\ THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY STUDIED IN THE DOCUMENTS \ RE Gift THE m\* '■ i J' v r> x t (i 1.1 (. (. L cm i v t. v ì in I, hi, i SODALITY OF OUR LADY STUDIED IN THE DOCUMENTS BY FATHER ELDER MULLAN S. J. THIRD EDITION (FIRST IN ENGLISH) REVISED AND ENLARGED BY THE AUTHOR . 1 f i. , • I ■ . v I i < . i: IMPRIMI POTEST. FRANCISCUS XAV. WERNZ, Praep. Gen. Soc. Jesu. IMPRIMATUR. FR. ALBERTUS LEPIDI, O. P., •S’. P. A. Magister. IMPRIMATUR. JOSEPHUS CEPPETELLI, Pair. Const., Vicesg. The right of translation into other languages is reserved. 11736 '• ■ i. > , • j, ' i *« v.nvg- L 0 f 1 0 1C ( H U Cl t iii n i i \ m u v i ;t.n "V^'j v i PREFACE The book herewith presented to the public was first published in Italian as an enlargement and rearrangement of De Congrega- tionibus Marianis Documenta et Leges, a work written by Father Francis Beringer, S. J. The intention was to publish the English edition as the joint production of Father Beringer and the present writer, but the sickness of the former and his death in January, 1909, rendered the plan impossible, and even deprived the book of his keen and accurate revision. Much, however, of what is here written had been thoroughly discussed with Father Beringer in the course of preparation of the Latin work. The book consists of two Parts. The second contains the Doc¬ uments utilized. These are reprinted in full when they contain distinctively Sodality pronouncements of general application. Sec¬ tions in other Documents, too, that treat of the Sodality by name are given without abbreviation. Of the rest, however, only so much is found here as was necessary for the use made of them in Part 1. The Documents are in all cases faithfully reproduced in the original language from authentic sources, catalogued at the beginning of Part 2, and are accompanied by explanatory headings and rubrics in the vernacular. Part 1 is a treatise on the Sodality. This has been drawn from the Documents, each statement being supported by the appro¬ priate citation, or even passage, or passages, done into English. The Documents reproduced are of two kinds. Some of them, by far the larger part, emanated from the Holy See and possess the highest authority, as constituting the organic law of the So¬ dality. Of the second class, those deriving from the Father General of the Society of Jesus, a portion were issued by him with the authority over Jesuit Sodalities vested in him by the Sovereign Pontiffs; the rest form a body of suggestions and directions meant vm ' > ’ ' i i i. r ,> > n; i e i i ; : i ■ PREFACE to help Sodalists and their Directors. Neither of the divisions of this second class has binding force on non-Jesuit Sodalities, but all the Documents in question are nevertheless printed in this book, as likely to help every one concerned in making Sodalities what they ought to be. Part i of the present work, besides the above-mentioned Doc¬ uments, contains a large amount of historical matter drawn from sources not reproduced in Part 2. In keeping with the title cho¬ sen for the book, the aim has constantly been to admit nothing of this kind which could not claim to rest on authentic evidence, which is carefully cited. Such historical items, culled from the great mass of data which is already available in print and is constantly growing, have been put to use merely for the sake of illustration and must not be considered an essential element in the treatment. It is needless to say that there has been no inten tion whatever of writing the history of the Sodality, and quite as needless to add that the details selected by no means exhaust the material at hand. The author has the pleasant duty of recording his obligations, besides his good friend Father Beringer, to the Director, the Head Sacristan and the Beadle of the Prima-Primaria for their courtesy in facilitating work in its Archives, to Father Achilles Gerste, S.J., for assistance in finding and rating documents, and especially to Fathers Joseph Hilgers, Antony Rota, Gomar Schuurmanns, and Peter Vidal, S. J., who most kindly read the book in manuscript before it received its final form. It is hoped that this may be found a trustworthy presentation of the Church law and decisions on the Sodality of Our Lady and, as such, may help to promote acquaintance with so admirable an institution and to encourage those charged with the care of Sodal¬ ities to cherish and foster them and to direct them more and more to the greater glory of God and the honor of Our Queen and Ad¬ vocate and Mother. Elder Mullan, S. J Gennari College, Rome, Feast of Our Lady Immaculate, igu. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface. vii Table of Contents. . ix PART I » THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY Sources of Historical Notes. xxii Chapter i. General Note... Chapter 2. Historical Introduction.- . . . x Chapter 3. What the Sodality is.7 A Confraternity.7 In the broad sense. .8 Not a mere Pious Union.9 End and Means . . . . ..9 Chapter 4. Where the Sodality can be established.9 Jesuit Colleges, Churches, Houses, Seminaries, places or Residences . . 9 Non-Jesuit educational Institutions, pious places and Convents of Nuns . 12 The Precise Seat of the Sodality..15 If the Sodality Church is taken from an Order, profaned or destroyed . . .15 •If the Sodality is transferred to a new place.16 Chapter 5. Title borne by the Several Sodalities.. .17 Primary Title.• . . 17 Secondary Title.20 Chapter 6. Rules of the Sodality.22 In Jesuit Establishments.. In non-Jesuit Establishments. . 24 Rules Common to all Sodalities of Our Lady.26 Common Rules of 1587.26 Common Rules of 1855.28 General Statutes of 1885.30 Common Rules of 1910 . , .31 u Essential ’ ’ elements of the Rules.41 Additional Rules.42 Necessity of having and of following Rules . . . ... . -43 Chapter 7. Establishment of the Sodality.45 Canonical Erection.45 Jesuit Houses and Churches.46 X TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Consent of the Ordinary.47 Non-Jesuit Institutions.48 The Ordinary or his Delegate.48 The Father General of the Society of Jesus.49 ggregation to the Prima-Primaria . 50 Conditions of aggregation.56 The Sodality of Our Lady and the Bull Quaecumque .57 Actual Proceedings in Erecting and Aggregating.62 Jesuit Institutions.63 Other places.63 The Ordinary.63 Petition to the Ordinary.63 Petition to the Father General.64 The Father General.65 Chapter 8. Government of the Sodality of Our Lady.67 The Sovereign Pontiff. 67 More Immediate Superiors.67 Jesuit Institutions.67 Appointment of Director.69 Non-Jesuit Institutions.70 Appointment of Director.71 Canonical Visitation.72 The Director of the Sodality . .73 The Director and his Officers.75 Meetings.78 Visits.79 Consultations ... . ..80 General Consultation.81 Consultation of the Council 81 Officers.83 Election. 83 Duties.85 The Sodality and the Pastor and other Confraternities .... 87 Wherever the Confraternity is Established.87 When the Confraternity is Erected in the Parish Church or in a Chapel or Oratory annexed to it ......... 88 When the Confraternity is Erected in a Place separate from the Parish Church.88 Presentation of the Aspersory to the Bishop.89 Private Oratories.89 Precedence.89 Chapter 9. Membership in a Sodality of Our Lady.90 Candidacy.90 Reception.91 I^y Whom.91 Who are eligible.92 Qualities.99 TABLE OF CONTENTS XI Page Manner of proceeding. ioi What is proposed to Members.107 End of the Sodality.107 First Means — Personal Perfection.107 In general.107 In particular.108 Second Means — Work for the Neighbor.no Cessation of Membership.112 Chapter 10. Frequentation of the Sacraments . 114 Confession.115 General Confession.115 Holy Communion.117 Chapter ii. Meetings of the Sodality.119 Frequency.119 Time of Meetings.• 123 Attendance.123 Exercises.125 Chapter 12. General Communions.128 Chapter 13. Feasts of the Sodality.131 Chapter 14. Retreat.134 Chapter 15. Indulgences of the Sodality ..138 Chapter 16. Acquirement, Ownership and Use of Property . . . 148 Jesuit Establishments.148 Non-Jesuit Establishments.15a Alienation.153 Chapter 17. Works of the Sodality.154 Sections.162 Chapter 18. Academies.167 Chapter 19. Works in which Sodalities unite together.170 Sodality Congresses.170 Congresses of Directors. 173 Purpose and Results.173 Confederation.175 Periodicals.177 Chapter 20. Dissolution of a Sodality.179 Jesuit Houses or Colleges. 179 Non-Jesuit Institutions.180 PART 2 DOCUMENTS Sources.2* No. 1 — 1 March, 1467 — Bull Ambitiosae of Paul II — The unauthorized alienation of Church property prohibited.3* XII TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 2 — 1563 — Decree of the Council of Trent — The Bishop’s power to make the visitation of Confraternities and exact an account of their finances.4* No. 3 — 19 Aug., 1579 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars — Confraternities to be allowed to collect alms under super¬ vision by the Bishop.4* No. 4 — 1582 — Rules of Jesuit Missions — Those on missions not to make Rules for any Confraternity.5* No. 5 — 5 Dec., 1584 — Bull Omnipotentis Dei of Gregory XIII — Canon¬ ical erection of the Primary Sodality in the Roman College ; Indulgences granted; powers conferred on the General of the Society of Jesus to erect, and aggregate to the Primary, other Sodalities in Jesuit Colleges out of Rome ; his powers for the government of these bodies.5* No. 6—5 Jan., 1587 — Bull Superna Disposinone of Sixtus V — Exten¬ sion of the power to erect and aggregate Sodalities, so that the General can henceforth erect and aggregate more than one Sodality, under what¬ ever title, in any House or College of the Society, with the communi¬ cation of the Indulgences and privileges; power given to the General to dissolve Sodalities.11* No. 7 — 16 June, 1587 —• Letter of Father General Aquaviva — Women * not to be admitted to Sodalities.16 No. 8 — 29 Sept., 1587 — Bull Romanum decet of Sixtus V — Exten¬ sion of faculties to erect and aggregate, so as to include Sodalities in Houses not of the Society, but under its care; extension of the Indulgence for the Feast of the Annunciation to any titular Feast; power to transfer this Indulgence with the Feast.16* No. 9 — 1 Nov-, 1587 — Father General Aquaviva — Common Rules of the Sodality.24* No. 10 — 1599 — Rules touching the Sodality inserted in the Ratio Stu- diorum — The Rector is to have the Sodality established in his College; Sodalists and Members of the Academy ; the exercises of the Sodality and other exercises.43* No. 11 — 30 Aug., 1602 — Brief Cum sicut nobis of Clement VIII — Exten¬ sion of the power to aggregate to the Prima-Primaria so as to include other Sodalities of Our Lady, even in Residences of the Society . . 43* No. 12 — 7 Dec., 1604 — Bull Quaecumque of Clement VIII — Regula¬ tions for erecting and aggregating Confraternities.45* No. 13 — 10 Sept., 1605 — Letter of Father General Aquaviva — The Sodality of Our Lady exempt from the Quaecumque .51* No. 14 — 17 Dec., 1605 — Letter of Father General Aquaviva — Another society, distinct from the Sodality and subject to the Ordinary, could hold property and administer it for the Sodality.52* No. 15 — 1606 — Ordination of Father General Aquaviva — Directions for the establishment of Sodalities . .53* No. 16 — 30 Oct., 1610 — Letter of Father General Aquaviva — Sodali¬ ties of Priests to be encouraged.55* TABLE OF CONTENTS XIII Page No. 17 — 6 June, 1616 — Answers of Father General Vitelleschi — Mem¬ bers absenting themselves and the Indulgences ; lawful hindrances . . . 55* No. 18 — 7 Oct., 1617 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites — The Bishop only has the right to erect Confraternities in his Diocese . . . 56* No. 19 — 4 Nov., 1617 — Letter of Father General Vitelleschi — Details to be sent with application for aggregation.57* No. ao — 15 April, 1621 - Bull Alias pro parte of Gregory XV — Exten¬ sion of powers so as to include the erection of Sodalities in Residences; exemption of Sodalities of Our Lady from the Bull Quaecumque of Clem¬ ent VIII.57* No. 21 — 8 Oct., 1631 — Letter of Father General Vitelleschi — Care of Sodalities urged; Directors to be the best possible ...... 61* No. 23 — Nov., 1636 — Letter of Father General Vitelleschi — The So¬ dality in Jesuit Houses subject to the Society in everything; absence punished 62* No. 23 — 31 July, 1637 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars — In what details the Ordinary has power to make the visita¬ tion of Confraternities in the Churches of Regulars . . . . . 63* No. 24 — Before 1645 — Extracts from Letters of the Fathers General — De¬ cisions touching Sodalities in Jesuit Institutions. ...... 64. No. 35 — 19 March, 1671 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — A religious Order cannot communicate its Indulgences to a Con¬ fraternity .74* No. 26 — 12 Jan., 1704 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites — The respective rights of Pastors and Confraternities.74* No. 27 — 9 July, 1718 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites — Rights of a Confraternity as to Holy Communion in its Chapel, and as to Processions.77* No. 28 — 6 Oct., 1571 and 16 May, 1736 — Brief of Paul V and Brief of Clement XII — Indulgences granted for the teaching of Catechism . . . 78* No. 29 — 16 Dec., 1746 — Brief Quemadmodum of Benedict XIV — Indul¬ gences for mental prayer.78* No. 30 — a March, 1748 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The communication of Indulgences and privileges to a Confrater¬ nity by an Archconfraternity or a Religious Superior must be to the fullest extent possible; aggregation must be in perpetuity.78* No. 31 — 24 April, 1748 — Brief Praeclaris Romanorum of Benedict XIV — Indulgences confirmed and others granted.79* No. 33 — 27 Sept., 1748 — Golden Bull Gloriosae Dominae of Benedict XIV — Confirmation and enlargement of Indulgences and Privileges . . . 83* No. 33 — 18 Jan., 1749 — Letter of Father General Retz — Growth and fruits of Sodalities; benefits conferred on them by the Sovereign Pontiffs; the Golden Bull; care in the choice of Directors.94* No. 34 — 15 July, 1749 — Brief Quemadmodum Presbyteri of Benedict XIV — The Indulgences of the Sodality granted to the members of the Society of Jesus; special concessions to Sovereigns; the Indulgences of the Forty Hours granted for a triduum of Exposition in Sodality Chapels . . .96’ XIV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No, 35—8 Sept., 1751 — Brief Quo tibi of Benedict XIV — Power i given to aggregate to the Prima-Primaria any Sodality of either sex, or of both, which is in a Jesuit House or Church.97* No. 36 — 15 Jan., 1752 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The Church in which there is a Confraternity of an Order is not therefore one in which can be gained the Indulgences granted for visiting a Church of that Order ..99 No. 37 — 28 Aug., 1752 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — For valid erection no act but the Bishop’s is necessary . . 100* No. 38 — 29 March, 1753 — Brief Quantum secessus of Benedict XIV — Praise is bestowed on the Spiritual Exercises; Indulgences are granted for making them in Jesuit establishments.101* No. 39 — 16 May, 1753 — Brief Dedimus sane of Benedict XIV — The faculties and Indulgences granted in the Brief Quantum secessus are ex¬ tended to non-Jesuit establishments.102* No. 40 — 1757 — Decree of the Father General of the Society of Jesus — To Superiors are communicated faculties for choosing a title, for the public Feast of the secondary title, and its translation to a Church or Chapel not of the Sodality, for another Feast in Sodalities which have no secon¬ dary title and for transferring Sodality Feasts.103* No. 41 — 15 Febr., 1758 — Brief Laudabile Romanorum Pontificum of Benedict XIV — The ownership of Sodality property in Jesuit Houses and Churches is assigned to the said Houses or Churches.104* No. 42 — 7 Jan., 1765 — Bull Apostolicum of Clement XIII — The ap¬ proval of the Sodality of Our Lady is renewed.109* No. 43 — 21 July, 1773 — Brief Dominus ac Redemptor of Clement XIV — The Society of Jesus is suppressed and its Superiors are deprived of all their powers. no* No. 44 — 13 Aug., 1773 — Brief Gravissimis ex causis of Clement XIV — A Commission is created to execute the Brief of 21 July, 1773 . . nr* No. 45 — 18 Aug., 1773 — Letter of the above Commission to the Bishops — The suppression is executed .in* No. 46 — 14 Nov., 1773 — Brief Commendatissimam of Clement XIV — The privileges of the Roman College Sodalities are secured . . . .in* No. 47 — 2 May, 1775 — Decree of Pius VI — Faculties to aggregate are granted.112* No. 48 — 9 Dec., 1775 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The Summary of Indulgences is approved . . , . .113* No. 49 — 6 March, 1776 - Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Approval of the Diploma of aggregation is granted . . .118* No. 50 — 20 March, 1776 — Decree of Pius VI — The faculties for ag¬ gregation are extended.121* No. 51 — 20 Aug., 1789 — Decree of the Cardinal Vicar — The sanation of defective aggregations is granted.122* No. 52 — 5 May, 1798 — Rescript of the Secretariate of Memorials — Powers are granted also to the Director of the Prima-Primaria to aggregate to it . 123* TABLE OF CONTENTS XV Page No. 53 — After 30 May, 1798 — The Director of the Prima-Primaria — Diploma of aggregation.125* No. 54 — a 1 July, 1804 — Answer of Pius VII — The faculties touching aggregation, etc., to the Prima-Primaria are given to the Father General in Russia with regard to a head Sodality there.126* No. 55 — 17 May, 1834 — Brief Cum multa of Leo XII — The Roman College is restored to the Society of Jesus, and the faculty to aggregate to the Prima-Primaria is declared to remain.127* No. 56 — 7 March, 1825 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Power is granted to aggregate to the Prima-Primaria even Sodal¬ ities not under the charge of the Society of Jesus.130’ No. 57 — ii June, 1838 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Alms may be collected by a Confraternity with leave of the Ordinary, for the maintenance of the Church or Oratory, and for other purposes approved by him.131* No. 58 — 28 Jan., 1839 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The Indulgences and privileges of a Sodality do not lapse because it no longer has members.132* No. 59 — 26 Aug., 1840 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — A Congregation illegally suppressed does not lose its Indulgen¬ ces and privileges.133* No. 60 — 29 May, 1841 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — A member of one Confraternity can belong to others and gain their Indulgences.133* No. 61 — 35 Jan., 1842 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Failure to observe the Rules of a Confraternity does not inval¬ idate the Indulgences.134* No. 62 — 7 June, 1842 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The Pastor is not ipso facto Director of a Confraternity in the Parish 134* No. 63 — 22 Aug., 1843 —' Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The absence of Rules or Officials does not invalidate the Indulgen¬ ces granted to Confraternities ; Confraternities, in general, do not share in the good works and prayers of an Archconfraternity unless they are ag¬ gregated to it in the usual way.135* No. 64 — 18 Nov., 1843 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — No form is prescribed for the Bishop in erecting a Sodality; Ad¬ ministrators are not essential ; the Bishop can appoint the Director of each Confraternity. 136* No. 65 — 30 Jan., 1843 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Indulgences in addition to those in the Apostolic Indult are valid if there is no contrary clause in it.137* No. 66 — 12 May, 1843 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Partial or general departure from the Statutes does not invalidate the Indulgences; but the items of the Statutes which regard good works indulgenced by the Holy See are essential for gaining the Indulgences 137 XVI TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. 67 — 9 Aug., 1843 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences — The Indulgences lapse if the Church of a Confraternity is rebuilt in a different place, but not if rebuilt in nearly the same place . No. 68 — 20 Sept., 1844 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars — A Confraternity in a Church of Regulars and having no revenue and spending no money for the altar or the service of the Church, is not subject to Episcopal visitation '.. No. 69 — 12 July, 1847 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The Indulgences of a Feast transferred to the Sunday following are transferred with it. No. 70 — 31 Jan., 1848 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — No special daily prayers are necessary for gaining the Indulgences granted the Sodality. No. 71 — 8 July, 1848 — Decree of Pius IX — During the dissolution of the Society of Jesus, the Director is to enjoy all the powers of the General as to the Prima-Primaria, and its property is to remain untouched . No. 72 — 12 May, 1479, and 12 May, 1851 — Sixtus IV and Pius IX — Indulgences for the Beads. No. 73 — 15 March, 1852 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of In¬ dulgences — The transfer of a Confraternity to another place can be made by the Ordinary. No. 74 — 9 Aug., 1852 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — A Feast transferred, the Indulgences connected with it are trans¬ ferred to the same day.. No. 75 — 1855 — Father General Beckx — Approbation of the Common Rules of Father Parthenius. No. 76 — 1855 — Father Parthenius — Common Rules of the Sodality No. 77 — 27 May, 1857 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — One dùly enrolled in the Scapular of Mt. Carmel can, after discard¬ ing the Scapular, resume it without a new enrolment and gain the Indul¬ gences . No. 78 — 8 Jan., 1861 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgen¬ ces — The observance of the Quaecumque is urged. No. 79 — 8 Jan., 1861 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgen¬ ces — The Ordinary is free to appoint the Pastor of the time being Director of a Sodality. No. 80 — 18 Sept., 1862 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — A Confraternity in a Church that is profaned does not lose its Indulgences. No. 81 — 10 Feb., 1863 — Brief Exponendum of Pius IX — Favors are granted for the tercentenary of the foundation of the Prima-Primaria No. 8a — 29 Aug., 1864 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The day for gaining an Indulgence connected with a Feast . No. 83 — 39 Aug., 1864 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Sodalities of Our Lady are declared not included in the Bull Quae- cumque of Clement VIII. 138* i 39 ‘ 140* 141* 141* 14a* 143 * 144 * 145 . 146* 162* 163* 165* 166* 167* 169* 170 * TABLE OF CONTENTS XVII Page No. 84 — 23 Nov., 1865 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites — Permission is given for the Mass of St. John Berchmans, on a Sunday in November, for Sodalities in Jesuit Colleges, Seminaries and Schools . 171’ No. 85 — 19 Oct., 1866 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The wording of Diplomas, prescribed in accordance with the Bull Quaecumque, can be communicated.173* No. 86 — 19 Oct., 1866 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The form for Diplomas. . . 173* No. 87 — 18 Aug., 1868 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — A Vicar General, unless specially delegated by the Bishop, cannot erect Confraternities, give consent for their aggregatipn, or approve the Rules. 175 * No. 88 — 18 Aug., 1868 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Into a Confraternity erected in a given Diccese but aggregated to a Roman Archconfraternity persons outside the Diocese can be re¬ ceived .178* No. 89 — is Oct., 1869 — Bull Apostolicae Sedis of Pius IX — Unlawful alienation of Church property subjects the offender to excommunication . 179* No. 90 — 1739, 1740, 1870 — Decrees of the Sacred Congregation of In¬ dulgences — Indulgences for the Six Sundays of St. Aloysius ... . 179* No. 91 — 31 March, 1876 — Brief of Pius IX — Indulgences granted for the Little Office of Our Lady Immaculate.180* No. 93 — 6 Dec., 1876 — Decree of the Holy Office — The admission into Confraternities of the departed, of children and of those unaware of their being proposed is not permitted.180* No. 93 — is Jan., 1878 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Indulgences may not be added to those of a Sodality unless new conditions are prescribed. 181* No. 94 — 33 Nov., 1878 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — A Vicar Capitular is not to erect Confraternities, consent to their aggregation or approve their Rules.181* No. 95 — 26 Nov., 1880 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences — The reception into Confraternities of those not present .... 182* No. 96 — 27 May, 1884 — Brief Frugiferas of Leo XIII — Favors are granted for the tercentenary of the canonical erection of the Prima- Primaria as head of all...184* No. 97 — 8 June, 1884 — Letter of Father Vicar General Anderledy to the Society of Jesus — To oppose evil Societies, Sodalities are to be fostered, especially among the young; history of the Sodality.186 No. 98 — 33 June, 1885 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Facuities are given for erecting Sodalities not in Jesuit Houses or Churches: these Sodalities are exempted from the Bull Quaecumque; power is granted for the Director to delegate; sanation of defects in erections, ag¬ gregations and receptions.192* No. 99 — 23 June, 1885 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Grant of Indulgence for the feast of the Purification; leave to XVIII TABLE OF CONTENTS Page make to the Sodality Oratory or Chapel the visit required for the Indul¬ gence of the titular Feast ; all Indulgences are applicable to the Souls in Purgatory ; a non-Jesuit may be made Director of a Jesuit Sodality . . 194* No. 100 — 23 June, 1885 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Summary of Indulgences and privileges.196* No. 101 — 31 Aug., 1885 — Letter of Father Vicar General Anderledy — Acquaintance with the Directions about Sodalities urged ; new arrangements about Diplomas ; Directors to be appointed by the mediate Superiors; powers of the local Superiors, Sodalities erected by the Bishops with special fac¬ ulties are not Sodalities of the Society of Jesus.200* No. 102 — 1885-1907 — The Fathers General — Directions for Members of the Society of Jesus as to the establishment of Sodalities of Our Lady . 203* No. 103 — 1885-1907 — The Fathers General — Directions for the estab¬ lishment of Sodalities of Our Lady ......... 209* No. 104 — 8 Jan., 1886 — Brief Nihil adeo of Leo XIII — Plenary Indul¬ gence granted for General Communion.219* No. 105 — 13 July, 1886 — Brief Dolemus inter of Leo XIII — New con¬ firmation of the faculties of the Society of Jesus.220* No. xo6 — 27 April, 1887 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Mere intention is not sufficient for valid reception . . . 220* No. 107 — 27 April, 1887 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Extension of the Indulgence granted for Communion on the meet¬ ing day. .221* No. 108 — 16 July, 1887 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul- * gences — The Director of a Confraternity can receive himself into it, if he has general powers to receive.222* No. 109 — 16 July, 1887 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The Pastor pro tempore named for Director is succeeded as Director by his successor as Pastor, without a new appointment; Sodalists hindered from performing the works prescribed for an Indulgence can still gain it, under certain conditions ; enrolment not essential for the validity of reception 223* No. 110 — 17 Sept., 1887 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of In¬ dulgences — The Indulgences of the Sodality can no longer be had unless through aggregation by the Father General of the Society ofjesustothe Prima-Primaria 226* No. hi — 10 Aug., 1888 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The Ordinary can validly appoint a secular Priest Director of a Sodality that formerly had for Director a Religious of a now suppressed Order with which the Sodality was connected.228’ No. 112 — 16 Nov., 1888 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of In¬ dulgences — Vicars General can erect Confraternities that do not require a special Apostolic Indult, if they are deputed in general for even special acts 228’ No. 1x3 — 30 June, 1889 — Letter of the Cardinal Prefect of Propaganda — Ordinaries that have the faculties in Missionary countries can still erect Confraternities and communicate the Indulgences to them .... 229* TABLE OF CONTENTS XIX Page No. 114 — 14 Aug., 1889 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The departed not to be admitted into a Confraternity . . 230* No. 115 — 21 Nov., 1891 — Letter of Father General Anderledy — How to direct Sodalities.331* No. 116—3 Dec., 1892 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The consent of the Ordinary to precede erection and aggrega¬ tion; Diplomas of erection and aggregation cannot be granted without refer¬ ence to the person who has power to erect or aggregate ; other Officials, besides Pastors, can be named pro tempore Directors of a Confraternity . 231* No. 117 — 1892 — Decree of the Father General — The erection and ag¬ gregation of Sodalities and the making or changing of their Rules are reserved to the General.233* No. 118 — 1892 — Decree of the 34th. General Congregation — Care of Sodalities of men urged.233* No. 119 — 26 Aug., 1893 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The prayers said at meetings are enough for the gaining of Indul¬ gences; to gain these, a meeting twice a month suffices .... 234’ No. 120 — 13 Feb./, 1894 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The same person can belong to two Confraternities . . . 335* No. 121 — 20 May, 1896 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of In¬ dulgences — Letters commendatory, without separate consent, from the Ordi¬ nary are sufficient for the erection and aggregation of Confraternities; the Summary of Indulgences approved by the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences needs no further examination by the Ordinary.■ 335* No. 122 — 25 Aug., 1897 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The consent given by the Ordinary for the erection of a religious House is sufficient for the erection of a Confraternity in it depending on the Order.236* No. 123 — 25 Aug., 1897 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The departed cannot be admitted into Pious Unions or Pious Works 237* No. 124 — 23 March, 1899 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Inquisition — Power of the Bishop or other Ordinary to delegate his facul¬ ties touching Confraternities.238* No. 125 — 10 Aug., 1899 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The Ordinary need not state on the Summary of Indulgences that he has seen it. 239* No. 126 — 1887, 1897, 1903 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of In¬ dulgences — Indulgences for the Little Office of Our Lady.... 239* No. 127 — 11 Nov., 1903 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Permission is granted to change the place of meeting . . 241’ No. 128 — 13 April, 1904 — Father General Martin — Declaration touch¬ ing Sodalities outside Jesuit Institutions.242* No. 129 — 7 Sept., 1904 — Audience of Pius X — Words spoken to the Sodality Congress.243* No. 130 — 15 Nov., 1905 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul- XX TABLE OF CONTENTS Page gences — When the consent of the Ordinary is necessary for the ap¬ probation of Rules, for aggregation and for the publication of Indulgences 245* No. 131 — 1906 — Decree of the 25th. General Congregation S. J. — The work of Sodalities strongly urged.246* No. 132 — 17 Nov., 1906 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — An Indulgence granted for reciting the Act of Consecration . 246* No. 133 — 18 Jan., 1907 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars — Sodalities in Convents of Nuns.248* No. 134 — 1593-1907 — The Fathers General — Diplomas used in erec¬ tion and aggregation to the Prima-Primaria ... ... 250* No. 135 — 1 April, 1908 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Grant of continuance for certain Sodalities transferred to a new place with religious Communities.256* No. 136 — 17 June, 1908 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Sanation of defective erections, aggregations and receptions 257* No. 137 — 1846-1910 — Extracts from letters of the Fathers General — Decisions and counsels touching Sodalities and their direction . . 258* No. 138 — 10 May, 1910—Decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Coun¬ cil — Directors are Members of theiriSodalities ; Directors can receive per¬ sons of a class different from that of their Sodality ; a Sodalist remains always a Sodalist ; obligation of entering a Sodality where one is living . 261* No. 139 — 21 July, 1910 — The Holy Office — The Summary of Indul¬ gences is approved.263* No. 140 — 31 Aug., 1910 — Father General Wernz — Diploma used in erections and aggregations to the Prima-Primaria .268* No. 141 — 1910 — Father General Wernz — The end of the Sodality is spir¬ itual; the means used should be adapted to this end ; Congresses of So¬ dalities, especially Directors' Congresses of one and the same country, are praised.273* No. 142 — 28 Nov., 1910 — Letter of Father General Wernz — Papal Blessing granted for Eucharistic Sections.275* No. 143 — 8 Dec., 1910 — Father General Wernz —Approbation of Com¬ mon Rules.276* No. 144 — 8 Dec., 19x0 — Father General Wernz — Common Rules of the Sodality. 377* APPENDIX No. 145 — 16 March, 17x3 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Bish¬ ops and Regulars — Sodalities cannot possess property and are sub¬ ject to the Father General.292* No. 146 — 2 Dec., 1740 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars — Sodalities cannot possess property and are subject to the Father General.293* I v TABLE OF CONTENTS XXI Page No. 147 — 7 Dec., 1748 — Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — Summary of Indulgences .... ... 294* No. 148 — 7 July, 1843 — Brief of Gregory XVI — Indulgences granted for prayers for perseverance after Missions and Retreats . . . 299’ No. 149 — 10 Dec., 1906 — Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences — The recitation of the Little Office of Our Lady is private if the doors of the Chapel, etc., are closed.300* No. 150 — 10 Nov., 1910 — Letter of the Cardinal Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of the Council — No number of members is prescribed as requisite for the erection of any Confraternity ..... 301* S.H SOURCES NOT REPRODUCED IN PART 2 Bericht fiber den II deutschen Sodalentag... zu Aachen, am 30 August, 1903 —Jun- fermann, Paderborn, 1903. Archives of the Prima-Primaria : Calendars ; Conti ; Epistolae ; Libri della Fre- quenza ; Memorie; Notizie istoriche (1725); Officiales ; Preci (1901); Protocollo I, I. 1, I. 2. C, I. 2. D, I. 2. G, I. 2. L, I. 4. C, I. 4. E, I. 4. F, III. 15, IV, V. x, Vili, IX, XIII, XIV. 5 (Esposizione di Fatto e Diritto sulla canonica isti¬ tuzione e continuazione della Congregazione Prima-Primaria del Collegio Ro¬ mano e delle altre unite ed aggregate); Register of Aggregations; Register of Members ; Risposte ; Regole e Consuetudini (1779); Regole in Notizie istoriche (1865); Suppliche. Die Frau als Marienkind: Regeln fùr die Mitglieder der Marianischen Frauenkon gregation in Augsburg. — Haas und Grabherr, Augsburg, 1911. Catalogo de la Congregación preparatoria ó de la Annunciación de Ntra. Senora y San Juan Berchmans para jovenes menores de diez y seis anos de edad, Enero de 1892. — Libreria Salesiana, Barcelona, 1892. Los Santos Ejercicios para Obreros, su importancia y su organizacion en Barcelona. — Libreria Catolica, Barcelona, 1907. Congregación de la Purificación de Nuestra Senora y San Francisco de Borja para Caballeros.... Estado de la Congregación en Febrero de 1908.— Tipografia Ca- tólica, Barcelona, 1908. Congregación de la Inmaculada Virgen Maria y S. Luis Gonzaga de Barcelona para Jóvenes de Estudios superiores y del Comercio, 1893. — Henrich y Ca., Barce¬ lona, 1893. Congregación de la Inmaculada Virgen Maria y San Luis Gonzaga canònicamente erigida en la iglesia del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus, de Barcelona, para Jóvenes de carrera, Estudiantes, Industriales y del Comercio.... Catalogo de 1911. — Tipografia Católica, Barcelona, 1911. Congregación de la Inmaculada Virgen Maria y San Luis Gonzaga de Barcelona.... Reglas de las Secciones Catequisticas de Ninos. — Tipografia Católica, Barce¬ lona, 1896. Primer Congreso Hispano-Americano de las Congregaciones Marianas : Crònica, Personal, Documentos, Discursos y Memori as. — Tipografia Católica, Barce¬ lona, 1905. Reglas y Costumbres de la Congregación de la Inmaculada Virgen Maria y San Luis Gonzaga erigida en la iglesia del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus. — Tipografia Ca¬ tólica, Barcelona, 1907. Die Bedeutung der Marianischen Congregationen fùr junge Mànner, insbesondere fùr junge Kaufleute. — Jacobi, Aachen, 1880. Justo Beguiriztàin, La Comunion frecuente y diaria y las Congregaciones Marianas. — Razón y Fé, Madrid, 1909. Stefan Beissel, Geschichte der Verehrung Marias im 16 und 17 Jahrhundert. — Her¬ der, Freiburg, 1910. Une Congrégation d’Ouvriers à Beyrouth. — Pitrat, Lyon, 1890. Brevi Notizie Storiche dell’ Origine e Fondazione della Congregazione Prima-Prima¬ ria. — Roma, 1904. Jakab Bus, Kalauz a Maria-Kongregàciók Szàmàra. — Stephaneum Nyomda. R. T Budapest, 1907. SOURCES XXIII Manuale delle Figlie della Carità, — Parigi e Torino, 1910. The Catholic Encyclopedia. — Appleton, New York, 1906. Catalogo de las Congregaciones del Colegio de Nuestra Senora del Recuerdo en Chamartin de la Rosa, Madrid, 1886-1887. Sante Chiavarelli, Il Giovane Congregato di Maria. — Tip. S. Bernardino, Siena, 1892. Marcel Chossat, Les Jésuites et leurs CEuvres à Avignon, 1553-1768. —Seguin, Avi¬ gnon, 1896. Francisco Colin, Labor Evangelica de los Obreros de la Compania de Jesus en las Islas Filipinas : Nueva Edition.... par el Padre Pablo Pastells. — Henrich, Bar¬ celona, 1900. Congrès de Directeurs. Correo Mariano. — Palma. Franciscus Costerus, Libellus Sodalitatis. — 1616. Frédéric De Curley, Les Congrégations de la Très-Sainte Vierge à Avignon, de 1572 à 1880. — Seguin, Avignon, 1880. L. Delplace, Histoire des Congrégations de la Sainte Vierge. — Desclée, Lille et Bruges, 1884. Bernhard Duhr, Geschichte der Jesuiten in den Làndern deutscher Zunge. — Herder, Freiburg, 1907. Bernhard Duhr, Zur Geschichte der Marianischen Kongregationen in Deutschland, in Stimmen aus Maria-Laach, 1910, voi. 78, pp. 157, 290, 377. Echo der Gegenwart, cited in Etudes, 1905. 4, pp. 530, f. Elenco delle Congregazioni Mariane aggregate.... dal 1 Gennaio al 31 Dicembre, 1910. — Róma, 1911. Etudes. — Retaux, Paris. Die Fahne Mariens, Sodalen-Korrespondenz ftìr Marianische Congregationem. — Wien. Canisius-Kalender, zugleich Marian. Kongregations-Kalender. — Fahne Mariens, Wien, 1911. Luis Ignacio Fiter, Prefecto de Avisos Ecclesiasticos. — Tipografia Catolica, Bar¬ celona, 1900. The Fleur de Lis. — St. Louis University, St. Louis. Henri Fouqueray, Une CEuvre Sociale auXVIIIe Siede, in Etudes, 1903, voi. 94,p. 97. Fusban, Mss. Historia Collegii Germanico-Hungarici, in Archives of the German Col¬ lege, Rome. Catàlogo-Memoria de la Congregación Mariana de la Anunciata y San Luis Gonzaga, 1 Mayo, 1908, Belen-Habana. — Imprenta Avisador Comercial, Habana, 1908. Catalogo, etc. Belen-Habana. — Imp. Nuestra Senora de Belen, Habana, 1909. Georg Harrasser, Reden und Referate des allgemeinen deutschen Sodalentages in Linz, 1907. — Styria, Graz und Wien, 1908. F. Heynen, Congregatie-Boek. — Beerendonk, Amsterdam, 1880. S. C. of Indulgences, Report of meeting, 2 July, 1897. Institutum Societatis Jesu. — Florentiae, 1892-1893. Kalksburger Korrespondenz. Bericht fiber den II deutschen Sodalentag zu Kóln a. R. am 26 August, 1903.... nach dem Stenogramm herausgegeben vom Komitee. — Junfermann, Pader- born, 1903. Georg Kolb, Mitteilungen fiber das Wirken der PP. Jesuiten und der Marianischen Kongregationen in Linz wahrend des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts.... mit dem fiber- blick der Xenia oder Jahresandenken der Kongregationemin Linz vom Jahre 1678- 1783. — Akad. Pressverein, Linz, 1908. Alois KrOss, Geschichte der Bóhmschen Provinz der Gesellschaft Jesu. — Opitz, Wien, 1910. XXIV SOURCES Leges et Statuta Sodalitatum B. M. Virginia quae Primae-Primariae Romanae con- junctae sunt. — Civiltà Cattolica, Roma, 1855. Felipe Loffler, La Congregación Mariana; Primera version castellana por D. Gerva- sio de Artinano de Galdàcano, revisada y precedida de un prologo por el P. Luis Ignacio Fiter. — Tipografia Catolica, Barcelona, 1896. Sodalité des Etudiants de 1 ’ Université Catholique, érigée a Louvain sous le titre de la Purification de la Très Sainte Vierge Marie, 1883-1884. — Desclée, Bruges, 1884. Die grosse Lateinische Congregation unter dem Titel von Unser Lb. Frauen Unbe- fleckter Empfàngniss.... zu Lucern : ihr Ursprung und ihre Schicksale. — Ràber, Luzern, 1885. Madonna, the Australasian Children of Mary's Home Magazine. — Melbourne. Madonna, a Magazine for the Children of Mary. — Dublin. Recuerdo a los Congregantes de la Santissima Virgen y de San Luis Gonzaga del Ateneo Municipal y de la Escuela Normal de Maestros, que con motivo del ter- cer centenario de la ereccion Canònica de le Congregacion de la Anunciada Les ofrecen sus Directores el 5 de Diciembre de 1884. — La Industriai, Manila, 1884. Congregación de Maria Inmaculada y San Luis Gonzaga canonicamente erigida en la iglesia de S. Ignacio para Jóvenes escolares, del Comercio, Industria y otras Profesiones. Santos y Bernal, Manila, 1911. Maria Kongregacio. — Budapest. Der Kongreganist von Mariaschein. — Die Kongregation, Mariaschein. A. Maurel, Manuel de la Congrégation des Jeunes Ouvrières, dite de N. D. de Four- vière, a Lyon. — Girard et Josserand, Lyon, 1854. Edouard Méchin, Annales du Collège Royal Bourbon d’Aix. — De la Ruche, Mar¬ seille, 1890. J. B. Mehler, Bericht uber den allgemeinen Sodalentag in Freiburg i. Schweiz am 20 und 21 August, 1902. — Regensburg, 1903. J. B. Mehler, Bericht iiber den allgemeinen Sodalentag.... zu Mannheim, 27 August, 1902. — Regensburg, 1903. A. Mùller, Die Kòlner Biirger-Sodalitàt, 1608-1908. —Junfermann, Paderborn, 1909. Paul Mury, Collège de Hagueneau, 1604-1692. — Le Roux, Strasbourg, 1910. A. Niederegger, Der Studentenbund der Marianischen Sodalitàten. —• Pustet, Regens¬ burg, New York und Cincinnati, 1884. Segundo Congreso regional de las Congregaciones Marianas de la antigua Corona de Aragón, celebrada en Palma de Mallorca en Julio de 1909. — Pizà, Palma de Mallorca, 1909. (Parthenius), Mss. Leges et Statuta Sodalitatum Beatae Virginis quae in Collegiis ac Domibus Societatis Jesu institutae atque a Sede Apostolica approbatae et variis Indulgentiis gratiisque cum alias ab aliis Pontificibus, tum novissime a Benedi- cto XIV ditatae sunt. Parthenius, Pratiche divote proposte a’ giovani Scolari nelle Congregazioni di Ma¬ ria SSma istituite ne’ Collegi della Compagnia di Gesù. — Ajani, Roma, 1826. Alberto Passèri, Manuale Grande ad uso delle Figlie di Maria. — Desclée, Roma, 1908. Louis Perroy, Un Religieux : Le Pére Henri Rochette. — Michel, Lyon, 1907. Marianische Kongregation deutscher Jiinglinge in Porto Aiegre under dem Titel der Himmelfahrt Maria, 1906-1907. — Tipographia do Centro, Porto Aiegre, 1907. J. Pra, Les Jésuites à Grenoble (1587-1763). — Paquet, Lyon (Amat, Paris), 1901. Prasides-Korrespondenz fur Marianische Kongregationen. — Pràsides-Korrespondenz — Wien. L. Delphace, Les anciennes Congrégations de la T. S. Vierge dans la Ville d’ An¬ vers, in Précis Historiques, 1882, pp. 209, 241, 328. — Vromant, Bruxelles. SOURCES XXV Souvenir du deux cent cinquantième Anniversaire de la Congrégation de Notre Dame à Québec, le 4 Fevrier, 1907. — Laflamme et Proulx, Québec. Règlement de la Congrégation des Enfants de Marie établie dans la Maison du Sa- cré-Cceur de Jésus. — Paris, 1883. Relations d’ Orient. — Polleunis et Ceuterick, Bruxelles. Catalogi Provinciae Romanae S. J. Origini del Collegio Romano e suoi Progressi (Mss.). Franciscus Sacchini, Historia Societatis Jesu, La Congregación de la Anunciada y San Luis Gonzaga en el vigésimo quinto ani- versario de su Fundacion, 1884-1909. — Tip. editorial Compostelana, Santiago, 1910. Maximilian Vincenz Sattler, Geschichte der Marianischen Congregationen in Bayern. — Lentner, Munchen, 1864. Sodalen-Correspondenz fiir Marianische Congregationon. — Austria, Wien, 1895-1903. Statuti della Congregazione de’ Nobili in Roma, sotto il titolo della Venerazione del SS. Sacramento e dell’Assunzione della Beata Vergine, compilati nell’ anno 1780 e riformati nell’anno 1834. — Bourlié, Roma, 1834. Stella Matutina, Organo delle Congregazioni Mariane. — Roma. The Stonyhurst Magazine. Synopsis Artorum S. Sedis in causa Societatis Jesu, 1540-1773. — Typographia a SS. Conceptione, Florentiae, 1887. Congregacion de Nuestra Senora canonicamente erigida con el Titulo de la Inma- culada Virgen Maria y San Luis Gonzaga en la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus de Tarragona, para los Jóvenes que estudian en los Centros de Ense- iianza oficial y diocesana, en los Colegios particulares y para los de Carrera, Industrials y del Comercio, ano 1908. — Tipografia Moderna, Valencia, 1908. J. G. V., Caridad y Accion Social. — Tip'. Católica, Barcelona, 1909. Primer Congreso Regional de las Congregaciones Marianas establecidas en Aragón, Baleares, Cataluna y Valencia. — Valencia, 1906. — Tipografia Moderna, Valen¬ cia, 1907. Las Congregaciones de Maria Inraaculada en el Colegio de S. José, S. J., Valencia, 1906-1907. — Tipografia Moderna, Valencia, 1907. 1860-1910, Resena Histórica de la Congregación de Hijas de Maria Inmaculada eri¬ gida canonicamente en la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (La Compania), Valencia. — Tipografia Moderna, Valencia, 1910. Academias de la Congregación de la Inmaculada y S ; Luis Gonzaga celebradas desde 1 de Febrero à 31 de Mayo de 1910. Sesiones de la Academia Social Pedagògica de la Congregación Mariana del Magi- sterio Valentino, para el curso de 1910 à 1911. — Tip. Moderna, Valencia. La Voz de Valencia. Franciscus Veron, Manuale Sodalitatis B. Mariae Virginis omnibus Studiosis accom- modatum. — Cologne, 16x4. Franciscus Xaverius Wemz, Jus Decretalium. — Typographia Polyglotta, Romae, 1905. Woodstock Letters. — Woodstock, Maryland. To the above must be added the lives of Canonized, Blessed and Venerable Soda- lists given in the notes to pages 5 and 6, the list of Sodality Manuals mentioned in n. 330 and the monthly Bulletins or Journals of Jesuit Churches, as at Bal¬ timore, Boston (Holy Trinity), London (Farm St.), Manchester (England), Phila¬ delphia, St. Louis (St. Francis Xavier’s), San Francisco, Wakefied (England). « è ■ 4 < PART 1 THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY 'I ___ ^ :•- CHAPTER I GENERAL NOTE i. Many of the acts of the Holy See which are reproduced in this book were executed in favor of the Sodality in connection with the Society of Jesus before its Suppression by the Brief Do- minus ac Redemptor of Clement XIV, 21 July, 1773. After the Suppression, the continuance of the Prima-Primaria Sodality and the power to aggregate others were provided for, as will be seen, by special Indults of the Holy See. Besides this, the grants to the Society of Jesus as regards the Sodality previous to the Sup¬ pression were put beyond dispute by the Decree of Leo XIII con¬ firming, in 1886, all the faculties hitherto granted to the Society. This is, therefore, given here once for all. “ By these letters we confirm and secure with Apostolic authority and grant anew each and everything, directly or by communication with other Regular Orders, bestowed on the same Society, provided it.be not against the said Society or in part or wholly abrogated and revoked by the Council of Trent or by other Constitutions ot the Apostolic See — privileges, immunities, exemptions and indults.... Notwithstanding the Apostolic Letters of Pope Clement XIV, Dominus ac Redemptor, issued in the form of a Brief, 21 July, 1773. MI CHAPTER II HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION 2. There is question in this book of the Head Sodality of Our Lady canonically erected in the Roman College of the Society of Jesus by the Bull Omnipotentis Dei of Gregory XIII, ' dated 5 De¬ cember, 1584, and of all the Sodalities aggregated to it. 1 Dolemus inter, 13 July, 1886 (Documents, 1798, f). 2 SODALITY OF OUR LADY The head Sodality was founded by a young Jesuit Father of the name of John Leunis. He was born in the diocese of Liège in 1535 or 1536, and entered the Novitiate in the Professed. House at Rome to become a member of the Society of Jesus, 8 June, 1556. During his noviceship, le was sent to help as teacher in the Colleges of Perugia and Montepulciano. From the former city, in 1557, he begged to be sent on the Indian Mission; the petition was refused. Leunis taught the lowest class in the Roman College in 1560-61 and until 1564. He appears to have made his studies privately, probably because of his headaches. He was ordained Priest before Nov., 1562. In the following year, he founded the Sodality of the Roman College. In 1564, he was sent to Perugia again and remained there as teacher and Minister until 1568. In 1572 he was in Paris, with orders from the Father General to establish the Sodality there. He died in Turin, 19 Nov., 1584, beloved and esteemed by the people, who considered his death a loss for the whole city. 1 3. The Primary 2 Sodality, on that day solemnly created — as is written on the door of its rooms in the Church of St. Igna¬ tius at Rome — “ Mother and Head of all Sodalities throughout the world,” was later composed of three bodies, called First, Sec¬ ond and Third Primary. These were canonically one body, and for this reason all bore the name of Primary. They held their meetings separately because of lack of space in the chapels and because of difference in the age of the members. The younger boys — up to 14 years of age — formed the Third Primary; the youths from 14 to 21, the Second; those over 21, the First. Of these divisions of the Primary, the second ceased to exist in 1667,3 when the age of transfer from the Third to the First was changed to 16. The Third Primary, with this modification, continued in existence until the Suppression of the Society of Jesus, in July, 1773, when it also ceased to exist. 4 The meetings of the First Primary were interrupted at the same time, but only for some months during vacation .5 The First Primary alone concerns us here. It is interesting to note that a similar division of one and the same Sodality into sections is found in the case of the Citizen’s Sodality of Cologne, of which, in 16x0, the unmarried members formed a separate body, though they often met their fellow members of the General So¬ ciety, and realised that they were one with them canonically. On mar- 1 Van Meurs and Huonder, in Sodai. Corr., 1897, pp. 61, ff. — 2 The name “ Primary ” was adopted 1 Jan., 1588 (Arch. P. P., Notizie istoriche, 1725, p. 267). In 1583, the Sodality had been divided into “ Senior ” and “ Junior ” (Ibidem, p. 266, and Officiales, p. 42). — 3 Notizie istoriche, 1725, p. 133. — 4 Arch. P. P., Memorie , - 773 > P-4 1 — 5 Ibidem. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION 3 riage, the members passed from the younger to the older section. 1 Other instances of the same division in our times are the Junior So¬ dality of the Seminary of Obermunster, which, until 1892, was a subdi¬ vision of the Senior Sodality; then it procured a separate Diploma; 2 and the Men’s Sodality at Mangalore, composed of two sections, of which we read: “ Once a year, the members of section 1 who have borne themselves well, and only these, go up to section 2. ” 3 4. From the body which has thus been blessed with 325 years of vigorous life, “ there issued, in the seventeenth century, 80 Car¬ dinals, 7 of whom were raised to the highest dignity on earth, that of the Apostolic See — Urban VIII, Alexander VII, Clement IX, Clement X, Innocent X, Innocent XI, Clement XI.” 4 To these must be added the names of Innocent XIII, Benedict XIV, Clement XIII and Pius VI, all members of the Sodality of Nobles at the Gesù, Rome ,5 and of Pius IX, admitted into the Prima-Pri¬ maria 25 March, 1815, and Leo XIII, 8 Dec., 1829. 6 Clement X and Clement XI were also members of the Prima-Primaria. The latter was admitted 8 Dec., 1663.'? “ The Nuncios Apostolic joined the Sodality of Our Lady at Vienna, Prague and Cologne.... At Naples, the Sodality took its rise from the piety of the Nuncio Apostolic, three Bishops, two Princes, the Admiral of the Fleet, two Dukes and other great nobles. It would take too long to re¬ cord the names of those in other countries who were remarkable for the same devotion. But we must not pass over in silence Si- gismund III, King of Poland and Sweden, Philip and Ferdinand, Princes of Bavaria, and the Duke of Savoy, who with his three sons begged admission into the Sodality in the year 1602. At Cologne, in 1639, Maximilian Henry, Duke of Bavaria, suffered himself to be elected Prefect of the Sodality. Ladislas IV, King of Poland, entered in Louvain.... His brother, John Casimir, himself King of Poland and Sweden, sought admission at Warsaw. This prince wished to be declared defender of these pious bodies, and he and his brother Ferdinand were elected Prefect in alternate years of the Sodality at Warsaw, which they greatly edified by their faith and piety. It was a custom of the Archdukes of Austria to be members of the Sodality and bear the title of Sodalists. The Emperor Ferdinand II wished to be entered on the roll of the Sodality.” 8 On the roll of the Sodality at Gratz, in 1714, appear 1 Muller, p. 26. — 2 Sodai. Corr., 1900, p. 140. — 3 Sodai. Corr., 1901, p. 30. — 4 Documents, 1591. — 5 Statuti, 1824, p. 17. — 6 Arch. P. P., Register of Members. — ^ Notizie istoriche, 1725, p. 228 and p. 237. — 8 Documents, 1591, ff. 4 SODALITY OF OUR LADY the names of 32 of the highest nobility, among them 3 Emperors, 8 Archdukes, r Empress and 9 Archduchesses of Austria. 1 “ France and Spain give numberless instances of great nobles of this kind. Henry of Bourbon, in the year 1621, consecrated himself to Our Lady in the Sodality at Paris. Following his exam¬ ple, his brother Antony became its Prefect. Two other Princes of the blood, Louis and Armand, were esteemed as Sodalists for their • remarkable piety. Their example was followed by twelve illustrious Princes, not to speak of the zealous pulpit orators whose names are recorded among the Paris Sodalists, nor of the very many Princes, Dukes, Ministers, Magistrates and high Officers of the Army who dedicated themselves to the Sodality. “ In Spain, not to mention numerous other cases, one may be recorded which is equivalent to many. The Chief Council of Ca¬ stile, a body most illustrious in Spain, was admitted into the So¬ dality, and gave itself wholly to the service of the Mother of Our Saviour.... 11 Portugal has deserved a like renown, glorying as it does in the devotion of John IV to Our Lady. In the year 1643, he de¬ sired the existence, in his royal palace, of a Sodality composed of young men of the Court. He was its Prefect and not seldom ad¬ dressed the noble youths on pious subjects. 2 “ So much for the number of Sodalists in high station. Far more precious are the fruits which grow in these bodies under the guardianship and protection of Our Blessed Mother.... “ Hardly a land can be named in which the erection of Soda¬ lities of whatever order has not been of incalculable importance for public and private piety.... Sodalities were erected for Nobles, for Priests, for men of the middle classes, for workingmen, for country people: the success, surpassing all hope, which crowned the efforts made gave the spur to the foundation of other and other Sodalities.... 5. “ St. Alphonsus Liguori affirms that one man who does not go to a Sodality is liable to have more sins than are twenty who are often present at the meetings .”3 The beneficial effects of Sodality influence are seen most clearly in the Saints, Blessed and Venerable Servants of God whom the rTW 1 Sodal.-Corr., 1896, p. 81. — 2 To the above list may be added, for Austria and Hungary, that contained in Niederegger, Studentenbund, pp. 55 to 6a: for Lu¬ cerne, the lists in Die Grosse Lateinische Congregation, pp. 53, f. — 3 Documents, 1598, ff. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION 5 Sodality trained in holiness. Among them we may mention the following : St. Francis de Sales, Sodalist in the College of Clermont, Paris; 3 St. Francis Hieronymo, Director in the Gesù Nuovo at Naples; 2 St. John Baptist de Rossi, Sodalist of the Scaletta in the Roman College ; 3 . St.John Berchmans, Sodalist in the College of Malines; 4 St. John Francis Regis, Sodalist in the College of Béziers, received in 1612 ; 5 St. Leonard of Port Maurice, one of the Twelve Apostles in the Roman College ; 6 St. Peter Claver, Sodalist, most probably, in the College of Bar¬ celona ; 7 St. Peter Fourier, Sodalist ; 8 B. Andrew Bobola, Director at Wilna for 10 years ; 9 B. Antony Baldinucci, Sodalist at Florence in 16S0, Founder and Director at Frascati ; ID B. BernardinejRealino, Founder and Director at Lecce ; TI B. Charles Spinola, Director in the College of Brera during four years ; 12 B. Edmund Campion, Director and Founder at Prague ; 13 B. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Sodalist in the College of Spoleto ; 14 B. Gaspar del Bufalo, Member of the Sodality of the Carden , Roman College ; 15 B. Gregory Barbarigo, Member of the Sodality of Nobles at the Gesù, Rome ; l6 B. John Eudes, Sodalist inJthe Jesuit College, received about 1618 ; 17 B. John Ogilvie, Director in the College of Olimi tz in 1610 and 1611; 18 B. John Sarcander, Member of the Sodality of the Assumption at Olmutz, 1596, and of the Sodality of the Annunciation in the Ferdinan- deum at Gratz ; 19 B. Louis Mary Grignon de Montfort, Sodalist in the College of Rennes ; ao . B. Mark Crisinus, entered the Sodality of the Ferdinanfeum , 26 Aug., 1607 ; 21 1 Hamon, Vie, 1883, I, p. 38. — 2 Degli Oddi, Vita, 1839, p. 16. — 3 Vita, i88t, p. 5. — 4 Cepari, Vita, I, 3 (1882, p. 39). — 5 Cros, Vie, 1894, p. 42. — 6 P. Giu¬ seppe Maria da Masserano, Vita, 1867, p. 6. — 7 Sola, Vida, r888, pp. 546, ff. — 8 Petits Bollandistes, VIII, p. 138. — 9 Monaci, Vita, 1855, p. 15. — 10 Richa, Chiese Fiorentine , V, p. 156, and Vannucci, Vita, 1893, pp. 12, 236, 237. — 11 Venturi, Storia della Vita, 1895, pp. 208, 166. — 12 Broeckaert, Life, 1869, p. 65. — 13 KrOss, Boh- mische Provinz, I, pp. 545, 546. — 14 P. Germano a S. Stanislao, Vita, 1908, p. 15. — * 5 . Sardi, Vita, 1904, p. 39. — 16 Statuti, p. 17. — 17 Memorial, quoted in Boulay, Vita, 1909, p. 19. — 18 Forbes, Martyre, Paris, 1885, p. 8. — r 9 Vita, 1859, pp. 2, 3. — 20 Persiani, Vita, 1887, p. 7. — 21 Angelini, 1 Beati, ecc., 1904, p. 27. 6 SODAUTY OF OUR LADY B. Peter Canisius, Founder at Friburg in 1581 ; 1 B. Rudolf Aquaviva, Director in the German College about 1574 ; 3 Ven. Claude de la Colombière, Director of two Sodalities in the College of the Holy Trinity, Lyons, 1670-71 ; 3 Ven. Innocent XI, Member of the Sodality of Nobles at the Gesù, Rome ; 4 Ven. James Rem, Founder and Director of the Sodality in the College of Dillingen ; 5 Ven. James Sales, Sodalist in the College of Billom in 1568 and received into the Sodality in Paris in 1572 ; 6 Ven. John Francis Tenderini, Member of the Sodality of Nobles at the Gesù, Rome ; 7 Ven. Joseph Mary Pignatelli, Prefect of the Sodality in the College of Saragossa : 8 Ven. Louis la Nuza, Sodalist in the College ofPalermoand Founder of Sodalities ; 9 To these must be added countless holy souls whom the provid¬ ence of God has not selected for the honors of the altar, but who are reigning with Him in eternal glory. 6. According to a computation lately made from the Registers of Aggregations, the Sodalities throughout the world aggregated to the Prima-Primaria up to 1 Jan., 1909, numbered no fewer than 40,000 in all. If two-thirds of these bodies were still in existence at that time and if each had a membership of 125 — both quite moderate suppositions — the Sodality of Our Lady, at the begin¬ ning of its 325th. year, could boast of three millions of members. It may be added that the average of aggregations during the pe¬ riod between the Definition of the Immaculate Conception and its golden jubilee was over 450 a year — a number much increased since 1904, rising, in fact, to 1132 in the year 1910. 10 7. Neither is the remarkable growth of the Sodality of Our Lady, nor even the splendor of its roll, and its record of good done, its only claim to honor. It has received the encomiums of numberless able judges of goodness and has been particularly commended by the words and the acts of the Sovereign Pontiffs. Among the Popes who have deigned to praise the Sodality of Our Lady we single out Benedict XIV, Leo XIII and Pius X. The first, in the Brief Praeclaris Romanorum, 24 April, 1748, extols the Sodality’s “ distinguished works of- piety and exerci- 1 Boero, Vita, 1864, p, 379. — 2 Angelini,. Istoria, 1893, p. 26. — 3 Charrier, Vie, quoting Catalogues of the Province, I, 310, 3x2. — 4 Statuti, p. 17. — 5 Hattler, Der Ehrwiirdige P. Jacob Rem, 1881, p. 68. — 6 Vita, 1910, pp. 13, 18. — 7 Statuti, p. t8 . — 8 Nonell, Vida, 1893, I, pp. 41, 42. — 9 La Spina, L’Apostolo, 1904 pp. 12, 13, 60. — 10 Elenco delle Congregazioni Mariane aggregate. WHAT THE SODALITY IS 7 ses;” 1 in the Golden Bull Gloriosae Dominae, 27 September, 1748, praises its being “ peculiarly devoted to the service of the Most Holy Virgin Mother of God ” and its “ striving towards the heights of Christian perfection under her almost personal guidance; ” tells how “ from this praiseworthy pious institution, provided as it is with holy and wise laws, various as' the members are various, and managed with prudence and skill by special Directors, great benefits have accrued to all classes of people;” and declares it his duty u to foster and advance with liberality, by his Apostolic au¬ thority, these associations of solid piety, by which Christian virtue is promoted and the salvation of souls very greatly assisted. ” 2 Leo XIII, in the Brief Nihil Adeo, 8 January, 1886, lauded the Sodality as " a glorious school of Christian devotion and a most secure safeguard for the innocence of youth. ”3 Finally, Pius X, in his address to the Italian Sodality Congress, 7 September, 1904, commended Sodalists as “ having no other aim but that of sanctifying themselves by the observance of the Divine laws,” and added : “ I congratulate you all — children, boys, workingmen, students, men — who have given your names to the Sodality of Our Lady; because I feel I see in you the chosen band of true Catholics ; Catholics fervent, disposed for any sacrifice with the protection of Our Lady and under the shield of the Divine Omnipotence. ” 4 Such have been the words of the Sovereign Pontiffs: their acts touching the Sodality of Our Lady will be set forth in the following pages. CHAPTER III WHAT THE SODALITY IS A Confraternity 1 8. Congregatio is the usual Latin name given to the Sodality of Our Lady. It is represented in most of the European languages by some form of the same word, but in English by the word So¬ dality, as Congregation is applied to the faithful who form a parish, or to those present at a Church function. 1 Documents, 989. — 2 Documents, 1017, 1029. — 3 Documents, 1796. — 4 Doc¬ uments, 1905, 1909. 8 SODALITY OF OUR LADY 9. On the difference, in the technical language of the Church, between the words Confraternitas and Congregatio, a discussion was held at the meeting of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgen¬ ces, 2 July, 1897. No clear distinction was established, and all the Canonists agreed in the end that the terms are used, to a large extent, promiscuously, and that up to the present a pronouncement in Church law as to a difference between Confraternitas and Con¬ gregatio does not exist. 1 This was in 1897, and no decision has since been rendered on the question. 2 10. It is no wonder, then, that the Sodality of Our Lady is occasionally called a Confraternity, as in the documents noted be¬ low^ and this is, besides, quite proper, as it verifies all the ele¬ ments of the definition. A Confraternity, namely, “ is a body com¬ posed of the faithful — especially of those who are not members of a Religious Order or Congregation — canonically erected, gov¬ erned by a competent ecclesiastical Superior, and aiming at fostering Catholic life by the exercise of certain special works connected with the divine worship or of charity to the neighbor. ”4 Each of these details will be discussed in the course of the present book. In the broad sense it. The Sodality of Our Lady is, therefore, a Confraternity; but it is such in the broad, and not in the strict sense of the term. The following may be taken as the main points of difference. Like Confraternities strictly so called, the Sodality meets for exercises in common and, in some places, its members bear even some external mark of their being Sodalists, such as a medal, or a ribbon, or both. Besides, it is canonically erected and is subject to ecclesiastical authority. But the Sodality of Our Lady is distinguished from Confra¬ ternities strictly so called, by its members having no particular dress, by the private character of its functions, by the less strin¬ gent bond of its members among themselves, and by its greater freedom of action and expansion. 1 Report, p. 5. — 2 On the difference between Confraternitas and Congregatio see also Mùllér, Koln, pp. 3, f. ; and between the Sodality of Our Lady and other Confraternities, etc., see the Memoir presented at the Congress of Valencia ( Con- greso, pp. 75, ff). — 3 Documents, 541, 806, 1x08, 1811, ff. — + Wernz, Jus Deere- taliunt, III, 11, 416. J , O } ,*■: . ■ W't WHAT THE SODALITY IS 9 Not a mere Pious Union 12. On the other hand, the Sodality of Our Lady is not simply a Pious Union, because bodies of this class are established without canonical erection and merely to help some work of devotion or of charity. Canonical erection is essential in Our Lady’s Sodality, if the body is to be aggregated to the Prima-Primaria , and Soda- lists have a much wider aim than that mentioned — one, indeed, which embraces the whole man. “ Good Catholics sincerely bent on sanctifying themselves each in his state of life.” 1 End and Means 13. The^ main purpose of the Sodality of Our Lady is the prac¬ tice of devotion to Our Lady. This is clear from the official name, Sodality of Our Lady , and from the Common Rules, the first thing urged in them all being devotion to Our Lady. “ The Sodality of Our Lady is a religious body which aims at fost¬ ering in its members an ardent devotion, reverence and filial love towards the Blessed Virgin Mary. ” z 14. Devotion to Our Lady is practised in two ways in the Sodality: namely, by striving after personal perfection and by apostolic work. That the first of these means is employed by the Sodality is evident from those portions of the Rules which prescribe the acts of the supernatural life of the Sodalist .3 That the second means is in use is clear from the good works proposed. 4 CHAPTER IV WHERE THE SODALITY CAN BE ESTABLISHED Jesuit Colleges, Churches, Houses, Seminaries and Residences 15. The Sodality of Our Lady was first canonically erected in the Church of the Roman College of the Society of Jesus, as a body composed of students and those not engaged in study. 1 Rules of 1910 (Documents, 205a). Cf. the Rules of 1587 and 1855, and the Gen¬ eral Statutes of 1885 (606, 1297, 1729). — 2 Rules of 1910 (Documents, 2052. Cf. 598, 1291, 1729). — 3 Below, 334, ff. — * 347, fif., and 471, ff. IO SODALITY OF OUR LADY “ We therefore do, by Apostolic authority, erect and establish in perpetuity, under the title of the Annunciation of Our Lady, in the same Church ” of the Roman College “ one Primary Sodality of day scholars of Our said College and also of others of the faithful devoted to the same Society. *’* 16. In the same Bull, powers were conferred in perpetuity on the General or Vicar General of the Society to erect like Sodalities in Jesuit Colleges, or their Churches, anywhere out of Rome. “ Moreover, by the same Apostolic authority and by these same presents, we grant in perpetuity to the same General, or to the Vicar General of the time being, power to erect and establish, with Our authority, in any other College of the said Society, erected or to be erected any¬ where in the world outside Rome. ... or in its Church, whatever other Sodalities of students there engaged in the study of letters, and of others of the faithful devoted to the Society.” 2 17. A little over two years later, powers were granted to erect Sodalities, one or many, in any Jesuit Church, House, or College whatever. “ Power to erect and establish by Our authority in perpetuity, in any Church, or House and College of the same Society, erected or to be erected and established, in Rome and outside Rome, anywhere throughout the world, any other Sodality, one or more, in each place or Church, according to the number or kind of persons, and this whether of students only, or of others only of the faithful, or of both together.” 3 18. Doubt having arisen whether the last mentioned faculty included institutions which did not belong to the Society but yet were under its care, Sixtus V, in the same year, extended the grant to include these also. “ Desiring to remove all grounds for doubt any way arising as to the above, We grant in perpetuity, with the aforesaid Apostolic authority, all manner of licence and faculties to the same Claude ” Aquaviva “and the General or Vicar General of the time being of the said Society, to erect and establish.... in the way mentioned, any Sodalities, one or many, of the said persons, in each College, House, or Seminary, or place under the direction, administration, or instruction of the Society of Jesus itself, or of members of it, or depending on it." 4 19. In 1602, further powers were given providing for the ag¬ gregation to the Prima-Primaria of Sodalities in Jesuit Residences also, that is at Houses of the Society which were neither Colleges nor Professed Houses. 1 Gregory XIII, Omnipotentis Dei, 5 Dec., 1584 (Documents, 513). — 2 Ibidem, 531. -r- 3 Sixtus V, Superna disposinone , 5 Jan., 1587 (Documents, 553, ff.). — 4 Sixtus V, Romanum decet, 29 Sept., 1587 (Documents, 589). WHERE THE SODALITY CAN BE ESTABLISHED I I “ By Apostolic authority. We grant and impart to you ’’ (Father General Aquaviva) “ the power to aggregate to the aforesaid Primary Sodality of the Roman College the above-mentioned Sodality of the Island of Chios and any other like Sodalities at any Residence of Priests of your said Society, whether the Residence be already erected or be erected in the future.” 1 20. Up to the time of the Suppression of the Society of Jesus, no extension of the powers here recorded was either asked or granted. Hence, up to that time, all Sodalities of Our Lady that enjoyed aggregation to the Prima-Primaria were confined to Jesuit establishments, and so the following decisions were justified: “ Sodalities erected in places where we have no College or Residence cannot be aggregated to the Roman Sodality.” 2 “ The Oratory of the Sodality cannot be built outside the College grounds, because if it were so separate that it could not be considered a part of the College, its members could not gain the Indulgences.” 3 On the other hand, if the place of meeting was one not belonging to the Society of Jesus, but only used by it or lent to it, “ the same answer appears proper which was given not long ago about Churches the use of which has been given ” the Society. 4 This refers to p. 468 of the Responsa Romana , where it is said that if such Churches are in the hands of the Society so far as to be called Jesuit Churches, the In¬ dulgences granted for visiting Jesuit Churches can be gained in them. The conclusion is that Father Vitelleschl was of opinion that Sodalities erected in them could be aggregated to the Prima-Primaria. It was not forbidden, however, to give exhortations, etc. to Sodalities not belonging to the Society .5 21. When the Society of Jesus was suppressed by Pope Clem¬ ent XIV, 21 July, 1773, many of the Sodalities already erected must have ceased to exist, either immediately or gradually, in the several localities where the Brief was executed. It must not be supposed, however, that this was a consequence of the incorpora¬ tion of these bodies in the Houses of the Society. It was, indeed, a principle recognized in the Society and formally stated on at least two different occasions — once in 1606 by Father General Aqua- viva 6 and again by Pope Benedict XIV in the Brief Laudabile Ro- 1 Clement VIII, Cum sicut nobis, 30 Aug., 1602 (Documents, 760). — 2 Fr. Gen. Vitelleschi, 7 March, 1628 ; 16 Aug., 1636 (Documents, 856. Cf. 857, 858, 859). Because there was no house of the Society at Breden, a Sodality there in 1625, though fully organized with Officers, etc., had all its Sodalists members of the Munster Sodality, of which it thus became a kind of section (Sodai.- Corr., 1898, p. 142). — .3 Fr. Gen. Vitelleschi, 17 Aug., 1631 (Documents, 864). — 4 Fr. Gen. Vitelleschi, 18 Aug., 1640 (Documents, 861). — 5 Fr. Gen. Aquaviva, 1584, 1600 (Documents, 862). — 6 Docu¬ ments, 805. ' m . • 12 SODALITY OF OUR LADY manorum in 1758 1 — that the Sodality was regarded as includ¬ ed in the respective Houses, Colleges or Churches, and so was looked on as part and parcel, in a way, of the Society of Jesus itself. But the documents cited show that the incorporation was only meant as regards the property of the Sodalities, not as re¬ gards their moral entity. This was not touched by the Brief of Suppression nor by any subsequent act. The various Sodalities, thesefore, continued in existence. The property which had been theirs but was incorporated in the Jesuit Houses became, of course, when the Houses ceased to exist, property of the respective So¬ dalities. • 22. In order to leave no room whatever for doubt on so im¬ portant a matter as its existence, the Prima-Primaria petitioned for a formal declaration, and on November 14 of the year of Suppres¬ sion of the Society of Jesus was “ confirmed and approved and, as far as there might be need, its privileges, etc., were granted anew ” by the Sovereign Pontiff Clement XIV. 3 In a similar way, the Cardinal Prince Bishop of Constance secured for the Sodalities in his Diocese the continuance of the Indulgences and privileges granted by the Holy See. 3 Non-Jesuit Educational Institutions, Pious Places and Convents of Nuns 23. Before the Suppression ot the Society of Jesus, there were a certain number of Sodalities of Our Lady in places not under the government of Jesuits. In the year 1617, Father Mutius Vi- telleschi petitioned the Holy See for power to grant the Prima- Primaria Indulgences to Sodalities of this kind in Cashel and Wat- erford* and the petition was granted vivae vocis oraculo. On Oct. 28th., 1619, the same favor was conferred on Sodalities in Clonmel, Limerick, Cork, Clogher ad Carrick .5 The concessions were made in favor of even females. But there is question of no¬ thing but the Indulgences : union with the Prima-Primaria is not mentioned and one will look in vain for the record of these So¬ dalities in the Registers of Aggregation. 24. It is true, therefore, as is usually stated, that, previous to the Suppression, Sodalities connected with the Prima-Primaria could exist only in Jesuit establishments. The first change from this rule came two years after the Suppression, when faculties 1 Documents, 1119. — 2 Documents, 1134- — 3 Die Grosse Lateinische Congre¬ gation su Luzern, p. III. — 4 Arch. P. P., Prot. XIV, Esposizione, sect. 3.-5 Ibidem. WHERE THE SODALITY CAN BE ESTABLISHED 13 were granted to the Cardinal Vicar of Romfe to aggregate to the Prima-Primaria any Sodality in any place. The Prima-Primaria humbly begs “ power to aggregate other So¬ dalities to it in any place.... His Holiness has conferred on the Cardi¬ nal Vicar of Rome, present and of any future time being, all necessary and proper faculties, to the effect also of signing the Diplomas of Ag¬ gregation.’’ 1 Through some difficulty made by the Under-Secretary of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, who claimed that the conces¬ sion of 2 May was invalid, 3 these powers were, a few months lat¬ er, recorded in an official document as limited to educational in¬ stitutions. “ His Holiness Pius VI has granted to His Eminence the Cardinal Vicar of Rome of the time being the power to aggregate to the above- mentioned Prima-Primaria Sodality each and every Sodality anywhere existing under a title of Our Lady in Colleges, Seminaries, Universities and other places, provided these be devoted to study and the liberal arts.’’ 3 25. During the period between 1775 and 1798, aggregations other than those mentioned in the passage last quoted were re¬ served to the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. In 1798, how¬ ever, faculties were conferred on the Director of the Prima-Pri¬ maria for the aggregation of Sodalities in any place. “ After the Suppression of the said Society, the power of the said ” Prima-Primaria “ Sodality was limited to the aggregation of Sodalities erected under a title of the Blessed Virgin and composed of those en¬ gaged in study, the Diploma of Aggregation being executed in the Sec¬ retariate of the Cardinal Vicar and signed by his hand : the faculty for all the other aggregations that were without these conditions being reserved to the Congregation of Indulgences. The aforesaid Sodality now petitions to have these faculties granted to it, as they were form¬ erly enjoyed by the General of the Society of Jesus.... By special Apos¬ tolic authority, the petition is left to the discretion of the Director of the herein-mentioned Sodality.” 4 The Director thereupon executed a document conferring these pow¬ ers on the Director of the time being. s 26. From 1798, then, until 1824, the Director of the Prima-Pri¬ maria was in possession of the power to aggregate to it Sodali¬ ties of either sex, and of any class of Sodalists, and anywhere existing, under any title whatsoever. This faculty was withdrawn in 1824 by the restoration to the Jesuit General of his powers touch- 1 Card. Vicar, a May, 1775 (Documents, 1138, f.). — 2 Arch. P. P., Memorie, 1773, p. 34.— 3 S. C. Indulg., 33 Sept., 1775 (Documents, 1141). — 4 Sec. Memor., 5 May, 1798 (Documents, 1195, ff.). — 5 Documents, 1x98. 14 SODALITY OF OUR LADY ing the Prima-Primaria, as the Director’s faculty was but provi¬ sional and therefore ceased when the Father General was again enabled to act in his former capacity. 27. In 1824, the Roman College was given back to the 'So¬ ciety of Jesus — which had been restored throughout the world in 1814 — and the powers formerly vested in the General or Vicar General of the Society of Jesus of aggregating to the Prima-Pri¬ maria were declared to be still fully in existence. 1 28. It will be remembered that the powers so declared to exist did not include any Sodality in a non-Jesuit establishment. In the year 1825, Pope Leo XII extended them to Sodalities of this kind. “ At present, the number of Sodalities directed by the same ” So¬ ciety of Jesus “ is very limited and, on the other hand, there are va¬ rious petitions of foreign Sodalities not depending on the Society, which ask aggregation to the Prima-Primaria. For this reason, Louis Fortis, actual General of the Society.... prays your Holiness to deign to vest in him opportune and necessary powers to aggregate to the Prima-Primaria all the other Sodalities which are not directed by the Society and ask the favor.... His Holiness left the petition to the discretion of the same petitioner, the General of the Society of Jesus, giving him all the ne¬ cessary and opportune faculties.” 2 29. From the documents so far quoted it might seem that af¬ ter 7 March, 1825, there was no becoming place in which a So¬ dality of Our Lady could not be erected. There was doubt, how¬ ever, as to the houses of Religious women, as a Decree of the Sa¬ cred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars, 9 Nov., .1595, and another of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, 29 Feb., 1864, discountenanced the establishment of lay Confraternities in them. The case was, therefore, finally laid before the Sacred Congre¬ gation of Bishops and Regulars for decision, and the answer was as follows: “There is nothing to hinder Pious Associations composed of women only from being erected, with due observance of the law, in the aforesaid Churches ” of Religious women with solemn or with simple vows. “ But if there is a question of erecting a Pious Association of both sexes, the matter is left to the prudence and conscience of the Ordinaries.” 3 The number of Convent Sodalities aggregated to the Prima-Pri¬ maria is exceedingly large. The first recorded in the Registers is of the year 1823 (No. 2897), Providence Convent, Charleville, France. There are Convent Sodalities of very many Orders. We may instance the Daughters of Wisdom (2995, 3692, etc.), the Ursulines (3066, 3159, 1 Below, 143. — 2 S. C. Indulg., 7 March, 1825 (Documents, 1220, fif.). — 3 S. C. Bish. and Reg., 18 Jan., 1907 (Documents, 1932, ff.). ■ WHERE THE SODALITY CAN THE ESTABLISHED 15 3161, etc.), the Mercy Sisters (3116, etc.), the Notre Dame Nuns (3130, 3131, 3133, 3162, etc., etc.), the Sisters of Charity (3147, 3163, etc.), the Visitation Nuns, 3178, 3233, 3234, etc.) the Religious of the Sacred Heart (3491, 3748, etc.). These and many others are all in the years before 1838. In 1910 there were no fewer than 72 Coment Sodalities of 50 different Orders aggregated to the Prima-Primaria. The Precise Seat of the Sodality 30. Many Confraternities are attached to a certain altar. This has never been the custom in the Sodality of Our Lady and no mention of such a Sodality altar is made in any of the approved forms of Diploma used in erecting or aggregating. 1 In the erection of a Sodality, however, a given Church, Chapel, Oratory or be¬ coming place is assigned as its seat. In any such place a Sodality can be erected and have its home, as is clear from the passages quoted in the present Chapter. If the Sodality Church is taken from an Order, profaned, or destroyed 31. If a Sodality exists in a Church of an Order and the Church is withdrawn from the Order, or even profaned, the Indulgences are not lost: that is, no new erection is necessary when the Church is restored to the Order or to Divine worship. In a Carmelite church at Ratisbon, a Confraternity of St. Joseph had been in canonical existence. The Church was expropriated and profaned, but was afterwards given back and reconciled. The Prior then put the question: “ Whether by the profanation of the Church, which took place during the time of their expulsion from the Convent, the right to the aforesaid ’’ Indulgences of the Confraternity “ was entirely lost.... The Sacred Congregation of Indulgences answered : No.'’ 2 32. Not even if the Church is destroyed and is afterwards re¬ built, does the Sodality need a new erection, provided the new Church retains the old title and is put up on the spot where the former building stood. A new erection or a legitimate transfer by the Ordinary would, however, be necessary if the new Church were built elsewhere. “1. Does the Indulgence of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary, or do other Indulgences, cease, if the new Church is built almost in the 1 Documents, 1176, ff., 1199, ff., 1936, ff., Z024, ff. — 2 18 Sept., 1862 (Docu¬ ments, 1489, ff.). 16 SODALITY OF OUR LADY place where the old one stood? — No, provided it is built under the same title. 2. Does the Indulgence cease if the new Church is built in the cemetery, and not in the place where the old Church was? — Yes. 3. Does the Indulgence cease if the new Church is built in another place and not in the cemetery of the old Church ? — As in No. 2.” 1 The following opinion rendered by the Father General touches the same matter : “ If a Sodality, not changed in any important detail, is transferred by the authority of the Bishop from one Church to another, it does not have to be erected and aggregated again, and it retains all its rights and privileges.” 2 If the Sodality is transferred to a new place 33. We have seen that Sodalities are not attached to any altar, though they are to a given place .3 This as to the place to which the Sodality properly belongs and in which its meetings are usually held. There is nothing, however, to prevent meetings sometimes being held elsewhere, if the Director wishes. But it is at least doubt¬ ful if the Sodality Indulgences connected with its Oratory can be gained in any place different from that of erection. It is for this reason that, when the French persecution of Religious, early in the 20th. century, deprived them of their Houses and Churches, the Provincial Superiors of the Society of Jesus in France explicitly petitioned that “ gathering the Sodalists in other places — for example a hall or private apartment ” — might not interfere with their “ gaining all the Indulgences and enjoying all the privileges granted to the Primary Sodality. ” The Sacred Congregation acceded to this request, “ if the consent of the Ordinary should be obtained.”-* 34. It is possible to transfer the Sodality to another permanent home, with the authorization of the Ordinary in the case of Soda¬ lities that are not in Jesuit Houses, Colleges or Churches. For this no new formal erection and no new aggregation are necessary. “ For gaining the Indulgences in a new place or Oratory, is it reg¬ ularly sufficient for persons canonically professed in one place that the new place or Oratory is assigned by the Ordinary, who transfers the Confraternity there? .... Yes.” 5 But note the following recommendation. If a Sodality becomes so large as to necessitate division into two, it is better that the new section which goes to another place, should “ ask a Diploma of its own.” 6 1 S. £. Indulg., 9 Aug., 1843 (Documents, 1257, ff.). — 2 Documents, 196a. — 3 Above, 30. — 4 S. C. Indulg., 11 Nov., 1903 (Documents, 1898, ff.). — 5 S. C. In¬ dulg., 15 March, 185a (Documents, ia8o, f.). — 6 Fr. Gen. Vitelleschi, ia Jan., 1636 Documents, 852). WHERE THE SODALITY CAN BE ESTABLISHED 17 35. Should a Sodality, however, move into another Diocese, either a new canonical erection and aggregation are to be sought, or recourse must be had to the Holy See. This is clear from the very nature of erection by the Ordinary, which, being an act of the Ordinary as such, 1 is limited to his territory. The same is shown also by the fact that special provision has been made for Sodalities which canonically existed in Religious Houses and were transferred with the Houses to other countries, the Holy See having intervened to confirm, in the case of certain French Houses, the canonical existence of such bodies. ) “ After a number of Convents or Houses of Religious of both sexes, because of the persecution raging, had been transferred with their board¬ ing pupils from France to other countries, some of their Superiors practically acted as if they considered that the Sodalities of Our Lady canonically erected in their former Houses or Convents and aggregated to the Roman Prima-Primaria Sodality, continued to exist in their new homes and to retain the privileges of the aforesaid aggregation. In order that the defects incurred by this way of acting may be remedied and that provision may be made for similar cases in the future, the aforesaid petitioner humbly begs that, provided the Bishop of the place to which such transfer has taken place approves the Sodalities, such bodies, whether those already transferred or those that will be transferred later, may continue to be considered legitimately erected and aggregated. The Sacred Congregation of Indulgences and Sacred Relics, in virtue of faculties from His Holiness Pius X, graciously acceded to the petition, for the next seven years only, on condition that the other regulations be observed.” 2 CHAPTER V TITLE BORNE BY THE SEVERAL SODALITIES Primary Title 36. The title under which the Prima-Primaria Sodality was erected was that of “ Our Lady of the Annunciation -”3 This title was derived from the little Church of the Annunciation, begun in 1562 and finished in 1567, 4 ‘ in which the meetings were held. 1 See 131, ff. — 2 S. C. Indulg., 1 April, 1908 (Documents, 1948, ff.). — 3 See above, 15. — 4 Origini del Collegio Romano e suoi progressi, quoted in Stella Mat., 1906, p. 149. 2 i8 SODALITY OF OUR LADY 37. Sodalities which wished to be erected and aggregated in other Colleges outside Rome were at first obliged to have likewise the title of “ Our Lady of the Annunciation.” 1 38. Sixtus V, however, allowed Sodalities to be erected “ whether under the same title of Our Lady of the Annunciation, or under any other title and invocation.” 3 This was undoubtedly done so as not to exclude Sodalities with other titles from the benefits of aggregation. As a matter of fact, some Sodalities had titles different from Our Lady before the year 1584: for instance, one at Gratz was a “ Sodality of the Holy Ghost,” one at Vienna was called the “ Sodality of St. Barbara, ” others had “ St. Ann ” or “ the Blessed Sacrament ” for titular. 3 After 1584 and before 1748, no fewer than fifteen Sodalities are found in the Registers of Aggregation without any title of Our Blessed Lady. They are the following numbers: 493, 1233, 1404, 1483, 1485, 1598, 1603, 1608, 1617, 1650, 1652, 1655, 1858/1909, 1911. The first is of the year 1618, the last of 1698. There were probably many more, as the Regis¬ ters are very incomplete. Nevertheless, when no title of Our Lady had been presented, the Prima-Primaria often added one itself, “ because the faculty to aggregate has not been granted unless the Sodalities are designated by a title of the ever Blessed Virgin.” 4 On the contrary, it does not follow this course sometimes, as, for instance, in writing to “ the illustrious Sodality of Venice under the title of the Most Holy Crucifix.” 5 39. But Benedict XIV decreed that Sodalities in Jesuit estab¬ lishments that had as patronal title any other than that of the Blessed Virgin Mary, should, to enjoy the privileges of the Prima- Primaria, take Our Lady also as Patron and titular under some mystery or feast of hers. “ We decree and ordain that, if there be any Sodality, at the Churches, Houses, Colleges or Residences of the Priests of the Society of Jesus, whose titular is not the Blessed Virgin Mary but either some Saint or something else, it shall choose the Most Blessed Virgin Mary also as Patron, and shall assume and keep some mystery or feast of hers as title.... Without, this they cannot have and enjoy in future the Indulgences and favors which have been or may hereafter be granted by the Apostolic See to the above mentioned Primary Sodality, to which they wish to be or have already been aggregated.” 6 In obedience to this Decree, the Superiors of the Society of Jesus 1 Gregory XIII, Omnipotentis Dei, 5 Dec., 1584 (Documents, 531). — 2 Superna disposinone, 5 Jan., 1587 (Documents, 556). — 3 Duhr, Geschichte, I, p. 367. — 4 Arch. P. P., Risposte, p. 93 [1655]. See also p. 151 [1663]; p. 153 [1663]; p. aio [1665]. — 5 Risposte, p. 330 [1666]. — 6 Glortosae Dominae, 27 Sept., 1748 (Documents, 1032, ff.). TITLE BORNE BY THE SEVERAL SODALITIES 19 were charged to have some title of Our Lady chosen by Sodalities erec¬ ted before the date of the Bull. 1 40. In 1798, the faculties granted the Director of the Prima- Primaria gave him power to aggregate both Sodalities which had and those which had not Our Lady as titular. The petition presented begged for “ the faculties named. ’’ These were: 1. those since 1775 in the hands of the Cardinal Vicar of Rome, and 2. those reserved to the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The former included only “ the power to aggregate Sodalities of students and under the title of the Blessed Virgin, and no other”; the latter was “ the faculty for all other aggregations wanting in such require¬ ments.’’ The petition was granted. 2 In consequence of these ample faculties, twenty-four Sodalities with¬ out any title of Olir Blessed Lady were aggregated between the years 1806 and 1S24. 3 41. The Brief Cum multa of Leo XII, 17 May, 1824, confirmed to the Father General of the Society of Jesus the faculties touching the aggregation of Sodalities which had been enjoyed by his pre¬ decessors in office. These, as we have seen, were limited to So¬ dalities that had u some mystery or feast ” of Our Lady as title. 4 42. In the subsequent grant, 7 March, 1825, by which Pope Leo XII gave the Father General power to aggregate non-Jesuit Sodalities, no mention is made of the Primary Title .5 This, no doubt, was because the extension of faculties was naturally under¬ stood according to the terms of preceding grants. 43. But notwithstanding this view of the matter, even after the faculty to aggregate had been restored to the Father General, the Registers show a number of aggregations without any title of Our Blessed Lady. For instance, ten are found between the years 1835 and 1842. It may possibly be that this was not due to the Father General himself, but to some other person to whom blank Diplomas were sent. 6 This explanation is probable for some of the aggregations, but not for all, as the original document is in some cases signed by Father General Roothaan .7 Perhaps there existed at the time an opinion that the powers granted in 1825 included all those enjoyed after 1798 by the Director of the Prima- Primaria, not excepting that of aggregating Sodalities with no title of Our Lady. In any case, if there was any error in this, it was fully sanated by Leo XIII in 1885. 8 1 lnstiluium S. J., 1757 (Documents, iroo). — 2 Sec. Memor., 5 May, 1798 (Doc¬ uments, 1195, ff.). — 3 Register of Aggregations. — 4 Above, 39. — 5 Documents, 1219, ff. — 6 See 180 — 7 Numbers 3553, 3768, 3798. — 8 Documents, 1642. 20 SODALITY OF OUR LADY 44. At the present time, no Sodality is ever erected by the Father General or aggregated that has not Our Lady as titular, and the very name given the Sodality in official documents, (“ Con¬ gregati©, ” or “Sodalitas Mariana,”) indicates the disposition of those in authority to observe as to all Sodalities, non-Jesuit as well as Jesuit, the prescriptions of the Bull Gloriosae Dominae. This is further evident from the explicit regulations in the Direc¬ tions presented to those interested in establishing Sodalities of Our Lady. “ All Sodalities that wish to be aggregated to the Roman Prima- Primaria are to take some feast or mystery of the Blessed Virgin Mary for their title.” 1 The titles of Our Lady used by Sodalities are very numerous. The commonest is Our Lady Immaculate (816 out of 1132 in 1910). Exam¬ ples of others taken from one year (1838) of the Registers are: The Virgin Mary (3846), the Assumption (3848), the Immaculate Heart of Mary [3854), the Holy Name of Mary (3880), Our Lady of Mercy (3886), Help of Christians (3898), Our Lady of Perpetual Help (3946), Our Lady’s Birthday (3951), Our Lady of the Snow (3955), Our Lady of Sorrows (3966), Queen of Angels, (3969), Mother of Purity (3971;, the Presentation ( 3975 )» Our Lady of the Visitation (3982), Mother of Mercy (3988), the Holy Rosary (3999). Secondary Title 45. Benedict XIV, in the Bull Gloriosae Dominae , allowed, in¬ deed, but did not require, a Secondary Title for Sodalities in Jesuit establishments. It was, besides, left to their own choice what Sec¬ ondary Patron to elect. The Sodalities in question “ shall take and keep some mystery or feast of hers as title, together with some other Patron or title which they have already chosen or will hereafter choose.... or, if such Sec¬ ondary Patron or Title, for some cause, does not exist.” 2 46. In Jesuit Sodalities, the power to choose a Secondary Title, or at least to carry on the public celebration of the feast, is not left to the Sodality, unless with the permission of the Superiors. “ It will belong to them ’’ (Superiors) “ to allow the use of the fac¬ ulty regarding the public feast of the Secondary Title.” 3 In non-Jesuit Sodalities, it would appear natural that the Or¬ dinary’s leave should be asked for the same effect. This last item, however, is not mentioned in the Documents, as they were issued before non-Jesuit Sodalities were provided for. 1 Documents, 1752. — 2 27 Sept., 1748 (Documents, 1034, 1037). — 3 Doc¬ uments, 1100. TITLE BORNE BY THE SEVERAL SODALITIES 21 47. The faculties mentioned above as granted to the Director of the Prima-Primaria in 1798 make no mention of any Secondary Patron or Title at all. 1 The same is true of the Brief Cum multa of Leo XII and of the grant of 1825. 2 It follows, therefore, that a Sodality of Our Lady can still, as under Benedict XIV, be erected and aggregated without any Secondary Patron or Title. 48. On the contrary, Sodalities are occasionally aggregated with two or even more Secondary Patrons. In these cases, it must be remembered that the plenary Indulgences is granted for but one Secondary Feast, the singular number being everywhere em¬ ployed in this connection. It would be simpler to propose but one Secondary Patron, or at least not to have several unless their Feast comes on the same day — as in the Prima-Primaria , whose Secondary Patronal Feast is that of Sts. Peter and Paul, June 29. To have two or more Secondary Patrons with different days ren¬ ders the day of the Indulgence uncertain. There is, however, no reason why a Sodality with one secondary titular Feast may not celebrate other special Feasts with particular devotion and cere¬ monies; but the Sodalists should know that the plenary Indulgence can be gained on but one secondary titular Feast. The Prima-Primaria, besides its primary and secondary titular Feasts — celebrated with great devotion and no little splendor every year — honors in a special way the day assigned to the four Martyrs whose bodies (since 1667) repose beneath the altar, 4 as also (since 1623) the Feast of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 5 St. Aloysius 6 and the Sa¬ cred Heart of Jesus, 7 not to speak of the Assumption, the Immaculate Conception, etc. The favorite Secondary Title is St. Aloysius. Between 1584 and 1904, 3696 Sodalities chose him for Patron. 8 Others, in 1838, were: St. Ignatius (3865), St. Philomena (3868), St. Joseph (3896), St. Alphon- sus de Liguori (3901), St. Raphael (3950), St. John Baptist (3952), St. Philip Neri (3953), St. George (3962), St. Nicolas of Bari (3964), St. Paul (3967), the Holy Guardian Angels (3970), St. Germanus (3972), St. Ca¬ tharine (3979), St. Blandina (3982), St. Gregory (3993). Very many So¬ dalities have no Secondary Title at all. This is true of all periods, but especially of that extending from 1584 to 1748, in which no more than 16 Sodalities are found with Secondary Titles (176, 270, 427, 1404, 1418, 1461, 1468, 1569, 1572, 1573, 1575, 1593, 1600, 1831, 2107, 21x5; in the extant Registers of Aggregations. 9 1 Documents, 1193, ff. — 2 Documents, 1210, ff., 1219, ff. — ? See Documents, 2004. — 4 Notizie istoriche, 1725, p. 65; Calendars, passim. — 5 Ibidem, p. 220, and Calendars. — 6 Arch. P. P., Conti, 1781, and Calendars. — 7 Prot. IV, 1800, and Calendars. — 8 Brevi Notizie storiche, p. 3. — 9 A Sodality of Our Lady should not be called by the name of its Secondary Patron only. “ Aloysians/’ for instance, is a defective title. The celebrated Father Fiter used to insist much on this point 22 SODALITY OF OUR LADY CHAPTER VI RULES OF THE SODALITY In Jesuit Establishments 49. In the Bull erecting the Primary Sodality, Pope Gregory XIII impowered the General or Vicar General of the Society of Jesus to make, examine, change, correct or modify the Rules binding on the Primary and all aggregated Sodalities in Jesuit Colleges. “ We grant and give, by the same Apostolic authority,” to the Gen¬ eral or Vicar General of the Society of Jesus “ power to publish,” in the case of the Primary Sodality as of each and all of the Sodalities that will be aggregated to it, for their happy estate, government and direc¬ tion, any statutes, constitutions and decrees, provided they be lawful and good and not opposed to the Sacred Canons nor to the Decrees of the Council of Trent, and provided — if they be made by another or others of the said deputies ” (suitable Priests of the same Society)— “ they be examined and approved by the General, or Vicar, himself; and power, after they are published, freely and lawfully to change, correct, modify and reform them, or to make others wholly new, whenever it seems expe¬ dient to him, considering the statutes, the circumstances of the times, or anything else. We decree, too, that such statutes, constitutions and decrees, after they have been published, changed, corrected, modified, reformed and made, ought inviolably to be observed by all the said So¬ cialists.” 1 50. This control of the Rules, along with other powers, was extended by Sixtus V in January, 1587, to the Sodalities erected in all Jesuit Churches, Houses and Colleges, and later in the same year to all Sodalities in institutions under Jesuit direction. and finally succeeded in getting Spanish Aloysian Sodalities to call themselves by their full title, as for instance, the “ Sodality of Our Lady Immaculate and St. Aloy- sius." The Sodality Diploma of Aggregations printed in 1910 acknowledges the j ustice of his contention and contains the full, double, title of the Prima-Primaria : “ Sodality of Our Lady of the Annunciation and Sts. Peter and Paul. ” On the disuse of the term “ Aloysians ” (Luises) see the resolution passed at the Sodality Congress of Palma (Secundo Congreso, p. 190). This particular term is specially unfor¬ tunate, as being applicable also to the non-Marian “ Sodality of St. Aloysius ” erected in the Church of St. Ignatius at Rome. Another unfortunate custom in this regard is that of speaking of a Society as “ the Sodality of Our Lady under the patronage ” of such and such a Saint. This supposes that the Saint in question is at least the principal patron of the body ; which is quite incorrect. — 1 Omnipotentis Dei, 5 Dec., 1584 (Documents, 536). RULES OF THE SODALITY 23 .... •' “ We likewise extend in perpetuity the letters, immunities, exemptions and faculties, privileges and indults of the same Gregory and every thing contained in them touching the said Sodalities and touching the said General or Vicar General of the time being of the said Society, to the above-mentioned Sodalities of students and non-students, and even of any of the faithful, whether the Sodalities be already erected or will hereafter, as has been said, be erected, established and aggregated.” 1 “ Moreover, by the above-mentioned authority and by these presents, We in everything extend and enlarge, in perpetuity also, each of the letters mentioned and everything contained in them to include Sodalities in the said Seminaries, Houses or Colleges and other places, under the direction, government, administration or instruction of the same Society, or of members of it, or in any way depending on them. 1 ' 2 51. When the faculties to erect ai.d aggregate were extended to include Residences of the Society, Gregory XV ordered as to them also, that “ the terms of the aforesaid letters ” of Gregory XIII and Sixtus V “ should be kept in all details .”3 52. In 1748, the prescriptions of Gregory XIII, Sixtus V, and Gregory XV were expressly confirmed by Benedict XIV .4 Three years later, the same Sovereign Pontiff impowered the Father General to aggregate Sodalities of both sexes in Jesuit Houses or Churches ,5 and then, in 1758, forbade Sodalities to make their own Rules, and empasized the powers of the Father Gen¬ eral in this matter. The following words, therefore, applied and apply to all the Sodalities of Our Lady for whose aggregation fac¬ ulties had been granted up to 1758 inclusively, that is to all So¬ dalities of either sex in establishments which belonged, or should ever belong, to the Society of Jesus, or were, or should ever be, under its care. “ And it shall never at any time be lawful for the said Sodalists to make, establish, prescribe and issue decrees, statutes, rules and consti¬ tutions ; but the power to make, issue, prescribe, establish and publish rules, constitutions, statutes and decrees shall belong by law and be held and considered to belong, and of right, to the General or Vicar General of the said Society. He, in pursuance of faculties, as has been said, conferred on him, can alter and change such statutes, decrees, rules and constitutions at his will, without asking and obtaining consent of the said Sodalists.’’ 6 53. The ample faculties thus conferred on the Father General are not communicated to his subjects, but are reserved to himself. 1 Superna disposinone, 5 Jan., 1587 (Documents, 564). — 2 Romanum decet, 29 Sept., 1587 (Documents, 592). — 3 Documents, 832. — * Documents, 1031. — 5 See 136. — 6 Laudabile Romanorum, 15 Feb., 1758 (Documents, 1122, ff.) 24 SODAI ITY OF OUR LADY “ The faculty to make and alter their ” (the Sodality’s) “ statutes is reserved to the General.’’ 1 54. Once the Father General had exercised this power by the formal approval of the Rules of 1587, we find a decision of the Fa¬ ther General, in the early days, requiring that the Rules of the So¬ dalities aggregated should be the same as those of the Roman Pri¬ maria. “ Sodalities with other Rules cannot be aggregated to the Roman Sodality, unless they are first broken up and then reorganized on the lines of the Roman Sodality.’' 2 Even before the year 1587, Father General Aquaviva had exacted the same uniformity in the Sodalities of the Roman Province. “ The Rules of the Sodalities of Our Blessed Lady must be none other than those of the Roman Primaria 3 55. Up to the date of the Rules of 1910, no explicit provision was made for additions to the approved Rules. But Father General Wernz in them leaves to the Provincials and Superiors of Mis¬ sions the approval of Rules additional to those sanctioned by the Father General, but without conceding to them any power to ap¬ prove of Rules contrary to those established by him. On this mat¬ ter, see below. 4 56. So much for the part assigned to Jesuit Superiors as re¬ gards the approval of the Sodality Rules in a Jesuit institution. We must add that for these Sodalities the Ordinary’s consent is not required. In the case of Confraternities erected in the Church of a Regular Order, “ is the Ordinary's consent requisite for the approbation of the statutes, for aggregation and for the publication of the Indulgences? — No, if it is question of Confraternities broadly so called that are proper to the Orders"... The above decree “is to be understood only of Confra¬ ternities whose erection is reserved to the respective Orders ” (as is the case in Jesuit Houses), “ provided they be not Confraternities established as organized bodies, even though they use no habit.’’ 5 In non-Jesuit Establishments 57. Sodalities not in Jesuit Houses nor Churches, nor in insti¬ tutions under their care, are subject to the Ordinary of the Dio¬ cese. To him belongs the right to approve their Rules, as well as to erect the Sodalities. 1 Institution S.J. ( Documents, 1857). — 2 Fr. Gen. Vitelleschi, 1620 (Documents 851). See the similar regulation regarding the Rules of 1855 in Documents, 1713. — 3 Documents, 850. — * Part I, 100. — 3 S. C. Indulg., 15 Nov., 1905 (Documents, 1914, ff.). RULES OF THE SODALITY 25 “ No one is allowed, without consulting the Bishop, to erect and establish Confraternities in his Diocese, or to approve their statutes. All this belongs to the Bishop alone in his Diocese, to the exclusion of others.” 1 58. The Vicar General, though he represents the Ordinary, has no power, however, by his ordinary authority, to approve the Rules of a Sodality. “ Can the Vicar General approve the Rules of Confraternities ?. ... No.’’ 2 59. But as the Ordinary can 3 subdelegate to his Vicar Gen¬ eral - or to other Ecclesiastics - even faculties which he has only as delegated to himself by the Holy See, we must conclude that he can specially delegate him for the approval of the Rules of Con¬ fraternities, and this in general as well as in particular cases. 60. The Vicar Capitular, however, is not to give the canonical- approbation to the Rules of a Sodality. “ Can a Vicar Capitular approve the Statutes of Confraternities?.... Their Eminences replied : Let the Vicar Capitular refrain.” 4 61. To the Ordinary alone, therefore, belongs the right to give official approbation to the Rules of a Sodality in his Diocese. It is for this reason that in the petition sent to Rome for the establish¬ ment of a Sodality, the applicant is required to state “ whether the Bishop has approved whatever special Rules there may be ” among those proposed, and in the petition for the erection of the Sodality, the Ordinary is begged “to approve its Rules .”5 62. There are, however, two restrictions, or rather one restric¬ tion and one proviso, as to the exercise by the Ordinary of his control of the Rules. 63. The restriction is, that the Bishop is not at liberty to mod¬ ify any Rule which proposes to the Sodalists a good work that has been indulgenced by the Holy See. “ But if some articles of the statutes propose to the members the performance of works which by Pontifical grants have been enriched with Indulgences, these articles are to be considered essential, so as not to be subject to any modification.’' 6 Items of this nature in the Sodality Rules are given in detail below. 7 64. The proviso is that the Bishop’s modification of the Rules shall meet the approval ot the Jesuit General. The Ordinary can, indeed, erect a Sodality of Our Lady with any Rules he pleases, because erection is an act which depends on him alone. But 1 S. C. of Rites, 7 Oct., 1617 (Documents, 814). — 2 S. C. Indulg., 18 Aug., 1868 (Documents, 1543, f.) — 3 See. 127. — 4 S. C. Indulg., 23 Nov., 1878 (Documents, 1564, f.). — 5 Fr. Vic. Gen. Anderledy, 31 Aug., 1885, and Directions, 1885-1907 (Doc¬ uments, 1692, 1759). — 6 S. C. Indulg., 12 May, 1843 (Documents, 1256). — ^ Part I, 97. 26 SODALITY OF OUR LADY the establishment of a Sodality of Our Lady, besides erection, re- quires aggregation to the Prima-Primaria Sodality at Rome. Now, this aggregation is the act of the General, and he can, of course, deny it, if the Rules proposed do not conform to the requirements. There have, in consequence, been cases in which aggregation was not granded, because of failure to fulfil this condition. Such cases, however, have always been very rare, as the Ordinary usually agrees to the Rules already approved by the Father General, and neither adds any new nor changes any old one. Two benefits arise from this. One is the keeping of all Sodalities of Our Lady uni¬ form in aim and in general working throughout the world. The other is the advantage which comes of having Rules which have been thorougly tried for centuries and under many different cir¬ cumstances. 65. Doubtless for the same end of securing uniformity in So¬ dalities, as missionaries are likely to be requested to found or re¬ vive Sodalities, a special prohibition is found in the Institute of the Society of Jesus against their “ making Rules for any Confrater¬ nity or Sodality, old or new, without permission of the Superiors.” 1 Rules Common to all Sodalities of Our Lady 66. The powers bestowed on the Jesuit General have been exercised on various occasions by his approving Rules for indivi¬ dual Sodalities, and three times in the Sodality’s history by his approving Rules for general use. 9 Common Rules of 1587 67. The first occasion of such exercise was shortly after the date of the Bull of Gregory XIII establishing the Head Sodality. On 1 Nov., 1587, were formally promulgated in the Prima Primaria the first Common Rules approved for all Sodalities. It will be remembered that, at this date, Sodalities were mostly confined to educational institutions, though not to students. This item of history is reflected in the Rules of 1587. Father General Aquaviva, having previously submitted the first Com¬ mon Rules “ to certain Fathers to be examined,’’ 2 published them for¬ mally in the Prima-Primaria, as “ made with the authority of the Most Reverend Father General ” and as “ anulling all the others.” 3 The aim of Father Aquaviva in forming Common Rules is clearly 1 Institutum S. J. (Documents, 507). — 2 Letter to Fr. Manaré, 30 Nov., 1586 (Duhr, Geschichte, I, p. 366). — ? Documents, 750. BOSTOJT LIBRARY CHEST il UT KILL, MASS. RULES OF THE SODALITY 27 expressed in a letter to a Father in Cologne, written while the Rules were under consideration : “ All Sodalities are, so to speak, hound to¬ gether in a common body. It is, therefore, desiderable that they should be infused with the same spirit and should wear one and the same out¬ ward appearance.” 1 Another letter of Father Aquaviva, written in 1586 to Father Ma- naré in Germany, throws still more light on his purpose; “ Gregory XIII has determined that all Sodalities hitherto erected should be erected anew and aggregated to the Sodality here in Rome, in order to enjoy its Indulgences and privileges. Nowithstanding the Pontifical approval previously granted to some Sodalities, this seemed the best course. Uni¬ formity now reigns in the Sodalities.’’ Làter in the same year, Father Manaré complained that “in the Colleges there are several, sometimes as many as three, Sodalities with Rules and customs entirely different. This appears to me not to be good.’’ 2 68. The first chapter of the document referred to contains what are called “ The Fourteen Rules,” which can be read in full in the second part of this book.3 69. The Common Rules of 1587 continued in force until the Suppression of the Society of Jesus. As all the Sodalities up to that time had been erected in the Houses or Churches of the Jes¬ uits, there was no question of Rules for non-Jesuit Sodalities. 70. At the Suppression of the Society, and while the faculties to aggregate were being put in order, the Prima-Primaria, forced by a petition made to it by a new Sodality* and by the fact that “ the old Rules had been abolished ,”5 drew up “ Common Rules for all the Sodalities.” They are to be found in the Memorie . 6 These Rules do not differ from the " Fourteen Rules ” — all the others are wanting — of Father Aquaviva, except that they omit all mention of the Society of Jesus. They were invalid, however, as some one has justly remarked in writing on the margin of the Memorie , 1 “ for to reform the Rules belongs only to the General of the Jesuits, and now, in his stead, in Rome to the Cardinals deputed, according to the respective matters; in other places, to the Ordinaries.” 71. In the year 1797, new Rules were “ examined and corrected by the Father Director,” and “ were then examined by the depu¬ ties of the Sodality.” 8 These Rules were printed in the year 1804, that the copies might be distributed to “ the Sodalities which were 1 Duhr, Geschichte, I, p. 366. — 2 Quoted in Duhr, Geschichte, I, p. 365. Father Manaré is speaking, of course, of Rules entirely different : every Sodality has some special Rules ot its own, differing from those of other Sodalities. — 3 Documents 598, ff. — + Arch. P. P., Memorie, 1773, p. 63. — 5 P. 66. — 6 P. 66. — 7 P. 73. — 8 Arch. P. P., Memorie, 1803, p. 69. 28 SODALITY OF OUR LADY to be aggregated.” 1 It is not clear that the Prima-Primaria had any authority to impose these Rules upon the new Sodalities, but it is very probable that the said bodies adopted them faithfully without any further concern. 75. We find no further mention of Common Rules till the year 1824, when a book was published, called “ Explanation of the Rules and Privileges of the Prima-Primaria Sodality ” — a copy of which is in the Archives of the Prima-Primaria . 3 There is no indica¬ tion that the Prima-Primaria sent this “ Explanation, ” as containing the Common Rules, to the affiliated Sodalities. If it did so, there is no sign that it was done with any authority. 73. In the year 1831, a study of the Rules common to all the Sodalities was begun, in order to reform them .3 The study was carried on with much diligence by the Director and Council of the Prima-Primaria at that time and afterwards, till the year 1846,4 and resulted in certain Rules proper to the Prima-Primaria , and others common to all other Sodalities, which were written in Ita¬ lians and translated into Latin in only nine numbers. 6 The Rules so composed point out the obligation of having the approbation of the immediate Superior “ before modifying or changing the statutes of a Sodality, or introducing new Rules and customs af¬ fecting its substantial form ,”7 but they suppose that all Sodalities are under the necessity of accepting or following the new Rules set forth in the nine numbers. Perhaps the authors of the pro¬ posed general statutes understood this necessity in the sense that, if they were not accepted, the desired aggregation would not be conceded. It is probable that the Revolution of 1848 caused the reform thus laboriously prepared to be forgotten. Common Rules of 1855 74. The second time that Rules were established for general use was in 1855, when Father General Beckx “ by authority grant¬ ed ” him, “ approved and confirmed ” the Rules of Father Par- thenius, “ made on the lines of ancient customs.” 8 Father Joseph Mariano Mazzolar!, who took the name of “ Parthe- nius ” out of devotion to Our Blessed Lady, was born in 1712. He en¬ tered the Society of Jesus in 1733, taught literature for twenty years, six¬ teen of them in the Roman College, was Prefect of the lower schools in the same College in the year 1765, and died in the house of the Gesù in 1786. He was a man deeply versed in classical learning. Judging 1 Memorie, 1804, pp. 74, 75. — 2 Prot. III. 15. — 3 Arch. P. P., Prot. I. a. D., p. 9. — 4 Prot. I. a. L., p. 69. — 5 Prot. I. 4. C., p. 83. — 6 Prot* I. 4. E., p. 33. — 7 No. 6. — 8 Documents, 1290. RULES OF THE SODALITY 29 from an addition made by him to the Rules of 1587, an addition which apparently was occasioned by the Laudabile Romanorum of Benedict XIV, he composed his Rules after the year 1758. Father Parthenius was the Director of the Scaletta Sodality of the Roman College in the years from 1752 to 1773. 1 The present writer is in possession of the photograph of a manu¬ script copy of Rules with corrections in a hand judged by experts to be that of Father Parthenius. There seems little doubt that this Manuscript contains the Rules as Father Parthenius left them. The editor who prepared from it the Common Rules of 1855 has made considerable changes, notably in two details : he has omitted mention of the Society of Jesus and of Sodalities of the young. It was chiefly for Jesuit College Sodalities that Father Parthenius wrote his Rules, as is clear from the following words in his Preface: “ We have made certain additions, which we judged well adapted to the training in piety ol Jesuit students.” 2 These words were reproduced by the editor 3 without either “ Jesuit ” or “ students.” Again, Father Parthenius entitled his Rules 11 Leges et Statuta Sodalitatum Beatae Virginis Quae in Collegiis et Domibus So- cietatis Jesu institutae, ” etc. ! he words from “ Quae ” on are omitted by the editor. 4 Besides, the editor makes Father Parthenius claim a more complete agreement between his Rules and those of Father Aqua- viva than the author asserted, substituting the words “ geminae profecto ” for “ geminae propemodum.” 5 Some other divergences between Parthenius and his editor will be noted as we proceed. 6 75. From a concordance of the first two Common Rules, made for the purpose of a comparative study of them, we have noted that sixty marginal numbers of the documents in Part 2 of this book are found in the Rules of 1587, but are wanting in those of 1855, while eighty of those of 1855 are wanting in 1587, there being only one hundred and fifteen more or less common to both the Rules. There are twenty-three differences of some moment. The more important details are mentioned below. 76. The approbation given by Father Beckx to the Common Rules of 1855 is general, and makes no distinction between the Jesuit Sodalities and others. 77. In 1885, Father Vicar General Anderledy introduced,a change. 1. He declared the Common Rules of Father Beckx to be obligatory in the Jesuit Sodalities. In the “Directions for the Jesuits ” he forbade them to change anything of moment in the old 1 Catal. Prov. Rom. — 2 Mss. Leges et Statuta , p. 6. — 3 Printed Leges et Sta¬ tuta, 1855, p. 6. — 4 Documents, 1291. — 5 Ibidem. — 6 From various indications it seems likely that the editor in question was Father Joseph Boero. 30 SODALITY OF OUR LADY approved Rules, or to introduce new Rules “unless they were first submitted to the General and were approved by him.” 1 2. For non-Jesuit Sodalities, he proposed a compendium or nucleus of Rules, precisely as the compilers of the above-mentioned general statutes of 1845 had done, requiring that in each Sodality “the Particular Rules should be made in conformity with the original statutes given above ” (the General Statutes of 1885), “ as far as the conditions of time and place permit.” 3 The particular Rules of each separate non-Jesuit Sodality being drawn up, they are to be submitted to the Ordinary for his ap¬ provals After receiving this, in order to obtain from the Father General the erection of the new Sodality and its aggregation to the Prima-Primaria , it is necessary to assure him: 1. That the Rules of the new Sodality are approved by the Ordinary ,4 and 2. “ If any change has been introduced into the statutes, and of what sort it has been .”5 The first of these clauses refers to the right of the Ordinary to approve the Rules of Sodalities in his Diocese; the second secures the right of the General to refuse aggregation to a Sodality which has departed from the normal course determined upon. General Statutes of 1885 78. The General Statutes just referred to were sent to the houses of the Society of Jesus, with a letter from Father Anderledy dated 31 August, 1885, 6 and were published again in each of the editions of the “Directions.”? The official character of their pu¬ blication might give rise to the belief that they form a third set of Common Rules, and in fact they have been accepted by some writers in that sense. But this view is incorrect, and it is neces¬ sary to remember that in proposing the General Statutes there was no intention of doing more than present the necessary nucleus for the Rules of Sodalities existing outside the Jesuit Houses and Churches. 79. Comparing the General Statutes with the two Common Rules already examined, not a few differences are found. They will be noted below. 1 Documents, 1713. — 2 Documents, 1756. — 3 Documents, 1757, 1759. — 4 Documents, 176a. — 5 Documents, 1692. — 6 Documents, 1684, ff. — 1 Docu¬ ments, 1729, ff. RULES OF THE SODALITY 31 Common Rules of 1910 80. The third time that the Father General of the Society of Jesus approved Common Rules for the Sodalities of Our Lady was in 1910. 81. The basis of the new Rules were the Spanish Rules of 1905. They were drawn up in compliance with the vote of a Di¬ rectors’ meeting, held in Madrid in 1904. They were composed from the two preceding series of Common Rules, and were the work of Father Cajetan Puig, S. J., Director of the famous Barce¬ lona Sodality of Our Lady Immaculate and St. Aloysius Gonzaga, aided by several Sodalists. As soon as they were completed, they were submitted to the judgment of the Fathers Directors of the most important of the Spanish Sodalities, and finally sent by Fa¬ ther Puig to Father General Martin, whose approval was given to them 22 Sept., 1905. 82. The approbation asked for having been granted only for the Houses and Churches of the Society in Spain, a new exami¬ nation of the Rules and customs of the Sodalities of Our Lady in ancient and modern times was made in Rome in the years 1909 and 1910. The most recent books were consulted, as well as the acts of the various Sodality Congresses, and after no less than six different forms of Common Rules had been composed, with the advice of fourteen Fathers of the Society belonging to nine different countries, a definite form was chosen as the result of the study and was proposed to Father General Wernz in the month of June, 1910. The new form was based upon the above-mentioned Rules approved for Spain. It proposed apposite additions, derived chiefly from the Decrees of the Holy See, and from circumstances which had arisen since the year 1905. The form thus drawn up was again examined by seven Fathers of the Society and was finally considered, corrected and completed by the Very Rev. Father Gen¬ eral in person, and by him officially approved on the Feast of Our Lady Immaculate, 1910. 83. Comparing the Common Rules of 1910 with the two pre¬ ceding Rules, we find, in general: 1. That everything of importance contained in the preceding Rules, is also contained in this third Rule; 2. That many small particulars and regulations of the two others are omitted in those of 1910, leaving greater liberty to the Directors; 3. That the words used are fewer in number, and are of a more clear and precise character. 32 SODALITY OF OUR LADY 4. That the order is more logical, and the matter is arranged as in a body of laws. In the first chapter, the order of the Rules of 1855 is somewhat different from that of 1587 and is also considerably at variance with that of the Parthenius manuscript. 84. We may now proced to analyse the Common Rules of 1910, with a view to the points in which they agree with those of 1587 and of 1855, or with both, and the points in which they differ from them. In this study we will follow the order of the Rules of 1910. Article I v 85. The first article states the nature and aim of Sodalities, tells who has power to establish them and sets forth the regula¬ tions about titular Patrons and the division of the faithful in so¬ dalities according to classes. Rule 1. Devotion to Our Lady is, indeed, common to all the Rules and has the first place in all, as well as in the General Statutes. 1 It was not, however, so explicitly laid down in 1587 and in 1855, nor in 1885, as it was in 1910, that this devotion is the principle or motive, so to speak, of the Sodalities of Our Lady, nor were the results which that devotion should have in a better Christian life and in the Sodality works of zeal brought out with equal clearness. Thus Rule 1 of 1910 gives an idea no less complete than definite of what a Sodality of Our Lady ought to be. All the Rules propose the sanctification of the Sodalists’ souls as the chief object of the Sodality, 2 but the Rule of 1910 alone draws attention to the need of doing this in a manner suitable to the state in life of the individual. The earliest Rules placed “ progress in study ” alongside of “ the acquirement of virtue ’’ as the end of the Sodality. The Rules of 1855 omit the phrase, as do those of 1910. But progress in study is earnestly provided for in the last named Rules, in the section on Academies, and is of course included in the general sanctification of the individual, should study happen to belong to his state of life at the time 3 Zeal for the souls of others is not omitted in the Rules of 1587 and of 1855 4 ; but it is much more insisted upon in those of 19x0, which reflect in this way the remarkable development in this detail of Sodality ideals during the last twenty years; and put apostolic work on a par with personal sanctification in the Sodality program as a main object to 1 Documents, 598, 1291, 1729. — 2 Documents, 599, 1291; cf. 1729. — 3 Docu¬ ments, 606, 1297. The Parthenius Manuscript simply repeats the rule of 1587 (Rule 3). — 4 Documents. 606, 1297; cf. 174a. RULES OF THE SODALITY 33 be aimed at. The defence of Holy Church, however, as forming part of the apostolate recommended, is found only in the Rules of 1910. 1 Rule 2 is not found in the older Rules, but is derived from the Canon Law relating to the Sodalities of Our Lady and reported below. 2 Rule 3. Our Lady is the chief Patroness in all the Rules. 3 No Secondary Patron is mentioned in the Rules of 1587, and there are but 16 instances of a Secondary Patron down to 1748. 4 The omis¬ sion is not remarkable, as the Secondary Patron is not mentioned in the Pontifical decrees until 1748. But it is curious that the Rules of 1855, though they speak of Feasts of the Sodality, make no mention of that of the Secondary Titular. It must be remembered that these Rules were written after the Golden Bull , in which so much is said of this Patron. 3 Rule 4 is new among the Rules, but it expresses a very ancient provision, and in fact is implied in the words, “ according to the number or quality of the persons ” of Sixtus V, 6 and “ according to the differ¬ ent condition of the Sodalists of Benedict XIV, 7 and is highly com¬ mended in the letters of Father General Retz, 8 of Father Vicar Gen¬ eral Anderledy, 9 and of Father General Wernz. 10 It is besides re¬ commended in the Directions of 1885-1907 11 and by the constant prac¬ tice of three centuries, as may be seen in the Registers of Aggrega¬ tions, in which the class of persons forming the Sodalities established is, in almost each case, strictly defined as “ workingmen ’’ (n. 174) “ youths ’’ (n. 176) “ young students ’’ (n. 427) “ country people ” (n. 1029) “ poor people ” (n. 1255) “ Canons and Priests ” (n. 1513), and so on. Article 2 86. Having outlined the purpose and nature and the consti¬ tuent elements of the Sodality, the Rules proceed, in the second Article, to regulate the general gatherings of the Members. Rule 5 is substantially the same in all the Rules. 12 The first two, - however, call absolutely for a meeting on every Holy Day of obligation, a point recommended, indeed, but not exacted, in 1910. No special provision is made for the summer in the earlier Rules, 1 The General Statutes also proposed this department explicitly, along with the apostolic zeal for heretics and sinners (Documents, 1742, f.). — 2 See Chapter 7. — 3 Documents, 598, 1291, 2054; cf. 1729. — 4 See above, 48.— 5 The General Statutes of 1885 also neglect this Patron, but the Directions, in which they are found, mention it (Documents, 1753). — 6 Documents, 557. — 7 Documents, 1018. — 8 Documents, 1061. — 9 Documents, 161a. — 10 Documents, 1975. — 11 Docu¬ ments, 1751. — 12 Documents, 611, 1301. The General Statutes of 1885 lowered the standard somewhat by requiring a meeting only " once a week, as a general thing ” (Documents, 1731). 3 34 SODALITY OF OUR LADY as it is in those of 1910, which in this regard are not only more exact but also more in keeping with actual conditions. Rule 6. The amount of time to be given to the ordinary meetings is not defined in 1910. The Rules of 1855 lay down about an hour and a half” for the morning meeting, as against the one hour of 1587. This, however, may be only an apparent difference, because Holy Mass is included in 1855 and is not mentioned in 1587. 1 The Rule of 1910 re-establishes the invocation of the Holy Ghost as it stood in the Rules of 1587, though it was omitted in those of 1855. 2 This omission is not due to Parthenius, who repeats the rule of T587. It maintains the reading of a spiritual book, allowed in 1587 and prescribed in 1855, though the object is not the same as it was in 1587, namely “ to make spiritual conferences upon the reading.” 3 The third point, that is the announcement of the Saints and the dispositions of the Church for the ensuing week, is new. The Office of Our Lady is not set down among the exercises in 1587, but it is in 1855. The Rule of 1910 defines the Office more ex¬ plicitly. 4 The Director’s exhortation is not required in 1587, a conference among the Members — of which the later Rules do not speak — being allowed in its place. The Rules of 1855 and 1910 agree in prescribing the exhortation, 5 omitting the spiritual conference among the Members, though it is found in Parthenius. 6 The recitation of the Litany of Loreto is set down in the Common Rules of 1855, t> ut not ! n those of 1587. 7 The Rules of 1587 prescribed a meeting on Saturdays for the reci¬ tation of the Litany. 8 This practice is not found in the other Rules. The Rules of 1910 are the only ones which speak of prayers to the Secondary Patron. To the above exercises, the General Statutes 9 add meditation as an exercise for the meetings. This is not mentioned in any of the Com¬ mon Rules, but is found in the Particular Rules of the Prima-Primaria of 1865. 10 Rule 8. The General Communions are prescribed in the first Rules, but not in the second, except at the end of the Retreat. 11 The number is reduced in the Rules of 1910, and the way of conducting this exercise is laid down explicitly, making it the chief feature of the day’s meeting. Rule 9. The Retreat is not mentioned in the Rules until 1855. 1 Documents, 611, 1301. — 2 Documents, 614. — 3 Documents, 611, 1302; cf. 1731. — 4 Documents, 1303. — 3 Documents, 611, 1305; cf. 1731. — 6 Rule 6. — 7 Documents, 1306. — 8 Documents, 621. — 9 Documents, 1731. — 10 Rule 6. — 11 Documents, 608, 1327; cf. 1733. The General Statutes, however, alone single out the feasts of Our Lady for this exercise. The omission of the General Commu¬ nions every month in the Rules of 1855 is not due to Parthenius, who, on the con¬ trary, recommends, that “ no one should easily go to Holy Communion outside the odality(Rule 7). RULES OF THE SODALITY 35 The suggestions|m the Rules of 1910 for making the Exercises well are new and the minute details of 1855 are not given. 1 Rule 10. The celebration of Feasts is an old custom found in all three Common Rules. 2 The Novena, however, is only spoken of in those of 1855. The Rules of 1910 expressly speak of the principal Feast and of that of the Secondary Patron: which had not been hitherto done. The custom of making the Six Sundays of St. Aloysius was men¬ tioned first in the General Statutes of 1885. 3 Rule 11 is found with hardly any change in the other Rules. 4 There is, however, this difference between the Rule of 1587 and the later ones, that the former require the approval of the Rector for in¬ curring expenses, while the latter do not. 5 Article 3 87. Article 2 having regulated the acts of piety of the Sodality as a body, Article 3 proceeds to deal with the Sodality’s apostolic work, whether for the benefit of the neighbor or for the good of the Members. This consists of works of mercy and of the Soda¬ lity’s mental and moral education of the Sodalists ; both furthered by distributing them into Sections. Rule 12 first states, a second time, the double aim of the Sodality and then records the good works specially dear to Sodalists. The lat¬ ter are recommended in all three Rules, 6 but those of 1910 are wider in their scope. Curiously enough, the Rules of 1855 omit all mention of the teaching of Catechism. 7 Rule 13. All that is said here of Sections for good works is new in the Rules, which here recognize and approve of a means of promoting goodness of life and charity which has been much in use during the last few years. Rule 14. Nothing is said of Academies in the Common Rules of 1587 or of 1855. The rule is taken from the earliest custom of the Prima-Primaria? Article 4 88. The Sodality’s activity as a body having been regulated in the preceding Articles, the Rules of 1910 next describe the du¬ ties and rights of the governing body. Rule 15 is not in the earlier Rules, but is derived from the Bull Omnipotentis Dei of Gregory XIII. 1 Documents, 1317; cf. 1732. — 2 Documents, 625, 726, 1310, 1335. — 3 Docu¬ ments, 1734. — 4 Documents, 625, 1335. — 5 Documents, 625. — 6 Documents, 621, 1346; cf. 1744, but the General Statutes do not descend to details. — 7 In this again the Rules of 1855 are at variance with Parthenius (Rule 17). — 8 See below, Chapter 18. 36 SODALITY OF OUR LADY Rule 16 defines the rights of the Director more clearly than did its source, the Constitution of Benedict XIV, cited in it. It is not found in the Rules of 1587 or of 1855. Rule 17 is also new, being taken from the Circular of Father Vicar General Anderledy of 31 Aug., 1885. 1 Rule 18. The list of Officers given here is found in the Common Rules of 1587 and 1855, though in a different order. But the rule of T9io gives a seat in the Council to the Instructor of Candidates and to the Treasurer, which was not done in 1587, nor in 1855, 2 although by the Rules of 1587 3 other Sodalists were allowed, for special rea¬ sons, to be present at Consultations. The Secretary, in 1587, is not necessarily one of the 6 or 12 Con- suitors: in 1855, he is. The 1910 rule returns in this to the first Rule. 4 The permission to create substitutes for the Offices of the Council is found in the 1587 Rules in the case of the Secretary. 5 But before the present rule of 1910 was made, the Father Director was not given pow'er to create new Officers in the Council. Rule 19. All the Common Rules 6 allow the individual Sodalities to have as many Minor Officers as they wish and of whatever kind they wish, but the character of the duties belonging to these (“ purely exec¬ utive ”) is not expressed in the rules of 1587 and 1855. Rule 20. The elections are differently managed in the different Common Rules. The details are too minute for this place, but will be found futher on. There is no solemn installation in 1587; there is in 1855. 7 Rule 2T. The frequent changing of the Officers is an oid custom, but formerly it happened oftener, 8 three or four times a year in 1587, once or twice in 1855. The mode of filling up vacant posts is more simple than it was in 1587, but is the same as in 1855. 9 Rule 22. The absolute dependence of all the charges directly upon the Father Director is new. Article 5 89. The Rules go on next to regulate the Sodality life of the individual Members. First comes the subject of admission and exclusion and this is treated of in Article 5. All this Article is simpler, more definite and clearer than the cor¬ responding chapters in the other Common Rules. 10 The prescriptions as to what is required of the applicant for admission, as to the Candi¬ date’s obligation of fulfilling all the duties of the Sodalists during the 1 Documents, 1689, 1690. — 2 Documents, 603, 1294. — 3 Documents, 684. — 4 Documents, 603, 1294. — 5 Documents, 740. — 6 Documents, 748, 146 6 . — 7 Doc¬ uments, 1389, ff. — 8 Documents. 644, 1381. — 9 Documents, 676, 1393. — 10 Doc¬ uments, 635, ff., 1366, ff. RULES OF THE SODALITY 37 time of probation, his reception on the titular Feasts of the Sodality, the indication of the Officers who take part in the ceremony of reception, the mention of the medal, the omission of formalities in certain cases these points are new. In the other Common Rules, 1 mention is made of those leaving the place where their Sodality exists to go elsewhere, and of the letters they receive to be admitted into a Sodality in their new abode, but the present rule 24 is more explicit and clear on this point. Rule 26. Touching the admission and reception of Candidates, the Common Rules of 1855 insist more strongly than those of 1587 on the rights of the Director, and those of 1910 more strongly still. In the Rules of 1587, it would seem that the final acceptance is an act of the Prefect, or at least that his authority in the matter is equal to the Di¬ rector’s. 2 Rule 27. The ceremonial of reception is considerably more detailed than it was in the older Rules. 3 Especially noteworthy are the first of the Acts of Consecration and the two other formulas, which are now for the first time inserted in the Rules. The Act of Consecration of St. Francis de Sales is found also in the Rules of 1855, 4 but not in those of 1587. The Rule about the enrolment of the new Members in the Sodality Book is new, being taken from the Directions. 5 Rule 28 is also new, the second part coming from the same source. 0 The first part is based on the Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, 26 Nov., 1880. 7 Rule 29 and Rule 30 are new, containing decisions rendered in 1910. 8 Rule 31. The motives for dismissal from the Sodality were not so explicitly assigned in the older Rules. 9 Article 6 90. Once admitted, the new Member becomes responsible for the performance of certain acts as an individual which are involved in his being a Sodalist. These are contained in Article 6. Rule 32. The other Common Rules insist upon the observance of the Rules, 10 but not so clearly and distinctly as do those of 1910. The weighty reason adduced should be noted. Rule 33 is new. Rule 34. The rules regarding private exercises of devotion are found also in the old Common Rules. 11 but in the new they are men¬ tioned in fewer words and with greater definiteness. 1 Documents, 628, 1353. — 2 Documents, 641, f., 1366, ff. — 3 Documents, 6423 1374 » — 4 Documents, 1376. — 5 Documents, 1778. — 6 Documents,, 1777. — 7 Documents, 1576. — 8 Documents, 1977, if. — 9 Documents, 624, 718, 1332, 141; — 10 Documents, 634, 1363. — 11 Documents, 614, ff., 1337, ff. SODALTTY OF OUR LADY 38 The suggestion regarding the gaining of Indulgences is entirely new. The Rules of 1855, and those of 19x0 after them, urge daily medi¬ tation more than did the Ryles of 1587. 1 The Common Rules of 1855 add private spiritual reading to the other exercises of piety. This was not done in 1587, but is implied in the Librarians Rule of 1910. 2 The Rules of 1587 insist more on the daily hearing of Mass than do the two later Rules. 3 Rule 35 contains the recommendation to avoid bad reading, scandal and disedification; of all which there is no word in the old Rules. 4 Rule 36 is the same as that of 1855, 5 slightly retouched with the words, “ a learned and prodent man. ” The Rule of 1587 required a Jesuit Confessor, nominated by the Rector of the College, 6 but had no special exhortation to follow his direction. Rule 37 insists on General Confession on entrance into the Sodality more strongly than do the Common Rules of 1855, 7 returning to the Rules of 1587 on this point. 8 Rule 38 is not found in the other Common Rules, but is in the General Statutes of 1885. 9 There are, however, several most useful additions in the rule of 1910. Rule 39 is entirely new. The last words are from the Decree Sacra Tridentina Synodus of 1905. Rule 40 is found in all the Rules, as is natural in a Sodality of Our Lady, but in 1910 fewer words are used than elsewhere. 10 Rule 41. The obligation of assisting at the meetings is urgently in¬ culcated also in the Rules of 1587 and of 1855. 11 The manner of not¬ ing the attendance adds a new detail; namely that of the lists to be employed. i he excuse to be sent in for absence is also an old regulation. Rule 42 is new. Rule 43. The first part is from the Common Rules ol 1587 and 1855 ; ia but the recommendation to attract new Candidates for the So¬ dality is new. 1 Documents, 621, 1338. The General Statutes of 1885 allow a choice between meditation and reading (1738). — 2 Documents, 1315, f.; cf. 1738. — 3 Documents, 616, 1339, cf. 1739. The General Statutes of 1885 are on the same plane in this as the Rules of 1855 and 1910. The change from the earlier rule is due to the editor of Parthenius, for the latter retains the Rule of 1587 (Rule 7). — 4 Doc¬ uments, 632, 1361. — 5 Documents, 1300. — 6 Documents, 610. Parthenius also re¬ quired as Confessor, “one of the Fathers of the Society of Jesus, as far as pos¬ sible,” but did not leave the choice to the Rector (Rule 4). — 7 Documents, 1297. Parthenius, however, had left this Rule as he found it in the Rules of 1587. — 8 Documents, 607. — 9 Documents, 1741. — 10 Documents, 598, 1291, 1309. To the other rules touching the personal sanctification of the Members, the General Statutes of 1885 add one regarding the special virtues recommended to Sodalists. They are piety, purity, humility, modesty, diligence and assiduity. There is nothing of all this in the Common Rules (Documents, 1746). — 11 Documents, 623, 1331. — 12 Docu¬ ments, 62a, 1348. RULES OF THE SODALITY 39 Rule 44. Obedience is warmly recommended in all the Common Rules, 1 and almost in the same words used here. Rule 45. This Rule also is old, 2 with a slight difference in the details of the prayers to be said for the dead. Rule 46 is more precise than the old rules, which do not directly mention the making of any contribution, at least in the Common Rules. 3 Rule 47 is old 4 in its first and third parts. The second part rests upon a decision of 1910. 5 Article 7 91. Article 7 outlines the duties of the Councillors of the So¬ dality. Rule 48 is old. 6 Rule 49 obliges the Major Officers to visit the Director in order to give him information relating to their offices, and to receive his direc¬ tions, etc., and is new. Rule 50. This rule expresses briefly and clearly all the essential elements of what the corresponding earlier Common Rules expressed in several paragraphs. 7 It may be remarked here that the Congregationis Consultant or gen¬ eral meeting of the Sodality for consultation, is mentioned in no other Rules but those ot 1587. 8 The Director has more power over consultations assigned to him in 1855, 9 and mòre still in 1910, than in the rules of 1587. This change is probably due to the Laudabile Romanorum of Benedict XIV. 10 Another difference between the Rules is that, in 1587, 11 the Rec¬ tor's approval was necessary to the validity of the Council’s decisions in things of moment. There is nothing of this later, though such ap¬ proval is reserved to the Provincial or Mission Superior in the case of permanent additions to the Rules. 12 Rules 51 and 52 are more or less in both the older Common Rules. 13 Rule 53 is not new, except in the wording. 14 Rule 54 is the same in all the Common Rules. 15 Rule 55 also is not new. 16 The requiring of three books for the Secretary is to be noted, being new. Rule 56 contains no change from the earlier Common Rules. 17 It adds, however, a most important point, namely that of thoroughly know- 1 Documents, 604, 1295. — 2 Documents, 627, 629, 1351, 1357; cf. 1745. — 3 Doc¬ uments, 625, 1335, 1436. — 4 Documents, 623, 628, 1331, 1353. — 5 Documents, 1981. — 6 Documents, 609, 1299, and, in the Rules of the Officers, 697, 722, 1398, 1417, 1427. — 7 Documents, 679, ff., 1394, ff. — 8 Documents, 686, ff. — 9 Docu¬ ments, 679, ff., 1394, ff. — 10 Documents, 1x24. — 11 Documents, 692. — 12 Docu¬ ments, 2x73. — 13 Documents, 695, 682, 1397, 1426, 1396. — 14 Documents, 697^ 1398. — 15 Documents, 720, ff. 14x4, ff. — 16 Documents, 730, ff., 14x8, ff. — 17 Doc¬ uments, 743, 1423. 40 SODALITY OF OUR LADY ing the Sodalists, and things relating to the Sodality. Something sim¬ ilar may be understood, in the Common Rules of 1587, from the dis¬ tribution of the Sodalists among the Assistants and Consultors, 1 but it has not the same extension. The present Rule adds also the point regarding the character of Consultors which they have outside the Consultations. Rules 57 and 58 are equivalent in wording with the other Common Rules but more explicit and business-like. 2 In the Rules of 1587, it is the Assistants who instruct the Can¬ didates. 3 Article 8 92. Next follow the particular regulations touching the Minor Officers. Rule 59 repeats in regard to the Minor Officers, the two things prescribed for the Major Officers, namely that they should be distin¬ guished for their piety and love of the Sodality, and that they must visit the Father Director to receive his orders, etc. The first of these points is found to a certain extent in the Common Rules of 1855. 4 The second is new. In the Rules that follow, as far as Rule 65, there is nothing new, except that the Officers mentioned are hardly spoken of in the Common Rules of 1587, 5 while much is said of them in those of 1855. 6 The last sentence of Rule 65, which clearly reserves to the Father Director the full right of instituting new official charges, is new, and corresponds with what is said above. Article 9 93. Article 9 treats of the communication among Sodalities and is all new. Rule 66 rests upon several letters of the Fathers General. 7 Rule 67 is also drawn from a letter of the Father General. 8 Rule 68 had its origin in a resolution of the Sodality Congress of Barcelona. Article 10 94. The last Article of the Rules regulates changes in the Rules and additions to them. As far regards changes, this article is founded upon the Directions? The arrangement about additions to the Rule is new. 1 Documents, 724, 746. — 2 Documents, 639, 709, 1428, ff., 1433, ff. — 3 Docu¬ ments, 723, ff. — 4 Documents, 1387. — 5 Documents, 748. — 6 Documents, 1437, ff. — 7 Documents, 1957, 1959, i960, 2042. — 8 Documents, 1955. — 9 Documents, 1713. RULES OF THE SODALITY 41 95. The Common Rules of 1910 carry a general approbation for the Houses and Churches of the Society of Jesus, where they succeed the others approved by Father Beckx, as his Rules suc¬ ceeded the Common Rules of Father Aquaviva. 96. Even outside the Houses and Churches of the Jesuits, the Common Rules of 1910 are not without authority, such, namely, as attaches to any regulation or counsel given to the Sodality of Our Lady by one who speaks with profound knowledge of the subject, and especially after such diligent examination as was made for the drawing up of these Rules. For this reason alone, it would not be surprising if the Sodalities already existing should willingly accept these Rules for themselves, with the gladly given approba¬ tion of the Ordinaries. As for the new Sodalities in process of formation, they could not be more certain to secure their aggre¬ gation to the Prima-Primaria than by presenting these Rules to the Father General, adding to them, when necessary, in a few points ; always with the approval of the Ordinaries. The places where changes or additions might be made for the purpose are seen in the footnotes to the Rules as printed below. 1 “ Essential ” Elements of the Rules 97. It will be remembered that the articles of a Confraternity’s Rules which treat of works enriched with Indulgences by the Holy See are “ essential, so that they are not subject to any modifica¬ tion ” on the part of the Bishops. 2 Comparing, therefore, the Common Rules of 1910 with the' new Summary of Indulgences, it appears that such elements in the Rules of the Sodality of Our Lady are : Devotion to Our Blessed Lady. 3 The Secondary Patron. 4 The continuance of membership in the Sodality. 5 The weekly meetings. 6 The General Communion. 7 The annual Retreat. 8 The celebration of certain Feasts with Holy Communion. 9 The titular Feasts. 10 The use of the Acts of Consecration. 11 Attendance at Mass every day. 12 The Examination of Conscience. 13 1 Documents, 2052, ff. — a See 63. — 3 Documents, 2052, 2127, 2004. — 4 2054, 2004. — 5 2111, 2020. — 6 2056, 1987. — 7 2066, 1988. — 8 2068, 1989. — 9 2126, 1985, 2004. — 10 2071, 2004. — 11 2102, 2001. — 12 2118, 1993. — 13 2120, 1994. 42 SODALITY OF OUR LADY The frequentation of the Sacraments. 1 The use of the medal of the Sodality. 2 The following works of mercy: Visits to the poor, to the sick and to prisoners. 3 Prayers for the sick and the dead. 4 Attendance at funerals. 5 The reconciling of enemies. 6 The Office of the dead recited for the deceased. 7 The having of Mass said for the deceased. 8 The visit of the Father Director to the sick. 9 The right and obligation of a Sodalist to join a Sodality in the place where he lives. 10 98. The reason for the resolution of the Sacred Congregation indicated above is that a Bishop cannot annul what has been done by the Holy see. As is clear, this reason holds good for the items found in other documents of the Holy See regarding the Sodality of Our Lady, whether they are in the Common Rules or not. In this sense, the following “ essential ” points may be added to the list: The General Confession. 11 The Eucharistic Section. 12 Fraternal charity. 13 Obedience to the Father Director. 14 The subjection of the Sodalities established in Jesuit Houses and Churches, to the Society of Jesus. 15 Additional Rules 99. The Common Rules of 1587 allowed the formation of special additional Rules by each Sodality as they were needed u according to the diversity of countries and persons. ” Such regulations, in College Sodalities, required “ the approbation of the Rector of the College in which the Sodality existed, and of the Father in charge of it, ’’ with the proviso, however, that they should not be contrary to the Common Rules. 16 The permission in question is granted in more general terms in the Rules of 1855 : “ It is permitted to each Sodality to have, besides these ” (Common Rules), u certain rules of its own, such, namely, as shall be thought suitable to it, having regard to the place and persons. ” Nothing is said of any approbation for the additional rules. 1 '? 1 2134, 2126, 1985, etc. — 2 2104, 2003. — 3 2076, 1997. — 4 2135, 1999. — 5 2136, 2000. — 6 2133, 1998. — 7 2136, 1996. — 8 2136, 2016. — 9 2167, 1990. — 10 2139, 2021. — 11 Documents, 2123, 2125, 1049. — 12 2126, 2077, 2047. — 13 3135, 1051. — 14 2134, 1046. — 15 2079, 1124. — 16 Documents, 601. — 17 Documents, 1293. RULES OF THE SODALITY 43 100. The formation of additional rules and decrees is a very simple matter in the Common Rules of 1910. The whole subject is left to the Father Director, who can draw up “ particular rules, statutes and decrees as, in his prudence, he shall judge opportunes,” 1 but on condition that these rules, “ if they are to be permanent, must be submitted to the approval of the Provincial or the Superior of the Mission,” 2 for the Houses and Churches of the Jesuits, and of the Ordinary for other Sodalities. 8 Besides, a Jesuit Director remains always subject to his immediate and mediate Superiors and can therefore make no important move without the proper leave. In a similar way, non-Jesuit Directors would do well to take counsel with the Ordinary before proceeding in things of moment. Necessity of having and of following Rules 101. The existence in each Sodality of proper' Rules is a pru¬ dent and, indeed, altogether necessary means for securing the continuance and fruitful work of the Sodality, and the Ordinary and the Father General do well to see to it diligently in the case of each and every body which applies for Sodality erection and ag¬ gregation. 102. Rules will not be kept unless they are well known. Hence the Common Rules of 1587 prescribed that those of the Sodality should “ be read publicly every three months ” and urged all to observe them and also the “ particular customs of the Sodality.” “ Officers are to read the Rules of their offices more often.” The Common Rules of 1855 defined more accurately the occasion on which the Rules were to be read in public, namely “ as often as a new Prefect and other Officers are chosen.” This, as the Rules say further on, would be once or twice a year, according to the number of elections held. The other prescriptions of the Common Rules of 1855 are the same as those of 1587.4 103. The reading of the Rules is of the highest importance in those Sodalities where they are not in constant use. But where the Rules are printed and distributed to all the Members, it is often useless to take up the time of the meetings in this way. For this reason, the Common Rules of 1910 do not require the public reading ef the Rules, leaving it rather to each one’s private devotion. 104. But even the reading and the possession of printed copies of the Rules will fail to secure their observance unless they be 1 Documents, 2080. — 2 Documents, 2173. — 3 See above, 61. — 4 Documents, 634» 1363, I3 8 *- 44 SODALITY OF OUR LADY explained from time to time. It is, therefore, strongly to be recom mended that they be taken up at least once a year in the Con¬ ferences. 105. Neither is it sufficient merely that good Rules should exist and be known : they must be accurately observed, if the management of the Sodality is to result in the great good to souls which is expected. 106. Still, it must not be thought that to have Rules or to observe them is absolutely required for the validity of erection or aggregation. It has, indeed, been decided by the competent authority at Rome that no Rules are necessary to make the erection valid, and even those which a Sodality has adopted and which have been approved, can be quite neglected without the Sodality’s thereby losing the Indulgences — provided, of course, the good works be- performed for which the Indulgences were granted. “ Does the non-existence of Rules or of Officials in the said Con¬ fraternities, or the use in them of pious works or peculiar customs not in conformity with those employed in the Archconfraternities at Rome interfere with the validity of the erection or the communication of the Indulgences?... No, provided the works be performed to which the In¬ dulgences are annexed.” 1 “ Provided Sodalities are canonically erected, and the Members perform the works enjoined by the Sovereign Pontiffs for gaining the Indulgences connected with their respective Confraternity, and provided the Members have been legitimately received into the Confraternity, the non-observance, partial or total, of the Rules does not interfere with the gaining of the Indulgences, the Rules being given rather foi the govern¬ ment and proper administration of the Sodality, and not as works enjoined for gaining the Indulgences.” 2 What is here said is true in general, but is, of course, subject to exception. Thus the Administrator of Munster required all the Sodalities which the Holy Father, in 1846, declared validly erected 3 to return to the original Rules, under pain of not gaining the Indulgences ; and this “according to the contents of the Rescript as well as the previous Pon¬ tifical Constitutions.’’ 4 107. Needless to add, the Rules of the Sodality contain no obligation under pain of sin .5 The Rules of most religious Orders carry with them no such sanction. 1 S. C. Indulg., 2a Aug., 1842 (Documents, 1240, 1242). — * S. C. Indulg., 25 Jan., 1842 (Documents, 1237). — 3 See 146. — 4 Sodai.- Corr., 1897, p. 88. — 3 Docu¬ ments, 21x4. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SODALITY 45 CHAPTER VII ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SODALITY Canonical Erection 108. The Sodality of Our Lady, like other canonical corpora¬ tions, does not require, before erection, that there shall be any members. It exists, and therefore begins to exist, as a moral en¬ tity, quite independently of any actual Sodalists. Indeed, actual members are impossible until the Sodality is canonically established, as no one can belong to what does not exist. 109. On the other hand, however, a body already existing may be erected into a Sodality of Our Lady, and not a few Sodalities of those recorded in history went through a formative or trial pe¬ riod before asking for canonical erection. 1 no. Before the Sodality as such can begin to be, it must be canonically erected. For “ the canonical erection of a Confrater¬ nity is a legitimate act of a competent ecclesiastical Superior, by which the Confraternity is constituted a juridical person as a canon¬ ical corporation.” 3 4 hi. Canonical erection is an essential condition for aggrega¬ tion to the Prima-Primaria, and consequently for the enjoyment of the Sodality privileges and Indulgences. This is clear from the whole tenor of the documents which follow in this Chapter, and is expressly noted in the official Directions for members of the So¬ ciety of Jesus. “ The aggregation of no Sodality can take place unless its canonical erection has gone before : for it must first exist before it can be aggre¬ gated.” 3 112. There is no need, however, of either erection or aggre¬ gation in the case of Sodalities once legally established in Churches that have afterwards been profaned or that have passed from the hands of an Order to which they belonged, or even have been destroyed but rebuilt in the same place ,4 and we shall call atten¬ tion below to the fact that a Sodality does not lapse from mere lack of members^ and therefore needs no reèrection to begin again. 1 So in Madagascar (Fahne Martens, 1907, p. 22). The Young Workingmen’s Sodality of Lucerne was not aggregated to the Prima-Primaria until 1635, ten years after its inauguration ( Grosse Lateinische Congregation, p. 22). — 2 Wernz, Jus De¬ er et alium, 1908, III. II. p. 418. — 3 Directions, 1885-1907 (Documents, 1696). — 4 See 31. — 5 See 440. 46 SODALITY OF OUR LADY Jesuit Houses and Churches 113. The Prima-Primaria Sodality was erected by Gregory XIII, 5 December, 1584, in the Roman College of the Society of Jesus. “ By Apostolic authority, We erect and establish in perpetuity... in the same Church ” of the Roman College “ one Primary Sodality.’’ 1 114. The same Sovereign Pontiff conferred on the General or Vicar General of the Society of Jesus the power to erect in Col¬ leges of the Society out of Rome other Sodalities of the kind. “ We grant to the same General, or to the Vicar General of the time being, power to erect and establish, with Our authority, in any other College of the said Society.... or in its Church, whatever other Sodalities.’’ 2 115. Sixtus V extended these faculties, 1. to include all the Churches and institutions which belonged to or were under the care of the Society, and 2. to allow of several Sodalities in the same place, in or outside of Rome. “ We grant in perpetuity.... to the General or Vicar General of the Society of the time being, power to erect in any Church, or House and College of the same Society in Rome or outside Rome.... any other So¬ dality, one or more in each place or Church.’’ 3 “ We grant all manner of licence and faculties to the General or Vicar General of the time being of the said Society, to erect-any So¬ dality, one or many, in each College, House or Seminary or place un¬ der the direction, government, administration or instruction of the So¬ ciety of Jesus itself, or of members of it, or depending on it.’’ 4 116. To the powers so far granted, Gregory XV added that of erecting Sodalities at Jesuit Residences, for whose aggregation to the Prima-Primaria provision had been made by Clement VIII. “ With the said authority, by these presents, We concede and im¬ part to the same Mutius ” Vitelleschi, “ the actual General, and to the General or Vicar General of the time being of the said Society, power to erect and establish with the same authority, in perpetuity, in any Residence of the same Society or in its Church, anywhere throughout the world, Sodalities of the kind, as he has power to do in the other Churches or Houses and Colleges of the said Society.’’ 5 117. At the Suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1773, its General’s “ all and every authority,” and therefore that of erecting Sodalities, was declared “ forever cancelled and entirely extinct/’ 6 1 Omnipotentis Dei (Documents, 5x3, f.). — 2 Ibidem (Documents, 531). — 3 Superna disposinone, 5 Jan., 1587 (Documents, 553, ff.). — 4 Romanum decet, 29 Sept., 1587 (Documents, 589). - 5 Alias pro parte , 15 Apr., 1621 (Documents, 829). — 6 Docu¬ ments, 1131. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SODALITY 47 118. From the date of the Suppression until 1824, the power of erecting Sodalities of Our Lady was recognized to belong to the Ordinaries of the Dioceses. 1 119. After the Restoration of the Society, the powers of the Father General regarding the Sodality of Our Lady were secured to him by Leo XII. “ We decree, moreover, that the rights and privileges of the Roman College, and those especially.... which gave faculties to aggregate to the Sodality, called Prima-Primaria, of Our Lady of the Annunciation, re¬ main entire.’’ 2 120. For a short time during the Italian Revolution of 1848, Father General Roothaan, forced to leave by the pressure of the times, was absent from Rome. He continued, however, in exile to exercise his power to erect and aggregate Sodalities of Our Lady. Nevertheless, the Prima-Primaria, which was evidently unaware of the fact, and was naturally desirous of preventing the inter¬ ruption of these powers, petitioned Pius IX to allow its Director — an excellent secular priest at the time — to exercise them. This was granted. “ Now, therefore, in the state of dispersion of the Society of Jesus, as it is necessary that some one should take up the office of the Rev. Fa¬ ther General, who is hindered from performing its duties, though the Society continues in full existence, the Sodality humbly begs your Ho¬ liness that to the Director of the time being be communicated the fac- culties, spiritual and temporal, which the abovenamed Rev. Father Gen¬ eral cannot exercise.... His Holiness has in all details granted the pe¬ tition as made.” 3 Of course, on the return of the Father General to Rome, the Di¬ rector of the Prima-Primaria ceased to exercise his extraordinary but provisional faculties. Consent of the Ordinary 121. For the Father General to erect a Sodality in a Jesuit institution, no consent of the Bishop of the Diocese is requisite, or rather such consent was considered given when the Bishop allowed the erection in his Diocese of the House of the Order. For the erection in the House of an Order of a Confraternity de¬ pending on the Order, “ provision enough is made by the Ordinary’s consent to the erection in the Diocese of the House of the Order.” 4 Previous to this decision of the Sacred Congregation, the Directions for Jesuits 5 recommended that the approval of the Ordinary should 1 See 158. — 2 Cum multa, 17 May, 1824 (Documents, 1214). — 3 Card. Vicar, 8 July, 1848 (Documents, 1273, 1275). — 4 S. C. Indulg., 25 Aug., 1897 (Documents 1873). — 5 Documents, 1715. 48 SODALITY OF OUR LADY be asked before establishing Sodalities in any Jesuit Church or House, except a boarding school, though not, of course, as if this approval were an essential preliminary. The Directions of 1907 omit the recom¬ mendation. Non-Jesuit institutions The Ordinary or his Delegate 122. The act of canonical erection, in Churches, Colleges, Hous¬ es and Residences which do not belong to the Society of Jesus and are not under its care, and which are not subject to an exempt Order, belongs of right to the Bishop of the Diocese, for it is one of his ordinary powers to erect Confraternities. li No one is allowed, without consulting the Bishop, to erect and establish Confraternities in his Diocese, or to approve their Rules. All this belongs, in his Diocese, to the Bishop alone.” 1 123. Neither is any further act on the part of the Holy See necessary to confirm the Bishop’s act of erection, “1. Can the erection of the said Confraternity, executed by the authority of the Bishop alone, be said to be canonical?.... Yes.— 2. Should the Apostolic confirmation be got?.... There is no need.” 2 124. The Vicar General of the Diocese, unless delegated for that purpose by the Ordinary, cannot erect Sodalities. “ Can the Vicar General, on his own ordinary authority, erect Con¬ fraternities without being delegated by the Bishop, so that the erection so executed shall be canonical?.... No.’’ 3 125. If, however, the Vicar General is delegated in his faculties to execute even special business of the Ordinary, he needs no further commission to erect Sodalities of Our Lady. “The Sacred Congregation of Indulgences decreed that Vicars General need special delegation by the Bishop to validly erect Confraternities. The question is asked if this special delegation is necessary, when, by the terms of the Letters appointing the Vicar, the Vicar General is deputed to execute not only general but also special acts in place of the Bishop .... The Sacred Congregation answered in the negative, provided, however, the question is not that of erecting Confraternities with their respective Indulgences. ” 4 126. The proviso in the rescript just quoted does not apply to the ordinary erection of a Sodality of Our Lady, as such erection does not communicate any Indulgence. It does apply, though, to the erection of a Sodality in virtue of the special faculties granted 1 S. C. Rit., 7 Oct., 1617 (Documents, 814). — 2 S. C. Indulg., 28 Aug., 175a (Documents, 1087, ff.). — 3 S. C. Indulg., 18 Aug., 1868 (Documents, 1541, 1544). 4 S. C. Indulg., 16 Nov., 1888 (Documents, 1839, ff.) ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SODALITY 49 some Missionary Bishops to communicate the Sodality Indulgences without aggregation to the Prima-Primaria Sodality. 1 To this case, however, the Decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Inquisition which is quoted below would apply. 127. But the Vicar General — or, indeed, any Ecclesiastic — can be delegated by the Ordinary to erect a Sodality of Our Lady, even with the communication of the Sodality Indulgences, if the Ordinary has the Apostolic Indult to this latter effect — and the delegation can be for particular cases or in general. This power on the part of the Ordinary to delegate his Vicar General, or any Ecclesiastic, extends also and, indeed, a fortiori, to the erection of the Sodality without any communication of the Sodality Indulgences. Such, at least, appears to follow from the decision which we cite next: because if the Bishop can delegate in the case of special faculties which he receives from the Holy See, he must have power to do so when no such faculties are necessary. “ Can the Bishop of the Diocese, without special faculties, subdelegate to his Vicar General, or other Ecclesiastics, in a general way, or at least in a particular case, the faculties delegated to him for a time by the Apostolic See ? .... Yes, provided it is not forbidden in the faculties and provided the right to subdelegate is not limited to certain persons. ” — An answer of the Sacred Congregation was added later that this applied to all the Ordinaries. 2 128. For the act of erection by the Ordinary, or by his delegate, no form of words is essential, for none has ever been prescribed; but it is usually and, indeed, best, done in writing. There is an obvious reason for this, namely, to enable the Sodality to prove, should there be need, the fact and the validity of its erection. 129. In order to complete the matter of this section, we may add that Vicars Capitular are bidden to abstain from the erection of Confraternities. “ Can a Vicar Capitular erect Confraternities, so that such erection shall be canonical ?... . Their Eminences replied : Let the Vicar Capi¬ tular refrain.” 3 The Father General of the Society of Jesus 130. Since 1885, in addition to the Ordinary, but only with his consent, the Father General of the Society of Jesus can erect non-Jesuit Sodalities, the faculty having been asked for as a matter of convenience. 1 See 431. — 2 S. C. Inquis., 14 Dec., 1898 (Documents, 1879, ff.) — 3 S. C. Indulg., 23 Nov., 1878 (Documents, 1562, 1565). 50 SODALITY OF OUR LADY “ To supplement those faculties ” (to aggregate non-Jesuit Sodalities), “ the aforementioned petitioner earnestly begs your Holiness to deign graciously to grant him and his successors power — always to be exercised, of course, with the consent of the respective Ordinary — to erect also any Sodalities whatever of the Blessed Virgin Mary, even outside the Society's Houses or Churches.... Our Holy Father Leo XIII graciously granted the petition in full.” 1 131. It is to be noted that when the Ordinary erects a Sodality, he does so as head of the Diocese, with the right secured to him by the common law of the Church and not needing any delegation from Rome. The Father General, on the contrary, erects Sodalities only as delegate of the Holy See. The Sodality of Our Lady, however, as is clear from the last document, is not one of those Confraternities in which the act of erection is reserved to the Father General, except in the case ofjesuit Houses and Churches. Aggregation to the Prima-Primaria 132. Aggregation of a Sodality of Our Lady to the Prima-Pri¬ maria of the Roman College has the effect of uniting one to the other as a member to the head and, in consequence, of communi¬ cating to the Sodality the privileges and Indulgences of the Prima- Primaria. This is clear from the following paragraphs, in which are given the documents authorising the aggregation of Sodalities in various places. 133. In the Bull of Erection of the head Sodality, Gregory XIII conferred on the Jesuit General, or Vicar General, the power to aggregate to it Sodalities of students and others of the faithful existing in Colleges of the Society outside Rome. “ We grant and concede in perpetuity to the General or Vicar General of the time ” power to erect Sodalities out of Rome “and to aggregate them to the Primary Sodality, and to communicate to them, so erected, established and aggregated, and to their Members, the aforesaid and all other Indulgences, remissions of sins, privileges, graces and faculties whatever, spiritual and temporal, which will hereafter be granted to the Primary Sodality by Us and the said See.. .. except only the power to aggregate and grant these graces to others.” 2 134. These powers were enlarged by Sixtus V, in two Bulls, and by Clement VIII, to permit the aggregation by the Father General of more than one Sodality, whether in or out of Rome, 1 S. C. Indulg., 23 June, 1885 (Documents, 1639, 1643). — 2 Omnipoteniis Dei, 5 Dec., 1584 (Documents, 532, ff.) ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SODALITY 51 and existing in any House or College or Church belonging to or under the care of the Society, or in its Residences. “ We impower in perpetuity the General or Vicar General of the said Society, by Apostolic authority, in virtue of these presents, to ag¬ gregate, likewise in perpetuity, to the same Primary Sodality any such Sodalities ” in any House or College or Church of the Society or under its care, or in its Residences, “ which are or will at any time be erected, and to communicate to them, also in perpetuity, all and each, the plenary and other Indulgences. ... and exemptions, immunities and other graces, faculties, indults and privileges, spiritual and temporal, which have already been or will hereafter be granted by the said or by any other Sovereign Pontiff our predecessor, by Us and the Apostolic See, to the said Primary and to the individual other Sodalities.’’ 1 “ By the said Apostolic authority, by these presents, we grant in perpetuity ” to the General or Vicar General of the said Society “ all manner of licence and faculties, after erection, past or future, to aggre¬ gate ” Sodalities in Houses not of the Society but under its care, “ to the same Primary Sodality, and to communicate and grant to them and bestow freely and lawfully on them, all and each of whatever graces. Indulgences, even plenary, and remission of sins, privileges, immunities and Indults, which have been or will in the future be granted to the same Primary Sodality and to others by the Apostolic, imperial, and royal, or by any other authority.’’ 2 “ By Apostolic authority, by these presents, We grant and impart to you the faculty to aggregate to the aforesaid Primary Sodality of the Roman College the aforesaid Sodality of the Island of Chios and any other like Sodality that is already erected or will hereafter be erected, at any Residence of Priests of your said Society of Jesus; and to com¬ municate to them the Indulgences and spiritual graces granted to the same Primary Sodality by whatever Roman Pontiffs, Our predecessors, by Us and the Apostolic See.” 3 135. The powers so granted, extended, of course, “ only to Sodalities under the immediate guidance ” of the Society ,4 but in the Jesuit Colleges they were not allowed to remain unused. Let the Rector of the College “ see to it that the Sodality of Our Lady of the Annunciation of the Roman College have a branch in his College.” 5 136. In 1751, Benedict XIV further impowered the General of the Society to aggregate to the Prima-Primaria Sodalities of the female sex erected in Jesuit institutions. 1 Superna disposinone, 5 Jan., 1587 (Documents, 558, ff.). — 2 Romanum decet, 29 Sept.., 1587 (Documents, 590, f.). — 3 Cum sicut nobis, 30 Aug., 1602 (Documents, 760, f.). — < Fr. Gen. Aquaviva, 14 May, 1596 (Documents, 849). — 5 Institutum S. J. (Documents, 753). 52 SODALITY OF OUR LADY “ We give and impart to you, present General of the Society of Jesus, and to the General of the time, powers for yourself and any of your successors to aggregate or cause and permit to be aggregated to the said Prima-Primaria. ... all and any Sodalities and Confraternities of men, of women, or of both sexes, in the Houses or Churches of the Society of Jesus, anywhere, provided they be already or be in the future canonically erected.” 1 137. As the power of erecting Sodalities of Our Lady, so the power of aggregating them was taken from the General at the Suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1773. 2 138. But the aggregation of Sodalities of Our Lady to the Prima-Primaria did not simply cease at the Suppression, for shortly after the last named date, Pius VI vested powers for aggregation in the Cardinal Vicar of Rome. “ The Prima-Primaria Sodality of the Roman College humbly pe¬ titions your Holiness that the said Sodality may have the same faculties over the others as were granted to it by the Sovereign Pontiffs, that it may be able to aggregate other Sodalities in any place.... His Holiness has graciously conferred on the Cardinal Vicar of Rome, and his suc¬ cessors, all the necessary and proper faculties, to the effect also of signing the Diplomas of aggregation.” 3 139. A few months later, these powers were reported, in an authoritative document, as so limited that they did not extend be¬ yond Sodalities 1. existing in educational institutions, 2. bearing a title of Our Lady, and 3. presenting commendatory letters from the Ordinary. “ His Holiness Pius VI has granted his Eminence the Cardinal Vicar of the time being faculties to aggregate to the above-mentioned Prima-Primaria all and any Sodalities bearing a title of Our Lady, and existing anywhere in Colleges, Seminaries, Universities and other places, provided these be established for study and literary pursuits, and pro¬ vided each Sodality has presented commendatory letters from its own Ordinary; and faculties to communicate to the same, so aggregated, all and several, the Indulgences, privileges, and spiritual benefits granted to this Prima-Primaria Sodality by the Sovereign Pontiffs.” 4 The first part of this limitation might well have been omitted, especially as. under the Jesuits, for more than a century and a half, Sodalities had not been confiued to places of study. The second part, rightly enough, continued the prescriptions of the Golden Bull. The third limitation, that regarding commendatory letters, is an effect of the Bull Quaecumque, as is also the omission of the faculty to erect. It is 1 Quo Ubi, 8 Sept., 175 c (Documents, 1078). — 2 Above, 117. — 3 Card. Vicar, 2 May, 1775 (Documents, 1138, f.). — 4 S. C. Indulg., 23 Sept., 1775 (Documents, 1141, f.). Compare above, 36". ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SODALITY 53 curious enough that the last named faculty was not asked for in the petition of 2 May, 1775. Except in this regard, the petition and the Indult of 2 May given above, seem to rest on the supposition that the Sodality was still exempt from the Bull Quaecumque . This, perhaps, was not incorrect, even though the motive of the exemption had ceased to exist, namely incorporation in the Jesuit institutions. Still, the Prima- Primaria, for peace sake, submitted to the new form of the concession, that issued by the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, dated 23 Sept., which recognized the subjection of Sodalities, after the Suppression of the Society of Jesus, to the above mentioned Bull. On this subject see further on. 1 140. A want of care in exacting the third of the conditions mentioned led to a petition in 1789 for the re validation of defective aggregations. “ In virtue of faculties graciously bestowed on Us by Our Holy Father Pius VI, We declare and hold as valid all aggregations executed up to the present time.... although the Sodalities making application did not in the act of petition present commendatory letters from their Ordinaries.” 2 141. In 1798, the same Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI, finally ac¬ ceded to the first prayer of the Prima-Primaria and entrusted to its Director the powers mentioned in paragraph 139 and also those formerly enjoyed by the Jesuit Generals, thus enabling the Director, in fact, to aggregate to the Prima-Primaria any Sodality whatever — a much larger faculty than that formerly enjoyed by the Father General. “ The aforesaid Sodality now petitions to have these faculties ” (to aggregate any kind of Sodality) "granted to it.... The petition was acceded to.” 3 142. It is curious to note that the Father General in Russia, in 1804, obtained from the Holy See the faculty to erect Sodalities and aggregate them to a new head Sodality in Polock, or in St. Pe¬ tersburg. This, of course, applied to none but Jesuit institutions, as the petition shows. " Gabriel Gruber, General of the Society of Jesus, now in St. Pe¬ tersburg, humbly petitions your Holiness to grant viva voce to the So¬ dality erected at Polock, or to that which is to be erected at St. Pe¬ tersburg, under the title of Our Lady of the Annunciation, and to the petitioner and his successors of the Vicars General of the time being, as head Directors of the same Sodality, all the Indulgences, graces and privileges granted formerly by the Sovereign Pontiffs and particularly by Benedict XIV to the Prima-Primaria Sodality of the Roman College t 1 Part, I, 158, ff. — 2 Card. Vicar., 24 Aug., 1789 (Documents, 1191). — 3 Sec. Memor., 5 May, 1798 (Documents, 1196, ff.). 54 SODALITY OF OUR LADY under the same title and to the General or Vicar General of the time being of the same Society, as Directors of the said Sodalities. ” This petition was granted as made. 1 It would be interesting to know if this faculty was ever used. It did not authorize aggregation to the Prima Primaria. Compare below the similar concession to the Sodality at Munster. 2 143. After the restoration of the Society, Leo XII, when giving the Roman College back to the Society of Jesus, declared that the power of aggregating Sodalities to the Prima-Primaria remained unimpaired in the hands of the General. “ We decree that the rights and privileges of the Roman College, especially those by which.... power was given to aggregate to the So¬ dality of Our Lady of the Annunciation, called Prima-Primaria, continue wholly in existence.” 3 144. In the following year, 7 March, 1825, the same Sovereign Pontiff very much enlarged the faculties granted by his predeces¬ sors and conferred on the Father General power to aggregate even non-Jesuit Sodalities to the Prima-Primaria. The Father General “ prays your Holiness graciously to vest in him opportune and necessary powers to aggregate to the Prima-Primaria all the other Sodalities which are not directed by the Society and which ask the favor.... His Holiness acceded to the prayer of the same pe¬ titioner.” 4 145. Attention has been called above to the fact that for a few years during the Italian Revolution of 1848, the Director of the Prima-Primaria was impowered to use the faculties regarding the Sodality which, as was thought, the Father General, then in exile, could not use. These powers, of course, included that of aggre¬ gating to the Prima-Primaria. 5 146. In 1846, a faculty similar to that granted to Father Gene¬ ral Gruber 6 was considered to have been conferred on the Young Men’s Sodality of Munster. This Sodality, from 1782 on, had 1 Pius VII, 21 July, 1804 (Documents, 1208, f.). — 2 See 146. The Young Men’s Sodality of Paris tells, in its petition for aggregation to the Prima-Primaria (Arch. P. P., Suppliche, 15 March, 1815) how its founder, Father Delpuits, S. J., was grant¬ ed powers by Pius VII, when in Paris, “ to found other Sodalities in France, which should enjoy the same privileges as that of Paris, observing its Rules, ” that “ in fact many were erected in the principal cities of that kingdom” and that " the others erected in France are derived from that of Paris and depend on it. ” Perhaps this is still another instance of a Sodality other tham the Prima-Primaria having power to aggregate to itself and so to communicate “ the graces granted by the Holy See to Sodalities of the Society of Jesus erected on the lines of that of Rome.” — 3 Cum multa, 17 May, 1824 (Documents, 12x4). — 4 S. C. Indulg., 7 March, 1825 (Documents, 1231, 1223). — 5 Above, 120. — 6 Above, 142. ESTABLISHMEMT OF THE SODALITY 55 aggregated to itself like bodies in the Diocese of Munster. The irregularity of the proceeding was sanated by Pius IX in 1846. The Administrator of the Diocese thereupon issued letters declaring it necessary — if a Sodality wished to enjoy the Indulgences — to be aggregated either to this Sodality or to the Prima-Primaria , implying a power of aggregation by the Munster Sodality to the Prima-Primaria. This at least was claimed, but it is not clear that such power was intended by the Holy Father. 1 147. The grant mentioned in paragraph 144 completed the powers needed to aggregate Sodalities of either sex and of all kinds of persons anywhere throughout the world. But the Indulgences of Our Lady’s Sodality were sometimes conceded to Societies which had no connection with the Prima-Primaria and yet were Sodal¬ ities of Our Lady. Want of unity and consequently some confusion resulted. To remedy these defects, Leo XIII, 17 September, 1887, decreed that aggregation to the Prima-Primaria should henceforth be essential for gaining its Indulgences. This act conferred on the Father General the exclusive right of aggregating to the Prima- Primaria, a right analogous to that enjoyed by several other heads of Orders in the case of Confraternities which owe their origin to the respective Orders. “ Hence, the aforesaid petitioner earnestly and humbly begs your Holiness, if it seem good for the advancement of these Sodalities, to graciously order that Sodalities of the Blessed Virgin Mary... though erected by others, nevertheless shall be unable hereafter to gain the Indulgences granted them by the Roman Pontiffs, unless, as was long ago usual, they be aggregated to the Primary Sodality at Rome by the General of the Society of Jesus, the consent of the Ordinary of the place, of course, having been obtained_ His Holiness Pope Leo XIII graciously granted the petition as made.” 2 148. An exception, however, to the above Decree is found in Sodalities erected by Missionary Bishops with special faculties from the Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide , Leo XIII having declared that they are not included in the Decree of 17 Sept., 1887. “ Let the heads of Missions subject to this Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide know that they can validly and lawfully exercise faculties to be given them by it as to the erection of,.... and the appli¬ cation of the Indulgences to, all Confraternities, without being obliged to ask or obtain beforehand the permission or consent of any Superior of whatever Regular Order.” 3 1 See the documents in Sodai.- Corr., 1897, pp. 88 f., p. 98. — 2 S. C. Indulg. (Documents, 1834, f.). — 3 Card. Prefect, 30 June, 1889 (Documents, 1845). 56 SODALITY OF OUR LADY 149. It must be added that, of course, Sodalities enriched with Indulgences in virtue of these faculties are not aggregated to the Prima-Primaria . 1 150. To complete the present section, we must recall what we have seen above 2 that the Indulgences, and consequently the erec¬ tion, of a Sodality are not affected by the profanation of its Church, or by the Order the Church belonged to ceasing to hold it, or even by the total destruction of the Church, provided it be rebuilt in nearly the same spot. The same, of course, applies to aggregation. Conditions of Aggregation 151. In aggregating, the Father General is not at liberty to grant a part and withhold a part of the Indulgences and privileges, nor can he grant the aggregation for a limited time only. He must communicate all the Indulgences and privileges and in perpetuity. “ 1. Can the Superior of any Order enlarge or limit at will the priv¬ ileges and Indulgences communicated in aggregation? ... 1. No, unless it is otherwise provided in the Apostolic Indults. — 2. Are aggregations to be made for a time or in perpetuity?... 2. In perpetuity.” 3 152. In addition to the restriction last named, the Father Gen¬ eral lacks the power to communicate in any way the faculty to aggregate other Sodalities to those which he aggregates to the Prima-Primaria. “ Only the faculty to aggregate and to grant these graces to others being excepted.” 4 “ It is not in my power to grant to any other Sodality the right of aggregation.’’ 5 1 53. We have seen 6 that the consent of the Ordinary is not necessary for the erection of Sodalities in Jesuit institutions. The same is true of their aggregation to the Prima-Primaria. In the case of Confraternities erected in the Churches of Regulars “ is the Ordinary’s consent requisite for aggregation? .. . No, if there is question of Confraternities broadly so called belonging to the Orders.” The above Decree “ is to be understood only of Confraternities whose erection is reserved to the respective Orders, ” (as is the case of Soda¬ lities when erected in Jesuit institutions). 7 1 See 432, and Documents, 1691. — 2 See 31, ff. — 3 S. C. Indulg., 2 March, 1748 (Documents. 982, ff.). — 4 Gregory XIII, Omnipolentis Dei, 5 Dec., 1584 (Docu¬ ments, 534). — 5 Fr. Gen. Roothaan, 28 Feb., 1846 (Documents, 1953). — 6 Above, 121. — 7 S. C. Indulg., 15 Nov., 1905 (Documents, 1914, ff.). ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SODALITV 57 The Sodality of Our Lady and the Bull Quaecumque 154. By the Bull Quaecumque, 7 December, 1604, Clement VIII prescribed certain formalities and conditions as essential to the valid erection and aggregation of Confraternities by Archconfra¬ ternities and heads of Orders. We give these here from an official document of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, which is a summary of the Bull itself. “ 1. Only one Confraternity of the same Institute and kind can be established and aggregated in the Churches whether of Seculars or of Regulars. “ 2. This is to be done with the consent of the Ordinary and with letters commendatory from him. “3. To the Confraternity established or aggregated are to be com¬ municated expressly and specifically the privileges and Indulgences express¬ ly granted to the Order establishing or aggregating, but not those which it enjoys only by privilege of communication. “ 4. The Rules of the Confraternity are, to be examined and ap¬ proved by the Ordinary and can be corrected by him. “ 5. The graces and Indulgences communicated to the Confraternity, are not to be published before the Ordinary has revised them.” To this last item the following note is appended; “ To remove all doubt, when it is said that the list of Indulgences should be revised by the Ordinary, it is understood that if the list has been already revised by the Ordinary of the place where resides the head of the Order, Institute, Religious body, etc., which has the faculty of erecting, etc., there is no need of a new revision and the list can be given to the body to be erected, etc., even elsewhere, since it must always be the same, with the exception of additions which may be made from later grants, and are likewise to be revised. ” “ 6. The Confraternity in receiving alms and disposing of them must act in the way prescribed by the Ordinary. “ 7. The Diploma of erection and aggregation cannot be executed and granted unless entirely gratis, no payment of-whatever kind being accepted, even from those who offer it of their own accord, and even under pretext of alms. Only, for expenses for parchment, copying or printing, stamping, cords and wax, for the labor and wages of the Sec¬ retary and Notary, and for all else, it shall be lawful to accept in Italy, not more than 6 scudi ; out of Italy, not more than 30 lire or fran.cs, for each erection, or aggregation, or confirmation. “ 8. Everything herein ordered and expressed is to be faithfully observed in all its parts ; otherwise, the erection or aggregation and communication of privileges and Indulgences shall be of no worth and value, and any Superior or Official shall ipso facto incur the penalty of privation of the office he holds and of disability to receive it or others 58 SODALITV OF OUR LADY hereafter; a penalty that cannot be remitted unless by the Sovereign Pontiff.” 1 155. From a Letter of Father General Aquaviva dated 1605, it is clear that the Sodality of Our Lady — which then existed only in Jesuit institutions — from the first publication of the Bull Quaecumque, was considered not included in it. It was declared by the Sacred Congregation of Rites *• that Sodal¬ ities established in the Houses and Colleges of our Society are not comprehended in the Decree ’’ (the < Quaecumque ). 2 156. The reason of this decision was that Sodalities, as far as concerns property, were incorporated in the Jesuit Houses or Col¬ leges. “ If our Sodalities had certain revenues, they, like other Confrater¬ nities of externs, would be quite liable to visitation by the Ordinaries; it is chiefly through the absence in them of this feature that we were free from being included in the Constitution of Clement VIII.” 3 157. The Sodality of Our Lady in Jesuit Churches, Colleges, Houses and Residences and in those under Jesuit care, was still more formally, in 1621, declared exempt by Gregory XV from the Bull Quaecumque, and the exemption was confirmed by Benedict XIV, in 1748. “ We decree that the aforesaid Letters of Our predecessors Gregory and Sixtus and these present Letters are not included under the Con¬ stitution of the late Clement VIII, likewise Ou r predecessor, issued as to the manner and form of erecting and aggregating Confraternities.” 4 “ Notwithstanding the regulation of the aforesaid Clement, Our pre¬ decessor, issued as to the manner and form of erecting and aggregating Confraternities; from which We, on this occasion only, specially and expressly and most widely and fully, with the like will and knowledge and fulness of power, do by these presents derogate.” 5 158. There can be no doubt that after the Suppression of the Society of Jesus, the Prima-Primaria regarded itself and the So¬ dalities aggregated to it as subject to the Bull Quaecumque. This was quite natural, as the reason for exemption had ceased with the cessation of the body in which they were incorporated, namely the Society of Jesus. 6 One does not have to read far in the Me¬ morie after 1773 to see that the Prima-Primaria considered that 1 See the Bull Quaecumque in Documents, 763, ff., and the above regulations, 1523, ff., along with the form of Diploma prescribed, 1517, ff. — 2 Documents, 795. — 3 Directions, 1606 (Documents, 806). — 4 Alias pro parte, 15 Apr., 1621 (Doc¬ uments, 833). — 5 Gloriosae Dominae, 27 Sept., 1748 (Documents, 1058). — 6 See 156. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SODALITY 59 no Sodality could be erected by any but the Ordinary, 1 or could be aggregated to the Prima-Primaria without his letters commen¬ datory, 2 and even with these preliminaries that not more than one Sodality could — without a special Indult — be aggregated to it in one and the same place ;3 and all this under pain of nullity. 159. This view certainly continued to be held until the year 1798. But the wording of the faculty conferred in that year on the Director of the Prima-Primaria could be taken as justifying more independent powers than subjection to the Quaecumque would imply, and the Memorie of 1804 record what looks like an interpretation of the Document by the Prima-Primaria Council in the sense of authorizing the approval of Common Rules ,4 and it is beyond doubt that in quite a number of cities more than one Sodality of Our Lady were aggregated in one and the same place .5 On the other hand, certain it is that most applications for aggregation made at this time state the fact of previous erection by the Ordinary ; 6 from which we must conclude that at least the Sodalities mentioned felt subject to the Quaecumque J So much on the question of fact. The correctness of the views recorded here needs further examination. 160. When faculties, in 1825, were conferred on the Jesuit Gen¬ eral to aggregate non-Jesuit Sodalities, one might at first think that these, of course came under the Quaecumque , because the rea¬ son for the exemption confirmed to all Jesuit Sodalities by Bene¬ dict XIV, did not hold at all in those outside the Order. As a matter of fact, however, everything went on just as before 1824. The question, indeed, of the Quaecumque does not appear to have created any scruple until 1861, and the practice of erecting Sodal¬ ities, 8 and that of aggregating more than one Sodality in the 1 Documents, 1189. — 2 Documents, 1189; cf. 1142. — 3 Documents, 1187. — 4 Memorie , 1804, p. 75. — s See Register of Aggregations, nos 2765, 2767. 2776, 2802, 2839, 2840 (Rome); 2780, 2781 (Riva); 2800, 2801 (Albano); 2809, 2810, 2837 (Bergamo); 2813, 28x4, 2822, 2835 (Brescia); 2826, 2827 (Terni); 2843, 2849 (Ferrara). — 6 Arch. P. P., Prot. VIII, passim. — 7 Instances in which erection also was executed by the Director of the Prima-Primaria are nos. 2763 (1800), 2767 (Rome, 1802), 2776 (Rome, 1803), 2806 (1811), 2836 (the Jesuit College of Palermo, 1817). In many cases, (for instance, no. 2851 (1819), 2869 (1820), 2917 (25 Jan., 1824), no. 2939 (26 June, 1824), the petition says nothing about erection, while it usually does so: which would seen to show that in those cases also the erection was exe¬ cuted by the Director. — 8 The printed Diploma has the words “erigimus eamque” (Documents, 1944) and in the petitions, the fact of erection is not seldom omitted (No. 4076, 2i June, 1839; 4397, Presentation Convent, New Orleans in 1840) in the case of non-Jesuit as well as of Jesuit (No. 4074 in 1839) Sodalities. Later also, in the Registers of Aggregations many Sodalities, non-Jesuit and Jesuit, have "Canonice erecta” omitted, whereas most have it added. Instances are three Sodalities at Col¬ mar, 6 Nov., i860, and one at Angers, 22 Nov., i860. 6o SODALITY OF OUR LADY same place continued, 1 and this in the case of non-Jesuit no less than of Jesuit Sodalities. * 161. The next stage of the question of exemption was in 1861, when the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences issued its Decree en¬ forcing the observance of the Bull of Clement VIII. Thereupon doubt arose in the minds of some whether the new Decree — and therefore the Quaecumque — affected the Sodalities of Our Lady. Father General Beckx accordingly applied to the Cardinal Prefect of the Sacred Congregation and was answered that they were not included. In concordance with the answer so given, entirely agreeing as it did with that given in 1605, Father General Beckx, in 1862, gave a formal repy to some questions sent in by a certain Prov¬ ince and affirmed that non-Jesuit, like Jesuit, Sodalities are not included in the Bull Quaecumque, and even asserted the right of the General to erect these Sodalities, though not without the ap¬ probation of the respective Ordinaries. 162. But the answer of the Cardinal Prefect had not been giv¬ en in writing, and as doubt was still expressed in certain quar¬ ters, Father Beckx made the formal petition for a decision which bears the date of 29 Feb., 1864. 2 After the Consultors of the Sa¬ cred Congregation had met in Preparatory Congregation to discuss the question, their recommendation that His Holiness should be advised in favor of a grant to the effect intended, was made known to the Father General, before further action was taken. It was then that the pamphlet cited below was composed by the Procurator General of the Society of Jesus and presented to the Sacred Con¬ gregation. In this pamphlet, the author, in the name of the Father General, respectfully submitted documents to show that Sodalities of Our Lady were not in need of any new favor on the subject of the Quaecumque , as they were neither included in the Bull itself nor, consequently, in its enforcement of 1861. His argument em¬ braced non-Jesuit as well as Jesuit Sodalities, expressly though not as a separate element in the argument. 163. The pamphlet Esposizione appears to have convinced the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, and the final decision, ren¬ dered 29 Aug., 1864, declared that Sodalities of Our Lady are not included in the Quaecumque and its enforcement of 1861. As the main argument of the Father Procurator General is based on the 1 See nos 5861, 5862 (Georgetown); 5905, 5906 (Lille); 5922, 5925 (Nantes); and numberless others. — 2 See Esposizione di Fatto e Diritto , sect. V., from which the above history is mostly taken. A copy of this document exists in the Archives of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences ; another is found in the Archives of the Prima-Primaria , Prot. XIV. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SODALITY 6l Golden Bull and the Decree of 1825, it seems that the Sacred Con¬ gregation accepted the Golden Bull of Benedict XIV as still in force as regards the Quaecumque and looked upon the act of 1825 as tantamount to an extension in favor of non-Jesuit Solidaties of the faculties and privileges enjoyed before 1773 by the Jesuit General. “ The Reverend Father General of the Society of Jesus had the following question proposed to this Sacred Congregation : Whether in the aforesaid decree of 8 January, 1861, are included the erection and aggregation ordinarily executed by the Sodality of Our Lady of the Annunciation, erected in the Roman College and called the Prima-Pri¬ maria; acts done according to a particular and special formula, which in virtue of the grants of several Sovereign Pontiffs, the heads of that Society have used and still use. — The Sacred Congregation, in general meeting assembled at the Vatican, 29 August, 1864, after hearing the opinion of the Consultors and considering the matter thoroughly, judged proper to answer that they are not included.” 1 164. This appears to have settled all scruples as far as Jesuit Sodalities were concerned, but the matter did not rest here as re¬ gards non-Jesuit Sodalities. As to these, further doubts were raised, until Father Vicar General Anderledy was moved by them to ask explicitly for the exemption of non-Jesuit Sodalities. What he peti¬ tioned was granted in full. And so this much mooted question was completely settled. “ In order to do away with doubts and difficulties, may it please your Holiness to extend the same exemption” from the Bull Quaecumque “ to all non-Jesuit Sodalities already erected, and to any Society, Con¬ fraternity or Sodality that is aggregated to the Primary, or will hereafter, with the consent of the Ordinary, be erected and aggregated ; in the same way as this has been before granted to Sodalities established in Churches and Houses of the Society, or put under its care... His Ho¬ liness graciously granted the petition. - ’ 2 165. It is interesting to note that, notwithstanding its exemp¬ tion, the Sodality of Our Lady observes the prescriptions of the Bull Quaecumque in nearly all its details. Thus, of the above Rules : Rules 2 and 3, in non-Jesuit Sodalities, are observed as they stand. Rules 4 and 5 are also complied with, the Ordinary in the case being the Sovereign Pontiff, according to the note appended to Rule 5. Rule 7 is rigorously observed, not even the sum permitted being asked for erection or aggregation. As for Rules 1 and 6, see 15, ffi, 234, ff 1 S. C. Indulg., 29 Aug., 1864 (Documents, 1510, ff.). — 2 S. C. Indulg., 23 June, 1885 (Documents, 1640, 1643). 62 SODALITY OF OUR LADY Actual Proceedings in Erecting and Aggregating 166. The Directions given by Father General Aquaviva for the establishment of Sodalities of Our Lady show that, in early times, the head officials of both the Prima'Primaria and the body to be established played an active part in the process of erection and aggregation. For he bade the Superiors of the Society " tell the Prefect and Assistants ” of the body asking erection and ag¬ gregation “ to write two letters,” “ one to the Reverend Father General begging for erection and aggregation,” and one “ to the Prefect and Assistants of the Primary, asking them to secure the same favors ” from him. If the body to be erected had had no previous existence, “ some of those who wished” to form the new Sodality “ were to write the two letters in the same way.” Is was clearly stated, however, that u all power was in the hands of the General.” 1 To the letter sent to the Father General, it appears that he sent a special reply distinct from the Diploma. At least, we have one such letter still extant. 2 The Archives contain many replies — all extremely courteous and devout — written by the Prima-Primaria to the applica nts .3 167. This manner of proceeding was certainly in vogue in 1725, as is clear from a minute account which has come down to us of the various steps taken by the parties concerned. 1 * Its use in 1752 is certified to by a letter existing in the Archives of the Prima-Primaria of that year, written in answer to an application by the “ Illustrious Sodality of Glatz .”5 Traces of the same prac¬ tice are found as late as 1832, 6 but are rare after 1802. When the practice was definitively changed is not precisely known. At present, however, it would be much too cumbersome, because of the number of Sodalities aggregated every year, and so no letters petitioning either erection or aggregation are now written by the body concerned to the Father General or to the Prima-Primaria, but the whole business is usually transacted directly between the actual or future Director, or some other Priest, and the head of the Society of Jesus. We say usually, because, as there is no law indicating the person in particular who is to make the peti¬ tion, occasionally some one other than the above-mentioned sends the application. The process, then, is as follows : 1 Directions, 1606 (Documents, 8oa). — 2 Pra, Les Jesuiies à Grenoble, p. 453. — 3 Arch. P. P., Risposte, passim. - 4 Arch. P. P., Notizie istoriche, a Mss. writ¬ ten by One of the Secretaries of the year 1725. — 5 Risposte, p, 4x2. — c ‘ Arch. P. P., Prot. VIII, 1802, no. 4 ; Prot, IX, 1832, no. 106. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SODALITY 63 Jesuit Institutions 168. The person concerned with the erection of a Sodality in any Jesuit institution makes application for this purpose to the Provincial, either directly or through the local Superior. • » » i, . Other Places The Ordinary 169. If the Sodality is to be in a non-Jesuit institution, the person applies to the Ordinary of the Diocese. If the Ordinary agrees to the establishment of the Sodality, he may himself exe¬ cute the act of erection, or, if he prefers, he may grant his con¬ sent to the Father General’s doing so. The latter course is the simpler and is very frequently chosen as a matter of convenience. 170. No form of application is prescribed, but a letter like the following may be used : Petition to the Ordinary Your Lordship, Being desirous of promoting and spreading devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, I humbly beg Your Lordship : 1. To erect canonically Ior to give your approval that the Very Rev. Father General of the Society of Jesus may erect) a Sodality of young men (or grown men, workingmen, Priests, girls, Children of Mary....) under the primary Title of Our Lady Immaculate (or Our Lady of Sorrows....) and the Secondary Title of St. Aloysius (or St. John....) in the Church (or Chapel, Oratory, College, Convent, Orphanage....) of.... in the city (or town, village,....) of.... in Your Lordship’s Diocese. 2. To give your approval to the Rules inclosed (or the Rules found in the Manual of....), 3. To name as its Director the Rev. Pastor (or First Curate, Chap¬ lain....) of.... and his Rev. successors; or any other Priest whom your Lordship may desire to name. 4. To recommend the Sodality to the Very Rev. Father General of the Society of Jesus for aggregation to the Prima-Primaria Sodality of the Roman College. I have the honor to be Your Lordship’s humble servant in Christ, 171. To make out the Diploma of the Sodality, the following items are essential : the fact of erection or not, the place where the Sodality is to exist, the Diocese, the class of persons composing the Sodality, and the Primary Title. M SODALITY OF OUR LADY 172. To this petition the Ordinary can reply by simply writing Placet , with his signature, or he can use a formula like the following: Formula to be signed by the Ordinary and carefully preserved Per praesentes testamur canonice Nos erexisse (vel Consensum prae- buisse ut Rmus Praepositus Generalis Societatis Jesu erigat) in Ecclesia (vel conventu, vel....) loci N. hujus Dioecesis N. Sodalitatem (genus personarum ) sub Titulo Primario _ et Secundario .... et Regulas manu- scriptas (vel Manualis N.) approbasse. Directorem autem nominavimus Parochum [vel Primum Curatum, Cappellanum....) pro tempore loci N. ( vel Rev. Dom. N. N.) Petimus igitur enixe ut ista Sodalitas Primae-Primariae Collegii Ro¬ mani aggregetur. (Locus) die mense anno (Sigillum) f N. N. 173. The canonical erection - or leave for erection by the Father General-having been obtained from the Bishop, and the Bishop’s rec¬ ommendation having been secured, application is to be made to the Father General of the Society of Jesus to aggregate the Sodal¬ ity to the Roman Primary. This can be done in some such way as the following: % Petition to the Father General Your Paternity, His Lordship_Bishop of.... has erected {or given leave for Your Paternity’s erecting) a Sodality of (as above) under the title of Our Lady (as above) and (as above) in (as above) at (as above) in the diocese of (Name). He has also given his approval to the enclosed Rules (or the Rules of the Manual of....), and has recommended the Sodality to your Pater¬ nity for aggregation to the Prima-Primaria of the Roman College. Therefore the undersigned begs Your Paternity to (erect and) aggre¬ gate the said Sodality to the Prima-Primaria of the Roman College. I have the honor to be Your Paternity* s Servant in Christ, * N. N. Along with this letter is sent the document from the Ordinary or a copy of it. 174. The letter may be sent to the Father General direct. The adress is : The Very Rev. Father General, 8 Via S. Nicola da To¬ lentino, Rome, Italy. But it is usually sent not to the Father Gen¬ eral, but to some Provincial - usually the nearest - of the So¬ ciety. He will return the documents enclosed, for preservation in ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SODALITY 65 the Sodality Archives, and will send a report to the Father General on the petition presented. 1 The Diploma of (erection and) aggre¬ gation is afterwards forwarded to the petitioner. 175. The act of consent and that of recommendation by the Ordinary, do not necessarily imply two distinct documents. For erection and aggregation “ are two distinct acts” of the Ordi¬ nary “ necessary, namely consent and testimonial letters, Or is the con¬ sent sufficient which is implicitly expressed in the testimonial lettèrs?.... - A letter of the Ordinary in which he expresses his consent to the erection or aggregation of the Confraternity and commends its piety and devotion suffices.” 2 176. In Confraternities that are not exempt from the Quae- cumque, it is not sufficient for the Ordinary to signify his assent or give his testimonial letters in any way after the erection or ag¬ gregation by the Superior of an Order. “1. Is the condition mentioned” in the Quaecumque “ sufficiently fulfilled if the Ordinary does not give testimonial letters beforehand, but only, on the Diploma of erection or aggregation forwarded to him, writes these words or their equivalent : “ We have seen this document and we consent,” or “ We have seen this document and permit it to be carried into effect?....”. Part 1, No; Part 2, It is not enough. — 2. Is it at least enough that the Ordinary should affix his name, when, in the Di¬ ploma forwarded him by the Superior of the Order, the words “ We erect ” are not read, but “ We grant the power to erect”, the said sig¬ nature preceding the actual erection?.... No.’* 3 177. In the Sodality of Our Lady, also, this regulation is carefully observed, both the explicit consent of the Bishop and his testimonial letters neing required beforehand. The Father General 178. The Father General, having received the letter of appli¬ cation from the person concerned, or the information from the Pro¬ vincial, considers the circumstances and looks into the Rules pro¬ posed. If all is satisfactory, he erects the Sodality, if that has been petitioned, and aggregates it to the Prima-Primaria , determin¬ ing also the date. His act, or acts, are then inserted in the Di¬ ploma, if the petition came direct to the Father General, and the Di¬ ploma is sent to its destination. If, however, the application came through the Provincial, the Father General sends word to the Pro- 1 Documents, 1692. — 2 S. C. Indulg., 20 May, 1896 (Documents, 1868, 1870). — 3 S. C. Indulg., 3 Dec., 1892 (Documents, 1852, ff.). 5 66 SODALITY OF OUR LADY vincial, that he has (erected and) aggregated the Sodality named, on such a date. 1 179. It is to be noted that the Father General never delegates any one to erect or aggregate Sodalities of Our Lady. This is in accordance with the reservation of such powers to him in the Institute. “ The faculty of erecting and aggregating the aforesaid Sodalities is reserved to the General.’’ 2 180. “ Diplomas already signed by the Father General and sealed are deposited with the Provincials or Superiors of Missions.... These Diplomas will have no value until ” the Father General “ has, in the way set forth in the Directions, been informed about the Sodality to be erected or aggregated, and sends express word that the Diploma can be delivered to those concerned .... Then the Diploma is to be accurately filled out,” and sent to its desti¬ nation. 3 181. This mode of proceeding about the Diplomas was intro¬ duced towards the year 1885, “ the method hitherto generally ob¬ served being judged at Rome inexpedient, ”4 and being, later on, formally declared invalid, doubtless as implying an unauthorized delegation of the power to erect and aggregate, when, namely, signed Diplomas were left entirely to others than the proper author¬ ity to award as they chose, without reference to him. “ As the Director of the Archconfraternity or the Superior of the Religious Order is often far away, it has come to pass that, for the most part, Diplomas signed and sealed by him are deposited beforehand in the Episcopal Chancery.or in some House of the Order. These, when occasion occurs, are used by the one holding them for erection or ag¬ gregation, filling in the name of the Director and the date. The ques¬ tion is therefore put whether this way of executing erection or aggre¬ gation is to be retained as valid. The Sacred Congregation of Indul¬ gences and Sacred Relics decided to reply in the negative.” 5 182. The law of the Church, even in the case of Confraterni¬ ties which come under the Quaecumque, allows the authority erecting or aggregating to receive, “ for expenses for parchment, copying or printing, stamping, cords and wax, and the labor or wages of the Secretary and Notary, and for all else .... not more than six scudi in Italy and out of Italy not more than 30 lire (francs) for each erection, or aggregation, or confirmation.” 6 1 See the Diploma used, Documents, 2024, ff., and compare the Diplomas at 1177, ff., 1199, ff., 1936, ff. — 2 Institutum S. J. (Documents, 1857). — 3 Directions (Documents, 1710), — 4 Documents, 1710. — 5 S. C. Indulg., 3 Dec., 1892 (Docu¬ ments, 1854, 1856). — 6 S. C. Indulg., 19 Oct., 1866 (Documents, 1532). ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SODALITY 67 183. But for the Sodality of Our Lady “ the erection and ag¬ gregation are executed entirely gratis, no compensation exacted.” 1 184. This, however, does not exclude any alms that may be offered. “ The Diploma is executed gratis, as the document itself reads. If any offering be sent to cover the expenses, it is received with grati¬ tude ; if none, nothing is asked, nor are we therefore less glad and ready to second the zeal of the Prelates and their Clergy in promoting the piety of the faithful.” 2 185. For Sodalities in Jesuit institutions, it has been ordered that the necessary expenses shall be paid by the various Provin¬ ces or Colleges concerned. “ The expenses incurred for the copying of the Letters Patent for the aggregation of Sodalities of Our Lady .... are to be borne by the Provinces.’’ 3 The expenses for aggregation to the Roman Sodality are to be borne, not by the Sodality, but by the College in which it exists.” 4 CHAPTER VIII GOVERNMENT OF THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY The Sovereign Pontiff 186. Sodalities of Our Lady are subject, of course, to the Sov¬ ereign Pontiff, who, whether personally or through his direct rep¬ resentatives, the Roman Congregations, stands at the head of all Confraternities and has supreme authority over them. More immediate Superiors Jesuit institutions 187. The more immediate Superiors of a Jesuit Sodality are the Father General, the Provincial and the Local Superior. 188. The Primary Sodality of Our Lady, by the terms of the Act of Erection, is under the directorship of the General or Vicar General of the Society of Jesus. 1 Directions (Documents, 1783). — a Fr. Gen. Martin (Documents, 1954J. — 3 Di¬ rections, 1606 ("Documents, 803). — 4 Fr. Gen. Aquaviva, 14 Feb., 1614 (Documents, 854 )- 68 SODALITY OF OUR LADY The Primary Sodality “ shall be directed by the aforesaid General of the said Society and by the General of the time being, or, at his death and until another is canonically appointed to the office of General, even by the Vicar General of the same Society .” 1 189. Other Sodalities in Jesuit institutions, being incorporated in them, and therefore exempt, are also, but to a less extent than the Prima-Primaria, under the authority of the Father General or Vicar General of the Society. He has the right,, in person or by proxy, as has been seen, 2 to make and to change the Rules for their administration. He has also the right to make the Ca¬ nonical Visitation of them as of the Prima-Primaria. This was granted for the Primary and for Colleges out of Rome by Greg¬ ory XIII. ' “We concede and grant in perpetuity’’ to the Father General or Vicar General of the Society “ power to visit, in person or through one or more suitable Priests of the same Society delegated by him, the Pri¬ mary Sodality and all of such Sodalities as will be aggregated to it .” 3 190. These powers, with those touching the Rules, were exten¬ ded by Sixtus V to all Sodalities in Jesuit Houses and Churches ,4 and even to those in institutions under Jesuit care :5 a concession further enlarged by Gregory XV in favor of Jesuit Residences. 6 191. We find this dependence of Sodalities on the Jesuit author¬ ities insisted upon by Father General Vitelleschi: “ I judge it necessary that Sodalities in Houses or Colleges of the Society should know that, according to the Apostolic Bulls, they are in every detail dependent on the Society, and without the presence of the Fathers entrusted by Superiors with the care of them, cannot do or de¬ termine anything, nor hold a meeting without his presence and consent, as on him the whole government depends .” 7 192. Finally, Benedict XIV ordered Sodalists, of either sex and in any institution which belonged to the Society of Jesus or was under its care, to execute “ whatever touching the management, care, government and administration, spiritual or temporal, of the Sodalities should be enjoined or prescribed by the General or Vicar General ” of the Society. 8 193. The authority so conferred on the General, though “ de¬ clared forever cancelled and entirely extinct ” at the Suppression, was restored in the New Society and confirmed anew by Leo XIII.9 1 Gregory XIII, Omnipotentis Dei, 5 Dec., 1584 (Documents, 514). — 2 Above, 49, fi. — 3 Omnipoteniis Dei, 5 Dec., 1584 (Documents, 535). — 4 Superna disposinone, 5 Jan., 1587 (Documents, 564). Cf. 50. — 5 Romanum decet, 29 Sept., 1587 (Documents, 592). Cf. 50. — 6 Alias pro parte, 15 Apr., 1621 (Documents, 832). Cf. 51. — 7 Nov., 1636 (Documents, 838). — 8 Laudabile Romanorum, 15 Feb., 1758 (Documents, 1124). — 9 Above, 117, f., and 1. GOVERNMENT OF THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY 69 Appointment of Director 194. In pursuance of the authority thus vested in him, the head of the Society, as we have seen, 1 reserves to himself the act of erecting and aggregating and the approbation of Rules for individ¬ ual Sodalities, but entrusts his faculties in nearly all other regards to a Director of each, appointed by the Superior of the Province or Mission. But the Father General impowers the Local Superior also to exercise the functions of the Director, and even to replace him for a time by another. “ It shall belong to the Provincial or Superior of the Mission to ap¬ point the Director of the Sodality in a House or Church of Ours. But the Local Superior, in his House and Church, has the same power as the Director of the same Sodality and shall be able, for just reasons, to subdelegate another temporarily in the Director’s place.” 2 195. Naturally enough, as the whole condition of the Sodality must depend on the Director, particular care is recommended to Provincials in the choice of persons for this office. In order to conserve “ the vigor which Sodalities enjoyed at their origin, when they were, so to speak, the pure and unadulterated ferment of piety put by the Queen of virgins in the mass of youth ... I commend those bodies most heartily to your Reverence and earnestly beg you to make them your first care in distributing offices, so as to charge with this duty the very best of all who can fulfil it excellently; so much so as to put this employment, if need be, above all others, and even above studies themselves.” 3 “ This we especially enjoin on your Reverence, not to assign hereafter any but the most picked men to the management of Sodalities, and to select those whose virtue and prudence are proved. Otherwise, through the inactivity or neglect of the Directors, the fruit which has so far been gathered in souls by this ministry, and which his Holiness hopes for in more abundance, will probably be lost.” 4 196. In this connection, we may note in passing that great care of Sodalities, especially of those of the young and of men, has often been urged on Jesuit Superiors and through them on Jesuit Directors. The recommendation may be taken with equal seriousness by all in direct or indirect charge of such bodies. “ Let special care be taken to have Sodalities of Our Lady rightly established, fostered and well directed.” 5 1 Above, 53, 179. — 2 Fr. Vicar General Anderledy, 31 Aug., 1885 (Documents, 1689, f., 17x4. Cf. 2081). — ? Fr. Gen. Vitelleschi, 8 Oct., 1631 (Documents, 836, f.). — 4 Fr. Gen. Retz, 18 Jan., 1749 (Documents, 1066). — 5 25th. General Congrega¬ tion, 1906 (Documents, 1918). 70 SODALITY OF OUR LADY “ Let us do our very best to collect the young in Sodalities of Our Lady, to train them in all piety and to safeguard them against error and the charms of vice*” 1 The letter goes on to recommend the Sodal¬ ity as a bulwark against secret Societies. The Father General “ is earnestly recommended to urge, through Superiors and others, the greatest spiritual care of men, especially of workingmen and of the poor. The means to be employed are the Spir¬ itual Exercises and our Sodalities, directed, according to the old plan of the Society, so as to train them in all their duties of piety and char¬ ity.” 2 197. It has sometimes happened, and will doubtless happen again, that a Jesuit Sodality cannot have a Jesuit Director. To provide for this emergency, faculties have been granted the Father General to name another Priest for the office, so that he shall enjoy all the privileges of a Jesuit Director. Father Vicar General Anderledy begs “ your Hohness to permit that in places where, for just reasons or because of the times, the Di¬ rector of a Sodality of Our Lady cannot be a Priest of the Society of Jesus, the General or Vicar General or Local Superiors may delegate another Priest to that office, and that the latter may then enjoy all the faculties and privileges granted to Jesuit Directors ... — His Holiness graciously acceded to the request, provided the regulations be observed.” 3 Non-Jesuit Institutions 198. Under the Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Congrega¬ tions, the highest Superior of non-Jesuit Sodalities of Our Lady is the Ordinary of the Diocese. 199. In the case of a non-Jesuit Sodality, it belongs, as we have seen, to the Ordinary of the Diocese to approve the Rules of the Sodality ,4 to erect it, either personally or through a repre¬ sentative, or to give leave for the Jesuit General to erect it ,5 and to permit its aggregation to the Prima-Primaria of the Roman Col¬ lege. 6 200. It must be added that, once the the Father General of the Society of Jesus has aggregated a Sodality of Our Lady to the Prima-Primaria , he does not further concern himself with its af¬ fairs. “ These Sodalities are in fact in no way under his direction or under the guidance of the Society of Jesus.” 7 1 Fr. Vic. Gen. Anderledy, 8 June, 1884 (Documents, 1627). — 2 24th. General Congregation, 1892 (Documents, 1859). — 3 S. C. Indulg., 33 June, 1885 (Documents, 1648, f.). — 4 Above, 57. — 5 Above, 57, 130. — 6 Above, 169. — 7 Fr. Gen. Martin, 15 Apr., 1904 (Documents, 1902). GOVERNMENT OF THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY 71 Appointment of Director 201. It belongs to the Ordinary of the Diocese to name the Directors of non-Jesuit Sodalities. “ Can the Bishop appoint the Director of each Confraternity in his Diocese, whether already existing or erected by him with special faculties from the Holy See .... Yes.” 1 202. In his choice of Director, the Ordinary is quite free, as not even the Pastor of the Church in which a Sodality is erected is ipso facto Director of the Sodality, unless he is the only Priest in the Church or Parish. In this case, it is presumed that the Or¬ dinary, in erecting or permitting the Sodality, tacitly appoints the Pastor as Director. “When the Bishop has erected a Sodality in a Parish or a succur- sal Church and has not designated a special Director, ought the Pastor of said Church, ipso facto and without any other designation, to be con¬ sidered and held as Director of the Sodality erected ?.. . . The Sacred Congregation answered : No, except only in the case that there is no other in the Church or Parish who could be designated, and then the Bishop, by the very fact of erecting a Sodality there, appears tacitly to designate the Pastor of the Church as Director.” 2 203. The Ordinary can, however, if he chooses, name the Pas¬ tor of the time being as Director. In this case he will not have to name another on the Pastor’s death or transfer elsewhere, as the Pastor’s successor becomes Director. “ His Holiness has graciously granted leave for Ordinaries, if they think it well in Our Lord, freely to designate the Pastors of the time being as Rectors, Directors, etc., of Confraternities, etc.’’ 3 The Bishop having named the Pastor of the time being as Director of a Sodality, “ when the actual Pastor dies or the one who was the head of the Sodality is removed, does the new Pastor again need nom¬ ination by the Bishop to be chosen Director of the Sodality ? .... No.” 4 204. Instead of the Pastor, the Ordinary can appoint an Al¬ moner, or Chaplain, or Curate Director of a Sodality, so that on the death of one incumbent, his successor in office becomes Direc¬ tor, without new appointment by the Ordinary. “ Could the Ordinary name not only the Pastor, but also, indepen¬ dently of the Pastor, an Almoner or Chaplain of a Community or pious place, as Director of a Confraternity in the Church entrusted to him, as 1 S. C. Indulg., 18 Nov., 1843 (Documents, 1347, 1249). — 2 S. C. Jndulg., 7 June, 1843 (Documents, 1238, f.). — 3 S. C. Indulg., 8 Jan., 1861 (Documents, i486). — 4 S. C. Indulg., 16 July, 1887 (Documents, 1815, 1825). 72 SODALITY OF OUR LADY is customary in France, or even an Assistant of the Pastor, either be¬ cause the Pastor is too busy, or for other reasons?_ Yes.’’ 1 205. Even in a Sodality that formerly was directed by Reli¬ gious, now no longer able to continue this ministration, the Bish¬ op can validly make a secular Priest Director. ‘•Do such Confraternities”, formerly under Religious Directors, “ which are now ruled by secular Priests appointed by the Bishops, still enjoy the Indulgences and privileges which they enjoyed while they were under the directorship of the Religious Orders? .... Yes.” 2 206. Furthermore, as the Ordinary can appoint the Director of a Sodality of Our Lady, so he can rescind the appointment and name another, as no law of the Church limits his powers to a first nomination. Again, there is no law to prohibit his perfoming him¬ self or delegating a Priest other than the Director to perform tem¬ porarily the Director’s functions. 207. The rights and duties of the Director of a Sodality of Our Lady will be dealt with below. The only thing peculiar in the office of one who is head of a non-Jesuit Sodality is that he is, of course, subject to the Ordinary of the Diocese and may re¬ ceive orders and directions from him. This follows from the com¬ mon Law of the Church, which makes the Bishop responsible for the care of the souls committed to his charge. 3 Canonical Visitation 208. The Ordinary has the power — with the exceptions to be noted — to make the Canonical Visitation of all Sodalities not in establishments belonging to the Society of Jesus. “ The Bishops are to have, also as delegates of the Apostolic See, the right to visit Confraternities of lay people. . . . and are to take cog¬ nizance of and execute ex officio , according to the holy Canons, eve¬ rything established for the worship of God, the salvation of souls or the support of the poor. “ The administrators, ecclesiastical or lay,... of each Confraternity shall be obliged every year to render to the Ordinary an account of their administration.’’ 4 209. If the Sociality visited is in a Church of a Regular Or¬ der, the items subject to the Visitation are given in detail in the following Decree. “The Ordinary can, in the case of Confraternities of lay people erected in the Churches of Regulars, and of other persons exempt, make 1 S. C. Indulg., 3 Dec., 1892 (Documents, 1855, f.). — 2 S. C. Indulg., 10 Aug., 1888 (Documents, 1837, f.). — 3 See 208. — 4 Council of Trent, Sess. 22. Chap¬ ters 8, 9 (Documents, 504 505.). GOVERNMENT OF THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY 7J the Visitation not only as to their property and revenue — revising the accounts — but also as to the Chapels themselves, in regard to what touches the administration and other personal obligations belonging to the Confraternity and its members ; so as to see, namely, if the rev¬ enue and the alms given to adorn and maintain the Chapel and to pro¬ mote the divine worship and the devotion of the people there, are spent faithfully and are in effect employed for the use and benefit of said Chap¬ el, and not for other uses. The Ordinary, nowever, is not to touch anything else.’’ 1 210. The Ordinary cannot, however, make the Visitation at all of a Sodality existing in a Regular Church, if it has no hand¬ ling of money. Such in the conclusion from the following case. The Archbishop of Chieti had attempted to make the Visitation of a Confraternity Chapel in a Conventual Church. The Monks resisted; the Chapel was put under interdict and the Monks suspended. They appealed to Rome, claiming the Confraternity had no revenue, and spent no money on the divine service. The question was put : “Can the Arch¬ bishop of Chieti visit the Chapel of Our Lady in the Church of the Friars Minor Conventuals of that city in the circumstances?’’ — Answer: “Let proof be produced to show to whom belongs the actual onus of maintaining the Chapel.’’ — Letter sent to the Archbishop : “The Sacred Congregation has thought it expedient that your Grace should raise the interdict and remove the suspension.” 2 The Director of the Sodality 211. In a Jesuit Sodality, the Director is subject to his imme¬ diate and mediate Superiors; in a non-Jesuit Sodality, to the On dinary. Beyond this difference, the office is in both classes of Sodalities the same. 212. It is clear from the manner of speaking employed in of¬ ficial documents, that the Director of each Sodality must be a Priest. The word is specifically used in the Common Rules of 1587,3 in the letter of Father Vitelleschi, 1636,4 in the Golden Bullp in the Summary of 1775, 6 in the Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, 23 June, 1885,7 in the Directions (1885-1907), 8 in let¬ ters of Father General Martin ,9 in the Decree of the Sacred Con¬ gregation of the Council, 10 May, 1910, 10 and frequently in the Common Rules of 1910. 11 The nature of the Director’s functions points to the same conclusion. 1 S. C. Bish. and Regul., 31 July, 1637 (Documents, 845, f.). — 2 S. C. Bish. and Regul., 20 Sept., 1844 (Documents, 1263, 1264). — 3 Documents, 603, 610, 613, etc. — 4 Documencs, 838, 840, 841. — 5 Documents, 1053. — 6 Documents, 1154., — ^ Documents, 1641, 1648. — 8 Documents, 1754, 1759, 1780. — 9 Documents, 1958 i960, 1963. — 10 Documents, 1976. — 11 Documents, 2083, 2087, 2104, 2130, etc. 74 SODALITY OF OUR LADY In the early days, the Director of the Citizen’s Sodality at Cologne was a Priest, being simply called “ Father,” 1 as in the Prima-Primaria .' 1 On the other hand, Bl. Edmund Campion, in 1575, was the Director of the Prague Boarders’ Sodality, though he was not yet a Priest, 3 and in Student and Manual Trades Sodalities between 1600 and 1650 the Director was often only a Scholastic, 4 and certainly, the Rhetori¬ cians’ Sodality at Avignon usually had a Director who was not a Priest. 5 It is quite a different thing for the Director, while a Priest himself, to have an assistant who is not, as happened sometimes in the Citizens’ Sodality at Cologne. 6 The Particular Rules composed in 1846 for the Prima-Primaria assign the Director “a companion, one of the students of Theology’’ 7 . A proper condition of things is that obtaining in our own times in the Children of Mary Sodality at Calicut: “At Calicut, as in the other Sodalities of the Mission, under the Director there is a Sister who is the Directress, naturally in subordination to the Director. This is very convenient, for other obvious reasons and also because the Director is sometimes unable to attend the meetings and then the Directress takes his place.’’ 8 213. Barring the making and modifying of Rules in a perma¬ nent way or in one contrary to the Common Rules — which be¬ longs to the Jesuit General or Provincial, as we have seen, in a Jesuit, and to the Ordinary in a non-Jesuit, Sodality — and barring such directions as he may receive from his Superiors, the Director has full authority to manage the society of which he is the canon¬ ical head. To him the members are bidden “ to give due honor and obedience, ”9 to submit “ in all that pertains to the life of the Sodality” and “ never to refuse cheerful and ready obedience to his orders and advice;” and they are commanded to “ execute en¬ tirely everything enjoined or perscribed by the Director.... which regards the management, care, government and administration, spiritual or temporal,” of the Sodality. 10 214. The regulation just quoted was made for Directors ot Jesuit Sodalities, but as in all Sodalities the spirit should be the same, it applies to all. 215. The object of the respect and obedience thus required is to enable the Director the more surely to fulfil his serious duty of guiding the Sodality to what is set down in its Rules. In doing f 1 Miiller, p. 33. — 2 Officiates, passim. — 3 Króss, p. 545. — 4 Duhr, Stimmen, 1910, I, p. 290. — 5 Chossat, p. 17a. See also De Curley, Avignon, p. 21, etc. — 6 Mailer, p. 34. — 7 Arch. P. P., Prot. I. 4. E, p. 10. — 8 Stella Matutina, 1905, p. 142. — 9 Common Rules of 1910 (Documents, 2134. Cf. 604, 1295). — 10 Bene¬ dict XIV, Gloriosae Dominae, 2~> Sept., 1748, and Laudabile Romanorum, 15 Feb., 1758 (Documents, 1046, 1124). 75 ■ •T» . GOVERNMENT OF THE SODALITV OF OUR LADY this, he must, of course, proceed on Sodality lines, as it is a So¬ dality of Our Lady, and not some other body, of which he is Di¬ rector. 216. As to the Director’s general plan of action, the following suggestions, made for Jesuit Directors, may be useful for all. 217. The Director must, before all else, remember that the object of the Sodality is a sacred one — in fact that “ the end of the Sodality of Our Lady is no other than spiritual,” that it should be “a practice-ground, so to speak, for Catholic piety;” therefore he must keep far away all those aims and ways of working “which might do harm to the genuine spirit of the Sodality” nor must he ever allow it to be “turned by degrees to worldly ends, and so cease to keep itself devout and consecrated to God.” 1 218. To follow this general direction, one needs “ always to be on the watch not to allow his Sodality to begin to fall away from its flourishing state, but rather to make it grow larger and stronger every day.” 3 * * / The Director and his Officers 219. The Director’s management of his Council and Minor Officers is exceedingly well outlined in the Common Rules of 1910, and is of the very first importance. 220. Not only ought " the Director to be informed of what goes on in Council meetings, ”3 but he should always be present and, w r ith the Prefect, preside over them ,4 insist that no difficult point shall be proposed unless he consents beforehand to its dis¬ cussion^ himself revise and announce the resolutions, remember¬ ing that these, even when unanimously adopted, have no force without his approval. 6 In no other way can he keep secure the position assigned him in the Constitution Laudabile Romanorum of Benedict XIV .7 Note the following words of the Editor of the Fahne Mariens: 8 “ Even in Sodalities in Convents, the Director has to guide, and not the so-called Directress. She is to be the right hand of the Director, no more and no less. She has the rights which the Director gives her_ A Con¬ vent Sodality without a real Director (a nominal Director will not do) will never flourish, as it is no Sodality in the sense of the Church.” 1 Fr. Gen. Wernz, 1910 (Documents, 2038, 2037) and Fr. Gen. Anderledy, 21 Nov., 1891 (Documents, 1850). — 2 Fr. Gen. Martin, 15 March, 1898 (Documents, 1956). — 3 Fr. Gen. Martin, 29 Jan., 1906 (Documents/1963). — 4 Documents, 2149. — s Docu. ments, 2148. — 6 Documents, 2145. — ^ Documents, 2080. — 8 Prasides-Corr., 1911, P- 35 - 76 SODALITY OF OUR LADY 221. So much for the great authority entrusted to the Directoi in Council. It will be seen that his post is not at all like that held by the Moderator of a Debating Society or by the President of an ordinary deliberative assembly. In these, the Moderator of¬ ten, indeed, has a vote, and sometimes enjoys the veto power, but in the Sodality of Our Lady, he has—with due subjection to his Superiors — all the real power, and is the sole source of au¬ thority. 222. The degree of subordination here described is found in all the Common Rules. In those of 1587, the consent of the Rector of the College is required to give validity to “ Decrees, Rules or Regulations in matters of moment.” 1 Other resolutions of the Council were apparently left quite to the Council itself and the Director did not even vote, 2 but ordinarily, there could be no meeting held or decision taken without his presence^ no question proposed without his leave ,4 and after a resolution was made, it was left to him — “ should some unforeseen circumstance arise — to judge as to the advisability of putting off or abandoning its execution .”5 223. To be sure, almost everywhere in the Common Roles of 1587, it is the Prefect who is prominent. Especially in the Rules common to all the Members, he is put forward as the one to obey, and as the one who is responsible. 6 But it would be a very su¬ perficial study of the first Common Rules which would rest here. One must add to the above regulations those which entirely and absolutely subject the Prefect to the Father Director in all the de¬ tails of management. 7 The Prefect, therefore, in 1587 was just what he is in 1910, "the right hand” of the Father Director and nothing more. Independent authority he no more has in the ear¬ liest than in the latest Rules. In the matter of the Director’s authority over the Council, the Rules of 1855 made no change, 8 except that the Director is men¬ tioned more frequently, and his authority is more insisted on .9 The Particular Rules of the Prima-Primaria (1865) assign the same place to the Director as do the Common Rules of 1910: “The Father Director represents the person of the Father General in directing the Sodality and therefore everything and every one must be subordinate to him as to the General himself.” 10 “ No matter of importance can be 1 Documents, 692. — 2 Documents, 681. — 3 Documents, 712. — 4 Documents, 682. — 5 Documents, 714. — 6 Documents, 603, 611, 612, 613, 615, 628, 635, 639, 682, 684, etc. — 7 Documents, 700, ff. — 8 Documents, 1294, 1301, 1353, 1366, 1369, 1394, 1403. — 9 Documents, 1317, 1326, 1329, 1331, 1372, 1377, 1395, 1396. — 10 P. 5 1 * GOVERNMENT OF THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY 77 determined nor can any custom be changed or introduced without his express approval, and he can make changes and introduce such customs as he thinks good.’’ 1 “ Every Officer in the discharge of his duties must be subordinate to the Director.” 2 The effect of a Sodality’s going on without due subjection to a Di¬ rector was very evident in the St. Barbara Sodality of the College at Vienna. The Rector wrote to Father General Aquaviva. in 1594 : The Members “knew nothing of their union with the Roman Sodality and were very much astonished when I spoke of it and told them that their Rules forbade the determining of any thing without the Director. The students have exalted ideas of their Sodality and so they are not willing to submit to the College discipline.... Unless some decisive step is taken, the Sodality will be nothing else but a centre of rebellion against the Prefect and the Rector of the College.... I beg you, therefore, either to have the Sodality dissolved or the Rules of the Roman Sodal¬ ity introduced into it. If these are observed, all is in order and good.” Father Aquaviva immediately directed the Visitor either to thoroughly correct the Sodality or to break it up. 3 Still further instances of the same kind are the following : The Council of the Munich Citizen's Sodality, immediately after the Suppression of the Society of Jesus, (9 Oct., 1773), subjected the Direc¬ tors to themselves, and later (1782) actually went so far as to make a contract with the Director putting him entirely under their control, even as to the notices he might wish to publish. 4 The Council of the same Sodality, in 1838, when the Director showed a disposition to assume his proper place, rose up in arms, and appealed to the Ordinary. 5 In the same way, the Citizen’s Sodalitv of Cologne chose their own Director after the Suppression, 6 and left him none but spiritual author¬ ity. 7 On their return, however, in 1853, the Jesuits restored order and put the Council in its place, 8 even allowing an otherwise excellent Prefect to resign his office and later even abandon the Sodality, rather than submit to a perversion of order in the Sodality organization. 9 224. On the other hand, the Director of a Sodality of Our Lady is not an absolute monarch. He is limited on one side by the Rules and by his Superiors, on the other by the bounden obligations of prudence. This requires that he should employ his Officers and especially his Council for the entire management of the Sodality, allowing each Officer, and in particular the Council as a body, all the power needed not only to fulfil their duties thoroughly well, but also to take that interest in them which is conducive to zeal and devotedness and fosters the spirit of initiative. 1 P. 52. — 9 P. 53. — 3 Quoted in Duhr, Geschichte, I, p. 367. — 4 Sodai. Corr., 1898, p. 126., — 5 Ibidem, p. 139. — 6 Muller, p. 170. — ? P. 172. — 8 P. 177. 9 P. 182 78 SODALITY OF OUR LADY 225. In other words, a Sodality of Our Lady is usually very poorly managed unless the government is allowed to proceed im¬ mediately from the Council and Officers, all duly subordinated among themselves. The Director, while overseeing and guiding most dili¬ gently, does not appear, but leaves all their functions to the “ faith¬ ful coadjutors of his authority.” 1 In this way is secured that splen¬ did organization which has been admired in some Sodalities of Our Lady, and also that efficiency for good which is most desirable. The government, therefore, of a Sodality, may be said to resemble that of a constitutional monarchy, with a body of officials who have most important consultorial and executive functions, while all real legislation is in the hands of the Director and his Superiors. “ The Council is, so to speak, the Director multiplied. The Coun¬ cillors are his ears, his hands, his mouth and his eyes.” 2 he celebrated Father Fiter “ left the widest play to the activity of the Council. He introduced no new work, changed nothing in the existing customs, without its first being considered and decided on by the Council. He very seldon entered directy into the government, but wished the Council to govern and to render him an exact account: he wished to remain, in regard of decisions taken, a court of appeal.’’ 3 Meetings 226. Undoubtedly the most important detail of Sodality life are the regular meetings. The Director, therefore, ought to be most careful — for it depends on him — that “ the meetings shall not be omitted on the days set without very exceptional reasons,” and this even during vocation time .4 227. As the Director’s chief duty iti the meeting is the Confer¬ ence he gives, he must remember that this is to be “ on subjects touching the spiritual progress of the Sodality,” 5 and he must not be satisfied with the ordinary level, but “ put before his Sodalists matters belonging to the higher Catholic life,” and “ present reasons and motives to urge towards this,” thus cultivating in them “ a marked fervor in the practice of virtue:” in fact, exhort all to a “ perfect life,” and make his Sodality “ a seed-house of Christian virtues above the ordinary.” This he will, to a large extent, do by “ excellent exhortations and practical instruction suited to the con¬ dition, age and sex of the Sodality,” and by “ arming them against the manifold dangers which surround them on all sides.” 6 1 Rules of 1910 (Documents, 2143). — 2 A. Muller in Prasides-Corr., 191:, p. 34. — 3 Praesides-Corr., 19x1, pp. 42, f. — 4 Common Rules of 19x0 (Documents, 2057. Compare 1329). — 5 Common Rules of 1910 (Documents, 2063). — 6 Frs. Gen. Mar¬ tin and Wernz (Documents, 1956, ff.). r ' f* - - . GOVERNMENT OF THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY 79 228. The Director must do in person the work of “ spiritual direction of the Sodality,” and he must give the “ regular exhor¬ tation,” as he knows better than any other the circumstances and needs of his Sodality. “ On some great feast,” however, “ another may be invited ” to address the Sodalists. 1 Visits 229. Besides intercourse with the Sodalists in Council and in the regular meetings, visits to them are sometimes necessary. But these might easily cost entirely too much time; so one can usually economise in the matter, by sending Officers or Sodalists on such missions. There have been large and fervent Sodalities, “ in which the Members were many and the piety great, and which were guid¬ ed by counsel and exhortation in such a way that when the less fervent had to be spurred on, or peace restored, or a remedy ap¬ plied to some evil, the Director employed the Sodalists themselves, especially the more prudent, who held some office or other in the Sodality. These gave themselves to the holy work and accustomed themselvess to drawing souls from vice to virtue, to helping Holy Church, to giving devoted aid to her ministers and to showing themselves disposed to aid any one engaged in a pious work.” 2 230. In this way, the Director gained time " carefully to pre¬ pare his conferences, meant for the instruction of the Members, for the correction of their faults and to move them on to the love of virtue and of God .”3 231. In brief, the position of the Director and what is expected of him, cannot be better expressed than it was by Benedict XIV. He is, namely, to have the entire charge of the Sodality and all authority over it, and therefore the responsibility as to its conduct “ in things spiritual and temporal.”^ A writer in the Pràesides- Corsespondens 5 has aptly espresseci the Director’s functions. The Director, he says “ is the head and the heart of the Sodality.... He is the head, as in his hands finally lies the guid¬ ance of the whole, in great and in little.” 232. It must be evident to any one that success in accomplish¬ ing the Director’s task precludes his being frequently changed, and requires that he should have sufficient time free for it and should give himself to it earnestly. 1 Fr. Gen. Wemz, 28 June, 1909 (Documents, 1973). — 2 Fr. Gen. Anderledy, 21 Nov., 1891 (Documents, 1848). — 3 Ibidem. — 4 Laudabile Romanorum, 15 Feb., 1758 (Documents, 1124). Compare the common Rules of 1910 (Documents, 2080). — 5 19x1, p. 32. 8o SODALITY OF OUR LADY “ Sodalities often fail to realise the hopes conceived of them because the Director is frequently changed.” 1 The Council of the Prima-Primaria, io May, 1637. voted “ to peti¬ tion the Father General to give the Sodality a fixed Director, as far as possible, seeing that yearly changes caused various disorders.” 2 In the great Barcelona Sodality, “ all admit that one of the reasons of its success, perhaps the principal, after the Divine protection, is that the Father assigned to the work is free from all other ministries and con¬ secrates himself entirely and exclusively to directing the Sodality and the ' works connected with it.” 3 “Directors must have the courage to consecrate themselves gene¬ rously to their work.” 4 233. By grant of Leo XIII, a Sodality Director can, for rea¬ sonable cause, delegate any other Priest to receive new members and perform the other functions of Directors. The General of the Society of Jesus humbly prays “ your Holiness graciously to permit all Directors everywhere of the Sodality of the Bles¬ sed Virgin Mary to substitute for himself another Priest, for reasonable cause for instance, greater solemnity — to receive the faithful who wish to be admitted, to bless the medals, and to exercise the other func¬ tions of the Director. - Our Holy Father Pope Leo XIII graciously ac¬ ceded to the petition in full.” 5 Consultations 234. In governing the Sodality, the Director is usually assisted by Consultations held at convenient times to discuss the affairs of the Sodality. These may be of two kinds, General Consulta¬ tions and Consultations of the Council. At this place we may take occasion to mention several notewor¬ thy plans of organization which have obtained in various Sodalities. Thus the Sodality of Rangoon was divided among the Consultors for the cir¬ culation of notices, etc. 6 A Men’s Sodality at Aix-la-Chapelle, over 1500 strong, was organized according to parishes. Each parish had a Consultor at its head, with one or two Promoters. Within the parish, each 15 were formed into a Rosary band with a head, appointed as a means of communication with the Consultor and with the Prefect. Promoters had yearly meetings to receive instructions from the Director. 7 1 Fr. Gen. Wernz, 4 Nov., 1909 (Documents, *974). — 2 Memorie, p. 158 r. — 3 Congrès, p. 91. — 4 Congrès, conclusion, p. 257. — 5 S. C. Indulg., 23 June, 1885 (Documents, 1641, 1643). — 6 Irish Madonna, Nov., 1900, p. 53. — 7 Sodai.- Corr., 1900, p. 74. GOVERNMENT OF THE SODAL1TV OK OUR LADY 8l In a similar way, the great Priests’ Sodality of Baden is divided into 48 sections, each holding its meeting separately, but with a general meeting, it appears, every year. 1 General Consultation 235. An interesting custom described in the Common Rules 0 1587 is that of the Consultation of the Sodality, a kind of delibe¬ rative session of the whole body. This was to be held when there was question of “ things which demanded the opinion or consent of all the Sodality.” Such matters were “ to be proposed by the Prefect, with the consent of the Director.” If it was thought that some one would not speak freely, “ a secret ballot could be taken, and a majority vote was to decide.” “ But in things of great mo¬ ment — such as deposing the Prefect and Assistants, alienating things of great value, incurring heavy and very extraordinary expenses,” “ making perpetual decrees, etc., — the decision was to be by a two-thirds vote.” The quorum in this Consultation consisted of “ the Director, the Prefect and one-half of the Members in regular attendance.” 2 A General Consultation was held every year in the Men’s Sodality at Stuttgard “ in which the Members had the opportunity to get better acquainted, to express their opinions on internal Sodality questions, to propose their wishes, etc.’’ 3 Consultation of the Council 236. The Common Rules of 1910 do not forbid the holding of these Consultations of the Sodality, but, like both the earlier Rules, suppose the ordinary government of the Sodality to be conducted through what is called the Sodality Council. This is a body con¬ sisting of a Prefect, two Assistants, a Secretary, six or more Con- suitors, an Instructor of Candidates and a Treasurer .4 237. The Council is not, however, an essential element of the Sodality, nor is its existence necessary for the gaining of the In¬ dulgences. “ Does the lack of Officers in a Confraternity prevent its valid erection, or the communication of Indulgences to it?. . . No.” 5 “Is it necessary that Administrators be chosen?. .. The Sacred Congregation replied in the negative, because the election of Adminis¬ trators is only necessary for the good government of the Sodality and not for the validity of its erection.” 6 1 Fahne Mariens, 1909, p. 164. — 2 Documents, 686, ff. — 3 Fahne Mariens, 1911, p. 115. — 4 Common Rules of 1910 (Documents, 2083). Compare those of 1587 and 1855 (Documents, 679, ff., 1394, ff.). — 5 S. C. Indulg., as Aug., 1842 (Documents, 1240, 124a). — 6 S. C. Indulg., 18 Nov., 1842 (Documents, 1246, 1248). 6 82 SODALITY OF OUR LADY 238. The duties and prerogatives of the Council are clearly described in the Common Rules of 1910, which in these details rest upon the prescriptions of the preceding Common Rules, the Pon¬ tifical Decrees and the decisions of the Father General of the So¬ ciety of Jesus. We will sketch them briefly. 239. The Council usually consists of the number of Major Of¬ ficers mentioned above. But its membership may be enlarged at pleasure by the Director, when circumstances render it advisable.” 1 The members so added can be as many as he desires and can be continued in office as long as he wishes. All this follows from the Director’s " enjoying full power in whatever touches the guid¬ ance, government and administration, spiritual and temporal, of his Sodality” 2 — an arrangement made by the Sovereign Pontiff Ben¬ edict XIV in the Constitution Laudabile Romanorum .3 The Farm St. Gentlemen’s Sodality (London! had five permanent Consultors and five elected annualy. 4 A St. Louis University Sodality had a Chief Consultor. 5 240. The members of the Council have, as such, only one function, that of advising the Director. The only Councillor who has more assigned to him is the Prefect, who “ along with the Director, presides at meetings.” 6 241. The Prefect and the rest are bound by the Rule to “as- sist with voice and vote at the meetings ,”7 to “ clearly and candid¬ ly state their opinion on the matters treated of,” 8 and to propose in Council nothing calculated to cause difficulty unless after explaining it beforehand to the Director in private and abiding by his decision “ whether it is well to propose the matter .”9 242. The Councillors are warned against insistingt too much on their own views and against following “ motives of self-love or personal advantage.” 10 243. Resolutions of the Council, to be valid, require a major¬ ity vote and the Director’s consent. Unless the latter is given, even a unanimous vole, as we have seen, remains without force. 11 1 Documents, 2084. — 2 Documents, 2080. — 3 Documents, 1124. — 4 Gavin, Man¬ ual , 1900, p. 403. — 5 Fleur de Lis, 1908, p. 175. — 6 Documents, 2149. Cf. 682. — Documents, 2144. — 8 Documents, 2146. — 9 Documents, 2148. Cf. 682. — 10 Doc¬ uments, 2147. — 11 Documents, 2145. GOVERNMENT OF THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY 83 Officers Election 244. According to the Common Rules of 1587, the elections were made four times a year, except when a Sodality “ did not have over fifty members.” 1 The Common Rules of 1855 ordered the elections to be made “ once or at most twice a year.” 2 The present Rule says, “ the Officers are usually renewed once a year.” 3 245. According to the Common Rules of 1587, the days for the elections were the beginning “ of January, April, July and Octo¬ ber.” 4 The Common Rules of 1910 leave the day free to be de¬ termined “ in the Rules or particular customs .”5 246. The Common Rules prior to those of 1910, had various prescriptions relating to the reèlection of the Officers.” 6 There is nothing of this in 1910. 247. The other Common Rules had very precise regulations regarding the method of election, and for this purpose divided the Officers into three classes: the Prefect and Assistants, the other Councillors, and the Minor Officers. The regulations may be seen in detail in Part 2J It is curious to note that the Prima-Primaria changed its mode of election several times in its history. This was done, for the first time, in the Particular Rules drawn up not more than a few months after the promulgation of the Common Rules of 1587. 8 In the year 1725, it was the custom that, after the Prefect and Assistants had been elected ac¬ cording to the old Rules, the other Officers — that is, all the rest — were elected according to the will and choice of the new Prefect. 9 It is noted in the Rules compiled in the year 1779 that the election of Of¬ ficers was entirely changed. 10 This note was certainly justified, as is clear to whoever reads the Memorie of 1773, at the beginning. On one oc¬ casion, five instead of three were elected to the Council; 11 another time, no election was made by the Sodality, 12 a third time, the Director cast two votes, 13 instead of none. 14 The method of election described in the Particular Rules of 1865 is still in use, and is very different from that of the Common Rules, leaving much power to the Director and to a private Council of only five members of the Council. 15 1 Documents, 644. — 2 Documents, 1381. — 3 Documents, 2090. — 4 Documents, 644. — 5 Documents, 2090. — 6 Documents, 645, 1388. — ? Documents, 647, 1382. — 8 Arch. P. P,, Prot. I, p. 133. — 9 Arch. P. P., Notizie i storiche , p. 169. — 10 Arch. P. P., Regole e Consuetudini, 1779, p. 22. — 11 P. 16. — 12 Ibidem, p. 21. — 13 Ibidem, p. 24. — 14 Documents, 681. — 13 P. 48. 8 4 SOOALITV OK OUR LADV 248. Any method of election, may, according tho the Rules of 1910, be adopted, if it seems wise; but the Rules of 1910 clearly prefer that the Director should be free to choose all the Officers himself, Minor as well as Major, without there being any other nomination or election. This does not imply, however, that when a Sodality adopts this method, the Director is expected to make the choice alone and unaided. That would certainly not be prudent. The meaning is that in the choice of Officers, as in the general conduct of the So¬ dality, he being the one who finally decides, will naturally ask the opinion of those who know best, and especially of his Council, and after having inquired of all he thinks fit to consult and having heard their opinions, he alone will take the final step and appoint the Officers on his own responsibility, either the Members they have suggested or others, as he thinks best. 249. There is a sort of progression in the Common Rules as to the amount of choice left to the body of the Sodality in the selection of Officers. In the Common Rules of 1587 and of 1855, the three highest Officers are elected by the Sodality, but from a list of three proposed by the Council : l in 1587, the Council propose three for each office; in 1855, three for all three offices. 2 The Sodality at large was therefore left less option in 1855 than in 1587. Besides, in 1587, even the nomination was made by the whole Sodality in the case of the Assistants ;3 not so in 1855. In 1587, the Consultors were elected by the Sodality at large ;* in 1855, by the Council .5 250. A little consideration will show that the method of election preferred in the Common Rules of 1910, that is, free nomination by the Director, besides its manifest advantages, — the avoidance of canvassing, the saving of time, the leaving of the choice in the hands of the one most concerned, and the greater likelihood of the selection of the best fitted for each Office — does not differ sub- stantially from that of 1855, if the Director, as he should in all pru¬ dence, consults his Council beforehand and defers a great deal to their judgment. The only disadvantage it has, namely that the Sodalists may not have that interest which arises from a sense of self-government, can be obviated by the Director’s tact: if the Di¬ rector lacks this quality, the Sodality will not flourish under any Officers. 1 Documents, 648, f., 654, 1383, ff. — 2 Documents, 662, 1384. — 3 Documents, 663. — 4 Documents, 667. — 5 Documents, 1386. GOVERNMENT OF THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY *5 It is instructive to note the changes gone through in the choice of Officers by a great Sodality, which has lately celebrated its three-hun¬ dredth anniversary. The first Council (1608) of the Citizen’s Sodality of Cologne was named by the Director. 1 In 1708, the Director, “ ac¬ cording to custom,’’ proposed candidates to the Council for the various offices : this then chose three of them to be presented to the Sodality at large. 2 Later on, the method was changed, and the Officers simply moved up on the scale. This plan was justly disapproved of by the Rector of the College. 3 The Council, in 1729, rebelled against being governed by the Director, 4 — which led to frequent explanation of the Rules. In 1772, the Prefect named his own successor. 5 In the fifties of last century, on their resuming charge of the Sodality, the Jesuits re¬ stored the regular method of secret election. 6 Another instance of irregularity in the conduct of the Officials is that of the consultores nati (ex-Prefects. etc.) of the Citizen’s Sodality of Grenoble. These finally got so unmanageable that the Provincial’s au¬ thority had to be invoked. 7 251. If vacancies occur in the offices, they are to be filled " in the same way as above indicated,” that is, using the same mode of choice as for the ordinary election. 8 252. The ceremonies prescribed in the Common Rules of 1855 for the installation of the new Officers are not prohibited in those of 1910, but the matter is left free, nothing being said on the sub¬ jects Duties 253. What has been said of the Council of the Sodality in re¬ gard to its being subordinate to the Director, is true of all the Officers, Major and Minor, in their several functions, namely they are all “ subject to the Director’s authority in the discharge of their duties ” and “ hold their powers to the extent and under the conditions determined by the Director granting these powers.” 10 254. To secure the Director’s due control over his Officers, and his proper influence on the management of the Sodality, the Common Rules of 1910 prescribe that all the Officers shall, “ when necessary, have recourse to the Father Director, to report to him on their administration, to consult him on doubts and difficulties arising, to receive new instructions from him.” 11 This was some¬ what different in the older Rules, in which the Officers were 1 Muller, p. 14. — 2 Muller, p. 42. — 3 P. 43. — 4 P. xia. — 5 P. 43. — 6 P. 43. — 7 Pra, Grenoble, pp. 324-333. — 8 Common Rules of 1910 (Docu¬ ments, 209 r. Cf. 676, 1393). — 9 Documents, 1389, ff. — 10 Common Rules of 1910 (Documents, 2092). — 11 Documents, 2143. 86 SODALITY OF OUR LADY directly subject rather to the Prefect and through him to the Di¬ rector. 1 255. The chapter of the Common Rules of 1910 relating to the Major Officers begins with a rule of great importance, that “ as they precede the other Sodalists in dignity, they should in the same way go before them in the practice of virtue and the exact observance of the Rules.” 3 256. The Prefect is briefly described in the Common Rules of 1910 as “ the first in authority ” among the Officers and u the right hand of the Director. Along with him he presides at meet¬ ings, and with due subordination to him, takes part in everything regarding the government of the Sodality, especially in the quest¬ ion of the admission and dismissal of the Sodalists.” These few words are quite as far reaching as are the many things set down for this Office in the preceding Common Rules. The Particular Rules of the Prima-Primaria of 1587, require of “ every Officer, but especially of the Prefect, that he should be united with, well affected towards and dependent upon the Father ; that he should be of good behavior and of good example, diligent and assid¬ uous in frequenting the meetings ; that he should love the Sodality, be intelligent and acquainted with all its exercises and customs.” 3 « 257. In the Offices below the Prefect, the chief differences between the Common Rules have been noted above .4 The details of the various Offices can be read in Part 2,5 and it is not neces¬ sary to repeat them here, as the respective duties are easily gath¬ ered from the names. As each Sodality is allowed to have any extra Officers it desires, it is interesting to note a few details. The Young Workingmen's Sodal¬ ity at Grenoble had 2 Masters of Ceremonies. 6 1 he Citizen’s Sodality had a Choir Master. 7 So did the Louvain Catholic University Sodality. 8 The Manila Normal School Sodalities had 2 Chanters. 9 The Chamartin College Sodality had a Censor in 1S83-4. 10 The Sodality of the Annunciation and St. John Berchmans in Bar¬ celona had an Assistant-Instructor of Candidates, a Chronicler, Pro¬ moters in charge of the attendance, and of Order and the Medals, and Porters. 11 A Kalksburg Sodality had a Banner-Bearer. 13 Maurel’s Manuel provides for a Mistress of Ceremonies, 13 and for a Promotress at the head of each of the 4 sections. 14 The Workingmen’s Sodality at Bey- 1 Documents, 603, 707, 720, etc., 1294, 1414, etc. — 2 Documents, 2142. — 3 Arch. P. P., Prot. I. 1, p. 118. — 4 Part I, 91, f., Articles 7, 8. — 5 Documents, 720, ff., 1414, ff., 2150, ff. — 6 Pra, Grenoble, p. 341. — ? Ibidem, p. 315. — 8 Sodalilé des Etudiants, etc., 1883-4, P- 3 - — 9 Recuerdo, 1884. — 10 Catalogo, 1886-7. — 11 Cata¬ logo, 1892, pp. 30, ff. — 12 Kalksburger-Korrespondenz, March, 1909, p. 9. — 13 1854, p. 52. — 14 P. 59. GOVERNMENT OF THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY 87 routh had Officers to go about during meetings to keep order and to wake up sleepers. 1 The Barcelona Priest's Sodality in 1612 had an Admonitoi “ to no¬ tify the Director or the Prefect of the faults or negligences he noted in the observance of the Rules.” 2 258. As it is under the head of Officers that the Sodality Li¬ brary is referred to in.the Rules of 1910, we may add here a few details on the subject. The Prima-Primaria did not form its Library until the year 1700. 3 A Library was formed by the Antwerp Sodality as early as 1627. 4 Li¬ braries existed in many Sodalities between 1600 and 1650 in German¬ speaking countries. 5 The Men’s Sodality at St. Ann’s, Buffalo, in 1898, had a Library of 500 volumes. 6 1 he Feldkirch Sodality, in 1900, num¬ bered 800 volumes, the Lustenau, 600, that of the Children of Mary in Innsbruck, in 1905, no fewer than 2000. 7 A Central Men’s Sodality Library was announced for Vienna in 1909, 8 and in 1911 the Sodalities of St. Francis Xavier’s Parish in St. Louis took steps to consolidate their hitherto separate libraries. 9 A Sodality at Santiago printed the list of its books at the end of its catalogue of 1910. 10 The Sodality and the Pastor and other Confraternities 259. The respective rights of a Confraternity, its Chaplain, the Pastor of the Parish in which the Confraternity exists, and other Confraternities are determined by the following Decrees. Wherever the Confraternity is established 260. “ In the Parish Church, the Members and their Chaplain cannot participate in the functions, parochial or not, of the same Church, against the Pastor’s wish “ but they can hold their meet¬ ings at will and according to the Rules peculiar to each without the presence or permission of the Pastor, provided they do not interfere with the Church functions or the Divine Office,” and even supposing “ the Pastor is present, by command of the Ordinary and as his delegate, he cannot cast a vote affecting decisions.” 11 1 Urte Congregation, etc., p. 31. — 2 Congregactón de la Inmaculada Virgen y San Luis Gonzaga, Catalogo, 1911, p. 221. — 3 Arch. P. P., Memorie, 1700, p. 177. — 4 Precis historiques, 1882, p. 336. — 5 Duhr, Stimmen, 1910. t, p. 381. — 6 So¬ dai. -Cor r., 1898, p. 108. — 7 Sodal.-Corr., 1900, p. 172; 1905, p. 99. — 8 Fahne Mariens, 1909, p. 284. — 9 The Church of St. Francis Xavier . 1911, May, p. 18. — 10 La Congregación, etc., 1884-1909, pp. 97-106. — 11 S. C. Rit,, 12 Jan., 1704 (Doc¬ uments, 967, 968, 970, 972), 88 SODALITY OF OUR LADY 261. “ The Pastor cannot interfere in the administration of of¬ ferings and alms collected in the said Churches, or keep the key of the box put up for them,” and the Confraternity “ can administer their property and dispose of it without any dependence on the Pastor.” 1 / When the Confraternity is erected in the Parish Church or in a Chapel or Oratory annexed to it / 262. “ A Confraternity of laymen legitimately erected in a Par¬ ish Church or in a Chapel or Oratory, public or private, annexed to a Parish Church or depending on it, depends on the Pastor as to conducting ecclesiastical non-parochial functions.” 3 When the Confraternity is erected in a place separate from the Parish Church 263. “ A Confraternity erected in a Church other than the Par¬ ish Church or in a public or private Oratory separated from the Parish Church, has no dependence on the Pastor” as to non-paro¬ chial functions .3 264. “ The Chaplains of Confraternities can, without leave of the Pastor, make announcements of Feasts and Vigils occurring dur¬ ing the week .”4 265. “ The Pastor cannot, against the will of the Members, teach Catechism in the aforesaid Churches and Oratories, public or private .”5 266. “ It belongs to the Pastor to perform the funeral service over bodies to be interred in the said public Churches or Orato¬ ries of Confraternities, when the person was a subject of the Pas¬ tor within whose territory the Church or Oratory is.” 6 267. “ In solemn Processions in which the Pastor usually takes part, the Confraternity can have its Chaplain at its head, apart from the Pastor.’”! 268. “ The Pastor, without special lawful title and by mere parochial rights, cannot compel the Rectors and Chaplains of the same Churches and Confraternities to attend the functions of the Parish Church against their will.” 8 269. In the public Churches in question, “ Mass, private or sung, cannot be said before the parish Mass, said or sung, unless the Bishop makes some other disposition.’^ 1 Ibidem, 966, 969, 972. — 2 S. C. Rit., 12 Jan., 1704 (Documents, 948, 949, 972). — 3 Ibidem, 950, 951, 972. — 4 S. C. Rit., 12 Jan., 1704 (Documents, 954, 972J. — 5 Ibidem, 955, 972. — 6 Ibidem, 958, 972. — 7 S. C. Rit., 9 July, 1718 (Documents, 976, f.) — 8 Ibidem, 963, 973. — 9 Ibidem, 957, 97a. GOVERNMENT OF THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY *9 270. But “ public sermons can be preached in them, even all through Lent or Advent, with leave of the Ordinary and without permission of the Pastor.” 1 271. “ Within the limits of the same Church, Processions can be held, according to the Rules of each Confraternity, without the presence or leave of the Pastor,” “ but they cannot be held out¬ side the limits of the said Churches without leave of those Pastors through whose territory they must pass, unless with leave of the Bishop;” and “in the said Processions, the Chaplains of Confra¬ ternities cannot wear the stole outside their own Church.” 3 Presentation of the Aspersory to the Bishop 272. “ When the Bishop comes to a public Confraternity Church which is not a Church of Regulars and has no beneficed Rector of its own, the aspersory is not to be presented by the Pastor in whose territory the Church is .”3 Private Oratories 273. In the private Oratories of Confraternities, the Canonical Hours, with chant or without, can be recited at fixed times, with¬ out leave of the Pastor, unless the Ordinary, for reasonable cause, decrees otherwise,” “ and even the celebration of private Mass is allowed, with the consent of the Ordinary of the place and against the will of the Pastor,” and “ Holy Commuoion can be adminis¬ tered to Members and non-Members of the Confraternity.” 4 Attention may here be called to a letter of Father General Aqua- viva, 3 Aug., 1593, “ not much approving of private Mass and Communion for Sodalists, as they take away from the numbers in the Church and di¬ minish the edification which Sodalists, more than others, can give by publicly frequenting the Sacraments.’' 5 Precedence 274. Third Orders take precedence of the Sodality of Our Lady. So does the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament “ in all the processions in which the Blessed Sacramente is carried.” The gen¬ eral rule for the other Confraternities is that precedence is as¬ signed “ in order of the date of their canonical erection.” 6 1 Ibidem, 956, 973. — 2 Ibidem, 959, 960, 961, 973. — 3 S. C. Rit., is Jan., 1704 (Documents, 962, 972). — 4 Ibidem, 952, 953, 973 and S. C. Rit., 9 July, 1718 (Docu¬ ments, 975, 977). — 5 Documents, 918. See also 919. — 6 Beringer, Les Indulgences, 1905, II, 96, 97. 90 SODALITY OF OUR LADY CHAPTER IX MEMBERSHIP IN A SODALITY OF OUR LADY Candidacy 275. One who wished to become a Member of the Sodality of Our Lady was required, in the Common Rules of 1587 and 1855, to have recourse “ to the Father Director and the Prefect,” who looked into the “ age, studies, profession, virtue and other good qualities of the Candidate ” and then proposed his name to the Council, to begin his probation. 1 276. The Common Rules of 1910 leave the whole matter to the Director. Candidates “ address their application to the Di¬ rector,” using, if they can, the good offices of some Sodalist. 3 They must be “ persons of irreproachable conduct ” and " must be re¬ solved upon being faithful in the observance of the Rules.” The Vienna Tradespeople’s Sodality have two classes or degrees of applicants - Guests and Candidates. 3 The same is true of the great Barcelona Sodality, which distinguishes between Postulants and Aspi¬ rants, the former being Candidates “ of the first period,’’ the latter Can¬ didates “ of the second period.” 4 The Particular Rules in which this distinction is made were formally approved by the Father General. 5 277. A Sodalist is assigned to the Candidates, who “ is to direct the Candidates and instruct them in the customs and spirit of the Sodality.” 6 * During the time of probation (“ not less than two months” - ?) they are “ bound to fulfil without exception all the du¬ ties which the Sodality imposes on its Members.” 8 If they come from other Sodalities, their undergoing or not a time of probation, will depend upon whether they come directly from those Sodalities and “ present a document signed by the Director of the Sodality from which they come, bearing testimony to their good character, and ordinary attendance at the exercises of that Sodality .”9 These was no provision in the older Common Rules for the case of Sodalist applicants, though the Rule touching Sodalists who went away 1 Documents, 635, ff., 1366, ff. — 2 Common Rules of 1910 (Documents, 2093). — 3 Fahne Martens , 1905, p. 113. — 4 Catalogo, 1911, p. 36. — 5 Reglas, etc., 1907, pp. 17, 6. — 6 Documents, 2x58. In the Men’s Sodality of Aix-la-Chapelle on 3 or 4 Sunday evenings, from 7 to 8, such instruction is usually given the Aspirants (Bericht, Freiburg, p. 55). — ? Documents, 2095. — 8 Documents, 2095. — 9 Doc¬ uments, 2096. See also ibidem the regulations for applicants who were formerly Sodalists but do not come directly from a Sodality. . MEMBERSHIP IN A SODALITY OF OUR LADY 91 from their own Sodality supposed that they would be received elsewhere. 1 The Prima-Primaria gave its certificate to such members not indiscrim¬ inately, but only after investigation of the individual records. 2 It re¬ ceived Sodalist applicants in the way described in the Common Rules of 1910, requiring, namely, a testimonial to the merits of each. The same was the practice of the Gentlemen’s Sodality at Grenoble, as ap¬ pears from a Decree of the Council dated 7 Jan., 1629. 3 278. When the time for the admission has come, the Director lays before the Council such names as he judges proper. The Councillors are “ to express their opinion candidly and to make any objection there might be.” The final decision as to each Can¬ didate rests with the Father Director, whether “ to receive him among the Sodalists, to require a longer probation, or to exclude him entirely from the Sodality.”^ The Common Rules of 1587 sub¬ mitted each Candidate’s name to a vote by the whole Sodality ,5 after he had passed the Council. This is the only difference of any account between the 1587 and 1855 Rules and those of 1910, 6 except, as we have said, that the last require more of the Candi¬ date and leave the decision explicitly to the Director. 279. Needless to add, the Director has full power to admit among the Sodalists any one he pleases, as he is not obliged “ in any case, to get or even to ask the opinion or consent of the So¬ dalists ,”7 or of the Council. But, on the other hand, as was said above, the Director would usually act most unwisely by not con¬ sulting his Council, as the Rule itself expressly suggests. 8 He is expected also to make much use of the Prefect “ in the question of the admission ” of Sodalists .9 Reception By whom 280. Admission to membership belongs to the Director of the Sodality, being, in fact, the sole act for which the Director is ca¬ nonically essential. 281. The Director’s place can be supplied, in this regard, in all Sodalities, by the Holy Father, of course, or by one delegated by him. 282. Besides, in Jesuit Sodalities, the Director’s place can be taken by the Father General, or the Provincial, or a delegate of 1 Documents, 628, 1354. — 2 Arch. P. P., Memorie, 24 June,, 1605, p. 55 v. — 3 Pra. p. 308. — 4 Documents, 2099. — 5 Documents, 641. — 6 Documents, 635, ff., 1366, ff. — 7 Documents, 2080. — 8 Documents, 2099. — 9 Documents, 2149. 92 SODALITY OF OUR LADY theirs — as being the source of the Director’s powers — or, as has been seen, by the Director’s local Superior, or his or the Local Superior’s delegate. 1 283. An interesting decision, for Jesuit Sodalities, given by Father General Vitelleschi in 1639, may be mentioned here. “ So- dalists,” he says, “ who inaugurate a Sodality gain the Indulgences granted for the day of reception on the day when the aggregation to the Prima-Primaria takes place.” 2 This decision implied a double act on the part of the Father General, his aggregating the Sodal¬ ity and his receiving the pioneer associates to membership. The second act, of course, he performed in none but Jesuit Houses. 284. In non-Jesuit Sodalities, the Ordinary — as the Director is created by him — or, as has been seen, a Priest delegated by the Ordinary or by the Director, can take the Director’s place in receptions .3 285. It is essential for membership that the candidate be re¬ ceived by the Director or by one having equal authority with him for this purpose. This is clear from the Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, 23 June, 1885,4 where the faculty is explicitly granted that the Director u may be able to substitute another Priest to receive the faithful to membership ” — which would have no meaning if it were not understood that, without the grant, only the Director could validly admit new members. Who are Eligible 286. It is not allowed to admit to membership in a Sodality one who is no longer alive, not even that he may get the suffra¬ ges of the Sodality. This is concluded from several decisions made for other Confraternities. “ Can the faithful be enrolled as members of the Archconfraternity of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart after their death ?... No.” 5 “ Can the faithful departed be enrolled in a Sodality to the effect of obtaining the suffrages which others of the faithful enjoy who entered a Sodality when alive? — No.” 6 “ Can the enrolment of the dead in Pious Unions and Pious Works be sustained?... No.” 7 287. Children under the age of reason are better not received. So it was decided in the case of another Confraternity. 1 Above, 194, 233 - Documents, 1641, 1643, 1689. — 2 Documents, 898. — 3 _Above, 201, 233 - Documents, 1641, 1643. — 4 Documents, 1641, 1643. — 5 S. C. Inquis., 6 Dec., 1876 (Documents, 1554, 1557). — 6 S. C. Indulg., 14 Aug., 1889 (Docu¬ ments, 1846, Q. — 7 S. C. Indulg., 25 Aug., 1897 (Documents, 1876, ff.). MEMBERSHIP IN A SODALITY OF OUR LADy 93 “ Can even children who have not come to the use of reason be numbered among the members?, .. — It is not expedient.’’ 1 288. The Director of a Sodality is a member of his Sodality. Even if he were not, as he enjoys general power for receiving applicants of whatever kind into the Sodality, he could also re¬ ceive himself. “ The lawful Priest Directors of all Sodalities are members of the Sodalities over which they preside.” 2 “Can one who has power to receive into a Confraternity receive himself? — Yes, if he has powers for all and not only for certain classes of people.” 3 289. The Director’s power of receiving members is not limited to the faithful of the Parish or Diocese: he can validly admit can¬ didates in any part of the world into his Sodality, provided the con¬ ditions be fulfilled. This decision was expressly made for another association, but enunciates a principle which doubtless applies to the Sodalities of Our Lady. “Can the Pious Union under the patronage of St. Joseph canonic¬ ally erected at Fermo and legitimately aggregated to the Archconfrater¬ nity of the same title at Rome admit to membership those who apply from outside the Diocese?... Yes, provided the other conditions ol enrol¬ ment are fulfilled .” 4 290. There is no limitation whatever restricting the Sodality of Our Lady to any certain class of people, and its history is full of instances of the most various kinds of Sodalities, whether of men or of women. Nobles, peasants, workingmen, shop girls, pen¬ itents, soldiers, young children, army and navy officers, court of¬ ficials, mothers of families, convent girls, parish school-children, boys between given years of age, poor clerks — every conceivable class is represented in the petitions for aggregation found in the Archives of the Prima-Primaria , as we have seen above.5 291. The condition of things here described was a source ol joy as early as 1749, and this to such an extent that Father Gen¬ eral Retz, in forwarding the Golden Bull of Benedict XIV, noted that “ in some places, almost every class of men, even to farm la¬ borers, has its own Sodality.” 6 292. One of the most useful kinds of Sodalities, as will readily be understood, is that of Ecclesiastics. Of these quite a number have existed in the Pontifical Colleges at Rome and in various 1 S. C. Inquis., 6 Dec., 1876 (Documents, 1556, f.). — 2 S. C. Counc., 10 May, 1910 (Documents, 1976). — 3 S. C. Indulg., 16 July, 1887 (Documents, 1807, ff.). — ♦ S. C. Indulg., 18 Aug., 1868 (Documents, 1547, ff.). — 5 See 4 and Duhr, Geschichte, I. p. 158, where many details are given. — 6 18 Jan., 1749 (Documents, 1061). 94 SODALITY OF OUR LADY other places, and the Archives of the Prima-Primaria contain more than one petition for aggregation sent by such, petitions full of en¬ thusiasm for Sodality work. Sodalities in Seminaries were strongly urged at the Sodality Con¬ gress of Einsiedeln (1906) “ for the purpose of deepening the religious sense in the pupils, and also because Seminaries are the best schools for Directors.” 1 A Theologians Sodality was founded at Prague in 1907. 2 Sodalities for Priests were specially recommended by Father General Aquaviva. “ I have thought it well to charge your Reverence to bring about in your Province the foundation of similar Sodalities of Priests, by exhort¬ ing immediate Superiors and bidding them not to spare any effort in a matter so much to God’s glory and service.” 3 Of Priests’ Sodalities many are mentioned in history. One existed in the Mexico Professed House about the year 1600. 4 In former times there were Priest Sodalities in Bologna, Valencia, Portugal, the East and the West Indies, Belgium, France and Germany. 5 A Sodality of Priests was founded at Prague in 1907. 6 One was formed in recent times among the Voralberg Priests. 7 Nearly all the Priests of the Diocese of Freiburg in Breisgau have been formed into a Sodality, 8 to promote both piety and learning in its Members* This Sodality was 1000 strong and was divided into 48 districts, each holding a monthly meeting. 9 It numbered 1200 in 1909 and held a Con¬ gress at Karlsruhe, 20, 21 June. 10 293. No law of the Church prevents Religious, whether men or women, from being Members of the Sodality, unless, of course there should be in their Rules something which forbids such mem¬ bership. This is all the clearer from the fact that, to gain most of the Sodality Indulgences, it is not absolutely necessary to at¬ tend the meetings, for attendance at the meetings is not a condi¬ tion for any of the Indulgences, except that granted for the meet¬ ings themselves. 11 In the early days, the Prior of the Dominican Convent at Briinn and all his subjects entered the Sodality. His example was followed by the Augustinian Prior. 12 294. Jesuits, however, were not allowed to be enrolled in So¬ dalities. 13 1 Fahne Martens, 1906, p. 148. — 2 Stella Mat., 1908, p. 178. — 3 30 Oct., 1610 (Documents, 807). — 4 Sodai. Corr ., 1901, p. 179. — 5 Sodal.-Corr., 1898, p. 40. — 6 Stella Mat., 1908, p. 178. — 7 Fahne Martens, 1910, p. 40. — 8 Prdsides-Corr , 1908, 3, pp. 15, ff. — 9 Fahne Mariens, 1907, p. 134, f. — 10 Fahne Martens, 1909, p. 164. — 11 Documents, 1983, ff. — 12 Kroess, Bohmische Provinz, I, p. 573. — T 3 Fr. Gen. St. Francis Borgia, 1569 (Documents, 870); Fr. Gen. Mercurian, 1576 (Documents, 869).- MEMBERSHIP IN A SODALITY OF OUR LADY 95 It is a mistake to say that Members of the Society of Jesus are ipso facto Sodalists. Benedict XIV 1 extended to them the Indulgences of the Sodality, but this is a different thing from membership. 295. But it was allowed, and even recommended, that other “ religious attending Jesuit schools should be admitted.” 3 296. After Sodalities of Ecclesiastics, perhaps the most important are those of the educated. Among these, the first place is due to the so-called Alumni Sodalities, into which none but College grad¬ uates are admitted. These, when well directed and kept up to the Sodality standard, can render invaluable service to the Church by their example and work. 297. At the beginning, women were sometimes enrolled in So¬ dalities of men. This was forbidden, as not authorized by the Pon¬ tifical Constitutions. “ No woman is to be admitted on the roll with the Sodalists, nor are Sodality Chapels—if they are distinct and apart from our Churches—to have a door on the street by which women can enter to be present at the exercises, or at any thing else.” 3 In Innsbruck, women tried to enter the Sodality of men. This was forbidden, here as elsewhere, by Father General Aquaviva, as “it was not the will of the Holy Father to admit women to Sodalities of men.” In Vienna, in 1581, the Empress Dowager and the Queen of France en¬ tered a Men’s Sodality, and women were commonly received at that time. 4 Later, at Linz, the Empress and an imperial Princess were enrolled in the Citizens’ Sodality. 5 In 1637, word was sent to the Father General of the death of Isabella, a Sodalist of Paraguay. 6 Women were enrolled in the Sodality at Gratz, as we have seen above. The Greater Latin So¬ dality of Munich had a long list of noble lady members. 7 Sodalities of women existed in various places in the Rhine Provinces as early as 1586, and even in Jesuit Churches. , Such bodies started of themselves in Freiburg and Lucerne. In the latter city, a Married Ladies’ Sodality was erected 21 June, 1615, by Paul V, and one of Young Ladies, 31 March, 1650,' by Alexander VII. They had secular Priests for Directors, except the former between 1695 and 1699. 8 Later, towards 1700, an association — called a Sodality — of women existed in Avignon.- 9 298. It was even forbidden for Jesuits to have the care of So¬ dalities “ in which there were also women,” or which were com¬ posed of women only, “ who formed a Sodality, though they did 1 Documents, 1068. — 2 Fr. Gen. Aquaviva, 6 July, 1589 (Documents, 871). — ■ Fr. Gen. Aquaviva, 16 June, 1587 (Documents, 570). See also the whole of Sec¬ tion V in Documents, 875-890, and 910. — 4 See the documents cited in Duhr, Geschichte, I, p. 480. — 5 Kolb, Mitteilungen, p. 57. — 6 Muller, Kòln, p. 63. — 7 Sattler, Bayern , pp. 396-304. — 8 Die Grosse Lateinische Congregation , pp. 19» 33. — 9 Chossat, Avignon, p. 479. 96 SODALITY OF OUR LADY not participate in the favors granted.” Women were, however, allowed to be present at “ sermons, litanies, etc.,” when these took place “ in a public meeting in the Church, ” and were permitted to have “ Monthly Patrons ” got for them by u their Sodalist husbands.” 1 * 299. Women and girls, therefore, could not lawfully be Soda- lists until 1851, when, as we saw above, 2 leave was given to ag¬ gregate Sodalities for the female sex. Of them, those called Children of Mary call for special notice. They have at all times been numerous from the first years of which we possess the records after 1751. In many cases Children of Mary is the only title sent up when the aggregation is peti¬ tioned ; in other cases, Children of Mary is evidently regarded as the description of the body, while a distinct primary and often a secondary title are submitted. In the former supposition, the coun¬ terpart of Children of Mary is some such title of Our Lady as Mother of God, Mother of Christ, Mother of Our Redeemer, etc. In the other supposition, the term is a convenient and devout des¬ ignation of the Sodality, but has no canonical significance. It is well not to confuse the Prima-Primaria Children of Mary with others. Of these we may mention the Children of Mary connected with the Houses of the Religious of the Sacred Heart, those connected with the Sisters of Charity and those aggregated to the “ Pious Union of the Children of Mary under the patronage of the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God and St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr.’’ The first of these associations, that of the Sacred Heart, goes back to about the year 1818. 3 These Children of Mary have a Director nom¬ inated by the Sodality and approved by the Ordinary, and a Madame of the Sacred Heart for Directrix, to manage the details. 4 In other things, they follow more or less the manner of proceeding adopted in the Sodality of Our Lady. The association employs itself also in va¬ rious works adapted to the female sex, 5 but as a means -i to their own advancement and mutual edification.” The Indulgences, 6 are consider¬ ably less numerous than those of the Sodality of Our Lady. Perhaps this is one óf the reasons why very many of these Association of the Children of Mary of the Sacred Heart are aggregated to the Prima- Primaria. The second had its origin in the revelation of the Miraculous Med¬ al, 7 but was formally begun in 1847, when Pius IX gave the Superior General of the Mission power to erect in each House of the Sisters of 1 Fr. Gen. Aquaviva, 3 July, 1586 (Documents, 909) ; Fr. Gen. Vitelleschi, ai Aug., 1625 (Documents, 886, f.). — 2 See 136. — 3 Catholic Encyclopedia, voi. 3 p. 659. — 4 Règlement, 1883, p. 4. — 5 Ibidem, pp. 24, ff. — 6 P. 27. — 7 Manuale 1910, p. 15. MEMBERSHIP IN A SODALITY OF OUR LADY 97 Charity a pious Confraternity dedicated to Our Lady Immaculate, made up of the young girls of their schools or workrooms. This was extended later in favor of the youths educated by the Priests of the Mission, the little boys under the charge of the Sisters of Charity, and young girls not of their schools or work-rooms. In 1897, there were 100,000 of these Children of Mary, 400,000 having been enrolled since the begin¬ ning. 1 The Indulgences of this Association are those which the Sodal¬ ity of Our Lady had in 1847. 2 The third of these bodies, whose beginnings, it is said, go back to the nth. century 3 was formally granted the title of Children of Mary in 1864, when the Cardinal Vicar of Rome erected the Union in the Church of St. Agnes outside the Walls. 4 In 1866, -Pius IX raised this Pious Union, under the title of “ Children of the Blessed Virgin Mary ' Immaculate,” to the dignity of a Primary association, granting to the Pastor of the Church the power of aggregating to it Pious Unions of the same name/ In 1870, the power was transferred to the Abbot Gene¬ ral of the Lateran Canons Regular. 6 The Rules of these Children of Mary were approved for Rome by the Cardinal Vicar in 1867 and 1873/ The Pious Union can receive none but girls and unmarried women. 8 It is composed almost entirely of girls, as is clear from the Rules. Each Pious Union that follows the Roman Rules has a Directrix, who may be a married lady. 9 300. Since 1751, it has been possible to establish canonically Sodalities of both sexes together, as is often enough done at the present day, and has been customary for at least a hundred years. 10 301. From these Sodalities neither sex is excluded; but when the Sodality is one of males only, no female — with the exception to be mentioned below — can be a member, and into one of fe¬ males only no male can be legally admitted to any real membership. 302. The same is true of the different classes of the same sex. Thus into a Sodality of married men, no unmarried man — except as below — is eligible; into one of boys, grown men cannot be admitted, etc. 303. Both these conclusions follow from the fact that for each aggregation the class of persons has to be indicated and the Di¬ ploma of aggregation is made out for that class only. 11 304. It is generally recommended to keep the different classes of Sodalists separate in as many Sodalities. The advantage of this 1 Catholic Encyclopedia, Voi. 3, p. 659. — 2 Manuale, p. 110. — 3 Passeri, Manuale grande, 1908, p. 405. — * Ibidem, p. 401. — 5 Ibidem, p. 404, f. - 6 Ibi¬ dem, p. 405, f. — 7 Ibidem, p. 410, ff. — 8 Ibidem, p. 39. — 9 Ibidem, p. 84. — 10 Arch. P. P., Registers of Aggregations, passim. The very first aggregated in the last Century was a Sodality of men and women (No. 2763): so was the second. — 11 Directions (Documents, 1724). See also Fr. Gen. Vitelleschi, 4 Nov., 1617 (Doc¬ uments, 815). 7 98 SODALITV OF OUR LADV plan was seen, as early as 1583, to be a consequence of “ diversity of occupation and of the need of affording each class its proper spiritual help.” 1 305. It is true that when a boy, for instance, grows up and gets married, he is often allowed to pass from his Boys’ Sodality into one for Men, and this sometimes without the usual probation, and even without any formality other than the vote of the Council and admission by the Director. It must not be thought that such a way of proceeding is irregular where it exists, because, as will be seen, 2 for valid reception into a Sodality nothing more is absolute¬ ly necessary than the express consent of the Director and of the candidate. Whether it is advisable to admit so easily into the new Sodality, is quite a different question, on which Directors are not agreed. At one period of its history, the Prima-Primaria was rather strict about receiving even members of its own Secunda or Tertia who had reached the proper age. 3 306. Notwithstanding what has been said above, a person not belonging to the class for which the Sodality was erected may, for a sufficient reason, be admitted into the Sodality. It is to be well understood that this cannot be done at all easily and without taking many precautions. But, for instance, the case may arise of a ben¬ efactor who would wish to have the advantage of the suffrages and prayers of a Sodality he has benefited; or an old pupil of a College might desire to belong to his College Sodality. A recent Decree has made it possible in these cases for the Director to re¬ ceive the Candidate. “ The Director of each Sodality may, for some good reason, receive into a Sodality specially erected for youths, an adult or the father of a family, and vice versa. The same regulation holds good also in Sodal¬ ities of women.” 4 307. It is also decided that the Sodalist “ remains always a member of the same Sodality, unless he freely leaves it, or is dismissed from it as unworthy.” Besides being a Sodalist, however, he is obliged — if he wishes to gain the Indulgences — to belong to “ a Sodality adapted to his condition, in the place of his new abode,” if he goes, away from the place of the first Sodality so that “ he cannot attend the meetings,” and if he is not refused by 1 Fr. Gen. Aquaviva, 8 March, 1583 (Documents, 874. See also 2055). — 2 Below, 325. — 3 Arch. P. P., Memorie, 1665, p. 48 v. — 4 S. C. Coirne,, 10 May, 1910 (Documents, 1977, ff.). MEMBERSHIP lit A SODALITY OF OUR LADY 99 the Director of the new Sodality, or if there is no legitimate obsta¬ cle, in the opinion of the Director of the previous Sodality. 1 308. There is nothing to prevent a person from being admitted into the Sodality and also into one or more other Confraternities and from gaining the Indulgences of all, even should they all have the same object of devotion. “ Can the faithful be admitted to two Confraternities which propose the same object of devotion?. .. Yes.” 2 “ Can the same man be aggregated to many Societies and gain the Indulgences granted to each, provided he fulfils the conditions pre¬ scribed? ... Yes.” 3 309. In Jesuit Colleges, there are certain bodies called Acade¬ mies, formed to foster progress in studies over and above those of the class room. “ No one is to admitted ” to one of these “ if he has not joined the Sodality, unless the Rector judges other¬ wise.”'! Qualities 310. In addition to the requirements of the Rule ,5 the Fathers General have strongly recommended that the members be “ select ” and such as “ exercise a very great influence in parish or school.” This implies that they should be “ few in number,” as, of course, “ select cohorts ” of “ the very good ” will never be “ large in number — though that, too, is desirable.” It is for this reason that “ new members must not be admitted too easily into the So¬ dality of Our Lady, there being this difference between it and the Apostleship of Prayer that it should receive to membership none but those who are better than others.” The principle is that of using the force of good example and respect for virtue to induce others to lead good lives. 6 The principle involved in these recommendations is contained in the following words from the Constitutions of St. Ignatius: “ As good is all the more divine in proportion as it is more universal, those men and those places are to be preferred ” for the ministration of Jesuits, “ which, when they have profited by it, will be the cause that good will reach many others who are under their authority or are governed by them. Thus ... those who, if they are helped, can become workers to help others, must be preferred.” 7 1 Documents, 1980, f. — 2 S. C. Indulg., 13 Feb., 1894 (Documents, 1865, f.). — 3 S. C. Indulg., 29 May, 1841 (Documents, 1233, f. See also 852). — 4 Institutum S. J. (Documents, 754). — 5 Documents, 2094. — 6 Documents, 1965, ff. — 7 Const. S. J., III. a. D (Documents, 2036). IOO SODALITY OF OUR LADY The founder of the Prima Primaria formed his Sodality among Stu¬ dents “ who desired to join the pursuit of piety with knowledge.’’ 1 In the same way, the Sodalists of 1584 were described by Gregory XIII as “ excellent pious youths/’ 2 The Prima-Primaria appears never to have had a large number of . active members. In 1592, there were only 6 Consultors, 3 which hap¬ pened when the number went under 50. 4 The number rose to 60 in 1593, 5 but fluctuated from year to year above and below 50. In 1640, it was under 50. 6 After that, the number of Consultors was nearly always 12 up to the year 1788. 7 In 1762, the names on the roll were 144; 8 in 1774, the number was 215; in 1817, 266; in 1870, 102; in 1900, 73. In Germany, too, the principle was to admit “ only the most se¬ lect,” “ only the flower of the student body,” rather the good than the many. 9 Father Coster admitted none but “ the well-proved and such as gave hope of perseverance,” and would have no one kept in the Sodality ‘‘who was discovered to have fallen into a serious sin.” 10 The Veil. James Rem excluded from his “ Colloquium Marianum ” — the cel¬ ebrated ristretto of the College of Ingolstadt — any one who fell even se¬ cretly into mortal sin. Such a member remained suspended as long as he was out of the state of grace. 11 In Cologne, in 1587, out of 1000 students, but 300 were Sodalists; at Fulda in 1577, out of 200, but 55; out of 1060 at Munster in 1591, no more than 50. 12 See also in Duhr 13 how earnestly it was insisted on in the first half of the 17th. century, in German-speaking countries, that Sodalists should form a select corps. Only 6 of the students were chosen to form the college Sodality at Manila in 1600, and in 1603 the Gentlemen’s Sodality there numbered only 100 members, but they were ‘ ‘ of the most illustrious of Manila : there would have been many more if there had not been such strictness aud circumspec¬ tion in admitting.’’ 14 At the beginning, the Huron Sodality at Quebec had only 10 or 12 members, the élite of the Indians. 13 At Avignon, about 1603, there were 1600 students, but only 150 Sodalists. 16 At Ford- ham, out of 442 Students, 163 were Sodalists in 1902 ; 17 at Kalocsa, in 1904, out of 500, 200 were Sodalists. 18 In Belgium, out of 5471 pupils of the Jesuit Colleges in 1904, only 2278 were Sodalists. One in four was the average in the lowest classes, one in two among the boarders, one in three among the day scholars. 19 In the Istituto Massimo in Rome in the same year about one in four was a Sodalist. 20 A common principle in Colleges and Convents is to have “ the So- 1 Sacchini, Hist. S. J., 1563. 7. — 2 Documents, 509. — 3 Officiates. — 4 Documents, 669. — 5 Officiates. — 6 Memorie, p. 176 r. — 7 Officiates. — 8 Libro della Frequenza • — 9 Quotations in Duhr, Geschichte, I, p. 370. — 10 Chiavarelli, Il Giovane Congregato , p. 36. — 11 Hattler, P. Jakob Rem , 1881, p. 321. — 12 Duhr, ibidem, p. 370, who cites the Documents. — J 3 Stimmen, 1910, I, p. 290. — 14 Pastells-Colin, Labor Evangelica , II, p. 245. — *5 Sodal.-Corr., 1899 p. 85. — 16 Chossat, p. 179. — *7 Woodstock Letters, 1902, p. 475. — 18 Fahne Ma- riens, 1904, p. 125. — 19 Congres, p. 65. — 20 Ibidem, p. 116. MEMBERSHIP IN A SODALITY OF OUR LADY IOI dalities composed solely of students of excellent conduct,” in regard of religious duties, general conduct, politeness, study and application, 1 311. The necessity of selectness has often so impressed itself on Directors, that when they found their Sodality grown too large, they formed Inner Circle Sodalities, to gather together their best Sodalists and carry them on further towards Sodality ideals. The Father General, however, has recommended that this should not be done before the Sodality “ has been some time established ” and Directors have been warned that “ the circumstances are not always such* as to admit of a body like this or to render its establishment advisable,” there being the evident danger of “ gradual neglect of the rest of the Sodality.” 3 Of these “ ristretti '* we read: “ Rev. Fr. Rector has begun (1662) a secret Sodality of Our Lady, following the devout practice started at Paris and spread to almost all the Sodalities of France. The purpose of the body is to revive the spirit of the Sodality or to maintain it by means or through the example of certain Sodalists chosen for virtue, prudence and zeal for the honor of Our Lady in secret.” 3 With the same end in view, Father Parthenius recommended that the Director should give “ a greater and more special care ” to certain Mem- x bers “ more pious and fervent than the rest ” — such as “ are never want¬ ing in any Sodality ” — but called attention to the necessity of choosing “ very few and very excellent’’ Sodalists to receive this special training. The meetings of these bodies were to be held only once a week. 4 This was one kind of “ ristretti another class is formed by Sodal¬ ities which do not admit more than a certain number. Thus the George¬ town University Sodality of Professional Students was limited to only 40 Members the first year. 5 Manner of proceeding 312. To gain the Indulgences, lawful reception into the Sodal¬ ity is essential. This is clear from the nature of the case and from positive decrees of the Church, as, for instance, one which requires that “the members be lawfully admitted into the Confra¬ ternity.” 6 313. Reception to membership usually follows on a favorable vote of the Consultors after the probation, but the decision in each case depends on the Director, “ who alone has power to admit.”? 314. Before admission into the Sodality, the Candidates are to make a General Confession of their sins, unless the Confessor judg- 1 College of Chamartin, Catalogo, 1886-7, note. — 2 Documents, 1968. — 3 Méchin, Aix, I, p. 262, f. — 4 Rule 12. This rule was omitted by the editor of Parthenius. — 5 Woodstock Letters, 1907, p. 161. — 6 S. C. Indulg., 25 Jan., 1842 (Documents, 1237). — 7 Documents, 2099, 2093. 102 SODALITY OF OUR LADY es otherwise.’’ 1 The General Confession is found prescribed in all the Rules and even in the brief General Statutes. 3 The practice here referred to is insisted on in the only volume of exstant Memorie of the Prima-Primaria which mentions such items. Thus the Council voted, 21 Dec., 1605, to receive two Candidates “on condi¬ tion of their having made their General Confession.” 3 So again in 1617, 4 and 1634.5 In 1637, it was agreed to shorten the time of probation of a certain Priest, “ but he had to make his General Confession *’ before admission. 6 This was all in full accordance with what the Particular Rules of the Prima-Primaria of 1587 required. 7 The General Confes¬ sion had unfortunately ceased to be customary in 1831, 8 and is not men¬ tioned in the Particular Rules of 1865. 315. As to the actual reception, it is to be noted that a mere act of the will is not sufficient. “ Is the reception into a Confraternity valid if made with a simple intention of the mind and not expressed in any words? .... No.” 9 316. There must, therefore, be some external act. This is, besides, clear from the Decree which ordinarily requires the pres¬ ence of the Candidate for reception. 10 317. Moreover, an external act on the part of the recipient is not sufficient, but the new member must also give his consent. “Can the faithful be enrolled without their being aware of it?.... No.’’ 11 318. Usually, no one is admitted into the Sodality in his ab¬ sence, but such receptions, however, in extraordinary and single cases, would be valid. There are “ Confraternities strictly so called, and Sodalities much like them in their organization, which usually, even by their own Rules, require a certain solemn form and ceremony in receptions, such as the public petition and reception of Candidates, some trial and probation, or at least investitore in a habit, scapular,' or cincture. These acts, of their very nature, require the presence of the person concerned. For these Sodalities, then, whatever they be called, this present declaration gives no general and ordinary dispensation from the law of not enrol¬ ling the absent; still, the Directors and their delegates are impowered, in individual cases, to dispense with the set form with candidates present, and even, by way of individual exception, to receive validly those absent.” 12 319. Formerly, the Feasts of Our Lady were chosen for the admission of new Members. The same choice is recommended in the Common Rules of 1910, though the titular Feasts of the Sodal¬ ity are preferred.^ 1 Common Rules of 1910 (Documents, 2123). — 2 Documents. 607, 1297, 1741. — 3 Arch. P. P., Memorie , p. 57 r. — 4 P. 88 r. — 5 p. 151 r. — 6 P. 157 r . — 7 Arch. P. P., Prot. I, p. 265. — 8 Arch. P. P., Prot. 1. 2. G, p. 2. — 9 S. C. Indulg., 27 Apr., 1887 (Documents, 1800, ff.). — 10 See below, 318. — 11 S. C. Indulg., 6 Dec., 1876 (Documents, 1555, 1557). — 12 S. C. Indulg., 26 Nov., 1880 (Documents, 1575, ff. Cf. 2108). — x 3 Documents, 2098. Cf. 1373. MEMBERSHIP IN A SODALITY OF OUR LADY 103 320. Among the ceremonies which precede the formal reception, the recital of the Act of Consecration holds the most important place. 1 It is difficult to say which of the Acts of Gonsecration is the more com¬ mon. That of St. Francis de Sales alone is found in many publications, 2 that of St. John Berchmans in many others, 3 while a good number give both forms, some preferring the second, but adding that the act of St. Francis de Sales is the one used in the Prima-Primaria.*' It is to be remarked that neither Act is always given in exactly the same words or without additions. Walle and Cahour say the form of St. John Berchmans is more gen¬ erally used in France and Belgium. The annotator of the 1910 Rules in the Prasides-Correspondenz , 5 speaking, it would seem, of Austria only, . says the form of St. Francis de Sales is used in most Sodalities. We may note here that in many Sodalities the Profession of Faith is recited by the new Sodalists before the Act of Consecration. This 1 Common Rules of 1910 (Documents, 2101. Cf. 1376). — 2 For instance: Par- thenius. Pratiche devote, 1826, p. 83; Congregazione, etc., di Mondragone, 1905, p. 12; Chiavarelli, Manuale, 1906, p. 50 ; Regole della Congregazione Mariana, Udine, 1884, p. 22; Manuale per la Congregazione delle Figlie di Maria in Messina, 1893, p. 23; Goretti, Manuale, 19x0, p. 137; Devocionario, Zaragoza, 1904, p. 188; Congregacion Menor , Barcelona, 1899, p. 31; Tesoro del Congregante , Valencia, 1906, p. 293; La Asucena, Valencia, 1909, p. 27; Tesoro del Congregante Seminarista, Buenos Aires, 1897, p. 123; Manual das Congregafòes, Lisbon, 1888, p. 35; Schwarzler, Sodalis Marianus, 1909, pp. 116, 136; Bacher, Die Studenten-Kongregation, Vienna, 1908, p. 60; Opitz, Unterm Lilienbanner, 1904, p. 14; Kongreganistak, 1910, p. 61; Pod Praporem Mariànskym, 1905, p. 100; Dwyer, Children of Mary Manual, 1907, p. 36; Manual, San Francisco, 1907, p. 66; Vest Pocket Manual, 1905, p. 23; New Manual, St. Louis, 1904, p. 33 ; Mullan, The Book of the Children of Mary, 1907, p. 82 ; Re- gulat e Sulet e Kongregazionit t’eois Nunziat , Scutari, 1894, p. 21. — 3 Hujitas de Oro, Barcelona, 1907. p. 280; Reglamento, Mexico, 1885, p. 32; Pesch , Regel-und Gebetbuch, 1884, p. 74; Patiss, Die Jungfrau, etc., 1889, p. 343 ; Marianisches Congregationsbuch, Mainz, 1863, p. 99; Frey, Die Marianische Sodalitdt, 1905, p. 60; Sattler, Bayern, p. 332; Portrait de VEnfant de Marie, Abbeville, p. 19; Brucker, Petit Livre, 1905^.96; Bouffier, Les Fétes de la Ste. Vierge, 1891, p. 469 ; R'eglement pour les Congregations des Meres de Families, Lille, p. 44 ; Crasset, Le Vera Devozione, ec., Venezia, 1722, II, p. 666; Fleury, Manuel, 1893, p. 105; Congregation de la Ste. Vierge, Tournai, 1901, p. 41 ; De Boy- lesve, Manuel, 1888, pp. xxx, 118; Maurel, Manuel, 1854, p. 34; Heynen, Congregatie Boek, 1880, p. 55; Lester, Manual and Guide, 1908, p. 41; Gavin, Manual. 1900, p. 45; Vaughan, The People’s Manual, p. 32; Libellus Precum, Liverpool, 1898, p. 39; Manual, Georgetown College, 1902, p. 38; Sindele, Manual, 1910, p. 24; Mullan, The Book of the Junior Sodalist, 1911, p. 76. — * Ehrensberg-Thiissing, Regel-und Gebet- buchlein, 1911, p. 42; Frey, Der Gute Kongreganist, 1905, pp. 95, 96; Brokamp, Die Marianische Sodalin, 1909, pp. 108, X09; Brokamp, Der Marianische Sodale, 1905, pp. 107, 108; Schneider, Regel-und Gebetbuch, 1903, p. 66; Handboekje, Gent, 1894, pp. 63, 94; Vieille, Livret des Congregations, 1886, pp. 4, 30; Manuel, Toulouse, 1884, pp. 3i. INDULGENCES OF THE SODALITY 147 “ Can the Bishop or any other Prelate annex other Indulgences to the same pious Sodality to which Indulgences have already been granted by the Roman Pontiff?... No, unless new conditions are prescribed.” 1 438. The Indulgences of the Sodality of Our Lady do not in¬ clude those of the Society of Jesus or of any other Order. “ No Regulars of any Order, Congregation, Institute or Society, even of the Society of Jesus, could or can communicate to Confraternities... the Indulgences granted to the Regulars themselves.” 2 439. But it is not so in the case of other associations, for, there being no prohibitory clause in the concession of the Sodality In¬ dulgences, these bodies may, along with the Indulgences of the Sodality, enjoy at the same time those of other societies — provi¬ ded, of course, there is no restrictive clause in the concessions to these. “ If there is no express condition made— for example, 11 provided no other Indulgences be found granted,” etc. — the conclusion is that the single Indulgences, even if granted previously, remain valid.” 3 440. We have seend that the profanation of a Church, its withdrawal from an Order to which it belonged, or even its de¬ struction, if it is rebuilt in the same place, do not affect the Indul¬ gences of a Sodality erected in it. Not even if a Sodality lapses through lack of Members, are its Indulgences lost. “ Even if” a certain Confraternity “ lapsed through lack of Mem¬ bers, still its Indulgences ... were not lost.” 5 441. Defects committed before 17 June, 1908, in the canonical erection or aggregation of Sodalities, or in the reception of Mem¬ bers, do not hinder the Sodalists concerned from gaining the So¬ dality Indulgences. “ The above-mentioned petitioner begs your Holiness to sanate all erections, aggregations and receptions hitherto executed with any defect, so that all the Members may certainly continue to enjoy the Indulgen¬ ces.. . — The Sacred Congregation kindly granted the petition.” 6 1 S. C. Indulg., ia Jan., 1878 (Documents, 1558, flf.). — 2 S. C. Indulg., 19 March, 1671 (Documents, 945). — 3 S. C. Indulg., 30 Jan., 1843 (Documents, 1251). — 4 Above, 31. f. — 5 S. C. Indulg., 28 Jan., 1839 (Documents, 1228). — 6 S. C. Indulg. (Doc¬ uments, 1949, f.). 148 SODALITY OF OUR LADY CHAPTER XVI ACQUIREMENT, OWNERSHIP AND USE OF PROPERTY 442. There is a general recommendation in all three sets of Common Rules to keep the Sodality expenses for Feasts, etc., well within the requirements, on one side, of edification, and on the other, of the condition in life of the Members. The reason is that u the poorer Sodalities cannot bear these expenses ; the richer use them for vain show.” u So,” continue the Common Rules of 1885, “ let there be no excess in such expenses, as they often eat up an amount of money which could be better spent on things more .useful for the glory of God and the honor of Our Lady.” The norm is to be “ the advancement of the Members in spirit and devotion.” 1 Jesuit Establishments 443. In certain Jesuit Houses, annual revenues are contrary to the poverty prescribed by the Constitutions. 2 The Sodalities belonging to such Houses are, of course, bound by the same rule, their property 3 being property of the House. Besides, Sodalities with revenues of their own, would be subject to the Ordinary of the Diocese. 444. For these two reasons, it was at first ordered that no Sodality in any Jesuit House should receive bequests or have rev¬ enues of its own, or “have a right in justice to fixed alms .”4 445. In order to keep Sodalities incorporated in the Jesuit Houses in which they existed, Father General Aquaviva, having ordered, as has j ust been said, that these bodies should not receive bequests or have permanent property, further, on several occasions, forbade, as did his successors also, that Sodalities should have or “ build a chapel of their own,” “ lest they should claim the owner¬ ship of it .”5 The Sodality of Our Lady of Loretto, founded at Avignon in 1577, as it owned property and had a fixed revenue, was obliged to put its 1 Documents, 625, 1335, f. See also above, 409, what the Common Rules of 1910 say on this subject, and compare 1957, 2045, 2170. — 2 P. 6, c. 2, nn. 2 , 5. — 3 See 452. — 4 Fr. Gen. Aquaviva, 10 Sept., 1605; Fr. Gen. Vitelleschi, 1616. 1620 (Documents, 798, 930. Compare 920, 943). — 5 Fr. Gen. Aquaviva, 15 June, 1602; 8 Apr., 1605 (Documents, 864, 867); Fr. Gen. Vitelleschi, 13 Aug., 1621; 20 Oct., 1632 ; 2 June, 1633 (Documents, 863, 865. See also 866). ACQUIREMENT, OWNERSHIP AND USE OF PROPERTY 149 business transactions in the name of individuals, when Father General Aquaviva ordered that Sodalities should not have such property and revenues. This proved unsatisfactory in the end, and the Sodality there¬ fore finally severed its connection with the Jesuits, but continued its good works. 1 In 1648, the Bishop of Eichstatt claimed supremacy over a Sodal¬ ity that had property. 2 Because the Sodality property was incorporated in the College prop¬ erty, it was, in one place, ordered that “ no expense should be incurred without leave of the Rector.” 3 446. The Sodality was not even allowed to found a Monte di Pietà (loaning house for the poor) “ depending on it ,”4 nor even to undertake “ the administration of revenues left for the members to distribute among the poor ,”5 and “ alms boxes for voluntary contributions” were in some places prohibited, but in others al¬ lowed, probably with a view to the difference mentioned above be¬ tween ditferent Houses of the Society. 6 447. “ The furniture, etc., of a Sodality is considered as given to the House or College ” but “ with the obligation of its serving for the use of the Sodality as long as this continues in existence.” 7 448. As, however, certain good works cannot be carried on successfully without annual revenues, Father General Aquaviva allowed and recommended a means of providing for the good works in question without infringing on the Society’s poverty. This was by means of a distinct association not belonging to a Jesuit House and which was subject to the Ordinary, and capable of administering property; the association to have the obligation of paying over to the Sodality each year a certain annual income. “ A society or association could be erected, with the approbation of the Ordinary and subject to him, to receive pious bequests and have fixed revenues. But its election of Officers and meetings must take place in a Church or place not belonging to us, and as it is desired that Ours should help and direct this work, a vote is usually passed not to admit into the society or association.... any one who is not a member of the Sodality.” 8 449. Such an association would be bound “ not by a civil 1 Chossat, Avignon, pp. 164-170. — 2 Duhr, Stimmen, 1910. I, p. 292. — 3 Fr. Gen. Aquaviva, 1601 (Documents, 936). — < Fr. Gen. Aquaviva, 12 Nov., 1594 (Doc¬ uments, 928). — 5 Fr. Gen. Vitelleschi, 5 Aug., 1622 P- * 5 6 - — 11 Ibidem, 1907, Dec., p. 17. — 12 Stella Mat., 1909, p. 238. Cf. 1908, p. 160. — 13 Sodal.-Corr., 1896, p. 56. — 14 Los Santos Ejercicios para Obreros, Barcelona, 1907, p. 23. 4 WORKS OF THE SODALITY l6l the making of bad laws. 1 The Young Ladies’ Sodality of Norwood in Australia watched by twos before the Blessed Sacrament as long as it was present. 2 40 Sodalists every month kept up the Nocturnal Ado¬ ration in groups from 9 to 4 in the Workingmen’s Sodality at Beyrouth. 3 60 out of 75 men Sodalists of the Karlsruhe Sodality belonged to the Confraternity of Perpetual Adoration, each spending one hour before the Blessed Sacrament, on the second Sunday of the month, from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. 4 The St. Gall Young Men’s Sodality gave popular science lectures and instruction in declamation and singing. 5 The Priest’s Sodality of Lima in Perù (1605) had 40 Masses said yearly for its dead. 0 The Munich Citizens’ Sodality made a foundation of Masses (1700). 7 The Augsburg Citizens’ Sodality joined the Temperance and the Press Union in a body. 8 The Linz Ladies’ Sodality had one or two of its members at the railroad station “ to protect travelling servant girls and give them advice and help.” 9 In 1909-10, a Section of this Sodality brought to Christian marriage 72 pairs who had been living in sin.'° The Teschen Ladies’ Sodality organized vacation work for poor children, furnishing the materials free. 11 The Lemberg Ladies’ Sodality, in 1903, gave dresses and sweets to 100 poor children in December, and had a monthly collection for the poor, and supported the cause of Catholic schools. 12 The Wynberg (South Africa) Convent Sodality made and repaired vestments, visited the sick poor, bringing them delicacies and clothing, visited the sick soldiers in the hospital, and carried on a sew¬ ing class. 13 The Sodality of Young Business Men of Aix-la-Chapelle interested itself in religious lectures, yearly Retreats, the Peter’s Pence, foreign Missions, Catholic libraries, popular science lectures (which it introduced in more than 70 German cities), schools for Catechism (Sundays), writing, and arithmetic. 14 The Sodality of the Professed House of Mex¬ ico, early in the 17th. century, collected a fund to furnish dowries to girls exposed to danger. 15 The Ladies’ Sodality of St. Brigida in Mexico educated 70 poor girls in 1900. 16 A Young Workingmen’s Sodality at Vienna 17 had an agitation Committee, to secure new Members. See also the inspiring record of the work done by the Boston Alumni Sodality — the Catalogue of the Catholic books in the Public Library, an employment bureau for deserving male applicants, work for Catholic sailors, the lecture bureau, the bureau of information for Young Catholics coming to study in the professional schools of Boston, one of the purposes being to 11 place them with good Catholic families.” 18 The Georgetown 1 Bericht, Koln, p. 62. — 2 Sodat.-Corr., 1899, p. 130. -- 3 Une Congregation d' Ouvriers à Beyrouth, p. 21. — 4 Fahne Martens, 19 n, p. 60. — 5 Sodai.- Corr., 1896, p. 132. — 6 Sodal.-Corr., 1899, p. 39. — 7 Sodal.-Corr., 1^98, p. 102. — 8 Fahne Mariens, 1906, p. 153. — 9 Fahne Martens, 1906, p. 111. — 10 Fahne Ma¬ rtens, 1911, p. 04. — 11 Fahne Mariens, 1905, p. 163. — 12 Fahne Mariens. 1905, p. 67. — 13 Irish Madonna, 1901, Aug., pp. 29, f. — 14 Echo der Gegemvart, 10 Oct., 1905, cited in Etudes, 1905. 4, pp. 530, f. — J 5 Sodal.-Corr., 1901, p. 179. — 16 Sodal.- Corr., 1901, p. 180. — 17 Lahne Mariens, 1907, pp. 24, ff. — 18 Woodstock Letters, 1902, pp. 105, ff. 11 IÓ2 SODALITY OF OUR LADY College Sodality, in 1902, took over the management of the Apostleship of Prayer in the College. The Promoters introduced organized Eucha¬ ristic work, perpetual Communion of reparation being secured by as¬ signing the various classes to set days. 1 The Philadelphia Alumni Sodality instituted a course of lectures, gave religious instruction to the Catholic boys in Girard College, worked up the Catalogue of the Catholic books in the Public Library and held discussions on Catholic questions of public interest, such as the attitude of Catholics towards the temporal power of the Holy See. 2 After this Catalogue of works, it will not surprise any one to read what was said of Syracuse in 1591: “Of the Sodalisls of the greater Sodality this in general can be said: Nearly every work of piety in this city was either begun by them or is not brought to perfection without them.’’ 3 Several Sodalities have merited the special approval of the Father General for their works; for instance, that of the Annunciation at Havana, 4 that of Gentlemen at Buenos Aires, 5 those of the College of Santiago de Chile, 6 and that of Married Men at Barcelona. 7 Sections 475. Perhaps nothing in the history of Sodalities of Our Lady has been so remarkable and widespread in these later times as the formation and development of what are called Sections. A Section is a portion of the members of a Sodality who form a sub¬ ordinate body for the promotion of some particular Sodality work. Sodalities with large membership find it impossible to institute in the whole body more than a very limited number of works of piety and charity, and still more difficult to control them, once they exist. The reason is the disinclination of individual members to certain forms of work and the inability of the Director and Council to look after the details of many works together. For these reasons, the zeal of Sodalists, and especially of their Directors, has devised what are now generally known as Sections of the Sodality. 476. Each Section takes up a work of its own, either one in¬ tended to help the Sodalists in sanctifying themselves — as, for instance, the Section established to promote the practice of daily Communion — or one meant to benefit the neighbor — as the Section for securing the Last Sacraments to the Dying — or one with the double purpose of advancing the Sodalists in sanctity and of aiding the neighbor — as those Eucharistic Sections which add to 1 Woodstock Letters, 1902, pp. 51, ff. — 2 Woodstock Letters, 1903, p. 282. — 3 Annual Letters, quoted in Beguiristain, La Comunion frecuente, etc., p. 39. — 4 30 July, 1907. — 5 12 June, 1907. — 6 10 Oct., 1906. — 7 14 Dec., 1910. WORKS OF THE SODALITY 163 the practice of frequent Communion that of drawing others to so holy an exercise. 477. Sections for Sodality works are not a new institution : in fact, though not in name, there were such bodies in the early So¬ dalities. But the first authoritative recognition of any of these divisions of the Sodality was in the year 1910, when the Sove¬ reign Pontiff Pius X gave his Apostolic blessing to a Eucharistic Section which put before itself the double purpose mentioned above. “ The Father General related that the Sodalists of Our Lady in va¬ rious Colleges in America had formed among themselves a Eucharistic Section, the members of which engaged to be present every day, as far as possible, at the holy Sacrifice ol the Mass, to receive Holy Com¬ munion daily, or at least three times a week, and moreover to induce the other pupils to adopt the same salutary practice. The Holy Father having heard this, not only showed his great pleasure, but imparted a special Apostolic blessing to each one of the Sodalists belonging to the Section and to the Directors of those Sodalities.” 1 478. A few days after the news of this act of the Sovereign Pontiff had been sent from Rome to the Colleges in America, ap¬ peared the Common Rules of 1910, in which not only Eucharistic Sections but all kinds are approved of and strongly recommended. “ To do these works successfully, it will be well, if the number of the Sodalists permits, to form particular Sections, each with an organi¬ zation of its own, though always subject to the governing authority of the Sodality.’’ 2 479. Not resting in the general recommendation of Sections to the Sodality as a whole, the same Common Rules, further on, urge the individual Members of the Sodality “ to take an active part in some one of these Sections ” and it is even suggested “ to make this of obligation,” if circumstances permit.3 480. A clearer idea of the working of Sections can be got from the concrete instance of a Sodality in which they exist in a highly de¬ veloped state. We find none about which information is more available than the great Sodality of Our Lady Immaculate and St. Aloysius of Barcelona, “ a model Sodality for the whole Catholic world.”* In its printed annual Catalogue for 1911, the part on Sections runs from p. 123 to p. 186. 1 Fr. Gen. Wernz, 28 Nov., 1910 (Documents, 2047, f.). — 2 Documents, 2077. — 3 Documents, 2131. — 4 Prasides-Korr., 1911, p, 45. i64 SODALITY OF OUR LADY I. First come the Sections for fostering piety. These were: i. the Laus perennisi a body whose object is a never ceasing succession of acts of devotion to Our Lady, St. Joseph and St. Aloysius — the maintenance of lamps and candles before Our Lady's statue in honor of St. Aloysius and St. Stanislas, and of candles before the picture of St. Joseph, St. Peter Claver and St. Francis Borgia ; visits daily to Our Lady 2 and St. Joseph; Saturday Mass, with music by the Music al Section. The Laus perennis was divided into three Subsections, each fully organized with its own Officers. One of the subdivisions, the Guard of Honor, had its own Prefect, Sub-Prefect, Secretary, and 23 heads of groups: Membership, 353. — 2. Sunday Communion. This Section also had its own Prefect, Secretary and Reader, with over 150 Members. These received Holy Communion every Sunday and Holy Day of obli¬ gation, most of them in a body. — 3. Daily Mass and Communion for the needs of the Sodality, with its Prefect and Secretary and over 80 Mem¬ bers. II. The Sections for charity were the following: 1. Visits to the Holy Cross Hospital, with its General Prefect, two Sub-Prefects, Secre¬ tary, 8 Promoters, 4 Librarians, 2 Catechists and more than 70 Visi¬ tors .3 — 2. Visits to the leper Hospital of St. Lazarus, with its Prefect, Secretary, Treasurer and 35 Visitors. — 3. Visits to the Hospital of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, with Prefect, Sub-Prefect, Secretary, Children’s Catechist, 2 Librarians and 15 Visitors. 4 — 4. Visits to the Poor House, with Prefect, Sub-Prefect, Treasure, Librarian and 2 Catechists. — 5. Visits to the Little Sisters of the Poor, with Prefect, Secretary, Treasurer and Visitors. — 6. The Clothes Department, with its own Officers. This col¬ lected and kept cast off clothes to be distributed as needed. III. The Sections for the spread of the Faith were: 1. Catechism classes in a parish Church, with Prefect, 2 Sub-Prefects, Secretary, Vice- Secretary, Treasurer and 15 Catechists. — 2. A Boys’ Club, with President and Vice-President, Secretary, Vice-Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian and 2 Sections, each with its Officers and respectively 6 and 7 Custodians of Order. This work had, as a Subsection, the Sodality of Our Lady of the Purification and St. Joseph, erected in the same Church. The Prefect, First Assistant, Secretary and Instructor of Candidates of this were Sodalists of the larger Sodality; the other Officers were young workingmen : the choir, however, was directed by the Sodalists of the 1 Of a kindred Section at Manila we read: “It is a great pleasure to watch the appointed Sodalists coming at 5 p. m. and kneeling devoutly before the altar of the Blessed Virgin in our Church. They make a visit to Our Lady and another to St. Aloysius... You cannot imagine how much this simple practice has enkindled the spirit of devotion and piety among our day-scholars” ( Woodstock Letters , 1903, p. 98). — 2 In a similar way, the Valencia children of Mary were divided into choirs, one of each being appointed for every day of the month to visit Our Lady (Reseha Historica, 1911, p, ia). — 3 This section had to its credit, in 1910, nearly 16,000 visits, with over 6,500 periodicals distributed. — 4 This section, in 1910, made over a,600 visits and distributed over 5,000 Catholic publications. WORKS OF THE SODALITY 165 larger Sodality. Another Subsection was Sunday Communion; a third, that of Visits to the Poor Children’s Hospital; a fourth, that of the Classes, with its Spiritual Director, President and Vice President, Secre¬ tary, Treasurer and 2 Teachers; a fifth, that of Mutual Benevolence, administered by the Sodalists in the main Offices, all the rest being left to the workingmen members. Other subdivisions were a Savings Bank and a Cooperative Store. — 3. House of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Peter Claver, with its Officers and managers from the Sodality, and a total Membership of 334. The House managed: 1. Children’s Catechism classes, with Officers, including an Examiner, 2 Custodians of order and 17 Catechists; 2. the Sodality of the Mother of God, with the chief Of¬ ficers from the larger Sodality and numbering 69 workingmen and 35 children Members ; 3. schools, with Spiritual Director, President, Vice- President, Treasurer and 4 Professors. There was a day school with 140 children, an elementary with 147, a higher with 32, and a night school for drawing with 29; 4. a Mutual Benevolence Society, with So- dalist head Officers and workingmen members. The House also had a Savings Bank and a Cooperative Store. — 4. A House for working children and youths, with Officers and 17 Catechists. — 5. The Aposto- late of the spoken word, by lectures, with a Priest Director, a Secretary, Vice-Secretary and 29 Members. — 6. The Apostolat of the Press, 1 managed by a Prefect, Treasurer, 14 Consultors and a distributing Com¬ mitee ho Members). Besides these works of its own, the Sodality cooperated in the Noc¬ turnal’ Adoration through 44 of its Members and in a Sunday Club for young workingmen with 20 of its Members. 2 481. As further instances of section work we may mention the following : The Choir and others of the Citizens’ Sodality of Cologne attended the Forty Hours in the various Churches, in early times, to add to the splendor of the service. 3 In the St. Gall Young Men’s Sodality, there was a section for per¬ petual adoration, with 105 members; 5 or 6 being always present before the Blessed Sacrament from n to 5 every Sunday. 4 In the College of Valencia, there were Sections common to the three College Sodalities: for dailv, and for almost daily Communion; for the teaching of Catechism in the parishes ; for the management of night schools for workingmen; for visits paid to the hospitals on Sundays and Thursdays during walks, with permission of the student’s family. 5 1 This section in January, 1911, distributed over 13,000 pieces of Catholic lite¬ rature, and supplied such reading to 18 hotels, 19 cafés, 26 Workingmen’s Clubs and 42 barber shops. — 2 On the works of this Sodality see also J. G. V., Caridad y Accion social, Barcelona, 1909. Because of its many activities, the Rules of the Sodality forbid its Members belonging to any other kindred association (Reglas, 1907, p. 30). A similar prohibition existed in the Pactum Marianum of the Lucerne Priests in 1656 (Grosse Lateinische Congregation, p. 28). — 3 Muller, p. 57. — 4 Sodal.-Corr., 1896, p. 132. — 5 Catalogue, 1906-7, pp. 29, ff. i66 SODALITY OF OUR LADY In the Seminary of Mariaschein, the 80 students of the senior So¬ dality formed 3 Sections : one for the building of a new Chapel, one for the spread of Catholic literature, and one to give aid to weaker students in their studies. 1 In 1907, there was a Xavier section among the Junior Sodalists of the same College, to help the heathen Missions. 2 The full account of the Section work of a certain Young Ladies’ So¬ dality at Vienna makes very interesting reading, 3 as does also that of the Linz Ladies’ Sodality, 4 of the Basle Men’s Sodality, 5 and of the College Sodality at Calocsa, with the list of good works for the month of May. 6 At the College of Feldkirch, an Ave Maria Section was formed, a living rosary “ to honor the Mother of God daily in the name of the whole Sodality." 7 Among the same student Sodalists, in 1909, there were several groups. “ The first group should distinguish itself, after the example of St. Stanislas, in fervor of religious life ; the second guard, whose exemplar is the cheerful St. John Berchmans, will aim at perfecting themselves in relation to their division and their Superiors ; the third strives, through cheerful self-sacrifice and constant work to form their character by daily self-conquest, following the example of St. Aloysius. The principle is : A Sodalist can belong to only one Section ; not, however, as a lagger, but as an active member.’’ 8 A Section in a Young Ladies’ Sodality in the Diocese of Freiburg in Breisgau was formed to procure books for the blind. 9 A Sodality in Vienna formed a Poor Souls’ Section to provide a monthly Mass for them, binding themselves to say a short prayer daily, to wear a certain medal in order to gain the Portiuncula Indulgence, and to say the beads or offer Holy Communion once a month, all for the benefit of the Holy Souls. 10 A Section for study and for Catholic action was formed in the Sca¬ letta at Rome for the older Members. 11 One of the commonest Sections in modern Sodalities is the Eucha¬ ristic. The Young Ladies’ Sodality in a country place called Mosontarcsa in Hungary began their frequent Communion work by introducing Gen¬ eral Communions. Then Sunday groups were formed, who approached the Holy Table at High Mass every Sunday for 3 months, not-without having to brave human respect. The effect gradually produced on the whole parish was so marked that whereas, in the year 1907, there were only 1500 Communions, the number in 1908 was 4,650, and in 1910, during only 8 months, 10,056. This Sodality also introduced first the custom of visiting the Blessed Sacrament and then a daily hour of watch 1 Der Kongreganist, 1906. 1, p. 5. — 2 Ibidem, 1907. 2, p. 25. — 3 Fahne Ma¬ rtens , 1906, pp. 71, f. — 4 1909, p. 61. — 5 1910, p. 68. — 6 Maria-Congregacio, 1908. 1, pp. 28, ff. — 7 Fahne Martens, 1908, p. 151. — 8 Ibidem, 1909, p. 188. — 9 Fahne Martens, 1909, p. 252. — 10 Fahne Mariens, 1910, p. 270. — 11 Stella Mat., 1910, p. 64. WORKS OF THE SODALITY 167 before the Blessed Sacrament, attended later on by 200 persons. 1 The two Sodalities of St. Louis University “ worked together in furthering the movement for frequent Communion.” Fully 200 students went to Holy Communion at least once a week. 2 The Children of Mary established in Augsburg in 1911, presented a booklet of Rules for the approval of the Father General. 19 of its 51 pages deal with the Sections. The Eucharistic Section, under the patron' age of St. Gertrude, was to promote frequent Communion, the St. Theresa Section had the care of adorning the altar, the St. Elizabeth Section had charge of the poor, especially through work done for them, the St. Fran¬ cis Regis Section was to secure the Chiistian character of marriage, the St. Afra Section to protect the young in danger to faith or morals, the B. Peter Canisius Section was to promote the Catholic press, the St. Francis Xavier Section, the heathen Missions, while the St. John Berch- mans Section was to work against intemperance. A similar splendid list of Sections may be seen in Catalogo de la Congregacion Mariana del Ateneo , Manila, Feb., 1911, the Sodality being composed of students, business men, manufacturers and members of other professions. Among numerous other works, this Sodality publishes a paper in the native language. 3 The Merchants’ and Officials’ Sodality of Freiburg in Breisgau had a Section to contribute to the building of a House of Retreats for the Archdiocese of Freiburg. 4 The Junior Sodality of St. Louis University formed a Readers' Guild , with three degrees, requiring the reading of one or more Catholic books each month. 5 CHAPTER XVIII ACADEMIES 482. When, in 1584, the Sodality of the Annunciation became the Primary, there had already existed for 15 years 6 an Academy composed of rhetoricians, philosophers and theological students of the Roman College. In the book called Officialese we read that in 1593 also, “ according to the old custom of our Primary Sodality, in the presence of our Director, Fr. Francis Massa, and Fr. Charles San- grio of the Academy and George Peter Paravicino, Prefect, with his Assistants, Andrew Coeva, and Angelo Damasceno, and also of the Academicians of both the Sodalities (Senior and Junior), 1 Fahne Martens, 1911, p. 8. — 2 Fleur de Lis, 1911, May, p. 213. — 3 Pp. 14, ff. — 4 Fahne Mariens, 1911, p. 116. — 5 Fleur de Lis, 1908, p. 240. — 6 Hist S. J., 1569, n. 49. — 7 p. X03. i68 SODALITY OF OUR LADY Theodore Rubeus was made Rector of our Parthenian Academy for this and the two following months.” This is the last time that mention is made of such an election, the Academy being separated from the Sodality on 3 April, 1593. This was done by Decree XI of the Council, regularly inscribed in the book of the most im¬ portant Decrees” z 483. The existence of Academies is alluded to in the Rules of 1587. 2 It is unnecessary to add that what the present Rule says of the antiquity of the Academies is strictly true, as may be seen in the History of the Sodality of Our Ladyf> and in the Rules of the Ratio StudiorumA Though the Prima-Primaria Academy was separated from the Sodality as early as the year 1593, the fact that nevertheless the Ratio StudiorumA excludes any one not a Sodalist from the Academies shows not only the original but the continued connection of the Academies with the Sodality. The present Rule clearly establishes this connection, for under the Com¬ mon Rules df 1910, the Sodality itself takes on a character of activ¬ ity no less intellectual than devout, which is very well adapted to the maintenance of Academies. 484. The exercises of the Academy thus formed are described in the rules of the Ratio Studiorum, and consisted in repetitions, declamations and disputations of the various classes. 6 485. The ancient union of the Academy with the Sodality or rather the existence of the first as part of the work of the second, upon which it depended ,7 was later on reestablished in many So¬ dalities, but in none with such splendid success or such distinct profit as in the Sodality of Our Lady Immaculate and St. Aloysius Gonzaga in Barcelona. 486. The rule of 1910 touching Academies is due to the ini¬ tiative of this renowned Sodality and it is therefore proper to re¬ produce here by way of illustration the report contained in its printed Catalogue of 1911. After a notice 8 setting forth the aims of the Academies, it gives the list of the general Officers — the Director of the Sodality, a Secre¬ tary General and 11 Honorary Presidents — and then reports on the various bodies. First comes the Academy to form Members to take part in the spread of the Faith, then the Academy of Philosophy and Lite¬ rature (51 Members, 13 lectures in 1909-10), then that of Law and So¬ ciology (89 Members, 11 lectures), that of Medicine (84 Members, 12 lectures), of Science and Pharmacy (87 Members, 11 lectures), of En- 1 Notizie isteriche, 1725, p. 99. — 2 Documents, 708. — 3 Delplace, p. ro. — 4 Institutum S. J., Ill, pp. 228, f. — 5 Documents, 754. — 6 Institution S. J., Ill, pp. 228-234. — 7 Notizie i storiche , 1725, p. 100. — 8 P. 189. ACADEMIES 169 gineering (84 Members, 14 lectures), of the Fine Arts (43 Members, 12 lectures), of the Catalonian language (with a meeting every fortnight) of instrumental and vocal Music (34 Members), and of the German and En¬ glish languages. The subjects treated in the various Academies during the year 1909-10 are subjoined. 487. The Common Rules of 1910 approve of Academies in So¬ dalities of Our Lady. They point out the reason for their existence and define, up to a certain point, their working and their object. The last words of the next paragraph we will quote are to be spe¬ cially noted, as they show how Academies may be useful even for Sodalities not composed of students. “ It is quite in accordance with the original plan of Sodalities to have in them, especially if they are Sodalities of students, one or more Academies, for the young to practise themselves in scientific, literary, ar¬ tistic and economic exercises, to help them in their studies or profession, and to secure for them, under the direction of competent persons, correct views on questions connected with Catholic faith and morals.” 1 Of the kind referred to in the first part of this Rule was the Debat¬ ing Society started in the Young Men’s Sodality at Budweis 2 and in that of Young Students at the Gesù Nuovo, Naples. 3 Examples of oc casional exercises of such Academies are found in the Dramas so com¬ monly represented by Sodalities, as for instance between 1600-1650, 4 and in the Public Academies of student bodies, as for instance in that of the Chieri Sodality, 8 Dec., 1907, described in the Stella Matutinal and in that of the Young Ladies’ Sodality of Mosontarcsa in"Hungary, consist¬ ing of poems and music and of a report on the preceding year’s work. 6 Under the same head may be mentioned a beautiful custom of the Col¬ lege of Szatmar. In May, 1904, at a daily Sodality meeting, an address was made by one of the members in honor of Our Lady. 7 Of the kind mentioned in the second part of the Rule, were the as¬ semblies for lecture courses and discussions of the Aix-la-Chapelle Young Merchants’ Sodality 8 and those for the lectures provided “to meet the needs of the more advanced” of the Naples Sodality. 9 To the same class of exercises belong also the Social lectures given to the Sodality at Freiburg, 10 and the Catechism taught to young workingmen Sodalists in the Caravita at Rome. 11 See also the admirable array of sessions, announced one every Sunday from Jan. to June, 1911, of the Social Peda¬ gogical Academy for the Teachers of Valencia 12 and the full list (no «.-A. Vrr\ • • 1 Documents, 2078. — 2 Fahne Mariens, 1907, p. 161. — 3 Stella Mat., 1909, p. 108. — 4 Duhr, Stimmen, 1910. 1, p. 381. — 5 1908, p. 49. — 6 Fahne Mariens, 1911, p. 114. — 7 Bus, Kalaus, p. 147. - 8 Die Bedeutung der MarianischenCongregationen, Aachen, 1880, p. 51. — 9 Stella■ Mat., 1909, p. 108. — 10 Bericht, Koln, p. 49. — 11 Stella Mat., 1907, p. 200. — 12 Sesiones, etc. An inspiring report on one of those meetings is found in La Voz de Valencia, 22 May, r i7o SODALITY OF OUR LADY fewer than 163I of the Academy meetings, 1 Feb. to 1 June, 1910, in the Sodality of Our Lady Immaculate and St. Aloysius of the same city. 1 Sodality Academy work in later times has often had considerable development. In the Clerks' Sodality at Cologne, for instance, in 1895, there was “ a course in single and double book-keeping, in stenography and in French.” 2 In general, as to the manner of instructing the Sodalists, see the very sensible suggestions proposed in the Sodality Congress of Valencia, 3 along with the practical resolutions passed on the same subject, suggesting the employment of library facilities, periodicals, the writing of resumés of works read, questions put and answered. 4 CHAPTER XIX WORKS IN WHICH SODALITIES UNITE TOGETHER 488. Of late years, new bonds of union have been established among Sodalities, by means of Congresses, Confederation and So¬ dality Newspapers and Periodicals. Sodality Congresses 489. The Holy Father twice sent his hearty blessing to the Sodality Congress at Barcelona (1904) with the prayer that “ God, in His goodness, and His great Mother conceived without sin might forward the’ zealous labors of the assembly.” 5 Through the Nun¬ cio at Vienna he imparted his Apostolic Benediction to that at Linz (1907) with the hope “ that this general assembly, diligently and well prepared as it has been, may have a happy issue and produce rich fruits for religion.” 6 490. The first approval of Sodality Congresses given by the Jesuit head Superiors for members of the Society of Jesus is that of Father General Martin in 1903. 7 The wise and definite counsel he gave on the occasion was repeated by him in the following year, and Father General Wernz, following in his footsteps and quoting him, gave a still more formal approval in the following words: “ This new means of union and mutual edification has been ap¬ proved with much applause in the various Sodality Congresses, for instance 1 Academias , etc. — 2 Sodal.-Corr., 1895, p. 55. — 3 Congreso, p. 140. — 4 Ibi em, p. 257. — 5 Primer Congreso Hispano-Americano, Barcelona, 1905, pp. 16, 117. — 6 Reden nnd Referate, p. 16. — 7 Documents, 1957. WORKS IN WHICH SODALITIES UNITE TOGETHER I/I in that of Barcelona, in the international Congress in Rome; and has produced the best results. Hence, Congresses instituted in a right spirit and with prudent moderation, being very well adapted to the char¬ acter of the times, are not only to be approved of by Jesuits, but also to be promoted.... Let the profit of souls be sought, and solid piety; let not money be spent solely for the splendor of the Feast, but let all.be or¬ dained to secure practical and permanent results.” 1 These ideas were inserted in almost the same words in the Common Rules of 1910. 2 Perhaps the first Sodality Congress of modern times was that held at Aix-la-Chapelle in 1862. 3 Since 1895, such Congresses have been fre¬ quent. We need only mention, in 1895, those of Lille and Tournai 4 and that of Diisseldorf (9 June), with 53 associations of workingmen and 152 delegates, and the Vienna Congress (14 June) of men Soda- lists; 5 in 1896, those of Kostheim (21 June), of Salzburg, (3 Sept.), with 150 Sodalists, and of Vienna '25 November), with 600 men Sodalists; 6 in 1897, those of Dornbirn (12 September), and of Vienna (13-16 November), composed of young and grown men, with 43 Sodalities represented and including some ladies; 7 in 1899, those of Cologne (25 July), made up of young merchants from 10 cities, of AltOtting (8-10 September), with some 15,000 Sodalists from Bavaria, Austria, Germany and Switzerland, 8 and of the Vienna Sodalities (4 Dec., 1899), when 20 of all classes were rep¬ resented; 9 in 1900, the fifth assembly of the 5 Men’s Sodalities of Inns¬ bruck (25 March!, 10 the Congress of Mariazell (21 July), with its 3000 men from the Vienna and 14 other Sodalities, 11 and the fourth Congress of the Vorarlberg Sodalities at Dornbirn (9 Sept.); 12 in 1902, those of Freiburg in Switzerland (20, 21 Aug.), with Sodalists from Bavaria, Ger¬ many, Austria, and of Mannheim (27 Aug.), with over 1000 men pres¬ ent ; 13 in 1903, the Congress of Directors at Madrid; 14 in 1904, the Con¬ gresses of St. POlten (29, 30 May), with some 1200 Sodalists present, mostly of the common people, girls included, 15 of Rome (7-9 September), with over 600 Italian men Sodalists, representing more than 30 Sodali¬ ties, 10 the first Polish Sodality Congress, called for 29 Sept., at Lem¬ berg, 17 that of Barcelona (22-27 November), with its 64 Spanish and 8 Spanish - American Sodalities represented by over 1800 Members and Protectors, and with 5800 present at the inaugural sermon; 18 in 1905, the Congresses of Prague (at Pentecost), composed of Bohemian-speaking Sodalities, 19 of the 100 Baden Priest Sodalists at Offenburg (15 June), 20 of the Linz men’s Sodalities (22 Oct.), 21 of Vienna (18 Nov.), being the First 1 Reply, 1910, Documents, 2043. — 2 Documents, 2169, f. — 3 Bericht, Koln, p. 58. — 4 Congrès, p. 193. — 5 Sodai. -Corr., 1895, pp. 57, 46. — 6 Sodai. -Corr., 1896, pp. 95, 119, 145. —• 7 Sodal.-Corr., 1897, pp. 118, f., 136, ff. — 8 Sodai- Corr., 1899, p. 142, and O/ficieller Bericht. — 9 Sodal.-Corr., 1900, p. 15. — 10 Ibidem, 1900, p. 76. — 11 Bericht, Koln, p. 27. — 12 Sodal.-Corr., 1900, p. 172. — 13 Bericht, Freiburg. — 14 Above, 81. — 15 Fahne Mariens, 1904, pp. 130, f. — 16 Stella Mat., 1904, p. io- — 17 Fahne Mariens, 1904, p. 190. — 18 Primer Congreso Hispano-Americano, p. 19. — 19 Stella Mat., 1908, p. 178. — 20 Fahne Mariens, 1905, p. 118. — 21 Fahne Mariens, 1905, p. 194. 172 SODALITY OF OUR LADY General Austrian Congress; 1 in 1906, the Congresses of Matarò (16 Apr.', with 212 Catalonian Sodalists present, 2 and of Einsiedeln, (19-21 Aug.), for German-speaking Sodalists; 3 in 1907, those of Eger (6 August), with 42 Members from 3 Bohemian Sodalities, 4 and of Linz (7-9 September) for German Sodalists, with a few delegates from Paris, Belgium and Roumania; 5 in 1908, those of Braga (28 June), 6 of Mariaschein (30 July-i August), with 200 students present, 7 of Velehrad (15, 16 Au¬ gust^ 8 the great Sodality meeting at Absam (30 August), 9 and the Con¬ gress of Saragossa, in Sept; 10 in 1909, the Congress of the Baden So¬ dalities (20, 21 June) at Karlsruhe, 11 of Palma (8-12 July) with over 1000 Sodalists present, and more than 65 Sodalities enrolled, 12 of Vienna (3-5 September); 13 in 1910, the Congress of Salzburg (18-21 July), with 1700 German Sodalists, 14 and of Budapest (12, 13 November) with 3000 So¬ dalists; 13 in 1911, the Congress of Tarragona (5-9 July), to which 300 So¬ dalities sent in their adhesion and 60 memoirs were presented, 16 and that of Feldkirch (27-29 Aug.), with 6,000 Vorarlberg Sodalists parti¬ cipating. 17 Of these Sodality Congresses some were but events in Catholic Congresses, as at Aix-la-Chapel!e (1862), at Salzburg (1896) and at Mannheim (1902) ; or in Marial Congresses, as at Freiburg ,1902), Einsie¬ deln (1906) and Saragossa (1908). Some, on the contrary, were purely Sodality Congresses. A large number were mere social gatherings, as at Vienna (1899), Innsbruck (1900) and Dornbirn (1900). Some of the Congresses were for special classes of Sodalists, as at Dusseldorf (1895) for workingmen, at Vienna (1895, 1896) for men’s Sodalities, at Dornbirn (1897) for young and grown men, at Cologne (1899) for young merchant Sodalities, at Mariaschein (1908) for students. A certain proportion of the gatherings were diocesan, as at Diisseldorf (1895) for the Archdiocese of Cologne, at Kostheim (1896) for the Diocese of Mayence and at St. POlten (1904). Others were for individual cities, as at Lille, at Tournai, at Vienna (1895), at Mariazell (1900). More were for certain countries, as at Matarò (1906) for Catalonia, at Palma (1909) for Aragon. Others again were for distinct languages, as at Vienna (1897), at Altòtting (1899), at Mariazell (1902), at Freiburg (1902), at Mannheim (1902), at Rome (1904), at Barcelona (1904), at Prague (1905), at Vienna (1905), at Eger (1907), at Einsiedeln (1906) at Linz (1907), at Velehrad (1908), at Salzburg (1910). 1 Fahne Mariens, 1905, p. 182. — 2 Stella Mat., 1906, p. 107. — 3 Fahne Martens , 1906, pp. 145, ff. — 4 Der Kongreganist von Mariaschein , n. 3, p. 17. — 3 Reden und Referate. — 6 Fahne Mariens, 1908, p. 21 x. — 7 Der Kongreganist, n. 5. — 8 Stella Mat., 1908, p. 177. — 9 Fahne Mariens, 1908, pp. 221, f. — 10 Fahne Ma¬ riens, 1909, p. 152. — 11 Fahne Mariens, 1909, p. 252. — 12 Secando Congreso Re¬ gional. — 13 Fahne Mariens, 1909, pp. 217, ff. — 14 Prasides-Korr., 1910, Oct. — 15 Fahne Mariens, 1911, pp. 15, f. — 16 Correo Mariano, 1911, p. 150. — 17 Fahne Mariens, 1911, p. 224. WORKS IN WHICH SODALITIES UNITE TOGETHER 173 Congresses of Directors 491. In 1904, Father General Martin gave his approbation to an “ assembly of forty or fifty Directors of Sodalities of men and youths,” and called attention to the fact that “ probably a more usful and solid good might be drawn from this than from a meeting in Rome.” Much depends upon similarity in the general conditions of a country. 1 The approval of Father Martin was reiterated by Father General Wernz, 2 and final sanction was accorded to Con¬ gresses of Directors in the Common Rules of 1910.3 Directors’ Congresses have been held either in connection with So dality Congresses, as at Salzburg (18 July, 1910), 4 with about 130 Direc¬ tors present; or separate, as at Madrid (1903), at Mayence (13 April, 1904), 5 for Directors of young men’s Sodalities ; at Aix-la-Chapelle (2 May, 1904), 6 12 Directors of Men’s Sodalities present; atEnghien (5 Sept., 1904), with 34 Directors present; at Linz (1907), for German-speaking Di¬ rectors; at Vienna (17 May, 1907,) 7 at Innsbruck (28-30 August, 1908,) 8 at Munich (1908), for Bavaria, with 14 Directors of men’s Sodalities. 9 The Directors’ Congress of Feldkirch (28-29 Aug., 19H) was attended by no fewer than 260 Priests. 10 A number of Congresses have had General Consultation meetings of the Directors and Councillors present. We may mention those of Aix- la-Chapelle (1903), and of Vienna (5 Sept., 1909). 11 Purpose and Results 492. As to the purpose and results and resolutions of the Congresses, we may briefly note the following: The General Sodality meetings —first celebrated in 1863— of the Diocese of Mayence “ have the purpose of collecting the Sodalists every year in a place determined beforehand, for mutual encouragement and stimulation in the service of Our Lady. On this occasion reports will also be presented on the condition of the several Societies.” 12 The Salzburg Congress of 1896 strongly recommended the Soda- len-Correspondenz, urged greater uniformity in receptions, etc., and closer relations among Sodalities, and noted that Sodality Congresses need not necessarily be connected with Catholic Congresses. 13 1 Documents, i960, f. — 2 Reply, 1910 (Documents, 2043). — 3 Documents, 2169. f. — 4 Fahne Mariens, 1910, p. 169. — 5 Fahne Martens, 1904, p. 125. — 6 F aline Martens, 1904, p. 126. — 7 Fahne Mariens, 1907 p. 89. — 8 Fahne Mariens, 1908, pp. 218, ff. — 9 Prast'des-Korr., 1908, Nov., p. 6. — 10 Fahne Mariens, 1911,‘p. 225.— 11 Fahne Mariens, 1909, pp. 220- ff. — 12 Sodai- Corr., 1896, p. 95. — 13 Sodal-Corr, 1896, pp. 119, f. i 74 SODALITY OF OUR LADY Reports on the condition of the Sodalities interested were present¬ ed at Dornbirn (1897 and 1899). 1 The Vienna Congress of 1897 recommended that the history of the Sodalities should be written, that a People’s Mission should be accepted as Sodality work, that mutual communication of Sodalities and their confederation through Local General Councils should be secured, and that the Sodalen-Correspondenz should be supported. The Altotting Congress of 1899 voted for more complete organiza¬ tion and confederation, the furtherance of the Canisius Society to promote his canonization, the foundation and good management of middle schools Sodalities, and the encouragement of charity. The Mariazell Congress (1900) recommended attention to the interior life of the Sodalist, supported the Sodalen-Correspondenz and urged the sending of statistics to it. The Barcelona Congress of 1904 called for the creation of Sodalities in the great centres of secondary teaching, “ with works of piety and zeal, with Sections for the spread of the Faith, and with scientific, literary and artistic Academies, ” proposed intercommunication among So¬ dalities of the same region, warmly commended the Apostolate of the Press and favored the establishment of a Sodality Review and the fight against pornography and blasphemy, formed The Spanish-American League of Sodalities of Our Lady , “ to regulate and make uniform among Spanish peoples the external life of the Sodalities in the public, religious and social order, ” the headquarters to be at Barcelona, and established a central Supreme Council at Madrid for the purpose of “ making uniform and strengthening the interior life of Sodalisties.” The Sodality Congress at Matarò (1906) declared recreation rooms, etc., to be no part of Sodality work, adhered to the Spanish-American Sodality League and formed a local league with the same objects. The Einsiedeln Sodality Congress (1906) voted the formation of a central bureau at Vienna, proposed a periodical for Directors, urged the collection of Sodality statistics, recommended the Sodality Paper, pro¬ posed Diocesan leagues, and regular Congresses independent of others, favored Sodalities for the young, commended the Peter’s pence and the Societies of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Elizabeth, condemned the por¬ nographic press, urging Catholics to give their names to Catholic press associations and to help on Catholic papers. The Braga Congress (1908) made resolutions against bad books, recommended workingmen’s Sodalities, the protection of travellers by means of the Raphael Union, and proposed the formation of Sections for the teaching of Catechism. The Congress of Saragossa (1908) voted for the Spanish-American Sodality League , for the formation of a General Council to promote the interior life, and for the establishment of central Sodalities in educational centres. 1 Sodal.-Corr., 1897, 118, f., 1899, 114, f. WORKS IN WHICH SODALITIES UNITE TOGETHER 175 The Valencia Congress of 1906 and the Palma Congress of 1909 entered into all the Sodality life in detail, treating in three and four sections respectively of the Sodality’s religious, intellectual and artistic life, of its social activity, and of the intercommunication of Sodalities. he Vienna Congress of 1909 passed the following resolutions: Rec¬ ognizing the interior life as the main purpose of Sodalities, it urged the practice of frequent Communion. It recommended apostolic activity and the formation of Sections, pressed home the importance of the Di¬ rector and the Council, recommended conferences of Directors and their union in a Sodality, urged upon Sodalists the duty of combatting worldly ideals and prejudices hostile to the Church and of correcting mor¬ als, exhorted them to set bad marriages right, recommended the tak¬ ing of a Sodality paper and the joining of the Pius Union, and com¬ mended temperance work, urging Sodalists to join Temperance Societies. The Salzburg Congress of 1910 recommended Theologian and Priest Sodalities, and the Apostolate of Missions, and Retreats. In the Director’s Congress, it urged that Theologians should be taught how to manage Sodalities, favored the production of Sodality literature, diocesan and other Conferences of Directors, the avoidance of nationalist questions, and the training of the Council. The Budapest Congress of 1910 passed resolutions recommending apologetic libraries in all Sodalities, yearly Retreats, systematic social and charitable work, and the confederation of Sodalities. The purpose of Sodality Congresses was excellently stated by a veteran congressist, Mons. Mehler, at Freiburg: “ A Sodality Congress should, first of all, be an examination of conscience for the participants, Sodalists and Directors, whether in their Sodalities the true Sodality spirit is in force and exerts itself in the proper way, and whether, in the present difficult times, the Sodality is doing its bounden duty in every way. Secondly, it should be an incentive to new fervor and new activ¬ ity, as the work of the Sodality is far from being exhausted.” 1 Confederation 493. Another unifying project was also approved of by the Com¬ mon Rules of 1910, namely that of a confederation of Sodalities, with its own organization. The immediate source of this rule is the action taken at various Congresses recorded just above. “ It also helps to the greater glory of God and the honor of Our Blessed Mother, that, where it can be done, Sodalities of the same class and country should form a permanent league among themselves with a common Council.” 2 The celebrated Father Coster, who shares with B. Peter Canisius and Ven. James Rem the honor of having been the Founder and Direc- 1 Sodal.-Corr., 190a, p. 148. — 2 Documents, 3x72. 176 SODALITY OF OUR LADY tor of numerous early German Sodalities, had this idea of confederating Sodalities as early as 1576. He proposed five items of union: “ Com¬ munity of prayer and merits in life and death, admission to the Sodal- lity immediately a Member from another place submits the certificate of an allied Sodality; mutual inclusion in prayer at the choice of the Month¬ ly Patrons, prayers for deceased Members of all the Sodalities, and a quarterly report from each Sodality on its work and the fruits produced.” 1 A union of the kind existed between the Sodalities founded outside of Cologne with the Cologne Citizens’ Sodality. The allied societies ex¬ changed gifts, communicated to one another their good work and prayers, prayed for one another at the monthly distribution of Patrons and of¬ fered suffrages for the dead of the sister Sodalities, and received Mem¬ bers from the other Sodalities as Members of theirs. 2 The widespread league so formed continued far into the 19th. century, each Sodality send¬ ing the others its list of dead every year and asking prayers. The league in the last 50 years included 48 Sodalities. 3 Sodalities in and about Lucerne issued diplomas of affiliation to allied Sodalities. In 1785 there were 30 Swiss and German Sodalities in this league. 4 On this subject, for the German-speaking countries between 1600 and 1650, see Duhr. 5 A confederation of the Merchants’ Sodalities of Bonn, Coblentz, Cologne, Mayence, Munster and Paderborn was formed in 1865, each, apparently every year, sending representatives to a common meeting. 6 The Congress at Einsiedeln urged the confederation of all the So¬ dalities in the respective Dioceses. 7 See the inspiring account of the establishment of a General Council in a Sodality social gathering at Vienna. 8 A similar General Council was formed at Palma. 9 The Catalogue of the Sodality of Our Lady Immaculate and St. Aloy- sius of Tarragona (1908J 10 reports the formation of the League of So¬ dalities of Catalonia and the Balearic Isles formed at Barcelona 3 June, 1906, giving its fundamental articles, and adding 11 the Statutes of the Spanish-American Sodality League. A slightly different kind of Confederation, or rather a certain affil¬ iation, of Sodalities, is recorded of some countries. Thus the Augsburg Men’s Sodality had a number of dependent branches. 12 The Sodalities of Augsburg, Amberg and Cham had many branches. One common diocesan Director was named by the Bishops of Augsburg and Regens¬ burg for their respective Dioceses. 13 In a similar way, the Academic 1 Quoted in Duhr, Geschichte, I, p. 359. — 2 Muller, p. 31, f. — 3 P. 3a. Cf. 56, 183. — 4 Die Grosse Lateinische Congregation, p. 51. — 5 Stimmen, 1910, I, p. 394. — 6 Die Bedeutung der Marianischen Congregationen, Aachen, 1880, p. 60. — 7 Stella Mat., 1907, p. 24. — 3 Sodal.-Corr., 1895, p. 120. — 9 Correo Mariano, 1911, May, p. 97. — 10 Pp. 140, 141. — 11 P. 142. — 12 Fahne Éarietts, 1906, p. 153. — 13 Fahne Martens, 1909, p. 158. WORKS IN WHICH SODALITIES UNITE TOGETHER 177 Sodality of Budapest establishes colonies in various places. These are com¬ posed of Sodalists and Candidates in places where there is no Sodality. They are organized under an Assistant : the Prefect and the Director are those of the Sodality at Budapest. Connection is kept up by circulars, and by occasional visits from the Director and others. Gradually each colony is prepared to become an independent Sodality. Each has a Consul among the members at Budapest to represent it at head¬ quarters. 1 Periodicals 494. In December, 1881, El Congregante de San Luis, a monthly “ organ of Sodalities of Our Lady and St. Aloysius,” began to be published at Tortosa. The purpose, set forth in the first issue, was to bind “ the sister Sodalities together” and to provide a help “ to maintain the spirit of the Rules and to communicate news and edify¬ ing notices.” Its inaugurators hoped to enjoy the support of the Jesuit Fathers of the Scholasticate of Tortosa. It was addressed to the young, and its editors and readers were granted Indulgences by the Church authorities. El Congregante de San Luis was discon¬ tinued in December, 1896, to make way for a Sodality paper more adapted to the times. In 1895, four Prefects at Vienna, following, apparently, a suggestion made by Father Ludwig in 1889, 1890, 3 conceived the project of starting a Sodality periodical with the object of “ propagating Sodalities everywhere, but especially in German countries, and of binding them more closely together under the glorious banner of the Queen of Heaven.” This idea was well received by Father Martin .3 The plan proposed resulted in the month¬ ly publication of the periodical called Sodalen - Corresponded, styled Fahne Mariens since 1904, which has become daily more popular, and is unquestionably the most important Sodality paper now in existence. In the first number of the Sodalen-Corresponded, Father Abel stated that the paper would contain: 1. Official acts of the Holy See, of the Ordinaries, etc.; 2. Matter dealing with “ the history of the Sodal¬ ity in general and of individual Sodalities of the old times; ” 3. “ Com¬ munications on the condition, feasts and particular works of each So¬ dality of our own day,” with special emphasis on the lessons learned from experience; 4. Edifying accounts of deceased Sodalists ; 5. Sodality stories; 6. A Sodality Question-Box; 7. Sodality advertisements. 4 The Sodalen-Corresponded was warmly recommended at the Con¬ gress of Freiburg by Director Mehler, “ as a means of union and of 1 Fahne Mariens, 1911, pp. 15, f., p. 86. — 2 Congrès, p. 181. — 3 Documents, 1955, — 4 Sodal.-Corr., 1895, P- 2 - 12 i 7 8 SODALITY OF OUR LADY keeping up interest in Sodalities,” and the resolution was offered and passed that the ‘ 1 Chronicler of each Sodality should send to it a yearly report on the condition of his Sodality.” 1 The same resolution was adopted at Mannheim. 2 The Fahne Martens was also recommended at the Congress of Einsiedeln. 3 , The Polish Sodality paper, Sodalis Marianus , was voted for by the Sodality delegates present at Cracow in 1901. At first, it appeared every 3 months, but since Oct., 1903, every month. 4 The Italian Stella Malutina (Dec., 1904), a monthly published at Rome, was inaugurated by the Jubilee Congress of 1904. In Spain, the two chief Sodality periodicals are El Correo Mariano (1907), published at Palma monthly and supported by the General Council of the city, 5 and Lo Pensament Maria (1907), a fortnightly issued at Mataró. The Hungarian paper is called Maria-Congregació (1907) ana is now monthly. The Estrella do Mar (1909) is the monthly “ organ of the Sodalities of Brazil,” issued at Sao Paulo. ' A Sodality Bulletin was advocated for French-speaking peoples also. 6 The very important periodical for Directors, known as the Prasi- des-Correspondenz and published at the Fahne Mariens office, was asked for at Einsiedeln. 7 It is a quarterly. Besides the papers mentioned, we may note the quarterly Australian (1897) and Irish (1898) Madonna, Der Augsburger Sodale (1904), 8 the Croatian Pod Zastavom Bezgrjesne Djevice (1907), 9 the quarterly Bohe¬ mian Ve Szluzbàch Kràlovny (1908), the bi-monthly Morning Star of Trichinopoly (1908), the Unsere Fahne (1910), a monthly for students, and the Marienglócklein (19x1) for children, both published at the Fahne Mariens office. The New York Pilgrim used to contain a certain amount of matter for Sodalities, and the same is true of the London Stella Maris , but these, like other partly Sodality papers, cannot be considered to belong simply to this category. There are also not a few papers published for individual Sodalities. We may mention the Paginas Marianas of Vitoria, the Sodalengruss aus Teschen and Der Kongreganist von Mariaschein. 495. The Common Rules of 1910 expressly approve of the pro¬ duction and the reading of Sodality periodicals such as these. “ Commendable also is the practice both of publishing and of read¬ ing Sodality periodicals which treat of Sodality matters, and foster the Sodality spirit in their readers.” 10 1 Bericht, Freiburg, p. 62. — 2 Bericht, p. 122. — 3 Stella Mat., 1907, p. 24. — 4 Congrès, p. 184. — 5 Correo Mariano, 1911, May, p. 98. — 6 Congrès, p. 186. — 7 Stella Mat., 1907, p. 24. — 8 Fahne Mariens, 1907, p. 193, — 9 Fahne Mariens 1907, p. 193. — 10 Documents, 2171. DISSOLUTION OF A SODALITY 179 CHAPTER XX DISSOLUTION OF A SODALITY 496. A Sodality of Our Lady can, of course, be suppressed by the Holy See. 497. As has been seen, the mere dying out of members does not break up a Sodality, 1 nor is it dissolved by the profanation of the Church in which it exists. It is needless to add that the civil power cannot suppress a Sodality of Our Lady. This is clear from the nature of the body, and is, besides, confirmed by the following decision. The Oratorians were suppressed in Turin. Restored later, they pe¬ titioned the Holy Father to have their Indulgences, etc., secured to them. “ The Sovereign Pontiff replied that they had not lost the In¬ dulgences and privileges; for “you were oppressed,” he said, “not suppressed : the suppression was illegal.'’ — This answer was further confirmed by the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, 26 Aug., 1840. 2 Jesuit Houses or Colleges 498. Sixtus V, 5 January, 1587, gave power to the General of the Society of Jesus to dissolve any Sodality which proved an obstacle to a House or College of the Society. “ We will, however, that if the said Sodalities or any of them should at any time cause hindrance to, or in any way work to the prejudice of the said Society or its Houses and Colleges, the same General or Vicar shall be impowered to break them up.” 3 499. This power was extended by Sixtus V to Sodalities in institutions not belonging to, but under the care of, the Society of Jesus, and by Gregory XV to Sodalities in Jesuit Residences, and was made general by Benedict XIV for all Sodalities of either sex in any kind of Jesuit establishment. The last statement is based on this Pope’s making all such Sodalities entirely subject to the Jesuit authorities. “ We extend each of the said letters and everyting contained in them to the Sodalities ” under the care of the Society of Jesus. 4 “ The provisions of the aforesaid letters observed in everything.” 5 1 Part I, 440. — 2 Documents, 1230, ff. — 3 Superna disposinone, (Documents, 567). — 4 Sixtus V, Romanum decet, 29 Sept., 1587 (Documents, 592). — 5 Gregory XV, Alias pro parte, 15 Apr., 1621 (Documents, 832). i So SODALITY OF OUR LADY “ They are entirely to execute everything enjoined or prescribed, as well in temporal things as in spiritual, for the management, care, gov¬ ernment and administration of the Sodality.” 1 As to the property belonging to a Sodality dissolved, see above, 456. Non-Jesuit Institutions 500. The Ordinary has the power, when there is sufficient rea¬ son, to dissolve a Sodality subject to his jurisdiction. This follows from the very fact of its being subject to him. Such reasons would be, for instance, serious infidelity to the proper end of the Sodality or to its Rules, rebellion against ecclesiastical authority, unman¬ ageable opposition to the Director, or grave scandal. The Sodality retains, of course, the right to appeal to a higher tribunal against the Ordinary’s decree of suppression. We have spoken above about the disposition to be made of the property of a dissolved non-Jesuit Sodality. 2 1 Benedict XIV, Laudabile Romanorum, 15 Feb., 1758 (Documents, 1124). — PART 2 DOCUMENTS I SOURCES OF THE DOCUMENTS Acta Ordinis Minorum vel ad Ordinerò quoquo modo pertinentia, in lucem edita ad Claras Aquas, 1882. — Acta Sanctae Sedis, Romae, 1865-1908. This periodical, 23 May, 1904, was declared by the Sovereign Pontiff “ authentic and official — Voi, 37, 1904 - 5, beginning. Archives of the Prima Primaria. Archives of the Sacred Congregation de Propaganda Fide. Archives of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Beringer — Les Indulgences, leur Nature et leur Usage d’après les dernières Déci- sions de la S. Congrégation des Indulgences —par le R. P. F. Beringer, S.J., Consulteur de la raème S. Congrégation — Traduction Mazoyer, troisième édi tion, Paris, 1905. The Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, 6 Aug., 1904, declared this book “ authentic as far as the Indulgences contained in it are concerned ”. — Voi. I. p. VI. Also, Deuxième Appendice à la troisième édition — Décisions et concessions des années 1905 et 1906. See the approval of this Appendix by the Sacred Congregation of Indul gences, 6 March, 1907. Bizzarri — Collectanea in usum Secretariae Sacrae Congregationis Episcoporum et Re- gularium, cura A. Bizzarri, Archiepiscopi Philippensis, Secretarii, edita Romae, 1885. Bullarium Diplomatum et Privilegiorum Sanctorum Romanorum Pontificum, Tauri- nensis editio... Cura et studio R. P. D. Aloysii Tomassetti, Augustae Taurino- rum, 1857-1872. Collectanea Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, seu Decreta, Instructiones, Rescripta pro Apostolicis Missionibus, Romae, 1907. Concilium Tridentinum. Decreta Authentica Congregationis Sacrorum Rituum ex Actis ejusdem Collecta ejus- que auctoritate promulgata sub Auspiciis SS. Domini Nostri Leonis Papae XIII, Romae, 1898-1901. Decreta Authentica Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis Praepo- sitae ab anno 1668 ad annum 1882, edita jussu et auctoritate Sanctissimi D. N. Leonis PP. XIII, Ratisbonae, Neo-Eboraci et Cincinnati, 1883. Epistolae Praepositorum Generalium ad Patres et Fratres Societatis Jesu, 1847-1908. General Archives of the Society of Jesus. Institutum Societatis Jesu, Florentiae, 1892-1893. Leges et Statuta Sodalitatum Beatae Mariae Virginis quae Primae Primariae Roma- nae conjunctae sunt, Romae, MDCCCLV. Library of the Scots’ College, Rome. Praepositorum Generalium selectae Epistolae et Documenta ad Superiores, Veson- tione, 1877. Responsa Generalium Societatis Jesu, una cum quibusdam aliis Responsis et Reso- lutionibus ex Consultationibus cum Patribus Assistentibus habitis, collectis ab anno 1598. In Part 2, whatever is in Italics is not found in the original Documents. The same is true in the case of each Document, of its number, date, title, rubrics and marginal numbers. DOCUMENTS TOUCHING THE SODALITY OF OUR LADY No. i. i March, 1467. Bull AMBiTiosAE of Paul II. The unauthorized alienation of church property prohibited. PAULUS EPISCOPUS, SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM 501 Ambitiosae cupiditati, illorum praecipue qui, divinis et huma- nis afìectatis, damnatione postposita, immobilia et pretiosa mobilia Deo dicata, ex quibus Ecclesiae, monasteria et pia loca reguntur illustranturque et eorum ministri sibi alimoniam vindicant, profa - nis usibus applicare aut cum maximo illorum ac divini cultus detrimento exquisitis mediis usurpare praesumunt occurrere cu- pientes ; g Q2 1. Omnium rerum et bonorum ecclesiasticorum alienationem omneque pactum per quod ipsorum dominium, concessionem, hy- pothecam, locationem et conductionem ultra triennium, necnon in* feudationem vel contractum emphyteuticum, praeterquam in casibus a jure permissis, ac de rebus et bonis in emphyteusim ab antiquo concedi solitis, et tunc cum Ecclesiarum evidenti utilitate, ac de fructibus et bonis quae servando servari non possunt, pro instan¬ ti temporis exigentia, hac perpetuo valitura constitutione fieri prohibemus.... 3. Si quis, contra hujus nostrae prohibitionis seriem, de bonis et rebus eisdem quicquam alienare praesumpserit, alienatio, hypo* theca, concessio, locatio, conductio et infeudatio hujusmodi nullius omnino sit roboris vel momenti. Bullarium romanum — Paul li, 1 March, 1467 — Voi. j, pp. 194, ips- Preamble Prohibition Penalty 4 * COUNCIL OF TRENT, 1563 — S. C. OF BISHOPS AND REGULARS, I579 No. 2. 1563. Decree of the Council of Trent. The Bishop's power to make the visitation of Confraternities and exact an ac¬ count of their finances. \ CHAPTER 8 Control of Confraternities Episcopi, etiam tanquam Sedis Apostolicae delegati,.... ha- 504 beant jus visitandi.... Confraternitates laicorum, etiam quas scho- las sive quocumque alio nomine vocant...; ac omnia quae ad Dei cul- tum aut animarum salutem seu pauperes sustentandos instituta sunt ipsi ex officio suo, juxta sacrorum Canonum statuta, cognoscant et exequantur, non obstantibus quacumque consuetudine, etiam im¬ memorabili, privilegio aut statuto. chapter 9 Administrators Administrators, tam ecclesiastici quam laici, fabricae cujusvis 505 Ecclesiae, etiam Cathedralis, Hospitalis, Confraternitatis eleemosy- nae Montis Pietatis et quorumcumque piorum locorum, singulis annis teneantur reddere rationem administrationis Ordinario, con- suetudinibus et privilegiis quibuscumque in contrarium sublatis; nisi secus forte in institutione et ordinatione talis Ecclesiae seu fabricae expresse cautum esset. Quod si ex consuetudine aut pri¬ vilegio aut ex constitutione aliqua loci, aliis ad id deputatis ratio reddenda esset, tunc cum iis adhibeatur etiam Ordinarius: et aliter factae liberationes dictis administratoribus minime sufifragentur. Concilium tridentinum, Session 22. No. 3. 19 August, 1579. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regu¬ lars. Confraternities to be allowed to collect alms under supervision by the Bishop. nucerina Al Vescovo di Nocera Li Priori e Confratri della Compagnia di S. Giovanni di No- 506 cera si sono doluti che Vostra Signoria gli proibisca che non pos- sino andar cercando elemosine per distribuirle in opere pie, il che RULES OF MISSIONS. 1582 — GREGORY XIII, 5 DEC., 1584 5* è parso che sia con fondamento di poca ragione, massime che si offeriscono render conto di dette elemosine a Vostra Signoria ogni settimana o vero ogni mese, come più le piacerà. E perciò hanno risoluto questi miei Signori Illustrissimi che io Le dica che desista da tale impedimento; ma tenga mano che in cercar queste elemosine fugghino il nome e fatti delli questuarii tanto abominati dal Con¬ cilio di Trento e dalle Bolle Apostoliche. 19 Agosto, 1579. Bizzarri, Collectanea, p. 226. No. 4. 1582. Rules of Jesuit Missions. Those on missions not to make Rules for any Confraternity . 507 22. Sine facultate Superioris nulli Confraternitati Congrega- tionive statuta condent, seu vetus ilia sit seu nova instituenda vi- deatur. Institutum s. j., Ill . 21. The date is derived from Regulae s. j., 1582, a copy of which is in the Library of the Scots' Col¬ lege, Rome . No. 5. 5 December, 1584. Bull OMNiPOTENTis dei of Gregory XIII. Canonical erection of the Primary Sociality in the Roman College; fndul- gences granted; powers conferred on the General of the Society of fesus to erect, and aggregate to the Primary, other Sodalities in Jesuit Colleges out of Rome ; his pow¬ ers for the government of these bodies. The document containing the Indulgences granted before 1584. is not given here, as antedating the canonical erection of the Primary . to be “ the Mother and Head of all the So¬ dalities of the world 1 GREGORIUS EPISCOPUS, SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM 508 Omnipotentis Dei Salvatoris nostri, qui, ex pietatis suae su- perabundantia, fidelium mentibus coelestis inspirationis gratiam et devotionis ardorem, ad Divinae Majestatis obsequia et piorum ope- « Preamble Good works of the Primary at Rome Indulgences granted similar bodies elsewhere The Primary head of all 6 * GREGORY XIII, 5 DEC., 1584 — THE PRIMARY rum exercitia salubriter peragenda, continuo infundit, exemplo ad- ducti, in earn pastoralis officii curam cogitationemque sedulo incum- bimus, per quam ipsorum fidelium, fructuosis hujusmodi operibus et exercitiis vacantium, religio et devotio continuum suscipiat incre- mentum, eisque votiva salus proveniat animarum. Alias siquidem per Nos accepto quod plerique probi et pii ado- 509 lescentes, bonarum litterarum studiis in Collegio Nostro Societatis Jesu de Urbe insistentes, singulari erga Beatissimam Mariam Vir- ginem, Dei genitricem, affectu ducti, ac etiam Lectorum et Magi- strorum suorum spiritualibus cohortationibus ad id accensi, Eccle- siam Annuntiationis ejusdem Beatae Mariae, in corpore aedificiorum dicti Collegii consistentem, certis statutis diebus et horis frequen¬ tare et cum eximia devotionis sinceritate cordisque contritione con- scientiam suam per Confessionis et Sanctissimae Eucharistiae mini- sterium expurgare, ac divinis officiis, colloquiis et exhortationibus spiritualibus aliisque piis et salutaribus operibus vacare solid erant, factoque inde ad illorum exemplum majore aliorum concursu, mutuis studiis se invicem consociaverant : Nos, ut pium hoc institutum peramplius coalesceret, eisdem et 5*o aliis Christi fidelibus hujusmodi spiritualibus operibus et exercitiis pro tempore addictis, nonnullas Indulgentias et peccatorum suorum remissiones concessimus; prout in Nostris inde confectis litteris plenius continetur. Cum autem, sicut exhibita Nobis nuper, pro parte dilecti filii 511 Praepositi Generalis dictae Societatis, petitio continebat, in diversis mundi partibus et praesertim insignioribus Europae civitatibus, ejusdem Societatis Collegia ad juventutem bonis moribus et virtu- tibus ornandam ac vera pietate sacraque doctrina imbuendam pro- pagari; illorumque externi scholares ibidem studiorum causa con- fluentes, optima devotionis et piorum operum hujusmodi exercitia ferventi studio imitari ; et exinde multiplices fructus ad Dei gloriam ipsiusque Divini Nominis cultum, ac Beatae Mariae Virginis ho¬ norem, necnon publicam salutem et spiritualem consolationem pro¬ venire coeperint; et operae pretium sit ut, quemadmodum piarum 512 et fructuosarum exercitationum hujusmodi institutum, a scholaribus dicti Collegii de Urbe, (quod Nostris auspiciis et impensis magnifico aedificiorum et structurarum opere a fundamentis innovatur et ex- struitur), primordium suum in dicta Ecclesia Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae habuit, ita quoque inibi eorundem scholarium Primaria Con- gregatio seu Primarium Sodalitium, sub titulo ejusdem Annuntia¬ tionis Beatae Mariae, ad laudabile eorum in piis operibus et offi¬ ciis hujusmodi studium, Nostris beneficiis et Indulgentiarum prae- miis conservandum ac augendum, stabiliatur et instituatur: pro parte GREGORY XIII, 5 DEC., 1584 — ERECTION, DIRECTOR, INDULGENCES 7 * ipsius Praepositi Nobis fuit humiliter supplicatimi ut praemissis annuere, et desuper opportune providere de benignitate Apostolica dignaremur. 513 Nos igitur, religiosum ipsorum scholarium in his spiritualibus exercitiis studium piae voluntatis affectu prosequi volentes, ipsum- que Praepositum a quibusvis excommunicationis, suspensionis et interdicti aliisque ecclesiasticis sententiis, censuris et poenis, a jure vel ab homine quavis occasione vel causa latis, si quibus quomo- dolibet innodatus existit, ad effectum praesentium dumtaxat con- sequendum, harum serie absolventes et absolutum fore censentes; necnon litterarum praedictarum tenores praesentibus pro expressis habentes; hujusmodi supplicationibus inclinati, in eadem Ecclesia unam seu unum externorum scholarium dicti Collegii Nostri, ac etiam aliorum Christi fidelium Societati praedictae devotorum, Primariam Congregationem seu Primarium Sodalitium, sub titulo Annuntia- 514 tionis Beatae Mariae hujusmodi, quae seu quod per praedictum et pro tempore exsistentem Praepositum Generalem dictae Societatis seu, ilio defuncto, donee alius ad officium Praepositi Generalis hujus¬ modi canonice assumatur, per Vicarium etiam Generalem ejusdem Societatis, dirigi debeat, Apostolica auctoritate, tenore praesentium, perpetuo, sine tamen ipsius Societatis praejudicio, erigimus et insti- tuimus. 515 Ut autem Primaria Congregatio seu Primarium Sodalitium hu¬ jusmodi per gratiarum et munerum coelestium largitionem, devo- tionis ac pietatis jugiter proficiat incrementis, de omnipotentis Dei misericordia ac BB. Petri et Pauli, Apostolorum ejus, auctoritate confisi, 516 Omnibus et singulis Christi fidelibus, vere poenitentibus et confessis, qui deinceps in Sodales ejusdem Primariae Congrega¬ tion^ seu Primarii Sodalitii recipientur, tarn die receptionis eorum, si Sanctissimum Eucharistiae Sacramentum in praedicta Ecclesia, aut ubicumque potuerint, eo die sumpserint; 51 7 Quam in mortis articulo; 518 Necnon ipsis ac omnibus et singulis aliis utriusque sexus Christi fidelibus, etiam vere poenitentibus et confessis Sacraque Communione refectis, qui Ecclesiam praedictam die festivitatis ejus¬ dem Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae, a primis vesperis usque ad occasum solis ipsius festivitatis, devote visitaverint, et inibi pro reipublieae Christianae conservatione et augmento, haeresum extir- patione Principumque Christianorum mutua et universali pace, ac Nostra et pro tempore exsistentis Romani Pontificis prosperitate, vel alias preces, prout unicuique- suggerit devotio, ad Deum devote effuderint; Erection of the Primary- Directed by the Jesuit General Indulgences Plenary Partial Members absent from Rome ’.tVT; 8* GREGORY XIII, 5 DEC., 1584 — INDULGENCES, MEMBERS ABSENT Insuper eisdem Sodalibus, similiter vere poenitentibus et 519 confessis , 1 qui in Nativitatis et Ascensionis Domini nostri Jesu Christi ac Annuntiationis, Assumptionis et Conceptionis necnon Nativitatis Beatae Mariae Virginis festis diebus, praedictum San- ctissimum Sacramentum ibidem vel alibi acceperint; — Plenariam om¬ nium peccatorum suorum Indulgentiam et remissionem, Apostolica auctoritate et tenore praesentium, misericorditer-in Domino conce- dimus et elargimur. Ipsisque Sodalibus qui de eorum numero exsistentium vel 520 aliorum Christi fidelium defunctorum corpora ad sepulturam ec- clesiasticam associaverint; Aut infirmi vel impediti, audito signo campanae, genuflexi, 521 si per infirmitatem licebit, Orationem Dominicam et Salutationem Angelicam pro salute animae defuncti vel corporis infirmi recita- verint; Necnon qui congregationibus, tarn publicis quam privatis, ac 522 Divinis officiis spiritualibusque colloquiis, exhortationibus et aliis piis officiis, edam in Sodalis seu aliorum Christi fidelium defuncto¬ rum suffragium, per Primariam Congregationem seu Primarium Sodalitium ordinandis et ab ipso Praeposito seu Vicario Generali approbandis; Quique diebus feriatis Missae Sacrificio interfuerint; 523 Aut vespertino tempore, antequam cubent, conscientiam suam 524 diligenter examinaverint ; Seu pauperes infirmos, tam Sodales quam alios, in hospita- 525 libus vel privatis domibus ; Necnon carceratos visitaverint; 526 Aut pacem inter inimicos conciliaverint ; — Quoties horum 527 quodvis fecerint, unum annum de eis injunctis vel alias quomodo- libet debitis poenitentiis, Apostolica auctoritate et tenore similibus, edam misericorditer in Domino relaxamus; quascumque alias, prae- 528 sentibus non expressas, Indulgentias et peccatorum remissiones, etiam plenarias, et relaxationes scholaribus et aliis praedictis, ra- tione died eorum instituti vel alias in communi, per Nos et Sedem Apostolicam quomodolibet concessas revocando et abrogando. Insuper ne praefati Sodales, si aliquando eos ab ipsa Urbe 529 abesse vel alibi commorari contingat, hujusmodi Indulgentiarum et aliarum gratiarum spiritualium effectu et fructu frustrati remaneant, eisdem Sodalibus extra Urbem ubivis locorum pro tempore com- morantibus ut, in locis ubi eos pro tempore residere seu morari con- tigerit, opera praedicta quae ipsi Sodales in Urbe praesentes pro singularum Indulgentiarum, remissionum et relaxationum hujusmodi consecutione observare deberent, apud Ecclesias eorundem locorum GREGORY XIII, 5 DEC., 1584 — STATIONS, OTHER SODALITIES 9 * aut alibi, prout poterunt, observando et exsequendo, omnes easdem Indulgentias, remissiones et relaxationes habeant, et illae eis pa- riter suffragentur. 53° Necnon tam in Urbe praesentes, quam alibi ubivis locorum com- morantes Sodales Primariae Congregationis seu Primarii Sodalitii hu¬ jusmodi, qui singulis Quadragesimalibus et aliis anni temporibus ac diebus Stationum Ecclesiarum dictae Urbis et extra illius muros, quae a Christi fid'elibus pro consequendis Indulgentiis et remissio- nibus visitari solent, dictae Societatis, si ibi fuerit, alioquin aliam Ecclesiam seu Cappellani in locis ubi eos pro tempore residere seu morari contigerit, ut praefertur, devote visitaverint, et ibi septies Orationem Dominicani et septies Salutationem Angelicam recitave- rint, tot et easdem Indulgentias consequantur quas consequerentur si, iisdem temporibus et diebus, singulas Ecclesias dictae Urbis et extra illius muros hujusmodi pro iisdem Stationibus et Indulgentiis consequendis deputatas personaliter visitarent, ac omnia et singula quae pro hujusmodi gratiarum consecutione quomodolibet requirun- tur piene adimplerent. 531 Praeterea eidem Praeposito, seu Vicario Generali pro tempore exsistenti, ut in quibusvis aliis dictae Societatis Collegiis extra Ur- bem praedictam per universum orbem nunc et pro tempore erectis, seu eorum Ecclesiis, pro eorundem piorum operum incremento, quascumque alias seu quaecumque alia scholarium ibidem littera- rum studiis insistentium et aliorum Christi fidelium ipsi Societati devotorum Congregationes seu Sodalitia, sub eo titulo Annuntiatio- nis Beatae Mariae, quae ab ipsa Primaria Congregatone seu Primario Sodalitio tanquam membra a capite dependeant, auctoritate Nostra, sine tamen Societatis aut Collegiorum et Ecclesiarum hujusmodi 532 praejudicio, erigere et instituere; illasque seu ilia eidem Primariae 533 Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio aggregare; ac eis sic erectis, institutis et aggregatis eorumque Sodalibus praedictas ac omnes et quascumque alias Indulgentias, peccatorum remissiones, relaxatio¬ nes, gratias et facultates, tam spirituales quam temporales, a No¬ bis dictaque Sede Primariae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio de caetero concedendas, ita ut Sodales aliarum Congregationum seu aliorum Sodalitiorum hujusmodi, observantes et exequentes ea quae ipsius Primariae Congregationis seu Primarii Sodalitii Sodales pro Indulgentiis, remissionibus et relaxationibus hujusmodi conse¬ quendis observare et exsequi debent, easdem Indulgentias, pecca- 534 torum remissiones et relaxationes pariter consequantur, facultate aggregandi et gratias hujusmodi aliis concedendi dumtaxat excepta, 535 communicare; necnon tam Primariam seu Primarium, quam omnes et singulas ei aggregandas Congregationes seu omnia et singula The Stations of Rome Power to erect and aggregate similar bodies to visit Sodalities IO GREGORY XIII, 5 DEC., 1584 — OTHER SODALITIES, CLAUSES * and control their Rules Confirmatory clauses Copies Sanction ei aggreganda Sodalitia hujusmodi, per se vel alium seu alios ejus- dem Societatis Presbyteros idoneos, ad id ab eo deputandos, visitare, et pro earum felici statu, regimine et directione quae- 53 6 cumque statuta, constitutiones et decreta, licita tamen et honesta sacrisque canonibus et Concilii Tridentini decretis non contraria, necnon ab ipso Praeposito seu Vicario, si per alium vel alios de¬ putandos hujusmodi fient, examinanda et approbanda edere ac, postquam edita fuerint, quoties, pro eorum et temporum qualitate aut alias, expediens ei videtur, immutare, corrigere, moderari et reformare aut alia ex integro condere libere et licite valeat, eisdem auctoritate Apostolica et tenore perpetuo concedimus et indulgemus; decernentes statuta, constitutiones et decreta hujusmodi, postquam edita, immutata, correcta, moderata, reformata et condita fuerint, ab omnibus Sodalibus praedictis inviolabiliter observari debere; Ac praesentes litteras sub quibuscumque similium vel dissimilium 537 Indulgentiarum et aliarum gratiarum revocationibus, suspensionibus, limitationibus, derogationibus et aliis contrariis dispositionibus, etiam in favorem Basilicae Principis Apostolorum de Urbe, seu Cruciatae sanctae, aut alias per Nos vel alios Romanos Pontifices successores Nostros aut dictam Sedem, etiam motu proprio et ex certa scientia, Apostolicae potestatis plenitudine, seu ad quorumvis etiam Imperatorum, Regum, Reginarum, Ducum et aliorum Princi- pum instantiam, pro tempore quomodolibet factis, minime com- prehendi, sed semper ab illis exceptas et, quoties illae emanabunt, toties in pristinum statum restitutas, repositas et plenarie redin- tegratas ac de novo concessas esse et censeri, necnon omnibus quos illae concernunt suffragari debere; irritum quoque et inane, si secus super his a quoquam, quavis auctoritate, scienter vel ignoranter, contigerit attentari. Non obstantibus praemissis, et Nostra de Indulgentiis ad instar 538 non concedendis, ac aliis constitutionibus et ordinationibus Aposto- licis, caeterisque contrariis quibuscumque. Praesentibus perpetuis futuris temporibus duraturis. Volumus autem ut earundem praesentium transsumptis, etiam 539 impressis, Secretarii ipsius Societatis vel Notarii publici manu, et personae alicujus in dignitate ecclesiastica constitutae, vel pro tem¬ pore existentis Praepositi aut Vicarii Generalis ejusdem Societatis sigillo munitis, eadem prorsus fides ubique locorum, in judicio et extra, adhibeatur, quae adhiberetur eisdem praesentibus, si essent exhibitae vel ostensae. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam Nostrae ab- 540 solutionis, erectionis, institutionis, concessionis, elargitionis, rela- xationis, indulti, decreti et voluntatis infringere, vel ei ausu teme- SIXTUS V, 5 JAN., 1587 — ACTS OF GREGORY XIII II* rario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attentare praesumpserit, indi- gnationem omnipotentis Dei ac BB. Petri et Pauli, ApOstolorum ejus, se noverit incursurum. Datum Romae, apud S. Petrum, anno Incarnationis Domini- cae mdlxxxiv, nonis Decembris, Pontificatus Nostri anno tertio- decimo. Pro Reverendiss. D. Summatore A. Justus. Jo. Baptista Canobius A. de Alexiis. Institutum s. j., I . 103 , ff . No. 6. 5 January, 1587. Bull superna DisposiTiONE of Sixtus V. Extension of the power to erect and to aggregate Sodalities, so that the Gene¬ ral can henceforth erect and aggregate more than one Sodality , under whatever title , in any House or College of the Society , with the communication of the Indulgences and privileges; power given to the General to dissolve Sodalities. SIXTUS EPISCOPUS, SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM 54 1 Superna dispositione, cujus inscrutabili providentia ordinatio- nem suscipiunt universa, in supereminenti Apostolicae dignitatis specula, meritis licet imparibus, constituti; et pia et salubria Chri- sti fìdelium vota quae ad Confraternitatum seu Sodalitatum, prae- sertim in hac Urbe Nostra, rite institutarum laudem et gloriam cum animarum salute tendere dignoscuntur, libenter exaudimus, ipsasque Confraternitates seu Sodalitates condignis titulis extollimus ac alias desuper disponimus prout in Domino conspicimus eisdem Christi fidelibus salubriter expedire. 542 Alias siquidem, pro parte dilecti filii Claudii Aquavivae, Prae- positi Generalis Societatis Jesu, felicis recordationis Gregorio Pa- pae XIII, praedecessori Nostro, exposito, externos scholares ad Colle¬ gia ejusdem Societatis in diversis mundi partibus instituta studiorum causa confluentes pia quaedam et laudabilia scholarium Collegii prae- dictae Societatis de Urbe exercitia ferventi studio imitari, exindeque Preamble Grant of Gregory XIII 12 SIXTUS V, 5 JAN., 1587 — ACTS OF GREGORY XIII ssv * The Primary erected Power to erect and aggregate Petition dictis Collegiis majorem in dies propagationem accipientibus, mul- tiplices fructus ad Dei gloriam ac ejus Divini Nominis cultum et Bea- tae Mariae Virginis honorem, publicam salutem et animarum spiritua- lem consolationem provenire coepisse : idem praedecessor, ad lauda- 543 bile eorundem scholarium in piis operibus et officiis hujusmodi stu- dium conservandum atque augendum, dicti Claudii Praepositi sup- plicationibus inclinatus, in Ecclesia Annuntiationis ejusdem Beatae Mariae, sita in corpore aedificiorum dicti Collegii Urbis (in qua ab ejusdem Collegii scholaribus, sub illius Rectoris et aliorum dictae Societatis Religiosorum directione instructs, tam piarum et fru- ctuosarum exercitationum institutum primordium suum habuerat) unam seu unum externorum scholarium dicti Collegii, ac cum eis simul edam aliorum Christi fidelium Societati praedictae devotorum, Primariam Congregationem seu Primarium Sodalitium, sub titulo jusdem Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae, per dictum Claudium tunc, et pro tempore exsistentem Praepositum Generalem vel, eo absente aut esse desinente, donee novus succederet, Vicarium edam Gene- talem dictae Societatis dirigendam seu dirigendum, sine tamen ipsius Societatis praejudicio, Apostolica auctoritate perpetuo erexit et in- stituit; pluresque Indulgentias, edam plenarias, et peccatorum remis- 544 siones scholaribus et Christi fidelibus praedictis concessit; ac Prae- 545 posito seu Vicario praedicto ut in quibusvis aliis dictae Societatis Collegiis, extra dictam Urbem, per universum orbem, tunc et pro tempore erectis et erigendis, sive eorum Ecclesiis, pro dictorum pio- rum operum incremento et animarum salute, quascumque alias sive alia scholarium inibi bonarum litterarum studio insistentium, ac si¬ mul cum eis etiam aliorum Christi fidelium, ut praefertur, devoto¬ rum, Congregationes sive Sodalitia sub eodem titulo, in singulis scilicet Collegiis singulas seu singula, quae a Primaria Congrega¬ tone seu Primario Sodalitio praedicto, tanquam membra a capite suo, dependerent, erigere et instituere; illasque seu ilia eidem Pri- 54 6 mariae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio aggregare; illisque 547 sic erectis et aggregatis, eorumque Sodalibus, praedictas et quas¬ cumque alias Indulgentias et peccatorum remissiones, relaxationes, gratias et facultates, ab eodem praedecessore et Sede Apostolica ipsi Primariae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio eatenus con- cessas et de caetero concedendas, communicare, et alia facere pos¬ set, itidem etiam perpetuo concessit et indulsit, sub certis modo et forma tunc expressis, prout in litteris ipsius praedecessoris desuper confectis plenius continetur. Cum autem, sicut exhibita Nobis nuper pro parte dicti Claudii 548 Praepositi petitio continebat, ex Congregationibus seu Sodalitiis hujusmodi novi in dies, atque eo majores quo plures sunt Sodales, SIXTUS V, 5 JAN., 1587 — PETITION, GRANT 13* fructus provenire noscantur, et in multis Collegiis, pro Sodalium frequentia ac disparitale, opus fuerit non unam tantum, sed plures 549 in eodem Collegio Congregationes hujusmodi insti tuere; quin etiam in eisdem Collegiis ac etiam Domibus dictae Societatis alia non studiosorum scholarium, sed aliorum piorum Christi fidelium So- • 550 dalitia seu Congregationes passim instituantur : ut igitur tam scho- lares quam caeteri Christi fideles eo promptiores ad hujusmodi Congregationes vel Sodalitia ingredienda reddantur, et ad piorum operum exercitia magis excitentur, ac excitati manuteneantur, quo amplioribus coelestis gratiae donis se ac eorum Congregationes seu Sodalitia decoratas ac refectas ac decorata et refecta esse conspexe- 55 1 rint; pro parte dicti Claudii Praepositi Nobis fuit humiliter suppli- catum quatenus sibi, ac pro tempore exsistenti praedictae Societatis Praeposito seu Vicario Generali, ut in quibusvis dictae Societatis Ecclesiis seu Domibus ac Collegiis, tam in Urbe quam extra earn per universum orbem nunc et pro tempore erectis seu erigendis, quasvis alias, sive scholarium tantum, sive aliorum Christi fidelium tantum, sive utrorumque simul, tam sub eodem Beatae Mariae An- nuntiatae quam alio quovis titulo et invocatione, Congregationes seu Sodalitia, dicta auctoritate perpetuo erigendi et instituendi facul- tatem et licentiam concedere aliasque in praemissis opportune pro- videre de benignitate Apostolica dignaremur. 552 Nos igitur, qui dudum inter alia voluimus quod litterae super Indulgentiis non expedirentur ad instar, nisi specificarentur; ac animarum salutem, nostris potissimum temporibus, sinceris deside- ramus affectibus; Claudium Praepositum, seu Vicarium praedictum ac eorum quemlibet, a quibusvis excommunicationis, suspensionis, interdicti aliisque ecclesiasticis sententiis, censuris et poenis, a jure vel ab homine, quavis occasione vel causa, latis, si quibus quomo- dolibet innodatus exsistit, ad effectum praesentium dumtaxat con- sequendum, harum serie absolventes et absolutum fore censentes, posterioribus supplicationibus hac in parte Nobis porrectis inclinati, 553 eidem Claudio et pro tempore exsistenti dictae Societatis Praepo¬ sito seu Vicario Generali, ut in quibusvis ejusdem Societatis Ec- 554 clesiis, seu Domibus ac Collegiis, tam in dicta Urbe quam extra earn per universum orbem nunc et pro tempore erectis seu erigen- 555 dis et instituendis, quasvis alias, sive scholarium tantum, sive alio- 55 6 rum Christi fidelium tantum, sive utrorumque simul, tam sub eodem Beatae Mariae Annuntiatae quam alio quovis titulo et invocatione, 557 Congregationes seu Sodalitia, unum scilicet vel plura in singulis locis vel Ecclesiis pro personarum frequentia seu qualitate, aucto¬ ritate Nostra, sine alicujus praejudicio, perpetuo erigere et insti- 558 tuere; necnon Congregationes seu Sodalitia hujusmodi, jam nunc Powers extended F avors communicated 14* SIXTUS V, 5 JAN., 1587 — PLACE, NUMBER, TITLE, FAVORS et pro tempore erecta et instituta, eidem Primariae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio auctoritate Apostolica et vigore praesentium litterarum etiam perpetuo aggregare; eisque sic erectis, institutis 559 et aggregatis respective, eorumque Sodalibus, scholaribus et non scholaribus, omnes et singulas, tarn plenarias quam alias, Indulgen- tias et peccatorum remissiones ac relaxationes, necnon exemptiones, immunitates, caeterasque gratias, facultates, indulta et privilegia, spiritualia et temporalia, tam dictae Primariae quam singulis aliis, 560 in quibusvis dictae Societatis Collegiis vel Domibus, aggregatis vel aggregandis, scholarium et aliorum, Congregationibus seu So- dalitiis, hactenus tam per dictum quam alios quoscumque Romanos Pontifices praedecessores Nostros Nosque et Sedem Apostolicam, ac etiam regia et imperiali auctoritate, ac tam per viam extensio¬ ns quam alias quomodolibet et quandocumque concessas et con- 561 cessa hactenus ac in posterum concedenda, quibuscumque aliis, sive scholarium dumtaxat, sive aliorum Christi fidelium tantum, sive utrorumque simul ac mixtim, Congregationibus seu Sodalitiis, in quibuslibet Collegiis aut Domibus dictae Societatis, hucusque insti¬ tutis ac in posterum instituendis, eorumque Sodalibus, scholaribus et non scholaribus, auctoritate Apostolica et vigore praesentium hujusmodi etiam perpetuo communicare, illasque et illa ad easdem 56a omnes Congregationes seu Sodalitia, eorumque Sodales, etiam non scholares, indifferenter et aeque principaliter extendere, ac etiam illis concedere et elargiri libere et licite valeat; ita quod nunc, et 563 quandocumque in futurum ipsi Sodales, scholares et non scholares, quicumque sint, faciendo et observando ea quae Sodales Primariae et aliarum Congregationum seu Sodalitiorum praedictorum pro In- dulgentiis, peccatorum remissionibus, relaxationibus et aliis gratiis praedictis consequendis facere et exsequi tenentur, ipsas Indulgen- tias, etiam plenarias, et alias hujusmodi gratias, plenarie et integre consequantur ac illis fruantur et potiantur ac si illae eis specialiter et ab initio concessae fuissent, auctoritate Apostolica, tenore prae¬ sentium, perpetuo indulgemus. Dictique Gregorii praedecessoris lit- 564 teras, immunitates, exemptiones et facultates, privilegia et indulta, necnon in eis contenta quaecumque, tam respectu dictarum Congre¬ gationum seu Sodalitiorum hujusmodi, quam dicti et pro tempore exsistentis Praepositi seu Vicarii Generalis dictae Societatis, ad praedictas Congregationes seu Sodalitia, scholarium et non scho¬ larium, etiam Christi fidelium quorumcumque, tam erectas quam in posterum, ut praefertur, erigendas, instituendas ac aggregandas, pariter perpetuo extendimus : ita ut omnia in illis contenta, et prae- sentibus litteris hujusmodi concessa, indulta et elargita, ac si spe- SIXTUS V, 5 JAN., 1587 — CLAUSES, DISSOLUTION 15 * cialiter de verbo ad verbum eisdem praesentibus inserta eorumque toti tenores expressi forent, concessa esse intelligantur. 565 Decernentes easdem praesentes litteras sub quibuscumque si- milium vel dissimilium Indulgentiarum vel aliarum gratiarum revo- cationibus, suspensionibus, limitationibus, derogationibus et aliis contrariis dispositionibus, etiam in favorem Basilicae Principis Apo- stolorum de dicta Urbe, seu Cruciatae sanctae, aut etiam per Nos seu alios Romanos Pontifices praedecessores Nostros ac dictam Sedem, etiam motu proprio, etiam potestatis plenitudine, seu ad quorumvis Imperatorum et Regum instantiam pro tempore quomo- dolibet factis, minime comprehendi; sed semper ab illis exceptas et, quoties illae emanabunt, toties in pristinum statum restitutas, repositas et plenarie redintegratas ac de novo concessas esse et censeri debere: irritumque et inane, si secus super his a quo- quam, quavis auctoritate, scienter vel ignoranter, contigerit at¬ tentaci. 566 Non obstantibus praemissis ac voluntate Nostra praedicta, nec- non constitutionibus et ordinationibus Apostolicis, caeterisque con¬ trariis quibuscumque. 567 Volumus autem quod si dictae Congregationes aut Sodalitia vel eorum quaecumque aliquo modo eidem Societati vel Domibus seu Collegiis aliquod impedimentum seu praejudicium pro tempore attulerint, idem Praepositus seu Vicarius illas vel ilia aut eorum 568 singulas vel singula dissolvere possit; quodque praesentium trans- sumptis, etiam impressis, manu Secretarii ipsius Societatis aut No- tarii publici subscriptis, et personae alicujus in dignitate ecclesiastica constitutae, seu ipsius Praepositi aut Vicarii Generalis pro tempore exsistentis ejusdem Societatis sigillo munitis, eadem prorsus tides ubique locorum in judicio et extra illud adhibeatur quae adhibe- retur eisdem praesentibus, si forent exhibitae vel ostensae. 569 Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam Nostrae abso¬ lution^, indulti, extensionis, decreti et voluntatis infringere, vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attentare praesumpse- rit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei ac BB. Petri et Pauli, Apo- stolorum ejus, se noverit incursurum. Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Petrum, anno Incarnationis Do- minicae MDLXXXVI, nonis Januarii, Pontificatus Nostri anno se- cundo. A. Brigantius. Pontius Scaeva. Institutum s. j., I . 108 , Confirmatory clauses Power to dissolve Copies Sanction r.;1 16 * FR. GEN. AQUAVIVA, 16 JUNE, 1587 — SIXTUS V, 29 SEPT., 1587 No. 7. 16 June, 1587. Letter of Father General Aquaviva. Women not to be ad¬ mitted to Sodalities. Por haber entendido que en algunas partes los nuestros, movi- 570 dos de devocion y de la obligacion que a muchos tienen, admiten en las Congregaciones de la Anunciada mujeres para que, estando escritas en lista con los demàs, puedan gozar las Indulgences que los de las tales Congregaciones ganan, y conforme a esto, en las partes que por la calle hay entrada, entran ellas tambien a la Capilla, a estar en los oficios; me ha parecido avisar a Vuestra Reverencia que por no ser esto conforme a la edificacion, ni ayuda ninguna para el retiramiento con que los Congregados deben pro¬ ceder en sus oficios y devociones; ni se admita mujer ninguna para ser puesta en lista con los demàs Congregados, ni menos las tales Capillas, si son distintas y apartadas de nuestras Iglesias, tengan puerta à la calle, por la cual puedan entrar mujeres a hal¬ larse en los oficios ni otra alguna cosa. General archives s. j., N. i, p. 59. No. 8. 29 September, 1587. Bull romanum decet of Sixtus V. Extension of faculties to erect and aggregate , so as to include Sodalities in houses not of the Society , but under its care; extension of the Indidgence for the Feast of the Annuntiation to any titidar Feast; power to transfer this Indidgence with the Feast. SIXTUS EPISCOPUS, SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM Preamble Romanum decet Pontificem, cum de gratiis per eum et Sedem 571 Apostolicam, pro Christi fidelium, Divinae Majestatis obsequiis et piorum operum exercitiis vacantium, animarum salute ac religionis devotionisque et Divini cultus incremento concessis, dubitari con- tingit, illas suae provisionis adminiculo elucidare ac dubitationis hujusmodi causam tollere et alias desuper opportune providere, prout conspicit in Domino salubriter expedire. Acts Dudum siquidem, postquam felicis recordationis Gregorius 572 of Papa XIII, praedecessor Noster, acceperat quod plerique probi et Gregory XIII pi|£ ac j 0 ] escen tes, bonarum litterarum studiis in Collegio suo Socie- SIXTUS V, 29 SEPT., 1587 — ACTS OF GREGORY XIII 17* tatis Jesu de Urbe insistentes, singulari erga Beatissimam Mariam Virginem, Dei genitricem, affectu ducti, etiam Lectorum et Magi- strorum suorum spiritualibus exhortationibus ad id accensi, Eccle- siam Annuntiationis ejusdem Beatae Mariae, in corpore aedificio- rum died Collegii consistentem, certis statutis diebus et horis fre¬ quentare et cum eximia devotionis sinceritate cordisque contritione conscientiam suam per Confessionem et Sanctissimae Eucharistiae ministerium expurgare, et Divinis officiis, colloquiis et exhortationi¬ bus spiritualibus, aliisque piis et salutaribus operibus vacare solid erant, factoque inde ad illorum exempluin majore aliorum concursu, mutuis studiis se invicem consociaverant : cupiens, ut pium istud in- stitutum peramplius coalesceret, eisdem et aliis Christi fidelibus, hujusmodi spiritualibus operibus et exercitiis pro tempore addictis, nonnullas Indulgentias et peccatorum remissiones per quasdam con¬ cessit. 573 Et deinde ipsi praedecessori, pro parte dilecti Claudii Aqua- vivae, Praepositi Generalis dictae Societatis, exposito quod externi scholares ad Collegia dictae Societatis in diversis mundi partibus istituta studiorum causa confluentes, optima devotionis et piorum operum hujusmodi exercitia ferventi studio imitari, et exinde mul- tiplices fructus ad Dei gloriam et ejus Divini Nominis cultum et Beatae Mariae Virginis honorem, necnon publicam salutem et ani- marum spiritualem consolationem provenire coeperant: dictus prae- decessor, ad laudabile eorundem scholarium in piis operibus et officiis hujusmodi studium conservandum et augendum, supplica- tionibus ejusdem Claudii Praepositi ea in parte inclinatus, per alias suas, in eadem Ecclesia unam seu unum externorum scholarium primordii Collegii ac etiam aliorum Christi fidelium Societati prae- dictae devotorum Primariam Congregationem seu Primarium Soda- litium, sub titulo Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae hujusmodi, per dictum et pro tempore exsistentem Praepositum Generalem dictae Societatis vel, eo absente aut esse desinente, donee alius ad officium Praepositi Generalis hujusmodi canonice assumeretur, per Vicarium etiam Generalem ejusdem Societatis, dirigendum seu dirigèndam, perpetuo (sine tamen praejudicio dictae Societatis) erexit et instituit. 575 Omnibusque et singulis Christi fidelibus vere poenitentibus et confessis qui de caetero in Sodales ejusdem Piimariae Congrega- tionis seu Primarii Sodalitii reciperentur, tarn die receptionis eorum, si Sanctissimum Eucharistiae Sacramentum in praedicta Ecclesia aut ubicumque potuerint eo die sumerent, quam in mortis articulo; necnon ipsis ac omnibus et singulis aliis utriusque sexus Christi fidelibus, etiam vere poenitentibus et confessis Sacraque Commu- nione refectis, qui Ecclesiam praedictam die festivitatis ejusdem First Indulgences The Primary erected Plenary Indulgences SIXTUS V, 26 SEPT., 1587 — ACTS OF GREGORY XIII I8* Partial Indulgences Sodalists absent from Rome The Stations of Rome Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae, a primis vesperis usque ad occasum solis ipsius festivitatis, devote visitarent et inibi pro reipublicae Christianae conservatione et augmento, haeresum exstirpatione Prin- cipumque Christianorum mutua et universali pace ac pro tempore exsistentis Romani Pontificis prosperitate, vel alias preces, prout unicuique suggereret devotio, ad Deum devote effunderent; necnon eisdem Sodalibus, similiter vere poenitentibus et confessis, qui in Nativitatis et Ascensionis Domini nostri Jesu Christi ac Annuntia¬ tionis, Assumptionis et Conceptionis necnon Nativitatis Beatae Mariae festis diebus, praedictum Sacramentum ibidem vel alibi sumerent, plenariam omnium peccatorum suorum Indulgentiam et remissionem auctoritate praedicta concessit et elargitus est. Ipsisque Sodalibus qui de eorum numero exsistentium vel alio- 576 rum Christi fidelium corpora ad sepulturam ecclesiasticam associa- rent, aut, infirmi vel impediti, audito signo campanae, genuflexi — si per infirmitatem liceret — Orationem Dominicam ef Salutationem Angelicam pro salute animae defuncti vel corporis infirmi recita- rent, necnon qui congregationibus, tarn publicis quam privatis, ac Di- vinis officiis spiritualibusque colloquiis, exhortationibus et aliis piis officiis, etiam in Sodalis seu aliorum Christi fidelium defunctorum suffragium, per Primariam Congregationem seu Primarium Soda- litium ordinandis et ab ipso Praeposito seu Vicario Generali ap- probandis; quique diebus feriatis Missae Sacrificio interessent, aut vespertino tempore, antequam cubarent, conscientiam suam diligenter examinarent; seu pauperes infirmos, tarn Sodales quam alios, in hospitalibus vel privatis domibus, necnon carceratos visitarent, aut pacem inter inimicos conciliarent, — quoties eorum aliquod facerent, unum annum de injunctis eis aut alias quomodolibet debitis poeni- tentiis misericorditer in Domino relaxavit. Insuper, ne praedicti 577 Sodales, si aliquando eos ab ipsa Urbe abesse vel alibi commorari contingeret, hujusmodi Indulgentiarum et aliarum gratiarum spiri- tualium effectu et fructu frustrati remanerent, eisdem Sodalibus extra Urbem ubivis locorum pro tempore commorantibus, ut in locis ubi eos pro tempore residere seu morari contingeret opera praedicta, quae ipsi Sodales in Urbe praesentes pro singularum Indulgentiarum, remissionum et relaxationum hujusmodi consecu- tione observare deberent, apud Ecclesias eorundem locorum, aut alibi, prout possent, observando et exsequendo, omnes easdem In- dulgentias, remissiones et relaxationes haberent et illae eis pariter suffragarentur; necnon tarn in Urbe praesentes quam alibi ubivis 578 locorum commorantes, Sodales Primariae Congregationis seu Pri¬ marii Sodalitii hujusmodi, qui singulis Quadragesimalibus et aliis anni temporibus ac diebus Stationum Ecclesiarum dictae Urbis et STXTUS V, 29 SEPT., 1587 — ACTS OF GREGORY XIII 19 * extra illius muros quae a Christi fidelibus pro consequendis Indul- gentiis et remissionibus visitari solent, dictae Societatis, si ibi forent, alioquin aliam Ecclesiam seu Cappellani, in locis ubi eos residere seu morari contingeret, ut praefertur, devote visitarent et ibi septies Orationem Dominicani et toties Salutationem Angelicam recitarent, tot et easdem Indulgentias consequi possent quas con- sequerentur si, iisdem temporibus et diebus singulis, Ecclesias dictae Urbis et extra illius muros hujusmodi, pro iisdem Statio- nibus et Indulgentiis consequendis deputatas, personaliter visitarent ac omnia et singula quae pro hujusmodi gratiarum consecutione quomodolibet requiruntur plane adimplerent. 579 Praeterea, eidem Claudio et pro tempore exsistenti Praeposito seu Vicario Generali, ut in quibusvis aliis dictae Societatis Colle¬ ges, extra Urbem praedictam per universum orbem tunc et pro tempore erectis, seu eorum Ecclesiis, pro eorundem piorum ope- rum incremento, quascumque alias seu quaecumque alia scholarium ibidem litterarum studiis insistentium, et aliorum Christi fidelium ipsi Societati devotorum, Congregationes seu Sodalitia, sub eo ti- tulo Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae, quae ab ipsa Primaria Congre- gatione seu Primario Sodalitio, tànquam membra a capite, depen- derent, auctoritate praedicta (sine tamen Societatis aut Collegiorum 580 et Ecclesiarum hujusmodi praejudicio) erigere et instituere; illasque seu ilia eidem Primariae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio ag¬ gregare, ac eis sic erectis, institutis et aggregatis, eorumque So- dalibus, praedictas ac omnes et quascumque alias Indulgentias, peccatorum remissiones, relaxationes, gratias et facultates, tam spi- rituales quam temporales, ab eodem praedecessore dictaque Sede Primariae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio eatenus concessas et de caetero concedendas, ita ut Sodales aliarum Congregationum-seu aliorum Sodalitiorum hujusmodi, observantes et exsequentes ea quae ipsius Primariae Congregationis seu Primarii Sodalitii Sodales, pro Indulgentiis, remissionibus et relaxationibus hujusmodi consequendis, observare et exsequi debebant, easdem Indulgentias, peccatorum remissiones et relaxationes pariter consequerentur, facultate aggre- gandi et gratias hujusmodi aliis concedendi dumtaxat excepta, com- 581 municare; necnon tam Primariam seu Primarium quam omnes et singulas ei aggregandas Congregationes seu omnia et singula ei aggreganda Sodalitia huiusmodi, per se vel alium seu alios ejusdem 5 8a Societatis Presbyteros idoneos ad id deputandos, visitare, et pro earum felici statu, regimine et directione quaecumque statuta, con- stitutiones et decreta, licita tamen et honesta sacrisque canonibus et Concilii Tridentini decreti s non contraria, necnon ab ipso Prae¬ posito seu Vicario, si per alium vel alios deputandos hujusmodi Power to erect other Sodalities and aggregate them Visitation Rules 1 Confirmatory clauses Preceding acts of Sixtus V — Number and title 20* SIXTUS V, 29 SEPT., I587 — ACTS OF SIXTUS V., 5 JAN., 1587 fierent, examinanda et approbanda, edere, ac, postquam edita fo- rent, quoties pro eorum et temporum qualitate aut alias expediens videbitur, immutare, corrigere, moderari et reformare, aut alia ex integro condere libere et licite valeret, auctoritate praedicta con¬ cessit et indulsit; ac statuta et constitutiones et decreta hujusmodi, postquam edita, immutata, correda, moderata, reformata et condita forent, ab omnibus Sodalibus praedictis inviolabiliter observari de¬ bere; necnon secundo dictas litteras, sub quibuscumque similium 5 g 3 vel dissimilium gratiarum revocationibus, suspensionibus, limitatio- nibus, derogationibus et aliis contrariis dispositionibus, edam in fa- vorem Basilicae Principis Apostolorum de Urbe, seu Cruciatae sanctae, aut alias, per dictum praedecessorem vel alios Romanos Pontifices successores suos, aut Sedem Apostolicam, edam motu proprio et ex certa scientia ac de Apostolicae potestatis plenitudine, seu ad quorumvis Imperatorum, Regum, Reginarum, Ducum et alio- rum Principum instantiam pro tempore quomodolibet factis, minime comprehendi, sed semper ab illis exceptas et, quoties illae emana- rent, toties in pristinum statum restitutas, repositas et plenarie redintegratas esse et censeri; ac omnibus quos illae concernerent suffragari debere; necnon, si secus super iis a quoquam, quavis auctoritate, scienter vel ignoranter, attentari contingeret, irritum et inane decrevit. Et successive Nos nuper per reliquas Nostras litteras, eidem 584 Claudio et pro tempore exsistenti Praeposito seu Vicario hujusmodi, ut in quibusvis ejusdem Societatis Ecclesiis seu Domibus ac Colle- giis, tam in dieta Urbe quam extra eam per universum orbem nunc et pro tempore erectis seu erigendis et instituendis, qnasvis alias, sive scholarium tantum, sive aliorum Christi fidelium tantum, sive utrorumque simul, tam sub eodem Beatae Mariae Annuntiatae quam alio quovis titulo et invocatione, Congregationes seu Sodalitia, unum scilicet seu plura in singulis locis vel Ecclesiis, pro personarum frequentia seu qualitate, auctoritate Nostra, sine alicujus praejudi- cio, perpetuo erigere et instituere, illasque seu illa, postquam erectae 585 seu erecta forent, eidem Primariae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio aggregare, necnon illis eorumque Sodalibus, scholaribus 586 et non scholaribus, omnes et singulas, tam plenarias quam alias, Indulgentias et peccatorum remissiones ac relaxationes, necnon exemptiones, immunitates caeterasque gratias, facultates, indulta et privilegia, spiritualia et temporalia, tam Primariae seu Primario hujusmodi quam singulis aliis in quibusvis dictae Societatis Colle- giis vel Domibus aggregads vel aggregandis scholarium et aliorum Congregationibus seu Sodalitiis hactenus tam per dictum quam quoscumque alios Romanos Pontifices praedecessores Nostros ac SIXTUS V. 29 SEPT., 1587 — DOUBT AS TO POWERS 2 l" Nos et Sedem praedictam, ac etiam imperiali et regia auctoritate, necnon tam per viam extensionis quam alias qupmodolibet et quandocumque concessas et concessa eatenus et in posterum con- cedenda quibuscumque aliis, sive scholarium dumtaxat, sive alio- rum Christi fidelium tantum, aut scholarium et Christi fidelium simul ac mixtim, Congregationibus seu Sodalitiis in quibuslibet Collegiis aut Domibus dictae Societatis, eo usque institutis ac in posterum instituendis eorumque Sodalibus, scholaribus et non scho- laribus, communicare; illasque et illa ad Congregationes seu Soda- litia earumque seu eorum Sodales, etiam non scholares, indifferen- ter et aeque principaliter extendere ac etiam illis concedere .'et elàrgiri libere et licite valeret: ita quod ex tunc de caetero ipsi Sodales, scholares et non scholares, quicumque essent, faciendo et observando ea quae Sodales Primariae seu Primarii et aliarum seu aliorum Congregationum aut Sodalitiorum hujusmodi pro Indul- gentiis, remissionibus, relaxationibus et aliis gratiis praedictis con- sequendis facere et exsequi tenebantur, ipsas Indulgentias, etiam plenarias, et alias hujusmodi gratias plenarie et integre conseque- rentur, illisque fruerentur et potirentur ac si illae eis specialiter et ab initio concessae fuissent, auctoritate Apostolica praedicta 587 perpetuo indulsimus. Necnon praedicti Gregorii praedecessoris lit- teras et in eis contenta quaecumque, tam respectu Congregationum seu Sodalitiorum hujusmodi quam dicti Claudii et pro tempore exsistentis dictae Societatis Praepositi seu Vicarii Generalis, ad Congregationes seu Sodalitia, scholarium et aliarum quorumcum- que Christi fidelium non scholarium, tam erectas seu erecta quam in posterum erigendas seu erigenda ac aggregandas seu aggregan- da, similiter perpetuo extendimus et ampliavimus, prout in singulis litteris praedictis plenius continetur. 588 Cum autem, sicut exhibita Nobis nuper pro pai te dicti Claudii Praepositi petitio continebat, a nonnullis dubitetur utrum ipse, et pro tempore existens dictae Societatis Praepositus seu Vicarius Generalis, vigore Nostrarum dictarum litterarum et per eas sibi concessae facultatis, possit etiam Congregationes seu Sodalitia personarum quae in Collegiis seu Seminariis vel aliis locis sub directione et institutione aut gubernio ipsius Societatis vel perso¬ narum illius degunt et morantur, praesertim earum quae per Nos et praedecessores Nostros, Romanos Pontifices, ac Sedem praedi¬ ctam et ejus Nuntios vel Legatos instituta vel ordinata sunt, de novo erigere, instituere, aggregare ac Indulgentias et alias gratias quibus aliae seu alia Congregationes seu Sodalitia potiuntur et gaudent, ac in futurum potientur et gaudebunt communicare: pro parte ejusdem Claudii Praepositi Nobis fuit humiliter supplicatum Doubt as to extent of powers Powers for institutions under Jesuit care — to erect and aggregate The Indulgence for the titular Feast 22* SIXTUS V, 29 SEPT., 1587 — HOUSES UNDER JESUITS, TITULAR FEAST quatenus in praemissis opportune providere de benignitate Aposto¬ lica dignaremur. Nos, omnem dubitandi materiam circa praemissa quomodolibet 5^9 insurgentem tollere cupientes, ac ipsum Claudium Praepositum a quibusvis excommunicationis, suspensionis et interdicti aliisque ec- clesiasticis sententiis, censuris et poenis, a jure vel ab homine, quavis occasione vel causa latis, si quibus quomodolibet innodatus exsistit, ad effectum praesentium dumtaxat consequendum, harum serie absolventes et absolutum fore censentes; necnon singularum litterarum praedictarum etiam veriores et totos tenores illarumque emanationis causas et occasiones praesentibus pro expressis ha- bentes; hujusmodi supplicationibus inclinati, eidem Claudio et pro tempore exsistenti dictae Societatis Praeposito seu Vicario Gene-’ rali, ut quascumque seu quaecumque Congregationes seu Sodalitia, unam seu unum, vel plures seu plura, dictarum personarum in singulis Collegiis, Domibus, seu Seminariis vel locis sub directione, gubernio, administratione vel institutione ipsius Societatis Jesu seu illius personarum existentibus, vel ab ea dependentibus, sub quo- vis titulo seu in vocation e, modo praemisso ac sine ejusdem Socie¬ tatis Jesu praejudicio, etiam de novo erigere et instituere;. Illasque seu illa, postquam erectae vel erecta fuerint, et etiam alias 59 ° jam erectas et institutas, eidem Primariae seu Primario Congregationi vel Sodalitio aggregare, necnon illis omnes et quascumque gratias 59 * Indulgentias, etiam plenarias, et peccatorum remissiones, privilegia, immunitates et indulta, eidem Primariae seu Primario Cnngrega- tioni seu Sodalitio, et aliis, tarn Apostolica, imperiali et regia quam quavis alia auctoritate concessa et in posterum concedenda communicare, concedere et elargiri lìbere et licite valeat, licentiam et facultatem omnimodam, Apostolica auctoritate praedicta, tenore praesentium, perpetuo concedimus. Necnon singulas litteras prae- dictas, et in eis contenta quaecumque, ad Congregationes seu So- 59 2 dalitia in dictis Seminariis, Domibus seu Collegiis aliisque locis sub directione, gubernio, administratione vel institutione ejusdem Societatis seu illius personarum existentibus vel ab eis quomodo¬ libet dependentibus, in omnibus et per omnia, auctoritate et tenore praedictis, etiam perpetuo extendimus et ampliamus. Et insuper de omnipotentis Dei misericordia ac BB. Petri et 593 Pauli, Apostolorum ejus, auctoritate confisi, Indulgentias et pecca¬ torum remissiones et relaxationes, Congregationibus seu Sodalitiis hujusmodi, sub invocatone ejusdem Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae erectis et erigendis, pro illarum vel illorum personis in festo An¬ nuntiationis hujusmodi Ecclesias vel Capellas visitantibus concessas omnibus et singulis Congregationibus seu Sodalitiis quae sub qua- SIXTUS V, 29 SEPT., I587 — TITULAR FEAST, CLAUSES 23* cumque alia invocatione seu titulo erectae vel institutae seu erecta vel instituta sunt, seu in posterum erigentur et instituentur, pro eorum seu earum personis visitantibus Ecclesias, Capellas, Oratoria seu loca in quibus erunt in die festivitatis seu solemnitatis, invo- cationis seu tituli, sub qua seu quo institutae sunt vel in poste- 594 rum instituentur, ita quod in eventum in quem officium ejusdem Annuntiationis seu cujusvis alterius Festi seu tituli invocationis Congregationum seu Sodalitiorum hujusmodi transferri contigerit, Indulgentiae praedictae similiter in diem translationis huiusmodi, arbitrio Superioris loci dictae Societatis, transferri possint, auctori- tate Apostolica et tenore praedictis, similiter perpetuo concedimus et elargimur. 595 Non obstantibus praemissis, ac Nostra, quatenus opus sit, de Indulgentiis ad instar non concedendis, et aliis Apostolicis consti- tutionibus, necnon omnibus illis quae Nos in Nostris et dictus Gre¬ gorius praedecessor in suis litteris praedictis voluimus non obstare, caeterisque contrariis quibuscumque. 59 s Volumus autem ut earumdem praesentium transumptis, etiam impressis, Secretarii ipsius Societatis et Notarii publici manu, et personae alicujus in dignitate ecclesiastica constitutae, vel pro tem¬ pore exsistentis Praepositi aut Vicarii Generalis ejusdem Societatis sigillo munitis, eadem prorsus tides ubique locorum, in judicio et extra, adhibeatur quae adhiberetur eisdem praesentibus, si essent exhibitae vel ostensae. 5Q7 Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam Nostrae abso- lutionis, extensionis, amplationis, concessionum, elargitionis et vo¬ luntatis infringere, vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attentare praesumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei ac BB. Petri et Pauli, Apostolorum ejus, se noverit incursurum. Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Marcum, anno Incarnationis Do- minicae MDLXXXVII, tertio kalendas Octobris, Pontificatus Nostri anno tertio. R. Bergerius. Indulgences translated with the Feast Confirmatory clauses Copies Sanction Institutum s. j., /. 112 , ff. 24 COMMON RULES, 1587 — MEMBERS’ RULES Preamble Devotion to Our Lady Common and Local Rules Government * No. 9. 1 November, 1587. Father General Aquaviva. Common Rules of the Sodality. CAPO PRIMO Regole comuni a tutti li Fratelli ARTICOLO I Essendo la Beatissima Vergine Madre di Dio, Maria, principale 598 Avvocata e Padrona di questa Congregazione, della quale è da credere che tenga particolar protezione, come quella che è Madre di Misericordia, ed ama tutti quelli che l’amano ed a lei con de¬ vozione ricorrono. Perciò è cosa molto conveniente che i fratelli di essa Congre- 599 gazione non solo le portino particolar riverenza ed onore, ma an¬ cor similmente studino con l’integrità della vita e dei costumi d’imi¬ tar gli esempi delle sue eccellenti virtù e trattando spesso tra sè procurino di eccitarsi l’un l’altro al suo amore e devozione e d’im¬ primere negli animi loro un vivo zelo della esaltazione del suo Santissimo Nome. A tutto ciò aiuterà molto l’osservanza di questi statuti, li quali 600 è parso bene scrivere in modo che fossero, quanto si può, comuni ancora a tutte le altre Congregazioni unite alla Romana, lasciando 601 però che, oltre a questi, ciascuna ritenga o faccia ancora alcuni propri, quali, secondo la diversità dei paesi o persone, coll’appro¬ vazione del Rettore di quel Collegio dove detta Congregazione sarà e del Padre che avrà cura di essa, giudicherà più convenienti al suo particolar bene, pur chè quelli a questi non siano repugnanti, ma di tutti si aiutino per essere più congiunti in fraterna carità con questa, ch’è la Primaria, la quale per opera e paterna cura goa del Reverendissimo Padre Claudio Aquaviva, Generale della Com¬ pagnia di Gesù, è stata di nuovo dalla Santa Sede Apostolica eretta e di molti spirituali tesori arricchita, come nella Bolla di detta erezione apparisce. articolo 2 La Congregazione sarà governata da un Padre della Compagnia 603 e da un Prefetto delPistessa Congregazione, coll’aiuto e consiglio di due Assistenti, un Segretario ed altri dodici, dove la Congre¬ gazione è numerosa, ovvero sei, dove è di minor numero, oltre gli COMMON RULES, 1587 — MEMBERS’ RULES 25 * altri Officiali meno principali de’ quali ciascuna Congregazione avrà di bisogno. 604 Però tutti porteranno la debita riverenza ed onore non solo al Padre della Congregazione, ma ancora al Prefetto ed agli altri Officiali subordinati, ciascuno nel grado loro, ed obbediranno in tutte le cose appartenenti alla Congregazione, che dal Prefetto, o da 605 altro per suo ordine, gli saranno imposte; ed occorrendo alcuno impedimento, ne daranno quanto prima notizia al Padre o al Pre¬ fetto, acciò si possa provvedere d’ altro. articolo 3 606 Perchè il fine di questa Congregazione è l’acquisto delle virtù e della pietà Cristiana, insieme col profitto delle lettere ; per il qual fine efficacissimo mezzo è la frequenza delli Santissimi Sa- 607 cramenti ; però tutti quelli che vorranno entrare nella Congrega¬ zione, avanti di essere accettati, faranno una Confession Generale di tutta la vita, se non l’avessero mai fatta, ovvero dall’ultima che avranno fatta, col Confessore Ordinario della Congregazione, se però non paresse per qualche giusta causa che si lasciasse o si differisse, al giudizio del Confessore. 608 Dipoi tutti i fratelli si confesseranno e comunicheranno ogni prima Domenica del mese e più alcune Feste di Nostro Signore e della sua Madre Santissima, cioè il Natale, Circoncisione, Resur¬ rezione, Ascensione, Pentecoste e Corpus Domini, il dì della Im¬ macolata Concezione della Beatissima Vergine, la Natività, Annun- ziazione, Purificazione e Assunzione. Di più la Festa di S. Giovanni Battista, ovvero la Festa dei Santissimi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo, ed iJ giorno di tutti li Santi. Avvertendo che si potrà pigliare alcuna di queste Feste in luogo della prima Domenica del mese quando concorreranno nell’istesso giorno o gli fosse vicino. 609 Gli Officiali però principali, cioè Prefetto, Assistenti, Secretano e tutta la Congregazione dei Dodici o dei Sei che sarà, si confesse¬ ranno almeno ogni quindici giorni e dovranno comunicarsi alcune altre volte più degli altri, parendo così al loro Padre Spirituale. # ARTICOLO 4 610 II Confessore ordinario sarà un Padre della Compagnia asse¬ gnato dal Padre Rettore del Collegio, e, se alcuno volesse confes¬ sarsi con altri, domandi licenza dallo stesso Rettore o dal Padre Subordination Hindrances occurring Sacraments General Confession Confession and Communion Chier Officers Ordinary Confessor 26* COMMON RULES, 1587 — MEMBERS’ RULES della Congregazione, alii quali starà il giudicare quello che più si conviene sì per bene particolare di ciascuno come ancora per l’uni¬ versale dell’unione ed aumento di spirito della Congregazione. Exercises of Meetings — Morning Afternoon Only Sodalists present Prayers Conference Mass General Communion ARTICOLO 5 Le Domeniche e Feste comandate, la mattina converranno tutti 611 insieme nell’ Oratorio, dove per un’ora, più o meno, come giudicherà il Padre o il Prefetto ordinerà, ovvero si leggerà alcun libro devoto, sopra la cui lezione si potranno fare conferenze spirirituali. Il giorno dopo pranzo, quelle Congregazioni che avranno con- 612 suetudine di convenire faranno gli stessi esercizi della mattina per lo spazio di mezz’ora in circa, o si farà alcuna esortazione o ra¬ gionamento spirituale di cose appartenenti al buon progresso della Congregazione, come al Padre e al Prefetto parrà meglio nel Signore. E nessuno senza particolar licenza del Padre e Prefetto in- 613 troduca alcuno che non sia della Congregazione alli esercizi di essa; la qual licenza ancora non si darà facilmente, per fuggire varii inconvenienti che possono occorrere. ARTICOLO 6 Avanti che si cominci la Congregazione, si dirà l’inno dello 614 Spirito Santo con la sua antifona, versetto ed orazione, e alcuna delle antifone, versetti ed orazioni della Madonna, di quelle che nel fine delli suoi officii dice la santa Chiesa secondo i tempi. E 6i 5 nelle conferenze spirituali tutti siano apparecchiati a dir quel che loro occorre, ogni volta che sarà loro dal Padre o dal Prefetto or¬ dinato, con modestia e semplicità Cristiana, senza toccare o ripren¬ dere alcuno, contentandosi solo di biasimare li vizii ed esortare alla virtù. ARTICOLO 7 Ogni giorno ascolteranno la Messa, ma le Domeniche e Feste 616 1’ udiranno, quanto sarà possibile, nel loco solito; e li giorni deputati 617 insieme si comunicheranno, facendo di poi un quarto di orazione, mentale o vocale, secondo la devozione di ciascuno. COMMON RULES, 1587 — MEMBERS’ RULFS 27* ARTICOLO 8 618 Ogni mattina, levati di letto, dopo aver ringraziato Dio delli benefizi da sua Maestà ricevuti così generali come particolari, diranno tre pater noster e tre ave maria all’onore della Santis¬ sima Trinità, il credo ed una salve regina, oltre alle altre devo¬ zioni che ciascuno potrà fare, secondo il consiglio del suo Confessore. 619 E la sera, avanti di andare a letto, faranno l’esame della co¬ scienza; dopo il quale diranno tre pater noster e tre ave maria con un de profundis per le anime dei defonti. 620 Sono di poi esortati tutti, poiché così fanno professione, di met¬ tere ancora maggiore studio nell’ esercizio delle opere pie e Cristiane, 621 come sarebbe confessarsi e comunicarsi più spesso, recitar Poffizio della Madonna o il Rosario, dare alcun tempo all’ orazion mentale e venire insieme il sabato a sera a recitare le litanie della’'Madonna, ovvero qualche altro giorno della settimana a far qualche devozione nell’ Oratorio, e similmente di visitar carceri, ospedali, insegnar la 622 Dottrina Cristiana, e fare altre opere buone, le quali ciascuno in particolare, conforme al suo stato e devozione, o tutta la Congre¬ gazione insieme potrà esercitare secondo il consiglio ed indirizzo del Padre, con approvazione del Superiore del Collegio. articolo 9 623 Quelli che nelli giorni e tempi deputati mancheranno di venire alla Congregazione diano quanto prima avviso della causa al Padre e al Prefetto, alli quali starà giudicare se sia legittima o no, e se troveranno che vi sia alcun mancamento, gli potranno fare quella 624 ammonizione che lor parerà. E per questo o altri mancamenti po¬ tranno ancora talvolta per alcun tempo sospenderlo dalla Congre¬ gazione, secondo che si giudicherà essere maggior bene della Congregazione e gloria di Dio Nostro Signore. ARTICOLO IO 6as Nelle Feste ed apparati che occorrerà far tra l’anno nella Con¬ gregazione, come ancora in altre spese d’alcun momento per qual si voglia occasione, deve ciascuno aver riguardo alla buona edifi¬ cazione e stato suo, determinando tra gli altri suoi ordini quanto può e deve fare in queste parti, col parere ed approvazione del Padre Rettore del Collegio. Morning prayers Evening prayers Good works Absence Suspension Expenses 28* COMMON RULES, 1587 — MEMBERS’ RULES Sickness Death Departure Fraternal charity Practice of virtue ARTICOLO II Ammalandosi alcuno delli Fratelli, oltre alla cura ch’avrà il 6a6 Prefetto di farlo visitare e di fargli ricevere i Santi Sacramenti, tutti lo raccomanderanno al Signore nelle loro orazioni, e morendo 627 l’accompagneranno alla sepoltura, e, se in un luogo vi sarà quella lodevole consuetudine che li fratelli lo portino in spalle, non tra¬ lascino tale esempio di Cristiana pietà. Poi il primo giorno comodo diranno l’Uffizio dei morti, o nell’ Oratorio (quanto sarà possibile) tutti insieme, o almeno ciascheduno lo dirà da per sè, e per otto giorni un de profundis con l’orazione pro Defunctis, ed ancora tutta la Congregazione farà dire almeno una Messa di requiem a qualche aitar privilegiato per l’anima sua. ARTICOLO 12 Quando alcuno si partisse dalla Congregazione per far viag- 628 gio, avvisi prima il Padre o il Prefetto e, potendo commodamente, domandi licenza dalla Congregazione ed ancora la patente solita, per essere ricevuto dalle altre Congregazioni dove andasse per Fratello della Congregazione; e poiché come Fratello resta partecipe delli meriti della Congregazione, sarà bene alcune volte dar di sè nuove alli Congregati, scrivendo al Prefetto il suo stato e racco¬ mandandosi alle loro orazioni, e procuri dovunque sarà di mostrarsi vero figliolo della Congregazione, dando con la bontà delli costumi e del suo buon esempio edificazione a tutti. articolo 13 Si amino tutti fra di loro con vera e sincera carità, procurando 629 di conservar la pace e l’unione fraterna, e di fare ogni giorno più acquisto di vere e Cristiane virtù. A che aiuterà molto il frequentare la Congregazione ed eser- 630 cizii di essa, conversare spesso con persone dalle quali possono 631 esser aiutati, fuggir le male compagnie ed ogni sorta di occasioni 632 che gli possano apportare alcun danno, come sono giuochi, risse, contenzioni, mormorazioni ed altri inconvenienti, che tolgono il buon nome e credito della Congregazione; ma procurino nella loro con- 633 versazione. nell’onestà dei costumi e finalmente in tutte le loro COMMON RULES, 1587 — ADMISSION 29 * azioni di portarsi in maniera che ciascuno gli giudichi degni di es¬ sere sotto la protezione della Beatissima Vergine, nella cui Congre¬ gazione vivono. articolo 14 634 Per maggiore osservanza di questi statuti, si leggeranno ogni tre mesi pubblicamente nell’Oratorio e si sforzi ognuno di osser¬ varli quanto meglio potrà, ed oltre a questi di osservare ancora tutti gli ordini particolari e consuetudini della sua Congregazione, secondo che al bene di ciascuno, come di sopra si è detto, si giu¬ dicherà più convenire; ma gli Officiali leggeranno più spesso le regole degli offizi loro, per meglio osservarle. CAPO SECONDO Del modo di ammettere li Fratelli nella Congregazione 635 1. Desiderando alcuno di essere ammesso in Congregazione, fac¬ cia ricorso al Padre e Prefetto, i quali, dopo presa di quello sufì- ciente informazione da persone che lo conoscano, ed avuta certezza 636 dell’ età, studj, professione, virtù ed altre sue buone qualità, il Prefetto lo proponga nella Congregazione dei Dodici o Sei, acciò sia ammesso a frequentare come a pruova per spazio di alcun tempo, come di sotto si dirà. 637 Nel quale tempo non potrà intervenire se non negli esercizj spirituali di essa, ma non nelle Consulte, e siederà in luogo sepa¬ rato dagli altri, secondo la commodità che vi sarà. 638 2. Dove sono distinte Congregazioni dei Grandi e dei Piccoli, non si ammetta nessuno alla Congregazione dei Grandi che non abbia venti anni, nè a quella dei Piccoli se non di quattordici; e da questa . potranno passare a quella dei Grandi quando saranno giunti all’età di venti anni, parendo così al Padre Rettore e Padri di dette Con¬ gregazioni. Ma dove non potrà farsi se non una Congregazione, sia o tutta dei Piccoli da venti anni in giù, o tutta dei Grandi da di¬ ciotto anni in su, benché in casi particolari, per il buon giudizio, maturità, ed altre buone qualità, potrà il Rettore del Collegio di¬ spensare nell’età. 639 3. Essendo alcuno giudicato idoneo per la Congregazione, il Pa¬ dre ovvero il Prefetto ne darà la cura ad uno degli Assistenti o dei Dodici, acciò durante il tempo della sua pruova (il quale sarà di Reading of the Rules How decided on Its meaning Age Instructor Preparation for reception Vote Ceremony Prefect 30* COMMON RULES, 1587 — ADMISSION due o tre mesi, o più o meno, secondo le qualità delle persone) P istruisca per alcun tempo nelle Regole e nelle altre consuetudini ed osservanze della Congregazione con levargli le difficoltà che per avventura gli occorressero, acciò con tanto maggior lume possa ese¬ guire ed adempire il suo desiderio. Avvicinandosi poi il tempo, in che deve essere ammesso, per- 640 chè, conforme alle grazie concesse alla Congregazione, il giorno che in quella sarà ricevuto conseguisca Indulgenza plenaria, lo avvisi che si prepari per ricevere in tal giorno il Santissimo Sacramento, acciò possa esser partecipe di tanto tesoro. 4. Prima che alcuno si proponga in Congregazione Generale per 641 essere accettato, si dovrà proporre in Congregazione dei Dodici o Sei, acciò si abbia relazione dei suoi buoni portamenti ed in par¬ ticolare da quelli che averanno avuto la cura di lui, e, trovandosi che nel tempo della sua prova non abbia dato buona soddisfazione, toccherà alla Congregazione a più voti determinare se si dovrà del tutto escludere o prolungare il tempo della prova; ma se in quel tempo avrà perseverato o fatto quanto di sopra si è detto con buona sodisfazione, potrà il Prefetto proporlo in piena Congregazione, e dichiarando le sue buone parti, virtù e perseveranza, lo iifarà bal¬ lottare, stando lui fuori dell' Oratorio, ed, essendo accettato alle più voci lo farà chiamar dentro, e nel modo che ciascuna Congrega¬ zione particolare avrà consuetudine l’ammetterà. Il modo comune di ammetterlo sarà questo. Il Prefetto lo av- 642 viserà come il Signore gli ha fatto grazia d’essere accettato, ed in segno di ciò egli lo abbraccia e riceve in nome di tutta la Congre¬ gazione, e similmente il Padre lo riceverà come figliuolo della Con¬ gregazione, ed o l’uno o l’altro brevemente l’esorterà all’osservanza delle Regole ed alla devozione alla Beatissima Vergine, sotto la cui protezione si è posto, ed anco lo avviserà della indulgenza che acqui¬ sta in tal giorno. Di poi si diranno alcune brevi orazioni in gra- tiarum actionem, come sarà consuetudine di ciascuna particolar Congregazione. CAPO TERZO Del modo di eleggere il Prefetto e gli altri Officiali 1. Perchè nelle Congregazioni bene ordinate assisti Dio Nostro 643 Signore, governandole con la sua grazia, ma per mezzi ordinarli, pertanto, oltre al Padre assegnato dai Superiori del Collegio al governo della Congregazione, s’eleggerà nel modo seguente un COMMON RULES. 1 587 — ELECTIONS 31 * capo, il quale si chiamerà Prefetto, e sarà, per quanto sarà possibile, dei più antichi fratelli e più esemplari della Congregazione. 6 44 2. Il Prefetto si eleggerà quattro volte l’anno, al principio d’ogni tre mesi, cioè Gennaro, Aprile, Luglio ed Ottobre, in piena Con¬ gregazione ; la quale però dove sarà di piccol numero, cioè che non passi di cinquanta, si farà tale elezione tre volte l’anno, ogni quat¬ tro mesi, cioè al principio di Gennaro, di Maggio e di Settembre. 6 45 E non si potrà confermare immediatamente più che una volta, seb¬ bene questo ancora non si deve fare senza urgente causa e neces- 646 sità. Potrà però l’istesso che era Prefetto essere eletto in altro Offìzio, ma perchè il Prefetto deve impiegarsi tutto nel Governo della Congregazione, però con questo grado ogni altro offizio sarà incompatibile. 647 3. Il modo di eleggere il Prefetto sarà il seguente. Congregati tutti i Fratelli della Congregazione che hanno voce, ed usciti tutti gli altri fuori dell’Oratorio, dopo di aver fatto un poco di orazione, diranno tutti insieme leggendo il veni creator spiritus con la sua orazione. 648 Dopo questo, si farà prima elezione di tre per polize segrete;- 649 nelle quali avranno voce passiva tutti quelli che sono già ammessi nella Congregazione, ma voce attiva solamente il Prefetto, Assistenti, 650 Segretario, i Dodici, overo Sei, secondo che saranno. Dei quali ciascuno scriverà in una poliza tre diversi, che più atti li pareranno per questo Uffìzio, e saranno lette queste polize solamente dal Padre, Prefetto e Segretario, li quali caveranno da tutti questi nominati, tre che avranno avuto maggior numero di voti, purché non abbiano avuto meno di cinque voti, dove è la Congregazione dei Dodici e di tre, dove è la Congregazione di Sei. E di questi tre si dovrà poi eleggere uno per Prefetto, nel modo che si dirà. 651 Può occorrere che nel primo scrutinio non si possa cavare que¬ sto numero di tre preciso, o perchè non tanti arrivino a quel nu¬ mero di cinque o di tre voci, o perchè fra quelli che vi giungono o lo passano vi siano molti fra sè eguali. Ed in questi casi si do¬ vrà fare il secondo scrutinio per polize segrete, come il primo, avvertendo però due cose : 652 La prima, che se nel primo scrutinio sarà stato uno o due con sufficiente numero di voti senza controversia superiore agli altri, resteranno quelli nel numero dei tre, e si farà il secondo scrutinio solo per eleggere quell’ uno o due che mancano, e però non si dovranno più in ogni poliza scrivere tre, ma solo uno o due, secondo che uno o due sono quelli che restano a eleggersi ; 653 L’altra, che quando questo secondo scrutinio si farà solo per levare la parità fra molti che avessero passato il numero sufficiente When elected Reélection Manner Eligible Nominees Second ballot COMMON RULES, 1587 — ELECTIONS 3 2 * Sodality vote Tie vote Silence Canvassing Informations Assistants dei voti, non solo non si dovranno scrivere in ogni poliza se non quanti restano da eleggersi per compire il numero dei tre, ma neanco si potranno nominare se non di questi che sono stati così fra se eguali. Ma se neanco nel secondo scrutinio si potesse per qualsi¬ voglia di queste due cause finir questa elezione, si finirà a sorte. Nella quale però non dovranno entrare se non quelli, che non avendo avuto numero sufficiente di voti, ne avranno però avuti più degli altri in qualsivoglia delli due scrutinii, che almeno due o tre voti, ovvero quelli che, avendo avuto il numero sufficiente, saranno stati agli altri superiori ma fra di se uguali, secondo che o per la prima o per la seconda causa si dovrà supplire questo mancamento. 4. Eletti i tre, nel medesimo ordine che sono stati eletti per 654 ciascun di loro, si farà in tutta la Congregazione uno scrutinio se¬ greto a balle, distribuendosi prima le balle ai Fratelli. Dei quali ciascuno in qualsivoglia scrutinio darà la sua in favore o disfa¬ vore, come gli piacerà, e quello che avrà più voti sarà Prefetto. Nella quale elezione si devono avvertire tre cose: La prima, che ognuno deve dar la balla in favore almeno ad 655 uno di questi tre, in modo però che gli altri non possano cono¬ scere a chi la dia; La seconda, che si deve sapere il numero certo dei Fratelli 656 che sono presenti in Congregazione per confrontarlo col numero delle balle riscosse nei scrutinii; La terza, che quello del quale si fa lo scrutinio, tanto in que- 657 sta come in ogni altra elezione, non solo non deve dare la voce sua, ma neanco conviene che sia presente mentre si fa. 5. Se fossero tutti e tre nei voti pari, o due con uguali voti 658 superassero il terzo, di nuovo si ritorni a far lo scrutinio, o di tutti o delli due, e, non riuscendo nel secondo scrutinio, si cavi uno di loro a sorte, e quello che prima esce sia Prefetto. 6. Se in ogni tempo si deve nell’ Oratorio osservare modestia e 659 silenzio, principalmente conviene osservarlo in questa azione, nella quale, siccome si deve procedere con grande sincerità e fuori di affetti umani, così si deve schivare ogni ombra ed occasione di 660 pensare che si facciano pratiche per se o per altri, e però gli Uf¬ ficiali maggiori, ai quali appartiene il far P elezione delli tre, come è detto, devono non fidarsi del proprio giudizio, ma potranno in- 661 formarsi dagli altri più antichi e più pratichi e particolarmente dal Padre, il quale conosce tutti e sa quello che appartiene al maggior bene della Congregazione meglio degli altri. 7. Dopo la elezione del Prefetto, si eleggeranno due Assistenti 663 nello stesso modo che il Prefetto, osservando quattro cose: COMMON RULES, 1587 — ELECTIONS 33 * 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 L’ una, che la prima nominazione si farà per polize segrete da tutta la Congregazione; La seconda, che in questa si dovranno nominare ed eleggere quattro da ciascuno; La terza, che per essere di questi quattro sarà necessario che abbino almeno ciascheduno otto voci nelle Congregazioni numerose, e nelle non numerose quattro; La quarta, che nelli scrutinii a balle ciascuno dei Fratelli deve dar la sua in favore almeno a due di questi. 8. Dopo la elezione degli Assistenti si farà quella dei Dodici, la quale però sarà di tre soli, in luogo dei quali ancora usciranno tre soli i più antichi, cioè che più saranno stati in quell’ uffizio. E si farà questa elezione da tutta la Congregazione per polize se¬ grete, mettendo ciascuno della Congregazione che ha voce in una bossola la sua poliza col nome scritto di un solo che gli parerà atto per questo uffizio. E di tutti i nominati, que’ tre che avranno più voti saranno dei Dodici, purché abbiano almeno cinque voci, e se al primo scrutinio non fossero tre che giungessero a questo numero di voti, o fra quelli che vi giungono fossero molti eguali fra di se più di quelli che bisognano, si farà il secondo scrutinio e, non riuscendo anco in questo, si finirà la elezione a sorte, os¬ servando in tutto il resto quello che si è detto nella elezione del Prefetto ed Assistenti. Ma dove bisognerà in alcuna Congregazione, o fatta di nuovo o antica, instituire la prima volta questo uffizio delli Dodici, si eleg¬ geranno per quella volta tutti insieme, e questa elezione si farà dal Padre col Prefetto, Assistenti e Segretario, per evitare la mol¬ titudine de’ scrutinii e perdimento di tempo. Si andranno poi an¬ cor .loro mutando a tre a tre come si è detto degli altri, ed in luogo dei più antichi fra loro si piglieranno quelli che prima sa¬ ranno stati nominati, che però si scriveranno con quell’ ordine che furono nominati. 9. Quando in alcuna Congregazione non vi fosse il numero di dodici ma di sei — come si è detto avvenire in quelle che non passano il numero di cinquanta — in tal caso, la elezione delli Sei converrà farsi ogni quattro mesi, mutandone due per volta nel modo già detto, con suffragio almeno di quattro voti. 10. Dopo quest’elezione, si farà quella del Segretario della Con¬ gregazione dei Dodici o Sei, alle più voci segrete, purché non siano meno di cinque dove sarà la Congregazione dei Dodici, o di quattro dove sarà di Sei. E quando non riuscisse al primo e secondo scru¬ tinio, la terza volta si caverà a sorte tra quelli che avranno avuto più voti degli altri. Consultors when twelve First time When six Secretary 3 34 COMMON RULES, 1587 — CONSULTATIONS Substitute Other Officers When changed Vacancies Extraordinary cases Council meetings * E potrà essere eletto per Segretario ancora uno della Con- 671 gregazione dei Dodici o Sei. Nè si potrà confermare l’istesso immediatamente più di una 672 volta. E dove la Congregazione, oltre il Segretario, ha ancora il 673 Sostituto, questo si eleggerà dagli stessi Ufficiali alle più voci se¬ grete e, se saranno più eguali in voci, si cavi tra quelli uno a sorte. 11. Il Depositario, Sagrestano, Portinaro ed altri Uffiziali che, se- 674 condo lo stato e consuetudine di ciascuna particolar Congregazione si ricercano, li potranno eleggere il Padre, Prefetto, Assistenti e Segretario a quel modo, che per maggiore bene della Congrega¬ zione gli parrà che convenga. E tutti si muteranno ad ogni prefettura con gli altri Officiali, 675 sebbene si potranno confermare più di una volta, se così si giu¬ dicherà espediente. 12. Se accadesse che il Prefetto morisse, o per altro accidente 6 7 6 mancasse avanti la metà del tempo del suo offìzio, si eleggerà un altro nel modo che si è detto nella sua elezione. Ma se sarà pas¬ sato più tempo, la Congregazione dei Dodici o Sei eleggerà un altro in suo luogo ad plura medietate suffragia. Il quale per quel resto di tempo faccia l’offìzio del Prefetto e si chiami Vice-Prefetto, e potrà a questo grado essere eletto anche chi si voglia degli As- 6 77 sistenti ovvero Segretario, dove non ha Sostituto, o alcuno de’ Dodici o Sei, servato però per questo il numero dei voti che si è detto ricercarsi nella loro elezione. In altri casi poi estraordinarj, che possono occorrere, toccherà 678 al Padre con gli Ufficiali maggiori di fare quelle provisioni che nel Signore gli parranno migliori per la Congregazione. CAPO QUARTO Del modo di fare le consulte 1. Per conservazione ed aumento della Congregazione par neces- 679 sario non solo congregarsi spesso, ma ancora alcuna volta unirsi a trattare del buon progresso della Congregazione, tanto nel par¬ titolare come nell’ universale. Però il Padre col Prefetto, Assistenti, 680 Segretario e Dodici o Sei, ogni mese almeno una volta, si con¬ gregheranno all’ora più comoda per trattar delle cose occorrenti e risolverle, e questa si chiamerà la Congregazione dei Dodici o Sei ; nella quale però, come ancora nelle altre generali, il Padre 681 non darà balle. COMMON RULES, 1587 — CONSULTATIONS 35 * 682 II proporre le cose appartiene al Prefetto di consenso del Pa¬ dre. Gli altri, occorrendo cosa di considerazione, potranno proporla al Padre privatamente e col parer suo proporla ancora nella Con¬ gregazione. Se però non fosse di poco momento e facile a deter¬ minarsi per cose simili, dimandata licenza allora dal Padre, si possono proporre. 683 2. Le cose che sono dubbiose e patiscono dilazione si potranno proporre in una Congregazione e rimettere la risoluzione ad un’ al¬ tra, acciò si possa dare il parere tanto più fondatamente. 684 E quando il Padre o il Prefetto giudicassero utile o necessa" rio l’intervento di alcuni altri della Congregazione per intendere il loro parere o per pigliare alcuna informazione, si potranno am¬ mettere, ma non avranno voto decisivo, ma solamente consultivo. 685 E quel che si determina in questa Congregazione allora sarà valido quando vi concorrerà più della metà dei voti. 686 3. Le cose le quali ricercano il parere o consenso di tutta la Congregazione devono essere proposte dal Prefetto col consenso 687 del Padre in piena Congregazione, e quando vi fosse disparere, che non ardissero alcuni dir liberamente il parer loro, si potrà ballottare secretamente e si risolva ad plura medietate suffragia. 688 Ma in cose molto gravi, come sarebbe deporre il Prefetto ed As¬ sistenti, alienar cose di molto momento, fare spese grati e molto straordinarie (il che potrà tassarsi ciascuna Congregazione se¬ condo il suo stato), far Decreti perpetui, e cose simili, si determi- 689 nerà per i due terzi dei voti. E se in alcuna cosa nascesse dubbio che dovesse andare per più della metà, o per i due terzi dei voti, si stia al giudizio del Padre. 690 Ed allora s’intenda essere Congregazione piena quando sa¬ ranno presenti il Padre, il Prefetto e la metà dei Fratelli che fre¬ quentano. 6gi E similmente la Congregazione dei Dodici o Sei allora sarà legitima quando vi saranno il Padre, il Prefetto e la metà di tutti gli Ufficiali che hanno voto in quella. 692 4. Non si potrà fare in Congregazione piena, ovvero di Dodici o Sei, Decreti, Regole o Ordinazione alcuna di cose di maggior momento che vengano in uso comune di tutta la Congregazione senza la volontà ed approvazione del Padre Rettore del Collegio, come istromento del Preposito Generale, conforme all’ordine espresso che si contiene nella Bolla dell’erezione. 693 5. Nel sedere in Congregazione, il Prefetto dopo il Padre terrà il primo luogo. Appresso il quale sederanno gli Assistenti, il primo da man destra, il secondo da sinistra del Prefetto, ovvero l’uno dopo l’altro, secondo la diversità dei luoghi. Appresso a loro se- Matters proposed Held over Others present Majority Matters put before the Sodality Quorum Rector of the College Seats Stating opinions Secrecy Virtue N Rules Attendance Subordination 36* COMMON RULES, 1587 — PREFECT derà il Segretario, e di poi sederanno tutti gli altri come si tro¬ veranno. Fra i quali nel dir le sentenze non vi sarà ordine deter- 694 minato, ma ciascuno risponderà come dal Padre o Prefetto saranno ricercati. Il Padre però sederà dove meglio gli parerà per indi¬ rizzo della Congregazione. 6. Tutti nel dire il parer loro si guarderanno dagli affetti disor- 695 dinati, come da impazienza, collera, gara, fazione ed altra sorte d’imperfezione. Ma con prudenza e libertà Cristiana diranno quanto gli occorrerà e saranno ricercati a maggior gloria di Dio Nostro Signore e bene della Congregazione. E tutti debbono serbare il segreto, massimamente quando ne 696 saranno avvisati o la cosa per se stessa lo richiederà, non par¬ lando nè dando segni ad altri fuori di Congregazione, nè a quelli ancora della Congregazione che non saranno stati presenti, di quanto si avrà da fare, senza particolar licenza del Padre o del Prefetto, ed in questo il Prefetto userà particolar diligenza che non si manchi. CAPO QUINTO Regole del Prefetto della Congregazione 1. Siccome il Prefetto, per il grado ed offizio che tiene, precede 697 a tutti gli altri della Congregazione, onde dopo il Padre se li deve il primo luogo, così ancora deve sforzarsi di precedere in virtù ed essere a tutti esempio di ogni bontà. Con la quale più che con la dignità del grado li muova a portargli onore e riverenza. Per 698 il che converrà che osservi con ogni diligenza non solo le Regole del proprio offizio, ma ancora le comuni a tutti, particolarmente quella della frequenza dei Sacramenti, confessandosi e comunican¬ dosi più spesso degli altri, procurando, non tanto con le parole ma ancora con le opere, di promuovere là Congregazione alla virtù e perfezione Cristiana. 2. Assisterà sempre nei tempi deputati nell’ Oratorio, dando or- 699 dini con ogni maturità e prudenza affi esercizii spirituali soliti a farsi, secondo che prima sarà convenuto col Padre. E se per legi- timo impedimento non potrà trovarsi presente, avvisi quanto prima il Padre, ed in tal caso farà l’offizio di Prefetto il Primo Assi¬ stente, ed essendo questo ancora assente, lo farà il Secondo. 3. Sebbene il Prefetto deve aver la cura immediata della Con- 7 °° gregazione come superiore di essa, nondimeno sappia che è subor- COMMON RULES, 1 587 — PREFECT 37 * dinato al Padre, dal quale piglierà l’indirizzo in tutte le cose, e però non muterà ne toglierà ne anco ordinerà cosa nuova senza saputa e consenso di esso Padre, acciò nella Congregazione si pro¬ ceda con maggior lume e più gloria del Signore. 701 4. Terrà parti colar conto di tutti, informandosi della vita e co¬ stumi loro, e, se sapesse mancamento notabile di alcun Fratello, ne dia avviso al Padre, acciò col suo parere possa con carità e pru¬ denza rimediarsi. 7 ° 2 Appartiene ancora al suo offizio avvisare quelli che non ven¬ gono alla Congregazione, e, informandosi delle cause, trattarne col Padre, e circa il dare le penitenze, tanto per mancamenti quanto per devozione, avrà quella facoltà che dal Padre gli sarà concessa. 7°3 5. Procuri che le Regole Comuni a tutti si tengano nell’ Oratorio in una tavoletta molto bene scritte (se non saranno stampate), ed ogni tre mesi pubblicamente si leggano; ed abbia particolar cura che da tutti si osservino, notando li mancamenti che occorreranno, conferendoli col Padre, acciò si ponga rimedio. 704 Parimenti procuri che nell’ Oratorio vi siano in un’ altra ta¬ vola i nomi dei Fratelli che frequentano la Congregazione, ed an¬ cora che vi sia un libro comune dove siano scritti tutti i Fratelli distintamente, così frequentanti come non frequentanti, notando separatamente quelli che di mano in mano saranno passati a mi¬ glior vita. 705 6. Quando alcun Fratello fosse infermo, procuri che sia visitato in nome di tutta la Congregazione, deputando chi con edificazione e consolazione possa fare quest’ uffizio. Ed aggravandosi il male, si faccia orazione per lui, e bisognando si avvisi del pericolo, acciò 706 si armi delli Santissimi Sacramenti della Chiesa. Ed occorrendo che muora, ordini che tutti lo accompagnino alla sepoltura e si eseguisca quanto si è detto nella Regola XII delle Comuni. 707 7. Terrà cura che gli altri Officiali subordinati osservino le Re¬ gole del loro offizio, specialmente gli Assistenti, Secretano, i Do¬ dici o Sei Consultori, e tutti gli altri, tanto della Congregazione quanto dell’Accademia, dove quella sarà.. 708 E quantunque uno a tutti quelli sia superiore e più con¬ forme all’Offizio suo, dirizzarli dove mancassero; nondimeno delle cose particolari che occorreranno nell’ Accademia avviserà il Ret¬ tore di essa, quando sarà distinto dal Prefetto della Congrega¬ zione, lasciando a lui 1’ esecuzione delle cose particolari. 709 8. Vedrà i conti del Depositario ogni tre mesi e li sottoscriverà in presenza delli due Assistenti, e riferirà al Padre quello che si sarà speso. Supervision Rules List of Members Sickness Death Officers Treasurer Consultations New Members Expulsion Signature 38* COMMON RULES, 1587 — PREFECT * Nè lascierà fare spesa notabile in paramenti o altre cose di 710 Congregazione senza saputa e consenso del Padre. E sarà presente quando il Depositario cava o mette denari 711 nella cassa. 9. Procuri che una volta il mese si faccia Congregazione dei Do- 712 dici o de’ Sei con la presenza del Padre; senza il quale d’ordi¬ nario non si congregheranno nè determineranno cosa veruna. E nelle Congregazioni proporrà il Prefetto le cose che si hanno 713 a consultare. Delle quali sempre ne sia consapevole il Padre, al quale 714 ancora starà il giudicare se, dopo fatta la risoluzione, occorrendo alcun nuovo accidente, sia bene o no differire o lasciare la esecu¬ zione di esse. 10. Non avrà autorità di ammettere veruno nella Congregazione o 715 Accademia, e molto meno di mandarlo fuori, ma quegli che do¬ manda la Congregazione lo mandi al Padre, dal quale poi intenderà se gli pare atto per la Congregazione, e parendogli lo potrà pro¬ porre in Congregazione, osservando quanto nelle Regole dell’ am¬ missione dei Fratelli è ordinato. 11. Sapendo che alcuno dei Fratelli sia scandaloso e incorreggi- 716 bile, dando malnome alla Congregazione, o non menando vita confor¬ me alle Regole, lo avvisi, e lo faccia ancora avvisare da altri con ca¬ rità, e non emendandosi, consulterà prima col Padre, e di poi, pa¬ rendo così a lui, tratterà con li suoi Consultori di quello che in ciò si abbia a fare, e determinandosi esser bene di escluderlo, ne darà di poi conto a tutta la Congregazione, dicendo generalmente le cause, e così lo farà togliere dal Catalogo dei Fratelli. E benché questo sia il modo ordinario di mandar via, resterà 717 però sempre intiera l’autorità del Padre in cose gravi e di servi¬ zio Divino, di poter escludere quelli che in Domino giudicherà. Ma gli negligenti, li quali lasciano spesso la Congregazione, dopo 718 le debite monizioni, purché non diano scandalo, basterà levarli dalla Congregazione di quelli che frequentano. 12. Sottoscriverà l’inventari delle robe quando esce di officio, ed 719 anco quando occorrerà sottoscriverà lettere, patenti, mandati, conti ed ogni altra scrittura che questo ricercasse, insieme col Secretano e non altri, acciò nel medesimo modo si possano consegnare alli seguenti Officiali. COMMON RULES, 1 587 — ASSISTANTS 39 * CAPO SESTO . Regole degli Assistenti 720 721 722 723 724 735 726 727 728 729 1. La principal cura degli Assistenti sarà aiutare col consiglio e con l’opera il Prefetto nell’officio suo. Per il che converrà che siano molto uniti, trattando spesso insieme delle cose della Con. gregazione, e procurando ancora di aiutare gli altri, non tanto con le parole in quello che toccherà all’officio loro, quanto con l’esem¬ pio, osservando intieramente non solo le Regole proprie ma an¬ cora le Comuni, massime quella della frequenza delli Santissimi Sa¬ cramenti. 2. Ancora il loro officio e cura sarà, come dal Prefetto o Padre gli sarà ordinato, d’istruire quelli che desiderano entrare nella Con¬ gregazione, dichiarandoli le Regole, ed informandoli delle altre par¬ ticolari consuetudini della Congregazione. Tanto questi quanto gli altri che gli saranno assegnati, devono procurare con ogni carità e diligenza di aiutarli, osservando con prudenza il loro procedere, e procurando levargli ogni occasione che gli potesse apportare al¬ cun danno. E però tratteranno spesso col Padre e col Prefetto con¬ sultando come possano meglio incamminarli nella via del Divino servizio. 3. Avranno similmente cura degli apparati che secondo i tempi occorreranno da farsi nella Congregazione, conforme alla consue¬ tudine di essa, consultando col Padre e con il Prefetto tutto quello che bisognerà fare, e governandosi tanto in questo quanto in ogni altra cosa appartenente alla Congregazione secondo il consilio e parer loro. 4. Devono intervenire a tutte le Congregazioni, tanto pubbliche come private, e quando il Prefetto fosse assente, in luogo suo sarà il Primo Assistente, e mancando tutti e due, farà l’offizio il Secondo. E quando dovranno saldarsi li conti, fare inventari, o altra cosa nel fine degli offizi, procurino essere presenti, acciò a suo tempo possano consegnare alli nuovi Offiziali tutte le cose che avranno avuto in mano della Congregazione. Help to the Prefect Good example Care of Members assigned Feasts Attendance Attendance Minutes Papers Secrecy Records Documents Letters Order Inventory 40* COMMON RULES, 1 587 — SECRETARY CAPO SETTIMO Regole del Segretario della Congregazione 1. Il Segretario della Congregazione sarà presente a tutti gli atti 73 ° della Congregazione, pubblici e privati, ed in un libro a questo ef- 73 1 fetto designato, scriverà le risoluzioni fatte delle cose di momento, mostrando prima al Padre e Prefetto le minute di quanto bisognerà notare. E custodirà le scritture ed altre cose del suo offizio, con or- 73 2 dine, nettezza e diligenza sotto chiave. E dove bisognerà, cerchi di serbare il secreto, non parlando 733 ne dando segno di quanto sarà stato ordinato o si avrà da fare, nè mostrerà scritture a nessuno senza espresso ordine del Padre 734 o Prefetto della Congregazione. 2. Avrà un altro libro nel quale noti tutti li Fratelli che entrano 735 nella Congregazione, scrivendo il nome, cognome, patria, giorno, etc., che ciascuno sarà accettato nella Congregazione, con altri par¬ ticolari che ciascuna Congregazione in questo sarà solita di osser¬ vare, tenendo ancora conto dell! morti, e di quelli che mutano stato, e che son licenziati dalla Congregazione, senza esprimere la causa. 3. Terrà cura di scriver patenti, lettere, mandati ed ogni altra 736 scrittura che occorrerà, e di sottoscriverle e sigillarle col solito si¬ gillo della Congregazione, quando bisognerà o la cosa lo richiederà, il tutto facendo sempre con parere ed ordine del Padre e Prefetto ; alli quali dovrà sempre mostrare quanto avrà a fare o avrà fatto per meglio procedere nelle cose del suo officio. E delle cose di qual¬ che momento terrà copia o le noterà ordinatamente come dagli stessi gli sarà detto. 4. Appartiene all’officio suo rispondere alle lettere che sono scrit- 737 te alla Congregazione da altre Congregazioni di fuori, o persone par¬ ticolari, per le quali piglierà l’ordine dal Padre e Prefetto, ne man¬ derà dette lettere, massime se fussero di altre Congregazioni o di persone di qualità, o di negozio di qualche momento, prima che non siano riviste dagli stessi, registrandole poi al suo libro a ciò deputato. 5. Abbia in ordine tutte le cose necessarie al suo offizio, e le 738 tenga bene ordinate, consegnandole a! fine del suo offizio al suo successore con l’inventario di quanto tiene e con l’istruzione di 739 quanto resta da farsi. COMMON RULES, 1587 — CONSULTORS 41 * 740 6. Dove le Congregazioni saranno numerose, ed in esse vi sarà tale consuetudine, o la cosa lo richiederà, il Secretano avrà un So¬ stituto, il quale lo aiuti nello scrivere, ed in difetto del Secretano possa far lui l’offizio. E si procuri che le cose siano bene scritte, emendate e riviste. 741 Ma detto Sostituto non interverrà ordinariamente nelle Con¬ sulte, se per qualche causa il Padre e il Prefetto non giudiche¬ ranno altrimenti. 74 a 7. Abbia cura che nella Congregazione sia bene scritta ed ordi¬ nata la tavola dei Fratelli che frequentano la Congregazione, la Bolla dell’ erezione, le Regole Comuni, il Sommario delle Indulgenze e tutto il rimanente che dal Padre o Prefetto sarà ordinato. CAPO OTTAVO Regole dei Dodici 743 1. Si eleggeranno alcuni Fratelli della Congregazione, nel modo che nelle Regole dell’elezione si è detto, li quali saranno in nu¬ mero Dodici, dove la Congregazione passerà il numero di cinquanta; 744 ma dove non passerà tal numero basterà che siano Sei, li quali avranno offizio e carico di aiutare il Prefetto nelle Consulte e go- 745 verno della Congregazione, e però dovranno essere, per quanto è possibile, delli più antichi e maturi, acciò possano con il loro con¬ siglio ed esempio promuovere la Congregazione in ogni maggior bene e servizio di Dio nostro Signore. 746 2. Ciascuno dei Dodici o Sei avrà particolar cura di quelli che dal Padre o Prefetto gli saranno assegnati, per aiutarli. Con li quali spesso tratterà secondo l’istruzione datagli. 747 E quando alcuno di questi non camminasse con quella virtù ed osservanza di Regole che deve, dopo di averlo con carità am¬ monito, avviserà il Padre e Prefetto, acciò vi provveggano, massi¬ me quando fossero difetti di qualche momento, i quali potessero apportare poco buon nome alla Congregazione. > Regole degli Officiali Minori 748 Le regole del Depositario, del Sacrestano, del Lettore, del Por¬ tinaro, etc., si lasciano alle Congregazioni particolari, che le faccia Substitute Lists, etc., posted up Number Duties Supervision As needed i Nov., 1587 In the name of the General Copy . 42* COMMON RULES, 1587 — PROMULGATION . ciascuna conforme agli Officiali dei quali avrà bisogno e agli of- fizi che quelli avranno da fare. Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. I. i. p. /. This is a copy of an older Mss., made , apparently , about the year 1800. At the end of the Rules is found the following record of their promulgai on: PUBBLICAZIONE DELLE REGOLE GENERALI COMUNI ALLA CONGREGAZIONE DELLA SANTISSIMA ANNUNZIATA NEL COLLEGIO ROMANO DELLA COM¬ PAGNIA DI GESÙ ED ALLE ALTRE INSIEME A QUESTA AGGREGATE L’anno del Signore 1587, al primo di Novembre, nel qual giorno 749 si celebra la festa di tutti li Santi, dopo pranzo essendosi congre¬ gati nel luogo solito dell’ Oratorio nostro nel Collegio Romano della Compagnia di Gesù : il Reverendo Padre Geronimo Ubaldino ed il Pa¬ dre Nicolò Fabrino della nostra Congregazione; il Signore Giacomo Nosilski, Polono, Prefetto; il Signore Gasparo Palonio, Romano, Primo Assistente, con tutti gli altri Fratelli, ed insieme quelli della Congregazione dei Piccoli, venne il Reverendo Padre Giovanni Batti¬ sta Carminata, il quale, fatta prima una esortazione a tutti li Fra¬ telli, diede poi alla Congregazione in nome del Reverendissimo Pa- 750 dre Claudio Aquaviva, Generale della Compagnia di Gesù, le nuove Regole precedenti, che seco portate aveva, fatte con l’autorità di detto Reverendissimo Padre Generale. Quali, per essere da quelle tutte le altre state annullate, avranno per l’avvenire da essere osser¬ vate non solo dalli Fratelli della nostra Congregazione - quale già tre anni sono fu fatta capo di tutte le altre dalla felice memo¬ ria di Gregorio XIII - ma ancora in ogni altra Congregazione, quale a detta nostra fosse aggregata. Le quali Regole volle che da me 751 sottoscritto Segretario fossero allora pubblicamente lette. Dopo che esortati li Fratelli alla osservanza di quelle, si partì. Ed acciocché qualche certa memoria restasse per l’avvenire di 75a tale pubblicazione delle nostre Regole, ordinò la Congregazione a me, Ottaviano Canevari, Genovese, Segretario, che tutto il sopra¬ detto scrivessi in questo libro, dal che, come insieme da altri ma¬ nifesti segni, potesse la nostra Congregazione aver maggior occa¬ sione di spesso ricordarsi della paterna cura ed amorevolezza grande verso di essa del Reverendissimo Padre Claudio Aquaviva, Gene¬ rale della Compagnia di Gesù. RATIO STUDIORUM, 1599 — CLEMENT Vili, 30 AUG., IÓ 02 43 * No. io. 1599. Rules touching the Sodality inserted in the Ratio Studio- rum. The Rector is to have the Sodality established in his College ; Sodalists and Members of the Academy ; the exercises of the Sodality and other exercises. Rules of the Rector 23. Det operam ut Divae Mariae Annuntiatae Congregatio ex Romano Collegio in suum propagetur. Cui qui nomen non dederit non esset in Academiam, in qua recoli solent litterariae exercitationes, admittendus, nisi forte ipse Rector aliter expedire in Domino judicaverit. Verum ea quae ad Congregationem vel Academiam spectant ne fiant eo tempore quo in Tempio nostro sacrae conciones seu le- ctiones habentur. Rules of the Prefect of the Academy 5. Horas Academiae, repetitionum scilicet, disputationum et si- milium, ita dispenset ut horas Congregationis non impediant, quo Academici commode possint utrisque exercitationibus interesse. Quam etiam ob rem nullus erit sine magna causa Congregationis tem¬ pore privatis colloquiis detinendus. Institutum s. j., III. 168, 2JO. No. 11. 30 August, 1602. Brief cum sicut nobis of Clement VIII. Extension of the power to aggregate to the Prima-Primaria so as to in¬ clude other Sodalities of Our Lady, even in Residences of the Society. DILECTO FILIO PRAEPOSITO GENERALI SOCIETATIS JESU CLEMENS PAPA VIII DlLECTE FILI, SALUTEM ET APOSTOLICAM BENEDICTIONEM. Cum, sicut Nobis nuper exponi fecisti, Presbyteri Societatis Jesu in insula Chiensi residentes unam Congregationem laicorum ad instar aliarum Congregationum personarum saecularium apud Sodality and Academy Sermon, etc. Sodality not to be hindered Case proposed Petition Powers for Residences Confirmatory clause 44 * CLEMENT VIII, 30 AUG., l 602 — RESIDENCES Collegia et Domos Professas ejusdem Societatis erectarum, quarirai personae ecclesiastica Sacramenta frequentare et alia exercitia et opera pia et spiritualia exercere consueverunt, erexerint; et ipsius Congregationis, ut praefertur, erectae personae magno cum fru- ctu et aedificatione ecclesiastica hujusinodi Sacramenta frequentent et exercitiis ac operibus piis et spiritualibus vacare studeant ; cum- 75 ® que, ut majori cum fructu et spirituali consolatione in illis perse- verent et alii Christi fìdeles ad illa alliciantur, quo uberius coe- lestium gratiarum donis conspexerint se esse refectos, cupiant Congregationi Primariae Collegii Romani, ut Indulgentiarum et gratiarum spiritualium eidem Congregationi Collegii Romani dictae Societatis per Romanos Pontifices concessarum participes fiant, aggregari; tuque non solum Congregationem praedictam in insula 759 Chiensi, sed alias etiam Congregationes apud quascumque Resi- dentias Societatis Jesu erectas et erigendas eidem Congregationi Primariae Collegii Romani aggregare illisque Indulgentias et gra- tias spirituales hujusmodi communicare ex Nostra speciali gratia posse cupias: Nobis humiliter supplicari fecisti ut opportunam ad hoc facultatem tibi concedere de benignitate Apostolica dignaremur. Nos igitur, piis votis tuis benigne annuere volentes, hujusmodi 7®° supplicationibus inclinati, tibi praedictam insulae Chiensis et quas¬ cumque alias similes Congregationes apud quascumque Residen- tias Presbyterorum dictae tuae Societatis Jesu, jam erectas et in posterum erigendas, praedictae Congregationi Primariae Collegii Romani aggregandi ; illisque Indulgentias et gratias spirituales per 761 quoscumque Romanos Pontifices, praedecessores Nostros, ac Nos et Apostolicam Sedem eidem Congregationi Primariae concessas communicandi facultatem, auctoritate Apostolica, tenore praesentium, concedimus et impertimur. Non obstantibus Nostra de non concedendis Indulgentiis ad 76a instar, aliisque constitutionibus et ordinationibus Apostolicis, caete- risque contrariis quibuscumque. Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Marcum, sub annido Piscatoris, die trigesima Augusti, MDCII, Pontificatus Nostri anno undecimo. M. Vestrius Barbi anus. Institutum s. j., I. 130, ff. CLEMENT Vili, 7 DEC., 1604 — CONFRATERNITIES 45 * No. 12. 7 December, 1604. Bull quaecumque of Clement VIII. Regulations for erecting and aggregating Confraternities . CLEMENS PAPA VIII AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM 763 Quaecumque a Sede Apostolica ad promovendam Christi fide- lium salutem àliquando concessa sunt, etsi ea maturo consilio magnaque prudentia et cautione sancita et decreta sint, tamen cum Romanus Pontifex, de animarum salute sollicitus, progressu tempo- ris animadvertit sensim aliquos abusus in eisdem statutis et de- cretis observandis provenire, debet, pro sui pastoralis officii munere, illis opportuna ratione occurrere et, quantum cum Domino potest» adhibito salutari remedio, providere. 764 Cum itaque a pluribus Romanis Pontificibus, praedecessoribus Nostris, et forsan etiam a Nobis, nonnullis Regularibus Ordinibus, Religionibus et Institutis, ac etiam Christi fidelium saecularium Ar- chiconfraternitatibus et Congregationibus diversarum nationum, no- minum et institutorum, tarn in Alma Urbe Nostra quam in aliis civitatibus et locis Christiani orbis institutis, facultas erigendi et in- stituendi in eorum et aliis Ecclesiis et Collegiis, necnon etiam sibi aggregandi Confraternitates et Congregationes in eadem Urbe et in aliis locis existentes, eisque privilegia, Indulgentias, facultates aliasque spirituales gratias et indulta sibi concessa respective com- municandi attributa fuerit; ac nulla certa forma vel ratio praescri- pta sit quae in hujusmodi erectionibus, institutionibus, aggregatio- 765 nibus et communicationibus faciendis servari debeat; propterea sive negligentia Superiorum Ordinum, Religionum et Institutorum, vel Officiàlium Archiconfraternitatum et Congregationum erigentium, instituentium, aggregantium et communicantium, quae Confraterni- tatibus et Congregationibus erigendis, instituendis et aggregandis, et quibus communicationes privilegiorum, Indulgentiarum aliarum- que gratiarum praedictarum fiunt, non servant formam in hujus¬ modi erectionibus, institutionibus, aggregationibus et communica¬ tionibus servari debitam, neque praescribunt modum quo privilegia, Indulgentias, facultates aliasque spirituales gratias et indulta prae- dicta consequi debeant; seu ipsarum Confraternitatum et Congre¬ gationum incuria, quae non inquirunt ea quae praestare oportet 766 ut ilia consequantur : nonnullae pravae consuetudines irrepserunt multaque incommoda inde provenerunt. i Preamble Causes of abuses Forms neglected Abuses 46 * CLEMENT Vili, 7 DEC., 1604 — CONFRATERNITIES Decree Religious Orders Head Confraternities Quibus Nos, pro commisso Nobis Apostolicae sollicitudinis 767 officio paternaque erga omnes Christi fideles cantate, prospicere volentes, hac Nostra Constitutione perpetuo valitura decernimus atque statuimus ut in posterum tarn hujus Almae Urbis Nostrae, quam aliarum Civitatum et locorum totius Christiani orbis Regula- rium Ordinura et Religionum et Institutorum, quibus in eorum et quibuscumque aliis Ecclesiis et Collegiis Confraternitates saecula- rium erigendi et instituendi facultas concessa est; necnon etiam Archiconfraternitatum et Congregationum cujusvis nationis, nomi- nis et instituti illae sint et in quibuscumque Ecclesiis, Domibus et Oratoriis, tam saecularium quam, ut praefertur, quorumcumque etiam mendicantium Ordinum, Religionum, Institutorum Regula- rium, quavis, tam Ordinaria quam Apostolica, auctoritate erectae ac institutae existant, seu alias quovis modo introductae reperian- tur, quibus alias Confraternitates et Congregationes instituendi, erigendi ac sibi aggregandi, illisque privilegia, Indulgentias, facul- tates aliasque spirituales gratias et indulta praedicta elargiendi et communicandi potestas a Romanis Pontificibus, praedecessoribus Nostris, vel a Nobis et Apostolica Sede attributa fuit, Magistri, Priores, Praepositi, Rectores, Gubernatores, Praeceptores, Primi- cerii, Praelati, Custodes, Guardiani, Praefecti, Administratores et alii Officiales, seu Superiores quovis modo nuncupati, Regularium siquidem Ordinum, Religionum et Institutorum : Unam tantum Confraternitatem et Congregationem ; 768 De consensu tamen Ordinarii loci ; 769 Et cum litteris ejus testimonialibus, quibus Confraternitatis et 770 Congregationis erigendae et instituendae pietas et Christianae ca- ritatis officia quae exercere cupit apud eos commendentur, in eo¬ rum et quibuscumque aliis Ecclesiis et Collegiis erigere et insti- tuere; Caeterarum vero Archiconfraternitatum et Congregationum : In singulis civitatibus, oppidis vel locis unam etiam Confra- 771 ternitatem et Congregationem dumtaxat ; Quae Apostolica vel Ordinaria auctoritate prius erecta ; 77 2 Ac nulli alteri Ordini, Religioni, Instituto, Archiconfraternitati 773 et Congregationi ejusdem vel alterius nationis, nominis et instituti aggregata sit ; Praevio similiter loci Ordinarii consensu; 774 Et cum ejus litteris testimonialibus, quibus ejusdem Confra¬ ternitatis et Congregationis aggregandae institutum, pietas et Christianae caritatis officia quae exercere consuevit apud eos com¬ mendentur, sibi adjungere et aggregare possint; Huic vero Confraternitati et Congregationi erigendae, instituen- 775 Indulgences CLEMENT Vili, 7 DEC., 1604 — CONFRATERNITIES 47 * dae seu aggregandae ea tantum privilegia, Indulgentias, facultates aliasque spirituales gratias et indulta quae ipsi Ordini, Religioni, Instituto erigenti, instituenti ac communicanti, seu Archiconfra- ternitati et Congregationi aggreganti nominatim et in specie, non autem quae per extensionem vel communicationem sibi quovis mo¬ do concessa sunt, et illa quidem non sub generali forma verborum, vel ad instar, sed expresse et in specie communicare valeant; 77 6 Statuta autem pro regimine Ordinum, Religionum et Instituto- rum erigentium et instituentium ac communicantium, seu Archicon- fraternitatum et Congregationum aggregantium edita Confraternita- tibus et Congregationibus erigendis, instituendis et aggregandis et quibus communicationes privilegiorum et aliorum praedictorum fiunt, impartiri non possint, nisi ea prius ab Episcopo dioecesano examinata et, pro ratione loci, approbata fuerint; 777 Quae nihilominus ejusdem Episcopi decretis ac moderationi et correctioni in omnibus semper subjecta remaneant. 77 8 Insuper volumus et ordinamus ut praedicti Ordines, Religio- nes, Instituta erigenda, instituentia ac communicantia, necnon Archi- confraternitates et Congregationes aggregantes, certam erigendi, in- stituendi, aggregandi et communicandi formulam a Nobis novissime 779 approbatam diligenter observent, secundum quam privilegia, In¬ dulgentias, facultates, aliasque spirituales gratias et indulta ipsis Ordinibus, Religionibus, Institutis erigentibus, instituentibus et com- municantibus, seu Archiconfraternitatibus et Congregationibus ag- gregantibus nominatim et expresse, non autem per communicatio¬ nem neque ad instar, ut supra, concessa ipsis Confraternitatibus et Congregationibus erigendis, instituendis et aggregandis et quibus communicationes fiunt communicare possint, quibus Confraternita- tes et Congregationes ejusdem dumtaxat nationis et nominis, Ordi- nis, Religionis et Instituti, Archiconfraternitatis et Congregationis cui aggregantur, tarn hactenus aggregatae quam in posterum ag- 78° gregandae, utantur, potiantur, gaudeant, ita ut dictarum Confrater- nitatum et Congregationum erectarum, institutarum et aggregata- rum ac quibus communicationes factae sunt Ministri et Officiales et alii supradicti privilegia, Indulgentias, facultates aliasque spirituales gratias et indulta hujusmodi, - praevia tamen recognitione Ordina- ,rii loci, qui, adhibitis duobus de ejusdem Ecclesiae Capitulo, ilia, juxta Sacri Concilii Tridentini decretum, promulganda decernat - debitis temporibus promulgare valeant. 7 Sl Quibus etiam Ministris, Officialibus et aliis praedictis eleemosy- nas et alia oblata Christianae caritatis subsidia, juxta modum et for- mam per Ordinarium loci praescribendam, — remotis tamen mensis, pelvibus et càpsis quae in Ecclesiis et Oratoriis dictarum Confrater- Rules Diploma Communication. of privileges Revision by Ordinary Alms. 48 * CLEMENT Vili, ^ DEC., 1604 — CONFRATERNITIES Employment of Alms Confessors Their powers limited nitatum et Congregationum publice ad hoc exponi consueverunt — excipiendi potestas detur. Atque hoc ipsum Ordines, Religiones, In- 782 stituta erigenda, instituenda ac communicantia, seu Archiconfrater- nitates et Congregationes aggregantes, tarn Almae Urbis Nostrae quam aliarum civitatum et locorum quorumcumque, juxta modum a Vicario Urbis et ab Ordinariis locorum respective praescribendum, observare teneantur. Eleemosynas autem sic collectas in reparationem et ornatum 783 Ecclesiarum tam Ordinum, Religionum, Institutorum erigentium, in- stituentium et communicantium, ac Archiconfraternitatum et Con¬ gregationum aggregantium, quam Confraternitatum et Congregatio¬ num erigendarum, instituendarum et aggregandarum et quibus com- municationes fient, aut in alios earum pios usus, arbitrio ejusdem Vicarii Nostri in Urbe necnon Ordinariorum locorum respective, fideliter exponere atque erogare procurent, ut omnes intelligant eoe- lestes Ecclesiae thesauros, non quaestus aut alicujus lucri causa, sed pietatis et caritatis excitandae grada ex Apostolicae Sedis beni- gnitate Christi fidelibus aperiri. Praeterea volumus ut Confessarii qui, vigore privilegiorum ip- 784 sis Ordinibus, Religionibus, Institutis erigentibus, instituentibus et communicantibus, seu Archiconfraternitatibus et Congregationibus aggregantibus concessorum, ac Confraternitatibus et Congregationi¬ bus aggregandis communicandorum, pro tempore eligi possunt et poterunt, saeculares scilicet in Alma Urbe a praedicto Nostro Vi¬ cario, extra Urbem vero a locorum Ordinariis; regulares autem non solum a praedicto Vicario Nostro et a locorum Ordinariis re¬ spective, sed edam a suis Superioribus approbati sint; utque Con- 785 fratres confitentes a criminibus, casibus et censuris, juxta dictorum privilegiorum (quatenus tamen sint in usu et sacris Concilii Tri- dentini decretis ac Romanorum Pontificum, praedecessorum Nostro- rum, et Nostris Constitutionibus non adversentur, nec revocata aut sub aliquibus revocationibus comprehensa sint) formam et tenorem dumtaxat absolvere valeant. Decernimus insuper ut iidem Confessarii praedictos Confratres 786 cujuscumque gradus, status, conditionis et praeeminentiae, edam si speciali nota dignae fuerint, a casibus contends in Litteris quae die Coenae Domini legi consueverunt, necnon violationis immunitatis et libertatis ecclesiasticae, et clausurae monasteriorum Monialium, - si videlicet sine necessaria et urgenti causa ac sine Superiorum licentia, vel etiam si causa et licentia concessa abutentes, praedicta monasteria ingressi fuerint, - necnon violentae manus injectionis in clericum, et singularis certaminis seu duelli, ac ab aliis etiam casi- bus tam a Nobis quam a praedicto Nostro in Urbe Vicario et lo- CLEMENT Vili, 7 DEC., 1604 — CONFRATERNITIES 49 * corum Ordinariis respective reservatis et pro tempore reservandis, et etiam a quavis excommunicatione ab homine lata absolvere, et super irregularitatibus, tam ex aliquo defectu provenientibus quam occasione delicti contracts, cum aliquo dispensare praetextu dicto- rum privilegiorum nullo modo possint. 7 8 7 Demum statuimus et pariter ordinamus ut Confraternitates et Congregationes ubivis locorum, quavis auctoritate, ut praefertur, erectae et institutae et quibus communicationes praedictae factae sunt, ac cuicumque ex dictis Ordinibus et Religionibus, Institutes» Archiconfraternitatibus et Congregationibus ubilibet existentibus hac- tenus aggregatae, ab eisdem respective Ordinibus, Religionibus, In- stitutis, Archiconfraternitatibus et Congregationibus novas erectio- num, institutionum, communicationum et aggregationum litteras, juxta formam a Nobis novissime approbatam, infra annum, si in Europa sint, et si extra Europam fuerint, infra biennium, a die pu¬ blications praesentium in Romana Curia faciendae computandos, 788 impetrare teneantur. Alioquin, dicto tempore elapso, erectiones, in- stitutiones et quaecumque communicationes privilegiorum, faculta- tum, Indulgentiarum aliarumque spiritualium gratiarum et indul- torum et aggregationes illarum vigore ipsis concessae nullius sint roboris et momenti ac revocatae et abolitae censeantur eo ipso. 789 Erectionum autem, institutionum, communicationum et aggre¬ gationum, tam hactenus factarum quam deinceps faciendarum, litte- rae ab ipsis Ordinibus, Religionibus, Institutis, seu Archiconfrater¬ nitatibus et Congregationibus gratis omnino ac nulla prorsus mer¬ cede, etiam a sponte dantibus, accepta, expediri et concèdi debeant. 79 ° Quod si Ministri aliqui, Superiores vel Officiales, quocumque nomine nuncupati, Ordinum, Religionum, Institutorum seu Archi- confraternitatum, Congregationum et Confraternitatum hujusmodi quavis auctoritate vel privilegio et officio fungantur et praefulgeant, contra praemissa in aliquo venire vel facere praesumpserint, ere¬ ctiones, institutiones et communicationes privilegiorum, Indulgentia¬ rum, facultatum spiritualiumque gratiarum et indultorum aliorumque praemissorum concessiones, necnon aggregationes per ipsos facien¬ dae seu renovandae nullius sint roboris et momenti, et quilibet eo- rundem Ministrorum, Superiorum, Officialium et aliorum praedi- ctorum privationis officiorum quae obtinet, ac inhabilitatis ad ilia et alia in posterum obtinenda poenam, quae ab alio quam a Nobis vel Romano Pontifice pro tempore existente remitti noih possit, in- currat eo ipso. 791 Decernentes praesentes litteras perpetuo validas et efficaces exi- stere et fore ac ab omnibus et singulis ad quos spectat inviola- biliter observari debere, sicque Nostrae mentis et intentionis exi- Time set Penalty of invalidity Erections, etc., gratis Personal penalty Confirmatory clauses 4 Promulgation 50* CLEMENT Vili, 7 DEC., 1604 — CONFRATERNITIES stere, et ita et non aliter per quoscumque judices, ordinarios et de¬ legates, etiam causarum Palatii Apostolici Auditores, ac Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinales, etiam de latere Legatos, sublata eis et eorum cuilibet quavis aliter judicandi et interpretandi facultate et auctoritate, judicari et definiri debere, ac irritum et inane quid- quid secus super his a quoquam, quavis auctoritate, scienter vel ignoranter, contigerit attentari. Non obstantibus quibusvis Constitutionibus et Ordinationibus 79» Apostolicis ac quorumeumque Ordinum, Religionum et Institutorum, seu Archiconfraternitatum, Congregationum et Confraternitatum sae- cularium, etiam juramento, confirmatione Apostolica vel quavis fir- mitate alia roboratis, statutis et consuetudinibus, privilegiis quoque, indultis et Litteris Apostolicis, etiam mare magnum ac Bulla aurea nuncupatis, Regularibus Ordinibus, Religionibus, Institutis seu Archiconfraternitatibus, Congregationibus et Confraternitatibus saecularium, eorumque Superioribus, et aliis quibusvis personis cu- juscumque status, gradus, ordinis, conditionis, dignitatis et praeemi- nentiae existentibus, sub quibuscumque verborum formis et teno- ribus, ac derogatoriarum derogatoriis, aliisque efficacioribus et in- solitis clausulis, necnon irritantibus et aliis decretis, in genere vel in specie, etiam motu proprio et consistorialiter et alias quomodo- libet in contrarium praemissorum, etiam pluries concessis, appro¬ bate et innovatis. Quibus omnibus et singulis, etiamsi pro illorum sufficienti derogatone de illis eorumque totis .tenoribus specialis, specifica, expressa et individua, non autem per clausulas generates idem importantes, mentio seu quaevis alia expressio habenda aut aliqua alia exquisita forma ad hoc servanda foret, illorum tenores, ac si ad verbum exprimerentur et insererentur, praesentibus pro piene et sufficienter expressis et inserts habentes, illis alias in suo robore permansuris, hac vice dumtaxat harum serie specialiter et expresse derogamus; caeterisque contrariis quibuscumque. Ut autem praesentes litterae ad omnium quos concernunt no- 793 titiam facilius deveniant, volumus illas ad valvas Basilicarum S. Joannis Lateranensis et Principis Apostolorum de Urbe et in acie Campi Florae more solito publicari et affigi, atque, iis inde amotis, earundem exempla, etiam impressa, ibi affixa relinqui ; factaque pu- blicatione hujusmodi, omnes Regulares Ordines, Religiones, Insti- tuta et Archiconfraternitates, Congregationes et Confraternitates saecularium, quae in Urbe quidem post mensem, quae vero in Eu¬ ropa post decern menses, quae demum extra Europam fuerint post octodecim menses, a die publicationis hujusmodi computandos, per- inde afficere et arctare ac si earum cuilibet nominatim insinuatae fuissent. Et nihilominus, ut ipsae praesentes litterae notiores fiant FR. GEN. AQUAViVA, IO SEPT., 1605 — THE « QUAECUMQUE » 51 * magisque omnibus innotescant, universis et singulis Venerabilibus Fratribus Patriarchis, Primatibus, Archiepiscopis, Episcopis et aliis locorum Ordinariis per easdem praesentes committimus et manda¬ mus ut per se vel alium seu alios hasce Nostras litteras, postquam earum exemplum receperint seu earum notitiam habuerint, semel aut pluries, prout eis magis expediri visum fuerit, in suis Cathe- dralibus et majoribus respective Ecclesiis civitatum, oppidorum et locorum quorumcumque eorum dioecesum, dum in eis major populi multitudo ad divina convenerit, solemniter publicent et publicari auctoritate Nostra mandent ac faciant. 794 Caeterum, quia difficile foret easdem praesentes ad singula loca ubi opus esset deferri, volumus et simili auctoritate decernimus ut earum transsumptis, etiam impressis, manu notarii publici subscriptis et sigillo alicujus personae in dignitate ecclesiastica constitutae mu. nitis eadem ubique fides habeatur quae ipsismet litteris haberetur, si essent exhibitae vel ostensae. Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Petrum, sub annulo Piscatoris, die septima Decembris, 1604. M. Vestrius Barbianus. ì Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., p . 433 1 ff. No. 13. io September, 1605. Letter of Father General Aquaviva. The Sodality of Our Lady exempt from the quaecumque. 795 Non dubito quin desiderata jam pridem fuerit a nostris aliqua declaratio pro Congregationibus externorum quae in Societatis no- strae Domibus Collegiisque versantur, circa decretum hac de re editum a Clemente VIII felicis recordationis. Verum hactenus ob Sedes vacantes novorumque Pontificum creationem, nullum in hoc negotio responsum elici potuit. Nuper tandem cum actum fuisset cum Pontifice, et is judicium suum Rituum Congregationi demandas- set, declaratum ab illa est Congregationes quae in Domibus aut Collegiis Societatis nostrae institutae sunt hoc decreto minime com- prehendi ; ideoque posse nos erga illas procedere easque acceptare et regere citra dependentiam ab Ordinariis, non aliter quam antea solebamus. \ 796 De quo quidem monendam his censui Reverentiam Vestram, ut perspectam habeat mentem Sanctitatis Suae ac Dominorum Car- Copies Decision Course to follow Finances Good works to be perpetuated 52* FR. GEN. AQUAVIVA, IO SEPT., 1605 — THE < QUAECUMQUK » dinalium ejusdem Congregations, omnesque Provinciae suae Supe¬ riors de ea certiores faciat. Et quamquam suspicari non possum Praelatos Ordinarios, his 797 cognitis, quidquam novaturos, si tamen illorum quispiam Congre- gationes nostras nihilominus visitare vellet, nec sibi in hac exemp¬ tions nostrae declaratione conquiescendum putaret, rogandus erit ut tantisper differat, quoad res in Urbem ad Dominos Cardinales referatur, et declarationis ipsius fides authentica transmittatur. Quod si differri non patiatur, et Congregationum visitationem urgeat, po- terit Reverentia Vestra statuere ne Superiores in eo casu Congre¬ gations conventusque ullos haberi sinant, sed eousque suspendant dum aliud a nobis praescribatur et respondeatur; ac nos interim quid novi in cujusque Collegio vel Domo gestum sit suis litteris moneant. Non omittam porro, quod alias saepe juxta regulam VIII Prae- 79 8 fecti Congregationis, et X Communem statutum est, diligenter ob- servari debere ut non permittantur sumptus extraordinarii aut su- pervacanei, ne Fratres collectarum oneribus praegraventur, sed fiant dumtaxat ad res necessarias, et sine forma contributions. Multo autem magis cavendum ne admittantur legata aut reditus aut bona stabilia, cum id repugnet rationi Congregationum quas nobis ex Instituto nostro habere licet. Reprinted from esposizione di fatto e diritto, etc., Ar¬ chives of the prima-primaria, Prot. XII. y, p. 12, where the Secretary of the Society of Jesus has added: Congruit cum au¬ thentic© exemplari, quod asservatur in Archivio Societatis Jesu. This is found in General archives s. j., N. i, pp. 146, 147. No. 14. 17 December, 1605. Letter of Father General Aquaviva. Another society , distinct from the Sodality and subject to the Ordinary, could hold property and administer it for the Sodality. Occasione eorum quae Reverentia Vestra scripserat de redi- 799 tibus annuis Congregationis Graecensis Spiritus Sancti, has reddere voluimus, quas ad P. Provincialem alterius Provinciae respondimus non ita pridem : nimirum (quoniam. opus ita pium et utile est ut vel impedire vel omnino tollere magno scandalo foret, imo et gra- FR. GEN. AQUAVIVA, 17 DEC., 1605 — AUXILIARY SOCIETY 53 * vis conscientiae scrupulus, tametsi nulla aliorum offensa timeretur) ut Institutum nostrum illaesum conservemus, et ratio Congregatio- num non immutetur, ita pium hoc opus retineri sine praejudicio 800 posse, quod et alibi factum est et succedit ex animi sententia, ut nimirum sub alio titulo cujuspiam Sancti, prout visum erit nobis, erigatur Congregatio seu Fraternitas, cum approbatione Ordinarii et illi subjecta, quae legata pia et stabiles reditus habere poterit» Sed opus erit ut electio Officialium et conventus ipsorum fiant in alio Tempio vel loco, non in nostro ; et quia optatur ut nostri ju- vent et dirigant hoc opus, decretum fieri solet ut nullus possit ad hanc Congregationem seu Fraternitatem dicti Sancti admitti qui non sit ex Congregatione Spiritus Sancti. Nam ita fiet ut dirigantur a nostris, et nihilominus reditus pertineant ad alteram Fraternita¬ tem. Quod non repugnat, cum et hie Romae et alibi, et credimus ! sthic etiam multos esse adscriptos in duabus et pluribus Congre- gationibus. Igitur Reverenda Vestra hanc rationem ineundam curet et moneat nos de anteactis. Quae ita hactenus permissa fuere ad miramur, cum repugnent nostris Constitutionibus. Atque haec de hoc negotio satis. General archives s. j., N. i, p. 148. No. 15. 1606. Ordination of Father General Aquaviva. Directions for the establishment of Sodalities. De modo qui servari debet cum Sodalitates Beatae Virginis ad Primariam Romanam aggregari petunt Reverendi Patris Nostri Claudii Aquavivae, Praepositi Generalis, jussu, anno 1585, ad Provincias missa et dein recognita anno 1606 801 1. Romana Beatae Virginis Annuntiatae Sodalitas, Summi Pon- tificis Gregorii XIII auctoritate confirmata, quia reliquas tempore antecessit et ejus exemplo omnes deinceps inductae sunt, Prima¬ riam Summus Pontifex illam appellari voluit, eique certas Indul- gentias impertiri. Facultatem deinde Praeposito Generali Societatis Jesu concessit ut reliquas Congregationes auctoritate Apostolica Another society to hold property The Primary and others Petitions Expenses Property 54 * FR. GEN. AQUAVIVA, 1606 — DIRECTIONS erigere easque huic Primariae conjungere posset. Quam facultatem Sixtus V extendit ad aggregandas etiam plures Congregationes in eodem Collegio vel Domo vel in Seminariis, et Clemens VIII, in quibuscumque Residentiis, sub quovis titulo, etiam non studen- tium, ita ut eisdem Indulgentiis quibus ista fruerentur; sic tamen ut reliquae Indulgentiae, quas turn isti Romanae turn caeteris om¬ nibus Congregationibus antea concesserat, intelligantur omnes re- vocatae. 2. Quare, ut deinceps in hac Sodalitatum aggregatione certa aliqua formula et omnibus communis servetur, visa est Reverendo Patri Nostro Generali haec tenenda: Primum, ut Provincialis Rectores suos admoneat quorum in 802 Collegiis jam sunt ejusmodi Congregationes, ut earum Praefectis et Assistentibus significent esse illis binas epistolas scribendas, al¬ teram ad Reverendum Patrem Generalem, penes quern est omnis potestas, qua petant suam Congregationem institui certo aliquo sub titulo, et aggregari ad hanc Primariam Collegii Romani cum ejus Indulgentiis; alteram, ad ipsum Praefectum et Assistentes hujus Primariae, rogando ut haec eadem apud Patrem Nostrum procurent. Quod ipsum intelligendum est de Collegiis ubi nondum sit ulla erecta Congregatio. Cum enim Rectori, accedente etiam Provincialis judicio, videbitur tot esse personas et tales ut nova Congregatio instituti debeat, jubebunt aliquos ex iis qui id cupiunt binas item litteras hue scribere eodem plane quo diximus argu- mento. Atque hoc modo debebunt Congregationes omnes denuo erigi ac confirmari. Quod ut ad Dei et Virginis Matris, sub cujus umbra militant, honorem ac gloriam cedat, ipsius infinitam bonitatem ex animo precor. 3. Postremo, duo hie adscribenda visa sunt notatu digna: 803 Alterum, quod aedificationi magnopere conducit ne expensae quae in exscribendis litteris patentibus pro aggregationibus Soda¬ litatum Beatae Virginis et pro communicatione bonorum operum Societatis fieri consueverunt, ab aliis quam ab ipsis Provinciis su- scipiantur. Quibus sumptibus faciendis peculiari aliqua ratione, ne Collegia aut Domus graventur, Provincialis erit prospicere. Alterum est quod puntati paupertatis nostrae deserviet ut 804 nostri intelligant atque omnino sibi persuadeant Congregationes quarum directio a Societate suscipitur nullo modo bona immobilia aut certos reditus aclmittere posse; cum nec Societas, penes quam 805 est erigendi aggregandique facultas, capax sit eorum redituum, nec ipsa Sodalitia, quae per se stabile ac perpetuum quoddam corpus constituere nequaquam possunt, cum ejusmodi ea esse opor- FR. GEN. AQUAVIVA, 30 OCT., l6lO — SODALITIES OF PRIESTS 55* teat ut, quandocumque Nostri subducere se voluerint, eo ipso dis solvantur: quod aegre fieret, si corpus unum efficerent certoque 806 reditu potirentur. Accederet inter alia multa illud etiam incommodi, quod, si Sodalitates nostrae reditus certos haberent, essent omnino, sicut et aliae externorum Confraternitates, visitationibus Ordina- riorum obnoxiae, quo uno maxime praesidio a constitutione de¬ mentis VIII ne comprehenderemur immunes fuimus. Institutum s. j., III. 313, f. No. 16. 30 October, 1610. Letter of Father General Aquaviva. Sodalities of Priests to be encouraged. 8o 7 L’esperienza ha mostrato quanto Dio resti servito dalle Congre¬ gazioni di persone seculari che si sono andate fondando nelle nostre Case e Collegi dopo che fu stabilita questa Primaria sotto il titolo della Beatissima Vergine Annunziata, e per essersi molto il buon successo di questa opera, si animarono i nostri di molti luoghi di Spagna a procurare che il frutto non fosse per secolari soli, ma che si stendesse ancora nelli ecclesiastici con fondare Congregazione di Preti, dalle quali n’è seguita e segue tuttavia in essi e nel popolo molta riforma di vita e costumi. Et essendo cosa certa che il buono esempio delle persone ecclesiastiche è di somma importanza per aiutare l’universal riforma della Republica, mosso da questo e dal desiderio che si vada ogni giorno dilatando più la gloria di Nostro Signore et il spirituale profitto deH’anime; ha giudicato bene incaricar Vostra Reverenza con ogni affetto che in cotesta sua Provincia procuri si vadano fondando simili Con¬ gregazioni di Preti, esortando et ordinando a’ Superiori immediati che non lascino di fare ogni possibile diligenza in negozio di tanta gloria e servizio di Dio. General archives s. j., N. /, pp. 174, 173. No. 17. 6 June, 1616. Answers of Father General Vitelleschi. Members absenting themselves and the Indulgences ; lawful hindrances. Die prima Junii anni 1616 a nostra Prima-Primaria Congregatone Beatae Mariae Virginis Annuntiatae in Collegio Romano Societatis Questions. Answers Question 56* FR. GEN. VITELLESCHl, 6 JUNE, l6l6 — ANSWERS Jesu fuerunt proposita Reverendissimo Patri Mutio Vitellescho, ejus- dem Societatis Praeposito Generali, infrascripta dubia : 1. An illi Sodales quorum impedimentum legitimum judicatum 808 fuit a Congregatione gaudeant omnibus gratiis, Indulgentiis et privilegiis, si praestent opera praescripta in Bulla erectionis, quam- vis non frequentent, et remaneant in eadem civitate et loco. 2. An Sodales discedentes ex una Sodalitate bona cum venia 809 et litteris patentibus, si commigrent ad locum ubi pariter est Sodalitas Romanae nostrae Primariae foederata, fruantur omnibus gratiis, Indulgentiis ac privilegiis, si legitime impediti non fre¬ quentent earn Sodalitatem. 3. An Sodales qui, bona cum venia et cum litteris patentibus, 810 deveniant ad locum ubi est Sodalitas Romanae aggregata gaudeant Indulgentiis, gratiis et privilegiis, si absque legitimo impedimento non frequentent, an potius eo ipso censeantur exclusi a numero Sodalium. 4. Cujusnam sit statuere quae sint impedimenta legitima non 811 frequentando Ad suprascripta dubia idem Reverendissimus Pater Mutius 812 Vitelleschus, Praepositus Generalis, respondit die 6 Junii, 1616. Ad 1 respondit gaudere edam remanentes in eadem civitate et loco. Ad 2 respondit edam frui commorantes in loco alio ubi est Congregatio. Ad 3 respondit non gaudere Sodales qui absque legitimo im¬ pedimento non frequentant. 4 Ad 4 respondit statuere quae sint impedimenta legitime, et illa approbare, ad illius loci Congregadonem pertinere in quo com- moratur Sodalis de quo agitur, juxta regulas ac statuta cujusque Congregationis a Superioribus Societatis approbata. Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. /. 2. b., pp. 102, ioj. No. 18. 7 October, 1617. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites. The Bishop only has the right to erect Confraternities in his diocese. Pro parte Archiepiscopi Elborensis, in Sacra Rituum Congre- 813 gatione quaesitum fuit: Utrum aliquis, invito Episcopo et inconsulto, in sua dioecesi pos- sit erigere et creare de novo Confraternitates in quacumque Ecclesia, S. C. OF RITES, 7 OCT., l6l7 — FR. GEN. VITELLESCHI, 4 NOV., 1617 57 * et statuta confirmare; an potius talis erectio et creatio et confirmatio statutorum pertineat ad Episcopum privative? 814 Eadem Sacra Rituum Congregatio respondit: Nemini licere, inconsulto Episcopo, in sua dioecesi erigere et creare de novo Confraternitates, et eorum statuta confirmare. Quae omnia privative quoad alios ad Episcopum tantum pertinent in sua dioecesi. Et ita censuit et declaravit. Die 7 Octobris, 1617. Decreta authentica s. c. rit., No. 337. No. 19. 4 November, 1617. Letter of Father General Vitelleschi. Details to be sent with application for aggregation. 815 Aliud etiam Reverentiae Vestrae indicandum occurrit, ut Su- periores locales admoneat ut, si quando ex eorum Collegiis Soda- litatis alicujus aggregationem peti contigerit, eodem tempore per- scribant cujus ordinis et conditionis homines in ea Sodalitate censeantur, addantque quibus titulis coetus Sodalium in literis quas ad totam Sodalitatem scribere soleo sit compellandus, ne aut plebeii aut pueri tanquam nobiles aut viri compellentur, aut ii eorum titulis parum decore a me salutentur. General archives s. j., N. 2, p. 332. This letter was ad¬ dressed ad Omnes Provinciales Assistentiae Germaniae. No. 20. 15 April, 1621. Bull alias pro parte of Gregory XV. Extension of powers so as to include the erection of Sodalities in Residences ; exemption of Sodalities of Our Lady from the Bull quaecumque of Clement VIII. GREGORIUS PAPA XV AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM 816 Alias, pro parte quondam Claudii Aquavivae, Praepositi Gene- ralis Societatis Jesu, felicis recordationis Gregorio Papae XIII, prae- decessori Nostro, exposito, externos scholaresad Collegia ejusdemSo- Answer Preamble i 58* GREGORY XV, 15 APR., IÓ2 1 — ACTS OF GREGORY XIII cietatis in diversis mundi partibus instituta studiorum causa confluen- tes, ad pia quaedam et laudabilia scholarum Collegii praedictae Socie- tatisde Urbe exercitia ferventi studio incitari; exindeque, dictisCol* legiis majorem in dies propagationem accipientibus, multiplices fructus ad Dei gloriam ac ejus Divini Nominis cultum et Beatae Mariae Virginis honorem, publicam salutem et animarum spiritua- Acts of lem consolationem provenire coepisse; idem praedecessor, ad lau- 817 Gregory XIII d a b>ile eorundem scholarium in piis operibus et officiis hujusmodi studium conservandum atque augendum, dicti Claudii Praepositi supplicationibus inclinatus, in Ecclesia Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae sita in corpore aedificiorum dicti Collegii Urbis, — in qua ab ejus- dem Collegii scholaribus, sub illius Rectoris et aliorum dictae So- cietatis Religiosorum directione instructs, tarn piarum et fructuo- sarum exercitationum institutum primordium suum habuerat, — imam seu unum externorum scholarium dicti Collegii, ac cum eis simul etiam aliorum Christi fidelium Societati praedictae devotorum Congregationem, seu Primarium Sodalitium, sub titulo ejusdem Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae per dictum Claudium tunc, et pro tempore exsistentem Praepositum Generalem vel, eo absente aut esse desinente, donee novus succederet, Vicarium etiam Genera¬ lem dictae Societatis, dirigendum seu dirigendam, — sine tamen ipsius Societatis praejudicio, — Apostolica auctoritate perpetuo erexit et instituit, pluresque Indulgentias, etiam plenarias, et pec- 818 catorum remissiones scholaribus et Christi fidelibus praedictis con¬ cessit; ac Praeposito seu Vicario praedicto ut in quibusvis aliis 819 dictae Societatis Collegiis extra Urbem per universum orbem tunc et pro tempore erectis et erigendis, sive eorum Ecclesiis, pro di- ctorum operum incremento et animarum salute, quasqumque alias sive alia scholarium inibi bonarum litterarum studio insistentium, ac simul cum eis etiam aliorum Christi fidelium, ut praefertur, de¬ votorum Congregationes sive Sodalitia, sub eodem titulo, in sin¬ gulis scilicet Collegiis singulas seu singula, quae a Primaria Con- gregatione seu Primario Sodalitio praedicto, tanquam membra a capite suo, dependerent, erigere et instituere; illasque seu ilia eidem 820 Primariae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio aggregare, illisque sic erectis et aggregatis eorumque Sodalibus praedictas et quas- cumque alias Indulgentias et peccatorum remissiones, relaxatio- nes, gratias et facultates ab eodem praedecessore et Sede Aposto¬ lica ipsi Primariae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio eatenus concessas et de caetero concedendas communicare, et alia facere posset, itidem etiam perpetuo concessit et indulsit, sub certis modo et forma tunc expressis. GREGORY XV, 15 APR., IÓ 2 I — ACTS OF SIXTUS V 59 * 821 Et subinde pro parte died Claudii piae memoriae Sixto Papae V, etiam praedecessori nostro, exposito, quod ex Congregationibus seu Sodalitiis hujusmodi novi in dies, atque eo majores quoplures erant Sodales, fructus provenire noscebantur, et in multis Colle- giis pro Sodalium frequentia ac disparitate opus fuerat non unam tantum sed plures in eodem Collegio Congregationes hujusmodi instituere quam etiam in eisdem Collegiis ac etiam Domibus dictae Societatis, alia non studiosorum scholarium, sed aliorum piorum Christi fidelium Sodalitia seu Congregationes passim instituebantur; 822 idem Sixtus praedecessor, supplicationibus died Claudii ea in parte inclinatus, eidem Claudio et pro tempore exsistenti dictae Socie¬ tatis Praeposito seu Vicario Generali, ut in quibusvis ejusdem Societatis Ecclesiis seu Domibus ac Collegiis, tarn in dicta Urbe quam extra earn per universum orbem tunc et pro tempore erectis seu erigendis et instituendis, quasvis alias sive scholarium tantum sive aliorum Christi fidelium tantum sive utrorumque simul, tarn sub eodem Beatae Mariae Annuntiatae quam alio quovis titulo et invocatione, Congregationes seu Sodalitia, unum scilicet vel plura in singulis locis vel Ecclesiis pro personarum frequentia seu qua- litate, auctoritate Apostolica, sine tamen alicujus praejudicio, per 823 petuo erigere et instituere ; necnon Congregationes seu Sodalitia hujusmodi, tunc et pro tempore erecta et instituta, eidem Primariae Congregationi seu primario Sodalitio etiam perpetuo aggregare ; 824 eisque sic erectis, institutis et aggregatis respective, eorumque Sodalibus, scholaribus et non scholaribus, omnes et singulas tarn- plenarias quam alias Indulgentias et peccatorum remissiones ac relaxationes, necnon exemptiones, immunitates caeterasque gratias, facultates, indulta et privilegia spiritualia, tarn dictae Primariae quam singulis aliis, in quibusvis dictae Societatis Collegiis vel Domibus aggregatis vel aggregandis, scholarium et aliorum Con¬ gregationibus seu Sodalitiis tarn per dictum Gregorium quam alios quoscumque Romanos Pontifices, praedecessores suos, ac Sedem praedictam, ac etiam regia et imperiali auctoritate, ac tarn per viam extensionis quam alias quomodolibet et quomodocumque tunc con- cessas et concessa ac in posterum concedendas, quibuscumque aliis, sive scholarium dumtaxat sive utrorumquq simul ac mixtim Con¬ gregationibus seu Sodalitiis, in quibuslibet Collegiis ac Domibus dictae Societatis tunc institutis et in posterum instituendis, eorum¬ que Sodalibus, scholaribus et non scholaribus, etiam perpetuo communicare, illasque et illa ad easdem omnes Congregationes seu Sodalitia eorumque Sodales, etiam non scholares, indifferenter et aeque principaliter extendere, ac etiam illis concedere et elargiri libere et licite valeret, dieta auctoritate concessit, et alias prout in Acts of Sixtus V 6 o* GREGORY XV, 15 APR., IÓ 2 I — POWERS FOR RESIDENCES Doubt as to Residences Powers to erect and aggregate Sodalities in them Gregorii et Sixti, praedecessorum praedictorum, desuper confectis litteris plenius continetur. Cum autem, sicut pro parte dilecti filii Mutii Vitelleschi, mo- 825 derni dictae Societatis Praepositi Generalis, Nobis nuper exposi- tum fuit, ex praedictarum Congregationum seu Sodalitiorum erectio- nibus et institutionibus uberes in vinea Domini fructus emanaverint et in dies, benedicente Domino, producantur; in nonnullis vero ci- 826 vitatibus et locis non Collegia seu Domus Professae, sed pro illo- rum seu illarum principio quaedam Domus dumtaxat, Residentiae nuncupatae, dictae Societatis erigi possint; et propterea, ne oria- 827 tur dubium an scilicet dictae Societatis Praepositus seu Vicarius Generalis pro tempore exsistentes in hujusmodi Residentiis vel earum Ecclesiis Congregationes seu Sodalitia in vim litterarum praedictarum erigere possint, sibi per Nos, ut infra, opportune provideri summopere desideret: Nos, piis dicti Mutii desideriis, quantum cum Domino pos- 828 sumus, annuere volentes ; ipsumque a quibusvis excommunicationis, suspensions et interdicti aliisque ecclesiasticis sententiis, censuris et poenis, a jure vel ab homine, qua vis occasione vel causa, latis, si quibus quomodolibet innodatus exsistit, ad effectum praesentium dumtaxat consequendum, harum serie absolventes et absolutum fore censentes; ac litterarum praedictarum tenores praesentibus pro expressis habentes, supplicationibus ejus nomine Nobis super hoc humiliter porrectis inclinati, eidem Mutio, moderno, et pro 829 tempore exsistenti dictae Societatis Praeposito seu Vicario Generali, ut in quibusvis ejusdem Societatis Residentiis seu illarum Ecclesiis, per universum orbem exsistentibus, Congregationes seu Sodalitia hujusmodi, sicut in aliis dictae Societatis Ecclesiis seu Domibus ac Collegiis potest, eadem auctoritate, sine alicujus praejudicio, per¬ petuo erigere et instituere; illasque seu ilia, nunc et pro tempore 830 erecta et instituta, eidem Primariae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio, dicta auctoritate, etiam perpetuo aggregare ; eisque sic 831 erectis, institutis et aggregatis respective eorumque Sodalibus, scho- laribus et non scholaribus, omnes et singulas Indulgentias et pec- catorum remissiones ac reiaxationes, nec non exemptiones, immuni- tates caeterasque gratias/facultates, indulta et privilegia, spiritualia et temporalia, praedicta similiter perpetuo communicare; illasque et illa ad easdem omnes Congregationes seu Sodalitia, in dictis Ecclesiis vel earum Residentiis erectas seu erecta vel erigendas aut erigenda eorumque Sodales, etiam non scholares, indifferenter et aeque principaliter extendere ac etiam illis concedere et elargiri libere et licite valeat, servata alias in omnibus et per omnia littera- 83a FR. GEN. VITELLESCHI, 8 OCT., 1631 — CARE OF SODALITIES 6l * rum praedictarum forma, dicta auctoritate, tenore praesentium, facultatem concedimus et impartimur. 833 Decernentes praedictas Gregorii et Sixti praedecessorum nec- non praesentes litteras sub Constitutione recentis memoriae demen¬ tis Papae VIII, similiter praedecessoris Nostri, super modo et forma Confraternitates erigendi, aggregandi edita, minime comprehendi, irritumque et inane quidquid secus super his a quoquam quavis auctoritate, scienter vel ignoranter, contigerit attentari. s 34 Non obstantibus praemissis ac aliis Constitutionibus et ordina- tionibus Apostolicis, necnon omnibus illis quae dicti praedecessores in litteris suis praedictis voluerunt non obstare; caeterisque con- trariis quibuscumque. 835 Volumus autem ut praesentium transsumptis, etiam impressis, Secretarii ipsius Societatis vel notarii publici marni subscriptis, et personae alicujus in dignitate ecclesiastica constitutae vel pro tempore exsistentis Praepositi aut Vicarii Generalis ejusdem So¬ cietatis sigillo munitis, eadem prorsus fides ubique locorum, in judicio et extra, adhibeatur quae praesentibus adhiberetur, si forent exhibitae vel ostensae. Datum Romae, apud Sanctam Mariam Majorem, sub annulo Piscatoris, die decimoquinto Aprilis, MDCXXI, Pontificatus Nostri anno primo. Institutum s. j., /. 139, ff. No. 21. 8 October, 1631. Letter of Father General Vitelleschi. Care of Sodalities urged; Directors to be the best possible. 836 Par diligentia adhibenda est in conservandis Congregationibus, et providendis hominibus qui illis honori et utilitati esse possint, excitando in commune omnes, et devotionem promovendo, quantum fieri poterit, ut primaevus vigor ille retineatur Congregationum, cum fuere velut purum et sincerum pietatis fermentum a Regina virginum in massam illorum adolescentium immissum, quo mirabilius illa temperabatur et crescebat in benedictiones infinitas. Et sine dubio non obscura esset ilia fraus vanitasque si, contempto praecipuO scholarum firmamento, cadere deinde illas atque abjici non sine 837 dolore videremus. Quare commendo Reverentiae Vestrae, quanto possum aflfectu maximo, coetus illos, et vehementer hortor ut in The Bull Quaecumque Confirmatory clauses Copies Care of Sodalities Directors 62* FR. GEN VITELLESCHT, NOV.,1636 — SUBJECTION, ABSENCE officiorum distributione prima sit hujus cura; ut non cuilibet qui forte postremus in ministeriis obeundis et rejectaneus videatur com- mittatur illud, sed omnium optimis qui praeclare sustinere illud possint; adeo ut ista occupatio omnibus aliis, si necesse fuerit, et studiis quoque ipsis, anteponatur. Sibi alioquin persuadeat fore ut ea ratione omnibus satisfiat, qui, ut decet, existimabunt religiosis hominibus earn curam esse maxime honoratam e qua plus honoris in Dominum redundat, cui tanta gratiarum mercede et donorum caelestium fructu serviunt. SELECTAE EP1STOLAE, p. j 8 . No. 22. November, 1636. Letter of Father General Vitelleschi. The Sodality in Jesuit Houses subject to the Society in everything ; absence pun¬ ished. Subject to the Society Papers Treasurer Absence Stimo necessario che le Congregazioni che sono nelle Case e 838 Collegii della Compagnia sappino che, secondo le Bolle Apostoliche, dipendono in omnibus dalla Compagnia e però senza l’assistenza delli Padri, alli quali li Superiori ne danno la cura, non possino fare ne determinare cosa niuna, ne tener Congregatone senza l’as¬ sistenza e consenso delli medesimi, dalli quali dipende tutto il go¬ verno. Questo Vostra Reverenza procurerà che sappia in particolare la Congregazione del Collegio di Tivoli, con ordinare al Padre che n’ ha cura, che, per rimediare a qualche inconveniente scorso nell’ ad¬ dietro, stabilisca per l’avvenire le cose seguenti: 1. Le scritture si conservino in una cassa con due chiavi 839 distinte, una delle quali tenga il Padre, e l’altra il Prefetto pro tempore della Congregazione. 2. L’elettone del Depositario che durerà almeno un’anno, 840 si dovrà fare con l’assistenza e consenso del Padre; altrimente non sia valida. Li mandati dei pagamenti da farsi per qualsivoglia cosa non si ricevono dal Depositario, ne s’eseguiscano senza l’approva¬ tone e sottoscrizione del Padre. 3. Quando alcuno lascia di venire alla Congregazione senza 841 cagione giusta a parer del Padre per lo spatio di tre mesi, eo ipso s’intenda licentiato ed escluso dalla Congregatone, nella quale non havrà più ne voce attiva ne passiva in niuna cosa. S. C. OF BISHOPS AND REGULARS, 31 JULY, 1637 — VISITATION 63 * Con che mi raccomando alii Santi Sacrifizi et orationi di Vostra Reverenza, la quale considererà li suddetti punti e anderà eseguendo con prudenza. General archives s. j., N. i. pp . joj, J04. No. 23. 31 July, 1637. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regu¬ lars. In what details the Ordinary has power to make the visitation of Confraternities in the Churches of Reg¬ ulars. Aliphana Visitationis Confraternitatum in Ecclesiis Regularium Al Vescovo di Alife 8 4 2 Al dubbio che Vostra Signoria ha fatto rappresentare a questa Sacra Congregazione, se ella può visitare le Confraternite dei laici poste nelle Chiese dei Regolari, poiché nella Sua visita che ha fatta nella Terra di Piedemonte, luogo di cotesta Diocesi, ha trovato resi¬ stenza, essendoli stato divietato di visitare la Confraternita del Rosa¬ rio ed un’ altra istituita sotto il titolo di Gesù Maria nella Chiesa di 8 43 San Domenico delPistess’Ordine; questi Eminentissimi miei Signori mi hanno ordinato di risponderle che tal facoltà viene data a tutti 8 44 li Ordinarii dal Sacro Concilio di Trento, che parla assai chiaro nel cap. 8 della Sess. 22 de Reform., che perciò non hanno stimato di bisogno di darle maggior autorità, e così è stato più volte risoluto dalla Sacra Congregazione dell’istesso Concilio, come anche da questa de’ Vescovi e Regolari. 845 Che P Ordinarii possono visitare le Confraternite de’ laici erette nelle Chiese de’ Regolari e d’altre persone esenti, non solo in quanto alli beni ed entrate loro, con rivedere i conti, ma anco le Cappelle stesse, in quanto a quello che riguarda l’amministrazione ed altri obblighi personali che s’aspettano alla Compagnia e Confratri ascritti a quella, cioè in riconoscere se P entrate ed elemosine che si danno per adornare e mantenimento della Cappella, e per P accrescere ivi il culto divino e devozione del popolo, siano spese fedelmente, e con effetto s’impieghino ad utilità ed in beneficio della stessa Cap- 846 pella e non in altri usi - non toccando però il restante, che s’aspetta Resistance to Visitation Answer Details Items 6 4 * THE FATHERS GENERAL, BEFORE 1645 — DECISIONS of exemption The provisions of Trent reaffirmed Erection and aggregation alla cura e totale amministrazione dei Frati e Regolari che sono padroni di tutto il corpo della Chiesa dove sono dette Cappelle e Confraternite erette, come l’altari, immagini ed altre cose materiali affisse, ed utensili sacri applicati a quelle; sopra de’quali nè i Ve¬ scovi nè altri Ordinarii hanno da ingerirsi nè usare alcuna giuris¬ dizione o sopraintendenza, a segno tale che non l*è permesso esercitar alcun atto giurisdizionale nelle suddette Chiese de’ Re¬ golari fuori che quanto si è detto di sopra. E con tale distinzione restano conciliate molte dichiarazioni, 847 che vanno attorno per manus di molti, che vogliono applicarle al caso che alla giornata se le rappresenta, piuttosto per servir, alla causa ed all’amico che alla verità. Onde Vostra Signoria doverà governarsi in questa conformità, 848 che tale è stato sempre il senso della Sacra Congregazione, la quale, in quanto faccia il bisogno, di nuovo Le conferma l’istess’autorità che ne Le dà il Sacro Concilio, acciocché per l’avvenire non abbia scru- pulo veruno di procedere nel modo e forma che con la presente se Le prescrive. E Dio La preservi. Roma, 31 Luglio, 1637. Bizzarri, Collectanea, pp. 241 ?, /. No. 24. Before 1645. Extracts from Letters of the Fathers General. Decisions touching Sodalities in Jesuit Institutions. Congregatio Beatae Virginis I CONGREGATIONS ERECTIO ET AGGREGATIO 1. Privilegium nostrum aggregandi Congregationes Beatae Vir- 849 ginis ad Primariam Romanam non se extendit nisi ad Congrega¬ tiones immediate a nostris gubernandas — P. Hoffaeo, Visitatori, 14 Maji, 1596. 2. Leges Congregationum Beatissimae Virginis non sint aliae 850 quam Romanae Primariae — Provine. Roman., 1584. THE FATHERS GENERAL, BEFORE 1645 — DECISIONS 65 * 851 3. Sodalitates quae aliis Regulis utuntur non possunt aggre¬ gar! Romanae, nisi prius dissolutae ad Romanae Regulas se com- ponant. Possunt tamen Sodales aliarum ad nostras etiam admitti, et utriusque jura et privilegia participare, dummodo servent utrius- que Regulas — C. Austriae, 1620. 852 4. Quando ob solam multi tu dinem dividitur Congregatio, com- modius est, ad scrupulos evitandos, ut novum Diploma petat ilia quae in novum locum migrat, cum sint jam duae Congregationes — Prov. Camp., 12 Jan., 1636. 853 5. Cum petitur alicujus Sodalitatis aggregatio vel confirmatio, simul scribendum est cujus conditionis homines in ea sint, et qui- bus titulis illorum coetus compelletur — Prov. German., 4 Nov., 1617. 854 6. Sumptus pro aggregatone ad Romanam facere debet non Congregatio sed Collegium in quo illa est — 14 Feb., 1614. 855 7. Quarum Congregationum directio a Societate suscipitur ta¬ les esse debent ut, quandocumque se nostri subducere voluerint, eo ipso dissolvantur — Prov. German., 1606. II 1 , - UBI ERIGI POSSIT 856 i. Congregationes erectae in locis ubi nec Collegium nec Re- sidentiam habemus, non possunt aggregari Romanae, nec Indul- gentiis frui — Polon., 16 Aug., 1636; Lugdun., 7 Mart., 1628. 857 2. Congregatio non potest aggregari Romanae nisi conventus celebretur in Domicilio nostro — Polon., 7 Aug., 1610. 858 3. Congregationes extra Domicilia nostra institui aut institutae ad nostras aggregari non possunt — Flandriae, 10 Jul., 1621. 859 4. Domi nostrae non erectae nec a Societate administrari, nec aggregari queunt iis quas administramus, nec harum Indulgentiis seu privilegiis donari possunt — Polon., 3 Mart., 1640. 860 5. Possunt tamen erigi, et aggregari in Residentiis Societatis — Austriae, 17 Mart., 1629. 861 6. De Sodalitatibus quae conventus suos non celebrant in locis proprietate nostris, sed usu dumtaxat et accomodatione, videri po- • test par esse ratio atque eadem responsio quae non ita pridem de templis ad usum commissis data fuit — Provinciali Germaniae, 18 Aug., 1640. 86a 7. Congregationum quae sunt extra Domum ac Collegium non suscipienda alia cura quam ut habendo exhortationes, privatisque colloquiis ac similibus 'excitentur Sodales ad pia opera — C. Nea- pol., 1584; C. Austriae, 1600. < Where 5 Oratories and Chapels Eligible 66* THE FATHERS GENERAL, BEFORE 1645 — DECISIONS III CONGREGATIONUM ORATORIA ET SACELLA 1. Congregationi Beatissimae Virginis cupienti proprium Sacel- 863 lum aedificare non facile acquiescendum, ne aliquando jus aliquod in illud sibi arrogare possit — Austriae, 13 Aug., 1621 ; Belgio, i5Jun., I602. 2. Oratorium Congregationis non potest alibi aedificari quam in 864 fundo Collegii, si enim ita sejunctum sit ut pars Collegii censeri nequeat, non poterunt qui in ilia sunt frui Indulgentiis — German., 27 Aug., 1631. 3. Si Sodales velint aedificare Oratorium in fundo Collegii, iis 865 significandum id totum fore Societatis nec a Sodalitate ullum jus in illud acquiri — Lugdun., 20 Oct., 1632; Paris., 2 Jun., 1633. 4. Si, aedificato tali Oratorio, urgeant jus suum in illud, po- 866 tius sunt illis restituendae expensae factae — Tolos., 10 Nov., 1631. 5. Congregationes in nostris locis non solent habere Sacella 867 propria in nostris Ecclesiis, sed habent Oratoria particularia — 8 Apr., 1605. 6. Confraternitati Studiosorum Universitatis Eborensis non est 868 danda Capella in nostro Tempio, propter inconvenientia quae oriri possunt — Visit. Lusit., 1579. IV QUI ADMITTI POSSINT IN EAM 1. Nostri in Congregationibus juvenum non adscribantur — 869 Flandriae, 1576. 2. Constitutiones non permittunt ut nostri dent nomen Con- 870 fraternitati — Neapoli, 1569. 3. Monachi ad nostras Scholas venientes recipi possunt in So- 871 dalitatem Beatissimae Virginis ; quia experientia constat eos maxi¬ me proficere, nec refert, si non se bene gerant, quod sint dimit- tendi — P. Jacobo Evenfeldero, V. Prov. Rhen., 6 Jul., 1589. 4. Non possunt admitti ad Congregationem qui absunt, et as- 872 sidui statis diebus esse non possunt ; alia autem est ratio eorum qui praesentes admissi, et aliquandiu cum aliis conversati, postea decedunt et absentes ea praestant quae ex legibus suis debent et possunt — P. Joan. Gentil., Provinciali Dolam., 26 Jul., 1598. THE FATHERS GENERAL, BEFORE 1645 — DECISIONS 67 * 873 5. Ad Congregationem minorem non admittantur nisi ab anno 14 aetatis ad 18 ; inde ad majorem, conscio Superiore — Prov. Nea- polit., 1601. 874 6. Possunt quidem admitti ad Congregationem Beatae Virginis Scholasticorum non solum Scholastici, aegre tamen ob diversita- tem occupationum et rationem eos in spiritu juvandi. Satius esset aliam ex illis majoribus instituere Congregationem — P. Busaeo, 8 Mart., 1583. i 1 V FOEMINAE AN ADMITTENDAE 875 i. Nullae instituendae quibus etiam foeminae adscribantur — Flandriae, 10 Sept., 1633. 876 2. In Congregationibus nostris foeminae locum habere nequeunt — Austriae, 1620. 877 3. Nec per Pontificem Summum licet eas admittere — Mexic., 1603; Procur. Philipp., 1611. 878 4, Foeminae nullo modo admittendae ad Congregationem Bea¬ tae Virginis nec admissae per errorem lucrantur Indulgentias — C. German., 1584, et Mexic., 1603. 879 5. In Congregationibus nostris Romanae Primariae aggregatis, nec debent nec possunt admitti foeminae — Novi Regni, 1615. 880 6. Non habemus potestatem pro foeminis aggregandi eas no¬ stris Congregationibus — Austriae, 28 Aug., 1610, et 3jun., 1624. Cum Primaria ex sua institutione sit virorum dumtaxat — Angliae, 26 Jan., 1636. 881 7. Mulieres cujuscumque conditionis nostrorum discipulorum Congregationibus adscribi nullo modo debent, quacumque tandem condi tione — Germaniae, 2 Maji, 1598. 882 8. Ut mulieres in Albo Sodalium adscribantur conniveri non potest — German., 1 Jan., 1633; Lithuan., 14 Nov., 1637; Rhen. Inf., 15 Mart., 1625. 883 9. Et certum est hoc nunquam a Societate factum — Rhen. Inf., 9 Aug., 1625. 884 io. Curandum igitur ut foeminae admissae quamprimum se- parentur — Polon., 9 Maji, 1636. 885 11. Hinc coetus aliquis piarum foeminarum nec Primariae ag- gregari nec conventibus interesse nec Indulgentiis frui possunt — Angliae, 26 Jan., 1636; Provinciali Bohemiae, 25 Jul., 1643. 886 12. Si tamen subinde coetus fiat ita publice in Tempio ut pas- Women 68 * THE FATHERS GENERAL, BEFORE 1645 — DECISIONS Indulgences sim alii admitti soleant, possunt etiam foeminae admitti, verbi gra¬ tia ad concionem, Litanias, etc. — Rhen. Sup., 21 Aug., 1625. 13. Illud tamen videtur concedendum Sodalibus conjugatis, ut 887 suis conjugibus etiam accipiant Sanctos in sortitione menstrua — Poloniae, 24 Mart., 1629. 14. Mulieres non sunt inscribendae Sodalitati nostrae, nec sub 888 titulo Benefactricium, multo minus illis exequiae faciendae more So- dalium, nec Sanctorum schedae menstruae sortito eis dandae — Bohemiae, 5 Apr., 1642. 15. Fieri nec debet nec potest ut nostri curent, vel praesi- 889 deant Congregationi in qua sunt etiam foeminae — Flandriae, 19 Jan., 1636; Angliae, 26 Jan., 1636. 16. Nec etiam illas regere debent in qua sunt solae foeminae, 890 ut scilicet certis diebus conveniant sub Praeside nostro — Au- triae, 6 Mart., 1638; Tolos., 19 Jun., 1612; Rhen. Inf., 5 Mart., 1644. VI INDULGENTIAE CONGREGATIONIS 1. Si Festum titulare alicujus solemnitatis, quod scilicet non ce- 891 lebretur in foro, quoad solemnitatem transferatur in Dominicam, non propterea transferuntur Indulgentiae alligatae certo diei — 19 Mart., 1637 ; Flandriae, 29 Oct., 1633 ; Gallobelgicae, 6 Febr., 1621. 2. Ad lucrandas Indulgentias Fes.ti Annuntiationis incidentem 892 in diem Veneris Sanctum non sufficit communicasse die Jovis Sancto — Ant. Blanco, 8 Febr., 1622. 3. Translatio Indulgentiarum Sodalitatis in aliam quam ipsius 893 tituli diem extra meam potestatem est, nec facile, si postuletur, im- petrabitur — Gallobelgicae, 9 Mart., 1641. 4. Indulgentiae Congregationibus die titulari concessae non 894 possunt a nobis, nedum a Rectoribus, transferri ad Templum ex loco ubi coetus haberi consueverunt, sed in eo dumtaxat sunt usur- pandae — Provine. Fland., 14 Sept., 1641. 5. Ad Indulgentias Congregationum quod attinet, sistendum est 895 intra terminos in Bulla Pontificis expressos, in qua non reperitur li¬ cere sexus utriusque Christi fidelibus eas in Tempio nostro proponere omnibus Deiparae Festis quae nominatim exprimuntur — Polon., P. Albino Jordano, 27 Dec., 1641. 6. Indulgentiae Sodalitatum Oratoriis concessae non possunt 896 transferri in Templum nostrum, quando Sodales illud pro suo Ora¬ torio deligunt majoris solemnitatis causa, nisi illud pro stabili Ora- THE FATHERS GENERAL, BEFORE 1645 — DECISIONS 69* torio suorum exercitiorum et conventuum habeant — Prov. Gallo- belg., 1642. 897 7. Indulgentiae Oratoriis Sodalium concessae possunt percipi a foeminis visitando Ecclesiam Collegii in die titulari, ex concessione speciali Pauli V — Provinciali German., 23 Jan., i6ir. VII INDULGENT I ARUM QUI ET UBI CAPACES 898 i. Sodales qui alicubi incipiunt Congregationem Indulgentias concessas die quo quis ingreditur assequuntur ilio die quo fit ag. gregatio ad Primariam — 1639. 899 2. Qui Sodalitati aliquando adscripti extra urbem habitant, ut so- litos conventus rarius visitare valeant, videntur luerari Indulgen¬ tias, si studeant leges servare et praestare ea quae ad lucrandas Indulgentias sunt necessaria — Flandriae, n Jan., 1636. 900 3. Sodales Congregationi adscripti, tametsi ejus leges non ob- servent per omnia, modo tamen praestent ea quae ad lucrandas In¬ dulgentias praescripta sunt, iis fruuntur — German., 7 Mart., 1615. 901 4. Sodales non fungentes officio videntur luerari Indulgentias, quamdiu in Albo retinentur — Lugd., 24 Mart., 1640. 902 5. Indulgentiam concessam Congregationibus in die invocationis possunt Sodales luerari in Oratoriis tantum in quibus convenire solent, etiamsi scholae aliquae ad id fuerint designatae — Sar- diniae, 1603. 903 6. Externi die invocationis Sodalium possunt luerari solum in Oratoriis in quibus illi convenire solent, licet sint scholae. Ita theo- logi Romani — Sardiniae, 1603. 9°4 7. Indulgentiae concessae Congregationi die titulari cujuscum- que tituli Beatissimae Virginis aggregatae Romanae communes sunt, etiam aliis non Sodalibus facientibus idem quod Sodales — Polon., 25 Jan., 1622; Flandriae, 11 Nov., 1617. 9°5 8. Si qui particulares admissi alicubi in Congregationem alio migrent, possunt fruì gratiis et Indulgentiis Sodalium, si exequan- tur quae ad illorum officium spectant — Flandriae, iojul., 1624. 9°6 9. Indulgentiae Sodalium nec in Anglia extendi possunt ad eos qui non sunt Sodales — Angliae, 21 Oct., 1619. Gained by whom and where THE FATHERS GENERAL, BEFORE 1645 — DECISIONS 70* VIII Women FOEMINAE an indulgentiarum capaces and Indulgences 1. Ubi foeminis non licet adire Orato rium Sodalium, quod sit 9°7 intra septa, possunt die titulari Indulgentias visitantibus Oratorium concessas luerari, visitando eo die Ecclesiam Collegii, ex singulari concessione Sanctissimi Domini Nostri — German., 23 Jan., 1611. 2. Foeminae, edam Benefactrices, non possunt admitti in par- 9 08 ticipationem Indulgentiarum — Poloniae, 2 Jun., 1625. Nec meri- torum Sodalitatum — Austr., 31 Dec., 1639. 3. Mulieres (quae faciebant et ipsae Congregationem Beatissi- 9°9 mae Virginis) permitti possunt in sua devotione, etsi vere non sint gratiarum Congregationibus concessarum participes, quia viris tan¬ tum concessae sunt. Nostri tamen ab eorum coetibus omnino ab- sint, sed externum Directorem habeant — P. Ferd. Albero, Prov. German., 3 Jul., 1586. 4. Non possum ego ullam constituere Congregationem, aut in- 9 ™ stitutam Primariae Romanae adjungere, cujus Indulgentiarum par¬ ticipes sint foeminae — Provinciali Bohem., 16 Aug., 1642. IX Sacraments CONFESSICI ET COMMUNIO SODALIUM 1. Ut unus sit Confessarius omnium Sodalium curandum est 911 — P. Ottoni, Prov., 2 Aug., 1589. 2. Si unus Confessarius Sodalium Beatae Virginis non sit satis 912 pro omnibus, plures assignentur; et si aliter fieri nequit, suum quisque in Tempio stabilem habeat Confessarium — Rhen., Prov. mem. 8, 1597. 3. Religiosis autem id permittendum est, ut ordinariis suis 913 confiteantur, quibus eorum Superiores permiserint — Mag. Novit. Brunae, 7 Jul., 1589. 4. Si cives illi alia ad officia boni Sodalis spectantia diligenter 914 obeant, non sunt moleste urgendi ut nostris confiteantur, dum- modo illos id alibi facere constet — German., 4 Jul., 1626; et 11 Mart., 1601. 5. Suaviter tamen invitandi sunt ut faciant sponte — Germ., 915 14 Aug., 1611. THE FATHERS GENERAL, BEFORE 1645 — DECISIONS 71 * 916 6. Quoniam ita habet primaria institutio, licet statuta per er- rorem expressa non meminerint — German., 13 Oct., 1612. 9*7 7. Non sunt cogendi ad Confessionem Generalem ratione Con¬ gregation^ qui alias in Congregatione earn olim instituerunt — Prov. German., 30 Mart., 1641. 9 l8 8. Non solent admodum probari privatae Sodalium Missae et Communiones, quae minuunt Templi frequentiam, et aedificatio- nem quam illi prae caeteris praebere possunt, Sacramenta publice frequentando — P. Ignat. Armand., Lugd., 3 Aug., 1593. 9 J 9 9. In Congregationis Beatae Virginis locis non debet ordinarie reponi Sanctissimum Sacramentum, neque enim ordinarie debent ibi fieri Sacra ab iis qui sunt in Congregatione — P. Castor., Prov. Lugdun., 9 Sept., 1595. X CONGREGATIONIS PROVENTUS * 920 i. Congregationes in Collegiis nostris institutae non possunt ullo modo habere reditus — German., 28 Feb., 1628. 9 21 2. Nec retinere censum legatum — Eidem, 20 Mar., 1627. 922 3. Nec ulla bona stabilia, ne visitationibus Ordinariorum sint obnoxiae — Tolos., 8 Febr., 1622. Cum Clemens Vili talia bona Episcoporum visitationi subjecerit — Prov. Lugdun., 5 Jul., 1631. Nec Generalis potest hoc concedere — German., 1606 et 1607. 923 4. Reditus ejusmodi stabiles Congregationi assignati, ex de¬ creto Cardinalium ante biennium facto, subsunt Ordinario — Belg., 8 Jul., 1606. 924 5 - Quare census Congregationis vel emptus vel legatus exstin- gui debet — Bohem., 18 Oct., 1631; German., 28 Feb., 1625. 925 6. Vel tradi alteri loco pio cum obligatione, non quidem civili, sed solum ex aequitate vel fidelitate, pendendi quotannis aliquid in usus Sodalitatis — Austriae, 27 Nov., 1638. 926 7. Ut assignati reditus teneri possint, potest institui alius coetus extra septa nostra — in quern tamen non admittantur nisi qui sunt ex Congregatione nostra — cui committantur redi¬ tus et alia curae alienae a nostris Congregationibus — Austriae, 28 Aug., 1610. 927 8. Nec potest Congregatio admittere administrationem redi- tuum qui relieti sunt per manus Sodalium distribuendi pauperibus — Provin. Tolos., 5 Aug., 1622. 928 9. Congregationes sub cura Societatis non possunt fundare mon- Revenue Money and furniture ■, -v ' ■ -ft* <■ . - • y 72 * THE FATHERS GENERAL, BEFORE 1645 — DECISIONS tern Misericordiae a se dependentem — Prov. Neap., 12 Nov., 1594. Quia si haberent hujusmodi bona, possent ab Episcopis visitari — Prov. Venet., 8 Aug., 1598. XI EJUS PECUNIA ET SUPELLEX 1. Nusquam permittendum ut in Oratorio suspendatur arcula 929 ad eleemosynas a Sodalibus sponte oblatas colligendas — Prov. Paris., 3 Jul., 1614; Prov. Tolos., 1 Aug., 1617. 2. Nec etiam jus ad certas eleemosynas habere potest Congre- 93 ® gatio. Quae si dentur, accipi possunt; si non dentur, non possunt peti tanquam ex justitia debitae— C. Sardiniae, 1628; C. C., 1616. 3. Arcula in ejus Oratorio, in quam Sodales stipem conjiciunt, 93 * permittitur — Tolos., 1622. 4. Neque enim Canon Congregationis Generalis prohibet ar- 933 culas Sodalium in Oratorio suo ad colligendas contributiones pro necessariis expensis — Provin. Roman., 1584. 5. Arbitror Collegium in quo instituta est Sodalitas habere 933 dominium ornatus ac supellectilis. Non enim apparet cui alteri dominium illud attribuì possit. Nec tamen expedit hoc publicare, nec etiam pro jure suo usurpare ad Tempia nostra ilium ornatum, nisi salutato Praefecto — Lithu., 18 Jun., 1633. 6. Judicant theologi dominium supellectilis Congregationum 934 dissolutarum spedare ad Domum vel Collegium in quo existit, ut existimetur illa supellex donata Domui vel Collegio cum obligatione ut inserviat ad usuro talis Congregationis, quamdiu illa existit. Hinc est quod dominium supellectilis illius, qua utebatur Congregati© ibi ohm existens, spectet ad Domum Professam — Polon., 29 Aug., 1643. 7. Si dissolvatur aliqua Congregatio, ejus bona et supellex 935 essent applicanda juxta intentionem eorum qui ea donarunt, ac proinde de hoc interrogandi iidem essent. In futurum quando do- nant aliquid mobile, eorum intendo exploretur, et in libro memo- riarum notetur — Prov. Neapol., mem. 23, 1600. 8. Non fiant expensae ullae in Oratoriis vel Congregationibus 936 sine licentia Rectoris — Prov. Neapol., 1601. 9. Pecunia Congregationis non in arcula, quae sit in loco Con- 937 gregationis, sed domi a Quaestore seu Depositario Congregationis servetur — P. Rectori Tolos., 18 Jan., 1597. 1 THE FATHERS GENERAL, BEFORE 1645 — DECISIONS 73* XII CONGREGATIONIS EXEMPTIO 938 i. Nostrae Sodalitates non continentur Decreto dementis VIII; possumus enim eas regere independenter ab Ordinariis. Qui si miscere se vellent, moneatur Pater Noster et interim pergatur in conventibus — io Sept., 1605. 939 2. Gregorius XV., 15 Apr., 1621, per Breve declaravit nostras Congregationes non comprehendi Constitutione Clementis VIII subjicientis Sodalitia etiam Regularium, Ordinariis — Lugd., 30 Maji, 1628. 94° 3. Nec Congregatio Primaria nec aliae confoederatae intelli- guntur in Brevibus Apostolicis nomine Fraternitatis — Austriae, 6 Aug., 1639. XIII VARIA 941 i. Quoniam fructus praecipuus Sodalitatis constat in conven¬ tibus, non videtur dispensari quin habeantur singulis hebdomadis — Belgicae Visitatori, mem. 5. 942 2. Nostrae Congregationes non solent habere altaria privile¬ giata — Siciliae, 4 Jun., 1597. RESPONSIONES ET RESOLUTIONES QUAEDAM EX CONSULTATIONIBUS CUM PATRIBUS ASSISTENTIBUS HABITIS COLLECTA 943 944 Congregationes nostrae non possunt habere ullos reditus — 4 Martii, 1616. Sodales, si diu sine causa non frequentent, non gaudent In- dulgentiis — 6 Jun., 1616. Exemption Miscellaneous » Responsa generalium, pp. 223-243 and p. j6o. 74 * S. C. OF INDULG., 19 MARCH, 1671 - INDULGENCES OF AN ORDER Preamble Church functions No. 25. 19 March, 1671. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. A re¬ ligious Order cannot communicate its Indulgences to a Confraternity. Declarat insuper regulares quoscumque cujusvis Ordinis, Con- 945 gregationis, Societatis, etiam Jesu, ac Instit.uti, etiam specifica et individua mentione digni et dignae, non potuisse nec posse Con- fraternitatibus, Sodalitatibus aliisque similibus Congregationibus quibusvis, tam hactenus erectis et institutis quam in posterum quan- documque erigendis et instituendis, sive quorumcumque privilegio- rum vigore aggregatis et aggregandis, ullo modo communicare In- dulgentias ipsis regularibus concessas; sed tantum illas quas ut 946 hujusmodi Confraternitatibus, Sodalitatibus seu aliis similibus Con¬ gregationibus communicent, facultas eis specifice et nominatim per Sedem Apostolicam concessa fuerit. Die 16 Martii, 1671. Et die 19 ejusdem mensis, facta relatione ad Sanctissimum Dominum Nostrum, Sanctitas Sua sententiam Sacrae Congregationis approbavit et ita servari mandavit. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 6 . No. 26. 12 January, 1704. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites. The respective rights of Pastors and Confraternities. URBIS ET ORBIS Ad debitum imponendum finem controversiis quae inter Pa- 947 rochos et Confraternitates saeculares earumque Cappellanos et Of- . ficiales super juribus parochialibus et functionibus ecclesiasticis nonnullisque praeeminentiis seu praerogativis frequente^ exoriri solent, in Sacra Rituum Congregatione ab Eminentissimo et Re¬ verendissimo Domino Cardinali Colloredo propositis infranscriptis dubiis, videlicet: 1. An Confraternitates laicorum legitime erectae in Ecclesiis 948 parochialibus habeant dependentiam a Parocho in explendis fun¬ ctionibus ecclesiasticis non parochiailbus; S. C. OF RITES, 12 JAN., I704 — CONFRATERNITY AND PASTOR 75* 949 2. An dictae Confraternitates erectae in Cappellis vel Oratoriis, tam publicis quam privatis, adnexis parochialibus Ecclesiis et ab eis dependentibus, habeant dictam dependentiam a Parocho quoad dictas functiones ; 950 3. An Confraternitates erectae in aliis Ecclesiis publicis habeant quoad easdem functiones aliquam dependentiam a Parocho intra cujus parochiae limites sitae sunt Ecclesiae; 951 4. An Confraternitates erectae in Oratoriis, turn publicis turn privatis, sejunctis ab Ecclesiis parochialibus, quoad dictas functio¬ nes ecclesiasticas habeant dictam dependentiam a Parocho;... 952 14. An in dictis Oratoriis privatis Confraternitatum per Con- fratres statis horis recitari possint Horae Canonicae, cum cantu vel sine cantu, absque alia licentia Parochi; 953 15. An in dictis Oratoriis privatis sit licita celebratio Missae privatae, assentiente Ordinario loci et contradicente Parocho ; 954 16. An Cappellani Confraternitatum possint populo denunciare Festivitates et Vigilias occurrentes in hebdomada, absque licentia Parochi ; 955 17. An Parochus, invitis Confratribus, docere possit Doctrinam Christianam in praedictis Ecclesiis et Oratoriis publicis vel privatis, a parochiali divisis et separatis; 95 6 18. An in dictis Ecclesiis publicis Confraternitatum possint haberi publicae conciones, etiam per totum cursum Quadragesimae vel Adventus, cum licentia Ordinarii et absque licentia Parochi; 957 19. An in eisdem Ecclesiis possit celebrar! Missa, sive lecta sive cantata, ante Missam parochialem, sive lectam sive cantatam; 958 20. An ad Parochum spectet facere Offìcium funebre super ca- daveribus sepeliendis in dictis Ecclesiis et Oratoriis publicis Con¬ fraternitatum ; 959 21. An intra ambitum earundem Ecclesiarum fieri possint Pro- cessiones, juxta cujusque Confraternitatis institutum, absque inter- ventu vel licentia Parochi; 960 22. An eaedem Processiones fieri possint extra ambitum di- ctarum Ecclesiarum, absque licentia illorum Parochorum per quorum territorium transeundum est; 961 23. An in dictis Processionibus Cappellani Confraternitatum possint deferre stolam; 962 24. An Episcopo accedenti ad Ecclesias publicas Confraterni¬ tatum quae non sint regularium neque proprium Rectorem bene- ficiatum habeant, porrigendum sit aspersorium a Parocho in cujus territorio sunt sitae dictae Ecclesiae; 963 25. An earundem Ecclesiarum et Confraternitatum Rectores et Cappellanos possit Parochus, cessante speciali ac legitimo titulo et Canonical Hours Mass Notices Catechism Sermons Mass Burial Processions Holy water to the Bishop Parish functions S. C. OF RITES, 12 JAN., 1704 — CONFRATERNITY AND PASTOR Blessed Sacrament Exposition Alms Church functions Meetings Property Voting Answers 76 * ex solo jure parochiali, compellere invitos ad assistendum functio- nibus Ecclesiae parochialis; 26. An in dictis Ecclesiis Confraternitatum, neque parochialibus 964 neque regularibus, retineri possit Sanctissimum Eucharistiae Sa- cramentum sine speciali indulto Sedis Apostolicae; 27. Praesupposita facultate retinendi, an possit infra annum 965 publice exponi sine licentia Ordinarii ; 28. An possit Parochus se ingerere in administratione obla- 966 tionum, eleemosynarum in dictis Ecclesiis collectarum, vel capsulae pro iliis recipiendis expositae clavem retinere; 29. An in Ecclesia parochiali Confratres vel eorum Cappellani 967 immiscere se valeant, invito Parocho, in ejusdem Ecclesiae fun- ctionibus, sive parochialibus sive non parochialibus; 30. An Confraternitates, sive sint erectae in Ecclesia parochiali 968 sive extra illam, possint pro libitu et juxta uniuscujusque peculiaria statuta congregationes suas facere, absque interventu vel licentia Parochi ; 31. An possint propria bona administrare ac de iliis disponere 969 absque ulla dependentia a Parocho; 32. Quando Parochus eisdem Congregationibus intersit de 97 ° mandato Ordinarii et tanquam ejus delegatus, an possit suffra- gium decisi vum ferre: et quatenus affirmative; 33. An etiam suffragium duplex. 97 1 Sacra Rituum Congregatio, re mature discussa, respondendum 972 esse censuit: Ad 1 : Affirmative ; Ad 2 : Affirmative ; Ad 3 : Negative ; Ad 4: Negative ;... Ad 14: Affirmative, nisi aliter Ordinarius statuat ex rationa- bili causa; Ad 15: Affirmative; Ad 16: Affirmative; Ad 17: Negative; Ad 18: Affirmative; Ad 19: Negative, nisi aliter Episcopus disponat; Ad 20: Affirmative, quando tumulandus est subjectus Parocho intra cujus fines est Ecclesia vel Oratorium; Ad 21 : Affirmative ; Ad 22: Negative, nisi adesset licentia Episcopi; A.d 23: Negative, extra propriam Ecclesiam; Ad 24 : Negative ; Ad 25 : Negative ; S. C OF RITES, 9 JULY, 1718 — COMMUNION, PROCESSION 77* Ad 26: Negative; Ad 27 : Negative ; Ad 28 : Negative ; Ad 29: Negative; Ad 30: Affirmative, dummodo non impediant functiones et Divina Officia; Ad 31 : Affirmative ; Ad 32: Negative; Ad 33: Negative. 973 Et ita, salvis tamen conventionibus et pactis in erectione Con- fraternitatum forsan factis, concordiis inter partes initis et a Sancta Sede approbatis, indultis, Constitutionibus synodalibus et provin- cialibus, consuetudinibus immemorabilibus ve) saltern centenariis, declaravit ac decrevit: Si Sanctissimo Domino Nostro videbitur. Die io Decembris, 1703. 974 Et facta deinde per me, Secretarium, de praedictis decretis Sanctissimo Domino Nostro relatione, praevia eorundem integra lectura, Sanctissimus laudavit benigneque approbavit, et publicari et, non obstantibus quibuscumque aliis in contrarium facientibus, servari mandavit. Die 12 Januarii, 1704. Decreta authentica c. s. rit., No. 212J. No. 27. 9 July, 1718. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites. Rights of a Confraternity as to Holy Communion in its Chapel, and as to Processions. The following questions refer to a Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. 975 4. An in dicto Oratorio Confraternitatis possit ministrari Sa- cramentum Eucharistiae tarn Confratribus quam non Confratribus ;... 976 14. An in dictis Processionibus solemnibus, in quibus interve¬ nire solet Parochus, liceat Confraternitati incedere sub suo Capel- lano seorsim a Parocho ... 977 Ad 4 : Affirmative ... Ad 14 : Affirmative. Et ita decrevit et servari mandavit. Decreta authentica c. s. rit., No. 2250. Exceptions Approval Questions Answers 78 * PAUL V, 1571, CLEMENT XII, 1736 — BENEDICT XIV, 1746 / Statement No. 28. 6 October, 1571 — 16 May, 1736. Brief of Paul V and Brief of Clement XII. Indulgences grant¬ ed for the teaching of Catechism. 1. 7 ans, pour les maitres qui, les dimanches et les jours de 97 8 fète, conduisent les écoliers au catéchisme et leur enseignent la doctrine chrétienne; 2. 100 jours, a) pour les maitres qui font le catéchisme dans les classes les jours ouvriers ; b) pour les pères et mères, chaque fois qu’ils enseignent la doctrine chrétienne chez eux à leurs enfants et à leurs domestiques ... 4. Indulgence plénière aux fetes de Noél, de Pàques et des Apòtres Pierre et Paul, à tous les adultes qui se rendent assidu- ment à ce pieux exercice pour y apprendre le catéchisme ou pour l’enseigner aux autres. Conditions : se confesser, communier et prier aux intentions ordinaires. Beringer, Les indulgences, I. 439, 440. No. 29. 16 December, 1746. Brief quemadmodum of Benedict XIV. Indulgences for mental prayer. 1. Indulgence plénière, une fois le mois au jour de leur choix 979 pour ceux qui auront fait tous les jours pendant un mois une demi-heure ou au moins un quart d’heure d’oraison mentale. Con¬ ditions: Confession, Communion et prióre aux intentions ordinaires. Bertnger, Les indulgences, I. 430. No. 30. 2 March, 1748. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Communication of Indulgences and privileges to a Con¬ fraternity by an Archconfraternity or a religious Supe¬ rior must be to the fullest extent possible ; aggregation must be in perpetuity. Ut pietatis opera in Christiana republica augeantur, simulque 980 caritatis vincula fideles ipsos magis magisque obstringant, jam- diu mos invaluit privilegia, Indulgentias aliasque spirituales gra- S. C. OF INDULG., 2 MARCH, 1748 — COMMUNICATION OF FAVORS 79 * tias quibus Patriarchates Basilicae aliaeque Ecclesiae, nosocomia, Archiconfraternitates et alia hujus generis pia instituta gaudent aliis per aggregationes communicandi ; verum cum super hujus- modi aggregationibus plura quotidie emergant dubia, et praeser- tim num qui aggregandi facultatem habent privilegia sibi compe¬ tenti ampliare sive limitare in aggregatione queant ; pariterque an pro suo arbitrio ipsas aggregationes ad tempus vel in perpe- 981 tuum concedere possint.Idcirco, ad occurrendum Indulgen- tiarum indemnitati, neve Christi fideles in re tanti momenti deci- piantur, decidenda in Sacra Congregatione Indulgentiarum et Sacrarum Reliquiarum proposita fuerunt sequentia dubia: 982 1. An Patriarchates Basilicae aliaeque Ecclesiae, necnon noso¬ comia, Archiconfraternitates, Superiores cujuscumque Ordinis sive Instituti, ceterique habentes facultatem communicandi privilegia, possint privilegia et Indulgentias ampliare et limitare pro suo ar¬ bitrio in aggregationibus; 9 8 3 2. An aggregationes faciendae sint ad tempus vel in per- petuum. 984 Et Sacra eadem Congregatio, die 5 Februarii, 1748, declaran. dum esse censuit: Ad 1 : Negative, nisi aliter in indultis Apostolicis provideatur Ad 2: Aggregationes faciendas esse in perpetuum. 985 De quibus facta per me, infrascriptum ipsius Sacrae Congre¬ gations Secretarium, die 2 Martii ejusdem anni, Sanctissimo Domino Nostro relatione, Sanctitas Sua votum Sacrae Congregationis beni¬ gne approbavit. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 171. No. 31. 24 Aprii, 1748. Brief praeclaris ROMANORUM PONTIFICUM of Benedict XIV, Indulgences confirmed and others granted. BENEDICTUS PAPA XIV AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM 986 Praeclaris romanorum pontificum, praedecessorum Nostro- rum, de inclyta Societate Jesu benemerentissimorum, vestigiis insi- stentes, eandem Societatem, cujus religiosi alumni Christi bonus odor sunt et ubique gentium habentur, ex eo praesertim quod, ut adolescentes ad eorundem sacras aedes et scholas accedentes, tam Questions Limit in extent time Answers Approval Preamble 8o* BENEDICT XIV, 24 APRIL, 1748 — INDULGENCES "V Petition Indulgences confirmed and enlarged Plenary in bonarum artium, doctrinarum ac disciplinarum studiis, quam in Christianae religionis ac pietatis operibus et exercitationibus eru- diantur, omnem operam studiumque impendere magno cum eorun- dem adolescentium profectu pergunt, novis Nostrae etiam Pontificiae benignitatis testimoniis cumulare non dubitamus. Fore enim in Do¬ mino confìdimus ut omnia in ipsam Societatem collata Apostolicae auctoritatis documenta in majorem Divini honoris cultum et anima- rum Christi fidelium redundent utilitatem. Quoniam autem Congregationi sive Sodalitio adolescentium, in 987 Collegio laudatae Societatis hujus almae Urbis Nostrae erectae ac primAE-PR iM ari ae dictae, aliisque ubicumque locorum in aliis ejus- dem Societatis Collegiis, locis sive Domibus ad ipsius primae-pri- mariae instar erectis et erigendis, felicis recordationis Gregorius XIII, Sixtus V, Clemens Vili et Gregorius XV, Romani Pontifices, praede- cessores Nostri, per alias Apostolicas suas sive sub plumbo, sive in si¬ mili forma Brevis expeditas litteras, - quarum tenores hisce Nostris pro insertis et expressis haberi volumus, - nonnullas gratias, Indulgen- tias, peccatorum remissiones et poenitentiarum relaxationes conces- serunt; dilectus filius, Franciscus Retz, Generalis dictae Societatis 988 Praepositus, Nobis humiliter supplicari fecit ut caelestes hujusmodi thesauros, quorum dispensationem Nobis itidem credidit Altissimus, eidem Congregationi aliisque ad ipsius instar alibi erectis et erigen¬ dis confirmare et largiori Apostolica liberalitate erogare dignaremur. Nos itaque, vehementiora iisdem adolescentibus, ut ardendo- 989 ribus studiis eximia pietatis opera et exercitationes hujusmodi su- scipiant et frequentent, adjicere cupientes incitamenta, atque ipsum Franciscuro, Generalem, summa cum nominis sui laude memoratae Societatis Praepositum, specialibus favoribus et gratiis prosequi volentes, et a quibusvis excommunicationis, suspensionis et inter¬ dict aliisque ecclesiasticis sententiis, censuris et poenis a jure vel ab homine quavis occasione vel causa latis, si quibus quomodolibet innodatus existit, ad effectum praesentium dumtaxat consequendum, harum serie absolventes et absolutum fore censentes; hujusmodi 990 supplicationibus inclinati, omnes et singulas gratias, Indulgentias, remissiones et relaxationes antedictas, auctoritate et tenore paribus, non solum confirmamus et de novo, quatenus opus sit, servata ta- men illarum forma et dispositione, concedimus, verum etiam aucto- 99 1 ritate Nobis a Domino tradita, ac de omnipotentis Dei misericordia et BB. Petri et Pauli, Apostolorum ejus, auctoritate confisi, ita ex- 992 tendimus, ampliamus et elargimur ut omnes et singuli adolescentes sive Sodales saepe dictas Congregationes erectas et erigendas frequentantes, et praescripta ab iisdem praedecessoribus Nostris opera peragentes, plenarias quidem Indulgentias, quas etiam ani- 993 994 995 996 997 99 « 999 1000 1001 1002 & 1003 1004 1005 BENEDICT XIV, 24 APRIL, 1748 — INDULGENCES 8l * mabus Christi fidelium quae Deo in charitate conjunctae ex hac vita migra verint per modum suffragii applicare possint, lucrentur: Quo die in Sodalitatem quispiam recipitur; In mortis articulo; Necnon semel in hebdomada, in iis diebus in quibus, juxtadictae PRIMAE-PRIMARIAE sive aliarum alibi erectarum vel erigendarum Congregationum ac Sodalitatum statuta ac regulas seu consuetu- dines, Sodalium conventus haberi solent, et vere poenitentes et confessi ac Sacra Communione refecti, Ecclesiam sive Capellam, Oratorium seu locum uniuscujusque Congregationis ac Sodalitatis visitaverint, et ibi pro Christianorum Principum concordia, haere- sum extirpatione et Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae exaltatione pias ad Deum preces effuderint. Septem vero annorum et totidem quadragenarum de injunctis eis seu alias quomodolibet debitis poenitentiis, m forma Ecclesiae consueta, relaxationes pariter consequi et luerari possint ii omnes: Qui corpora Sodalium vel aliorum Christi fidelium ad eccle- siasticam sepulturam prosecuti fuerint; Vel, infirmi sive impediti, qui, audito signo campanae, — genu- flexi, si per infirmitatem licebit, — Orationem Dominicam et Salu- tationem Angelicam pro salute animae defuncti vel corporis infirmi recitaverint ; Item qui coetibus, turn publicis turn privatis, seu Divinis Offi- ciis vel spiritualibus colloquiis et exhortationibus, aut piis Officiis, etiam in Sodalium vel aliorum Christi fidelium defunctorum utili- tatem, per ipsam Congregationem ordinandis et a Generali Prae- posito pro tempore vel ejus Vicario approbandis; Sive sacrosancto Missae Sacrificio diebus feriatis interfuerint; Qui pariter conscientiam suam diligenter examinaverint vesperi antequam cubitum eant; Qui pauperes infirmos, tarn Sodales quam alios, in hospitalibus vel privatis domibus, Et qui carcere detentos visitaverint; Necnon qui pacem inter inimicos conciliaverint. Quas etiam omnes Indulgentias consequi poterunt iidem ado- lescentes sive Sodales, ubivis locorum commorantes, si apud Eccle¬ siam eorundem locorum aut alibi, ut poterunt, opera praestabunt quae sunt servanda ad Indulgentias hujusmodi consequendas. Indulgentias vero Stationum Ecclesiarum supradictae hujus almae Urbis Nostrae, sive intra sive extra muros illius, consequen- tur pariter iidem adolescentes sive Sodales, si, diebus Quadragesimae et aliis anni temporibus ac diebus Stationum hujusmodi, Ecclesiam Socie tatis Jesu, si ibi fuerit, alioquin aliam Ecclesiam seu Capellam 6 Partial Anywhere Stations of Rome 82* BENEDICT XIV, 24 APRIL, 1 748 — INDULGENCES Privileged Altar Confirmatory clauses Copies in locis ubi eos pro tempore esse contigerit, devote visitaverint, et ibi septies orationem Dominicam et septies Angelicam Salutationem recitaverint. Porro iisdem Sodalibus cujusvis Congregationis ac Sodalitatis 1007 hujusmodi, etiam postquam eorundem animae Deo in charitate con- junctae ex hac vita migraverint, de thesauris coelestium munerum, quorum dispensationem Nobis credidit Altissimus, benigne provi- dere volentes; ut Domini nostri Jesu Christi ejusque Sanctorum suffragia meritorum consequi et illis adjutae e Purgatorii poenis ad aeternam gloriam perduci valeant, de omnipotentis itidem Dei mise¬ ricordia, ac BB. Petri et Pauli, Apostolorum ejus, auctoritate confisi, ut quandocumque Sacerdos aliquis saecularis vel cujusvis Ordinis, Congregationis et Instituti regularis sacrosanctum Missae Sacrifi- cium, sive ad altare cujusvis Congregationis et Sodalitatis hujus¬ modi, sive Sodales ipsi Sacerdotes pro suis Sodalibus ad quodlibet altare celebra verint, Sacrificium hujusmodi perinde ipsis suffragetur ac si ad altare privilegiatum fuisset celebratum, concedimus et in- dulgemus. Non obstantibus Nostra et Cancellariae Nostrae Apostolicae 1008 regula de non concedendis Indulgentiis ad instar, aliisque consti- tutionibus et ordinationibus Apostolicis, caeterisque contrariis qui- buscumque. Praesentibus perpetuis futuris temporibus valituris. 1009 Volumus'autem ut earundem praesentium litterarum transsum- 1010 ptis seu exemplis, etiam impressis, manu Praepositi Generalis vel ejus Secretarii, sive Moderatoris pro tempore exsistentis memora- tae Congregationis, ejusdemque sigillo roboratis, vel manu alicujus Notarii publici subscripts et sigillo personae in dignitate ecclesia¬ stica constitutae munitis, eadem prorsus fides adhibeatur, quae adhiberetur iisdem praesentibus, si forent exhibitae vel ostensae. Datum Romae, apud S. Mariam Majorem, sub annulo Piscatoris, die vigesima quarta Aprilis, MDCCXLVIII, Pontificatus Nostri anno octavo. Cajetanus Amatus. Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. IV. I. Reprinted in Institutum s. j., I. 278, ft. BENEDICT XIV, 27 SEPT., 1748 — PRAISE OF OUR LADy 83 * IOII 1012 1013 No. 32. 27 September, 1748. Golden Bull gloriosae dominae of Benedict XIV. Confirma¬ tion and enlargement of Indulgences and Privileges. BENEDICTUS EPISCOPUS, SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM Gloriosae dominae, Dei Genitricis, Mariae cultum ac venera- tionem Dei manifesta voluntate ac veraci semper Ecclesiae spiritu magnopere commendari, nec minus juste quam fructuose eidem a fidelibus exhiberi, adeo manifestum esse non dubitamus ut ad Chri- stianorum corda religioso devotionis studio erga earn inflammanda Apostolicae adhortationes Nostrae superfluae propemodum fore vi- deantur. Sicut enim omnipotens Deus hanc felicissimam Virginem, ele- ctam ex millibus et ad ineffabilem Divinae maternitatis dignitatem, Angelo nuntiante, evectam, gratiae suae donis abundantius prae caeteris omnibus puris creaturis replevit ac splendidissimis gloriae coronis super alia omnia manuum suarum opera decoravit; sic etiam Catholica Ecclesia, Sancti Spiritus magisterio edocta, eandem et tanquam Domini ac Redemptoris sui Parentem coelique ac terrae Reginam impensissimis obsequiis colere, et tanquam amantissimam Matrem, extrema Sponsi sui morientis voce sibi relictam, filialis pietatis affectu prosequi studiosissime semper professa est. Ad ejus opem in publicis calamitatibus et perturbationibus, quaecumque in- fernorum hostium vi excitatae fuerunt, veluti ad tutissimum salutis portum confugere consuevit, ejusque potissimum virtute cunctas haereses in universo mundo exstinctas ac debellatas esse fatetur. Haec enim est speciosissima Esther, quam adeo supremus re- gum Rex adamavit ut ad salutem populi sui non tarn dimidiam regni sui partem quam totum quodam modo imperium suum et potestatem cum ea communicasse videatur. Haec fortis ilia Judith, cui Deus Israel de omnibus inimicis terrae suae victoriam deportare concessit. Hanc ipsa Ecclesia, concordibus Patrum sententiis, a filiis suis omnibus in peculiaribus eorum necessitatibus atque periculis cum fiducia adeundam suadet, tanquam Advocatam apud suum Deique unigenitum Filium, loquentem pro nobis bona. Hanc prae- dicat mysticam Arcam Foederis, in qua reconciliationis nostrae im- pleta sunt sacramenta, quam Deus respiciens pacti sui recordabitur et misericordiae memor erit. Ipsa est coelestis veluti rivus, per quern gratiarum omnium atque donorum fluenta in miserorum mor- Preamble Our Lady extolled 84 * BENEDICT XIV, 27 SEPT., 1748 — ST. IGNATIUS, JESUITS St. Ignatius put his work under her care and exhorted his sons to do the same Jesuits and Sodalities Fruits talium sinum deducuntur. Ipsa est aurea coeli porta, per quam in sempiternae beatitudinis requiem aliquando intrare confidimus. Haec atque alia secum perpendens, B. Ignatius Confessor, qui 1014 ad majorem Dei gloriam propagandam militantis Ecclesiae castra novi sub Sanctissimi Nominis Jesu vexillo conscriptis legionibus auxit, quum magnum certamen sibi suisque militibus, pro sua cu- j usque non minus quam pro aliorum etiam salute, propositum animo prospiceret, aptissimum sibi praesidium in Beatae Virginis tutela statuendum esse sapientissime judicavit. Idcirco, quum primum, e 1015 patria domo digressus, grandia jam turn in corde suo volvens, sacrae militiae tirocinium ponere decrevisset, ad ipsius Virginis pedes sta¬ tini se contulit et sub illius auspiciis arduum perfectionis iter in- gressus est. Quum vero deinceps, primo commilitonum delectu ha- bito, ipsos jamjam in aciem ducere institueret, non alibi quam in aede Virginis, Parisiis apud Montem Martyrum, solemni sacramento se cum illis adstrinxit, atque in hoc veluti fìrmissimo lapide prima Instituti sui fundamenta solidavit. Quod autem ipsi usitatum fuit, ut nihil fere gravius nisi invo- 1016 cato prius Mariae nomine aut statueret aut aggrederetur, id omnibus alumnis suis documento esse voluit ut, in obeundis professionis suae officiis atque laboribus, in ejus potissimum patrocinio Divini adju- torii spem collocarent, et in adeundis pro religione periculis hanc sibi Turrim Fortitudinis, ex qua clypeorum millia pendent, a facie inimici perfugium et munimentum esse confiderent. Itaque ipsi, per omnem terrarum et marium amplitudinem portantes adorabile Nomen Jesu coram regibus et nationibus, dulcissimum simul Matris ejus nomen ubique annuntiare non destiterunt, et una cum fidei lumine et morum sanctitate, Deiparae quoque cultum et honorem in omnibus utriusque orbis regionibus mirabiliter propagarunt. Illud autem bene ac sapienter institutum ab ipsis et passim 1017 usurpatum esse dignoscitur, quod, scilicet, dum inter alia Instituti sui exercitia quibus Ecclesiae Dei utilissimam operam navare per- gunt, Christianam ubique juventutem religione et bonis artibus imbuere et excolere student, eandem piis Sodalitiis seu Congrega- tionibus Sanctissimae Virgini, Dei Genitrici, dicatis aggregari curant, ejusque obsequiis et famulatui specialiter mancipatam, sub illius propemodum disciplina, quae Mater est pulchrae dilectionis et timoris et agnitionis, ad Christianae perfectionis fastigium eniti et ad aeternae salutis metam contendere docent. Ex hoc laudabili et pio institute, sanctis et salubribus legibus 1018 pro varia Sodalium conditone multipliciter instructo, ac prudenti peculiarium Moderatorum solertia provide exculto, incredibile est quanta in omnium ordinum homines utilitas derivata fuerit, dum ioig 1020 1021 1022 BENEDICT XIV, 27 SEPT., 1748 — PONTIFICAL FAVORS 85 * alii arreptam a teneris annis, sub Beatissimae Virginis clientela, innocentiae ac pietatis viam insistentes, bene moratae vitae tenorem, qui Christianum hominem et Virginis famulum decet, per omnes aetates optimo exemplo et finalis perseverantiae fructu servare meruerunt; alii a vitiorum illecebris, quibus misere erant irretiti, et a via iniquitatis, quam ingressi fuerant, ope clementissimae Matris Dei, cujus obsequiis in hujusmodi Sodalitiis sese devoverant, ad bonam frugem revocati, sobriam deinde et justam et piam vitae rationem amplexi sunt, ac sacrarum exercitationum in iisdem Con- gregationibus assiduitate adjuti, in ea felicissime perseverarunt; alii etiam ex devota affectione erga Deiparam mature concepta, ad sub- limiores divinae caritatis gradus evecti, vanis fluxisque hujus mundi bonis ac voluptatibus forti magnoque animo relictis, ad san- ctiorem tutioremque regularis vitae statum commigrarunt, et Christi cruci per religiosa vota confixi, propriae perfectioni et proximorum saluti promovendae totos se dediderunt. Ex his omnibus dare patet quam prudenti et salutari consilio Pontifical praedecessores nostri, Romani Pontifices, hujusmodi Congregatio- favors num institutum jam usque ab initio Apostolico favore complexi sint, et ad illud fovendum et promovendum, pluribus et - singularibus gratiis ac privilegiis earundem Moderatores atque Sodales cumu- laverint. Vix enim felicis recordationis Gregorius XIII prima instituti hu- Acts of jusmodi fundamenta, in Ecclesia Beatae Mariae Virginis Annuntiatae, Gregory XIII in corpore aedificiorum Collegii Romani sita, inter scholares ad ipsum Collegium confluentes, aliquo modo jacta fuisse cognovit, quum ipsis scholaribus aliisque Christi fidelibus, qui adeo laudabilibus operibus et exercitiis cum ipsis se addicerent, nonnullas Indulgentias et pec- catorum remissiones concessit. Quas tamen deinde multo magis Apostolica liberalitate ampliavit, tunc quum institutum ipsum per alias etiam mundi partes, ad Dei gloriam et Virginis honorem pu- blicaeque salutis fructum, per eosdem Societatis Jesu alumnos, ut jam fieri cognoverat, magis unagisque semper propagari cupiens, operae pretium duxit Primariam instituti hujusmodi Congregationem seu Primarium Sodalitium in ipsa Ecclesia Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis in praefato Collegio Romano sita, sub Praepositi Generalis Societatis Jesu, tunc et pro tempore exsistentis, vel, eo absente aut esse desinente, sub Vicarii etiam Generalis ejusdem Societatis regimine, auctoritate Apostolica erigere et stabilire, ita ut aliae quaecumque Congregationes et Sodalitia similia per diversas mundi partes sub eodem titulo erecta et erigenda a Primaria hujvis- modi Congregatione seu Primario Sodalitio, tanquam membra a capite dependentia, et normam et exemplum et Indulgentiarum atque 86 * BENEDICT XIV, 27 SEPT., 1748 — PRECEDING ACTS Acts Of Sixtus V gratiarum communicationem ab ipso acciperent; ut latius et uberius continetur in ipsius Gregorii praedecessoris litteris, anno Incarna- tionis Dominicae mdlxxxiv, nonis Decembris, suh plumbo datis, quae sunt tenoris sequentis: GREGORIUS EPISCOPUS, SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM OmNIPOTENTIS DEI,. See above, p. j*. Quum vero pium Congregationum hujusmodi institutum, com- 1023 muni ubique plausu et utilitate commendatum, tanta continuo in¬ crementa suscepisset ut necessarium plerumque esset in singulis Collegiis et Domibus ipsius Societatis Jesu non unum sed plura hujusmodi Sodalitia, pro Sodalium frequentia et disparitate, consti- tuere, recolendae memoriae Sixtus Papa V, similiter praedecessor No- ster, facultatem indulsit Generali ejusdem Societatis Praeposito, tunc et pro tempore exsistenti, seu Vicario etiam Generali, ut in quibusvis etiam ipsius Societatis Ecclesiis seu Domibus et Collegiis, quasvis alias, sive scholarium tantum sive aliorum Christi fidelium tantum sive utrorumque simul, tam sub eodem Beatae Mariae Virginis Annuntiatae, quam sub alio quovis titulo et invocatione, Congre- gationes et Sodalitia erigere et constituere, illasque et illa eidem 1024 Primariae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio aggregare, eisque omnes et singulas Indulgentias aliasque gratias et privilegia, spiri¬ tuals et temporalia, praefatae Primariae concessa et concedenda, communicare et extendere posset; per quasdam incipientes superna dispositione, datas apud S. Petrum anno Incarnationis Dominicae MDLXXXVI, nonis Januarii, Pontificatus sui anno secundo, tenoris sequentis, videlicet: SIXTUS EPISCOPUS, SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM Superna dispositione. See above, p. 11*. Et successive quia quaedam dubitandi occasio occurrerat, 1025 per alias suas, apud S. Marcum anno Incarnationis Dominicae MDLXXXVII, tertio kalendas Octobris, expeditas litteras, hujusmodi facultatem ampliando, declaravit hujusmodi erectiones, etiam in Col¬ legiis seu Seminariis, aliisque locis sub directione, institutione et gubernio ipsius Societatis vel personarum illius exsistentibus, si- 1026 1027 1028 1029 BENEDICT XIV, 27 SEPT., 1748 — PRECEDING ACTS 87 * militer et pari cum effectu ab eodem Praeposito seu Vicario Gene¬ rali fieri posse; aliaque statuit, quae in secundo dictis ipsius Sixti praedecessoris litteris distinctius continentur, quarum tenor ta¬ bs est : SIXTUS EPISCOPUS, SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, AD PERPETUAR! REI MEMORIAM Romanum DECET. See above, p. 16*. Praedictam vero facultatem novas Congregationes seu Soda- litia hujusmodi erigendi, et dictae Primariae Congregationi in Col¬ legio Romano fundatae aggregandi, illisque Indulgentias et gratias spirituales praefatas communicandi, Praeposito Generali Societatis Jesu, sicut praefertur, concessam felicis recordationis praedecessor pariter Noster, Clemens Papa Vili, ita ampliavit per suas litteras datas die trigesima Augusti anni MDCII, sub annulo Piscatoris, ut eidem Praeposito Generali tunc et pro tempore exsistenti liceret quascumque alias similes Congregationes apud quascumque Resi- dentias Presbyterorum dictae Societatis Jesu, ubicumque erectas et postmodum erigendas, eidem Primariae Congregationi similiter ag¬ gregare, illisque Indulgentias et gratias spirituales hujusmodi com¬ municare. Id quod apertius etiam, distinctius et uberius a similis memoriae praedecessore pariter Nostro, Gregorio XV, indultum et respective declaratum fuit per alias litteras die decima quinta Aprilis, anni MDCXXI, sub annulo Piscatoris similiter datas, sequentis tenoris, videlicet : GREGORIUS PAPA XV AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM Alias pro parte .... See above, p. 57*. Nos denique, qui, dum in minoribus versabamur, inter Sodales Congregationis Beatae Mariae Virginis in coelum assumptae apud Domum Professam praedictae Societatis Jesu de Urbe adscripti, pias et religiosas ipsius Sodalitii exercitationes cum magna spiri¬ tuali consolatione Nostra frequentasse libenti animo recolimus; ad pastoralis officii Nostri debitum pertinere judicantes hujusmodi so- lidae pietatis instituta, quibus Christiana virtus promovetur et ani* marum salus plurimum adjuvatur, Apostolicae auctoritatis et libe¬ rali tatis ope fovere ac promovere, per Nostras litteras die vigesima Acts of Clement VIII Acts of Gregory XV Previous grant of Benedict XIV All confirmed Our Lady titular Patroness 88* BENEDICT XIV, 27 SEPT., 1748 — TITULAR PATRONS quarta superioris mensis Aprilis in forma Brevis expeditas, prae- missas omnes praedecessorum Nostrorum concessiones et gratias approbavimus, confirmavimus, atque etiam latius extendimus et ampliavimus, ut patet ex subjecto earundem litterarum tenore, qui talis est: BENEDICTUS PAPA XIV AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM Praeclaris ROMANORUM PONTIFICUM. See above, p. 79*. Nunc autem, ad declarandum magis magisque propensum 1030 Nostrum studium tarn erga pias hujusmodi Sodalitates, quibus debita in Deum religio et Beatae Virginis cultus cum salubribus et laudabilibus pietatis operibus assidue exercetur, quam etiam erga dilectum filium Franciscum Retz, praefatae Societatis Jesu Praepo- situm Generalem, ejusdemque Societatis alumnos, quorum strenuam atque fidelem operam in propaganda aut asserenda per univer¬ sum terrarum orbem Catholicae fidei atque unitatis Christianaeque doctrinae ac pietatis integritate et sanctitate, cum Divini Nominis et Beatissimae Virginis cultu, plurimi facimus ; quosque pro devota quam profitentur et exhibere non cessant in Nos et Apostolicam Sedem observantia, singulari paternae caritatis affectu prosequi- mur; praemissas concessiones et gratias novo Apostolicae firmi- 1031 tatis robore communire atque etiam augere volentes; ipsumque Franciscum Praepositum ac singulos dictae Societatis alumnos a quibusvis excommunicationis, suspensionis et interdicti aliisque ec- clesiasticis sententiis, censuris et poenis, a jure vel ab homine, qua- vis occasione vel causa, latis, si quibus quomodolibet innodati ex- sistant, ad effectum praesentium dumtaxat consequendum, harum serie absolventes et absolutos fore censentes; motu proprio et ex certa scientia meraque liberalitate Nostris, ac de Apostolicae pote- statis plenitudine, singulas praeinsertas Gregorii XIII, Sixti V, Gre- gorii XV, praedecessorum praedictorum, et nuperas litteras Nostras, omnesque et singulas gratias, concessiones, facultates, Indulgentias, remissiones, relaxationes, immunitates et ampliationes, in eis respe¬ ctive contentas et expressas, singillatim et in specie, Apostolica auctoritate tenore praesentium confirmamus et innovamus. Sane dignum et congruum arbitrantes ut, quemadmodum Pri- 103a maria Congregatio seu Primarium Sodalitium praedictum sub glo- riosissimae Dei Genitricis titulo et protectione in via pietatis pro¬ gredita, ita et aliae piorum Sodalium Congregationes quae spi- ritualium gratiarum hujusmodi participationis consortes sunt aut BENEDICT XIV, 27 SEPT., 1748 — TITULAR PATRONS 89* esse cupiunt, sub tantae Virginis patrocinio et auspiciis in similium piorum operum exercitatione profìciant, et per hoc eidem Primariae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio tanquam membra capiti con- 1033 gruere dignoscantur: decernimus et statuimus ut, si aliquod fuerit hujusmodi Sodalitium aut Congregalo apud Ecclesias, Domos, Col¬ legia seu Residentias Presbyterorum Societatis Jesu, cujus titulus non quidem Beatae Mariae Virginis, sed vel alicujus Sancti vel cujuslibet alterius generis exsistat; quo valeat in posterum Indul¬ genti^ et gratiis fruì et gaudere quae praefato Primario Sodalitio seu Primariae Congregationi, cui aggregari cupiat seu jam aggre- gatum fuerit, ab Apostolica Sede concessae sunt, aut in futurum forsan concedentur, Beatissimam Virginem Mariam in Patronam etiam eligere, ejusdemque mysterium aliquod seu festivitatem pro IQ 34 titulo, simul cum alio Patrono aut titulo sibi alias electo, seu dein- ceps eligendo, assumere et retinere debeat. 10 35 Nos enim auctoritate praedicta concedimus ut Indulgenti ple¬ naria quam praefatus praedecessor, Gregorius Papa XIII, eisdem Sodalibus et omnibus Christi fìdelibus, vere poenitentibus et con¬ fessi, Sacraque Communione refectis, ejusdem Primariae Congre¬ gations Ecclesiam in festo Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae visitantibus, ibique Deum Optimum Maximum juxta expressam ibidem ipsius praedecessoris mentem precantibus, in praeinsertis ipsius litteris concessit, ea, quoad alias Congregationes, eidem Primariae aggre- gatas seu aggregandas, pro eo die concessa censeatur quo die hujusmodi festum seu mysterium Beatae Mariae Virginis celebratur et colitur, cujus festivitatis aut mysterii titulo Congregationes hujusmodi insignitae fuerint. 1036 Et nihilominus tam ipsis Sodalibus quam aliis quibuscumque Christi fìdelibus, vere poenitentibus et confessis, et Eucharistici Panis Communione refectis, qui Ecclesiam seu Oratorium aut Sa- cellum et locum hujusmodi Congregationum in die festo alterius Patroni hujusmodi, a primis vesperis usque ad occasum solis ipsius 1037 festi, vel, si alter hujusmodi Patronus et titulus non adsit, uno alio die in singulos annos a cujuslibet Congregationis Moderatore de¬ signando, a primis nempe vesperis ad occasum solis diei hujus¬ modi visitaverint, ibique pro Christianorum Principum concordia, haeresum extirpatione et Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae exaltatione pias ad Deum preces fuderint, similem Indulgentiam plenariam, etiam in suffragium animarum fidelium defunctorum cujusque arbitrio appli- candam, sine praejudicio alterius, pro festivitate seu titulo Beatae Mariae Virginis ut supra, atque aliarum similium per praedeces- sores Nostros, ut praefertur, eisdem Congregationibus concessarum, simili motu, scientia et potestate concedimus et elargimur. Another Patron Indulgence for the primary titular Feast for the secondary or once a year Wherever kept Translation Votive Mass If several meetings occur in the week Servants of the Sodality 90 * BENEDICT XIV, 27 SEPT., 1 748 — PATRONS, MEETINGS Hoc insuper decernentes, ut, si ob aliquam causam locus sive 1038 Ecclesia aut Oratorium seu Sacellum ad Sodalitii conventus destina* turn varietur, aut quomodolibet, sive in perpetuum sive ad tempus, immutetur, vel etiam, pro majori populi commoditate et solemniori festivitatis celebritate, tam tituli principalis quam Patroni et tituli minus principalis festum in alia Ecclesia seu Tempio, de consensu Moderatoris, celebrari contingat, nihilominus eadem Indulgenza tam Sodalibus quam aliis quibuscumque Christi fidelibus aliam hujus- modi Ecclesiam seu Templum aut Oratorium rite visitantibus aeque suffragetur ac si consuetam et propriam ipsius Sodalitii Ecclesiam seu Oratorium aut Sacellum et locum ad ipsius conventus designa¬ rmi visitarent; utque praeterea, quatenus unum aut alterum titulare 1039 festum hujusmodi, seu etiam utrumque, ab aliqua ex praedictis Congregationibus proprio die non satis opportune aut solemniter celebrari possit, liceat praedicto Praeposito Generali tunc et pro tempore exsistenti, aut Superiori loci ejusdem Societatis, aliam diem — seu Dominicam infra octavam, sive diem octavam ipsius festi, sive aliam diem infra annum — pro hujusmodi festivitatum celebratione et pro concessae Indulgentiae acquisitione, juxta sin- gularum hujusmodi Congregationum opportunitates, designare. Quo 1040 casu etiam permittimus ut, si dies electa impedita fuerit festo du¬ plici, una Missa votiva solemnis de hujusmodi translato festo ce¬ lebrari possit. Cum autem Nos ipsi, in praeinsertis Nostris litteris, omnibus 1041 ejusdem primae-primariae aliarumque Sodalitatum seu Congrega¬ tionum hujusmodi eidem aggregatarum Sodalibus, ut praefertur, dispositis, et propriam cujusque Sodalitii Ecclesiam seu Oratorium, Sacellum aut locum, semel in hebdomada, uno nimirum die quo Sodalitii conventus habeatur, visitantibus, ibique, ut etiam praefertur, orantibus, plenariam similiter Indulgentiam Apostolica liberalitate concesserimus; cumque non raro contingat, ut pluries in hebdomada 1042 saepe dicti Sodales ad pia et consueta exercitia congregentur : ne forte dubium oriatur, quinam ex illis diebus ad praefatam Indulgen¬ tiam consequendam sit constitutus; decernimus et declaramus, prae- 1043 fatam plenariam Indulgentiam semel in hebdomada tam a Sodalibus hujusmodi, quam etiam ab earundem Congregationum seu Soda litiorum ministris, seu ipsis inservientibus — ad quos videlicet, donee 1044 hujusmodi Congregationum servitiis addicti fuerint, omnes et sin- gulas Indulgentias, peccatorum remissiones et poenitentiarum rela- xationes pro Sodalibus hactenus tam a praedecessoribus Nostris quam a Nobis ipsis concessas, et in posterum forsan concedendas, praesentium tenore, expresse extendimus et iisdem communicamus .— acquirendam pro eo die valere qui ad sumendam Sanctissimam 1045 BENEDICT XIV, 27 SEPT., 1748 — OBEDIENCE, SACRAMENTS 91 * Eucharistiam, aliaque injuncta opera adimplenda, cujuslibet eorum arbitrio eligetur; dummodo tamen die electo, sive matutinis sive vespertinis horis sive etiam praecedenti vespere, Sodalium conventus in consueto Oratorio seu Ecclesia aut loco habeatur. 1046 Sed tamen omnes et singulos Sodales atque ministros praefatos monemus et in Domino hortamur ut commendatam sibi suisque spiritualibus utilitatibus magnopere profuturam assiduitatem atque frequentiam, quam piis Congregationum hujusmodi exercitationibus praestituros eos esse confidimus, devotae subjectionis et obedientiae merito cumulare studeant; atque ita non solum in reliquis omnibus quae ad earundem Congregationum statum et regimen pertinebunt praefati Praepositi Generalis ac peculiarium Moderatorum ab ipso deputatorum mandatis consiliisque alacri et prompta voluntate obtem-. 1047 perare nunquam recusent; sed in hac etiam re uniformitatem servare, aliisque vicissim Sodalibus exemplo quisque suo insinuare singuli curent; ita ut dies pro consequenda Indulgenza hujusmodi ab uno- quoque in singulas hebdomadas eligendus, quod fieri poterit, ille idem sit qui a cujusque Sodalitii seu Congregationis Moderatore proponetur. 1048 Cumque ex praemissis aliisque innumeris tam Nostrae quam praedecessorum Nostrorum voluntatis significationibus satis patere possit quantum Nobis cordi sit, ut Sanctissima Eucharistiae et Poenitentiae Sacramenta juxta Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae mentem turn ab omnibus Christi fidelibus turn vero ab hujusmodi Congre¬ gationum Sodalibus frequenti usu ac certo et uberi fructu suscipian- I£ >49 tur; utilissimam atque probatam praxim eisdem Sodalibus magnopere inculcari cupimus ut, sicuti cuilibet eorum optimum consilium datur, per Generalem totius anteactae vitae Confessionem ad primum in hujusmodi Congregationes ingressum se comparandi, ita quoque, semel aut bis in singulos annos, offensiones atque peccata sua, sive ab ultima Generali Confessione sive a primo rationis usu admissa, juxta prudentis Directoris consilium, in amaritudine animae suae iterum recolentes, eaque sincerae poenitentiae spiritu firmoque mentis proposito detestantes, atque leghimi Ecclesiae ministri judicio sub- jicientes, propriam cum Deo reconciliationem magis magisque as- serere ac vitae suae emendationem virtutumque omnium augmentum de die in diem promo vere satagant; ut sic identidem renovati spiritu mentis suae novisque semper coelestis gratiae subsidiis confirmati et roborati, dignam Christiana professione ac peculiari Virginis clientela vitam degant ac, divinorum Sacramentorum frequenti par- ticipatione vegetati, ad ipsorum promissa tandem in coelis asse- quenda eorundem virtute praeparentur. Obedience urged Choice of day for the Indulgence Frequent Confession and Communion General Confession 92 BENEDICT XIV, 27 SEPT., 1 748 — CHARITY, SICK * Privilege for it Works of Charity Indulgences for them Indulgence for the sick Idcirco praefatis ipsarum Congregationum Sodalibus, quicumque 1050 semel aut bis in anno vere poenitentes Generalem hujusmodi Con* fessionem, ut praefertur, expleverint, eaque peracta, Sacram Eucha- ristiam sumpserint, nova ac speciali gratia concedimus ut, quamvis non in propria ipsorum Sodalitii, sed in alia quacumque Ecclesia si ve Oratorio aut Sacello, prout cuj usque devotionis aut opportuni- tatis ratio tulerit, Eucharisticum Panem percipiant, ibique praescriptas Deo preces offerant, nihilominus Indulgentiam plenariam, quam in consuetis Sodalitii locis semel in singulas hebdomadas assequen- dam superius concessimus, in alia hujusmodi Ecclesia seu sacra aede similiter consequi possint et valeant. Omnibus demum ac singulis praedictarum Congregationum 1051 Sodalibus caritatem fraternitatis enixe commendamus, tarn inter se mutuo quam erga omnes Christi fideles, studiose servandam ac se¬ duto exercendam ; ut et religionis et misericordiae opera continen- ter exsequentes, duobus praeceptis intend in quibus universa lex pendet et prophetae, Ecclesiam Dei laetificare et juvare non de¬ sinane Hinc est quod Nos in praeinsertis Nostris litteris, majorem 1052 prospicientes necessitatem qua fideles infirmitate corporis laboran- tes spiritualibus et temporalibus fraternae caritatis subsidiis indi¬ gent, inter alias Indulgentias quas pro Sodalibus exercentibus va¬ ria pietatis opera elargiti fuimus, quasque etiam ad personas Soda- litiorum ministeriis atque servitiis addictas expresse extendimus, speciales quoque concessimus iis qui, per campanae signum de ex- tremo alicujus fidelis agone aut transitu admoniti, Deum Optimum Maximum pro infirmi salute aut ejus felici transitu, vel pro defuncti requie, fuerint deprecati. Atque insuper omnibus et singulis, tam ipsius Primariae quam 1053 aliarum ipsi aggregatarum Congregationum Moderatoribus, ejusdem Societatis Jesu Presbyteris, nunc et pro tempore exsistentibus et fu- turis, qui ipsarum Congregationum Sodales aut ministros infirmos, de Superiorum suorum licentia, visitaverint, eosque spiritualibus monitis sive ad morborum incommoda patienter toleranda sive ad mortem de manu Domini libenter acceptandam adjuverint, et coram aliqua crucifixi Salvatoris nostri imagine ter saltern Orationem Do- minicam et Salutationem Angelicam juxta Nostram et Sanctae Ma- tris Ecclesiae mentem ab ipsis recitari curaverint, quo die iidem infirmi Sanctissimum Eucharistiae Sacramentum sumpserint, ut ipsis Indulgentiam plenariam, etiam in suffragium fidelium defunctorum, si placuerit, applicandam, Apostolica auctoritate sibi per praesentes delegata, impertiri possint et valeant, simili motu, scientia et po- testatis plenitudine concedimus et indulgemus. ✓ BENEDICT XIV, 27 SEPT., 1748 — THE CARAYITA, CLAUSES 93 * 1054 Caeterum Oratorio publico sub titulo Beatae Mariae Virginis Pietatis nuncupatae et S. Francisci Xaverii, prope dictum Collegium Romanum et apud Ecclesiam S. Ignatii jamdudum erecto, in quo non sine maximo Christi fidelium in alma Urbe commorantium fructu, singulis diebus salutaria pietatis exercitia frequentante, illiusque Praefecto seu Moderatori, necnon Confratribus et personis eidem Oratorio illiusque functionibus opem et operam adjutricem prae- stantibus, omnes et singulas Indulgentias, peccatorum remissiones, poenitentiarum relaxationes aliasque spirituales gratias dictae Prima- riae Congregationi seu Primario Sodalitio ejusque Sodalibus a Nobis et praedictis praedecessoribus Nostris, per singulas praeinsertas et praesentes Nostras litteras respective concessas, injuncta tamen opera rite et congrue adimplendo assequendas, etiam ipsarum prae- 1055 sentium vigore, concedimus et communicamus. Per hoc autem non intendimus alias quascumque Indulgentias, etiam plenarias, Oratorio ejusque Confratribus et personis praedictis per Sedem Apostoli- cam peculiariter concessas revocare, neque eis ullatenus derogare. 105 6 Praesentes demum litteras nullo unquam tempore de subrep- tionis vel obreptionis aut nullitatis vitio vel intentionis Nostrae seu quopiam alio defectu notari, impugnari vel retractari aut revocari ullatenus posse neque debere, sed semper et in perpetuum validas et efficaces exsistere suosque plenarios et integros effectus sortiri et obtinere debere, nec sub quibuscumque similium vel dissimilium gratiarum revocationibus, suspensionibus, limitationibus, derogatio- nibus aut aliis contrariis dispositionibus, per Nos vel alios Roma¬ nos Pontifices praedecessores Nostros, aut Sedem Apostolicam, etiam motu, scientia et potestatis plenitudine paribus, pro tempore quo- modolibet factis comprehendi ; sed semper ab illis exceptas et, quo- ties illae emanabunt, toties in pristinum statum restitutas, reposi- tas et plenarie reintegratas esse et censeri, omnibusque et singulis quos ipsae concernunt pienissime suffragari debere; et si secus su¬ per his a quoquam, quavis auctoritate, scienter vel ignoranter, con- tigerit attentari, irritum et inane decernimus. 1057 Non obstantibus una de Indulgentiis non concedendis ad in¬ star, et altera per quam voluimus quod in litteris Indulgentiarum apponatur clausula quod, si Ecclesiae aut Ecclesiis vel personis qui- bus Indulgentiae conceduntur aliqua alia Indulgenza foret concessa de qua inibi specialis mentio facta non esset, hujusmodi litterae essent nullae; aliisque Nostris et Cancellarle Apostolicae regu- 1058 lis; necnon praedicti dementis praedecessoris super modo et forma Confraternitates erigendi et aggregandi edita, cui ad praemissorum omnium et singulorum validitatis eflfectum, hac vice dumtaxat, spe- cialiter et expresse ac latissime et pienissime, motu, scientia et po- The Cara vita Confirmatory clauses The Quaecumque Copies • 94 * FR. GEN. RETZ, l8 JAN., I749 — GOLDEN BULL FORWARDED testatis plenitudine similibus, harum serie derogamus; et aliis Apo- stolicis Constitutionibus, nec non omnibus illis quae singuli prae- decessores praedicti in sui praeinsertis litteris voluerunt non ob- stare; caeterisque contrariis quibuscumque. Volumus autem ut earundem praesentium transsumptis, etiam 1059 impressis, Secretarii praedictae Societatis Jesu vel Notarii publici manu subscriptis, et alicujus personae in dignitate ecclesiastica constitutae, vel pro tempore exsistentis Praepositi aut Vicarii Ge¬ nerali ejusdem Societatis, sigillo munitis, eadem prorsus tides ubi- que locorum, tam in judicio quam extra illud, adhibeatur, quae \ JffV- .i* • praesentibu§ adhiberetur, si forent originaliter exhibitae vel ostensae. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam Nostrae ab- 1060 solutionis, confirmationis, decreti, statuti, concessionis, declarationis, indulti, derogationis et voluntatis infringere, vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attentare praesumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei ac BB. Petri et Pauli, Apostolorum ejus, se no¬ veri incursurum. Datum Romae, apud Sanctam Mariam Majorem, anno Incar¬ natini Dominicae mdccxlviii, quinto kalendas Octobris, Pontificatus Nostri anno nono. D. Card. Passioneus . 1 . Datarius. Institutum s. j., I. 283, ff. t \ . w * No. 33. 18 January, 1749. Letter of Father General Retz. Growth and fruits of Sodal¬ ities ; benefits conferred on them by the Sovereign Pon¬ tiffs ; the Golden Bull ; care in the choice of Directors. Growth Inter media fere praecipua quae ad amplificandum Divinum 1061 cultum et ad animarum salutem consequendam excogitavit Socie- tas nostra, merito censentur Marianae illae Congregationes, quae in omnibus ubique Collegiis Domibusque turn pro juniori aetate turn pro statu grandioribus sunt institutae, eo numero ac varietate ut jam alicubi singulis fere hominum ordinibus sua assignata sit certa ac propria Congregatio; ipsis etiam agricolis. Fruits Magnum hinc certe et uberiorem in dies videmus existere fru- 1062 ctum; secundante enim Deo nostrorum hominum coepta, et prote- gente suos istos coetus Virgine Beatissima, usu ipso docemur in his conventibus, veluti in palaestris totidem Christianae pietatis, fingi mortalium animos, mores castigari, virtutes imbui, atque ad omnia V FR. GEN. RETZ, l8 JAN., 1749 — GOLDEN BULL FORWARDED 95* religionis officia excoli atque incalescere, novamque vitae formam induci. 1063 His rebus moti sunt retroactis temporibus Romani Pontifices ut, pro ea quam gerunt Christianae reipublicae cura ac providentia, instituta haec saluberrima tuerentur auctoritate Apostolica, privile- giis ornarent amplissimis et magnis Indulgentiarum largitionibus locupletarent; potestate etiam facta Praepositis Generalibus Socie- tatis Sodalitia eadem multiplicandi pro libitu intra quaelibet Ordinis Domicilia, aggregandique huic Primario quod in Collegio nostro Romano sub titulo Virginis Annuntiatae est collocatum. 1064 At novissime Sanctissimus in Christo Pater et Dominus noster Benedictus Papa XIV, animo reputans istiusmodi Congregationum utilitates sane multas et maximas, quarum particeps olim fuit in privata fortuna, nostrisque humillimis precibus perquam benigne, ut solet, annuens, non solum fovendas illas et exornandas suscepit exemplo praedecessorum suorum; verum etiam omnium ante se Pontificum beneficentiam multis partibus superavit edita Apostolica Constitutione, aurea bulla firmata et Societati nostrae perhono- rifica, qua privilegia istarum Sodalitatum omnia et Indulgentiarum concessiones pristinas prolixe confirmat, innovat et ex parte ampli- ficat; ut etiam si multum huic Pontifici vere optimo debemus pro tot aliis ejus ac maximis in nostrum Ordinem meritis, hujus quidem certo beneficii magnitudini nulla possit par gratiarum actio inveniri. 1065 Nunc ergo nos Pontificiae Constitutionis exemplar ad Reveren- iam Vestram transmittimus, cujus erit curare ut innotescat in omni¬ bus suae Provinciae Sodalitatibus, turn ut Sodales singuli sciant quibus de novo ditati sint ex Ecclesiae thesauro donis, turn etiam ut excitentur ad fundendas in communi preces pro Pontifice tarn benemerito, eique felicitatem, ut dignum est, comprecentur. 1066 Iliad tamen praecipue injungimus Reverentiae Vestrae, ut Soda¬ litatibus moderandis neminem praeficiat posthac nisi cum exquisito delectu, eosque ex omnibus deligat quorum probata sit virtus atque prudentia; ne forte Directorum socordia vel negligentia intereat fructus animarum qui hactenus ex hoc ministerio, Deo favente, per- ceptus est, et quem uberiorem sperat Sanctitas Sua. Hanc nostram epistolam curet Reverenda Vestra ut in singulis Collegiis ac Do- mibus Provinciae suae in publica mensa perlegatur; meique sit me- mor in Sanctis suis Sacrificiis. Romae, 18 Januarii, 1749. Reverentiae Vestrae Servus in Christo, Franciscus Retz Selectae epistolae, pp. 108, 109. Pontifical favors Golden Bit* Copy sent Directors to be carefully chosen 96 * BENEDICT XIV, 15 JULY, 1749 — NEW GRANTS Preamble Sodality Indulgences granted to Jesuits and to Sovereigns Triduum of Exposition No. 34. 15 July, 1749- Brief quemadmodum presbyteri of Benedict XIV. The In¬ dulgences of the Sodality granted to the members of the Society of Jesus ; special concession to sovereigns ; the Indulgences of the Forty Hours granted for a triduum of Exposition in Sodality Chapels. BENEDICTUS PAPA XIV AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM Quemadmodum presbyteri regulares Societatis Jesu non ultimum 1067 locum et gradum inter tot religiosos Ordines, Congregationes et Instituta in Catholica Ecclesia sibi vindicant, quippe qui assiduis laboribus omnes utriusque sexus Christi fideles in omnibus Chri- stianae pietatis et doctrinae virtutibus et studiis erudire et imbuere contendunt; ita, omni procul dubio, merentur ut ìisdem quibus Apo¬ stolica haec Sancta Sedes nonnullos alios Religiosos Ordines, Con¬ gregationes et Instituta cumulavit, ipsos edam Apostolicae benigni- tatis privilegiis, gratiis et indultis augeamus ... Deinde ut iidem Presbyteri, clerici et laici ejusdem Societatis 1068 pro tempore exsistentes, et neque Congregationibus primae-prima- riae dictis vel eidem aggregatis seu pro tempore aggregandis ad- scripti, neque ipsarum Congregationum Oratoria frequentantes neque visitantes, sed eadem pietatis opera quae Sodales earundem Con- . gregationum praestare solent exercentes, ac sive proprias publicas Ecclesias sive antedicta Oratoria domestica visitantes, easdem In- dulgentias, peccatorum remissiones et poenitentiarum relaxationes quas consequerentur, si, iisdem Congregationibus adscripti, ipsarum Congregationum Oratoria visitarent, consequi possint et valeant, sine praejudicio aliarum Indulgentiarum ipsis quomodolibet conces- sarum, auctoritate et tenore paribus, indulgemus et elargimur. Praeterea omnibus et singulis Regibus, Principibus, Ducibus 1069 et Comitibus, supremam potestatem habentibus, eorumque consan- guineis et affinibus primi et secundi gradus dumtaxat, qui Congre¬ gationibus ubique locorum erectis et erigendis vel primae-prim ari ae hujusmodi adscribi petierint, etsi absentibus, eadem tamen pietatis opera, ut praemittitur, exercentibus, et aliquam ad eorundem com- modum et placitum Ecclesiam visitantibus, easdem, ut supra, Indul- gentias, remissiones et relaxationes itidem concedimus et impertimur. Insuper, ut omnes et singuli Christi fideles qui expositioni 1070 Sanctissimi Eucharistiae Sacramenti in Oratoriis supradictarum Con¬ gregationum primae—primariae vel eidem aggregatarum seu pro tem- 1071 107a 1073 1074 BENEDICT XIV, 15 JULY, 1749 — CLAUSES 97 * pore aggregandarum, spatio continui tridui per aliquod temporis spatium faciendae interfuerint, ibique oraverint, ac caetera injuncta opera praestiterint, Indulgentias, peccatorum remissiones poenarum- que relaxationes quas consequerentur si Ecclesiis in quibus expo- sitio Sanctissimi Eucharistiae Sacramenti per quadraginta continuas horas fieri solet visitarent, consequi possint et valeant, tenore et auctoritate paribus itidem concedimus et impertimur... Non obstantibus Nostra et Cancellarle Nostrae regula de non concedendis Indulgentiis ad instar, ac in universalibus provincia- libusque et synodalibus Conciliis editis generalibus vel specialibus constitutionibus et ordinationibus ; caeterisque contrariis quibus- cumque. Praesentibus perpetuis futuris temporibus valituris. Volumus autem ut earundem praesentium litterarum trans- sumptis seu exemplis, etiam impressis, manu alicujus Notarii pu- blici subscripts, et sigillo personae in dignitate ecclesiastica consti- tutae munitis, eadem prorsus fides adhibeatur quae adhiberetur iisdem praesentibus, si forent exhibitae vel ostensae. Datum Romae, apud Sanctam Mariam Majorem, sub annulo Piscatoris, die decima quinta Julii, mdccxlix, Pontificatus Nostri anno nono. , Cajetanus Amatus. Institutum s. j., I. 293, jf. No. 35. 8 September, 1751. Brief quo tibi of Benedict XIV. Power is given to aggregate to the prima-primaria any Sodality of either sex, or of both y which is in a Jesuit House or Church. DILECTO FILIO IGNATIO VICECOMITI moderno et pro tempore exsistenti Praeposito Generali Societatis Jesu, BENEDICTUS PAPA XIV Dilecte fili, salutem et Apostolicam benedictionem. Quo tibi, dilecte fili, magis notum fiat quam propensa tibi ac Societati, cujus supremum regimen nuper adeptus laudabiliter geris, opportune gratificandum voluntate feramur: paterna benigni- tate precibus annuere non dedignamur quas dilectus filius Vespa- Confirmatory clauses Copies Preamble 7 98 * BENEDICT XIV, 8 SEPT., I75I — SODALITIES OF WOMEN Sodality of both sexes at Palermo Power for any Sodality in a Jesuit institution sianus Trigona, ejusdem Societatis Presbyter, Nobis etiam maxime commendatus, nuper porrexit. Humiliter enim nobis exposuit quod in Tempio Domus Professae 1075 ejusdem Societatis in civitate Panormi erecto, instituta reperitur publica utriusque sexus Congregatio dicta de Poenitentia sub invo- catione Sanctae Mariae Magdalenae, quae a duobus memoratae So¬ cietatis Presbyteris magno cum animarum fructu regitur, et in qua singulis feriis tertiis cujuslibet hebdomadae quam plurima Christianae pietatis officia peraguntur. Hanc autem Congregationem a felicis recordationis Alexandro 1076 Papa VII, praedecessore Nostro, decima quinta mensis Julii, mdclv, canonice erectam, die undecima mensis Maji, mdclxxviii, Venerabilis Innocentius XI, praedecessor itidem Noster, confirmavit; cum ea ta- men, quemadmodum in Apostolicis utriusque praedecessoris Nostri in simili forma Brevis litteris praescribi tur, conditione ut nulli dein- ceps cuivis Congregationi aggregari possit ; aliter Indulgentiae aliaque coelestia munera ipsi Congregationi de Poenitentia con- cessae et concessa nullius essent valoris et momenti. Quoniam autem Nos, per alias Nostras in pari forma Brevis 1077 et sub Bulla Aurea expeditas litteras, Congregationi primae-pri- mariae dictae et in aedibus Collegii Romani ejusdem Societatis tuae institutae quamplurimos lndulgentiarum et divinorum charismatum thesaurós elargiti sumus, ipse Vespasianus, exoptans ut, non obstante conditione in laudatis Alexandri et Innocentii praedecessorum litteris apposita, ac firmis remanentibus Indulgentiis per eosdem praede- cessores praefatae Congregationi de Poenitentia impertitis, eadem Congregatio de Poenitentia primae-primariae antedictae aggregari possit. Nobis propterea humiliter supplicavit ut in praemissis oppor- une providere de benignitate et auctoritate Apostolica dignaremur. Nos itaque, nihil impensius cupientes quam ut omnes Christi 1078 fideles ad Christianae pietatis exercitia peragenda suaviter fortiterque per coelestia etiam munera alliciantur, et amplioribus gratiarum fa- voribus te, dilecte fili, tuamque Societatem prosequentes, tibi, moderno et pro tempore exsistenti Societatis Jesu Praeposito Generali, tenore praesentium, Apostolica auctoritate, facultatem tribuimus et imper- timur ut non solum saepe dicta Congregatio de Poenitentia in Tempio Domus Professae Panormi, ut praemittitur, erecta, sed omnes et singulae, tam virorum quam mulierum sive utriusque sexus, Con- gregationes, Confraternitates et Sodalitia, sive in aedibus sive in Ecclesiis Societatis Jesu ubique locorum, canonice tamen erectae et erecta sive erigendae et erigenda, non obstantibus quibuscumque Apostolicis, sive pro particulari Congregatione sive generaliter editis, Constitutionibus in contrarium earundem praesentium facien- 1079 1080 1081 1082 S. C. OF INDULG., 15 JAN., 1752 — CHURCH OF AN ORDER 99* tibus, PRiMAE—PRiMARiAE praefatae aggregare seu aggregari facere ac permittere possis et valeas, et quilibet successorum tuorum possit et valeat. Interim Apostolicam benedictionem tibi, dilecte fili, et ejusdem Societatis religiosis alumnis peramanter impertimur. Volumus autem ut earundem praesentium litterarum trans- sumptis seu exemplis, etiam impressis, marni alicujus Notarii pu- blici subscripts et sigillo personae in dignitate ecclesiastica consti- tutae munitis, eadem prorsus fides adhibeatur quae ipsis praesen- tibus adhiberetur, si forent exhibitae vel ostensae. Datum Romae, apud Sanctam Mariam Majorem, sub annulo Piscatoris, die octavo Septembris, mdccli, Pontificatus Nostri anno duodecimo. Cajetanus Amatus. Institutum s. j., /. 297, 298 . No. 36. 15 January, 1752. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Church in which there is a Confraternity of an Order is not therefore one in which can be gained the Indulgences granted for visiting a Church of that Order . LAUDENSIS Exstat in parochiali Ecclesia SS. Naboris et Felicis civitatis Lau- densis Confraternitas sub invocatone SS. Nominum Jesu et Mariae Ordini Sanctissimae Trinitatis Redemptionis Captivorum juxta Con- stitutionem felicis recordationis dementis VIII incipientem quae- cumque, anno 1664, aggregata. Parochus dictae Ecclesiae, ea ductus opinione quod ista in qua Confraternitas praedicta reperitur erecta sit et dici possit Ecclesia Ordinis laudati, ac proinde eaedem om- nino in illa reperiantur Indulgentiae quae in ista, super januam dictae , parochialis Ecclesiae invitatoriam posuit retinetque tabellam hisce verbis inscriptam : “ Visitando questa chiesa s’ acquistano le Indul¬ genze concesse ad ogni chiesa dell’ Ordine della Santissima Tri¬ nità ”. Hinc Episcopus Laudensis, ne fideles in re tanti momenti maneant decepti, veritatis amore permotus, rem totam huic Sacrae Congregationi discutiendam humillime proposuit. Sacra igitur Congregato Indulgenti^ Sacrisque Reliquiis prae- posita, audito prius his desuper Procuratore Generali Ordinis Sanctis- Question Answer Approval Statement Questions Answers IOO* S. C. OF INDULG.. 28 AUG., 1752 — ERECTION simae Trinitatis Redemptionis Captivorum, ac diligenter examinatis rationibus hinc inde deductis, formatisque tandem dubiis:... 2. An Ecclesiae in quibus erectae sunt Confraternitates prae- 1083 dictae dici possint Ecclesiae Ordinis ad hoc ut fidelis quilibet qui non fuerit eis adscriptus consequi valeat aliquas Indulgentias eas visitando; .... die 12 Januarii, 1752, rescribendum esse censuit: Ad 2 : Negative et amplius.... 1084 De quibus omnibus facta per me, infrascriptum ipsius Sacrae 1085 Congregationis Secretarium, die 15 ejusdem mensis, Sanctissimo Domino Nostro relatione, Sanctitas Sua votum Sacrae Congrega¬ tionis benigne approbavit. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 190. No. 37. 28 August, 1752. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. For valid erection no act but the Bishop's is necessary. ANGELOPOLITANA Cum in parochiali Ecclesia loci de Huamantla, Angelopolitanae 1086 dioecesis, magnam habeat venerationem quaedam miraculis clara imago Jesu Christi Redemptoris Nostri Domini del Desposo nun- cupata, et in ejus Capella ejusque in honorem et cultum centum abhinc circiter annis, auctoritate Ordinarii, instituta sit pia utriusque sexus Christi fidelium Confraternitas; nunc vero Presbyteri Joseph Nico¬ laus et Ignatius Xaverius Cavallero, germani fratres, dictae Capel- lae reparatores et egregii benefactores, caeterique ejusdem Confra- ternitatis Confratres et Consorores, dubitantes de ipsius subsistentia et canonica erectione, ad effectum gaudendi Indulgentiis, tam ob- tentis quam obtinendis, eo quia ab Apostolica Sede non fuerit con¬ firmata, supplicarunt humillime pro benigna declaratione : 1. An dici possit canonica dictae Confraternitatis erectio, so- 1087 lius Ordinarii auctoritate facta; 2. An reportari debeat Apostolica confirmatio. 1088 Quibus Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis prae- 1089 posita, die 28 Augusti, 1752, rescribendum esse censuit: Ad 1: Affirmative. Ad 2: Non indigere. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 195. BENEDICT XIV, 29 MARCH, 1753 — SPIRITUAL EXERCISES IOI * No. 38. 29 March, 1753. Brief quantum secessus of Benedict XIV. Praise is bestowed on the Spiritual Exercises; Indidgences are granted for making them in Jesuit establishments. BENEDICTUS PAPA XIV AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM 1090 Quantum secessus illi ab omni mundanarum rerum strepitu remoti, in quo Christi fideles sese interdum recipientes in medita- tionibus exercentur aeternis ad vitam sive male actam corrigendam sive in melius confirmandam et ad aeternam salutem facilius com- parandam semper profuerint, experientia ipsa tarn compertum ex- ploratumque est ut Sancti Patres et spiritualis vitae magistri at- que ipsi Romani Pontifìces, praedecessores Nostri, non solum ad eos saepissime frequentandos verbis et exemplis, verum edam coe- lestium munerum thesauris, eosdem Christi fideles excitare, adhor- 1091 tari et allicere non destiterint... Ut majori cum fructu spirituale ejus- modi opus fiat, ad augendam eorundem Christi fidelium devotionem et animarum salutem coelestibus Ecclesiae muneribus comparan- dam pia cari tate intenti : 1092 Iis omnibus sive singulis qui in aliquo Collegio, Domo aut Se- cessu, vel in publica etiam Ecclesia seu Cappella dictae Societatis ubicumque locorum existentibus, et tam hactenus erectis quam in posterum erigendis, quoties Spiritualia hujusmodi Exercitia, ut prae- mittitur, per quodcumque dierum spatium, semel aut pluries in anno, vel per unum etiam diem semel in mense peregerint, et vere poe- nitentes et confessi ac Sacra Communione refecti Ecclesiam sive Oratorium ejusdem Collegii vel Domus vel Secessus visitaverint, et ibi pro Christianorum Principum concordia, haeresum extirpatione et Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae exaltatione pias ad Deum preces effu- derint; toties plenariam omnium peccatorum suorum Indulgentiam et remissionem, quam per modum suffraga fidelibus defunctis ap¬ plicare possint, misericorditer in Domino concedimus. Preamble Grant Institutum s. j., I . 301 , ff . Exercises given outside Jesuit institutions Petition Grant 102 * BENEDICT XIV, l6 MAV, 1753 — SPIRITUAL EXERCISES No. 39. 16 May, 1753. Brief dedimus sane of Benedict XIV. The faculties and Indulgences granted in the brief quantum secessus are extended to non-Jesuit establishments. BENEDICTUS PAPA XIV AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM Dedimus sane, paucis abhinc mensibus, alias Nostras in simili forma Brevis litteras tenoris sequentis : “ BENEDICTUS PAPA XIV AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM Quantum secessus.” Quoniam autem idem Ignatius Vicecomes, Praepositus Gene- 1093 ralis, iterum Nobis nuper humiliter exponi fecit frequenter evenire quod religiosi ejusdem Societatis alumni, tarn qui ad missiones ubi- que terrarum peragendas pergunt, quam qui, in ejusdem Societatis Domibus et Collegiis ac Seminariis commorantes, assiduam in pro- curanda aeterna Christi fidelium salute operam impendunt, requirun- tur ut Spiritualia hujusmodi Exercitia, non solum populo in publicis quibuscumque Ecclesiis convenienti, verum etiam in Ecclesiis sive Oratoriis.... quarumcumque Congregationum et Sodalitatum. tradant;.... ea propter Nobis humiliter supplicari fecit ut omnes 1094 et singulas turn Indulgentias turn facultates in praeinsertis Nostris litteris contentas ad ejusmodi effectum extendere de benignitate Apostolica dignaremur... Tenore praesentium, Apostolica auctoritate, 1095 omnes et singulas Indulgentias, peccatorum remissiones poenarum- que relaxationes, necnon facultates absolvendi a quibuscumque peccatis et censuris cuicumque, etiam Sedi Apostolicae (non tamen per litteras die Coenae Domini legi solitas), reservatis in praein¬ sertis Nostris litteris contentas et a Nobis concessas atque imper- titas, ad omnes et singulos ejusdem Societatis religiosos alumnos, ubique locorum, sive missionarios in actu missionum quarumcum¬ que, sive in quibusvis tarn publicis quam privatis Ecclesiis et Ora¬ toriis et piis locis et aedibus, vel saecularibus vel regularibus quorumcumque Ordinum, Institutorum, Collegiorum Seminariorum- que, necnon quarumcumque Congregationum et Sodalitatum et Monasteriorum monialium oblatarumque et Conservatoriorum vir- ginum ac mulierum, de Superiorum licentia, Spiritualia hujus- FR. GENERAL, 1757 — TITLE, TITULAR FEAST IO3 * modi Exercitia vel diem quem appellant praeparationis ad mortem tradentes, sacramentalesque Confessiones tempore vel occasione eo- rundem Exercitiorum excipientes, et ad Sacerdotes iisdem a Su- perioribus adjunctos socios, ut praemittitur, sub iisdem omnino modo et forma, sub quibus in praeinsertis Nostris litteris praescribitur, in perpetuum extendinius, concedimus atque impertimur. Institutum s. j., 1 . 304 , /. No. 40. 1757. s Decree of the Father General of the Society of Jesus. To Superiors are communicated faculties for choosing a title, for the public Feast of the secondary title , and its trans¬ lation to a Church or Chapel not of the Sodality, for another Feast in Sodalities which have no secondary title and for transferring Sodality Feasts. 1096 251. Omnes Congregationes aggregatae et in posterum aggregan- dae Primariae Urbis, ut frui possint Indulgentiis et gratiis con- cessis aut concedendis, Beatissimam Virginem Mariam in Patronam principalem et in titulum, sub invocatione alicujus ejus mysterii, 1097 eligere et retinere debent, simul cum alio Patrono seu titulo alias 1098 fortasse electo seu, si voluerint, eligendo : concessa etiam facultate celebrandi Festum utriusque tituli suis diebus vel aliis..., cum Indul- 10 99 gentia plenaria; et insuper addita concessione celebrandi Festum tam tituli principalis quam Patroni et tituli minus principalis in alia Ecclesia et Oratorio, si ob aliquam causam Sacellum Sodalitii varietur, aut minus opportunum pro populi commoditate et festi- vitatis celebritate videatur, ex arbitrio et consensu Moderatoris. 1100 252. Committitur Superioribus ut Congregationes jam erectae ante annum 1748 titulum aliquem assumant sub invocatione Beatae Mariae Virginis, si ilium non habebant, ut praescribitur numero antecedenti. Ipsorum etiam erit indulgere usum facultatis circa publicum Festum tituli secundarii, ejusdemque Festi translationem ad alias Ecclesias seu Cappellas extra Congregationem. noi 253. Moderatores praedictarum Congregationum quae unicum ti¬ tulum habuerint sub invocatione Beatae Mariae Virginis, possunt, singulis annis, unum alium diem eligere, et in eo, tam in Sacello Congregationis quam in qualibet alia Ecclesia, ut dictum est nu- Primary and secondary title Transfer of these Feasts C ommunication of powers Second Feast 104 BENEDXT XIV, 15 FEB., 1758 — SODALITY PROPERTY Communication Power granted Communication Preamble mero praecedente, 251, aliud Festum celebrare cum Indulgenza plenaria pro Sodalibus et quibuscumque aliis fidelibus confluen- tibus ad visitationem Congregationis, seu Templi aut Sacelli pro festivitate electi. 254. Superioribus committitur usus praecedentis facultatis, circa 1102 alium festum diem a Moderatore eligendum. 249. Ex concessione Benedicti XIII, ut in decreto Sacrae Congre- 1103 gationis, 26 Novembris, 1728, Festum titulare, sub invocatione Vi- sitationis aut Praesentationis sive alterius festivitatis Beatae Ma- riae Virginis, potest transferri ad Dominicam intra octavam in nostris externorum Congregationibus, in quibus etiam Missa cele* brari poterit de Festo translato. Ex Constitutione Sixti V, romanum decet, III Kalendas Octo- 1104 bres, 1587, in eventu hujusmodi translationis, Indulgentiae similiter in diem translationis hujusmodi, arbitrio Superioris loci dictae So- cietatis, transferri possunt. Immo quod vis Festum titulare praedictarum Congregationum 1105 potest Praepositus Generalis et Superior localis transferre cum Indulgenza ad Dominicam intra octavam sive diem octavam sive aliam diem intra annum, si non satis solemniter aut opportune propria die celebrari possit. Quo casu etiam permittitur ut, si dies electa impedita fuerit Festo alio duplici, una Missa votiva solemnis de translato celebrari possit. 250. Hujus facultatis usus conceditur Superioribus localibus; qui 1106 tamen non omittant certiores reddere Ordinarios de Indulgentiae publicatione. Institutum s. j., I . 583 , 584 . No. 41. 15 February, 1758. Brief laudabile ROMANORUM PONTiFicuM of Benedict XIV. The ownership of Sodality property in Jesuit Houses and Churches is assigned to the said Houses or Churches. BENEDICTUS PAPA XIV AD FUTURAM REI MEMORIAM Laudabile romanorum pontificum, praedecessorum Nostrorum, 1107 institutum ut, si quas^ super quibusvis negotiis emergere et erum- pere perspexissent contentiones, lites ac disceptationes, statim Apostolica auctoritate et providentia dirimerent componerentque, BENEDICT XIV, 15 FEB., 1758 — SODALITY PROPERTY I05 * eo majore studio tenere ac sectari Nos, in sacrosancti apostolatus specula constitutes, decet, quo per omnem vitae Nostrae aetatem nihil curavimus impensius quam ut, e medio sublatis contentionum, litium disceptationumque forensium dissidiis ac tricis, per solam liquidamque veritatis inspectionem jus suum unicuique tribueretur ac justitia et pax sese invicem oscularentur. 1108 Nuper, pro parte dilecti fìlii Joannis Antonii Timoni, Vicarii Generalis Societatis Jesu, Nobis expositum fuit quod, juxta facul- tates eidem Societati ab Apostolica hac Sancta Sede benigne attri- butas, nonnullae saecularium personarum Congregationes seu Confraternitates in omnibus fere Collegiis seu Domibus regularibus ejusdem Societatis canonice erectae et institutae fuerunt et repe- riuntur. Quae quidem Congregationes seu Confraternitates, tanquam Collegiis seu Domibus praedictis, in quibus erectae sunt, conjun- 1109 ctae, nihil possidere possunt, quippe quae omnimoda dispositio et dominium omnium supellectilium aliarumque rerum ad illarum usum, commodum et ornatum spectantium, penes Collegium aut Domum regularem hujusmodi, cui incorporatae exsistunt, remanere mo debet; Congregati vero seu Confratres pro spirituali eorum pro- fectu Praeposito Generali pro tempore exsistenti dictae Societatis, seu pro eo Directoribus ab ipso assignatis et assignandis, in om¬ ini nibus parere, obtemperare et subesse teneantur; ad ipsummet Praepositum Generalem seu ab ilio deputatum, pro spirituali di- ctarum Congregationum seu Confraternitatum bono, legitime per- tinet regulas, statuta et decreta condere, facere et statuere, quae juxta datam a Domino prudentiam opportuniora existimantur; quae quidem regulae, statuta et decreta ab ipso Praeposito Generali, vel a Directoribus ab eodem deputatis, variari et immutari aliaque de novo statui et praescribi possunt, illaque sic variata et immutata et de novo praescripta ipsi Congregati seu Confratres inviolabiliter 1112 observare tenentur, prout latius continetur non solum in Consti tu- tione a felicis recordationis Gregorio Papa XIII, praedecessore No¬ stro, anno MDLXXXIV edita, quae incipit omnipotentis dei, et sub¬ inde a recolendae memoriae Sixto Papa V, praedecessore pariter Nostro, per aliam suam Constitutionem anni MDLXXXVI incipien- tem superna dispositions, confirmata, verum etiam in alia a Nobis MDCCXLVIII pariter edita Constitutione, cujus initium est prae- claris; in qua praesertim reperiuntur haec verba: “ In omnibus quae ad Congregationum statum et regimen pertinebunt Generalis Praepositi et peculiarium Moderatorum ab ipso deputatorum man- datis consiliisque alacri ac prompta voluntate obtemperare nunquam recusent Incorporation Ownership Subjection Rules Pontifical acts Autonomy asserted Lawsuits in consequence Petition Cases pending withdrawn from other judges 106* BENEDICT XIV, 15 FEB., I75S — SODALITY PROPERTY Cum autem, sicut eadem expositio subjungebat, ob pràvam 1113 humani generis hostis instigationem, in aliqua ex dictis Congrega- tionibus seu Confraternitatibus discordia identidem sata fuerit, et interdum ab aliquibus ex Congregatis contensum sit supellectilia earundem Congregationum multo jure sua esse, claves penes se habere et retinere seseque proprio marte moderari ac debitam proprio Superiori obedientiam negare obsequiumque exuere; ac constitutiones, decreta et statuta condere; ac condita statuta et de¬ creta absque ulla Superiorum approbatione observare; aut semel a Superiore approbata absque ipsorum Congregatorum consensu nunquam variari aut mutari posse; ita ut toties quoties dictae 1x14 dissensiones irrepserint, necesse fuerit causas hujusmodi judicialiter sustinere et defendere; et licet in causa Asculana, anno MDCCXIII, in Congregatione tunc exsistentium Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardi- nalium negotiis et consultationibus Episcoporum et Regularium prae- positorum, perpensa, ejusmodi Congregati© decreverit: “Sodalita- tes non posse possidere, ipsosque Confratres parere debere Praeposito Generali Societatis ”; quod quidem decretum, anno MDCCXL, in causa Firmana ab eadem Cardinalium Congregatione confirmatum fuerit; nihilominus nuper judicio contendere necesse fuerit ut mo¬ bilia Congregationis sub invocatione Nativitatis Beatae Mariae Vir- ginis Immaculatae in Collegio Civitatis Castelli erectae, ab illius Congregatis rapta, dictae Congregationi restituerentur; prout qui¬ dem in aliis Congregationibus hujusmodi praedictae dissensiones irrepserint; - in hoc rerum statu, memoratus Joannes Antonius, 1x15 Vicarius Generalis, considerans non minus dispendia hactenus facta quam alia in posterum subeunda, si lites in praemissis pro- ducantur ac lites ipsas publicae tranquillitati et Christi fidelium pietati detrimentosas atque adeo dirimendas esse, Nobis humiliter supplicari fecit ut in praemissis opportune providere et ut infra in¬ dulgere de benignitate Apostolica dignaremur. Hinc est quod Nos, qui lites dissidiaque opportunis rationibus 1116 dirimere, illisque ne rursus quandocumque excitentur ansam pre¬ cidere studemus, supradictis aliisque ex causis animum Nostrum moventibus adducti, necnon supradictas Constitutiones et decreta a memorata Cardinalium Congregatione edita, ac controversiae et litis hujusmodi statum et merita, nominaque et cognomina ac qualita- tes judicum et collitigantium, et alia quaecumque, etiam specificam et individuam mentionem et expressionem requirentia, praesentibus pro piene et sufficienter expressis et insertis habentes, motu pro¬ prio ac ex certa scientia et matura deliberatione Nostris, deque Apostolicae potestatis plenitudine, quascumque lites et causas super praemissis inter dictos Congregates seu Confratres ex una et Prae- Iii 7 iii8 1119 1120 1121 1122 1133 1124 BENEDICT XIV, 15 FEB., 1758 — SODALITY PROPERTY 107 * positos Collegiorum aut Domorum regularium dictae Societatis ex altera partibus, coram quibusvis judicibus et tribunalibus motas et pendentes, in statu et terminis in quibus de praesenti reperiuntur, ad Nos harum serie cum suis emergentibus, annexis et connexis avocamus, illasque sic avocatas, motu, scientia, deliberatione ac po- testatis plenitudine paribus, perpetuo supprimimus et extinguimus, perpetuumque silentium imponimus. Ac insuper, motu, scientia, deliberatione et potestatis plenitu¬ dine similibus decreta a memorata Cardinalium Congregatione in causis Asculana et Civitatis Castelli edita confirmamus et appro- bamus, illisque inviolabilis Apostoliche firmitatis robur adjicimus, omnes et singulos juris et facti, etiam substantiales, defectus, si qui desuper quomodolibet intervenerint, supplemus et sanamus. Praeterea, motu, scientia et potestatis plenitudine paribus, per¬ petuo statuimus, decernimus et mandamus ut Congregationes prae- fatae jam erectae et quandocumque deinceps erigendae in Col¬ leges et Domibus regularibus ejusdem Societatis ita dictis Collegiis et Domibus, in quibus erectae existunt, unitae et incorporatae sint et esse debent et intelligantur ut earundem Congregationum Con¬ gregati seu Confratres nullum jus, nullumque dominium, nullamque actionem supra aedes, vasa, mobilia, ornamenta et supellectilia quaecumque, tam sacra quam profana, ad easdem Congregationes nunc et pro tempore quandocumque spectantia et pertinentia, ac pro illorum usu et ornatu empta et emenda habent nec habere possint, minusque claves armariorum in quibus mobilia ac supellectilia, aliaquae praemissa asservantur et custodiuntur, nullo modo, nullave ratione et causa, penes se habere et retinere ac praetendere queant, sed dumtaxat eas claves retinere valeant quae a Directoribus ea¬ rundem Congregationum, a Praeposito Generali ipsius Societatis pro tempore deputatis et deputandis, sponte et ad tempus ipsis Di¬ rectoribus benevisum tradantur et consignentur, minusque dictis Congregatis pro tempore existentibus, ullo unquam tempore, lici- tum sit decreta, statuta, regulas et constitutiones condere, statuere, praescribere et edere; sed facultas condendi, edendi, praescribendi, statuendi et publicandi regulas, constitutiones, statuta et decreta le¬ gitime spectet et spedare teneatur, censeatur et debeat ad Praepo- situm Generalem seu Vicarium Generalem dictae Societatis, qui juxta facultates, ut praefertur, attributas, statuta, decreta, regulas et con¬ stitutiones hujusmodi ad sui libitum variare et mutare valeat, nullo requisito et obtento consensu dictorum Congregatorum, qui ea omnia ad regimen, curam, gubernium et administrationem turn spiritualium turn temporalium ipsarum Congregationum spectantia et pertinentia, quae sive a memorato Praeposito sive Vicario Generali ipsius So- and suppressed Previous decisions approved Sodalities incapable of possessing Keys Rules Obedience io8 * BENEDICT XIV, 15 FEB., 1758 — CLAUSES Confirmatory clauses \ cietatis aut a Directore ab ipso Praeposito sive Vicario Generali pro tempore assignato seu assignando, injuncta et praescripta fue- rint, omnino exsequantur et exsequi debeant et teneantur. Decernentes easdem praesentes litteras et in eis contenta quae- 1135 cumque, etiam ex eo quod quilibet, etiam cujusvis status, gradus, ordinis, praeeminentiae et dignitatis aut alias etiam specifica et in¬ dividua mentione et expressione digni, in praemissis forsan jus vel interesse habentes seu habere quomodolibet praetendentes, illis non consenserint, nec ad ea vocati, citati et auditi, neque causae propter quas ipsae praesentes emanarint sufficienter adductae, verificatae et justificatae fuerint, aut ex alia quacumque, quantumvis juridica, pia, legitima et privilegiata causa, colore, praetextu et capite etiam in corpore juris clauso, etiam enormis, enormissimae et totalis laesionis, nullo unquam tempore de subreptionis, vel obreptionis aut nullitatis vitio seu intentionis Nostrae aut interesse habentium consensus, above quolibet, etiam quantumvis magno et substantiali ac inexcogitato et inexcogitabili, defectu notari, impugnari, infringi, retractari, in con¬ tro versiam vocari aut ad terminos juris reduci, seu ad versus illas aperitionis oris, restitution^ in integrum, aliudve quodcumque juris, facti vel gratiae remedium intentari vel impetrari, aut impetrato, seu etiam motu, scientia et potestatis plenitudine paribus concesso vel ema. nato, quempiam in judicio et extra illud uti seu se juvare ullo modo posse; sed ipsas praesentes litteras semper et perpetuo firmas, va- lidas et efficaces existere et fore suosque plenarios et integros ef- fectus sortiri et obtinere ac illis ad quos spectat et pro tempore quandocumque spectabit in omnibus et per omnia pienissime suffra- gari, et inviolabiliter observari et adimpleri; sicque et non aliter in praemissis per quoscunque judices, ordinarios et delegatos, etiam causarum Palatii Apostolici Auditores, ac Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae praedictae Cardinales, etiam de latere Legatos et dictae Sedis Nun- tios, sublata eis et cuilibet eorum quavis aliter judicandi et inter- pretandi facultate et auctoritate, judicari et definiri debere; ac irri- tum et inane, si secus super his a quoquam, quavis auctoritate, scienter vel ignoranter, contigerit attentari. Non obstantibus, quatenus opus sit, Nostra et Cancellarne Apo- 1126 stolicae regula de jure quaesito non tollendo, aliisque constitutio- nibus et ordinationibus Apostolicis ac dictarum Congregationum, etiam juramento, confirmatione Apostolica vel quavis firmitate alia roboratis, statuti et consuetudinibus, privilegiis quoque, indultis et litteris Apostolicis, in contrarium praemissorum quomodolibet con¬ cessi, confirmatis et innovati. Quibus omnibus et singulis, illo- rum tenores praesentibus pro piene et sufficienter expressis ac de verbo ad verbum insertis habentes, illis alias in suo robore perman- CLEMENT XIII, ^ JAN., 1765 — APPROVAL OF SODALITY I09 * suris, ad praemissorum effectual hac vice dumtaxat, specialiter et expresse derogamus ; caeterisque contrariis quibuscumque. Datum Romae, apud Sanctam Mariam Majorem, sub annulo Piscatoris, die decimo quinto Februarii, MDCCLVIII, Pontificatus Nostri anno decimo octavo. Pro D. Card. Passioneo, Joannes Florius, Substitutus. Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. IV. 3. Reprinted in Institutum s. j., I. 303, jf. No. 42. 7 January, 1765. Bull APOSTOLicuM of Clement XIII. The approval of the So¬ dality of Our Lady is renewed. CLEMENS EPISCOPUS, SERVUS SERVORUM DEI, AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM Apostolicum pascendi Dominici gregis munus,.... 1127 Congregationes praeterea seu Sodalitia, non modo adolescen- tium qui ad scholas ventitant Societatis Jesu, sed quaevis alia, si ve scholarium tantum sive aliorum Christi fìdelium tantum sive utro- rumque simul, sub invocatione Beatae Mariae seu quovis alio titulo erecta, et quae in iis pia opera ferventi studio exercentur probamus, praecipuamque erga Beatam Dei Genitricem semper Virginem Ma¬ riam devotionem, quae in iis Sodalitiis alitur et promovetur, ma- 1128 gnopere commendamus, Nostrorumque felicis recordationis prae- decessorum Gregorii XIII, Sixti V, Gregorii XV et Benedicti XIV Constitutiones quibus ea Sodalitia approbarunt, Nos Apostolica au- ctoritate Nostra confirmamus, caeterasque omnes Constitutiones a Romanis Pontificibus, praedecessoribus Nostris, in ejusdem Instituti Societatis Jesu functionum approbationem et laudem conditas, qua- rum singulas hie haberi volumus pro insertis, auctoritate itidem No¬ bis a Deo tradita, Apostolicae confirmationis Nostrae robore, per hanc Nostram Constitutionem munitas volumus et, si opus sit, velut a Nobis ex integro conditas editasque censeri praecipimus et mandamus. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam Nostrae ap¬ probations et confirmationis infringere vel ei ausu temerario con- Sodalities approved Pontifical acts confirmed Sanction Ilo CLEMENT XIV, 21 JULY, 1773 — SUPPRESSION * traire. Si quis autem hoc attentare praesumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei et BB. Petri et Pauli, Apostolorum ejus, senoverit incursurum. Datum Romae, apud Sanctam Mariam Majorem, anno Incarna- tionis Dominicae mdcclxiv, septimo idus Januarii, Pontificatus Nostri anno septimo. N. Card. Antonellus. C. Card. Pro-Datarius. Institutum s. j., I. J09, ff. No. 43. 21 July, 1773. Brief DOMiNus ac redemptor of Clement XIV. The Society of Jesus is suppressed and its Superiors are deprived of all their powers. CLEMENS PAPA XIV AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM The Society of Jesus suppressed Its Superiors deposed Dominus ac redemptor noster Jesus Christus. Saepe dictam.Societatem exstinguimus et supprimimus : tollimus H3° et abrogamus omnia et singula ejus officia, ministeria et administra- tiones, Domus, scholas, Collegia, hospitia, grangias et loca quaecum- que, quavis in provincia, regno et ditione exsistentia et modo quolibet ad earn pertinentia; ejus statuta, mores, consuetudines, decreta, Con¬ sti tu tiones, etiam juramento, confirmatione Apostolica aut alias ro- boratas; omnia item et singula privilegia et indulta, generalia vel specialia, quorum tenores praesentibus, ac si de verbo ad verbum essent inserta, ac etiam si quibusvis formulis, clausulis irritantibus et quibuscumque vinculis et decretis sint concepta, pro piene et sufficienter expressis haberi volumus. Ideoque declaramus cassatam perpetuo manere ac penitus ex- 1131 stinctam omnem et quamcumque auctoritatem Praepositi Generalis, Provincialium, Visitatorum aliorumque quorumlibet dictae Societatis Superiorum, tarn in spiritualibus quam in temporalibus. Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. IV. 5. Reprinted in Institutum s. j., 1 . 323. CLEMENT XIV, 13 AUG., 1773 — COMMISSION, l8 AUG., 1773 III* No. 44. 13 August, 1773. Brief gravissima ex causis of Clement XIV. A Commission is created to execute the Brief of 21 fuly, 1773- CLEMENS PAPA XIV AD FUTURAM REI MEMORIAM Gravissima ex causis. 1132 Omnimodam jurisdictionem, auctoritatem et potestatem in iis omnibus quae quoquo modo personas, Ecclesias, Domus, Collegia, res et bona dictae jam exstinctae Societatis respiciunt, privative quoad omnia alia tribunalia.ad eandem Congregationem per praesentes constitutam spectare et pertinere statuimus et jubemus. Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. IV. 6. Reprinted in Institutum s. j., I. 330. No. 45. 18 August, 1773. Letter of the above Commission to the Bishops. The sup¬ pression is executed. s 1133 Singularumque Domorum, Collegiorum et locorum hujusmodi, et illorum bonorum, rerum, jurium et pertinentiarum quarumcumque possessionem nomine Sanctae Sedis apprehendat et retineat pro usibus a Sanctissimo designandis. Institutum s. j., I. 331. No. 46. 14 November, 1773. Brief commend ATissiMAM of Clement XIV. The privileges of the Roman College Sodalities are secured. CLEMENS PAPA XIV AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM Commendatissimam publicarum Scholarum,. 113* Praeterea, privilegia omnia, Indulgentias, gratias et indulta a Romanis Pontificibus, praedecessoribus Nostris, eisdem scholis et Property of the Society Preamble Reason of petition Petition 112 * CLEMENT XIV, 14 NOV., 1773 — PIUS VI, 2 MAY, 1775 discipulis Collegii Romani praedicti, piisque Congregationibus ibi¬ dem fieri solitis concessa et attributa, motu, scientia et potestatis plenitudine similibus confirmamus et approbamus et, quatenus opus sit, denuo concedimus et indulgemus. Datum 14 Novembris, 1773. Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. IV. 7. On the back of this document is written: Copia del Breve o Moto Proprio del Pontefice Clemente XIV 1135 col quale stabilisce una Congregazione di tre Cardinali a presiedere al Collegio Romano, e conferma tutte le Indulgenze, grazie ed indulti concessi da predecessori Pontefici alle Congregazioni esistenti in detto Collegio Romano. No. 47. 2 May, 1775. Decree of Pius VI. Faculties to aggregate are granted. BEATISSIMO PADRE: La Congregazione prima-primaria del Collegio Romano, Ora- 1136 trice umilissima della Santità Vostra, prostrata avanti ai Vostri San¬ tissimi piedi, umilmente espone come la medesima fu eretta secondo le Bolle dei Sommi Pontefici Gregorio XIII, Sisto V, Clemente Vili, Gregorio XV e Benedetto XIV, capo e madre di tutte le altre Con¬ gregazioni del mondo aggregate, secondo la facoltà concessa alla medesima dalla felice memoria dei suddetti Pontefici di aggregare qualunque altra Congregazione, e di communicare alle aggregate le Indulgenze concesse alla prima-primaria. Ma siccome le felici memorie dei Pontefici suddetti una tal facoltà 1137 concessero solamente per le Congregazioni o erette o da erigersi dall’ estinta Società di Gesù, e le patenti dell’ aggregazione si do¬ vevano sottoscrivere dal Generale della medesima pro tempore esi¬ stente, così ora, non sussistendo più la detta Compagnia, quantunque la santa memoria di Papa Clemente XIV con suo Breve confermasse in generale tutti i privilegi ed Indulgenze concesse dai suoi pre¬ decessori alle Congregazioni del Collegio Romano, ciò non ostante, 1138 per maggior chiarezza, umilmente s’implora dai Fratelli della prima- primaria dalla Santità Vostra che la medesima Congregazione abbia le medesime facoltà sopra le altre concessegli dai Sommi Pontefici, che possa aggregare altre Congregazioni alla loro in qualunque S. C. OF 1 NDULG., 9 DEC., 1775 — SUMMARV OF INDULGENCES 113 * luogo, con communicargli le Indulgenze e privilegi secondo le Bolle, e che finalmente le patenti possino essere sottoscritte dal Direttore della Congregazione pro tempore esistente in luogo del Generale dell’ estinta Compagnia, e dal Prefetto ed altri Uffiziali secondo T antico stile. Che, etc. Ex Audientia Sanctissimi die 2 Maji, 1775. 1139 Sanctissimus, audito Domino Cardinali Urbis Vicario ut supra, Answer benigne eidem Domino Cardinali Urbis Vicario nunc et pro tempore existenti necessarias omnes et opportunas facultates tribuit, etiam ad effectum subscribendi Litteras Patentes aggregationis. In contrarium facientibus non obstantibus quibuscumque. J. B. Card. Rezzonico. Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. IV . 9. — The ori - ginal document. No. 48. 9 December, 1775. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Summary of Indulgences is approved. URBIS DECRETUM II40 II41 II42 Ex Audientia Sanctissimi die 23 Septembris,, 1775. Ad humillimas preces Congregationis primae-primariae nuncu- patae sub titulo Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis in Collegio Romano Urbis erectae, in quibus supplex orabat pro facilitate, ab Eminentissimo Urbis Vicario exercenda, aggregandi Sodalitia seu Congregationes, eisdemque communicandi omnes et singulas Indul- gentias quibus ipsa oratrix Congregatio prima-primaria fruitur: Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Pius Papa VI, benigne annuens pro grafia, concessit facultatem Eminentissimo Cardinali Urbis Vicario pro tempore existenti, omnes et singulas Congregationes seu Soda¬ litia sub titulo Beatae Mariae Virginis in Collegiis, Seminariis, Uni- versitatibus aliisque locis - studiis tamen ac bonis artibus praepo- sitis - ubique locorum existentia, dummodo litteras commendatitias a proprio Ordinario obtentas unaquaeque exhibuerit, Congregationi primae-primariae supraenunciatae aggregandi, et eisdem tali pacto aggregatis omnes et singulas Indulgentias, privilegia ac bona spi- Petition Grant Letters commendatory 8 Plenary Indulgences for all 114 * S. C. OF INDULG., 9 DEC., 1775 — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES ritualia a Summis Pontificibus huic primae-primariae Congregationi concessa et in annexo Summario recensita, per formulam a Sacra Congregatione Indulgentiarum approbandam, communicandi. Quam gratiam voluit eadem Sanctitas Sua, absque ulla Brevis expeditione, perpetuis futuris temporibus fore valituram. INDULGENTI AE 1143 A Summis Pontificibus tarn Congregationi primae-primariae sub titulo Annunciationis Beatae Mariae Virginis in Collegio Ro¬ mano erectae, quam caeteris Congregationibus pariformiter erectis vel erigendis concessae, dummodo praenunciatae Congregationi primae-primariae canonice sint aggregatae. INDULGENTIAE PLENARIAE H44 9 PRO OMNIBUS UTRIUSQUE SEXUS CHRISTI FIDELIBUS 1. Quicumque Sodales, aut qui sunt extra Sodalitatem Christi H45 fideles utriusque sexus, vere poenitentes, confessi ac Sacra Com- munione refecti, Ecclesiam seu Cappellani vel Oratorium in die Festivitatis seu Tituli Sodalitatis ejusdem, a primis Vesperis usque ad occasum solis, pie visitaverint, et ibidem pro reipublicae Chri- stianae conservatione etaugmento, pro haeresum extirpatione, prin- cipum Christianorum mutua et universali pace, ac Romani Ponti- ficis prosperitate oraverint, vel alias preces pro sua quisque de- votione ad Deum effuderint, Indulgentiam plenariam consequuntur. 2. Si Sodalitium alium Titulum seu alium Patronum habuerit 1146 praeter Beatissimam Virginem, eo die quo ejusdem Festum celebra- bitur, eodem modo Indulgenza plenaria concessa est. Si talis Titulus non adsit, cujuslibet Congregationis Moderator potest singulis annis, de licentia Ordfnarii, eligere quem voluerit. 3. Pariter de licentia Ordinarii, utraque Festivitas ad alium 1147 diem infra annum, etiam ad diem Domjnicum, transferri possit, et tunc praedictae Indulgentiae eo die quo celebratur Festum conces¬ sae sint, etiam si incidisset eo die Festum duplex; quo casu, una Missa votiva solemnis de hujusmodi Festo translato celebrari po¬ tent. S. C. OF INDULG., 9 DEC., 1775 — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES 115 * II48 INDULGENTI AE PLENARIAE PRO SOLIS SODALIBUS, SEU SODALITIORUM MINISTRIS SEU IPSIS INSERVIENTIBUS Plenary Indulgences for Sodalists only 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 4. Quo die in Sodalitatem quispiam recipitur, si vere poenitens et confessus fuerit, eodemque die Sanctissimum Eucharistiae Sacra- mentum sumpserit in Ecclesia ubi praedicta Sodalitas fuerit, vel ubi poterit, plenariam omnium peccatorum suorum Indulgentiam et remissionem consequitur; 5. Item in articulo mortis; 6. Item Sodales qui Festis diebus Nativitatis et Ascensionis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, Annunciationis, Assumptionis, Concep¬ tions, et Nativitatis Beatae Mariae Virginis vere poenitentes et confessi Sanctissimum Eucharistiae Sacramentum ibidem sumpserint; 7. Nec non semel in hebdomada in iis diebus in quibusjuxta dictae primae-primariae seu aliarum alibi erectarum sive erigen- darum Congregationum ac Sodalitatum statuta ac regulas seu con- suetudines, Sodalium conventus haberi solent, et vere poenitentes et confessi ac Sacra Communione refecti, Ecclesiam sive Cappellani, Orato rium seu locum uniuscujusque Congregations ac Sodalitatis visitaverint, et ibi pro Christianorum principum concordia, haere- sum extirpatione et Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae exaltatione pias ad Deum preces effuderint. Quoties tamen in eadem hebdomada bis aut ter conveniunt So¬ dales, dies pro Indulgenza plenaria consequenda erit ad singulo- rum arbitrium. Monentur tamen Sodales a Moderatorum directione in his et in omnibus dependere. 8. In Sodalitiis in quibus Sodales vespere, noctu seu alia quacumque hora post meridiem convenire solent, dies pro Indul¬ genza plenaria consequenda vel eadem vel subsequens esse potest ad eorum arbitrium. 9. Moderatores ejusdem Sodalitatis Presbyteri, dummodo semel saltern pro semper ab Ordinario licentiam obtinuerint, quoties Con¬ gregationum Sodales aut Ministros infirmos visitaverint, eosque spiritualibus monitis sive ad morborum incommoda patienter to- leranda sive ad mortem de manu Domini libenter acceptandam adjuverint, et coram aliqua crucifixi Salvatoris Nostri imagine ter saltern Orationem Dominicam et Salutationem Angelicam juxta Pontificis et Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae mentem ab ipsis recitari cu- raverint, quo die iidem infirmi Sanctissimum Eucharistiae Sacra¬ mentum sumpserint, Indulgentiam plenariam ipsis applicare possunt. n6* S. C. OF INDULG., 9 DEC., 1775 — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES Partial Indulgences 10. Indulgentiam plenariam semel in hebdomada concessam 1155 bis in anno luerari possunt Sodales, etiam si locum ipsius Sodalitii non visitaverint, dummodo aliam Ecclesiam visitent, in qua San- ctissimum Eucharistiae Sacramentum sumant, et Generalis Con- fessio, vel totius anteactae vitae vel ab ultima Generali, praecedat. 11. Hac occasione Generalis Confessionis usus maximopere 1156 laudatur. Ubi etiam praecipue a Summis Pontificibus specialis erga Bea- tissimam Virginem Mariam devotio commendatur. Sodalibus insuper injungitur ut peculiarium Moderatorum man- datis consiliisque alacri et prompta voluntate obtemperare nunquam recusent. INDULGENTIAE SEPTEM ANNORUM 1157 QUAS IIDEM CONSEQUUNTUR TOTIES QUOTIES 12. Qui corpora Sodalium, vel aliorum Christi fidelium, ad ec- 1158 clesiasticam sepulturam prosequuti fuerint; 13. Qui per campanae signum de extremo alicujus fidelis agone 1159 aut transitu admoniti, Deum pro infirmi salute aut ejus felici trans¬ itu vel pro defuncti requie fuerint deprecati; 14. Qui coetibus, tam publicis quam privatis, vel Divinis Offi- 1160 ciis, vel spiritualibus colloquiis et exhortationibus ; 15. Aut piis Officiis, etiam in Sodalium vel aliorum Christi fi- 1161 delium defunctorum suffragium, per ipsam Congregationem, et de Moderatorum consensu approbandis ; 16. Qui Missae Sacrificio diebus feriatis interfuerint ; 1162 17. Qui conscientiam suam diligenter examinaverint vespere, 1163 antequam cubitum eant ; 18. Qui pauperes infirmos, tam Sodales quam altos, in hospi- 1164 talibus vel domibus privatis; 19. Qui carcere detentos visitaverint; 20. Qui pacem inter inimicos conciliaverint. DECLARATIO ET ALIAE INDULGENTIAE 21. Has omnes Indulgentias consequi poterunt Sodales ubivis 1167 locorum commorantes, si apud Ecclesiam eorundem locorum, aut alibi, ut poterunt, opera praestabunt, quae sunt servanda ad hujus- modi Indulgentias consequendas. 22. Sodales consequuntur omnes Indulgentias Stationum Ec- 1168 1165 1166 Stations S. C. OF INDULG., 9 DEC., 1775 — SUMMARy OF INDULGENCES II7* <• clesiarum Urbis, sive intra sive extra muros illius, si diebus Qua- dragesimae et aliis anni temporibus ac diebus Stationum hujus- modi, Ecclesiam seu Cappellani vel Oratorium proprium, si ibiluerit, alioquin aliam Ecclesiam seu Cappellani in locis ubi eos pro tem¬ pore esse contigerit devote visitaverint, et ibi septies Orationem Dominicani et septies Orationem Angelicam recitaverint. 1169 INDULGENTI AE PRO DEFUNCTIS 1170 23. Omnes supradictae Indulgentiae applicari possunt in suffra- gium animarum fidelium defunctorum. 1171 24. Altare cujusvis Congrega tionis aut Sodali tii ejusmodi est privilegiatum, cum extensione ad omnes Sacerdotes pro anima quorumlibet ipsorum Sodalium tantum. 1172 25. Ipsi vero Sacerdotes possunt pro anima suorum pariter Sodalium celebrare Missam cum eodem privilegio ad quodlibet altare cujuscumque Ecclesiae. ALIA PRIVILEGIA ET CONCESSIONES 1173 26. Omnibus et singulis Regibus, Principibus, Ducibus et Co- mitibus supremam potestatem habentibus, eorumque consanguineis et affinibus primi et secundi gradus dumtaxat, qui Congregations bus ubique locorum erectis et erigendis, vel primae-primariae hujus- modi adscribi petierint, etsi absentibus, eadem tamen pietatis opera, ut praemittitur, exercentibus, et aliquam ad eorundem commodum et placitum Ecclesiam visitantibus, eaedem ut supra Indulgentiae, remissiones et relaxationes itidem conceduntur. 1174 27. Insuper, ut omnes et singuli Christi fideles qui expositioni Sanctissimi Eucharistiae Sacramenti in Oratoriis supradictarum Congregationum primae-primariae vel eidem aggregatarum seu pro tempore aggregandarum, spatio continui tridui, de licentia tamen Ordinarii, peragendae, per aliquod temporis spatium interfuerint, ibique oraverint, ac caetera injuncta opera praestiterint, Indulgen- tias, peccatorum remissiones poenarumque relaxationes quas con- sequerentur si Ecclesias in quibus expositio Sanctissimi Euchari¬ stiae Sacramenti per quadraginta continuas horas fieri solet visi- tarent, consequi possint et valeant. 1175 28. Deinde cum saepe contingat ut Exercitia Spiritualia, quae per octo dies fieri solent, rationabilibus de causis, in quibusdam locis, attenta personarum, locorum et temporum conditione, per in- For the dead Other privileges Sovereigns Triduum of Exposition Spiritual Exercises Il8* S. C. OF INDULG., 6 MARCH, 1776 — DIPLOMA OF AGGREGATION tegros octo dies peragi nequeant, sed ad quinque aliquando, vel sex, vel septem dies dumtaxat producantur : hinc Indulgentias con- cessas iis, qui per octiduum tantum illa frequentarent, ab iis edam qui vel septem, vel sex, vel quinque saltern continuos dies per- egerint luerari posse conceditur. Datum Romae ex Secretaria Sacrae Congregationis Indulgen- tiarum die 9 Decembris, 1775. S. Card. Calinus, Praefectus. Marcus Antonius, ff. Publicentur in forma Ecclesiae consueta. Datum hac die prima Martii, 1776. C. A. Silva, Secretarius et Provicesgerens. Lucas Antonius Can. Coselli, Secretarius. Julius Caesar de Somalia, S. Congr. Indulg. Secretarius. » Archives of the prima-primaria, Prof. IV . 10. — The original document. No. 49. 6 March, 1776. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Ap¬ proval of the Diploma of aggregation is granted. EMINENTISSIMI E REVERENDISSIMI SIGNORI : La Congregazione prima-primaria del Collegio Romano sotto 1176 il titolo della Santissima Annunziata, Oratrice umilissima dell’Emi¬ nenze Vostre, umilmente espone come, nel benigno Rescritto otte¬ nuto sotto il dì 25 Settembre dello scorso anno 1775 concernente la facoltà di aggregare altre Congregazioni, fu imposto 1 * obbligo di esibire a cotesta Sacra Congregazione la formula di aggregare. Al qual commando pregiandosi di obbedire, l’Oratrice qui annessa la detta formola umilia. Che, etc. M. Antonius Tituli S. Mariae de Pace Presbyter Cardinalis 1177 Columna, Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Pii Papae VI Almae Urbis Vicarius, universis et singulis praesentes litteras inspecturis salutem in eo qui est vera salus. S. c. OF INDULG., 6 MARCH, 1776 — DIPLOMA OF AGGREGATION II9 * 1178 Quod et ratio docet et quotidianus usus, non modo, ut propheta ait, esse jucundum atque hominum naturae maxime consentaneum ut in unum complures habitent fraterna cantate conjuncti, verum etiam bonum ac fructuosum, dum se invicem mutuis turn officiis vivant turn exemplis ad virtutem accendant; cum praesertim ipse Deus, qui ubicumque duo vel tres in ejus nomine congregati fue- rint, in eorum se medio fore testatus est, benedictionem illic et gra- tiam mandare soleat uberiorem; accedente insuper Beatissimae Virginis Mariae tutela ac patrocinio, quam ille fidelibus omnibus quasi communem Matrem ac generale perfugium voluit esse pro- positam. Id cum maxime utile ac fructuosum ad imbuendam pietate juventutem inter alia adjumenta majores nostri cognovissent, non mediocres utique fructus Dei beneficio semper extiterunt, ut omnino felix ipse rei progressus hoc quidquid fuit non tam ab hominibus inventum quam a Christo Domino, bonorum omnium Auctore, pro- fectum esse indicavit. 1179 Gregorius itaque Papa XIII, ut erat animo ad divinum hono¬ rem omni ex parte amplificandum promptissimo, in Universitate Collegii Romani Primariam Congregationem ex scholasticis si ve etiam ex aliis Christi fidelibus, sub titulo Annunciationis Beatae Virginis Mariae Apostolica auctoritate erexit atque instituit, ei varias Indulgentias et privilegia ex Ecclesiae thesauris liberaliter impertiit Litteris Apostolicis IV Nonas Decembris, 1584, eidemque facultatem concessit ut alias quoque Congregationes posset tamquam membra capiti aggregare. 1180 Hanc autem vineam Domini uberiores quotidie reddere fructus Summi Pontifices agnoscentes maxima Christianae reipublicae uti- litate, Indulgentias, privilegia aliasque gratias ampliarunt, novasque concesserunt, quod specialiter praestitit recolendae memoriae Be¬ nedicts XIV Litteris Apostolicis sub bulla aurea datis V Ka- lendas Octobris anni 1748. 1181 Naviculae autem B. Petri communi plausu Sancissimo Domino Nostro Pio Papa VI praeposito, Sodales Congregationis primae- primariae supplicem eidem porrexerunt libellum ut facultas aggre¬ gando jam a Gregorio concessa, extenderetur ad omnes Universi- tates, Collegia, Seminaria, et quaecumque denique loca in quibus juventus ad bonos mores et artes institueretur, in illisque erigere unam aut plures Congregationes sub quocumque titulo Beatae Mariae Virginis in eodem loco prout eidem supplicanti placuerit. 118a Summa dementia postulatis annuit Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Pius Papa VI, ac Nobis et Cardinali Almae Urbis Vicario pro tem¬ pore existenti facultatem subscribendi literas patentes aggregationis concessit, communicandique Congregationibus aggregatis omnes et 8 * Preamble Acts of Gregory XIII Benedict XIV Pius VI Petition Grant Approval of the Diploma 120* S. C OF INDULG., 6 MARCH, 1776 — DIPLOMA OF AGGREGATION singulas gratias privilegia que jam a Summis Pontificibus Congre- gationi PRiMAE-PRiMARiAE concessa, per Decretum editum sub die 23 Septembris, 1775, per organum Sacrae Congregationis Indul- gentiis sacrisque Reliquiis praepositae. Quamobrem cum sincere nobis in Christo dilecti Domini Prae- 1183 fectus et Assistentes Congregationis sub titulo.quae in Col¬ legio . est, suo et reliquorum illius Sodalium nomine, pro insi¬ gni eorum in Deum pietate ac in Virginem Sacratissimam devo- tione, a Nobis petierint, turn per literas suas tum étiam per sincere nobis item dilectos Dominos praedictae Primariae Congregationis Romanae Praefectum et Assistentes, ut juxta hanc facultatem, Nobis a Sede Apostolica tributam, in eodem Collegio .Congregatio- nem unam sub titulo. erigere, eamque praedictae Primariae Congregationi aggregare velimus. Nos, ejusmodi pietatem non solum amplectentes, sed edam sum- 1184 mopere laudantes, auctoritate Nobis, ut supra diximus, concessa, in praedicto Collegio .Congregationem unam sub titulo.eri- gimus, eamque ipsi Primariae Sodalitati Romanae conjungimus et aggregamus, ac omnia privilegia, Indulgentias, edam plenarias, nec non et gratias alias praedictae Primariae Congregationi hactenus concessas et in posterum concedendas, eodem prorsus modo quo ipsi Primariae concessae fuerint, communicamus et impertimur in nomine Sanctissimae Trinitatis, Patris, Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, cujus Divinam Majestatem supplices oramus ut concessionem hanc de coelo ratam et firmam habere velit, et Sodales ipsos, assiduis coelestium donorum accessionibus auctos, sibi in dies magis reddat acceptos, et denique edam, aeternae gloriae compotes, suo et Beatae Virginis, cui pie ac religiose servierint, perpetuo dignetur aspectu potiri. In quorum fidem praesentes litteras, manu Nostra subscriptas, sigillo Nostro muniri jussimus. Datum Romae, etc. Die 6 Martii, 1776. — Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiis Sacris- 1185 que Reliquiis praeposita suprarelatam Aggregationis Formulam approbandam censuit. Servato in omnibus tenore facultatum ex Au- dientia Sanctissimi 23 Septembris, 1775, concessarum. Datum Romae ex ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis Secretarla. Julius Caesar de Somalia, Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum Secretarius Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. IV. 11. — The ori¬ ginal document. PIUS VI, 20 MARCH, 1776 — POWER TO AGGREGATE 121 * No. 50. 20 March, 1776. Decree of Pius VI. The faculties for aggregation are ex¬ tended. BEATISSIMO PADRE : 1186 La Congregazione prima-primaria del Collegio Romano, Ora- trice umilissima della Santità Vostra, umilmente espone come, sotto il dì 23 Settembre dell’anno scorso, 1775, ottenne con benigno Rescritto della Santità Vostra, emanato per mezzo della Sacra Con¬ gregazione delle Indulgenze, la facoltà di poter aggregare altre Congregazioni sotto qualunque titolo della Santissima Vergine, purché queste però fossero erette nelle Università de’ studi, Se- 1187 minari o altri luoghi destinati ad istruire la gioventù ne’ buoni costumi e nelle lettere. Siccome però ci sono due istanze di Con¬ gregazione presentemente, una di Germania e l’altra d’Italia, le quali, non essendo di scolari, non possono essere aggregate; sup¬ plica l’Oratrice la Santità Vostra acciò voglia benignamente ac¬ cordare la grazia di potere aggregare ancora queste nello stesso modo che aggrega le altre; e nello stesso tempo supplica la Cle¬ menza della Santità Vostra a volergli benignamente concedere il privilegio di poter aggregare una sola Congregazione per paese, se sarà fatta istanza di soli uomini, fuori de’ Studi, Seminari ed altri luoghi simili già concessi nel rescritto del dì 23 Settembre dell’anno scorso; il qual privilegio allora richiesto non fu ac¬ cordato. Che, etc. 1188 Ex Audientia Sanctissimi die 20 Martii, 1776. Sanctissimus remisit preces ad Dominum Cardinalem Urbis Vicarium cum facultatibus omnibus ad effectum de quo in precibus necessariis et opportunis. Contrariis quibuscumque non obstantibus. J. B. Card. Rezzonico Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. IV. 12. — The original document. Preamble Petition Referred to the Cardinal Vicar 122 CARDINAL VICAR, 20 AUG., 1 789 — SANATION Case proposed Referred to the Cardinal Vicar Grant * No. 51. 20 August, 1789. Decree of the Cardinal Vicar. The sanation of defective ag - gregations is granted. BEATISSIMO PADRE ; Il Direttore e Fratelli della Congregazione prima-primaria *189 del Collegio Romano, Oratori umilissimi della Santità Vostra, con ogni ossequio Le rappresentano avere la facoltà di aggregare tutte quelle Congregazioni che desiderano partecipare delle Indul¬ genze e privilegi alla loro Congregazióne conceduti da diversi Sommi Pontefici, e confermati dalla Santità Vostra nell’anno 1775, purché però dette Congregazioni abbiano diversi requisiti, fra'li quali il seguente: H Ut litteras commendatitias a proprio Ordinario obtentas exhibeant. ” Molte ne sono state aggregate in diversi anni, ma con la persuasione che, riguardo al suddetto requisito, bastasse che fossero canonicamente erette; ma avendo in questi ultimi tempi osservato il decreto, in cui si dice che : “ Litteras commendatitias a proprio Ordinario obtentas exhibeant, ” quali lettere non sono state ricercate, ma solo si è domandato se erano state dette Congregazioni erette con l’approvazione dell’Ordinario; quindi, per ovviare ogni difficoltà che possa nascere se tali Con¬ gregazioni siano state validamente aggregate per mancanza del suddetto requisito, pregano gli Oratori la Santità Vostra di volersi benignamente degnare di una sanatoria per togliere ogni dubbio. Che della grazia, etc. Ex Audientia Sanctissimi die 11 Julii, 1789. Sanctissimus benigne remisit instantiam arbitrio Eminentis- 1x90 simi Cardinalis Urbis Vicarii cum facultatibus necessariis et oppor¬ tuni ad eftectum ut in precibus. Datum ex Secretaria Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum. Th. S. de Marco, Secretarius. Marcus Antonius Miseratone Divina Episcopus Praenestinus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Columna, Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Papae Vicarius Generalis, etc. Attends facultatibus a Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Papa Pio VI 1191 Nobis benigne tributis, ratas declaramus et habemus quascumque aggregations peractas usque ad praesens pro valida participa- tione de omnibus et singulis Indulgenti, tam plenariis quam par- S. C. OF INDULG., 5 MAY, 1798 — POWER TO AGGREGATE 123 * II92 1193 ”94 ”95 tialibus, alias concessis eidem Congregationi primae-primariae in Collegio Romano, et a Sanctitate Sua confirmatis, licet exterae supplicantes Congregationes in actu petitionis non exhibuerint litteras commendatitias proprii Ordinarii ad hunc effectum praescri- ptas; firmo tamen remanente onere in similibus casibus supradictas requirendi commendatitias a petentibus praelaudatas aggregationes. In quorum, etc. Datum Romae ex aedibus Nostris hac die 24 Augusti, 1789. ' M. A., Card. Vic. Lucas Antonius Canonicus Coselli, Secretarius. i Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. IV. 17. — The original document. No. 52. 5 May, 1798. Rescript of the Secretariate of Memorials. Powers are granted also to the Director of the prima-primaria to aggregate to it. BEATISSIMO PADRE: La Congregazione prima-primaria sotto il titolo dell’Annun- ziazione di Maria Santissima, esistente nel Collegio Romano, in virtù di molte Costituzioni Apostoliche richiamate nella Bolla d’Oro di Benedetto XIV gloriosae dominae, ha avuto sino dalla sua erezione la facoltà di aggregare le Congregazioni di tutto l’orbe Cattolico, con parteciparle le medesime Indulgenze e privilegi che essa gode. Sin tanto che ha esistito la Compagnia di Gesù, il solo Gene¬ rale era quello che aveva la facoltà di spedire tali aggregazioni, come dalla surriferita Bolla. Dopo la Soppressione però di detta Compagnia, fu limitata la Congegazione suddetta, come dal Rescritto emanato li 23 Settem¬ bre, 1775, per decreto della Sacra Congregazione dell’Indulgenze, a poter aggregare le sole Congregazioni sotto il titolo della Bea¬ tissima Vergine erette, ed addette alli studi, con spedirsene la Formula di aggregazione nella Segreteria dell’Eminentissimo Vicario, munita della sottoscrizione del medesimo, riserbando alla Congregazione Power to aggregate Cardinal Vicar Petition Grant Exercise of the powers granted 124* S. C. OF INDULG., 5 MAY, 1798 — POWER TO AGGREGATE delle Indulgenze la facoltà per tutte le altre aggregazioni destituite di tali requisiti. Ricorre ora la Congregazione suddetta perchè vogliano accor- 1196 darsi tali facoltà, che già una volta godevansi dal Generale della Compagnia di Gesù, e cumulativamente estenderle al Direttore della medesima, per vantaggio di tante anime che continuamente ricor¬ rono per partecipare di un tale tesoro, avendosi anche al presente l’istanza per una Congregazione esistente nella Diocesi dell’Abba¬ dia di Subiaco. Che, etc. Ex speciali Apostolica auctoritate mihi delegata, remittuntur 1197 preces Directori introscriptae Congregationis cum omnibus faculta- tibus necessariis et opportunis. Contrariis quibuscumque non ob- stantibus. Datum hac die 5 Maji, 1798. I. Mercanti, Substitutus. The act so authorized was executed in the following form : Utendo facultatibus ex speciali Apostolica auctoritate Nobis, 1198 infrascripto Directori Congregationis primae-primariae Urbis, beni¬ gnissime tributis retroscripto Rescripto diei 5 currentis mensis et anni, potestatem in Domino concedimus et impertimur Directori pro tempore existenti mox dictae Congregationis aggregandi primae- primariae omnem et quamcumque aliam piam et religiosam Con- gregationem sive scholarium sive etiam aliorum Christi fidelium, virorum aut mulierum, per universum Orbem, jam erectam vel in posterum erigendam : cum facultate insuper easdem erigendi ipsis- que communicandi omnia privilegia, Indulgentias, etiam plenarias, necnon et gratias alias quae praedictae Primariae concessae sunt et in posterum concedi contigerit. Contrariis quibuscumque non obstantibus. Datum Romae e Sacello Congregationis Primariae Beatae Ma- riae Virginis ab Angelo Salutatae die 20 Maji anni 1798. Sodalitii Moderator, Septimius Costanze Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. IV. 22. — A copy, duly authenticated by a notary public under date of 21 May, 1798. AFTER 20 MAY, 1798 — DIPLOMA OF AGGREGATION I25 * No. 53. After 20 May, 1798. The Director of the prima-primaria. Diploma of aggregation. LITTERAE ADGREGATIONIS AD CONGREGATIONEM PRIMAM—PRIMARIAM IN COLLEGIO ROMANO 1199 Docet Divina Christi religio et quotidiano sentiunt fideles expe¬ rimento, nedum jucundum esse, ut ait Propheta, habitare Fratres in unum, verum etiam bonum et fructuosum, dum se invicem mutuis turn officiis adjuvant turn exemplis ad virtutem inflammant. His velut ad cumulum accedit benignissimi Salvatoris nostri promissio, qui ubi- cumque duo vel tres in ejus Nomine congregati fuerint, in eorum se medio fore testatus est, ut ipsos coelestibus suis benedictionibus et gratiis foveat atque confirmet, accedente praesertim Beatissimae Virginis Mariae tutela ac patrocinio, quam ipse nobis quasi com* munem Matrem ac generale perfugium voluit esse propositam. 1200 Ast quamvis nemo ab hujus gratiae participatione secernatur, nihilominus ad juventutis profectus ea singulariter extenditur dum, veluti vites in agro Dominico recenter plantatas, necesse est ado- 1 escentium animos pietatis ac virtutum rore perfundere. 1201 Ideo Gregorius Papa XIII in Universitate Collegii Romani Pri- mariam Congregationem e scholarium coetu atque etiam exterorum Christi fidelium numero sub titulo Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis Apostolica auctoritate erexit atque instituit, plurimasque illi Indulgentias et privilegia de Ecclesiae thesauro liberaliter im- pertiit, datis litteris IV Nonas Decembris, 1584, ac insuper facul- tatem concessit ut alias quoque Congregationes posset, tamquam membra capiti, sibi cooptare. 1202 Hanc vero vineam Domini Sabaoth uberiores quotidie reddere fructus Summi Pontifices cum maxima Catholicae Ecclesiae utilitate agnoscentes, Indulgentias, privilegia aliasque gratias ampliarunt novasque concesserunt. Quod specialiter praestitit felicis recor- dationis Benedictus XIV Bulla Aurea data V Kalendas Octobris anni 1748. 1203 Naviculam autem B. Petri moderante sanctae memoriae Pio VI, ad preces Sodalium Congregationis primae-primariae, Nobis ac Di- rectori ejusdem pro tempore existenti Apostolica auctoritate concessa potestas est, Rescriptis dierum 5 et 20 Maji anni 1798, aggregandi primae-primariae omnem et quamcumque piani et religiosam Con¬ gregationem, sive scholarium si ve etiam aliorum Christi fidelium, vi- rorum ac mulierum, per universum Orbem, jam erectam vel in po- Association useful Especially for youth Acts of Gregory XIII Benedict XIV Pius VI AFTER 20 SCAT. ITQ$ — D3KOK& OF AGGXEGATMKS Petitjoc Aggregatkxi srerun erigerdam., cam tacultate in sa per easdem erigendi ipsòqoe eommurieandi omnia privilegia, Indulgendas, edam plena ri as, nec¬ ton e: gradas alias quae dictae Primariae data sunt et dabuatur imposterum. Quanobrem quum (tàosr rrÀo use far aggregation) a Nobis pederlr: per sincere dSeetos prihae-primariae PraesedEum et Assi¬ ster ;es .procae-primariae cooptare velimus : Nos, eoraodem pietatem non solum amp; ententes, sed edam 1*05 summopere laudar res, anctoritate Apostolica Nobis, ui supra, tributa — eriginms eamque pRim-miXAKUE conjungimus, ac omnia rosi privilegia. Indulgendas, edam plenarias. nearer et gradas alias racterus coccessas et in postemm concedendas eodem prorsus modo quo nox dictae Primariae elargitae fuerunt, com m uri cam us e: imperdmur in Nomine Sancdssimae Trinitads, Patris et Filli et Spiritus SancrL Pivinam auleta Majestatem su polices o ramus ut concessioner: 1*36 nane de coelo ratam e: drmam habere relit. CongTegatos assi ìris coelesdum doocrum accessionibus auctos sibi in dies magis Tediai ucce pi os ac tandem, merids Domini Nostri Jesu Cbrisd Beadsà- n2 eque Ylrginis Maria e preobus a eremo gloria e poro-ere bentos redd ere dignerur. In quorum omnium et singulorum dòem praesentes lirtems a 1.307 Nobis et Secretario subscriptas. sigilloque Congregar onìs feixae- .nOtiR Ai munitas Seri ac tradi passim us. Da rum Roma e e Sacello prucae-prixar.: a e Bearne Mariae \ir- ginis ab Angelo Salutatae sacro, hac die. Archives of the prijca-primaria, ProL IV . 11 . — A printed sheet , a riti an engraving ai thè top reproducing ike picture . of Oar Lady ar hick is in ike PXDIA-P&IXA&IA CkapeL The date is after that of Document Xo. J2. No. 54, 21 July, 1804. Answer of Pius VIL The ft'acuities teaching aggregation, etc., to the prima-primaria are gù n n to the Father Gem¬ erai in. Russia zeith regard to a head Sodality there. BEATISSIMO PADRE: Gabriele Gruber, Preposito Generale cella Compagnia ci Gesù, laoS dimorante attualmente in Pietroburgo, supplica umilmente Vostra Petition PIUS VII, 21 JULY, 1804 — ANOTHER HEAD SODALITY I27 * Santità a voler concedere vivae vocis oraculo alla Congregazione eretta in Polok, oppure a quella da erigersi in Pietroburgo, sotto il titolo della Annunziazione della Beatissima Vergine, e al suppli¬ cante e suoi successori, e Vicar ii Generali pro tempore, come Di¬ rettori primari della Congregazione medesima, tutte quelle Indul¬ genze, grazie e privilegi che furono già concessi da’ Sommi Pon¬ tefici e particolarmente da Benedetto XIV, alla Congregazione prima- primaria del Collegio Romano sotto lo stesso titolo, e ai Prepositi e Vicarii Generali pro tempore della medesima Compagnia, come Direttori delle medesime Congregazioni. Che della grazia, etc. Roma, 2i Luglio, 1804. 1209 Attesto io infrascritto con mio giuramento che, avendo presen¬ tato questo memoriale alla Santità di Nostro Signore Pio Papa VII, si degnò clementemente di accordare vivae vocis oraculo quanto qui sopra si è domandato in rapporto a tutte le ricordate Indul¬ genze, etc. Luigi Co. Mozzi, Arciprete della Cattedrale di Bergamo. General archives s. j., Russ. 4. III. j8. No. 55. 17 May, 1824. Brief cum multa of Leo XII. The Roman College is restored to the Society of Jesus , and the faculty to aggregate to the prima-primaria is declared to remain. LEO PAPA XII AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM 1210 Cum multa in Urbe hac Nostra fuerint a Summis Pontificibus previdentissime constituta quae ad salutem et commodum Christiani populi maxime pertinent, eminet certe inter ea Romanum Collegium, quod religioni ac bonis artibus tradendis, ex felicis recordationis Gregorii Papae XIII liberalitate, molitione ingenti ac magnificentis¬ sima exstructum, insignia semper impensae sollicitudinis paternaeque dilectionis testimonia a praedecessoribus Nostris omni aetate est pro- meritum. Mirum quippe est, atque in ipsius decus honestissima com- memoratione percensendum, quinam ad haec usque tempora ex con¬ cluso ilio horto fructus assidui promanarint virtutis et honestatis, viri nimirum clarissimi, qui morum sanctitate, dignitatum splendore Grant Roman College extolled 128* LEO XII, 17 MAY, 1824 — POWER TO AGGREGATE Its restoration to the Society of Jesus considered and now executed Care of Sodalities recommended Aggregation ac doctrinae laude praestantes, ex eo artium optimarum domicilio in rei et sacrae et publicae utilitatem, praefulsere. Hoc porro Col¬ legium, quod S. Ignatius Loyola primitus instituerat, Clericis Re* gularibus conditae ab ipso Societatis Jesu commendarunt Romani Pontifices, eamque procurationem, quamdiu Societas stetit, feliciter ab iisdem, prout etiam subinde a clero saeculari, gestam fuisse com- pertum est. Cum vero nutu felicis recordationis Pii VII, praedecessoris Nostri, 1211 per Apostolicas litteras datas septima Idus Augusti, anno MDCCCXIV, Societas Jesu in pristinam dignitatem resti tuta fuerit ex ilia potis- simum causa ut juventutem et litteris et moribus instituendam su- sciperet : Nos, qui probe noveramus ejusdem Pii Pontificis senten- tiam de Societate Jesu in Collegium Romanum revocanda, delibe¬ randum illico de ea re censuimus, audita selecta venerabilium fra- trum Nostrorum Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalium Congre- gatione, quibus gravissimum de recta juventutis institutione, post teterrimam temporum asperitatem, in universa ditione Nostra feli- cius aptiusque ordinanda negotium demandavimus. Quam quidem unam esse et expeditissimam emendandi generis humani rationem conspicimus. Quare de certa scientia et matura deliberatione Nostris, deque 1212 Apostolicae auctoritatis plenitudine, per hasce litteras dilectis filiis Clericis Regularibus Societatis Jesu, et eorum nomine dilecto filio Aloysio Fortis, Generali ejusdem Praeposito, perpetuum in modum Collegium Romanum cum Ecclesia S. Ignatii et continenti Oratorio quod a Patre Caravita nuncupant, necnon cum musaeis, bibliotheca et speculari turri, aliisque adnexis et pertinentiis concedimus, assi- gnamus et attribuimus, ea lege ut ipsi publicas ibidem ex veteri more, prout anno MDCCLXXIII invisebatur, scholas habeant, qui¬ bus adjiciendas jubemus cathedras Eloquentiae Sacrae et Physicae Chimicae. Ipsis autem tenore praesentium committimus, ut pro religionis 1213 studio, quo incendi eos decet, atque ex Societatis Institute, quo se in animarum salutem manciparunt, nedum ad pueros et adolescen- tes piis ac liberalibus disciplinis accuratissime imbuendos, operam et industriam quam maximam connitantur impendere, sed et ad eos curatione sacrorum statis in Congregationibus juvandos incumbant, necnon ad caeteros etiam Christi fideles in memorato Oratorio, ut pridem in more habebant, excolendos praesto sint. Provisions for the financial support of the College. Then: Jura porro ac privilegia Collegii Romani, illaque praesertim 1214 quibus ex Julii III et Pii IV auctoritate, lauream in Artibus et in 1215 1216 1217 1218 LEO XII, 17 MAY, 1824 — POWER TO AGGREGATE 129 * Sacrae Theologiae facultate impertiri, pariterque Congregationi An- nuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis, primae-primariae nuncupatae, aggregare datum est, integre perstare decernimus ... Humili demum multaque prece a Patre luminum exposcimus ut Nostris hisce votis conatibusque adsit ipse volens propitius, et illam imprimis mentem iis injiciat quos in negotiosam hanc ac per- difficilem provinciam advocavimus, ut animo magno ac lubenti im- positum munus sustineant, gloriam cogitantes qua, ex Dei monitu, fulgebunt quasi stellae in perpetuas aeternitates, cum ad justitiam erudierint multos. Dono insimul suae gratiae ipse, a quo est omne bonum, et docibiles efficiat ac mansuetos ingenio adolescentes di- scipulos, ut bonitatem, disciplinam ac scientiam apprime edocti, floreant in spem optimam, laetiora in dies Sanctae huic Sedi et reipublicae allaturi, quibus uberrimos fructus, ex belle peracto stu- diorum curriculo, sese suscepisse gratulentur. Decernentes has praesentes litteras fìrmas, validas et efficaces exsistere et fore, dictisque C.lericis Regularibus pienissime suffra- gari, ac ab omnibus ad quos spectat et spectabit quomodolibet in futurum inviolabiliter obtinere et observari, sicque in praemissis per quoscumque judices, ordinarios et delegatos, etiam causarum Palatii Apostolici Auditores, et Sedis Apostolicae Nuntios, ac Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinales, etiam de latere Legatos, sublata eis et eorum cuilibet quavis aliter judicandi et interpretandi facul¬ tate et auctoritate, judicari et defìniri debere; ac irritum et inane, si secus super his a quocumque, quavis auctoritate, scienter vel ignoranter, contigerit attentari. Non obstantibus Constitutionibus et ordinationibus Apostolicis, necnon dicti Collegii, etiam juramento, confirmatione Apostolica vel quavis fìrmitate alia roboratis, statutis et consuetudinibus; quibus omnibus et singulis, etiamsi pro sufficienti illorum derogatione de illis eorumque totis tenoribus specialis, specifica, expressa et indi¬ vidua ac de verbo ad verbum, non autem per clausulas generales idem importantes, mentio seu quaevis alia expressio habenda, aut aliqua alia exquisita forma ad hoc servanda foret, tenores hujus- modi, ac si de verbo ad verbum, nihil penitus omisso et forma in illis tradita observata, exprimerentur et insererentur, praesentibus pro piene et sufficienter expressis et insertis habentes, illis alias in suo robore permansuris, ad praemissorum effectum hac vice dumtaxat specialiter et expresse derogamus; caeterisque contrariis quibuscumque. Volumus autem ut praesentium transsumptis, etiam impressis, et manu alicujus Notarii publici subscriptis et sigillo personae in ecclesiastica dignitate constitutae munitis, eadem prorsus fides in Prayer Confirm atory clauses Copies 9 S. C. OF INDULG., 7 MARCH, 1825 EXTERN SODALITIES I30* judicio et extra adhibeatur quae praesentibus ipsis adhiberetur, si forent exhibitae vel ostensae. Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Petrum, sub annulo Piscatoris, die decimo septimo Maji, mdcccxxiv, Pontificatus Nostri anno primo. I. Card. Albanus Institutum s. j., I. 345, ff. No. 56. 7 March, 1825. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Power is granted to aggregate to the prima-primaria even Soda¬ lities not under the charge of the Society of fesus. BEATISSIMO PADRE: Powers revived for Jesuit Houses Others now apply Petition for powers Nel glorioso e sempre memorando Breve Pontificio del 17 Mag- 1219 gio, 1824, la Santità Vostra, unitamente alla restituzione del Colle¬ gio Romano, si degnò ravvivare a favore della Compagnia di Gesù insieme con altri privilegi anche quello, che il Padre Preposito Ge¬ nerale possa aggregare alla Congregazione della prima-primaria sotto il titolo dell’Annunziazione di Maria Santissima, esistente in detto Collegio, le altre Congregazioni, Oratorii, etc., di tutto l’orbe Cattolico che domandano essere partecipi di quelle Indulgenze e privilegi che gode la prelodata Congregazione : privilegio conceduto già dal Sommo Pontefice Gregorio XIII, confermato ed ampliato in progresso da altre Costituzioni Pontificie ed ultimamente dalle Costituzioni del Sommo Pontefice Benedetto XIV di santa memoria. Quantunque, a tenore delle indicate Costituzioni, le facoltà del 1220 Padre Preposito Generale non si estendano che a quelle Congre¬ gazioni, sì di uomini che di donne, le quali peraltro sono sotto la cura della Compagnia, nondimeno di tal beneficio molti ne parte¬ cipavano, perchè molto era estesa la Società. Ma al presente che è molto ristretto il numero delle Congregazioni dirette dalla mede¬ sima, e altronde essendo già varie le petizioni delle Congregazioni estere, ma che non dipendono dalla Compagnia, le quali doman¬ dano l’aggregazione alla prima-primaria, perciò Luigi Fortis, at- 1221 tuale Preposito Generale della ridetta Società, prostrato ai piedi della Santità Vostra ed implorando l’Apostolica benedizione, per S. C. OF INDULG., II JUNE, 1838 — ALMS 131 * soddisfazione della pietà de’ fedeli, prega Vostra Beatitudine a de¬ gnarsi di munirlo delle opportune e necessarie facoltà di potere aggregare alla prima-primaria tutte le altre Congregazioni, che non sono dirette dalla Compagnia, che il richiedessero: rendendosi in tal guisa la Pontificia grazia comprensiva di tutte le Congregazioni, 1222 come fu nel 5 Maggio, 1798, conceduta al Direttore pro tempore della prelodata Congregazione con benigno rescritto del Sommo Pontefice Pio VI di santa memoria, che qui in copia si umilia, e come fu fino a questi ultimi tempi praticato dai rispettivi Direttori della PRIMA-PRIMARIA. E della grazia, etc. Ex audientia Sanctissimi die 7 Martii, 1825. 1223 Sanctissimus, attends expositis, remisit preces arbitrio ejusdem Oratoris Patris Praepositi Generalis Societatis Jesu, cum omnibus facultatibus necessariis et opportunis. Contrariis quibuscumque non obstantibus. C. Card. Guerrieri Gonzaga. Institutum s. j., I. 349, /. No. 57. 11 June, 1838. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Alms may be collected by a Confraternity with leave of the Ordinary, for the maintenance of the Church or Ora¬ tory , and for other purposes approved by him. CAMERACENSIS » 1224 Episcopus Cameracensis exponit, legem totam dioecesim afficien- tem promulgatam fuisse quoad Sodalitates canonice erectas. Quae lex fert, ut a duobus Confratribus singulis anni Dominicis diebus quaestuando argentum colligatur. Cum vero a § 8 Bullae demen¬ tis VIII hoc prohibeatur, quaerit: 1225 Utrum ob factum quod lex praelaudata ferebat, Sodalitatum associationes nullae sint, ita ut Confratres privilegiis et Indulgen- tiis frui nequeant. 1226 Sacra Congregatio, auditis Consultorum votis, ac re mature perpensa, die 11 Junii, 1838, respondit: Nihil obstare juxta citatam Clementis VIII Constitutionem § 8, quominus Confraternitates eleemosynas colligant juxta legem totam Director of the Prima- Primaria Grant Case proposed Question Answer Case proposed Answer 132 * S. C. OF INDULG., 28 JAN., 1839 — IF THERE ARE NO MEMBERS dioecesim afficientem ab Ordinario praescriptam, erogandas in Ec- clesiae seu Oratorii reparationem atque ornatum vel in alios pios usus de consensu ejusdem Ordinar ii; proindeque Sodalitatum asso- ciationes sustineri, et Confratres privilegiis et Indulgentiis gaudere. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 260. No. 58. 28 January, 1839. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Indulgences and privileges of a Sodality do not lapse because it no longer has members. TORNACENSIS Episcopus Tornacensis Sacrae Congregationi hoc dubium sol- vendum proposuit: Inter chartas quae in Ecclesia S. Waldetrudis, dioecesis Tor- 1227 nacensis, asservantur, inveniuntur Bullae et decreta episcopalia qui- bus conceditur facultas erigendi Confraternitatem dictae S. Walde¬ trudis; sed dubitatur an praefata Confraternitas unquam erecta sit, vel an defectu Confratrum desierit existere. Cum, vi et tenore Bul- larum, Confraternitas in perpetuum erigenda esset, peti tur an nova erectione canonica opus sit ad instaurandam hanc Confraternitatem, vel, si nondum erecta fuit, Bullis et decretis praedictis uti nunc adhuc liceat. Sacra Congregatio, auditis Consultorum votis, rebusque mature 1228 perpensis, die 28 Januarii, 1839, declaravit: Non indigere nova canonica erectione pro Sodalitate S. Walde¬ trudis instauranda; ac si etiam ob defectum Confratrum ipsa desie¬ rit, tamen Indulgentias ac privilegia in enuntiata Bulla contenta mi¬ nime amissa esse; proindeque vigere. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 260. 1229 1230 1331 1232 1233 1234 S. C. OF INDULG., 26 AUG., 1840 — 29 MAY, 1841 I33 * No. 59. 26 August, 1840. Decree of the Sacred Cpngregation of Indulgences. A Con¬ gregation illegally suppressed does not lose its Indulgences and privileges. TAURINENSIS Ex parte Patris Praepositi Congregationis Oratorii S. Philippi Nerii, civitatis Taurinensis, exponitur quod, anno 1815 per eandem civitatem transeunte Pio VII sanctae memoriae, Sacerdotes ejusdem Congregationis, pedes Summi Pontificis osculantes, ilium humiliter exorarunt pro concessione seu prorogatione Indulgentiarum ac pri- vilegiorum quibus jam ante suppressionem eadem Congregatio gaudebat. Quibus idem Pontifex pulchre respondit Indulgentias et privi¬ legia non amisisse; nam “ Siete stati oppressi ”, inquit, “ e non soppressi; la soppressione non è stata legale ”. At vero pro majori eorum tranquillitate quaerunt a Sacra Con- gregatione : Quid sentiendum sit hac super re. Sacra Congregatio, die 26 Augusti, 1840, respondit: Oratores nulla Indulgentiarum seu privilegiorum nova conces¬ sione, ob allatam ab eodem Pontifice rationem, indigere. Decreta auhtentica s. c. indulg., No. 285. No. 60. 29 May, 1841. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. A member of one Confraternity can belong to others and gain their Indulgences . BRIOCENSIS 10. An idem vir possit aggregari multis Sodalitatibus, et lu- crari Indulgentias unicuique concessas, dummodo conditiones prae- scriptas impleat. . . . Sacra Congregatio die 29 Maji, 1841, respondit:. Ad 10: Affirmative. Statement Answer of Pius VII Question Answer Question Answer Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 291. Case proposed Question Answer Question 134* S. C. OF INDULG., 25 JAN., 7 JUNE, 1842 \ No. 61. 25 January, 1842. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Fail¬ ure to observe the Rules of a Confraternity does not invalidate the Indulgences. CAMERACENSIS Cum Episcopus Cameracensis in erigendis Sodalitatibus cujus- cumque tituli unicuique Sodalitati eadem statuta servanda tradi- derit, quin mentio fiat in ipsis de aliquo pio opere a Sodalibus exercendo, quaerit a Sacra Congregatione :.... 2. Utrum praefata statuta servanda sint sub poena nullità tis Indulgentiarum, ita ut fideles Indulgentiis priventur ob eorum inob- servantiam, sive integram sive ex parte tantum. ... Sacra Congregatio die 25 Januarii, 1842, respondit :.... Ad 2. Dummodo Sodalitates sint canonice erectae, et Sodales adimpleant opera injuncta a Summis Pontificibus pro lucrandis In¬ dulgentiis suae respective Confraternitati adnexis, ipsique Sodales legitime adscripti fuerint in Confraternitatem, inobservantia, par¬ tialis seu generalis, statutorum non obest acquisitioni Indulgen¬ tiarum, ex eo quod statuta sunt potius ad regimen et ad rectam Sodalitatis administrationem data, minime vero tamquam injuncta opera ad Indulgentias acquirendas. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 298. No. 62. 7 June, 1842. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Pastor is not ipso facto Director of a Confraternity in the parish. CORISOPITENSIS Episcopus dioecesis Corisopitensis decreta seu responsiones expostulat a Sacra Congregatione ad sequentes proponendas quae- stiones : 1. Quando Episcopus, virtute delegationis Apostolicae,in Ecclesia parochiali seu succursali erexit aliquam Sodalitatem de Monte Carmelo vel Rosarii, etc., nec specialem Rectorem designavit, - S. C. OF INDULG., 22 AUG., 1842 — RULES, AGGREGATION 135 * numquid praedictae Ecclesiae Pastor hoc ipso et absque alia desi¬ gnatone institutae Sodalitatis Rector censeri et haberi debet, ita ut in illam admittere valeat et suos et aliorum parochianos, com¬ piette formalitatibus aliunde praescriptis, speciatim benedicendi et imponendi scapularia? ... I2 39 Sacra Congregato, audits Consultorum votis, die 7 Junii, 1842, respondit : Ad 1 : Negative, excepto solummodo casu, quod in illa Ecclesia seu paroecia nullus alius esset qui possit destinari, et tunc, eo ipso quod Episcopus ibi erigit Sodalitatem, tacite videtur Rectorem de¬ signare Ecclesiae Pastorem, non jure suo utendo, sed Sodalitatis necessitate Rectorem exigentis. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 304. No. 63. 22 August, 1842. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The absence of Rules or Officials does not invalidate the In¬ dulgences granted to Confraternities ; Confraternities , in general , do not share in the good works and prayers of an Archconfraternity unless they are aggregated to it in the usual way. . LEMOVICENSIS Episcopus Lemovicensis sequentium dubiorum solutionem a Sacra Congregatone expostulat:.... 1240 3. Utrum defectus statutorum vel officialium in diets Confra- ternitatibus, turn etiam si in illis pia opera vel usus singulares adhibeantur non conformes illis quae in Archiconfraternitatibus Romae servantur, officiat necne validae erectioni vel Indulgentia- rum communicationi.... 1241 4. Confraternitates ab Episcopo, auctoritate a Sancta Sede de¬ legata, erectae fruuntur necne eadem bonorum operum et oratio- num communione cum Archiconfraternitate et iisdem privilegiis et Indulgentiis ac illae quae aggregatae ordinario more fuerunt? 1242 Sacra Congregato, die 22 August, 1842, respondit:... Ad tertiam partem : Negative, dummodo opera exerceantur qui- bus adnexae sunt Indulgentiae.... Answer Questions Answers 136 * S. C. OF INDULG., l8 NOV., 1S42 — AGGREG., ADMINISTR., DIRECT. Case proposed Questions Answers Ad 4: Affirmative, si agatur de Confraternitate Sanctissimi 1243 Corporis Christi; si vero de Doctrina Christiana, quoties in dioe- cesi aggregata est una ex his Confraternitatibus, caeterae etiam erectae aut erigendae aggregatae censentur; Negative quoad alias Confraternitates in genere. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 308. No. 64. 18 November, 1842. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. No form is prescribed for tiie Bishop in erecting a Sodality ; Administrators are not essential; the Bishop can appoi?it the Director of each Ccmfraternity . CAENOMANENSIS In variis Galliarum dioecesibus, et praesertim in dioecesi Cae- 1244 nomanensi, permultae existunt Confraternitates Sanctissimi Rosarii, Beatae Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo, et Sanctissimi Cordis Jesu. Diversae illae Confraternitates etsi speciali Sanctae Sedis fa¬ cilitate ab Episcopis cum brevi formula fuerint erectae, nomina Confratrum et Consororum in particularibus regestis inscribuntur, sed ad Directorem Archiconfratemitatis non mittuntur nec Admi- nistratores pro unaquaque Confraternitate eliguntur. Caenomanensis Episcopus, omnes fidelium anxietates praecavere aut sedare volens, expostulat a Sacra Congregatione: 1. An aliqua determinata formula necessaria fuerit sub poena 1245 nullitatis; 2. An necesse sit, sub eadem poena, ut Administratores eligantur; 1246 3. An Episcopus designare possit Directorem uniuscujusque 1247 Confratemitatis suae dioecesis, sive jam existentis sive ab ipso, ex speciali Apostolica facultate, erectae.... Sacra Congregatio die 18 Novembris, 1842, respondit: 1248 Ad 1: Negative, quia formula praescribitur tantum pro ere- ctione Sodalitatum a Regularibus peragenda. Ad 2: Negative, quia Administratorum electio erit tantum ad 1249 bonum Sodalitatum regimen, minime vero ad validitatem erectionis necessaria. Ad 3: Affirmative. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 312. S. C. OF INDULG., 30 JAN., 1843 — INDULGENCES ADDED 137 * No. 65. 30 January, 1843. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. In¬ dulgences in addition to those in the Apostolic indult are valid if there is no contrary clause in it. RUTHENENSIS Superior Seminarii S. Petri civitatis Ruthenensis quaerit a Sa¬ cra Congregatione : 1250 An indultum Apostolicum quod specificat quasdam Indulgen- tias cuidam Sodalitati concessas excludat alias Indulgentias non specificatas in praefato indulto, quarum tamen mentionem faciunt nonnulli auctores de Indulgentiis pertractantes. 1251 Sacra Congregatio, die 30 Januarii, 1843, respondit: Standum esse verbis indulti, ex quo, si nulla sit expressa con- , ditio, verbi gratia, “ dummodo nulla alia Indulgenza reperiatur con¬ cessa, ” aut similia, etc., eruitur firmas remanere singulas Indulgen¬ tias, etiam praecedenti tempore, elargitas, de quibus mentio quoque fit apud auctores de Indulgentiis pertractantes. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 314. No. 66. 12 May, 1843. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Par¬ tial or general departure from the Statutes does not in¬ validate the Indulgences ; but the items of the Statutes which regard good works indulgenced by the Holy See are essential for gaining the Indulgences. PINEROLIENSIS 1252 Episcopus Pineroliensis, cupiens in sua dioecesi Sodalitatem erigere sub titulo Immaculati Cordis Mariae pro conversione pec- catorum, cum omnibus Indulgentiis quibus virtute Brevis diei 24 Aprilis, 1838, ditata fuit ipsa Archisodalitas in Ecclesia Beatae Ma¬ riae Virginis de Victoriis urbis Parisiensis, prae manibus habuit illius Archisodalitatis statuta sub die 16 Decembris, 1836, ab Ar¬ chiepiscopo Parisiensi approbata; sed cum ad trutinam revocaren- Question Answer Case proposed S. C. OF INDULG., 12 MAY, 9 AUG., 1843 Questions Answers Questions 138* tur omnia, atque perpenderentur hujus Pineroliensis dioecesis cir- cumstantiae, in quibus praedicta statuta haud possent in integrum observari, dubium exortum est num omnes horum Parisiensium sta- tutorum articuli necessarii et essentiales essent ad lucrandas Indul- gentias. Hinc quaerit a Sacra Congregatione : 1. Omnesne et singuli articuli Parisiensium statutorum sunt 1253 necessarii et essentiales ad constituendam in suo esse hanc Socie- tatem pro lucrandis Indulgentiis eidem concessis? 2. Si non omnes et singuli, quinam sunt ita essentiales ut 1254 nullo modo variari possint? ... Sacra Congregalo, die 12 Maji, 1843, respondit: 1255 Quoad 1: Negative, et dummodo Sodalitas canonice erigatur, So- dalesque adimpleant opera pro acquirendis Indulgentiis ab Aposto¬ lica Sede praescripta, varietas, partialis seu generalis, statutorum - quae ab Ordinariis respectivorum locorum pro diversitate temporum et circumstantiarum erunt constituenda - non obest acquisitioni In- dulgentiarum, eo quod statuta sunt potius ad regimen et ad rectam Sodalitatis administrationem data, minime vero tanquam injuncta opera ad Indulgentias lucrifaciendas. Quod si nonnulli statutorum articuli aliqua peragenda op^ra 1256 Sodalibus proponant quae ex Pontificia concessione ditata sint In¬ dulgentiis, ipsi tanquam essentiales habendi sunt, ut nullo modo variari possint, ne tali spirituali emolumento Sodales sint fraudati. Quoad 2 et 3: Responsum in 1. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 320. No. 67. 9 August, 1843. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Indulgences lapse if the Church of a Confraternity is rebuilt in a different place, but not if rebuilt in nearly the same place. LEODIENSIS I. Sacerdos quidam Begginagii Hasseletensis, dioecesis Leo- diensis, petit a Sacra Congregatione solutionem sequentium du- bioriim : 1. An cesset Indulgenza Confraternitatis Sanctissimi Rosarii, 1257 vel aliae Indulgentiae, si nova aedificetur Ecclesia fere in loco ubi vetus existebat; S. C. OF BISHOPS AND REGULARS, 20 SEPT., 1844 — VISITATION 139 * 1258 2. An cesset Indulgentia, si nova Ecclesia aedificetur in coe- meterio, non in loco veteris Ecclesiae; 12 59 3. An cesset Indulgentia si nova Ecclesia aedificetur in alio loco, et non in coemeterio veteris Ecclesiae; 1260 Sacra Congregalo die 9 Augusti, 1843, respondit: Ad 1 : Negative, dummodo sub eodem titulo aedificetur. Ad 2: Affirmative. Ad 3: Ut in 2. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 323. No. 68. 20 September, 1844. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regu¬ lars. A Confraternity in a Church of Regulars and having no revenue and spending no money for the altar or the service of the Church, is not subject to episcopal visitation. An Ordinary, denied the right of visitation of a Confraternity existing in a monastery of Minors Conventual, inflicted an interdict on the Confraternity and suspension on the Monks. These carried the case to the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars and contended: 1261 Archiepiscopo jus non esse visitandi praefatum Sacellum admi- nistrationis ratione, quia Sodalitas nullos habet reditus, nihilque pecuniae impendit sive pro altari sive pro cultu; ita ut visitatio pastoralis et caret objecto circa quod versetur, et legibus canonicis opponitur.... Quibus praejactis, in Congregatione generali habita die 20 Se- ptembris fuerunt proposita sequentia dubia: 1262 1. Se e come possa Monsignor Arcivescovo di Chieti visitare la Cappella di Maria Santissima sotto il titolo della Concezione esi¬ stente nella Chiesa de* Frati Minori Conventuali di quella città nel caso; 1263 2. Se vi sia luogo a revocare il decreto d’interdetto emanato da Monsignor Arcivescovo di Chieti nel caso; 1264 Eminentissimi Patres, referente Eminentissimo Polidori, rescri- pserunt: Ad 1 et 2 dilata, et adducantur probationes ad demonstran¬ dum cuinam spectet actuale onus manutentionis Cappellae de qua agitur, et iterum referatur; et scribatur secreto Archiepiscopo ad Answers Case proposed Questions Answer Question Answer Approvai 140* S. C. OF INDULG., 12 JULY, 1847 — TRANSLATION OF FEASTS mentem. Mens est : che in seguito della dilazione decretata dovendo passare del tempo prima di potersi riproporre la causa, la Sacra Congregazione ha creduto espediente, che Vostra Signoria tolga ’interdetto e la sospensione. Bizzarri, Collectanea, 311, 312. No. 69. 12 July, 1847. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Indulgences of a Feast transferred to the Sunday following are transferred with it . CAMERACENSIS Archiepiscopus Cameracensis quaerit humiliter solutionem du- biorum sequentium :. 4. An Indulgentiae quibusdam majoribus Festis adnexae sint 1265 translatae eo ipso quod solemnitas hujusmodi Festorum sitcanonice apud nos translata ad Dominicam sequentem.... Sacra Congregatio habita in Palatio Apostolico Quirinali die 1266 22 Februarii, 1847, respondendum duxit ut infra: .... Ad 4: Affirmative, facto verbo cum Sanctissimo. Facta autem per infrascriptum Cardinalem ejusdem Sacrae Con- 1267 gregationis Praefectum Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Pio Papae IX relatione in Audientia habita die 12 Julii, 1847. Quoad vero quartum dubium, Eminentissimorum Patrum respon- 1268 sioni eadem Sanctitas Sua clementer annuit, dummodo solemnitas legitime translata sit. F. Card. Asquinius, Praef. Jacobus Gallo, Secret. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 343. S. C. OF INDULG,, 31 JAN., 1848 — PRAYERS I4I * No. 70. 31 January, 1848. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. No special daily prayers are. necessary for gaining the In¬ dulgences granted the Sodality. CONSTANTIENSIS Presbyter quidam Canonicus honorarius EcclesiaeConstantiensis provinciae Rothomagensis in Gallia, Superior minoris seminarii Mamvillae in eadem dioecesi, a Sacra Congregatione quaerit: 1269 An quaedam speciales preces quotidianae sint necessario recitan- dae ad obtinendas Indulgentias quae a Summis Pontificibus fuerunt concessae Sodalibus Congregationum Beatae Mariae Virginis rite in* stitutarum in Collegiis et aliis locis, etc., Romanae Congregationi aggregatarum. Ratio dubii in eo statuitur quod hujusmodi preces non videantur requirere decreta de Indulgentiis quae sunt Congre- gationibus Apostolica auctoritate concessae. 1270 Sacra Congregatio habita in Palatio Apostolico Quirinali die 31 Januarii, 1848, respondit: Ubi nullae sunt praescrlptae preces quotidianae ad effectum lucrandi Indulgentias, non tenentur Christi fideles ad aliquas deter- minatas recitandas. Jacobus Gallo, Secret. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 34J. No. 71. 8 July, 1848. Decree of Pius IX. During the dissolution of the Society of Jesus, the Director is to enjoy all the powers of the Gen¬ eral as to the prima-primaria, and its property is to remain untouched. BEATISSIMO PADRE : 1371 La Congregazione prima-primaria nel Collegio Romano, la quale fra le onorevoli sue prerogative si onora del glorioso Nome della Santità Vostra fra i suoi aggregati, rispettosamente Le rap¬ presenta col mezzo de’ suoi Ufficiali vedere di mestieri di sotto¬ porre ai purgatissimi sguardi di Vostra Beatitudine l’attual sua Petition for the powers of the General Property Granted 142 * PIUS IX, 8 JULY, 1848 — POWER TO AGGREGATE condizione nell’ impreveduto caso dello scioglimento della Compagnia di Gesù, dal cui Reverendissimo Padre Generale immediatamente dipende. Sarebbe fastidioso ed inutile rammentare alla Santità Vostra 1272 l’antichità della Congregazione, che rimonta a tre secoli, i privilegi di cui fu arricchita dai gloriosi predecessori Gregorio XIII, Sisto V, Benedetto XIV e Leone XII, per non parlare di altri Sommi Pon¬ tefici, imperocché cose tutte appieno note alla Santità Vostra, che un giorno, ed a memoria di molti Confratri, era esemplare di zelo e di attaccamento alla Congregazione medesima. Ora dunque nella già ricordata dissoluzione della Compagnia I2 73 di Gesù, essendo di mestieri che alcuno subentri nelle attribuzioni del Reverendissimo Padre Generale, impedito nel suo esercizio, seb¬ bene colla sua Compagnia in piena esistenza, il supplicante Con¬ sesso impetra dalla Santità Vostra che al Direttore pro tempore siano communicate le facoltà spirituali e temporali che non può esercitare il lodato Reverendissimo Padre Generale. Inoltre la Congregazione, che, come ben sa la Santità Vostra, I2 74 non ha risparmiato nè cure nè fatiche nè spese all’ornamento e decoro del locale da lei posseduto per secoli, implora dall’ autorità di Vostra Beatitudine, qualunque fosse per essere la destinazione del Collegio Romano, di rimanere integra ed illesa negli attuali suoi diritti tanto di possesso, che di accesso e recesso, in tutto e per tutto come ha fin qui pratticato. Che, etc. Ex Audientia Sanctissimi 8 Julii, 1848. Sanctissimus benigne annuit pro grafia in omnibus juxta petita. 1275 C. Card. Vicarius. Archives of the prima-primaria. A single folio , the ori¬ ginai, enclosed with a copy in Prot. IV. 46. Another copy of this document is in General archives s. j., Ins tit. Vili. 36. > No. 72. 12 May, 1479, and 12 May, 1851. Sixtus IV and Pius IX. fndulgences for the Beads. 1. 5 ans et 5 quarantaines, chaque fois qu’on récite le tiers 1276 du Rosaire (Sixte IV, Bulle ea quae ex fidelium, du 12 mai, 1479). Pour gagner cette Indulgence, il n’est pas nécessaire de se servir d’un Rosaire bénit.... Separately SIXTUS IV AND PIUS IX — S. C. OF INDULG., 15 MARCH, 1852 143 * ii»77 Pour le chapelet dit en commun, Pie IX a accordé des Indul- With others gences spéciales par un décret de la Sacrée Congregation des In¬ dulgences en date du 12 Mai, 1851. D’après ce décret - qui con¬ firme en mème temps les Indulgences mentionnées ci-dessus - tous les fidèles qui récitent en commun cinq dizaines du chapelet, dans leur maison, à TÉglise, dans une Chapelle publique ou Oratoire privé, gagneront les Indulgences suivantes : 1278 1. io ans et io quarantaines, une fois per jour, et 2. Une Indulgence plénière, le dernier dimanche de chaque mois, s’ils ont ainsi récité le chapelet en commun au moins trois fois par semaines, et si, confesses et communiés, ils visitent une Eglise et y prient aux intentions du Souverain Pontife. 1279 Pour gagner ces dernières Indulgences, il n’est pas nécessaire non plus de se servir d’un Rosaire bénit. Beringer, les indulgences, I. yi2, f. For the Dominican, Bridgettine , Crosier and Apostolic In¬ dulgences , see Beringer, sub vv. 15 March, 1852. No. 73. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The transfer of a Confraternity to another place can be made by the Ordinary. BRIOCENSIS 1280 2. An personis alibi canonice professis sufficere regulariter Question possit quod Ordinarius novum assignet locum et Oratorium, ut, sic facta loci translatione, remaneat facultas Indulgentiarum in hoc novo loco lucrandarum. 1281 Ad 2: Affirmative. 1283 Factaque de his omnibus per me, infrascriptum ejusdem Sacrae Answer Approval Congregationis Praefectum, Sanctissimo Domino Nostro in Audien- tia diei 15 Martii relatione, Sanctitas Sua votum Eminentissimorum Patrum benigne approbavit. F. Card. Asquinius, Praef. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. jy8. r 44 * S. C. OF INDULG., 9 AUG., 1852 — INDULGENCES TRANSFERRED No. 74. 9 August, 1852. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. A Feast transferred , the Indulgences connected with it are trans¬ ferred to the same day. Preamble Reasons for transfer General Decree not granted before now opportune and granted URBIS ET ORBIS Cum potestas conferendi Indulgentias a Christo Ecclesiae con- 1283 cessa sit in fidelium utilitatent; atque earum usum Christiano po- pulo maxime salutarem esse affirmet sancta Tridentina Synodus (Sess. 26, deer, de Indulg.), congruum omnino videtur omne stu- dium impendere ut Indulgentias quae occasione dierum festorum vel concessae jam sunt vel concedentur, fideles facilius luerari pos- sint, eoque magis cum ingens populi Christiani concursus ad ea Festa celebranda conveniat. Jam vero cum, hac nostra praesertim aetate, maxime ob eccle- 1284 siasticas conventiones ab Apostolica Sede cum exteris nationibus initas, Festorum legitimae translationes occurrant; et generatim cum per hujusmodi translationes ex justis causis, debitis cum facultati- bus factas, licet etiam pro sola externi cultus celebratione, quin et una simul Officium cum Missa transferatur, fidelium devotioni con- sultius prospiciatur, ad earn magis magisque fovendam maxime in¬ terest ut etiam Indulgentiae his Festis adnexae transferantur. Quamvis autem alias turn a Sacra Rituum Congregatione, turn 1285 ab hac Sacra Congregatione Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praepo- sita quaesitum fuerit, utrum in translatione Festorum etiam translatae intelligantur adnexae Indulgentiae, et vel negativa intercesserit re- sponsio, vel in singulis casibus recurrendum esse ad hanc Sacram Congregationem sancitum fuerit, nec unquam generali decreto pu- blice evulgato usquedum huic translation! Indulgentiarum provisum fuerit ; attamen Eminentissimi Patres in generalibus comitiis hujus 1286 Sacrae Congregationis, attends actualibus temporum hujusmodi et peculiaribus locorum et Ecclesiarum et fidelium circumstantiis, nec- non et attenta resolutione diei 16 Februarii currentis anni, pro concessione generali translationis Indulgentiarum occasione trans¬ lation^ Festorum supplicandum Sanctissimo unanimiter censuerunt. Sanctissimus itaque Dominus Noster Pius Papa IX, audita de 1287 his omnibus relatione per me, infrascriptum Secretariae ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis Substitutum in Audientia diei 9 Augusti, 1852, habita, benigne mandavit ut omnes Indulgentiae quae huc- usque quibusdam Festis concessae fuerunt, ac in posterum conceden- FR. GEN. BECKX, 1855 — APPROBATION OF THE RULES 145 * tur, vel quae pro iisdem Festis aliquibus Ecclesiis et publicis Ora- toriis pariter concessae fuerunt et in posterum concedentur, vel etiam, si libuerit, de consensu Ordinarii, illae concessae in sacris supplicationibus aut in novendialibus vel septenariis sive triduanis precibus ante vel post Festum vel ejus octa vario perdurante, trans- latae intelligantur pro eo die quo Festa hujusmodi etiam quoad solemnitatem tantum et externam celebrationem, non vero quoad Officium et Missam, in aliquibus locis vel Ecclesiis, publicisque Oratoriis, sive in perpetuum sive aliqua occasione sive ad tempus, eoque durante, legitime transferuntur. Cum vero transfertur tantum Officium cum Missa, non autem solemnitas et exterior celebratio Fe- sti, Indulgentiarum nullam fieri translationem decrevit. 1288 Hanc autem Apostolicae benignitatis concessionem eadem San- ctitas Sua quibuscumque in contrarium non obstantibus, ac perpe¬ tui futuris temporibus, absque ulla Brevis expeditione valituram, per hoc Sacrae Congregationis decretum typis impressum publicari voluit, dummodo caeterae omnes aliae conditiones in particularibus vel generalibus concessionibus praedictarum Indulgentiarum pro iis adipiscendis praescriptae omnino serventur. F. Card. Asquinius, Praefectus. Aloisius Archipr. Prinzivalli, Su bstitutus. « Decreta authentic a s. c. indulg., No. j6o. No. 75. 1855. Father General Beckx. Approbation of the Common Rules .of Father Parthenius. PETRUS BECKX PRAEPOSITUS GENERALIS SOCIETATIS JESU 1289 Quum Gregorius felicis recordationis Papa XIII in Constitutione omnipotentis dei, etc., data Nonis Decembris, anno 1584, et confirmata a Sixto V, Benedicto XIV et Leone XII, benigne indulserit omnibus Praepositis aut Vicariis Generalibus Societatis Jesu pro tempore exsistentibus, ut pro felici statu ac regimine et directione tam Con¬ gregationis PRiMAE-PRiMARiAE in Romano Societatis Jesu Collegio erectae, quam omnium et singularum Sodalitatum eidem aggregan- darum, “ statuta, constitutiones et decreta edere ac, postquam edita fuerint, quoties pro earum et temporum qualitate aut alias expe- diens eis videbitur, immutare, corrigere, moderari ac reformare, aut Confirmatory clause Powers granted IO 146* COMMON RULES, 1855 — MEMBERS* RULES Approbation Devotion to Our Lady Rules common and particular Government alia ex integro condere libere et licite valeant ” : idcirco, ut ubique, 1290 quoad ejus fieri potest, uniformi tas servetur, facultatem facimus edendi hunc libellum, in quo continentur leges et statuta Congre- gationum Beatae Mariae Virginis jam olim a P. Josepho Mariano Parthenio, Societatis nostrae Sacerdote, in ordinem disposita et juxta antiquas consuetudines exarata, eaque omnia auctoritate no¬ bis, ut supra diximus, concessa approbamus et confirmamus. No. 76. 1855. Father Parthenius. Common Rules of the Sodality. LEGES ET STATUTA SODALITATUM BEATAE VIRGINIS MARIAE Regulae communes CAPUT I 1. Cum Beatissima Virgo Dei Mater, hujus Sodalitatis Patrona 1291 praecipua, illam fovere ac defendere existimanda sit, quippe mise- ricordiae Mater, quae se diligentes diligat et ad se pie ac religiose confugientes tueatur ac protegat, propterea par est in primis ut ejusdem Sodales non solum illam praecipua veneratione ac pecu¬ liari honore prosequantur, verum etiam ut vitae morumque inte- gritate virtutum illius praestantissimarum exempla imitari atque mutue se ad ejus amorem excitare conentur. Ad haec omnia facile praestanda juvabit plurimum observatio 1292 harum legum, quae quidem litteris consignandae visae sunt, ut, quoad ejus fieri potest, communes sint caeterarum omnium Sodali- tatum quae cum Romana conjunguntur. «* Permittitur tamen ut, praeter has leges, unaquaeque Congre- 1293 gatio habeat nonnullas proprias, quas pro regionum personarumque varietate sibi convenire unaquaeque censuerit. 2. Sodalitatem adminis trabit Director seu Moderator ejus loci 1294 ubi illa fuerit instituta, et Praefectus ipsius Congregationis, duorum Assistentium ope atque consilio. Accedent his duodecim Consulto- res, e quibus unus Secretarii munere fungetur. Numerus Consul- torum pro paucitate Sodalium ad sex tantum redigi poterit. Praeter hos, alii quoque minores Officiales eligentur quibus unaquaeque Sodalitas indigebit. COMMON RULES, 1855 — MEMBERS' RULES 147 * 1295 Omnes autem debitum honorem turn Moderatori Sodalitatis, turn edam Praefecto ceterisque subordinatis Officialibus pro cujusque di- gnitate deferent ; iisque in rebus omnibus ad Sodali tatem pertinen- tibus obtemperabunt. 1296 Cum vero aliquod occurrerit impedimentum, quamprimum aut Moderatorem aut Praefectum admonebunt, ut possit alteri cuipiam dari negotium. 1297 3. Quoniam hujus Sodalitatis finis est virtus pietasque Chri¬ stiana, ad quern finem assequendum Sacramentorum frequentia per- utilis est; ideo quicumque dare nomina Sodalitati voluerint, antequam recipiantur, vel ordinaria vel Generali Confessione, prout ipsorum Confessario magis in Domino expedire videbitur, peccata sua ex- piabunt. 1298 Deinde Sodales omnes monentur ut ad Sacramentum Confes- sionis accedant et Sacram Eucharistiam sumant semel saltern in mense, et praeterea certis quibusdam Domini nostri ej usque *Sanctis- simae Matris festis diebus ac solemnibus. 1299 Officiales tamen praecipui, hoc est Praefectus, Assistentes, Se- cretarius ac Consultores, crebrius quam reliqui Sodales, quibus exemplo praelucere debent, poterunt confiteri et Sacram Euchari¬ stiam sumere, nisi aliter illorum Patri spirituali videbitur. 1300 4. Ordinarius Confessarius, quoad ejus fieri poterit, constitua- tur, qui, semel a quopiam electus, haud temere mutabitur. Illi autem conscientiam suam prorsus manifestet, seque in omnibus quae ad conscientiae ipsius moderamen pertinent fingendum regendumque permittat. 1301 5. Dominicis itemque festis diebus quae de praecepto dicuntur, in Sodalitium una omnes mane convenient, ubi horam circiter cum dimidio piis et spiritualibus exercitationibus impendent, ea ratione quam Moderator Praefectusque praescribent. Ratio autem haec ferme erit: 1302 Ducatur initium a lectione pii cujuspiam libri, qui tamdiu legetur dum Sodales omnes aut fere omnes convenerint; i3°3 Turn pars aliqua officii Beatae Virginis decantabitur ; 1304 Deinde brevis cohortatio de rebus ad spiritualem Sodalium profectum a Sodalitii Moderatore habebitur; 1305 Cohortationem Sacrosanctum Missae Sacrificium excipiet; 1306 Quo peracto, recitatis Litaniis aliisve quibusdam precationibus, juxta uniuscujusque Sodalitii consuetudinem, Sodales diraittantur. 1307 Qui vero Sacra Communione fuerint refecti, horae saltern qua- drantem in gratiarum actione perstabunt. 1308 A prandio deinde, Sodalitia quibus conveniendi mos fuerit Obedience Hindrances occurring Sacraments Officials Regular Confessor Exercises of meetings 148 * COMMON RULES, 1855 — MEMBERS' RULES Devotion to Our Lady Feasts Novena of preparation Lists of good works Daily acts of devotion Pious reading Library Spiritual Exercises iisdem fere matutinis exercitationibus spatio unius semihorae aut paullo plus uti poterunt. 6 . Quoniam vero Sodales praecipuo secundum Deum erga 1309 Beatam Virginem studio esse debent, propterea quod ei speciali titulo addicti mancipatique sunt, idcirco Moderator Praefectusque Congregationis omni ope id studium augendum amplificandumque curabunt. Dabunt igitur operam, ut solemniora turn Christi Domini turn 1310 Deiparae Virginis Festa ferventius a Sodalibus ac majori cum de- votione celebrentur. Major autem erit devotio, si, novem ante dies 131* quam Festum celebretur, peculiaribus obsequiis et sacris praesertim commentationibus Sodales se praeparent atque disponant. Quod i 3 i: * quo commodius a Sodalibus fieri possit, meditationis puncta et peculiaria alia obsequia in singulos descripta dies, et, si per sum- ptus licebit, etiam typis impressa proponantur, vel opportuno tem¬ pore in Sodalitio legantur. 7. Ubi autem mos ille viguerit, Sodalium quisque ad Sodalitium 1313 secum deferat obsequia quae per eos dies peregerit in charta de¬ scripta, nomine vero non adscripto; eaque in urnam sive capsulam ad ea excipienda expositam conjiciat. Quae subinde, in ordinem di- gesta in codicemque relata, loco usitatae cohortationis propalam legantur. Legantur autem die, quoad fieri poteri t, qui proxime prae- cedit solemne Festum, idque fiat ut singuli eorum quae audierint recordatione ad majorem fervorem ac devotionem vehementius excitentur. Gratum quoque sciant Sodales se Virgini facturos, si ea ob- 1314 sequia non solum per eos de quibus diximus dies frequentent, sed etiam singulis diebus aliquo saltern obsequio sibi Deiparam stu- deant demerere. 8 . Quandoquidem piorum librorum lectio tantopere a Sanctis i 3 I 5 Patribus commendatur plurimumque ad spiritualem profectum con- fert, idcirco a Sodalibus erit frequenter usùrpanda. Quapropter So- 131 6 dalitium, si fieri potest, bibliothecam habeat piis ejusmodi libris re- fertam, et pro Sodalium numero satis bene instructam, unde So¬ dales ex ipsius Moderatoris praescripto sumere possint quae sub- inde domi legant. Libros distribuet is qui a Moderatore fuerit huic muneri destinatus. 9. Suum etiam Sodalibus quolibet anno a Moderatore praescri- 1317 batur tempus quo tempore Spiritualibus S. Ignatii Exercitationibus vacent. Proponatur illis exacta eorum descriptio, ut sciant quid quaeque hora spiritualis exercitationis sibi vindicet. Quam omnes religiose servabunt. Qui has Spirituales Exercitationes Sodalibus unum in locum 1318 COMMON RULES, 1 855 — MEMBERS* RULES 149 congregatis exponet, eos adhortabitur praecipue ad Confessionem 13 1 9 rite peragendam. Ad eum finem, brevia quaedam puncta iis pro¬ poni poterunt generatim circa usum et frequentiam Sacramentorum, proprii cujusque status obligationem, hujus vel alterius vitae gene¬ ris electionem, aliaque hujusmodi quae ipsis eo praesertim tempore et usui et adjumento esse possint. Exercitationes in Sodalitio hae ferme erunt: 1320 Initium fieri poterit a lectione libri qui de iis rebus agat quae postmodum erunt meditandae; 1321 A lectione is qui tradet Exercitia examen aliquod circa ea de quibus diximus puncta instituet; 1322 Examen meditationis expositio excipiet; 1323 Qua absoluta, omnes Missae Sacrificio intersint; 1324 Turn decantato psalmo miserere, sed submission voce et sono ad compunctionem inflexo, omnibus exeundi potestas fiat. 1325 Idem fere exercitationum ordo a prandio servabitur. 1326 Porro Quadragesimale tempus, nisi aliter Sodalitii Moderator judicaverit, videtur esse maxime consentaneum his Exercitiis per- agendis. 1327 Absolutis tribus vel quatuor vel etiam pluribus, juxta Sodalitii Moderatoris praescriptum, diebus, mane insequente omnes in So- dalitium conveniant atque una Sacrosanctum Christi Corpus sumant. 1328 Curent autem Sodales ne vel minima temporis maxime accepta- bilis particula ipsorum incuria dilabatur. Quae in Sodalitio audie- rint domi recolant, et multo plus temporis lectioni et meditationi tribuant quam alias extra Exercitia consueverint. 1329 10. Curandum etiam quam maxime est ne Sodalitii conventus quacumque levi etiam de causa omittantur. Si vero aliqua causa incident quamobrem Sodalitium omittendum eo die videatur, spe- ctabit ad Moderatorem de causae gravitate judicare. Qui, re in Domino discussa et attentius considerata, quod ei magis expedire visum fuerit pronuntiabit. 1330 Dies vero quibus conventus haberi solent sunt omnes fere Do¬ minici, dies solemnes Christi Domini Nativitatis, Circumcisionis, Adscensionis, Pentecostes, Corporis Christi; festi item omnes de praecepto Beatissimae Virginis; item omnium Apostolorum; prae- terea dies festus S. Josephi, Nativitatis S. Joannis Baptistae, S. Lau- rentii et S. Aloysii. His diebus nunquam Sodalitium omittitur, nisi forte Natalis et Corporis Christi. 1331 11. Qui statis diebus atque temporibus a conventibus abfue- rint, quamprimum Moderatori absentiae causam exponent, ad quern pertinebit an causa sit idonea judicare. Quod si aliquam in ea culpam esse compererit, illos poterit qua ratione videbitur admonere, et Lent General Communion Diligence Meeting not to be omitted Days of meeting Absence Suspension Record Expenses Morning prayers Meditation Mass Examen of conscience and evening prayers Practices 150 * COMMON RULES, 1855 — MEMBERS’ RULES 1 propter ejusmodi absentiam vel alios defectus licebit etiam interdum 1332 eos ad tempus certum Sodalium coetu prohibere, ut maxime So- dalitati conducere et ad Domini nostri gloriam pertinere censebi- tur. Quo vero certius atque expeditius uniuscujusque absentia di- 1333 gnoscatur, libellum in hunc usum Sodalitas habebit in quo et dies quibus eo anno conventus habebuntur descripti et Sodalium nomina ita perscripta sint ut apposita aliqua nota absentia facile indicetur. Quamquam omnes eo studio erga Beatam Virginem esse debent 1334 et de proprio spirituali profectu adeo solliciti ut his aliisve similibus incitamentis non magnopere indigeant. 12. In celebritatibus atque apparatibus, si quos fieri in Soda- 1335 litate infra annum accident, ut in aliis quoque sumptibus quacum- que occasione faciendis, debet unaquaeque Sodalitas mature consi¬ derare, habita ratione Sodalium, quid expediat. Tenuiores hos sumptus ferre non possunt: locupletiores fere ad inanem pompam referunt. Itaque in his expensis ne sint nimii. Quae saepe pecuniae vim exhauriunt atque absumunt quae multo melius utilioribus in rebus ad majorem Dei ac Deiparae gloriam impendi debuisset. Quare 1336 unaquaeque Sodalitas, inter alia sua statuta, decernat, de Modera¬ to ris sententia et cum ejusdem approbatione, quid hac in re facere possit ac debcat, habita praesertim eorum sumptuum ratione qui ad majorem Sodalium in spiritu ac devotione profectum faciendi in his constitutionibus enixius commendantur. 13. Quotidie mane ubi e lectulo surrexerfiit, postquam Deo pro 1337 acceptis ab ejus Majestate turn generalibus turn praecipuis ac pro- priis, atque ea praesertim nocte, beneficiis gratias egerint; primum actus fidei, spei et caritatis elicient; deinde ter Orationem Domi¬ nicani et Angelicam Salutationem in honorem sanctissimae Trini- tatis pronunciabunt, semelque Symbolum Apostolorum et salve regina, praeter alias quas unusquisque de Confessarii consilio recitare consuevit. Neque vero his tantum precibus contenti sint, sed curet unus- 133 8 quisque horae ad minimum quadrantem in oratione mentali sive meditatione collocare, et quotidie, ubi fieri possit, Missae sacrificio 1339 interesse. Vesperi autem, antequam se ad quietem somnumque conferant, 134° per alterum horae circiter quadrantem conscientiam suam excutient atque examinabunt, et cum omnium turn praecipue eorum quae se eo die admisisse deprehenderint peccatorum, contritionem ac dolo- rem elicient. Quo facto, pater et ave et semel psalmum de profundis 1341 pro defunctis animabus pronunciabunt. 14. Suadetur autem omnibus universe, quoniam ipsi majorem 1342 COMMON RULES, 1855 — MEMBERS’ RULES 151 * quandam perfectionem quam caeteri profitentur, ut majus quoque studium in actionibus piis et Christianis adhibeant, cujusmodi sunt: 1343 Saepius peccata confiteli crebriusque ad Sacram Christi Cor¬ poris Mensam accedere; 1344 Officium Beatae Virginis, 1345 Rosarium recitare; 1346 Carceres itidem, si ratione loci vel personarum fieri possit, visere; 1347 Adire nosocomia identidem, atque iis praesertim diebus qui solemnius aliquod Christi aut Beatae Virginis Festum praecedent. 1348 Haec aliaque id genus pia munera obire poterunt, in quibus vel, pro sua quisque conditione ac pietate, separatim, vel cuncta simul Sodalitas exercebitur, quemadmodum is qui Sodalitati praeest instituerit atque suaserit. 1349 I 5- Cum e Sodalibus aliquis gravi ter aegrotaverit, eum turn praesertim Moderator et Praefectus invisendum et sanctis Ecclesiae Sacramentis muniendum curabunt, turn omnes Domino suis preci- bus commendabunt. i35° Quod si eum contigerit e vita discedere et adhuc laudanda ilia consuetudo viguerit ut Sodales illius funus ad sepulturam prose- quantur, exemplum hujusmodi Christianae pietatis ne praetermit- 1351 tant. Deinde quo primum die commodum fuerit, Mortuorum Offi¬ cium pro eodem vel simul omnes in Sodalitio, si fieri possit, reci- tabunt, vel certe per se unusquisque separatim. Per octo autem dies psalmum de profundis cum oratione pro defunctis pro ilio di- 1352 cent semel quotidie singuli. Tota denique Sodalitas Missae Sacrifi- cium ad altare Sodalitatis, quod pro defunctis ipsius Sodalitatis pri- vilegiatum est, pro ejus anima semel offerendum curabit. 1353 16. Si quando cuipiam a Sodalitate itineris faciendi causa di- 1354 scedendum erit, Moderatorem admoneat ac Praefectum; ab iisque facultatem ac litteras etiam patentes exposcat, ut ab aliis quoque Sodalitatibus quo se forte sit laturus tanquam unus e Sodalibus re- cipiatur. 1355 Et quandoquidem etiam absens meritorum Sodalitatis est par- ticeps, aequum erit ut interdum de se suisque rebus faciat reliquos certiores, ad Praefectum scribens ac sese Sodalium precibus com- mendans. 1356 Curet autem semper, ubicumque fuerit, ut se verum filium Sodalitatis ostendat, et morum integritate exemploque vitae omnes aedificare et ad virtutem pietatemque conetur allicere. 1357 I 7- Se mutuo omnes vera et sincera cari tate diligant, curent- que ut pacem fraternamque concordiam tueantur, atque in dies in veris Christianisque virtutibus progressum faciant. Ut hoc autem of virtue Works of charity Separately or together Sickness Death Journeys Letters to the Sodality Conduct Fraternal charity COMMON RULES, 1 855 — ADMISSION 152 * Progress in virtue Reading of the Rules Local customs Officials facilius assequantur, plurimum proderit Sodalitatis conventus fre- 1358 quentare, pias ejusdem exercitationes non praetermittere, cum iis *359 crebro versari a quibus juvari possint, improborum consuetudinem 1380 et quascumque occasiones vi tare unde illis detrimentum aliquod 1361 posset afferri; quales ludi sunt, rixae, contentiones, murmurationes aliaque hujusmodi quae bonum Sodalitii nomen et existimationem labefactant; sed enitantur potius ut in omnibus ita se gerant, ut 1362 digni qui sint in Beatissimae Virginis tutela existimentur. 18. Quo facilius haec statuta legesque serventur, quoties Prae- 1363 fectus novus ac reliqui Officiales renunciabuntur, publice in Sodalitio legantur. Conetur porro quisque illis parere quam diligentissime. Praeter has leges, omnes etiam consuetudines suae quisque So- 1364 dalitatis observet. Officiales vero proprias cujusque muneris crebrius legent, quo 1365 illis diligentius obtemperent. De ratione Sodales in Sodalitium admittendi CAPUT II Application of the Candidate Council Instructor of Candidates Preparation for admission 1. Qui in Sodalitatem admitti cupit, Moderatorem ac Praefe- 1366 ctum adeat. Qui ubi satis de ipso cognoverint ac de ejusdem aetate, professione, virtutibus aliisque dotibus informationem acceperint, Praefectus de ilio ad coetum duodecim vel sex Consultorum re- 1367 feret, ut admittatur ad frequentandum tanquam probationis causa ad aliquod spatium temporis, ut infra dicetur. Quo tempore poterit 1368 spiritualibus dumtaxat Sodalitatis exercitationibus, non tamen deli- berationibus et consultationibus, adesse. Atque interim separatim sedebit, ut loci commoditas feret. 2. Cum quis fuerit idoneus judicatus, sed nondum cooptatus, 1369 turn ilium Moderator et Praefectus uni ex Sodalibus qui floreat probitate committant ej usque fidei et curae commendent, ut quamdiu probatur (quod tempus erit duorum triumve mensium circiter, pro personarum qualitate) eum de institutis ac legibus Sodalitatis cae- terisque consuetudinibus edoceat, et, si quae sibi forte difficultates occurrerint, solvat, ut rebus melius exploratis voti compos fieri possit. Cum vero tempus instabit quo erit admittendus, ut juxta 1370 privilegia et gratias Sodalitati concessas, quo die in earn adscribetur Indulgentiam plenariam consequatur, eum admonebit ut se ad Sanctissimum Eucharistiae Sacramentum eo die accipiendum paret, quo tanti thesauri particeps effici queat. COMMON RULES, 1855 — ADMISSION 153* 1371 3. Antequam vero quis in Sodalitium cooptetur, rursus ad coetum duodecim vel sex Consultorum de eodem referatur, ut ab iis, et praesertim ab ilio cujus fuerat curae traditus, intelligatur quam bene se ad praefinitum tempus gesserit. Quod si comperiatur eum probationis suae tempore non omnino expectationi satisfecisse, ipsius coetus erit ad plura suffragia statuere utrum prorsus rejiciendus, an ei probationis tempus prorogandum. Si vero bonum de se suaque probitate specimen ediderit, ea forma ritus qui infra praescribetur, 1372 accedente assensu Moderators, quo inscio et inconsulto nihil ratum esse potest, cooptabitur. De confirmatione sive acceptatione Sodalium CAPUT III 1373 i. Dies festi Beatae Mariae Virginis videntur omnium maxime idonei ad novorum Sodalium confirmationem, praecipue vero tres festi dies: Annuntiationis, Assumptionis et Conceptionis Beatae Virginis. His itaque diebus in Sodalitium cooptabuntur. 1374 Qui admitti debebunt, primum se ad altare Beatae Virginis sistant, ibique flexis genibus aliquantisper orent, benignissimam Matrem enixius obsecrantes ut in filiorum suorum numerum se re- 1375 cipere minime dedignetur. Turn is cujus, uti diximus, curae pro¬ bationis tempore commissi fuerint, acceptationis formulam elata voce pronuntiabit, subsistens identidem ut ii qui cooptandi erunt eum voce praeeuntem subsequi commode possint, eandemque una cum ipso formulam pronuntiare. Porro formula acceptationis haec erit: FORMULA ACCEPTATIONIS 1376 2. Sanctissima Virgo et Mater Dei, Maria, ego, N. N., licet qui ibi serviam indignissimus, motus tamen tua admirabili pietate et impulsus tibi serviendi desiderio, eligo te hodie, coram Angelo meo tutelari et curia cadesti universa, in Dominam, Advocatam et Matrem; firmiterque propono me tibi semper in posterum famulaturum et, quantum in me erit, curaturum ut ab omnibus tibi fideliter serviatur. Te igitur, piissima Mater, perjesu Christi sanguinem pro me sparsum, oro .atque obsecro ut me in clientum tuorum numerum atque in servum perpetuum recipere digneris. Adsis mihi in omnibus actionibus meis, gratiamque impetres ut ita me verbo, opere et cogitatione geram ut nunquam nec tuos nec Sanctissimi Filii tui oculos offendam. Recorderis mei nec me deseras in hora mortis. Amen. Vote of the Council Director Reception days Ceremony Act of Consecration COMMON RULES, 1 855 — ELECTIONS 154 * Formal reception Ceremonies after reception When Prefect and Assistants Consultors Secretary Other Officers Change Installation 3. Hac absoluta, omnes surgant atque a Magistro Novitiorum 1377 ad Moderatorem deducantur. Quos monebit in Sodalitium esse re* ceptos; in cujus rei signum illos ipse complectetur ac totius nomine Sodalitatis admittet. Pater itidem eosdem ut filios accipiet, eosque amplexans, paucis hortabitur ad parendum legibus institutisque Sodalitatis, et ad venerationem ac devotionem erga Beatam Vir- ginem, cujus se tutelae eo die praecipue commiserunt. Libellum 1378 quoque regularum Sodalitatis eis tradat, ut illas apud se retineant, domi identidem legant, quo eas facilius observare possint. Deinde 1379 similiter ad Praefectum deducantur, qui eos ad ea quae supra indi¬ cata sunt quam brevissima oratione adhortabitur. Postremo breves 1380 quaedam praecationes recitabuntur in gratiarum actionem, pro cujusque propria consuetudine Sodalitatis. De ratione eligendi Praefectum et reliquos Officiates CAPUT IV 1. Praefectus et reliqui Officiates semel in anno, aut ad summum 1381 bis, in praecipuis Beatae Virginis festis diebus, renunciabuntur. Convenient Sodalitii Moderator, Praefectus, Assistentes, Con- 1382 sultores, Secretarius, et dicto veni creator cum solitis precibus, communicatis secum suffragiis, tres e tota Sodalitate deligent qui 1383 inter caeteros et virtutum exemplo et probitatis commendatione excellant. Turn hi ad universam Sodalitatem proponantur. Qui plura 1384 suffragia tulerit Praefectus, qui minora primus et secundus Assi- stens pro numero suffragiorum declarabuntur. Suffragia explorabunt 1385 Moderator Sodalitii et Praefectus. Eodem fere modo Consultores et Secretarius eligendi erunt, 1386 sed ad totum Sodalium conventum nequaquam proponendi. 2. Depositarius, Aedituus sive Sacrista, Janitor aliaque minora 1387 Officia, quae pro cujusque consuetudine requiruntur, eligi poterunt a Moderatore et a Praefecto simul cum Assistentibus et Secretarlo, habita ratione majoris frequentiae et aedificationis. Omnes autem initio cujusque praefecturae, ut caeteri majores, 1388 sic minores Officiales mutabuntur, nisi aliter videbitur Moderatori et Praefecto, justis tamen de causis. 3. Electis hoc modo majoribus minoribusque Sodalitatis Offi- 1389 cialibus, die Beatae Virgini sacro publice in Sodalitio renuncia¬ buntur. Ad majorem vero devotionem ac pompam, a Sodalitii Mo- 1390 deratore unicuique Officialium propria cujusque muneris insignia tradi poterunt. Recitabuntur igitur a Secretario data voce Officia- 1391 s COMMON RULES, 1855 — CONSULTATIONS 155 * lium nomina, eo ordine quo electi fuerint et gradus sive dignitas uniuscujusque feret. Is cujus nomen pronuntiatum fuerit adeat Mo- deratorem ad ejusque pedes accidens proprii muneris insignia ab eodem accipiat. Quem Moderator ad munus illud ea qua par est sedulitate ac diligentia exsequendum paucis excitabit, officiique sui 139 2 quam brevissime commonefaciet. Renunciatis hac ratione Officia- libus omnibus, sive Moderator Sodalitatis sive alius quispiam ad Sodales universos verba faciet, eosque ad Sodalitii frequentiam, ob- servantiam regularum, devotionem atque amorem erga Beatam Vir- ginem ejusque praecipue virtutum imitationem adhortabitur. 1393 4. Si vel mori Praefectum vel alio quopiam casu ante dimi- diatum sui muneris tempus non posse amplius officium suum obire contigerit, alter, de Moderatoris sententia, qui ej us vices gerat sub- stituetur, donee ad novam electionem veniatur. Idem in reliquorum substitutione Officialium praestabitur. De ratione servanda in consultationibus CAPUT V 1394 Ad conservationem et amplificationem Sodalitatis, necesse esse videtur non modo ut saepe Sodales ad spirituales exercitationes congregentur, sed etiam interdum conveniant ad agendum de recta Sodalitatis administratione. Quamobrem Moderator cum Praefecto, Assistentibus, Secretano ac duodecim sive sex Consultoribus, quan- documque opus fuerit, hora opportuna conveniant, ut de rebus agant 1395 quae occurrent ac de ipsis quoque decernant. Res vero in consulta- 139 6 tionibus proponere ad Moderatorem praecipue spectabit. Caeteri ejus in omnibus auctoritatem magni facient et se ejusdem arbitrio re- gendos permittent, licet et ipsi quae necessaria videntur esse pos- *397 sint modeste proponere. Caveant omnes ab inordinati s animi affe- ctionibus, et in ferenda sententia unicam Dei ac Deiparae gloriam et spirituale Sodalitii incrementum spectent. Leges Praefecti Sodalitatis CAPUT VI 1 39 8 i. Praefectus, ut gradii et officio in Sodalitio caeteris antecedit et secundum Moderatorem primus illi debetur locus, ita etiam eniti 1399 debet ut virtute reliquis Sodalibus antecellat. Quare non modo eum quam maxima diligentia peculiaribus muneris sui legibus, verum Li' . Bilik, Substitutes Council meetings Manner of proceeding Next after the Director COMMON RULES 1855 — PREFECT Rules Attendance Subject to the Director Reading and observance of the Rules Records Sick and dead Members Diplomas Expulsion * 56 * etiam communibus parere oportebit, illisque praesertim quae ad Sacramentorum frequentiam pertinent, saepius quam caeteri peccata confìtendo et Sacram Eucharistiam sumendo: dabitque operam ut 1400 Sodalitatem non tam verbis quam exemplo provehat ad virtutem perfectionemque Christianam. 2. Semper in Sodalitio statis temporibus aderit, providebitque 1401 mature ac prudenter quae ad solitas spirituales exercitationes per- tinebunt, quemadmodum illi antea cum Moderatore convenerit. Quod 140a si quando, legitime impeditus, adesse non possit, Moderatorem ad- monebit quamprimum. Tunc autem Praefecti munus Primus Assi- stens, et, hoc absente, Secundus explebit. 3. Etsi Praefectus Sodalitatis curam habere debet, Moderatori 1403 tamen sciat se esse subordinatum. A quo rerum gerendarum ra- tionem semper accipiet. Quocirca nihil omnino mutabit neque toilet, neque vero instituet quidquam novi, eodem Moderatore inscio vel non probante, ut in Sodalitate cautius et pacatius ad majorem Do¬ mini nostri ac Deiparae Virginis gloriam procedatur. 4. Curabit ut communes Sodalitatis leges, quoties novus fuerit 1404 Praefectus caeterique Officiales renunciati, in Sodalitio legantur: ma- 1405 xime vero curet ut observentur ab omnibus. Dabit etiam operam ut caeteri subordinati Officiales sui quisque muneris leges observent, praesertim Assistentes, Secretarius et duodecim sive sex Consiliarii. • Efficiet item ut in Sodalitio nomina Sodalium Congregationem 1406 frequentantium sint in tabella descripta; itemque ut sit liber in 1407 quem sint Sodalium nomina relata turn praesentium turn absentium, ea ratione quae supra Regula inter communes undecima praescri- bitur. Item liber alius, in quo Officiales, quo die et anno fuerint 1408 declarati, scribantur. Tertius item, in quo quis, quo die et anno in 1409 Sodalitium fuerit cooptatus, atque etiam, si resciri poterit, e vita migraverit, adnotetur. 5. Cum Sodalium quispiam aegrotaverit, eum curet Sodalitatis 1410 nomine invisendum. Quod si morbus ingravescat, dabit operam ut pro eo ab omnibus Deo preces fundantur. Si vero mortis periculum instet, curabit ut Sanctissimis Ecclesiae Sacramentis muniatur. Si 1411 et vita decesserit, curabit ut statutae pro ejus animae expiatione a Sodalibus preces fiant. 6. Patentes quas vocant litteras una cum Moderatore subscribat. 1412 Si quis forte Sodalium graves ob noxas e Sodalitio fuerit di- 1413 mittendus, nihil inconsulto Moderatore et nonnisi ex ejus consilio sententiaque agat. COMMON RULES, 1855 — ASSISTANTS, SECRETARY, CONSULTORS 157 * Assistentium leges CAPUT VII 1414 i. Assistentium illud munus erit ut consilio et opera Praefectum 1415 in Sodalitii administratione juvent. Quocirca aequum erit ut cum eo consentiant, ut conspirantibus sententiis rectius administratio pro- cedat. 1416 2. Debent conventibus turn publicis turn privatis interesse, cum- que Praefectus abfuerit, ejus vicem Assistens Primus explebit; utro- que vero absente, Secundus Assistens Praefecti fungetur officio. 1417 Agant saepius cum Moderatore et Praefecto de rebus ad spi- ritualem Sodalitatis profectum spectantibus. Quern verbo et exemplo, quantum divina adjuvante gratia eniti poterunt, studebunt promovere. Secretarii Sodalitatis leges CAPUT VIII 1418 i. Secretarius consultationibus omnibus intererit. Referet autem i 4!9 in librum ad earn rem destinatum res gravioris momenti : prius tamen exempla eorum quae notanda erunt Moderatori ac Praefecto ostendet. 1420 2. In voluminibus supra indicatis, quae cuique volumini pro¬ pria sunt scripto summa diligentia mandabit. 1421 Quae in consultationibus constituta erunt nemini indicabit, et sciat servare silentium, ut ipso nomine declaratur. 1422 3. Curae illi erit patentes litteras, epistolas, mandata et quae- vis alia scribere quae usus tulerit, atque etiam subscribere ac so¬ lito sigillo Sodalitatis obsignare: omnia semper de sententia Mo¬ deratori agendo atque Praefecti. Duodecim sive sex Consultorum leges CAPUT IX 1423 Sodales aliquot ex Sodalitate deligentur ea ratione quae est in legibus electionis tradita, qui erunt duodecim, ubi frequentius So- 1434 dalitium; ubi vero minus frequens, sex tantum. Horum munus erit Praefecto in consultationibus et in administranda Sodalitate praesto 1435 esse. Ac propterea illos ex aetate provectioribus et probatioribus esse oportebit. Help to the Prefect Meetings Spiritual progress of all Minutes Records Secrecy Letters Number Duties Qualities 158 * COMMON RULES, 1855 — INSTRUCTOR OF CANDIDATES, TREASURER In giving opinion Example Duties Duties In dicenda sententia majorem semper Dei ac Deiparae Virginis 1426 gloriam et spiritualem Sodalitatis profectum ob oculos habeant nec se partium studio a recto consilio abduci sinant. Quod saepius jam dictum est, ut dignitate sic exemplo reliquis 1427 Sodalibus antecedere studeant. Magistri Novitiorum leges CAPUT X Magistri Novitiorum munus erit, prout ipsi a Moderatore atque 1428 a Praefecto fuerit imperatum, eos instituere qui Sodalitatem ingredi cupiunt, leges eis explicando eosque de aliis propriis Sodalitatis consuetudinibus edocendo. Curare autem debet ut cum hos turn alios 1429 qui fuerint ipsius curae commissi quam maxima cantate foveat et diligentia juvet. Saepe cum Moderatore ac Praefecto de ipsis aget, utrumque 1430 consulens qua illos potissimum ratione in via Divini obsequii diri¬ gere possit. Tabellam habebit in qua formula acceptationis aut impressa aut 1431 eleganter descripta sit. Spectabit ad ipsum eos qui in Sodalium numerum admitti de- 1432 bent ad altare sistere, formulam legere, eosdem ad Praefectum ac Moderatorem deducere. Depositarii leges v CAPUT XI Depositarius nullum omnino sumptum faciat injussu Modera- 1433 toris. Arcam habeat in qua Sodalitatis pecunia reponatur. Arca porro 1434 duabus diversis clavibus obserata sit, quarum alteram habebit Mo¬ derator, alteram apud se retinebit, nisi aliter visum fuerit; neque enim in Sodalitatibus quae e minoribus natu constant id videtur permittendum. Habeat insuper libellum in quo rationes accepti et expensi 1435 exacte descriptae appareant, quem quoties Patri libuerit exhibebit et ostendet. Caveat praeterea ne quidquam a quoquam Sodalitatis nomine 1436 si ve in ordinarios sive in extraordinarios Sodalitii sumptus petat; COMMON RULES, 1 855 — LIBRARIAN, VISITORS OF THE SICK 159 sed illis pecuniis quae juxta morem ab omnibus tribuuntur, iisque quae pro sua quisque liberalitate, quoties Sodalitium habetur, ero¬ gare solet, contentus sit. Bibliothecae Marianae Praefecti leges CAPUT XII t 1437 Ejus curae ac fidei Bibliotheca Mariana librique omnes in ea 1438 contenti demandantur. Intelligat quanti momenti hoc munus sit, quan. tumque in eo munere caeteris Sodalibus diligenza sua prodesse, con¬ tra vero negligentia obesse possit. *439 Absoluto Sodalitio, libros Sodalibus distribuet. Indicem libro- rum omnium exacte descriptum habeat, quem propalam collocabit aut postulantibus exhibebit, ut, eo perlecto, quem sibi quisque opta verit librum, e Bibliotheca sumat. 1440 Nemini autem prius librum tradat quam ab eo ipso qui acce, perit nomen et cognomen, libri titulus, dies, mensis et annus quo 144 1 librum sumpsit in schedula adnotanda diligenter curet. Schedulam porro asservabit tamdiu dum ille quem accepit librum restituet ; quo restituto, illi ipsi schedulam lacerandam tradet. . 1442 A nemine duos simul libros domum auferendos, nullum vero autumnalibus feriis a quoquam retinendum permittat; quibus indi¬ ces libri omnes ab omnibus ad Bibliothecam deferantur. Visitatorum infirmorum leges CAPUT XIII 1443 Quandoquidem Praefectus Sodales omnes infirmos, si praeser- tim plures eodem tempore aegrotare contigerit, saepius per se adire non potest, necesse est ut aliquos habeat e Sodalibus in tarn pio 1444 sanctoque officio socios atque adjutores. Quorum numerum definire ad Moderatorem spectabit, qui eos potissimum ad hoc munus eliget quos prae caeteris aetate et morum probitate noverit eminere. 1445 Horum munus erit Sodales infirmos saepe invisere, de eorum statu diligenter cognoscere, et quae cognoverint ad Moderatorem ac Praefectum referre, eosdem autem Deo commendare enixius, et communibus Sodalitii totius precibus juvandos curare. - 1446 Ingravescente morbo, Moderatorem et Praefectum quantocius admoneant, ut illi pro injuncto iis officio aegrotanti praesto esse Duties Who Number Duties Serious sickness Convalescence Number Our Lady’s service Duties Attendance Expenses Moderation Present early Duties l6o* COMMON RULES, 1855 — SACRISTAN, READER possint, et modis omnibus praecavere ne Sodalis graviter aegrotans prius e vita discedat quam omnibus Ecclesiae Sacramentis rite mu- nitus sit. Proderit etiam Sodales infirmos non solum adire frequentius 1447 quo tempore decumbunt, sed etiam convenire interdum cum e morbo recreari incipient. Quod ita faciant ut eosdem spiritualibus consolari sermonibus in Domino atque exhilarare studeant. Aeditui leges CAPUT XIV Duo, tres aut quatuor pro Sodali um numero Aeditui erunt. 1448 Persuasum habeant se in eo munere atque officio secundum 1449 Deum Deiparae Virgini famulari atque inservire. Quapropter, ne turpe sibi ducant aut Sodalitii sordes everrere, aliave hujusmodi abjectiora in ipso Sodalitio obire ministeria. Curent praecipue ut indumenta sacra caeteraque omnia quae in 1450 Sancto Sacrificio Missae usui esse solent, et recte apparata et quam mundissima sint. Totius Sodalitii supellectilis index in libello descriptus sit, quem 1451 officio decedentes successoribus tradant, eosque quo quidque loco seponendum sit edoceant. Omnia ad id muneris pertinentia decenter et recte disposita 1452 ac collocata custodiant; obserentur etiam clavibus.- Quas apud se Sodalitii habebit Moderator. Ne temere a Sodalitio ac sine causa et nonnisi facta ab ipso 1453 Moderatore potestate egrediantur; sed una cum aliis spiritualibus omnibus Sodalitii ipsius exercitationibus intersint. Nullum omnino sumptum faciant inscio Moderatore atque in- 1454 consulto. Curiosis et sumptuosioribus apparatibus non delectentur. Quos 1455 Moderator pro sua prudentia aut iis omnino interdicet, aut certe ita moderabitur ut quam minimo ipsorum impendio fiant. Lectoris leges CAPUT XV Quam maturrime poterit ad Sodalitium accedet. Sodalitium 1456 enim a lectione pii cujuspiam libri auspicatur. Nullum omnino librum legat nisi a Moderatore assignatum. 1457 ass* 'rjuat-.- . •■■■ - - COMMUN RULES, 1885 — JANITOR, OTHER OFFICERS l6l * 1458 A novorum magistratuum renunriatione statini regulas Sodali- bus omnibus communes leget. 1459 Ne utatur in legendo nimia festinatione, sed elata, distincta et clara voce legat; subsistat identidem, ut ea quae legerit et facilius intelligantur et altius in eorum qui audient animos demittantur. 1460 Ea propter, necesse erit ut probe cognitum ac perspectum ha- beat quanti momenti sit lectio spiritualis, quantumque sive ad vitae emendationem conferat sive etiam ad devotionem conducat. 1461 Lectoribus cantores addantur, qui Sodalibus matutinos Beatae Virginis psalmos decantantibus voce et tono praeeant. Praefecti januae leges CAPUT XVI 146a Is etiam quam citissime poterit ad Sodalitium se conferat. 1463 Cognomina et nomina omnium Sodalium ordine alphabetico digesta et disposita aut in tabula aut in libro descripta habeat, quo citius, cum opus fu erit, cuj usque Sodalis nomen inveniatur. Ita porro eorum quos diximus cognomina descripta sint ut, appositis quibus- dam notis pro Moderatoris arbitrio eligendis, ii designentur qui a Sodalitio abfuerint, item qui adfuerint, et aut ad Sacram Synaxim accesserint aut secus. 1464 Libellus autem summa diligentia custodiatur; propterea non erit committendus cuipiam temere, sed ei tantum cuj us fidem ac probitatem cognitam Moderator habeat atque perspectam. 1465 Cum libellus expletus fuerit, inter Sodalitii monumenta repo- natur et conservetur. De legibus reliquorum minorum Officialium CAPUT XVII 1466 Si Sodalitates aliis hujuscemodi seu pluribus seu paucioribus Officialibus indigebunt, pro varietate munerum quae in his erunt obeunda, permittitur ut regulae iis perscribantur quas observent. 1467 Nihil vero decernatur nisi de consilio aut sententia Sodalitatis Moderatoris. 1468 Cavendum etiam ne quidquam statuatur, quod hisce regulis ad- versetur; sed illud in primis, ne quid fiat quod non omnino Sodalium Singers Presence Record of attendance Appointment and Rules IÓ 2 * S. C. OF INDULG., 27 MAY, 1857 — RESUMING SCAPULAR Diploma of Membership Questions proposed pietati ac utilitati conforme ac consentaneum sit; omnia vero ab iis aliena atque abhorrentia penitus amandentur et minime rata cen- seantur. Formula aggregationis Hoc nostrarum litterarum testimonio constare volumus, dile- 1469 ctum in Christo Fratrem... die... anno... in Sodalem Congregationis sub titulo N. N... in N. N... fuisse cooptatum, ut propterea omnes Indulgentias, favores, gratias ac privilegia quibus Sodales alii jam confìrmati fruuntur obtinere possit et valeat, et, cum ex hac vita mi- graverit, omnibus quae defunctis Sodalibus adhiberi solent suffragiis ab hac nostra juvari debeat. Datum ex eadem Deiparae Virginis Congregatione die et anno quibus supra. Moderator: N. Praefectus: N. A Secretisi N. # »• This document is reprinted here from leges et statuta SODALITATUM BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS QUAE PRIMAE-PRIMARIAE romanae conjunctae sunt, Romae, MDCCCLV. No. 77. 27 May, 1857. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. One duly enrolled in the scapular of Mt. Carmel can , after discarding the scapular , resume it without a new enrol¬ ment and gain the Indulgences. MASSILIENSIS Parochus Ecclesiae S. Hieronymi in dioecesi Massiliensi hu- militer postulat a Sanctitate Vestra: 1. An qui, rite semel adscripti Sodalitati Scapularis Beatae 1470 Mariae Virginis de Monte Carmelo, postea habitum sacrum Soda- litatis dimiserunt, teneantur ad novam sacri habitus receptionem a potestatem habente, si velint Indulgentias praedictae Sodalitati a Summis Pontificibus concessas luerari; vel an sufficiat ut habitum sacrum ipsi denuo resumant simpliciter. S. C. OF INDULG., 8 JAN. l86l — « QUAECUMQUE » RENEWED 163* Et quatenus affirmative 'ad primum ; I 47 1 2. Quodnam temporis spatium a dimissione habitus sacri re- quiratur ut nova receptio a potestatem habente necessaria sit. 1473 Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praeposita ad praefata dubia die 27 Maji, 1857, respondit: Ad 1: Negative ad primam partem, Affirmative ad secundam. Ad 2: Provisum in primo. F. Card. Asquinius, Praef. A. Archipr. Prinzivalli, Substit. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. J79. No. 78. 8 January, 1861. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The observance of the quaecumque is urged. URBIS ET ORBIS 1473 Ad religionis et pietatis incrementum, ad mutuam caritatem inflammandam, Apostolica Sedes pluribus sive Ordinibus Regula- ribus, Religionibus et Institutis sive etiam Christi fidelium saecu- larium Archiconfraternitatibus et Congregationibus potestatem fecit alias Confraternitates et Congregationes erigendi et instituendi, necnon etiam sibi aggregandi ac Indulgentias, privilegia aliasque spiri tuales gratias sibi concessas communicandi. 1474 Cum autem nulla certa forma vel ratio praescripta fuisset quae in hujusmodi institutionibus et erectionibus vel aggregationibus et communicationibus faciendis servari deberet, Clemens VIII felicis recordationis Constitutione quae incipit: quaecumque a sede apo¬ stolica, data sub die 7 Decembris, 1604, modum praecepit servandum 1475 in his peragendis, formulam quoque praescribendo, atque inter alia statuit Indulgentias, privilegia, etc., tantummodo communicari posse quae nominatim et expresse societati aggreganti concessa sunt, non tamen ea quae per extensionem vel communicationem sibi quovis modo concessa sunt, et quidem communicari non sub generali verborum forma, vel ad instar, sed expresse et in specie atque per dictam formulam ab ipso Pontifice approbatam. Quae quidem omnia in eadem Constitutione reperiuntur praecepta sub nullitatis poena, ut clarius patet ex laudata Constitutione. Answers Preamble Prescriptions of the Quaecumque Not always observed The Bull renewed with changes Confirmatory clause 164* S. C. OF INDULG., 8 JAN., l86l — RENEWED Compertum tamen est, progressu temporis non ab omnibus 1476 adhibitam fuisse hanc formulam neque privilegia neque Indulgentias adamussim communicatas, quemadmodum Pontifex praeceperat. Cum insuper statutum fuisset in eadem Constitutione ut insti- 1477 tutiones et aggregationes gratis omnino fierent, et tantummodo per decretum Congregationis Cardinalium sub Paulo V Indulgentiarum moderationi praepositae, latum die 6 Martii, 1608, titulo expensarum permissum fuisset instituentibus vel aggregantibus scutatum unum aureum recipere et quidem sub poena, inter caetera, nullitatis, prout clarius innotescit ex eodem decreto, attamen cognitum simi¬ liter est neque dispositionem hanc ab omnibus servatam fuisse. Ad dubitationem itaque omnem tollendam super validitate harum 1478 institutionum seu aggregationum, Sanctitas Sua benigne sanavit institutiones et aggregationes hucusque factas in quibus aliquid ex praedictis desideretur quod perficiendum erat per Constitutionem enuntiatam aut decretum superius expressum, vel contra in iisdem praescripta peractum sit, simulque mandavit ut in posterum formula 1479 in hujusmodi erectionibus seu insti tutionibus seu aggregationibus adhibenda concordet, saltern in substantialibus, cum ilia praescripta a Clemente Vili, cujus Constitutionis ad minus praecipua capita in eadem formula inserantur cum variationibus ab eadem Sanctitate Sua approbatis, cujus quidem formulae exemplar, iis praesertim 1480 quorum interest communicandum, in Actis Sacrae Congregationis servari praecepit, et ut societati aggregatae ab Ordine, Instituto seu Archiconfraternitate aggregante tradi possit separatim et di- stincte a formula, ac etiam typis impressus elenchus Indulgentiarum 1481 et privilegiorum, ab Ordinario tamen loci recognitus. Cujus im- pressio in hunc tantum finem permittitur, etiamsi Indulgentiarum concessiones sint depromptae ex pluribus Brevibus, etc., non ob¬ stante decreto Sacrae Congregationis Indicis et altero decreto Sa¬ crae Congregationis Indulgentiarum explicante et moderante prae- dictum decretum Indicis diei 22 Januarii, 1858. Atque Sanctitas Sua hoc decretum absque ulla Brevis expedi- 1483 tione publicari jussit, derogando cuicumque Apostolicae disposi¬ tion in contrarium, etiam specialis memoriae dignae. Datum Romae, die 8 Januarii, 1861. F. Card. Asquinius, Praef. A. Colombo, Secret. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. j88. S. c. OF INDULG., 8 JAN., l86l — PASTOR DIRECTOR 165 * No. 79. 8 January, 1861. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Or¬ dinary is free to appoint the Pastor of the time being Director of a Sodality. URBIS ET ORBIS 1483 Cum plures Confraternitates, Sodalitates, Piae Uniones, etc., Christi fidelium canonice erectae reperiantur, in quibus loci Ordi- narius designaverit Parochum qui, ratione muneris quod exercet et pro tempore quo munere fungitur, sit constitutus Confraternitatis, Sodalitatis, etc., Rector, Moderator, seu quocumque titulo appelle- tur, proindeque facultate polleat ea gerendi quae ad Rectores spe- ctant, et etiam, quatenus in respectiva Sodalitate id Rectori tribua- tur, fideles adscribendi, habitus benedicendi et scapularia, illaque imponendi, coronas, etc., pariter benedicendi, juxta facultates ad quamlibet Sodalitatem spectantes pro similibus impositionibus, be- 1484 nedictionibus, etc.; atque dubium exortum sit circa hujusmodi de- signationem Parochi libere et auctoritate propria peractam ab Or- dinariis: facta fuit de his relatio Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Pio 1485 Papae IX in audientia diei 8 Januarii, 1861; et Sanctitas Sua, de¬ rogando omnibus hucusque circa hanc designationem quavis aucto¬ ritate et quovis modo aliter praescriptis, benigne sanavit, quatenus opus sit, tales designationes Parochorum, necnon acta per ipsos tanquam Rectores, et adscriptos per eosdem Parochos, quatenus Rectoris munus quo funguntur in respectiva Sodalitate fideles ad¬ scribendi sit, valide adscriptos habendos esse declaravit, necnon benedictiones coronarum, habituum scapularium eorumque imposi- tiones, etc., ab eisdem factas, prout Rectoribus in respectiva Soda¬ litate tribuitur, ratas habendas esse concessit. 1486 • Quoad futurum vero eadem Sanctitas Sua benigne impertire di- gnata est ut Ordinarii locorum libere designare possint, si ita in Domino expedire judicaverint, Parochos pro tempore in Rectores, Moderatores, etc., Confraternitatum, etc. 1487 Non obstantibus quibuscumque in contrarium facientibus. Datum Romae, die 8 Januarii, 1861. F. Card. Asquinius, Praef. A. Colombo, Seer. Pastors named Directors Validity Sanation Powers for the future Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. j8q. 166 * S. C. OF INDULG., l8 SEPT., 1862 — CHURCH PROFANED No. 80. 18 September, 1862V Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. A Confraternity in a Church that is profaned does not lose its Indulgences . ORDINIS CARMELITARUM DISCALCEATORUM Statement Question Answer Approval Huic Sacrae Indulgentiarum Congregationi Fr. Maximilianus 1488 a S. Joseph, Prior Conventus Ordinis Carmelitarum Discalceatorum Ratisbonae, in provincia Bavariae, exposuerat quod in Ecclesia ejus- dem Conventus sub titulo S. Joseph aderat ante exclaustrationem Con- fraternitas S. Joseph canonice erecta, cujus festum prout titulare Con- fraternitatis celebrabatur Dominica proxima post diem 23 Januarii cum Indulgenza plenaria; atque aliae etiam Indulgentiae pro iis qui, Confessione et Communione peracta, praedictam Ecclesiam vi- sitassent, inveniuntur concessae: scilicet feria quarta primae, se- cundae, tertiae, sextae, septimae, octavae et nonae hebdomadae ante Festum S. Joseph, Indulgenza plenaria; feria vero quarta heb¬ domadae quartae et quintae ante idem Festum Indulgenti centum dierum. At vero, quanquam, post restaurationem Conventus et Ec¬ clesie reconciliationem, quae ad praedictam Confraternitatem spe- ctant omnia ut primitus perseverent, dubium tamen proposuerat: Utrum scilicet per profanationem Ecclesiae, quae tempore ex- 1489 claustrationis locum habuit, jus ad praedicta penitus amissum fuerit. Sacra itaque Congregatio, die n Augusti, 1862, in aedibus 1490 Apostolicis Vaticanis habita, audito prius Consultoris voto, respon¬ dendum esse censuit: Ad 1 : Negative. Quam quidem Eminentissimorum Patrum sententiam Sanctissimo 1491 Domino Nostro Pio IX relatam per me, infrascriptum Secretariae Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum Substitutum, in audientia diei 18 Septembris, 1862, Sanctitas Sua benigne confìrmavit. Statement Question Answer Approval Decreta auhtentica s. c. indulg.. No. 396. F. Card. Asquinius, Praef. A. Archipr. Prinzivalli, Subst. PIUS IX, IO FEB., 1863, — TERCENTENARY FIRST FOUNDING 167 * No. 81. 10 February, 1863. Brief exponendum of Pius IX. Favors are granted for the tercentenary of the founding of the prima-primaria. PIUS PAPA IX AD FUTURAM REI MEMORIAM 1492 Exponendum nuper Nobis curavit Dilectus Filius Petrus Beckx, Praepositus Generalis Clericorum Regularium Societatis Jesu, sibi in animo esse ut, recurrente anno tercentesimo ex quo Joannes Leonius, Clericus Regularis ejusdem Societatis, Congregationem in honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis primum instituit, sacrae hujus rei memoriam non solum extraordinaria pompa, sed etiam ea ratione celebretur qua fideles bona ac spiritualia commoda sibi comparare possint. Hinc se vel maxime cupere Nobis retulit ut in Cappella praefatae Congregationis, quae in aedibus Collegii Romani de Urbe canonice erecta prima-primaria et sub titulo Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis nuncupata, et a sanctae memoriae Gregorio XIII aliisque summis Pontificibus, praedecessoribus Nostris, plurimis In- dulgentiis gratiisque spiritualibus ditata fuit, in aliquot dies Festum titulare praedictae Congregationis praecedentes Spiritualia Exerci- 1493 tia aliaeque fiant supplicationes. Quare enixas humilesque preces Nobis admovit ut pro fausta rei sacrae recordatione caelestes In- dulgentiarum thesauros de benignitate Apostolica reserare digna- remur. 1494 Nos, quibus nihil jucundius nihilque acceptius esse potest quam ut fideles, ac imprimis juvenes, quos impii homines suis machina- tionibus ac dolis circumvenire quotidie student, iis Sodalitiis dent nomen quorum finis praecipuus est pietatem et devotionein erga Deiparam Immaculatam fovere et excitare, porrectis Nobis suppli- cationibus obsecundare voluimus. 1495 Igitur de Omnipotentis Dei misericordia, ac BB. Petri et Pauli, Apostolorum ejus, auctoritate confisi, omnibus et singulis e dicta Congregatione prima-primaria nuncupata Sodalibus qui vere poe- nitentes et confessi Spiritualibus Exercitiis aliisque pietatis operi- bus per hodiernum dictae Congregationis Moderatorem designan¬ do et in praefata Cappella peragendis saltern ter devote adstite* rint, et die festo titulari infra annum currentem celebrando, Sacra Communione se refecerint, et eandem Cappellani a primis Vesperis usque ad occasum solis diei hujusmodi visita verint,ibique proChri- stianorum Principum concordia, haeresum extirpatione, ac Sanctae Preamble Petition Grant Plenary Indulgence i68 * PIUS IX, IO FEB., 1863 — TERCENTENARY FIRST FOUNDING Partial Indulgences applicable to the Holy Souls Confessors All Sodalities Confirmatory clause Copies Matris Ecclesiae exaltatione pias ad Deum preces effuderint, ple- nariam omnium peccatorum suorum Indulgentiam et remissionem misericorditer in Domino concedimus. Memoratis insuper Sodalibus, saltern corde contritis, qui quo- 1496 libet die praedicta pietatis opera peregerint, tercentum dies de injun- ctis eis seu alias quomodolibet debitis poenitentiis in forma Eccle¬ siae consueta relaxamus. Quas omnes et singulas Indulgentias, peccatorum remissiones 1497 ac poenitentiarum relaxationes etiam animabus Christi fidelium quae Deo in cantate conjunctae ab hac luce migraverint per modum suffragii applicari posse indulgemus. Ut vero iidem Sodales caelestium munerum hujusmodi facilius 1498 valeant esse participes, dilecto filio Nostro in eadem Urbe Vicario in spiritualibus Generali aliquot Presbyteros seculares, vel cujus- vis Ordinis, Congregationis et Instituti regulares ad excipiendas ipsorum sacramentales Confessiones alias approbatos deputandi, qui eosdem Sodales, eorum confessionibus diligenter auditis, ab omnibus et quibuscumque excessibus et criminibus ac casibus Sedi Apostolicae reservatis — haeresis, simoniae, duelli, violationis clau- surae Monasteriorum Monialium et recursus ad judices laicos con¬ tra formam Sacrorum Canonum exceptis — nec non excommuni- cationis aliisque ecclesiasticis sententiis, censuris et poenis, impo- sita cuilibet arbitrio suo poenitentia salutari, in foro conscientiae tantum absolvere, ac vota simplicia in aliud pium opus, eorum si¬ militer arbitrio et prudentia, commutare possint, facultatem auctori- tate Apostolica tenore praesentium tribuimus et elargimur. Quoniam vero concedimus ut omnes et singuli Sodales Con- 1499 gregationum seu Sodalitatum quae praefatae Congregationi primae- primariae canonice conjunctae aut eidem obnoxiae sunt, iisdem In- dulgentiis ac gratiis spiritualibus supra enarratis frui possint et valeant, dummodo pietatis opera praescripta et pro respectivorum Moderatorum arbitrio regenda rite compleverint : sic respectivis locorum Ordinariis ubi dictae Congregationes existunt, facultates quas dilecto filio Nostro in Urbe Vicario in spiritualibus Generali concessimus, pariter auctoritate Nostra tribuimus et impertimus. Non obstantibus Apostolicis ac in universalibus, provinciali- 15°° busque et synodalibus Conciliis editis generalibus et specialibus Constitutionibus et Ordinationibus ; caeterisque contrariis quibus¬ cumque. Praesentibus pro hoc anno tantum valituris. 1501 Volumus autem ut praesentium litterarum transsumptis seu exem- 150a plis, etiam impressis, manu alicujus notarii publici subscriptis, et sigillo personae in ecclesiastica dignitate constitutae munitis eadem S. C. OF INDULG., 29 AUG., 1864 — DAY FOR INDULGENCE 169* 1503 1504 1505 prorsus fides adhibeatur quae adhiberetur ipsis praesentibus, si fo- rent exhibitae vel ostensae. Datum Romae, apud S. Petrum, sub annulo Piscatoris die X Februarii, MDCCCLXIII, Pontificatus Nostri anno decimosep- timo. B. Card. Barberinus. Archives of the prima-primaria, Prot. IV. 57. Another copy is in General archives s. j., Instit. 36. VIII. A single sheet , printed Romae ex typographeo Rev. Cam. Apòstoli- cae, MDCCCLXIII. No. 82. 29 August, 1864. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The day for gaining an Indulgence connected with a Feast. CONGREGATIONIS S. BENEDICTI IN GALLIA Inter dubia de translatione Indulgentiarum quae Joannes Ba- ptista Nicolas, Monachus S. Benedicti in Gallia, huic Sacrae Con- gregationi obtulerat enodanda, sequens propositum est: Utrum Indulgentiam alicui Festo adjunctam lucretur quisquis die ipsa juxta Kalendarium Breviarii Romani, vel potius juxta Ka- lendarium uniuscujusque dioecesis, ordinis, etc. Item qui Sodalitati cuicumque nomen dederunt, an Indulgentias acquirant die in qua Festum celebratur in Ordine Regulari ad quern attinet dicta Sodalitas, licet sit diversa a die Kalendarii Romani, vel dioecesani. Sacra Congregatio in generalibus comitiis habitis die 29 Au¬ gusti, 1864, audito Consultorum voto, et re mature discussa, re* spondit: Indulgentiam acquiri a Christi fidelibus die fìxa et rite consti- tuta in sua dioecesi; a Regularibus Ordinibus die rite constituta in suo Kalendario; ab hominibus qui Sodalitati nomen dederint quae ad Regularem Ordinem attineat, Indulgentiam acquiri die rite constituta in Kalendario dioecesis, vel in Kalendario Ordinis, si istiusmodi privilegio gaudeant; non tamen in utraque die. A. M. Card. Panebianco, Praef. Philippus Can. Cossa, Substit. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 403. Question Answer 170* S. C. OF INDULG., 29 AUG., 1864 — EXEMPTION OF THE SODALITY Decree of 8 Jan., 1861 Reasons for the exemption of Sodalities Formal decision asked First answer Question again proposed No. 83. 29 August, 1864. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Sodal¬ ities of Our Lady are declared not included in the Bull quaecumque of Clement VIII. Cum a Sacra Congregatione Indulgentiarum, die 8 Januarii, 1506 1861, prodiisset decretum super institutionibus seu erectionibus et aggregationibus Confraterni tatum seu Congregationum, quo com- mendatur et injungitur observantia Constitutionis Clementinae in- cipientis quaecumque a sede apostolica; non multo post Emi- nentissimus ejusdem Sacrae Congregation is Praefectus, Cardinalis Asquinius, privatim nos monuit per hoc decretum neque infirmari neque attingi privilegium aggregandi Sodalitates ad Primariam Ur¬ bis Congregationem quod Societati Jesu confirmatum est atque am- pliatum a Leone XII litteris Apostolicis cum multa in urbe, die 17 Maji, 1824, et rescripto dato die 7 Martii, 1825. Et sane cum erectiones et aggregationes Sodalitatum gratis om- 1507 nino a nobis fiant; cum aggregationis vel erectionis formula qua utimur jampridem recognita et approbata fuerit; cum nullae Soda¬ litates erigantur in locis Ordinario obnoxiis sine praevio ejusdem Ordinarii permissu; cum denique sine ulla querela et magno cum animarum bono Sodalitates nostrae hactenus processerint : vix ullus poterat esse locus dubitandi de integritate privilegii nobis ab Apo¬ stolica Sede collati. Attamen, ad omnem dubitationem excludendam, demisse rogat 1508 orator ab Eminentiis vestris ut authentico responso declarare di- gnemini : Utrum Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum mens fuerit per supradictum decretum infirmandi privilegium a Leone XII san¬ cì tum, quo Societati Jesu potestas facta est Sodalitates erigendi vel aggregandi ad Primariam Urbis Congregationem Beatae Mariae Virginis ab Angelo salutatae. Die 29 Februarii, 1864: Dilata, et afFerantur decreta erectionis 1509 Primariae Urbis Congregationis, necnon litterae Apostolicae Leonis Papae XII confirmantes privilegium. SOCIETATIS JESU Per decretum hujus Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum, la- 1510 tum die 8 Januarii, 1861, super institutionibus et aggregationibus Confraternitatum seu Congregationum injungitur ac praescribitur observantia Constitutionis Clementis felicis recordationis Papae Vili S. C. OF RITES, 23 NOV., 1865 — FEAST OF ST. JOHN BERCHMANS 171 * incipientis quaecumque, circa modum instituendi et aggregandi Con- fraternitates, omnino adhibendum ab Ordinibus Regularibus et Ar- chiconfraternitatibus. Suborta hinc fuit dubitatio num infirmari inde censeatur facultas instituendi et aggregandi qua Congregatio Pri¬ maria Beatae Mariae Virginis sub titulo Annuntiationis in Urbe fruitur. Quapropter R. P. Praepositus Generalis Societatis Jesu huic Sacrae Congregationi sequens dubium proponendum curavit: 15 11 Utrum in praefato decreto 8 Januarii, 1861, comprehendantur institutiones et aggregationes fieri solitae a Congregatione Beatae Mariae Virginis ab Angelo salutatae, in Collegio Romano erecta, nuncupata prima-primaria, juxta peculiarem et propriam formulam, qua, vi concessionum plurium Summorum Pontificum, illius Socie¬ tatis Moderatores usi sunt et adhuc utuntur. i5 ia Sacra Congregatio, in generalibus comitiis habitis apud Vati- canum die 29 Augusti, 1864, auditis consultorum votis, et re ma¬ ture perpensa, respondendum duxit: Non comprehendi. A. M. Card. Panebianco, Praef. Ph. Cossa, Subst. Institutum s. j., I. 411, f The second half of this docu¬ ment is found also in decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 41}. No. 84. 23 November, 1865. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites. Permission is given for the Mass of St. John Berchmans, on a Sunday in November, for Sodalities in Jesuit Colleges , Seminaries and Schools. * SOCIETATIS JESU Quum R. P. Boero, Sacerdos Professus Societatis Jesu, et cau- sarum Servorum Dei ejusdem Societatis Postulator, Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Pio Papae IX exposuerit, festum B. Joannis Berch¬ mans in memoratae Societatis Collegiis, Seminariis et scholis extra Italiani difficillime posse celebrari Idibus Augusti; ab eodem San¬ ctissimo Domino postulavit ut, salvo semper pro omnibus Societatis Jesu Patribus die in Brevi praefixo, liceat in praefatorum Collegio- Question Answer Petition Grant Form asked for and granted 172 * S, C. OF. 1 NDULG., 19 OCT., i 860 — FORM FOR DIPLOMAS rum, Seminariorum et scholarum Ecclesiis, Oratoriis et Congregatio- nibus ubi scholares, turn externi turn domestici, convenire de more solent, celebrare festum B. Joannis cum Missa propria a Sancta Sede pro Societate Jesu approbata, ilia mensis Novembris Dominica quae magis libuerit. Sanctitas porro Sua, ad relationem subscript Sacrorum Rituum i 5*4 Congregationis Secretarii, pro gratia benigne annuere dignata est juxta preces, dummodo non occur rat duplex primae vel secundae classis ac Dominica prima sacri Adventus, servatisque rubricis. Con¬ trariò non obstantibus quibuscumque. Die 23 Novembris, 1865. C. Ep. Portuen. et S. Rufinae Card. Patrizi, S. R. C. Praef. D. Bartolini, S. R. C. Seer. Institutum s. j., I. 412, J. No. 85. 19 October, 1866. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The wording of Diplomas , prescribed in accordance with the Bull quaecumque, can be communicated. Per decretum hujus Sacrae Congregations Indulgentiarum edi- 1515 turn die 8 Januarii, 1861, confirmata et pristinae observantiae resti- tuta Constitutione dementis Vili incipiente quaecumque, data sub die 7 Decembris, 1604, super institutionibus vel aggregationibus Confraternitatum, inter caetera cautum fuit ut in formula aggrega- tionum, quae concordare deberet, saltern in substantialibus, cum ilia praescripta a Clemente VIII, hujus ejusdem Constiti! tionis saltern praecipua capita insererentur cum variationibus a Sanctitate Sua approbatis. Nunc vero Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Pius Papa IX, enixe postulantibus nonnullis turn Superioribus Ordinum Regula- rium turn Rectoribus Archiconfraternitatum ut hujusmodi litterae aggregationum commodius exaratae respectivis Confraternitatibus expediantur, in audientia habita ab Eminentissimo Cardinali Prae- 1516 fecto die 19 Octobris, 1866, benigne indulsit ut praefata capitum expositio in posterum etiam separatim a litteris aggregationum dari possit, ita tamen ut simul cum praefatis litteris adnexa omnino com- municetur et in eadem formula exprimatur. Servatis vero et in suo S. C. OF INDULG., 19 OCT., l866 — FORM FOR DIPLOMAS 173 * robore permanentibus reliquis omnibus quae tam in laudata Con- stitutione dementis Vili quam in praefato decreto praescribuntur. Contrariis quibuscumque non obstantibus. Datum Romae, die 19 Octobris, 1866. A. M. Card. Panebianco, Praef. Philippus Can. Cossa, Substit. Decreta authentica. s. c. indulg., No. 417. No. 86. 19 October, 1866. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The form for Diplomas. *5*7 Formula servanda saltern in substantialibus a Superioribus Regularibus Religionum, etc., in erigendis seu instituendis Confraternitatibus ac communicandis Indulgentiis et gra- tiis spiritualibus quas a Sede Apostolica obtinuerunt r . Form for Diplomas N. N., Ordinis N. Generalis a . 1518 Religio nostra, cum, inter alia privilegia quibus a Sede Aposto¬ lica decorata est, facultatem habeat saecularium Confraternitates sub invocatone N. erigendi, eisque spirituales gratias, privilegia et In- dulgentias communicandi, in hujusmodi Confraternitatibus instituen¬ dis, si ad Christi fidelium salutem promovendam expedire animad- vertit, liberalem se praebere consuevit. 1519 Nos igitur, qui generalem totius Ordinis nostri curam gerimus, sperantes fore ut ex hac spiritualium gratiarum participatione Chri¬ sti fideles ad devotionem et pietatem magis excitentur, auctoritate Nobis a Summis Pontificibus concessa, Confraternitatem N., in Ec¬ clesia N., loci N., dioecesis N., de consensu loci Ordinarii, qui ejusdem Confraternitatis institutum, pietatem ac religionem litteris patentibus 1520 1 Dicitur in substantialibus, quatenus non sit vetitum addere vel im¬ mutare aliqua in eadem quae substantiam non afficiant. Integrum etiam erit unicuique Ordini, Religioni, Instituto, sive originem sive naturam sive prae- stantiam proprii Ordinis indicare et alia quae solent in hujusmodi litteris exponi. 1531 2 Hic exprimitur persona vel qui auctoritate pollet juxta facultates et privilegia uniuscujusque Ordinis, etc. t m' • 174 S. C. OF INDULG., 19 OCT., i860 — FORM FOR DIPLOMAS * Points of the Quaecumque Nobis nuper exhibitis commendavit, dummodo tabs alia similis in ipso vel alio ad tria milliaria propinquo loco hactenus erecta non fue- rit, per praesentes Nostras litteras erigimus et instituimus, illique et pro tempore exsistentibus utriusque sexus Confratribus elargi- mur et communicamus Indulgentias, privilegia et speciales gratias singillatim descriptas in elencho, quem, rite per Ordinarium loci recognitum, una cum his litteris tradimus diligenter asservandum 3 4 . Quibus omnibus Indulgentiis et spiritualibus gratiis descriptis 152a Confraternitatem ipsam nunc erectam ej usque Confratres potiri et gaudere posse decernimus, juxta ea quae felicis memoriae Clemens Papa VIII in Constitutione quae incipit quaecumque, data sub die 7 Decembris, 1604, praescripsit, et variationes a Sanctissimo Do¬ mino Nostro Pio Papa IX approbatas, ut ex decreto Sacrae Con¬ gregations Indulgentiarum diei 8 Januarii, 1861, et cujus Constitu¬ tions praecipua capita cum dictis variationibus subnectuntur scilicet : 1. Quod unica tantum Confraternitas ejusdem instituti et ge- 1523 neris institui et aggregari possit in Ecclesiis tarn saecularium quam regularium ; 2. Quod id fiat de consensu Ordinarii et cum litteris testi- i 5 3 4 monialibus ejusdem; 3. Quod Confraternitati institutae vel aggregatae expresse i 5 3 5 et in specie communicentur privilegia et Indulgentiae Ordini insti- tuenti vel aggreganti nominatim concessa, non vero ea quibus per privilegium communicationis gaudet; 4. Quod statuta Confraternitatum examinentur et approben- 15 36 tur ab Ordinario loci et ab eodem corrigi possint; 3 Potest etiam inseri, si lubet, elenchus. In utroque tamen casu elen- 1527 chus, jam ab Ordinario loci recognitus, continere debet distincte et expresse, non sub generalibus verbis, Indulgentias, gratias, etc., quibus Societas a gg re g ans fruitur directe, non quibus per communicationem et extensio- nem gaudet. Ad tollendam tamen omnem dubitationem, dum per Ordinarium loci 1528 dicitur recognosci debere elenchum, intelligitur ut, si semel ab Ordinario loci ubi auctoritas praecipua Ordinis, Instituti, Religionis, etc., quae habet facultatem erigendi, etc., moratur recognitus fuerit elenchus, non indigeat nova recognitione, et tradi possit Societati erigendae, etc., etiam alibi, cum necessarium sit ut semper idem sit elenchus, salvis additionibus quae ex novis concessionibus, pariter recognoscendis, fieri contingat. 4 Si lubet, inserì etiam potest integra Constitutio, addendo in fine * 5 3 9 variationes a Sanctissimo Domino Nostro approbatas. Caeterum vel integra Constitutio vel saltern indicata hic capita, quae substantiam continent, cum variationibus praedictis omnino inserenda est. 1530 1531 1532 1533 S C. OF INDULG., l8 AUG., l868 — VICAR GENERAL 175 * 5. Quod gratiae et Indulgentiae Confraternitati communicatae praevia cognitione Ordinarii dumtaxat promulgentur ; 6. Quod Confraternitas eleemosynas excipiat et erogetjuxta formara per Ordinarium praescribendam ; 7. Quod litterae erectionis et aggregationis gratis omnino ac nulla prorsus mercede, etiam a sponte dantibus, sub praetextu quo¬ que merae eleemosynae, accepta expediri et concedi possint, et so- lummodo titulo expensarum pro pergamena, scriptura, vel impres- sionis stipendio, sigillorum expensis, chordulis, cera, Secretarii No- tariique labore vel mercede, aliisque omnibus, earn quantitatem quae non excedat summam scutatorum sex monetae Romanae in Italia, et extra non excedat summam libellarum vulgo francs tri- ginta, pro singula institutione vel aggregatione vel confirmatione recipere liceat; 8. Quod singula hie mandata et expressa in omnibus suis partibus fideliter observentur, secus institutiones vel aggregationes et communicationes privilegiorum et Indulgentiarum nullius sint roboris et momenti, et quilibet Superiorum atque Officialium pri- vationis officiorum quae obtinent atque inhabilitatis ad illa et alia in posterum obtinenda poenam eo ipso incurrant; quae ab alio quam a Romano Pontifice remitti non possit. In quorum testimonium has litteras fieri et per Nostrum Se- cretarium subscribi et publicari mandavimus sigilloque officii No¬ stri muniri. Datum, etc. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., Appendix XII, pp. 461, ff. No. 87. 18 August, 1868. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. A Vicar General , unless specially subdelegateci by the Bishop , can¬ not erect Confraternities , give consent for their aggrega¬ tion, or approve the Rules . AURELI ANENSIS 1534 Etsi Vicarius Generalis, vi officii sibi generaliter commissi, expedire possit ea negotia quae ad ordinariam Episcopi jurisdictio- nem spectant; nonnulla tamen exercere nequit sine speciali Episcopi Ordinarius in the Quaecumque 176* S. C. OF INDULG., l8 AUG., l868 — VICAR GENERAL mandato: ea nempe quae, vel ex jure scripto vel ex-causae gravi¬ tate, specialem commissionem requirunt. Inter haec autem adcen- sendam esse Confraternitatum erectionem turn docent doctores, turn inferri videbatur ex resolutione Sacrae Rituum Congregationis edita die 7 Octobris, 1617, qua Episcopo Elborensi respondit: “ Ne- mini licere inconsulto Episcopo in sua dioecesi erigere et creare de novo Confraternitates, et earum statuta confirmare. Quae omnia privative quoad alios ad Episcopum tantum pertinent in sua diocesi Praeterea Vicarius Generalis non potest pari ter, vigore officii *535 sui, se ingerere in exsecutione litterarum Apostolicarum pro hujus- cemodi indultis, si haec fuerint Episcopo directa, nisi potestas sub- delegandi eidem facta fuerit, suumque Vicarium Generalem reapse subdelegaverit. Id confirmatum reperitur ab hac Sacra Congrega- x 536 tione in una Gratianopolitanae diei 24 Maji, 1843. Cum enim Epi- scopus Gratianopolitanus ab Apostolica Sede obtinuisset, praeter alias facultates, licentiam erigendi in sua dioecesi plures Sodali- tates, quaesitum fuit a Sacra Congregatione : “ Utrum duo Vicarii Generales ejusdem Episcopi, qui cum ipso unam personam moralem efficiebant, saltern quoad jurisdictionem ordinariam, uti possent fa- cultatibus praedictis, scilicet Sodalitates erigendi, etc., ” Sacra Con¬ gregalo respondit: “ Indulta seu facultates de quibus in propo¬ sito dubio, etsi non cedant in propriam Episcopi utilitatem, sed in gratiam dioecesanorum, non sunt tamen de ordinaria sua potestate ad rectam necessariamque animarum sibi commissarum administra- tionem ordinata; ita ut, eo absente, vel morbo laborante, sive ni- miis occupationibus impedito, vices pro eo alius gerat, tanquam ab ipso legitime delegatus; sed cum sint potius favores quos idem Episcopus ab Apostolica Sede personaliter impetravit, hinc ab Epi¬ scopo tantum erunt fidelibus sibi creditis distribuendi, nisi in pre- cibus Apostolicae Sedi delatis expostulasset iis verbis, aut similibus, nempe eos sive per se, sive per suos Vicarios Generales commu- nicandi, etc. ” Denique in Constitutione Clementis Vili incipiente quaecum- 1537 que, etc., cum praecipiatur aggregationem Confraternitatum facien- dam esse praevio loci Ordinarii consensu, et cum ejusdem litteris testi- monialibus; et praeterea statuta earundem Confraternitatum non posse tradi, nisi ea prius ab Episcopo dioecesano examinata et pro ratione loci approbata fuerint; in utrisque casibus venire solum Episcopum inferebatur tum ex verbis Constitutionis tum ex natura rei; ita ut Vicarius Generalis speciali ad id mandato indigeat. Per aggregationem enim Confraternitas quadam nova erectione perfi- citur, et per statutorum traditionem, privilegiorum, lndulgentiarum communicationem ad sublimiorem statum evehitur. Unde hic Ordi- 1538 S. C. OF INDULG., l8 AUG., l868 — VICAR GENERAL I77* 1539 narii appellatione solum Episcopum designari visum est, quemad- modum in casu de quo in Tridentina Synodo, sessione 23 capite 8 de Reformatione, hisce verbis: “ Unusquisque autem a proprio Episcopo ordinetur. Quod si quis ab alio ordinari petat, nullatenus id ei permittatur, nisi ejus probitas et mores Ordinarii sui testi¬ monio commendentur. ” Ordinarii autem nomine hie intelligi Epi¬ scopum, non vero Vicarium Generalem, nisi antea speciale man- datum ei ab Episcopo tributum fuerit, omnes tradunt doctores, ita ut Vicarius Generalis absque eo dimissoriales seu testimo- niales litteras ad efìectum suscipiendi Ordines concedere minime possit. Nil mirum igitur quod Vicarius Generalis Episcopi Aurelia- nensis quattuor sequentia dubia Sacrae Congregationi enodanda proposuerit, nempe: 1540 1. Cum Episcopus obtinuerit facultatem a Sede Apostolica erigendi Confraternitates cum respectivis Indulgentiis, possitne Vi¬ carius Generalis id praestare absque speciali delegatione Episcopi ; 1541 2. Potestne Vicarius Generalis auctoritate ordinaria erigere Confraternitates absque delegatione Episcopi, ita ut erectio sic pe- racta canonica sit; 1542 3. Utrum Vicarius Generalis possit valide concedere litteras testimoniales ac consensum requisitum a Clemente Vili pro aggre- gatione Confraternitatum ; 1543 4. Utrum Vicarius Generalis possit approbare statuta Con¬ fraternitatum. 1544 Quibus Eminentissimi Patres in comitiis generalibus apud Va- ticanas aedes habitis die 20 Julii, 1868, audito Consultoris voto, et re mature perpensa, rescribendum duxerunt: Ad 1 : Negative, nisi Episcopo subdelegandi potestas in Apo¬ stolico indulto concessa fuerit, suumque Vicarium Generalem sub- delegaverit. Ad 2: Negative. Ad 3: Negative. Ad 4 : Negative, et supplicandum Sanctissimo pro sanatione quoad praeteritum. 1545 Et facta de praemissis relatione Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Pio Papae IX in Audientia habita ab infrascripto Cardinali Prae- fecto die 18 Augusti, 1868, Sanctitas Sua resolutionem Sacrae Con- gregationis approbavit et confirmavit, et sanationem erectionum Confraternitatum et approbationum statutorum a Vicariis Genera¬ libus usque ad totum currentem diem 18 Augusti, 1868, factarum, necnon aggregationum quae cum litteris testimonialibus et consensu Questions Answers Approval 12 178* S. C. OF INDULG., 18 AUG., 1 868 — OUTSIDE THE DIOCESE Vicariorum Generalium locum hucusque habuerunt, benigne imper- tita est. Contrariis quibuscumque non obstantibus. A. Card. Bizzarri, Praef. A. Colombo, Seer. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 420. No. 88. 18 August, 1868. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Into a Confraternity erected in a given diocese but aggregated to a Roman Archconfraternity persons outside the diocese can be received. FIRMANA Case proposed Question Answer Approval Hodiernus Director Piae Unionis sub titulo Patrocinii S. Joseph in civitate Firmana, et Archiconfraternitati ejusdem tituli Romae existenti in Ecclesia S. Rochi aggregatae, metuens ne, ob decreta alias edita a suprema Universali Inquisitone, nempe feria V, 17 No¬ vembre, 1689, et feria V, 12 Julii, 1703, adscribi possent eidem Piae Unioni extradioecesani, sacro Tribunali supplicem libellum porrexit. Eminentissimi Patres eundem remitti mandarunt ad Sa¬ crarci Congregationem Indulgentiarum et Sacrarum Reliquiarum, in qua omnibus ad examen revocatis, propositum est sequens dubium : Utrum Pia Unio sub titulo Patrocinii S. Joseph Firmi canonice erecta et legitime aggregata Archiconfraternitati ejusdem tituli de Urbe, possit adscribere extraneos id postulantes. Eminentissimi Patres in Congregatone generali habita in Palato Apostolico Vaticano die 20 Julii, 1868, audito prius Consul- toris voto, reque mature perpensa, rescripserunt: Affirmative, dummodo omnia concurrant quae pro adscriptione requiruntur. Et facta de praemissis relatione Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Pio Papae IX in Audientia habita a me, infrascripto Cardinali Prae- fecto, die 18 Augusti, 1868, Sanctitas Sua resolutionem Sacrae Con¬ gregatone confirmavit. A. Card. Bizzarri, Praef. A. Colombo, Secret. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 422. PIUS IX, 12 OCT., 1869 — S. C. OF 1NDULG., 1739, 1740, 1870 179* 1550 1551 1552 No. 89. 12 October, 1869. Bull APOSTOLiCAE sedis of Pius IX. Unlawful alienation of Church property subjects the offender to excommuni¬ cation. Excommunicationes latae sententiae nemini reservatae... 3. Alienantes et recipere praesumentes bona ecclesiastica absque beneplacito Apostolico, ad formam Extravagantis ambitio- sae, De rebus Ecclesiae non alienandis. Collectanea prop, fid., II. 31. No. 90. 1739, 1740, 1870. Decrees of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Indul¬ gences for the Six Sundays of St. Aloysius. Indulgence plénière, chacun des six dimanches qui précèdent immédiatement la fète du Saint (21 juin), ou de six autres diman¬ ches consécutifs de l’année au choix des fidèles. Ceux qui veulent participer aux dites Indulgences doivent, chacun de ces dimanches, recevoir les Sacrements de Pénitence et d’Eucharistie et faire en l’honneur du Saint quelques pieuses considérations ou des prières vocales, ou d’autres oeuvres de piété chrétienne. La Confession et la Communion peuvent se faire dès le samedi, ainsi que le décret de la Sacrée Congrégation du 6 Octobre, 1870, le déclare formellement ; mais les autres oeuvres prescrites doivent se faire le dimanche mème. Beringer, les indulgences, I. 421. i8o* PIUS IX, 31 MARCH, 1876 — HOLY OFFICE, 6 DEC., 1876 No. 91. 31 March, 1876. Brief of Pius IX. Indulgences granted for the Little Office of Our Lady Immaculate. Le 17 décembre, 1875, la Congrégation des Rites l’approuva 1553 solennellement, et Pie IX, par un bref du 31 mars, 1876, y attacha ^Indulgence que nous mentionnons ici: Indulgence: 300 jours, chaque fois que Ton récite cet Office. BeRINGER, LES INDULGENCES, I . 206. • ' ' * No. 92. 6 December, 1876. Decree of the Holy Office. The admission into Confrater¬ nities of the departed,\ of children and of those unaware of their being proposed is not permitted. Questions Answers Cum Rector Venerabilis Archiconfraternitatis universalis sub titulo vulgo Di nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore di Gesù haec tria proposuisset dubia, nempe: 1. Possono i fedeli essere ascritti come socii all’Archiconfrater- *554 nita di Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore dopo seguita la loro morte? 2. Possono essere ascritti i fedeli anche a loro insaputa? 1555 3. Possono essere annoverati fra i soci anche i bambini che i55 6 ancora non hanno l’uso di ragione? Eminentissimi Domini responderunt : 1557 Ad 1 et 2: Negative; Ad 3: Non expedire. Collectanea prop, fidei, II. 362, No. 1981, Note. S. C. OF INDULG., 12 JAN., 23 NOV., 1878 l8l* No. 93. 12 January, 1878. * Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Indul¬ gences may not be added to those of a Sodality unless new conditions are prescribed. QUITENSIS *558 1. Potestne Episcopus vel alius quicumque Praelatus eidem actui pietatis si ve eidem pio Sodali tio cui a Romano Pontificejam Indulgentiae, sive plenariae sive partiales, concessae sunt, alias In- dulgentias adj ungere? ... *559 Sacra Congregatio respondendum duxit ut infra: Ad 1 : Negative, nisi novae conditiones adimplendae praescri- bantur. I 5 6 ° Facta autem per me, infrascriptum Sacrae Congregationis Se- cretarium, Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Pio Papae IX relatione in Audientia habita die 12 Januarii, 1878, Sanctitas Sua praedictas re- sponsiones probavit et publicari mandavit. A. Card. Oreglia a S. Stephano, Praef. A. Panici, Secret. Decreta auhtentica s. c. indulg., No. 433. No. 94. 23 November, 1878. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. A Vicar Capitular is not to erect Conf 'raternities , consent to their aggregation or approve their Rules. CONGREGATIONIS PRETIOSISSIMI SANGUINIS 15 61 Cum in Aurelianensi diei 18 Augusti, 1868, ab hac Sacra Con- gregatione Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praeposita declaratum fuerit Vicarios Generales in erigendis Confraternitatibus, earundem statutis approbandis, ac Iitteris testimonialibus pro ipsarum aggre- gatione concedendis, juxta dementis Vili Consti tutionem quae inci¬ pit: quaecumque a sede apostolica, haud pollere potestate ordinaria, sed speciali indigere delegatione; in dubium fuerunt etiam revoca- Question Answer Approval Reason of doubt Questions Answers Approval Presence usually required 182 * S. C. OF INDULG., 26 NOV., 1880 — ENROLMENT IN ABSENCE tae Vicarii Capitularis quoad praedicta facultates. Unde Superior Generalis Congregationis Pretiosissimi Sanguinis preces huic Sa- crae Congregationi porrexit ad hoc ut sequentia dubia dignetur resolvere : 1. Potestne Vicarius Capitularis erigere Confraternitates, ita ut 1563 erectio sic peracta canonica sit? 2. Utrum Vicarius Capitularis possit valide concedere litteras 1563 testimoniales ac consensum requisitum a Clemente VIII pro aggre- gatione Confraternitatum ; 3. Utrum Vicarius Capitularis possit approbare statuta Con- 1564 fraternitatum. In Congregatione generali habita in Palatio Apostolico Vati- i 5 6 5 cano die 15 Novembris, 1878, Eminentissimi Patres rescripserunt : Ad 1, 2 et 3: Vicarius Capitularis se abstineat. Facta de iis omnibus per me, infrascriptum dictae Sacrae Con- 1566 gregationis Secretarium, Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Leoni Pa- pae XIII in Audientia diei 23 Novembris, 1878, relatione, Sancti- tas Sua Sacrae Congregationis resolutionem benigne approbavit. A. Card. Oreglia a S. Stephano, Praef. A. Panici, Secret. Decreta authentica s. c. indulg., No. 438. No. 95. 26 November, 1880. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The re¬ ception into Confraternities of those not present. , * URBIS ET ORBIS I : ’ 1 Quum fidelium piis Sodalitatibus adscriptio per se actus sit 1567 religionis et pietatis, adeo ut dies qua fidelis piae alicui Societati inscribitur plerumque a Sancta Sede Indulgentiis ditata sit, decet omnino ut ipsa inscriptio serio ac devote certo aliquo modo fiat ac debita forma. Quamquam vero ad hoc per se non requiratur necessario personalis praesentia, quum etiam gravissima negotia inter absentes per litteras vel interpositam personam perfici pos- sint, tamen ipsa personalis praesentia ex generali regula jure exi- gitur, ut adscribendorum devotioni potius quam numero consulatur, ac pluribus abusibus via praecludatur... S. C. OF INDULG., 26 NOV., l88o — ENROLMENT IN ABSENCE 183 * 1568 i. Primo itaque, juxta mentem Eminentissimorum Patrum, di- stinguendum est inter Sodalitates pro universo orbe Catholico ac Sodalitates pro certa tantum dioecesi vel regione canonice erectas. 1569 Relate ad quas fideles qui extra limites locali Sodalitati con¬ stitutes commorantur absentes dicuntur ; imo vero non simpliciter absentes sed etiam extranei dici possunt. 1570 2. Sodalitates etiam universales, relate ad quas nulli sunt primo hoc sensu absentes seu extranei, nequeunt in Confratres admittere simpliciter absentes; scilicet requiritur ex jure adscribendorum per- 1571 sonalis praesentia. At nullatenus mens fuit decreti earn restringere ad locum ubi Sodalitas canonice erecta propriam habet sedem ac 1572 centrum; sed sufficit adscribendorum praesentia coram quocumque qui, quocumque in loco, delegatam vel subdelegatam legitime ha- 1573 beat adscribendi facultatem : non sufficit vero moralis, interpretativa vel repraesentativa praesentia per litteras ayt alio quovis modo, per interpositas etiam personas. 1574 3. Quamvis generatim relate ad communicationem Indulgenza- rum communes pro quavis Societate latae sint leges, praesertim in Constitutione dementis VIII quaecumque, tamen relate ad legem de non adscribendis absentibus ejusque exceptiones, aequum est distinguere inter Sodalitia quae strictiori sensu collegia dici pos¬ sunt, ut esse solent pleraeque proprii nominis Confraternitates ad modum organici corporis constitutae, et Sodalitia quae laxiori modo sociali vinculo colligantur, ut esse solent plures etiam Con¬ fraternitates et pleraeque piae Associationes, Congregationes, Ag- 1575 gregationes, Uniones ac Pia Opera, ut vocant. Inter plura discri¬ mina, quae ad praesentem scopum non refert nec facile est accu- ratius inquirere, illud maxime ad rem pertinet advertere, quod stri¬ ctiori sensu Collegia seu proprii nominis Confraternitates, et Soda¬ litia quae ad illas in organica sui constitutione magis accedunt, so- leant, etiam juxta proprias leges, pro Sodalium inscriptione certam aliquam habere formam cum aliqua solemnitate ac ritu, ut publica candidatorum petitio ac praesentatio, probatio aliqua et novitiatus, vel saltern impositio habitus, scapularis, cincturae, quae ex sui na¬ tura personalem praesentiam requirunt. 1576 Pro hujusmodi itaque Sodalitatibus, cujuscumque sint nominis, nulla praesenti declaratione datur generalis ac ordinaria exceptio a lege de non adscribendis absentibus: tantum conceditur earum Moderatoribus eorumque delegatis ut in casibus singularibus dispen¬ sare possint a statuta forma inter praesentes, ac absentes etiam per singularem seu extraordinariam exceptionem rite adscribere.... 1577 Hanc vero Sacrae Congregationis instructionem et declaratio- nem Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Leo Papa XIII, in Audientia Absence in local associations In general associations Different kinds of associations Bodies that have set formalities in receptions Approval Preamble Tercentenary Plenary Indulgence 184 * LEO XIII, 27 MAY, 1884 — TERCENTENARY HEAD SODALITY ab infrascripto Cardinali ejusdem Congregationis Praefecto die 26 mensis Novembris, 1880, habita, benigne approbavit et promulgari mandavit, ac sanatis prius, si quae factae fuerint, irritis absentium 1578 adscriptionibus, decretum diei 13 Aprilis, 1878, in posterum juxta praesentem benignam interpretationem et dispositivam declaratio- nem observari praecepit. A. Card. Oreglia a S. Sephano, Praef. Pius Delicati, Secret. Decreta auhtentica s. c. indulg., No. 433. No. 96. 27 May, 1884. Brief frugiferas of Leo XIII. Favors are granted for the ter• centenay of the canonical erection of the prima-primaria as head of all. LEO papa xiii % AD FUTURAM REI MEMORIAM Frugiferas inter Sodalitates quae in Deiparae Virginis hono- 1579 rem sunt ubique terrarum institutae, principem procul dubio locum obtinet quae prima-primaria appellatur, et ipso nomine prodit quantum amplitudine caeteris antecellit. Haec enim Congregatio, per Apostolicas sub Piscatoris annulo datas litteras a Gregorio XIII, praedecessore Nostro sanctae memoriae, ad invocationem Beatae Mariae Virginis ab Angelo salutatae canonice primum erecta, So- dalium frequentia jugiter conspicua, Indulgentiarumque thesauris per Romanos Pontifices ditata, ea incrementa suscepit ut in uni¬ versum terrarum orbem sese brevi, Deo favente, exenderet atque ad praesens omnibus in regionibus, magno etiam terrae marisque intervallo disjunctis, filiales ejusdem nominis et insti tuti Congrega- tiones reperiantur. Nunc autem cum die quinta mensis Decembris hujus vertentis 1580 anni canonicae Congregationis ejusdem erectionis centenaria solemni- tas tertia vice recurrat, dilectus filius Antonius Maria Anderledy, Vicarius Generalis Societatis Jesu, enixas Nobis adhibuit preces ut coelestes Ecclesiae thesauros, quorum dispensatores Nos esse voluit Altissimus, hac auspicatissima occasione reserare dignaremur. Nos autem piis hisce votis obsecundare, quantum in Domino 1581 possumus, volentes, de Omnipotentis Dei misericordia, ac BB. Petri LEO XIII, 27 MAV, 1884 — TERCENTENARY HEAD SODALITY 185 * et Pauli, Apostolorum ejus, auctoritate confisi, omnibus et singulis, turn Clericis Regularibus ex eadem Societate Jésu turn Sodalibus dictam Sodalitatem Deiparae Virginis ab Angelo salutatae inscriptis vel pro tempore inscribendis, qui, vel die quinta Decembris mensis hujus anni vel die per singularum hujusmodi Congregationum Mo* deratores statuendo — non tamen ultra limites adventantis anni mdccclxxxv, quo centenaria solemnitas celebrabitur — respectivae Congregations Ecclesiam vel Sacellum, vere poenitentes et con¬ fessi ac Sacra Communione refecti, devote visitaverint, ibique pro Christianorum Principum concordia, haeresum extirpatione, pecca- torum conversione ac Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae exaltatione pias ad Deum preces effuderint, dummodo novemdiali supplicationi eidem solemnitati praemittendae saltern quinquies adstiterint, plenariam omnium peccatorum suorum Indulgentiam et remissionem, etiam animabus Christi fidelium in Purgatorio detentis per modum suffragii applicabilem, misericorditer in Domino concedimus atque elargimur. 1582 Ut autem Christi fideles caelestium munerum hujusmodi faci- lius valeant esse participes, de Apostolica Nostra auctoritate per praesentes facultatem tribuimus ac elargimur ex qua respectivi locorum in quibus Congregationes supramemoratae canonice erectae extant Antistites aliquot Presbyteros, saeculares vel regulares, ad excipiendas ipsorum sacramentales Confessiones alias approbatos deputare licite valeant, qui eosdem Christi fideles, eorundem Con* fessionibus diligenter auditis, ab omnibus quibuscumque excessibus, 15 8 3 criminibus et casibus, necnon excommunicatione aliisque ecclesia- sticis censuris ac poenis desuper inflictis, Romano Pontifici vigore Constitutions a felicis memoriae Pio Papa IX, quarto idus Octo- bris, mdcclxix, editae, quae incipit apostolicae sedis modera¬ tion^ quomodolibet reservatis, exceptis casibus sub articulo primo» septimo ac decimo excommunicationum latae sententiae speciali modo Romano Pontifici reserva tarum, item sub numeris tertio, sexto, octavo, nono ac decimo excommunicationum latae sententiae Romano Pontifici reservatarum ejusdem Constitutionis — pro quibus reser- vationem in suo piene robore manere volumus — imposita cuilibet arbitrio suo poenitentia salutari, in foro conscientiae tantum absol- 1584 vere, votaque simplicia in aliud pium opus, eorum similiter arbitrio et prudentia, commutare possint. 1585 Clericis vero supradictis e Societate Jesu necnon praefatis So¬ dalibus aliqua corporis infirmitate seu alio quocumque impedimento detentis, qui supra expressa vel eorum aliqua praestare nequiverint, ut illa Confessarli jam approbati in alia pietatis opera commutare possint, eaque inj ungere quae ipsi poenitentes efficere valeant pa- riter concedimus et indulgemus. Confessors Power to commute i86* FR. VIC. GEN. ANDERLEDV, 8 JUNE, 1884 — HISTORY Confirmatory Non obstantibus Nostra ac Cancellarle Apostolicae regula de 1586 clause non concedendis Indulgentiis ad instar, aliisque Constitutionibus et Ordinationibus Apostolicis, caeterisque contrariis quibuscumque. Praesentibus hac vice tantum valituris. l S&7 Copies Volumus autem ut praesentium litterarum transsumptis seu exem- 1588 plis, etiam impressis, manu alicujus notarii publici subscriptis, et sigillo personae in ecclesiastica dignitate constitutae praemunitis, eadem prorsus adhibeatur tides quae adhiberetur ipsis praesentibus, si forent exhibitae vel ostensae. Datum Romae, apud S. Petrum, sub annulo Piscatoris die xxvii Maji, MDcccLxxxim, Pontificati! s Nostri anno septimo. Fl. Card. Chisius. General archives s. j., Instit. 36. VIII. A single printed sheet , with the authentication of Father Vicar-General An- derledy. No. 97. 8 June, 1884. Letter of Father Vicar-General Anderledy to the Society of Jesus. To oppose evil Societies, Sodalities are to be fostered, especially among the young; history of the Sodality. Sodality to be fostered Opposition to evil Societes Principem inter has [Jesuit associations ] locum obtinet Soda- 1589 litas Beatae Virginis Mariae. Quare obsecuturos nos esse exi- stimo Vicarii Christi voluntati, si omni qua fieri potest opera et studio virorum, juvenum ac puerorum Sodalitates, quae Almae Dei Matris nomine ac praesidio teguntur, instituere, institutisque curam omnem adhibere satagamus. Neque sine numine evenisse videtur 1590 ut annus qui ab instituta Congregatione prima-primaria trecente- simus est idem sit quo Sanctissimus Dominus Leo XIII rationem nos edocet dimicandi contra pestiferas hujus temporis ac tenebri- cosas Societates. Ruinam hae rei Christianae meditantur, Virginea vero Mater, Auxilium Christianorum, cunctas haereses sola inte- remit in universo mundo. Acuere hie eventus industriam debet. Et cum haec declinare soleat tempore ipso et labentibus annis torpe- scere, incitandus animus est redeundo in memoriam pristini tem¬ poris, quo summi illius aetatis viri quanta sit Sodalitatum Beatae Virginis Mariae vis et efficacia exemplo denuntiant. FR. VIC. GEN. ANDERLEDY, 8 JUNE, 1884 — HISTORY 187 * 159 1 Saeculo septimo decimo ex primae-primariae Sodalitio prodie- , rant octoginta Eminentissimi Cardinales, quorum septem ad sum- mam quae in terris est Sedis Apostolicae dignitatem sunt evecti : Urbanus VIII, Alexander VII, Clemens IX et X, Innocentius X et XI, Clemens XI. Nuntii Apostolici nomen Beatae Virginis Sodalitati dederunt Viennae, Pragae, Coloniae. In hac quidem urbe testem se, anno 1660, fuisse narrat P. Crasset contionis Sodalium qui erant primores et capita civium, quibusque praefuit ipse Nuntius Apostolicus. Mediolani Cardinalis Fridericus Borromaeus puerorum, juvenum, virorum Sodalitatem instituit. Neapoli Sodalitas Dei Ma- tris initium duxit a pietate Nuntii Apostolici, trium Episcoporum, duorum Principimi, a totius rei maritimae Praefecto, Ducibus duo- bus, aliisque viris nobilissimis. 1592 Longum esset aliorum, qui in aliis regionibus eadem pietate splenduerunt, nomina referre. Silentio tamen praetereundi non sunt Sigismundus III, Poloniae et Stieciae rex, principes Bavariae Phi- lippus et Ferdinandus, dux Sabaudiae, qui cum tribus filiis, anno 1602, Sodalitati adscribi petiit. Coloniae Sodalitii praefectum se eligi passus est, anno 1639, Maximilianus Henricus, dux Bavariae. 1593 Ladislaus IV, Poloniae rex, nomen Sodalitati dedit Lovaniensi, aliamque Varsaviae institutam voluit. Cujus frater, et ipse Poloniae ac Sueciae rex, Joannes Casimirus, in Sodalitatem cooptari petiit Var- saviensem; defensor piorum hujus generis coetuum declarari voluit; tam ipse quam frater ejus Ferdinandus alterni eligebantur prae- fecti Sodalitii Varsaviensis, quod fide ac pietate eximia illustrarunt. 1594 Archiducibus Austriae consuetudo fuit honore ornari ac titulo 1595 Sodalium. Imperator Ferdinandus II nomen albo Sodalitatis inscribere ipse voluit, cum esset Rex quidem, nondum vero Imperator. Quae scripsit ita in albo leguntur: “Anno Domini 1618, die septima Novembris, Ferdinandus, Ungariae Bohemiaeque Rex, Archidux Austriae, Sodalis Beatissimae Dei Genitricis Virginis Mariae scripsit, 159 6 sub cujus praesidio se semper commendat ”. Idem, cum esset Im¬ perator, iterum albo nomen apposuit, omnemque in Matre Dei fi- duciam collocans, earn sollemniter declaravit suorum exercituum x 597 Imperatricem Supremam. Ferdinandus III in Sodalitatem Lovanien- sem receptus, haec scripto declaravit: “ Illius ego coetus sub in¬ vocatone tua congregati, Augustissima Maria, me libens et merito unum profiteor. Tibi ego me meosque, conjugem et liberos, tibi Romanum imperium, cui me Deus praefecit, tibi regna a majo- ribus accepta, tibi tutelaeque tuae populum et exercitus meos, tibi tuoque Filio militantes, committo. Tu me in tuum admitte, qui Filio tuo, qui tibi, qui utriusque honori vivo, regno, pugno. Tuus igitur ero, Maria, tui erunt quicumque mei, tua erunt di- Great men of the Sodality : Popes and great Churchmen Kings and princes Poland Austria 188 * FR. VIC. GEN. ANDERLEDy, 8 JUNE, 1884 — HISTORY France Spain Portugal Fruits of Sodalities First Sodalities tiones et regna mea et Imperium, tui populi et exercitus. Tu eos protege, tu iis vince, tu in iis regna et impera. Ita voveo tuus pietate et justitia. MDCXL. Ferdinandus. ” Innumera virorum nobilissimorum exempla hujus generis reg j 1598 na Galliae et Hispaniae praebent. HenricusBorbonius, anno 1621, 1599 in Sodalitate Parisiensi Beatae Virginis cultui se dedicavit. Cujus 1600 exemplum secutus, Antonius Borbonius eidem Sodalitio praefectus est. Duo alii ex stirpe regia principes, Ludovicus et Armandus, 1601 Deiparae Sodales propter eximiam pietatem suspiciebantur. Quo- 1602 rum exemplum duodecim clarissimi principes imitati sunt. Taceo 1603 tot ardentes animorum studio praecones evangelicos, quorum no¬ mina inter Sodales Parisienses relata inveniuntur; taceo alios quam 1604 plurimos, Principes, Duces, regni administros, administratores rei publicae, rei militaris praefectos, qui huic se pietatis cultui dedi- caverunt. Praeclarum quod Hispania edidit facinus, omissis bene mul- 1605 tis, commemoro, quod unum aequiparandum est quam plurimis. Ipsum supremum Castiliae Consilium, in Hispania illustre ac cele- berrimum, in Sodalitium cooptatum, totum se in famulatum dedit Matris Divini Salvatoris. Eminebat hoc Consilium nobilitate, do- ctrina, dignitate atque experientia rerum. Ex quo eventu conjectura assequi licet, quanto in honore Beatae Virginis cultum posuerit gens Hispana, quotque imitatrices nacta fuerit tam nobilis Soda- litas. Similem Lusitania laudem est consecuta, cujus cultui Mariano 1606 suum decus est in Joanne IV, qui, anno 1643, in palatio regio So- dalitatem esse voluit juvenum aulae regiae, quorum ipse praefectus cum esset, non raro de re pia sermonem ad juvenes, nobilitate conspicuos, habuit. Et haec quidem de clarorum Sodalium numero. Longe pluris 1607 tamen aestimandi sunt fructus qui sub Divinae Matris tutela ac praesidio in hisce coetibus enascuntur. Recte annalium Societatis nostrae monumenta haec perhibent: Nihil ad levandas mortalium, calamitates et constantem publicae pietatis fructum esse validius quam si concordes multorum animi, vinculo communi virtutis ad stricti, amice in rem aliquam conspirarent. (Juvencius, Historia S. J., p. V, 1 . 16, n. 31). Quod dictum eventus comprobavit. Momentum inaestimabile, ita narrat Sacchinus noster, per omnes 1608 ferme terrarum oras privatae publicaeque pietati fecit Sodalitatum institutio hominum cujusvis ordinis, etiam non discentium. Jam tempore S. Ignatii, anno 1554, nonnulli ex hoc genere 1609 inchoati coetus erant, ac nominatim Neapoli sub titulo Venerationis SS. Sacramenti (Sacchini, Historia S. J., p. V, 1 . 7, n. 1). FR. VIC. GEN. ANDERLEDY, 8 JUNE, 1884 — HISTORY 189* 1610 Progressu temporis, Panormitana inter nobiles maxime adolevit Sodalitas, ex qua in omni genere pietatis fructus effloruere multi 1611 atque praeclari; et inde in Hispaniam ipsi propagati sunt ejusdem formae coetus. Praeclara in conciliandis dissidentibus, sublevandis calamitosis, defendenda innocentia, ad haec in domorum singularum disciplina, per eum conventum effecit Deus. 1612 Alia subinde alibi instituta Sodalitia sunt non solum nobilium, sed et Sacerdoturn et mediorum civium et opificum ac plebis etiam rusticanae, ad alia super alia conflanda industriam excitante suc- 1613 cessu, qui plane spem superabat. Namque ex his aliquanto etiam major quam e scholasticis fructus exstabat, quod, ut aetatis firmi- . tate scholasticos auctoritateque praeibant, ita et ibi firmius ad vir- tutem informabantur, et ad alienum profectum plus habebant momenti, sive exemplo sive conatu, quia totae in uno patrefamilias domus emendabantur, communi cum civitatum emolumento, quarum publi- cae res recte habent, cum privatae in bono sunt statu (Ibidem). 1614 Romana nobilium Sodalitas, praeter pietatis in Deum exerci- tationes, hoc sibi proprium et peculiare sumpsit, ut civium dissi- dia magno religionis et civitatis emolumento componeret (Juven- 1615 cius, Hist. S. J., p. V, 1 . 16, n. 32). Ejus quoque industria licentiae cui populus indulgere solet triduo quod est ante Quadragesimae jejunium frenos injecit Horarum Quadraginta comprecatione, quae 1616 peracta est magno apparatu, splendore ac magnificentia. Suis etiam nobilium coetus famulis consuluit ac providit, ut etiam hi in con¬ ventum coacti propriis exercitationibus excolerentur. 1617 Exemplum ab hac Sodalitate aliae petierunt, quae Romae in lucem editae sunt non mediocri aegrotantium quibus in nosocomiis, et vinctorum quibus in carceribus curam adhibebant, fomento atque solatio. 1618 Hispali pia e fori principibus Sodalitas conflata anno 1608. Haec autem id assecuta est, ut, tutela aequitatis palam strenueque suscepta, jus quisque suum obtineret (Juvencius, 1 . c., 34). 1619 Neapoli, circa annum 1610, piscatores quadringenti in coetum collecti, optimis ita moribus enituerunt ut cives in admirationem raperentur (Juvencius, 1 . c., n. 33). 1620 Granatae coetus Marianus Sodales trecentos numerabat, qui, cum operam darent xenodochiis, collocandis honeste vjrginibus et sublevandis stipe egenis, insigni exstiterunt ci vi tati exemplo (Ju¬ vencius, 1. c., n. 34). 1621 Angrae, in ditione Lusitana, anno 1588, natum Sodalitium Bea- tae Virginis Mariae, cui nomen dedit qui praefuit. non urbi tantum, sed toti insulae Terceira. Cum eo tribuni, centuriones et lectissimi quique militares in eam societatem recipi postularunt, utilità te ma- Various classes Sodality of nobles at Rome Followed by others Seville Naples Granada Angra Chile and China General results America Women Sodality work now Especially with the young 190* FR. VIC. GEN. ANDERLEDV, 8 JUNE, 1884 — HISTORY xima cohortis universae. Cum enim milites in magna securitate parique abundantia viverent, tamen ex quo piam divinae Matri servitutem erant professi, tarn mirabilis vitae morumque innocentia emicuit ut vere dici posset legionarios sub signis atque in castris vix temperantia, castimonia caritateque in Deum coenobitis, disci- plinam claustrorum longo jam usu tolerantibus, concessisse (Sac- chini, p. V, 1 . 9, n. 226). Pares pietatis fructus regio Chilensis et imperium Sinense tuie- 1622 runt (V. Sacchini). Portento autem simile videtur quod S. Alphonsus de Ligorio 1623 (Glorie di Maria, p. 2, osseq. 7) asserit. Generatim, ait, pluribus peccatis unum hominem obnoxium esse qui non frequentat Sodali- ates, quam viginti alios qui saepe Beatae Virginis Mariae conven- tibus intersunt. Neque aetas nostra hujus generis fructibus vacua dicenda est, 1624 cum meminerim coetus in America et alibi millium virorum, qui ad sacra percipienda quovis mense accederent. In illis regionibus Patres nostri primam Societatis aetatem imitati sunt, in qua sollemne fuit ad Sodalitia, quae nostri moderabantur, aditum praecludere feminis. Cognita haec sunt et rerum gestarum monumentis signata. Haec enim scribit Sacchinus (p. V, 1 . 7, n. 6). Multae haud semel nec una in civitate contenderunt matronae, 1625 ut ipsis quoque liceret in hujus generis convenire coetus; sed res nullo modo probata est. Adeo ut ne coetibus quidem quos alicubi ad catechismum promovendum certae habebant pietatis perspectae feminae, quempiam sociorum interesse placuerit. Ad haec, quae per Sodalitates Beatae Virginis Mariae olim 1626 assecuta est nostra Societas, animum si referamus, hisque coetibus adhibeamus sollertiam ac diligentiam, dubitandum non est, quin pari studio pares etiam fructus percepturi simus. Hac vero aetate nostra in juvenes opera quam maxima confe- 1627 renda est; ubi licet, in Collegiis; ubi vero legibus prohibemur, saltern in Sodalitiis Beatae Virginis, in quibus consociare eos, ad omnem erudire pietatem et munire contra errores ac vitiorum illecebras omni studio satagamus. Curam juvenum, quod probe scio, Summus Pontifex vehementer exoptat, et cum in sancto hoc officii genere operam ponere Institute nostro legibusque jubeamur, illud singu- lari nobis hortatione commendai Hac de causa, quamvis dixerim de pueris Christiana doctrina instituendis, hoc loco de iisdem et juvenibus moneo congregandis in Sodalitatibus. Cum enim nihil sit tam tenerum, tarn flexibile, quod magis pro 1628 arbitrio fingatur, quam juventus, hanc, quae spes est societatis hu- manae, fidei vigiliaeque Episcoporum majorem in modum Vicarius FR. VIC. GEN. ANDERLEDY, 8 JUNE, 1884 — HISTORY 191* Christi, Leo XIII, commendat. “ Partem curarum vestrarum, ” ita jubet Summus Pontifex, “ in ejus (juventutis) institutione maximam ponite; nec providentiam putetis ullam fore tantam quin sit adhi- benda major, ut iis adolescens aetas prohibeatur et scholis et ma- gistris unde pestilens sectarum afflatus metuatur. ” 1629 Haec etiam nobis praecepta esse apud animum reputemus. No¬ strum enim est aetatem colere puerorum, quae opinionibus imbui- tur nullo negotio, tam pravis quam salutiferis, et in qua elaboran- dum est ut pietas adversus Deum et virtus terrenum amorem vi- tiaque praevertat. Litteras enim ea de causa docemus ut adole- scentes, una cum litteris, mores etiam Christianis dignos in primis hauriant, ferrique eorum qui docent intentio debet, ad teneras ado- lescentium mentes obsequio et amori Dei ac virtutum, quibus ei piacere oportet, praeparandas (Reg. i. Comm. Prof. Class. Inf.). Ad Conditoris quippe ac Redemptoris nostri cognitionem atque amo- rem ii quibus disciplinas tradimus excitandi sunt. (Rat. Stud., Reg. i. Prov.). 1630 Quare, si quo pacto possumus, ad normam Encyclicae Pontifi- Secret ciae, opportune commonere alumnos de clandestinarum societatum societies flagitiosa natura oportebit, et ut mature cavere discant artes frau- dulentas et varias quas earum propagatores usurpare ad illaquean- 1631 dos homines consueverunt. Et cum usus in nonnullis Societatis Collegiis invaluerit ut spondeant nulli se hujus generis societati nomen daturos, quo plenius hoc assequamur, studia nostra perfe- ctiore ea regula metiamur quae in Apostolicis Litteris ita legitur : “ Immo qui adolescentulos ad sacra percipienda rite erudiunt non inepte fecerint, si adducant singulos ut statuant ac recipiant, in- scientibus parentibus, aut non auctore vel curione vel conscientiae judice, nulli se unquam Societati obligaturos ”. 1632 Gravitas rei efìecit ut immoderatius fortasse de Sodalitatibus Tercentenary dicerem. Cum enim Breve Sanctissimi Domini Leonis Papae XIII Congregationi primae-primariae concessum sit, anno hoc canonicae ejus institutionis trecentesimo, quo, facta Indulgentiarum cumulatis- sima largitione, facultates quae Jubilaei tempore tribui solent be¬ nignissime suppeditantur, vos, Reverendi Patres et Fratres in Chri¬ sto carissimi, rogandos, recreandos atque cohortandos esse duxi, posito ante oculos exemplo majorum, ut tantae gratiae, tam insi- gnis Pontificiae benevolentiae fructus quam uberrimos capere et Christi Vicarii spem de vobis conceptam implere ardenti studio conemini. EpISTOLAE GENERAL 1 UM, IV. 8-18. S. C. OF INDULG., 23 JUNE, 1885 — GRANTS 192 * No. 98. 23 Giugno, 1885. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Facul¬ ties are given for erecting Sodalities not in Jesuit Houses or Churches ; these Sodalities are exempted from the Bull quaecumque ; power is granted for the Director to dele¬ gate ; sanation of defects in erections , aggregations and receptions. BEATISSIME PATER : Previous powers Non-Jesuit Sodalities Petition of Fr. Fortis Granted Power to erect omitted Needed Antonius Maria Anderledy, Vicarius Generalis Societatis Jesu, ad 1633 pedes Sanctitatis Tuae provolutus, demississime exponit plures Sum- mos Pontifices amplas jampridem Praepositis hujus Societatis Gene- ralibus concessisse facultates pro erigendis et aggregandis piis Con- gregationibus, turn Beatae Mariae Virgini sacris, turn a Bona Morte nuncupatis, atque in earundem Sodales Indulgentias plurimas et privilegia, magna benevolentia, contulisse. Quibus beneficiis spiri- tualibus eo quidem tempore multi Christi fideles facile participes esse poterant quo Societas plurimum per omnes terras esset pro¬ pagata, licet tunc facultates erigendi et aggregandi praedictas Con- gregationes, Praepositis Generalibus concessae, ad Ecclesias Do- mosque sub Societatis cura constitutas essent restrictae. Post tristes vero praecedentis et hujus saeculi ineuntis vicissi- 1634 tudines, numerus illarum Congregationum quae ab ipsa Societate dirigebantur valde fuit imminutus. Quare permultae Congregatio- nes externae, a Societate Jesu non dependentes, ut Primariis respe¬ ctive Congregationibus Romanis aggregarentur flagitabant. Quibus 1635 desideriis ut pro viribus satisfaceret, P. Aloysius Fortis, tunc Prae- positus Generalis, supplicavit felicis recordationis Leoni Papae XII ut facultates olim concessas opportune augeret atque extenderet. Summus Pontifex, his precibus benigne annuens, pro Congregatio- 1636 nibus a Bona Morte dictis potestatem turn erigendi turn aggregandi, ut petebatur, ad Congregationes etiam extra Societatis Ecclesias constitutas extendit. Quod autem ad Congregationes Beatae Mariae Virginis spectat, 1637 malo fato accidit ut in supplici libello quo facultas aggregandi ad PRiMAM-PRiMARiAM Collegii Romani externas quascumque Congre¬ gationes petebatur, de erigendi potestate mentio non esset facta. Quae tamen erigendi etiam facultas ad rite exsequendam ag- 1638 gregationem vix non videtur esse necessaria. Permultae enim, ma- S. C. OF INDULG., 23 JUNE, 1885 — GRANTS 193 * xime hisce ultimis temporibus, ejusmodi Congregationes Beatae Mariae Virginis sacrae magno cum animarum fructu ubique terra- rum extra Societatis Domos sunt institutae et Primariae Collegii Romani aggregatae. Saepissime etiam nunc, et hoc praesertim Ju- bilaei anno, aggrega tiones petuntur fere quotidie. Attamen, expe- rientia teste, ex ignorantia legum vel inadvertentia nimis facile fit ut inter erectionem canonicam praerequisitam et aggregationem vix distinguatur, ita ut ex petitionibus Praeposito Societatis oblatis difficilius constare possit de certa erectione ab Ordinario loci facta. Quare vel longiore molestave inquisitone res protrahuntur, vel timendum est ne aggregationes a Societatis Praeposito expeditae fundamento necessario careant, neve Indulgentiarum communicatio reddatur dubia aut nulla. 1639 Ideo praedictus orator Sanctitatem Tuam enixe rogat ut, ad complendas illas facultates, sibi et successoribus suis potestatem quoque erigendi (exserendam semper, ut patet, cum respectivi Or- dinarii consensu) quascumque Beatae Mariae Virginis Congregatio¬ nes etiam extra Societatis Domos seu Ecclesias benigne concedere dignetur. 1640 Et quoniam jampridem Summi Pontifices, imprimis bonae me¬ moriae Benedictus Papa XIV in Bulla Aurea gloriosae dominae, data die 27 Septembris, 1748, turn re ipsa turn verbis explicits et amplissimis, primam-primariam Collegii Romani et Congregationes omnes ei aggrega tas a Constitutione quaecumque felicis recorda- tionis Clements VIII, super modo et forma Confraternitates eri¬ gendi et aggregandi edita, eo consilio exemerant ut latius faciliusque propagarentur pluresque fideles gratiarum illis concessarum pos- sent esse participes, Sanctitas Tua, ad praescindenda dubia et dif- ficultates, eandem exemptionem ad externas quoque Congregationes Beatae Mariae Virginis, jam erectas et ad quascumque Societates, Confraternitates seu Congregationes Primariae aggregatas, si ve cum consensu Ordinarli erigendas et aggregandas, eodem modo velit extendere quo antea pro Congregationibus vel Confraternitatibus constitutis in Societatis Ecclesiis et Domibus vel ejusdem curae commissis fuerat concessa. 1641 Ut deinde alius quoque defectuum fons in posterum occludatur, Sanctitas Tua omnibus ubique Praesidibus, turn Beatae Mariae Vir¬ ginis turn Bonae Mortis Congregationum, gratiose velit permittere ut, ex rationabili causa, alium sibi Sacerdotem, qui, verbi gratia, majoris solemnitatis causa invitetur, substituere possint ad recipien- dos fideles qui adscribi desiderant, ad benedicenda numismata, et alia Praesidum munia exercenda. Petition for it The Quaecumque Faculty to delegate *3 Sanation Grant Changes in Summary 194 * S. C. OF INDULG., 23 JUNE, 1885 — GRANTS Et haec quidem ut in posterum harum Congregationum saluti 164a provideatur. Quo vero certius quae hucusque minus recte acta sunt, ea omnia nunc corrigantur, idem humillimus orator enixe petit ut Sanctitas Tua omnes quarumcumque Congregationum si ve Beatae Mariae Virginis sive Bonae Mortis erectiones et adscriptiones fit delium ad singula Sodalitia, necnon aggregationes quascumque ad Primarias hasce Congregationes Romanas, hucusque cum quolibet defectu peractas, ita benigne sanare dignetur ut fideles, iis non obstantibus, Indulgentias gratiasque concessas luerari possint. Pro qua gratia, etc. Sanctissimus Dominus Noster, Leo Papa XIII, in Audientia 1643 habita die 23 Junii, 1885, ab infrascripto Secretano Sacrae Congre¬ gation^ Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praepositae, praevia pe- tita sanatione, benigne annuit pro gratia in omnibus juxta preces. Praesenti in perpetuum valituro absque ulla Brevis expeditione. Con- trams quibuscumque non obstantibus. Datum Romae, ex Secretaria ejusdem Congregationis, die 23 Ju¬ nii, 1885. J. B. Card. Franzelin, Praef. Franciscus Della Volpe, Secret. Institutum s. j., I. 430 , ff. No. 99. 23 June, 1885. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Grant of Indulgence for the feast of the Purification ; leave to make to the Sodality Oratory or Chapel the visit required for the Indtdgence of the titular Feast; all Indidgences applicable to the Souls in Purgatory ; a non-Jesuit may be made Director of a Jesuit Sociality. BEATISSIME PATER : Antonius Maria Anderledy, Societatis Jesu Vicarius Generalis, 1644 ad pedes Sanctitatis Tuae humiliter provolutus, Summarium Indul- gentiarum et privilegiorum Congregationi primae-primariae, sub titulo Beatae Mariae Virginis Annuntiatae in Collegio Romano So¬ cietatis Jesu erectae, concessorum denuo approbandum proponit, S. C. OF INDULG., 23 JUNE, 1885 — GRANTS 195 * atque demisse rogat ut in eo sequentes additiones seu modificationes opportunae benigne concedantur, nimirum : 1645 1. Ut ad Festa in quibus Sodales, etc., Indulgentiarn plenariam luerari possunt,-etiam Festum Purificationis Beatae iVIariae Virginis adjungatur; 1646 2. Ut pro Indulgenza in Festo Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis, vel alio titulari Beatae Mariae Virginis Festo, a Sodalibus et omnibus Christi fidelibus lucranda, ad verba: “ Qui Ecclesiam (Sodalitatis.... visitaverint) ” addatur: “ vel Oratorium seu Capel- lam, ” etc. ; 1647 3. Ut Indulgentiae omnes plenariae et partiales declarentur ap- plicabiles defunctis, id quod saltern non pro omnibus erui potest ex documentis concessionis; 1648 4. Sanctitas Tua permittat ut in locis ubi, justis ex causis vel injuria temporum, Praesides Congregationum Beatae Mariae Vir¬ ginis non possunt esse Presbyteri Societatis Jesu, Praepositus Ge- neralis seu Vicarius, vel Superior illius loci, possit delegare alium Sacerdotem ad id muneris, qui tunc omnibus facultatibus privilegiis- que gaudeat quae Praesidibus e Societate sunt concessa. Pro qua gratia, etc. 1649 Sanctissimus Dominus Noster, Leo Papa XIII, in Audientia ha- bita die 23 Junii, 1885, infrascripto Secretario Sacrae Congrega¬ tion^ Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praepositae, benigne annuit pro gratia in omnibus juxta preces, serva tis de jure servandis. Prae- senti in perpetuum valituro, absque ulla Brevis expeditione. Con¬ trariò quibuscumque non obstantibus. Datum Romae, ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 23 Junii, 1885. J. B. Card. Franzelin, Praef. Franciscus della Volpe, Secret. Purification Visit Holy Souls Non-Jesuit Director Grant Institutum s. j., I. 432. Admission Death Feasts Meeting days 196* SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES, 1885 No. 100. 23 June, 1885. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Sum¬ mary of Indulgences and Privileges. SUMMARIUM INDULGENTIARUM ET PRIVILEGIORUM 1650 quae Summi Pontifices concesserunt Congregationi primae-prima- riae sub titulo Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis in Col¬ legio Romano Societatis Jesu erectae caeterisque Congregatio- nibus eidem aggregatis vel aggregandis 1. Indulgentiae pro Sodalibus et Sodalitiorum ministris seu in- 1651 servientibus, donee hujusmodi Congregationum servitiis addicti fuerint A. — INDULGENTIAE PLENARIAE l6 5 2 1. Omnibus et singulis utriusque sexus Christi fidelibus quo 1653 die in Sodalitatem recipiuntur, si vere poenitentes et confessi San- ctissimae Eucharistiae Sacramentum eo die sumpserint in Ecclesia Sodalitatis aut ubicumque potuerint (Gregorius XIII, Bulla omni- potentis dei, 5 Decembris, 1584). 2. Sodalibus et Sodalitiorum ministris seu inservientibus in 1654 mortis articulo constitutis, si vere poenitentes, confessi ac Sacra Communione refecti, vel saltern contriti, Sanctissimum Jesu nomen corde, si ore nequiverint, devote invocaverint. (Idem, loco citato, et Benedictus XIV, Bulla gloriosae dominae, 27 Septembris, 1748). 3. Iisdem vere poenitentibus et confessis, qui 1. Nativitatis, et 2. 1655 Ascensionis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, 3. Immaculatae Conceptio- nis, 4. Nativitatis, 5. Annuntiationis, 6. Purificationis, et 7. Assump- tionis Beatae Mariae Virginis festis diebus Sanctissimum Euchari¬ stiae Sacramentum in Ecclesia Sodalitatis aut alibi acceperint. (Iidem, locis citatis, et Leo XIII, Rescripto Sacrae Congregationis Indulgen- tiarum, 23 Junii, 1885). 4 . Iisdem semel in hebdomada iis diebus quibus, juxta primae- 1656 PRIMARIAE sive aliarum Sodalitatum statuta ac regulas seu consue- tudines, Sodalitii conventus haberi solent, et vere poenitentes et con¬ fessi ac Sacra Communione refecti, Ecclesiam sive Capellam, Orato- rium seu locum uniuscujusque Congregationis visita verint, et ibi pro Christianorum principum concordia, haeresum exstirpatione et Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae exaltatione pias ad Deum preces effude- rint. (Benedictus XIV, Brevi praeclaris romanorum pontificum, 24 Aprilis, 1748, et Bulla gloriosae dominae, 27 Septembris, 1748). SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES, 1885 197* 1657 Quod si pluries in hebdomada ad pia et consueta exercitia con- gregentur, praedicta Indulgenza pro eo die valet qui ad sumendam Sanctissimam Eucharistiam aliaque injuncta opera adimplenda cujus- libet eorum arbitrio eligetur, dummodo tamen die electo, sive ma- tutinis sive vespertinis horis, sive etiam praecedenti vespere, Soda- Hum conventus in consueto Oratorio seu Ecclesia aut loco habeatur. (Benedictus XIV, Bulla gloriosae dominae, 27 Septembris, 1748). 1658 Iidem qui semel aut bis in anno vere poenitentes Generalem Confessionem de peccatis, vel ab ultima Generali Confessione vel a primo rationis usu admissis, expleverint, praefatam Indulgentiam plenariam consequi possunt, quamvis non in propria ipsorum So¬ dalizi, sed in alia Ecclesia, Oratorio, Sacello Eucharisticum Panem percipiant, ibique praescriptas Deo preces offerant. (Idem, loco citato) 1659 5. Omnibus Congregationum Moderatoribus qui ipsarum Con- gregationum Sodales aut ministros infirmos visitaverint eosque spi- ritualibus monitis, sive ad morborum incommoda patienter toleranda sive ad mortem de manu Domini libenter acceptandam, adjuverint, et coram aliqua crucifixi Salvatoris nostri imagine ter saltern Ora. tionem Dominicam et Salutationem Angelicam, juxta Summi Ponti- ficis et Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae mentem, ab ipsis recitari curave- rint, Apostolica auctoritate delegata conceditur ut, quo die iidem infirmi Sanctissimum Eucharistiae Sacramentum sumpserint, ipsis Indulgentiam plenariam, etiam in suffragium defunctorum applican- dam, impertiri possint et valeant. (Idem, loco citato). 1660 6. Sodales et Sodalitiorum ministri seu inservientes consequun- tur omnes Indulgentias Stationum Ecclesiarum Urbis, sive intra sive extra muros illius, si, diebus Quadragesimae et aliis anni temporibus ac diebus hujusmodi Stationum, Ecclesiam Societatis Jesu, si ibi fuerit, alioquin aliam Ecclesiam seu Capellam in locis ubi eos pro tempore esse contigerit, devote visitaverint, et ibi septies Orationem Dominicam et septies Angelicam Salutationem recitaverint. (Bene¬ dictus XIV, Brevi praeclaris romanorum pontificum, 24 Apri- lis, 1748, et Bulla gloriosae dominae, 27 Septembris, 1748). 1661 B - — INDULGENTI A SEPTEM ANNORUM ET TOTIDEM QUADRAGENARUM (Benedictus XIV, Brevi praeclaris romanorum pontificum, 24 Aprilis, 1748, et Bulla gloriosae dominae, 27 Septembris, 1748). 1662 I. Iis qui corpora Sodalium vel aliorum Christi fidelium ad ecclesiasticam sepulturam prosecuti fuerint; 1663 2. Iis qui, quum infirmi sint aut impediti, audito signo cam- panae, genuflexi, si per infirmitatem licebit, Orationem Dominicam If several in the week General Confession Sick Stations of Rome Burial Sick or dead SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES, 1885 T98 * Dead Mass Examen Visits Peace-making et Salutationem Angelicam pro salute animae defuncti vel corporis infirmi recitaverint ; 3. Iis qui coetibus, turn publicis turn privatis, seu Divinis Of- 1664 ficiis, vel spiritualibus colloquiis et exhortationibus, aut piis Officiis, tam in Sodalium quam aliorum Christianorum defunctorum suffra- gium, per ipsam Congregationem ordinandis et ab ejusdem Mode¬ ratore approbandis interfuerint; 4. Iis qui Sacrosancto Missae Sacrificio diebus feriatis inter- 1665 fuerint ; 5. Iis qui conscientiam suam diligenter examinaverint vespere, 1666 antequam cubitum eant; 6. Iis qui pauperes infirmos, tam Sodales quam alios, in ho- 1667 spitalibus vel privatis domibus visitaverint ; 7. Iis qui carcere detentos visitaverint; 1668 8. Iis qui pacem inter inimicos conciliaverint. 1669 2. Indulgentiae plenariae quae in Sodalitiorum Ecclesiis, Orato- 1670 riis, etc., ab aliis etiam Christi fidelibus luerari possunt Annunciation Titular Feast Secondary Patron 1. Sodalibus, Sodalitiorum ministris seu inservientibus atque omni- 1671 bus utriusque sexus Christi fidelibus, vere poenitentibus et confessis Sacraque Communione refectis, qui Ecclesiam, Oratorium seu Ca- pellam Sodalitatis die festo Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis a primis vesperis usque ad occasum solis ipsius festivitatis, devote visitaverint, et inibi pro reipublicae Christianae conservatione et aug- mento, haeresum exstirpatione principumque Christianorum mutua et universali pace ac Romani Pontificis prosperitate, vel alias preces, prout unicuique suggeret devotio, ad Deum devote effuderint. (Gre¬ gorius XIII, Bulla OMNiPOTENTis dei, 5 Decembris, 1584, et Bene- dictus XIV, Bulla gloriosae dominae, 27 Septembris, 1748). Si Congregationes aggregatae vel aggregandae alterius festi- 1672 vitatis aut mysterii Beatae Virginis Mariae titulo insigni tae fuerint, praedicta Indulgenza acquiri potest eo die quo hujusmodi festi vitas seu mysterium celebratur. (Benedictus XIV, Bulla gloriosae domi¬ nae, 27 Septembris, 1748). 2. Iisdem pariter vere poenitentibus et confessis ac Eucharistici 1673 Panis communione refectis, qui Ecclesiam, Oratorium aut Sacellum et locum Congregationum, die festo alterius Patroni, a primis ve¬ speris usque ad occasum solis; vel, si hujusmodi Patronus et titulus non adsit, uno alio die in singulos annos a cujuslibet Moderatore, de consensu Ordinarii (vel Superioris proprii, si Moderator Pres¬ byter Regularis sit), designando, a primis vesperis ad occasum solis visitaverint, ibique pro Christianorum principum concordia, haere- SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES, 1885 199* sum exstirpatione et Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae exaltatione pias ad Deum preces effuderint. (Idem, loco citato). 1674 Quod si, ob aliquam causam, locus sive Ecclesia, etc., ad So- dalitii conventus destinata varietur, aut sive in perpetuum sive ad tempus immutetur, vel edam, pro majori populi commoditate et solemniori festivitatis celebritate, tam tituli principalis quam Patroni et tituli minus principalis Festum in alia ' Ecclesia seu Tempio, de consensu Moderatoris, celebrari contingat, nihilominus eadem In¬ dulgenti iisdem aliam Ecclesiam seu Templum aut Oratorium rite visitantibus aeque suffragata - . (Idem, loco citato). 1675 Similiter si unum aut alterum titulare Festum seu edam utrum- que, ab aliqua ex Congregationibus proprio die non satis oppor¬ tune aut solemniter celebrari possit, liceat Congregationis Moderatori, de consensu Ordinarii (vel Superioris proprii, si Moderator Presby¬ ter regularis fuerit), aliam diem seu Dominicam infra octavam, sive diem octavam ipsius Festi, sive aliam diem infra annum, pro hu- jusmodi festivitatum celebratione et concessae Indulgentiae acqui¬ sitine designare. (Idem, loco citato). 1676 Quod si dies electa impedita fuerit Festo duplici, una Missa vo¬ tiva solemnis de hujusmodi translato Festo celebrari poterit. (Idem, loco citato). 1677 3. lidem, qui expositioni Sanctissimi Sacramenti in Oratoriis Congregationum spado continui tridui faciendae, per aliquod tem- poris spatium interfuerint, ibique oraverint, ac caetera injuncta opera praestiterint, Indulgentias consequuntur quae concessae sunt visitantibus Ecclesias in quibus expositio Sanctissimi Sacramenti per quadraginta continuas horas fieri solet. (Benedictus XIV, loco citato, atque Brevi quemadmodum presbyteri, 15 Julii, 1749). 1678 3. Privilegia 1679 1. Omnes superius relatae Indulgentiae applicari possunt per modum suffragii animabus fidelium defunctorum. (Leo XIII, Rescripto Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum, 23 Junii, 1885). 1680 2. Sodales ubivis locorum commorantes omnes praedictas In¬ dulgentias consequi possunt, si apud Ecclesiam eorundem locorum aut alibi, ut poterunt, opera praestabunt quae sunt servanda ad Indulgentias hujusmodi consequendas. (Benedictus XIV, Brevi prae- CLARIS ROMANORUM PONTIFICUM, 24 Aprilis, 1 748). 1681 3. Omnibus Regibus, Principibus, Ducibus et Comitibus, su- premam potestatem habentibus, eorumque consanguineis et affinibus primi et secundi gradus dumtaxat, qui Congregationibus adscribi petierint, etsi absentibus, eadem tamen pietatis opera exercentibus, Translation of titular Feasts Triduum of Exposition Holy Souls Indulgences anywhere Sovereigns Privileged altar Leave to publish Summary Preamble 200* FR. VIC. GEN. ANDERLEDY, 31 AUG., 1885 — MISCELLANEOUS et aliquam Ecclesiam visitantibus, eaedem, ut supra, Indulgentiae conceduntur. (Benedictus XIV, Brevi quemadmodum presbyteri, 15 Julii, 1749)- 4. Missae a Sacerdote sive saeculari sive regulari ad altare 168a Congregationis, sive a Sodalibus ipsis Sacerdotibus pro suis Soda- libus aut Congregationum ministris seu inservientibus ad quodlibet altare celebratae, perinde ipsorum animabus sufìfragentur ac si ad altare privilegiatum fuissent celebratae. (Benedictus XIV, Brevi PRAECLARIS ROMANORUM PONTIFICUM, 24 Aprilis, I748, et Bulla GLO- riosae DOMiNAE, 27 Septembris, 1748.) Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praeposita, 1683 facto verbo cum Sanctissimo in Audientia habita die 23 Junii, 1885, ab infrascripto Secretarlo ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, praefatum Summarium, nunc primum ex diversis concessionibus excerptum, imprimi et publicari posse permittit. Datum Romae, ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 23 Junii, 1885. J. B. Card. Franzelin, Praef. Franciscus Della Volpe, Secret. Institutum s. j. I . 433, ff. No. 101. 31 August, 1885. Letter of Father Vicar-General Anderledy. Acquaintance with the Directions about Socialities urged; new arrangements about Diplomas ; Directors to be appointed by the mediate Superiors ; powers of the local Superiors ; Sodalities erected by the Bishops with special faculties are not Sodalities of the Society of Jesus. REVERENDE IN CHRISTO PATER: PAX CHRISTI Rescriptum quod, pro sua in Societatem nostram gratia et be- 1684 nignitate, concedere nobis dignatus est Summus Pontifex Leo XIII cum Reverenda Vestra communico, simulque addo quae in posterum observanda sunt ut major percipiatur nostrarum Congregationum fructus certiusque Sodales fiant Indulgentiarum participes. FR. VIC. GEN. ANDERLEDY, 31 AUG., 1885 — MISCELLANEOUS 201 * 1685 i. Magnopere curent Praepositi Provinciales ut tarn Instructio pro nostris, quam binae aliae de Congregationibus Beatae Mariae Virginis et Bonae Mortis rite instituendis, quas modo ad Provincias mittimus, ab iis quorum interest probe cognoscantur et accurate observentur. 1686 2. Vetera utriusque Congregationis diplomata ex 23 Junii, 1885, nullius jam sunt roboris. Deinceps vero non poterunt Provinciales vel alii Superiores qui nova diplomata a Patre Nostro subscripta acceperint, horum aliquod tradere petenti erectionem atque aggre- gationem Congregationis, antequam Praepositus Generalis vel Vi- carius certior factus assensu id suo comprobaverit. Modus enim qui fuerat adhuc usurpatus Romae existimatus est non conveniens. Intel* ligant etiam non licere apud eos qui ad nostram Societatem non per¬ tinent diplomata subscripta deponere quae petentibus ipsi distribuant. 1687 3. Praepositi Provinciales singulis vel alternis mensibus, folio separato formae Romanae, Congregationum erigendarum atque aggregandarum catalogum, cujus conspectum subjicimus, velint ad patrem Nostrum mittere. Ipsas vero Episcoporum atque Oratorum litteras ne mittant, sed eas tamdiu apud se retineant, donee, responso a Patre Nostro accepto, diplomata fuerint expedita atque ad Ora- tores periata. 1688 Quod si Congregationum adhuc erectarum atque aggregatarum catalogus nondum fuerit Fesulas transmissus, curent etiam singuli Provinciarum Praepositi eum quamprimum transmitti. 1689 4. Penes Provinciarum Praepositos et Missionum Superiores erit utriusque Congregationis Praesides in Domibus et Ecclesiis nostris constituere. 169° Superiores autem locales in suis Domibus et Ecclesiis easdem facultates habent quas ipsi earundem Congregationum Praesides, in quorum etiam locum, justis de causis, alios ad tempus subdele¬ gare poterunt. 1691 5 - Juvat demum certiores fieri nostros, Brevi ad quinquennium petentibus concesso, complures Episcopos facultate gaudere partici- pes faciendi Confraternitates a se erectas Indulgentiarum omnium quae Archiconfraternitatibus Romanis ejusdem tituli concessae sunt. Qua facultate si ipsi utantur etiam in constituendis Congregationibus Bonae Mortis et Beatae Mariae Virginis, ejusmodi Congregationes ad nos minime censentur pertinere. Commendo me Sanctis Sacrificiis. Reverentiae Vestrae servus in Christo, Ant. M. Anderledy, S. J. Fesulis, die 31 Augusti, 1885. Directions Diplomas Lists Directors Local Superiors Indulgences from Bishops Form \ 202* FR. VIC. GEN. ANDERLEDV, 31 AUG., 1885 — MISCELLANEOUS Conspectus eorum quae accurate referri debent a Reverendis 1692 Patribus Provinciarum Praepositis, quum ab Admodum Reverendo Patre Nostro Congregationum erectionem et aggregationem postulant DE CONGREGATIONIBUS BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS Genus personarum Ecclesia, Sacel- lum, etc. An et quae gravis mutatio in statutis in- ducta Titulus primarius Locus ■ De Congregationibus extra Domos et Eccle- sias Societatis erectis Titulus secundarius Dioecesis An Epi- scopus pe- culiaria sta- tuta appro- baverit et in erectio¬ nem atque a gg re gatio- nem con- senserit. An litteris constet de erectione,si jam ab Epi¬ scopo fuent peracta. 0 [ General archives s. j., Instit. 36. VIII. A printed folder THE FRS. GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS FOR JESUITS 203 * No. 102. 1885*1907. The Fathers General. Directions for Members of the Society of fesus as to the establishment of Sodalities of Our Lady . 1693 These Directions were issued with a letter by Father Vicar- General Anderledy. The other editions — prepared as copies of the preceding gave out or as new decisions were made at Rome — belong to January, 1888, September , 18go, and February , igoy; and the first two of these belong to the Gener alate of Father Anderledy , the third to that of Father Wernz. The first edition is given here in full, with the variations of the others below , each edition being indicated by its year. The omissions refer to the Bona Mors Association. A. M. D. G. l6g4 INSTRUCTIO PRO NOSTRIS 1 1695 Nostri qui in regendis promovendisque Congregationibus. Beatae Mariae Virginis occupantur perspecta habeant ea quae in Instructionibus specialibus de instituendis ac moderandis hisce Con¬ gregationibus continentur, ut et ipsi ea accurate observent, et alios Sacerdotes omnia quae hanc materiam attingant docere possint. Qua in re ut eos omni quo possumus modo juvemus, duo brevi ter expo- nemus. 2 I. DE CONGREGATIONIBUS BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS. ERIGENDIS ET AGGREGANDIS UNIVERSIM 1696 i. Probe advertant nullius Congregationis aggregationem fieri posse, nisi canonica ejusdem erectio praecesserit ; prius enim sit oportet quam aggregetur. Erectio autem canonica est actus legiti- mae auctoritatis ecclesiasticae, sive ordinariae sive delegatae, quo Congregati© in foro ecclesiastico sive canonico primum in suo esse constituitur, ut deinde per aggregationem seu conjunctionem cum 1 1888, 1890, 1907 — De Congregationibus rite instituendis. The A. M. D. G. is ai the end is these. 2 1907 omits from Nostri to exponemus. Observance urged Erection necessary Powers of General and Ordinary Erection by whom 204 * THE FRS. GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS FOR JESUITS alia Congregatione principali Indulgentiarum et privilegiorum eidem concessorum particeps fiat. 2. Praepositus seu Vicarius Generalis Societatis Jesu ab Apo- 1697 stolica Sede instructus est facultate non solum aggregarteli, sed etiam erigendi Congregationes Beatae Mariae Virginis. turn intra turn extra Domos et Ecclesias Societatis 3 , ea tamen plerumque conditione ut Ordinarii consensus antea sit impetratus. Qui quidem 1698 Ordinarii consensus ne confundatur cum erectione ipsa canonica, quam supra descripsimus ; eo enim consensu rite obtento, erigi qui¬ dem simul et aggregari Congregatio a Praeposito Generali potest, aggregari solum nequaquam, quippe quae nondum extiterit. 3. Episcopi quoque 4 ordinaria, et Vicarii eorum Generales ab 1699 eis speciatim ad hoc delegati extraordinaria, gaudent potestate eri¬ gendi in suis dioecesibus (extra Societatis Domos et Ecclesias), ut Congregationes ac Sodalitates quascumque, ita etiam Congregationes Beatae Mariae Virginis 5 .... Quare quoties de canonica erectione alicujus Congregationis... 17°° Beatae Mariae Virginis ab Episcopo seu Vicario ejus Generali jam facta certo constat, aggregatio sola a Praeposito Generali erit petenda, ita tamen ut testimonium erectionis jam peractae (seu ejus exemplar) adjungatur litteris ad Praepositum Generalem aggregationis causa mittendis, ut in Instructionibus 3 4 5 6 supradictis est explicatum. Potest tamen, ut paullo prius innuimus, obtento 17°* Ordinarii consensu, turn erectio turn aggregatio a Praeposito Gene- 3 1888 — Societatis, eo tamen discrimine quod ad erectiones aggre- gationesque extra Domos et Ecclesias nostras Ordinarii consensus antea sit impetrandus. Qui, etc. 18 go — Societatis. Ad eas quidem erectiones aggregationesque, nisi de convictorum nostrorum Congregationibus agatur, Ordinarii, etc. 1907 — Societatis. Ad eas quidem erectiones aggregationesque, nisi de Congregationibus in nostris Ecclesiis vel Domibus agatur, Ordinarii con¬ sensus antea est impetrandus. Qui consensus ne confundatur cum ereciione ipsa canonica, quam supra descripsimus; eo enim Ordinarii consensu,^. 4 igo7 — quoque et Vicarii eorum Generales ab eis ad hoc delegati ordinaria gaudent, etc. 5 j888 , i8go, igoj —. Indulgentias autem iisdem communicare minime possunt. Quare, etc. igoj adds — Missionum Episcopi, facultatibus specialibus a Sacra Congregatione de Propaganda Fide instructi, simul cum erectione Congrega- tionum etiam Indulgentias iisdem concessas communicare possunt. Quod si fecerint, non ideo Congregationes ejusmodi ad nostras Primarias Roma- nas pertinere censentur. ' 6 igo7 — Instructionibus particularibus est, etc. THE FRS. GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS FOR JESUITS 205 * rali Societatis Jesu peti, qui uno eodemque diplomate utrumque perficiet. 1703 4. Sciant omnes, ad tollendos vitandosque abusus, ab Apo¬ stolica Sede jampridem quaedam ita esse constituta ut, nisi accu¬ rate sint observata, erectiones atque aggregationes quarumcunque Confraternitatum sive Congregationum nullius sint valoris, neque fìdeles ullo modo Indulgentiarum eisdem Sodalitatibus concessarurn fiant participes. Hujusmodi sunt ea quae felicis recordationis Cle¬ mens Papa Vili in Constitutione quaecumque, data die 7 Decem- bris, 1604, praescripsit et Sacra Indulgentiarum Congregatio, de¬ creto dato die 8 Januarii, 1861, iterum inculcavit magisque de terminavit..... I 7°3 5 - “ A praedictis statutis Clementis Vili et Sacrae Indulgen¬ tiarum Congregationis omnino exemptae sunt Congregationes Bea- tae Mariae Virginis omnes, turn quae intra turn quae extra Eccle- sias et Domus nostras sunt erectae et aggregatae ”, ut dictum est in Instructione de iisdem rite instituendis .... 1704 6. Itaque cum Sacerdos aliquis, sive saecularis sive regu- laris 7 sive unus e nostris, de aliqua ex his Congregationibus instituenda agere incipit, ne unquam, neglectis omnibus, statim ei 1705 diploma aliquod a Praeposito Generali subscriptum ofteratur, sed primum ei Instructio ad earn de qua agitur Congregationem insti- tuendam tradatur, ex qua perspiciat quibus ad erectionem impe- trandam opus sit ; nimirum : 1706 Ut statu ta Congregationis erigendae Episcopo proponat; 1707 Ejus consensum et commendationem impetret; 1708 Ut, litteris necessariis ab Ordinario obtentis, ad Praepositum Generalem Societatis scribat (vel scribere faciat aliquem e nostris), *7°9 prout in Instructione praedicta latius explicatur 7 8 9 . Quae quidem omnia ex parte, ut mox dicemus, etiam a nostris sunt praestanda. 1710 7. Deponentur etiam in posterum, sicut hucusque fieri con- suevit, plura diplomata ab Admodum Reverendo Patre Nostro sub- scripta et sigillo munita apud Reverendos Patres Provinciales et Superiores Missionum. Attamen 9 quum modus plerumque obser- vatus non conveniens existimatus sit Romae, Admodum Reverendus Pater Noster 10 diserte declarat ea diplomata nullum habitura valo- 7 1907 — regularis, de aliqua ex his Congregationibus extra Domus et Ecclesias nostras instituenda, etc. 8 1907 omits the following sentence. 9 1907 omits from quum to Romae. 10 1907 — Noster, decreto Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum dato die 3 Decembris, 1892, innixus, diserte, etc. The Quaecumque V Sodality exempt How to establish a Sodality Diplomas 206 * THE FRS. GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS FOR JESUITS Manner of proceeding rem, antequam ipse de Congregatione erigenda vel aggreganda, eo modo quo in Instructionibus dictum est, certior factus, expresse mo- nuerit diploma posse tradi iis quorum interest; quod quidem de Congregationibus sive intra sive extra Domus et Ecclesias nostras erigendis vel aggregandis valet. Turn demum diplomati ea accu¬ rate inscribantur quae paulo post indicabimus. II. DE CONGREGATIONIBUS IISDEM IN DOMIBUS ET ECCLESIIS SOCIETATIS RITE INSTITUENDIS 11 ... 2. Congregationes Beatae Mariae Virginis in Domibus et 1711 Ecclesiis Societatis erigendae et aggregandae sunt omnino exemptae a decretis Clementis VIII, etc. Iisdem tamen regulis adstringuntur quae in Instructione de Congregationibus Beatae Mariae Virginis rite instituendis continentur, his tantum exceptis : a) Eriguntur semper simulque aggregantur a Praeposito So- 1712 cietatis Generali. 12 b) Statuta generalia a Praepositis Generalibus Societatis jam- 1713 pridem approbata integra conserventur; nova ne inducantur, nisi eidem Praeposito Generali proposita et ab eo fuerint approbata. Ne- cesse non est, ut statuta proponantur Episcopo. c) Praesides singularum Congregationum a Praeposito Pro- 1714 vinciali vel Superiore Missionis constituuntur. *3 d) Consensus Episcopi pro erectione et aggregàtione a Prae- 1715 posito Generali Societatis peragenda non est quidem *4 necessarius, 11 1907 — In iis diocesibus ubi Domus et Ecclesias habemus, Or- dinarii consensus non est necessarius pro singulis nostrarum Congregatio¬ num erectionibus ibidem faciendis ; satis enim provisum jam est per con- sensum praestitum ab Ordinario pro erectione Domus ibidem, secundum responsum Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum datum die 25 Augu¬ sti, 1897 .... 2., etc. 12 1907 adds in a note: In regionibus Missionum nostrae Socie- tàti subjectarum, Episcopus seu Vicarius Apostolicus has Congregationes canonice quidem erigere potest, si Ecclesiae parochiales sunt vel diocesa- nae, aggregatio vero a Praeposito Generali petenda est, ut ejusmodi Con¬ gregationes cum Primariis Romanis intimo nexu conjungantur. 13 1890 — Constituuntur. Superiores autem locales iisdem facultatibus gaudent quos modo ( 1 . c.) assignavimus. d) Consensus, etc. 1907 — Constituuntur. Superiores autem locales iisdem facultatibus gaudent quos quodo ( 1 . c.) assignavimus. d) Quae versus finem Instructionis supradictae sub n. 6. Praesidibus, etc. 14 1890 — quidem ad validitatem necessarius, etc. THE FRS. GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS FOR JESUITS 207 * prudenter tamen *5 petitur, nisi de convictorum nostrorum Con- gregationibus agatur. Sufficit vero ut Episcopus verbo se consentire significet. 1716 e) Litterae ad Praepositum Generalem... mittantur per Reve- rendos Padres Praepositos Provinciales vel Superiores Missionum. In iis tamen litteris accurate indicentur genus personarum quae in Congregationem convenire desiderant, titulus primarius (Festum ali- quod seu mysterium Beatae Mariae Virginis), et secundarius, Eccle¬ sia, Oratorium seu locus pius, et dioecesis Congregationis consti- tuendae. 1717 0 Quae in fine Instructionis supradictae sub III. 6 Praesidibus commendantur, a nostris eo quo hucusque peracta sunt modo fiant. Neque enim ibi de rebus necessariis agitur. Inscriptio vero novorum Sodalium in libro Congregationis nunquam omittatur. 16 1718 Demum adjungimus, Summarium Indulgentiarum et privilegio- rum Congregationibus Beatae Mariae Virginis concessorum, quod hucusque in usu erat, quum post suppressam, saeculo elapso, So- cietatem nostram esset compositum et ad eorum temporum condi- tiones exactum,nunc primum (uti in Rescripto eidem die 23junii, 1885, addito Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiarum loquitur) “ ex authenticis documentis excerptum ” et accuratissime secundum pristinas con- cessiones esse determinatum, ita tamen ut etiam Congregationibus extra Societatis Ecclesias et Domus, tanto jam numero erectis et 1 7 1 9 aggregatis, piane conveniat. Sanctissimus autem Dominus Noster Leo Papa XIII non solum novum hoc Summarium approbare et ple¬ naria Indulgenza in festo Purification^ Beatae Mariae Virginis lucranda locupletare, sed etiam Praeposito Generali Societatis no- strae facultates pro his Congregationibus erigendis et aggregandis jampridem obtentas magna benigni tate confirmare et ampliare digna- 1720 tus est, adjungendo nimirum potestatem erigendi ejusmodi Congre- 172 1 gationes etiam extra Domos et Ecclesias Societatis nostrae, et exten- dendo pristinam exemptionem a statutis Constitutionis quaecumque felicis recordationis dementis Papae Vili ad externas illas omnes Congregationes a Praepositis seu Vicariis Generalibus erectas et erigendas, sive aggregatas et aggregandas. 1722 T 7 Ratio inscribendi diplomatibus erectionis et aggregationis 15 18 go — tamen semper petitur, etc. 16 1 go 7 omits from Demum to aggregandas. 17 igo7 — Ratio Diplomatibus inscribendi ilia quae pertinent ad particularem aliquam Congregationem Beatae Mariae Virginis... erigendam vel aggregandam. diversa est pro casibus diversis quos hie singillatim notamus. In diplomate Congregationis Beatae Mariae Virginis: ft* Summary of Indulgences Grants of Leo XIII 20 S * THE FRS. GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS FOR JESUITS Filling out the Diploma ea quae ad particularem aliquam Congregationem erigendam vel aggregandam pertinet haec est:.... 2. In diplomate Congregationis Beatae Mariae Virginis tri- 1723 bus 18 lineis vacuis haec sunt inscribenda: a) si extra Domos et Ecclesias Societatis Praepositus Generalis 1724 cum Ordinarii consensu erigit et aggregati “ Congregationem juvenum studiosorum (vel virorum, puellarum, utriusque sexus Christi fidelium) sub titulo et invocatone Beatae Mariae Virginis Annuntiatae (vel Immaculate Conceptae...) et S. Aloy- sii (vel Josephi, Annae...) in... dioecesis... de consensu Rmi. et Illmi. DD., Episcopi N. N., erigimus eandemque b) quando Ordinarius loci ipse extra Domos et Ecclesias So- 1725 cietatis erectionem canonicam perfecit: “ Congregationem... ” omnino ut supra (a), sed loco “ de consen¬ su, etc.,” ponatur: “a Rmo. et Illmo. DD., Episcopo N. N., die... mensis... anni... canonice erectam ”. c) in Domibus et Ecclesiis Societatis: 1726 Omnia ut supra (a), omissis tantummodo verbis illis: “de consensu, etc.” usque ad “ N. N.,” retentis tamen illis: “ erigimus eandemque”. In fine semper scribatur: “datum Fesulis die... mensis... anni...”, 1727 prout in litteris indicatur quibus Praepositus Generalis erectionem et aggregationem concessit. ai Quando Ordinarius loci ipse extra Domus et Ecclesias Societatis Jesu erectionem canonicam perfecit, quatuor lineis vacuis haec sunt in¬ scribenda : “ Congregationem juvenum studiosorum (vel virorum, puellarum, utrius¬ que sexus Christi fidelium, etc.) sub invocatione Beatae Mariae Virginis Annuntiatae (vel Immaculatae Conceptionis, vel...) et S. Aloysii (vel S. Jo¬ seph, vel S. Annae, etc.) in.... diocesis.... a Rmo. et Illmo. DD., Epi¬ scopo N. N., die... mensis... anni... canonice erectam ”. b) si extra Domus et Ecclesias Societatis Praepositus Generalis cum Ordinarii consensu erigit et aggregati “ Congregationem...” (cetera ut supra ad a), sed in fine loco “ a Rmo., etc., ” scribatur: “ de consensu Rmi. et Illmi. DD., Episcopi N. N., erigi¬ mus eandemque. ” c) in Domibus et Ecclesiis Societatis: “ Congregationem... ” caetera ut supra ad (a), sed in fine omittantur verba ilia: “ a Rmo. canonice erectam ”, et dicatur solum: “erigimus eandemque.... ” In fine semper scribatur : “Datum Romae die... mensis... anni...”, prout in litteris indicatur quibus Praepositus Generalis erectionem et aggrega¬ tionem concessit. 18 1890 — quattuor. General archives s. j., Instit. 36. Vili. Printed folders. THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS 209 * No. 103. 1885-1907. The Fathers General. Directions for the establishment of Sodalities of Our Lady. 1728 These directions were sent out j/ August , 1885, accompanied by the circular given at p. 200 *. As the supply of copies gave out or as new decisions of the Holy See were issued ’ other editions, with appropriate changes, were printed. Of such there have been four, in January, 1888, in September , 18go, in March , igoi, and in February , igof , respectively. The first edition — the only one published with a letter like the above — was issued by Father Vicar-General An - derledy. Those of 1888 and 18go appeared when he was General. The fourth belongs to the Gener alate of Father Martin, and the last to that of Father Wernz. The editions are indicated by their year. Here the first is given in full. The variations of the others from it are set forth at the bottom of the page. A . M. d. g. 1 DE CONGREGATIONIBUS BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS RITE INSTITUENDIS I. Statuta generalia 1. DE FINE » J 7 a 9 Congregationes Beatae Mariae Virginis id sibi imprimis pro¬ ponimi;, ut in sociorum animis eximiam quandam erga Beatam Vir- ginem Mariam devotionem excitent et foveant, quo, speciali tantae Matris protectione muniti, turn vitam pie Christianeque instituant turn mortem aliquando feliciter obeant. 2 3 1730 Hinc Benedictus XIV in sua Bulla gloriosae dominae, de Con- gregationibus juvenum studiosorum imprimis loquens : “ Christiana, ” inquit, “ ubique juventus Sanctissimae Dei Genitricis obsequiis et 1 1888, 1890, 1901, 1907 omit this here and put Instructio at the be¬ ginning. 3 1907 omits from obeant to 2. Exercitium. 14 Exercises of meetings Other practices Good works 210 * THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1885-I907 — DIRECTIONS famulatui specialiter mancipata, sub illius propemodum disciplina quae Mater est pulchrae dilectionis et timoris et agnitionis, ad Chri- stianae perfectionis fastigium eniti et ad aeternae salutis metam contendere ” docetur. 2. EXERCITIA SODALIUM COMMUNIA 3 Statuta die et hora, ut plurimum semel in hebdomada, conve- 1731 niunt, ut Praesidis adhortatione, lectione librorum devotorum, pre- cibus atque canticis communibus, piis meditationibus aliisve reli* gionis exercitiis in se devotionem erga Beatissimam Virginem ac pietatem promoveant; In eundem finem 4 quotannis semel Exercitiis Spiritualibus 173a per aliquot dies vacent ; Saepius, imprimis diebus Beatae Mariae Virgini sacris, uni- 1733 versi simul sacra Communione se reficiant; Sex dies Dominicos continuos more solito honori S. Aloysii 1734 consecrent. 5 3 . OPERA BONA SODALIBUS COMMENDANDA EO ETIAM QUOD PLERAQUE EORUM INDULGENTIIS SINT DITATA Ut singulis diebus Patronam suam particularibus precibus sa- 1735 lutent 3 4 5 6 7 — in prima-primaria Sodales mane et vespere terna ? ave maria recitare jubentur; — Si commode possunt, quotidie rosarium Beatae Virginis vel 1736 ejus officium, vel aliquam saltern eorum partem, persolvant; Vespere conscientiae examen instituant ; 1737 Aliquid temporis meditandis rebus divinis vel libris piis legen- 1738 dis tribuant; Quotidie, si possunt, Sanctissimo Missae Sacrificio intersint; 1739 Semel saltern in mense ad Poenitentiae et Eucharistiae Sacra- 1740 menta accedant ;. 3 1907 says: Exercitium Sodalium commune et praecipuum. 4 1907 omits from quotannis to saepius. 5 1907 — consecrent; Quotannis semel, si possunt, Exercitiis Spirituali¬ bus per aliquot dies vacent. 3. Alia opera bona sodalibus commendanda. Singulis, etc. 6 1907 — Salutent — sic in, etc. 7 1888, 1890, 1901 , 1907 — ter. THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS 211* 1741 Semel vel bis in anno Confessionem Generalem instituant; 8 1742 Omnia quae ad Ecclesiae et religionis incrementum atque de- fensionem faciunt, sedulo promoveant; *743 A fide vel a virtutis Christianae tramite aberratos exemplo et institutione ad salutis viam reducere satagant; 1744 Misericordiae operibus, idque maxime erga Sodales infirmos, di- ligenter vacent; 1745 Mortuos vero Sodales ad sepulchrum deducant et peculiaribus precibus Deo commendent; 1746 Denique non iis solum virtutibus acquirendis insistant quibus nemo Christianus carere potest, sed etiam socios suos pietate, pu¬ ntate, humilitate, modestia, diligenza atque industria in status sui officiis obeundis antecedere studeant 9 . 1747 De iis quae Congregationis magistratum, ejus eligendi modum, officia, etc., spectant, consulantur precum libri qui in usum Soda- ium vulgati sunt plurimi. 10 IL De erectione atque aggregatione 1748 1. Praeposito seu Vicario Generali Societatis Jesu a Summis Pontificibus Gregorio XIII, Sixto V, Clemente VIII, Gregorio XV, Benedicto XIV, Leone XII, et Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Leone Papa XIII 11 collata est potestas erigendi et aggregandi Congregatio¬ ns Beatae Mariae Virginis turn intra turn extra Domos et Ecclesias 1749 ipsius Societatis, idque ita ut in ea re statutis in Bulla dementis Papae Vili quaecumque et in decreto Sacrae Congregationis In- dulgentiarum dato die 8 Januarii, 1861, minime adstringatur. (Gre¬ gorius XV, Benedictus XIV, Leo XIII ; Sacra Congregatio Indul- gentiarum, decreto dato die 29 Augusti, 1864). 12 8 This good work was omitted , in 1907, from the list , apparently through oversight, as it is so urged by Benedict XIV and privileged by him. 9 1907 — studeant. 4. Statuta peculiaria (localia), si quae in Sodalita- tibus alicubi videbuntur adjicienda, Statutis Generalibus supra recensitis sunt conformanda,quantum temporum locorumque conditiones suadebunt. II. De, etc. 10 1907 — This reads: De cujus magistrates eligendi ratione, officiis, etc., consulantur and comes after adjuvatur in section 4 below. 11 1907 omits Jrom Gregorio to XIII. 1890, 1901 add: et rescripto dato die 23 Junii, 1885. 1907 omits from Gregorius to 1864. Powers conferred 12 Place Titles Director Officials Local Rules Ordinary Petition for erection 212 * THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS 2. Eae Sodalitates in omnibus Ecclesiis, Oratoriis, Collegiis, I 75 ° Seminariis aliisve locis piis erigi possunt “ pro scholaribus aliisque Christi fidelibus”; atque in singulis Ecclesiis, Oratoriis, etc., non una 1751 tantum, sed etiam plures “ pro personarum frequentia vel qualitate. ” 3. Omnes Sodalitates si ve Congregationes quae primae-pri- i75 2 mariae Romanae aggregari *3 atque Indulgentiarum ei concessa- rum participes fieri desiderant, aliquod Beatae Mariae Virginis Festum vel mysterium in titulum suum assumant eamque in Patro- nam peculiarem sibi eligant. Nihilominus etiam alius titulus sive 1753 Patronus adjungi sive retineri potest. 4. Singulis Congregationibus praesit Sacerdos ab Ordinario 1754 loci rite constitutus. Qui in officio suo exequendo ut plurimum a 1755 magistratu quodam a Sodalibus electo adjuvatur. 10 5. Sodalitatum quae per diversas orbis partes eriguntur sta- i 75 6 tuta peculiaria r 5 originalibus statutis supra recensitis sunt confor- manda, quantum temporum locorumque conditiones suadebunt. Quae 1757 quidem statuta peculiaria sive localia Ordinario loci, id est, Episcopo ipsi vel Vicario Generali speciatim 16 ad id delegato sunt propo- nenda, ut ea approbet, *7 erectionem Sodalitatis atque aggrega- tionem ad Primariam Romanam permittat, et Praesidem Sodalitati 1758 erigendae assignare dignetur. Atque haec omnia hujusmodi litteris ab Episcopo peti possunt: 1759 “ Revme et Illme Dne: N. N., > motus desiderio promovendi et dilatandi devotionem erga Beatam Mariam Virginem, humiliter petit a Te, Revme et Illme Dne: 1. Ut Congregationem (juvenum, virorum.....) sub titulo Beatae Mariae Virginis Annuntiatae (vel Immaculate Conceptae.) € 1901, 1907 add: Nunquam vero Congregatio aliqua primae-prima- Riae aggregatur quae vel a Sancta Sede jam Indulgentias obtinuerit vel alteri Archiconfraternitati sit aggregata. 13 1907 omits from atque to fieri. 14 1890, 1901 , 1907 — titulus secundarius sive, etc. 15 1907 — peculiaria sive localia, si quae sunt. Ordinario, etc. 16 1907 omits speciatim. 17 1901 — approbet, erectionem Sodalitatis perficiat, vel a Praeposito Generali Societatis Jesu efficiendum permittat, et Praesidem Sodalitati eri¬ gendae, assignare, etc. 1907 — approbet, Sodalitatem canonice erigat, aggregationem ad Pri¬ mariam Romanam commendet, et Praesidem Sodalitati erectae assignare, etc. THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS 213 * et S. Aloysii (vel S. Stanislai, Josephi.) in. 18 erigi et ad Primariam Congregationem Romanam aggregari concedas; 2. Statuta ejusdem hisce litteris inclusa approbes; 3. Ut Rev. Dom. N. N. x 9 constituas Congregationis Prae- sidem 1760 Notandum Praesidis munus et facultates, cum vel Parodio vel Capellano aliive Officiali alicujus loci sunt commissa, secundum de- cretum Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum datum die 7 Ju- nii, 1842, ad 1 et 3, non ex sese in ejus successorem transire, sed de ea re Ordinarium esse monendum, ut provideat. 20 1761 6. Approbatione 21 et consensu ab Episcopo (in scriptis, in quantum fieri potest) obtentis, impetrandum est a Praeposito Gene¬ rali Societatis Jesu ut Congregationem erigat, atque Primariae Ro- 1762 manae aggreget. Quod quidem in hunc fere modum fieri potest: “Adm. Rev. Pater, 22 Quum infrascriptus orator, N. N., Congregationem juvenum studiosorum (virorum, vel....) sub titulo Beatae Mariae Virginis Annuntiatae (vel Immaculate Conceptae, vel...) et S. Aloysii (vel 18 1 goi — in .... erigas vel a Praeposito Generali Societatis Jesu erigi concedas; 2. Statuta, etc. ig°7 — in ... erigas, approbando simul ejusdem statuta hisce litteris inclusa; 2. Ut Rev. Dom. N. N., Parochum, Capellanum. ... (ejusque suc- cessores) constituas Congregationis Praesidem: 3. ut Congregationem ita erectam Praeposito Generali Societatis Jesu pro aggregatone ad Primariam Collegii Romani commendare velis. ” 6. Erectione, etc. 19 1888, i8go , igoi — N. N., Parochum, Capellanum... (ejusque succes- sores) constituas, etc. 20 To this note 1888, /8go, igoi add: posse tamen Ordinarium, si ita voluerit, Parochum, etc., ejusque successores (sive Parochum, etc., pro tempore) constituere Congregationis Praesidem. 21 igoi — Approbatione statutorum et canonica Congregationis ere- ' ctione, vel consensu ad erectionem a Praeposito Generali Societatis Jesu efficiendam, ab Episcopo (in scriptis, in quantum fieri potest) obtentis, impetrandum est a Praeposito Generali Societatis Jesu ut Congregationem (erigat atque) Primariae, etc. igo7 — 6. Erectione canonica et commendatone ab Episcopo obtentis, impetrandum est a Praeposito Generali Societatis Jesu ut ipsam Congre¬ gationem Primariae, etc. 22 igoi — Pater: Quum infrascriptus orator, N. N., Congregationem juvenum, eie. - dioecesis... constituere desideret, Rmo. et lllmo. Dno. N. N., Episcopo N., statuta ejusdem Congregationis jam proposuit atque ab eo Petition for aggregation S. Josephi...) in Ecclesia S... (vel Capella S.... Seminario ... etc.) loci... dioecesis. constituere desideret, Rmo. et Illmo. Dno. N. N., Episcopo N., statuta ejusdem Congregationis jam proposuit atque ab eo approbationem et consensum pro ejus erectione et aggregatione obtinuit. Quare praedictus orator Paternitatem Tuam humiliter rogat ut dictam Congregationem in hac Ecclesia (Oratorio, Seminario .) erigere, eandem Primariae Collegii Romani Con- gregationi aggregare atque Praesidi a Rmo. Episcopo assignato, N. N., 2 3 facultates necessarias et opportunas. communicare velis. N. N. Fiesole (S. Girolamo), presso Firenze, (Italia). ” . Quod si 2 4 Episcopus ipse per se Congregationem jam cano* 1763 . ; ■ approbationem eorundem et canonicam Congregationis erectionem (vel et consensum pro canonica Congregationis erectione) obtinuit. Quare prae¬ dictus orator Paternitatem tuam humiliter rogat ut dictam Congregationem in hac Ecclesia, Oratorio, Seminario, canonice erectam, (vel canonice eri¬ gere, et) Primariae Collegii Romani Congregationi aggregare, atque Prae¬ sidi a Rmo. Episcopo assignato facultates necessarias et opportunas com¬ municare velis. N. N. Roma, via di S. Nicola da Tolentino, 8: ” III. De, etc. 1907. “ Adm. Rev. Pater, Quum Revmus. Dnus. N. N., Episcopus N., Congregationem juvenum studiosorum (vel virorum, vel.) sub titulo Beatae Mariae Virginis An- nuntiatae (vel Immaculate Conceptae, vel.) et S. Aloysii (vel S. Jo¬ seph.) in Ecclesia S. (vel Capella S_, Seminario ., etc.) loci... dioecesis.canonice jam erexerit eamque pro aggregatione ad Prima- riam Collegii Romani Congregationem benigne commendaverit, prout do¬ cumenta hisce litteris adnexa testantur, a infrascriptus orator, ejusdem Congregationis Praeses, Paternitatem tuam humiliter rogat ut dictam Con¬ gregationem Primariae Collegii Romani Congregationi aggregare velis, cum communicatione omnium Indulgentiarum et gratiarum eidem concessarum. N. N. (Revmo. P. Generali S. J., Roma, via di S. Nicola da Tolentino, 8). ” Si vero, etc. 23 i£88, 1890 omit N. N. 24 1888 — Quod si Episcopus, statutis approbatis, ipse per se Congre¬ gationem canonice erigere voluerit, testimonium erectionis authenticum, vel ejus exemplar, Praeposito Generali est proponendum una cum hisce litte- a Adjungendum est scilicet documentum erectionis canonicae vel ejus exemplar (copia), simul cum commendatione Episcopi pro aggregatione per- en da. THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS 215 * nice erexerit, testimonium erectionis authenticum, vel ejus exemplar, Praeposito Generali est proponendum una cum hisce litteris, quibus eo in casu sola aggregatio et facultatum communicatio est petenda. III. De sodalium cooptatione 1764 1. Litteris demum (erectionis et) aggregationis a Praeposito 1765 Generali acceptis, Sodales cooptari possunt. 2 5 In Congregationem ris, quibus eo in casu sola aggregatio et facultatum communicatio est petenda. III. De, etc. 18go. - Quod si Episcopus, statutis approbatis, ipse per se Congrega¬ tionem canonice erigere voluerit, loco “ erigere ” scribatur : “ canonice jam erectam Primariae, etc., ” et paullo supra, loco “ consensum pro ejus ere. ctione et aggregatone, ’’scribatur: “ consensum pro ejus aggregatone; ” eoque in casu testimonium erectionis authenticum, vel ejus exemplar, Praeposito Generali est proponendum una cum hisce litteris. III. De, etc. igoi. - Quod si Episcopus, statutis approbatis, ipse per se Congrega¬ tionem canonice erigere voluerit, testimonium erectionis authenticum vel ejus exemplar Praeposito Generali est proponendum una cum hisce litte¬ ris. III. De, etc. 1 go"] - Si vero Episcopus (statutis peculiàribus, si quae fuerint, appro¬ bate) Congregationis erectionem a Praeposito Generali fieri maluerit, in litteris ad eundem dirigendis erectio et aggregatio simul petendae sunt, ad- juncto Episcopi testimonio et commendatione. Formula litterarum tunc erit haec: “ Admod. Rev. Pater: Quum infrascriptus orator, N. N., Congregationem juvenum, (vel puel- larum, vel....) sub titulo Annuntiationis (vel Immaculatae Conceptionis, vel....) Beatae Mariae Virginis et S. Aloysii (vel S. Josephi, vel.) in Ecclesia S. N. (vel in Cappella S. N.. in Seminario .) loci.. dioecesis., constituere desideret, Rmo. Dno. N. N., Episcopo N., sta- tuta ejusdem peculiaria jam proposuit atque ab eo consensum et approba- tionem pro ejusdem erectione et aggregatione obtinuit (prout documentum his adjunctum testatur). a Quare idem orator Paternitatem tuam humiliter rogat, ut dictam Con¬ gregationem erigere erectamque Primariae Collegii Romani Congregationi aggregare velis, cum communicatione omnium Indulgentiarum et grati arum eidem concessarum. N. N. iRevmo. P. Generali S. J., Roma, via di San Nicola da To¬ lentino, 8). ” III. De, etc. 25 igo7 omits from In to adscribantur. a Sufficit nimirum adjungere documentum quo Episcopus consensum pro Congregatione a Praeposito Generali erigenda, et commendationem pro ejusdem aggregatione testatur. 216 * THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS Candidacy Day and ceremony Formal admission * A Prima = Primaria Essentials cooptati censentur omnes fideles qui, cum se supradictis bonis operi- bus exercere desiderent, procurant ut in numerum Sodalium reci- piantur atque adscribantur. 2. Qui in Sodalitatem cooptari desiderant, ut plurimum nisi 1766 peracto aliquo probationis tempore non recipiantur. In eo quidem 1767 temporis spatio, si per Congregationis statuta localia ita provisum sit, jam ad officia Sodalium communia admitti possunt 26 atque Indulgentiis et gratiis eis concessis fruentur; in Sodalitatis vero magistratum non eligantur. 3. Sodales, si commode fieri potest, recipiantur die aliquo Bea- 1768 tae Mariae Virgini sacro, et eo quidem ritu et pompa quae in li- 1769 bris in Sodalium usum vulgatis describuntur. Probe vero advertendum formulami “Ad majorem Dei glo- 1770 riam, etc., ” (vel aliam similem), qua ipsa in Sodalitatem receptio pronuntiatur, non a Sodali qui Praefecti munere fungitur, sed a Praeside ipso per Ordinarium constitute, vel ab ejus delegato le- gitimo, esse proferendam. Romae in Congregatione prima-primaria praeses fideles, post- 1771 quam 2 7 se formula consueta Beatissimae Virgini consecrarunt, his verbis recipit : “Ego, ex auctoritate Admodum Reverendi Patris Prae- 1772 positi Generalis Societatis Jesu, vos in Beatissimae Virginis Mariae ab Angelo salutatae Congregationem primam-primariam recipio atque omnium Indulgentiarum participes efficio. Et nunc quidem nomina vestra referantur in Album Congregationis, in aeternum vero scri¬ pta sint in coelis Quibus dictis, Praeses, receptis 28 candelis a Soda- 1773 libus ante se genuflexis, eis receptionis testimonia 29 tradit, haec di- 1774 cens : “ Accipe has patentes litteras, quibus assertus es Beatae Ma¬ riae Virginis filius, sed tu melius moribus ac pietate te ejusdem filium exhibe. Interim, te cum Prole pia benedicat Virgo Maria. ” Turn eis bene precatur. Quo facto, a Secretano eis libelli distri- 1775 buuntur quibus Sodalitatis preces et regulae continentur. Ad tollendam omnem dubitationem, monemus, in solemni re- 1777 ceptionis ritu^non omnia esse plane necessaria; immo, stricte lo- quendo, sufficere ut certa voluntas turn ejus 3 ° qui est reciplendus, 26 / 888, 18go, igoi , igoy omit from atque to fruentur. 27 igoy — Praeses postquam fideles se formula consueta Beatissimae Virgini consecrarunt, eosdem his, etc. 28 igoy — acceptis, Sodalibus ante se genuflexis, receptionis testimo¬ nia singulos tradit, etc. 29 1888, i8go, igoi, igoy — genuflexis, receptionis testimonia singulis tradit, etc. 30 igoy — qui recipitur turn ejus qui ilium recipit, signo, etc. THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS 217 * turn ejus qui recipiendi potestatem habet, signo aliquo externo sit manifestata. 3 1 1778 Praeterea ne inscriptio nominis novi Sodalis in librum Congre- gationis unquam omittatur. *779 4. Sodales ut plurimum a Praeside ipso per Episcopum con- 1780 stituto recipiantur. Attamen 3 s Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Leo Papa XIII, rescripto Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum dato die 23 Junii, 1885, praemissa sanatione omnium adscriptionum 33 ad singula haec Sodalitia hucusque cum quolibet defectu pera- ctarum, omnibus Congregationum 34 Beatae Mariae Virginis Prae- sidibus benigne permisit ut, ex rationabili causa, alium sibi Sa¬ cerdotali (qui, verbi gratia, majoris solemnitatis causa invitetur) substituere possint ad recipiendos fideles qui adscribi desiderant, ad benedicenda numismata, et alia Praesidum munia exercenda. 35 1781 Quodsi receptio novorum Sodalium per alium hujusmodi Sacerdo¬ tali facta sit, recepti nihilominus accurate in catalogum sociorum adscribantur. 1782 Quominus absentes in Sodalitatem cooptentur, decretis Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum datis die 13 Aprilis, 1878, et 26 No- vembris, 1880, 3 6 prohibetur. 1783 5. Ut erectio et aggregalo gratis omnino, nulla mercede exacta, 1784 praestantur, ita pro inscribendis quoque Sodalibus per se nihil exigi potest praeter ea quae, secundum statuta illius loci, approbante Episcopo, in expensas pro foliis vel libellis inscriptionis, ornamentis Oratorii, etc., deputantur. 1785 6. Praesidibus singularum Congregationum plurimum com- mendatur: a ) Ut testimonia receptionis typis imprimi curent, quibus in altera folii parte brevis Indulgentiarum elenchus, statuta Congre¬ gationis, et ordo officiorum adjungantur ad quae Sodales singu¬ lis 37 hebdomadis conveniunt; Enrolment Director or his delegate Absence Expenses Certificate 3T 1901, 1907 — manifestata. Praeterea inscriptio nominis novi Sodalis in librum Congregationis nunquam omittatur. 4. Sodales, etc. 32 1907 — Attamen recentis memoriae Leo, etc. 33 1907 — adscriptionum cum, etc. 34 1907 — harum Congregationum Praesidibus, etc. 35 1901 , 1907 omit the following sentence. 36 1888 , 1890, 1901 , 1907 —- 1880, generatim prohibetur. Conceditur tamen Congregationum Moderatoribus eorumque delegatis ut in casibus singularibus dispensare possint a statuta forma inter praesentes, ac absentes etiam, per singularem seu extraordinariam exceptionem, rite adscribere. 5. Ut, etc. 37 1901, 1907 add vel alternis. 218* THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1885-1907 — DIRECTIONS ) b ) Ut librum, qui “ Congregationis liber ” dicatur, provi- 1786 deant, in eoque describantur: 1. Primo loco litterae approbationis ac consensus Episcopi; 1787 2. Diploma erectionis et aggregationis, seu ejus breve 1788 compendium ; 3. Statuta Congregationis; 1789 4. Nomina singulorum Sodalium, addito die quo quisque I7go in Congregationem est cooptatus 3 8 , (quod ne unquam omittatur); 5. Decisiones graviores ipsius magistratus, atque insi- I79 i gniores Sodalitatis eventus. 39 38 1901, 1907 omit the parenthesis. 39 1907 adds: QUAEDAM A SACRA INDULGENTIARUM CONGREGATIONE DECRETA 1. In iis regionibus ubi conventus Sodalium hebdomadarii diebus fe- rialibus utilius habentur, in quibus tamen Sodales quominus ad Sacramenta 1792 Poenitentiae et Eucharistiae accedant laboribus impediuntur, vel ubi alia rationabilis causa obtinet, ad earn Indulgentiam lucrandam sufficit ut So¬ dales aliquo intra hebdomadam die - praecedenti vel eodem die peccata confessi - ad Sacram Communionem accedant atque in Capella Sodalitatis preces praescriptas persolvant. (Leo XIII, rescripto Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum, 27 Aprilis, 1887). 2. Quod attinet ad praedictas pias preces effundendas, non requiruntur preces speciales praeter illas quae a Sodalibus una simul recitari solent in 1793 conventibus hebdomadariis, dummodo communes illae preces intentione ad mentem Summi Pontificis dirigantur. 3. Indulgentiae conventibus hebdomadariis concessae non ita sunt intelligendae ut, si conventus non qualibet hebdomada, sed quolibet quarto 1794 decimo tantum die, vel bis in mense, habeantur, eo ipso Indulgentiis ca- reant. (Leo XIII, rescripto Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum, 29 Julii, (26 Augusti), 1893). 1888 , 1890, 1901, 1907 add A. M. D. G. General archives s. j., Ins tit. 36. VIII. Printed folders. 1795 1796 1797 LEO XIII, 8 JAN., 1886 — GENERAL COMMUNION 2 ig * No. 104. 8 January, 1886. Brief nihil adeo of Leo XIII. Plenary Indulgence granted for General Communion. LEO PAPA XIII AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM Nihil adeo Christianam plebem ad Sacramentorum usum so- Jesuits let excitare quam plurimorum solemne et conspicuum in ea re General exemplura. Jure idcirco sodales Societatis Jesu, tot nominibus bene Communion de re Catholica meriti, Romae ineunte saeculo decimo septimo opus Communionis Generalis instituerunt, quo coelestis mensa pie ac splendide frequentaretur. Singulis enim mensibus, modo in uno, modo in altero Urbis Tempio, per conciones Dominicas ad Convi- vium Divinum praeparabantur et alliciebantur Christi fideles : consti- tuta die, Tempio magnificentia plus quam solita ornato, plures Sa- cerdotes, imo saepe et Purpurati Patres, Coelestem distribuebant Panem. Insigne hujus operis adjumentum fuerunt Beatissimae Mariae Sodalities Virginis Sodalitates, Christianae pietatis praeclarae scholae tutis- simaque juvenilis innocentiae praesidia; illarum enim Sodales, se¬ cundum proprias regulas ad Sacram Communionem singulis men¬ sibus accedendo, caeteros quoque fideles ad hoc paullatim impellebant; quin etiam, data opera frugiferum hoc et salutare Communionis institutum fovere et propagare enixe studebant. Here follows the grant of a plenary Indulgence for this practice. Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Petrum, sub annulo Piscatoris, die octavo Januarii, MDCCCLXXXVI, Pontificatus Nostri anno octavo. M. Card. Ledóchowski. Institutum s. j., 1 . 437, /. ' ' ‘ 220 * LEO XIII, 13 JULY, 1886 — S. C. OF INDULG., 27 APR., 1887 No. 105. 13 July, 1886. Brief dolemus inter of Leo XIII. New confirmation of the facilities of the Society of Jesus. LEO PAPA XIII AD FUTURAM REI MEMORIAM Apostolic Letters confirmed The Domiaus ac Redemptor Dolemus inter.... Omnes et singulas litteras Apostolicas quae respiciunt erectio- 1798 nem, institutionem et confirmationem Societatis Jesu, per praede- cessores Nostros Romanos Pontifices a felicis recordationis Paulo III ad haec usque tempora datas, tam sub plumbo quam in forma Brevis confectas, et in iis contenta atque inde secuta quaecumque, necnon omnia et singula vel directe vel per communicationem cum aliis Ordinibus Regularibus ' eidem Societati impertita, quae tamen di- ctae Societati non adversentur, neque a Tridentina Synodo aut ab aliis Apostolicae Sedis Constitutionibus, in parte vel in toto, abro¬ gata sint et revocata, — privilegia, immunitates, exemptiones, in- dulta, — hisce litteris confirmamus et Apostolicae auctoritatis ro- bore munimus, iterumque concedimus.... Non obstantibus Apostolicis litteris dementis Papae XIV in- 1799 cipientibus dominus ac redemptor, in forma Brevis die vigesimo primo Julii, anno 1773, expeditis, aliisque quibuscumque, licet spe¬ ciali et individua mentione ac derogatione dignis, in contrarium facientibus; quibus omnibus ac singulis ad praemissorum effectum tantum specialiter et expresse derogamus.... Institutum s. j., I. 452. M. Card. Ledóchowski. No. 106. 27 April, 1887. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Mere intention is not sufficient for valid reception. MONASTERIENSIS Question 2. An receptio in Confratrem valeat, si fiat simplici intentione 1800 concepta animo ac verbis nullis adhibitis. S. C. OF INDULG., 27 APR., 1887 — WEEKLY COMMUNION 221* 1801 Eminentissimi et Reverendissimi Patres in Congregatione Ge- Answer nerali habita in Palatio Apostolico Vaticano die 26 Martii, 1887, rescripserunt :... Ad 2: Negative. 1802 Facta vero de iis omnibus relatione in audientia habita ab Approval infrascripto Secretario die 27 Aprilis, 1887, Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Leo Papa XIII responsiones Patrum Cardinalium omnino approbavit. Datum Romae, ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 27 Aprilis, 1887. Fr. Thomas M. Card. Zigliara, Praefectus. Alexander, EpiscopUs Oensis, Secretarius. Acta ordinis minorum, 1887, pp. 97, 98. No. 107. 27 April, 1887. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Exten¬ sion of the Indulgence granted for Comrmmion on the meeting day. BEATISSIME PATER : 1803 Antonius Maria Anderledy, Praepositus Generalis Societatis Preceding Jesu, ad pedes Sanctitatis Tuae provolutus, demisse exponit recentis grants memoriae Benedictum Papam XIV, Brevi praeclaris romanorum pontificum, dato die 24 Aprilis, 1748, et Bulla gloriosae dominae, data die 27 Septembris, 1748, Sodalibus Congregationum Beatae Mariae Virginis earumque Sodalitatum ministris seu inservientibus, inter alias, concessisse Indulgentiam plenariam semel in hebdo- mada iis diebus quibus, secundum primae-primariae sive aliarum Sodalitatum statuta ac regulas seu consuetudines, Sodalitii conven- tus haberi solent, et vere poenitentes et confessi ac Sacra Commu- nione refecti Ecclesiam sive Capellam, Oratorium seu locum unius- cujusque Congregationis visitaverint et ibi consuetas ad Deum preces secundum mentem Summi Ponti ficis effuderint. 1804 Verum, in aliquibus regionibus, usus atque experientia docet Petition conventus illos hebdomadarios Sodalium diebus ferialibus utili us Grant Question Answer 222 * S. C. OF INDULG., l6 JULY, 1887 — DIRECTOR ADMITTING HIMSELF S haberi. Iis tamen diebus Sodales, quominus ad Sacramenta Poeni- tentiae et Eucharistiae accedant, laboribus impediuntur. Quare 1805 praedictus orator Sanctitatem Tuam enixe rogat ut decernere digne- tur, in omnibus regionibus ubi eadem et alia rationabilis causa obtinet, ad earn Indulgentiam lucrandam sufficere ut Sodales aliquo intra hebdomadam die, praecedenti vel eodem die peccata confessi, ad Sacram Communionem accedant atque in Capella Sodalitatis preces praescriptas persolvant. Et Deus, etc. Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Leo Papa XIII in audientia 1806 habita die 27 Aprilis, 1887, ab infrascripto Secretano Sacrae Con¬ gregations Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praepositae, benigne annuit pro gratia juxta preces; servata in reliquis forma et tenore praefatarum concessionum. Contrariis quibuscumque non obstan- tibus. Datum Romae, ex Secretarla ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis die 27 Aprilis, 1887. Fr. Thomas M. Card. Zigliara, Praef. Alexander, Episcopus Oensis, Seer. Institutum s. j., I . 456 . No. 108. 16 July, 1887. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Director of a Confraternity can receive himself into it, if he has general powers to receive. PLURIUM DIOECESIUM DUBIA VARIA 7. An is qui habet facultatem adscribendi socios in aliquam 1807 Confraternitatem vel piam Associationem seipsum illi adscribere valeat, ita ut possit Indulgentias quae eidem adnexae sunt luerari. Et Eminentissimi ac Reverendissimi Patres rescripserunt in 1808 generalibus comitiis habitis apud Vaticanum die 25 Junii, 1887:... Ad 7 : Affirmative, quatenus haec facultas habeatur indiscrimi- natim, minime vero taxative, uti in una Cameracensi 7 Martii, 1840. S. C. OF INDULG.. l6 JULY, 1887 — MISCELLANEOUS 223* 1809 Facta vero de iis omnibus relatione in audientia habita ab infrascripto Secretario die 16 Julii, 1887, Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Leo Papa XIII responsiones Patrum Cardinalium approbavit. Datum Romae, ex Secretaria Sacrae Congregationis Indulgen- tiarum et Sanctarum Reliquiarum die 16 Julii, 1887. Fr. Thomas Maria Card- Zigliara, Praef. Alexander, Episcopus Oensis, Seer. Archives of the sacred congregation of indulgences. A single printed folio. No. iog. ' 16 July, 1887. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Pastor pro tempore named for Director is succeeded as Director by his successor as Pastor , without a new ap¬ pointment; Socialists hindered from performing the works prescribed for an Indulgence can still gain it , under certain conditions ; enrolment not essential for the valid¬ ity of reception. SOCIETATIS JESU 1810 Tres quaestiones huic Sacrae Congregationi Indulgentiarum et Sanctarum Reliquiarum dirimendas proposuit Procurator Generalis Societatis Jesu, quarum unaquaeque plura complectitur dubia. 1811 Prima quaestio proposita est de facilitate Episcoporum quoad designationem Rectorum Confraternitatum seu Sodalitatum, quarum statuta generatim ferunt ut singulis annis, sicut caeterorum Officia- lium, ita et Moderatorum fiat electio. Quamvis vero haec Sacra Congregalo, edito generali decreto sub die 8 Januarii, 1861, de- claraverit impertitam esse facultatem Ordinariis ut libere designare possent, si ita in Domino expedire judicaverint, Parochos pro tem¬ pore in Rectores, Moderatores Confraternitatum seu Sodalitatum, dubitatum tamen est a nonnullis an facultas nominandi Parochos pro tempore ita sit intelligenda ut, defuncto actuali Parocho, vel etiam amoto qui Moderator erat alicujus Confraternitatis vel So- dalitatis in sua parochiali Ecclesia erectae, novus Parochus iterum indigeat Episcopi nominatione ut Rector Sodalitatis eligatur, vel non. Approvai Succession to Directorship 224 S. C. OF 1NDULG., l6 JULY, 1887 — MISCELLANEOUS * Good works prescribed and the sick, etc. Enrolment Questions Altera quaestio respicit generale decretum editum a Clemente 1812 Papa XIII sub die 2 Augusti, 1760, quo benigne concesserat ut Confratres et Consorores uniuscujusque Confraternitatis seu Soda- litatis aut Congregationis ubique locorum exsistentis canonice erectae, aliqua corporis infirmitate laborantes, aut carceribus detenti, eisdem omnibus et singulis Indulgentiis quibus caeteri gaudent Confratres et Consorores gaudere valerent, dummodo loco visitationis Ecclesiae, fere semper praescriptae, alia pia opera injuncta peregerint quae pro viribus praestare poterunt ; simulque indulgebatur hanc graiiam suffragari in perpetuum, et ad preces cujuscumque Sodalitii, Con¬ fraternitatis seu Congregationis concedi. Jam vero quum a Sacra Congregatione Indulgentiarum quae- 1813 situm fuerit anno 1877 : Utrum Confratres et Consorores cujuscum¬ que Confraternitatis tunc exsistentis facultate in decreto (demen¬ tino) concessa gaudere possint et valeant sine recursu ad Sanctam Sedem, vel ad hoc dictus recursus sit necessarius ex verbis sequen- tibus decreti: “ Voluitque Sanctitas Sua hanc gratiam... ad preces cujuscumque Sodalitii concedi, ” et Sacra Congregatio respondisset : “ Negative ad primam partem, affirmative ad secundam et ad mentem : Mens est, supplicandum Sanctissimo ut per decretum generale ex- tendatur ad omnes Confratres cujuscumque Confraternitatis aut So¬ dalitii indultum lucrandi singulas Indulgentias exercendo opera quae pro viribus peragere poterunt ; ” pariter dubitatum est an illud generale decretum, quod ab hac Sacra Congregatione evulgandum postulabatur et adhuc vulgatum non exsistit, necessario adhuc re- quiratur, quum aliunde ex decreto diei 26 Februarii, 1877, (quod inter authentica reperitur in editione recenti Ratisbonensi) certo constet Summum Pontificem expetitam gratiam concessisse. Postrema demum quaestio mota est de necessitate inscribendi 1814 nomina Confratrum in libro Confraternitatis seu Sodalitii, praeser- tim si agatur de Sodalitiis seu Confraternitatibus in quibus, etsi ritus adhibeatur in receptione Confratrum et Consororum, earun* dem tamen statuta inscriptionem minime requirunt, saltern expli- cite, uti conditionem absolutam pro lucrandis Indulgentiis. Quare dubia solvenda haec sunt quae sequuntur: I. An stante decreto diei 8 Januarii, 1861, quo Episcopis spe* 1815 ciales concessae sunt facultates nominandi Parochos pro tempore in Rectores Sodalitatum, defuncto actuali Parodio, vel amoto qui alicui Sodalitati praeerat, novus Parochus nova iterum indigeat Epi¬ scopi nominatione ad hoc ut Rector Sodalitatis eligatur: II. Quum in decreto diei 25 Februarii, 1877, in responsione ad 1816 1 sermo sit de generali decreto vulgando in favorem omnium Con- ,s ■■ ' . S. C. OF INDULG., l6 JULY, 1887 — MISCELLANEOUS 225 * fratrum cujuscumque Confraternitatis, quumque decretum hujusmodi vulgatum non fuerit, quaeritur : 1817 1. An haec concessio nunc reapse valeat pro omnibus Confra- ternitatibus seu Sodalitiis aut Congregationibus sine speciali recursu cujusque Confraternitatis seu Sodalitii ad Sanctam Sedem, qui antea requirebatur. Et quatenus affirmative, 1818 2. Utrum valeat tantum pro Confratribus infirmis vel carceribus detentis, de quibus solis primaeva concessio dementis Papae XIII loquebatur ; 1819 3. An etiam extensa sit ad Confratres gravi alia ex causa le¬ gitime impeditos. Et quatenus negative ad tertiam partem, 1820 4. Humiliter ea extensio nunc petitur. III. Utrum: 1821 1. concessio supradicta valeat tantum pro iis Confratribus, qui impediti sunt quominus praescriptam Ecclesiae visitationem peragere possint ; 1822 2. an vero etiam pro illis qui prohibentur quominus aliquam aliam conditionem adlucrandas Indulgentias praescriptam impleant; 1823 IV. Utrum in iis Sodalitiis quae solemnem aliquem receptionis ritum adhibent (ut Congregationes Beatae Mariae Virginis) Con¬ fratres hoc solemni modo a legitimo Sodalitatis Praeside recepti luerari possint Indulgentias, licet in libro Sodalitatis non inscri- bantur; 1824 V. Utrum, generatim, inscriptio sit omnino necessaria ad lu- crandas Indulgentias, etiamsi statuta Confraternitatis, Congregationis vel Piae Unionis non explicite requirant inscriptionem tanquam conditionem essentialem. 1825 Et Eminentissimi ac Reverendissimi Patres rescripserunt in generalibus comitiis ad Vaticanum coadunatis die 25 Junii, 1887: Ad I: Negative. 1826 Ad II : Ad primam partem : Affirmative, et supplicandum San¬ tissimo pro promulgatione decreti juxta resolutionem Sacrae Con¬ gregationis diei 25 Februarii, 1877. Ad secundam partem: Affirmative. Ad tertiam: Negative. 1827 Ad quartam: Supplicandum Sanctissimo pro benigna exten¬ sione ad alia legitima impedimenta judicio discreti Confessarii di- gnoscenda, commutato tamen ab eodem Confessano opere injuncto visitationis Ecclesiae in aliud pium opus. Ad III : Affirmative ad primam partem ; negative ad secundam. Ad IV : Negative, si agatur de Confraternitatibus proprie dictis. Answers 15 226 * S. C. OF INDULG., 17 SEPT., 1887 — AGGREGATION NECESSARY Ad V : Provisum in praecedenti. Approval De quibus omnibus facta per infrascriptum Sacrae Congrega- 1828 tionis Secretarium relatione die 16 Julii, 1887, Sanctitas Sua re- sponsiones Eminentissimorum Patrum confirmavit simulque man- 1829 davit expediri decretum de quo in prima parte dubii secundi, et benigne concessit petitam extensionem juxta modum expressum in 1830 responsione ad quartam partem ejusdem dubii secundi. Datum Romae, ex Secretarla Sacrae Congregationis Indulgen¬ ti^ Sacrisque Reliquiis praepositae, die 16 Julii, 1887. Fr. Thomas M. Card. Zigliara, Praefectus. Alexander, Episcopus Oensis, Secretarius. Institutum s. j., 1 . 457 , ff . No. no. 17 September, 1887. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Indulgences of the Sodality can no longer be had unless through aggregation by the Father General of the So¬ ciety of Jesus to the prima-primaria. BEATISSIME PATER: Antonius Maria Anderledy, Praepositus Generalis Societatis 1831 Jesu, ad pedes Sanctitatis Tuae provolutus, demisse exponit olim Congregationes Beatae Mariae Yirginis et Bonae Mortis, ut in Ec- clesiis Societatis ortum habuerunt, ita, etsi ab aliis erigerentur, In- dulgentias a Sede Apostolica illis concessas consequi non potuisse, nisi a Praeposito Generali Societatis Jesu, cui ad id ampia facultas a pluribus Romanis Pontificibus concessa et saepìus confirmata est, Primariis Congregationibus ejusdem tituli in Collegio Romano si ve in Ecclesia SanctissimiNominisJesu canonice erectis rite aggregarentur. Ex qua quidem benigna Sanctae Sedis dispositione, inter alias, 1832 haec imprimis utilitas promanabat, quod omnes illae Congregationes, etsi per totum orbem erant diffusae, iisdem tamen regerentur le- gibus et usibus et, communi quodam vinculo colligatae, sancta inter se aemulatione ad bona quaeque opera stimulos sibi inijcerent, at- Former reservation Its advantages S. C. OF INDULG., 17 SEPT., 1887 — AGGREGATION NECESSARY 227 * que plurimos ad Dei gloriam et animarum salutem proferrent ubique fructus insignes. 18 33 Verum ab aliquo tempore dictae Congregationes Beatae Ma- riae Virginis et Bonae Mortis ab aliis quoque non tantum (ut jam pridem in usu fuerat) eriguntur, verum etiam Indulgentiis ab hac Sancta Sede ipsis concessis ditantur, ita ut nullatenus ad Prima- rias illas Congregationes Romanas aggregentur, sed singulae earum per orbem sparsae nullo vinculo inter se nec ullo communi centro conjunctae remaneant. 1834 Quare praedictus orator enixe et humiliter rogat ut San- ctitas Tua, si ita expedire ad majorem earum Congrega tionum profectum videatur, benigne statuat Congregationes Beatae Mariae Virginis et Bonae Mortis, etsi ab aliis sint erectae, nihilominus Indulgentias eis a Romanis Pontificibus concessas non posse con- sequi in posterum, nisi, ut jampridem usus ferebat, a Societatis Jesu Praeposito Generali, obtento utique Ordinarii loci consensu, ad Primarias Congregationes Romanas fuerint aggregatae. Et Deus, etc. 1835 Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Leo Papa XIII, in audientia ha- bita die 17 Septembris, 1887, ab infrascripto Secretano Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praepositae, benigne annuit pro gratia juxta preces. Contrariis quibuscumque non ob- stantibus. Datum Romae, ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 17 Septembris, 1887. Later practice Petition Grant Pro Dno. Cardinali Zigliara, Praefecto, M. Card. Ledochowski. Alexander, Episcopus Oensis, Secretarius. Institutum s. j., I. 459, f. Case proposed Question Answer Decision 228* S. C. OF INDULG., IO AUG., l6 NOV., 1888 No. hi. 10 August, 1888. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Ordinary can validly appoint a secular Priest Director of a Sodality that formerly had for Director a religious of a now suppressed Order with which the Sodality was connected. BITUNTINA Postquam civile Gubernium in nonnullis Europae regionibus 1836 Religiosos Ordines suppressit, ut plurimtim eorundem Ecclesiae viduatae omnino manent viris religiosis qui in ipsis sacra munia obeant, ac proinde etiam Confraternitates in illis erectae, quae Ordinum Religiosorum directioni subjiciebantur, suis quoque Recto- ribus destituuntur. Hinc sequentia dubia huic Sacrae Congregationi Indulgentiarum et Sacrarum Reliquiarum discutienda proponuntur: 1. An hujusmodi Confraternitates, quae modo a Sacerdotibus 1837 saecularibus ab Episcopis deputatis reguntur, adhuc gaudeant Indul- gentiis et privilegiis quibus potiebantur tempore quo moderamini Religiosorum Ordinum suberant. Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praeposita, 1838 die io Augusti, 1888, desuper propositis dubiis ita respondit: Ad 1 : Affirmative. Datum ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis die et anno uti supra. S. Card. Vannutelli, Praef. Alex., Episc. Oensis, Secret. Beringer, Les indulgences, II . JI . No. 112. 16 November, 1888. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Vic¬ ars General can erect Confraternities that do not re¬ quire a special Apostolic Indult, if they are deputed in general for even special acts. Decrevit Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiis praeposita Vicarios 1839 Generales speciali indigere Episcopi delegatone ut rite valeant Confraternitates erigere. 1 PREF. OF PROPAGANDA, 30 JUNE, 1889 — POWERS OF ORDINARIES 229 * 1840 Quaeritur utrum necessaria sit haec specialis delegatio quando, vigore ipsarum litterarum Vicariatus, ipsi Vicarii Generales depu¬ tati sunt non solum ad generalia, sed etiam ad specialia loco Epi¬ scopi peragenda. 1841 Sacra Congregatio, die 16 Novembris, 1888, proposito dubio respondit : Negative, dummodo tamen non agatur de erectione Conf'rater- nitatum cum respectivis Indulgentiis, pro qua erectione Episcopus speciali indiget Apostolico Indulto. Archives of the sacred congregation of indulgences. A printed folio. No. 113. 30 June, 1889. Letter of the Cardinal Prefect of Propaganda. Ordinaries that have the faculties in Missionary countries can still erect Confraternities and communicate the Indulgences to them. ILLUSTRISSIME AC REVERENDISSIME DOMINE: 1842 Sacrae huic Fidei Propagandae Congregationi dudum jam an- teactis temporibus auctoritas per Summos Pontifices facta fuerat tribuendi Archiepiscopis, Episcopis, Vicariis et Praefectis Apostolicis aliisque Missionum Moderatoribus ab eadem Sacra Congregatione dependentibus facultatem erigendi in locis sibi subjectis quascum- que pias Sodalitates a Sancta Sede adprobatas, iisque adscribendi utriusque sexus Christi fideles, ac benedicendi coronas et scapularia earundem Sodalitatum propria, cum applicatione omnium Indulgen- tiarum quas Summi Pontifices praedictis Sodalitatibus, coronis et scapularibus impertiti sunt. 1843 Verum, postquam per decretum Sacrae Congregationis Indul- gentiarum et Sacrarum Reliquiarum editum die 16 Julii, anno 1887, constitutum est quoad Confraterni tates Sanctissimae Trinitatis, Bea- tae Mariae Virginis a Monte Carmelo et Septem Dolorum, ne eae- dem erigerentur nisi requisitis antea et obtentis a respectivorum Ordinum Superioribus pro tempore exsistentibus litteris facultativis pro earundem erectione, a nonnullis dubitatum est num praedictum decretum loca etiam Missionum respiceret, in quibus plura rerum Question Answer Faculties formerly granted \ apparently withdrawn are declared unchanged and stiU available Question Answer 230* S. C. OF INbULG., 14 AUG., 1889 — ENROLMENT OF DEAD adjuncta prohibent quominus quae perillud praecipiuntur commode possint exsecutioni mandari. Quapropter, ad omnem ambiguitatem e medio tollendam, Sanctis- 1844 simus Dominus Noster Leo Papa XIII in audientia diei 15 superioris mensis Decembris a Reverendo Patre Domino Secretano praedictae Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum et Sacrarum Reliquiarum habita, declarare benigne dignatus est Sacrum hoc Consilium Pro- pagandae Fidei eisdem facultatibus quoad erectionem Confrater- nitatum a Sancta Sede adprobatarum uti prosequi posse quas ante promulgationem praedicti decreti diei 16 Julii, anno 1887, habebat. What follows concerns the Confraternity of the Rosary. Moderatores igitur Missionum huic Sacrae Congregationi Fidei !845 Propagandae subjecti facultates ab eadem sibifaciendas quoad omnium Confraternitatum erectionem, fidelium in easdem aggregationem, sca- pularium benedictionem et Indulgentiarum applicationem valide et licite exercere se posse sciant, quin a quopiam cujusvis Regularis Ordinis Moderatore veniam aut assensum expetere aut obtinere antea teneantur. Ego interim Deum precor ut Te diutissime sospitet. Ad officia paratissimus, Joannes Card, Simjeoni, Praefectus. Dominicus, Archiepiscopus Tyrensis, a Secretis. * Archives of the propaganda, Circ. CXIV, dated30 June, 1889. No. 114. 14 August, 1889I Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The departed not to be admitted into a Confraternity. An fideles qui ex hac vita migrarunt alicui Sodalitati adscribi 1846 valeant, ad effectum ut ipsi suffragiis potiantur quibus post obitum gaudent caeteri fideles qui adhuc viventes alicui Sodalitati nomen dederunt. Negative, juxta decreta a Suprema Universali Inquisitione edita 1847 sub die 13 Decembris, 1876. Collectanea prop, fidei, II. 362, No. 1981, Note. FR. GEN. ANDERLEDY, 21 NOV., 1891 — DIRECTION 231 * No. 115. 21 November, 1891. Letter of Father General Anderledy. How to direct So¬ dalities. 1848 Atque, ut dicam de Congregationibus Beatissimae Dei Matris, quae frequentiorem cum Sodalibus usum poscere videntur: equidem vidi florentes numero ac pietate quae consilio ac hortatione ita re- • gebantur, ut cum vel segniores essent excitandi, vel pax reducenda, vel remedium cuicumque maio quaerendum, Sodalium ipsorum opera uterentur Moderatores, prudentiorum praesertim, qui Sodalitii of¬ ficio aliquo potirentur. Hi vero sancto huic operi vacando, muneri assueverunt traducendi animos a vitiis ad virtutem, serviendi com- modis Sanctae Ecclesiae, opem porrigendi ac fidem Dei ministris, et adjutores se praebendi cuicumque operam rei piae navanti. 1849 Interim Sodalium Moderatores, visitandi onere immunes, lucrum faciebant temporis ad elucubrandas diligenter sacras orationes, qui- bus erudirent Sodales, vitia emendarent, inflammarent ad virtutis et Dei amorem. 1850 Magnum ex omni labore nostro Dei gloriae fructum percipere cupimus. Quem ut ex Sodalitiis nostris colligamus, diligens ea cautio est adhibenda, ne pia ac Deo dicata esse desinant, et gradatim ad profana vergant Sodalium desideria. Ad cultum enim Dei et san- ctissimae Dei Matris, ad sacra saepe percipienda, ad piam mortem obeundam hae Sodalitates institutae sunt, nec illis potest esse ulla cum mundo societas. Epistolae generalium, IV . 256 , 257 . Members utilized Leaving Director free Sodalities to remain pious No. 116. 3 December, 1892. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The consent of the Ordinary to precede erection and aggre¬ gation; Diplomas of erection or aggregation cannot be granted without reference to the person who has power to erect or aggregate ; other Officials besides Pastors can be named pro tempore Directors of a Confraternity . ENGOLISMENSIS Sacrae Indulgentiarum Congregationi sequentia dubia diri- menda sunt proposita: 1851 1. In erigendis seu instituendis Confraternitatibus atque Indul- Statement Approvai of Ordinary Diplomas signed in advance Director Answers 232 * S. C. OF INDULG., 3 DEC., 1S92 — APPROBATION, DIPLOMAS, DIRECTOR gentiis iisdem communicandis, item in Confraternitatibus aggre¬ gando, Clemens VIII, constitutione quaecumque, plura praescri- psit sub poena nullitatis, quorum observantiam saltern in substan- tialibus Pius IX, decreto 8 Januarii, 1861, denuo constituit. Inter quae reperitur: Quod Confraternitatis aggregalo seu institutio fiat de consensu loci Ordinarii et cum litteris testimonialibus ejusdem. Et formulae, a Pio IX traditae, diserte aiunt : " Confraternitatem de consensu loci Ordinarii, qui ejusdem Confraternitatis institutum, pietatem ac religionem litteris patentibus nobis nuper exhibitis com- mendavit.per praesentes erigimus ...., itemque Confraterni¬ tatem ., attentis Episcopi seu Ordinarii loci consensu et litteris testimonialibus, quibus ejus institutum, pietas ac religio commen- datur, Nostrae Archiconfraternitati adjungimus et aggregamus. ” Hinc quaeritur: 1. a) An dicta conditio sufficienter impleatur, quum Ordinarius 1853 loci litteras testimoniales in antecessum non dat, sed tantum in di¬ plomate erectionis vel aggregationis sibi transmisso his verbis subscribit, vel etiam aequivalentibus : “ Vidimus et consensimus ” seu “ Vidimus et executioni dari permisimus. ” b). An saltern sufficiat Ordinarium suam subscriptionem appo- 1853 nere, quum in diplomate erectionis ipsi transmisso a Superiore Or- dinis non leguntur verba “ erigimus ”, sed: “ facultatem concedi- mus erigendi ”, et dicta subscriptio actualem erectionem praecedit. 2. Cum saepe longe distet Archiconfra terni tatis Moderator, seu 1854 Superior Ordinis Religiosi, factum est ut plerumque formulae ab eis subscriptae et sigillo munitae in Cancellaria Episcopatuum, seu in aliqua Ordinis Domo, in antecessum deponantur, quibus suo tem¬ pore depositarius utitur ad erectionem vel aggregationem, nomen Rectoris datamque in formula apponens. Quaeritur igitur an erectio vel aggregalo hoc modo peracta ut valida sit retinenda. 3. Decreto Urbis et Orbis, die 8 Januarii, 1861, facta est Ordi- 1855 nariis potestas Parochos pro tempore in Rectores, Moderatores, etc., Confraternitatis nominandi: Hinc quaeritur: An ex eo decreto potuerint Ordinarii nominare non solum Pa¬ rochos, sed etiam Eleemosynarios, Capellanos Communitatum vel piorum locorum, quoad Confraternitates in Ecclesiis ipsis concre- ditis, independenter a Parocho, uti communiter fit in Galliis, vel etiam Vicarios, turn ob nimias Parochi occupationes turn aliis de causis.... Porro Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquis prae- 1856 posita, relatis dubiis, audito unius ex Consultoribus voto, respon¬ dendum statuit: FR. GENERAL, 1892 — GEN. CONGREGATION, 1892 233 * Ad 1: Ad primam partem, Negative ; ad secundam partem, Non sufficere. Ad 2: Negative. Ad 3 : Affirmative .... Datum Romae, ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 3 Decembris, 1892. Fr. Aloisius Card. Sepiacci, Praef. f Alexander, Archiep. Nicopolit., Seer. Archives of the sacred congregation of indulgences. A printed folio. No. 117. 1892. Decree of the Father General. The erection and aggre¬ gation of Sodalities and the making or changing of their Rules are reserved to the General. 1857 Facultas erigendi et aggregandi praedictas Congregationes re* servata est Praeposito Generali; uti etiam facultas earum statuta condendi et immutandi. 1858 Servanda autem est in erectione et aggregatione Instructio de hac re novissime edita. Institutum s. j., I. 659, cf. 661. No. 118. 1892. Decree of the 24 th General Congregation. Care of Sodal¬ ities of men urged. Decree 20, section 4. 1859 Rogata Congregatio ut nostris impense commendatas velit vi* rorum Congregationes, ac praesertim operariorum coetus pro In* stituti nostri ratione instituendos et fovendos; magna consensione censuit ac decrevit Patri Nostro summopere commendandum ut per Superiores aliosque e nostris urgeat quam maxime curam spi- Questions proposed Answers 234 * S. C. OF INDULG., 26 AUG., 1893 — PRAYERS, MEETINGS ritualem virorura, praesertim operariorum et pauperum, efficiatque ut ; ope Exercitiorum Spiritualium ac Sodalitatum nostrarum, ex pristina Societatis norma, eosdem ad omnia pietatis et caritatis officia summo studio perducant. Institutum s. j., II. 520, f. No. ng. 26 August, 1893. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The prayers said at meetings are enough for the gaining of the Indulgences ; to gain these , a meeting twice a month suffices. \ ORDINIS S. BENEDICTI ABBATIAE METTENSIS IN BAVARIA P. Othmarus, Ordinis S. Benedicti, qui in Abbatia Mettensi i860 praeest Sodalitio Manali adolescentium qui litteris dant operam, huic Sacrae Congregationi Indulgentiarum sequentia dubia diri- menda proponit : 1. Utrum ad lucrandas Indulgentias Sodalitatibus Marianis tri- 1861 butas pro conventibus hebdomadariis requirantur speciales preces illis superaddendae quae a Sodalibùs una simul recitari solent in praedictis conventibus, an vero sufficiant illae quae in memoratis conventibus in communi fiunt; 2. Utrum Indulgentiae illae quae conventibus hebdomadariis 1862 Sodalitatum Marialium sunt adnexae ita concessae intelligantur ut, si conventus non qualibet hebdomada habeantur, sed quolibet quar- todecimo tantum die, bis videlicet in mense, eo ipso careant Indul- gentiis. Porro Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiarum propositis dubiis die 1863 29 Julii, ita respondendum censuit: Ad 1 : Negative quoad primam partem ; affirmative quoad se- cundam, cum intentione tamen eas dirigendi ad mentem Summi Pontificis. Ad 2: Negative.... Datum Romae, ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 26 Augusti, 1893. E. Card. Persico, Praef. Alexander, Archiep. Nicopolitan., Seer. Archives of the sacred congregation of indulgences. A printed folio. S. C. OF INDULG., 13 FEB., 1894 — 20 MAY, 1896 235* » No. 120. 13 February, 1894. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The ' same person can belong to two Confraternities. \ BASILEENSIS 1864 In Dioecesi Basileensi in distinctis Ecclesiis duae existunt Con- fraternitates, una quidem sub titulo SS. Cordis Jesu simpliciter, altera vero sub titulo Adorationis Perpetuae SS. Cordis Jesu. Jam vero, ob existentiam harum Confraternitatum, quae idem saltern objectum principale respiciunt, nonnulla dubia exorta sunt, quorum solutionem Episcopus Basileensis humiliter expostulat ab hac Sacra Congregatone Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praeposita. Quae- ritur igitur: 1865 1. Utrum fideles utrique Confraternitati, quae idem objectum cultui exhibet, simul adscribi valeant.... 1866 Porro Sacra Congregatio desuper propositis dubiis, exquisito prius unius ex Consultoribus voto, respondit: Ad 1. Affirmative.... Datum Romae, ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 13 Februarii, 1894. Archives of the sacred congregation of indulgences. A printed folio. No. 121. 20 May, i8g6. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Let¬ ters commendatory , without separate consent , from the Ordinary are sufficient for the erection and aggre¬ gation of Confraternities ; the Summary of Indulgences approved by the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences needs no further examination by the Ordinary. 1867 Procurator Generalis Ordinis Praedicatorum sequentia dubia huic Sacrae Congregationi Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praepo- sitae humiliter dirimenda proposuit : 1868 1. An conditio Clementinae Constitutionis quaecumque de con¬ sensu Ordinarii loci et de litteris testimonialibus, servanda in ere- Statement Question Answer Questions Answers Approval Question ■ 236* S. C. OF INDULG., 25 AUG. 1897 — RELIGIOUS HOUSES ctionibus et aggregationibus Confraternitatum, accipienda sit ita ut duo requirantur actus distincti, consensus nempe et litterae testi- moniales; vel potius sufficiat consensus implicite expressus in lit- teris testimonialibus; 2. An Summarium Indulgentiarum quod una cum Diplomate 1869 datur in erectione et aggregatione Confraternitatum jam recognitum et approbatum a Sacra Congregatione Indulgentiarum, nova etiam indigent recognitione Ordinarii loci.... Et Eminentissimi ac Reverendissimi Patres Cardinales in ge- 1870 neralibus comitiis ad Vaticanas aedes habitis die 5 Martii, 1896, rescripserunt : Ad dubium 1 : Sufficere Ordinarii litteras quibus consensum in erectionem vel aggregationem Confraternitatum significet et iri- stituti pietatem ac religionem commendet. Ad 2: Negative.... Factaque de iis omnibus Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Leoni Pa- 1871 pae XIII relatione in audientia habita die 20 Maji, 1896, ab infra- scripto Cardinali Sacrae Congregationis Praefecto, Sanctitas Sua resolutiones Eminentissimorum Patrum ratas habuit et confirmavit.... Datum Romae, ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 20 Maji, 1896. ( Andreas Card. Steinhuber, Praef. t Alexander, Archiep. Nicopolitanus, Secret. Archives of the sacred congregation of indulgences. A printed, folio. No. 122. 25 August, 1897. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The consent given by the Ordinary for the erection of a Re¬ ligious House is sufficient for the erection of a Confra¬ ternity in it depending on the Order. URBIS ET ORBIS 2. An ad erectionem Confraternitatum, puta Sanctissimae Tri- nitatis, Sanctissimi Rosarii, Beatae Mariae Virginis de Monte Car¬ melo, vel a Virgine Perdolente, aliarumve hujusmodi quae a Reli- 187a S. C. OF INDULG., 25 AUG., 1897 — ENROLMENT OF DEAD 237 * giosis Ordinibus in suis respectivis Ecclesiis eriguntur, necessarius sit Ordinarii consensus. 1873 Et Eminentissimi Patres in Vaticanis aedibus in generali con- gregatione coadunati sub die 5 Augusti, 1897, ad proposita dubia responderunt :. Ad 2 : Si agatur de Confraternitatibus proprie dictis, id est ad modum organici corporis et cum sacco constitutis, Affirmative: si de Confraternitatibus late acceptis, satis provisum per consensum praestitum ab Ordinario pro erectione Conventus Ordinis in Dioecesi. 1874 De quibus omnibus facta Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Leoni Pa- pae XIII relatione, in Audientia habita ab infrascripto Cardinali Praefecto die 25 Augusti, 1897, Sanctitas Sua resolutiones Eminen- tissimorum Patrum approbavit. Datum’ Romae, ex Secretarla ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis die 25 Augusti, 1897. Fr. Hieronymus Maria Card. Gotti, Praefectus. f A., Archiepisc. Antinoen., Secretarius. Archives of the sacred congregation of indulgences, A printed folio. No. 123. 25 August, 1897. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The departed cannot be admitted into Pious Unions or Pious Works. URBIS ET ORBIS • 1875 Cum, post editum decretum a Sancta Romana et Universali Inquisitione sub die 6 Decembris, 1876, necnon resolutionem Sa¬ crae Congregationis Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praepositae datam die 14 Augusti, 1889, Moderatores Piarum Unionum et Pio- rum Operum perrexerint defunctos hisce piis Unionibus piisque Operibus adscribere, ab hac Sacra Congregatione Indulgentiarum exquisitum est: 1876 An, stante decreto Sanctae Romanae et Universalis Inquisitio- nis die 16 Decembris, 1876, et resolutione hujus Sacrae Congrega¬ tionis sub die 14 Augusti, 1889, sustineri valeant adscriptiones de- functorum piis Unionibus piisque Operibus. Answer Approval Case proposed Question Answer Approval Question Answer Approval Extension 238 * S. C. OF THE INQUIS., 23 MARCH, 1899 — DELEGATION OF FACULTIES Et Eminentissimi Patres in generalibus comitiis ad Vaticanum 1877 habitis sub die 5 Augusti, 1897, rescribendum duxerunt: Negative. In Audientia vero habita ab infrascripto Cardinali Praefecto, die 1878 25 Augusti, 1897, Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Leo Papa XIII Emi- nentissimorum Patrum resolutionem confirmavit. Datum Romae, ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 25 Augusti, 1897. Fr. Hieronymus Maria Gotti, Praef. / f A., Archiepisc. Antinoen., Secret. Archives of the sacred congregation of indulgences. A printed folio. No. 124. 23 March, 1899. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Inquisition. Pow¬ er of the Bishop or other Ordinary to delegate his fa¬ culties touching Confraternities. Proposito dubio: An possit Episcopus dioecesanus subdelegare, 1879 absque speciali concessione, suis Vicariis Generalibus aut aliis ec- clesiasticis viris modo generali, vel saltern pro casu particulari, fa- cultates ab Apostolica Sede sibi ad tempus delegatas; Eminentis¬ simi Patres (feria IV, 14 Decembris) respondendum censuerunt: Affirmative, dummodo id in facultatibus non prohibeatur, ne- 1880 que subdelegandi jus pro aliquibus tantum coarctetur. In hoc enim casu servanda erit adamussim forma rescripti. In sequenti vero feria VI, 16 Decembris, 1898, in solita audien- 1881 tia Reverendo Padri Domino Adsessori Sacrae Congregationis im¬ perata, facta de iis omnibus Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Leoni Divina Providentia Papae XIII relatione, Sanctitas Sua Eminentis- simorum Patrum resolutionem adprobavit. Quum insuper dubitatum fuerit, an quod praefatum decretum 1882 statuit de Episcopo dioecesano intelligendum etiam sit de Vicariis, Praefectis et Administratoribus Apostolicis jurisdictionem ordina- riam cum territorio separato habentibus, Sanctissimus Dominus No¬ ster, in Audientia feriae V, diei 23 Martii, 1899, referente Reverendo Patre Domino Adsessore Sancti Officii respondit: Affirmative. Collectanea prop, fidei, II. 380, 381, No. 2020. 188 3 1884 1885 1886 S. C. OF INDULG., IO AUG., 1899 — TESTIMONIAL OF BISHOP 239 * No. 125. 10 August, 1899. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The Ordinary need not state on the Summary of Indulgences that he has seen it. AUGUSTANA 3. An cognitio Ordinarii exprimi debeat in scriptis ad calcem Summarii Indulgentiarum.... Ad 3. Non est necesse. Factaque de iis omnibus per me, infrascriptum Cardinalem Praefectum, relatione Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Leoni Papae XIII, in Audientia habita die io Augusti, 1899, Sanctissimus omnes reso- lutiones Eminentissimorum Patrum benigne approbavit. Datum Romae, ex Secretarla Sacrae Congregationis Indulgen- tiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praepositae, die io Augusti, 1899. Fr. Hieronymus M. Card. Gotti, Praef. f A. Sabatucci, Archiep. Antinoen., Secret. Archives of the sacred congregation of indulgences. A printed folio . No. 126. 1887, 1897, I 2 3 4 9 ° 3 * Decree of the Sacred, Congregation of Indulgences. Indul¬ gences for the Little Office of Our Lady . 1. Indulgence plénière, une fois le mois, au jour de leur choix, pour tous les fidèles qui, pendant un mois entier, ont récité le Petit Office de la Sainte Vierge. Conditions: Confession et Communion; 2. 7 ans et 7 quarantaines, une fois le jour, pour le mème Petit Office; 3. 300 jours une fois le jour, pour tous ceux qui récitent Matines et Laudes seulement; 4. 50 jours, pour chaque petite heure, pour Vèpres et pour Complies, mime dites isolément. Question Answer Approval Indulgences 240 S. C. OF INDULG., 1887, 1897, I903 — LITTLE OFFICE * Breviary Office Manner of recitation Vernacular En vertu d’une décision de la Sacrée Congrégation des Indui* 1887 gences, da 12 mars, 1855, ces Indulgences ne sont valables que pour le Petit Office du bréviaire romain, et non pour- d’autres offi¬ ces semblables, lors mème qu’ils auraient été approuvés par un évèque. Quant à la manière de réciter le Petit Office de la très Sainte 1888 Vierge, la Sacrée Congrégation des Rites a, autrefois déjà et der- nièrement encore, tracé des regies que nous résumons ainsi:. 1. Toutes les heures du Petit Office (Vèpres aussi, alors 1889 mème que Complies suivent) doivent se terminer par le verset: FIDELIUM ANIMAE, et par le PATER NOSTERJ 2. On dit le te deum pendant l’année et dans le temps 1890 de Noèl; on le supprime pendant l’Avent, la Carème (à partir de la Septuagésime), mème aux fétes des Saints; on ne le dit qu’aux tètes de la Vierge et de Saint Joseph qui tombent à ces époques; 3. En la fète de 1 ’ Annunciation, le Petit Office se dit comme 1891 pendant l’Avent; 4. Au temps de la Passion, et mème les trois derniers jours 1892 de la Semaine Sainte, on dit le gloria patri à l’Invitatoire et au troisième répons; toutefois, les trois derniers jours de la Se¬ maine Sainte, le Petit Office ne peut se réciter publiquement. Au temps pascal on n’ajoute pas d’ALLELUjA aux antiennes. 5. On répète les antiennes in Festis duplicibus, mais seule- 1893 ment quand on dit l’Office publiquement et qu’on récite Matines avec trois nocturnes. En ce cas, on n’omet point les Suffragia Sanctorum ; 6. Seule, la commémoration de Saint Joseph peut ètre ajou- 1894 tèe; là du moins, où c’est l’usage depuis longtemps. Pour toute autre commémoration il faut un indult spécial. 7. Le Petit Office doit ètre récité publiquement en latin; les 1895 rubriques peuvent ètre imprimées dans la langue du pays.... Par un décret de la Sacrée Congrégation des Indulgences, du 1896 28 aoùt, 1903, décret approuvé par Sa Sainteté le Pape Pie X, il a été accordé que, pour la récitation privée (mais non point pour la récitation en chceur), le Petit Office de la Sainte Vierge puisse ètre dit dans la langue maternelle, pourvu que la traduction en soit reconnue et approuvée par un Ordinaire des lieux où cette langue est parlée généralement. Beringer, les indulgences, I. 250-252 and 692. S. C. OF INDULG., II NOV., 1903 — PLACE CHANGED 241 * No. 127. 11 November, 1903. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Per¬ mission is granted to change the place of meeting. BEATISSIMO PADRE: I Prepositi Provinciali delle quattro Provincie francesi di Pa¬ rigi, Lione, Tolosa e Sciampagna, della Compagnia di Gesù, pro¬ strati ai piedi della Santità Vostra, espongono quanto segue: Ogni Congregazione della Beatissima Vergine è stabilita in qualche luogo determinato, cioè in qualche Chiesa od Oratorio, di cui si fa menzione nei documenti di erezione e di aggregazione. Ora la chiusura violenta delle Cappelle, ordinata dal governo fran¬ cese, impedisce ad un grande numero di tali Congregazioni di ra¬ dunarsi nei luoghi a loro assegnati. Per conservare queste istitu¬ zioni, i Direttori sono stati costretti a radunare i Congregati in altri locali, per esempio in qualche sala od appartamento privato. I suddetti oratori domandano quindi umilmente alla Santità Vostra che si degni accordare che i cambiamenti di luoghi già fatti, o che dovranno farsi in avvenire, non arrechino danno spirituale ai Congregati ; ma che questi, purché le Congregazioni a cui ap¬ partengono siano aggregate alla prima-primaria di Roma, possano godere di tutte le Indulgenze e di tutti i privilegi concessi alla Congregazione Primaria, e di più di tutti i favori che sarebbero stati specialmente annessi al luogo primitivo delle loro adunanze. Che, eco. Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praeposita, utendo facultatibus a Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Pio Papa X sibi tributis, attends peculiaribus circumstantiis Gallicae regionis, eisque perdurantibus, benigne indulsit ut, accedente Ordinariorum con¬ sensu, praedictae Congregationes Marianae adunari valeant in locis supramemoratis, ita ut Sodales inibi, si praestiterint quae prae- standa sunt, omnes et singulas Indulgentias luerari valeant quas Congregati lucrantur in Ecclesiis aut Sacellis ubi Sodalitium ab initio fuit erectum. Contrariis quibuscumque non obstantibus. Datum Romae, ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 11 Novembris, 1903. A. Card. Tripepi, Praef. f Franciscus Sogaro, Archiep. Amidensis, Secretarius. General archives s. j., Instit. 36. Vili. 16 \ Statement Petition Grant 242 FR. GEN. MARTIN, 13 APR., 1904 DECLARATION No. 128. 13 April, 1904. Father General Martin. Declaration touching Sodalities out¬ side yesuit Institutions . Occasion Not under General Erection Aggregation Seit dem Erlasse, durch welchen das Koniglich-Preussische 1901 Kultusministerium die Zulassung der Marianischen Kongregationen unter den katholischen Schiilern der offentlichen Lehranstalten ver- fiigte, sowie seit der erfolgten Aufhebung des § 2 des Gesetzes gegen die Gesellschaft Jesu, sind unaufhorlich und von alien Seiten Kund- gebungen an die Oeffentlichkeit gelangt, in welchen die Marianischen Kongregationen als eine Grundung der Gesellschaft Jesu bezeichnet wurden, die an den Jesuitenorden angegliedert seien und unter dessen Leitung stehen. Gegeniiber diesen ganz haltlosen, unwahren und aufreizenden Behauptungen sehen wir uns zu folgender, offentlichen Erklàrung veranlasst: 1. Der General der Gesellschaft Jesu hat nicht die Leitung der 1902 Marianischen Kongregationen in den Handen. Es stehen dieselben tatsàchlich gar nicht unter seiner Fuhrung, noch in irgendeiner Weise unter der Leitung der Gesellschaft Jesu. 2. Die Errichtung der einzelnen Kongregationen ist Sache der 1903 Diòcesanbischofe und unabhàngig von der Zustimmung und Erwar- tung des Pater Generals der Jesuiten. 3. Die Aggregation der errichteten Kongregationen, die beim 1904 Pater General des Jesuitenordens nachzusuchen ist, besteht bloss in dem àusseren Anschlusse an die Erzkongregation in Rom, zum Zwecke dass die neuerrichteten Kongregationen der Ablasse und geistlichen Vorteile teilhaft werden welche die Pàpste ein fiir alle¬ ntai der Erzkongregation und den ihr angeschlossenen Kongre¬ gationen erteilt haben. Nicht der Pater General gewahrt die Ablasse, sondern das Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche. Der Pater General ist hierbei nur mitwirkend als Werkzeug der Vermittlung und Verwendung und erhàlt durch diese Aggregation keinerlei Rechte der Aufsicht und Leitung tiber die einzelnen Kongregationen. Das Alles ist Sache der Diòzesanbischòfe. Dies zur Steuer der Wahrheit und Beruhigung der Gemiiter. Rom, den 13 April, 1904. L. Martin, S. J., General der Gesellschaft Jesu. General archives s. j., Instit. 36. VIII. PIUS X, 7 SEPT., 1904 — WORDS ON SODALITY 243 * No. 129. 7 September, 1904. Audience of Pius X. Words spoken to the Sodality Congress. 1905 Tra i meriti della veneranda Compagnia di Gesù, come quello dell’apostolato, anche nei paesi infedeli, dell’istituzione del clero, e del popolo, dell’educazione della gioventù, e sovra tutto della fermezza e costanza nel sostenere, a preferenza di qualunque altro Ordine Religioso, il disprezzo, le persecuzioni, le calunnie del mon¬ do: tra tanti meriti insigni, credo non debba esser posto in ultimo luogo quello della fondazione delle Congregazioni Mariane; che, sorte da quasi tre secoli e mezzo tra i giovani del Collegio Romano, al presente contano 26,494 Sodalizi di Congregati, e migliaia e mi¬ gliaia di membri, che, uniti in uno spirito solo, che è lo spirito della carità di Gesù Cristo, non hanno altro fine che quello di san¬ tificare sè stessi con l’osservanza delle leggi divine. I mezzi? - I mezzi i più facili, i più ovvii: la santificazione in modo speciale delle Feste, la carità reciproca tra i Fratelli, e specialmente tra i Fratelli ammalati. 1906 La santificazione della Festa; colla preghiera alla Vergine, sotto il cui patrocinio le Congregazioni sono sorte, coll’ ascoltare la Santa Messa, col mettere in pratica quanto viene predicato nella confe¬ renza, con 1 ’accostarsi il più spesso possibile ai Santi Sacramenti, e approfittare delle Sante Indulgenze, che alla Congregazione Pri¬ maria e a tutte le altre che vi sono aggregate i Sommi Pontefici hanno concesso. Mezzi che sono a tutti ovvii, mezzi che sono a tutti facili, che per i Cristiani sono veramente obbligatori e per i quali si può dire che si compiono tutte le leggi ; perchè nella san¬ tificazione della Festa si trova l’incentivo per adempiere tutti gli altri precetti della legge santa del Signore. Chi santifica bene la Festa sente la parola di Dio e la mette in opera: per essa si guarda dal male e cammina sulla via del bene. 1907 I frutti poi sono evidenti, avverando la sentenza dello Spirito Santo che: “ Adolescens juxta viam suam, etiam cum senuerit, non recedet ab ea ”. E noi stessi ne fummo testimoni tante volte che abbiamo assistito a queste adunanze delle Congregazioni Mariane e abbiamo ammirati a Mantova e in Venezia insieme coi fanciulli e coi giovani, adulti, persone già attempate di oltre 30, 40, qual¬ cuno 50, 60 anni. Si erano aggregate da giovani alle Congregazioni Mariane e tutta la loro vita ne avevano adempito fedelmente le ob¬ bligazioni, ed erano liete di averlo fatto; erano padri di famiglia, ferventi Cristiani, esempio della città, modello della famiglia, e in Works praised Sanctification of Sundays and Holy Days Example 244 PIUS X, 7 SEPT., 1904 — WORDS ON SODALITY * Young helped by old Elite Address to the young Be firm modo speciale dei giovani, i quali hanno bensì bisogno delle parole, ma più che la parola influisce su loro l’esempio. “ Longum iter per praecepta, breve per exempla. ” E vedendo esse queste persone as¬ sennate, avvocati distinti, medici provetti, persone di facoltà, esem¬ plari, che innanzi a tutto ascoltavano la parola del Signore, can¬ tavano le lodi della Vergine, si accostavano ai Santi Sacramenti, i giovani stessi si sentivano impegnati a seguirne l’esempio, e a fare tesoro della lezione che ricevevano. Di più, i giovani nel loro cuore generoso aspirano a fare cose 1908 grandi, e non sempre pensano se le loro forze a questo bastano; laddove avendo compagni i vecchi nelle Congregazioni, i giovani hanno, come li chiama la Scrittura “ gli uomini dell’ esperienza, ” e quindi, facendo tesoro delle loro osservazioni, imitano il loro ar¬ dore, e si cimentano soltanto a quelle opere che sono capaci di compiere, per non meritare il rimprovero del Vangelo, che “hic homo coepit aedificare et non potuit consummare” e per imitare l’esempio offerto dalla parabola del re che, volendo far guerra contro di un altro, prima di mettersi al cimento, pensa se con 10,000 uomini possa combattere contro l’altro che ne ha già 20,000, e se vede che, nonostante le provvigioni fatte, quei valorosi 10,000 correreb¬ bero il pericolo della sconfìtta, manda subito ambasciatori per fare la pace. I giovani quindi, prima di cimentarsi a qualunque opera, amanti come sono della novità, e che credono talora di vedere an¬ che in una lucciola una nuova stella che loro apparisca, hanno bi¬ sogno del senno dei vecchi per l’esperienza loro, e quindi questo vantaggio l’ottengono col frequentare le Congregazioni Mariane. Io quindi mi congratulo con voi, quanti siete, fanciulli, giovani, 1909 operai, studenti, uomini provetti, che avete dato il nome alle Con¬ gregazioni Mariane ; perchè mi pare di vedere in voi l’eletta schiera dei veri Cristiani ; Cristiani fervorosi, disposti a qualunque sacrificio con la protezione della Vergine, e sotto l’usbergo della Divina Onnipo¬ tenza, e vi raccomando con le parole dell’Apostolo : “ Vigilate, state in fide et confortamini ” ; vigilate, state fermi nella fede e confidate. O cari giovani, a voi specialmente ho diretta la parola, a voi 1910 che siete continuamente esposti a pericoli, a voi che i nemici della virtù tentano con tutti i mezzi di trarre a rovina ; a voi che respi¬ rate un’aria che è micidiale, a voi che camminate per una strada dove sotto ogni erba si nasconde il serpente, e purtroppo in ogni fiore si trova il veleno. Vegliate, vegliate su voi stessi, sulle vostre passioni; ma vegliate anche su quelli che vi vengono attorno, per¬ chè fanno l’ufficio di satelliti del demonio. State in fede; state fermi, costanti nella professione della vo- 191 1 stra fede. Oh certo, ci vuole del coraggio per mantenere la fede, S. C. OF INDULG., 15 NOV., 1905 — CONSENT OF THE ORDINARY 245 * quando da tanti è combattuta; ci vuole del coraggio e della bravura per resistere al rispetto umano, quando tanti si vergognano di es- sere Cristiani. Ma persuadetevi che se voi coraggiosamente mani¬ festerete la vostra fede e le vostre convinzioni, gli stessi avversari abbasseranno innanzi a voi la fronte e faranno omaggio alla vo¬ stra virtù. “ Confortamini. ” Confidate non nella pochezza delle vostre forze, ma, in qualunque opera, in qualunque cimento, confidate nella bontà, nella misericordia del Signore, che a tempo opportuno verrà in vo¬ stro aiuto e vi darà poi il premio delle vostre sofferenze. Ora continuate a vigilare colla fortezza e costanza nella fede, nella fiducia della Divina Provvidenza, e siate certi che voi cam¬ minerete la strada regale che conduce a salute, e farete discendere piena sopra di voi, sopra le vostre famiglie, sopra le persone che vi sono care, sopra i vostri studii, sopra i vostri interessi, quella benedizione che imploro dal Signore. General archives s. j., Instit. j6. Vili. A pamphlet of 8 pages with the title: discorso di s. s. pio x ai congregati CONVENUTI IN ROMA PER IL PRIMO CONGRESSO DELLE CONGREGA¬ ZIONI mariane d’Italia, 7 Settembre, 1904. This pamphlet was printed with permission of His Holiness. No. 130. 15 November, 1905. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. When the consent of the Ordinary is necessary for the appro¬ bation of Rules , for aggregation and for the publication of Indulgences. The case proposed concerns Confraternities erected in Church¬ es of Regulars. Quaeritur : 1. An in casu Ordinarii consensus requiratur ad approbatio- nem statutorum, aggregationum ac Indulgentiarum publicationem. Respondetur: Affirmative, si agatur de Confraternitatibus tarn proprie quam improprie dictis quarum erectio non sit Religiosis Ordinibus reservata; negative, si agatur de Confraternitatibus late acceptis quae sunt propriae ipsorum Ordinum. 2. An praedictum decretum intelligendum sit: a) de quibus- cumque Confraternitatibus quarum institutio respectivis Ordinibus Trust in God Question Answer Decree of 25 Aug., 1897 Answer Petition ;j ! ' » " . • y * '. , -'v 246* GENERAL CONG. S. J., 1906 — SODALITY URGED est reservata, dummodo sacco non utantur in loco ubi eriguntur, quamvis Romae vel alibi saccum induant; et b) de quibusvis Con- fraternitatibus late acceptis, quamvis earum institutio vel aggrega¬ lo non sit respective reservata Religiosis Ordinibus in quorum Ecclesiis eriguntur. Respondetur : Intelligendum est tantummodo de Confraternitati- I 9 I 7 bus quarum institutio respectivis Ordinibus est reservata, dummodo hae non sint Confraternitates ad modum organici corporis institu- tae, etiamsi sacco non utantur. Beringer, les indulgences, 2 Appendice à la 3 Edition, 36 , 37 - No. 131. 1906. Decree of the 25th. General Congregation S. J. The work of Sodalities strongly urged. Decree 12 , Section 3. Proinde ante omnia curandum. ut Marianae Congregatio- 1918 nes rite instituantur, foveantur ac bene dirigantur. Institutum s. j., II. p. 7 (of those inserted after p. 324). No. 132. 17 November, 1906. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. An Indulgence granted for reciting the Act of Consecration. BEATISSIMO PADRE: Il P. Elder Mullan, S. J., prostrato ai piedi della Santità Vo- 1919 stra, La supplica umilmente a voler annettere all’uno e all’altro dei seguenti Atti di Consacrazione l’Indulgenza di trecento giorni, ap¬ plicabile anche alle anime del Purgatorio, in favore degli ascritti alle Congregazioni Mariane, da lucrarsi ogni volta che, almeno con cuore contrito, divotamente li reciteranno. Che, etc. S. C. OF INDULG., 17 NOV., 1906 — ACT OF CONSECRATION 247* ACT OF CONSECRATION of St. John Berchmans 1920 Santa Maria, Madre di Dio e Vergine, io vi eleggo oggi per mia Signora, Patrona ed Avvocata, e fermamente stabilisco e pro¬ pongo di non abbandonarvi giammai, e di non mai dire nè fare contro di voi alcuna cosa, nè mai permettere che da altri si faccia contro il vostro onore. Ricevetemi dunque, ve ne scongiuro, per vostro servo perpetuo; assistetemi in tutte le mie azioni, e non mi abbandonate nell’ora della mia morte. Così sia. ACT OF CONSECRATION of St. Francis de Sales 19 21 Santissima Vergine e Madre di Dio, Maria, io, benché inde¬ gnissimo di essere vostro servo, mosso nondimeno dalla mirabile vostra pietà e dal desiderio di servirvi, vi eleggo oggi, in presenza dell’Angelo mio Custode e di tutta la Corte celeste, per mia Si¬ gnora Avvocata e Madre, e fermamente propongo di volervi sem¬ pre servire e di fare quanto potrò perchè da altri ancora siate amata e servita. Vi supplico dunque, Madre pietosissima, pel Sangue del vostro Figliuolo sparso per me, che mi riceviate nel numero degli altri vostri devoti per vostro servo perpetuo. Assistetemi in tutte le mie azioni e impetratemi grazia che talmente mi porti ne’ miei pensieri, parole ed opere, che non abbia mai ad offendere gli occhi vostri purissimi e del vostro Divin Fi¬ gliuolo. Ricordatevi di me e non mi abbandonate nell’ora della morte. Amen. 19 22 Sacra Congregati© Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praeposita, utendo facultatibus a Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Pio Papa X sibi tributis, benigne annuit pro gratia juxta preces. Praesenti in per- petuum valituro. Contrariis quibuscumque non obstantibus. Datum Romae, ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 17 Novembris, 1906. A. Card. Tripepi, Praefectus. f D. Panici, Archiep. Laodicen., Secretarius. General archives s. j., Instit. 36. Vili. Former decisions : g Nov., 1595 29 Feb., 1864 7 July, 1883 26 Nov., 1861 Practice 248* S. C. OP B1SH. AND REG., iS JAN., I907 — CONVENTS No. 133. 18 January, 1907. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars. Socialities in Convents of Nuns. ROMANA ♦ Haec Sacra Congregatio circa erectionem Confraternitatum 1923 laicorum in Monasteriis Monialium die 9 Novembris, 1595, sequens decretum in Tirasonensi edidit : “ Non placet Sacrae Congregationi Regularium negotiis prae- fectae ut in Monasteriis Monialium sub quovis titulo instituantur Confraternitates laicorum, ad tollenda quam plurima quae ex hujus- modi institutionibus suboriri possunt incommoda. Quocirca cum oppido de Alfano istius dioecesis in quodam Monasterio Monialium S. Dominici Societatem Nominis Dei erectam esse resciverit, de* crevit eadem Congregatio ut Dominationi tuae rescriberetur, quod ego his litteris praesto, ne in posterum sive supradictam Confra- ternitatem sive alias similes quovis nomine in Monasteriis Monialium aut institui aut institutas exerceri permittat ...” Huic decreto inniti videtur etiam responsum Sacrae Congre- 1924 gationis Indulgentiarum et Sacrarum Reliquiarum in Andegavensi die 29 Februarii, 1864, ad 4. Cum enim proposi ta esset quaestio : “ In Gallia, cum minime existant Religiosae a Sancta Sede approbatae et aliunde plures adsint communitates quasi-Religiosarum quae scholas dirigunt et Congregationes habent puellarum tarn exter* narum quam alumnarum, valde utile esset Confraternitates erigere in earum Ecclesiis. Quaeritur an possint erigi - responsum pro* diit : “ Non expedire ”, Ex altera vero parte, Leo XIII, die 7 Julii, 1883, permisit ut 1925 Confraternitates Sacratissimi Cordis Jesu etiam in Sacellis Religio* sarum institui possint, nulla habita ratione distantiae alias prae- scriptae. Similiter jam Pius IX, Brevi 26 Novembris, 1861, concesserat 1926 Confraternitatem Immaculati Cordis Beatae Mariae Virginis pro conversione peccatorum erigi posse in omnibus Domibus in quibus Catholica juventus educatur, dummodo sint ab Ordinario recognitae et habeant Capellam propriam. De facto, Congregationes Beatae Mariae Virginis et Filiarum 1927 Mariae saepissime erigi solent in Domibus Religiosarum ubi puellae educantur scholasque frequentant, ita ut etiam puellae externae admittantur ad pias istas Congregationes. S. C. OF BISH. AND REG., IS JAN., 1907 — CONVENTS 249* 1928 Ex usu igitur et praxi, turn intra turn extra Italiani, decretum illud supra meinoratum Sacrae Congregationis Episcoporum et Re- gularium restringendum esse videtur ad Monasteria Monialium quae strictam observant clausuram, et ad Confraternitates laicorum utrius- que sexus, quae utique si in Ecclesiis talium Monasteriorum erige- rentur, incommoda non levia producere possent. Quando vero agitur de illis puellarum Congregationibus Piisve Unionibus quae in Do- mibus et Sacellis Religiosarum ad fovendam juventutis pietatem rectamque institutionem fundantur, damna ilia vix sunt timenda; immo res ipsa postulare videtur ut in ipsa Ecclesia seu Sacello Reli¬ giosarum, et non alibi, erigantur. Quapropter, ad omnem tollendam hac in re difficultatem, se quentia dubia pro solutione oblata fuerunt: 1929 1. An decretum Sacrae Congregationis Episcoporum et Regu- larium diei 9 Novembris, 1595, extendatur etiam ad pias Congre- gationes puellarum in Domibus et Sacellis Religiosarum erectis; 1930 2. Utrum in prohibitione erigendi Confraternitates in Ecclesiis Communitatum religiosarum, etiam a Sancta Sede non approba- tarum, verbum “ Confraternitates ” intelligendum sit dumtaxat de Confraternitatibus sensu stricto dictis, et de personis utriusque sexus quae nullam habent cum Religiosis relationem; an etiam de illis Piis Unionibus aut Congregationibus puellarum quae a prae- dictis Religiosis docentur et educantur. Resolutiones : 1931 Eminentissimi Patres Sacrae Congregationis Episcoporum et Regularium, omnibus mature discussis, die i8Januarii, 1907, respon- derunt: Ad 1 .et 2: Prohibitionem Sacrae Congregationis Episcoporum et Regularium diei 9 Novembris, 1595, in Tirasonensi, quae refe- rebatur tantummodo ad Confraternitates stricto sensu acceptas in Ecclesiis Religiosarum votorum solemnium, valere etiam pro Ec¬ clesiis Sororum votorum simplicium. 193a Quod vero attinet Pias Associationes quae tantum ex mulie- ribus coalescunt, nihil obstare quominus in praedictis Ecclesiis, ser- vatis servandis, erigi possint. 1933 Si vero agatur de Piis Associationibus utriusque sexus eri- gendis, res remittitur prudenti arbitrio et conscientiae Ordinario- rum, quorum erit assidue advigilare ut omnia rite recteque pro- cedant. Acta sanctae sedis, 190J , XL . 141 , fi . Conclusion Questions Answers 4 DIPLOMAS OF AGGREGATION 250 THE FRS. GENERAL, 1593-1907 No. 134. 15931907- The Fathers General. Diplomas used in erection and aggre¬ gation to the PRIMA-PRIMARIA. The Diplomas given here are of two kinds: 1. Those written on parchment for individual Sodalities: 1593 , 24 December , Sodality of the Assumption , the Gesù , 1934 Rome : signed by Father Aquaviva; 1616, 8 June, Sodality of Our Lady Immaculate, Roman College : signed by Father Vitelleschi; 1648 , 28 April , Priests Sodality of Our Lady Immac¬ ulate, Roman College: signed by Father Carr afa; 1649 , 3 October, Bona Mors Sodality , the Gesù, Rome: signed by Father de Montmorency , Vicar-General. 2. Printed forms: 1829 — Date of the election of Father Roothaan ; 1833 — Date of the election of Father Beckx ; 1883 , after 23 June (see the paragraph next to the last) — Generalate of Father Anderledy. 1907, after 2 February — Generalate of Father Wernz. The Diploma twice printed in the Generalate of Father Martin does not differ at all from this. The Diploma of 1907 is here reproduced in full, zvith notes indicating how the others differ from it. These are cited by the above years. The Diploma of 1393 has the picture of Our Lady painted 1935 between the words Claudius and Aquaviva. That of 1649 has Our Lady in the upper left hand corner in the act of praying ; on the right the Angel saluting her ; in the middle I H S. The Diploma of 1829 has the I H S on the left, and an M on the right with a crown above and a crescent below. The Diplomas from 1833 to 1907 in¬ clusively have I H S between the words Praepositus and Generalis. THE FRS. GENERAL, 1593-1907 — DIPLOMAS OF AGGREGATION 25 1 * 1 PRAEPOSITUS GENERALIS SOCIETATIS JESU Universis et singulis praesentes Nostras 1 2 litteras inspecturis salutem in eo qui est vera et aeterna 3 4 5 salus. 1936 Non solum ratio sed usus etiam atque experientia semper osten- dit piorum hominum Sodalitates, praesertim sub Beatissimae Vir- ginis Mariae tutela institutas, magnam habere vim ad pietatem au- gendam, turn ob peculiare ac certum ipsius Dei Matris patrocinium, turn etiam ob proprias, quae in ipsis 4 esse solent, virtutis ac reli- gionis exercitationes, turn denique ob mutuum exemplum, quod qui- dem valde efficax esse solet ad hominum animos in omnem par¬ tem facile ac suaviter impellendos. Hanc ob causam, cum Societas nostra omnibus quae suo Instituto conveniunt rationibus proximo- rum salutem ac perfectionem in spiritu juvare ac promovere cum Dei ope studeret, ne hanc quidem, cujus efficaciam experta est, omit- tendam putavit. 1937 Quare quum Gregorio felicis recordationis Papae XIII 5 per P. Clau- dium Aquavivam, antecessorem Nostrum, expositum esset, Romae in Collegio nostrae Societatis institutam jampridem esse Sodali- tatem scholarium 6 7 sub 7 titulo Virginis Annuntiatae, cujus deinceps exemplum secuta, juventus quae in variis Collegiorum nostrorum scholis erudiebatur eandem formam easdemque pietatis exercita¬ tiones magno suo bono arripuisset; ac proinde operae pretium vi- deri, ut, quo tam pium opus quotidie magis promoveretur, Pontificia auctoritate non solum confirmaretur, sed etiam spiritualibus bene- ficiis augeretur 8 9 ; placuit eidem Gregorio 9 felicis recordationis Pa¬ pae XIII, ut erat animo ad divinum honorem omni ex parte am- Preamble Petition of Fr. Aquaviva 1 The Diplomas up to 1833 inclusively put the name of the General ( Vic¬ ar-General) at the beginning , zvith the words: Societatis Jesu Praepositus (Vi- carius) Generalis. 2 1 593 > 1616 omit Nostras. 3 I 593 1 1616, 1648, 1649 omit et aeterna. 4 f 593 — hs. 5 7 593 — XIII expositum per nos esset, etc. 1616 , 1648,1649 , 1829, 1853 — XIII per P. Claudium Aquavivam piae memoriae, praedecessorem nostrum, etc. 6 *593> 1616, 1648, 1649 , 1829 , 1853 — scholasticorum. 7 7 593> 1616, 1648, 1649 omit sub. 8 / 593 . 1616 — ornaretur. 9 / 593, 1616 — Gregorio ut, etc. Gregory XIII 252 * THE FRS. GENERAL, I593-I907 — DIPLOMAS OF AGGREGATION plificandum promptissimo, in hac quoque re 10 ejusdem nostri ante¬ cessori postulatis annuere, idque litteris Apostolicis Nonis 11 De- cembris anni mdlxxxiv datis contestari. Primo 12 igitur in Collegio ipso nostro Romano Primariam Con- 1938 gregationem ex scholaribus r 3 nostris externis sive ex aliis etiam fidelibus sub titulo Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis Aposto¬ lica auctoritate erexit et instituit, eique varias Indulgentias ac pri¬ vilegia ex Ecclesiae thesauris liberaliter impertiit. Deinde 14 Prae- posito vel Vicario Generali, quemcumque pro tempore esse conti- gerit, potestatem concessit, ut in quibuscumque aliis Societatis no- strae Collegiis x 5 extra Urbem alias ejusmodi Sodalitates ex ipsis scho- larum discipulis sive 16 ex aliis etiam fidelibus sub eodem titulo An¬ nuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis, sine ullo tamen Collegiorum vel Ecclesiarum quae ad ea 17 pertinent praejudicio, erigere, easque huic Romanae uti Primariae, tanquam membra capiti, aggregare liceat, ita ut iisdem gratiis, Indulgentiis, peccatorum remissionibus ac 18 facultatibus fruantur quibus ipsa Primaria. Quarum quidem Con- gregationum, tarn Primariae quam earum quae ei *9 aggregatae sunt, idem Gregorius Societati nostrae curam ita commisit ut ad Prae- positum vel Vicarium Generalem spectet, per se ipsum vel per alium quemvis e Societate ab eo delectum, eas visitare, et ad re- ctam earum administrationem quaecumque decreta condere 2 °, et quae jam condita sunt expendere 21 , quin etiam deinceps, pro rerum ac 10 1 593 — re P ro ipsius Dei gloria postulatis nostris annuere, etc. 1616, 1648 , 1649, 1829 , 185s — re pro ipsius Dei gloria ejusdem no¬ stri praedecessoris postulatis, etc. 11 7393, 1616, 1648, 1649 — quarto Nonas. 12 1593 , 1616, 1648 , 1649, 1829, 1833 — Primum. 13 1 593 ) 1616. 1648 , 1649 , 1829 , 1833 — scholasticis nostris sive etiam ex aliis simul fidelibus, etc. 14 1 593 — Deinde Nobis ac Praeposito, etc. 15 1593 . *6/6, 1648 , 1649 , 1829, 1833 omit extra Urbem. 16 I 593> 1616 — sive etiam simul ex aliis quos ad id pietatis studium permovisset sub, etc. 1648, 1649, 1829, 1833 — sive etiam ex aliis simul quos, etc. 17 1853 — earn. 18 I 593> 7616, 7648, 7649 > 1829 , 7853 — ac reliquis omnibus privilegiis fruantur, etc. 19 7 593> 7676, 7648, 7649 , 7829, 7853 — ei annexae et subordinatae sunt, etc. 20 ^33 — concedere. 21 *593 — expendere et approbare, quin, etc. THE FRS. GENERAL, I593-I907 — DIPLOMAS OF AGGREGATION 253 temporum conditione, ut in Domino judicaverit 2a , immutare, corrigere et reformare. 1939 23 Deinde felicis recordationis Sixtus Papa V, ipse quoque prae- cipuo 2 4 Divini cultus augendi studio accensus, ejusdem Nostri ante- cessoris supplicationibus benigne annuens, facultatem et litteras supradictas Gregorii a 5 XIII, sui praedecessoris, ita extendit, concessit- que et indulsit, ut similiter 26 Praepositus seu Vicarius Generalis no¬ strae Societatis pro tempore existens 2 7 , tarn in Urbe quam extra earn per universum orbem, non solum unam sed etiam plures Sodalita- tes, sive scholarium 28 tantum sive aliorum fidelium dumtaxat sive utrorumque simul, tarn sub Beatae Mariae Virginis Annuntiatae quam 2 9 alio quocumque titulo et invocatone, in singulis Societatis nostrae Ecclesiis, Domibus, Collegiis, Seminariis, aliisque locis sub directione vel institutione ipsius Societatis existentibus auctori- tate Apostolica erigere et instituere, illasque 3 ° Primariae Sodalitati praedictae aggregare, eisdemque Sodalitatibus atque earum Soda- libus, scholaribus et non scholaribus, omnes et singulas plenarias vel alias Indulgentias et peccatorum remissiones vel relaxationes, necnon exemptiones, immunitates ceterasque facultates, indulta et privilegia, spiritualia ettemporalia, dictae Primariae 3 1 et singulis aliis i ) 22 *593, 1616, 1648 , 1649 , 1829, 1853 —judicaverint. 23 *593, *616, 1648, 1649, 1829, 1853 — Sed et postea felicis, etc. 24 *593, *616,1648,1649,1829,1853 — praecipuoi/ 1616, 1648 , 1649 — aliis illi ut, etc. 36 I 593 > J616,1648,1649,1829,1853 — velit, et Sodales ipsos, coelestium donorum accessionibus auctos, sibi in dies magis reddat acceptos ac, etc. 37 I 593 ,1616, 1648, 1649 , 1829, 1853 — Virginis. cui pie et religiose ser- vierint, perpetuo, etc. 38 1 593 — praesentes litteras manu, etc. 39 1885 — Datum... die.... Copies of these Diplomas are found in General archives s. j., Instit. 36. Vili. The originals of 1593 and 1649 are the Gesù , of 1616 in the Archives of the Scaletta at Si. Igna¬ tius’, Rome, of 1648 at the Car avita, Rome. From 1833 on , the Diplomas have a page at the back with the Summary of Indulgences as at pages 114 *, ff., and 196 *, if. No. 135. 1 April, 1908. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Gi'ant of continuance for certain Sodalities transferred to a new place zvith Religious Communities. BEATISSIME PATER: Praepositus Generalis Societatis Jesu, ad pedes Sanctitatis Ve- strae prostratus, exponit quod sequitur: Postquam plures Religiosorum vel Monialium Conventus Do- 1948 1949 1950 I 95 I S. C. OF INDULG., 17 JUNE, 1908 — SANATION 257 * musve e Gallia ob saevientem persecutionem in exteras terras trans- latae simul cum convictoribus vel convictricibus fuerunt, aliquot Superiores vel Superiorissae ita practice egerunt ac si censerent Sodalitates Marianas in pristinis Domibus vel Conventibus canonice erectas et primae-primariae Sodalitati Romanae aggregatas in novis suis sedibus adhuc subsistere et privilegium supradictae aggrega¬ tion^ retinere. Ut vero defectus qui in hac agendi ratione admissi fuerunt sanentur, et similibus in posterum casibus occurratur, praedictus orator suppliciter petit ut sive jam translatae sive postea transfe- rendae hujusmodi Sodalitates, dummodo Episcopus loci ubi fuerint translatae eas approbaverit, tanquam legitime erectae et aggregatae haberi, atque omnibus aggregationis qua prius donatae fuerint gratiis et privilegiis gaudere perseverent. Et Deus, etc. Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praeposita, utendo facultatibus a Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Pio Papa X sibi tributis benigne annuit pro gratia, caeteris servatis servandis, et ad proximum septennium tantum. Contrariis quibuscumque non obstantibus. Datum Romae, e Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 1 Aprilis, 1908. S. Card. Cretoni, Praef. D. Panici, Archiep. Laodicen., Secret. General archives s. j., Instit. 36. VIII. No. 136. 17 June, 1908. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Sana¬ tion of defective erections, aggregations and receptions. BEATISSIME PATER: Procurator Generalis Societatis Jesu, ad pedes Sanctitatis Me¬ strue provolutus, exponit nonnunquam accidere ut in aggregandis Congregationibus Beatae Mariae Virginis... ad respectivam primam- primariam in Collegio Romano... erectam, documenta necessaria Prae- posito Generali Societatis Jesu exhibenda vel incompleta sint vel vitio aliquo laborent, ita ut Indulgentiarum communicatio fere dubia evadat. Quum vero in ejusmodi casibus, ob varias circumstantias, difficillimum sit alio modo remedium ferre, ideo supradictus orator, nomine ejusdem Generalis Praepositi, enixe petit ut Sanctitas Ve- 9tra omnes ejusmodi erectiones et aggregationes necnon et adscrip- Petition Grant Petition / 17 Grant Power to aggregate Aggregation gratis Fabae Mariens Directors diligent 258 * THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1846-I9IO — EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS f tiones ad singulas Beatae Mariae Virginis... Congregationes hucusque cum quocumque defectu peractas ita sanare dignetur ut socii omnes Indulgentiis et privilegiis sibi ab Apostolica Sede concessis certo gaudere pergant. Et Deus, etc. Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiis Sacrisque Reliquiis praeposita, 1952 utendo facultatibus a Sanctissimo Domino Nostro Pio Papa X sibi tributis, sanationem benigne annuit. Contrariis quibuscumque non obstantibus. Datum Romae, ex Secretarla ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 17 Junii, 1908. S. Card. Cretoni, Praef. D. Panici, Archiep. Laodicen., Secret. General archives s. j., Instil. 36. VIII. No. 137. 1846-1910. Extracts from letters of the Fathers General. Decisions and counsels touching Sodalities and their direction. 1. Facultatem benigne concedere velit Confra ternitates alias, no- 1953 vissimo tempore in hac dioecesi jam institutas et in posterum insti- tuendas, legitime et valide erigendi, sibi adjungendi, aggregandi, ipsisque omnes Indulgentias et gratias spirituales dictae Congre- gationi concessas communicandi. — Episc. Paderborn., 9 Jan., 1846. Meae potestatis non est... jus aggregandi alii cuiquam Congre- gationi concedere — P. Roothaan, 28 Febr., 1846. 2. Si spediscono i Diplomi gratis, come si legge nei medesimi. 1954 Se poi ci si manda qualche cosa per le spese di spedizione, si riceve e si gradisce; se nulla, nulla si domanda; nè per ciò siamo men lieti e pronti a secondare lo zelo dei Prelati e del loro Clero nel promuovere la pietà dei fedeli per mezzo delle Pie Unioni e Asso¬ ciazioni — P. Gen. Martin Episcopo cuidam Italiae. 3. Praefecti quidam Dei divaeque Matris gloriam spectantes, 1955 folia periodica evulgare inceperunt quibus id unum intendunt, ut Sodalitates Marianae in omnibus regionibus, imprimis linguae Germanicae, magis magisque promoveantur atque intimius inter sese sub glorioso vexillo Reginae coelestis conjungantur. Haec praefectorum vota atque ipsius operis primordia maximo gaudio excepi — Austr., 17 Apr., 1895. 4. Restat ut qui Congregationibus praesunt semper invigilent ne 1956 e statu hoc florido paulatim decidere incipiant, sed in dies auge- scant atque roborentur — Arag., 15 Mart., 1898. THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1846-I9IO — EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS 259 * 1957 5* Primera: En los festejos (de el Congreso) y obsequios à la Virgen se vea una sòlida piedad Cristiana y se busque al mismo tiempo el bien de las almas, empezando por las de los mismos Congregantes. Segunda: Desearia que no se gastase dinero en cosas de mero lujo y que no se fuera todo en cosas pasajeras que se acaban con el ruido de la fiesta — Arag., 21 Aug., 1903. 1958 6. Congregationes recte et diligenter a Patribus regantur, ita ut non solum Sodales Sodalibus ipsis, sed etiam caeteris hominibus prodesse studeant. Nam praeter alia exercitia pia, quae ad suam perfectionem assequendam Sodales obeunt, debent etiam omnia quae ad Ecclesiae et religionis incrementum atque defensionem faciunt sedulo promovere — Galic., 12 Oct., 1903. 1959 7* Procuren que el Congreso no se reduzca a un mero acto de ostentacion piadosa, sino que sea fecundo en resultados practicos y, a ser posible, permanentes para gloria de la Santisima Virgen — Arag., 6 Jan., 1904. 1960 8. Quod conventuri sunt fere 40 aut 50 Patres ex iis qui Congre* gationibus praesident virorum ac juvenum, optima res est, nec dubito quin ad laudem Mariae Immaculate Conceptae et ad gloriam ejus Divini Filii feliciter cedat — Camp., 4 Jun., 1904. 1961 9. Ex istis regionatim convocandis comitiis utiliores fructus soli- dioresque videntur colligendi quam ex cogitato primum universo quodam Moderatorum concilio Romae cogendo. Minor enim nume- rus eorum qui in illis particularibus congressibus adsunt et unitas idiomatis ex una parte, ex altera vero affinitas eorum quae sperari vel timeri in eadem regione possunt, consilia reddunt prudentiora atque efficaciora — Franc., 2 Sept., 1904. 1962 10. Congregatio quae auctoritate Episcopi ex una Ecclesia in aliam transfertur, si in rebus praecipuis nullam mutationem subiit, denuo erigenda et aggreganda non est, omniaquejura et privilegia retinet — Austr., 31 Dec., 1905. 1963 11. Receptio a Patre Directore facienda est, qui etiam de iis quae in Consultationibus fiunt certior fieri deberet ; quod tamen ultimum non pertinet ad validitatem — Maryl., 29 Jan., 1906. 1964 12. Proponant Directores ea quae ad altiorem vitam Catholicam pertinent, earn urgeant et ad effectum perducere, rationibus et mo- tivis adductis, conentur. Idque non semel, sed saepius idem. Quod si selectos quosdam Sodales Congregationum Marianarum eosque qui influxum maximum in parochia et in scholis exercent effece- ritis eximios Christi et suavissimae Matris nostrae imitatores, facile est conjicere quid reliqui sint facturi. Ita enim factus est homo ut facile ductorem quern suspicit sequatur. Praesertim frequentem et quotidianam Communionem in optimis istis in scholis et in parochia Counsel for a Congress Works of zeal, etc. Congress fruitful Congress of Directors Transfer of place Director's rights Better life 26o * THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1846-1910 — EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS Quality more than quantity Works of zeal and piety Quality Inner Circles Exercises Frequent Communion Quality et praesertim in Collegio fovebit Reverentia Vestra — Maryl., 14 Jul., 1907. 13. Peto enixe a Reverentia Vestra ut Congregationes Marianas 1965 omni ope foveat. Directores dirigat et ad altiora urgeat. Doceat eos in Congregatione Mariana non magnum numerum quaerendum esse, sed praecipuum quendam virtutum fervorem et exercitium. Sodales suos apostolos efficiant, iis operibus caritatis et misericor- diae propositis quae apud vos fieri possunt ab alumnis — Neo- Aurel., 23 Aug., 1907. 14. Apostoli ut sint Sodales nostri hortandi sunt, in catechismo 1966 docendo, in visitandis carceribus, in omni denique opere Christianae caritatis et misericordiae quod apud vos fieri potest. Sed et in se meliorem vitam colant quam ordinarii Catholici agunt. Ad Sacram Mensam saepius et quotidie, si possunt, accedant. Orationem men- talem exerceant et lectionem spiritualem. Exercitia Spiritualia quot- annis faciant. Sic autem fiet ut pauci hi Sodales optimo suo exemplo alios alliciant ad virtutes colendas — Angl., 27 Aug., 1907. 15. Curabit Reverentia Vestra ut selectae istae cohortes non tam 1967 numero floreant, quamvis et hoc optandum, sed omnino qualitate membrorum et perfectione vitae perspicuae sint. Neque negligendus nostro praesertim tempore, apostolatus ille laicus qui adeo ad majo¬ retti Dei gloriam conferre solet — Maryl., 7 Jan., 1908. 16. De speciali Sodalitate inter optimos quosque Sodales ipsius 1968 Congregationis instituenda, quam “Ristretto” appellant, cogitari non potest antequam ipsa Congregatio certo quodam temporis spatio stabilitate quadam ornata apparuerit. Neque etiam postquam stabilis evaserit Congregatio, ejusdem circumstantiae semper tales sunt quae illam institutionem permittant vel suadeant, quandoquidem periculum esse potest ne reliqua Congregationis pars paullatim negligatur — Taur., 18 Febr., 1908. 17. Conventus saepe et regulariter habeantur, optimae exhortatio- 1969 nes praeparentur, optimus quisque maxime ingredi eas urgeatur, ea tandem omnia fiant quae aetatem suis quamque modis attrahant et teneant. Neque enim est aliud medium efficacius bonos efficiendi quam ut per optimos bene curandos, quod in Congregationibus nostris Marianis fieri solet, omnes demum ad perfectiorem vitam alliciantur — Angl., 9 Mart., 1908. 18. Neque est alius facilior modus Communionis frequentis ac 1970 quotidianae usum promovendi et spargendi quam ut Congregationes nostras Marianas id facere doceamus — Maryl., 28 Jul., 1908. 19. Non sunt admittendi nimia facilitate novi Sodales in Congre- 1971 gationes Marianas. Haec enim Sodalitia, aliter ac Apostolatus Ora- THE FATHERS GENERAL, 1846-I91O — EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS 261 * tionis, solum meliores habere membra debent, quorum exemplo alii alumni ad altiora invitentur. 1972 Curet Reverentia Vestra ut selectis membris constent, ut con- ventus regulariter secundum statuta habeantur unaquaque, ut plu- rimum, hebdomada, ut exercitia indicata ibidem ferventer peragant, ut ne in societates quasdam mutuae benevolentiae, etc., degenerent, ut apostolicas virtutes exercere doceantur, demum ut seminaria quaedam sint virtutum Christianarum ultra ordinarias elevatarum — Angl., 24 Jan., 1909. 1973 20. Ad ipsum (Directorem) pertinet spiritus in Sodalibus cultura, quae ab aliis, praesertim saepe mutatis, nullo modo procurari posset. Invitari quidem posset aliquis ad Festum aliquod magnum coho- nestandum, sed regularis exhortatio et directio ab uno Directore fieri debet — Angl., 28 Jun., 1909. 1974 21. Saepe ideo Congregationes nostras spem de ipsis conceptam fallunt quia Directores saepius mutantur — Can., 4 Nov., 1909. 1975 22. Praesertim nostra aetate, quando fideles juxta ipsorum condi- tionem, aetatem sexumque in variis coetibus Marianis a Moderatore salutis animarum studiosissimo practice instruuntur et congruenter armantur contra multifaria pericula quae iis undequaque impendent, fieri nequit quin spiritus vere Catholicus inter fideles cujusvis or- dinis gradusque in dies magis promoveatur — Austr., 9 Nov., 1909. General archives s. j., Reg. Epist. No. 138. 10 May, 1910. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Council. Direc¬ tors are members of their Sodalities : Directors can receive persons of a class different from that of their Sodality ; a Sodatisi remains always a Sodatisi; obligation of entering a Sodality where one is living. BEATISSIME PATER: Praepositus Generalis Societatis Jesu petit ut, ad auferenda dubia circa Congregationes Marianas, Sanctitas Vestra concedere dignetur ut: 1976 1. Sacerdotes Directores legitimi omnium et singularum So- dalitatum ita Congregationum quibus praesunt sint membra, quin Character of Sodality Exhortation Directors How to direct Petition 262 * S. C. OF THE COUNCIL, IO MAY, I9IO — DECISIONS aliquo ritu recipiantur, ut de jure suo omnium privilegiorum atque Indulgentiarum Congregationis sint participes; 2. Directori uniuscujusque Sodalitatis liceat, ex justa causa, 1977 ad Congregationem quae per se pro adolescentibus erecta est tan- quam Sodales edam adultos virosque patresfamilias admittere ; item- que vice versa; 3. Idem valeat in omnibus casibus similibus quoad Sodali- 1978 tates omnes et singulas, etiam feminarum ; 4. Causa requisita justa facilius adsit, si quis Sodalium vitae 1979 statum (exempli gratia, ineundo Matrimonium) mu tans in Congre- gatione remanere desideret neque alia Sodalitas Beatae Mariae Virginis ipsi conveniens ilio loco habeatur; 5. Sodales omnes, semel rite admissi, semper Congregationis 1980 ejusdem membra permaneant, nisi sponte earn deserant aut indigni dimittantur, ita ut, conditionibus requisitis adimpletis, omnium etiam gratiarum et Indulgentiarum semper participes fiant; 6. Sodales per annum aut tempus diuturnius a loco Sodali- 1981 tatis absentes atque alibi unde conventibus adesse nequeunt domi- cilium figentes, ad Indulgentias acquirendas teneantur Sodalitatem loco novi domicilii existentem suoque statui convenientem ingredi, nisi contradicat Director hujus Sodalitatis, aut aliud adsit legitimum impedimentum, de quo prioris Sodalitatis Director judicabit. Die 10 Maji, 1910. Ex Audientia Sanctissimi. Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Pius Papa X, audita relatione 1982 infrascripti Cardinalis Praefecti Sacrae Congregationis Concilii, be¬ nigne annuit pro gratia in omnibus juxta petita. C. Card. Gennari, Praef. B. Pompili, Secretarius. General archives s. j., Instit. 16.VIIL HOLY OFFICE, 21 JULY, 1910 — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES 263 * No. 139. 21 July, 1910. The Holy Office. The Summary of Indulgences is approved. Summary of the Indulgences and Privileges which the Sovereign Pontiffs have granted to the Prima Primaria Sodality erected in the Roman College of the Society of Jesus under the title of Our Lady the Annunciation and SS. Peter and Paul and to the other Sodalities that have been or shall be aggregated to it I PLENARY INDULGENCES GRANTED ONLY TO SODALISTS 1983 i. On the day of reception into the Sodality, if, after Confes¬ sion, they receive Holy Communion on that day. (Gregory XIII, 5 Dec., 1584; Sixtus V, 5 Jan. and 29 Sept., 1587; Gregory XV, 15 April, 1621 ; Benedict XIV, 8 Sept., 1751; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825). 1984 2. At the hour of death, if, after Confession and Holy Com¬ munion, or at least with contrition, they invoke devoutly the Most Holy Name of Jesus in their heart, if they cannot with their lips. (Ibidem, and Leo XIII, 23 June, 1885). 1985 3. If, after Confession, they receive Holy Communion on any of the following Feasts : Christmas Day, Ascension Day, the Immac¬ ulate Conception, Our Lady’s Birthday, the Annunciation, the Pu¬ rification, the Assumption. (Ibidem, and Leo XIII, 23 June, 1885). 1986 4. On All Souls’ Day, if, after Confession, they receive the Most, Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, they can gain a plenary Indul¬ gence applicable to the souls of Sodalists in Purgatory. (Pius X, 21 July, 1910). 1987 5. Once a week, on any day they choose, provided they have attended a Sodality meeting within the week and provided, after Confession on that or the preceding day, they approach the Holy Table on the day chosen. (Benedict XIV, 24 Apr., 1748, and 8 Sept., 1751; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825; Leo XIII, 27 Apr., 1887; Pius X, 21 July, 1910). 1988 6. If, after Confession, they receive Holy Communion at a Gen¬ eral Communion of Sodalists. (Leo XIII, 8 Jan., 1886; Pius X, 21 July, 1910). Entrance Hour of death Feasts AU Souls’ Day Meeting General Communion Retreat Sick Stations Retreat Mass 264* < HOLY OFFICE, 21 JULY, 19IO — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES 7. On making the Spiritual Exercises, for any number of days, 1989 or on making a monthly spiritual recollection for even one day, provided that, after Confession and Holy Communion, they pay a visit to the Blessed Sacrament and there piously offer prayers for the intention of the Holy Father. (Benedict XIV, 29 March, 1753; Summary, 1775, no * 28; Gregory XVI, 7 July, 1843; Pius X, 21 July, 1910). 8. The Director of the Sodality, if he visits a sick Member of 1990 his Sodality and aids him with spiritual advice to bear patiently the discomforts of sickness or to accept death willingly from the hands of Our Lord, and has him recite before some image of Our Saviour Crucified three our fathers and three hail marys for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff, can impart to him a plenary Indulgence on the day on which the sick Sodalist receives Holy Communion. (Benedict XIV, 27 Sept., 1748; 8 Sept., 1751; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825). II PLENARY AND PARTIAL INDULGENCES GRANTED ONLY TO SODALISTS 9. Sodalists can gain all the Indulgences of the Stations of 1991 Rome, if, on the Station days, they devoutly visit their Oratory or some public Church and there say seven our fathers and sev¬ en hail marys and — in the case of the plenary Indulgences — go to Confession and Holy Communion. (Gregory XIII, 5 Dec., 1584; Sixtus V, 5 Jan. and 29 Sept., 1587; Gregory XV, 15 Apr., 1621 ; Benedict XIV, 24 Apr., 1748, and 8 Sept., 1751 ; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825; Pius X, 21 July, 1910). 10. If, for forty days after the Spiritual Exercises, they pious- 1993 ly offer prayers for perseverance, they can gain an Indulgence of 200 days for each day, and, if they go to Confession and Holy Communion within the forty days, a plenary Indulgence. (Gregory XVI, 7 July, 1843; Pius X, 21 July, 1910). III partial indulgences granted only to sodalists 11. Seven years and seven quarantines: Every time they devoutly hear Holy Mass on days that are I9Q3 not of obligation; 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 HOLY OFFICE, 21 JULY, I9IO — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES 265* Every time they carefully examine their conscience in the evening before going to bed; Every time they are present at public or private meetings, Or at the Divine Office recited for the souls of departed So- dalists or other Catholics, and conducted by the Sodality and ap¬ proved by its Director; Every time they visit the poor, or the sick, or the imprisoned ; Every time they reconcile enemies; Every time they pray for the sick or for the departed; Every time they accompany to ecclesiastical burial the bodies of Sodalists or others of the faithful. (Benedict XIV, 24 Apr., 1748, and 8 Sept., 1751; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825; Pius X, 21 July, 1910). 12. Three hundred days: Every time they devoutly recite the Act of Consecration, of St. John Berchmans or of St. Francis de Sales, Or the anthem hail holy queen. (Pius X, 17 Nov., 1906, and 21 July, 1910). 13. One hundred days: Every time they kiss the medal of Our Lady which is the usual distinctive mark of the Sodalist, and devoutly say the prayer : MARY, WITH HER LOVING SON, BLESS US, EACH AND EVERY ONE ! For this the Medal must have the approval of the Ordinary and be blessed by the Director of the Sodality or his delegate. (Pius X, 21 July, 1910). IV PLENARY INDULGENCES WHICH ALL THE FAITHFUL CAN GAIN IN THE PLACE WHERE A SODALITY IS ERECTED 14. If, after Confession and Holy Communion, they devoutly visit such place between First Vespers and sunset, on the primary or secondary titular Feast of the Sodality, and there pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff. (Gregory XIII, 5 Dec., 1584; Sixtus V, 5 Jan. and 29 Sept., 1587; Gregory XV, 15 Apr., 1621; Benedict XIV, 27 Sept., 1748, and 8 Sept., 1751; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825). If a Sodality has no secondary title, one other day each year may be chosen for this purpose by the Director - with the con¬ sent, however, of the Ordinary (or, if the Director is a Regular Examination of conscience Meetings Visits Reconciliation Prayers Burial Act of Consecration Anthem Medal Titular Feasts 266* HOLY OFFICE, 21 JULY, I9IO — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES Triduum of Exposition Delegation Sovereigns Communion day Priest, of his own Superior). (Benedict XIV, 27 Sept., 1748, and 8 Sept., 1751; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825). If the Sodality meeting place varies, or is permanently or 2006 temporarily changed, or even if, for the greater convenience of the people and greater solemnity, the primary or secondary titular Feast — with the Director’s consent — happens to be celebrated in another Church, nevertheless the same Indulgence avails for a visit to that Church. (Benedict XIV, 27 Sept., 1748, and 8 Sept., 1751; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825). Likewise, if either titular Feast, or even both, cannot be cele- 2007 brated with sufficient convenience or solemnity on its own day, the Director of the Sodality — with the consent of the Ordinary (or, if the Director is a Regular Priest, of his own Superior) — can designate another day within the year for the celebration of the Feast and the gaining of the Indulgence granted. If the day chosen be impeded by a double, one Solemn Mass 2008 of the Feast transferred as above can be celebrated. (Sixtus V, 29 Sept., 1587; Gregory XV, 15 Apr., 1621; Benedict XIV, 27 Sept., 1748, and 8 Sept., 1751; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825). 15. If they are present at the Exposition of the Blessed Sac- 2009 rament held in the place of the Sodality for some time on three successive days, and pray there, and perform the other works en¬ joined, they gain the Indulgences granted for the devotion of the Forty Hours. (Benedict XIV, 15 July, 1749, and 8 Sept., 1751; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825). PRIVILEGES 16. The Director of the Sodality can substitute for himself 2010 j another Priest to receive the faithful and to bless the medals. (Leo XIII, 23 June, 1885). 17. To all Kings, Princes, Dukes and Counts holding supreme aou authority and to their relatives, by blood or marriage, within the limits of the first or second degree, provided they have petitioned to be enrolled in a Sodality, the same Indulgences as above are granted, though they be absent, on condition, however, that they perform the same works of piety and pay a visit to some Church. (Benedict XIV, 15 July, 1749, and 8 Sept., 1751; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825). 18. Except General Communion, the Communion required for 2012 j gaining a Sodality Indulgence can be transferred by the Sodalists HOLY OFFICE, 21 JULY, I9IO — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES 267* 2013 2014 2015 20l6 2017 20l8 2019 2020 2021 to any day within the octave of the one assigned. (Leo XIII, 27 Apr., 1887; Pius X, 21 July, 1910). 19. The prayers recited by the Sodalists together at the weekly meetings, with the intention of directing them to the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff, suffice for gaining the Indulgences granted for these meetings. (Leo XIII, 26 Aug., 1893). 20. The Indulgences connected with the weekly meetings avail even if the meetings take place only twice a month. (Leo XIII, 26 Aug., 1893). 21. All Indulgences that have been or shall be granted to So¬ dalities of Our Lady — except, however, the plenary Indulgence to be gained at the hour of death — can be applied also to the souls of the faithful departed. (Benedict XIV, 24 Apr., 1748, and 8 Sept., 1751; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825; Leo XIII, 23 June, 1885; Pius X, 21 July, 1910). 22. Mass said for a Sodalist departed, in any place and by any Priest, enjoys the privilege of a Privileged Altar. (Benedict XIV, 24 Apr., 1748, and 8 Sept., 1751; Pius X, 21 July, 1910). 23. A servant of a Sodality, as long as he remains in its ser¬ vice, can gain all the Indulgences granted to the Sodalists, and in the same way as they. (Benedict XIV, 27 Sept., 1748, and 8 Sept., 1751; Leo XII, 7 March, 1825). 24. The Priest who is the legitimate Director of any Sodality is in this sense a member of the Sodality of which he is the head, that without being received with any ceremony, he participates, of his own right, in all the Sodality’s privileges and Indulgences. (Pius X, 10 May, 1910). 25. The Director of a Sodality erected primarily for youths may admit into it grown men and fathers of families. The same holds in similar cases for other Sodalities, even of women. A good reason, however, is requisite. This will more easily exist if on changing his state of life — for example, by marriage — onq wishes to continue in the Sodality, and there is no other Sodality of Our Lady suitable to him in that place. (Pius X, 10 May, 1910). 26. A Sodalist rightly admitted into a Sodality remains always a member of it, unless he abandons it of his own accord, or is dismissed as unworthy. Hence, by fulfilling the conditions required, he always participates in the favors, too, and Indulgences. (Pius X, 10 May, 1910). 27. A Sodalist who is absent for a year or more from the place of his Sodality and settles in another place from which he cannot attend the meetings, is — to gain the Indulgences — o- bliged to enter a Sodality suitable to his circumstances, in the place Prayers Meetings Holy Souls Privileged Altar Servants of the Sodality Director a Member Reception Sodalist always a Sodalist Absence Approval r, s • - 268* HOLY OFFICE, 21 JULY, 19IO — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES of his new residence, unless the Director of this Sodality refuses, or there is some other legitimate impediment, as to which the Director of his former Sodality shall be the judge. (Pius X, 10 May, 1910). July 21 st., 1910, Thursday in place of Wednesday. In the General Meeting of the Holy Roman and Universal In- 2033 quisition, their Eminences the Cardinal General Inquisitors in mat¬ ters of faith and morals, having had the above summary laid be¬ fore them and having heard the advice of the Reverend Consultors, decreed to petition His Holiness for the approbation of the said Summary. The same day, His Holiness Pius X, by Divine Providence Pope, in the customary Audience granted the Reverend Assessor of the Holy Office, having heard the report on the above matter, approved the proposed Summary, according to the vote of their Eminences. Aloysius Giambene, Substitute for Indulgences. Die 30 Novembris, 1910. Cum Suprema Sacra Congregatio Sancti Officii praesens Sum- marium Anglica lingua exaratum cum originali Latino concordare repererit, illud approbavit typisque mandari permisit. Aloisius Giambene, Substitutus pro Indulgentiis. General archives s. j., Instit. 36. VIII. No. 140. 31 August, 1910. Father General Wernz. Diploma used in erections and ag - 2033 gregations to the prima-primaria. This Diploma was printed on the first page of a large fo¬ lio, with the Summary of Indulgences (pp. 263*, ff.) on the fourth page. At the corners of the Diploma are the Holy Name of Jesus, with the inscription sodalitas mariana primae-primariae romanae aggregata, and Our Lady, with the inscrip¬ tion REGINA, ADVOCATA ET MATER. These cuts are from the two faces of the medal of the Sodal¬ ity, made in the year 1909 by Prof. Chevalier Francis Bianchi, papal engraver. The design was approved by FR. GKN. WKRNZ, 31 AUG., 19IO — DIPLOMA OF AGGREGATION 269* 2034 2025 the Father General , and received the Imprimatur of the Master of the Sacred Palace and of the Most Rev. Vice¬ gerent of Rome 8 fuly, 1909. The picture of Our Lady on the obverse is the original pic¬ ture of the prima-primaria. For the reverse was chosen the Holy Name of Jesus , to express the purpose of the Sodality of Our Lady — through mary to jesus. The inscription around the figure of Our Lady is from the Act of Consecration of St. Francis de Sales. PRAEPOSITUS GENERALIS SOCIETATIS JESU Universis et singulis praesentes nostras litteras inspecturis salutem in eo qui est vera et aeterna salus Non solum ratio, sed usus etiam atque experientia semper osten- dit piorum hominum Sodalitates, praesertim sub Beatissimae Vir- ginis Mariae tutela institutas, magnam habere vim ad pietatem au- gendam, turn ob peculiare ac certum ipsius Dei Matris patrocinium, turn etiam ob proprias, quae in ipsis esse solent, virtutis ac reli- gionis exercitationes, turn denique ob mutuum exemplum, quod qui- dem valde efficax esse solet ad hominum animos in omnem partem facile ac suaviter impellendos. Hanc ob causam, cum Societas nostra omnibus quae suo Instituto conveniunt rationibus proximorum sa¬ lutem ac perfectionem in spiri tu juvare ac promovere cum Dei ope studeret, ne hanc quidem, cujus efficaciam experta est, omittendam putavit. Quare cum Gregorio felicis recordationis Papae XIII per P. Clau- Gregory XTTT dium Aquavivam, antecessorem Nostrum, expositum esset, Romae in Collegio nostrae Societatis institutam jampridem esse Sodalitatem scholarium sub titulo Virginis Annuntiatae, cujus deinceps exem¬ plum secuta juventus quae in variis Collegiorum nostrorum scholis erudiebatur, eandem formam easdemque pietatis exercitationes ma¬ gno suo bono arripuisset; ac proinde operae pretium videri ut, quo tam pium opus quotidie magis promoveretur, Pontificia auctoritate non solum confirmaretur, sed etiam spiritualibus beneficiis augeretur: placuit eidem Gregorio felicis recordationis Papae XIII, ut erat animo ad divinum honorem omni ex parte amplificandum promptissimo, in hac quoque re ejusdem Nostri antecessoris postulatis annuere idque Litteris omnipotentis dei, datis Nonis Decembris anni MDLXXXIV, contestari. In Collegio igitur nostro Romano Primariam Congregatio- nem ex scholaribus nostris externis sive ex aliis etiam fidelibus unam Sixtus V 270 * FR. GEN. WERNZ, 31 AUG., I9IO — DIPLOMA OF AGGREGATION sub titulo Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis Apostolica auctori- tate erexit et instituit, eique varias Indulgentias ac privilegia ex Ec- clesiae thesauris liberaliter impertiit. Deinde Praeposito vel Vicario Generali, quemcumque pro tempore esse contigerit, potestatem con¬ cessit ut in quibuscumque aliis Societatis nostrae Collegiis extra Urbem alias ejusmodi Sodalitates ex ipsis scholarum discipulis si ve ex aliis edam fidelibus sub eodem titulo Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virgi¬ nis, sine ullo tamen Collegiorum vel Ecclesiarum quae ad ea pertinent praejudicio, erigere easque huic Romanae uti Primariae, tanquam membra capiti, aggregare liceat, ita ut iisdem gratiis, Indulgentiis, peccatorum remissionibus ac facultatibus fruantur quibus ipsa Pri¬ maria. Quarum quidem Congregationum, tam Primariae quam earum quae ei aggregatae sunt, idem Gregorius Societati nostrae curam ita commisit ut ad Praepositum vel Vicarium Generalem spectet, per se ipsum vel per alium quemvis e Societate ab eo delectum, eas visitare, et ad rectam earum administrationem quaecumque decreta condere, et quae jam condita sunt expendere, quin etiam deinceps, pro rerum ac temporum conditione, ut in Domino judica- verit, immutare, corrigere et reformare. Deinde felicis recordationis Sixtus Papa V, ipse quoque praecipuo 2026 divini cultus augendi studio accensus, ejusdem Nostri antecessoris sup- plicationibus benigne annuens, Litteris superna dispositione, datis Nonis Januarii, anno MDLXXXVII, facultatem et Litteras supra- dictas Gregorii XIII, sui Praedecessoris, ita extendit concessitque et indulsit ut similiter Praepositus seu Vicarius Generalis nostrae Societatis pro tempore existens, tam in Urbe quam extra earn per universum orbem, non solum unam, sed etiam plures Sodalitates, sive scholarium tantum sive aliorum fidelium dumtaxat sive utrorum- que simul, tam sub Beatae Mariae Virginis Annuntiatae quam alio quocumque titulo et invocatione, in singulis Societatis nostrae Eccle- siis, Domibus et Collegiis, auctoritate Apostolica, erigere et instituere, illasque Primariae Sodalitati praedictae aggregare, eisdemque So- dalitatibus atque earum Sodalibus, scholaribus, et non scholaribus, omnes et singulas plenarias vel alias Indulgentias et peccatorum remissiones vel relaxationes, necnon exemptiones, immunitates cae- terasque facultates, indulta et privilegia, spiritualia et temporalia, dictae Primariae et singulis aliis Sodalitatibus sic aggregatis vel aggregandis concessa et concedenda perpetuo communicare possit. Idem Summus Pontifex, Litteris romanum decet, datis die 2027 XXIX Septembris, anno MDLXXXVII, omnem dubitandi materiam circa praemissa quomolibet insurgentem tollere cupiens, eidem Prae¬ posito seu Vicario Generali facultatem omnimodam concessit ut Congregationes, unam vel plures, dictarum personarum in singulis 2028 2029 2030 2031 FR. GEN. WERNZ, 31 AUG., I91O — DIPLOMA OF AGGREGATION 27 1 * Collegiis, Domibus seu Seminariis vel locis sub directione, gubernio, dministratione vel institutione Societatis Jesu seu illius personarum existentibus vel ab ea dependentibus, sub quovis titulo seu invo¬ cation, modo praemisso, etiam de novo, erigere et, postquam erectae fuerint, et etiam alias erectas eidem Primariae Congrega* tioni aggregare, necnon illis omnes gratias, Indulgentias, etiam pie- narias, privilegia et immunitates et indulta eidem Primariae con¬ cessa et in posterum concedenda communicare et singulas Litteras praedictas et in eis contenta quaecumque ad Congregationes in Seminariis aliisque locis sub directione, gubernio, administratione vel institutione ejusdem Societatis seu illius personarum existen¬ tibus vel ab eis quomodolibet dependentibus extendit. Praeterea felicis recordationis Clemens Papa VIII, Litteris cum Clement VIII sicut nobis, datis die XXX Augusti, anno MDCII, ita extendit easdem facultates ad Congregationes apud quascumque Societatis nostrae Residentias, ut vocant, erectas et in posterum erigendas ut idem Praepositus seu Vicarius Generalis etiam illas aggregare Primariae illisque Indulgentias et gratias eidem Congregationi Primariae con- cessas communicare possit. Postea concessionem dementis VIII bonae memoriae Grego- Gregory XV rius Papa XV, Litteris alias pro parte, datis die XV Aprilis, anno MDCXXI, confirmavit et facultatem addidit Congregationes hujusmodi in quibusvis ejusdem Societatis Residentiis seu illarum Ecclesiis per universum orbem existentibus erigendi, et explicitis verbis simul decrevit praedictas Gregorii XIII et Sixti V, Praede- cessorum suorum, necnon suas ipsius Litteras sub Constitutione bonae memoriae Clementis Papae VIII super modo et forma Con- fraternitates erigendi et aggregandi minime comprehendi. Quae omnia felicis recordationis Benedictus Papa XIV confir- Benedict XIV mavit et ampliavit, prout in Litteris gloriosae dominae datis sub Bulla Aurea V Kalendas Octobres, MDCCXLVIII, latius explicatur, quibus Praedecessorum suorum Litteras omnes supradictas integras inserere voluit. Decrevit autem idem gloriosus Pontifex ut, si quod hujusmodi Sodalitium vel Congregalo Primariae aggreganda titu- lum alicujus Sancti vel cujuslibet alterius generis habeat, Beatis- simam Virginem Mariam in Patronam etiam eligere ejusdemque mysterium aliquod seu festivitatem pro titulo, simul cum alio Pa¬ trono aut titulo sibi alias electo seu deinceps, si voluerit, eligendo, assumere et retinere debeat. Quo benevolentiae suae atque amoris erga Beatam Virginem Mariam eximio testimonio non contentus, idem Summus Pontifex aliis Litteris quo tibi, datis die Vili Septembris, MDCCL 1 , Praeposito Ge¬ nerali et ejus successoribus facultatem tribuit omnes utriusque sexus Leo XII Leo XIII (Erection and) aggregation 272 * FR. GEN. WERNZ, 31 AUG., I9IO — DIPLOMA OF AGGREGATION Congregationes, Confraternitates et Sodalitia sive in Aedibus sive in Ecclesiis Societatis Jesu ubique locorum canonice erecta sive eri* genda primae-primariae praefatae aggregandi, non obstantibus qui* buscumque Apostolici, sive pro particulari Congregatione sive generaliter editis, Constitutionibus in contrarium facientibus. Post haec bonae memoriae Leo Papa XII, Litteris cum multa, 2032 datis die XVII Maji, MDCCCXXIV, decrevit jura ac privilegia olim Collegio nostro Romano concessa, illaque praesertim quibus Con- gregationi Annuntiationis Beatae Mariae Virginis, primae-primariae nuncupatae, aggregare datum est, integre nobis perstare. Idem Summus Pontifex speciali Rescripto, dato die VII Martii, 2033 MDCCCXXV, Praepositum Generalem facultatibus necessariis et opportunis munivit ut alias quascumque externas Congregationes vel Sodalitates, etiam non directas ab ipsa Societate, aggregationem tamen petentes, primae-primariae Collegii Romani Congregationi aggregare posset. Postremo Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Leo Papa XIII, Re- 2034 scripto Sacrae Congregationis Indulgentiarum, dato die XXIII Junii, MDCCCLXXXV, Praeposito Societatis Jesu Generali seu ejus Vi¬ cario benigne tribuit facultatem etiam erigendi ubicumque, cum Ordinarii consensu, Congregationes Beatae Mariae Virginis primae- primariae aggregandas, extendendo insuper pristinam exemptionem a praescriptis Constitutionis quaecumque felicis recordationis de¬ mentis Papae Vili ad externas quoque Congregationes Beatae Mariae Virginis jam erectas et ad quascumque Societates, Con¬ fraternitates seu Congregationes Primariae aggregatas sive, cum consensu Ordinarii, erigendas et aggregandas, eodem modo quo antea pro Congregationibus vel Confraternitatibus constitutis in Societatis Ecclesiis et Domibus vel ejusdem curae commissis fuerat concessa. Quamobrem, facultatibus praedictis ab Apostolica Sede Nobis 2035 concessis utentes, (Here are written the details of the Sodality, as at p. 208*). Primariae Congregationi sub titulo Beatae Mariae Vir¬ ginis Annuntiatae et SS. Petri et Pauli in Collegio Romano erectae aggregamus, ac omnia privilegia, Indulgentias, etiam plenarias, nec non et gratias alias praedictae Primariae vel aliis, ut superius dictum est,aggregatis Congregationibus hactenus concessas et in posterum concedendas, eodem prorsus modo quo ipsi Primariae et aliis Congre¬ gationibus concessae fuerint, communicamus et elargimur in nomine Sanctissimae Trinitatis, Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, cujus divi- nam Majestatem supplices oramus ut concessionem hanc de cado ratam et firmam habere velit, ejusdemque Congregationis Sodales FR. GEN. WERNZ, I9IO — SPIRITUAL END. CONGRESSES 273 * caelestium donorum accessionibus augeat sibique in dies magis cantate conjungat, ac denique etiam aeternae gloriae compotes, suo et Beatissimae Virginis, quam religiose coluerint, perpetuo dignetur aspectu. In quorum fidem praesentes manu Nostra subscriptas, sigillo Societatis nostrae muniri jussimus. Gratis Praepositus Generalis Societatis Jesu Secretarius Societatis Jesu General Archives s. j., Instit. 36. VIII. No. 141. 1910. t Father General Wernz. The end of the Sodality is spiritual; the means used should be adapted to this end; Congresses of Sodalities , especially Directors' Congresses of one and the same country, are praised. RESPONSA AD POSTULATA PROVINCIAE AUSTRIAE 1910 Ad Postulatum I: De Conventibus socialibus et de solem- nibus Congressibus Congregationum Marianarum. 2036 Responsum. Cum Societas Congregationes intuitu eorum quae a Sancto Patre nostro in Const, p. VII, c. 2, lit. D 1 exposita sunt, “ semper inter media fere praecipua habuerit quae ad amplificandum divinum cultum et ad animarum salutem consequendam ” (P. Retz, Select. Epist., p. 108) juvant, ita ut P. Vitelleschi “ vehementer ” hortatus sit Superiores “ ut in officiorum distributione prima sit 2037 Directorum Congregationum cura ” (Select, epist., p. 78) ; hinc summi momenti est ut ad Congregationes Marianas promo vendas nonnisi apta media adhibeantur omniaque ab iis arceantur quae genuino 1 Quia bonum quo universalius eo divinius est, illi homines et loca quae, cum profecerint, in causa erunt ut bonum ad multos alios, qui eorum auctoritatem sequuntur vel per eos reguntur, perveniat, debent praeferri. Sic vi.... qui, si juventur, ipsi operarii esse ad alios juvandos poterunt, de¬ bent praeferri. 18 Importance Means Spiritual end Circumstances Congresses Directions Directors' Congresses 274 w FR. GEN. WERNZ, 191O — SPIRITUAL END, CONGRESSES ipsarum spiritui nocere possent. Quod ut fiat, fundamenti instar 2038 semper habeatur finem Congregationum Marianarum non esse alium quam spiritualem, atque totam vitam Congregationum, internam et externam, ita moderari oportere ut omnes experientia discant eas esse “ palaestram Christianae pietatis ”, in eis “ fingi mortalium animos, mores castigari, virtutes imbui.... novamque vitae formam indui ” (P. Retz, Select. Epist., p. 108). Quaenam vero media, praeter pietatis exercitia, adhibere in 2039 variis Congregationibus conveniat, ad duplicem earum finem asse- quendum — videlicet, suimetipsius perfectionis simul ac salutis pro* ximorum — hoc magna ex parte pendet a temporum, locorum ac personarum adjunctis. Quare Provincialis est ut, consiliis Patrum 2040 in his rebus peritorum adhibitis, opportunis instructionibus Patres Moderatores juvet atque dirigat. Ut vero et ego, secundum votum Congregationis Provincialis, 2041 judicium aliquod ferre possim de iis quae hac in materia in Con¬ gregationibus Marianis a Patribus Provinciae Austriae' directis fiunt, velim ut Patèr Provincialis, re diligenter examinata et cum Patribus Consultoribus collata, mihi accuratiorem de iis relationem trans- mittat. Quod tandem Congressi! s Congregationum Marianarum attinet, 2042 qui ultimis temporibus in pluribus regionibus celebrati fuerunt, constat eos jam a piae memoriae Patre Martin approbatos fuisse, • adjectis quibusdam instructionibus (Litt. ad Prov. Arag., 21 Aug., 1903, 6 Jan., 1904; Camp., 4 Jun., 1904; Franc., 2 Sept., 1904). Praeterea, novum hoc unionis et mutuae aedificationis medium 2043 summo applausu approbatum est in variis Congressibus Congrega¬ tionum Marianarum, verbi gratia in Barcinonensi, in Congressu Romano universali; et fructus attulit optimos. Hinc Congressus ipsi, rite et cum prudenti moderatione insti- 2044 tuti, qui caeteroquin nostrorum temporum indoli apprime conveniunt, non solum laudandi a Nostris sed etiam promovendi sunt. Normae autem prae oculis habendae cum magna prudentia a 2045 Patre Martin, piae memoriae, traditae sunt, nempe ut profectus ani- morum et solida pietas quaeratur, ne pecunia ad solum splendorem Festi expendatur, ut omnia tendant ad practicos et permanentes ef- fectus consequendos. Lau davit autem file speciali modo Congressus Directorum unius 2046 ejusdemque regionis, in quibus unitasi idiomatis ex una parte, ex altera vero affinitas eorum quae sperari vel timeri in eadem re¬ gione possunt, consilia reddunt prudentiora atque efficaciora. General Archives s. j., Instit. 36. Vili. FR. GEN. WERNZ, 28 NOV., I9IO — EUCHARISTIC SECTIONS 275* 2047 2048 No. 142. 28 November, 1910. Letter of Father General Wernz. Papal Blessing granted for Eucharistic Sections. REVERENDE IN CHRISTO PATER: PAX CHRISTI Certo scio Reverentiae Vestrae non parvae consolationi fore quae sequuntur audire. In Audientia die 20 Novembris currentis anni mihi a Sanctis- simo Domino Nostro benigne concessa, narravi quae ex variis Col¬ leges audiveram, et praesertim ex Collegio Pratocanensi Provinciae Missourianae, de foedere quodam Eucharistico in Congregationibus nostris Marianis vigente. Retuli igitur ad Sanctissimum Dominimi Nostrum formatam esse inter Congregationum Marianarum Sodales in pluribus Collegiis et Convictibus Americanis Sectionem quam vocant Eucharisticam, cujus membra quotidie, quantum possunt, Sanctissimo Missae Sacrificio interesse, Communionem quotidie vel saltern ter in hebdomada frequentare, et Sanctissimum Sacramentum saltern semel unoquoque die visitare suscipiant, et reliquos alumnos ad eosdem salutares usus adducere. Haec cum audisset Summus Pontifex, non solum valde piacere ea ipsi monstravit sed etiam specialem Benedictionem Apostolicam ad omnes ac singulos dictae Sectionis Sodales et ad Congregationum istarum Marianarum Directores impertiit. Quam peto ut Reverenda Vestra adeo ex corde datam omnibus quorum interest significet. Commendo me Sanctis Sacrifices. Eucharistic Sections Papal Blessing Reverentiae Vestrae Servus in Christo, Franciscus Xav. Wernz, Praepositus Generalis Societatis Jesu. Romae, die 28 Novembris, 1910. General Archives s. j., Reg. Epist. Miss. FR. GEN. WERNZ, 8 DEC., I9IO — APPROBATION OF RULES 276 * No. 143. 8 December, 1910. Father General Wernz. Approbation of Common Rules. DECRETUM Franciscus Xaverius Wernz Praepositus Generalis Societatis Jesu N Auctoritate Nobis a Sumrao Pontifice Gregorio XIII Constitu- 2049 tione oMNiPOTENTis dei die 5 Decembris, 1584, collata, et a Sixto V, Clemente VIII, Gregorio XV, Benedicto XIV, Clemente XIII, Leone XII et, Leone XIII extensa et confirmata, qua Congregatio- num sive Sodalitatum Marianarum regulas condere atque conditas pro rerum et temporum conditione immutare, corrigere et refor¬ mare valemus, regulas sequentes, ex regulis communibus quas Prae- decessores Nostri P. Aquaviva, anno 1587, et P. Beckx, anno 1855, condiderunt, excerptas, et a Predecessore Nostro P. Martin, anno 1905, statutas, nuper autem ad nova Sanctae Sedis Decreta et ad presen- tium temporum conditionem diligenter exactas et a Nobis revisas, denuo approbamus atque sancimus, et eas, salva approbatione re- 2050 gularum pro certa personarum classe vel pro particolari regione a Praeposito Generali concessa vel concedenda, declaramus et decer* nimus esse regulas communes pro usu omnium Congregationum sive Sodalitatum Marianarum in Domibus et Ecclesiis Societatis Iesu erectarum. In quorum fidem has litteras, manu Nostra subscriptas, sigillo Societatis nostrae muniri jussimus. Romae, die festo Immaculatae Conceptionis Beatae Virginis Ma- riae, 8 Decembris, 1910. Franciscus Xav. Wernz, Praepositus Generalis Societatis Jesu. General Archives, s. j., Instit. 36. VIII. RULES, I9IO — END, NATURE 277 * No. 144. 8 December, 1910. Father General Wernz. Common Rules of the Sodality. 2051 The following Common Rules bind , of tfiemselves , only the Sodalities which exist in Jesuit Houses or Churches , However , the nature and aim , the manner of proceeding and the practices of the Sodality are excellently shown in them , so that they may well serve as a mirror for all Sodalities even outside of Jesuit Houses and Churches. Besides , with a few changes in Rules 2 , 15, 16, rj and 69 — ac will be seen in the footnotes — they con be pro¬ posed to the Ordinary for his approval. REGULAE COMMUNES CONGREGATIONUM MARIANARUM IN DOMIBUS ET ECCLESIIS SOCIETATIS JESU ERECTARUM TITULUS PRIMUS De fine et natura Congregationum Marianarum 2052 i* Congregationes Marianae, a Societate Jesu insti tu tae et a Sancta Sede approbatae, sunt associationes religiosae quae ordi- nantur ad fovendam in membris suis ardentissimam devotionem, reverentiam et amorem filialem erga Beatam Virginem Mariam, et ope hujus devotionis et tam bonae Matris patrocinio ad reddendos fideles sub ipsius nomine congregates bonos Christianos, qui sin¬ cere satagant se in suo quisque statu santificare, et enixe curent, quantum eorum conditio socialis permittit, ut salvent et sanctificent alios et defendant Jesu Christi Ecclesiam contra impiorum homi- nurn impetus. s 2053 2. Facultas erigendi Congregationes Marianas in Domibus et Ecclesiis Societatis Jesu, aggregandi eas ad primam-primariam Ro- manam et communicandi illis Indulgentias et privilegia ipsi a Ro¬ manis Pontificibus concessa pertinet exclusive, juxta Consti tutiones Apostolicas, ad Admodum Reverendum Praepositum Generalem vel Vicarium Generalem ejusdem Societatis I . ft 1 For Sodalities outside of the Houses and Churches of the Society of Jesus , must be added: Facultas autem erigendi has Congregationes extra Do- . End, nature Erection Patrons Classes Meetings when Exercises 278* RULES, I 9 IO — EXERCISES IN COMMON 3. Quum Beatissima Virgo Maria harum Sodalitatum Patrona 2054 principalis sit, quemadmodum ex communi earum nomine patet, omnibus illis ut Patrona primaria agnoscenda est, cujus aliquod mysterium vel nomen pro titulo sumi debet. Attamen, si libet, huic titulo primario alius Patroni cujuspiam secundarii addi potest. 4. Quamvis Sodalitates Marianae pro omni classe fidelium in- 2055 stitutae sint, convenit tamen cum constitutione earum organica et juvat ad fines earum efficacius obtinendos, ut instituantur aliae pro aliis personarum classibus quae aetate, statu vel conditione sunt diversae, ita nempe ut habeantur Sodalitates puerorum, juvenum, virorum, studentium, opificum, etc. TITULUS SECUNDUS ( De Exercitationibus communibus Congregationum Marianarum 5. Sodalitates Marianae suos conventus agere debent saltern 2056 semel in hebdomada, die et hora determinata in regulis suis vel a particulari consuetudine. Si nihil speciale obest, expedit ut conven¬ tus generalis Sodalitatis habeatur singulis diebus Dominicis; immo sine distinctione quovis die festo ex praecepto. Conventus ejusmodi 2057 non debent omitti diebus statutis nisi ob rationes omnino singula¬ rs, neque interrumpi mensibus aestivis, nisi ob absentiam Sodalium vel propter aliam causam quae ne conventus fiant ilio tempore prohibeat. 6. Ordinariae exercitationes horum conventum hae essesolent: 2058 Invocatio Spiritus Sancti per hymnum veni creator; 2059 Lectio libri alicuius pii per decern vel quindecim minuta, 2060 dum Sodales congregentur ; Ubi mos est, renuntiatio Sanctorum et diarii ecclesiastici pro 2061 singulis hebdomadis ex Calendario, quod sit ad communem usum vel ad proprium harum Congregationum approbatum; Cantus Matutini aut Vesperarum Officii parvi Beatae Mariae 2062 Virginis, prout Congregatio convenit mane aut vespere. Substitui autem potest recitatio vel cantus etiam alterius cujuspiam Beatae Virginis Mariae Officii. mos et Ecclesias supradictas proprio jure ad Ordinarium loci pertinet. Quo tamen consentiente, potest etiam Praepositus Generalis Societatis Jesu Congregationes illas erigere. Qui solus habet potestatem easdem ad PRiMAM-PRiMARiAM aggregandi vel non aggregandi. RULES, igiO — EXERCISES IN COMMON 279* 2063 Exhortatio brevis a Directore habita de rebus ad profectum spiritualem Sodalium pertinentibus; 2064 Finis imponetur per recitationem Litaniarum Lauretanarum, vel per aliquas preces ad Patronum secundarium Sodalitatis, vel alias quas consuetudo statuerit. 2065 7. Praeter dictos conventus ordinarios, debent Sodalitates Ma- rianae edam alias exercitationes religiosas extraordinarias cele¬ brare, quales sunt Communiones Generales, Exercitia Spiritualia S. Ignatii et Festa solemnia Patronorum ciijusque propriorum. 2066 8. Communio Generalis Sodalium celebrabitur semel in mense die fixo vel in Festo aliquo solemni Domini Nostri Jesu Christi vel Beatissimae Virginis Mariae, si non sint rationes speciales pro alio die. 2067 Haec exercitatio potest reduci ad Missam cum praeparatione ad Communionem et gratiarum actione et, si ita fert usus, lectio- nem diarii ecclesiastici pro sequenti hebdomada, cantum antipho- nae salve regina, vel alias breves preces in laudem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae. 2068 9. Exercitia Spiritualia fient quotannis per aliquot dies et ter- minabuntur Communione Generali. Director cujusque Sodalitatis, juxta circumstantias notatu dignas, assignabit tempus quando Exer¬ citia celebrabuntur, durationem eorum et horarium. Nihilominus prae oculis haberi debet ordinarie Quadragesimale tempus esse 2069 optimum. Maxime fructuosus sane modus Exercitia Spiritualia fa- ciendi est seorsim a mundo et ab amicis vacare iis quae clausa 2°7° dicuntur. Quod si fieri nequeat, neque edam totus dies ipsis dari possit, juvat ut sex dies durent, cum duobus saltern secessibus quo- tidie, mane uno, altero vespere vel noctu, distributis inter princi- palia exercitia lectionis spiritualis, meditationum, exhortationum, Missae et Rosarii. 2071 10. Sodalitatibus celebranda sunt quotannis cum religiosa ali- 2072 qua solemnitate Festa sua titularia. Bene esset, ad majorem lau¬ dem et gloriam Beatissimae Virginis Mariae, Patronae principalis, praemittere ejus Festo novendiales preces vel devotum etiam tri- 2073 duum. In Congregationibus quarum Patronus secundarius est S. Aloysius, et etiam in aliis, solet Sanctus Juvenis pia praxi Sex Dominicarum honorari. 2074 11. Fiant haec Festa solemniter, et in genere omnes actus publici ea pompa celebrentur quam facultates facile permittant, quaeque conveniat cum Sodalium conditione sociali, semper vitando vanam ostentationem, quae, tantum abest ut finem Sodalitatis pro- prium promoveat, ut potius multum earn in spiritu debilitet. Extraordinary meetings General Communion Retreat Titular Feasts Celebration 2 8o* RULES, 19IO — SECTIONS, ACADEMIES, GOVERNMENT Works Sections Academies General’s powers TITULUS TERTIUS De Sectionibus et Academiis 12. Quum Sodalitates Marianae id intendant ut maximam quam 2075 possunt sanctitatem Sodalibus suis procurent et ut ad multos alios influxum suum salutarem extendant ad animarum bonum, necesse est ut satagant fovere variis modis pietatem in Sodalibus et indu¬ cere illos ad exercenda opera caritatis erga proximum. Haec opera 2076 erunt potissimum Doctrinae Christianae instructio, visitationes ae- grotorum in hospitalibus et eorum qui in carceribus detinentur — quibus operibus magno zelo sese dedicarunt antiquae Congrega- tiones — vel alia similia, prout necessitates temporis moderni in variis locis requirent. 13. His operibus bene exercendis conveniet, si numerus et qua- 2077 litas Sodalium id permittit, sectiones particulares effingere et di- stribuere, cum forma et vita propria, quamvis semper subordinatas auctoritati quae Congregationem gubernat. 14. Est etiam valde conforme primitivis Congregationum Ma- 2078 rianarum institutis ut sint in iis, praesertim si ex studentibus con¬ stant, una vel plures Academiae in quibus juvenes se exerceant in laboribus scientificis, litterariis, artisticis vel oeconomicis, ad ma¬ joretti in suis cuj usque studiis vel professione profectum et ad ac- quirendam, sub directione personarum competentium, rectam judi- candi normam in quaestionibus quae sunt cum fide et cum moribus Catholicis connexae. TITULUS QUARTUS De Gubernatione Congregationum Marianarum 15. Congregationum Marianarum erectarum in quibuscumque 2079 Domibus vel Ecclesiis Societatis Jesu gubernatio suprema pertinet ad Admodum Reverendum Praepositum Generalem vel Vicarium Gene- ralem ejusdem Societatis, juxta Constitutionem omnipotentis dei Gre- gorii XIII, confirma tarn et ampliatam aliis deinde Consti tutionibus Apostolicis. Hujus auctoritatis vi, Admodum Reverendus Pater Gene- ralis potest facere et edere statuta, constitutiones et decreta pro Con¬ gregationum directione, examinare et approbare ilia quae alii, ipso RULES, 1910 — GOVERNMENT 281 * jubente, fecerint, et moderari, corrigere vel de novo facere ilia, quan- documque judicaverit expedire J . 2080 16. Juxta Constitutionem Benedicti XIV laudabile romano- rum pontificum, Directores particulares, a Praeposito Generali in Domibus vel Ecclesiis Societatis Jesu constituti, plena facultate gau- dent in omnibus quae pertinent ad regimen, gubernium et admini- strationem, tarn spiritualem quam temporalem, suarum Sodalitatum, ita ut possint — modo praesentia statuta generalia non tangant — illas regulas, statuta et decreta particularia statuere quae in pru¬ denza sua crediderint opportuna, sicut etiam quae statuerint va¬ riare et penitus mutare, quin sit necessarium in ullo casu senten tiam vel consensum Sodalium obtinere vel petere. 2081 17. Facultas constituendi Directores Congregationum expressa dispositione Admodum Reverendi Patris Praepositi Generalis collata 2082 est Praepositis Provincialibus et Missionum Superioribus. Superio¬ rs locales Societatis gaudent erga Sodalitates in suis Domibus vel Ecclesiis erectas eisdem facultatibus quibus ipsi Directores, quorum in locum praeterea possunt ob justas rationes alios ad tempus subdelegare 2 . 2083 18. Ad adjuvandum Patrem Directorem in gubernio et admi- nistratione Sodalitatis existit coetus Sodalium, ordinarie constans Praefecto, duobus Assistentibus, Secretario, sex vel pluribus Con- sultoribus, Instructore Candidatorum et Depositario. Hi vocantur 2084 Officiales Majores et soli constituunt Consilium gubernii. Quando circumstantiae id suadent, Director instituet Vice-Officiales, Vice- Secretarium, Vice-Instructorem, Vice-Depositarium, vel alios prorsus novos, et potest dare etiam Sodalibus qui haec officia gerunt Offi- cialium Majorum quali tatem. 2085 19- Officiales Minores, quales sunt Sacristani, Punctatores, Bi- bliothecarii et Lectores, muneribus variis funguntur pure executi- 2086 vis, quamvis aliqua eorum magni momenti practici sint. Haec offi¬ cia constituuntur majori vel minori numero secundum cujusque Con¬ gregations necessitatem. 2087 20. Nominatio Officialium Minorum a libera Patris Directoris 2088 electione pendebit. Quoad membra Consilii vel Officiales Majores, in Congregationibus in quibus non solent etiam illi a Directore li- Director’s powers Nomination of Director Council Minor Officers Election 1 To be added for Sodalities outside the Society : In aliis Domibus et Ecclesiis Congregationes Marianae ab Ordinario loci dependent turn quoad regularum approbationem turn quoad administrationem spiritualem et tem¬ poralem turn quoad visitationem canonicam. 2 To be added for Sodalities outside the Society: Jus Directores Con¬ gregationum Marianarum quae ab Ordinario loci dependent nominandi ad Ordinarium pertinet. 282 * RULES, I91O — ADMISSION, EXCLUSION Election when Powers of Officers Candidates Probation Days Vote bere designari, et propter graves rationes non videtur convenire ut hujusmodi mos introducatur, eligentur majori suffragiorum nu¬ mero a Sodalibus externis a Directore separatim pro unoquoque officio formatis. In Congregationibus quae prima vice instituuntur, una vel altera praxis assumetur prout prudentia suaserit, attentis circumstantiis, ad majorem Congregationis prosperitatem. Relinqui- 3089 tur tamen liberum etiam alio modo uti Officiales turn Majores turn Minores eligendi, si quando, attentis circumstantiis et Congrega¬ tionis Marianae fine, alius tandem praeferendus videatur. 21. Officia reno vari solent semel in anno, tempore in regulis 2090 vel in consuetudine particulari statuto. Officiis extra hoc tempus 2091 vacantibus eodem modo ac supra providebitur. 22. Officiales Consilii, sicut etiam Officiales Minores, suis quis- 2093 que facultatibus gaudent eo gradu iisque conditionibus quibus Di¬ rector eas ipsis communicaverit. Cujus auctoritati manent subjecti tarn individue quam collective, in munerum suorum exercitio. TITULUS QUINTUS De Admissione et Exclusione Sodalium 23. Quicumque cupit Congregationem Marianam ingredi peti- 2093 tionem suam ad Directorem diriget. Qui solus habet auctoritatem admittendi. Ad petendam admissionem suam utetur, si potest, ope alicujus Sodalis qui ipsum proponat. Candidatus debet esse prae- 2094 sertim moribus irreprehensibilis, eas conditiones habere aetatis, status, professionis, etc., quae in Sodalitate quam petit requiruntur, et firmi ter statuere fideliter se adimpleturum esse regulas. 24. Admissionem definitivam praecedet tempus probationis, 2095 quod non minus durabit quam duos menses. Quo tempore Candi¬ datus obligatus erit ad implenda omnia prorsus officia quae Soda- litas membris suis imponit. Qui ex alia Congregatione venit potest 2096 statim admitti, si litteras patentes praebet a Directore Sodalitatis unde venit signatas, in quibus testimonium fertur morum ipsius bo- norum et ordinariae praesentiae in exercitationibus illius Sodalitatis. Qui non venit directe ab alia Sodalitate, quamvis antea Sodalis fuerit, 2097 probationem subibit magis vel minus longam judicio Directoris. 25. Admissio solemnis novorum Sodalium fiet bis vel saepius 2 ° 9 8 in anno, in Festis titularibus Sodalitatis vel in aliis Festis princi- palibus Beatissimae Virginis. 26. Quando appropinquat tempus admissionis solemnis Candi- 2099 datorum, Director proponat Consilio nomina eorum qui, ipsius ju- 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 ! •. 2105 5 * i RULES, 1910 — ADMISSION, EXCLUSION 283* dicio, possent admitti, et jubeat Officiales Consilii candide senten- tiam suam proferre et opponere quae forte adsunt contra admissionem propositam. Attends observationibus a Consilio factis, Director, prout expedire judicaverit, de unoquoque decernet utrum sit inter Sodales admittendus an diuturniori tempore probandus an a Soda- litate penitus excludendus. 27. Solemnis receptio Sodalium celebrabitur in plena Sodali- tate, caeremoniae ipsi prope Directorem recipientem immediate ad- stantibus Praefecto, Secretario et Instructore. Novi Sodales ad altare procedent quando a Secretario voca- buntur et genibus flexis Actum Consecrationis Beatissimae Virgini recitabunt, unum ex sequentibus: Ceremonies ACTUS CONSECRATIONIS S. JOANNIS BERCHMANS Sancta Maria, Mater Dei et Virgo, ego, N. N., te eligo hodie in Do- minam, Patronam et Advocatàm meam, et firmiter statuo et propono me nunquam te derelicturum, neque unquam contra te dicturum quidquam vel facturum neque permissurum unquam ut ab aliis quidquam contra tuum honorem fiat. Recipe me igitur, adjuro te, in servum tuum per- petuum, assistas mihi in omnibus actionibus meis, neque derelinquas me in hora mortis meae. Amen. ACTUS CONSECRATIONIS S. FRANCISCI SALESII Sanctissima Virgo et Mater Dei Maria, ego, N. N., licet qui tibi serviam indignissimus, motus tamen tua admirabili pietate et impulsus tibi serviendi desiderio, eligo te hodie coram Angelo meo tutelari et curia coelesti universa in Dominam, Advocatam et Matrem, firmiterque propono me tibi semper in posterum famulaturum, et quantum in me erit curaturum ut ab omnibus tibi fideliter serviatur. Te igitur, piissima Mater, per Jesu Christi sanguinem pro me sparsum oro atque obsecro» ut me in clientum tuorum numerum atque in servum perpetuum reci- pere digneris. Adsis mihi in omnibus actionibus meis, gratiamque im- petres ut ita me verbo, opere et cogitatione geram ut nunquam nec tuos nec sanctissimi Filii tui oculos offendam. Recorderis mei nec de- seras me in hora mortis. Amen. Deinde Pater Director, vel alius Sacerdos ab eo delegatus, im* ponet illis numisma Congregationis cum formula consueta, et eos declarabit admissos esse, dicens: . FORMULA ADMISSION IS Ego, ex auctoritate mihi legitime collata, vos in Sodalitatem Bea¬ tissimae Virginis (tituli primarii) et (tituli secundarii) recipio atque om¬ nium Indulgentiarum primae-primariae Romanae et nostrae con- Essentials Exclusion Obbligation of Rules 284* RULES, I 9 IO — COMMON DUTIES cessarum participes efficio. Et nunc quidem nomina vestra referentur in album Congregationis; in aeternum vero scripta sint in coelis. Formula testimonii receptionis haec est: FORMULA TESTIMONII RECEPTIONIS 2 I 06 Hoc nostrarum litterarum testimonio constare volumus dilectum in Christo fratrem. die. anno. in Sodalem Congregationis 'genus personarum) sub titulo (primario) et (secundario) fuisse cooptatum, ut propterea omnes Indulgentias, favores, gratias ac privilegia quibus Sodales alii jam confirmati fruuntur, obtinere possit et valeat, et cum ex hac vita migraverit, omnibus quae defunctis So- dalibus adhiberi solent suffragiis ab hac nostra juvari debeat. Datum ex eadem Deiparae Virginis Congregatone die et anno quibus supra. - Director Praefectus A Secretis Inscriptio nominum novorum Sodalium in libro Congregationis 2107 numquam omittatur. 28. Director Sodalitatis potest in casibus particularibus a for- 2108 malitatibus praescriptis pro admissione dispensare. Est enim in ri- 2109 gore sufficiens ad validitatem ejus ut tam ille qui habet potestatem admittendi quam ille qui est admittendus manifestent formalem suam voluntatem aliquo signo externo. 29. In Sodalitatem unius classis vel conditionis personarum 2110 nequit quisquam alterius classis vel conditionis admitti, nisi Dire¬ ctor aliter justa de causa judicaverit. 30. Sodales semel rite admissi in Sodalitatem aliquam semper 2111 ejusdem membra remanent, nisi sponte earn deserant aut indigni di- mittantur. 31. Excludetur a Sodalitate quicumque Sodalis vel Candidatus 2112 notabiliter defecerit sive in officiis generalibus boni Christiani sive in particularibus quae in regulis imponuntur. Exclusio semper de- 2113 cernetur a Directore, qui praevie consult Consilium in casibus specialis difficultatis. TITULUS SEXTUS De Officiis communibus omnium Sodalium 32. Quanquam regulae Sodalitatis non obligant ex sese sub 3114 reatu peccati, sive mortalis sive venialis, sed relinquunt in una- quaque materia eundem gradum obligationis quae existit lege Divina vel Ecclesiastica; nihilominus oportet ut Sodales dictas re- 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 RULES, igiO — COMMON DUTIES 285* gulas magni aestiment, et nitantur cum exactissima fidelitate implere, quandoquidem eas voluntarie acceperunt die in Sodalitatem in- gressus et in iis inveniuntur media necessaria et efficacia ad obti- nendum finem Sodalitatis. 33. Bonus Sodalis debet praesertim esse Christianusexemplaris, fidem suam et vitam conformando perfecte cum fide et moribus quas sancta Catholica Ecclesia docet, laudando quod illa laudat, reprobando quod illa reprobat, sentiendo in omni re cum illa, neque unquam erubescendo agere in vita privata et publica tanquam fi¬ lms fidelis et obediens Matris adeo sanctae. 34. Curent Sodales diligentissime illa exercitia pietatis explere quae sunt maxime necessaria ad vitam ferventem. Quotidie mane, simul ac surrexerint a lecto, breviter actus fidei, spei et caritatis eliciant, gratias agant Divinae Maj estati pro beneficiis acceptis, of- ferant labores suos Domino, cum intentione lucrandi omnes quas toto ilio die possunt Indulgentias, et invocent Beatissimam Virginem Mariam recitando saltern ter Salutationem Angelicam. Consecrent saltern quartam partem horae orationi mentali. Adsint, si possunt, adorabili sacrificio Missae. Recitent sanctissimum Rosarium vel Of- ficium aliquod Beatae Virginis Mariae. Vespere, antequam cubitum eant, examinent diligenter conscientiam et eliciant actum ferventem contritionis pro peccatis totius vitae et praesertim pro peccatis ilio die commissis. 35. Vitent diligenter omnem amicitiam vel conversationem non necessariam cum personis malis vel suspectis. Custodiant se a le- ctionibus et spectaculis indecentibus. Et generatim fugiant omnes occasiones quae praebent periculum animabus suis vel possint esse scandalo vel malae aedificationi proximis. 36. Quantum poterit, habeat Sodalis suum quisque Confessa* rium stabilem, virum pium, doctum et prudentem. Cui aperiat cum plena sinceritate statum conscientiae, suae et a quo permittat se for- mari et dirigi in omni re quae ad vitam spiritualem pertinet. 37. Antequam numisma quispiam recipiat, faciat Candidatus Ge- neralem peccatorum suorum Confessionem, nisi Confessarius aliud judicet expedire. Postea vero ne solis Communionibus Generalibus regula praescriptis sit contentus, sed ad sancta Sacramenta accedat ea quam Confessarius ipsi suaserit frequentia. 38. Optimum etiam omnibus consilium a Summo Pontifice Be- nedicto XIV datur ut semel vel bis singulis annis generaliter, ab ultima inchoando, confiteantur. Hoc autem faciliime fiet tempore Exercitiorum Spiritualium, vel Recollectionis menstruae, vel ad fi¬ nem anni. 39. Invitationem ad frequentem ac quotidianam Communionem Qualities of Candidate Exercises of piety To be avoided Confessor General Confession Communion 286* RUUKS, 1910 — COMMON DUTIES Devotion to Our Lady Attendance Sections and Academies Works in private Obedience Fraternal charity omnibus fidelibus a Sancta Sede factam sibi speciali ratione directam existiment, ideoque enixe commendatur omnibus et singulis Soda- libus ut non iis tantum diebus Eucharistico Pane se reficiant quibus Indulgentiam plenariam luerari ut Sodales possunt; sed etiam ni- tatur unusquisque pium ilium ac salutarem usum, a Christo Do¬ mino et a Catholica Ecclesia optatissimum, sequi ad Sacram Mensam frequenter ac quotidie accedendi. 40. Sanctissima Virgo Maria est Patrona principalis Sodalitatum 2127 Marianarum : hinc Sodales erga earn profiteantur oportet valde par- ticularem devotionem, nitantur eximias ejus virtutes imitari, omnem fiduciam in ipsa reponant, et se stimulent mutuo ad amandam ipsam et ad serviendum ipsi cum pietate filiali. 41. Omnes quam maxime curent ut frequentent tempore ipso 2128 praescripto conventus generales Sodalitatis, turn ordinarios turn ex- traordinarios. Praesentia indicatur variis modis secundum uniuscujus- 2129 que Congregationis consuetudinem. Inter eos qui maxime commen- dantur schedularum usus est, quas quisque cum suo nomine tradit Officialibus ad hoc destinatis. Sodalis qui non poterit alicui con- 2130 ventui adesse, verbo vel scripto Patri Directori quamprimum ab- sentiae suae causam deferre debet, cujus erit judicare sitne legi* tima causa allegata. 42. Quum conveniat spiritui Sodalitatis, ut dictum est in Ti- 2131 tulo tertio, ut instituantur particulares Sectiones, ordinatae ad ma* gis fovendam in Sodalibus ipsis pietatem, et ad exercendum zelum et caritatem Christianam, valde exoptandum est ut omnes Sodales active se occupent in una ex istis Sectionibus, et etiam expediet reddere hoc obligatorium, ubi circumstantiae id permittunt. Obli- 2132 gatio qua quisque tene tur, juxta studia vel professionem suam, adesse Academiis, si quae in Sodalitate existunt, pendebit ex par- ticularibus regulis cuj usque Sodalitatis. 43. Curent omnes quantum possunt exercere zelum suum etiam 2133 privatim in operibus misericordiae, spiritualibus et corporalibus, et praesertim alludendo ad Sodalitatem eos quos videant aptos ad illam; ita enim quisque Sodalis fiet verus apostolus gloriae Divinae et san- ctissimae suae Matris. 44. In omnibus quae pertinent ad vitam Sodalitatis, obeejiant 2134 cum prompta et submissa voluntate jussis et consiliis Patris Di- rectoris. Item debito honore et obedientia utantur erga Praefectum et reliquos Officiales Consilii, etiam erga Officiales Minores, in rebus quae ad cuj usque munus pertinent. 45. Fraterno amore et cantate Christiana inter se tractent et 2135 saepe orent Deum Dominum nostrum pro necessitatibus Sodalitatis et Sodalium, praesertim infirmorum. Quando quispiam eorum ad 2136 RULES, 1910 — COUNCIL 287 * vitam aeternam transient, prosequantur qui possunt cadaver ejus ad sepulluram et omnes privatim suffragia ad requiem aeternam animae ejus procurandam ofìerant. Praeterea in comuni recitabunt pro eo Officium Defunctorum vel alias preces, et Missam celebran- dam curabunt, ut applicetur defuncto Indulgentia altaris privile¬ giati. 2137 46. Contribuat unusquisque ad expensas Sodalitatis aut elee- mosynam spontaneam quam sua cuique fortuna permittet, aut sum- mam fixam, parvam tamen, quae consuetudine determinata fuerit. 2138 47. Qui a loco Sodalitatis ad tempus vel semper abfuturus est, certiorem faciat Patrem Directorem, qui litteras patentes, si necesse est, ei mittet, ab ipso et a Praefecto signatas, quae fi- dem faciant ipsum esse Sodalem et dignum qui ut talis in alias 2139 Sodalitates admittatur. Sciant autem Sodales omnes per annum aut tempus diuturnius a loco Sodalitatis absentes atque alibi unde conventibus adesse nequeunt domicilium figentes, ad Indul- gentias acquirendas teneri Sodalitatem loco novi domicilii existen- tem suoque statui convenientem ingredi, nisi contradicat Director hujus Sodalitatis aut aliud adsit legitimum impedimentum, de quo 2140 prioris Sodalitatis Director judicabit. Scribant interdum absentes ad 2141 Directorem vel Praefectum ; curent observare, quantum per circum* stantias licebit, pias Sodalitatis exercitationes et cum exacta fi- delitate, ubicumque erunt, earn vitam Christianam et ferventem agant quae bonos Sodales Marianos decet. TITULUS SEPTIMUS De Officialibus Majoribus si ve Consilii 2142 48. Officiales Majores Consilii, sicut reliquos Sodales praecedunt dignitate, etiam debent tanto superare eos exercitio virtutum et exacta regularum observantia quanto altius erit officium ipsis cre- ditum. 2143 49. Curent diligentissime officia muneris sui adimplere, et re¬ currant ad Patrem Directorem quoties necesse erit ad rationem ad- ministrationis ipsi dandam, ad consultandum eum de dubiis et dif- ficultatibus occurrentibus, ad novas ab eo instructiones recipiendas, et sic ad efficiendos sese, sicut debent, auctoritatis ejus in Sodali- tate gubernanda auxiliares fideles. 2144 50. Intersint voce et suffragio conventibus a Patre Directore 2145 vel, eo jubente, a Praefecto indictis. Ubi eae censebuntur deci- Contributions Absence Virtue Recourse to Director Consultations 288 * RULES, 1910-COUNCIL Opinion Proposals Prefect Assistants Secretary Councillors Instructor of Candidates siones Consilii et ut tales promulgabuntur quae absoluta majori- tate votorum Consilii factae et a Directore approbatae et rite pu- blicatae fuerint. Sine cujus consensu nulla resolutio, etiam accep- tata unanimiter, valida censeri debet. 51. Patefaciant dare et candide sententiam suam de quaestio- 2146 nibus quae tractabuntur in Consilio. Nunquam praetendant suam sen- 3*47 tentiam imponere, neve moveantur suo proprio affectu vel utilitate personali, sed attendant exclusive ad majorem Dei gloriam et spi¬ rituale Sodalitatis emolumentum. 52. Quando venit ipsis in mentem proponere Consilio aliquid 2148 quod possit gravem difficultatem praebere, praevie in particulari exponant illud Patri Directori, qui decidet juxta suam prudentiam utrum conveniat ut illud proponatur et discutiatur, necne. 53. Praefectus est auctoritàte primus Officialium et quasi bra- 2149 chium dextrum Patris Directoris. Una cum hoc praesidet conven- tibus, et intervenir rite ipsi subordinatus, in omni re ad guberna- tionem Sodalitatis pertinente, et praesertim in admissione et ex- clusione Sodalium. 54. Assistentes Primus et Secundus adjuvant Praefectum in 2150 officio suo adimplendo, consilium et immediatam cooperationem ipsi praebendo. Si Praefectus abest, vices ipsius implebit Primus 2151 Assistens; hoc vero etiam absente, Secundus Assistens. 55. Secretano incumbit acta sessionum Consilii exarare, gene- 2152 rale diarium Sodalitatis curare, scribere et subscribere turn diplomata inscriptionis Sodalium turn alia diplomata, litteras patentes, litteras, notitias et alia documenta officialia. In omni hujusmodi re aget ex 2153 sententia Directoris et Praefecti. Acta Consilii, diarium Sodalitatis 2154 generale et inscriptiones Sodalium prostare debent in tribus libris diversis, qui non debent in ulla Sodalitate deesse. 56. Membra Consilii, ut nomen eorum indicat, personam gerunt 2155 Consultorum non tantum in conventibus Consilii, quibus adsunt cum suffragio deliberativo, sed etiam privatim, quando vocantur a Directore vel a Praefecto. Ut tutum consilium praebeant, curent 2156 quantum possunt cognoscere Sodales et rescire res ad Sodalitatem pertinentes, et, quum ad ipsos praecipuo quodam modo referatur, 2157 habeant in omni occasione prae oculis praesentissimum id quod supra de Officialibus in genere dictum est, de partium studio vi¬ tando et de recta intentione qua debent sententiam suam proferre. 57. Instructor Candidatorum munus habet dirigendi Candida- 2158 tos eosque instruendi in usibus et spiritu Sodalitatis per tempus probationis quod praecedit receptionem in Sodalitatem. Communicet 2159 cum Patre Directore quod observaverit de modo procedendi Can¬ didatorum in Sodalitate et extra earn, ut possit Director cum me- RULES, 1910 — MINOR OFFICERS 289 * liori cognitione causae receptionem fìnalem concedere, differre, vel negare. 2160 58. Depositarius colligit eleemosynas vel contributiones fixas Sodalium et benefactorum, ordinarie in sua custodia tenet pecuniam Sodalitatis, et praevio jussu Directoris vel Praefecti solvit Sodali- fi 116 tatis expensas. Observet maximam claritatem et diligentiam in li- bris et documents sui officii et agat in omni sua administratione ut fideJis procurator parvi thesauri Sanctissimae Virginis ipsi con- crediti. TITULUS OCTAVUS De Officialibus Minoribus 2162 59- Officiales Minores, sicut Majores, debent insignes esse pie- tate et Sodalitatis amore, cum vivo zelo munere suo fungi et vi¬ sitare Directorem magis vel minus frequenter prout exigit cujusque officii natura. 2163 60. Sodalitas habebit saltern duos Sacristanos, quorum offi- cium erit convenienter disponere Sacellum pro conventibus Soda¬ lium et quae necessaria erunt ad servitium Sodalitatis in exerci- tationibus suis vel in functionibus religiosis procurare. 2164 61. Etiam omnino necessarium est ut duo vel plures Puncta- tores sint. Hi habebunt librum convenienter dispositum cum nomi¬ nibus omnium Sodalium et Candidatorum, in quo notent unoquo- que die cujusque praesentiam vel causas absentiae a Directore re- cognitas. 2165 62. Lector curam habet lectionis spiritualis quae solet in exer- citationibus Sodalitatis fieri, sicut etiam, si usus fert, renuntiationis Sanctorum et diarii ecclesiastici hebdomadarii. 2166 63. Bibliothecae cura dabitur uni vel pluribus Bibliothecariis, qui praebebunt Sodalibus, diebus et horis indicatis, catalogum ope- rum quae possidet Sodalitas, tradent opera petita et restituent suo loco quae redduntur. 2167 64. Quum Director et Praefectus nequeant frequenter Sodales infirmos visitare, necesse erit nominare Visitatores, inter maxime zelosos et prudentes, qui cooperationem suam in officio tarn pio praestent. Nitantur Visitatores facere visitationes suas infirmis ju- cundas et procurare illis conversatione sua spirituali, adjumentum et consolationem. Turn ipsi pro illis orent turn curent ut idem in Sodalitate fiat quum ingravescit morbus; et in hoc casu certiorem ■ 19 Treasurer Virtue Sacristans Recorders \ Reader Librarian Visitors of the sick Other Officers Congresses Papers Confederation Other rules 290 * RULES I 91 O — INTERCOMMUNICATION, LOCAL RULES statini faciant Directorem ut infìrmus tempestive possit Sanctis Sa- cramends muniri. 65. Officia turn majora turn minora consignata his statutis sunt 2168 communia omnibus Sodalitatibus. Alia quae propter necessitatem particularem constituentur in aliquibus ex illis statuentur quoad naturam, praerogativas et numera a Directore cuj usque Sodalitatis, ad quern solum pertinet jus ilia instituendi. TITULUS NONUS De Congregationum Marianarum inter se Communicatione 66. Ad fines sive uniuscujusque Congregationis proprios sive 2i6g plurium ejusdem classis sive tandem omnium omnino facilius et certius consequendos, laudandi sunt Congressus Sodalitatum Mariana- rum qui turn ex Directoribus turn ex Sodalibus, praesertim ex eadem regione congregantur. Hi Congressus deliberationes suas omnemque 2170 apparatum ad hoc dirigere debent ut profectus animorum et solida pietas quaeratur, ut pecunia non ad solum splendorem Festi ex- pendatur, ut omnia tendant ad practicos et permanentes effectus consequendos. 67. Laudandus etiam est usus sive faciendi publici juris sive 2171 legendi ephemerides Sodalitatum communes quae de rebus Soda¬ litatum tractant et spiritum earum in legentibus fovent. 68. Juvat etiam ad majorem Dei gloriam et Beatissimae Ma- 2172 tris nostrae honorem ut, ubi fieri potest, Sodalitates turn ejusdem classis tum ejusdem regionis confoederationem inter se constituant permanentem, Consilio quodam communi constituto. TITULUS DECIMUS . De Regulis Localibus 69. Ex dispositione Admodum Reverendi Patris Anderledy, 2173 aliae regulae, si qua a supradictis parum diversa desideretur, soli Admodum Reverendo Patri Generali proponi possunt x . Locales vero 1 To be added for Sodalities outside the Society of Jesus : pro Congrega- tionibus Marianis ipsi subjectis; pro aliis vero tum Ordinario loci tum— quando petunt aggregationem— Patri Generali proponi debent. RULES, X9IO — LOCAL RULES 291* regulae quae supradictis forte addentur ipsis ne sint contrariae et, si stabiles esse debent, Provinciali vel Superiori Missionis appro- bandae subjiciantur. 1 General archives s. j., Instil. 36. Vili. A folio with the Decree given above (2049): in the middle are the printed Rules’, the whole sealed and authenticated. 1 To be added for Sodalities outside the Society of Jesus :pro Congrega- tionibus vero quae Patri Generali non sunt subjectae, subjiciantur regulae additionales Ordinario loci. APPENDIX 1 No. 145. 16 March, 1713. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regu¬ lars. Sodalities cannot possess property and are subject to the Father General. IN CAUSA ASCULANA In causa Asculana vertente inter Confratres S. Mariae Assum- ptae Congregationis erectae intus Collegium dictae civitatis ex una et Patres Societatis Jesu ex altera partibus de et super praetensa independentia ipsorum Confratrum a dictis Patribus Societatis Jesu super asserto dominio et proprietate situs et mansionum dictae Congregationis seu Sodalitatis nec non super praetenso dominio vasorum argenteorum, suppellectilium caeterarumque rerum ad prae- dictam Congregationem spectantium, rebusque aliis, etc. Sacra Congregatio Eminentissimorum et Reverendissimorum Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalium negotiis et consultationibus Episcoporum et Regularium praeposita, referente Eminentissimo Gualterio, censuit, declaravit et decrevit constare de aggregatione ; et Sodalitatem non posse possidere, ipsosque Confratres parere de¬ bere Praeposito Generali Societatis. Romae, 16 Martii, 1713. G. Card. Carpineus. F., A. Nicenus, Seer. DaNZETTA, DE SODALITATIBUS MARIANIS SUB CURA SO¬ CIETATIS JESU, Summarium, VII. 1 The following documents have not been utilised in Part 1 and are not entered in the General Index. S. C. BISH. AND REG., 2 DEC., 1740 — PROPERTY 293* No. 146. 2 December, 1740. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops ant Reg¬ ulars. Sodalities cannot possess property and are subject to the Father General. IN CAUSA FIRMANA In causa Firmana vertente inter Congregationem Theologorum et Philosophorum erectam in Collegio Societatis Jesu civitatis Firmi ex una et Patres ejusdem Societatis ex altera partibus, de et su¬ per praetensa electione Depositarli pro conservatione et custodia eleemosynarum et supellectilium ejusdem Congregation^ indepen- denter a praedictis Patribus, etc. Sacra Congregatio Eminentissimorum et Reverendissimorum Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalium negotiis Episcoporum et Regularium praeposita, referente Eminentissimo Gentili, ponente, partibus hinc inde auditis, ac re undique mature discussa, censuit in casu de quo agi tur dandum esse Decretum emanatum die 16 Martii, 1713 , in causa Asculana circa hujusmodi subjectum, nempe Sodalitatem non posse possidere, ipsosque Confratres parere debere Praeposito Generali Societatis ; et ita observandum esse decrevit. Romae, 2 Decembris, 1740. I. Card. Firrao C., Archiep. Damiat., Secret. Danzetta, de sodalitatibus, etc., Summarium , VII. S. C. INDULG., 7 DEC., 1748 — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES 294* No. 147. 7 December, 1748. Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. Sum¬ mary of Indulgences. Summarium Indulgentiarum concessarum tam Congregationi Primae-Primariae sub titulo Annunciationis Beatae Mariae Virginis in Collegio Romano quam caeteris Sodalitiis Confraternitatibus autCongregationibus in reliquis Societatis Jesu Collegiis Domibus Seminariis Residentiis et quibuscumque aliis locis sub gubernio ejusdem Societatis existentibus vel Sodalitia sint scholarium tantummodo vel non scholarium vel utrorumque simul sive utriusque sexus Christi fidelium dummodo eidem Congregationi Primae-Primariae a Praeposito ejusdem Societatis pro tempore Generali juxta facultatem ipsi ab Apostolica Sede concessam 1 pluriesque confirmatam sint aggregatae INDULGENTIAE PLENARIAE PRO OMNIBUS UTRIUSQUE SEXUS CHRISTI FIDELIBUS i. Quicumque Sodales, aut qui sunt extra Sodalitatem Chri¬ sti fideles utriusque sexus, vere poenitentes et confessi ac Sacra Communione refecti, Ecclesiam seu Cappellani, Oratorium seu lo¬ cum ubi erunt in die festivitatis seu solemnitatis invocationis seu 1 Septies emanarunt Litterae Apostolicae : Bulla Gregorii XIII, Omni- potentis Dei Salvutoris Nostri, die 5 Decembris, 1584; Bulla Sixti V, Su¬ perna dispositions , die 5 Januarii, 1587; Bulla ejusdem Sixti V, Romanum decet Pontificem, die 29 Septembris, 1587; Litterae Apostolicae demen¬ tis VIII, Cum sicut Nobis nuper exponi fecisti, die 30 Augusti, 1602; Lit¬ terae Apostolicae Gregorii XV, Alias pro parte, die 15 Aprilis, 1621; Litterae Apostolicae Benedicti XIV, Praeclaris Romanorum Pontificum Praedecessorum Nostrorum de inclyta Societate Jesu benemerentissimorum vestigiis insislentes, die 24 Aprilis, 1748; Bulla Aurea Benedicti XIV, Glo- riosae Dominae Dei Gsnitricis Mariae cultum ac venerationem, die 27 Se¬ ptembris, 1748. S. C. INDULG., 7 DEC., 1748 — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES 295* tituli sub quo unaquaeque Sodalitas erecta sit, a primis ejusdem diei vesperis usque ad solis occasum ejusdem Festivitatis, pie vi- sitaverint et ibidem pro reipublicae Christianae conservatione et augmento, pro haeresum extirpatione, principum Christianorum mutua et universali pace ac Romani Pontificis prosperitate orave- rint; vel alias preces pro sua quisque devotione ad Deum effude- rint, Indulgentiam plenariam consequuntur. 2. Si Sodalitium alium titulum seu alium patronum habuerit praeter Beatissimam Virginem, eo die quo ejusdem Festum cele- brabitur eodem modo Indulgenza plenaria concessa est: si talis titulus non adsit, cujuslibet Congregationis Moderator potest sin¬ gulis annis eligere quem voluerit. 3. Utraque Festivitas etiamsi extra locum Sodalitii celebre- tur, et ad alium diem infra annum, etiam ad diem Dominicum, transferatur ; praedictae Indulgentiae eo die quo celebratur Festum et ad altare in quo celebratur, concessae sunt, etiam si incidisset eo die festum duplex; quo casu una Missa votiva solemnis de hu- jusmodi Festo translato celebrari poterit. INDULGENTIAE PLENARIAE PRO SOLIS SODALIBUS SEU SODALITIORUM MINISTRIS SEU IPSIS INSERVIENTIBUS 4. Quo die in Sodalitatem quispiam recipitur, si vere poeni- tens et confessus fuerit, eodemque die Sanctissimae Eucharistiae Sacramentum sumpserit in Ecclesia ubi praedicta Sodalitas fuerit, vel ubi potuerit, plenariam omnium peccatorum suorum Indulgen¬ tiam et remissionem consequitur. 5. Item in articulo mortis. 6. Item Sodales qui festis diebus Natalis et Ascensionis Do¬ mini Nostri Jesu Christi, et Annunciationis, Assumptions, Conce¬ ptions, et Nativitatis Beatae Mariae Virginis, vere poenitentes et confessi, Sanctissimum Eucharistiae Sacramentum ibidem sumpserint. 7. Necnon semel in hebdomada in iis diebus in quibus, juxta dictae primae-primariae sive aliarum alibi erectarum vel erigen- darum Congregationum ac Sodalitatum statuta ac regulas seu con- suetudines, Sodalium conventus haberi solent; et vere poenitentes et confessi, ac Sacra Communione refecti, Ecclesiam sive Cappel¬ lani, Oratorium seu locum uniuscuj usque Congregationis ac So- 296* S. C. INDULG., 7 DEC., 1748 — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES dalitatis visitaverint, et ibi pro Christianorum principum concordia, haeresum extirpatione, et Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae exaltatione pias ad Deum preces effuderint : quoties tamen in eadem hebdomada bis, aut ter conveniunt Sodales, dies pro Indulgenza plenaria con- sequenda erit ad singulorum arbitriura; monentur tamen Sodales a Moderatorum directione in his et in omnibus dependere. 8. In Sodalitiis in quibus Sodales vespere, noctu, seu alia quacumque hora post meridiem convenire solent, dies pro Indul- dulgentia plenaria consequenda vel eadem vel subsequens esse po¬ test ad eorum arbitrium. 9. Moderatores ejusdem Societatis Jesu Presbyteri quoties Con- gregationum Sodales aut ministros visitayerint, eosque spiritualibus monitis, sive ad morborum incommoda patienter toleranda, sive ad mortem de manu Domini libenter acceptandam adjuverint, et co¬ ram aliqua Crucifixi Salvatoris Nostri imagine ter saltern Orationem Dominicam et Salutationem Angelicam juxta Pontificis et Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae mentem ab ipsis recitari curaverint, quo die iidem infirmi Sanctissimum Eucharistiae Sacramentum sumpserint, Indul- gentiam plenariam ipsis applicare possunt. 10. Indulgentiam plenariam, semel in hebdomada concessam, bis in anno luerari possunt Sodales edam si locum ipsum Sodalitii non visitaverint, dummodo aliud Templum visitent in quo Sanctis¬ simum Eucharistiae Sacramentum sumant, et Generalis Confessio, vel totius anteactae vitae vel ab ultima generali, praecedat. 11. Hac occasione Generalis Confessionis usus maximopere laudatur, uti edam praecipue a Summis Pontificibus specialis erga Beatissimam Virginem Mariam devotio commendatur. Sodalibus in- super injungitur ut Praepositi Generalis ac peculiarium Moderato¬ rum ab ipso deputatorum mandatis consiliisque alacri et prompta voluntate obtemperare nunquam recusent. 1 1 In omnibus quibuscunque rebus ad Congregationem spectantibus vo- lunt Summi Pontifices hujusmodi dependentiam, non obstantibus quibuscun¬ que, prout in eorum Litteris Apostolicis continetur ; sed expressius dero- gatur contrariis in Brevi Gregorii XV. et Bulla Aurea Benedicti XIV. Quae Bulla Aurea, motu proprio emanata 27 Septembris, anni 1748, omnes Prae- decessorum Litteras in forma specifica confirmat, et novas gratias, Indulgen- tias et privilegia concedit. S. C. 1NDULG.. 7 DEC., 1748 — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES 297* INDULGENTIA SEPTEM ANNORUM QUAM IIDEM CONSEQUUNTUR TOTIES QUOTIES 12. Qui corpora Sodalium vel aliorum Christi fidelium ad ec- clesiasticam sepulturam prosecuti fuerint; 13. Qui per campanae signum de extremo alicujus fidelis agone aut transitu admoniti, Deum pro infirmi salute aut ejus felici trans¬ itu vel pro defuncti requie fuerint deprecati; 14. Qui coetibus, turn publicis turn privatis, vel divinis officiis, vel spiritualibus colloquiis et exhortationibus ; 15. Qui piis officiis, etiam in Sodalium vel aliorum Christi fi¬ delium defunctorum per ipsam Congregationem ordinandis, et a Prae- posito Generali Societatis Jesu vel ejus Vicario approbandis; et 16. Qui Missae Sacrificio, diebus feriatis, interfuerint; 17. Qui conscientiam suam diligenter examinaverint vespere antequam cubitum eant; 18. Qui pauperes infirmos, tam Sodales quam alios, in hospi- talibus vel domibus privatis, et 19. Qui carcere detentos visitaverint; 20. Qui pacem inter inimicos conciliaverint. DECLARATIO ET ALIAE INDULGENTI AE 21. Has edam omnes Indulgentias consequi poterunt Sodales ubivis locorum commorantes, si apud Ecclesiam eorundem loco- rum aut alibi, ut poterunt, opera praestabunt quae sunt servanda ad hujusmodi Indulgentias consequendas. 22. Sodales consequuntur omnes Indulgentias Stationum Ec- clesiarum Urbis, sive intra sive extra muros illius, si diebus Qua- dragesimae et aliis anni temporibus ac diebus Stationum hujusmodi, Ecclesiam Societatis Jesu, si ibi fuerit, alioquin aliam Ecclesiam seu Cappellani in locis ubi eos pro tempore esse contigerit, devote vi¬ si tavèrint, et ibi septies Orationem Dominicani et septies Angeli- cam Salutationem recitaverint. 298* S. C. INDULG., 7 DEC., 1748 — SUMMARY OF INDULGENCES INDULGENTIAE PRO DEFUNCTIS 23. Omnes supradictae Indulgentiae applicari possunt in suf- fragium animarum fidelium defunctorum. 1 24. Altare cujusvis Congregationis aut Sodalitii ejusmodi est privilegiatimi, cum extensione ad omnes Sacerdotes pro anima quo- rumlibet ipsorum Sodalium tantum. 25. Ipsi vero Sodales Sacerdotes possunt pro anima suorum pariter Sodalium celebrare Missam cum eodem privilegio ad quodli- bet altare cujuscumque Ecclesiae. Sacra Congregatio Indulgentis Sacrisque Reliquiis praeposita supra expressum Indulgentiarum ac Privilegiorum Summarium ap- probari, publicari, ac imprimi posse censuit. De quibus facta per me, ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis Prosecretarium, die 7 Decem- bris, 1748 , Sanctissimo Domino relatione, Sanctitas Sua votum Sa¬ crae Congregationis benigne approbavit. Fr. J. Portocarrero, Praefectus. A. E. Vicecomes, Prosecretarius. A printed sheet dated Romae, mdccxlviii. typis reve- RENDAE CAMERAE APOSTOLICAE. 1 Bulla Aurea non exprimit omnes Indulgentias applicari posse in suf- fragium animarum fidelium defunctorum ; sed haec gratia concessa est in decreto emanato ^ Decembris anni 1748, in quo postquam dicitur Congre- gationem primae-primariae, caeterasque Sodalitates, Confraternitates aut Congregationes, sub quovis titulo aut invocatione Beatae Mariae Virginis erectas et erigendas, plurimas pro utriusque sexus Christi fi- delibus obtinuisse Indulgentias, additur: “ Sanctissimus Dominus Noster Benedictus Papa XIV.... Ut omnes et singulae Indulgentiae, siveplenariae sive partiales, aut alias quomodocunque Congregationi primae-primariae, caeterisque Sodalitiis aut Confraternitatibus vel Congregationibus praefatis hactenus concessae etiam animabus fidelium defunctorum per modum suf- fragii applicari valeant, praesenti in perpetuum valituro, benigne concessit atque indulsit.” GREGORY XVI, ^ JULY, 1S43 — RETREAT 299* No. 148. 7 July, 1843. Brief of Gregory XVI. Indulgences granted for prayers for perseverance after Missions and Retreats. GREGORIUS PAPA XVI AD PERPETUAM REI MEMORIAM Injuncti Nobis divinitus Apostolici muneris ratio postulat, ut coelestium munerum thesauros dispensationi Nostrae a Domino concreditos fideliter erogemus, cum id ad animarum salutem spe- ramus in Domino profuturum. Exponi itaque Nobis nuper curavit dilectus filius modernus Praepositus Generalis Clericorum Regula- rium Societatis Jesu, ipsum, ad majorem animarum lucrum et uti- litatem obtinendam, summopere cupere ut nonnullae Indulgentiae per Nos concedali tur Christi fidelibus qui post peracta missionis aut etiam recessus spiritualis exercitia, a Clericis Regularibus prae- dictae Societatis Jesu tradita in Ecclesiis, Oratoriis, plateis aut campis, pias preces per quadraginta dies ad impetrandam propo- sitorum perseverantiam persolverint. Suppliciter propterea Nos adiit, ut hanc veniam de hujus Apostolicae Sedis gratia elargiri velimus. Nos, impense desiderantes ut ex hujusmodi spiritualibus exer- citiis aut missionibus finis melius obtineatur, uberioresque exinde fructus obveniant; ejusdem moderni Praepositi zelum et vigilantiam plurimum in Domino commendantes, ac ipsam Societatem Jesu, quae utiles et fructuosos in Ecclesia Dei quotidie fert operarios, speciali prerogativa prosequi volentes; piis hujusmodi votis et supplicationibus benigne annuendum censuimus. Ouamobrem de omnipotentis Dei misericordia, ac BB. Petri et Pauli, Apostolorum ejus, auctoritate confisi, omnibus et singulis utriusque sexus Christi fidelibus qui post peracta missionis aut etiam recessus spiritualis exercitia, a Clericis Regularibus dictae Societatis Jesu tradita in Ecclesiis, Oratoriis, plateis aut campis, pias preces per quadraginta dies, incipiendo a die quam designa- bit exercitii aut missionis praeses, ad obtinendam perseverantiam recitaverint, ac interea temporis vere poenitentes et confessi San- ctissimum Eucharistiae Sacramentum sumpserint, plenariam omnium peccatorum suorum Indulgentiam et remissionem misericorditer in 300* S. C. COUNCIL, 18 DSC., 1906 — LITTLE OFFICE OF OUR LADY Domino concedimus. In quocumque vero ex hujusmodi quadraginta diebus, Christi fìdelibus supradictis qui, peractis ut praemittitur spiritualibus exercitiis aut missionibus, preces praefatas corde sal¬ tern contrito persolverint, biscentum dies de injunctis eis, seu alias quomodolibet debitis, poenitentiis in forma Ecclesiae consueta re- laxamus. Quas omnes et singulas Indulgentias, peccatorum remis- siones ac poenitentiarum relaxationes edam animabus Christi fide- lium quae Deo in chari tate conjunctae ab hac luce migraverint, per modum suffragii applicari posse impertimur. In contrarium facientibus non obstantibus quibuscumque. Praesentibus perpetuis futuris temporibus valituris. Volumus autem ut praesentium Litterarum transsumptis seu exemplis, edam impressis, manu alicujus Notarii publici subscriptis, et sigillo personae in ecclesiastica dignitate constitutae munitis, eadem prorsus fides adhibeatur quae adhiberetur ipsis praesenti¬ bus, si forent exhibitae vel ostensae. % Datum Romae apud Sanctam Mariam Majorem, sub annulo Piscatoris, die septima Julii, mdcccxliii, Pontificatus Nostri anno decimo tertio. A. Card. Lambruschini. Institutum s. j., /. pp. 374, f No. 149. 18 December, 1906. Rescript of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences. The recitation of the Little Office of Our Lady is private if the doors of the Chapel, etc., are closed. Desideratus Josephus Mercier, Archiepiscopus Mechliniensis, huic Sacrae Congregationi Indulgentiis Sacriisque Reliquiis praepo- sitae exponit quod sequitur: In pluribus communitatibus religiosis votorum simplicium suae Dioecesis, Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis edam publice seu communiter recitatur in lingua vernacula. Cum membra istarum communitatum sint linguae Latinae ignara ideoque difficilius intro¬ duci possit regula recitandi Officium hac lingua, cum autem ex De- S. C. COUNGIL, IO NOV., 19IO — NUMBER OF MEMBERS 30I* creto diei 20 Augusti, 1903 , Indulgentiae annexae istius Officii re- citationi, si lingua vernacula fiat, valeant tantum pro recitatione privata ; hinc enixe rogat infrascriptus Orator ut concessio prae- fati Decreti extendatur ad recitationem publice seu in communi per- actam, ita ut omnes qui in communitatibus religiosis suae Dioe- cesis Officium Parvum Beatae Mariae Virginis recitare solent lingua vernacula lucrentur Indulgentias, sive privatim sive publice seu in communi id recitent. Quam gratiam. Sacra Congregatio Indulgentiis, Sacrisque Reliquis praeposita petitioni Reverendissimi Archiepiscopi Mechlinensis respondendum mandavit: Recitationem Parvi Officii Beatae Mariae Virginis reti- nendam esse adhuc privatam, quamvis ipsius recitatio locum ha- beat in communi intra septa domus religiosae, immo et in ipsa Ecclesia vel publico Oratorio praedicte doinui adnexis, sed januis clausis. Datum Romae ex Secretaria ejusdem Sacrae Congregationis, die 18 Decembris, 1906 . A. Card. Tripepi, Praef. f D. Panici, Archiep. Laod., Secret. Acta Sanctae Sedis, 1901, pp. 187, f No. 150. 10 November, 1910. Letter of the Cardinal Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of the Council. No number of members is prescribed as requisite for the erection of any Confraternity . REVERENDISSIME DOMINE UTI FRATER : Relatis in Sacra Congregatione Concilii ab Amplitudine Tua propositis dubiis : 1. An scilicet sufficiant pro erigenda in parochia Confraterni- tate tres sorores religiosae, quae veritates religionis Christianae docent, et insuper una persona civilis, quae pueros invigilat tem¬ pore discendi .... S. C. COUNCIL. IO NOV., I9IO — NUMBER OF MEMBERS Eminentissimi Patres respondendum censuerunt: Ad 1 : Pro erigenda quacumque Confraternitate nullus est praescriptus numerus adscribendorum.... Die 10 Novembris, 1910 . Uti fra ter, C. Card. Gennari, Praefectus. Basilius Pompili, Secretarius. Acta apostolicae sedis, 1911, p. 390. Nos cum Prole pia Benedicat Virgo Maria! ERRATA Part I. Page 5, for B. read Ven. John Ogilvie. P. 28, for 75 in line 5, read 72. Page 32, for 606 , 1297 in line 3 of the notes, read 622, 1346. Page 104, for 1645 in line 2 of the notes, read 1643. Page 108, for 2118 in line 3 of the notes, read 2116. Page 108, for 2118 in line 5 of the notes, read 2117. Page 129, for Rule 17 in line 4 of the notes, read Rule 7. Page 137, for p. 203 in line 4 of the notes, read p. 283. Page 141, for Munich va. line 7 of the notes, read Lucerne. Page 169, after May in the last line of the notes, add 1911. 4 t GENERAL INDEX GENERAL INDEX The numbers within parentheses indicate dates. All references are to marginal numbers. Of several successive numbers none but the first is given here, without f., ff. Aarhus, meetings, 369. Abel, Fr., program of the Sodalen-Cor • respondenz, 494. Absam, Congress, 490. Absence, reception in, 89, 316, 318, 1567, 1782. Absence from place of meeting, obliga¬ tion of entering a Sodality where one lives, 307, 1981, 2021, 2839 ; Indul¬ gences, 529, 809, 905, 899, 1005, 1167, 1680, 1981, 2021 ; merits, 628, 1355 ; leave to depart, certificate, letters to Sodality, good life, 628, r353, 2138. See Attendance. Academy, Chapter XVIII, 482; Prima- Primaria, 87, 482 ; members must be Sodalists. 309, 754 ; not at time of Sodality meetings, 374, 756; in con¬ nection with Sodality, 482, 2078; pub¬ lic, 487 ; Rector and Prefect, 708 ; ob¬ ligation of attending, 2132. Accounts, Assistants, 729. Accrington, Retreat, 416. Administrators, not essential, 237, 1244. Adoration, nocturnal, Beyrouth, Karls¬ ruhe, 474 ; Barcelona, 480 ; perpetual, 481. Affiliation, with Amberg, Augsburg, Buda¬ pest, Cham, Sodalities, 493. Age, at reception, 638, 2094. Aggregation, not annulled by profanation, etc., of Church, 31, 150; without limi¬ tation, 151, 983; when Ordinary’s con¬ sent is necessary, 153, 1914 ; not before Ordinary’s consent, 176, 1851 ; neces¬ sary for participation in good works, 432, 1241. Aggregation to Prima-P rimana, what it means, 132, 1904 ; Colleges outside Rome,133, 532 ; in Jesuit Sodalities, 133, 1712 ; by General S. J., 133, 1697, 2053; several Sodalities in same place, 134, 558 ; places only under Jesuit control, I 34 > 59 ° l Residences S. J., 134, 760 830 ; Sodalities of either sex, 136, 1078; Suppression S. J., 137 ; Sodalities any¬ where, 138, 1136; educational institu¬ tions only, 139, 1141 ; Director of Pri¬ ma-Primaria, powers for any Sodality anywhere, 141, 1193 ; Jesuit General’s powers remain, 143, 1214 ; non-Jesuit Sodalities, 144, 1219 ; Director of Pri¬ ma Primaria granted powers of Gene¬ ral, 145, 1271 ; Paris Sodality, 146, no¬ te ; Munster Sodality, 146 ; necessary for gaining Indulgences of Prima-Pri¬ maria, 147, 430, 1831 ; exception, 148, 431, 1691,1842 ; aggregated Sodalities cannot aggregate, 152,179, 534,1953; con¬ sent of Ordinary, 153 ; gratis, 154, 182, 1783. 1954 ; details to be sent to Rome, 173, 815; form of petition, 173, 1762; powers reserved to General, 179, 1857, 1953 ; Indulgences for reception, 283, 898 ; announcement of faculties con¬ ferred, 801 ; petitions to be sent, 802 ; powers sta tea, 849; Diploma, 1176,1199, 1934, 2023 ; one in each place of only men or boys, 1186; form to be filled out, 1692; petition for Jesuit Sodalities, 1716; how, where, by whom, 1748. See Quaecumque, Sanation. Aggregation to second head Sodality, powers granted General S. J. in Rus¬ sia, 143, 1208. Agnes, St, Children of Mary, 299. Aix, Ristretto, 311 ; meetings, 369; Re¬ treat, 411. Aix-la-Chapelle, division into districts, 234 ; instruction given Candidates, 277, note; Communion, 361 ; meetings, 369; retreat, 415; foreign missions, prevent¬ ing bad laws, works, 474 ; Academies, lectures and discussions, 487. / 20 306 GENERAL INDEX Aix-la-Chapelle Congress, 490 ; Directors’ Congress, General Consultations, 491. Albania, letters, 331. Alexander VII, Sodalist, 4, 1591. Alias pro parte, Gregory XV (15 Apr., rósi), faculties for Residences S. J., 816. Alienation of Sodality property, consent of the Holy See needed, 463, 502; cen¬ sure for unauthorized, 466, 1550. All Saints’ Day, General Communion, 391, 608. All Souls’ Day, plenary Indulgence, 421, 1986. Alms, how allowed in Confraternities, 154, 457, 506, 781 ; Confraternity and Pastor, 261, 966; Ordinary of the Diocese, 457, 506 ; collected for So¬ dality purposes, 458, 1224, 2137 ; sub¬ ject to Ordinary, 459, 1531. Alms in Sodality, no fixed right, 444, 930; box in Oratory, 446, 929, 931, 93 3 - Aloysian, not proper name of Sodality, 48. Aloysius, St., favorite secondary title, 48 ; Six Sundays, 86, 391, 1734, 2073; meeting, 368, 1330 ; Indulgences for Six Sundays, 1551. Alphonsus de Liguori, St., benefit of So¬ dality, 5. Altar of Sodality, none assigned, 30. Altar, privileged, granted, 423, 1007, 1171, 1682, 2016, 2136; not customary in Sodalities, 942. AltOtting Congress, 490 ; resolutions, 492. Alumni Sodalities, 296. Amberg, dependent branches, 493. Ambitiosae, Paul II (1 March, 1467), alie¬ nation of Church property, 501. America, Sodalities, 1Ó24. Anderledy, Fr. General, changes as to approval of Rules, 77. Petition for tercentenary, (1884) 1580. Letter (8 June, 1884) ; Sodality to be promoted, 1589 ; against evil socie¬ ties, 1590 ; illustrious members, 1591 ; fruits, 1607 ; first Sodalities, 1609 ; various classes, 1612; general fruits, 1623. Petition for power to erect non-Jesuit Sodalities, for exemption of same from the Quaecumque, for power for Director to delegate, for sanation, (1885), 1633. Petition for Indulgence for Feast of Purification, for adding Oratory or Chapel to Church for visit on titular Feasts, for applicability of Indulgen¬ ces to Holy Souls, for power to ap¬ point non-Jesuit Directors (1885),1644. Petition for Summary of Indulgences, (1885), 1650. Letter (31 Aug., 1885), Directions in¬ culcated, 1685 ; Diplomas, 1686 ; lists sent to General, 1687 ; appointment of Director, 1689; Indulgences with¬ out aggregation, 1691 ; form to be filled out in applying for erection and aggregation, 1692. Directions for Jesuits (1885, 1888, 1890), 1693. Directions (1885, 1888, 1890), 1728. Diploma of aggregation (1885), 1934. Petition as to Communion day for In¬ dulgence of meeting (1887), 1803. Petition as to successor of Director, work prescribed in case of sick, etc., enrolment (1887), 1810. Petition to make aggregation necessary to gain Indulgences (1887), 1831. Letter (21 Nov., 1891), how to direct Sodalities, 1848. Angra, Sodality of Soldiers, 1621. Announcements, weekly, 86, 384, 2061 ; Confraternity and Pastor, 264, 954 ; General Communion days, 2067. Annunciation, Church at Rome, 36 ; nec¬ essary as title, 36, 531 ; meeting, 367, 1330 ; General Communion, 391, 608; Indulgence for visiting Prima- Primaria Church, 422, 518 ; Indul¬ gence for Feast, 422, 519, 1151, 1655, 1985 ; Indulgence for visiting Sodality Church, etc., 422,1671 ; reception, 1373. Antwerp, Library, 258 ; meetings, 369 : attendance, 375 ; General Communion, 391 ; Retreat, 411 ; servant of Sodality, 423, note ; property at Suppression S. J., 455 ! St. Vincent de Paul Society, Catechism, visits to poor, 474. Apostles, meeting on Feasts, 368, 1330. Apostleship op Prayer , different from So¬ dality, 310. Apostolicae sedis, Pius IX (12 Oct. 1869), alienation of Church property, 1550. Apostolicum, Clement XIII (7 Jan., 1765). approbation of Sodality, 1127. Aquaviva, Fr. General, letter to, 67 ; Vienna Sodality, 223 ; his care of So¬ dality, 602 ; foundation of Prima-Pri¬ maria, 1937, 2025. Decisions, (1583), 8745(1584), 850,862, 878, 932 ; (1586), 909 ; (1589), 871, 911, 913 J ( 1593 ). 918; (1594), 938 ; (1595)- 919; (1596), 849; ( 1597 ), 912, 937 - 942; (1598), 872, 881, 928; (1600), 862, 935 ; (t6oi), 873, 914,936 ; (r6o2), 863; (1603), 878, 902, 903; (1605), 867, 938 ; (1606), 855, 922,923 ; (1607), 922 ; (ióioj, 857, 880, 926 ; (1611), 877, 897,907, 915 5 (1612), 890, 916 ; (16x4), 854, 929. Petition for erection of Primaria (1584), 511 - Petition for wider extension of powers (1587). 548. Letter (16 June, 1587), females not ad¬ mitted, 570. Petition for still wider extension of powers (1587), 588. Common Rules of 1587, 750. Diploma of aggregation (1593), 1934. Residences (1602), 757. / GENERAL INDEX 307 Letter (io Sept., 1605), the Quaecum- que, 795. Letter (17 Dec., 1605), separate society to hold Sodality property, 799. Letter (1606), directions for establish¬ ing Sodalities, 801. Letter (30 Oct., 1610), Sodalities of Priests recommended, 807. Aquaviva, B. Rudolph, Director, 5. Arlon, Retreat, 415 ; St. Vincent de Paul Society, 474. Ascension Day, meeting, 367, 1330 ; Gen¬ eral Communion, 391, 608 ; Indulgence for Feast, 519, 1151, 1655, 1985. Ascoli, property of Sodality, 1114. Aspersory, Confraternity and Pastor, 272, 962. Aspirant, Barcelona, 276. Assistants, instruction of Candidates, 91, 723 ; care of Members assigned each, 91, 724 ; members of Council, 236, 603, 1294, 2083; election, 662,1382; rules 720, 1414; example, 722; Feasts, 726; sub¬ ordination, 727; attendance, 728, 1416; Prefect absent, 728, 1416; accounts, in¬ ventories, 729 ; help to Prefect, 1415 ; general good, 1417 ; duties, 2150. Assumption, meeting, 367, 1330 ; General Communion, 391, 608 ; Indulgence for Feast, 519, 1151, 1655, 1985; reception, 1373 - Attendance, record, 90, 376, 1333, 1463, 2129; regular urged, 342, 375, 872, 1334, 2128 ; suspension for absence, 353j 624, 718 ; expulsion, 353, 841, 944; cause of absence to be reported, 623, 2130 ; Prefect, 699, 1401 ; Prefect to see to, 702 ; Assistants, 728, 1416 ; As¬ sistants, if Prefect absent, 728, 1416; Secretary, 730 ; absence and Indulgen¬ ces, 808, 944 ; absence punished, 1331. Augsburg, early Indulgences, 418 ; Tem¬ perance and Press Unions, 474 ; Sec¬ tions, 481 ; dependent branches, 493. Ausburger Sodale, Der, 494. Austria, Archdukes and Nobles Sodalists, 4, 1594 ; Act of Consecration, 320; an¬ swers to Province Postulata, 2036. Avignon, Director not a Priest, 212; wo¬ men Sodalists, 297 ; number of Soda- lists, 310 ; expulsion, 353 ; meetings, 369 ; conference among Sodalists, 383 ; Forty Hours, 410 ; property, 445 ; help to converts, 474. Azcoitia, Communion, 362. Azpeitia, Communion, 362. Baden, division into districts, 234. Baldinucci, B. Antony, Sodalist, 5. Balearic Isles, Sodality League, 493. Baltimore, meetings, 369. Baptist, St.John, meeting, 367, 1330^ Gen¬ eral Communion, 391, 608. Barbarigo, B. Gregory, Sodalist, 5. Barcelona, extra officers, 257 ; General Communion, 395; early Indulgences, 418; workingmen's Retreats, 474 ; headquar¬ ters of Spanish-American League, 492. Barcelona Congress, 81, 490 ; private or public meetings, 477; Pope blesses, 489: resolutions, 492 ; praises Congresses, 2043. Barcelona Sodality of Our Lady Immac¬ ulate and St. Aloysius, Common Rules of 1910, 81 ; Council and Director, 225: Director free from other work, 232 ; Postulants and Aspirants, 276 ; Diplo¬ ma, 330 ; expulsion, 353 ; attendance 375 ; Academies, 485 ; Catechism, works approved by General S. J., 474 ; Sec¬ tions, model Sodality, membership in like societies forbidden, 480, note. Basle, apostolate of press, 474 ; Sections, 481. Bathurst, meetings, 369 ; Retreat, 415. Bavaria, Philip, Ferdinand and Maximil¬ ian Henry, Princes of, Sodalists, 4, 1592 ; Sodalities not flourishing, 349. Beads, Mysteries distributed over the week, 339 ; daily, 339, 621, 1345, 1736, 2119; Indulgences, 1276. Beckx, Fr. General, action as to the Quae- cumque, 161. Diploma of aggregation (1853), 1934. Approval of Rules of Fr. Parthenius (1855), 76, 1289. Petition for Tercentenary (1863), 1492. The Quaecumque (1864), 1506. Belgium, Priests’ Sodalities, 292 ; number of members, 310 ; Act of Consecration, 320 ; meetings, visitor, letter to, on meet¬ ings, 369 ; attendance, 375 ; St. Vin¬ cent de Paul Society, 474. Benedict XIV, Sodalist, 4 ; praise of So¬ dality, 7. Quaemadmodum (16 Dec., 1746), In¬ dulgence for Mental Prayer, 979. Praeclaris Romanorum (25 Apr., 1748), Indulgences confirmed and granted, 986; summary 1028. Golden Bull Gloriosae Dominae (27 Sept., 1748), praise of Our Lady, 1012 ; St. Ignatius and the Jesuits, 1014 ; Indulgences and privileges con¬ firmed, 1019; titular Feasts, 1032; Indulgence for meeting, 1041 ; Sodal¬ ity servants, 1043 ; obedience, 1046; Sacraments, 1048 ; General Confes¬ sion, 1049, 2125 ; charity, 1051 ; sick Sodalists, 1053 ; Oratory of Caravita, 1054 ; the Quaecumque, 1058 ; for¬ warded, 1064 ; cited, 1730. Quemadmodumpresbyteri{\ 5July,i749), Sodality Indulgences granted Jesuits, 1068 ; Sovereigns, 1069 ; the Forty Hours, 1070. Quo Ubi (8 Sept., 1751), faculty to aggregate even female Sodalities, 1074. Quantum secessus, (29 March, 1753), ~ praise of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, Indulgences for them made in Jesuit houses, 1090. Dedimus sane (36 May, 1753), Indul¬ gences for Spiritual Exercises given 3 oS GENERAL INDEX by a Jesuit outside Jesuit houses, 1093. Laudabile Romanorum (15 Feb., 1758), incorporation of Sodalities in Jesuit houses, 1107. Acts touching aggregation, 1180, 1202; acts touching erection and aggrega¬ tion, 1941, 2030. Berchmans, St. John, Sodalist, 5 ; recep¬ tion and Act of Consecration, 320, 2102 ; Act of Consecration indulgenced, 320, 1919, 2001 ; Mass in November, 402, 1513. f Berlin, reading at meetings, 383. Beyrouth, extra Officers, 257 ; General Confession, 361 ; meetings, 369; Cate¬ chism, 384 ; Retreat, 415 ; nocturnal adoration, fight against heresy, visit to poor, works, 474. Bilbao, Communion, 362. Birthday, Our Lady’s, meeting, 367,1330; General Communion, 391, 608 ; Indul¬ gence for Feast, 519, 1151, 1655,1985. Bishop, see Ordinary. Bishops and Regulars, S. C. of. (19 Aug., 1579), alms collected by Con¬ fraternities, 506. (9 Nov., 1595), lay Confraternities in Convents, 1923. (31 July, 1637), Canonical Visitation of Confraternities in Churches of Reg¬ ulars, 842. (1713, 1740) Sodality cannot possess property ; Sodalists to obey General, 1114. (20 Sept., 1844), Confraternity when subject to episcopal Visitation, 1261. (18 Jan., 1907), Pious Associations in Convents, 1923. Blessed Sacrament, see Sacrament. Bobola, B. Andrew, Director, 5, Boero, Fr. Joseph, 74, note. Bohemia, penitential works, 349 ; Cate¬ chism, visiting sick, 474. Bologna, Priests’ Sodality, 292. Bona Mors, General Confession, 361. Bonn, confederation, 493. Borgia, Fr. General St. Francis. Decision (1569), 870. Borromeo, Card. Frederick, established Sodalities, 1591. Boscombe, General Communion, 395. Boston, General Communion, 395; Retreat, 415 ; good books, catalogue of Catho¬ lic books, lectures, works, 474. Bourbons, Sodalists, 4, 1599. Braga Congress, 490; resolutions, 492. Brig, medal, 321. Briinn, religious enter Sodality, 293. Bucharest, visits to poor, sewing school and kindergarten, mission, 474. Budapest, flores, 349 ; colonies, 493. Budapest Congress, 490, 492. Budweis, Academy, 487. Buenos Aires, General Communion, 395 ; works approved by General S.J., 474. Bufalo, B. Gaspar del, Sodalist, 5. Buffalo, Library, 258. Caen, works, 471. Calicut, Directress, 212 ; Day of Recollec¬ tion, 343 ; meetings, 369. Calocsa, Sections, 481. Campion, B. Edmund, Director, 5, 212. Candidate, qualities, 89, 310, 2094 ; cer¬ emony of reception, 89, 320, 642 ; to be attracted to Sodality, 90, 2133 ; in¬ structed by Assistants, 91, 723; how to make application, 276, 1366, 2093 ; Rules regarding, 276, 635, 1366 ; from other Sodalities, 277, 2096 ; probation, 277, 1766 ; of class different from So¬ dality, 306, 1977, 2110; dismissal, 352, 2112 ; attendance, 378, 636,1.36'], 2095 ; present at what, seat, 637; age, 638 : Instructor, 639, 1369, 2158 ; length of probation. 639. 1369 ; preparation for reception, 640, 1370 ; vote on reception, 641, 1367, 1391 ; Director decides, 1372; Indulgences, Offices, 1767. Canisius, B. Peter, Founder, 5; Canoni¬ zation, 492 ; Founder and Director, 493. Caravita, Indulgences of Sodality granted it, 1054. Carnival, Sodality of Nobles at Rome, 1615. Carrafa, Fr. General, Diploma of aggre¬ gation (1648), 1934. Carrick, non Jesuit Sodality before 1773,23. Cashel, non-Jesuit Sodality before 1773, 23. Castille, Council of, Sodalists, 4, 1605. Catalonia, Sodality League, 493. Catechism, teaching recommended, 87, 471, 622, 1966, 2076; omitted in 1855, 87 ; Confraternity and Pastor. 265, 955; read in meetings, 384; taught by and to Sodalists, 474 ; at Barcelona, 480 ; Sections urged at Braga Congress, 492; Indulgences for teaching, 978. Certificate of membership, 89, 328, 628, 1354, 1785. 2I 3 8 ; form, 328, 1469,2106; signed by Prefect, 719, 1412, 2138 ; signed by Secretary, 737, 1422 ; signed by Director, 1412, 2138. Cham, dependent branches, 493. Chamartin, extra Officers, 257. Chanters, duties, 1461. Chapel, reservation of Blessed Sacrament, 389, 964; Exposition for three days, 410, 1070, 1174, 1677, 2009 ; visit for Indulgences, 421, 422, 516, 518, 995, X035, 1036, 1038, 1041, 1145, 1146,1152, 1168, 1646, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1671, 1672, 1673, 1792, 1991, 2004); Commu¬ nion for Indulgence, 519, 1149, 1151, 1633, 1655; not property of Sodality; 863; Altar privileged, 1007, 1171, 1682. See Place, Property; Chaplain, pro tempore, can be Director, 204, 1855 ; Pastor, 260. Charity, fraternal, the rule on, essential, 98 ; to be cultivated, 347, 629, 1051, 1357 . 2135 - Charity, Sisters of, Children of Mary, 299. GENERAL INDEX 309 Charity, works of, recommended, 349, 471, 621, 1051, 1346, 1743, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1972, 2052, 2075, 3J33 ; Indul¬ gences, 421, 520,997, 1158, 1662, 1996; Sections at Barcelona, 480. Chieri, apostolate 01 press, Retreats, 474 ; public Academy, 487. Children, not to be Members before use of reason, 287, 1556. Children of Mary, Sodalists, 299. Chile, General Communion, 391 ; Sodali¬ ties, 1622. China, picture for medal, 321 ; Sodalities. 1522 . Chios, Sodality in Residence asks aggre¬ gation, 134, 757. Christmas, meeting, 367, 1330 ; General Communion, 391, 608 ; Indulgence for Feast, 519, 1151, 1655, 1985- Church, rebuilt in same place, Confrater¬ nity Indulgences continue, 32, 1257 ; profaned, destroyed, given up by Or¬ der, 150. See Place. Church, Catholic, defence, 85 ; defended and spread, 474. Cienfuegos, Catechism to negroes, 474. Circumcision, meeting, 367,1330: General Communion, 391, 608. Città di Castello, property of Sodality as¬ signed to College, 1114. Class, Sodalities formed from same, 4, 85, 290, 300, 304, 305, 306, 557, 10x8, 1061, 1612, 1751,1975,2055; reception into Sodality of class different from one’s own, 306, 1977, 2110. Claver, St. Peter, Sodalist, 5. Clement VIII, Cum sicut nobis (30 Aug. 1602), Sodal¬ ities in Residences, 757 ; cited, 1026, 1940, 2028. Quaecumque (7 Dec., 1604), regulations for erection and aggregation, 763. Clement IX, Sodalist, 4, 1591. Clement X, Sodalist, 4, 1591. Clement XI, Sodalist, 4, 1591. Clement XII. (16 May, 1736) Indulgences for teaching Catechism, 978. Clement XIII, Sodalist, 4. (7 Jan., 1765) confirmation of Pontifical acts touching Sodality, 1127. Clement XIV, Dominus ac Redemptor (21 July, 1773), Suppression of the Society of Jesus, II 3°- Gravissimis ex causis (13 Aug., 1773), property S. J. passes to the Commis¬ sion, 1132. Commendatissimam (14 Nov. 1773), So¬ dalities of Roman College secured, 1134. Clogher, non-Jesuit Sodality before 1773, 2 3 - Clonmel, non-Jesuit Sodality before 1773, 23. Coblentz, confederation, 493. Cologne, division into parts, 3 ; noble Prefect, 4, 1592 ; Director, 2x2 ; insub ordination, 223 ; changes in choice of Officers, 250 ; number of Sodalists, 3x0; Profession of Faith, 320; letter of the Prefect, 331 ; absence punished, 353 1 General Confession, 361 ; meet¬ ings, 3691 attendance, 375 ; singing in vernacular, 388 ; early Indulgences, 418 ; property at Suppression S. J., 455 i visits to sick, help to poor, re¬ claiming of heretics, xenia, 474 ; Forty Hours , 481 ; instruction, 487 ; confede¬ ration, 493 ; Nuntius Prefect, 1591. Cologne Congress, 490. Colombière, Ven. Claude de la, Director, 5 - Colonies, Budapest, 493. Colonna, Card., Diploma of aggregation (X776), 1177; sanation (1789), 1191. Columbia, meetings, 369 ; visits to sick, service of poor, 474. Commendatissimam, Clement XIV (14 Nov., 1773), privileges of Roman Col¬ lege Sodalities secured, 1134. Commendatory letters, required for erec¬ tion and aggregation, 139, 770, 774, 1142, 1524; sanation, 140, 1189, 1545; involve Ordinary's consent, 175, 1867 ; Vicar General, 1534 ; Vicar Capitular, 1561. Communion, frequent, 90, 337, 362, 606, 621, 1048, 1297, 1343, 1740, 1906, 1964, 1966, 1970, 2124, 2126; not in Sodality Chapel, 273, 366, 918, 919; can be giv¬ en in Confraternity Oratory, 273, 975; Officers oftener, 356, 609,1299 ; history, 362 ; Prima-Primaria, 362 ; to be urged by Director, 362 ; thanksgiving, 365, 617, 1307 ; Eucharistic Section, 478, 2047 ; Section at Barcelona, 480 ; Vien¬ na Congress, 492 ; Prefect, 698, 1299 ; Assistants, 722,1299 ; Secretary, 1299; Consultors, 1299; Indulgence for Feasts, see Feasts ; Indulgence for meeting, see Meeting. Communion, General, exercises, 86, 395, 2066 ; the rule on, essential, 97 ; pre¬ scribed, 390, 617, 2065; Indulgence, 391, 421, 1988; praised and indulgenced, 393, 1795 ; after Retreat, 411 ; days, 608, 1327, 1733, 2066. Confederation, 493; Budapest, 492 ; rec¬ ommended, 493, 2172. Conference, spiritual, among Sodalists, meetings, 383, 611 ; Prima-Primaria, 383 ; Kingston, 386 ; indulgenced, 522, 576, 999, 1x60,1664; all prepared, mat¬ ter, 615. Conference, Director’s, 86, 386,1304, 1731, 2063; prepared 227, 230, 1848 ; matter, 227, 1965, 2063 ; by Director, 228, 1973; to urge frequent Communion, 362. Confession, 357; higher Officers, 356, 609, 1299 ; frequent, 357, 608, 621, 1048, 1298, 1343, 1740, 1906 ; Prefect, 698, 1299 ; Assistants, 722,1299 I Secretary, Consultors, 1299. 3io GENERAL INDEX Confession, General, 359, praised and urged, 90, 359, 1049, 1156 ; the rule on, essential, 98 ; at entrance, 3x4, 359, 607, 917, 1049, 1297, 2123 ; once or twice a year, 359, 1049, 1741, 2125; privilege, 1050, 1155, 1658. Confessor, ordinary, who, 90, 357, 610, 911,1300, 2122 ; of Confraternities, fac¬ ulties, 784. Confraternity, definition, 10 ; Sodality is in broad sense, 10. Congregante, El, program, 494. Congregatio, proper name of Sodality, 8. Congregation, not name for Sodality, 8. Congregation, General, 24th. (1892), care of Sodalities urged, 1859. 25th. (1906), Sodalities urged, 1918, Congregations, Roman, Sodalities subject to, 186 ; expulsion, 352. Congress of Directors, regional commend¬ ed, 491, 1961, 2169; commended, 491, i960, 2046, 2169. Congress of Sodalists, 489 ; what and how, 489, 1957 , 1959 i blessed by Pope, 489; directions for, 490,2045,2170; praised, 490, 2042, 2169 ; purpose, 492. Consecration, Act of, the rule on, essen¬ tial, 97; sent in signed, 331. St Francis de Sales formula, 89, 320, 1376 ; at receptions, 320, 2103 ; in- dulgenced, 421, 1919, 2001 ; copy, Master of Novices, 1431. St. John Berchmans, 320, 2102 ; at re¬ ceptions, 320, 2102 ; indulgenccd, 421, 1919, 2001. Constance, Diocese, privileges secured, 22, Constitutions S. J., 310, 2036, note. Consultation, decisions what, 91, 2145 > Rector of College, 222, 692 ; manner of conducting, 234 ; business proposed by Prefect, 682, 7x3 ; business laid on table, 683; non-Consultors present, 684; majority decides, 685 ; quorum, 691 ; how to give opinions, 695, 1397, 1426; secrecy, 696 ; decisions in Sodality Book, 731, 1418, 1791 ; Consultors, 744; Director proposes business, 1395; his opinion made much of, 1396 ; Sec¬ retary, secrecy, 1421. Consultation of Council, see Council meet¬ ing. Consultation, general, purpose, etc., 91, 235 ; business, 686 ; secret vote, 687 ; two-thirds vote when, 688; quorum, 690 ; seats, 693 ; Director may preside, 694 ; how to give opinion, 695 ; secre¬ cy, 696. Consultors charge of others, 91, 234,746; in the Council of Government, 234,603, 1294, 2083 ; duties, etc., 236 ; number, 603, 743, 1294, 2083 ; Sacraments, 609, 1299 ; election, 667, 1386; rules, 743, 1423; duties, 744, 1424, 2155 ; who, 745, 1425 - Contribution, 90, 2137. Convents, Pious Associations, 29, 1923 ; Sodalities, 29; Director’s place, 220; closed Retreats, 416. Conversation, not at Sodality time, 374, 756 . Copenhagen, meetings, 369. Cork, non-Jesuit Sodality before 1773, 23; Retreat, 416. Corpus Christi, meeting, 367, 1330 ; Gen¬ eral Communion, 391, 608. Correo Mariano, 494. Costanzi, Septimius, uses powers as to aggregation, 1198. Coster, Fr., Members admitted, 310; Pro¬ fession of Faith, 320 ; Confraternity of Rosary, 339; confederation, 493. Crisinus, B. Mark, Sodalist, 5. Council, and Director, 219; components, 236 ; not essential, 237, 1240, 1246 ; election, 244 ; duties, 253 ; Sacraments, 356, 609, 1299 ; to be trained, 492 ; per¬ manent Council of Confederation of Sodalities, 2172. Council Meeting, Director important, 91 ; for what, 220, 236, 679, 1394 2083 ; when, 234, 680, 712, 1394 ; admission of Candidates, 278, 636, 1367, 2099 ; re¬ ception of Candidates, 641, 1371 ; Can¬ didates for Prefectship, 649; Director no vote, 681. Council, General, Sarogossa Congress, 492 ; Vienna, Palma Congresses, 493. Council, S. C. of. (10 May, 1910), Directors Members, 1976 ; ieception of those of class dif¬ ferent from that of Sodality, 1977 ; Sodalist remains Sodalist always, 1980; absence trom place of meeting 1981. Councillors, see Officers of Council. Cracow, Retreat, 415; employment bureau, St. Vincent de Paul Society, 474. Crasset, quoted, 1591. Cum multa, Leo XII (17 May, 1824J, fac¬ ulty to aggregate secured, 1210. Custom, see Rules, local. Dead, prayers to be said for, go, 348, 627, 706, 1052, 1351, 1411, 2136; the rule on Office and Mass and prayers for, essential, 97 ; not eligible as mem¬ bers, 286, 1554, 1846, 1875 ; Mass pact, 348; Indulgence for prayer for, 431, 521, 998, 1052, 1159, 1664, 1999; Masses 474; suffrages from sister Sodalities, 493 ; Indulgence for Office said for, 522, 999, 1161, 1664, 1996. See Funeral. Death, hour of, plenary Indulgence, 421, 5*7/ 994/ 1150, 1654, 1984. Dedimus sane (16 May, 1753), Indulgen¬ ces for Spiritual Exercises, 1093. Delegation, power for, 233, 1641. Delpuits, Retreat, 415. De Montmorency, Fr. Vicar General, Di¬ ploma of aggregation (1649), 1934. De Rossi, St. John Baptist, Sodalist, 5. Dilingen, early Indulgences, 418. Diploma of aggregation, when Sodality GENERAL INDEX divided, 34, 852 ; indispensable in¬ formation for making out, 171 ; where deposited , how used, 178, 180, 1710; not delivered signed and blank, 181 1854; gratis, 183; alms received, 184, 1954 ; who pays for, 185, 803, 854 ; de¬ sign from medal, 322, 2023 ; Diploma of affiliation, 493 ; to be used for Con¬ fraternities under the Quaecumque , 778, 1479, 15x5, 15x7; limit set for introduc¬ tion of this, 787 ; approved, 1176, 1507. I5n; wording, 1176, 1199, 1936, 2024 ; how to fill out, 1722. Directions as to Sodalities, for Jesuits, 801, 1693 ; to be known and observed, 1685 ; for non-Jesuits, 1728. Director, St. Francis Hieronymo, B. Andrew Bo- bola, B. Antony Baldinucci, B. Bernar- dine Realino, B. Charles Spinola, B. Edmund Campion, B. Rudolf Aquaviva, Ven. Claude de la Colombière, Ven. John. Ogilvie, Ven. James Rem, 5; Fr. Parthenius, 74 ; Fr. Puig, 81 ; Fr. Fiter, 225; Fr. Francis Coster, 310 ; B. Peter Canisius, Ven. James Rem, 493. Expenses, 86,710, 1336,1454 ; govern¬ ment of Sodality, 88, 211, 603, 1294, 1754,2080; appointment, 88; rights, 88; all subject to Director, 88 ; 213, 604, 838, 1046, xii2, 1124, 1295; new Officers, 88, 92, 2084; elections, 244, 650, 840, 1382, 2087 ; reception, 89, 279, 312, 635, 1366, 1770, 1779, 1963; no consultation or de¬ cision without, 91, 712, 19,63, 2145; i n Consultations, 91 ; visits from Offi¬ cers, 91 ; powers as to Rules, 100, 2x3, 2080; in Jesuit Sodality named by mediate Superior, 194,1689, 1714, 2081; to be chosen carefully, 195, 837, 1066; non-Jesuit in Jesuit Sodality, 197, 454, 1648, 1836 ; named by Ordinary in non- Jesuit Sodalities, 201, 1247, 1754, 1760, 1811 ; not necessarily Pastor, 202, 1238, 1855; successor of Official named as such, 203, 1760, 1811; may be Pastor as such, 203, 1483; under guidance of Ordinary in non-Jesuit Sodalities, 2o7; Priest, 212, 603, etc., 838, 1053, 1154, 1641, 1648, 1754, 1780, 1958, i960, 1963,1976, 2010, 2018, 2083, 2087, 2138; Assistant Director, 212 ; powers and duties, 213; how to direct Sodali¬ ties, 217, 1848, 1975 ; conference at meeting, 217, 227, 230, 1304, 1956, 1973, 2063; diligence recommended, 218, 1956; Officers, 219 ; subordination of Prefect, 223, 700 ; not absolute mon¬ arch, 224; meetings not omitted, 226, 1329, 2057 ; visits to Sodalist, 229 ; not to be often changed, 232, 1974; free from other work, 232 ; can delegate his powers, 233, 282,1641, 1780, 2oro ; may preside at Consultations, 240,694, 2149; can receive himself if his powers are general, 288, 1807; is Member of his Sodality, 288, 2018 ; powers not limited 3II to Diocese, 289, 547 ; expulsion of So- dalists, 355, 717; leave to go to Con¬ fessor other than ordinary, 357, 610; Retreat, 417; plenary Indulgence for sick visited, 421, 1053, 1154, 1659, 1990; Congress ofDirectors, 491, i960, 1961; meeting of Directors, 492; periodical for Directors, 492 ; no vote in Consul¬ tations, 681 ; business proposed in Con¬ sultation, 682, 713, 1395; seat in Con¬ sultations of the Sodality, 694 ; Secre- ; taiy’s papers, 1422 ; custody of money, 1434 ; Sacristan's keys, 1452 ; modera¬ tion in expenses, 1455; Congress, see Congress. Director of Prima-Primaria, power to erect and aggregate, 25, 120, 145, 1193 1222, 1271. Directress, Calicut Sodality, 212; Convent Sodalities, 220 ; Children of Mary of the Sacred Heart, 299 ; of St. Agnes, 299 - Dismissal, motives, 89; by whom, 352. 2113. Disputation, not at same time as Sodality meeting, 374, 756. Dissolution of Sodality, property, 453,456, 935 ; easier as property belongs to College etc., 453 ; if Jesuits retire, 453, 805, 855 ; how, 496 ; not by civil author¬ ity, 497, 1229; not because of profa¬ nation of Church, 497, 1489; faculty for, 498, 567. Documents, Prefect, 704, 1406; Secretary 736, 1420, 2152; Director, 839. Dolemus inter, Leo XIII (13 July, 1886), confirmation of faculties S. J., 1798. Dominus ac Redemptor , Clement XIV (21 J July, 1773), 1130; revoked 1, 1799. Dornbirn Congress, 490; reports on con¬ dition of Sodalities, 492. Drama, Academies, 487. Dublin, Convent Children of Mary, 416. Dusseldorf Congress, 490. Easter, General Communion, 391, 608. Ecclesiastics, Sodalities urged, 292, 807. Edinburgh, General Communion, 395. Eger, /lores, 349. Eger Congress, 490. Eichstatt, property, 445. Einsiedeln Congress, Sodalities in Semi¬ naries, 292 ; St. Vincent de Paul and St. Elizabeth Societies, apostolate of press, 474 ; Congress, 490; resolutions, 492 ; confederation, 493 ; Fahne Mariens recommended, Prasides- Correspondent 494. Election when, 88, 644, 1381, 2090; how, 244, 647, 1382, 2087 ; Council, 244 ; reèlection, 645, 672, 1388. Elizabeth, St., Society, 474; Einsiedeln Congress, 492. Enemies, reconciliation, essential in Rules, 97. Enghien Directors’ Congress, 491. Enrolment, 89; in register, 325, 424, 704, 735, 1406, 1420 ; not to be omitted, 325, 312 GENERAL INDEX i7 x 7> J ll&> i 78i, 2107; gratis, 327, 1784; not necessary, 424, 1814 ; cancelled, 716. Erection, powers, 16, 114, 531, 553, 589, 829, 1637, 1720, 2053; sanation, 43, 326, 441, 1545, 1642, 1780 ; members not necessary, 108 ; Sodality existing before, 109; what, no, 1696; neces¬ sary for aggregation, in, 1696; when unnecessary, 112; Jesuit Houses, 113; Director of Prima-Primaria in 1848, 120; by General in Jesuit Sodalities, 121, 1712, 1857; by Ordinary or Gen¬ eral in non-Jesuit Sodalities, 122, 130, 169, 173, 1699, 1748; Ordinary’s act sufficient, 123, ro86, 1903 ; Vicar Gen¬ eral, 124, 1534, 1699, 1839; consent in writing, 128, 1761 ; Ordinary not obliged to use special formula, 128, 1244; Vicar Capitular, 129, 1561 ; con- ! sent of Ordinary, 130, 170, 1639; after j Suppression, 159; how to proceed, 166; j petitions, 166, 802, 853, 1716, 1759; 1 testimony of Ordinary, 172 ; not before Ordinary’s consent, 176, 1851; General cannot delegate, 179, 1857 ; expenses, : 182, 803, 854, 1783, 1947, 1954, 2035; ; faculties conferred, 801, 856-862; Di¬ ploma used, 1199, 1723, 1934, 2024; details for application, 1692. See Quae- cumque. Eucharistic Section, rule on, essential, 98, I Communion, 366; approved, 477, 2048 ; i work, 481 ; Barcelona, 480. Eudes, B. John, Sodalist, 5. Examination of conscience, the rule on, | essential,97 ; daily, 340, 619, 1340, 1737, 2120; Indulgence, 421, 524, 1001, 1163, 1666, 1994. Example, utilised in Sodality, 1178, 1907, 1936, 2024. Exercises, Spiritual, of St. Ignatius, see Retreat. Exhortation to non-Jesuit Sodality, 20, 862. See Conference. Expense, Rector of College, 86, 625, 936; contribution, 90, 2137; Diploma 182, 803, 854, x 7 8 3) x 954J enrolment, 327, 1783; Feasts, 408; moderate, 442, 625, 1335, 2137; Director, 710, 1454 ; Prefect, 710. Exponendum, Pius IX (10 Feb., 1863), tercentenary of Prima-Primaria. 1492. Exposition of Blessed Sacrament, Tri- duum, 410, 422, 1070, 1174, 1677, 2009; Confraternity Church, 965. Expulsion, causes, 89, 2112 ; by whom, 352; absence, 353, 841, 944; Prefect and Director, 716, 1413, 2113; possible, 2020. Fahne Mariens, praised, 494, 1855; rec¬ ommended, 494. Faith, Sections for spreading, 480. See Profession of. Feasts, celebration, 86, 396, 625, 726,1310, 1335, 2071 ; novena before, 86, 406, 1311, 2072; the rule on, essential, 97 ; in¬ stallation, 252, 1389; reception, 319, 1373, 2 °9 8 ; Sacraments, 391,608, 1298, 1733, 1906; transferred with Indulgence to Sunday following, 403, 1265 ; In¬ dulgences transferred, 404, 1283 ; day of celebration when doubtful, 405,1505; Indulgence, 519, 1151, 1646, 1655, 1985. Feast, titular, essential in the Rules, 97 ; celebration, 396, 2071; Feast in place of secondary title, 401, 1037, noi, 1146, 1673, 2005 ; expense, 408, 625, 1335 ; Indulgence, 421, 518, 593, 1035, 1145, 1671,2004: transferred with In¬ dulgence, 594, 1038, 1147, 1674, 2006; no transfer, 891, 892, 893, 894, 896 ; Indulgence gained in Sodality place only, 902. Feldkirch, Library,258; closed Retreat,416; Directors’ Retreat, 417 ; Sections, 481. Feldkirch Congress, 490. Females, Sodalities before 1773, 23; So¬ dalities in houses of female Religious, 29 ; non-Jesuit institutions, 144, 1219, 1942, 2033 ; not admitted into Sodali¬ ties, 297, 570, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880. 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 888, 1625 ; not under Jesuit care, 298, 889, 890, 909 ; sometimes could be present 298, 886 ; Monthly Patrons, 298, 887 ; Jesuit institutions, 299,1074, 1193, 1941, 2031 ; Indulgence for visiting Oratory, 897, 907 ; cannot share merits, 908 ; cannot share Indulgences, 908, 910. Ferdinand II of Austria, Sodalist, 4, 1595; consecration to Our Lady, 1595. Ferdinand III of Austria, Sodalist, con¬ secration to Our Lady, 1597. Ferdinand of Poland, Sodalist, 4, 1593. Ferentino, meetings, 369. Fermo, property of Sodality, 1114. Fiter, Fr., Aloysians as title, 48; with his Council, 225; condition of Spanish So¬ dalities, 349; Prefecto de Avisos Ecle- siasticos, 384. Flores, 349. Fordham, number of Sodalists, 310. Fortis, Fr. General, non-Jesuit Sodalities, 1219. Forty Hours, Indulgences for Sodality Triduum of Exposition, 410, 422, 1070, 1174, 1677, 2009; Sodality of Nobles at Rome, 449, 1615; Cologne, 481. Founders: B. Antony Baldinucci, B. Ber- nardine Realino, B. Edmund Campion, Ven. Louis la Nuza, 5; B. Peter Ca- nisius, Ven. James Rem, 5, 493; Fr. Francis Coster, 493. Fourier, St. Peter, Sodalist, 5. Fourteen Rules, 68. France, Noble Sodalists, 4, 1598; change of place of meeting, 33, 1897; trans¬ ferred Sodalities, 35, 1948 ; Priests’ So¬ dalities, 292 ; inner circle Sodalities, 311 ; Act of Consecration, 320 ; monthly Recollection, 342; Sodality Retreat, 415; Workingmen’s Sodality, 416; bul¬ letin proposed, 494. Freiburg, Female Sodalities before 1751, GENERAL INDEX 313 397; Priest’s Sodality, 293; St. Vincent I de Paul Society, 474 ; books for blind, j house of Retreats, 481 ; social lectures, 487. Freiburg Congress, 490 ; Fahne Mariens, 494 Frugi/eras, Leo XIII (27 May, 1884), Ter¬ centenary of Prima-Primaria, 1579. Fulda, number of Sodalists, 310. Funeral, the rule on attendance, essential, 97 ; Confraternity and Pastor, 266, 958 ; j attendance, 348, 627, 1350, 1745, 2136; Indulgence for attending, 520, 997, 1158, 1662, 2000. Furniture, Sodality in Jesuit house, 447, 934 - Gabriel, B., of Our Lady of Sorrows, Sodalist, 5. General S. J., head of Jesuit Sodalities, 187; head of Primaria, 188, 514; does not interfere in non-Jesuit Sodalities, 200, 1902; reception, 282; approval of Sodality works, 474. Decree (1757)- Our Lady titular, 1096; Secondary Patron, 1097; transfer of Feasts, 1099; comunication of these powers, 1100. Decree (1892), powers as to Sodalities reserved, 1857. See Aggregation, Anderledy, Aquavi- va, Beckx, Borgia, Carrafa, De Mont¬ morency, Diploma, Erection, Fortis, Gruber, Martin, Mercurian, Retz, Roothaan, Rules. Vitelleschi, Wernz. General Statutes, see Statutes. Georgetown, University Sodality a ri¬ stretto, 311; medal, 321; flores of Junior Sodalists, 349; meetings, 369; works, 474 - German College, Rome, early Indul¬ gences, 418. Germany, Library, 258; Priests’ Sodal¬ ities, 292; quality of members, 310; penitential works, 349; charity, 474; confederation, 493. Gerona, General Communion, 395; Cate¬ chism, 474. Gesù, Rome, Sodality of the Assumption, 449, 1934; Bona Mors Sodality, Gene¬ ral Confession, 361, 1934. Glatz, Sodality, 167. Gloriosae Dominae, Golden Bull, (27 Sept., 1748), ion, 1180, 1193, 1202, 1730, 1941,2030 ; forwarded to Houses, 1064. Gmunden, General Communion, 395. Golden Bull, see Gloriosae Dominae. Government, see Congregations Roman, Consultation, Council Meeting, Direc¬ tor, General, Ordinary, Prefect, etc. Granada, Sodality, 1620. Gratz, Noble Sodalists, 4 ; Sodality title, 38; women in men’s Sodalities, 297; meetings, 369; xenia, 474. Gravissimis ex causis, Clement XIV (13 Aug., 1773), creation of Commission of Suppression S. J., 1132. Gregory XIII, Omnipotentis Dei, (5 Dec., i5 8 4b 5° 8 , 57 2 > 801, 817, 1020, 1179, 1201, I937, 2025. Gregory XV, Alias pro parte (15 Apr., 1621), 816, 1027, 1940, 2029. See Quae- cumque. Grenoble, irregularity in conduct of Of¬ ficers, 250 ; extra Officers, 257 ; certif¬ icate, 277 ; attendance, 375 ; Protestants excluded, 377 ; Retreat, 411. Gruber, Fr. General, second head Sodal¬ ity, 142, 1208. Guests, Vienna, 276. Hagueneau, penitential works, 349. Hall, early Indulgences, 418. Havana, works praised by General S. J., Catechism for negroes, 474. Hieronymo, St. Francis, Director, 5. Hindrances, notice to Officers, 605, 1296. Holy Ghost, invocation at beginning of meetings, 86, 380, 382, 614, 2059; In¬ dulgences for hymns, 382; hymns in Prima-Primaria, 382; invocation at election, 647, 1382. Holy Office, see Inquisition. Holy See, alienation of property, 463. 466, 502, 1550. Holy Souls, Section, 481 See Dead. Holy Water, presented to Ordinary, in Confraternity Church, 272, 962. Hospital, see Sick. Hours, Canonical, Confraternity and Pas¬ tor, 273, 952. Hungary, Noble Sodalists, 4; Sodalities less perfect, 349. Huonder, Sodality correspondence, 331. 1 Huron, number of members in Sodality, 310 ; letter to Sodalists from Paris, 331 ; meetings,' 369. Hymn, invocation of Holy Ghost, 86, 380, 382, 614, 647,' 1382; at meetings, 388. Ignatius, St., devotion to Our Lady, X014; Spiritual Exercises, see Retreat. Immaculate Conception, meeting, 367, 1330; General Communion, 39 c, 608; Indulgences for Feast, 519, 1151, 1655, 1985; day of reception, 1373; Indul¬ gence for Little Office, 1553. Indies, Priests’ Sodalities, 292. Indulgences, if place changed, 33, 1898 ; not invalidated by non-observance of Rules, 106, 1235 ; not annulled by lack of Rules or Officials, 106, 1240 ; no limitation in communicating, 154, 436, 980; under the Quaecumque, submitted to Ordinary, 154, 434, 1530 ; membership in several Confraternities, 308, 1233; transferred withFeast to Sunday follow¬ ing, 403, 1265; transferred with Feast, 404, 1283; days for gaining, 405, 1503; Confraternity Church not equivalent to Church of Order for visit, 427, 1081; without aggregation, 430, 1691 ; heads of Missions and Sodality Indulgences, 431, 1831, 1842 ; summary approved by S. C. of Indulgences needs no examination by ordinary, 434, 1869; ordinary not o- bliged to certify his having seen Sum- 314 GENERAL INDEX mary, 435, 1883 ; additional require additional conditions, 437, 1558 ; addi¬ tional valid unless a clause contrary, 439, 1250; not affected by lack of mem¬ bers, 440, 1227; Catechism, 978; ille¬ gal suppression of Confraternity, 1229; Six Sundays of St. Aloysius, 1551 ; -when the Ordinary’s consent is neces¬ sary for publication, 1914. Indulgences of the Sodality, only in place of Sodality, 33, 894, 896, 902; intention to acquire daily, 90, 2116; communi¬ cated in full and permanently, 151, 436 ; communicated on aggregation, 4x8, 533, 559, 591, 831, 993, 1035, 1143, 1650, 1718, 1983 ; Indulgence of Annunciation extended to any titular Feast, 421, 593; transfer with titular Feast, 421, 594; granted after erection, 433; no revision by Ordinary, 434, 1528 ; of other socie¬ ties, 439, 1251; Gregory XIII, 516; non-attendance, 808, 944; no transfer with other Feasts, 891; only on day set, 892, 893, 895; females on titular Feast, 897; reception day, 898 ; non- Sodalists, 904, 906 ; not extended to non-Sodalists, 906; Benedict XIV, 992, 1032, 1095; Pius VI, 1143; Pius IX, tercentenary, 1495; Leo XIII, 1581, 1645, 1650; Pius X, 1919, 1983. See Absence from place of meeting, All souls, Communion General, Consecra¬ tion, Dead, Death, Examination of Conscience, Exposition, Feasts, Feast titular, Females, Funeral, Mass, Medal, Meeting, Reception, Reconciliation, Re¬ treat, Rules, Salve Regina, Sick, Visits. Indulgences, S. C. of, Under secretary, 24 ; faculties for aggregation, 25, 1195. (6 March, 1608), cited, 1477. (19 March, 1671), an Order cannot com¬ municate its Indulgences to a Con¬ fraternity, 945. (2 March, 1748), no limitation in com¬ municating, 980, (15 Jan., 1752), Confraternity Church and Indulgences for visiting Church of Order, 1086. (28 Aug., 1752), Ordinary’s act sufficient for erection, 1086. (9 Dec., 1775), Summary of Indulgences approved, 1140. (23 Sept , 1775), cited, 1195. (6 March, 1776), approved Diploma of aggregation, 1x76. (7 March, 1825), power to aggregate non-Jesuit Sodalities, 1219. (11 June, 1838),. alms collected, 1224. (28 Jan., 1839), lack of members does not destroy Confraternities, 1227. (26 Aug., 1845), illegal suppression and Indulgences, 1229. (29 May, 1841), members of several Confraternities and the Indulgences of all, 1233. (25 Jan., 1842), non-observance of Rules and the Indulgences, 1235. (7 June, 1842), Pastor not ipso facto Director of Confraternity in his par¬ ish, 1238 ; cited, 1760. (22 Aug., 1842), Indulgences and absence of Rules and Officials, 1240 ; for par¬ ticipation in good works aggregation necessary, 1241. (18 Nov., 1842), Ordinary not obliged to use any special formula for erec¬ tion, 1244 ; Administrators not es¬ sential, 1246 ; Ordinary can name Director, 1247. (30 Jan., 1843), additional Indulgences valid unless a clause contrary, 1250. (12 May, 1843), Indulgences not invali¬ dated by departure from Rules, 1252; essential points of Rules, 1253. (24 May, 1843), quoted, 1536. (9 Aug., 1843), Confraternity Indulgen¬ ces in Church rebuilt, 1257. (12 July, 1847), transfer of Feast with Indulgence to Sunday following, 1265. (31 Jan., 1848), no special prayers for Sodality Indulgences, 1269. (15 March, 1852), change of place of meeting, 1280. (9 Aug., 1852), Indulgences and Feast transferred, 1283. (27 May, 1857), disuse of the Scapular and re-investing, 1470. (8 Jan., 1861), the Quaecumque urged, 1473 - (8 Jan., 1861), Ordinary can name Pas¬ tor as such to be Director of a Con¬ fraternity, 1483 ; cited, 1855. (18 Sept., 1862), profanation of Confra¬ ternity Church, 1488. (29 Feb., 1864), Confraternities in Con¬ vents, quoted, 1924. (29 Feb., 1864), the Sodality and the Quaecumque, cited, 1509. (29 Aug., 1864), day for gaining Indul¬ gence of Feast, 1503. (29 Aug., 1864), the Sodality and the Quaecumque, 1506. (19 Oct., 1866), points of the Quacum- que for Diploma, 1515. (19 Oct., 1866), wording of the Diploma prescribed, 1517 ; points of the Quae - cumque, 1523. (18 Aug., 1868), Vicar-General and erec¬ tion, consent for aggregation and approval of Rules, 1534. (18 Aug., 1868), persons outside Diocese can be received, 1546. (1739, 1740, 6 Oct., 1870), Indulgences for Six Sundays of St. Aloysius, 1551. (12 Jan., 1878), additional Indulgences require additional conditions, 1558. (13 Apr., 1878), reception in absence, cited, 1782. (23 Nov., 1878), Vicar Capitular not to erect, consent to erection or approve Rults, 1561. (26 Nov., 1880), reception in absence, 1567 ; cited, 1782. (23 June, 1885), erection of non-Jesuit GENERAL INDEX 315 extern Sodalities, 1637 ; their exemp¬ tion from the Quaecumque, 1640 ; Director can delegate his powers, 1641 ; sanation of defects, 164a ; cit¬ ed, 1780. (23 June, 1885), Indulgence for the Pur¬ ification, 1645; visit to oratory, etc., 1646 : applicability to Holy Souls, 1647 ; non-Jesuit Director of Jesuit Sodality, 1648. (23 June, 1885), Summary of Indulgen¬ ces approved, 1650. (27 Apr., 1887), intention not sufficient for reception, 1800. (27 Apr., 1887), the Communion re¬ quired for Indulgence of meeting, 1803 ; cited, 1792. (16 July, 1887), Director and reception of himself, 1807. (16 July, 1887), successor of Official as such named Director, 1811; the sick and others impeded from falfilling condition of Indulgence, 1812; en¬ rolment when necessary, 1814. (17 Sept., 1887), to gain Indulgences of Prima-Primaria aggregation nec¬ essary, 1831. (10 Aug,, 1888), Director of a Confra¬ ternity formerly under an Order, 1836. (16 Nov., 1888), Vicar General and erection, 1839. (14 Aug., 1889), the departed not eligi¬ ble into Confraternities, 1846; cited, 1876. (3 Dec., 1892), consent of Ordinary cannot come after erection and ag¬ gregation, 1851; signed Diplomas can¬ not be given blank, 1854 ; Pastor not necessarily Director, 1855. (26 Aug., 1893). prayers at meetings suffice for Indulgences of meetings, 1861 ; meetings twice a month suffice for Indulgences granted for meetings, 1862 ; cited, 1793. (13 Feb., 1894), same person can be¬ long to two Confraternities, 1864. (20 May, 1896), letters commendatory, without separate consent, of Ordi¬ nary suffice, 1868 ; summary ap¬ proved by S. C. of Indulgences needs no examination by Ordinary, 1869. (25 Aug,, 1897), consent to House of Order involves consent to Confrater¬ nity of Order there, 1872. (25 Aug., 1897), dead cannot be admit¬ ted into Pious Unions or Pious Works, 1875. (10 Aug., 1899), Ordinary not obliged to certify his having seen summary, 1883. (1887, 1897, 1903), Indulgences for Lit¬ tle Office of Our Lady, 1886; as in the Breviary, 1887; manner of reci¬ tation, 1888 ; vernacular, 1896. (11 Nov., 1903), change of place of meet¬ ing, 1897. (15 Nov., 1905), when consent of Ordi¬ nary necessary for approval of Rules, aggregation, and publication of In¬ dulgences, 1914. (17 Nov., 1906), Acts of Consecration indulgenced, 1919. (1 Apr., 1908), continuance of trans¬ ferred Sodalities, 1948. (17 June, 1908), sanation of defects, 1951. Ingolstadt, Colloquium Marianum, 310; Retreat, 4x5; early Indulgences, 418. Inner Circle, see Ristretto. Innocent X, Sodalist, 4, 1591. Innocent XI, Ven., Sodalist, 4, 5. 1591. Innocent XIII, Sodalist, 4. Innsbruck, Library, 258 ; women in Sodal¬ ities of men, 297; letters, 331; meet¬ ings, 369; Retreat, 411; early Indulgen¬ ces, 418 ; work for poor and churches, 474 - Innsbruck Congress, 490. Innsbruck Directors’ Congress, 491. Inquisition, S. C. of. (6 Dec., 1876), admissien of dead, those unaware of being proposed, children before use of reason, 1554; cited, 1875. (16 Dec., 1898), Ordinary can delegate his delegated faculties, 1879. (21 July, 1910), Summary of Indulgen¬ ces approved, 1983. Installation, when and how, 88, 252,1389. Instruction of Sodalists, 487. Instructor of Candidates, duties, 277, 639, 1369, 2158; a member of the Council, 236, 2083. Inventory, Assistants, 729 ; Secretary 739; Sacristan, 1451. Italy, Congress, 7, 490. Janitor, election, 674, 1387; rules, 1462 ; record of attendance, 1463. Jersey City, General Communion, 395. Jesuits, not ipso facto Sodalists, 294; not to join Sodalities, 294, 869, 870; Direc¬ tions as to Sodalities, 1693; Indulgen¬ ces not communicated to Sodality, 438, 945; praised for establishment of Sodal¬ ities, 1017, 1905; granted Sodality In¬ dulgences, 1068. John Casimir, Sodalist, 4, 1593. John IV of Portugal, Sodality in court, 4, 1606. Joseph, St., meeting, 367, 1330. Kalksburg, extra Officers, 257; Act ot Consecration, 331. Kalocsa, number of Sodalists, 310; /lo¬ res, 349. Karlsruhe, perpetual adoration, 474. Karlsruhe Congress, 292, 490. Keys, Secretary, 732; Director and Pre¬ fect, 839 ; Sodality cannot have inde¬ pendently, 1120 ; Director and Treasu¬ rer, 1434. Kindergarten, Bucharest, 474. Kingston, addresses by Sodalists, 386. Klagenfurt, Act of Consecration, 331. I Kostheim Congress, 490. 316 GENERAL INDEX Ladislaus IV of Poland, Sodalist, 4, 1593. Laibach, apologetic lectures, 474. Landsberg, early Indulgences, 4x8. La Nuza, Ven. Louis, Sodalist, 5. Lateran Canons Regular, Children of Mary, 299. Laudabile Rovnanorum, Benedict XIV (15 Feb., 1758), property of Jesuit Sodali¬ ties assigned to house, 1107. Laus perennis, at Barcelona, Manila, Va¬ lencia, 480. Lawrence, St., meeting, 367, 1330. Lazarist, see Mission. League, Spanish-American, 492, 493 ; Cat¬ alonia and Balearic Isles Sodalities, 493. Lectures, prepared, 474 ; at Barcelona, 480. Lemberg, Retreat, 416; poor children, 474 • Lemberg Congress, 490. Lent good for Retreat, 412, 415, 1326, 2068. Leo XII. Cum multa (17 May, 1824), power to j aggregate secured, 1210. (1825), aggregation of non-Jesuit So¬ dalities, 1219. Acts touching erection and aggregation, 1942, 2032. Leo XIII, Sodalist, 4; praise of Sodality, 7 ; against evil societies, 1590. (1878), Vicar Capitular, 1561. (1880), reception in absence, 1567. (1883), Confraternity of Sacred Heart in Convents, cited, 1925. Frugiferas (27 May, 1884), Tercente¬ nary of Prima-Primaria, 1579. (1885), erection of non-Jesuit Sodalities, 1637 ; their exemption from the Quaecumque, 1640 ; Director can del¬ egate, 1641 ; sanation of defects, 1642 ; Indulgence for the Purifica¬ tion, 1645 ; visit to Oratory, etc., i 1646; applicability to Holy Souls, | 1647 ; non-Jesuit Director of Jesuit Sodality, 1648. (1885), Summary of Indulgences, 1650. Nihil adeo (8Jan., 1886), General Com- : munion, 1795. Dolemus inter (13 July, 1886), Jesuit privileges confirmed, 1798; Dominus \ ac Redemptor rfevoked, 1799. (1887), sole intention insufficient for re- \ ception, 1800. (1887), Communion required for Indul¬ gences of meeting, 1803, (1887), Director and reception of himself, 1807. (1887), successor of Official named as such for Director, 1811 ; those imped¬ ed from fulfilling condition of Indul¬ gence, 1812; enrolment when neces¬ sary, 18x4. (1887), aggregation necessary for Indul¬ gences of Prima-Primaria, 1831. (1889), heads of Missions and Confra¬ ternity Indulgences, 1842. ( 1896 ), letters commendatory suffice, 1868 ; summary approved by S. C. of Indulgences needs no examination by Ordinary, 1869. (1897), consent to a house of Order involves consent to Confraternity of Order there, 1872. (1897), dead not admitted into Pious Unions or Pious Works, 1875. (1898), Ordinary can delegate his del¬ egated faculties, 1879. (1899), Ordinary not obliged to certify his having seen summary, 1883. Acts touching erection and aggrega¬ tion, 1943, 2034. Letters, to Sodality, 331, 628, 1355, 2140; Secretary, 737, 1422, 2152. Letters commendatory, see Commen¬ datory. Leunis, John, Founder of Primaria, 2, 1492. Librarian, rules, 1437, 2166. Library, 258 ; recommended, 338, 1316, 2166; apologetic, 492. Liège, meetings, 369; works, Retreats provided, St. Vincent de Paul So¬ ciety, 474. Lierre, meetings, 369. Lille, attendance, 375. Lille Congress, 490. Lima, meetings, 369; Masses for dead, care of sick, 474. Limerick, non-Jesuit Sodality befor 1773, 23 ; meetings, 369. Linz, women in men’s Sodalities, 297 ; Communion, 363; Retreat, 411 ; girls travelling, marriages righted, xenia 474; sections, 481. Linz Congress, 490 ; blessed by Pope, 489. Linz Directors’ Congress. 491. Litany of Our Lady, recommended Sat¬ urdays, 86, 621 ; meetings, 86, 387, 1306, 2064. Little Office of Our Lady, Indulgences, 1886; as in Breviary, 1887 ; manner of recitation, 1888; vernacular, 1896. London, Council, 239 ; meetings, 369 ; General Communion, 395. Loretto, Litany at meetings, 86, 387, 2064. Louvain, extra Officer, 257; attendance, 375; Retreat, 411. Lucerne, formative period before erec¬ tion, 109, note ; women Sodalists, before 1751, 297; Pactum Marianum, 348 ; early Indulgences, 418 ; xenia , 474; membership prohibited in like societies, 480 ; Diploma of affiliation granted Sodalities, 493. Ludwig, Fr., periodical proposed, 494. Lustenau, Library, 258. Luxemburg, Sodalities, common Diplo¬ ma, 330. Maastricht, meetings, 369. Madagascar, formative period before erection, 109. GENERAL INDEX 317 Madonna, Australian, 494. Madonna, Irish, 494. Madrid Directors’ Congress, 490, 491. Madrid, Supreme Council, 492. Manaré, Fr., letter to and from Fr. Aqua- viva, 6 7. Manchester, meetings, 369 ; General Communion, 395. Mangalore, division into parts, 3; meet¬ ings, 369. Manila, extra Officers, 257 ; number of Sodalists, 3x0; Forty Hours, 410 ; Cate¬ chism, visits to hospital, 474 ; Laus per- ennis , 480 ; Sections, 481. Mannheim Congress, 490 ; Fahne Ma¬ rtens, 494. Maria- Congregano, 494. Mariaschein, Act of Consecration, 331 ; Sections, 481. Mariazell Congress, 490 ; Bavarian So¬ dalities backward, 349 ; resolutions, 492. Marienglòckletn, 494. Martin, Fr. General, approval of Span¬ ish Rules, 81, 2049. (1892), Diploma of aggregation, 1934. (1892 -1906), decisions and counsels, 1954-1963. (1901), directions for establishing Sodal¬ ities, 1728. (1903), petition as to change of place 1897. (13 Apr., 1904), declaration on Sodali¬ ties, 1901. (1904),appro vai of Congresses, 489,2042. (1904), directions for Congresses, 2045. Mary, devotion to her, 13, 85, 333, 509» 556 , 599 , 1156, 1291, 1309, 1314 , 1334, 1729 ; Patron of Sodality, 36, 598, 2054, 2127 ; Office, 86, 339, 385, 621, I 3°3> I 344, 1736, 2062, 21x9; the rule about devotion to her essential, 97 ; Rosary, 339, 621, 1345, 2119; anthem in meeting, 614, 2067 ; praises, 1011, 1590. See Annunciation, Assumption, Birthday, Consecration, Feasts, Immac¬ ulate Conception, Litanyj Purification, Title. Mass, meeting, 86, 388, 1305 ; daily, 9°, 337,.616,1339, 1739, 2118 ; the rule about daily, essential, 97 ; Confraternity and Pastor, 269, 953 ; not to be private, 273, 918, 919 ; for dead Sodalists, 348, 627, 1352; daily Communion, 362; Indul¬ gences, 421, 523,1000, 1162, 1665, 1993 ; foundation, 474 ; not to lessen attendance in Church, 918. Master of Novices, see Instructor of Candidates. Matarò Congress, 490 ; resolutions, 492. May, good works, 481. Mayence, General Communion, 395 ; apprentices’ club, 474. Mayence Directors’ Congress, 491 ; confederation, 493. Mazzolari, Fr., see Parthenius. Medal, the .rule about, essential, 97 ; delegation of faculty to bless, 233, 1641, 1780, 2010 ; of Sodality, 321 ; design on Diploma, 322, 2023 ; Indulgence, 323, 421, 2003. Meditation, see Mental Prayer. Meeting, change of place, 33, 1897; every week, 86, 611, 941, 1330, 2056 ; exercises, 86, 379, 611, 1301, 1731, 1969, 2058 ; amount of time, 86; summer, 86 ; presence urged, 90 ; record, 90, 1333, 1463, 2129 ; the rule about weekly, es¬ sential, 97 ; not to be omitted, 226, 1329, 2057 ; Confraternity and Pastor, 260, 968 ; fidelity, 342, 2128 ; absence, 353, 623, 1331; suspension for absence, 353, 624, 718; expulsion, 353, 841, 944, ; plen¬ ary Indulgences, 363, 373, 421, 995, 1152, 1656, 1987 ; days, 367, 611, 1330, 1731, 1972, 2056 ; twice a month suffices for Indulgences of meeting, 371, 429, 1794, 1862, 2014; not at the same time as sermon, disputation, etc., 374, 756; time and hour, 374; Mem¬ bers only, 377, 613 ; Candidates, 378, 637, 1368 ; partial Indulgence, 421, 522, 999, 1160, 1664, 1995 ; Communion for plenary Indulgence any day in week, 421, 423, 1792, 1803, 1987; prayers at it suffice for Indulgences granted for meet¬ ing, 425, 1793, 1861, 2013 ; cause of absence alleged, 623, 2130; Prefect, 699, 1401 ; Prefect to care for, 702 ; Assis¬ tants, 728, 1416; Assistants when Pre¬ fect absent, 728, 1416 ; Secretary, 730 ; absence and Indulgences, 808,944; plen¬ ary Indulgence if several meetings in week, 1041, 1152, 1657 ; plenary Indul¬ gence if General Confession is made in year, 1050, 1x55, 1658 ; absence pun¬ ished, 1331 ; character to suit spiritual end of Sodality, 2039. Mehler, Mons., quoted, 492 ; Fahne Ma¬ rtens, 494. Melbourne, Retreat, 415. Member, see Sodalist. Membership, the rule about continuance of, essential, 97 ; cessation, 350. Memorials, Secretariate of. (5 May, 1798), Director of Prima-Pri¬ maria and faculty for all Sodalities, 1 193 - Men, to be gathered into Sodalities, 196, 1859. Mental Prayer, meeting, 86, 388, 1731 ; recommended, 90, 336, 621, 1338, X738, 1966, 2117 ; differences between 1587 and 1885 Rules, 90 ; Indulgences, 979. Mercurian, Fr. General. Decisions, (X576) 869 ; (1579) 868. Mexico, Priests’ Sodality, 292 ; dowry for girls, education of poor girls, 474. Milan, Indulgences, 418; Sodalities, 1591. Minutes, Secretary, 731, 1418, 2154. Miraculous Medal, Children of Mary, 299 ; used in some Sodalities, 321. Mission, Superior and Rules, 55, 91, 100, 2173; Indulgences without aggregation, 318 GENERAL INDEX 431, 1831 ; Jesuit, Ordinary and erec¬ tion, 1714. Mission, provided at Bucharest, 474. Mission Bishoj), and Sodality Indul¬ gences, 431. Mission, Priests of, Children of Mary, 299; Vienna Sodality, 369. Missionaries S. J., Sodality Rules, 65, 507. Missions, help proposed at Salzburg Congress, 492. Money, where kept by Treasurer, 937, 1434, 2160. See Contribution, Expense. Monte di Pietà, not managed by So¬ dality, 446, 928. Montfort, B. Louis Mary Grignon de, Sodalist, 5. Monthly Recollection, see Recollection. Morning Star, The, 494; supplements, 474 - Mosontarcsa, Eucharistic work, 481; pub¬ lic Academy, 487. Miihlheim, lectures for men, 474. Munich, insubordination, 223 ; women in men's Sodalities, 297; certificate, 330; Act oi Consecration sent in, 331; Con¬ fraternity of the Rosary, 339 ; General Confession, 361 ; meetings, 369; General Communion, 391 ; Retreat, 4x1 ; early Indulgences, 418 ; Indulgences granted Sodality servants, 421, note ; property at Suppression S. J,, 456 ; foundation for Masses, 474. Munich Directors’ Congress, 491. Munster, affiliated Sodalities, 146; num¬ ber of Sodalists, 310 ; confederation, 493 - Mutual Benevolence Society, at Bar¬ celona, 480. Namur Sodalities generous if asked much, 369. Nancy, meetings, 369. Naples, Nobles in Sodality, 4, 1591 ; meetings, 369 ; Retreat, 411 ; Retreats given, 474; Sodality of fishermen, 1619. Nationalism, to be avoided, 492. Negroes, Catechism, 474. New Orleans, General Communion, 395. New York, Retreat, 415. Nihil adeo, Leo XIII (8 Jan., 1886), General Communion, 1795. Nos cum Prole pia, etc., Indulgence, 2003. Notices, meetings, 86, 384, 2061. Novena, before Feasts, 86, 406, 1311, 2072. Obedience, inculcated, 90, 213, 345, 604, 838, 1046, 1112, 1124, 1152, 1295, 2134 ; the rule about, essential, 98. Obermunster, division into parts, 3. Offenburg Congress, 490. Office, Our Lady, 86, 339, 385, 621, 1303, I 344> i 73 6 i 2062, 2119 ; the rule about the Office of the Dead, essential, 97; Dead, 348, 627, 1351, 2136; Our Lady in Prima-Primaria, 385 ; Indul¬ gence for Office of Dead said for Soda- lists, 421 522, 999, 1161, 1664, 1996. Officers, election, 88, 244, 643, 1381, X755, 2087 ; Substitutes, 88, 2084 ; sub¬ ject to Director, 88, 2092 ; as needed, 92, 2168 ; Rules read, 103, 634, 1365 ; not essential for Indulgences, 237, 1240; duties, 253; extra appointed, 257 ; gov¬ ernment, 603, 1294, 2083; overseen by Prefect, 707, 1405 ; as in Manuals, 1747 - Officers of Council, who, 88, 603, 1294, 2083 ; new made by Director, 88, 2084; to know the Sodalists, 91 ; Rector of College, 91 ; recourse to Director, 91, 2143 ; duties, 91 ; virtues, 255, 2142 ; qualities, 256, 2142 ; Candidacy, 278 ; Sacraments oftener, 356, 609, 1299 ; in Consultation, 2144 ; duties as Consultors, 2155. See Consultation. Officers, Minor, as needed, 88, 603. 1294, 1466, 2086, 2168 ; rules for, 92, 2142 ; virtue, 92, 2162 ; recourse to Di¬ rector, 92, 2162 ; election, 674 ; left to individual Sodalities, 748, 2086. Ogilvie, B. John, Sodalist, 5. Olmiitz, meetings, 369 ; early Indul¬ gences, 418. Omaha, General Communion, 395. Omnipotentis Dei, Gregory XIII (5 Dec., !5 8 4), 5° 8 ; summary, 542, 572, 817, 1020. Oratory, see Place. Ordinary, can change place of meet- ing, 34, 1280; leave for Feast of secon¬ dary title in non-Jesuit Sodalities, 46 ; Rules not subject to him in Jesuit Sodal¬ ities, 56, 19 r4 ; Rules in non-Jesuit So¬ dalities subject to him, 57, 61, 62, 77, 776; can delegate his delegated faculties, 59, 127, 1879; erection, 1773-1824, 118, 158 ; consent to erection in Jesuit Sodal¬ ity, 121, 153, 1715 ; consent to House of Order involves consent to Confrater¬ nity of Order there, 121, 1872 ; alone can erect Confraternities in Diocese, 122, 813; power to erect, 122, 130,169 1699; his act sufficient for erection, 123, 1086; no special formula for erection, 128, 1244 ; consent in writing, 128, 1761 ; letters commendatory required for ag¬ gregation, 139, 770 774, 1142 ; sanation of acts defective from want of letters, 140, 1189 ; consent to (erection and) ag¬ gregation, 154, 769, 774 ; testimony to erection, etc., 17a ; consent involved in letters commendatory, 175, 1867 ; con¬ sent cannot come after erection and ag¬ gregation, 176, 1851; is Superior of non- Jesuit Sodalities, 198 ; can name Direc¬ tor, 20 r, 1247 ; names Director, 201, 1754 ; Director of a Confraternity for¬ merly under an Order, 205, 1835 ; guid¬ ance of Director, 207 ; visitation in Regular Church, 209, 842 ; Holy Water presented in Confraternity Church, 272, 962 ; reception, 284 ; can receive into non-Jesuit sodalities, 284 ; expulsion, 352 ; not obliged to certify GENERAL INDEX 319 his having seen summary of Indulgences, 435, 1883 ; additional Indulgences, 437; alms collected, 457, 459, 506, 1531 ; alie¬ nation of property, 467 ; can dissolve Sodality, 500; in Jesuit Missions and erection, 1712. Pactum Marianum, Lucerne, 348. Paderborn, confederation, 493. Palermo, Sodality of Nobles, 1610 , So¬ dality of both sexes asks aggregation, 1074. Palma, General Council supports the Cor¬ reo Mariano , 494. Palma Congress, 490. Pampelona, promises as to Catholic lite¬ rature. 474. Paraguay, woman Sodalist, 297; meet¬ ings, 369. Paris, Noble Sodalists, 5, 1603 ; affiliated Sodalities, 146, note ; inner circle Sodal¬ ity, 311; letter from Professed House Sodality, 331; gifts to Hurons. 474. Parish functions, Confraternity, 260, 963. Parthenius, Fr., account, Rules approved, 74, 1289 ; manuscript, 74, 83, 86, 87, 90 ; inner circle Sodality, 311. Pastor, not ipso facto Director, 202, 1238 ; as such can be named Director, 203, 1483,1855 ; and Confraternity, 259, 947; parochial Church functions,260,967 ;meet- ing of Confraternity, 260, 968 ; Church functions, 260, 948; vote in Confra¬ ternity meeting, 260, 970 ; alms, 261, 966; property, 261, 969; announce¬ ment in Confraternity Church, 264, 954 ; Catechism in Confraternity Church, 265, 955 ; funeral of one buried in Confra¬ ternity Church, 266, 958; attendance at parish functions, 268, 963 ; sermon in Confraternity Church, 270, 956 ; pro¬ cession, 271, 959; Canonical Hours in Confraternity Church, 273, 952; Mass in Confraternity Church, 273, 953. Patron, titular, Primary, 36, 598, 1032, 2054 ; Secondary, 45, 1034, 1036, 2054 ; prayers to the secondary at meetings, 86, 388, 2664 ; Indulgence, 422, 1035, 1030 ; transfer of day and place, 422, 1038. See Title. Patrons, Monthly, taken by husbands for wives, 298, 887. Paul II. Ambitiosae (1 March, 1467), alienation of Church property, 501. Paul V. (6 Oct., 1571) Indulgences for teaching Catechism, 978. Pawn-house, not allowed to be managed by Sodality, 446, 928. Penitential works, 349. Pentecost, meeting, 367, 1330 ; General Communion, 391, 608. Perfection, aim of Sodality, 14, 85, 334, 599, 606, 1291, 1297, 2052. Periodical, 494 ; supplements, 474 ; urged at Barcelona, Einsiedeln, Mariazell, Salzburg, Vienna, 492 ; for Directors, 492. Peter and Paul, Sts., meeting, 367, 1330 ; General Communion, 391, 608. Peter’s Pence, Einsiedeln Congress, 492. Petitions for erection and aggregation, wording, 169; to whom sent, 174. Philadelphia, meetings, 369; General Com¬ munions, 395 ; Retreat, 415 ; works, 474. Piety, Sections at Barcelona, 480. Pignatelli, Ven. Joseph Mary, Sodalist, 5. Pilgrim, The, 494. Pious Union, Sodality is not, 12. Pius VI, Sodalist, 4. (2 May, 1775) power to aggregate, 1136. (9 Dec., 1775), power to aggregate, Summary approved, 1140. (20 March, 1776), power to aggregate enlarged, 1186. (1789), sanation of defects, 1189. (1798), power to aggregate, 1193. Act touching aggregation, 1181, 1203, 1222. Pius VII. (21 July, 1804), powers for a second head Sodality, 1208. Pius IX, Sodalist, 4, 1272. (1847, 1852) transfer of Feast, 1265, 1283. (1848) powers of General S. J. given Director of Prima-Primaria, 1271. Property of same secured, 1274. (1851), Indulgences for Beads, 1277. (1852), transfer of place, 1280. (1861), Pastor as Director, 1483. (26 Nov., 1861), Confraternity of Im¬ maculate Heart in Convents, 1926. (1862), Church profaned, 1488. Exponendum (10 Feb.. 1863), Tercen¬ tenary of Prima-Primaria . 1492. (1865), Mass of St. John Berchmans, I5I3- (1868), Vicar General, 1534. (1868), powers to receive not limited to Diocese, 1546. Aposiolicae Sedis (12 Oct., 1869) alie¬ nation of Church property, 1550. (1876), Little Office of Our Lady Immac¬ ulate, 1553. (1878), additional Indulgences, 1558. Pius X, praise of Sodality, 7. (1903), Little Office of Our Lady, 1896. (7 Sept., 1904), address to Sodality Con¬ gress, 1905 ; praise of works, 1905 ; Feasts sanctified, 1906; good example, r 9°7 ; young helped by old, 1908; élite, 1909. (1910), Directors members, 1976; Mem¬ bers of class different from that of So¬ dality, 1977 ; Members always Mem¬ bers, 1980 ; Members absent from place of meeting, 1981. (1910), Summary of Indulgences, 1983. (1910) Eucharistic Section blessed, 2048. Pius Union, Vienna Congress, 492. Place where Sodality exists, 15, 1750; Rome and Jesuit Colleges outsiders, 513, 53 1 ; any Jesuit College or House or Church, 17, 553; houses under Jesuit 320 GENERAL INDEX control 18, 589 ; Jesuit Residences, 19, 760, 860; outside Jesuit Houses, 20, 856; house only used by Society of Jesus, 20, 861; anywhere, 24, 1x38; educational Institutions, 24, 1141 ; So¬ dality not connected with an altar, 30 ; Church taken from Order or profaned, 31 ; Church rebuilt in same place, 32, 1257 ; Indulgences not outside of place of erection, 33 ; change allowed, 33, 1948 ; change for meetings, 33, 1897 ; Ordinary can change, 34, 1280, 1962 ; when Sodality divided, new Di¬ ploma, 34, 852 ; number of Confrater¬ nities in same, 155, 768, 771 ; Commu¬ nion, 273, 366, 918, gig, 975 ; alms box, 446, 929, 931, 932 ; cannot be changed to Church, 896. Pod Zastavom Bezgrjesne Djeve, 494. Poland, Noble Sodalists, 4, 1593. Polock, second head Sodality, 142, 1208. Poor, the rule about visits to, essential, 97 ; work for, 474 ; Indulgence for vis¬ its, 421, 1997. Pope, Sodalities subject to, 186 ; recep¬ tion, 281 ; expulsion, 352 ; blesses Ha¬ vana catechetical work, 474 ; blesses Congress, 489. Port Maurice, St. Leonard of, Sodalist, 5. Porto Alegre, xenium, 474. Portugal, Noble Sodalists, 4,1606 ; Priests’ Sodalities, 292. Postulant, Barcelona, 276. Praeclaris Romanorum, Benedict XIV (24 Apr., 1748), Indulgences confirmed and granted, 986; summary, 1030. Pràsides- Correspondenz, 494. Prague, Nuntius Sodalist, 4, 1591 ; Theo¬ logians’ sodality, Priests’ Sodality, 292 ; meetings, 369 ; papers and discussions, 383 ; early Indulgences, 418. Prague Congress, 490. Prairie du Chien, Eucharistic Section blessed, 2047. Prato, Catechism, 474. Prayers, morning, 90, 335, 618, 1337, 1735, 2116 ; evening, 90, 335, 619, 1341, 1735, 2120 ; end of meetings, 388 ; for Indulgence of meeting, 425, 1793, 1861, 2013 ; for Sodality Indulgences, 426, 1263. Precedence, among Confraternities, 274. Prefect, reception, 89, 642, 1379, 1770 ; subordination to Director. 223, 256, 700, 1403; position in 1587 Rules, 223, 603, 611, 612, 613, 615, 628, 635, 639, 682, 684, etc.; Consultation, proposing bus¬ iness, 235,245,682,686,713; government, 236, 240, 603, 1294, 2083, 2149 ; rules, 255 697-719, I39 8 ‘ 1 4i31 election, 244, 633-662, 1381-1385 ; Officers sub¬ ject to him formerly, 254, 603, 707, 720, etc., 1294, 1414, etc. ; virtue, 255, 697, 1398 ; admission of Candidates, 256, 279, 635, 715, 1366, 2x49 ; quali¬ ties, 256 ; expulsion, 256, 716, 1413, 2149; Director, 256, 717, 1398, 1403, 2x49 ; letters from absent, 331, 628, 1355, 2140 5 Sacraments, 356, 609, 1299 ; strangers at meetings, 377, 613 ; exercises of meetings, 379, 611, 1301 ; hindrances to Officials, 605, 1296 ; conference, 615 ; cause of absence, 623 ; departure of Sodalists, 628, 1353, 2138 ; Instructor of Candidates, 639, 1369, 1428 ; vacancy, 676, 1393 ; non- Councillors present at Consultation, 684; quorum, 690, 691 ; seat, 693 ; secrecy, 696 ; observance of Rules, 698, 1399 ; example, 698, 1400 ; attendance, 699, 1401 ; care of other Sodalists, 701 ; ab¬ sentees, 703 ; care of Rules, 703, 1404 ; list of Members, 704, 1406 ; sickness, 7°5> 1349) 1410; death, 706, 1410; oversight over other Officers, 707, X405 ; Rector of the Academy, 708 ; Treasurer, 709, 2160 ; expenses, 710 ; negligent, 718; signature of documents, 719, 1412 ; minutes, 731, £4x9; papers, 734 ; documents, 736 ; letters, 737, 1422 ; presence of Substitute Secretary at Consultations, 741 ; Consultors, 744, 1424 ; assignment of Sodalists to Con¬ sultors, 746 ; devotion to Our Lady, 1309; intercourse with Assistants, 1417; visitors of sick, 1443 ; call for Con¬ sultation, 2155. Press, apostolate of the, 474 ; Augsburg, 474 ; work at Barcelona, 480 ; Barce¬ lona Congress, 492. Priests, Sodalities, 292, 807 ; Salzburg Congress. 492. Primaria, Leunis Founder, 2, 1492; head of all, 113, 512; erection, 113, 513; indulgences granted, 418, 510 ; works at Rome, 509; similar bodies elsewhere, 5 11 * Pnma-Primana, Fr. Leunis Founder, 3 ; divided into Senior and Junior, 3 ; age for entrance, 3 ; history, 4 ; privileges secured, 22, 1134 ; Director empowered to aggregate, 26, 141, 1x93, 1222; sec¬ ondary title, feasts, 48 ; Rules to be taken by all, 5/), 850,851 ; Rules after 2773, 70 ; Rules 1804, 71 ; Rules 1824, 72 ; Rules prepared 1831-1846, 73 ; A- cademies, 87, 482 ; Director empowered to erect, 120 ; aggregation, 133, 760, 830, 1078, 1136, 1140, 1176, 1186, 1193, 1199, 1210, 1219 ; Director empowered to aggregate, etc., 145, 1271 ; necessity of aggregation for Indulgences, 147, 43d, 1831 ; exception, 148, 1842 ; peti- ton for erection and aggregation, 166, 802 ; directed by General, x88, 514 ; As¬ sistant Director, 212; position of Direc¬ tor, 223 ; petition for permanent Di¬ rector, 232 ; election of Council, 247 ; Library, 258 ; Sodalists departing, 277 ; quality and number of Members, 310, 375 ; General Confession before admis¬ sion, 314 ; Letters Patent, 330 ; letters, 331 ; Monthly Recollection, 343, 421 ; expulsion for non-attendance, 353 ; GENERAL INDEX 321 Communions, 362 ; meetings, 369 ; meet¬ ings in vacation, 370 ; attendance, 375; hymn to Holy Ghost, 38a; read¬ ing life of Saint, 383; meditation in meeting, 383 ; Spiritual Conference, 383; Office of Our Lady, 385; Gene¬ ral Communion, 391, 392, 395 ; Retreat, 411, 412; early Indulgences, 418; In¬ dulgences for visit to its Chapel, 421, 518; works, 471; work against blasphe¬ my, 472 ; Academies, 482 ; Diploma of aggregation, 1x99 ; property secured, 1274 ; tercentenary, 1863), 1492 ; ter¬ centenary (1884), 1579; tercentenary (1884), favors announced, 1632. Prisoners, visits essential in Rules, 97 ; Indulgence for visiting, 421, 526, 1003, 1165,1668,1997; visits,471,621,1346,2076, Probation, see Candidate. Procession, Confraternity and Pastor, 267, 959 » 976 . Profanation of Church, Confraternity there, 31, 1488. Profession of faith, before Act of Con¬ secration, 320. Propaganda, Card. Prefect of. (30 June, 1889), heads of Missions and Indulgences of Confraternities, 1842. Property, disposal of at Suppression S. J., 21, 455, 1133; incorporated in Jes¬ uit House, 156; administered by Sodal¬ ity, 261; Pastor, 261, 966,969; not al¬ lowed,443, 798, 804 ; stable property not permitted, 443, 922 ; belongs to House or College, 443, 445, 451, 1109 ; no cer¬ tain alms 444, 930; revenue not al¬ lowed, 444, 920, 921, 923, 943 pawn- house not allowed, 446, 928 ; box for alms not allowed, 446, 929 ; alms box allowed, 446, 931, 932; furniture, 447 * 933 ; belongs to College, 447, 934; Sodality cannot possess, 451, 1x09, 1119; Commission of Suppression S. J., 455,1133; at dissolution of Jesuit Sodal¬ ity, 456, 935; non-Jesuit Sodalities, 457 ; how employed, 461 ; how adminis¬ tered, 462 ; alienation requires leave of the Holy See, 463, 501 ; censure for unauthorized alienation, 466, 1550; at dissolution of non-Jesuit Sodalities, 470. Provincial, local Rules, 55, 91, 100, 2173; Superior of Jesuit Sodalities, 187 ; ap¬ pointment of Director, 194, 837, 1066, 1689, 1714, 2081; reception, 282; ex¬ pulsion, 352. Puig, Fr., Common Rules of 1910, 8r. Purgatory, applicability of Indulgences, 423, 992, 1170, 1647, 1679, 1919, 1986, 2015. See Dead, Holy Souls. Purification, meeting, 367, 1330; General Communion, 391, 608; Indulgence grant¬ ed, 421, 1645, 1655, 1719, 1985. Quaecumque, (7 Dec., 1604), rules for erecting and aggregating Confraterni¬ ties, 763; the Sodality, 154; urged, 154. 14731 points urged, 154, 1523 ; Jesuit Sodalities not included, 155, 795, 806, 833, 938, 939, 940, 1058, 1506' 1711 ; after the Suppression S. J., 158» no Sodality included, 163, 1506, 1703* 1749; non-Jesuit Sodalities not included; 164, 1640, 1721 ; observed by Sodality, 165; sanation of defects, 1478; form of Diploma, 1515 ; wording of Diploma, 1517; Vicar Genera) not Ordinary, I 537 ; Vicar Capitular, 1561. Quantum secessus, Benedict XIV (29 March, 1753), Indulgences for Spiritual Exercises, 1090. Quebec, number of Huron Sodalists, 310; meetings, 369. Quemadmodum, Benedict XIV (16 Dec., 1746), Indulgence for Mental Prayer, 979 - , Quemadmodum presbyten, Benedict XIV (X5 July, 1749), Sodality Indulgences granted Jesuits, 1068 ; Sovereigns, 1069; Forty Hours, 1070. Quo tibi, Benedict XIV (8 Sept., 1751), power to aggregate any Sodality in Jesuit Houses, 1074. Rangoon, division of Members among Consultors, 234. Ratisbon, Church expropriated, 31, 1489. See Regensberg. Reader, Rules, 1456; things to be read, 2165. Readers’ Guild, St. Louis, 481. Reading, bad, to be avoided, 90, 2121. Reading, spiritual, meeting, 86, 90, 383, 611, 1302, 1731, 2060; private, 338, 1315. 1738 . Realino, B. Bernardine, Director, 5. Reception, ceremony, 89, 312, 642, 1374, 1769, 2100 ; in absence, 89, 318, 1567, 1782; Director can delegate, 233, 285, 1641, 1780, 2104; probation, 277, 639, 1369, 1766, 2095; preparation, 277, 640, 1370, 2095; Director decides, 278, 715, 1372, 2099 ; received when aggregated, 283,421, 898 ; who has power,280; essen¬ tials, 285, 324, 1777, 2109; Director can receive himself if his powers are gene¬ ral, 288, 1807 ; qualities of Candidates, 3x0, 2094; Council’s vote, 313, 641, 1371, 2099 ; General Confession, 314, 359, 607, 1049, I3 97* 2123 ; intention not sufficient, 315, 317, 1800; day, 319, 1373, 1768, 2098 ; Act of Consecration, 320, 1376, 2101; medal, 321, 2104; sanation, 326, 1642, 1780 ; expense, 327 ; certificate, 328, 2106; Indulgence, 421, 516, 640, 993, 1149, 1370, 1653, 1983 ; usually by Director, 1779. See Enrolment. Recollection, monthly, 343 ; not a custom of the Prima-Primaria, 421. Reconciliation, Indulgence, 421, 527, 1004, 1166, 1669, 1998 ; Sodality of Nobles at Rome, 1614. Records, attendance, 90, 704, 1333, 1407, 2129, 2164 ; three books, 91, 2154 ; Prefect, 704, C406 ; Secretary, 732, 735, 736, 1420. Rector of College, expenses, 86, 625, 21 322 GENERAL INDEX 936 ; consent necessary for graver de¬ cisions of Council, 91, 222, 692 ; ap¬ proves local Rules, 99, 601 ; assigns Confessor, 357, 610. Regensburg, Retreat, 415. Regis, St. John Francis, 5. Register, see Records. Religious, succeeded by secular Director, 205, 1837 ; can be Sodalist, 293, 871 ; Confessor, 358, 913 ; Indulgences not granted Sodality, 438. Rem, Ven. James, Director, 5 ; quality of Members, 310; Founder and Director, 493 -, . Repetition, not at the same time as So¬ dality, 374, 756. Residence, power granted to erect and aggregate, 116, 828, 1026, 1940, 2029; Sodalities, 134, 757; erection and ag¬ gregation, 860. Retreat, 4x1; yearly, 86, 344, 411, 1317, 1732, 2068 ; the rule about annual, es¬ sential, 97 ; closed, 416 ; Indulgence, 421, 1090, 1093, 1x75, 1989, 1992; pro¬ vided by Sodalities, 474 ; Budapest Con¬ gress, Salzburg Congress, 492 ; new suggestions, 2068. Retz, Fr. General, (1748), petition for Indulgences, 987. (1748), Golden Bull, 1030. (18 Jan., 1749), growth of Sodalities, their fruits, favors of Popes, Golden Bull, Directors carefully chosen, 1061, 2036, 2038. Revenue, not allowed, 444, 920, 921, 923, 924, 943 ; no certain alms, 444, 930 ; not even for poor, 446, 927, 928 ; alms box not allowed, 446, 929; pawn-house not allowed, 446, 928 ; alms box allowed, 446, 931, 932 ; another Society to hold and administer, 448, 799, 925, 926, Rhine Provinces, women Sodalists, 297 ; meetings, 369. Ristretto, Ingoi stadt, 310 ; not always use fui, 311, 1968; what, 311; prayers for- departed, 348. Rites, S. C. of. (7 Oct., 1617), Ordinary and erection and approval of Rules, 813, 1534. (12 Jan., 1704), Confraternity and Pas¬ tor, 947. (9 July, 1718), Confraternity and Holy Communion and Procession, 975. (26 Nov., 1728), cited, 1103. (23 Nov., 1865), Mass of St.John Berch- mans in November, 1513. Roman College, Sodality secured, 22, 1134 ; restored to Jesuits, 27, 1210 ; Fr. Parthenius, 74 ; Scaletta, 1934 ; Sodali¬ ty of Priests, 1934. See Primaria, Pri¬ ma-Primaria. Romanum decet, Sixtus V (29 Sept., 1587), 571; summary, 821, 1025, 1939, 2027. Rome, Istithto Massimo, number of So¬ dalists, 310 ; meetings, 369 ; German College, early Indulgences, 4x8; prop¬ erty held by another society, 449 ; Catechism, visiting the sick, visiting hospitals, Retreats helped, 474; Sections, 481 ; Catechism taught Members, 487 ; Sodality of Nobles, 1614. See Prima¬ ria, Prima-Primaira. Rome Congress, 490 ; praises Sodality Congresses, 490, 2043. Roothaan, Fr. General. (1829), Diploma of aggregation, 1934. (1846), delegated power to aggregate, 1953 - Primary title, 43; powers exercised when away from Rome, 120. Rosary, Confraternity, 339. See Beads. Rules, Chapter VI, 49 ; General S. J. to con¬ trol, 49,53,536, 564, 592,832, ini, 1122, 1857, 2079 ; not controlled by Sodality, 52; as those of the Primaria, 54,850, 851 ; additional Rules, 55, 91, 94, 601, 1293, 2173 ; not submitted to Bishop, 56, 159, 1713 ; in non-Jesuit Sodalities, 57, 62, 154, 178, 776; subject to Ordinary in non-Jesuit Sodality, 57; approval and Vicar General, 58, 1534; not to be ap¬ proved by Vicar Capitular, 60, 1564 ; of Confraternity or Sodality not to be made by Missionaries, 65, 507 ; Common, 66, 74, 80, 598-748, 1291-1469, 2052, 2173 ; promulgation, 67, 749 ; after 1773, 70 ; 1804, 71 ; 1824, 72 ; 1831-1846, 73 ; Decree approving, 74, 95, 1289, 2049; 1855 Rules, history and approval, 74 , 1587,1855 and 1910 Rules compared, 75- 83 ; changes in approval in 1885, 76 ; approved to be kept in Jesuit Sodali¬ ties, 77, 1713; for non-Jesuit Sodalities, 77; General Statutes, 78, 1729-1747; Common Rules of 1910, history, 81 ; Spain, 81; 1910 Rules, source of indi¬ vidual Rules, 85; obligation, 90, 107, 2114; how approved, 95; essential points in, 97, 1253 ; local not to be con¬ trary to Common, 99, 1468, 2x73; local 99» I75 6 ; approval of local, 99, 1757; Director’s powers, 100, 2080 ; need to have, 101 ; to be read, 102, 634, 1363, 1404, 1458 ; known, explained, 102 ; Conference on, every year, 104 ; non- observance does not invalidate Indul¬ gences, 106, 1235, 1240, 1252 ; Prefect's example, 698, 1399; observance looked toby Prefect 703, 1405; Sodalists bound to obey, 1124; local customs to be ob¬ served, 1364; book presented new Members, 1378; sanation of acts of Vicar General, 1545; in Sodality Book, 1789; when Ordinary’s approbation nec¬ essary, 1914; Candidates, 2094. Sacchini, quoted, 1609. Sacraments, frequentation, essential in Rules, 97 ; frequently, 341, 356, 606, 620, 1048, 1298, 1906 ; Officers ottener, 356, 609, 1299; days assigned, 608; at least monthly, 1740. See Communion, Confession. Sacrament, Most Blessed, not kept in Sodality Chapels, 389, 919; reserva- GENERAL INDEX 323 tion in Confraternity Churches, 389, 964 ; -watch before, 474 ; nocturnal ado¬ ration, 474, 480; perpetual adoration, 481. Sacred Heart, Children of Mary, 299. Sacristan, election, 674, 1387, 2087 ; Rules, 1448-1455, 2163 ; attendance, 1453; expenses, 1454; two, 2085, 2163. Saint, announcements for week, 86, 384, 2061 ; reading of life at meetings in Prima-Primaria , 383. St. Acheul, Monthly Recollection, 343. St. Gall, Retreat, 415 ; instruction pro¬ vided, 474; perpetual adoration, 481. St. Louis, consolidated Library, 258; mode of noting attendance, 376 ; Gene¬ ral Communion, 395 ; frequent Commu¬ nion, Readers’ Guild, 481. St. Pdlten Congres, 490. St. Petersburg, second head Sodality, 142, 1208. Saints, Sodalists, 5. Sales, St. Francis de, Sodalist, 5; Act of Consecration, 89, 320, 1919, 2001 ; re¬ ception and Act of Consecration, 320, 2103. Sales, Ven. James, Sodalist, 5. Salve Regina, General Communion days, 395, 2067 ; Indulgence, 421, 2002 ; morn¬ ing prayers, 618, 1337. Salzburg Congress, 490; Directors’ Con¬ gress, 491 resolutions, 492. Sanation, all defects, 43, 326, 441, 1642, 1780, 1951; commendatory letters, 140, 1189; non-observance of the Quaecum- que, 1478; appointment of Pastors as such to be Directors, 1485 ; acts of Vicars-General, 1545. San Francisco, meeting, 369; General Communion, 395. Santander, Communion, 362. Santiago, Library, 258. S. Leopoldo, Retreat, 4x5. Saragossa, Communion, 362 ; General Communion, 395. Saragossa Congress, 490 ; resolutions, 492. Sarajevo, Retreat, 415. Sarcander, B. John, Sodalist, 5. Savings Bank, Barcelona, 480. Savoy, Duke of, Sodalist, 4, 1592. Scaletta, Fr. Parthenius Director, 74 ; Re¬ treat, 415. Scholastic, Director, 2x2. Scutari, meetings, 369. Seat of Sodality, 30. Seattle, General Communion, 395. Secrecy, Consultation, 696; Secretary, 733, 1421. Secret Societies, Sodality opposed, 196, 1590, 1630 ; promise not to enter, 320, 1631. Secretary, Consultor, 88, 671, 1294 ; Sub¬ stitute, 88, 673, 677, 740 ; three books, 91 ; government, 603, 1294, 2083, 2152; Sacraments, 609, 1299; election, 670, 1386 ; reèlection, 672 ; signature, 719 ; rules, 730, 1418, 2152; attendance’ 730, 1418 ; minutes of meetings, 731’ 1418, 2152 ; papers, 732, 1422 ; Secrecy, 733, 1421 ; dependence on Director and Prefect, 734, 1419; 2153; registers, 735,1420,2154; documents, 736, 2152; letters, 737, 1422, 2152 ; orderliness, 738; inventory, 739; Substitute not pres¬ ent at Consultations, 741 ; notices, 742. Sections, 475 ; for works of piety and zeal, 87, 475, 2077 ; Sunday or weekly Communion, 362 ; recommendation to join, 478, 2131 ; Augsburg, Basle, 481 ; recommended at Vienna and Barcelona Congresses, 492; Catechetical urged at Braga Congress, 492. See Eucharistic Section. Secnnda-Primaria, 3 . Seminary, Sodalities, 292. Sermons, Confraternity and Pastor, 270, 956 ; Sodality meeting not same time, 374 ; 755 - Servants of Sodality, gaining of Indul¬ gences, 421, note, 423, 1044, 1651, 20x7. Seville, Sodality, 1618. Shanghai, / lores, 349. Sick, the rule about the Director’s visit, and about prayers for and visits to, essential, 97 ; visits to hospitals recom¬ mended, 348, 621, X347, 2076; Direc¬ tor, Prefect and visits, 348, 705, X349, 1410; visits to and prayers fog sick So¬ dalists, 348, 626, 2136, 2167 ; Visitors, 348, 1443, 1267 ; their duties, 348,1445, 2167 ; grave sickness, 348, 1446, 2167 ; Indulgence for prayer for, 421, 521, 998, 1052, 1x59, 1663, 1999 ; Indulgen¬ ce for visiting, 421, 525, X002, 1164, 1667,1997 ; plenary Indulgence through Director, 421, 1053, 1154, 1659, 1990; conditions of Indulgences relaxed, 428, 1812; visits, 474; hospital work at Barcelona, 480 ; number of Visi¬ tors, 1444 ; convalescence, 1447. Sigismund III of Poland and Sweden, Sodalist, 4, 1592. Signature, Prefect, 330, 719; Director, 330, 1412; Secretary, 330, 1422, 2152. Singing, vernacular, at meetings, 388. Sixtus IV. Ea quae ex fidelium (12 May, 1479), In¬ dulgence for Beads, 1276. Sixtus V. Superna disposinone (5 Jan., 1587), powers for all Jesuit Colleges and Houses, 541; summary, 1024. Romanum decet (29 Sept., 1587), powers for Houses under Jesuit care, 571 ; summary, 1025 ; acts touching erec¬ tion and aggregation, 1939, 2026. Sodalen■ Correspondenz, recommended at Einsiedeln, Mariazell, Salzburg, Vienna Congresses, 492. See Fahne Mariens. Sodalis Marianus, origin, 494. Sodalist, illustrious Members, 4, 1591 ; number, 6; virtues, 90, 1746 ; to avoid 90, 2121 ; young to be gathered into 324 GENERAL INDEX Sodalities, 196, 1627 ; utilized, 229,1848; applicant for admission, 277 ; eligible to membership, 286, 872, 1554, 1875 ; not limited to Diocese, 289, 1546 ; Je¬ suits, 294, 869, 870 ; religious, 295,871 ; dead not eligible, 286, 1554, 1846, 1875 ; children not eligible, 287, 1556 ; in a Sodality of a class not one’s own, 306, 1977, 2019, 2110 ; continues always a Sodalist, 307, 1980, 2020, 2111 ; can be member of other Confraternities, 308, 1864 ; élite, 310, 1909, 1965, 1967,1971 ; what is membership, 312, 1765 ; certif¬ icate of membership, 328, 628, 719, 1354, 1412, 1422, 1469, 1785,2106 ; qual¬ ity of life, 332, 1964, 2115 ; how one ceases to be a Sodalist, 350 ; only So- dalists admitted to meeting, 377, 613 ; lack of Members does not affect In¬ dulgences, 440, 1227 ; Catechism taught to and by them, 474, not to belong to other similar bodies, 480 ; instruction, 487 ; Congress, 488, 1957, 1959, 2042, 2045, 2169 ; list, 704, 735, 1333, 1406, 1420 ; age, 873 ; non-students in a stu¬ dents’ body, 874 ; Indulgences when not active, 900 ; Indulgences when a- way, 905 ; young helped by old, 1908. See Aggregation, Enrolment, Erection, Reception. Sodality, grants confirmed, 1, 1798 ; di¬ vision inlo parts, 3 ; history, 4 ; how many Sodalities and Sodalists there are, 6 ; praised, 7 ; how called in various countries, 8 ; nature, 10 ; devotion to Our Lady, 13 ; means, 14 ; to be divided if numerous, 34, 852 ; incorpo¬ rated in Jesuit House, 21, 156; non- Jesuit Rules in 1910, 96 ; obligation to enter where one is, 97 ; the rule about dependence on General in Jesuit houses, essential, 98 ; existing before, under trial, 109 ; to be founded in each Col¬ lege, 135, 753 ; number in the same place after Suppression S. J., 159 ; sub¬ ject to, 186 ; care recommended, 196, 836, 1213, 1589 ; especially of men to be urged, 196, 1859 ; work urged, 196, 1918 ; not dependent on General outside Jesuit institutions, 200, 1902 , to re¬ main religious, 217, 1850, 2038 ; election of Prefect, 244, 654 ; vote for three chief Officers, 249, 1384 ; and Pastor, 259, 947-971 ; vote on Candidate, 278, 641 ; fruitful of good, 1018; growth and fruits, 1061 ; first, 1609 ; works extolled, 1905. See Aggregation, Erec¬ tion, Rules. Sodality Book, to be had, 1786, 2154. See Records. Sovereigns, privilege, 423, 1069, 1173, 1681, 2011. Spain, Noble Sodalists, 4, 1605 ; Coun¬ cil of Castile, 4, 1605 ; Rules of 1910, 81 ; former condition of Sodalities, 349, Congresses, 490 ; Sodalities of Nobles; 1611. Spanish-American League, 492 ; Matarò Congress, Saragossa Congress, 492 ; statutes 493. Spinola, B. Charles, Director, 5. Spiritual Exercises, see Retreat. Stamford Hill, General Communion, 395. Stations, Indulgences, 421, 530, 1006, 1x68, 1660, 1991. Statutes, General, force and value, 77, 78; approved, 78, 1729 ; how issued, 78 ; compared with Common Rules of 1587 and of 1855, 84. Stella Maris, 494. Stella Viae, Rome, Retreat, 416. Steyr, Letters Patent, 330. Stonyhurst, prayers petitioned from, 331 ; Accrington Retreat, 416. Store, Cooperative, at Barcelona, 480. Strabane, Retreat, 416. Students, Sodalists of Prima-Primaria, 15. Study, proposed as an aim in Common Rules, 85, 606, 2078. Stuttgard, General Consultation, 235 ; St. Vincent de Paul Society, 474. Subiaco, petition for aggregation, 1196. Substitute Officers, 88, 2084. Suffrages, see Dead. Summer, meetings, 86, 2057. Superior, local, Our Lady as titular, 39, ixoo; leave for secondary Title, 46,1100; to have Sodality in House, 135, 753 ; powers as to Sodality, 194, 1690, 1714, 2083 ; expulsion, 352 ; titular Feast, 397) io 39 1 transfer of titular Feast, 397, 1106. Superna disposinone, Sixtus V, (5 Jan., 1587)) 541 ; summary, 584, 821, 1023 ; doubt as to extent, 588 ; cited, 1939, 2026. Suppression, illegal,does not affect Indul¬ gences, 497, 1230. Suppression of the Society of Jesus, re¬ versed, 1, 1799 ; property, 21, 455 ; ef¬ fect on Sodalities, 21 ; Prima-Primaria, 22; Common Rules of 1587, 69 ; power of erection, 117; Quaecumque, 158; Commission of execution, 455, 1132; Brief, 1130 ; execution of Suppression, 1133 - Suspension, for absence, etc., 353, 624, 1332. Syracuse, importance of Sodality, 474. Szatmar, Sodali ty/lores, 349; May addres¬ ses, 487. Tarragona, General Communion, 395. Tarragona Congress, 490. Temperance, work, 492 ; Union at Augs¬ burg, 474. Tenderini. Ven. John Francis, Sodalist, 5. Tercentenary, Exponendum (1863), 149a; Frugiferas (1884), 1579, 1632. Tertia-Primaria, 3. Teschen, Acts of Consecration sent in, 331; vacaton work for poor children, 474. Thanksgiving after Communion, 365 ; quarter hour, 365, 1307 ; Pima-Prima- ria, 395. GENERAL INDEX 325 Theologian Sodalities, 492. Title, Annunciation, 36, 531 ; primary and secondary, 36, 45, 1033, 1037, 1693, 1753, 2054; primary sometimes not Our Lady, 38, 40, 43 ; Our Lady, 39, 44, 139, 1032, 1141, 1195, 1186; aoy whatever, 4°, 556, 119?, 1196; faculty as to sec¬ ondary, 46; secondary not essential, 47; several secondary, 48; examples, of secondary titles, 48 ; not Aloysians, 48; secondary title not name of So¬ dality, 48; secondary not mentioned in earlier Rules, 85 ; secondary title in Rules, 97 ; to be indicated in petition for aggregation, 171, 853. 1692; Children of Mary , 299. See Patron. Titular Feast, see Feast. Tivoli, expulsion for non-attendance, 353. Tong-Ka-Tu, meetings, 369; Retreat, 415; St. Vincent de Paul Society, 474. Tournai Congress, 490. Transfer of Feast, see Feast. Treasurer, Member of Council, 88, 2083; election, 674, 1387; Prefect's duties, 709; elected for a year, not without Director’s presence and approval, 840; Director, 840 ; money where kept, 937, 1434, 2160; duties, 1433, 2160. Trent, Council of. ( r 5^3). Bishops control Confraternities, , 5 ° 4 - Cited as to canonical visitation, 844. Trichinopoly, supplements to Sodality paper, 474. Triduum, before Feast of primary Title, 2072. Turin, St. Vincent de Paul Society, serv¬ ing poor, Retreats provided, 474. Turnhout, meetings, 369; Retreat, 415. Urban VIII, Sodalist, 4, 1591. Vacancy, how filled, 88, 251, 676, 1393, 2091. Vacation, meetings, 370. Valencia, Priests’ Sodality, 292 ; Diploma, 330; Monthly Recollection, 343; Com¬ munion, 362; General Communion, 395; Retreat, 415 ; choirs for visits to Our Lady, 480 ; Sections, 481 ; Academies, 487. Va encia Congress, Communion, 362 ; con¬ gregational singing, 388; closed Re¬ treats, 417; apostolate of press, body of speakers, 474 ; instruction of Soda- lists, 487; resolutions, 492. Velehrad Congress, 490. Venice, title, 38. Vent Creator, meetings, 86, 382, 2059 ; In¬ dulgence, 382; before elections, 647, 1382. See Holy Ghost. Vent Sancte Spiritus, Indulgence, 382. Ve Szluzbàch Kralovny . 494. Vicar Capitular, not to erect, give con¬ sent for erection or approve Rules, 60, 129, 1561. Vicar. Card., of Rome, (1775),power toaggregate, 1139, 1141, 1182, (1776), power to aggregate, 1x88, 1x95. (iijuly, 1789) sanation of defects, 1189. Vicar General, erection, letters commen¬ datory, consent for erection and aggre¬ gation, approval of Rules, 58, 124, 1534» T 7°°> 1757 ;ean be delegated, 59. 127, 1839; sanation of acts, 1545. Vienna, Nuncio Sodalist, 4, 1591; title, 38; insubordination, 223; central Men’s Sodalities Library, 258; Guests and Candidates, 276; women in men’s So¬ dalities, 297; meetings 369; attendance, 375; conference among Sodalists, 383; Retreat, 415; early Indulgences, 418; apostolate of press, xenia, agitation committee, 474 ; Sections, Poor Souls’ section, 481; central bureau, 492; Pre¬ fects and periodical, 494. \ ienna Congresses, 490; Directors’ Con¬ sultations, 49x5 resolutions, 492. Virtues, to be practised, 90, 630, 1342, 1358, 1746, 2115. See Officers. Visit, to Oratory, etc., 421, 1646; by Director, 229; economizing time, 229, 1848; to Director by Officers, 254, 2143; Confraternity Church and the Indul¬ gence for visiting a Church of the Or¬ der, 427, 1081 ; required for plenary Indulgence, 422, 518, 529, 530, 995, 1005, 1006, 1035, 1036, 1037,1038, 1041, 1050, 1069,1070,1145, 1146, 1147, 1152, 1155, 1167, 1168, 1173, 1174, 1656, 1658, 1660, 1671, 1672, 16 73, 1674, 1677, 1680, 1681,1989, 1991, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2011. See Poor, Prisoners, Sick. Visitation, Canonical, General S. J., 189, 535 » 564, 593 , 832; Ordinary and Churches of Regulars, 208, 842, 1261 ; Ordinary in non-Jesuit Sodality, 208, 504 - Visitors of sick, rules, 348, 1443, 2x67; who, 348, 1444, 2167; grave sickness, 348, 1446, 2167 ; convalescente, 1447. Vitelleschi, Fr. General Mutius. Decisions, (1615), 879, 900, (1616), 930; 943, 944; (1617), 853,904, 929; (1619), 906, (1620), 85 r, 876; (1621), 858,863, 891 ; (1622), 892, 904, 927, 931; (1624), 880; (1625), 882, 883, 886, 908, 924; (1626), 9x4; (16271,921; (1628), 856, 920, 930, 939; (1629), 860, 887 ; (1631), 864, 866, 922, (1632), 865; (1633), 865, 875, 891, 933 ; (1636), 889, 899 ; (X637), 882, 891 ; (1638), 890, 925 ; (1639), 898, 908, 940; (1640), 859, 861, 901 ; (1641), 893, 894, 895, 917; (1642), 888, 896, 9x0; (1643), 885,934; (1644), 890. (1616), Diploma of aggregation, 1934. (6 June, 1616), absence and Indulgen¬ ces, 808. (4 Nov., 1617), details, of petitions for aggregation, 815. (8 Oct., 1631), care of Sodalities, 836 ; Directors to be carefully chosen ,^837, 2036. (Nov., 1636), Sodalities subject toLthe Society of Jesus, 838 ; their papers, 326 GENERAL INDEX 839; treasurer, 840; absence three months, 841. Vócklabruck, letters, 331. Vorarlberg, Priests’ Sodality, 292. Wakefield, meetings, 369 ; General Com¬ munion, 395. Warsaw, Noble Prefects, 4, 1593. Waterford, non-Jesuit Sodality before 1773, 23. Wernz, Fr. General, praises works of Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Havana, San¬ tiago de Chile Sodalities, 474. (1907), Diploma of aggregation, 1934. (1907-1910), decisions and counsels, 1964-1975. (1907), Directions for Jesuits, 1693. (1907), Directions for establishing So¬ dalities, 1728. (1910), Diploma of (erection and) aggre¬ gation, 2024. (1910), answers to Postulata of Austrian Province, 2036. (1910), Eucharistic Section blessed, 2047. (1910), Common Rules approved, 2049. Wexford, Retreat, 416. Women, see Females. Workingmen, to be gathered into Sodal¬ ities, 196,1859; France, 416; Retreats at Barcelona, 474. Works, see Zeal. Wynberg, vestments, poor, sick, 474. Xenia, 474. Young, to be gathered into Sodalities, 196, 1627. Zeal, apostolic work an end of the Sodal¬ ity, 14; works recommended, 85, 87, 421, 471, 620, 1346, 1742, 1958, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1972, 2052, 2075, 2133. See Section. ISTITUTO PIO IX PRESS. ROME. OTHER SODALITY WORKS BY *» .• • ■ FATHER ELDER MULLAN, S. J. The Book of the Children of Mary. 740 pages, with Index. Cloth binding, red edges, or flexible leather binding, gold edges. The Book of the Junior Sodalists of Our Lady, a Manual for the So¬ dality of Our Lady and St. Aloysius, the Sodality of Our Lady and the Holy Angels and all Junior Sodalities in Schools and elsewhere. The above Manuals have been blessed and recommended by His Holiness Pius X. Sodality of our Lady: Hints and Helps for Those in Charge. Leatherette binding, flexible, pages XV-232, with Index. The Sodalist's Imitation of Christ, by the Venerable Thomas Hemerken a Kempis : an English translation reproducing the Rhythm of the Orig¬ inal, revised, corrected and edited by Father Elder Mullan, S. J. 557 pages and Index. 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