■ . / Co VI. fuj-. THEJOOK OF OBITS AND MARTYROLOGY CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY, COMMONLY CALLED CHRIST CHURCH, DUBLIN. EDITED FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT IN THE LIBRARY OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. BY JOHN CLARKE CROSTHWAITE, A.M., OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN ? RECTOIt OF ST. MARY AT HILL AND ST. ANDREW FJUBBARD, LONDON. WITH AN INTRODUCTION, BY JAMES HENTHORN TODD, D.D., V. P. R. I. A., FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. %(£#'' V • DUBLIN : FOR THE IRISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. MDCCCXLIV. w M .15* M THIS COPY MAS PRINTED FOR .1 WALTER K . EYTON, ESQ. MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY. DUBLIN: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, BY M. H. GILL. BOSTON COLLEGE LIBRARY CHBTNUT HIU, MA 02167 MAR 2 6 1990 IRISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. FOUNDED MDCCCXL. patron : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE ALBERT. 3Prcsfoent : His Grace the Duke of Leinster. Council : Elected July 10, 1844. The Marquis of Kildare, M. R. I. A. The Earl of Leitrim, M. R. I. A. The Viscount Adare, M. P., M. R. I. A. Rev. Richard Butler, A. B., M. R. I. A. John Smith Furlong, Esq., Q. C, Treasurer. James Hardiman, Esq., M. R. I. A. Captain Larcom, R. E., M. R. I. A. James Mac Cullagh, Esq., LL. D., M. R. I. A. George Petrie, Esq., R. H. A., V. P. R. I. A. Aquilla Smith, Esq., M. D., M. R. I. A. Joseph Huband Smith, Esq., A. M., M. R. I. A. Rev. J. H. Todd, D. D., V. P. R. I. A., Secretary. INTRODUCTION. HE manuscript from which the following work has , been printed, is a folio, 10^ by 6,}- inches, contain- ing 162 leaves of parchment. It is an undoubted original, and is now preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, among the manuscripts formerly belonging to Archbishop Ussher, and pre- sented to the University by King Charles II. The writing begins on the second page of the first leaf. The first page was originally blank, and contains now only some idle scribbling, of no importance, together with the old class marks by which the volume was dis- tinguished in former arrangements of the Library. These are " H. 4, 2, 7." — "P. 15." — "I. 126." By the last of these this manuscript is referred to in the printed " Catalogi Librorum MStorum Anglian et Hibernise a ." The volume consists of two parts, which may be dis- tinguished as the Book of Obits of the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, Dublin, and the Martyrology. These parts are of different dates, the Martyrology being evidently the older. They were there- fore originally distinct, although now bound together in the same volume, and may fitly be treated of separately. The a The volume now stands in Class. E, Tab. 4, No. 3. IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. b VI The Book of Obits. The first part of the manuscript, viz., the Mortilogium, Obitarium, or Book of Obits, occupies the first fifty-nine pages of the present volume; foil. 1-50 of the original. I. It begins (on the back of fol. 1 ) with the curious list of relics which will be found in pages 3 and 4 of this publication. This list is in the original, i. e., the oldest hand found in this part of the manuscript. Upon this catalogue of relics, as it contains some articles of his- torical interest, it will be necessary to make some remarks. The Crucifix, " que bis verba sonasse legitur, &c," is mentioned by Giraldus Cambrensis ; and the word legitur in the entry, is very probably an allusion to his treatise De mirabilibus Hibemice ( Top. Hib. dist. ii. cap. xliv.), where the following miracle is recorded: " De Cruce Dublinice loquente, et testimonium veritati perhibenti. " Nunc ea quaa circa moderna contigcrunt tempora cxplicemus. Dubliniaa in Ecclesia S. Trinitatis, est crux quaedam virtuosissima vultum preferens crucifixi. Hasc non multis annis ante aduentum Anglorum (Ostraannorum scil. tempore) pluribus audientibus sacrum os in verba resolvit. Contigerat enim quendam civiuui super contractu quodam earn solam testcm et quasi sponsorem invo- casse : processu vero temporis, eo, cum quo contraxerat, pactum penitus inii- ciante, et pecuniam, quam eius fidei crediderat constanter abnegante, de censura civium ironica magis tamen quam seria, astantibus ad lioc in Ecclesia predicta multis et audientibus, crux adiurata et obtest ata testimonium pcrhibuit veritati b ." This, however, is only one instance of words miraculously uttered by the crucifix, and the catalogue says, " bis verba sonasse legitur ;" if b So old was the custom of making bar- ter and Renatus Harris, contracting on gains and paying money in churches ; and the part of the former to pay Harris " att it continued to a late period, as appears Strongbow's tomb in Christ Church in the from an engagement in the Chapter Book countie of Dublin," the sum of £350, by of St. Patrick's Cathedral, dated the 18th instalments, at stated times, for additional of May, 1697, between the Dean and Chap- stops to the organ in St. Patrick's. Vll if a second case is on record, it lias escaped the research of the writer of these remarks. But the crucifix (as indicated by the et ccetera, in the entry above quoted) was said to have been ho- noured with other miracles ; these are also enumerated by Giraldus, whose words will be found below ; It is evident from his testimony, that this crucifix was in possession of the Cathedral, and held in great veneration before the twelfth century d . The c Gir. Cambr. ibid. cap. xlv. " De eadem Cruce immobili facta. Comite Kic. priino Dubliniam cum exercitu veniente : Ciues, mente maloruin plerunque presaga, casum ciuitatis metuentes, et de defensione diffi- dentes, cum fugani iam navigio machina- rentur, crucem illam secum ad insulas asportare volebant. Quod cum omni co- naruine et diligentia effectui mancipare tentassent, totius ciuitatis populus nee vi, nee ingenio, earn a loco movere potuerat." And cap. xlvi. " De denario cruci ohlato bis resiliente, et tertio post confessionem re- manente, et ocreis ferrets miracidose resti- tutis. Capta vero civitate, cum Sagittarius quidam inter alios denarium ad crucem obtulisset : revertens eundem statim post sevolantem a tergo suscepit. Cui iterum eundem resumenti, et ad crucem reportanti, videntibus, et admirantibus multis idem evenit. Turn vero coram omnibus con- fessus est, se domos Archiepiscopi intra ecclesia? illius septa eodem die spoliasse: et sic pecunia super hoc ei injuncta, red- ditisque uniuersis, quae ei obvenerant : ter- tio denarium eundem cum timore magno et reuerentia ad crucem retulit, qui et ibidem turn demum sine motu permansit. Item Reymundo Comitis Rich, tunc con- stabulario, cum juvenis quidam de familia sua ferreas ocreas furto sustulisset : tota eiusdem familia in Ecclesia Sanctoe Trini- tatis super crucem prefatam se ab hoc facinore sacramento purgavit. Nee multo post, juvenis ille reversus ab Anglia, quo secesserat, nemine de ipso hoc suspicante, ad pedes Reymundi macilentus et miser se prostrauit, de scelere perpetrato et sa- tisfactionem offerens, et veniam querens. Coufessus est etiam palam et publice se tantam a cruce persecutionem perpessum esse, ut post perjurium, semper ei in collo gravi cum pondere jacuisse videretur, ita ut nee postmodum dormire, nee requiem ullam habere potuisset. His igitur aliis- que virtutibus et signis variis in primo nostrorum adventu, crux ubique vene- randa, se venerabilem hie exhibuit." d Giraldus Cambr., in recording the fu- neral of Strongbow, says : " Corpus co- mitis Dublinia; in Ecclesia Sancta? Trinitatis in ipso reverenda; Crucis pros- pectu, procurante Laurentio sedis ejusdeni Archiprajsule, celebratis solenniter exe- quiis, est cumulatum." Hib. Expugu. lib. ii. c. xiv. p. 792. b 2 Vlll The Baculus Jhesu, " quem angelus beato Patricio conferebat," stands next on the list, and is of still greater celebrity. St. Ber- nard mentions it in his life of St. Malachy, as one of those insignia of the see of Armagh, which were popularly believed to confer upon the possessor a title to be regarded and obeyed as the suc- cessor of St. Patrick ; so that some who had no other claim to the Primacy than the power or fraud which gave them possession of these relics, were received by the more ignorant of the people as the true bishops. Speaking of Nigellus, the intruding prelate, who was finally driven out by St. Malachy about the year 1 1 34, St. Bernard says : " Porro Nigellus videns sibi immincre fugam, tulit secum insignia qusedam sedis illius, textum scdicet Evangeliorum, qui fuit beati Patricii, baculumque auro tectum, et gemmis pretiosissimis adornatuin, quem. nominant baculum Jesu, eo quod ipse Dominus (ut fert opinio) eum suis manibus tenuerit, atque formaverit. Et hrcc summae dignitatis et venerationis in gente ilia. Nempe notissima sunt celeberrimaque in populis, atque in ea reverentia apud onmes, ut qui ilia habere visus fuerit, ipsum habeat cpiscopum populus stultus et in- sipiens d ." Thus it appears, that the Baculus, in St. Bernard's time, was adorned with gold and precious stones. It was therefore most pro- bably a crozier (still always called bctcall, in Irish 6 ), and having been held in such veneration in the twelfth century, there is no reason to doubt its great antiquity. It is mentioned also by Giraldus Cambrensis, who tells us, that in his time it was removed by the Eng- lish, perhaps for greater security, from Armagh to Dublin f : " Inter d De Vita S. Malachite, c. xii. Opp. Ed. the Baculus Jesu was a crozier is evident Bened. vol. i. c. 675. from the circumstance recorded Vit. Trip. e Baculus Pastoralis was the usual name part. iii. c. 30. given to a crozier all over Europe in the f Armagh was burned in 1 178, with its middle ages ; see Du Cange in voce. That churches and sanctuaries. (Colgan, from IX "Inter universos Hibernias baculos," lie says, " ligneseque naturae Sanctorum reliquias, virtuosus ille et famosus (quem baculum Jesu vocant) non immerito primus et prascipuus esse videtur. Per quem, vulgari opinione, Sanctus Patricius venenosos ab insula vermes ejecit. Cujus siquidem tarn incertus est ortus, quam certissima virtus. Nostris autem temporibus et nostrorum opera, nobilis the- saurus ab Armacliia Dubliniam est translatus g ." Two different accounts of the manner in which this relic became the property of the prior and convent of the holy Trinity, are to be found in the existing records of the cathedral. The first agrees with the statement of Giraldus, that the baculus was translated by the English from Armagh to Dublin, and is contained in the following entry, in a hand of the early part of the sixteenth century, in the Black Book of Christ Church, fol. 214, a : " Memorandum quod Anno Domini M°. C. octuagesimo, filius Aldelmi, et tarn milone quoque goganenti quam Stcphani per conquestum baculum virtuo- sissimuni quem baculum Jhu vocant, et Sanctus Patricius semper in maim portavit, et altare lapideum, ab Armacliia Ecclesie Sancte Trinitatis Dublin transferee curaverunt, et restant in Ecclesia prsedicta. Et data fuerunt in tem- pore domini Laurencii Archiepiscopi Dublin 11 ." This statement is confirmed by another passage of Giraldus Cam- brensis, where he says of William Fitz-Adelm, or Aldelm, above- mentioned : " nihil egregium in Hibernia gessit, praster hoc solum quod the Four Masters, Tr.Thaum. p. 310; and nenti quam Stephani," are, perhaps, in- Annal. Ulton. in 1 1 79.) tended to represent the names of Milo de s Topogr. Hib. part iii. c. xxxiv. For the Cogan and Eobert Fit-Stephens ; and seem story of St. Patrick banishing the reptiles taken from Cambrensis Hib. Exp. 1. ii. with the staff of Jesus, see Jocelin, c. 170 c. 18, who says: " Revocato interim in (Tr. Th. p. 102). Angliam Aldelmi filio, et tarn Mi- h A fac simile of this passage has been lone quoque Coganensi quam Stephanide, given in the 2nd Report of the Irish Re- &c." The Record Commissioners have cord Commission. Suppl. Plate xiii. No. 6. altogether omitted these words in their fac The words " et tarn milone quoque goga- simile. quod baculum virtuosissimum, quern baculum Jesu vocant, ab Ar- machia, Dubliniam transferri procuravit'." And the event is also recorded under the year 1 1 80, in the manuscript annals of Inisfallen, in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin : " 6acall paopaij do Bpeir o Gpo- " The staff of Patrick was brought ITIaca 50 h-Gic-cliar le h-Uilliam TUac from Armagh to Dublin by William Fitz- doelm." Adelm." And Ware, in his Annals of Ireland, has adopted the same statement- The other account, therefore, must be rejected as fabulous : al- though it is to be found in the White Book of Christ Church (fol. 56, b), and in Archbishop Alan's Register'. It represents the baculus as having been given to the Cathedral by Strongbowe himself: and seems to say, that it was taken, not from Armagh, but from Balli- boghall, a parish church now in ruins, in the county of Dublin, four miles from Swords, which is supposed to have derived its name from the possession of some crozier, or baculus, of St. Patrick". This account is as follows : " Quando ' Hib. Expugn. lib. ii. c. xviii. For an Ballybachel ;" Monast. Hib. p-135; al- account of Fitz- Adelm, see Archdall's edit. though just before (p. 134) he had quoted of Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, art. De a charter of Henry II., from Dugdale's Burgh, Earl of Clanrickarde, vol. i. p. 118. Mon. Ang. vol. i. p. 783, by which it ap- j P. 226 of the transcript preserved in pears, that the Abbey was in possession of the Library of Trinity College: fol. 58, the lands of Ballibachel as early as 11 74. b, of the original. — Lanigan doubts whether Balliboghall k Ware (Bishops, p. 61) tells us, that could have had its name from the cele- about 1 1 80, the town of Ballyboghal was brated staff of Jesus. Eccl. Hist. vol. given to the Abbey of St. Mary, near iv. p. 249, 2nd ed. But St. Patrick ap- Dublin, by Gilbert O'Caran, Archbishop pears to have left more than one staff. ofArmagh : and Archdall (on the authority In the list of relics preserved in the of Ware's manuscripts) states, that in the monastery of St. Alban's are mentioned, year 1200, Thomas O'Connor, Primate of relics " De Sancto Patricio, etbaculis ejus- Armagh, granted to the Abbey of St. dem sancti." Dugdale's Monasticon (by Mary "the lands of St. Patrick, called Caley, Ellis, and Bandinel), vol. ii. p. 235. XI " Quando conies Ricardus Strangbowe ccpit Ballibaghille per conquestum et Robertus ffilius Stephani cum eo, tunc ibi manebat vir prepotens nomine Ma c goghdane, et predictus Macgoglidane acriter pugnabat contra comitem bene per iiij. dies et occidit plures de gente comitis. Deinde comes suscepit eum et fecit eum decollari. In illo die Dominus comes per consilium et assensum dicti Roberti ffilii Stepbani dedit ilium locum cum omnibus sibi pertinentibus ecclesie Catli. Sancte Trinitatis Dublin, et sancte crucis, et dedit Portraglim, Kynsali, una cum baculo Jhu qui vocatur baculus Sancti Patricii quern semper solebat portare in manu sua, et data fuerunt omnia ista tempore domini Laurencii Arcliiepiscopi Dubbn. Anno Domini Millesimo Centesimo octogesimo." This account, it will be observed, assigns the same date to the translation of the baculus as the former had done, namely, A. D. 1 1 80 ; and thus betrays a manifest inconsistency ; for Strongbowe died in June, 1 176 1 ." The lives of St. Patrick all speak of this celebrated staff, or crozier. They tell us that he received it from a hermit in an island of the Tyrrhene sea, to whom it had been given by our Saviour Himself, with an injunction to deliver it to Patrick, when he should arrive at the island. Colgan has collected all the authorities 111 ; but it must suffice to quote here the story as it is given in the Tripartite Life of the saint : " S. igitur Patricius accepta sui sancti praeceptoria [scil. S. Germani] bene- dictione, cum novem sociis conscendit navem, navigavitque per mare Tyrrhe- num, donee divina preordinatione pervenerit ad quandam insulam, ubi in quadam asde, quasi nova, reperit florentis oetatis conjuges ciun quadam vetula decrepita, quse 1 Hanmer. Grace. Dr. Lanigan doubts other things from the clergy." Eccl. Hist, whether the translation of the staff ought vol. iv. p. 241. to be attributed to Fitz-Adelm, who never m Append, v. ad Acta S. Patr. c. xxii. got possession of Armagh ; he supposes it, Trias Thaum. p. 263. See also the Elu- therefore, more probable that the staif was cidationes in Jocelinum of the learned taken to Dublin in 1 184, "when Philip de Dr. David Roth, published by Messing- Worcester entered Armagh with a great ham, Florileg. Insulse Sanctorum, p. 1 34, army, and extorted there much money and and Lanigan, Eccl. Hist. vol. i. p. 1 76. Xll quae non nisi rependo et manuum innisa adminiculo, incedere potuit : cujus senio confectae setati, et imbecillitati cum vir sanctus condoleret, didicit a patre- i'amilias viro juvene et robusto, illam suarn esse ex filia neptem, ejusque matrem longe mains decrepitam et debiliorem adhuc vivere. Et cum vir sanctus tantae novitatis causam inquireret ; respondit se suamque uxorem operibus rnisericordiae juo-iter intentos fuisse : eorumque sedes et mensam, viatoribus et peregrinis victualia vel hospitium pro Cbristi nomine petentibus semper patuisse. Unde, inquit, quadam vice Christum Salvatorem sub specie peregrini, baculum in maim gestantis, hospitio collegimus, omnique qua potuimus humanitate et charitatis officiis excepimus, qui antequam discederet, nobis nostroque domicilio benedixit, dicens se Christum Dominum esse : cujus bcnedictio nos in pristinae a?tatis flore continuo retinet : sed cum soboles nostra nondum nata, non meru- erit eadem benedictione ditari, hinc communi carnis legi subjecta, annis cres- centibus, senio conficitur. Reliquit etiam nobis baculum quem in manu gestabat, praecipiens, ut ilium peregrino cuidam, hue post tempora multa trans- ituro, et Hibernicam gentem conversuro asservemus. Unde et eundem baculum a Domino Jesu tibi relictum, tuae sanctitati offerimus. Scd Patricius noluit ilium baculum acceptare, nisi ab ipso Domino Jesu suam donationem confir- mante illium denuo reciperet. " Postquam autem ibi moram trium dierum contraxisset, venit ad vicinum montem Hermon appellatum, in quo indulgentissima dignatione placuit Christo ei apparere ; qui et prascepit ut ad gentis Hibernicae conversionem se accingeret: eique ibi, tanquam alteri Moysi, tradidit jam laudatum baculum, qui passim baculus Jesu imncupatur: quem et pra?dixit futurum in lubrico baculum, in adversitate praesidium, et contra obstinatiam, et ad conversionem occidentalis iEgypti ad instar virgae Moysis magnorum prodigiorum futurum operatorem mirificum: uti et esse probavit eventus. Virgae enim Dei in manu primi Moysis fuit hie baculus Jesu in manu secundi Moysis in multis persimilis. Sicut enim ilia virga in manu Moysis coram Pharaone rege obstlnatissimo TEcypti, ejusque Magis aliquando in colubrum vertebatur, et mox in propriam naturam redibat ; dracones a Magis formatos in flexibilium virgarum mutabat formas, grandinem, tonitrua, fulmina, tenebras aliasque multas inducebat et abigebat plagas, antequam Pharaonem flectere potuerit ad Israelitici populi di- jnissionem ex ^gyptiaca servitute ; ita baculus hie Jesu in manu secundi Moysis coram altero Pharaone, obstinatissimo nempe Leogario Hibernia; rege, ejusque Xlll ejusque Magis et poptibs in superstitionibus et idololatria longe pertinacibus, aliquando colubri induebat naturam, sua mirifica vi vindicandi, rnaleficis et idololatris mortem et exitium inferendo ; saspe, quos Magi et aruspices suarum incantationum et maleficiorum vcnenointoxicabant, et quasi in dracones et ser- pentes vertebant, sua mirifica virtute sanabat, et in mites homines, quasi flexi- biles convertebat virgas ; nunc nivibus in medio sestu obducabat campos, nunc sudo coelo obfundebat tonitrua et fulmina ; nunc dies tenebris et lumine noctes adspergebat, aliasque innumeras poenas et plagas infiigebat, et ab inflictis sa- nabat, antequam induratum in malo cor Leogarii regis potuerit inclinare ad permittendam Evangelii prffidicationem, populique Hibernici e servitute iEgyp- tiaca et diaboli potestate eductionem : ut in sequenti narrationis decursu lucu- lenter patebit"." Frequent notices of the Baculus Jesu are to be found in Irish history. In the ancient Irish poem by St. Fiech, which Colgan has published as the first life of St. Patrick, mention is made of St. Tassach, from whom the saint received the holy viaticum on his death bed. Tassach was of Rathcolptha, now Raholp, near Down, and is said in some of the lives to have been a bishop when he administered the communion to the dying Patrick : he was skilled in the art of a gold- smith 1 '; and in the ancient notes to Fiech's Hymn it is particularly stated, that the Baculus Jesu was by him first adorned with a pre- cious covering : " Thassachus fait faber asrarius S. Patricii. Fuit primus qui baculum Jesu pretioso tegumento obcelavit. Ecclesia ipsius est Rath-Colptha juxta Dunum ad Orientem"." Two n Vit. Trip, lib.i. c. 36, 37. Jocelin tells Aengus, ad 14. April, us, that the name of the hermit, -whose p Vit. Tripart. part iii. c. 100. In part youth was so miraculously preserved, ii. c. 39, Assicus, first Bishop of Elphin, is and from whom St. Patrick received the called " faber seris S. Patricii." One can staff, was Justus: see also the Office of St. hardly help suspecting that Assicus and Patrick, lect. 5. Colgan, Tr. Th. p. 191. Thassachus were one and the same: espe- Vit. 3"". c. 89. Vit. 5 ,a . seu Probi, lib. cially as the former is not mentioned in ii. c. 35. Tripart. lib. ii. c. 7 1. He is also the ancient Martyrology of Aengus. called a bishop in the Martyrology of q Colgan, Tr. Th. p. 6. IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. C XIV Two obscure notices of the Baculus are to be found in the Annals of Tighernach. The first of these is entered under the year 1027, in the following words, bacall Ira oa jpapujab, which Dr. O'Conor renders : " Baculum Jesu sacrilege raptum r ." And in the year 1030, we have a record of another similar act of sacrilege : "6acall lppaoa papulae, um epi cap- " The Baculus Jesu was profaned in a lib, agup po mapbao a cino epi la in matter relating to three horses, and the pep po papaig." profaner was killed three days after s ." In the Annals of the Four Masters, at the year 1080, there is the following mention of this relic: "Sloi;5ea6laCoippoelbaciiam-&pium £0 h-Clccliar, ajup 50 piopa ITIiolie, 50 o-cainic TVIaoileaclann in a cheac la bacall lopa, ajup la Corhapbapaopaij, ajup la cleipcib niurhan." " A hostile expedition undertaken by Torlogh O'Brian to Dublin, and to Meath, when Maoileachlan came into his tent, with the baculus Jesu, and with the suc- cessor of Patrick, and with the clergy of Munster." Again in the same Annals, at the year 1 143, the Baculus Jesu is mentioned, r Rer. Hib. Script, vol. ii. p. 279. s Dr. O'Conor takes the word papujao in both these notices to signify, that the baculus was sacrilegiously stolen. But the word does not necessarily signify steal- ing. Oil 00 papu jao means to profane a church by any act of violence, such as shedding human blood within it, or taking out of it one who had tied there for sanc- tuary. See Annal. IV. Mag. anno 1224, where we read : " Seachnasach, son of Giolla na naomh O'Shaughnessy, was slain by the Clann Cuilen [Mac Namaras], and the Bachall mor [large crozier~\ of St. Col- man of Kilmacduagh (do papujjao) was profaned by the deed." Hence, when the word is applied to such relics as the Ba- culus Jesu, it implies that the vow made before them, or the covenant entered into in their presence, was broken or violated, or that they were treated with some in- dignity. The words of Tighernach are ex- tremely obscure. In the second instance, especially, it does not appear what was done to the horses : they may have been stolen from some place which was sacred in consequence of the presence of the ba- culus, or from the keeper of the baculus, whose property was considered sacred; or else, perhaps, some contract relating to three horses, which was made in presence of the baculus, was violated. XV mentioned, amongst other relics, as having been called in to witness a treaty of peace between two chieftains. The words of the annalist are as follows : " muipeoacli ua OuBcaij an c-aipo- "Muiredhach O'Dubhthaigh, theArch- ectppuc, ci^epna Connacc, ajup a eoipij, bishop [ofTuam], the Lord of Connaght, corhapba paopaicc a^up bacull lopa, and his chieftains, the successor of Patrick, corhapbaPeicin, ajup clocc Peicin, ojup and the bacillus Jesu, the successor of boban Cuoirhjin, po bcioap cpa pin Fechin \i. e. tkeAbbot of Fore], and the bell uile, eiccip Coippoelbcic cijup ITIupcao, of Fechin, and the Boban of Caoimhgin 7c." [Kevin], all these were pledges between Tordhelbhach [O'Conor, King of Connaght] and Murchadh [0' ' Maoileachlainn, King of Meath], &c." In Anglo-Irish history also, the staff of Patrick is frequently men- tioned. Thus, Campion in his " Historie of Ireland," makes O'Kelly, A. D. 1 3 1 6, swear by St. Patrick's staff, in his attempt to seduce one of Sir Richard Birmingham's followers from his allegiance : " But come and serve me at my request, and I promise thee by St. Patrick's staffe, to make thee a lord in Connaght, of more ground than thy master hath in Ireland 5 ." In the bag marked " Ireland," in the Chapter-house, Westminster Abbey, there is a paper, No. 53, con- taining " an examination of Sir Gerald Mackshayne, Knight," sworn 19th March, 1529, " upon the Holie Masebooke, and the great relike of Erlonde, called Baculum Christi, in presence of the Kynges De- putie, Chancellour, Tresoror, and Justice'-" In Archbishop Alan's Register, fol. 21, there is a confirmatory grant from John, Earl of More ton, to John Comyn, Archbishop of Dublin, where amongst other possessions, the earl grants and con- firms to him and to his successors, " foedum militis quod assensu meo datum fuit baculo Jhesu apud Instioche"." These s Campion, p. 121. Dublin (reprint; ' State papers, vol. ii. p. 146. Hibernia Press), 1809. u Statute of Kilkenny, p. 29, note. c 2 XVI These examples are sufficient to prove the high veneration in which this relic was held, up to the period of the Reformation, when it was publicly burned, A. D. 1538, as an instrument of superstition. This event is thus recorded by Sir James Ware in his Annals of the Reign of King Henry VIII. p. 99 : " Also, about the same time, among the famous images whereunto pilgrimages were designed, the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary was burned, then kept at Trim, in the Abbey of the Canons Regular, and the gifts of the pilgrims were taken away from thence. The image of Christ crucified, in the Abbey of Balli- bogan, and St. Patrick's Staff, in the Cathedral Church of the Holy Trinity, at Dublin, which William, the son of Aldeline, brought from Ardmacjh, and gave it as a gift to that church in the year 1 1 80, underwent the like fate." A valuable manuscript volume of Annals preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin v , gives the following curious account of this destruction of images and of the staff of Patrick at the year 1538 : " DealbTThnpe po miopbuili^ oobi a " The most miraculous image of Mary m-6«ile ura Cpuim, oap cpeioeoap 61- which was at Baile Atha Trium, and which pennuij uile le clan o'aimpip poirhe pin, 00 planaireao ooill, 7 booaip, 7 bucai j, 7 jac aincep apcena, oo lopjao le Saxancuib. Ctjup an bacall lopa oo bi a m-6aile lira clinch, aj oenarh pepc 7 miopbuile lomoa 1 n-Gipinn o aimpip phaopaij gup an pepin, 7 00 bi a lairii Opiopc pein, 00 lopcao leSaiancuib map the Irish people all honoured for a long time before that, which used to heal the blind, the deaf, the lame, and every dis- ease in like manner, was burned by the Saxons. And the Staff of Jesus, which was in Dublin, and which wrought many won- ders and miracles in Ireland since the time of Patrick down to that time, and which v This volume was anciently lettered TighernaciContinuatio, and in a paper read before the Royal Irish Academy, by the writer of these remarks, was supposed to have been the same as the Annals of Kil- ronan, quoted by the Four Masters. This opinion he has since found some reason to doubt, and therefore has withheld that paper from publication, until further research should enable him to speak more decidedly. It seems certain, however, that these Annals, whether they be the An- nals of Kilronan or not, were in the hands of the Four Blasters, and made use of by them in the compilation of their great work. xvn which was in the hand of Christ himself, was burned by the Saxons in like man- ner. And not only that, but there was not a holy cross, nor an image of Mary, nor other celebrated image in Ireland over which their power had reached, that they did not burn. Nor was there one of the seven orders which came under their power that they did not ruin. And the Pope, and the Church in the East, and at home, was excommunicating the Saxons on that account, and they not paying any heed or attention unto that, &c. And I am not certain whether it was not in the above year that these relics were burned." The Four Masters have also recorded the burning of the Baculus Jesu, in the following passage, which is here quoted at length, as a curious specimen of the light in which the Reformation was regarded by a native Irish writer of the reign of Charles the First : " Q. C. 1537. eicpiciccecc, 7 pecpan "A.D. 1537. A heresy and a new error anceona. Qjup ni lieao arhuin, ace m paibe cpoc naorh, na oealb tTluipe, na 10- maij oippoipc 1 n-Gipmn ap a n-oeachuib a j-cumucca janlopjab. Ctftup ni mo 00 Bi a jj-cumaceaap opo 00 na pecc n-op- ouib nap pjpiopaoap. CIjup in papa, 7 in Gjlaip coip 7 abup 00 Beic a comnel- Badiab na Stuan epio pin, 7 gan puim na copab do Beir aca-pan aip pin 70c. Qjup ni oepb liom nac ap an m-bliuoain am oiaiD cuap aca lopjab na mionn pin." nua h-l SaiaiB epia biumup, 7 lonnocc- Buil, epia accoBap, 7 ancoil, 7 rpe 10- mucc ealaban n-eccpamail, co n-oea- cuccap pip Saian in accaib an phapa, 7 na Roma, Gee aea ni cena, po abpae- rap 00 Bapaiiilaib exeihlaiB, 7 00 pen- peace niaoipi ap airpip an cinio lu- oaige, 7 po jaippioc aipo-ceann 6c- claipi t)e inu plaieep pein oin pij. t)o ponab lap an pij, 7 lap an 5-Comaiple, olijee 7 pcacuici nuaibe lap na o-coil pein. Mo pcpiopab leo na h-uipo 0'iap bo ceoaijrec pealB paojaolca 00 Beir occa, ebon, manaij, cananaij, cail- broke out in England, the effects of pride, vain-glory, avarice, sensual desire, and the prevalence of a variety of scientific and phi- losophical speculations, so that the people of England went into opposition to the Pope and to Rome. At the same time they followed a variety of opinions, and the old Law of Moses, after the manner of the Jewish people, and they gave the title of head of the Church of God, during his reign, to the king. There were enacted by the king and council new laws and sta- tutes after their own will. They ruined the orders who were permitted to hold leacaouba, 7 bpaiepicpoipi, 7 na ceiepe worldly possessions, viz., monks, canons, nuns, XV111 h-uipo bocca, eoon, an c-opo mwup, Ppepioiup, Capmulici, 7 Gugupeimani. T?o coccbao a o-ciccepnup, 7 a m-bea- ra-po uile gup an pij. T?o bpipeo led, ona, na maimpcpeca. T?o peac- pac a 5-cinn, 7 a 5-clucca, co na baoi- aon riiainipcip 6 Qpainn na naorh co JTluip n-locc jan bpipeo, gan buun- pebao, ace mao becca nnuma 1 n-Gpinn na cucepac ^oill 01a n-uloh, nac oia n-aipe. T?o loipcpec beop, 7 po bpip- pecr lomaige oipoepca, pepme, 7 caipi- naerii Gpenn, 7 Shaxan. Ro loipccpioc map an 5-ceona lap pin oealb lTluipe oipoepc baoi 1 n-Qr Cpuim 00 jnloo pepca 7 miopbala, 00 planaijeo ooill, buioip, 7 bacaij, 7 aop gaca cebma apcena ; 7 an bacall lopa baoi 1 n-Qrcliar ace oenam miopbal beop 6 aimpip parpaicc jup an pe pin, 7 baoi lllairh Cpiopc 01a m-baoi ecip oaoinib. Do ponao leo cpa aipoeppcoip, 7 puib- eppcoip aca pein, 7 je'p mop injpeim na n-lmpipeo T?omanac in acchaio na h-Gccailpi, ap puaill ma camic a com mop po 6'n T36im anoip piam, co nac eiccip a cuapapcbail o'paipneip no o'm- nipin muna n-aipneioeo an ci 00 con- naipc 1." nuns, and brethren of the Cross; and the four mendicant orders, viz., the Minor order, the Preachers, Carmelites, and Augustinians. The possessions and livings of all these were taken up for the king. They broke the monasteries. They sold their roofs and bells, so that there was not a monastery from Arann of the Saints to the Iccian Sea, that was not broken and shattered, except only a few in Ireland, which escaped the no- tice and attention of the English. They further burned and broke tlie famous images, shrines, and relics of Ireland and England. After that they burned in like manner the celebrated image of Mary, which was at Ath-Truim, which used to perform wonders and miracles, which used to heal the blind, the deaf, the lame, and the sufferers from all diseases ; and the Staff of Jesus which was in Dublin, performing miracles from the time of Pa- trick down to that time, and which was in the hand of Christ while he was among men. They also made archbishops and sub-bishops for themselves ; and although great was the persecution of the Roman Emperors against the Church, it is not probable that so great a persecution as this ever came, even from Rome hither. So that it is impossible to tell or narrate its description, unless it should be told by him who saw it w ." To w There seems some reason to doubt whether the date of 1538, assigned to the destruction of the images, &c. in the Irish annals, is quite correct: for in the State Papers (vol. iii. p. 35) there is a letter from Archbishop Browne (the great pro- moter XIX To complete the history of the Bacillus, the following document, recording its miraculous preservation in the year 1461, is here given from the Black Book of Christ Church, fol. 214, a: " Memorandum, quod Anno Domini M°.cccclxj, in vigilia Sancte Margarete virginis corruit magna fenestra in parte orientali ecclesie Sancte Trinitatis Dublin, ex grandi tempestate qua? ea nocte fieri contingebat. Et lapides ejus- dam faenestre rumpebant plura scrinia et sistas in quibus erant custodita jocalia et reliquie necnon ornamenta et vestimenta altaris, carte, scripture, et plura munimenta eidem loci [sic] pertinencia, et fundacionem eornm conccrnencia, et multa dampna priori et conventui ejusdem loci faciebat, tarn in vestimentis et ornamentis ecclesie, quam in reliquiis et jocalibus ut prsedicitur. Et plures carte moter of the Reformation) to Cromwell, dated June 20 in that very year, in which he denies all intention of destroying the images, although he admits that he would willingly see them removed. He says: " Theise shalbe to advertise you, for that I endevor my selff, and also cause others of my clergie, to preache the Gospell of Christe, and to sett forthe the Kinges causes, there goithe a commen brewte amonges the Yrish men, that I intende to ploke downe Our Lady of Tryme, with other places of pilgramages, as the Holy Crosse, and souch like; which in deade I never attempted, although my conscience wolde right well serve me to oppresse souche ydolles." Another letter, dated 10th August in the same year, from Thos. Allen to Cromwell, speaks of the image of Trim as still standing, " They thre" [viz. Abp. Brown, Mr. Treasurer, and the Mas- ter of the Rolls] " wold not come in the chapell, where the Idoll of Trym stode, to thintent they wold not occasion the people ; notwithstanding, my Lord De- putie, veray devoutely kneeling befor Hir, hard thre or fower masses." Ibid. p. 103. It is not easy to reconcile these state- ments with the Annalists ; especially as it is evident from all the State Papers of the time, that the Lord Deputy, Lord Leonard Grey, was far from being favourable to the Reformation. On the 5th of April, 1538, Agard wrote to Cromwell : "For excepte it be the Archebyschope of Dub- lyn, whiche dothe here in preching sett forthe Godes Worde, with dew obedyence to ther Prynce, and my good Lorde Butler, the Master of the Rolles, M r Thezaurer, and on or 2 mow, whiche are of smalle re- pytachons, here is ellys noon, from the hyeste, maye abyde the heryng of hitt, spi- ritual], as they call them, nor temperall ; and in espechiall, they that here rewle all, that be the temperall laweers, which have the Kinges fee." State Papers, vol. ii. part iii. p. 570. XX carte de fundacione illius ecclesie taliter erant confracte et destructe, quod vix poterant legi seu sigilla eorum discerni vel cognosci. Et specialiter una carta Regis Henrici filii Imperatricis x de fundatione dicte ecclesie que [nullo modo] legipoterat. Et tunc ex consilio lcgis peritorum prior et conventus pro tempore existentes transierunt ad Barones Scaccarii domini Regis terre sue Hibernie, ro"-antes illos ut carte que poterant legi et discerni in eadem curia rotularcntur ; et sic ad mandatum baronum irrotulate sunt ille carte A°. regis Edwardi quarti tertio, &c. Eodem tempore, supradictis die et loco, contingebat grande mira- culum. Quia scrinium in quo bacillus Jhu cum aliis reliquiis jaccbat et custo- diebatur fractum fuit integraliter, et plures reliquie in eo jacentes, ex ruina lapidum prasdicte fasnestre ; sed baculus Jliu sine aliqua lassura sine dampno in- ventus est jacens supra omnes lapides in tam bono statu sicut et jam est, et omnes alie reliquie f'uerant subtus lapidibus oppresse, quod ab omnibus cir- cumstantibus capiebatur pro miraculo." The next relic described in the catalogue is the Superaltare marmoreum Sancti Patricii " super quo leprosus a Britania ad Hy- berniam miraculose natando erat translatus." This Superaltare was evidently a portable altar, or slab of marble, to be laid upon an un- consecrated altar, whenever it was necessary to celebrate in a journey, or when access to a consecrated place could not be obtained y . The rtiracle * A copy of tins charter is preserved, argento et auro ac lapidibus pretiosis ope- fol. 32, A, of the Black Book. ris subtilis. y Du Cange quotes a synod of Exeter " Item unum superaltare de rubeo jas- in 1287, which enacts : "Nee Missa? nisi pide ornata in circumferentiis, cum capro in altaribus et superaltaribus consecratis deaurato. aliqualiter celebrentur." Diet, in voce. Su- " Item duo superaltaria de rubeo mar- peraltaria are frequently found in the in- more, ornata cum argento, quorum unum ventories of English churches, and were stat super quatuor pedes argenti, et alte- often adorned with gems and gold. See, rum sine pedibus, super quern Sanctus for example, the inventory of York Mins- Johannes celebravit quando sibi apparuit ter, Dugdale, torn. iii. p. 1 74. (Savoy, Spiritus sanctus, ut in sua legenda patet." 1673). " Item unum superaltare pretiosum Du Cange quotes other instances from dejaspide, ornatum in circumferentiis cum the inventory of St. Paul's, London, and XXI miracle of the leper alluded to in the description of it, is thus recorded in the Tripartite Life of St. Patrick, part i. c. 40. " S. ergo Patricius valcdicens Domino Apostolico, suscepto itinere versus Hibcrniani, venit ad fines Britannia? ; ubi in Hiberniam trajecturus, cum vellet navem conscendere, venit ad eum quidem lcprosus obsecrans et obtestans in nomine Jesu Christi, quatenus vellet ipsum in navem assumere, et in Hiberniam transveliere. Vir Dei cum audiret nomen Salvatoris allegatum, visceribus cbaritatis motus, ejus precibus annuit, petiitque ut in navem admitteretur. Sed nautse et ipsius sancti viri socii resistebant, allegantes navem esse nimis onustam, et personam talem fore omnibus horrori. Sed vir sanctus, confidens in nota Domi [sic] sui dementia, altare lapideum quod a Domino Papa conse- cratum, Roma secum attulcrat, et super quod sacrosancta mysteria celebrare consueverat, projecit in mare, mandans, ut super illud sedeat leprosus. Sed ecce rem prodigio uno vel altero plenam ! tabula enim ilia lapidea natura invitii non solum undis supematat, insidentemque hominem sustinet, sed navem comi- tatur, parique cursu cum ea concertat, et collateraliter adhseret, donee in eodem portu cum Patricio et nautis, Deum in suis mirificis prodigiis magnificantibus, in Hibernia appulerit 2 ." It would seem from the following passage in the same Life of St. Patrick, that this relic was originally preserved in the church of then concludes :" Ex quibus omnibus con- wooden table, according to the usage of fici videtur superaltare idem esse quod Ireland; and enjoins, that in all monas- tabula itineraria seu allure portatile, quod teries, and baptismal churches, altars altari non dedicato superponatur." In the should be made of stone ; and if a stone Capitula Hincmari Eemensis, anno 1 2 mo of sufficient size to cover the whole sur- episcopatus superaddita, c. iii. it is enacted: face of the altar cannot be had, that in " Ut nullus Missam celebret in altari non such case a square, entire, and polished consecrato, vel sine tabula ab episcopo con- stone be fixed in the middle of the altar, secrata." Opp. torn. i. p. 732. Paris, 1645. & c> " See also the constitutions of John Comyn, z Colgan, Tr. Th. p. 123. The same ac- Archbishop of Dublin, made in 1 1 86 ; of count of this miracle is also given by which Harris has given an abstract (Ware's Jocelin, c. 27, and by the author of the Bishops, p. 316). The first, he says, " Pro- third Life published by Colgan, c. 27. hibits priests from celebrating mass on a IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. d xxn of Domnacli Padruic, now Donoughpatrick, about four miles N. W. from Navan, in the County of Meatli : " Posthffic sanctus Antistes reflexit iter versus Temoriam [Tara], et dum transiret per Domnach Padruic, Conallum Principem unice dilectum, bene- dictione sua muniendo revisit ; et in ecclesia prsedicta, quasi quoddam memo- riale et pignus suae specialis dilectionis, reliquit altare suum portatile, ob signorum mirificam virtutem summe tunc et postea venerabile. Sed cum hide pergens susceptum continuaret iter, lapis ille altaris, nemine portante, per aera motus, euni secutus est ad usque locum ubi nunc crux apud molcndinum juxta fluvium posita est. Lapidem autem ilium portatilem, sive potius volatilem, retulit collocavitque vir sanctus fixuin, et ab indc importabilem reliquit in ecclesia de Domnacli Padruic, apud quosdam e discipulis. Et prasdicens multas vir- tutes et signa per earn in isto loco dispensante lapide angular! Christo Jesu fore patranda, prajmonuit ut sub dierum vita? breviandorum intcrminatione nemo eura inde moveat, vel confugientibus ad ejus tutclare asylum, violentiam vel injuriam inferat 8 ." Notwithstanding this, however, it appears that the " altare porta- tile" found its Avay afterwards to Armagh, if it be true that it was taken from thence (according to the authorities already quoted) by William Fitz-Aldelm, and deposited in Christ Church, Dublin. Of its subsequent history nothing is known. No mention is made of it in the account of the destruction of the charters and relics by the fall of the east window in 1461". The a Vit. Trip, part ii. c. 7, ap. Colg. Tr. In the Glastonbury version of the Le- Th. p. 1 30. gend of St. Patrick, published by Dug- b See p. xix. The superaltare is com- dale, Monast. vol. i. p. n, the saint is memorated in the Office of St. Patrick, made to cross the sea himself from Ire- printed at Paris in 1622, and published laud to Cornwall on the superaltare. "Ab by Colgan, Appendix I. Actorum S. Patr. eo [Ccclcstino] Patricius Hiberniam, in (Tr. Th. p. 139.) Ad primas Vesperas ; opus evangelii missus, anno Domini qua- "Antiph. Altare lapideum sancti preti- dringentesimo vicesimo quinto, datus est osum, ultra maris alveum transvexit le- illis gentibus Doctor et Apostolus. Die prosum." opus injunctum gnaviterexecutus, Hiber- XX111 The only other Irish relics in the Christ Church Catalogue, are those of St. Brandon ; some bones of St. Patrick and of St. Bridgit : and " plures reliquie de sancto Laurencio archiepiscopo," i. e., of St. Laurence 0' Toole, Archbishop of Dublin. The remaining relics, as they are not specially connected with Irish history, do not call for any particular notice. Similar relics may be found in all similar inventories ; of which numerous instances may be seen in the lists remaining among the records of the English monasteries, published by Dugdale in the Monasticon Anglicanum. Before quitting the subject of the relics of Christ Church, the two following documents, never before published, may be here in- serted. Both relate to the protection of pilgrims visiting the relics and sacred images of the Cathedral : and they prove, that even then, at the close of the fifteenth century, some of the feelings, which after- wards found vent at the Reformation, had begun to shew themselves. The first is the exemplification of an Act of Parliament, made in 1493 (9 Henr. VII.), in a Parliament held in Dublin, before Walter [Fitz- symon], Archbishop of Dublin, Deputy of Jaspar, Duke of Bedford, Lord Lieutenant . " Statutum 6 laudab'de pro Ecclesia Christi Dublin pro adjutorio et defensione peregrinorum itinerancium ad eandem. " Henricus Dei gr. Rex Anglie et Francie et dominus Hibernie, omnibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem. Ltspeximus quendam actum sive ordinacionem in parliamento nostro apud Dublin, die Veneris proxime post festvim Nativitatis nicos multis miraculorum signis atque tare usque hodie apud loci ipsius incolas, portentis, ad viam veritatis convertit, at- propter sanctitudinem et utilitatetn, atque que in fide Catholica solidavit. Tandem infirmorum salutem, in magna venera- Britanniam reversus, Pontificalem celsitu- tione servatur." dinem, salutationesque in foro respuens, c See Ware's Annals at the year 1493. super altare suum Cornubiam appetit, in d From theWhite Book of Christ Church, portum qui Hailemont dicitur, quod al- fol. 34, //. d 2 XXIV Nativitatis Sancti Joliannis Baptiste ultimo preterituni coram reverendissimo in Christo patre Waltero archiepiscopo Dublin, dcputato percarissimi avunculi nostri Jasparis Ducis Beclfordie et Pembroch. locum nostrum tenentis terre nostre Hi- bernie, tent., et ibidem ad Dublin predictam die lune proxime post festum Sancti Petri quod dicitur ad vincula, tunc proxime sequen., prorogato ibidemque finito et terminat. edit, in hasc verba. Item prayen the comunes that where the blissed Tryny te of the Cathedrale Chirch of Diuelyn, Dauid Prior, and the Conuent of the same, and their predecessors have had this jurisdiccon and priuilege sith tym that no mynd renneth, that is to say, that all and every manner of pilgrym or pilgrymes that would make any avowe of offering unto the said blyssyd Trinitie, any seint, or seintis, to any Relike or Relikis worshiped within the said Chirch or the precynct of the sam, shoulde haue as wele there fre concours and liberte in there cumming and abiding as in there rctorning without any impediment, molesta- cion, or greuaunce by any maner persoun or persones, which jurisdicion and priuilege haue bene pesibly permytted and suffered according to the prescrip- coun before rehersed til now of late certayn persones malicously disposed have let and interrupted certayn pilgrymes which were cummying in pilgrymage vnto the said blissed Trinite to do there deuocoun, contrary to all good naturale disposicoun, in contempt of oure modire the chirch, and to the great hurt and preiudice of the said prior and conuent, and in contynuance like to be a great distruccoun vnto the place and house forsaid, without ys graciose remedy to them be shewed in this behalf. Wherefore the premysses consydered, it be ordyned, enacted, and establised by auctorite of this present parliament, that if any per- son or persones in tym to cum do vex, distorbe, or trowble any such pilgrym or pilgrymes, disposed in pilgrymage to visite the said blissed Trynyte, any seint or seintis, Relike or Reliks, within the said Cathedrale Chirch or precinct of the same, in there cummyng, abiding, or retournyng, or any other person or persouys, claymyng the grith of the said chirch, being within the said chirch or the precinct of the sam, that then as oftyn as he or thay soo offend the premisses, do forfet and be endettyd vnto the forsaid Dauid prior and to his Successores in xxli of lawful money, and by the said auctorite that it be lefull to the said Dauid prior and to his successours to sue in any Corte that the King hath, for the said xxli by writt or byll, and the Juges befor whom the said suyt shalbe commensyd, at such tymes as this said act be certified vnto them by a mittimus out of the Chauncery, to have as large powere thereopon to proccde to sett, hyre, adiuge, XXV adiuge, and determynn as any accoun commensed before them after the corse of the comen lawe, any act or ordynaunce, mater or cause byfore this tym made to the contrery notwithstanding. Quemquidem actum siue ordinaconcm ad requisi- conem prefatorum prions et conuentus duximus exemplificandum. In cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes, coram prefato Deputato apud Dublin vicessimo sexto die Augusti anno regni nono. Per pet. de parlia- mento. " Prendergast. « T7 » (Jacobum Prendergast,) ..,, . ., " Ex a . per ■; _, T >Llencos. (Kobertum Lynn, ) The second is a protection granted to the pilgrims visiting the Cathedral, by the mayor and citizens of Dublin, about three years later than the former ( 1 2 Henr. VII. ) : " Immunitas e seu libertas data et concessa per maiorem at ciues ciuitatis Dublin omnibus peregrinantibus, venientibus seu visitantibus ecclesiam Cath. Sancte Trinitatis Ciuitatis predicte. " Memorandum. Quod quarto die veneris proxime post festum pasche A". regni Regis Henrici septimi duodecimo, ordinatur legem subsequentem \_sic~\. " Item, itt is ordeyred by graunt of thys semble at the instans of Dauid prior of the Cath. Church of the blissit Trinite off Dublin, that whcr as diueres preueleges ben graunt to the sayd place, as well by an auctoryte of parlement as by provinciall consaylys, yn especiall that no pylgrymys that comyth in pyl- grymage to the blyssed Trynyte, to the holy Rode, or baculus Jhu, or any othyr Image [or] relyk within the said place, shal not be vexid, trowled, ne arrestyd commyng ne goyng duryng hys pylgrymage. Also that eny that wyll take ref- futte and socor off the sayd place, shal not be lettyd to go ther to ne be arrestid within the precyncte of the same. Whych ys graunt ordeined and establyed by auctorite of this present that the sayd priueleges and all otheris wych haue be graunt and confermyd by Popis, Kyngs, Archbyssopis, and Bishopps to the sayd place in tyme passed stand in ther full effect, without any interrupcyon or contradiccion of anny citizen or inhabitant of the citte aforesaid [or any other person f ]." e From the White Book of Christ Church, ' The words within brackets are in a fol. 56, b. recent hand. XXVI II. The next page (fol. 2, b) of the manuscript was originally blank, and contains now, only the following note, in the handwriting < >f Archbishop Ussher : * " Mortilogium et Martyrologium Ecclesije Catliedralis S. Trinitatis Dublin. [* Sic appellant librfi obituu, seu defunctoru, seu anniversariorfl : qui confratrum sc. et potissimum benefaetoruni dies anniversarios continet.]" The authority of this note has been followed in the title-page of the present publication. III. Next follow (fol. 3-48 of the manuscript) the Obits, which will be foimd pp. 5-59 of the present work. The entries in this part of the volume are of various ages and hands, the oldest being of the fifteenth, and the latest of the sixteenth century. There are four days on each page of the manuscript, at equal intervals, the intervening spaces having been left for subsequent entries ; these spaces, many of which are now filled up, are something more than two inches in length, rided generally in twelve lines, between the commencements of each day. The golden numbers, Sunday letters, and days of the month, are in a different ink, and in a more regular and careful hand than any of the obituary notices. Many of the obits are evidently copied from some older document of the same kind ; for example, the entry on the first of January is all in a hand, or rather in two hands (for the last obit is evidently later than the rest), of the fifteenth century ; and yet it contains the obit of Malachy, Bishop of Kildare, who died in the year 11 76. A si- milar instance will be found at the 1 2th of August, where we have, also in a hand of the fifteenth century, the obit of the Prior Ger- vasius, who died in 1 177. See also 2 Non. Maii, where the obits of Donatus, the first Bishop of Dublin, who died in 1074, and of Fulco, Archbishop of Dublin, who died in 1271, are entered in a hand of xxvn of the same century. And innumerable other instances might be given. It is evident, therefore, that this book was prepared for use, from some older, and probably less regular register of the same kind : the ancient obits being all entered in their proper places, and room left for fresh entries to be made as occasion might require. To render intelligible this part of the volume, it will be necessary to remind the reader, that the object of the obituary notices which it contains was not so much to record the death of the individual so commemorated, as to mark the day of the month on which his name was annually remembered, and prayers offered up on his behalf in the devotions of the convent 8 . It will be observed, that many of the names are distinguished as " frater (or soror) nostre congregacionis ;" such parties having received letters of fraternity, which admitted them to a participation in the prayers, the alms, and suffrages of the monks". Very often an individual is described as " Conversus noster," i. e., a lay brother of the monastery': and sometimes the term " canonicus 6 See Du Cange, who thus defines the Prevail, thou glorious bright lampe of the day. word Obitus: " (i.) Anniversariuni, dies To cause thee keep an obit for their soules, ,., „„ „«;„:„„, „„ And dwell one month with the Antipodes." obitus quotanms recurrens, omcmrn ec- ' clesiastium : Gallis vulgo, obit " See Du Cange, Glossar. in voce Fra- (2.) Alia, ut videtur, notione, scilicet an- ternitas, 5 ; where he has given examples nuum vel perpetuuni pro defuncto sacri- of letters of fraternity : " Fraternitas (he ficium." See also Nares's Glossary, in voc. says) de laicis dicitur, qui in participati- on, who quotes from Warner's Alb. Engl. onem orationum suffragiorum et benefici- b. iii. p. 84 : orum monachorum, ab iis admittebantur."' " My-selfe, my trustie friends, will with my See also ibid. Betieficiltm, 2. dearest blood, ' " Conversi, in Monasteriis, dicuntur Keep obite to your happie ghostes." l a ici Monachi, laicis exercitiis et mona- And from the Death of Rob. E. of Hunt. chorum obsequiis addicti, vulgo Freres- I. 1.: convers." Du Cange, sub v. Conversio. " Will not my bitter bannings and sad plaints, XXV111 " canonicus ad succurrendum," or " frater noster ad succurrendum," occurs 3 , denoting one who had assumed the religious habit on his death-bed\ It is further to be observed, that the regular Calendar (pp. 5-56) contains the names of those whose obits were celebrated on the same fixed day in every year. It is followed (p. 57) by a list of those whose annual commemorations were celebrated on Sundays, or on days depending on the moveable feasts, in a more solemn manner, with a special mass, " Cum campanis pulsatis et luminibus circa eos luminatis, &c." Sometimes the same individual was commemorated both in the ordinary series of obits, and in the more solemn way with bells and candles, and a mass for the dead. This was at all events the case with John Savage, Mayor of Dublin, Avho is said (p. 59) to have died 5 Id. Sept. 1499: his ordinary obit, however, was fixed for the 2 Non. Sept. (see p. 40), and his more solemn exequies, in con- junction with his wife Jenet Phillipp, and Richard Fyche, for the Sunday next following the Feast of the Nativity of the blessed Virgin Mary. The ordinary obit of Jenet Phillipp also, who died in the year 1495, was celebrated on the 5 Kal Oct. (p. 43), and that of Richard Fyche, who died 1482, on the 8 Kal. Jul. (p. 29). It appears from these instances, that the more solemn exequies were performed in honour of those who had made gifts of consider- able value to the convent. Thus, John Savage, the Mayor of Dub- lin above mentioned, gave a set of vestments of red velvet 1 , with a cope J See for example p. 9, 4 Kal. Febr. and ' Par vesthnentorum de blodia velvet ; 4 Non. Feb. blood-red velvet ; blodeas or blodius, from k See Du Cange in w. Canonicus ad the Saxon word blood, denoted a deep succurrendum, and Monachits ad succur- blood-red colour. To estimate the value rend urn. of this gift, see the obit of Cornelius, Arch- XXIX cope to match (p. 59). His wife, Jenet Phillip, bequeathed "plura bona" (p. 43): and Richard Fyche gave £3 3s. ^d. to the prior and convent, 10 marks to the buildings of the church, erected a pulpit, and conferred many other benefits on the society, " multa aha bona nobis fecit" (p. 29). We have also an entry (p. 59) stating that the prior and convent were bound to celebrate in a solemn manner, and at their own ex- pense, the obit of John Morwylle, citizen of Dublin, on the Sunday next following the day of his death ; and at other convenient times to pray for his soul and for the souls of his ancestors : in considera- tion of his having bequeathed for the use of the high altar, a good gilt chalice, besides having left money by which his executors paid for the glazing of the great west window, " magnam gabulam, voca- tam Westgabyll m ." This was probably the same John Morwyle, whose ordinary obit was celebrated 2 Kal. Aug., who died in 1438, and gave to the convent a house in St. Michael's lane (p. 34). It is plain also, from the foregoing examples, that the day of the obit was not always or necessarily the same as the day of the death of deacon of Kildare (2nd May, p. 23), who memorandum: "Not. this day I made a is recorded to have bequeathed to the con- bargain w th . an Englyse boy, a glayssor vent fourteen pounds of silver, " ad emen- for the chapter house, that the doggs had dam unam capam de blodio velveto," in brocken. A great storme had brocken the the year 15 10. great gabule of the hyge awter iii. panis, m An instance of the destruction of the and had cast doune Plunckets armys, great west window by a storm in 1461, and he chaffyd at hit, and was very angry has already been quoted (see p. xix). for hit, Mr. Justes Pluncket, and ther was Another similar event is recorded in the iiij. wyndows the panys of glass was broken Proctor's accounts of Sir Peter Lewis, and loussyd w th . the great wynds and chantor of Christ Church, preserved among stormes of this yer." The " bargain" was the manuscripts of Trinity College, Dub- for xxv s . viiji d . which he tells us " makes lin (E. 3, 21). Under the date of " Ffry- iris," i.e., in Irish money, " xxxv s . vj d . day last of Aug." 1565, he has the following ob." IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. e XXX of the individual whose memory was thus celebrated. And other cases of the same kind may be pointed out. Thus the obit of Robert Sutton, Dean of St. Patrick's, was kept on the 5th of April ; see p. 19. But that he died on the 1 st of April, is evident from the following inscription on a brass in St. Patrick's Cathedral : " Orate pro anima Magistri Roberti Sutton hujus Ecclesie Catliedralis non immerito decani, qui liujus nostre mortalitatis diem clausit extremum ; An , dominice incarnacionis Millessimo Quingentesirno, xxviij . ac niensis Aprilis die primo, et sepultus est sub hoc magno marmoreo lapide, coram diui Patricii ymasine in secuudo gradu a summo altari situato. Cuius anime propicietur deus. Amen." Sometimes the keeping of the obit by the abbot and convent was made matter of regular purchase and stipulation, and was granted by deed, like any other legal bargain. Thus, in a volume, formerly be- longing to the Abbey of St. Thomas the Martyr, Dublin (containing the Martyrology, the Rule of St. Augustine, and other ecclesiastical tracts"), there is the following curious deed, on the lower margin of fol. 3, a, of the Calendar, on the page containing the month of May: " Memorandum quod conventio facta vi°. die Julij Anno domini Millesimo cccc°. lxxviij . inter Johannem abbatem et conventum monastcrii Sancti Thome martyris iuxta Dubliniam ex vna parte, et Walterum abbatem beate Marie Vir- ginis iuxta Dublin, Philippum Bermengham, et Jacobum Aylmer, ex parte altera, testatur quod predicti Johannes et conventus mon. Sancti Thome predicti pro quadam pecimie summa ad ecclesie mon. Sancti Thome predicti reparacionem data, animas eorum qui secuntur ad corum omnia suffragia admittent. Videlicet Willhelmi Cheu r ., Elizabeth Holywode, AlicieTreuers,Walteri Cheu r ., Elizabeth Welles, Johannis Cheu r ., et Willhelmi Cheu r . et omnium suarum progenierum presencium et futurarum. Insuper predicti Johannes abbas et conventus et omnes eorum successores mon. Sancti Thome predicti annuatim celebrabunt cum campanis pvdsatis et certis [?cereis] luminibus illuminatis pro animabus predictis n This volume, in very beautiful pre- lege, Dublin, B. 3, 5, and is a part of the servation, is in the Library of Trinity Col- collection of Archbishop Ussher. XXXI predictis sabbato proprius sequenti festum Sancti Dunstani episcopi exequias videlicet Placebo et Dirige sollenniter cum missa in crastino, perpetuis tem- poribus duraturis. Dat. die et A , supradicto." Sometimes also there was a stipulation, that the obit was to be observed only for a limited time. Thus the following entry occurs at the 14 Kal. Aug. in the Calendar of the Martyrology of the Abbey of St. Thomas, just mentioned : where the obit is agreed to for twenty years only, in consideration of a legacy of ten marcs of English money: " Orate pro animabus Johannis Raynolds, patris matrisque ejus, qui obijt xix° die Julii, et contulit nobis decern marcas Anglicane monete, cuius obitus solemnis observabitur per abbatem et suum conventum terraino viginti an- norum." From all these considerations, therefore, it appears that it woidd be a great error to confound the obit in its ecclesiastical or monastic signification, with the day of the decease of the individual comme- morated. Still, however, as a general ride, it is certain that the obit was in most cases celebrated on the day of the death. Thus we find on the 10 Kal. Sept. (the Eve of St. Bartholemew's Day), the obit of James Earl of Ormond, who is stated to have died " apud Arde anno Domini M J . cccc°. cpiinquagessimo ij u ." (p. 38); and that this was the day of his death, is proved by the following entry in the White Book of Christ Church (fol. \,b): " Anno Dni. M'°. cccc°. lij°. obiit strenuissimus Dominus Dominus Jacobus le Botiler, Conies Ormond, in vigilia Sancti Bartliolomsei, apud Aid. et sepultus est in monasterio monacorum Beate Marie Virginis iuxta Dublin ." Also See Grace's Annals, p. 162, where White Book of Christ Church, are the James Earl of Ormond is said to have following entries : died 22nd (read 23rd) Aug. 1467; which "Anno Domini M'°. cccc . lxvij°. in year the Editor has corrected to 1452. crastino Valentini decapitatus fuit strenu- Ou the same page above quoted of the issimus dominus dominus Thomas Comes e 2 xxxn Also the obit of Geoffrey Fycfie, Dean of St. Patrick's, is cele- brated on the 8th of April (see p. 20), which is expressly said to be the day of his death : and this is confirmed by the following inscrip- tion on a brass erected to his memory in St. Patrick's Cathedral : " Orate pro anima Magistri Galfridi Fyclie liuius Ecclecie Cathedralis decani, qui liuius mortalitatis diem clausit extremum Anno diiice incarnaconis Millesimo ccccc xxx° septimo ac mensis Aprilis die octauo, et sepultus est in liac tumba, cuius anime propicietur deus, amen?." Sometimes mistakes may be detected in the entries. A remark- able instance of this will be seen in the double entry of the obit of Donatus, the first Bishop of Dublin (?'. e. first of the Ostmen), who died 1074. In the former, 2 Non. Maii (p. 23), he is called "Do- natus primus episcopus Dublin, et fundator ecclesie nostre ;" in the second, 9 Kal. Dec. (p. 51), he is called " Donatus primus episcopus Dublin." In this latter entry the word primus is, perhaps, a mis- take for tertius; and the obit is probably that of Donat O'Haingly, Bishop of Dublin, who died 1095°. Another singular mistake, not so easily explained, occurs in the obit of John Aleyn, Dean of St. Patrick's, who is said (p. 5) to have bequeathed to the Prior and Convent, " doctorem juris canonici vo- catum Abbatem alias Panormitanum cum repertorio super eundem, una Desnionie per Johanneni comitem Vigorn. nth [sic] Geralde Comes Kildarie in ec- Deputat. serenissimi domini domini Georgij clesia de Kildare predicta qui diem extre- duc. Clarenc. et predictus dominus Thomas mum clausit Londini." decapitatus fuit apud Drougheda die et p An engraving of this brass, as well as anno ut supra. of that of Dean Sutton above mentioned, " Item eodem anno predictus Johannes may be seen in Mason's History of St. Comes Vigornie aplicuit apud Howith ix Patrick's Cathedral. die Octob s . q See Harris's Ware (p. 209), who "Anno domini 1585 die mensis febru- quotes the Annals of St. Mary's Abbey, arii decimo tertio sepultus est Geraldus in confirmation of this correction. XXX111 una cum magno repertorio Petri Brixiensis episcopi." Dean Aleyn's will, however, is extant in Archbishop Alan's register, from which it has been printed by Mr. Mason in his History of St. Patrick's Cathedral : and it appears that the Dean directed his books, and the Eepertorium amongst the rest, to be sold for the benefit of the hos- pital founded by him a short time before in St. Kevins-street, Dub- lin. The clause of the will relating to this matter is as follows : " Item volo et lego, quod summa sive Repertorium utriusque juris Domini Petri, quondam Episcopi Brixiensis, in duobus voluminibus, in decenti forma, cum aliis voluminibus (carius quo poterunt) vendantur ; et omnes pecunie ex preciis ipsorum et omnium aliarum rerum mearum venalium, non datarum, nee legatarum, provenientes, post solutionem debitorum et legatorum meorum (si que super fuerint) remaneant et conserventur, et ad usum, utilitatem, necessita- tem et sustentationem pauperum et innrmorum, presertim degentium in domo per me pro eis constructa et edificata, exponentur, in relevamen indigentie et succursum necessitatis eorum r ." This discrepancy between the will and the record in the Book of Obits is very difficult to account for. The will is dated 1 2 th Dec. 1505 ; and Aleyn, if we are to take the entry of his obit for the date of his death, deceased on the 2nd Jan. following : it seems unlikely, therefore, that in that short interval, he should have altered his original bequest, nor is it easy to conceive how the convent of Christ Church could have been deceived in such a matter. Perhaps in the mean r Alani Eegist., fol. 156. Mason, Ap- in the margin, is wholly omitted : " Con- pend. Num. xii. This document has been siderans itaque quod [tanta est conditionis printed by Mr. Mason with many inaccu- humane miseria, quod ea quae videntur racies. For instance, he makes Dean Aleyn inesse hodie, possint reduci eras ad non speak of the church of St. Kevin, in Dyve- esse verisimiliter. Nihil enim est certius leke, or Duleek, instead of the church of morte, et incertius hora mortis : cum St. Kenan ; and in the preamble of the juxta sententiam Salvatoris incertum est will, the passage here given within brack- et incognitum quin Dominus] veniet sero, ets, which is supplied by Archbishop Alan &c." XXXIV mean time he gave the books to the convent without altering his will : and that the mistake of the obituary notice is in the use of the word " legavitV The books were very probably printed books, which were at that time more highly prized than manuscripts : the Commentary on the Decretals of Nicholaus Tudeschus (commonly called Panormi- tanus), was printed in 1492 ; and no less than five editions of the Re- pertorium of Petrus De Monte, called Brixiensis from his bishopric, were printed before the close of the fifteenth century'. 5 The following passage of Dean Aleyn's will, fixing the qualifications for admis- sion into the poor-house lately founded by him, is curious, as illustrating the un- happy policy so long pursued, even in charities, towards the natives of Ireland : " Non tamen quoscunque pauperes, sed fideles catholicos, bone fame, honeste con- versationis, et Anglice nationis, et preci- pue de natione Alynes, Barrettes, Begges, Hillis, Dillones, et Rodiers, in Midens. et Dublin, diocesibus originem trahentes, quos volo in dicta domo fore recipiendos, et pre ceteris anteferri." This policy, however, of excluding the native Irish, is not to be deemed peculiar to Dean Aleyn; for it was the rule established in St. Pa- trick's Cathedral, long before his time, to admit no native Irishman to any prefer- ment there ; and this rule is spoken of as an ancient custom, and confirmed by Papal sanction, in the bull of Pope Leo X., A. D. 15 15. In the " Compositio realis," made between the Archbishop of Dublin and the Dean and Chapter, which is still the law of the Cathedral, this rule is thus ap- The proved of: " Denique tres consuetudines specialiter approbantur, Prior de Hiber- nicis, nacione, moribus, et sanguine, non admittendis in ecclesia prelibata, &c." (Reg. Alani. fol. 1 27, b) ; and in the bull of Pope Leo X., the same regulation is thus autho- ritatively confirmed : " Item, consuetudo ilia antiquitus observata, de Hibernicis, natione, moribus, et sanguine, non admit- tendis in Ecclesia Cathedrali Sancti Patri- cii prefata, quacunque regia dispensatione non obstante, concordatum est quod vigeat, valeat, et invalescat, viridi observatione semper valitura, et super hoc, tarn per Archiepiscopum quam per Decanum et capitulum, diligentissime fiet inquisitio." Mason's St. Patrick's, App. No. xiii. p. xviii. The custom was at least as old as 1 367, when it was enjoined by the Statute of Kilkenny, "that no Irishman be ad- mitted into any cathedral or collegiate church." See Stat, of Kilk. and Mr. Har- diman's notes, p. 46, sq. ' See Panzer Annal. Typogr. Index, sub " Petrus de Monte." XXXV The Book of Obits is the only authority for many important dates in the history of Ireland during the fifteenth and sixteenth centimes ; and has been much used by Ussher, Ware, Harris, Arch- dall, and others. Their references to it, however, are often erro- neous, and some remarkable entries have been overlooked. For instance, it does not seem to have been noticed, that the Richard Strangewyll mentioned p. 57, whose anniversary was observed on the Sunday next after the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, must have been Earl Strongbow, who was " Comes Stranguria;," of which Strangewyll is evidently the corruption". Also, on the 4 Id. Maii (p. 24), we have the obit of " Dominus Henricus Marbrogh, frater nostre con- gregationis." From the title of Dominus it is evident, that the Henry Marbrogh here commemorated was a priest ; and it is highly probable, that he was the same as Henry de Marlburghe, author of the Annals published by Camden and Hanmer, who was vicar of Ballyscadan, now Balschadden, near Balbriggan, in the diocese of Dublin, a vicarage in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, the tythes being impropriate to the Treasurer of the Cathe- dral. There is no reason, except his name, for Ware's assertion, that Henry of Marleburgh was an Englishman^, of English descent he was undoubtedly, but many of the name were settled about Swords, from an early period, and frequent mention of the family occurs in Alan's Registry. It is to be hoped, therefore, that the publication of the Book of Obits, with u See his ordinary obit at 1 2 Kal. Maii dono Rieardi comitis, Balihamund et Leas- (p. 21), " Ob. Richardus comes qui dedit leran." Reg. Alan. fol. 148, b. Black Book nobis willam Hamundi." In the charter of Ch. Ch. fol. 32, 4. of King John, confirming to the abbot and T See Harris ; Ware's Writers, p. 322 ; convent all their possessions, and which Rot. Cane. 18 Rich. II. 38, 9 ; 13 Hen. IV. the Register of Abp. Alan calls "Basis 56; 7 Hen. V. 31 ; 9 Hen. V. 6. omnium," this grant is thus recited, " ex XXXVI with full indexes, may be of service to the student of Irish history. The utmost pains have been taken to make the text of this edition as correct as possible™. The contractions of the manuscript have not been retained, but no other liberty whatsoever has been taken with the orioinal. Even in cases where the manuscript is manifestly cor- rupt from the carelessness or ignorance of the scribe, it has been deemed better to retain such errors, than to venture, even where the correction is obvious, to adopt conjectural emendations. The reader, therefore, when he meets with these blunders, will understand that they are to be found in the original. For example, on the 3 Kal.Feb. (p. 9), we have " Brmyngham," for Birmyngham, or Brimyngham. Also 6 Id. Feb. (p. 10), " Thomas Sinothe Alius Thome Sinothe," ought, very probably, to be Smothe. It must be confessed, however, that in this case the manuscript may be read either way, and we find afterwards (p. 56), a special anniversary appointed for Thomas Smoth, which seems to favour the latter reading*. So also 7 Id. April (p. 19), it is doubtful w Notwithstanding all the Editor's care, however, errors have crept in, which those who know the difficulty of printing from a manuscript of this sort, will best know how to excuse. Some of these are mere printers' errata, but others, it is to be feared, have arisen from an incorrect read- ing of the contractions of the manuscript. The following are the most important : Page 8, line 15, for " M°. cccc. tertio," read " M°. ccccc. tertio." Page 67, line 29, for " martiris," read " matris." Page 76, line 18, for " ymprimis," read "ynrpnus." Page 77, line 10, for " preparationem," read " perpetrationem :" line 24, for " mi- litibu," read " militibus." Page 78, line 11, for "gestah abentur," read " gesta habentur." Page 81, line 13, for " ilia," read "ille." Page 86, line 16, for "pro," read "per." Page 93, line 12, for " et," read " est." Page 96, line 6, for " mace- rationum," read " macerationem." Page 103, line 19, for "terens," read "texens," although it is doubtful whether it be terens or texens in the manuscript. x See also the mention of Smothiscourte, Kal. Apr. (p. 1 8), and Rot. Pat. 5 Henry V., dorso 1 4. From one of the ancient docu- ments of St. John's parish, Dublin (No. 37), it appears that Thomas le Mareschal, son and heir of Henry le Mareschal, of Wine- tavern-street, made a lease of a tenement in Fishamble-street, to " Thome Smothe clerico et Alicia uxori ejus." XXXV11 doubtful whether the name which the editor has read" Ryan," may not be in the manuscript By an. Again, on the 8 Kal. Jun. (p. 26), we have "Ob. venerabilis pater dominus Thomas Crauley, Archiepiscopus Dublin, &c." Henry Maryborough also calls him Crauley, at the year 1398, where he mentions his arrival in Ireland, but Cranley at the year 141 7, when he records his death". All other authorities call him Cranley. Crauley is, therefore, most probably an error, and this is an instance in which the editor may perhaps be accused of an over scrupulous adherence to the original : for the handwriting of that period made but a very slight difference between n and u. On the next day 7 Kal. Jun. (p. 26), we have a "memorandum quod Alicia Gernonum tradidit majori altari, &c," where the editor has represented the contraction " Gernonu," by " Gernonum." How far he is right in this may, perhaps, admit of some doubt ; but cer- tainly the word in the manuscript is much more like Gernonu than Gernoun ; and yet num seems an unusual termination for the name, while Gernoun is common. It is not intended to enumerate here every instance in which similar errors may be detected : the above are given lest the reader should suppose such mistakes to have been the result of carelessness in the editor or in the printer : and it will only be necessary to add to them one or two specimens from another part of the work. Thus, at 16 Kal. Dec. (p. 50), " Castrokaok" is for Castroknok, or Castlekuock. In the Calendar (p. 72), 7 Kal. Jan., " Stephani Steph'i prothomartyris," Stephani is repeated unnecessarily. In the Martyrology (p. 81), 12 Kal. Febr. we have " Augurii et Eulogii dianorum," for " diaconorum ;" 4 Id. Mart. (p. 95), " agmentauit" for " augmentavit ;" and 12 Kal. Martii * Both the Latin of these Annals pub- Crauley, at the first of the above mentioned lished by Camden, and the English version places. In the second place the English printed by Hanmer, call this archbishop edition has Granley ; a manifest erratum. IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. f xxxvm Martii (p. 89), "Marimini" for "Maximini." On the 6 Non. Martii (p. 92), " Uiuini," as the editor has read the name, may have been intended for Juuini, which would bring it nearer to Jovini, the real name as given in other authorities. So also on the next day " Etnitherii," is Emitherii, or Hemitherii, in the Roman Martyr- ology : of these variations of names, however, innumerable instances occur. It should, perhaps, be observed, that on the 15 Kal. Sept. (p. 37), which is now vacant, there was an entry, which has been carefully erased in the MS. Only a faint trace of the letter at the beginning, and Ff at the commencement of a second line are now visible. Also, p. 57 (fol. 50, a, of the manuscript), there is an erasure immediately after the third paragraph. The last word of that para- graph is followed by a mark -}- and the words " verte folium," in a more recent hand of the early part of the sixteenth century. On turning the leaf we find at a corresponding mark on the next page, the paragraph which now stands fourth in p. 57 ; this paragraph the editor has transferred into the place of the erasure, according to the direction above quoted. And some faint traces of the erased let- ters which are still discernible, make it probable that the erasure was identical with this entry ; the writer seems to have begun it in that place, but finding that he had not room to complete it, he erased what he had written, and inserted it on the next page, with a refe- rence to its proper order in the series of festivals. The last paragraph but one, p. 58, is written in a very bad hand of the sixteenth century ; and the last few words of it are wholly illegible. The only word of which any trace remains looks like " Conuersio ;" and may lead to the inference, that the anniversary of the Stanyhursts was kept on the Sunday next after the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul ; which agrees with the order in which this entry stands, between the last Sunday in Advent, and the Sunday next XXXIX next after St. Valentine's day. But the editor did not wish to print, on a mere conjecture, a word that was not very distinctly legible, deeming it sufficient to have the fact noticed in this manner. The words " Nee non et Alicie Hazhan," at the end of the second paragraph, p. 58, are in the same hand as the entry relating to the Stanyhursts; and the whole of p. 59 (fol. 51, a, of the MS.) is in a bad hand, although, probably, coeval with the dates there recorded. The two rude lines, at the end of p. 59, are mere scribbling. They are mnemonical lines invented to assist in applying the rule for finding the beginning of Lent. In the Martyrology of the Abbey of St. Thomas, in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, there is an elaborate treatise in monkish Latin verse, on ecclesiastical chrono- logy, in which many such lines are to be found. To explain the use of the lines Rex fit egens, &c, would require the insertion of tables and other matter inconsistent with the design of this publication. But the following verses from the Martyrology of St. Thomas's, just mentioned, may entertain some readers, although they will scarcely be very intelligible to those who have never studied the ancient, and now almost forgotten, science of computus ecclesiasticus : " Meta quadragene semper fungone docetur. Anni presentis partis quotus aureus extat. Primum gramma tene tocius uersibus istis. .1. .ii. .III. .iiii. .v. .vi. .vii. .viii. .ix. .x. Rex. fit. egens. ope. clam. bis. lora. kalans. tacet. liora. .xi. .xii. .xiii. .xiiii. .xv. .xvi. .xvii. .xviii. ; xix. Gaudens. querit. equm. dans. nil. beat. ars. kala. iras. Pars a. deseruit s. cui sit litera finis. Sed b. deseruit cui finit litera queris. Concors ni fuerit bee litera cum fcriali. Alpbabetum pretendas dum consona fiat. Si tibi defuerit primum pretende secundum. Nam tabularis erit, que conueniet feriali. Hec tibi iam demum numerum dabit ebdomadarum. / 2 Inter 3d Inter natale quadragenamque scitarum. Quantum distat ab a. feriali tot que dieram Anno bissexti volt una dies superaddi." It remains now only to say a few words on the age of the Book of Obits, which Ware, and, after him, Wood, Harris, and Archdall attribute to Thomas Fych, or Fitch, a canon regular and sub-prior of the convent, who died in 151 7, and whose obit was celebrated on the 17th of January y . The grounds of this opinion are, that the manuscript is certainly, from its character, not older than the latter part of the fifteenth century 2 : and on comparing it with the White Book of Christ Church, which is still in possession of the Dean and Chapter, we find a very close similarity in the handwriting. That the White Book was compiled, if not written, by Fyche, is evident from the following note, in the original hand of the manuscript, fol. 57, a: " Sum liber ecclesie Cath. Sancte Trinitatis Dublin, fact, per fratrem Tliomam Fyche, canonicum eiusdem." The entry of the obit of Thomas Fych, in the Book of Obits, is in a hand evidently later than the original handwriting of the manu- script ; y See p. 7, ad 16 Kal. Febr. of Sir James Ware" [which seems to have z Ware's words in the original Latin been a pure conjecture, without any foun- editiou of his Writers of Ireland are as dation], " who saith it was usually called follow : " Scripsit de rebus ecclesise sua;, the White Book, and takes it to be the same Lib. i. qui Liber Albus dicitur. Forte with the Obital Book of that church, for etiam Necrologium, sive liber obituum in his time it was written, as by the cha- ejusdem ecclesiee. Nam ejus tempore scrip- racter it appears, being at this day re- turn esse, e characteris genere liquet." served as a great rarity in the Library of De Script. Hib. p. 81. Wood (Athen. Trinity College near Dublin." It will Oxon. voL i. 2 1, ed. Bliss) seems to have be seen, however, that Ware is so far from misunderstood these words ; for he says confounding the Liber Albus with the that the book written by Fich, De rebus Book of Obits, that he expressly distin- ecclesice sua?, "was sometimes in the library guishes them. xli script ; and as it must have been made immediately after Fych's death, we may conclude with certainty, that the work was compiled in his life-time, and therefore, most probably, under his superintend- ance. But, whoever was the compiler, there cannot be a question that the manuscript was written in the latter end of the fifteenth century. The Maetybology. This part of the volume, as has been already observed, was pro- bably at first unconnected with the Book of Obits, and is certainly older, although not written before the end of the fourteenth, or be- ginning of the fifteenth century. It is in a very large and bold hand ; and in some instances the ink appears to have been revived, and the letters retraced where they had become faint. The table, p. 60 (fol. 51, b, of the manuscript), is in red and black, as now printed ; and it may not, perhaps, be out of place to re- mark, that it is the first specimen of this kind of printing ever exe- cuted in Ireland, and does great credit to the skill and accuracy of the Dublin University printers. Similar tables are commonly found in ecclesiastical manuscripts of this kind, and their use is obvious to all who are acquainted with ritual chronology. It will not be necessary, therefore, to enter into any minute explanation of this and other matters occurring in this part of the volume, which have no immediate relation to the proper object of the Irish Archaeological Society. But for the sake of those readers who have not had occasion to turn their attention to such subjects, it may be desirable to state briefly, that the table on p. 60 enables us to find Quinquagesima Sunday and Easter Day, for any year within the limits for which it is calculated, /. e., from 1 1 16 to 1647, inclusive. It will be seen, that in the Calendar, pp. 62, 63, from xlii from 6 Id. Febr. to 2 Id. Martii (that is, within the limits of Quin- quagesima), there occurs the same series of letters, which is found also in the table p. 60 ; and again from 1 2 Kal. Mart, to 1 7 Kal. Maii (the limits of Easter), pp. 63, 64, the same letters appear. If, therefore, it be required (for example) to find Quinquagesima and Easter for the year 1 1 1 9 ; take the column of the table which is headed, "An. Dom. M°. cxvj." and count down to the fourth square in the vertical column ; there the letter g will be found, and in the second column on the left C, the Sunday letter. Turn now to p. 62, and the letter g will be found to stand opposite to 14 Kal. Mart, or 1 6th of Feb., which is therefore Quinquagesima Sunday : and in p. 63, the same letter g stands opposite to 3 Kal. April, or 30th of March, which is therefore Easter Day, A. D. 1 1 1 9. If it be required to find Quinquagesima and Easter for the year 1548; take the column headed Md.xxxvi, and count down to the 13th square; there will be found the letter \ in red, corresponding to the Sunday letter g : look now to p. 62, and it will be seen that the letter I) in red stands opposite to 12 Kal. Mart. (18th Feb.), which is therefore Quinquagesima Sunday ; and in p. 64, J) in red stands at the first of April, which is therefore Easter Day. The first column on the left, headed " Litere abjecte," is added by a hand more recent than the rest of the table ; it contains the Sunday Letters of leap years, from Jan. 1 st to the intercalated day. The words " Litere Bissextiles," heading the third column, are also in the same more recent hand. It will be remarked also, that " M. ccc. xiij." heading the twelfth column, ought to be M. ccc. xii. ; " M. d. vj." in the nineteenth column, ought to be M. d. viij. : and " M. d. xiij." in the twenty-second column, is a mistake for M. d. xcii. These, however, are all errors of the original manuscript. The "Memorandum" at the end of p. 61, is in a hand of the fif- teenth century. It records the death of Maurice Fitz-Thomas, Earl of xliii of Desmond, who died in the year 1355", i. e. (as it appears from the statement of this note, that the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul fell on Monday), 135^. Under this note was another similar entry, now illegible, of which the first word seems to have been " Memorandum." The obit of Nicholas Clerk, 5 Id. Mart. (p. 63), is in a hand later than that of the manuscript; probably coeval with the date 1470 which it contains. The following festivals are also added in later hands : v. Id. Feb. (Feb. 9), S. Appollonie, virginis. iv. Id. Feb. (Feb. 10), Radegunde, virginis. xv. Kal. Mart. (Feb. 15), S. Beri, episcopi". xiii. Kal. Mart. (Feb. 17), Fintani, episcopi et confessoris c . iv. Kal. Mart. (Feb. 26), S. Munne, Episcopi". v. Non. Mart. (March 3), Magri, abbatis e . Non. Mart. (March 7), Thome de Aquino, xvij. Kal. April (March 16), S. Finani, episcopi et conf. xiv. Kal. April (March 19), S. Lactani, episcopi etconf g . iiii. Kal. Maii (April 28), Sancti Roberti, abbatis. iii. Non. April (April 3), S. Ricardi, episcopi et conf. Non. Maii (May 7), Johannis de Beverlaco, episcopi. iii. a See Grace, p. 144 ; Ware's Annals, (ut videtur)," without any reason except p. 62. the feminine appearance of the termina- b Or St. Berach ; see his Life in Colgan, tion. His real name was probably Enna; Acta SS. ad 15 Febr., p. 340. Bolland. the pronoun Mo being prefixed, according Pebr. torn. ii. p. 832. to the usual Irish custom. c See his Life, Colgan, 17 Febr., p. 349. e St. Mosacer, orMosacra; or (aspirating d Called by Colgan Moenus,a/«zsMainus: the s) Moacra ; his real name was Sacer, in 26 Febr. Acta SS. p. 41 3. See also Bol- or Sacra. See Colgan, Acta SS. p. 454. land. Febr. torn. iii. p. 625, where this f See Colgan, ad 16 Mart, p. 627. saint is erroneously called " Mainna Virgo s See Colgan, ad 19 Mart., p. 655. xliv iii. Id. Maii (May 13), Sitlie virginis. ii. Id. Maii (May 14), Dedicatio ecclesie S. Michee 2 . xiij. Kal. Junii (May 20), Etlielberti, regis et niartiris. vj. Kal. Junii (May 27), Becarti, abbatis". iii. Non. Junii (June 3), S. Erasmi, episcopi. vi. Id. Junii (June 8), Wilhehni, episcopi et conf. iv. Id. Junii (June 10), Translatio S. Patricii, S. Columbe, et S. Brigide. iii. Id. Junii (June 11), Macthail, episcopi'. ii. Id. Julii (July 14). Here the name of some saint lias been erased, and " Incipiunt dies caniculares," added, vj. Id. Julii (July 10), Visitacio beate Marie, xvj. Kal. Aug. (July 17), Kenelmi, martj'ris ; S. Leonis. vij. Kal. Aug. (July 26), S. Anne, matris Marie virginis. v. Kal. Aug. (July 28), Sampsonis. iv. Kal. Aug. (July 29), Felicis, Simplicii. Id. Aug. (Aug. 13), Translatio Badegundis. vi. Non. Oct. (Oct. 2), Thome, confessoris j . vi. Id. Oct. (Oct. 10), Fintani, episcopi et confessoris". v. Id. Oct. (Oct. 11), Ethelburge, virginis; Nicasii et Soci- orurn ; S. Canici, abbatis et conf. iv. Id. Oct. (Oct. 12), Moni, conf m . iii. 8 St. Michan's Church, now one of the October, in the MartyTology of Aengus. Prebends of the Cathedral. There is a small ancient church (now in h Founder of the monastery of Kilbecain, ruins) dedicated to this saint, on the hill or Clonard. See Lanigan, vol. iii. p. 20. of Howth, in the diocese of Dublin. ' Bishop of Kilcullen. Lanigan, vol. i. ' S. Canice, or Kenny (from whom Kil- 337' n - (35)' "• 7° ! Colgan, Tr. Th. p. 19. kenny); died A. D. 599. i Bishop of Hereford, A. D. 1 275-1 282. m Monas, Bishop of Milan. See Mart. k Fintan Find, of Drum Ingaid, in Ui Rom. ad 1 2 Oct. Segain, is commemorated on the 10th of xlv iii. Id. Oct. (Oct. 13), Translatio S. Edwardi Westmon. Id. Oct. (Oct. 1 ;), Uulfranni, episcopi etconP. xvij. Kal. Nov. (Oct. 16), S. Michaelis in monte Tiimba 3 . xiv. Kal. Nov. (Oct. 19), Fredeswide, virginis. iv. Id. Nov. (Nov. 10), Colmanni, episcopi et conf p . iii. Id. Nov. (Nov. 11), Menne, martyris. ii. Id. Nov. (Nov. 12), Begnete, virginis". xv. n Bishop of Sens. His festival, in the Roman Martyrology, is on the 20th of March ; but in the Calendar of Sarum on Oct. 15, which is the day of his transla- tion. See Acta SS. Mart. torn. iii. p. 144. The feast of the dedication of the church built in honour of an apparition of St. Michael the Archangel. This feast was enjoined by the Council of Oxford in 1222 (Hardouin, torn. vii. 117 ; the chapter relating to festivals is omitted in the Acts of this Council, published by Wilkins). For an account of the church see Mabillon, Annal. Bened. torn. ii. p. 19. p Probably intended for St. Colman of Dromore, although his feast is generally placed on June 7. See Butler on that day ; but in the " Ordo recitandi" for 1840, Dublin (Coyne), St. Colman is com- memorated on the 17 th of June. q S. Begneta, or Begnait, is not men- tioned in the Martyrology of Aengus. In the calendars of two ancient manuscript Breviaries now in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, she is styled " virgo non martyr." One of these (B. 1, 3) belonged to the church of Clondalkin ; the other IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. g (B. I, 4) to the palish church of St. John the Evangelist, Dublin. The ancient church, now in ruins, in the island of Dalkey, near Dublin, is dedicated to St. Begnet -, although in Lewis's Topogra- phical Dictionary, it is erroneously said to have been dedicated to St. Benedict. Mr. D' Alton also, in his History of the County of Dublin, improves upon the same mistake. He says (p. 885) : " On the shore, in a little rocky cove, the tourist will find a ready boat to facilitate his pil- grimage to the island, where, surrounded by cliffs, and a frequently tempestuous sea, an ancient mariners' chapel was erected, and dedicated to St. Begnet or Benedict." Does Mr. D' Alton mean to say, that Begnet and Benedict were one and the same? In Alan's Register (fol. 90, b), there is the exemplification of an Act of Parliament, held in Dublin, on the Friday next after the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, 22 Edw. IV., where it is en- acted in favour of the Archbishop of Dub- lin : " Ordeyne est et establie par auctorite du dit parlement, que le dit Erchevesque poet auer vn marchee al dit vile de Dal- xlvi xv. Kal. Dec. (Nov. 17), S. Dulecli r , episcopi et conf. xi. Kal. Dec. (Nov. 20), Oct. S. Laurencii, archiepiscopi. xviij. Kal. Jan. (Dec. 15), S. Monoci, abbatis s . xv. Kal. Jan. (Dec. 18), S. Maigneni, episcopi'; Gaciani, episcopi. These, it will be seen, are almost all festivals of English or Irish saints, or else feasts of a recent institution. And it is remarkable, that many of the Irish saints thus added to the Calendar, are saints be- longing to the diocese of Dublin. St. Fiutan, of Howth ; St. Begnet, of Dalkey ; St. Dulech, or Doolagh, from whom the ancient church of St. Doolagh's derives its name ; St. Monoc, or Mohenog, of Mon- mohennock ; and St. Maignen, of Kilmainham. But a large number of Irish saints will be found to have formed a part of the original draft of the Calendar. Of these the following is a list : keye annuelment chescun Maresdye per ane, de seprnaine en sepmaine, et vn iour de faire cestassauere le iour de seyncte Begnet la virgine continnuaunt iii iours annuelment, &c." r St. Dulech is mentioned in the Martyr- ology, see p. 178. To this saint is dedicated a church of some antiquity, situated in the barony of Coolock, near Balgriffin, about six miles N. E. of Dublin. This place was an- ciently called Clochar, or Clochar-Duiligh, as we learn from the Martyrology of Aen- gus, where St. Dulech is commemorated on the 17 th Nov. See also Colgan, Acta SS. p. 598 ; and Lanigan, vol. iii. p. 359. s St. Senoc, or Senog, commonly called Mo-Shenog [pron. Mo-Henog], i. e., my Senog, according to the Irish custom of expressing veneration for a saint, by pre- fixing the pronoun my. This St. Seuog, XV11. or Mo-Henog, is the same as ITIo-Shenoj of Moghna Moshenog. To him are dedi- cated the churches of Ballaghmoone, and Monmohenock, alias Dunmanoge \j. e. the fort of St. Senog], which are now united in the Prebend of Monmohenock in St. Patrick's Cathedral. See Mason's St. Pa- trick's, p. 65. 1 Maignend was abbot (it does not ap- pear that he was a bishop) of Kilmainham, near Dublin, which derives its name from him. He is said to have nourished about the year 606. His name occurs in the Martyrology of Aengus, at the 1 8th Dec. See also Colgan, Acta SS. p. 584 and 713. Gacianus, whose name occurs on the 18th Dec, is commemorated on the same day in the Roman Martyrology under the name of Gratianus. xlvii xvii. Kal. Feb. (Jan. 16), S. Fursei, abbatis et conf". ii. Kal. Feb. (Jan. 31), S. Edani, episcopi et conf". Kal. Feb. (Feb. 1 ), S Brigide, virginis". xiii. Kal. Mart. (Feb. 17), Fintani, episcopi et confessoris*. xvi. Kal. April (March 17), Patricii, Hiberniens. apostoli. xiv. Kal. Maii (April 18), Lasriani, episcopi et conf. vi. Id. Maii (May 10), Translatio S. Laurentii, Archiepiscopi Dublin, xvii. Kal. Jun. (May 16), Brandani, abbatis et conf z . iii. Non. Jun. (June 3), Coemgeni, abbatis et confessoris a . v. Id. Jun. (June 9), Columbe, abbatis et confessoris b . viii. Kal. Sept. (Aug. 25), Michee, confessoris . u See his Life by Colgan, ad 16 Jan. See also Butler, and the Bollandists. T Commonly called Maidoc, Maodhog, Mogue, or Moeg. His Irish name was Aedhan (Geocm), the diminutive of Geo, ox Hugh ; from which he was called indiffe- rently Qeoan, or Cteooj, i.e., little Aodh, a mode adopted by the Irish of expressing affection : and then, according to another Irish custom, prefixing the pronoun mo, my (Colgan, Acta SS. p. 71, n. 2 and 3), the name became mo Qeooj, Moadhog, or Moeg. He was the first Bishop of Ferns, and died A. D. 632. See Colgan, ad Jan. 31, and the Bollandists. w See Colgan, Trias. Thaum., and Lani- gan's Eccl. Hist. * Abbot of Cluan Eidnach, now Clone- nagh, near Montrath (Queen's Co.), in the 6th century. See Colgan, ad 17 Feb. y Lasrian, or Laserian, also called Mo- laisre (now universally Molaise or Molash) 11. or my Lasrian, according to the custom al- ready mentioned, was first Bishop of Old Leighlin, and died 18 Apr. A. D. 638. See Ware's Bishops, p. 454, and Lanigan. 1 This is St. Brendan, Abbot of Clon- fert, who died May 16, 578. See Butler. a St. Coemhgen, or Kevin, as his name is commonly written, in imitation of the pronunciation, was Abbot of Glendalough in the sixth century. See Butler and Lanigan. b Columba, or Columb-cille, i. e., Co- lumba of the Churches : the celebrated Abbot of Iona. See his lives collected by Colgan in the Trias Thaumaturga. c To this saint is dedicated the parish church of St. Michan, in Dublin, which is the corps of one of the prebends of Christ Church Cathedral. In Alan's Reg. fol. 75, a (A. D. 1530), it is called " Ecclesia Sancti Michie," and fol. 147, a, " Ecclesia Sancti Michcani." In O'Clery's Calendar 9^ xlviii ii. Kal. Sept. (Aug. 31), Edam, episcopi". viii. Id. Sept. (Sept. 6), Maculini, episcopi et confessoris' he is called ITIichen o Ctiill ITIichen i ri- de cliac, i. e. " Micheu, of Michen's Church in Dublin." d Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne ; he died 31 Aug. A. D. 651. See Bede ; Butler ; Lanigan. e Called in the Martyrology of Aengus (ad 6 Sept.), ITluc Cuilino. He was pa- tron of Lusk ; a village where there is a church of Anglo-Norman erection, which was used for a parish church until five or six years ago, when it was unroofed by a storm, and has since been suffered to be- come a ruin. Its ancient monuments are now broken, covered with rubbish, and exposed to every indignity ; its singular square belfry, coeval with the Anglo-Nor- man church, and its ancient round tower, coeval with the original church of Mac Cuilinn, are rapidly going to decay, and no means exist for their restoration. In the An- nals of Ulster, the death of St. Mac Cuilind is entered at the year 497 ; and he is there called Cinnead : " qmep Chinnenoa mic Cacrnoja.i. ITlic Cuilin epipcopi£u| ju," >'. e., " The repose of Cinneadh son of Cath- mogh, viz. Mac Cuilin, Bishop of Lusk." In the Chronicon Scotorum, the same en- try occurs: " Kal. 11, quiep Cuinoeoa mic Carmo^a i.TTlaijCuilino eppuic Cupca. tDepeccup polip appapuic" (MS. Trin. Coll. Dublin, II. 1. 18): where Eoderic O'Flaherty has rightly added in the mar- gin the date 496 ; and again in the cor- responding entry in the Annals of Tigher- nach, in the same volume, where the saint's name is given thus : " quiep Cum- oeoe mic Carbaoa .1. IDic Cuilinn, &c." That 496, and not 497, is the true date intended by the annalist, is evident from the words Kal. 11. at the beginning of this entry, intimating that the first day of the year was the secondye/vaoftheweek, or Monday, and from the coincidence of a solar eclipse ; both which criteria agree with the year 496. Archdall makes St. Macculind to have died in 497, and "Cuy- nea M'Cathmoa," as he calls him, in 498. His authority was Mageoghegan's trans- lation of the Annals of Clonmacnois, which he has misunderstood ; and thus has split the saint into two. Lanigan seems to have had no other information about St. Macculind except what he derived from this blunder of Archdall. " One Mac- culind" (he says), " and Cuynea M'Cath- moa, are spoken of as having been Bishops of Lusk, as early as the fifth century (see Archdall at Lusk) ; but on no respectable authority that I can discover. Colgan makes no mention of them." It will be seen, however, that there is very respect- able authority for the existence of this ancient saint, although it escaped the re- search of Dr. Lanigan. Butler quotes Colgan's manuscripts, to which he appears to have had access, Lives of the Saints, Dublin (Coyne), 1833, vol. iii- p. 410. xlix v. Id. Sept. (Sept. 9), Kerani, abbatis f . vii. Kal. Oct. (Sept. 23), Barri, episcopi et confessoris 8 . iii. Non. Nov. (Nov. 3), Malachie, episcopi et confessoris\ xviii. Kal. Dec. (Nov. 14), Sancti Laurentii, archiepiscopi et conf'. vii. Id. Dec. (Dec. 7), Boetii, episcopi j . It will be seen, therefore, that notwithstanding the conformity of divine offices established between the Irish Church and the Church of England, by the synod of Cashel, in 1172*, many Irish saints con- tinued to hold their places in the Anglo-Irish Calendar ; and as many of those above noticed are recent insertions, it would seem as if the Church had become more Irish in this respect than it was imme- diately after the conquest. In the Breviaries of Clondalkin, and of the parish church of St. John the Evangelist, now preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, there is a still greater number of Irish saints introduced into the Calendar. And many of these are stated to have been made double feasts, by " the constitutions of Dublin." f Kieran, or Ciaran, Abbot of Clonmac- death under the year 521. " S. 6uice mnc nois ; ob. Sept. 9, A. D. 549. 6ponnac 6ppoj ITlainipqie oecc. un, « St. Barr, or Finbar, first Bishop of t)ecembpip." " S. Buite, son of Bron- Cork. See Butler. nac, Bishop of Monaster [i. e. of the Mo- h Malachy, Archbishop of Armagh, A. D. nastery, as this Abbey was generally 1 1 34-1 137. See his Life by St. Bernard. called], died, the 7th of December.' 1 ' In the Breviary of Clondalkin already k The words of the synod are as fol- quoted, this feast is entered thus : " S. low : " Itaque omnia divina ad instar Laurentii othohil, Archiepiscopi Dublin." sacrosancte ecclesie iuxta quod Anglicana Called Buide in the Martyrology of observat ecclesia, in omnibus partibus ec- Aengus (ad 7 Dec.) He is now called St. clesie amodo tractentur. Dignum etenim Baoithin, in the County of Louth ; and et iustissimum est ut sicut dominum et his name has been anglicised Boice, Boyne, regem ex Anglia sortita divinitus est and Bute. From him the Abbey of Mo- Hibernia, sic eciam exinde vivendi for- nasterboice (Monaster ium Boetii), takes mam accipiat meliorem." Alani Keg. fol. its name. The Four Masters record his 155, u. 1 Dublin." Thus, on the 3 Non. Jul. we find in these Calendars : " S. Kevini, abbatis, duplex festum, per constitutiones Dublin." 8 Kal. Sept. " S. Michee, episcopi et confessoris, duplex festum per constitutiones." 8 Id. Sept. " S. Maculini, episcopi et confessoris, duplex festum per constitutiones." 2 Id. Nov. " Sancte Begnete, vir- ginis non martyris, ix Lect. per constitutiones," &c. It would seem, therefore, that the introduction of these Irish saints was the result of an enactment made in some synod of Dublin, whose decrees, if extant, are not accessible to the writer of these remarks. The synod of Dublin 1 , held under Alexander de Bicknor (ob. 1349), decreed that the festival days of the patron saints of the cathedrals of the province of Dublin, should be ob- served as double feasts : " Quod aliarum ecclesiarum cathedralium nostra provincial in suis diocesibus dies exitus patronorum earundem sub duplici festo et per totam provinciam Dublin cum regimine chori solenniter celebrentur." This, however, only applies to the feasts of St. Brigid, St. Canice, St. Laserian, and St. Edan : and be- sides these, the synod makes the feast of St. Laurence O'Toole a double feast, and those of the eleven thousand virgins, and of the translation of St. Patrick, feasts of nine lessons" 1 . It is evident, therefore, that the constitutions cited in the above mentioned Ca- lendars, must be those of some later synod ; and that the heads of the Irish Church in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries felt strongly the necessity of restoring a considerable number of the festivals which 1 See Wilkins, Concilia Magna Britan- the feast of St. Anne, mother of the Blessed niffi et Hiberniae, torn. ii. p. 746. Virgin Mary, the Translation of St. Tho- m The synod held by Archbishop John mas a. Becket, and the feast of St. Cathe- de S.Paulo in 1351 (Wilkins, hi. p. 18), rine, as double festivals. It is evident, enacts only the observance of the feast of therefore, that this is not the synod re- the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary ; ferred to. which had been observed before the English conquest, and which were originally intended to keep alive the memories, and perpetuate the example of the ancient saints of Ireland. No further remarks seem necessary on this part of the work, except to explain one or two entries which have been made here and there on the blank margins. The verses on the lower margin of p. 62 (fol. 52, b, of the manuscript), containing a rule for finding the first day of Lent, are in a hand probably of the sixteenth cen- tury. On the lower margin of the next page also, were two lines in a hand of the same period, which are now wholly illegible. On the lower margin of the page containing August (fol. 56, b, of the manu- script), is a copy of a decree of Pope Fabian (Decret. Gratiani Cans. vi. q.i. c. 18, Quicunque sciens), and on the lower margin of the next page is the canon Si quis convictus (Caus. xxii. q. 5, c. 7), but cited from "Ysidorus in libro sententiarum." These canons both relate to perjury and its punishment : they are but partially legible, and are written in a hand of the sixteenth century. As they are evidently mere scribbling, and have no relation to the subject matter of the volume, it was not thought worth while to print them. On pages *]2> an( ^ 74 (f Ql - 5§ of the original) are two tables; the first intended to find Septuagesima Sunday, the second to find Easter by means of the Sunday Letters and the Golden Number or prime. They are explained by short rides in the margin, and are sufficiently intelligible to every one who is acquainted with ecclesi- astical chronology 11 . Then n There are some mistakes in these and the Purification on the Kal. (instead tables which shew that they were copied of the 4 Non.) Febr. It is remarkable, by an ignorant scribe: thus (p. 73), the that in two exactly similar tables which Conversion of St. Paul is placed on the occur, fol. 88 a and b, of the Black Book 1 2th instead of the 8th of the Kal. Febr.; of Christ Church, the Conversion of St. lii Then follows the Martyrology, pp. 75-132 (full. 59-132 of the original). There seems no reason to attribute to this Martyrology any very great antiquity. It is, in fact, the Martyrology of Ado, with con- siderable abridgment and some additions . To give an exact list of these differences, from the printed copies of Ado's work, would carry us too far from the immediate purpose of this publication. Those who are engaged in the study of hagiology, will not need the assist- ance which such a discussion might give them ; and those to whom the subject is new would not be interested by it. It must suffice, therefore, to make some general remarks on the interpolations, ad- ditions, and other peculiarities of this Martyrology, and especially on its notices of Irish saints. It will be most convenient to treat of these in the order in which they occur, premising, that the words and passages Paul is placed on the 10 Kal. Febr. It seems highly probable, not only from these similar errors, but from the exact simi- larity of the tables in form and ornament, that those in the Black Book were the source from which the transcriber of the Martyrology copied his ; and if so, he probably perceived the error in the day of the Conversion of St. Paul, and in attempt- ing to correct it committed a new one, by moving the festival two days up instead of two days down. There are some other mis- takes made by the scribe of the Martyr- ology in the table p. 73, which do not occur in the Black Book. Thus he has made the day after the Ides of March the 16, instead of the 17 Kal. April ; and this error is continued for the four following days ; but the first day of the next table (p. 74) is rightly 12 Kal. April. He has also omitted to mark 6 Kal. Febr. as the feast of S. Matthias. In the second table (p. 74), the golden number annexed to 12 Kal. Apr. ought to be xvi not xv. In every other respect, these tables are line for line an exact copy of the tables in the Black Book. In some places Usuardus is copied ; and some insertions occur (particularly of English and Irish saints), which are not to be found in either Ado or Usuard. The particulars of martyrdoms, miracles, and other legends, so frequently given at length by Ado, are in this martyrology almost al- ways omitted or abridged. liii passages which the Editor has printed in Italics, are interpolations added to the original manuscript in a more recent hand. v. Id. Jan. (Jan. 9), p. jy, Felan. His name is variously spelt Foilanus, Filanus, Faolan, Faelan, Foelan. See Colgan (Acta SS. ad 9 Jan.), and the Martyrology of Aengus (eod. die) ; in this latter autho- rity his name is spelt paelan, and the ancient gloss adds, .1. in CUmin TTlepcna 1 pejiaib Uulach aca ; intimating that his feast was cele- brated at Cluain-Mescna, in the district of Feratulach p . xvij. Kal. Feb. (Jan. 16), p. 79, S. Furseus. See p. xlvii. ii. Kal. Feb. (Jan. 31), p. 84, S. Edanus Bishop of Ferns. See p. xlvii, note v . Kal. Feb. (Feb. 1), p. 84, S. Brigida. The notice of St. Bridget which occurs here, seems altogether peculiar to this Martyrology. Ado's account of her is as follows : " Item apud Scotiam Sanctaj Brigida3 virginis, cujus vita miraculis claruit : qua? cum lignum altaris, in testimonium virginitatis sua? tetigisset, viride factum est." The notice in the Roman Martyrology agrees with this almost ver- batim; and it is remarkable that there also Ireland is called Scotia. It is worth noting, that in this account of St. Bridget, the com- piler of the Dublin Martyrology speaks of himself in the first person: " Si enim larga ipsius prrcfate virginis opera cartis inserere voluissem, proprii voluminis eguisset solentia." Colsran has collected six lives of this saint in his Trias Thau- maturga. hi. Id. Febr. (Feb. 11), p. 87, Episcopus Etchanus. Bishop of Cluainfoda (called also Cluain Boetain Aba), now Clonfad, in the County Westmeath. This was the Bishop by whom St. Columba was ordained. See O'Donnell's Life of Columba, lib. i. c. 47 q , and Lanigan's p NowFertullaghin W. Meath. See also q Apud Colgan, Trias Thaum. p. 396. Butler's Lives of the Saints, in 9 Jan. IRISU AKCH. SOC. NO. 4. ft liv Lanigan's Ecclesiastical History'. Colgan has published a Life of St. Etchen, in the Acta Sanctorum, at the i ith of February. The following curious note, which occurs in the Martyrology of Aengus, at the end of the month of March, contains the Legend of the ordination of St. Columba by Bishop Etchein : " ©ppuc Ccchein ooni, h-i Cluain pocai 6oecain 1 peapaib 6ile a n-t>ep- cepc TTIioe aca. Ocup lp pop a amup do choio Colam Cille oo rhabaipc jpao eppuic paip. Suioij ooni, Colam Cille po'n m-baipcne ppta cill aniap, ocup lappni^rheao uao cair a m-baoi in cleipech. Qcpin, ol pep ano, pop paipche in apachaip cip h-e. lp 0015, ol Colam Cille, ni coip oun aipeam 00 chabaipr ^pao poipn. Qp a! pin cpa ppomchap ocaino h-e. O chancocap ppipp, cuinjic cecup in pocc paip ppiup. 00 m-bep 001b poceooip aire po aippec na 001m. lp pep maich in cleipech, ol lac. Q ppomao beop ol Colam Cille. Cumjic in c-imechcpaio paip. Gcnaijj 001b poceooip, ocup popconjpaio eppuc Gcchein pop oam n-allaio boi ip in choillio, in peiom pin 00 oenum, 7 00 jni po ceooip. Ceic lpam Colam Cille pop amup in clepij lap ppomao 7 ln- oippeo 06 in ni po a came. Oo jencap 01 in cl^pech. Qcnajap ooni, gpaoai pucaipc pop Cholam Cille, ocup ^pdoai eppuic po b'ail 06 00 rabaipc paip. CpnaijiD inclepech coapabapach. pu- oap pin, a chlepij, ol Colam Cille, in " Now Bishop Etchein, was in Cluainfota Boetain in Feraibh Bile [Farbill], which is in the south of Meath. And it was to him Columb-Cille went to have the order of a bishop conferred on him. Columb-Cille sat under the tree on the west side of the church, and there asked where the cleric was. There he is, said a certain man, on the field of ploughing below. I think, said Columb-Cille, that it is not meet for us that a ploughman should confer orders on us, however let him be tested by us. When they met him, they first asked him for the ploughshare. He immediately gave it them, and the oxen continued to plough notwithstanding. The cleric is a good man, said they. Let him be tested farther, said Columb-Cille. They asked him for the outer ox. He gave it them immediately, and Bishop Etchein commanded a wild stag which was in the wood to perform the work, which he did immediately. Then Columb-Cille went up to the cleric, after having tested him, and told the bu- siness on which he came. It shall be done, said the cleric. He, then, con- ferred the order of a priest on Columb- Cille, and it was the order of a bishop he wished ' Vol. ii. p. 125. lv jpdo rucaip popmpa, 7 apni ni aich- wished to have conferred on him. The pejpa h-e h-i cein bam beo. Ina inao cleric prayed until the next day. I regret, pin ooni, ni rfiicpa nech co bpach 00 said Columb-Cille, the order thou hast chabaipe ftpuo paip cup in cill pea. conferred on me, however I will not Ocup lppeo on cliomaillcep beop s ." change it while I live; on that account, how- ever, no person shall ever again come to have orders conferred on him in this church. And that has been fulfilled up to this time." xiv. Kal. Mart. (Feb. 16), p. 89, S. Confessor Berchanus. It is not easy to say what St. Berchan is here intended. The festival of Berchan, surnamed the prophet, Abbot of Cluain-Sosta (now Clon- sast, in the King's County), is celebrated on the 4th of December'; and the 12th of October is the festival of St. Berchan, otherwise Mobhi Clairenach, of Glasnevin". Other saints of this name are commemorated in the Irish Martyrologies on the 10th of April, 23rd of May, 5th of June, and 24th of December"; but no St. Berchan appears in any of the authorities on the 16th of February. xiii. Kal. Mart. (Feb. 17), p. 89, S. Confessor Fintanus, Abbot of Cluain Eidhnach, now Clonenagh, near Montrath, in the Queen's County. See p. xlvii. xi. Kal. Mart. (Feb. 19), p. 89, S. Confessor Baithinus. Of this saint, who is by some authorities called a bishop, very little is known, except that three churches were dedicated to him, or to some of the other saints of the same name, at an early period in Ireland ; one in the diocese of Meath, another in the diocese of Elphin, and a third in the diocese of Raphoe. He is mentioned in the Martyrology of Aengus, at the 19th of February, where he is called " boechine mop mainech," i. e., s Leabhar Breac, fol. 42, b (now fol. 32). 4 Dec, Colgan, Tr. Th. p. 453, n. 40; Cf. Colgan, Acta SS. p. 306, n. 17. O'Don- and p. 469. nell, Vit. S. Columbia, lib. i. c. 47. Tr. Th. u Anciently, Glasnaoidhin, Colgan, Tr. P- 396- Th. p. 613. Lanigan, vol. ii. p. 223. ' See the Martyrology of Aengus, ad v Colgan, ibid. p. 453, n. 40. h 2 lvi " .1. 6oechine mac Cuanach, mic Co- eim, mic 6noa, o chij 6oechini an- lapchap Tllioe. C"pi cije 6oechm, .1. cech &oechin 1 fllme, ajupcech 6oechin 1 cip Conaill, ajup cech 6oechin in Gipciuch ppia Cpuacham Conacc aniap : uc DI. Cecpi comanmano po pimeo 6oechine balcc bualac, TTlac 6penaino, mac pinoaij, ITIac Qlla, mac Cuanach." i. e., " Boethin the great monk;" and the following notice is added in the gloss w : " i. e. Boethin, son of Cuanach, son of Coeim, son of Enna, of Tigh-Boethin, in the west of Meath. There are three Tigh- Boethins, viz., Tigh-Boethin in Meath, Tigh-Boethin in Tirconnell, and Tigh- Boethin in Airtech, near Cruachan of Conaught, in the west". As it is said, There are enumerated four of the same name, Boethins famous, victorious ; Viz., the son of Brennan, the son of Fin- dach, The son of Alia, the son of Cuanach." From which it appears that there were four remarkable saints of the name known to the author of the foregoing lines. See pages lxii and lxiii. This entry contains almost all we know of St. Baithin, or Boethin, as will be seen on comparing it with what Colgan has collected y . ix. Kal. Mart. (Febr. 21), p. 90, S. Confessor Fintanus, surnamed Corach, Abbot and Bishop of Clonfert z . ii. Kal. Mart. (Febr. 28), p. 92, S. Confessor Sillanus, Abbot of Bangor. His death is recorded in the Annals of the Four Masters, on the 28th of Febr. A. D. 6o6\ Id Mart. (March 15), p. 96, Sancti filii Nessani. Nessan was a prince w In the copy of the Felire, or Martyr- ology of Aengus, in the Leabhar Breac, in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy. 1 Two of these places still retain the name, viz., Taughboyne (see p. lxiii), a pa- rish in the diocese of Raphoe, county Do- negal, between Londonderry and Raphoe ; and Taughboyne, or Tibohine, called also Artagh, a parish in the diocese of Elphin, county Roscommon. See Archdall's Mo- nast. p. 623. * Acta Sanctorum, ad 19 Febr. p. 369. 1 See Colgan, ad 24 Febr. p. 385. a See Colgan, ad Febr. 28, p. 423. lvii prince of the royal family of Leinster, who had seven sons, all dis- tinguished for sanctity and miracles, and all honoured in the Irish Church as saints. In the Martyrology of Aengus they are thus noticed at the Ides of March : " TTleic Neppan o n-inip," " The sons of Nessan, of the island," i. e., of Inis-Nessan, in Bregia, called also in some of the authorities Inis Faithlenn, and now Ireland's Eye. They flourished in the sixth century b . xvi. Kal. April (March 17), p. 96, S. Patricius, Archiepiscopus Scotorum. The notice here given of St. Patrick appears to be pe- culiar to this Martyrology c . It makes no allusion to the place of his birth, his mission from Pope Celestine, nor to the earlier part of his life before his arrival in Ireland on his evangelical mission. The reasons given to prove that St. Patrick was a martyr, " animo et summa intentione persecutiones sustinendo martyr eflectus," are urged also by the author of the Tripartite Life, who says : " Nee incongrue rnartyrem dixeris, qui crucem Christi in corde ac corpore continuo gestavit : qui continue- cum magis, cum regibus, ac principibus idolo- latris, et cum diemonibus conflictando, corpus suum mille mortis generibus objecit, ac ad ea subeunda cor semper habuit paratum ; et sic viventem Domino semper se exliibuit hostiam d ." The allusion to the four and twenty elders, " multiplicem vel etiam centuplicem, ut ita dicam, coronam inter viginti quatuor seni- ores accepit," is in accordance with the ancient opinion, that the four and twenty elders of the Apocalypse represented the great assembly of the saints in glory. xiv. b Colgan has given their names and the nity of consulting the Breviary of Aber- dates of their deaths, Acta SS. ad Mart. deen, or other ecclesiastical books of the 15, p. 609. The "insula filiorum Nessa- Church of Scotland, in which it is very ni" is mentioned in the Letter of Pope probable some of these notices of Irish Alexander III. to St. Laurence O'Toole, saints may be found, published by Ussher, Syll. Epist. xlviii. d Vit. Trip, part iii. c. 103, apud Col- c The writer has not had any opportu- gan, Tr. Th. p. 168. lviii xiv. Kal. April (March 19), p. 98, Auxilius et Lactanus. Aux- ilius was one of the companions of St. Patrick. Colgan Acta Sanc- torum, ad 19 Mart. p. 657 and (for an account of St. Lactan) p. 655. vii. Id. April (April 7), p. 103. This entry is very inaccurately written. " Vicesimus" ought evidently to be vicinus, as in the printed copies of Ado, and other Martyrologies. Hegesippus (or Esippus, as he is here called), is erroneously styled " papa," for it does not appear that he was even a bishop. The words, " Et hie constituit, ut intra actionem missarum, sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, de- canteretur," are also erroneously inserted here. They evidently belong to the notice of Pope Sixtus, on the day before, where they occur in the Appendix to Ado's Martyrology. xi. Kal. Maii (April 21), p. 107, Maelrubaus, Confessor. Mael- ruba was Abbot of Bangor in the eighth century. The Four Mas- ters have the following record of his death under the year 721 : " S. TTlaolpubha Qbb 6enncliaip lap " St. Maolruba, Abbot of Bangor, after n-oul ino Qlbain oecc, i n-cc cbill he went into Scotland, died in his own pepin 1 n-Gpupcpopan, an m Gppil. church in Apurcrossan, the 21st of April. Ochrmo^ac bliaohuin ap epi miopmbh Eighty years, three months, and nine days pop nenbh laichibh poo a paojhail." was the length of his life." In the Martyrology of Aengus his festival is recorded on the 2 1 st of April, and the following note is added in the margin : "Tnoelpubai 00 Chenel 6oj;am 00, "Moelrubai was of the Cinel Eoghan, ocup 1 n-CXlpan acn a chell. Ocup peil and his church is in Scotland. And this a ecpechca po. Subcan oin .1. injen Sec- is the festival of his death. Subtan, daugh- nai piup Chomjaill 6enochuip a mach- ter of Setna, sister of Comgall of Bangor, cup ; ocup 1 n-Gbup Chpepen aca a was his mother ; and his church is in chell." Abur Chresen." ix. Kal. Maii (April 19), p. 108. " Cujus gesta passionis etsi inter apocrifas connumerantur scriptas, &c." See Decret. Gratiani, part i. dist. 15, c. 3. Sancta Romana ecclesia. vii. lix vii. Kal. Maii (April 17), p. 108. This account of St. Mark the Evangelist is copied, with some mistakes, additions, and omissions, from the Martyrology of Notker. iv. Kal. Maii (April 28), p. no. " Item in Iberna Sancti Ro- berti." These words are added in the margin in a hand of the sixteenth century. St. Robert, Abbot of Molesmes, founder of the Cistercian order, is probably intended. But his day in the Roman Martyrology is April 29 ; and there is another mistake in entering him " in Iberna," if that be intended for " in Ibernia," for St. Robert was a Frenchman. In the Calendar, p. 64, his day is also made to be the 28th of April; but his name is inserted there by a modern hand. Non. Maii (May 7), p. 113. " Ciaroc et Bretanus (read Brecanus) Confessores." Ciaroc occurs, under the name of Mo-Chuaroc, in the Martyrology of Aengus (ad 7 Maii), in conjunction with Brecan : — " TDochuapoc la 6peccan, " Mochuaroc with Breccan, t)i jepcuc arjkuniu, Two heroes of purity [i.e. milites Christf] Cappac Cpipc ap oiliu." Who loved Christ faithfully." And on the word Breccan there is the following gloss : " .1. o Gchopuim 6pecain i cocpich " i. e. of Echdruim Brecain, on the t)ail apaioe 7 t)ail piacai." border of Dailaradia and Dailriatai e . Brecan, or Breccan, was the son of Saranus, the chieftain who opposed St. Patrick in Dalaradia, and incurred the malediction of the saint f ; notwithstanding which, says Colgan : " non caruit pro- genie sancta 8 ." .-.,. e The territory of Dalaradia is stated by north-west of the county of Antrim, now Mr. O'Donovan to have included the whole called the Bouts. See Lanigan, vol. i. of the present county of Down, and that p. 217, note (24), and Ussher, Primord., part of Antrim which lies south of the p. 1029. mountain Sliabh Mis, now Slemmish. — f Vit. Tripart. partii. c. 132. Battle of Magh Rath, page 39, note r . 6 Colgan, Acta SS. ad Febr. 20, in vit. Dailriatai, or Dalriedia, was the north and S. Olcani, p. 378, n. 13. lx Of Ciaroc, Cuaroc, or Mochuaroc, there is but little known. He was evidently an Ulster saint, and therefore is not to be confounded with the Mochuaroc of Desii in Munster, whose real name was Cronan (corrupted into Cuaran, Mochura, and Mochuaroc), and whose feast is marked by Aengus on the 9th of February". vii. Id. Maii (May 9), p. 114, Sanctanus, episcopus. The Marty- rology of Aengus commemorates the saint at the 9th of May in these words : "Gppuc Sctncccnn poclila," " Bishop Santain of good repute." The note or gloss is as follows : ".1.0 chill oa leip do. uc Genjup " i. e. He was of Kill-da-leis ; as Aengus oleic. 7 nepcio ubi efc cell oa leip. 7 says. And I know not where Kill-da-leis lp leipOpuim laijille 1 Cpacpuije. is. And to him belongs Druim-Laigille 1 in Tradraighe. Another gloss adds : .1. Gppuc Sanccain mac 00 Samuel i. e. Bishop Sanctain was the son of Chenoipel. t)eccip wjen muipeoaij- Samuel Chendisel (low headed). Dectir, TDuipoepj macep eiup: in pucupo [sic] daughter of Muiredach Muinderg (red uc 0111c : necked), was his mother : in futuro :[ ?] Gppuc Sanccain lp mo chean as the poet says : muc Samuel Chenoipel, Bishop Sanctain is my beloved, T)eccip a macaip cen meipj The son of Samuel Chendisel, lnjen rpluipeoaij ITIunoeipj." Dectir teas his mother, without stain, The daughter of Muiredach Munderg." Colgan refutes the suggestion, that Sanctanus may be identical with Sannanus, who is mentioned by the Scholiast on Fiech's Hymn, as a brother of St. Patrick. He says : " Colitur enim Sanctanus Episcopus genere etiam Britannus die 9 Maii, in ecclesia de Kill-daleas in Lagenia, iuxta Martyrol. Taml. ^Engussium et Marianum in suis Festilogiis, sed quia Pater hujus legitur fuisse Samuel Rex Britannia; h See Colgan, Acta SS. 302. Drumline) a parish in the Deanery of ' Drumlaighille (pron. Drumly,e, now Tradry, barony of Bunratty, County Clare lxi Britannia; et Mater Drechura" [Dcctir] " filia Muredacii Munderg Regis Ul- tonia5, non potest esse frater S. PatriciiV vi. Id. Maii (May 10), p. 114, S. Comgallus, abbas et confessor. Comgall was Abbot of Bangor in the sixth century. His life is pub- lished by the Bollandists and by Fleming 1 . " Eodem die Translatio S. Laurentii Dublinie Archiepiscopi." See page xlvii. iii. Id. Maii (May 13). " Eodem die Sancte Sithe virginis." These words are added in the margin, in a hand of the sixteenth century. In the Calendar also, p. 65, her feast is added by a recent hand, " Sithe virginis ix. lee:" and in the Calendar prefixed to the Chained Book of the Corporation of Dublin, the words " Sancta Sitha virgo" occur at 3 Id. Maii, in a modern hand. In a manuscript Breviary of the fifteenth century, in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin™ (but in the original hand of the manuscript), we find her name somewhat differently spelt, " Scite virginis, ix 1c." This Breviary was written in Ireland, as appears from an entry on the first leaf", and there is, therefore, k Trias Thaum. p. 8, n. 1 3. 1 See the Bollandists, torn, ii., Maii, p. 579 ; and Fleming, Collect. Sacra, p. 303- m Class B, Tab. 3, No. 10. n This note is as follows : " Ad futuram rei memoriam, memorandum est, quod anno ab incarnatione Domini M°. CCCC . lxxx . ix°. tempore contentionis orte erga dominationem elye inter capitaneos t.athen. s. okeruayll ac Wllealmum eiusdem nati- onis, iste liber scriptus fuit per maliciam o lachmayn laniensis dyosis clericum. Cuius anime propicietur deus, et quilibet legens pro sue anime salute dicat oraci- onem dominicam etc." At the end of the IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. Propr. de Sanctis is this note : " Explicit Proprium ofheium de Sanctis secundum usum fratrum carmelitarum." Hence we may, perhaps, infer, that the writer was a Carmelite friar. His name was Maol-Isa O'Lachmayn, or, perhaps, O'Lactnayn. Tatken is evidently Thaddeus, or Tadhg, a common name among the O'Carrolls ; and " Laniensis dyosis," is evidently for " Laonensis dioceseos," or Killaloe. The Annals of Ulster record the death of the O'Carroll, "i.e. John, son of Mailruanaigh O'Carroll, King of Ely," in the year 1489; and it is probable that his death gave oc- casion to the contest for the chieftainship of the sept, between Teague and William lxii therefore, some reason to think that Sitha may be an Irish saint, al- though no other Irish Calendar to which the writer has access con- tains her name, nor is she mentioned by Aengus, Colgan, or any other authority. The introduction of her name into the Calendar, as appears from the recent entries in the present volume, and in the Chained Book, must have taken place, at least in the diocese of Dublin, about the end of the fifteenth century. xvii. Kal. Jun. (May 16), p. 1 16, S. Brendanus, abbas et confessor. See p. xlvii. The Bollandists have published his life, torn. hi. Maii, p. 599. xi. Kal. Jim. (May 22), p. 118, S. Boethinus, abbas et confessor. This was Boethine , son of Finnaigh, Abbot of Inis Boethine, now Inishboheen p , about four miles south of the town of Wicklow, in the barony of Arklow. This saint is thus mentioned in the Martyrology of Aengus, at May 22 : " boechine mac pinoach," "Boethine son of Findach," upon which there is the following note : " .1.0 Imp 6oechine a n-iaprhap [read " i. e. Of Inis Boethine in the West aiprheap]£ aijen; 7 Cpeo m^en TJonain, [read East] of Leinster ; and Cred, pijCaijjen, machmp 6oeclnne ; 7 1 n-'Oal daughter of Ronan, King of Leinster, was niepincopb beop do lapum." the mother of Boethine ; and he was in Dal-Mesincorb afterwards." The Annals of the Four Masters record the death of Bonan, son of Cohnan, King of Leinster, at the year 610; from which we may conclude that Boethine Mac Finnaigh flourished at the end of the sixth and beginning of the seventh century q . iii. O'Carroll, of which the above memoran- Monast. p. 776. The spelling adopted in dum is perhaps the only remaining record. the Ordnance Map, Inislibolieen, nearly re- The writer evidently leant to the side of presents the pronunciation. Tathen, or Teague, for he gives him un- q See the remarks that have already hesitatingly the title of O'Carroll. been made on St. Baithin Mac Cuanach, The name is pronounced Bireeheen. pp. lv, lvi, supr., and Colgan, Acta SS., p Archdall calls this place Inisboyne. p. 369, n. 2. lxiii iii. Non. Junii (June 3), p. 122, S. Coemginus, abbas et confessor. St. Kevin of Glandalough. See above, p. xlvii. v. Id. Junii (June 9), p. 123. Sancti abbates Columba et Boethinus successor ejus. See above, p. xlvii. This Boethin, or Baithin, was the son of Brennan, founder of Tegh Baoithin, now Taughboyne, in the County Donegal, five miles west-south-west of Londonderry, and successor to St. Columba in the government of the abbey of Iona, A. D. 592. See above, p. lvi., and Colgan, Acta SS. p. 369; Trias Thaum. p. 488, n. 6. The Acts of St. Boethin are published by the Bollandists, Acta SS. torn. ii. Junii, p. 236. The notice of St. Columba which appears in this Martyrology seems quite peculiar, and has not been traced to any other source or authority. The Martyrology of Aengus has the following lines on this festival : " Ron pnaouc o'on bicb-latrh, "They went into the eternal kingdom, I m-bich-bi lepp lainopech, Into eternal life of brightest splendour, fiaechine apo ainjjlech, Baethine the noble, the angelical, Colam cille cainolech." Columb-cille the resplendent." The ancient word lainopech is explained by the gloss. .1. rctic- nemach, a word of more modern use, signifying splendid, sinning. And upon Boethine there is the following note : ".1. 6oechine mac 6penaino, mic "i.e. Boethine the son of Brenand, son of pepjupa, mic Conaill ^julban, mic Fergus, son of Conall Gulban, son of Niall Weill 11 JJiallaij, 7 Colam Cille mac of the Nine Hostages, and Columb Cille the peolimre, mic pepjupa. Cpimchann son of Fedlim, son of Fergus. Crimthan amm Colam Cille ppiup. Gicchne was Columb Cille's name at first. Now ooni, lnjen tDima, mic Noe, mic Gcine, Eithne, the daughter of Dima, son of Noe, mic Coipppe Pileao, mic Oilella Hlaip, son of Etine, son of Coirpre the poet, son mic 6pecain, mic Peic, mic t)aipe 6ap- of Oilell Mor, son of Breean, son of Fiac, pai£, mic Cachaip maip, maraip Colaim son of Daire Barrach, son of Cathair Mor, Cille. Cuimne ooni, 7 TTlinchlodi, 7 was Columb Cille's mother. NowCuimine, Smech, cpi peachpa Choluim Chille." and Minchloth, and Sinech, were the three sisters of Columb Cille." i 2 hi. lxiv iii. Id. Junii (June u), p. 125, S. Mectail. Bishop of Kilcullen : he was a contemporary of St. Patrick, who is recorded in the Tripartite Life to have placed him in the church of Kilcullen. (Vit. Trip. 1. iii. c. 18.) He died A. D. 548, according to the Four Masters. His real name was Aengus, and he is said to have been called Mac Thail, i. e. filius artificis, because his father was a carpenter. See Colgan, Trias Thaum. p. 185, n. 32. The Four Masters, however, and O'Clery's Calendar, say that his name was Eoghan : "CI.C. 548. S.macchailCilleChuil- "A. D.548. S. Macthail of Cille Chuil- linn .1. Gogain mic Copcpain, oecc. on tin, i.e. Eoghan, son of Corcran, died, the c-aonmao la oecc oo mi lun." eleventh day of the month of June." In the Martyrology of Aengus his festival is thus noted : " peil meic Uhail in noeboai," " The festival of Mac Tail the saintly," and the following gloss is added : " .1. o Chill Clnnlino a ITling- Caigen. " i. e. of Cill Chuilinn in the plain of 605011 paep mac Depjain, no Gogan Leinster. Eoghan the carpenter, the son of mac Gengupa, umoppo, achaip IDic Dergan, or Eoghan, son of Aengus, was the Chail, ocup ap a bech na mac [paeip] father of Mac Thail, and for being the son acbepaip Mlac Cail ppipp. No conio [of a carpenter], he was called Mac Thail h-e Gochaio mac 6aipp, pig Caigfl, [/. e. son of the adze~\. Or, according to achoip lTleic Chail." others, Eochaidh, the son of Barr, King of Leix, was Mac Thail's father." xiv. Kal. Julii (June 18), p. 127, S. Baithinus et S. Furudranus. These saints were brothers, sons of Moenan, of the race of Colla-da- Chrioch. We know very little about them, beyond what is recorded in the following notice of them at the 18th of June, in the Martyr- ology of Aengus : " La 6aechine pino pechenach " With Baethin the purely righteous, Pupoopan co peji Furodran with vigour [i.e. the vigorous]*, Sons r The word peji is explained by the " fierce towards demons, or against de- gloss : " .1. peochaip ppia Demon," mons." lxv ITleic moman co n-uaije O Caino ligaij tepi." And a note or gloss adds : " .l.&oedim 7 pupoopan oa meclTloe- nam o 6aino Cuachaip 1 m-Spegaib." Sons of the chaste Meonan, Of the beautiful 6 Lann-leri 1 ." " i. e. Boethiu and Furodran, the two sons of Moenan" of Laun Luachair in Bre- Ria." vii. Kal. Julii (June 25), p. 129. confessor. This is S. Lugad, called Abbot of Lismore in the Hebrides" : to the Annals of the Four Masters, he is called Lamluoc: " £ctmluoc glan geloai ^pian £ipp moip oealbai." And the gloss adds : " .1. TTloluoc £ipp moip 1 n-Qlbain. .1. Cille tDelja 1 n-CIposall." In Scotia, S. Lugudus, abbas et also Luoc, Molugad, or Moluoc, who died A. D. 588, according In the Martyrology of Aengus, " Lamluoc, the pure, the bright, The sun of Lismore the pleasant." " i.e. Moluoc of Lismore in Scotland. i. e. of Kill-Delga in Ardgall" [the He- brides]. Non. s The word 1150:15 is explained in the gloss.: " .1. alciino no cenonip," " beauti- ful or placid." • Lann-leri is supposed by Archdall (Monast. p. 722) to be the place which is now called Lynn, in the barony of Delvin, County Westmeath, near Mullingar. It was destroyed by fire, according to the Four Masters, in 968, 1002, 1050, and 1 148. See Colgan, Tr. Thaum. p. 633. u Colgan in his list of the saints de- scended from Colla da Chrioch, makesBae- thine the uncle of Furadran (Acta SS. p. 7 1 3). This, however, is probably a mis- take of the press ; for in the Trias Thaum. (p. 377, n. 63), he speaks of " Baithanus filius Mainani etfrater Sancti Furadhrani, 1 8 Jun." The genealogy of Moenan is as follows : Moenan, son of Colgan, son of Tuatha Cruinbheoil, son of Fedhlimidh, son of Fiaehra Cassain, son of Colla-da- chrioch. v Archdall (Monast. p. 691) sets down St. Lugad as Abbot of Lismore in Ireland. Colgan, however, had guarded against this mistake, Tr. Thaum. p. 48 1 ; Conf. Acta SS. p. 193 ; and Lanigan, Eccl. Hist. vol. ii. p. 213, n. (102). lxvi Non. Julii (July 7), p. 134, S. Maelruein, confessor. Founder of the monastery of Tallaght, near Dublin. He died A. D. 787, on the 7th of July, according to the Four Masters. The Martyrology of Aengus calls him " Oloelnuain aonech picheo," " Moelruain who took possession of heaven." And the gloss adds : " .1. ITloelpuain o Cliamlachru ; 7 " i. e. Moelruain of Tallaght ; and Colman nomen pacpip eiup, 6poichpec Colman was the name of his father: and nomen macpir- eiup ; 7 eppoc h-e pein." Broicsech the name of his mother ; and he was himself a bishop™." viii. Id. Julii (July 8), p. 134, S. Kilianus, martyr. The apostle of Franconia, martyred A. D. 688. His Acts are published by Ma- billon, and by the Bollandists. ii. Kal. Aug. (July 31), p. 141. This day was observed as the commemoration of the relics of Christ Church, of which an account is here given which strongly confirms the opinion already expressed, that the Martyrology is older than the Book of Obits ; especially when it is observed, that the notice of the relics of St. Patrick and of St. Lawrence O'Toole is added in a very recent hand. According to this account the relics were deposited in the cathe- dral by Donatus, its founder, the first ( Danish ) bishop of Dublin, who died 1074; and in the time of Gregory (A. D. 1121-1161) they were placed in a shrine for greater reverence and security. They consisted of portions of the cross of our Lord ; of the cross of St. Peter ; of his chain ; of the sandals of Pope Silvester ; relics of the eleven thousand virgins ; of St. Pinnosa ; a portion of the vest of the B. V. Mary ; of the sepulchre of our Lord, and of Lazarus ; of the sepulchre of St. Audeon ; relics of St. Benedict, of St. Basil, and of w See Lanigan, Eccl. Hist. vol. iii. p. p. 741, where he gives St. Moelruan's ge- 232 ; Colgan, Acta SS. p. 583, n. 12, and nealogy. Ixvii of St. German; portions of the vestments of St. Olave, and of St. Her- bert, Bishop of Cologne ; and relics of David the confessor. On comparing this list of relics with that at the beginning of the Book of Obits, it will be seen that they differ very remarkably, and must evidently have been formed at different times. The portions of the true cross, and of the cross of St. Peter, of the chain of St. Peter, and of the sepulchre of our Lord, had disappeared before the second list was made ; and some of those which are common to both lists are differently described ; the sandals of Pope Sylvester are spoken of in the second list as relics of Pope Sylvester : the vest of St. Mary is described as her zone; and the portion of the sepulchre of St. Audeon is entered as relics of that saint. We have seen that many of the relics were destroyed or lost by the fall of the west window in i46i x : so that if we suppose the Martyrology to have been written before that year, and the Book of Obits after it, no difficulty will be created by the disappearance of certain relics : but the most re- markable circumstance is, that in the earlier list no mention is made of the miraculous crucifix, which, nevertheless, was certainly in the possession of the Prior and Convent before the coming of the English, while the Baculus Jesu, and the Superaltare marmoreum of St. Pa- trick are omitted altogether, or only introduced by a more recent hand under the general term of relics of St. Patrick. This would lead to the conclusion, that the original list was com- piled before these treasures were obtained, in some year subsecpient to the death of Archbishop Gregory, to whom it alludes, and prior to the possession of the Baculus Jesu, i. e. in some year between A D. 1 161 and 1 1 8o y . This, however, does not explain the omission of all mention of the miraculous crucifix, which, from the statement of Giraldus 2 , must certainly have been in possession of the cathedral before 1160; we x See p. xix. " See pp. ix, x. z See pp. vi, vii. lxviii we may therefore conclude, either that the crucifix was not con- sidered as a relic, or else that the relics commemorated on the 31st of July, were only those which had been in the cathedral from its foundation, which had lain, as the words would seem to imply, without particular notice or respect ("in quadam capsa latuerunt"), from the time of Donatus to that of Gregory, when they were placed, with the box that contained them, in a suitable shrine, and a festival with nine lessons was appointed in their honour. It is impossible, however, to suppose that the MS. from which the present Martyrology is printed, can possibly be as old as the year 1 180; from its character, it could not have been written much before the end of the fourteenth century. It was, therefore, most probably transcribed at that period from a more ancient manuscript, which had, perhaps, become worn, or partly illegible from use; and the tran- scriber copied the list of relics as he found it, without alteration or addition. iv. Id. Aug. (Aug. 10), p. 144, S. Blanus, abbas. St. Blaan, from whom the episcopal city of Dunblane, in Scotland, takes its name, nourished in the sixth century. In the Martyrology of Aengus, he is thus commemorated at the 10th of August: " blarm cam Cluno- J5apao," " Blann the mild of Cenn-Garad;" and the gloss says: " .l.SppucOno-^apao: .l.Oumblacm " i.e. Bishop of Cenn Garad : i.e. Dun- a ppim cadiaip, ocup o Chino-Jjapao blane is his chief city, and he is also of do .1. h-i n-^aU-^eaoelaib." Cenn Garad in the Gall-Gaedela" b . Keith, in his Catalogue of the Bishops of Scotland (p. 207), men- tions Kingarth, which is probably the same as Cenn-Garad, a pre- bendal a See Colgan, Acta SS. p. 234, n. 12, signed to his birth, where he refutes Dempster's assertion that b The " Gall-Gaedela," or Foreigners of St. Blaan died in 446, by shewing that the Gaels, was the name given to the Scot- 540 is the earliest date that can be as- tish islands by the ancient Irish. lxix bendal church in the rough end of the Isle of Bute, of which St. Blaan was a native. See the strange story of his birth quoted from Dempster by Colgan, Acta SS. p. 233. xiv. Kal. Sept. (Aug. 19), p. 147, S. Moctheus, confessor. St. Mochta, Bishop of Louth, died A. D. 534. His feast was also cele- brated on the 24th of March, at which clay Colgan has given his life. He is mentioned under both days in the Martyrology of Aengus. At Aug. 19 he is called "fflochca mo|i nicnch pichbe," "Mochta the great good leader"." The gloss says, ".1. Grpuc Cugbaio," "i.e. of Louth," and adds the following curious poem : " Nip bo bochccn Do llloclira Caijbmo lipp CCC. 1 acapc ap c. eppuc Qp aen ppipp. Ochcmoja paepclano palmach Q clieglach ; amble pemeano ! Cen ap, cen buain, cen cipao, Cen gnimpao achcmuo leigeano." " Poverty abode not With Mochta at Louth in his fort CCC. priests, and C. bishops Were along with him. Eighty psalm-singing noble youths Were his household; great enumeration ! Without ploughing, reaping, or drying , Without any other work but learning." x. Kal. Sept. (Aug. 23), p. 149, " S. confessor et episcopus Cogan." This is a mistake of the manuscript for Eogan, or Eugenius, Bishop of Ardstraw, now a parish church in the county of Tyrone, diocese of Deny. He died 23rd Aug., 618, or, according to others, 57o d . In the Martyrology of Aengus two different genealogies of this saint are given in a gloss written over his name, which is as follows : ".1. mac 6ppuic Gpc Slaine Gogan, "i.e. The son of Bishop Ere of Slane was ur pepin pepunc. Ocup ipe pin TTIocliua Eogan, ut periti ferunt. And he is Mo- chua b Sicbe is thus explained in 0'Clery"s Glossary, and it is used in the same sense in Corniac's Glossary. Sirbe Cepball pop a cuaipc. " Cerbhall was a general on his expedition." Or else perhaps picBe may mean long-lived, alluding to the tradition IRISH ARC1I. SOC. NO. 4. that Mochta lived 300 years. c Alluding, probably, to the kiln-drying of corn. d See Ussher, Index Chron. ad an. 570; and Colgan, ActaSS. p. 438. lxx n-Oeochctin pil h-i Cluain h-i f-aijjip. chua the Deacon, who is interred at Cluain Uel pic ur alii, 6o£an mac Cainoig, in Leix. Vel sic ut alii, Eogan son of mic Cuipp, mic pepjupa, mic pachaio, Cainnech, son of Corp, son of Fergus, son of mic Schac laimoeipj, mic TDeppin- Fathadh, son of Echaidh of the red hand, copb." son of Messincorb." viii. Kal. Sept. (Aug. 25), p. 140. " Eoclem die Saucti Michee, episcopi et confessoris." Here the word episcopi has been inserted by a more recent hand. See p. xlvii, note c . Stanihurst, speaking of the church dedicated to this saint in Dubhn, calls him " St. Michan, or MighanV and in Archbishop Alan's Repertorium viride, it is entered as " Ecclesia de S t0 . Mahano." In the Calendars prefixed to the Breviaries of Clondalkin and of St. John's church, preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, this saint is called a bishop. ii. Kal. Sept. (Aug. 31), p. 151, Edanus, episcopus et confessor. Bishop of Lindisfarne ; see p. xlviii, note d . His name is generally written Aidan. iv. Non. Sept. (Sept. 2), p. 152, Lomanus, Colmanus, et Macnisus. These saints are noticed in the Martyrology of Aengus on the 3rd, not the 2nd of September, and the first of them is called Longarad, instead of Loman. His name, however, appears to have been Lon, which received the addition of Garad from the place of his abode. The verses in which Aengus has celebrated these saints are the following : " Colmcm Opoma pepca " Colinan of Drom-ferta ('.onjapao jpiun alaib, Lon-Garad, the beauteous sun, TTlac Nippe co milib, Mac Nisse with thousands O Chonoepib mapaib." From the great Condere [Connor]." In the gloss Colman is said to have been of Cluain-ferta, or Clon- fert Mugaine, in Offaley a district in Leinster f : ".1. Cluana pepca TTlujaine 1 n-Uib' " i.e. of Cluain-ferta Mugaine in Of- Failj." faly." The e Descript. of Ireland (Holinshed, vol. f See Battle of MaghEath, p. 243, n. v . ii.), p. 22. Ixxi The gloss on Longarad is as follows " i. e. of Sliabli Mairgey B , or of Magh Tliuathat in the north of Ossory." " .1. i Sleib Olaipje, no a lTling Chua chac h-l euaipcuipe Oppaije." And in a note there is preserved a singular legend of an adven- ture, in which St. Columbkille comes into collision with Longarad ; and leaves a malediction upon his books. It is characteristic of this class of legends to represent the saints as vying with each other, and the superior saint often as exhibiting a vindictive spirit in the exercise of his miraculous powers. In the present case the legend contains almost all we know of Longarad, and therefore it shall be here inserted : " Conjapao coip-pino a TD1115 Chun- chaci cuaipciprOppaije, .1.1 n-Llib poip- chellain .1. a muij^P 00 a n-t)ipiupc J^apao painopuo 7 1 Oil jabpa 1 Sleib IDaip^e a £,ep tongapao. Cop-pino, .1. pinopao jeal mop cpe na choppaib; no jle-pmoa a coppa. Suio lejino, ocup penchaip, ocup bpechamnaip, ocup pili- oechtai h-e. lp chuije 00 pala Colam Cille pop aijioechc, cop cheil a liubpa paip, 7 pacbaip Colam Cille bpechip pop a lebpaibpino, .1. co na pabac £pe- mai 00c epi olpe in ni im a n-oenaio opoch enech : 7 lppeo on po comailleo ap mapaicnaliubaip beop, 7nile5ano nach peap eac. In can ooni, ba mapb £on- japao, ippeo innipic eolaig ciajalebap Cpenn 00 cuicim in aioche pin. No 1 piac nu ciaja 1 pabucap liubaip cech oanai ip in apacul 1 paibe Colam Cille po " Lon-Garad of the White Legs, of Magh Tliuathat in the north of Ossory, i. e. in Offaley, u e. in Hy-Foirchellain h , i. e. of Magh Garad, but particularly of Disert Garad and Kill Gabra in Sliabh Mar- gey in Les Lon-Garad. Of the White Legs, i. e. his legs were covered with great white hair, or very fair were his legs. A doctor in teaching, in history, in laws, and in poetry was he. Columb Cille paid him a visit, on which occasion he hid his books from him, and Columb Cille laid a curse on his books, viz. : ' May that thing be unavailable after yourself about which you are so inhospitable.' And that was fulfilled, for the books are still extant but no man reads them. When then, Lon- Garad died, it is told by the learned, that all the book-wallets of Ireland fell down on that night. Or else it was the wallets 6 Now Slewmargy, a barony in the large parish, west of Blountrath, in the Queen's County. Queen's County. h Now Offerrilan, or Offerlane, a very k 2 in lxxii chuicpec aiiD. Cfjup maccnaijio Colam Cille, 7 each bui ip in C15 pin 7 pocraic uile ppi caipmchpich na lebap. Conio ano acbepc Colam Cille, Conjapao, ol pe, 1 n-Oppaijib, .1. pai cac oanai acbach innoppa. pocai co a pipenujao pin, ol Gaichm. Qmaipep up pip h-inaio ino, ol Colam Cille. Cfjup 0111c Colam Cille, in which were the books of every science, in the apartment where Columb Cille was that then fell. And Columb Cille, and all those that were with him in that house wondered, and wereallsilent at hearing the shaking of the books. Upon which Columb Cille said, ' Lon of Garad,' said he, ' in Os- sory, i. e. a doctor in every science, has died at this time.' ' It will be long ere that shall be verified,' said Baethin. ' May your re- presentative be always suspicious for that,' said Columb Cille. Et dixit Columb Cille ; Dead is Lon, To Cill Garad 'tis a great misfortune ; To Ireland of many habitations 'Tis the destruction of learning and schools. Died hath Lon, And to Cill Garad — great misfortune I 'Tis the destruction of the learning and schools Of Ireland's island to its extreme bor- ders." Mac Nisse, the founder and first bishop of the see of Connor, died in the beginning of the sixth century'. His original name was Aen- gus, and he was also called Coeraan Brec, as we learn from the gloss, which gives two reasons why he was named Mac Nisse ; first, be- cause his mother's name was Cnes, or Nisse ; and secondly, because he was the disciple of St. Patrick, and lay in his bed, from which he was called "Tllac cnip pacjiaic," "The son of St. Patrick's skin j ." This nals of Tighcrnach in 510; and the An- nals of Inisfallen (as published by Dr. O'Conor) in 500. i See the curious account of his lapse into sin in his youth, and the punishment Ip mapb 6on X)o Chill 5 a P a ° mop in Don O'Gpino co n-ilap accpeab lpoich lejino 7 pcol. CTcbach /Lon Gjup Cill 5 a P ao rno P ,n DOn Ip oicli lejino 7 pcol lnopi Gpenn oap a h-op.' The authorities vary in the date of his death from A. D. 500 to A. D. 513. See Harris's Ware, and Colgan, Acta SS. p. 190 ; the Annals of Ulster and the Four Masters place his death in 513; the An- lxxiii This gloss is as follows : " .1. Cnep injen Chomchuioe do t)ul " i. e . [fie was so called because'] dies, Cechipn a macaip. Uel mac cnip pu- daughter of Conchaid of Dal Cethirn, was cpaic h-e a\\ ip oc pacpaic no alca, .1. no his mother. Or Mac cnis Patraic [i. e. choclao." the son of Patrick's skin], because it was with Patrick he was fostered, i. e. with him he used to sleep." Another gloss gives him a different genealogy : " Ccieman 6pecc, mac Nipi, mic Ne- " Caeman Brec, Mac Nisi, son of Ne- mainoip, mic 6ipc, mic Gchac ITlunope- maindir, son of Ere, son of Echaidh Mun- maip. Ocup pobpecc ainm a achap. dremair. And Fobrec was the name of his Genjup ooni a cec ainm." father. But Aengus was his first name k ." The Annals of Tighernach, as published by Dr. O'Conor, make Fobrec his brother, not his father : "510. Kl. iiii. ITlac Nippi .1. Qenjup " 510 Kal. iiii m . Mac Nissi, i. e. Aen- eppuc Conoepe quieuic; cump ppacep gus, Bishop of Connor, quievit ; cujus pobpaecli oiccup epc, cuiup macep frater Fobraech dictus est; cujus mater Cnepp in^en Chomcaioe oe Gail Cece- Cness was daughter of Comchaide of the pen, a qua nommacup epc TTlac Cneip- Dal Ceteren, a qua nominatus est Mac pe 1 ." Cneisse." This, however, is very probably a mistake of Dr. O'Conor, arising from confounding pji with pji in the manuscript. In the Dublin copy of inflicted on him by St. Patrick, Vita Trip. m " Kal. iiii." This indicates that the first part ii. c. 139 (Trias Th. p. 146). of January fell on Wednesday, or that E was k There is something defective in this the Sunday letter of the year ; a criterion genealogy, as Colgan has remarked, who which does not agree to the year 5 1 o, but gives it thus: " Macnessius, qui et Coe- does agree to the year 514, which is there- manus, films Fabricii, filii Fiegi, filii fore most probably the true date of this Maili, &c Colitur Connerise, ubi bishop's death ; and so Eoderic O'Flaherty fu.it Episcopus, 3 Septemb. Aliqui gradus has correctly dated this entry in the MS. iutermedii videntur desiderari in ejus ge- of Tighernach's Annals, preserved in the nealogia." Acta SS. p. 741. Library of Trinity College, Dublin (H. 1, 1 O'Conor Rerum Hib. Script, torn. ii. 18). p. 128. lxxiv of Tighernach, and also in the Chronicon Scotorum, where the same entry occurs verbatim, the word is manifestly pp, pater, not /rater. It is evidently by a mistake of the manuscript that these saints have been placed on the second, instead of on the third of September ; and similar mistakes are very common in this Martyrology. Thus, for example, p. 78, Pope Hyginius is commemorated on the 10th, instead of the 1 1 th of January. Again, p. 133, the whole paragraph begin- ning " Apvd Alexandriam," and ending " ad urbem Uiennam," ought to be under the 7th, instead of the 6th of July. The whole entry under the Non. Julii, beginning " Apud Asiam minorem," and ending " capite cesus est," ought to be under 8 Id. Julii, as it is in Ado's Martyrology : and the entry relating to St. Zeno, under this last day, beginning " Rome : ad guttam," and ending " ducentorum et trium," ought to be under Non. Julii, the day preceding. The para- graph relating to St. Guddencs, or Gundenes, on the 16 Kal. Aug. (p. 137), ought to be on the following day. The entries relating to St. Arsenius, St. Justa, and St. Rufma, ought to be under the 1 4 (instead of 15) Kal. August; and the whole of what now appears un- der 1 4 Kal. August ought to be transferred to the following day. ii. Non. Sept. (Sept. 4) p. 155, S. Ultanus, episcopus et Confessor. Ultan was bishop of Ardbraccan, and died A. D. 656 or 6$y, at the age of 180, according to the Four Masters". In the Martyrology of Aengus, at the 4th of September, this saint is commemorated in the following lines : o " Qjctic mop in mncain " Great is the happiness of the children lm UUccin Qipo 6pencain." Kound Ulltan of Ard Breccain." This alludes to a curious legend, recording the charitable care of Ultan to the children whose mothers died of the pestilence called Buidhe n See the Four Masters, ad an. 656, and vol. ii. p. 342, sq. The Annals of Tigher- Colgan Trias Th. p. 5 1 8, note 5. Lanigan, nach record his death under the year 657. lxxv Buidlie Chonaill, or yellow plague, which is frequently spoken of in the Irish Annals of the seventh century . This legend is preserved in the following note, which is given from the copy of the Martyrology of Aengus contained in the Leabhar Breac, in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy : " .1. Oencaigic .1. pubaijic .1. lenib na m-ban po mapb in buibe Chonnaill. Jpeo do 5111D Llllcan pineoa na m-bo do thepcao 7 loimm do oail mncib,ocupa cup na m-belaib, co m-bicip na noioin ic cluri imme. lp aipe pin po cojaUllcan 1 n-aboaine pen JTloclicai 6ujbaiD noo cuipeo puppa penn epci." To this is added the following " 6iachao a oalcan, Do Ullcan co mop baij bi ; 13op muoaij, pop mill, po cpacc, Cpi caejjac bapc co a laim chli. Oiamao oeapoo bepao ppiu Ullcan uapal a 0111 Ni chapjao jail piu na chall Co bpadi 1 n-oipep 6penn. Noca 00 beim pop opeicli neich lpac oepja na clepij Ippoillm do beip jnuip m-bain ITIac ll-Ui Conchobaip, Ullcain." " They unite, i. e. they make happy (or merry), viz., the infants of the women who died of the Buidhe Chonaill. What Ulltan used to do was to cut off the teats of cows, put milk into them, and thus did he con- vey it into their mouths, so that the in- fants used to be playing around him. It was for that Ulltan was elected to the abbacy of Old Mochta of Louth, from which Fursa had been previously re- moved." ancient and very curious poem : " To feed his nurslings, To Ulltan was a great and constant work ; He kdled, destroyed, and stranded Thrice fifty ships by his left hand. If it had been his right (hand) he used against them, Ulltan the noble, at that time A foreigner here or there Would never have settled in the land of Ireland. It is no censure to any one, But the clergy are red-faced ; The cause is evident which gave a pale face To the son of the grandson of Conor, Ull- tan." The It is supposed to have been called named Conall, who died of it; but of whose Buidhe Chonaill, from some eminent person memory no other record now remains. lxxvi The allusion is here evidently to the Danes, who first made a settlement on the eastern coast of Ireland at the close of the eighth or beginning of the ninth century. The author of the foregoing poem, therefore, must have lived after that event; but it is very probable that the destruction of a fleet of 150 ships, which he ascribes to the miracu- lous ban of St. Ultan, may have really taken place in the seventh cen- tury, during the life-time of that prelate ; if so, we have no record in our ordinary historians of so early an attempt made by the northern pirates to effect a landing in Ireland. The satirical remark also on the clergy, as neglectful of ascetic observances, is very curious, as an early specimen of the jealousy between the regulars and seculars, and in- dicates that the author of the poem was a monk. viii. Id. Sept. (Sept. 6), p. 154, S. Maculinus, episcopus et con- fessor. Macculinus or Mac Cuilind, Bishop of Lusk ; see p. xlvii. note e . vii. Kal. Oct. (Sept. 25), p. 161, S. Barrus, episcopus et confessor p . See p. xlix. This prelate, the first Bishop of Cork, is no more than named in the Martyrology of Aengus, at 25 Sept., in these words : " peil baijijie o Copcaig." " The feast of Bairre of Cork." v. Id. Oct. (Oct. 1 1), p. 166, S. Cannicha, abbas et confessor. Ab- bot of Achadh Bo, now Aghaboe, in the Queen's County q . See p. xliv. He was a contemporary and friend of St. Columbkille r . In the Mar- tyrology of Aengus he is called " Ccunoech mac h-ui Ocdano.' r " Caindech, son of the grandson of Dalann." And the following gloss is added : p See Harris's Ware, Bishops, p. 556. Jocelin, c. 178 (Tr. Th. p. 104), and in q See Butler's Lives of the Saints ; and the Tripart. Life, part. iii. c. 93 (ibid. p. Battle of Magh Rath, p. 26, n. '. 166). For his friendship with St. Colum- r He is mentioned also in the Life of St. ba, see Adamnan's Life of that Saint, lib. i. Patrick. See the story of him told by c. 4, lib. ii. c. 14, lib. iii. c. 17. lxxvii "•.l. Cainoech mac h-ui Oalano .1. mac d' Geo Ctlaino h-e, 7 Gchao 60 a ppim chell, 7 aca peclepoo h-i Cill TC15- monaij 1 n-Glbain. Oia n-oechaio Ca- inoech ca Pinoiu. Cop icipp p a, P maoa m-biao. Ni aicim ano wneippai ap pin- oia uaip pejab each pomac. lnao pap ano, ap Cainoech." " i. e. Cainnecli, son of the grandson of Dalann, i.e. he was the son of Aedh Alainn, and Achadh Bo is his principal church, and he has a monastery 1 at Kill-Righmo- naigh [St. Andrew's] in Scotland. Once upon a time, when Cainnech went to visit Finnia, he asked him for a place of resi- dence. ' I see no place here now,' said Fin- nia, 'for others have taken all the places up before thee.' ' May there be a desert place there,' said Cainnech.'' xvii. Kal. Nov. (Oct. 16), p. 167, " Depositio Sancti Galli confes- soris." See the life of this saint in Mabillon (Acta Sanctorum O. SB. torn. ii. p. 230). A short summary of his life will be found in Butler's Lives of the Saints, at the 1 6th of October. xiv. Kal. Nov. (Oct. 19), p. 168, S. Auxilius, episcopus et confessor. This saint does not occur in the Martyrology of Aengus. He was pro- bably the same who was ordained a Bishop by St. Patrick, and who gave his name to Cill Ausille (/. e. Cella Auxilii), now Killossy, near Naas s . His death is recorded in the Annals of Ulster at the year 459, and in the Annals of the Four Masters at 454. Their words are : " S. Llpaille eppucc a Chill-Upaile "St. Auxilius the bishop died in Cill- h-i tipenun Qujupc." Usaille, in Liffey, the 27th of August." It does not appear, however, from any Irish authority, that tins Auxilius, the nephew and disciple of St. Patrick, was commemorated on the 1 9th of October. Colgan has collected such notices of him as remain, at the 19th of March, and he tells us that in some Martyrolo- gies r The word peclep, here translated mo- nastery, signifies a church where the clergy live together under a rule, regularis eccle- sia. — See Ordnance Memoir of Temple- more, pp. 24, 25 ; and Mr. Curry's unpub- IRISH AECH. SOC. NO. 4. lished Catalogue of the Irish MSS. longing to the Eoyal Irish Academy. s See Colgan, Trias Thaum., p. 18 39. 4°- be- / lxxviii gies his feast was celebrated on the 1 6th of April, and again on the 1 6th of September. See above, p. lviii, and p. 98 of the Martyro- logy- ii. Kal. Nov. (Oct. 31 ), p. 171, Foilanus, martyr. He was the bro- ther of St. Fursams and of St. Ultan 1 . We are told by Bede (who calls him Fullanns) that St. Fursasus, on adopting the life of an anchorite, committed his monastery to the care of St. Foilan. — Hist. Eccl, lib. iii. c. 19. The history of his martyrdom may be briefly told in the words of Dr. Smith, the Editor of Bede : " Hie (sc. Fullanus) mortuo Furseo in Brabantiam cum fratre Ultano pro- fectus, Fossense Monasterium condidit, ejusque cura Ultano relicta inNivialcnsi Parthenone, S. Gertrudis Virginia contubernalis aliquandiu vixit. Demum ali- quando ad Fossense Mon. Rhodio Cameracensis Diocesis oppido proximum, fratris visendi gratia tendens, in Sylva seu Villa Sonesia a nefario homine, cura tribus sociis interemptus est pr. Kal. Nov. circa A. 656, sepelitur in Fossensi monasterio 11 ." St. Foelan is thus noticed in the Martyrology of Aengus, at the 31st of October: " poelan to met mechli," i. e. " Foelan, with his many labourers ;" and the gloss adds : " .1. bpachaip poppa 7 maptip h-e." " i. e. be was the brother of Fursa, and a martyr." iii. Non. Nov. (Nov. 3), p. 174, S. Malachias, episcopus et confes- sor. Archbishop of Armagh, A. D. 1 148. See his Life by St. Ber- nard, and the abstract of it given by Butler, Lives of the Saints, at Nov. 3. vi. Id. Nov. (Nov. 8), p. 175, "Natalis sanctorum quatuor corona- torum, 1 See Vit. S. Fursasi, apud Colgan, ad Joh. Smith, S.T.P. Cantabr. 1722, p. 124, 16 Jan. c. 13. Acta SS. p. 77. n, 10. See also Colgan, Acta SS. ad 16 u Beda; Hist. Eccl. lib. iii. c. 19, Cura Jan. p. 29. lxxix torum, &c." The " quatuor coronati" are here confounded with the five martyrs who suffered before them, and upon whose day their memory was celebrated. The story of the " quatuor coronati" is thus given by Ado, after having described the passion of the five Roman martyrs — Claudius, Nicostratus, Symphronianus, Castorius, and Sim- plicius : " Eodera die natale sanctorum quatuor Coronatorurn, id est, Severi, Seve- riani, Carpophori, et Victorini. Hi cum impellerentur ad sacrificandum, reluc- tantes, nee consensum impiis prgebentes, perstiterunt in fide. Nuntiatum est autem Diocletiano imperatori : qui illico jussit ut ante simulacrum jEsculapii ictibus plumbatarum caasi deficerent. Quorum corpora jussit in platea canibus jactari, et jacuerunt ibi diebus quinque. Tunc pii Christiani venerunt, et col- lecta corpora sepelierunt in via Lavicana, miliario ab urbe tertio, in arenario, juxta corpora sanctorum martyrum Claudii, Nicostrati, Symplironiani, Castorii et Simplicii. Passi sunt autem sexto idus Novembris post duos tamen annos passionis horum quinque martyrum. Cum autem nomina eorum minime re- perirentur, statuit beatus Melchiades episcopus, ut anniversaria quatuor Corona- torurn dies sub nominibus sanctorum quinque Martyrum recoleretur ; intercur- rentibus tamen annis, cuidam sancto viro etiam nomina eorum revelata sunt. Festivitas vero ut fuerat statuta, Celebris in aliorum Martyrum festivitate per- mansit, ac locus quatuor Coronatorurn nomine insignis." The Dublin Martyrology appears to have followed the decree of Melchiades with literal fidelity, and to have given the names of the five martyrs to the four Coronati. v. Id. Nov. (Nov. 9), p. 176, S. Sincha, virgo. The Martyrology of Aengus notices this saint under the 9th of November, in the fol- lowing words : " peil Sinche co paiobpe," " The feast of Sinech the wealthy," which epithet is explained by the gloss .1. uqicucibup, to signify wealthy, or rich, in virtues. Another gloss tells us the name of her church : " .1. Cluain f-eth-cen^ao .1. nomen ec- i. e. " of Cluain Leth-teugad, which is clepae." the name of her church." I 2 But lxxx But this place is now unknown, unless it be the same as Kill Sinche, now Kilshine, near Navan, in Meath. Colgan says : " Coluntur quin- que virgines Sinchse vocatas, 14 Feb., 28 Sept., 5 Oct., 9 Novemb., et 4 Decemb.'" Our St. Sinech, or Sincha, however, was of the family of St. Kieran, and therefore probably of the diocese of Ossory. Her genealogy is given by Colgan, in the Appendix to the Life of St. Kieran (ad 5 Mart.) c. iii. w , where, by a mistake of the press, she is called Finchea, instead of Sinchea. xviii. Kal. Dec. (Nov. 14), p. 178. Laurentius, archiepiscopus et confessor. St. Laurence O'Toole, Archbishop of Dublin. See his Life in Butler's Lives, and the authorities there referred to. xv. Kal. Dec. (Nov. 17), p. 179. S. Dulech confessor. In the Calendar, p. 71, this saint is called a bishop. He was of the family of St. Mochoemoc, of the race of Conmac, and his descent is given by Colgan in the Appendix to the Life of St. Mochoemoc (ad 13 Mart.) c. hi.* See above, p. xlvi, note r . Ledwich (Antiq. of Ireland, p. 145) has asserted that Doulach, or Dulech, is a corruption of Olave ; that the Irish saint called Dulech is a fictitious personage, Avho never existed; and that the ancient church of St. Doolagh, near Dublin, is in reality St. Olave's, built by the Danes in the eleventh century. In support of this opinion he quotes Harris, who, in his History of Dublin (p. 86), speaking of Tullock's lane, which ran from the end of Fishamble-street to the Wood-quay, had said, " It derived its name from St. Olave's, corruptly called St. Tul- loch's or St. Doolagh's church, which stood close to it in Fishamble- street." But it does not follow, from the fact that St. Olave's church in Dublin Avas corruptly called St. Tulloch's, that it was also called St. Doolagh's; or that St. Doolagh's in Fingal was likewise St. Olave's. The v Acta Sanctorum, p. 623, n. 33. " Acta Sanctorum, p. 598. K Acta Sanctorum, p. 472. lxxxi The Dublin church is certainly entered as St. Olave's in all the official authorities now remaining ; and that it was also popularly called St. Tulloch's appears, as we shall see presently, from the authority of Stanihurst : but we have no proof that it was ever called St. Doolagh's; still less that St. Didech's church, built in the place which the anno- tator of Aengus calls Clochar Duilech, was ever at any time called St. Olave's. The letter of Pope Alexander III. to St. Laurence 0'Toole y , written in 1 1 79, makes no mention of the church of St. Olave's in Dublin ; from which, however, it does not follow that no such church was then in existence, because that letter, most probably, mentions those churches only that were in the patronage of the Archbishop. St. Olave's church was certainly standing in 1530, at which date we find it taxed under the name of " Ecclesia sancti Olaui," with an annual payment of" xik/." to the Archbishop, in Alan's Register, fol. 75 a. In the Repertorium Viride of Archbishop Alan also, written abovit the same time, or a few years later, it is thus noticed : " Ecclesia de S'°. Olavo. Pertinens ad Abbatiam S t! . Augustini Bristoll, quantum ad jus patronatus, quia antiquitus Rectoria extiterat, solvens nomine procurationum dim. Marc. Sed hodie non valet ad sustentationem vnius Cap- lani a ." The church was in existence also in 1539 (30 Hen. VIII.); for it is entered under the name of " S. Ullock's" in a valuation of the benefices 1 This letter stands first in the volume braryofTrinity College, Dublin, St. Olave's of Alan's Register in the possession of His is said to be in the presentation of the Grace the Archbishop of Dublin. It has Abbey of St. Augustine, but Bristol is been published, with several inaccuracies, not added ; the entry is as follows, " Ec- by Ussher, Sylloge, Epist. xlviii. clesia de Sancto Olavo. Valet deductis 1 In the Crede Mihi, an ancient register omnibus cum centesima niarci. Ab. Sci. of the diocese of Dublin, of which there Aug." This was probably its value in is a very imperfect paper copy in the Li- the fifteenth century. lxxxii benefices and dignities of the Church, in the city and diocese of Dub- lin, taken in that year, and now preserved among the MSS. of Trinity College, Dublin. No value is affixed to it, nor any rector's name, from which we may infer that it was then probably in a state of dila- pidation. And we know that very shortly afterwards it was de- stroyed; for Stanihurst, in his account of the churches of Dublin, speaks of it in the following words : " Saint Tullocke now prophaned. In this church in old time, the familie of the Fitz Simons was for the more part buried. The paroch was meared from the Crane castell, to the fish shambles, called the Cockhill, witli Preston his innes, and the lanes thereto adioining, which scope is now vnited to Saint John his parochV From these authorities, therefore, it is plain that the church popu- larly called St. Ulloch's, or St. Tullock's, was the same to which the more official documents give the name of St. Olave's ; and that it was situated at the lower or northern end of the present Fishamble-street, near the quay c . The Danish saint, Amlaf, Olaf, Olaus, Olavus, was called b Description of Ireland, in Holinshed's James Ware's house was afterwards erect- Chron. vol. ii. p. 2 2. ed, and where the buildings now called c Archdall (Monast. p. 173), on the au- Cole's Alley have since been raised; the thority of Archbishop King's manuscripts passage to it was from Ship-street, where (now in the Library of the Eoyal Dublin is yet to be seen, in the town wall, the Society), tells us, that there was an Abbey mark of the gate called St. Augustine's of St. Olave in Dublin, founded by the Gate." It is evident, however, from the Bristol colony, to whom King Henry the authorities already cited, that St. Olave's Second granted the city of Dublin, " for was not an abbey, but a parish church, such of their countrymen as should be There is also a manifest inconsistency in inclined to embrace the order of St. Au- the account above given of its situation ; gustine ;" and that they called it from the for if it were in Castle-street, on the abbey of the same order and name in their ground where Sir James Ware's house native town. " It stood," he adds, "in stood, and if the passage to it was from Castle-street, on the ground whereon Sir Ship-street, how could it have been in lxxxiii called in England St. Oley, or corruptly St. Tooley; and it is just possible that this name might in Ireland have been confounded with St. Doolagh, as it was certainly hardened into St. Ullock, or St. Tul- lock d . But of this we have no direct evidence. Still less reason is there to insinuate, with Ledwich, that St. Du- lech is the same as the Danish St. Olave. To make such an assertion, without the smallest evidence, except this confusion of names, and in opposition to our ancient Calendars and Martyrologies, is to under- mine the evidence of all history. St. Dulech's day is the 1 7th of November; St. Olave's, the 29th of July; so that there is not the smallest pretence in favour of Ledwich's conjecture. In Cole's-alley, a lane which runs from Meath- street toPimlico? There can he no doubt, however, that this is all a mistake, for all the authorities place the church and parish of St. Olave's at the lower or northern end of Fishamble-street, near the Wood-quay. Mr. D' Alton, in his History of the County of Dublin (p. 930), has increased the confusion about St. Olave, by making the ruined church of Tullagh, or Tully, near Loughlinstown, to be of Danish ori- gin, and dedicated to St. Olave. " It is sup- posed," he says (by whom he does not inform us), " to have been originally built by the Danes, and dedicated to their king and patron St. Olave, who, having been king of Norway, &c." This is evidently another form of Ledwich's theory about St. Doulagh being identical with St. Olave. But Mr. D' Alton ought to have known, that Culach in Irish signifies a hill, a word extremely common in topographical names in Ireland. The whole of this confusion, however, is instructive. One antiquary makes a guess, to explain the corruption of St. Olave to St. Tullock ; another takes occa- sion from this to annihilate the Irish St. Dulech, making him the same as Olave; and a third transforms Tullagh into Olave; and dedicates the church there to the Danish saint. Strange alchemy of anti- quarian ignorance ; a //ill is converted first into an Irish saint, and then into a Nor- wegian king. Tullagh is evidently the place called "Tullachnanephscop" (Culctc na n-eppcop, collis episcoporum), which is mentioned in the Letter of Pope Alexan- der III. to St. Laurence O'Toole. (Ussher, Syll. Epist. xlviii). The ancient parish church at Tullagh was dedicated neither to St. Olave nor to St. Dulech, but to St. Bridget : Colgan, Tr. Th. p. 625. d There is still a Tooley-street in London, in which St. Olave's church stands. lxxxiv In the Martyrology of Aengus, Dulech is entered at the 17th of November, where he is called " Oulech cam Clochaiyi," " Dulech the mild of Clochar," and a gloss adds : ".1. o Clochap t)uilij, ppia Pael- i.e. of Clochar Duilig [Clochar of Dulech'] Dfiulm an-oeapp. .1. cab Suipo Colaim near Faeldrum \_Feltrhn~\ at the south; Cille." i. e. beside Sord [Swords'] of Columbkille. xi. Kal. Dec. (Nov. 21), p. 181. S. Colunibanus abbas. In this notice of St. Colunibanus the scribe has ignorantly written " euouio" for Bobio. He has also omitted a clause in his panegyric of the saint, and thus made nonsense of the sentence. In the printed copies of Ado's Martyrology it stands thus : " qui multorum coenobiorum fimdator, et innumerabilium pater extitit monachorum, &c." For the life and writings of Columbanus, see Fleming's Collectanea Sacra, and Butler's Lives of the Saints, at Nov. 2 1 . vii. Kal. Dec. (Nov. 25), p. 182. S. Finnchua, confessor. This saint appears to have been originally of Bangor, in the County Down, but finally settled at Brigown, near Fermoy, County Cork. He is thus noticed in the Martyrology of Aengus : " 6uio h-i Cpoich cam pepano " He settled at Croich, a fair territory Pinocliu o 6pi 5 ODanD -" Finnchu of Bri Gobhainn [Brigown]." On Croich there is the following note: " .1. h-i Cpoicli, nomen amnip a TTluj- " i. e. in Croich, the name of a river in oopnaib." Mugdorna [Cremorne]"*. On Finnchu there is this gloss: " .1. TTlochua Pino 1 Pepaib fOui^e " i. e. Mochua Finn, in the territory of pene." Fera Magh Fene [Fermoy']" From this it would seem that he was originally called Chua, sur- named Finn, and by transposition Finn-Chua. A very ancient Life of d A district in the county of Monaghan. lxxxv of this Saint in Irish, although unfortunately imperfect, is preserved in the Book of Lismore, of which there is a copy in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy. v. Kal. Dec. (Nov. 27) p. 183. S. Secundus, called in Irish Sech- nall, and in most of the Latin Lives of St. Patrick, Secundums. He was the son of St. Patrick's sister, and his constant companion in his missionary labours. From St. Sechnall the town of Dunshaughlin (Domnach-Sechnaill, Basilica Secundini), in the County Meath, where he was buried, takes its name ; he died A. D. 448. He was the author of the celebrated alphabetical hymn in praise of St. Pa- trick, so often mentioned in the life of that saint, which Colgan lias published from an ancient manuscript of the Liber Hymnorum, now in the College of St. Isidore, at Rome f . In the Martyrology of Aengus St. Sechnall is thus commemorated at the 27th of November : " Spucnm ecncii co n-mne " A stream of wisdom with nobility; Sechnall mino a\\ plaichi." Sechnall the crown of our chief [_i- e. of St. Patricky And a Latin gloss gives his descent thus : " Sechnall piliup TJepcicui Secunoini ; " i.e. Sechnall, Alius Eestitui Secundini; 7 oe tonjabapoia oeueccup epac; 7 Se- et de Longobardia devectus erat ; et Se- cunoinup nomen eiup epac ibi." cundinus nomen ejus erat ibi." Another gloss adds : ".1. o Oomnach Sechnaill; 7 mac i.e. "of Domnach Sechnaill ; and he pechap pacpaic h-e ; .1. mac do Cia- was the son of Patrick's sister, i.e. the main." son of Liaman." The Preface to the hymn of St. Secundums already alluded to makes him the son ofDarerca, not of Liaman: but on this subject see Colgan, f Trias Thaum. p. 21 1. I am indebted and used by Colgan are now preserved in to the Rev. Dr. Lyons for the knowledge the Franciscan College of St. Isidore, at of the fact, that the manuscripts collected Rome. IRISH AKCH. SOC. NO. 4. Ill lxxxvi Colgan, Append, v. ad Vit. S. Patr. (Trias Thaum. p. 226, n. 6.) and in the Life of St. Darerca, ad 22 Mart. (Acta SS. p. 716)*. ii. Id. Dec. (Dec. 12) p. 1 87. S. Finnianus, episcopus et confessor. Bishop of Cluain-Iraird, now Clonard, in the County of Meath, in the sixth century. Colgan has published his life at the 23rd of February". He is commemorated by Aengus, at the 1 2th of December, in the following verses : " C~op oip uap cech lep-mmp, "A tower of gold over the sea, ^ebciio coip gpi m'cmmcnn, (^ a y he be the friend of my soul), pinoici pino ppem inmain Is Finnia the beloved root Cluana lpaipo aobail." Of the great Cluain Iraird." xv. Kal. Jan. (Dec. 18) p. 189. S. Maigneni, confessor. Abbot of Kilmainham, near Dublin. See above, p. xlvi, note c . Having thus concluded these — perhaps somewhat tedious — no- tices of the Irish saints commemorated in the present volume, the writer feels that some apology may be necessary for the number and length of his quotations from the Irish Martyrology ascribed to Aengus the Culdee. That work, however, is one of the most impor- tant primary sources of our information on the subject, and the pre- sent seemed a favourable opportunity for calling attention to its very curious and valuable contents. Its wild and singular legends, the illustrations it affords of the ancient topography of Ireland, the many notices it contains of manners and customs and obsolete superstitions, and its great importance to the Church History of Ireland during the whole period from the death of St. Patrick to the tenth century, must give it a very uncommon interest in the eyes of every one who can e See also Lanigan, Eccl. Hist. vol. i. teruber (but Colgan doubts whether this p. 259, sq. day be not the feast of S. Finnian of h Acta SS. p. 393. Four different fes- Maghbile), 23rd February, and 12th De- tivals of this saint are to be found in Irish cember App. ad Vit. S. Finniani, cap. i. calendars, viz. 28th September, 27th Sep- p. 402. See also Butler and Laniuan. lxxxvii can value the ecclesiastical literature of the middle ages. Perhaps the extracts which have here been made from it, may be the means of procuring for the Irish Archaeological Society the funds necessary for so great an undertaking as its publication, with a translation, and illustrative notes. We hear of individual noblemen and gentlemen placing thousands of pounds at the disposal of the literary clubs of Scotland, for the publication of Chartularies and other documents comparatively modern, and of little more than local value ; when will the rich and noble of Ireland exhibit an equal zeal for the preservation of the ancient learning and literature of their country ? The only general remark that seems called for in reviewing the Dublin Martyrology is this : that the state of its text, the gross errors, not in the names of saints and places only, but in grammar and syn- tax, which it exhibits, are calculated to leave an impression upon the reader by no means favourable to the learning and intelligence of the good old priors and monks of the Convent of the Holy Trinity, Dublin. They were bound by their rule to the constant reading of this work in Chapter, and the fact that they could go on for years reciting it, without. discovering or correcting any of the monstrous blunders it contains, seems scarcely consistent with the existence of any tolerable know- ledge of Latin (to say nothing of ecclesiastical history) in any of their members, for a century at least before their dissolution. The Martyrology is followed (pp. 194-237) by "Evangelia per totum anmmi in Capitulo dicenda," containing short lessons to be re- cited in Chapter, from the Latin Fathers, on the Gospels for the holi- days and Sundays throughout the year. They seem to be, in many cases, only the first one or two sentences of the lesson appointed to be read, especially in the portion containing the " Evangelia de Sanctis," p. 2 1 7, sq. This part of the volume is separately paged in a hand of the early part of the sixteenth century, and where the same lesson recurs, references are made, in the same hand, to the leaf where it is m 2 found lxxxviii found at full length ; these numbers are given in brackets in the mar- gin, from p. 217 to the end. Then follows the Rule of St. Augustine (pp. 237-240) or rather the first half of it ; the chapters, De castitate, De fraterna correctione, De justa distributione, De doctrina sana, and De requisitis ad S. Religionem, being all omitted. And here we may notice another circumstance which gives rise to a suspicion that the convent of the Holy Trinity was not, for some time before its dissolution, in a very high or perfect state of discipline. The law of the order required that the Rule should be read through once in the week: "ut autem vos in libello, tanquam in speculo possitis inspicere, ne per oblivionem aliquid negligatur, semel in septimana vobis legatur." The Prior and Convent of Christ Church, however, seem to have contented them- selves with the weekly reading of the first half of the rule only, for, notwithstanding the omissions that have just been specified, the pre- sent copy of the rule is divided into six portions, one for each day of the week; so that, unless they read all the remainder from some other book on Sundays, the discipline of reading the whole rule once every week was not honestly or fully observed. Books similar to that of which an Irish specimen is now, as is be- lieved, for the first time, submitted to the learned world, were in common use in monasteries during the thirteenth and fourteenth centimes. For greater convenience the obituary, the martyrology, and the rule, were generally bound together in the same volume 1 , from which they were daily read in Chapter. The following extract from Cardinal Bona j will give, in a few words, a correct account of the antiquity and origin of this class of liturgical books : " In ' Du Cange (in v. Martyroktgium) says, fere semper in eodem volumine Martyro- " Sequioribus sreculis, maxime apud mona- logium, Obituarium et Regula ordinis chos, Martyrologium laxius sumptmn pro descripta legerentur." Necrologio seu Obituario, et Regula, quod J De Rebus Liturgicis, lib. ii. c. 14. n. 2. lxxxix " In Monasteriis viguit olim liic mos, et in plerisque adhuc manet, ut mit- terent sibi invicem Fratrum, amicorura, et benefactorum defunctorum nomina, ut diptychis inscriberentur. Postquam vero diptychorum usus desiit, in libro, quern Necrologium vocabant, scribebantur, et quotidie post lectionem Marty - rologii ex ipso Codice eorum nomina legebantur, qui ipsa die obierant, et pro ipsis psalmus De profundis cum oratione competenti cantari solebat, sicut bodie fit in coenobiis bene institutis, post generalem defunctorum commemora- tionem. Ven. Beda, lib. 4, hist. Anglic, cap. 14, loquens de obitu Osuvaldi Regis, ' Quaerant,' inquit, ' in suis codicibus, in quibus defunctorum est adnotata de- positio. et invenient ilium bac, ut diximus, die raptum esse de saeculo.' Plura ejusdem consuetudinis testimonia exbibent Epistolaa S. Bonifacii Martyris: nam epist. 24. Fratrum defunctorum nomina se mittere scribit Aldberio Abbati : et epist. 52, scripta nomine trium Monastcriorum ait, 'Nomina nostrarum defvmc- tarum sororum ego Cneuburg memorialiter te habere, o Vuitberte Presbyter fidelis, deprecor, et omnibus circumquaque amicis transmittere, quarum prima fuit Quongyth soror mea germana, et Ellu.' Epist. item, 74, ' Nomina Presby- terorum vestrorum, Diaconorumque ac Monachorum, vel Monacharum per Monasteria, et Ecclesias nostras Dioecesis direximus.' Et sic alibi srepe, ut epist. 62, 84, 95, 106. Similia leguntur in antiquis Statutis, et Ritualibus Monachorum. Non est autem hoc loco praetermittendum, quod Dionysius, cap. 3. Eccles. Hierarchies, divinae Liturgies mysteria edisserens, nusquam meminit nomina viventium recitata tunc fuisse, sed mortuorum dumtaxat, idque ante consecrationem. Hoc in Scholiis tanquam dignum observatione a S. Maximo notatum est. Notandum, ait, mortuorum tantum eo Pontifice recitari solita fuisse nomina. Cujus rei causam investiganti, illud venit in mentem, in ea Ecclesia, cui praefuit Dionysius, omnes fideles, qui pauci erant, nondum extincto ethnicismo, sacris solemniis interfuisse : atque ideo defunctorum, qui soli aberant, factam dumtaxat commemorationem. At ubi postea vel aucto fidelium numero, vel diminuto fervore, plures abesse coeperunt, illorum quoque nomina recitata sunt, vivorum quidem ante consecrationem, et post illam defunctorum. Sunt qui scribunt a Pelagio II. sancitum, ut mortuorum rnemoria post consecrationem fieret, sed hi recentiores sunt, nee ullam afferunt ex antiquis Scriptoribus sui dicti confirmationem." For a further account of the institution of anniversary days the reader xc reader is referred to Mabillon's preface to the third volume of his Acta Sanctorum Ordinis Benedictini*; and to the authorities cited in Du Cange's Glossary 1 . It must suffice, however, to quote here the following account of the order in which the Necrologium and Mar- tyrology were used in Chapter, from the Martyrology of the Monas- tery of St. Thomas the Martyr, which is preserved in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin™. " In capitulo, primo residentibus fratribus, stans lector ad pulpit um pronun- tiet kalendam et lunam, et legat martirologium. " Martirologium sic est legendum, Decirno nono Kalendas ienuarii. Decimo octavo Kalendas. Decimo septimo Kal. et non sicut quidam semicrudi gram- matici garriunt sic dicentes, Septimo [et] decimo Kal. ianuari. Item sic debet legi Sexto decimo Kal. Quinto decimo Kal. Et nunquam interponi hec dictio et, ut sic dicatur, Quinto et decimo Kal. quod esset abusivum. Item Quarto decimo Kal. Tercio decimo Kal. Duodecimo Kal. Undecimo Kal. Decimo Kal. Nono Kal. et cetera usque Pridie Kal. Item, Quarto nonas ianuarii. Tertio nonas. Pridie nonas. Item, Octavo idus et cetera, Pridie idus, luna prima, et cetera. Luna sexta decima. Luna decima septima. Luna decima octava, et cetera. Luna vicesima prima, et cetera, usque. Luna tricesima. Rome via apia ; natalis sancti N. et cetera. Et aliorum sanctorum plurimorum martirum, confessorum, atque virginum. Hec autem clausula semper addatur in fine lectionis de martg- rologio. Cum autem dixerit, Et aliorum sanctorum plurimorum, §-c, surgent fratres et primo incipiente ebdomario sacerdote, Isti atque omnes sancti Dei intercedant pro nobis ad dominum Deum nostrum, ut nos mereamur ab eo ad- iuvari et exaudiri qui in trinitate perfecta vivit et regnat deus per omnia secula seculorum. E. Amen. Sacerdos. Deus in adiutorium menm intende, ter. E. Domine ad adiuvandum me festina, ter. Gloria patri et fi. et S.S. Sicut erat in principio, &,-c. Hie inclinabunt fratres et lector similiter, Kiri eleison. Xpe k Observ. xxvi. s. ioo, p. xlviii. See scripti ; Monacl/i ad succurrendum ; Regula. also the letters collected in Mabillon's m Class B, Tab. 3, No. 5, fol. 33, b. See Analecta, p. 159, fol. edit. (Paris, 1723), also the account of the proceedings of a and the observations of the learned editor, monastic chapter quoted from Martene, ' Sub vv. Fraternitas ; Fratres con- in the Appendix to this volume. XC1 Xpe elcyson. Kiri el. Paf. nF. etc. totum ut supra sedendo super tectum, et cum dixerit sacerdos, Adiutorium nostrum etc. erigent se omnes, et lector simi- liter. Posted incipiat lector, lube domne benedicere. Data benedictione ab abbate, vel eo qui conventum tenet, Dextera Domini, etc., lectio legetur de Re- gula in diebus profestis. Sifestum ix lectionum fuerit, pronuntiabitur evange- lium quod ad missam legendum est; similiter fiat in septima [_na~\ pasche etpente- costes. Et semper lectio terminetur cum Tu autem Domine. Finita lectione recitabuntnr annicersaria et brevia defunctorum si qua advenerint. Infestis ix lectionum et infra ebdomadam pasche et pentecostes, et nativitatis Domini, brevia defunctorum non debent legi, sed anniversaria nulla die debent inter-mitt i. Brevia tamen defunctorum reservanda sunt, et transacta solempnitate legenda. Si obitus vel anniversarium evenerit, tunc dicendum est sic, Eodem die obijt frater N. vel sic, Eodem die anniversarium parentum vel fratrum nostrorum. Cum anniversaria vel brevia recitantur subiungat abbas, Requiescant in pace. Post hcec recitabitur tabula vel brevis. Postquam brevis vel tabula recitata fuerit, Dominus abbas dicet, Benedicite. Respondebunt fratres, Dominus, tunc dominus abbas si sermonem fact urns est faciei, si alter facere debet ipse ei innuet. Si conversi laid vel quilibet extranei sermoni inter f uer int, finito ser- mone recedant. Homines autem de seculo, sen. etiam monarch!, ab aliquo fra- trum deducantur et reducantur. Deinde dicet abbas, Ordinate servitium ecele- sie, tunc armarius ordinabit totum servitium diei et noctis, usque ad aliud capi- tulum in crastino sicut in usu habetur. Si aliquis non intelligit quod armarius dicit, cum ille totum dixerit, potest breviter interrogare, vel si ille alicujus obli- viscitur ad memoriam revocare. Postea dicet abbas, Loquimini de ordine nostro. tunc illi qui habent aliquid conjiteri coram abbate pet ent veniam ; primum pe- tent ebdmnarii ; secundo, officiis deputati ; tertio, minuti ; quarto, infirm i ; ultimo ceteri qui habent aliquid sponte de communibus et nichil de occultis con- fit eri. Post hac jubente abbate faciet circator clamores suos. Deinde similiter jubente abbate alii fratres facient clamores. Cum clamores finiti fuerint, potest abbas breviter de necessariis loqui, et fratres possunt ab officiis absolvi, et alii substitui, et salutationes extraneorum prescntari, et de communibus orationibus nostris extranei investituri." This will explain the Liturgical sentences and collects which occur in smaller type at the end of the Rule, p. 240, and which, in the XC11 the MS., are written in a more recent hand of the fifteenth century. It will be seen, that they indicate a form of reading the Martyrology, which is, for substance, the same as that above described. The Martyrology, however, continued to be in use (at least for a short time) after the dissolution of the conventual establishment, and after the church had been restored to its original constitution, which it still retains, of a Dean and Chapter of secular canons". This will appear from the following minute, taken from a MS. Chapter Book of the Cathedral, in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin : " Yt is orclayned and made that syxe mynor viccars appointted to saye or cellebrate Roode masse and singe Jhu masse in lente tyme, and one ladie masse dailye, that yf anie one of that nomber doe make defaulte or be absente in tyme of servinge his tome, the rest that doo attend the service to haue the devident of the absent emongs them. And also it is ordayned that the said sixe minor viccars shallbe mynisters at the highe Aulter, and Rectors there accordinge course and daies. And the mortiledge shallbe read. And yf anie of those masses be vndone by negligence, he in whom the faulte shalbe he to incurre for everie tyme D In 1538, the convent was converted of Dublin, is scituate in the highe place into a secular church, consisting of a of the same, like as Poules in London, dean, a chauntor, chancellor, treasurer, . where the comen congregations of Parlia- and six vicars choral; to which, in 1544, rnentes and greate Counsailles hath bene Archbishop Browne added three pre- used to be selebrated ; being visitid by the bends, viz. St. Michael's, St. Michan's, and Kinges Comyssioners, was founde origi- St. John's. This alteration was, in fact, naly to be foundid a secular church me- a restoration of the original constitution tropolytane. Wherefore the Kynges Ma- of this church, as it stood before Arch- jesties Comissioners here, by auctorytie of bishop Laurence O'Toole converted its of ther Comission, have remyttid and res- secular canons into canons regular of the torid the said hows to ther prestine and order of Arras, in 11 63. See Lord Leo- originall foundation, by the name of Deane nard Gray's letter to Cromwell, 1 9 Jan. and others, &c." State Papers, vol. ii. p. 1538, where he says : " It may pleas the 544. same to be advertisid that the hows callid ° Class E, Tab. 3, No. 21. Christes Churche within the Kinges citie XC111 tyme the penaltie of twelve pence to be given to the Vicars boord. Also the Three prebendaries with the senior Calaber Amyses p to singe high masse, all masses of the Time, and second masse dailie. And likewyse yfanie of them make defaulte and be absente in tyme of servynge his turne, his dividente to be emongs those that serve his turne. And they shall execute the Queere dailie, as well Sondayes as Fferiall daies and all principall Ffeasts. And likewyse yf it shall hapen anie of the said masses to be vndone by negligence, they to incurre the penaltie aforsaid to be yeven to the viccars boord. Also the three dignities shall execute the service all double feasts and magis duplex by the yeare, and singe the masse of the same. The Deo/ic knowing e his charge." This minute is signed by " Hughe Dublin, Chauncellor ; Thomas Lockwood, Deane ; Christopher Rathe, Chauntor ; Jo. Harman, Chaun- cellor; E. Keedyth, Thesaurer; Xpofer More, Deanes Viccar; Michae- lis Dartiz, Chauntor's Viccar; Edw. Elles, Chauncellor's Viccar; Nich. Corr, Thesaurers Viccar; Ro. Lydd, prebend; Tho. More, pre- bend ; p The name of an ecclesiastical habit is here evidently applied to denote the office of which that habit was the distinguishing mark. And it is also mentioned again in the same sense in another regulation of the chapter : " Item, that no prebend, or Calaber Ames, or other viccar, shall walke in the churche in tyme of divine service without the abyte." The amice (al- mucium, or almutia, almiacum, in French aumusse), is thus defined by Du Cange : " Amiculum, sen amictus quo canonici caput humerosque tegebant ;" it is not to be confounded with the amictus. now commonly called amice, which was used by all priests, and also by bishops, as well as by the canons of cathedrals. The amictus was also called amitus and amita, and is probably intended by " the IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. 7i abyte," in the regulation just quoted. The writer is unable to explain why the amice, or almucium, was called " calaber." The term probably denotes either the colour or the material of which the vest- ment was made, which either came, or was supposed to come from Calabria. Du Cange quotes from Eyrner, torn. vii. p. 356, col. 2 : " Indumentum foderatum Calabre," where he supposes Calabre to mean "Pelles ex Calabria." And again (sub v. Calabrinus) he quotes " Stat. MSS. eccl. Tull. in unum collecta ann. 1497, fol. 10. r°." where the following rule oc- curs: "Vicarii vero et capellani scuriolis nigris communibus, non Calabrinis, [utan- tur] ;" from which we may, perhaps, in- fer, that some particular kind of fur was intended. XC1V bend ; Sir Wa. Jordan, Vycar ; Sir W. Dermot, vicar ; Nicholas Beg, Conduct." These regulations, therefore, were made during the archiepiscopate of Hugh Cor wen, Archbishop of Dublin, and Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and during the deanery of Thomas Lockwood, who governed the Cathedral from the ist of December, 1543, to his death, in April, 1565". Obits continued to be entered in the Necrologium long after the dissolution of the monastic establishment. And it is remarkable, that those who had received letters of fraternity from the Prior and Convent were entered as " frater (or soror) nostre congregacionis," by the Dean and Chapter. See, for example, the obits of Richard Forster, "frater nostre congregacionis" in 1548 (p. 35); of John Dowgan, "aurifaber frater nostre congregacionis" in 1550 (p. 7); of Alicia Cruce, " soror nostre congregacionis," and of Alicia Byrrsall, " soror, &c," in 155 1 (p. 50); and of Patrick Barnewell, " de gratia Dei frater, &c," in 1552 (p. 50). Many other obits were entered during this period, of persons who are not styled fratres or sorores, as will be seen from the dated obits ; the latest of these is the obit of Rosina Holywood, wife of Arland Usher, who gave a silver cup of twenty ounces weight, for the common table of the vicars, and died 20th June, 1558 (p. 29). Other entries made after the suppression of the convent, will be found in the following pages of the present volume ; under the years 1546, p. 20; 1547, pp. 8, 28, 45, 49 ; 1548, p. 46; 1549, p. 24; 1550, pp. 13, 15, 18,33; l 5S 2 ^ P-3 1 ; x 554, P 19; l 55 6 ^ P- 54; and 1557, pp. 7, 9, 52. It appears also, from the following entry in the Diary of Sir Peter Lewis, Chantor of the Cathedral, which is bound up in the volume, already quoted, in the Library of Trinity College (Class. E. Tab. 3, No. 21), that the practice of ringing the month's mind was kept up in the q Archdall, Monast. p. 1 70. xcv the case of Christopher Rathe, who signed the foregoing document as Chauntor, and who appears to have died in 1 565 : 1565. 17 Sept. " Not. that Mr. Richard Fyan gave me halfie a boife to the massons for Sir Crystoffyr Rathe's soullc, and I most ryngc his mynd \v ,h the belles v pelle." And yet this was subsequent to an order of the Lords Justices for the discontinuance of certain holidays, as we learn from the fol- lowing note in the same Journal, under the date of Wednesday, 20th June, 1565: " Note that this present day Sir Nicolas Arnold L. Justes send to M r . Fyame the mayre of Dublin, be the consayll of my Lord Primat Adam Loftus, and my Lorde of Myeth Hy wghe Brady, ii of the Quenys hey comyssyoners, send to all the paryshe churches in Dublin that they schuld not kepe corpus xpi day hally day, but that ewry man and womane schuld work as they dide ewry other worken day in the wycke, a pone a great penally tie and dyspleassure of thcouncill. Tady Hellyer wroght in the sklattyng of the church this thursday, and w ,h hym iij workmen in his taske." And yet on the following day, Thursday, 21st of June, we find this note : " Not. that this corpus xpi day I had no workmen of the massons with me to work, kept hally." And on the 25th of August following: " Saturday 25 of August, Sanct Myghan's day, hally day w th all my massons, except Donyll ogge and his boy wroght all this day hewing of stonys in the churche tyll night, the waggis per diem," From these entries, therefore, we may fairly conclude that the Book of Obits and Martyrology ceased to be used in the Church of the Holy Trinity in or shortly before the year 1565. n 2 The xij d . XCV1 The writer of the foregoing observations cannot conclude with- out expressing his thanks to His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin, for access to the original volume of Archbishop Alan's Register, which is preserved amongst the muniments of the See : also to the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, for a most liberal permission to ex- amine all the existing records of the cathedral, a permission, however, of which his other avocations allowed him to avail himself only to a very limited extent. The thanks of the Irish Archa3ological Society are likewise due to the Provost and Senior Fellows of Trinity Col- lege, Dublin, lor the use of the original manuscript from which the present volume has been published. The writer has further to express his regret, that in consequence of Mi\ Crosthwaite's removal to London, the duty of completing the pre- sent volume, by the addition of these introductory remarks, devolved upon him. The book having been announced by the Council for the year 1843, before they foresaw the delay that has unavoidably taken place in its publication, it became necessary to complete it with as little further loss of time as possible; and the foregoing observations have, therefore, been put together with a haste, which deprives them of much of the value which might have been given them, had time permitted a more extended and deliberate examination of accessible authorities. In the translation and correction of the Irish authorities, much valuable assistance was received from Mr. O'Donovan and Mr. E. Curry. POSTSCRIPT. Since the foregoing sheets went to press it has been observed, that in the list of Irish saints given pp. xliii-lxxxvi, the name of Mel, first bishop of Ardagh, has been inadvertently omitted, although he is XCV11 is noticed both in the Calendar and in the Martyrology, at the 6th of February (8 Id. Feb.) He is said to have been the son of Darerca, who is called the sister of St. Patrick, i.e. as Lanigan thinks, not his real sister, but his sister in religion, according to " the very ancient practice of de- signating religious women by the name of sisters;" which, he adds, was probably " the cause of mistaking some pious ladies, who lived in the time of St. Patrick, for real sisters of his r ." Certain it is, that St. Patrick, in his epistle against Coroticus, plainly intimates that none of his relations had accompanied him into Ireland s ; so that we must either doubt whether Darerca was his actual sister, or else deny the truth of what Jocelyn tells us, that Mel, Moch [an error forRioch], and Munis, the sons of his sister Darerca, attended St. Patrick in his missionary labours 1 . The tradition, however, is, that St. Mel was the nephew of St. Patrick, and that he Avas by him consecrated bishop of Ard Achadh, now Ardagh, about the year 454, where he built a monastery, over which he presided himself", in the double character of bishop and abbot, according to the custom of the primitive Irish Church. Many legends of him, from the li\ es of St. Patrick and St. Brigid. have been collected by Colgan in his life of St. MeF. In the life of St. Brigid, attributed to St. Ultan, Mel and Melchu are spoken of as having been bishops before they arrived in Ireland, and as having come from Britain"'. They are said by some authorities to have been brothers, r Eccl. Hist. vol. i. p. 126. lucis diversis pontificalem dignitatem sor- s "Numquid sine Deo, vel secundum tiebantur." — Vit. S. Patr. c. 50. carnem Hiberione veni? Quis me com- u Colgan, n. 29, ad Act. S. Melis, ad 6 pulit, alligatus spiritu ut non viJeum a/i- Feb., Acta SS. pp. 259, 263. juem de cognatione mea?" — Ep. ad Corot. v Act. SS. loc. cit. 1 " Hi similiter in prsedieatione, et iti- w " In illis autem diebus, Deo insti- nere, B. Patricium comitabantur, et in gante, duo sancti episcopi ex Britannia XCVU1 brothers, being both sons of St. Patrick's sister Darerca*. Mel is thus noticed in the Martyrology of iEngus, at the 6th of February : "6ppoc ffloel, mtnopige." "Bishop Moel, a royal diadem." And the gloss records the singular legend, that St. Brigid, of Kildare, was by him consecrated a bishop; it is as follows : " .1. in Gpo Qchao i Cebca aca eppoc " i. e. Bishop Moel is in Ard Achadh in nioel. t)apepca piup parpuic niaraip Teffia. Darerca, sister of St. Patrick, was eppuic moel, 7 ipe oo pac jjpcroa pop Bishop Moel's mother: and it was he that ftpijic, 7 ha jpaoa eppuic lacpioe, 7 ip gave degrees to Brigid, and they were the iac bip pop a comopba 01a h-eipi.'' degrees of a bishop, and they are on her successor after her." This strange story, " futilis fabella," as Colgan calls it, is sup- posed by him to have originated in a confusion between Confirmation and Orders ; for we learn from the Calendar of Cashel, that it was from St. Mel that St. Brigid received confirmation: " Sanctus Mel est, qui sacramentum confirmationis Beatas Brigidas contuhV." The fable, however, seems to have been framed with some design of exalting the authority of St. Brigid's successors, as the concluding words of the above extract manifestly imply. And this is still more evident from the following curious note, which occurs at the end of the month of February, in the copy of the Martyrology of iEngus, which is preserved in the Leabhar Breac: " Rob ail oin 00 6pijir jpaoa aicli- "Now Brigid was desirous to receive pije 00 ihabcnpc puppi. t)o pocr co the degrees of repentance. She repaired to venientes, intraveruntindomumDubtachi, and Melchu to be one and the same. — quorum alter vocabatur Mel, et alter Mel- Eccl. Hist. vol. i. p. 339. chu." Melchu is given by Ware as the x Colgan, Acta SS. p. 264. successor of St. Mel in the see of Ardagh, * Quoted by Colgan, Acta SS. p. 260, for which he hasColgan's aiithority. But and note 30, p. 263. Lanigan doubts this, and supposes Mel XC1X 6pij Gle, 7 moppeppiup cciillech lmaille Fpiu, o po cuala eppuc moel do bech ano. Ocup in can pancueap, ni pebi in c-eppuc ann, ace do chuaio i epich Ua Neill. 6uid pioe Din lapnabapach, ocup lTlac Caille do eolap pempi oap mo- naio Pachnij-. t)o pome frpijic cop ba ma^ min-pcorach ooib in mom. O pancocap i pachpaib oon baile 1 poibe eppuc ITIoel, 7 owe &P151C Fpi Hlac Caille co po poioeo caille pop a cino, ap na oicpeo cen pial oap a ceno cup na clepchiu, 7 cumao h-e pin caille po- paichmencap puno. lap poceain o'lppe Din, po lapp colmain cenncije oia cino co clechi na h-eclaipi. Oc connaipe oin, eppuc TTloel pin po lappaiocuich na caillecha. Gcbepc mac Caille ip pipo in chaillech aupoeipc oe f-aijnib, .t. Spigic. ITlochen di, ol eppuc ITIoel. Ip me olpe ooppenjapc a bpoino a macap, 7 ip me do bepa jjpaoa puppi. pece came eppuc TTloel do rhig tDubcaijj co paccao pe pecij Cnibchaij po bpon cop lappaio cid oap inbean. CXca liumm aobap bpoin, olpi, uaip ip ooclia la to Brigh Ele% accompanied by seven nuns, having heard that bishop Moel was there. And when they arrived there, they found that the bishop was not there, but that he had gone into the country of the Hy- Niall. She set out, therefore, on the next morning, and, guided by Mae Caille, over Monaid Fathnigh a . Brigid caused the bog to be- come a fine grassy plain for them. When they came near to the place where bishop Moel was, Brigid said to Mac Caille that he should place a veil upon her head, so that she should not appear without a veil in the presence of the clergymen, and that is the veil which is here commemorated. When she had arrived, then a column of fire ascended from her head to the roof b of the church. When bishop Moel then saw that, he inquired who those nuns were. Mac Caille said, this is the illustrious nun of the Lagenians, i. e. Brigid. She is welcome, said bishop Moel : it was I, said he, that prophesied of her while in her mother's womb, and it is I that shall confer degrees upon her. On a time that bishop Moel came to the house of Dub- thach. z Brigh Ele, sometimes called Cruachan Brigh Ele, is a well known hill in the King's County, on the frontiers of Offaly and Fertullagh. It is now generally called Broghan Hill, and contains slight traces of the ruins of the church of St. Mac Caille, who put the veil over St. Brigid's head. The situation of this hill was unknown to Lanigan, and even to Colgan. a The bog of Fathneach. This must be the place now called Bealach Chille Brigid, or the Pass of Kilbride, in the barony of Fertullagh, in the north-east of the county of Westmeath. b The word clechi denotes properly the ridge-pole that extends along the top of the rafters of the roof. Oubthac in diurnal pil oc molcroouibpi olpi, inoupa. lp oechbep oetpiu on, ol eppuc nioel. Cfp pojenaio do pilpa oo pil na cumaile, .1. 00 6pi5ic. C10 01a can- cucap na cailleca, ol eppuc Dloel. Do rabaipc ^pc'ro aichpije pop bpi^ic, ol in lilac Caille. lappin po h-iplejaic jpa- 01 pop 6P151C, 7 jpaoa eppuic 00 pac eppuc TTIoel Fuppi. C01110 inopin po j;ab muc Caille caille pop chid 6pi^ic. Co- nio o pin llle oligep comopba 6pij;ce ^paoa eppuic oorabaipc puppi, 7 cen bui oc aiplegao jpao puppi ip amlaio bui 6pi^ic, 7 copp na alropi ina laim. ocup po loipcchea .uii. n-eclaipi 7 in chop pin inncib, 7 111 con loipceo pi .1. peo pepuaca epc pep jjpaciam ftpijioe. t)i- cunr alii, cumao 1 Pepaib Culach aca in eclaip pin, map ic chuaio eppuc Dloel icu. uc alu pucanc." thach c , he saw Dubthaeh's wife in srrief, and asked the woman what ailed her. I have cause of grief, said she, because Dubthaeh regards more the bondmaid that performs ablutions for you, said she, than he does me. Marvel not at that, said bishop Moel, for thy seed shall serve the seed of the bondmaid, i. e. Brigid. What did the nuns come for, said bishop Moel. To have the de- gree of repentance conferred upon Bri- gid, said Mac Caille. Then the degrees were conferred upon Brigid, and it was the degrees of a bishop that bishop Moel conferred on her. It was then that Mac Caille placed a veil upon the head of Brigid. So that from that time the suc- cessor of Brigid is entitled to have the degrees of a bishop conferred upon her ; and while the degree was being con- ferred, Brigid was holding the leg of the altar in her hand. And there were seven churches burned and that leg in them, and it was not burned, i. e. sed servata est per gratiam Brigidre. Dicunt alii, that it is in Fer-Tulach, that church is to which bi- shop Moel went. Ut alii putaut." Here it is distinctly stated, that Brigid went to St. Mel to have "the degree of repentance" (gnao aicpije, gradum pmnitentice), conferred upon her, and that St. Mel, by some mistake, or as the legend would seem to intimate, by a divine impulse, consecrated her a bishop! The word gradus is commonly used in medieval Lati- nity to denote ecclesiastical rank or order; but it does not appear very c Dubthaeh was the father of St. Brigid. CI very clearly whether in the legend before us, " gradus pcenitentiae" signifies what we would now call " taking the veil." At all events, whether the writer meant to say, that Bridgid went to bishop Mel with this purpose, or, as is not improbable, for confession, certain it is, that by the words gpaoa eppuic, " the degrees of a bishop,'' he did not intend confirmation, as Colgan conjectures' 1 ; for he plainly asserts, that Bridgid was consecrated a bishop, and that her suc- cessors were thereby also entitled to receive episcopal authority. It is not improbable, however, that the tale may have originated in the way Colgan suggests ; and that it was taken advantage of to exalt the dignity of the abbess of Kildare, which at least will prove the antiquity of the story. The foregoing- note contains also some other legends, in a some- what different form from that in which they are usually given by the biographers of St. Bridgid. Mac Caille, who is said by Cogitosus e to have been the bishop from whom St. Bridgid received the veil, is there spoken of as if he were her attendant or servant, and not as an eccle- siastic, or at least not as a bishop ; and the veil, which she directed him to throw over her, is said to have been intended as a mark of respect to the bishop and clergy, into whose presence she was about to be admitted. In this part of the story, however, there seems some confusion, as if two different versions of it were combined together ; for in another place Mac Caille is said to have placed the veil upon her head after she had received " the degree" from bishop Mel. J O 1 rp Q d " Ex eo eniui quod solus episcopus e Vita S. Brigid, c. 3. The life ascribed conferat confirmationis sacramentum, ali- to St. Ultan (cap. 18), represents Mae quis forte cachinnando illud vocavit sa- Caille as the disciple of St. Mel, who an- cramentum ordinis episcopalis, dixitque nounces to his master the arrival of St. tale collatum fuisse S. Brigida3, quod postea Brigid and her companions, and says to rudes et imperiti de vero ordinis sacra- St. Mel, "Ecce virgines sanctae foris sunt, mento mtellexerunt.'' — Acta SS. p. 263, qua; volunt velamen virginitatis de tua n. 30. nianu accipere." IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. (J en To return, however, to the history of the bishop himself. Little more is known of him except the date of his death, which is given by the Four Masters under the year 487, thus : "S.meleappojQpDachaiDio-CearBa "S.Mel, bishop of Ardagh, in Teffia, t)eipciput pacpcncc o'ecc." a disciple of Patrick, died." The Annals of Ulster also record his death under the same year, in Latin, thus : "Kal. ian. 6". f. 1.2. A. D. occclxxxvij. (iiii.de. xcii). Quies Sancti Meil episcopi in Ard Achutli." It is well known, however, that these annals are dated a year behind the common Christian era, an error which the chronological characteristics of the years which they themselves supply, often enable us to correct. Here the annalist marks the year by " Kal. ian. 6 a . f." i. e. the calends of January fell on the sixth feria, or Friday, and there- fore, the Sunday letter was C, a criterion which agrees to the year 488, not to 487. We may, therefore, fix 488, with Ussher and Ware, as the date here really intended by our annalists f . St. Mel is said by Jocelin to have written a book, De Vzrtutibus et Miraculis S. Patricii, during the life-time of the saint, which is, however, lost s . As a suitable termination to this Introduction, there is annexed a wood-cut of the seal used by Stephen de Derby, Prior of Christ Church in the fourteenth century. It has been drawn in outline by Dr. Aquilla Smith, from an impression in very perfect preser- vation annexed to a deed, dated May 14th, 1379, in the posses- sion f The letters " 1. 2," in the above entry, according to the Hebrew computation, denote that 2 was the lunar cycle of the which also coincides with A. D. 488. year, according to the computation adopted « Ware and Harris, Writers, p. 311. by the annalist; and the date within Colgan, Acta SS. p. 261. brackets, 4692, is the year of the world cm sion of the Prebendary and Churchwardens of the parish of St. John the Evangelist, Dublin ; for access to which, and to some other similar documents, the writer has to return thanks to the Rev. Ed- ward Abbott. Archdall has committed a double mistake in statins that Stephen de Derby died in 1377, and in quoting the Bonk of Obits as authority for the year of his death. Monast. Hib. p. 164. It is evident from the deed here referred to, that he was living in 1379; and the Book of Obits mentions his death under the 6 Kal. Aug. (see p. 34), but assigns no year. The shield on the seal con- tains the instruments of our Saviour's Passion, and the legend is simply their names: Scorpio sc' 1 . clavi crux lancea fkl et corona. J II T. ittoi ttlogttim rt i««n tpvoloautm errlroir Catljrtit alto Stlltfttv* IRISH ARCH. 30C. 4. B 2^cc sunt Reltgutc uencrabtlcs et JftUraculosc ©celeste @at!)e= &valts JttetropoUtanc srancte Crtmtatte Oufclmiengfe. IN primis ymago domini nostri Jhesu Cristi Crucifixi que bis verba sonasse legitur &c. Item Bacillus Jhesu quern augelus beato Patricio conferebat. Item Superaltare marmoreum sancti Patricij super quo leprosus a Britania ad Hyberniam miraculose natando erat translatus. Item zona beate Marie virginis. Item de lacte beate Marie virginis. Item vna spina corone domini nostri Jhesu Cristi. Item de ossibus sanctorum Petri et Andree apostolorum. Item de reliquijs sancte Katerine virginis et martiris. Item de reliquijs sancti Clementis martiris. Item de reliquijs sancti Oswaldi episcopi et de sancta Fide vir- ginis. Item de reliquijs sancti Brandani abbatis. Item de reliquijs sancti Wulstani episcopi. Item de reliquijs sancti Thome martiris. Item de reliquijs sancti Edmundi confessoris. Item de reliquijs sancte Luce virginis. Item de reliquijs sancte Anastasie virginis et martiris. Item de lapide vbi data est lex. Item de ligno porte auree. Item de sepulcro beate Marie virginis. Item de osse sancti Blasij. Item de presepe Domini. Item de oleo sancti Nicolai. Item de panno domini in quo jacebat in presepio. Item os de ossibus sancti Patricij. Item os de ossibus sancti Columbe abbatis. Item os de ossibus sancte Brimde virginis. Item os de ossibus sancti Laurencij martiris. B 2 Item Item os de ossibus sancti Oswald! martins. Item plures reliquie de sancto Laurencio archiepiscopo. Item de relyquijs sancti Sil- uestri pape. Item de reliquijs vndecim milia sanctarum virginum. Item de reliquijs sancte Pinnose virginis et martiris. Item de reliquijs sancti Herbert! episcopi. Item de reliquijs sancti Dauit episcopi. Item de sepulcro Lazari. Item de reliquijs sancti Audoeni episcopi et confessoris. Item de reliquijs sancti Benedicti abbatis. Item de rebquijs sancti Basilij episcopi. Et sancti Germani episcopi. Item de reliquijs sancti Olaiii regis. htm &lie JGUliquU Ennunurabiles tie qutbus longum rsstt JtUnsioncm facttf JcpetiaUm ijt. 5 | Hi | a | IRK.. 3)anuariu0. Qtiuwncim Doimm Ob. Johannes Grawyll frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Agneta Taylonerus soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Malachias episcopus de Kyldar pro quo fnmt ix. lecciones. Obijt Ricardus Hassart frater nostre congregacionis. | b | iiij | jSo | Ob. Johanna Whyte soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Aleyn juris canonici bachalarius atque quondam ecclesie cathedralis sancti Patricij Dublin decanus qui legauit nobis doc- torem juris canonici vocatuin Abbatem alias Panormitanum cum repertorio super eundem vna cum magno repertorio Petri Brixiensis episcopi pro quo fiant ix. lecciones anno domini M°. d°. v°. Ob. Thomas Fwelbert frater nostre congregacionis qui dedit priori et conuentui et operibus ecclesie x. marcas pro quo fiant ix. lecciones. Ob. Johannes Walsh de Dondrom frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d°. xvj°. Ob. Matilda Darcy soror nostre congregacionis cuius anime propicietur deus amen anno domini M J . d°. xxij". | xj |c| u( | i^o. | Ob. Ricardus sacerdos et canonicus noster. | t> | tj | jEo. | Ob. dominus Elysander Roche abbas monastery sancte Marie de Trym frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Walche. | vi.v | t | j^onis Ob. Johanna Felde soror nostre congregacionis. Eodem die Johanna Locum qui dedit priori et conuentui xx u . s. Ob. Wilhehmis Sthowm canonicus noster et frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Izabella Clondalwey soror nostre congregacionis. | bt'ij | f | l)it( | lib. (fpipfjatiiiiin Ob. Johannes Toppe prior noster. Ob. Amy H\v soror nostre congregacionis. 9 I g I bi| | E&. | Ob. Arlanton Wsclier qui dedit operibus ecclesie nostre quinque marcas cuius anime propicietur deus anno domini M°. cccc°. lx°. xix°. Ob. Johannes Walehe de Mortowne frater nostre congregacionis anno M°. d°. xj°. Ob. Wilhelmus Hassarde prior noster anno domini millesimo d°. xxxvij . | xbj |&| b( | $b. | Ob. Genico Marcus qui dedit operibus ecclesie xl s . Eodem die ob. Wilhelmus Godarte frater nostre congrega- cionis. I) | b | b | SBr. | Ob. Wilhelmus Lokarte qui legauit priori et con- uentui xlvj. s. viij. d. Ob. Johanna Baggat soror congregacionis nostre. | t | iii j | £t>. | Ob. Johannes Blakney frater congregacionis nostre qui legauit operibus ecclesie v. marcas anno domini M°. cccc c . xl°. iiij°. Ob. Thomas Plunket de Dunsoghly quondam capitalis justiciarius domini regis de communi bancho Ilibern. qui nobis in vita s\ia dedit in auro ct argento et vestimentis sacerdotalibus et alijs rebus quam plurimis ad summam c. li. pro quo nant ix. lecciones anno domini M°. ccccc . xiiij . Ob. Thomas Stewiiys quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin anno domini M°. d°. xlvij". | xitj | 6 | ii\ | Ei>. | Ob. Dauid Wynchestyr prior noster anno domini M°. cccc°. lxxxxviij". i| | c ] i\ | Efc. | Ob. Siluester canonicus noster. Ob. Thomas Ball frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d°. xxix°. f | 8bus. | #cl. ©pipbnnic. Ob. Elizabeth Felde soror nostre iitj consreEcacionis anno domini M°. d°. xl I an I q | fix |Hl. | jFcbruai'i}. Ob. Matilde Rothe soror nostre con- gregacionis. Ob. Hellena Strangwych soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d°. xij°. Ob. Johannes Dowgan aurifaber frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d°. 1°. 1 3 Ixbiij | ILil. | Ob. dominus Wilhebnus Archedekyn quondam thesaurarins ecclesie sancti Patricij Dublin qui multa bona nobis oontulit et frater nostre congregacionis pro quo fiunt ix. lecciones. Ob. Jacobus Biymgam ortolan us noster. |xbiij| b |xbij|HI. | Ob. Thomas Scherloke frater nostre congrega- cionis cuius aniine propicietur deus amen. | i)i( | c | xbj | IStl. ! Ob. Johanna Desaghth soror nostre congre- gacionis. Ob. dominus Thomas Fych subprior noster et frater nostre congregacionis cuius anime propicietur | x | HI. | Ob. Wilhelmus Fyche frater nostre congregacionis qui dedit priori et conuentui xx li . s. anno domini M°. cccc". lxxx . v c . \t\ ix |Hl. | Ob. Petrus Heygley mercator et ciuis Dublin qui leganit priori et conuentui xx u . s. et operibus eiusdem domus xx ti . s. ciuus anime propicietm - deus. Ob. Gyllece . tegrdator frater nostre congregacionis. | ix | & | Uii| | HI. | ©omuisio ^muti ^auli. Ob. frater Johannes Dal ton monachus monastery beate Marie. Ob Walterus Howthe baro scacarij domini regis anno domini M°. cccc. tercio. Ob. Ricardus Stannys ciuis Dublinie frater nostre congregacionis. | t | dm I HI. I Ob. Adam conuersus noster. Ob. Johanna Stevne soror nostre congregacionis que leganit operibus ecclesie vi. s. viij. d. Ob. frater AYillelmus canonicus noster. | xbi( | f | b( | HI. | Ob. Johannes Whyte qui dedit operibus ecclesie xij. s. Ob. Johanna Peparte soror nostre congregacionis. & | g | b | HI. | Ob. dominus Walterus Champflor abbas mo- nasterij beate Marie. Ob. Laurencius Ilawkes sacerdos et canonicus noster anno domini M°. d°. xlj°. Ob. Henricus viij. rex Anglycus anno domini M°. &°. xlvij°. xxviij . die mensis Januarij. 9 | St | Htj | HI. j Ob. frater Bricius canonicus noster ad succiir- rendum. Ob. Johannes professus noster. |xttt'||b| u{ | HI. | Obitns Philippi Brmyngham capitalis justici- ary banchi domini regis in Hibernia anno domini M". cccc°. lxxx". ix . Ob. Cristoforus Wscher quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d°. xxv. qui nobis legauit nnum par vestimentorum cum capa de rubro velueto. Ob. Katerina Not quondam vxor Richardi Freman anno domini M°. d°. quinquagesimo septimo cuius anime propicietur dens amen. | c | <( | HI. j Ob. frater Johannes Walche canonicus sancti Thome martvris. J | ] & | HI. jFebruauj. 23ugfoc bttgmis. Ob. frater Johannes canon- icus noster. Ob. Anna Bertylmew soror nostre congregacionis cuius anime propicietur deus amen. | A | £ |i»l | jEto. ||Jimficacio bcate birginis. Ob. Radulphus frater noster ad succurrendum. Ob. frater Adam canonicus noster. Ob. Christiana Bron que legauit operibus ecclesie viij d . Ob. Millana Frayne vxor Petri Heygley. Ob. Johanna Colyer soror nostre con- gregacionis anno domini M°. d". xl°. | *•* | i | »l | i^o. | Ob. Gylbertus de Bedfordia canonicus noster. I bIt ! | S | l t | i^°- 1 Ob. Nicliolaus Wykeford monachus Wyncestrie. | & | iSonas. | Ob. frater Willelmus Lymryk cauonicus sancti Thome martyris. Ob. magister Thomas Walche et Elizabeth Stokys vxor eius qui dederunt nobis vnum ciphum deauratum vocatum IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. C allott IO allott prec. iiij. marc. Ob. Anna Kent soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d°. xxx°. Ob. Jeneta Stanihnrst anno domini M°. d u . xl°. | xbj | b | bii | It}. | Ob. dompnus "Willelmus Payne abbas monas- terij sancte Marie Dublin. Ob. Rogerus Outlawe prior hospitalis de Kylmaynnam. (3b. Johanna Boelione vxor Thome Asch que legauit operibus ecclesie xl d . b | r | bit | I&. | Ob. Elizabeth Balff soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Ricardus Weste frater nostre congregacionis. I & I bj \Bt.\ Ob. Thomas Sinothe filius Thome Sinothe qui vitriauit de nouo iiij or . fenistras in capella sancte Marie pro quo hunt ix. lecciones. Ob. frater Ricardus Tristi supprior eiusdem ecclesie qui tabernacula circa maius altare ac eciam centrum capelle beate Marie et altare ibidem decenter ornauit necnon et ecclesiam de nouo calce dealbari instituit anno domini M c . cccc°. xxx°. Ob. Isota Androwe soror noster. | xii\ | £ | b | Hi. | Ob. Thomas Darsy decanus ecclesie cathedralis sancti Patricij anno domini M°. d°. xxix°. t} I f | iii't | BK. I Ob. Ilerualdus canonicus noster. Ob. Helyas Herforde frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Willelmus Hassarde frater nostre congregacionis. | q | u j | H3. | Ob. Galgaclus canonicus noster ad succurren- dum. Ob. Willelmus Bon vile frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. maeister Johannes Stanton notarius et ciuis Dublin frater nostre congregacionis. 1 1 x I SI I i( | ID. | Ob. Galfridus Bynclay conuersus noster. Ob. Jeneta Veysyne soror nostre congregacionis. | b | Jtuis Ob. Johanna Morwyl soror nostre congregacionis. ( )b. Elyzabeth Bukley quondam domina de Malahyd soror nostre congregacionis anno M°. d°. xviij°. |xbtij| c | xbj | HI. jlttarcij. Ob. Johannes Kerdy frater nostre congre- gacionis anno domini M°. cccc c . lxxxv°. Ob. frater Paidns canonicns noster. Ob. Willehnus Poswyk frater nostre congregacionis. I bt{ | ft | xb | HI. | Ob. Johannes Pycott canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes de Carleton frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Willehnus Loghan supprior noster anno domini 1527. I e I xiii\ I HI. I Ob. dominus Willehnus Podyng sacerdos frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Ward decretorum doctor atque ecclesie parochiahs sancti Patricij de Tryin quondam rector qui legauit priori et conuentui in moneta v. marcas cuius anime propicietur dens amen. I xb I f I xiij I HI. I Ob. Bonasi mercator frater nostre congregaci- onis. Ob. Eicardus Dowgyn frater nostre congregacionis. I mi I g I xij I HI. I Ob. Laiuencius de Clonkene frater noster ad succurrendum. Ob. Thomas Daw frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Thomas Meyller quondam maior Dublin frater nostre congregaci- onis. Ob. Robertus Wscher frater nostre congregacionis. I SI I xj I HI. I Ob. frater Willehnus Surreys canonicus de Cartemel. Ob. Patricius Mole quondam ciuis Dubline qui dedit C 2 operibus 12 operibus ecclesie xx u . s. cuius anime propicietur deus amen. Ob. Ricardi Barbi et Arlandi Parkeri. Ob. Jeneta Molle soror nostra congregacionis cuius anime propicietur deus amen. I Xlj I b I .v | HI. | Ob. Augustinus canonicus noster et professus. Ob. Willelmus Sutton secundarius baro scaccarij domini regis sue Ilibern. qui dedit nobis omnes terras suas ac priori et conuentui ix. libras argenti pro quo hunt ix. lecciones. Ob. Jeneta Fox soror nostre congregacionis cuius anime propicietur deus amen. Ob. Johannes Loghan quondam maior Dublin frater nostre congregaci- onis anno domini 1529. \ I t I ix I HI. I Ob. Hugo Wbgane axmiger clericus domini regis et frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. frater Johannes Whytfe canonicus et professus cuius anime propicietur deus. j & J triij j Stl |<£athelJra sattttt ^tttt. Ob. Henricus Browne frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Margarete Bernewall qui dedit priori et conuentui vj. s. viij. d. et ad reparacionem ecclesie iij. s. iiij.d. Ob. Johannes Cantrell sacerdos et canonicus noster anno domini M°. d°» xxx J . vij J . I ix I e I l)i| I HI. I Ob. Johannes Denys frater nostre congregaci- onis. Ob. Willelmus Tope supprior noster. Ob. Robertus Mansetyr canonicus noster et professus. Ob. Robertus Carpintar frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Margarete Telyng vxor Ricardi Parkeri. Ob. Radulphus Pembroke qui legauit priori et conuentui duas domos in Vico Rupelli. Ob. Ricardus Corner frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Alicia Ilassard soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d'. xxv . f I f I l)( jli.il. I Thomas Fytz Symon quondam maior Dubline frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Margareta Walche soror nostre congregacionis. | (bij | g | 1> | HI. | Ob. Johanna Sentleger que legauit nobis villain que vocatur Blakeston in comitatu Yryell pro qua hunt ix. lecciones anuatim. Ob. dominus Willehnus Balhlog qui legauit nobis vnam zonam argenti et vnum psalterium glosatum et vnum par vestimen- torum. ■| bj [ Si | uif | HI. I Ob. frater Galfridus canonicus omnfum sancto- rum. Ob. Edmundus Man et Johanna Gret vxor eius qui dederunt nobis vnam ollam eneam. Ob. Thomas Redd et Johanna Hyll vxor eius. | b | ii\ | HI. | Ob. dominus Robertus Mylys frater nostre eon- gregacionis. Ob. Johannes Harroll clericus noster frater nostre congregacionis cuius anime propieietur dens amen anno doinini M°.d .xviii°. |xiuj| c | ij | HI. | Ob. Johannes Cusak Alius Thome Cusak frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Thomas Ilarrokl quondam prior eiusdeni ecclesie anno domini M°. cccc°. octogesimo octauo htera dominical. D. cuius anime propicietur deus amen. Ob. Johannes Lamkyn frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Walterus Fytz Symon quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin anno domini M°. d°. 1°. | ii |&|HI. ittartius. Ob. Henricus Prowt supprior monasterij sancti Thome martiris. Ob. Robertus Calff canonicus noster anno domini M°. ccccc°. j°. Ob. Wilhelmus canonicus noster. Ob. RogeruS canonicus noster. Ob. Radulfus canonicus noster. 14 | t | b| | jEo. | Ob. Johanna Lamkyne soror nostre congregaci- onis que legauit vnuin messuagium in Dunboyng cum pertinentijs et vnam acram terre cum dimidio arabihs anno domini M°. cccc°. xxx°. viij°. Ob. Henricns Adoke frater nostre congregacionis qui legauit .... | X] | f | b | jBto. | Ob. dominus Thomas AVeston rector de Lyenys frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Nicholans Seriant quondam maior Dublin frater nostre congregacionis qiu legauit operi ecclesie vnam marcam et canonicis dimicbam marcam. Ob. AVillelmus Donos;he quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin frater nostre congregacionis qui legauit nobis .... | g | iii\ | jnio. | Ob. Gyl sacerdos qui dedit nobis molendinam juxta pontem. Ob. Ainmia Fyand soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. ccccc°. Ob. Thomas Waters sacerdos et canonicus noster cuius anime propicietiu- deus amen. | xix | ^t | tt{ | Jio. | Ob. "VValterus Karryg qui dedit operi ecclesia3 xvj. s. viij. d. Ob. Henricus Kenwyk frater nostre congregacionis qui dedit operi ecclesie vj. s. viij. d. Ob. Ricardus Skyrrett quondam prior eiusdem ecclesie anno domini M°. d°. xviij. litera dominical. B. cuius anime propicietur deus amen. | bttj | b | tj | iSo. | Ob. Malachias canonicus noster. Ob. Kobertus Ilarrolde frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Thome Montayng qui remisit vnum librum missale qui impugnorabatur cum eo pro xiij. s. iiij. d. ad capellam magnam beate Marie in ecclesia Sancte Trinitatis Dublin. Ob. Hugo Talbott quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d°. xv". l 5 | r | Fionas. | t£f)ome it Aquino. Ob. Johannes Bateman qui leganit open ecclesie xl. d. Ob. Johannes Rosell frater nostre con- gregacionis qui dedit operibus ecclesie vj. s. viij. d. anno domini Mo o • • m o . ccccc . nj . | vbf | & | bftj | 16. | Ob. Johanna Cusak domina de Kyllene soror nostre congregacionis que multa bona nobis contulit anno domini M . cccc°. xT. j°. Ob. Hugo Herdeman frater nostre congTegacionis. b | c | bij | Hi. | Ob. Margareta Stanton soror nostre congrega- cionis. Ob. Margareta Gogane que legauit nobis iij.s. et vj. d. emus anime propicietur deus. Ob. Patricius Boys quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin anno domini M". d°. xx°ix. | f | b| | It). | Ob. Thomas Goldesbrugh qui legauit ecclesie nostre vj. s. viij. d. frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Eng- land canonicus noster anno domini 1528. Ob. Robertus Styllyngford quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin anno domini M a . d". 1°. I x»j I S I b I 3TEJ. J Ob. Johannes Terrel et Margareta Kylrnessan. Ob. Johannes Fyche frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Jacobus Bygdoume barbitonsor frater nostre congregacionis. f{ | & | iU\ I B. I (Swgorfj pape. Ob. Gylmore conuersus noster. Eodem die obijt Nicolaus Heynott qui legauit operibus ecclesie x. s. Ob. Rosina Clement vxor Symonis Fox soror nostre congregacionis. I b I ii\ I I&. I Ob. Anna Lynton soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M J . cccc°. xl°. v°. Ob. Edwardus Water frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Fytz Robert quondam maior Dublin frater nostre congregacionis pro quo hunt ix. lecciones. x i6 x | t | tt | KJ. I Ob. Thomas Weste qui dedit operibus ecclesie xx". s. Ob. Katerina Preston domina de Tartayne que multa bona nobis contulit pro qua fiunt ix. lecciones. | & | Bius. Ob. frater Thomas Harrold canonicus sancti Thome martiris. Ob. dominus Willelmus Bluet capellanus. Thomas Bluet Agneta vxor eius. Thomas Stephanus et Edita vxor eius. Ob. Robertus Ferebi sacre theologie professor. \xbity | t |xbtj |l£l. glprtUs. Ob. Gylbertus Max capellanus. Ob. Jo- hannes Cornys capellanus. Ob. Ricardus Wyntyrborn clericus pro quibus fiunt ix. lecciones. Ob. dominus Thomas Fylpoot capellanus frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Margareta Gallier soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M". d". xix . | btf | f | xi)j | Ul. | Patvicij cptscopi. Ob. dominus Willelmus Waryng capellanus et frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Willelmus Fyn de Glasnewyn. | a | xb | 3EU. j Ob. Robertus canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes Row et Elysabeth Malon vxor eius. | xb | a | xitft | HI. | Ob. Johannes KerdyfF frater nostre congregaci- onis. Ob. Robertus Blake canonicus omnium sanctorum. Ob. Marcus canonicus noster. Ob. Ricardus Balfe frater nostre congregacionis. | Ui\ | b | xftf | HI. | Ob. Philippi Walche nuper de Dublin clerici et Alicie Rikeman vxoris eius Thome Walche filij eorundem et omni- um liberorum eorundem. Ob. Mabilia de Banke soror nostre con- gregacionis. Ob. domina Matylda abbatissa de Hoggys. t •7 | C | xl\ | Hit. | Ob. Johannes Panton qui cledit operibus eccle- sie xij. d. | xi\ | & | x\ | HI. | Ob. Katerina Whit soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. ccccc°. viij°. Ob. Rosina Walsch soror nostre con- gregacionis anno domini M°. d°. xv J . i | £ | v |Hl. | Ob. Agneta Scorloke qui dedit operibus eccle- sie xx. d. Ob. Petrus Tympan et Alicia Walsh vxor eius qui dede- runt vnam vaccam cum vitulo operibus ecclesie. | f | iv | HI. | Ob. Wyllelmus canonicus uoster. Ob. magister Thomas Wassre frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Margareta Slogtht soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Baythe frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Ricardus Walsh subprior noster anno domini M°,v.c.xxj°. | u |g|bii{|Hl. j &nnunciacto Bominica, Ob. Alicia Passelew soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Patricius Fylenys frater nostre congre- gacionis. ]&| btj 1 9BII. J Ob. Johannes prior noster. Ob. Agneta Fyn qui dedit operibus eccleske xij. d. Ob. Johannes Ketyng clericus frater nostre congregacionis cuius anime propicietur deus amen. | xbi'j | 6 | bj | HI. | Ob. Willelmus Symcoke canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes Roche frater nostre congregacionis. | bj | t | to | HI. | Ob. Willelmus Swayne qui dedit operibus ec- clesie iij. s. iiij. d. Ob. dominus Symon Geffry qui dedit operibus ecclesie x. s. Ob. Robertus Geffry et Anisea Davy vxor eius. Ob. irish arch. soc. 4. D Johannes i8 Johannes Dm-e frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Anna Orpy soror nostre congregacionis. | & | iit'i | Hil. J Ob. Juliana Lowyn quondam vxor Galfridi Parker qui lcgaiut priori et conuentui quinque nobilia iij. s. iiij. d. et operibus ecclesie xl. s. Ob. dominus Jacobus Umfrey quondam precentor ecclesie sancti Patricij extra muros ciuitatis Dublin cuius anime propicietur deus amen anno domini M°. d°. 1 . | xtiif | t | iij |3StI. | Ob. Ricardus Bade de Ballischadan qui dedit priori et conuentui xl. s. Ob. Johannes Bryan finis Dublin. Ob. magister Henricus Lewet prior ecclesie sancti Johannis de Kilmay- nan frater nostre comm'iracionis. | ii\ | f | i\ \Wi\.\ Ob. Thomas Marchale conuersus noster. Ob. Edwardus Cavan frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Henricus Blun- ket et Katerina Hore. Ob. Nicholaus Lamk}-n et Janeta Jankoc. Ob. Anastasia Kenedyn soror nostre congregacionis. | g | HI. Epulis. Ob. Geruasius filter noster. Ob. frater Wil- lelmus Wyche sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes Drake qui quondam fuit maior Dublin et frater nostre congregacionis qui dedit nobis willam de Smothiscowrte et Colcot et Lowsill anno domini M°. cccc . xxxiij . | xj |^|iitt | iSo. j Ob. domini Thome Bayly capellanus de Don- hovn qui donauit nobis vj. marcas pro quo hunt ix. leccioness | t) | \i\ jiSo. | Ob. domina Johanna Botylcr soror nostre [con- gregacionis]. Ob. AYillelmus Lamkyn canonicus noster cuius anime propicietur deus amen. Ob. Willelmus Newman quondam maior ciuitatis '9 ciuitatis Dublin anno domini M. d°. xxxix . ( )b. Willelmus Newman quondam maior Dublin qui dedit operibus ecclesie quadraginta solidos cuius anime propicietiu' deus amen anno domini 1 1539. I *i* I C I i( 1 00. 1 Ob. Johanna Fytz Gerott soror nostre congre- gacionis. Memorandum quod venerabilis in Christo pater et do- minus dominus Johannes Cely episcopus Dunencis conseerauit in honorem beate Marie virginis altare extra hostium ex parte boreal i chori et concessit omnibus celebrantibus ibidem missam ibi audienti- bus et illuc devote orantibus xl. dies indulg. anno domini M°. cccc D . xiiij°. et sue consecracionis j°. de permissione et consensu domini Thome archiepiscopi Dublin. Ob. Ahcia Fyche soror nostre con- gregacionis. I t>u I I if I jionas. | Ob. Thomas comes Kyldarie. Ob. Johannes Asche frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Robertus Sutton decanus ecclesie sancti Patricij anno M°. d°. xxviii. Eodem die obijt Katerina Coke soror nostre congregacionis anno ut supra. I vb| I c I bit( J Hi. | Ob. Galfridus canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes Swetman frater nostre congregacionis. l> I f I bi{ I Hi. J Ob. Patricius Harrold frater nostre congregaci- onis. Obitus Johannis Ryan vnius aldermanonmi chutatis Dublin et capitalis grossarij inscacario Hibernie qui obijt septimo die Aprilis anno domini M°. quingentesimo qiunquagesimo cpiarto cuius anime propicietnr deus amen. I g I bf I Hj. J Johannes Haklett cuius anime propicietnr deus amen. Eodem die ob. Johanne Ogane que dedit fratribus pro tri- gentali x. s. et operibus ecclesie xl. d. Eodem die obitus venerabilis D 2 viri 20 viri magistriGalfridiFyche quondam ecclesie catliedralis sancti Pa tricij Dublin decani qui dedit huic aline edi ad susten.tati.cmem repara- cionis eiusdem viginti librae monete necnon et multa alia bona opera operatus est in eadem dum vixerat ad faciendum obitum suum imperpetuum qui obijt octavo die mensis Aprilis anno domini mile- simo quingentesimo tricesimo septimo cuius anime propicietur deus amen. | lit j | gt | b | lij. | Ob. Patricius canonicus noster. ( )b. dominus Robertas Preston miles frater nostre congregacionis anno domini Mo o * * " o . ccccc I . 11J ij I I) I iiij | R>. j Ob. Edanus canonicus noster. Ob. frater Adam Rath canonicus sancti Thome martiris. | t | iii | 153. | Ob. Ilenricus Stanyhurste frater nostre congre- gacionis qui nobis dedit cratcram argenteam de pondere xj. unciarum, ( )b. frater Willelmus de sancto Patricio canonicus noster. x | & | i{ | IJ3. | Ob. Ricardus Herbert qui dedit operi ecclesie vj. s. viij. d. Ob. eTohannes Redenys frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Anna Byrforde soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Cor- ragh prebendarius ecclesie sancti Michaelis in alto ciuitatis Dublin anno domini M°. d°. xlvj". emus anime propicietur deus amen. | c ] Bius. Ob. Cristoforus Ileyn emus anime propicietur deus amen anno domini M°. cccc°. lxxxxvij . Ob. Johannes Bourke ciuis Dublin frater nostre congregacionis qui legauit nobis duas seldas in parochia sancti Nicholai ex opposito theolonei anno domini M°. d°. xj^. rfattj 21 |xbuj| f | xbiif | HI. | jlitflij. Ob. Laurencius Geffry frater nostre con- aresacionis. Ob. Margareta Waliford soror nostre congregacionis. | bif | g |.vbij|lU.| ]H| xfcj |Hl. | Ob. Michael sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. Alanus sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. Willelmus Wellys qui multa bona nobis dedit. Ob. Petrus Manne prior de Holmepatryk frater nostre congregacionis anno domini 1537. | xb I b I xt> [HI. J Ob. Galfridus de Notingam canonicus noster. I itij J c |xiii}|Hl. [ Ob. Eua conuersa nostra. I I & I m I mi. I I xi\ I t I xi\ I ml. I Ob. Ricardus comes qui dedit nobis willam Hamundi. Ob. Matilda soror. Ob. Nicholaus de Stakford canonicus noster. Ob. Adam de Furneys frater nostre congregacionis qui edi- ficauit nobis plures domos pro quibus fiunt ix. lecciones. i J f I xj J HI. I Ob. frater Willelmus Martyn sacerdos et ca- nonicus noster professus. Ob. Agnes Clynton qui dedit operibus ecclesie iij. s. soror nostre congregacionis. I g I X I HI. I Ob. Walterus Kelly frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Philippus Eustas de Nywland. Ob. Edmundus Edwardi frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Mauricius Vale frater nostre congrega- cionis cuius anime propicietur deus amen. I ix |&| ix 1 3Etl. I S&attctt flhorgt martins. Ob. Ricardus Parker quondam 22 quondam baliuus Dublin. Ob. Johanna "Willpite soror nostre con- gregacionis. | b | bit| | HI. | Ob. Johannes Heyne frater nostre congregaci- onis cuius anime propicietur deus amen. Ob. Alicia Wscher soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d°. xxxj°. | xbt't | r | bit | HI. | %fliutt |Wnuc (Suangdisle. Ob. dominus Johannes Walsche sacerdos frater nostre congregacionis qui nobis dedit vnum librum in fine chori catenation. Ob. Johannes Waryng quondam ciuis Dublin frater nostre congregacionis qui legauit operibus ecclesia3 x. marcas argenti. Ob. Cristoferus Loghan frater nostre congregaci- onis. Ob. Thomas Brymgam quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin cuius anime propicietur deus amen. bj | U | b| | HI. | Ob. Jacobus Selyman frater nostre congrega- cionis. | t | b | HI. | Ob. frater Johannes Hegly canonicus noster. | * I'btf | Ift. | Ob. dominus Willelmus Norragh rector ecclesie de Ballygfyn. Ob. Jeneta Petyte soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Willelmus Axon. Ob. Johannes Cantwell soror nostre congregaci- onis. F 2 x | C | bj | $&. | Ob. dominus Johannes Wodoloke sacerdos qui dedit operibus ecclesie xl. s. Ob. Elisia Abbay anno domini M J . cccc°. lxxxxv . Ob. Jeneta Thurstayn que dedit operibus ecclesie vi. s. viij. d. cuius anime propicietur deus anno domini M°. d°. xvij J . | 6 | f) | ©J. j Ob. dominus Rogerus Darcy miles qui legauit x. li. ad edincandum claustri. Ob. frater Robertus Lokynton prior noster anno domini M°. ccc°. nonagesimo vij°. Ob. Johanna Schortals soror nostre congregacionis. |xbit'f| t | it'if | Id. j&anttt Hmtrrncij .fWartiris. Ob. Willelmus de Grangia conuersus noster. Ob. Willelmus Walch frater nostre con- gregacionis. Ob. frater Thomas le Bottyller prior Hospitalis sancti Johannis Ierusalem in Hibernia. Ob. Nicholaus Bonrke quondam maior Dublin anno domini M°. cccc . lxxxiiij . Ob. Agnes Hount soror nostre congregacionis cuius anime propicietur deus amen. | t)i( | f | ii( | KJ. I Ob. Ricardus sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. frater Nicholaus Rustbery canonicus noster. | g | ij | ©J. | Ob. Geruasius prior noster. Ob. Johannes Lyne canonicus noster. Ob. frater Adam Delamore prior noster. Ob. Johannes Kyrcham frater nostre congregacionis artifex campa- narum nostrarum. xb | & | Efcus. Ob. frater Thomas de Hakwell prior de Kylmay- nan confrater noster. Ob. domina Margareta Ilolywod soror nostre eongTeimcionis. Ob. Johannes Kenan alias Talower frater nostre congregacionis qui dedit operibus ecclesie xx". s. | ittj | b | xd | Htl. | Socpttmbus. Ob. Walterus de Ley aurifaber qui midta 37 multa bona nobis contulit. Ob. frater Ricardus de Bedford canon- icus noster. Ob. Millana Roleg que multa bona nobis contulit. Ob. Willelmus Kelly quondam ciuis Dublin anno domini [M°] d J . xxxvj J . | | t | xbiii|BI. | Stssumpcio btatr 0\mt Firgints. Ob. Mauritius Fytz Thomas comes Kyldare anno domini M°. ccc°. nonagesimo. Ob. Hubertus canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes Talmer quondam maior Dubline. Ob. Ricardus Talbot quondam archiepiscopus Dubline anno domini M°. cccc°. xl.ix°. pro quo fiant ix. lecciones. Eodem die obijt domina Margareta Holywood soror nostre congregacionis. | xi\ | Jj | xbif | HI. | Ob. Samson Dartas frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Paulus Hore clericus noster. Ob. dominus Johannes Younge capellanus frater nostre congregacionis. | t | t | xb( 1 HI. | Ob. Willelmus de Schrewysbery canonicus noster. I I f I - rl) I si- 1 I u | g | xiii(|HI. | Ob. frater Johannes Row canonicus sancti Thome martiris. Agnes Mareward cuius anime propicietur deus anno M°. d°, xx°. | & | xu | | HI. | Ob. Katerina Drake soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Lucia Talbott soror nostre congregacionis qui dedit operibus ecclesie iij. s. iiij. d. Ob. dominus Johannes Sprott capellanus frater nostre con2,reG;acionis. ( )b. Katerina Dyllon soror nostre congrega- eionis. ibt{ 38 | xbi| | b | x(j | HI. | Memorandum quod clomina de Kyllen recepta i'uit in confraternitate nostra et in forma sancte Trinitatis cum qui- busdam filiorum suorum et dedit maiori altari ymaginem sancte Marie de auratam ad valorem x. librarum. | b| | c | xj | HI. | Ob. Johannes Fytz Robert frater nostre congre- gacionis. Ob. Katerina Dalahyde soror nostre congregacionis. | & | i | HI. | Ob. Rogerus Marys frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Nicholaus Coke qui legauit priori et conuentui iij. s. Ob. Jaco- bus le Bottyler comes Ormonie apud Arde anno domini M°. cccc°. quinquagessimo ij \ | viitf | c ] ix | HI. | Sbancti HJattfjokmei glpostoli. Ob. Eicardus episcopus Da. ( )b. Walterus Wesyn canonicus noster et professus. Ob. Walter Donoch. Margareta Rath. Anna Roche et Johanna Beg. Thomasina Row. Thomas Donoch qiu multa bona nobis contulerunt. Ob. Johannes Colman frater nostre congregacionis. | hi | f | biff | HI. | Ob. Patricius Honylow frater nostre congrega- cionis cuius anime propicietur deus amen. Ob. Johanna Lawles soror nostre congregacionis. | g | bi| | HI. | Ob. Thomas Bennet ciuis ciuitatis Dublin et Elizabeth vxor eius qui dederunt nobis omnes terras et tenementa sua de Ballymore ad sustendendum iiij or . paraphonistas ad laudem et honorem sancte trinitatis et beate Virginia Marie pro quibus hunt ix. lectiones. x\ | SI | bj | HI. | Ob. Johannes Rochford frater nostre congrega- cionis. xix 39 I m | b | i> | mi. | I t | iii't 1 HI. | BfcoIIacio S?anctt 3°?) ann,s i3npttstc. Ob. pie memorie Robertus de Wykeforde archiepiscopus Dublin qui condo- nauit nobis et ecclesie nostre annatim imperpetuum quinque marcas de procuracionibus arcliiepiscopalibus. Ob. Ricardus Gomy anno domini M . ccc u . nonagesimo pro quo fiunt ix. lecciones. Et Juliana vxor eius. | bii] | & | n) | HI. | Ob. Johannes Burnell apud Ballybogan anno domini M°. cccc°. lx°. frater nostre congregaeionis. Ob. Elysabeth Barnuall soror nostre congregaeionis anno domini M°. d°. xviij J . | | c | *t | 3StI. | Ob. Rodulphi Row. | xbj | f [HI. September. Ob. Johannes Beline frater nostre congre- gaeionis. Obiit Elvzabeth Holvwod soror nostre congregaeionis. Ob. Nlcholaus Holywod frater nostre [congregaeionis]. M S | "'! \Mo-\ Ob. Elysabeth Cusake soror nostre congrega- eionis que legauit operibus ecclesie iij. s. iiij. d. Ob. Katerina Tyw soror nostre congregaeionis anno domini M J . ccccc . xi°. Ob. Jeneta Cantrell soror nostre congregaeionis anno domini M°. d°. xxxviij\ |£t| i'i I iSo. I Ob. Robertus canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes Pocot prior noster. Ob. Johannes Wallche frater nostre congrega- eionis. Eodem die ob. Geraldus Fyzt Moryce quondam comes Kyl- darie et deputatus seu locum tenens domini regis in terra Hiberni qiu nobis in vita sua dedit vnum par vestimentorum de panno aureo tussy et in ultimo suo eulogio nobis legauit togam suam meliorem de panno aureo purpuretto pro indumentis sacerdotalibus faciendis eciam 4° eciam nobis dedit villain nnncnpatam magnum Coporan cum snis pertinentiis ad sustentacionem canonici qui celebrabit pro anima sua et anima Thome Plunket quondam capitalis justiciary domini regis de communi bancho Hibernie et pro animabus omnium fidelium de- functorum pro quo riant ix. lecciones anno domini M°. d J . xiij°. | xit'j j b | i\ | Jio. | Ob. Nicbolaus Remond conuersus noster. Ob. Johanna Fynglas soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Sawage quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin anno domini M°. cccc°. nonagesimo ix\ Ob. Nicholaus Fagan frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Marga- reta Flemyng soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d°. xxxv . M | t | /ionas. j Ob. Ricardus de Radforde canonicus noster. Ob. Robertus de Meonis frater nostre congregacionis. | tl | biij | I&. | Ob. Robertus Cadwell canonicus noster. Ob. Symon de Ludgatt prior noster. Ob. frater Ricardus Stanton canon- icus noster. Ob. Thomas Holywod frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Stephanus Holywod frater nostre congregacionis. X | c | bit I Ett. | Ob. Nicholaus Esyden sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. Millana Harrold soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Ta- deus Stanton frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Robertus Bornel frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Walterus Stanyhurst frater nostre congregacionis. | | f [ In | lb. | Jfiartuitas btate Jttarie. Ob. frater Johannes "Whyte prior sancti Wulstani et canonicus noster. Eodem die ob. dominus Robertus Hol^vood frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Jeneta Skerrett soror nostre congregacionis. Obijt frater nostre Thomas Whyte monacus sancte monastery Marie virginis frater nostre 41 nostre congregacionis. Ob. Thomas Collyer quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin frater nostre congregacionis. \xbii\\ g | 1) | 5ft. | Ob. pie memorie Jobannes de Sancto Paulo archiepiscopus Dublin qui multa bona nobis contubt et chormn nos- trum de nouo edificauit pro quo fiunt ix. lecciones. Ob. frater Willelmus Byssett canonicus sancti Thome martins frater nostre | bij | ^ | li'i | ©J- | Ob. Thomas de Diyfeyld canonicus noster. Ob. Gyl Eseoppe canonicus noster. Ob. frater Thomas Bonewyll ca- nonicus noster. | to | ii( | Hi. | Ob. Rogerus canonicus noster. Ob. Thomas Seriant dominus de Castrocnoke qui legauit nobis vnam seldam in alto vico iuxta crucem et abam celdam in vico Estemanorum iuxta semiterium ecclesie sancti Michee pro quo hunt ix. lecciones. | xt> | C | ('( | KJ. I Ob. Robertus Pernus canonicus noster. | tttf | & | I&us. Ob. Keninus canonicus noster. Ob. Stephanus Rendwylde frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Thomas ByriTorde qui dedit operibus ecclesie vi. s. viij. d. | £ | xfmj | HI. | (Ortotoer). (SxaltHCU) SbaiUte ©ruttS. Ob. dominus Jo- hannes Venor rector Noui Castri frater nostre congregacionis qui nobis dedit vnum ciphum coopertum ad valorem v. marcarum pro quo fiunt ix. lecciones. Ob. Rosina Hassard soror nostre congregacionis que legauit nobis xx. s. anno domini M". d°. xix°. Ob. Thomas Mes- syngam frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d°. xxxij. IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. G %{i 4 2 I xif I f I xbtj 1 HI. | Ob. Stephanus Harrold frater nostre congrega- cionis. Ob. Regenaldus conuersus noster. Ob. "Willelmus canonicus noster. Ob. domina Katerina Hakkett priorissa de Gratia Dei soror nostre conOTegacionis. i | g | vb( | HI. | Ob. Edanus canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes Crux frater nostre congregacionis qui nobis legauit vnam ollam eneam et operibus ecclesie xx li . d. Ob. Wyllelmus Barrett qui lega- uit nobis vnam ollam eneam cuius anime propicietur deus amen. | & | xb | HI. | Ob. Ricardus Passelew frater nostre congrega- cionis. Ob. Katerina "VVhytt soror nostre congregacionis. | ix | b | viii'i | HI. 1 Ob. Robertus Henkeston canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes canonicus noster. Obijt Johannes West quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin et frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Phylyp alyas Iunower frater nostre congregacionis. | t | xt'i| | IBM. | Ob. Katerina Weer soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Macrobius Glyn Dalasencis episcopus et canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes Forster frater nostre congregacionis. | xbij | & | xij | HI. | Ob. Oliue Whyte que legaiut nobis vnum cahcem capelle beate Marie ponderis xi. vnciarum et operibus dicte capelle iij. s. iiij. d. pro qua hunt ix. lecciones. Ob. Margareta Madok soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Kynedy capellanus frater nostre congregacionis. | b{ | t | x\ | HI. | Sbantti ittatljci npostoli 5 cunngelistc. Ob. Philip- pus prior noster. Ob. Ricardus de Glasnevyn canonicus noster. Ob. Willehnus Fynglas frater nostre congregacionis. f 43 I f I X I HI. | Ob. Hugo canonicus noster. Ob. Margareta Morwyll soror nostre congregacionis que multa bona nobis contulit. Ob. Nicholaus Skelry capellanus frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Forster et Molyna Long vxor eius qui legauerunt priori et conuentui et operibus ecclesie xvi. s. viij. d. quorum animabus propieietur deus amen. | vtiit | g | ix 1 HI. | Ob. Nicholaus Scorlagh qui legauit operi eccle- sie xiij.s. iiij. d. Ob. Patricius Pers frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d°. xvij°. | ii( | U | bit( | HI. | Ob. Thomas de Netiiton canonicus noster. Ob Johanna Wliyte soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d u . xx\ b | tit | |Hl. | Ob. Robertus West frater nostre congregaci- onis. xj |c| b( I HI. I Ob. magister Hugo frater nostre congregacionis. | xix | ij | b | HI. | Ob. Johannes Monteyn canonicus noster. Ob. Jeneta Pliilipp anno domini M". cccc°. lxxxx°. v°. que plura bona reli- quit nobis pro qua riant ix. lecciones. Ob. Johannes Ivendyll sacer^ dos et canonicus noster anno domini 1529. I e I in { I HI. I Ob. dominus Ricardus Lough th qui dedit nobis viij. li. argent. Ob. Margareta Trewes soror nostre congregacionis. I imf I f I ii\ I HI. I sbanctt Jtttt&aelts gttrijangeli. Ob. domina Agneta Darsy comitissa de Kyldar soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. cccc . xxx°. Ob. Adam Schypman. Ob. frater Johannes Melton G 2 canonicus 44 canonicus noster. Ob. Isabella Walche. Ob. Rosina Feypo soror nostre congregacionis que operibus ecclesie dedit iij. s. iiij. d. | g| i] \fSHL | Ob. Johanna Eenduyl soror nostre congrega- cionis. Ob. Richardus Bothy notarius frater nostre congregacionis qui dedit nobis xxx. solid, pro salute anime sue anno domini 1524. I xb{ |gl|S£tl. ©ctobet. Ob. Rogerus sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes Coulok sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. domina Anna Castelmartyn soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johanna Wogan soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes de Sampford archiepiscopus Dublin. Ob. Nicholaus Woder ciuis Dublin. Ob. Rogerus Wakefyld frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Henricus de Drumsallan canonicus noster. b I b I b H iBo. I Ob. Patricius canonicus noster. Ob. Jacobus canonicus noster. Ob. Gylbertus conuersus noster. I rcitf J c I b I iSo. j Ob. Robertus Eustas frater nostre congregaci- onis. Ob. dominus Thomas Leynaght vicarius de Balliscaddan. I ij I & I «»! I iBt°. I &aiuti Jftantisci tonfessorts. Ob. Thomas Smoch qui dedit fabrice capelle beate Marie x. marcas pro quo fiant ix. lecciones. Ob. Claricia Maunsel soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Nangyll frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Grauill canonicus noster. I * I »i I iS°- 1 Ob. Thomas Lynton frater nostre congregaci- onis. Ob. Willelmus Lynton prior noster anno domini M°. cccc°. lxxx°. Ob. Anna Cusake vxor Patricij Burnell soror nostre congregacionis. x 45 I x | f | ij | iSo. | Ob. Willelmus Hygley canonicus noster. Ob. Robertus Whyte frater nostre congregacionis. | ct | jSonas. | Ob. Bernardus conuersus noster. Ob. Cristo- forus Holywod frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. cccc°. x°. vi°. Ob. Robertus Cadell frater nostre congregacionis. |xbii't |&| biij | K). I Ob. Gregorius archiepiscopus Dublin. Ob. Dauid Walche frater nostre congregacionis. | bit | ii | bi{ | ©>• | Audoenus canonicus noster. | t | b( | BJ. | Ob. Ricardus Schelyngford frater nostre con- gregacionis. Ob. Robertus Mestal. Ob. Edmundus Bodnam frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Nicholaus Dalaharne frater nostre con- gregacionis. | xb | & | b | BJ. | Ob. dominus "VValterus Dallahyd qui dedit priori et conuentui vaccam et porcurn. Ob. Petrus Fytz Jon cuius anime propicietur deus amen. Ob. obijt Nicholaus Hancok quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin anno domini M°. d°. xlvij. | iii't | z \ iiij | DJ. | Ob. Elyzabeth Veer soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. frater Willelmus Denys prior noster anno domini M°. cccc . lix u . Ob. Ricardus de Grangia canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes B)Ttt frater nostre congregacionis qui legauit priori et conuentui xl. s. | f | in | E& . | Ob. Thomas Edward frater nostre congrega- cionis qui legauit priori et conuentui ihj or . marcas ii. s. et operi ecclesie xx u . s. Ob. Helyas Hyll canonicus noster. ii? 46 | *i( | g ] if | IlJ. | Ob. Johannes Morwyl frater nostre congrega- cionis. Ob. Johannes Foster frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Henricns Loke qui dedit operibus ecclesie vnam vaceam. i | gt | E&us. Ob. Philippus Whytt frater nostre congregaci- onis. Ob. Anna Colton soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Patricins Felle quondam maior cinitatis Dublin. Eodem die obijt Eua Morown soror nostre congregacionis que dedit nobis vnam crateram argen- team. Ob. Walterus Hankoc quondam prior ecclesie omnium sanc- torum anno domini M°. d°. xlviij°. cuius anime propicietur deus. | | b |-tbij|ltl. iSoucmb. Ob. Geraldus (Fytzmoris) comes Kyl- dar pro quo hunt ix. lecciones. Ob. frater (Walterus) Bennet sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. dominus Cristoforus Bretnagh frater nostre congregacionis. | i* | £ | *b| | IBtl. | Ob. frater Jacobus de Redenesse prior noster anno domini M°. cccc . ix°. Ob. Nicholaus Whyte qui nobis legauit vmim cyphum frater nostre congregacionis. | & | vl> | HI. | sbanctt ILuce (Suangelistr. Ob. Ricardus Barret ciuis Dublin qui legauit nobis quinque seldas in vico OstimanorLvm ex parte boriali cimiterij sancti Michee pro quo hunt ix. lecciones. Ob. Johannes Vodorne subprior domus omnium sanctorum frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M u . d". xxxi°. | Ml | e | viu( | HI. | Cb. Johannes Darsey sacerdos et canonicus nos- ter. Ob. Johannes Netyrvile canonicus noster. Ob. Katerina Whyt soror nostre congregacionis cuius anime propicietur deus amen. | b| | f | mi |HI. | Ob. Willelmus Ster sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. 47 ( )b. Alicia Rawlyn soror nostre congregacionis cuius anime propici- etur deus amen. | g | vii 1 2U. | Ob. Robertus Herforde prior noster. Ob. frater Hugo Herford canonicus noster. Ob. Philippus Bellewe quondam maior chutatis Dublin qui nobis legauit vnam capam et duas casidas de panno auri anno domini M". cccc°. lxvi°. |.iuij|gt| v( \Wi\.\ Ob. Johannes Wsser frater nostre congregaci- onis. Ob. Henricus Stanyhurst frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. ccccc. iij°. | lit | b | v |2U. | Ob. Ricardus de Stafford canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes Whyt canonicus sancti Thome martiris. Eodem die Eadmunda Fox soror nostre congregacionis que legauit priori et conuentui et operibus ecclesie xx. s. | c | ix 1 2U. | Ob. frater Willelmus Ytell canonicus noster. ( )b. Anastasia Nangyll soror nostre congregacionis. | X'i | & | but | 35U. | Ob. Johannes Dublin archiepiscopus. Ob. Jo- hannes Lokynton frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Ricardus Sckyr- rett cuius anime propicietur deus. I xix I e I bij 1 3Stl. I Thomas Cradok frater nostre congregacionis. D iv -C3" | f | bj \Wi\.\ Ob. Thomas Newman quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M 3 . d°. xv\ Ob. Johannes Yong frater nostre congregacionis qui dedit operibus ec- clesie xx". s. anno domini M J . d°. xvi°. biij 48 | bfij | g | b 1 1&I. | ^jiostolotum sbgmoms $ Su&c. Ob. Johanna Rowe soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. dominus Ricardus Hector capellanus frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Walterus Pyppart quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. ccccc . •a xvi . | & | itt||iStI. j Ob. Anna Flemyng vxor Johannis Bedlewe, soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. cccc°. lxi . litera domi- nical. D. pro qua fiunt ix. lecciones. | bj | b | ti{ 1 36tl. | Robertus Ywjt frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Patricias Wliyte canonicus noster cuius anime propicietur deus amen. b | c | t| 1 1EtI. | Ob. dominus Ricardus Berwayl frater nostre congregacionis qui dedit nobis par vestimentorum precio xx u . ij. marcarum. Ob. Cristiana Gylagh que legauit vnum lyntheum capelle sancti Eadmundi regis soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Robertus Walsch frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. dominus Patricius Law capellanus de Glasnevyng qui nobis dedit omnia bona sua cuius anime propicietur deus amen anno domini M°. d°. xiiij". . | | & | IStl. iBtouemb. .-ffcstiuitas ©mntum Sbatutotum. Ob. Crista* nus conuersus noster. Memorandum quod anno domini millesimo quingentesimo sexto prima die mense Nouembris dominus Geraldus comes Kyldarie ac deputatus Hybernie venit hie ad ecclesiam cathe- dralem sancte Trinitatis Dubhn et optuht eidem ecclesie par vesti- mentorum de panno aureo de tussi. | xit( | e | Hi) | iSo. | Ob. Rogerus prior noster. Ob. Ricardus Lawles capellanus 49 capellanus frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Katerina Woder soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Cristiana Symon. | 'f | f | "t | j3o. | Ob. Philippus de Scheruewysberij canonicus noster. Ob. Gylbertus prior noster. | g | it \0o. | Ob. Johannes Comyne sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. Johanna More que legauit conuentui xl. d. et operibus ecclesie vi. s. viij. d. soror nostre congregacionis. I * |&] Jitonas. | Ob. Robertus (de sancto Neoto) canonicus noster. Ob. Johannes Nugent. Ob. apud nos obijt Johannes Harsfeld canonicus de Lantonia in Angliam iuxta Gloucestriam anno domini 1537. I |b|btii|Eb. I I xbiij I t I bit I lb. I I bt{ I b I bf I lb. I Ob. Kellagh conuersus noster. Ob. frater Jo- hannes Stele canonicus sancti Thome martiris. Ob. frater Simon Tany prior ecclesie conuentualis de Kylmaynan. Ob. Willelmus Heyn qui legauit operibus ecclesie xij. oues. I t I b I lb. I Ob. Johannes Dolfyn sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. Thomas Cusak qui quondam fuit maior Dublin frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. obijt Katerina Alen 1547. I xb I f I iiif I Ub. I Ob. Johanna Dardys soror nostre congrega- cionis. IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. H t'l'tf 5° | iii'f | g | it? | Itr. | ittartmi e&piscopi. Ob. Nicolaus Walsche frater nostre congregacionis anno Ml d°. x°. | | & | if | 3E&. j Sbantte aSegtutc Fugtnis. Ob. Petrus Morwyle frater nostre congregacionis qui legauit ecclesie nostre xl. s. Ob. Mariona Hakket qui legauit nobis vnum cyphum. Ob. Patricius Debarton canonicus noster. Ob. Walterus Money frater nostre con- gregacionis. | xi i I b I Jlius. Ob. Alicia Cruce soror nostre congregacionis anno doraini M°. d°. li°. Ob. Patricius Barnuell de Gratia Dei frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M". d J . lij". | < |c|uuii|BI. | Beccmb. Sbancti Uaurencij &rebiepiscopi Bublin. Ob. Johannes Dowgan mercator quondam ciuis Dublin et frater nostre congregacionis qui legauit nobis craterem argenteum ponderis viginti duarum vnciaruin ad fabricandum calicem maiori altari ecclesie nostre et plura alia bona eidem ecclesie fecit in vita sua cuius anime propicietur deus amen. | & | vbij | 3Etl. | Ob. Willelmus Kerny canonicus noster. | u | e \ *bf | IStl. | Ob. Walterus sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. Thomas Fytz Ede frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Robertus Sariaunt filius Johannis Seriaunt Baro de Castrokaok frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Lauglyn Olaghrow et Johanna Doyn qui dede- runt nobis v. s. et duo modia frumenti et macety. Ob. Alicia Byrssall soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. d u . h°. | f | xt) | Itl. | Ob. Johannes sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. Petrus Woder quondam maior ciuitatis Dublin frater nostre congre- gacionis. gacionis. Ob. Joliannis Wbytt frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Philippus Fyzt Symon frater nostre congregacionis. | xtn'i | g | xiiit | HI. | Ob. Cristinus sacerdos et canonicus noster. | bj | & | xi'U | HI. | Ob. Thomas Baly et Margareta Kelly et pueri eorum pro quibus net commemoracio. Ob. Willelmus Kelly et Anna Whetall et omnium amicorum eorundem. Ob. Ricardns Wydown carpentarius noster cuius anime propicietur deus amen. | b| tii | HI. | Rogerus de Mancestria canonicus nostre. Ob. dominus Rogerus Fulthrop miles qui legauit conuentui vi. marcas et dimidiam. Ob. Janico Dartays armiger frater nostre congrega- cionis. \xiii\\ c | xj | HI. | Ob. frater Thwrstan canonicus noster. Ob. Jo- hannes Herdman canonicus noster. | it | | & | x | HI. | Ob. Walterus Rous sacerdos et canonicus noster. | | e | iv | HI. | Sbanctt dementis ^ape, Ob. Donatus episcopus primus Dublin. Ob. frater Walterus Bui canonicus noster. | x\ | f | bii\ | HI. | Ob. Gylmor conuersus noster. Ob. Philippus Braybrok canonicus noster. Ob. frater Nicholaus Hylle subprior domus omnium sanctorum. | xix | g| bi( | HI. | ^anne Haterine Fivginis. Ob. Andreas conuersus noster. Ob. Willelmus Gey canonicus noster. Ob. Willelmus Wyll H 2 frater 5 2 frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Elysabeth Wellys soror nostre congregacionis. | & | bj | IKL | Ob. frater Henricus de Ocham canonicus noster. Ob. Willehnus Symon. | bit} | b | b 1 13tl. | Ob. frater Robertas canonicus noster ad succur- rendum. | c | till | Wt\. | Ob. Johanna Bern soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Fyan (quondam) maior ciuitatis Dublin frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Barret capellanus qui dedit nobis librum epistolarem cuius anime propicietur deus amen 1557. I xb{ J & I iij I HX\. I Ob. Galfidus canonicus noster. Ob. Nicholaus Gadyn de Clyfford canonicus noster. Ob Johannes Walche frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Hunnylowe canonicus noster cuius anime propicietur deus amen anno M J . d°. xiij. b I J I if I Hvl. I fbatutt &n&rec &jiostoli. Ob. Willehnus canon- icus noster. Ob. Ricardus Whyte frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Thomas Parker frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Galfridus Parker frater nostre congregacionis. I xiij J i I 12U1. |Decemb. Ob. Aldelmus canonicus noster. Ob. Willehnus de Ballymor canonicus noster. Ob. Thomas Dowdall qui dedit operibus ecclesie xl. s. frater nostre congregacionis. I U ! B I '"f I &°- 1 Ob. Walterus de Bellycampo canonicus noster. I gj I it} I iio. J Ob. Johannes Walche frater nostre congrega- cionis. 53 cionis. Ob. Willelmus Butler Fyzthomas Fytzclement Burg de Nouo Rosponte frater nostre congregacionis. | J | 6 | tj | jSo. I Ob. Alicia Comyn soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Thomas Wynchestre frater nostre congregacionis. | c | i&onas. | Ob. Moroc conuersa nostra. Ob. Willelmus Walterus frater nostre congregacionis. |xtmj| & | biij | la. | ^cancti J£icf)olat (Kpt'scopi. Ob. Gigred qui dedit nobis Tylaeh. Ob. Odmellus frater nostre ad succurrendum. Ob. Johannes Kelly frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Agneta Walche soror nostre congregacionis. | bi( [ c | bij | I&. | Ob. dominus Nicholaus Plunket miles frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. cccc u . xxix. Ob. Thomas Walleys armiger frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Katerina Dwif soror nostre congregacionis anno domini M". d°. xxxi°. | f | b( | 3E&. | GToncepcio beate jjjlarie. Ob. Mabilia mater do- mini Luce erchiepiscopi Dublin. Ob. frater Johannes Fox canonicus noster. Ob. Henricus Lawles frater nostre congregacionis. | xb | (j | b | I&. | Ob. frater Johannes de Gronia prior noster. Ob. Robertas Fytz Symon frater nostre congregacionis. | itij | & | iii\ | Iti. | Ob. Willelmus Benett canonicus noster ad suc- currendum. Ob. dominus Rieardus Gilldisley monachus monaster!] sancte Warburge de Westchestria cuius anime propicietur deus amen anno domini M°. d°. xxvi°. b 54 | b | uj | ID. | Ob. Eoginaldus de Barnuylle canonicus noster. Ob. Robertus Lynton frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Stanyhurst frater nostre congregacionis anno M°. d°. xij°. Ob. Jo- hannes Mosse thesaurarius istius ecclesie 1556. I xtf I C I i\ I ID. I Ob. pie memorie Lucas archiepiscopus Dublin. Ob. Willelmus Braddesforde sacerdos et canonicus noster. Ob. Johanna Whytt. Eodem die obijt Richardus Freman 1534. I \ I D I IDus. I ^arute Hucic Ftrejinis. Ob. Rogerus Walche frater nostre congregacionis. I e I xix I Hil. I ^fanuRrij. Ob. Johannes Brytayne frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Henricus de Brystol prior noster. I u I f I xbii{| Wil. I Ob. Katerina Walche soror nostre congregaci- onis anno domini M°. d°. ix°. Ob. Jeneta Whyte soror nostre con- gregacionis anno domini M°. d°. xix°. I g| xbij|i£tl. I Ob. Crispinus conuersus noster. Ob. domina Alicia Bron monialis de Hoggys soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Glowceter sacerdos et canonicus noster. I vbij |gt | xbj I Ml. I Ob. Isolda Mestayll soror nostre congregacionis. I bj I & I xb I Ml. I Ob. Mariona Flemyng qui dedit operi ecclesie vi. d. I t I viii| I Ml. I Ob. Rawlandus Fytz Eustas miles. Ob. Robertus Netervyl Elysabeth Brytt et Agneta Whytt uxores eius. lit'i't 55 | mil | & | xii\ | HI | Ob. Gyllemorus conuersus noster. Ob. Katerina Gallon. | ii( | e | vi| |3Btl | scancti ®bome glpostoli. Ob. Johannes Passelew frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Jeneta Petyte quondam vxor Philippi Bellew soror nostre congregacionis. Ob. Michael Tregorre archiepiscopus Dubhne anno domini M°. cccc°. lxxi°. ]f| Kj | HI. | Ob. Robertus canonicus noster et professus. Ob. dominus Johannes Wolfe capellanus de Glasnewyn. | .v| | g | x | Wi\. | Ob. Col Wogane frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Walch frater nostre congregacionis qui legauit operi- bus ecclesie xx". s. priori et conuentui xx°. s. Ob. Johannes Bellew frater nostre congregacionis anno domini M°. cccc°. lxxxj°. | xiv |gt| iv | HI. | Ob. frater Hugo Marchal canonicus noster et pro- fessus. Ob. Willelmus Petytt qui dedit operibus ecclesie vi. s. viij. d. Ob. magister Johannes Scherlok canonicus noster et bachalarius in decretis. Ob. Elias Ward frater nostre congregacionis anno M°. & D . iiij". Ob. Walterus Sennot cocus noster et frater nostre congregacionis. j b | imj | HI. | jlatiuitas Domini. Ob. Mariona Lerpoll soror nostre congregacionis que dedit operibus ecclesie xij. s. pro qua hunt ix. lecciones. | Oiif | c | l)i( | HI. | Sbancti ^tcpfiani. Ob. Matylda Wynter soror nostre congregacionis que legauit operibus ecclesie vi. s. viij. d. Ob. Robertus Norreys frater nostre congregacionis. Ob. Johannes Le- naght cocus noster. Ob. Johannes Rendyll syssor frater nostre con- gregacionis. 13 5^ | | fc | bj 1 HI. | Sbamti gjofjanms. Ob. Ricardus Forstere qui quondam fuit abbas monastery sancti Thome martiris frater nostre congregacionis. | xbj | e | b | HI. | Sanctorum Unnouncium. Ob. Juliana Kyldnore que legauit nobis vnam ollam eneam. | b | f | iii( | HI. | 5?antti tEbome. Ob. Thomas conuersus noster. Ob. Elena Clerke que legauit operibus ecclesie x. marc. Ob. Mar- gareta Morsse que legauit operibus ecclesie vi. s. viij. d. | g| lit | HI. | Ob. Katerina Talbotte soror nostre congrega- cionis. |««||9| ij | HI. | ^anctt ^Uuestu Jttattms. Hec ll)C llec sunt nomina illorum mortuorum quorum corpora in ecclesia Cathedrali Sancte Trinitatis et precinctu eiusdem in pulvere requiescunt, quorum animabus propicietur deus amen. Pro quibus prior et canonici eiusdem loci tenentur orare, et speciabter semel in anno exequias et missas solemniter pro eis selebrare cum cam- panis pulsatis et luminibus circa eos luminatis &c. In primis pro animabus Thome Smotb, Johannis Drake, vxorum et liberorum suorum, Johannis Gramcett, Johannis Morvyll, vxorum et liberorum suorum. Die dominica que dicitur dominica in albis semper celebratur. [tem pro animabus Johannis Estrete, Willelini Caschell, Thome Feyll. Die veneris ebdomade Pentecosten. Item pro animabus Johannes Fanyne, Matilde Talbot vxoris eius, et Walteri Pers, Jenete Fanyn vxoris eius, et Simonis Tempernes, Ricardi Rosell, Matilde Rosell cum liberis eorum, ac eciam domini Simonis Dufe capellani. Die dominica proxime post fes- tum sancti Johannis Baptiste. Item pro animabus Ricardi Strangewyll comitis. Willelmi Marschall comitis, ac Thome filij Johannis comitis Kyldarie, Johanneque de Burgo comitisse vxoris eius, necnon aliorumque comitum succes- sorum prefati Thome progenitorum et hberorum suorum. Die Dominica proxime post festum- sancti Petri quod dicitur advincula, • nee non et domini Rogeri Dersi militis. IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. I Itl'lil 5§ Item pro animabus Thome Suetyrby, Johannis Benett, Thome Benett, Jonete Suetyrby, Ehzabeth Bellewe, Nicholai Bourke. Die do- minica proxime post festum assmnpcionis beate Marie virginis. Item pro animabus Johannis Savage, Jonete Phihpp vxoris eius, et magistri Ricardi Fyehe. Die dominica proxime post festum nati- uitatis beate Marie virginis. Nee non et Ahcie Hazhan. Item pro animabus domini Raulandi Fytz Eustace militis, Roberti Netyrwyle, Ehzabeth Brytte et Agnetis White, ultima dominica de aduentu domini. Item pro animabus Jenete Fyzt Wyllam, Ricardi Stanyhurst, et Agnetis Mawreward vxoris eius, nee non et Johannis Stanyhurst, die dominica post festum Item pro anima Willelmi Sutton quondam baronis Scaccarij domini regis, die dominica post festum sancti Valentini martiris. Memorandum 59 Memorandum quod Edwardus Somerton seruiens domini regis ad le- gem infra terrain Hibernie et Jacobus Dowdall ciuis et mercator Dublin executores Johannis Morwylle quondam ciuis Dublin de- derunt nobis priori et conuentui domus siue ecclesie sancte Tri- nitatis Dublin unum bonum calicem deauratum et nomine predicti Johannis in pede eiusdem calicis script, ad usum magni altaris ac eciam vitreauerunt magnam Gabulam vocatam Westgabyll eiusdem domus siue ecclesie et ideo nos predicti prior et conuentus et successores nostri racione premissorum tenemur obitum predicti Johannis semel annuatim inperpetuum sumptibus nostris solemp- niter celebrare dominica die proxima post diem obitus sui ac assidue alijs temporibus congruis pro anima predicti Johannis et antecessorum suorum attendissime orare quorum animabus pro- picietur deus amen. Memorandum quod anno domini M°. cccc°. nonagessimo octauo in dominica die Hctarc Jerusalem litera dominicali <&. recepti fuerunt in confraternitatem nostram hij sequentes sc, Nicolaus Scherreff, et Margareta Lawrans vxor eius, et Patricius Lawrans, et Patricius Chamyrlayn. Anno domini millesimo cccclxxxxix . obijt Johannes Sauage quon- dam maior ciuitatis Dublin v. Idus Septembris qui legauit ecclesie sancte Trinitatis Dublin par vestimentorum de blodia velvet vna cmn capa eisdem vestimentis concordanti pro quibus prior et conuentus concesserunt custodire obitum eius et vxoris sue Jenete Phillip, ac eciam obitum magistri Eicardi Fyche cum campanis pulsatis exequijs et missa solemne imperpetuum quorum animabus propicietur deus amen. 1234567 8 9 10 Rex fit egens ope clam bis lora kalans tenet hora. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Candens querit equm dans nil beat ars kalat iras. w G3 a* s b 64 C3 <_r *-* *-» o d M § a f — • H i ^~ -*- w o X w a * g o JO * s X w s ^*5 J5 W X X X. w w 55 X w w H u X <-* w s <-* <-* w w W W w 55 X X m f ? 2^ f ? m m ? k b n c iftf © I E q I E 8 I c 8 it © c E X B © © E £ X 1) 8 © b T 9^ a b k I ®1 1; £ X ft r X b| k P t k b t b I) I b b t b b n f e U i n b 13 t b 33 t b c t n £ t «'t s a m a a 8 9 a s m 13 S in 13 s tn 9 ? a m £ m f 8 a «j » m f ? 11 f ? 11 111 ? iff m a U m f c fiij l|i 8 ® £ B © c 8 © I in © 1 £ © 1 Fili us esto Dei celum bonus accipe gratis Consume est genitor bona donans fertilis auctor. 6i $rima »i a b x\ t to xix e biij f 9 xbj a xui M t f X s xbiij bit ii c xb f iiij f xij i g i b t tx & c xbij f B xiiij b "i c ita iii\ Mo. (j Mo. Jionas. bit{ ft. bij ft. bj ft. b fi>. iiij ft. iij ft. ii ft. ftus. xtx mi. xbiij mi. xbtf mi. xbj *&!• xb mi. xiiij mi. xtij mi. xij mi. x| mi. x mi. fx mi. bui mi. bit ^l- bj mi. b mi. m mi. a\ mi. ij mi. Bits tnensis ft Sbepttma truntat ut tnsfs. 3Januarij. GCirtumtisio fcomini. J>. f. Oct. sancti Stephanui. iij. lee. Oct. sancti Johanni. iij. let. Oct. sanctorum Innocentium. itj. Ice. ffipiphania toomini &. f. big. ©tt. (JBpipfjanit. Remigij et Hylarij conf. ix. Itt. Jftbruarij. Felicis in pincis. conf. iij. let. Mauri abbatis. iij. Itt. Fursei abbatis et conf. ix. Itt. Marcelli pape et martiris. Antonij abbatis iij. let. Prisce uirginis. iij. Itt. Sbol in Aquarium. Wlstani episcopi et confessoris. ix. Itt. Duplex festum. Fabiani et Sebastiani martyrum. ix. let. Sancte Agnetis uirginis. ix. let. Vincentij martiris. ix. let. Emerentiane. Macharij abbatis. iij. lee. ©onuersio Scantti pauli. ix. Itt. Proiecti martiris. Polycarpi martyris tt tpistopi. &. f. iij. let. Juliani episcopi et confessoris. iij. lee. Agnetis secundo. iij. Itt. tuin ix. ps. Batildis uirginis. iij. let. Edani episcopi et conf. ix. lee. d. f ®utrc primam lunam post ©pipfjaniam et post illam tomputa bettm &its tt in primo £babbato scqutnti tlauliitur alleluia. Memorandum quod die lune in festo conuersionis Sancti Pauli dominus Mauricius filius Thome comes de Desmon. Justiciarius Hibernie obijt in ciuitate Dublinie. IRISH ARCH. SOC 4. K (SuattS 62 subit mortem ptosternit tertia fortem. Jfebruarij. Brigide iiirginis. ix. let. Ignatij episcopi et martiris. torn. $urifitario santte jftftarte uirginis. a. f. Warburge uirginis. ix. lee. Blasi episcopi et martiris. com. Agathe iiirginis et martiris. ix. Ire. Vedasti et Amandi et Meli episcoporum. ix. lee. Sancte Appolonie uirginis. com. Scolastice uirginis. ix. let. Radegunde uirginis. torn. ix. lee. jftftartij. Valentini martiris. iij. let. cum ix. ps. Sancti Beri episcopi. ix. lee. Sbol in piste. Juliane uirginis. ix. let. Fintani episcopi et confessoris. ix. lee. big. ©atfjebra santti |Jetri. ix. let. duplex festum. Mulburge uirgims. torn. Jttatfiie apostoli. lotus bisexti. ix. let. Sancti Munne episcopi. ix. lee. Oswaldi episcopi. ix. let. ©usre setunaam lunam post (JBpiphaniam et post illam tomputa auos tries et in prima aominita sequenti erit ©uattragesima. Post nonas februarij priraam lunam quere Inde quartam feriam proximam tenere Ibi diem cinerum prudentes fecere Semper per hanc regulam tu recipiere. primus d luar a a a a xj £ iiij Mo. xix f iij Jio. biij s i\ &o. a Jionas. Xbj a biij la. b t bij sa. a a at £a. b xiij e b la. t f iii{ R & 8 tif la. X a ij la. e b naus. e xbiij t xbj mi. { xij a xb mi. 9 c xiiij mi. ft xb f xiij mi. b iii| 8 xif mi. i a x} mi. fe xij b x mi. I i t ix mi. m a biij mi. in bit} e bij mi. n f bj mi. xbij 9 b mi. P bj a iiij mi. © b iij mi. xiij t ij mi. 63 us b a* c bj Bo. xj f b JSo. 9 tit} Jio. XIX a iij Jio. bitj b ij Jio. c Jionas. *bj b bit} lb. b c bit ft- f bj lib. ^«'J g b ft. •1 a iiij ft. b iij ft. x c t'r ft. b ftus. xbiij e xbij mi. Mf f xbj mi. 8 xb mi. xb a xt'iij mi. tb b xitj mi. t xij mi. xtj & x\ mi. i e x mi. f ii mi. IX 9 btit mi. a btf mi. xbij b bj mi. b{ c b mi. b iiij mi. xtij £ tij mi. "\ f ij mi. Jttanbentem bitumpit quatta bibentem. Jttartij Dauid episcopi et confessoris. it. \tt. Cedde episcopi et confessoris. ix. let. Magri abbatis. ix. lee. Perpetue et Felicitatis coin. Thome de Aquino, ix. lee. Vindiciani episcopi et conf. torn. Ob. Nicolai Clerk A°.Dni. M°.cccc°.lxx°, (ffiregorij papc et conf. ix. let. Epulis Sancti Finani episcopi et conf. ix. lee. IJatrictj ^ibemiens. apostoli b. f. Eadwardi regis Anglie et confessoris. ix. let. Sbol in atiete. Sancti Lactam episcopi et confessoris. ix. lee. Cutliberti episcopi. t'x. let. Benedicti abbatis. ix. let. ^nnunciatio santte Jftftavie uirginis. b. f. UUsurrectio Domini. ©uere tertiam lunam post (iBpipbaniam et post illam tomputa xtttj bits et in prims boininita sequent! erit $astfta. K 2 Benus 1 h Icnu s g ma 1 xj a iii'l Jio. fe b iij Mo. 1 xix c tj iSo. m bii\ b Jionas. m xbj e biij lb. n b f bij lb. 8 bj lb. P xii\ a b lb. © n b iiij 5b. <& t tij a - 2U X a if lb. s E Bus. t xbiij f xbiij mi. b bij 9 xbij SL b a xbj m X xb b xb mi. » m c xiut mi. ? & xiij mi. a xij e x«j mi. b t f xi mi. c 9 x mi. fe ix a ix mi. I b biij mi. m xbij c bij mi. "i & bj mi. £ b mi. tib f iiij mi. «i 9 iii mi. a x\ mi. 64 ft unbtnus est mortis bulnere plenus. &prilis. Sancti Ricardi episcopi et confessoris. ix. Ice. Ambrosij episcopi et confessoris. ix. let. Cudlaci abbatis. iij. let. Leonis pape. coin. Eufemie mrginis. com. iflftnij. Tyburcij Valeriani et Maximi martirum, ii|. Ice. Lasriani episcopi et conf. iij. Ice. d. f. Elphegi episcopi et conf. iij. lee. Georgij martiris. iij. Ice. iUlavci cuancjJlistc. ix. Ice. Cleti pape et martiris. iij. Ice. cum ix. Psalmis. Vitalis martiris. iij. Ice. Sancti Roberti abbatis. Petri martiris de ordine predicatorum com. ©ucrc quartam lunam post ©piprjaniam et post illam eomputa biginti bies ct in prima bominica sequent* crit terminus roptionum. ©cuius *5 occ&tt et septt'mus ova rcliott. Jttatj. &postolorum ^P&ilippi et gfawb'- ix. Ice. Enuencio sanctc cruets, to. f. Alexandra Euentij et Theodori martirum. com. 3°!)annis ante poitam Hatinam iij. lee. cum ix. psal. Johannis de Beuerlaco. Episcopi. iij. lee. ix. ps. Translacio sancti Nicholai. ix. lee. Translacio sancti Laurencij arcliiepiscopi Dublin, ix. Ice. Gordiani et Epimachi martirum. com. Nerei et Achillei et Pancracij. martirum. iij. Ice. Marie ad martires. com. Sitlie uirginis. ix. lee. Dedicacio ecclesie sancti Miehee. 3)unij. Brandani abbatis et conf. ix. lee. 5©ol in e&eminis. Dunstani arcliiepiscopi et confessoris. ix. lee. Potenciane uirtnnis. Ethelberti regis et martiris. Thimothei martiris. com. Vrbani pape et martiris. iij. lee. Translacio sancti Fran- cissi. com. Augustini Anglorum episcopi, ix. lee. Becani abbatis. ix. lee. Petronille uirginis, rom. (Sucre quintam lunam post (JBpipbaniam et post illam eomputa quatuor cries et in prima Uommica sequenti erit ^cntccosten. Bcnus Sere xj ius b UK e bj Bo. xi.v & b Bo. biij e titj Bo. f iij Bo. xb? 9 «f Bo. b & i^onas. b biij ft. xii| c bij ft. M & bj ft. e b ft. X f ffff ft. 8 itj ft. xbiij » ij ft. bij b ftus. e xbtj mi. xb tr xbj mi. 0) e xb mi. f xtttj mi. xif 9 xttj mi. i a xtj mi. b xj mi. ix e x mi. & tx mi. xbij c biff mi. b\ f bit mi. 9 bj mi. xib a b mi. »'f b iiij mi. e iij mi. xj & ij mi. 66 Uci IUS mt, xix f titj J£o. biij s itj J2o. xbf a ij iSo. b b i^onas. c biij lb. xii\ b btf B. if r bj B. f b Bj. I g iiij B. a itj B. xbiij ii ij ID. bil c Bus. b xbiij mi. xb e xbij mi an f xbj mi. S xb mi. xij a xfttf mi. t b %u\ mi. c xij mi. ix b xj mi. e x mi. xbij i ix mi. M g biij mi. a bij mi. xiiif b bj mi. »t t b mi. ft iiij mi. •M e itj mi. f ij mi. pallestit quinbenus febeta ncscit. 5)unij. Nichomedis martiris. iij. Ice. Marcelli et Petri, martirum. ix. let. Coemgeni abbatis et confessoris. ix, let. Sancte Erasrni epis- copi et martiris com. Medardi et Gildardi episcoporum et confessorum. it'j. let. Willelmi episcopi et confessoris. Columbe abbatis et confessoris. ix. let. Primi et Feliciani martyrum. tout. Translacio sancti Patricij sancti Columbe et sancte Brigide. ix. lee. to turn duplex. 23amabe apostoli. Macthail episcopi .... ix. let. Basilidis, Cyrini, Naboris et Nazarij, martinim. iij. let. Antonij confessoris fratrivm minorum. iij. let. 5)uli(. Basilij confessoris. iij. let. Edburge uirginis. a j let. Viti et Modesti, martirum. iij. let. Cirici et Julite matris eius. iij. let. Botulphi abbatis. ix. let. Sbol in cantrum. Marci et Marcellini martirum. iij. let. Geruasij et Prothasij, martirum. ix. let. (SCommemotatto patentum et benefattontm nostrorum befunttorum. S&olstitium. Translacio sancte Warbiu-ge uirginis. iij. let. Albani martiris. tx. let. Etheldride uirginis. torn. big. jlatiuitas santtt ^Jo&annis 33aptiste. b. f. Vindiciani et reliquorum episcoporum et confessorum. Wal- teri abbatis. Kenneburg. uirginis. Joliannis et Pauli martirum. iij. let. turn ps. ix. Leonis pape. torn, apostolorum $etri et pauli. b. f. Commemoracio sancti Pauli apostoli. ix. let. big. 2Terbctt xix mi a && btij i bj J2o. b b Jio. xbj c lit'} iio. b U iff Jio. c ij Mo. xiij f Jionas. «'j 5 btij lb. £l bij B. X b bj lb. c b lb. rbiij b iiij $b. bij C iij lb. f ij lb. xb 9 Ibus. ib & xbi{ mi. b xb{ mi. «'f c xb mi. i to xiiij mi. e xuf mi. IX f xif mi. 9 xj mi. xbi'j a x mi. i»l b ix mi. c btij mi. xib b bij mi. «j c bj mi. f b mi. if s iiij mi. xix a iij mi. b ij mi. 6 7 mus mactat ^julij bouts labcfattat. 3|ult'j. Oct. sancti Johannis Baptiste. ix. Ice. Processi et Martiniani martirum. Swithini conf. com. Vi- sitacio beate Marie, ix. lee. et duplex festum. Translacio sancti Thome apostoli. coin. Translacio sancti Martiri episcopi. com. Oct. apostolorum Petri et Pauli. ix. Ice. Translacio sancti Thome archiepiscopi. ix. Ice. Sanctorum septem fratrum filiorum sancti Felicitatis. iij. Ice. Translatio sancti Benedicti. iij. Ice. cum. ix. jis. Mildrede uirginis. iij. lee. Incipiunt dies caniculares. Diuisionis apostolorum. ix. Ice. Edithe uirginis. ix. Ice. gtugustt. Kenelmi martiris. iij. Ice. Sancti Leonis. ix. lee. Jttargarete uirginis. ix. Ice. Vulmari abbatis. com. Praxedis uirginis. Jttaric Jttagbalene. b. f. Wandregesili abbatis. com. Apollinaris episcopi et martiris. com. Sancte Cristine uirginis et martiris. com. Jjatobi apostoli. ix. Ice. Cristofori et Cucufatis martirum. com. Sancte Anne martiris Marie uirginis. Sanctorum septem dormientium. com. Pantaleonis martiris. com. Sampsonis Oct. sancte Marie Magdalene, ix. fee. Felicis simplicij Abdon et Serines martirum. iij. Ice. Commemoiatio veltcuuaium. ix. Ice. Germani episcopi. com. optima 68 toil f ma c &fc xbj U lit} Jio. b c iij Jio. f ij ilo. xiff S Jionas. ij a biij 3ia. b bij Kj. x t bj sa. a b la. vbiij c iiij 5a. WJ f u'i la. g ij la. xb 3 Bus. ib b MX 1U. c xbttj mi. xij xbtj mi. t c xbj mi. f xb mi. 1.1 g xitii mi. a xiij mi. xbfj b xij mi. l)( c xj mi. a x mi. xib £ ix mi. •if f biij mi. a btf mi. xj ^ bj mi. xix b b mi. c iiij mi. biij a ill mi. e . »i s&. tj i&. ffims. xbtij HI. xbtj 2U. xbj HI. xb mi xiii\ W. xtt'i SI. xij mi. xj mi. x mi. «x mi. bttt mi. b.j mi. b\ mi. b mi. ittj mi. iij mi. u mi. 6 9 Sbeptembvis ct tonus feet mala mcmbiis. Sjcptcmbtis. Egidij abbatis. Priscimartiris.com. Oct. sancti Augustini. ix. lee. Vltani episcopi et confesso- ris. torn Bertini abbatis. Dies caniciculares finiuntur. Maculini episcopi et confessoris. ix. lee. i^atiuitas sanctc Jttarie uivginis. 0. f. Adriani martiris. torn. Gorgonij martiris. torn. Kerani abbatis. torn. Prothi et Iacincti martirum. com. Albini et Lasriani confessorum. com. ©ctobris. (Sxaltatio sanctc ctucis. ti. f. Corneli et Cipriani. com. Oct. sancte Marie, ix. lee. Nichomedis martiris. com. Eufemie Lucie et Geminiani martirum. com. Lamberti episcopi et martiris. iij. Ice. ^ol. in Utbram. com. ittatljct apostoli et euangeliste. Mauricij sociorumque eius. ix. lee. Thecle uirginis. iij. lee. big. ix. lee. Barri episcopi et confessoris. . . . Firmini episcopi et martiris. com. Cipriani episcopi et martiris. iij. lee. Justine uirginis com Cosme et Damiani. iij. lee. Cum ix. ps. Jtttcljaclis arcftangelt. ti. f. Jeronimi presbiteri. ix. lee. Duplex festum. IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. ©cuius 7° GTtrt xbj tus ma b b b{ i£o. xiij c b jjq. obannis apostoli Et Euangeliste. ft. f. Sanctorum innocentium. ft. f. ©borne arcbiepiscopi. ft. f. big. Siluestri pape et confessoris. ix. let. % (Suanfto or xbt © xbi SI. J*br. €B bit SI. b b *b mi. jf bi si. <& m si. © b si. xii\ § xii\ SI. 3 itii SI. i( © xij IBtl. ©on. 23 in SI. a xi SI. OP ii SI. .x 23 x SI. B Slcnb. © h mi. cb bi iio. xbftf B bitj HI. JF l> jio. bt'( © b£| mi. © iii| j3o. jf Di mi. a uf jsto. xb © b mi. 23 a iio. iiij a iiij mi. © Jionas. 23 iii mi. B bitj 3EU. xij © it mi. €B bij Its. i IB micnb. purine. jF bi B>. 1 © iiij Mo. © b IK. 2 ix JF iii Jio. M iiij K». © if Mo. 23 iii Sb. ts J9 s 2 or » 3 o 2 2 *u if jaw. aw u; xbij & Jionas. © ii ID. bj 23 biij lb. ID Ems. © bit JU. <& xbi mi. april. 1 xiiij B bi lb. JF xb mi. a «j © b lb. €5 xiiij mi. - w JF iiij a. a xifl mi. | xi ffi iij lb. 13 xij mi. |; $ ii lb. 3 xix 23 Bus. tour © xbi mi. B xb mi. ffi xiiij mi. iF xiij mi. ffi xii mi. a xi mi. 23 x mi. © ix mi. B biii mi. $etrus. ^f ©uanbo =fl xb QD xij 1RI. gtprilis © b 19 x« mi. e SB e x mi. — or o xiii jp ix mi. >t3 ii & biif mi. annum 3 a wf mi. x as w mi. © b mi. m xbiii B tiij mi. bit <8> iff mi. JF m mi. xb © micnU. i an & ««i iao. El 3 23 iff Mo. xij © ij Mo. 3 TO « B Jionas. © biij 3ft. s ix J bij 3ft. © b| 3ft. Si xbij a b ]ft. 3 bj 23 «uf 3ft. 3 ffi t'ij 3ft. — xiiif B ij ]ft. £ ii« <& 3ftus. 3 iF J*U| mi. Mm x« © xbij mi. a xbi mi. o x«x 23 xb mi. >ts bti{ © xtu^ mi. 3 b xiii mi. SB 3 © xtt mi. ts jf «( mi. SI 1-1 €5 x mi. a ix mi. *» 23 Htj mi S3 © bit mi. ittarci. 74 Epulis Sbamti bcnc&ictc abbatis. Ufbcr Uihev $«mrtr &vtnitati& i I9i$lilttt . A. %k^2i SJanuartf. giamiarms Ijalut bits m\ fttma m\ Xft 1 ** Octaue Domini. Rome ; natalis sancti Almachii mar- tiris, qui iubente Alipio urbis profecto, cum diceret, hodie octaue dominice diei sunt, cessate a superstitionibus idolorum et sacrifices pollutis a gladiatoribus, hac de causa occisus est. Item Rome ; sancte Martine uirginis et martiris. Eodem die, apud Spoletum ; ciuitatem Tuscie ; sancti Concordii martiris, temporibus Antonini imperatoris. Apud Affricam ; natalis sancti Fulgentii episcopi et confessoris. Apud Alexandriam ; sancte Eufrosine uirginis. In territorio Lugdunensi monasterio Uirensium ; sancti Eugandi Ab- batis cuius uita uirtutibus et mbaculis plena refulsit. Eodem die ; sanctissimi Paragoda septimi Uiennensis episcopi. iiij. JSon. ^anuarif. 23. Natale sancti Macharii abbatis. Et in Ponto ciuitate Chomis ; trium fratrum, Argei, Marcisci et Marcellini pueri, qui sub Cilinio inter tyrones coprehensi, cum nollent militare cesi ad mortem, et diu in carcere macerati, in mare mersi, martyrium consumma- uerunt. ii\. Jioit. 3januartj. <£. Rome; natalis sancti Anteros pape et martiris, qui uicesimus post beatum Petrum cum duodecim annis, mense uno, diebus duode- cnn rexisset ecclesiam, passus est sub Maximiano, et in cymiterio Calixti sepultus uia Appia. Apud Parisium ; sancte Genofeue uir- ginis, que a beato Germano Autisodorensi episcopo Cbristo di- cata, admirandis uirtutibus et miraculis late claruit ; et usque ad octoginta vA^ 7 6 octoginta annos in Christi seruitute consenuit. Eodem die; sancti Florentii Uionensis episcopi et martiris, octaui eiusdem urbis. if. Jion. 3Ja«"art't. IB. Na talis sancti Titi apostolorum discipuli. Apud Affricam ; nata- lis sanctorum Aquilini, Gemini, Eugentii, Marciani, Quinti, Theo- doti, Triponis ; preclarissimorum martirum quorum gesta haben- tur. Eodem die, apud urbem Eomam ; sanctorum martiris Prisci presbiteri et Priscilliani clerici, atque Benedicte religiosissime femine,* sub tempore Juliani impisimi Augusti, qui gladio marty- rium compleuerunt. Item apud Romam ; beate Dafrose uxoris Fabiani martyris, que post dampnationem beati uiri sui primum religata exilio, deinde ab impio Juliano capite jussa est puniri. 0.o\x. ^januarij. <&. Rome ; Natale sancti Thelespori, qui septimus post Petrum apos- .tolum pontifex ordinatus sedet annos undecim, menses tres, dies uiginti unum. Hie constituit ut septem ebdomadibus ante pascha ieiunium celebraretur ; et natali domini nostri Jhesu Christi nocte misse celebrarentur, et ymprimis angelicus, id est, gloria in ex- celsis Deo, hora sacrificii misse diceretur, illustreque martyrium duxit. Item apud Antiochiam ; depositio sancti Symeonis mo- nachi et confessoris, admirandi uirtutis uiri, qui stetit in co- lumpna. biij. E6US ^anuartj. jp. Epiphania Domini. Eodem die; sancte Macre uirginis. Quam cum Riciouarus preses torqueri et in ignem precipitari iussisset, illesa permansit. Deinde mamillas abscisis et squalore carceris afflicta, sub testas accutissimas et prunas uolutata, orans migrauit ad do- minium bf|. 77 (S. Relatio pueri ex Egipto; et natalis sancti Luciani Antiochene ec- clesie presbiteri et martiris uiri doctissimi atque eloquentissimi. Qui passus Nichomedie ob confessionem Christi sub persecutione Maximini, sepultusque Helenopoli Bitinie. Item apud Antio- chiam; beati Cleri diaconi et martiris. bi. Hj. gjanuartj. :5l. Neapolim Campanie ; sancti confessoris Seuerini fratris beatis- simi Uictorini clarissimi uiri in miraculis. Qui et ipse fratris imi- tator post nmltarum uirtutuin preparationem sanctitate plenus in Christo quieuit. Beluaci ; sanctorum Luciairi et Messiani. Metis ciuitate ; depositio sancti Pacientis episcopi et confessoris. b. Iti. 3januarif. 33. In Maritania Cesariensi ; natalis sancti Martiane uirginis et mar- tiris. Eodem die, apud Antiocliiam; sancti Iuliani martiris, et Basilissa coniugis eius. Hi itaque casti coniuges, sanctissimo uoto aliquot annos pariter uixerunt. Carnem suam uirginem ser- uantes. Monasteria autem de rebus suis, quia erant parentibus et genere clarissimi, instituerunt, ut ad decern milia monachorum pater beatus Iulianns fieret : Basilissa uero multarum uirginum mater. Quarum multidinem cum iam uictricem premisisset ad dominum ipsa post multa exercicia sanctarum uirtutum in pace quieuit. Julianus uero diu a Marciano preside tortus iubente eo a militibu gladio cesus est, cum Celso puero supradicti presidis filio. Eodem die ; Antonii et Anastasii, martirum, cum Marcionilla martire uxore pra;sidis. Et apud Hibemiam ; Felan ad Cristum migrauit. IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. M ttij. 78 inf. lb. ^Jamtarij. ©. Apud Tebaidem ; natale sancti Pauli prinii heremite, qui a qiiinto decimo etatis sue anno, usque ad centeshniun tercium, solus in heremo permansit. Cuius animam inter Apostolorum et prophe- tarum clioros ad celum ferri ab angelis Antonius vidit. Sancti Igini pape et confessoris qiu sedit Rome annos quatuor. Apud Cyprum ; beati Nieanoris qui unus fuit de septeni primis diaco- nibus. itj. 3ttj. ^annarif. IB. Apud Alexandriam ; natalis sanctorum confessorum Petri, Seue- rini, Leucii, quorum gestah abentur. In Affrica; natalis sancti Siluani. In huius natab sanctus Augustinus uerbum fecit ad po- pulum Cartagini. if. Bj. 3anuati|. (!B. Apud Achaiam ; natale sancti Saturi martiris, ciuis Arabie. Qui transiens ante quoddam ydolum cum sufflasset illud, signans sibi i'rontem statim corruit. Ob quam causam decollatus est. Eodem die ; natale sancti Archadii martiris genere et miraculis clari. jf . Rome uia Lauicana ; corone militum quadraginta sub Gallieno imperatore. Pictauis ; sancti Hilarii episcopi et confessoris. Qui ob catholicam fidem quadriennio apud Frigiam rebgatus ; inter alias uirtutes fertur, quod mortuum suscitauerit. Apud Uiennam ; sancti Seueri episcopi, qui precedit ecclesie post sanctum Euen- tium. Remis ; sancti Remisii episcopi et confessoris. xix. 79 xix. UhI. Jprbvunri}. ffi. Apud Nolam Campanie ; beati Felicis presbyteri et confessoris. Hie a Maximiano Nolane urbis episcopo presbiterii honore pre- latus est. Qui tempore persecutionis pro Christi nomine multa sustinens cessante postea persecutione, dominica die apud Nolam misteriis confectis data pace omnibus se in pauimentum oraturus proiecit. Mox beati uiri anima de carnis ergastulo egressa, post grama pro Christo tormenta que pacienter tolerat, felicia regna ipse uere felix conscendit. Sepultus est iuxta urbem in loco qui dicitur pincis ; ubi claris semper fulget uirtutibus. x\)ii\. l£al. Jfebruarij. %&. Abacuc et Michee prophetarum. Quorum corpora sub Archadio imperatore diuina reuelatioue reperta sunt. Item in Egipto; beati Macharii abbatis, discipuli beati Antonii, uita et miraculis cele- berrimi. Item beati Ysodori, in sanctitate uite, fide ac mira- culis preclari. Apud Bituricas ciuitatem ; translatio sancti Sul- picij episcopi et confessoris. Eodem die ; natalis sancti Mauri abbatis, discipuli sancti Benedict! abbatis. Ciuitate Auernis; Bonicij episcopi et confessoris. \bi(. Ital. jfebruau'j. 33. Rome uia Salaria in cimiterio Priscdle; natalis sancti Marcelli pape et martiris, qui sub Maximiano primo fustibus cesus, deinde cus- todia puplica deputatus, nndtos annos cilicio indutus ibidem defunctus est. Arelaten ; sancti Honorati episcopi. Cuius uita doctrina et miraculis illustris refulsit. Eodem die ; natalis sancti Fursei confessoris atque abbatis. M 2 M. 8o xl)i. Bal jfebtuant- (£. In Egipto apud Tkebaidem ; beati Antonij monachi, qui multo- rum mouacliorum pater uita uenerabib preclarissimus uixit. Con- summatoque cursu, feliciter in pace quieuit. Cuius corpus sub Iustiniano imperatore diuina reuelatione repertum, Alexandriam delatum est; et in ecclesia beati Johannis Baptiste humatum. Lingonas; natalis sanctorum geminorum, Speusippi, Eleusippi, et Meleusippi. Qui cum essent uiginti quinque annorum cum auia sua Leonilla, et Ionilla, et Neone, martirio coronati sunt, tempore Aurebani imperatoris. xb. Hal. JfebruaiM. U. Cathedra sancti Petri apostoli; qua primum Rome sedit. Eodem die ; natalis sancte Prisce uirginis et martiris. Et in Ponto ; na- talis sanctorum martirum, Mosei et Ammonii. xiiff. Hal. JFebruartf. (£. In Smirna ; natalis sancti Germanici martiris. Qui cum primeue etatis uenustate floreret per gratiam uirtutis dei motum corporee fragibtatis excludens, sponte preparatam bestiam dampnatus a iudice iam prouocauit, cuius dentibus comminutus, uero pani id est Christo pro ipso moriens meruit incorporari. Eodem die ; sancti Pontiani martiris, apud Spoletum ; temporibus Antonini imperatoris, sub iudice Fabiano. Item eodem die, Rome; sancto- rum martirum Marij et Marthe, cum filijs suis Audifax et Abacuc nobilium depresidia. Et apud Wigorniam; sancti Wlstani episcopi et confessoris. xii\. Hal. § rbiuavij. jf . Rome ; Fabiani episcopi. Qui cum uiginti quinque annis ecclesie preesset, passus martirium tempore Decij ; et in cimiterio Cabxti sepultus 8i sepultus. Eodem die ; natalis sancti Sebastiani de Mediolano, qui intantum cams erat imperatoribus, Deocliciano et Maximiano, nt principatum ei prime cohortis traderent. Quern Dioclicianus ubi Christianum esse cognouit, nee a fide posse reuocari ; iussit ligari in medio quasi lignum ad sagitandum, et sagittari a militibus. Qui cum sagittis plenus, quasi eritius, staret, putantes eura mortuum abierunt Nocte autem ueniens quedam mulier nomine Herena tollere corpus, inuenit eum uiuentem, et adduxit eum in donnmi suam, et curam eius egit. Qui ubi conualuit, multos in fide con- i'c irtauit. Nee mora ipsis imperatoribus apparens hos prout digni erant corripuit. Tunc iussit eum Dioclicianus in ippodromiuni palatii duci et fustigari donee deficeret. Quern mortuum in cloa- cam maximam miserunt. Sed ilia apparuit in sompnis sancte matrone Lucine dicens ; juxta circuminuenies corpus meum pen- dens in unco hoc sordes non tangerunt. Et dum leuaueris per- ducas ad catacumbas, et sepelies me in cripta iuxta uestigia apos- tolorum. Que ipsa nocte ueniens cum seruis, totum ita coni- pleuit. xi\. Bal. fitbxwri\. (S. Rome ; natalis sancte Agnetis. Que sub prefecto urbis Simphrono ignibus iniecta sed hiis per oracionem eius extinctis gladio per- cussa est. Item apud Athenas ; beati Publii episcopi ob Chris- tum martirio coronati. Et in Hispaniis ciuitate Terragone ; na- tale sanctorum Fructuosi episcopi, Augurii et Eulogii, dianorum. Qui temporibus Gallieni sub Emiliano preside, martirio coronati sunt. Trecas ; passio sancti Patrocli martiris. vi. Hal. ^rl)ruaii|. 3. In Hispaniis ; sancti Uicentii diaconi. Qui sub impio Daciano multa passus, martyrio meruit coronari. Ipso die, in Gallis ciui- tate 82 tate Ebreduno ; sanctorum martirum Uincentii, Orontii, et Uic- toris. Ad aquas Saluinas ; natales sancti Anastasii monachi et martiris de Perside. Qui post plurima tormenta carceris, uerbe- rum et uinculormn, que in Cesarea Palestine perpesus fuerat, a Persis postremo in Perside multis penis affectus atque ad ulthnmn decollatus est, a rege eorum Chore, cum aliis septuaginta. Ee- liquie corporis eius prius Herosolimis ad monasterium suum, deinde Roinarn delate, uenerantur in monasterio beati Pauli apos- toli, qui dicitur ad aquas Saluinas. i. ISal. jpebruarij. 33. Rome ; natalis sancte Emerentiane uirginis Cliristi et martiris, que fuit collactanea sancte Agnctis. Dum enim oraret ad sepidclirum eius, a gentibus lapidata est. Et in Mamitania ciuitate Neocesaree; natalis sancti Seueriani, et Aquile uxoris eius, ignibus combus- torum. Apud Pliilippis ; beati Parmene diaconi, qui unus fuit de septem diaconibus. ix. IStal. jptkuarif. (£. Apud Ephesiun ; natale sancti Timothei apostoli. Apud Antio- chiam; sancti Babili episcopi persecutione Decii, postea quam frequenter passionibus suis et cruciatibus glorificauerat Dominum, erloriose uite finem est sortitus in uinculis. Neocesarea ciuitate ; natale sanctorum martirum Mardonii, Mosoni, Eugenii, Melliti. Qui omnes igni traditi sunt, et rebquie eorum in Axum fluuium disperse. bitj. Ital. jpebtuatij. 39. Conuersio sancti Pauli. Eodem die ; sancti Ananie apud Damas- cum, qui beatum Paulum baptizauit. Apud Gabanensem ciuita- tem ; §3 tern ; sancti Seuerini episcopi ; admirande sanctitatis, et doctrina uiri. Item natale sancti Preiecti Aruennensis episcopi et mar- tins. bij. Bal. .-fFdmiarij. (£. Natalis sancti Policarpi martiris. Qui beati Johannis apostoli discipulus, et ab eo Smirme episcopus ordinatus, tocius Asye princeps fuit. Postea uero ob Cristi amore multa perpessus ab inimicis catholice fidei ; ad idtimum martirio uitam finiuit. Eodem die ; natale sanctorum martirum. Tlieogenis, cum aliis triginta sex. Item apud Bituricam citdtatem ; beati Sidpiti confessoris. bi. H*al. jpebruarij. jp. Natale sancti Johannis episcopi Constantinopolitani qui Crisosto- mus appellatur. Item beati Mauri abbatis monastery Badonensis. cuius mtam plenam uirtutibus uir illustris ac Patricius Dinamius scribit, Et apud Bethleem Iude ; dormitio beate Paule matris Eustochie uirginis Cristi. b. IUI. .^cbruarij. (&. Natale sancte Agnetis secundo a natiuitate. Ex in ciuitate Apol- lonia ; Leucii, Tyrsi, Calenici martirum. Qm tempore Decii im- peratoris, supresidibus Combritio, Siluano, et Baudo, diuersis tormentorum generibus excruciati, martrrium consummauerunt. Eodem die, apud Alexandriam ; beati Cyrilli episcopi et confes- soris. ui(. Mai. Jftbiuau'j. &. Rome ; natalis sanctorum Papie, et Mauri militum,' tempore Dio- cliciani. Qui uidentes constantiam Saturnini et Sisinnii, martirum, conuersi sunt ad fidem. Statimque iussum est a Laoditio prefecto urbis 84 urbis, ut os eorum quo Cristum confitebantur lapidibus contun- deretur, et diu plumbatis cesi exspirauerunt. Eodem die, Tre- ueris ; depositio sancti Ualeri episcopi, discipuli sancti Petri apostoli. lit. Hal. Jprtruati'l. 33. Apud Antiochiam ; passio sancti Ypoliti martiris. Jerosolimis ; Mathie episcopi, de quo mira et plena fide gesta narrantur. Qui multa pro Cristo perpessus, ultimo in pace uitam finiuit. Item beati Alexandri martiris, tempore Decii passi. Eodem die ; dor- mitio sancte Batildis uirginis. tj. Hal. Jfebruart{. GT. Apud Alexandriam; natalis sancti Metrani martiris. Quern pagani correptum iubent impia uerba proferre. Quod illo recusante, post multos cruciatus lapidibus eum obruerunt. Item Saturnini, Tyrsi, et Uictoris. Eodem die, apud Trientinam urbem ; beati Uigilii episcopi et martiris. Eodem die ; sancti Edani episcopi, Hal. jftbruarij. 2D. Apud Antiochiam ; passio sancti Ignatii episcopi. Apud Smir- mam ; sancti Pionii martiris. Qui persecutione Antonii Ueri, post insuperabilem responsionum constantiam ad ultimum ardenti rogo super positus, beate uite adquieuit. Eodem die ; Effrem Edessene ecclesie diaconi. Item apud Iliberniam; dormitio beate uirginis Brigide ueneranter hoc die commemorata, Que post signa et miracula, post opera clara misericordie et elemosinarum ; post humilitatem puram et beneuolentiam deo deuotam, et post exemplum ceteris uirginibus castimonie et sanctitatis ut breuiter ilicam ; ad Cristum cuius ob amorem hec omnia compleuit in opere, inter angelicos choros uecta migrauit. Si enim larga ipsius prefate 85 prelate uirginis opera cartis inserere uoluissem, proprii uolmninis eguisset solentia. Eodem die ; sancti Pauli episcopi et confes- soris ciuitatis Castrine. Quarto iSonas Jfcbruarij. (£. Purificatio sancte Marie. Apud Ceseream; Cornelii centurionis. Quem beatus Petrus baptizauit. Qui apud prefatam urbem epis- copi honore sublimatus quieuit. Eodem die, Rome ; sancti Pro- niani martiris. Qui persecutione Maximiani imperatoris multa perpessus, uia salaria militario secundo, ad ultimum capite trun- catus. t£f. i&on. JpEbruavif. jf. In Affrica ; beati Celerini diaconi et confessoris, et sanctorum mar- tinun, Celerine auie eius, et Laurentini et Ignatii. Eodem die ; natale sancti Blasii, episcopi et martiris. Uienna ; sancti Euentii episcopi gloriosi. Ipso die ; sancte Wereburge uirginis. i\. iSon. jfribruarij. (S. In ciuitate Egipti que appellatur Thimiis; passio beati Pliilee eiusdem ivrbis episcopi, et Filoromi tribuni militum Romanorum. Cum quibus eciam innmnera multitudo fideliimi ex eadem irrbe pastoris sui uestigia sequens, persecutione Diocliciani martirio co- ronata est. Jionas Jfebruarij. @L. Apud Sicilian! ciuitatem Catanensium ; passio sancte Agathe uir- ginis, sub Decio imperatore pro consule Quintiano. Que post alapas et carcerem, post eculeum et tortiones, post mamillarum ab- scisionem, sed a Domino sanationem, post uolutationem in testulis, IKISH ARCH. SOC. 4. N C't 86 et carbonibus, tandem in carcere consummata est. Vienne ; Auiti episcopi et confessoris. bttj. Bus Jpebruartt. 33. Apud Ceseream Cappadotie ; natale sancte Dorothee uirginis. Que sub prouintie ipsius preside, primum eculei extensione uex- ata; deinde palmis diutissime cesa; ad ultimum capitali sententia punita est. Passus est et eciam cum ea Theophilus scolasticus. Eodem die ; sancti Antholiani. Qui apud urbem Kauennam mar- tiiio coronatus est. Ipso die ; episcopiis Mel. Eodem die ; trans- portatio reliquiarum sancti Pantaleonis et Quirini martyrum. Item ipso die ; sanctorum episcoporum Uedasti et Amandi. btj. lb. JFtbiuaiij. <£>. In Britannis ciuitate Augusta ; sancti Augulii episcopi et martiris. Item sancti Moysetis uenerabilis episcopi, qui primo quidem in heremo uitam solitariam ducens, mentis et uirtutibus ac signis que faciebat, pro ilium Deus magnifice innotuerat. Qui post modum petente Auia, Sarrocenorum regina, episcopus ordinatus est gentis illius, fidei catholice custodiuit intemerata consortia, et gentem cui datus fuerat episcopus, ex grandi parte ad fidem Cristi con- uertit, sicque in pace perfectus in uirtutibus quieuit. bi. IK. Jpcbtuati}. 1). Apud Armeniam minorem ; natalis sanctorum Dionisii, Emiliam, et Sebastiani. Eodem die, apud Alexandriam ; natale sancte Co- rinthe martiris. Hanc pagani correptam ad idola perducentes adorare cogebant. Que cum ilia execrans recusauit, uinculis pedes eius innectentes, et per plateas totius ciuitatis earn trahentes, hor- rendo supplicio discerpserunt. b. 3; b. Bj. ,-jfdmtarij. <&. Apud Alexandriam; sancte Apollonie uirginis. Cui persecutor. -s omnes primum dentes excesserunt ; deinde constructo ac succenso roeo, cum minarentur uiuam se eain incensuros, nisi cum eis mi- tt ' ' pia uerba proferret; ilia paululum quod intra semetipsam delibe- rans, repente se de manibus impionun prorupit, et in ignem quern minabantur sponte prosiluit. iii\. 5U. jpebtuari}. jff. Rome ; natale sanctorum martyrum Zotici, Hirenei, Iacincti, et Amantii. Eodem die, in oriente ; sancte Sotheris uirginis. Que grauiter et diutissime alapis cesa, cum cetera quoque penarum genera uicisset, gladio martirium consummauit. Item Rome ; uia Lauicana ; militum decern. Eodem die ; sancte Scolastice uirginis. Item Radegundis uirginis. itj. B. Jpebtuarij. (S. Apud Uiennam ; sancti Simplicidis episcopi et confessoris. Item apud Alexandrinam ; depositio sancte Eufrasie uirginis. Que in monasterio mira uirtute abstinentie, et miraculis eciam clariut. Eodem die ; episcopi Etchani. tj. Iti. jFebtuartj. &. In Hispaniis ciiutate Barcinone ; natalis sancte Eulalie uirginis et martiris. Que passa est tempore Diocliciani imperatoris, sub pre- fecto Hispaniarum Datiano : quando sub eodem apud Barcinonem sanctum Cucufatum, et apud Gerundam sanctmn Felicem, gloriosi constat martirii accepisse coronas. Scriptum in passione sancte Leochadie. Et Alexandriam ; Modestii Ammonii infantiun. N 2 Kims 8S 5Uus jpebruarij. 23. Natalis Agabi prophete in nouo testamento. Apud Antiochiam; Gregorii pape qui rexit ecclesiam annos xvi., Leonis et Constan- tini imperatorum tempore. In MUitania cinitate Armenie ; sancti Poliocti martiris qui Latine interpretatur multmn orans. xbt. Bal. iSlarctf. <&. Rome; natalis sancti Ualentini presbiteri. Qui post multa sanita- tum et doctrine insignia, fustibus cesus et decollatus est, sub Claudio Cesare. Eodem die ; natalis sancti Ualentini Interam- nensis episcopi et martiris. Et apud Alexandriam ; natalis sanc- torum martirum Bassi, Antoni, Protholici, qui in mare mersi sunt. Item Cyrionis presbiteri Moseos, Bassiani lectoris, Agathonis ex- orciste. Qui omnes igni combusti sunt. Item Dionisii, Ammo- nii decollatorum. Eodem die ; sanctorum martirum Uitalis, Fe- licula, et Zenonis. ib. Bal. jflJlarcij. IB. Rome; sancti Craton is martiris. Qui uiso miraculo de sermone filio suo reddita scilicet sanitate, oracione scilicet beati Ualentini epis- copi, mox baptizatus cum omni domo sua ; non post multos dies martyrio est consummatus. Et apud Sebastem ciuitatem ; passio sancti Blaui episcopi ; cmn duobus pueris capite cesi. Et septem mulierum, que guttas sanginis eius preter fluentes de beatissimis ]>lagis corporis ipsius colligebant, depreliense quod essent Cri- stiane, gladio sunt percusse. In Gallis ciuitate Uasionense ; de- positio Qiunodii episcopi et confessoris. xutf. Hal. iilaitij. xiii. Bal. ^prill's. 33. In Britannis ; sancti Cuthberti qui ex anacliorita ecclesie Lindi- fernensis antistes totam ab infantia usque ad senium uitam mira- cidormn inclitam duxit. Cuius cum undecim annis maneret cor- pus liumatum, incorruptiun est cum ueste qua tegebatur inuen- tum. Scribit sanctus Beda presbiter in libello de uita ipsius. xif. Hal. Stprilis. (&. Apud Cassinum castrum ; sancti Benedicti abbatis. Cuius uitam uirtutibus et miraculis gloriosam in dialogorum libris beatus papa scribit Gregorius. Eodem die; beati Serapionis anacorite. Et in teritorio Lugdunensi ; sancti Lupicini abbatis Uirentium. Cuius uita sanctitatis et miraculorum gloria illustris fuit ; corpus eius in finibus Uesontionum, Laoconense monasterium celebratur. xi. 99 xi. Bnl. &prilis. IB. In Galliis ciiiitate Narbone ; sancti Pauli episcopi et confessoris, discipuli apostolorum Christi. x. Hal. aprilis. @. In Affrica ; sanctorum martirum Uictoriani, Frumentii, et alterius Fruraentij, et duorum germanorum. Qui omnes persecutione Wandalica, subllnirico rege Ariano apud Affricam, pro constantia catholice confessionis immanissimis suppliciis excruciati, egregie coronati sunt, ix. Hal. &l>tili&. §. Rome ; sancti Pingmeni presbiteri. Hie Julianum apostatam et impium a puero nutriuit, et Uteris etiam sacris erudiuit. Sed f'actus imperator, culturam pietatis postquam reliquit, audito quod cor- pora sanctorum qui ab eo necabantur idem Pingmenius sepeliret ; mandauit ei ; Perge quo uolueris, hie enim non necabitur uita tua; tamen seruitimn tuum nunc reddam tibi. Tunc sanctus Pingmenius perrexit in Persidam ubi demoratus annis quatuor; factus est cecus. Postea per reuelationem Romam reuersus ; uisus a Iuliano preceptum est ab eo Pingmenium per pontem in Tybe- rim precipitari, eo quod nomen domini Ihesu Christi inuocasset. Cuius corpus inuentum et collectum sepultum est in cymiterio Pontiani ; non longe ab Abdon et Sennen confessorum. blit. Bal &pvilts. CBr. Apud ciuitatem Galilee Nazareth ; annuntiatio dominica. Et in Nicomedia ; natalis Dule ancille mihtis que pro castitate occisa est. Et Rome ; Cirini, qui interfectus a Claudio, et in Tyberim iactatus in IOO iii insula Lycaonia inuentus et in cimiterio Pontiani conditus est. Scriptum in passione sancti Ualenti. Et apud Sirinium ; natalis sancti Hyrenei episcopi. Qui tempore Maximiani imperatoris sub preside Probo, primo tormentis acerrimis uexatus, deinde diebus plurimis in carcere cruciatus ; nouissime absciso capite consummatus est. bit. mal. apvilis. &. Rome, uia Lauicana, in cimiterio eiusdem ; sancti Castuli. Qui cum esset zetarius palacii et hospes sanctorum, ut in gestis beati Sebastiani legitur, a persecutoribus tentus et cruciatus ; cum pal- nia martirij migrauit ad dominum. Eodem die, Pentabolim Libie; Theodori episcopi, Hyrenei diaconi, Serapionis et Amonii lec- torum. Item apud Syrinium ; natalis sancti Montani presbiteri ; qui cum Maxima uxore tentus et in fluuium precipitatus est ; cor- pora eorura non longe ab urbe inuenta. bi. ISal. gtprilts. 23. Apud Egiptimi ; beati Johannis heremite admirande sanctitatis uiri. Qui etiam prophetico spiritu plenus, Theodosio imperatori Christianissimo uictorias de tyrannis predixit. b. Hal. aprilis. ©. Apud Cesaream Palestine ; sanctorum martiruin Prisci, Malci, et Alexandri. Qui persecutione Ualeriani pro Christi nomine bestiis traditi martirium compleuerunt. Et apud urbem Cabilonensium ; depositio Gunteranni regis Francorum religiosi. Qui ita se spiri- tualibus actionibus mancipauit ; ut relictis seculi pompis, thesau- ros suos ecclesiis et pauperibus erogaret. Syxti pape ; qm sedit Rome annos nouem. mi. IOI Uii. T&n\. Epulis. 19. Depositio abbatis Eustasii, discipuli sancti Columbani ; qui pater ferme sexcentorum extitit monachorum, et uite sanctitate conspi- cuus, etiam miraculis claruit. Eodem die, apud Aflricam ; sanc- torum confessorum Armogastis, Artinimi, et Saciri. Qui apud Aflricam tempore Wandalice persecutionis, sub Iesserico rege Arriano, pro confessione ueritatis, midta et grauia perpessi sup- plicia, cursum gloriosi certaminis impleuerunt. (Tcuio Halettbas /Epulis. ffi. Rome ; sancti Quirini, tribuni martiris ; sub Traiano imperatore. Qui auditis exhortationibus beati Herme de fide Cliristi, et uisis signis que Dominus in martiribus suis Alexandro et Herme operabatur, necnon et filiam suam Balbinam, eorum orationibus sanatam, mox baptizatus est cum omni domo sua. Quo audita Aurelianus iudex, post abscisionem lingue, manuum, pedumque, iussit eum decollari, et canibus proici. Set Christiani corpus eius raptum in uia Appia sepelierunt, in cimiterio Pretextati. ii. 12tal. Epulis. Jf. Rome; sancte Balbine uirginis, filie Quirini martiris. Qui beatua martir, tollens boiam de collo Alexandri pape, secundum iussio- nem eius, cum pergeret ut collo filie sue strumam imponeret, ecce subito puer cum facula apparuit, quern constat angelum Do- mini fuisse ; et uenit ad puellam dicens ; Salua esto ; et in uirgi- nitate tua permane, et ego te faciam uidere sponsum tuum, qui pro amore tuo sanguinem suum fudit. Perueniens igitur pater, ut perficeret quod de boia ei iussum fuerat, uidet subito filiam sanam. Que post modum a sancto Alexandro baptizata, et instructa in irish arch. soc. 4. P uirginitate 102 uirginitate, plena operibus bonis pennansit ; post deuictum uero seculi huius cursum, sepelitur iuxta patrem suum Quirinum, nia Appia, in cimiterio Pretextati. ^prtlig f)nhtt fetes xxx. ILtma nbtti. Iftal. 8prflfs. €r. Rome ; beatissime Tbeodosie sororis illustrissimi martiris Here- metis, quam beatus Alexander papa et martyr instruxit, baptiza- nit, atque in fide Cbristi edocuit ; qui sub Aureliano imperatore martirium suscepit. Sepulta est iuxta fratrem martyrem, uia Sa- laria, non longe ab urbe Rome. Eodem die ; sancti Uenantii epis- copi et martiris. Et in pago Uiuernoense ; sancti Ualerici con- fessoris cuius sepulchrum crebris miraculis illustratur. Hit. J&on. ^prilis. &. Natalis sancti Nicetij Lugdunensis episcopi ; cuius uita miraculis claruit, et preciosa mors nichilhominis commendatur. Et apud Cesaream Capadocie ; sancte Theodosie uirginis. Qui tempore Diocliciani cum esset annorum decern et octo, pro Christi nomine diuersis afnicta suppliciis, ultimo capitis abscisione martyrium compleuit. iit. jEtcm. Slprilis. 33. Thessalonice ; natalis sanctarum uirginum ; Agapes et Chionie, sub Diocliciano. Que primo in carcere macerate, post in ignem misse sunt ; sed intacte a flammis, post orationem ad Dominum fusam, animas reddiderunt, Apud Cycliiam, ciuitatem Chomis ; natalis sanctoriun Euagri et Benigni. Apud Thauromenium, ciui- tatem Sicilie ; sancti Pancracij. In Anglia Sancti Ricardi epis- copi et confessoris. it. u. Jion. glpriUs. 7 tyrio coronatiir. Item Rome ; sanctorum martirum Sulpicii et Seruiliali. Qui persecutione Traiani cum nollent ydolis immolare, a prefecto urbis Aniano capite cesi sunt. Eodem die, in Gallis, ciuitate Ebredunense; sancti Marcellini, primi eiusdem urbis epis- copi et confessoris. It. HJrI. |Wri{. jf. Rome ; sancti Sotheris pape, qui sedit in episcopatu annis nouem sepultusque est in cimiterio Calixti. Hie constituit, ut nulla mo- nacha pallam sacratam contingeret in ecclesia, neque incensum poneret. Apud Persidem ; natalis Symonis episcopi, Seleutie et Thesifontis, regalium curium. Qui persecutione Saporis regis Persarum, iubente eodem tyranno, comprehensus cum aliis cen- tum, e quibus alii episcopi, alii erant presbiteri, alii diuersorum ordinum clerici, longo tempore maceratus ; nouissime, cum in Cliristi testimonio immobilis persisteret, iussus est cum omnibus decollari. Passi sunt cum eo etiam Uastazadis eunuchus nutri- cius regis, atque Annanias, et Abdela, et Pufitius ciim filia sua sacra uirgine. Apud Alexandriam ; sanctorum Fortunati, Ara- toris presbiteri, Felicis, Siluii, Uitalis, qui in carcere quieuerunt. Et in Britannia ; sancti confessoris Maelrubai. x. ?gal. Mail . In Colonia ; passio sancti Maurini abbatis et martyris. Qui per- acto agonis sui triumpho, domus tumuli celo tantum notus, et angelici tantum obsequii reuerentia ueneranda habitauit, usque ad incarnati uerbi annum nongentesimum quinquagesimimi septi- mum. Nam quia non potuit latere sub modio lucerna ardens co- ram domino, dum ponendo fundamento basilice sancti Pautaleonis terra effoditur, loculus gloria tibi Christe Maurini martiris inue- nitur ; ac primo peruidetur locum lapis claudens ; inscriptus mar- tiris nomine, et officio, et martini eius die et loco. Hie requi- escunt ossa bone memorie Maurini abbatis, qui in atrio ecclesie martirium pertulit, sub die quarto idus Iunii. Rome, uia Au- relia, mifiario tercio decimo ; natalis sanctorum martjTum, Basi- lidis, Tropidis, et Madalis, sub Aureliano imperatore, preside Platone ; et aliorum uiginti martirum. Eodem die ; sancti Ge- tulii, Amantij, Cerealis, qui sub Cilinio consule martirio coro- nati sunt. Hi. Bus ^fumf. gl. Natalis sancti Barnabe apostoU. Cuius corpus, tempore Zenonis imperatoris, ipso reuelante repertum est. Item eodem die ; sancti Sustenes discipuli sancti Pauli apostoli. Apud Aquileyam ; sanc- torum I2 5 torum martyrum Felicis et Fortunati, sub persecutione Diocle- tiaui et Maximiani imperatorum, preside Eufemio. Qui sub pre- dictis imperatoribus, capitis obtruncatioue martirium cornpleue- runt. Eodem die ; sancti Mectail. ft 3RJ. lunij. 33. Mediolani ; natalis sanctorum Nazarij et Celsi pueri. Beati Naza- rij pater Affricanus, mater uero Perpetua, a beato Petro apostolo baptizata. Ipse uero sanctus Nazarius a sancto Clemente instruc- tus et baptizatus est. Quern Anolinus, sub rabie persecutionis que per Neronem excitata est, diu maceratum et afflictum in car- cere, cum eo etiam beatissimum puerum Celsum, quern idem nu- triebat, gladio ferire iussit. Item beati Basilidis, Cirini, Naboris ; sed et Nazarii et Celsi. Quos duos passos fuisse apud Hebredu- nensem urbem, antiquitas memorando celebrauit. Bus 3Jum'j. ©. Rome ; natalis sancte Felicule, uirginis et martiris. Quam cum Flacus comes post excessum Petronille uellet ducere uxorem, at- que ad terrendum earn proposuisset ei dicens. Unum tibi e duo- bus elige ; aut esto uxor mea, aut diis sacrica ; responsum ab ea accepit. Nee uxor tua ero, quia Cliristo sacrata sum ; nee immo- labo ydolis, quia Christiana sum. Tunc Flacus tradidit earn ui- cario, a quo crudelissime cruciata, cum corona martyrij perrexit ad Christmn. Eodem die ; sancti confessoris Menisi. Eodem die ; sancti Antonii confessoris fratrum minorum. ibttt. IBtal. 3Juli{. IB. Helisei propliete. Qui apud Samaria Palestine, que postea Se- bastea, id est, Augusta, in honorem Augusti Cesaris, ab Herode irish arch. soc. 4. S uocitari 126 uocitari cepit, situs est. Ubi et Abdias propheta requiescat ; et, quo maior inter natos mulierum non fuit, Baptista Iohannes. Suesionis ciuitate ; passio sanctorum martirum, Ualerii et Run. Apud Ce- sarean! Capadocie; sancti Basilii episcopi et confessoris, fratris Gregorii et Petri. Uienne ; sancti Eucherii episcopi. M. IGtal. 3julij. (2£. Apud Sciciliam; sanctorum martyrum, Uiti, Modesti, et Cres- centie. Qui beatus Uitus in puerili etate uirtutibus maturus, pri- mum a patre suo sacrilego, ut a cultura dei recederet, temptatus est ; deinde a Ualeriano iudice catliomis cesus, in confessione per- manens, martirio ad extremum coronatus est, cum supra dictis Modesto et Crescentia nutritoribus suis. Eodem die, apud Me- siam ciuitatem Dorostoro ; sancti Esitij militaris. Qui cum beato Iulio comprehensus sub preside Maximiano, postea martirio co- ronatus est. xbf. Bal. 3}uli|. jp. Apud Antiochiam ; natalis sanctorum martirum Cirici, et Iulite, matris eius. Qui, post dira tormenta, martyrij sui cursum ob- truncatione capitis impleuerunt. Passi sunt cum eis, et alii qua- dringenti quatuor. Apud urbem Uesontionem ; sanctorum mar- tirum, Ferrioli presbiteri, et Ferrutionis diaconi. Qui a beato Hireneo Lugdunensi episcopo et martire ad predicandum uerbum domini missi, et sub Claudio iudice diu cruciati, ad ultimum gla- dio iugulati sunt. Ciuitate Mammetis ; sancti Simibani episcopi et confessoris. Lugduni ; depositio sancti Aureani, episcopi Aure- latensis. Apud Uiennam ; Domnoli episcopi. rt. Bal. %\x\i\. (K. Rome ; sanctorimi mart}Tum ducentorum quadraginta duorum, qui positi sunt uia Salaria ueteri ad cliuum Cucumerij. Eodem die; 12- die ; sancti Uulmari, confessoris, admirande sanctitatis et religionis uiri. Eodemdie; sancti Botulfi abbatis. xiiiu Hal. 3 u ''f- Q. Rome, ida Ardiatina ; natale sanctorum martirum, Marci et Mar- celliani, preclarissinii generis; Tranquillini et Marcie filiorum eius. Qui post carceris maceracionem, et alia quam plurima tor- mentorum genera, iubente Fabiano iudice, lanceis per latera transfixis, ciun gloria martyrii ad siderea regna migrauerunt. Eo- dem die ; sanctorum confessorum Baithini et Furudrani. xiii. Hfcal. %rx\i\. 23. Mediolani ; natalis sanctorum Geruasii, et Prothasij, et Celsi pue- ri, martirum. Qui beatissimi, cum decern annos, in uno conclusi cenaculo, lectionibus et oracionibus atque ieiuniis uacassent, xi°. ad palmam martini peruenerunt, sub Bastatio comite. Apud Ba- uennam ; sancti Ursicini martiris. Qui sub iudice Paidino post nimia tormenta in confessione domini immobilis permanens, ca- pitis abscisione martyrium consummauit. xii. Hal. $vlM. (B. Siluestri pape, qui sedit Borne anno uno. Qui sentiente Iusti- niano imperatore ; a Iulisario patricio depositus et monachus fac- tus, in exilio confessor moritur. Borne ; sancti Nouati confesso- ris, fratris Timotliei presbiteri, qui beatis apostolis eruditi sunt. Eodem die ; commemoratio parentum et benefactorum nostrorum defunctorum. xi. mai gjuicj. IB. Apud Siciliam, ciuitatem Siracusis ; natalis sanctorum martirum Rufini et Marcie. Rome ; sancte Demetrie uirginis, que fuit beati S 2 Faustini 128 Faustini filia. Hec cum ante impium Iulianum pro fide Christ! in- troduceretur, in confessione domini emisit spiritum. Ipso die apud Mogontiam ; passio sancti Albini martiris. Eodem die ; translatio sancte Uurbursre uirgiiiis. v. Hal. gjulif. (&. In Britannis ; sancti Albani martyris. Qui tempore Diocleciani, in Uerelamio ciuitate, post uerbera et tormenta acerba, capite plexus est. Sed illo in terrain cadente, oculi eius qui eum per- cussit pariter ceciderimt. Passus est cum eo eciam unus de mi- litibus, eo quod ferire eum iussus noluerit. Item in ciuitate Nola Campanie ; natalis sancti Paulini episcopi et confessoris. Cuius uita atque uirtutes, in dialogorum libris scribit papa Gregorius. ix. Hal. 3(ulii. Jp. Uigilia sancti Iohannis Baptiste. Eodem die ; sancti Iohannis presbiteri. Quern impius Iulianus auditum, uia Salaria ueteri ante simulacrum solis decollari precepit. Apud Britanniam ; sancte Etheldridis uirginis et regine. Cuius corpus cum undecim annis sepultum, incorruptum inuentum est. biti. Hal. 3Julit. (S. Natiuitas beati Iohannis Baptiste, precursoris domini, Zacharie et Elizabeth filii. Qui spiritu sancto repletus adhuc in utero matris sue, et antequam exiret inde sanctificatus est, usque ad diem os- tensionis sue ad Israel ; confortatus spiritu agebatur in desertis, uestitus pihs camelorum, habens zonam pelhceam circa lumbos suos. Esca autein eius erat locusta et mel siluestre. Tricesimo etatis sue anno, duodecimo anno imperii Tyberii Cesaris, cum pro- curator esset in Iudea Pilatus, iamque regnum in quatuor princi- patus 129 patus esset diuisum, uenit in omnem regionem Iordanis, predicans baptismum penitentie in remissionem omnium peccatorum. bit. l&al. %n\ii. 8L. Apud Birriboretam ; sancti Sosi patris discipuli sancti Pauli apos- toli. Apud Alexandrian! ; sancti Gallicani martyris. In Scoeia ; sancti Lugudi abbatis et confessoris : et apud Glouerniam sancte Keneburge uirginis. bi. Mai. gjulij. 33. Rome ; Iohannis et Pauli fratrum. Quorum primus prepositus, secundus primicerius Constantie uirginis, filie Constantini. Qui cum omni die turmas Christianorum recrearent ex his opibus quas sacratissima uirgo Christi Constantia rebquerat, peruenit hoc ad Iulianum, et misit qui eos circumueniret, dicens debere sibi adhe- rere. lib uero contempnentes blandimenta omnia uel minas eius, iubente supradicto Iuliano, a Terrentiano decollati sunt, intra do- mum suam. Et ab ipso Terrentiano descripta est passio horum martyrum. b. mal. gjulij. ©. Apud Galatiam ; beati Crescentis, discipuli sancti Pauli apostoli. Qui et in Galbas transitum faciens, uerbo predicationis multos ad fidem Christi conuertit ; Uienne Galliarum ciuitati per aliquot an- nos presidens ; ibique Zachariam discipulum pro se episcopum ordinauit, longe lateque uerbum dei per Gallias spargens. Redi- ens uero ad gentem cui episcopus speciabter fuerat ordinatus, Ga- lathas usque ad beatum finem uite sue in opere domini conforta- uit. Apud Tyburtinam urbem Italie ; natale sancte Simphorose, beati Getulii martiris uxoris, cum septem filiis, Crescente, Iuliano, Nemesio, Primitiuo, Iustino, Stacceo, Eugenio ; cum quibus simul passa i 3 o passa est, sub Adriano principe. Eodera die, Cordube, in Hispan- niis ; natalis sanctorum Zoili, et aliorum decern et octo. ««. ftal. 3JuIif. IB. Uigilia sanctorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli. Ipso die ; sancti Leonis pape et confessoris. Hie cum multis episcopis fidem Ca- tliolicam exponens, Euticianam et Nestorianam heresim dampna- uit, et sanctissimum concilium Calciodonense sua industria con- gregari fecit. Hie constituit intra actione dicere, sanctum sacri- ficiiun ; et monacham non accipere uelamen capitis benedictum ab episcopo, nisi prius probata illius uirginitas fuerit. Apud Lug- dunum Gallic ; sancti Hyrenei episcopi et martiris. Qiu beato Fotino prope nonagenario ob Christi martyrium coronato, in lo- cum eius successit. Eodem die, apud Alexandriam ; sanctorum martyrum, Plutarchi, Sereni, Eraclidis, Hereis. Item Sereni, Po- tamiane, Marcelle, et Here. iii. Wi&l ^ttlit. (£. Rome ; natalis beatonun apostolorum Petri et Pauli ; qui passi sunt sub Nerone, Basco et Tusco consulibus. Petrus, secundo Claudii anno, post episcopatum Antiochensis ecclesie, ad predica- cionem dispersionis eorum qui de circunicisione ceciderant, in Ponto, Galatia, Capadocia, et Bithinia, ad expurgandum Symonem Magum Romam missus est. Ibique uiginti qiunque annis cathe- dram sacerdotalem tenuit ; usque ad idtimum annum Neronis, a quo affixus cruci martyrio est coronatus, capite ad terrain uerso, et in sublime pedibus eleuatis ; asserens se indignum, qui crucifi- geretur ut Dominus suus. Sepultus est in eadem urbe in Uati- cano, iuxta uiam triumphalem, qui totius orbis ueneratione cele- bratur. Paulus quoque post passionem Domini uicesimo quinto aimo, '3 1 anno, id est, secundo Neronis, postquam Ierosalem usque ad Illi- ricum repleuit euangelium Christi, Romam uinctus missus est. Et sicut ipse in secunda epistola ad Tymotlieum scribit, liberatus de ore leonis, uidelicet ferocissimi persecutoris Neronis, euange- lium Christi in occidentis partibus predicauit. Et liic ergo quar- todecimo Neronis anno, eodem die quo Petrus, Rome pro Christo capite truncatur. Sepultus est in uia Ostiensi, anno post passio- nem Domini, tricesimo septimo. «. mai. gjuiif. §. Celebratio iterum sancti Pauli apostoli. Item natale beatissime Lucine, discipule apostolorum. Et Lemouigas ; sancti Marcialis episcopi et confessoris. mai. 3JuIt$. £pumbris. IB. Zacharie, prophete. Et natalis beati Honesipliori, apostolorum discipuli. Et apud Affricam ; beatissimorum confessorum et epis- coporum, Donatiani, Presidii, Mansueti, Germani et Fusculi. Qui persecutione Wandalica apud Affricam, iussu Hunirici regis Ar- riani, pro assercione catholice ueritatis, diutissime fustibus cesi, et exilio ? 54 exilio dampnati sunt. Inter quos etiam episcopum, nomine Le- tum, strenuum atque doctissimum uiram post diuturnos carceris scalores incendio concremauit. Eodem die ; Maculini, episcopi et confessoris. bit. 3ft. Stptembtis. <&. Natale beati Iohannis apud Nichomediam, sub Diocliciano impe- ratore. Qui de nobilibus honore et dignitate dei illustris, uidens aduersus cultores dei in foro crudelia edicta pendere, calore nimio fidei ignitus, publice populo inspectante, iniecta manu libriun unice legis detrahit, ac minuatim discerpsit ; Augusto Diocleciano in eadem urbe sim.ul cum Maximiano Cesare constituto. Ad quos cum relatum esset religiosi et illustris uiri factum, continuo in eum omni crudelitatis genere deseuientes, nee hoc quidem solmn efficere quiuerunt, ut eum modestum aliquis uideret in penis ; sed leto atque hilari uultu, cum iam uiscera in suppliciis defecissent, spiritus tarn letabatur in uviltu, ex quo tortores sui grauius cru- ciabantur. Qui cum omnium suppliciorum genera consummas- sent in eum, nee tristem quidem ilium ex his reddere potuerunt. bi. Bj. S>eptembris. jp. Natiuitas sancte Dei genetricis Marie. Eodem die, apud Nicho- mediam ; natalis sancti Adriani martiris, cum aliis uiginti tribus, qui sub Maximiano rege, cum supradictis uiginti tribus, diuersis excruciatus suppliciis, martirium consummauit. Natalia uero uxor beatissimi supradicti martiris Adriani, de Nichomedia, sanc- torum martirum amore, Bizantium enauigans, post paucos dies aduentus sui, dormitionem accepit a domino, et iuxta sanctorum corpora sepulta est ; kal. Decembris. Passio horum martirum, sexto idus Septembris. b. *55 b. £&, Srrpttmbn's. (5. Sergii pape, qui sedit annos tresdecim Eome. Hie inuenit mire magnitudinis portionem ligni salutaris dominice crucis in sacrario beati Petri. Apud Nichomediam ; passio beatorum martirum, Dorothei, et Gorgonii, sub Diocletiano imperatore. Hormn prior Derotheus magister in officiis, que intra palatium exhibebantur, erat cubili regii prepositus, habens secum, officio, fide, et magna- nimitate parem Gorgonium. Quorum institutionibus optimis, om- nes pene cubiculi ministri in fide dei uigilanter et libere persiste- bant. Hi denique cum uiderent quendam martirem crudelibus atque immanibus supplicibus cruciati, constanter et libere aiunt. Cur imperator punis in hoc solo sententia, quod in nobis omnibus uiget? Ut quid in illo crimen ducitur, quod a nobis omnibus confitetur ? Hec nobis fides ; hie cultus unanimis eodemque sen- tentia. Quos ille cum in medium uenire iussisset, iussit eos appen- di, et flagris toto corpore laniari, et uisceribus iam pelle nudatis, aceto et sale perfundi. Cumque hoc tormenti genus constanter ac fortiter tollerassent, craticula prunis subter strata poni iuben- tur in medio, ibique quod rehquum fuerat in uerberibus assiunpti corporis superponi, et non ad subitum, sed sensim paulatimque succendi. Ad ultimum laqueo appensos, precepit necari. Inter- iecto tempore beatus Gorgonius Romam transfertur, positusque est uenerabiliter uia Latina inter duos lauros. Post multum uero temporis, sanctissimum corpus eius hinc nvrsus translatum est ad Gallias, positiunque iacet in loco qui dicitur Gorzia, sexto milia- rio ab urbe Metensi. In Sabinis, mihario tricesimo ab urbe ; na- talis sanctorum, Iacincti, Alexandri, Tyburcii. Eodem die ; na- talis sancti Bertelini, confessoris. Mi. i 5 6 Cut. Jto. &epttmbrfs. &. Apud Affricam ; sanctorum episcoporum, Nemesiani, Felicis, Lu- cii. Item, Felicis, Lutei, Poliani, Uictoris, Iaderis, et Datiui. Qui sub Decio et Ualeriano exurgente persecutionis rabie, ad primam confessionis Christi constantiam grauiter fustibus cesi, deinde compedibus uincti, et ad fodienda metalla deputati, gloriose con- fessionis agonem consummauerunt. Eodem die, in Calcidonia; sanctorum confessorum Sostenis et Uictoris. Hi. 3HJ. &«ptembrfe. 33. Rome, uia Salaria, uetere in cymiterio Bassille ; natalis sanctorum, Prothi et Iacincti, qui erant eunuchi beate Eugenie uirginis. Cum qua ab Heleno episcopo baptizati sunt, abquando tempore diuinis solum eruditionibus uacantes, in sancto proposito perstiterunt. Non multo post, ob confessionem Christi, sub Gallieno imperatore, decollati sunt. 11. IK. £>*ptembris. , Apud urbem Tycinum, que et Appia dicitur ; sanctorum confes- sorum, Syri et Yuencij. Qui a beato Hermagore Aquilemse pon- tifice, discipulo sancti Marci euangeliste, ad prefatam urbem di- recti, primi illic Christi euangelium predicantes, et magnis uirtu- tibus ac miraculis coruscantes, etiam uicinas ui'bes Ueronensem scilicet, et Brixenam, et Laudunensem, diuinis operibus illustra- uerunt. Sicque in pontificali honore, fundata et confirmata fide credentium populorum, glorioso fine quieuerunt in pace. *57 Efcus §bcptcmbris. B. Apud Egiptum, ciuitate Alexandrie ; beati Pliilippi, episcopi. Qui prefectus .primum fuit, deinde baptismi gratia sanctificatus, episcopi dignitatem, suftragium ferentibus Christianis populis, as- sequitur. Ad ultimum pro fide Christi, sub Uolusiano et Gallieno imperatoribus, martirio coronatiir. Eodem die ; sancti Amanti presbiteri, et abbatis monasterii sancti Romarici. Qui mire absti- nentie et anchoritice uite sectator, uirtutum et miraculorum gratia illustrem conuersationem duxit. .xbiit. Hal. ©ctobris. <£. Rome, uia Appia, in cymiterio Calixti; natalis sancti Cornelii pape, sub persecutione Decii. Qui cum presbiteris et diaconibus centum cellis exillio deportatus fuit. Ad quern confortandum multi Cliristianorum ueniebant. Quo tempore beatus Cyprianus scripsit ei de Celarino lectore, quanta pro fide et confessione Christi sustinuerit. Decius Cesar audito quod multa scripta re- ciperet de beato Cypriano, rogauit eum sibi exhiberi. Exbibitus autem Decio interroganti, cur Cypriani contra rem publicam lite- ras accepisset, respondit. Ego de corona domini litteras accepi : non contra rem publicam. Iratus Decius iussit eum crudeliter affligi, et si sacrificare nollet, capite puniri. Sed postquam con- tempsit, ductus est foras muros porte Appie : et illic decollatus est cum uiginti uno militibus. Passus est eciam cum eis Cerialis, miles, cum uxore sua Salustia. Item eodem die, apud Affricam ; beati Cypriani, episcopi, sub Ualeriano et Gallieno imperatoribus, Galerio Maximo proconsule. Qui a gentibus elaborantibus com- preliensus, ex precepto Aspasii Paterni proconsulis, in exilium ciuitate Corbita missus est. Postea releuatus ab exibo, propter irish arch. soc. 4. Y insuperabilem i58 insuperabilem ficlem in Cliristo, gladio percussus maxtirium con- summauit. Referimtui' auteni cum eo passi, Crescentianus, Uic- tor, Rosula, et Genralis. Item eodem die ; exaltatio sancte crucis. Nam Sergius papa, in sacrario beati Petri apostoli capsam argen- team, que in angulo obscurissimo diutissime iacuerat, et in ea cru- cem diuersis ac preciosis lapidibus adornatam, domino reuelante repperit. De qua tractis quatuor petallis, quibus geinine incluse erant mire magnitudinis, portionem ligni salutiferi dominice cru- cis interius positam inspexit. Que ex tempore illo annis singulis, in basilica saluatoris, que appellatur Constantiniana, die exalta- tionis eius ab omni adoratur atque osculatur populo. Treueris ; sancti Materni, episcopi et confessoris. Mi. Hal ©rtobtis. §. Natalis sancti Nichomedis, martiris. Que Flacus comes, curn ad eum perlatum fuisset, quod corpus sancte uirginis Felicule, quam ipse pro Cliristo punierat, sepellisset, fecit teneri et duci ad sacri- ficandum. Qui cum diceret, ego non sacrifico, nisi Deo omnipo- tenti qui regnat in celis, non his excisis qui in templis, quasi in carceribus clausi, custodiuntur, plumbatis diutissime cesus, mi- grauit ad dominum. In territorio Cabilonensi, castro Trenortio ; natalis sancti Ualeriani, sub preside Prisco gladio iugulati. Eodem die ; festiuitas sancti Appri, Tullensis ecclesie episcopi, et confes- soris. xfaf. Hal. ©ttobtis. (ffi. Calcidonia; natalis sancte Eufemie, uirginis. Que sub Diocle- ciano imperatore, proconsule Prisco, diuersis examinata suppliciis, nouissime bestiarum morsu martyrium compleuit. Item Rome ; Lucie et Geminiani. Hec beatissima Lucia a filio suo Euprepio accusata, quod esset Christiana, iussit earn Dioclecianus sibi ad- duci, l 59 duci, cum predicto Geminiano. Quos ille penis grauissime af- flictos, tradidit ciiidam peruersissimo iudici, qui diu eos cruciatos post laudabilem uictoriam martirij gladio puniri fecit. xb. Hal. ©ctobvis. &. In Britannis; Socratis, Stephani. Niuiduni; sanctorum, Uale riani, Macrini, et Gordiani. Rome, uia Tyburtina ; ad sanctum Laurent ium ; natalis sancti Iustini, presbiteri et confessoris. Item Rome, in cripta harenaria ; sanctorum martirum Narcisi et Cres- centionis. Tungrensi diocesi, Leogio, uilla publica ; natalis sancti Lamberti, episcopi et martiris. xiiii. Hal. ©dolms. 23. Natalis sancti Mothodii, Olimpii, Licie, et postea Tyri episcopi : qui sub Diocleciano, in Calcide Grecie, martirio coronatus est. Vienne ; sancti Ferioli, qui persecutionis tempore, cum esset tri- bunie potestatis, iussu impiissimi presidis tentus, primo crudelis- sime uerberatus, deinde graui catlienarum onustus pondere, in teterrimum carcerem trusus est. Ad extremuin uero, martirii palmam capitis obtruncatione percepit. xtt't. Hal. ®ctobris. ©. In Neapoli, ciuitate Campanie ; natalis sanctorum Ianuarii, Bene- uentane ciuitatis episcopi, cimi Sotio diacono Messane ciuitatis, et diacono suo Festo, et lectore suo Desiderio. Qui post uincula et carceres, capite cesi sunt, in ciuitate Puticeoalana, sub Diocle- ciano principe, iudice Dracuntio. Qui ducerentur ad mortem, ui- derunt inter alias procul Puciolane ciuitatis diaconem, et duos laicos Euthicem, et interrogauerunt quare iusti iuberentur occidi. Quos iudex ut uidit Christianos, iussit decollari cum illis. Sic Y 2 omnes i6o omnes septem pariter sunt decollati. In Palestina; sanctorum martiruin, Peli et Nili, episcoporum. Qui persecutione Diocli- ciani, ciun plurimis clericis, pro Christo igiri traditi sunt. Apud Nuceriam; sanctorum, Felicis et Constantie, sub Nerone passi sunt. In territorio Lingonice cinitatis ; Sigolis presbiteri. xit. 3£tal. ©ctobu's. ID. In Cizico ; natalis sancte Fauste, uirginis, et Euilasii. Qui sub Maximiniano imperatore crudelissime torti in confessione Christi spiritum emiserunt. Eodem die ; uigilia sancti Mathei apostoli. xi. ISal. ©ctobris. (£. Mathei apostoli, et euangeliste, qui primus in Iudea euangelium Christi Ebraico sermone conscripsit. Post uero apud Ethiopiam predicans, martirium passus est. Euangehum eius stilo scriptum, ipso reuelante, tempore Zenonis imperatore inuentum est. Idem autem Matheus in euangeho Leui appellatur. x. Hal. ©ctobus jf. In Galliis, ciuitate Sedimo, loco Agauno ; natalis sanctorum mar- tirum Thebeorum, Mauricii, Exuberii, Candidi, Uictoris, Inno- centis, Uitahs, cum sociis suis, sex milibus, sexcentis, sexaginta et sex, qui sub Maximiano passi, pro Christo gloriosissime coro- nati sunt. Apud Radisponam ciuitatem ; passio beati Emmeranini, episcopi et martiris. ix. I&al ©ctobris. CS. Natahs sancti Sosii diaconi, Mesenate ciiutatis, in Campania. Qui cum esset annorum triginta, martirium cum beato Ianuario Bene- uentano episcopo decollationem capitis suscepit, tempore Diocle- ciani i6i ciani imperatoris. Eodora die ; natalis sancte Thecle, uirginis. Apud Seleutiam ; Quiescentis. Que de ciuitate Yconio, a beato Paulo apostolo instructa est. Quam mater eius cernens Christia- nam et nuptum repudiare, mallentem Christo sponso adherere, quam corruptioui carnis subiacere, pergens ad iudicem accusauit earn. Quam sibi cum iussisset iudex adduci, et propositum cas- titatis eius perdidisset, diuersa tormenta ei proposuit, ut miuis territa ab intentione recederet. Sed ilia diuiua uirtute omnia su- perans, dimisa a judice reuersa est Seleutiam, ibique exemplo conuersatiouis uite atque etiam doctrine plurimos erudiens, post multa certamina, ac duplicem coronam uirginitatis et martirii, re- quieuit in pace. biit. Bfll. ©ctotms. &. Conceptio sancti Iohannis baptiste. Et Augustuduno; sancti Andochii presbiteri, Tyrsi diaconi et Felicis. Qui a beato Poli- carpo episcopo ab oriente directi ad docendam Ganiam, sub Au- reliano principe sunt gloriosissime coronati. Siquidem flagellis cesi, in ultimo tota die inuersis manibus suspensi, in ignem missi, sed non combusti, tandem uestibus colla feriuntiu*, atque ita mar- tirium suum gloriosissime compleuerunt. Item sancti Ceolfrithi, abbatis et confessoris. bii. Hal. Octobns. 33. Natalis beati Cleophe, cui dominus post resurrectionem in uia ap- paruit. Lugduni; sancti Lupi episcopi ex anachorita. Et in Hibernia ; sancti episcopi et confessoris Barri. to'. Hal. ©ctobtis. (£/. Sanctorum martirvim, Cypriani episcopi, quondam magi, et Iustini uirginis et Theogniti. Qui, sub Diocliciano imperatore, ob con- fessionem Christi martirio coronati sunt. b. 162 b. I&al. ©ctofms. ©. Apud Egeam ciuitatem ; natalis sanctorum martyrum Cosme et Damiani fratrum, et Antemii, Leoncij et Euprepii. Qui persecu- tione Diocleciani, sub preside Lysia, post diuersa supplicia que pro Christo perpessi fuerant, gladio uitam finierunt. Metis ciui- tate ; depositio sancti Petri, episcopi et confessoris. nit. Hal. ©ttobrts. ©. In Hispanniis Cordula; natalis sanctorum, Faustini, Ianuarii, et Marcialis. Qui primo eculei pena cruciati, deinde rasis superci- liis, et auribus ac naribus precisis, dentibus quoque superioribus euulsis deturpati, ad ultimum ignis passione martyrium consum- mauerunt. Hi. Hal. ©ctobris. Jf. In monte Gargano ; Uenerabilis memoria bead archangeli Mi- chaelis, ubi ipsius consecrata nomine liabetur ecclesia. H. Ital. ©ctotms. &. In Galliis, castro Solodoro, quod est super Arulam fluuium ; pas- sio sanctorum martiruin, Uictoris, et Ursi, ex gloriosa legione Thebeorum. Eodem die, apud Bethleem Iude ; depositio sancti Ieronimi presbiteri. Hie post perfectam placitamque deo conuer- sationem, post multos labores, quos in descriptione Hbroriun ad edificationem ecclesie desudauerat, tandem nonagesimo octauo etatis sue anno, apud Bethleem oppidum in pace quieuit. Libros suos per quinquaginta et sex annos confecit. Hal. ©cto6i is. @L. Apud Autisiodorum ; natalis sancti Germani, episcopi et confes- soris. Qui inultis uirtutibus doctrinaque et continentia clarus ex- titit. l6 3 titit. Thomis ciuitate ; natalis sancti Prisci, Crescencii et Eua- grii. Treueris ; sancti Nicecii, episcopi et confessoris. Remis ; sancti Remigii, episcopi et confessoris, uiri clarissime uirtutis et sanctitatis. Hie gentem Francorum ydolorum culturis deditam conuertit ad Christum, rege ipsorum sacro fonte baptismatis et sacrameutis fidei primus initiato, septuaginta et eo amplius in episcopatu annos expleuit. Hie inter cetera facta, puella a morte corporis suscitauit. Ipsa die ; sanctorum confessorum, Uedasti, Bauonis atque Piatonis. in. /ion. ©ttobvis. 33. Sancti Eusebii pape et confessoris. Qui sedit in episcopatu annos septem, et sepultus est xua Appia, in cymiterio Calixti. Sub liuius tempore inuenta est crux domini nostri Ihesu Christi, quinto nonas Mai. Apud Nichomediam ; natalis sancti Eleu- therii martiris. Qui sub Diocleciano imperatore martirium uic- torie sue, ignibus uelut aurum examinatus, compleuit. Natracis, uilla Syricinio ; passio sancti Leodegarii Augustuduriensis epis- copi. Quern uariis iniuriis et diuersis suppliciis pro ueritate afflictum, Ebroinus, maior domus regie interfecit. Eodem die, in Anglia; sancti Thome Heford. episcopi et confessoris. fa. Jion. ©ctolme. fit. Natalis sancti Dionisij, episcopi et martiris. Qui sub Adriano principe, post clarissimam confessionem fidei, post grauissima tor- mentorum genera, glorioso martirio coronatus est. Apud Antio- chos Saxones ; sanctorum martirum, Ewandalorum presbiterorum. Qiu cum Wilibrordo episcopo uenientes in Germania, transierunt ad Saxones. Et cum predicare ibi cepissent, comprehensi sunt et occisi. Ad quorum corpora noctu diu multa lux apparens, et ubi 164 ubi essent, et cuius essent meriti, declarauit. Eodem die, depo- sitio dompni Madaluei, Uirduneusis episcopi. iiii. JBton. ©ttobris. D. Apud Corinthum ; beatorum Crispi et Gai. Quorum meminit beatus apostolus Paulus Cliorinthis scribens. Apud Egiptum; natalis sanctorum martyrum, Marci, et Marcialii fratrum et cum eis innumerabiles alii non inferiori gloria, tam uiri quam femine. Sed et pueri et senes, qui pro fide domini nostri Ihesu Clrristi martirio coronati sunt. Eodem die ; natalis sancti Francissi con- fessoris. fit. ii,on. (J&ctobrfe. <&. Apud Siciliam, natalis sanctorum Placidi et Eutichii, et aliorum triginta. In Galliis, ciuitate Ualentia ; sancti Apollinaris episcopi. Cuius uita uirtutibus insignis fuit, et mors nicliilominus signis et prodigiis decoratur. Apud Eumeniam ; beati Trasee, episcopi et martiris. ii. Jion. (©ctobris. jp. Natalis sanctorum, Marcelli, Casti, Emilii, Saturnini. In Galliis, ciuitate Agimno ; natalis sancte Fidis, uirginis et martiris. Cuius exemplo beatus Caprasius ad agonem martini animatus est. Eodem die ; beati Sagaris, episcopi et martiris. J&on. ©ctobris. (£. Rome ; uia Appia, natalis sancti Marci, episcopi et confessoris. Qui sedit in episcopatu annos duos, menses nouem, dies uiginti. Eodem die ; sanctorum martirum, Iulie, Sergii, et Bachi, sub Maximiano imperatore, iudice Antiocho, ob confessionem Christi, martirio coronatorum. Eodem die ; natalis sanctorum martirum, Marcelli et Apulei. biii. i6 5 biii. Bus ©ttobm. &. Apud Cretam, urbem Cortine ; beati Plrilippi episcopi, magnis uirtutibus et optimis studiis predicti uiri. Et Thessalonice ; sancti Demetrii martiris. Pelagie Palostina ciuitate ; sancte Se- parate. bit. Iti. (©ctobris. 33. Abrahe, patriarehe. Apud Parisium ; sanctorum martirum, Dio- nisii episcopi, Eleutherii presbiteri, et Rustici diaconi. Qui bea- tus episcopus a pontifice Romano Clemente in Gallias directus, ut predicationis operam populis a fide Christi alienis exhiberet, tandem Parisiorum ciuitatem deuenit, et aliquot annos sanctum opus feliciter et ardenter exsecutus, a prefecto Fescennio Sisinnii > compreliensus, et cum eo sanctus presbiter Eleutherius, et Rusti- cus diaconus, gladio animaduersi martirium compleuenmt. bi. lit. (©ctobris. QC. Loth, propliete. Apud Cretam, beati Piniti, inter episcopos no- bilissimi confessoris. Qui in scripturis suis, uelut in quodam spe- culo, uiuentem sui dereliquit ymaginem. Et apud Agripinensem urbem; sanctoz'um martirum, Mallosi et Uictoris. In Britannia; beati Paulini, episcopi et confessoris. Apud Coloniam Agrippi- nam; natalis sanctorum martirum, Gereonis, cum aliis trecentis decern et octo. In Troia; Uictoris, cum trecentis triginta. In Uerona ; Cassii, et Florentii, cum aliis septem. Quos ferunt Theobeos fuisse,et cum legione ilia beati Mauricii, iussuMaximiani imperatoris, in Galliis transitum fecisse, atque circa Reni litora consedisse, et funestum tyranni impium respuendo, pro uera pie- tate colla paci enter gladiis subdidisse. IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. Z {). 1 66 b. ID. ©rtobris. T&. Apud Tharsum, metropolim Cilieie; natalis beatissimorum mar- tirum, Tharasi presbiteri, et Andronici. Qui persecutione Dio- cletiani, sub Maximiano preside, longo tempore carceris squalore afflicti, iu confessione Christi triumplium glorie adepti sunt. In Hibernia; natalis sancti Channiche, abbatis et confessoris. Item, ipsa die ; depositio sancti Brunonis, Agripinensis archiepiscopi. Cuius uita gloriosa et illustris fuit. Ipso die ; beati Nicasii epis- copi, et sociorum eius. Eodem die ; translatio sancti Augustini. iiit. £&. ©ttobris. (&. Apud Kauennam, uia Laurentina ; natalis sancti Hedistii. Eome ; natalis sanctorum, Celesti, Saturi. In prouincia Syrie ; natalis sanctorum, Sirie et Euagri. In Egipto ; sancti Eustasi presbiteri. €it. lb. ©ctobris. jp. Commemoratio sanctorum confessorum et martyrum, quatuor mi- lium nongentorum septuaginta sex. Qui persecutione Wandalica apud Affricam, cum essent ecclesiarum clerici, episcopi, presbi- teri, diaconi, associatis sibi turbis ndelium populorum, iussu Hu- nerici regis Arriani, pro defensione catholice ueritatis, in horri- bile hereme exilium trusi, et inter Mauros ferocissimos deputati sunt. Inter quos erant Cyprianus et Felix, precipui sacerdotes domini. In Hispanniis, ciuitate Gordoba ; Fausti et Marcie. In Colonia; inuentio corporis sancti Maurini martiris. Eodem die; translacio sancti Eduuardi regis et confessoris, apud Westmo- nasterium. if. St), ©ctobvis. <&. Turonis ; depositio sancti Uenanti, abbatis et confessoris. Rome ; passio sancti Calixti pape. Qui persecutione Alexandri impera- toris, 167 toris, diutius fame cruciatus, et cotidie fustibus cesus, a presbitero suo Calepodio, qui ante martirium consummauerat, confortatus et consolatus est. Qui in carcere eodem die positus, quemdera mi- litem nomine Priuatum, ab ulcere, dolore, ac feditate, simul et ab infidelitate eurauit. Quod avidiens Alexander, ipsum quidem mi- litem fecit plumbatis deficere, beatum uero Calixtum, per fenes- tram domus precipitari, et ligato ad collum saxo in putium de- mergi, et eum rudere cumulari. Post uero dies decern et septem, presbiter eius Asterius, cum clericis noctu ueniens, leuauit corpus, et sepeliuit in cymiterio Calepodii. Eodem die ; sancti Celestis episcopi et confessoris, discipuli beati Petri apostoli. Qui cum sancto Clemente et Felice ad urbem Metim ueniens, post primum in eadem urbe episcopus constituitur, celestem idtam duxit, et ad Christum feliciter migrauit. Ipsa die ; transitus sancti Iusti in heremo. Cordoba ciuitate, natalis sanctorum, Lupi et Aurelie. Bus ©ttofaris. S. In Galliis apud Coloniam Agrippinam, sanctorum Maurorum de militibus, qui ex ilia legione sacra Thebeorum cum numero tres- centis sexaginta, apud eandem urbem martirium consummantes, conditi sunt in basibca, que ex mirabili opere ex musiuo quodam- modo deaurata resplendet. Vnde etiam incole sanctos eos aureos uocitare consuerunt. Rome; sancte Fortunate. Remis ciuitate; depositio sancti Basoli confessoris. xbtt. Bal. Jiokmbns. U}. In Affrica ; passio sanctorum martirum, Ceicre, et aliorum ducen- torum septuaginta pariter coronatorum. In castro Sollercii ; sancti Eliphii martiris. Alibi ; Saturnini, Nerei, et depositio sancti Galli confessoris. Z 2 xbt. i68 xbi. Hal. iSobmbris. ©. In Galliis, ciuitate Arausica ; sancti Florencii episcopi, qui multis clarus uirtutibus in pace quieuit. In Nicomedia ; natalis sancti Alexandri, Uictoris, et passio Siluani. In Mauritania; sancto- rum, Nini, Luci, Sacrati, Ueneri, Prime, Donate, Uictorie, Basilic tb. Hal. ilobrmbvis, U. Natalis sancte Luce euangeliste. Qui fuit natione Sjtus, Antio- censis, arte medicus, discipulus apostolorum ; postea Paulum se- cutus, usque ad confessionem eius seruiens domino sine crimine. Nam neque uxorem unquam habens neque liberos, septuaginta et trium annorum obiit in Bithinia, plenus Spiritu Sancto. Sepultus est autem nunc Constantinopolim. Ad quern urbem, uicesimo anno ossa eius, cum reliquiis Andree apostoli, translata sunt. Eodem die, Rome ; sancte Trophime, uxoris Decii Cesaris. Que, uiro suo, post interfectionem Sixti et Laurentii, diuinitus punito, peciit se baptizari, cum filia Decii Cirilla, a Iustino presbitero, et alia die defuncta est, ac iuxta sanctum Ypolitum in cripta sepulta. In Affrica; Uictorici, Faustini. xiiiu Hal. jBLobembris. <&. Apud Antiochiam Shue ; natalis sanctorum, Beronici, Pelage, et aliorum quadraginta nouem. In ciuitate Puteoli; natalis sanc- torum Proculi, et Nicee matris eius. In Hibernia ; sancti Auxilii, episcopi et confessoris. Eodem die ; Oxonie ; sancte Fretheswide uirginis. xtti. Hal. iSobemfaris. jf. In Galliis, Aginno ciuitate ; natalis sancti Caprasii, martiris. Rome ; natabs sancti Asterii presbiteri. In Puteolis ciuitate ; Zozimi, Ianuarij, Dorothe. xii. 169 xii. Bal. Jiobembris. <&. Apud Nicliomediam ; natalis sanctorum martirum, Dasii, Zotici, Gaii, cum duodecim milibus. Eodem die ; sancti patris nostri Hylarionis, cuius uitam Ieronimus uirtutibus plenam scribit. Item eodem die ; natalis sancti Asterii presbiteri Calixti. Lug- dunis Gallie ; transitus sancti Uiatoris. In Colonia ; undecim milia uirginum. xx. Bal. i&obcmbris. @L. Apud Adrianopolim Tracie ; natalis sanctorum, Pbilippi, Eusebii, et Heremetis. In Tracia ; sancti Seueri. Et alibi : passio sancti Leogati martiris. x. Hfcal. jiobtmbrts. 13. Apud Antiochiam Sirie ; natalis sancti Theodoriti presbiteri. Qui secutione Iuliani impii, sub prefecto et auunculo eius Iuliano, cum ab eo Antiohenorum ecclesias spoliatas, et religiosi quoque fuissent eius terrore dispersi, in ecclesiam permansit intrepidus. Atque ab eo teneri iussus, post eculei penam, et multos ac duris- simos cruciatus, eciam lampadibus circa latera appositis inflam- matus est. Sed cum angelorum aspectu terriri ruissent in faciem, et credentes Christo impium ministerium recusassent, iussit eos Iulianus pelago immergi. Quibus beatus Theodoritus ait, prece- dite fratres ; ego uero superans inimicum, sequar dominum. In Cesarea Capadocie ; sancti Sereusi. In Adriapolim ; natalis sanc- torum, Seuerei et Dorothei. In Colonia; sancti Seuerini, epis- copi et confessoris. tx. Hal. iiobembris. C Apud Affricam ; commemoratio sanctorum martirum, Marciani, et Satiriani, cum duobus fratribus eorum, et egregie Christi ancille, Maxime 170 Maxime uirginis. In Nichomedia ; natalis sanctorum Uitalis, Fe- licis, Rogati, Flaniani. but. Hal Jtobembris. B. In Galliis, ciuitate Suessionis ; natale sanctorum, Crispini et Cris- piniani. Qui persecutione Maximiani, ad trocleas extend et fus- tibus cesi, postquam digiti eorum subulis transfixi sunt, et de dorso eorum lora precisa, ad ultimum gladio trucidati, corona martirii coronati sunt. Eodem die, Petragoritas ciuitate ; natalis sancti Frontonii. Qui Rome a beato Petro episcopus ordinatus, cum Georgio presbitero, ad predicandum euangelium missus est. Cum sequenti die tertio itineris idem Georgius fuisset mortuus, merens Frontonus reuersus ad apostolum, accepto eius baculo, et super corpus defuncti posito, socium de morte recepit. Sicque ad predictam ciuitatem ueniens, magnam multitudinem gentis illius ad Christum conuertit, et multis miraculis clarus in pace quieuit. Ipso die ; sanctorum, Uedasti et Amandi. bii. Hal iiobcmbns. (&. In Hispanniis, Alela ciuitate ; natalis sanctorum, Uincencii, Sa- bine, et Cristetes. Rome ; sanctorum, Mariandi, Luci. In Sar- dinia ; sancti Florentii. bi. Hal. iaobeinbris. jp. Vigilia beatorum apostolorum, S)Tnonis et Iutle. Eodem die, Rome ; natalis sancte Cyrille, martiris, filie Decii Cesaris. Que sub Claudio principe iugulata et necata est gladio, et sepulta est a Iustino presbitero cum matre sua, iuxta sanctum Ypolitum. b. Bal i^obembtts. (ffi. In Perside ; natalis sanctorum apostolorum S)'monis Cananei, et Thaddei, qui eciam Iudas Iacobi legitur. E quibus Thadeus apud Mesopotamiam, I 7 I Mesopotamiam, Symon uero apud Egiptum, traditur predicasse. Qui eciam Iacobo fratre Domini a Iudeis lapidato, Ierosobmorum episcopus ab apostolis constituitur, persecutione Traiani, midto tempore suppliciis affectus, martirio coronatus est, omnibus qui adherant et ipso iudice mirantibus, ut centum uiginti annorum senex crucis supplicium pertulisset. Hoc totum de successione Symonis in loco fratris domini, et de passione eius, ecclesiastica historia magis de alio Symone, quem et filium Cleophe nominauit, narrare uidetur. Kii. Hal. jSobembris. &. Ciuitate Tingitana ; passio sancti Marcelli centurionis, qui capitis abscisione martirium consummauit, sub Agricolano, agente uices prefectorum pretorio. In Affrica ; passio sanctorum martirum ducentorum uiginti. Inichea; nataUs sanctorum, Kalendionis, Marcialis, Theophili. Et alibi, passio sancti Feliciani cum sociis suis. it. &al Jiobembris. 33. Apud Affricam ; natabs sanctorum martirum, Rogatiani presbi- teri, et Felicissimi. Qui, persecutione Decii et Ualeriani, illustri sunt martirio coronati. Scribit beatus Cyprianus, in epistola ad confessores hiis uerbis, ut sequamini, inquit, in omnibus Rogatia- num presbiterum, gloriosum senem, uiam uobis, ad gloriam tem- poris nostri gloriosi uirtute et diuina dignatione facientem. Qui cum Febcissimo fratre nostro quieto semper et sobrio, excipiens ferientis populi impetum, primum hospitium uobis in carcere pre- parauit, et metator quodammodo uester, nunc quoque uos ante- cedit. it. Wial iaobtmbris. ©. In Galliis, oppido Uirmadensi ; natalis sancti Quintini, martiris, qui sub Maximiano imperatore martirium passus est, et post an- num 172 hum quinquagesimum quintum, inuentum est corpus, reuelante angelo, et sepultum octauo kal. Iulii. In Macedonia ; sanctorum, Uitalis, Petri, Crescentii. Eodem die ; passio sancti Eusebii, mar- tiris, et uigilia omnium sanctorum. Eodem die ; passio sancti Foilani martiris. IB. Rome ; natalis sancti Cesarii martiris. Et ipsa die ; festiuitas omnium sanctorum. Hec festiuitas sanctorum eeneralis est Rome. Petente namque papa Bonefatio, iussit Focas imperator in ueteri fano, quodPanteon uocabatur, ablatis ydolatrie sordibus, ecclesiam sancte Marie et omnium fieri martyrum, ut ubi quondam non deorum sed demoniorum cultus agebatur, ibi deinceps fieret me- moria omnium sanctorum. Lingonice, ciuitate castro Diuione ; passio sancti Benigni presbiteri. Qui cum Andocliio conpresbi- tero, et Tirso diacono, missus est a sancto Policarpo ab oriente Galliam, tempore Iuliani. Qui, predicatione eius comperta, uinc- tum et cesum ad se adduci precepit, et rursum audita sermonum eius constantia, neruis durissimis eum cedi fecit, et Terrentio co- miti superandum tradidit. A quo post hec ad trocleas extensus et cesus, ac rursum carceri mancipatus, mane idola orando destruxit, et reductus est in carcerem. Qui subulas decern calentes in ma- nibus infixerunt, et cum plumbo rcmisso pedes in lapide perforato fixerunt, et canes duodecim feroces cum eo incluserunt per sex dies. Et attulit ei angelus celestem panem, subulas abstulit, et eum de plumbo ac ferro eripuit. Ad ultimum collum eius uecte ferro tundi, et corpus eius lancea perforari iubetur. Quo facto, columba niuea de carcere, Christianis aspicientibus, ad celos as- cendit, et odor suauissimus, quasi paradisi, secutus est. Yenit autem beata Leonilla, et conditum aromatibus corpus non longe ab ipso carcere sepeliuit. Eodem die ; natalis Cesarii diaconi, et Iuliani l 73 Iuliani presbiteri. Qui uidelicet Cesarius, tempore Claudii, ueni- ens ex Affrica ad Terracinarn Campanie ciuitatem, dum contra ydolatras proclamaret in publico, tentus est a Firmino pontifice, et in custodiam reclusus, ubi multis diebus maceratus est. Deinde traditus est Leontio, consulari Campanie. Quern ille cum uerbis superare nequiret, iussit uinctum ante carpentum suum ducere ligatis manibus nudum, usque ad templum Appolinis. Quo cum peruenissent, ad orationem eius corruit templum, et interfecit pontiricem Firminum. Post hoc reclusus in carcerem a Luxurio primo ciuitatis, fuit ibi per annum, et mensem unum. Deinde eductus in foro, a deo dum oraret, celesti est lumine circumdatus, ita ut ipse Leontius crederet, et Cesarium, qui erat nudus, sua clamide indueret, peciitque ut baptizaretur, et corpus et sanguinem domini accepit de manu Iuliani presbiteri. Nee mora, dicta super eum oracione tradidit spiritum, tercio kal. Nouembris. Tunc Luxurius iussit Iulianum et Cesarium mitti in saccum et precipi- tari in mare. Qui eodem die ; reiecti sunt ad litus, et sepulti sunt ab Eusebio seruo dei iuxta urbem Terracinarn. Et idem Euse- bius postea martirium passus est cum Felice presbitero. Item, eodem die ; depositio Seuerini monachi, de Tiburtina ciuitate. Alibi ; depositio sancti Eustachi militis, cum uxore et cum duobus filiis. Parisius ciuitate ; natalis sancti Marcelli, episcopi et con- fessoris. In Colonia ; sancti Euergisi, episcopi et confessoris. Ipsa die ; natalis sancte Marie uirginis. Que cum esset ancilla, et die natalis rilii domini sui ieiunaret, nee ullo modo flecti potu- isset, ut de idolothitis manducaret, primo diris uerberibus afflicta, dein longa carceris custodia, equilei extensione, ungularum lania- tione uexata, martirium consummauit. IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. 2 A flt'l. x 74 itt't. Jl,Qn. Jiobnnbris. <&. Natalis sancti Uictorini, Pictauionensis episcopi. Qui persecu- tion Diocletiani martirio coronatus est. Eodem die ; sancti Am- brosii, abbatis monasterii Acaunensis. Eome ; tempore Adriani imperatoris, passio beati Eustachii, et uxoris eius Theophis, cum filiis Agapito et Theophisto. Hec festiuitas cum in kal. habeatur, turn hie ab ecclesia celebratur. Item, eodem die, Rome ; dedi- catio basilice sanctorum, Syxti, Ypoliti et Laurencii, martyrum. In AfFrica; natalis sanctorum, Popliani, Uictoris, Hermetis, Iusti, Uitalis et Papie. Hi. iBion. JJobembris. jf. Apud Cesariam Capadotie ; natalis sanctorum Germani, Theo- phili, Cesarii, et Uitalis. Et passio sancte Agricole. Eodem die ; natalis sancti Cuthberti episcopi. In Galliis, monasterio Claraualle ; depositio beati Malachie, episcopi et confessoris. ti. i^on. iiobembris. CS. In Galliis, ciuitate Redenis ; natalis sancti Amancij episcopi, cuius uita sanctitate et miraculis extitit gloriosa. In AfFrica; natalis sanctorum Primi, Cesarii, Gregorii, Porphirii. In Nicea; na- talis sancti Domnini. Jion. Jtobembris. gj. Zacharie prophete, patris Johannis baptiste. In Terracina, Cam- panie ciuitate ; natalis sanctorum, Felicis presbiteri, et Eusebii monachi, temporibus Claudii imperatoris. Qui fidelis Eusebius, cum sepelisset sanctos rnartires Julianum et Cesarium, et ad se- pulcra eorum orans ac ieiunans multos conuerteret, quos Felix presbiter l 7S presbiter baptizabat, tenti sunt ambo a Leontio filio Leontii con- sularis, ob earn maxime causam, quia Cesarius patrem eius Chris- tianum fecisset. In Cesaria Capadocie ; natalis sanctorum, Dom- nini, Epiphanii, Antonini. In Capua, ciuitate Campanie ; natalis sanctorum, Marcie, Secunde, et Quart! btti. E&us i^obembtis. 23. Zoniza Affrice ; natalis sancti Felicis. In Indus sollempnitate quendam psalmum beatvis Augustinus uidetur exponere ad popu- lum. Vbi inter cetera de eius passione loquitur. Felix martir, uere felix, et nomine et corona, cuius hodie dies est. Noueritis autem, fratres, non eum passum mortem, quam alii martyres passi sunt. Confessus enim, delatus est ad tormenta. Alia die, inuen- tum est corpus exanime. Clauserant enim illi carcerem corpori, non spiritui. In oriente, ciuitate Theopoli ; sanctorum decern martyrum, qiu sub Sarracensi passi leguntur in gestis sanctorum quadraginta. In Gallia, ciuitate Redenis ; depositio sancti Melani episcopi et confessoris. Et sancti Leonardi, abbatis et confessoris. bit. Its. jSobemtms. Cf . Natalis sancti Amaranti martins. Apud Perusinam, Italie urbem ; natalis Hercuali, episcopi et martiris. In Nicliea ; natalis sancto- rum, Polisii, Eustasii, Primi, Rogationi. In Affrica sanctorum Rogati, Donati, Primi, Iulite. Metis ciuitate; depositio sancti Ruplii, episcopi et confessoris. Hastemaco monasterio ; depositio sancti Willibrordi, episcopi et confessoris. bi. 5b. Jiobcmbrts. B. Rome ; natalis sanctorum quatuor coronatorvim, Claudii, Nichos- trati, Simphoriani, Castorii, et Simpplicii. Quos prefectus urbis 2 A 2 cum 176 cum per decern dies minis et blandiciis in nullo penitus potuisset mouere, tercio tormentis atrocibus uexatos, iussit in medio mari precipites dari. Sicque inmensis artati ponderibus, ac pelagi fluc- tibus immersi, in loco mundo inter aquas coronam martirii cele- brarunt. In Affrica ; sanctorum, Primi, Macharij, Iusti, et alio- rum decern et octo. b. Jfo. iiobembrts. (&. Rome ; sancti Theodori, martiris, et sanctorum, Clementis et Sim- phoriani, et sancti Damasi. In Hispannia; natalis sanctorum Fausti et Marcialis. Et eodem die ; sancti Ursicini episcopi, et sanctorum Donati et Damiani. Et in Hibernia : sancte uireinis Sinche. Hit 10. jiobembvis. Jf . In territorio Agathensi, in Cesarione ; natalis sanctorum marti- rum, Tiberii, Modesti, et Florentie. Qui tempore Diocliciani, uariis tormentis cruciati, martirium compleuerunt. Rome ; de- positio sancti Leonis episcopi. In Antiochia ; Demetrii episcopi, Amanesi diaconi. Item eodcm die ; natalis sancti Martini pape. Qui ob fidem catholicam ab imperatore Constantino heretico, per Theodormn exarchum, de ecclesia raptus, ac perductus Con- stantinopolim, ibidem uitam finruit. Hi. B. jSobtmbris. dr. In Galliis, Turonis cimtate ; natalis sancti Martini episcopi et con- fessoris. Qui tres mortuos suscitauit, et multas uirtutes fecit. Eodem die, in Scicia, metropoli Prigie Salutarie ; passio sancti Menne martiris. Qui persecutione Dioclecioni et Maximiani, cum esset miles nobilis genere, et Egiptiorum prouintia ortus, abrenmitians terrene militie, primo celesti regi secreta conuersa- tione 177 tione in lieremo militauit. Deinde nataliciis prefatorum impera- torum procedens ad pabulum, ac se Christianum libera coram ipsis uoce declarans, traditus est Pirro duci torquendus. A quo pri- mum diris uerberibus cesus, ita ut platee locus eius sanguine re- pleretur, deinde eculeo exungulatus, et in lapidibus igneis circum latera adustus, per tribulos et sudes ferreas ligatis manibus ac pe- dibus tractus, plumbatis quoque collo et maxillis grauiter contu- sus, nouissime fixis in oracione genibus, et domino Ihesu Christo agens, gladio cesus, et corpus eius igni traditum. Quod furtim a Christianas ereptum et aromatibus conditum, debita ueneratione curatum est. Rome ; sanctorum, Ualenti, Feliciani, Uicturini. u. Bj. JSobmbm. &. Apud Affricam; commemoratio sanctorum Archadii, Paschasii, Probi, qui ex Hispannia oriundi, cum apud Sigiricum Wahdalo- rum regem, merito sapientie et fidelis obsequii cari clarique ha- berentur, nee in Arrianam perfidiam, cui ipse deditus erat, ullate- nus declinare paterentur, excitato in rapidissimam iram barbaro, primo proscripti, deinde in exilium atque atrocissimis suppliciis excruciati, illustri martirio mirabiliter occubuerunt. In Colonia ; sancti Cumberti, episcopi et confessoris. In Cesaria Capadocie ; sanctorum, Germani, Theopili, Cesarii, martirum. Bus jSobcmbrts. 23. Rauenna ; natalis sanctorum martirum Ualentini, Solutoris, Uic- toris. In Tratia; sanctorum, Edicti, Euthicis, Ermogenis. In Cesaria Capacie; sanctorum, Germani, Theophili, Cesarii, et sancti Eusebii nrnrthis. Eodem die ; natalis sancti Bricii, epis- copi et confessoris. xbitt. ■ 7 8 ibiii. Hal. Becembris. . Beccmbus. 33. Danielis prophete. Rome ; sancti Damasi pape. Et natale sanc- torum martirum, Thrasonis, Potentiani, Pretaxati. In Galliis, ci- uitate Ambionis ; natalis sanctorum martirum, Fusciani, Uictorici, et Gentiani. In Ilispanniis ; sancte Eutici, cuius gesta habentur. tt. B>. Wntmbxis. QL. In Alexandria ; sanctorum Sammoni et Emeriti. Apud Emeri- tam ; natalis sancte Eulalie ex deposione. Et sanctorum mar- tirum, Ermogenis, Donati, et aliorum uiginti duo. Et in Hiber- nia ; sancti Finniani, episcopi et confessoris. Bus Scumtms. D. Apud Siracusas, Sicilie ciuitatem ; natalis sancte Lucie, uirginis et martiris. Que passa est persecutione Diocleciani et Maximiani, sub Pascasio consulari. Quam cum lenones corrumpere, iubente Pascasio, uellent, nullatenus earn mouere potuerunt, nee funibus abditis aut bourn paribus plurimis, resinam, feruens oleum illesa suscepit. Tandem gladio in uiscera merso percussa, nee tamen mortua i88 mortua est, donee uenientibus sacerdotibus communionem cor- poris et sanguinis domini accepit. Eauenna ; natale sanctorum, Ursiani et Leuchadii confessorum. Mediolano ; inuentio sancto- rum, Nazarii, Prothasii, et Celsi pueri. xix. lEtal. Vanuatu. (&. Apud Antiochiam ; natale sanctorum martirum Eleusi, Zosimi, et Theddori. Apud Cyprum ; natale sancti Spindionis episcopi, admirande beatitudinis uiri. Lugdunis ; depositio Uiatoris epis- copi. Vienna ; depositio sancti Lupicini episcopi. Remis ; natale sancti Nichasii episcopi, qui capite truncatus est. xbtti. Hal. Eanuarti. Jp. Apud Affricam ; sancti Aureliani episcopi et confessoris. Qui Wandalice persecutionis, cum, ex precepto Geisirici regis Arriani, ad tradendum ministeria diuina, uel libros, artarentur cuncti do- mini sacerdotes, ita ut idem impii Arriani etiam de ipsis palliis altaris camisias sibi et femoralia facerent, uiriliter ne sacramenta diuina traderet dimicans, extra ciuitatem singularis expelli iussus est, et ita preceptum, ut nullus eum neque in domo neque in agro dimittei'et habitare. Cumque esset annorum plus octuaginta, in strata pubbca multo tempore nudis iacuit sub aere, sicque in con- fessione catholice ueritatis, et defensone sanctimonii cursum uite impleuit. In Babilonia, tempore Nabugodonosor regis; passio sanctorum martyrum, trium uirorum, Ananie, Azarie, et Misaelis. xfati. Hal. lanuatti. €r. Rauenna ; natalis sanctorum, Ualentini, Naualis, Agricole, et Con- cordii. Arelato ; dedicatio basilice sancti Genesii, martiris. M i8o xbt. Hal. Sanuartt. @L. In Antiochia ; natalis sancti Ignatii, martiris et episcopi. Qui tercius post beatum Petrum apostolum Antiocenam rexit eccle- siam. Quique persecutione Traiani, dampnatus ad bestias, Romam uinctus mittitur. decern militibus, qnos ipse in epistola sua leo- pardos uocat. Quique proiectus bestias, cum rugientes audires leones, ardore paciei di, ait: Frumentum Cliristi sum, dentibus bestiarum molar, ut panis mundus inueniar. Passus est anno un- decimo Traiani. Item, beatorum martirum Rupliini et Zozimi. Item eodem die ; beati Lazari, quern dominus Ihesus in euange- lio resuscitasse legitur a mortuis. Et beate Marthe sororis eius, quorum uenerabilem memoriam extructa ecclesia non longe a Bethania, ubi e uicino domus fuit, conseruat. xb. Hal. Eanuarit. 23. Laodicie ciuitate ; natalis sanctorum Theotini, Basiliani. In Af- frica ; sanctorum, Quinti, Simplicii, Pauli, Uictorie, Priuati. Eodem die ; natalis sanctorum, Digni, et Bodegisili, Honorati, cum aliis triginta. In Hibernia ; sancti Maigneni confessoris. xiiii Hal. Kanuarit. ®. Apud Affricam ; natale sancti Moysitis martiris. In Nicea, ciui- tate Bithinie ; natalis sancti Zosimi, Pauli, Secundi, Crriaci. Auti- siodoro ; depositio beati Gregorii episcopi et confessoris. xiii. Hal. Januarii. IB. Rome ; deposicio sancti Zephirini episcopi. In Tracia, Gildaba ; natale sancti Iuliani. Et alibi ; sancti Liberati. In oriente ; sancte Tecle uirginis. IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. 2 C XII. 190 lit. Bal. lamiarft. anctt (Sregorti $apc, In illo tempore : Homo quidam peregre. folio . 1 . 8ft. ut supra Be 221 19c Jbancto ISeiutitcto. In illo tempore : Dixit Symon Petrus. fa\ glnnunciatume Sbancte JWavic. In illo tempore : Missus est angelus Gabriel a dec- in ciuitatem Galilee, cm nomen Nazareth, ad nirginem desponsatam niro, cni no- men erat Ioseph, de domo Danid, et nomen uirginis Maria. Exordium nostre redemptionis, fratres karissimi, hodierna nobis sancti euangelii lectio commendat, que angelum de celis a deo missum narrat ad nir- ginem, ut nouam in carne natiuitatem nlii dei predicaret, per quam nos, abiecta uetustate noxia, renouari, atque inter filios dei computari possimus. &ancti ^Xintnostf. In illo tempore : Dixit Ihesus discipulis suis : Uos estis sal terre. Quod si sal euanuerit, in quo salietur. Ad illud respicit quod supe- rius dixit, quia doctor omnibus uirtutibus debet esse ornatus. Debet esse pauper, ut auariciam libera uoce castiget. Debet esse semper suspirans et lugens, si non sua, uel aliena delecta, ut confundat eos, qui nee peccare dubitant, priusquam peccent, nee postquam pecca- uerint, tristantur quia peccauerunt. Jttatci ffiuangeltste. In illo tempore : Dixit Ihesus discipulis suis. Ego sum uitis [4] uera, et pater meus agricola est. Iste locus euangelicus, fratres, ubi se dicit dominus uitem, et discipulos suos palmites, secundum hoc dicit, quod est caput ecclesie, nosque membra eius, mediator dei et hominum, homo Christus Ihesus. Vnius quippe nature sunt, uitis et palmites. Propter quod, cum esset deus, cuius nature non sumus, IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. 2 Gr faCtUS 222 factus est homo, ut in illo esset uitis, humana natura, cuius et nos homines palmites esse possemus. &pos»olorum Pftiltppi et Jatobt. In illo tempore : Dixit Ihesus discipulis suis : Non turbetur cor uestrum. Creditis in deum, et in me credite. In domo patris mei mansiones multe sunt. Erigenda nobis est, fratres, ad dominum maior intentio, ut uerba sancti euangelii, que modo in auribus nostris sonuerunt, eciam mente capere, utcumque possimus. Ait enim do- minus Ihesus Christus : Non turbetur cor uestrum. Creditis in deum, et in me credite. Ne mortem tanquam homines timerent, et ideo turbarentur, consolatur eos, eciam deum se esse constans. Cre- ditis, inquit, in deum, et in me credite. 5n Inuentione Sbancte ©nuts. In illo tempore : Erat homo ex Phariseis : ut supra in dominica sancte Trinitatis. Sbantti Bofiannts ante -^ortam Hattnam. In illo tempore : Accessit ad Ihesum mater filiorum Zebedei cum filiis suis, adorans et petens aliquid ab eo. Qui dixit ei : Quid uis? Ait ei : Die, ut sedeant hii duo filii mei, unus ad dexteram tuam, et unus ad sinistram in regno tuo. Vn.de opinionem regni ha- bet mater fihorum Zebedei, ut cum dominus dixerit, nlius hominis tradetur principibus sacerdotum et scribis, et condempnabunt eum morte, et tradent gentibus, ad deludendum, et flagellandum, et crucifi- gendum, et ignominiam passionis timentibus discipulis nuntiaret, ilia gloriam postulat triumphatis ? tEranslatio 22 3 (Etanslatto Sbancti iiicljolat, In illo tempore : Dixit Ihesus discipulis siiis : Uos estis sal terre. Quod si sal euamierit, in quo salietur? Debemus pensare continue, quid ad sanctos apostolos dicitur, et per apostolos nobis, uos estis sal terre. Si ii>itur sal sumus, condire mentes fidelium debemus. Uos igitur qui pastores estis, pensate quia domini animalia pascitis. De quibus perfecto animalibus deo per psalmistam dicitur : Anima- lia tua habitabunt in ea. Et sepe uidemus quod, petra salis brutis animalibus ponitur, ut ex eadern salis petra lambere debeant, et me- liorari. Quasi ergo inter bruta animalia, petra salis debet esse sacer- dos in populis. iSarnabe glpostoli. In illo tempore : Dixit Ihesus discipulis suis : Hoc est precep- tum meum, ut diligatis inuicem, sicut dilexi uos. Cum cuncta sacra eloquia dominicis plena sunt preceptis, quid est, quod de dilectione, [5] quasi de singulari mandato, dominus dicit : Hoc est preceptum meum, ut diligatis inuicem, nisi quia onine mandatum de sola dilectione est, et omnia unum preceptum sunt ? Quia quicquid precipitin", in sola caritate solidatur. (fimtasti et protbasii. In illo tempore : Egrediente Iliesu de templo, ait illi unus ex dis- cipulis suis; Magister aspice quales lapides, et quales structure. Egressus Ihesus de templo, ibat. Et accedunt ad eura discipuli eius, ut ostenderent ei edificia templi. Ipse autem respondens dixit eis. Videtis hec omnia? Amen, dico uobis, non relinquetur lapis super lapidem, que non destruatur. Iuxta hystoriam manifestus est sensus. Eecedente autem domino de templo, omnia legis edificia et composi- tio mandatorum ita destructa est, \\t nichil a Iudeis possit impleri, et capite sublato, uniuersa inter se membra compugnent. 2 G 2 gtlbani &lbam iflitartiris. In illo tempore : Dixit Ihesus discipulis suis : Ponite in cordibus uestris, non premeditari, quemadmodimi respondeatis. Ego enim dabo uobis os et sapientiam, cui non poterunt resistere et contra di- cere omnes adnersarii uestri : nolite terreri, nolite pertimescere. Uos ad certamen acceditis ; sed ego prelior. Uos uerba editis ; sed ego sum qui loquor. Sequuntur : Trademini autem a parentibus, et fratribus, et cognatis, et amicis ; et morte ex uobis afficietur. Jn Jiatiuitate Sbancti gjofjanms 33aptiste. In illo tempore : Elizabeth impletum est tempus pariendi, et pe- perit filium. Et audierunt uicini et cognati eius, quia magnificauit dominus misericordiam suam cum ilia, et congratulabantur ei. Pre- cursoris domini natiuitas, sicut sacratissima lectionis euangelice pro- dit hystoria, multa miraculorum sublimitate refulget, quia nimirum decebat, ut ille, quo maior inter natos mulierum nemo surrexit, ma- jore pre ceteris Sanctis in ipso mox ortu uirtutum iubare claresceret. Senes ac diu infecundi parentes dono nobilissime prolis exultant, Sanctorum gjoftanm's et $auli, si fcominica festum. In illo tempore : Dixit Ihesus discipulis suis : Attendite a fer- mento Phariseorum quod est ypocrisis. Nichil autem opertum est, quod non reueletur, neque absconditum, quod non sciatur. Attendite a fermento Phariseorum, quod est ypocrisis. Ad hoc fermentum per- tinent omnia, que, recumbens apud Phariseum, superius disputauerat, de quo et apostolus precepit : Itaque epulemur non fermento ueteri, neque in fermento malicie et nequitie, sed in azimis sinceritatis et ueritatis. ^posiolovum petit et $nult. [6] In illo tempore : Uenit Ihesus in partes. Acquire in ©at&e&ra. ©omnumoratio 225 (ff-ommemoratio Sbancti -pault. In illo tempore : Eespondens Symon Petrus. Utequttt in ©omter- siotu Sbancti -pauli. ©ctatta &postoIorum. In illo tempore : Iussit Ihesus discipulos suos ascendere in naui- culam, et precedere eum trans fretum, donee dimitteret turbas. Do- minus discipulis precepit transfretare, et compellit ut ascendant nauiculam. Quo sermone satis ostenditvir, inuitos eos a domino re- cessisse, dum amore preceptoris, nee puncto quidem temporis ab eo uolunt separari. Et dimissa turba, ascendit in montem solus orare. Si fuissent cum eo discipuli, Petrus et Iacobus et Iohannes, qui ui- derant gloriam transformati, forsitan ascendissent in montem cum eo. En Biuisione gjpostolorum a& '^rc&icaniium. In illo tempore : Conuocatis Ihesus duodecim discipulis suis, de- dit eis potestatem spirituum immundorum, ut eicerent eos, et cura- rent langorem et omnem infirmitatem. Benignus et clemens domi- nus ac magister, non inuidet seruis atque discipulis uirtutes suas. Et sicut ipse curauerat omnem langorem et omnem infirmitatem, apos- tolis quoque suis tribuit potestatem, ut curent omnem langorem et omnem infirmitatem. Set multa distantia est, inter habere, et tri- buere ; donare, et accipere. Iste quodcunque agit, potestate domini agit : illi si quid faciunt, imbecillitatem suam, et uirtutem domini confitentur, dicentes : In nomine Ihesu, surge et ambula. JWarie ittagtiaUne. In illo tempore : Eogabat Ihesum quidam Phariseus, ut mandu- caret cum illo. Et ingressus domum Pharisei, discubuit. Et ecce mulier, que erat in ciuitate peccatrix, ut cognouit, quod recubuisset in domo 226 domo Pharisei, attulit alabastrum unguenti, et stans retro secus pedes eius, lacrimis cepit rigare pedes eius, et capillis capitis sui tergebat, et osculabatur pedes eius, et unguento ungebat. Cogitanti michi de Marie penitentia, fiere magis libet, quam aliquid dicere. Cuius enim uel saxeum pectus, ille huius peccatricis lacrime ad exemplum peni- tendi non emolliant. Considerauit namque quid fecit, et noluit mo- derari quid faceret. Super conuiuantes ingressa est ; non iussa ue- nit ; inter epulas lacrimas obtulit. Dicite quo dolore ardet, que fle- ret, et inter epulas non erubescit. Satobi Spostoli. In illo tempore : Accessit ad Ihesum. folio iij. %l. ut supra in .tit. fol. m eaintula Sbartctt $ettt. In illo tempore : Uenit Ihesus in partes Cesaree Philippi, et inter- rogauit discipulos suos, dicens : Quern dicunt homines esse filium hominis ? Non dixit, Quern me dicunt esse homines ? ne iactanter de se querere uideretur : sed, Quern dicunt homines esse filium ho- [7] minis ? Sic de se, quasi de alio loquens. Ita debent agere prelati sancte ecclesie. Debent interrogare subiectos, cuius opinionis habe- antur a populo. Si bone opinionis, crescant in melius ; si uero ma- lam famam habent, corrigant, que correctione digna sunt. Snuentio ^anttt Jbtepljani ^totftomattins. In illo tempore : Dicebat Ihesus turbis Iudeorum et principibus sacerdotum : Ecce ego mitto ad uos prophetas, et sapientes, et scribas, et ex illis occidetis et crucifigetis. Uere missi sunt sapi- entes aduersus hereticos patres nostri, sapientes autein litterati, quo- rum sapientia non in sensibus carnalibus posita est, et in lingua adquisita per exercitationem carnalem, sed sapientes circa dei timo- rem. 227 rem, sapientes circa noticiam ueritatis, sapientes animo non corpore, corde non ore, fide non uerbis. h\ SFrfmsfiguracioiu Domini. In illo tempore : Assumpsit Iliesus Petrum, et Iacobum, et Iohan- nem fratrem eius, et durcit illos in montem excelsum seorsum, et transfiguratus est ante eos. Euangelica lectio, dilectissimi, que, per aures corporis, interiorem mentium nostrarum pulsauit auditum, ad magni sacramenti nos intelligentiam uocat, quam aspirante gratia dei facilius assequemur, si considerationem nostram ad ea, que paulo su- perius sunt narrata, referamus. Saluator enim humani generis deus Christus, condens earn fidem, que impios ad iusticiam, et mortuos re- uocat ad uitam, ad hoc discipulos suos doctrine monitis et operum miraculis imbuebat, ut idem et unigenitus dei, films hominis credere- tur. Nam unum horum sine alio non proderat ad salutem. Sbancti Hauwncii. In illo tempore : Amen, amen, dico uobis, nisi granum frumenti. fol. 2. £>antti |9poIiti &ociornm cepto non occupatas; Coelestini in Const, c. 19. §. 1. duos item dies in monasteriis principalibus ; 4. et 6. feria, nisi festum sit duplex; unicum in minus principalibus 4. vel 6. feriam : in Const. Coelestinorum MSS. c. 15. singulis diebus aut saltern ter in Ebdomada 2. 4, et 6. feriis. In non conventualibus vero bis, 4. et 6. feriis. Idem semel dumtaxat in Dominica pra?stant Carthusiani ex nova collect, statut. Carthus. part. 2. c. 8. n. 4. Unicam etiam huic satisfactioni feriam 6. assignat Reg. Monacho- rum apud Hieron. c. 9. " XXXIX. De modo vix reperire licet aliquid apud antiquos ; de nostris vero IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. 2 L multa 254 multa nobis suppeditant antiquus Ordo conversationis Monasticae, MS. Germanise cons., Concord. Dunstani, statuta Lantfranci c. 1 9. 1. Us. c. 70. &c. " XL. Prinio enini Ordo conversationis monasticae praescribit, ut lecta expositaqne Regula, 'qui culpabilis est postulet veniam, et secundum modum culpa? judicium re- cipiat.' Ea propter ex antiquis Germania? consuet. MS. Prior dicebat : Si aliquid sit loquendum, edicite, sive ut habent statuta Lanfranci, liber usuum Cisterciensium, cere- moniale Bursfeldensium dist. 1. c. 4. Loquamur de ordine nostro s . "XLI. 'Tunc unusquisque,' ut prosequuntur consuetudines Germanias n. 33. ' apud se tractat, si aliquid deliquerit iu loquendo, in manducando, bibendo, in dor- miendo ; et si culpabilem per conscientiam suarn se prospexerit prosternet se ad terrain, confitebiturque reatum; post interrogationem tamen Prioris itadicentis: Quid dicitis? illiusque respondentis Mea culpa, et Prioris Surgite proclamantis ; post istam interro- gationem reddet rationem, accipietque voluntarie sibi imperatam sententiam, aut je- juniis, aut orationibus, saepe etenim praecipitur can tare septem aut tres, aut duos, aut unum, cuncta secundum modum culpa;.' Contractius Udabricus in lib. z. cons. Clun. c. 1 7. ' Postquam ventum fuerit ad actionem capituli, si quid ei excessus aliquo modo contingit, quod alius vidit, et digne potuerit reclamare, ipse praeveniens petit veniam, et illam veniam corpore toto prostrato culparuque suam fatetur, quantacumque fateatur, tamen non amplius petit veniam, prater illam quam petiit.' Fusius vero ceremon. Bursfeldensium, &c. ' Cum aliis consuetis expeditis, praesidens dixerit : Loquamur de ordine ; Mox qui se in aliquo reum noverit, surgens veniat in medium ibidem pronus se in terrain prosternens; et ita jaceat sinistra plus incumbens lateri, manibus simul et pedibus decenter ad invicem combinatis, interrogatus autem a praesidente : Quid dicis? Respondeat: Culpam meant, et ad jussum praesidentis erectus, stans in eodem loco discooperto et parum inclinato capite, simpliciter, absque omni palliatione, voce clara coufiteatur negligentias suas. Expediant autem se primo, si illic fuerint, Novitii, Conversi, atque Hospites ; deinde Monachi suo ordine incipientes a junioribus. Non probibentur duo vel tres aut plures surgere insimul, et pro suis negligentiis veniam petere. Et cum plures fuerint simul in judicio; qui prior fuerit, in capite stet, partis dextrae ex adverso Crucifixi, et primus loquatur, et cum singuli dixerint culpas suas, judicentur, et de judicio dimittantur singulariter singuli, aut communitur pro ut casibus exigentibus visum fuerit Proesidenti: Dimissi vero de judicio redeant ad loca sua. Novitii si sint, mox ut fuerint expediti, aut certe si non sit ab eis vel in eos proclamatio facienda, statim ut dixerit Praesidens : Loquamur de ordine, ipsi exeant, intrantes ecclesiam vel dormitorium : Similiter faciant hospites, ita ut Novitii nullius alterius ; e See Introduction, p. xci. — Ed. 2 55 alterius; hospites vero dunitaxat Novitiorium proclamationi intersint. Die autem quo Conversis servatur capitulum, tarn novitii quam hospites ante illorum expedi- tionem, et illi expediti similiter exire debent ut prxfertur.' " XLII. Publicam spontaneamque confessionern sequebatur occultarum culparum publica etiam denunciatio, quarn proclamationeni Majores nostri vocarunt, eamque satis innuit ipse S. Pater Benedictus statuens, ut delictum ' dum per alium cognitum fuerit, majori vindicta3 subjaceat.' Ab ea tamen abstinent Cassinenses, et nos eorum exemplo, licet omni tempore apud nostros usitata videatur. Proclamationis fbrmulam hanc prascribit Tritliem. in exercit. Monach. ' Dilectus frater noster hoc vel illud commisit, rogo, quatenus emendare se propter Dominum velit.' "XLIII. Ut autem aliquis accusatus seu proclamatus esset, statim in terra pro- stratus dicebat Mea culpa : extat hac de re capitulum 13. Monachorum Sangallensium, seec. 4. Ben. part. 1. p. 742. ' Ut in capitulo seu ubicumque quis increpatus fuerit, statim veniam petens dicat Mea culpa : et jussus surgat, et sic humiliter rationem reddat: Et si quisquam hoc facere contempserit, duplici vindictas subjaceat;' Et in Concordia Dunstani c. 1 . ' omnis autem frater pro quacumque caussa increpatus ab Abbate, vel a quolibet Priore antequam verbum aliquod proferat, veniam petat, et dum a Priore interrogatus fuerit, qua3 sit caussa pro qua veniam poscit, respondeat, atque suam profiteatur culpam, dicens Mea culpa Domine, hinc jussus, erigat se.' Idem habetur in Ord. conversationis Monastic® ; et in statutis Lantfranci c. 1 9. ' In- terrogatus more solito qui prosternitur, ad omnes venias Mea culpa dicat;' et in MS. consuetudinibus Cluniac. ' in omnibus veniis qua? in capitulo petentur, dicendum vel respondendum Mea culpa ei qui capitulum tenet, cum dixit Quid dicit/s.' Denique in libro Usuurn Cisterc. cap. 70. ' Qui clamatus fuerit, mox ut audierit nomen suum, non respondens in sede sua petat veniam tenenti capitulum, eurnque interroganti Quid dicitis? Eespondet prostratus Mea culpa ; et adjussum illius erectus, si reus fuerit, humiliter culpam suam confiteatur, et de reliquo emendationem promittat.' " XLP7. Cum vero proclamaretur aliquis, omnes, qui ejusdem erant nominis, prostrati in terra veniam postulabant, uisi forte singulariter aliquis designaretur ; 'Est autem consuetudo,' inquiunt MS. consuet. Cluniac. ' quod cum unus clamatur, omnes, qui ejusdem nominis sunt, cujus est ille qui clamatur, debent se prasentare, donee clamator eligat, de quo dicit, nisi ipse clamator adeo discreverit, et determinaverit, de quo dicat, ut nulla dubitatio sit ; et Lantfrancus in statutis : ' Si clamatur aliquis, qui commune cum uno aut pluribus nomen habeat, nisi clamans ita discernat et determinet, ut nulla dubitatio possit esse, omnes qui ejusdem nominis sunt cujus est ille, qui clamatur, statim debent surgere, et ad venias humiliter se prasentare, donee clamator determinate eligat, de quo dicat.' Idem habent Divionenses S. Benigni cons. c. 32. Porro 2j6 Porro ad vitandani omnem in proclamando ambagem, proclatnatos aut a gradu, aut ab officiis designabant: ' Ipsa autem determinatio,' inquit Lantfrancus, 'ab ordinibus vel officiis, si fieri possit, debet esse hoc modo : Dominus Eduardus Presbyter, Diaconus, Subdiaconus, Secretarius, Magister infantum vel juvenum, vel aliquid hujusmodi, non Archidiaconus, non Londoniensis, non aliquid cognominatum de srcculo.' Taliterque designatus pronus in terra Mea culpa dicebat, et sic judicium expectabat. Illud autem judicium erat ad Abbatis arbitrium pro gravitate aut levitate culparum: ' Postea autem,' inquit Udalricus 1. 2. cons. Clun. c. 17. 'pro eo pro quo est reclamatus, sustinet quod Prrclato videtur; vel vapulare, vel esse in culpa leviori, nam qua? ad graviorem culpam pertinet, de his non loquor hac vice;' quod prius judicium, nempe vapulare, ita describit S. Lantfrancus cap. 19. ' Suscepturus judicium aut sola grossiori virga super stamineam verberetur, et prostratus jaceat; aut pluribus gracilioribus virgis, et nudus sedeat; utrumque ad arbitrium ejus qui praaest Ordini, considerata qualitate et quantitate culpa?. Dum corporalis disciplina infertur, fratres omnes inclinato capite debent esse, et pio et fraterno afFectu compassionem super eum habere;' Et liber Usuum Cisterciensium : ' Verberandus postquam ab Abbate exui jussus fuerit, mox assideat in eodem loco in quo stat, et exuens cucullam ponat earn ante se super genua sua, per eaputium vero tunica? exerat brachia, et totum corpus usque ad cingulum, et consistens inclinato capite nihil dicat nisi tantum Mea culpa, Ego me emetidabo, quod crebrius repetat. Sed neque alius interim loquatur, nisi forte aliquis de Prioribus pro eo humiliter intercedat ; qui autem eum verberat, non cesset a verbere usque ad jussionem Abbatis; qui dum quieverit, adjuvet ilium frater ad indueudum, qui in- dutus et erectus non se moveat, donee Abbas dicat, lie sessum ; et tunc inclinans eat in locum suum.' Et Anonymus in Vit. S. Stephani, Abbatis postea Obaz. n. 17. 'Si quis verberandus esset; mox exuto eo, quinquagesimus incipiebatur psalmus, ut ad singulos versus singulos ictus acciperet, quod si major esset culpa, ampliores psalmi apponebautur, ut ampliori verbere sulcaretur.' Tom. 4. Misc. Baluz. Percutiebatur autem ab eo, cui jusserat Abbas, aut Propositus; hoc tamen observato ' ne infantibus, vel juvenibus, aut novitiis id facere injungatur,' ut loquitur Lantfrancus c. 9. sed neque ei qui eum proclamavit, id enim prohibent tarn ipse Lantfrancus, quam editse, ac MS. consuet. Cluniacenses et S. Benigni c. 32. et liber Usuum Cisterciensium, in cujus c. 70. et illud habetur : ' Ille qui inferioris gradus est, non debet verberare superiorem, id est Diaconus Sacerdotem, sed ssqualis ajqualem, vel superior inferiorem.' Porro ad vitandam omnem, quae hoc casu contingere posset, inhonestatem, prajscribunt Clunia- censis Monasterii consuetudines lib. 2. c. 17. ut 'quando scilla pulsatur ad capitulum, stamineum suum undique detrahat, et honeste componat, ut paratus sit, si aliquo modo accusatus judicium quaerere jubetur;' quod idem habent Divionenses S. Benigni cons. c. 32. "XLV. 2 57 " XLV. Denique circa hujusmodi proclamationes nonnulla nobis supersunt ob- servanda. I . Poterat unus et idem Monachus pluries in eodem capitulo proclarnari : ' Quod si alius de illo reclamaverit,' ait Udalricus 1. 2. cons. Clun. c. 19., 'tunc quidem quoties de se reclamare audierit, toties quoque veniam petit ;' et liber Usuum Cisterc. cap. 70. ' Quando aliquis surgit in judicium clamatus ab alio, quoties clamabitur in ipso judicio, toties satisfaciat.' 2. Proclamatus ab aliquo eundem vice versa proclamare non poterat : ' Et sciendum,' intit lib. Us. Cisterc. ' quod qui clamatus fuerit, non faciat clamationem ipsa die super ilium, qui eum clamavit ;' et liber Usuum Becc. ' Clamatus frater clamantem se non reclamare audeat, quia videtur hoc ira dictante facere, et se revindicare.' 3. ' Quod si sedens et reclamationem de se audiens,' inquit Udalricus loc. cit. ' prius quicquid responderit, quam veniam petierit, jussus ut se prosternat in ipso froco suo, unam accipiat percussionem.' Simile aliquid loquuntur Divionsenses S. Benigni cons. c. 32. 4. Merito monent Cistercienses (lib. Us. Cist. c. 70. dist. 1. c. 15.) ut 'nullus faciat clamationem super aliquem ex sola suspicione, nisi de hoc quod audierit, vel viderit, vel referri audierit;' quibus consentiunt Bursfeldenses qui hujus- modi proclamationem feriis tantum sextis ab inferioribus, quotidie tamen a Prasidente fieri permittunt. Cseterum ut recte statuunt iidem Bursfeldenses 'Caveat qui pro- clamat, ne hoc faciat ex aversione vel rancore, sed affectuoso fraternaa dilectionis amore ; non ex passione cum quadam animi indignatione, seu cordis amaritudine, sed pia magis compassione, in spiritu lenitatis, et ita honeste et modeste in proclamando se gerat, lit nee voce, nee nutu, aut signo aliquo appareat quidquam indecens in proclamante, vel distortum, unde possit perturbari proclamatus, aut scandalizari circumsedentes pusilli.' Vid. Goffridi Abbatis Vindocinensis Opusc. "XL VI. Quo autem animo fieri proclamatio, eodem etiam recipi debet ab eo qui accusatur: nimirum in spiritu humilitatis et lenitatis, et cum firmo culpas emendandi desiderio; absit enim ut quisquam proclamationem in se factam indigne ferat; aut memores animos in accusantem se vel minimum conservet; meminisse enim debemus hujus S. Bernardi sententiae serm. in Nat. S. Joan. Bapt. ' Nemo vitia palpet, peccata dissimulet nemo; nemo dicat: Numquid custos fratris mei ego sum? Nemo quod in se est, asquanimiter ferat, cum viderit Ordinem deperire, minui disciplinam. Est enim consentire silere, cum arguere possis. Et schmis, quia similis pcena facientes maneat et consentientes.' "XLVII. Tandem quaacunque acta fuerant in capitulo, sub severo tegebantur silentio, unde liber Usuum Beccensium ' Qusecunque aguntur in capitulo,' inquit, ' confessio est, et ut confessio celari debet: Itaque si quis deprehensus fuerit extra loqui de his, qua; acta sunt in capitulo, districte emendari debet.' "XL VIII. Denique his omnibus peractis surgentes a capitulo qiunque pro de- irish arch. soc. 4. 2 M functis 25 3 functis psalmos decantabant; scilicet Verba mea: Dominene in furore: DiJexi quoniam ; Credidi ; etDe profundus, ut pra?scribunt Cone. Dunstani atque antiqua? Germania? con- suet, inanuscripta;. Quibus finitis pulsata tabula inittebantur ad opera; et hie est ultimus capituli actus, de quo plenius ac fusius capitulo sequenti disserendum est." INDEX NAMES WHICH ARE CONTAINED IN THE OBITS. Page. A. ABbay, Elisia. 6 Id. Aug. ... 36 Adam: Canon. 4 Non 9 Adam. 7 Kal. Feb 8 Adoke, Henricus. 6 Non. Mart. . . 14 Agneta : uxor Thome Bluet. Id. Mart. 16 Alarms: Sacerd. et Canon. 16 Kal. April. 21 Alarms. 9 Kal. Jul 29 Alarms : Canon, 3 Non. Jul. . . .31 Aldelmus : Canon. Kal. Dee. ... 52 Alen, Katerina. 5 Id. Nov 49 Alexander : Canon. 10 Kal. Jul. . . 29 Alexander, Katerina. 3 Id. Jul. . . 32 Aleyn, Iohannes. Decan. S. Patricii, Dublin. 4 Non. Jan 5 Alford, Thomas. 6 Id. Maii, ... 24 Alford, Thomas. Kal. Jun 27 Andreas. 7 Kal. Dec 51 Androwe, Johanna. 7 Id. Jul. . . . 31 Androwe, Isota. 6 Id. Feb 10 Archedekyn, Wilhelmus : Thesaur. S. Patricii. Dub. 18 Kal. Feb. ... 7 IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. ID Arde. 10 Kal. Sep Arsdekyn, Johannes. 4 Non. Maii, Asch, Thomas. 7 Id. Feb. . . Asche, Johannes. Non. Apr. Asche, Thomas. 6 Non. Jul. Athryde. 4 Non. Jun. . . . Audoenus : Canon. 7 Id. Oct. . Augustinus : Canon, et professus. Kal. Mart Augustinus : Canon. 1 6 Kal. Jul. Axon, Willelmus. 7 Id. Aug. . B. Baggat, Johanna. 5 Id. Jan. . Balfe, Ricardus. 14 Kal. Apr Balff, Elizabeth. 7 Id. Feb. . Baligryffyn. 8 Id. Jan. . . Ball, Thomas. 2 Id. Jan. . Balle de Ballischadan, Ricardus. 3 Kal Apr Ballilog, Willelmus. 5 Kal. Mart. Page. 38 23 10 19 30 27 45 12 28 35 6 16 10 18 13 11 Page. Balliscaddan. 5 Non. Oct 44 Ballischaddan. 3 Kal. Apr 18 Ballybogan. 3 Kal. Sept 39 Ballymor, Willelmus de : Canon. Kal. Dec 52 Balhjmore. 7 Kal. Sept 38 Bahoddry. Vide Sauage. Baly, Thomas. 13 Kal. Dec. ... 51 Banke, Mabilia de. 13 Kal. Apr. . . It! Barby, Elinora. 2 Id. .Tun 28 Barbus, Ricardus. 11 Kal. Mart. . . 12 Barnuell, Patricius: de Gratia Dei. Id. Nov 50 Barnuall, Elysabeth. 3 Kal. Sept. . . 39 Barnuylle, Roginaldus de : Canon. 3 Id. Dec 54 Barnwode, Willelmus. 10 Kal. Aug. . 33 Baronn, Margarets. 2 Non. Maii. . . 23 Barrc, Johannes. 4 Id. Jun 28 Barret, Johannes: Capellanus. 4 Kal. Dec 52 Barret, Ricardus. 15 Kal. Nov. . . 4(i Barrett, Wyllelmus. 16 Kal. Oct. . . 42 Bateman, Johannes. Non. Mart. . . 1.5 Bathe, Willelmus. 4 Kal. Maii, . . 22 Bayly, Thomas : Capellan. de Donboyn. 4 Non. Apr 18 Baythe, Johannes. 9 Kal. Apr. ... 17 Bedfordia, Gylbertus de : Canon. 3 Non. Feb 9 Bedford, Ricardus de : Canon. 19 Kal. Sept 37 Bedford, Rogerus de : Canon. Kal. Jul. 30 Bedlewe, Johannes. 4 Kal. Nov. . . 48 Beg, Johanna. 9 Kal. Sept 38 Beline, Johannes. Kal. Sept. ... 39 Bellew, Johannes. 10 Kal. Jan. ... 55 Bellew, Margareta. 4 Non. Aug. . . 35 Bellew, Philippus. 12 Kal. Jan. . . 55 Bellew de Roche, Ricardus. 13 Kal. Feb. 7 Page. Bellewe, Elizabeth, 58 Bellewe, Philippus : Maior Dublin. 12 Kal. Nov 47 Bellycampo, Walterus de : Canon. 4 Non. Dec 52 Bern. Johanna. 4 Kal. Dec ib. Bennet, Thomas. 7 Kal. Sept. . . . 38 Bennet, Walterus : Sacerd. et Canon. 17 Kal. Nov 46 Benett, Johannes, 58 Benett, Thomas. 10 Kal. Jun. . . . 25 Benett, Thomas r>i< Benett, Willelmus: Canon, ad Succurrend. 4 Id. Dec 53 Beon, Johannes : Canon. 12 Kal. Jul. 29 Bergy, Ellena. 11 Kal. Feb. . . . S Berld, Willelmus. 4 Id. Jun. ... 28 Bernardus. Non. Oct 45 Bernewall, Margarete. 8 Kal. Mart. . 12 Bertylmew, Anna. Kal. Feb. ... i) Berwayl, Ricardus. 2 Kal. Nov. . . 48 Blake, Juliana. 12 Kal. Feb. ... 7 Blake, Matheus. Id. Maii 24 Blake, Nicolaus. 14 Kal. Aug. . . 33 Blake, Petrus. 14 Kal. Aug. . . . ib. Blake, Robertas: Canon. Omn. Sonet. 14 Kal. Apr 1<; Blake, Willelmus. 2 Id. Maii, . . . 24 Blakeney, Patricius. 5 Id. Maii, . . ib. Blukiston in comit. Yryell. 5 Kal. Mart. 13 Blakney, Johannes. 4 Id. Jan. ... (1 Blangwyle, Robertus. 17 Kal. Aug. . 32 Bluet, Thomas. Id. Mart 1(1 Bluet, Willelmus: Capellanus. Id. Mart ib. Blunket, Henricus. 2 Kal. Apr. . . 18 Bochone, Johanna. 7 Id. Feb. ... 10 Bodnam, Edmundus. 6 Id. Oct. . . 45 Bonasi : Mercator. 1 3 Kal. Mart. . . 11 Bonewyll, Thomas : Canon. 4 Id. Sept. 4 1 Bonuile, Willelmus. 3 Id. Feb. . . 10 Ill Page. Bornel, Robertus. 7 Id. Sept. ... 40 Bossard, Alicia. 9 Kal. Aug. ... 33 Bothy, Richardus: Notarius. 2 Kal. Oct. 44 Bottry, Thomas le. 3 Non. Jun. . . 27 Botyler, Johanna. 3 Non. Apr. ... 18 Bottyler, Jacobus le ; Comes Ormonie apud Arde. 10 Kal. Sept 38 Bottlyer, Thomas le : Prior Hospit. S. Ioh. Ierus. in Hibern. 4 Id. Aug. . 3G Bourke, Johannes. Id. Apr 20 Bourke, Nicholaus: Maior Dublin. 4 Id. Aug 36 Bourke, Nicholaus 58 Boys, Patricius : Maior Dublin. 7 Id. Mart 15 Boyse, Katerina. 7 Id. Jul 31 Brabson, Wyllelmus . Miles et Subthe- saur. Dom. Regis inHybernia. 7 1d. Jul. ib. Braddesfbrde, Willelmus : Sacerd. et Canon. 2 Id. Dec 54 Braybrok, Philippus : Canon. 8 Kal. Dec. 51 Breccley, Anna. 15 Kal. Jun. ... 25 Bretayne, Johannes. Non. Aug. . . 35 Bretnagh, Cristoforus. 17 Kal. Nov. . 46 Bricius : Canon, ad Succurrend. 4 Kal. Feb. . , 9 Brmyngham, Philippus -.Cap.Just.Banch. Dom. Reg. in Hibern. 3 Kal. Feb. . ib. Bron, Alicia: Mutual, de Huggys. 17 Kal. Jan 54 Bron, Christiana. 4 Non. Feb. ... 9 Bronne, Margaret. 15 Kal. Aug. . . 32 Browne, Henricus. 8 Kal. Mart. . . 12 Brune, Willelmus. 12 Kal. Aug. . . 33 Bruton, Johannes. Non. Maii, ... 24 Bryan, Johannes. 3 Kal. Apr. ... 18 Brymgam, Thomas : Maiur Dublin. 7 Kal. Maii, 22 Brymgam, Jacobus. 18 Kal. Feb. . . 7 Bryne, Alicia. Kal. Maii, .... 23 Page. Brystol, Henricus de : Prior. 1 9 Kal. Jan. 54 Brytayne, Johannes. 19 Kal. Jan. . . ib. Brytt, Elysabeth. 14 Kal. Jan. . . . ib. Brytte, Elizabeth, 58 Bui, Walterus : Canon. 9 Kal. Dee. . 51 Bukley, Elyzabeth: Domina de Malahyd. Id. Feb 11 Burgo, Johanna de, Comitissa Kildarie, 57 Burnell, Johannes. 3 Kal. Sept. ... 39 Burnell, Thomas. 6 Non. Jul. ... 30 Burnell, Patricius. 3 Non. Oct. ... 44 Butler, Willelmus, Fyzthomas, Fytzcle- ment: Burg, de Novo Rosponte [New Ross]. 3 Non. Dec 53 Butyller, Thomas. 5 Kal. Jun. ... 26 Bygdoume, Jacobus. 5 Id. Mart. . . 15 Bynclay, Galfridus. 2 Id. Feb. ...11 Byrford, Margeria. 16 Kal. Aug. . . 32 Byrforde, Anna. 2 Id. Apr 20 Byrforde, Cristoforus. 8 Kal. Aug. . 33 Byrfforde, Thomas. Id. Sept. ... 4 1 Byrssall, Alicia. 16 Kal. Dec. ... 50 Byrtt, Johannes. 4 Id. Oct 45 Byssett, Willelmus: Canon. S. Thome Mart 41 Cadell, Robertus. Non. Oct. ... 45 Cadwell, Robertus : Canon. 8 Id. Sept. 40 Calff, Robertus: Canon. Kal. Mart. . 13 Calyng, Henricus. 1 1 Kal. Feb. . . 8 Calyng, Ricardus. 1 1 Kal. Feb. . . ib. Cantrell, Agueta. 3 Non. Maii, ... 23 Cantrell, Jeneta. 4 Non. Sept. ... 39 Cantrell, Johannes : Sacerd. et Canon. 8 Kal. Mart 12 Cantwell, Johannes. 7 Id. Aug. . . 35 Carleton, Johannes de. 15 Kal. Mart. . 11 Carmadine, Robertus : Sacerd. et Canon. 4 Kal. Jun 26 a 2 IV Page. Camalway, eccl. 12 Kal. Feb. ... 7 Carpintar, Robertus. 7 Kal. Mart. . 12 Cartemel. 1 1 Kal. Mart 11 Cascell, Willelmus. Non. Maii, ... 23 Caschell, Willelmus, 57 Cashelle, Nicholaus. 5 Non. Jul. . . 30 Castlemartyn, Anna. Kal. Oct. ... 44 Castrokaoh. Vide Sariaunt. Castroknoke. 12 Kal. Aug 33 3 Id. Sept 41 Catelyn, Willelmus. 16 Kal. Jul. . . 28 Cavan, Edwardus. 2 Kal. Apr. ... 18 Celi, Alicia. 5 Id. Jul 32 Cely, Johannes : Episc. Dun. 2 Non. Apr. 1 9 Champflor, Walterus : Abbas Monast. b. Marie. 5 Kal. Feb 8 Champnes, Johannes. 6 Kal. Aug. . . 34 Chamyr, Johanna. 5 Non. Maii, . . 23 Chamyr, Robertus. 17 Kal. Jun. . . 25 Ohamyrlayn, Patricius 5'J Chapehjssor, Vide Sawage. Chyllam, Johannes. 4 Kal. Jun. . . 26 Chyllam, Johannes. 17 Kal. Aug. . . 32 Clement, Rosina. 4 Id. Mart. . . . 1.5 Clerk, Nicolaus. 5 Id. Mart. ... 63 Clerke, Elena. 4 Kal. Jan 56 Clondalwey, Isabella. Non. Jan. . . 5 Clonkene, Laurencius de. 12 Kal. Mart. 11 Clontarf, Walterus de : Canon. 3 Non. Jun 27 Clynton, Agnes. 11 Kal. Maii, ... 21 Coke, Katerina. Non. Apr 19 Coke, Nicholaus. 10 Kal. Sept. ... 38 Coke, Willelmus : Prior dom. b. Marie juxta Dublin. 12 Kal. Jul 29 Colcot. Kal. Apr 18 Collyer, Thomas: Maior Dublin. 4 Id. Sept. 41 Colman, Johannes. 9 Kal. Sept. ... 31 Colton, Anna. Id. Oct 46 Colyer, Johanna. 4 Non. Feb. ... 9 Page. Commemoracio parentum et benefactorum. 12 Kal. Jul 29 Commyn, Thomas : Dom. de Balligryf- fyn. 8 Id. Jun 27 Comyn, Alicia. 2 Non. Dec. ... 53 Comyne, Johannes : Sacerd. et Canon. 2 Non. Nov 49 Conry, Ricardus : Caprellan S. Micb.ee. 6 Kal. Jun 26 Coporan. 3 Non. Sept 40 Cor, Willelmus : Vicar de Athryde. 4 Non. Jun 27 Cornelius: Archidiac. Darensis. 6 Non. Maii, 23 Corner, Ricardus. 7 Kal. Mart. . . 12 Cornys, Johannes. 17 Kal. Apr. . . 16 Corragh, Johannes : Prebendarius S. Mchaelis. 2 Id. Apr 20 Corteys, Thomas. 4 Kal. Aug. ... 34 Coulok, Johannes : Sacerd. et Canon. Kal. Oct 44 Cradok, Thomas. 8 Kal. Nov. ... 47 Cranley, Thomas: Archiep. Dublin. 8 Kal. Jun 26 Crispinus. 17 Kal. Jan 54 Cristinus: Sacerd. et Canon. 14 Kal. Dec. 51 Cristinus. Kal. Nov 48 Cruce, Alicia. Id. Nov 50 Crux, Johannes. 16 Kal. Oct. ... 42 Cruys, Margeria. 16 Kal. Jun. ... 25 Cusak, Johanna: Domina de Kyllene. 8 Id. Mart 15 Cusak, Johannes. 2 Kal. Mart. ... 13 Cusak, Thomas. 2 Kal. Mart. ... 13 Cusak, Thomas : Maior Dublin. 5 Id. Nov 49 Cusake, Anna. 3 Non. Oct 44 Cusake, Elysabeth. 4 Non. Sept. . . 39 Cusake, Robertus. 7 Id. Maii, ... 24 Cusake, Thomas. Canon. 3 Id. Maii. ib. Page. D. Dalaharne, Nicholaus. 6 Id. Oct. . . 4.5 Dalahyd, Ricardus: Prim. Baro Scac- carii in Hibern. 4 Id. Jim. ... 28 Dalahyde, Katerina. 11 Kal. Sept. . 38 Dallahyd, Walterus. 5 Id. Oct. . . 45 Dalton, Johannes : Monach. Monast. b. Mark. 8 Kal. Feb 8 Darcy, Matilda. 4 Non. Jan. ... 5 Darcy, Rogerus : Miles. 5 Id. Aug. . 36 Dardys, Johanna. 4 Id. Nov. ... 49 Darsy, Agneta ; < 'omitissa de Kyldar. 3 Kal. Oct 43 Darsey, Johannes : Sacerd. et Canon. 14 Kal. Nov 46 Darsy, Thomas ; Decan. S. Patricii, Dub. 5 Id. Feb 10 Dartas, Samson. 17 Kal. Sept. ... 3" Dartays, Janico : Armiger. 12 Kal. Dec. 51 Davy, Anisea. 5 Kal. Apr 17 Dauys, Margeria. 4 Kal. Jul. ... 30 Daw, Thomas. 12 Kal. Mart. ... 11 Daw, Ricardus. 9 Kal. Jul 29 Debarton, Patricius : Canon. 2 Id. Nov. 50 Delamore, Adam ; Prior. 2 Id. Aug. . 36 Denys, Johannes. 7 Kal. Mart. ... 12 Denys, Willelmus: Prior. 4 Id. Oct. 45 Depyng, Willelmus: Canon. 9 Kal. Aug. 33 Derby, Stephanus le : Prior. 6 Kal. Aug. 34 Dersi, Rogerus : Miles 57 Desaghth, Johanna. 16 Kal. Feb. . . 7 Desmon, Mauricius, films Thome, Comes lie Desman : Justiciar. Hibern. . . 61 Deuenyl, Philippus : deficits et Advoca- tus. 15 Kal. Feb 7 Dewgrase, Willelmus. 10 Kal. Jul. . 29 Dolfyn, Johannes: Sacerd. et Canon. 5 Id. Nov 49 Donatus Episc. Dublin. 9 Kal. Dec. . 51 Page. Donatus, Primus Episcop. Dub/in. •> Non. Maii 2.". Donboyn. 4 Non. Apr 18 Dondrom. 4 Non. Jan 5 Donoch, Thomas. 9 Kal. Sept. . . 38 Donoch, Walterus. 9 Kal. Sept. . . ib. Donoghe, Willelmus ; Maim- Dublin Non. Mart 10 Kal. Jul. . . . Kal. Dec. . 19 Kal. Feb. 18 Kal. Dec. 13 Kal. Mart. Durotheus. Dowdall, Jacobus, Dowdall, Thomas. Dowgan, Johannes. Dowgan, Johannes. Dowgyn, Ricardus. Doyn, Johanna. 16 Kal. Dec. Drake, Johannes : Maior Dub/in Apr Drake. Johannes, .... Drake, Katerina. 13 Kal. Sept, Drumsalan. 10 Kal. Jul. . . Drumsallan, Henrieus de : Canon. Kal Oct. Kal Dryfeld, Thomas de : Canon. 4 Id. Sept. 41 Dufe, Simon : Capellanus, .... 57 Dunboijng. 6 Non. Mart 14 Duncanus. 3 Id. Jim 28 Dunsoghly. 4 Id. Jun 6 Dure. 4 Id. Jun 28 Dure, Johannes. 5 Kal. Apr. ... 17 Dwff, Katerina. 7 Id. Dec 53 Dyllon, Anna. 2 Kal. Jul 30 Dyllon, Katerina. 13 Kal. Sept. . . 37 Edan : Canon. 14 Id. Apr 20 Edanus: Canon. 16 Kal. Oct. ... 42 Edita : uxor Thome Bluet. Id. Mart. 16 Edwardi, Edmundus. 10 Kal. Maii, . 21 l i 29 .',9 52 50 II 50 18 57 37 29 44 VI Page. Edwardus Rex Anglie. 4 Non. Jul. . 31 Edwardus quartus, Rex Anglie. 3 Non. Maii, 23 Edward, Margareta. 3 Kal. Jun. . . 28 Edward, Thomas. 3 Id. Oct. ... 45 Elizabeth, uxor Thome Rennet. 7 Kal. Sept 38 England, Johannes : Canon. 6 Id. Mart. 15 Englond, Ricardus. 9 Kal. Jun. . . 26 Escope, Gyl : Canon. 4 Id. Sept. . . 41 Estrete, Johannes 57 Esyden, Nicholaus : Sacerd. et Canon. 7 Id. Sept 40 Eua. 14 Kal. Maii, 21 Eustas, Mauricius. 8 Kal. Aug. . . 33 Eustas, Robertus. 5 Non. Oct. ... 44 Eustas de Nywland, Philippus. 10 Kal. Maii, 21 Pagan, Nicholaus. 2 Non. Sept. . . 40 Fanyn, Jeneta 57 Fanyne, Johannes ib. Felde, Elizabeth. Id. Jan 6 Felde, Johanna. Non. Jan 5 Felle, Patricius: Maior Dublin. Id. Oct. 46 Ferebi, Robertus: Sacr. Theol. Professor. Id. Mart 16 Feyll, Thomas, 57 Feypo, Rosina. 3 Kal. Oct 44 Flemyng, Anna. 4 Kal. Nov. ... 48 Flemyng, Margareta. 2 Non. Sept. . 40 Flemyng, Mariona. 15 Kal. Jan. . . 54 Forster, Jacobus. 16 Kal. Aug. . . 32 Forster, Johannes. 10 Kal. Oct. . . 43 Forster, Johannes. 13 Kal. Oct. . . 42 Forstere, Ricardus : Abbas Man. S. Thorn. Mart. 6 Kal. Jan 56 Forster, Ricardus. 3 Non. Aug. . . 35 Foster, Johannes. 2 Id. Oct. . . Foster, Johannes, 4 Kal. Aug. . Fox, Cristoforus. 7 Id. Jun. . . Fox, Eadmunda. 10 Kal. Nov. . . Fox, Jeneta. 10 Kal. Mart. . . . Fox, Johannes : Canon. 6 Id. Dec. Fox, Symon. 4 Id. Mart. . . . Frayne, Millana; 4 Non. Feb. . . Freman, Richardus. 3 Kal. Feb. . Freman, Richardus. 2 Id. Dec. Fulco : Archiep. Dublin. 2 Non. Maii Fulco: Prior. 11 Kal. Jul. . . . Fulthrop, Rogerus : Miles. 12 Kal. Dec Furneys, Adam de. 12 Kal. Maii, . FVelbert, Thomas. 4 Non. Jan. Fwelbret, Thomas. 2 Non. Jun. Fyan, Johannes : Maior Dublin. 4 Kal Dec Fyan, Willelmus : Canon, et Prufessus 1 Id. Jun. • Fyand, Ammia. 4 Non. Mart. . Fych, Margareta. Kal. Maii, . . Fych, Thomas: Subprior. 16 Kal. Feb Fyche, Alicia. 2 Non. Apr. . . . Fyche, Galfridus . Decanus S. Patrici Dublin. 6 Id. Apr Fyche, Johannes. 5 Id. Mart. . . Fyche, Ricardus. 8 Kal. Jul. . . Fyche, Ricardus Fyche, Ricardus, Fyche, Wilhelmus. 10 Kal. Feb. . Fylenys, Patricius. 8 Kal. Apr. Fylpoot, Thomas : Capellanus. 17 Kal Apr Fyn, Agneta. 7 Kal. Apr. . . . Fyn de Glasnewyn, Willelmus. 16 Kal Apr Fynglas, Jeneta. 2 Non. Jun. Fynglas, Johanna. 2 Non. Sept. Fynglas, Willelmus. 11 Kal. Oct. Puge. 46 Vll Page. Fytz Ede, Thomas. 16 Kal. Dec. . . 50 Fytz Eustace, Raulandus : llftles. . . 58 Fytz Eustas, Rawlandus: Miles. 14 Kal. Jan 54 Fytz Gerot, Elizabeth : Comitissa de Ormond. 8 Id. Aug 35 Fytz Gerott, Johanna. 2 Non. Apr. . 19 Fytz Ion, Petrus. 5 Id. Oct. ... 45 Fytzmoris, Geraldus : Comes Kyldar. 17 Kal. Nov 46 Fytz Robert, Johannes : Maior Dublin. 3 Id. Mart 15 Fytz Robert, Johannes. 1 1 Kal. Sept. 38 Fiztsimon, Walterus, Archie]). Dublin. Id. Mail 24 Fytz Symon, Robertus. 5 Id. Dec. . 53 Fytz Symon, Thomas : Maior Dublin. 6 Kal. Mart 13 Fytz Symon, Walterus: Maior Dublin. 2 Kal. Mart ib. Fytz Thomas, Mauricius: Comes Kyi- dare. 18 Kal. Sept 37 Fytzwillam, Jeneta. 3 Kal. Jul. . . 30 Fyzt Moryce, Geraldus : Comes Kyldarie. 3 Non. Sept 39 Fyzt Symon, Philippus. 15 Kal. Dec. . 51 Fyzt Wyllam, Jeneta, 58 Gadyn de Clyfford, Nicholaus : Canon. 3 Kal. Dec 52 Galcaclus : Canon, ad Succurrend. 3 Id. Feb 10 Galfidus : Canon. 3 Kal. Dec. ... 52 Galfridus : Canon. Omn. Sanctorum. 4 Kal. Mart 13 Galfridus : Canon- 8 Id. Apr. ... 19 Gallan, Katerina. 13 Kal. Jan. ... 55 Gallier, Margareta. 17 Kal. Apr. . . 16 53 42 4S Page. Gaydon, Henricus. 3 Id. Jun. . . . 28 Gaydon, Johannes. 6 Kal. Jul. ... 30 Geffry, Laurencius. 18 Kal. Mali, . . 21 Geffry, Symon. 5 Kal. Apr 17 Geffry, Robert. 5 Kal. Apr ib. GelaKus : Canon. 10 Kal. Aug. . . 32 Genico, Nicholaus. Id. Maii. ... 24 Geraldus: Comes Kyldarie. Kal. Nov. 48 Gernonum, Alicia. 7 Kal. Jun. ... 26 Geruasius. Kal. Apr 18 Geruasius: Prior. 2 Id. Aug. . . . .'!''> Gey, Willelmus : Canon. 7 Kal. Dec. . 5 1 Gigred. 8 Id. Dec 53 Gilldisley, Ricardus : Monach. S. War- burge de Westchestria. 4 Id. Dec. . Glasnevyn, Ricardus de: Canon. 11 Kal. Oct Glasneryng. 2 Kal. Nov . 1 1 Kal. Jan 55 Glasnewyn. Vide Fyn, et Wolfe. Glassnewyn. Vide Stratyn. Glowceter, Johannes : Sacerd. et Canon. 17 Kal. Jan 54 Glyn. Macrobius : Episc. Dalasencis et Canon. 13 Kal. Oct 42 Godarte, Wilhelmus. 6 Id. Jan. . . 6 Godyng, Johannes. 16 Kal. Jul. . . 28 Godyng, Willelmus. 2 Id. Jun. . . . ib. Gogane, Margareta. 7 Id. Mart. . . 15 Gomy, Ricardus. 4 Kal. Sept. . . . 39 Goldesbrugh, Thomas. 6 Id. Mart. . 15 Gormanus. 11 Kal. Aug 33 Goyowne, Rogerus : Prior. 2 Non. Aug. 35 Gramcett, Johannes, 57 Grampey, Willelmus. 2 Non. Jun. . . 27 Grangia, Ricardus de: Canon. 4 Id. Oct. 45 Grangia, Willelmus de. 4 Id. Aug. . 36 Granset, Gylle. 9 Kal. Jun 26 Oratia Dei, Domus de. 17 Kal. Oct. . 42 Id. Nov. . . 50 Vlll Page. Grauill, Johannes : Canon. 4 Non. Oct. 44 Grauncet, Alicia. 8 Id. Jim. ... 27 Grawnseter, Cecilia. 1 1 Kal. Jun. . . 25 Grawyll, Johannes. Kal. Jan. ... 5 Gregorius : Archiep. Dublin. 8 Id. Oct. 45 Gret, Johanna. 4 Kal. Mart. . . . 13 Gronia, Johannes de : Prior. 5 Id. Dec 53 Guth, Johannes: Canon. 14 Kal. Jul. 29 Gybe, Johannes. 2 Kal. Jun. ... 26 Gyl: Sacerdos. 4 Non. Mart. ... 14 Gylagh, Christiana. 2 Kal. Nov. . . 48 Gylbertus. 6 Non. Oct 44 Gylbertus : Prior. 3 Non. Nov. . . 49 Gyllece. 9 Kal. Feb 8 Gyllemorus. 13 Kal. Jan 55 Gylmor. 8 Kal. Dec 51 Gylmore. 4 Id. Mart 15 H. Hakket, Margareta. 5 Id. Jun. ... 28 Hakket, Mariona. 2 Id. Nov. ... 50 Hakkett, Katerina : Priorissa de Gratia Dei. 17 Kal. Sept 42 Haklett, Johannes. 6 Id. Apr. ... 19 Hakwell, Thomas de : Prior de Kyi- maynan. Id. Aug 36 Hamundi Willa. 12 Kal. Mail, ... 21 Hankoc, Walterus: Prior Omn. Sanct. Id. Oct 46 Hancok, Nicholaus: Maior Dublin. 5 Id. Oct 45 Harrold, Millana. 7 Id. Sept. ... 40 Harrold, Patricius. 7 Id. Apr. ... 19 Harrold, Stephanus. 17 Kal. Oct. . . 42 Harrold, Thomas : Prior. 2 Kal. Mart. 13 Harrold, Thomas : Canon. S. Thorn. Mart. Id. Mart 16 Harrolde, Robertus. 2 Non. Mart. . 14 Page. Harroll, Johannes : Clericus. 3 Kal. Mart 13 Harsfeld, Johannes : Canon, de Lantonia, juxta Gloucestriam. Non. Nov. . . 49 Hassard, Alicia. 7 Kal. Mart. ... 12 Hassard, Johannes : Sacerd. et Canon. Id. Jul 82 Hassard, Rosina. 18 Kal. Oct. ... 61 Hassarde, Wilhelmus : Prior. 7 Id. Jan. 6 Hassarde, Willelmus. 4 Id. Feb. . . 10 Hassart, Ricardus. Kal. Jan. ... 5 Hawkes, Laurencius : Sacerd. et Canon. 5 Kal. Feb 8 Haynot, Elizabeth. Kal. Maii, ... 23 Hazhan, Alicia, 58 Hector, Ricardus : Capellanus. 5 Kal. Nov 48 Hedyan, Edmondus, 196 Hegly, Johannes : Canon. 5 Kal. Maii, 22 Hegreue, Cecilia. 14 Kal. Jun. . . . 25 Henkeston, Robertus : Canon. 14 Kal. Oct 42 Henman, Wilhelmus : Capellanus. 13 Kal. Feb 7 Henricus : Canon. 4 Id. Jun. ... 28 Henricus VIII. Rex Anglycus. 5 Kal. Feb 8 Herbert, Ricardus. 2 Id. Apr. ... 20 Herdman, Johannes: Canon. 11 Kal. Dec 51 Herdeman, Hugo. 8 Id. Mart. ... 15 Herford, Hugo : Canon. 12 Kal. Nov. 47 Herford, Ricardus. 4 Non. Aug. . . 35 Herforde, Helyas. 4 Id. Feb. ... 10 Herforde, Robertus : Prior. 12 Kal. Nov. 47 Herualdus : Canon. 4 Id. Feb. ... 10 Heygley, Petrus. 9 Kal. Feb. ... 8 Heygley, Petrus. 4 Nou. Feb. ... 9 Heyn, Cristoforus. Id. Apr 20 Heyn, Willelmus. 6 Id. Nov. ... 49 IX Page. Heyne, Johannes. 8 Kal. Maii, ... 22 Heyne, Ricardus: Canon. 4 Id. Jul. . 32 Heynott, Nicolaus. 4 Id. Mart. . . 15 Hoggys, Monast. de. 13 Kal. Apr. . 1T> 17 Kal. Jan. . 54 Holme patryk. 16 Kal. Maii, . . . 21 Holywod, Cristoforus. Non. Oct. . . 45 Holywod, Elysabeth. Kal. Sept. . . 39 Holywod, Nicholaus. Kal. Sept. . . 39 Holywod, Margareta. Id. Aug. . . 36 Holywod, Stephanus. 8 Id. Sept. . . 40 Holywod, Thomas. 8 Id. Sept. . . . ib. Holywood, Margareta. 2 Non. Aug. . 35 Holy wood, Margareta. 18 Kal. Sept. . 37 Holywood, Robertus. 6 Id. Sept. . . 40 Holywood, Rosina. 12 Kal. Jul. . . 29 Honylow, Patricius. 8 Kal. Sept. . . 38 Hore, Katerina. 2 Kal. Apr. ... 18 Hore, Paulus : Clericus. 17 Kal. Sept. 37 Hosbern, Willelmus. 14 Kal. Jul. . 29 Hount, Agnes. 4 Id. Aug 36 Howthe, Walterus: Baro Scacarii. 8 Kal. Feb 8 Hubertus : Canon. 2 Kal. Aug. . . 34 Hubertus: Cation. 18 Kal. Sept. . . 37 Hugo : Canon. Kal. Maii, .... 23 Hugo: Canon. 10 Kal. Oct. ... 43 Hugo. 6 Kal. Oct ib. Humiylowe, Johannes: Canon. 3 Kal. Dec 52 Hw, Amy. 8 Id. Jan 5 Hwsse, Johanna. 9 Kal. Jun. ... 25 Hygley, Willelmus : Canon. 2 Non. Oct 45 Hylarius : Canon. 7 Id. Jan. ... 27 Hyll, Helyas : Canon. 3 Id. Oct. . . 45 Hyll, Johanna. 4 Kal. Mart. ... 13 Hylle, Nicholaus : Subprior Omn. Sanct. 8 Kal. Dec 51 IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. I. Page. Iacobus : Canon. 6 Non. Oct. ... 44 Iankoc, Janeta. 2 Kal. Apr. ... 18 Ingrytt. 14 Kal. Feb 7 Iohannes : Professus. 4 Kal. Feb. . . 9 Iohannes : Canon. Kal. Feb. . . . ib. Iohannes: Prior. 7 Kal. Apr. ... 17 Iohannes : Arehiep. Dublin. 5 Non. Maii, 23 Iohannes: Canon. 14 Kal. Oct. . . 42 Iohannes: Dublin. Arehiep. 8 Kal. Nov. 47 Iohannes : Sacerd. et Canon. 15 Kal. Dec 50 Iordanus : Canon. 3 Id. Maii, ... 24 Iuliana, uxor Ricardi Gomy. 4 Kal. Sept. 39 Iunower. Vide P/iylyp. Iwyr, Robertus. 3 Kal. Nov. ... 48 K. Karryg, Walterus. 3 Non. Mart. . . 14 Kele, Brene. 14 Kal. Aug 33 Kellagh. 6 Id. Nov 49 Kelly, Johannes. 8 Id. Dec 53 Kelly, Margareta. 13 Kal. Dec. . .51 Kelly, Walterus. 10 Kal. Maii, . . 21 Kelly, Willelmus. 19 Kal. Sept. . . 37 Kelly, Willelmus. 13 Kal. Dec. . . 51 Kenan, alias Talower, Johannes. Id. Aug 36 Kendyll, Johannes : Sacerd. et Canon. 5 Kal. Oct 43 Kenedyn, Anastasia. 2 Kal. Apr. . . 18 Keninus : Canon. Id. Sept 41 Kent, Anna. Non. Feb in Kenwyk, Henricus. 3 Non. Mart. . . 14 Kerdy, Johannes. 16 Kal. Mart. . . 11 Kerdyff, Johannes. 14 Kal. Apr. . . 16 Kerny, Willelmus : Canon. 17 Kal. Dec. 50 Page. Keuinus: Canon, ad Succurrend. 5 Kal. Jul 30 Kyldarie, Thomas, comes. Non. Apr. 19 Kyldenayl, ecclesia de. 1 1 Kal. Feb. . 8 Kyldnore, Juliana. 5 Kal. Jan. ... 56 Kyllen, domina de. 12 Kal. Sept. . . 38 Kyllene. 8 Id. Mart 15 Kyhnaynan. Id. Aug 36 Kyhnaynan, Eccl. Convent. 6 Id. Nov. 49 Kyllmaijnnam, Hospitalis de. 7 Id. Feb. 10 Kylmessan, Margareta. 5 Id. Mart. . 15 Kynedy, Johannes. 12 Kal. Oct. . . 42 Kyrcham, Johannes. 2 Id. Aug. . . 36 Lamkyn, Johannes. 2 Kal. Mart. . Lamkyn, Nieholaus. 2 Kal. Apr. . Lamkyn, Willelmus : Canon. 3 Non, Apr Lamkyne, Johanna. 6 Non. Mart. . Lang, Martinus. 17 Kal. Aug. . . Lang, Thomas. 15 Kal. Jul. . . Lantoniajuxta Gloucestriam. Non. Nov Laracor. 18 Kal. Jul Law, Patricius : Capellan. de Glasne vyng. 2 Kal. Nov Lawles, Anna. 2 Id. Maii, . . . Lawles, Henricus. 6 Id. Dec. . . Lawles, Johanna. 8 Kal. Sept. . . Lawles, Margareta. 7 Kal. Aug. . Lawles, Ricardus : Capellanus. 4 Non Nov Lawrans, Margareta, Lawrans, Patricius, Lenaght, Johannes. 7 Kal. Jan. Lerpoll, Mariona. 8 Kal. Jan. . . Lewet, Henricus: Prior Eccl. S. Johan. de Kilmaynan. 3 Kal. Apr. . . Lewet, Thomas : Canon. 7 Kal. Aug 13 18 18 14 32 28 49 28 48 24 53 38 34 48 59 ib. 55 ib. 18 34 Page. Ley, Walterus de. 19 Kal. Sept. . . 36 Leynaght, Thomas : Vicaritis de Balli- scaddan. 5 Non. Oct 44 Locum, Johanna. Non. Jan. ... 5 Loghan, Cristoforus. 7 Kal. Maii, . . 22 Loghan, Johannes : Maior Dublin. 10 Kal. Mart 12 Loghan, Nieholaus : Canon. 5 Kal. Aug. 34 Loghan, Robertus: Canon. 14 Kal. Jul. 29 Loghan, Willelmus : Subprior. 15 Kal. Mart 11 Lokarte, Wilhelmus. 5 Id. Jan. . . 6 Loke, Henricus. 2 Id. Oct 46 Lokynton, Johannes. 8 Kal. Nov. . . 47 Lokynton, Robertus : Prior. 5 Id. Aug. 36 Long, Molyna. 10 Kal. Oct. ... 43 Loughth, Ricardus. 4 Kal. Oct. . . ib. Lowyn, Juliana. 4 Kal. Apr. ... 18 Lowsill. Kal. Apr 18 Lucas : Archiep. Dublin. 2 Id. Dec. . 54 6 Id. Dec 53 Ludgatt, Symon de : Prior. 8 Id. Sept. 40 Lyenys. 5 Non. Mart 14 Lymryk, Willelmus. Canon. S. Thorn. Mart. Non. Feb 9 Lyne, Alicia. 4 Id. Jun 28 Lyne, Johannes : Canon. 2 Id. Aug. . 36 Lynton, Anna. 3 Id. Mart 15 Lynton, Robertus. 3 Id. Dec. ... 54 Lynton, Thomas. 3 Non. Oct. ... 44 Lynton, Willelmus : Prior. 3 Non. Oct. ib. M. Mabilia : Mater Dom. Luce Archiep. Dublin. 6 Id. Dec 53 Madok, Margareta. 12 Kal. Oct. . . 42 Madoke, Thomas. 3 Non. Aug. . . 35 Malachias: Episc. de Kyldar. Kal. Jan. 5 Malachias: Canon. 2 Non. Mart. . . 14 XI 1.1. Malahyd. Id. Feb. .... Malon, Elysabeth. 15 Kal. Mart Man, Edmundus. 4 Kal. Mart. Mancestria, Rogerus de : Canon. 12 Kal Dec Manne, Petrus : Prior de Holmepatrtjh 16 Kal. Mail, Mansetyr, Robertus: Canon, et professus, 7 Kal. Mart Marbrogh, Henricus. 4 Id. Maii, Marchal, Hugo: Canon, et Professus 9 Kal. Jan Marchale, Thomas. 2 Kal. Apr. Marcus, Genico. 6 Id. Jan. . . Marcus. Canon. 14 Kal. Apr. . Mareward, Agnes. 14 Kal. Sept. Margareta : uxor Heur. Strangwys. Jim Marschall, Willelmus : Comes. . Martyn, Willelmus : Saeerdos et Canon. 11 Kal. Maii Marys, Rogerus. 10 Kal. Sept. . . Matilda: Abbatisa de Hoggys. 13 Kal Apr Matilda. 12 Kal. Maii, . . Maunsel, Claricia. 4 Non. Oct. Mawreward, Agnes, Max, Gylbertus: Capellanus 17 Kal April, Melton, Johannes : Canon. 3 Kal. Oct Mems, Johanna. 13 Kal. Jim. . . Mems, Nicholai. 13 Kal. Jun. . Menys, Nicholas. 1 1 Kal. Feb. . Meonis, Robertus de. Non. Sept. Mersch, Rogerus. 6 Non. Jul. . Messyngam, Thomas. 18 Kal. Oct. Mestal, Robertus. 6 Id. Oct. . Mestayll, Isolda. 16 Kal. Jan. . Meyller, Thomas: Maior Dublin. Kal. Mart Page. 11 16 13 21 12 24 55 18 6 16 37 28 57 21 38 16 21 44 58 16 43 25 lb. 8 40 30 41 45 54 12 11 Page. 16 Kal Michael : Sacerd. et Canon, Maii, Mole, Patricius. 11 Kal. Mart. Molle, Jeneta. 1 1 Kal. Mart. . Money, Walterus. 2 Id. Nov. . Montayng, Thomas. 2 Non. Mart. Monteyn, Johannes: Canon. 5 Kal. Oct More, Johanna. 2 Non. Nov. . . Moroc. Non. Dec Morown, Eua. Id. Oct. . . . Morsse, Margareta. 4 Kal. Jan. Mortowne. 7 Id. Jan Morvyll, Johannes, Morwyl, Johanna. Id. Feb. . . Morwyl, Johannes. 2 Id. Oct. . Morwyle, Johannes. 2 Kal. Aug. Morwyle, Petrus. 2 Id. Nov. Morwyle, Ricardus: Subprior. 7 Maii, Morwyll, Margareta. 10 Kal. Oct. Morwylle, Johannes, Mosse, Johannes: Thesaurarius. 3 Dec Motyn, Margareta. 15 Kal. Jun. Mulchan, Jacobus. Non. Jul. Mulghan, Patricius. 2 Id. Jun. . Mylys, Robertus. 3 Kal. Mart. . Mynott, Thomas : Archiep. Dublin. Id. Jul 31 Id Id 21 11 12 50 14 43 49 53 46 56 6 57 11 46 34 50 24 43 59 54 25 31 28 13 N. Nangle, Edmundus. 4 Non. Maii, Naangyl, Patricius. 2 Id. Jul. . Nangyll, Anastasia. 9 Kal. Nov. Nangyll, Johannes. 4 Non. Oct. Nangylle, Johannes. 6 Id. Jul. . Netervyl, Robertus. 14 Kal. Jan. Netilton, Thomas de : Canon. 8 Oct Kal. 23 32 47 44 31 54 43 b2 Xll Page. Netyrvile, Johannes : Canon. 14 Kal. Nov 46 Netyrwyle, Robertus, 58 Netyrwyll, Johannes : Canon. 6 Non. Maii, 23 Newman, Thomas: Maior Dublin. 6 Kal. Nov 47 Newman, Willelmus : Maior Dublin. 3 Non. Apr 18 Nicolas : Prior de Drumsalan. 1 1 Kal. Jul 29 Norragh, Willelmus : Rector Eccl. de Ballygfyn. 7 Id. Aug 35 Norreys, Robertus. 7 Kal. Jan. . . 55 Not, Katerina. 3 Kal. Feb 9 Notingam, Galfridus de : Canon. 15 Kal. Maii, 21 Notte, Marie. 6 Id. Maii, .... 24 Novi Castri. 18 Kal. Oct 41 Novi Castri de Lyonis eccl. 13 Kal. Jun. 25 Nugent, Johannes. Non. Nov. ... 49 O. Ocham, Henricus de : Canon. 6 Kal. Dec 52 Odmellus. 8 Id. Dec 53 Ogane, Johanna. 6 Id. Apr. ... 19 Olaghrow, Lauglyn : 16 Kal. Dec. . . 50 Omnium Sanctorum, Monast. 4 Kal. Mart 13 14 Kal. Apr 16 7 Id. Jun. 27 Id. Oct. 46 15 Kal. Nov ib. 8 Kal. Dec 51 Ormond. Vide Fytz Gerot. et Bottyler. Orpy, Anna. 5 Kal. Apr Osadwyn, Johannes. 7 Kal. Aug. . . Outlawe, Rogerus ; Prior Hospit. de Kylmaynnam. 7 Id. Feb Owen, Willelmus : Sacerd. 18 Kal. Jul. Panton, Johannes. 12 Kal. Apr. Parkerus, Arland. 11 Kal. Mart. Parker, Galfridus. 2 Kal. Dec. . Parker, Galfridus. 4 Kal. Apr. . Parkerus, Ricardus. 7 Kal. Mart. Parker, Ricardus . Balivus Dublin Kal. Maii, Parker, Thomas. 2 Kal. Dec. . Pascenante, Juliana. 6 Id. Jul. . Passelew, Alicia. 8 Kal. Apr. . Passelew, Johannes. 12 Kal. Jan. Passelew, Ricardus. 15 Kal. Oct. Passewant, Robertus. 6 Id. Maii, Patricius : Canon. 5 Id. Apr. . Patricius. 7 Id. Jun Patricius : Canon. 6 Non. Oct. . Paulus: Canon. 16 Kal. Mart. . Payne, Adam: Subprior. 13 Kal. Payne, Willelmus : Abbas Monast Marie. Dublin. 7 Id. Feb. . . Pembroke, Radulphus. 7 Kal. Mart Peparte, Johanna. 6 Kal. Feb. , Pernus, Robertus : Canon. 2 Id Pers, Patricius. 9 Kal. Oct. . . Pers, Walterus, Petyte, Jeneta. 12 Kal. Jan. . . Petyte, Jeneta. 7 Id. Aug. . . Petytt, Thomas. 15 Kal. Jun. . Petytt, Willelmus. 9 Kal. Jan. . Peytin, Gilbertus: Canon. 16 Kal. Philipp, Jeneta. 5 Kal. Oct. . . Philipp, Joneta, Page. . 18 Jul. 34 10 28 17 12 52 18 12 21 52 31 17 55 42 24 20 27 44 11 29 10 12 Sept. 41 43 57 55 35 25 55 Jun. 25 43 58 xm Page. Philippus : Prior. 1 1 Kal. Oct. . . 42 Phillip, Jeneta, 59 Phylyp, alyas Iunower, lohannes. 14 Kal. Oct 42 Pliuiket, Nicholaus : Utiles. 7 Id. Dec. 53 Plunket, Thomas: Cap. Just. Dom. Reg. de Com. Banch. Hibern. 3 Non. Sept. 40 Plunket de Dunsoghly, Thomas: Cap. Just, de Com. Banc. Hibern. 4 Id. Jan. 6 Pocot, Johannes : Prior. 3 Non. Sept. 39 Podyng, Willelmus: Sacerdos. 14 Kal. Mart 11 Poswyk, Willelmus. 16 Kal. Mart. . ib. Power, Margareta. Kal. Aug. ... 35 Preston, Katerina : Domino, de Tartayne. 2 Id. Mart 16 Preston, Roberta : Miles. 5 Id. Apr. 20 Prendergras, Robertus : Abbas S. Ma- rie juxta Dublin. 3 Kal. Maii, ... 22 Prowt, Henricus : Subprior Monast. S. Thorn, mart. Kal. Mart 13 Pycott, Johannes : Canon. 15 Kal. Mart. 1 1 Pyppart, Walterus: Maior Dublin. 5 Kal. Nov 48 Q. Queytrot, Rogerus : Canon, dom. S. Marie de Trym. Id. Jul 32 R. Radford, Willelmus de: Canon. Non. Jun 27 Radforde, Ricardus de : Canon. Non. Sept 40 Radulfus : Canon. Kal. Mart. ... 13 Radulphus. 4 Non. Feb 9 Roscy, Alexander de. 4 Non. Jul. . .31 Rath, Adam : Canon. S. Thorn. Mart. 4 Id. Apr 20 Page. Rath, Margareta. 9 Kal. Sept. ... 38 Rathe, Robertus. 8 Kal. Aug. ... 33 Rawlyn, Alicia. 13 Kal. Nov. ... 46 Redd, Thomas. 4 Kal. Mart. ... 13 Redenesse, Jacobus de. Prior. 16 Kal. Nov 46 Redenys, Johannes. 2 Id. Apr. ... 20 Regenaldus. 17 Kal. Sept 42 Remond, Nicholaus. 2 Non. Sept. . . 40 Renduyl, Johanna. 2 Kal. Oct. ... 44 Rendwylde, Stephanus. Id. Sept. . . 41 Rendyll, Johannes. 7 Kal. Jan. ... 55 Ricardus : Sacerd. et Canon. 3 Non. Jan 5 Ricardus : Canon. Kal. Maii, ... 23 Ricardus : Sacerd. et Canon. 3 Id. Aug. 36 Ricardus: Comes. 12 Kal. Maii, . . 21 Ricardus : Episcopus Darencis. 8 Kal. Jul 29 Ricardus : Episc. Da. 9 Kal. Sept. . 38 Rikeman, Alicia. 13 Kal. Apr. ... 16 Robertus : Canon, et Professus. 1 1 Kal. Jan 55 Robertus: Canon. 15 Kal. Apr. . . 16 Robertus: Canon. 3 Non. Sept. . . 39 Robertus : Canon, ad Sucurrend. 5 Kal. Dec 52 Roche, Anna. 9 Kal. Sept 38 Roche, Elysander : Abbas Monast. S. Marie de Trym. 2 Non. Jan. ... 5 Roche, Johanna. 10 Kal. Aug. ... 33 Roche, Johannes. 6 Kal. Apr. ... 17 Rochford, Johannes. 6 Kal. Sept. . . 38 Rochford, Margareta. 2 Non. Jul. . . 31 Rodnore, Patricius : Vicar, de Laracor. 18 Kal. Jul 28 Roger, Thomas. 12 Kal. Jun. ... 25 Rogerus: Canon. Kal. Mart. . . . 13 Rogerus: Canon. 3 Id. Sept. ... 41 Rogerus: Sacerd. et Canon. Kal. Oct. 44 XIV Page. Rogerus : Prior. 4 Non. Nov. ... 48 Roleg, Miliaria. 19 Kal. Sept. ... 37 Rosell, Matilda, 57 Rosell, Ricardus, . , ib. Rosell, Johannes. Non. Mart. ... 15 Rosina (uxor Petri Blake). 14 Kal. Aug 33 Rossel, Johannes. 4 Id. Jun. ... 28 Rothe, Matilda. 19 Kal. Feb. ... 7 Rons, Walterus : Sacerd. et Canon. 10 Kal. Dec 51 Row, Johannes. 15 Kal. Apr. ... 16 Ron', Johannes : Canon. S. Thorn. Mart. 14 Kal. Sept 37 Row, Rodulphus. 2 Kal. Sept. ... 39 Row, Thomassina. 9 Kal. Sept. ... 38 Rowe, Johanna. 5 Kal. Nov. ... 48 Russell, Johannes. 7 Id. Jul. ... 31 Rustbery, Nicholaus : Canon. 3 Id. Aug. 36 Ryan, Johannes : Alderman. Civit. Dub- lin, et Capit. Grossarius in Scacario Hibern. 7 Id. Apr 19 S. Sampford, Johannes de : Archiep. Dub- lin. Kal. Oct 44 Samuel: E pise. Dublin. 4 Non. Jul. . 31 Sancto Neoto, Robertus de: Canon. Non. Nov 49 Sancto Paulo, Johannes de: Archiep. Dublin. 5 Id. Sept 41 Sancto Patricio, Willelmus de : Canon. 3 Id. Apr 20 Sancto Patricio, Thomas de : Canon. 5 Id. Jul 31 S. Eadmundi regis Capella. 2 Kal. Nov. 48 S. Edmundi Capella. Kal. Jun. ... 27 S. Johannis Jerusalem Hospital. 4 Id. Aug 36 Page. S. Johan. de Kilmaynan. 3 Kal. Apr. . 18 Id. Aug. . . 36 6 Id. Nov. . 49 iS. Marie, Dublin, monaster. 7 Id. Feb. 10 S. Marie Monaster. 5 Kal. Feb. . . 8 8 Kal. Feb. . . ib. . 6 Id. Sept. ... 40 S. Marie juxta Dublin. 3 Kal. Maii, . 22 12 Kal. Julii, . 29 S. Marie Capella. 2 Non. Mart. . . 14 2 Kal. Oct. ... 42 4 Non. Oct. ... 44 S. Marie de Trym. dom. 2 Non. Jan. . 5 Id. Jul. . . 32 S. Michaelis in alto civit. Dublin. Eccl. 2 Id. Apr 20 S. Michaelis venella. 2 Kal. Aug. . . 34 S. Michae. Eccl. 6 Kal. Jun. ... 26 3 Id. Sept 41 15 Kal. Nov. ... 46 S. Nicholai Parochia. Id. Apr. ... 20 S. Patricii Eccl. Cath. Dublin. Kal. Jan. 5 18 Kal. Feb 7 5 Id. Feb. 10 4 Kal. Apr 18 Non. Apr. 19 6 Id. Apr. 20 S. Patricii de Trym. 14 Kal. Mart. . 1 1 S. Thome Martins, Monast. 2 Kal. Feb. 9 Non. Feb. ib. Kal. Mart. 13 Id. Mart. . 1 6 4 Id. Apr. . 20 5 Kal. Jul. 30 Non. Jul. . 31 3 Kal. Aug. 34 ■ UKal.Sept. 37 5 Id. Sept. 41 XV Page. S. Thome Martiris, Monast. 10 Kal. Nov 47 6 Id. Nov. 49 6 Kal. Jan. 56 S. Warbwge de Westchestria Monast. 4 Id. Dec 53 S. Wulstani dom. 6 Id. Sept. ... 40 Sariaunt, Johannes. Baro deCastrokaoh. 16 Kal. Dec 50 Sariaunt, Robertus. 16 Kal. Dec. . . 50 Saryant, Isniay. 10 Kal. Aug. ... 33 Sawage, Johannes : Maior Dublin. 2 Non. Sept 40 Savage, Johannes, 58 Sauage, Johannes : Maior Dublin. . . 59 Sauage de Balroddry, Johannes. 12 Kal. Aug. . . 33 Sawage de Chapelyssor, Ricardus. 1 1 Kal. Aug ib. Schelyngford, Ricardus. 6 Id. Oct. . 45 Scherlok, Johannes : Canon, et Bach, in Decretis. 9 Kal. Jan 55 Scherloke, Thomas. 17 Kal. Feb. . . 7 Scherreff, Nicolaus, 59 Scheruewysberij, Philippus de : Canon. 3 Non. Nov 49 Schortal, Rosina. 5 Non. Jul. ... 30 Schortall, Thomas : Maior Dublin. 1 1 Kal. Aug 33 Schortals, Alicia. 6 Kal. Aug. . . . ib. Schortals, Johanna. 5 Id. Aug. ... 36 Schortals, Thomas. Non. Aug. ... 35 Schrewysbery, Willelmus de : Canon. 16 Kal. Sept 37 Schypman, Adam. 3 Kal. Oct. ... 43 Schyrborn, Johannes : S. Thorn. Mart. 5 Kal. Jul 30 Sckyrrett, Ricardus. 8 Kal. Nov. . . 47 Scorlagh, Nicholaus. 9 Kal. Oct. . . 43 Scorloke, Agneta. 10 Kal. Apr. ... 17 Page. Seggreue, Ricardus. 4 Kal. Maii, . . 22 Selyman, Jacobus. 6 Kal. Maii, . . 22 Sennot, Walterus. 9 Kal. Jan. ... 55 Sentleger, Johanna. 5 Kal. Mart. . . 13 Seriant, Nicholaus : Maior Dublin. 5 Non. Mart 14 Seriant, Thomas : Dom. de Castrohnoke. 3 Id. Sept 41 Sex, Edmundus. Kal. Aug 35 Shrygly, Johannes : Miles. 4 Kal. Jun. 26 Silvester: Canon. 2 Id. Jan. ... 6 Sinothe, Thomas. 6 Id. Feb. ... 10 Skelry, Nicholaus : Capellanus. 10 Kal. Oct 43 Skerrett, Jeneta. 6 Id. Sept. ... 40 Skyrret, Ricardus : Prior. 3 Non. Mart. 14 Skyrret, Robertus: Hector de Castrok- noke. 12 Kal. Aug 33 Slogtht, Margareta. 9 Kal. Apr. . . 17 Smoch, Thomas. 4 Non. Oct. ... 44 Smoth, Thomas, 57 Smothiseowrte. Kal. Apr 18 Somerton, Edwardus : Seruiens Dom. Reg. ad legem 59 Sporte, Johanna. 6 Non. Maii, ... 23 Sporte, Thomas. 5 Id. Jun. ... 28 Sprott, Johannes: Capellanus. 13 Kal. Sept 37 Stadford, Hugo de: Canon. 8 Kal. Aug 33 Stafford, Ricardus de : Canon. 10 Kal. Nov 47 Stafford, Robertus. 5 Non. Maii, . . 23 Stakford, Nicholaus de: Canon. 12 Kal. Maii, 21 Stanihurst, Jeneta. Non. Feb. ... 10 Stannys, Ricardus. 8 Kal. Feb. . . 8 Stanton, Johannes. 3 Id. Feb. ... 10 Stanton, Margareta. 7 Id. Mart. . . 15 Stanton, Nicholaus: Prior. Id. Maii, 24 XVI Page. Stanton, Ricardus: Canon. 8 Id. Sept. 40 Stanton, Robertus : Prior Eccl. S. Thorn. Mart, juxta Dublin. 3 Kal. Aug. . 34 Stanton, Tadeus. 7 Id. Sept. ... 40 Stanyhurst, Henricus. 1 1 Kal. Nov. . 47 Stanyhurst, Johannes. 3 Id. Dec. . . 54 Stanyhurst, Johannes, 58 Stanyhurst, Ricardus: Canon. 7 Kal. Aug 34 Stanyhurst, Ricardus, 58 Stanyhurst, Walterus. 7 Id. Sept. . 40 Stanyhurste, Henricus. 3 Id. Apr. . 20 Staunton, Adam de : 11 Kal. Feb. . . 8 Stele, Johannes : Canon. S. Thorn. Mart. 6 Id. Not 49 Stephanus, Thomas. Id. Mart. . . 16 Stephanus: Archiep. Tuam. 5 Non. Jul 30 Ster, Willelraus: Sacerd. et Canon. 13 Kal. Nov 46 Sterne, Johanna. 7 Kal. Feb. ... 8 Stewnys, Thomas : Maior Dull. 4 Id. Jan 6 Sthowm, Willelmus: Canon. Non. Jan. 5 Stokys, Agnes. 4 Non. Aug. ... 35 Stokys, Elizabeth. Non. Feb. ... 9 Strangwych, Hellena. 19 Kal. Feb. . 7 Strangewyll, Ricardus: Comes. ... 57 Strangwys, Henricus. Id. Jun. ... 28 Stratton, Johannes. 14 Kal. Jun. . . 25 StratyndeGlassnewyn, Willelmus. Kal. Jul 30 Styllyngford, Robertus : Maior Dublin. 6 Id. Mart 15 Suetyrby, Joneta, 58 Suetyrby, Thomas ib. Surreys, Willelmus. Canon, de Carte- mel. 11 Kal. Mart 11 Sutton, Robertus: Decan. S. Patricii. Non. Apr 19 Page. Sutton, Willelmus: Secund. Baro Scac- carii. 10 Kal. Mart 12 Sutton, Willelmus: Baro Scaccarii Dom. Regis 58 Swayne, Willelmus. 5 Kal. Apr. . . 17 Swetman, Johannes. 8 Id. Apr. . . 19 Symcok, Ricardus: Canon. S. Thorn. Mart. Non. Jul 31 Symcoke, Willelmus : Canon. 6 Kal. Apr 17 S_ymon, Cristiana. 4 Non. Nov. . . 49 Symon, Willelmus. 6 Kal. Dec. . . 5 Talbot, Matilda, 57 Talbot, Ricardus: Archiep. Dublin. 18 Kal. Sept 37 Talbot, Willelmus: Maior Dublin. 5 Kal. Aug 34 Talbott, Hugo : Maior Dublin. 2 Non. Mart 14 Talbott, Lucia. 13 Kal. Sept. ... 37 Talbotte, Katerina. 3 Kal. Jan. - . 56 Talmer, Johannes: Maior Dublin. 18 Kal. Sept 37 Talor, Henricus: Capellanus. 4 Id. Maii, 24 Talor, Ricardus. 8 Id. Jul 31 Talower, vide Kenan. Tanner, Johannes : Hector Novi Castri de Lyonis. 13 Kal. Jun 25 Tany, Simon : Prior Eccl. Convent, de Kylmaynan. 6 Id. Nov 49 Tartayne. 2 Id. Mart 16 Taylonerus, Agneta. Kal. Jan. . . 5 Taylwr, Johannes. 5 Id. Jul. ... 32 Telyng, Margarete. 7 Kal. Mart. . . 12 Tempernes, Simon, 57 Terrel, Johannes. 5 Id. Mart. ... 15 XV11 Page. Thomas: Canon. 10 Kal. Aug. . . 33 Thomas. 4 Kal. Jan 56 Thomas: Archiep. Dublin. 2 Non. Apr. 19 Thomas, filius Johannis : Cumes Kyl- darie, 57 Thomas : Kyldarie Cumes 57 Thomas: Prior Omnium Sanctorum. 7 Id. Jun 27 Thurstayn, Jeneta. 5 Id. Aug. ... 36 Thurstayn, Johanna de. 3 Kal. Maii, . 22 Thwrstan: Canon. 11 Kal. Dec. . . 51 Tope, Willelmus : Subprior. 7 Kal. Mart 12 Toppe, Johannes : Prior. 8 Id. Jan. . 5 Tregorre, Michael : Archiep. Dublin. 12 Kal. Jan 55 Trewes, Margareta. 4 Kal. Oct. . . 43 Tristi, Rieardus: Subprior. 6 Id. Feb. 10 Trym. 2 Non. Jan 5 14 Kal. Mart 11 Twe, Johannes : Maior Dublin. 17 Kal. Aug 32 Tylach. 8 Id. Dee 53 Tympan, Petrus. 10 Kal. Apr. ... 17 Tyllychheu-yn. 4 Id. Jun 28 Tyw, Katerina. 4 Kal. Sept. ... 39 Tyw, Robertus. 4 Non. Maii, ... 23 Tvw, Willelmus. 4 Non. Maii, . . . ib. Vale, Mauricius. 10 Kal. Maii, . . Veer, Elyzabeth. 4 Id. Oct. . . . Veer, Johannes. 6 Non. Jul. . . Venor, Johannes : Rector Novi Castri 18 Kal. Octob Veysyne, Jeneta. 2 Id. Feb. . . . Vicus Estemannornm. 3 Id. Sept. . Vicus Ostimanorum. 15 Kal. Nov. . Vicus Rupelli. 7 Kal. Apr. . . . IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. 21 45 30 41 11 41 46 12 Page. Umfrey, Jacobus : Precentor S. Patricii Dublin. 4 Kal. Apr 18 Vodorne, Johannes : Subprior Omn. Sane. 15 Kal. Nov 46 Vryell Comitatus. Non. Maii, ... 24 Vide Blahiston. Vsher, Arlandus: Maior Dub. 14 Kal. Feb 7 Vsher, Arlandus. 12 Kal. Jul. ... 29 W. Wakefyld, Rogerus. Kal. Oct. ... 44 Walch, Johannes. 10 Kal. Jan. ... 55 Walch, Johannes : Maior Dubl. 2 Kal. Maii 22 Walch, Willelmus. 4 Id. Aug. ... 36 Walch, Stephanus. 5 Non. Jul. ... 30 Walche, Agneta. 8 Id. Dec 53 Walche, Dauid. 8 Id. Oct 45 Walche, Johannes. 2 Non. Jan. . . 5 Walche, Johannes. 3 Kal. Dec. . . 52 Walche, Johannes. 3 Non. Dec. . . ib. Walche, Johannes: Canon. S. Thorn. Mart. 2 Kal. Feb 9 Walche de Mortowne, Johannes. 7 Id. Jan 6 Walche, Isabella. 3 Kal. Oct. ... 44 Walche, Katerina. 18 Kal. Jan. . . 54 Walche, Margareta. 6 Kal. Mart. . . 13 Walche de Dublin, Philippus: Clericus. 13 Kal. Apr 16 Walche, Rogerus. Id. Dec 54 Walche, Thomas. Non. Feb. ... 9 Walche, Thomas. 13 Kal. Apr. . . 16 Walcoun, Robertus : Sacerd. et Canon. 15 Kal. Jun 25 Waleys, Christiana. Non. Jun. ... 27 Waliford, Margareta. 18 Kal. Maii, . 21 Wallche, Johannes. 3 Non. Sept. . . 39 xvm Page. Walleys, Thomas : Armiger. 7 Id. Dec 53 Walsch, Rosina. llKal. Apr. . . . 1" Walscb, Robertus. 2 Kal. Nov. . . 48 Walsehe, Johannes: Sacerdos. 7 Kal. Maii, 22 Walsehe, Nicolaus. 3 Id. Nov. ... 50 Walsh, Alicia. 10 Kal. Apr. ... 17 Walsh de Dondrom, Johannes. 4 Nov. Jan 5 Walsh, Ricardus : Subprior. 9 Kal. Apr. 17 Walsh, Thomas: Notarius. 3 Non. Aug. 35 Walterus. 2 Id. Jun 28 Walterus: Sacerd. et Canon. 16Kal.Dec. 50 Walterus, Willelmus. Non. Dec. . . 53 Ward, Elias. 9 Kal. Jan 55 Ward, Johannes : Decret. Doct. et Rec- tor S. Patricii de Tnjm. 14 Kal. Mart. 1 1 Waryng, Johannes. 7 Kal. Maii, . . 22 Waryng, Willelmus: Capellanus. lOKal. Apr 16 Wassre, Thomas. 9 Kal. Apr. ... 17 Water, Edwardus. 3 Id. Mart. . . . 15 Water, Robertus. 3 Kal. Aug. ... 34 Waters, Thomas: Sacerd. et Canon. 4 Non. Mart 41 Weer, Katerina. 13 Kal. Oct. ... 42 Wellys, Elysabeth. 7 Kal. Dec. . . 52 Wellys, Willelmus. 16 Kal. Maii, . . 21 Werdon, Valterus: Capellan. 4 Non. Jun 27 West, Agneta. 3 Non. Aug. ... 35 West, Johannes: Maior Dublin. 14 Kal. Oct 42 West, Robertus. 7 Kal. Oct. ... 43 Weste, Ricardus. 7 Id. Feb. . . . 10 Weste, Thomas. 2 Id. Mart. ... 16 Weston, Thomas : Rector de Lyenys. 5 Non. Mart 14 Wesyn, Walterus: Canon, et Professus. 9 Kal. Sept 38 Whetall, Anna. 13 Kal. Dec. Whit, Katerina. 11 Kal. Apr. White, Agneta, Whyt, Katerina. 14 Kal. Nov. Whyt, Wilhelmus: Vicar, de Carnal- u-ay. 12 Kal. Feb. . . . Whyte, Jeneta. 18 Kal. Jan. Whyte, Johanna. 4 Non. Jan. Whyte, Johanna. 8 Kal. Oct. Whyte, Johannes. 6 Kal. Feb. Whyte, Johannes : Canon, et Professus. 9 Kal. Mart Whyte, Johannes. 8 Kal. Aug. Whyte, Johannes : Prior. S. Wulstani. et Canon. 6 Id. Sept. . Whyte, Joneta. 2 Kal. Jun. . Whyte, Nicholaus. 16 Kal. Nov Whyte, Olive. 12 Kal. Oct. . , Whyte, Patrieius : Canon. 3 Kal. Nov. Whyte, Ricardus. 2 Kal. Dec. Whyte, Robertus. 2 Non. Oct. Whyte, Thomas : Monach. S.Marie Mo- nast. 6 Id. Sept Whytt, Agneta. 14 Kal. Jan. Whytt, Johanna. 2 Id. Dec. Whytt, Johanna. 4 Id. Jul. Whytt, Johannes: Maior Dublin. 10 Kal. Aug Whyt, Johannes : Canon. S. Thorn. Mart 10 Kal. Nov Whytt, Johannes. 15 Kal. Dec. Whytt, Katerina. 15 Kal. Oct. . Whytt, Philippus. Id. Oct. . . Whytt, Ricardus. 4 Kal. Jul. Wilhelmus : Canon. Kal. Mart. Willelmus : Canon. Willelmus : Canon. Willelmus : Canon. Willelmus : Canon. Willelmus : Canon. 7 Kal. Feb. 2 Id. Jul. . 11 Kal. Aug 17 Kal. Sept. 2 Kal. Dec. Page. . 51 XIX Page. Willpite, Johanna. 9 Kal. Maii, . . 22 Woder, Katerina. 4 Non. Nov. . . 49 Woder, Nicholaus. Kal. Oct. ... 44 Woder, Petrus : Motor Dublin. 15 Kal. Dec 50 Wodlok, Alicia. 7 Kal. Aug. ... 34 Wodoloke, Johannes. 6 Id. Aug. . . 36 Wogan, Johanna. Kal. Oct 44 Wogane, Col. 10 Kal. Jan 55 Wogane, Hugo : Armiger, Cleric. Dom. Reg. 9 Kal. Mart 12 Wolfe, Johannes: Capellan. de Glas- newyn. 1 1 Kal. Jan 55 Wscher, Alicia. 8 Kal. Maii, ... 22 Wscher, Arlanton. 7 Id. Jan. ... 6 Wscher, Cristoforus : Maior Dublin. 3 Kal. Feb 9 Wscher, Robertus. 1 2 Kal. Mart. . 1 1 Wsaer, Johannes. 11 Kal. Nov. ... 4" Wyche, Willelmus : Sacerd. et Canon. Kal. Apr 18 Wydown, Ricardus. 13 Kal. Dec. . . 51 Page. Wykeford, Nicholaus: Monach. Wyn- cestrie. 2 Non. Feb 9 Wykeforde, Robertus de : Archiep. Dub- lin. 4 Kal. Sept 39 Wyll, Willelmus. 7 Kal. Dec. ... 51 Wyllelmus: Canon. 9 Kal. Apr. . . 17 Wynchestre, Thomas. 2 Non. Dec. . 53 Wynchestyr, Dauid: Prior. 3 Id. Jan. 6 Wynter, Matylda. 7 Kal. Jan. ... 55 Wyntyrborn, Ricardus: Clericus. 17 Kal. Apr 1G Wytloke, Isota. 17 Kal. Aug. ... 32 Wytlyng, Johannes : Canon. 3 Id. Maii, 24 Y. Yng, Hugo : Archiep. Dublin. 3 Non. Aug 35 Yong, Johannes. 6 Kal. Nov. ... 47 Younge, Johannes : Capellanus. 17 Kal. Sept 37 Ytell, Willelmus : Cano7i. 9 Kal. Nov. 47 c 2 INDEX THE NAMES IN THE CALENDAR AND MARTYROLOGY. The Names printed in Capitals are those of Irish Saints. The Entries in the Calendar have an asterisk prefixed. AAron. Kal. Jul. AbaeucetMichea.Prophetse. lSKal.Feb. Abacuc, Mart. 14 Kal. Feb. Abdela, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Maii. *Abdon, Mart. 3 Kal. Aug. Abdon, Mart. 3 Kal. Aug. Abilius, Ep. 8 Kal. Mart. Abilon. 3 Non. Aug. Abraham, Patr. 7 Id. Oct. Abundus, Diac. et Mart. 4 Id. Dec. Accepsimas, Ep. et. Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. Achilleus, Diac. et Mart. 9 Kal. Maii. •Achilles. 4 Id. Maii. Adauctus, Mart. 3 Kal. Sept. Adelbertus, Mart. 9 Kal. Maii. Adrianus. 6 Id. Sept. *Adrianus, Mart. 6 Id. Sept. Affra, Mart. Non. Aug. Afrodisius, Mart. 4 Kal. Maii. Aforodisius Comraentariensis, Mart. Kal. Sept. Aethelbertus, Rex et Mart. 13 Kal. Jun. Agabus, Proph. Id. Feb. Agape, Virg. 3 Non. Apr. •Agapitas, Mart. 8 Id. Aug. Agapitus, Pap. 10 Kal. Maii. Agapitus, Diac. et Mart. 8 Id. Aug. Agapitus, Mart. 15 Kal. Sept. *Agapitus, Mart. 15 Kal. Sept. Agapitus, Mart. 4 Non. Nov. Agapius, Mart. 4 Kal. Maii. Agapius, Ep. et Mart. 3 Kal. Maii. •Agatha, Virg. et Mart. Non. Feb. Agatha, Virg. Non. Feb. Agathonica, Mart. Id. Apr. XX11 Agatho, Exorcista et Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Agericus, Ep. Kal. Dec. Aglahe, Virg. Non. Jun. * Agnes, Virg. 12 Kal. Feb. Agnes, Mart. 12 Kal. Feb. Agnes Secundo. 5 Kal. Feb. * Agnes Secundo. 5 Kal. Feb. Agnes. 4 Non. Dec. Agricola, Mart. 3 Non. Nov. Agricola, Mart. 5 Kal. Dec. Agricola. 4 Id. Dec. Agricola. 17 Kal. Jan. 'Albanus, Mart. 10 Kal. Jul. Albinus, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Jul. Albinos, Mart. 10 Kal. Jul. *Albinus, Conf. 2 Id. Sept. Aldelfus, Ep. et Conf. 4 Kal. Sept. Alexander, Mart. 3 Kal. Feb. Alexander, Mart. 12 Kal. Mart. Alexander, Ep. et Conf. 4 Kal. Mart. Alexander, Mart. G Id. Mart. Alexander, Ep. et Mart. 15 Kal. Apr. Alexander, Mart. 5 Kal. Apr. Alexander. Mart. 8 Kal. Maii. 'Alexander, Mart. 5 Non. Maii. Alexander, Pap. et Mart. 5 Non. Maii. Alexander, Mart. 4 Kal. Jun. Alexander, Mart. 6 Id. Jul. Alexander, Mart. 12 Kal. Aug. Alexander, Mart. 7 Kal. Sept. Alexander, Ep. et Conf. 5 Kal. Sept. Alexander. 5 Id. Sept. Alexander. 16 Kal. Nov. Alexandrius, Mart. 4 Kal. Jun. Algisus, Conf. 4 Non. Jun. Almachius, Mart. Kal. Jan. Amancius, Ep. 2 Non. Nov. Amancius. Non. Dec. •Amandus, Ep. 8 Id. Feb. Amandus, Ep. 8 Id. Feb. Amandus. 8 Kal. Nov. •Amandus, Ep. et Conf. 7 Kal. Nov. Anianesus, Diac. 4 Id. Nov. Amantius, Mart. 4 Id. Feb. Amantius, Mart. 4 Id. Jun. Aniantus, Abb. Id. Sept. Amarantus, Mart. 7 Id. Nov. Amator, Ep. 5 Kal. Dec. •Ambrosius, Ep. et Conf. 2 Non. Apr. Ambrosius, Ep. et Conf. 2 Non. Apr. Ambrosius, Abb. 4 Non. Nov. Ambonius. Kal. Dec. Ammonius. 2 Id. Feb. Animonius, Mart. 15 Kal. Feb. Ammonius, Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Ammonius, Mart. 6 Kal. Dec. Amonius, Lect. 7 Kal. Apr. Amphilianus. Non. Apr. Ananias. 8 Kal. Feb. Ananias, Azarias, et Misael. 18 Kal. Jan. •Anastasia. 8 Kal. Jan. Anastasia, Mart. 8 Kal. Jan. Anastasius, Mart. 5 Id. Jan. Anastasius, Monach. et Mart. 1 1 Kal. Feb. Anastasius, Pap. 5 Kal. Maii. Anastasius, Pap. et Mart. 7 Kal. Sept. Anastasius, Mart. 12 Kal. Sept. Anatholius, Ep. 5 Non. Jul. Anatolia, Virg. et Mart. 7 Id. Jul. Ancia, Mart. 14 Kal. Maii. Andeolus, Subdiac. et Mart. Kal. Maii. Andochius, Presb. et Mart. 8 Kal. Oct. Andreas. Id. Maii. Andreas, Mart. 14 Kal. Sept. •Andreas, Apost. 2 Kal. Dec. Andreas, Apost. 2 Kal. Dec. Andronicus, Mart. 5 Id. Oct. •Anna. 7 Kal. Aug. Annanias, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Maii. •Annunciacio S. Marie Virg. 8 Kal. Apr. Annuntiatio Dominica. 8 Kal. Apr. Antemius, Mart. 5 Kal. Oct. xxm Anteros, Pap. et Mart. 3 Non. Jan. Antholianus, Mart. 8 Id. Feb. Antimus, Mart. 5 Kal. Maii. Antimus. 5 Id. Maii. Antinogenus, Mart. 9 Kal. Aug. Antonia, Mart. 4 Non. Maii. Antoninus, Mart. 6 Kal. Maii. Antoninus, Mart. 11 Kal. Sept. Antoninus, Mart. 3 Non. Sept. Antoninus. Non. Nov. Antonius, Mart. 5 Id. Jan. •Antonius, Abb. 16 Kal. Feb. Antonius, Monach. 1G Kal. Feb. Antonius, Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. "Antonius, Conf. Fratr. Min. Id. Jun. Antonius, Conf. Id. Jun. Apodemus, Mart. 1" Kal. Maii. Apollo, Mart. 4 Kal. Maii. "Apollinaris, Ep. et Mart. 10 Kal. Aug. Apollinaris, Ep. et Mart. 10 Kal. Aug. "Apollinaris, Mart. 10 Kal. Sept. Apollinaris, Mart. 10 Kal. Sept. Apollinaris, Ep. 3 Non. Oct. Apollonia, Virg. et Mart. 5 Id. Feb. Apollonius, Mart. Non. Apr. Apollonius, Senator et Mart. 14 Kal. Maii. Apollonius. Non. Jun. Appianus. 3 Kal. Jan. "Appolonia, Virg. 5 Id. Feb. Aprilis, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Sept. Appius, Ep. et Conf. 17 Kal. Oct. "Apuleius, Mart. Non. Oct. Apuleius, Mart. Non. Oct. Aquila, Mart. 10 Kal. Feb. Aquila, Mart. Kal. Aug. Aquila et Priscilla. Non. Jul. Aquilina, Mart. 9 Kal. Aug. Aquilinus, Mart. 2 Non. Jan. Aquilinus. 17 Kal. Jun. Aquilinus, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. Arabia, Mart. 3 Id. Mart. Arator, Presb. et Mart. 1 1 Kal. Maii. Arcencius. Non. Sept. Archadius, Mart. 2 Id. Jan. Arehadius, Mart. 2 Id. Nov. Achilleus, Mart. 4 Id. Maii. Arcillaus. 10 Kal. Sept. Argeus, Mart. 4 Non. Jan. Aristarchus. 2 Non. Aug. Aristeus, Ep. et Mart. 3 Non. Sept. Aristides, Conf. 2 Kal. Sept. Aristion. 8 Kal. Mart. Ariston, Mart. 6 Non. Jul. Aristonicus, Mart. 13 Kal. Maii. Aristonius. 1 1 Kal. Jan. Armogastes, Conf. 4 Kal. Apr. Armogastus, Conf. 2 Non. Dec. Arnulfus, Ep. et Conf. 17 Kal. Sept. Arnulfus, Episc. 15 Kal. Aug. Arrianus, Ep. et Conf. 15 Kal. Dec. Arsenius. 15 Kal. Aug. Artemia, Mart. 17 Kal. Apr. Artemius, Mart. 8 Id. Jun. Arthinimus, Conf. 2 Non. Dec. Artinimus, Conf. 4 Kal. Apr. Asterius, Senator et Mart. 5 Non. Mart. Asterius, Presb. 12 Kal. Nov. Asterius, Presb. 13 Kal. Nov. "Assumptio Maria?, Virg. 18 Kal. Sept. Athanasius, Ep. et Conf. 6 Non. Maii. Athanasius. 8 Kal. Jan. Auctor, Ep. et Conf. 4 Id. Aug. "Audactus, Mart. 3 Kal. Sept. Audax, Mart. 7 Id. Jul. Audifax, Mart. 14 Kal. Feb. "Audoenus, Ep. et Conf. 9 Kal. Sept. Audoenus, Ep. et Conf. 9 Kal. Sept. Augulius, Ep. et Mart. 7 Id. Feb. Augurius, Mart. 12 Kal. Feb. Augustinus, Mart. Non. Maii. •Augustinus, Anglorum Ep. 7 Kal. .Inn. Augustinus, Ep. et Conf. 7 Kal. Jun. XXIV * Augustinus, Ep. et Doct. 5 Kal. Sept. Augustinus, Ep. et Conf. 5 Kal. Sept. Augustus, Mart. Non. Maii. Auitus, Ep. et Conf. Non. Feb. Aureanus, Episc. 16 Kal. Jul. Aurelia. 2 Id. Oct. Aurelianus, Ep. et Conf. 18 Kal. Jan. Aurelianus. 16 Kal. Dec. *Auxilius, Ep. 14 Kal. Nov. Auxilids, Ep. et Conf. 14 Kal. Nov. Auxilius. 11 Kal. Dec. Auxillus. 14 Kal. Apr. B. Babilus, Ep. et Conf. 9 Kal. Feb. Bachus, Mart. Non. Oct. Baithinus, Conf. 11 Kal. Mart. Baithinus, Conf. 14 Kal. Jul. Bulbina, Virg. 2 Kal. Apr. Baldiuierus. 3 Kal. Mart. 'Barnabas, Apost. 3 Id. Jun. Barnabas, Ap. 3 Id. Jun. *Bartholomeus, Apost. 9 Kal. Sept. Bartholomeus, Apost. 9 Kal. Sept. 'Barrus, Ep. et Conf. 7 Kal. Oct. Barrus, Ep. et Conf. 7 Kal. Oct. Basileus, Mart. 6 Non. Mart. Basileus. 1 1 Kal. Dec. Basilianus. 15 Kal. Jan. Basilides, Mart. 4 Id. Jun. •Basilides, Mart. 2 Id. Jun. Basilides, Mart. 2 Id. Jun. Basilissa, Mart. 5 Id. Jan. •Basilius, Conf. 18 Kal. Jul. Basilius, Ep. et Conf. 18 Kal. Jul. Basilla. 16 Kal. Nov. Basillis, Virg. et Mart. 13 Kal. Jul. Basolus, Conf. Id. Oct. Bassa, Conf. 3 Non. Mart. Bassianus, Lector et Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Bassus, Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Bassus. 12 Kal. Dec. Batildes, Virg. 3 Kal. Feb. Batildes, Virg. 3 Kal. Feb. Baudelius, Mart. 13 Kal. Jun. Bavo, Conf. Kal. Oct. Beatrix, Mart. 4 Kal. Aug. Beaturius, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. *Becanus, Abb. 6 Kal. Jun. Bedae, Presb. 7 Kal. Jun. 'Begneta, Virg. 2 Id. Nov. Benedicta, Mart. 2 Non. Jan. 'Benedicta, Virg. et Mart. 8 Id. Oct. 'Benedictus, Abb. 12 Kal. Apr. Benedictus, Abbas. 12 Kal. Apr. Benedictus, Pap. Non. Maii. Benedictus. 17 Kal. Dec. Benignus. 3 Non. Apr. Benignus, Presb. et Mart. Kal. Nov. Berchancs, Conf. 14 Kal. Mart. 'Bernardus, Abb. 13 Kal. Sept. Beronieus. 14 Kal. Nov. Bertelinus, Conf. 5 Id. Sept. 'Bertinus, Abb. Non. Sept. •Berus, Ep. 15 Kal. Mart. Bessia, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. Bicor, Ep. et Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. * Bin-inns, Ep. et Conf. 3 Non. Dec. Blanda, Mart. 6 Id. Maii. Blandina, et Soc. Mart. 4 Non. Jun. Blauus, Abb. 4 Id. Aug. Blauus, Ep. 15 Kal. Mart. •Blasius, Ep. et Mart. 3 Non. Feb. Blasius, Ep. et Mart. 3 Non. Feb. Bodegisilus. 15 Kal. Jan. 'Boecius, Ep. 7 Id. Dec. Boethencs, Abb. et Conf. 11 Kal. Jun. Boethixus, Abb. 5 Id. Jun. Bonefacius, Ep. 4 Kal. Jan. Bonefacius, Diac. et Mart. 16 Kal. Sept. Bonifacius. Non. Jun. XXV Bonicius, Ep. et Conf. 18 Kal. Feb. Bonosa. Id. Jul. Bosonius, Mart. 12 Kal. Sept. Botulf, Abb. 15 Kal. Jul. •Botulphus, Abb. 15 Kal. Jul. Brancius, Ep. et Mart. Non. Jun. *Brandanus, Abb. et Conf. 1" Kal. Jun. Brendanus, Abb. et Conf. 17 Kal. Jun. Bretan (I. BrecanI, Conf. Non. Maii. Bricius, Ep. et Conf. 7 Id. Jul. *Bricius, Ep. et Conf. Id. Nov. Bricius, Ep. et. Conf. Id. Nov. *Brigida, Virg. Kal. Feb. Brigida, Virg. Kal. Feb. Bruno, Arehiep. 5 Id. Oct. C. Calenicus, Mart. 5 Kal. Feb. Calepodius, Presb. et Mart. 6 Id. Maii. Calixtus, Mart. 16 Maii. 'Calixtus, Pap. et Conf. 2 Id. Oct. Calixtus, Pap. et Mart. 2 Id. Oct. Cancianilla, Mart. 2 Kal. Jun. Cancianus, Mart. 2 Kal. Jun. Cancius, Mart. 2 Kal. Jun. Candida, Mart. S Id. Jun. Candida. Kal. Dec. Candidus, Mart. 10 Kal. Oct. "Canicds, Abb. et Conf. 5 Id. Oct. Caprasius, Mart. 13 Kal. Nov. Caprasus, Abb. Kal. Jun. Caricus, Mart. 16 Kal. Maii. Carilefus, Conf. 6 Id. Jun. Carilippus, Mart. 4 Kal. Maii. Carpoforus, Presb. et Mart. 4 Id. Dec. Carpus, Ep. et Mart. Id. Apr. Cassianus, Ep. Non. Aug. Cassianus, Mart. Id. Aug. Cassianus, Mart. 3 Non. Dec. Cassius. 13 Kal. Aug. IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. Cassius, Mart. 6 Id. Oct. Castius, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Jun. Castor. 17 Kal. Apr. Castor. 5 Kal. Jan. Castorius, Mart. 2 Non. Jul. Castorius, Mart. 6 Id. Nov. Castula. 10 Kal. Jan. Castulus, Mart. 7 Kal. Apr. Castulus. 2 Kal. Dec. Castus. 2 Non. Oct. Catbedra Petri (Roma?). 15 Kal. Feb. •Cathedra Petri (Antiuch.) 8 Kal. Mart. Cathedra Petri (Antioch.) 8 Kal. Mart. Catulinus. Id. Jul. Cautias, Mart. 12 Kal. Mart. •Cecilia, Virg. et Mart. 10 Kal. Dec. Cecilia, Virg. et Mart. 10 Kal. Dec. Cecilianus, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Cecilius, Conf. Id. Maii. Cecilius. 15 Kal. Dec. •Cedda, Ep. et Conf. 6 Non. Mart. Ceicra, Mart. 17 Kal. Nov. Celedonius, Mart. 5 Non. Mart. Celerina, Mart. 3 Non. Feb. Celerinus, Deac. et Conf. 3 Non. Feb. Celestinus, Pap. 7 Id. Apr. Celestinus. 2 Kal. Jan. Celestis, Ep. et Conf. 2 Id. Oct. Celestius. 4 Id. Oct. Celsus (Mediol.), Mart. 2 Id. Jun. Celsus (Ebredun), Mart. 2 Id. Jun. Celsus, Mart. 13 Kal. Jul. Centulus. 2 Kal. Dec. Cerealis, Mart. 4 Id. Jun. Cerialis, Mart. 18 Kal. Oct. Cesarius (Arelat), Ep. et Conf. 6 Kal. Sept. •Cesarius, Mart. Kal. Nov. Cesarius, Mart. Kal. Nov. Cesarius, Diac. et Mart. Kal. Nov. Cesarius. 3 Non. Nov. Cesarius. 2 Non. Nov. XXVI Cesarius, Mart. 2 Id. Nov. Cesarius. Id. Nov. Channiche, Abb. et Conf. 5 Id. Oct. Chionia, Virg. 3 Non. Apr. Christina, Virg. et Mart. 9 Kal. Aug. Christoforus, Mart. 8 Kal. Aug. Ciaroc, Conf. Non. Mali. Ciprianus. 18 Kal. Oct. "Ciprianus, Ep. et Mart. 6 Kal. Oct. "Circumcisio Domini. Kal. Jan. Ciriacus. 14 Kal. Jan. "Ciriacus, Mart, et Socii. 6 Id. Aug. "Ciricus. 16 Kal. Jul. Ciricus, Mart. 10 Kal. Jul. Cirinus, Mart. 8 Kal. Apr. Cirinus, Mart. 6 Kal. Maii. Cirinus, Mart. 2 Id. Jim. . Clarentus, Ep. et Conf. 7 Kal. Maii. Claudianus, Mart. 5 Kal. Mart. Claudius, Mart. 12 Kal. Mart. Claudius, Conf. 3 Non. Mart. Claudius, Mart. 6 Kal. Maii. Claudius, Mart. 2 Non. Jul. Claudius, Mart. 4 Id. Aug. Claudius, Mart. 6 Id. Nov. Claudius. 3 Non. Dec. Claudius, Mart. 3 Non. Dec. Claudissimus, Ep. Kal. Jun. Clemens. 5 Id. Nov. * Clemens, Pap. et Mart. 9 Kal. Dec. Clemens, Rom. Ep. et Mart. 9 Kal. Dec. Clemens, Metens. Ep. 9 Kal. Dec. Clementinus, Mart. 18 Kal. Dec. Cleophas. 7 Kal. Oct. Clems, Diac. et Mart. 7 Id. Jan. Cletus. 3 Kal. Jan. *Cletus, Pap. et Mart. 6 Kal. Maii. Cletus, Pap. et Mart. 6 Kal. Maii. Cletus, Papa. 4 Id. Jul. Coelfrithus, Abb. et Conf. 8 Kal. Oct. "Coemgenus, Abb. et Conf. 3 Non. Jun. Coemcinus, Abb. et Conf. 3 Non. Jun. Coganus (I. Eoganus), Ep. et Conf. 10 Kal. Sept. Collocrus, Mart. 14 Kal. Jun. Colmanus. 4 Non. Sept. Colmanus et Socii, Conf. 3 Non. Sept. •Colmanus, Ep. et Conf. 4 Id. Nov. "Columba, Abb. et Conf. 5 Id. Jun. Columba, Abb. 5 Id. Jun. Columba, Virg. et Mart. 2 Kal. Jan. Columbanus, Abb. 1 1 Kal. Dec. Comgallus, Abb. et Conf. 6 Id. Maii. *Commemoracio Parentum et Benefactorum Eccl. S. Trin. 12 Kal. Jul. Commemoratio Parentum et Benefactorum Eccl. S. Trin. 12 Kal. Jul. "Commemoracio S. Pauli Apostoli. 2 Kal. Jul. "Commemoratio Defunctorum. 4 Non. Nov. "Commemoratio Reliquiarum Eccl. S. Trin. 2 Kal. Aug. Commentariensis, Mart. 2 Non. Julii. Conceptio Johannis Baptistae. 8 Kal. Oct. "Concepcio S. Marie, Virg. 6 Id. Dec. Concordia, Mart. Id. Aug. Concordius, Mart. Kal. Jan. Concordius. 17 Kal. Jan. Constantia, Mart. 13 Kal. Oct. "Conversio S. Pauli. 8 Kal. Feb. Conversio S. Pauli. 8 Kal. Feb. Corintha, Mart. 6 Id. Feb. Cornelius, Ep. 4 Non. Feb. •Cornelius. 18 Kal. Oct. Cornelius, Pap. et Mart. 18 Kal. Oct. Cornelius. 10 Kal. Jan. Coron, Mart, et Filius. 4 Kal. Jun. Corona, Mart. 2 Id. Maii. "Cosmas, Mart. 5 Kal. Oct. Cosmas, Mart. 5 Kal. Oct. Crato, Mart. 15 Kal. Mart. Crescencianus, Conf. 8 Kal. Dec. Crescencius. Kal. Oct. xxvn Crescens (Galat.) 5 Kal. Jul. Crescens (Tiburtin), Mart. 5 Kal. Jul. Crescentia, Mart. 17 Kal. Jul. Crescentianus. 2 Kal. Jim. Crescentianus, Mart. 6 Non. Jul. Crescentianus, Mart. 18 Kal. Oct. Crescentio, Mart. 15 Kal. Oct. Crescentius. 4 Kal. Jan. Crescentius, Mart. 4 Id. Aug. Crescentius. 2 Kal. Nov. Crisantes. 3 Kal. Dec. Crisostolus, Presb. et Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. Crispina, Mart. Non. Dec. "Crispinianus, Mart. 8 Kal. Nov. Crispinianus, Mart. 8 Kal. Nov. *Crispinus, Mart. 8 Kal. Nov. Crispinus, Mart. 8 Kal. Nov. Crispus, Presb. 15 Kal. Sept. Crispus. 4 Non. Oct. Crissantus, Mart. 2 Id. Aug. Cristetes. 7 Kal. Nov. •Cristina, Virg. et Mart. 9 Kal. Aug. "Cristoforus, Mart. 8 Kal. Aug. Cucufatus, Mart. 2 Id. Feb. •Cucufas, Mart. 8 Kal. Aug. Cucufas, Mart. 8 Kal. Aug. *Cudlacus, Abb. 3 Id. Apr. Cumbertus, Ep. et Conf. 2 Id. Nov. *Cuthbevtus, Ep. 13 Kal. Apr. Cuthbertus. 13 Kal. Apr. Cuthbertus, Ep. 3 Non. Nov. Cyprianus, Ep. et Mart. 18 Kal. Oct. Cyprianus, Ep. et Mart. 6 Kal. Oct. Cyprianus, Mart. 3 Id. Oct. Cyriacus, Diac. et Mart. 17 Kal. Apr. Cyriacus, Mart. 6 Id. Aug. Cyrilla, Mart. Kal. Aug. Cyrilla, Mart. 6 Kal. Nov. Cyrillus(Alexandr.),Ep.etConf. 5 Kal. Feb. Cyrillus, Ep. et Mart. 7 Id. Jul. "Cyrinus, Mart. 2 Id. Jun. Cyrion, Presb. et Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Cythinus, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. D. Dafrosa, Mart. 2 Non. Jan. Dalmacius, Mart. Non. Dec. Damasus. 5 Id. Nov. ' Damasus, Pap. 3 Id. Dec. Damasus, Papa. 3 Id. Dec. *Damianus. 5 Kal. Oct. Damianus, Mart. 5 Kal. Oct. Damianus. 5 Id. Nov. Daniel, Proph. 3 Id. Dec. Daria, Mart. 2 Id. Aug. Daria. 3 Kal. Dec. Dasius, Mart. 12 Kal. Nov. Dativa, Conf. 7 Id. Dec. Dativus. 4 Id. Sept. *David, Ep. et Conf. Kal. Mart. Dauid. Kal. Mart. Dauid, Rex. 4 Kal. Jan. Dedicatio Basilicee S. Genesii, Mart. 17 Kal. Jan. Dedicatio Basil. S. Geruasii. 1 1 Kal. Jan. Dedicatio S. Mariae Metens. 17 Kal. Dec. Dedicatio Basilica? Martini, Conf. 10 Kal. Jim. *Dedieacio Eccl. S. Micheae. Dublin. 2 Id. Maii. Dedicatio S. Salvatoris in Prumia. 7 Kal. Aug. Dedicatio Basilicas Syxti, Ypoliti, et Lauren- tii, Mart. 4 Non. Nov. Demetria, Virg. et Conf. 1 1 Kal. Jul. Demetrius, Mart. 8 Id. Oct. Demetrius, Ep. 4 Id. Nov. Demetrius. 1 1 Kal. Dec. Desiderius (Lingoniens), Ep. et Mart. 10 Kal. Jun. Desiderius ( Viennens ), Ep.et Mart. 1 Kal. J un. Desiderius, Lect. et Mart. 13 Kal. Oct. Diaconus. Id. Jul. XXV111 Didimus, Mart. 4 Kal. Maii. Digna, Mart. 2 Id. Aug. Dignus. 15 Kal. Jan. Dimidius. 1 1 Kal. Jan. Diodes. 9 Kal. Jun. Diomedes. 5 Id. Jun. Dionisia. Id. Maii. Dionisia, Conf. 7 Id. Dec. Dionisius. 6 Id. Feb. Dionisius, Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Dionisius. 1" Kal. Apr. Dionisius, Mart. 4 Id. Maii. Dionisius, Ep. 8 Id. Maii. Dionisius, Ep. et Conf. 8 Kal. Jun. Dionisius, Ep. et Mart. 5 Non. Oct. Dionisius, Ep. et Mart. 7 Id. Oct. Dionisius. 12 Kal. Dec. Dionisius. 7 Kal. Jan. Dioscorius, Lector, et Mart. 15 Kal. Jun. Dioscorus, Mart. 5 Kal. Mart. 'Divisio Apostolorum. Id. Jul. Divisio Apostolorum. Id. Jul. Dius. 4 Id. Jul. Domicianus, Abb. Kal. Jul. Domicianus, Mart. Kal. Aug. Domicius, Mart. 3 Non. Jul. Domna, Virg. 18 Kal. Maii. Doinnolus, Episc. 16 Kal. Jul. Donminus. 2 Non. Nov. Domninus. Non. Nov. Donata, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. Donata. 16 Kal. Nov. Donatianus, Mart. 9 Kal. Jun. Donatianus, Ep. et Conf. 8 Id. Sept. Donatilla, Virg. et Mart. 3 Kal. Aug. Donatus. 12 Kal. Jun. •Donatus, Ep. et Mart. 7 Id. Aug. Donatus, Ep. et Mart. 7 Id. Aug. Donatus, Presb. 14 Kal. Sept. Donatus, Mart. 10 Kal. Sept. Donatus. Non. Sept. Donatus. 7 Id. Nov. Donatus. 5 Id. Nov. Donatus. 17 Kal. Dec. Donatus, Mart. 2 Id. Dec. Donatus. 9 Kal. Jan. Donatus. 3 Kal. Jan. Donatus. 2 Kal. Jan. Dorinicio S. Marise. 8 Kal. Sept. Dorothea, Virg. 8 Id. Feb. Dorothea. 13 Kal. Nov. Dorotheus, Mart. 4 Id. Mart. Dorotheus, Mart. 5 Id. Sept. Dorotheus. 10 Kal. Nov. Drisius. 9 Kal. Jan. Dula, Mart. 8 Kal. Apr.' •Dulech, Ep. et Conf. 15 Kal. Dec. Dulech, Conf. 15 Kal. Dec. •Dunstanus, Archiep. et Conf. 14 Kal. Jun. Dunstanus, Archiep. 14 Kal. Jun. 'Dyonisius, Mart. 7 Id. Oct. 'Eadmundus, Cantuar. Archiep. 16 Kal. Dec. Eadmundus, Archiep. 16 Kal. Dec. •Eadmundus, Reg. et Mart. 12 Kal. Dec. Eadmundus, Rex et Mart. 12 Kal. Dec. •Eadwardus, Rex AngliajetConf. 15Kal. Apr. Eadwardus, Rex et Mart. 15 Kal. Apr. Ebrulfus, Conf. 4 Kal. Jan. 'Edanus, Ep. 2 Kal. Sept. Edan, Ep. et Conf. 2 Kal. Sept. •Edanus, Ep. et Conf. 2 Kal. Feb. Edanus, Ep. 2 Kal. Feb. •Edburga, Virg. 18 Kal. Jul. Edictus. Id. Nov. •Editha, Virg. Id. Jul. Effrem, Diac. Kal. Feb. Efrassius, Conf. Id. Maii. Egdunus, Presb. et Mart. 4 Id. Mart. 'Egidius, Abb. Kal. Sept. XXIX Egidius, Abb. et Conf. Kal. Sept. Eleazarus, Mart. 10 Kal. Sept. Eleusippus, Mart. 16 Kal. Feb. Eleusus, Mart. 19 Kal. Jan. Eleutherius, Ep. et Mart. 14 Kal. Maii. Eleutherius, Papa. 8 Kal. Jun. Eleutherius. 12 Kal. Aug. Eleutherius, Mart. 6 Non. Oct. 'Eleutherius, Mart. 7 Id. Oct. Eleutherius, Ep. et Mart. 7 Id. Oct. Eleutherius. 10 Kal. Jan. 'Eligius, Ep. et Conf. Kal. Dec. Eliphius, Mart. 17 Kal. Nov. •Elphegus, Ep. et Conf. 13 Kal. Maii. Elphegius, Arch, et Mart. 13 Kal. Maii. "Emerentiana. 10 Kal. Feb. Emerentiana, Virg. et Mart. 10 Kal. Feb. Emeritius. 2 Id. Dec. Emilianus. 6 Id. Feb. Emilianus, Conf. 7 Id. Dec. Emilius, Mart. 11 Kal. Jun. Erailius. 5 Kal. Jun. Erailius. 2 Non. Oct. Emmeraninus, Ep. et Mart. 10 Kal. Oct. Entimius, Diac. 3 Non. Maii. Eooldrus, Ep. 2 Non. Jul. *Epimachus, Mart. 6 Id. Maii. Epimachus, Mart. 6 Id. Maii. *Epiphania, Domini. 8 Id. Jan. Epiphania Domini. 8 Id. Jan. Epiphanius, Ep. 4 Id. Maii. Epiphanius. Non. Nov. Epipodius, Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. Epitetlus, Mart. 11 Kal. Sept. Eraclides, Mart. 4 Kal. Jul. Eraclius. 18 Kal. Dec. 'Erasmus, Ep. et Mart. 3 Non. Jun. Ermagoras, Ep. 4 Id. Jul. Ermellus, Mart. 3 Non. Aug. Ermogenes. Id. Nov. Ermoeenes, Mart. 2 Id. Dec. Esdras et Johel. 3 Id. Jul. Esicius, Mart. 6 Kal. Jun. Esippus, Pap. 7 Id. Apr. Esitius, Conf. Id. Maii. Esitius, Mart. 17 Kal. Jul. Etchan, Ep. 3 Id. Feb. •Ethelbertus, Rex et Mart. 13 Kal. Jun. •Ethelburga, Virg. 5 Id. Oct. •Etheldrida, Virg. 9 Kal. Jul. Etheldridis, Virg. et Reg. 9 Kal. Jul. Etnitherius, Mart. 5 Non. Mart. Euagrius. 3 Non. Apr. Euagrius. Kal. Oct. Euagrius. 4 Id. Oct. Eucherius, Ep. 18 Kal, Jul. Eucherius, Ep. 16 Kal. Dec. Eucherius. 4 Kal. Dec. Euellius, Mart. 16 Kal. Jun. Euentius, Ep. 3 Non. Feb. *Euentius, Mart. 5 Non. Maii. Euentius, Presb. et Mart. 5 Non. Maii. Euergisius, Ep. et Conf. Kal. Nov. *Eufemia, Virg. Id. Apr. *Eufemia. 16 Kal. Oct. Eufemia, Virg. et Mart. 16 Kal. Oct. Eufrasia, Virg. 3 Id. Feb. Eufrasina, Mart. Non. Maii. Eufrosina. Kal. Jan. Eugandus. Kal. Jan. Eugenia, Virg. et Mart. 8 Kal. Jan. Eugenius, Mart. 9 Kal. Feb. Eugenius, Mart. 5 Kal. Jul. Eugenius, Ep. et Conf. 3 Id. Jul. 'Eugenius, Ep. 10 Kal. Sept. Eugenius. 10 Kal. Jan. Eugentius, Mart. 2 Non. Jan. Euilasius, Mart. 12 Kal. Oct. Eulalia, Virg. et Mart. 2 Id. Feb. Eulalia, Virg. et Mart. 4 Id. Dec. Eulalia. 2 Id. Dec. Eulogius, Mart. 12 Kal. Feb. XXX Eulogius. 5 Non. Jul. Eumenia, Mart. 2 Id. Aug. Euodius, Ep. 2 Non. Maii. Euperpia, Mart. 2 Id. Aug. Euplius, Diac. et Mart. 2 Id. Aug. Euprepius, Mart. 5 Kal. Oct. Eusebius, Mart. 3 Non. Mart. Eusebius, Mart. 4 Kal. Maii. Eusebius, Ep. et Conf. Kal. Aug. •Eusebius, Conf. 19 Kal. Sept. Eusebius, Conf. et Presb. 19 Kal. Sept. Eusebius, Mart. 9 Kal. Sept. Eusebius, Pap. et Conf. 6 Non. Oct. Eusebius. 1 1 Kill. Nov. Eusebius. 2 Kal. Nov. Eusebius, Mon. Non. Nov. Eusebius, Mart. Id. Nov. Eusebius. 4 Kal. Dec. Eusebius, Ep. 6 Id. Dec. Eustachius, Ep. et Conf. 1 7 Kal. Aug. Eustachius. Kal. Nov. Eustachius, Mart. 4 Non. Nov. 'Eustaeius, Sociique. 4 Non. Nov. Eustasius, Abb. 4 Kal. Apr. Eustasius, Presb. 4 Id. Oct. Eustasius. 7 Id. Nov. Euthichius, Diac. et Mart. 12 Kal. Jun. Euthicus. Id. Nov. Eutiches, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Eutiches, Mart. Non. Sept. Eutichius. 3 Non. Oct. Euticianus, Mart. 6 Non. Jul. Euticianus, Pap. et Mart. 6 Id. Dec. Euticus. 3 Id. Dec. Eutropius, Ep. et Mart. 2 Kal. Maii. Eutropius, Ep. 6 Kal. Jun. Ewandali, Presbiteri et Mart. 5 Non. Oct. •Exaltatio Sanctae Cruras. 18 Kal. Oct. Exaltatio Crucis. 18 Kal. Oct. Expeditus, Mart. 13 Kal. Maii. Experia, Mart. 4 Non. Aug. Exuberius, Mart. 10 Kal. Oct. Exuperius, Mart. 13 Kal. Dec. Ezechiel, Proph. 4 Id. Apr. F. 'Fabianus, Mart. 13 Kal. Feb. Fabianus, Ep. et Mart. 13 Kal. Feb. Fabius, Mart. 2 Kal. Aug. Fausta, Virg. et Mart. 12 Kal. Oct. Faustinus, Mart. 4 Kal. Aug. Faustinus, Mart. 7 Id. Aug. Faustinus, Mart. 4 Kal. Oct. Faustinus. 15 Kal. Nov. Faustinus, Mart. 6 Kal. Dec. Faustus. 5 Id. Nov. Faustus. 3 Id. Oct. Faustus, Mart. 13 Kal. Dec. Faustus. 10 Kal. Dec. Fecundianus. 16 Kal. Dec. Felan. 5 Id. Jan. *Felicianus, Mart. 5 Id. Jun. Felicianus, Mart. 5 Id. Jun. Felicianus, Mart. 12 Kal. Aug. Felicianus, Mart. 4 Kal. Nov. Felicianus. 3 Id. Nov. Felicianus, Mart. 13 Kal. Dec. Felicissimus. 7 Kal. Jun. Felicissiraus, Mart. 6 Non. Jul. 'Felicissimus, Mart. 8 Id. Aug. Felicissimus, Diac. et Mart. 8 Id. Aug. Felicissimus, Mart. 3 Kal. Nov. •Felicitas. Non. Mart. Felicitas, Mart. Non. Mart. •Felicitas, Mart. 9 Kal. Dee. Felicitas, Mart. 9 Kal. Dec. Felicula, Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Felicula, Virg. et Mart. Id. Jun. Felix, Presb. et Conf. 19 Kal. Feb. Felix, Mart. 2 Id. Feb. Felix, Ep. et Conf. 9 Kal. Mart. XXXI Felix, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Felix, Conf. 1 1 Kal. Maii. Felix, Presb. et Mart. 9 Kal. Maii. Felix, Mart. 6 Id. Maii. Felix. 5 Kal. Jun. Felix, Pap. et Mart. 3 Kal. Jun. Felix, Mart. 3 Id. Jun. Felix, Mart. 6 Non. Jul. Felix (Rom.), Mart. 6 Id. Jul. Felix (African.), Mart. 6 Id. Jul. Felix, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. 'Felix. 4 Kal. Aug. Felix, Papa et Mart. 4 Kal. Aug. Felix, Mart. Kal. Aug. Felix, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Sept. •Felix, Mart. 3 Kal. Sept. Felix, Mart. 3 Kal. Sept. Felix, Ep. et Mart. 4 Id. Sept. Felix (alter), Mart. 4 Id. Sept. Felix, Mart. 13 Kal. Oct. Felix, Mart. 8 Kal. Oct. Felix, Mart. 3 Id. Oct. Felix. 9 Kal. Nov. Felix, Presb. Non. Nov. Felix, Mart. 8 Id. Nov. Felix. 3 Non. Dec. Felix, Ep. 1 1 Kal. Jan. Felix. 4 Kal. Jan. •Felix in Pincis. 19 Kal. Feb. Feriolus, Mart. 14 Kal. Oct. Ferriolus, Presb. et Mart. 16 Kal. Jul. Ferrutio, Diacon. et Mart. 16 Kal. Jul. Festus, Diac. et Mart. 13 Kal. Oct. Festus. 12 Kal. Jan. Fidentianus. 17 Kal. Dec. Fides, Virg. et Mart. 2 Non. Oct. Fides, Virg. et Mart. 2 Non. Oct. Filatus. Kal. Dec. Filoromus, Mart. 2 Non. Feb. Filuminus, Mart. 18 Kal. Dec. •Finanus, Ep. et Conf. 17 Kal. Apr. Finnchua, Conf. 7 Kal. Dec. •Finniands, Ep. et Conf. 2 Id. Dec. Finnianus, Ep. et Conf. 2 Id. Dec. "Fintanus, Ep. et Conf. 13 Kal. Mart. Fintanus, Conf. 13 Kal. Mart. Fintanus, Conf. 9 Kal. Mart. •Fintanus, Ep. et Conf. 6 Id. Oct. Firminus, Ep. et Mart. 7 Kal. Oct. Flavia Domitilla, Mart. Non. Maii. Flavianus. 9 Kal. Nov. Flavius, Mart. Non. Maii. Florentia, Mart. 4 Id. Nov. Florentius, Ep. et Mart. 3 Non. Jan. Florentius. Id. Jul. Florentius, Mart. 6 Id. Oct. Florentius, Ep. 16 Kal. Nov. Florentius. 7 Kal. Nov. Florentius. 3 Kal. Jan. Florianus, Mart. 4 Non. Maii. Florius. 12 Kal. Jan. Focas, Mart. 3 Non. Mart. Focas, Ep. 2 Id. Jul. Focas. 12 Kal. Jan. Foilanus, Mart. 2 Kal. Nov. Fortunata. Id. Oct. Fortunatus. 8 Id. Dec. Fortunatus. 4 Non. Dec. Fortunatus, Diac. et Mart. 9 Kal. Maii. Fortunatus, Conf. 1 1 Kal. Maii. Fortunatus, Mart. 3 Id. Jun. •Francissus, Conf. 4 Non. Oct. Francissus, Conf. 4 Non. Oct. •Fredeswida, Virg. 14 Kal. Nov. Fretheswide, Virg. 14 Kal. Nov. Frominus, Ep. et Conf. 6 Kal. Aug. Frontimis (sc. Frontonis), Abb. 18 Kal. Maii. Fronto, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Frontonius. 8 Kal. Nov. Fructuosa, Mart. 10 Kal. Sept. Fructuosa. 17 Kal. Dec. Fructuosus, Mart. 12 Kal. Feb. xxxn Frumentius, Mart. 10 Kal. Ap. Fulgentius, Ep. et Conf. Kal. Jan. Fulgentius. Non. Dec. Furddranus, Conf. 14 Kal. Jul. 'Furseus, Abb. 17 Kal. Feb. Fdrsecs, Conf. et Abb. 17 Kal. Feb. Fuscianus, Mart. 3 Id. Dec. Fuseulus, Ep. et Conf. 8 Id. Sept. 'Fusianus, Mart. 3 Id. Dee. G. Gabilius, Mart. 3 Kal. Jun. Gabinus, Presb. 11 Kal. Mart. •Gacianus, Ep. 15 Kal. Jan. Gade Eumenia (pro Gaii vel Caii de Eumenia, scil. Prognatus Vide Martvrol. Usuardi). 6 Id. Mart. Gades, Mart. 6 Id. Mart. Gagius, Mart. 13 Kal. Maii. Gagius, Ep. et Conf. Kal. Jul. Gaius, Mart. 4 Non. Mart. Gaius, Pap. et Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. Gaius. 4 Non. Oct. Gaius, Mart. 12 Kal. Nov. Galatba, Mart. 13 Kal. Maii. Gallicanus, Mart. 7 Kal. Jul. Gallus, Conf. 17 Kal. Nov. Gamaliel. 3 Non. Aug. •Gaugerius, Ep. et Conf. 3 Id. Aug. Gelasius, Pap. 14 Kal. Dec. •Geminianus, Mart. 16 Kal. Oct. Geminianus. 16 Kal. Oct. Geminus, Mart. 2 Non. Jan. Genesius (Arelat.) Mart. 8 Kal. Sept. Genesus (Rom.) Mart. 8 Kal. Sept. Gengulfus, Mart. 5 Id. Maii. Genofeua, Virg. 3 Non. Jan. Genralis, Mart. 18 Kal. Oct. *Gentianus, Mart. 3 Id. Dec. Gentianus, Mart. 3 Id. Dec. •Georgius, Mart. 9 Kal. Maii. Georgius, Mart. 9 Kal. Maii. Gereon, cum Soc. Mart. 6 Id. Oct. Geretrudes, Virg. 16 Kal. Apr. Germanicus, Mart. 14 Kal. Feb. Germanus, Ep. et Conf. 5 Kal. Jun. *Germanus, Ep. 2 Kal. Aug. Germanus, Ep. et Conf. 2 Kal. Aug. Germanus, Ep. et Conf. 8 Id. Sept. •Germanus, Ep. Kal. Oct. Germanus, Ep. et Conf. Kal. Oct. Germanus. 3 Non. Nov. Germanus, Mart. 2 Id. Nov. Germanus. Id. Nov. Gerontus. 5 Id. Dec. Gerosa, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. •Geruasius, Mart. 13 Kal. Jul. Gervasius, Mart. 13 Kal. Jul. Getulius, Mart. 4 Id. Jun. •Gildardus, Ep. et Conf. 6 Id. Jun. Glodesindes, Virg. 8 Kal. Aug. Goar, Conf. 2 Non. Jul. •Gordianus, Mart. 6 Id. Maii. Gordianus, Mart. 6 Id. Maii. Gordianus. 15 Kal. Oct. Gorgonius, Mart. 4 Id. Mart. *Gorgonius, Mart. 5 Id. Sept. Gorgonius, Mart. 5 Id. Sept. Gregorius, Papa. Id. Feb. Gregorius, Ep. 7 Id. Mart. •Gregorius, Pap. et Conf. 4 Id. Mart. Gregorius, Pap. 4 Id. Mart. Gregorius, Ep. 7 Id. Maii. Gregorius, Ep. et Mart. 5 Non. Jul. Gregorius, Conf. et Presb. 19 Kal. Sept. Gregorius. 2 Non. Nov. Gregorius, Ep. et Mart. 15 Kal. Dec. Gregorius, Ep. et Conf. 14 Kal. Jan. Gregorius, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Jan. •Grisogonus, Mart. 8 Kal. Dec. Grisogonus, Mart. 8 Kal. Dec. xxxm Guddene, Virg. 16 Kal. Aug. Gunterannus, Rex. 5 Kal. Apr. H. Hedistius. 4 Id. Oct. Helimenas, Presb. et Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. Heliseus, Propheta. 18 Kal. Jul. Helpidius, Ep. et Conf. 4 Non. Sept. Hera. 4 Kal. Jul. Herachius. 7 Kal. Jun. Herasinus, Ep. et Mart. 3 Non. Jun. Hercualus, Ep. et Mart. 7 Id. Nov. Herculanus. Non. Sept. Hereis, Mart. 4 Kal. Jul. Heremes. 1 1 Kal. Nov. Herene, Virg. et Mart. Non. Apr. Hermes, Mart. 5 Kal. Sept. Hermes. 4 Non. Nov. Hermigildus, Rex et Mart. Id. Apr. Hermogenes. 15 Kal. Maii. Hermogenes, Mart. 13 Kal. Maii. Hermogenes. 8 Id. Dee. Hermoleus, Presb. et Mart. 6 Kal. Aug. Hilaria, Mart. 3 Non. Dee. Hilarius (Pictav.) Ep. et Conf. Id. Jan. Hirene, Mart. 3 Non. Maii. Hireneus, Mart. 4 Id. Feb. Honesiphorus. 8 Id. Sept. Honoratus, Ep. 17 Kal. Feb. Honoratus. 16 Kal. Dec. Honoratus. 15 Kal. Jan. Honoratus, Ep. et Conf. 12 Kal. Jan. Honorius. 3 Kal. Jan. Horres, Mart. 3 Id. Mart. Hylaria, Mart. 2 Id. Aug. Hylarinus, Mart. 17 Kal. Aug. Hylarion. 12 Kal. Nov. 'Hylarius, (Pictav.) Conf. Id. Jan. Hylarius, Ep. et Conf. 3 Non. Maii. Hyreneus, Ep. 8 Kal. Apr. IRISH ARCH SOC. 4. Hyreneus, Diac. 7 Kal. Apr. Hyreneus, Mart. 3 Non. Maii. Hyreneus, Ep. et Mart. 4 Kal. Jul. Hylarinus, Monach. 7 Id. Aug. I. lacinctus, Mart. 4 Id. Feb. Iacinctus, Mart. 7 Kal. Aug. lacinctus. 5 Id. Sept. 'Iacinctus, Mart. 3 Id. Sept. lacinctus, Mart. 3 Id. Sept. Iacobus, Presb. et Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. Iacobus, Mart. 2 Kal. Maii. Iacobus, Ap. Kal. Maii. Iacobus, Ep. et Conf. Id. Jul. 'Iacobus, Apost. 8 Kal. Aug. Iacobus, Apost. 8 Kal. Aug. Iader, Mart. 4 Id. Sept. Ianuaria, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. lanuarius, Mart. 6 Id. Maii. Ianuarius (African.) Mart. 6 Id. Jul. lanuarius (Rom.) Mart. 6 Id. Jul. Ianuarius, Mart. 5 Id. Jul. Ianuarius. Id. Jul. Ianuarius, Mart. 8 Id. Aug. Ianuarius, Ep. et Mart. 13 Kal. Oct. Ianuarius, Mart. 4 Kal. Oct. Ianuarius. 13 Kal. Nov. Iason, Mart. 3 Non. Dec. Ieremias, Proph. Kal. Mali. *Ieronimus, Presb. 2 Kal. Oct. leronimus, Presb. 2 Kal. Oct. Iginus, Pap. et Conf. 4 Id. Jan. Ignatius, Mart. 2 Non. Feb. 'Ignatius, Ep. et Mart. Kal. Feb. Ignatius, Ep. Kal. Feb. 'Ignatius, Ep. 10 Kal. Jan. Ignatius, Ep. et Mart. 16 Kal. Jan. Ihesu et Gedeon, Proph. Kal. Sept. Indaletius, Conf. Id. Maii. XXS1V Infantes Bethleem. 5 Kal. Jan. *Innocentium Festivitas. 5 Kal. Jan. Innocentius, Pap. 4 Id. Mart. Innocentius. 4 Non. Jul. Innocentius, Mart. 10 Kal. Oct. Innocentius, Ep. 12 Kal. Jan. Inventio Capitis Johan. Baptists. 6 Kal. Mart. Inventio Celsi. Id. Dec. Inventio Corporis S. Maurinii. 3 Id. Oct. Inventio Corporis Stephani Protom. 3 Non. Aug. •Inuencic Crueis. 5 Non. Maii. Inuencio Crueis. 5 Non. Maii. Inventio Nazarii. Id. Dec. Inventio Prothasii. Id. Dec. "Inventio Stephani, Prothomartiris. 3 Non. Aug. lob, Propheta. 6 Id. Maii. Iohanna. 9 Kal. Jun. Iohannes Crisostomus, Ep. 6 Kal. Fell. Iohannes. 14 Kal. Apr. Iohannes, Herem. 6 Kal. Apr. Iohannes, Pap. et Conf. 5 Kal. Jun. Iohannes, Presb. et Mart. 9 Kal. Jul. "Iohannes, Mart. G Kal. Jul. Iohannes, Mart. 6 Kal. Jul. Iohannes, Presb. 15 Kal. Sept. Iohannes, Mart. C Kal. Sept. Iohannes, Mart. 7 Id. Sept. Iohannes. 3 Non. Dec. Iohannes. 12 Kal. Jan. Iohannes, Presb. 10 Kal. Jan. •Iohannes, Apost. et Evang. 6 Kal. Jan. Iohannes, Apost. et Evang. 6 Kal. Jan. •Iohannes, Ap. ante port. Lat. 2 Non. Maii. Iohannes, ante port. Lat. 2 Non. Maii. •Iohannes de Beverlaco, Ep. Non. Maii. • lohannis Baptists Nativitas. 8 Kal. Apr. •Iohannis Baptists Nativitas. 8 Kal. Jul. •lohannis Baptist* Decollatio. 4 Kal. Apr. 'Iohannis Baptistse Decollatio. 4 Kal. Sept. lohannis Baptists Decollatio. 4 Kal. Sept. Ionilla, Mart. 16 Kal. Feb. Ioseph (Cogn. Justus.) 14 Kal. Aug. Ionianus, Lector. 3 Non. Maii. Isayas et Johel, Prophett. 2 Non. Jul. Iucundianus, Mart. 4 Non. Jul. Iliua, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Iulia, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Jun. Iulia. Id. Jul. Iulia, Mart. Non. Oct. Iulia, Virg. 4 Id. Dec. •Iuliana, Virg. 14 Kal. Mart. Iuliana, Virg. 14 Kal. Mart. Iuliana, Mart. 7 Id. Aug. Iulianus, Mart. 5 Id. Jan. •Iulianus, Ep. et Conf. 2 Kal. Feb. Iulianus. 14 Kal. Mart. Iulianus, Mart. 3 Kal. Mart. Iulianus, Ep. et Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. Iulianus, Mart. 5 Kal. Jul. Iulianus. 13 Kal. Aug. Iulianus (Brivat.), Mart. 5 Kal. Sept. Iulianus (Sancton.), Ep. et Conf. 5 Kal. Sept. Iulianus, Presb. et Mart. Kal. Nov. Iulianus. 13 Kal. Jan. Iulianus. 7 Kal. Jan. •Iulita. 10 Kal. Jul. Iulita, Mart. 16 Kal. Jul. Iulita. 7 Id. Nov. Iulius, Ep. et Conf. 2 Id. Apr. lulius, Ep. et Conf. Id. Apr. Iulius, Mart. 6 Kal. Jun. Iulius, Senator et Mart. 14 Kal. Sept. Iulius. 4 Kal. Dec. Iusta. Id. Jul. Iusta, Mart. 15 Kal. Aug. Iusti, Adventus Corporis. 2 Non. Aug. "Iustina, Virg. 6 Kal. Oct. lustina, Virg. et Mart. 6 Kal. Oct. Iustinus, Mart. 5 Kal. Jul. XXXV Iustinus, Subdiac. et Mart. IGKal. Sept. Iustinus, Presb. et. Conf. 15 Kal. Oct. Iustus, Ep. 4 Non. Maii. lustus, Ep. et Conf. 4 Non. Aug. Iustus, Mart. 8 Id. Aug. Iustus, Ep. 9 Non. Sept. Iustus. 2 Id. Oct. Iustus. 4 Non. Nov. Iustus. 6 Id. Nov. Iuuenalis, Ep. et Conf. 5 Non. Maii. luuenalis, Mart. Nun. Maii. K. Kalendion. 4 Kal. Nov. *Katerina, Virg. et Mart. 7 Kal. Dec. Katerina, Virg. et Mart. 7 Kal. Dec. Keneburga, Virg. 7 Kal. Jul. "Kenelnms, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. Kenelmus, Rex et Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. 'Kenneburga, Virg. 7 Kal. Jul. 'Keranus, Abb. 5 Id. Sept. Kiliancs, Mart. 8 Id. Jul. L. 'Lactanus, Ep. et Conf. 14 Kal. Apr. Lactanus. 14 Kal. Apr. Largus, Mart. 17 Kal. Apr. •Lasrianus, Ep. et Conf. 14 Kal. Maii. 'Lasrianus, Conf. 2 Id. Sept. •Laurencius, Mart. 4 Id. Aug. Laurencius, Mart. 16 Kal. Sept. 'Laurencius, Archiep. etConf. 18 Kal. Dec. Laurencius, Archiep. et Conf. 18 Kal. Dec. Laurentius, Arch, et Mart. 4 Id. Aug. Laurentinus, Mart. 3 Non. Feb. Laurentinus, Mart. 3 Non. Jun. Laurianus, Mart. 4 Non. Jul. Lazarus. 16 Kal. Jan. •Lauibertus, Ep. et Mart. 15 Kal. Oct. Lambertus, Ep. et Mart. 15 Kal. Oct. Leander, Ep. et. Conf. 3 Kal. Mart. Legoncius, Ep. et Conf. 12 Kal. Mart. *Leo, Pap. 3 Id. Apr. *Leo, Pap. 4 Kal. Jul. Leo, Papa. 4 Kal. Jul. Leo, Papa. 5 Non. Jul. •Leo. 16 Kal. Aug. Leo, Ep. 4 Id. Nov. Leochadia. 2 Id. Feb. Leochadia, Virg. et Conf. 5 Id. Dec. 'Leodgarius, Ep. et Mart. 6 Non. Oct. Leodgarius, Ep. et Mart. 6 Non. Oct. Leogatus, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Nov. •Leonardus, Abb. et Conf. 8 Id. Nov. Leonardus, Abb. et Conf. 8 Id. Nov. Leoncius, Mart. 5 Kal. Oct. Leoncius. 10 Kal. Dec. Leonilla, Mart. 16 Kal. Feb. Leontia, Conf. 7 Id. Dec. Letacius, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. Letania major ad S. Petrum. 7 Kal. Maii Letus, Ep. et Mart. 8 Id. Sept. Leuchadius, Conf. Id. Dec. Leucius, Conf. 3 Id. Jan. Leucius, Mart. 5 Kal. Feb. Liberatus, Abb. et Mart. 16 Kal. Sept. Liberatus. 13 Kal. Jan. Libosus. 4 Kal. Jun. Licia, Mart. 14 Kal. Oct. Linus, Ep. et Mart. 10 Kal. Mart. •Linus, Pap. et Mart. 6 Kal. Dec. Linus, Pap. 6 Kal. Dec. Lomanus. 4 Non. Sept. Longinus, Mart. 12 Kal. Aug. Longinus, Mart. Kal. Sept. Longinus. 10 Kal. Dec. Loth, Proph. 6 Id. Oct. Lucas, Diac. et Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. •Lucas, Euang. 15 Kal. Nov. Lucas, Euangel. 15 Kal. Nov. e 2 XXXVI * Lucia, Mart. 16 Kal. Oct. Lucia, Mart. 16 Kal. Oct. * Lucia, Virg. et Mart. Id. Dec. Lucia, Virg. et Mart. Id. Dec. Lucianus, Presb. et Mart. 7 Id. Jan. Lucianus. 6 Id. Jan. Lucianus. 5 Kal. Jun. Lueilla, Mart. 4 Non. Aug. Lucina. 2 Kal. Jul. Lucius, Pap. et Mart. 4 Non. Mart. Lucius, Ep. 2 Non. Maii. Lucius, Ep. et Mart. 4 Id. Sept. Lucius. 16 Kal. Nov. Lucius. 7 Kal. Nov. Lucius. Kal. Dec. Lugudos, Abb. et Conf. 7 Kal. Jul. Lupercius, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Lupicinus, Abb. 12 Kal. Apr. Lupicinus Ep. 19 Kal. Jan. Luppus, Ep. et Conf. 4 Kal. Aug. Lupus. Episc. Kal. Sept. Lupus, Ep. 7 Kal. Oct. Lupus. 2 Id. Oct. Luteus, Mart. 4 Id. Sept. M. Macedonius. 3 Id. Mart. 'Macbabei. Kal. Aug. Machabei. Kal. Aug. •Macharius, Abb. 10 Kal. Feb. Macharius. 4 Non. Jan. Macharius, Abb. 18 Kal. Feb. Macharius. 6 Id. Nov. 'Machutus, Ep. et Conf. 17 Kal. Dec. Macnisius. 4 Non. Sept. Macra, Virg. 8 Id. Jan. Macrinus. 15 Kal. Oct. Macrobius. 13 Kal. Aug. *Macthail, Ep. 3 Id. Jun. *Maculinus, Ep. et Conf. 8 Id. Sept. Macuxinus, Ep. et Conf. 8 Id. Sept. Madales, Mart. 4 Id. Jun. Madalueus. 5 Non. Oct. Mvelrubaus, Conf. 1 1 Kal. Maii. Maelruein, Conf. Non. Jul. Magna. 3 Non. Dec. Magnus, Mart. 8 Id. Aug. •Magnus, Mart. 14 Kal. Sept. •Magrus, Abb. 5 Non. Mart. 'Maignenus, Ep. 15 Kal. Jan. Maignenus, Conf. 15 Kal. Jan. *MalaChias, Ep. et Conf. 3 Non. Nov. Malachias, Ep. et Conf. 3 Non. Nov. Malcus, Mart. 5 Kal. Apr. Mallosus, Mart. 6 Id. Oct. Mamertus, Ep. 5 Id. Maii. Mammetes, Mart. 16 Kal. Sept. Mamnes, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Mampalicus, Mart. 15 Kal. Maii. Manahen. 9 Kal. Jun. Manca. Mart. 6 Kal. Sept. Mansuetus, Ep. et Conf. 3 Non. Sept. Mansuetus, Ep. et Conf. 8 Id. Sept. Mansuetus, Ep. et Mart. Kal. Dec. Mansuetus. 3 Kal. Jan. Marcella. 4 Kal. Jul. Marcellianus, Mart. 14 Kal. Jul. Marcellinus, Mart. 4 Non. Jan. Marcellinus, Ep. et Conf. 12 Kal. Maii. Marcellinus, Papa. 6 Kal. Maii. Marcellinus, Presb. et Mart. 4 Non. Jun. •Marcellinus, Mart. 14 Kal. Jul. Marcellinus, Mart. 6 Kal. Sept. 'Marcellus, Pap. et Mart. 17 Kal. Feb. Mareellus, Pap. et Mart. 17 Kal. Feb. "Marcellus, Mart. 4 Non. Jun. Marcellus, Mart. 2 Non. Sept. Marcellus. 2 Non. Oct. •Marcellus, Mart. Non. Oct. Marcellus, Mart. Non. Oct. Marcellus, Mart. 4 Kal. Nov. XXXV11 Marcellus, Ep. et Conf. Kal.Nov. Marcellus. 16 Kal. Dec. Marcia, Mart. 14 Kal. Jul. Marcia, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Jul. Marcia, Mart. 6 Non. Jul. Marcia. 3 Id. Oct. Marcia. Non. Nov. Marcialis, Episc. et Conf. 2 Kal. Jul. Marcialis, Mart. 6 Id. Jul. Marcialis, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Sept. Marcialis, Mart. 4 Kal. Oct. Marcialis. 4 Kal. Nov. Marcialis. 5 Id. Nov. Marcialis. 17 Kal. Dec. Marcianus, Mart. 2 Non. Jan. Marcianus. Non. Jun. Marcianus, Mart. 9 Kal. Nov. Marcianus. 7 Kal. Jan. Marcialius, Mart. 4 Non. Oct. Marcialia, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Marcionilla, Mart. 5 Id. Jan. Mareiscus, Mart. 4 Non. Jan. Marcus, Mart. 3 Id. Mart. •Marcus, Evang. 7 Kal. Maii. Marcus, Evang. 7 Kal. Maii. •Marcus, Mart. 14 Kal. Jul. Marcus, Mart. 14 Kal. Jul. Marcus, Mart. 4 Non. Oct. •Marcus, Mart. Non. Oct. Marcus, Ep. et Conf. Non. Oct. Marcus. 16 Kal. Dec. Mardonius, Mart. 9 Kal. Feb. Mareas, Ep. et Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. •Margareta, Virg. 13 Kal. Aug. Margareta, Virg. 13 Kal. Aug. 'Maria ad Martires. 3 Id. Maii. Maria ad Martyres. 3 Id. Maii. Mariae, B. Virg. Natalis. Kal. Nov. •Marie, B. Virg. Nativitas. Id. Sept. "Marie, B. V. Visitacio. 6 Non. Jul. Maria Egiptiaca. 5 Id. Apr. •Maria Magdalene. 1 1 Kal. Aug. Maria Magdalene. 1 1 Kal. Aug. Mariandus. 7 Kal. Nov. Mariminus, Mart. 12 Kal. Mart. Marina. Kal. Dec. Marinus, Miles et Mart. 5 Non. Mart. Marinus, Mart. 6 Id. Jul. Marius, Mart. 14 Kal. Feb. Maro, Mart. Non. Sept. Marseus. Id. Jul. Martha. 16 Kal. Jan. Martha, Mart. 14 Kal. Feb. Martiana, Virg. et Mart. 5 Id. Jan. Martina, Virg. et Mart. Kal. Jan. •Martinianus, Mart. 6 Non. Jul. Martinianus, Mart. 6 Non. Jul. Martinus, Ep. Kal. Jul. Martinus, Pap. 4 Id. Nov. •Martinus, Ep. et Conf. 3 Id. Nov. Martinus, Ep. et Conf. 3 Id. Nov. Martinus. 3 Non. Dec. Martinus, Abb. 7 Id. Dec. Martirius, Mart. 4 Kal. Jun. Martyres n. 8 Kal. Jun. Martyres m. Milites. 6 Non. Jul. Martyres m. 4 Non. Aug. Martyres iv. 17 Kal. Maii. Martyres vn., Mulieres. 15 Kal Mart. Martyres vn. 16 Kal. Maii. Martyres vn. 4 Id. Mart. Martyres vn. 6 Id. Oct. Martyres ix. 3 Non. Mart. Martyres x., Milites. 4 Id. Feb. Martyres x., Infantes. Id. Jul. Martyres x. 13 Kal. Aug. Martyres x. 8 Id. Nov. Martyres xn. 10 Kal. Sept. Martyres xn. 17 Kal. Dec. Martyres xvm. 5 Kal. Jul. Martyres xvm. 6 Id. Nov. Martyres xvm. 7 Id. Aug. XXXV11 Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres Martyres xx. 8 Id. Jun. xx. 4 Id. Jun. xxi. 6 Id. Aug. XXI. XXII. XXII. XXIII. xxv. xxx. XXX. xxx. xxx. XXXIV 18 Kal. Oct. 7 Kal. Jun. 2 Id. Dee. 6 Id. Sept. 10 Kal. Jan. 4 Non. Jul. 3 Non. Oct. 15 Kal. Jan. 1 1 Kal. Jan. , 8 Kal. Maii. xl., Milites. Id. Jan. XL., Milites. 5 Id. Mart. xl. 4 Non. Maii. xlii. 7 Kal. Mart. xlii. 6 M. Mart. xlii. 6 Id. Maii. xlvih. 2 Id. Mart. xlviii. 4 Non. Jun. xnx. 14 Kal. Nov. lxv. 4 Id. Aug. lxviii. 6 Id. Maii. lxx., Milites. 3 Non. Dec. lxxvi.. Milites. 9 Kal. Aug. lxxix. 9 Kal. Mart. ccxx. 4 Kal. Nov. ccxlii. 15 Kal. Jul. ccl. 10 Kal. Maii. cclx. Kal. Mart. cclxx. 17 Kal. Nov. ccc. 9 Kal. Sept. cccx. 7 Id. Maii. tccxviii. 6 Id. Oct. cccxxx. 6 Id. Oct. ccclx. Id. Oct. dcccxxx. 10 Kal. Jan. cm. 4 Non. Mart. iimdxcvii. 14 Kal. Sept. etConf.,ivMDCcccLxxvi. 3 Id. Oct. Martyres vm. 14 Kal. Mart. Martyres Thebei vimdclxvi. 10 Kal. Oct. Martyres xccm. 8 Id. Jul. Martyres sii. 12 Kal. Nov. Martyres Plurimi in Perside. 10 Kal. Maii. Martyres Plurimi Roma?. 4 Id. Apr. Martyres Tyri. 10 Kal. Mart. Maternus, Ep. et Conf. 18 Kal. Oct. •Matheus, Apost. et Evang. 11 Kal. Oct. Matheus, Apost. 1 1 Kal. 0~t. Matliias, Ep. 3 Kal. Feb. •Mathias, Apost. 6 Kal. Mart. Matliias, Apost. 6 Kal. Mart. Matrona, Mart. Id. Mart. "Mauricius Sociique. 10 Kal. Oct. Mauricius, Mart. 10 Kal. Oct. Mauritius. 2 Kal. Dec. Mauritius, Abb. et Mart. 4 Id. Jun. *Maurus, Abb. 18 Kal. Feb. Maurus, Abb. 18 Kal. Feb. Maurus, Abb. 6 Kal. Feb. Maurus, Miles, et Mart. 4 Kal. Feb. Maurus, Pontif. et Conf. 2 Non. Sept. Maurus. 3 Kal. Dec. Maurus, Mart. 3 Non. Dec. Maxima, Mart. 7 Kal. Apr. Maxima, Virg. 17 Kal. Jun. Maxima, Virg. et Mart. 3 Kal. Aug. Maxima, Virg. et Mart. 9 Kal. Nov. Maximilianus, Mart. 4 Id. Mart. Maxiniianus, Mart. 2 Kal. Maii. Maximinianus, Mart. 12 Kal. Sept. Maximinus. 13 Kal. Aug. 'Maximus, Mart. 18 Kal. Maii. Maximus, Mart. 18 Kal. Maii. Maximus, Mart. 2 Kal. Maii. Maximus, Ep. 4 Kal. Jun. Maximus, Mart. Hi Kal. Sept. Maximus. 13 Kal. Dec. Maximus, Presb. et Mart. 13 Kal. Dec. •Maximus, Ep. 5 Kal. Dec. XXXIX Maximus, Ep. 5 Kal. Dec. Mectail. 3 Id. .Tun. Medardius, Ep. et Conf. 6 Id. Jun. •Medardus, Ep. et Conf. 6 Id. Jun. Mel, Ep. 8 Id. Feb. Melanus, Ep. et Conf. 8 Id. Nov. Meleusippus, Mart. 10 Kal. Feb. Melitus, Ep. et Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. Mellitus, Mart. 9 Kal. Feb. Mellitus, Ep. et Conf. 8 Kal. Maii. •Melus. Ep. 8 Id. Feb. Menander, Mart. Kal. Aug. Menisius, Conf. Id. Jun. "Menna, Mart. 3 Id. Nov. Mennas, Mart. 3 Id. Nov. Merobus. 3 Non. Dec. Messianus. 6 Id. Jan. Metranus, Mart. 2 Kal. Feb. Metrobius. 9 Kal. Jan. " Michael, Archangelus. 3 Kal. Oct. Michael, Archangelus. 3 Kal. Oct. 'Michael in Monte Tumba. 17 Kal. Nov. *Micheas, Conf. 8 Kal. Sept. Micheas, Ep. et Conf. 8 Kal. Sept. Milburga, Virg. 7 Kal. Mart. 'Mildreda, Virg. 3 Id. Jul. Mineruus, Mart. 10 Kal. Sept. Mocthels, Conf. 14 Kal. Sept. Modesta. 3 Id. Mart. Modestius. 2 Id. Feb. *Modestus, Mart. 17 Kal. Jul. Modestus, Mart. 17 Kal. Jul. Modestus, Mart. 4 Id. Nov. Monegundis, Virg. Kal. Jul. 'Monoccs, Abb. 18 Kal. Jan. Montanus, Presb. et Mart. 7 Kal. Apr. 'Monus, Conf. 4 Id. Oct. Moses, Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Moseus, Mart. 15 Kal. Feb. Mosonus, Mart. 9 Kal. Feb. Mothodius, Mart. 14 Kal. Oct. Moyses, Propheta. 2 Non. Sept. Moyses, Ep. 7 Id. Feb. Moysis, Mart. 14 Kal. Jan. 'Mulhurga, Virg. 7 Kal. Mart. *Munna, Ep. 4 Kal. Mart. Mutus, Diac. et Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. N. * Nabor, Mart. 2 Id. Jun. Nabor. Mart. 2 Id. Jun. Nabor, Mart. 6 Id. Jul. Narcissus, Mart. 15 Kal. Oct. Narthalus, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. Nason. 4 Id. Jul. Natalia. 6 Id. Sept. *Nati vitas Domini. 8 Kal. Jan. Nativitas Domini. 8 Kal. Jan. *Nativitas Johannis Baptista?. 8 Kal. Apr. Nativitas Johannis Baptista?. 8 Kal. Jul. * Nativitas Maria?, Virg. 6 Id. Sept. Nativitas Maria?. 6 Id. Sept. Naualis. 17 Kal. Jan. 'Nazarius, Mart. 2 Id. Jun. Nazarius, Mart. (Mediol.) 2 Id. Jun. Nazarius, Mart. (Ebredun.) 2 Id. Jun. Neapolis, Mart. 6 Non. Maii. Naceta, Mart. 9 Kal. Aug. Nectarius, Ep. Kal. Aug. Nemesianus, Ep. et Mart. 4 Id. Sept. Nemesius, Mart. 5 Kal. Jul. Nemesius, Mart. 4 Non. Aug. Neoforus. 13 Kal. Dec. Neon, Mart. 16 Kal. Feb. •Nereus. 4 Id. Maii. Nereus, Mart. 4 Id. Maii. Nereus. 17 Kal. Nov. Nessani filii. Id. Mart. Nestor, Ep. 4 Kal. Mart. Nicander. Non. Jun. Nicanor, Diac. 4 Id. Jan. xl Nicanor, Mart. Non. Apr. •Nicasius, et Socii. 4 Id. Oct. Nicasius, Ep. 5 Id. Oct. Nicea. 14 Kal. Nov. Nicecius, Ep. et Mart. 16 Kal. Maii. Nicecius, Ep. 3 Non. Maii. Nicecius, Ep. et Conf. Kal. Oct. Nicetius, Ep. 4 Id. Apr. Nichasius, Ep. et Mart. Sociique. 19 Kal. Jan. Nichasius, Ep. et Mart. 19 Kal. Jan. Nichodemus. 3 Non. Aug. Nichoforus, Mart. 5 Kal. Mart. •Nicholaus, Ep. et Conf. 8 Id. Dec. Nicholaus, Ep. 8 Id Dec. * Nichomedes, Mart. Kal. Jun. Nichomedes, Mart, et Presb. Kal. Jun. •Nichomedes, Mart. 17 Kal. Oct. Nichomedes, Mart. 17 Kal. Oct. Nichostratus, Mart. 2 Non. Jul. Nichostratus, Mart. 6 Id. Nov. Nilus, Ep. et Mart. 13 Kal. Oct. Nimfodora, Mart. 3 Id. Mart. Ninus. 16 Kal. Nov. * Nomen Jesu. 7 Id. Aug. Novatus, Conf. 12 Kal. Jul. O. Octava S. Andrea?, Apost. 7 Id. Dec. •Oct. S. Andree. 7 Id. Dec. Octava Apostolorum. 2 Non. Jul. •Oct. S. Augustini. 2 Non. Sept. Oct. Domini. Kal. Jan. *Oct. Epiphania?. Id. Jan. •Oct. SS. Innocentium. 2 Non. Jan. •Oct. S. Johannis. 3 Non. Jan. •Oct. S. Johannis Baptists. Kal. Jul. •Oct. S. Laurentii. 16 Kal. Sept. •Oct. S. Laurench, Archiep. 11 Kal. Dec. •Oct. S. Marie. 11 Kal. Sept. Octava S. Marie. 1 1 Kal. Sept. •Oct. S. Marie Magdalene. 4 Non. Jul. •Oct. S. Martini. 14 Kal. Dec. •Oct. Apostol. Petri et Pauli. 2 Non. Jul. •Oct. S. Stephanni. 4 Non. Jan. Olauus, Rex et Mart. 4 Kal. Aug. Olimpiades, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Olimpius, Mart. 4 Non. Aug. Olimpius, Mart. 14 Kal. Oct. •Omnium Sanctorum Festivitas. Kal. Nov. Omnium Sanctorum Festivitas. Kal. Nov. Onesimus, Apost. 14 Kal. Mart. Optatus, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Ordinatio Episcopatus S. Jacobi, fratris Do- mini. 6 Kal. Jan. Orontius, Mart. 11 Kal. Feb. 'O Sapientia. 11 Kal. Jan. Oseas et Aggeus, Prophet. 4 Non. Jul. •Oswaldus, Ep. 2 Kal. Mart. Oswaldus, Ep. et Conf. 2 Kal. Mart. •Oswaldus, Rex et Mart. Non. Aug. Oswaldus, Rex et Mart. Non. Aug. Othmannus. Mart. 8 Id. Jul. Otmarus, Ep. et Conf. 16 Kal. Dec. Pachumius. 2 Id. Maii. Pacianus, Ep. 7 Id. Mart. Paciens, Ep. et Conf. 6 Id. Jan. Palmatius, Consul et Mart. 6 Id. Maii. Paraphilias, Presb. et Mart. Kal. Jun. Pancracius. 3 Non. Apr. •Pancracius. 4 Id. Maii. Pancratius, Mart. 4 Id. Maii. •Pantaleon, Mart. 5 Kal. Aug. Pantaleon, Mart. 5 Kal. Aug. Pantenus, Conf. 2 Non. Jul. Papianus. 3 Kal. Jan. Papias, Mart. 4 Kal. Feb. Papias, Ep. 8 Kal. Mart. Papias, Mart. 5 Kal. Mart. xli Papias. 4 Non. Nov. Papirius, Diac. et Mart. Id. Apr. Papius, Ep. et Mart. Kal. Dec. Paragoda. Kal. Jan. Parmenas, Diac. 10 Kal. Feb. Parmenius, Presb. et Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. Parthenus, Mart. 14 Kal. Jun. Pascacius, Ep. et Conf. 8 Kal. Mart. Paschasius, Mart. 2 Id. Nov. Pasicrates, Mart. 8 Kal. Jun. Passus. 12 Kal. Jan. Pastor, Mart. 8 Id. Aug. Patagatus, Ep. 15 Kal. Maii. Patilina, Mart. 8 Id. Jun. Patricia. 3 Id. Mart. *Patricius, Hib. Apost. 16 Kal. Apr. Patricius, Archiep. 16 Kal. Apr. Patroclus, Mart. 12 Kal. Feb. Paula. 6 Kal. Feb. Paula. 13 Kal. Aug. Paulinus. 7 Kal. Jun. Paulinus, Ep. et Conf. 10 Kal. Jul. Paulinus, Ep. et Conf. 2 Kal. Sept. Paulinus, Ep. et Conf. 6 Id. Oct. Paulus, Herm. 4 Id. Jan. Paulus, Ep. et Conf. Kal. Feb. Paulus, Ep. et Conf. 1 1 Kal. Apr. Paulus. Id. Maii. •Paulus, Mart. 6 Kal. Jul. Paulus, Mart. 6 Kal. Jul. Paulus, Mart. 4 Id. Dec. Paulus. 15 Kal. Jan. Paulus. 14 Kal. Jan. Paulus. 9 Kal. Jan. Paulus. 3 Kal. Jan. Paulus. 2 Kal. Jan. 'Pauli, Apost. Conversio. 6 Kal. Feb. Pauli, Apost. Celebratio iterum. 2 Kal. Jul. Protholicus, Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Pelaga. 14 Kal. Nov. Pelagia, Mart, a Id. Jul. IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. Pelenus, Mart. 10 Kal. Mart. Pelus, Ep. et Mart. 13 Kal. Oct. Pereginus, Presb. et Conf. 5 Kal. Aug. Peregrinus, Mart. 3 Non. Maii. Peregrinus, Ep. 1" Kal. Jun. Peregrinus, Mart. 8 Kal. Sept. Pergentinus, Mart. 3 Non. Jun. •Perpetua. Non. Mart. Perpetua, Mart. Non. Mart. Perpetuus, Ep. et Conf. 3 Kal. Jan. Perpetuus, Ep. 6 Kal. Apr. •Petronilla, Virg. 2 Kal. Jun. Petronilla, Virg. 2 Kal. Jun. Petrus, Conf. 3 Id. Jan. Petrus, Mart. 4 Id. Mart. Petrus, Diac. 15 Kal. Maii. 'Petrus, Mart, de ord. Pradicat. 3 Kal. Maii. Petrus, Mart, deord. Pra?dicat. 3 Kal. Maii. Petrus. Id. Maii. • Petrus, Mart. 4 Non. Jun. Petrus, Exorcist, et Mart. 4 Non. Jun. * Petrus et Paulus, Apostoli. 3 Kal. Jul. Petrus et Paulus, Apost. 3 Kal. Jul. Petrus, Mart. Kal. Aug. Petrus, Mart. 7 Id. Aug. Petrus, Mil. et Mart. 6 Kal. Sept. Petrus, Ep. et Conf. 5 Kal. Oct. Petrus. 2 Kal. Nov. Petrus, Ep. 7 Kal. Dec. Petrus. 5 Id. Dec. 'Petrus, Apost. ad Vincula. Kal. Aug. Petrus ad Vincula. Kal. Aug. Phileas, Ep. et Mart. 2 Non. Feb. Philippus, Ep. 3 Id. Apr. •Philippus et Jacobus, Apostoli. Kal. Maii. Philippus, Ap. Kal. Maii. Philippus, Diacon. 8 Id. Jun. Philippus, Mart. 6 Id. Jul. Philippus. Id. Jul. Philippus, Ep. et Mart. Id. Sept. Philippus, Ep. 8 Id. Oct. xlii Philippus. 11 Kal. Nov. Piato, Conf. Kal. Oct. Pingmeniuss, Presb. et Mart. 9 Kal. Apr. Pinitus, Ep. et Conf. 6 Id. Oct. Pionius, Mart. Kal. Feb. Pius, Papa et Conf. 5 Id. Jul. Placidius. 3 Non. Oct. Plato, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Aug. Plutarchus, Mart. 4 Kal. Jul. Poleclitus. 3 Kal. Jan. Polentia. 5 Id. Dec. Polianus, Mart. 4 Id. Sept. Policarpus, Mart, et Ep. 7 Kal. Feb. Policarpus, Presb. et Conf. Kal. Maii. Polienetus. 12 Kal. Jun. Polioctus, Mart. Id. Feb. Polisius. 7 Id. Nov. Polius, Mart. 12 Kal. Jun. Polocronius, Ep. et Mart. 13 Kal. Mart. 'Polycarpus, Mart, et Ep. 7 Kal. Feb. Poncianus, Mart. 8 Kal. Sept. Poncianus, Pap. et Mart. 12 Kal. Dec. Poncius, Diac. 8 Id. Mart. Pontianus, Mart. 14 Kal. Feb. Poplianus. 4 Non. Nov. Porphirius. 13 Kal. Sept. Porphirius. 2 Non. Nov. Porphirius. 5 Id. Dec. Potamiana. 4 Kal. Jul. •Potenciana, Virg. 14 Kal. Jun. Potentiana, Virg. 14 Kal. Jun. Potentianus. 4 Non. Dec. Potentianus, Mart. 3 Id. Dec. 'Praxedes, Virg. 12 Kal. Aug. Praxedes, Virg. 1 2 Kal. Aug. Preiectus, Ep. et Mart. 8 Kal. Feb. Prepedigna, Mart. 12 Kal. Mart. Presidius, Ep. et Conf. 8 Id. Sept. Pretaxtatus, Mart. 3 Id. Dec. Priamus. 5 Kal. Jun. Prima. 16 Kal. Nov. Primitiuus, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Primitiuus, Mart. 5 Kal. Jul. Primus, Mart. 2 Non. Jul. •Primus, Mart, 5 Id. Jun. Primus, Mart. 5 Id. Jun. Primus. 2 Non. Nov. Primus, IVictzn. 7 Id. Nov. Primus, African. 7 Id. Nov. Primus. 6 Id. Nov. Primus. 4 Non. Dec. 'Prisca, Virg. 15 Kal. Feb. Prisca, Virg. et Mart. 15 Kal. Feb. Priscillianus, Cleric, et Mart. 2 Non. Jan. Priscus, Presb. et Mart. 2 Non. Jan. Priscus, Mart. 5 Kal. Apr. Priscus, Mart. 7 Kal. Jun. •Priscus, Mart. Kal. Sept. Priscus, Mart. Kal. Sept. Priscus. Kal. Oct. Privatus. 15 Kal. Jan. Privatus, Ep. et. Mart. 12 Kal. Sept. Probus, Mart. 2 Id. Nov. 'Processus, Mart. 6 Non. Jul. Processus, Mart. (5 Non. Jul. Prochopius, Mart. Non. Jul. Prochorius, Diac. 5 Id. Apr. Proculius, Mart. 18 Kal. Maii. Proculus. 14 Kal. Nov. •Proiectus, Mart. 8 Kal. Feb. Pronianus, Mart. 4 Non. Feb. •Prothasius, Mart. 13 Kal. Jul. Prothasius, Mart. 13 Kal. Jul. •Prothus, Mart. 3 Id. Sept. Prothus, Mart. 3 Id. Sept. Publius, Ep. et Mart. 12 Kal. Feb. Publius, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Pudens. 14 Kal. Jun. Puntius, Mart. 11 Kal. Maii. •Purificatio S.Marie Virg. 4 Non. Feb. Purificatio S. Marie. 4 Non. Feb. xliii Q. Quadratus, Mart. 7 Kal. .Tun. Quadratus, Ep. 7 Kal. Jun. Quartillus, Mart. 14 Kal. Apr. Quartus. 6 Id. Maii. Quartus, Mart. 8 Id. Aug. Quartus. Non. Nov. "Quatuor Coronati. 6 Id. Nov. Quatuor Coronati. 6 Id. Nov. Quiescens, Virg. et Mart. 9 Kal. Oct. Quincianus. 11 Kal. Dec. Quincillianus, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Quinodius, Ep. et Conf. 15 Kal. Mart. Quintillus, Mart. 14 Kal. Apr. * Quintinus, Mart. 2 Kal. Nov. Quintinus, Mart. 2 Kal. Nov. Quintus, Mart. 2 Non. Jan. Quintus, Mart. 14 Kal. Apr. Quintus. 6 Id. Maii. Quintus. Non. Sept. Quintus. 15 Kal. Jan. Quiriacus, Ep. et Mart. 4 Non. Maii. Quinciacus. 10 Kal. Sept. Quirinus, Mart. 3 Kal. Apr. Quirinus, Mart. 2 Kal. Maii. Quirinus, Ep. et Mart. 2 Non. Jun. a. * Radegunda, Virg. 4 Id. Feb. Radegundes, Virg. 4 Id. Feb. Radegundes, Virg. Id. Aug. Relatio Pueri ex Egipto. 7 Id. Jan. Reliquie Sanctorum. 2 Kal. Aug. Remaclus, Ep. et Conf. 3 Non. Sept. •Remigius, Conf. Id. Jan. •Remigius, Ep. Kal. Oct. Remigius, Ep. et Conf. Kal. Oct. Remisius, Ep. et Conf. Id. Jan. Reparata. 8 Id. Oct. Restitutio. 4 Kal. Jun. Restitutus, Mart. 10 Kal. Sept. Restitutus. 17 Kal. Dec. Resurrectio Domini. 6 Kal. Apr. Reuocatus, Mart. Non. Mart. •Rieardus, Ep. et Conf. 3 Non. Apr. Ricardus, Ep. et Conf. 3 Non. Apr. •Robertus, Abb. 4 Kal. Maii. Robertus. 4 Kal. Maii. Rogatianus, Mart. 9 Kal. Jun. Rogatianus, Presb. et Mart. 3 Kal. Nov. Rogatianus. 7 Id. Nov. Rogatinus. 5 Kal. Jan. Rogatus, Monach. et Mart. 16 Kal. Sept. Rogatus. 9 Kal. Nov. Rogatus. 7 Id. Nov. Rogatus. Kal. Dec. Rogatus. 8 Id. Dec. Romanus, Abbat. 2 Kal. Mart. •Romanus, Mart. 5 Id. Aug. Romanus, Mart. 5 Id. Aug. Romanus, Mart. 4 Id. Aug. Romanus, Mart. 14 Kal. Dec. Ronanus, Conf. 2 Kal. Maii. Rosula, Mart. 18 Kal. Oct. Rufina, Virg. et Mart. 6 Id. Jul. Rufina, Mart. 15 Kal. Aug. Rufinus, Mart. 11 Kal. Jul. Rufinus, Mart. 2 Non. Sept. Rufus, Mart. 13 Kal. Maii. Rufus, Mart. 18 Kal. Jul. Rufus, Mart. Kal. Aug. * Rufus, Mart. 6 Kal. Sept. Rupbianus. 16 Kal. Dec. Ruphinus, Mart. 16 Kal. Jan. Rupbus, Mart. 6 Kal. Sept. Ruphus, Ep. et Conf. 6 Id. Nov. Ruphus. 11 Kal. Dec. Ruphus, Mart. 4 Kal. Dec. •Rusticus, Mart. 7 Id. Oct. Rusticus, Diac. et Mart. 7 Id. Oct. f2 xliv Sabbatia. 4 Non. Jul. •Sabina, Virg. 4 Kal. Sept. Sabina, Mart. 4 Kal. Sept. Sabina. 7 Kal. Nov. Sabinus. 13 Kal. Aug. Sacirus, Conf. 4 Kal. Apr. Sacratus. 16 Kal. Nov. Sagaris, Ep. et Mart. 2 Non. Oct. Salustia, Mart. 18 Kal. Oct. Sammonius. 2 Id. Dec. 'Sampson, o Kal. Aug. Sampson, Ep. et Conf. 5 Kal. Aug. Samuel, Proph. 13 Kal. Sept. Sanctanus, Ep. 7 Id. Maii. Satirianus, Mart. 9 Kal. Nov. Satirus, Conf. 2 Non. Dec. Satinola, Virg. et Mart. Kal. A ug. Saturninus. 2 Kal. Feb. Saturninus, Mart. Non. Mart. Saturninus (vide Cod. Bruxellen, in Auctar. Usuardi), Mart. 1 7 Kal. Maii. Saturninus, Mart. 6 Non. Maii. Saturninus, Mart. 11 Kal. Sept. Saturninus. 2 Non. Oct. Saturninus. 17 Kal. Nov. Saturninus. 6 Kal. Dec. Saturninus (Rom.), Mart. 3 Kal. Dec. •Saturninus, Mart. 3 Kal. Dec. Saturninus (Tolos.), Ep. et Mart. 3 Kal. Dec. Saturninus. 2 Kal. Jan. Saturus, Mart. 2 Id. Jan. Saturus. 4 Id. Oct. •Sauininus, Ep. et Mart. 7 Id. Dec. •Scolastica, Virg. 4 Id. Feb. Scolastica, Virg. 4 Id. Feb. Scillitani Martyres. 16 Kal. Aug. •Sebastianus, Mart. 13 Kal. Feb. Sebastianus, Mart. 13 Kal. Feb. Sebastianus. 6 Id. Feb. Secunda, Virg. et Mart. 6 Id. Jul. Secunda, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. Secunda, Virg. et Mart. 3 Kal. Aug. Secunda. Non. Nov. Secunda. 4 Non. Dec. Secundinus, Ep. et Mart. 3 Kal. Maii. *Secundinus, Ep. 5 Kal. Dec. Secundolus, Conf. Non. Mart. Secundus, Conf. Id. Maii. Secundus, Mart. 7 Kal. Sept. Secundus. 17 Kal. Dec. Secondus, Ep. et Conf. 5 Kal. Dec. Secundus. 14 Kal. Jan. Securinus. 4 Non. Dec. Securus. 3 Kal. Jan. Sedda (vide Cedda), Ep. et Mart. 6 Non. Mart •Sennes, Mart. 3 Kal. Aug. Sennes, Mart. 3 Kal. Aug. Sennes, Diac. et Mart. 3 Kal. Dec. Seno. 2 Kal. Jan. "Septem Dormientes. 6 Kal. Aug. Septem Dormientes. 6 Kal. Aug. •Septem Filii S. Felicitatis. 6 Id. Jul. Septem Germani. 4 Kal. Jun. Septiminus, Monacli. et Mart. 16 Kal. Sept. Serapise, Virg. 3 Non. Sept. Serapion, Mart. 5 Kal. Mart. Serapion, Anachor. 12 Kal. Apr. Serapion, Lect. 7 Kal. Apr. Serena. 17 Kal. Sept. Serenus, Subdiac. et Mart. 16 Kal. Sept. Sereusus. 10 Kal. Nov. Sergius, Mart. Non Oct. Sergius, Pap. 5 Id. Sept. Serinius, Mart. 2 Non. Jul. Seruatius, Ep. et Conf. 3 Id. Maii. Seruelialus, Mart. 12 Kal. Maii. Servilius. 9 Kal. Jun. Seuereus. 10 Kal. Nov. Seuerianus. 10 Kal. Feb. xlv Seuerinus, Conf. 6 Id. Jan. Seuerinus, Conf. 3 Id. Jan. Seuerinus, Ep. 8 Kal. Feb. Seuerinus, Presb. et Conf. 6 Id. Aug. 'Seuerinus, Ep. et Conf. 10 Kal. Nov. Seuerinus, Ep. et Conf. 10 Kal. Nov. Seuerinus, Mon. Kal. Nov. Seuerinus, Mart. 13 Kal. Dec. Seuerus, Ep. Id. Jan. Seuerus, Ep. Kal. Aug. Seuerus, Mart. 4 Id. Aug. Seuerus. 1 1 Kal. Nov. Sexburga, Virg. 2 Non. Jul. Siagrus, Ep. et Conf. 6 Kal. Sept. Sicius, Ep. 17 Kal. Apr. Sigismundus, Rex et Mart. Kal. Maii. Sigolis, Presb. 13 Kal. Oct. Silas, Apost. 4 Kal. Dec. Sillanus, Conf. 2 Kal. Mart. Serapion, Cleric, et Mart. 6 Kal. Sept. Serenus, Monach. 7 Kal. Mart. Serenus, Mart. 6 Kal. Mart. Serenus (bis), Mart. 4 Kal. Jul. Siluanus. 3 Id. Jan. Siluanus, Mart. 10 Kal. Mart. Siluanus, Ep. et Mart. 4 Non. Maii. Silvanus. 9 Kal. Jun. Siluanus, Mart. 6 Id. Jul. Siluanus, Pontif. et Conf. 2 Non. Sept. Siluanus, Mart. 2 Non. Sept. Siluanus, Mart. 16 Kal. Nov. Siluanus. 5 Id. Dee. Silvester, Pap. 12 Kal. Jul. ♦Silvester, Pap. et Conf. 2 Kal. Jan. Siluester, Papa. 2 Kal. Jan. Siluius, Conf. 11 Kal. Maii. Similianus, Ep. et Conf. 16 Kal. Jul. Simmitrius, Presb. et Mart. 7 Kal. Jun. Simon et Thaddeus. 5 Kal. Nov. Simphorianus, Mart. 2 Non. Jul. *Simphonianus, Mart. 11 Kal. Sept. Simpborianus, Mart. 6 Id. Nov. Simpborianus. 5 Id. Nov. Simphorosa, Mart. 5 Kal. Jul. Simphorosa, Mart. 6 Non. Jul. Siraplicides, Ep. et Conf. 3 Id. Feb. Simplicius, Pap. 6 Non. Mart. Simplicius, Senator et Mart. 6 Id. Maii. 'Simplicius. 4 Kal. Aug. Simplicius, Mart. 4 Kal. Aug. Simplicius. 15 Kal. Jan. Simpplicius, Mart. 6 Id. Nov. Sinche. 5 Id. Nov. Sintice. 1 1 Kal. Aug. Siria. 4 Id. Oct. Sisinnius, Diac. et Mart. 17 Kal. Apr. Sisinnius, Mart. 4 Kal. Jun. Sisinnius, Mart, et Diac. 3 Kal. Dec. *Sitha, Virg. 3 Id. Maii. Sithe, Virg. 3 Id. Maii. Sixtus, Ep. et Conf. 8 Id. Aug. Sixtus (alter), Ep. et Mart. 8 Id. Aug. Smaragdus, Mart. 17 Kal. Apr. Socrates. 15 Kal. Oct. Solutor, Mart. Id. Nov. Sosius, Diac. et Mart. 9 Kal. Oct. Sostenes, Conf. 4 Id. Sept. Sosthenes. 4 Kal. Dec. Sosus. 7 Kal. Jul. Sother, Pap. 1 1 Kal. Maii. Sotheris, Virg. 4 Id. Feb. Sotheris, Mart, et Virg. 4 Id. Maii. Sotius, Diac. et Mart. 13 Kal. Oct. Speratus, Mart. 16 Kal. Aug. Speusippus. 16 Kal. Feb. Spindion, Ep. 19 Kal. Jan. Stacceus, Mart. 5 Kal. Jul. •Stephanus, Pap. et Mart. 4 Non. Aug. Stephanus, Pap. et Mart. 4 Non. Aug. Stephanus, Mart. 8 Id. Aug. Stephanus. 15 Kal. Oct. Stephanus. 3 Non. Dec. xlvi •Stephanus, Protomart. 7 Kal. Jan. Stephanus, Diac. et Protomart. 7 Kal. Jan. Stephanus. 3 Kal. Jan. Stercatius, Mart. 9 Kal. Aug. Successus, Mart. 17 Kal. Mail. Successus, Ep. 6 Id. Dec. Successus. 5 Id. Dec. Sulpicius, Mart. 12 Kal. Maii. Sulpitius, Conf. 7 Kal. Feb. Susanna. 1 1 Kal. Mart. Susanna, Virg. et Mart. 3 Id. Aug. Sustenes. 3 Id. Jun. *Swithinus, Conf. 6 Non. Jul. Swithinus, Ep. et Conf. 6 Non. Jul. Syrneon, Monach. et Conf. Non. Jan. Symeon, Ep. et Conf. 14 Kal. Mart. Symeon, Ep. et Mart. 12 Kal. Mart. Symeon, Monach. 6 Kal. Aug. Symon, Ep. et Mart. 1 1 Kal. Maii. •Symon et Judas, Apost. 5 Kal. Nov. Syuiphorianus, Mart. 11 Kal. Sept. Syricus. 6 Kal. Dec. Syrus, Conf. 2 Id. Sept. Syxtus, Pap. 5 Kal. Apr. Syxtus, Pap. et Mart. 8 Id. Apr. •Syxtus, Mart. 8 Id. Aug. Tabua, Mart. 10 Kal. Maii. Tecla, Virg. 13 Kal. Jan. Tenobius, Presb. et Mart. 10 Kal. Mart. Tertullinus, Mart. 2 Non. Aug. Teuseta, Mart. 3 Id. Mart. Tharasus, Presb. et Mart. 5 Id. Oct. Thecla, Virg. 8 Kal. Mart. •Thecla, Virg. 9 Kal. Oct. Thecla, Virg. 9 Kal. Oct. Thelesporus, Pap. et Mart. Non. Jan. Theodolus, Presb. et Mart. 5 Non. Maii. Theodolus, Mart. 4 Non. Aug. Theodolus. 4 Kal. Dec. Theodolus. 2 Kal. Dec. Theodora, Mart. 3 Id. Mart. Theodora, Virg. et Mart. 4 Kal. Maii. Theodora, Mart. Non. Maii. Theodoritus, Presb. 10 Kal. Nov. * Theodorius, Mart. 5 Id. Nov. Theodorus, Ep. 7 Kal. Apr. •Theodorus, Mart. 5 Non. Maii. Theodorus, Mart. 5 Id. Nov. Theodorus, Mart. 19 Kal. Jan. Theodosia. Kal. Apr. Theodosia, Virg. 4 Id. Apr. Theodosia. 11 Kal. Jan. Theodota, Mart. 4 Non. Aug. Theodotus, Mart. 2 Non. Jan. Theogenes, Mart, et 36. 7 Kal. Feb. Theognitus, Mart. 6 Kal. Oct. Theon. 10 Kal. Sept. Theophilus, Scolastic. 8 Id. Feb. Theophilus. 4 Kal. Nov. Theophilus. 3 Non. Nov. Theopilus, Mart. 2 Id. Nov. Theophilus. Id. Nov. Theophis, Mart. 4 Non. Nov. Theophistus, Mart. 4 Non. Nov. Theotinus. 15 Kal. Jan. Thesifon, Conf. Id. Maii. •Thiniotheus, Mart. 12 Kal. Jun. •Thimotheus, Mart. 11 Kal. Sept. Thiniotheus, Mart. 10 Kal. Sept. Thodotus, Mart 18 Kal. Dec. 'Thomas de Aquino. Non. Mart. •Thomas, Conf. 6 Non. Oct. Thomas, Ep. et Conf. 6 Non. Oct. •Thomas, Apost. 12 Kal. Jan. Thomas, Apost. 12 Kal. Jan. 'Thomas, Archiep. 4 Kal. Jan. Thomas, Archiep. Cantuar. 4 Kal. Jan. Thothimannus, Mart. 8 Id. Jul. Thrasistius, Acolitus et Mart. 18 Kal. Sept. xlvii Thraso, Mart. 3 Id. Dec. Tiberius, Mart. 4 Id. Nov. Tihurtius, Mart. 18 Kal. Maii. Tichicus. 3 Kal. Maii. Timon, Diac. 13 Kal. Maii. Timotheus, Apost. 9 Kal. Feb. Timotheus. 7 Id. Maii. Timotheus, Mart. 12 Kal. Jun. Timotheus, Mart. 11 Kal. Sept. * Timotheus, Mart. 10 Kal. Sept. Titus, Ep. 2 Non. Jan. Torpes, Mart. 16 Kal. Jun. Torquatus, Conf. Id. Maii. Traianus. 10 Kal. Jan. Tranquillinus, Mart. 14 Kal. Jul. •Transfiguratio Domini. 8 Id. Aug. Transfiguratio Domini. 8 Id. Aug. Translatio S. Albini, Mart. 16 Kal. Maii. "Translatio Augustini, Ep. 5 Id. Oct. Translatio Augustini. 5 Id. Oct. "Translatio Benedicti. 5 Id. Jul. Translatio Benedicti, Abb. 6 Id. Jul. 'Translatio Edwardi Westmonast. 3 Id. Oct. Translatio Edwardi Reg. et Conf. 3 Id. Oct. 'Translatio Ethedride, Virg. 16 Kal. Nov. Translatio (Felicis), Mart. 4 Id. Jul. •Translatio Francissi. 8 Kal. Jun. Translatio Francissi. 8 Kal. Jun. 'Translatio Laurencii, Arch. Dublin. 6 Id. Maii. Translatio Laurenth, Dublin. 6 Id. Maii. •Translatio Martini, Ep. 4 Non. Jul. Translatio Martini, Epis. et Conf. 4 Non. Jul. Translatio Naboris, Mart. 4 Id. Jul. •Translatio Nicholai. 7 Id. Maii. Translatio Nicholai. 7 Id. Maii. Translatio Reliquiarum Pantaleonis et Quirini Martyrum. 8 Id. Feb. •Translatio Patrich, Columee, et Brigide. 4 Id. Jun. •Translatio Radegundis. Id. Aug. Translatio Sulpicii, Ep. et Conf. 18 Kal. Feb. •Translatio Thome, Apost. 5 Non. Jul. Translatio Thomae, Apost. 5 Non. Jul. •Translatio Thome, Archiep. Non. Jul. Translatio Thorns Cantuar. Non. Jul. "Translatio Warburge, Virg. 11 Kal. Jul. Transquillinus, Mart. 2 Non. Jul. Traseas, Ep. et Mart. 3 Non. Oct. Tripo, Mart. 2 Non. Jan. Trispulius, Mart. 3 Kal. Jun. Trophima. 15 Kal. Nov. Trophimus. 4 Kal. Dec. Trophimus, Ep. et Conf. 4 Kal. Jan. Tropides, Mart. 4 Id. Jun. "Tyburcius, Mart. 18 Kal. Maii. Tyburcius. 5 Id. Sept. "Tyburcius, Mart. 3 Id. Aug. Tyburtius, Mart. 3 Id. Aug. Tyrannus, Ep. et Mart. 10 Kal. Mart. Tyrsus, Mart. 2 Kal. Feb. Tyrsus, Mart. 5 Id. Feb. Tyrsus, Diac. et Mart. 8 Kal. Oct. Tyrus, Ep. et Mart. 14 Kal. Oct. U, V. •Valentinus, Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Ualentinus, Presb. et Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Ualentinus, Ep. et Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Ualentinus, Mart. Id. Nov. Ualentinus. 5 Id. Dec. Ualentinus. 17 Kal. Jan. Valentio, Mart. 8 Kal. Jun. Ualentus. 3 Id. Nov. Ualeria, Mart. 4 Kal. Maii. "Ualerianus, Mart. 18 Kal. Maii. Ualerianus, Mart. 18 Kal. Maii. Ualerianus, Mart. 10 Kal. Sept. Ualerianus, Mart. 17 Kal. Oct. Ualerianus. 15 Kal. Oct. xlviii Ualerianus. 17 Kal. Dec. Ualericus, Conf. Kal. Apr. Ualerinus. 16 Kal. Dec. Valerius, Ep. 4 Kal. Feb. Valerius, Mart. 18 Kal. Jul. Uandregesilus, Abb. et Conf. 1 1 Kal. Aug. Uastazades, Mart. 11 Kal. Maii. Uedastus, Ep. 8 Id. Feb. Uedastus, Ep. 8 Id. Feb. 'Uedastus, Ep. Kal. Oct. Uedastus, Conf. Kal. Oct. Uenantius, Ep. et Mart. Kal. Apr. Uenantius, Abb. et Conf. 2 Id. Oct. Uenerius. 16 Kal. Nov. Uiator. 12 Kal. Nov. Uiator, Ep. 19 Kal. Jan. Uicentius, Mart. 11 Kal. Feb. Uictor, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Feb. Uictor. 2 Kal. Feb. Uictor, Mart. 5 Kal. Mart. Uictor, Conf. 3 Non. Mart. Uictor, Ep. et Mart. 12 Kal. Maii. Uictor, Mart. 8 Id. Maii. Uictor, Mart. 2 Id. Maii. Victor, Mart. 12 Kal. Aug. Uictor, Mart. 9 Kal. Aug. Uictor (African.), Mart. 4 Id. Sept. Uictor (Chalcedon.), Conf. 4 Id. Sept. Uictor, Mart. 18 Kal. Oct. Uictor, Mart. 10 Kal. Oct. Uictor, Mart. 2 Kal. Oct. Uictor ( Agripinens.), Mart. 6 Id. Oct. Uictor (Troj.) 6 Id. Oct. Uictor. 16 Kal. Nov. Uictor. 4 Non. Nov. Uictor, Mart Id. Nov. Uictor. Kal. Dec. Uictor. 3 Non. Dec. Uictor. 10 Kal. Jan. Uictor. 5 Kal. Jan. Victoria. 12 Kal. Jun. Uictoria. 16 Kal. Nov. Uictoria. 15 Kal. Jan. Uictoria, Virg. et Mart. 10 Kal. Jan. Uictorianus. 17 Kal. Jun. Uictoricus. 15 Kal. Nov. 'Victorious, Mart. 3 Id. Dec. Uictoricus, Mart. 3 Id. Dec. Uictorinus, Mart. 5 Kal. Mart. Uictorinus, Conf. 3 Non. Mart. Uictorinus, Mart. 10 Kal. Apr. Uictorinus, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Victorinus, Mart. 2 Non. Jul. Uictorinus, Mart. 4 Non. Sept. Uictorinus, Ep. et Mart. 4 Non. Nov. Uictorinus. 4 Non. Dec. Uicturinus. 3 Id. Nov. Vigilia Jobannis Bapt. 9 Kal. Jul. Vigilia Petri et Pauli Apost. 4 Kal. Jul. Uigilia Laurentii. 5 Id. Aug. Vigilia Assumptions S. Maria;. 19 Kal. Sept. Vigilia Mathei Apost. 12 Kal. Oct. Uigilia Symon et Juda?. 6 Kal. Nov. Uigilia Omnium Sanctorum. 2 Kal. Nov. Vigilia Andrea; Apost. 3 Kal. Dec. Uigilia Natal. Domini. 9 Kal. Jan. Uigilius, Ep. et Mart. 2 Kal. Feb. Uincencius, Mart. 9 Kal. Jun. Uincencius. 7 Kal. Nov. Vincentius, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Feb. Uincentius, Mart. 1 1 Kal. Feb. Uincentius, Mart. 13 Kal. Maii. Uincencius, Levita et Mart. 5 Id. Jun. Uincentius, Mart. 9 Kal. Aug. Uincentius, Mart. 8 Id. Aug. Uincentius, Mart. 8 Kal. Sept. *Vindicianus, Ep. et Conf. 5 Id. Mart. *Vindicianus et Reliqui, Ep. et Conf. 7 Kal. Jul. Virgines VII. 5 Id. Apr. Uirgines XL. canonical. 9 Kal. Jan. xlix Virginum Undecim Millia. 12 Kal. Nov. *Visitacio B. Marie. 6 Non. Jul. Uitalicus, Mart. 2 Non. Sept. Uitalis, Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Uitalis, Conf. 1 1 Kal. Maii. 'Vitalis, Mart. 4 Kal. Maii. Uitalis, Mart. 4 Kal. Maii. Vitalis, Mart. 6 Non. Jul. Vitalis, Mart. 6 Id. Jul. Uitalis, Mart. 10 Kal. Oct. Uitalis. 9 Kal. Nov. Uitalis. 2 Kal. Nov. Uitalis. 4 Non. Nov. Uitalis. 3 Non. Nov. Uitalis, Mart. 5 Kal. Dec. * Vitus, Mart. 17 Kal. Jul. Vitus, Mart. 17 Kal. Jul. Uivianus. 4 Non. Dec. Uiuinus, Mart. 6 Non. Mart. "Vltanus, Ep. et Conf. 2 Non. Sept. Ultanus, Ep. et Conf. 2 Non. Sept. * Undecim Millia Virginum. 12 Kal. Nov. Uotus, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. Uranus. 6 Id. Dec. Urbanus, Mart. 17 Kal. Maii. *Vrbanus, Pap. et Mart. 8 Kal. Jun. Urbanus, Mart. 6 Non. Jul. Urbanus. 5 Id. Dee. Urbanus. 10 Kal. Jan. Ursacius, Conf. 17 Kal. Sept. Ursianus, Conf. Id. Dec. Ursicinus, Mart. 13 Kal. Jul. Ursicinus, Ep. 5 Id. Nov. Urcissinus, Med. et Mart. 4 Kal. Maii. Ursus, Mart. 2 Kal. Oct. Uualdburgis, Virg. Kal. Maii. "Uulfrannus, Ep. et Conf. Id. Oct. Uulfrannus, Ep. 9 Kal. Maii. Uulmar, Conf. 15 Kal. Jul. Uulmar, Conf. 13 Kal. Aug. IRISH ARCH. SOC. NO. 4. *Vulmarus, Abb. Vurburga, Virg. 13 Kal. Aug. 1 1 Kal. Jul. W. UValterus, Abb. 7 Kal. Jul. Wandregesilus, Abb. 1 1 Kal. Aug. *Warburga, Virg. 3 Non. Feb. Wereburga, Virg. 3 Non. Feb. •Willelmus, Ep. et Conf. 6 Id. Jun. Willibrordus, Ep. et Conf. 7 Id. Nov. WIfradus, Conf. 8 Id. Jul. •Wlstanus, Ep. et Conf. 14 Kal. Feb. Wlstauus, Ep. et Conf. 14 Kal. Feb. Ypolitus, Mart. (Antioch.) 3 Kal. Feb. 'Ypolitus, Mart., Sociique. Id. Aug. Ypolitus, Mart. Id. Aug. Ypolitus. 10 Kal. Sept. Ysiodorus, Mart. Id. Maii. Ysodorus. 18 Kal. Feb. Yuencius, Conf. 2 Id. Sept. Zacharias, Ep. 7 Kal. Jun. Zacharias, Propheta. 8 Id. Sept. Zacharias, Pater S. Joh. Bapt. Non. Nov. Zachius, Episc. 10 Kal. Sept. Zelotus. 8 Id. Dec. Zeno, Mart. 16 Kal. Mart. Zeno, Mart. 8 Id. Jul. Zeno. Id. Jul. Zenotus. 9 Kal. Jan. Zepherinus, Papa. 7 Kal. Sept. Zephirinus, Ep. 13 Kal. Jan. Zoe, Mart. 3 Non. Jul. Zoilus. 9 Kal. Jun. Zoilus, Mart. 5 Kal. Jul. Zosima. Id. Jul. Zosimus, Mart. 19 Kal. Jan. Zosimus. 14 Kal. Jan. 1 Zoticus, Mart. 4 Id. Feb. Zoticus, Mart. 12 Kal. Nov. Zozimus. 13 Kal. Nov. Zozimus, Mart. 16 Kal. Jan. INDEX THE INTRODUCTION Page. A. A Do's Martyrology ; the basis of the Christ Church Martyrology, lii, liii . his account of the " quatuor co- ronati," lxxix Aedhan, St xlvii n. Aengus, the original name of St. Mac- tail, lxiv Aengus the Culdee, the Martyrology of, xiii, n., xliv, n., xlv, n., xlvi, n., liii-lxxxvi, passim, xcviii Aidan, St., Bishop of Lindisfarne, xlviii, lxx Alan, John, Abp. of Dublin; his Re- gister quoted, x, xv, xxxv, xlix, n., lxxxi . Repertorium Viride quoted, lxx, lxxxi Aleyn, John, Dean of St. Patrick's ; his bequest to the Prior and Convent of Christ Church, xxxii Discrepancy between his will and the notice of his bequest in the Book of Obits, xxxiii clause in his will excluding the Page. native Irish from the benefits of his poor-house, xxxiv, n. Alexander III., Pope; his Letter to St. Lawrence O'Toole, . . lxxxi, lxxxiii, n. Amyse, Calaber, xciii Annals, MS. vol. of; account of the de- struction of images, xvi Anne, St xliv Appollonia, Virgin, xliii Archdall, his mistakes about St. Macu- linus, xlviii, n. .his erroneous account of an ab- bey of St. Olave, in Dublin, . lxxxii, u. Archdall's Monasticon, quoted, x, n., lvi, n., Ixv, n., xcvi Assicus, Bishop of Elphin, . . . xiii, n. Auxilius, St lviii, lxxvii B. Baculus Jeso; St. Bernard's account of it, viii Hi Page. Baculus Jesu, removed from Armagh to Dublin, viii two accounts of its becoming the property of Christ Church, . . . ix Dr. Lanigan's opinion, . . xi, n. ■ adorned with gold by St. Tas- sach, xiii notices of, in the Irish Annals, . xiv notices of, in Anglo- IrishHistory, xv burned, xvi miraculous preservation of, . xix Baithinus, St lv four remarkable Saints of the name, (See Boethinus), . . . . lvi Mac Cuanach, ib. ■ son of Moen lxiv Balliboghall x Barr (or Finbar), St., Bishop of Cork, xlix, lxxvi Becan, of Kilbecain, or Clonard, . . . xliv Bede, Hist. Eccl. quoted, .... lxxviii Begneta, St., of Dalkey, xlv Berach, St xliii, n. Berchanus ; several Saints of the name, lv Bernard, St.; his account of the Baculus Jeso viii his life of St. Malachy, . .• lxxviii Berus, St., same as St. Berach, . . . xliii Black-Book of Christ Church ; its me- morandum about the Baculus Jesu, . ix miraculous preservation of the Baculus Jesu in 1461 xix ■ quoted, xxxv, n. tables in the Book of Obits copied from, li, n. Blanus for Blaan), St., Bishop of Dum- blane, lxviii Boethinus, St. (MacFinnaigh), Abbot of Inis Boethine, now Inishboheen, . . lxii Page. Boethinus, St. (Mac Brennain), suc- cessor of St. Columba, lxiii Boetius (or Buide), St., .... xlix, n. Boice, St., same as Boetius, . . . xlix Bolland. Acta SS. quoted, xliii, n., xlvii, n., lxi, n., lxii, lxiii Bona, Cardinal ; his account of the ori- gin of ecclesiastical obituaries, . . lxxxviii Book of Obits of Christ Church, errata in, xxxvi, xxxvii age of, xl in use after the Reformation, xciv Brandon, St., relics of, .... xxiii Brecan, St., lix Brendan, St xlvii, lxii Bretanus, St. (a mistake for Brecanus), lix Bridgit, relics of, xxiii Brigida, St., liii legend of her ordination, . . xcviii Brixiensis, Petrus de Monte; his Re- pertorium, xxxiv Browne, Archbishop of Dublin ; his let- ters on the destruction of images, xviii, xix Buidhe Chonaill, or Yellow Plague, . lxxv Buite, St., same as Boetius, .... xlix Butler, Lives of the Saints, quoted, xlviii, n., lxxvii, lxxviii, lxxx C. Caindech, St., same as St. Canice of Kilkenny, lxxvi Campion, quoted xv Canice, St., xliv, lxxvi Cashel, Synod of, xlix Calendar of, quoted, . . . xcviii Christ Church, Dublin, relics in, . . lxvi its change to a secular church, . xcii (see Black-Book ; Book of Obits; Martyrology ; White Book.) liii Page. Chronicon Scotorum, quoted, . . lxxiv Chua, same as St. Finnchua, . . . lxxxiv Ciaran (or Kieran), St., Abbot of Clon- macnois, xlix Ciaroe, St lix Cill-Ausille, now Killossy lxxvii Clochar Duilech, now St. Doolagh's, lxxxi, lxxxiv Clondalkin, Breviary of, ... xlix, lxx Clonmacnois, Annals of, ... xlviii, n. Cluan Eidnach,now Clonenagh, . xlvii, n. Coemhgen (or Kevin), St. . . xlvii, lxiii Cogan, a mistake for Eogan lxix Comgall, St., Abbot of Bangor, . . . lxi Conversi, xxvii Colgan, Acta, SS. quoted, xliii, n., xlvi, n., xlvii, »., liii-lxxxvi, passim, xcvii, sq. Colgan's Trias Thaumaturga, quoted, xi, xiii, xxi, xxii, n., liii-lxxxvi, passim. Colman, St., of Dromore, . . . xlv, lxx Columba (or Columbkille), St., . xlvii, lxiii legend of his ordination by Bi- shop Etchein, liv notice of, in Martyrol.of Aengus, lxiii legend of his contest with Lon- garad, lxxi Columbanus, St., lxxxiv Cormac's Glossary quoted, .... lxix Coronati, quatuor, Ixxix Crede Mihi, quoted, .... lxxxi, n. Cronan, corrupted into Cuaran and Cu- aroc, lx Crucifix, preserved at Christ Church, " quae bis verba sonasse legitur," . . vi Cuaroc, same as St. Ciaroe lx D. D'Alton, Hist, of the County of Dublin, quoted, xlv, n. Page. D'Alton, his error in making the Church of Tullagh to be St. Olave's, . lxxxiii, n. Dalaradia, territory of, lix, n. Danes, their earliest attempt to land in Ireland, lxxvi Darerca, sister of St. Patrick, . . xcvii Derby, Stephen De, Prior of Christ Church ; his seal, cii error of Archdall respecting the date of his death, ib. Desmond, Thomas Earl of beheaded, xxxi, n. Maurice Fitz- Thomas, Earl of, his death, xlii Donatus, Bishop of Dublin ; double en- try of his obit, xxxii deposited relics in the Cathe- dral, lxvi Donoughpatrick, xxii Doolagh's, St., not to be confounded with St. Olave's, lxxx Drumlaighille, now Drumline, ... lx Dublin, constitutions of, .... xlix, 1 Synod of, under Abp. de Bicknor, 1 Synod of, under Archbishop John de S. Paulo 1, n. chained book of the Corporation of, lxi Du Cange; his account of the super- altaria found in English churches, xx, u. definition of obit, . . xxvii, it. definition of Fraternity, . ib. his Glossarium quoted, lxxxviii, n., xc, xciii Dugdale's Monasticon, . x, n., xxii, n., xxiii Dulech, St xlv Ledwich's error respecting, . lxxx E. Easter, table to find, li Edan, St., Bishop of Ferns, . . xlvii, liii liv Page. Edanus (or Aidan), St., Bishop of Lin- disfarne, xlviii, lxx Edward, St., translation of, ... . xlv Eogan (or Eugenius) St., Bishop of Ard- straw lxix Erasmus, St., xliv Errata in the present volume, xxxvi, xxxvii Esippus, error of the Martyrology re- specting, lviii Etchanus, St., liii Ethelbert, St xliv Ethelburga, Virgin, xliv F. Fabian, Pope, decree of, li Faelanus, St. See Foilanus. Felan, St liii Felix, St xliv Festivals of Irish Saints added to the Calendar by the constitutions of Dub- lin 1 Festivals addded to the Calendar of Christ Church by a more recent hand, . . xliii of Irish Saints in the original draft of the Calendar of Christ Church, xlvi, sq. Fiech, St., bis Hymn in honour of St. Patrick, xiii Fintan, Abbot of Cluan Eidhnach, . xlvii Finbar (or Barr) St., Bishop of Cork, xlix, lxxvi Finan, St xliii Fintan, St., ib. of Drum Ingaid and Howth, xliv Fintanus, St., Abbot of Cluain Eidh- nach lv Fintanus, St., surnamed Co- rach, Abbot of Clonfert Ivi Fleming, Collectanea Sacra, quoted, lxi, n. Page. Finnchua, St., ........ lxxxiv Finnian, St., Bishop of Clonard, . . lxxxvi Foelan, St. See Foilanus. Foilanus, St., various spellings of his name, liii his martyrdom, lxxviii Four Masters, notices of the Baculus Jesp, xiv account of the burning of the Bacillus Jeso, xvii their annals, quoted, lvi, lviii, lxii, lxiv, lxv, n., Ixvi, lxxiv, n. Fraternity, letters of, xxvii Fredeswide, St., Virgin, xlv Furseus, St., xlvii, liii, lxxviii Furudran (or Furodran), St., . . . . lxiv Fyche, Geoffry, Dean of St. Patrick's ; inscription on his brass xxxii Fyche, Richard, xxviii, xxi.\ Fyche, Thomas, Canon of Christ Church, compiler of the White Book and of the Book of Obits, xl Ware's account of, . xl, n. Wood's mistake about, xl, n. Gracianus [Gratianus], St., . . . xlvi Gall, St., lxxvii Grace's Annals, quoted, xi, n., xxxi, »., xliii, n. Gratiani Decretum, quoted, . . . li, liii Gregory, Archbishop of Dublin, placed the relics of Christ Church in a shrine, lxvi Giraldus Cambrensis; his account of the Crucifix of Christ Church, . . vi, vii, n. his account of the funeral of Strongbow, vii, n. hisaccount of the Baculus Jesu, viii Iv Page. H. Harris's Ware, . . . xxxii, n., xxxv, n. Harris, History of Dublin, quoted, . lxxx Hegesippus, error of the Martyrology respecting, lviii Holidays, order for discontinuance of, . xcv I. Inisfallen, Annals of, quoted, .... x Jocelin, Life of St. Patrick, xiii, «., xxi, n. Johannes de Beverlaco, .... xliii John, Earl of Moreton, his grant for the Baculus J Esi/, xv John, St. Evangelist, Breviary of Church of, Dublin xlix, lxx Ireland's Eye, lvii K. Keith, Catalogue of Scottish Bishops, quoted, lxviii Kenelm, martyr, xliv Kevin, St., same as St. Coemgen or Coemghen xlvii Kieran (or Ciaran), Abbot of Clonmac- nois, xlix Kildare, Gerald Fitzgerald Earl of; his death, xxxii, n. Kilianus, St., Apostle of Franconia, . lxvi Kingarth in the Isle of Bute, probably the same as Cenn-Garad, . . . xlviii Lactanus, St., lviii Lanigan, Dr., his Ecclesiastical History, quoted, x, n., xliv, n., xlvi, /(., liv, lix, lxv, n., lxvi, n., lxxiv, n. his opinion about the Staff of Jescs, xi, n. Page. Lanigan, Dr., his mistakes about St. Ma- culinus of Lusk, xlviii, n. Lannleri, supposed to be Lynn, County of Westmeath, lxv Laserian (or Lasrian), St., . . . xlvii, n. Lasrian, St., xlvii Lawrence (St.) O' Toole, Archbishop of Dublin, xlv, xlix, lxxx translation of, lxi Leabhar Breac, quoted, . . . . Iv, Ivi Lent, rule for finding the first day of, . li Leo, St xliv Lewis, Sir Peter, his accounts as Proctor of Christ Church xxix entries in his diary, . . . xciv Lewis's Topograph. Dictionary quoted, xlv, n. Liber Hymnorum, lxxxv Loman, St., his real name Lon, . . . lxx Longarad, St., same as St. Loman, . . ib. legend of his contest with St. Columbkille, lxxi Lugudus (or Lugad), St., Abbot of Lis- more in the Hebrides, lxv . — . Archdall's mistake respecting, ib. n. Luoc, same as St. Lugad, lxv Lusk, ancient church of, . . . lxviii, «. M. Mabillon, Acta SS., O. S. Ben., . lxxvii, xc Macbruein, St., Abbot of Tallaght, . . lxvi Macgeoghegan's translation of the An- nals of Clonmacnoise xlviii, n. Mackshayne, Sir Gerald, Kent, . . . xv Macnisus (or Mac Nisse), St., founder of the See of Connor, .... lxx, lxxi . origin of his name, . . . Ixxii his genealogy, ib. Macthail, Bishop of Kilcullen, . xliv, lxiv his real name Aengus, . . . ib. lvi Page. Macthail, why called Mactail, . xliv, lxiv Maculinus, St., xlviii, lxxvi Maelrubaus, St., Abbot of Bangor, . . lviii Magrus, Abbot, same as St. Mosacer, or Sacer xliii Maidoc, St., same as St. Edan, . xlvii, n. Maignen, St., Abbot of Kilmainham, xlvi, lxxxvi Malachias, St., Abp. of Armagh, lxxviii, xlix Maodhog, St., same as St. Edan, xlvii, n. Marbrogh, Henricus, same as Henry Marlborough the annalist, . . . xxxv Mark, St., the Evangelist, lix Martene, De Antiquis Monach. Ritibus, quoted xc, n. Martyrology of Christ Church, age of, xli Martyrology of St. Thomas the Martyr, xxx, xxxi, xxxix, xc Mary, the Blessed Virgin, image of, at Trim xvi Mason's History of St. Patrick, xxxii, n., xxxiii, xxxiv, n. Mayor and Citizens of Dublin, grant protection to pilgrims visiting Christ Church, xxv Mel, St., Bishop of Ardagh, . . . xcvi legend of his consecrating St. Brigid a Bishop, xcviii date of his death oi Melchu, brother of St. Mel, . . . xcvii Melchiades, Pope, his decree respecting the quatuor coronati, lxxix Menna, martyr, xlv Messingham, Florilegium insulaj Sanc- torum, quoted, xi, n. Michael, St., in Monte Tumba, . . . xlv Michea (or Michan), St xlvii, lxx dedicationof the church of, . . xliv Mochuaroc, St., same as St. Ciaroc, lix, lx Mocheus, St., Bishop of Louth, . . lxix Page. Moeg (or Mogue), St., same as St. Edan, xlvii, n. Molaisre (or Molash), St., the same as St. Lasrian or Laserian, . . xlvii, n. Moluoc, same as St. Lugad, .... lxv Mo, prefixed to the names of Saints, xlvii, n, Monocus, St., same as St. Senog, . . xlvi Monus, Bishop of Milan, xliv Morwylle, John, xxix Mosacer, St xliii, n. Munne (or Moenus) xliii, n. error of the Bolandists respect- ing, ib. his real name, Enna, . . . . ib. N. Nessan, sons of, lvi Nicasius et Socii, '. xliv Notker, Martyrology of, lix O. Obit, meaning of the word, . . . xxvii day of, not always the day of de- cease, xxix, xxx deed for the keeping of, by the Abbot and Convent of St. Thomas the Martyr xxx sometimes kept only for a limited time, xxxi Obits continued to be entered in the Ne- crology of Christ Church after the Re- formation xciv O'Carrol, contention between Tathen or Thadeus, and William, in 1489, . lxi, n. O'Clery's calendar, quoted, .... lxiv O' Conor, Dr., his mis-translation of passages in the Annals of Tighernach, xiv lxxiii lvii Page. O'Conor, Dr., Rerum Hib. Scriptores quoted, lxxiii O'Donnell's Life of St. Coluraba, liii, lv, n. O'Flaherty, Roderick, his copy of Tigher- nach's Annals quoted, .... lxxiii O'Haingly, Donat, Bishop of Dublin, xxxii O'Lactmayn (or O'Lactnayn), Maol- Isa, Breviary written by him, . . lxi, n. Olave, St., confounded with St. Dulech, lxxx Olave, St., church dedicated to, in Dub- lin, lxxxi Oley, St., a corruption of St. Olave, Lxxxii Ormond, James Earl of, his death, . xxxi O'Toole, St. Lawrence, relics of, . . xxiii P. Panormitan, xxxix Panzer, Annal. Typogr., . . . xxxiv, n. Parliament, Act of, in 1493, for protec- tion of Pilgrims to Christ Church, xxiii . Act of, for the fair of Dalkey on St. Begnet's day xlv, n. Patrick, St., account of him in the Mar- tyrology of Christ Church. See Ba- cillus, Superaltare, lvii Phillip, Jenet, xxviii, xxix Pilgrims visiting the relics of Christ Church, xxiii, xxv R. Radegunda, Virgin xliii Radegundis, Translatio, xliv Raynolds, John, stipulation with the Convent of St. Thomas the Martyr, to keep his obit for twenty years, . xxxi Relics, of Christ Church, festival in com- memoration of, lxvi list of, in the Book of Obits and in the Martyrology differ, . . . lxvi Robert, St., Abbot, xliii, lix IRISH ARCH. SOC. 4. Page. Ronan, son of Colman, King of Leinster, his death lxii Roth, Dr. David, xi, n. S. Sacer, St., xliii. n. Saints, Irish mode of expressing devo- tion to, xlvii, n. Sampson, St., xliv Sanctanus, St., lx _ not identical with Sannanus the brother of St. Patrick, . . . . ib. Savage, John, Mayor of Dublin, . . xxviii Sechnall, St., same as St. Secundus, or Secundinus, lxxxv Secundinus, St. (or Secundus), . . lxxxv Senoc (or Senog), St., xlvi, n. Septuagesima, table to find, .... li Sillanus, St., Abbot of Bangor, . . . lvi Simplicius xliv Sincha, St., lxxix five Irish virgins of the name, lxxx Sitha, St., Virgin, xliv her festival marked in several Irish Calendars, lxi Staff of Jesus, see Baculus. Stanihurst, Descr. of Ireland, quoted, . lxx his account of St. Tullock's Church in Dublin, lxxxii State Papers, xv, xviii Storm in 1461, destroyed the great west window of Christ Church, .... xix Storm in 1565, ...... xxix, n. Strangewyll, Richard, same as Earl Strongbow, xxxv Strongbow, money paid at his tomb in Christ Church vi, n. his funeral, vii, n. his death, xi Superaltare marmoreum S. Patricii, . xx lviii Page. Superaltare, miracle of the leper, . . xxi Glastonbury version of, xxii, n. originally in the church of Donoughpatrick, xxii miraculously follows St. Pa- trick xxii Sutton, Robert, Dean of St. Patrick's; inscription on his brass xxx Table for finding Quinquagesima and Easter explained, xli Tassach, St., adorns the Baculus Jesu, . xiii Thomas, St., the Martyr ; Martyrology of, xxx, xxxi, xxxix, xc Thomas De Aquino xlii Thomas, St., Bishop of Hereford, . . xliv Tigernach, Annals of, notices of the Ba- culus Jesu xiv Annals of, quoted, . . lxiii Tooley, St., a corruption of St. Olave, lxxxiii Tudeschus, Nicholaus ; his Commentary on the Decretals xxxiv Tullagh, ancient church of, not dedica- ted to St. Olave, but to St. Bridget, lxxxiii, n. Tulloch, St., a corruption of St. Olave, lxxx a Church so called in Dublin, . ib. Translatio S. Patricii, S. Columbae, et S. Brigidae, xliv Tripartite Life of St. Patrick ; its ac- count of the Baculus Jesu, .... xi miracle of the leper carried on the superaltare, xxi Tripartite Life of St. Patrick; miracle of the superaltare following St. Patrick, xxii U. Page. Ulloch, St., a corruption of St. Olave, lxxxii Ulster, Annals of, quoted, lxxvii, lxi, n., ci Ultan, St., Bishop of Ardbraccan, lxxiv, lxxviii . legend of, lxxv Ussher, Archbishop, xxvi his Primordia, quoted, lix, n., lxix, n. Sylloge Epist. Hib. quoted, lvii, lxxxi, n., lxxxiii, n. Usuardus, sometimes copied in the Dub- lin Martyrology, lii, n. Vigornie, Johannes Comes de, . xxxiii, n. Visitacio B. Maris, xliv W. Ware, Sir James, his account of Bal- liboghall x, n. his account of the burning of St. Patrick's staff, xvi his account of Thomas Fyche, xl, n. his Annals quoted, . . . xliii, n. White Book of Christ Church ; its ac- count of the Baculus Jesu, x, xi, xxiii, xxv, xxvi compiled by Thomas Fyche, . xl Wilhelmus, St., xliv Wilkins, Concilia quoted, 1, n. Wood, Anthony, his mistake about the Book of Obits, xl, n. Wulfran, Bishop of Sens ; difference be- tween the Roman and Sarum Calen- dar in the day of his festival, . . . xlv FINIS. IRISH ARCHvEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, 1844. patron : HIS EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE ALBERT. ^rcsfotnt : HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF LEINSTER. Council : The Most Noble the Marquis of Kil- dare. The Right Hon. the Earl of Leitrim, M. R. I. A. TnE Right Hon. the Viscount Adare, M. P., M. R. I. A. Rev. Richard Butler, M.R.I. A. John Smith Furlong, Esq., Q. C, Trea- surer. James Hardiman, Esq., M. R. I. A. Captain Larcom, R. E., M. R. I. A. James Mac Cullagh, Esq., LL. D., M. R. I. A. George Petrie, Esq., R.H.A., M.R.I.A. Aquilla Smith, M. I)., M. R. I. A. Jos. H. Smith, Esq., A.M., M. R. I. A. Rev. J. H. Todd, D. D., V. P. R. I. A., Se- cretary. FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF THE SOCIETY. I. The number of Members shall be limited to 500. II. The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a President and Council of twelve Members, to be elected annually by the Society. III. Those Noblemen and Gentlemen who have been admitted Members prior to the first day of May, 1841, shall be deemed the original Members of the Society, and all future Members shall be elected by the Council. IV. Each Member shall pay four pounds on the first year of his election, and one pound every subsequent year. These payments to be made in advance, on or before the first day of January, annually. V. Such Members as desire it, may become Life Members, on payment of the sum of thirteen pounds, or ten pounds (if they have already paid their entrance fee) in lieu of the annual subscription. VI. Every Member whose subscription is not in arrear shall be entitled to receive one copy of each publication of the Society issued subsequently to his admission ; and the books printed by the Society shall not be sold to the public. h 2 VII. lx VII. No Member who is three months in arrear of his subscription shall be en- titled to vote, or to any other privileges of a Member ; and any Member who shall be one year in arrear shall be considered as having resigned. VIII. Any Member who shall gratuitously edit any book, approved of by the Council, shall be entitled to twenty copies of such book, when printed, for his own use: and the Council shall at all times be ready to receive suggestions from Members, rela- tive to such rare books or manuscripts as they may be acquainted with, and which they may deem worthy of being printed by the Society. IX. The Council shall have power to appoint officers ; and to make by-laws not inconsistent with the fundamental laws of the Society. Noblemen and Gentlemen desirous of becoming Members of the Irish Archaeo- logical Society are requested to forward their names and addresses to the Secretary, Kev. Dr. Todd, Trinity College, Dublin. Literary Societies and public libraries may procure the Society's publications, by causing the Librarian, or any other officer, to become a Member of the Irish Archaeological Society in their name. Subscriptions will be received in Dublin by Messrs. Hodges and Smith, the So- ciety's Booksellers, 104, Grafton-street. In London, by Mr. T. Clerc Smith, 13, Henrietta-street, Cocent Garden. In Belfast, by Edmund Getty, Esq., Victoria-place. In Cork, by John Lindsay, Esq., JUari/cille, Blackrock. In Edinburgh, by Mr. Stevenson, 87, Princes-street. In Glasgow, by John Smith, Esq., LL. D., 70, St. Vincent-street. Those Members who may find it inconvenient to pay their subscriptions to these gentlemen, will have the goodness to procure a Post-Office order made payable to the Secretary, Rev. J. H. Todd, D. D., Trinity College, Dublin ; or to the Treasurer, John Smith Furlong, Esq., Q. C, 146, Leeson-street, Dublin. PUBLICATIONS FOR THE YEAR 184 1. I. Tracts relating to Ireland, vol. 1. containing: 1. The Circuit of Ireland; by Muircheartach Mac Neill, Prince of Aileach; a Poem written in the year 942 by Cormacan Eigeas, Chief Poet of the North of Ireland. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by John O'Donovan. 2. "A Brife Description of Ireland: Made in this year 1589, by Robert Payne vnto xxv. of his partners for whom he is vndertaker there." Reprinted from the lxi the second edition, London, 1590, with a Preface and Notes, by Aquilla Smith M.D..M.E.IA. II. The Annals of Ireland; by James Grace of Kilkenny. Edited from the MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, in the original Latin, with a Translation and Notes, by the Eev. Richard Butler, M. R. I. A. PUBLICATIONS FOR THE YEAR I 842. I. Cctcli lDuijlii Reich. The Battle of Moira, from an ancient MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited in the original Irish, with a Translation and Notes, by John O'Donovan. II. Tracts relating to Ireland, vol. 11. containing : 1 . " A Treatice of Ireland ; by John Dymmok." Edited from a MS. in the British Museum, with Notes, by the Rev. Richard Bdtler, M. R. I. A. 2. The Annals of Multifernam ; from the original MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited by Aquilla Smith, M. D., M. R. I. A. 3. A Statute passed at a Parliament held at Kilkenny, A. D. 1367 ; from a MS. in the British Museum. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by James Hardiman, Esq., M. R. I. A. PUBLICATIONS FOR THE YEAR 1 843. I. An Account of the Tribes and Customs of the District of Hy-Many, commonly called O'Kelly's Country, in the Counties of Galway and Roscommon. Edited from the Book of Lecan in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy ; in the original Irish, with a Translation and Notes, by John O'Donovan. II. The Book of Obits and Martyrology of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, com- monly called Christ Church, Dublin. Edited from the original MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, by the Rev. John Clarke Crosthwaite, A. M., late Dean's Vicar of Christ Church Cathedral, &c. With an Introduction by James Henthorn Todd, D. D., V. P. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, &c. PUBLICATIONS FOR THE YEAR I 844. I. An Account of the Tribes and Customs of the District of Hy-Fiachrach, in the Counties of Sligo and Mayo. Edited from the Book of Lecan, in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy, and from the M'Firbis MS. in the possession of the Earl of Roden. By John O'Donovan. II. lxii II. " Registrum Ecclesie Omnium Sanctorum juxta Dublin;" from the original MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited by the Rev. Richard But- ler, M. R. I. A. Nearly ready. PUBLICATIONS FOR THE YEAR I 845. I. Cormac's Glossary ; in the original Irish. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, by John O'Donovan. In the Press. II. The Annals of Ireland, by John Clyn of Kilkenny. Edited, with Notes, by the Rev. Richard Butler, M. R. I. A. In the Press. III. The Annals of Ireland, by Thady Dowling, Chancellor of Leighlin. Edited, with Notes, by Aquilla Smith, M. D., M. R. I. A. In the Press. IV. A Description of West or H-Iar-Connaught, by Roderic O'Flaherty, Author of the Ogygia, written A. D. 1684. Edited, with copious Notes and an Appendix, by James Hardiman, Esq., M. R. I. A., from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. In the Press. PUBLICATIONS SUGGESTED OR IN PROGRESS. I. The Miscellany of the Irish Archaeological Society, vol. i. In the Press. II. The Irish Version of the " Historia Britonum" of Nennius, from the Book of Ballimote, collated with copies in the Book of Lecan, and in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin. With a Translation and Notes, by James Henthorn Todd, D. D., V. P. R. I. A., Fellow of Trinity College, &c. III. " Macarias Excidium. The Destruction of Cyprus ;" by Col. Charles O'Kelly. In the original Latin, with a Translation by Denis Henry Kelly, Esq., of Castle Kelly ; and Notes by John O'Callaghan, Esq. IV. Sir William Petty's Narrative of his Proceedings in the Survey of Ireland. From a MS. recently purchased by Government, and deposited in the Library of Trin. Coll., Dublin. Edited, with Notes, by Thos. A. Larcom, Esq., Capt. R. E., M.R.I. A. V. Articles of Capitulation and Surrender of Cities, Towns, Castles, Forts, &c, in Ireland, to the Parliamentary Forces, from A. D. 1649 to 1654. Edited, with His- torical Notices, by James Hardiman, Esq., M.R.I. A. VI. The Progresses of the Lords Lieutenant in Ireland ; from MSS. in the Li- brary of Trinity College, Dublin. Edited by Joseph Huband Smith, Esq., M.A., M.R.I. A. VII. 6opama. The Origin and History of the Boromean Tribute. Edited from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, with a Translation and Notes, by Eugene Curry. VIII. lxiii VIII. Car Caipn Chonaill. The battle of Cam Chonaill, between Guaire, King of Aidline, and Dermot, King of Ireland, A. D. 648. From the Leabhar na-h Uidhre, a very ancient MS. in the Collection of Messrs. Hodges and Smith, with a Translation and Notes, by Eugene Curry. IX. The Annals of Ulster. With a Translation and Notes ; Edited from a MS. in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, collated with the Translation made for Sir James Ware by Dudley M'Firbis, a MS. in the British Museum, by James Henthorn Todd, D. D., V. P. E. I. A., and John O'Donovan. X. An Account of the Firbolgs and Danes of Ireland, by Duald Mac Firbis. Edited, with a Translation and Notes, from MSS. in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy, by John O'Donovan. DATE DUE UNIVERSITY PRODUCTS, INC. #859-5503 [/, BOSTON COLLEGE 3 9031 00011189 8 H W&.