wednesday, August 15th. — Walked to Ednam with Nancy before breakfast and spent the day there, but insipidly, notwithstanding both of the Doctor and the Naiad. Allan seems someway sunk and deadened, per- haps by the sordidness of things at Ednam, when com- pared with the life he has been long accustomed to ; and the Naiad has lost something of the natural innocence and simplicity of her manners, which was one of h'er greatest charms, yet she is still a lovely lassie. There were several interlopers too. 1 Eldest son of the minister of Ednam. He was a schoolmaster in London, and was about thirty-four at this time. 2 George Pollock was born in 1732. 3 Alexander Duncan, minister of Gordon 1 770-1800 : son of the minister of Smailholm. 264 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 Thursday, August 16th. — Robert Turnbull and Cupples came and dined. They had been at Gordon all night ; Robert on his way from Lothian. Colden, 1 who has been several weeks in the country and seems to have some thoughts of settling in it, came also to dinner. Had a good deal of entertaining chat ; Colden a very sensbile lad. Was at Sir Robert's at tea, where were Sir John Hall and his sister. 2 His sister came over from Dunglas two or three days ago with Miss Maddy, who had got quite free from her strain, and Sir John himself came over to-day to inform his sister and friends here that his brother, who is in one of our regiments of cavalry in Germany, is safe. 3 There were more particulars about the battle 4 in the papers to-day, and Sir John had a list of the killed and wounded of the British troops sent him by his brother, who is at London. From this it appears that our infantry have suffered very considerably. Killed, wounded, and missing amount to near 1200. The cavalry was not engaged ; and when Ligonier, from whom this list was got, came away, they were in pursuit of the French army, in which, if they have suffered anything, it is not yet known. Friday, August 17th. — Read David Hume's second vol. of the Stuarts to an end. His account of James's reign and of the revolution is, in general, fair and candid, but the detail is often wanting that is sufficient to enable a man to judge for himself. Some time in the glebe and with the masons, who are retarded in their progress by the want of service and the time it takes to raise their materials to them, which is done by the help of a pulley. Saturday, August 18th. — Attended my workmen and looked to some things in Simpson's Euclid. 1 Perhaps William Colden, a son of James Colden, John Waugh's pre- decessor in the parish of Whitsome. He would be nineteen at this time. 2 It was probably Sir John's elder sister, Isabella, who came with him, the younger having married, in 1743, William Hamilton of Bangour. 3 It was Sir John's only brother, William, who was the cavalry officer. 4 This was the battle of Minden, fought on 1st August 1759, when Prince Ferdinand defeated the French. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 265 Munday, August 20th. — Read a little of Simpson's Euclid ; in the afternoon rode to Mackerston to see Mrs. Walker. 1 Had appointed R. Turnbull to come here to go along with me, but he did not come. Several people at Mackerston, among the rest Alexander Duncan. Got a cartload of lime from Berwick in the evening. The man I sent for it could not get it nearer. Tuesday, August 21st. — R. Turnbull came before dinner with a view of going to Mackerston in the afternoon, having, it seems, proposed to me the alternative of yester- day or to-day, which I had forgot. He stayed till the evening. In the Edinburgh papers there is a Character of a Lawyer from Butler's posthumous works, the fullest of wit of anything I have almost ever seen. Read some of Simpson's Euclid 2 and some of Robertson's Hebrew Grammar. 3 If one may judge of Robertson's talent as a linguist by the Latin he writes, there can be nothing meaner. He is full everywhere of the poorest vernacular idioms, and often even breaks the commonest rules of grammar. Friday, August 2Uh. — Spent a great part of the day in the garden weeding and spreading some rubbish of the house. Read some of Simpson's Euclid. Will had a letter from Philip, where he informs him that all things had proceeded quietly at the Moderation 4 yesterday at Edrom, and that several had subscribed the call. By their appointing all his tryals on Tuesday next, it looks as if they intended to proceed to the settlement before Michaelmas, though Philip does not expressly say so much. 1 Mrs. Walker, the termagant (' humorous ') widow of the deceased minister of Mackerston. 2 Probably the work of Thomas Simpson (i 710-61), a distinguished mathematician and author of many works relating to this subject. 3 Probably the grammar of Hebrew compiled by James Robertson, Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Languages in Edinburgh University 1751-92 : it had the vowel points, according to the masoretic punctuation. Notwithstanding Ridpath's strictures on his Latinity, he appears to have been an able man and master of his subject. 4 That is, the ' Moderation ' of the CaU of William Ridpath to the parish of Edrom. 266 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 Saturday, August 25th. — Attended chiefly the masons, of whom Sir Robert begins to grow very tired ; one reason of which is their having one of his best working hands for a labourer. The ladies of Stitchill and Lady Hall here at tea p.m. Did something for to-morrow. Munday, August 27th. — Wrought in garden and glebe and attended masons. Read some of the geography of the seat of war in Germany. Tuesday, August 28th. — Rode to Eccles, where I dined and drank tea. Bess and the Clerk had set out in the morning towards Coldingham. Saw little Matthew. 1 Mrs. Dysart read me a letter from Captain David, in which he ascribes the victory at Minden entirely to the ferocity of the attack of the British Infantry, which was such that they could with the utmost difficulty be kept to any order, yet nothing was able to resist them. Will came home late at night. The Presbytery took all his tryals, and have appointed him to be ordain'd by Tod on the 27th of next month. Thus we have the agreeable prospect of the easy and happy ending of this affair, for which there is much reason to be thankful to the Great Disposer of All Things, and as a second cause, to my good friend James Allan, of whose great benevolence this service to Will and us all was a very extraordinary effort. Wednesday, August 29th. — Robert Turnbull and Philip from Whits um came before dinner. The work of wester gavel was finished to-day. Paid Douglas in the evening for his work, all to a few shillings. It has cost a great deal of time, but I believe is very sufficiently done. Thursday, August 30th. — Philip and I went to Sprowston, where was a Presbytery for visitation of Robert Turnbull' s manse. All the Presbytery there, also J. Waugh and Blaikie from Stockton, who had been at Waugh's house. Had a good deal of altercation with W. Ker about some articles, and delayed a final decision till our meeting at Kelso on Tuesday. 1 As Matthew Dysart was married about 1730, 1 little Matthew,' who was his eldest son, must have been quite grown up by this time. He was a W.S., and died 1821. DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 267 Friday. August 31s/. — Read last night and to-day the July magazine which Philip brought from Berwick. In the afternoon, was with Philip and Nancy at Sir Robert's. Finished the shearing of my corn this day, which is very early. Crop of oats and pease excellent. Sunday, September 2nd. — Set out for Edrom before 8. Got there in abundant time. Preached to a very thin audience, many of the people not having been certainly informed that there was to be sermon. Rode in the evening to Eyniouth. wanting to see J. Allan and to get his company to Allanbank to-morrow. Brown who was formerly at Blakader and is now Doctor 1 to Duns School came there and staid all night. He repeated us some Latin and Greek verses of his own manufacture, and seems to have an uncommon stock of these languages in his head. Saw Mr. Edgar in a very distrest condition by the increase of his swelling and other symptoms. Saw also Mrs. Crow. Munday, September 3rd. — Called at Mr. Edgar's in the morning, also at Mr. Robertson's to see Bessy Dysart, who has been there some days bathing in the sea. Called at Mains in passing to Allanbank, where I saw Polly Crow. Found the knight at home, and Walter x^nderson came also there. One of the Miss Rentons there. The knight very good and discreet. Sore distrest with the rain, which was heavy a great part of p.m. The roof of his house being a-renewing, and not a slate and but a small part of the sarking on it. Gave us a competent quantity after dinner of an uncommon wine, the growth he told us of Neufchatel, and a present sent to Scotland from the Earl Marshal. It resembles Burgundy in the appearance, is light, and of a very agreeable flavour. Nothing of moment past about Will's affair, but James Allan tells me that he grumbles a good deal about the Presbytery's proceeding to settle before Michaelmas, chiefly on account of his having given the other heritors hopes of getting some vacant stipend. Left Allanbank about 5, and rode 1 ' Doctor ' to Duns School means that he was Rector or Head Master there. 268 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 down to Whitsum. Considerably wet on the road. John Waugh gone to Ladykirk with Cupples and with Lundy who preached yesterday at Hutton for Philip. He came home in the evening. Tuesday, September 4>th. — Called at Swintoun for Lundy who had been there all night, and rode forward to the Presbytery, W. Ker attending. Still more altercation betwixt Robert Turnbull and him, and hotter. The Presbytery, however, gave their decreet for both floors of the lower room and kitchen. Drank tea at Mr. Lundy's, and rode over to Lintoun with Messrs. Chatto, Turnbull, and Philip. Staid at Lintoun all night. Wednesday, September 5th. — Staid at Lintoun to dine and drink tea. In the evening went over to Morbattle and staid all night. Thursday, September 6th. — Staid at Morbattle to dine. Called at Mr. Lundy's. Found Douglas of Jedburgh there, and were prevailed with to stay all night. Had a good deal of entertaining talk with Douglas about the High- lands. A sensible, sharp man. Friday, September 7th. Breakfasted at Mr. Dawson's, and came home to dinner. J. Sked here till the evening. Saw in the afternoon a sick child of Wm. Aitchison's. Jaded with my jaunting ; which made me doze a good deal. Saturday, September 8th. — Prepared for to-morrow, and read a good deal of Wotton's Remains, 1 where are several curious enough things. Philip left us about mid-day. He proposed to dine at Eccles in his way to Whitsum. Nancy went along with him, and is going to Berwick. Munday, September 10th. — Read to the end of Wotton's Remains, all but some bits of poetry. His elements of architecture are far the most valuable part of the collection. Read in last week's Chronicle no small curiosity. I have 1 This was the Reliquiae Wottonianae ; or, a Collection of Lives, Letters, Poems, with characters of sundry Personages, and other incomparable Pieces of Language and Art. By the Curious Pencil of the Ever Memorable S r Henry Wotton, Kt., late Provost of Eton Colledge. It was first published in 1 75 1 with an elegy by Abraham Cowley and a memoir by Izaak Walton. There was a second edition in 1754, which may have been the one read by Ridpath. i 7 59] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 269 seen it often mentioned of late, but have not before met with it. It is the defence of Eugene Aram 1 condemned at last York Assizes for a murther amazingly discovered, after 14 years' concealment. The man was schoolmaster at Knaresborough, when the murther was committed, and when he was seized, was usher to the school at Lynn. His defence is a most excellent composition in stile, argument, and learning. Unhappily it wants propriety, being too artful and laboured to gain credit. At night, read some of Wolff's Elem. Arch. Civ., being led to it by Sir H. Wotton's work- Tuesday, September 11th. — Read chiefly in Wolff's Architecture, and attended T. Underwood putting in the garret windows and restoring some plaistering necessary to make my room habitable. Will, who was at Edrom on Sunday, came home before dinner by the way of Fogo, where he was last night, and where he found Nancy and Philip making a visit with J. Waugh and his wife. He called at Angelraw, where he found that the laird, who had been long in a consumptive habit, died yesterday. He brought me a burial letter. Wednesday, September 12th. — Read some of Ware's Palladio, 2 and looked to the cuts which are very beautiful. Attended also Thomas Underwood, who was employed in staying the roof and glazing the garret windows. Thursday, September ISth. — Employed chiefly in the forenoon in patching some crannies with a little lime that was left. Afternoon, went to Angelraw's burial. Had Sir Robert's company in coming and going. Sore wet in coming home. Friday, September lUh. — Was at Home and Hairy Heugh a.m. seeing sick. Dobby was here p.m. and one of his Jamaica boys. Read some Architecture in Palladio and Wolff. 1 Eugene Aram, the well-known criminal, schoolmaster at Knares- borough. 2 This was a translation of the four books of Palladio's Architecture by Isaac Ware (d. 1766). He was originally a chimney-sweeper's boy, but ultimately attained a high place as an architect. 270 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 Saturday, September 15th. — Wrote in the forenoon a long letter to Philip to go by Will, who rides to Chyrnside to-night to preach for Walter Anderson, who serves his Edict to-morrow. Got in my corn. Harvest ended or near ending in most places in the neighbourhood. Balfour, who has the care of Mrs. Archibald's children at Reading, came here before dinner and staid till after tea. I had seen him at Waugh's, whose children he taught for a little time. Prepared for to-morrow and read a little Archi- tecture. Sunday, September 16th. — Sir John Hall in the Kirk, also young Hamilton and, I imagine, his governour. Munday, September 11th. — Carried up the slates in the forenoon to the garret, which afforded me a good deal of exercise. P.m. look'd to my maps and accounts in magazines of Quebeck, St. Laurence River, Lake Cham- plain, etc., and read some in Palladio. The Plates are extremely beautiful in that Work, but chiefly useful for a man who is already pretty well acquainted with archi- tecture, as the explications are very short. Tuesday, September 18th. — Got in my hay. Attended T. Underwood for some time, putting up the Red Room hangings. Mr. Pollock and his little daughter Mary here p.m. He is to give the Sacrament on Sabbath fortnight, and wants my help. W T ill came from Berwick in the evening. Read some more relating to Quebeck and Canada, etc., and some Architecture. Wednesday, September 19th. — Wrought some in the garden a.m. In the afternoon was at the Wawk Mill, seeing J. Nicol's boy, and drinking tea at Sir Alexander Don's. Lady Don is big with child and is looking very well, and the knight, I think, looks clearer and better than ever I have seen him ; only too fat. The eldest Miss Ker of Nisbet came there, a sensible, agreeable woman. Read some things in the magazines and some Architecture. Thursday, September 20th. — Rode to Home to see some sick, and thence to Gordon, where I have been long owing a visit. Got an ugly fall on the road by my horse coming quite down, but happily was not hurt. Found at Gordon i 7 59] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 271 Mr. Bell's son, 1 who has been at home these 10 days from England and Gaudalupe. He is well-bred and has got a good deal of the air of an English clergyman. Mr. Lundy, poor wanderer, there also, along with Warden, 2 Minister at the Cannongate s and his son, whom he has been guiding round the country since Sunday, when Warden preached for him. He did not think it yet time to be home to-night. Left him there. Read the Edin- burgh and last London paper after I came home. Dresden seems to be given up. Slept on Architecture. Friday, September 21st. — Mr. Lundy came before dinner and left us after 4. Dr. Miller here at tea. Battered some of the hangings in the Red Room. Read some Architecture and an article or two for amusement in the Bibl. Raisonnee. Saturday, September 22nd. — Did some more to the Red Room hangings. Wrought a little in the garden and prepared for to-morrow. Returned to my own room at night where I know not whether I shall stay, as the smell of the lime is still very sensible. Sunday, September 2Srd. — Sandy Home came here to breakfast in his way to Nenthorn. He preaches there for Will, who thoughtlessly engaged to preach at Nenthorn for Abraham Ker, Abraham engaging to preach either at Edrom or at Langton for Johnson with whom Will had made an exchange for this day's preaching. Will found it inconvenient on several accounts to preach at Nenthorn, and to avoid this, has led himself into what I apprehend a much greater inconvenience, that of preaching to-day at Polwarth and perhaps of dining at Marchmont House ; which I advised him to decline, as he is utterly unacquainted there, and has no introducer. 1 Robert Bell, the son of the minister of Gordon. See ante, p. 207, n. 1. 2 John Warden, minister of the Canongate, Edinburgh, 1755-64 : son of John Warden, minister of Gargunnock. The son mentioned was probably his eldest, John, who succeeded him in the Canongate and took the name of Macfarlane on succeeding to the estate of Ballancleroch through his mother, who was a daughter of the laird. 272 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 Munday, September 2\th. — At Home, seeing sick. After- noon, wrought a good while in the garden, delving my flower-ground. Evening read some Architecture. Slept on Horace. Will came home in the evening. March- mont came up to him at Polwarth, spoke civilly to him and invited him to dinner, but luckily in such a manner as it was easy enough for him to decline. Tuesday, September 25th. — Read some Architecture. P.m. walked up to Sir Robert's to speak to him about the office- houses. Found Smith, 1 the minister of Innerwick, there, a sensible, well-behaved man. Staid till after supper. Thursday. September 27th. — Abraham Ker and Sprot breakfasted here ; and we set out before 8. Got to Edrom betwixt 10 and 11. Much company there ; 17 Ministers, besides those of the Presbytery. Of the Parish, Sir J. Stewart, 2 of the Telfords of Kimmerjam, young Brymer, Bruimhouse, Dr. Dunbar ; Hilton also there, by invita- tion of Philip. None of our Berwick friends but Mr. Waite and my sister, owing partly to their being much employed in an election contest betwixt Mr. Hall and Hodgson. The latter is supported by Colonel Crawford's party and our friends are unhappily divided about the affair. Tod was very short in his work, but sate so long after that he got himself very drunk, which, though an unlucky sort of incident, fell better on him than it could have done on anybody else. 2 Far the greatest part of the company went away early in the afternoon ; and tho' there was some noise and merriment, yet there was no appearance of excess, but in Tod. Mr. Waite and my sister, Messrs. Turnbull and Lundy, Philip and I went to Waugh's and staid all night. Will went to Adam Rid- path's, with whom we have agreed he should stay. There is no going into the Manse, which is in the most ruinous, 1 David Smith, minister of Innerwick 1729-80. 2 This is the only occasion in which Ridpath admits that anybody who shared festivities with him was ' very drunk.' But it must be kept in view that Tod, who succeeded his father in Ladykirk, was not a persona grata with him, and there had been friction in connection with Ridpath's debt to the Kirk Session of Ladykirk. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 273 dismal condition that can be ; and tho' his lodging in Ridpath's is but incommodious, yet upon the whole it is by far the best place that could be found for him in the Parish, and we are pretty sure of his being used with the greatest discretion and tenderness by Adam and his wife. Murray, who is the man's nephew, was very keen of having him placed there. It is very needless for me to expatiate on this piece of good fortune. It is doubtless on the whole to be reckoned among the greatest that I have met with, and for which continual thankfulness is due to the Disposer of all tilings. Friday. September 28//?.— Nancy and I, with Turnbull and Lundy, set out after 11 ; and Waugh came along with us, designing all to dine with Mr. Cupples, but he was gone from home. Mr. Waite, my sister and Philip had set out for Berwick some time before. Got home betwixt 2 and 3, Lundy attending to wait on Nancy. Robert Turnbull went by Ednam. We came past Eccles without calling, Matthew having told us yesterday that Mrs. Dysart had been so ill for two or three days past as to keep her bed. Mr. Lundy left us about 4. Dozed and read some of the July Review and Appendix, which came from Kelso on Wednesday night. Saturday, September 29th. — Shaved after dinner and rode to Eccles, where I found Mrs. Dysart up and a good deal better, but still in warm keeping. Got Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments 1 from Matthew, of which I read a little in the evening, but was more inclined to doze. Sunday, September 30th. — Lectured on Acts xxiv. 17-fin. Preached on Jerem. ix. 23, 24. Gave over preaching in the forenoon. 2 1 Adam Smith (1723-90), the celebrated political economist, had published this year his Theory 0/ Moral Sentiments ; or, an Essay towards an Analysis of the Principles by which men naturally judge concerning the Conduct and Character first of their Neighbour and afterwards of Themselves. Carlyle calls it ' the pleasantest and most eloquent book on the subject.' Smith was at this time Professor of Logic in the University of Glasgow. 2 This probably marks the date of the introduction at Stitchel of two separate diets of worship. In the morning the lecture was given and in the afternoon the sermon. S 274 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 Munday, October 1st. — Saw sick at Home a.m. W. Dickson's wife and her little niecie here in the afternoon. Read in the evening about a fourth part of Smith's Theory. Got letter from Richard Edgar inviting me to the burial of his brother Andrew who died on Sabbath morning. Tuesday, October 2nd. — Set out for Ey mouth a little after 8. Got to Edrom betwixt 10 and 11. Thought Will would have been gone before me, but had him to wait for. Eat some dinner in Adam Ridpath's, where Will seems to be rightly enough situated. Spoke about some things he wanted, and some things proper to be done to the room. Adam having been also invited to the burial, we all set out together and got to Ey mouth betwixt 2 and 3. A great many people at the burial. Drank some wine in Paton's with Dr. Balderstone, W. Hall, J. Stanton, etc. Supped and lay all night in Mrs. Edgar's. Mr. Hall lost his election on Saturday by 16 votes. Hodgson had got a great start of him. Wednesday, October 3rd: — Breakfasted with Mrs. Crow, and rode afterwards to Berwick with Philip. Dined in Mr. Waite's, and was nowhere else. Set out after 3 and got here betwixt 7 and 8. Look'd out for something for to-morrow at Ednam. Friday, October 5th. — Went to Kelso to dine with Mr. Lundy, where was also Robert Turnbull. The Presbytery had appointed us, together with Mr. Pollock, to wait on W. Ramsay about the affair of Robert Turnbull' s repara- tions, which the Clerk is still refractory in executing. We went over to Waldie's to him in the afternoon, and after some little prequeerings, prevailed with him to consent to the things being done. Drank tea in Mr. Lundy's and came home betwixt 7 and 8. Saturday, October 6th. — Mild day. Attended at Edrom, where Messrs. Turnbull and Dysart preached. Walked to and again with Nancy. Will went to Edrom after dinner. Had a letter from Philip in the evening, in which he informs me that he has a letter from a man at Greenock informing him that Mr. Home of St. Kitts has consigned to him a tierce of sugar to be sold for Philip's use, which 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 275 accordingly he is to sell, and remit the money. A tierce is only § of a hogshead. How so small a matter should be sent, when so much is due, is somewhat strange. But as the Fleet from the Islands is in the Channel it is probable the thing will be soon explained by a letter from Home himself. Tuesday, October 9th. — Tongue and adjacent part of the throat uneasy in swallowing, spitting, etc. Kept almost wholly within doors and read without interruption Smith's Theory. Got to the end of it and went over again with more attention than before about 100 pages in the begin- ning. At night revised some of the Review. Got from Philip in the morning the good news of his getting a letter at last from Home with two bills enclosed, one on Glasgow for £100 and one on London for £10, 10s. The tierce of sugar sent to Greenock was part of the cargo he received from Bridgewater, but being somewhat damaged he could not dispose of it at St. Kitts. This is a most happy event to Philip and a just cause of thankfulness to us all. W ednesday, October 10th. — Read Smith most of the day ; also the Edinburgh newspapers. In the evening read in the 6th Volume of Dodsley's Miscellanies which Nancy has pickt up somewhere, a very good translation of Cebes's 1 Table by Scott, also some other things. Tongue growing better by abstemiousness, water and warmth. Thursday, October 11th.— Read over a good deal more of Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments and looked over the rest. The work shows him to be a man of knowledge and of genius too, but yet I can by no means join in the applauses I have heard bestowed on it. What is new in it is perhaps of no great moment in itself, and is neither distinctly explained nor clearly established. An extravagant turn to declaim and embellish leads him quite astray from that study of accuracy, precision, and clearness that is so essentially necessary to the delivering of any theory, especially a new one ; and his indulging of this humour 1 Cebes, a Theban, disciple of Socrates and the reputed author of the Pinax or ' votive tablet,' a philosophical dialogue. 276 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 for playing everywhere the orator, tho' his oratorical talents are far from being extraordinary, has made him spin out to the tedious length of 400 pages what in my opinion might be delivered as fully and with far more energy and perspicuity in 20. What can this arise from but the man's being used all his life to declaim to boys and not attending to the distinction necessary to be made betwixt a circle of them as auditors and a world of cool and reasonable men as readers ? The most valuable part of the work, tho' not altogether free from the fault taken notice of, is the account given in the end of the different systems of Moral Philosophy , Ancient and Modern. Read some more things in Dodsley's Miscellanies and what I had not read before of the August magazine. Friday, October 12th. — Tweed is flooded. Read some in the magazines and some Architecture. Was also east the town p.m. seeing sick. Fr. Pringle came to drink tea and brought with him a piece of intelligence that rejoiced me extremely. There is a purpose of marriage just on the point of executing betwixt Sir John Hall and Miss Maddy. Frank showed me a testimonial of a Proclamation from Auldhamstocks dated last Sunday, and the Proclamation is to be made here Sunday next. Maddy's faux pas at Dunglass has been a very fortunate one, tho' nobody that knows her will think Sir John less fortunate than she. Was so much amused and pleased with this affair, that I did little else than rave of it all the evening. 1 Still troubled a little at my sore tongue and throat notwithstanding all my temperance and abstinence. Got some cold with going out to-day, and, I believe, in the house by sitting at a fire something too hot among airing clothes. Saturday, October 13th. — Prepared for to-morrow and was going up in the afternoon with Nancy to see the bride, 1 The marriage of Sir John Hall and Madeleine Pringle took place in a very few days. Enthusiastically approved of by Ridpath, the union was no doubt a happy one, but it was not destined to last long as Lady Hall died in 1763. Sir John survived her thirteen years. What Maddy's faux pas at Dunglass was remains untold, but it cannot have been a very terrible one. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 277 but Sprot from Newton came in. He drank tea and staid till betwixt 7 and 8. A tolerably sensible lad. Sunday, October lUh. — Tongue and throat pretty well in the morning ; but much distrest by speaking, and I believe the worse of it. Drank some hydromel 1 at night and continued wrapping. Munday, October loth. — Charles carried books and clothes to Will at Edrom. He has been blooded, vomited and taken physick under the direction of his neighbour Dr. Dunbar, and says he is much better. I was a good deal easier to-day and continued the use of honey in my tea and water at night. Read some pieces of Spon's Travels, 2 particularly his account of Minerva's Temple in the Athenian Acropolis, which is one of the finest remains of antiquity now extant. There are lately published cuts of the ruins of Athens in an expensive volume with some descriptions. The August London Magazine gives the account given there of this temple, which seems in great part to have been transcribed from this of Spon. Tuesday, October 16th. — In the evening betwixt 7 and 8 o'clock had a very unexpected call by a letter from Mr. Pringle to marry Sir John Hall and his bride. Had kept the house for these two days past and was so much better as not to be afraid to venture out. Got up about 9 and performed the ceremony very briefly. Nancy and Minna Dawson had gone up in the evening and were detained, and we three with Sir John and the family were all the company. 3 Soberly very joyous ; but never was a simpler affair, Sir John not having been expected till to-morrow night and having no clothes but what he rode with, and the bride in her household dress. Came home with Minna and Nancy after 11. 1 Hydromel, a mixture of honey and water : when fermented it becomes mead. 2 James Spon (1647-86), French traveller and antiquary. It is probably his Voyage d'ltalie . . . Grece, etc. (Lyons, 1678) that is referred to in the text. 3 It is not clear why this wedding was so hurriedly and unceremoniously celebrated, especially as it seems to have received the approval of all parties concerned. 278 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 Wednesday, October 17th. — Saw a sick woman in the forenoon. Were invited to Sir Robert's to dine, where was just the same company as last night. The marriage having been made a night sooner than was designed, none of the friends cast up. W. Stevenson was to have been there, but had gone to Wooler Fair. Had a good deal of chat with Sir John, chiefly about his travels. He has very considerable funds and is a man of much simplicity and candor. I dare say Maddy will pass her time with him very comfortably. Came home in the evening. Thursday, October 18th. — Mr. Dawson and Mrs. Dawson here in their way to Sir Robert's to dine. Mrs. Dawson staid all night. Friday, October 19th. — Charles carried Mrs. Dawson to Kelso. Read some of Juan d'Ulloa's Voyage to South America from the Library. 1 Looked to something at night for Kelso to-morrow. Saturday, October 20th. — -P. Brydone 2 and Henry Grieve came here to breakfast. Brydone went to Stitchill to see Walter Pringle. Colonel Crawfurd has got him a Commission of 2nd Lieutenant in his Regiment, and 2 or 3 posts ago he has a letter from Dr. Pringle informing him that the Doctor has got the grant of an Ensigncy for him from Lord Ligonier. He sticks by Crawfurd, but is a good deal distrest about refusing the Doctor's Commission, as he had promised to him certainly to accept what he should procure for him. But he seems to be sufficiently disengaged by being served in the same way, prior to the Doctor's being able to do it. I left the young men, who returned to Eccles to dine, and went to Kelso, where I preached for Mr. Lundy on James 4. 8. Thought on a plan, as I was riding down, having forgot the papers of 1 Juan d'Ulloa published an account of his travels in Central America, at Madrid, 4 vols, folio, 1748. I do not know whether this is the book referred to in the text, but if it is it was probably in an abridged translation. 2 Patrick Bryden or Brydone, son of the minister of Coldingham. It is doubtful if he ever served in the army. He was a traveller and scientist, and published a Tour through Italy and Malta : died 181 8. His mother was a half-sister of Matthew Dysart. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 279 what I intended as my subject. Came home in the even- ing and prepared for to-morrow. It is droll that the bride or bridegroom have sent no gloves. 1 Sunday, October 21st. — Sir John Hall and his bride in the Kirk, with a great train of relations, splendidly drest and carried in 4 wheel machines. 2 Waited for them by desire. They came about 12 and were dismist before 2. As I could not be soon enough at Kelso for any share of the forenoon work, dined and rode down after. Preached in the school on John 1. 16. Came home in the evening. Munday, October 22nd. — Intended to have gone to Sir Robert's in the morning to bid Lady Hall farewell, but heard they were not to set out till to-morrow. P.m. rode up to Home Byres to see W. Stevenson, who has been distrest with his sciatic, but is better. Found when I came home in the evening Philip arrived with Will. Philip came by the way of Edrom on purpose to see Will and bring him along. It is lucky he has done so, for Will was under a management there which continued awhile longer would probably have dish'd him up. He is sore reduced, but seemed to be rather better than worse by his journey. Tuesday, October 2Srd. — Went to the Synod, where Ford preached an odd sort of sermon abounding in quotations in verse and prose. Paton chosen Moderator. Monteith made a motion for a thanksgiving for our publick successes 3 and for our addressing the king on the same. The thanks- giving was appointed on the last Thursday of December, but not to be kept if the king appointed a day for the same purpose. James Allan and I were of the Committee for drawing an address, and each of us immediately after dismissing the Synod fell to work and made a sketch. 1 It was the custom for a newly-married pair to present the officiating minister with a hat or a pair of gloves. Ridpath not only got gloves but a hat also before long : see November 4th. 2 A four-wheel carriage was not very common in Scotland at this period. Indeed Somerville says (Life and Times, pp. 355-7) that even carts were rare. 3 The taking of Quebec by Wolfe. 280 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 I lay with J. Allan in Coll r Marchant's, where he has got some acquaintance with the daughter. Wednesday, October 2Mh. — Showed our draughts to the other members of the Committee, who were very well pleased with each. Corrected and transcribed J. Allan's, of which the Synod approved, after the alteration of an expression or two. In the evening transcribed this work fair for transmitting. Made a few more alterations and inclosed it in a letter to Holderness. 1 Was with a great company in Wood's, which was too riotous for a company so large and mixt. Lay in Waldie's with J. Allan. A bad night of rain, which, together with this address work, detained us in town. Thursday, October 25th. — Came up with James Allan and Philip before 12. Will was at Kelso yesterday and Tuesday, without being the worse of it, I think ; tho' he is sore extenuated and not at all sound. Perhaps he has suffered something from the ground floor of his lodging at Ridpath's, but certainly much more by foolishly falling a-visiting his Parish and thereby exhausting himself and catching an abominable cold. Indeed his projects of work of every kind are so far beyond his strength that it will not [at] all be surprising if he should knock himself up. Read with attention all the accounts from Quebeck. Monteith came up from Kelso towards the evening and staid all night. Friday, October 26th. — W. Campbell and his wife, who from Berwick in their way to Gordon, have been at Kelso during the Synod time and Cupples along with them, came to breakfast. All guests went away after breakfast. Will is to stay a while, in order to recruit his strength and spirits. Dozed some and read Juan d'Ulloa's Voyage, sl very entertaining work. Saturday, October 21th. — Weather the same, with some showers of rain, sleet, hail. Wrote some things into my accounts and read Ulloa's Voyage. 1 Robert Darcy, sixth Earl of Holdernesse, was Secretary of State in the Pelham and Pitt ministries, 1751-61. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 281 Sunday, October 28th. — Rode to Makerston to give my turn in supplying the vacancy there. Dined by invita- tion at the Colonel's, where was Walter Scot. Drank tea with Mrs. Walker, who is very tedious in her lamen- tations. Came home between 6 and 7. Tuesday, October 30th. — Was at Home, baptising a child, and sometimes attending Thomas Underwood, who began to lay the Low Room floor. Revised some of Ulloa's Voyage and read in the Bibl. Rais. some things relating to it, particularly the account of de la Conda- mine's voyage down the river of Amazons. Thursday, November 1st. — Hard frost and clear. Read over again a good deal of Ulloa's Voyage, which is without question one of the best works of that class. Mr. Dawson here at dinner. He had been at Nether Miln seeing the children there, all ill of the smallpox. Friday, November 2nd. — Read more of the Voyage to South America. Will left us betwixt 11 and 12, proposing to dine at Fogo. He is very much recruited and free of all complaints except an inconsiderable cough. I have no fear of him if he takes due care of himself, but this I can hardly expect. As he was not easy in being absent from his Parish, I thought it better to let him go. Saturday, November 3rd. — Attended Thomas Underwood, who finished the room, and got up all the furniture in the evening, so that my Mother and Nancy returned to it. Prepared also for to-morrow and read some more of d'Ulloa. Sunday, November Uh. — Lectured on Psalm 119. 169-fin. Preached on Jeremiah 9. 23, 24. Had my marriage trophies on, hat and gloves, which came yesterday by the return of Sir Robert and Mrs. Pringle from Dunglass. Munday, November 5th. — Weather the same. Drew out the accounts of the expences of my Manse, which I was going to carry to Sir Robert's with me p.m., but W. Stevenson, who called in the forenoon to enquire about Will, told me he had gone to Marchmont House. Read some of Spon and some of d'Ulloa's Voyage. Tuesday, November 6th. — Weather much the same. In the forenoon made out a list of new books for 3 years past 282 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1759 from the magazine catalogues to carry to our Library's meeting to-morrow. Afternoon went to Sir Robert's, who was at Greenlaw, attending a meeting of Commis- sioners of Supply and Justices of Peace called by a Quarter- Session of Justices that met last Tuesday, by an advertise- ment in the newspapers. The Earl of Home, who got a Commission of Lord Lieutenancy for the County of Mers before he went to Gibraltar, nominated in March 1758 nine deputies, whose commissions have been sent to them only within these two or three weeks. Lord Marchmont takes this opportunity of showing his zeal by proposing to address his Majesty for arms, which are totally wanting in the country. Kaims, one of the deputies, opposed the address with vehemence, pretending that it carried in it a request for calling out the Militia and arming the county, the inexpediency of which he insisted much on. However. Marchmont carried his point, even with the concurrence of many of the opposite faction who were present ; and Kaims' s sticking to his opinion was the only hindrance to its being altogether unanimous. I do not distinctly know the secret history of this affair, but from what I heard beforehand I imagined that Marchmont was going to dispute the legality of raising a militia by the means of these Deputy Commissioners. But he seems to have leur donne le change by showing more zeal in the matter than they. Mrs. Pringle was telling me that the Captain is on the point of being Major of his Regiment, tho' by a transaction that costs him dear. Wednesday, November 7th. — Went to the Presbytery, where McDougal, 1 who is soon to be presented to Makerston, preached a good enough sermon. He produced also a licence from the Scotch Class at London, before whom, for the sake of dispatch, he past tryals. Besides preaching before us he underwent an examination which a late Act of Assembly requires before we can receive as a proba- tioner one that has been licensed in England. Drank tea 1 Thomas Macdougal was licensed by the Scots Presbyter}- in London : was ordained at Mackerstoun 17th April 1760: died 1784: married Ann, daughter of Edward Inglis, druggist, Edinburgh. 17591 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 283 in Mr. Dawson's, and attended at night a Library meeting in Waldie's, which was thinner than usual. Gave a pretty large commission for new books and also gave orders for new presses for holding our books, which are to be put up so soon as these are ready, in a room in the town house which Ramsay has procured us the use of and at the expense of the Duke of Roxburgh made a very decent, convenient place. Our finances now are in a tolerably good condition. 1 Lodged with Robert Turnbull in Mr. Bobby's. Thursday, November 8th. — Breakfasted in Dobby's. Called at Dr. Gibson's and wrote a letter as Preses of the Library meeting, which I was made last night for current year, to Mr. Baillie at Mellerstain, acknowledging the favours of Lady Murray 2 to our Library, and desiring the continuance of them on his part. This was thought proper last night by the meeting, tho' I did not much approve of it, as having too much the air of begging. Mrs. Dawson took it in her head to ride up with me to visit Mrs. Pringle in her solitude. She dined in passing. Sent up with her to Sir Robert the State of Accounts about the Manse, in order to get what he is due. Wrote to Philip and read 2nd volume of d'Ulloa's Voyage. Friday, November 9th. — Read d'Ulloa and a greater part of the September magazine which came from Berwick by one of our egg-men. Philip writes me he has been seeing Mr. Renton, who was discreet enough and desired me to see him. I believe I must go back again to that house from which the Hutton affair has produced a long alienation. Munday, November 12th.— Read a good deal of d'Ulloa and some of the September magazine. Had a letter from Philip, in which he informs me that in consequence of an accidental rencounter he has altered his measures about taking up house and is going to board with Logan, the 1 The Library appears to have been quite a flourishing institution at this time. It disproves the statement made by Dr. Somerville in his Life and Times (p. 330) that there were no circulating libraries or reading clubs in any of the country towns in Scotland. 2 See ante, p. 253, n. 1. 284 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1759 tenant in Fishwick, who has very good accommodation for him. He writes also that Nancy Waite was threatened with a fever and would have had me come down to-day. Will therefore wait till I hear farther, especially as I intended at any rate to be down next week. Tuesday, November ISth-Wednesday, November 28th. — A little storm of frost and snow about the end of the 2nd week, that is, preceding Sunday the 25th. On the first of these days got a letter from Philip which it was great security and carelessness in me not to have sent for the night before, advertising that the Doctor look'd on Nancy Waite as in great hazard on the Munday morning. The letter was to Nancy, as Philip had taken it for granted that I had set out for Berwick on the morning of that day. Set out on the Tuesday in less than 2 hours after the letter came to my hand, and got to Berwick betwixt 5 and 6 o'clock. By this time the poor child had all the most fatal symptoms, and was indeed little better than in the agonies of death. Tho' the eruption of red spots which was very copious kept out, and preserved its red colour to the last, yet from the Munday morning her pulse had fallen and her respiration became laborious and difficult by ulcerations, as the Doctors believed, in her throat, an usual attendant of these fevers. A blister applied on the Tuesday forenoon was taken away after I came. Tho' very strong, it scarce had produced any effect, but an excoriation of a livid colour. . . . The sweet little innocent at last expired betwixt 7 and 8 in the morning of Wednesday the 14th, at the age of 8 years. I performed all the duty to her I could, by sitting up all the night by her, and from time to time administering to her some little draughts, part of which she with great efforts got over, till within a few hours of her death. She knew me and looked on me often with pleasure ; attempted also to speak to me, but could not articulate her words. Thus it pleased God to remove a great orna- ment and comfort to her parents and all our family, in the beautiful blossom of tender, tho' seemingly very vigorous youth. His Will be done. She catched the 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 285 infection, it is probable, at school, such a fever having been very general among the young ones, tho' mortal but to a small number. This scene of distress was scarce over, when we learned that the poor boy had had feverish symptoms the preceding night, which continued still with him, tho' gently, in the morning. The Doctor took a sufficient quantity of blood from him ; and as grief at first for the other poor child, and afterwards a sore throat and other distressing symptoms, the consequence of grief and of the cold and fatigue in attending poor Nancy, rendered my sister quite incapable of attending the boy, I set about this task and shall be always thankful to the Almighty for having been an instrument, if I am not mistaken, of preserving his life, which was certainly in no small danger both from the violence of the disease itself and from some circumstances that fell out in the progress of it. The symptoms, however, as all who had seen them both affirmed, were not near so violent as those of his sister. The eruption on him was not in distinct spots, but a great redness in various places of his body, particularly his hands, feet, and lower part of his belly, which in a few days became very itchy, and at last peeled in white scales. In the beginning he was greatly inclined to sleep, and dozed much. His tongue was parched and white. On the fourth day he complained of his throat, his pulse growing very high and quick, I immediately advertised his doctors and a poultice was applied, wherein the bigness of a walnut of theriaca 1 was mixed, and this for two days was renewed twice or thrice in the day. It seemed to have a good effect, for neither his swallowing nor respiration was ever very sensibly obstructed. A viscid defluxion in his nose and throat made him breathe with noise and snoring ; but he gradually and pretty soon got free of it. His urine separated and he was much relieved on the morning of the 7th day. His respiration and swallowing continued perfectly easy, but his urine 1 Theriaca : there were several kinds of theriacs in the old pharma- copoeia, all however based on a preparation of sugar resembling treacle (see Graham's Scotland in the Eighteenth Century, p. 480). 286 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 ceased to subside or separate, and a great heat and quick pulse still continued. . . . On the 12th, 13th, 14th, how- ever, his heat sensibly abated, and the swelling of his legs and feet fell. Their pain also on being touched, and great heat, diminished. . . . That forenoon [15th] I left him, and he seemed to be almost well ; had got up, taken his break- fast and was amusing himself. 1 For 6 or 7 nights I lay in a shakedown in the room beside him, and had too often occasion to see how much the ordinary watchers on these occasions stand in need of an Intendant. One night (Sun- day, Nov. 18) I thought him in extreme danger. ... He continued still to dose, and I heard him with great pain and anxiety labouring greatly in his respiration, and, as I apprehended, very likely soon to breathe his last ; while his other two attendants were fast asleep. I at last resolved to awake him, and when I came to his bed, found his pulse low and slow to a great degree, and saw the drops of sweat standing on his face. I awaked him gently and in that extremity could think of nothing so proper as to give him some pure wine, of which I warmed a tea- cupfull and sweetened it a little. I found him still sen- sible, tho' greatly feeble ; and by the vehement persuasion of a man almost in despair, prevailed with him to swallow a little of it, which as soon as he had done, gave him so agreeable a relief that without further difficulty he sipped out the whole tea-cupfull. This revived him, and care was taken the rest of the morning not to allow him to want too long. He was also in hazard that same night of catching a very dangerous cold, for the poultices being discontinued, as no longer necessary, a wrapping of wool enclosed in linnen had been applied in the evening to his throat, which by his struggling and restlessness, through the working of the glyster, had become quite loose and detached, and thereby his throat bared, after having been kept so warm before, which, if not speedily remedied, might have had fatal consequences. This was the sorest 1 Though not mentioned in the Diary, the boy evidently had a relapse, the result, probably, of getting up too soon. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 287 and most distressing night of my attendance — (it was the night of Sunday the 18th) — but at the same time, I believe, the most useful. The others, however, were sufficiently restless ; and as such a strict attendance became unneces- sary, I came down to the parlour, where a tent bed had been set up. . . .* He took on this occasion a good deal of chicken broth with barley, which seemed to restore him much, and after this he sensibly gained ground. At the beginning he took a few spoonfuls of a cordial mixture with the neutral salts, and drops of Elixir Vitrioli among some of his drinks. But his chief and almost only medicine was wine, first of a softer and heavier kind, which he took in whey, afterwards sherry, light and of a good body, which he took with water, which at first seemed to do great good to his mouth and throat, and afterwards proved an excel- lent cordial. It was indeed his chief support ; for he took very little food either solid or liquid. One night towards the end of the distemper he drank a good deal of barley gruel boiled with raisins, which seemed to do him good. He took also some currant jelly, which seemed to cool and refresh him much ; but he soon tired of it. A great addi- tional distress to Mr. Waite's family was one of his pren- tices, a very stout lad of 19, falling into a fever just after the poor child's burial, of which he died. There was a necessity for removing him out of the house, a circumstance very disagreeable to Mr. Waite, but very necessary for the safety of his own family, and I believe not hurtful to the lad himself, as he had been out of bed all that day, in winch he was removed, and was carried to a very good place in Tweedmouth, where he was attended by his parents, till the time of his death. He had petechiae 2 towards the end of his fever, and at that period also he became violently delirious. Dr. Balderstone was at Edinburgh from Tuesday the 20th till the Saturday after, so that the lad was chiefly attended by Doubleday, who did not seem sufficiently aware of his danger, till near the 1 Here follow some sick-room details of his condition and illness which are unnecessary to quote. 2 Petechiae : small spots of extravasated blood below the skin. 288 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 fatal period ; but how he treated him I know not. Double- day also attended Willy Waite from the 13th day of his fever ; Dr. Balderstone being obliged to be out of town all that day, and the distemper being then in its most danger- ous period. Doubleday had been also called the day before Nanny died ; and attended Willy to the end of his illness. Dr. Balderstone and he agreed well enough, in the main, in their opinions. I saw the poor lad the prentice the evening before he died, and was a good while in the room with him. By this time I was pretty much worn out by anxiety, and scarce half my ordinary sleep for 9 or 10 days. I had flattened myself farther by eating a full dinner of fish. This made me droop much the three or four last days I was in town. I rested badly three nights successively and it ran pretty strongly in my head that I had catched the fever. I had also a tendency to a sore throat. I was proposing to ride home on Saturday, the 24th, but the child being but so-so that day, I got Campbell, who was often in Mr. Waite' s, to preach for me, and supplied his place in the Low Meeting. This was even hard on me, in my exhausted state of spirits. However, I got very good rest the night before I came away, which I partly ascribed to the sipping up of two calves' feet jellies. Much cause had I of thankfulness to God that my fears were happily dissipated. Got a very cold stormy day from N.W. to ride home in, and reached home about sunset ; having had the good fortune to escape a bitter blast , by arriving just as it began, at Twisel Boat House, where I stopt and took a little refreshment. Dozed the evening, and mused when awake, of something for to-morrow. Saw almost all my friends after the boy began to grow out of danger, but spent very little time with them ; thinking myself obliged to give close attendance at Mr. Waite's, both for the sake of the child and his parents. Will was in town at the time of the child's death, but rode up here that day to bring our people the news and keep them company. Philip came up on the Saturday after, and preached for me on the 18th. He returned to town on the Tuesday evening, and was very little away from Mr. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 289 Waite's all the time I was in town. He slept in Mr. Stanton's. Thursday, November 29th. — Thanksgiving for our late glorious train of successes by Royal Proclamation. Preached twice on Ps. 126. 3. Sir John Hall in the Kirk along with Sir Robert. Sir John had brought over Peggy from Dunglass yesterday. Mina Dawson dined with us and sate till the evening. She has been with my mother and Nancy almost all the time I have been away ; which was very good and kind. Nancy has allowed herself to be too much preyed on by anxiety and grief, and is but very so-so in health and spirits. Friday, November 30th. Went to Home to see sick and also along with Alexander Richardson and James Hay to receive the confession of Mary Leitch, who desired by Alexander Richardson such a deputation to be sent to her in order to her making her confession before them, as she thought herself in a dying condition, and was alto- gether unable to attend the Session in person. She told us that Mell wraith in Kelso was the father of her child and had maintained it ever since it was born. Found Matthew Dysart here when I returned. He dined and sate till the evening. Learned for the first time from him that there had been a meeting of Commission last week, who addrest his Majesty and appointed the settlement of Dr. Chalmers. 1 Read in the evening some of d'Ulloa's Voyage, and wrote a great part of the Berwick article in my Journal. Saturday, December 1st. — Dined by invitation at Sir Robert's, who wanted to speak to me about making up a list of poor to be sent to a meeting of Justices at Jedburgh, 1 John Chalmers of Roderny, son of James Chalmers, minister of Elie, second son of John Chalmers of Pitmedden, succeeded his father at Elie 1738: translated to Kilconquhar 1760: D.D., St. Andrews, 1779. His settlement at Kilconquhar was referred to the Commission of Assembly in 1759 and was the subject of much debate in the Assembly of 1760, but he was admitted to his new parish in that year. He was a learned man, but with a turn for buffoonery which in its way made him a formidable debater. He married, 1773, Helen, daughter of Sir Alexander Anstruther, and died 1 79 1. He was grand-uncle of Dr. Thomas Chalmers. T 290 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 and was so good as to pay me my money stipend. Did something for to-morrow, and wrote in the evening some things in my accounts of the repairs of the house, accounts for Lord Home and John Hunter, and a report about Mary Leitch to be given in to the Session to-morrow. Had the comfortable intelligence by a letter from Philip that Willy Waite continues to recover briskly, amuses himself all the day, eats his victuals and takes cheerfully some doses of the bark that have been prescribed him. Munday, December 3rd. — Read some of d'Ulloa's Voyage, and spent a good deal of time on the last account I got from Walker computing the annual amount of some articles. James Allan arrived very unexpectedly in the evening in his way to Riddell, and brought us the news of Hawke's having demolished the Brest Squadron in its way to Que- beron Bay. The account of this came to Berwick this morning from N. Castle, whither it had come by an express to the Mayor from Sir W T illiam Blacket. The people of Berwick were ringing their bells. Tuesday, December 4>th. — James Allan set out a little after 12, and I soon after for the Presbytery, where we had some little affairs of scandal. Drank tea at Mr. Dawson's who has been very unwell, and is still confined. Wednesday, December 5th. — Weather much the same. Read some in Dodsley's Miscellanies, 1st Volume, and in the magazines. Attended also the mason putting up the coal-house, door checks, and repairing the adjacent part of the wall. Rode to Oxmuir and drank tea. Mr. Dick- son's wife had been very ill of a sore throat, but is better again. Thursday, December 6th. — Went to Home a.m. with three elders, where we further examined Mary Leitch, but discovered nothing material more than she had told us before. Dined in W. Stevenson's. In the evening read Dodsley, 1 whose collection begins with some very good 1 Robert Dodsley (1703-64), originally a footman in the service of the Hon. Mrs. Lascelles : he became a poet, dramatist, and bookseller. 1759] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 291 things of Tickell's 1 that I do not remember formerly to have seen. Munday, December 10th. — Still wind from E. Sun and clouds. Froze at night. Read some of Buehannan's History and of John Milton's History of England before the Conquest, which is the first thing in the Amsterdam edition of Milton's prose works which I have had long from Matthew Dysart. Tuesday, December 11th. — Walked to Home a.m. to see a sick woman. Returned to dine. Sir Robert Pringle and Miss Pringle called in the evening. Read as yesterday. Wednesday, December 12th.— Read some of Buchannan, the Scots newspapers, and the two first Books of Plato de Kepublica, in Ficinus's translation, with which I was greatly entertained. Read also some of the Greek, which I am afraid will take too much time to go regularly through ; and my copy is bad and imperfect. Thursday, December 13th. — Read more of Milton's History of England. The Roman part of it seems to be carefully collected, and is wrote with spirit. Read at night in Ficinus most part of the 3rd Dialogue de Republica, where are some excellent things on the influences of poetry and musick on the minds of youth. Tuesday, December 18th. — Aly Stevenson 2 came before dinner. I had got a letter from her uncle desiring me to meet him at Kelso to-day to direct the removing of our books to the new Library Room. But it has been so cold these two or three days that I wrote him last night a letter . . . that I could not think of going about such cold work in such severe weather. However, as the day proved so soft, and Aly cast up for company to my mother, I set out for Kelso after dinner and got there about sunset. Found Robert in Dr. Miller's. Could not begin our work to-night, and therefore delayed it till to-morrow morning. Drank tea in Mr. Dawson's 1 Thomas Tickell ( 1 686-1 740), poet: friend of Addison : Under-Secretary for Ireland 171 4. 2 Robert Turnbull's niece : she was the daughter of his sister Marion who married George Stevenson, surgeon, Edinburgh. 292 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1759 and went to Dr. Gibson's to sup. Dr. Miller was along with us. He had engaged us to stay with him, but the Doctor's people persuaded us we would lye warmer in their house, tho' I believe they scarce made it good ; putting us into a disagreeable little place behind the dining-room, and a very cold bed. Lying double made it, however, more tolerable. Wednesday, December 19th. — Employed forenoon and a great part of afternoon in putting up the books. I wrote also a catalogue of them, as they stand in the shelves, in order to make an alphabetical one from it. Dined and staid again all night in the Doctor's. We were a good deal assisted in ranging and putting up the books by John Waldie, Dickson, and Tailfer, the bookbinder, who is to have the care of them, when once they are all collected and put in order. Thursday, December 20th. — Soft and hazy forenoon. Rained a little and thawed slowly p.m. and evening. After breakfasting in Dr. Gibson's and giving some direc- tions about our books, Robert Turnbull and I walked up here. Aly, whom he expected to find and to walk home with, was gone about an hour before we arrived. The elders were counting the box and the account of the Poor's Money answered very well what we found in it. Robert staid all night. We found also Will here, who had come yesterday. He is bravely recruited and looking very well on 't, has fallen to work again in visiting his Parish and has almost finished it. Friday. December 21st. — Robert Turnbull staid till after dinner. Wrought in the evening on an alphabetical catalogue of our Library books drawn out of that which I took at Kelso. Munday, December 2Uh. — Was at Home and Hairy Heugh a.m. seeing sick. Evening finished a rough draught of the alphabetical index for the Library and at night wrote letters to country members to send in books, which Waldie is to forward from Kelso. Saturday, December 29th. Prepared for to-morrow and wrought more on the Library catalogue. Finished the 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 293 alphabetical catalogue and also the contents of one of the presses in the order in which the books stand in the several shelves. Charles brought Nancy from Berwick, where all are pretty well. Munday, December Slst. — Mild day. Clouds and sun. Breeze westerly. Saw sick at Fallside-Hill and Hairy Heugh a.m. Rest of the day and night wrought on the Library catalogue and extracting from the Minutes of Session the Process about Mary Leitch. 1760 Tuesday, January 1st. — Went to the Presbytery, where my reference was taken in. We expected the Duke of Roxburgh's presentation of T. Macdougall to Makerston, but the Duke has had a fever at Lausanne, where he is staying some time for education. Ramsay dined with us, and at his desire we are to have our next Presbytery on the last day of this month, that all the time may be given that is possible for the Duke's presentation to arrive. If it does not come, he gives a presentation himself, as the Duke's Commissioner. Drank tea in Mr. Dawson's. Could not get a meeting of the people concerned in the Library, in order to deliver the books over to Telfer as new keeper. Have therefore delayed it till next meeting of Presbytery. Wednesday, January 2nd. — Read the 8th Book of Plato's Republick, where there is a fine view of the natural corrup- tions of the forms of government then known and of the characters of particular persons corresponding to them. Had the mason rebuilding my leaping-on stone, 1 which he was obliged to leave by the weather's growing bad. Sunday, January 6th. — Rode to Makerston after 10. Lectured on Ps. 122. Preached on 1 Cor. 10. 12. Came back in the evening, and Mr. Macdougall staid, who has 1 The ' loupin'-on stane,' as it was generally called in Scotland, was a series of stone steps to enable persons, and especially ladies who were riding pillion, to mount their horses easily. 294 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1760 seen a good deal of the world and to very good purpose, being really a very well-bred and a very entertaining man. Munday, January 7th. — Set out at the same time with Macdougall for Makerston, on my road to Berwick. Reached Tillmouth about 2, where I found Philip, ac- cording to agreement, and the Squire at home and alone. We staid with him all night, and had better and warmer quarters than the old house at Twisel used to afford. Tuesday, January Sth. — Staid at Tillmouth all day and night. Endeavoured to get forward to Berwick, but our landlord opposed it so much that we did not insist. The Squire has been lately reading for the first time Berkley's writings 1 against the existence of matter. These afforded us a great field. Had also various anecdotes about some of the English literati and philosophers, Mr. Blake's acquaintances at first or second hand. In general, were very agreeably entertained. Wednesday. January 9th. — Lay long abed and did not leave Tillmouth till hear 12. Dinner was just about finishing at Mr. Waite's before we reached Berwick. Spent the remainder of day and night there. Had some company at tea p.m. Both my sister and Mr. Waite have recovered themselves tolerably from their sore distress and the boy seems to be as hale and vigorous as ever. His being so long from school has given him a turn to play and aversion to his book, which will not be easily overcome. Thursday, January 10th. — Campbell came in in the forenoon and staid to dine with us, which lost some time that should have been employed in seeing my friends. Drank tea with Aunt Balderstone, who enjoys great good health, and called at S. Stanton's. Spent the rest of the night in Mr. Waite's. Friday, January 11th. — Breakfasted in Campbell's, where Peggy Bell is and has been staying for some time. Called at the Doctor's. Dined with the Collector and drank tea with Mrs. Nicholson. Philip left me there to 1 George Berkeley (1685-1753), the well-known philosopher : Bishop of Cloyne 1734. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 295 go to Goldie's, who has just got intelligence of his being to get a presentation to Pennycook, and gave me an opportunity of enquiring about an affair which gives that worthy woman great uneasiness and of which she informed me when I was last in Berwick. This is a correspondence betwixt the Collector and Mrs. Keith, which she is very apprehensive will terminate in a marriage. This strange woman having come to lodgings over against the Collector's has by practising all the arts of the most shameless coquetry inveigled him so far, that he very frequently visits her, and shows by too evident marks the ascendant she has gained over him. All his family soon took notice of this. Mrs. Nicholson spoke of it to him in the warmest manner, and insisted on his promise, which he gave, that he would not marry her. His visits, however, being still continued, his son, before he left the country, with the privity of his aunt, tho' in a manner she did not wholly approve, wrote him a letter on the subject, which, instead of mending matters, greatly provoked his father both against himself and his aunt, to whose advice he ascribed it. This pro- ceeded so far that the Collector had not been in his sister's house, nor she with him for several weeks, before the time she first informed me of all this. She would at that time have fain prevailed with me to speak to the Collector about Mrs. Keith, but as she could not consent that I should speak of the information she had given me, and as all that I knew besides was only vague report, I could not see how I could introduce the affair, or what moment anything I could say against the woman could be ; especi- ally as he had already heard from Mrs. Nicholson and others all that I knew or at least was at liberty to say to her disadvantage. Upon enquiring how this affair now stands, she informed me that his visits are still as frequent as ever, tho' carried on with the greatest caution and secrecy, which, however, cannot elude the means she uses to be informed about a thing so interesting to her. She is ever full of apprehensions of an intended match from some talk that has been reported to her of Mrs. Keith's servant, who is at the same time her confidante 296 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 and a very worthless creature. This match would be universally condemned as a very foolish one, and even in some degree disgraceful, as the creature, especially since her going to Berwick, has shown her passion for the males most weakly and even scandalously. The thing distresses Mrs. Nicholson extremely, and she is thinking of making another effort to prevent it, tho' with the hazard of losing her brother's friendship, a great degree of which she has always hitherto enjoyed. Billy and his sister Sally, a very sweet girl, are also in the utmost distress about it. Such is the influence of salacious coquetry, tho' supported by a very inconsiderable share of what is most agreeable in the sex ; and such is the obstinate folly of the passion it inspires, which I have felt enough of myself, to engage me to pity, but at the same time to prevent my wondering at my friends in the like circumstances. Mr. Waite with Philip and myself supped in the Doctor's, where we were very easy and happy. Saturday. January 12//*. — Left Berwick before 11, and got to Coldstream betwixt 1 and 2, when I dined in Mr. Wilson's. Called at John Ker's, where all are pretty well. Got home between 5 and 6. Dozed and thought of some- thing for to-morrow. Wednesday, January 16th. — Examined again in the Kirk. Was at Sir Robert's in the evening with Nancy and Will, who came here last night. Finished nearly at night what I had to do with the Library catalogue. Thursday, January 17th. — Walked to Kelso, where I had agreed to meet Robert Turnbull, to finish what we had to do about the books. Dined with him in Mr. Lundy's where was also Mr. Pollock. Robert Bell from Gordon came there, having been here to see me, and afterwards at Mr. Pollock's, but mist us both. Got not much done to the books, as it was necessary to employ a wright to alter the heights of the shelves, which cost some time. Drank tea in Mr. Dobby's and staid all night with Robert in Mr. Lundy's. Friday, January 18th. — Fell to work with the books before dinner, and returned to them again after it. Got 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 297 through them at last. Gave Telfer the Magazines and Reviews and some loose pamphlets to bind. Dined at Mr. Dawson's. Walked home in the evening and read a good deal in October and November Reviews, which I brought with me from the Library. Munday. January 21s/. — Read to the end of Plato's Republick, which both in matter and manner is a very extraordinary work, and greatly entertaining, especially to one to whom it is new. What is unintelligible and perhaps jargon in it is the mixture of Pythagorean specu- lations, of winch there is a good deal towards the end of the 10th Book. The first part of that Book contains the chief strength of all that has been or probably can be said against Epick or Dramatick Poesy, considered as affecting the constitution or manners of a state. Tuesday, January 22nd. — Examined a few in the Kirk and read variously — among other things, the Platonick doctrine in Virgil's 6th Book with Ruous's 1 Comment. Wednesday, January 23rd. — Examined a few in the Kirk. Read over again Plato's vision of Erus the Armenian, 2 both in the Greek and Latin, also his Minos and a bit of the first Book de Legibus. The poor man Thompson from whom I got my saddle bags more than two years ago came here on his foot from Berwick to get their price, which I paid him, tho' I am afraid rashly, as his affairs have been wrong and everything that he had seized by his creditors. Thursday. January 2Uh. — Examined at Fallside Hill. Drank tea at William Stevenson's. Found Coventry here when I came home, who had come to talk to me about distributing amongst the poor £5 that one Dickson, a native of this Parish, and now a merchant in London, where he is grown very rich, sent down to Smith of Jed- burgh who is a relation of his. Smith wrote me about it, desiring me to distribute it. in conjunction with Coventry. Slept on Plato. 1 Ruoeus was editor of a Delphin edition of Virgil (Paris, 1722). 1 See The Republic, Lib. x. cap. 13. Erus, son of Armenius, was slain in battle but, when laid on his funeral pyre twelve days after, revived and told his vision of the judgment and the future state. 298 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 Friday, January 25th. — Coventry here with the Bailie and two of our Elders fixing the distribution of Dickson's money. Afterwards spent some time on an inscription for a monument to Mr. Crow. Wrote it some years ago, but as James Allan has some thoughts of getting it soon put up, he sent it to me to revise. Made a few alterations in it of no great moment. Afterwards wrought on the Library catalogue and revised the sederunt book which John Waldie sent me up to-day. Saturday, January 26th. — Wrought some more on Library books and read a good deal of the 2nd Volume of Dodsley's Collection. Tho' it is in general very free of dirt, yet he has put a very dirty vicious thing of Nugent's 1 into this volume. Saw some sick in the town. Munday, January 28th. — Had a letter from Mr. Pollock in the morning, desiring my help to answer a letter from G. W T allace about the manse and glebe affair. Went down before dinner and measured over again the distance betwixt the glebe and new Kirk and the place which was long ago pointed out to the Presbytery for the situation of the new manse. Found the former measuring exact enough, so that it is surprising how in a measure and plan taken by W. Cockburn there should be so considerable a difference from our measure as G. Wallace writes there is. Wrote a pretty long letter to G. Wallace about the affair, which I hope may help to forward it to an end. Lundy cast up at tea-time ; and partly by him, partly by the Naiad, tho' not such a striking object by far as she was a twelvemonth ago, I was detained all night. Tuesday, January 29th. — Came home about midday, and a little after Sandy Duncan came and dined and drank tea. Dozed in the evening and at night made a draught of instructions for our new Library keeper. Wednesday, J anuary 30th. — Clear frost and hard. Breeze northerly. Walked to Park-End a.m. to see a sick child. Philip came after dinner by the way of Whitsum, from Chyrnside Presbytery. Chatted with him and wrote 1 Probably Richard Nugent, son of Nicholas Nugent, Chief Justice of the Common Bench in Ireland : wrote sonnets and madrigals (1604). 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 299 over from materials I had been collecting, the present state of our Library, and instructions to our new Librarian ; which employed me till late at night. Thursday. February 1st. — Philip and I walked to Kelso to the Presbytery which was appointed to be held on this day, in order to receive T. Macdougall's presentation before the expiration of six months' vacancy which happens to- morrow. The presentation was subscribed by Ramsay as Commissioner, that presentation which was sent to be subscribed by the Duke not having arrived. We had our Library meeting at night, at which we agreed with Telfer as our Librarian, and appointed the books to be committed to his care. Drank tea in Peter Robertson's, where I was paying my candle account. Lay in Lundie's, where Philip and M. Dysart also stayed. Friday. February 2nd. — Was in Kelso with Philip till the evening. Dined in Mr. Lundy's and drank tea in Mr. Dawson's. Was three or four hours ii: the Library, compleating the catalogues and making other necessary arrangements. Saturday, February 3rd. — Philip set out before dinner, proposing to go home by Eccles. Prepared for to-morrow and read Belloni, 1 the Roman Banker's Treatise on Com- merce, and the late Prince of Orange's proposals for restoring the trade of the Netherlands, both of which contain things that deserve notice. They are in a volume which I brought yesterday from the Library. Saw some sick in the town. Munday, February 4th. — Saw sick at Fallside Hill and Home, and examined at William Dickson's. After I came home, finished what I had to do about the Library catalogue, etc., wrote to Will at Edrom, to go with a table and chairs to him to-morrow, and read a good deal of Tucker's essay on the Trade of France and England. 2 1 A translation from the Italian of the Marquis Jerome Belloni's Dissertation on Commerce was published at London 1752. 2 Josiah Tucker (1712-99), economist and divine: Dean of Gloucester 1758. His Briej Essay on the Advantages which attend France and Great Britain with regard to Trade was published in 1750. 300 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 Tuesday, February 5th. — Evening read to an end Tucker on Trade, which is a sensible work and shows a good knowledge of the subject ; but wrote without elegance or any marks of superior genius. Wednesday, February 6th. — Saw sick in the town. The smallpox have been frequent for some time past, but in general very favourable. Read a good deal in the 3rd Volume of Dodsley's Collection. ' Pscyhe, or the Grand Metamorphosis, an allegorical account of the Fall of Man,' is, I think, the best imitation of Spenser, and indeed one of the best poems of the kind that I have met with. Friday, February 8th. — Grew very windy from W. to S. at night, and at last blew a sort of hurricane about midnight and in the morning hours. Blew down to me a stack of hay and corn, hurt the thatch of the Office houses greatly, and brought several slates off the house. Had a very interrupted rest with it. Read two more Books of Plato de Legibus. Got in the evening another letter from Robertson of Ladykirk 1 relating to the money I owe the Poor's Box, wrote just in such a strain as I could have wisht. He has spoke to the Session about that affair, and they are to accept of £8 in full of all demands. He wants to know what sort of discharge I would desire, and even desires me to send the form of one that would please me. By which means, I hope, I shall be freed from the wildness and chicanery of Tod, which I have experienced enough of in the former parts of this transaction, to make me dread the effects of the same in concluding it. Tuesday, February 12th. — Examined again in the W. end of Home. Dined in Mr. Stevenson's. Mr. Dysart came there in the afternoon. Asked him, as we were riding homewards, about the Salton business. 2 Still 1 Mr. Robertson of Ladykirk, the principal heritor in the parish, had evidently taken the matter of Ridpath's debt to the Session into his own hands, and conducted the business with more tact arid discretion than the minister. 2 There was a vacancy at this time in the parish of Saltoun owing to the death of old Mr. Lundie, the father of the minister of Kelso, who had died, Father of the Church, 4th November 1759. The vacancy was not filled up till November 1760, when Patrick Bannerman was admitted. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 301 uncertain. Revised and read Dodsley's 3rd Volume in the evening. At night read Plautus's Comedy of Aulularia, where there is little of difficulty and very much drollery. Thursday, February lUh. — Rode to Mackerston where were four more of the Presbytery. Lundy preached and we moderated T. Macdougall's call, which was unanimous. Dined in the Colonel's. 1 He himself was not at home. W. Ker subscribed for him. After I came home read the News, where there is nothing memorable. Look'd over some parts of three volumes of Ty reel's History of England, which I borrowed last night from Sir Robert. Slept on Plautus's Curculio. Friday, February 15th. — Read some in the fifth volume of Dodsley's Miscellanies, and in the afternoon and evening about 100 pages of the first and second volumes of Parliamentary History. 2 What may be the value of this work as a compilation I know not, but for the original part of it, at least of this parcel, it is, in the matter, poor and jejune, and, in the language, groveling, mean and inaccurate. Strange that England should be doomed to such historians ! Peggy Pringle came down to tea p.m. Sir Robert set out for Edinburgh on Munday to see Frank, who is apprehended for some time past to have been in a very bad way. [No entries for a week, during which Ridpath had evi- dently been confined by illness.) Saturday, February 23rd.— Had pretty good rest last night. Complaints almost wholly gone, for which I have great cause of thankfulness to the Parent of Good. Read lazily some things in Dalrymple's History of Feudal Pro- perty. As I have been confined so long and the weather is so rough I thought it would be wiser to let alone preach- ing to-morrow and advertised my people accordingly. 1 Colonel George Hay Macdougall (afterwards Sir George), brother of Sir Thomas Hay of Alderston, Bart., whom he succeeded in 1769. He had married Barbara, daughter and heiress of Henry Macdougall of Mackerston. He was Colonel of the Scots Greys. 2 Probably the Parliamentary or Constitutional History of England . . , London. 8 vols. 1752. 302 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1760 Sunday, February 24-th. — Read over again the beautiful Morale in the beginning of Plato's 5th Book de Legibus, also some of it in Greek. Got a letter in the evening from Philip with some magazines. Philip writes me that Mrs. Laurie died on Tuesday ; once a lovely girl and afterwards a most excellent wife and mother, equally eminent for good management and good temper. Once she was a very particular favourite of mine, as was also her sister, Mrs. Hall ; both removed hence, a little after the noon of life, to shine, I hope, with new lustre, in a better world. James Allan brought out the money for Philip's West Indian bill, with which and the Widows' Fund £30, and some of his stipend, he has paid off all the money for which he paid interest ; a great relief, and once very unexpected. When shall I arrive at such a point of ease ? Philip also writes me that two expresses have passed from Scotland southwards within these two or three days, by the latter of which that past yesterday morning Dr. Balderstone, at Edinburgh on occasion of his sister's death, writes that they had accounts there that three French ships of considerable force had made a landing on the Island of Ha last Saturday and had killed cattle and committed other ravages. It was also said that a fourth had been seen off the Island. One would think that this stormy weather would make them spend their time ill on these coasts, tho' I am afraid there is little else but the weather to defend them. They had a great storm of wind in the southern counties and Channel on Friday the 15th, just a week later than our great blast here. But it seems to have done more mischief both by land and sea. One of Boscawen's ships is driven in to Plymouth disabled, and there are apprehensions about himself. Munday, February 25th. — Mr. Pollock came up to see me. He dined and drank tea. Dr. Miller called in the evening. Read all the November and part of the Appendix and January London Magazines. Tuesday, February 26th. — Froze at night. Read some of the Scots (December) Magazine, where is a remarkable letter from Voltaire, which, if genuine, shows he is recon- 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RTDPATH 303 ciled to the King of Prussia, whom he calls Pyrrhus, and himself Cyneas the Swiss. Fanny Dysart came up about 12 from Eccles, with a card from her Pappa, desiring me to come down there to dine and stay all night. Mr. Chatto and his wife had come there yesterday with Bess, who had been at Morbattle 2 or 3 weeks. Hesitated a little about going, as the day was rough. However, thought I would be the better of the ride and amusement, after being confined. Accordingly, went and staid all night ; found myself a good deal refreshed. Wednesday, February 27th. — Staid at Eccles until the evening. Found Will here when I came home. He had the Saturday Edinburgh Chronicle, in which it is said that an express had come to Edinburgh that day, informing that 1500 French had landed at Carrickfergus in Ireland, out of these ships that had been at Ha two or three days before. Saturday. March 1st.— Read the Life of Alfred in Tyrrel, 1 who seems to be a very faithful industrious compiler. Wrought also some in the garden and planted my ranun- culuses and anemones. Munday, March 3rd. — Attended a man repairing the roofs of my Office-houses and read in Tyrrel a great part of the Life of Richard Cceur de Lion, which is a strange series of fighting. Sir Robert sent down, along with two Edinburgh newspapers, a MS. paper of his brother, the doctor, on the meteor of November 26, 1758, which he had given in to the Royal Society. The height of it from calculations drawn from the accounts he had collected, and the result of which is only here given, was about 100 miles, and its velocity immense, about 20 miles in a second. His speculations about these phenomena are ingenious, but rather overthrow former hypotheses than establish any- thing certain in their place. Tuesday, March 4>th. — Went to the Presbytery with 1 James Tyrrell (1642-1718) : only three volumes (folio) of his pro- jected General History of England were ever published, bringing the history down to the death of Richard 11. It is ' a cumbrous and ill-digested ' work. 304 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 Nancy en croupe. T. Macdougall delivered his lecture and popular sermon. Drank tea in Doctor Thomson's. Wednesday, March 5th. — Examined in the E. end of Home, in which and seeing sick I was employed till sunset. Found J. Hume here, who had been at Eccles. John staid all night and was in very good spirits. Friday, March 7th. — Saw sick a.m. and attended my cart carrying away the earth that was thrown out from the low room before it was new floored, and has lain before the house these several months. Laid it on a rocky spot in the glebe and carried off stones from the grass there. Robert Turnbull came before dinner, his niece in her way home from Humby in the evening, 1 and a little after Cupples, who had been seeing Laurie at Hawick. Saturday, March Sth. — Prepared for to-morrow. Walked a.m. to G. Linning's to see his servant. Much of the rest of the day attended Charles and Leithead carrying away the rubbish from W. end of the house, with which I filled up some hollows before my door. Tuesday, March 11th. — Rather milder than yesterday. Examined in the E. end of Home both forenoon and afternoon. Wanted to be done, and by reason of the publick fast could not be two days there this week. Somewhat jaded, yet not so much as I imagined I would be, the air and labour of last week having given me great vigour. Found the two first volumes of Clarendon's Life here, from the Library, when I came home, and read a good deal of the beginning of the first of them. Wednesday, March 12th. — Somewhat blowing from W. Sun and clouds. Prepared for to-morrow. Read Clarendon's first volume almost to an end and sowed peas in the garden, half a pound of Ch n Hotspurs and near as many of some other early kind. Thursday, March ISth. — A shower in the forenoon, and afterwards very windy from W. Preached twice on Ps. 1 Having presumably been on a visit to her sister Elizabeth who had just been married to Robert Dundas, minister of Humbie. Their eldest son became Sir Robert Dundas of Beechwood, Baronet, one of the Principal Clerks of Session. 17601 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 305 62. 8. Minna Dawson here till the evening. She has been some days at Sir Robert's, having come when Miss Peggy went to Edinburgh to see Frank. He and his sister came to Sir Robert's last night in a coach. He is by Minna's account in a very weak condition. 1 Friday, March lUh. — Went to Home a.m. to see sick. Afternoon went to Sir Robert's to see Frank, who seems indeed to be reduced to a very weak and almost desperate condition. He has lost almost all appetite and power of digestion, has returns from time to time of a diarrhoea, is besides greatly hectic and subject to frequent sweatings ; very much in the situation of poor Miss Pringle some time before she died, and in his looks very much resembling her. Dr. Gibson came in the darkening and I staid till supper. A Torwoodlee sister also there, who came out in the coach with Frank and Peggy. Got a letter from Tod of Lady- kirk which discomposed me a little. Robertsone, he says, has sent him my father's bill and left the finishing of the affair to the Session, who, he writes me, insist on having 10 years' interest of each bill. No doubt this proceeds from Robertsone being so favourable and a suspicion that his neighbour, J. Herriot, has a hand in the pye. It is an uneasy thing to have to deal with such wrongheads. Saturday, March 15th. — Prepared for to-morrow and read much of Clarendon's second volume where there is a good deal of entertainment. J. Miller here a call in the evening. He seems to have no hopes of Frank Pringle. Munday, March 17th. — Read second volume of Claren- don's Life to an end. Had a message from Mrs. Dawson desiring me to come down in the afternoon to see Mr. Dawson, whom she thought very weak and ill, but Mr. Dawson did not appear to me to be so ill as to make that needful. Tuesday, March 18th. — Went to Home to see sick, who are pretty numerous there. Found Home of Bowden here, when I came home, who dined and drank tea. He 1 Francis Pringle, the third son of Sir Robert, was born 1729 : appren- ticed to his uncle, James Pringle of Bowland, W.S. : passed W.S. 1753 : died nth April 1760. U 306 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1760 pretended he called to inform me of R. Riddel of Lilsley's death, 1 which he thinks makes a good place for J. Allan, and insisted on my writing to him immediately. But as the man died last Wednesday, and was a good while ill before, James must have heard before now ; and I do not think there is a sufficient temptation to make him change. Read a good deal of the January Review, which came from Kelso, and some of the third volume of Clarendon's Life. Wednesday, March 19th. — Had a message from Mrs. Pollock, desiring me to come down and see Bett, who has had an aguishness and sore throat. Went accordingly in the afternoon and drank tea. Rest of the day read Clarendon, whose account of the first Dutch W^ar is very good and full. He has also a very interesting account of the Fire of London. Wrote at night the scroll of a letter to Tod. Our accounts from Frank Pringle to-day and yesterday are that he is easier. Lady Hall has come over to : day to see him. First time she has been at Stitchill since her marriage. Thursday, March 20th. — Read Clarendon, and was in the afternoon at Sir Robert's. Sir John Hall came while I was there. His lady looks something like pregnancy. I do not think Frank looks worse than he did, tho' all about him think he is growing weaker. At night tran- scribed my letter to Tod and wrote also to Philip. Friday, March 21st. — Sowed oats and pease. Read Clarendon's third volume to an end. Have had great entertainment and not a little instruction from him. He may certainly be reckoned amongst the few very honest courtiers, one symptom of which is his writing his own life. And it is more amazing he should have kept his place so long in the Court of Charles than that he should have lost it at last ; tho' no man ever suffered a more groundless persecution. As a writer he has some eminent qualities ; extensive political views and a great fund of 1 Robert Riddell, minister of Lilliesleaf 1737-1760 : youngest son of Sir Walter Riddell of that ilk : married, 1755, Esther, daughter of John Riddell, M.D., Granton, son of Archibald Riddell, minister of Trinity Parish, Edinburgh. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 307 good sense ; a very natural expression of much integrity ; honour and humanity ; a stile copious and flowing, yet not without strength ; and tho' his periods are often immoderately long, yet they are for the most part followed by the reader without any troublesome effort, and very seldom have any obscurity in them. There are a consider- able number of curious anecdotes in this Work, and some parts of the History of the beginning of Charles's reign better illustrated than they are to be found elsewhere. Some interesting scenes too very fully and very naturally described, such as the History of the Duke of York's marriage to the Chancellor's daughter 1 and the quarrel betwixt the King and Queen about admitting the Dutchess of Cleveland to be a Maid of Honour. 2 Rode to Kelso p.m., being informed by a note from Minna Dawson to Nancy of her father's being very ill. Was a while in Dr. Gibson's, whence I brought J. Home's new Tragedy of the Siege of Aquileia. Read it at night, and cannot help pronouncing it, tho' with regret, a very poor performance in every respect, and indeed almost below criticism. Saturday, March 22nd. — Prepared for to-morrow, and read more of the January Magazine: also some pieces of Burnet's History. Sent Nancy in the afternoon to Kelso, where Mr. Dawson is still very ill. She was detained all night. Sunday, March 23rd. — Sent in the afternoon to enquire about Mr. Dawson, and learned by the return of Charles that he died about 6 o'clock this evening. It was not probable that at such a period of life and in such weakness as has been growing upon him since the unfortunate fall he got near two years ago, 3 that he could stand so severe a shock as this last. A man whom I have great reason, from his correspondence with this family for 17 years past, to pronounce very honest and very friendly. In that time, 1 Anne Hyde, daughter of Edward, Earl of Clarendon, married James, Duke of York in 1660 : died 1671. - Barbara Villiers, Countess of Castlemaine, mistress of Charles 11. : forced on Queen Catherine as Lady of the Bedchamber 1662 : created Duchess of Cleveland 1670. 3 See p 180. 308 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 too, he has undergone domestick sufferings, some of them of the very sorest kind, in bearing which he has shown very uncommon magnanimity. For several years past, but especially since his last illness, his business has greatly declined and several of his employers deserted him, whom he had reason to consider as his best friends 1 . . . having I hope still remaining what may afford them a tolerable subsistence. The natural vigour of the man was extra- ordinary ; and most men 20 years younger had a greater look of old age and less strength and activity than he had two years ago. Even that severe shock he recovered amazingly ; and his end seems still to have been con- siderably hastened by his taking a doze of calomel, which, continuing too long in his body, had opened again the vessel by which before so great a discharge was made. Munday, March 2Uh. — Revised some of Clarendon and saw some sick in the town a.m. In the afternoon rode to Kelso to see Mrs. Dawson and Minna. They are abundantly distrest, especially Minna ; Nancy still stays. Wednesday, March 26th. — Read in the forenoon chiefly neswpapers. P.m. went to Mr. Dawson's burial. His son came about 10 ; which was comfortable to Mrs. Dawson and Minna. Staid till the newspapers came, and brought home Nancy with me. Found Philip here by the way of Fogo and Eccles, from the Presbytery. Thursday, March 27th. — -Forenoon chatted with Philip. P.m. went up with him to Sir Robert's, where Frank con- tinues still in a poor declining state. He does not come downstairs, and scarce anybody sees him but the family and his physicians. Sir John and Lady Hall still there, but go away to-morrow. Dr. Miller and Jimmy Dawson there. They made a call here in passing and repassing. Friday, March 28th. — Rode to Kelso with Nancy en croupe. Philip along with us and he and I dined in Dr. Miller's, where were also G. Gordon 2 and Robert Turnbull. Drank tea also there ; to which came the Misses Ridpath 1 Several lines deleted. 2 See p. 172, n. 2. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 309 of Angelraw, etc., abundantly hearty. Staid at Mrs. Dawson's till after supper, and came home betwixt 11 and 12. Frosty night. Saturday, March 29th. — Philip left us a little after 11, being to dine at Cupples's. I went to Home and dis- tributed along with William Stevenson the money to the poor. P.m. arrived Betty Pollock and very soon after T. Dobby ; then a call from the Misses Gibson in their way from Newton to Stitchill, and another in the evening from Jimmy Dawson, 1 who had been at these two places. Evening wrote some things into accounts and prepared for to-morrow. Tuesday, Aprile 1st. — At the Presbytery, where we took the remainder of Macdougall's tryals and appointed his ordination on Thursday fortnight. Sandy Duncan was there. Chose also our members to the Assembly. James Turnbull, Lundy, and G. Wallace. Drank tea in Dobby's and sate a good while in the evening in Mrs. Dawson's. Jimmy does not leave them till Friday. U cdnesday, Aprile 2nd. — Wind W 7 . to N. Mostly sunny. Betty Pollock came before dinner and staid all night and till Saturday. Amused with her. Sprot from Newton at tea p.m. and also John Ker of Coldstream called in passing and repassing from Mellerstain, where he had been soliciting Charles Sinclair about the continuance of his office of Clerk in Coldstream, which he had been alarmed with the fear of losing. Sinclair told him to lay aside these fears, for he should be continued in it. Thursday, Aprile 3rd. — Blowing from W. to N. Mostly sunny and cold. Rode to Edrom to dine and met with Philip there, according to agreement last week. In the afternoon look'd to the ground intended for Will's new house and glebe, and learned that Mains, 2 tho' angry at a factious opposition in the last Presbytery at Chyrnside, had ordered Adam Ridpath to leave a piece of ground unsown for the house to stand upon. The exchange, tho' there is a 1 Mr. Dawson's son, who had come for his father's funeral. •^Cf. p. 164, n. 1. 310 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 good deal to be said for its rather having been made in a different manner, is yet evidently much for Will's advan- tage, and if rejected, loses him what probably may not be easily recovered. Rode down from Edrom to Fishwick all three. Very cold night. Friday, Aprile Uh. — Had a walk in the forenoon through part of Logan's Farm, which I believe is the best without comparison in all this country, and indeed most nobly situated for every kind of improvement. Then rode with Philip to Blakader, where I have not been before these four years. Received, however, with great civility, and without the least mention of what is past. Hilton and his lady there, also Collector John Home. 1 Had a good deal of mirth. Came thence to Whitsum about 6, and James Allan, by appointment with Philip, came there some time after. Talked over the whole Edrom affair, in which J. Waugh discovered more heat than enough, arising from very idle suspicions and surmises, and from catching some of the factious spirit of his neighbour Cupples, who is still inclined to cross most things in which he sees James Allan keenly engaged. Saturday, Aprile 5th. — Staid at Whitsome till after dinner. Murray of Abbay 2 called in the forenoon there in his way to Northumberland. Got home about 8, and did something for to-morrow. Found a letter from Stewart the Collector calling for payment of WidoNvs' Fund money, and another from Tod full of confusion and giving himself the lie in an important article of what he had wrote in his last, but still insisting for payment of the sum mentioned in it. Sunday, Aprile 6th. — Began to intermit betwixt sermons. 3 Munday, Aprile 7th. — At Home a.m. seeing sick. Dr. Miller here a while p.m. being attending a woman in the 1 John Home, the Collector of Taxes in the Merse, was a son of George Home of Karnes, Berwickshire, and a brother of Henry Home, better known as Lord Karnes. 2 Adam Murray, who had previously been minister of the Low Meeting, Berwick : minister of Abbey St. Bathans 1759-74 : translated to Eccles 1774- 3 Presumably had an interval between his lecture and sermon, thus making a forenoon and afternoon ' diet.' But see p. 273, n. 2. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 311 town in child-bed. Finished in the evening a letter to Philip, and wrote also to Will, to go by Charles to-morrow. Offered John Leitch in the evening the payment for Will's horse, the money for which I got at Edrom on Saturday, but he offered to lend me as much more as to. make up £7. Accepted of it, tho' with reluctance as I could not get through the summer without some such supply. At night wrote a scroll of an application to the Assembly for our expenses in the affair of Ednam Manse, about which there is a Committee at Mas Thomas's to-morrow. Tuesday, Aprile 8th. — Walked to Ednam, where was only Mr. Turnbull, Lundy not having yet returned from Lothian. Soon finished our affair. Staid till the evening. Charles was come home before me and brought letters from Will and from Philip, whom he found at Whitsum. Slept on Butler's Remains. 1 W ednesday, Aprile 9th. — Wrought some in the garden, which is very dry. Drank tea at Sir Robert's, where Mr. Pringle is become extremely weak. James Pringle there and Dr. Hope arrived while I was there. Wrote to Will to go by Nancy to-morrow. Thursday, Aprile 10th. — Planted the second beans, which the dryness of the ground made difficult. Prepared also some ground for peas. Read some of Butler's Remains. The poems there are not so interesting nor in general so finished as that of Hudibras ; but yet they are everywhere filled with excellent strokes of both wit and sense. Nancy rode to Edrom, but Will had set out thence before she arrived, and came here in the afternoon between 5 and 6 by the way of Fogo, as she did two hours after. Friday, Aprile 11th. — Read some of Butler. He is no less severe on the debauchery of Charles n.'s reign than on the hypocrisy and enthusiasm of the age that preceded it. Wrought some in the garden and went to Sir Robert's p.m. Poor Frank died about 8 this morning, a very great loss and affliction to his worthy relations. Slept on begin- ning of 3rd Book of Cicero's Offices. 1 Samuel Butler, author of Hudibras. 312 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1760 Saturday, Aprile 12th. — Sowed second pease of a large blewish kind. Read some of Butler's Characters, in all of which there is much wit and in many of them much sense also. Did something for to-morrow. Had a letter from Philip in which he informs me that the Presbytery had agreed to the exchange of Will's glebe and that they had sore work with Wilkie (they were on a visitation at Fowlden last Thursday), who has appealed to the Synod. Tuesday, Aprile loth. — Shaved before dinner and wrought some in the garden. Willy Home from Fogo came as we were dining. Went with him to the funeral, where were only the neighbouring gentlemen and the relations of the family, together with the people of the Baronry. William Stevenson and his son, Dr. Miller and Willy Home came in after and drank tea. Wednesday, Aprile 16th. — Set a few beans in the garden, and read Butler's Characters to an end, which are a most wonderful collection of wit and sense, interspersed as usual with a number oijeux d' esprit, the overflowings, as it were, of a greater stock of wit than almost ever fell to any man else's share. Thursday, Aprile 17th. — Rode toMakerston to the ordina- tion of Mr. Macdougall, where the Presbytery were very handsomely and discreetly entertained in the Colonel's. Staid till after tea, and rode home so far as our roads agreed, with Mr. Pollock and his daughter Bett, who came with her Papa to see the ordination. Robert Turnbull attended them the rest of their journey. Lundy came home in the end of that week and is away again this, to Lothian. Duncan Paton and Deans 1 there ; laymen, Ramsay, W. Ker and Scot, the Colonel's son-in-law. Slept on Butler. Saturday. Aprile 19th. — Prepared for to-morrow and read what I had not read before of Butler's first volume. The burlesque on R. Boyle and the letters of Prynne and Aud- land the Quaker are equal to anything in Swift. Wrought some in the garden. 1 Robert Deans, son of Alexander Deans, minister of Birse : ordained minister of Crailing 1756 : died 1788. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 313 Mtmday, Apr He 21st. — Read some in Reviews and Maga- zines that Philip had brought with him. Afternoon drank tea at Sir Robert's, where all are pretty well. John Waugh and his wife came in the evening, also James Allan. Tuesday, Aprile 22nd. — John Waugh and his wife and James Allan staid and dined ; which kept me from 1st dyet of Synod. Waugh, James and I rode down after dinner. Wilkie of Fowlden had appealed from a Presby- terial visitation of Kirk and Manse to the Synod, and had produced at the visitation a letter from Buchannan, promis- ing to be content with such repairs of the manse as he (Wilkie) should think fit to give him. This has made abundance of noise in the country. Wilkie, however, being himself at Greenlaw, sent over orders to his agent at Kelso not to present the appeal after the Synod had appointed a dyet to-morrow for the sole purpose of receiv- ing it ; for we had no other business. Supped in Waldie's in a large company, and came home with James Allan about 2 in the morning. Thursday, Aprile 24th. — Read some in the Magazines, also the newspapers, where is an account of E. Ferrers's condemnation by the unanimous judgment of the Lords. 1 His sentence was hanging and the dissection of his body two days after passing the sentence according to the late law against murther, but the execution, at his request, is respited till the 5th of May. We have also heard within these two or three days of the Scots Militia Bill being rejected by the Commons by a great majority. What- ever the reasons may be of this measure, I wish that at this critical time it may not be improved to do mischief. Saturday, April 26th. — Set out with Philip for Berwick about 9. James Allan set out at the same time for Ey- mouth. Philip and I got to Berwick a little after 1. Dined in Mr. W r aite's, where we found my sister. I 1 Laurence, fourth Earl Ferrers (1720-60) : hanged after trial by his Peers for murder of his servant. He had married Mary, sister of Sir Wilham Meredith of Henbury, Cheshire, Bart. She divorced him and married secondly, in 1769, Lord Frederick Campbell, brother of the Duke of Argyll. 314 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 preached, colleagued with Philip, on Heb. 2. 10. Drank tea in Gowdie's. Sunday, Aprile 27th. — Served two tables at Gowdie's, and preached for Campbell p.m. on Ps. 4. 8. Philip lectured for him. He rode to Edrom on my horse to supply Will. W. Anderson came in with him in the even- ing. They supped with us in Gowdie's. James Turnbull also there, who preached for Gowdie p.m. Munday, Aprile 28th. — James Allan and James Wood preached. James Allan, Philip and I drank tea in Aunt Balders tone's. All the ministers spent the evening in Campbell's, who gave us much laughter by his mimickries. Tuesday, Aprile 29th. — Dined in Mr. Waite's, where were also Campbell, his wife and W. Anderson. Drank tea in S. Stanton's. Sate a while in the evening in Dr. Balder- stone's. The Doctor on his circuit and not to return till the end of the week. Then a good while in Mrs. Nichol- son's who is always most sensible, most entertaining and friendly. Wednesday, Aprile 30th. — Breakfasted in T. Rutherford's, where was T. Monteith. Called at Turner's and Willy Hall's. The latter wandering somewhere with Sir J. Patterson, in whose company he is far too much, and whose sister it is said he is going to marry, to the great hurt and distress of his family. Sate a while with Gracie and was such a fool as to talk to her things to the disadvantage of Sir John, an improper subject to entertain her with, whatever should happen ; but was led into it partly by the want of something else to talk of. Dr. Miller and A. Ridpath of Angelraw were in town all night and dined to-day in Mr. Waite's. Sandy Hume of Polwarth and his wife drank tea. Philip went out yesterday to Hutton about some Parish business and came back again this evening. He found a letter at Fishwick from J. Herriot informing him that young Robertson was to have a meeting with the heritors of the Parish of Ladykirk, which carried him over there to see if he could finish the business about my father's debt. The meeting had been the day before. However, he waited on Robertson and found him perfectly 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 315 well disposed to finish the matter on the terms proposed by his father. But Tod pretended he could do nothing without the consent of his Session, to whom Robertson had given his receipt for my father's note. After much travel in going betwixt them and much labour in vain to bring them together, arising wholly from the obstinacy and folly of Tod, Robertson at last consented to receive the £8, and to give his receipt for it to Philip, in conse- quence of powers which he had received from the other heritors to transact and settle that affair, and undertook to obtain the concurrence of the other heritors to accept of the payment made, in full of all demands and also to return my father's note, which I think he had not brought with him from Edinburgh. He was very civil to Philip and made great complaints of Tod, who is no doubt a distress to everybody he has any dealings with. I would fain hope that this troublesome business is in effect finished, tho' I am not quite secure, without the note's being returned, and a discharge from the heritors and Session. Thursday, May 1st. — Set out with Philip after 10 on our long projected visit to Dunglass. Proposed to get there to dine, but apprehending we would be too late, turned off to Eymouth, where we dined with James Allan. The Laird of Mains happened also to be dining with him, frith whom we had some chat about the Edrom affair. C alled both at Mrs. Crow's and Mrs. Edgar's. Set out for Dunglass about 5, and arrived there a little after 8. Re- ceived and treated with great civility. , W. Pringle and Peggy there ; nobody else but themselves. The lady is looking thin, having had a miscarriage about the time of her brother's death. Friday, May 2nd. — Got up about 7 and wandered till breakfast in the environs of the house, where the policy is extensive and beautiful. The Dean 1 in particular is full of the grandest and most striking scenes of fine trees, 1 Pease Dean, near Dunglass, a deep, thickly wooded ravine with very steep sides. The old road from Berwick to the Lothians went up and down its almost precipitous sides in a series of zigzags. It was not till 1786 that the present bridge was put up. 316 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1760 banks, rocks, etc., that I have anywhere seen. Unluckily, the family were engaged before we came, to go to Tinning- ham to dine, so that we set out, after a wandering a while after they were gone with Walter Pringle, about 12, in our way to Auldhamstocks and Abbay. Neither John Lundy 1 nor his wife at home, so proceeded through the Muir to Abbay, where we dined and staid all night. Mon- teith there, also two or three neighbouring farmers. Very agreeably disappointed in Murray's wife, 2 who has been the subject of so much idle scandal. Her person and looks have various articles that together with her youth are abundantly agreeable and even attracting, and she is perfectly kind and hospitable and seems to be an excellent ceconomist. Murray himself is a very honest, good-natured, sensible man and seems to be very happy with his com- panion. He has got a little farm from Lord Marchmont, which gives him abundant employment, and which it is not improbable that his own and wife's carefulness and frugality may make answer very well. Saturday, May 3rd. — Very cold in the Muirs. Set out from Abbay after 11 and got to Greenlaw about 2. Dined and drank tea at John Hume's. Sandy's wife, 3 tho' a pretty little body, is, I suspect, a very useless creature, when compared with Murray's. Got home in the evening, dozed and did something for to-morrow. Munday, May 5th. — Hazy from E. most of the day, and some small rain. Wrought on accounts and read most of the March Magazine. In the afternoon went to Sir 1 John Lundie, minister of Oldhamstocks 1733-86 : eldest son of Archibald Lundie, minister of Saltoun, and brother to Cornelius Lundie, Ridpath's co-presbyter at Kelso. He married as his second wife, in 1757, Helen, daughter of John Hepburn of Humbie. 2 Adam Murray, Abbey St. Bathans : see ante, p. 3 1 o, n. 2 . His wife's name was Isobel Marshall, but what her origin was is unknown. At all events she earned Ridpath's high encomiums. 3 Sandy Hume's wife was, it will be remembered, the daughter of a baker in Edinburgh. Although his father had been very much averse to the match he seems to have become reconciled to it ; but it is not clear whether Mrs. Sandy was staying at this time with her father-in-law or whether Ridpath writes from report or previous observation. i 7 6o] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 317 Robert's, where Walter and Miss Peggy had arrived a little before from Dunglass. Sent in the two years' rate and interest that I was owing to the Widows' Fund. Tuesday, May 6th. — Went to the Presbytery, where I was chosen Moderator. M'llwraith at last appeared and gave in a written narrative in answer to the charge of Mary Leitch. It is probably all fiction, and not very artfully contrived. G. Wallace with us. He has been at Sprows- toun since Friday. Had a Library meeting, where we gave a few commissions. Minna Dawson came up behind me, to see Nancy and help in the management of some clothes. Wednesday, May 1th. — Wrought some time in the garden and read some of Reviews and of Stillingfleet's Tracts of Natural History, 1 which I brought from the Library yesterday. Mrs. Pollock here p.m. Miss Pringle and one of the Misses Pringle of Torwoodlee called in the evening, in their way from Newton. Wednesday, May 14//*. — Set out after 10 and got to Edrom about 1. Found that W r ill had gone to Berwick on Tuesday. Rode straight to Berwick and arrived there about 4. . . . 2 Minister they are to get in room of Mr. Goldie, one H . . . from Carlisle, who preached to them last Sunday, and to whom almost all the Heads of the families have concurred in a call. The principal people of the congregation met with him to-night in Nixon's and he goes off to-morrow morning, so that I shall not have an opportunity of seeing him. Thursday, May loth. — Less wind. Mild and warm. Called at various places, particularly a while at Goldie's, where Jy. Dysart 3 has been staying some days. Supped in the Collector's, where was nobody but himself and 1 Benjamin Stillingfleet (1702-71) botanist and author : he wrote librettos for oratorios, but is chiefly known by his Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Natural History , Husbandry, and Physick (1759), with a Preface introducing Linnaean principles into England. 2 Several lines erased. 8 Matthew Dysart, minister of Eccles, had a brother John. It is possible that he is the person referred to. 318 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 Selby of Paston, a Captain of Militia. Had a good deal of agreeable chat. Saturday, May 17th. — Set out from Berwick after dinner. Drank tea at Eccles, where Mrs. Dysart has begun again to carry on her repairs. Matthew had gone to Bunkill to preach to-morrow. Got home about 9. Dozed and looked to something for to-morrow. Found a melancholy amuse- ment as I was riding homewards in composing an inscrip- tion for a tombstone which Mr. Waite is about to erect for poor Nanny, for whose loss his sorrows continue still fresh and which he was expressing once and again to me in a very natural and affecting manner, and hinting, as I understood, an inclination for something to be wrote on her tombstone that would preserve her memory. I wish I could be so happy as to please the good man by a just expression of what he feels on this tender subject. Sunday, May 18th. — Went to Kelso to supply Mr. Lundy's absence at the Assembly. Took refreshment betwixt sermons and dined in John Miller's. Called at Dr. Gibson's and Mrs. Dawson's. Came home after 8. Munday, May 19th. — Wrote to Philip, chiefly about my sister. Wrote also to A. Ridpath of Angelraw about a place for a surgeon vacant at Penrith, which Henry had been speaking of to Goldie, and which Goldie desired I would inform Ridpath of. Read some things in the Reviews that I had not read before. Journalized and wrote accounts. Tuesday, May 20th. — Read the newspapers and the account of Ferrers's execution, published by authority of the London sheriffs with some MS. notes of Dr. Pringle, who had sent it to Sir Robert. Worthless, bad mortal as he was, he died decently, and his execution without any abatements of the rigor of the law was a noble example of publick justice. A. Ridpath, with his two sisters and Mrs. Wood of Tofts, came before dinner and staid till the even- ing. May a very handsome girl, and very lively, but deficient in voice and delicacy of manner. Ridpath does not seem inclined to go to Penrith. Slept on Stillingfleet's Tracts of Natural History. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 319 Wednesday, May 21st. — Read what I had not read before of Stillingfleet's Tracts of Natural History, where are a great many curious things. They are translated from the Amoen. Acad, of the Upsal Society. The first is a Work of Linnaeus, the rest of his disciples. The translator gives some notes and a dissertation on English grasses. Nancy set out for Berwick in the forenoon, and Will came here in the evening. He had met with Nancy at Whitsum, where they dined. Thursday, May 22nd. — Campbell, who has been at Liliasleaf, came here from Gordon before dinner, and staid till 4. Got some Assembly news from him and some laughs. The gentlewomen at Newton and Sprot here at tea. Look'd to some things in Ray 1 and Miller 2 relating to Stillingfleet's subjects, and at night read various things in the Scots (January) Magazine, which came from the town. The great multiplication of English Magazines enable them to improve their collection. Friday, May 23rd. — Wrought some in the garden and read some in Stillingfleet, Ray, Miller. Afternoon went to Sir Robert's and staid till after supper. He did not come home from Kelso till the evening and Walter along with him. Intended to have spoke to him about falling to work again at my house and office houses, but did not find it convenient. Tuesday, May 27th. — Read some articles in some of the Bibls. which I had in hand. Read also Edinburgh and London newspapers. One of the Edinburgh papers has part of a new Essay of D. Hume's on the Jealousy of Trade published in a new edition of his Essays. In this, as usual, he finds all the world mistaken but himself. Got from Sir Robert's in the afternoon Lord G. Sackville's Tryal. It is his own edition, sent down by the Doctor. Read a good deal of it. Wednesday, May 28th. — Read Sackville's Tryal. Philip came in the afternoon from Edinburgh. Evening and 1 Probably John Ray's Historia Plantarum, 2 vols., 1696 and 1704. 2 Philip Miller (1691-1771), author of the Gardener's and Florist's Dictionary (1724) which was translated into several languages. 320 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 night got his Assembly news. There seems to have been more business and amusement at this Assembly than at several past ones. Our Presbytery have got a grant of £30 out of the Church funds for defraying our expenses in the Ednam plea. Friday, May 30th. — Wrought some in the garden. Read what was new to me of the February Scots Magazine, and read over again part of Sackvilles Tryal. In the evening walked to the Lint-Mill to see the man's wife there, ill of an ague. Look'd to some plants on the water-side as I returned. Saturday, May Slst. — Read Montesquieu's 4 Temple of Gnidus ' in the Collection of his Miscellaneous Pieces, and some of his Persian Letters, 1 both which I got from the Library yesterday. Wrought some in the garden. Tuesday, June 3rd. — At the Presbytery, where we had Mcllwraith, who still undertakes to find a father for Mary Leitch's child. Drank tea with Mrs. Walker, who came to the town about 8 days ago. Was a while at Mr. Lundy's and bought breeches at Walker's in the evening. Came home betwixt 9 and 10. Thursday, June 5th. — Set out for Berwick betwixt 8 and 9, having had a hint from Mr. Waite that my sister wished to see me. Breakfasted at Eccles with Mrs. Dysart and the bairns. Matthew had gone to Swintoun last night. Met him as I was entering Swintoun. Carried him back to dine with Cupples. Learned there that the Edrom heritors and Committee of Presbytery had agreed about Will's excambion yesterday. Carried Cupples to John Waugh's, where we drank tea. Got to Berwick betwixt 9 and 10. Friday, June 6th. — Weather the same. Berwick Fair Day, where was a multitude of people and a great many more cattle than used to be before the change of the day. Made calls at Goldie's to see J. Dysart, at the Nest, at the Angelraw people and at Aunt Balderstone's. 1 Charles de Secondat, Baron de la Brede et de Montesquieu (1689-1755) : his Lettres Persanes, published in 172 1, were a satire on the follies of his times. i 7 6o] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 321 Saturday, June 7th. — Came home by way of HuttOn, where I looked to Philip's glebe, on which there is a very fine crop of barley, and the grass coming very well away. Then came to Edrom, where I dined and looked to the situation of Will's house. Made a little change in it. Have some suspicion that the ground to be given in exchange for the glebe is none of the best. 1 The crop on it is but poor. Got home about sunset. Did something for to-morrow. Sunday, June 8th. — Dobby here to ask about a lad in Will's parish whom he wants for his English usher, 2 also Sprot from Newton. They staid and dined and drank tea. Munday, June 9th. — Weather the same. Journalized, wrote accounts, read some of April London Magazines and spoke to a catechumen or two. Drank tea at Sir Robert's. Tuesday, June 10th. — Weather much the same. Married John Wood's niece at Fallside Hill and dined there. Called at Home and a little at Home Byres in coming homewards. In one of the Edinburgh Mercuries is a specimen of the new Dialogues of the Dead, a work of Lord Lyttelton's. 3 The specimen is a dialogue betwixt Pope and Boileau and is wrote with spirit, sense, and elegance. Read some of London Magazines and wrought a while in the garden. 1 Mr. Ridpath's opinion of Will's new glebe was fully confirmed by a successor in the parish, Mr. Alexander Cuthbertson. Writing a notice of the parish for the Statistical Account, 1845, he says : ' The present glebe is about the same extent as the old, namely, ten acres. The exchange was satisfactory to Mr. William Ridpath who was then minister of the parish, and it was gone about, so far as I have been able to learn, in the usual way : but there must have been a mistake, for the old glebe is of as good land as any in the parish or county, and one acre of it is worth three acres of the present. The present glebe was, at the time of the exchange, a moor, covered with heath with a swamp at the lower end, and though it has since been much improved a different equivalent ought to have been obtained.' 2 It is curious to find Ridpath recording Mr. Dobby 's need of an ' usher ' for his school. The word was never in general use in Scotland, but at this period there was a great tendency towards English phrases and methods of speech. 3 George, first Baron Littleton (1709-73), son of Sir Thomas Littleton, third Baronet : a friend of Pope and liberal patron of literature : the Dialogues of the Dead were published in 1760. X 322 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1760 Sunday, June 15th. — Preached on Isaiah 53. 11, from a collection of materials which was far too large ; the sermon consequently much too long — 1 hr. 45 min. This was beyond all bounds. Five tables of communicants full, and almost a sixth. Mr. Home preached p.m. Mr. Allan, of whom I had lost hopes, came about 11, also T. Macdougall, after preaching at home. Had just a table for each of us. John Home and James Allan guests. Tuesday, June 17th. — Had an intention to go with James Allan to dine with Ramsay at Broomlands, but having sent beforehand to enquire about him, we found he was not at home. Went to Ednam and drank tea. Both Mrs. Pollock and Bet have had colds and sore throats, but they are in a way of being better. Got a letter in the morning from G. Wallace, which I wrote an answer to at Ednam, in concert with Mas Thomas. Wednesday, June 18th. — James Allan and Will set out before breakfast, Mr. Allan for Marchmont House. Saw sick a.m. at Home and .the Lint Mill. Read a bit of Homer p.m. Peggy Pringle came to tea. Walked up with her and spoke a little to Sir Robert about the reparation of my office houses. Slept on Voltaire's Candide, which I brought from Stitchill. Thursday, June 19th. — Read to the end of Voltaire's Candide, a satire on Leibnitz's System of Optimism con- tracting into a small compass, in the form of a lively narra- tive, many of the most horrid scenes of wickedness and misery that are to be met with in the different parts of the world. Tho' it has much the appearance of [being] graceless and atheistical, yet I am not sure if it contains much more than a just satire on the presumption of Philosophers in pretending to explain or account for particular phenomena of Providence from their systems and partial views. The conclusion of the whole is excellent, travailler suns raisonner, cest le seul moyen de rendre la vie supportable. Spent all the rest of the day and night in writing letters to my good old friends Ephraim Nealson and Dr. Grieve, whom I had too long neglected. Friday, June 20th. — Read over again Voltaire's Opti- 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 323 misme, looking in my dictionary for several uncommon words. Wrought a little in the garden. At night, read D'Alembert's Analyse of the Esprit des Lois, and Montes- quieu's Fragment on Taste, wrote for the use of the authors of the French Encyclopedic, and left unfinished, which is in no way inferior to what might be expected from its great author. Saturday, June 21st. — Rode to Ednam in the afternoon to enquire about something Mr. Pollock told me last Tuesday that excited my curiosity. This was that he expected a visit of his son Tom on Thursday last. Tom had wrote him so, told him it was to be a short one, and wished only to find his own family at home. This put it in my head that Tom must have been about to carry off some girl to marry in Scotland. 1 However this may turn out, no Tom had come, nor any accounts from him. Munday, June 23rd. — Wrought in the garden most of the forenoon. Afternoon went to Newton, and drank tea in Sir Alexander's. Nobody there but the knight and lady. Had a good deal of chat with the lady, a fine woman, uncomfortably yoked. Got from her Lord Lyttelton's Dialogues of the Dead. They have got almost the whole collection of Strange's prints, several of which I had not seen before. Venus, drest by the Graces, is a luscious picture. Read at night more than half of the Dialogues, in which there is some good sense and good principles, but a want of that spirit, humour, and brilliancy which seem very necessary to give a relish, and to engage the attention to such kinds of composition. 1 Ridpath's guess was a shrewd one. It is quite possible that Tom's projected visit was about the very matter that Ridpath suspected, though it may have had to do with a more unpleasant affair in connection with his sister Aly about which we shall soon hear. The fact is that within little more than a year after this date, on 20th September 1761, Master Tom had Banns of Marriage proclaimed in Edinburgh between him and Miss Susanna Palmer, daughter of Charles Palmer, attorney, London. Both he and the lady are described as ' from London.' He was then twenty -five : he probably took after his sisters and was rather a fascinating youth, though Ridpath thought him idle. He did quite well in after life : took orders in the Church of England, became Vicar of Grittleton, Wilts, and later a D.D., or LL.D. (accounts differ) : died 1801. 324 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 Tuesday, June 2\th. — Read to the end of Lord Lyttelton's Dialogues, and some of them over again. Look'd for preachings for to-morrow at Eccles, and for Eymouth on Sunday. Read also London, Newcastle, and Edinburgh newspapers. Wednesday, June 25th. — Preached at Eccles. Saw there the lately published collection of Highland poetry, trans- lated into English prose, seemingly with spirit and elegance, also Fordyce's famous sermon. 1 Saturday, June 28th. — Set out after 9, and got to Edrom about 12, just before it began to rain heavily. Intended to have been forward to Eymouth before sermon, but the rain stopt me. It also thundered some. Mr. Murray and his wife came here about 3. Took a view of what they are doing in order to rebuild the Manse. The foundation is dug, and they are taking down the old Manse, and leading the materials to the place of the new. Set out from Edrom about 6, and got to Eymouth about sunset. Was obliged to turn round by Prenderguest 2 and Fernyside, the water being in a very high flood. Found at Eymouth, Philip, and Jolly of Simprin, who had preached to-day, and are co-assistants to-morrow. Munday, June 30th. — Jolly preached again, Gowdie, who had been engaged, being obliged to set out for Edinburgh. He is soon to be admitted at Pennycuik. Other preacher Campbell, the most noisy I have heard. Drank tea at R. Robertson's. Called at Slate-houses, and supped in Mrs. Crow's. Tuesday, July 1st. — Rode to Berwick with Philip, 1 This was probably a sermon on ' The Folly, Infamy and Misery of unlawful pleasures/ preached before the Assembly, 25th May 1760, by James Fordyce, D.D., who had been minister first' of Buchan and after- wards of Alloa, but became this year one of the most popular preachers in London whither he had migrated. He was a brother of Alex. Fordyce, the fraudulent banker. In none of his charges does he seem to have got on well. He retired from the ministry in 1782, and died at Bath, 1796, in his seventy -seventh year. 2 Prendergast was on his direct route — at least by the present road. About a mile on, he should have crossed the Eye at Aytoun, but this being impassable he went north towards Ferny Castle, and probably crossed at Reston where the river is narrower. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 325 Campbell, and James Allan. Just met Mrs. Waite, my sister, and Nancy on their way to Fishwick as we were entering the town. They had been waiting long for a favourable day, and as the present was so very fine, resolved to seize it. Campbell, Philip, James Allan, and I went into the town, and eat a dinner of salmon at Mr. Waite's, after which the three latter set out for Fishwick, where Mr. Waite's family arrived almost as soon as we, tho' my sister was carried by two porters in a chair. 1 James Allan and I look'd at Billy's house as we past. 2 They are going on with it briskly, and it will be a great ornament to that corner of the country. Staid at Fishwick all night. Wednesday, July 2nd. — Philip went to examine, Mr. Waite set out for Berwick, and James Allan on his going to and fro about 11. I staid, and carried out my sister behind me, for a little airing. She was much refreshed with it. Lady Hilton with her little daughter and sister- in-law came in the afternoon and drank tea. James Allan had been dining there, and had put her Ladyship in motion. Doctor Balderstone also called. It growing fair, and a fine evening, I set out homewards after 7, and got here betwixt 10 and 11. Sunday, July 6th. — Brown lectured and preached forenoon, and afterwards went down to Kelso. Excepting some vulgarisms and inaccuracies in stile and pronunciation he acquits himself with more than ordinary spirit, and not without sense, so that by the further aids of assiduity and impudence, I think it not impossible that the creature may work himself higher, of which he is very ambitious. Munday, July 7th. — Rode over to Sprowston where the Sacrament was yesterday. Chiefly determined to go, by a message from Mr. Pollock informing me of a letter from 1 Fishwick is six miles from Berwick, a considerable distance for any one to be carried in a chair. The pace must have been leisurely, as Ridpath and friends had time to dine at Berwick and get to Fishwick before the chair party. 2 The mansion house of Billy was erected by Patrick Home after the design of Robert Adam. 326 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 G. Wallace that gave an account of a decision by the Lords in the affair of Ednam, appointing the manse to be suffi- ciently repaired before Martinmas next. Carried Bet over behind me, who has grown better, and is looking very well. Thomas Turnbull, R. Dundas and his wife, there. T. MacDougal and Mr. Pollock preached. Talked about the Ednam affair, and resolved to have a pro re nata meeting on Friday, in order to send . . . and instructions to our agent. Stopt a while at Ednam in passing home- wards, and wrote a letter to G. Wallace. Tuesday, July 8th. — Read Voyage to Laputa, and parts of the Houyhhnms, in Swift's Gulliver, most of which was pretty new to me, and gave me no small entertainment. Wednesday, July 9th. — Walked to Home to attend a meeting about the poor's affairs. Dined at Home Byres, and walked after dinner to W. Stevenson's marle-pit, which is one of the deepest veins I have seen, and the marie of the best kind. W T alked from that to Oxmuir and drank tea. William is in a • languishing sort of way. Found G. Curry here in the evening when I came home, and soon after. . . . Thursday, July 10th. — G. Curry went out to the fair in the morning. Paid him 3 years' interest of his bill. Tait, the preacher, called, and I engaged him to preach for me next Sunday in the forenoon. He had promised to preach for Abraham Ker in the afternoon. Amused in the garden and glebe. Read the last week's Edinburgh newspapers, and last night's London. Friday, July 11th. — Went to Kelso to attend a Presby- tery, where there were only 5 of us present. Agreed on a letter to our Agent, which was accordingly wrote. Drank tea at Mr. Lundy's new quarters in the house where John Cleghorn lived, in Maxwellheugh. The roof is taken off his old house, and it is proposed to repair it, that is, almost to rebuild it this season, for which, however, they seem too late a beginning. Came home about sunset. Saturday, July 12th. — Rode down to Ednam, and took the Naiad en croupe. Made short calls at Eccles and Swintoun, and got to Whitsum about 1. Dined there, 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 327 and rode to Hutton, where I arrived about the middle of Jolly's sermon. Walter Anderson preached after him. Went to Fishwick with Philip and Will. My sister seems to be agreeing well with the country, as also little Willy. . Munday, July lUh. — We dined in the manse. R. Johnson and one of Hilton's little daughters dined with us, also Bailie Logan and Billy's principal mason, Nisbet, an ingenious man in his way, the rest clergy. Called at Mr. Ker's after, and then went to Hutton-Hall to drink tea, which is not a disagreeable place. The lady a very agreeable woman, and has the finest children that can be seen. Tuesday, July 15th. — I intended to have gone to Berwick, chiefly to see W. Temple, but Mr. Waite came out in the forenoon, and I was hindered from going in with him in the evening, by my horse being sent to be shod, and not returning in due time. Jos. Douglas of Eddrington at Fishwick in the afternoon, a very hale and lively man at 82, tho' he begins to walk feebly. Wednesday, July 16th. — James Allan and his two sisters came over to Fishwick in the forenoon, in their way to Paxton, where Mrs. Edgar had a customer in her salt- trade to see, and to spend something in his house. W. Nisbet, and Renton the writer were there, Nisbet the mason, G. Logan, Philip and myself. We drank a good deal of punch after dinner, and were very good company. Drank a little also at Alexander Short's. I intended to have been home to-night, but this work at Paxton detained me so long, that I was prevailed with to stay. Thursday, July 11th. — Still lowering, and windy from W. Left Fishwick after 11, and came home after 2. Walked up with Minna to Sir Robert's, and sate a while with Mrs. Pringle and her. Sir Robert and Miss Peggy have been at Dunglas since Tuesday. Saturday, July 19th. — Upon getting a letter from J. Hume, resolved to ride over to Greenlaw, and got there after sermon had begun. Dickson of Dunse, and Mon- teith preached. Returned at night, and looked to some- thing for to-morrow. 328 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 Sunday, July 20th. — Rode over to Greenlaw. Sandy was intended to have preached p.m., but pretended his father had not given him sufficient warning. Staid at Greenlaw all night. Monteith and Matthew fellow guests. Munday, July 21st. — Matthew Dysart preached, and Monteith in place of Sandy, who did not come, pretending to be not well, a frivolous boy ! Nobody at dinner but us assistants. John Bell and his son called in their way from Marchmont House, and kept us together till near 9. I gave several advices to sick and ailing people, and was pleased to get an account from a patient of her having got great benefit from an electuary made up of Conserva Roses and rhubarb. Mr. Bell told us that Lord March- mont had an express from London to-day, informing him that his brother was given over by his physicians. He has been for some time in a dangerous putrid fever, which, by an account they had on Saturday last, was [not] like to terminate favorably. His death will be an interesting event to the Mers politicks. Tuesday, July 22nd. — Read miscellaneously. Was in the glebe where everything is most luxuriant, except the grass of a piece of ground that has been exhausted by bearing too many crops of broad clover. Minna Dawson called in her way from Sir Robert's to Newton. Attended her to the planting, and there, on the mossy turf, under a sweet grove, first told her in words my desire of making her my own. Quod faustum felixque sit. Wednesday, July 23rd. — James Richardson from New- castle came before dinner and dined. Went to Home in the afternoon, and returned at night to his bed. Sir Robert called in the forenoon and told me that Lord Marchmont had got an account of his brother's death, which happened on the 19th. This is a heavy stroke to the political weight and interest of that family. Sir Robert here again in the evening, looking to the office- houses. I find he will easily enough agree to what is reasonable. Read a little miscellaneously, attended the slater, and some patients. Thursday, July 2Uh. — Called at Coventree in the fore- 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 329 noon, not having seen him since he came from London. Had a good deal of talk with him, chiefly about the London sects, which seem to have been one of the principal objects of his attention. There is almost as odd a medley there of that sort of cattle at present, as there was a hundred years ago, but Whitefield is greatly ahead of all the rest. Aly Stevenson came before dinner, to see my mother, and staid till the evening. Minna Dawson also here in the evening. Catched her in passing from Ednam, and set her up most of the way to Sir Robert's. Had some e xplicatory chat with her about what passed on Tuesday, and must have more when an opportunity occurs. Slept on Gulliver. William came in the evening. Saturday, July 26th. — Shaved in the morning. The lad Davidson from Sprowston here, to remind me to be in time at Kelso on Tuesday for the examination of him and his fellow-student Turnbull, who are intended to be taken on tryals in the winter. 1 Rode to Gordon, and preached on Philippians 3. 8. Colleagued with Alexander Duncan. Came home about sunset, and did something for to-morrow. Tuesday, July 29th. — Mostly sunny, breeze southerly, hot. Went to the Presbytery which meets to-day, because St. James's fair-day is next Tuesday. Examined Davidson and Turnbull, two lads in Robert Turnbull's parish, in order to the writing of circular letters, for taking them on trials. Turnbull a stupid animal, Davidson better. Had Slater, the Sprowston schoolmaster before us for his litigious behaviour, and ordered him to be reponed to his office of Presenting, 2 from which the Session had suspended him, on account of some quarrels with his neighbours, to whom he is a great nuisance. John Stevenson came in to us in the afternoon and gave us some 1 William Davidson, son of Edward Davidson, minister of Castlegarth Presbyterian Church, Newcastle, may have been residing within the bounds of the Presbytery of Kelso at this time as he was licensed by it in 1760. He afterwards became minister of Mordington. 2 That is, from his office of Precentor or leader of the Psalmody in the church services. 330 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1760 punch to drink the Lord President's health, 1 this being his birthday. This kept us longer in Waldie's than usual. Afterwards reconnoitred Mr. Lundy's manse, which is to be altogether demolished, the old walls being unable to sustain the addition proposed. Ramsay has given a plan of a new one, of which he is very fond, but to which Mr. Lundy has various objections. It is to cost, however, a very considerable sum. the heritors having contracted with the wright and mason alone for £200. Called at Mrs. Dawson's and at Scot's to see the account I owed Mr. Dawson. It amounts to £3 : 3 : 2. I was afraid it might be more. Walked to and again afoot. Saturday, August 2nd. — Walked to Nenthorn and preached. Colleagued with W. Brown of Maxton. Never heard Brown before. Nothing can be conceived more lifeless than his manner, yet he says affecting and plain things most deliberately and distinctly, and these please, and gain the man attention in spight, as it were, of himself. Saw, in returning, a good deal of the great water-dock on the sides of the Eden. Dr. Hill 2 has joined lately with the antients in celebrating it as a grand specifick for the scurvy, and I have been wishing to meet with it all this summer. Heard from Berwick at night. Philip writes me that my sister has recruited greatly. Sent me also the May and June London Magazines, which I looked over at night. [A page torn out of the MS. here.] (Friday, August 8th, contd.). — Read some of the Philo- sophical Transactions, and sowed winter spinnage in the forenoon. Afternoon, went to Kelso, in consequence of an agreement yesterday, to consider what is to be done about Mr. Lundy's house. Was to have been there at dinner, but could not conveniently leave my mother, who, 1 Robert Dundas of Arniston, who had been appointed President of the Court of Session on the 14th of the previous month. 2 John Hill (d. 1775) practised as an apothecary and quack doctor in London, published The Vegetable System (1759-75), for which he obtained the Swedish Order of Vasa. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 331 however, has been no worse to-day. Could come to no resolution about Lundy's house farther than that he should consult next Presbytery, and in the mean time, talk to some of the members. Called at Mrs. Dawson's. Tuesday, August 12th. — Read Tristram Shandy, and some of Colonel Hooke's 1 Negotiations, the former belong- ing to the library, the latter, Professor Stevenson's. Will came from Fishwick, where he had been all last night, about tea-time. Campbell came at night on his road to Ramsay at Bruimlands, who, to gratify the heritors of Lilsly [Lilliesleaf], is keeping up his presentation as long as the law will allow, tho' he had promised to Campbell, when he saw him more than a moneth ago, that it should be given in immediately. Campbell has given up his people at Berwick, where Gardiner, a man from the South of England, recommended by Dr. Chandler, is expected before next Sunday. Wednesday, August 13th. — Campbell left us in the morning, and Will went to Kelso with him to breakfast. Will came back before dinner, and told us that Ramsay, after some excuses, had promised to send up the presenta- tion to-morrow to one of the ministers of the Presbytery. Read Tristram Shandy over again, which is a very pretty jeu a" esprit. It is too learned for the ladies and even the bulk of the male readers, who must be greatly puzzled to find out what there is in it that pleases the judges so much. Read also most of Colonel Hooke's Negotiations. Mrs. Dawson here in the afternoon. Thursday, August 14>th. — Read Colonel Hooke to an end. An Englishman that followed the fortunes of James vn. and his family, gallicized into a plotter, and writer of Memoirs, that is, prompted by vanity to babble to posterity, what he dares not mutter to his contemporaries. These memoirs give a striking view of the general dis- affection of Scotland at the time of the Union, but what 1 Nathaniel Hooke, the elder (1669- 1738), a Jacobite officer who under- took secret missions to Scottish Jacobites ; corresponded with Marlborough and Stair ; published The Secret History of his Negotiations in Scotland, in favour of the Pretender in 1707 (London, 1760). 332 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 they relate concerning this and the Pretender's Expedition in 1708, adds but little to what was already sufficiently known. Read the History of the Union in Bishop Burnet, and all that he has on the years 1707 and 1708. I sent Charles for Nancy to-day, and she came up in the evening. My mother is no worse. Friday, August 15th. — Looked over some part of Hooke's Negotiations, and read p.m. and evening a good deal of Jortin's Life of Erasmus, 1 which is a work of an odd con- struction, but not unentertaining. Got it to-day from the library. Was in the meadow part of the afternoon, helping to put up some hay. Will left us a.m. Munday, August 18th. — Put right some hay cocks in the glebe, and drove away the crows and pidgeons, the latter of which have made a dreadful havock of my pease. Mr. Pollock here at dinner from Kelso (whither he removed last week), by the way of Newton, where he had been to see the Knight, who was going away somewhere. Had from him the particulars of his daughter's marriage, which is now in everybody's mouth. Her husband is a nephew to the Earl of Inchiquin, has formerly been a lieutenant of a man-of-war, but is now out of employment, expecting a ship. His elder brother is apparent heir to Inchiquin, and is married to one of his daughters, who is deaf and dumb, by whom he has only one daughter. When he succeeds to the Inchiquin Estate, Aly's husband succeeds to his father's estate, which is considerable. Such is the account Tom, who came down along with the couple to be married at Edinburgh, gives of the affair. Next to the madness of the thing itself, is the distraction of publishing it. But the people here should never have been told it, as they were incapable of perceiving the importance of keeping it a secret. ,If it turns not out miserably for the poor girl, which it may do in more ways than one, all concerned may thank their stars. A love marriage, they call it, but what sort of love ? not of six weeks' continuance 1 John Jortin (1698- 1770), ecclesiastical historian : Archdeacon of London 1764 : besides three volumes of ecclesiastical history he published, in 1758, his Life of Erasmus. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 333 before consummation. Mas Thomas, poor body, is a little fearful about the event, and told me in confidence some of Allan's history, which looks as if matters at London were not in the best way with him. He is, it seems, just about to be married himself, and I suppose was glad of an opportunity to get his sister off his hands. She had better have staid at Ednam, where she could scarce have mist a farmer or perhaps a minister, that would have been faithful and good to her. 1 Read a good deal of the Life of Erasmus. Tuesday, August 19th. — Read more of the Life of Erasmus, which is spun out to a great length, very uselessly, I think, unless to a man actually employed in reading his works. His life was a very busy one, but the business and events of it, were very uniform. Wednesday, August 20th. — Read the Life of Erasmus to an end. The ground work of it is a sort of free translation of what Le Clerc has wrote on the life and works of this eminent man in his Bibliotheques, and prefaces to the Leyden edition. This is interlarded with passages from Knight, who writes a life of Erasmus, from Burnet's History of the Reformation, and many other authors ; and all along the bottom of the page is filled with extracts from the letters of Erasmus and his correspondents, from Seckendorff's History of Lutheranism, Perizonius, etc. Such works are compilations by their very nature, but this is as mere and as inartificial a one as I have met with. 1 We must regret the Diary does not come further down than it does, for then we might have had some further light thrown on the mystery of Aly Pollock's alleged marriage. John O'Brien, Captain R.N., was the second son of James O'Brien, M.P., who was the third son of the third Earl of Inchiquin. His uncle, the fourth Earl, succeeded to the title and died 1719, when John's elder brother Murrough became fifth Earl and was subsequently created Marquess of Thomond. He died s.p., in 1808, and as John himself had died in 1788 without apparently any legitimate issue, the honours went to a nephew, the son of a younger brother. If John O'Brien were really married to Aly Pollock and if she had had a son, the possibility of which is hinted at in the Diary, the latter would have suc- ceeded to the title. It is clear, however, that Ridpath had grave doubts on this subject. Generally, it may be said, that no proof of this alleged marriage has ever been produced, and John O'Brien is known to have been a bad character. 334 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1760 There are various strictures too of the compiler, and the whole is digested into the form of annals, and fills a 4to volume of 630 pages. Certainly Erasmus's character, everything of note in his life, and what is remarkable also in his works might have been contained in half the room. But the compiler has for his object not only to illustrate the character and life of Erasmus, but those of his learned correspondents and cotemporaries. And indeed the work contains a great variety of entertaining knowledge of that sort. What also relieves much the tedium, tho' it lengthens the time of reading it, is the collection of quotations at the bottom of the pages, which often contain interesting things, and are generally written in an agreeable, elegant Latin stile. Jortine shows himself in this work (I have not read any, of his other works) to be a man of moderate sense and considerable erudition ; industrious also, and not without sagacity in the critical and philological way. Read last week's Edinburgh papers. Thursday, August 2\st. — P.m. went to Eccles, where I heard for the first time that Major Pringle had been publickly proposed as a candidate for the Mers seat in Parliament at a pretty large meeting of Gentlemen at Greenlaw on Monday last. It was a meeting about the Coldstream turnpike, and the motion was made by Sir Alexander Don, and seconded by James Pringle of Bow- land. Sir Robert was present, so that the matter must be serious. James Allan, who had dined at Fogo, and is going to Marchmont House, came here in the evening. Munday, August 25th. — Read some Life of Erasmus and some other things miscellaneously. Minna Dawson [the ladys name has been erased] at tea. Sir Robert's boy called for her, and carried her home in the . . . [the rest of this day hopelessly erased]. Tuesday, August 26th. — Read miscellaneously, and wrought among the lime which was got riddled in the morning. Mixed some sand with it. W. Jeffery came in the evening. He had been at Bassendean and Easttown, and is in his way east the country. Wednesday, August 21th. — Went with Mr. Jeffery to i 7 6o] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 335 Eccles and dined. W. Ramsay and his wife there p.m. Came home in the evening. Read some of Mrs. Carter's Epictetus, 1 which came to-day from the library, a very elegant book in printing and binding, and, I believe, no less so in the composition. Thursday, August 28th. — Read a book of Epictetus's discourses, and attended the mason who began to harle the office-houses. T. Underwood's lad was also preparing hair for plaister lime. A letter from Mr. Waite informs me that my sister is better. Friday, August 29th. — Read another book of Arrian. Many excellent things in it. Messrs. Lundy and Turnbull came to dinner and staid till after tea. Mr. Lundy has got an extract of the proceedings of the Heritors' meetings about his manse, but seems to be very irresolute how he shall table his complaints before the Presbytery, tho' he is very desirous of doing it. It seems also a little uncertain how far they will be able to redress him, especi- ally as the sum the heritors have allowed for re-building the manse appears so considerable. Saturday, August 30th. — Attended the mason, and walked to Home, where I had several sick folks to see. There is a fever pretty common there. It has rheumatick symptoms, and is not of long continuance, going off on the 7th or 8th day with a sweat and sleeping. In some there has been a blooding at the nose towards the crisis, and in others, a looseness. It does not seem to require much blooding, if any. Whey, with sage, and wine seem to do very well to forward a diaphoresis, and support the spirits. Munday, September 1st. — Rode over to Greenlaw, where I met with Matthew Dysart by appointment, and John Hume rode over with us to Marchmont House, but all were gone to Eccles. Called and asked Nancy Burnet how she did, took a turn in the garden, whose growths by badness of soil and want of shelter, are very poor, par- ticularly the trees, both on the walls and espaliers. Came 1 Elizabeth Carter (1717-1806), the daughter of a clergyman in Kent: was a friend of Dr. Johnson : she published her translation of Epictetus in 1758. 336 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 back to Greenlaw, where John, to make up for a bad dinner, gave us a pretty large doze of drink. Very hearty. Got home before 9. Found Will here. Tuesday, September 2nd. — At the Presbytery, where Mr. Lundy represented to us the affair of his manse. Having before appointed a Presbytery on Thursday fortnight for revising the widows' register and some Presbytery minutes, we thought it best for him to desire by intimation from the pulpit, a meeting of the heritors to attend the Presby- tery that day, in order to our conversing with them about the subjects of Mr. Lundy's complaints, and to try to prevent or adjust differences betwixt them. Called at Mr. Pollock's a.m., and drank tea there p.m. The Naiad in great glory. T. McDougal breakfasted here. Wednesday, September 3rd. — Mrs. Dawson set out for Ednam in the morning. Compared a little of the original of Arrian, which I got from Robert Turnbull yesterday, with Miss Carter's translation. The translation is literal, and at the same time expressive and elegant. Saturday, September 6th. — Attended the mason, and read out the reviews. There is a good specimen of an abridge- ment of the Roman History in the manner of Henault, translated by Nugent 1 from the French of McQuer. Munday, September 8th. — Was at Home seeing sick, a.m. After dinner at a burial from Caldron Brae. Read two of the last week's Edinburgh papers. Read also some of Arrian. Attended the mason, and wrought a little in the garden. Saw Jupiter and Saturn finely through my telescope at night. Tuesday, September 9th.— Read Arrian to an end. Read also part of the miscellaneous collection of Epictetus's Fragments from Stobaeus, 2 etc., wherein are many excellent things. Was pretty much in the garden and with the 1 Thomas Nugent (1700-72), miscellaneous writer : LL.D. Aberdeen, 1 765 : translated a number of French books. 2 Johannes Stobaeus, a native of Stobi, in Macedonia. He was a man of extensive reading and compiled a large and valuable collection of extracts from the earlier Greek writers. He is believed to have lived in the fifth century, but little is known about him. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 337 mason. Read also most of July Scots Magazine, which was brought here in its way to the town's people. Wednesday, September 10th. — Read the Enchiridion. Was at Sir Robert's p.m., where I got Dr. Wilson's work on the autumnal dysentery, 1 and the Fragments of Highland poetry. Read them both in the evening. The Doctor's writing is still very bad. His physiology seems to be tolerable (not a word of Hutchinsonianism, unless perhaps lurking for adepts), and his practise very safe and judicious, as it is reported to have been very successful for the autumns of the two preceding years. The Highland Fragments have such descriptions of wild nature in scenes and passions as might be expected from the circumstances and manners of the remote antiquity to which they are said to belong. They are almost all of the lugubre kind, and there is little variety in them. Thursday, September 11th. — Attended work, and read over again Dr. Wilson's Dysentery. Matthew Dysart and his son here at tea. Sent Charles for Minna Dawson, who came up in the evening. I intend to carry her to Fishwick to-morrow. Her mother set out for Glasgow this morning on a very charitable errand ; to attend her niece, Cicely Has well, who, in the midst of strangers, has lost her husband lately, and is at the point of lying-in. 2 Friday, September 12th. — Set out for Fishwick with Minna en croupe. Both, I believe, pleased with our journey, but it had its alloys. Our horse fell with us, and we tumbled off a little this side of Swinton-Mill. Happily neither of us hurt, but were obliged to walk forward 1 Andrew Wilson (1718-92) was the son of Gabriel Wilson, minister of Maxton. He practised medicine first in Newcastle and then in London. He published several philosophical works anonymously, Hutchesonian in views ; amongst other medical works he wrote An Essay on the Autumnal Dysentery, 1761. 2 Cecilia Haswell, Mrs. Dawson's niece, had married John Kennedy, merchant, Glasgow. It is stated in the Index to the Glasgow Testaments that her husband's testament was confirmed 28th July 1758, but this must be a mistake as we know he was alive in September of that year (see p. 201). She is described as his relict in 1766, when her testament was confirmed {Glasgow Testaments, Scottish Record Society, p. 223). 338 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 to the village to get the girth mended. Probably with this toss, a bundle Mina carried amongst her petticoats was loosened and she dropt it somewhere on the road, but did not miss it till we got to Fishwick. Sent immediately a man to see for it, but it was not to be found. Found my sister more languid than I expected. Philip is well enough, but somewhat thinned by a cold. Mr. Waite was there, and in the afternoon, Billy Temple and Sally, Mrs. Nicholson and her daughter were at tea. Saturday, September ISth. — Came home in the evening. Enquired at Swinton, Swinton-Mill, and Leetholm about Minna Dawson's bundle, but got no intelligence of it. After I came home, dozed, and did something for to-morrow. Munday, September 15th. — Got my corn and hay led in, to which the rain was so little, as to be no hindrance. I was at Home, seeing sick. Several fevers among the poorest people. They are short, somewhat putrid, and return 2 or 3 times. John Sked here at dinner and tea. He brought us an account that Mina Dawson's bundle had been got by the gardener of Eccles. We overtook him in going down, at the W. end of Swintoun, and he had observed a shepherd boy take up something from the road and carry it off. I met with him in riding home, and told him of what we had lost. He concluded the boy had got it, found him as he came along, and got it from him for a shilling. This is lucky enough. Evening, look'd to the book on the widows' fund. Tuesday, September 16th. — Dr. Miller called here, and Dr. Gibson spoke of some asafoetida pills for my mother. They once did her good, and may be tried again. Gathered some of the flowers of the white lamium to send to my sister. Miller, the author of the Botan. Offic. 1 speaks of them with some commendation, and they are a great remedy among the country people. Read over again some of the Highland Fragments, 2 which are certainly 1 Catalogns Plantarum officinalium quae in Horto Botanico Chelseyano aluntur, by Philip Miller, 1730. 2 This was James Macpherson's Fragments of Ancient Poetry collected in the Highlands, which had just been published that year. Their authen- i 7 6o] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 339 very great originals. Read most of Swift's Letters published in the Edinburgh Edition of his works. Most of them are to Dr. Sheridan. Slept on Arrian. Wednesday, September 17th. — Read also some of Swift, and in the evening, look'd to my small collection of law about the power of Presbyteries with regard to building or repairing ministers' manses, from which I learned nothing. Was in the afternoon at Chrv Hoy's burial. It went to Eccles, but I turned off with Mr. Pollock to Harper-town, where John Dawson has been very ill of a sort of dropsical complaint, attended by a stoppage of urine. He is a good deal better. I drank tea there. Thursday, September 18th. — Went to a Presbytery at Kelso appointed for revising minutes, and the register- book for widows, and also to converse with the heritors of Kelso about Mr. Lundy's manse. The last-named part of our business took up all our time. W T . Ker and T. Turner were delegates from the heritors to attend us, and their instructions were to support the plan that is executing, to which we heard Mr. Lundy's objections, and also his further demands. We also called workmen to make an estimate of the expense of the proposed additions which amounted to near £70, but might probably be executed for [£]50. The delegates would agree to nothing, but promised to report the estimate and Mr. Lundy's demands to a meeting of heritors. Ker attacked Lundy rudely and repeatedly, and provoked him at last to make returns very contrary to his temper and confirmed habits. Robert Turnbull supported Lundy with passion, and I thought myself also obliged to do it, tho' loth to begin, but kept my temper tolerably. The consequence was much dis- agreeable altercation, which ended in Ker's retiring in a pet. Called at Mr. Pollock's in the forenoon, but was nowhere else. Came home in the evening. Read a little of Swift and Epictetus. Friday, September 19th. — Went to the burial of Nicol ticity was a matter of much controversy at the time, and it is probable that they owed their form largely to Macpherson himself. 340 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 Wilson's daughter who died on Wednesday, and was buried at Nenthorn. In riding to Home afterwards, rode part of the way with Sir Robert and had some talk with him about the Major's affair. He told me what I had heard before, but could scarce credit, that Lord Kaims, so far as he knew, was the first who proposed his son for candidate. He told me also, which I thought strange, that it was yet uncertain what Sir J. Hall would do in this matter. I had heard long ago, that Sir John had had an offer made him of Lord Home's interest for himself as a candidate, which, it seems, makes him hesitate about concurring with the Major. Such a competition, or the appearance of it, is very unhappy. Sir Robert told me that he himself was never fond of this project, that he is incapable of giving the least assistance in it by asking any one man for his vote or interest ; mentioned also the certainty of the expense attending it. W T ent to Home to see sick and to make a man's testament who is in a third relapse of the fever that is pretty frequent there, and most so among the poorest people. Did not get home till 4 p.m. Read a last week's Edinburgh paper, and some of Tyrrel's English History, also some of Arrian. Saturday, September 20th. — Corrected Miss Carter's Epictetus according to the printed errata. Learned that Major Pringle came home before dinner, sooner, I believe, than expected. Munday, September 22nd. — Read in the original of Arrian, great part of the excellent chapter on Liberty, in the beginning of Book 4, comparing it with the trans- lation which is one of the most elegant and agreeable for a close and literal one, that I have met with. Corrected also what I had not corrected before. At night, read some of Quintilian's 10th book, where he gives the characters of the antient Greek poets, equally remarkable for truth of judgment and tone, and beauty of expression. Drank tea at Sir Robert's p.m., but Sir Robert and the Major had gone to Mellerstain. The Major does not expect to be long in the country. Tuesday, September 23rd. — Went to Sprowstoun to revise 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 341 minutes, along with Messrs Turnbull, Pollock, and Lundy. Lundy is gone to Lothian. Went over the few minutes we had. Came home in the evening. Mr. Pollock told me that his daughter Mrs. O'Brien, quondam Alie, arrived at Kelso on Saturday night. It looks too likely that she will stay there, which is better than being turned on the town. The histories about her husband grow more and more strange. Wednesday, September 2Uh. — At Oxmuir and Home a.m. seeing sick. The fever still continues among the poor people, and many of them have relapses. Gathered some more flowers of the lamium album for my sister, and attended the masons rebuilding the barn gavel. Got Sir Robert's mason to help the old man with that part of the work. Evening, read almost all the August Review. Slept on Quintilian. Friday, September 26th.- — Clouds and sun, breeze W. some little showers. Forenoon, chiefly attended workmen. In the afternoon, Philip, Nancy, and I went to Kelso, chiefly to see Aly Pollock. Robert Turnbull and Glen had been giving a strange account of her odd cit airs, but she behaved decently enough to-day. She seems to be with child, is drest oddly, and looks but very indifferently. Her match has an extremely suspicious appearance, but the poor creature herself seems to have no fears about it. Walked over to Maxwell-heugh to see Mr. Lundy's sisters, and he, himself, arrived just a little after us. He has been in East Lothian, where his friends have confirmed him in all his discontents about his manse. He seems now resolved to enter into a Law-plea, if he cannot otherwise obtain redress. Came home about 9. Saturday, September 27th. — Attended the workmen who finished to-day the harling, etc., of the house and office- houses. They have not wrought in so bad a day. Philip left us after dinner, and Will went away early in the morning, to attend the burial of a man of his parish. Munday, September 29th. — Was at Oxmuir, seeing W. Dickson, who grows very weak, and at Home, seeing sick, and attending a meeting about the poor. Evening and 342 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 night read two books of Apuleius's Metamorphoses. Have long resolved to go through this author. Wednesday, October 1st. — Read Apuleius. Doctor Miller here at dinner and tea. He was assisting a woman in the town in labour. Got a letter from Ephraim Nealson enclosed in one from Mr. Waite, in the morning. Ephraim was at London on the 17th of September, and is as happy as he could wish in the family where he is employed. He writes me of a particular friend of his and Dr. Grieve's, a vinegar merchant, who is soon to be at Berwick, and whom he would wish me to see. Thursday, October 2nd. — Went to Smallholm to see Duncan, but not finding him at home, rode down to Makerston. The minister not at home. Dined and drank tea with the Colonel who, with his lady, had just returned from Minto. A gentleman of the name of Dundas, who had been in the army, is staying there, and is a sort of connoisseur in agriculture, which was the chief subject of our conversation. Evening and night, dozed, and read Apuleius. Friday, October Srd. — Finished Apuleius's Golden Ass, a whimsical title of a no less whimsical work. It is re- markable for a luxuriancy, both of fancy and expression, and a very useful moral allegory appears in the principal story, as well as in some of the episodes. It abounds with strong and glowing descriptions, some of them of the amorous kind, which have perhaps helped to preserve this work entire, while many others, and probably more useful, of the same author have been lost. There is a multitude of odd words and phrases in it, which, together with many corruptions in the text, render it in many places obscure, in several unintelligible. Some of the difficult places are cleared in the notes by Colvius subjoined to the edition I have, but many he has past by, without so much as attempting to explain them. Got the Philosophical Trans- actions for 1758 from the library, and read a little of them. Saturday, October Uh. — Revised some of Apuleius, and wrought a while in the garden, cropping the hornbeam hedge. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 343 Tuesday, October 7th. — Went to the Presbytery, where we had a long answer from the Kelso heritors, relating to Mr. Lundy's manse, in which they are such fools as to complain to the Presbytery of Mr. Lundy's abusing and insulting their delegate Ker. In answer to this, we agreed to transmit a proposal of Lundy's to heighten the upper story of the manse at his own expence, giving our opinion along with it, that it would contribute much to the con- veniency of the house. Dawson of Stow at the Presbytery, and J. Aitchison came just when we were about to part, in the afternoon. Sate with him till the darkening. Had called at Mr. Pollock's in the forenoon, where Bell is come home. Evening, read last week's Edinburgh papers, and some of the Philosophical Transactions. Wednesday, October 8th. — Attended Thomas Underwood plaistering the N.E. room, and read Philosophical Trans- actions. Saw Sir Robert Pringle passing through the town, and asked him the news of the Head Court at Greenlaw yesterday. He told me that Lord Nisbet had proposed the Major as a proper person for the County to unite in forgetting their former differences : upon which both Newton and Ker declared their resolution to con- tinue to stand and to persist in their solicitations. Slept on a bit of Terence. Thursday, October 9th. — Afternoon, at Sir Robert's, where were Lady Margaret Hume, young Hamilton, and Murray of Powmaise, 1 with their governour Dr. Robert- son. The major went to Edinburgh yesterday, and is not to be at home again these 10 days, but will be in the country till the election be over. So much company being there, hindered my getting any particulars about his affair. Will came in the evening, and is to stay here while I am on a jaunt east the country. Friday, October 10th. — Set out about 10, and reached Allan-bank betwixt 1 and 2. Found Sir John at home and Lord Nisbet and Niddry 2 there. Had abundance of 1 Probably William Murray who succeeded to Polmaise in 1758. 2 That is, Andrew Wauchope of Niddry Marischal. 344 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 conversation, chiefly on agriculture and politicks, in the course of which Niddry showed acuteness, sense, and far more learning than is common among gentlemen. Rode over to Fishwick, where I arrived towards darkening. Found my sister much better than I have hitherto seen her. Saturday, October 11th. — Willy Temple came to dine with us, and I rode down with him to Berwick in the evening. Was detained by my horse having strayed, so that I had but little time to spend with Beaufoy, Ephraim's friend, who had come to Tweedmouth pretty early in the afternoon. Went over to Tweedmouth to him betwixt 8 and 9, where Mr. Waite was with him. He is a man of a very agreeable figure, and very good conversation, and I regretted much that I had had so little of his company. Munday, October 13th. — Blowing from W., especially at night, and rainy. Rode to Berwick with Philip in the forenoon, and dined in Mr. Waite's. Drank tea p.m. at Aunt Balderstone's, who is looking very fresh and well. Henry there, their new minister, 1 a very sensible man. Went afterwards to Campbell's, and saw Gardiner there, who preached yesterday in the Low Meeting for the first time. He is not likely to please, chiefly for want of voice. 'Tis a pity, for he has the appearance of a man of honesty and good dispositions. He has been recommended to the people of that meeting by Dr. Chandler, and in the view of settling at Berwick, has given up his congregation at Marlborough, where he has been settled several years. Tuesday, October lUh. — Din'd at Mr. Waite's. Mr. Allan 1 Robert Henry, son of James Henry, farmer, Muirton, St. Ninians : after being Master of the Grammar School at Annan was ordained minister of the Presbyterian Congregation at Carlisle 1748 : became minister of the High Meeting House, Berwick, 13th August 1760 : he was translated to New Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 1768: D.D. Edinburgh 1770: Moderator of General Assembly 1774 : translated to Old Kirk Parish, Edinburgh, 1776 : died 1 781. He married within three years of his entry Ann Balderston, who was probably a cousin of Ridpath. The latter must have found the new minister a kindred soul, as he is now chiefly remembered as the author of a History of Great Britain, in six volumes (the last published posthu- mously under the editorship of Sir Henry Moncreiff Wellwood) which went through five editions and was translated into French. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 345 came to us before dinner. Drank tea in Henry's where we again met with Gardiner. Campbell also there, were very hearty. Gardiner seems greatly amazed at Camp- bell's buffooneries. Supp'd in Dr. Balderstone's whose father-in-law, Mr. J. Watson, died last Sunday, and is to be buried to-morrow. His disease was the palsy, under which he has laboured several weeks. Wednesday, October 15th. — Philip, James Allan and I dined in Mr. Temple's. Philip and I called at Mr. Watson's a.m., and sate near an hour. He was hearty and discreet enough. Attended Jos. Watson's funeral p.m., an honest, well-meaning man, but as changeable and liable to be imposed on as most women. His help in procuring my settlement here by his interest with Lord Barrington 1 was of no small importance. James Allan went home in the evening. Drank tea in Mrs. Nicholson's, and W. Temple came down and sate the evening with us in Mr. Waite's, where we had a great doze of the best and largest oysters I remember to have seen. Thursday, October 16th. — Din'd in S. Stanton's, and drank tea in Mr. Chisholm's. He, with Mrs. Turner and his daughter, have gone this week to Edinburgh, where Mrs. Turner would needs be, to see her brother Jamy. Sate the evening in Dr. Balderstone's, who is always friendly and good. Friday, October 17th. — Call'd at Mr. Temple's, to bid farewell to his son who is a very agreeable, promising, young man, virtuous, industrious, and very good-natured. Came out to Fishwick to dine. Left Fishwick after 3, and got home after 6. Dozed most of the night, and looked a little to something for to-morrow. Will set out for Edrom this afternoon. Saturday, October 18th. — Aly Stevenson came over here in the forenoon, and is to stay 2 or 3 nights with Nancy. 1 William Wildman Barrington Shute, Viscount Barrington of Ardglass in the Peerage of Ireland. He was M.P. for Berwick in 1743, and as the presentation to Stitchel seems to have been jointly executed by the Crown and Lord Home, he would have considerable influence in getting Ridpath appointed. 346 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 Sunday, October 19th. — Went to the burial of John Dawson of Harper-town, who died on Friday morning ; a very worthy, useful man in his station. Thence went forward to Kelso, and got there about 12. Preached a good while in the school. Messrs. Pollock, Robert Turn- bull, M'Dougall, fellow-assistants. John Aitchison also there in his way homewards from Morpeth, and James Turnbull came and preached in the school in the afternoon. I staid in Dr. Gibson's all night. Munday, October 20th. — At Kelso till the evening. Messrs. Robert Turnbull and Chatto preached. Had our presbytery for privy censures, and gave orders to execute a charge of horning against the Ednam heritors for repairing Mr. Pollock's manse, which, by the negligence of our agent, has been too long delayed. Sate till past 8 at Mr. Pollock's waiting for the newspapers which brought no mail. Slept on the August magazine. Tuesday, October 21st. — Aly Stevenson left us in the afternoon. The lad . Davidson of Sprowston, who is to enter on tryals after the Synod, and is said to be her spark, came to walk home with her. Wednesday, October 22nd. — Read over again several articles in the Philosophical Transactions for 1758, and made up an account of the expences of the farther repairs that have been made this year in manse and office-houses for which the heritors are still my debtors. Thought at night of an address from the Synod to His Majesty, on the suc- cesses of the campaign. Thursday, October 23rd. — Went on invitation to dine at Sir Robert's. Sate till after tea. Nobody but themselves, with the Major, who returned from an expedition to Edin- burgh, etc., on Tuesday night last. He was rather dull, partly from his not having been quite well. Our principal subjects were Ireland and the Army. Scarce learned any- thing from him about his election affair. Friday, October 2klh. — Afternoon, went to Wm. Dickson's burial, the throngest, notwithstanding the badness of the day, that I have seen, a very proper return on the part of his friends and neighbours to a man who wished them all 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 347 well, and lived amongst them a long and very inoffensive life. Saw Messrs. John Hume and Dysart at the funeral. Did not stop at Greenlaw, however, longer than the inter- ment, and came home betwixt 5 and 6. Slept on Apu- leius's Apology. Saturday, October 25th. — Prepared for to-morrow. Wrought some in the garden, and read more of Apuleius's first Apology, where there are some very good and very curious things. Munday, October 27th. — Read some of Philosophical Transactions and of Epictetus. Saw in the afternoon, Robert White's people at Runningburn, who are in great distress, by a bad, tedious fever. Evening, read the account in the Bibl. Rais. of Pococke's description of the East. 1 The extract of what relates to Egypt is a very good one, and is improved by some things taken from other authors. Slept on a bit of Cicero. Wrought some, in the forenoon, on a Synodieal address, but was not pleased with it. However, it may afford elements, if anything of that kind is proposed. Tuesday, October 28th. — Did not set out for the Synod till past 12, yet got soon enough to hear most of Dickson's sermon, which had some very good things in it. Cupples chosen Moderator. In the afternoon sederunt, had the schoolmaster of Jedburgh before us for going to hear Boston. It was brought to us by a prosecution of the heritors and an appeal from the Presbytery for not giving a speedy enough decision. Upon his declaring his resolu- tion to obey what the Synod should enjoin, and expressing his regret for the trouble he had given the Presbytery, he was appointed to attend henceforth ordinances regularly in his parish-church, and to give no countenance to schism, and the Presbytery charged to report concerning his obedience. Was in Waldie's at night with a great 1 Richard Pococke (1704-65), celebrated traveller : visited Egypt and the Near East 1737-40, and published an account of his travels 1743-45 : the pioneer of Alpine exploration: Bishop of Ossory 1756-65 : Bishop of Meath 1765. See biographical sketch prefixed to his Travels in Scotland, Scottish History Society, 1st ser., vol. i. 348 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 company, in which we were very gay. Lodged there all night. Wednesday, October "29th. — Agreed in the forenoon dyet to apply to the Commission for their help in obtaining relief from the prosecution for payment of the window tax. This was occasioned by John Home, the Mers collector's proceeding to extremities lately against Monteith, who thereupon went to the Chief Baron with a petition from his Presbytery for his protection. The Baron exprest great friendship, and impowered Dr. Blair to write to Lord Kaims assuring him that his brother should incur no danger by delaying execution. This saves Monteith, and the rest of the Mers clergy for a time, but the Baron further advised that the church should take some publick steps in order to obtain relief; and to engage the Commission to this, was the purpose of our application. Cupples was appointed to correspond with the Synod of Lothian to ask their concurrence with us in it. 1 Din'd in Dr. Miller's with a pretty large company, where was James Wood, and a good deal of mirth. Drank tea along with Robert Turnbull in Mrs. Walker's. Sate till near 11 in Wood's, very jovial, and came home with James Allan. Will had come up in the afternoon. Philip staid, not being perfectly well. Heard while in the Synod a.m. an account of the death of the good old King, which had come to Edinburgh yesterday and was confirmed at night in the papers. He died suddenly after drinking his chocolate last Saturday morning. A most excellent prince, who has left the world ripe in years, in the entire possession of the hearts of his people, and at the highest pitch of glory and prosperity. These things, joined to his having little felt the infirmities of age, and going off without a struggle, make as complete an euthanasia as could well be wish'd for. Friday, October Slst. — Monteith, from Newton where he had been all night, breakfasted with us. Will set out 1 Much information about the incidence of the Window Tax is to be found in Carlyle's Autobiography : he paid many visits to London in connection with it, but it was not finally settled till 1782, i 7 6o] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 349 along with him about 11, to dine at Greenlaw in their way homewards. Will has had a cold and cough for some time, and we would have had him to stay here till he got quit of it, but he was obstinate to be away. Philip staid all day. Miss Pringle called, and sate a while about mid-day, and W. Stevenson drank tea. Look'd into some things in the magazines, and found in the debate about- the settlement made on the demise of the late Prince of Wales, an Act of the 8th of King William, the present, or last Parliament if in the time of the Dissolution of Parliament, are im- powered to meet on the death of the King, and to sit 6 rrioneths, if not prorogued or dissolved. This we had heard of before, from Willy Home yesterday, and from Miss Pringle to-day. Got McKenzie's History of Health 1 from the library, and look'd a little into it. Munday, November 3rd. — Went to Eccles, where Philip met me from Coldstream. He preached there yesterday for Wilson, who has been very unwell, but is growing better. Nobody at home at Eccles but Mrs. Dysart and Fanny. 2 Came home in the evening. T. Dudgeon here. Slept on Apuieius's encomium of poverty, in his Apologia Prima. Wednesday, November 5th. — James Allan and I break- fasted at Sir Robert Pringle's, where the Major arrived just as we were coming away. He had not been at home for almost a fortnight before. James Allan went away, and I walked down to Kelso. Had no presbytery business of any consequence. Had our library meeting at night, which was more numerous than ever I saw it. Settled our accounts. Found about £12 due of arrears, which will be almost all good money, and will probably be soon got. Had a great deal of work fixing what we should contribute for the future, our original contract being expired to-day. At last all present except one, subscribed a paper obliging themselves to continue the same contribution of 10 1 James Mackenzie, physician (1680-1761), published in 1758 The History of Health and the Art of Preserving it. 2 Fanny Dysart, the youngest daughter of the minister of Eccles, married, 1786, Walter Home, Major 42nd Regt. : died 1800. 350 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 shillings yearly for ten years to come ; but a minute was made declaring that this invalidated no former obligation for perpetuating and supporting the library, and was to have no effect unless all the proprietors concurred. A motion was made to lend out the books for half a crown a quarter, which would have produced a good deal of money and would have made it less necessary for the present proprietors to have paid more than a crown, but almost all were against this project. Gave a commission for several new books. I was desired to prepare a catalogue for printing. Staid in Mrs. Walker's with Andrew Chatto. Thursday, November 6th. — Breakfasted in Mrs. Walker's. Called at Mr. Pollock's and at Mrs. Daw- son's, who came home from the W. country on Saturday. Mina came here yesterday afternoon just as I was coming out along with Matthew Dysart and T. McDougall from calling at her mamma's. . . . Looked to some of their drugs- this forenoon, but know not their value, or the condition they are in. Came home before dinner. P.m. and evening, dozed, and read Baudier's Life of Margaret of Anjou, translated from a French MS. 1 It is no contemptible work, and is intertaining by the very various events of that unhappy Civil War in which that dame made so considerable a figure. Last night's papers have no mail nor anything remarkable, but a very elegant Latin inscription in honour of Mr. Pitt engraved on tin plates, placed below the first stone of the Black Fryar's Bridge, which was laid by the Lord Mayor on the last of October. A stronger expression of pubiick gratitude has scarce been made to any man than that inscription con- tains to Mr. Pitt. Friday, November 7th. — Philip went away after dinner. I read McKenzie's History of Health, a work that discovers a great deal both of learning and sense. The language also 1 History oj the Memorable and Extraordinary Adventures of Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England, translated out of the Original MS. With a Preface by T. Carte (Michael Baudier), London, 1737. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 351 is simple, natural, and accurate, well adapted to such a work, and both matter and manner are strongly expres- sive of the character of a wise and candid old man. Saturday, November Sth. — Read some of Dr. McKenzie over again. Got in the evening from Thomas Underwood an account of his work about the house and office-houses, in order to compleat the account to be given to the heritors. Got the papers in the evening. The most remarkable thing in them is a proclamation of His Majesty, against impiety and immorality, where gaming on Sundays either publickly or privately is forbid, and attendance on publick worship enjoined, and officers in the Army and Navy required to live regularly themselves, and to watch over the conduct of all who are under their command. It has been often said that the King was Methodistically inclined. Perhaps this will strengthen the suspicion. However, the effort is most laudable to revive impressions of virtue and piety, and the decent profession of them by the authority and example of the Chief Magistrate. Particular notice is taken in this proclamation that a regular behaviour in these respects will be expected of all about the Court and His Majesty's person. There is an account of the dissec- tion of the body of the late King, where all was sound, except the heart, whose right ventricle was burst, and more than a pint of clotted blood in the pericardium. Nothing is oftener spoken of than burst and broken hearts, but I do not remember to have heard before of the thing's actually happening. It is said, and is rather probable than otherwise, that His Majesty had heard of the late misfortunes of the King of Prussia and of the miscarriage of the Hereditary Prince, altho' they were not publickly known till after his death. Perhaps the succession of deep anxiety and concern that these reverses could not fail to produce, to the full tide of joy arising from the reduction of Canada, the first successes of the Hereditary Prince, and the prosperous way the King of Prussia also seemed to be in, were too violent to be bore by the honest old heart of our late worthy Monarch. The resistance also to the course of the vital fluid increased by the wet 352 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 and cold season, to which His Majesty was more than enough exposed in the reviews he made a few days before his death, would also contribute its part to overstrain the great organ of circulation. It is probable that this is not the single heart that has been broke by the many calamitous events and sudden reverses of the present war. Munday, November 10th. — Read over again some of Mackenzie, and being carried by his account of the Schola Salernitana to look into it, read over all the text and some of the Commentary of Arnoldus de Villa Nova. 1 The text is thorough-barbarous, as might be expected from the age, nor is there much to be learned from it ; but there are many good things in the Commentary, and particularly several valuable extracts from the writings of Galen, whom McKenzie recommends as one of the best writers yet extant on the subject of health and aliment. Tuesday, November 11th. — Blowing from N.E. Hazy and small rain all day. Very heavy through the last night. Waters flooded very high. No such fall of rain this long time. 2 Read to the end of McKenzie's History of Health a second time. Was in the town and at Running-Burn, seeing sick. All Robert Whytt's family have had or have a fever, which in some of them, par- ticularly his wife and. eldest son, has been very tedious and obstinate. Slept on Syrus's Sententiae 3 at the end of the Edinburgh Phaedrus, many of which are extremely good. Wednesday, November 12th. — Waters still very high, 1 Arnaldus de Villa Nova, a celebrated doctor and alchemist, born about 1240. The book which Ridpath read was probably one of the numerous editions of the Regimen Sanitatis Salernitano (the School of Salerno). 2 Marginal note says : — Melrose Bridge destroyed, also Whitewater lower bridge. 3 These were a collection of pithy and moral sayings, extending to up- wards of a thousand lines in Iambic and Trochaic measures, published under the title of Publii Syri Sententiae. Syrus was a slave brought to Rome some years before the downfall of the Republic ; he was an accom- plished and witty poet. But though he may have contributed to them, the apothegms are evidently the work of many hands. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 358 tho' considerably fallen. Read variously ; the conclusion of Mead's Monita, Boorhaave's Hygieine, 1 and a good deal of the Schola Salernitana. Got last newspapers at night, where is an account of the ceremonial of his late Majesty's funeral, which was to be last night, and would happen in the middle of a great tempest, if the weather was such there as here. Thursday, November ISth. — Read two of last week's Edinburgh papers, and made out a new draught of the account of the repairs of office-houses and manse, with some abatements in articles that were not so clearly fixt as they might have been at the heritors' meeting, reducing it by this means 12 or 13 shillings lower. Went to Sir Robert's with Nancy p.m., and showed him the account, which he very readily approved of, and on a very superficial view. Could I have foreseen the temper he was in, I might have saved myself these 12 or 13 shillings, which would have been something to me, without any sort of injustice to the heritors, being money laid out on things useful and material to the manse, for the repairs of which, had I used the legd methods, I might have got three times the sum it has cost them. But I would rather be 10 times more out of pocket, poor as I am, than risque any mis- understanding with so worthy a man and so good a neighbour as Sir Robert. In the evening, calculated the proportions payable by the several heritors, including the expence of what yet remains to be done as estimated by Thomas Underwood, which, to prevent any further trouble, Sir Robert was satisfied should be done. Slept on Apuleius's Apologia Prima, where there is a very copious and lively, tho' rough eloquence, along with a great dis- play of knowledge. Friday, November lUh. — Wrought more on the account of repairs, and wrote a letter to Hunter for what he is due for Lord Home and himself. Read some of the 4th volume 1 Hermann Boerhaave (1668-1738), the most celebrated physician of the eighteenth century, and Professor at Leyden. I do not know which of his numerous works Ridpath indicates under the title of Hygieine. The word does not occur in any list I have seen. Z 354 DIARY OF GEORGE RTDPATH [1760 of Keysler's travels, 1 which I got from the library. This volume is wholly on places in Germany. Major Pringle called in the forenoon, and sate a while, in his way home from Eccles, where he had been all last night. I rode to Oxmuir in the afternoon, to see the widow, but she was gone to Kelso. Saturday, November 15th. — Saw some sick people in the town, and read more of Keysler's travels, which have several curious enough things in them. The proportion he speaks of, of Jews in Prague, is amazing, no fewer than 50,000 to 70,000 Christians. Munday, November 17th. — Was two hours in the garden, pruning the hedges and limes. Mrs. Pollock here seeing us at dinner, and till the evening. Read Keysler in the evening. He gives a long account of Nuremberg, which is still a very noble place. Sent Charles in the evening to Kelso to get accounts of Philip. Mr. Waite had not had [news] any later than Saturday, when he was still a good deal distrest. • Tuesday, November ISth. — Most of the day read news- papers. The author of the Whitehall Evening Post is such a fool as to give only very imperfect scraps of bad news, so that the Edinburgh Mercury is a very necessary supple- ment to it. Read the Scots (August) Magazine, which I got from Robert Aymers, and where there are some very good things. Slept on Apuleius. Wednesday, November 19th. — Read to the end of the 4th volume of Keysler, which ends with an account of Lorrain and its court, as matters stood in 1731. There is abundance of rubbish in this work of Keysler's, tho' a good many valuable things may be learned from it. He speaks of Mannheim, the residence of the Elector Palatine, as one of the strongest places in Europe, and also makes the revenue of this Prince very considerable. What he has on the Upper and Lower Rhine amounts to more than £200,000, besides some other dominions. Finished at night, Apuleius's Apologia Secunda. Had a letter from 1 See p. 142, n. i. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 355 Will by way of Duns Fair, which was yesterday, where he says that Philip was much better on Munday, when he left him. This, together with the storminess of the weather, hinders me from going to see him, unless I hear any other accounts by to-night's post. Thursday, November 20th. — Saw sick in the town a.m. and shaved. P.m. saw sick at Home, and drank tea in W. Stevenson's, who is somewhat distrest with his sciatica. Read at night, almost the two first books of Apuleius's Florida, which is a miscellaneous collection of Flores Orationis, or rather Orationum, delivered on different occasions. Friday, November 21st. — Aly Stevenson came before dinner. Her uncle set out for Edinburgh last Munday, along with Mr. Lundy, who had only been 3 or 4 days at home from a fortnight's peregrination. Rode to Kelso after dinner, and took an account of the books received into the library since the catalogue was made last year, and got an account of last commission from John Waldie, so as to make the catalogue compleat which I am going to prepare for the press. Drank tea at Mr. Pollock's, where Mrs. O'Bryan is looking much better on 't. She speaks of hearing from her husband, and seems to be in very good spirits. Mr. Pollock had seen somebody from Edinburgh, who told him that Professor Hamilton and Dr. Kay 1 were appointed commissioners from the church to con- gratulate His Majesty, along with these Jardine, Webster, and G. Wiseheart. 2 Sate a good while with Mrs. Dawson. Came home about 9. Read at night, some of the September Review which begins with an account of G. Wallace's system of Scots law, and speaks of it in very favorable terms. Gives also a few very good specimens of it, and criticizes some things in it with sense and candor. The Scots (September) Magazine which I also brought up with me, gives the article in the Critical Review relating to the 1 George Kay, minister of Old Greyfriars 1754-66. He was Moderator of the General Assembly 1759. 2 George Wiseheart or Wishart, minister of the Tron, Edinburgh, in which parish he succeeded his father in 1 730. 356 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 same work, which is much shorter, but not less favorable than the other. This first volume contains only a fourth part of the whole plan. Sunday, November 23rd. — Heard from Philip, who is easier, tho' far, he says, from being well. I must see him, if possible, this week. Munday, November 2±th. — Read what I had not read before of the Scots (September) Magazine, which was chiefly a pretty long account of Dr. Storck's 1 Treatise on Hemlock, which has had most surprising effects in dis- cussing scirrhuses and curing cancers. Rest of the day, employed on the library catalogue, which I compleated to the present time, and began a transcript of it reduced into proper order for the press. Tuesday, November 25th. — YV. Stevenson called a while about mid-day, and saw the King's speech and news. I was in the glebe some time p.m., where I have scarce been these 2 months. Evening and night, wrought on the library catalogue. Wednesday, November 26th. — Rode down to Fishwick through very dirty and in some places, very deep roads. Found Cupples with him [Philip] and Will. The former staid till after supper, and the latter all night. Thursday, November 27th. — Rode over with Will to Edrom to see his new house, which is really very neat and well built and of excellent materials. The work of the office-houses seems also to be very well, but the materials not so good, being the stones of the old manse. Returned to Fishwick in the evening, where I had some conversation with Philip about a very interesting affair, and in which it is not easy to come to a right determination. Friday. November 28th. — Rode to Berwick before dinner through a very bad road, the turnpike, in many places, being almost wholly obliterated. Dined in Mr. Waite's. Dr. Doubleday came there to tea and staid to sup. Ben Grieve was with him, and sate till betwixt 7 and 8. Had a 1 Anthony Storck or Stork, physician, Vienna. A translation of his Essay on the Medicinal Virtues of Hemlock was published in 1760. 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 357 long rave with him, and did not spare him as he does nobody else. Found my sister better, I think, in health and looks, than she has been for several years past, and Willy also, very well recovered. Saturday, November 29th. — Breakfasted in Dr. Balder- stone's, and called at the Mayor's. Set out a little after 11 and reached Tillmouth after 1, where I found the squire on the brink of a fit of the gout. It is floating much about his head, and distresses him a good deal. Yet he was pretty good company, and very kind. His son is still with him ; detained to vote at the Durham election, which is to be the week after next, and where it is not probable the father will be able to go. Din'd and sate till 3J. Got home between 6 and 7. Dozed and prepared for to-morrow. Aly Stevenson had gone away in the morning. Munday, December 1st. — Saw sick in the town a*.m. Rode p.m. to Home on the same errand. A little fatigued with this work. Wrote receipts to Lord Home and J. Hunter for the money for the repairs of the manse, which Hunter sent me last week, when I was from home. Also made scrolls of minutes of the proceedings of the Presby- tery about Mcllwraith. Slept on Sueton., a very judicious, entertaining writer. 1 Tuesday, December 2nd. — At the Presbytery, where neither Mcllwraith nor his harlot appeared. Took the first of Davidson's tryals, a homily. Called a.m. at Mr. Pollock's. He has got a spitting of blood. Andrew Chatto, a very great stranger, and Robert Turnbull came up with me, and staid all night, partly to make a committee for revising our minutes with regard to Mcllwraith, and considering what is to be done in this tedious affair. Wednesday, December 3rd. — In the forenoon, did our business about Mcllwraith. Thought it proper that the Session here should enquire what proof the gypsie can give of his threatening her. My guests staid all day and 1 C. Suetonius Tranquillus, a Latin author who wrote the lives oi the Caesars in the early part of the second century a.d. 358 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 night, the weather growing very indifferent p.m. Had a good deal of agreeable chat. Tuesday, December 9th. — Peggy Pringle and Minna Dawson came down, and sate a while about mid-day. Had the clock cleaned by the mason, whom I attended sometimes. Got the first 4 vols, of the Edinburgh Medical Essays from the library, and read some of them. Slept again on Pliny's Panegyrick. Thursday, December 11th. — Was at the burial of the old man, Alexander Gray, and seeing sick, before dinner. Slept on Apuleius's Asinus Auratus. Munday, December loth. — Was at Home a.m. seeing sick. Evening read the 2nd part of the 1st book of Plato de Legibus in Ficinus's Translation. Slept on the Edin- burgh Medical Essays. Finished all that I can easily read of the first volume. Tuesday, December lQLh. — Saw sick in the town a.m., and made a bargain for a bee-hive. Read London and Edinburgh news. Will came in the evening. Read some more of Medical Essays, and slept on the life of Apuleius. Wednesday, December 17th. — Wrought some in the garden sawing branches from trees, etc. Will had a sore fit of the tooth-ach, which employed us a considerable part of the evening, cooking him. Got September and October magazines from Berwick, and read some of them. W T rote also at night directions for printing the library catalogue. Had a letter from Philip, in which he still complains, tho' much better. Thursday, December ISth. — Was at Running-burn seeing a boy ill of the fever, with worms. Wrought a good while in the garden, digging about the root of the old plumb tree, etc. Got also the beehive brought and set up. Read some more of the London Magazine, and slept on Sueton., a most judicious and entertaining memorialist. Friday, December 19th. — Wrought some in the garden. John Ker dined here in his way home from Edinburgh, where he had been seeing his son, distrest with 'the rheu- matism, and carrying in one of his daughters to attend him. Read most of what I had read not before of the September 1760] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 359 and October London Magazines, and Sueton. at night, on the life of Augustus. Saturday, December 20th. — Will went away about 1. He was not very fit for travelling having a swelled cheek remaining from his tooth-ach, tho' he has had 2 nights good rest and has been free from pain these 2 days. Had an invincible aversion to set out in such weather and roads, especially as I could not well have been so near Philip without seeing him. I shall be very uneasy and angry at myself, if Will be the worse of travelling to-day and preaching to-morrow, which I hope, however, he will not. Tuesday, December 23rd. — Read most of a MS. of Dr. Cullen's lectures on agriculture, which I got last night from W, Stevenson. They have been taken but imper- fectly, and are written incorrectly. 1 Evening, read the 4:h book of Plato de Legibus with much entertainment, and at night, read part of the first book of Cicero de Legibus. Wednesday, December 2Uh. — Wrought a good deal in the garden, cleaning flower-beds, etc. Read more of Dr. Cullen's lectures, Plato's 5th book de Legibus, and Cicero's first book on the same subject, to an end. This book of Cicero's is sore mutilated, but in what is preserved of it, there are some very beautiful passages on the universal law of nature and reason. Thursday, December 25th. — Had the elders counting the box, with which our accounts agreed very well. Read Plato's 6th book de Legibus in which are the laws relating to marriage. Read at night some of Tully's Offices, with Dr. Pearce's 2 accurate notes. The newspapers have scarce anything in them. The King has altered his whoje list of chaplains, there being 13 new appointed in the room of the same number of old. This still looks as if 1 William Cullen (1710-90), Professor successively of Chemistry, Materia Medica, and Theory of Medicine in Edinburgh University. These lectures were published after his death in 1798 under the title of The substance of some Lectures on Vegetation and Agriculture, delivered priva'ely in 1768. 2 Zachary Pearce (1690-1774), Bishop of Rochester. 360 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1760 religion were a serious matter with him. Those who know the characters of this new set, will be able to judge of the taste in religion that prevails at Court, which I wish may be free of enthusiasm or fanaticism. The name of one of the new chaplains is Maddon, 1 which is the name of a celebrated Hutchinsionan Doctor. I wish the person may not be also the same. Friday, December 26th. — Read to an end, Cullen's lectures, which seem to contain a very good theory, and several ingenious and sensible observations. Went up to Sir Robert's p.m. Mrs. Pringle has been very unwell these 2 or 3 days. It will be no small loss to the family in its present state if she should drop. Found the Major at home, and saw his calculation of voters, pro and con, from which I do not think him over and above secure. A writ is at last issued for the Election, which is to be next Thursday. Came home betwixt 7 and 8, and brought with me the Considerations on the German War, 2 which I employed the rest of -the night in reading. It is a work of a good deal of genius and art, and has even not a little sense and truth in it ; but is very far from giving a full or fair account of the matters in question. [A long criticism of the book follows, but has been omitted.] Saturday, December 27th. — Prepared for to-morrow, and saw some sick in the town. Had a long search for a new text. Munday, December 29th. — Saw sick a.m. W. Davidson from Sprouston here at dinner, and staid till 4. He seems to have more talents than many of our candidates. Evening read Plato's 7th book of Laws, which relates chiefly to education, a subject which that truly wise man thinks can never be too long dwelt on. His principles and general rules on that subject are excellent and in- variable, but a great number of the particulars do not sute the constitution or manners of any modern state. 1 Spencer Madan ( 1729-18 13), Bishop successively of Bristol and Peter- borough : appointed Chaplain in Ordinary to the King, 1761. 2 Two pamphlets entitled Considerations on the present German War were published in London 1760, and gave rise to much controversy. 1761] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 361 At night finished what I had not wrote in the larger form of my sermon on 2 Corinthians 3. 18, and wrote some things into my accounts. Tuesday, December 30th.— Attended the thatcher most of the day. W. Stevenson called in the forenoon, and told me that it is thought that the party opposite to Major Pringie will not appear at Greenlaw on Thursday. Read in the evening Plato's 8th book of Laws, and some of Cicero's 2nd book on the same subject. 1761 Thursday, January 1st — Wrought some more on Cullen's lectures, and read Plato and Cicero. Dr. Miller break- fasted here. Learned about three o'clock that Major Pringie was elected without opposition, none of the other side having made their appearance. Friday, January 2nd. — Rode to Eccles, where I found the Clerk, whom I had not seen for a long time, he having been at Bath from April to November. He has no com- plaints, but is thin. Bess also at home for several weeks, and Jean has gone to supply her place at Edinburgh. 1 Mr. Hume was saying that John continued in the highest favour with Lord Bute, being a sort of domestick of his, and that the King had taken very particular notice of him at some Levee. Certainly, if he is not too hard to please, he may be pretty sure of obtaining some handsome provision, which he ought to seize the present opportunity of obtaining, as the situation of favourites, such as himself and patron, is almost always very insecure. Found when I came home the proof sheets of the Kelso catalogue, which John Waldie had got to-day from Edinburgh. Revised them, and had but very few corrections to make. Made them ready to return to Waldie to-morrow morning, with some written directions about them. Slept on Cicero de Legibus. 1 Bess Dysart married Patrick Smith, and her sister Jean, in 1766, David Dickson of Antonhill. 362 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1761 Saturday January 3rd. — Went to breakfast at Sir Robert's, in my way to a poor's meeting at Home. Did not know if I should have an opportunity to see the Major at any other time before he goes away, and wanted also to wish him and the rest of the family joy on his success. Was invited back to dine. Accordingly went to Home, and returned there to dinner. Learned the circumstances of the election which I had not heard before. There were 48 voters for the Major, 43 of which were in their previous calculation which consisted of 46, whereof 3 were absent. Of the 5 that made the number of 48, one would have been neutral, and three on the other side if Mr. Rent on had appeared, and one accidentally arrived from the Army in Germany. It was certainly no good policy for Renton not to appear, if he has a mind to keep his friends together, and does not intend to give it up for good and all. This would probably be the wisest resolution, as the Major's interest evidently appears so strong. James Pringle of Bowland.. who was at breakfast, said that he would engage to defeat the opposite party at any time by a majority of 15. This, no doubt, supposes Marchmont to continue in place, but tho' he should [go] out, it would be no easy work to reduce so great a majority. Came home in the evening, and prepared for to-morrow. Munday. January 5th. — Much of the day in the garden and about the doors. Saw also some sick in the town. Evening and night employed in revising Mcllwraith's process as it stands in our minutes. Wrote the report of the Committee of Session that was examining Mary Leitch on Saturday about her fears of Mcllwraith, some questions proper to be proposed to her if she appears, and also a sort of memorial of the presumptions against Mcllwraith as appearing in the course of the process, which are certainly as strong as any can well be supposed. Tuesday, January 6th. — Went to the Presbytery, where W. Davidson gave a lecture and popular sermon, both pretty good compositions, and distinctly enough delivered. Mary Leitch did not appear. Mcllwraith sent a note promising to come if Mary Leitch was there. The Presby- 1761] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 363 tery appointed a committee to revise this tedious process and to prepare an overture to next Presbytery, for bring- ing it to an issue. Alex. Duncan came over and break- fasted with us in Mr. Lundy's. Tho' the committee about Mcll wraith were not appointed to meet till Thursday next week, yet as we were altogether, we fell to work about it, and pretty nearly agreed to a state of the affair and an overture about it, from the materials I had prepared on Munday night. However, appointed another meeting at Linton or Morbattle, week after the next, to consider it still more deliberately, as there are circumstances that make it difficult and troublesome, tho' we all agreed, and Duncan was of the same mind, that nothing could be stronger than the presumptions against Mcllwraith. Left Mr. Lundy's in the evening, and called at Mr. Pollock's in passing. Came home between 5 and 6. Read Carac- tacus, a drama of Mason's, after the Greek model. It is very beautiful, and I apprehend much superior to Elfrida. There are some very high strains of poetry in the choruses, and the dialogue is simple, natural, and finely moralled. 1 Thursday, January Sth. — Was most of the day in the garden, lopping bushes, delving about their roots, etc. Evening read Plato's 11th book of Laws, and at night wrote a scroll of a letter for Mr. Pollock to be sent to Ednam's doer containing the Presbytery's definite resolu- tion about the manse. He would have had me write it in my own name, but I declined for obvious reasons. Read the Scots papers of former week, where are many Scots addresses. Friday, January 9th. — Read over a good part of Carac- tacus. Read also most of the November Review, which I got from the library. There is an advantageous account of Wallace's new book in it, but MacFait's work on Plato 2 is treated with great contempt, much more, I think, than is supported by the specimens given of it. Read also 1 William Mason (1725-97), poet and friend of Gray : published Elfrida, a dramatic poem, in 1752, and Caractacus in 1759. 2 Ebenezer Macfait (d. 1786), Greek scholar, mathematician, physician, and miscellaneous writer. £64 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1761 about a third of Barry on the Digestions and Discharges of the Human Body, which Dr. Miller sent me, and desired me to return soon. 1 Saturday, January 10th. — Read almost all of the Review that I had not read before. Among the foreign publica- tions is an account of a little work by K. Stanislaus against the infidels. It seems he has also published some little pieces formerly. There is also some account of Voltaire's 1st volume of the History of Russia during the reign of Czar Peter, in which work it seems Voltaire piques himself more on veracity than bel esprit, and for which he pretends to have been furnished with materials from Petersburgh. Read also a good deal more of Dr. Barry and some of Burlamaqui's Treatise on Political Law, 2 which I had sent me from the library yesterday. Munday, January 12th. — Read out the November Review. Saw sick in the town a.m. and was at Home p.m. J. Sked here at dinner and at tea. Read out, and part of it a second time, Barry on the Digestion and Discharges, etc. It is an excellent work, judicious, elegant, useful. Tuesday, January 13th. — Examined in the kirk first time this season. Evening and night read Barry. Some- times his expression is inaccurate, tho' the language in general is good, and the turn of it elegant. Nor do I think the first part of his book, which is a sort of addition to the original plan of his work on consumptions, so elaborate and compleat as what relates to the last-named subject, tho' every part of the work contains very valuable things. Wednesday, January lUh. — Messrs. J. Hume and Matthew Dysart came to dine, according to information before given me by a letter from John last Sunday. I accompanied them in the evening to Sprouston, having called and drank tea at Mr. Lundy's in passing. Lundy went along with us. The lad Davidson also there, very hearty. 1 Sir Edward Barry (1696-1776), Professor of Physic, Dublin. 2 Jean Jacques Burlamaqui, author of Principes de droit politique, 1 2 mo, 1 75 1 : translated into English by Thomas Nugent. 1761] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 365 Thursday, January loth. — At Sproustoh dining, and had a pleasant walk on the river-side before dinner. Went with Matthew to Eccles, and staid all night. Friday, January 16th. — Dined at Eccles, and then dis- persed. John Hume has been in the greatest glee all this time, and is in great health and strength. I have seldom been more entertained in a party. Conversation ran on a great variety of subjects, and was from time to time en- livened by drolleries, of which John is a very rich fund. His manner, too, is finely contrasted by Lundy's. Came home in the evening. I was obliged to go E. the town after I came home, and fell down by an unlucky slip among stones. Bruised and ruffled the skin of the prominence of the shin bone below the knee-joint pretty much. Cooked it. Dozed, and read some of Barry. Saturday, January 17th. — Prepared for my journey a.m. and betwixt 1 and 2 set out for Fishwick. Had a tiresome, disagreeable ride, much of the way being very deep and stiff. Got to Fishwick in the darkening. Found Philip pretty easy. He is thinned, and still lyable to pain and uneasiness from any quick or sudden motion, but he walks a good deal without distress, and is far from being so uneasy as when I last saw him. Chatted away the evening with him. Sunday. January ISth. — Went on invitation to dine at Hutton Hall, where were only the laird and lady 1 with the children, very fine ones. Nothing remarkable past there. Came over to Fishwick in the evening. Had a good deal of interesting cracks and intelligence from Philip this night and last. Among the rest, that Dr. Balderstone is going to give over business, and would have Dr. Grieve from London to come in his place, but I doubt if Jimmy 'd comply. Munday, January 19th. — Staid at Fishwick all day and night, expecting James Allan to have come over, but we had a line from him in the evening telling us he could not come till to-morrow, and then I was obliged to set home- 1 The Laird of Hutton Hall at this time was Wynne Johnston of Hilton. 366 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1761 wards. Will came from Edrom, by way of Whitsum, where he had not found Mr. Waugh's people at home, they having gone to Coldstream. I was intending to have seen them to-morrow in my way homewards. Tuesday, January 20th. — Left Fishwick after 11, Will along with me. Did not get here till past 3, so bad is travelling still, notwithstanding the long-continued dry weather. Read Edinburgh and two last London papers. Got the good news when I came home of Lady Hall's being delivered of a son last Saturday. 1 Wednesday, January 21st. — Set out for Linton and Mor- battle by the way of Maxwell-heugh, where I met with Robert Turnbull. Lundy was going along with us, but a friend of his from Lothian just arrived as we were about to go away. Found Mr. Chatto and his wife, Willy Daw- son and T. McDougall at Linton, where we all dined, and Robert Turnbull and I staid all night. Mrs. Turnbull with child again, pretty far gone. 2 She is very hearty and good- natured, and looks very well on't. Thursday, January 22nd. — Were all dining again to-day at Morbattle, and Robert Turnbull and I staid there all night. Talked a little about Mcllwraith's affair, and per- sisted in the resolution we had formed at Mr. Lundy's on the day after the Presbytery. Heard some talk these two days about an exploit of Prince Edward's, which has made much noise. His carrying off some gentleman's daughter from a boarding school, in which it is said he was assisted by the two bedchamber Scots Lords, March 3 and Eglintor.. 4 It is allowed this Prince is very wild in these matters, but perhaps this history wants confirmation, as also some other discourse that is going about differences in Germany betwixt Prince Ferdinand and the British officers, particu- larly the Marquis of Granby. 1 Afterwards Sir James Hall, fourth Baronet. 2 Robert, Mrs. Turnbull's second son, was born 18th April 1761. 3 William, third Earl of March : at this time he was a Lord of the Bedchamber : in 1778 he succeeded to the Dukedom of Queensberry. Famous under the name of ' Old Q ' for his debaucheries and eccentricity. 4 This was Alexander, tenth Earl, afterwards killed by Mungo Campbell, an officer of Excise. 1761] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 367 Friday, January 23rd. — Breakfasted at W. Dawson's who has got a very good house, and in an agreeable com- modious situation. Robert Turnbull came forward to Lundy's, where we dined. Sunday, January 25th. — Kirk throng by seceders being disappointed of sermon. Munday, January 26th. — Was at Home a.m. seeing sick and the widow of John Corsnip who was probably drowned about 10 days ago in crossing Tweed from Berwick, where he had staid behind his company and as usual got drunk. Much search has been made for his body, but hitherto in vain. Dined at W. Stevenson's and got his Edinburgh chat. He was there most of last week. Found Aly Stevenson here when I came home. Read almost to an end of Burlamaqui's Politick Law, and wrote at night to Philip. Tuesday, January 21th. — Examined i n the kirk. Finished Burlamaqui's Politic Law, which is a very good work, its principles being almost everywhere agreeable to equity, humanity, and good sense, and at the same time perfectly well adapted to the British Constitution. Evening read some of the Edinburgh Medical Essays. Wednesday, January 28th. — Read a good deal of Monro's 1 Treatise on the Nutrition of the Foetus ' in the 2nd volume of Medical Essays. Afternoon walked up to Sir Robert's, who came home from Dunglas on Monday. He left all as well there as could be expected. Mrs. Pringle is much recovered from a sore attack of the feverish kind which she had about the beginning of the year. Miss Pringle stays some days longer at Dunglas. Thursday, January 29th. — Employed most of the day in translating a favorite metrum of Boethius. Philip put this in my head, he having translated the first in the work some time ago, and having lately formed a sort of project or rather wish of translating the whole work, in which he seemed to be desirous of some of my assistance. But this would be a thing of great labour, and it is hard to say if in any sense it would be tanti. Finished, however, the metrum I undertook, and another within these few days, 368 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1761 pretty much to my content. 1 Aly Stevenson left us p.m. I read over again some of Barry, a work I would buy, if I could afford it. Friday, January 30th. — Read to an end over again, some of it thrice over, what I had not read before of Barry. At night began to make an experiment of an undertaking that has been often in my head, and in consequence of some conversation I had with Philip, when at Fishwick, has been for some days past pretty strongly revived. This is to attempt a translation of Buchannan, with corrections and improvements, both in the way of notes and insertions in the text, from Ruddiman and other sources. The great labour of such a work, and still more, the sad inexactness of Buchannan in many places with regard to many circum- stances belonging to historical truth, which would make it difficult to preserve his narrative even as a basis of some- thing more correct, have hitherto deterred me from this undertaking, and are most likely still to disappoint it. However, I believe I shall try to render some passages of him for the sake of comparing my version with the printed translation of him that I happen to have at present by me, and which seems to leave room enough for a new one, and also that I may be able to judge of the pains and time necessary to such a work, and how far it is in my power to express in English, the eloquence and spirit of the original, in which respect it is certainly scarce inferior to the best classical authors. Accordingly translated a little of the beginning of Bishop Kennedy's speech about a female regency. Saturday, January 31st. — Rode to Home a.m. to see a child of Alexander Wilson's, which was dead before I got there. At my return found Mrs. Dawson and Nelly Thompson here, and Minna, who had come from Sir Robert's, to meet them. Mrs. Dawson wanted to speak to Minna about something. She returned to Kelso in the evening, and Nell went to Home Byres. Prepared for to-morrow, and settled moneth's accounts. 1 Philip Ridpath did publish in 1785 a translation of Boethius' Con- solations of Philosophy, with notes and illustrations. 1761] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 369 Sunday, February 1st. — Minna at dinner. Miss Pringle returned from Dunglass yesterday. Lady Hall, she says, is very feeble. The child doing bravely. Munday, February 2nd. — Examined a few in the kirk. Read in the Medical Essays to the end of Monro's paper on the nutrition of a foetus, and some other accounts. At night wrought on Buchannan. Tuesday, February 3rd. — Examined at Home Byres, where Dobby came to dine, having been first here. Re- vised in the evening the committee minute about Mcll- wraith, and at night look'd to Barclay's Argenis 1 and the way of calculating Easter' in the Gregorian Kalendar, in Wolff's 4th volume. Wednesday, February Uh. — Rode to Kelso to the Presby- tery. Davidson delivered his exercise and addition, and went through all the rest of his tryals. Acquitted himself very decently, and was licensed. We finished also Mcll- wraith's business, by appointing the process to be read from the pulpits of Kelso and Stitchill, and excommuni- cating Mary Leitch. He had been summoned to this dyet, but did not appear. Appointed also our agent in the cause of Ednam to proceed to enforce the execution of the decree of the Lords, for re-building the manse against the laird of Ednam. Had a meeting about our library affairs, which was thin, a great number of the Kelso people having gone to meet Dr. Ormiston, who brings his wife to-night from Edinburgh to Channel-kirk, and home to-morrow. Commissioned several books, and some of the late plays. Drank tea in Dobby's, and staid all night there with R. Turnbull. James Turnbull, also Lundy and Davidson there with us at supper. Thursday, February 5th. — Breakfasted in Mr. Dobby's. Then went over to Mr. Pollock's, where John Waugh was all night. He was a while with us also at the Presbytery yesterday. Called at Mrs. Walker's, also at P. Robson's, and paid my account, as I had done Stewart's 12 guineas 1 John Barclay (i 582-1621), born at Pont-a-Mousson, author of several volumes of Latin poetry and of Argenis, a Latin satire on political faction and conspiracy. 2a 370 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1761 yesterday, in part of his. Robert Turnbull and I dined at Mr. Pollock's. The Naiad in great glee. Came home p.m. Read in the evening some of the volume of London Medical Observations, 1 which I got yesterday from Dr. Miller. Friday, February 6th. — Read some more of the London Observations, which have curious things in them. Got from the library Dr. Nicholson's Scots, English and Irish Historical Libraries in one volume folio. 2 Read a good deal of it. Was pleased to find a sort of approbation by him of my project with regard to Buchannan, of rather correcting and improving that author than writing the History of Scotland anew. Slept soon on Barclay's Argenis. Miss Pringle, Sir Robert and Minna called p.m. Had a walk in setting them up. Thomas McDougall came from McKerston to breakfast in order to get some minutes made up about the Ednam affair. He went to Newton to dine. Munday, February 9th. — Was at Home a.m. Got a letter from Philip, in which he informs me he is still grow- ing better, and intends to be in Berwick all this week. Henry is to preach for him on Thursday. Spent most of afternoon and evening in looking out, and afterwards transcribing, my epitaphs on Mr. Crow, whereof James Allan has lost the copies I gave him formerly, and wants new ones. . Wrought at night on Buchannan. Tuesday, February 10th. — Read chiefly Nicholson's Scots Historical Library, and wrought at night on Buch- annan, of my project on whom my head still continues pretty full. Saturday, February lMh. — Prepared for to-morrow, and read Dr. Nicholson. Wrought also a little on Buchannan at night. Am still very intent on that project. Sunday, February 15th. — The Major was in the kirk, 1 Perhaps Observations on the Past Growth and Present State of the City of London . . ., 1753. 2 William Nicolson (1655-1727), divine and antiquary : Bishop of Carlisle 1702 : published the Historical Library, 1696-1724 : entire work republished 1732. 1761] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 371 who arrived on Thursday. He came down with Hardin. 1 Munday, February 16th. — Read Dr. Nicholson, who has good things about the Scots Law Books, and wrought at night on Buchannan. Drank tea at Sir Robert's p.m. Paid him for grazing my quey, which he took, and had a good deal of talk with the Major about news, politicks, etc. Friday, February 20th. — Consulted some books for understanding something in Buchannan, and read the December Review. The schoolmaster of Home here p.m. to get a recommendation for Mr. Duncan, to help him to a school at Mellerstain. Sprot from Newton at tea, and staid till past 8, a lad that seems to be very capable of improvement. Saturday, February 21st. — Prepared for to-morrow, and finished the translation of Archbishop Kennedy's speech in Buchannan, which has been a troublesome job. But if I had the whole work as tolerably done as it is, I daresay it would be worth something to me. Tuesday. February 2\th. — Got the January Review and Appendix to last year, and read them both. Had a letter from James Allan in which he wants my advice about his going to Edinburgh, which his friends Messrs. Coutts and Laurie have, unsolicited, been negotiating for him, and which he is now doubtful himself about agreeing to. Thursday, February 26tk. — Examined again in East end of Home. Dined in Alexander Wilson's, and saw sick p.m. In the evening revised some of the reviews, and read some of the first volume of Abercromby's Martial Atchievements which I am going to compare with Buchannan, in order to make some estimate of what will be necessary to supply his defects. Wrote a letter at night to James Allan. Munday, March 2nd. — Examined art Fallside-Hill. Then went to Home, to be at the distribution of Captain Home's mortified money. Will came in the evening, and brought me £10 from Philip, and £3 of his own, the beginning of 1 Probably Walter Scott of Harden, who married Lady Diana . Scott, youngest daughter of Hugh, third Earl of Marchmont. Their son Hugh established his claim to the Barony of Polwarth in 1835. 372 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH [1761 a contribution he and Philip are to make to me annually, while my present family and circumstances continue, the reasonableness of which is too obvious to insist on. 1 Read part of the account of Buchannan's life and works in Ruddiman and wrought a while on my accompts. Tuesday, March 3rd. — Was at the Presbytery, where we gave some orders about the manse of Ednam. Called at Mrs. Dawson's to carry a message to her, Minna gave me in the morning. Saw W. Dickson's widow. Got payment for my barley from Wilson. Drank tea at Dr. Gibson's, who is pretty well again. Came home here between 7 and 8. Wrought a while on my accounts. Wednesday, March Uh. — Read the London (December) Magazine to an end. Read also some of Abercromby. Married in the evening John Watson's daughter to the lad Paterson of Newton Wawk-Mill. Wrought some on Buchannan at night, but am beginning to think my project on him will not succeed. It would require an immense time and a supply of books that it is impossible for me in my present situation to procure. Besides, what I have executed, tho' with great labour, does not thoroughly please me. Were I shut up within the walls of a library for 3 or 4 years, with all the necessary apparatus continu- ally around me, I would not despair of being able to make a tolerable work of it, and it would almost deserve the pains, so great is the elegance of Buchanann, and so manly and just his sentiments, notwithstanding all his detractors have said against him. His mistakes indeed, partly from want of good materials, and partly from want of attention, are innumerable. Thursday, March 5th. — Read a good deal of Abercromby. Philip came in the evening. Did not expect him in such coarse weather. He' stood his journey, however, very well. Chatted away the night with him. Friday, March 6th. — W. Stevenson called in passing to Kelso, and told me that his friends at Harper-town would 1 He was keeping his mother and sister and had been very generous to his younger brothers. 1761] DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH 373 be glad that I should see the lad Thomas [Dawson], who has been very dangerously ill by a wound in one of his temples, made by a pair of horse-scissors which he fell with in his hand, about 8 days ago. Rode down immedi- ately, and saw him. Found him in a very promising way of doing well again. He has had several convulsions, in the last of which they thought he was dying, but he has been better since. . . . W. Stevenson also called, and drank tea. Will left us in the forenoon. Munday, March 9th. — Examined at Home forenoon and afternoon. Called at W. Stevenson's in returning. Nancy and Philip were there, and W. Davidson, the preacher, who had come to Stitchill to dine, and staid with us all night. Wednesday, March 11th.- — Mostly sunny, but thick sky. Wind W. to S. Rode to Ecclcs along with Philip. Dined and drank tea there. Got the History of Peg there, and read some of it at night. Thursday, March Vlth. — Read out the History of Peg, 1 which is a satire in the manner of John Bull, on the opposers of the Militia, particularly of the Scots ; not without both sense and humour. Read also some of Abercromby. My horses went to the coals, the old stock being just on the point of being exhausted. Friday, March 13th. — Rode to Coldstream along with Philip, and din d with Wilson, who is pretty well again after a long illness. Drank tea in John Ker's. Got to Twisel ^ibout 7, where we staid all night. Both old and young squire at home. They had set out on Tuesday for London and Cambridge, but after travelling 20 miles, the old man took it in his head to return. Had a great deal of talk, chiefly about the Berkeleian Philosophy, which is now, it seems, in high reputation at Cambridge, and which Blake has made himself entirely master of, which I 1 It was the rejection of the Scots Militia Bill which gave rise to the famous Poker Club, and prompted Adam Ferguson to write a pamphlet Squib, entitled The Proceedings in the case of Margaret, called Peg, only sister of John Bull. It was in the style of Swift and Arbuthnot, but hardly with their vigour. 374 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1761 have never known anybody do that was so late in life in studying it. Sate up till 3. Saturday, March 14Z/&. — Staid at Twisel till after 4 p.m. Had an agreeable walk in the forenoon, reconnoitring the old house of Twisel, and the adjacent banks of Till, which are very pleasant. He has at last fallen to work on the old house, which is to be repaired and somewhat enlarged, still preserving the Gothick form and taste. For this purpose, he has actually made a contract with Nisbet the mason, who is employed in building the new house at Paxton. The situation is remarkably lofty, and in many respects, both pleasant and commodious ; and when the plan is executed, it will be a convenient enough habi- tation the? rather below the proportion of the estate. 1 Got home betwixt 7 and 8 in a very pleasant evening. Munday, March 16th. — Was at Home seeing many sick. Wrought a little in the garden. Dr. Miller drank tea with us. Read a little of Abercromby, and at night drew up a short narrative of the affair of James Mcllwraith and Mary Leitch, for the committee which was appointed by last Presbytery to meet at Mr. Lundy's about that affair to-morrow. Tuesday, March 17th. — Walked to Kelso, my horses being at the coals. Called at Mr. Dawson's in passing. Dined at Maxwell-heugh, where were also Messrs. Pollock, Robert Turnbull, McDougall, and Lundy. Soon dis- patched our affair. Called at Mr. Pollock's, and staid about an hour, in passing homewards. Friday, March 20th. — Much in the garden, where I planted some cabbages, and attended the mason repairing the dykes, which had several great gaps made in them by the deluge of rain in October last. Read Abercromby, Buchannan, etc. Got home the gray web, which seems to be very good cloath. Munday, March 23rd. — P.m. read historians and began to write from Buchannan and Abercromby the first events relating to Berwick, of which place I have often thought it The words in italics have been erased. 1761] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 375 might be worth while to compile a history, and in par- ticular have had serious thoughts of attempting it, since I lookt on my project on Buchannan as impracticable. 1 Wednesday, March 25th. — Read Abercromby, and wrought in the garden. Got the January Magazine and Appendix for last year, from Berwick. Read some of them. Nancy brought some pamphlets from Sir Robert's, amongst the rest Stillingfleet's Translation of the Calen- darium Florae Suecicae, and a sketch of a Flora Anglica of his own, published along with it. 2 The design of these is to trace the natural succession of the leaving, flowering, etc., of different plants, and the correspondence of other natural phenomena with these, particularly the return and singing of birds. It seems observations of this kind are to be made in France, Germany, and Italy this season, and his project in publishing this work is to procure a set of the same observations to be made in Britain, to compare with the foreign. Dr. Pringle, imagining I suppose, that Sir Robert might have the curiosity to make some of these observations, sent this pamphlet to him, but it is a thing very much out of his way. Thursday, March 26th. — Rode over along with Robert Turnbull and Lundy, according to agreement last week, to Greenlaw, where we staid all night. Collector John Home there at dinner. It is confirmed that the Earl of Bute is Secretary of State in room of Holderness. John Hume was on Tuesday at the burial of Mr. Brydon of Coldingham, 3 who died last Saturday, somewhat suddenly, tho' after long infirmity. He was 75 years old, a very good sort of man. Friday, March 27th. — Messrs. Hume, Turnbull and Lundy came over with me here to dine, and left us in the 1 This was the inception of the work by which Ridpath will be remem- bered as a historian, his History of the Borders, published by his brother Philip after his death. 2 Benjamin Stillingfleet (1702-71), botanist and author : originated the term ' bluestocking ' by his dress : wrote several botanical works. 3 Robert Brydon, minister of Coldingham, had married a daughter of his predecessor in the charge, and sister of Matthew Dysart of Eccles. 376 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1761 evening. Read some of the January Magazine and Ap- pendix to last year, evening and night. Saturday, March 28th. — Wrought in the garden. Sowed J Id. of marrow peas, and a few rouncevals. 1 Sunday, March 29th. — Excellent seed-time. Had a letter from James Allan, wherein he writes me he has declined going to Edinburgh. I make no question that he has judged better in staying where he is, but 'tis a pity he should have allowed his friends to have proceeded so far in serving him, and the thing to become so much the subject of talk. He puts his declining it on the footing of humility, which I believe is very true, but the world will, I am afraid, be scarce so good-natured as to believe it. Tuesday, April 7th. — Was at the Presbytery, where we elected our members for the Assembly without any division. There was a demand from M'llwraith of an extract of his process and of the abstract which was read from the pulpit on Sunday last, at Kelso, as it was on the preceding Sunday, here. A committee was appointed to revise the minutes of it, in order to give this extract, which is to meet at Mr. Lundy's next Munday. Was also at the Thomson's p.m. where all the batchelor brethren drank tea, and were very hearty. Called a while in the evening at Mr. Pollock's. Wednesday, April 8th. — Read several things in Keith's catalogue of Scots Bishops, and in the account of the Scots religious houses by Spotswood at the end of it, which I brought from the library yesterday. Revised also my table of the Saxon Heptarchy, which is copied from Rapin, and compared it with Tyrrel's tables, which I apprehend are not so exact, tho' at best there is much confusion and uncertainty in that branch of English History. Read some of the January and February Scots Magazines, also from the library. Thursday, April 9th. — Prepared some more paper for continuing my abrege of English History, and wrote a little more of it from Tyrrel. Was at a burial at Home p.m. Munday, April ISth. — Went to Mr. Lundy's according 1 A large variety of pea. 1761J DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 377 to appointment of last Presbytery. Only Mr. Pollock and Mr. Lundy there besides. The minutes employed us most part of the afternoon. Called forenoon and evening at Mr. Pollock's, and in the evening at Mrs. Dawson's where Minna was a good deal better. Wednesday, April 15th. — Began to write a little more of the History of Berwick. Was at Sir Robert's p.m. Will came in the evening. Read some of February Magazine and of November, which one of our carriers brought from Berwick. The latter has been long a-missing. Thursday, April 16th. — Wrote more of the History of Berwick, and read what belonged to it in Tyrrel and Abercromby. Friday, April 11th. — Read more than 100 pages of Tyrrel, who is a laborious and I suppose tolerably faithful, but a very dry compiler. Read also some of the London Magazines that came last. Sunday, April 19th.- — Sir Robert told me that there was an account at Marchmont House yesterday of the Duke of Argyle having died somewhat suddenly. 1 This vacates two great posts, for which there will be scrambling. And it is not likely that Scotland will soon see so great a man either in political interest or abilities as the Duke. Munday, April 20th. — Recreated myself with reading a volume of Swift's prose, consisting chiefly of political tracts wrote in the end of King William's, and in Queen Anne's reign. The elegance and ease of the stile of these is incomparable, and they are scarce inferior, in extensive views, just reasoning, true and lively wit, and, what I scarce believed, several of them even in candor. Made some observations on his stile, the principal ... of which arise from a study of conciseness. Tuesday, April 21st. — Went to the burial of the lad Thomas Dawson, who, tho' moving about, has never been quite well since the accident mentioned March 6. After being a-hunting last Wednesday, he fell ill, and continued 1 Archibald, third Duke of Argyll, Keeper of the Privy Seal and of the Great Seal, died in London, suddenly, while sitting in his chair at dinner, at 5 p.m. on 15th April 1761. 378 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1761 so till Saturday night when he died. He had continual vomitings, a stupor and sore head. When they examined his head after his death, there was a visible protuberance on the place where the wound had been received, which being opened, some pus came out, and below it there was a visible perforation of the skull. Since he fell last ill, by an odd neglect, this place of his head had never been looked to. The wound was never considerable, and was quickly healed up. Probably the keeping of it open, or opening the protuberance at last might have been of use. The trepan might also have been tried, for tho' the wound was probed, and no hole discovered thereby in the skull, yet there were symptoms that strongly indicated that the brain was hurt. Robert Turnbull came home with me and dined, and staid till after tea. Read some of Swift and Buchannan, the latter of whom writes as beautiful Latin, as the other does English. Wednesday, April 22nd. — Wrought a good deal in the garden, sowing peas, hoing, etc. Have had ever since last Presbytery a sore right shoulder, the effect of cold, which I have not succeeded so well as usual in removing by warmth and abstemiousness. To-day's exercise, which was pretty considerable, seems to be doing it good. Looked over a good deal of Tyrrel, and at night, read most of the historical part of the Tale of the Tub, which was almost new to me, and is a most exquisite piece of wit and good writing. Thursday, April 23rd.- — Wrought some in the garden a.m. Went in the afternoon with Nancy to see Coventry and his young wife, an awkward, mean-looking body, but they say, very rich. 1 Cawdell there, a talking man and dealer in marvels, and his wife. Two girls also staying for a while with the young wife, one of them Coventry's sister, a bonny country lass. Did not stay long. Minuted the articles relating to Berwick out of Abercromby's 1st vol. which I must return to-morrow. Got some more cold by 1 George Coventry married, in 1761, Elizabeth, daughter and co-heiress of Andrew Horn of Thomanean, in the parish of Orwell, Kinross-shire, 1761] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 379 dressing. My shoulder is not like to be well yet. Major Pringle elected to-day at Greenlaw. Friday. April 2Uh. — Frosty night. Wrought some in the garden, and transcribed most part of the Presbytery minutes I have in my hands into the Presbytery book, to have it ready for the Synod. W. Davidson from Sprouston came and staid all night. His errand was to speak to me about a sort of invitation he has to preach at Newcastle in Aiken's meeting, where Burn of Kelso had been settled assistant and successor, but has left it for a kirk he is presented to in Fife. 1 Davidson was engaged to preach for me on Sunday se'ennight, but may perhaps go over to Newcastle next week. Saturday, April 2oth. — Wrote out the Presbytery minutes. Prepared for to-morrow and wrought on a few stanzas for Culloden Club in the measure of our old anthem. Sunday. April 26th. — Lady Don and her two children in the kirk, after a very long interval. She commonly goes to Kelso Chappel, as they call it. Minna Dawson along with her. They only staid the forenoon. Munday, April 27th. — At Culloden Club, where were Sir Robert and the Major, 2 other laymen, and 6 ministers. Sate till near 8. Came home betwixt 8 and 9, along with Sir Robert and the Major. Philip and Will came, in their way to the Synod. Tuesday, April 28th. — Went to the Synod and heard part of Cupples's sermon, which was a repetition of his work at Philip's ordination. At our two dyets to-day, went through forms and read minutes. Drank tea at Mrs. Dawson's, where was Philip, Dickson, and the Miss Thompsons. Very hearty. Nancy went down with us, and I came home with her at night. The rest stayed. Wednesday, April 29th. — Having been appointed, along with T. McDougall, to revise the Presbytery of Jedburgh's book, rode down to Kelso for that purpose before break- 1 James Burn, ordained by the Presbyterian Class at Newcastle as miruster of Castlegarth Meeting House, 1760, presented by George m. (his first presentee in Scotland) to the parish of Forgan in Fifeshire, 7th May 1 761. 380 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1761 fast. Made two or three remarks that gave employment to the Synod for an hour or two in the forenoon. Rose between 2 and 3. Din'd in Lundy's. Called along with James Allan at Mrs. Dawson's, where I staid and drank tea. My sw T eet girlie very anxious about her brother, 1 pre- vailed with me to stay till the new T s came, when there was nothing. Called at Mrs. Pollock's and saw Mrs. Waugh. Came up before 9 with James Allan, Philip, and William. Thursday, April 30th. — James Allan set out for Riddell after breakfast. Chatted most of the day with Philip and Will. J. Richardson of Newcastle here a while in the evening. He was at the Synod, and has since been seeing his friends about the country, Friday, May 1st. — Richardson came in the forenoon, and staid to dine. James Allan returned in the evening from Riddell. Saturday, May 2nd. — Set out for Berwick with Philip and James Allan in company. Found Cupples at home and dined with him. Drank tea at Waugh's. James set out for Eymouth, and Philip and I towards Berwick about 6 o'clock. Philip stopt at Fishwick, not being absolutely certain of supply for to-morrow, and I rode forward to Berwick, where I arrived between 8 and 9. Found all at Mr. Waite's well. Sunday, May 3rd. — Served two tables and preached in the afternoon for Henry. Monteith served two tables, and Philip (being relieved by Tait, whom Waugh sent to preach for him) other two. I received the Sacrament from Monteith, and Philip gave it him. Should not this be an omen of the approaching pe?ce of Europe ? Spent after- noon and night in Henry's, 2 where was also Gardiner, a mighty good sort of man, but very much, I am afraid, out of his place in Berwick. 1 He was serving abroad with his regiment which took part in the attempted landing at Belle Isle, where we were repulsed with considerable loss. - Robert Henry (see ante, p. 344, n. 1), at this time minister of the High Meeting, Berwick-on-Tweed, translated Goguet's Origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, 3 vols., Edinburgh, 1761. 1761] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 381 Munday, May Mh. — Philip and James Allan preached. We dined in John Nixon's, and drank tea in Mrs. Nichol- son's, where we saw poor Ben, who came home from a sort of exile of 6 or 7 years, a few weeks ago. He has an old and distressed appearance, but has been behaving with tolerable decency. Had the Doctor and T. Ruther- ford along with most of our dinner company at Nixon's at night. Tuesday, May 5th. — Called at the Mayor's in the morn- ing, and was engaged to dine with him, James Allan along with me. Philip staid at Mr. Waite's with John Waugh. They came over to us, and we also drank tea there. Called at my aunt's in the evening, and supped at the Doctor's. Wednesday, May 6th. — Called at the Town Clerk's to enquire about the Town Archives, which have been for some time taken out of his hands, and are at present in the keeping of the Recorder, and under the charge of a committee. This is owing to the Town's plea with Thomas Watson about their Royalties. He showed me, however, a list of their charters, the first of which is dated about the 20th of Edward in. Drank tea at Aunt Balderstone's. Called in the evening at the Mayor's, and paid him a ballance of £13, 10s. due since the 1754. I did not imagine it had been quite so much, but knew it could not be much short of it. Spent the evening at Mr. Waite's, where were S. Turvin and Henry. Called in the forenoon at Mr. Watson's, and sat an hour with him. Thursday, May 7th. — Breakfasted with Mrs. Turner and Cos. Mally. Drank tea in Mr. Chisholm's, and supped in the Collector's. Chisholm there, together with Philip and self. Sate pretty late. Still pretty much plagued at times with the pain in my shoulder. Felt it a good deal to-night at the Collector's. Friday, May Sth. — Called at the Collector's to enquire about the Town papers. Find it will be difficult to get a sight of them, as I am in no degree of intimacy with the Recorder. The Collector, however, promised me a sight of Lord Mansfield's paper, containing a solemn judgment of the Court of King's Bench with regard to the power 382 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1761 of that court to receive appeals in criminal causes from Berwick, and the dependence of that place on the Realm of England. Most of the day in Mr. Waite's, where my old favourite Mrs. Nealson drank tea. Supped in Gardiner's where were the Collector, Mr. Waite, Henry, Philip, and myself. Good enough company. Henry is a sensible man, but rather rough in his manners. James Allan staid in town till this morning. Saturday, May 9th. — Read last night and this morning, Lord Mansfield's paper, where there are some things worth knowing relating to the History and Constitution of Berwick. Copied out some of them a.m. Left the town about 3. Was detained 2 hours at Paxton by marrying a pair of Philip's people. Having got Wilson of Hutton- Hall to preach for him, he stays some days in town. Got home about 9. Munday, May 11th. — Journalised and look'd over Mr. Hall and S. Stanton's accounts. Read also last March magazine, which I brought from Berwick with me. Was at Queen's Cairn seeing a girl that is very ill of the meazles. W T rought also some in the garden. Tuesday, May 12th. — Read a good deal of the 1st vol. of the History of the Douglases. Sprot from Newton here p.m. The knight, lady, and children have been at Edin- burgh these 10 or 12 days. Wednesday, May ISth. — Saw John Nicol's wife, who seems to be drawing near her end by a tedious consumption. Had a pleasant wander afterwards, about the Linn, which is the most striking little scene I am acquainted with. Wrought in the garden, and read some more of the History of the Douglases, Friday, May 15th. — Read to an end the first volume of the Douglases, in which the relation of facts takes up less room than a sort of declaration and reasoning which is chiefly directed to extoll and vindicate the heroes of the work, and often in cases where they were most evidently culpable. Wrought a little in the garden. Was at the burial of W. White's wife in the evening. Saw W. Steven- son there, who told me that the presentation to Colding- i 7 6i] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 383 ham is procured to Jolly. Marchmont himself told Dr. Miller this within these few days. John Home thought he had secured it for H. Greive 1 by his own interest with Lord Bute, but if Marchmont insisted, as it seems he has done, nobody w r ill wonder that he has proved too strong for J. Home, though perhaps John himself may. It is a pity, however, that Greive should be so much disappointed. Got also a certain account that G. Bell of Todrig died of a fever last Tuesday, a very honest man, my old acquaint- ance and companion. Dr. Miller had been seeing him, but complains that they had delayed too long to seek help. Saturday, May Kith. — Prepared for to-morrow, wrought some in the garden, and sometimes attended Thomas Underwood, who was painting the windows and door. His materials failed before he had near finished them. Their being so long a-doing, made them swallow up a much greater quantity. Read also some of the 2nd vol. of the Douglases. Man day. May 18th. — Read a great deal of the 2nd vol. of the Douglases, winch is more interesting than the first. Charles at Berwick for grass seeds. He brought no news. Tuesday, May 19th. — Finished the History of the Doug- lases. The last life in it, that of Archibald, Earl of Angus, who died in 1588, is the most interesting. The author was his friend and follower, and gives a very amiable view of him. Robert Turnbull and Lundy came to dine, and staid till about 7. Read the news, but there is nothing in them. Wednesday, May 20th. — Wrote out of Hume of Godscroft, the succession and genealogy of the Earls of Douglas, some- what in the manner of Henault. They make so great a figure in the Scots History, that such a view of them must be useful. Wrought also some in the garden. Thursday, May 21st. — Cupples came here about 12 from Kelso, whicher he had been conveying the Miss Pollocks from Whitsum, and staid till 7. Wrought some in the 1 Probably Henry Grieve, who was ordained at Twynholm in 1762 and, after being in several other parishes, became minister of the Old Kirk, Edinburgh, in 1781, Moderator of Assembly 1783, and Chaplain in Ordinary to the King 1784. 384 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1761 garden a.m. Read at night some of the beginning of the Oceana, 1 a work I have not look'd into these many years. Friday, May 22nd. — Got the last of my barley harrowed, which was unluckily interrupted by the rain for these two or three days past. Wrote out the succession of the Angus family, so far as Hume goes. Will came in the afternoon. He has been examining, in order to have his Sacrament, which is to be a fortnight hence, and does not seem to be the worse of his labour. Wrought a while in the glebe, carrying stones off the barley land. Saturday, May 23rd. — Wrote more out of Hume, and returned him and Anderson in the evening by the Major's servant. Got most of my barley land stoned, by the help of some boys. Will left us about 4, and would get some of the bad night. Sprot here at tea p.m., a very sensible lad really, and much in the way of improvement. Did something for to-morrow. Munday, May 25th. — Forenoon in the garden, and read- ing some of Swift. Afternoon went to Sir Robert's, and sate till after supper. Got some franks from the Major for Mr. Pollock and self, who is to be in the country all the summer, and spoke for a place in Sir Robert's parks for my quey. Tuesday, May 26th. — Forenoon, read newspapers, was in the garden, and shaved. Afternoon, rode to Kelso to speak to Dr. Miller about Philip, from whom I had a letter yester- day, giving me an account of what he had been doing in consequence of the Doctor's directions, hitherto with very little success. Got measure taken of a coat and pair of breeches, both of which I want very much. Drank tea in Mr. Pollock's, who is not gone to* Edinburgh. The blast of last Sunday frighted him, and he is certainly much wiser to stay at home. Called at Mrs. Dawson's, and wrote to Philip and Mr. Waite. Wednesday, May 27th. — Wrought almost all the day in 1 By James Harrington (1611-77). Though a republican, he accompanied Charles 1. to the scaffold. He was a kind of seventeenth-century socialist and advocated, in his celebrated romance Oceana, the equal division of all landed property. i 7 6i] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 385 the garden, weeding, hoing, and staking pease. Read some of Goguet's History of Ancient Arts and Sciences, 1 which Charles brought up from Edrom on Munday, whither he had been conveying Peg. Observed several faults in the translation, tho' it is none of the worst. Thursday, May 28th. — Transcribed some things relating to the religious houses of Berwick and the borders out of Spotswood's account of them. Wrought also some in the garden, and read some more of Goguet at night. Friday, May 29th. — Transcribed more from the account of the religious houses. Wrought some in the garden and read more of the first volume of Goguet at night. This volume was translated by Henry, and is much freer of faults than those places of the other two that I have looked into. Saturday, May 30th. — Was early up in the morning, attending the sowing of my grass seeds which could not be done till to-day, by reason of the cold, stormy weather. Got a very good morning for the work, and gave them a slight harrowing in the evening. Prepared for to-morrow, and transcribed some more things from the account of religious houses. This evening and last, viewed the sun through a telescope. There are some very remarkable spots on his disk, the progress of which was very percep- tible from yesterday till to-day. Some near his limb on the lower part were gone, and a remarkable groupe on the upper part had come in view, since last evening. Munday, June 1st. — W T rote things from the account of religious houses, etc. Coventry, with his young wife, and the two girls here p.m. Tuesday, June 2nd.- — Rode over to Greenlaw to the burial of John Hume's servant, which came to Home kirkyard, and came home between 3 and 4. John Mack came and paid me my glebe rent. Look'd at the sun again, and still observe very distinctly the progress of 1 Anthony Yves Goguet, an ingenious French writer (1716-58). His Origine des Loix, des Arts, des Sciences et de leur progres chez les anciens peuples, was published at Paris 1758, and translated by Robert Henry into English 1 761. 2b 386 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1761 the spots. They undergo also great variations in their form and appearance. Wednesday, June 3rd. — Wrought in the garden, saw sick, and baptized a child to John Nicol whose wife was delivered in the morning several weeks before her time. The poor woman has been in the last stage of a consump- tion for a good while, and it was not little amazing that she should have had strength to bring forth a living child. It is not likely, however, that either mother or child will live long. 1 Very happy, rest of the day, with my dear girlie, who staid, helping Nancy to dress clothes. Thursday, June Hh. — Minna Dawson still here. She could not leave Nancy, who is very low-spirited, and much distrest with my mother's illness, which was very violent most of this day. Sent for in the evening to see W. Service and make his testament. Found Sir Robert with him, who afterwards sent me down a sheet of stamp' d paper and also some directions about the form of the man's will, which he got from his brother Walter. Made a scroll of it in the evening. Read at night some of Goguet's first volume, as I have done for several nights before. It is abundantly entertaining, and full of a very curious sort of learning. Friday, June 5th. — Minna and Nancy walked to Kelso a.m. and rode up again in the evening. I was with my mother almost all the day. Calculated time of sun's rising for to-morrow from Leadbetter's tables, m order to determine the time of Venus 's going off the sun's disk. Robert Turnbull came in the evening and staid all night for the sake of observing that phenomenon to-morrow. Saturday, June 6th. — Waked at 2, and rose at 3. Walked out to the Park behind the town to observe the time of sun-rising. Returned, and saw Venus about 4 in the sun's disk, a spot, to appearance, of more than an inch diameter, and then seeming to be advanced about a third of her way in the sun, waked Robert Turnbull to see her, who also saw her for some time distinctly. It grew cloudy between 1 Marginal note : — Child died this evening. i 7 6i] DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH 387 4 and 5, and I, having got little sleep, and there being little likelihood of seeing more of her, went to bed about 5 and lay till 7. Before I got up, Robert Turnbull with Nancy had seen her again for a very little time, and about 8 J Robert had a glance of her, when her disk, in going off, was about touching the western part of the disk of her sun, but it was a very transient view, and clouds hindered observing her any more. Was shaving for my Edrom journey at the time Robert saw her last. Set out after breakfast and got to Edrom about one, where Jolly and Tod preached. After sitting a while with Will, rode over to Fish wick. Sunday , June 7th. — Served two tables, and preached in the afternoon without. 1 James Allan preached within. Murray and Walter Anderson were also assisting, and W T alter had along with him one Scot, a preacher, son to Scot of Dumfries. 2 A very long work, by William's prolixity. Rode over again to Fishwick. Munday, June 8th. — Returned to Edrom, where Cupples and Dickson preached. James Allan, certainly very improperly, dined at Allan-Bank, where he had also staid on Saturday and Sunday night with the Knight, Chief Magistrate of the County, and an Elder ; at home, and yet on none of the days in the kirk. Doctor Balderstone had been dining also at Allan-Bank, and came over in the evening with James Allan to Edrom. Young Brymor called a while about the same time. Set out along with James Allan between 7 and 8, and got here about 10. My sister had come from Berwick on Saturday, which I heard at Fishwick. Minna Dawson had also been so good as to continue with them. Tuesday, June 9th. — Walked down to Kelso with my dear lassie, and carried her back again on horseback. . . . 3 1 That is, in the churchyard. 2 John Scott, afterwards minister of Twynholm, to which he was or- dained 1763 ; D.D. Edinburgh 1785 : died 1801. He was eldest son of John Scott, minister of Greyfriars, Dumfries. 3 Several following lines, probably relating to Minna, have been deleted. 388 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH [1761 At the Presbytery we appointed a visitation at Sprouston on Thursday fortnight, gave our concurrence to James Turnbull in a process he finds it necessary to commence against Clifton about the possession of his cow's grass. Mary Leitch was also there, seeking to be freed from her sentence, which was delayed till our session shall report appearances of her reformation. Wednesday, June 10th. — James Allan went away in the morning, to breakfast at Marchmont House. Journalized, and chatted most of the day with my sister. Will came after dinner, and staid all night. He is to preach at Fogo to-morrow. Friday, June Villi. — Mr. Waite came in a chaise about 10 p.m. and set out again with my sister and Nancy in company between 3 and 4. I read some of Camden, and revised some of my transcripts about Berwick and the Borders. Saturday, June 13th. — Wrought in the garden, and read some of the Origin of Arts and Sciences. 1 Had the roof of my house mended, which required about 40 slates, tho' it was completely repaired last year. But the winter was remarkably tempestuous. My mother rather better than usual. Sunday, June 14 3 8 ° and n - Robert, minister of Stow, 244-5, 343- Thomas, 9, 37, 43, 57, 63, 135, 150, 227. [a boy] dies because of an accident, 373, 377. Wilhelmina, afterwards wife of George Ridpath, xxi, 9 and n, 51, 85, 114, 151, 158, 187, 215, 217-18, 246, 252, 277, 289, 305, 307-8, 317, 327-9, 334, 337-8, 350, 358, 368-9, 372, 377, 379-8o and n, 386-7 and n, 392. William, 218, 366-7. Deans, Robert, minister of Cfailing, 312 and n. Dick, Robert, minister of Trinity parish, Edinburgh, 250-1. Dickson, a merchant in London, 297-8. Adam, minister of Duns, aftw. of Whittinghame, 21 and n. David, of Antonhill, 361 n. Wm., in Oxmuir, 72, 181 -2, 229, 326, 341, 346. Dobbie (Doby), schoolmaster in Kelso, 24, 70, 71, 80, 87, 109, 119, 144, 150, 154, 165, 198, 283, 321 and n. Dodds, Edward, 7. Edmund, 220. Dodsley's Miscellanies, 290 and n, 298 and n, 300. Don, Sir Alexander, 121, 128, 212, 226, 267, 270, 323, 334. Don, Lady, 25 and w, 191, 198, 212, 217. 270, 323, 379- Capt. Archibald, 172. Doubleday, Dr., 8 and n, 287-8, 356. Douglas, John, minister of Jed- burgh, 100 and n, 210 and n, 268. Jos., of Eddrington, 327. William, his Summary hist, and polit. of the British Settlements in North America, 53 and n, 58. Drummond, Sir William, of Haw- thornden, his History of Scotland, 86 and n, 87, 178 ; Works, 108. Dudgeon, T., 172, 349. Du Halde's History of China, 74 and n, 83. Duncan, Alexander, minister of Gordon, 160, 196, 206, 263 and n, 265, 298, 309, 329, 363. — minister of Smailholm, 78 and n, 83, 149, 151. David, minister of Stow, 190 and n, 210. Dundas, Robert, of Arniston, Lord Advocate, 96-7 and n, 184 and n, 330 and n. minister of Humbie, 304 n, 326, 393 and n. • Sir Robert, of Dunira, xx. Dunglass, 146, 149, 183, 315 and n. Dunse mineral well, 89, 91. Dupin's History, 154 and n, 157. Durham, D., 206. Dysart, Bessie, wife of Patrick Smith, 151, 267, 361 and n. David, 266 and n. Fanny, wife of Major Walter Home, 252, 303, 349 and n, 388. J-, 320. Jean, wife of David Dickson of Antonhill, 361 and n. John, minister of Coldingham, 6w, 317 and n. Mary, 198. Matthew, minister of Eccles, xvii-xix, 6 and n, 7, 25, 28, 37, 60, 76, 82, 88, 106, no, 112, 113, 125, 149-51, i59-6o, 165, 178, 192, 195-7, 207, 208, 213, 216, 239, 252, 289, 318, 320, 328, 335, 337, 350, 364- Nan, 86, 136, 140, 152, 155, 171, 178 and n, 179. Edgar, Andrew, 91, 164, 170, 245, 257, 267, 274. Richard, 274. Mrs., 390. INDEX 399 Edinburgh in 1755, 13. Foundling Hospital, 80. Edmiston, Andrew, 32, 124. Ednam, 16, 21, 37, 38, 121, 127-8, 142, 175, 177, 178, 184, 185, 198, 206, 212, 227, 311, 320, 326, 346, 363, 369, 372. Edrom, 138, 225-6, 228, 265-6, 310, 320, 356. Edward, Prince, rumour of elope- ment with a schoolgirl, 366. Eglinton, Alexander, 10th Earl of, 366 and n. Electric experiments, 25-7. Elibank, Patrick, 5th Lord, 195. Ellicot's method of correcting pendulums, 26-7 and n. Elliot, Sir Gilbert, of Minto, Lord Justice-Clerk, 189 and n. Epictetus, xiv, 46, 335, 336, 340. Erskine, Charles, of Tinwald, Lord Justice-Clerk, 189 and n. Ebenezer, founder of the Secession Church, 202 and n. Ewing, Agnes, wife of Alex. Home, minister of Stitchel, 31 «. Elizabeth, wife of John Bell, minister of Gordon, 207 n. John, of Craigton, W.S., 31 m. Fairbairn, Edward, 119, 123, 217. Mary, 217, 220. Fairholm, Adam, of Greenhill, 208 n. Fallside Hill, 297, 299. Ferdinand, King of Spain, 225 and n, 229. Ferguson, Adam, his defence of Douglas, 125 and n ; author of Proceedings in the case of Mar- garet, called Peg, 373 and n. Fergusson, Sir James, of Kilkerran, 226 and n. Ferrers, Earl, executed for murder, 313 and n, 318. Fever, treatment of, 285-7. Ficinus, Marsilius, 39 and n, Plotinus, 50. Fiddes, Catherine, wife of William Walker, minister of Mackerstoun, 45 n, 261 and n, 265. Findlater, Thomas, minister of West Lothian, 206 and n. Fishwick, 115, 121, 139, 143, 325 and n, 338. Fletcher's discourse on the Militia, in. Foote, Samuel, actor, 238 and n. j Forbes, William, Treatise on Tithes, 137 and n. Ford, Grizel, wife of Robert Dick, 251 n. James, minister of Lauder, 260 and n, 263, 279. j Fordyce, Alex., banker, 324 n. David, his Dialogues concern- ing Education, 75 and n. James, his sermon on Un- lawful Pleasures, 324 and n. Foundling Hospital at Edinburgh, 80. Fowberry, Northumberland, 148. Fragments of Ancient Poetry col- lected in the Highlands, 324, 337, 338 and n. Francis, Philip, rector of Barrow, translator of Horace, 1 and n, 4. Frisian, G., 27. Gardiner, preacher in Marlborough, 331, 344-5, 380. Genghis Khan, 259 and n, 260. George 11., 348, 351. George 111., proclamation against immorality, 351 ; changes his chaplains, 360. Gibson, Dr., 64, 163, 213. Annie, 26, 208. Glen, Alexander, minister of Kirk- ton, afterwards of Galashiels, 159 and n, 256 and n, 341. Glenelg heresy charge, 251 and n. Gloag, William, minister of Cock- pen, 393 and n. Goaterson, Katherine, 69. Goguet, Anthony Yves, author of Ancient Arts and Sciences, 385 and n, 388 n. Goldie. See Goudie. Gordon, George, £72 n, 308. Bank, Chirnside, 172 and n. Gotrie, R., operation on his tongue, 162. Goudie or Goldie, John, minister of Penicuik, 22 and n, 80, 85, 134, 202 and n, 221, 263, 295, 314, 317, 324. minister of Earlston, 191 and w, 207, 209. Grant, Jane, wife of Robert Dundas of Arniston, 97 and n. W T illiam, of Prestongrange, 189 and n. Gray, Alexander, 358. John, 136. Greaves' Pyramidographia, 122 and n. 400 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH Greenknowe, Lady, 208. Greenwood, James, his English Grammar, 203 and n. Grieve, Ben., 356. Henry, minister of Twynham, aftw. of New Greyfriars, Edin- burgh, 239 and n, 278, 383 and n. Dr. James, 322, 365 ; his translation of Celsus, 28 and n, 29, 30, 4i» 60-1, 63. Gullan, William, minister of Leger- wood, 162 and n, 191, 207. Guthrie, Henry, his Memoirs of Scottish Affairs, 179 and n. Haig of Bemersyde, 145. 389- Hairy-Heugh, 85, 190, 198, 217, 246, 269, 292-3. Hall, of Lowick, 197. Isabella, 264 and n. John, operation on, for stone, in. Sir John, 149, 264 and n, 270, 276 and n, 277 and n, 278-9, 281, 289, 306, 332, 340, 382, 391. Lady, 306, 366 and n, 369, 39i, 393- widow of Sir James Hall of Dunglass, 64 and n. Peggy, 84. T y, ' a sensible woman, when she likes,' 165. Thomas, Berwick, 111. William, 209, 264 and n, 274, 314- Halley's comet, 246 and n. Hamilton, Gilbert, minister of Cramond, 138 and n. Helen. See Selkirk, Countess of. John, Archbishop of St. Andrews, 183. Katherine. See Aberdour, Lady. Thomas, of Fala, 96 and n. William, of Bangoux, 264 n. Hanway's Travels, 81 and n, 82. Hardie, Jean, wife of John Aitchi- son, 87 n. Harper-town, 69, 207. Harrington's Oceana, 384 and n. Hart, Sally, 125 and n. Walter, minister of Bunkle, 7, 125 n. Haswell, Adam, surgeon in Jed- burgh, 201 n. Cecilia, wife of John Kennedy, 201 and n, 337 and n. Hawick, 160. Hawke destroys the Brest squadron, 290. Hawsendean, 30. Hay of Drumboot, 117. James, 1 15-16, 289. Hemlock as a cure for cancer, 356. Henry, Matthew, his Scripture Catechism, 234 and n. Robert, minister at Berwick, afterwards of New Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 344 and n, 345, 380-2, 385 and n. Hepburn, Helen, wife of John Lundie, 316 n. Patrick, minister of Ayton, 85 and «, 133 and n, 188 and n. T., 249. Heraldry, study of, 107-9. Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh, 167. Hermiston-heads, 109. Herriot, John, 94, 155, 305, 314. Mary, 84. Sandy, 126, 202, 210. Heymer, Robert, 210, 226. Highland poetry, 324, 337, 338 and n. Hill, John, apothecary, 330 and n. Hilton. See Johnston, Wynne, of Hilton. Hirsel, the, 25 and n. Hislop, Adam, 256. History of the Douglases, 382-3. Hoadley and Wilson's treatise on Electricity, 119, 121. Hogg, Alison, 147, 190-1, 259. . Richard, 256. Robert, minister of Roxburgh, 98 and n, 178, 241. Holdernesse, Robert, Earl of, Sec- retary of State, 280 and n. Holdsworth's notes on Virgil, 76 and n. Home, village of, 2 and n, 4, 7, 9. See also Hume. Mr., of St. Kitts, 274. Mrs., wife of Edward Inglis, druggist, 31 n. Alexander, minister of Abbey St. Bathans. See Hume. ■ — minister of Stitchel, 31 n. Andrew, of Otterburn, 20. son of Wm. Home, minis- ter of Fogo, 106 and n. INDEX 401 Home, Francis, M.D., author of Ex- periments on Bleaching, 56 and n, 61, 71, 116 ; Principia Medicinae, 182 and n ; and Principles of Agriculture, 116 and n. George, oi Broadhaugh, minis- ter of Chirnside, 31 and n. Grizel, wife of Andrew Jollie, 7 n, 10. Helen, wife of Alex. Duncan, minister of Smailholm, 78 n. Henry, Lord Karnes, 1 1 and n, 16 and n, 43, no n, 186 and n, 188, 282, 340, 348. James, minister of Bowden, 50 and n, 172 and n. Jenny, 160. John, collector of taxes for the Merse, 310 and n, 348, 375. minister of Athelstane- ford, and author of Douglas, xix, 7 and n, 10 and n, 13, 28, 51, 88-9, 108 and n, no and n, 1 12-13, 118-19, I2 4 w, 125-6, 166 n ; receives ^100 from the Princess of Wales, 135 ; and £100 per annum from the Prince of Wales, 136 ; his Mgis, 177 and n ; his Siege of Aquileia, 307. Margaret, wife of George Campbell, minister of Lilhesleaf, 31 m, 257 and n. Mary, wife of Robert Hogg, minister of Roxburgh, 98 n. Patrick, minister of Hutton [1679], 142, 144. Patrick [1758], 180. Polly, 208. ■ Sophia, wife of Walter Scott, minister of Westruther, 29 n. Walter, aftw. Col. 42nd High- landers, 168 and n. William, Earl of, 25, 59, 114- 115, 146, 148, 163, 179-80, 189, 193-4, 209, 228, 230, 233, 235, 282, 357. minister of Fogo, 1722- 1756, 7 and m, 21, 106 n, 186 and n. minister of Polwarth, 1735-58, and of Fogo, 1758-84. 10 and n, 21, 57, 75-6, 82, 88-9, 106 n, no, 135, 159, 163, 196-7 and n, 209, 312 ; the victim of a paternity scandal, 19-20 and n. Home Byres, 17 n, 25. Hooke, Nathaniel, Jacobite agent, his Negotiations in Scotland, 331 and n. Hooke, Nathaniel [nephew], vindi- cation of Newton's Chronology, 174 and n, 175. Hope, Dr., 311. Horn, Elizabeth, wife of George Coventry, 378 and n. Horse, price of, 70. Hoy, Chry, 339. Hume. See also Home. Alexander [Sandy], minister of Abbey St. Bathans, aftw. of Polwarth, xix, 2, 6 n, 28 and n, 45 and n, 91, 150, 164, 197, 271, 316 and n. Alison, wife of Philip Ridpath, xxii. Lady Ann, wife of Sir John Paterson of Eccles, 28 and n, 258. David, philosopher and his- torian, xiii, xvii, 118, 143-4, 2 5° > his ' collection of Atheism,' 73 ; his Essays, 319 ; his History of Great Britain, 15-16 and n, 261-2, 264 ; his Natural History of Re- ligion, 131. David, Clerk of Session, 6 «, 143, 189 and n. George, lieut. R.N., 6 n. James, minister of Bowden, 305. Jean, wife of Matthew Dysart, minister of Eccles, 6 n. John, minister of Greenlaw, xviii, 6n, 19, 28, 58, 89, 103, io6w, 114, 138, 151-2, 174, 195-6, 208, 214, 236, 239, 254, 258, 335, 364, 375- Hunter, John, 57, 59, 63, 66, 248, 290, 357- William, surgeon, 41 and n. Hurd's edition of Horace's Art of Poetry, 131 and n, 132. Hutton, settlement of, xviii and n, 51 and n, 52 and n, 55, 57,61-2, 114-15, 119, 122, 124, 142, 144, 146, 148-9, 170, 175-6, 180, 183, 184, 188-9, 192, 194, 209, 213, 215, 227-8, 230, 233, 235-6, 241, 246, 251, 253, 283. Hutton-Hall, 65, 327, 365 and n. Huxham, John, physician, 90 and n ; his Treatise of Antimony, 60 and n. Hyde, Anne, 307 and n. Hydromel, 277 and n. Inglis, Ann, wife of Thomas Mac- dougal, minister of Mackerstoun, 282 n. 2 c 402 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH Inglis, Edward, druggist in Edin- burgh, 31 n. Innes, James, minister of Mertoun, 17 and n, 84, 130. Inoculation for measles, 259. Irish Compendium, 106-9. Jardine, John, minister of the Tron Church, Edinburgh, 134 and n. Jedburgh schoolmaster called to account for going to hear Boston, 347- settlement of, 54 and n, 55, 66, 99-100. Jeffrey, Ninian, Musselburgh, 10, 88, 334- Thomas, in Whitsum, 45 n. W., 147. Jews in Prague, 354. Johnson, Andrew, 30, 103, 1 14-15. Johnston, David, minister of Lang- ton, 196. Wynne, of Hilton, 8 and n, 51-2, 55-7, 59, 65, 78, 82, 86, 310, 365 n. Mrs., 51, 65, 310, 325. Jollie, Andrew, tailor in Edinburgh, 7 n. Jolly, John, minister of Simprim, 210 and n, 324, 383, 390. Jortin's Life of Erasmus, 332 and n, 333- Joseph, King of Portugal, attempted assassination of, 226 and n, 230-1. Kay, George, minister of Old Greyfriars, Edinburgh, 355 and n. Keith, ne'e Macleod, Mrs., projected marriage to James Allan, xviii, 211, 222, 233, 242; intrigue with Collector Temple, 295-6. — — James, field-marshal, 242 and n. Robert, his History of Scotland, 183, 186 and n, 192, 236. Kelso bridge, 66, 70, 78, 81, 82-3, 90, 178; the fall of an arch, 98, 100 ; damaged by flood, 212. Subscription Library, xiii and 6, 38-9, 165, 292-3, 296, 298-9, 355-8, 361. Kennet's Romae Antiquae Notitia, 18 and n. Ker of Etall, 158. ■ Miss, of Nisbet, 270. Abraham, minister of Nen- thorn, 10 and n, 15-16, 40, 152, I 76, 195, 207, 271-2. Ker, Andrew, 40. Barbara, wife of Francis Scott, minister of Westruther, 28 n. John, 58, 67, 90, 157, 174, 182, 203, 296, 3°9, 358, 373- Strother, of Littledean, 35 «• Robert, of Broadmeadows, 59 and n. Thomas, of Broadmeadows, 52 n. W., of Fallsidehill, 48. Walter, yr. of Littledean, 35 n. William, 176, 266, 268, 301, 312, 339, 343, 389, 392. Keysler's Travels through Germany, 142 and n, 354. Kirkland, Isobel, wife of James Ford, 260 n. Kirkwood, Elizabeth, wife of James Mason, minister of Yarrow, 232 n. Isobel, wife of Wm. Brown, minister of Maxton, 214 n. Knox's History, xiii, 217. Lahontan's Voyages to North America, 17 and n, 18. Landreth, James, 112 and n. minister of Simprin, 7 and n, 45, 75, 85, 91, 93-4, 112 and n. Langtown estate for sale, 153. settlement, 129-31. Lauder, Jean, wife of Richard Brown,ministerofLochmaben,9«. Laurie, Mr., 58. Mrs., 96, 302. Gilbert, of Crossry, minister of Hutton, 21 n. treasurer of Edinburgh, 96, 121, 139, 146, 184-5, 188, 189. James, minister of Langton, aftw. of Hawick, 20 and n, 94, 98-9, 105-6, 129 and n, 159, 172, 197, 216. Rebecca, wife of George Balderstone, 21 n. Leaping-on stone, 293 and n. Leek, Henry, 57 and n. Joseph, minister of Yetholm, 14 and n, 18, 57 and n, 124, 151, 190, 213. Lee, John, 162. Thomas, 218. Leitch, John, 311. Mary, dealt with for fornica- tion, 289-90, 293, 317, 320, 362, 369, 374, 388. INDEX 403 Leith settlement, io-ii and n. Lenf ant's Nouveau Testament, 35 and n. Libraries or reading clubs, xiii and n, 283 and n. See also under Rid- path (George). Life of Prince Eugene, 78-9. Lillie, T., 141. Lilliesleaf, 306, 319, 331. Lindsay of Pitscottie's History of Scotland, 106 and n, 107. Lisbon earthquake, 43-4, 46-8 ; conspiracy against King Joseph, 226 and n ; execution of con- spirators, 230-1. Liston, Robert, minister of Aber- dour, 392 and n. Lockhart, Alexander, lawyer, 148. Logan, George, minister of Lauder, his Treatise on Government, 117 and n. Logie heritors, 249 and n. Lothian, William, 3rd Marquess, 3, 49 and n. Lottery tickets, xix, 1 16-17, I 20, 135- Love, John, rector of Dalkeith Grammar School, 118 and n. Lundie or Lundy, Allan, minister of Hutton, 142, 146. Archibald, minister of Saltoun, 209 and n, 211, 300 and n, 316 n. Cornelius,minister of Kelso,xx, 4 and n, 10, 24, 27-9, 33, 37, 40, 6°, 87i 9°, IOO > io 4» 108-11, 115, 124, 129-30, 135, 151, 153, 165-6, 170, 172-3, 188-9, 209, 212, 219-21 227-8, 243-4, 2 54> 2 56-7, 2 68, 271, 274, 298, 312, 316 n, 318, 330-1, 335-6, 339, 341, 343, 365-9, 374-7, 380, 383. Henry, minister of Trinity 1 parish, Edinburgh, 136 and n. James, minister of Hutton, 142, 144, 145-6. John, minister of Oldham- stocks, 316 and n. Robert, minister of Kelso, 4 n. Lyttleton's Dialogues of the Dead, 321 and n, 323. Macaulay, ^Eneas, minister of Applecross, 251 and n. M'Doual of Castle-Semple, 91. Macdougall, Barbara, 301 n. Col. George Hay, 301 and n. Thomas, minister of Mackers- toun, 282 and n, 293-4, 2 99» 3 OI » 304, 309, 312, 326, 346, 350, 366, 370, 374, 379, 39 2 "3- Macdowal, Andrew, of Bankton, 189 and n. Macfait, Ebenezer, 363 and w. MTlwraith, Mr., 124 ; accused of fornication, 289, 317, 320, 357, 362-3, 366, 369, 374, 376. Mack, John, 120, 249, 385. Mackenzie, James, his History of Health, 349 and n, 350-2. Mackill, Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Trotter, 37. Macleod, Mr., father of Mrs. Keith, 205, 233. Macpherson, James, his Fragments of Ancient Poetry, 324, 337, 338 and n. Macqueen, Robert, Lord Braxfield, 100 and n. Macquer's Elements of Chemistry, 227 and n. Madan, Spencer, bishop of Peter- borough, 360 and n. Mains, Chirnside, 164 and n. Man, James, an Aberdeen philo- logist, 112 n, 122. Mansfield, Lord, his paper on the history of Berwick, 381-2. March, William, 3rd Earl of, 366 and n. Marchmont, Hugh, 3rd Earl of, 19-20, 55-7, 59-60, 65, 72-3, 76, 78, 81-2, 84, 88 and n, 89, 208 and n, 213, 222, 226, 258, 272, 282, 328. Lady, 88 and n. Marie pit at Home Byres, 326. Marriages in the church, 77 and n. Marshall Meadows, 390. Marshall, Isobel, wife of Adam Murray, minister of Abbey St. Bathans, 316 and n. Mason, Alison, wife of Thomas Pollock, minister of Ednam, 3 n. G., in Hassendean, 5. James, minister of Yarrow, 6 and n, 232 and n, 389 and n. Mary, wife of John Waugh, minister of Whitsome, 3 and n. William, his Odes, 84 and n ; and Caractacus, 363 and n. Maule, Jean, dau. of the Hon. Harvey Maule of Kellie, 35 n. Mead, Richard, 41 and n ; his Monita et Praecepta Medica, 4 and n, 353 ; the Medica Sacra, 30. 404 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH Medical Essays and Observations, 150. Mellerstane fair, 81. Melrose abbey, 145, 255. bridge destroyed by a flood, 352 »• Melville, Sir James, of Hallhill, Memoirs, 107 and n, 157-8. Thomas, his Observations on Light, 89 and u. Merton, 163 and n. Meteor of November 1758, 215, 303. Middleton, laird of, 18. Militia Bill, 313. Millar, John, 252. Miller, James, 221. John, M.D., 18 and n, 26, 34, 51, 63, 86, 92-3, 105, 114, 126-7, 130, 140-1, 160, 174, 182, 195, 212, 226-7, 239, 291-2, 305, 308, 310. Philip, his Gardeners' Diction- ay y, 235 and n, 319 and n, 338 and n. Sir Thomas, of Glenlee, 238 and n, 249. Milton's History of England, 291. Minden, battle of, 264 and n, 266. Mineral well at Dunse, 89 ; at Home, 259. Moncrieff, Matthew, minister in Shetland, 12 and n. Monteith, Robert, minister of Long- formacus, 20 and n, 21, 31, 93, 95, 99-ioo, 129-30, 133, 163, 197, 279-80, 314, 328, 348, 380. Montesquieu's Lettres Persanes, 320 and n. Monthly Magazine, 239 and n. Moore, Henry, methodist preacher, 258 and n. Morebattle, 57, 109. Morhof's Polyhistor, 44 and n. Morton, James, Earl of, 390 and n. Moschus' Epitaph on Bion, 46 and n. Mow, John, of Mains, 164 n, 309, 3i5- Moyse's Memoirs, 156 and n, 159. Murray, Lady, daughter of George Baillie of Jerviswood, 253 and n, 283. Adam, minister of Abbey St. Bathans, 22 and n, 203 and n, 310 and n, 316 and n, 387. John, of Kinaldy, 17. William, of Polmaise, 343 and n. Musschenbroek's Natural Philo- sophy, 87 and n. Nealson or Neilson, Elizabeth, wife of John Goldie, minister in Berwick, 22 n, 202 and 11, 382. Ephraim, 28, 212, 322, 342 ; his Life and Philosophy of Pythagoras, 113, 114. Mary, 21, 86, 149, 151, 245. Nenthorn, 67, 84, 152, 175-6. Nepos' Life of Atticus, 42. Xether Byres, 31 and n. Newcastle, Duke of, 81, 82. New Hailes house, 143 and n. Newton Don, 25 n. Nicholson, Mrs., 137, 294-6, 314, 345, 381. Nicol, John, 241, 382, 386. Nicolson's Historical Libraries, 370 and n, 371. Nisbet, mason, 327, 374. Lord, 343. William, of Dirleton, 173 and n, 327- Nixon, John, 381. Norden's Egypt and Ntibia, 122 and n. Nugent, Richard, poet, 298 and n. Thomas, author, 336 and n. O'Brien, John, captain R.N., 333 », 34i- Mrs. See Pollock, Alison. Observations on the . . . writings of Sopho and David Hume, 16 and n, 18. Oldmixon, John, 46 ; 'a captious, wrangling fool,' 47, and a ' factious wretch, 48 ; his History of Maryland, 48. Ormiston, Dr., 369. Charles, of Hendersyde, 70 n, 83. Jean, wife of John W aldie of Berryhill, 70 n. Marion, wife of J. Home, minister of Bowden, 50. Mary, 172 n. Oxfuird, Henrietta, Viscountess of, 96 n. Oxmuir, 181, 194. Palairet's Concise Description of the English and French possessions in North America, 45 n. Palladio's Architecture by Ware, 269 and n, 270. Palmer, Susanna, wife of Tom Pollock, 323 n. Park, Mrs., 90. INDEX 405 Parliamentary History, 301 and n. Paterson, of Newton wawk-mill, 372- regimental chaplain, 172. Sir John, of Eccles, 28 and n, 3*4- John, 236, 258. Paton, Duncan, 312. William, minister of Eckford, 186 and n. Paxton's, in the Grassmarket, Edin- burgh, 167. Payne's Chronicle, 219 and n. Peagrim, Mary, wife of James Coutts of Hampton, 8 n. Pearce, Zachary, bishop of Roches- ter, 114, 359 and n ; his trans- lation of Cicero, 128-9. Pease Dean, Dunglass, 315 n. Pettie, Ehzabeth, wife of the Lord Clerk Register, 103 n. Plato's de Legibus, 302, 359, 360, 361, 363 ; Republica, 291, 293, 297 and n. Plautus' Amphitruo, 36 and n ; Aulularia and Curculio, 301 ; Mostellaria, 215. Plutarch's Lives, no. Pococke, Richard, bishop of Meath, 347 and n. Pollock, Alison, aftw. Mrs. O'Brien, 83 n, 84, 92, 123, 165, 187 and n, 323 «, 332, 333 and n, 341, 355. Allan, schoolmaster in Lon- don, 83 and n, 263. Ehzabeth [the Naiad], xxi, 200 n, 20O, 214-16, 219 and w, 220 and n, 222, 224, 228, 232, 236, 241, 260, 263, 298, 306, 309, 312, 326, 336, 370. George, in Paisley, 263. Henry, 193. Isobel, 190, 200 and n, 260, 263, 343- Mary, 241, 270. Thomas, minister of Ednam, xxi, 3 and n, 4, 9, 15-16, 20, 30, 37-8, 115, 121, 182, 255, 270, 274, 332, 346, 357, 374, 377, 389. [son], 83 and n, 84, 86, 102-3, io 7, II2 , 141, 190, 323 and n. Poly metis, 164-5, 171. Pontoppidan's Natural History of Norway, 33 and n. Postlethwaite's Dictionary of Trade \ and Commerce, 115 and n. Potts, Andrew, 37, 121, 178. Potts, Charles, 206. Robert, minister of Ettrick, 160 and 71. T., 99. Pow, Robert, bailie of Coldstream, 192 and n. Prendergast, 324 and n. Primrose, James, minister of Crichton, 138 and n. Pringle, Andrew, Lord Alemore, 10 and n, 13, 100-1, 114, 238 and n. Francis, 42 and n. M.D., 103. W.S., 301-, 305 and n, 306, 308, 311-12. Gilbert, of Torsonce, brother of Sir Robert, 58 and n, 62, 66, 209, 225 n, 282, 334, 340, 343, 346, 349, 360-2, 370-9. James, of Bowland, 128 and n, 334, 362. Sir John, physician to the king, 41-2, 61 n, 182 and n. Katherine, wife of Sir Robert Pringle of Stitchel, 2 n. Madeleine, wife of Sir John Hall, 72, 123, 158, 201, 276 and n, 277 and n, 278, 279, 281. Marion, wife of John Strother Ker of Littledean, 35 n. Mary, mother of Henry Lord Borthwick, 210 and «, 225. Peggy, 15 and n, 26, 72, 85, 90, 148, 175, 305, 315, 322, 358. Sir Robert, of Stitchel, 2 and n, 4, 7, 49, 64, 97, r«i "4, II6 , II8 , 120, 124-5, 148, 152, 175, 182, 195, 210, 238, 246, 248, 255, 260, 262, 266, 281-2, 289, 291, 301, 311, 328, 334, 340, 343, 353, 367, 37i, 375, 377, 384, 386. Miss, 72, 114, 120, 121, 123, 125, 133, 135. Mrs., 15 and n, 90, 225 and n, 360. Sophia, 208 and n. Tommy, 229. Sir Walter, of Lochtown, 103 and n. Walter, of Torsonce, 68, 84, 125 and n, 182 and n, 247-8, 278, 3I5-I6. Purves, Mrs., in Kelso, 118. Alex., 97. Lady Anne, 82 and n, 254 and n. Sir William, of Purves Hall, 25 w, 42. 2c2 406 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH Quebec taken by Wolfe, 279. Queen's Cairn, 104, 157, 382. Quintilian, 125-6, 340. Ramsay, Alex., 71, 74, 84, 170. Andrew Michael, his Discourse on Epick Poetry, 80 and n. William, 55, 212, 274, 331, 335- Rapin's Histoire d'Angleterre, 200 ; and n, 201, 203-4, 211, 215. Ray's Historia Plantar urn, 319. Redbraes, 57. Reid, George, minister of St. ' Qui vox, 12 and n. Renault's A brege Chronologique, 164. Renton, John, of Blackadder, 8, 51, 52 and n, 62, 65, 94, 283, 362. Riccaltoun, John, minister of Hob- kirk, 199 n. Robert, minister of Hobkirk, 172 and n, 199 and n. Richardson, Alexander, 65, 289. James, in Currie, 2. minister of Mackerstoun, 29 and n, 101, 196, 208, 240-1, 243, 328, 380. minister of Morebattle, 29 n, 74, 84 and n. Riddell, Esther, 306 n. Robert, minister of Lilliesleaf, 306 and n. Ridpath, of Gladswood, 145. Misses, of Angelraw, 308. Adam, of Angelraw, 272-4, 309, 314, 3i8. Charles, 102, 293, 311, 332, 383. Elizabeth. See Waite, Mrs. George, minister of Stitchel, note on the MS. Diary, vii, ix ; account of the author, ix ; his wide reading, xi-xiv ; his love of medical science, mathematics, and the classics, xiv ; his amusements, xvi ; his intimate friends, xx ; his marriage, xxi ; at meetings of the ; Culloden Club in Kelso, 4, 133, 379 ; on Francis's Horace and Voltaire's State of Europe, 4 ; a< lively ordination at Abbey St. ' Bathans, 6 and n ; drinking at 1 an ordination, 8 ; his Medical Adversaria, 19 and n, 20 ; on Grieve's translation of Celsus, 1 30 ; provides his brother with j a Thesis, 43, 46-47, 53 ; in- | tends to write an Essay on I Taste, 61-62, 64; buys a horse, 70 ; collects money for the building of Kelso bridge, 81-3 ; preaches in the churchyard at Eyemouth, 85 ; a convivial meeting with Hamilton of Fala, 96 ; dines with Macqueen of Braxfield, 100 and n; invests in tickets for the guinea lottery in the hope of paying his debts, xix, 116-17, 120, 135 ; on the clerical persecutors of Home's Douglas, 118 ; criticism of Aber- cromby's Martial Achievements, 119; his scheme for buying meal for the poor, 118, 121, 126, 128-9, 131, 162 ; censures James Man for his attack on Ruddiman's edition of Buchanan, 122 ; on Bower's History of the Popes, 123 ; his opinion of Douglas, 127 ; visits the Advocates' Library, xvii, 139, 142-3 ; his lottery tickets draw blanks, 161 ; at Heriot's Hospital, 167 ; finds punch makes the way more tolerable, 172 ; on the Covenanters, 179 ; convinced that marriages are made in Heaven, 205 ; preaches in the churchyard at Gordon, 207 ; in- terviews the Earl of Marchmont on the Hutton settlement, 208-9 '> revises his Euclid, 205, 211-13, 260-1, 264-5 ; high jinks with Bessie Pollock, 220-1, 224 ; on the watch for Halley's comet, 246-9 ; at a festive gathering at Edrom, 272 and n ; arranges and catalogues the books in the Kelso Library, 292-3, 296, 298-9, 355-8, 361 ; on the influence of ' salacious coquetry,' 296 ; nurses Willie Waite through a fever, x, 285-8 ; on Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments, 275 ; marries Made- leine Pringle to Sir John Hall, 277 and n, 278, 279, 281 ; preaches for 1 hour and 45 minutes, x, 322 ; on Voltaire's Candide, 322 ; pro- poses to Minna Dawson, 328 ; on Hooke's Negotiations, 331 ; on Jortin's Life of Erasmus, 332 and n i 333 I reads Apuleius, 342, 347, 349, 353-5 ; at a meeting where the Jedburgh schoolmaster was dealt with for going to hear Boston preach, 347 ; ' very gay ' at Waldie's and ' very jovial ' at INDEX 407 James Wood's, 348 ; on Arnal- dus de Villa Nova, 352 and n ; translates a portion of Boethius, 367 ; prepares for a translation of Buchanan, 368-72 ; financially assisted by Ms brothers, 371- 372 and n ; relinquishes the idea of doing anything with Buchanan, but conceives the itlea of -writing a History of the Borders, xii, 374- 375 and n, 377, 385, 388, 391. Ridpath, James, of Angelraw, 7 and n, 19, 20, 269. May, 161. Nancy, ix, xv, 5, 35, 58, 80-3, 92, 102, 165, 289, 293, 307, 311, 332, 386, 388, passim. Philip, minister of Hutton, ix, xii, 5 and n, 8, 9, 21 and n, 23-4, 50 and n, 52 and n, 56-7, 59, 65, 86, 91-3, 108-13, 124, 140, 144-5, 192, 195, 197, 204, 209, 253-4, 274-5, 298-9, 302, 309-14, 321, 338, 354- 356, 365, 370-2, 380-4, 390; pre- sentation to Hutton, 72-3, 76, 78, 81-5, 241, 244; his translation of Boethius' Consolations of Philo- sophy, xxii, 367-8 and n. William, minister of Edrom, ix, xiv, 2 and n, 5 and n, 36, 37, 43, 5i, 52, 53, 125 n, 157, 159, 187, 197, 199, 207, 245, 254, 258, 261, 265 and n, 272, 279-80, 309, 320-21 and n, 348-9, 356, 358-9, 366, 384, 387-8, 393. minister of Fogo, 258. Robert 11., 113, 117. Robertson, Mr., heritor in Ladykirk, 255, 3°o and n, 314-15. James, prof, of Oriental Languages, his Hebrew Grammar, 265 and n. John, 190. Mary, wife of Patrick Brydone, 77 n. Peter, 299. > William, historian, xi, xiii, 11 n, 143, 240 n, 241-3, 2505 his History of Scotland, 240 and n. minister of Gladsmuir, 1 1 and n. Robson, P., 369. Rochead, Mr., bailie of Edinburgh, 139- Roddam, Mary, wife of Wm. Home, 57 n. Rogers, John, minister of Hownam, 3 and n, no. Rollin's Histoire Ancienne, 181 and n. Ronald, Mary, wife of Cornelius Lundie, minister of Kelso, 4 n. Ross, David, 32. Roxburghe, Robert, Duke of, 26 and n, 293. Ruddiman, Thomas, editor of Buchanan's History, 112 and n, 117 and n, 118, 122. Runningburn, 66, 358. Ruoeus' edition of Virgil, 297 and n. Russell's Natural History of Aleppo, 93 and n, 94. Rutherford, Anne, wife of Walter Scott of Sandyknowe, 98 n. Thomas, 90, 202, 221, 244, 3H, 38i- Rutherforth's System of Natural Philosophy, 171 and n. Rutter, W., lottery agent, Edin- burgh, 156. Sage, ^Eneas, minister of Loch- carron, 251 and n. St. James's Fair, 22 and n, 23. Salmon's Universal Traveller, 54 and n. Sanadon, Noel Etienne, 1 and n, 4. Sandyknowe, xiii, 98, 99, 132, 152, 163. Sanetius, 38. Saxe's Reveries, 255 and n. Scioppius, Kasper, 38 and w. Scots Compendium, 113. Scott of Belford, 109. surgeon in Kelso, 65, 254. Francis, minister of West- ruther, 28 and n, 84, no and 135, 159, 207, 209. John, minister of Twynholm, 387 and n. Robert, of Sandyknowe, 135, 157, 214. Thomas, mimster of Cavers, 3, 11 and n, 37. Walter, 161, 281. of Harden, 371 and n. of Sandyknowe, 98 and n, 99. William, prof, of Greek in Edinburgh University, 61 and n. Selby, Captain, of Paston, 318. Mr., of Paston, 56, 57. Selkirk, Dunbar, 4th Earl of, 214 and n. Helen, Countess of, 214 and n. Service, W., 386, 408 DIARY OF GEORGE RID PATH Seton, Elizabeth, 31 ft. Sharp, Samuel, surgeon, 41 and n, 64 and n. Shaw, Dr., 105. Sherlock's Sermons , 231 and n. Shirley, William, governor of Massa- chusetts, 241 and n. Short, Alexander, 327. James, mathematician, 247 and n. Thomas, 247 n. Simpson, Janet, superintendent of Pencaitland spinning industry, 95 «• Peter, minister of Fala, 95 and n, 96, 138. Thomas, mathematician, 265 and n. Sinclair, Charles, 309. Sked, John, minister of Abbey St. Bathans, 30, 33, 120, 190, 196, 201, 213 and n, 257, 268, 338, 364, 388. Slated roofs in 1756, 91 and n. Slater, schoolmaster in Sprouston, 329 and n. Small-pox, 58, 120. Smeaton, John, engineer, 27 and n, 30, 115, 249. Smith of Quickswood, 7. Adam, his Theory of Moral Sentiments, 273 and w, 275. Archibald, death of his wife, 236. Charles, 222. wine merchant of Bou- logne, 31 ft: David, minister of Innerwick, 272 and ft. Margaret Agnes, wife of Sir John Steuart, of Allanbank, 31 n. Patrick, 361 n. Solis, Antonio de, his Conquista de Mexico, 218 and n. Somerville (Somervail), John, 8, 33, 35- Thomas, minister of Jedburgh, 156 and n. Speirs, Adam, 141. Spelman's Life of King Alfred, 61 and n. Spence, Joseph, prof, of poetry at Oxford, 76 and n ; his Polymitis, 105 and n. Spon's Voyage d'ltalie, 277 and n. Spotswood's MS. of his History, 147, 149, 154-5- Sprot, of Newton, 272, 277, 309, 321, 371, 384. Stanley, Thomas, his History of Philosophy, 34 and n ; Life of Socrates, 38-9 ; Platonick Philo- sophy, 40 ; Life of Aristotle, 42 ; Treatise on Aristotle's Logic,' 43; Chaldaic Philosophy, 44. I Stanton, J., 274. Samuel, 113, 135-6, 155, 202, 2 44, 345, 3*2. Steel, John, minister of Stair, no and n. \ Sterne's Tristram Shandy, 331. Steuart, Sir James, of Coltness, his vindication of Newton's Chrono- logy, 168 and n, 169, 174. Sir John, of Allanbank, 31 and n, 94, 100, 129-31, 222-3, 228, 250, 272. Stevenson, Alexander, Sprouston, 161. Aly, 9 and n, 80, 97, 216, 236, 291 and n, 292, 329, 345-6, 355, 357, 367- George, 259 and n. Hugh, of Montgrenan, 95 n. John, prof, of logic in Edin- burgh University, 17 and n, 18, 20, 90, 93, 150, 176, 184, 189, 191-3, 252-3, 256, 259 and n, 262, 329.. 389, 392. Margaret, wife of Thomas Turnbull, 95 n. Nelly, 253. William, of Home Byres, 9 n, 10 and n, 42, 55, 79, 102, 105, 108, 135, 152, 156, 161, 181, 190, 199, 205, 207, 226, 230, 238, 243, 257, 279, 309, 312, 355, 372. his Remarks on . . . the Limits of Acadia, 114. Mrs., of Home Byres, 87. \ Stewart, Jean, wife of John Courts, 8 n. John, son of the Earl of Both- well, 142. Stilhngfleet, Benjamin, botanist, 375 and n ; his Tracts relating to Natural History, 317 and w-319. Stitchel parish registers, 215 and n. Stobaeus, Johannes, 336 and n. Storck's Essay on the . . . Hem- lock, 356 and n. Stowe, Mrs., of Spittal, 245. Strange's engravings, 323. Stuart, Alexander, minister of St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, 11 n. 1 Suetonius, 357 and «, 358. I Sully's Memoirs, 102, 104. INDEX 409 Swift's Tale of a Tub, 378. Swinton-Quarter, 26. Syrus's Sententiae, 352 and n. Tait, Thomas, the preacher, after- wards minister of Eyemouth, 237 and n, 393 and n. Tavora, Marchioness de, execution of, 226 n, 230. Telfer (Tailfer), bookbinder and librarian, 293, 297, 299. Temple, Mr., collector of taxes, Berwick, xviii, 40, 136-7, 150, 155, 245, 294-7, 345- Billy, 92, 93, 131, 167, 296, 33 s , 344, 345- Sally, 296, 338. Sir William, his History of England, 224 and n, 234 ; Memoirs, 225 and n, 228, 230. Tennent, Agnes, wife of Andrew Chatto, minister of Morebattle, 14 n. Theriaca, 285 and n. Thompson, Nancy, 9, 86. Nelly, 152, 368. Tickell, Thomas, poet, 291 and n. Tillemont's History of the Emperors, 123. Tod, John, minister of Ladykirk, 93 n, 300, 305; 'very drunk' at an ordination at Edrom, 272 and n ; ' a distress to everybody,' 315- minister of Fogo, 93 and n. Todrig, 194. Toland's Life of Milton, 237 and n. Trotter, Alexander, minister of Edrom, death of, 221-2 and n. George, of Belchester, 58, 92. William, minister of Selkirk, 37 and n, 100, 101. Tucker, Joseph, his Essay . . . on Trade, 299 and n, 300. Tully's Offices, 359. Turnbull, George, minister of Tyn- ninghame, 95 n. Hay, 195. Helen, wife of Dr. Wallace of the New North parish, Edin- burgh, 96 n, 251 n. James, minister of Linton, 18 and n, 27-9, 33, 37, 50-1, 53-55, 108, in, 134, 141, 150, 165, 170, 173, 213, 217-18, 221, 244, 309, 314, 346, 388. Turnbull, Marion, wife of George Stevenson, surgeon in Edinburgh, 259 n, 291 n. Robert, minister of Sprouston, xx, 4 and n, 6, 7, 20, 24, 31, 35-6, 45, 47, 49-51, 56-7, 70, 83, 87, 92-3, 95 n, 96 n, 101, 103-5, 109, in, 118, 124-5, 137, 140-1, 145, M7, 152-3, 158, 160, 161, 164, 166, 173, 176, passim. Thomas, minister of Borth- wick, xx, 72, 79, 95 n, 96, 147, 168, 256, 326, 393. Turner, Mrs., 345. John, 40, 202. T., 339. Turvin, S., 381. Twizel Castle, 119, 294. Tyrrell's History of England, 301, 303 and n, 376-7. Ulloa's Voyage to South America, 278 and n, 280-1. Underwood, Thomas, joiner, 24, 39, 72, 249, 261-2, 269, 281, 343, 351, 353, 383- Universal Chronicle, 219. Valerius Maximus, 217 and n. Vinum Benedictum, 174. Virgil's Mneid, 229, 231 ; Virgil by Ruoeus, 297 and n. Voltaire's Candide, 322 ; his His- tory of Russia, 364. Vossius, Gerard Jan, 38 and n. Waite, Mr., merchant in Berwick, ix, xxi, 5 and n, 15, 22, 26, 32, 59, 74, *44, !47, 15*, 244-5, 253, 256, 272, 294, 313, 344, 382, 388. Mrs., ix, 73-4, 86, 147, 294, 325, 327, 338. — Nancy, x, 5, 7-8, 15, 74, 151, passim ; her death, 284, 318. William, 285-90, 294, 327, 357- Waldie, John, of Berryhill, 70 and n, 128, 138, 178, 210, 212, 292, 355, 361. Walker, Robert, minister of St. Giles, Edinburgh, 11 n. j William, minister of Mackers- toun, 45 n, 94, toi, 107, in, 190, 257, 261 ; his ' humorous 1 widow,' 261, 265. j Wallace's Spirit of Composition, 191. I - — - parson of Carham, 88. 410 DIARY OF GEORGE RIDPATH Wallace, George, advocate, 92, 96 and n, 97, 113, 144,147-9,176,178, 188, 194-5. 216, 298, 326, 355. Robert, minister of West St. Giles, Edinburgh, 16 n, 193 and n, 251 and n. War burton, William, bishop of Gloucester, 79 and n. Warden, John, minister of the Canongate, Edinburgh, 271 and w. Ware's edition of Palladio's Archi- tecture, 269 and n, 270. Warton's Essay on Didactic Poetry, 73 ; his edition of Virgil, 72 and n, 73, 77- Watson, Ann, mother of George Ridpath, 8. Benjamin, portrait painter, 23 and n. John, of Mains, 68, 108, 119, 175, 372. Jos., 345. Thomas, 381. Wauchope, Andrew, of Niddry, 343 and n. Waugh, John, minister of Whit- some, 3 and n, 9, 27, 30, 83, 85, 91, 162, 188, 196, 210, 221, 223, 229, 245, 257-8, 266, 268, 310, 313, 320, 369, 381, 389. Robert, minister of Hutton, 51 and n. Webster, Alexander, minister of Tolbooth parish, Edinburgh, no and n. Wedderburn, Alexander, 16 and n, 18. Wheeled carriages, xvii, xix. Whiston, Sir James, 175. White, John, minister of Liberton, no and n. Robert, in Runningburn, 66, Whitefield, George, methodist preacher, 136 and n, 139, 329. Whitehead, William, poet laureate, 214 and n. Whitewater bridge destroyed by a flood, 352 n. Whytt's Physiological Essays, 69 and n, 70, 71. Wilkie, of Foulden, 312, 313. William, minister of Ratho, 12 and n, 140. Wilkinson, Thomas, 90. Williamson, Peter, originator of the penny post, 226 and n. Wilson, Dr., 14. Alex., 56, 119, 368, 371. Andrew, author of An Essay on Autumnal Dysentery, 337 and n. Nicol, 340. William, minister of Cold- stream, 14, 22, 238, 349, 373. Sir William, a London phy- sician, 23 and n. Winchester, James, minister of Jedburgh, 29 and w. Window tax, 27 and n, 124, 127, 149, 161, 348 and n. Winram, J., 59. Winter, William, 6, 46-7, 201. Wishart, George, minister of St. Andrews, his Memoirs of Mon- trose, 181 and n. minister of the Tron, Edinburgh, 355 and n. Wolff's Architecture, 269. Wood, Mrs., of Tofts, 95, 318. Isaac, 119, 134, 138, 145, 158. James, 314, 348. John, 48. Wotton's Reliquiae Wottonianae, 268 and n. Wyndpath Ford, 189. York, Duke of, 307 and n. Edinburgh : Printed by T. and A. Constable Ltd. REPORT OF THE THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY. The Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society was held on Saturday, 18th December 1920, in DowelTs Rooms, George Street, Edinburgh, — Sir James Balfour Paul, C.V.O., LL.D., in the Chair. The Report of the Council was as follows : — The membership of the Society, exclusive of libraries, almost reaches the statutory limit of 400. Since last General Meeting, Highland Papers, vol. iii., has been issued. The St. Andrews Graduation and Matriculation Roll is in print, and will be issued as soon as possible ; the Register of the Considtations of the Ministers of Edinburgh, vol. i., is being printed. The Council finds it necessary in the meantime, owing to costs, to restrict printing. In preference to increasing indi- vidual subscriptions, the Council recommends that the member- ship be no longer limited to 400, and asks the present members of the Society to enlist the interest of their friends. Members of Council retiring by rotation are Mr. James Curie, Dr. George Neilson, and Dr. W. K. Dickson. They are recommended for re-election. The Council has received with great regret the resignation of the Secretary, Dr. Maitland Thomson, whose services to the Society and to learning can hardly be exaggerated. It is desirable that Dr. Thomson should be invited to remain upon the Council. The Council suggests that Mr. R. K. Hannay should become Secretary, to be assisted by Mr. William Angus, H.M. General Register House, to whom it is convenient that communications should be addressed. The Accounts of the Hon. Treasurer, appended in abstract, 2 show a credit balance of i?261, 15s. in November 1920. This year's revenue has practically met the expenditure. The Annual Subscription of Is. is now due, and should be paid at the head office of the Bank of'Scotland, Edinburgh. The motion for the adoption of the Report was moved by Sheriff J. R. N. Macphail and seconded by Sheriff Scott- Moncrieff. Professor Hannay, in intimating his acceptance of the Secre- taryship, said : — Dr. Maitland Thomson's resignation of the Secretaryship is an occasion on which we would desire to recognise his eminent services to the Society and to Scottish History. He will always be associated with Thomas Thomson and Joseph Robertson as one of at least three great scholars connected with the Record Office during a century of development. In the published volumes of the Register of the Great Seal he has left an enduring monument; but it is doubtful whether either the public or the Government authorities understand the full extent of his influence. No more generous or disinterested scholar ever lived. There are few contemporary works of any importance in Scottish History which do not owe a debt to his learning and industry ; and the amount of the debt has been continually obscured; not by the ingratitude of the authors but by his readiness to impart what he knew, without thought for anything but the progress of know- ledge. It is for this reason that he enjoys the affectionate admiration of all serious students. While Dr. Thomson's fas- tidious scholarship and the diffidence of mastery are apt to make public recognition abhorrent, those who are concerned with Scottish History cannot but regret that his high ideals and attainments have never elicited, apparently, even the offer of any of those distinctions which are at the command of the Government. That is nothing to Dr. Thomson : it means much to those who care for our national repute and the advancement of our learning. In any case it is now our duty, as it is our pleasure, to express with some degree of publicity the regard in which he is held. We hope that his health will permit him to continue his* congenial work and — if we may suggest it — to publish his Rhine! lectures on the Records of Scotland. The publication would be so important that we might be inclined to turn our suggestion into a demand. For Dr. Thomson's work as Secretary of this Society we are all deeply grateful. He has grudged no time or trouble : his unique learning and experience have been freely at disposal : the same generosity has marked all the assistance which he has been so ready to give. The Society has enjoyed the services of men like T. G. Law and Hay Fleming. It is proud to record some proprietary interest in Maitland Thomson. 3 ABSTRACT OF HONORARY TREASURER'S ACCOUNT OF INTROMISSIONS For Year ending l%th November 1920 Charge. L Funds at close of last Account, . . . . £262 If) 2 II Subscriptions received — 1. Members, . . . £360 3 0 2. Libraries, . . . 107 2 0 467 5 0 III. Publications sold, 15 11 3 IV. Interest on Deposit Receipts, . . . 16 11 8 Gross Receipts, £762 7 1 Discharge. I. Printing, Binding, and Issuing of Publications — 1. Balance of cost of Miscellany, vol. iii., £70 12 0 2. Highland Papers, vol. iii., . . 234 13 10 3. Early Records of University of St Andrews, paid to account, . 99 4. Register of Consultations of Minis ters, paid to account, General Printing Account, 31 8 6 31 8 11 £468 0 5 II. Miscellaneous Payments, 32 1 1 8 Carry forward, . . £500 1 2 1 4 Brought forward, . . £500 12 1 Funds at close of this Account — Sum on Deposit Receipt with Bank of Scotland, dated 21st May 1920, £100 0 0 Do. do. 16th June 1920, . 100 0 0 Sum on Current Account with Do., 65 0 5 265 0 5 £765 12 6 Less Balance due Honorary Treasurer, . . 3 5 5 Sum of Discharge, . . £762 7 1 Edinburgh, $th December 1920. — Having examined the Accounts of the Hon. Treasurer of the Scottish History Society for the year ending 12th November 1920, of which the foregoing is an Abstract, we find the same to be correctly stated and sufficiently vouched, closing with a sum on Deposit Receipt with the Bank of Scotland of ,£200, a balance at the credit of the Society's account current with the said Bank of £6$, os. 5d., and a balance due to the Honorary Treasurer of 3s. 5d. Wm. Traquair Dickson, Auditor. Ralph Richardson, Auditor. £>cotttst) ^tsrtorp £>octetp* THE EXECUTIVE. 1920-1921. President . The Earl of Rosebery, K.G., K.T., LL.D. Chairman of Council. Sir James Balfour Paul, C.V.O., LL.D., Lyon King of Arms. Council. James Curle, W.S. George Neilson, LL.D. William K. Dickson, LL.D., Advocate. J. R. N. Macphail, K.C. D. Hay Fleming, LL.D. William Angus. A. Francis Steuart, Advocate. James MacLehose, LL.D. The Right Hon. Lord Strathclyde. William Mackay, LL.D. Sir G. M. Paul, D.K.S. J. Maitland Thomson, LL.D. Corresponding Members of the Council. Prof. C. H. Firth, LL.D., Oxford ; Prof. C. Sanford Terry, Litt.D., Aberdeen. Hon. Treasurer. C. S. Romanes, C.A., 3 Abbotsford Crescent, Edinburgh. Hon. Secretary. Prof. R. K. Hannay, 14 Inverleith Terrace, Edinburgh. RULES 1. The object of the Society is the discovery and printing, under selected editorship, of unpublished documents illus- trative of the civil, religious, and social history of Scotland. The Society will also undertake, in exceptional cases, to issue translations of printed works of a similar nature, which have not hitherto been accessible in English. 2. The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Council, consisting of a Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, and twelve elected Members, five to make a quorum. Three of the twelve elected Members shall retire annually by ballot, but they shall be eligible for re-election. 3. The Annual Subscription to the Society shall be One Guinea. The publications of the Society shall not be delivered to any Member whose Subscription is in arrear, and no Member shall be permitted to receive more than one copy of the Society's publications. 4. The Society will undertake the issue of its own publica- tions, i.e. without the intervention of a publisher or any other paid agent. 5. The Society normally issues yearly two octavo volumes of about 320 pages each. 6. An Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held at the end of October, or at an approximate date to be determined by the Council. 7. Two stated Meetings of the Council shall be held each year, one on the last Tuesday of May, the other on the Tues- day preceding the day upon which the Annual General Meeting shall be held. The Secretary, on the request of three Members of the Council, shall call a special meeting of the Council. 8. Editors shall receive 20 copies of each volume they edit for the Society. 9. The owners of Manuscripts published by the Society will also be presented with a certain number of copies. 10. The Annual Balance-Sheet, Rules, and List of Members shall be printed. 11. No alteration shall be made in these Rules except at a General Meeting of the Society. A fortnight's notice of any alteration to be proposed shall be given to the Members of the Council. PUBLICATIONS OF THE SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY For the year 1886-1887. 1. Bishop Pococke's Tours in Scotland, 1747-1760. Edited by D. W. Kemp. 2. Diary and Account Book of William Cunningham of Craig- ends, 1673-1680. Edited by the Rev. James Dodds, D.D. For the year 1887-1888. 3. Grameidos libri sex : an heroic poem on the Campaign of 1 689, by James Philip of Almerieclose. Translated and edited by the Rev. A. D. Murdoch. 4. The Register of the Kirk-Session of St. Andrews. Part i, 1559-1582. Edited by D. Hay Fleming. For the year 1888-1889. 5. Diary of the Rev. John Mill, Minister in Shetland, 1740- 1803. Edited by Gilbert Goudie. 6. Narrative of Mr. James Nimmo, a Covenanter, 1654-1709. Edited by VV. G. Scott-Moncrieff. 7. The Register of the Kirk-Session of St. Andrews. Part ii. 1583-1600. Edited by D. Hay Fleming For the year 1889-1890. 8. A List of Persons concerned in the Rebellion (1745). With a Preface by the Earl of Rosebery. Presented to the Society by the Earl of Rosebery. 9. Glamis Papers: The ' Book of Record,' a Diary written by Patrick, first Earl of Strathmore, and other documents (1684-89). Edited by A. H. Millar. 10. John Major's History of Greater Britain (1521). Trans- lated and edited by Archibald Constable. For the year 1890-1891. 11. The Records of the Commissions of the General Assemblies, 1646-47. Edited by the Rev. Professor Mitchell, D.D., and the Rev. James Christie, D.D. 12. Court-Book of the Barony of Urie, 1604-1747. Edited by the Rev. D. G. Barron. 4 PUBLICATIONS For the year 1891-1892. 13. Memoirs of Sir John Clerk of Penicuik, Baronet. Ex- tracted by himself from his own Journals, 1676-1755. Edited by John M. Gray. 14. Diary of Col. the Hon. John Erskine of Carnock, 1683- 1687. Edited by the Rev. Walter Macleod. For the year 1892-1893. 15. Miscellany of the Scottish History Society, First Volume — The Library of James vi., 1573-83. Edited by G. F. Warner. — Documents illustrating Catholic Policy, 1596-98. T. G. Law. — Letters of Sir Thomas Hope, 1627-46. Rev. R. Paul. — Civil War Papers, 1643-50. H. F. Morland Simpson. — Lauderdale Correspondence, 1660-77. Right Rev. John Dowden, D.D. — Turnbull's Diary, 1657-1704. Rev. R. Paul. — Masterton Papers, 1660-1719. V. A. Noel Paton. — Accompt of Expenses in Edinburgh, 1715. A. H. Millar. — Rebellion Papers, 1715 and 1745. H. Paton. 16. Account Book of Sir John Foulis of Ravelston (1671-1707). Edited by the Rev. A. W. Cornelius Hallen. For the year 1893-1894. 17. Letters and Papers illustrating the Relations between Charles ii. and Scotland in 1650. Edited by Samuel Raw son Gardiner, D.C.L., etc. 18. Scotland and the Commonwealth. Letters and Papers relating to the military government of scotland, aug. 1651-Dec 1653. Edited by C. H. Firth, M.A. For the year 1894-1895. 19. The Jacobite Attempt of 1719- Letters of James, second Duke of Ormonde. Edited by W. K. Dickson. 20. 21. The Lyon in Mourning, or a Collection of Speeches, Letters, Journals, etc., relative to the Affairs of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, by Bishop Forbes. 1746-1775. Edited by Henry Paton. Vols. 1. and 11. For the year 1895-1896. 22. The Lyon in Mourning. Vol. in. 23. Itinerary of Prince Charles Edward (Supplement to the Lyon in Mourning). Compiled by W. B. Blaikie. 24. Extracts from the Presbytery Records of Inverness and Dingwall from 1638 to 1688. Edited by William Mackay. 25. Records of the Commissions of the General Assemblies {continued) for the years 1648 and 1649. Edited by the Rev. Professor Mitchell, D.D., and Rev. James Christie, D.D. For the year 1896-1897. 26. Wariston's Diary and other Papers — Johnston of Wariston's Diary, 1639. Edited by G. M. Paul. — The Honours of Scotland, 1651-52. C R. A. Howden. — The PUBLICATIONS 5 Earl of Mar's Legacies, 1722, 1726. Hon. S. Erskine. — Letters by Mrs. Grant of Laggan. J. R. N. Macphail. Presented to the Society by Messrs. T. and A. Constable. 27. Memorials of John Murray of Broughton, 1740-1747. Edited by R. Fitzroy Bell. 28. The Compt Buik of David Wedderburne, Merchant of Dundee, 1587-1630. Edited by A. H. Millar. For the year 1897-1898. 29. 30. The Correspondence of De Montereul and the brothers De Bellievre, French Ambassadors in .England and Scot- land, 1645-1648. Edited, with Translation, by J. G. FoTHERINGH AM. 2 Vols. For the year 1898-1899. 31. Scotland and the Protectorate. Letters and Papers relating to the military government of scotland, from January 1654 to June 1659. Edited by C. H. Firth, M.A. * 32. Papers illustrating the History of the Scots Brigade in the Service of the United Netherlands, 1572-1782. Edited by James Ferguson. Vol. i. 1572-1697- 33. 34. Macfarlane's Genealogical Collections concerning Families in Scotland ; Manuscripts in the Advocates' Library. 2 vols. Edited by J. T. Clark, Keeper of the Library. Presented to the Society by the Trustees of the late Sir William Fraser, K.C.B. For the year 1899-1900. 35. Papers on the Scots Brigade in Holland, 1572-1782. Edited by James Ferguson. Vol. n. 16*98-1782. 36. Journal of a Foreign Tour in 1665 and 1666, etc., by Sir John Lauder, Lord Fountainhall. Edited by Donald Crawford. 37. Papal Negotiations with Mary Queen of Scots during her Reign in Scotland. Chiefly from the Vatican Archives Edited by the Rev. J. Hungerford Pollen, S.J. For the year 1900-1901. 38. Papers on the Scots Brigade in Holland, 1572-1782. Edited by James Ferguson. Vol. in. 39. The Diary of Andrew Hay of Craignethan, 1 659-60. Edited by A. G. Reid, F.S.A.Scot. For the year 1901-1902. 40. Negotiations for the Union of England and Scotland in 1651-53. Edited by C. Sanford Terry. 41. The Loyall Dissuasive. Written in 1703 by Sir ^Eneas Macpherson. Edited by the Rev. A. D. Murdoch. For the year 1902-1903. 42. The Chartulary of Lindores, 1195-1479. Edited by the Right Rev. John Dowden, D.D., Bishop of Edinburgh. 43. A Letter from Mary Queen of Scots to the Duke of Guise, 6 PUBLICATIONS Jan. 1562. Reproduced in Facsimile. Edited by the Rev. J. HUNGERFORD PoLLEN, S.J. Presented to the Society by the family of the late Mr. Scott, of Halkshill. 44. Miscellany of the Scottish History Society , Second Volume — The Scottish King's Household, 14th Century. Edited by Mary Bateson. — The Scottish Nation in the University of Orleans, 1336-1538. John Kirkpatrick, LL.D. — The French Garrison at Dunbar, 1563. Roberts. Rait. — De Antiquitate Religionis apud Scotos, 1594. Henry D. G. Law. — Apology for William Maitland of Lethington, 1610. Andrew Lang. — Letters of Bishop George Graeme, 1602-38. L. G. Graeme. — A Scottish Journie, 1641.* C. H. Firth. — Narratives illustrating the Duke of Hamilton's Expedition to England, 1648. C. H. Firth. — Burnet-Leighton Papers, 1648-168-. H. C. Foxcroft. — Papers of Robert Erskine, Physician to Peter the Great, 1677-1720. Rev. Robert Paul. — Will of the Duchess of Albany, 1789. A. Francis Steuart. 45. Letters of John Cockburn of Ormistoun to his Gardener, 1727-1743. Edited by James Colville, D.Sc. For the year 1903-1904. 46. Minute Book of the Managers of the New Mills Cloth Manufactory, 1681-1690. Edited by W. R. Scott. 47- Chronicles of the Frasers ; being the Wardlaw Manuscript entitled c Polichronicon seu Policratica Temporum, or, the true Genealogy of the Frasers.' By Master James Fraser. Edited by William Mackay. 48. Proceedings of the Justiciary Court from l66l to 1678. Vol. 1. I66I-I669. Edited by Sheriff Scott-Moncrieff. For the year 1904-1905. 49. Proceedings of the Justiciary Court from l66l to 1678. Vol. 11. 1669-1678. Edited by Sheriff Scott-Moncrieff. 50. Records of the Baron Court of Stitchill, 1655-1 807. Edited by Clement B. Gunn, M.D., Peebles. 51. Macfarlane's Geographical Collections. Vol. 1. Edited by Sir Arthur Mitchell, K.CB. For the year 1905-1906. 52. 53. Macfarlane's Geographical Collections. Vols. 11. and ill. Edited by Sir Arthur Mitchell, K.CB. 54. Statuta Ecclesi^e Scotican^e, 1225-1559. Translated and edited by David Patrick, LL.D. For the year 1906-1907. 55. The House Booke of Accomps, Ochtertyre, 1737-39. Edited by James Colville, D.Sc. 56. The Charters of the Abbey of Inchaffray. Edited by W. A. Lindsay, K.C., the Right Rev. Bishop Dowden, D.D., and J. Maitland Thomson, LL.D. 57. A Selection of the Forfeited Estates Papers preserved in H.M. General Register House and elsewhere. Edited by A. H. Millar, LL.D. PUBLICATIONS 7 For the year 1907-1908. 58. Records of the Commissions of the General Assemblies {con- tinued), for the years 1650-52. Edited by the Rev. James Christie, D.D. 59. Papers relating to the Scots in Poland. Edited by A. Francis Steuart. For the year 1908-1909. 60. Sir Thomas Craig's De Unione Regnorum Britannia Trac- tatus. Edited, with an English Translation, by C. Sanford Terry. 61. Johnston of Wariston's Memento Quamdiu Vivas, and Diary from 1632 to 1639. Edited by G. M. Paul, LL.D., D.K.S. Second Series. For the year 1909-1910. 1. The Household Book of Lady Grisell Baillie, 1692-1733. Edited by R. Scott-Moncrieff, W.S. 2. Origins of the '45 and other Narratives. Edited by W. B. Blaikie, LL.D. 3. Correspondence of James, fourth Earl of Findlater and first Earl of Seafield, Lord Chancellor of Scotland. Edited by James Grant, M.A., LL.B. For the year 1910-1911. 4. Rentale Sancti Andree; being Chamberlain and Granitar Accounts of the Archbishopric in the time of Cardinal Betoun, 1538-1546. Translated and edited by Robert Kerr H ANN AY. 5. Highland Papers. Vol. 1. Edited by J. R.N. Macphail, K.C. For the year 1911-1912. 6. Selections from the Records of the Regality of Melrose. Vol. 1. Edited by C. S. Romanes, C.A. 7. Records of the Earldom of Orkney. Edited by J. S. Clouston. For the year 1912-1913. 8. Selections from the Records of the Regality of Melrose. Vol. 11. Edited by C. S. Romanes, C.A. 9. Selections from the Letter Books of John Steuart, Bailie of Inverness. Edited by William Mackay, LL.D. For the year 1913-1914. 10. Rentale Dunkeldense ; being the Accounts of the Chamber- lain of the Bishopric of Dunkeld, a.d. 1506-1517. Edited by R. K. Hannay. 11. Letters of the Earl of Seafield and Others, illustrative of the History of Scotland during the Reign of Queen Anne. Edited by Professor Hume Brown. For the year 1914-1915. 12. Highland Papers. Vol. 11. Edited by J. R. N. Macphail, K.C. (March 1916.) (Note. — Origins of the '45, issued for 1909-1910, is issued also for 1914-1915.) 8 PUBLICATIONS For the year 1915-1916. 13. Selections from the Records of the Regality of Melrose. Vol. in. Edited by C. S. Romanes, C.A. (February 1917.) 1 4. A Contribution to the Bibliography of Scottish Topography. Edited by the late Sir Arthur Mitchell and C. G. Cash. Vol. i. (March 1917.) For the year 1916-1917. 15. Bibliography of Scottish Topography. Vol. ii. (May 1917.) 16'. Papers relating to the Army of the Solemn League and Covenant, 16*43-1647. Vol. i. Edited by Professor C. Sanford Terry. (October 1917.) For the year 1917-1918. 17. Papers relating to the Army of the Solemn League and Covenant, 1643-1647. Vol. ii. (December 1917.) 18. Wariston's Diary. Vol. ii. Edited by D. Hay Fleming, LL.D. (February 1919-) For the year 1918-1919. 19- Miscellany of the Scottish History Society. Third Volume. 20. Papers relating to the Highlands. Edited by J. R. N. Macphail, K.C. Third Sekies. For the year 1919-1920. 1. Register of the Consultations of the Ministers of Edin- burgh, and some other Brethren of the Ministry, since the Interruption of the Assembly, 1653, with other Papers of public concernment. Vol. 1. Edited by the Rev. W. Stephen, B.D. For the year 1920-1921. 2. Diary of George Ridpath, Minister of Stitchel, 1755- 1761. Edited by Sir James Balfour Paul, C.V.O., LL.D. In preparation. The Early Records of the University of St. Andrews, 1413- 1579- Edited by J. Maitland Anderson, LL.D. The Confessions of Babington and other Papers relating to the last days of Mary Queen of Scots. Edited by the Rev. J. H. Pollen, S.J. Register of the Consultations of the Ministers of Edinburgh, with other Papers of public concernment. Vol. 11. Edited by the Rev. W. Stephen, B.D. Projected. A translation of the Historia Abbatum de Kynlos of Ferrerius. Papers relating to the Rebellions of 1715 and 1745, with other documents from the Municipal Archives of the City of Perth. The Balcarres Papers. I DA 750 *S25 ser*3 v*2 Ridpathv George? 17l7?-i772* Diary of George Ridpath* minister of Stitchel* 1755 Bapst Library Boston College Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167