1 :i> icte EECORDS PRIORY OF THE ISLE OF MAY. RECOEDS OF THE ^riorj? of t!)f 3slt of iKlap EDITED BY JOHN STUART, LL.D. SECRETARY OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OF SCOTLAND. EDINBUEGH FEINTED FOE THE SOCIETY BY E. CLAEK MDCCCLXVIII DA 'Ms ?7 SDLLESZ UBRAST CHESTNUT HILL. MASS. 42020S TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE The Preface ......... i 'Note A. The Gilleserfs of Clackmannan . . . Ixxi Note B, Extracts from the Accounts of The Lord High Treasurer of Scotland .... Ixxvi Appendix to the Preface ....... Ixxxv Eotulus Cartarum et Munimentorum Scocie . . . cxii Tabula Munimentorum in Appendice cxv Plates — 1. Facsimiles from (1.) the Charter-Eoll 35 Edward L, in the Public Eecord Office, London ; and (11.) from the Rotu- lus Cartarum, in the Charter-Eoom of the Marquis of Exeter . .... To face the title-page 2. Elevations of St. Adrian's Chapel, Isle of May . . xli 3. Ground-plan of St. Adrian's Chapel . . . lix 4. Facsimiles from the Eegistrum Cartarum de Pittenweem in the Charter-Eooin at Elie (see note, page Ixviii.) . . Ixx Carte Prioratus Insule de May . , . . . 1-35 Index to the Preface . . . . . . .37 Index to the Charters , . . . . . .41 The drawings of the elevations and ground-plan of St. Adrian's Chapel, made under Mr. Matheson's directions, were presented to the Society of Antiquaries by H.M. Commissioners of Works, but not until the Preface had been printed off. They will be understood by reference to Mr. Muir's account of the ruin, printed at p. liv. At a Meetincj of tli(' Council of tlie Society of Antkjuaries of Scotland, lield in tlie Society's Library on 23(1 December 1868 : It was resolved, — That the Volume of Eecortis of tfje ?Prtors of tJje Isle of JSlEg, which, by the authority of the Society, has been edited by Mr. Stuart, Secretary, be now issued to the Members. Extracted from the Minutes. JOHN STUART, Secretwry. PREFACE. >^J^=^HE ISLET OF THE May, in the mouth of the Firth :5^^^^^of Forth, is chiefly remembered in later times as ^^^r the site of a beacon to warn the passing mariner from its rocky strand ; but in the earliest chapters of our ecclesiastical history it appears as a retreat of the recluse, and the seat of a house of religion. The Breviary of Aberdeen preserves to us, in the Lives of the Saints, the traditionary accounts, which had floated down from early times, of the various missions through which the knowledge of Christianity was introduced among the pagan tribes of Scotland. The leader of one of these missions was St. Adrian, who, in the popular belief, was supposed to have come from Hungary.^ ^ Mr. Skene supposes that Adrian was one of a body of Irish missionaries whose arrival in Pictland occurred about the time of the accession of Kenneth Macalpin, " His true name of a Scot was probably Odran, as the name of the patron saint always enters largely into those of the clergy of the place with the usual prefix of Gilla or Maol ; and we find a subsequent Bishop of St. Andrews called Macgilla Odran, son of the servant of Odran." — (" Notice of the Early Ecclesiastical Settlements at St. Andrews." By Wm. F. Skene, Esq., in Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Vol. iv. pp. 316, 318.) ii PREFACE. He, along with his "Company" of brother missionaries, is represented as having settled and laboured among the Pictish people in the east parts of Scotland. On the " de- struction" of the Pictish kingdom, the missionaries still continued their labours, but after a time, having come to desire a spot where they might live in greater retirement and uninterrupted devotion, they selected the Isle of May as the place of their retreat. Having accordingly removed from the opposite coast, they took possession of the island ; and after they had expelled a multitude of demons and monsters, it became the abode of prayer and holiness. Here St. Adrian might enjoy his solitude when he chose, and yet carry on his work in the mission field in the neigh- bouring province of Fife.^ It may be remarked in passing, that it was a favourite practice of our early missionaries to found their monastic ^ Many of the early saints were wont to leave their ordinary abodes for places of greater retirement and devotion. Sulpicii Severi, St. Martin forsook his cell, which was near to his chnrch of Tours, for one de Vita B. Martini, cap. vii. in a rocky desert in the neighbourhood, where the famous abbey of Marmou- tier was afterwards erected. VitaS.Kentiger- St, Kentigern, as we learn from his biographer, was wont to retire to ni, cap. xvii. MS. *" in Archbishop caves during the time of Lent, in order that being free from the tumults of Marsh's Library, ° Dublin. world and the strife of tongues, he might hide himself in the presence of God. Breviar. Aberd. St. Serf's retreat was in one of the caves at Dysart. Part. Estiv. foi. Cutlibert retired from his Monastery at Lindisfarne to the solitary Vita 8. Cudberc- Islet of Fame, from which, like St. Adrian, he expelled many demons and ti, cap. xvii. monsters. PREFACE. iii settlements on islands, either as adjacent to the scene of their labours, or as securing them from the troubles of that roue^h ao^e. lona and Lindisfarne are notable instances of an early date, to which may be added the monasteries on the Isles of Arran, Tory, Inishmurry, and Inishbofin on the Irish Coast, and those on Bardsey Island and Ramsey Island, near St. David's, in Wales. Other islands, in the Firth of Forth, were also the retreats of early colonies of hermits and monks. In the seventh century the Bass^ gave shelter to St. Bal- ^ St. Baldred, the Apostle of East Lothian, who died in the beginning of the seventh century, was wont to pass his time in desert places, and in islands in the sea. One of his chief island resorts was the Bass Rock (Breviar. Aberd. Part. Hyemal. fol. Ixiii.) This rock is described by Alcuin in his poem " De Sanctis Ecclesiae Eboracensis," under " Baltheri anachoretae res gestae" : — *' Est locus undoso circumdatus undique ponto. Rupibus horrendis prserupto et margine septus." (Gale's Historise Britannicse, Saxonicae, Anglo-Danicae, Scriptores XV. p. 726). Balther is believed to have had a cell at Tyningham, which, as so fre- quently happened in early times, proved the nucleus of a subsequent monas- tic establishment ; and we learn from Simeon of Durham that " Monasterium Sancti Baltheri quod vocatur Tinningaham" had a territory stretching from Lombormore to Escemuthe — that is, from Lammermoor to Inveresk (Historia de Sancto Cuthberto, ap. Twysden Decem Scriptores, Col. 69). His church here had the privilege of sanctuary. In the churchyard of Preston, one of Baldred's churches, his statue was to be seen till towards the end of last century, when it was destroyed. In the vicinity of this church there is a spring of the purest water, which is called St. Baldred's Well, and a pool or eddy in the Tyne which is known as St. Baldred's Whirl. On the coast of Tyningham there is a bason, formed by the sea in a rock, called ;S^^. Baldred's Cradle. — iv PREFACE. di-ed, who laboured in Lothian ; and the little oratory on Inchcolm/ most probably is to be attributed to a solitary of this early period. According to Wyntown, who, towards the end of the fourteenth century, was Prior of the Monastery of St. Serf's Inch in Loclileven, and there composed his Chronicle from many authentic sources now lost to us : — " Adriane wyth hys Cumpany To-gydder came to Caplawchy, Thare sum in-to the 111 of May Chesyd to byde to thare enday, And sum of thame chesyd be-north B VI 0. VIII. In steddis sere the Watter of Forth." (Chalmers' Caledonia, vol. ii. pp. 541-2.) In a conimigsion by Pope Alexander VI. directed to the Prior and Archdeacon of St. Andrews, to investigate a claim of the Prioress of North Berwick against Eobert Lauder of the Bass, and the rector of the parish of the Bass, for certain barrels of grease of geese, dated 10th May 1493, it is stated that the church, of which the ruins still remain, had then been newly erected, " noviter erecta." — (Original in H. M. General Eegister House). It would seem not to have been consecrated till 5th June 1542, on which day it is recorded that " M. Villiem Gybsone, byschop of Libariensis and suffraganeus to David Beton, Cardynall and Arche- bysschop of Santandros, consecrat and dedicat the paris kyrk in the craig of the Bass, in honor of Sant Baldred, bysschop and confessor, in presence of Maister Jhon Lawder, arsdene of Teuidaill, noter publict." — (Extracta ex Cronicis Scocie, p. 255. Edin. 1842). Robert Lauder of the Bass had a somewhat ominous alias — viz. Rohert with the horit quhyngar (Vitae Episcop. Dunkeld., p. 28, Bann. Club). ^ See an exhaustive paper by Professor Sir J. Y. Simpson, Bart., " On an old stone-roofed cell or oratory in the island of Inchcolm " (Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 489). PREFACE. V And there may yet be seen, in a grey weather-beaten cliff at Caplachie or Caiplie, on the shore of Fife, opposite to the Isle of May, a group of caves, hollowed out in the rock. Of these, the middle and largest one has many small crosses rudely incised on its walls, while over the cave, and entering from it by steps cut in the rock, there was till lately a little chamber, with a bench on its inner side cut in the rock, both of which have been traditionally associated with St. Adrian,^ as his oratory and abode. Monanus, or St. Monan, one of St. Adrian s " Cumpany,'' settled at Invery, in the parish of Abercromby, where till lately the cave which gave him shelter was to be seen in a rock close to the venerable church of St. Monans. 1 There is a cluster of caves in the rocks, with many sculptures of crosses and other figures on the walls at East Wemyss. Another group, in one of which St. Serf was wont to spend his Lent, is at Dysart. At Pittenweem there is a double cave, in the innermost of which is a spring of water called St. Fillan's Well. Near St. Andrews is the well-known Cave of St. Eule and the Cave of Kincraig. At Fife Ness is " Constantine's" Cave, with many in- cised crosses on the wall. All of these seem at one time to have been occu- pied as places of retreat and devotion, and doubtless are the " Steddis" re- ferred to in Wyntown's Narrative ; for in describing the celebrated inter- view between St. Serf and the Devil, which took place when the Saint was in his cave retreat in Dysart, the Prior of St. Serf's Inch says : — '* Quhil Saynt Serf in-til a Stede Lay eftyr Maytynis in hys bede The Devil came." A description of these caves, with their sculptures, will be found in " Sculptured Stones of Scotland," vol. ii. Appendix to the Preface, p. Ixxxvii. Vi PREFACE. As Wyiitowii writes : — " At Invery Saynct Monaiie That of that Cumpany was ane, Chesyd hym sa nere the se B. V. c. VIII. Til lede hys lyf : thare endyt lie." The desolation which marked the inroads of the North- men in other places, overtook St. Adrian in his island home about the time when the hallowed shrines of lona and Lin- disfarne were consigned to the flames and their inmates to the sword. In Wyntown's words : — " Hwb Haldane and Hyngare Off Denmark this tyme cumyn ware In Scotland wyth gret multitude, And wyth thare powere it oure-yhude. In Hethynnes all lyvyd thai, And in dispyte of Crystyn Fay Into the land thai slwe mony, And put to Dede by Martyry ; And apon haly Thurysday Saynt Adriane thai slwe in May, Wyth mony of hys Cumpany ; B.vi. c. VIII. Ii^^^o that haly Isle thai ly." Vol. I. p. 172. With this Saint we lose the light which for a time brought his island retreat into a dim outline. The bright- ness was transient, but its memory has never died. Before proceeding to speak of the island on its again emerging from obscurity, I may notice an allusion to it in the legends of St. Kentigern, the Apostle of Strath- clyde. PREFACE. vii According to one of the lives of St. Kentigern, his mother Thaneu, while still pregnant with the future saint, was placed by her father's command in a frail coracle at the mouth of the stream Aberlessic, now Aberlady, and being conducted into the open sea beyond the Isle of May, the vessel was abandoned to the chances of the waves. On these, more merciful than her father, she was wafted up the firth to the shore of the coast of Fife, where in the early dawn she landed on the sands near Culros, and soon after gave birth to her son, who was nourished by St. Serf in his Monastery at this place, and received from him his name of Kentigern. The sea at the mouth of the Aberlessic, as we learn from the legend, used to abound with fish ; but these, out of sympathy with the injured Thaneu, accom- panied her skiff to the spot where she was set adrift, and there they remained ; and hi the twelfth century, when the life of the saint was written, the abundance of fish around the May was so great, that fishers from all coasts. Angles, Scots, Belgians, and French,-^ resorted to the spot for the sake of fishing, and were all sheltered in the havens of the island.'^ Whatever we may think of the reason assigned for the ^ Men of all tliese countries seem to have become settlers in and around St. Andrews about this time. King Malcolm IV. confirmed to the Canons of St. Andrews the oblations and rents payable to the Church of the Holy Trinity, as well from Scots as French, as well from Flemings as the English living witliin and without the burgh of St. Andrews (Eegistr. Priorat. S. An- dree, p. 194.) ^ Vita S. Kentigerni, ap. Registr. Episcopat. Glasguens. I. Ixxxiii. Ixxxiv. viii PREFACE. abundance of fish around the rocky shores of the May, it will be seen in the sequel that its fame as a fishing station continued to be great at a much later period. The next notice of the Isle of May brings it into the sphere of historical records, in the time of King David 1. This monarch, who bore a conspicuous part in that re- moulding of the Scottish Church, which was begun with such earnestness by his mother, the Saxon Princess Margaret, was led in many instances in fixing the sites of the religious houses and episcopal sees which he founded, to select spots remarkable for their associations with earlier institutions, either eremitical or monastic.^ There must have been many obvious objections to the placing a monastery on an island, which, by its exposure to the prevailing blasts, was fre- quently, and for considerable periods on end, unapproach- able from the shore ; but these were counterbalanced by its former memories as the retreat of St. Adrian, and the scene of his martyrdom. On this desolate spot, therefore. King David founded a monastery before the middle of the twelfth century, which he forthwith granted to the Benedictine Abbey of Eeading 1 The See of Aberdeen took the place of the monastery of St. Machar ; that of Ross came in room of the monastery of St. Boniface ; that of Brechin replaced the Culdee foundation of Kenneth Mac Malcolm ; Dunkeld was grafted on the Culdee house of Kenneth Mac Alpin ; that of Glasgow in the room of the monastery of St. Kentigern on the Molendinar. The monasteries of Melros, Jedburgh, Dunfermlin, Scone, Tyningham, Monymusk, Restennet, all occupied the sites of earlier religious institutions. PREFACE. ix in Berkshire, recently founded by his brother-in-law Henry Beauclerc. The charter of donation has not been preserved, but its terms may be gathered from certain legal proceed- ings touching the foundation, in the time of Edward L, Avhich will be afterwards referred to. From these it appears that David conveyed to the monks of Reading, in free and perpetual alms, the Priory of May, with its pertinents, on condition that they should place and maintain therein nine^ priests of their brethren to celebrate divine service for the soul of the donor, and the souls of his predecessors and successors. Kings of Scotland.^ 1 From one of the charters of King William the Lion (No. 13) it appears that the number of monks in the priory had been increased to thirteen in his time, and that the prior was not removeable except for some manifest fault proved to the King and the Bishop of St. Andrews. 2 Torfseus records that Swein Asleif, in one of his expeditions, wasted the island and plundered the monastery soon after the time of its foundation : — " Steering southward, Swein and his followers arrived at the Isle of May, In that island there was a monastery, the abbot of which was named Baldwin. Being detained there for seven days, they professed to be ambassadors from Earl Konald to the King of Scotland. The monks, suspecting them to be robbers, sent to the mainland for help. On this Swein plundered the Mon- astery, and took much booty. Swein then sailed up the Firth of Forth (which Torfseus calls sinum myrJcvaJiordum seu tenehricosum), and found King David at Edinburgh. The King received Swein with much honour, and entreated him to remain. Swein told the King of all that had occurred between him and Earl Eonald, and how he had plundered the Isle of May." (Orcades seu Rerum Orcadensium Historise, Havniae, 1715, p. 118). On another occasion Swein anchored at the Isle of May, from which he dispatched messengers to the King at Edinburgh {Ibid., p. 132). X PREFACE. By King David, and his successors Malcolm the Maiden, William the Lion, and Alexander 11. , the Priory of May was endowed with many valuable gifts. From King David the monks received the manor of Pitne- weme,^ and the part of the lands of Inverin, which formerly belonged to Avernus.'^ From the same monarch they got a toft in Berwick (No. 2) , also one-half of the lands of Balgallin, as they had been perambulated by Gillecolm Maccinbethin, and Machet MacTorfin, and Malmure, Thane of Kelly, 1 Eotnlus Cartanim et Mimimentorum Scocie (No. 1) ; and Carte Priorat, Inside de May (No. 4). ^ The late Mr. George Chalmers, in his laborious and useful work " Cale- donia," has founded an argument on a reading of this passage which turns out to be erroneous. With the view of illustrating a supposed change of the British " Aber," used as a topographical prefix, into the Gaelic " Inver," he cites the grant of David to the Priory of the Isle of May, in the belief that it should be read " Inverin qui fuit Aberin." " It is a curious fact, which we learn from the charters of the twelfth century, that the Scoto-Iiish people substituted their Inver for the previous Aher of the Britons. David I. granted to the monastery of May * Inver-in qui fuit Aher-m^ " (Caledonia, vol. i. p. 34, note). As the point is one of some interest, I have given the passage containing the words in question from the roll in facsimile. They occur in three of the charters (Nos. 4, 9, and 12), and in all of them the reading of the word which Chalmers took for Aherin is " Averni." It seems obvious that the King's grant is limited to the portion of land which had belonged to Avernus. One part of these lands was vested in the old Earls of Mar, and was conveyed by Earl Morgrund to the Canons of St. Andrews (Registr. Priorat. Sancti An dree, p. 248), while another belonged to the Earls of Buchan, out of which William Cumyn and his wife, the Countess Marjory, granted a half- mark to the same Canons (Idem, p. 282). Long after the lands had been alienated by the Priory, and were united in the possession PREFACE. xi together with common pasture in the shires or parishes of Kelly and Crail (No. 3). The pious David also granted to the prior and brethren of May commonty in his forest of Clacmanec^ (No. 5), and freedom from can and toll throughout the land (No. 6). The King also granted to the Abbey of Heading the vill of Kindalgros, as it had been perambulated by himself, William GifFard, Herbert the Chamberlain, and others the King's men, with this condition, that if the King or his heirs should afterwards make such additions to his dona- tion as would suffice for the maintenance of a convent, the same should be erected on the said vill and enjoy its fruits ; any surplus being for the use of the house of Read- ing (No. 1). The vill is situated in the parish of Rhynd, a small dis- trict in the county of Perth, occupying the angle where the Tay and the Earn join their waters. It appears that in the lifetime of king David a religious house was estab- lished here (No. 7), which in the Charter of Inspeximus is styled " locus de predicta cella de Mai and various notices of one owner, they were described in terms indicative of their having been separate estates at an earlier period — " In dimidietate terrarmn de Sanct Mon- ance, Finvirie nuncupata," [the earlier Invery of the charters in the text, by which term the whole lands were known] " altera dimidietate de Finvirie vocata Wester Sanct Monance." (Index of Retours, Fife, July 16, 1645). In 1545 the Prior refers to his manor, commonly called " the new werk of Sanct Monanis." (Registrum de Pittenweem, p. 175.) See also Mr, Skene's " The Four Ancient Books of Wales," vol. i. p. 152. ^ As to the "Gilleserfis of Clacmannan," to whom (Avith others) this Charter is addressed, see Note A at end of the Preface. xii PREFACE. occur in later Charters, which show that it continued to be a dependency of the Priory under the Abbots of Kead- ing (Nos. 38, 39). From Malcolm IV. the monks of May received grants confirming those of his grandfather ; and by a writ ad- dressed to all his good men, and those who fish around the Isle of May, he commanded them to pay to the monks their tithes as in the time of his grandfather (No. 11). He also granted five merks yearly of the can of ships coming to Perth (No. 12). He granted to the monks of Eindalgros the tithes be- longing to the church of the vill, as well of fishings in the waters of Tay and Ern, as of lambs, cheese, and other things from which tithes ought to be paid (No. 8). From William the Lion the monks of May received many charters confirming those of his predecessors, and conveying fresh rights. He gave them a half of Balgallin, a territory of which they abeady possessed the other half by gift of his grandfather ; and after denouncing those who should unjustly detain from the monks their tithes as they had been wont to receive them in the time of King David, he prohibited all from fishing in their waters, or erecting buildings on the Isle of May, or digging the ground, or using the grass of the island, without their license. More- over, the King confirmed to them the grant of Gospatric Earl of Dunbar, of a house and toft in Dunbar, and free- dom to a ship for conveying necessaries to their house ^ (No. 12). ^ Applicationem unius navis ad necessaria domus sue transportanda. PREFACE. xiii He granted them fourpence from all ships having four hawsers, coming to the ports of Pittenweem and Anstruther for the sake of fishing or selling fish, and in like manner of boats with fixed helms (No. 1 4) . He reserved for his own use the can, or duty, collected at these ports, enjoining his thanes to pay the tenth penny to the monks {Id.) He gave them the lands of Petother, and declared their lands, and the men abiding on them, free from hosting, as also from payment of can and toll. This latter freedom was extended to all who came to fish in their grounds (Nos. 15, 16, 17). By a writ addressed to all fishers around the Isle of May he firmly enjoins them to pay the tithes and customs which the monks enjoyed in the time of his brother Malcolm before the time of prior "William (No. 18). From Alexander II. the monks received two charters, one of them confirming a gift which his brother Kobert of London had made of the lands of Lingoc, part of his Waste of Kelly (No. 19), the other ratifying an agreement by which Bernard Fraser resigned to the monks his lands of Dremscheles (No. 20). All the previous deeds are found in the Charter Eoll, 35 Edward I., No. 31, and most of them relate to lands on the north side of the Forth ; but the monks were owners also of valuable property on the other side of the The " applicatio navium " is defined by Du Gauge as " Tributum qaod ex- solvitur pro navibus ad littus applicandis.*' — Glossarium, suh voce. xiv PREFACE. Firth. The subsequent deeds, which principally refer to their lands in Lothian, are extracted from the Register of the Priory of St. Andrews/ Patrick, the Earl of Dunbar,^ who enjoyed his great border Earldom from shortly before the middle of the thirteenth century till towards its end, gave them all the land within these bounds — namely, from Windy dure to Kingissete, and so by the footpath coming down to Kingsburn, and from thence up by the high road which goes by the Rede Stane, and by that road to Windydure, with common pasture ; and he released them from the annual payment of a cow which they had been wont to make for their lands in Lambermor, held of him (No. 21). From John Fitz-Michael they got the lands of Mays- chelis, in the Lambermor, on the south side of Calwerburne, from the ford between Panschelis and Kingseat, to the Standing Stone dividing between east and west, and thence to a great stone beneath Winethes ; and thence to Strother- field ; and thence by a small pathway to Windesduris, in the pertinents of his town of Panscheles, with an acre of 1 " Registruin Prioratus Sancti Andree," printed for the members of the Bamiatyne Club from the original record at Panmnre House. Edinburgh, 1841. 2 It appears that his predecessor Gospatric, the Earl, granted to the monks a toft near his harbour of Bele, and that from Earl Patrick they received a gift of five acres of land, also near that harbour. (Rotulus Cartarum, No. 24 and No. 26.) PREFACE. XV meadow, and with pasture sufficient for 300 mother sheep and thirty bearing cows, and twenty-four brood mares with their young. The monks were also to have ten sows with their brood in his pasture, and the men dwelling on the land were to have peats and turfs when necessary for their houses, — the whole gifts being declared to be free from hosting, service, and multures (No. 24). From William of Beaueyr they received the lands of Ardarie in Fife, with a carucate and bovate, in alms for the weal of the soul of Countess Ada, Malcolm the King, her son, and William, who is now King. The two bovates Avhich he gave in dowry to his wife, and one bovate which he gave to Ealph his serjeant, after their deaths were to be- long to the monks of May. The granter also prayed to be received into brotherhood, corporal as well as spiritual, at his death (No. 25). Eggou Ruffus bestowed on the monks the land from the burn dividing his land from that of Lingoch to the ditches made in presence of the granter, Agnes his wife, Robert le Marc, William Bolk, Ulf of Lingoch, Malcolm of Inuerin, and others, on the hill side, which is north of the burn (No. 26). Alexander Cumyn, Earl of Buchan, gave a stone of wax, or forty shillings, yearly, to be received at Rossy at the fair of St. Andrew (No. 27).' ^ Alexander Cumyn, by his marriage witli Marjory, the last of the Celtic line of Mormaors, or Earls, of Buchan, became the Earl of Buchan, and there- by owner of part of the lands of Inuerin or St. Monans, of which another had xvi PREFACi:. From Gilbert of St. Martin the monks got part of the Moor of Bare we, close to the hill of Whitelawe, on the west (No. 33). In the administration of the properties thus bestowed on the monks of May, they met with many causes of dis- pute. A controversy arose between them and Sir John de Dundemore relative to the lands of Turbrech in Fife, which, after many altercations, was thus settled in the year 1260 : Sir John relinquished all claim to the lands, in considera- tion of which the prior and monks granted to him a monk to perform divine service in the chapel of the Blessed Vir- gin Mary in the Isle of May, for his soul and the souls of ^ his forefathers and successors. They were also to pay him been granted to the monks of May by King David I. His grant of wax was for tbe lights of St. Ethernan's [chapel ?] of the Isle of May. It might have been supposed that this was only another name for St. Adrian, as the Scotch pronunciation of Ethernan is hardened into Eddran, if the saints had not been so well distinguished in the calendar and legends of the Scottish church. The memory of St. Adrian was celebrated on the 4th of March, while St. Ethernan's day was the 2d of December. St. Ethernan was held in great reverence throughout the province of Buchan, and especially at Rathen, the church of which was dedicated to him, while on the east side of the adjoining hill of Morniond a solitary den is known as St. EthernarCs or EddrarCs Slack, and is said to have been the site of his hermit- age. The Earl's devotion to the saint suggests the continued existence of a feeling which was strong among the early Celtic tribes, both in Ireland and Scotland, of reverence for their family saint, and founder of their clan-mon- astery, similar in its character to that which made them regard with honour the man from whom their clan derived its existence and its name. PREFACE. half-a-mark of silver yearly, or sixty " mulwelli,"^ at their option ; and they also granted to him and his heirs a lamp of glass in the church of Syreis or Ceres, and, for feeding it, two gallons of oil, or twelve pence, yearly. If they should fail to observe these conditions, Sir John was to have right of regress to the lands (No. 29). This agreement, however, did not long preserve them in quiet occupation of Turbrech ; for in 1285 we have a sen- tence of the bishop of St. Andrews, as arbiter in a claim made by Henry de Dundemore for fealty to be sworn to him by the prior and monks on account of the said lands. The bishop found that the monks were not bound to make the fealty claimed, and ordained the claimant to restore to the monks a horse which he had distrained and kept in his possession (No. 30). A question having arisen between the monks and Thomas Fitz-Eustace touching certain lands in the Brig- gate of Berwick, it was settled by the Abbots of Scone and Lindores, and the Archdeacon of St. Andrews, as Commis- sioners delegated by the Pope. To the Deed which records the settlement was appended the seal of the Priory of May, confirmed by the seal of the Abbot of Eeading (No 31.) A similar question relating to another piece of ground in Brig-gate, in which Ealph, Prior of May, acted as pro- 1 " Mulwellus," Piscis qui in mari Anglise Boreali copiose capitur in sestate, Londoniis Greenjish ; Lancastrensibus Milwin (Du Cange, Glossar. suh voce). The word has also been translated mullet and haddock. I xviii PREFACE. curator for the Abbot and Convent of Reading, was ami- cably compromised (No. 32). A house and land in the town of Dunbar, claimed by the House of J\Iay, having been withheld from them by Patrick, Chaplain of Dunbar, the question of right came before the court of the Archdeaconry of Lothian, and at last, on the confession of Patrick that the title of the monks was good, it was settled that he should hold the house and ground from them for a yearly payment of three shillings. This settlement was made by William of Mortimer, Official of the Bishop of St. Andrews, and Baldred, Dean of Lothian, within the parish church of Haddington, in the year 1242, in presence of the Priest of Haddington and the Vicar of North Berwick (No. 35). The settlement of another dispute about a tenement in the town of South Berwick is recorded. The Monks of Reading claimed a tenement in the Brig-gate between that of Walter de Lindesay and Arnald de Windrawere, which they estimated as worth 500 merks, and which was illegally detained from them by Adam, son of Philip, a burgess of South Berwick. After a litigation of ten years before the Abbot and Prior of Lindores, as judges delegated by the Pope, involv- ing much argument, labour, and expense, the case was at last settled in the Conventual Church of St. Andrews, on Monday after the Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, in the year 1261, in such wise that the House of Reading should renounce their cause of action against the said Adam, re- {preface. xix serving to the brethren of May an annual payment of two merks (No. 36). On the lands of Eindalgros, granted to the monks of Heading by David L, it has been seen that a cell for monks, subject to the Priory of May, was erected. Some questions of property arose between the brethren of May and their neighbours, of which we have the details. With the opposite proprietor, Duncan of Inchesiryth, they had a question as to the intermediate fishing-ground, which was adjusted without discussing the claims of par- ties, so that it should be open to both to draw their nets, (ultra profundum limitis de Tey), according to the common use of the country (No. 38). Another plea arose between the Prior and Convent of May on the one side and the monks of Scone on the other. It was alleged by the former that the Church of Kind, with the teinds of the whole parish, belonged in property to them, but that the brethren of Scone detained from them the tithes of four fishings — viz. Sleples and Elpenslau, and Chingil and Inchesiryth, within the bounds of the parish. As usual the cause came before commissioners appointed by the Pope, who in this instance were Henry, Prior of St. An- drews, Laurence, Archdeacon of St. Andrews, and Ralph, Dean of Fife. After the litigants had become wearied with an exchange of pleadings, allegations, and exceptions, it was at last set- tled, by the judges, and a person learned of the law, with consent of the parties, that the convent of Scone, for the XX PREFACE. sake of peace, slioiild annually pay two merks of silver to the prior and Monks of May, for which they should be free from all claim for the tithes (No. 39). The parish church of Anstruther belonged to the Monks of May, while that of Kilretheni (now Kilrenny) was the property of the Canons of Dryburgh, and the parishes were divided from each other by a stream. The House of Dryburgh asserted that the ships and boats occupied in fishing in this stream were moored on the Kilrenny side, and their anchors fixed within the bounds of that parish, where they remained for the night, and that they were thus entitled to one-half of the tithes arising from such ships and boats, while the monks of May took the whole. After some discussion before the Papal Commissioners, Avho were the abbot and prior of Melrose, with the Dean of Teviotdale, the dispute was at last compounded by them, with consent of the parties, at Melrose, in the year 1225, in such wise that, for the sake of peace, the monks of May should pay yearly one merk of silver within the parish church of Kilrenny to the canons of Dryburgh, for which payment the monks were to be free of all claim by the canons, providing that the latter should receive full tithe from their proper parishioners, that is from these parish- ioners receiving spiritual benefits in the church of Kil- renny, and using the said part of the shore ; and that the monks should receive full tithes from all coming from other quarters, and using the said part of the shore. To PRKFACE. xxi this instrument the seals of both parties, along with the seal of the abbot of Reading, were attached (No. 40). The last deed in the Collection records an agreement between the prior and convent of May, on the one part, and Malcolm the Cupbearer, on the other, touching the Chapel of Ricardestone, and illustrates the existing relation between such oratories and parochial churches. The monks agreed that on every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, mass should be celebrated in the Chapel of Ricardestone by a chaplain from the house of Rindalgros, or some other for him, as well as on these principal festivals — viz. Christ- mas, and the three days after it, Whitsunday, the Feast of the Assumption, the Nativity, and of All Saints, and that there only the holy bread (panis benedictus) ^ should be offered by the men of the said vill, and that there only the women of the vill should be purified and make confession, but should pay the offering for wax to the mother church of Rindal- gros, and should receive the communion in that church on Easter day, it being optional to the Cupbearer and his successors to receive the communion either in the chapel or ^ The holy loaf or eulogia was bread offered up by the people, blessed by the priest after the mass was ended, and distributed by him among the people. Many of the offerings of the royal pilgrim James IV. at the shrines which he visited consisted of bread, which doubtless were for the purpose of being blessed and distributed. Dr. Reeves shows from a passage of Adamnan's Life of St. Columba, that in the Irish Church in the time of that Saint, it was the practice to participate reverentially of the eulogite at the commencement of the afternoon meal, and in the refectory (p. 122, note). See also Ducange in voc. n. 2 ; Dr. Rock's Church of our Fathers, vol. i. p. 135. xxii PREFACE. the mother church. The said Malcolm might also have a ministering priest in his chapel, provided that such chap- lain should profess his subjection to the Mother Church of Eindalgros ; and finally, the gifts of land given by his father to the chapel were confirmed, and other four acres granted in pure alms. The witnesses to this agreement were William, bishop of St. Andrews, Ealph, the archdeacon, Laurence, official, Patrick, abbot of Dunfermline, William, abbot of Scone, Guido, abbot of Lindores, Thomas, prior of St. An- drews, William, dean of Crail, Michael and Innocent, canons of Scone, John of Pitkere, Hugh Malherbe, and many others (No. 41). The Priory of May, for upwards of a century after its foundation, continued in the peaceable possession of the monks of Reading, who, by the charter of David 1. in their favour, were bound to serve the same with nine monks (being also priests) to pray for the souls of the founder, his predecessors, and successors. Kings of Scot- land.^ The fortunes of the house then assumed a more stormy aspect, and became involved in the national disputes which arose between Scotland and England. The circumstances connected with this change are recorded by Fordun, from whom we learn that, in the year 1269, on the death of prior Hugh, a man of great sanctity and abstinence, Wil- ^ A.D. 1257. Monasterio de Mayo diocesis Sancti Andree, constitutio Innocentiana de solvendis procurationibus contra avaritiam prelatorum facta, contirmatur per Alexandruni, pp. iv. — (Theiner's Vetera Monnmenta, p. 74.) PREFACE. xxiii liam, a monk of Heading, was sent from the parent house to Scotland as his successor, and was admitted by the King as prior. On account, however, of the danger which might thus arise to the kingdom through the possession of the island by those in the interest of a foreign power, and that the English might have no means thereafter of using it as a place for spying out the defenceless parts of the land, the King resolved to acquire the Priory by purchase from the monks of Heading. The transaction was completed by William Wishart, bishop of St. Andrews, who paid to the house of Heading 700 merks for the priory, and then conferred it on the canons of St. Andrews.^ There are documents still preserved which shew that Fordun's statement is not literally correct. From these it would seem that Robert de Burghgate, abbot of Reading, sold the priory of May to the bishop of St. Andrews, and it was afterwards alleged that he did so against the voice of a majority of the convent. It is plain that he received from the Bishop the sum of 1100 merks to account of the price. His successor, abbot William, feeling dissatisfied with the transaction, attempted to overturn it, and in the course of the proceedings which ensued, an attempt was made by Edward L to turn the case to account in his designs against the independence of Scotland. In the Parliament of John Baliol, held at Scone on the 10th of February 1292, there appeared two representatives of the abbot of Reading, duly ^ Joannis Forduni Scotichronicon, vol. it pp. 110, 111. xxiv PREFACE. autliorised to claim possession of the priory of May, or to get i^aynient of tlie balance of the price agreed to be paid for the same, along with the fruits and rents accruing from the priory during the preceding four years, and with power, if necessary, to appeal to the judgment of the King of England. On being asked whether they were prepared to repay to the Bishop of St. Andrews 1100 marks which the Bishop had advanced to Eobert late abbot of Keading, the attorneys answered that they were not sent to make any payment to the bishop, and could not undertake to do so, but they requested that the case might be adjourned to the next Parliament, so that in the meantime they might consult with the abbot of Beading and the King of England.^ In the sequel, however, it appears that after certain steps had been taken in the discussion of the claim of the convent of Beading, the case was removed from the Scotch court by an appeal of the bishop of St. Andrews to the Boman See, and that the Scotch king therefore refused to proceed farther in the matter. Under these circumstances the attornies of the abbot of Beading, on an alleged denial of justice in the Scotch court, carried their case by appeal to King Edward, as Lord Superior of the Kingdom of Scotland, and he thereupon, by his writ, dated at Dunton, 2d September 1293, cited John Baliol to appear before him within fifteen days of the ensuing Feast of St. Martin.^ ^ Placitum Abbatis de Racling (Appendix to Preface, p. Ixxvii.) ^ Appendix to the Preface, p. Ixxix. PEEFACE. XXV Baliol having disregarded the summons, he was again cited to appear within the octave of the ensuing Feast of the Holy Trinity. This was done when the King was at Lanark, in presence of John Cumyn, Alexander de Baliol, Hugh de Euere, and Walter de Camhowe. A third time he was summoned to appear within a month after Easter, but again he failed ; and the sheriff of Northumberland, to whom the brieve was addressed, reported that he delivered the citation to Baliol at Scone, in presence of Alexander de Cheswyk, Gerard de Wesebrig, Kobert de Creswell, and Adam de Eowe. A fourth brieve was therefore sent, to be served by him in person on the Scotch King, command- ing the latter to appear before Edward within a month from the Feast of St. Michael, and to bring with him the record of the proceedings in the Scotch courts prior to the appeal to the Pope.^ The final overthrow of the paramount claims of England, which was one of the happy results of Bannockburn, of course precluded any farther English interference with the agreement which had rescued the priory of May from an alien mother. It appears from a gift by William, bishop of St. An- drews, in favour of his canons, dated in 1318, that, under this arrangement, all the rights to the Priory of May, formerly vested in the Monastery of Keading, were now transferred to the canons. The bishop, therefore, with con- sent of Martin, the then prior of May, provided that an ^ Appendix to the Preface, p. Ixxxi. XXVI PREFACE. annual pension of sixteen merks, formerly received from the Priory of May by the house of Reading, should now be paid to the monastery of St. Andrews, and be expended on an yearly pittance to the canons.^ In this deed we find the Priory styled as that of May and Pittenweem and in later documents it is frequently designated as that of " Pittenweem, otherwise Isle of May" or " Isle of St. Adrian of May," and at times as that of Pittenweem alone. This has led several writers to suppose that originally there were two distinct priories, one of May and another of Pittenweem, and that the latter was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin.^ The explanation seems to be, that the monks of May had, from the first, erected an establishment of some sort on their manor of Pittenweem, on the mainland of Fife, which, after the priory was dissevered from the house of Reading and annexed to that of St. Andrews, became their chief seat, and that thereafter the monastery on the island was deserted in favour of Pittenweem, which was less exposed to the incursions of the English, nearer to their superior house at St. Andrews, and could be reached without the necessity of a precarious passage by sea.^ ^ AppendLx. to the Preface, p. Ixxxiii. 2 Spottiswoode's Religious Houses in Bishop Keith's Historical Catalogue of the Scottish Bishops, p. 388, Edin. 1824 ; New Stat. Acc. Fifeshire, p. 985 ; Sibbald's Hist, of Fife, p. 357 ; Cupar Fife, 1803. ^ The first notice of a "prior of Pittenweem" occui-s in a charter without PREFACE. XXVll About a century after this time it appears that the re- date, but probably circa a.d. 1221, by Henry de Candela, son of William de Candela, Lord of Anstmther, to tbe Abbey of Balmurynach, of common pasture in Aynstrother, to which Adam, " Prior de Petnyweme," is a witness, (Liber S. Marie de Balmorinach, pp. 37-8). Till this time the only designation of the prior is "of May," and in other contemporary deeds, this style is still kept up. Richard, " Prior of May," was one of the judges under a Papal Commission, in a cause between the convent of Kilwinning and that of Dry- burgh, touching the Church of Lauder in 1222 (Registr. de Dryburgh, p. 61). John, " Prior of May," was one of the judges who gave sentence in a cause between the same parties about the same Church in 1248 (Idem, p. 226). In 1225 a dispute between the monasteries of Dryburgh and May was com- pounded, by the latter agreeing to pay a mark yearly to the house of Dry- burgh, within the parish Church of Kilrenny (Idem, p. 137. Registr. Priorat. S. Andree, p. 395). Before a century expired, the Bishop of St. Andrews confirmed to the monastery of Dryburgh their churches and possessions, among which is the above mark, now said to be payable by the " Prior of Petinweme" (Registrum de Dryburgh, p. 240). In a list of the religious houses of Scotland, of the early part of the thirteenth century, the " Priory of May" occurs without reference to one at Pittenweem (Scalacronica, p. 240-1). That the " Priory of Pittenweem" was only that " of May" with another name, is also clear, from the fact that all the lands which were conferred on the House of May afterwards appear in the possession of the priors of Pittenweem, by whom they were finally alienated, and who, as appears from their chartulary, had no separate possessions. This conclusion is also estab- lished by the terms of the charter whereby the prior of Pittenweem alien- ated the Isle of May to Patrick Learmonth of Dersy, 1549. In it, he reserves " the name and jurisdiction of our Monastery of May, thence wont to be so called, in token of superiority of the island, in all time coming." — (Appendix to the Preface, p. xci.) Among other motives alleged for granting the charter, the Prior dwells on the position of the island, at a distance from himself, yielding little or no xxviii PREFACE. venues of the priory were sequestrated during a litigation on the subject among the Canons of St. Andrews.' In 1452 James II., on account of the auspicious event of his sons birth at St. Andrews ("patroni nostri locum et messuagium principale"), and out of regard for James Kennedy, bishop of St. Andrews, ratified all previous grants made to the church of St. Andrews ; and among other lands which he erected into a free regality are certain lands of the priory of Pittenweme — viz. Pittynweme, Litill Anstrudir, Fauside Lyngow, Pettotyr, Grangebregis, Grange mure, infra vicecomitatum de Fyfi", et terras de Ester Kynde et Wester Eynde infra vicecomitatum de Perth.' Somewhat later, by authority of Pope Paul IL, the Priory of Pittenweem or May," was annexed to the See of St. Andrews as a mensal possession of the Bishop, but only during the life of the then bishop, Patrick Graham. In the year 1472 Pope Sixtus IV., the successor of Pope Paul, on the narrative that he had erected the Church of St. Andrews into a Metropolitan See over the whole of Scotland, so that Patrick, the Archbishop, and his suc- cessors would have to bear greater burdens and expenses revenue, and exposed to continual devastations of the English. The last, by itself, was a very sufficient reason for preferring a settlement on the mainland, and doubtless largely contributed to the transference of the establishment from May to Pittenweem, after the priory was rescued from English rule, and had become subject to the canons of St. Andrews. — (Idem.) ^ Appendix to the Preface, p. Ixxxiv. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 73. PREFACE. XXIX than heretofore, especially in the maintenance in residence with them of a bishop, who might assist in the execu- tion of their archiepiscopal functions, and visit the suffra- gans throughout the province with a suitable number of attendants;^ as also, narrating that the archbishop had repre- sented to him that the priory of Pittenweem was not con- ventual, but only a small cell or chapel of the church of St. Andrews, whose annual revenues did not exceed a hundred pounds sterling, therefore the Pope annexed the Priory for ever as a mensal possession of the archbishops of St. Andrews.^ In 1479 an Act was passed in Parliament ratifying all donations and liberties granted to the Church of St. Andrews, and all annexations of benefices made by the Pope in favour of said See, " and thair incontinent raiss dene Waltere Dauidsone, prioure of Pettinweme, and pro- testit that the said graunt of oure Sourane lordis suld be na preiudice to him nor his said prioury of Pettinweme for his tyme, the quhilk the said maist Eeaverend faider William Ajchbischop of Saint Androis than present, grantit that the saidis unionis nor annexationis suld be na preiudice to the said prioure of Pettinweme, nor to nane utheris, being in ony benefice unit or annexit as said is, for thair tymes." ^ The annexation to the See of St. Andrews does not, 1 The plan of having a bishop living with the archbishop for assisting him in his functions is deserving of notice, and perhaps of imitation. ^ Appendix to the Preface, p. Ixxxv. ^ Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 129. XXX PREFACE. however, appear to have been of long continuance, if indeed it was ever acted on, and we soon afterwards find Prior John Eowle disposing of the patrimony of the Priory with- out reference to the archbishop of St. Andrews, and simply with consent of the priors of St. Andrews, to whom the house of May had always been subject since its re-acquisi- tion from the monks of Eeading. The superiority of the Priory of St Andrews had been long recognised, and the charters granted by John Rowle set forth the fact. But in the year 1549 he was cited to appear in the Chapter-house of St. Andrews ad faciendum et prestandum debitam obedienciam nobis, tanquam suo superiori, juxta tenorem primevi erectionis et fundationis dicti prioratus de Pettynweyme, ac regulam diui Augustini, sub pena suspensionis a divinis, et aliis censuris ecclesi- asticis.'' ^ It is probable that this may have led to the renunciation by Rowle, in the following year, to the Commendator, of all separate rights, and the use of a seal, unless when fortified with that of the convent of St. Andrews.^ It is plain that the Prior of Pittenweem had already seen the necessity of relying on a stronger arm than his own for protecting what remained of the patrimony of his House. In 1543 he granted to William Dischintoun of Ardross a charter of the lands of Grangemuir, which sets forth the many benefits conferred by him on the Convent, and then indicates what was expected of him amid the " Lu- ^ Appendix to the Preface, p. Ixxxvii. ^ Idem, p. xciv. PREFACE. XXXI theran heresies and the corruptions of the time : " — Ac pro ecclesiastice libertatis et sacre religionis observantia, tuitione, manutenentione, et defensione, hoc instante tempore pericu- loso, lutheranis heresibus undique puUulantibus, et liberta- tem ecclesiasticam ac omnem sacre religionis obsemantiam et institutionem penitus eneruare et subuertere nitentibus."^ In the priors charter to the burgh of Pittenweem, in 1547, confirming its erection into a royal burgh, one of his ostensible motives for granting it is declared to be, that " ecclesiastica libertas ab illius inuasoribus illam subuertere conantibus illesa semper et preseruata remaneat." ^ It was partly with the view of strengthening the prior's position that he got his lands erected into a Barony. In 1526 King James V., by a charter in favour of John Eowle and his convent, erected all the lands of the Priory into a Barony, to be called the Barony of Pittenweem, and he of new erected the town of Pittenweem into a burgh of barony, as had been done by his predecessor King James III. In the year 1540 Eowle received another royal charter, in which the King narrates that the " priory of May and Pittenweem" is of small importance, and its revenues arise from the honest labours of poor fishers living in the burgh and barony of Pittenweem ; and also that he, wishing the increase of religious men in the monastery of Pittenweem, and that divine service may be daily per- formed; as also that mass and matins with music are sung, and suffrages for the King and his Consort are daily ^ Registr. Chart, de Pittenweem, p. 124. ^ Idem, p. 215.. XXX 11 PREFACE. offered by the said prior and his convent ; therefore, and in partial recompense of the great expenses incurred by the prior in the parts of France/ he of new conveys to him and his convent the lands forming the patrimony of the monastery, to be held as the free barony of Pittenweem, and erects both Pittenweem and Anstruther into burghs of barony.^ Under Rowle's administration, the lands which had originally been granted to the house of the Isle of May, and had continued in its possession since the twelfth cen- tury, were mostly alienated. The deeds by which he effected this are recorded in a chartulary now in the charter-room at Elie House. They commence in 1532, and bear to be granted by " John, Prior of the monastery of Pittenweem and con- vent thereof, with consent of Patrick, Prior of the metropolitan church of St. Andrews." In 1540 the style is, " with consent of James, perpetual Commendator of St. Andrews and convent thereof,'' and the seals of both monasteries are affixed to the deeds. At times the deeds bear to be granted with consent of the chapter of St. Andrews, as " superiors of Pittenweem in that part."^ ' He went again to France in 1550, with the prior of St. Andrews as one of his adherents. — (Privy Seal Register in Chalmers' Life of Queen Mary, vol. ii. p. 280.) 2 Registr. Chart, de Pittenweem, p. 291. 3 This chartulary is a large folio volume of parchment, containing 332 pages. It wants a leaf at the beginning, and one or more at the end, and others have been injured by being pared. The deeds do not occur in the PREFACE. xxxiii On 5th August 1550, James, perpetual Conimendator of St. Andrews, narrating the admission by John Eowle, " Prior of May or Pettynweme" and his convent, that the said priory for many years has been and is a cell subject to the priory of St. Andrews, and ought to depend from it as a daughter from her mother, in terms of the union of the said priory to that of St. Andrews, made of old by William Fraser, Bishop of St. Andrews ; and that the said John had renounced in favour of the Coni- mendator and his convent, all privileges and rights re- ceived from the Holy See which might prejudice their jurisdiction over the said priory of Pittenweem ; and, more- over, had renounced the use of his own proper seal, unless appended with the common seal of the convent of St. Andrews, and that the said Prior and his convent had professed real and actual obedience, according to the rule of Saint Augustine ; — therefore he, the said Commendator, took under his protection and special maintenance the said priory of Pettynweme, its vassals, tenants, churches, lands, and fishings, agreeing to defend its rights as his own, and concluding with an exhortation to James, commendator of Melrose and Kelso; Robert, commendator of Holyroodhouse ; and John, commendator of Coldingham, his brothers-ger- man, and sons of King James Y., in like manner to defend and maintain the said prior and convent.^ order of their dates. The first is dated 3d March 1533, the second is dated 11th November 1540, and the 5th is dated 4th April 1532. 1 Appendix to the Preface, p. xciv. c xxxiv PREFACE. On the same day, James, Commendator of St. Andrews, granted^ " dilectis nostris clericis sen scolasticis et studentibus/' James Eowle, John Eowle, William Eowle, and Ninian Eowle, for their food and clothing, and for keeping them at the schools, in order that they may become learned men, an annual pension of two hundred merks, to be paid until they should be provided with bene- fices amounting to that sum in value, commencing so soon as the commendator or some other canon of St. Andrews shall be peaceably put in possession of the priory of Pit- tenweem, by the resignation of John Eowle, the present prior thereof; and until the said students should reach the age of twenty, they were to be content with com- petent food and clothing in place of their pensions.^ On the 2d September 1552 John Eowle, who is now styled " usufructuar" of the priory of Pittynweem, 1 Appendix to the Preface, p. xcv. 2 Tlie reputation of incontinency ascribed to the Prior of Pittenweem by his contemporaries seems to have been deserved. Sir James Melville records a si)eech of the Laird of Grange, the royal treasurer, made to James V., in which he alleged of the Prior, that he " was a manifest forcer of wemen, and the gretest defouler of ^vyues and maidnes that was in Scotland," — (Memoii's, p. 66, Bann. Club edit.) The four youths for whom the future regent of Scotland here provided pensions were the bastards of the prior of Pittenweem. John and James were legitimated on the 24th February 1541, and William and Ninian on the 18th May 1546. That the prior had tastes of a more commendable character we may infer from the following entry at the bottom of a page of one of the two volumes of Maitland MSS. in the Pepysian Lib- rary, Magdalen College, Cambridge : — " Liber Cronicarum Eegum et gestorum Scotorum pro Domino Johanne Roull priore de Pettinweym alias Mayo." PEEFACE. XXXV granted a lease of nineteen years to James, commendator of St. Andrews and Pittenweem, of " all and haill our place and priory of Pettynweme, with all profitts, emolumentis, and commoditeies pertenying or that any way may perteyn theirto, with the haill personage and vicariage of our paroche kyrk of Anstrothir, teynd scheiffis, fyschingis, fysche, and othir oblaciounis and emulomentis thairof, with the personage of our kyrk of the Eynde, and all otheris commoditeies and profittis pertenying thairto ; and als the haill profittis, maillis, fermes, siluer, and wictellis, and all other deweteis ; togydder wyth cayne caponis, guis, cunyngis, pultreis and foulis ; and with all other dewetieis, baith of our barrony and landis of Pettynweme and Eynde ; and als the 111 of May, with the haill pertinence, teynd salt, custummes, onlayis, baith of our thoune and pannis and barrony foirsaid ; with all othir dew:eteies, profittis, and commoditeies perteneying or that ony maner of way may perteyne to said priory and place of Pettynweme, outhir be propertie or outhir casualiteis quhatsumeuir," "Payand and delyuerand yeirlie and frelie within the cyttie of Sanct Androis, during the said space of nyneteyne yeris, the sowme of four hundreth poundes, gud usuall mone of Scotland, togidder witht tuentie- fyif chelderis of wittelis — viz. twa chelderis of quheit, sax chelderis of bair, four chelderis and aucht boUis meill, twelff chelderis and aucht bollis aitis," " And attour the said James commendatour, sal bait, repair, and vphald the said abbay and place of Pettinweme sufficientlie during xxxvi PREFACE. the saiclis space ; and als sail susteyne and vphald the conuent of the samyn in mone and victuallis, logeing, and vthir thingis necessar, as thai haif now presentlie, and conforme to thair chartour quhilkis thai haif of us " and alsua becauss we haiff sett, [and] be thir presentis settis, to the said James, Commendatour, all and haill our place and palice and Priory of Pettynweme, with the pertinence foirsaidis, to the said James, [he] is and sail be contentit that we haif the vse of his palice of Petlaithy, with the yardis and orchartis of the samyn, Cjuhen we sail think expedient to mak residence thairintill/' ^ After this time the deeds run in the name of " James, perpetual Commendator of Pittenweem;" or at times, " of Pittenweem and St. Andrews," with consent of the Chapter of St. Andrews, his superiors in that part " prioratus sive celle Pettinweme alias Mayo nuncupate."^ On 30th July 1558 a charter is granted by Joannes Wynrame supprior Sancti Andree et commissarius specialis ^ Appendix to the Preface, p. c. 2 A few of the charters, granted by the Prior of St. Andrews as Commendator of Pittenweem, are recorded in the Elie Chartulary already described ; but most of the deeds granted by him appear in a separate register, entitled : — " Registrum Cartarum et aliorum nmnimentorum terrarum prioratus de Pettin- weyme, incipiens in anno domini 1553 per Reuerendum in Christo patrem et dominum Jacobum ejusdem prioratus et Sancti Andree Commendatarium." This occurs in a large volume, written on paper, now in the Advocates' Library (17. 1. 3.) which contains a Register of the Charters of the Priory of St. Andrews, beginning in 1554, and a Register of the Charters of the Arch- bishopric of St. Andrews, which commences in 1553. The part relating to Pittenweem extends from fol. 198 to fol. 296 of the volume. PREFACE. XXXVll nobilis et multum in Cliristo reverendi domirii Jacobi nunc existentis in Gallia, perpetue commendatarii prioratus de Pettenweme/ In 1559, and subsequently down to 1565, when they terminate, the Charters bear to be granted by " James, com- mendator," in his own name. The last deed is dated 26 th May 1565, and is a grant of a pension of fifty marks to our beluffit seruitor Walter Melvill elder, in respect of his services in divers years past, and of his age."^ We next find the title of prior of Pittenweem in the person of Sir James Balfour of Pittendreich, the friend of Bothwell, and infamous for his share in the murder of the late King. This man, who was governor of Edinburgh Castle, was induced to treat with the Kegent Murray for its surrender, and one of the stipulations which he made was, that he should receive a gift of the Priory of Pitten- weem.^ Balfour was forfeited in 1571, and in 1579 an Act of Parliament was passed in favour of the feuars and tacksmen of lands and teinds under him.^ In 1574 James Haly- burton is styled Commendator of Pittenweem.^ In 1583 William Stewart, Captain of the King's Guard, second son Registriim, fol. 285. The Commendator was one of the commissioners sent to France to be present at the Queen's marriage to the Dauphin. — (Acts, of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 504.) 2 Kegistrum, fol. 296. ^ Historic of King James the Sext, p. 18. ^ Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. iii. p. 167. ^ Idem, vol. iii. pp. 89, 418. xxxviii PREFACE. of Thomas Stewart of Galstoun, obtained a gift under the Great Seal, of the priory and lands of Pittenweem, on the resignation of James Halyburton, provost of Dun- dee, late prior, and was styled commendator of Pitten- weem.^ In 1606 the lands were erected into a temporal lord- ship in favour of Frederick, son of William Stewart, with the title of Lord Pittenweem. The greater part, if not the whole, of the lands of the priory, had, however, been already alienated, and what now remained consisted in rights of superiority. Thus, the lands of Eynd, which under the name of Ryn- dalgros had been granted by David 1. to the monastery of Reading, and on which a cell for monks of the isle of May was erected, were feued out in 1535 and 1542 to George and John Moncreiff, the tenants, on the narrative that the lands had been wasted by violent inundations of the rivers Tay and Earn, in resisting which the tenants had been put to much trouble and expense.^ 1 Regist. Mag. Sigill. lib. xxxv. No. 715. 2 Registrum de Pittenweem, pp. 10, 99, 14th November 1548. Peter Moncreif, who is described as son and heir of Hugh Moncreif of Easter Rynd, and of the age of twenty-two years, appeared in the chapter-house of Pittenweem, " Et ibidem palam exposuit se membris impotentem inabilem et debilem ad serviendum supreme domine nostre regine, rei publice, et nobis domino supe- riori." He therefore resigned the lands in favour of his brother James Mon- creif, and Margaret Tyrie his wife, subject to the liferent right of his mother Elizabeth Elphinstoune (Idem, p. 196). On 18th October 1542, John, Prior of Pittenweem, and convent thereof, presented to Cardinal David Beaton, PREFACE. XXXIX Maysheills, granted to the monks of May by John Fitz- michael, the reputed ancestor of the family of Wemyss, was feued out to William Cockburn of that ilk/ The croft at Bele, which had been granted by the Earl of Dunbar, was feued out, in 1553, to Robert Hector and his spouse, under the name of the Belheuyne Croft, or the Monk's QvoitJ The lands of Lingo, granted to the monks of May by Robert of London, son of William the Lion, were feued out in two halves — the first, in 1534, to George Borthwick and Elizabeth Lindsay, his spouse; and the other, in 1537, to Adam Wood, of Largo, and Alisone Hume, his spouse.^ The lands of Petother, which the House of May received from King William the Lion, were feued out, under the name of Pittoter, with others, to John Oliphant and Cath- erine Huldie, his spouse, in 1534.^ The Isle of May, on which the priory had been erected in the time of David L, was feued out in 1549 to Patrick Lear- month of Dairsy, Provost of St. Andrews ; and the deed of conveyance, which contains an epitome of the history of the convent, is printed in the appendix to the preface (p. Ixxxix.) It has been already stated that the priory on the island continued to be occupied till the time of its acquisition by Archbishop of St. Andrews, for collation to the perpetual vicarage of their parish church of Ryncl, vacant by the death of Mr. John Mailwill, Sir John Lamb, Priest (Registrum de Pittenweem, p. 98). ^ Registrum de Pittenweem, p. 9. ^ Idem, i>. 316. 3 Idem, pp. 6, 15. * /j^^,^^ p xl PREFACE. the monks of St. Andrews, when it seems to have been deserted, and a priory at Pittenweem, erected on land be- longing to the monks, was substituted for it. Although this new house came to supersede the earlier establishment on the May, and usurped its name, it has been seen that it was really the old foundation with another title. In the deed by which the Isle of May was conveyed to Patrick Learmonth, the granter John KouU is styled ^' Prior of Pittenweem but to show the identity of the later with the earlier establishment, there is a significant reservation " of the name and jurisdiction of our monastery of May, thence wont to be so called in token of superiority of the said island in all time coming." The prior alleges as motives for the alienation of the island, its insular situation, at a distance from himself, yield- ing little or no revenue, and that on the outbreak of hostili- ties the place was wont to be seized by the enemy, and was thus rendered a sterile and useless possession of the monas- tery. He therefore granted the island — which he describes as now waste, and spoiled by rabbits from which the prin- cipal revenue used to accrue, but of which the warrens were now completely destroyed and the place ruined by the English — together with the right of patronage of the church on the island, and of presenting a chaplain to continue divine service therein, out of reverence for the relics and sepulchres of the saints resting in the island, and for the reception of pilgrims and their oblations, according to the use of old times, and even within memory of man. ELEVATIONS OF-'S^^ ADRIA'NS CHAPEL, ISLE OP MAY. PREFACE. xli This statement concurs very much with what we find in the legend of St. Adrian in the Breviary of Aberdeen/ where it is said that the stately monastery of stone which had been erected on the island at an early time had been destroyed by the ravages of the English, but that there yet remained a church, which was resorted to by the faith- ful on account of the frequent miracles there wrought, and where especially barren women, coming in the hope of thereby becoming fruitful, were not disappointed.^ It is added that there is yet a cemetery where the bodies of many saints and martyrs repose. The monastery on the island, described in the Breviary, probably was not restored after the devastation alluded to, and may then have been deserted for the new establish- ment at Pittenweem, while the chapel, which was main- tained out of reverence for St. Adrian and other saints there interred, and for the devotions and offerings of the many pilgrims who frequented their shrines, was doubt- less the building, of which a shattered fragment still remains. This reverence attracted to the May the devout of all ^ Breviar. Aberdoneii. Part. Hyemal., fol. Ixii. See also Camerarius de Scotorum Fortitudine, p. 110. 2 Robert Gordon of Straloch, in liis description of the Isle of May, thus refers to its reputed gift of fertility to barren women, : " Dicata olim fuit S. Adriano, ibique fuit sacellum, et monachorum conventus, ubi steriles feminse annuatim D. Adrianum salutantes, inde redeuntes, puerperee devenerunt," adding, with allowable caution — " An sanctitas loci illud causaverit judicent sapientes." — (Blaeu's Atlas of Scotland, p. 91.) xlii PREFACE. ranks. Among these was the royal pilgrim James IV., who within a fortnight of his fall on the fatal field of Flodden, granted to his favoured friend, Sir Andrew Wood of Largo, a charter^ erecting his lands of Largo and others into a free barony, with the following return for the lands of Fawfeilde and Frostleys in the barony of Eires — viz. that the grantee and his heirs should accompany the King and Queen, and their successors, on their pilgrimages to the Isle of May whenever they should be required. There was a hermitage on the island, and its occupant frequently received alms from the King on his visits to the island. In the Treasurer's Accounts are entered the payments made to him in June 1503 and August 1505. Three years later the hermit received a much larger gift than on former occa- sions, the reason of which may be inferred from the circum- stance recorded that at this time " he brocht ane selch to the King." ^ This charter in the Register of the Great Seal is dated on 21st August 1513, and the King was slain on the 9th September following. The inductive clause is in the following terms : " Et pro speciali fauore quem gerimus erga dictum Andream et pro ipsius bono et gratuito seruicio nobis tarn tempore pacis quam guerre impenso, et signanter pro custodia castri ncstri de Dunbar tempore quo classis ingens inimicorum nostrorum Anglicorum eidem obsidionem dederunt et pro edificacione atque policia per ipsum in eodeni facta, ac pro nonnuUis alijs bonis causis et considerationibus ad hoc nos moventibus-" The clause referred to in the text is as follows : " Et pro dictis terris de Fawfeilde et Frostleys dictus Andreas et heredes sui eundo in pregrinationem nobiscum et cum carissima consorte nostra et successoribus nostris ad Insulam de Mayo cum ad hoc requisiti fuerint." PREFACE. xliii The royal offerings to the priest on the Isle of May, ministering at St. Adrian's Chapel, are recorded with equal detail, as may be seen by the extracts printed in Note B. The King's pilgrimages to the most noted of the Scot- tish shrines were frequent. To the Isle of May he often sailed, as a convenient place of rendezvous, either to meet or to convoy his friends ;^ but on these occasions he com- bined, with other ends, his usual devotional practices. The entries in the treasurer's accounts enable us to trace the King's route on these expeditions, and his mode of tra- velling. In 1490 the King passed in a boat from Leith to May. In 1503 he landed at Anstruther, and payments were made for the boat which carried him to the shore, and for another " that had the clerkis of the Kingis Chapell to Maii to sing the mes thair." The priests of Anstruther were paid for saying " ane ^ " 1506. In this symmer ane greit and costly ship, qiihilk had bene apoun the Kingis expensis, was compleit, and sett furth into the raid of Leith, the sevint of Julii ; and the King salit him self into her to the yle of Maii in the firth, and was drevin in agane with storme." " The Archediene of St. Androis and Sir Anthony Darsye wes send in ambassadrie to the King of France be sey, quha departit the xxvii day of Maii [1508], and the King convoyit thame to the Yle of May in the firth be sey." — Bishop Lesley's History of Scotland, pp. 74-78. Edinburgh, 1830. At an earlier period the island was visited by Mary of Gueldres, who, on her voyage to Scotland in June 1449, to become the queen of James II., an- chored near the isle of May, " where then stood a hermitage and a chapel sacred to St. Andrew [I. Adrian]. Having paid her devotion, the Queen pro- ceeded to Leith." — The History of Scotland by Pinkerton, vol. i. p. 208. xliv PREFACE. trentale of messis of Sanct Nicholas/' The priests of Crail also got a payment, and an entry occurs of ''the Kinges offerand thair at the mess and on the bred." On the same day, but later, the King's offering was made at St. Monans, and additional entries occur of his Majestie's " offerand on the bred thair," " to the Preistis and Freris thair," and " to the Preist that sang the mes, be the Kingis command." About the same time a payment was made to " Eobert Bertoune, marinare,^ that salit the litill schip with the King to Mail," and " to the Preistis to say thre trentales of messis thair." On 29th July 1505 the Treasurer enters a payment "to the King himself, in his avn purss, quhen he passit to saill" — " to the men that rowit the King on burd to the schippes quhen he salyt to Maii ;" and on the following day, " to the men that rowit the King fra his schippes to Maii, and to the schippes agane." On the 1st of August we hear of the " botemen that rowit the King fra Caraill to Maii, and fra Maii to Caraill;" and payments are made to the "Eude preist of Carale," and to Sir Symon, " ane Preist of Caraill, of belcher, quhar the King dynyt ;" as also to the " botemen that brocht the Kingis stuf, and the maister cuke with the Kingis souper fra the schip to Maii, and fra Maii to the ^ This "mariner," as well as his father and brother, was celebrated for his naval exploits. He acquired the lands of Over Barnton in 1507 ; and as Sir Robert Barton he became successively Comptroller of the Exchequer, Lord High Treasurer, and Master of the Quinzie House. — Crawford's Lives of Officers of State, p. 373. Edinburgh, 1726. PREFACE. xlv schip agane." Again, on the 22d of August, the Abbot of Cambuskenneth got repayment of a sum " quhilk he laid down to the menstrales in the Kingis schip quhan scho wes at Maii/^ On 10th July of the following year, entries are made for "the Kingis ofFerand in his tua candillis in Maii," and " the Kingis offerand on the bred thair." On the 30th of the same year a payment occurs for "the King's offerand in Mail," and " the Queue's ofFerand be the Kingis comand." There is one " to the preist of Maii," and that " samyn nycht (1st August) in Maii to the Kingis ofFerand, quhen the King passit on burd to his schip at evin." In August 1507 the King again visited the island, passing to and from Crail. He was accompanied by his cook, and, as usual, a payment was made to " the preist of Crail, quhair the King lugeit, in belcheir/' or for entertainment. In April 1508 a payment was made to ''the said Kobert (Bertoune), he gaif for ballasting of his schip callit the ' Lioun,' quhen the King passit to Maii the yeir bipast." On this occasion a boat carried the King from Anstruther to May, and took him back to Pittenweem, where he probably lodged in the priory. There is also one "to Thomas Hewch, quhilk passit witht his bote to Maii witht the Kingis victales and agane to Leith.^' We discover one of his amusements when on the island, and, as I imagine, an early use of a fowling-piece. " To ane row bote that hed the King about the He of Maii to schut xlvi PREFACE. at fowlis with the culveryn." On this occasion a payment was made, which also occurs at other visits, " to the wricht in Maii, in drink-siluer." The King's route, in other two of his favourite pil- grimages may be traced from the same records. Thus, in 1497, the King went on pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Duthac at Tain. On the 10th of October he reached Aberdeen on his northern progress, and, as the venerable bridge which spans the Dee at Kuthrieston had not yet been erected, he was ferried across the river. ^ Here we find payments made to the "piparis of Aberdeen," "to the grey freris thair," and "for the Kingis hors met in Aberden ane nycht."^ The dates of the subsequent disbursements are not given ; but the next payment was " at the kirk of Keth, to the gudwif of the houss," where probably the King slept. A small sum of sixteenpence was here paid "to the preist that said mas to the King." The next out- lay was to " the feriar of Spey," then to the blak freris of Elgin." The King crossed the firth at Ardersier, and passed on to Cromarty, at both places making pay- ments to the friars. His ofierings in Tain were consider- able ; and he then returned southward by the same route. ^ The building of this fine bridge, begun by the munificent Bishop Elphin- stone, was completed by Bishop Dunbar, his successor, in the year 1527. ^ In October 1497 the alderman and bailies of Aberdeen expended ^14 : 17 :4 on wine and spices in giving a " propin to the Kingis hienes at his passage to Sanct Duthois and repassage." — (Extracts from the Burgh Records of Aberdeen, vol. i, p. 64 ; Spalding Club.) PREFACE. xlvii In 1504, on a pilgrimage to St. Dutliac's, lie varied his route, crossing the hilly country of Aberdeenshire high up the Don. On the 5th of October there is an entry for " tursing of the Kingis doggis to Loch Canmor." This little loch lies sweetly at the base of Morven, on the north side of the ancient forest of Culbleen, and several of its islands and headlands had at an early time been strengthened by art as places of safety and occasional retreat.^ On one of these islands was a tower, which at the time formed one of the Highland strengths of the house of Huntly. The King probably tarried here for purposes of sport, and seems to have left it on the 9th of November, when a payment was made "to the botemen of loch Canmor." On the same day a man was paid " for proving the watter of Don befoir the King," and the dogs were " tursit" to Dernway, the great hall of Randolph, on the banks of the Findhorn. Here the King got twenty shillings to " play at the cartis," and three shillings were spent on " rashes for the Kingis chalmer." When at Tain the King made offerings in Sanct Duthos chapell, quhair he wes borne in Sanct Duthos chapel, in the kirkyard of Tayn " in Sanct Duthois kirk ;" and " in the stok at Sanct Duthos toun." In the following year the King took his journey to St. Duthac's shrine by the low road, and the entries not only enable us to trace his passage, but to realise that curious ^ For a description of Loch Canmore and its Antiquities, see Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. vi. p. 166. xlviii PREFACE. union of dissipation and devotion which constituted a pil- pTimaore of the middle ages. On the 15th of October the King was at Brechin, accom- panied by four Italian minstrels and a Moorish "tabrouner" or drummer. On that night he reached Dunnottar, the mighty fastness of the Earls Marischal, which was to become famous in later times as the place selected by the expiring Scottish Parliament for the custody of the National Eegalia. When at Dunnottar payments were made to " the cheild [that] playit on the monocordis," and to the " pur folkis.'' Next day the King reached Aberdeen/ where he made gifts to the wrichtis and masonis/' and to the " piparis." Proceeding northwards, he slept at Fintray, a house of the abbot of Lindores, while his falconers spent the night in the neighbouring town of Inverury. We next find the King at Forres, where a payment was made to " the maddins of For- res that clansit to the King," and a greater sum was given to " the maddins that dansit at Elgin but the largest sum was disbursed on "the maddins that dansit at Dernway." On the 20th of October a sum was paid for " tursing of the organis to Tayn and hame agane." ^ Here the King re- 1 On the lltli October 1504 the civic authorities of Aberdeen, in expecta- tion of the King's visit, ordained the usual propine or gift to be presented to his majesty. It consisted of " sex par torchis, ane dusane of prekatis, iii dusane of syis of walx, ane dusane lib. of scorcheatis, and alssmeikle wine as the mester of sellar plesses to tak till his hienes." — (Extracts from the Burgh Records of Aberdeen, vol. i. p. 74. Spalding Club). 2 In his pilgrimages to the Isle of May the King took with him " the clerkis of his chapell to sing the mes thair" (pp. Ixxi. Ixxiv.) It wdll be seen PREFACE. xlix ceived from the bishop of Eoss a hawk and a horse, and we find that the Italian minstrels and the Moorish " tabrouner" were still in the royal suite, while the laird of Balnagown's harper seems also to have performed before the King. On his return, the nurse at Dernway received a royal doceur, and at Strathbogy, the lowland seat of the Earls of Huntly, where the King slept, the Italian minstrels and the Moor received a fresh payment. While there, a falconer was dis- patched to the " Craig" of Finlater for a hawk, and on his way to Aberdeen the King "baytit'' at Inverury, where "ane wif who entertained him got 14s. 2d. of reward, and the "pur folkis" received an alms of 2s. When in Aber- deen the "piparis" were not forgotten, and the treasurer repaid a sum which had been advanced to the ferrymen at Ardersier for transporting the " Kingis bed, sadilis, and childes." In July 1504 the King passed on pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Ninian at Whithorn.^ On the 24th of that month he was at Dumbarton, where payments were made that he carried an organ to Tain ; and in 1512, in preparation for Easter, which he was to celebrate at Linlithgow, " tua pinouris" were paid for " care- ing of the organis of Edinburgh to Linlithgow," and a payment was made at the same time to " tua seruituris at tursit, the chandleris, and Ewcharist of Edinburght to Linlithgow agane pasche." ^ The relics of St. Ninian attracted to his shrine the devout of all ranks down to the time of the Keformation. In a letter of King James V. to Pope Innocent X. he says that pilgrims from England, Ireland, the Isles, and adjoining countries yearly flocked to Whithorn. — (Epist. Eegum Scotice, vol. i. p. 282.) d 1 PREFACE. for the Kingis ofFerand at the hie mes," his " ofFerand on Sanct James bred," and " to the blackfreris thair7' On the 26th of July, he was at Eliotstoun, where he made an offering in the new college. Next day he was in Ayr, where he made a payment to the black friars. On the 28th he made an offering in our Lady Kirk of Kyle, and also to the grey friars of Ayr. On the 29th he was at Crossraguel, where the monks partook of the King's bounty. On the 30th he was at Glenluce, and on the 31st at Whit- horn e, at both of which places he gave sums to his chaplain for distribution. A considerable sum is here entered for " the Kingis offerand in the Kirk in diuerss places," for " the Kingis offerand in the chapell on the hill," and " to preistes tliair, fra the lady maistres."^ On the same day he made an offering to the friars of Wigtown. On the 2d of August he was at Dundrennan, next day at Dumfries. On the 7th he reached Peebles, where he made an offering in the Cross Kirk, and to the priests there. Next day he made an offering in Sanct Katrines of the oly well," and on the ^ In 1506 the King's offerings at Whithorne were as follow :— " At the Rude Altar ; at the fertir in the vtir kirk ; at the reliques at the hye altair ; at the Lady Altar and in the chapel on the hill — ilk place xiiis. and 4d. In the previous year the King offered at Whithorne " ane relique of the Kingis awn siluer" of considerahle weight. ^ Nocht two milis fra Edinbrugh is ane fontane dedicat to Sanct Katrine, quhair sternis of oulie springis ithandlie with sic aboundance that howbeit the samin be gaderit away, it springis incontinent with gret aboundance. This fontane rais throw ane drop of Sanct Katrinis oulie, quhilk wes brocht out of Mont Sinai, fra hir sepulture, to Sanct Margaret the blissit Queue of Scotland. PREFACE. li 9tli of August, after his return home, he made an offering in the church of Kestalrig. The exclusive right of fishing around their island granted to the monks of May, with the tithes of all fish caught by the fishers,^ must have been one of value in the early days of their establishment.^ Sir Kobert Sibbald states that in the beginning of the last century there was good fishing about the island through- out the year, and that many seals were killed upon the east side of it.^ This coincides with the statement of Eobert Gordon of Straloch : — Piscatio circa banc insulam fre- quentissima, piscantur enim ab omni littore Fifano per Als sone as Sanct Margaret saw the oulie spring ithandlie, by divine miracle, in the said place, scho gart big ane chapell thair in the honour of Sanct Katherine. This oulie hes ane singulare virteu aganis all maner of cankir and skawis. — (The History and Chronicles of Scotland, by Hector Boece. Bellen- den's Translation, vol. i. p. xxxviii. Edin, 1821.) ^ From the charters of King Malcolm IV., now printed (pp. 5, 6), it appears that their right to the tithes of fish was established as early as the time of his grandfather, King David I. ^ The Abbot of Holyrood sent his own men to fish at the island, as we may learn from a charter of King William the Lion in his favour, securing him and his men from distraint for any debts except their own while employed in fishing there [Charters of Holyrood, p. 25]. This is not the only instance known to us of a religious house using its own vessel in these times, as we know that David I. released the ship of the Abbot of Dunfermline of the royal tax (Eegistr. de Dunferm., p. 1 2), and the Abbot of Scone sent his ship to the northern seas in the reign of the same monarch (Charters of Scone, No. 73). ' Sibbald's History of Fife, p. 101., edit. 1803. lii PREFACE. totum annum et singulis diebus."^ There were formerly about fifteen fishermen's families on it, but now there are none. " The want of these families is a considerable loss to the general interests of the fisher}^ in the firth ; for placed as sentinels at its entrance, they were enabled to descry and follow ever}' shoal of herrings or other fish that came in from the ocean. The island was only retained for two years by Patrick Learmonth, and on 21st December 1551 it was conferred on Andrew Balfour of Manquhany. On the 12th of May 1558 it was again granted to John Forret of F}Tigask, cum mansione, et hortis, portubusque," but with this pro- vision, which the unsettled times called for, " proviso tamen quod quoties contingat bella et guerre esse inter regnum Scotie, et aliam externam nationem quamcunque, eo quod prefata insula in via maris hostium incursionibus exposita quamdiu hujusmodi bella durauerint, prefati Johannes [etc.], non tenebuntur ad solucionem dicti annue census et canonis sed sunt immunes et liberi a solucione earundem."^ The island then seems to have passed to Allan Lamont, who sold it to Cunningham of Barns. In the year 1635 a tower for a lighthouse was erected by Alexander Cunning- ham of Barns, and we are told that he also built (probably ^ Blaeu's Atlas of Scotland, p. 91. « Sibbald's History of Fife, pp. 101-2 (note). ' Tlie cliarter bears to be granted by James, perpetual commendator of the priory of Pittenweem, and is sealed with the common seal of the chapter of Pittenweem, — " una cum sigillo com muni capital! prioratus Santi Andree in PEEFACE. liii out of the materials of the ruined monastery) a convenient house with accommodations for a family.^ The light on the tower was maintained by a coal-fire on the summit. It was the first light established on the Scottish coasts, and for a long time it was a solitary example. The light continued to be the blaze of a coal-fire till the year 1816, when, the island having been purchased by the Commissioners of Northern Lights from the Duchess of Portland, heiress of John Scott of Balcomie, a beacon with a stationary oil-light was substituted. The islet of The May," of which the history has here been sketched, is about a mile in length by three-quarters of a mile in breadth, and lies about six miles south of Anstruther Wester. It affords excellent pasture for sheep, and it has been asserted that the place is so well adapted for improving the quality of wool that " fleeces of the coarsest-woolled sheep from the worst pastures in Scotland, when put on the island, in the course of one season be- come as fine as satin. Their flesh, also, has a superior flavour ; and rabbits bred on this island have a finer fur than those which are reared on the mainland."^ signum consensus et assensus dictorum dominorum nostrorum superiorum et patronorum." Among the witnesses is Robert Colvill of Cleish, a political adherent of the prior of St. Andrews, who became his Master of the House- hold. — (Chart, of Pittenweem in Adv. Lib. MS.) ^ Sibbald's Hist, of Fife, p. 100 : — " Dominus domo utitur satis commoda sibi et suae familia3 ; in ea enim locus cerevisiarum coctioni aptus, culinse, etc." — (Gordon of Straloch in Blaeu's Atlas of Scotland, p. 91.) Sinclair's Stat. Acc. of Scotland, vol. iii. p. 84 : — " NuUsd illic crescunt liv PREFACE. The monastery Avas placed in a hollow towards the south-east end of the island, sheltered by the higher ground to the west. The fragment now remaining seems to be part of the chapel of St. Adrian/ which, as has been seen, con- tinued to be the resort of pilgrims after the destruction of the church and buildings of the monastery. For the following notes of the ruin, I am indebted to the kindness of my old friend, Mr. T. S. Muir of Leith, whose experience in all matters relating to the early church architecture of Scotland is w^ell known : — " This solitary fragment, which seemingly has been a chapel, stands nearly due north and south by compass, and measures internally, as you will find by the scale on the plan, within a few inches of 32 feet in length. From the character of the two windows in the west wall, I should infer that the building is of thirteenth century date. Their tops are cut out of one stone, obtusely pointed, the inner or rear openings arched semicircularly as in Norman work, and splayed enormously. There is a tall window, as I pre- sume it was, with a round head, in the south end, set square in the wall, and another, likewise fashioned, wanting the head, raised in the north end. The only aperture in the east side of the chapel is a ragged gap near its southern segetes, pascuntur tanien ibi sestate 100 oves et 20 boves circiter." — (Blaeu, p. 91.) ^ The church of the Priory was dedicated to All Saints, and in the char- ters we find references to the chapel or altar of St. Ethernan, and to the chapel of St. Marj- the Virgin (p. 1 9). PREFACE. Iv extremity, which must have been a doorway. Extending eastward of this, and in a line with the south elevation of the building, there is the foundation of a thick wall, trace- able for rather more than forty feet ; so that it is evident the doorway in question did not open on the outside, but was an interior communication between the chapel and some larger building, forming in all likelihood the main structure of the ccenohium. " Since its erection the existing fragment has been subjected to several innovations, though fortunately without being much injured by them. There are (1), a large press or locker in the upper part of the west wall, by the insertion of which the rear arch of the window nearest the north end has been mutilated ; (2), an oven formed in the bottom of the south window ; (3), a circular tower pierced near to its bottom with oillets or shot-holes, partly embracing the south-west corner of the chapel; and (4), a low narrow rectangular building (greatly reduced) showing traces of a vaulted roof running along the entire breadth of the chapel at its north end. The oven is quite a modern interpolation, but the locker, tower, and northern appendage, are of some age, and have evidently been contrived for defensive purposes." There is much rubbish in and around the ruin. The walls are very open, and the lime washed out.^ On the ^ I am glad to be able to record the success of a recent application to the Treasury for the grant of a sum to point the walls and clear out the foundations of this venerable fragment. These operations have just been Ivi PREFACE. floor of tlie church is a stone cofiin with covered head, and a bottom, formed of one stone. The rest was probably com- posed of separate slabs. ^ There is no inhabitable cave on the island, except on the south-east side, where there is a small one at some height from the ground in the rocks, capable of sheltering a single person. It is near the opening in the rocks called " Pilgrim's Haven." On the west side the cliffs assume a picturesque appear- ance, showing a lofty precipitous face, with dark caverns below, into which the sea rushes at each tide. Part of the possessions conferred on the monastery of May by David I. consisted of the lands of Pittenweem. On these arose at an early period the towns of Pittenweem and Wester Anstrutlier, or, as it is styled in the charters, " Anstruther west of the burn."^ completed under the careful directions of Mr. Robert Matheson of H.M. Office of Works, and we may now hope that St. Adrian's Chapel will be pre- served for many years as a memorial of the interesting associations which surround the early history of the island. ^ According to a baseless tradition of very modern date, the fragment of a stone coffin, now in the tower of the church of Anstruther Wester, at one time formed part of this coffin in the chapel of the May, and was carried olf, or, according to another version, it floated across, from the one place to the other. The coffin in St. Adiian's chapel may probably be of the thirteenth century. The island is supposed to belong ecclesiastically to the parish of Anstruther Wester, which, considering the history of the priory, would be a natural result from the early connection existing between the places. ^ It would seem that before the Reformation Pittenweem was in the PREFACE. Ivii Many of the deeds in the chartularies consist of feu- charters of tenements in these towns granted to their vassals by the priors. The manufacture of salt seems to have occupied a considerable position in the trade of the towns, and there are frequent grants of salt-pans on the ground towards the sea. The descriptions of these are mostly in the same terms, the subject being generally represented as a salt-pan, house, and salt-girnell, "volgariter ane salt pann sett with houss and girnall.'' In one case there is granted "una alia domus sive camera jacens contigue cum granali salis prope dictam salinam et lie quarrell hawyn et communem viam publicam ad boream nec non et quedam alia domus sive tenementum cum orto ejusdem jacens prope dictam salinam subtus rupes terrarum husbanda- lium dominij de Pettinweme et usque ad summitatem et cacumen rupium ad fines et limites de lie rigg endis ter- rarum et aliarum husbandalium predictarum ad boream lie quarrell hawyn ad austrum domum fabrilem ad orientem et granale salis saline magistri Petri Strang^ tunc edificate parish of Anstruther Wester. I can discover no record of a parochial church at Pittenweem, and so late as 1634, in the investitures in the lordship of Pittenweem, of Thomas Lord Fenton, and of Alexander Earl of Kelly in 1643, reference is made to the tithes " ecclesiae de Pittenweim nuncupatse Anstruther." — (Index of Retours, Fife, Nos. 504, 642.) ^ The family of Strangs had been long settled in this neighbourhood. The celebrated engraver Sir Robert Strange, descended of Sir Magnus Strang or Strange, subchanter of Orkney from 1544 to 1565, claimed to be representative of the Strangs of Balcaskie. PREFACE. ad occidentem per nos a fundamentis respective constructa edificata et reparata." In some cases to the salt-pan there is added a right of coals : — " Una cum carbonibus sufficientibus ad vsum huiusmodi saline in carbonario nostro de Pettinweme jam per nos acquisito et illo deficiente cum plena [potestate] ipso Thome heredibus suis et assignatis infrascriptis cum aliis suis collegis salinarium infra dictum nostrum dominium pro tempore possessoribus aliud carbonarium seu car- bonaria quociens opus ejus fuerit in aliqua parte seu partibus dicti dominij acquirendi lucrandi et carbones ad vsum dicte saline pro confectione et decoctione salis duntaxat et non alias suis propriis sumptibus effodendi excidendi et ad dictam salinam ducendi et transportandi. . . . Eeddendo inde annuatim tres coleros salis nomine firme canalis sine cane ad duos anni terminos festa videlicet purificacionis beate Marie virginis et ad uin- cula Sancti Petri wlgariter Lammes per equales medias porciones."^ I may add from another charter a description of the husbandlands as preserving some interesting local bound- aries: — Ac etiam tote et integre terre vocate lie husbandlandis extendentes in quindecim acras vel eocirca terre arabilis olim occupate per dictum quondam Johannem Watsoun et Margaretam Strang ejus spousam una cum lie hewes subtus ^ Charter by John, prior of Pittenweem, to an honourable man, Thomas Knj'chtsoun, 7th January 1537. — (Registrum de Pittenweem, p. 24.) • PREFACE. lix rupes habentes ad occidentem limites Sancti Monani usque ad fontem eiusdem Sancti Monani^ ad orientem.^ The history of the buildings of the monastery of Pitten- weem, soon after the time when they were secularised, will be found in an Act of the Scottish parliament, dated 5th June 1592, ratifying the charters made by William Stewart, commendator of Pittenweem, and Walter Scott of Abbots- hall, in favour of the burgh of Pittenweem, of All and Haill that greit houss or greit building of the monasterie of Pettinveme vnder and aboue with the pertinentis, contenand the channonis or monkis fratere and dortour of the said monasterie, with the cellaris beneth and loftis aboue the samyn fratere and dortour, and sic lyk of the westries of the said monasterie vnder and aboue, with thair pertinentis, and of the chaptour chalmer of the same monasterie and cellair ^ This well of St. Monan appears in the Ordnance map of Fife (sheet 26) as "mineral well." ^ Charter by John Roull, j)rior of Pittenweem, to his couzin John Roull, dated 14th March 1541. — (Registrum de Pittenweem, p. 25.) The notices in other two charters are also of some interest : — On 2d September 1542, the prior and convent -granted a charter to Alexander Caddell of a house and garden in Anstruther, bounded on the east by the cemetery of the church of St. Nicholas of Anstruther, for an annual sum to be applied in keeping in repair the choir of that church. — (Registrum, p. 113.) In June 1503 King James IV. disbursed twenty shillings, "that samyn day in Anstrother quhen the king came on land to the preist of An- strother to say ane trentale of messis of Sanct Nicholass." On 15th November 1545 -the prior granted to Robert Pullo and his spouse an acre of land lying near "Lie cortlaiche," having on the east "dictum corklaiche." — (Registrum de Pittenweem, p. 168.) Ix PREFACE. benetli the said chalmer vnder and aboue with all and sindrie thaii' pertinentis, all lyand in the said monasterie of Pettinweme within the Shireffdome of Fyff on the wast pairt of the inner cloiss of the said monasterie, betuix the samyn cloiss on the eist, the new galrie at the eist end of the hall of the said monasterie on the south, the commoun gait kirk-yaird and honssis pertening to James and Williame Stevinsonis respective on the wast, and the wast gardin of the said monasterie on the north pairtis."-^ The following is a list of the Priors known to me : — Achardus is Prior of May {ante 1154).^ Baldwin is Prior of May {ante 1154).^ Eobert, Prior of May {ante 1165), witnesses a charter by King Malcolm lY. giving his peace to all men going into Galloway to settle on the lands of Dunrod, which had been given in alms to the church of Holyrood by FergTis of Galloway.^ Hugh of Mortimer, Prior of May, witnesses a charter of King William the Lion to the monks of Scone " de electione abbatis." Kichard, Bishop of St. Andrews, who died a.d. 1177, is also a witness.^ Ivo, Prior of May, is one of the judges who give sentence ^ Acts of tlie Parliament of Scotland, vol. iii. p. 552. A fragment of the conventual buildings still subsists, and formed the residence of the late vener- able Bishop Low. ^ Carte Prioratus Insule de May, p. 3. ^ See reference to Torfaeus, antea, p. ix. * Munimenta Sancte Crucis, p. 21. Edin. 1840. ' Liber Eccles. de Scon. p. 108. Edin. 1843. PREFACE. Ixi in a cause relating to the church of Maxtoun, between the monastery of Dryburgh and Sir Hugh of Normanville, knight, and Eichard of Normanville (c. 1200)/ John, Prior of May, was present at an ecclesiastical synod held at Perth, a.d. 1206, when a cause between William, Bishop of St. Andrews, and Duncan of Arbuthnott, was decided.^ William is Prior of May before 1214.^ Hugh of Mortun, Prior of May, witnesses two charters by Duncan, Earl of Angus, confirming grants by his father Gillecrist to the monastery of Arbroath. The deed is witnessed by King William the Lion, and the Earl David, his brother, as also by Philip de Mubray {ante 1214).* John, Prior of May, is witness to a charter by Eobert of London, son of William the Lion, to the monks of Dun- fermline, which is also witnessed by Eichard, Bishop of Dunkeld, who died a.d. 1210. John is still Prior of May in 1215.' Adam, Prior of Pittenweem, is witness to a charter by Henry de Candela to the monks of Balmerino of a piece of land at Anstruther, giving right to lead water from a foun- tain " sub Motlau by an underground channel of stone or lead. The charter is said to be dated a.d. 1221.^ ^ Eegistr. de Dryburgh, p. 144. Edin. 1847. 2 Miscellany of the Spalding Club, vol. v. p. 209. Aberd. 1852. ' Carte Prioratus Insule de May, p. 7. * Kegistr. Vetus de Aberbrothoc, pp. 33, 36. Edin. 1848. ^ Eegistrum de Dunfermelyn, pp. 96, 128. Edin. 1842. ^ Liber S. Marie de Balmorinach, p. 37. Edin. 1841. Ixii PREFACE. Eichard, Prior of May, is one of the judges in a cause between the convent of Kilwinning and that of Dryburgh touching the church of Lauder, a.d. 1222.^ N., Prior of May, is judge in a cause touching the right of the Abbey of Dryburgh to the chapel of Glengern, a.d. 1226.' Kalph is Prior of May, a.d. 1233, when he appears along with the rector of the schools of St. Andrews in set- tling a dispute between the Abbot of Dunfermline and Philip of Mowbray relating to the teind-sheaves of Inver- keithing.^ John, Prior of May, is one of the judges who give sen- ^ tence in a cause between the convents of Kilwinning and Dryburgh, a.d. 1248.^^ In 1251 he was elected Abbot of Balmerino.^ Hugh, Prior of May, died a.d. 1269.^ William became Prior of May, a.d. 1269.' The Prior of May was present at the Parliament at Briggeham, a.d. 1289,^ but his name does not appear in the record. Martin is Prior of May in 1313, w^hen he pursues a cause against the monks of Scone. ^ ^ Eegistr. de Dryburgh, p. 61. ^ Registr. de Dryburgh, p. 169. ^ Registr. de Dunfermelyn, p. 138. * Registr. de Dryburgh, p. 226. ^ Chronica de Mailros, pp. 178-9. Edin. 1835. ^ Forduni Scotichronicon, vol. ii. p. 1 1 0. ^ Idem, p. 110, * Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. i. p. 85. ' Liber Eccles, S. Trinitat. de Scon. p. 108. Edin. 1843. PREFACE. Ixiii Walter Daiiidsone is Prior of Pittenweem, a.d. 1479/ Andrew, Prior of Pittenweem, witnesses a resignation of the barony of Auchterhouse in favour of Alexander, Earl of Buchan, 7th February 1498.^ This was Andrew Forman, who became Bishop of Moray in 1501, and Archbishop of St. Andrews in 1514. He held also in commendam the priory of May or Pittenweem, the priory of Coldingham, the abbey of Dryburgh, and the abbey of Dunfermline. Besides his Scotch benefices, he was Archbishop of Bourges in France. He died and was buried at Dunfermline, a.d. 1522.^ Eobert Forman is Commendator of Pittenweem, a.d. 1522.' ^ Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 1 29. 2 Transcript in the Library at Panmure. ^ Liber de Dryburgh, p. xx. note. Bishop Keith's Scottish Bishops, pp. 35, 146 ; Edin. 1824. This celebrated pluralist got the King's licence as his Majestie's " consalour and prothonotar the prior of Pettinweme " on account of his labours in procuring peace and amity between the kingdoms of Scotland and England, " to tak and ressaife be himself, or utheris the said prothonotaris kinnismen or frendis, any maner of beneficis and benefice or pensioun within the realme of In gland, gevin or to be gevin to him or them be the said King of Ingland.— (Registr. Secret. Sigill. 24th May 1498.) * A plea arose between George Strang of Balcasky and Master Eobert For- man, Dene of Gleskow (Glasgow), commendator of Pettinweem, touching the right to certain lands debateable between them. The latter on 4th June 1522 produced the King's letters continuing the case. They narrate of the Commend- ator that " he hes bene in our darrest cosinge and tutour the gouernouris seruice of lang tyme, lyk as he is yet." On the 5th of July there appeared on behalf of Mr. Robert Forman and convent of Pettenweem, Thomas Dischington, baillie of the lands of Pettinweem, and Dene Bartholomo Fore- man, chamberlain of the abbey of Pittinweem ; they produced a second letter Ixiv PREFACE. John Kowle is prior in 1526.^ J ames Stewart, prior of St. Andrews, is Commendator of Pittenweem in 1552. Sir James Balfour of Pittendreich got a gift of the Priory of Pittenweem in 1567.^ James Halyburton is Commendator of Pittenweem in 1574.^ William Stewart, captain of the King's Guard, is styled Commendator of Pittenweem in 1583.^ Frederick Stewart, his son, got the lands of the priory erected into a temporal lordship, with the title of Lord Pittenweem, in 1606.^ again continuing the case. — (Acts of the Sheriff-court of Fife, 1514-22. In H.M. Register House.) ^ John Rowle, as prior of Pettinweem, frequently appears in Parliament among the spiritual lords. His name first occurs in the Parliament held at Edinburgh in 1526, when an Act significant of the times was passed against those who in a lawless way took possession of bishopricks when a vacancy occurred, " and in lykwys enteris in abbais and takkis thame and puttis the samyn in keping in secular mennis handis." — (Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. ii. p. 309.) He was present in the Parliament held in May 1532, when the Court of Session was instituted as " ane college of cunning and wise men, baith of spirituale and temporale estate, for the doing and administracioun of jvstice in all ciuile actionis." — {Idem, p. 335.) In 1542 he is one of the Lords in Parliament for discussing of " domes," and in 1544 he is one of the Lords of the Articles. — {Idem, pp. 411, 446.) In the same year he is one of the Lords of Session. — (Senators of the College of Justice, p. 81.) ^ The Historic of King James the Sext, p. 18. ^ Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. iii. p. 89. * Regist. Mag. Sigill. lib. xxxv. No. 715. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. iv. p. 361. PREFACE. Ixv In conclusion, I have to thank Mr. Albert Way for bringing under my notice the Rotulus Gartarum et Muni- mentorum Scocie, printed at page cxii., and for a care- ful transcript which he made of it. The original roll, which is in the handwriting of the end of the thirteenth or the early part of the fourteenth century, was recently found among the muniments of the Marquis of Exeter, at Eaton Hall, along with other documents relating to the abbey of Heading. It appears to have formed a tabula or index of the documents in the Chartulary of the Priory of May, and, judging from its title, to have been constructed at a time when that establishment belonged to the abbey of Eeading, and when the scribe was referring to its possessions in Scot- land. Of this Chartulary no trace has been found after every attempt to discover it. It is a consolation for the loss of this volume that a transcript of some of the more interesting original docu- ments was made at an early period, which is now preserved in the Public Record Office, London. This exemplification was made at the instance of the Abbot of Reading in the year 1307, at which time the original charters must have been in his possession. If these had been delivered to the Bishop of St. Andrews when he purchased the Priory about the year 1270,^ they ^ It has already been stated (p. xxiii.), on the authority of Fordim, that the purchase was made by William Wishart, Bishop of St. Andrews, and, as it e Ixvi PREFACE. must have been restored to the Abbot in the course of the legal proceedings which ensued. I have been unable to discover any record of these pro- ceedings subsequent to the citation of King John Baliol by Edward, to appear before him as Lord Paramount (Appendix to Preface, p. Ixxxix.), the issue of which was anticipated by the subjection of the former in July 1296. It would seem probable that the title of the Abbot to the Priory of May had been restored during the English sway in Scotland. However this may be, the letters- patent in his favour were granted by Edward when that monarch was at Camboc in Cumberland, on his way to put down what he viewed as the rebellion of Eobert Bruce, and only four months before his warlike career was closed at Burgh-on-the-Sands, on 7th July 1307. The exemplifica- tion of the charters would seem to imply the continuance of proceedings by which the abbot hoped to maintain his grasp of the priory, and may indicate that he was as unpre- would seein, soon after the death of Hugh, Prior of May in a.d. 1269. The bishop's death took place in 1279, while the deed by which the priory was united to the convent of St. Andrews, appears to have been granted by William Fraser, his successor in the see. — (Appendix to Preface, p. xviii.) The editors of the last edition of Dugdale's Monasticon, on the authority of Spottiswoode ascribe the purchase to William Lamberton, Bishop of St. Andrews (vol. iv. pp. 32, 61), and the same statement is made by Bishop Keith in his Historical Catalogue of the Scottish Bishops (p. 22, edition 1824). It is clear, however, that this is an error. Eobert de Burghate, the Abbot of Beading, who sold the priory, resigned his office in 1287, and William Lamberton did not become Bishop of St. Andrews till 1298. PREFACE. Ixvii pared as his sovereign for the turn of affairs which put an end to the pretensions of both. From this source the first part of the present collection has been printed/ and the Society is indebted to Mr. Duffus Hardy, the Deputy-keeper of the Public Eecords, for permission to have the necessary trans- cripts and a facsimile of part of the Eoll made.^ In printing the Roll I have thought it permissible to break it up, so as to exhibit separately the charters exempli- fied. Portions of the record are given in facsimile.^ The lines in the upper part of the page contain the expression, " Inuerrin que fuit Auerni,'' and the address to the " Gille- serfis of Clacmannan," on which I have elsewhere com- mented.* In the second portion will be found the letters patent of King David to the monks of Rindalgros, de- scribing that house as a Cell of May, while at the bot- tom is the commencement of the Rotulus Cartarum et Munimentorum Scocie. The second portion of the charters was fortunately recorded in the Register of the Priory of St. Andrews, and ^ I ought to state that the present volume is the result of a suggestion which I made to the Society for printing the lesser chartularies still in manuscript, such as those of Cambuskenneth, Inchcolm, Cupar, Pluscardine, May, and Kinloss. The suggestion was adopted, and a resolution passed to commence the series with the " Charters of the Priory of May." 2 In Dugdale's Monasticon (vol. iv. pp. 60, 62) the charters Nos. i. ii. iii. and xii. are printed from the same record. ^ See page of facsimiles fronting the title page. 4 See pp. x. and Ixxvii. Ixnii PREFACE. has now been reprinted from that valuable record. It will be seen, on reference to the " Eotulus Cartarum/' that many of these had also been transcribed into the Chartulary of May, while several deeds, which formed part of that collection, and of which we have only the titles, are not now to be found. I have already described the registers from which the documents in the Appendix to the Preface have been tran- scribed (pp. xxxii. xxxvi.) The "Eegistrum Cartarum de Pittenweem,'' from which the deeds of alienation, and other illustrative papers have been selected, is now among the charters of the lands of Elie, belonging to the trustees of the late Mr. William Baird. To them I have been indebted for the use of the volume. It is written in the common hand of the sixteenth century. As specimens of the ornamental style of a Scottish scribe of that time, I have given in facsimile four initial letters of charters which have been written with considerable ela- boration.^ I have not been able to discover a complete seal of the Priory of May. A fragment of what may have been a seal of the house is engraved by Dr. Gordon in his "Monasti- con," vol. i. p. 136. In a volume of drawings of seals by General Hutton, in the library of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, the author gives an oval seal, much broken and 1 See plate of facsimiles at p. Ixx. The first letter 0 occurs in the word Omnibus,'' the other three from the words " Universis," give various forms of the letter U (Registrum, pp. 3, 6, 10, 13). PREFACE. Ixix defaced, as that of the Priory of Pittenweem. It represents an ecclesiastic under a canopy, in the attitude of benediction, having the letter S on one side and the letter A on the other, and is obviously the same seal as that engraved by Dr. Gordon. The only part of the legend on General Hutton's seal is the words sancti adr, and the inscription on Dr. Gordon^s is quite illegible. In the preparation of the volume I have received much useful information from the Eev. Walter Wood, M.A., of Elie, author of "The East Neuk of Fife.^^ To Mr. Joseph Burtt, of the Public Kecord Office, London, I have to return thanks for collating portions of the printed proofs with the original EoU, to Dr. Peeves for reading some of the proof sheets, and to the courtesy of Mr. Thomas Dickson, of H.M. General Register House, I have been frequently indebted in making the selections from the Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer, printed in the Ap- pendix to the Preface. JOHN STUART. November 1868. ■\rS:A,K:.Jplini.t."i NOTES TO PKEFACE. NOTE A. The Gilleserfs of Clackmannan. — Page xi. The King's Charter here referred to, besides the usual address to .his bishops, abbots, earls, sheriffs, provosts, and ministers or thanes, is also directed to the Gilleserfis of Clacmanec. We have frequent instances, in our earliest records, of witnesses whose Christian names attest the popular reverence for one or other of the saints — such as Gilla-colm, the servant of St. Columba ; Gilla- adamnan, the servant of St. Adamnan ; Gilla-peter, the servant of St. Peter ; Gilla-andres, the servant of St. Andrew ; Gilla-comghain, the servant of St. Congan ; Gilla-patraic, the servant of St. Patrick ; and Killeserf (or Gilla-serf), the servant of St. Serf ^ The term in question, however, does not refer to an individual, but to certain officers in the shire of Clacmannan, known as the " servants of St. Serf," and it is the only instance of which I am aware where such a designation occurs in a Scotch charter.^ ^ Mr. W. F. Skene, who lias contributed so largely to our knowledge of the early- Celtic polity of Scotland, has drawn my attention to some analogous cases where the name of a saint was borne by people connected with the church of which he is patron. He writes — "There seems, from the chartulary of Lennox, to have been hereditary deans of Luss, and in a charter (p. 96) to Maldoun, son of Gillemore, son of Maldoun, dean of Luss, of the lands of Luss, among the witnesses is Gilmahessog, son of Gillemore. Mahessog was patron saint of Luss. Again, in Eoseneath (anciently Neueth), we have Michael Gilmodyn, parson of Neueth, and Gilmoihan, son of the Sacristan (Orig, Paroch., vol. i. p. 28), Saint Modan was patron of Eoseneath. '* Then Gillafaelan appears in the genealogy of the Macnabs, or Mac-an-aba, son of the abbot. Their lands were in Glendochart, and they were probably descended from lay abbots. Faelan was patron saint, his name remaining in StrathfiUan." 2 The part of the charter-roll in which the Avords occur, is represented in the plate of facsimiles facing the title-page. Ixxii NOTES. In some cases we have charters addressed to the people belong- ing to a certain church. Thus a writ of David I., relating to the payment of customs due to the church of Dunfermline, is addressed to Constantine the Earl — "Et omnibus pertinentibus ad ecclesiam Sancte Trinitatis hominibus."^ In others the people of a district occur, as in a writ of King Malcolm IV., which is addressed along with certain persons by name — " Et omnibus probis hominibus tocius Eif."2 That the district around Clackmannan was connected with St. Serf at an early period, either as lying within the territory of his monastery at Culross, or of some religious house founded by him, seems plain from various circumstances. When St. Serf met St. Adamnan at Inchkeith, he is represented as asking him, — " Quomodo disponam familie et sociis meisi" The answer was, — " Habitent terram Fif et a monte Britannorum usque ad montem qui dicitur Okhel."^ I cannot say what hill is meant by the mons Britannorum ; but it seems clear that the territory thus described comprehended the west of Fife along the base of the Ochils. In this district most of the recorded ^ Registrum de Dunfermelyn, p. 13. ^ Registrum de Dunfermelyn, p. 25. ^ Life of St. Serf, in Skene's Chronicles of the Picts and Scots, p. 416. Alva, the neighbouring church to Clackmannan, and in which Tullybody is situated, was dedicated to St. Serf, and we learn that part of the kirk lands lay be- tween the W dl of St. Serf and the church (charter of Sir Alexander of Striveling, Knight, confirms to God, St. Mary, and St. Serf, and the church of St. Serf of Alueth (Alva), an acre of ground in the village of Alueth — to wit, that which is nearest St. Serf's "Well between the well and the church Registr. Monasterii de Cambusken- neth. No. 14, MS. in Adv. Lib.) By another deed in the same register, "Contra capellam de Alway," addressed by the Bishop of St. Andrews " Capellano parocliiali ecclesie de Clakmannane," it is declared that the men living in the lands or lordship of Alway are bound to assist in the repairs of the parish church of Clackmannan along with the other parishioners of said church (No. 19). The church of TuUy- coultry, which marches with Alva and Clackmannan on the west, was also dedi- cated to St. Serf. King Robert Bruce confirmed to the monks of Cambuskenneth " Ac Sancto Servano de Tullecultry," ten acres of arable ground within the territory of Tullecultry, granted to them by Colin Cambell, Lord of Tullicultry, son and heir of the late Nigel Cambell. — (Registr. Monasterii de Cambuskenneth, Nos. 215, 216.) NOTES Ixxiii miracles of the Saint were wrought, as we learn from Wyntoun's de- scription : — " In Tiilybothy ane il spyryte, A crystyn man that tyme taryit. Of that spyryte he was than Delyveryd throuch that haly man. In Twlycultry, til a wyfe Twa swnnys he rasyd fra dede to lyf. This haly man had a ram, That he had fed up of a lame, And oysyd hym to folow ay Quhare-ewyre he passyd in hys way : A thefe this schepe in Athren^ stall, And ete him up in pesis all. Quhen Sanct Serf hys ram had myst, Quha that it stall, wes few that wyst : On presumptyowne nevyrtheles He that it stall arrestyd wes ; And til Saynt Serfe syne wes he broucht That schepe, he sayd, that he stall noucht; And thare-til for to swere an athe, He sayd, that he wald noucht be lathe ; But sone he worthyd rede for schame, The schepe there bletyd in hys wame, Swa wes he tayntyd schamfully And at Saynt Serf askyd mercy." CronyJcil, Book v. c. 1 2. Another miracle of St. Serf was performed at Dunning, on the north side of the Ochils, where he slew a dragon with the point of his bachal in a glen, which, from this event, was called " Vallis draconis."^ The parish of Dunning was dedicated to St. Serf, and here he had a cell in which he died.^ 1 Athren, or Airthrey, is in the parish of Logie, which adjoins that of Alva. ^ In the immediate neighbourhood of Dunning is a spot called Dragon'' s Den. — (Sinclair's Stat. Ace, vol. xx. p. 439.) ^ Life of St. Serf, in Skene's Chronicles of the Picts and Scots, p. 420. Ixxiv NOTES. In the light of many intimations in our early chronicles and records, we may regard it as certain that, before the period of parishes, the monastic institutions of Celtic Alba were numerous, and scattered throughout the country. If, therefore, the " families " or conventual bodies in the west of Fife, were established by St. Serf and his followers, and his memory was thus held in reverence in later times by the people belonging to the churches founded on the monastic territories, the term Gilleserfis might be applied to the occupants of these lands,^ or to the men who, like the coarbs and herenachs of Ireland, administered the monastic possessions ; just as the ministri, who are also addressed in the charter, were the thanes or stewards who managed the demesne lands of the Crown. ^ ' The " Braudaues" of Bute, mentioned by Forduu, a people or tribe on that island, who seem to have been so named from their relation to St. Brendan, the great saint of Bute, and to have lived on the lands of the High Steward as nativi, may have been of the same character. — (Scotichronicon, vol. ii. p. 315.) See also Orig. Paroch., vol. ii. p. 210. 2 Clackmannan was part of the demesne lands of our early sovereigns, and it may have come into their hands, as in the case of the Boar-Chase of St. Andrews and other monastic territories, at the time when many of the early Celtic institutions became secu- larised. We know that at least a part of the lands originally granted to St. Kegu- lus, and afterwards secularised, was re-granted to the canons of St. Andi-ews by Alexander 1. and his brother David I., and as we find from the Chartulary of Cambuskenneth that King David conveyed to the monks of Carabuskenneth the church of Clackmannan, with forty acres of land, we maybe allowed to conjecture that this also was a restoration, for ecclesiastical purposes, of part of the territory of one of St. Serf's monasteries, the occupants of which were known as his servants or followers, "The Gille-Serfis of Clacmanan. " — (Registr. de Cambuskenneth, No. 57). Besides the gi'ant to the monks of the Isle of May of commonty in his forest of Clackmannan, the king conferred on the canons of St. Andrews the right of taking timber for their building from the same forest. — (Registr. Priorat. S. Andree, p. 183.) We have later notices, in the public Records, of the Park and Forest of Clackmannan, which continued in the Crown for upwards of two centuries after the time of King David's grant. In 1359 tlie Sheriff of Clackmannan charged himself with 46s. 8d. for foggage of the forest of Clackmannan (Chamberlain Rolls, vol. i. p. 324) ; about the same time it is recorded, "Parens de Clacmannane valuit antea xls. , et foresta de Clacman- nane etc., valuit c. s., nunc pendimt in manu domini Robert! de Erskjme. — (Acts of the Scottish Parliaments, vol. i. p. 169.) David II. confirmed " Johanni de Meneteth, et Marie spouse sue, filie et heredi quondam Johannis de Strivilyne militis, ilia duo officia, vicecomitatus de Clacmanan, et forestarii foreste ejusdem, que officia dicta Maria in sua \dduitate resignavit. NOTES. Ixxv una cum maiisioiie forestarii, et terris ad earn pertinentibus in dicta foresta, et pascua et pastura duodecim vaccarum et earuni sequela trium annorum, sex jumentorum et eorum sequela trium annorum, et sex porcorum fertilium et earum sequela trium annorum, in et per totam dictam forestam, tam de nocte quam de die, annuatim, cum ceteris animalibus in eadem pastis (Transcript in General Hutton's Collections, MS. Adv. Lib.) Robert II., on 23d October 1382, granted a charter to William de Meneteth, son and heir of Mariot of Striulyn, daughter and heir of the late John of Strivelyn, knight, of the lands of Wester Kers and Alveth, in the shire of Stir- ling, as also the offices of Sheriff and Forester of Clacmanan (The Stirlings of Keir and their Family Papers, by Mr. Fraser, p. 200). NOTE B. Extracts from the Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. {The King's voyages to the Isle of May.) 1490. Item, on Fry day the xxj May qulien the king past hi a boyt fra Leytht to May, til hiself xx^i angeUis . xxiij U. 1503. Item, the third day of Junij, to ye hermit of May be the kingis command . . . . ix s. Item, the said day to the tua botis that toUit the kingis schip in the He of Maij .... xviij s. Item, to the bote [that] brocht the kingis folkes on land in Maij . . . . . v s. ij d. Item, to the bote that hed the clerkis of the kingis chapell to Maij to sing the mes thair . . xviij s. Item, to the bote that landit the king in Anstrother that day . . . . . vij s. Item, to Eobert Bertoun, marinar, that salit the litill schip with the king to Maij, be the kingis command, V Frensch crounis — summa . . iij lib. x s. Item, the third day of Junij the king passit to Maii, to his offerand thair .... xxviij s. Item, to the preistes to say thre trentales messis thair iij lib. 1503. 3 June. Item, that samyn day in Anstrother, quhen the king com on land to the preistis of Anstrother to say ane trentale of messes of Sanct Nicholass . . . . . xx s. Item, the ferd day of Junij in Craill, to the preistes thair ...... y lib. NOTES. Ixxvii Item, to the kingis offerand thair, at the mess, and on the bred .... xxviij s. Item, that samyn day thairefter, in Sanct Monanes, to the kingis offerand .... xiiij s. Item, to the kingis offerand on the bred thair . xiiij s. Item, to the preistes and freres thair . . xiiij s. Item, to the preist that sang the mes, be the kingis command . . . . . x s. 1505. [6 July].. Item to Johne Merchamestoun to pass to Kingorn Disert and Kyrkawdy, to seik marynares agane the king passing to May . . . xiiij s. Item, ye viij day of July to the marinares of Robert Bertounis schip for viij dayis wages . . xij lib. Item, to other xx marinaris brocht furth of Fyf be Johne Merchamestoun, thair olkis wage . . x li. [9 July]. Item, to ye botemen passand to the schip . ix s. Item, ye x day of Julij, to an wricht in Maij, of drink- silver . . . . . • ij s. vj d. Item, in Maij to the botemen that landit the men furth of schippes . . . . . ix s. Item, ye xj day of Julij, to the boteman that landit the king at the Blaknes .... xiiij s. [29 July]. Item, that samyn day to the king himself in his avn purss, quhen he passit to saill, i^ Frensch crounis — summa .... Ixx lib. Item, to wiffes that passit in to ye schip and wrocht efter scho passit furth in the havin of Leith . ix s. Item, that day to ye men that rowit the king on burd to the schippes quhen he salyt to Maij . . vi s. Item, the penult day of July to the men that rowit the king fra his schippes to Maij, and to the schippes agane . . . . . vij s. Item, the first day of August, to the Rude preist of Carale be the kingis command . . . xiiij s. Ixxviii NOTES. Item, that day, to the botemen that rowit the king fra Carail to Maij, and fra Maij to Caraill . xxviij s. Item, to Sir Symon ane preist of Caraill, of belcher, quhair the king dynyt . . . . ix s. Item, to the botemen that brocht the kingis stuf, and the maister cuke with the kingis souper fra the schip to Maij, and fra Maij to the schip agane . ix s. Item, [that] day, to the heremit of Maij, be the kingis comand . . . . . .vs. iiij d. Item, the secund day of August, to the botemen of Kingorne to bring the king fra the schip to the land, and to the schip agane . . . xiiij s. Item, the xxij day of August, payit to the Abbot of Cambuskenneth quhilk he laid doun to the men- strales in the kingis schip quhen scho wes at Mail xxviij s. 1506. Item, the x day of Julij, in Maij, to the kingis offerand in his tua candillis, ii French crounis — summa ...... xxviij s. Item, to the kingis offerand on the bred thair . xiiij s. Item, to Sir Gilbert Haldane to dispone to the preiste of Petinweme . . . . .iiij li. Item, to the preist of Maij . . . . xx s. Item, the penult day of Julij, to the kingis offerand in Maij ..... xxviij s. Item, that samyn day to the quenis offerand, offerit be the kingis comand .... xiiij s. Item, that day to the preist of Maij . . xiiij s. Item, that samyn nycht (1 Aug.) in Maij, to the kingis offerand quhen the king passit on burd to his schip at evin ..... xiiij s. 1507. Item, the xxv day of August, to the heremit of Maij xiiij s. Item, to the botemen that hed in the kingis dynar, and the cuke to dicht his [mes in] Maij . . xiiij s. Item, to the botemen that hed the king to Maij and agane to Carail ..... xlij s. NOTES. Ixxix Item, to ane othir bote that hed the kingis folkis to Maij and agane . . . . . ix s. Item, the xxvj day of August to the preist of Crail quhair the king lugeit, in belcheir . . xxviij s. Item, to the wricht of Maij in drinksiluer . . iij s. 1508. [8 Mar.] Item, that day to the heremyt of Maij that brocht ane selch to the king . . . xiiij s. [30 Apr.] Item, to the said Robert (Bertoun) he gaif for ballasting of his schip callit the Lioun quhen the king passit to Maij the zeir bipast . . xlij s. Item, the last day of Junij to the heremit of Maij . xiiij s. Item, that day to ane bote of Anstrother that hed the king to Maij and agane to Pettinweme . xxviij s. Item, to ane row bote that hed the king about the Isle of Maij to schut at fowlis with the culveryn . xvi d. Item, to other thre botes of Pettinweme that hed in the kingis folkes and chanounis, with pairt of lardis of the contree . . . . . Is. [1 Jul.] Item, to the wricht in Maij in drinksiluer . xiiij s. Item, to the portar of Pettinweme . . . ij s. [2 Jul.] Item, to Thomas Hewch, quhilk passit witht his bote to Maij witht the kingis victales and agane to Leith ...... iij li. {The King's journey to St. Duthac's at Tain.) 1497. Item [Oct.], passand to Sanct Duthois to the feryar of Dee . . . . . . xj s. vj d. Item, to the piparis of Abirden be the kingis com- mand ...... xviij s. Item, to the gray freres thair . . . xl s. Item, for the kingis hors met in Abirden, ane nycht . iiij s. Item, at the Kirk of Keth to the gudwif of the houss be the kingis command .... xviij s. Item, to the prest that sed mes to the king thair . xvj d. Item, to the feriar of Spey . . . xviij s. Ixxx NOTES. Item, to the blak freres of Elgin . . xiij s. iiij d. Item, giffin to the friares of Ardroseir and Cromerti x s. Item, to the kingis offerand in Tayn ii demys, ane lew, ane unicorn — summa . . . iii lib. ii s. ii d. Item, cummand hame agane, giffin at the tua ferjds be the kingis command .... xxxvj s. {The King's Journeys to St. Duthac's, 1504 and 1505.) 1504. Item, the v day of October to Jacob edmanistoun for tursing of the kingis doggis to loch Canmor . xiiij s. Item, the ix day of November to the botemen of loch Canmor be the kingis command . . . xiiij s. Item, that samyn day to ane man that provit the watter of Don before the king . . . ix s. Item, that samyn day for tursing of the doggis to Dernway . . . . . vii s. Item, to Peter Crechtoun he gaif be the kingis com- mand to ane blind man in Loch Canmor . . vs. Item, that nycht in Strabogy to the king to play at the cartis, xx frensche crownis, summa . . xiiij lib. Item, that nycht in Dernway to the king to play at the cartis . . . . . xx s. Item, for ane gosehalk at the Eede Castell, v frensche crownis . . . . . .iii lib. x s. Item, to ane man of Lord Louetis brocht tua quyk wild geyss to the king .... iiij s. Item, for rashes to the kingis chalmer in Dernway . iij s. 1505. Item, the xv day of October to the four Italen men- strales and the More tabrouner, to ther hors met xlv s. Item, that samyn nycht to the king to the cartis xx french crownis, and tynt, — summa . xv lib. viij s. Item, that samyn nycht in Dunnottir, to the chield plajdt on the monocordis be the kingis command . xviij s. Item, to the pur folkis at Dunottir be the kingis command ..... xviij s. NOTES. Ixxxi Item, the xvi day of October in Abirdcne to Pat(^ Sinclair ...... xviij s- Item, to the wrichtis and masons of Abirdcne of drinksiluer . . . . . Ixi s. Item, to the piparis of Abirdene be command . xviij s. Item, that nycht to the falcineris in Inneroiiry, the king being in Fintree, to ther expensis . . viii s. Item, the xix day of October to the maddins of Forres that dansit to the king . . . . ix s. Item, to the maddins that dansit at Elgin, siclike . xi s. vi d. Item, to the maddins that dansit at Dernway . xiiii s. Item, the xx day of October, in the canonry of Kos, to Johne Goldsmyth for tursing of the organis to Tayn, and hame again .... iiij lib. Item, to ane man of the bischop of Ros gaif ane halk to the king ..... xxviii s. Item, to the four Italien menstrales and the More ta- brouner, to their hors met . . . xlv s. Item, to the feryaris of Ardrosier . . . xiiii s. Item, to Robert Mertoun to pas our the water with the goshalk . . . . . x s. Item, to the Beschop of Ros man of Bridil siluer . xiiii s. Item, in Tayn to the man that beris Sanct Duthois bell . . . . . . iii s. Item, to the lard of Balnagownis harper, be command xiiii s. Item, the xxvii day of October to ane man to pas to lord Forbes with the kingis writingis . . vs. Item, to the nuris of Dernway be command . xxviij s. Item, to the feryaris of Ardrosier cumand hame again x s. Item, the xxix day of October to the feryaris of Spey ix s. Item, that samyn nycht in Strathbolgy to the men- strales and the More to ther hors met . . xiiii s. Item, the samyn day to Alexander Law falconer to pas to Finlater for ane halk . . . vii s. / Ixxxii NOTES. Item, the first day of November to the piparis in Abirdene ..... xxviii s. Item, payit to Martin bailze he laid doun to ane wif in Innerowry quhar the king baytit . xiiii s. ii d. Item, to the said Martin he gaif to pur folkis ther ii s. Item, to him he gaif for mending of Johne Eouches sadil in Aberdene . . . . xii d. Item, to the said Martin he laid doun to ane bote in fraucht at the ferry of Ardrosier with the kingis bed, sadilis and childes . . . . iii s. id. {The King's journey to St. Ninian's at Whithorn.) 1504. Item, the xxiij day of Julij in Dumbertane to Sir Andro Makbrek . . . . . xl s. Item, the xx day of Julij to Sir Andro to dispone . xx s. Item, that day to the kingis offerand on Sanct James bred ...... xiiij s. Item, to the kingis offerand at the hie mes . . xiiij s. Item, to the blak freris thair . . . xx s. Item, the xxvj day of Julij in Eliotstoun to the kingis offerand in the new college . . . xiiij s. Item, to the preistis thair . . . . xx s. Item, the xxvij day of Julij in Air to ye blak freres xiiij s. Item, the xxviij day of Julij to the kingis offerand in our lady kirk of Kile .... xiiij s. Item, to Sir Andro Makbrek to dispone thair . v lib. Item, that samyn day to him to the gray freres of Air xxviij s. Item, the xxix day of Julij to the monks of Cross- raguell . . . . . . xx s. Item, the penult day of Julij in Glenluss to Sir Andro Makbrek . . . . . xx s. Item, the last day of Julij in Quhithern to Sir Andro to dispone ..... v lib. Item, to the kingis offerand in the kirk in diuerss places, iiij Frensche crounis — summa . . Ivj s. NOTES. Ixxxiii Item, to the kingis offerand in the chapell on the hill xiiij s- Item, to preistis thair, fra the lady maistres . xiiij s. Item, that samyn day to the freres of Wigtoun . xiiij s. [August]. Item, the secund day of August to the monks of Dundranane . . . . xx s. Item, the thred day of August to the freres of Drum- freiss ...... xiiij s. Item, the ferd day of August to Sir Andro Makbrek to dispone . . . . . xl s. Item, the vij day of August to the kingis offerand in the corsskirk of Peblis .... xiiij s. Item, to the preistis thair . . . . iij lib. Item, the viij day of August to the kingis offerand in Sanct Katrines of the oly well . . xiiij s. Item, the ix day of August to the kingis offerand in Lestalrig ..... xiiij s. APPENDIX TO PREFACE. I.— PROCEEDINGS relative to the Claim of the Abbot and Convent of Reading on the Priory of the Isle of May. — 1293-1292. Placitum abbatis de Rading de prioratu de May. — 10th February 1292.^ Frater Johannes de Sottone monachus de Radingis et magister Hugo de Staunforthe clericus asserentes se esse procuratores et actornatos Willelmi Abbatis de Redingis proferunt quoddam scriptum procura- torium in hec verba : — Vniuersis sancte matris ecclesie ad quorum noticiam peruenerit hec scriptura Willelmus permissione diuina abbas monasterii Radingensis et eiusdem loci conuentus vnanimis salutem in omnium saluatore. Ad petendum et recipiendum prioratum nostrum de May in Scocia seu possessionem eiusdem cum omnibus et singulis ad dictum prioratum pertinentibus, seu ad petendum et recipiendum residuum pecunie dudum conuente pro eodem vna cum omnibus fructubus et prouentibus de eodem prioratu perceptis, ac etiam ad transigendum conponendum et ad regiam confirmacionem super ipsa transaccione seu composicione per nos facienda, inpetrandum, et eidem consenciendum ac dictum negocium nomine nostro et ecclesie nostre Radingensis prout nobis melius vide- bitur expedire fideliter terminandum, dilectos nobis in Christo fratrem Johannem de Sutton commonachum domus nostre et magistrum Hugonem de Staunford clericum nostrum presencium portitores, nos- 1 Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, vol. i, p. 90, where a portion of the Roll is given in facsimile. // Ixxxvi APPENDIX TO PREFACE. tros orclinauimus facimus et constituimus procuratores seu actornatos per presentes. Dantes eisdem generalem potestatem et mandatum specials nomine nostro et ecclesie nostre Eadingensis omnia et singula premissa expediendi, et ad curiam domini nostri regis Anglie illustris appellandi et appellacionem ipsam prosequendi et omnia alia faciendi, per que dictum negocium legitime poterit expediri Ratum et gratum habentes et liabituri quicquid dicti procuratores nostri fecerint in premissis. Hoc idem omnibus et singulis quorum interest, tenore presencium significamus. In cuius rei testimonium presentibus sigilla nostra apposuimus. Datum in capitulo nostro Radingensi sextodecimo kalendas Februarii anno Domino M°. cc°. nonogesimo secundo. Et preterea protulerunt quamdam peticionem de prioratu de May que quidem peticio attachiata est huic rotulo. Et preterea in fine parliamenti requisitum fuit a predictis pro curat oribus et actornatis si parati essent soluere domino episcopo Sancti Andree mille et centum marcas sterlingorum quas idem episcopus soluerat Roberto nuper ab- bati de Radingis et eius procuratoribus seu actornatis. Qui dixerunt quod ad aliquam solucionem faciendam eidem episcopo de aliqua summa pecunie hue missi non fuerunt nec ad hoc se obligare voluerunt et suplicauerunt domino regi quod peticio ipsorum in eodem statu quo nunc est remanere posset usque ad proximum parliamentum ut interim consulere possint abbatem de Radingis et dominum regem Anglie et licet ad proximum parliamentum venire non possent quod propter hoc non occasionarentur usque ad aliud parliamentum sequens. Peticio Abbatis. A nostre seingneur le rey de Escose, e, a soun counsail, mustrent le abbe et le couent de Redinges ke come la mesone nostre seigneur le rey de Engleterre de Redyngis par le bon rey Dauy de Escoce fust feffe, e, enamonee, de la priourete de May en Escoce, of tote les apurtenaunces, ke valent per, an, quatre cent mars, ou plus, fesant, en mesme le lev, le seruice deu pour lui e les almes ses auncestres, e ses successurs, pour nefe moynes, de la mesone de Redinges avaunt dite, mesme cele priourte lour est aloingne per la folie e vne sote vente ke le Abbe Robert lour APPENDIX TO PREFACE. Ixxxvii predecessur, e vne partie des autre moynes ke furent de sa couyne ke poer ne aveyent la chose vendre ne aloigner de issi come ceste vente fust fete, encontre le gre e lassent des eignes, e plus sages de la mesoun, e, mement, encontra lassent, nostre seingneur le rey de Engletere patroun e avowe de la mesone de Eedinges avaunt dite, e encontre lassent, le rey Descose patroun, e avowe de la mesone de May, com a eel tens, rey de Escoce ne avoit, e encountre deu, e tote resoun feisent, a Williame Euesk de Saint Andreu, ke coe est, pour m\ libris des queus il ne ad paie a celui Eobert, fees ke. cc. lib. quatorze mars mains la quele vente fust fete, a le avaunt dit euesk ki poer ne avoit la chose achater par la resoun, qe a eel tens il fev chef gardein du reaume Descoce e sermente de garder le reaume, e le estat le rey ke fust a venir, saunz blenusse- ment, e checune manere de aniemisement e par la resoun ke le reaume Descoce, adunk feu saunz rey, por le quel fet, le avauntdit abbe Eobert est depose e, e ceux de sa covine mis en destresse e en garde. De autre part prient lavaunt dit abbe et le covent de Eedingis nostre seigneur le rey Descoce, e, soun counsail ke rendev lor saient les fruz, e les issues de lavaunt dite priourete en le mentens ke amountera quatre annes entre- ment le iour de Palmes ke prochein, vendra, de issi com prest sunt a fere e le avaunt dit euesqe quaunk il fere deyuent par resoun e par le agard nostre seigneur le rey Descoce, e soun counseil de ceste choses prient lavaunt dit abbe, e, soun couent nostre saigneur le rey de Escoce e, soun counseil qe, pite lor preingne de tel fet e ke il voilent mettre, tel reme- die e tel counsail, ke la mesoun nostre seingneur le rey da Engleterre, e la sowe, ne seit issinc descrite e lor amone destrue. Eex Scotise citatur ad respondendum super appellatione abbatis Eading.^ Eex et superior dominus regni Scotie, dilecto et fideli suo Johanni eadem gracia regi Scotie illustri salutem, Fratre Alano de Eston et magistro Hugone de Staunford procuratoribus sive attornatis religioso- rum virorum abbatis et conventus monasterii Eading quod de ele- mosinis progenitorum nostrorum regum Anglie et nostris est funda- tum, exponentibus accepimus, quod cum Celebris memorie dominus David ^ Rotuli Scotice, i. p. 19. Ixxxviii APPENDIX TO PREFACE. quondam rex Scotie, predecessor vester, monasterium predictum et mon- aclios ibidem tunc Deo servientes et successores suos de prioratu de May cum pertinentiis diocesis Sancti Andree infra regnum vestrum per cartam suam in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam feofasset, ita videlicet quod iidem monachi et successores sui, prioratui predicto per novem de commonachis suis sacerdotibus pro anima prefati regis David, et animabus predecessorum et successorum suorum regum Scotie divina celebrantibus, imperpetuum facerent deserviri, et prefati monachi suc- cessoresque sui prioratum predictum cum omnibus suis pertinentiis per feoffamentum huiusmodi semper pacifice tenuissent, quousque quidam Eobertus de Burghgate nuper abbas monasterii predicti, predecessor pre- dicti abbatis, prioratum predictum, dissentiente majore et saniore parte conventus sui, nobisque inconsultis, venerabili patri Willelmo episcopo Sancti Andree alienavit, in nostri preiudicium, et exheredationem dicti monasterii manifestam. Cumque iidem procuratores sive attornati ad vestram presentiam accesserint, et vos instanter et pluries requisierint quod ipsos in iure predictorum abbatis et conventus curaretis audire, et super petitione sua quam faciebant de prioratu prsedicto cum pertinen- tiis sibi facere jus et justitie complementum, offerentes se paratos docere de predicto jure ipsorum abbatis et conventus in forma debita coram vobis, vos habito processu diutino super premissis inter partes memora- tas coram vobis, pretextu cujusdam appellacionis conficte ab audientia vestra per prefatum episcopum ad sedem apostolicam interjecte, cui minus provide ut dicitur detulistis, in ipso negotio ulterius procedere non cur- antes, eisdem procuratoribus sive attornatis audientiam in hac parte contra justitiam denegastis, propter quod iidem procuratores seu attor- nati nomine predictorum abbatis et conuentus a juris defectu seu jus- titie denegatione, a vobis ad nos ut ad superiorem ipsius regni Scotie dominum appellarunt, petentes et supplicantes per nos in vestri defec- tum sibi justitiam exhiberi, juxta quod ratione superioritatis dominii quod in eodem regno habemus ad nos dinoscitur pertinere. Cum igitur justa petentibus non sit denegandus auditus, et in exhibenda jus- titia sumus omnibus debitores, vos adjornamus quod sitis coram nobis, a die sancti Martini proxime futuro in xv. dies ubicunque tunc fuerimus in Anglia responsurus predictis abbati et conventui super premissis, et APPENDIX TO PREFACE. Ixxxix facturus et receptums quod justum fuerit, quern diem eisdem abbati et conveiitui assignavimus coram nobis ad faciendum et recipiendum simi- liter in eisdem quod justitia suadebit. — In cuius, etc. T. R apud Dunton secundo die Septembris [1293]. Post recapitulationem literai'um predidarum mandatur vicecomiti Northumbrm quod eas deferat regi Scotice coram testihus, etc., ut antea in similihus. Placita coram domino rege apud Cestriam, de termino pasche, anno regni regis Edwardi filii regis Henrici, xxiii. [rot. 2 Id.'] Preceptum fuit vicecomiti cum ex gravi querela Fratris Alani ^orthumbria de Eston et magistri Hugonis de Staunford procuratorum seu attorna- toruni religiosorum virorum abbatis et conuentus monasterii Kadyng, quod de elemosinis progenitorum regis, regum Anglie et regis est fun- datum, nuper acceperat rex, quod cum Celebris memorie dominus, David quondam rex Scocie, monasterium predictum, et monachos ibidem tunc Deo seruientes, et successores suos, de prioratu de May cum pertinentiis dyocesis Sancti An dree infra regnum Scocie per cartam suam in liberam puram perpetuam elemosinam feofasset, ita videlicet quod iidem mon- achi et successores sui prioratui predicto per nouem de commonachis suis sacerdotibus pro anima prefati regis David et animabus predeces- sorum et successorum suorum regum Scocie diuina celebrantibus imper- petuum facerent deseruiri, et prefati monachi dicti monasterii succes- soresque sui prioratum predictum cum omnibus suis pertinenciis per feoffamentum huiusmodi semper pacifice tenuissent, quousque quidam Eobertus de Burghgate nuper abbas monasterii predicti, predecessor pre- dicti abbatis, prioratum predictum, dissencientemaioreetsaniore parte con- uentus sui, regeque inconsulto, venerabili patri Willelmo episcopo Sancti Andree alienauit, in Regis preiudicium et exheredacionem dicti monas- terii manifestam. Cumque iidem procuratores seu attornati ad presen- ciam dilecti et fidelis Regis Johannis regis Scocie accesserint et ipsum instanter et pluries requisierint quod ipsos iniurias ipsorum abbatis et conuentus curaret audire, et super peticione sua quam faciebant de ^ Orig. Kecoid Office, London. XL- APPENDIX TO PREFACE. prioratu predicto cum pertinenciis sibi facere ius et iusticie comple- mentiim, offerentes se paratos docere de predicto iure ipsorum abbatis et conuentus in forma debita coram eodem rege. Idem rex habito processu diutino super premissis inter partes memoratas coram eo, pre- texts cuiusdam appellacionis conficte ab audiencia sua per prefatum Episcopum ad sedem apostolicam interiecte, eidem appellacioni minus proinde defferens vt dicitur, et in ipso negocio vlterius procedere non curans, eisdem procuratoribus seu attomatis audienciam in hac parte contra iusticiam denegauit, propter quod iidem procuratores seu attor- nati nomine predictorum abbatis et conuentus, a juris defectu seu jus- ticie denegacione, a prefato rege ad regem vt ad superiorem ipsius regni Scocie dominum appellanint, petentes et supplicantes per regem in sui defectum sibi iusticiam exliiberi, iuxta quod racione superioritatis domini quod in eodem regno habet rex ad se dinoscitur j^ertinere. Cum igitur prefatum Johannem regem Scocie per literas regis quas ei per vicecomitem Rex mandauit adiomauitque rex quod esset coram rege in quindenam sancti Martini, et eciam in octabis sancte Trinitatis ultimo preteritis vbicunque etc. responsuri super premissis prefatis ab- bati et conuentui, quibus eosdem dies assignauit rex coram se ad facien- dum et recipiendum similiter in eisdem quod justicia suaderet ; propter quod preceptum fuit \icecomiti quod literas regis predictas in propria persona sua prefato regi defferret et presentaret, sufficienti testimonio secum adliibito, et qualiter hoc precepto etc. scire fac. regem in oc- tabis sancte Trinitatis predictis, per literas suas distincte ac certificaret et aperte. Et \dcecomes mandauit quod ad prefatum regem Scocie apud Lanark die Mercurii in festo sancte Scolastice virginis accessit, et per testimonium Joliannis Com}Ti Alexandri de Balliolo Hugonis de Euere et AValteri de Camhowe tradidit et liberauit ipsi regi Scocie breue regis quod sibi inde venit, qui coram rege ad predictas octabas sancte Trinitatis venire non curauit ; proper quod tercio duxit rex prefatum regem Scocie coram se adiornandum per breve regis quod ^-icecomiti misit rex eidem regi Scocie ex parte regis deferendum ; propter quod iterum preceptum fuit ^'icecomiti quod in propria persona sua accederet ad regem Scocie predictum, et breue regis predictum de adiornando ipsum coram rege, hie scilicet a die Pasche in ^Tium mensem, sub testi- APPENDIX TO PREFACE. xci monio fidedignonim ad hoc idoneorum ei sine dilatione defFerret pre- sentet traderet et liberet. Et modo predictus Johannes rex Scocie so- lempniter vocatus non venit. Et vicecomes mandauit quod accessit apud Scone die Liine in crastino Pasche et in presencia Alexandri de Cheswyk Gerardi de Wesebrig Roberti de Creswell et Ade de Rowe tradidit et liberauit predicto domino Johanni regi Scocie breve domini regis Edwardi illustris regis Anglie iuxta tenorem in brevi con- tentum etc. Igitur preceptum est vicecomiti quod in propria persona sua accedat ad regem Scocie, et breve domini regis Anglie quod quarto ei mittitur de adiornando predictum regem Scocie quod sit coram domino rege Anglie a die sancti Michaelis in vnum mensem proximo futurum sub testimonio fidedignorum ad hoc idoneorum defFeret presentet et liberet et qualiter etc. scire faciet Regem ad prefatum terminum. Mandatum est etiam regi Scocie per breue domini regis Anglie quod ostenderet ad pre- fatum terminum quare non fuit coram domino rege Anglie in quindena sancti Martini, nec eciam in octabis sancte Trinitatis, nec eciam a die Pasche in vnum mensem vltimo predictum sicut adiornatus fuit Et quod presumitur per permissa etc. quod processus aliquis super premissis habitus fuit coram rege Scocie ante appellacionem predictam etc. man- datum est predicto regi Scocie, quod habeat ad prefatum terminum re- cordum et processum predicta cum omnibus ea tangentibus etc. vt inspectis etc. fieri faciat dominus rex quod iustum fuerit etc. II. — GIFT by William, Bishop of St. Andrews, to the Canons of St. Andrews of an Annual Pension of Sixteen Marks, formerly payable by the Priory of May to the Monastery of Reading, dated 1st July 1318.^ Universis sancte matris ecclesie filiis presentes litteras inspecturis, Willelmus miseracione diuina Sanctiandree episcopus salutem in Domino, Ad vniuersitatis vestre noticiam volumus peruenire quod cum omne 1 Orig. Denmyhie Charters, Adv. Lib. (15, 1, 18.) xcii APPENDIX TO PREFACE. jus monasterii de Reddyngis in Anglia quod habuit in prioratu de May et de Petynwem, in monasterium Sancti Andree omnimodo sit trans- latum, Dictusque prioratus predicto monasterio de Eeddyngis annuam pensionem sexdecim marcarum antiquitus solebat persoluere. Auctori- tate episcopali ordinamus, de consensu religiosi viri doniini Martini nunc prioris eiusdem prioratus, quod dicta pensio annua monasterio Sancti Andree de dicto prioratu de cetero persoluatur. ad duos cuiuslibet anni terminos, medietas videlicet ad festum sancti Martini in hyeme, et alia medietas ad festum Pentecosten, ad vsum pitancie canonicorum predicti monasterii Sancti Andree annuatim specialiter deputanda. In cuius rei testimonium sigillum nostrum presentibus est appensum, Datum apud Sanctum Andream in capitulo nostro die Jouis proxime post octavas apostolorum Petri et Pauli anno Domini M° CCC° octuadecimo. III. — OBLIGATION by Henry, Bishop of St. Andrews, for Payment to the Canons of St. Andrews of £20 out of the Sequestrated Fruits of the Priory of May, dated 27th January 1415.^ Pateat vniuersis per presentes, nos Henricum miseracione diuina episcopum Sanctiandree firmiter obligari venerabilibus et religiosis viris priori et conuentui ecclesie nostre cathedralis Sanctiandree quod ipsi erunt fideliter persoluti per nos, de viginti libris vsualis monete Scocie, de fructibus sequestratis prioratus de Maya, infra sex menses pacificam possessionem primi et immediati pacifici prioratus eiusdem immediate sequentes. Causa solucionis viginti librarum currentis monete Scocie tempore sequestracionis fructuum dicti prioratus nomine pensionis facte per dictos venerabiles religiosos viros priorem et conuentum religiosis et discretis viris domino Willelmo Nory et domino Jacobo de Halden- ston canonicis dicte cathedralis ecclesie nostre Sanctiandree, contenden- tibus super predicto prioratu de Maya. In cuius nostre obligacionis ^ Oiig. Denmylne Charters, Adv. Lib. (15, 1, 18.) APPENDIX TO PREFACE. xciii fidem et testimonium, presentes literas sigilli nostri munimine duximus roborari, apud Sanctum Andream vicesimo septimo die mensis Januarii anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo decimo quinto. IV.— ANNEXATION of the Priory of Pittenweem to the Archbishopric of St. Andrews. — 1472.^ SiXTUS episcopus, etc. Ad perpetuam rei memoriam, Uniuersalis ecclesie regimini, licet immeriti, disponente domino, presidentes, ad ea libenter intendimus, per que ecclesiis, presertim metropoHtanis insig- nibus, ac eis presidentibus personis, quas in partem sollicitudinis pastorahs evocavit Altissimus, ne suscepte dignitatis decus rerum defectus obnubilet, de congrue provisionis auxilio succurratur. Dudum felicis recordationis Paulus papa secundus, predecessor noster, Prior- atum de Petyveynne, sive de Maya, ordinis Sancti Augustini, Sancti Andree diocesis, cum omnibus iuribus et pertinentiis suis, ex certis tunc expressis causis, mense ArchiepiscopaH, tunc Episcopali, Sancti Andree, ad vitam dumtaxat venerabilis fratris nostri Patricii Archiepiscopi Sancti Andree uniri annecti et incorporari mandavit, certo desuper executore de- mandato ; ac voluit quod, cedente vel decedente ipso Patricio Archiepis- copo, tunc Episcopo, unio, annectio et incorporatio predicte dissolute forent, ipseque prioratus in pristinum statum reverteretur, et per eandem dissolutionem vacare censeretur eo ipso, prout in litteris ipsius prede- cessoris desuper confectis plenius continetur. Et deinde, sicut exhibita nobis nuper pro parte dicti Patricii Archiepiscopi peticio continebat, earumdem litterarum executor predictus ad illarum executionem pro- cedens, earum forma servata, unionem annexionem et incorporationem fecit antedictas, ipseque Patricius Archiepiscopus tunc Episcopus illa- rum vigore, dicti prioratus iuriumque et pertinentiarum predictorum possessionem extitit assecutus, ac illam ex tunc tenuit et possedit, prout tenet et possidet de presenti pacifice et quiete. Cum autem sicut eadem peticio subiungebat, pro eo quod nos nuper ex certis rationabili- 1 Theiner, Vetera Monumenta Hibernorum et Scotorum Historiam Ilhostrantia, p. 468. Romse, 1864. xciv APPENDIX TO PREFACE. bus causis, ecclesiam Sancti Andree in Metropolitanam totius regni Scotie duximus erigendam, quod non solum ipse Patricius sed etiam successores sui Archiepiscopi Sancti Andree, qui pro tempore erunt, iuxta archiepiscopalis dignitatis decentiam maiora onera et expensas per- ferant, quam ante erectionem predictam perferre soliti forent, presertim in retinendo secum unum Episcopum, qui eis in regimine et administratione Archiepiscopalis iurisdictionis suffragetur, ac suffraganeos et provinciam suam Arcliiepiscopalem cum decenti numero servitorum visitet, habeatque mensa Archiepiscopalis predicta redditus suos in diversis locis regni prefati, et pro illorum defensione necesse sit varios perferre labores, speretque prefatus Patricius Archiepiscopus, quod si unio, annexio et incorporatio predicte in perpetuum extenderentur, successores sui pre- dicti ex redditione dicti prioratus, pro perferendis oneribus predictis aliquod reciperent sollevamen : ac propterea pro parte dicti Patricii Archiepiscopi asserentis, cjuod dictus prioratus conventualis non est, et cellula seu cappella ecclesie prefate nuncupatur, et quod illius fructus redditus et proventus centum librarum sterlingorum secundum com- munem estimationem valorem annuum non excedunt, fuit nobis humi- liter supplicatum, ut unionem, annexionem et incorporationem predictas in perpetuum extendere, aliasque in premissis eorumdem successorum suorum necessitati huiusmodi opportune consulere de benignitate apos- tolica dignaremur. Nos qui dudum inter alia voluimus, quod petentes beneficia ecclesiastica aliis uniri, tenerentur exprimere verum valorem beneficii, cui unio fieri peteraetur, alioquin unio non valeret, et quod semper in unionibus commissio fieret ad partes, vocatis quorum in- teresset, et idem voluimus, observari in confirmationibus unionum iam factarum, fructuum, reddituum et proventuum pro expresso haberi volentes, huiusmodi supplicationibus inclinati, litteras predictas pre- decessoris prefati, et illarum vigore factas unionem, annexionem et incorporationem predictas de dicto prioratu dicte mense, auctoritate apostolica tenore presentium in perpetuum extendimus et proro- gamus, ac volumus et eiusdem Patricii Archiepiscopi successoribus, qui pro tempore erunt, Archiepiscopis S. Andree prefata auctoritate concedimus, quod ipsi successores perpetuis futuris temporibus, dicti prioratus, iuriumque et pertinentiarum predictorum corporalem pos- APPENDIX TO PREFACE. XCV sessionem propria auctoritate continuare, et eiusdem prioratus fructus redditus et proventus, in suos et mense usus et utilitatem convertere, ac perpetuo retinere possint, cuiusvis licentia super hoc minime re- quisita, in omnibus, per omnia, perinde ac si predecessor prefatus prioratum ipsum prefate mense non ad vitam dicti Patricii Archi- episcopi, sed perpetuo dicte mense uniri annecti et incorporari man- dasset, et illarum vigore prioratus ipse eidem mense non ad vitam dicti Patricii dumtaxat, sed perpetuo canonice unitus annexus et incorporatus fuisset, decernentes ex tunc irritum et inane, si secus super hiis a quoquam quavis auctoritate scienter vel ignoranter con- tigeret attemptari. Non obstantibus eiusdem predecessoris et nostra voluntate predictis, ac constitutionibus et ordinationibus apostolicis, nec non monasterii, vel alterius loci regularis, a quo forsan prioratus ipse dependeat, et illius ordinis iuramento, confirmatione apostolica, vel quavis alia firmitate roboratis statutis et consuetudinibus, ac omnibus illis, que idem predecessor in dictis litteris voluit non obstare, ceterisque contrariis quibuscumque Proviso quod propter prorogationem et ex- tensionem predictas, dictus prioratus debitis non fraudetur obsequiis, sed illius congrue supportentur onera consueta. Nulli ergo etc. nostre extensionis, prorogationis, voluntatis, concessionis et constitutionis in- fringere etc. Si quis etc. Datum Eome apud Sanctum Petrum anno etc. Millesimo CCCC. LXXII. undecimo kal. Januarii, Pontificatus nostri anno secundo. V. — PRECEPT by James, Commendator of St. Andrews, for citing John, Prior of Pittenweem, to appear in the Chapter-House of St. Andrews, and make due obedience to the Commendator as his Superior, dated 15th March 1549.^ Jacobus permissione diuina prioratus monasterii Sanctiandree com- mendatarius perpetuus, Johannes Wynrame sacre theologie professor ^ Orig. Denmylne Charters, Adv. Lib. (15, 1, 18.) xcvi APPENDIX TO PREFACE. eiusdem canonicus et supprior, David Guthre eiusdem etiam monasterii terciiis prior, prefotique domini commendatarii coniunctim et divisim ad officium siibscriptum commissarii specialiter constituti, Siippriori prioratus de Pettynweym alias insula vocati Maya, seu cuicunque alteri canonico dicti prioratus de Pettynweyme seu Sanctiaudree super executione pre- sentium debite requisiti salutem, Vobis et vestrum cuilibet stricte per- cipiendo mandamus, sub pen a inobediencie et suspensionis a diuinis sen- tencie late in his scriptis, visis presentibus, quatenus citetis legittime venerabilem virum dominum J oannem Rowll priorem dicti prioratus de Pettynweyme primo 2° 3°, et peremptorie, vnico tamen contextu pro triplici edicto, quem nos tenore presentium citamus quod compareat coram nobis seu nostris deputatis pluribus aut vno in loco capitulari Sanctiaudree, tercio die juridico citationem vestram proxime et imme- diate sequentem, hora intermedia ad decimam aute merediem aut eocirca ad faciendum et prestandum debitam obedienciam nobis, tanquam suo superiori, juxta tenorem primeve erectionis et fundationis dicti prioratus de Pettynweyme, ac regulam diui Augustini, sub pena suspensionis a diunis, et aliis censuris ecclesiasticis, quas incurrere potest, seu poterit ex juris canonici dispositione et regule predicte. Et presentes debite executas et indorsatas earundem latori reddatis. Datum sub sigillo secreto capituli nostri apud dictum nostrum monasterium Sanctiandree, xv*** die mensis Martii, anno Domini I M v*" xl nono. Decimo sexto die mensis Martii, anno quo supra, ego dominus Will- elmus Wilson, canonicus monasterii Sanctiandree, suprascriptum venera- bilem patrem dominum Joannem Rowll, priorem de Pettynweym per- sonaliter apprehensum, infra ecclesiam parochialem sancte Trinitatis, intra ciuitatem Sanctiandree, secundum tenorem presentium citaui coram magistris Waltero Fethe, Joanne Todrik, notariis publicis, J oanne Clerk et diuersis aliis. Ita est dominus Willelmus Wilson executor presentium manu sua. APPENDIX TO PREFACE. xcvii VI.— CHARTERS of ALIENATION, and other DEEDS relating to the Priory of May or Pittenweem. I. — CHARTER granting the Isle of May to Patrick Lermonth of Dersy, 30th January 1549/ Vniuersis et singuhs Sancte matris ecclesie filiis, ad quorum noticias presentes littere penienerint, Johannes permissione divina Monasterii de Pettinweme prior, ordinis canonicorum regularium Sancti Augustini, Sanctiandree diocesis, Salutem in omnium Saluatore, Quia salubriter per tres huius Regni Status parliamenti alias congregati ad publice politie in hoc regno incrementum, Et reddituum ecclesiasticorum stabilem et firmam augmentationem Statutum et Ordinatum sit, vt prelati huius regni, et ecclesiastice person e, predia et agros suis prelatiis et ecclesiis incorporata, ad vtilitatem earundem, colonis et aliis personis eiisdem possessionibus ad efFectum suprascriptum vti volentibus, in Emphiteosim locare sen infeodare possint, Cuius consideratione et intuitu, Noveritis nos, cum consensu et assensu nostri conuentus de Pettynweme ad hoc capitulariter congregati, vtilitateque dicti nostri monasterii pensata et considerata, Ac diuersis formis tractatibus et solemnitatibus de iure debitis, et in alienacione rerum ecclesiasticarum immobilium, seu in Emphyteosim concessione interuenire consuetis, prehabitis, pro incre- mento policie et certa stabili annuorum reddituum prefati nostri mon- asterii perpetuis futuris temporibus augmentatione, Et ut deserte et inculte posse ssiones eiusdem ad culturam redigentur, Etiam pro certis summis pecuniariis per nos et conuentum nostrum in pecunia numerata receptis, Ac in usum et utilitatem nostros, et nostri monasterii con- uersis. Pro continua defensione prefati nostri monasterii, in maritimis regni oris siti, et pericula veterum nostrorum Anglie hostium, marinas inuasiones inductas per classes nauales subeuntis, Eoque intuitu etiam, quod terre subscripte. Insula de Maya nuncupata undique mare vasto circumfuse, et procul a nobis site, parum aut nihili certi prouisionis red- ^ Registr. Chart, de Pittenweem, p. 241. xcviii APPENDIX TO PREFACE. dere nobis ac nostro monasterio ante hac annuatim solite erant, cum sen belli, sen guerrarum tempore, huic regno quovis inuasione indicto ab liostibus occupari consueta, cum nobis nostroque monasterio antea ferme inutilis et sterilis possessio semper fuerat, Idcirco ut pro incerto et dubio proficuo, certum annuum redditum, certosque prouentus in futu- rum eidem monasterio nostro inde acquiramus, Et pro destructe inibi ecclesie ad peregrinorum receptionem, ac sacellani sustentationem debita reparacione procurandas, In augmentationemque annuatim rentalis eius- dem, singulis annis ad Summam quadraginta solidorum plusquam unquam annuatim respectiue, potissimum interruptione per guerras, nobis suc- cessoribusque nostris frequenter prestari solite, quominus dictis terris seu Insula aut earum sponte nascentibus proficuis gaudere aut vti po- teramus, sine etiam de presente valemus, persoluere continuo aut respon- dere consueuerunt. Et desuper mature in prudentum consiliis, et fratrum nostrorum auisamento consultantes, liuius modi certitudinem annui pro- ficui suprascripti annorum inutilium in certitudinem et sterilitate racioni- bus suprascriptis considerata superescrescentiam. Si que unquam in hominum memoria fuerit ultra valorem summarum supra ac infrascrip- tarum compensari decernentes, Unanimi consensu et assensu, dedisse et consenssisse, et ad feodifirmam seu emphiteosim perpetuam dimisisse, Et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse, nec non per presentes dare, concedere, et ad feodifirmam seu emphiteosim dimittere, et hac presenti carta nostra confirmare, honorabili viro Patricio Lermontht de Dersye, ac preposito ciuitatis Sanctiandree, ac heredibus suis, procreatis seu pro- creandis, quibus forte deficientibus, propinquioribus agnatis, et legitti- mis heredibus masculis dicti patricii quibuscunque, Totam et integram predictam Insulam de Maya, in mari et ora orientalis partis aque de Forth, infra vicecomitatum de Fyff, nunc vastam, et vniuersis bestiis, seu cuniculis in quibus proficua eiusdem percipiuntur et consistere solebant spoliatam, Cuniculariis in eadem consistentibus ut apparet irrecupera- biliter destructis desertam, et ex incursionibus ac insultationibus An- glorum, veterum inimicorum desolatam, Cuius rei causa, in temporibus belli nulla fit prestatio mercedis, inhabitatio vel cultura Tenendum et habendum totam et integram predictam Insulam de Maya, cum juribus pertinenciis et piscariis prefatis, Patricio Lermonth, et heredibus suis APPENDIX TO PREFACE. xcix supradictis, de nobis et successoribus nostris in feodifirma et emphiteosi, ac hereditate, inperpetuum pro ut iacet in longitudine et latitudine per omnes rectas metas suas antiquas et diuisas, In domibus, edificiis, cum jure patronatus, donatione, et aduocatione ecclesie inibi site, donandi vel presentandi unum capellanum, pro diuiuis celebrandis in dicta ecclesia, pro veneracione reliquiarum ae sepulcrorum Sanctorum infra dictam in- sulam sepultorum, Et pro receptione peregrinantium et suarum obla- tionum, prout solitum erat temporibus retroactis, et spatio annorum immo intra memoriam hominum cursorum, Cum stationibus et portis omnibus et singulis in dicta insula pro nauibus et nauiculis et cymbis onustis vel inonustis, cum earam bonis recipiendis, cum cunniculis cun- niculariis columbis et columbariis, boscis et planis, moris, maresiis, viis, semitis, aquis, stagnis, riuulis, lacubus, pratis, pascuis et pasturis, molen- dinis ad granorum molacionem, vento, aquave circumagi solitis, cum eorum multuris et sequelis, aucupacionibus, venacionibus, piscationibus, carbonariis, petariis, liortis, pomeriis, veridariis, lapicidiis, lapide et calce, nemoribuSjVirgultis, genestis,cum curiis et earum exitibus, amerciamentis, bludwytis, herioldis, ac mulierum merchietis : Cum libero introitu et exitu : Cum nauibus, nauiculis et cimbis, in portis dicte insule. Et jura que per nauium et cymbarum gubernatores debita leuari poterunt, sibi et suis heredibus leuanda et exigenda, et eorum vsibus applicanda, ac cum omni pastura solita et consueta, Necnon cum omnibus et sin- gulis aliis juribus, libertatxbus, commoditatibus, proficuis, et aisiamentis, ac iustis suis pertinenciis quibuscunque, tam non nominatis, quam nominatis, tam subtus terra quam supra terram, procul et prope, ad pre- dictam insulam et terras cum pertinentiis spectantibus, seu iuste spectare valentibus quomodolibet in futurum, adeo libere, quiete, plenarie, integre, honorifice, bene, et in pace, in omnibus, et per omnia sicut alique terre ecclesiastice in feodifirma seu emphiteosi dantur seu conceduntur, aut dari et concedi poterunt qualitercunque in futurum; Sine retinemento, reuocatione, contradictione, impedimento, aut obstaculo quocunque, abji- ciendo a nobis et successoribus nostris omne ius et iuris titulum, excep- tis nomine et jurisdictione monasterii nostri de Maya inde sic nuncu- pari soliti, in signum superioritatis eiusdem insule perpetuis futuris temporibus, et aliis iuribus seruitiis et redditibus inferius annotatis, c APPENDIX TO PREFACE. Reddendo inde annuatim dictus Patricius, heredesque sui predicti, nobis et successoribus nostris ac officiariis dicti monasterii, octo libras vsualis monete regni Scotie, nomine proficui ante presentem infeoda- tionem, de dicta Insula quod percipi potuit, Unacum summa quadra- genta solidorum eiusdem monete, tanquam vtilem et certam augmenta- tionem firme sine proficui predecessoribus nostris, aut nobis, aut nostro monasterio inde peruenire soliti. Sic quod annui redditus huiusmodi certitudo superexcrescentia incertorum proficuorum eiusdem pro causis suprascriptis subinde superuenientibus, et omne commodum eiusdem in- sule monasterio nostro nonnullis annis penitus auferentibus, et tollenti- bus, super excrescentia si que vUa ex hominum memoria deprehendi vel de preterito vel in futuris poterit expensat. Et sic quod in euiden- tem nostri monasterii vtilitatem presens infeodacio certissime cedit, quum pro incerto certum annuum consequatur commodum, et emoli- mentum, plusquam singulis annis antea ex eisdem terris cum juribus et pertinenciis earundem nos ac predecessores nostri percipiebamus, Una- cam concilio auxilio assistentia et fauore dicti Patricii, et heredum suorum supra scriptorum, temporibus necessariis et oportunis, singulis annis et annuatim soluendis, tamquam debitam firmam pro eiisdem terris, cum iuribus et pertinenciis, ad festa Penthecostes et Sancti mar- tini in hyeme, per equales medias portiones, nomine feodifirme et em- phiteosis, Et estimando iusta estimatione consilium fauorem et assist- entiam dicti Patricii et heredum, ac certitudinem solutionis dicte summe octo librarum nomine proficui ante presentem infeodacionem de dicta Insula quod percepi potuit, una cum summa quadraginta solidorum monete regni Scotie, in vtilem augmentationem proficui predicti ; ac etiam quilibet beres in suo introitu soluet simplicem firmam vnius anni, absque tamen preiudicio solucionis firme illius anni, in suis terminis suprascrip- tis. Teneantur interea prefatus Patricius et heredes prescripti recipere quascunque naues nauiculas vel cimbas, onustas et vacuas, nostre dum- taxat baronie, obseruandoque eiis omnem veterem libertatem viz. in anclioragiis et custumis, Ita ut habeant liberum introitum et exitum solito more, vtendo occupando et exercendo sua rethea, ac lie lyniss, et omnia necessaria piscalia, sine obstaculo, molestatione, vel inquietudine, super terrara dicte nostre insule, pro omni alio onere seruitio seculari, APPENDIX TO PREFACE. ci exactione, questions, et demanda, que de dicta insula cum pertinentiis per quoscunque exigi poterunt vel requiri, seu quovismodo demandari, Et si dictus Patricius vel heredes predicti, deficerint in solutione annul census trium terminorum concurrentium, ipso facto cadet et cadent a jure huiusmodi infeodationis, necnon teneantur edificia reedificare in predicta insula, Eenunciando expresse per presentes omni actione nobis ac successoribus nostris, pro retractatione dicte locationis emphiteotice de jure scripto aut consuetudinario incumbenti. Et quotiens contigerit nos aut aliquos successores nostros nostrumve conuentum seu yconomos aliquam controversiam ob quascunque causas, nisi ob defectum solutionis canonis, inimicitie vel rebellionis aduersus prefatum nostrum monas- terium, contra banc presentem infeodationem seu in emphiteosi conces- sionem mouere, quod eandem denuo in meliori et securiori forma renouare teneantur et obligentur, Quos etiam tenore presentium quan- tum est in nobis obligamus, omnesque tam juris quam facti defectus toUere, Et quoties retractari quod absit, eandem contigerit, toties ean- dem renouamus et redintegramus omni meliori modo forma pariter et effectu, Volumus etiam quod predictus Patricius et heredes non obliga- buntur ad alia semitia preterquam in presenti carta contenta, Et nos vero Johannes prior antedictus Et successores nostri commendatarii seu priores de Pettinweme, et conuentus eiusdem loci, predictam insu- 1am et terras cum juribus et pertinenciis, necnon presentem cartam nostram prefato Patricio Lermonth et heredibus suis predictis, in omni- bus et per omnia, forma pariter et effectu, ut premissum est, contra omnes mortales varantizabimus et imperpetuum defendemus, promit- tendo non contravenire in futurum sub nostris juramentis corporaliter prestitis, In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti carte nostre manu nostra, et manibus dicti conuentus subscripte, Sigillum commune capi- tuli nostri est appensum, Apud Pettynweme, die penultimo mensis Januarii, anno domini millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo nono. h cii APPENDIX TO PREFACE. IL—LETTERS of PROTECTION and MAINTENANCE by the Prior and Convent of St. Andrews to the Prior and Con- vent of PiTTENWEEM, dated 5th August 1550.^ Omnibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris, Jacobus Commendatarius perpetuus prioratus Monasterii Sancti Andree, Et eiusdem loci conuen- tus, Saluteni in domino sempiternam Quia alias venerabilis pater Johannes RouU prior de Maya sen Pettynweme, et conuentus eius- dem, fessi sunt se locum suum seu prioratum de Pettynweme ante- dictum, a multis retro annis fuisse et esse cellam obedientiam prioratus et monasterii nostri Sancti Andree, et ab ipso dependere debere, sicut filiam a matre, juxta tenorem vnionis eiusdem prioratus ad monasterium nostrum Sancti Andree olim per bone memorie Villelmum Eraser epis- copum Sancti Andree facte, renuntiauerantque pro se et successoribus suis in fauorem nostrum et nostri monasterii omnibus priuilegiis locali- bus et personalibus exempcionibus et indultis quibuscunque per se vel suos antecessores a sede apostolica et alias quouismodo impetratis, que nobis et nostre jurisdictioni super dictum prioratum de Pettyn- weme quoquomodo preiudicare potuerunt aut ob esse. Et quia preterea et perpetuis futuris temporibus renuntiauerunt sui proprii sigilli usui, nisi dumtaxat cum appositione nostri sigilli communis, Et nostro ac ipsorum superiori Jacobo Commendatario monasterii Sancti Andree pro se et successoribus suis fecerunt, et quilibet eorum fecit manualem et realem ac regularem obedientiam, juxta regulam diui patris nostri Augustini, prout in inde confectis litteris plenius continetur, Quaprop- ter, Noveritis nos vnanimi consensu et assensu, prefatum prioratum de Pettynweme, Johannem priorem modernum, et conuentum eiusdem, eor- umque successores, necnon eorum vassallos, tenentes, amicos, seruos, fami- liares, ecclesias, villas eorum et terras, ac loca quecunque eiis pertinentia, fructus, redditus, firmas, decimas et canas, ac piscationes seu piscaturas, universaque alia et singula emolumenta, eidem prelatui concernentia, sub nostra protectione defensione et manutenentia suscepimus speciali, sicque ipsorum negotia tanquam nostra reputabimus, ipsos et eorum 1 Registr. Chart de Pittenweem, p. 264. APPENDIX TO PREFACE. ciii bona predicta sicut nos et nostra bona defendemus, idque secundum juris permissionem, et dummodo nobis et successoribus nostris amici permanserint et fideles, Insuper nos Jacobus Commendatarius ante- dictus efficaciter et cum efFectu hortabimus nobiles et venerabiles dominos, Jacobum de Melross et Kellso, Eobertum de Halerudhouss, et Johannem de Coldingham, respective Commendatarios, Jacobi quinti Scotorum regis semper inuicti filios, ac fratres nostros germanos, ad similiter defendendum ac manutenendum dictum priorem et conuentum, ipsorum locum et prioratum, seruos, amicos, et familiares, ac omnia et sin- gula bona supradicta, eidem prioratui spectantia In quorum omnium fidem et testimonium Sigillum commune Capituli nostri presentibus est appensum, apud dictum nostrum monasterium Sanctiandree, quinto die mensis Augusti, anno domini millesimo quingentesimo quinqua- gesimo. III.— GEANT of PENSIONS by James, Commendator of St. An- drews, to James Eoull, John Eoull, William Eoull, and NiNiAN Eoull, dated 5th August 1550.' Universis et singulis Sancte Matris ecclesie filiis, ad quorum noticias presentes littere peruenerintj Jacobus commendatarius perpetuus prio- ratus Sancti andree et eiusdem loci conuentus, Salutem in domino sempiternam, Noueritis nos unanimi consensu et assensu ad hoc capi- tulariter congregatos, caritatis intuitu, et matura deliberatione prehabita, dedisse concessisse, tenoreque presentium dare et concedere dilectis nos- tris clericis seu scolasticis et studentibus, Jacobo roull, Johanni roull, Villelmo roull, et Niniano roull, pro eorum victu et vestitu supportando, et ut sustententur ad scolas, ac euadant in viros doctos, unam annuam pensionem ducentarum mercarum vsualis monete regni Scotie, semper et quousque per nos prouisum eiis fuerit de beneficiis tanti valoris, eo quo sequitur modo viz. dicto Jacobo unam annuam pensionem octua- ginta mercarum monete predicte, donee per nos sibi fuerit prouisum de beneficio octuginta mercarum Et unicuique aliorum trium viz. Johanni 1 Registr. Chart, de Pittenweem, p. 265. civ APPENDIX TO PREFACE. Willelmo et Niniano, unam annuam pensionem quadraginta mercarum, donee eiis respectiue prouisum per nos fiierit de bursariis quadraginta mercarum, Extendentes in integro ad prefatam summam ducentarum mercarum, Soluendas annuatim eiisdem respectiue ut supradictum est, per manus camerarii nostri pro tempore existente, ad duos anni terminos consuetos, festos viz. Penthecostes et Sancti Martini in hyeme, per equalea medias porciones, Et huiusmodi pensionibus, antea adepta bursaria per nostrum camerarium ut prefertur persolutis, eundem camerarium de eiisdem, durante spatio predicto, per presentes exoneramus, et eosdem in annuis nostris computis sufficienter allocabimus, exliibitis nobis per pre- sens super solucione harum pensionum, eorum acquittanciis et supra compotum ostensis, Termino vero introitus dictorum Jacobi Johannis Villelmi et Niniani in et ad prefatas pensiones annuas respectiue supra specificatas incipiendo et inchoando eo die quo dictus dominus commen- datarius, sen alius qui\ds canonicus monasterii nostri Sancti Andree pre- dicti, per prouisionem apostolicam, et resignationem venerabilis J ohannis Eoull, nunc prioris de Pettynweme adeptus fuerit, institutionem pacifi- cam et realem possessionem totius et integri dicti prioratus de Pettinweme cum [omnibus] et singuKs suis pertinentiis, Et exinde duran. semper et quousque prefatis personis respective de beneficiis ut supra dictum est pro\dsum fuerit et non diutius, sic quod ubi aliquis eorum adeptus fuerit beneficium, ad valorem annuam sue pensionis respectiue, statim et immediate cessabit illius pensio Xosque et successores nostri de cetero liberi erimus a solucione huius pensionis, prouiso tamen quod predictus Jacobus Johannes Villelmus et Ninianus contenti erunt de competenti \ictu et vestitu, eiisdem per dictum dominum commendata- rium prouidendis, recompensacione suarum pensionum respective sem- per et quousque attingerent et eorum quilibet attingat \dgesimum etatis sue annum. Reddendo inde annuatim dictus Jacobus Johannes Villelmus et Ninianus nobis et successoribus nostris deuota oracionum sufFragia In cuius rei testimonium presentibus manu dicti Commendatarii sub- scriptis, Sigillum commune capituli nostri Monasterii Sanctiandree pre- dicti est appensum Apud idem monasterium nostrum Sanctiandree, quinta die mensis Augusti, anno domini millesimo, quingentesimo, quin- quagesimo. APPENDIX TO PREFACE. CV IV. — CHAETER by John, Prior of Pettynweme, in favour of Cristina Howesoune, of a Tenement, with Garden and Piece of Ground, in Anstruther, v^^est of the Burn, dated 7th Feb. 1540. (Eegistr. Chart, de Pittenweem, p. 77.) Attached to this Charter in the Register is the following Act of Court, written on a page of foolscap paper : — Curia tenta in aula de Pettinweme, die decimo tercio mensis mail anno domini Im v° & li, per honorabilem virum Thomam Knychtsoun, balliuum deputatum honorabilis Thome Scott, balliui principalis baronie de Pettinweme, curia affirmata, et sectis vocatis. The quhilk day comperit Androw howesoune, and thair desirit be interloquitour of Court and manifest probacioun, till be recognoscit nerrest agnat to umquhill Cristen Howesoune, the spouse of umquhill Jhone Thomsoune, quhare throw hie may succeid justlie till ane tene- ment yard and the pertinence. Hand thare to, lyand within the town of Anstrothir upoun the vest syd of the burn, the tenement of Robert broun at the vest, and the tenement occupeit be Andrew Wilsone at the est, in the quhilk tenement yard and pertinentis, the said Cristen Howiesoun deid feft and sesit. The quhilk day comperit rycht honest personis Schir Jhone Myd- lar chaiplene, Thomas Smart, Jhone Millar, Syman Mill, Thome Broun, Alexander Howiesoune, Andrew Smytht, and Andrew Davsoune, and sworne be the halie ewangelles and thare pairt of paradise till declare the verite say far as thai kennyt and suld be sperit at thame. Depositiones testium suprascriptorum. Item in primis Schir Jhone Midlar comperit, and sworne be the cvi APPENDIX TO PREFACE. lialie ewangelis, that the said Andrew Howiesoune wass the lauchtfiill sone of umquhill Andrew Howiesoune, quha wass brother germane to Cristene Howesoune, the spouse of umquhill Jhone Thomsoun in An- strothir, and quhedder he Suld succeid to ony land thair throw, he re- ferrit till fordir evidences and sycht of Chartouris. Thomas Smart comperit, and maid the gret aitlit, that Andro Howe- soune wass the sonne of umquhill Andrew Howesoune, the brothir germane to umquhill Cristene Howesoune, the spouse of umquhill Jhone Thomsoune in Anstrothir. Symon Myll juratus, diligenterque examinatus, deponit ut in suo juramento, ut supra. Andrew Dauesoune comperit, et juratus diligenterque examinatus in suo juramento, deponit ut supra. Thomas Broune eodem tempore juratus, deponit ut supra. Alexander Howesoune juratus et diligenter examinatus, deponit ut supra. The quhilk day the said Andrew Howesoune, becauss that Besse Lyndsay, Andrew Thomsoune, Alexander Thomsoune, wald not compeir as thai war lauchtfulle sowmond to compeir, one to the said day and place, and till bring witht thame all evidentis, chartouris, seoingis, docu- mentis, pertenand on to umquhill Cristene Howesoune, the spouse of Jhone Thomsoune, wass uponn the tenement yard and pertinence Hand in Anstrothir as said is, the quhilkis ar in thair keping be uertu of executores on to Jhone Thomsoune, quhay hed thame in his keping in the tyme of his deceiss, the said Andrew Howesoune did causs the maister of the regester of the priore of Pettinweme callit Dene Berale Forman till bring witht hym and produce in jugement the regester buik, in the cjuhilk wess contenit ane chartour be the said Cristene Howe- soune to hir and hir airis or assigneis, of my lord pryouris of Pettin- Aveme and his conwent, de dato septimo die mensis Februarii anno domini millesimo quingentesimo quadragesimo, of the specifiit houss yardis and the pertinentis. The quhilk day the said Andrew Howesoune be interloquitour of the haill court, and manifest probacioun, wes recognoscit narrest agnat to Cristene HoAvesoune his fader, and the juge interponit his decreit APPENDIX TO PREFACE. cvii and delyuerance thair intill, upoune the quhilkis the Said Andrew Howe- soune desirit actis, instrumentis, and documentis. Ita est magister Joannes Forman scriba curie teste manu propria. V. — CONTRACT between the Prior and Convent of Pittenweem, and the Prioress and Convent of Elcho, dated 4th June 1552. In witnes, &c. at Pettynweme, 4 June 1552.^ Be it Kend till all mene be thir presentis, vs Jhone be the permis- sioun of God prior of Pettynweme, witht express consent and assent of our conwent cheptourlie gadderit, for certane racionable caussis movand us, and for soumes of mone pait to us as is ouer wrettyne, be venerable and religiouse wemene, Eufeme Leslie Priores of Elcho, and conuentual- lis of the samyn, to haif dischergit and renuncit, and be the tenour of thir presentis, dischargis and renuncis all actiounis pleyis, contraverseis, and sentenssis, or decrettis quhatsumeuir, obtenit be us aganis the said priores and conuentualis, befoir quhatsumeuir juge orjugis, spirituall or temporell, and specialie befoir the officiall of Sanctandrois principell and jugis, deligates to our haly fader the paip, and in that pairt, twcheing the teynd schawes of Cottis with thair pertinentis, and be the tenour of thir presentis, consentis that the said dame Eufame prioress and con- uentuallis of Elcho haif the saidis teynd schawls of Cottis, witht thair pertinentis quhatsumeuir, bruke and joyss and posseid the samyn as thai did befoir, for ten merkis of money of this realme, to be payit to us the said J olmne prior of Pettinweme and conuent of the samyn, and our successorris prioris and conuent of the samyn, conforme to thair auld evidentis and Indultis thai haif thairvpoun . . . and be the ten- our of thir presentis, dischargis and exemis the said prioress and hir conuentuallis, of the samyn, and of all vther soumes of money or pleyis quhatsumeuer, precedent the dait of thir presentis for now and ever. 1 Registr. Chart, de Pittenweem, p. 301. cviii APPENDIX TO PREFACE. VI. — TACK of the Priory of Pittenweem in favour of Jajvies, Com- MENDATOR of the Priories of St. ANDREWS and Pittenweem for nineteen years, dated 2d September 1552/ Be it kende till all men be thir present letteris, us Jhone be the per- mission of god vsufructuar of the priory of Pettynweme, and conuent of the samyn, and -with express consent and assent of ane venerabill faderis the cheptour of the abbay of Sanct Androis our superioris, To haif sett, and for ferme and mail lattyne, and be the tenor heir of settis and for ferme and maill lattis to ane reuerend fader in god James, commendatour of the prioriis of Sanctandrois and Pettynweme, all and haill our place and priory of Pettynweme, with all profittis emolimentis and commodituis pertenyng or that ony way may perteyn tharto, with the haill personaige and vicariage of our paroclie Kyrk of Anstrother, teynd scheiflfis, fyschingis, fysche, and other oblacionis and emolimentis thairof, with the personage of our Kyrk of the Eynde, and all otheris commodituis and profittis pertenying thairto, and als the haill profittis, maiUis, fermes, siluer, and witellis, and all other deweteis, togydder wyth cayne caponis, guis, cunyngis, pultreis, and foulis, and with all other dewetuis, baith of our barrony and landis of Pettynweme and Eynde, and als the 111 of May, with the haill pertinence, teynd salt, custummes, vnlayis, baith of our thoune and pannis and barrony forisaid, with all other dewetuis, profittis, and commoditeis, pertenyng or that ony maner of way may perteyne to said priory and place of Pettyn- weme, outhir be propertie or outhir casualiteis quhatsumeuir. To be uptakyn, joy sit, lyftit, and broukit be the said James, commendatour, his factouris or subtennentis, for all the dayis termes and space of nynteyne yeris nyxt and immediatlie following the entre of the said James commendatour thairto, the quhilk entre to the said coill hewes, cayn, and teynd salt, and to the place of Pettynweme, sal be at the fest of Sanct Michaell immediatlie following the dait heirof, and to the remanent and resideu of the haill priory foirsaid, with the pertinente, at the fest of the Supper of our Lord callit otherwajds Schyre furesday next heireftir, in the yeir of god &c. fyftie thre yeris, and sua to indure 1 Registr. Chartr. de Pittenweem, p. 300. APPENDIX TO PREFACE. cix ay and qiihill the said space of nynteyn yeris be fullelie and cumpleitlie fiirthtcummyn, the said James commendatour, his factouris or sub- tennentis, payand and delyuerand to us Jhonne, usafructuar foirsaid, and to our factouris, for the fructis, renttis, profittis, emolumentis, place, and deweteis of the said priory quhatsumeuir, yeirlie and frelie within the Cyttie of Sanctandrois, during the said space of nynteyne yeris, the soume of four hundreth, poundes gud vsuall mone of Scotland, togidder witht twentie fyif chelderis of wittelis, viz. tua chelderis of quheit, sax chelderis of bair, four chelderis and aucht bollis meill, tuelff chelderis and aucht bollis aitis, to be paitt at four termes in the yeir be equal proportionis, viz. at the festis of the Inuentioun of the Croce, Lammes, Alhallowmes, and the Purificacioun of our Ladie, and begyn- nande the first termes of siluer payment, at the fest of the Inuencioun of the Croce in the fyftie thre yeiris, and the first term of pajonent of victuallis begynnand at the fest of alhallowmess in the samyn yeir, and sua tyll indur, yeirlie and termlie, ay and quhill the said termes and space of xix yeres be fullie and compleitlie togidder furtht cummyng And attour the said James, commendatour sal bait, repair, and vphald the said Abbay and place of Pettinweme sufiicientlie, during the saidis space, and als sail susteyne and vphald the conwent of the samyn in mone and victuallis, logeing and vthir thingis necessar, as thai haif now presentlie, and conforme to thair chartour quhilkis thai haif of us, and confermyt be my lord Archebischop of Sanctandrois, and his cheptour, our superioris, and alsua becauss we haif sett and be thir presentis settis to the said James, commendatour, all and haill our place and palice and priory of Pettynweme, with the pertinence foirsaidis, the said James is and sail be contentit that we haif the vse of his palice of Petlaithy, with the yardis and orchartis of the samyn, quhen we sail think expe- dient to mak residence thairintill, and we sail haif the said palice als Weill reperallit without and within at our levyng thairof, as we fynd the samyn at our entres thairto, vtensile and domicile with utheris necessares quhatsumeuir, and sail nocht annalie nor put away onything thairof during the said space aboune wrettyn, and the foirsaid victuallis and mone to be pait at termes aboune wrettyn, with sustentatioun of the place and conwent of Pettinweme, and vse of the said place of Pet- cx APPENDIX TO PREFACE. lethie, allanerlie to be sufficient for all othir deweteis exactioune or clame that may be askit be us, or conwent of Pettinweme, fra the said James, commendatour, his factouris or subtennentis, for this locatioune of the frutes of the said priory, during the space termes and yens foir said, and we forsoutht the said Jhone vsufructuar and conwent of Pettin- weme sail warrand acquit and defende this present our assedacioun during the space of xix yeris in all poinctis, passes, and clausis above exprymit, to the said James, Commendatour, his factouris and subten- rentis aganis all deidlie In witness of the quhilk thing, to thir pre- sentis subscriuit with oure handis, our seill togidder A\dtht the com- moun seill of the Abbay of Sanctandrois, our Superiom^e, in signe and takyne of thair consent, heir to is houngyne at Pett}Tiweme and Sanct- androis, the secund day of September, in the yeir of god jm v' fj^tie and tua yeris, befoir thir witnes Maister Robert Villrie, Sir Thomas Smyth Thomas Smart, Maister Jhone Eettray, et david Spens, notariis pubHcis. VII.— GRANT of a PENSION by Ja^ies, Comendator of St. Andrews and PITTEN^\^:EM, to Janet Rowll, dated 1st November 1552.^ Omnibus hoc scriptum uisuris aut audituris, Joannes vsufructuarius prioratus de Pettinweme, et eiusdem loci conuentus, Salutem in domino, Noueritis nos capitulariter congregatos, cum expressis consensu et assen- su reverend! in Chi'isto patris ac domini Jacobi Commendatarii per- petui monasteriorum Sanctiandree et Pettinweme et cum consensu capituli dicti monasterii Sancti Andree, dedisse concessisse presencium que tenore, dare et concedere dilecte oratrici et sorori mee, Jonete Rowll durante vita nostra, quatuor bollas farine auenatice, et vndecim hollas ordei, leuandas annuatim per manus dicti domini Commendatarii, aut eius camerarii, de integris fructibus et firmis prioratus de Pettinweme, quosquidem integros fructus et firmas idem dominus commendatarius de nobis habet in assedacione, pro spatio decem et nouem annorum, ad duos anni terminos consuetos, festos viz. Penthecostes et Sancti Martini 1 Registr. Chart, de Pittenweem, p. 308. APPENDIX TO PREFACE. CXI in hieme, per equales medias portiones, unacum summa quinque librarum vsualis monete regni Scotie annuatim in dictis terminis [etc.] Yolumus tamen quod prefata Joneta post obitum nostrum et decessum, loco dicte summe quinque librarum et victualium, habeat de fructibus prefatis, an- nuatim ut predicitur, summam quadraginta mercarum eiusdem monete Scotie, durante toto tempore vite sue, et post eius obitum huiusmodi summa quadraginta mercarum reuertatur et persoluatur annuatim Jacobo Rowll consanguineo nostro, semper et quousque sibi prouisum fuerit per dictum dominum Commendatarium de beneficio tanti valoris, viz. quadraginta mercarum, quo adepto et prouiso, cessabit omnino et expirabit huiusmodi pensio, Eeddendo inde annuatim dicta Joneta nobis et successoribus, et dicto monasterio Sancti Andree pro toto tem- pore vite sue deuota orationum sufFragia tantum. In fidem vero et tes- timonium omnium predictorum, presentibus, manibus nostris et dicti domini Commendatarii subscriptis, sigillum nostrum, una cum sigillo communi capituli Sancti Andree, in signum eorum consensus et assen- sus, ad premissa sunt appensa, apud Pettinweme et Sanctandros respec- tive, primo die mensis Nouembris, anno domini millesimo quingen- tesimo, quinquagesimo secundo. ROTULUS CARTARUM ET MUNIMENTORUM scocie; 1. Carta Regis David de donacione Manerii de Fetnewem. 2. Carta Eegis David de Rindelgros ... 1 3. Carta Regis David de una Tofta in Berewicke . . 2 4. Carta Regis David de libertate Tolnei ... 4 5. Confirmacio Regis Malcolmi de Pitnewem et Inueryn . 5 6. Carta Regis Malcolmi de decima de Ryndelgros . . 5 7. Carta Regis Malcolmi de decima piscarie circa Insulam de May 6 8. Carta Regis Willelmi de libertate tolnei et consuetudinis. 9. Scrijptum Johannis de Hay a quondam vicecomitis de Fyf de Inquisicione facta per eumdem de secta monachorum de May in curia Regis. 10. Confirmacio Regis Willelmi de donacione Regum David et Malcolmi ...... 7 11. Carta Johannis filii Michaelis de una terra juxta Caluer- burne et una acra prati et pastura aueriorum in Pan- cheles . . . . . .16 1 2. Carta ejusdem J ohannis de quadam terra juxta Goselawe 1 5 1 3. Carta Nesii de Londoniis de parte Wasti sui juxta Redeho. 1 4. Carta ejusdem Nesii de quadam terra juxta Goselawe. 15. Confirmacio Comitis Fatricii de terra juxta Kaluerhurne et pastura. 1 G. Carta Bernard Frascr de terra de Dremschele. 1 7. Confirmacio Robert! de Londoniis de Lyngokes . . 12 1 8. Confirmacio ecclesiarum facta per JF[illelmum] quondam Epis- copum Sancti Andree. 19. Consensus Frioris et Capitidi Sancti Andree de eadem confir- macione. 1 For a description of this Roll, see p. Ixv. The entries printed in italics describe charters which have not been discovered. The others indicate the deeds now printed. ROTULUS CARTARUM ET MUNIMENTORUM SCOCIE. 20. Carta Comitis Patricii de terra juxta Windedures 21. Carta Malcolmi Cod de terra de Cranebriggis 22. Carta Gileberti de Berewe de terra de Mora de Berewe 23. Carta Eggou Eufi de terra juxta riuulum de Lyngokes 25. Carta Gospatricii Comitis de una tofta juxta portum de Bele. 26. Carta Patricii Comitis de V. acris terre juxta portum de Bele. 24. Carta Johannis de Dundemor militis de terra de Turbrekes 27. Ordinacio facta per dominum W[illelmum] quondam Episcopum Sancti Andree inter monachos de May et Dominum Henricum de Dundemor super contro- versia cujusdam fidelitatis faciende pro terra de Tur- brekes ...... 28. Composicio cujusdam terre in Briggate 29. Composicio cujusdam ii. marcarum in Berewike 30. Decisio cujusdam litis de decima piscarie in portu Sancti Andree. 31. Composicio de decima piscarie in portu de Lynestrother 32. Carta Eegis David de decimis de Perth 33. Confirmacio Eegis Alexandri de Dremschele 34. Confirmacio Eegis Alexandri de Lingoges 35. Carta Eegis David de Terra de Balgally . 36. Confirmacio Malcolmi Eegis de donacione Eegis David 37. Scriptum Eegis Willelmi de decima piscarie circa Insulam de May ...... 38. Carta Eegis Willelmi de acquietacione Cani et tolnei 39. Carta Eegis Willelmi de acquietacione excercitus et omni expedicione ...... 40. Confirmacio Eegis Willelmi de Burgo de Berwike 41. Carta Regis Willelmi de communione nemoris de Klacmanan. 42. Carta Eegis Willelmui de licencia emendi et vendendi 43. Carta DuneTcani Comitis de Fyfe de acquietacione excercitus. 44. Confirmacio Ele de terra de Berewe. 45. Composicio inter monachos de May et Adam filium Philippi de Berewik ...... cxiv ROTULUS CARTARUM ET MUNIMENTORUM SCOCIE. Pace 46. Composicio inter monachos de May et Dunekanum super tractu retium in aqua de Teye . . .29 47. Composicio inter Abbatem de Scona et priorem et mon- acos de Maii ... . . 30 48. Quoddam scriptum quod intitulatur conservatores. 49. Finalis concordia in[ter] Johannem de Dundemor et monachos de May super controversia de terra de Turhrekes. 50. Confirmacio de Morham de terra de Berewe. 51. Composicio Johannis de Dundemor de terra de Turbrekes . 19 52. Carta conventus de Dunfermelyn de decimis de Balgally. 53. Carta Willelmi de Camera de iij. libris cere in Hadingtone. 54. Carta Johannis de Wiggemore de predictis iij. libris cere. 55. Carta Alexandri Cumyn Comitis de Buchan de j. pecia cere. 56. Scriptum conservatorum Anglic directum Regi Alexandro. 57. Quieta clamancia domini Radulphi de Lascele de terra de Fausside. 58. Quedam composicio inter monachos de May et vicarium de Karel de tota terra de Berewe, de qua composicione due sunt litere. 59. Litera Gamelini Episcopi Sancti Andree de libertate tolnei et consuetudinis. 60. Carta Willelmi de Beauer de quadam terra Ardarie . 17 61. Carta Willelmi Eegis de terra de Pethtoter . . 10 62. Duo privilegia Alexandri Pape, de immunitate et libertate domus Radinges cum possessionihus suis apud Leomenestriam et Scociam. 63. Quedam composicio inter monachos de May et Nicholaum Pincernam de quibusdam consuetudinibus in ecclesia del Eynd ...... 34 TABULA MUNIMENTORUM IN APPENDICE. Page Placituni Abbatis de Eading de prioratu de May . . Ixxxv Peticio Abbatis ...... Ixxxvi Rex citatur ad respondendum super appellatione Abbatis Rading ...... Ixxxvii Placita coram domino rege apud Cestriam anno regni Edward I. xxiii. ...... Ixxxix Gift by William, Bishop of St. Andrews, to his Canons of an annual pension out of the Priory of May, dated 1st July 1318 ...... xci Obligation by Henry, Bishop of St. Andrews, for £20 out of the sequestrated fruits of the Priory of May . . xcii Annexation of the Priory of Pittenweem to the Archbishopric of St. Andrews ..... xciii Precept for citing the Prior of Pittenweem . . . xcv Charter of the Isle of May to Patrick Lermonth . . xcvii Letters of Protection by the Prior of St. Andrews to the Prior of Pittenweem ..... cii Grant of Pensions by James, Commendator of St. Andrews, to James Roull and his Brothers . . . ciii Note of a charter of a Tenement in Anstruther by the Prior of Pittenweem to Cristina Howesoune, with relative Act of the Court of the Barony of Pittenweem . . cv Contract between the Prior of Pittenweem and the Prioress of Elcho ...... cvii Tack of the Priory of Pittenweem in favour of James, Com- mendator of St. Andrews and Pittenweem . . cviii Grant of a Pension by James, Commendator of St. Andrews, to Janet Rowll . . . . . cx CHAETEES OF THE PEIOEY or THE ISLE OF MAY. CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. Eot. dart. 35 IStito. j&o> 3X> per 3£ns;peximus. [De Rindelgros.] Pro Abbate de Eedynges. Eex Archiepiscopis, etc. Salutem. Inspexi- mus cartam Davidis quondam Eegis Scotie quam fecit Deo et Ecclesie Sancte Marie et Conventui de Redinges in hec verba : — 1. David Dei gratia Rex Scotie venerabilibus fratribus et amicis E. Abbati et domino Briencio totique conventui de Redingis sal- utem et dilectionem. Anime mee meorumque saluti providens et vestris necessitatibus caritatis intuitu subveniens dono et concedo Deo et ecclesie Sancte Marie et conventui de Redingis Rindalgros per illas divisas per quas ego ipse sed et Willelmus GifFard Her- bertus Camerarius ceterique homines mei perivimus ad vestrum opus. Hanc itaque predictam villam pro salute anime mee ante- cessorum et successorum meorum vobis et successoribus vestris in perpetuam elemosinam dono et concedo ita liberam et quietam et ab omnium hominum calumpnia absolutam in terris aquis et piscariis sicut aliqua Abbatia in regno meo donationes suas et possessiones liberius et quietius tenet et habet. Hac demum consideratione ut si ego vel heredes mei predicte donationi tantum divina inspiratione adderemus unde conventus posset sustentari predicto loco conventum destinetis qui de beneficiis illis necessaria habeat. Reliquum vero utilitati et dispositioni vestre concedimus. Presentibus testibus fratre Willelmo Giffardo Gaufrido Abbate de Dunfermelin Edwardo Cancellario Waltero de Bydun Nicolao B 2 CARTE PRIOR ATUS INSULE DE MAY. clerico Dunecano Comite Hiigone de Morevill Herberto Camerario Waltero de Lindesie Leod de Brechin apud Dunfermelin. [De una Tofta in Berewike.] Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam predicti Davidis quam fecit ecclesie de May et Priori et Monachis ejusdem loci qui est cell a predicte ecclesie de Eedinges in hec verba : — David Rex Scotie omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue salutem. Sciatis me concessisse et dedisse ecclesie de May et Priori et Monachis ejusdem loci ibidem Deo famulantibus quandam plenariam toftam in Beruwic in perpetuam elemosinam pro anima mea et animabus antecessorum et successorum meomm Quare volo et precipio quod ipsi prefatam toftam teneant adeo libere et quiete sicut aliqui vel abbates vel priores in tota terra mea elemosinas suas liberius et quietius tenent et homines qui in tofta ilia mane- bunt liberi sint ab omni semtio et exactione. Testibus Enialdo Abbate de Calchoh Osberto Priore de Jedewrt Waltero Cancellario Hugone de Morvilla Walterus filius Alani Gilleberto de Um- framvilla Waltero de Bolebec apud Kyngor. [De Terra Ballegallin et Communi Pastura.] Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam predicti Davidis quam fecit Deo et ecclesie ac fratribus predicte celle de May in hec verba : — 3. David Rex Scotie Episcopis Abbatibus Comitibus Justiciariis Baronibus Vicecomitibus et omnibus hominibus totius terre sue salutem. Sciant tam posteri quam presentes me pro salute anime mee dedisse et concessisse Deo et ecclesie Omnium Sanctorum de Mai et fratribus ibidem Deo servientibus dimidium Balegallin sicut Gillecolm Macchinbethin et Machet IMacTorfin et Malmure Thein CARTP] PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. 3 de Chellin eis predictam terram proiverunt libere et quiete ad ten- endum de me et de heredibus meis sicut ulla elemosina in terra mea tenetur melius et liberius quamdiu Conventus Monacorum in Mai fuerit. Preterea do eis et concede communem pasturam in Sira de Chellin et in Sira de Cherel et per totam terram meam ita ne ullus pro pastura eos aut pecuniam eorum super meum foris- factum laboret aut disturbet. Testibus Gregorio Episcopo de Dun- chelden et Andrea episcopo de Cateneis et Willelmo GifFard et Dunecano Comite et Alfwino filio Archil apud Dunfermelin. [De donacione de Petnewem et Inerrin.] Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam predicti Davidis quam fecit Deo et predictis ecclesie et fratribus in hec verba : — 4. David Rex Scotie Episcopis Abbatibus Comitibus Vicecomi- tibus Ministris et probis hominibus totius terre sue salutem. Sciatis me concessisse et in perpetuam elemosinam dedisse Deo et ecclesie de Mai et fratribus ibidem Deo servientibus tam futuris quam presentibus Petneweme et Inuerrin que fuit Averni per rectas divisas ita libere et quiete ad tenendum de me sicut alie eclesie elemosinarum mearum tenent melius et liberius. Testibus Abbate Gaufrido de Dunfermelin et Comite Dunecano et Hugone de More- villa et Edwardo Cancellario et Alfwino MacArchil et Macbet Mac- Torfin apud Edeneburgum. [De communitate nemoris de Clacmanec] Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam predicti Davidis quam fecit Achardo Priori et predictis fratribus de Mai in hec verba : — 5. David Rex Scotie Episcopis Comitibus Vicecomitibus Ministris et Gilleserfis de Clacmanec et omnibus probis hominibus suis sal- 4 CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. litem. Sciatis me concessisse et declisse Achardo Priori et fratribus de Mai in elemosinam commmiitatem nemoris de Clacmanec. Quare defendo ne ullus eos aut eorum homines in nemore dis- turbet. Testibus Galfrido Abbate de Dunfermelin et Edwardo Cancellario et Herberto Camerario apud Dunfermelin. [De Libertate Tolnei.] Inspeximus etiam litteras patentes predicti Davidis quas fecit Priori predicte Celle de Mai in hec verba : — David Rex Scotie Vicecomitibus prepositis ministris et omni- bus hominibus totius terre sue salutem Precipio ubicumque Prior de Mai aut aliquis suorum fratrum aut clientium Domus de Mai venerint cum rebus domus de Mai quatinus sint quieti de cano et tolneio per totam terram meam et ut licentiam habeant vendendi proprias res suas et emendi necessaria domus. Preterea defendo ne ullus eis aut rebus eorum super meum forisfaetum forisfaciat. Testibus Herberto Episcopo de Clascu et Andrea Episcopo de Cateneis et Emaldo Abbate de Chegho [Calchoh?] apud Strivelin. [De decimis de Riridelgros.] Inspeximus etiam quasdam alias litteras patentes predicti Davidis quas fecit predictis monachis de Eindelgros qui quidem locus est de predicta cella de Mai in hec verba : — David Rex Scotie omnibus hominibus totius Vicecomitatus de Pert salutem Mando vobis et firmiter precipio quatinus detis Monachis de Rindelgros decimas vestras in blado et caseo et in rebus omnibus in quibus decimas dare debetis ne illas super meam defensionem detineatis. Testibus Duncano Comite et Waltero Cancellario apud Scone. CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. 5 [De decimis de Rindelgros.] Inspeximus etiam cartam Malcolmi quondam Regis Scotie quam fecit predictis Monachis de Ryndelcros in hec verba : — 8. Malcolmus Rex Scotie Episcopis Abbatibus Comitibus Vicecomitibus Ministris prepositis et omnibus probis hominibus totius terre salutem. Sciant omnes tarn posteri quam presentes me dedisse et hac carta mea confirmasse Monachis de Rindelcros omnem decimam ad ecclesiam ejusdem ville pertinentem tam in ■ piscationibus aquarum de Tey et Ern tam in agnis et caseis et in omnibus rebus in quibus decime debent dari et prohibeo super meum plenarium forisfactum ne aliquis eis inde quicquam detineat. Testibus his Waltero Cancellario Hugone de Morwilla Nicholao clerico apud Berewicum. [De Pennewen et Inuerin. ] Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam predicti Malcolmi quam fecit Deo et Sanctis predicte celle de Mai in hec verba : — 9. Malcolmus Rex Scotie Comitibus Vicecomitibus Ministris et omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue salutem. Sciatis me concessisse et hac mea carta confirmasse Deo et Sanctis de Mai Pennewen et Inuerin que fait Avemi per rectas divisas sicut Matheus Archidiaconus et Gillopatric Machturfici et ceteri multi Inuerin ilium proiverunt ita libere et quiete sicut alie eclesie tenent de me melius et liberius. Preterea do eis communem pasturam in Sire de Erdros sicut habent in Sire de Challin ita ne ullus eos disturbet pro pastura super meum plenarium forisfactum. Teste Hugone de Morwilla apud Edenburgum. 6 CARTE PRIORATUS IN8ULE MAY. [De donacione Regis David.] Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam confirmationis prefati Mal- colmi quam fecit Priori et Monachis predicte Celle de Mai in hec verba : — 10. Malcolmus Dei gratia Rex Scotie omnibus Episcopis Ab- batibus Comitibus Baronibus Vicecomitibus prepositis et omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue tam Francis quam Anglis et Scottis salutem. Notum sit vobis me concessisse et carta mea confirmasse Priori et Monachis de Mai donationem et concessionem avi mei Davidis Regis ita libere et quiete sicut ipse predictus Rex eis concessit et carta sua confirmavit, in omnibus rebus tam terris quam aquis et pascuis. Quare volo et firmiter precipio quod nullus eis aliquam faciat injuriam nec aliquis ab illis aliquid exigat nisi illud tantummodo quod in tempore avi mei exigebatur. His presentibus testibus Waltero Cancellario Comite Gospatric Hugone de Morvilla Willelmo de Sumervill apud Linlithcu. [De decima piscarie circa Insulam de May.] Inspeximus etiam litteras patentes predicti Malcolmi quas fecit Mon- achis predicte Celle de Mai in hec verba : — 11. Malcolmus Rex Scotie omnibus probis hominibus et pisca- toribus qui circa Insulam de Mai piscantur salutem. Mando vobis et firmiter precipio quatinus Monachis de Mai Deo servientibus decimas vestras absque dilatione prebeatis et prohibeo firmiter ne aliquis vestrum illas eis detineat sicut illas habuerunt pre- dicti monachi temporibus avi mei Davidis Regis super meum plenarium forisfactum. Testibus Waltero Cancellario Waltero filio Alani Dapifero Waltero de Lindesia apud Dunfermelyn. CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE 1>E MAY. 7 [De donacione Regum David et Malcolmi.] Inspeximus etiam cartam confirmationis Willelmi quondam Eegis Scotie quam fecit Deo et preclicte ecclesie de May et Willelmo tunc Priori ejusdem loci in hec verba : — WiLLELMUS Rex Scotie Episcopis Abbatibus Comitibus Baroni- bus Justiciariis Vicecomitibus et omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis salutem. Sciant presentes et futuri me con- cessisse et hac carta confirmasse Deo et ecclesie Omnium Sanctorum de Mai et Willelmo Priori et successoribus ejus et fratribus ibidem Deo servientibus et ordinem Cluniacensem ibidem tenentibus in liberam et perpetuam elemosinam donationes quas Rex David avus mens pie memorie et predecessor mens Rex Malcolmus frater mens eis dederunt et concesserunt scilicet ex Regis Davidis donatione Petneweme et Inverrin que fuit Averni per rectas utriusque ville divisas et dimidium de Balegallin quia reliquam partem ejusdem ville dedi ex donatione mea eis per rectas utriusque partis illius ville divisas. Concedo etiam eis communem pasturam in Schira de Kellyn et in Schira de Karal sicut carta Regis Davidis testatur et unum plenarium toftum in Burgo meo de Berewych. Ex dona- tione vero Regis Malcolmi v. marcas singulis annis de cano meo de navibus venientibus apud Pert sicut carta Regis Malcolmi fratris mei testatur et confirmat. Precipio etiam ut omnes qui piscantur circa Insulam de Mai rectas decimas suas Deo et predicte ecclesie sine occasione solvant. Prohibeo etiam firmiter ne quis de- cimas suas eis injuste detineat sicut habuerunt in tempore regis Davidis super meum forisfactum et ne quis in aquis eorum piscari presumat nec edificia construere in Insula de Mai nec terram de Mai fodere nec in ea herbam capere nisi per eorum licentiam. Pre- terea etiam concedo eis et confirmo unam mansuram cum tofto in 8 CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. Dunbar et applicationem uiiius navis ad necessaria domus sue transportanda sicut Comes Gospatricius eis dedit et concessit et rex Malcolmus frater mens eis carta sua confirmavit. Quare volo et fimiiter precipio ut predicti monachi prenominatas terras et tenuras teneant et habeant ita plenarie quiete libere et honorifice sicut carte antecessorum meoruni Regis Davidis et Regis Malcolmi eis testantur et confinnant et sicut aliqua abbatia in toto regno meo elemosinas suas liberius quietius et honorificentius tenet et possidet. Ita tamen quod semper habeatur ibi conventus xiij. monachorum de ordine Cluniacensi et quod Prior ejusdem loci scilicet de Mai non ammoveatur nisi pro manifesta ipsius culpa que prius cognita fuerit michi et episcopo Sancti Andree. Testibus Davide fratre meo Nicliolao Cancellario Matheo Archidiacono Sancti Andree Comite Waldeve. Comite Dunecano Ricardo de Morevilla Constabulario Waltero filio Alani Dapifero Davide OlifF Nesio filio Willelmi Hugone Ridel Galfrido de Malevilla aput Pert. [De tofto in Burgo de Berewic] Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam confirmationis predicti Will- elmi quam fecit ecclesie et Priori ac monachis predicte Celle de Mai in hec verba : — 13. WiLLELMUS Dei gratia Rex Scotie omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis salutem. Sciant presentes et fiituri me concessisse] et hac carta mea confirmasse ecclesie de Mai et Priori et Monachis ibidem Deo servientibus illud plenarium toftum in Burgo meo de Berewic quod Rex David avus mens eis dedit. Quare volo et precipio quatinus predicti monachi toftum illud teneant et habeant libere et quiete in liberam et perpetuam elemo- sinam. Volo etiam ut homines qui in tofto illo manebunt liberi CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. 0 siut ab onmi servicio et exactione sicut carta Regis Davidis avi mei testatur. Testibus Willelmo Episcopo Sancti Andree Philippo de Valoniis Camerario nostro Willelmo de Boscho Willelmo Cumin apud Berewicum iiij. die Julii. [De acquietacione Cani et Tolnei.] Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam prefati Willelmi quam fecit predictis Priori et Monachis in hec verba : — WiLLELMUS Dei gratia Rex Scotie Justiciariis Vicecomitibus Baronibus Ministris et omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue salutem. Sciatis me dedisse et concessisse et hac carta mea con- firmasse Priori de Mai et Monachis ibidem Deo servientibus licen- tiam et liberam potestatem vendendi et emendi quodcunque opus habent ad proprios usus suos per totam terram meam. Quare volo et firmiter precipio ut ipsi et serviente proprii domus sue de dominiis catallis predictorum monachorum que vendiderint et de omnibus que ad eorundem proprios usus emerint sint liberi et quieti a cano et theloneo et ab omni alia consuetudine ubicumque pro tali negotio venerint. Precipio etiam ut homines eorum alii in terra ipsorum manentes sint liberi et quieti a cano et theloneo et omni alia con- suetudine tantum in portibus terre ipsorum monachorum de vendi- tione et emptione. Concedo etiam ut quatuor denarios habeant de quatuor retinaculis singularum navium que in portibus suis de Ped- newem et de Amestroder causa piscandi vel piscem vendendi appli- cuerint et de batellis similiter qui annexa habuerint gubemacula. Canum vero tantum de eisdem portibus ad opus meum retineo et de cano illo per manus ministrorum meorum ibidem canum sus- cipientium quemque decimum denarium predictis monachis dari precipio. Testibus Hugone Episcopo Sancti Andree Comite Dune- 10 CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. cano Coiiiite Gileberto Waltero de Berkele Camerario Willeliiio dc Mortemer Galfrido de INIalever apiid Pert. [De terra de Petother.] Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam predict! Willelmi quam fecit Deo et ecclesie ac monacliis predicte Celle de Mai in liec verba : — 15. WiLLELMUS Dei gratia Rex Scotie Episcopis Abbatibus Comi- tibus Baronibus Justiciariis Vceconiitibus prepositis ministris et omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis salutem. Sciant presentes et futuri me dedisse et concessisse et hac carta mea confirmasse Deo et ecclesie Sanctorum de Mai et Monachis ibidem Deo servientibus Petother per rectas divisas suas cum omnibus justis pertinentiis suis Tenendum in liberam et puram etperpetuam elemosinam in terris et aquis in pratis et pascuis in moris et maresiis et in omnibus aliis ad predict am terram juste pertinentibus ita libere quiete plenarie et honorifice sicut alias terras et elemosinas suas liberius quietius plenius et honorificentius in regno meo tenent et possident. Testibus Hugone Cancellario meo Ricardo de Prebenda clerico meo Radulfo et Waltero Capellanis meis Philippo de Valoniis Camerario meo Magistro Henrico clerico meo Willelmo de Haia Alexandro Vicecomite de Strivelin Ricardo filio Hugonis Willelmo Flandrensi Herberto de Camera apud Clam [clonin?] xvij die xiprilis. [De acquietacione exercitus et onmi expedicione.] Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam predicti Willelmi quam fecit Deo et Priori et Monachis dicte Celle de Mai in hec verba : — 16. WiLLELMUS Dei gratia Rex Scotie Episcopis Abbatibus Comi- tibus Baronibus Justiciariis Vicecomitibus Ministris et ceteris probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis salutem. Sciant pre- CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. 11 sentes et posteri me concessisse et hac carta mea confirmasse Deo et Priori de Mai et Monachis ibidem Deo servientibus quod omnes terre eorum et omnes homines eorum in terris ipsorum manentes sint liberi et quieti de exercitu et expeditione. Testibus Davide fratre meo Comite Dunecano Waltero de Bydun Cancellario Wal- tero de Wjndleshora Philippo de Valoniis Rogero de Valoniis Roberto de Berchele Waltero de Berchele Camerario Willelmo de Haia apud Rading. [De aquietacione Cani et Tolnei.] Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam predicte Willelmi quam fecit predictis Priori et Monachis in hec verba : — 17. WiLLELMUS Rex Scotie Vicecomitibus prepositis ministris et omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue salutem. Sciatis me dedisse et sigillo meo confirmasse Priori de Mai et Monachis ibidem servientibus Deo licentiam et liberam potestatem vendendi et emendi quo opus habent per totam terram meam. Quare volo et firmiter precipio ut ipsi et servientes eorum et homines sint liberi et quieti a cano et theloneo et ab omni alia consuetudine ubicumque pro tali negotio venerint. Precipio etiam ut homines qui causa piscandi in terra ipsorum applicuerint liberi et quieti sint a cano et theloneo et alia consuetudine pro venditione piscium et emtione preter ea que Priori et Monachis debentur. Testibus Nicolao Cancellario Waltero Dapifero Ricardo de Morvilla apud Edeneburgum. [De decima piscarie circa Insulam de May.] Inspeximus etiam litteras patentes predicti Willelmi quas fecit predictis Priori et Monachis in hec verba : — 18. WiLLELMUS Rex Scotie omnibus piscatoribus qui piscem capiunt circa Mai salutem. Mando et firmiter precipio quatinus 12 CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. pleiiarie et integre reddatis Priori de Mai et Moiiachis ibidem Deo servieiitibus decimas siias et coiisuetudines et rectitudines quas habuermit tempore Regis Malcolmi fratris mei sicut carta sua quam inde habent testatur et sicut habuerunt ante tempus Prioris Willelmi de omnimodis redditibus et rectitudinibus et de modico et de magno et prohibeo ne quis eis inde quicquam detineat super meam forisfacturam quia eis juste meam firmam pacem concessi. Testibus Nicholao Cancellario Ricardo de Morvilla Constabulario Waltero filio Alani Dapifero apud Edeneburgum. [De Lingoc] Inspeximus etiam cartam confirmationis Alexandri quondam Regis Scotie quam fecit Deo et predictis Monachis de Mai in hec verba : — 1 9. JVlEXANDER Dei gratia Rex Scotie omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue clericis et laicis salutem. Sciant presentes et futuri me concessisse et hac carta mea confirmasse donacionem illam quam Robertus de Londoniis frater mens fecit Deo et Sanctis de Maii et Monachis ibidem Deo servientibus de Lingoc que fuit de vasto ejus de Kellin. Tenendum in puram et perpetuam elemosinam per rectas divisas suas et cum omnibus justis pertinentiis suis ita libere et quiete sicut carta predicti Roberti de Londoniis inde facta pre- dictis Monachis de May testatur salvo servitio meo. Testibus Willelmo de Boscho Cancellario meo Willelmo Cumin Comite de Buchan Justiciario Scotie Davide de Haya Willelmo de Muntfichet Thoma Hostiario Galfrido filio Ricardi Thoma de Haya apud Clonin xxvj. die Marcii. CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE 1)E MAY. 13 [De Dremescheles.] Inspeximus etiam quandam aliam cartam predict! Alexandri quam fecit Priori et Monachis dicte Celle de May in hec verba : — Alexander Dei gratia Rex Scotie omnibus probis hominibus totius terre sue salutem. Sciant presentes et futuri nos concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse conventionem factam inter Priorem et Monachos de May ex una parte et Bernardum Eraser ex altera videlicet de tota terra de Dremessheles quam idem Bernardus Eraser dimisit ad perpetuam firmam predictis Priori et Monachis de May. Tenendum et habendum sibi et successoribus suis de pre- dicto Bernardo et heredibus suis in perpetuum. Ita libere quiete plenarie et honorifice sicut carta dicti Bemardi Eraser inde plenius confecta predictis Priori et Monachis de May juste testatur salvo servicio nostro. Testibus Willelmo electo Glasguensi Cancellario Henrico de Strivelin filio Comitis Waltero Byset Davide de Has- tengys Willelmo de Munfichet Willelmo Byset Anselmo de Camelin apud Strivelin septimodecimo die Augusti anno regni domini Regis nonodecimo. Nos autem donationes concessiones et confirmationes predictas ratas habentes et gratas eas pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est concedimus et confirmamus sicut carte et littere predicte ration- abiliter testantur. Hiis testibus Venerabilibus patribus Willelmo Archi- episcopo Eboracensi Anglie Primate Waltero Coventrensi et Lychefel- densi Joanne Cicestrensi Radulpho Londoniensi et Joanne Karliolensi Episcopis Henrico de Lacy Comite Lincolnie Hugone le Despenser Rogero de Mortuo Mari Seniore Johanne de la Mare et aliis. Datum per manum nostram apud Camboc iiij^*^- die Marcii per finem xx. lib- rarum factum coram consilio. Dupplicatur. CARTE EX LIBRO CARTARUM PRIORATUS SANCTI ANDREE. (Pp. 379, et seq.) Carta Patricii comitis de Dunbar. Omnibus sancte matris ecclesie filiis presens scriptum visuris uel audituris. Patricius comes de Dunbar salutem in Domino Noueritis me concessisse et hac presenti carta mea confimiasse deo et Sanctis de May et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus pro salute anime mee et omnium antecessorum meorum et successorum in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam totam terram que continetur infra has diuisas scilicet de Windidure usque ad Kingissete. et sic per semitam descendendo usque ad Kingisburne et ita ascendendo per Kingis- burne usque ad altam uiam que extenditur per le rede stane. et per illam uiam usque ad Windidure. tenendam sibi in perpetuum de me et heredibus meis cum communi pastura et cum omnibus com- munibus aisiamentis ad eandem terram pertinentibus adeo libere et quiete et pacifice sicut aliqua elemosina in regno scocie liberius et quiecius potest dari uel concedi. sicut in carta donacionis Patricii comitis predecessoris mei plenius continetur. In cuius rei testi- monium presenti scripto sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus domino Willelmo Wischard episcopo Sancti Andree domino Da . . Sancto Andrea Lundoris et multis aliis. CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. 15 Carta comitis Patricii de Dunbar de una vacca. Omnibus hoc scriptum visuris uel audituris Patricius comes de dunbar salutem in domino sempiternam. Noueritis me dedisse con- cessisse quietum clamasse. et liac meo presenti carta confirmasse in perpetuiim pro me et omnibus antecessoribus et successoribus meis deo et Sanctis de May et monachis ibidem deo seruientibus unam uaccam quam antecessores mei receperunt et ego recipere consueui annuatim pro terra quam de me tenent in Lambermor. In cuius rei testimonium huic scripto sigillum meum apposui. Hiis testibus Domino Willelmo Wishard episcopo sancti Andree. domino Dauid de Louchor. domino Johanne Wishard. domino Alano de Ormistun. domino Radulpho de Lasceles militibus. domino Johanne priore Sancti Andree. domino Nicholao abbate de Lundors et multis aliis. Carta Johannis filii Michaelis de Mayschelis in Lambyrmur. SciANT presentes et futuri quod ego Johannes filius Michaelis dedi et concessi et hac carta confirmasse deo monachis ibidem deo seruientibus assensu uolun. ... am terram . . . elaive usque . . . a Windedure tum de Bromside et a Bromside usque ad Kaluerbume. et ita ascendendo usque ad Goselaw in qua terra dixerat predictus Nesius se ius habere. Hanc autem terram pre- fatis monachis dedi et concessi in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosinam ab omni seruicio etexaccione quietam et absolutam. Et ut hec concessio et donacio firma permaneat et inconcussa. eam sigilli mei appensione roboraui. Hiis testibus Willelmo Patric. Patricio filio Ade. Rogero de Merlei. Neso de London. Gilberto de 16 CARTE PRIOKATUS INSULE DE MAY. Poiilwrt. Ada filio eiiis. Roberto de Burneiiile. Alano filio Patricii. Alano filio Willelmi senescaldo Nesii de London, et multis aliis. Carta Johannis filii Michaelis super terra de Mayscheles. 24. SCIANT presentes et fiituri. quod ego Johannes filius Michaelis assensu et uoluntate heredis mei dedi et concessi et hac carta mea confinnaui deo et Sanctis de May. et monachis ibidem deo seruienti- bus pro anima mea. et animabus patris mei. et matris mee. et Duncani fratris mei. et uxoris mee. et heredis mei. et omnium antecessorum et successorum meorum in liberam. et puram. et perpetuam elemosinam totam terram in australi parte de Caluerburne a uado quod est inter Panscheles et Kingessete usque ad lapidem stantem quasi medio loco inter austrum et Occident em. et inde ad magnum lapidem qui situs est sub Winethes. et inde usque ad Strotherhefed. et inde per semitam paruam usque ad Windesduris in pertinenciis uille mee de Panscheles. cum una acra prati. et cum pastura que sufficiat ad sus- tentandum tres centas ones matrices, et triginta uaccas portantes. et uiginti quatuor equas portantes cum sequela. Et cum fuerit duorum annorum ammouebitur ipsa sequela, et sic deinceps. Concedo eciam ut habeant predicti monachi in pastura mea decem sues portantes cum sequela donee sit superanuata. et sic deinceps. Ita concedo hominibus eorum qui predictam terram tenuerint petas et turbas quantum necesse habuerint ad domos suas. Hanc autem conces- sionem et donacionem ego et heredes mei prefatis monachis in per- petuum ab excercitu et expedicione. et omni seruicio. et exaccione. et multura. warantizabimus et aquietabimus. Et ut hec concessio et donacio robur perpetue firmitatis optineat, cam sigilli mei appen- sione roboraui. Hiis testibus. Roberto de London filio Willelmi CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE I)E MAY. 17 regis Scocie. Michale filio et herede predicti domini Johannis. Radulpho rectore ecclesie de Wemes. Waldeuo filio Merlessweiii. Diincano filio Ade de Kilcunkath Thoma de Lundin. Galfrido de Maleuile. Johanne de Petkeri. Symone capellano sepedicti Johannis. Roberto, et Patricio seruientibus eius. et multis aliis. Carta Willelmi de Beaueyr de terra de Ardarie. 25. SCIANT presentes et futuri. quod ego Wilelmus de Beaueir con- . cessi et dedi Deo. et sancte Marie et Sanctis de May. et seruis dei ibidem deo seruientibus terram meam de Ardarie. unam scilicet carucatam. et unam bouatam. in perpetuam elemosinam pro salute anime mee. et pro salute anime domine mee Ade comitisse. et regis Maucolmi filii eius. et pro salute domini mei regis Willelmi. et pro salute omnium antecessorum suorum, tenendam libere. et quiete sicut ego eam melius tenui. sicut carta domini regis testatur. Terra uero quam dedi uxori mee in dotem. due scilicet bouate. et una bouata quam dedi Radulpho seruienti meo. post mortem ipsorum in manus monachorum de May redibit. Yt autem hec mea donacio firma et stabilis in perpetuum permaneret. eam predictis monachis presenti carta confirmaui. et qui eam ratam tenuerit et s . . . . conseruet cum v et semen suum duplicetur super terram. Oro hac uero donacione prior et monachi de May susceperit me in fraternitatem suam .... cium suum tam corporale quam spirit- uale in monacatum in mortem. Hiis testibus Willelmo capellano de Karal. Willelmo capellano de Kilredeni. Roberto capellano. Bricio clerico. Gileberto filio ejus Willelmo clerico de Rindelgros. Gaufrido de Einestrothir. Reingod de Karal. Roberto rufFo. Will- elmo fratre eius. Radulpho seruiente meo. c 18 CARTE PRIOUATUS INSULE DE MAY. Carta Eggou Ruffi de terra prope Lingoch. 26. SCIANT presentes et futuri quod ego Eggou RufFus uoluntate et assensu Donecani lieredis mei dedi et concessi et hac carta mea confirmaui Deo et Sanctis de May et monachis ibidem Deo semienti- bus pro aiiima mea et animabus patris mei et matris mee. et Donecani filii mei. et Donecani heredis mei. et Agnetis uxoris mee. et omnium antecessorum meorum et successorum in liberam. et puram et per- petuam elemosinam. terram a riuulo que diuidebat terram meam a terra de Lingoch usque ad fossata que facta fuerunt in presencia mea et aliorum proborum uirorum. scilicet Agnetis uxoris mee. Roberti le Mare Willelmi Bolk. Vlfi de Lingoch. Malkolmi de Inuerin. et quorumdam aliorum in latere montis que est ex aquilon- ali parte ipsius riuuli .... donacionem et concessionem ego et heredes mei prefatis monachis in perpetuum ab excercitu ex- pedicione et multura. et omni seruicio et exaccione warantizabimus et aquietabimus. Et ut hec donacio et concessio firma sit et stabilis, eam sigilli mei apposicione roboraui. Hiis testibus Roberto de London. Laurencio archidiacono ; Waldeuo filio Merleswein; Thoma Quoco; Thoma capellano de Kellin; Roberto le Mare; Malkolmo de Inuerin ; Gillecrist fratre eius ; Vlfo de Lingoch ; Meruin seruiente predicti Eggou Rufi et multis aliis. Carta Alexandri Comyn comitis de Buchan. de quadraginta denariis. 27. Omnibus hoc scriptum uisuris vel audituris. Alexander Cumyn comes de Buchan. Justiciarius scocie. salutem. Nouerit uniuersitas uestra nos dedisse. concessisse. et hac carta nostra confirmasse. pro CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. 19 nobis et heredibus nostris et pro salute anime nostre. et ante- cessorum. et heredum nostromm. Deo et sancte Marie, et ad luminarium sancti Ethirnini de insula de May. et monachis ibidem Deo et sancto Ethirnini seruientibus unam petram cere uel quadra- ginta denarios annuatim recipiendos apud Rossyn ad nundinas sancti Andree. Tenendam et habendam dictis monachis de nobis et heredibus nostris inperpetuum in puram et perpetuam elemo- sinam. Et nos et heredes nostri dictam petram cere uel dictos quadraginta denarios dictis monachis adquietabimus inperpetuum. In cuius rei testimonium, presenti scripto sigillum nostrum fecimus apponi. Hiis testibus domino Hugone de Byaumis; domino Roberto de Walichope. domino Thoma capellano. domino W. de Syneburne. Ada de Haleth clerico. Ricardo clerico. Bernardo de Erth. et aliis. CoMPOSicio inter nos et Johannem de Dunde- more de Turbrech. Hec est finalis concordia, anno gracie. M .cc . sexagesimo facta inter religiosos uiros priorem et monachos de May ex parte vna. et dominum Johannem de Dundemore militem ex altera, videlicet quod cum controuersia mota esset inter eosdem super quadam terra que uocatur Turbrech in Fyf, post multas altercaciones inter partes habitas, lis in hunc modum conquieuit. scilicet quod dictus dominus Johannes totam dictam terram de Turbrech per suas rectas et antiquas diuisas dictis priori et monachis dimisit. quietam clamauit. et presenti scripto in liberam et perpetuam elemosinam pro anima sua et animabus antecessorum et successorum suorum confirmauit. Pro hac dimissione. quieta clamancia, et confirmacione. prefati prior et monachi concesserunt dicto domino Johanni et heredibus suis unum monachum diuina celebrantem in capella beate Marie uir- ginis in insula de May. pro anima sua. et animabus antecessorum et 20 CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. successonim suomm in perpetimm concesserunt. etiam eidem domino Jolianni et lieredibus suis singulis annis dimidiam marcam argenti. uel sexaginta mulewellos ad duos anni teraiinos. scilicet ad pente- costen unam medietatem. et ad festum sancti Martini in hieme. aliam medietatem. ita quod sit in opcione dictomm prions et mona- chorum dictam dimidiam marcam. sine dictos mulewellos suis terminis soluere. concesserunt insuper dicto Johanni et lieredibus suis unam lampadem uitream in ecclesia de Syreis. et ad sustenta- cionem eiusdem lampadis, duos galones olei, uel duodecim denarios per annum inperpetuum. Si autem contingat dictos priorem et monachos uel aliquem successorum suorum prescriptam formam pacis non obseruare. uel in aliquo infringere, competat extunc dicto Johanni uel lieredibus suis actio in dicta terra que ante tempus istius pacis inite eidem conipetebat. Et ad huius rei fidem et securitatem, parti huius scripti in modum cyrograffi confecti penes sepe dictum dominum Johannem residenti, sigillum domini Hugonis tunc prioris de May appositum est. et parti penes dictos priorem et monachos residenti, sigillum dicti domini Johannis est appensum. Carta Johannis de Dundemor de Turbrech. 29. SCIANT presentes et futuri. quod ego Johannes de Dundemor dedi concessi et presenti carta mea confirm aui pro me et heredibus meis deo et ecclesie de May et priori et monachis ibidem deo seruientibiis et inperpetuum seruituris totam terram illam que dicitur Turbrek in F}^. per suas rectas diuisas. cum omnibus liber- tatibus. et aisiamentis ad dictam terram spectantibus. in liberam puram et perpetuam elemosinam. pro anima mea. et animabus ante- cessorum et successorum meorum. Quare uolo quod prefati prior et monachi dictam terram habeant et teneant de me et heredibus meis sibi et successoribus suis in perpetuum. libere, quiete, integre, et CARTE PRIOllATUS INSULE DE MAY. 21 pacifice, ab omni seruicio seculari, exaccione. et omiii alia coiisue- tudine et demaiida. et sicut aliqua elemosina in toto regno Scocie liberius tenetur. et quiecius possidetur. Et ego Johannes et heredes mei dictam terram de Turbrek in omnibus et per omnia sicut superius prelocutum est. aquietabimus et defendemus dictis priori et mon- achis suisque successoribus contra omnes mortales warantizabimus salua mihi et heredibus meis conuencione in cyrograpbo inter nos super hoc confecto, plenius contenta. Et ut hec mea donacio et con- firmacio robur optineat perpetue firmitatis, in eius fidem et testi- monium presentem cartam sigilli mei apposicione roboraui. Hiis testibus magistro Ada de M . . . . tunc preposito ecclesie sancte Marie ciuetatis sancti Andree, domino Galfrido de Ferseleya milite, domino Ricardo Camerario milite, Ricardo de Maleuile, Johanne Coco de Balcasky, Alano de Salelioc, Roberto Mainard, Johanne Coco de Abircrumbj, Ricardo Coco de Abircrumby, et multis aliis. Sentencia Willelmi episcopi Sancti Andree contra Henricum de Dundemore. Omnibus has literas uisuris uel audituris W. Dei gracia Sancti Andree episcopus eternam in Domino salutem. Nouerit uniuersitas vestra quod cum suscitata fuisset controuersia inter dominum Hen- ricum de Dundemore militem ex parte vna. et priorem et monachos de May ex altera, super fidelitate et fidelitatis iuramento petitis per ipsum dominum Henricum a dictis priore et monachis racione terre de Turbrek in Fyf elemosinate monachis supradictis. partes predicte volentes suscitatam controuersiam concordia terminare. tam super fidelitatis predicte petito iuramento. quam super districtu facto per dictum dominum Henricum contra dictos priorem et monachos quam racione fidelitatis denegate et iuris placita tenendi in terra 22 CARTE PKIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. predicta iiostro se ordinacioiii et arbitrio submisemnt. promittentes corporali hinc inde prestito iuramento arbitrio nostro et ordinacioni omnino parere. et incontrarium perpetuo non uenire vllo modo. Nos autem auditis hinc inde propositis iuribus utriusque partis, pro- nunciamus dictos priorem et monachos racione terre predicte de Turbrech ad fidelitatem faciendam dicto domino Henrico uel suis heredibus non teneri. immo ipsos priorem et monachos decernimus ad fidelitatem faciendam dicto domino Henrico uel suis heredibus penitus non teneri. ipsi domino Henrico suisque heredibus tam super fidelitate petita, quam super iure quod uendicat se habere super terra de Turbrech. placita. uel curiam detinendi, perpetuum silen- cium imponentes. ipsumque dominum Henricum ad restitucionem cuiusdam equi dictorum prioris et monachorum quem pro fideli- tate non prestita cepit a dictis priore et monachis. et captum detinet. condempnamus faciendum infra octo dies priori et monachis supradictis. In cuius rei testimonium presentibus sigillum nostrum duximus apponendum. Datum apud Cupir die lune proximo post festum purificacionis beate uirginis. anno domini M°. cc°. lxxx°. quinto. CoMPosicio de duabus marcis de tofto in Berwyck. 31. Omnibus Christi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris uel audituris . . de Scona et J. de Lundors dei gracia Abbates, et magister Laurencius Sanctiandree archidiaconus. salutem eternam in domino. Cum de mandato apostolico coram nobis questio uerteretur inter priorem et monachos de May ex una parte, et Thomam filium Eustachii de Berewyc ex altera super quibusdam terris in Berewyc, videlicet in uia pontis quas idem monachi dicebant sibi collatas de testa- mento Waldeui Ruffi. tandem inter eos sub hac forma amicabiliter CARTE PRIOllATUS INSULE DE MAY. 23 coiiuenit. videlicet, quod idem Thomas recognouit ius predictorum moiiachorum in predictis terris. et remisit totum clamimn suum quod habuit uel habere potuit contra predictos monachos. Tenebit autem idem Thomas terram illam quam monachi dicebant sibi a Waldeuo predicto legatam cum alia terra quam idem Waldeus de eisdem monachis tantum in uita sua tenuit. libere et quiete. sibi et heredibus suis. Reddendo inde annuatim priori et monachis duas marcas argenti vnam ad pentecosten, et aliam ad sanctum martinum. Idem uero Thomas satisfaciet Agneti uxori predicti Waldeui sine prejudicio predictorum monachorum si forte moueat placitum de dote sua. Ad hoc autem fideliter obligauit se utraque pars fideli interposicione in presencia iudicum. et perpetuata est eorum iuris- dictio de consensu parcium ne possit alterutra pars ab hac forma pacis in posterum resilire. Et ad maiorem securitatem habebit idem Thomas cartam prioris de May confirmatam per sigillum abbatis de Radingis; et in huius rei testimonium presens scrip turn sigillorum nostrorum apposicione roborauimus. CoMPOSicio de xii. denariis in villa de Berwych. 32. Omnibus cliristi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris uel audituris. Radulphus prior de May et eiusdem loci monachi salutem eternam in domino. Ad uniuersitatis uestre noticiam uolumus peruenire quod cum de mandato apostolico coram de Scone et Lundors dei gracia abbatibus. et magistro Laurencio Sancti Andree archidiacono coniudicibus questio uerteretur inter abbatem et conuentum de Radingis. et nos ex una parte, et Symonem post de Berewyc ex altera, super quadam terra in Brigekata domui de May in elemosinam collata. Lis tandem amicabiliter sub hac forma quieuit. videlicet, cum constitutus esset prior de May procurator abbatis et conuentus de 24 CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. Radiiigis ad transigendiim sine componendum, predictiis Symon dedit nobis uiginti solidos pro bono pacis, eo pacto quod Sjmon et heredes sui tenebunt terram illam proximam terre quam Waldeuus Rufus domui de May legauit. de qua terra aliquando inter nos et Thomam filium Eustachii coram eisdem iudicibus fuit litigatuni. vnde idem Thomas et heredes sui predicto Symoni annuatim respondebunt de decern et octo denariis. sepenominatus uero Symon secundum foraiam cartarum quas de antecessoribus nostris habet, persoluet domui de May annuatim uiginti denarios ad pascha sine arte et malo ingenio. In huius rei uero testimonium sigillum nostrum cum sigillis iudicum predictorum presenti scripto apposuimus. valeat uniuersitas vestra in domino. Carta Gilbert! de Berewe de terra in villa de Barewe. 33. Omnibus sancte matris ecclesie filiis has literas uisuris uel audi- turis Gilbertus de Berewe qui dicitur de Sancto Martino, salutem in domino. Ad uniuersitatis uestre noticiam nolo peruenire me pro anima mea et animabus illustrium regum David, Malkolmi, Willelmi, et comitis Henrici, et Ade comitisse, et Alexandri de Sancto Martino, et Ele filie ipsius, et animabus antecessorum et successorum meorum, dedisse et hac carta mea confirmasse Deo et Sanctis de May, et monachis ibidem Deo seruientibus, totam terram illam de mora de Barewe proxime adiacentem colli que dicitur Witelawe uersus occidentem, illam que accedit michi quando predicta mora diuisa fuit inter dominam Elam de Sancto Martino et me, scilicet per uiam que dicitur Monkesgate usque in uallem que diuidit terram illam et Witelawe. et sic sicut uallis se extendit uersus austrum usque riuulum de Swinedene, et ita per riuulum uersus occidentem usque ad nouum fossatum quod Radulphus CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. 25 capellaiius. de Barewe, tunc decanus de Fif, fecit loco diuise inter predictam terram. et terram iam dicte domine Ele; ct ita uersus aquilonem usque Monkesgate; tenendam de me et heredibus meis in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosinam, et ab omni seruicio et exaccione seculari quietam et absolutani, sicut aliqua elemosina in regno Scocie liberius quiecius et honorificencius datur et possi- detur. Hanc autem donacionem et concessionem ego et heredes mei predictis monachis ab omni seruicio et exaccione in perpetuum warantizabimus et aquietabimus. Et vt hec concessio et donacio robur perpetue firmitatis optineat, earn sigilli mei apposicione robo- • raui. Hiis testibus Siluestro rectore sancti monialium de Hadingtona. Johanne Giffard. Johanne de Penkatlan Michaele fratre eius. Adam filio Ydardi. Radulpho decano de Fyf. Alano capellano de Berewe. Radulplio capellano de Donecanelowe. Roberto Rousel. Hugone filio eius. Gileberto Noreis. Willelmo ueteri preposito. Waltero filio eius. Ernaldo preposito. et multis aliis. Carta Johannis prioris de May de terra de Barewe. 34. Omnibus sancte matris ecclesie filiis has literas uisuris et audi- turis. Johannes prior de May et eiusdem loci fratres. eternam in Domino salutem. Ad ^niuersitatis vestre noticiam volumus per- uenire nos concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse Radulpho capellano de Karel terram nostram apud Berwe quam habemus ex donacione Gileberti de Berewe qui dicitur de Sancto Martino. scilicet per uiam que dicitur Monkesgate usque in uallem que diuidit terram illam de Witelawe et sic sicut uallis se extendit uersus austrum in riuulum de Swinedene. et ita per riuulum uersus occidentem usque ad nouum fossatum quod predictus Radulphus tunc decanus de Fyf fecit loco diuise inter prefatam terram et 26 CARTE PRIOR ATUS INSULE DE MAY. terrain doiiiiue Ele de Sancto Martino. et ita uersus aquilonem usque INlonekesgate. Teneiidam de nobis tamen in uita sua. libere. et quiete. et honorifice. et ab omni seruicio et exaccione quietam. et absolutam. Reddendo nobis inde annuatim iiij solidos ad duos terminos. scilicet ad pentecosten ij solidos. et ad festum sancti Martini ii solidos. Et ut hec donacio et concessio rata sit et stabilis utrique parti placuit presentis scripti interposicione. et sig- illorum eorum apposicione earn roborare. Hiis testibus. magistro Laurencio archidiacono de Sancto Andrea, domina Ela de Sancto Martino. Johanne de Morham. Gileberto de Sancto Martino. et Radulpho filio eius. Waltero capellano de Karel. Johanne capellano de Petenewem. Hugone preposito de Peteneweme. et multis aliis. Sentencia super tofto de Dunbar. 35. Omnibus Chrlsti fidelibus hoc scrip turn ^asuris uel audituris. Magister W. de Mortuo Mari domini episcopi Sancti Andree officialis et Baldredus decanus Laodonie salutem in Domino. Cum prior et conuentus de May Patricium capellanum de Dunbar coram nobis in capitulo Laodonie traxissent in causam super domo quadam in uilla de Dunbar cum crofta una et duabus perticatis terre arabilis ad eandem domum pertinentibus, quam quidem domum cum dictis pertinenciis asserebant dicti prior et conuentus Adam Nigrum de Dunbar eisdem in puram et perpetuam elemosinam contulisse, et prefatum Patricium eandem domum cum pertinenciis post decessum prefati Ade occupasse et iniuste detinuisse, tandem partibus in pre- sencia nostra constitutis lis inter eos hoc fine quieuit^ quod sepe dictus Patricius coram nobis in pleno capitulo confessus est solos dictum priorem et conuentum in ... . domum cum per- tinenciis suis ius habere, et prior et conuentus ipsi predictam CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. 27 domum cum prenominatis pertinenciis concesserunt teneiidaiii de eis et successoribus suis sibi et suis asingnatis libere et quiete in per- petuum, soluendo inde annuatim tres solidos pro omni semicio ad ipsos pertineiite, videlicet, ad festum sancti martini xviii denarios et ad pentecosten xviii denarios. Hanc autem pacem firmiter et fideliter obseruandam, dictus Patricius, presentibus D. clerico de Hadintone, et domino J. uicario de Northberewych, fide media con- firmauit. Nos etiam ad maiorem securitatem parti cirografi quod penes priorem et conuentum remanet, signa nostra fecimus apponi, parti vero alteri apposita sunt sigilla dictorum prioris et conuentus. Acta in ecclesia parochiali de Hadintone anno gracie M°cc°xlii°. CoMPOSicio de duabus marcis in villa de Berewyck. Omnibus christi fidelibus presens scriptum visuris uel audituris Thomas dei gracia abbas de Lundors ac prior loci eiusdem indices principales a domino papa delegati, salutem in domino. Literas domini pape recepimus in hec uerba. Alexander episcopus seruus seruorum dei, dilectis filiis abbati et priori de Lundors Sancti Andree diocesis salutem et apostolicam benediccionem Dilectorum filiorum abbatis et conuentus monachorum de Radingis .... rdinis Sarisbirensis diocesis precibus inclinati presencium nobis auctoritate mandamus quatinus ea que de bonis prioratus de May eiusdem ordinis Sancti Andree diocesis ad monasterium ipsum plen'o iure spectantis alienata inueneritis illicite uel dis- tracta, studeatis ad ius et proprietatem ipsius prioratus legittime reuocare. contradictores per censuram ecclesiasticam appellatione postposita compescendo, testes autem qui fuerint nominati si se odio uel timore subtraxerint, censura, simili appellacione cessante 28 CARTE PRIORATUS IXSULE DE MAY. cogatis ueritati testimonium perhibere. Datmn Laterani idibus Jauuarii, pontificatus uostri auuo tercio. Huius igitur auctoritate mandati orta coram nobis materia questionis inter memoratos ab- batem et conuentum de Radingis actores ex ima parte, et Adam filium Ade filii Philippi burgensis de Subtberewick reum ex altera, super quodam tenement© in uilla de Subtberewih in uico de Briggegate inter tenementum Walteri de Lindeseya ex una parte et tenementum Arnaldi le Windrawere ex altera, quod- quidem tenementum cum pertinenciis et cum fructibus preceptis quos estimabant quingentas marcas, dicti abbas et conuentus pete- bant sibi et ecclesie sue tanquam male alienatum et a dicto xldam illicite occupatum reuocari et adiudicari. Tandem cum dicte partes coram nobis in dicta causa per biennium et amplius pro- cessissent, post midtas altercaciones labores et expensas, die lune proxima post festum sancti Luce ewangeliste anno Domino M°cc° sexagesimo primo, in ecclesia conuentali Sancti Andree inter partes coram nobis amicabiliter composicio interuenit. ^^idelicet quod dicti abbas et conuentus per procm-atorem suum ad hoc sufficiens hab- entem mandatum accioni quam contra dictum Adam, heredes suos uel assignatos super dicto tenemento habuermit uel aliquo tempore potuerunt renunciamnt in perpetuum pro se et successoribus suis, saluis tamen sibi et successoribus suis duabus marcis annuatim fratribus de Mav ad duos terminos anni de dicto tenemento in uilla de Berewike soluendis, vna scilicet ad festum Sancti Martini in hieme et alia ad pentecosten. Ita tamen quod si dictus Adam heredes uel assignati sui in solucione alicuius termini defecerint, liceat priori de May nomine abbatis et conuentus Radingensis dictum tenementum sine aliqua contradiccione uel impedimento dicti Ade, heredum uel suomm assignatorum intrare, et de om- nibus bonis ibidem inuentis destriccionem facere, quousque eis de dictis duabus marcis et circa earum adquisicionem expensis CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. 29 fiierit plenarie satisfactum. Et iie dicti abbas et conuentus contra memoratum Adam uel successores suos litem super dicto tenemento possent in posterum aliquatenus resuscitare, renunciarunt expresse restitucioni in integrum, omnibus literisi mpetratis et impetrandis, et omni quod poterit obici contra istud factum uel presens instru- mentum, et omni tam uiris ciuilis quam canonici remedio. In cuius rei testimonium presenti scripto in modum cyrographi confecto, sigilla nostra vna cum sigillis dictarum parcium hinc inde duximus apponenda. Abbas de Dunfermelyn super decimis de Ballgallyn. 37. VniuERSIS sancte matris ecclesie filiis G. dei gracia abbas ecclesie Christi de Dunfermelin et omnis conuentus eiusdem, salutem. Sciatis nos concessisse et presentis scripti munimine confirmasse priori de May et fratribus ibidem deo seruientibus decimas de Balgallin, ad tenendum de nobis in perpetuum ita honorifice et quiete, sicut ceteras res suas honorificencius et quiecius tenent. reddendo nobis inde singulis annis decem solidos, dimidium ad festum sancti Michaelis, et dimidium ad Pascha. Valete. CoMPOSicio de piscaria de Inchesiryth et le Rynd. 38. SCIANT uniuersi has literas visuris uel audituris, quod hec forma pacis est inter J. priorem et monachos de May ex vna parte, et Duncanum de Inchesireth ex alia, quod omni clamio ex vtraque parte remisso possint utrique ad commodum suum trahere retia 30 CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. sua ultra profundum limitis de Tej hinc inde quantum terre .... sine fraude et malo ingenio secundum communem usum patrie. Et ut hec conuencio rata sit et stabilis predictorum. J. prioris de May et Donecani, et domini Willelmi abbatis de Scona, et aliorum pro- borum yirorum sigillis roborata est. Hiis testibus, Johanne filio Michaelis, Alexandre de Blare, Willelmo de Blare, Benedicto fratre predicti Donecani, Jacobo filio Ketel, Willelmo Jubel, Willelmo fabro de Karel, Henrico fratre R. prioris de Scona, Adam filio Herui de Lasceles, et multis aliis. CoMPOsicio inter canonicos de Scona et priorem de May super decimis piscarie de Tay. 39. Omnibus Christi fidelibus hoc scriptum visuris uel audituris, H. prior Saneti Andree et magister L. eiusdem loci archidiaconus et R. decanus de F^^f salutem in domino, Mandatum domini pape suscepi- mus in hec uerba. Gregorius episcopus seruus seruorum dei, dilectis filiis priori et archidiacono Sancti Andree, et decano de Fif, Sancti Andree diocesis, salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Dilecti filii prior et conuentus de May nobis conquerendo monastrauerunt quod abbas de Scona et quidam alii Sancti Andree diocesis super quibus- dam decimis, piscariis, et rebus aliis iniuriantur eisdem. Ideoque dis- crecioni uestre per apostolica scripta mandamus, quatinus partibus conuocatis audiatis causam et appellacione remota fine debito ter- minetis facientes quod decreueritis per censuram ecclesiasticam firmiter obseruari testes autem qui fuerint nominati si se gracia, odio, uel timore subtraxerint, censura simili appellacione cessante cogatis ueritati testimonium perhibere. quod si non omnes hiis exequendis potueritis interesse, duo uestrum ea nichilominus exe- quantur Datum Perusi, xv kalendas Junii, pontificatus nostri anno CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. tercio. Huius igitur autoritate mandati partibus in presencia nostra constitutis, pars prioris et monachoruni de May intencionem suam fundauit in hiis uerbis. Dicunt prior et conuentus de May quod cum ecclesia de Rind cum omnibus decimis mobilium et immo- bilium et aliis pertinenciis suis infra limites parochie de Rind sitis ad ipsos pleno iure spectet, abbas et conuentus de Scona decimas quatuor piscariarum, videlicet, Sleples, et Elpeneslau, et Chingil et Inchesirith, infra parochiam de Rind sitas in preiudicium ecclesie de Rind contra omnem iuris formam occupant, et detinent, vnde sibi petunt iusticiam exhiberi. De hiis igitur lis inter partes aliquamdiu agitata, post altercaciones allegaciones, excepciones, a partibus pro- positas, per provisionem iudicum et iurisperitorum assidencium de assensu parcium hoc fine conquieuit, videlicet, quod abbas et con- uentus de Scona pro bono pacis soluent annuatim in perpetuum duas marcas argenti priori et monachis de May, medietatem scilicet ad pentecosten, et medietatem ad festum sancti martini, et per banc solucionem duarum marcarum liberi erunt canonici de Scona et immunes ab omni exaccione et impeticione monachorum de May quo ad decimas predictas. etteciam quo ad decimas omnium pis- cariarum tunc inter predictas parochias de Rind et de Scona exist- encium exceptis decimis piscariarum si que de nouo iure eis competent, et ad hoc fideliter obseruandum, partes se fide inter- posita obligauerunt. Insuper autem ut pax ista amicabiliter et caritatiue formata tam de pecunia predicta soluenda tam de pre- nominatis terminis solucionis conseruandis, et de immunitate ecclesie de Scona quia ad predicta imperpetuum firma sit et stabilis, nos de uoluntate parcium eandem confirmamus auctoritate apostolica qua fangimur in hac parte, et ad eiusdem pacis securitatem perpetuum obseruandam huic scripto in modum cirographi confecto, cuius una pars penes abbatem et conuentum de Scona sigillo prioris et monachorum de May necnon etiam abbatis et conuentus de Red- 32 CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE BE MAY. ingis ad confirm anclam banc amicabileni composicionem. auctori- tatemque eidem prestandam munita residebit. altera vero penes priorem et monachos de May sigillo abbatis et conuentus de Scona munita residebit. sigilla nostra apposuimiis. Acta apud Sanctum Andream anno gracie M°cc° tricesimo primo. CoMPOsicio inter priorem de May et canonicos de Driburc. Omnibus Christi fidelibus hoc scriptum uisuris uel audituris, A. dei gracia abbas, et G. prior, de Melros, et R. decanus Teuidalie, salutem in domino. Mandatum domino pape in hec verba suscepi- mus : Honorius episcopus seruus seruorum dei dilectis filiis abbati et priori de Melros, et decano Teuidalie Glasguensis diocesis sal- utem et apostolicam benedictionem. Querelam dilectorum filiorum abbatis et conuentus de Driburg premonstratencis ordinis recepimus, continentem quod prior et monachi de May, et quidam alii diocesis Sancti Andree super quibusdam decimis ad ecclesiam eorum de Kibretheni de iure spectantibus, et rebus aliis iniuriantur eisdem, Ideoque discrecioni yestre per apostolica scripta mandamus, quatinus partibus conuocatis audiatis causam, et appellacione remota fine debito terminetis; facientesque quod decreueritis per censuram ecclesiasticam firmiter obseruari; testes autem qui fuerint nomi- nati, si se gracia, odio, uel timore subtraxerint, censura simili appel- lacione cessante cogatis ueritati testimonium perhibere. Quod si non omnes etc. Datum Signie v° Idus Augusti. Huius igitur auctoritate mandati partibus in nostra presencia constitutis, pars canonicorum intencionem suam fundauit in hiis uerbis: Dicunt abbas et conuentus de Driburg quod cum naues et nauicelle pis- carie applicantes in riuulo illo qui est medius terminus inter CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. 33 parochiam deKilretheny ex parte una et parochiam de Eynstrother ex altera propter uiciiiitatem locorum situ suo metas occupent parochie de Kilretheni que extenditur usque in medium alueum eiusdem riuuli et anchoras suas infra metas eiusdem parochie figentes ami- niculo eiusdem ibidem resident, et in metis suis pernoctantur. medietas decimarum omnium nauium et nauicellarum piscariarum ibidem applicancium. et metas dicte parochie occupancium de iure spectare debet ad matricem ecclesiam de Kilretheni. quam medie- tatem in prejudicum eiusdem ecclesie prior et monachi de May ut dicunt dicti abbas et conuentus sibi usurpant et detinent. vnde sibi petunt iusticiam exhiberi. ista autem dicunt saluo sibi iure addendi uel mutandi uel minuendi. De hiis igitur lis inter partes ali- quamdiu agitata per prousionem iudicum de assensu parcium hoc fine quieuit. quod monachi de May pro bono pacis soluent annu- atim in perpetuum vnam marcam argenti. medietatem ad Pente- costen. et medietatem ad festum sancti Martini ecclesie parochiali de Kelretheni in eadem ecclesia. scilicet procuratori abbatis et canoni- corum ad hoc constituto et per banc solucionem dicte marce liberi erunt monachi et immunes ab omni exaccione et impeticione canonicorum quo ad omnia supra nominata. hoc saluo. quod canonici de parrochianis propriis. hoc [est] de hiis qui recipiunt spiritualia iure parochiali in ecclesia canonicorum commorantibus in eadem parochia ad dictam partem litoris applicantibus decimas integre percipient, monachi vero de omnibus aliis aliunde uenien- tibus ad eandem partem litoris applicantibus decimas per- cipient integraliter. et neutra pars in preiudicium alterius aliquid attemptabit. Vt autem pax ista amicabiliter et caritatiue formata in perpetuum firma sit; nos de uoluntate parcium eandem con- firmamus apostolica auctoritate qua fungimur. et ad eius secu- ritatem perpetuam huic instrumento signa nostra vna cum sigillis parcium. et cum sigillo abbatis de Redinghis fecimus apponi. Acta D :i4 CARTE PIUOUATUS INSULE 1)E MAY. apud Melius anno gracie M cc° xx\^, Idibiis decembris in presencia niiiltorum. CoMPosicio inter priorem de May et Macolmum pincernam super capella de Riccardestoii. 41. HeC conueucio facta est inter Johannem priorem de May et einsdem loci conuentuni. et Malcolmum pincernam domini regis, videlicet quod predictus Johannes prior et conuentus. auctoritate sanctorum de May et sua. concesserunt ut omni die dominica et feria iiii* et vi* celebretur in capella de Ricardestona a capellano de Rindalgi'os. uel ab alio per eum. et in precipuis festis. scilicet die natalis domini et iii sequentibus. purificationis. pasche. ascensionis. pentecostes. assumpcionis. nativitatis. omnium sanctorum. Et ut ibi panis benedictus detur ab hominibus eiusdem uille tantum. et purificentur ibi femine eiusdem uille tantum ibidem et confessionem faciant. sed argentum ad cereum matrici ecclesie de Rindalgros persoluent. et in eadem matrice ecclesia communionem in die pasche percipient. Ipse tamen Malcolmus et eius heredes cum familia sua utrum uoluerint in capella uel in matrice ecclesia communionem percipient. Preterea concesserunt predicto Mal- colmo et eius heredibus ut habeant in predicta capella capellanum ministrantem ita tamen ut prius fidelitatem faciat matrici ecclesie de Rindalgros. Hec omnia concesserunt predictus prior et mon- achi sepedicto Malcolmo et eius heredibus. saluo iure et indemp- nitate matricis ecclesie. scilicet ecclesie de Rindalgros. predictus uero Malcolmus pro salute anime sue confirmauit presenti scripto donacionem terre quam pater suns dedit eidem capelle. et pro salute anime sue et antecessorum et successorum suorum dedit prefate capelle in augmentum. iiii acras in puram et perpetuam CARTE PRIORATUS INSULE DE MAY. 35 elemosinani. Et ut hec conuencio inuiolabiliter permaneat in per- petuum. sigillorum suonim et aliorum appensione earn roborauemnt. Hiis testibus. domino Willelmo episcopo Sancti Andree. magistro Ranulfo archidiacono. magistro Laurencio officiali. Patricio abbate Dimfermelin. Willelmo abbate de Scona. Gvidone abbate de Lun- dors. Thoma priore Sancti Andree. Willelmo decano de Karal. Michaele et Innocencio canonicis de Scona. Johanne de Pekeri. Hugone Maleherbe. et multis aliis. INDEX TO THE PREFACE, ETC. Achardus, prior of May, Ix Adam, son of Philip, burgess of North Ber- wick, xviii Adam, Prior of Pittenweem, Ixi Adrian, St., i. ; his settlement in Fife, and in the Isle of May, ii. ; his martyrdom, V. ; chapel on the Isle of May, xli. ; ruins of, liv. ; miracles at, xli. ; a resort of ■ barren women, xli. ; pilgrimages of James IV. to, xlii Alva, church of, dedicated to St. Serf, Ixxii Andrew, Prior of Pittenweem, Ixiii Andrews, St., early settlers at, vii Andrews, St., Henry, bishop of, xcii Andrews, St., William, bishop of, xci Anstruther, parish church of, xx; ques- tion as to tithes between it and the church of Kilrenny, xx Ardarie, in Fife, granted to the House of May, XV Asleif Swein plunders the priory of May, ix Baldred, dean of Lothian, xxiii Baldred, St., his settlement on the Bass, iii. ; his monastery at Tyningham, iii Baldwin, prior of May, Ix Balfour, Sir James, prior of Pittenweem, xxxvii, Ixiv Balgallin granted to the monks of May, xii Baliol, King John, cited by Edward I. touching the claim of the monks of Kead- ing for the restoration of the house of May, xxiv, Ixxxvii, Ixxxix Barton, Robert, of Over Barnton, ' mariner, ' xliv Bass, parish church on rock of, iv; dedi- cated to St. Baldred, iv Beaueyr, William de, grant by, to the house of May, xv Bele, croft at, granted by the Earl of Dun- bar, feued out as the Belheuyne Croft or Monk's Croft, xxxix Brandanes, the, of Bute, Ixxiv Buchan, Earl of, grant by, xv Caplachie or Caiplie, in Fife ; sculptured caves at, v Constantino's Cave at Fifeness, v Ceres, grant of a glass lamp in church of, xvii Chingil, a fishing in the Tay, xix Clackmannan, commonty in forest of, grant- ed to the monks of May, xi Clackmannan, Gilleserfs of, xi ; note on, Ixxi Clackmannan, part of the early demesne lands of the Crown, Ixxiv Coldingham, John commendator of, ciii Dauidsone, Walter, prior of Pittenweem, Ixiii Dischintoun, William, of Ardross, xxx ; gets the lands of Grangemuir for defending the rights of the priory of Pittenweem, xxxi ; baillie of the lands of Pittenweem, Ixiii Dremscheles granted to the monks of May, xiii Dunbar, chaplain of, xviii Dunbar, Earls of, Gospatric and Patrick, grants by, to the house of May, xiv Dundemore, Sir John, question between him and the monks of May, xvi ; Sir Henry, xvii Dunfermline, abbot of, his shi]^, li Dunning dedicated to St. Serf, Ixxiii ; his cell there, Ixxiii ; he kills a dragon there, Ixxiii Dysart, St. Serf's cave at, v 38 INDEX TO THE PREFACE. Elcho, prioress of, cvii Elpenslau, a fishing in the Tay, xix Ethernan, St., grant for his light, xvi ; reverenced in Buchan, xvi ; his retreat in the hill of Monnoncl, xvi Eulogia, or holy loaf, note of, xxi Fethe, Walter, notary-public, xcvi Fillan, St., his well in cave at Pittenweem, v Finvirie, or St. Monans, xi Foreman, Dene Bartholomo, chamberlain of the abbey of Pittenweem, Ixiii Forman, Dene Berale, cvi Forman, John, clerk of the Barony Court of Pittenweem, cvii Forman, Robert, commendator of Pitten- weem and dean of Glasgow, Ixiii Gilleserfs of Clackmannan, xi ; note on, Ixxi Gueldres, Mary of, queen of James II., her devotions at St. Adrian's chapel, xliii Gospatric, Earl of Dunbar, grants by, to the house of May, xii Haddington, priest of, xviii Haldenston, James of, canon of St. Andrews, xcii Halerudhouss, Robert, commendator of, ciii Halyburton, James, commendator of Pitten- weem, xxxvii Hermit of the Isle of May, gifts to, xlii ; brings " ane selch to the king," xlii Hugh of Mortimer, prior of May, Ix Hugh of Mortun, prior of May, Ixi Hugh, prior of May, Ixii Incheserj^th, a fishing in the Tay, xix Incheseryth, Duncan of, xix " Inverin qui fuit Aberin," note on the argument of Mr. George Chalmers from these words, x ; the correct reading, " Inuerin que fuit Auenii," x ; early division of Inuerin, x Ivo, prior of May, Ix James IV., his pilgrimages to the Isle of May, xlii, xlvi, Ixxvi ; his pilgrimages to St. Duchac's, in Ross, xlvi, xlix, Ixxix, Ixxxii ; his pOgrimage to Whithorn, xlix, Ixxxii John FitzDiichael, grant by, to the house of May, xiv John, prior of May, Ixi, Ixii Katherine, St., her well, offerings of King James IV. at, 1 Kentigern, St., notices of, vi, vii Knychtsoun, Thomas, baron-baillie depute of Pittenweem, cv Lauder, Robert, of the Bass, iv Lermonth, Patrick, of Dersy, charter to, of the Isle of May, xcvii Leslie, Eufeme, prioress of Elcho, cvii Lindsay, Walter de, xviii Lingoc, part of the waste of Kelly, granted to the house of May, xiii ; feued out, xxxix Martin, prior of May, Ixii May, Isle of, the retreat of St. Adrian, ii ; its early reputation as a fishing station, viii ; a priory erected on it, viii ; granted to the monks of Reading, ix ; plundered by Swein Asleif, ix ; donations to by Scot- tish kings, X ; tithes of fishing at, xii, xiii ; afterwards called the priory of Pitten- weem xvi ; the priory bought from the monks of Reading, xxiii ; their attempts to recover it, xxiii-xxv; granted to the canons of St. Andrews, xxv ; feued out, xxxix ; chapel of St. Adrian at, xii ; as a resort of seals, li ; the abbot of Holy- rood's men fish at, li ; lighthouse built on, lii, liii ; grass of, liii. Maysclielis in Lambermor granted to the monks of May, xiv ; its boundaries, xiv ; feued out to William Cockburn, xxxix Melross and Kelso, James, commendator of, ciii Monan, St., one of St. Adrian's companions, V ; settles at Inuery, v ; his well, lix ; " liniites sancti Monani," lix Monans, St., or Finvirie, xi ; manor, or "new werk" of, xi Moncreiff, George, gets a half of the lands of Rynd, xxxvii. Moncreiff, John, gets a half of the lands of Rynd, xxxviii Mydlar, Schir Jhone, chaplain, cv N. , prior of May, Ixii North Berwick, vicar of, xviii Nory, William, canon of St, Andrews, xcii Perth, can of ships at, xii INDEX TO THE PREFACE. 39 Petother, lands of, granted to the liouse of May, xiii ; feued out, xxxix Pilgrim's Haven, Isle of May, Ivi Pittenweem, priory of, formerly the priory of the Isle of May, xxvi, xxvii ; lands of, erected into a regality, xxviii ; an- nexed to the see of St. Andrews as a men- sal possession, xxviii ; provision for a suffragan bishop, resident with the arch- bishop, xxix : annexation not acted on, XXX ; lands of, erected into a barony, xxxi ; Registrum Chartarura de, in Ar- chivis Baronise de Elie, xxxii ; in Bibl. Adv., xxxvi ; commendator of, xxxvi ; granted to William Stewart, xxxviii ; erected into a lordship, xxxviii ; act of the Barony Court of, cv. Ralph, j)rior of May, Ixii Reading, abbot of, claims the priory of May, Ixxxvi Rowle, John, prior of Pittenweem, xxx ; alienates the possessions of the priory, xxxii ; his incontinency, xxxiv ; his four bastard sons, who are styled " clerici sen scolastici et studentes," xxxiv ; a book be- longing to him, titled "Book of the Kings and Exploits of the Scots," xxxiv ; he is one of the Lords of Session, Ixiv ; cited to appear before the commendator of St. Andrews, xcv ; gets letters of protection from the prior of St. Andrews, cii ; styled usufructuar of the priory of Pittenweem, cviii Richard, prior of May, Ixii Ricardestone, chapel of, its rights in con- nection with those of the parish church of Rynd, xxi Rindalgros, vill of, xi ; a cell of May at, xi ; tithes of, xii ; questions between the monks of May and their neighbours, xix Robert, prior of May, Ix Rotulus Cartarum et Munimentorum Scocie, cxii Roull, James, son of the prior of Pitten- weem, pension to, ciii Roull, John, son of the prior of Pitten- weem, pension to, ciii Roull, Ninian, son of the prior of Pitten- weem, pension to, ciii Roull, William, son of the prior of Pitten- weem, pension to, ciii Rowll, Janet, pension to, cx Rule, St., his cave at St. Andrews, v Rynd, parish church of, its rights in rela- tion to the chapel of Ricardestone, xxi Salt-pans of the priory of Pittenweem, Ivii Scone, abbot of, his ship, li Scott, Thomas, baron-baillie of Pittenweem, cv Serf, St., his cave at Dysart, v St. Andrews, James, commendator of, xcv, cviii Sleples, a fishing in the Tay, xix Stewart, Frederick, gets the land of the priory erected into a lordship, xxxviii Stewart, James, commendator of Pitten- weem, xxxvi, Ixiv Stewart, William, captain of the King's Guard, gets the yjriory of Pittenweem, xxxviii Strang, George, of Balcasky, Ixiii Strangs, family of, at Pittenweem, Ivii ; Sir Robert Strange descended from, Ivii Tabula Munimentorum in Appendice, cxv Thomas Fitz-Eustace, question between, and the house of May, xvii Todrik, John, notary-public, xcvi Tullycoultry, church of, dedicated to St. ^ Serf, Ixxii Wemyss, East, sculptured caves at, v Whithorne, silver relic offered at, by King James IV., 1 William, prior of May, Ixi William, prior of May, Ixii Wilson, William, canon of St. Andrews, xcvi Windrawere, Arnald de, xviii Wood, Sir Andrew, of Largo, gets a grant from James IV., on condition of his accompanying the king and queen on their pilgrimages to the Isle of May, xlii INDEX TO THE CHARTERS. A. (Adam), abbas de Melros, 34 Achardus, prior of May, 4 Ada, Comitissa, 17 Ada, filius Gilbert! de Poulwrt, 16 Adam, filius Ade, filii Philippi, burgensis de Suthberewick, 28 Adam, filius Herui de Lasceles, 30 Adam, filius Udardi, 25 Adam Niger, de Duubar, 26 Alanus, capellanus de Eerewe, 25 Alanus, filius Patricii, 16 Alanus, filius Willelmi, senescallus Nesii de London, 16 Alexander II., charters by, 12, 13 Alexander, sheriff of Stirling, 10 Alfwinus, son of Archil, 3 ; Alfwinus, Mac Ai-ehil, 3 Amestroder (Anstruther), grant from ships coming to 9 Andrew, bishop of Caithness, 3, 4 Ardarie, grant of lands of, 17 Amaldus de Windrawere in Suthberewick, 28 Avemus, owner of part of Inuerrin, or In- verjTi, now St. Monan's, 3 Baldredus, decanus, Laodonie, 26 Balgallyn, 29 Ballegallin half of lands of, granted to the Church of May, 2 ; confirmed, 7 Barewe, Mora de, 24, 25 Beaueir, Willelmus de, grant by, 17 Benedictus, frater Duncani de Inchesireth, 30 Berewe, Gilbertus, qui dicitur de Sancto Martino, 24, 25 Berkele, (Berkeley), Walter of, high Chamberlain, 10, 11 Berwick, a toft in, granted to the church of May, 2 ; confirmed, 7, 8 ; charter granted at, 9 Blare, Alexander de, 30 Blare, Willelmus de, 30 Bolbec, Walter de, 2 Bolk, Willelmus, 18 Bricius, clericus, 17 Brientius dominus, 1 Briggate in Suthberewick, 28 Brydun, Walter de, 1 Buchau, Alexander Comyn, Earl of, grant by, 18 Buchan, William Earl of, 12 Burneuile, Eobertus de, 16 Burnside, 15 Byaumis, Hugo de, 19 ' ^ Byset, Walterus, 13 Byset, Willelmus, 13 Camboc, charter of Inspeximus dated at, 13 Camelin, Anselmus de, 13 Camera, Herbertus de, 10 Camerarius Ricardus, miles, 21 Caral (Crail), Willelmus capellanus de, 17 Carlisle, John, Bishop of, 13 Cateneis (Caithness), Andrew, bishop of, 3 Chellin (Kelly), common pasture in, granted to the House of May, 3 ; confirmed, 7 Cherel, schira de (Crail, shire of), 3, 7 Chester, John, bishop of, 13 Chingil, piscaria de, 31 Clacmanec (Clacmanan), commonty in wood of, granted to the House of May, 3 ; Gilleserfis of, 3 Clam (Clonin ?), charter granted at, 10 Clonin (Cluny), charter granted at, 1 2 Cocus, Johaimes de Abircrumby, 21 Cocus, Johannes de Balcasky, 21 42 INDEX TO THE CHARTERS. Comyn, Alexander, Earl of Buchan, grant by, 18 Coventry and Lichfield, Walter, bishop of, 13 Cumin, William, Earl of Buchan, justiciary of Scotland, 12 Cumin William, 9 Cupar, sentence by the Bishop of St, An- drews, dated at, 21 D. Clericus de Hadintone, 27 David I., charters by, to the House of May, 1, 2, 3, 4 David, Earl (of Huntingdon), 8 ; the king's brother, 11 Despenser, Hugh le, 13 Dunfermelyn, G. (Galfredus), abbas de, 29 Dreme-scheles, grant of, to the House of May, 13 Dunbar, house and toft in, grant of, 7 Dunbar, Patrick, earl of, grants by, 14, 15 Duncan, son of Adam of Kilcunkath, 17 Duncan, the earl [of Fife], 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 11 Dundemore, Henricus de, miles, 21 Dundemore, Johannes de, miles, 19, 20 Dunfermelin, charters granted at, 3, 4, 6 Dunfermelin, Patrick, abbot of, 35 Dmifermline, Geoffrey, abbot of, 1 Dunkeld, Gregory, bishop of, 3 E. (Edward) abbot of Reading, 1 Edinbiirgh, charter granted at, 3, 11, 12 Edward I., charter of Inspeximus by, 1-13 Edward, the King's chancellor, 1, 3, 4 Einestrother (Aynstruther), Gaufridus de 17 Ela, filia Alexandri de Sancto Martino, 24, 26 Elpenslau, piscaria de, 31 Erdross, (Ardross) shire of, common pasturage in, 5 Em, fishings in granted to the House of May, 5 Emaldus, abbot of Kelso, 2, 4 Erth, Bemardus de, 19 Etherninus Sanctus, 19 Eynstrother (Anstruther), parochia de, 33 Ferseleya de, Galfridus, miles, 21 Fife, Earl of, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 Fitz Michael, John de, grants by, 15, 16 Eraser Bernard, 13 Fyf, Radulfus, decanus de, 30 G. , Prior de Melros, 32 Galfridus, filius Ricardi, 12 Geofl'rey, abbot of Dunfermline, 1, 3, 4 Gifi"ard, Johannes, 25 Gilfard, William, 1, 3 Gilbert de Umfraville, 2 Gilbert, Earl (of Strathern) 10 Gilebertus, De Sancto Martino, 26 Gilebertus, filius Bricii, clerici, 17 Gillecolm Maccinbethin, 2 Gilleserfis of Clacmanec (Clacmanan), 3 Gillopatric, Machturfici, 5 Goselaw, 15 Gospatric, Earl, (of Dunbar), 6 ; grants by 6, 7 Gregorius, bishop of Dunkeld, 3 Guido, abbas de Lundors, 35 H. (Henricus), prior S. Andree, 30 Hadingtona, sancti monialium rector de, 25 Hadintone, Actum in ecclesia parochiali de, 27 Haia, WiUelmus de, 10, 11 Haleth, Adam de, clericus, 19 Hastengys, David de, 13 Haya, David de, 12 Haya, Thomas de, 12 Henricus, frater R. , prioris de Scona, 30 Henricus, Magister, clericus regis, 10 Herbertus, the chamberlain, 1 Herbert, the chamberlain (abbot of Kelso, bishop of Glasgow), 2, 4 Hostiarius, Thomas, 12 Hugh, bishop of St. Andrews, 9 Hugh de Moreville, 2, 3, 5, 6 Hugh le Despenser, 13 Hugh, the King's chancellor, 10 Inchesireth, Duncanus de, 29, 30 Inchesirith, piscaria de, 29, 31 Innocencius, canonicus de Scona, 35 Inuerin, Malcolmus de, 18 Inuerrin, part of which belonged to Avernus (Inveryn, now St. Monan's) granted to the House of May, 3 ; confirmed, 5, con- firmed, 7 I. vicarius de Northberewych, 27 J. (loannes), prior de May, 29, 30 Jacobus, filius Ketel, 30 Johannes, capellanus de Petnewem, 26 Johannes de la Mare, 13 Johannes, filius Michaelis, 30 INDEX TO THE CHARTERS. 43 Johannes, prior de May, 34 Jnbel Willelmus, 30 Kaluerbiirne, 15, 16 Karal (Crail), Reingod de, 17 Karal (Crail), Willelmus, decanus de, 35 Karel (Crail), faber de, 30 Kellin, Thomas capellanus de, 18 Kilcunkath, Adam de, 17 Kilredeni (Kilrenny), "Willelmus capellanus de, 17 Kilretheny (Kilrenny), parochia de, 33 Kingisburne, 14 Kingis-sete, 14, 16 Kyngorn, charter granted at, 2 L. (Laurentius), Magister, archidiaconus Sancti Andree, 30 Lambermor, Lambyrmur, 15 Lasceles, Radulphus de, miles 15 Laurence, Archdeacon of St. Andrews, 18, 22, 23, 26 Laurencius, Magister, officialis (S. Andree), 35 Lincoln, Henry, Earl of, 13 London, Robert, son of King William the Lion, 16, 18 Lindeseya Walterus de, in Suthberewick, 28 Lindesie, Walter de, 2, 6 London, Nesus de, 15 Lingoc (Lingo), confirmed to the House of May, 12 Lingoch (Lingo), land near, granted at, 18 Lingoch, Ulfus de, 18 Linlithcu (Linlithgow), charter granted at, 6 Louchor, dominus David, miles, 15 Londoniis, Robertus de, frater regis, 12 Lundors, Nicholas, abbot of, 15 Lundin, Thomas de, 17 Lundores, J. (John), abbot of, 22, 23 Lundors, Guido, abbas de, 35 Macbet Mac Torfin, 2, 3 Macchinbethin Gillecolm, 2 Mac Torfin Machet, 2 ; Mac Torfin Macbet, 3 Mainard, Robertus, 21 Malavilla, Galfridus, de, 8 Malcolm IV, , charters by, to the House of May 5, 6 Malcolmus (de Sules), pincerna domini Re- gis, 34 Maleherbe, Hugo, 35 Maleuile, Galfridus de, 17 Maleuile, Ricardus de, 21 Malever, Galfridus de, 10 Malkaruiston, Adam de, prepositus ecclesie Sancti Marie, civitatis S. Andree, 21 Malmure, thane of Kelly, 2 Mare, Robertus, le, 18 Mary, St., Virgin, chapel of in the Isle of May, 19 Mathew, archdeacon of St. Andrews, 5, 8 May, Church of, a cell of Reading. 2, 10 ; All Saints church of, 2, 7, 10, 12, 18 May, fishings round the Island, 6 May, House of, to consist of 13 monks, 8 May, Joaimes, prior de, 29, 30, 34 May, prior of, Achardus, 3 ; William, prior of, 7 May, Radulphus, prior de, 23 Mayscheles, grant of, 16 Melros, Adam, abbas de, 32 Merlei Rogerus, 15 Moreville Hugh de, 2 3, 5 Meruin, serviens, Eggou Ruffi, 18 Michael, canonicus de Scona, 35 Michael, son of John, 17 Monkesgate, 25, 26 Moreville, Richard, de, high Constable, 8, 1 1 Morham, Johannes, de, 26 Mortem er, William, of, 10 Muntfichet, Willelmus de, 12, 13 Nesius, son of William, 8 Nicholas, high Chancellor, 8 Nicholaus, clericus, 5 Nicolaus, clericus, 1 ; cancellarius, 11, 12 Noreis Gilebertus, 25 Olifif (Olifard), David, 8 Ormistun, dominus Alanus de, miles, 15 Osbertus, prior of Jedburgh, 2 Panscheles, 16 Patricius, capellanus de Dunbar, 26 Patricius, filius Ade, 15 Patrick, abbot of Dunfermelin, 35 Penkatlan, Johannes de, 25 Perth, charter granted at, 8, 10 Perth, grant of part of the King's can of, 7 Peteneweme (Pittenweem), prepositus de, 26 Petkeri, Johannes de, 17, 35 Petnewem (Pittenweem), capellanus de, 26 Petneweme, Pennewen (Pittenweem), granted 44 INDEX TO THE CHARTERS. to the House of May, 3 ; confirmed, 5, confirmed, 7 Petotlier, lauds of, granted to May, 10 Poulwrt (Pol wart), Gilbert de, 16 Prebeuda, de, Ricardus, clericiis regis, 10 Quocus (Cocus), Thomas, 18 R. (Ricardus), decanus Tevidalie, 32 Rading (Reading), charter granted at, 11 Radulfus, capellanus regis, 10 Radulphus, cajjellanus de Barewe, decanus de Fife, 25 ; Radulphus capellanus de Karel, 25 Radulphus capellanus de Donecanelowe, 25 Radulphus, de Saucto Martino, 26 Radulphus, prior de May, 23 Ralph, bishop of London, 13 Ranulfus, Magister, archidiaconus S. An- dree, 35 Reding, Church of St. Mary and Convent of, 1 Ricardestona, capella de, 34 Ricardus de Prebenda, clericus regis 10, Richard, son of Hugh, 10 Ridel, Hugh, 8 Rind (Rynd), ecclesia de, 31 ; parochia de, 31 Rindalgros, capellanus de, 34 ; ecclesia de, 34 Rindalgros, granted to the Abbey of Read- ing, 1 ; a cell of the House of May, 4 ; Monks of, 4 Rindelgros, Willelmus, clericus de, 17 Robertus capeUanus, 17 Rousel, Robertus, 25 Roger de mortuo mari, 13 Rossyn, 19 Ruftus, Donecanus, 18 Ruffus, Eggou, grant by, 18 Ruffus, Robertus, 17 Ruffus, Waldeuus, 22, 24 Rynd, le, piscaria, 29 Salelioc, Alanus de, 21 Sancti Andree, Henricus, prior, 30 ; St. An- di-ews, Hugh, Bishop of, 9. Sancti Andree, Magister Laurentius, archi- diaconus, 30 Sancti Andree, Ranulfus, archidiaconus, 35 Sancti Andree, Thomas, prior de, 35 Sancti Andree, Willelmus, episcopus, 9, 14, 15, 35 Sancti Martini, Alexander, 24 Scona, Willelmus, Abbas de, 30, 35 Scone, Abbot of, 22, 23 Silvester, rector of the Nuns of Hadington, 25 St. Andrews, John, Prior of, 15 Sleples, piscaria de, 31 Stirling, charter granted at, 13 Strivelin, Henricus de, filius comitis, 13 Strotherhefed, 16 Sumerville, William of, 6 Suthberewick, villa de, 28 Swineden, rivulus, 24, 25 Symon, capellanus, 17 Symon post de Berewyc, 23 Syneburne, dominus W. de, 19 Syreis (Ceres), Church of, 20 Tevidalie, Ricardus, decanus de, 32 Tey (Tay), fishings in, granted to the House of May, 5 Thomas, abbas de Lundors, 27 Thomas filius Eustachii de Berewyc, 22, 24 Thomas, prior Sancti Andree, 35 Turbrech, Lands of, 19, 20, 21 Umfraville, Gilbert de, 2 Valoniis, Philippus de, the King's chamber- lain, 9, 10, 11 Valoniis, Rogerus de, 11 W. de mortuo mari, officialis S. Andree, 26 Waldeue, son of Merlesswein, 17, 18 Waldeve, Earl (of Dunbar), 8 Walichope (Wauchope), dominus Robertus de, 19 Walter de Bolbec, 2 Walter de Bydun, 1 ; the High Chancellor, 11 Walter de landesie, 2, 6 Walter, High Chancellor, 2, 4, 5, 6 Walter, son of Alan (High Steward of Scot- land), 2, 6, 8, 11, 12 Walterus, capellanus de Karel (Crail), 26 Walterus capellanus regis, 10 Wemes (Wemyss), Ralph, rector of, 17 Willelmus, abbas de Scona, 30, 35 Willelmus de Boscho, 9 ; High Chancellor, 12 Willelmus decanus de Karal, 35 Willelmus, episcopus Sancti Andree, 9, 14, 15, 35 Willelmus, faber de Karel, 30 INDEX TO THE CHARTERS. Willeliuus, frater Roberti Ruffi, 17 Willelraiis Patric [ii], 15 William, bishop of St. Andrews, 9 William, elect of Glasgow, High Chan- cellor, 13 William, prior of May, 7 William the Fleming, 10 William the Lion, grants by, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Windidure, 1 4, 15, 16 Winethes, 16 Wishard, dominus Johannes Miles, 1 Witelawe, collis, 24, 25 Wyndleshora, Walterus de, 1 1 York, William, Archbishop of, 13 FUNIS. Ihinted by R. Ci.akk, Edinbi(rgh.