Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/torrentofportyngOOadam E5“ English ®Wt TORRENT OF RE-EDITED FROM THE UNIQUE MS. IN THE CHETHAM LIBRARY, MANCHESTER, BY LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY BY N. TRUBNER & CO., 57 & 59, LUDOATE HILL. MDCCCLXXXVII. Price Ten Shillings. Committee of Manag'ement : Director; DR. FREDERICK J. FURNIVALL, M.A. Treasurer: HENRY B. WHEATLEY, Esq. Hon. Sec.: W. A. DALZIEL, Esq., 67 VICTORIA ROAD. FINSBUEV PARK N Hon. Sec. for America : Pbof. F. J. CHILD, Harvard Coll.. Cambr., Ma.«., u’s A H. HUCKS GIBBS, M.A. S. J. HERRTAGE, B.A. Prof. E. KOLBING, P1i!d. S. L. LEE, B.A. Rev. Prof. j. RAWSON LUMBY, D.D. Rev. Prof. J. E. B. MAYOR, M.A. Prof. NAPIER, M.A., Ph.D. EDWARD B. PEACOCK, Esq. Rev. Prof. WALTER W. SKEAT, LL.D. Dr. henry sweet. M.A. Du. W. ALDIS WRIGHT, M.A. Prof. J. ZUPITZA, Ph.D. 1 id. 186 1 Is. [In print.] (With pofue?' to add Workers to their numher.') Bankers : THE UNIO N BANK OF LONDON, 2, P RINCES STREET, E.C. re,™ ed“ SubsSber '"h ^2) out of print, but will be gradual! , . «•> '*•« «- »• - *•, lo: «eSraT«rti.:'eS:‘S.'SAl;eS Kn'Fsle.v and Dr. F. J. Furuiv.H. }.V s Monarche, &c., 1.5.o2, Part I.. e«i. J. Small M 4 i t Kvfc uof l^OO-UWO, ed. Rev. O. Cockayne, it pL^F S’ r and Blancheflour. &c., ed. Rev. J. R. Lnmbv B D it TheS f J- ^'"rnivall. ’ ’ ' B ® n , ^ ^ Quinte Essence, ab. 1460-70. ed. P. J. Furnivall it Plowman, ed. Rev AV AV Skea‘ 18. Hah Meidenhad, ab 1200, ed. Rev. O. Cockavne. ‘ ly. l^yndesay s Monarche, &c., Part II.. ed .1 Sinnll AT 4 *io c.z r?- • , 22. Partenay or Lusignen, ed. Rev. AV. AV. Skeat^ ^ 2.1. Dan Michel’s Ayenbite of In wyt, 1340 ed Rev Pr 1? ATevi-ic ia„ r • . 2*. Hymns to the ATirgin and Christ : the Parliament of DeviU Srr •S: SSgloripTecll” ptose a^^^^ fmmXILTJSinS 29. Early English Homilies fab. 1220-30 A.D.). Part I. ^Edittd^bvyev Dr^AloVris .10. Pierce the Ploughmans Crede, ed. Rev. AV. AV. Skeat ^ 31. Myrc s Duties of a Parish Priest, in A'erse ah l4.‘?o a n uH i? Cunlfy*lfrtdKe\“^^^ of Keruynge, 34, ■ eX^E^Iu^^^^ itoo'l'i.t'' Patt’lr.^S; R® ^ : iisipsiss 41. William Lauder’s Minor Poems. Ed. F. J. Furnivall Ss ’ 42. Bernardus De Cura Rei Famuiiaris. Earlv Scottish Pronheeies Sm i?a t t? t. u 'ir . 43. Ratis Raving, and other Moral and Religious Pieces. Ed. .I.’r. Lumby AT A ' 3« 4t. The Alliterative Romance of Joseph of Arimatbie nr* Tiir. Tr«u. ^.^-1 A- >» 4o. Kin^ Alfred s W^est-Saxon Version of Gresrory s Pastoral Care prJifpr] fi^r^vvi o "XTct; * *4.1 Emrlish tra,nslntion. by Henry Sweet, Esq^rI S[o CoheV^^^^^^ 46. Legends of the Holy Rood, Symbols of the Passion and Cross PoS’ed Ret Dr R MorHs’ lOc ” 48* The T"ime^wv%7 ® J- ^ • H. Miirrav. 3.s. ’ ' ‘ ” 48. The Times Whistle, and other Poems, by R. C„ 1616 ; ed. by J. M. Cowper, Esq. 6s. TEXTS PKEPAPJNG. GENERAL NOTICES. The following Texts are preparing for the Original Series of the Early English Text ciety jlo-Saxon and Latin Rule of St. Benet, ed. Dr. H, Logemau. jlo-Saxon Glosses to Latin Prayers and Hymns, edited by Dr. F. Holtliausen. Anglo-Saxon Martyrology, edited from the T MSS. by Dr. G. Herzteld. fric’s Metrical Lives of Saints, MS. Cott. Jul. E 7, Part I\ , ed. Prof. Skeat, Litt.D., LL.D. the Anglo-Saxon Homilies not accessible in English editions, including those of the Vercelli MS., edited by Prof. Napier, M.A., Ph.D. 3 Exeter Book A.-Sax, Poems;, re-edited from the unique MS. by I. Gollancz, B.A. Cambr. .’arallel-text of the 6 MSS. of the Ancren Riwle, ed. Prof. Dr. E. Kdlbing. 3 Sege of Jerusalem, edited from the MSS. by Dr. F. Kopka. o Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books, edited from the MSS. by Mr. T. Austin. [At Press. ly English Verse Lives of Saints, Standard Collection, from the Harl. MS., ed. Dr. (X Horstmann. tplementary Early English Lives of Saints, ed. Dr. C. Horstmann. 5 Early and Later Festialls, ab. 1400 and 1440 A.D., ed. Dr. C. Horstmann. mas Robinson’s Life and Death of Mary Magdalene, ab. 1620 a.d. [At Press- Jlizabeth’s Translations, from Boethius, &c., edited from the unique MS. by 'SValford D. Selby. [At Press. ly English Deeds and Documents, from unique MSS., ed. Dr. Lorenz Morsbach. lin, Part IV., containing Preface, Index, and Glossary. Edited by H. B. Wheatley. wulf, a critical Text, &c., ed. Prof. Zupitza, Ph.D. ;rimage of the Lyf of Manhode, in the Northern Dialect, ed. S. J. Herrtage, B.xV. ly English Homilies, 13th century, ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. Rule of St. Benet: 5 Texts, Anglo-Saxon, Early English, Caxton, &c., ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris, ihronicle of England to 1327 A.D., in Northern verse (42,000 lines), ab. 1350 A.D., edited from the unique Gottingen MS. by M. L. Perrin, B.A. 5 May, 1888. With this, go out four Texts : the two of the Original Series for 1887, — Dr. Horstmaun’s re-edition of Henry Bradshaw’s Life of St. IVerhurglie, a.d. 1521 ; 2. Dr. )rstmann’s edition of the earliest MS. and form of the set of Saints’ lAxcs, kc., containd in e Laud MS. 108 ; 3. the third and last Text for the Extra Series, 1887, The Torrent of Portyn- le, re-edited by Dr. E. Adam (with Prof. Ivdlbing’s help) ; 4. the first Text of the Original lies for 1888 : Part I, the text and translation of Dr. Holthausen’s edition of an early 3atise on the Viees and Virtues from the Stowe MS. 240, ab. 1200 a.d. The other Original- lies Texts for 1888 will be Mr. Rhodes’s re-edition of the Anglo-Saxon Glosses and Latin xt of Bede’s Liber Seintillarum, and Mr. Harsley’s edition of Eadwine’s early 12th century mterbiiry Psalter, as to which see below. Both these texts are nearly all in type. For the Extra Series, 1888, Bullein’s Dialogue on the Feuer P*estilence, 1567, has been for a ng Avhile all in tyjie and revised ; and it Avill go out as soon as its Editors, Messrs. A. H. id Mark Bullen, allow. The second book for this year Avill be a new edition of the first nglish Anatomie of the Bod.y of Man, by Thomas Ticary, Serjeant of the Surgeons, and Chief Lirgeon to Henry VIII, Edward VI, Q. Mary, and Q. Elizabeth, five times Master of the arber-Surgeons’ Company, and Chief Surgeon to St. Bartholomew’s Hospital after its re~ •undation in 1546-7 by Henry VIII. and the City of London. No copy of the first edition of lis little book in 1548 is now known ; and therefore the unique copy of it, re-issued by the urgeons of Bartholomew’s in 1577, has been reprinted. Diligent eftbrts Lave been made to !cure all accessible details of Vicary’s life in its various aspects of — 1. ‘ a meane practise!’ at taidstone’; 2. the head Court-Surgeon for over forty years; 3. a member (1527-62) and laster of the Barber-Surgeons’ Company ; 4. the re-organiser of the recreated Bartholomew’s lospital ; and 5. a private citizen. But though fair success has attended the searches under actions 2 and 5, little has been attained under 1 ; while for 3 and 4, delay is still needful. Extra Series Bool's, 1888 . Anglo-Saxon Psalters, o Mr. D’Avcy Power has, by the kind leave of Mr. South’s widow, lent the Society Mr. South’s full extracts from the earliest Minute-Book of the Barber-Surgeons’ Company ; but the (Governors of the Company have refused to allow the printing of any of the extracts, inasmuch as Mr. Sidney Young, a member of the Company, has long been compiling its history from its records, and he does not wish any of these printed before his book is publisht, which may be some years hence. With regard to Bartholomew’s Hospital, Part I of its Records is now printing by two Officers of the Hospital ; and till their First Part is out, the Society’s book cannot be completed. This will therefore be issued in two Parts, of which the first (all now in type) will contain all Vicary’s work, with its many illustrative Documents from the Public Record Office, the Guildhall Records, the Museum MSS., &c., while in Part II will be the Notes, Indexes, and Forewords, with a Life of Vicary. Nearly all the Forewords, save the Bartholomew’s section— the old Surgeon’s life at the Hospital in 1548-62 — are in type. The New Shakspere Society has sold the Early English Text Society the right to print copies of its plates of Edward Vi’s Coronation Procession through the City of London in 1547, and Norden’s Plan of London in 1593 ; and other illustrations will be given. The Editors are th^ Director, and his son Mr. Percy Furnivall, a student of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. It is Imped that Part I of the book will be ready at once. Mr. Alexander J. Ellis has already in type over three hundred pages of Part V of his great work on Early English Pronunciation, dealing with our modern dialects. This will be issued by the Philological and Chaucer Societies jointly with the Early English Text Society ; but the date of publication must depend on the progress of the very intricate arid laborious work, and the funds of the several Societies. The Part will undoubtedly be finisht next year. Dr. Aldis Wright many years ago undertook the editing of the MS. Anglo-Saxon Psalters for the Society. As a preliminary, he copied the 12th century (?ab. 1150 a.d.) Trinity MS. of Ead wine’s Canterbury Psalter, which has transitional forms like the change of Anglo-Saxon c to cli {wyrclicnde for A. Sax. wyrcende), the weakening of full vowels in the endings, scnfullen for A. Sax. synfullan, &c. Dr. Aldis Wright also made notes of all the other Anglo- Saxon Psalters from the ninth to the twelfth century, and tentatively classified them by the Roman and Gallican versions which they respectively glos.s. Meantime Dr. Hy. Sweet edited the oldest MS., the Vespasian, in his Oldest English Texts for the Society. The next step should have been to collate six or eight Psalms from all the MSS., and see whether one or (at most) two texts, with collations, would not have sufficed for the whole body. But as l\Ir. Harsley, to whom Dr. Aldis Wright kindly handed his whole material, wanted one text printed forthwith for his Doctor’s Dissertation, leave was given for the late Canterbury Psalter to go to press ; and now the text of it is all printed. Dr. Logeman then raised the question of how' the other I^ISS. should be t:eated ; and he was authorised to prepare a Parallel- Text edition of the first ten Psalms from all the MSS., to test whether the best way of printing them would be in one group, or in two — in each case giving parts of all the MSS. on one page — under their respective Roman and Gallican Latin originals. If collation proves that all the MSS. cannot go together on successive pages, there will be two Parallel-Texts, one of the A. Sax. MSS. following the Roman version, and the other, of those glossing the Gallican ; but every effort will be made to get the whole into one Parallel-Text. This Text will be an extravagance ; but as the Society has not yet committed one in Anglo-Saxon, it will indulge in one now. And every student will rejoice at having the whole Psalter material before him in the most convenient form. Dr. Logeman and Mr. Harsley will be joint editors of the Parallel-Text. The Early English Psalters are all independent versions, and will follow separately in due course. Ancren Bhrle. Jieimnts. More Money wanted. Saints^ L u'er. , . 1 fT.„, nf Prof. Arbor, the books for tlie E.arly-E,.glish Exainb.atioiis of U JuZIity'TLrlr .iU be chosen “ ■ .‘“p -r’'' '‘m rowrerninting under the supervision of its Editor, Dr. KnhardMorrrs. ^ 7-r 7 f 1 vii ivrv TNI T Cnlley of Conplaiid Castle has sent a Our Jnbike Eewint Fund, for uhieh Mi. • ■ Y Mortimer I.ettor of Appeal to every Member, h.as .as yet They W. a. er Victoria Koad, Eiusbury ’’“i standard Collection of Saints’ Lives in the Corpus and Ashmole MS. 2277, AC. will repeat «« J"’ ^;;,f;oI)tndtfS ZeTgZ, that, to alone, as the first of the Series of Saints Lives. The S'n>l^<^™“ ‘‘‘J and other MSS. will form one or two separate volumes. The Glossaiy to the . Iclln of the sources, and of the relation of the MSS. to one another. Ac., will put in a final volume. Trevisas eimlishing of BarlMmm dc ProprMa- taking. Dr. Holthauseii has kindly said that he will probably ed t ^ is: rci. o. •> «» a. r.,. I;.—.. I^IS Vices and Virtues, will probably be ready in Jannaiy.^ Society has ouist depend on when any editor of one of J^f^XaC last page of the a Part or the whole of it ready for issue. Lists of these Woiks ^-::r::r::r::;::7anbe„ « :;:T:rniust „ot occur agam. H it can possibly Mr. Harsliy is prepari.i. a new edUioii, ^"XiiVvetemHorn^ “TV made by Prof. «. TMtausi. i other Societies. Shahsx)ere Quarto Facsimites.. OTHER SOCIETIES. Ip'ljcllf, founded by Dr. Furnivall in 1882, for the printing of all AVyclifs Latin MSS. See., J. H. Standerwick, General Post Office, London, E.C. One Guinea a year. Hon. Chaucer, founded by Dr. Furnivall in 1868, to print all the best Chaucer MSS., &c. Editor in Chief, F. J. Furnivall. Hon. Sec., W. A. Dalziel, 67, Victoria Road, Finsbury Park, N. Subscription, Two Guineas a year. Shalcspere, founded by Dr. Furnivall in 1873, to promote the intelligent study of Shakspere, and to print his AVorks in their original Spelling, with illustrative Treatises, President, Robert Browning. Director, F. J. Furnivall. Hon. See., K. Grahame, 65, Chelsea Gardens, Chelsea Bridge Road, London, S.AV. Subscription, One Guinea a year. Pallad, founded by Dr. Furnivall in 1868, to print all Early English MS. Ballads, and reprint the Roxburghe, Bagford, and other collections of printed Ballads. Editor in Chief The Rev. J. W. Ebsworth, M.A., F.S.A. Hon. Sec., AV. A. Dalziel, 67, Victoria Road, London, IST. One Guinea a year. Shelley, founded by Dr. Furnivall in Dec. 1885, to* promote the study of Shelley’s AVorks, reprint his original editions, and procure the acting of his Cenci. Chairman of Committee, AV. M. Rossetti. Hon. Sec., T. J. AATse, 127, Devonshire Road, Holloway, London, H. Subscription, One Guinea a year. Browning, founded by Dr. Furnivall and Miss Hickey in 1881, for the study and discussion of Robert Browning’s AVorks, print Papers on them, illustrations of them, and to procure the performance of the poet’s plays. President, Dr. Furnivall. Hon. Sec., AV. B. Slater, 249, Camden Road, London, N. Subscription, One Guinea a year. Philological, founded in 1842, to investigate the Structure, Affinities, and the History of Languages. Hon. Sec., F. J. Furnivall, 3, St. George’s Sq., Primrose Hill, London, N.AV. One Guinea entrance, and one a year. Parts L, II., and III. of the Society’s New English Dictionary, for which material has been collecting for 30 years, have lately been issued, edited by Dr. J. A. H. Murray, and publisht by the Clarendon Press, Oxford. Part I A" (nearly ready) will complete vol. i. (A-B), and start vol. ii. (C-D). Mr. Henry Bradley is now joint Editor, and has begun vol. iii. with E. JFagner, to promote the study of his Musical and other works, and the performance of his Operas at Bayreuth. Hon. Sec. for England, B. L. Mosley, 55, Tavistock Square, London, AV.C. Subscription, Ten Shillings a year. Shakspere Quarto Facsimiles, issued under the superintendence of Dr. Furnivall, 105. 6d. each, or 65. if the whole series of forty-three is taken, edited by F. J. Furnivall, Prof. Dowden, Mr. P. A. Daniel, Mr. H. A. Evans, Mr. Arthur Symons, Mr. T. Tyler, and other Shakspere scholars. B. Quaritch, 15, Piccadilly, London, AV. (Thirty-five Fac- similes have been published, and eight more will be ready soon. The Series will be completed in 1888.) IOFoiii[cnt uf |^ortnii|iuli[. (^nrlji ($nglrslj ®cvt (£dra ^mcs, No. li. 1887. BERLIN ; NEW YORK; PHILADELPHIA ; ASHER & CO., 5, UNTER DEN LINDEN. C. SCRIBNER & CO.; LEYPOLDT & HOLT. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. BOSTON G0LLB(3£ .C51ESTNU® HILL, MMk TORRENT OF PORTYNGALE. re-p:dited FKOM THE UNIQUE US. IN THE CHETHAM LIBRARY, ]\tANCHESTER, BY E. ADAM, Ph.D. LONDON: PUBLISIIT FOR THE EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY BY N. TRUBNER & CO., 57 & 59, LUDGATE HILL. MDCCCLXXXVII. DEDICATED TO MY TEACHEE AND HELPED, PROF. E. KOLBING, Ph.D. Series, LI. RICHARD C'LAV & SONS, LIMITED, LONDON & BUNGAY, INTRODUCTION. § 1. The MS. and HalluvelVs edition^ p. V. § 2. Metre and Yerstjication, p. vi. § 3. Dialect., p. x ; short romels^ p. xi ; long vowels, p. xii ; inflexions, p. xiii. § 4. a. 'The contents of the Romance, р. xvi ; b. its character, p. xx ; с. Origin of the story of 'Torrent, p. xxi ; d. Legend of Eustache or Plasidas, p. xxii ; e. Sir Isumhras, p. xxiv ; f. Romances of Oct avian, p. XXV : g. Sir Eglamour, p. xxvi ; h. Conq)arison of Torrent and Eg- lamour, p. xxvii ; i. the 2 Romances independent, p. xxx. § 5. Arrangement of this Edition, p. xxxii. § 1. The manuscript from which the following romance of Sir Torrent of Portugal is taken, is a folio volume on paper, of the fifteenth century, preserved in the Chetham Library at Manchester. A description of this volume is given by Halliwell in his Ac- count of the European MSS. in the Chetham Library at Manchester, Manchester, 1842, page 16, and by Prof. Koelbing in his Englische Studien, vii. 195. The only edition of this romance that we have hitherto had was done by Halliwell. As he had, besides his own transcript, another copy made by Madden, his text is a pretty accurate one, and therefore the results of Prof. Koelbiug’s collation, printed in his Englische Studien, vii. 344 ft., concern, for the most part, things of little importance, except one very curious passage, 1. 88, where Halliwell renders the quite correct reading of the MS., p la more de deive = par V amour de dieu, by Pericula more he- dew\7i\c. Also, from 1. 1720, the counting of the lines is wrong by 100 lines. A few short fragments of a printed edition were found by Halli- well in the Douce Collection, Bodleian Library, Oxford, and added to his work as an Appendix. They contain the following passages of the MS. : vi INTRODUCTION. § 1. THE MS. § 2. METRE. Fragment III. = lines 462 — 489. „ II. = „ 492—520. „ VI. = „ 820—851. „ V. = „ 917—948. „ IV. = „ 949—970. „ I. =- „ 1807—1866. A seventh fragment, of which not much more than the rhyming words are preserved, was omitted by Halliwell, and was printed for the first time in Prof. Koelbing’s collation. This Chetham MS. contains the romance in a very debased and corrupt form, so that the original reading in many passages can hardly be recognized. ^ The scribe, who copied the poem from an older MS., lived (no doubt) at a far later period than the poet; he did not therefore understand a great many old expressions, and these he used to supplant by words of his own ; he also transposed and even omitted many lines, and spoiled the rhyme, because he had not the slightest idea of the nature of the stanza in which the poem is composed. Halliwell did not trouble himself about the restoration of the true readings; he merely reproduced the traditional text, even where it would have been very easy to do more, though many passages are hopelessly corrupt; still worse is the fact, that he did not recognize the metre as the tail-rhymed twelve-line stanza, for he prints six-line stanzas. In consequence, the whole of the philological work on the text had still to be done, and a new edition was plainly necessary ; the more that this poem, though not written in the best period of romance poetry, treats of a legendary subject widely spread in the Middle Ages, and is nearly related to another poem, Syy' Eylamour of Artois. § 2. METEE AND VEESIEICATION. As I mentioned before, the romance of Sir Torrent is composed in the well-known tail-rhymed twelve-line stanza, and belongs to that class of it in which the first and the second couplets have dif- ferent rhyme-sounds (cf. Koelbing, Amis and Amiloun, p. xiv fi.). 1 Halliwell says, Preface v f. : ‘ It is very incorrectly written, and the copy of the romance of Torrent of Portugal, which occupies 88 pages of the book, contains so many obvious blunders and omissions, that it may be con- jectured with great probability to have been written down from oral recitation. INTRODUCTION. § 2. METRE AND VERSIFICATION. Vll Only the incompleteness of many stanzas, and the many defects in reference to the rhyme, can excuse Halliwell for not apprehending the character of the metre. As to the structure of the eight lines of the four couplets, each contains (or at least ought to contain) four accents, the caudee three ; hut as we, unfortunately, possess only one MS., a conclusive statement on this point is impossible. There is no doubt about the fact that neither the really incorrect rhymes nor the wanting of them can be due to the author of the poem : even when romance poetry was decaying, the poets were fairly perfect rhymers : with all deficiencies in this department, the copyists are to be charged. Consonant rhymes (s. Schipper Altengl. Metnk, p. 299) are found in Torrent in the following passages: 1. 141 rode — rode ags. rod — rad. 450 the — the ags. \>e6n — ]>e. 1558 indede — dede. 2205 lay — lay, sg. — plr. prt. Identical rhymes are frequent, especially in the caudoe : 81 stond — stond. \V1 there — there. bOOhe — hee. there — there. 2538 hlithe — Uithe. 39 take — take. 342 hold — bold, a. s. o. Assonances: 195 hoii^ — Rome. 518 undyrstond — strong. 537 name — alone. 699 yod — fotte. 758 name — tane. 896 hryng — loynd. 1257 overconv — Aragon'. 1768 ma7i> — cand. 2164 ano7i) — fome. 2544 sithe — hide. Besides the rhymes we find abundant alliteration, as in most of the Middle English Eomances. On alliteration, ef. Regel, Die alliter- ation in La 3 amon, Germ. Stud. I. 171 ; E. Lindner, The alliteration in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Essays 07i Chaucer, Pt. III., p. 197 £f. Koelbing, Sir Tristrem, p. xxxvii, and A7nis a7id A7nilou7i, p. Ixvi. Lindner as well as Koelbing has adopted Regel’s classification, and so shall I. The most frequent is two alliterative words in one verse ; they can be classed in the following way : — I. A. The same word is repeated in two succeeding lines ; v. 456 f. : Forthe sche hroivglit a whyt sted, whyt as the floioyr iri) med ; v. 618 f. : In IV quarters he hym d7'oioe, A7id euemj quarter vppon a hoive. v. 2026 f. : But ixm mto a wilde?*?zes A77iongist heests that wyld wes. v. 2465 f. ; They axid hors a7id aiines hryght, to hors6a^ went tliay in ,//ere. Viii INTRODUCTION. § 2. ALLITERATION. B. Alliterative comhlnations, one part of ivliieh is a proper name. Torrent is several times combined with the verb take ; 26 : Toivarde Injm he iakythe Torrayne ; 224 : Torrent tliether ioke the way ; 519 : Torrent ioke a dulful wey ; 2269: Whan sir Torent was iakyn^ than'^ ; 91 : Noio, he my troivthe, seyd Torent thaid ; 1161 : Alas, said 'Desone]A the Aere ; 2523 : As was Aame DesoneA ; 1906 = 1946 = 1969 : Isiary myld. To send unto her ^athanas. v. 1091 : The casteTi of Cardoii^. II. A. Words of the same root are alliterative. 133 : Torrent, on kne \\\dyd he; 671 : That on hys kne he \u\dd ; 2502: And kneZhZ on her kne; 205: Torrent kneZ//cZ on hys kne = v. 528; 881 : And kne/^rZ vppon ys kne; 1883 : She kneZZtZ doimV viipoii) her kne; 2563: Dozen'' they kneZZrZ on' her kne; 512: By Aymmzjnge of the da?/; 1158 : For her love Aid I never no Aede ; 1801 : T'hat ylke Aezle, that she hath Aone ; 1943: How she Aeiv in a ^Aight ; 2384 : Liffe and lyyelode, zvliilA 71yve; 233 : A lyon) & a lyonasse; 1671 : For to se that selly sight ; 407 : For the talles thou hast me ioltl ; 1466: And fats ialis hzjm'' iold ; 2578: Euer we wiH he at youre wiH. B. Relations in which alliterative words stand to each other according to their moaning. a. Concrete ideas are joined together because they belong to the same sphere of life. 2017 : Vjijrdus and hestis, aye woo ye he ; 113 : Tone and Tlod ; 21 : Tyng and \nyglit ; 83: And ryche mstelles in that eontre ; 251: In lond icith a hyndes iere ; 102: That iijndes iare for aye; 1094: Both at \nyght and 'knave; 584: Bothe in' iz'ethe and in ield ; 660: Stonilyng thurz'oiv krzjthe and ien' ; 1378: Both he hold and he h?/H; 2398: lyin' and lith ; 750: TytzjA and mylnjlA, lese and more; 1899: That was lord of aE that lond ; 2152 : Loo, loi'dys of euery lond ; 2375 : With maner of mzjn- stralsye ; 149 : He rezjnyd hys sied vnto a stake ; 1065 : Waijtes on the w«H gan hlowe ; 1 3 : water and wynde. h. In the same way abstract ideas are connected, so far as they belong to the same sphere of life. 460 : That Aetlie ys Aynt schalt \>ou not tliole ; 1600 : Of Aeth yaue he no Aout ; 782 = 2062; ieyer and ire; 2153: Talshode wyE haue a ioule end; 1988: Eelpe INTRODUCTION. § 2. ALLITERATION. i N and hold I Injm yeve ; 1492 : They mt and ^ony ; G83 ; Cryd hym Bane and Bee; 1303 : That he loas Bad and Bore ; 1G12 ; set Badly and Bore ; 335 : God that sofryd wonddes Bore ; 322 : Btyff and strong — 1491 = 2590 ; 1205 ; That wehyd was and wight ; 1584 : ^Yehyd and wight ; 1849: Her one chitd wohe and he-gan to wepe ; 1559: And wot ye wfiH and not wene ; 24G : Sche weppte^ as sc'he were wod. C. The grammatical relations in which the alliterative words stand to each other. a. Suhst. and adj. in attributive or predicative combinations. As hold as eny hore ; With hxoioes bro(7 and loyde ; 142 : hys hngeVi hold; 307: In a dongoii’ that ys d//??^; 82: My iayeT iorestes iellythe downe he; 209: The ieyer' iyld ; 42G : ^emyrryng ase the gl«se; 1592: good gate; 171 = 59G : the holtes hore; 1484: To an hye b//H; 1183: Bydes Bare; 154: Thowe the wey nevyr so wyklcyd were; 2054: wehyd weders ; 50G : In the wyld-some way; 535 : Wyldsoni weyes haue I went ; 2030 : She went on that wilsoni^ way. h. Verbs or adjectives combined with the adverb or substantive which contains their secondary adverbial meaning. 1478 : To be here at his hane, cf. 1G78 : That there his hane hath he; 1944: To her hirdus teas she houn\- 201 G : With hlis on euery hoiw^e ; 135: That howght hym with hys hlod ; 1045 : Thurrow the hody he gan hym here ; 1404 : To the hote they hare ; 334 : Thus he covyrd owt of care ; 27 : That Mwghtty ys in dedde, cf. 1725 ; 98 : With-oivt fere that he schold fare ; G03 = 977 ; Also fast ase he myght fare; 53G : With fyndes for to fyght ; 802: To fyght with that iyndes fere; 12G2 : That ivas grow hath grene and gay ; 1060 = 2330 : Torent he the hond he hent ; 270: That meche ys of myght; 713: That meche ivase of myght; 24: For God ys most of myght, cf. 1112: To a man off myght ; 1879 : Vp she rose agey f the rough ; 2100 : Go Bech her iii> the Bee; 2129 : And Bett hyni> oute in to the see; 2469 : That Bemely to Be were ; 126 : And Byinly ivas to Bene ; 415 : That dare I Bothely Bey ; 1170 : Torrent Bett on hym) so Bore ; 139 : Serttes, yf I hym Aepyng 'Aone ; 181 : Torrent vudyr hys Bpryt he Bprent ; 179 : But Biond styH; 2410 : He is so Biif' at euery Bioure ; X INTRODUCTION. § 2. ALLITERATION. 987 : Torrmt iii' the ^iorrope ^iod ; 1912: For no Biroke toold she Btynt ; 2060: By a iokyii^ I the teR; 2397 : Or walkyd in y\'ede ; 383 : In hys ^Ncdke ther ase he ^Yent ; 725 : And YYent fortlie on hys Yvey ; 107 : And on hys YYey gan he Yvynd ; 2030 : She \Yent on that yyUso7ii> Yvay ; 989: ale Yvyld at \Yyle ; 2088: In no v>Ise he Yvold ; 1206 : To Y^ed her to my Yvyfe ; 749 : That Yvyt ys vndyr \Yede ; 1315: AR men Yvonderid on that Yfiyht ; 33: \Yorthyest in ^Yede. c. Substantives and verbs are combined in the relation of subject and predicate. 2221: Down luielid that \^w.yght ; 854: Whether the iynd can iyght ; 2390 : There that his lady lent ; 2064 : My love 2 cas on the lent; 1219: Gret lordys to churche her led; 170: The fyndes spere B^arrythe liyme nothyng ; 84: No sto?i lettythe he Biond. d. Verbs and substantives are combined as predicate and object. 2490: his hak to Rend; 2532: That Qouth moche curtesy e ; 273: Thy Rethe than wijR he Ryght, cf. 1043: Hys Rethe to hyme ys Ryght ; 1648: Thy Reth now is Right; 2123: What Reth they %vold hym do; 161 : My lordes irethe thus to ieR; 2235 : ~Found lujm his fin off Sjght ; 1743: The Rorward ye to iidleff'ylle ; 651: He gathyred svm of hys gere ; 210 : Vpp> both his liandes he held ; 1799 : For lesu is love, that harood lieH; 1820 : Whan they led that lady ff're ; 2080: ~heve ive now that lady gent ; 1663: Ech on other laid good lode; 1495 : To god that made man ; 435 : A gret maynerey let he make ryght ; 264: To hym sche mad here mone ; 645 : He mwght Torrent soche a rowght ; 1172 : And aR to Bheverd his Bheld ; 502 : Tho he he Blrod anohle Biede ; 2482 : Torent he Btiode a stede Btxong ; 281 : I schaR the tell soche a tokyid ; 2013 : Ne YYa,nted she no woo; 115 : He that schaR Y^end soche a Yiey ; 439 : Hom-ward to YYend ther Yvey ; 2448 : And than'’ to Yvend her YYay ; 2457 : And to her logyng YYent her Yvay ; 1544: Other YYayes yf I YYend; 207 : That hathe thys YYorld to YYijld. § 3. THE DIALECT. The stanza of twelve lines was probably first employed in the north of England ; at least it would be difficult to prove the exist- INTRODUCTION. § 3. THE DIALECT. XI ence of a poem composed in this metre in the southern part of the country ; therefore it is beforehand probable that the romance of Torrent was composed either in some part of the Midlands or in the l^orth. In order to determine the dialect more precisely, we restrict ourselves to a careful consideration of the rhymes. 1. SHORT VOWELS. Old English d is (1) preserved before n and m: 744 and 788 lame — name. 927 Adryan — -jentylmane. 13 londe — wonande. 352 stond — lygand. 1128 stand — sliynand. ISM part. pres, on- ond rhyming with an unvariable -ond has been traced out until now, but 1824 ivepand — wonde (ags. ivunden) seems to be the first. 2. Changed into o. 516 rome — frome^gs,. rum — fram. 2446 7nu7i^ — done. 1190 none — shone — anon — done. 1257 ouercom — Ara- gon^. 1989 son — can (= co7i). 2040 anoii' — hone. A curious exception is 1929 grame (= greme) — Unne — lerusalem ; cf. Gate. 1. 312. O.E. e, the 7-umlaut of is preserved: 373 end — wend. 476 went — jent. 924 teA — hell. 1702 hell — DesoneVie. 1798 /efl — he~A. The past partic. of seon, segen, has been contracted into sen. 1562 sene — loene. O.E. ce has become a: 45 spahe — take. 363 ffare — hare. 726 and 876 sale — PortynggaRe. 1074 passe — loas. 1131 sale — tale. 1233 tliare — -fai^e. 1236 luas — Sathanas. 1399 care — thare. 2287 teas — alas. te has become e: 202^ wilder nes — teas. 764 dei're — clere — 20 are (ags. wcer). 1951 there — here. 328 glad (= gled) — 7'ed.d. ce has become ay by the vocalization of the following g : 25 fayne — Torrayne. 1025 may — day, 20 ey — I aye. 1071 say — day. 2029 day — way. O.E. ea becomes 0 before Id: 303 hold — hold, fold (ags./oZJe) — cold. 422 gold — mold, hold — told. ea has become a: 399 PortyngdA — hale (ags. healu). 531 care — fai''^ (ags. cearu). 1891 ffare — care. ea has become e: 1166 heheld — feld — shedd — 2 veld (ags. ivealdan). 2359 preste — hreste (ags. hearst). INTRODUCTION. § 3. THE DIALECT. xii O.E. eo has turned into e: 1166 heheld — ffdd — sheld — weld. O.E. i is preserved as i and y : 51 knyglii — nyglit. 307 dym — hym. 1783 myld — child. Only once this vowel has changed into e: 714 loret — yet. i rhymes with e\ 3 wynde — ende — levde — ffynde. O.E. 6 is unaltered: 422 gold — mold. 1122 gold — mold. O.E. u has become o : 367 dove (ags. duru) — hefor\ 765 Amyoii' — son\ 1257 ouer com — Aragon\ 1762 com'' — kyny- dome. 1801 done — sonne (ags. sumi). 2320 sonne — dungeon. O.E. the ^-umlant of has the value of 7, written i ow y : 390 kysse — iwysse. 1564 tiA — fiillefyVi, yH — tvyVi. 1740 evy'A — fulle fylle. Only once it rhymes with e\ 1484 liyA {== ^eH) — yeH — he-feA — tveVL, never with u. 2. LONG VOWELS. O.E. d is preserved in the following rhymes A a. 39 take — stroke (= strcdce, ags. strdc), spake — take. 97 sore — fare. 103 goos — takytlie (= gas — tas). 280 wakyf — tokyii' (ags. tdcen). 334 care — sore. 590 fare — wlier, hove — care. 705 fare — gere (ags. gar). 788 lame — name, hone — scliame. 834 ga — ma. 977 fare — hare, sare — cliaffare. 1143 glade — rade. 1238 Cate— -gate, had — ivott (ags. ivdt). 1251 hr od— made; cf. 1303, 1306, 1501, 1526, 1604, 1612, 1663, 1669, 1825, 1911, 2178, 2356, 2617. h. O.E. d has changed into o: 16 sone (ags. siinu) — gon. 141 rode — rode (ags. rod — rad). 195 hon (ags. hdn) — Rome. 238 wote (ags. wdt) — fote. 654 hrow^ — goo. 1062 tho — do. Cf. 1196, 1226, 1295, 1381, 1809, 1812, 1815, 2013, 2025, 2028, 2037, 2046, 2295, 2298, 2301, 2542. The result is, that in 26 cases old d is pre- served, in 22 cases changed into 6. O.E. m is turned into (1) a: 154 were — fare. 603 fare — icere. 1020 ID ere— fare. 2074 care — id are. Into (2) e. 379 dede (ags. dcM) — lied. 1047 iDere — chere. 1053 sped — lede (ags. Ideclan). 1263 stede — icede (ags, iDced). 1 The rhymes with tane and with John are not quoted, as these words occur also as tone and Johan ; they are, therefore, of no use in fixing the .sound of the a. INTRODUCTION. § 3. THE DIALECT, xiii Into (3) 0 . 1113 mone (ags. mibian) — Aragon. 1384 heffure — there — were. O.E. 6 is preserved throughout : 73 luode — good. 112 rode — hlod. Rome — kgrstendome. done — sone. Before g the vowel u resp. %o is inserted ; 145 hroioght — nowght. 279 hroioght — thowght. 2053 sought — brought. O.E. e is preserved : 123 kene — sene. 743 dede — sped, wede. 1849 loepe — slepe. 2055 grene — kene. 2458 he dene — wene. O.E. i is preserved as y: 196 tyd — syd. 325 fyve — lyve. 777 loyse — deuyce. 900 ryde — syde. O.E. u is written ou resp. oiv in the French way: 921 renowne — towyn). 978 do tone — renowne. 1425 nowe — rowe. 2634 mouth — couth. It has become o: 516 rome — frome (ags. rum— from). Cf. 2641 renown — son, O.E. ed has become e: 1929 grame — streme, Jerusalem. 2554 Jerusalem^ — streme (ags. stredm). O.E. eo has changed into e : 153 he — hee : 782 fre — he. 888 tre — crystyante. 1643 — chariie. ffree — cite. O.E. remains y.' 1361 pride — hedsyde. 1433 pryde — ryde. 1473 loyde — pride, i) or e, the 7-umlaut of eci or e, is found as e: 63 loere — here (ags. hyran). 235 here — were. 327 sted — yed, nede — sped. 408 yede — ned. 1552 stede — nede, indede. 3. THE INFLEXIONS. The plural of the substantives terminates in (1) s resp. ys : 837 ryghtys — knyghtes. 1298 stonys — nonys. (2) in n : 4:58 si on — appon. \\\Q done — shone. shone — anon, done. (3) is formed by 7-iimlaut : men 1784, 2282, but 2197 wan — men (= man). (4) has no inflexion : 651 gere — spere. 705 far — gere. 836 hend — frende, sende. 1173 ffere — yere. 1405 hend — frend. 1556 stone — gone. 2188 were — yere. 2194 here — yere. The inflexions of the adjectives have totally disappeared. The infinitive ends in -ne or n, or has no termination at all. XIV INTRODUCTION. § 3. THE DIALECT. (1) with n: 123 keiie — see (= sene). 217 ageyne — sayne. 262 fayne — slayne. 489 Mavdeleyn — seyne ; 16 sone — gon. (2) without sake — take. kynd — fynd. wake — stake. 184 so — goo. 434 Adolake — take. 1062 tho — do. 1762 me — se. The 2nd person sing, of the pres. ind. occurs only once in the rliyme, 1333 tase — thou hase, tas — gas. The 3rd person sing, of the present indicative ends in s: 187 telly s — ellys. 2317 rose — gose. 558 telly the — elles (The rhyme shows that telly s must he inserted; cf. 103 gos — takythe, and 858 gothe — toke = gas — tas.) Only once th occurs : 2047 Nazareth — gethe (ags. gced). On this remarkable form see Zupitza, Guy of Warwick, note on 1. 11075. The plural has no termination: 3 wynde — ende — lende. The subjunctive mood has no inflexions : 70 sg')ed — stede, 3rd pers. 87 hlynd — wynde, 3rd pers. 213 fyld — schyld, 3rd pers. 416 sey — may, 2nd pers. sg. 584 feld — schyld, 3rd pers. sg. 1978 saue — haue ; but observe 139 slone — none and 1839 sene — grene. The present participle ends usually in -ande {onde) : 13 londe — wonande. 127 fonde — growonde. 315 levand — bond. 352 stand — lygand. 358 vndyrstond — levand. 1128 stond — shyn- and. fayland — lond. fieand — waraunt. \ib'2 ffand — goand. 1821 lond — wepand. 1899 lond — pleyand. 2104 hond — levand. Thrice is found : 268 — diuellyng, and 2568. The gerund terminates always in ing (yng) : 1479 kyng — ryding. 1503 corny ng — kyng. 1933 ryng — lettyyig. 2509 kyng — lesyng. Observe the 2nd pers. sing, of a past tense, 1589 thou cani ) — slan), of a praeterito-praesens, 410 they — sey, thow may. 1543 away — aye, may. 2001 may — icelaway. T\\q past participle of strong verbs terminates in n: 482 syne — schene, wene — dene. 675 slayne — rayne. 800 slayne — trayne. 1292/a^?^^ — slayn). 1562 — wene. alone — slone. We don’t find one certain instance for the dropping of this n, besides 1678 and 2063 be. INTIIODUOTION. § 3. THE DIALECT. XV The past tense plural of strong verbs has the same vowel as tlie singular: 1452 They jfound (i\ ffand) — goand. 1458 began — gentihna.n. 1753 tong — dong. The 3rd pers. of the present indie, of to he = ys or es : cf. 738 Uijse — ys. 2413 ys — Raynes. Once ys is found as plural : 2524 ys — keys. The present sahjunctive is he through all persons : 208 he — me, 2nd pers. 614 he — se, 3rd pers. 884 the — hee, 3id pers. 2017 he — me, 2nd pers. plr. The infinitive he and hene : 49 tlie — hee. 483 he — see. 1643 he — charite. 903 the — hee. 1833 dene — hene. 2161 quene — he ne. 2 6 1 3 5 e w e — hene. The past tense singidar number is teas or ives : 247 alas — tease. 426 glase — was. 771 pase — wase. 1873 wyldernes — teas (= tees). The plural leere, leare, leore, as well as teas, wes : (1) 1. 402 teer — clier. 1047 teere — • chere. l^ibieere — -fere. 2586 squiet^e — ieere,here — clere. (2)603 fare — were. 2494 ware — hare, \88iheffore — there,v)ere {— leore). (3) 88i ptase — wase. \888 passe — was. (4) 2026 leildernes — teas (=z lees). 2545 teildernes — was ; cf. 1. 2584. The subjunctive mood of the past tense is were and ware, in sgl. and plr.: 225 were — dere. 235 here — were. 1696 chere — were. 2476 were — here. 154 were {— ware) — fare. 1020 wer (= ivare) — fare. 2074 care — ware. The past particijDle : 7 hedene — hen. 172 hyne — seyn. 2344 ihene — hene. 1678 he — crystiaunte. From this inquiry into the sounds and inflexions, the following conclusions can be drawn : The development of d is of no use in fixing the dialect. I7or is ea, which has become a, o, and e, to be deemed a characteristic either of the Midland or Northern dialect. Ags. ea occurs as o as early as 1250 in the Northumbrian Psalter, and 50 years afterwards in Sir Tristrem and Sir Perceval; even Eichard Eolle in his Priche of Conscience offers one instance of this change (cf. Sir Tristrem, p. Ixix f.). The development of the ags. d, which we find in 26 passages as a, in 22 as o, is remarkable. There are only a very few instances of this change in Sir Tristrem, p. Ixxi, and in the Psalter ; and this almost equal number of a- and o-rhymes proves evidently that the poem cannot belong to a Northern country. At the same time, a pro- Xvi IXTRODUCTIOX. § 4. THE STORY OF THE ROMANCE. portion like that would be impossible in a text of Southern origin. The same negative result is to be derived from the fact that Ags. y is always written y. As to the inflexions, the plurals of the substantives are formed by adding -s or -n {en), or by vowel change, or they have no in- flexions at all. As for the inflexion -t?, it only occurs in slon and slw7i, and of this very word the plural in n is to be met with even in Northern writers. The infinitives both preserve or drop tbe final rty as is the rule with the Midland dialect ; the form of the past participle with n accords with the use of the Northern writers. The present partic. ending in -and and the past tense plurals of strong verbs having adopted the vowel of the singular, agree with the North as well as with the northern districts of the Midland, in the same way as some forms of to he : plr. prs. ys and plr. prt. ivas, besides the usual forms he and are, resp. were and icare, and the contracted forms of take: 758 name — tane. 1095 gane — itane. 1825 ta—twa (cf. 231, 286, 859, 1333, 1475, 1722, 1733, 2617). The forms thou has and thou 7na.y point to the West. The inflexions of the 3rd pers. prs. sg. are 4h and -s. In the western part of the Midland we never meet with the ending th, but only with s. In Amis and Amiloun, the Eastern origin of which seems to be sure, only the inflexion -ep is found in the rhyme {Amis, p. XXX ff.). The romance of Sir Torrent seems to be the first document hitherto considered where both these forms occur, one by the side of the other. Perhaps this fact justifies us in concluding that this poem was composed in the east, but on the borders of the west, Midland. § 4. THE CONTENTS OF THE EOMANCE. Before entering on an inquiry into the sources of the romance, it may be expedient to give a short account of its contents. In Portugal once reigned a mighty king, whose name was Calamond. He had an only daughter, the fair and gentle Desonelle, who was loved by a young knight called Torrent, son of a Portuguese INTRODUCTION. § 4. TITK STORY OF THE ROMANCE. XVll count. As lie could not win her, save by distinguishing himself by valiant exploits, he undertook several adventurous expeditions. First he set out, by the order of the king, against a mischievous and dangerous giant, whom he found lying fast asleep on a hill, lie roused the giant by sounding his bugle, and challenged him to fight. Instantly a fierce combat ensued, in which the awkward giant lost his life. In the giant’s castle the young hero delivered a maiden, Eleonore, daughter of the king of Gales, from captivity, and rescued at the same time four princes, whom the giant had taken some time before and imprisoned in an iron cage. After a short rest Torrent returned into Portugal. He was kindly received liy King Calamond, and splendid festivities were celebrated in his honour. The kings of Gales and of Provence showed their gratitude by bestowing on him rich presents, among them a precious sword wrought by Waylaiid Smith. Desonelle gave him one of her fine palfreys. Calamond, however, shrewd as lie was, and envious of the hero’s fame, plotted his ruin. He caused him, by a counterfeit letter of Desonelle, to catch her a hdcon in the forest of Maudlen, which was the haunt of a dangerous giant, Kochense, and of many wild beasts. Torrent and his squire set out immedi- ately, but separated on entering the forest, to hunt in the thicket each by himself. Torrent soon encountered a huge dragon, and killed it by vehement strokes. The squire, having meanwhile fallen in with the giant, had been slain by him. The hero, called to the place by the tumult of battle, attacked the giant, and overcame him after a hard struggle. He cut off his head to bear vutli him as a trophy. He then went into the .giant’s castle, where he found a great many jewels, and a bright s>\ord called Mownpolyard. Having returned to the royal court, he ordered five priests to say masses for his squire’s soul. At this very time it happened that the king of Arragon sent messengers to the king of Portugal, in order to bring about a marriage between Desonelle and his youngest son. Calamond would not listen to the advice of his spouse, that he should no longer refuse Desonelle to Torrent, but he promised her to the prince of Arragon, and at the same time sent the hero once more against a giant, Slogus of Foulles in Calabre. Torrent departed well armed, and after a prosperous voyage arrived in Calabre. There he soon met the giant, vdio was one-eyed like the Cyclops, and bore a huge cudgel as his only weapon. Torrent threw his spear into the fiend’s eye, and thus overcame him without any long struggle. The king of Calabre graciously welcomed the hero, and largely rewarded him for the service he had rendered his country. Having returned into Portugal, Torrent heard that in a few weeks Desonelle was to be married to the prince of Arragon. Arrayed in knightly dress, he rode rigid off to Calamond’s court, and challenged his rival to fight. After a short struggle he completely vanquished his antagonist, stretching him on the ground. The next TORRENT OF PORTYNOALE. h Xviii INTRODUCTION. § 4. THE STORY OF THE ROMANCE. day, as the king, surrounded by his noble guests, banqueted in the great hall of the castle, Torrent entered with the giant’s head in his hand, and harshly demanded the king’s daughter ; he called all the lords to witness of Calamond’s perfidy. , The Emperor of Eome now interceded, and it was agreed at his suggestion that Torrent should tight once more against a giant named Cate ; if he vanquished that adversary, he should obtain Eesonelle and half Arragon. On an isle near the sea-shore the struggle began in presence of the assembled knights. Torrent struck the club out of the giant’s hand, put him to flight, and killed him as he ran away, casting stones at him. Then the Emperor decided, with the approbation of all his knights, that the hero had won both the land and the maiden. Torrent obtained Desonelle, and rejoiced in the possession of her, but no solemn marriage was performed. Twelve weeks after, he left his spouse, impelled by his venturous and ambitious mind; for the king of Norway asked him to fight against a wild giant who had carried off his daughter and was destroy- ing his castles. Torrent bade his mistress farewell, leaving her two golden rings as talismans, and set off with fifty companions. Arrived at the coast of Norway, he and his comj^anions entered a dense forest, in which a great many wild beasts lived. His companions, seized with fear, parted from him, and continued their voyage at sea. They told the king of Norway the false tale that Torrent had l)orished on shore. The king then set out himself to rescue his (laughter. Torrent meanwhile encountered a giant named Werauat, Cate’s brother, and slew him in a hard struggle, but was himself wounded. In the giant’s castle he saved Gendres, daughter of the Norwegian king, and conducted her to her father. On the road they were met by a large train of gallant knights, and were then con- voyed in triumph to the king’s court. There Torrent soon recovered from his wounds, and was amply rewarded with honours and pre- sents. He stayed above twelve months at the Norwegian court. The fa’se companions of Torrent were drowned in tlie sea by the king’s command, but one squire escaped to Portugal, and reported the tidings that Torrent yet remained in Norway. ' Soon after, as Desonelle was delivered of twins, the hatred of Calamond suddenly broke out against her. By his order, Desonelle and her two children were put to sea in a small boat ; but a favourable wind saved them from ruin, and drove the boat upon the coast of Palestine. As she, helpless, wandered about the downs, a huge dragon (griffin or gripe) api)eared, and seized one of her children, and immediately after a wild leopard dragged away the other. With submission she suffered her miserable fate, relying on the help of the Holy Virgin. The king of Jerusalem, just returning from a voyage, happened to find the leopard with the child, which he ordered to be saved and delivered to him. Seeing from the foundling’s golden ring that the INTRODUCTION. § 4. THE STORY OF THE ROMANCE. XIX cliild was of noble descent, and pitying its helpless state, he took it into his palace, and brought him up as his own son (as it were) at his court. The child was named Leobertus. The dragon or gripe with the other child was seen by a pious hermit, St. Antony, who, though son of the king of Greece, had in his youth forsaken the world. Through his pra}^er St. Mary made the dragon put down the infant; Antony carried him to his father, who adopted him and ordered him to be baptized. He was named Antony tice Greffoun (Antony, son of the griftin or gripe). Desonelle wandered up and down, after the loss of her children, till she happened to meet the king of Nazareth hunting. lie, recognizing her as the king of Portugal’s daughter, gave her a kind welcome and assistance. At his court she lived several years in happy retirement. Torrent returned at length into Portugal, not- withstanding all the entreaties of the Norwegian king that he would dwell in Norway somewhat longer. At his arrival, King Calamond took refuge in his stronghold, and greeted him from thence with scornful words. Torrent, after having summoned his friends from Arragon, Provence, and Calabre, conquered the castle, and took Calamond prisoner. The traitor was sent out to sea in a leaky boat, and perished. In his stead. Torrent was elected king by all the noblemen of the empire, and took the crown. P)Ut forty days after this, he quitted his realm, having intrusted two knights with its government, and passed to the Holy Land at the head of a large force. There he fought fifteen years against the infidels, conquered several towns, and got immeasurable treasures as booty. The king of Jerusalem, hearing about Torrent’s deeds, and anxious for his own security, sent his son Leobertus, with an army of 50,000 men, against Torrent. A pitched battle began, but it was for a long time doubtful to which side victory would incline, till at last the two chiefs encountered. The son vanquisliing his father decided the fate of the battle. Torrent was conveyed as a prisoner to Jerusalem, and thrown into a dungeon. There he lay above a year, till he was once overheard complaining his misfortunes by his son, who, touched with pity, prevailed upon the king to set Torrent at liberty. In this new state Torrent soon found an opportunity to show his valour and skill in arms, when a grand tournament was held at Jerusalem. There he proved sole victor over all the knights, and got the chief prize. The king of Nazareth, who had assisted at this joust, telling his folk at home who had won the prize, described the arms and escutcheon of the valiant knight. By these Desonelle recognized her beloved spouse. At her request the king called princes and knights from all parts of the world to a great tournament. The kings of Jerusalem, Greece, Leobertus, Antony fice Greffoun, and Torrent answered the call. Before an illustrious assembly of mighty princes and noble ladies, all of whom were surpassed by Desonelle in beauty and grace, the tour- h 2 XX INTRODUCTIOX. § 4. CHARACTER OP THE ROMANCE. iiament began. Leobertus and Antony excelled in it, but the chief was Torrent, who performed wonders in the joust, vanquishing all valiant adversaries. Tlie next morning Desonelle could no longer brook reserve, and was about to discover herself to Torrent ; but overwhelmed with joy she fainted, when she had scarcely uttered the first words of greeting. It was not till midday that she was able to tell Torrent and the other knights her fates and those of her children. Then parents and children passionately embraced on recognizing each other. At Torrent’s request, all of them, with the kings of Nazareth, Jerusalem, and Greece, and many attendants, sailed for Portugal. There the nuptials of Torrent with Desonelle were celebrated with a great round of splendid festivities. Torrent was finally elected Emperor of Rome, and reigned a long time gloriously. He lies there buried in a fair abbey. A benediction finishes the romance. If we take a survey of the poem, we shall recognize in its con- ception a harmonious plan and a certain unity of action, which, as in most of the romances, is founded on the hero and the interest he affects us with (See Ten Brink, Engl. Literal., I. p. 317). In the centre of the action is placed Torrent’s love of Desonelle ; for all the various combats that he undertakes against dragons and giants, against the prince of Arragon and King Calarnond, are undertaken solely to gain him Desonelle. Even his expedition against the infidels and the fighting with his son are designed by Providence to make him find again his lost love. Halliwell (Preface, p. vii), therefore, is not right in deeming the romance ‘ a rambling poem of adventures without much plot.’ The length and tediousness of the episodes may have prevented him from recognizing the unity of the whole. At the same time, however, it must be admitted that the poem cannot rank with the masterpieces of romantic poetry written in the same metre, like Amis and Amiloun, Ipoinadon, Kyng of Ta,rs, Octaviaii, either in the invention of plot or in the dissection of passions. The diction is so swelled with stereotyped phrases, and so surfeited with trivialities, that we may justly suppose the poem to have been composed at a period when romantic poetry had passed its best time, and had begun to decay. As to the authorship of the poem, it was probably composed by a monk. It is an easy thing to show peculiarities in the course of the story which are essentially monkish. As the romance begins and ends with a benediction, in INTRODUCTION. § 4. ORIGIN OF THE ROMANCE. Xxi tlic same way each deed and each adventure of the hero is intro- duced and finished by long prayers. Moreover, the poet points frequently to a direct interposition of Heaven (11. 675, 1568, 1948); he describes the anguish and sorrow that Desonelle feels about her children’s baptism (11. 1892 — 1896 and 2074 — 76) ; he mentions em[)hatically Communion and Confession (1272 and 2139), Masses (756 and 813); he finally praises the Emperor for founding churches and abbeys (1. 2658). On the other side, we find very few of those marks which characterize the works of minstrels : the poet seldom predicts the fates of his heroes to excite the attention of his auditors ; he mentions only by the way the per- formances of the gleemen, and nowhere speaks of the rewards that they get. Passing to a special inquiry into the origin of the story of Torrent, I cannot persuade myself that it is of the ])oet’s own invention, as that would be the only instance of a Middle-English romance not being taken from foreign originals (except, of course, Chaucer’s Sir Tliopas, which was written to ridicule this whole branch of poetry), whilst slight alterations or additions were fre- quently introduced by the translators. A French original of the romance is supposed by Halliwell to have existed (Preface, vi). He says, ‘ It is probably, like the second copy of the romance of Horn, a modernized version of an older English romance, which was itself translated from the French. I have not been able to discover any traces of the French original, but there are some singular allusions to its origin in the poem itself. I allude to the frequent references to the Book of Rome.^ This term was applied to the French language, in which most of the old romances were originally written.’ As for me, I don’t think that we can much rely upon references of this kind, because they are common to all of these Middle-English romances. Of a somewhat greater weight is perhaps the fact that one or two of the proper names are French ; and even the oath, ‘ par I’amour de dieu,’ is worth mentioning. After all, there is no evident proof as to the French origin. But there is no doubt that On this term see Octavia/i, ed. Sarrazin, p. xxxviii. XXll INTRODUCTION. § 4. LEGEND OF PLACIDUS. the story of Torrent in its principal features — the adversities of a family separated by misfortunes, the mother robbed of her children by wild beasts, at last united again — proceeded from the old Eustache legend. Therewith another motive is combined, that of the woman innocently condemned, on which motive a large stock of legends is founded ; for instance, those of Crescentia, Sibilla, Oliva, Genovefa, Griseldis and Octavian legends. Upon this motive and its old origin from India, see Strove, ‘ The Octavian legend,’ Erlangen Dissert., 84. I will consider first the legend of Eustache in its original version. According to the Greek Martyr Acts, which were probably composed in the eighth century, this saint was before his baptism a captain of Trajan, named Placidus. As he one day hunted in the forest, the Saviour appeared to him between the antlers of a hart, and converted him. Placidus changed his name into Eustache, when he was baptized with his wife and sons. God announced to him by an angel his future martyrdom. Eustache was afflicted by dreadful calamities, lost all his estate, and was compelled to go abroad as a beggar with his wife and his children. As he went on board a ship bound for Egypt, his wife was seized by the shipmaster and carried off*. Soon after, when Eustache was travelling along the shore, his two children were borne away by a lion and a leopard. Eustache then worked for a long time as a journeyman, till he was discovered by the Emperor Trajan, who had sent out messengers for him, and called him to his court. Peappointed captain, Eustache undertook an expedition against the Dacians. During this war he found his wife in a cottage as a gardener, — the shipmaster had fallen dead to 1 See Warton’s opinion upon the legendary origin of many romances, History of Engl. Poetry, London, 1824, I. p. ccxliv : ‘ Many romances were at first little more than legends of devotion, containing the pilgrimage of an old warrior. At length, as chivalry came into vogue, the youthful and active part of the pilgrim’s life was also written. The penitent changed into the knight-errant.’ Sometimes, of course, the opposite change may have taken place, as for instance is probably the case with the story of the two faithful friends, Amis and Amiloun (cf. Koelbing, Amis, p. Ixxxi), and with the story of Robert the Devil (cf. Sir Gowther, ed. Breul, p. 74). 2 See the edition of The n'orthie Hystorie of Plasidas, 1566, by H. H. Gibbs, for the Eoxburghe Club, 1873. IXTRODUCIION. § i. LEGEND OF riAClDUS. Xxiii tlie groiiii;! as he ventured to toucli lier, — and in tlie sanio cottage he found again his two sons as soldiers : herdsmen had rescired them from tlie wild beasts, and lirought them up. Glad was their meeting again ! But as they returned to Home, they Avere all burnt in a glowing bull of brass by the Emperor’s order, because they refused to sacrifice to the heathen gods. This legend, which reminds us at once of the story of Job, has been incorporated in almost all mediieval collections of legends, and upon it are founded some mediseval poems, which are enumerated by H. Knust in his splendid work Dos Ohms Diddcticas y dos LpAjendas, Madrid, 1878 ; cf. E. Kohler, Zeitsclinff filr rom. plill. Ill, p. 272 fb, Varnhagen, Anylla, III, p. 399 ff. ; two latin versions are edited by the same, Zdtsclinft fur deiitsches Alterthum XXIV, p. 241 ff., and XXV, p. 1 ff. English legends of Eustache are to be found (1) In ^Ifric’s Passloncs Martyriim ; see Horstmann, AltengUs(dic Leyenden, Second series, Heilbronn, 1881, p. xli. (2) In the South-English collection, 1. c. p. xlviii. (3) In the Xorthern collection, pp. Ixi and Ixiv. Ilerrig’s Arcldv. 57, p. 262 ff. (4) In the Scottish collection of legends, said to be Barbour’s. Cf. Barbour’s Leyendensamnduny , ed. C. Horstmann, Heilbronn, 82, ii. p. 12. (5) In the old Engl, translation of the Leyenda aurea, see Horstm., 1. c., p. cxxxv. Caxton’s edition of the legend, Xo. 196. (6) The complete text of the legend printed in Horst niann’s above-mentioned collection, Altenyl. Legend ensamml., p. 211 If. (7) St. Eiisfas, by I. Partridge, see Gibbs’ above-mentioned edition, and Horstm., I. c. p. 472 ff. With this legend are connected, more or less, the following poems, which it is necessary to si>eak of in turn ; (1) The Pseudo-Chrestien epic poem, GuilJanme L Enyleterred 1 Guill. (V Englcicrrc, ed. Fr. Michel, Chron. Anylo-Norm., III. 39 — 172. On the authorship of this poem see C. Hofmann, Sitzungshei'ichte dev Miuich, Akad., 1870, II. p. 51, and P. Meyer, liomaiiia, VIII. p. 315 f. XXIV INTRODUCTION. § 4. SIR ISUMBRAS AND OCT AVI AN, (2) The two Middle High German poems, Die gute Fmu^ and (3) Der Graf von Savogen.^ (4) The romances of Isumhras ; (5) of OdavUm ; (6) last, Sgr Eg] amour of Artois, and (7) Sir Torrent of Portugal. Tlie first five have been treated by Holland in his book, Chrestlen de Troies, Tubingen, 1854. According to Holland’s opinion, all of these are derived from the legend of Eustache. He has not exactly inquired into each of them, but restricts himself to a detailed account of their contents. A critical inquiry into these poems, except the romance of Odavian, has been recently published by J. Steinbach ; Der einfluss des Crest len de Troies auf die altengllsdie Idendur. Leipzig, 1886, p. 41 ff. As to the French and the two German poems, it may be sufficient to refer to this exhaustive essay, since it is only by the same legendary origin that they are connected with Sir Toii'ent ; otherwise they are quite different. Hut of the English romances of Sir Isumhras and of Odavian it is necessary to treat more minutely. Isumhras was edited first by Utterson in his Seled Pieces of Earlg Popidar Poetrg, London, 1817 ; secondly by Halliwell in The Thornton Romances, from the Lincoln MS. A. i. 17. A critical edition of this poem has long been promised by Prof. Zupitza. In this romance the legend of Eustache can be most clearly recognized. Its contents are, indeed, somewhat transformed accord- ing to the taste of the later Middle Ages : the Koman captain is changed into a Christian knight, who performs wonders in fighting against the infidels; he finds his wife as queen of a heathen country ; they end their lives as mighty princes, and so on. The legendary style has been supplanted by the romantic diction,^ but the leading features remain the same. In his above-mentioned essay, 1 Die (jute Frau, ed. E. Sommer in Haupt’s Zeitsehrift fur deutscJies Alterthnm , II. B89. Der Graf v. Suvoge/i, ed. F. H., v. d. Hagen, Minnesinger, IV. 640, and Esclienhurg, Denlimdler altdeutseher Dielitliunst, Bremen, 1799. 3 On this text see Sarrazin, Octal'., p. xlv ; he speaks of “die entstellte, spiel mannsmassig zersungene Form, in der die Thornton Ms uns die legende iaberliefert dasselbe Pathos, dieselhe Sentimentalitat und Friimmelei, aber auch dieselbe anschauliche und lebhafte Erzahluugsweise (sc. as in Oct.).” INTRODUCTION. § 4. THE ROMANCE OF OCTAVIAN. XXV pp. 4G — 48, Stciiibach concludes, from a detailed comparison of tlx; contents, tliat the author of IsamhraA did not derive his story from tlie epic poem, Guillaume d' Rngletcrre, hut from an original which Lore a still greater resemblance to the legend of Eustache, and, at the same time, contained many of those additions which are to be found in all versions of the legend. Whether this original was composed in Latin, French, or Anglo-l^orman, Steinbacli does not pretend to determine. To Isumhras I join a few remarks on the romance of Ocfacian, which was edited by Halliwell for the Percy Society, The Romance of the Emperor Ocf avian, London, 1844; and by Sarrazin, Zicei mittelengl. Verdonen der Odaviansage, in Koelbing’s Altengl. Bih- llothelc, Baud III. As for its contents, cf. Sarrazin, as above, p. xviii ff. Concerning the origin of the story, he agrees in general Avith Holland, only he shows a still nearer connection between Isum- hras and Odavian, taking the former for a mere imitation of the latter. This opinion, however, cannot be proved. As I cannot enter into detail, I only observe that the contents of Odavian are a great deal more complicated and copious than those of Isumhras, which is simple in its plot and style, and shows the nearest resem- blance to the old Eustache legend, whilst Odavian is a refined and adorned version of the legendary tale with considerable change in the plan. Isumbras, of course, bears a strict resemblance to Eustache, but not to the Emperor Octavian, who has but little of the character of a suffering saint, as he does not become an outlaAv himself, nor is to lose his earthly goods. Even those of his adventures which are conformable to the original — the separation from his family, the rape of the children, the final reunion — are exhibited in a different manner. The principal contents of the romance of Odavian bear internal evidence of its later origin, as it treats chiefly of the adventures and exploits of Florent, Octavian’s son ; especially in the second half of the story, exploits of Florent so prevail that the romance might justly bear his name on the title instead of his father’s. I therefore believe that Sarrazin’s opinion, that Isumhras is nothing but a bad imitation of Odavian, is wrong ; and I am rather inclined to think the two poems were composed independently from each XXvi INTRODUCTION. § 4. SIR EGLAMOUR. otlier, after French originals, as is evidently the case with Octavian, and probably with Isumhms. See Haiti well, Thornt. Rom., p. xviii. Sarrazin, moreover, supposes, p. xlv, both poems to be due to the same author, in consequence of the conformity of the dialect and style, and of some literal coincidences. But the fact that both of these romances are written in the same dialect is not sufficient to prove the identity of the authors, nor is the style, which is nearly stereotyped in all of these romances. As to the literal- coincidences, only three of the nine passages quoted by Sarrazin seem to me to be of any importance. See Octavian, notes on 11. 382, 397, 481. But even these only show that the writer of Octavian knew Isumbras, or vice versa. As to the relation between Octavian and our poem, these two romances have no other affinity than tlie same legendary origin, and the motive of the woman innocently persecuted, which may very well have been introduced independently by two different authors. In all other particulars they are quite different. The heroes bear little resemblance to their legendary models ; in Octavian the Emperor of Rome ; in Torrent the young, hardy knight who encounters marvellous struggles to win the hand of his spouse. Also in the treatment of the other motive, each romance has taken its own course. In Octa.vian, Florence is calumniated by her mother- in-law ; in Torrent, Desonelle is persecuted by her father. The causes are consequently quite different : there the jealousy of the mother-in- law against the mighty Empress; here Calamond’s hatred against Torrent. These dilfereuces, now only alluded to, cause a great num- ber of others, and produce a general difference of the two poems, which renders the opinion of a nearer connection between them altogether illusory. Of all the poems mentioned above, the last, Syr Eglamour of Artois, is most nearly related to Sir Torrent, a fact found out by Ilalliwell,! who, however, thought that there was no necessity for 1 The Thornton Romances, p. xxii f. ‘The romance of Torrent is partly founded upon the story related in Sir Eglamour. The names are changed, but the resemblance is too striking to have been the result of chance. The treachery of the sovereign, the prowess of the knight, the indiscretions and misfortunes of the lady, and the happy conclusion of her misfortunes, these INTRODUCTION. § 4. TORRENT AND EOLAMOUR, XXvii him to prove a similarity v^liicli would be at once detected by the reader ; still, he takes it for certain that the romance of Torrent is younger than and partly founded on Sir Efjlamour. As he gives no proof for this opinion, it will be worth while to enter once more into this question, in order to see whether he is right or not. Upon it, the IMSS. do not help us. The earliest MS. that can have contained Sir Efjlamour is the parchment one of the Duke of Sutherlaud,^ written about the end of the 14th century. The other four MSS. of it^ are still later. The only MS. of Sir Torrent belongs to the 15th century, so that neither of these romances can be traced very far back. Sir Eglamour was printed several times in the beginning of the 16th century, and edited anew by Halliwell from the Cambridge MS. in his Avell-known collection. To judge from the numerous readings of the Lincoln, Cotton, and Cambridge MSS. which he has quoted, the Lincoln MS. shows best the original dialect, and offers in several pa=?sages a reading preferable as to rhyme and meaning.^ Even slight differences in the contents occur now and then.^ The metre and probably the dialect are the same in both romances ; they are composed in the tail-rhymed twelve-line stanzas, and written in a North Midland dialect. In both of them the style is alike swelled with the habitual phrases ; only the long prayers and pious redections so frequent in Torrent are not to be met Avith in Eglamour. On the other hand, the poet is wont to predict the fates of his heroes (11. 204, 951) ; he often demands attention (11. 15, 39, 343, 634, 904) ; he never omits, in describing the festivals, to mention the performances of the minstrels, and to praise the lilierality of the lords. These characteristics render it probable that the author of Eglamour was a minstrel, not a clerk or monk, as I suppose the author of Sir Torrent to be. form the leading incidents of each romance .... there is, perhaps, a secret history attached to the source of these romances that remains to he unravelled.’ 1 Cf. Koelbing’s EngUsclie Studien, vii. p. 191 ff. 2 Cf. T/ie Thornton Romances, p. xxv If., and p. xxxvi. 3 See the following passages which Halliwell has quoted in the notes : Eglam. 54, 96, 107, 111, 122, 128, 139, 153, 177, 195, 213, 247, 337, 347, 399, 445, 572, 605, 614, 737, 740, 765, 858, 883, 945, 985, 1081, 1143, 1206, 1216. * See Eglamour, notes on 11. 1064, 1082, 1267. XXviii INTRODUCTION. § 4. TORRENT AND EGLAMOUR. I now pass on to compare the contents of the two poems. The principal features of the plot are the same in both. A young knight who seeks the hand of a princess engages to win her by valiant exploits. 'J'he princess’s father opposes his wooing, jealous as he is of the hero’s renown. The knight vanquishes all the giants and other monsters against which he is told to fight, and at length gains his spouse. A few weeks after their marriage, he sets out again on adventurous expeditions. While he stays abroad, his wife is delivered of twins. Her father sends her to sea in a leaky boat ; she lands on a foreign shore, where her children are carried off by wild beasts ; but they are saved in a marvellous manner, and brought up at royal courts, whilst | she herself lives for a long time at a foreign court. As the hero, I when he comes home again, doesn’t find her, he goes into the Holy j Land to fight with the infidels. After various adventures he finds I his wife and children after a tournament at a foreign court. They \ return home gladly, and celebrate their nuptials by great festivals. The cruel father is duly imnished. On entering into details, however, we find considerable dis- crepancies between the two romances. First, the names are alto- gether different. (Eglamour = Torrent. Crystyabelle = Desonelle. Prynsamour = Calamond. Organata = Gendres. Degrabelle = ^ Antony fi.ce Greff oun.) The stage of the plot is in Eglamour Artois, Rome, and Egypt ; in Torrent Portugal, Norway, and Calabre. Only the Holy Land is mentioned in both. There the children are carried off by wild beasts, saved by princes and brought up ; there the hero fights against the infidels. The differences of the plot itself are the following : 1. Eglamour confesses his love to Crystyabelle before his deeds ; a squire is the go-between in his suit ; Eglamour finds love in return. In Torrent Desonelle does not know that she is adored by the hero till after his first exploit. See 11. 109, 448. 2. Accordingly, Eglamour, setting out on adventures, receives two greyhounds and a sword of St. Paul from Crystyabelle as presents, whereas Torrent gets an ambler from his lady love, but not till after his first deed. 3. Prynsamour charges Eglamour with three deeds by which ho INTRODUCTION. § 4. TORRENT AND EGLAMOUR. XXIX is to gain Ciystyabelle. Torrent is obliged to undertake not less tlian five combats. 4. In Torrent the combats of the hero are enlarged and adorned by additions not to be found in Eglamour. The latter does not release the daughters and sons of kings, nor does lie find precious swords in the castles of tlie giants, nor is he deceived by a king’s counterfeit letter, which causes Torrent a dangerous struggle and the rivalry of a foreign prince. Only in Eglamour (11. 40—48) some knights are mentioned who came to win Crystyabelle by jousting, but were all vanquished by Eglamour. The greatest differences are found in the second halves of the stories. 5. Crystyabelle has one child by Eglamour ; Desonelle has two by Torrent. G. Crystyabelle is driven away into Egypt, where she is graciously received by the king. Desonelle finds refuge in the court of the king of Hazareth. 7. Degrabelle, the son of Crystyabelle, is saved and brought up by the king of Israel ; the sons of Desonelle by the kings of Greece and Jerusalem. 8. The father of Crystyabelle is not punished like Calamond in Torrent, immediately after the hero’s return, but he dies at the end of the poem, throwing himself down from the battlements. 9. Degrabelle is sent, when fifteen years old, into Egypt by his adoptive Either to sue for a spouse. In a joust he gains the hand of his mother and marries her. On the very wedding-day the mother recognizes her son by his escutcheon, and the maniage is instantly dissolved. Quite differently does the story run in Sir Torrent. Leobertus, fifteen years old, marches by order of the king of Jeru- salem against his father, and takes him prisoner, but at length solicits his release. 10. The tournament, which in both poems compasses the reunion of the separated family, is brought on in a different manner. In Eglamour Degrabelle himself proposes the hand of his mother as the prize in the next tournament, to which his father comes. In Torrent Desonelle, hearing of the victories of the strange knight, supposes XXX INTRODUCTION. § 4-. TORRENT, HOW WRITTEN. liim to be her spouse from liis arms, and at her request a tournament is arranged. (Her hand seems to have been likewise the prize, as may be gleaned from I. 2440 ) 11. At the very end of the poems two slight differences are to be noted : in Eglamour, Degrabelle marries Organata, daughter of the king of Sidon, whereas the sons of Torrent return into Greece and Jerusalem. Eglamour is crowned prince of Artois ; Torrent is elected Emperor of Konie. From this comparison we may conclude that Torrent is not directly founded upon Eglamour, or vice versa ; the differences are too great to justify the supposition that either is drawn from the other. Especially is the opinion of Ilalliwell, which I mentioned above, to be rejected : Sir Torrent cannot be founded on Sir Eglamour, simply because it agrees more closely with the old legend- ary tale than Syr Eglamour does, and has preserved some essential features not to be found in Eglamour, in which these are supplanted by others. Pesonelle, for instance, has two children according to the old legend, Crystyabelle one ; Torrent must fight and suffer in heathen lands like Eustache, whereas Eglamour appears as a mere knight-errant. Eurther, neither in the Eustache legend nor in Torrent do we find the history of the son who marries his mother, which motive the poet may have taken from the legend of Pope Gregory, or perhaps from the tale of Syr Degare. But how can the resemblance of the leading features and the dis- crepancies in particulars be explained 1 I think the most prtjbable conjecture is, that an old poem, now lost, existed, with which the authors of Sir Eglamour and of Sir Torrent were acquainted ; but not having a MS. of it, or knowing it by heart, both of them made up their minds to rewrite the story in a well-known metre, changing, omitting, adding whatever they liked, even filling up the gaps in their memories by invention. Both of them recollected the first half of the story better than the second. That this poem was an English one seems to be shown by a good many verbal coincidences in both poems ; these I accordingly suppose to have belonged to the lost original. They are, indeed, too fre- quent to be counted simply amongst the large stock of conventional IXTRODUCTION. § 4. TORREyr AND EGLAMOUR. XXxi plirases wliicli are to be met with in every poem of this hind. Here they are : — Eijlamoiir. Tlie boke of Kome tliws can telle. 408, 561, 886 Tlier ys a jeaunt here besyde, 478 That sorowe doyth ferre and wyde. On us and odur moo. And alle prayed for that knyght. 573 Alle that in the cyte ware. 598 Alle that cuntrey was fulle fayne, 640 That he homeward was comyn ageyiie. Aftur sopur, as y yow telle, He wendyd to chaumber with Crysty- abelle. 670, 671 That lady was not for to hyde, 673-75 She sett hym on hur beddys syde. And welcomyd home that knyght. So gracyously he come hur tylle, 679 Of poyntes of armys he schewyd hur hys fylle, 680 Tliat there they dwellyd alle uy^t. A golde rynge y schalle geve the, 715 Kepe yt wele my lady free, Yf Cryste sende the a chylde ! 717 Doghtur, into the see schalt thou, 803 Yn a schypp alone. And that bastard that to the ys dere ! Sche prayed hur gen tyl women so free, Grete wele my lord, whon ye hym see ! 826, 827 Hur yonge sone away he bare. 842 Thys chylde ys comyn of gentylle blode. Where that ever that he was tane. 863 Kepe we thys lady whyte as flowre, And speke we of s}^’ Egyllamowre. 950 Tlie knyght swownyd in that tyde. 975 Be the XV yeiys were comyn and gone, Tlie chylde that the grype hath tane, Waxe bothe bold and stronge. 1018-20 Y^'n yustyng ne in turnament 1021 Ther myght no man withsytt hys dynte. But to the erthe them througe. 1 023 Be thre wekys were comyn to ^ende, Yhi the loude of Egypt can they lende. 1057 Gentilmen that herde of thys crye, 'I’hedur come they redylye. 1195-96 Syr Egyllamour knelyd on his kne, ‘ A Lorde God 3ylde hyt the ! 1288-89 Eijlamour, Line. MS. Note on 1267 : Torren t. As the boke of Borne tellys. 187, 924, 1450, 1924 There ys a gyante here besyde. In ale tbys covntre fare and wyde, No man on lyve levythe bee. 960 For hym att they pray. 108 Att that in^ the sytte were. 1047 Gentilmen were blith and ffayn\ 1098 That he in helth was comyn^ agayiB. After mete, as I you tett. To speke with mayden Desonett To her chamber he went. 1358-60 The damyseft so moche of pride. Set hym on^ her bed -syde. And said ‘ welcomWerameut.’ 1363 Such gestenyng he a-right. That there he dwellid att ny^t With that lady gent. 1364-66 Thes gold rynges I shaft yeve the, Kepe them weft, my lady ffre, Yf god a child vs send ! 1396-1398 There fore thou shalt in to the see And that bastard with-in the ! 1793 She said ‘ knyghtis and ladyes gent, Grete weft my lord sir Torrent, Yeff ye hynd euer sene 1 1837-39 A way he bare her yong son\ 1871 This chylde is come of gentift feme, Where euer this beest bym^tfond. 1923 Leve we now that lady gent, And speke we of sir Torrent. 2080-81 Swith on sownyng there he feft. 2093 And be the VI I yere were gone. The cliild that tlie liberd had tane, Found hym his fift off ffyght. 2233-35 With heve tymbyr and ovyrryde 40 Ther myght no maid hys dent abyde. But to tbe erthe he them strake. 42 But ore thre wekes were coihyid to end. To Portynggaft gan he wend. 373 Gret lordys that herith this crye, Theder come richely. 2431-32 Torent knelid vppoid his knee 2575 And said ‘ God yeld you, lordys ffree 1 XXXll INTRODUCTION. § 5. THIS EDITION. Eglamour. Torvent. In svvounynge than felle that lady free, She said ‘vvelcom\ my lord sir Torent ! ‘ Welcome, syr Eglamour, to me ! And so be ye, my lady gent ! In sownyng than felt she. 2505 Eglamour, Line. MS. Note on 1267 : Crete lordis thane told scho sone. Gret lordys told she sone. 2589 Perliaps some more light will he thrown on this question when we get the much- wanted critical edition of Sir Eglamour ; but I fear that the ‘ secret history attached to the source of these romances’ will even then remain to be unravelled. AVhat I have proposed has no title to a better name than a conjecture. § 5. THE AERAKGEMEXT OF THE EDITION. As to the only MS. in which this romance has come down to us, I have mentioned before that it is exceedingly corrupt ; many con- jectures, more or less sure, were necessary in order to restore metre, rhyme, and meaning ; the greater part of them seemed worthy to be entered in the text, the rest being offered in the notes. No attempt has been made to introduce a uniform character of dialect, considering the quite unsettled state of orthography in early times. The only exceptions are where the sounds are fully determined by the rhyme. In general the orthography of the MS. has been rejwoduced as accurately as possible. The contractions used by the scribe are expanded and printed in italics. At the beginning of a new period, or a proper name within the line, capitals have been in- troduced. From 1. 1200, where the numeration of my text no longer coincides with that of Halli well’s edition, the line-numbers of the latter are added in brackets. The fragments which I have added as an appendix to the text have been consulted in all cases of difficulty, and proved of no little service in correcting the blunders of the manuscript ; they contain indeed a somewhat better text than the MS., though they are by no means free from clerical errors. A detailed comparison gives the following result : In fifty-one lines the text of the fragments is evidently corrector than the IMS. : INTRODUCTION. § 5. THIS EDITION. XXXlll Frag me nix. The kyng of Nazareth sent hyni me, Torent, I wot-saue liym on the, 406 The kyng wolde fayne that he ded were, And he wyst nat on wliat inanere. 472 4’o Torent that was true as stele, 477 In wliat londe that they hrede. 4iS7 lie bestrode a noble stede. a02 Mannxcrq)t. The kyng of Portynggatt seyd, ‘ So mot I the! Torrent, I wet-saffe of the. The kyng wolde fayne that he wer ded. And hyin wyst in what maner. To Torrent trew ase stytt, In what lond they ne bred. Tho he bestrod another stede. Cf. 489, 498, 507-10, 512-15, 822, 825, 831, 833, 834, 837, 845, 848, 851, 929, 932, 933, 935, 947, 948, 951, 952, 958, 9G5, 968-70, 1807, 1808, 1810, 1827, 1828, 1831, 1834-36, 1844, 1854, 1866. Forty-eight lines are coincident: 468, 470, 474, 479, 480, 486, 487, 495, 499, 501, 504, 505, 520, 823, 832, 842, 844, 846, 917, 918, 921, 922, 927, 928, 936, 938, 953, 957, 962, 1809, 1813-17, 1819-21, 1823, 1830, 1832, 1838, 1847, 1850, 1851-52, 1863, 1865. In ninety-one lines it is doubtful which reading is to be con- sidered as the original one : Feagmenis. As they walkyd by tlie ryvers syde. 469 Howe he m}^ght liym shent. 473 The kyng sayde ‘ what may this be? Lorde, it is sent to me For a faucon shene. 483-85 Than sayde tlie kyng vntrue, ‘And ye fynde hawes of great value, Prynge me one with the ! 492-94 Of thy dowghter hende. 836 3[atinscri2>t- Ase the went be the watyres syd. How lie schuld be schent. Syr, he seyd, what may thys be ? Loo, lord, come ner and see Abowght a facon schene. And than seyd the kyng ontrew, ‘ Yf thow get hawkys of great valew, Bryng on of them to me ! Of yowr doAvghttyr hend. Cf. 467, 475, 476, 478, 481, 482, 488, 496, 497, 500, 506, 511, 516-20, 821, 824, 826, 827, 829, 830, 835, 838-41, 843, 847, 850, 919, 920, 923, 925-26, 930-31, 934, 937, 939, 940-43, 945, 946, 949, 950, 954, 955, 959, 960-61, 963, 964, 966, 967, 1811/ 1812, 1818, 1822, 1825, 1826, 1829, 1837, 1840, 1842, 1843, 1845-46, 1848-49, 1853, 1855-62, 1864. In eleven lines the text of the ]\LS. is superior to that of the fragment : Fragmetits. Man uscrij)t. ‘Ye, by my trouthe ! ’ sa}^! Torente. 828 ‘ Ye, be trouthe ! ’ seyd Torrent than. Delycyous notes on hyghe. 944 Delycyous nottis on hyght. Frowarde tlie se. 956 Froward the sytte. Cf. 488, 503, 820, 849, 924, 1824, 1833, 1839. TORRENT OP POUT YNG ALE. C XXXIV INTRODUOTIOX. § 6. TPilS El'IUOX. As to the sixth fragment, 1014-36, and the beginning of the hist (in Halliweirs edition the third), 462-64, in which, as above mentioned, not much more than the rhyming words are preserved, they have nearly the same relation to the MS. as the other ones. in the following pas.sages they correct the rhymes of the MS. : 1017, 1018, 1028, 1033. Coincident rhymes: 1014, 1015, 1019, 1026, 1027, 1032, 1034-36. Undecided; 1020, 1021, 1023-24, 1029-30, 462-64. The rhymes of the MS. are preferable in 11. 1016, 1022, 1025, 1031. 1 need only add, that all the discrepancies between the MS. and the fragments, however numerous they may be, concern, for the most part, things of little importance; they are caused especially by the frequent change of synonymous terms, by the difference of exple- tive words and })hrases, the transposition of words, the change of tenses, and so on. But as there is nowhere any essential difference to be traced, we may conjecture with great probability that the early printed edition of the romance was taken from a manuscript which was pretty nearly related to the Manchester MS., though somewhat more correctly written. I gladly take the present opportunity of acknowledging my very great obligation to Prof. Koelbing, from whom I have received ample assistance throughout the Avhole of this work. It would be absolutely impossible to me entirely to discriminate his part from mine. He carefull}^ revised the introduction, notes, and the glossary, before they went to press, and after they came from it, and he looked several times through the proofs of the text. Hor am I less indebted to Mt. Joseph Hall at Manchester, wdio not only kindly read the proofs of the text with the MS. in the Chetham Library, but also contributed some valuable notes, which are marked by his name. The Director has added the head-lines and side-notes. 1 Ccrrcnt of ^ortnirgalc. Here bygynneth a good tale f. 76 a. Of Torrente of Portyngale. ( 1 ) G OD; that ys worthy and Bold, leaf i] Heuen) and Erthe haue In hold, Fyld; watyr, and wynde, Yeve vse grace hevyn) to wyne, And brynge vs owt off Dedly synne 5 And In thy seruyse to Ende ! A stounde and ye woH lyst be-Dene, Ale dowghtty men) Jjat Euyr hathe ben), Wher So that they lende, I SchaH yow teH, ore I hense pase, 10 Off a knyght, pat Dowghtty wase, In Eoine ase clarkys ffynde. ( 2 ) In PortynggaH, that Ryche londe, An EreH that wase wonande, That curtese wase and wyght ; 15 Sone aftyr he had a sone, The feyerest pat on fot myght gon, Tyrrant, men seyd, he hyght. Be tyme he wase XVIII yed old, Of deddes of armys he wase bold, 20 To felle bothe kyng and knyght ; And now com?aythe dethe appon a day And takythe hys fathed, ase I yow sey, For God ys most of myght. 8. hyn MS. 15. royght] Doioghtty MS. 21. felle] first I above the line MS. TORRENT OF PORTYNGALE. May God give ns grace to win Heaven ! I’ll tell you of a doughty knight. He dwelt in Portugal, and fought well when 18 . 2 TORRENT LOVES DESONELL. The King gives Torrent an earldom, and lie falls in love with the King’s daughter Deso- nell, and for her, unhorses many knights. The King ( 3 ) The kyng of Portynggah vvase fayne, 25 To-warde hym he takythe Torrayne, That Dowghtty ys in) decide ; And ther he fesomnyd in) hys bond A good Eyrldom in) that lond, Bothe forest and fede. f. 30 The kyng hathe a dowghttyr icliyte ase fame, DysoneZZ wase her name, Worthyest in wede. When Torrent had of her’ a syght, More he lovyd that swete 35 Tlian) aH ys fathyrys kde. (^) For love of thys lady Deyd In dede of armys far and nere Aventorres gan he take WAZ^ heve tymbyr and ovyr-Eyde, 40 Ther niyght no man) hys dent a-bydde, But to the Erthe he them strake. Her father and other knyghtte^’ mo Had farly, how he Eyd soo, And on a day to hyme spake, 45 He Seyd : ‘ Torrent, howe may thys byne, That thow Dysp^syst thes knyghttes kene And ordurres non woH take ’ ( 5 ) Torrent sayd : ^ So mvt I the. An other sayment woE I see, 50 Ore I take order of knyght.’ Tho he sware be hevyn kyng, Ther wase told hym a wondyr-thyng^ In hys chambyr to nyght : 30. fecle] Doivne MS. 31. whyte ase fame\ feycr ase floieyr MS. 32. Bijseenys, MS. 35. sxoete\ siuet, MS. xcyghf] wyte MS. 36. lcdc'\ londe MS, 39. A ventorres MS. 42. stroke MS. 47. dysplesyst MS. 50. And MS. see'] bee MS. THE KING ASKS TORRENT TO FIGHT A GREEK GIANT. 3 ‘ Foi’’ the love of my dough ter dere 55 Thow makyst good far and nere In) Dedde of armys hryght ; And wyt thow wyii, so god me sane, Thow schalt liei'^ wyne, yf thow her haue, Be thow neuyr so wy^ht ! ’ 60 ( 6 ) Torrent sayd : ‘ Be Marry dere, And I were off armyse clere, f. 77«. Yowr Dowghttyr me leve were.’ The kyng seyd : ‘ Yf yt be soo, Ore VII yere he a-go, 65 More schaH we here : Durst thow, for my dowghttyr sake, A poynt of armys for to take WM-owt helpe of fere 'I ’ Than seyd Torrant : ‘ So god me sped, 70 With anny man) that sy tty the on stede Other far ore nere ! ’ ( 7 ) Ther-of the kyng* for tene wax wode : ‘ Yf thow wylt make thy body good. Be trew and hold thy conte««nce 75 Tho seyd Torrant : ‘ So god me sped ere ! And I wyst, iu) what sted they were. Fore no man) wold I chaimce.’ ( 8 ) ‘ In to the Greke^ see a mylle Ther lyyythe a gyant in cm yle, 80 FuH EuyH thow dourst hyme stond. My fayei-’ forester fellythe downe he And Byche castelles in) that centre, hfo ston lettythe he stond.’ 60. wyght] loyttlit MS. 61. Marry'\ c corrected into y. 65. a-go\ a gone, ne struck out, MS. 75. contnnce MS. 78. chaunce'] corrected out of change MS. 80. lyvythe\ lyglittythe MS. in an yU\ mauyle MS. knows that Tor- rent loves his daughter, and asks him if, for her sake, he’ll fight a Giant in the Greek sea. B 2 4 TORRENT IS TO FIGHT THE GIANT CEGONMESE. Torrent agrees to figlit t)ie Giant Regon- inese. ami sets out. Desonell knows not tliat it is tor love of her. ( 9 ) T errent sayd : ^ Be Marre bryght, 85 Yt ys gret sorrow that he bathe syght, The devyH of heH hym blyiid ! ’ The lujng sayd : ‘ Var ]a-more de dewe, Thow darryst fuH evyH with thy Ey hym sewe, He wold feH the with hys wynde.’ 90 ‘ How, be my trowthe,’ seyd Torrent than), ‘ Ase I ame a jentylman), Yf I may hym fynd. Won fot woH I not fro hym pase, Thow he be stronger’ than Samson) wase, f. 776. 95 Or anny man) of hys kynd ! ’ ( 10 ) Hys sqiiyerys, they mornyd stire, W^t7^-owt fere that he schold fare To that gret iorney, W/t/i the gyant heygh for to fyght. 100 Be-gon)-mese that gyant hyght. That fynddes fere for aye. To arme hyme Torrant g«s, Hys good stede with hym he tas, W/t/i owt sqnyer* that Day. 105 He takythe leve at lorddys hend. And on hys wey gan he wynd. For hym aH they pray. ( 11 ) LytyH wyst Desonell that jente, For whos love that he went 110 To fyght with that knave. 86. he\ written above the line, MS. 88. kyng] knyght MS. 96. hys] oni. MS. 97. sore MS. 102. /are MS. 103. gas] goos MS. 104. tas] taTcythe MS. 108. 'pray] prayd MS. TOIlIUiNT SEES THE GIANT SLEEl’lNG. i) Now god, that Dyed aj^pon a Eode, Strengithe hym botho bone and blod, The fyld for to haue ! He that schaH wend soche a wey, Yt were nede for hym to pr«y, That lesu hym schuld sane. Yt ys in) the boke of Rome, Ther was no knyght of kyrstendomc. That jorney Durst crave. ( 12 ) VI days Rydythe he By the cost of the feyed see. To seke the gyant kene. By the cost as he Rode, In a forest longe and brode And symly wase to se?2e. Hey sperrys ther he fonde And gret olyvys growonde Coverd in) levys grene. Sone wase he ware, ase y yow say, Vppon a movnteyn) ther he laye On slepe, ase I wene. (13) Torrent, on kne knelyd he And be-sowght Jesu so fre, That bowght hym with hys blod : ‘ Lord, ase tbow dyd ryght for Mary, Let me never take velony And gef me of thy fode ! Serttes, yf I hym slepyng^ slone, ManfuH Ded were yt none For my body, be the Rode.’ God give Torrent victory ! 115 120 After 6 days’ ride 125 130 he sees the Giant asleep. 135 He prays for Christ’s help. 140 123. sehel dies, struck out, seke written over with i»alcr ink. 126. see MS. 129. grene'] smale MS. 136. ryght] hjght written above the line with paler ink. marc MS. As Torrent can’t wake the Giant with Ills bugle, he stirs him up with liis spear. and makes liini wild. TORRENT WAKES THE GIANT BEGONMESE. Tho Tenant blewe hys bugeH bold, To loke that he a- wake wold, And sythe nei-^ hyme Eode. (14) So fast a-slepe he wase browght, 1 45 Hys hornys blast a-woke hyme nowght, He swellyd ase dothe the see. Torrent saw, he woH not wake, He Eeynyd hys sted vnto a stake, Ase a jentyll man) so fre. 150 So hy, he say, wase the movnteyne, Ther mygh^ no horse wynd hym) a-geyn) But yf he nowyd wold be ; f. m. Thowe the wey neuyi’’ so wykkyd ware, On hys wey gan he fare, 155 In) gret perayE went hee. (15) Torent went to that movnte?/n). He put hys spere hyme a-geyne, ‘ A-Eyse, fellow ! ’ gan he saye ; ‘ Who made the so bold here to dweH, 160 My lordes frethe thus to feE ? A-mendes the be-hovythe to pay.’ The gyant Eysythe, ase he had byn) wod. And Eedyly by hyme stode, Be-syd hyme on a lay, 165 And seyd : ‘ Sertes, yf I leve, Soche a wed I woE the geff, To meve the Euyr' and ay.’ (1C) Thow the chyld were neuyi’^ so ymge. The fyndes spere sparry the hyme no-thyng^ 170 In the holttes hcnee ; 150. so fre\ in fere ]\IS. 151. say] sayd MS. 152. mygli (!) MS. 154. were MS. 157. movnten MS. 169. yonge MS. 171. In] Ilm (!) MS. horee MS. THE GIANT BURSTS HIMSELF ON A ROCK. 7 Who had fare and nere byne, And neuer had of fytyng syn), He myght a lernyd thare. The gyant, the fyrst stroke to hym ho cast, 175 His good schyld aH to-brast, In schevyres spred wase yaxa ; Tho covd he no bett?o’ Eed, But stond styh, tyH one were ded ; The gyant lefte hym th«r. 180 (17) Torrent vndyr hys spryt he sprewt And a-bowght the body he hyme hente, As far as he myght last. ‘ A ! fellow, wylt thow so 1 ’ And to the grownd gan they goo. Of the movnteyn) bothe downe they pas^. Ase the boke of Rome telly s. They tornyd XXXII elJys, In armys walloyng fast. Yt telly the in) the boke of Rome. Euyd ase the gyant a-boiie come, Hys guttes owt of hys body hrast, (18) At the fot of the movnteyn) Ther lay a gret Ragyd ston), se/deyn), Yt nyhed ys schuldyr bon) 195 And also hys Ryght syd, Ther to that gyant feH that tyd, Ase I herd in) Rome . . . f. 79a. 185 190 173. seyn MS. 174. there MS. 175. to hym] written above the line. 177. there MS. 178. he no'\ not he MS. Ryd MS. 180. ther MS. 181. sprent] spred MS. 186. they past] gan they pose MS. 188. clhjs] tymys MS. 192. hrast] Rane MS. 197 put before 196. MS. 198. I] he MS. The fight begins. Torrent grips tlic Giant; they both fall, and roll down the mountain. The Giant bursts open against a big stone. 8 TORRENT THANKS GOD FOR HIS VICTORY. Torrent stabs the Giant, and then thanks Christ. He sees the sea, and goes to it. (19) Thorrow hyme, that mad man), Torrent sone a-bovyn) wane 200 And fast he gan him (juelle W^t7^. a knyfFe feyer* and hryght ; Torrent, vfiih ah: hys myght Ther-w7t/^ he gard hyme dwell. ( 20 ) Torent knelyd on hys kne, 205 To lesu Cryst prayd he. That hathe thys world to wyld : ‘ Lord, lovyd, evyr lovyd thowe he, The feyei-* fyld thow hast lent Me,’ — Vpp bothe hys handes he held — f. 796. 210 ‘ AH onely wd/t-owt any knaue Of the fynd the maystry to haue. Of hym to W}m the fyld.’ Now ys ther none other to say. Of hyme he wane the fyld ])at day; 215 I pray God hyme schyld. ( 21 ) Torrent went vppe a-geyne To the movnt, ase I gan sayne. The londes to se far and nere ; In the see a myle, hyme tho^t, 220 An hold wase Eychyly wrowt, In that lond wase not here perre. The see wase Ebbyd, I yow sey, Torrent thether toke the way, Werry aH thow he were ; 225 199. after Thorrow, (^has been scraped out. 201. him quelle\ warke MS. 203. hys] h corrected out of m MS. 210. he] om. MS. 213. wyn] wynd, d erased MS. 214. to written above the line, MS. 215. Now ys ther non other say Of hyme to wyne the fyld ]>at day add. (!) MS. 219. to se written above the line. TORRENT GOES TO THE GIANT’S CASTLE. 0 And tlier lie fownd Eyclie wo??ys, Towrres Endentyd \yitli presyos stonys, Schynyng ase crystall clere. ( 22 ) Two gattys off yron) ther he fond, Ther in) Torrent gan wonde, A nyghtes Eest there in) to ta ; And at the hale dore ther wase A lyon) & a lyonasse, Ther men be-twene them twa Fast Etyng^, ase ye may here ; Crystyn man thow he were, Hys browys loexe bla. And wit yow wiH, lord god yt wote, He durst goo no fote. Lest they wold hyme sla. (23) T orrant stod and be-held. And prayd to god, that ale may wyld. To send hyme harborrow good. Sone hard he w^t7an a whalle The syghyng of a lady smalle, Sche weppte, as sche were wod ; Sche mornyd sore and sayd : ‘ Alas, That Euyi-’ kynges dowghttyr wase Oue?*-come of so jentyH blod. For now ame I holdyn) here In lend a fynde.^? fere ! ’ Torrent hard, wher he stod. Torrent finds the Giant’s castle, 230 guarded by a lion and lioness. 235 240 245 He hears a lady sighing wilhin. 250 226. ivonys] imycs MS. 229. Two] The MS. 231. to ta] he take MS. 234. tvM] twaync ]\IS. 236. man] thow (!) MS. he] they MS. 237. wexe hla] he gan to hlowe MS. 240. sic MS. 244. luhalle] witli paler ink corrected from ichyle. 245. syghyng] with paler ink corrected from syngyng. 10 TORRENT WANTS TO ENTER THE GIANT’s CASTLE. Tori'cnt asks for a night’s lodging in the Castle. The Lady says the Giant will kill him. (24) Dere god/ seyd Torrant than), ‘ YfF ther be anny crystyn) mail) In tliys hold of ston), 255 That woH, for the love of god of myght, liarbourrow a jentylmaii) thys nyght, For I ame but on) ! ’ ^ Seynt Marry/ seyd that lady clere, ^ ‘ What crystyn) man) axithe harburrow here V 2G0 Here hym sche go the a-non. ‘ I wold harburrow the fuH fayne, But a gyant wyH the slayne.’ To hym sche mad here mone. (25) ‘ Say me now, fayei-’ lady, helyve, f. 806 . 265 Who owte of thys plase schaH me clnjve, Thes tourr65, that are so bryght ? ’ Ther sche Seyd : ‘ Be hevyn) kyng^, Here ys a gyant Dwellyng, That meche ys of myght. 270 Be my trowthe, and he the see, Were thei-’ XX lyvys in) the, Thy detlie than wyil he dyght. lesu cryst yef me grace To hyd the in) some preve plase 275 Owt of the fynde-s syght ! (26) ‘ Euyi’’ me thynkythe be thy tale, The song of the burdcs smale On slepe bathe hyme browght.’ 259. clerc] e corrected out of r ]\1S. 261. sche gothe anori\ a non sche gothe MS. 265. hcl.'\ om. MS. 266. o/] om. MS. me dryve'] hyght MS. 267. so] feyer and add. MS. 271. the'] thow, w erased and e changed into o, ]\IS. 273. T/tc^(!)MS. 275. corrected from 277. thy] 'my erased and thy written above the line. TORRENT IS TAKEN INTO TUE GIANT’s CASTLE. 11 ‘ Ye/ seycl Torrent, ‘ ore he be wakyii), 280 I scliaH the teH soche a tokyii), Of hyin thow haiie no thowght ! But wolddes thow for thy gentry Do the lyonnys downe lye, That they nyee me nowght V 285 By the hande sche ganwe hym ta And led hyme in) hetwQ them twa ; Ryght ase sche wold, they wrowght. (27) The lady wase neuyd so a-drad. In to the hale sche hym lad. That lemyred ase gold bryght ; Sche byrlyd whyt wyne and Bede : ‘ Make vse myrre a-geyne owre Dedd, I wot win, yt ys so dyght ! ’ ‘ Be my trowthe ! ’ seyd Torrent, ‘ I wole be thy warrant. He comythe not here thys nyght. On soche a slepe he ys browght, AH men of lyve wakythe hym nowght. But onely godes mijgJit.’ (28) Blythe then wase that lady jent. For to on-harnes Torrent, That dowghtty wase and bold ; ‘ For sothe,’ sche seyd, ‘ I wot wher ys The kynge*’ sone Verdownijs, 305 Fast put in hold 283. tMj] th corrected from m. gentry] gcntre, e corrected from y. 285. nyee] first e above the line. 286. hande] d corrected from e. tane MS. 287. hcicte MS. twaync MS. 300. godes myght] gode a lone MS. 305. Vcrdownys] of pvcnse MS. 290 f. 8la. 295 300 The Lady takes Torrent past the Lions, into the Castle. He tells her he has kild the Giant. She tells him of Prince Ver- downys, 12 TORRENT FREES A PRINCE AND 4 EARLS’ SONS. and 4 Earls’ sons in the Giant’s prison. Torrent breaks open the prison, and frees the 5 youths. They sup. In a dongon), that ys dym ; Fowyre good Erylko* sonnys be wzt/i hyme Ys fet in) fere and fold. The gyant wan theme in) a tyde, 310 Ase they Kane be the watyr syd, And put them in) preson) cold. (29) ‘In an yron) cage he hathe them done.’ Torrent went thether* sone ; ‘ Are ye yet levand V 315 The kynges sone askyd than), Yf ther were anny crysten man), ‘ Wold bryng vse ow^ of bond 1 ’ ‘ Lord,’ he seyd, ‘ god allmyght, I had levyr on a Day to fyght, f. si*. 320 Than aH my fathyrys lond.’ W^t^ an iryn) maH styff and strong^ He brake vpe an yron) dore or longe, And sone the keyes he fond. (30) Owt he toke thys chyldyryn) fyve, 325 The feyrest that were on lyve, I-hold in) anny sted. The lady wase fuH ghd, Sche byrlyd whyt wyn) and Eedd, And sethyn) to soper sone they yed. 330 ‘ Lordes,’ he seyd, ‘ syn yow are hei'^, I Eed yow make Eyght good chei'’. For now ys aH thy nede.’ Thus he covyrd owt of care. God, that sofryd wonddes sare, 335 Grante vse well to sped ! 318. oivf] oto (!) MS. 323. or longc\ added in paler ink. 325. chyld.'] a v struck out, follows. 328. glad MS. 335. sore MS. 336. wcUq to sped] to sped welle MS. THEY ALL CHOOSE THEIR HORSES TO RIDE AWAY. 13 (31) L ordcl65, and ye wol lythe, The chyldyr namys I avoH teli blytlie, Here kyn, how they were me told ; The kyng^5 sone, that dowghtty ys, 340 Wase clepyd Verdownys, That dowghtty wase and bold, And an Erylle^ son, that hyght Torren), A nother lakys of Berweyne, The forthe was Ainyas bold. f. S2a. 345 The kynges dowghttyr of Gales lond, Elyonei-^, I vndyrstond. That worthy wase in hold, (32) In to hys chambyr sche hyme led, Ther gold and syluyr wase spred, 350 And asni^, that wase bio ; In yron ther he gan stond, Body and arinys al sc//y7?and, 111 ) jiowynt to trusse and goo. In to a stabyH sche hyni led, 355 Eche toke a fiiH feyer’ sted. They were redy to goo ; And wote ye weH: and vndyrstond. Had the gyant be levand, They had not portyd soo. 3G0 (33) They woB not to bed gan^e, TyH on the morrow the Day spronge. Thus a wey to Bare. 337. after wol, he struck out MS. 340. ?/s] unse MS. 346 — 348 put before 343 — 345, MS. 351. hlo'\ hlewc ]\[S. 353. al sch.} lygand (!) MS. 354. trussel corrected from truste. 357. o'cchy] om. ]\IS. 358. ivote'] with paler ink corrected from u'hat. 359. IIacl\ corrected out of Imn. byn follows, almost entirely erased, gyant] t corrected from d. 361. gauge] gan MS. lie, on the struck out, follows. Torrent freed Rrince Ver- downys, Lords Torren, .Takys, and Ainyas, and Princess Eleanor. She takes Torrent to his chamber, and tlien all of them to the stable, where each chooses a horse. 14 TORRENT RETURNS TO PORTUGAL. Torrent feeds the lions on the Giant’s body, and puts his head on a horse. He goes back to Portugal. The King and his Lords are afraid of the lions. Torrant sperryd the gattys, i-wyse, AH that he lyst he cleiDyd hys, 3G5 The keys and tliyng he bare. The lyons that teas at the dore Wase led to hei’’ mayste?’ that wase befoi’^, On hym thay fed them yave, Vpp won of the horse, that wase thei’’ levyd, 370 On hym thei trussyd the gyanttes heyed. Thus helpt hym god then’’. (34) But ore III wekes wei^ com??^yn) to End, To PortynggaH gan he wend, Thei’^ ase the kyng gan lend ; 375 The portei’’ sawe hym ther he stood. He fled a wey, ase he were wod, Flyngyng ase a fynd. f. & 26 . ‘ Syr kyng,’ he seyd, ‘ be goddes dede, Torrant bryngythe a devyH ys bed, 380 Ther w^t7^. he woH yow present.’ DesoneH seyd : ‘ Portefl, be styH ! ’ . . . In hys walke ther ase he went. (35) The kyng to the gatys gan pase, Gret lordes that ther wase, 385 Bothe knyghtea and squyerre, Lordes wase fuH sore a-dred Fore the lyonys, he had, They durst not come hyme nefl. 366. keys] e written with paler ink above the line. 367. lyons that luas] lyone MS. 369, Vn{\) MS. hym] y corrected out of e MS. thay] cor- rected from that, yare] ther MS. 371. Vn {\) MS. thei] i written above the line, hed MS. 372. ther MS. 373. were] ther, struck out, and vjere written over. 375. lend] lye MS. 376. saioe h. th.] ther sawe he MS. 386. squyerres MS. VERDOWNYS’S FATHER IS TOLD OF IIIS SAFETY. 15 The kyng seyd : ‘ I wyH the kysse, 300 Durst I for’ thy bested, Iwysse.’ Torrent dyd them ly thei’’, And kyssyd the kyng ^v^t7i joy and blyse ; And aftyr, other lordes of hys, And aftyr, ladys clere. 305 (36) Messengyres loent the weye, To the kyng of P?-ovyns to sey, Hys sone ys owt of hold : ‘ Yyng Torrent of PortynggaH Hathe browght hym owt of balle 400 And slayne the jeyant bold.’ LytyH and inykyH \at ther weG AH they mad good cher f. 8^r/. Hei’’ prynse fayne se wold. The kyng seyd : ‘ So mot I the, 405 I woH geff the towynnys thre Foi'’ the talles thow hast me told.’ (37) Tha?^ seyd they, tha7 to Gales yede, Yeftys to tahe were hem no ned. Then Ferdownys had they. 410 Ase they seylyd on a tyde. At Perrown) on the see syd The kyng of Provywse seyd : ‘ So mot I tlie, Yftles schaH they not be, 415 That dare I sothely sey.’ 390. tlie\ hym MS. 395. aftyr'] other add. (!) MS. clere] jcnt MS. 396. went] to {\) MS. 397. after Provyns 1 MS. 399. Yoyng MS. 405. kyng seyd] kyngcs messengere ]\IS. 405-7 put before 402-4. 408. Than — thah] That they than MS. Gales] with paler ink corrected from Calles. yede] corrected from tocnt. 409. take] om. MS. hym MS. 410. Then Downys MS. Ton-ent kisses tlie King of Portugal. The King of Provyns is glad of his son Ver- downys’s safety and promises Torrent gifts. IG TORRENT GETS WELAND’s SWORD ADOLAKE. The King of Gales offers Torrent liis daughter. The King of Provyns gives Torrent his Sword made by Weland, and named Ado- lake. A fortnight’s Feast is held. The kyng of Gales proferd hym feyef : ‘ Wed my dowglittyr and myii Eyer’, When so euyr’ thow may ! (38) The kyng of Perve??se seyd : ‘ So mot I the, 420 Thys seson) yeftles schaH thow not be, Haiie here my Eyng of gold, My sword, that so wyE ys wrowyt ; A better than) yt know I nowght W^t7i in) crystyn) mold ; 425 Yt ys ase glemyrryng ase the glase, Thorrow Velond wroght yt wase, Bettyr ys non) to hold. I have syne sum tyme in) lond, Whoso had yt of myn) bond, 430 Fa we the?/ were I-told.’ (39) Tho wase Torrent blythe and glad, The good swerd ther he had, The name wase Adolake. A gret mayne?*ey let he make rygld 435 That lest aE a fortnyght. Who so wiE hys met take. f. 836. Euyry man toke ys leve, ase I yow say, Hom-ward to wend ther wey, Euery man ys Eest to take. 440 TyE yt be-feE vppon a day, Ase they went be the wey, The kyng to hys dowghttyr spake : 417. gales] g with paler ink corrected from e. 429. Loke thou hold yt withfulh hond, add. MS. 431. I fawght therfore I told MS. 435. mayn.] mayne let, with paler ink corrected into mayney, ryght] om, MS. 438. /] om. MS. 440. to take ys Rest MS. DESONELL GIVES TORRENT A WHITE CTIAUGER. 17 (40) ‘ Ye scliaH take lied of a jeentyH man), A feyei-’ poynt foi’’ yow he wane, 445 DesoneH, at the last.’ Syr,’ sche seyd, ‘ be hevyn kyng, TyH ye me told, I knewe no thyng. For who ys love yt wase.’ ‘ Desonelt, so mvt I the, 450 Yt wase for the lowe of the. That he trovylld so fast. I warne yow, dowghttyr, be the Kode, Yt ys for yow bothe good, Ther to I Eed yow tr«st.’ 455 (41) Forthe sche browght a whyt sted. As whyt as the flowyr in) med, Ys fytte blac ase slo??. ‘ Leman), hane here thys foie. That dethe ys dynt schalt Jiou not thole^ 460 WhyH thow settyste hyme appoii. And yf thow had ^ersewyd. be And hadyst ned fore to fle. Fast for to gone. The kyng of ])7azareth sent hym me, 465 Torrent, I wet-saffe hym on the, For better love may I none.’ f. 84«. (42) Aftyr-ward vppon a tyd, Ase the went be the watyres syd. The kyng and yong Torrent, 470 455. trust MS. 458. slo MS. 460. tliole\ haue MS. 461. scttythc MS. 462. p'revyd (!) MS. 465. So Fragm. I (F. I) ; The Tcyng of PortynggallQ seyd: ‘So mot I the MS. 466. hym oil] so F. I ; of MS. TORRENT OF FORTYNGALE. Tlie Kin" of Portugal tells Dcsonell that Torrent kild the Giant for love of her. She gives Torrent a white steed vvhieh the King of Nazareth had sent her. 18 THE FALSE KING OF PORTUGAL DECEIVES TORRENT. The King treacherously asks Torrent to get Desonell a Falcon from the Forest of Magdalen. He agrees to do it. The kyng wold fayue, that he ded wed, And he wjst, in) what maned, How he schnld be schent ; A false lettyr mad the kyng And dyd messengyres forthe yt bryng, 475 On the Eeved, ase they went, To Torrent, that was trew ase styH, Yf he love DesoneH wyH, Get her a facon) jent. (43) Torrent the letter be-gan) to Eed, 480 The kyng lestyned & nere yed, Ase he yt nevyr ad sene. ‘ Syr,' he seyd, ‘ what may thys be, Loo, lord, come ned and see, A-bowght a facon) schene'? 485 I ne wot, so god me sped, In what lond that they bred.’ The kyng answerd : ‘ I wene. In the forrest of Mavdeleyn), Ther be hawker, ase I herd seyne, 490 That byn of lenage c/eii).’ (44) And than seyd the kyng on-trew : ‘ Yf thow get hawkys of gret valew, Bryng on of them to me ! ’ Torrent Seyd : ‘ So god me sane, f. 84^;. 495 Yf yt be-tyd, that I may bane. At yowr wyH they schal be.’ Hys squyere bode he thad, Aftyr hys arinod for to fad. In the fyld byddythe he. 500 471. ded werd\ so F. I ; xoere ded MS. 472. hel so F. I ; hym MS. 477. that %vas\ so F. I ; om. MS. 482. syne MS. 487. tJiaf^ so F. I ; om. MS. they'] ne add. (!) MS. 489. Mavd.~\ so F. I ; Mavdlen MS. 491. clen'>'] gene MS. 498. squyere^ so F. II ; squyeres MS. there MS. TORRENT FINDS A DRAGON IN THE FOREST. 19 They arniyd hym in) hys wed, Tho he be-strod a noble sted, And forthe than Eod hee. (45) T orrent toke the wey a-geyn) In to the forest of Mawdleyn), 505 In the wyld-some way ; Berys and apes there founde he, And wylde bestys great plente, And lyons where they lay. In a wod that wase tyght, 510 Yt Drew nere-hand nyght By dymmynge of the Day, Harkyn, lordes, to them came wo. He and hys squyei*’ pai’tyd in two, Carfnii men then were they. (46) At the schedyng of a Koine Eche partyd other frome, For sothe, ase I vndyrstond. Torrent toke a dulful wey Downe in) a depe valey Be-syd a weH strong. A lytyH be fore inydnyght Of a dragon he had syght. That grysly wase to fond ; He had hym nowght to were, But hys schyld and hys spere. That wase in) hys sqiiyeres hond. 502. noble] so F. II ; nothere MS. 507 — 509. so F. II : Berrys he saioe stonclyng And wyld bestes ther goyng, Gret lyonys ther he fond. MS. 510. tyght] so F. II ; thyke MS. 512. By d.] so F. II ; And me the Lawnyng MS. 513. to — wo] so F. II ; to] of F. II. %vhat 1 schalle sey MS. 514. in tioo] so F. II ; they MS. 515. men — they] so F. II ; they were that Day MS. 524. fond] syght MS. 515 520 525 f. 85a. Torrent ride.s to the Forest of Magdalen, gets separated from Ins Squire, and comes on a Dragon. C 2 20 A DRAGON ATTACKS TORRENT. Torrent prays (o Clirist to be bis help. Tke Dragon’s tail is 7 yards long, and has a fiery head on it. CO Torrent knelyd on liys kne, To Imi Cryst prayd he : ‘ Lord, inykyH; of myght, Syne I wase in) meche care, Let me nevuyd owt of ^hys world fai'*, Tyil I bane take o?Y?er of knyght. Ase I ame falsely lietlied sent, Wyld-soin weyes bane I went, W/t/i fynd.35 for to fygiit. Xow, leg'll, for tby holy name, Ase I ame but man) a-lone, Than) be my belpe to nygbt ! ’ (48) Ase Torrent lesu gan) pr«y, lie herd the dragon), ther be lay Vndyr-netbe a clo?t?; Of am? on be wase stronge, llys tayle wase YII yerdes long, That aftyr by me be drowe ; Hys wynggcs wase long and wygbt. To the cbyld be toke a flygbt ~With an bowge swoive ; Had be netbed scbyld ne spere, But pr«yd to god, be scbold byme were, For be wase in dred i-nowe. - (49) On the tayle an bed tbed wase. That byrnyd Brygbt as anny glase, fo In fyer wban yt was dygbt ; 532. thys] hys (!) MS. 533. hauc] or add. (!) MS. order'] othere (!) MS, 542. clow] colod or colvd, I corrected from d, MS. 543. and] an MS. 545. dreioe MS. 548. swoice] swayne (!) MS. 551, inowthe MS. 554. yq he MS. 530 535 540 545 550 l. 856. TORRENT KILLS THE DRAGON. 21 A-bowght the sclijld he lapi)yd yt thed, 555 Torrent the bowght a-sondyr schere Thiirrow the graao, of god almyght. As the boke of Rome tellys, Of hys taylle he cut IIII elle*’ 'With hys swerd so bryght. 5 GO Than cryed the lothely thyng, That all the daH be-gan to Ryng, That hard the gyant wyght. (50) The gyant seyd : ‘ I vndyrstond, There ys sum crystyu) man) nerc hond, 5G5 My dragon here I cry. By hym, that schope bothe watyd and loud, AH that I can se be-fore me stond, Dere schaH they a-bye ! Me thynkythe, I here my dragon) schowt, 570 I deme, ther be svme dowghtty man) hym a-bovvght, I trow, to long I ly. Yf I dweH in my pyH of ston), And my cheff-fostcr were gone, A false mayste/’ were I ! ’ 575 (31) Be the gyant wase Eedy dyght. Torrent had slayne the dragon) Ryght ; Thus gan god hyme scheld. To the mownteyne he toke the wey To Rest hyme, aH that day, He had myster, to be kyld. TyH the day be-gan to spryng, Fowllys gan niyrre to syng Bothe in) frethe and in feld. 558. Tellys] tcllythc MS. 563. That the gyant ImvcI wyght MS. 574. /osfcr] st coiT. out of t. 581. hyllyd MS. ^ There is no f. 86 in the paging of the MS. 580 f. 87(1.1 Torreiit cuts 1 ells off llie Dragon’s tail; aiul while its Giaiit-ovvner is getting ready to help it, 'rorrent hills it. 22 torrent’s squire is met by a giant. Torrent’8 Squire l ilies all night in a wood, till he finds a highway, and is met by a Giant. Leve we now of Torrent thore 585 And speke we of thys squyei’’ more ; lesu hys sole fro hell shyld ! (52) Hys sqiiyer’ Eod aH nyght In a wod, that wase full tyght, With meche care and gret fare, 590 For to seke hys lord Torrent, That wjghtlj wase frome hyme sent, And he wyst nevyi’^ whethyr ne whar’. He Durst neuyi-’ cry ne schuot. For wyZd'heste^’ were hym a-bowght 595 In) the holttes hare ; A lyty? whyH he-fore the day He toke in) to a Ryde-wey Hyme self to meche care. (53) Forthe he Rod, I vndyrstond, 600 TyR he an hey wey fond, Wz't/i-owtyn) any J) elite, Also fast ase he myght fare. Fore berrys and apys, \at ther ware, Lest they wold hym byght. 605 The sone a-Rose and schone bryght, Of a castyH he had a syght. That wase bothe feyei’’ and whyte .... (54) The gyant hmi se, & ny yed. And seyd : ‘ Fellow, so god me sped, 610 Thow art welcom to me ; f. mb. What dost thow here in my forest ? ’ ‘ Lord, to seke an hawkys nest, Yff yt yowr wyl be.’ 585. there MS. 592. icysly MS. 593. wher MS. 595. ioyld\ ivyd MS. 596. hore MS. 597. lyty MS. 602. Belite\ delay MS. 604. were MS. 609. hem MS. TORRENT IS ATTACKT BY THE GIANT ROCHENSE. 23 ‘ The be-liovythe to ley a Avede.’ G15 To an oke lie hym led : Gret Euthe yt wase to se. In nil (\uartQYes he hym drowe, And euery quarter vppon a bowe ; Lord, soche weys toke hee ! G20 (55) Ase Torrent in) the movnteyn) dyd ly, Hym thoAvght, he hard a EeiifuH cry ; Gret fere ther hyme thowght. ‘ Seynt Marre,’ seyd the chyld so ire, ‘ Wher enyi’’ my jentyE squyed myght be, 625 Tliat I w/tA me to wod browght 'I On he dyd hys harnes a-geyne And worthe on hys sted, serteyiie, And thetherward he sowght. And Avot yoAV AvyE, I vndyrstond, In fovvre quartyres he hym foAvnd, For other Avyse Avase yt nowght. (56) The gyant lenyd to a tre And be-hyld Torrent so free, For sothe, ase I yoAV seye. Thys fend Avase ferly to fyght, Eochense, seythe the boke, he hyght, Ther Avase a dredfuH fraye. To the chyld than) gan he smyght : ‘ A theff, yeld the asttyt, As fast as thoAv may ! ’ ‘ What,’ seyd Torrent, ‘ art tho\v Avood ? God, that Dyed on the Eood, Geff the evyE happe thys day ! ’ 618. cb^eive MS. 624. fre] fcr ]\IS. 630. wot] w add. (!) MS. 635. 7] om. MS. 630 635 640 f. 88«. Tlie Giant cuts Torrent’s S()uire into 1 quarters. Torrent finds these, and is attackt by this giant Rochense. 24 TORRENT FIGHTS THE GIANT ROCHENSE. Torrent’s steed is kild. He drives the Giant back into a deep glen, where he stands in water. Torrent prays God for help. ( 57 ) He Eawglit Torrent soche a Rowght, Hys stedJes brayiie lie smot owte, So mykyH lie be-gan). Torrent tlio a good sped Ase fast a-bo\vte an eche yede ; Ase swefte ase he mygbt, he Ean. He gatliyred svm of liys gere, Botbe hys scbyld and bys spere ; ^^ere hym yod be than). Bacward than be a brow3 Twenty fote he gard hyme goo, Thus erthe on hym he wane. ( 58 ) Yt solasyd Torrant then), When he sawe hyme bacward ren Downe be a movnteyn) of Perowne, Stonily ng thurrow fry the and fen), TyB he com to a depe cjlen^ Ther myght non hym s^ere. Torrent wase glad and folowyd fast. And hys spere on hyme he brast. Good Adyloke yed hyme nere. The fynd in) the watyr stod. He fawte a-geyn, ase he were wod, • AB ]ie day in) fere. ( 69 ) Tho nere hond wase the day gone, Torrent wase so werry than) That on hys kne he kneld : ‘ Helpe, god, that aB may ! DesoneB, haue good day ! ’ Fro hym he cest hys schyld. 645 650 655 660 665 f. 88&. 670 649. yede\ went MS. 650. Rail] Rync MS. 657. than MS. 658. ren'\ Rond{\) MS. 661. gUn'\ thornc MS. 662. stcrc'\ selicrc ]\IS. 668. ]>c] the add. (!) MS. 671. Jcnelycl he MS. TORRENT SLAYS THE GIANT ROCHENSE. 25 leiTi wold not, he were slayne, 675 To hym he sent a schowyd of Eayne, Torrent fiiH wyll yt held. The fynd saw, he wase ny mate, Owt of the watyr he toke the gate. He thowght to wyne the fyld. 680 (60) Thoo wase Torrent ffresse and good ; Nere the fynd sore he stod, Cryst hym sane and see ! The fynd fawt Av/t/i an yron) staff. The fyrst stroke, to hym he gaffe, 685 He brast hys schyld on thre. Torrent vndyr hys staff Rane, To the hart he baryd hym than). And lothely cry gane he. To the grownd he fell ase tyght. 690 And Torrent gan hys hed of-smyght. And thus he wynnythe the gre. (61) Torrent knelyd on the grownd And thankyd god ]?at ylke stownd. That soche grace hyme send. 695 Thus II journeys in thys woo W7t/i hys hander slow he gyantys too, That meny a man) hathe schent. f. 80 t«. Torrent forthe frome hyme ])an yod. And met hyme XXIII 1 fotte, 700 Ther he lay on the bent, Hedies he left hym there, Howt of tlie fyld the bed he bare And to the casteH he went. 677. Tcclyd MS. 690. goivml MS. 697. he] 11 MS. Jesus freshens up Torrent. The Giant attacks again. Torrent runs tiim thro’ the heart, cuts his head oil. finds him 21 ft. long, and goes to his Castle. 2G THE SWORD AND STEED OF GIANT ROCHENSE. Torrent goes to tlie Giant’s Castle, and finds a splendid sword, and a noble white steed. Witli the heads of tlie Giant and Dragon, Torrent rides bacii to Portugal. ( 02 ) To tliys casteli he gan fai’^ ; Tlier fond he armod and othed gnre, A swerd, that wase hryght. To the towre he toke the wey, Ther the gyantcs bed lay, That Kychyly wase dyght. At the beddc5 hed lie fond A swerd, worthe an Eiilys lond, That meche wase of myght. On the poineH yt wase wret. Fro a prynce yt wase get, Mownpolyardmis he hyght. (03) The sarten to sey w/t/(-owt lese, A scheff-chambyi'’ he hym dies, Tyli on the morrow day. To the sfcabuH tho he yed. There he fond a nobyH sted, Wase comely whyt and grey. The gyantk's hed gan he take. And the dragonnys wold he not forsake. And went forthe on hys wey. He left mod good in that sale Than wase w/t/i in) all Portynggatl, Ther ase the gyant laye. ( 04 ) Tho he Eod bothe Day and nyght, TyH he come to a casteh hryght, Ther ys lord gan dwell. The kyng ys gone to the gate. Torrent on kne he fond ther at, Schort taH for to teH. 706. gerc MS. 717. to 6'<;d om- HS. 718. he] schc MS. chesys (!) MS. 720. yod lUS. 705 710 715 720 725 f. 8'J6. 730 TORRENT IS LOVED BY DESONELL. 27 ' Haue tliow tliys in) thyn) liond : 735 iSTo notlier hawkys tlier I fond At Mawdlenys weH:.’ The kyng quod : ‘ Ase so haue I blyse, Torrent, I trow, sy?)/>e ys To the deweH of lieH ! . . . . 740 (65) ‘ Here be syd d welly the won on loud, Ther ys no knyght, dynt may stond, So stronge he ys in dede I ’ ‘ Syi’’/ he sayd, ‘ fore sen lame, What ys the gyantes name, 745 So Euyr good me sped ^ ’ ‘ Syr*,’ lie seyd, ‘ so mvt I the, Slogus of Fuolles, thus byte liee, That wyt ys vndyr wede.’ ( 66 ) LytyH and mykyH:, lese and more, 750 Wondyr on the heddes thore. That Torrent had browght wliome. The Lordes seyd ‘ Be sen MyheH ! Syr kyng, but ye love hyme wyB, To yow yt ys gret schame !’ 755 Torent ordeynyd prystes fy ve, f. uo' oC Port n":il plots to have Torrent kihl hy aiioMicr Giant. He and liis Queen go to Mass. Torrent sits at the head of a side table. 30 TORRENT AGREES TO FIGHT FOR DESONELL. Tlie King asks Torrent if lie’ll do a deed of arms for Desoiiell. ‘ Yes,’ says Tor- rent. ‘ Tlien go to Calabria, (72) Ase they sat a-myddes the mete, The kyng wold not foreget ; To Torrent the kyng gan sey, He seyd : ‘ Torrent, so god me sane, 825 Thow woldes fayne my dowghttyr haue And hast lovyd hed many a day.’ ‘ Ye, be troutlie,’ seyd Torrent than), ‘ And yf \a\i I were a Eyche man), Eyght gladly, par ma fay ! ’ 830 ‘ Yf thow durst for her sake A poynt of armys vndyrtake, Thow broke hei’’ well fore ay ! ’ (73) ‘ Ye,’ seyd Torrent, ‘ ar I ga, Sekyrnes ye schaE me ma 835 Of yowr dowghttyr hend, And aftyrward my ryghtys, Be-fore XXVII knyghtes.’ And aE were Torrente** frende. ‘Xow, good seris,’ gan Torrant sey, f. oi*. 840 ‘ Bere wittnes her of som Daye, A-geyne yf god me send ! ’ (74) Torrent seyd : ‘ So nivt I the Wyst I, where my jorney schold he, Thether I wolde me dyght.’ 845 The kyng gaff hyme an ansvvere : ‘ In the lond of Calabur thed Wonnythe a gyant wyhte, 822. ft] so F. Ill ; the MS. 825. saue] so F. Ill ; sped MS. 830. gladly] so F. Ill ; glad MS. 831. /or h. s.] so F. Ill ; par ma fay MS. 833. broke] so F. Ill ; hreke MS. 834. (/o F. Ill ; gan Rage MS. 835. make MS. 839. frenddes MS. 844. he] om. MS. 845. wolde] so F. Ill ; om. MS. 848. \oyhte] so F. Ill ; whyte MS. TORRENT STARTS TO FIGHT THE GIANT SLOCIIYS. 31 And he ys bothe strong and bold, Slochys lie hyght, I the told, 850 God send the that waye Ryght ! ’ Than quod Torrent : ‘ Haiie goot? day. And, or I come a-geyn), I schaH asay, Whether the fynd can fyght.’ (75) Tho wold he no lenged a-byde, 855 He toke ys wey for to HyrZe On a sted of gret valewe. In to a chambyd he g«if, Ilys leue of Desoneli he t«->^, Sche wepte, aH men niyglit Kewe ; 8G0 He seyd : ‘ Lady, be styH ! I schall come a-geyn the tyH, Tlmrrow helpe of Marry trewe.’ Thus he worthe on a stede. In hys wey Cryst hyme sped, 865 Fore he yt no thyng knewe ! (76) He toke hym a Redy wey, Thnrrow Pervy?zs he toke the wey. As hys lorney feH. TyH the casteH Be the See, 87 0 An hy stret heldythe hee, Ther the kyng dtjd dwelle. To the porter he gan seye : ‘ Wynd in), fellow, I the pr«y. And thy lord than teH, 875 851. that 7e.] so F. Ill ; tvays MS. 852. good] goo MS. 853. S 2 >ace left liere for an initial letter of the largest size in MS. 856. liyde\ ryght MS. 858. gas\ gothe MS. 859. tas\ toke MS. 862. thel than MS. 868. pvys MS. 871. And MS. 872. dyd divk\ dwellyd MS. 875. tyll MS. ^ Tliere are two folios 91 in the i\IS. and fight the Giant Slochys.’ Torrent takes leave of Desoneli, starts, and rides to the Castle of tlie King of Provyns. 32 TORRENT A GUEST OF THE KING OF PROVYNS. The King of Provyns welcomes Torrent, and feeds liim. ToiTent’s sword is his only Squire. Pray hym, on won nyglit in) liys sale To harburrow Torrent of PortynggaH, Yf yi^ Bee ys wiH !’ ( 77 ) The portei'’ Dyd hys com?7zandnient, To the kynge he ys wente And knelyd vppon) ys kne : ‘ God blyse J?e, lord, In thy sale ! Torrent of Portynggale Thus sendythe me to the ; He p7'«ythe yow, yf ye myght, To harburrow hym thys won) nyght, Yf yow7* win yt bee.’ The kyng swere be hym, J)«t dyed on tre ; ‘ There ys no man) in) crystyante More welcome to me ! ’ ( 78 ) The kyng a-Eose and to the gat yod, Lordes and other’’ knyg/iifes good. That were glad of hys com?Ryng^. In to the hale he hyme browght, Eyche met spare they nowght, Be-fore Torrent fore to bryng. ^ Syr,’ sayd the kyng, ‘ I pray the, Where be thy men off armys free. That w^t/i the schuld leiuj V ^ Syr, to a lord I rnvst Eyde, My squyer hongythe be my syde, No man scliaH wzth me wend,’ ( 79 ) ‘ Sy/’,’ seyd the kyng, ‘ I pray the. Where schall thy ded of armys bee, Yf yt be thy wyE ] ’ 880 885 890 895 f. 916. 900 878. W wille to Bee MS. 892. knyges MS. 899. leng\ %oyncl MS. 905 TORRENT IS OFFERO A PRINCESS OF PROVYNS. 33 ‘ S^r/ he seyd, ‘ vttyrly, At Calabur, sekyrly, I ame ah Eedy ther tyH Wit/i a sqiiyer, pat wiH can Ryde ; Fast be the see Sydde 910 Schuld we pley ow?^r fyle ; And wot ye wyH and vndyrstond, Ther scliaR no knyght come nere hoiid Fore dred of denttc^ yH.’ (80) The kynge seyd ; ‘ Be goddes ore, 915 I Rede, pat pou come not thore. Fore why, I wyh the seye : Meche folke of that contre Come hetliek fod sokod of me, Bothe be nyght and day ; 920 There ys a gyant of gret Renowne, He dystrowythe bothe sete and towyn) And aB pat euyd he may ; And ase the boke of Rome dothe teH, He wase get of the deweH of heB, 925 As liys moder on slope lay,’ (81) The kyiig Seyd ; ‘ Be seynt Adryan), f. 92«. I Rede, a nother JentyB mane Be there and hane the gro : I haiie a dowglittyr, pat ys me dere, 930 Thow schalt here wed to thy fere, And, yf yt thy wyll be. Two duchy es in /onde I wille geve here in) haiide.’ ‘ Gp«marcy, syr,’ sayd he, 935 915. kynges (!) MS. 916. there IMS. 922. sete] second e corr. out of a MS. 929. the] so F. IV ; om. MS. degre MS. 932. So F. IV ; om. (!) MS. 933. londc^ lionde F. IV ; om. MS. 935. syr s. A.] so F. IV ; seyd he tlmne MS. TORRENT OF PORTYNGALE. D Torrent says he lias to fight in Calabria. The King of Provyns warns him against the terrible Giant there, and offers him his D.aughter and 2 Duchies instead. 34 TORRENT ARRIVES IN CALABRIA. Torrent says lie must keep liis troth. He starts, reaches Calabria, and hears of the Giant. ‘ W/t/i my tonge so haue I wrowght, To broke my day tlian wiH I nowght, l^edys me beliovythe ther to bee.’ (82) ‘ In goddes name/ the kyng gane sayne, ‘ lesu send the wiH a-geyne, Lord so mekyH of myghte ! ’ MenstrelLi" was them a-monge, Trompette^, harpys, and myrre songe, Delycyoiis nottis on hyght. When tyme was, to bed they wente ; On the morrow Eose Torrente And toke leve of kyng and knyght And toke a Eedy weyye, Be a see syd as yt laye, God send hym gattes Eyght ! (83) A hye stret hathe he nome, In to Calabur he ys come W/t7t in) to days ore III ; Soo come thei’’ folkes hym a-geyne, Fast folloyng with cart and wayne. Fro- ward the sytte. ‘ Dere god ! ’ seyd Torrent nowe, ‘ Leve folkes, what Eyllythe yow, Soo fast fore to flee ? ’ ‘ There ys a gyante here be-syde, In ale thys covntre fare and wyde Ho mane on lyve levy the hee.’ (84) ‘ Dere god,’ sayd Torrant thane, ‘ Where scliali I fynd that lothly man)?’ Ther they answerd hym anone : 947. of] so F. IV ; on MS. 948. toke] so F. IV 951. 7tome] so F. V ; none MS. 952. come] so F. V 958. yoiv] nowe add. (!) MS. 964. lothly] so Hall. ; 965. anone] so F. V ; a geyne MS. 940 945 950 955 9G0 f. 92&. 965 ; to MS. ; gone MS. lovely MS. TORRENT FINDS THE GIANT SLONGUS IN HUNGARY. 35 * In a castyH be-syd the see, Slongus, soo hyght hee, Many a man had he slone. We wot wih wher he doth ly : Be-f ore the cyte of Hungry ; 970 He witi not the?is gone, TyH he haue the Ryche kyng< To hys p^’esone for to hryngg. To be lord of hyme self a-lone.’ (85) Tho wold he no lengei'’ a-byd, 975 But to the sytte gan he Eyde, As fast as he myght fare ; Here barys feH and broke downe. And the gattes of gret Reiiowne Stondyng^ aH baree. 980 Men of armys stond hyme a-geyne. Mo than fyfty had he slayne W'M grynie woundde^ and sare. When Torrent of hym had a syght, Thowe DesoneB be neuyi’’ so bryght, 985 He Avill Rene hym hys chaff«A ( 86 ) Torrent in) the storrope stod And pmyd to god, pat dyed on Rode : ‘Lord, ase thow schalt ale wyld at wyle, Gyff me grace to wyn the fyld, 990 That thys lothli/ fynd hym yeld A-non to me tyH ! 968. sIo7ie] so F. V ; slaylne (!) MS. 969. doth ly] so F. V ; ys mA 970. cyte] so F. V ; knyghthod MS. Hungry] so F. V ; Hongrys MS. 971. thens] thus MS. 986. hym] m corr. out of s. MS. chaffer MS. 990. %oynd (!) MS. vndyr ncthe sperc and schyld aild. (!) MS. 991. lothly] om. MS. The Giant Slongus is in Hungary ; he has broken the City gates, and slain 50 men. Torrent prays to Christ for help. D 2 3G TORRENT CHALLENGES THE GIANT SLONGUS. Torrent blows bis horn. The Giant Slonsus, of Flonthus, says lie’ll wring Torrent’s nose. His Crook is 13 ft. long. A man scliaH But oimys Byee, I wiH fyght, wliiH I may Dryee.’ He mad chei^ nobyH. When he had pr«yd of gmce, He wyscheyd liyme a batteH plase, Ther as hym lyst we//e. (87) Torrent hys spere a-say be-gane, Bothe schyld and spere than), That they were sekyr and good. Aftyr \ai, \fiili in a throwe, Hys good home gane he blowe. The gyant sawe, wher’ he stodde : Slonges of Flonthus staryd than) ; Quod Torrent : ‘ Yf tliow be a gentyH man) Or come of gentyff blod, Let thy beytyng and thy Ermyght be, And come jirove thy strenghe on me, Therfor I sowght the, be the Rodde.’ ( 88 ) The gyant sayd : ‘ Be the Roode, DeweR of heH send the fode, Hether to seche me : By tlie nose I schaH the wryng, Thow berdles gadlynm. That aH lieH schaH thow see ! ’ The wey than to hym he toke And on hys bake he bare a croke, Wase X fot long and thre ; And thow he neue?* so gret war’. Torrent thowght not fare to fare, TyH wone of them ded bee. 995. nobill clicre MS. 998. ivellc] were MS. 1008. Let be thy b. a. t. erm. MS. 1011. sayd\ written above the line. 1017. he] so F. VI ; o 1018. he] her MS. croke] so F. VI ; creke (!) MS. 1020. were MS. f. 93ir. 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 f. 9 :Fi. 1. MS. TORRENT SLAYS THE GIANT SLONGUS OF FLONTIIUS. 37 (89) Tlioo wold Torrent no lenged byd, TyH the thelF gan he Kyde, Ase fast ase eiiyi’’ he may. The theff liad non ey but on), Soche sawe I neiier none, A^eythei-’ be nyght nor be day. Thurrow goddes helpe and sent Awsden) The spere throw ye and lierne (jan ren. God send hym the Ryght wey ; Than the theff be-gane to Rore. Ah that in) the sytte wore, Oiiyi’^ the wallys they laye. (90) Thow the fyndes ey were owte, 1035 Fast he leyd hym a-bowte AH ])at somyrrc6’ nyght ; lie set ys backe to an hyH, That Torrent schuld not come hym tyH, So meche \>ai tlielF covd of fyght. 1040 He bled so sore, I vndyrstond, liys croke feH owt of hys bond, Hys dethe to hyme ys dyght. Torrent to hyme Rane with a spere, Thurrow the body he gan hym here, 1045 Thus helpe hym god of myght. (91) AH that in) the sytte were, Mad fuH nobiH chere. That thys fynd wase Dedde. 1024. / add. (!) MS. 1028. Blyther (!) MS. nor] so F. VI ; and MS. 1030. thy'oio — rcn] anon he toke to hym MS. 1033. icore] so F. VI ; toerc MS. 1040. M p add. MS. 1047. That alle ))IS. 1025 1030 Torrent charges, pierces the Giant’s then spears him tliro’ tlie body, and kills him. 38 TOllRENT GOES TO THE CASTLE OF GIANT SLONGUS. Torrent preserves tlie Giant’s liead. The King of Calabria feasts him, and takes him to the Giant’s Castle. Fortlie they Eaii with stavys of tre, f. 94a. 1050 Torrent seyd : ‘ So mvt I the, Kepe hole hys lied ! Yf yt be broke, so god me sped, Yt ys wyll the worse to lede.’ They dyd ase he hem bede, 1055 INIo than thre Imnderd on a throng Yt ys solas Euyi’’ a-mong Whan that he was dede. (92) Than) the kyng of Calaber ayen) hym went, Torrent be the bond he hent, 1060 To the haH he gan) hym lede And comaundid sqniers tivo, Of hys harnes for to do And cloth hym) in another wede. Waytes on the waH gan blowe, 1065 Knyghtis assemled on a Rowe, And sith to the deyse they yede ; ‘ Sir,’ quod the kyng, ‘ of whens are ye 1 ’ ‘ Of Portingale, sir,’ said he, ‘ I com heder, to sech my decZe.’ 1070 (93) FnH: curtesly the kyng gan say To Torrent on the o]>urQ day : ‘ WyH ye wend with me A lituh here be-side to passe. There as the Geauntes dwelling was 1075 His maner now for to see ? ’ To the casteH gan) they gone, Richer saw they never none. Better myght none be. 1054. lede] Rede, struck out and lede added in paler ink. 1055. That seson they MS. he hem] hyme (!) MS. hede] had MS. IQol pid before 1056 MS. 1062. tivo] Iho MS. 1063. hys] her MS. 1070. deth MS. 1072. To T.] Torrent said MS. TORRENT HEARS THAT DESONELL IS TO WED A KINO. 30 ‘ Sir/ lie said, ‘ be god aH-my^b, 1080 For thou liym) slew, j^at it dight, I voiiche it saue on the, (94) ‘ I yeve yt the, sw*, of my /iond, f. ur. And there-to, an erledome of my lond, For soth, ye shall it haue ; 1085 Oinage thou shalte none nor ffyne, Hut euer more to the and thyne, Frely, so god me saue ! ’ Lordys, and ye liston wold. What was clepud the riche hold : 1090 The casteH of Cardon), hy scare. Two days or thre dwellith he thare And sith he takythe leve to ffare. Both at knyght and knave. (95) By the kyng of Pe?*vens he gan gane, 1095 That he had oute of preson i-tane His son vppon a day. Gentilnien were blith and fFayn), That he in helth was corny n) agayn). That they myght with hym) play. 1100 There of herd he, sertaynZe, That DesoneH wedid shold be With an vncouth Bay. And listonyth, lordis, of a cliaunce, Howe he lefte his countenaunce 1105 And takyth hym) armes gay ! 1081. it] is MS. 1083. yt] om. MS. of] allc add. MS. honcl] loud MS. 1084. my] om. MS. 1086. nor] om. MS. 1091. hy s.] om. MS. 1092. there MS. 1093. leve] the ivay MS. 1096. of preson] om. MS. 1101. sertayn MS. 1103. vnc.] a add. MS. Tlie King of Calabria gives Torrent the Giant’s castle, and an Karldoin. The Castle’s name is Cardon. Torrent hears that Desonell is to marry a strange King. 40 TORRENT IS KNIGHTED. DESONELL IS MARRIED. Tlie King of Provyns knights Torrent. Torrent has an azure sliield with a gold squire on it; and a grinning dragon of gold on the crest of his helmet. He hears that Desonell’s marriage is certain. ( 96 ) By-fore the hyng he feH on kne : ‘ Good lord/ he said, ‘ for charite, Yeve me order of knyght ! I wott weH:, leryd are ye, My lordys doughter shaH wed be To a man) off myglit.’ ‘ Sir/ he said, ‘ I trow, she mone To the prynce off Aragon), By this day sevynnyglit. Swith,’ he seith, ‘ that this be done, That thou be there and wyn) thy shone, Gete the arrnes bryght.’ ( 97 ) Sir Torrent ordenyth hym a sheld. It was ryche in euery ffeld, Liston yth, what he bare : a^ure a squier off gold, Richely bett on mold ; Listonyth, what he ware : A dragon) lying hym be-syde, His mouth grennyng fuH wyde, AH ffyghtyng as they were ; The creste, that on his hede shold stond. Hit was aH gold shynand. Thus previd he hym) there. ( 98 ) Lordys assembelid in sale, WeH mo than I haue in tale. Or ellis gret wonder were. There herd he teH ffor certan). That DesoneH wed shold be than). That was hym selfe ffuH dere. 1110. ye are leryd MS. 1111. he wed MS. 1115 and 1118 have changed their place in the MS. 1122. Oil] o/MS. 1134. he] I MS. 1110 f. 95a. 1115 1120 1125 1130 1135 TORRENT CHALLENGES THE PRINCE OF ARAGON. 41 And wlian) lie herd of that ffare, AVors tydingis than were thare, IMiglit he none gladly here (99) He wold not in passe, 1140 TiH at the myd mete was The kyng and meny a knyght ; As they satt at theyre mete glade, In at the hail dur he rade In armes fFeyre and bryght, f.95&. 1145 ATith a squier, that is fFre ; Vp to the lady ryduth he, That rychely was i-dight. ‘ Lordys,’ he said, ‘ among you aH I chalenge thre coursus in the hall, 1150 Or Delyuer her me with right ! ’ ( 100 ) The kyng of Aragon) sett her bye, And he defendid her nohely : ‘I wyh none delyuer the.' His son said : ‘ So muste I thryve, 1155 There shall no man just for my wifte ; But yf youre wyB it be. For her love did I never no dede, I shall to day, so god me spede : Be-hold and ye shaB se.’ 11 GO ‘ Alas ! ’ said DesoneB the dere, ‘ FuB longe may I sitt here. Or Torrent chalenge me.’ ( 101 ) Trumpettes blew in the prese, Lordys stond on the gresey 11G5 Ladyes lay one?- and be-held. 1141. af] om. MS. 1143. mete] oin. AIS. 1144. he] they MS. 1151. Delyucr it me AIS. 1165. the grese] rcugis or rengis MS. Toneiit rides into tlie Hall vvliere Uesoiiell is, and cliallen;res any one to fight him for her. Tlie Prince of Aragon accepts, and the lists are made ready. TORRENT BEATS THE PRINCE OF ARAGON. rorreiit unhorses Uie Prince of Aragon, and lie is carried indoors. At dinner, Torrent lays Slongns’s head on the table. The piynce and Torrent then Eyther to other gan ren), Smertely in that flfeld ; Torrent sett on hyin) so sore, That hors and man down) he bore, And aid to-sheverd his sheld. So they tomhelid aH in fFere, That afterward of VII yere The prynce none arines myght weld. ( 102 ) Torrent said : ‘ So god me sane. Other two conrsus wyH I haue, Yf ye do me law of lond.’ Gret lordys stond styH, They said nether good ne yH For tynding of his bond. The prynce of Aragon) in they ban-* With lituH worshipp and sydes sare. He had no fote on ffor to stond. Tims thes lordys justid aye ; Better they had to haue be away, Siiche comffort there he fFond. (103) He wold not in passe. Tin they at myd mete was. On the other day at none. His sqiiiers habite he had. Whan) he to the deyse yad, AYith onte couped shone. And the hede on) the bord he laid : ‘ Lo, s/r kyng, hold this,’ he said, ‘ Or ellis wroth we anon) ! ’ 1170 1175 f. 1180 1185 1190 1195 1167. than MS. 1186. they'] he MS. 1187. found MS. TORRENT CLAIMS DESONELL, AND HALF PORTUGAL. 43 They sett stiH: at the bord, None of hem spake one word, But ryght that he had done. ( 104 ) Torrent at the syde bord stode : ‘ Lystonyth, lordynges, gentdi of blood, For the love of god aH-myght : The kyng heyght me his donghter dere. To ffyght with a ffendys ffere. That wekyd was and wight. To wed her to my wyffe. And halffe his kyngdome be his litfe. And after his days aH his ryght. Lokyth, lordys, you among, Whether he do me ryght or wrong ! ’ Tho waried hym) both kyng & knyght. ( 105 ) Tho said the kyng of Aragon, i-wys : ‘ Torrent, I wiste no thing of thys, A gret maister arte thou ! ’ The kyng sware be seynt Gryffen) : ‘ With a sword thou shalte her wynne. Or thou haue her nowe : For why, my son to her was wed, Gret lordys to churche her led, I take wittnes of aH you.’ ^ Kyng Calamond, haue good day. Thou shalt i-bye it, and I may. To god I make avowe.’ ( 100 ) The Empe^’oure of Koine ther was, Be-twene thes kynges gan) he passe And said : ‘ Lordys, as sone. 1200 Torrent proclaims the promise of the King of Portugal to give him Desonell, and half Portugal, if he slew Slongus. 1205 [ 1209 ] f. 9G6. 1210 Ttie King of Aragon 1215 says his son has ^ ^ wedded Desonell. [ 1220 ] 1220 He will be revenged on the King of Portugal. 1225 1198. They spake nether ylle ne good add. (!) MS. 1211. t&] ky, struck out, add. MS. 1220. you alle MS. 44 To settle the quarrel, the Kmperor suggests a fight between 2 Cliainpions. The King of Aragon sends to the giant Cate to figlit Torrent on an island tor half PortugaU TORRENT IS TO FIGHT THE GIANT CATE. This squier, that hath brought this hede, The kyng had wend he had be dede, And a-venturly gan) he gone : I rede you take a day of ryglites, And do it vppon) two knyghte*', And let no man) be slon) ! ’ Gret lordys, that were thare, This talis lovid at that fare And ordenyd tha^ anon). ( 107 ) To the kyng the tlioght com) was, To send vnto Sathanas For a geauiit, that hight Cate, For to make hym) knyght to his bond And sease hym) in all his lond ; The messingere toke the gate. Gret othes he sware hym thaiD, That he shold ffyght but wft/i one man), And purvey hym he bad Iryn stavis two or thre, For to ffyght witli Torent ffre, Though he there of ne watt. ( 108 ) Than take counseH kyng and knyght, On lond that he shold not ifyght, But ffar oute in the see, In an yle long and brad ; A gret payn) there was made. That holdyn) shold it be. Yf Cate slow Torent, that ffre ys, Halfe Portyngale shold be his. To spend with dedys ffre ; 1230. ryghtes] Restys MS. 1232. si 1235. that] than MS. 1236. the thoyh 1247. loott MS. 1248. coxins.] o/adtl 1251. hrocl MS. [ 1230 ] 1230 1235 [ 1240 ] 1240 f. 97u. 1245 [ 1250 ] 1250 1255 ’ayn MS. t orn. MS. [. MS. THE GIANT CATE, AND TORRENT, GO TO THE ISLAND. -15 And yf sir Torrent myglit liyni ouer-coin). He sliold hane halfe Aragon), Was better than siiclie thre. [12()0J (109) The Gyannt shipped in a while And sett hyin) onte in an yle. That was grow both grene and gay. Sir Torrent coin) prekand on a stede, Eichely armed in liis wede ; 1200 Tlie Giant Cate comes to an Islaml. ‘ Lordyngys,’ gan he say, ‘ It is seinely ffor a knyght, Vppon a stede ffor to ffyght.’ They said sone : ‘ Nay, 1265 He is so hevy, he can not ryde. Torrent said : ‘ EviH innt he be-tyde, Falshode, woo worth it aye ! ’ [1270] 1270 (110) ‘ Sir, takyth houseli and shrefte ! ’ To god he did his hondys lifte, And thankid hym of his sond : f. 976. ‘ lesu Cryste, I the praye. Send me myght and strengith this day A-yen) the ffend to stond ! ’ To the shipp sir Torent went. 1275 Torrent prays for Clirist’s lielp. With the grace, god had hym sent. That was never ffayland ; AH the lordys of that contre, Frome Eome vnto the Grekys so, Stode and be-held on loud. [1-280] 1280 (Ill) Whan sir Torrent in to tlie Ho was brought. The shipmen) longer wold tary nought, But hied hem sone ageyn) ; and lands in the Island too. 1285 1278. This line begins with a big initial letter. Torent] yode, struck out, add. MS. 1283, On loud atode and he held MS. 46 TORRENT KILLS THE GIANT CATE WITH COBBLE-STONES. The Giant knocks Torrent’s staff out of his hand, and runs into the sea. Torrent sides cobble-stones at him, kills him. and he is towd ashore. Torrent is shipt to the mainland. The Giaunt said : ‘ So must I the, Sir, thou art welcom to me. Thy deth is not to layu) ! ' The ffirste stroke to hym he yaue, Oute of his hand flew his staff : Tliat thefe was fuH fayii). Tho sir Torent went nere Cate, He thought, he wold hym) haue slayn). ( 112 ) The theff couth no better wonne, In to the see rennyth he sone. As faste as he myght flare. Sir Torrent gaderid cobled stonys. Good and handsom flor the nonys. That good and round ware ; Meny of them to hym) he caste. He threw stonys on hym so faste. That he was sad and sare. To the ground he did hym fell, Men) myght here the fend yeH Halfe a myle and mare. ( 113 ) Sir Torent said, as he was wonne. He thankid Ie.9U, Maryes son). That kyng, that sent hym my^t^ ; He said : ‘ Lordys, for charite, A bote that ye send to me. It is nere hand nyght ! ’ They Reysed a gale \vith a sayh. The Geaunt to lond for to trayH, AH; men wonderid on that wight. Whan that they had so done, They went to sir Torent fiiH sone And shipped that comly knyght. 1298. gad.'] good add. MS. 1300. were MS. 1303. sore MS. 1306. [ 1290 ] 1290 1295 [ 1300 ] 1300 f. 98a. 1305 [ 1310 ] 1310 1315 [ 1320 ] more MS. TORRENT WINS DE30NELL, LANDS, AND A CITY. 47 (114) - The emperoure of Eome was there, The Icynges of Pervens and of Calabere yare, 1320 And other two or thre. They yaue s?V Torent, that he wan, Both the Erth and the woman), And said, well worthy v/as he. Sir Torent had in Aragon) 1325 The riche Cite of Cargon) And aH that riche centre ; Archbeshoppes, as tlie law feH, [1330] Departid the prynce and DissoneH With gret solempnite. 1330 (115) For szV Torent the fend did faH;, . Gret lordys honoured hym) aH And for a doughty knyght hym) tase ; The kyng said : ‘ I vnderstond, Thou hast fought ffor my dough ter & my lond, f. 986. And weH wonne her thou hase.’ 1336 He gaue to mint Hycholas de BaiT A grett Erldome and a s^marl’’ [1340] That abbey of hym tas For le^ms love, modi of myght, 1340 That hym helpith day & nyght, Whan) he to the batteH gas. (116) Lordys than) at the laste, Echone on theyre way paste, And euery man) to his. 1345 The queue of Portingale was ffayn), That s/r Torent was com agayn) And tliankyd god of this. [1350] 1320. The kynges] om, MS. 1321. other] kynges add, MS. o?’] the add. MS. 1337. saint] sir MS. 1338. simarrQ] marr MS. 1339. to] reclith MS. 1342. gas] yode MS. Torrent is awarded Desonell, territory, and the City of Carbon. Desonell is divorst from the Prince of Aragon, The King of Portugal acknowledges Torrent, and the Queen is glad. 48 Tlie King of Portugal bills Torrent wait C months and a day for Desonell. Torrent passes a night with Desonell. Tire King of Norway begs him to come and fight a Giant there. TORRENT BEGETS TWINS ON DESONELL. Than said the kyng : ‘ I vnderstond, Thou hast fought for my doughte/' & my loud, And art my ward, i-vvys, And I wyH not ageyn) the say ; But ahyde halfe yere and a day, And broke her weH with blis ! ’ ( 117 ) Torent said : ‘ So muste I the, Sith it wyH no better be, I cord with that assent ! ’ After mete, as I you teH, To speke with mayden) DesoneH, To her chamber he went. The damyseli so moche of pride Set hym on) her bed-syde, And said : ‘ Welcom), verament ! ’ Such gestenyng he a-right. That there he dwellid ali ny3b With that lady gent. ( 118 ) Sir Torent dwellid thare TwelfFe wekys and mare, TiH letters com hym tiH Fro the kyng of Norway ; For lesus love he did hym praye, Yf it were his wyH, He shold com as a doughty knyght, With a Geaunt for to ffyght. That wylf his londys spyH ; He wold hym yeve his doughter dere And halfe Norway ffar and nere, Both be hold and be hyH. 1350 1355 [ 1360 ] 1360 1365 f. 99a. [ 1370 ] 1370 1375 [1380] TORRENT SAILS TO FIGHT A NORWEGIAN GIANT. 19 (119) Sir Torent said : ‘ So god me sane, I-nough to lyve vppon I haue, 1380 I wyH desire no more ; But it be, for Ie.9u is sake A poynt of armes for to take, That hath helpid me be-ffore. I yeve the here oute of my hond 1385 To thy dougliLer aH my loud, Yf that I end thore.’ And whan) he toke his way to passe, [1390] Mo than ffyfty with hym was, That fals to hym) wore. 1390 ( 120 ) S yr Torent to the lady went, FuH: curtesly and gent : ‘ DesoneH, hane good day ! I muste now on my jurnay, A kyngis lond for to fend. 1395 Thes gold ryngo,9 I shall ^^eve tlie, Kepe them weH, my lady fire, Yf god a child vs send ! ’ [1400] She toke the ryngis with moche care, f. 996. Thries in sownyng fell she thare, 1400 AVhan she saAv, that he wold wend. ( 121 ) Sliipp and takyH they dight, Stede and armoz^r ffor to ffyght To the bote they bare. Gentilmen), that were hend, 1405 Toke her leve at theyre frend, With hym ffor to fare. 1387. there MS. 1390. were MS. 1393. Denoscllc MS. 1397. themi om. MS. TORRENT OF PORTYNGALE. Torrent gives all his land to the King for Desonell ; leaves 2 gold rings with her. and goes on board ship with his steed and armour. 50 TORRENT REACHES NORWAY, AND HEARS OF A GIANT. Torrent gets to Norway, Tlie sliipinen tell him of a Giant. Torrent resolves to land. Kyng Colomond, is not to layn), [1410J He wold, that he cam nevwre agayn) ; There fore god yeff hym) care 1 1410 So within the fifyfty dayes He Come in to the lond of Horways, Hard Contre fFound he thare. ( 122 ) Thus sir Torrent, for soth, is fare, A noble wynd droffe hym) thare, 1415 Was hlowyng oute of the weste. Of the Coste of Norway they had a sight ... [1419] Of sayling they were all preste. So ffeyre a wynd had the knyght, A lituH be-ffore the mydnyght 1420 He Rode be a foreste. The sliipinen said : ^ We be slient ; Here dwellith a geaunt, verament, On his lond are we kest I ’ (123) The maistershipmon) said : ‘ Nowe 1425 I Rede, we take down) sayle & Rowe, While we haue this tyde. [l^^O] Sir,’ he said, ‘ be god aHmyght, The giant lieth euery nyght On) the mowntayn) here he-syde ; 1430 ]\Iy lord the kyng wyR not ffyght, f. ioo he tiH : ‘ Mary son), thou here my bone. As I am) in venturus s/ad come, My j urn ay to fuH-ffyH ! ’ A voys was fro hevyn) sent And said : ‘ Be hlith, sfr Torent, And yeve the no thing yH, To ifyght with my lordys enemy : AVhether that thou lyve or dye. Thy mede the quyte he wyH ! ’ ( 136 ) Be that the giaunt had hym dight. Cam) ageyn) that gentiH knyght, As hold as eny bore ; He hare on) his nek a croke, Woo were the mail), that he ouertoke, It was twelfe fFote and more. ‘ Sir,’ he said, ‘ ffor charite, Loke, curtes man) that thou be, Yf thy wyH ware : I haiie so fought aH this nyght With thy II dragons wekyd and wight. They haue bett me fuH sore.’ [ 1570 ] The Norse Giant prepares to fight. f. 102a. 1560 1565 Torrent prays to Christ, [ 1580 ] 1570 and is cheerd l>y a voice from Heaven. 1575 The Giant advances against Torrent. [ 1590 ] 1580 1585 1561. they'] out. MS. 1566. sad MS. 1567. to] than MS. 1573. He loylle qwjtc the thy mede MS. 56 THE NORSE GIANT, WEIIAUNT, W<;UNDS TORRENT. (137) Tlie Giant says he’ll punish The Geaunt said : ‘ Be my fay, Wors tydinges to me this day I myght not goodly here. Thorough the valey as thou cam), [1600] Torrent for kill- ing his 2 Dragons My two dragons hast thou slan). My solempnite they were. To the I haue fuH good gate ; 1590 f. 1026. and his Brother Cate. For thou slow my brother Cate, That thou shalte by fuH dere ! ’ Be-twene the giaunt and the knyght Men myght se buffette^’ right. 1595 Who so had be there. [1610] (138) Sir Torent yaue to hym) a brayd ; He levid that the aungeH said. Of deth yaue lie wouglit. In to the brest he hym) bare. His spere hede lefte he thare. 1600 So eviH was hitt hijtliought. The Giant’s crook cuts through Torrent’s shield to his flesh, The Giaunt hym ayen) smate Thorough his sheld and his plate. In to the flesh it sought ; 1605 A.nd sith he pullith at his croke. [1620] and sticks there. So fast in to the flesh it toke. That oute my^t he gete it nought. (139) On hym) he hath it broke. Glad pluckys there he toke, 1610 Set sadly and sare. 1590. slayne MS, 1600. noiiyli£\ no dynt MS. 1603. hyth.'l mynt ]\iS, 1612. 6wcMS. TORRENT SEAYS THE NORSE GIANT, WERAUNT. Sir Torent stal worth satt, Oute of his handy s he it gatt, No lenger dwellid he thare. 1615 In to the water he cast his sheld, Croke and aH to-geders it held, [1630] Fare after, how so eiier it Fare. The Geaunt folowid w^t7^ aH: his niayii), And he come never quyk agayn) : 1620 God wold, that so it ware. ( 140 ) Sir Torent bet hym) there, TiH that this fend did were, Or he thens wend. On hym had he hurt but ane, Lesse myght be a mannws bane. But god is fuH: hend : Thorough grace of hym, that ah shaH weld, There the knyght had the feld, Such grace god did hym) send. Be than it nyed nere hand ny^O, To a casteH he Bode right, AH nyght there to lend. ( 141 ) In the casteH found he nought. That god on the Rode bought ; 1635 High vppon) a toure. As he caste a side lokyng, [1650] He saw a lady in her bed syttyng, White as lylye ffloure ; Vp a-Rose that lady bryght, 1640 And said : ‘ Welcom), sir knyght. That fast art in stoure ! ’ 1615. there MS. 1626. But Icssc MS. f. I0:!a. 1625 [1640] 1630 Torrent throws liis sliield ami the Giant’s crook into the water. The Giant goes in after them ami is drowned. Torrent rides to tlie Giant’s castle, ami fimis a fair Latly there. 58 TORRENT IN THE GIANT WERAUNT’S CASTLE. Torrent asks for a iiiglit’s lodging. Tlie Lady says the Giant Weraunt will kill liim. Torrent tells her to come and see the Giant. ‘ DamyseH, welcom) mut thou be ! Graunt thou me, for charite, Of one nyghtis sofoure ! ’ ( 142 ) ‘ By Mary,’ said that lady clere, ‘ Me for-thiiikith, that thou com) here. Thy deth now is dight ; For here dwellith a geaunt. He is clepud Weraunt, He is to the deviH be-taught. To day at morn) he toke his croke. Forth at the yates the way he toke, And said, he wold haue a draught ; And here be chambers two or thre. In one of hem I shaH hide the, God the sane ffronie harmes right ! ’ ( 143 ) ‘ Certayn),’ tho said the knyght, ‘ That theffe I saw to nyght. Here be-side a sla. Alone with-oute ffere. 1827. so F. VII ; om. MS. 1828. had sh.] so F. VII ; depud MS. yeng MS. 1831 f.] so F. VII ; om. MS. 1833. dene'] dere MS. 1834 f.] so F. VII ; lesu Cryste, that com vp here On this strond, as I ivenyd MS. 1836. my eh.] so F. VII ; we MS. 1844. forest] so F. VII ; ftrest MS. she 7s] so F. VII ; he they MS. A GRIFFIN CARRIES OFF ONE OF DESONELL’s BOYS. Of) Her one child woke and be-gan) to wepe, The lady a-woke oute of her slepe And said : ‘ Be stiH, my dere, lesu Cryst hath sent vs lond ; Yf there be any cryston man) iiere liond, We shall hane som socoure here.’ ( 160 ) The carefuH lady was fiiH blith, Vp to lond she went swith, As fast as euer she myght. Tho the day be-gan) to spryng, Foules a-Bose and mery gan syng Delicious notys on) bight. To a movvntayn went that lady Ifree : Sone was she wari’’ of a Cite AVith towrus Ifeyre and bryglit. There fore, i-wys, she was fuH fayn), She sett her down), as I herd sayn), Her two children) Ifor to dight. (IGl) Vppon) the low the lady Hound An Erber wrought wiih manm;** bond, AVith herbis, that were good. A Grype was in) the mowntayn) wonne, A way he bare her yong son) Oner a water blood. Over in to a wyldernes. There seynt Antony ermet wes. There as his chapeH stode. The other child down) gan) she ly. And on the fifoule did shoute & crye, That she was nere bond wood. 1850 [ 1951 ] Desonell stills her crying child, 1855 1860 [ 1961 ] goes up .a mountain, 1865 and finds an Arbour there. 1870 [ 1971 ] A Griffin carries off one of her boys. 1875 f. 107a. She puts the other down. 1874. was MS. 1876. ly] lay MS. TORRENT OF PORTYNGALE. F GG A LEOPARD CARRIES OFF DESONELl’s 2ND BOY. and sorrows. A leopard takes her other boy away. The KiiiCT of .Terusaleni sees the leopard and child. ( 162 ) Vp she rose ageyn) the rough, With sorofuH: liert and care Inough, CarefiiH of blood and bone She sye, it niyght no better be, She knelid down) vppon) her kne. And thankid god and seynt lohn). ( 163 ) There come a libard vppon) his pray. And her other child bare away. She thankid god there And his moder Mary bryght. This lady is lefte alone ryght : The sorow she made there ( 164 ) That she myght no further ffare : ‘ Of one poynt,’ she saijd, ‘ is my care, As I do now vnderstond. So my children) crystenyd were, Though they be with beestes there, Theyre liffe is in goddzfs hond.’ The kyng of lerusalem) had bene At his brothers weddyng, I wene, That was lord of ali that loud. As he com homward on his way, lie saw where the liberd lay With a child pleyand. ( 165 ) Torrent had yeve her ringer two, And euery child had one of tho, Hym) with aH to saue. 1880 [ 1981 ] 1885 1890 [ 1991 ] 1895 1900 [ 2001 ] Eacli child h.is one of Torrent’s rings. 1892. she 5.] om. MS. 1903. herl Ms lady MS. 1905 HE (lEOBERTUS) is adopted by the king of JERUSALEM. G7 The kyng said : ‘ Be Mary my Id, Yonder is a liberd a child, A may den) or a knave.’ Tho men) of arnies theder went. Anon) they had theyre hors spent, Her guttys onte she Eave. For no stroke wold she stynt; TiH they her slew with speris dynt. The child myght they not haiie, (166) Vp they toke the child yeng And brought it be-lfore the kyng And vndid the swathing band, As his moder be-ffore had done, A gold ryng they fFoiind sone. Was closud in his hond. Tho said the kyng of lerusalem) : ‘This child is come of gentiH teme, Where euer this beest hym) ffond. The boke of Eome berith wytnes. The kyng hym) naniyd Leobertus, That was hent in hethyn) lond. (167) Two squiers to the town) gaii) flyng. And a noryse to the child did bryng, Hym) to kepe ffrome greme. lie led it in) to his own) lond And told the queue, how he it Ifond By a water streme. Whan) the lady saw the ryng. She said, with-oute lettyng : ‘ This child is com) of gentiH teme : f. 1076. Tlie King’s men 1910 [ 2011 ] kill the Leopiml, 1915 and take the Child to the King, 1920 [ 2021 ] 1925 whoehiistens him ‘Ijeoberlus/ 1930 [2031] and takes him to Jerusalem. 1935 1915. yong MS. 1923. ffound MS. 1929. gravic MS. F 2 68 ST. ANTONY GETS THE FIRST ROY FROM THE GRIFFIN. TJioii hast none heyre, thy loud to take, For lesu love thou sAoldist hym) make Pry nee of lerusalem). ’ (1C8) Now, in hoke as we rede. St. Anthony As seynt Antony ahoute yede. 1940 Byddyng his orysoun). [2041] sees the Griffin Of the gripe he had a sight. f. ]08rt. ami nesonell’s How she flew in a fflight. To her birdus was she bouii). Be-twene her clawes she bare a child : 1945 first hov. He prayed to god and Mary my hi, wliom tlie bird On lyve to send it down). That man was weH with god aH-my^b, At his fote san) she liaht. lavs at his feet. That foiile of gret renown). 1950 (169) Vp he toke the child th^re. [2051] To his auter he did it here, There his chapeH stode. A knave child there he ffond. There was closud in his hond 1955 St. Antony takes A gold ryng riche and good. He bare it to the Cite grett. the boy to his Father, the Kin» There the kyng his fader ^ett of Greece. As a lord of jentili blood. For he wold sane it ffro dede ; 1960 A grype flew a-bove his hede [2061] And cryed, as he were wood. (170) This holy man) hied hym) tyte To a Cite wiih toiiris white. As fast as he may. 1965 1937. woldist MS. 1951. thare MS. 1954. ffound MS. 1958. sett] lett MS. HE (ANTONY FITZ-GRIFFIn) IS ADOFTED BY THE KING OF GREECE. C9 The kyng at the yate stode tiic King sees And other knyghW and lordys good To se the sqiiiers play. The kyng said : ‘ Be Mary myld, Yonder coinyth Antony, my child, 1970 iiis son Antony, With a gryffon) gay. [2071] Soin) of his byrdus take hath he, And bryngith hem) heder to me ! ’ Gret ferly had thaye. (171) The kyng there of toke good hede, f. io86 And a-geyn) his sonne he yede And said : ‘ Welcom) ye be ! ’ ‘ Fader,’ he said, ‘ god you sane ! A knave child fFoiind I haue, Loke, that it be dere to the ! Frome a greffon) he was refte. Of what lend that he is lefte. Of gentih blood was he : Thou hast none hey re, thy loud to take. For lesu love thy sonne hym) make. As in the stede of me ! ’ 1975 1 980 who asks liiin to adopt Uesonell’s [2081] boy as 1985 liisheir. (172) The kyng said : ‘ Yf I may lyve, Ilelpe and hold I shall hym yeve And receyve hym as my son). Sith thou hast this lond forsake, j\ly riche londys I shah hym) take, Whan he kepe them) con).’ To a ffont they hym yaue, And crystonyd this yong knave ; Fro care he is wonne. The King of Greece agrees, 1990 [2091] and has the Uoy baptized. 1995 1992. can MS. 70 DESONELL BEWAILS HER LOST CHILDREN. The Boy is christeiul Antony Fitzgiiffin. Desonell laments, Avaiulers among wild beasts, and bewails her lost children. The holy man yaue hym) name, That shild hym) ffrome shame : Antony lice grefFoun). ( 173 ) ‘ Fader, than) haue thou this ryng, I ffound it on) this swete thing, Kepe it, yf thou may : It is good in euery /ight, Yf god yeve grace, that he be knyght, Be nyght and be day.’ Let we now this children) dweH, Ami speke we more of DesoneH : Her song was welaway. God, that died vppoiD the Bode, YfF grace, that she mete w^t^ good ! Thus dispar^^lid are thay. ( 174 ) This lady walkyd all alone Amonge wyld bestis meny one, Ne wanted she no Woo ; Anon) the day be-gan to spryng, And the ffoules gan to syng. With blis on euery bow^e ( 175 ) ‘ Byrdus and bestis, aye woo ye be ! Alone ye haue lefte me. My children) ye have slo?ie.’ As she walkid than) a-lone. She sye lordis on) huntyng gone, Bere hem) she yede fuH sone. 2002. fight] sight MS. ? 2004. Other he and] or forme of {\) 2010. disparlid MS. 2018. haue] a corrected 2019. have s?.] slough MS. 2000 [ 2101 ] 2005 f. lOOrt. 2010 [ 2111 ] 2015 2020 [ 2121 ] MS. )ut of e MS. DESONELL FLEES TO THE LAND OF NAZARETH. 71 This carfuH lady cried faste, Than she herd this homes blaste By the yatis gone, 2025 Blit ran in to a wildernes, Ainongist heests that wyld wes, For drede, she shold be slone. (176) Till it were vnder of the Day, She went//-o that wilsom) way, 2030 In to a lond playn). [2131] The kyng of JN’a 3 areth huntid there. Among the hertes, that gentih were ; There of she was fuH; ffayn) (177) They had ferly, kyng and knyght, 2035 Whens she come, that lady hryght, Dwellmg here a-lone. She said to a squier, that tliere stode : ‘ Who is lord of most jentiH blood % ’ And he answerid her anon) : f. loo*. 2010 ‘ This ys the lond of jSTa^areth, [2141] Se, where the kyng gethe, Of speche he is fFuH bone ; AH in gold couerid is he.’ ‘ Gramercy, s^>,’ said she, 2045 And nere hym) gan) she gone. (178) Lordys anon ageyn) her yode. For she was com) of gentiH blood. In her lond had they bene : ‘ God loke the, lady ffree, 2050 What makist thon in this centre I’ [2151] ‘ Sir,’ she said, ‘I wene. Desoiiell Hoes* from some liimters into the land of Na/areth. She sees the King, whose Lords greet her. 2026. 7'aii\ 0111 . MS. 2027. was MS. 2030. fro\ in MS. 72 DESONELL IS WELCOME BY THE QUEEN OF NAZARETH. Desonell says that her boys are dead, and she is left alone. She is taken to Nazareth, and welcomd by the Queen, with whom she stays. Seynt Katryn) I slioltl haue sought, Wekyd weders me heder hath brought In to this fforest grene, And ail is dede, I vnderstond, Saue my selfe, that com) to lond With wyld beestis and kene.’ ( 179 ) ‘ Welcom,’ he said, ‘ Desonell, By a tokyn) I shall the teH : Onys a stede I the sent. Lady gent, ffeyre and Hree, To the shold I haue wedid be, My love was on) the lent.’ Knyghtis and squiers, that there were. They horsid the lady there, And to the Cite they went. The quene was curtes of that lond And toke the lady be the bond And said : ‘ Welcom, my lady gent ! ( 180 ) ‘ Lady, thou art welcom) here. As it aH thyn) own) were, f. iio«. AH this ffeyre contree ! ’ ‘ Of one poynt was my care. And my two children) crystonyd ware, That in wood were reft ffro me.’ Welcom art thou, DesoneH, In my chamber for to dweH, Inough there in shaH ye see ! ’ Leve we now that lady gent. And speke we of sir Torrent, That was gentiH and ffre. 2055 2060 [ 2161 ] 2065 2070 [ 2171 ] 2075 2080 [ 2181 ] 2076. in'] the add. MS. TORRENT HEARS OF THE EXILE OF DESONELL AND HER ROYS. 73 (181) The kyng of ]N"orway is fuH woo, That sw’ Torent wold wend hym :ffro, That doughty was and hold : ‘ Sir,’ he said, ‘ ahyde here And Aved my doughter, that is me dere 1 ’ He said, in no wise he wold. He shipped oute of the kynge^ sale And Kyved vp in) Portingale At another hold. Whan) he herd tell of DesoneH, Swith on sownyng there he feH To the ground so cold. Sir Torrent woii’t stop in Norway, 2085 2090 [2191] but f^oes back to Portugal. (182) The fals kyng of Portingale, Sparid the yatis of his sale For Torent the ffree ; He said : ‘ Be Mary clere. Thou shalt no wyfe haue here, Go sech her iu) the see ! With her she toke whelpis two. To lerne to row Avoid she go.’ ‘ By god, thou liest,’ quod he, ‘ Kyng Colomand, here my hond ! And I be knyght levand, I-quytt shaH it be ! ’ 2095 Tlie false King Calamoiul of Portugal 2100 tells him that Desonell and lier 2 Hoys were sent out to sea. [ 2201 ] f. 1106. 2105 (183) Torent Avoid no longer byde, But sent letters on euery side With fforce theder to hye. Theder com oute of Aragon) Koble knyghte*’ of gret renown) With grett chevalrye. 2110 [ 2211 ] Torrent gathers an army. 74 TORRENT SENDS THE KING OP PORTUGAL TO DROWN. Torrent’s kniglits Of Pervyns and CaZaher also Were doughty kuyghtes meny moo, They come ah to that crye. 2115 and lie are let Kyng Calomond had no knyght, That with s/r Torent wold fyght, Of aH that satt hym) bye. (184) There wold none the yatis deffend, But lett sZr Torent in wend 2120 into the chief City of Portugal, With his men) euerychone. [2221] Swith a counseH yede they to, To what deth they wold liyin do. For he his lady had slone. ‘ Lordis,’ he said, ‘ he is a kyng. 2125 Men may hym) nether hede ne limg.’ Thus said they euerychone. and resolve to send the false They ordenyd a shipp aH of tree King to sea And sett hym) oute in) to the see. Among the wawes to gone. (185) 2130 Gret lordis of that lond Assentid to that command. That hold shold it be. In tlie havyn) of Portyngale, [2231] There stode shippes of hede vale 2135 Of Irun and of tree. f. 111(7. in a boat full of holes. A bote of tre they brought hym be-fforn), Fun of holis it was born), H'owsell and shryfte wold he. Sir Torent said : ‘ Be seynt lohn), 2140 Seth thou gaue my lady none. No more men) shall do the ! ’ [2241] 2113. Calaber] Cahaher 2123. To] om. MS. 2126. Mng] heng MS. 2132. comland MS. 2138. horyn MS. 2139. wold] had MS. TORRENT IS MADE KING OF PORTUGAL. 75 (186) The shipp-meii) brought s/r Colomond And sent hym fforth within) a stound As ffar as it were. 2145 Wott ye weH and vnderstond, He come never ayen to lond, Such stormes flfound he there. Gret lordys of renown) Be-toke sfr Torent the crown) 2150 To reioyse it there. [2251] Loo, lordys of euery lond : Falshode wyH haue a foule end, And wyH haue euermore. (187) Sir Torent dwellid thare 2155 Fourty days in inoche care, Season) for to hold ; Sith he takith two knyghtes, To kejde his lond and his rightes. That doughty were and bold. 2160 ‘ Madam),’ he said to the queue. [2261] ‘ Here than shaH ye lady bene. To worth as ye wold.’ He purveyd hym) anon). To wend oner the see fome. 2165 There god was bought and sold. (188) And ye now wild liston) a stound, How he toke armes of kyng Calomond, f. 1116. Listonyth, what he bare. On asure, as ye may see. 2170 With syluer shippes tlire. [2271] Who so had be thare. The false king Calanioiul is (Irovviid, and Torrent is made King of Portugal, but he gives the land up to the Queen, and resolves to go to the Holy- Land. His arms are 3 silver shii>s on an azure tiurQ E«de : Feyrer Tur/^crmentet? than they made, Men sye never none. Tlie prynce in armes was fuH preste, Thre shaftys on) his fader lie breste. In shevers they gan gone. Sir Torent said : ‘ So mvt I thee, A man of armes shall thou be, Stal worth of blood and bone ! ’ (205) Harroldys of armes cryed on) bight. The prynce and that other knyght No more juste shall thay ; But lordys of other lond, Euery one to other ffond, And sith went theyre way. Sixe wekys he dwellid there. Till that aH delyuerd were, That in the Cite lay. Tho they held a gestonye. With all maner of mynstralsye, TyH the Sevynth day. 2355 2360 [2461] 2365 2370 [2471] 2375 (206) Lordis with aH other thing Toke leve at the kyng, Home theyre ways to passe. That tyme they yaue Torent the floure 2380 And the gre with mocli lionowre, f. iisa. [2481] As he weH worthy was. 2356. Rode MS. 2357. Turmentes MS. 2373. lay] were MS. DESONELL IS TOLD OF TORRENT’s VICTORY. 83 The kyng said : ‘ 1 shatt the yeve Liffe and lyvelode, whiH I iyve, Thyn arni 02 «r, as it was.’ Whan he sye ffeyre ladyes wend, He thought on her, that was so hend, And sighed and said ; ‘ Alas ! ’ ( 207 ) The kyng of Nazareth home went, There that his lady lent, In his own) lede. ‘ Sir,’ she said, ‘ tfor goddz^s pite, AVhat gentilman) wan) the gre ? ’ He said, ‘ So god me spede. One of the ifeyrest knyghtis. That slepith on) somer nyghte,^ Or walkyd in wede ; He is so large of lym) and lith, AH the world he hath justid with. That come to that dede.’ ( 208 ) ‘ Good lord,’ said DesoneH, ‘For godd^^s love ye me teH, What armes that Iiq bare ! ’ ‘ DamyseH, also muste I the, Syluer and asure beryth. he. That wott I weH thare. His Creste is a noble lond, A Gy aunt with an) hoke in) hond. This wott I weH, he bare. He is so stiff at euery stoure. He is prynce and victoure. He wynneth the gree aye where. 2385 Tlie Kiti{» of Jei'usiilem promises to support Torrent. 2390 [ 2491 ] The King of Nazareth 2395 2400 [ 2501 ] tells Desonell that the Victor 240*3 (Torrent) has an armd Giant as his crest. 2410 [ 2511 ] f. 1156. G 2 2403. he\ ye MS. 84 TORRENT AND IIIS 2 SONS GO TO A JOUSTING. Tlie Victor is a Kniglil of Portugal. Tlie King of Nazareth jiroclaims a Jousting. Tlie King of Jerusalem semis Torrent ami his elder sou Leo- heitus to it. The King of (ii eeee brings the younger son, An- tony Fitzgrittin. The Jousting is for a lady. ( 20 !)) Of Portyngale a kiiyglit he ys, He wanne the town) of Paynes And the Cite of Qiiarelle ; At the last jurney that was sett, The prynce, my broders son) he mett, And in his hond he ffeP. The prynce of Grece leth iiere There may no juster be his pere, For soth as I you teP : A dede of armes I shaP do crye And send after hym) in hye.’ Plith was DesoneP. ( 210 ) Tliis dede was cried ffar and nere, The kyng of leriisalem did it here, In what lond that it shold be. He said : ‘ Sone, anon right Dight the and thy cryston) knyght, For sothe, theder wiP we.’ Gret lordys, that herith this crye, Theder come richely, Everyman) in his degre. The kyng of Grece did make lujm howi, With liym) come Antony ffy3 grelfon), With moclie solempnite ( 211 ) ‘ Tlie kyng of Xa^areth sent me. That there shold a justynge be Of meny a cryston) knyght, And aP is ffor a lady clere, That the justyng is cryed ffar and nere, f. Of men) of armes bryght.’ 2415 2420 [2521] 2425 2430 [2531] 2435 2440 iiGu. [2541] 2415. Quarellis MS. 2417. he was gatt MS. 2416. tliaf] he add. MS. 2434. malce hym h.'\ assiyne ]\IS. THE JOUSTS AT NAZARETH BEGIN. 85 Gret joye it was to here teH, IIoAv tlies kynge^' with the kiiyghtis feli Come and semled to that ffyght. ( 212 ) There come meny another mon), That thought there to haue to done, And than) to wend her way. Whan) they come to the casteH gent, A Ixoaii ffyght, verament, There was, the sothe to say. Trompes resyn) on the waH, Lordys assembled in the hall:. And sith to souper yede thay. They were recevid with rialte, Euery man) in his degre. And to her logyng went her way. ( 213 ) The lordys Rosyn aH be-dene On the inorow, as I wene. And went masse ffor to here. And ifurthermore w/t/i-onte lent They wesh and to mete went. For to the ffeld they wold there. After mete anon) right They axid hors and armes bryght, To hors-bak went thay in ffere. Knyghtis and lordys reuelid aH, And ladyes lay oner the casteH waH, That semely to se were. ( 214 ) Thai]) eueryman toke spere in) bond. And euerych to other ffond, Smert boffette*’ there they yeld. 2445 Many folk come to the jousts. 2450 [ 2551 ] They su]> 2455 and sleep, rise, 2460 Mass, [ 2561 ] and dine, 2465 then mount. 2470 [ 2571 ] and begin to joust. f. 1 16b. 2445. SGmlcnd MS. 2446. man MS. 2471. ffound MS. 2472. there th. ?/.] they %jcldyd there MS. 86 TORRENT AND HIS SONS JOUST. HE IS VICTOR. Torrent’s 2 Sons joust. The younger, Antony, unhorses his brother Leobertus, Torrent rides down his younger son. He and his sons are the best jousters. The prynce of lerusalem) and his brother, Eueriche of hern) Ran to othei’^ Smertely in the feld Though Antony fFygryffon) yonger were, His brother Leobert?/s he can down) here ; Sir Torent stode and be-held. ( 215 ) ‘ Be my troiith,’ said Torent thanne, ‘As I am) a cryston) man I-quytt shad it be.’ Torent be-strode a stede strong And bent a tymber gret and long. And to hym) rode he. ( 216 ) Torrent to hym rode so sore, That he to the ground hym) bare. And let hym) lye in) the hent. There was no man) hy^e ne lowe. That myght make Torent to bo we JSTe his bak to bend. They justyd and turneyd there. And eueryman) ffound his pere. There was caught no dethis dent. Of aH the Justis, that there ware, Torent the floure a way bare And his sonnys, verament. ( 217 ) And on) the morow, whan) it was day, Amonge aR the lordys gay. That worthy were, par de, 2483 put before 2482 MS. 2485 f. : Torrent so sore to hym rode, That he hare hym to the grou'nd MS. 2487. henf\ffeld MS. 2493. dynt MS. 2496. ver.'] in that tyde MS. 2499. de~\ in wede MS. 2475 2480 [ 2581 ] 2485 2490 [ 2591 ] 2495 DESONELL GREETS TORRENT. HER BEAUTY. 87 DesoneH wold no longer lend. 2500 But to s//‘ Torent gan) she wend [2601] And knelid on her kne. She said : ‘ Welcom), my lord Bir Torent ! ’ ‘ And so be ye, my lady gent ! ’ f. 117a. In sownyng than fell she. 2505 Vp they coueryd that lady hend, And to mete did they wend With joye and solempnite. (218) Dame DesoneH be-sought the kyng. That she myght, with oute lesyng. 2510 Sytt with Torent alone. [2611] ‘ Yes, lady, be hevyn) kyng. There shaH be no lettyng ; Worthy is he, be seynt lohn)!’ Tho they washid and went to mete, 2515 And rially they were sett And se?'uid worthely, echone. Euery lord in) the haH, As his state wold be-ffaH, Were couplid with ladyes scJione. 2520 (219) But of all ladyes, that were there seue, [2621] So ffeire myght there none bene As was dame DesoneB Thes two kyngis, that doughty ys, To the Cite come, i-wys, 2525 With moche meyne emell. ( 220 ) To the casteB they toke the way, There the kyng of h[a 3 areth lay. With hym) to speke on high. 2502. And on her kne she knelid MS. 2514. _for Welle worthy MS. 2517. eehonc\ verament MS. 2520. schone'\ gent MS. 2526. emell] oin. MS. Desoiiell greets Torrent, ami swoons. All go to Dinner. Desouell is the fairest lady. The Kings of Jerusalem and Greece go to the Kingof Nazareth’s Castle. 88 DESONELL FINDS HER TWO SONS BY TORRENT. Desoiiell sits by Torrent. She tells the Lords how her Father sent her and her 2 Boys to sea ; and how one was carried off by a Griffin, and the other by a Leopard. Leobertus and Antony are these boys. At none the queue ete in) the haH, Amongist the ladyes ou^??* aH, That couth moche curtesye. DesoneH wold not lett, By sir Torent she her sett, There of they had envye ( 221 ) Whan) eyther of hem other be-held, Olf care no thyng they field, Eothe her hertes were blithe. Gret lordys told she sone. What poyntes he had for her done, They be-gan to be blithe ; And how her fader in the see did her do, With her she had men) childre two ; They waried hym) fell sithe. ‘ Sir kyng, in this wildernes. My two children) fro me revid wes, I may no longer hem) hide. ( 222 ) The knyght yaue me rynges two, Euerich of hem) had one of thoo. Better saw I never none. A Gryfion) bare the one away, A liberd the other, p«?-maffay, Down) by a Eoche of stone.’ Than) said the kyng of lerusalem) : ‘ I ffound one by a water streme. He levith blood & bone.’ The kyng of Grece said : ‘ My brother, Antony my son) brought me auofizM-e.’ She saith : ‘ Soth, be seynt lohn) ? ’ 2535. envye] xvonder MS. 2542. fader] om. 2546. teas MS. 2556. levith] yet add. MS. 2530 [ 2631 ] 2535 t. 1176. 2540 [ 2641 ] 2545 2550 [ 2651 ] 2555 MS. TORRENT INVITES 3 KINGS TO PORTUGAL. 89 (223) The hyng said : ‘ Sith it is so, 25G0 Kys ye yoiire fader bo, [2661] And axe liyni) his blessyng ! ’ Down) they knelid on) her knee ; ‘ Thy blessing, ffader, for charite ! ’ ‘ Welcoin), children) yhig ! ’ 2565 Thus in armes he hem) hent, A blither man) than) ^ir Torent Was there none levyng ; f. 118a. It was no wonder, thoii^e it so were ; He had his wiffe and his children) there. 2570 His joye be-gan) to sjdryng. [2671] (224) Of aH: the jiistis, that were thare, A way the gre his sonnys bare. That doughty were in dede. Torent knelid vppon) his knee 2575 And said : ‘ God yeld you, lordys ffree, Thes children) that ye haiie fled : Euer we wiH be at youre wiH:, What jurney ye wiH put vs tyH. So lesu be oure spede. 2580 With that the kyng thre [2681] In to my lond wiH wend wA/i me. For to wreke oure stede.’ (225) They graunted that there was, Gret lordys more and lesse, 2585 Bothe knyght and squiere ; And with DesoneH went A1 the ladyes, that were gent. That of valew were. Torrent’s 2 Sons kneel and ask Ids blessing. He rejoices in them and their Mother, and thanks the Kings for taking care of them. He asks the Kings to Portugal. All agree to go. 2561. hothc MS. 2565. yong MS. 90 TORRENT, DESONELL, AND THEIR SONS, GO TO PORTUGAL. Their sliips arrive at Portugal. Tlie Queoi welcomes Torrent and his friends. and swoons wl she sees her daughter Desonell. Sliippis liai they stiff and strong, Maistis gret and sayles long, Hend, as ye may here. And markyd in to Portingale, Whan) they had pullid vp her sayH, With a wynd so clere. ( 226 ) The riche quene of that lond In her casteH tonre gan stond And be-held iii)-to the see. ‘ Sone,’ she said to a knyght, ‘ Yonder of shippis I haue a sight, f. i For sothe, a grett meyne.’ The qiiene said : ‘ Veranient, I se the armes of sir Torent, I wott weP, it is he.’ He answerid and said tho : ‘ Madam, I wiH, that it be so, God gefe grace, that it so be ! ’ ( 227 ) A blither lady my3t none be. She went ageyn hym) to the see With armed knyghtes kene. Torent she toke by the hond : ‘ Lordys of vncouth lond, Welcom muste ye bene ! ’ Whan she sye DesoneP, Swith in) sownyng she fell To the ground so grene. Torent gan) her vp ta : ‘ Here bene her children) twa. On lyve thou shalt hem seene ! ’ 2605-7 put before 2602-4 ]\1S. 2616. grenc] kenc MS. 2619. see MS. 2590 [ 2691 ] 2595 2600 [ 2701 ] 2605 2610 [ 2711 ] 2615 TORRENT WEDS DESONELL. HIS SONS MADE HEIRS OF KINGS. 91 (228) In the CasteH: of Portyngale 2620 A-Eose trampes o/liede vale, To mete they went on) hye. Ho sent letters ffar and nere ; The lordys, that of valew were, [2721] They come to that gestonye. The Emperoure of Eome, To that gestonye he come, A noble knyght on) hy 3 e. Whan) aH thes lordys com were, 2625 Torrent weddid that lady clere. 2630 A justyng did he crye. (229) [2731] So it ffeU vppon a day. The kyng of lerusalem) gan say : ‘ Sir, thy sonne I Hound f. 1 H»(J. Lying in a liberte^’ month. And no good he ne couth, Dede he was nere hond : Wold thou, that he dwellid w/tA me, 2635 TiH that I dede be. And sith reioyse my lond V (230) 2640 Be fore lordys of gret renown), Torent gaue hym) his son) The kyng of Grece said : ‘ S//’ knyght, I yeff thy son aH my right [2741] To the Grekys flood : 2645 Wouch thou saue, he dweH wzt/^ meP ‘ Yea, Lord, so mut I thee, God yeld you aH this good > ’ Torrent liolds a great feast, and weds Desonell. He gives Ms son Leobertus as heir to the King of Jerusalem; and his son Antony as heir to the King of Greece. 2621. o/] om. MS. 2629. ware MS. 2615. Jloocl\ I plight add. MS. 92 Torrent is elected Emperor. Torrent gives his 2 Sons a Sword each. He lies in a lair Abbey. ]May Christ grant ns Heaven! TORRENT IS MADE EMPEROR. HE DIES. For sir Torciit was stiff in stoure, They chose hyni ffor Emperoure, Beste of bone and blood. ( 231 ) Gret lordys, that there were, Fourty days dwellith tliere, And sith they yode her way ; He yaue his sonnys, as ye may here, Two swerdys, that were hym) dere, Ech of hem) one had they. Sith he did make vp-tyed Chirchiis and abbeys wyde, For hym) and his to praye. In Eome this Romans berith the crown) Of aH kerpyng of Renown) ; He leyth in a feire abbey. ( 232 ) How lesu Cryst, that aH hath wrought, As he on the Rode vs bought, f. no*. He geve hvs his blessing. And as he died for you and me, He graunt vs in blis to be, Lesso and mare, hath old and ying ! Amen. Explicit Torent of Portyngale. 2654. And sith her ivay they yode MS. 2663. lcyth'\ in Home add. MS. 2669. Oute of this world whan> we shalle wend M 2650 [ 2751 ] 2655 2660 [ 2761 ] 2665 93 THE ERAGMRNTS. i.i \The King of Portugal x>U>ts Torrenfs deaihf^ [T] . . . est hym vp .... 462 client be for to He ly ivyll he gone 464 The kynge of Nazareth sent hym me, Torent, I wot-saiie hym on the, For better lone I none ! ’ 467 Afterwarde vpon a tyde, As they walkyd by the ryvers syde, The kynge and yonge Torent, 470 This lorde wolde fayne, that he dede were And he wyst nat, on what manere, Howe he myglit hym shent. 473 A fals letter made the kynge And made a messangere it brynge. On the ryner syde as they went, 476 To Torent, that was true as stele. If he loued Hyssonell wele, Gete hir a faucon gent. 479 Torent the letter began to rede. The kynge came nere and lystened. As thoughe he it neuer had sene. 482 The kynge sayde, ‘ what may this beH ‘ Lorde, it is sent to me For a faucon shene ; 485 I ne wote, so God me spede. In what londe that they brede.’ The kynge sayde, ‘ as I herde sayne, 488 Desoiiell gives Torrent a Horse vvhicli tlie King of Nazaretli Inul sent her. The King treaoheronsly asks Torrent to get Desonell a Falcon ^ In HalbweH’s edition III. 94 FRAG. 2. TORRENT GOES TO THE FOREST OF MAUDELAYNE. from the Forest of Magdalen. Torrent agrees to do it. He rides to tlie Forest of Magdalen, gets separated from his Squiie, In the forest of Maudelayne 491 IT.i Than sayde [the] kyn[g] vntriie, 492 ‘And ye fynde ha\v[k]es of great value, Brynge me one with the ! ’ 494 Torent sayd : ‘ so God me sane, Yf it betyde, that I any haue, At your wyll shall they be.’ 497 To his squyer hade he thare, After his armoure to fare, In the felde abode he ; ^00 They armed hym in his wede, He bestrode a noble stede 503 Torent toke the way agayne Unto the forest of Maudelayne, In a wylsome way ; 506 Berys and apes there founde he And wylde bestys great plente And lyons, where they lay. 509 In a wode, that is tyght. It drewe towarde the nyght. By dymmynge of the day 512 Lysten, lordes, of them came wo. He and his squyer departed in two, Carefull men then were they. 515 At a shedynge of a rome Eyther departed other frome, As I vnderstande. 518 Torent taketh a dolefull way Downe into a depe valay. 521 1 In Halliwell’s edition II. FRAG, 3. TORRENT IS TO FIGHT THE CALABRIAN GIANT, SLOGUS. 95 III.l \The King of Portugal sends Torrent to he laid hy the Giant Slogus.'] 819 And the good sqiiyres after li[ym], That knyghtes sliolde be. 821 As they were a-myddes theyr . . . The kynge wolde not forgete, To Torente than sayd he, 824 He sayd : ‘ so god me sane, Tayne thou woldest my dough[ter haue], Thou hast loued her many a d[aye],’ 827 ‘Ye, by my trouthe,’ sayd Torente, ‘ And I were a ryche man, Ryght gladly by my faye.’ 830 ‘ If thou durst for her sake A poynte of armes vndertake, Thou broke her vp for ay.’ 833 ‘ Ye,’ sayde he, ‘ or I go, Sykernes thou make me so Of thy doughter hende. 836 Ye and after all my ryghtes By VII score of hardy knyghtes ’ A1 they were Torentes frende. 839 ‘ Now, good lordes, I you praye, Bere wytnes of this day Agayne yf god me sende ! ’ 842 Torente sayd, ‘ so may I the, Wyst I, where my jorney shold [be], Thyder I wolde me dyghte.’ 845 The kyng gaue hym an answ[e]re, ‘In the londe of Caleb[e]re There wonneth a gyaunte wygh[hte] 848 Torrent sits at the head of a side tai)le. Tlie King asks Torrent if lie’ll do a deed of arms for Desonell. ‘ Yes,’ says Tor- rent. ‘Then go to Calabria, ^ In Halliwell’s edition VI. 96 FRAG. 4. TORRENT WILL NOT GIVE UP IIIS GIANT-FIGHT. and fislit tlie Giant Slogus.’ Tlie King of Provyns warns liim against tlie teiTil)le Giant there, and offers him Ids Daughter and 2 Duchies. Torrent says he must keej) his trotli. Slogus he hyght as I the tolde, God sende the that waye ryghte ! ’ 851 IV. 1 \Torrent is offe.rd a Princess of Provyns. '] For why 1 wyll the saye, 917 Moche folke of that coimtre Cometh heder for socoure to me, Eothe by nyghte and by daye. 920 There is a gyaunte of grete renowne, He destroy eth botlie cyte and towne And all that he may. 923 As bokes of rome tell, He was goten with the deuyll of hell, As his moder slepynge lay.’ 926 The kynge sayde, ‘ by Saynt Adryan, I rede, a nother gentylman Be there and haue the degre. 929 I haue a doughter, that me is dere. Thou shalte wedde her to thy fere. And yf it thy wyll be, 932 Two duchy es in honde I wyll gyue her in londe.’ ‘Gramercy, syr,’ sayd he, 935 ‘ With my tonge I haue so wrought, To breke my day wyll I nought, Nedes me behoueth there to be.’ 938 ‘ On Goddes name,’ the kynge gan sayne, ‘ lesu brynge the saffe agayne, Lorde, moche of myght ! ’ 941 ^ In Halliwell’s' edition V. FRAG. 6. TORRENT HEARS OF THE CALABRIAN GIANT, SLOGUS. 97 Mynstralsy was them amoiige, With harpe, fedyll and songe, Delycyous notes on hygh[t]e. 944 Whan it was tyme, to bed they wente, And on the morowe rose Torente And toke leue of kynge and knyght 947 And toke a redy way. Fragment Y.’- Fy the se syde as it lay, God sende hym gatys ryght ! 950 An hye waye hath he no me. Into Calabre is he come Within two dayes or thre. 953 So he met folke hym agayne, Fast corny nge with carte and wayne Frowarde the se. 956 ‘ Dere God,’ sayd Torente now, ‘ Good folke, what eyleth you. That ye thus fast fle F 959 ‘ There lyeth a gyaunte here besyde, For all this londe brode and wyde IS^o man on lyue leueth he.’ 962 ‘ Dere God,’ sayd Torente then, ‘ Wher euer be that fendes den ? ’ They answered hym anone : 965 ‘ In a castell in the see, Slogus ’ they sayd ‘ hyght he, Many a man he hath slone. 968 We wote full well, where he doth ly Byfore the cyte of Hungry,’ 971 ^ In Halliwell’s edition IV. Torvciit starts, readies Calabria, ami hears of the Giant. The Giant Slogus is in Hungary. TORRENT OF FORTYNGALE. H 98 FRAG. 6. Tlie Giant says lie’ll wring Torrent’s nose. His Crook is 13 ft. long. Torrent charges, ])ieroes the Giant’s eye, and m.akes him roar. Desonell is delivered of 2 male children TORRENT FIGHTS A GIANT. DESONELL HAS VI.i \Torrenf fights the Giant.'] TWINS. all the Avrynge, 1014 ilioii the he toke, bare a croke 1016 te longe and thre ever so longe were had no fere 1019 . . . . yd darste thou come nere nte nolengre a-byde nte wolde he ryde 1022 .... ghte. . . . . one eye but one, neuer none, 1025 . . . nor by nyght. . . . . Ipe of god of heuen, herin euen. 1028 . . . . gan to rore, . . . . the cyte wore. 1031 ... ay. . . . . es eyen were oute boute 1034 VII.2 1037 \_Desoiiell hears twins. All are sent out to reach land.] sea. They Thus the lady dwelled there, Tyll that she delyuered were 1807 Of men chyldren two. 1809 1 Printed in Englisehe Studien, VII. p. 347 f. ^ In Halliwell’s edition I. FRAG. 7. DESONELL AND HER TWINS ARE SENT TO SEA. Of all poyntes were they gent, Lyke were they to Sir Torent, For his loue sufFred they wo. 1812 The kynge sayd, ‘ so mote I the, Thou shalt into the se Without wordes mo. 1815 Every kynges doughter fer and nere At the they shall lere, Agaynst right to do ! ’ 1818 Great ruthe it was to se. Whan they led that lady fre Out of hir faders lande. 1821 The queue, hir moder, was nere wode For hir doughter, that gentyll fode, Knyghtes stode wepynge.^ 1824 A clothe of sylke toke they tho. And departed it bytwene the chyldren two, Therin they were wonde. 1827 Whan they had shypped that gentyll thynge, Anone she fell in swownynge At Peron on the sonde. 1830 Whan that lady was downe fall. On lesu Cryste dyd she call. To defende hir with his honde : 1833 ‘ Rightfull God, ye me sende Some good londe on to lende. That my chyldren may crystened he[n].’ 1836 She sayd, ‘ ladyes fayre and gent, Great well my lorde Sir Torent, Yf euer ye hym se[n] ! ’ 1839 The wynde arose on the myght, Fro the londe it blewe that lady bryght Into the se so grene. 1842 90 like Torrent, Her Father says she shall be sent out to sea. She is led from his land. The Queen bewails her daughter’s fate. Desonell is sent to sea. She prays to Christ for her children. ^ wepande. H 2 100 FRAG. 7. DESONELL AND HER TWINS REACH LAND. Desonell ami lier twin hal)es read I land. Site stills her crj'ing diikl. goes up a mountain, and sits down. Wyndes and weders liatlie hir dryuen, That in a forest she is aryuen, Where wylde bestys were. The se was ebbe and went hem fro And left hir and hir chyldren two [Alo]ne without any fere. Ilir one chylde began to wepe, The lady awoke out of hir slope And sayde, ‘ be styll, my dere, Ihesu Cryste bathe sent vs lande, Yf there be any Crysten man at hande, We shall haue socoure here.’ The carefull lady then was blythe, To the londe she went full swythe, As fast as she inyglit. Tyll the day began to sprynge, Tonies on trees merely gan synge Delicyous notes on hyght. To a hyll went that lady fre, Where she was ware of a cyte With toures fayre and bryght. Therof I-wys she was fayne, She set hir downe, as I herd sayne, Ilir chyldren for to dyght. 1845 1818 1851 1854 1857 18G0 18G3 18GG 101 NOTES. Page 1, line 12. Cf. 11. 118, 187, 190, 198, 558, 924, 1924, 2183. So in Ejlamoiu' (Thornton Iloniances), 1. 408 : ‘ The boke of Rome thus can telle,’ ami The Erl of Tolouse, eel. Liidtke, 1. 1219 : ‘ Yn Rome thys geste cronyculyd ys.’ See Ilalliwell’s ami Liidtke’s notes to these passages. I agree with both of them, that an expression like that does not earnestly refer t’.ie reader to a Latin or Italian source of the story ; there is evidently no difference at all between in Rome and in romance. p. 1, 1. 15. wyght has been inserted instead of douightly in order to restore the rhyme with hyglit, hiyglit, myght ; cf. Ilaveloh, ed. Skeat, 1. 344 : ‘ He was fayr man and wicth.’ p. 1, 1. 17 = Ipomadon, 1. 63. Parallel passages to this hyperbolic expression are collected in Kolhing’s note to this line (p. 364). p. 1, 1. 24. We find the same idea as here, viz. that nobody can resist the will of God, who has power over death and life, in Sir Tristrem, 11. 236 ff. : ‘ pat leuedi, nou^t to lain. For sof>e ded is sche ! Who may be ogain ? As god wil, it sehal be, Vnblihe.’ p. 2, 1. 28. I have not met with the verb fesomnen anywhere else, and it is not mentioned in Stratniann and IMiitzncr. llalliwell. Dic- tionary, p. 354, explains it by • feoffed, gave in fee,’ doubtless regarding this very passage, although he doesn’t cite it ; might fesomnyd not be a corruption from sesyd ? cf. Haveloh, 11. 250 f. : ‘ pat he ue dede al Engelond Sone sayse intil his bond.’ Hall writes to me on this word as follows : fesomnyd is, I am con- vinced, not a word at all, but a scribe’s error for festonyd or festnyd = confirmed, fixed. Comp. '‘And \iat ich hym wolde myd trew\)e slker faste on honde^' Robert of Gloucester (Hearne), p. 150. For this use of fasten, fastnen, comp. ^ Bat my forwarde icith J?<3 1 festen on ^is ivyse,' Alliterative Poems, p. 47, 1. 327 : ‘ dh folden fayth to ]>at fre, festned so harde^ Sir 102 NOTES TO pp. 2 — 9, 11. 30 — 236. Gawayne, p. 57, 1. 1783; '•And |)/s forvxird^ in faith^ I festyn vntli hond,’’ Destruction of Troy, p. 22, 1. G3G. See also Jamieson’s Scottish Dic- tionary, ii. p. 216, niuler to Fest. p. 2, 1. 30. I am by no means sure that fede is the original read- ing, but I wasn’t able to find a better word rhyming with dedde^ wede ; even the 7ie. ‘ feed ’ means pasture^ and that is what we expect here. p. 2, 1. 31. For my correction cf. Liidtke’s note to The Erl of Tolouse^ 1. 199, sub 2 ; Eglam., 1. 26 : ‘ That was a maydyn as whyte as fome,’ Ib. 1. 683 : ‘ Crystyabelle as whyte as fome,’ where the Percy Folio MS. reads : ‘ Christabell that was as faire as sunn ; ’ Chronicle of England, 1. 75 f. : ‘ Ant nomeliche to thy lemmon, That ys wyttore then the fom.’ p. 2, 1. 50. The alteration of And and bee into An and see seemed necessary; saynient is like Fr. essaiement, Lat. exaginientwn. p. 3, 1. 59. Cf. 1. 1216 f. and The Lyfe of Iponiydon, ed. Kolbing, 1. 1795 : ‘ If thou hyr haue, thou shalt liyr bye.’ p. 3, 1. 77 f. As half of the stanza is lost, it is impossible to make out to whom they refers. Nor do I believe that 1. 78 is correct, especially as to chaunce. p. 3, 1. 79. Cf. Tponiadon, ed. Kolbing, 1. 8123; ‘ A myle wyth in the Grekes see.’ p. 3, 1. 80. in an yle is certainly the correct reading ; mauyle was introduced by a scribe who supposed it to be the giant’s name ; but that is mentioned some twenty lines later. p. 5, 1. 136. The correction of lyght into ryght I owe to Hall, who refers me to the legend of Sancta Maria Egyptiaca ; cf. f. i. Barbour’s Legends of Saints, ed. Horstmann, I. p. 143 tf. p. 6, 1. 153. noioyd — ‘ anoyed ’ gives a poor sense. Hall sug- gests nowtyd ; cf. E. D. S., No. 6, Ray’s North Country Words, p. 59, note, to push, strike or soar, with the horn, as a bull or ram,’ ab. A.S. huitan, ejusdem significationis. The word might then mean ‘spurred.’ p. 6, 1. 171 = 1. 596. This alliterative binding is a very frequent one ; cl Sir Orfeo, ed. Zielke, p. 9. p. 7, 1. 188. The same rhyme, which I have restored here, occurs 1. 559 f. p. 7, 1. 190. Yt telly the = Yt is told ; cl Liidtke, note to The Erl of Tolouse, 1. 1070, and Sarrazin, note to Octavian, 1. 1749. p. 9, 1. 236. I was about to write, Crystyn men thow they were, referring this line to the guardians of the lions ; but, no doubt. Hall’s reconstruction of the line, which I have put into the text, is far better. NOTES TO pp. 9 — IG, 11. 237 — 427. 103 p. 9, 1. 237. Ilys hroinjs wexe hla^ i. e. lie turned pale, he was struek with fear; cf. hloo asices, P. PI., 1. 1553, and the (xerinan aschfahl. Quite a similar expression oceurs in Perceval, 1. 687 f. : ‘ Now sone of that salle wee see, Whose browes schalle blakke.’ Ib. 1. 1056 : ‘ His browes to blake.’ p. 9, 1. 245. Though syrjhijng gives no offence, still it may he, that the author has written syngyng, and the scribe was wrong in altering it ; cf. Zupitza’s note to Guy, 1. 5424. p. 9, 1. 251. Cf. 1. 802, 1204, Ipomaclon, 1. 6481 f. : ‘ Your nece of Calabyre, that lady clere, Ys bovndeu wyth a fendes fere.’ lleliqulec Antiqiue, i. p. 241 : ‘ He seitli bi ni^te and eke bi day, Tliat by beth fendes ifere.’ p. 10, 1. 265 f. The reading of these two lines is (piite destroyed hy the careless scribe. IMy correction is not more than an attempt to restore the rhyme. p. 10, 1. 277 ff. There is nothing in Torrent’s words which could lead the princess to a conclusion like that. I think that after 1. 276 one stanza is wanting. p. 11, 1, 286-8. As to the contents of these lines, Kolhing refers me to Englische siudien, vol. IV. p. 133 f., where F. Idelu’echt mentions a passage in Sir Beves of Hamtoun, according to which a king’s daughter, — if she is a pure virgin, — can never be hurt by a lion. Here we have another proof for this remarkable bit of folk-lore, p. 11, I. 292 := 1. 329. p. 11, 1. 303 = 1. 342. p. 11, 1. 305. I am not quite sure whether I was right in sub- stituting the prince’s name — which is mentioned once more, the Hist time, as it were, 1, 341 — for the name of his father’s kingdom; but I didn’t see any other way of restoring the rhyme. p. 12, 1. 311. Cf. 1. 469 and Skeat’s note to Sir Thoqms, 1. 1927, p. 12, 1. 334. Instead of he I should prefer to read they : Torrent has just admonished the prisoners to cheer up. p. 13, 1. 344. There must be something wrong in this line, because the name of the third Earl’s son is missing ; to write the third instead of of may not suffice to put the text right; even the names Torren and Berweyne seem to me very suspicious. p. 14, 1. 379. Cf. Iponiadon, 1. 4245, /cu* Cry sty s dede ; Crystys was substituted by Kolbing for inannes, which is clearly wrong; he could as well have chosen godes. p. 15, 1. 393 ft Cf. Kolbing’s note to Tristrem, 1. 736. p. 16, 1. 427. Of this allusion to Veland, Ilalliwell treats in his 104 NOTES TO pp. 16 — 26, 11. 429 — 722. edition of Sir Torrent, p. vii f. Cf. Zupitza, Ein zeugnis fur die Wieland- sage, Zeitschrift fur deutsches Alterthum, Vol. XIX, p. 129 f. p. 16, 1. 429-31. The line which follows 1. 429 in the MS. is super- fluous ; it damages the metre ; and the rhyme with 1. 430 won’t do. Tlie old king wishes to say : ‘ I have seen the day when, if this sword wielded by me fell on any one, he was considered done for, doomed to death.’ Therefore 1. 431, I faioght tlierfur I told has been corrected into Fame they were I-told. The scribe did not understand the obso- lescent word faive or faye, so lie wrote the nearest word to it to make sense, 1-told = ‘ held, considered.’ — I. Hall. p. 17, 1. 458. Cf. Breul’s note to Sir Gowtlier, 1. 410. p. 17, 1. 465. Cf. 1. 2061 f. p. 20, 1. 542. The scribe, who evidently didn’t know the pretty rare word clow^ has spoilt it to colod, or colvd ; the same rhyme, clou‘s, droiiT^, anoui^ occurs in Sir Tristreni, 1. 1761 ff. Nor did the scribe know the word swoioe = ‘noise,’ and changed it to swayne ; cf. Hall. Diet., p. 843 : He come to him icith a swowe. p. 20, 1. 543. Of and on, off and on, intermittently, p. 21. 1. 555. schyld is not to the point here, Torrent having only his sword at hand. The scribe has forgotten what be has said himself, 1. 526 and 549 ; cf. 1. 652. p. 21, 1. 582-4. We meet with this description twice more in the poem, 11. 1514-16, and 11, 1858-60. p. 23, 1. 640. On the meaning of theff, cf. Kolbing’s note to Am. and Amil., 1. 787. p. 24, 1. 659. of Perowne is certainly wrong, as it does not agree with the rhymes stere, nere,fere; but I don’t know how to amend the line. p. 24, 1. 662. schere gives no meaning ; I write stere and translate, There might nobody move further, ^. e. the giant was brought to a standstill in the glen. p. 24, 1. 665. Cf. 11. 434, 791. p. 25, 1. 688. Cf. Eglam., 1. 324 : ‘And to [the] herte hym bare,’ The weak preterit tense of herien is very rare; if here = A.S. heran sometimes has the same meaning, i. e. ‘to strike,’ the reason is that A.S. heran and Icel, herja are confounded. p. 25, 1. 696. icoo can hardly stand for wood. It seems to me like a last corruption of an old romance phrase, like imrthy inwith wall (woi^e) ; possibly the line was simply so : Thus in II journeys Torrent so.— Hall. p. 25, 1. 700. On the use of M.E. fote as a plural see Zupitza’s note to Guy, 1. 598, p. 26, 1. 722. Hall suggests, the original phrase may have been : pomely whyt and grey ; cf. Chaucer, C. T., Prol., 1. 615 f. : ‘ This reeve sat vpon a ful good stot, That was al pomely gray, and highte Scot.’ NOTKd TO pp. 27 — 39, 11. 7ii — 1086. 105 p. 27, 1. 744. Cf. 1. 788. On St. James cf. Kolbiiig’s note to Am. and Amil.^ 1. 796. p. 29, 1. 808 f. ‘ III so dangerous conditions he has been before [and still come back safe], so he will come back even this time.’ p. 29, 1. 819. On the meaning of the phrase ‘ the hord heginne^ cf. Kolbing, Englische studien, III. p. 104, and Ziipitza, Anglia, III. p. ,870 f. p, 30, 1. 838. This stanza being incomplete, I think, the lacuna is to be put after 1. 838. The missing three lines contained the fact, that the king promises Torrent, before his knights, that, when he has done this deed, he will give him his daughter, and grant him one half of his kingdom during his life, and the whole afterwards ; cf. 1. 1206 IT. The odd number of XXVII knights is probably due only to the scribe ; cf. F. Ill : By VII score of hardy knyghtes. p. 31, 1. 867 f. These two lines are poor, and the rhyme is very bad ; 1. 868 may have run originally, Thurrow Pervyns, for sothe, it ley; cf. 1. 949. p. 32, 1. 901. squyere, although very odd at the first sight, may still be right ; Torrent says : ‘ The only squier that I took with me for this journey, is ni}^ sword ’ ; cf. 1. 909. p. 33, 1. 922, Cf. Kolbing’s note to Ipomadon, 1. 3344. p. 33, 1. 924-6. On the story of a child, begotten by a devil on a sleeping woman, cf. Breul, Sir Gowther, p. 119 f. p. 34, 1. 954 IT. Cf. Tristrem, 1. 1409 ff. : ‘ Out of Deuelin toim pe folk wel fast ran, In a water to droun, 8o ferd were fai fan.’ p. 34, 1. 963 f. Cf. Beves of Ilamtoun, 1. 187 f. : ‘ Madame, a seide, for loue myn, Whar mai icli tinde fat wilde swin ? ’ p. 36, 1. 1000. Instead of sqjere perhaps we ought to read sworde. p. 37, 1. 1030 f. If we compare the rests of these lines in F. VI., this reading or a similar one is to be expected. The reading of 1. 1029 ff. in the fragments may be completed so : \_Thourgh the he^lpe of god of heuen Thorough ye and^ herin euen God send the sqyere the right way. p. 36, 1. 1033 f. Cf. 11. 1166, 2468 f. , and Kolbing’s note to Sir Tristrem, 1. 69 f. p. 38, 1. 1070. ‘I came hither to seek my death,’ i. e. this expe- dition was so dangerous, that I expected to die. p. 38, 1. 1076. Cf. Ipomadon, 1. 239 f. : ‘ Tyll vncovth coutreys will I wende, The maner wide I see.’ p. 39, 1. 1081. is was to be corrected into it: ‘Because you slew him that possessed it.’ p. 39, 1. 1086. This line, according to Hall’s emendation, means : You owe no homage or feudal duo, the manor is yours and your heirs’ lOG NOTES TO pp. 39 — 42, 11. 1106 — 1193. for ever ; i. e. the manor is in fee simple, and free from any feudal obligation. p. 39, st, 95. The text would he improved by putting II. 1104-6 before 1101-3, although this transposition is not absolutely necessary, p. 39, 1. 1105. lefte may be a mistake for loste ; of. Goicev, I. 207 : ‘ Contenaunce for a ^rowe He loste.’ p. 40, 1. 1117. Cf. Ritson’s Met. Eoni., III. p. 341 f., and Zupitza’s note to Guy, 1. 436. p. 40, 1. 1121. he hare looks rather suspicious, but it is supported by 1. 2169. The author is about to describe the figures inlaid on the shield. Cf. Eglamour, 1. 1030 f. : ‘ He hare in azure ^ a giype of golde, Rychely beton on the molde.’ p. 40, 1. 1124. This line is hopelessly spoilt; the scribe, careless as he was, has almost literally repeated 1. 1121 ; 1. 1125 directly continues the description begun before. p. 40, 1. 1132. Is than I haue in tale right? We expect rather: than I can telle in tale. p. 41, 1. 1138 f. Cf. 1. 1587 f. p. 41, 1. 1143. I thought it necessary to insert mete, although Matzner, Wurterhuch, II. p. 274, cites this line as the only instance in the M.E. literature for glad as a substantive. Rut even the sense is very poor without this addition. p. 41, 1. 1144. As to a man riding into the hall, cf. Skeat’s note to Chaucer’s Squiere’s Tale, 1. 80, and Kolbing’s note to Ipomadon, 1. 6253 f. p. 41, 1. 1150 f. I hope my alterations in 1. 1151 are right. It cannot be said that the King of Aragon defends the lady unless some- body has laid claims to her. Torrent wants either three combats or the lady, quite a regular occurrence in mediaeval romances, p. 41, 1. 1154. none, i. e. no lady. p. 41, 1. 1160. Cf. Kolbing’s note to Tristreni, 1. 138. p. 41, 1. 1165. the gres, which word is here required by the rhyme, is, in the same way as in this passage, used for ‘ battle-field,’ in Perceval, 1. 1225 f. : ‘ Hedes and helmys ther was, I telle ^ovv withowtteue lese, Many layde one the gresne, And many brode schelde.’ p. 42, 1. 1181. For iynding of his hand = for fear of (— /or) the beating (blows) of his hand. Schoolboy slang still keeps the word ‘ to iuncV = to beat with something flat. — Hall. p. 42, 1. 1193. On this expression Skeat treats in Notes to P. PL, p. 3987, to which note I refer the reader. Cf. Li B. Disc., 1 130 f. (Ritson, Roni. II. p. 6) : ‘ Hys schon wer with gold ydyght And Twpeth as a knyght.’ ^ So Percy Pol. MS.; user re Thorn t. NOTES TO pp. 43 — 48, 11. 1198 — 1363. 107 p. 43, 1. 1198 f. : ‘ None of tliein said a single word, But that Torrent had been right to do so as lie liad done.’ p. 43, 1. 1211. There is an evident contradiction between this line and 1. 1199. I suppose the word loaried to be wrong ; but I am not able to give a fairly certain emendation of it. p. 44, 1. 1228 f. ; ‘The king had supposed he was dead, and, indeed, foolhardy he was to undei take an adventure like this.’ p. 45, 1. 1268 f. This fight between the giant Cate and Torrent reminds us in some points of the combat between Guy and Colbrond. Like the old northern holmganrja, both fights take place on an island, and in both cases the giant declines to sit on horseback, because he is too heavy ; cf. Guy of Warwike, Edinburgh, 1840, 1. 9940 ff. : ‘ When )?ai had sworn and ostage founde, Colbrond stirt vp in f»at stounde. To he was ful telle. He was so michel and so vnrede, That no hors inijt him lede, In gest as y you telle. So niani he hadde of armes gere, Vnnefie a cart mi^t hem here, pe Inglisse for to quelle.’ p. 45, 1. 1270. he instead of him is remarkable ; this personal con- struction, provided that it is right, would offer an analogue to I am wo instead of me is ivo ; cf. Kolbing’s note to Tristi'em, 1. 245. p. 45, 1. 1271 = 1. 1546. p. 46, 1. 1307. This line ought probably to run thus : ‘ tSir Torent praid^ as was his wonne' p. 47, 1. 1337 f. This is saint Nycholas de Barr, not sir N., as the copyist has put. He was hardly a cleric, or he would have known the Boy Bishop. An English reference for S. Nicholas is Alban Butler, Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, etc., vol. vii. p. 989, Dublin, 1833. His day is Dec. 6th, consequently he is not in Acta, Sanctorum ; see besides Altenglische legenden, Neue folge, ed. Horstmann, Heilbronn, 1881, p. 11 — 16, and Barbour’s Lcgendensammlung, ed. Horstmann, I. p. 229 — 245. Barr is Bari in Italy, and Barbour, I. p. 238, 1. 601 f., knew it was two syllables (cf. the rhyme ^ame he : Barre'). Nicholas was the patron of sailors, and churches on the sea-coast in all parts of Europe were dedicated to him. Now as Sir Torrent had been in peril at sea, he offers to him. It was customary to offer garments at sueh shrines. See Hampson, Medii FEvi Kcdendarium, I. p. 72. Hence I propose for 1. 1338 : A grett Erldome and a siniarr. Siniarr is not a common word, which makes it all the more probable here, since the uncommon words are those which are corrupted and lost. See Prompt. Parv., I. p. 75 : ‘ chymer, ahella,' that is ‘ abolla, cloak.’ M. E. siniar, Fr. simarre. — Hall. I have not hesitated for a moment to introduce this sagacious conjecture into the text ; also the correction of redith into tas I owe to Mr. Hall, p. 48, 1. 1353. Cf. Kolbing’s note to Sir Tristrem, 1. 2508. 108 NOTES TO pp. 48 — 62, 11. 1364 — 1774. p. 48, 1. 13G4. We ought probably to read she instead of /«3. p. 48, ]. 13G7 f. Cf. 1. 1756 f. p. 48, 1. 1378. Cf. Sir Tristrem, 1. 2458 : ‘Bi holtes and bi hille.’ p. 49, 1. 1385 flf. Here lie addresses the King of Portugal. In 1. 1385 the is superfluous, and sliould perhaps be struck out. p, 49, 1, 1395. fend = defend ; cf. Zupitza’s note to 1. 576. p. 51, 1. 1443 f. As the existence of fede = fade, ‘fellow’ is proved by no other passage, we ought perhaps to write As spede me god : ffode, or As g. me save : hnave^ instead of As god me spede : ffede. p. 51, 1. 1445. The alteration of fleand, which is absurd here, into failand is supported by 1. 1280. p. 51, 1. 1446. As to make instead of made, cf. 1. 332. p. 51, 1. 1463. Cf. 1. 2090 f. I arn afraid neither of these passages is quite right. p. 53, 1. 1518. Perhaps we ought to read ; ‘And out of the valey he hyd swith.’ p. 54, 1. 1531. I don’t believe that the poet used the word tree thrice within these four lines ; perhaps he wrote for 1. 1531 : Shold not drawe it, parde. p. 54, 1. 1551. Cf. Guy, ed. Zupitza, 1. 5430: ‘ To reste fer horsys a lytull wyght,’ and Zupitza’s note to 1. 419. p. 55, 1. 1570. Cf. Stratinann’s note to Havelok, 1. 1129 [Englische sliidien, I. p. 424). p. 56, 1. 1592. To the I haue full good gate means, ‘ I am fully entitled to kill you.’ I don’t recollect to have met with any parallel passage. p. 56, 1. 1600. That dynt is wrong, the rhyme shows as well as the meaning. But whether my alteration is right, seems very doubtful, especially as 1. 1609 offers the same rhyming word. p. 58, st. 142. Rhymes like dight, he-tuught, draught, right can by no means be admitted. Now, instead of he-taught we may be allowed to write he-teighte (cf. Beket, 1. 1827), and 1. 1654 may have run : ‘ He wold haue a draught, aplight.’ p. 59, 1. 1676. After was, sent may have been dropped, p. 59, 1. 1692. For his love, i. e. ‘ As his sweetheart.’ p. 60, 1. 1714. Cf. Ipomadon, 1. 52 : ‘ Begge he wex of bonne and blode.’ Ih. 1. 1763 : ‘ Ryghtte bygge of bone and blode.’ p. 60, 1. 1722: ‘All his men agreed with him,’ viz. that this was the knight wdiom he came to seek. p. 62, 1. 1774. Is her day = A.S. aerdagas, cf. Uavelok, 1. 27 ‘f The word is very rare, and in this meaning occurs only in the plural. NOTES TO pp. 62 — 76, 11. 1777 — 2171. 109 p. G2, 1. 1777. After king, on kne may have dropped out. p. 63, 1. 1799. Cf. Chaucer, C. T., tlie Millere’s Tale, 1. 325 : ‘ Say what thou wolt, I schal it never telle To child no wyf, by him that harwed helle.’ Ih., The Sompnoure’s Tale, 1. 407 : ‘ Now help, Thomas, for him that harewed helle.’ Perhaps even here, 1. 1702, lesu, that made hell, ought to be altered into 1 . that harowde hell. p. 64, 1, 1846. Perhaps we ought to read ehhyng instead of eh, according to 1. 223 ; one can hardly say, that ‘ the sea is eh,’ p. 68, 1. 1961. Instead of A. I should prefer to read The, because this griffon is the same which robbed the child before. p. 69, 1. 1982. Of what lond that he is left, i. e. ‘ Wherever he may be born.’ p. 69, 1. 1991 f. Cf. Iponiadon, 1. 50 f. : ‘ He sayd : Fro tyme lie kepe tham con, My landes I shall hym take.’ p. 70, 1. 2002. It is good in euery fight, i. e. there is a stone in the ring which heals wounds, if they are touched with it; cf. Kolbing’s note to Ipomadon, 1. 8018. p, 70, 2010. llalliwell, p. 306, explains disparlid by ‘beaten down, destro}md,’ a meaning which is not fit for this passage. I read with a slight addition disparplid — ‘ dispersed,’ a rare word ; cf. Stratmann, p. 156. p. 71, 1. 2026. But is probably to be altered into And. p. 72, 1. 2053. C£. Kolbing’s note to Tristrem, 1. 3068. p. 72, 1. 2075. One might be inclined to write : ‘ That my two children vncrystonyd ware,’ but I don’t think that we are obliged to change : ‘ I cared only for that one thing. That my two children might be christened.’ p. 74, 1. 2126. For hhig instead of heng cf Matzner, Sprachprohen, I. 1, p, 292, note to line 675, where hynges rhymes with springes. p. 74, 1, 2135. hede vale, i. e. principal, best choice ; vale = wale, or perhaps aphetic for avale = value. — Hall. p. 74, 1. 2138. horn seems to me somewhat suspicious, though I cannot propose a better reading ; and torn instead of horn wouldn’t do. p. 75, 1. 2152. The imperfect rhyme shows that there is something wrong in this line ; it may be restored thus : ‘ Loo, lordys good and hende.’ p. 75, 1. 2153. wyll haue has probably been inserted here from the following line; we ought to read has. p. 75, 1. 2157. Season for to hold, i. e. ‘ in order to hold court.’ But I don’t know another instance of season with this meaning. p. 76, 1. 2174. This line involves a contradiction to 1. 2158 f 110 NOTES TO pp. 76 — 79, 11. 2185 — 2269. p, 76, 1. 2185. smote means the same as caste; cf. King Horn, ed. Wissuuinii, 1. 1038 : ‘ And ankere gunne caste.’ The only question is, whether anlcere is allowed to be supplied or must be added ; cf. 1. 2203. p. 77, 1. 2209 — 2214, The Sultan informs Torrent by messengers, that the inhabitants of the town are starving, evidently appealing to his generosity. Torrent answers him, that if they will lie here, i. e. leave the town, they are to have victuals enough. But the Sultan doesn’t accept this condition, and so the siege is continued. That seems to me to be the meaning of this half of the stanza. p. 77, 1. 2216 f. dede means here, and 1. 2400, ‘ exploit, battle.’ In the same way Saber, Beves’s uncle, once a year on a certain day fights against the Emperor; cf. Sir Beues, 1. 2917 ff. : ‘ &; eueri ^er on a dai certaine Vpon femperur of Almaine He ginnef gret bataile take, Beues, al for ^ine sake.’ It agrees very well with the religious feelings of the Middle Ages, when they thought it a merit to fight against the heathens on Good Friday; cf. here 1. 2230 ff. p. 77, 1. 2224 ff. I am afraid there is something wrong in these lines ; the copyist seems to mean, that Torrent didn’t bereave the inhabitants of their worldly goods, their treasures ; then we must write them for it. But what we really expect here is, that he leaves in the town some trustworthy men to keep it. Accordingly, the fault lies in Worldehj goodis. Besides, 1. 2224, did instead of teas yt\ would improve the rhyme. p. 77, 1. 2232. hryght is a rather odd epithet to Saryns. p. 78, 1. 2233 ff. Fifteen years have past since Torrent began to fight against the infidels : he besieges the first town two years (cf. 1. 2189), the second, six years (cf. 1. 2206), the third, seven years (cf. 1. 2230). Meanwhile, the education of a young man being finished at the age of fifteen (cf. Kolbing’s note to Trlstrem, 1. 287), his son had become just old enough to win his spurs. p. 78, 1. 2240. I doubt whether ordeyn can be allowed to stand without an object, such as your folk, or your ships ; cf. Robert of Glo'ster, ed. Hearne, p. 139, 1. 19 : ‘He bigan to ordeyne ys folk, & to batail a^en drow.’ p. 78, 1. 2256 : ‘Woebegone was she, that must see that,’ viz. that ‘ le leopard took away her sone.’ p. 78, 1. 2259 f. The meaning of these two lines is not quite per- spicuous, and thej’’ may be corrupt ; only this one thing is clear, that these two knights are Torrent and his son, who belong to different parties. p. 79, 1. 2269 ff. It may be that 11. 2269-71 and 11. 2272-74 are NOTES TO pp. 80 — 87, H. 2302 — 2520. Ill to be transposed, but I don’t think it necessary : Torrent’s men flee when they see that their chief has surrendered. p. 80, 1. 2302. loehid — wicked, mischievous. But I don’t recol- lect to have met with this adj. as an epithet to land or country. p. 80, 1. 2304. Cf. Tristrein^ 1. 88, Kolbing’s note to that passage, and York Plays, p. 438, 1. 155 ; ‘ For, certys, my lyf days are nere done.’ p. 80, 1. 2316. The alteration of this line is rather a radical one ; but there was no other way to restore the rhyme ; I think that first, day and ny^t had changed their places in line 2313, and then the copyist, in order to get a rhyme to ny^t, spoilt the latter line. p. 81, 1. 2335. he my ffaye and parniaffay in the same stanza, and both in the rhyme, are rather poor; one of these lines may have run thus : ‘ Be god of heven, the king gan say.’ p. 82, 1. 2357. The same confusion between turment and turnament occurs in Tpomadon, 1. 2868 ; cf. Kolbing’s note to this line, p. 83, 1. 2392. Cf. Ipomadon, 1. 3958 : ‘ A mercy, syr, for Crystes pitte,’ and Kolbing’s note to this line. p. 83, 1. 2395 f. Cf. Kolbing’s note to Tristrem, 1. 3064, where he cites an interesting parallel passage to this line from Guy of Warwick, ed. Zupitza, 1. 4707 f. : ‘ 3yt fou art the trewest knyght, That euer slepyd in wynturs nyght.’ p. 83, 1. 2405. and is perhaps miswritten for an or on. p. 83, 1. 2407. This line, as it stands, is rather odd ; perhaps it ought to be identical with 1. 1128. p. 84, 1. 2420. j lister, j ouster, means here a knight who joins in a joust or tournament : in the only other passage where it is known to occur. Alls., 1. 1400, it is a horse for tourneying, p. 84, 1. 2433 = 1. 2456 ; cf. Iponiadon, 1. 8830 : ‘ Euery man in there degre' p. 85, 1. 2450. On roial, cf. Kolbing’s note to Ipomadon, 1. 64, To a roall fyght may be compared Shakespeare’s A royal battle {Rich. III., IV. iV.). p. 85, 1, 2461. loitli oute lent = ‘ without fasting’ ? I have not met with this expletive phrase anywhere else. p. 86, 1. 2493. It was not superfluous to mention this fact, because knights were very often killed in tournaments ; cf. Niedner, Das deutsche turnier ini XII. und XIII. lahrhundert, Berlin, 1881, p. 24. See also R. Brunne’s Handlyng-Synne, ed. Furnivall, 1862, p. 144-6. p. 87, 1. 2518-20. As to the meaning of coupUd, cf. Matzner, Worterbuch, I. p. 491. These lines evidently mean that gentlemen and ladies sit alternately, what one calls in German, bunte reihe machen. 112 NOTES TO pp. 87 — 92, 11. 2626 — 2661. Cf. A. Schultz, Das hdJiscTie Lehen Ziir Zeit der Minnesinaci\ I. p. 330, and P. Pietsch, Bunte Reilie, Zeitsclirift fur deutsche PJdlologie, vol. xvi. Halle, 1884, p. 231, who cites from Blterolf 1. 7399 ff. : ‘ Do hiezens under mine man Ir ingesinde wol getan Sich teilen in dem pal as, Daz kein min recke da was, Ern sreze zwischen magediu.’ p. 87, 1. 2526. emell was added by Hall in order to restore the rhyme with Desonell. p. 88, 1. 2535, For this correction, cf. Zupitza’s note to Guy, 1. 600. p. 90, 1. 2593. After marked, them may have dropped ; cf. Laya- mon, 1, 5642 f. : ‘And heom markede ford, Touward Munt-giu heo ferden,’ instead o£ which lines the later MSS. writes : ‘ Hii nome riht hire way Touward Muntageu.’ p. 90, 1. 2597. On castelleioure cf. Kolbing’s note to Tristrem, 1. 158. p. 91, 1. 2636. Cf. Kolbing’s notes to Amis and Amiloun, 1. 1019, and to The lyfe of Ipomadon, 1. 506. Here the expression, no good he ne couth means, he was quite feeble and strengthless. p. 92, 1. 2658. up-tyed — so limited by the deed of foundation that they (the churches and abbej-s) could not be diverted to any other pur- pose. — H all. p. 92, 1. 2661. Cf. Eglamour, 1. 1339, Lincoln MS. : ‘ In Eome this romance crouned es.’ The Cambridge MS. reads instead : ‘ In Rome thys geste cronyculd ys.’ I am inclined to think that crouned is nothing else but a misreading for cronyculd. Afterwards, considered to be correct, it has originated expressions like those we find here. 113 GLOSSARY. Abydde, 2/41, vh. to endure. a-hye, 2I/569, vh. to pay for. actoyie^ 79/2276, sb. a jacket of quilted cotton. Cf. Skeat’s Gloss- ary to Wars of Al., s. v. ago, 3/65, pp. g'oiie. a-right, 48/1364, s. prepared, served up. assent, 48/1357, sh. proposal. assttyt, 23/640, adv. at once. auter, 68/1952, sb. altar. avented, 54/1554, 2 ^. s. reji. recovered liis breath. aventorres, 2/39, sb. pi. adventures. aventurly, 44/1229, boldly. axithe, 10/260, pr. 3 sg. asks. Balle, 15/400, sb. bale. bane,'^ 29 / 794 ? sb. bone; 52 ji^yS, sh. destruction, death; 59/1678, sb. over-corner. bare, 53/1502, pr. s. stabbed. barys, 35/978, sb. pi. bars. bayte, 54/1553, vb. to pasture. bed, 29/793, pp. offered. bent, 25/701, 86/2487, sb. 'battle- field. bcrdles, 86/1015, adj. beardless. here, 37/1045, vb. to stab. be-stad, 29 / 8 o 8 , pp. sore bestad = distressed. bet, 57/1622, p<. s. beat. be-taught, 58/1651, pp. surrendered, delivered. hett, 55/1585, pp. beaten; 4O/1123, pp. ornamented. be-tyde, 45/1270, to befall; cf. the note to this line. beytyng, 36 / 1008, r6. sb., baiting. ? 6Za,* 9/237, arfj. pale, wan ; cf. the note. bio,* 13/351, adj. blue. blynd, 4/87, pr. s. conj. blind. TORRENT OF PORTYNGALE. bode, 18/498, pr. s. ordered. boffettes^^b 12^72 ; buffettes, 6(j/i^g6, sb. pi. blow, dint. hone, bb{i^6$, sb. prayer. bord, 29/819, 42/1194, sb. table. bowes, 51/1451, s 6 . pi. bough, branch. bowght, 21/556, sb. bend. brayd, 66/1598, sh. sudden attack. brohe, 80/833, 48/1354, vb. to enjoy. browi, 24/654, sb. rising ground, hill. byddythe, I8/500, pr. s. waited, re- mained. byght, 22/605, to bite. hyne, 2/46, vb. to be. byrlyd, II/292, 12/329, pr. s. to pour out. Castell toure, 9O/2597, sb. castle tower. ehaffare, SbJgSb, sh. bargain. chalenge, 4I/1150; pr. s. 4I/1163; pr. s. conj. challenge. clieff -foster, 2I/574, sb. cliief-foster. ches, 26/718, pr. 6-. chose. chyrge, 29 / 8 14, sb. church. clarkys, I/12, sb. p>l. clerks. clere, 8/62, ar/p c 7 ere of, renowned for. clow,* 20/542, sb. dough. cobled, 46/1298, cobled stones == cobblestones. comely, 26/722. adv. in a comely manner ; cf. tlie note. contenance,* 3/75, sb. countenance, presence of mind. cord, 48/1357, pr. s. accord. coueryd, 87/2506, pr. pi. Vp they coueryd = They recovered. ? countenance, 39 /iio 5 , sb. counten- ance. couped, A 2 jiig'^, pp . ; cf. the note. 1 114 GLOSSARY. coupled, 87/2520, pp. coupled ; cf. tlie note. coursns, 4I/1150, 42/1177, courses. couth, 46/1295, 91/2636, p>r. s. knew. craftely, 64/1527, adv. ski'fully. crest, 40/1128; creste, 88/2407, sh. crest. cruke, 36/1018, 37/1042, 55/1 577, 56/ 1607, 68/1652, crook. Dalle, 21/562, s6. valley. delyuer, 4I/1154, r6. ; 41/i 151, -imp. to deliver up ; delyuerd, 63/i8o6, 1808, pp. delivered of a child; delyuerd, 82/2372, pp. released ? dent, 2/41, sb. blow. departid, 47/1329, pr. divorced. deive, 4/88, s6. dieu. deyr, 21^7, cidj. dear. deyse, 88/1067, 42/1192, sb. dais. dight, 39/1081, pr. s. built. d'lsparplid,'^ 70/20 10, p2~>. dispersed ; cf. the note. dong, 6I/1754, pr. pi. dun", beat. dourst, ^jSi, 2^rs. sg. barest. draught, 68/1654, sb. draught. dryee, 86/994, vb. endure. duchyes, 83/933, sb. pi. duchies. dulful, 19/519, ady. troublesome. dynnyng, 62/1487, sb. roaring. dyspisyst, 2/47, prs. 2 sg. despisest. Eb, 64/1846, sb. ebb; cf. the note. ebbyd, 8/223, yyo. ebbing. ech, 92/2657, pron. each. eche, 24/649, sb. oak. endentyd, 9/227, pp. indented, adorned. erber, 65/i868, sb. garden of pleasure. ermyght, 36/ 1008, sb. ? eyllythe, 34/958, 3 sg. ails. Fall, vb. to fell, kill. fame, 2/31, sb. foam. fare, 44/1234, sb. at that fare = under these circumstaitces. farly, 2/44; ferly, 69/1974, 7I/2035, sb. wonder. fawe,'^ I6/431, adj. destined to death. fede,'^ 2/30, sb. feed, pasture ground ; cf. the note. ffcde, 51/1444, sb. ; cf. the note. fdl, 86/2444, strong, able. fell, 1/21, 4/90, rh. to fell, kill; fellythe, 3jS2,pr. 3 sg. fells. fere, 8/69, 4/98, 4/io2, 33/931, 85/ 2466, sb. companion. fesomnyd, 2/28, pr. s. ; cf. the note. fet, 12/309, jup. fetched. ffettouris, 8I/2333, sb. yd. fetters. fiyug, 67/1927, rb. to hasten. Jlyngyng, I4/378, p. p)?'s. hastening. fade, 36/1012, sb. food; ffode, 64/ 1823, sb. child, wight. ffont, 69/1993, sb. font. forsake, 26/724, vb. to leave behind. Jforward, 6I/1743, sb. agreement. fraye, 28/638, sb. attack. freke, 58/ 1661, sb. warrior. frethe, 6/161, sb. forest. fyle, 33/91 1, sb. fill. ffyne, 39/ 1086, sb. fine. fytte, 17/458, sb. pi. feet. fyfyng, 7/1731, p. prs. fighting. Gadlyng, 86/1015, sb. vagabond. gale, 46/1313, sb. galley. gas, prs. 3 sg. goes. gesto)Lye, 82/2374, 9I/2625, 9I/2627, sb. banquet, feast. get')e. 7I/2042, prs. 3 sg. goes. glemyrryng, 1 6/426, p. 2?rs. glimmer- ing. governe, 28/779, vb. refl. to behave. greme,"^ 67/1929, sb. grief, sorrow. grennyng, 4O/1126, p. prs. distort- ing, gaping. gryffon, Qdligyi ; ^/re/on, 69/1981, sb. griffin. gryyoe, 68/1961, sb. griffin. Harood, 6O/1711, s6. herald; 82/ 2365 ; harroldys, sb. pi. heralds. harood, 68/1799, pr. distracted, /led, 17/444, heed. hede, 74/2126, r6. to behead. hede-vale, 74/2135, 91/2621, s6. prin- cipal value ; cf. the note to 1. 2135. hedles, 26/702, adj. headless. hende, 4/io6, adj. courteous. herne,'^ 37/1030, sb. brains. heved,'^ I4/371, sb. head. higlit, 66/1860, sb. height. housell, 45/1272; howsell, 74/2139, sb. housel. howge, 2O/548, adj. huge, enormous. GLOSSARY. 115 howt, 25/703, adv. out. hurt^ 57/1625, sb. hurt. I-hye^ 43/1 222j vh. to pay for. i-wysse, 15/391, adv. surely. juster, 84/2420, sh. jousting' kiiiglit. Kene, 2/47, adj. brave. kerpyng, 92/2662, vh. sb. talking. Lade, 68/1663, load, i. e. a lot of blows. lay, 6/165, ^2/1492, sb. grass land, bank. lede, 2/36, sb. country. lemyred, 11/291,^3/-. s. glimmered. lenage, 1 8/491, sb. lineage, family. lende, 1 Ig, prs. p>l. go. leng, 32/899, vb. to stay. lent, 85/2461, sb. lent? leryd, 40/ mo, pp. informed. Ufte, 45/1273, to lift. lothly, 34/964, 35/991 ; lotliely, 53/ 1508, 54/1534, adj. loathsome. love, 59/1692, sb. love, sweet-heart. lyst, 1/7, vb. to listen. lythe, 13/337, vb. to listen. lyvelode, 88/2384, sb. livelihood. Maistershipmon, 50/ 142 5, sb. cap- tain. mall, 12/322, sb. hammer, club. markyd, 9O/2592, pr. s. directed. mate, 25/678, adj. faint, exhausted. maijnerey, I6/435, banquet, feast. maystry, 8/212, sb. mastery; mays- tres, 2SlySg, sb. pi. = maystries, exploits ? meche, IO/270, 2O/531, 26/713, 37/ 1040, adj. much, great, met, 26 jy 00, pr. s. measured. moche, 49/1399, *^6/2195, adj. much, great. ni)/d mete, 4I/1141, 42/1189, s6. the middle of the dinner. mylle, 8/79, s6. mile. myrre, II/293, 34/943, adj. merry. myster, 2I/581, need, want. Nonys, 46/1299, in jj/ir. /or nones, for the once, for the occasion. noryse, 67/1928, sb. nurse. ^tot,* 54/1535, prs. ne wot, don’t know. nowyd, 6/153, annoyed? cf. the note. Of-smyght, 26/691, vb. to cut off. omage, 39/ 1086, sb. homage. onfre,* adj. unnoble. on-harnes, II/302, vb. to unharness. ardor, 2/^i, sb. order. ordurres, 2/48, sb. p>l. knighthood, dub. ovyr-ryde, 2/40, vb. to ride over, to overcome ? Payn, 44/1252, sb. fine, mulct. perseivyd,* \1 1^62, pp. pursued. pertely, 63/1501, adv. openly, plainly. p)luckys, 56/1611, sb. strokes; cf. Halliwell, Diet., p. 633. pomell, 26/714, sb. pommel. poynt, 17/445, 88/2540, = poynt of armys, 3/68, 3O/832, 49/1383, sb. exploit. prekand, 45/1263. P- pricking. pn'este, 5O/1418, adj. ready. preve, IO/275, privy. pyll, 21/573, sb. rock? Bayyd, 7/194, adj. ragged. rawght, 24/645, s. gave, red, 7/178, s5. counsel. reioyse, 76/2151, 8O/2309, 9I/2640, r6. to enjoy. rend, 55/1561, pr. pt. reared, tried to bring on. rene, 86/986, vb. to bereave, to rob. reuelid, 86/2467, pr. 2^^* revelled, feasted. rend, 88/2546, p|L robbed. ?*eit7e, 31/860, r6. to rue, to pity. reysed, 46/1313, pr. 2^^- raised, made ready; reysing, 5I/1454, P- rising, starting up. 7'ially, 87/2516, adv. royally. rialte, 86/2455, s5. royal state. 7'ightfuU, 64/1834, adj. rightfull. roall, 85/2450, royal. rome, 19/ ^16, sb. cross- way ? rore, 37/132, vb. to roar. rough, 66/1879, "mod, copse. 7'owe, 50/1426, 2>rs. jd. row. roivght, 24/645, s5. stroke, blow ? rnde, 58/ 1666, adj. rude. 7’pd, 2/44, pr. s. rode. 116 GLOSSARY. ryde-wey, 22/598, sh. spur-way, horse- way. ryngis, 82/2354, sh. ring, arena. ryved, 73/2090, pr. s. ryved up, landed, disembarked ; ryven, 50 / 1435, V' landed. Sare^ adv. sorely. sarten, adj. sh. the sarten = the truth. smyment, 2/50, sh. trial, exploit. scape, 8I/2327, _prs. suhj. escape. schedyng, sh. separation. scheff-chamhyr, 26/718, sh. chief- chamber, first rank-chamber. scheld, 21/578, vh. to shelter. schere, 21/5 56, vh. to shear, to cut. schope, 21/567, ^r. s. created. schowt, 21/570, shoute, 6I/1751, 65/1877, S' > schuot, 22/594, vh. to shout. season, 75/2157, sh. court. see-fome, 75/2165, sh. sea-foam. sege, 77/2204, sh. siege. sekyrnes, 3O/835, sh. surety. semled, 86/2445, pr. pi. assembled. sete, 33/922, sh. city. seth, 74/2141, conj. since. sett, 41/1 1 52, ^r. s. sat. sewe, 4/89, vh. to look at. shipped, 45/1260, pr. s. 46/1318, jpr. pi. shypped, pp. embarked. shone, 46/1117, s 5 . pi. shoes. side lokyng, bl ji6yj, sh. side-glance. si^ed, 79/2288, pr. s. sighed. simarr,* 47/1338, sh. cloak ; see the note. slade, 58/1660, sh. slade. slon,* I6/458, sh. sloe. smote, 76/2185 ; smote adown, 11 j 2203, pr. s. cast anchor. solasyd, 24/657, pr. s. solaced, com- forted. solemnite, 66/1591, sh. pride, sotell, 6I/1761, adj. subtle, sly. sownyng, 49/1400, 62/1782, 9O/2615, sh. swooning, sparid, 73/2096, pr. pi. barred, blocked up. sped, 3/70, prs. conj. speed. spc7it, 67/1910, pp. lost. sperryd, I4/364, pr. s. barred, shut up. sperrys, 6/127, sh. spire, tree. spousage, 62/1791, sh. spousage. sprent, 7 /i 8 i, pr. s. lept. spryt, 7/1 81, sh. pole. stad,'^ 55/1566, sh. stead. state, 60/ 1 729, sh. chair of state. stere,^ 24/662, vh. refl. move. steryng, 62/1785, p. prs. stirring, moving. stomlyng, j 660, p>. prs. stumbling. storrope, dbjgSj, stirrup. strake, 2/42, pr. s. struck. styll, 18/477, sh. steel. swathing hand, 67/1917, sh. swath. swowe,* 20/548, sh. noise ; cf. the note. syhhe,* 21 l 72 > 9 , sh. kinsman. Takyll, 49/1402, sh. tackling. tall, 26/734, sh. tale. tene, 8/73, sh. grief, sorrow, the, 2/49, vh. to thrive. thede,'^ 6O/1728, sh. people. thefe, 46/1292 ; theffe, b^jib^g, sh. villain. theves, 6I/1760, sh. pi. villains. thole,'^ 17/460, vh. to suffer. throng, 88/1057, sh. crowd, troop. thronge, 79/2283, pr. pi. thronged, pressed. tomhelyd, 42 /i 173, 7;?. tumbled. to-sheverd, 42/1172, pr. s. shivered in pieces. trast,* 17/455, ’ to trust. trayll, 46/1314, vh. to trail. trayn, 29/803, 5I/1455, sh. treachery, deceit. trompettys, 29 / 8 16, 34/443, trumpettes, 41 /i 164, sh. pi. trumpets. trovylld, I7/452, pr. s. travailed, exerted himself. h'ow, 21/572, 7?r. s. believe. trusse, 13/354, vh. to truss. trnssyd, I4/371, pr. pi. trussed. tyed, 92/2658, pp.; cf. the note. tyght, 22/589, adj. tight. tyght, 25/690, adv. in phr. ase tyght, at once. tymhyr, 2/40, 8I/2349, 86/2483, lance. 42 /i 1 81, s6. beating; cf. the note. Vale, s. hede. venturus, 55/1566, adj. adventurous, dangerous. GLOSSARY. 117 vetelidj 76/21 88, p}). supplied with provisions. victoure, 83/2411, sh. victor. vnhrydeledf 54/ 1 552,^r. s. unbridled. vndcr, 7I/2029, sh. noon. vndyr-nethe, 2O/542, prep, under- neath. vndertane, 6I/1733, vb. to undertake. TFalloyng, 7 1 iSg, prs. p. wallowing. wmme, 62/1767, adj. wan, dark. ward^ 48/1351, sh. warden. ivaried, 43/i2ii, 88/2544, pr. pi. cursed ; waried, ^^liS 2 > 7 ) PP- cursed. warne, 29/795, prs. s. deny, refuse. water fflood, sh. water-flood. watt, 4 : 4 :/ 1247, prs. 3 sg. knows. wax, ^l73,pr. s. became. wede, 2/33, sh. garment, dress. wekid, 8O/2302, adj. wicked ; see the note. were, 57/1623, tired. were, 28/77;^, adj. aware. wet-saffe, I7/466, s. vouchsafe. wexe,* 9/237, pr. pi. became. wight, 54/1551, sh. white. wilsom, 71/2030 ; wyld-som, 20/ 535 > ivyldsome, I9/506, adj. wild, desert. ivis, 53/1525, vb. to show. ivod, 14/377, c(dj. mad. won, 4/94, adj. one. wonande, \j\^, p. prs. living. wondyr-thyng, 2/53, sh. wondrous thing. wonne, 46/1295, sh. custom, ex- pedient. wonne, 46/1307, pp. wont? cf. the note. ivonne, 65/1870, p. dwelling, living ? wonne, 69/1995, pp. won. ivrought vp, 54/1532, pr. s. built up, raised. wyght,* 1/15, 3/60. wyt, 27/749, wyhte, 30/548, udj. wight. Fare,* 7/177,* I4/369, 47/1320, ac^y. wholly, yarely. ^aiis (/one, 7I/2025, s6. joZ. footpaths. yell, 46/1305, vb. to yell. yell, b2ji^Z7, sh. yell. I/46I/1740J s- 70/2009, ^rs. co?y. s. may give. ^Ifce, 25/694, 63/ 1 80 1, j^ron. same. 119 INDEX OF NAMES. Adolahe, 434, the name of a sword ; Adyloke. 665 ; HatheJoke^ 791. Adryan, 927, St. Hadrian. A myas^ 345, a young prince. Antioche, 2229, Antiochia. Antony^ 1874, 1940, 1970, 2558, St. Antony. Antony fice grefoun, 1998, 2435, 2476, Torrent's son. Aragon, 1114, 1152, 1182, 1212, 1257, 1325, 2110 ; Eragon, 765. Aiusden, 1029, St. Austin. Be-gon-inese, 101, a giant. Beriueyne, 344 ; see J akys. Brasille, 1450, a forest on the Nor- wegian coast. Cakilmr, 847, 907, 952, 1059, 1320, 2113, Calabria. Calamond, 1221, King of Portugal ; Calomond, 21 16, 2 168 ; Colomand, 2104 ; Colomond, 1408, 2143. Cardon, 1091, a town in Calabria. Cargon, 1326, a town in Aragon. Cate, 1238, 1254, 1293, 1593, a giant. Desonelle, 109, 382,446,450,478,673, 795, 859, 985, 1102, 1135, 1161, 1359, 1.393, 1703, 1780, 2006, 2059, 2077, 2092, 2173, 2401, 2424, 2500, 2509, 2523, 25.33, 2587, 2614 ; King CalamoncVs daugliter. Torrent's spouse ; Dis- sonelle, 1329 ; Bysonelle, 32. Elyoner, .347, daughter of the King of Cedes. Flonthus, 1005, Slonges of Flonthus, a gian\ Fuolles, 748, Slogns of Fuolles, variation of the former name. Gales, .346, 408, 417. Gendres, 1747, daugliter of the King of Norway. George, 1677, St. George. Grece, 2419, 2434, 2557, 2643, (jrl’GGCG Grekes, 79, 1282, 2179, 2645, Greeks. Gryffen, 1215, St. Griffon. Hungry, 970, Hungary. Jakys, 344, Jakys of Berweyne, a young prince. Jame, 744, 788, St. James. Jerusalem, 1897, 1921, 1938, 2236, 2245, 2275, 2426, 2473, 2554, 2633. Jesus, 1.34, 274, 537, 540, 675, 996, 1.340, 1.371, 1.382, 1447, 15.39, 1564, 1702, 1799, 19.37, 1985, 1997, 2218, 2580; lesu Crijst, 206, 529, 127' CO cc 1852, 2664. John, 1884, 2140, 2514, 2559, St. Jolm. Katryn, 2053, St. Catlierine. Leohertm, 1925, 2246, 2477, Tor- rent's son. Marre, 85, 624; Mary, 136, 1.308, 1565, 1646, 1888, 1906, 1946, 1969, 2098, 2.311; Marry, 61, 259, 86.3. Mavdeleyn, 489 ; Mawdleyn, 505, 7.37, Maudlin, name of a forest. Mowupolyardnus, 716, the name of a sword. Myhelle, 75.3, St. Michael. Nazareth, 465, 2032, 2041, 2389, 2437, 2528. 120 INDEX OF NAMES. Norway, 1370, 1377, 1412, 1417, 1759, 1781, 2083. Nycliolas de Barr, 1337, St. Nicholas de Bari ; see the note. Peron, 1776, 1830; Perowne, 659; Ptrrown, il'i, a town in Portugal. Pervens, 420, 1095, 1320 ; Pervyns, 868, 2113, Provence; Provyns, 397, 413. Portinyale, 1069, 1346, 2090, 2095, 2593 ; Portyngale, 1772, 2134, 2176, 2413, 2620; Party nggallo:, 13, 25, 374, 399, 727, 763, 877, 883, 1255, Portugal. Quarelle, 2182, 2415, a town in Syria. Baynes, 2414, a town in Syria. Bochense, 637, a giant. Borne, 12, 118, 187, 190, 198, 558, 924, 1224, 1282, 1319, 1924, 2183, 2626, 2661. Samson, 95, Samson. Sarzins, 2232, Saracens. Bathanas, 1237, Satan. Slocliys, 850 ; Slogus, 748 ; Slonges, 1005 ; Slo7igiis, 967, a giant. To7'rayne, 26, Touraine. Torren, 343. Torrent, ,34, 46, 49, 61, 91, 133, 148, 181, 200, 203, 217, 224, 230, 252, 280, 295, 302, 314, 392, 399, 432, 466, 470, 477, 480, 495, 504, 519, 528, 540, 556, 577, 585, 591, 621, 634, 642, 645, 648, 663, 670, 677, 681, 687, 691, 693, 699, 733, 739, 752, 768, 772, 819, 824, 825, 828, 834, 839, 843, 852, 877, 883, 896, 946, 957, 984, 987, 999, 1006, 1021, 1023, 1039, 1044, 1051, 1060, 1072, 1119, 1163, 1167, 1170, 1176, 1200, 1256, 1263, 1270, 1284, 1298, 1414, 1434, 1480, 1535, 1699, 1756, 1838, 1903, 2081, 2485, 2630 ; Terrant, 142 ; Terrent, 85 ; Torent, 157, 205, 756, 784, 1246, 1254, 1278, 1293, 1307, 1317, 1322, 1325, 1331, 1347, 1355, 1367, 1379, 1,391, 1437, 1443, 1494, 1511, 1517, 1562, 1569, 1598, 1613, 1622, 1724, 1727, 1780, 1811, 2084, 2097, 2107, 2117, 2120, 2140, 2150, 2155, 2179, 2191, 2197, 2209, 2224, 2244, 2257, 2263, 2269, 2281, 2330, 2362, 2380, 2478, 2479, 2482, 2489, 2495, 2501, 2503, 2511, 2534, 2567, 2575, 2603, 2611, 2617, 2642, 2649 ; Torrant, 70, 76, 103, 241, 253, 364, 380, 657, 760, 840, 963 ; Tyrrant, 18. Velond, 427, Veland the smith. Verdownys, 305, 341, 410, son of the King of Provence. Weraimt, 1650, a giant. II. CLAY AND SONS, LIMITKD, LONDON AND BUNGAY. r 64. 6.i. 66 . 67. i' 6S. ' 69. 70. 71. 72. 7.-?. ,1 74. 1' 75. I 76. '' 77. 78. I: 79. ! Ex !■ 80. ji 81. ; 82. ,1 8‘i- ■ 84 . i 85. 86 . The PuhUeatlom for 1872-80 (one guinea each year) are An Old English Miscellany, coiitaiuiiip; a Bestiary, Kentish Sermons. Proverbs of Alfred, and Religious Poems of the 16th cent., ed. from the MSS. by the Rev. R. Morris, LL.I). 10«. 1872 King Alfred s West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care. ed. H. Sweet, M. A. Part 11. 10.?. ,, The Life of St Juliana. 2 versions, a. D. 1230, with translations : ed. T. O. Cockayne & K. Brock. 2.v. ,, Palladius on Husbondrie. engli.sht (ah. 1420 A.r.), ed. Rev. Barton Lodire, M.A. Part I. lO.v. ,, Old-English Homilies, Series II.. and three Hymns to the Virgin and God, lotli-century, with the music to two of them, in old and modern notation ; ed. Rev. 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