af fflksg id 1914 ): \ 1 ^ ' HENRY WRIOTHESLEY, EARL OF SOUTHAMPTON ROSIER’S RELATION OF v^iyflooTH's voy/iGE To IKe oJf Mmhq, 1605, WITH AN INTRODUCTION AND NOTES. BY HENRY S. BURRAGE, D. D. Printed for the GORGES SOCIETY, Portland, Maine. 1887. BOSTON COLLEGE LIBRARY CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. Two Hundred Copies. X 2^ Fbom the Press op STEPHEN BERRY, PORTLAND, ME. Introduction, Survey of the Literature, A Trve Relation, ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait of Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, - Frontispiece. Facing Page. Autograph and Seal of Queen Elizabeth, - 20 Portrait of Thomas Arundell, Baron OF Wardour, 81 Monhegan as seen from the North, AND THE Camden Mountains AS SEEN FROM MoNHEGAN, - - lOO Chart of Coast from White Head to Pemaquid Point. Chart of Coast from Pemaquid Point TO Seguin Island. PREFACE. Rosier’s “ Trve Relation ” has been reprinted in this country twice ; once in the Collections of the Mass. Hist. Society, 3d Series, Vol. 8, (the copy for which was ob- tained in England by Jared Sparks), and again (a reprint of Sparks’ copy) in a pamphlet published by George Prince, at Bath, Maine, in i860. Original copies of the “ Relation ” are exceedingly scarce. Quaritch, the well- known London bookseller, has a copy which cost him at an auction sale not long ago ^275, and for which he now asks ;^325. The John Carter Brown Library in Providence, R. I., secured a superb copy of this rare pamphlet several years ago. Through the kindness of Mr. John Nicholas Brown, I obtained permission in 1884 for a transcription of this original copy; and the work was performed by the Assistant Librarian of Brown University, Mr. John Milton Burnham, to whom I am greatly indebted for the painstaking service thus ren- dered. VI PREFACE. dered. It is his transcription of the original pamphlet that I have used in the present volume. In the Introduction I have brought together such facts as I have been able to secure with reference to George Way mouth. Hitherto but little has been known concerning him. In my investigations I have been greatly aided by Mr. James P. Baxter, of Portland, who, during his residence in England in 1885 and 1886, left no place unvisited where there was likely to be found any trace of Way- mouth’s life and work. His labors were richly rewarded. Manuscripts were discovered which have remained un- noticed almost three centuries, and which throw much light upon the character and the career of one who has hitherto been known merely as a navigator. In the notes I have expressed my obligations to Mr. Baxter for the materials which he generously placed at my disposal. I am also indebted to him for valuable suggestions con- cerning difficult points that have presented themselves in the course of my work. I exceedingly PREFACE. vii I exceedingly regret that even with Mr. Baxter’s en- thusiastic aid I have been unable to discover the time and place of Waymouth’s birth and death. It has been inti- mated that the late Henry Stevens, a resident of London, with whom Waymouth was a favorite subject for study, possessed facts concerning Waymouth’s life which had eluded the search of others. But the recent publica- tion of the Court Minutes of the East India Company from 1599 to 1603,* prepared by Mr. Stevens, and pub- lished by his son, Mr. Henry N. Stevens, leads me to be- lieve that not much is to be expected from this source. In these records is preserved the action of the Company with reference to Waymouth’s voyage in 1602 in search of a north-west passage to the Indies : and one would suppose that either in the introduction, or in the notes printed in connection with the record, at least some of the facts which had been gathered concerning Way- mouth would be inserted. But for any such facts one will search this volume in vain. The omission is almost as notable as would be the absence of any reference to Waymouth’s life in a reprint of Rosier’s “ Relation.” In ♦The Dawn of British Trade to the East Indies, as Kecorded in the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1599-1603, containing an account of the formation of the Company, the first adventure and Waymouth's Voyage in search of the North-West Passage, now first printed from the original manuscript by Henry Stevens, of Vermont. With an introduction by Sir George Bird wood, Kt. London, Henry Stevens & Son, 1886. PREFACE. viii In his preface, however, Mr. Henry N. Stevens ex- presses the hope that some interesting particulars re- specting Waymouth may yet be gleaned from memoran- da made by his father. The name of Waymouth’s vessel is not given by Rosier ; nor is it found in the accounts of the voyage recorded by Strachey, Purchas or Gorges. Prince (Me. Hist. Soc. Coll., Vol. 6, p. 294) says that Waymouth’s ship is “ supposed to have been called the Archangel.” So far as I can ascertain, living somewhat remote from large libraries, the name of the vessel first appears in Dr. John Harris’s Collection of Voyages and Travels, p. 223, Vol. H., Revised Edition, London, 1748. The first edition appeared in 1702-5. John Harris, D. D., (1667-1719) was one of the early members of the Royal Society, and for a while acted as its Vice President. In preparing the “ Survey of the Literature,” I endeav- ored carefully to examine all the references in published volumes to points in controversy connected with Way- mouth’s voyage in 1605. It did not occur to me, how- ever, to include in my search “ The Revised Statutes of the State of Maine.” In this I erred, for Hon. C. W. Goddard, by whom the revision was made, has an in- troductory chapter on the “ Sources of the Land Titles of Maine,” and in a note on page VI., he says: “Although PREFACE. IX “ Although any further contributions toward a solu- tion of the long vexed question of the identity of Way- mouth’s explorations may seem superfluous, the com- missioner, after a personal examination of those waters in a sail-boat in August, 1882, ventures to express his concurrence in the opinion of Captain George Prince, of Bath, first published in 1858, that Pentecost Harbor was probably George’s Island Harbor, and not Booth- bay; that the very high mountains which might be discov- ered a great way up in the main, could not possibly have been the White Mountains, or any other than the Cam- den Hills ; and that the great river trending alongst into the main towards the great mountains, which Strachey, (not Waymouth, or Rosier, Waymouth’s com- panion and historian) calls ‘ that most excellent and ben- efycial river of Sagadahoc,’ but which Sir Ferdinando Gorges calls the ‘ Pemaquid,’ must have been the George’s and not the Kennebec or the Penobscot.” If this testimony had come under my notice earlier it would have been included in my “ Survey of the Litera- ture.” In my work, aside from the persons already mentioned, I have received valuable assistance from Dr. C. E. Banks, of the U. S. Marine Hospital Service. Many notes which he had prepared with reference to Waymouth’s voyage X PREFACE. voyage of 1605 he kindly placed in my hands. I am in- debted to him, also, for the use of his excellent etching of Thomas Arundell, Baron of Wardour, after a photo graph of a portrait in the possession of the Arundell family. At my request, too, he has made for this work two additional etchings, one of Monhegan Island from the North, after a sketch on one of the Coast Survey charts, and another of the Camden Mountains as seen from Monhegan, after a drawing which I made near the school-house on Monhegan in the summer of 1885. To the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Office, Washington, D. C., I am indebted for the two ex- cellent charts which will be found in a pocket at the close of the volume. One of these charts, showing the coast from White Head to Pemaquid Point, includes also Monhegan, St. George s Island Harbor and the St. George’s River; the other, the coast from Pemaquid Point to Seguin Island. A line in red ink on the first chart indicates the probable course Waymouth took after leaving his anchorage north of Monhegan, in en- tering Pentecost Harbor, and afterwards in sailing up the great river he discovered. A like line indicates, so far as this chart is concerned, the course he followed, if we identify Pentecost Harbor with Fisherman’s Island Harbor or Boothbay Harbor. Lines in red ink on the second PREFACE. XI second chart are used to indicate Waymouth’s course if he entered the Kennebec at Bath by way of Townsend Gut, Sheepscot Bay and the Sasanoa River, as Sewall and others suppose, or if he sailed up the Kennebec from its mouth, as is maintained by Ballard and others. These lines in red ink, which were added by William S. Edwards, first assistant city civil engineer, Portland, cannot but be helpful to the readers of the following pages. My grateful acknowledgments for helpful sugges- tions, are also due to Prof. James Bryce, of Oxford University, England, and to Prof. Asa Gray, of Harvard University; and especially to the Secretary of the Maine Historical Society, Mr. Hubbard W. Bryant. HENRY SWEETSER BURRAGE. Portland, Me., P'eb. i, 1887. I INTRODUCTION. N the latter part of the sixteenth century, sev- eral attempts were made to plant English colonies in North America. The first of these attempts was made by Sir Humphrey Gilbert," who had been knighted in 1570, for distinguished mil- itary services in Ireland. In 1578, having obtained an extensive grant of land in the northern part of North America, he sailed from England with his half-brother. Sir Walter Raleigh;^ but on account of various disasters which by Lira had two sons, Carew and Walter. At the time of Walter’s birth, Humphrey Gilbert was thirteen years of age. 2. “ He lived in the County of Devon, bordering easterly upon the sea, and saw the ships depart for the new found lands, and, when they re- turned, heard the stories of the cap- tain and sailor, of the wonders they 1. For more than twenty years, by petitions, and at length by an elaborate treatise, Gilbert had urged upon Elizabeth and her ministers the importance of western discovery and colonization. He was the second son of Otho Gilbert, and his mother, whose maiden name was Catherine Champernown, married, after her husband’s death, Walter Raleigh, and 2 ROSIER’S RELATION. which befel the expedition, he was compelled to return without having set foot on the shores of the new world. Four years later, in 1583, with five ships and two hundred and sixty men, Gilbert (Raleigh being detained at Court by the Queen, who did not wish her favorite to be exposed to “ dangerous sea-fights,”) again left England for the land beyond the sea, and this time suc- ceeded in reaching Newfoundland, of which he took possession in the name of Queen Elizabeth. On the return voyage. Sept. 9, 1 583, his vessel, of ten tons bur- den only, too heavily laden, foundered, and Gilbert with all on board perished.^ In the following year, April, 27, 1584, Sir Walter had witnessed and the exploits they had performed. In his boyhood, he read the tales of Spanish discovery, conquest and possession in the new world, and conceived a youthful ad- miration for the heroism in danger, and fortitude and patience in suffer- ing, which he had occasion enough to remember in his own subsequent fortunes, and which he expressed in the review of his life from the out- look of the Tower, in his History of the World.” Dr. Leonard Woods, in the introduction to the Documentary History of the State of Maine, Vol. 2, p. xlii. Concerning Raleigh, see a well prepared memoir by Rev. In- Raleigh, crease N. Tarbox, D. D., in "Sir Wal- ter Ralegh and his Colony in Amer- ica.” Prince Society, Boston, 1884. 3. Only two vessels, the “ Squir- rel ” and the “ Golden Hind,” re- mained of the fleet that left England. Sir Humphrey was on the “ Squir- rel.” Hayes, Captain of the Golden Hind, reports ; “On Monday, the 9th of September, the frigate [the ‘ Squir- rel ’] was near cast away, yet at that time recovered ; and giving forth signs of joy, the general, sitting abaft with a book in his hand, cried out to us in the ‘ Hind,’ ‘ We are as near to heaven by sea as by land.’ ” That night the frigate foundered. WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 3 Raleigh, who after Gilbert’s death had been made lord proprietor of a large tract of territory in the new world — his patent, almost identical in terms with that of Gil- bert, was dated March 25, 1584,'^ — despatched thither two vessels under the command of Philip Amidas and Arthur Barlow. On reaching the American coast, they explored Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, and on their return to England they reported their discoveries in such glowing language that the interest of the Queen was enlisted, and she gave to the newly discovered terri- tory the name Virginia. In 1585, having received added favors from the Queen to assist him in his work of foreign discovery, Raleigh fitted out another expedition consisting of seven vessels, with one hundred and eight emigrants, under the com- mand of Sir Richard Grenville. A settlement was made at Roanoke Island, and Grenville returned to England with the ships, leaving Ralph Lane in command of the colony : but in the following year, when reinforcements reached Roanoke Island, it was found that the colony had been abandoned, and that Sir Francis Drake, who was 4. Strachey [Historie of Travaile into Virginia, Hakluyt Soc., Re- print, p. 8,] says it was “ a large graunt, from 33 to 40 degrees of lati- tude, exemplified with many ymmu- nityes and priviledges.” The patent is in Hazard’s State Papers, pp. 33- 38, also in “ Sir Walter Ralegh and his Colony in America,” pp. 95-105, Prince Society, 1884. 4 ROSIER’S RELATION. was on the American coast that season, had picked up Lane and his companions, and sailed for England.^ In 1587, Raleigh made an added attempt to plant a colony in the new world. A site farther north, on the shores of Chesapeake Bay, was selected by him ; and a large body of emigrants, who should become the found- ers of an agricultural State, were sent thither under command of John White, who left England April 27th, with a charter of incorporation for the “city of Raleigh.” But the colonists landed on Roanoke Island, in site of the former settlement. Two vessels with supplies were subsequently sent to them by Raleigh, but were so crip- pled by Spanish cruisers that they were obliged to re- turn 5. “Sayling along by a wasted coast, they found certaine English- men which had settled themselves in Virginia, so named in honour of Queene Elizabeth, a Virgin, whom Sir Walter Raghley, a man in great favour with Queene Elizabeth, had sent thither of late for a colony in a most commendable desire to dis- courer farre countries, and to advance the glory of England for nauigation. To Ralph Lane, their captaine, Drake offered all ofBces of kindness, and a ship or two with victuals, and some men, if he thought good to stay there and prosecute his enterprise ; if not, to bring them back into England. But whilest they were lading of victuals into those ships, an extraor- dinary storine carried them away, and dispersed the fleet in such sort, that they met not again till they came into England. Hereupon Lane and those which were carried thither, being in great penury, and out of all hope of victuals out of England, and greatly weakened in their number, with one voyce besought Drake that he would carry them back again to their owue country, which hee willingly did.” History of the Reign of Elizabeth, by William Camden, London, 1685, pp 285, 286. WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 5 turn to England, and the colonists, overtaken by “ a miser able and untymely destiny,” perished. Having exhausted all of his means, Raleigh made no further attempts to colonize his possessions in North America, and when the seventeenth century opened not a single English man was to be found at any point on the coast from Newfoundland to Elorida.^ But notwithstanding the failure of the various enter- prises with which Raleigh was connected, there were those in England to whom the colonization of some part of the American coast was still a cherished dream. Newfoundland at that time was visited annually by a large fishing fleet, “ about four hundred sails of ships,”^ ^as an old document states. But Newfoundland was “a cold and intemperate place, not to be traded nor fre- quented at all times, nor fortified for security of the ships and goods : oft spoiled by pirates or men of war : the charges great for salt, double manning and double victual- ling their ships, in regard that the labor is great and the time long, before their lading can be ready ; they carry outwards 6. Though Raleigh’s Virginia en- terprise failed, “his hopes were strong enough to withstand the fail- ure of nine several expeditions, and the natural discouragement of twelve years’ imprisonment. Just on the eve of his own fall from outward greatness, he had written, ‘I shall yet live to see it an English Nation. That faith remained with him to the Tower, and he did live to see his pre- diction realized.” Edwards’ Life of Raleigh, Vol. 1, p. 91. 7. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc., 3d Series Vol. 8, p. 98. 6 ROSTER’S RELATION. outwards no commodities for freig'ht; and after six months’ voyage, their return is made but of fish and oils.” If farther south, therefore, in a more temperate and agree- able climate, a flourishing colony could be established, there would be a demand for the products of the mother country, and a great and constantly growing trade would thus be established. It was from motives like these that a few enterprising Englishmen at the opening of the seventeenth century turned their thoughts toward these western shores. The first effort in the seventeenth century to plant an English colony in North America, was made by Captain Bartholomew Gosnold,® who sailed from Fal- mouth, England, March 25, 1602, in a small bark called “The Concord.” He was accompanied by thirty-two persons, eight of whom were mariners. Of the entire number, twelve purposed to return to England “ upon the 8. Gosnold was an experienced mariner, and had been employed in one of the earlier expeditions to the American coast. Belknap [Am. Bi- ography, 2, p. 101,] says, “ At whose expense he undertook the voyage to the northern part of Virginia does not appear.” But Strachey, Historie of Travaile into Virginia [Hakluyt Society, reprint, p. 153] says : “A great and right noble earle amongst us. ‘Candidus et talos a vertice pul- cher ad imos,’ Henry, Earle of Southampton,” large- ly contributed to the fitting out of this expedition. He also states that at the same time. Sir Walter Raleigh fitted out a vessel which he de- spatched, in 1602, to Virginia, under the command of Samuel Mace, “ to fynd out those people which he had sent last thither by Capt. White, in 1587.” WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 7 the discovery,” and the rest were to remain “for popu- lation.” The point Gosnold aimed to reach was “ the north part of Virginia,” the somewhat indefinite tract of territory granted to Raleigh by the Queen ; arid he made land north of Massachusetts Bay, not far from a point which he called “ Savage Rock,” because “ the savages first showed themselves there.” Sailing south- ward along the coast, he passed Cape Cod, which re- ceived this name from Gosnold because of the “ great [Store of codfish ” he there secured, and at length came to an island which he called Martha’s Vineyard, and iwhich Archer describes as “ full of wood, vines, goose- berry bushes, whortleberries, raspberries, eglantines,” &c. Here also he “ took great store of cod, as before at Cape Cod, but much better.” Sailing in toward the main land, Gosnold came to an island which he called Elizabeth’s Isle, now Cuttyhunk f and here he made preparations ‘rubbish,’ with strawberries, pease, tansey and other fruits and herbs, appear in rich abundance, unmolest- ed by any animal but aquatic birds. We had the supreme satisfaction to find the cellar of Gosnold’s store- house, the stores of which were evi- dently taken from the neighboring beach.” Dr. Jeremy Belknap, Am. Biog., Vol. 2, p. 220. Harper’s Ed. 9. To this spot I went on the 20th day of June, 1797, in company with several gentlemen whose curios- ity and obliging kindness induced them to accompany me. The pro- tecting hand of Nature has reserved this favorite spot to herself. Its fer- tility and its productions are ex- actly the same as in Gosnold’s time, excepting the wood, of which there is none. Every species of what he calls 8 ROSIER’S RELATION. preparations for a settlement. A store-house and a small fort were erected. But when Gosnold had loaded his small vessel with sassafras,'” cedar, fur and other com- modities, which he had obtained for the most part by traffic with the Indians, and was ready to return to Eng- land, some of the company who had “ vowed to stay ” refused so to do, and “ the planters diminishing,” the settlement was reluctantly abandoned. Gosnold, who on his return voyage sailed Eriday, June i8, reached England, Friday, July 23." j The accounts of this voyage, one by Gabriel Archer, j and the other by John Brereton, both of whom accom; paniec 10 . “ Sassafras, a plant of souer- eigne vertue for the French Poxe, and as some of late have learnedly written, good against the Plague ^nd many other Maladies.” Pring, in Mag. of Am. History, Vol. 8, p. 843. ” The powder of sa.ssafras in twelve hours cured one of our company that had taken a great surfeit, by eating the bellies of dog fish, a very deli- cious meat.” Archer’s Relation of Gosnold’s Voyage, Mass. Hist. Coll., 3d Series, Vol. 8, pp. 77, 78. “The some bitterness : the leaves are like fig leaves, of a dark green.” Josse; lyn’s Two Voyages to New England, Boston, 1865, p. 66. 11. In 1607, Gosnold, with Capt. John Smith, led to Virginia a colony \ sassafras tree is no great tree. I have met with some as big as my middle : the rind is tawny and upon that a thin colour of ashes, the inner part is white, of an excellent smell like Fennel, of a sweet taste with which settled at Jamestown. There, not long after his arrival, Gosnold died. In George Percy’s account of the first settlement of Virginia occurs this note : “ The 22d of August died Captain Bartholomew Gosnold, one of our council. He was honorably buried, having all the ordnance in the fort shot off, with many volleys of small shot. After his death the Council could hardly agree.” Pur- chas his Pilgrimmes, iv, p. 1690. ( WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. panied Gosnold, were published in England after the expedition returned. In glowing language their “ Re- lations ” depicted the magnificence and fertility of the country, compared with which, said Brereton, the most fertile part of England was but barren. And he adds : “We stood awhile like men ravished at the beauty and delicacy of this sweet soil ; for besides divers clear lakes ,of fresh water (whereof we saw no end), meadows very large and full of green grass ; even the most woody laces (I speak only of such as I saw) do grow so dis- inct and apart, one tree from another, upon green, grassy round, somewhat higher than the plains, as if nature vould show herself above her power, artificial.”"^ Archer said : “ This main is the goodliest continent that we ever saw, promising more by far than we any way did expect, for it is replenished with fair fields, and in them fragrant flowers, also meadows, and hedged in with stately groves, being furnished also with pleasant brooks, and beautiful with two main rivers that (as we judge) may haply become good harbors, and conduct us to the hopes men so greedily do thirst after.”"^ Especially in the seaport towns the publication of these “ Relations ” awakened added interest in the new world. 12. B rereton’s “Eelation,” Mass. Hist. Coll., 3d Series, Vol. 8, p. 89. 13. Mass. Hist. Coll., 3d Series, Vol. 8, p. 78. lO ROSIER’S RELATION. world. “ Sundry of the chiefest merchants of Bristol,”''^ to whom Master Richard Hakluyt,'^ Prebendary of St. Augus- tine’s Cathedral Church, presented “many profitable and reasonable inducements,” resolved to undertake further discoveries. Having first secured the permission of Sir Walter Raleigh, a recognition which Gosnold unhappily had overlooked as he found on his return, they fitted out two vessels, the Speedwell of about fifty tons, and the Discoverer of about twenty-six tons, with Martin Pring as “ Master and Chiefe Commander.” Sailing from Mil- ford Haven, April lo, 1603, Pring took a direct course for the “ North Coast of Virginia,” which he sighted in latitude 43)^°, on an unknown day in June, and passing along the coast of Maine, probably from Penobscot Bay, he “ beheld very goodly groues and woods, replenished with tall okes, beeches, pine trees, firre trees, hasels, witchhasels and maples. We saw here, also, sundry sorts of beasts, as stags, deere, beares, wolues, foxes, lusernes and dogges with sharp noses.” But finding no sassafras, Pring shaped his course for Savage Rock, “ discouered 14. It was from this port that Se- bastian Cabot in 1497 made his voy- age to America. 15. This was the well known author of “ The Principal Navigations, Voyages and Discoveries made by English Natives.'’ He was appointed prebendary of Bristol in 1584 [Docu- mentary History of the State of Maine, Vol. 2, p. xxxviii, note] : and of Westminster in 1605. He died Oct. 2.3, 1610, and was buried in Westminster Abbey. WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. ii “ discoiiered the yeere before by Captaine Gosnold.” Here also he found no sassafras, and he “ bare into that greate Gulfe [Massachusetts Bay] which Captaine Gos- nold ouer-shot the yeere before, coasting and finding people on the North side thereof. Not yet satisfied in our expectation, we left them and sailed ouer, and came to Anchor on the South side, in the latitude of 41 de- grees and odde minutes; where we went on Land in a certaine Bay, which we called Whitson Bajy, by the name of the Worshipfull Master yohn Whitson^ then Maior of the Citie of Bristoll, and one of the chiefe Ad- venturers, and finding a pleasant Hill thereunto adioyn- ing, wee called it Mount Aldworth, for Master Robert Aldwortk's sake, a chiefe furtherer of the Voyage, as well with his Purse as with his Trauell. Here we had a sufficient quantitye of Sassafras.”'^ Bancroft and Palfrey, following Belknap, identify Whitson’s Bay with the harbor of Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard, which is in the latitude of 41°; 25'. The lan- guage of Pring’s narrative, however, seems to indicate that he passed from the north to the south side of the “greate Gulfe,” and Dr. B, F. DeCosta,'^ more accurately, perhaps, identifies Whitson’s Bay with Plymouth Harbor, and “ the pleasant Hill adioyning ” with “ Captain’s Hill, or, 16. Mag. of Am. Hist., Vol. 8, p. 841. 17. Mag. of Am. Hist., Vol. 8, pp. 808, 809. 12 ROSIER’S RELATION. or, possibly, Manomet.” The Discoverer was loaded with sassafras and despatched to England at the close of July. About the 9th of August, Pring followed in the Speedwell, and arrived in England October 2.'® 18. There is a monument to Pring in St. Stephen’s Church, Bristol, England, with this inscription : TO THE PIOUS MEMORIE or MARTIN FRINGE, MERCHANT, SOMETYMB GENBRALL TO THE FRATERNITY OP THE TRINITIE HOUSE. The living worth of this dead man was such. That this fay’r Touch can give you but A Touch Of his admired guifts ; Theise quarter’d Arts Enrich’d his knowledge and ye spheare imparts ; His heart’s true embleme where pure thoughts did moue ; By a most sacred Influence from aboue. Prudence and fortitude are topp this tombe. Which in brave Pringe tooke up ye chiefest roome ; Hope — Time supporters showe that he did clyme. The highest pitch of hope though not of tyme. His painefull, skillful trauayles reacht as farre. As from the Arctick to the Antarctick starre ; Hee made himselfe A Shipp, Religion His onely compass, and the truth alone His guiding Cynosure, faith was his sailes. His anchour hope, A hope that never failes ; His freights was charitie, and his returne A fruitfull practise. In this fatal vine His shipp’s fayr Bulck is lodg’d, bat ye ritch ladings Is housed in heaven never fadings. This monument was Beautified by Mrs. Hannah Oliver, Widdow, 1733. Mag. of Am. Hist., Vol. 9, p. 211. WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 13 Pring’s safe return, and the reports which he brought of the fertility of the country and of the prospect of trade with the Indians, (which in 1604, with the French in Canada, in beaver and otter skins alone, amounted to thirty thousand crowns), confirmed the report of Gos- nold, and increased the interest that had already been awakened in the new world beyond the seas. Among those who had aided in fitting out Gosnold’s expedition was Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southamp- ton, the well known English statesman to whom Shake- speare, in 1593, dedicated his “ Verrus and Adonis.” He was connected with Essex in the conspiracy to seize the person of Elizabeth, and though on his trial he protested that he had never entertained a thought against the Queen, he was stripped of his titles and estates and thrown into prison. In the first year of James I., how- ever, he was released from confinement, and his titles and estates were restored to him by a new patent July 21, 1603. Shortly after occurred the return of Pring, and, in his ardor for new enterprises, where could he find so inviting a field for noble endeavor as in the land be- yond the seas, concerning which Pring, confirming Gos- nold, had brought such favorable reports ? Moreover, by reason of the changed fortunes of Raleigh,'^ the lands across mentary History of Maine, p. xlvi, says that Raleigh held this grant un- 19. Dr. Leonard Woods, in his in- troduction to Vol. 2, of the Docu- 14 ROSTER’S RELATION. across the Atlantic, of which he had been lord proprie- tor for so many years, had now reverted to the crown, and wise management might secure the prize that so suddenly had fallen from Sir Walter’s grasp. Accord- ingly, in the year 1604, he planned a new voyage of discovery. Associated with him were his son-in-law. Thomas Arundel, afterwards til its forfeiture by the attainder of James in 1603. This seems to be based upon a statement in Strachey’s introduction to his Historic of Trav- aile into Virginia [Hakluyt Society reprint, p. 9] : “ which, true yt is, before Sir W. R. his attaynder, with- out his leave we might not make in- trusion uppon, the title being only in him.” Raleigh was arrested in the summer of 1603 on the charge (of which he is now believed to have been guiltless) of having conspired with others “ to deprive the king of his crown and dignity, to subvert the government and alter the true religion established in England, and to levy war against the king.” He was tried before Chief Justice Popham, and having been found guilty was by him sentenced to death. Dec. 15, 1603, while he was preparing to lay his head upon the block, a reprieve came from the king, and he was transferred to the Tower, where he remained un- til March 20, 1616, except for a brief period, during the plague, in which he Baron of Wardour,^° and Sir Ferdinando was confined in the Fleet Prison be- cause of the unhealthiness of the Tower. 20. Thomas Arundell, Baron of Wardour, was the oldest son of Sir Mathew Arundell, Kt., whose father. Sir Thomas Arundell, married Mar- garet, daughter of Edward Howard, third son of Thomas, Duke of Nor- folk, and sister to Queen Catherine. He served as a volunteer in the im- perial army in Hungary, and having in an engagement with the Turks near Strigonium taken their standard with his own hand, he was created by Rudolph II., Emperor of Ger- many, a count of the Empire by patent, dated Prague, Dec. 14, 1595. He was elevated to the peerage, as Baron Arundell, of Wardour, May 4, 1605. He died Nov. 7, 1639, at War- dour Castle, and was buried at Tys- bury. His first wife was Mary, daughter of Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton. His second wife was Ann, daughter of Miles Philip- son, of Crook, County of Westmore- WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 15 Ferdinando Gorges,^' whose name is thenceforward so prominent in the history of the colonization of this part of the American coast. The command of this new expedition was given to Captain George Waymouth, a native of Devonshire,"'^ probably of one of its seaport towns. He had a good English education, and for many years continued his studies in mathematics, especially in geometry. He became also an accomplished draughtsman. His studies, however, must have been continued after he entered upon a sea-faring life, inasmuch as he had to do with ships, as he tells us, as soon as he was able to do anything. land. Dr. C. E. Banks, of the U. S. Marine Service, has a valuable gene- alogical table of “ the noble family of Arundell Baron Arundell of War- dour”; also an old engraving by Fittler of a painting by R. Sinirke, representing Sir Thomas Arundell taking the standard of the Turks. 21. This appears in a letter writ- ten by Sir Ferdinando Gorges, dated Plymouth, March 13, 1607, and ad- dressed to ” Mr. Challinge ” — Capt. Henry Challoung, who in 1606 was placed by Gorges and others in com- mand of an expedition to the Amer- ican coast which proved a failure. Referring to Challoung’s venture. Gorges says: “You know that the journey hath bene noe smale chardge to us, yt first sent to the coast, and had for our returne but the five sal- uages,” i. e., the five Indians captured by Waymouth, of whom Gorges, on Waymouth’s return to England, re- ceived three. As Sir John Popham received the remaining two of these Indians, it is possible that he also had an interest in the voyage. 22. Narratives of Voyages towards the Northwest. Publication of the Hakluyt Society, London, 1849, p. 238. The place where Waymouth was born I have been unable to as- certain, although an extended search was instituted. James P. Baxter, Esq., when in England in 1885-6, aided me greatly in this investigation, but his usual good fortune failed him in this instance. i6 ROSIER’S RELATION. anything, and served “ in well neere four prentize shipps,” passing through all grades of the service, and filling “ all the offices belonging to this trade, even from the lowest unto the highest.” He extended his studies beyond the art of navigation, and made himself familiar with ship-building and also with the art of fortification. We have no record of any of his voyages until 1602, when, under the patronage of “the Worshipful Fellow- ship of the Merchants of London trading into the East Indies,” he mades a voyage in search of a Northwest passage to the Indies. The proposal for such an under- taking was brought to the notice of the Fellowship, July 24, 1601. On that day, a letter, “written by one George Waymouth, a navigaE, touching an attempte to be made for the discovery of the Northwest passage to the Est Indies,” was laid before the General Court. After deliberation, the matter was postponed to another meeting, which was held August 7, and at which it was voted to engage in such an expedition. Waymouth entered the service of the Fellowship in September. May 2, 1602, having made his preparations for the voyage, he sailed from the Thames with two vessels, the Dis- covery and the Godspeed, bearing with him the follow- ing letter from Queen Elizabeth to the Emperor of Cathay ; Elizabeth, WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 17 “ Elizabeth, by the Grace of God Queen of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith, &c.. To the great, mighty and Invincible Emperour of Cathaia, greet- ing. Wee haue receiued dyuers and sondry relacons both by our owne subiects, and by others, whoe haue uisited some parts of your Ma*^ Empire and Dominions, whereby strangers that resorte unto yo^ Kingdomes with trade of merchandize w^^ hath wrought in vs a desire to fynde oute some neere waye of passage by seas from vs into your countrey, than the vsuall frequented course that hetherto hath byn houlden by compassing the greatest part of the world : By which neerer passage, not only opportunity of entercourse of traffique of mer- chandize may be offred betweene y® subiects of both o’^ Kingdomes, but also a mutuall league and amity may growe, and be contynued, betweene yo’^ ma^’® and vs, o’^ Cuntries and Dominions being in their distance of scituacons not so farr remote, or seuered, as they are estranged and vnknown the one to the other, by reason of the long and tedious course of Navigacon hetherto vsed from theis parts unto you: To which ende wee haue heretofore many yeares past and at sundry tymes synce, made choice of some of o’^ subiects, being a people by nature enclyned to great attempts, and to the discouery of contries and Kingdomes vnknowen, and sett them i8 ROSTER’S RELATION. them in hand the fynding out of some neerer pas- sage by seas into yo^ Ma^® contries, through the North or East parts of the world, wherein hetherto not pre- uayling, but some of their ships neuer returning back agayne, nor being heard of synce their departure hence, and some of them retourning back agayne being hin- dered in their entended voyage by the frozen seas, and intollerable cold of those clymates : Wee haue yett once more, of o^’ earnest desire to try the vttermost y^ may be done to p forme at length a neerer discovery of yo’^ Contrye, prepared and sett fourth two small shipps vnder y® deriction of our subiect and seruant George Waymouth, being y® principall Pylott of this present voyage, a man for his knowledge and experience in nauigacon specially chosen by vs to this attempte, whom if it shall please God so to prosper in his passage, y^ either hee or any of his company aryue in any part of your Kingdome, wee pray yo^ Ma^’® in fauo’' of vs, who haue soe desired y® attayning this meanes of ac- cesse vnto yo'^, and in regard of an enterprize p formed by hym and his company, w*-^ so great difficulty and danger, y*- you will vse them w^^ that regard y*- may gyve them encouragem*^ to make this their newe discouered passage, w®*^ hetherto hath not byn frequented or knowne by any to become a vsuall frequented trade from this pte of y® world to y^ Ma^’®. “ By WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 19 “ By which Meanes yo^ contrey may hereafter be serued the natyue comodityes of theis parts of speciall ser- uice and use, both for yo^ Ma**® and subiects may be fur- nished thinges of lyke seruice and vse ; out of mutuall benefitt, amity and frendshipe may growe and be established betweene vs wee for o*^ part will not lett hereby to offer vnto you for the honorable re- port w®^ wee haue heard of yo’^ Ma^^®. And because in y^® first discouery of the waye to yo’’ contrey, it seemed to vs not convenient to ymploy shipps of that burtlien w®’^ might bring in them any great quantity of o^ natyue comodityes whereby they might be pestered wee did re- solue to vse small shipps as fittest for an vnknowen pas- sage, laden for y® most part w^^ such necessaries as were of vse for their discouery ; it may please yo^ Ma^'® by the pticulers of such things as are brought in theis shipps, to vnderstand yt of goods of those kyndes o^ kingdome is able to furnish yo^ Ma^^® most amply, and also of sun- dry other kynds of merchandize of like vse, where of it may please yo^ Ma^‘® to be more pticularly enformed by the said George Waymouth, and his company, of all w®^ upon significacon vnto vs by yo^ Ma^® Lres to be re- turned by o^ said subiect, yt our uisiting of yo^ king- domes Wtij our shipps and merchandize shall be accept- able and kyndly receiued, we will in the next fleet w®^ 20 ROSTER’S RELATION. we shall send vnto you make it more fully appeare what vse and benefitt or amity and entercourse may bring to yo^ Matie and contrey. And in the meane tyme do commend yo^ Ma*‘® to the protection of eternall God, whose prouidence guideth and pserveth all Kinges and Kingdomes. From our Royall Pallace of Greenwiche the fourth of May an® dni 1602 and of o^ Raigne 44”. (Superscribed) “ To the Right Tdigh mighty and In- vincible Emperor of Cathaye.”^^ On the 1 8th of June Way mouth sighted the southern part of Greenland, bearing north about ten leagues. A course more or less westerly was then followed until June 28, when land was discovered, which was at first sup- posed to be the American coast, but which proved to be Cape Warwick, or Earl Warwick’s Foreland, to the northward of Resolution Island. July 8th, land was again discovered, but on account of the ice the vessels could by the kindness of Mr. Hogarth, of Portland St., laid this letter before the Society of Antiquaries, in Lon- don ; and the letter, with fac-simile of the signature of the Queen and also of the seal attached (of a type not before engraved), was printed in their proceedings. The original let- ter has disappeared. For this curious document, and its history, I am in- debted to James P. Baxter, Esq. 23. The original copy of this let- ter, written upon vellum, with a highly illuminated border upon a red ground, and signed at the bottom by Queen Elizabeth in her largest sized hand, was found in London about a half century ago, in tearing away an old closet, in a house where repairs were in progress. The letter was ac- companied by separate translations on paper in Italian, Latin and Portu- guese. Jan 28, 1841, Sir Henry Ellis, Queen Elizabeth’s signature and seal attached to the letter which she sent by Waymouth. « V. WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 21 could not approach it. The cold was now intense. “ When the men came to hand them they found the sayles, ropes, and tacklings so hard frozen, that it did seem very strange, being in the cheefest time of sum- mer.” Waymouth persevered, however, in his endeavor to overcome the obstacles in his way. But at length a mutiny broke out; and he was reluctantly compelled to return to England. He arrived in Dartmouth Harbor Aug. 5, 1602, a few days after Gosnold’s return from Elizabeth Island. A narrative of the voyage was laid before the “ Worshipful Eellowship of Merchants,” Sept. 16. The failure of the expedition was evidently keenly felt by all the members of the company, and an investi- gation of the causes that led to the failure was at once instituted. Waymouth was examined not only by the Court of Committees of the East India Fellowship, but by the Lords of the Privy Council. He seems to have cleared himself of all blame in the matter, and it was decided that “ being very competent,” he should have command of a second expedition. This second expedi- tion was the subject of prolonged discussion at the meet- ings of the company from Nov. 24, 1602, to May 24, 1603, and was then for a time abandoned, apparently from pecuniary considerations. Waymouth’s connec- tion with the Fellowship now probably came to an end, and he was ready to embark in any other enterprise that offered. His 22 ROSIER’S RELATION. His experience as a navigator, and his skill in other directions, deserved, as he believed, recognition from the King, and in order to bring himself to the favorable notice of his royal master, James I., he prepared a work on navigation, ship-building, &c., entitled “The Jewell of Artes.”^^ In his dedication to the King, referring to his work, Waymouth says: “ I undertooke the same for the wealth of youre majestic my soueraine lorde and King and of your high- nesse realmes and Dominions minding to haue pub- lished it for the good of this whole comon wealth : but considering with my selfe that if I shoulde comitt it to the presse, the coppies thereof might be conueyed home and so foraine nations, for whome I nothing meant it should reape as much proffit of it as this my natiue cuntrie I therefore of dutie present the same to youre royall majestic, referring the publishing of the whole booke or any parte there of only to youre majestie’s high prudence and discretion, the other that youre highnesse a most wise and gratious prince hauinge duely consid- ered these my laboures and in them my good intent, would reer, he caused a fac simile copy to be prepared, which is now in his possession. For the use of this copy and other manuscripts, references to which will appear later, I am indebted to him. 24. This manuscript James P. Baxter, Esq., of Portland, Me., dis- covered in 1885 in the King’s Library, in the British Museum, London. On account of the light which it throws upon Waymouth’s character and ca- WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 23 would vouchsafe to give sentence of me whether I may- be able to Deserue maintenance and imployment at home, or for my necessarie releese enforced to seeke the same a broade in foraine cuntries : for all though in the performance here of I have so farre neglected my necessarie affaires as I am all to gether unable any longer to supporte my meane estate, yett shall your highnesse but vouchsafe to afifirme me worthie of pre- ferment at home in this youre famous Kingdome I shall thinke my trauell herein fullie rewarded, be it only with youre fauourable acceptance of the same which in all humblenesse of Dutie I freely give unto Royall Majestie and in it my whole state and this with all my selfe, to be orderd at your highnesse princelie Discre- tion, most humblie beseeching youre highnesse to ac- cept the same as the worke of youre poore subject that daylie indeauoreth to imploy that still that god hath lent him to the increasment of the wellfeare of youre royall majestie and to the benefett of this youre famous monarchie being most desirous to make due proofe unto youre highnesse of all things Demonstrated in this present booke when so euer it shall please youre highnesse to command me.” “ The Jewell of Artes,” thus laid before the King, is a manuscript volume of three hundred and twenty pages, elegantly 24 ROSIER’S RELATION. elegantly bound, the covers emblazoned with the royal arms and sprinkled with lions rampant. The work is divided into seven books, as follows : 1 In the first where of as well the auntient instru- ment of nauigation newly corrected and most plainely described by Demonstratiue figures, as other more exact not before knowne 2 In the seconde the manner of building shippes by a geometricall proportion both shewing the faultes here tofore comitted in building and howe to a voyde them, and allso howe to make them more offensiue and defen- siue than those nowe used 3 In the thirde the manner, of making of Enjines for diuerse uses most comodious both for sea and lande newly inuented 4 In the foureth how to take height of, any tower castle or other building with the demonstrations of the most necessarie instrumentes to suruey lande with, and, allso a most exact instrument for the inlargeing or re- ducing of any lande keeping allwayes the selfe same shape 5 In the fift diuerse most comodious plattes fore fortification sett forth by plaine demonstrations with a most exact instrument shewing the manner howe to direct a mine to any object, and to knowe whether the enimes WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 25 enimes doe countermine with Diuerse other deuises to offend him, and to Defend the place beseiged in most excellent manner 6 In the sixte the manner of making the most ser- uiceable kinde of ordinance that ever was Deuised and the most artificall cariages for the same being nimble and easie to remoue by menes of an Engine there unto added 7 In the seauenth the excellentist instruments for gunners arte that euer were deuised with many most plaine Demonstrations howe A gunner ought to place his ordinance to batter any object all which conclusions are to be wrought by the practise of Arithmeticke and geometrie without the which no man can attaine to any perfect knowledg in those artes. where unto is added A breefe table for the findeing of the square and cubique seruing to many right Excellent uses. In the preface Waymouth states at some length the reasons why he was unsuccessful in his voyage for the discovery of the North-west passage. The following are some of the “ Demonstrations ” with which the work abounds : “ The Demonstration of the astrolabe to take the height or altitude of the sunne by her shadowe.” The 26 ROSTER’S RELATION. “ The Demonstration of a most exacte astrolabe to take the altitude of the sunne whose Degrees are larger then any yet used, and will serue both at sea and lande.” “The Demonstration of A most excellent Instru- ment to finde the height of the pole and the true hower all times of the day if the Sunne geve any shadowe, the place of the sume and the variation of the needle being first knowne all those partes on both sides are partes beloingen the this instrument. ” “ The Demonstration of a most exact compasse seru- ing most excellent to finde the variation of the needle and allso to Direct a shippe by.” “ The Demonstration of a compasse without a needle seruing to direct a shipp by the shadowe of the sunne and by the helpe of a watch when other compasses with the needle are out of use.” “ The Demonstration of an Instrument to finde the tydes in all places, the flowing or the change of the moone being first knowen.” “ The manner of making an equinoctial! Diale. A example when you be to the southe ward of the equinoctiall and the sunne haiien south Declination howe to finde the height of the pole,” “ How to finde the height of the pole by the merid- ianall height of the sunne and her declination without finding the height of the Equinoctiall.” Among WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 27 Among other drawings is one of an engine, by which a ship may be defended from a multitude of men assaulting the same with “pikes swords or small shot”; Waymouth says: “ This Engine ought to be made rounde A foote or 15 inches heigh from the superficies of the thing where upon it is to be placed in the circumference where of ought to be placed 6 or 8 small murdering peeces which will carry some 40 or 50 muskett bulletes A peece and betweene euery 2 of those murderers must allso be placed one blad of Iron and steele made verry sharpe as well upon both edges as allso on the pointe being stronglie fastened in to the same the whole En- gine being couered over with boardes verry close and hauing in the very dest of it A winch of Iron to turne it About to any corner or part of the shipp where in it shall be Assaulted the men that use it being close cou- ered under it out of sight and danger may so feircely and speedely discharge the saide peeces in to any one or diuerse partes of a shipp where it is Assaulted as they may soone Destroy the enemie and preserue them selves there shipp and goodes from being taken as Aboue said and if this Engine shoulde suddenly be forced uppon by great multitud of people yet might it be so violentlie turned about by those that are under it that 28 ROSIER’S RELATION. that no man might endure to lay hand uppon it but that those blades woulde euen chopp them in peeces you may with this Engine hauing but lo or 12 men to use the same defend a shipp from being taken by 3 hundred yea if I were to builde a shipp my self after a propor- tion that I could prescribe (god assisting me with out whose blessing all policies are of no force) I would so contriue the same as if it were but of one hundred tunne and hauing only but 20 men in it by meanes of this En- gine I would defend the same from being taken by hue hundred men useing only the weapons Aboue rehearsed. The Demonstration of this Engine you may see plainely Demonstrated.” In the fourth book we are told : “ How to measure the height of A tower at 2 stations.” “ To measure the deepnesse of any well.” “To take the distance from any platform bullworkes or such like yf the gunners be of good skill in this parte and then hee shall not meese his marke that hee shoote at or ther ways he may which would be A shame unto the gunner and A increasement of the enemys Joye.” “ The Demonstration of a Instrument to take the height with of any wall or castle the use where of is shewed in this booke by A geometricall table.” The WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 29 The chapter on fortifications contains many excel- lent and elaborate drawings, some beautifully colored. One “ Demonstration showeth howe by a whole circle to line out a fort, castle or towne in forme of a triangle,” another “in forme of a quadrant angle,” another “in form of a cinqu angle,” and another “ in forme of a sex- tile angle.” There is a “ Demonstration of the founda- tion and bullwarkes of a castle whose Ditches are De- fended by there vaultes, and allso the Demonstration of the same castle standing upright, and the skale to measure euery parte there of.” Also the “ Demonstra- tion of the foundation and bullwarkes of a castle whose Ditches are Defended by there flanckes,” with many il- lustrations. A “ Demonstration howe to be siege a towne and howe the towne beseiged may Defend it selfe, all whose bullwarkes are built circular.” A “ Demon- stration of a castle beseiged on 3 sides with a scale to measure ther distance betweene the castle and those that Doth beseige the same.” Then follow directions “ howe to guide any kinde of mine, leuel or not to wardes any towne or castle or other object and to knowe when yee are come derectly under' that place and howe much yee ar under the same and how to guide any mine en- clining upward or downward directly upon any point Assigned allso the manner yf you shoulde by the way be inforced 30 ROSIER’S RELATION. inforced by water or workes or any other impede- mentes, howe you may carrie the mine upon any other pointe or degree what so euer from the direct coourse and howe you shall all ways knowe still the certaine place where you are and howe farre yee are distante from the first entire of the mine and like wise the dis- tance from the place yee desire to goe.” In the seventh book are given “ demonstrations of diuerse most necessarie Instrumentes for gunners arte neuer yett knowne.” The drawings are exceedingly elaborate and finely executed. The Jewell of Artes ” bears no date, but this men- tion of the voyage of 1602, as of recent occurrence, and the silence of the work concerning the voyage of 1605, enable us to assign it to the year 1603 or 1604. James I. was proclaimed King on the death of Queen Eliza- beth, March 24, 1603, but he did not reach London until about the middle of April. As “ The Jewell of Artes ” contains about two hundred pages of drawings, many of them exceedingly elaborate and in several colors, Waymouth could hardly have placed it in the King’s hands earlier than the beginning of 1604. The work must have made on the King and those about him an impression exceedingly favorable to its author. But it failed to bring employment in the royal service WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 31 service as Waymouth evidently hoped. I like to think, however, that the labor he had spent in its preparation was not altogether in vain. Certainly it is possible that among those who were permitted to turn its pages, and look upon its beautiful and elaborate “ Demonstrations,” was the Earl of Southampton ; and that in part, at least, it was Way mouth’s skill as a navigator, as illustrated in “The Jewell of Artes,” that led to his appointment as commander of the vessel in which he visited the coast of Maine in 1605. It is the account of this voyage, and the important discoveries made in connection with it, that Rosier gives in his “ Relation.” The success of this voyage of 1605 brought Way- mouth into public notice, but it did not secure for him what he so much desired — employment in the royal service. One book in his “Jewell of Artes” is devoted to a consideration of defects in ship-building, and the way in which to remedy these defects. His views on this subject he now again^^ put forth in a brief paper entitled “ Errors and Defects in vsuall building of Ships,” a manuscript copy of which, though not in Waymouth’s handwriting, is in the British Museum. In it occurs this reference to himself : “ My 25. The manuscript has no date, of Artes,” and seems best to belong but it contains more points than the to this period of Waymouth’s life, book on this subject in “ The Jewell 32 ROSIER’S RELATION. “ My study this twenty yeares in ye Mathematicks hath been cheefly directed to ye mending of these de- fects. I have during this tyme applied my self to know ye sevrall wayes of building, & ye secrets of ye best shipwrightes in England & Christendome ; and haue lykewise observed ye workings of ships in ye sea in all ye voyages I have been. By these helps I have demon- stratively gayned ye science of making of ships perfect in Art, which of necessity must be wrought by a differ- ing way from all ye shipwrights in ye world.” Though Waymouth failed to obtain employment from the King, his services were at length acknowledged. By Privy Seal dated Oct. 27, 1607, and Patent dated Nov. II, 1607, a pension of three shillings and four pence per day was granted to him. The record in the Public Records Office in London is as follows: “ Georgio Waymouth, gentili, de annuitate sua ad iii s. iiii d. per diem solvenda durante vita sua, ad quatuor anni terminos, per litteras Domini Regis Pat- entes dates XI die Novembri Anno Regni sue Auge. etc quinto . . . Habendum a festo sancti Michaelis, archangeli, ultimo preterito, ei debito pro dimidio anni finito ad festum Annuntiationis pred xxx li, viii s. nil d. The first payment to Waymouth, as the Issue Rolls show, was made May ii, 1608. Not WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 33 Not long after, Waymouth became involved in an unpleasant controversy. On account of complaints made to the King, a royal commission was appointed to in- vestigate certain abuses in the public service, the alleged purpose being the “ Reformation and saveing of great sums to his majestic which he expended yearly in the maintenance of his ships.” Phineas Pette,^*^ a master shipwright, who at that time was engaged in building a “great ship ” for the King, at Woolwich, refers in his “ Journal ” to the investigations made by this commission with reference to his own work. From his account, it appears that Waymouth was em- ployed by the commission as an expert. Referring to his opponents, Pette says : “ They had alsoe wonne to their Partie by much im- portunity and by means of a particular letter directed from the Lord Northampton to him to that very pur- pose time he attained to eminence as a shipwright. This manuscript “ Jour- nal,” which records his varying for- tunes, and is of interest on account of his public service and the glimpses it gives us of King James I., the Prince, and other prominent persons, is in the British Museum. A copy, containing 321 pages, is in the pos- session of James P. Baxter, Esq., Portland, Me. 26. Phineas Pette was the son'of Peter Pette, of Deptford, one of her Majesty’s shipwrights, and was born Nov. 1, 1570. In 1586, he was sent to Emmanuel College, Cambridge. His father died in 1589, and in the following year, for lack of means, he was unable to continue his residence at Cambridge, and was apprenticed to a shipwright at Deptford. Further misfortunes came to him; but at length better days returned, and in 34 ROSTER’S RELATION. pose a great Bragadochio a vage and idle fellow some time a Mariner and M’’ called by the name of Captaine George Waymouth who having much acquaintance abroad amongst gentlemen was to disperse the insuf- ficiency of my business reporting how I was no Artist and altogether insufficient to Performe such a service, of noe experience,” etc. At the hearing before the King, Pette’s opponents failed to substantiate the charges they had brought against him, and he was acquitted by the King. Pette, who can hardly find words with which to express his contempt for Waymouth, and gleefully narrates a case in which the latter’s failure as a shipwright is sketched, says that early in November, 1609, Waymouth humbly apologized to him for the part he had borne in the accu- sations made to the King. The next we hear of Waymouth is in connection with the siege of Julich, an important town in one of the Rhine provinces, and about sixteen miles northeast of Aix-la-Chapelle. A dispute had arisen in 1609, on the death of the Duke, John William, with reference to the Julich succession. The Duke died childless, and it was seen that if the territory which he had ruled should fall into the hands of the Roman Catholics, the hopes of the States would be crushed. If, on the contrary, it should WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 35 should fall into Protestant hands, the States would be greatly strengthened. And so Prince Maurice marched upon Julich in the summer of 1610, and, with other forces which were added to his, laid siege to the place and captured it. This was the beginning of the Thirty Years’ War. Our knowledge of Waymouth’s connection with this siege is derived from a manuscript in the King’s Library in the British Museum. It is entitled “A Journall Rela- tion of the service at the takeing in of the towne and castle of Gulicke this present yeare 1610, with a plott of the towne and castle as it is againe to be fortified. George Waymouth.”^^ The manuscript gives a detailed account of the siege, the names of the officers in com- mand, and the three places where battles were fought, to which is added a plan of the fortification. It is possi- ble that during this siege Waymouth had an opportunity of testing some of his own speculations with reference to military operations. 27. This manuscript, like the two other Waymouth manuscripts to which I have referred, was discovered by James P. Baxter, Esq. It bears upon the cover the royal arms, with the initials G. 11. R. 1757, showing that the manuscript belonged to George the Second. It is in the same handwriting as the manuscript on Nothing "Errors and Defects in usuall build, ing of Ships.” The manuscript is not signed or dated. “ The name George Waymouth,” says Mr. Baxter, " is in the hand of the scribe and has a line drawn through it. It was neatly written, but, contains many erasures and corrections, probably suggested by Waymouth after hearing it read.” 36 ROSIER’S RELATION. Nothing further concerning Waymouth is known except in connection with the payment of his pension. The last entry which can be found is on the Issue Roll for Easter, 1612, at which date Waymouth was still alive. There are unfortunately no existing rolls for Michael- mas, 1611, Easter, 1612, or Easter, 1613, and as the name of Waymouth does not appear on the intermedi- ate rolls, viz: those for Easter, 1611, Michaelmas, 1612, and Michaelmas, 1613, nor in those of the following years, 1614-1616, it may be presumed that the last pay- ment made to him was either at Michaelmas, 1612, Easter, 1613, or Easter, 1614, which payment would in all probability precede or follow his death. Waymouth’s writings show that he was a man of more than ordinary intelligence in all matters pertaining to his profession. As Mr. Baxter says : “ He was no rough mariner, as we have heretofore supposed, but a scholar, a dreamer indeed, like Raleigh, of whom he reminds me, especially in his treatise on ships, which was also a theme of Raleigh’s pen.” He must have had, however, some important defects of character or his advancement could hardly have been prevented. His end doubtless brought to him a glad release. With the exception of his voyage of 1605, ill fortune attended him for the most part. Disappointment followed disappointment, and death WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 37 death in all probability robbed him of no coveted honor. Concerning Rosier, I have been able to learn no more than what appears in his “ Relation.” Belknap (Am. Biography, Harper’s Ed., Vol. 2, p. 208, note) says that Rosier was connected with Gosnold’s expedition, and wrote an account of the voyage, which he presented to Sir Walter Raleigh. This is an error made by Pur- chas, who in his “ Pilgrimmes ” (IV. pp., 1646-1653) cites three documents relating to Gosnold’s voyage to Amer- ica in 1602 : I. A letter from Capt. Gosnold to his father ; 2. Gabriel Archer’s account of the voyage ; 3. A chapter entitled “ Notes taken out of a tractate writ- ten by James Rosier to Sir Walter Raleigh.” This tractate presented to Raleigh was not written by Rosier, but by John Brereton.^^ It has beenTaid that in his “Relation,” Rosier wrote obscurely so that enterprising navigators in other coun- tries might not profit by Waymouth’s discoveries. This is true so far as locality is concerned. There were those in these countries who, as he says in his prefatory note to the reader, “hoped hereby to gaine some knowl- edge of the place.” And he adds : “ This is the cause that I haue neither written of the latitude or variation most exactly obserued by our Captaine with sundrie in- struments lives are in Mass. Hist. Col., 3d Series, Vol. 8. 28. Gosnold’s letter to his father, and Archer’s and Brereton’s narra- ROSIER’S RELATION. 38 struments, which together with his perfect Geograph- ical! Map of the countrey, he entendeth hereafter to set forth.”^^ He likewise omitted a collection of many In- dian words, reserving them “ to be made knowen for the benefit of those that shal goe in the next Voyage.” But this was all that was withheld. “ Our particular pro- ceedings in the whole Discouerie,” he says, “ the com- modious situation of the Riuer, the fertilitie of the land, with the profits there to be had, and here reported, I refer to be verified by the whole Company, as being eye- witnesses of my words.” Rosier could hardly have used stronger language in insisting upon the absolute accu- racy and trustworthiness of his narrative. 29. Hosier, near the close of his “ Eelation,” again refers to this pur- pose. Waymouth unquestionably made a report, which included, as is here stated, a carefully prepared map ; but neither the report nor the map can now be found. SURVEY OF THE LITERATURE. EFERENCES to Waymouth’s voyage are to be found in the narratives of subsequent nav- igators, in histories, and other writings. The following citations are from the more important of thdse references. Champlain was on the coast of Maine in 1605, as was Waymouth. From his narrative (Voyages of Sieur de Champlain, published in Paris in 1613, Prince Society Ed., Vol. 2, pp. 55-93) we learn that he left the island of St. Croix June 18 (N. S.) 1605. Following the coast as far as Cape Cod, he reached the Kennebec on his return July 29. From an Indian named Anasou he then learned : “ That there was a ship, ten leagues off the harbor, which was engaged in fishing and that those on her had killed 40 ROSIER’S RELATION. killed^” five savages of this riveE' under cover of friend- ship. Erom his description of the men on the vessel we concluded that they were English, and we nam.ed the island^^ where they were La Nef; for at a distance it had the appearance of a ship.” The next reference to Waymouth’s voyage is found in a “ Relation of a Voyage into New England, begun from the Lizard ye First of June 1607, by Capt“ Pop- ham in ye Ship ye Gift, and CapP^ Gilbert in ye Mary and John,” written, it is thought, by James Davies, one of the Council of the Popham Colony, who accom- panied the expedition.^^ Of the two vessels mentioned, the 30. As will be seen in the “.Kela- tion ” this was an error. The sav- ages were made captives at Pentecost Harbor, and were taken to England. 31. In the words “of this river” Slafter, (Champlain’s Voyages, Prince Society Ed., Vol. 2, p. 91) finds an in- timation that the river discovered by Waymouth was the Kennebec. If, however, Waymouth had been in the Kennebec with his ship, Anasou conld hardly have failed to mention it. What he doubtless meant was that the Indians captured by Waymouth belonged to the tribe to which he be- longed. This tribe occupied the ter- ritory between the Kennebec and the Penobscot. That the captives were Pemaquid Indians is evident for rea- sons that will be given in connection with Hosier’s account of their cap- ture. 32. This island, as all writers agree, so far as I am aware, was Monhe- gan, and it is worthy of notice that Anasou locates Waymouth’s ship so far away from the Kennebec. It is evident that he had received only rumors in reference to Waymouth, and those, too, of not a very recent date, as Waymouth had sailed for England several weeks before. 33. The manuscript of this sketch was found in the summer of 1875, in the Library of Lambeth Palace, Lon- don, by the Eev. B. E. DeCosta, D. D., of New York. “ A sort of title page,” he says, “ has been prefixed to the manuscript, in an early hand, by a former possessor, reciting that it was WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 41 the first to arrive on the coast was the Mary and John. August 6th, having sighted the Camden Hills — “ three high mountains that lie in upon the mainland near unto the river of Penobscot, in which river the bashabe makes his abode,” — Capt. Gilbert stood in toward them until noon. Changing his course then to the west, he sighted three islands “ lying together, being low and flat by the water, showing white as if it were sand, but it is white rocks making show afar off almost like unto Dover Cliffs.” They were Seal, Wooden Ball and Ragged Islands of the Matinicus group, which “lie due east and west one of the other.” The narrative continues: “From hence we kept still our course west and west by north towards three other islands that we saw lying from these islands before spoken of eight leagues, and about ten of the clock at night we recovered them, and having sent in our boat before night to view it, for that it was calm, and to sound it and to see what good an- choring was under it, we bore in with one of them, the which Vol. 18, pp. 82-117. A comparison of the narrative with chapters VIII, IX. and X., of “ Strachey’s Historie of Trauaile into Virginia Britannia ” showed that either that manuscript, or a copy of it, was used by Strachey in his preparation of his work, as “portions of the manuscript were copied by him almost verbatim.” found among the papers of Sir Fer- dinando Gorges by one William Grif- fith.” Dr. De Costa obtained per- mission to copy the manuscript for publication, and in May, 1860, he laid his copy with a preface and notes before the Massachusetts Historical Society. His communication is print- ed in the Proceedings of the Society, 42 ROSIER’S RELATION. which as we came in by we still sounded, and found very deep water forty fathom hard aboard of it. So we stood into a cove in it, and had twelve fathom water, and there we anchored until the morning, and when the day appeared we saw we were environed round about with islands ; you might have told near thirty islands round about us from aboard our ship. This island we call St. Georges Island,^'* for that we here found a cross set 34. Dr. De Costa (Proceedings Mass. Hist. Soc., Vol. 18, p. 101, note) is of the opinion that the island near which Capt. Gilbert anchored was Monhegan. But Monhegan cannot be reached on a “ west and west by north” course from Capt. Gilbert’s position approaching the Matinicus Islands. Furthermore, on such a course, Monhegan would not appear as one of three islands, but an island by itself. Nor would one at anchor under Monhegan find himself “ en- vironed round about with islands.” There is not an island, except Ma- nana, within five nautical miles. As Rev. Henry O. Thayer, in a paper read before the Maine Historical So- ciety, Dec. 22, 1885, referring to this point, says : “ This is a clearly im- possible statement applied to Monhe- gan. The nearest neighbors to the lonely isle are Allen’s and Burnt, six miles distant. Still further away on the left, a practiced eye in fine weath- er can make out three or four small ones stretching towards Pemaquid. In the clearest atmosphere, Seguin in the west, and in the east, Matinicus and Metinic, perhaps another, can be distinguished at those long distances. An ordinary observer would at first notice only two, — Allen’s and Burnt ; with a sharper eye sweeping the hori- zon one might count nine or ten. But their distance makes this lan- guage wholly forced and inadmissi- ble. Even the two of the Georges at their distance would never be re- ferred to as environing a ship. The description is entirely inapt in appli- cation to Monhegan.” The St. Georges Islands, on the other hand, are eight leagues distant from the Matinicus Islands, and in the direction men- tioned. In St. George’s Harbor, too, one could very properly say that he was “ environed round about with islands.” There are more than thirty islands in a radius of ten miles. WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 43 set up, the which we suppose was set up by George Wayman.”^^ The Gift, Captain Gilbert’s consort, came to the same anchorage on the following day, which indicates a previous agreement on the part of the commander of his vessels. In other words here was the chosen rendez- vous.^^ The narrative continues : “ This night following about midnight. Captain Gil- bert caused his ship’s boat to be manned and took to himself thirteen other, myself being one, being fourteen persons in all, and took the Indian Skidwarres with us. The weather being fair and the wind calm, we rowed to the west in amongst many gallant islands, and found the river of Pemaquyd to be but four leagues west from the island 35. The finding of this cross is significant. In Eosier’s “ Eelation ” we read that on the 29th of May, 1605, AVaymouth, while his vessel was at anchor in Pentecost Harbor, “set up a cross on the shore side upon the rocks.” Gilbert undoubted- ly had a copy of Eosier’s “ Eelation ” with him, and was evidently looking for this cross, else why not mention Pring who was on the coast in the preceding year, or Champlain, or Gosnold, who preceded Waymouth 1 36. This statement is confirmed by Sir Ferdinando Gorges in his Briefe Narration (Maine Hist. Soc. Collections, Vol. 2, p. 21), where it is remarked, “They arrived at their rendezvous the 8th of August.” Eev. Henry 0. Thayer adds : “ There was evidently a design to tarry at this place, — a politic and honorable one, — to make early acquaintance with and gain the favor of the natives. Skid- warres, returning with them after his knowledge of the world across the sea, acted as guide, interpreter and assistant in this bit of diplomacy and incipient statecraft, as the represent- atives of the British throne and pos- sessions of choice chartered rights* sought friendly alliance with a native tribe in the new world.” 44 ROSIER’S RELATION. island we call St. Georges, where our ship remained still at anchor. Here we landed in a little cove by Skidwarres direction, and marched over a neck of land near three miles. So the Skidwarres brought us to the savages houses where they did inhabit, although much against his will, for that he told us that they were all re- moved and gone from the place they were wont to in- habit ; but we answered him again that we would not return back until such time as we had spoken with some of them. At length he brought us where they did in- habit, where we found near a hundred of them, men, women and children, and the chief commander of them is Nahanada.”^^ The next reference to Waymouth’s voyage is in Captain John Smith’s Description of New England, which was published in London in i6i6. Capt. Smith was on the coast of Maine in the summer of 1614. In 37 . Nahanada was one of the In- dians captured by Waymouth in 1605. He must have returned with Pring in his voyage of 1606. Skidwarres was also one of WaymoutlPs captives. It is supposed by some that Captain Gil- bert, under the guidance of Skid- warres, proceeding in his boat west- ward, passed Pemaquid Point, and thence made his way to Pemaquid Harbor. He certainly did, if by row- ing he found what is now known as his Pemaquid Kiver. The distance from St. George’s Harbor to Pemaquid Harbor is about the same as that mentioned, viz: four leagues. But from the fact that after landing, Gil- bert and his party “ marched over a neck of land near three miles,” seems rather to indicate that they landed at New Harbor and crossed the Neck to Partridge’s Point, where they found the Indian camp and also “ the river of Pemaquyd.” WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 45 his Description (Veazie Reprint, Boston, 1865, p. 22,) he says : “ Northward six or seven degrees is the Riuer Saga- dahock, where was planted the Westerne Colony, by that Honourable Patrone of vertue Sir John Popham Lord Chief lustice of Englandd^ Ther is also a rela- tion printed by Captaine Bartholomew Gosnould, of Elizabeth’s lies: and another by Captaine Waymoth of Pemmaquid.”^^ 38. The fact that the Popham Col- ony settled at the mouth of the Ken- nebec has been urged in favor of the theory that the river discovered by Way mouth was the Kennebec. It is to be remembered, however, that Pring was on the coast in 1606, in the interest of the same parties as Waymouth in the preceding year, and on his return, having made “ a more perfect discovery of all those rivers and harbors,” laid before Gorges his “ most exact discovery of that country.” Those familiar with the history of the voyage of the Pop- ham colonists will remember that as the vessels proceeded westward from the place of rendezvous, the landmark they looked for was Seguin. “ Thurs- day in the morning, break of day, being the 13th August, the Island of Sutquin bore north of us, not past half a league from us, and it riseth in this form hereunder following [a ' In sketch is given], the which island lieth right before the mouth of the river Sagadehock south from it neer two leagues, but we did not make it to be Sutquin, so we set our sails and stood to be westward for to seek it two leagues further, and not finding the river of Sagadehock, we knew that we had overshot the place.” (Pro- ceedings Mass. Hist. Soc., Vol. 18, p. 103.) Rosier makes no mention of this striking landmark, and such knowledge must have been received from Pring. Prince, in his pamphlet on “ Rosier’s Narrative,” also sug- gests that a good and sufficient rea- son why the Popham colonists settled at the mouth of the Kennebec was, “ that the French laid claim to and were at this time colonizing at the eastward, and it was considered de- sirable to locate as far from their rivals as convenient.” 39. If Waymouth printed a “Re- 46 ROSTER’S RELATION. In Smith’s Generali Historie of Virginia (Book i. p. 1 8, sq.) published in London in 1626, there is a con- densed account of Rosier’s narrative of Waymouth’s voyage. After referring to the island (Monhegan) where Waymouth first landed, Smith says: “ Erom hence we might discerne the mayne land and very high mountaines, the next day because we rode too open to the Sea, we waighed, and came to the Isles adioining to the mayn ; among which we found an excellent rode, defended from all windes, for ships of any burthen in 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 fadom vpon a clay oze. This was vpon a Whitsonday, wherefore we called it Pentecost Harbourr'^° Between the publication of Smith’s Description of New England and his Generali Historie of Virginia, William Strachey wrote, probably in 1618, his Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia. In chapter vii. (Maine Hist. Soc. Collections, Vol. 3, p. 287) he gives an account of Capt. George Weymouth’s voyage.” He says : “ What lation ” it has not been preserved. In all probability, Smith has in mind Kosier’s “ Relation,” which he used in preparing his Generali Historie. The fact w'orthy of notice here is that hy Pemaquid, Smith evidently meant a place, not a river. He also knew Pemaquid from Sagadahoc. In his narrative he correctly locates the Pophara Colony on the Kennebec, but he fails anywhere to connect Waymouth with that river. 40. As Smith professes to give only a condensation of Rosier’s “ Re- lation,” it is not necessary that I should quote further. WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 47 “ What paines he tooke in discover)^ may witness the many convenyent places upon the mayne, and isles, and rivers, together with that little one of Pamaquid,"^' and of 41 . As Strachey had Rosier’s “ Re- lation” before him when he wrote, the reference here evidently is to the “little narrow nooke of ariuer” up which the Indians endeavored to lure Waymouth and his men for the pur- pose of trade, as they claimed, but with hostile designs as Waymouth feared. That this “little narrow nooke of a riuer ” was what is now known as the Pemaquid River, as is commonly taken for granted, is mere- ly an inference. The references to the Pemaquid River in early docu- ments that have come down to us show that, in most cases certainly, what is now known as the Pemaquid River could not have been in the minds of those who used this designa- tion in their writings. Thus in 1625 Purchas (His Pilgrimmes, Vol. 4, p. 1673), giving the names of the rivers in the country of Mawooshen, men- tions the Pemaquid, which he says is “four days journey [sixteen miles, as the estimate shows] from the mouth of the Quibiquesson, with ten fathoms of water at the mouth, and forty miles up the river there were two fathoms and a half at low water ; on both sides of this river for a good distance, the ground is like unto a pleasant meadow, full of long grass.” This certainly could not be what is now known as the Pemaquid River. In the letters patent to Robert Aid- worth and Giles Elbridge, of Bristol, under the seal of the President and Council of New England, dated Feb. 29, 1631, signed by the Earl of War- wick and Sir Ferdinando Gorges, there is a grant of 12,000 acres, “ the same land to be bounded, chosen, taken and laid out neare the River Comonly called or known by the name of PEMAQUID, or by what other name or names the same is or have been or hereafter shal be called or knowne by and next adioyning by both along the Sea Coast as the Coast lyeth ; and Soe upp the River as farr as may Contains the said Twelve Thousand acres within the said bredth and length.” (Col. Me. Hist. Soc., Vol. 5, p. 210.) The implication is that the 12,000 acres might be laid out “ upp the River ” without reach- ing its source ; but no one would use such language in laying out such a tract of land on what is now known as the Pemaquid River. The members of the Plymouth Council, in 1635, determined to sur- render their charter to the King on condition that the territory which it included should be granted to them- 48 ROSIER’S RELATION. of his search sixty miles up the most excellent and ben- eficyall river of Sagadehoc, which he found capable of shippinge for trafique of the greatest burden, a benefitt, indeed, selves. They proposed to divide the territory into twelve Royal Provinces. The first (Williamson, Hist, of Maine, Vol. 1, p. 256) “ embraced the coun- try between the St. Croix and Peraa- quid, and from the head of the latter in the shortest distance to Kenne- bec, thence upward to its source.” The second Province included the territory from “ Pemaquid to Saga- dehock.” Plainly the reference here is not to what is now known as the Pemaquid River. The next reference to the Pemaquid River which I find is in Maverick’s Description of New England, written probably in 1660. He says : “ West- ward from Penobscott (which is the Southermost Port in Nona Scotia) fourteen Leagues of is Pemaquid in which River Alderman Aldworth of Bristole, setled a company of People in the yeare 1625, which Plantation hath continued and many Eamilies are now settled there.” (New Eng. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. 39, p. 34.) This settlement of 1625 was made on the eastern side of the Neck, and the reference to the river must be to some other than what is now known as the Pemaquid River. In the grant to the Duke of York, dated March 12, 1664, occurs the fol- lowing : “ Charles the Second by the Grace of God King of England, Scot- land ffrance & Ireland Defender of the ffaith &c To alt to whom these p’nts shall come Greeting: Know yee that wee for diverse good Causes and Consideracons us thereunto moving Have of our speciall Grace Certaine knowledge and meere motion Given and Granted And by these presents for us our heires and successors Do Give and Grant unto our Dearest Brother James Duke of Yorke his heires and Assignes All that part of the Maine Land of New England be- ginning at a Certaine place called or knowne by the name of St. Croix, next adjoyning to New Scotland in America and from thence extending along the sea-coast unto a certaine place called Petuaquine or Pemaquid and so up the River thereof to the farthest head of ye same as it tend- eth northwards and extending from thence to the River Kinebequi, and so upwards by the shortest course to the River Canada northwards.” (Coll. Me. Hist. Soc., Vol. 5, pp. 6 and 7 of Pemaquid Papers.) The western boundary here is evidently the same as that of the first of the “ Royal Provinces,” which the members of the Plymouth Council carved out for WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. indeed, alwais to be accompted the richest treasure to any land.”'*^ In Purchas His Pilgrimmes (Vol. 4, p. 1660,) printed in London in 1625, Rosier’s “Relation” appears in an abridged form, but with a few additions. In the most important of these we have the direction of the high mountains seen by Waymouth from his anchorage north of Monhegan. The passage is as follows : “ From themselves ; but no one would have thought of making what is now known as the Pemaquid River such a boundary. In the commission of Major Ed- mund Andros, as Governor of New York, which was dated July 1, 1674, we read: “James Duke of Yorke and Albany, Earl of Ulster, «§;c Whereas it hath pleased ye King’s most Excellent Ma^s my Soveraigne Lord and brother by his Lett^s Pat- ents to give and grant unto mee and my heyres and assignes all that part of ye Maine Land of New England beginning at a certaine place called or knowne by ye name of St. Croix next adjoyneing to New Scotland in America, and from thence extending along ye s^a Coast unto a certaine place called Pemaquin or Pemaquid and soe up the River thereof to ye furthest head of the same as it tend- eth northwards and extending from thence to the River Kinebequi and soe upwards by ye shortest course to ye River Canada northwards,” &c. (Documents relating to Colon. Hist- of New York, Vol. 3, p. 215.) The language here is similar to that al- ready cited. 42. By the river of “ Sagadehoc ” Strachey means the Kennebec. But it should be remembered that Stra- chey was never on the coast of Maine. He came to Virginia in 1609, and was for a time secretary of the colony, but returned to England be- fore 1612, and wrote the “ Historie,” it is supposed, about 1618. His in- formation, therefore, was second hand. That Rosier’s “ Relation ” was before him as he wrote his account sufSciently indicates. He also had before him, as has already been re- marked, Davies’ narrative of the planting of the Popham Colony at the mouth of the Kennebec.. This may account for the statement, made by Strachey for the first time, that the river discovered by Waymouth was the Sagadahoc. 50 ROSIER’S RELATION. “ From hence we might discerne many Hands, and the Maine Land, from the west-south-west to the east- north-east ; and north-north-east from vs a great way as it then seemed (and as we after found it) vp into the Maine, we might discerne very high Mountaines, although the Maine seemed but lowe Land, which gave vs a hope,” etc.'*^ Sir Ferdinando Gorges, in his Briefe Narration, pub- lished in London in 1658 (Maine Hist. Soc. Collections, Vol. 2, p. 17), says that Waymouth, “ Falling short of his course, happened into a river on the coast of America, called Pemaquid.”'*^ Oldmixon, in his British Empire in America, pub- lished in London, in 1702, (Ed. of 1741, Vol. i, p. 354,) says: 43 . The words “ north-north-east from vs ” are not found in Eosier’s “Kelation.” It is a matter of no slight significance that twenty years after Waymouth’s return to England, and before any discussion had arisen in reference to the harbor and river he discovered, just these words were here inserted, not as an editorial emendation, but as a part of the nar- rative. Evidently the reason for withholding the direction which ex- isted in 1605 no longer existed, and the direction was accordingly now in- “ The serted in its proper place by authority, 44. Dr. Edward Ballard (Popham Memorial Volume, p. 313) says that Gorges here does not mean that the river was called Pemaquid, but the coast on which the “ great river ” was discovered ; and he refers to Capt. John Smith’s statement, already cited, which says that Waymouth’s (Ros- ier’s) “ Relation ” described “ Pemma- quid.” Manifestly, the reference here is to a tract of country called by that name. See the quotation on page 45. WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 51 “ The trading Voyages of Gosnold and the Bristol men began to put the English on new Attempts for a Settlement ; but before it could be brought to pass, Henry Earl of Southampton, and Thomas Lord Arun- del of Wardour, fitted out a ship under the command of Capt. George Weymouth, who fell upon the Eastern Parts of Long Island (as ’tis now called) where they landed, and traffick’d with the Indians, made Trial of the Soil by English Grain; and found the Natives more affable and courteous than the Inhabitants of those other Parts of Virginia which the English had discover’d ; but the Adventurers, being greedy of Gain, overreach’d the Indians, imposing on their Ignorance : of which they growing jealous, it occasion’d the many Murders and Massacres that follow in the Course of this History. “ Capt. Weymouth enter’d the River of Powhattan, southward of the Bay of Chesapeake. He sail’d up above forty miles, finding the channel deep and broad, being a Mile over, and 7 to 10 Fathom in Depth, having Creeks on every Side at every half mile Distance, all deep and safe, in which Ships of 500 Tons may ride in many Places, with a Cable on Shore in the soft Oaze.” Rev. William Hubbard, who died in 1704, in his General History of New England from the Discovery to 1660 (Cambridge Ed., 1815, p. 12), says Waymouth “ Discovered 52 ROSIER’S RELATION. “ Discovered a great river in these parts supposed to be Kennebecke, neere unto Pemaquid.” “Beverly, in his History of Virginia, (2d Ed., London, 1722), refers in his preface to Oldmixon’s British Empire, and its various errors requiring correction, etc., and says : “ Page 220, He says that Captain Weymouth in 1605, enter d Powhatan River Southward of the Bay of Ches- apeake ; whereas Powhatan River is now caWd James River ^ and lies within the mouth of Chesapeake Bay some miles^ on the West side of it ; and Captain Weymouth’s Voyage was only to Hudson’s River, which is in New York, much Northward of the Capes of Vir- • *55 ginia. But on page ii, with curious inconsistency, Beverly thus describes Waymouth’s voyage: “ § 12. In the Year 1605, a Voyage was made from Londojt in a single Ship, with which they designed to fall in with the Land about the Latitude 39°; but the Winds put, her a little further Northward, and she fell upon the Eastern Parts of Long Island (as it is now call’d, but all went then under the Name of Virginia). Here they traffick’d with the Indiaits, as the others had done before them; made short Trials of the Soil by English Grain, and found the Indians, as in other Places, very WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 53 very fair and courteous at first, till they got more Knowledge of the English, and perhaps thought them- selves over-reached because one bought better Penny- worths than another ; upon which afterwards they never fail’d to take Revenge as they found their Opportunity or Advantage. So this Company also return’d with the Ship, having ranged forty Miles up Connecticut River, and call’d the Harbour where they rid Penticost Har- bour because of their Arrival there on Whitsunday.” Thomas Prince, in his Chronological History of New England (Boston, 1736, Part i, p. 14,) referring to « the river Waymouth entered, says in a note : “ This seems to be Sagadehock ; and Sir F. Gorges doubtless mistakes in calling it Pemaquid River.” Rev. William Stith, who published his History of Virginia, in 1747, referring to Waymouth’s voyage (Sabine’s Reprint, pp. 33, 34,) says ; “ What River this was, and what Parts of the Amer- ican Coast they fell upon, is difficult to determine ex- actly. For their neglecting to tell us what Course they steered, after they were disengaged from the Shoals, renders it doubtful, whether they fell in with some part of Massachusetts Bay ; or rather farther Southward, or the Coast of Rhode Island, Naraganset, or Connecticut; altho’ 54 ROSIER’S RELATION. altho’ I am most inclined to believe this river was either that of Naraganset or Connecticut, and the Island, what is now called Block Island.” Having made his guess, Stith proceeds to demolish that made by Oldmixon : “ According to his usual custom [Oldmixon] is here most egregiously bewildered and lost. For after having injudiciously enough determined the small Island they first made, of six miles in compass, to be Long Island on the Coast of New York, he immediately after, with still greater Obscurity and Crossness, calls this the River of Powhatan, now James River, to the Southward, as he says of the Bay of Chesapeake.” In 1797, Jeremy Belknap, D.D., who was about to prepare an article on Waymouth for his “American Bi- ography,” requested Capt. John Foster Williams, of the United States Revenue service, to examine the coast of Maine with reference to Waymouth’s discoveries in 1605. Capt. Williams was furnished with an abstract of Rosier’s “ Relation,” as found in Purchas His Pil- grimmes. In his reply (American Biography, Vol. 2, pp. 249-251), dated Boston, Oct. i, 1797, Capt. Williams says : “ The first land Captain Weymouth saw, a whitish sandy WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 55 sandy cliff, W. N. W. six leagues, must have been San- katy Head (Nantucket). With the wind at W. S. W. and S. S. W. he could have fetched into this bay (Bos- ton), and must have seen Cape Cod had the weather been clear. But “ The land he saw on the 17th I think must be the * island Monhegan, as no other island answers the de- scription. In my last cruise to the east ward I sounded, and had thirty fathoms about one league to the north- ward of the island. The many islands he saw, and the mainland, extending from W. S. W. to the E. N. E., agree with that shore ; the mountains he saw bearing N. N. E. were Penobscot /A 7 A oy Mountains ; for, from the place where I suppose the ship lay at anchor, the above mountains bear N. N. E. “ The Harbour where he lay with his ship, and named Pentecost Harbour, is, I suppose, what is now called George s Island Harbour, which bears north from Monhegan about two leagues ; which harbour and islands agree with his descriptions, I think, tolerably well, and the name, Georges Islands, seems to confirm it. “ When the captain went in his boat and discovered a great river trending far up into the main, I suppose he went as far as Two Bush Island, about three or four leagues 56 ROSIER’S RELATION. leagues from the ship ; from thence he could discover Penobscot Bay. Miles. Distance from the ship to Two-Bush Island is about lo Erom Two-Bush Island to Owl’s Head, 9 Erom Owl’s Head to the north end of Long Island, 27 Erom the north end of Long Island to Old Eort Pownal, 6 From the Old Fort to the head of the tide or falls in Penobscot River, 30 82 I suppose he went with his ship round Two-Bush Island, and then sailed up to the westward of Long Island, supposing himself to be then in the river, the mountains on the main to the westward extending near as high up as Belfast Bay. I think it probable that he anchored with his ship off the point which is now called the Old Fort Point. “ The codde of the river, where he went with his shallop, and marched up in the country towards the mountains, I think must be Belfast Bay. “ The canoe that came from the farther part of the codde of the river eastward, with Indians, I think it probable came from Bagaduce.” Dr. WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 57 Dr. Belknap accepted Capt. Williams’ view, and in his American Biography, published in 1794 (Harper’s Ed., 1855, Vol. 2, p. 252), he writes: “Weymouth’s voyage is memorable only for the discovery of Penobscot River, and for the decoying of five of the natives on board his ship, whom he carried to England.” Abiel Holmes, in his American Annals (1805), Vol. I, p. 130, refers to Waymouth’s voyage, and in a note makes this citation : “ The discovery of which they seem to be proudest was that of a river, which they do on many accounts prefer to any known American river ” ; and Holmes adds : “ Dr. Belknap, in his first volume of American Biography (See Harper’s Ed., Vol. i, p. 71,) says, this great river is supposed to be either Penobscot or Ken- nebeck ; but before the publication of his second volume, he had satisfied himself, after careful examination and inquiry, that it was the Penobscot.” Capt. Williams’ view, adopted by Belknap, was also adopted by Williamson in his History of the State of Maine, published in 1832. Waymouth, he says (Vol. i, pp. 192, 193), named the harbor where he anchored after leaving Monhegan, “ Pentecost Harbor, now George’s Island 8 58 ROSIER’S RELATION. Island Harbor, a well known haven at the mouth of St. George’s river.” Leaving this harbor, “ they proceeded northwardly, by estimation, sixty miles. In their pro- gress up Penobscot Bay they came to anchor on the 1 2th not far from the land, abreast the high mountains, since called Penobscot hills [now Camden Heights].” The next day they reached “ that part of the river which inclines more to the westward [probably Belfast bay, or possibly the waters between the lower part of Orphan Island and the main].” In a discourse before the Maine Historical Society, at its annual meeting at Brunswick, Sept. 6, 1846, Hon. George Folsom, of New York, referred to Waymouth’s voyage, and said, (Maine Hist. Soc. Collections, Vol. 2, p. 22), he “sailed up a noble river, now supposed to have been the Penobscot.” In 1857, John McKeen, Esq., of Brunswick, read be- fore the Maine Historical Society a paper, in which he aimed to show that “ The Pentecost Harbour of Capt. Waymouth was what we now call Boothbay or Townsend, and not St. George’s Island Harbour; and the river which he dis- covered and explored was the Sagadahock, and not the Penobscot.” (See Maine Historical Soc. Collections’ Vol. 5, p. 338.) In WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 59 In his view, Waymouth ascended the Kennebec from its mouth, and at Merrymeeting Bay passed into the Androscoggin, “ formerly the Pejepscot, and origin- ally the continuation of the Sagadahock,” p. 323. Hon. William Willis, in the same volume of the Maine Historical Society’s Collections, pp. 346-350, in an introduction to a letter from George Popham to King James I., declared his dissent from the views pre- sented by Mr. Me Keen, and advocated the earlier theory that the river Wa3^mouth discovered was the Penobscot. In 1859, R. K. Sewall, Esq., published his Ancient Dominions of Maine, in which he says, pp. 75, 76, that no one familiar with the localities can doubt “ that the Pentecost Harbor of Weymouth is the Townsend or Boothbay Harbor.” Waymouth, in his shallop, he holds, made his first excursion from Pentecost Harbor by “ the inland passage northwesterly across or up the waters of the Sheepscot and the Bay of Hockomock, through to the Sagadahock, opposite Bath,” where he discovered “a great river which he imagined ran ‘ far up into the land, by the breadth, depth and strong flood ; ’ and following the broad reach of the mouth of the Androscoggin, which trends west into the main and flows from the White Mountains, he explored that river as a part of the Sagadahock.” Palfrey 6o ROSIER’S RELATION. Palfrey, in his History of New England, the first edi- tion of which appeared in 1858, referring to Waymouth’s Voyage (Vol. i, p. 76, ed. of 1876), says: “Shifting his course to the north, he entered the Kennebec or the Penobscot River.” In a note he adds : “ The Kennebec agrees best with Waymouth’s observation of the latitude.” For some time George Prince, of Bath, had been in doubt whether either the Kennebec or the Penobscot theory was tenable, and Mr. McKeen’s paper led him to investigate the subject anew. He says (pamphlet on Rosier’s Narrative, Bath, i860, p. i): In the summer of 1858, while reading Rosier’s Nar- rative of Waymouth’s voyage in 1605 to the coast of Maine, as published in the eighth volume of the Mass. Hist. Col., kindly loaned me by the librarian of the Maine Hist. Society, the suspicions which I had before entertained were confirmed, viz., that the forty mile river there referred to, instead of being as all writers and his- torians had heretofore supposed, either the Kennebec or Penobscot, was none other than the George’s, the mouth of which is about 50 miles from that of the Pe- nobscot, and some 30 miles from the Kennebec. Ac- cordingly in August, 1858, I published an article in a weekly paper published in Thomaston, taking the above ground, and giving my reasons therefor.” The WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 61 The favorable reception which the new theory re- ceived, together with the urgent request of members of the Maine Historical Society, led Mr. Prince to prepare a paper, which was read before the Society at a meeting held in Augusta, in January, 1859, and which after- wards was published in the sixth volume of the Society’s Collections. He also published, in i860, the pamphlet from which the above citation is taken, in which he pre- sented his views in connection with Rosier’s “ Relation,” reprinted from Vol. VI 1 1 ., 3d Series, Mass. Hist. Soci- ety’s Collections, and illustrated by a map of St. George’s Harbor and River. At a meeting of the Maine Historical Society in June of the same year. Rev. David Cushman, of War- ren, read a paper, in which he took the same position as Mr. Prince. A part of this paper also appears in Maine Hist. Society’s Collections, Vol, VI., pp. 293-318. But the long controversy was not settled. Rev. Edward Ballard, of Brunswick, prepared a paper for the Memorial Volume, containing the proceedings at the Popham Celebration, August 29, 1862, in which, pp. 301 -317, he aimed to identify the river which Waymouth discovered with the Kennebec, and Pentecost Harbor with Boothbay Harbor. Eaton, in his History of Thomaston, published in 1865, 62 ROSIER’S RELATION. 1865, refers to Waymouth’s voyage, and says (Vol. i, p. 14): “ Two days after [his arrival at Monhegan], begin Whitsunday, Weymouth sailed two or three leagues farther north among the ‘ islands more adjoining to the main, and in the road directly with the mountains^^ and entered ‘ a goodly Haven,’ which he named Pentecost Harbor, now known as St. George’s Island Harbor/’ The river which Way mouth discovered; in his opin- ion, was the St. George’s River. In his History of Bristol, Bremen and Pemaquid, published in 1873, Prof. Johnston (pp. 29-34) discusses quite fully the points in dispute concerning Pentecost Harbor and the river discovered by Waymouth. Hav- ing presented the various theories, he says (p. 33): “ The suggestion of Mr. Prince, that the George’s river is the ‘true river of Weymouth ’ though still re- jected by some, will probably, eventually, be accepted as a satisfactory settlement of this long debated question. Rosier’s description of Weymouth’s river applies well to this; very much better certainly, than to any other on the coast of New England.” Samuel A. Drake, in his Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast, published in 1875, has a chapter on WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 63 on “ Monhegan Island.” Referring to Waymouth’s anchorage north of Monhegan, he says (p, 105): “ The main-land possessed greater attraction for Weymouth. Thinking his anchorage insecure, he brought his vessel the next day to the islands ‘ more ad- joining to the main,’ and in the road directly with the mountains, about three leagues from the island where he had first anchored. “ I read this description while standing on the deck of the Katahdin, and found it to answer admirably the conditions under which I then surveyed the land. We were near enough to make out the varied features of a long line of sea-coast stretching northward for many a mile. There were St. George’s Islands, three leagues distant, and more adjoining to the main. And there were the Camden Mountains in the distance.”'*^ Ex-Gov. J. L. Chamberlain, in his address delivered at the Centennial Exposition, in Philadelphia, Nov. 4, 1876, referring to Waymouth’s voyage, says (p. 24): “ In his superb ship the ‘ Archangel ’ he came to an- chor under Monheean, whence he visited the mainland 45. In a note he says : “ A good many arguments may be found in the ‘ Collections of the Maine Histor- ical Society,’ as to whether Wey- mouth ascended the Penobscot or and the Kennebec. All assume Monbe- gan to have been the first island seen. This being conceded, the landmarks given in the text follow, without reasonable ground for controversy.” 64 ROSIER’S RELATION. and explored what Strachey calls ‘ the excellent and beneficial river of Sagadahoc,’ and afterwards it would seem the regions of the Penobscot.” Hon. Jos. Williamson, in his History of Belfast, (1877) rejects the Kennebec theory. He says (p. 31, 32): “ To any one familiar with the coast of Maine, it is evident that this position cannot be sustained. The ab- sence of the ‘ very high mountains,’ referred to by Ro- sier, in the vicinity of that river, is alone sufficient to negative it. Mr. McKeen contends that they were the White Mountains, which are occasionally seen from Monhegan. Yet, after going up the river and landing, Waymouth’s party judged these mountains to be ‘with- in a league of them.’ They are over twenty times that distance removed. “ Many of the indications noticed by Rosier are irreconcilable with the Penobscot theory, and suggest that Dr. Belknap and Capt. Williams found their con- clusions on a misapprehension of the facts and localities. So experienced a navigator as Capt. Waymouth could hardly have mistaken Penobscot Bay, which is over ten miles wide at Belfast Bay, for a river which beareth in breadth a mile, some times three-quarters and half a mile the narrowest The mountains, which were kept constantly in sight, from the time of reaching Monhe- WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 65 gan, would have been left far astern, yet, after landing in the ‘ codde of the river,’ they marched directly towards them. There is wanting to Penob. Bay and River the ‘ very gallant coves on both sides, every half mile.’ . . . The fact that the river does not trend ‘ westward into the main,’ but in an opposite direction, seems alone to destroy the Penob. theory. “ Perhaps the more satisfactory solution of this much mooted question is that given by Capt. George Prince, of Bath, who, in 1858, published the reasons for his con- viction that the George’s River was the scene of Way- mouth’s explorations.” June 5, 1878, the Rev. B. F. DeCosta, D. D., of New York, read a paper before the New England Historic- Genealogical Society in Boston, on “ The Expeditions of Weymouth and Popham, 1605-8.” Waymouth, he said, “ Upon his first exploration, visited the Kennebec, going up the Sheepscot passage, as did Champlain in 1605, and Biencourt in 1 61 1, emerging through oppo- site Bath, returning down the main stream, and ascend- ing from its mouth to Boothbay. Afterward he went down to the mouth again with his ship, and ascended in the regular way to the neighborhood of Bath, com- puting the distance at twenty-six miles. The account of 66 ROSTER’S RELATION. of the voyage referred to the ‘ codde ’ of the river be- yond the ship. This was Merrymeeting Bay, at the eastern end of which he landed, and marched toward the hills seen continually at their arrival on the coast, and which, when at the bay, they judged to be close at hand. The boat journey was extended up the Kenne- bec, and upon returning in the ship, as was related in the narrative, seven hours were required to reach the mouth of the river. By those treating the subject in a simple method, a perfectly harmonious result was ob- tained, giving these slightly obscure phrases their proper meaning, and changing the word ‘ westward,’ which had been taken to refer to the Androscoggin, and was un- doubtedly a clerical error to ‘ northward,’ and by throw- ing out the White Mountains west of the Kennebec, the arguments in favor of the Kennebec theory were disembarrassed and had their full weight.”^^ As many of the members of the Maine Idistorical Society were not familiar with the localities mentioned in the discussion of Waymouth’s discovery, the Field- Day excursion, August 20-2 to give them an opportunity 46. This is a quotation from a re- port of the paper in the Boston Daily Advertiser of June 6, 1878. Dr. De Costa, to whom I applied, was un- >, 1879, was SO arranged as of visiting Monhegan and Boothbay, able to furnish me with a copy of his paper, but certified to the correctness of the report as far as it went. WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 67 Boothbay, and of exploring the passage to Bath by way of the Sheepscot and the Sasanoa River. At a meeting of the Society in May, 1881, R. K. Sewall, Esq., of Wis- casset, read a report of this excursion, in which he reaf- firmed the views he had already expressed in his “An- cient Dominions of Maine.” Some of the members of the Society, how'ever, who participated in the Field-Day excursion of 1879 were unable to make the Kennebec theory harmonize with Rosier’s narrative ; and the wish was expressed by those who were familiar with St. George’s Harbor and St. George’s River that the Soci- ety should visit these waters for further investigations. Such a visit was included in the Field-Day excursion of September, 1881. The use of the Revenue Cutter Dallas was secured through the courtesy of the Secre- tary of the Treasury, and both the St. George’s River and St. George’s Harbor were visited. A report of this excursion was presented by the writer at the meeting of the Society early in 1882, with the reasons that led him to adopt the view that St. George’s Harbor is the Pen- tecost Harbor of Rosier’s “Relation,” and that the river which Waymouth discovered was the St. George’s River. In the earlier editions of his History of the United States, Bancroft, following Williamson and others, says Waymouth “ ascended the west branch of the Penob- scot 68 ROSIER’S RELATION. scot beyond Belfast Bay.” But two letters to Hon. Wm. Willis, of Portland, among the Willis manuscripts (63 and 64 in Vol. A,) in the Public Library, Portland, dated Oct. 21 and 22, 1857, show that at that time he was re-studying the subject. In the new (1883) edition of his History (Vol. i, pp. 81, 82,) he says, concerning Waymouth’s discovery: “Weighing anchor on Easter Sunday, 1605, on the fourteenth of May he came near the whitish, sandy promontory of Cape Cod. To escape the continual shoals in which he found himself embayed, he stood out to sea, then turned to the north, and on the seventeenth anchored to the north of Monhegan Island, in sight of hills to the nort-north-east on the main. On Whit- Sunday he found his way among the St. George’s Islands into an excellent harbor which was accessible by four passages, defended from all winds, and had good mooring upon a clay ooze, and even upon the rocks by the cliff side. . . . Having in the last of May discovered in his pinnace the broad, deep current of the St. George’s, on the eleventh of June, Waymouth, with a gentle wind, passed up with the ship into the river for about eighteen miles, which were reckoned six and twenty, and ‘ all consented in joy ’ to admire its width of a half mile or a mile,” etc. In WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 69 In the Magazine of American History (Vol. 9, p. 300,) in a notice of Mr. Bancroft’s revised first volume, the Rev. B. F. De Costa, D. D., of New York, says Bancroft makes Waymouth anchor ‘“in an excellent harbor,’ among the St. George’s Islands, on the coast of Maine, where there is no harbor, as all but blind men visiting the coast may see. He afterwards sends Way- mouth to explore a splendid river in a region where there is so little water that fish can hardly swim.” To this criticism, Mr. Bancroft replied (Magazine of Am. History, Vol. 9, pp. 459, 460): “As to the voyage of Waymouth in 1605, the ac- count of its landfall and discoveries was revised after the most careful inquiry. John Me Keen, of Brunswick, Maine, proved beyond a doubt that the old theory, that Waymouth entered the Penobscot, could not be main- tained. George Prince, of Bath, confirmed by David Cushman, of Warren, decided that the island which he struck was Monhegan, that the group of islands among which he passed was the St. George’s ; that the river which he entered was the St. George’s. I have private letters from Maine to the same effect ; but, to leave no room for uncertainty, I went to my friend Mr. Bache, then the chief of the Coast Survey, and he and the sur- veyors specially employed by him in the survey of that part 70 ROSIER’S RELATION. part of the coast of Maine, explained to me that beyond a doubt Waymouth touched at Monhegan Island, that the mountains which he writes that he saw at the east- north-east were the Camden mountains, that the islands through which he passed were the St. George’s Islands, that the river which he ascended was the river of St. George. “ The Magazine of April sets forth that I send Way- mouth where there is no harbor. I have been again to the Coast Survey, and asked if there are harbors in that region, and the answer was ‘good harbors in abundance.’ As to the depth of the river, which the Magazine repre- sents as having so little water that fish can barely swim in it, the Coast Survey chart tells the very different story that there is a river of great uniform depth. Any one who knows the coast of Maine, and reads the de- cription of Waymouth [Rosier] with the charts of the Coast Survey before him, will see that the case is clear beyond a question.” In a reply to Mr. Bancroft (Magazine of Am. His- tory, Vol. lo, pp. 143-145), Dr. De Costa said: “ A true interpretation of Waymouth ’s [Rosier’s] nar- rative will carry the investigation to the Kennebec ; while there is independent testimony which settles the question WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 71 question beyond doubt. This testimony was not ad- duced until long after Mr; Bancroft published his early volumes. Originally it was supposed that the Penob- scot was the river discovered. Belknap furnished a captain in the revenue service with portions of Way- mouth’s narrative, which he took with him to the main coast, and after examination, reported that Waymouth visited the Penobscot. In time the error was detected, and the next river adopted was the St. George’s, which, in turn, was abandoned by the majority of investiga tors. Ultimately, however, the history of Strachey was printed from the manuscript preserved in the British Museum, and now we have the direct testimony of Way- mouth’s cotemporary, who knew all the facts of the case, and distinctly declares that Waymouth discovered the Kennebec, then known as the ‘ benyficial river of Saga- dahoc.’ Finally, a passage in the neglected works of Champlain was pointed out confirming the statement of Strachey, Champlain having entered the Kennebec only nine days after Waymouth left the river, and there the Frenchman heard of the five savages of the Kennebec who were captured by the English explorer. The St. George’s theory was framed and adopted before this conclusive testimony of Strachey and Champlain had come to light ; and if these facts had been known at the outset 72 ROSIER’S RELATION. outset there would never have been any wrong interpre- tation of the narrative.”^^ Rev. Henry O. Thayer, in a paper on the Popham Colony, read before the Maine Historical Society Dec. 22, 1885, establishes “at the George’s Islands the Pente- cost Harbor of the vexing voyage of Waymouth ; ” and adds, “ This location of Pentecost Harbor cannot be 47. In this statement, to which Mr. Bancroft made no reply, Dr. De Costa has fallen into several errors which this review of the liter- ature of Waymouth ’s voyage enables me to correct. When it was discov- ered that the Penobscot theory was untenable, the St. George’s was not “ the next river adopted,” as Dr. De Costa says, but the Kennebec, as the citations already presented show. It is difficult to imagine on what ground Dr. De Costa states that the St. George’s theory “ was abandoned by the majority of investigators.” On the contrary, it seems to have found increasing favor, and the testimony of the Portland Advertiser of Aug. 6, 1883, quoted in the Magazine of American History, Vol. 10, p. 262, is worthy of notice, as it refers to Dr. De Costa’s reply to Mr. Bancroft. Referring to the view of Mr. Ban- croft that the St. George’s theory best fulfills the conditions of the nar- rative of the voyage, the Advertiser successfully says this “ is the conclusion of most of the members of the Maine Histor- ical Society after visiting the ground, book in hand, and comparing the two theories.” As to Dr. De Costa’s statement that “ the St. George’s theory was framed and adopted before the con- clusive testimony of Strachey and Champlain had come to light,” an ex- amination of the facts shows that so far as Strachey is concerned this is^ an error. Strachey’s narrative ap- peared in the third volume of the Maine Historical Society’s Collec- tions, which was printed in 1853. Prince read his paper before the RIaine Historical Society in 1858, and in his pamphlet published in 1860 he refers to Strachey as “ the first to mislead in this matter,” and devotes a page to his statements. If the nar- rative of Champlain’s Voyages had been in Prince’s hands it would have enabled him to strengthen his posi- tion. WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 73 successfully assailed when there is fair dealing with Rosier’s narrative.” SUMMARY. What facts does this survey of the literature of Waymouth’s voyage suggest.? I submit the following; I. In the three earliest records in which a reference to Waymouth’s voyage is found, there are no indications that Waymouth in his ship was west of Pemaquid. In the narrative of Champlain’s voyages it is said that when Champlain was in the Kennebec, Waymouth was at an island which, from the description, is recognized as Monhegan by all writers on the subject, so far as I am aware. In the narrative of the Popham Colony, found by Dr. De Costa in the library of Lambeth Pal- ace, London, it is stated that a cross, set up by Way- mouth as was supposed, was found on an island which the colonists called St. George’s Island. De Costa and others think the island was Monhegan, but statements in the narrative, as already indicated, make this impossi- ble, and point rather to one of the St. George’s Islands, probably Allen’s Island. Capt. John Smith, who was on the coast of Maine in 1614, and was well acquainted with 10 74 HOSIER’S RELATION. with the Kennebec, refers to Way mouth without con- necting him with that river, but simply states that Way- mouth was at Pemaquid, which he says in another place was opposite Monhegan. 2. Strachey, who never was on the coast of Maine, but prepared his “ Historie ” with the Relations of Rosier and Davies before him, was the first — writing, it is believed, in i6i8 — to suggest that the river discovered by Waymouth was the Kennebec. 3. Purchas, who published his “ Pilgrimmes,”in 1625, in reproducing Rosier’s Relation, amends the narra- tive by inserting the direction of the high mountains toward which Waymouth went in passing up the river he discovered. There was then no longer any reason, as there was after Waymouth’s return to England, why the direction should be withheld, and its insertion by Purchas must have been with authority. Following the direction indicated, Waymouth could have entered neither the Kennebec nor the Penobscot, but must have sailed up the George’s River. 4. Gorges, writing late in life, and who therefore had long been familiar with matters pertaining to the discovery and colonization of the country, mentions Waymouth as happening “ into a river on the coast of America, called Pemaquid.” 5. Hubbard WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 75 5. Hubbard, who was the next to refer to Way- mouth’s voyage — he died in 1704 — says Waymouth dis- covered a great river “ supposed to be Kennebecke neere unto Pemaquid.” 6. Oidmixon, in a work published at the beginning of the eighteenth century, and with a singular disregard of the requirements of the “ Relation,” claimed that Waymouth entered the Powhatan, now known as the ■James River. Beverly, criticizing Oldmixon not long after, affirmed in one part of his history that Waymouth entered the Hudson River, and with a curious inconsis- tency in another part, said that he entered the Connecti- cut River ; while Stith, about the middle of the eighteenth century, adding his guess, thought it might be the Con- necticut or the Narragansett. 7. Prince, in his Chronological History of New England, Boston, 1736, followed Strachey and Hubbard, yet not with entire confidence. The river Waymouth entered, he said, “ seems to be Sagadehock, and Sir F. Gorges doubtless mistakes in calling it Pemaquid River.” 8. This lack of confidence Belknap shared in a larger degree, and recognizing the importance of a care- ful investigation, he secured in 1797 the aid of Capt. Williams, of the U. S. Revenue Service, who proceeded in his vessel to the coast of Maine, where from a study of Rosie r’s 76 ROSIER’S RELATION. Rosier’s “ Relation,” as found in “ Purchas His Pilgrim- mes,” he came to the conclusion that St. George’s Harbor was Pentecost Harbor, and the Penobscot the river Way- mouth discovered. This view was subsequently adopted by Williamson and later writers down to the middle of this century. 9. In 1857, John McKeen, in a paper read before the Maine Historical Society, rejecting the Penobscot theory as untenable, advocated the view that the Pente- cost Harbor of Rosier’s narrative was Boothbay Harbor, and that the river which Waymouth ascended was the Kennebec, from which he passed into the Androscoggin. 10. George Prince, in a paper read before the Maine Historical Society in 1859, presented objections to the view advocated by Mr. McKeen, and insisted that Pen- tecost Harbor was the present St. George’s Harbor, and that the river which Waymouth discovered was the St. George’s River. 1 1. This view was accepted by Rev. David Cushman and others; also by officers of the United States Coast Survey, who at the request of Mr. Bancroft gave special at- tention to the subject, and was adopted by Mr. Bancroft in the subsequent edition of his History of the United States. 1 2. The Kennebec theory has retained a few earnest advocates WAYMOUTH’S VOYAGE, 1605. 77 advocates to the present time ; but nothing is more evi- dent than that the St. George’s theory is regarded by a constantly increasing number as meeting far more satis- factorily the requirements of the “ Relation.” A TRVE RELATION of the most prosperous voyage made this present yeere 1605, by Captaine George Waymouth, in the Discouery of the land of Virginia: Where he discouered 60 miles vp a most excellent Riuer; to- gether with a most fertile land. Written by James Rosier, a Gentleman employed in the voyage. w LONDONI Impensis Geor. Bishop. 1605. I Vindyafc,pa.ant« KtcheJ ty C.E.B THOMAS ARUNDEL, BARON OF WARDOUR, OBIT 1639. 1 . TO THE READER. KING employed in this Voyage by the right honourable Thomas Arundelb* Baron of War- der, to take due notice, and make true report of the discouery therein performed : I became very dil- igent to obserue (as much as I could) whatsoeuer was materiall or of consequence in the businesse which I collected into this briefe summe, intending upon our returne to publish the same. But he soone changed the course of his intendments ; and long before our arriuall in England had so farre engaged himselfe with the Archduke,"*^ that he was constrained to relinquish this action. 48. Thomas Aruudell was elevated to the peerage May 4, 1605, on the occasion of the christening of Mary, third daughter of James I., the first princess of the new dynasty born in England. In honor of that event, 11 many peers were raised to higher rank, and numbers of knights were created barons. 49. The reference is to the Arch- duke Albert, a son of Maximilian II. and a brother of the Emperor Rudolph 82 TO THE READER. action. But the commodities and profits of the countrey, together with the fitnesse of plantation, being by some honourable Gentlemen of good woorth and qualitie, and Merchants^” of good sufficiency and judgment duly con- sidered, haue at their owne charge (intending both their priuate and the common benefit of their countrey) vnder- taken the transporting of a Colony for the plantation thereof being much encouraged thereunto by the gracious II. He had been Archbishop of Tole- do, but had resigned his spiritual of- fice, and was now ruling the Nether- lands, of which he was made Governor in 1596. He married the Infanta Isa- bella Anne in 1599. Under date of 1605, in his History of the United Netherlands, (Vol. 4, p. 228) Motley says, “ Considerable levies of troops were made in England by the Arch- duke.” In August, 1605, Arundell was appointed Colonel of one of the English Regiments thus raised, and in disguise crossed over to Holland against the will of King James, who was highly displeased and ordered him to be recalled. Winwood’s State papers ii, 59, iil, 144. As Governor of the Netherland.s Albert was so well known in England that it was not necessary for Rosier to designate him otherwise than as “ the Archduke.” 50. The credit of this expedition has been given by some writers to the Muscovia and Turkey Companies. This is an error. Waymouth him- self, strangely enough, was the first to put this error on record. It has recently been shown that the East India Fellowship offered to share the enterprise with the Muscovia Com- pany on equal terms. The latter, however, claimed the sole right and privilege of navigating the northern seas and declined the offer. The East India Fellowship appealed to the Privy Council, and later the Mus- covia Company receded from its po- sition and offered to unite with the East India Fellowship in fitting out the expedition ; but the offer was not accepted. See Hakluyt Society’s “Voyages toward the North-west,” pp. 51-55. 51. Prominent among them were Sir Ferdinando Gorges and Sir John Popham, Lord Chief Justice of Eng- land. Sir Ferdinando, in August of the following year, fitted out a vessel, under the command of Henry Chal. TO THE READER. 83 gracious fauour of the Kings Maiesty himselfe, and diuers Lords of his Highnesse most Honourable Priuie Councell. After these purposed designes were con- cluded, I was animated to publish this briefe Relation, and not before ; because some forrein Nation (being fully assured of the fruitfulnesse of the countrie) haue hoped long, to whom were assigned two of the natives brought over by Way- mouth. Challong was instructed to keep a northerly course to Cape Breton, and then to follow the coast southward “ till they found by the natives they were near the place they were assigned to.” But the Captain was taken sick not long after leaving port, and the ship’s course was then shaped for the West Indies. There, says Gorges, the vessel was captured by a Spanish fleet from Havana, “ and carried into Spain, where their ship and goods were conflscated, themselves made prisoners, the voy- age overthrown, and both of my na- tives lost.” Not long after Challong’s departure, Sir John Popham sent out another vessel, of which Thomas Hanham was commander and Mar- tin Pring, of Bristol, who had been on the coast of Massachusetts, in 1603, was master. They were to second Challong in the proposed discovery. At least one of the Indians brought to England by Waymouth accom- panied the expedition. Gorges’ in- structions were followed, and the vessel arrived safely at the designated locality. Not flnding Challong, they made “ a perfect discovery of all those rivers and harbors ” to which their attention had been directed by Gorges, and then returned to Eng- land. Their’s, says Gorges (Maine Hist. Society’s Collections, Vol. 2, p. 19), was “the most exact discovery of that coast that ever came to my hands ” ; and the report brought back by them made such an impres- sion on Sir John Popham, Gorges and their associates, that the Popham Colony was sent out in the following year. The Plymouth Company, in a relation published subsequently, say of this report : “ Upon whose re- lations afterwards, the lord chief jus- tice and we all waxed so confldent of the business, that the year following every man of any worth, formerly interested in it, was willing to join in the charge for the sending over a competent number of people to lay the ground of a hopeful plantation.’ 84 TO THE READER. hoped hereby to gaine some knowledge of the place, seeing they could not allure our Captaine or any speciall man of our Company to combine with them for their direction, nor obtaine their purpose, in conueying away our Saluages, which was busily in practise. And this is the cause that I haue neither written of the latitude or variation most exactly obserued by our Captaine with sundrie instruments, which together with his perfect Geographical! Map of the countrey, he entendeth here- after to set forth. I haue likewise purposedly omitted here to adde a collection of many words in their lan- guage to the number of foure or fiue hundred, as also the names of diuers of their gouernours, as well their friends as their enemies : being reserued to be made knowen for the benefit of those that shal goe in the next Voyage. But our particular proceedings in the whole Discouerie, the commodious situation of the Riuer, the fertilise of the land, with the profits there to be had, and here reported, I refer to be uerified by the whole Company, as being eye-witnesses of my words, and most of them neere inhabitants upon the Thames. So with my prayers to God for the conuersion of so in- genious and well-disposed people, and for the prosperous successive euents of the noble intenders the prosecution thereof, I rest ^ I Your friend I. R. A TRUE RELATION of Captaine George Waymouth his Voyage, made this present yeere 1605 ; in the Discouerie of the North part of Virginia. PON Tuesday the 5 day of March, about ten a clocke afore noone, we set saile from Rat- cliffe,^^ and came to an anker that tide about two a clocke before Grauesend.” From thence the 10 of March being Sunday at night 62. Katcliffe was a hamlet on the Thames, east of London, in the par- ish of Stepney, and was inhabited principally by sea-faring men. Rat- cliffe Highway, which connected the village with the metropolis, was the Regent Street of London sailors, who, according to an old authority, never extended their walks beyond this semi-marine region. It is said by some to have derived its name from the red cliff, or bank of the river we Thames, at this point. Others, more correctly perhaps, connect the name with the manor of Ratcliffe in the parish of Stepney. 5.3. Gravesend is thirty miles be low London on the Thames. It oc- curs in Doomsday Book as Grave- sham. It was burned by the French in 1377. In 1573 it obtained a char- ter of incorporation from Queen Eliz- abeth. 86 THE LAST DISCOVERY OF THE we ankered in the Dounes:^'^ and there rode til the next day about three a clocke after noone, when with a scant winde we set saile ; and by reason the winde con- tinued Southwardly, we were beaten vp and doune : but on Saturday the i6 day about foure a clocke after noon we put into Dartmouth Hauen,” where the continuance of the winde at South & Southwest constrained vs to ride till the last of this moneth. There we shipped some of our men and supplied necessaries for our Ship and Voyage. vpon Easter Upon Easter day, beine the last of March, the day we put to ^ ^ •' ^ sea. winde comming at North, North East, about fine a clocke after noone we wayed anker, and put to sea. In the name of God, being well victualled and furnished Our Comnie 29 with munition and all necessaries : Our whole Company persons. ^ •' being but 29 persons ; of whom I may boldly say few voyages have been manned forth with better Sea-men generally in respect of our small number. Munday the next day, being the first of Aprill, by sixe 64. A body of water north of Do- ver between Goodwin Sands and the main land. 65. Dartmouth is an ancient sea- port of England, 31 miles S. of Exe- ter, and 229 miles S. W. of London. It is a small town, but once occupied an important place in the history of England. It was the rendezvous of the Crusaders’ fleet in 1190, and in 1346-47 contributed 31 ships in the siege of Calais under Edward III. Several expeditions to the new world sailed from its harbor. NORTH PART OF VIRGINIA. 87 sixe a clocke in the morning we were sixe leagues South- South-East from the Lizarde.^^ At two a clocke in the afternoone this day, the sounding, weather being very faire, our Captaine for his owne ex- perience and others with him sounded, and had five and fiftie fathoms and a halfe. The sounding was some small blacke perrie sand,^^ some reddish sand, a match or two, with small shels called Saint James his Shels.^® 66. The most southern promon- tory of England, 24 miles S. E. of the Land’s End. Here are now two lofty light-houses. 57. This should doubtless read “ blacke ferric sand.” This is sand mingled with grains of magnetic iron ore, whicli make it black. Such sand is found in many localities, as e. g., on one of the islands in Moosehead Lake. 58. For the following note, I am indebted to the late Prof. Charles E. Hamlin, of Cambridge, Mass. : “ In the Middle Ages, pilgrims to the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, returning, wore upon their hats or breasts, as proof that the pilgrimage had been accomplished, the shell of a cockle (Cardium), or of one of two kinds of scallop {Pecten ), — indigenous to the Mediterranean. These were undoubt- edly chosen as being both conspicu- ous and ornamental. The favorite was one of the scallops, of which The more anon. The association of the name of St. James with the scallop owes its origin to a Spanish legend, of which the following is the sub- stance: St. James, Patron of all Spain, if Catholic accounts may be trusted, has rested for nine hundred years in the Metropolitan church of Compostella (in full, Santiago de Compostella, i. e. Saint Jago or Saint James of Compostella), formerly capital of the province of Galicia. The legend has it that when the body of the saint was being miraculously conveyed in a ship without sails or oars, from Joppa to Galicia, it passed the village of Bonzas, on the coast of Portugal, on the day that a marriage had been celebrated there. The bridegroom and his friends were amusing themselves on horseback upon the sands, when his horse be- came unmanageable and plunged into the sea; whereupon the miraculous ship stopped in its voyage, and pres- 88 THE LAST DISCOVERY OF THE The foureteenth of Apdll being Sunday, betweene nine and ten of the clocke in the morning our Captaine descried ently the bridegroom emerged, horse and man, close beside it. A conver- sation ensued between the knight and the saint’s disciples on board, in which they apprized him that it was the saint who saved him from a watery grave, and explained to him the Christian religion. He believed and was baptized then and there, and immediately the ship resumed its voyage ; while the knight came galloping back over the sea to rejoin his astonished friends. He told them all that had happened, and they, too, were converted, and the knight bap- tized his bride with his own hand. Now when the knight emerged from the sea, both his dress and the trap- pings of his horse were covered with scallop shells ; and, therefore, the Galicians took the scallop shell as the sign of St. James. The favorite pilgrim badge was one of two kinds of Mediterranean Pecten. That which Linnaeus connected with the legend of St. James, by giving to it the specific name Jacobceus [Pecten Jacobceus), is not found in the Eng- lish Channel, where the St. James’ shells were found by Way mouth. The other species, Pecten opercularis, smaller and less striking than the former, but yet beautiful, occurs in the Mediterranean, on the Atlantic coast of Spain and Portugal and in the English Channel. So that while Linnaeus, in the name Jacobceus, points to the scallop oftenest chosen for the badge of pilgrimage, as being the original St. James’ shell, the Spanish legend probably refers to Pecten opercularis. This is, how- ever, immaterial, for no doubt the saint’s name was in time bestowed upon all European species of scallop. Perfect specimens of any Pecten are beautiful objects, and have always been popular favorites. Some Roman and Pompeian sculptures bear the scallop shell, as do stone and leaden coffins of the Roman period, which have been dug up in England. And curiously enough, one writer states that Japanese pilgrims to the often pictured cone of Fusiyama wear upon the sleeve scallop shells as their badge. Our own New England Pec- ten irradians, Lamarck (the Pecten concentricus of Say), found abun- dantly at New Bedford and in Narra- gansett Bay, is much used in making pin-cushions and other ornamental work. A pretty species from the East Indies is often mounted for scarf-pins.” NORTH PART OF VIRGINIA. 89 descried the Hand Cuerno which bare South-West and by West, about seuen leagues from vs : by eleuen of the clocke we descried Flores^° to the Southward of Cuerno, as it lieth : by foure a clocke in the afternoone we brought Cuerno, due South from vs within two leagues of the shore, but we touched not, because the winde was faire, and we thought our selues sufficiently watered and wooded. We fell with the Ilauds of Azores. Heere our Captaine obserued the Sunne, and found himselfe in the latitude of 40 degrees and 7 minutes : so he judged the North part of Cuerno to be in 40 degrees. After we had kept our course about a hundred leagues from the Hands, by continual! Southerly windes we were forced and driuen from the Southward, whither we first intended. And when our Captaine by long beating saw it was but in vaine to striue with windes, not knowing Gods purposes heerein to our further blessing, (which after by his especiall direction wee found) he thought best to stand as nigh as he could by the winde to re- couer what land we might first discouer. Munday, the 6 of May, being in the latitude of 39 and a halfe about ten a clocke afore noone, we came to a riplin, 59 . A small island, now Corvo, belonging to the Azores. Its present population is 1,000. 60. Another of the Azores group. 12 It derives its name from the abund- ance of flowers that And shelter in its deep ravines. The present popula- tion is 10,508. 90 THE LAST DISCOVERY OF THE a riplin,^' which we discerned a head our ship, which is a breach of water caused either by a fall, or by some meeting of currents, which we judged this to be ; for the weather being very faire, and a small gale of winde, we sounded and found no ground in a hundred fathoms. Munday, the 13 of May, about eleuen a clocke afore noone, our Captaine, judging we were not farre from land, sounded, and had a soft oaze in a hundred and sixty fathomes. At fowre a clocke after noone we sounded againe, and had the same oaze in a hundred fathoms. From ten a clocke that night till three a clocke in the morning, our Captaine tooke in all sailes and lay at hull, being desirous to fall with the land in the day time, because it was an unknowen coast, which it pleased God 61. In 1877, the Superintendent of the U. S. Coast Survey directed Mas- ter Platt, U. S. N., to make a series of close observations on the direction and velocity of the currents between Nantucket Shoals and Cape Sable. In his report Master Platt refers to strong and well-marked tide-rips, which were noticed during the strength of the flood and ebb, and are described as looking like break- ers in shoal water. He says : “ When Latitude 42° N., Longitude 66° 30' W., we saw what looked like shoal water or breakers ahead, but on sounding in his found one hundred and seventeen fathoms. We drifted along with the current until we came among these apparent breakers, and found them to be caused by a very heavy tide-rip. The sea was so high and ‘ cramming,’ that we were obliged to reduce sail, three-reef the mainsail, and haul the boom well out to save our mainmast. These heavy tide-rips are nearly al- ways well marked, and a stranger coming among them, especially at night, would be apt to be very much alarmed.” Atlantic Local Coast Pi- lot, Sub-Division 3, Appendix, p. 11. NORTH PART OF VIRGINIA. 91 in his mercy to grant vs, otherwise we had run our ship vpon the hidden rockes ’ and perished all. For when we set saile we sounded in 100 fathoms: and by eight a clock, hauing not made aboue fine or six leagues, our Captaine vpon a sudden change of water (supposing verily he saw the sand) presently sounded, and had but fiue fathoms. Much maruelling because we saw no land, he sent one to the top, who thence descried a whitish sandy cliffe,^^ which bare West-North- West about six leagues off from vs : but comming neerer within three or fowre leagues, we saw many breaches still neerer the land : at last we espied a great breach a head vs al along the shore, into which before we should 62. Sighting Sankaty Head, a steep sandy cliff on the eastern ex- tremity of Nantucket, and the most remarkable feature of the eastern shore of the island. Way mouth ap- proached the Great Rip, and ran on to Rose and Crown Shoal. Two fathom spots near the southern part of the Rose and Crown are found upon the Coast Survey chart, eleven nautical miles E. by S. % S. from Sankaty Head Light, in Latitude 41® 163^'. Vide a communication by Henry Mitchel in the Nantucket En- quirer of June 22, 1882. Capt. John F. Williams, who, in 1797, at the re- quest of Jeremy Belknap, made a study of Rosier’s Relation, says enter, (American Biography, Hubbard’s Ed., Vol. 2, p. 249), “The first land Capt Waymouth saw, a whitish sandy cliff W. N. W. six leagues, must have been Sankaty Head.” In the Coast Sur- vey Pilot from Boston to New York, p. 82, occurs the following: “Nan. tucket Island is surrounded by shoals, those especially which lie to the east- ward of it making it one of the most dreaded parts of the coast. These shifting sandy shores, which extend in a south-easterly direction from the south-eastern end of the island, have various depths upon them, ranging from six feet to four fathoms, and change their positions more or less after every heavy gale.” 92 THE LAST DISCOVERY OF THE enter, our Captaine thought best to hoist out his ship boate and sound it. Which if he had not done, we had beene in great danger : for he bare vp the ship, as neere as he durst after the boate : vntill Thomas Cam, his mate, being in the boat, called to him to tacke about & stand off, for in this breach he had very showld water, two fathoms and lesse vpon rockes, and sometime they supposed they saw the rocke within three or fowre foote, whereon the sea made a very strong breach : which we might discerne (from the top) to run along as we sailed by it 6 or 7 leagues to the Southward. This was in the latitude of 41 degrees, 20 minuts: wherefore we were constrained to put backe againe from the land : and sounding, (the weather being very faire and a small winde) we found our selues embaied with continuall showldes and rockes in a most uncertaine ground, from hue or sixe fathoms, at the next cast of the lead we should haue 15 & 18 fathoms. Ouer many which we passed, and God so blessed vs, that we had wind and weather as faire as poore men in this distresse could wish : whereby we both perfectly discerned euery breach, and with the winde were able to turne, where we saw most hope of safest passage. Thus we parted from the land, which we had not so much before desired, and at the first sight rejoiced, as now we all joifully praised t NORTH PART OF VIRGINIA. 93 praised God, that it had pleased him to deiiuer vs from so imminent danger. Heere we found great store of excellent Cod fish, and saw many Whales, as we had done two or three dales before. We stood off all that night, and the next day being Wednesday; but the wind still continuing between the points of South-South-West, and West-South-West: so as we could not make any way to the Southward, in re- gard of our great want of water and wood (which was now spent) we much desired land and therefore sought for it, where the wind would best suffer vs to refresh our selues. Thursday, the 16 of May, we stood in directly with the land, and much maruelled we descried it not, where- in we found our sea charts very false, putting land where none is. Friday the 17 of May, about sixe a clocke at night we descried the land, which bare from vs North-North- East ; but because it blew a great gale of winde, the sea very high and neere night, not fit to come vpon an vn- knowen coast, we stood off till two a clocke in the morn- ing, being Saturday : then standing in with it againe, we descried it by eight a clocke in the morning, bearing North-East from vs. It appeared a meane high land. as 94 THE LAST DISCOVERY OF THE as we after found it, being but an Iland^^ of some six miles in compasse, but I hope the most fortunate euer yet discoured. About twelve a clocke that day, we came to an anker on the North side of this Hand, about a league from the shore. About two a clocke our Cap- taine with twelue men rowed in his ship boat to the shore, where we made no long stay, but laded our boat with dry wood of olde trees vpon the shore side, and re- turned to our ship, where we rode that night. This 63. The island was Monhegan, the most prominent landmark in ap- proaching the coast. According to the Atlantic Coast Pilot, it is situated in Latitude 43° 46' N., and in Longitude 69° 18' W., and is distant from Thatch- er’s Island (Cape Ann) about 84 miles in a N. E. % 3^- course ; from Seguin 19 miles on an E. course, and from Matinicus Light-houses about 20 miles on a W. by N. course. The island “ lies N. E. and S. W. and is a mile and a half long, high, with steeply sloping shores, and quite bold to. Its northeastern end, called Green Point, is high and wooded; and a little to the southward of this, on the eastern face of the island, is a bluff, precipitous head, called Black Head. Thence the surface gradually descends towards the southwestern end, which is low and thickly wood- ed, and is known as Lobster Point.” The lighthouse, a grey stone tower 36 feet high, is about in the middle of the island, on a summit 140 ft. high, and is visible from a vessel’s deck, on a clear night, 19 miles. Close in with the western shore of the island, about 200 yards off, is a small island, bare of all vegetation except grass, called Manana Island. Between the northern end of Manana and the western face of Monhegan are two bare islets, which form, with Manana and Monhegan, a small har- bor of refuge, called Monhegan Har- bor. Vide Atlantic Coast Pilot, Sub- Div. 4, pp. 302, 303. Capt. John Smith, who, in April, 1614, was at Monhegan, says: (Description of New England, p. 16, Force, Historical Tracts, Vol. 2, fVeazie Eeprint, p. 46,) “ Monhegan is a rounde high ile ; and close by it Monanis, betwixt which is a small harbor where we ride.” NORTH PART OF VIRGINIA. 95 This Hand is woody, grouen with Firre, Birch, Oke and Beech, as farre as we saw along the shore; and so likely to be within. On the verge grow Gooseberries, Strawberries, Wild pease, and Wild rose bushes. The water issued forth down the Rocky cliffes in many places : and much fowle of diuers kinds breed vpon the shore and rocks. While we were at shore, our men aboord with a few hooks got aboue thirty great Cods and Hadocks, which gaue vs a taste of the great plenty of fish which we found afterward wheresoeuer we went vpon the coast.^'* From hence®^ we might discerne the maine land from the West-South-West to the East-North-East, and a great way (as it then seemed, and as we after found it) 64. “The coast aboundeth 2 with such multitudes of Codd, that the in- habitants of New England doe dunge their grounds with Codd ; and it is a commodity better than the golden mines of the Spanish Indies.” New English Canaan, p. 59, Force, Histor- ical Tracts, Vol. 2. “ The abundance of Sea-Fish are almost beyond beleeu- ing, and sure I should scarce haue beleeved it except I had seen it with mine own Eyes." New England’s Plantation, p. 8, Force, Historical Tracts, Vol. 1. 65. It has been claimed that by these words Hosier means from Mon- vp began ; but as he has just referred to the return of the boat to the anchor- age of the Archangel, and to the oc- cupation of the sailors while the par- ty were ashore, it seems most nat- ural to suppose that he means from the position of the ship, a league north of the island. 66. These words are held by some to mean “ barely see ” ; but the same words occur in the former part of the sentence where they certainly cannot have this meaning, and it is fair to infer that they have the same signification in the two places. 96 THE LAST DISCOVERY OF THE vp into the maine we might discerne^^ very high moun- taines,^^ though the maine seemed but low land ; which 67. Capt. Williams, of tliej U. S. Eevenue Service, who, in 1797, at the request of Dr. Belknap, examined the coast of Maine with reference to Waymouth’s discoveries, identified these mountains with what he calls the “Penobscot Mountains,” meaning what are now known as the Camden Mountains. This was the accepted view until John McKeen (Coll. Me. Hist. Society, Vol. 5, pp. 313, 314) ad- vanced the opinion that they were the White and Blue Mountains. He says ; “ It was this day probably clear, and the White and Blue Moun- tains in Maine and New Hampshire were visible and might have been seen thirty miles further to the east- ward, as we are informed by the dec- larations of old mariners.” No other writer, so far as I am aware, has re- ferred to the Blue Mountains in this connection. E. K. Sewall (Ancient Dominions, p. 59), adopted the view that the high mountains seen by Waymouth were the White Moun- tains. He says : “ The text implies a distant inland prospect of mountain views, as landmarks, which ‘ might ’ be discerned from the anchorage, un- der what is conceded to be Monhegan Island, though it is not positive that they could be fully seen, as they were only discerned, whichimplies dimness. gaue as well as distance, of vision ; and the White Mountains, showing in their magnificent outlines, terminating the view in the horizon of the distant west, along the valley of the Andros- coggin, would seem to answer the object of the narrator as well as the description he gives, which was, so to shade the locality of the exploration and discoveries as to lead foreign voyagers, who might follow, astray.” Dr. Edward Ballard (Popham Memo- rial Volume, p. 303) adopted the same view, and it is still held by some others. But William Willis (Coll. Me. Hist. Society, Vol. 5, p. 346) ad- hered to the earlier view advanced by Capt. Williams. He says: “We place ourselves by the side of the an- cient mariner, Waymouth, as he lies in the ‘ Gift of God ' [the Archangel] on the northern shore of Monhegan, and ; before us ‘ descerne the mayne land and very high mountains.’ The land surely can be no other than the shore from Pemaquid to Owl’s Head, and the mountains the Camden and other heights bordering the Penob- scot Bay, which now, as then, lift their lofty heads in silent, solemn grandeur before us. The White Mountains lie far to the west, more than 120 miles distant, and can only be seen under favorable circum- NORTH PART OF VIRGINIA. 97 gaue vs a hope it would please God to direct vs to the discouerie of some good ; although wee were driuen by winds stances.” Prince took the same view (Coll. Me. Hist. Society, Vol. 6, p. 294, He says : “ If we place ourselves near Monhegan in clear weather, we shall be at no loss to discover that the ‘ very high mountains’ referred to are no other than the Camden and Union Mountains, which show their lofty heads far inland. . . . They are the only conspicuous heights along the coast, and a noted landmark for mariners approaching the land, being visible long before the main land comes into view.” Eev. David Cushman (Coll. Me. Hist. Society, Vol. 6, pp. 309, 310), Johnston (His- tory of Bristol and Bremen, p. 31), Bancroft (History of the United States, Eevised Ed., Vol. 1, pp. 81, 82,) and others adopt the same view. It seems to me the only view that is tenable. The White Mountains can be seen from Monhegan only in the very clearest weather, and therefore only occasionally. Capt. Deering, who in the steamer Lewiston for many years has sailed along the coast of Maine, between Portland and Ma- chias, says he has never seen Mt. Washington from the waters north of Monhegan. Capt. Denison of the steamer City of Eichmond, who also has had a long experience on the coast of Maine, bears the same testimony. It is not denied that in very clear 13 weather Mt. Washington can be seen from Monhegan, and on rarest occa- sions from the waters between Mon- hegan and the George’s Islands. I spent a few days on Monhegan in August, 1885. The days went by but Mt. Washington was not visible. In the night of the 14th there was an aurora, and the wind, that had been to the southward for two days, blew very fresh from the northward early the next morning. The sky was without a cloud, and thinking that if ever I was to see Mt. Washington from Monhegan the time had come, I rose about four o’clock and walked over to the northern part of the Is- land near the school house. The Camden Mountains were clearly and sharply defined against the horizon, “a great way vp into the maine.” But scanning carefully the horizon to the west, I failed to discern the White Mountains. A fisherman, whom I met, told me they could be seen only at sunset : at least, he had never seen them at any other time. ' About half past six o’clock, Mr. Humphrey, the assistant light-keeper, who knew I had visited Monhegan for the purpose of obtaining a view of the White Mountains from that point, informed me that Mt. Washington had been visible all the morning. With Mr. G. N. Faught, of Boston, I at once ac- 98 THE LAST DISCOVERY OF THE winds farre from that place, whither (both by our direc- tion and desire) we euer intended to shape the course of our voyage. The companied Mr. Humphrey to the summit of the hill on which the light house stands. We halted at the en- trance of the light house enclosure, and Mr. Faught and myself scanned the horizon to the west and north- west; but neither of us saw Mt. Washington until its exact position was indicated by Mr. Humphrey. Then we saw a faint blue mountain summit a little to the westward of Pemaquid Point light house. ' Hold- ing it in view we descended the slope in order to note the point at which it was lost to sight. Just below the school-house, ' and about sixty feet from the ocean level 'as I estimated, the mountain disappeared. It was at this point that Capt. Charles Ed- wards, of the U. S. Light House Ser- vice, as he informs me, lost sight of Mt. Washington a few years ago when he made a like test. Mr. Hum- phrey assured me that he had often made this test with a like result. But it has been seen at the shore. April 11, 1885, at 6:39 p. m., Wil- liam Stanley, keeper of the light, who at my request was noting the appearances of Mt. Washington from Monhegan, “surprised at the seem- ing near approach of Mt. Washing- ton never before seen so plain,” after lighting the lamp, left the lantern in care of Mr. Humphrey and descend- ing the hill to the water’s edge had a view of Mt. Washington at that point, and called several of the neighbors to bear witness to this singular occur- rence, of which the peculiar state of the atmosphere was undoubtedly the occasion. ' Mr. Stanley, Oct. 17, 1885, sent me the following record of the views he had of Mt. Washington from Sept. 6 to that date : “Sunday, Sept. 6, saw Mt. Wash- ington plain from the shore at 6 a. m. “ Thursday, 10th, from tower 3 p. m. “ Thursday, 17th, very plain from hill 6 p. m. “ Sunday, 20th, 10 a. m. and from 5 to 6.30 p. m. Could not see it from the shore. Lost sight half way from the school house to the shore. “ Friday, 25th, plain from tower 7 a. m. and 6.30 p. m. “ Friday, Oct. 9th, from 5 to 6 p. m. “Sunday, 11th, very plain from tower 4 to 6 p. m. Not visible from shore. “ Friday, 16th, plain from tower 4 to 6 p. m.” Oct. 23, after receiving the above record, I wrote to Mr. Stanley, re- questing him to continue his observa- NORTH PART OF VIRGINIA. 99 The next day being Whit-Sunday ; because we rode too much open to the sea and windes, we weyed anker about tions. Dec. 31, 1885, he sent me the following additional report, signed by himself and Frederic F. Humphrey, assistant keeper. “ Oct. 26th, from 3 to 6 p. m., Mt. Washington was seen from light- house hill. “ Oct. 31st, 4.30 p. m., plain from the shore. “ Nov. 1st, 4.20 p. m., from tower. “Nov. 10th, 4.30 p. m., from school house. “ Nov. 20th, 4.40 p. m., from tower. “Nov. 26th, 4.25 p. m., very near sea level. ' “ Nov. 27th, 4.30 p. m., from tower. “ Nov. 28th, 4 p. m., from school house. * “ Dec. 4th, from 3 to 5 p. m., plain from tower. “ Dec. 11th, 3.30 p. m., plain from hill. “ Dec 25th, plain all day from tower. ■ Lose sight half way from S. H.'to shore. • “ Dec. 26th, plain 8 a. m., also 3.30 p. m., from tower. “ Dec. 27th, from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., plain from tower.” This record shows that from early in September, 1885, to January, 1886, the White Mountains were seen only once all day from Monhegan, and only three times from the shore, and only occasionally, morning or evening, from the hill or light-house tower. Hon. C. W. Goddard, of Portland, without any reference to the point here at issue, kept a memorandum of his observation of the White Moun- tains from Portland during the three months preceding Jan. 1, 1887. In a communication, which will be found in the Portland Press of Jan. .3, 1887, he says : “A memorandum kept dur- ing the past three months shows that the White Mountains have been clear- ly visible between 7 and 7.30 a. m., only seven times, Oct. 17th, 24th, 25th, 26th, 'Nov. 5th, 27th and Dec. 6th. During the same period, they have been dimly discernable eight times ; in all, 15 times only in 92 mornings, or less than one morning out of six.” I left Monhegan for Boothbay soon after my own observation of Mt. Washington as noted above; and though I looked for Mt. Washington again and again between Monhegan and Ocean Point — sailing over the same course traced by Way mouth, according to McKeen and others — it was not visible. And yet it was one of the clearest days of the season, and if ever the White Mountains served as a landmark in these waters they should have done so on that day ; for the United States Meteorological lOO THE LAST DISCOVERY OF THE about twelue a clocke, and came along to the other Hands more adjoyning to the maine,^^ and in the rode directly with the mountaines, about three leagues from the first Hand where we had ankered. When we came neere vnto them (sounding all along in a good depth) our Captaine manned his ship-boat and sent her before with Thomas Cam one of his Mates, observer on Mt. Washington sent that day, Aug. 15, the following de- spatch to the associated press : “ This has been a perfect day. Ships on the ocean off Portland have been easily distinguished.” Vide Port- land Argus, Aug. 17, 1885. But though I could not see Mt. Washing- ton from the water level even under these favorable circumstances, as we sailed away from Monhegan Harbor, and for miles, the Camden Mountains were in full view, far up in the main, their summits distinctly outlined against the sky. They are the most notable feature of the coast line as seen from Monhegan, and cer- tainly no mariner approaching the coast could fail to mark them, and no one giving a description of the coast could fail to mention them. This Rosier did, if the mountains to which he refers were the White Mountains. For the bearing of an addition to Ro- ster’s “Relation” at this point, as found in Purchas, His Pilgrimmes, see note 43. Capt. John Smith, De- whom scription' of New England, p. 13, Force, Historical Tracts, Vol. 2, refers to “ the very high mountains of Pe- nobscot, against whose feet doth beat the Sea,” and adds, “ But ouer all the Land, lies, or other impediments you may well see them sixteene or eight- eene leagues from their situation.” 68. It is natural to understand by these words the islands between the. place of anchorage (a league north of Monhegan) and the main land. The St. George’s Islands, sixteen in number, extending in a line nearly N. NE. and S. SW. for about five miles, answer to this description. They are “ in the rode directly with” the Union and Camden Mountains. Williamson (Hist, of Me., 1, p. 61) says Monhegan lies nine miles south- erly of the St. George’s Islands. The southern end of the outermost, Allen’s Island, according to the Coast Survey Chart, bears N. by E. 3^ E. from Monhegan Light-house, distant about five miles and a half. The dis- tance given by Rosier is of course Honfieg' 62, 63, 64, 66 , 68 , 69, 70, 73» 74, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 106, 133, 138. Moosehead Lake, 87 Morton’s New English Canaan,. .Ill, 155. Motley, J. L 82 Mount’s Relation, .. 107, 108, 110 , 111 , 112, 116, 119 Muscovia and Turkey Companies,. 82 Nahanada, 44 , 161 Nantucket, 91 Nantucket Shoals, 90 Narragansett, 54 , 75 Newagen, Cape 106, 133 New England Hist, and Gen. Reg- ister, 48, 65 Newfoundland, 2 , 5 New Harbor, 44, 127, 128, 129 Northwest Passage to the Indies,.. vii, 16, 25 Norumbeague, 125 O’Brien, Rev. M. C 136, 158 Ocean Point, 99 Old Fort Point, 56 Oldmixon, 50,52, 54, 75 Oliver, Mrs. Hannah 12 Orinoco 149 Owl’s Head 56, 96 Palfrey, J. G 11, 60 Parkman, Francis 118 INDEX 167 Partridge Berry, .125 Partridge’s Point, 44 Pejepscot, 59 Pemaquid, 42, 46, 49, 52, 73, 74, 75, 96, 127, 162 Pemaquid Harbor, 44 Pemaquid Indians, 40, 135 Pemaquid Lighthouse, 128 Pemaquid Point, x, 44, 133 Pemaquid River,. . ix, 43, 44, 47, 48, 50, 53, 129, 133 Penobscot Bay, 10, 56, 58, 64 Penobscot Hills, 55, 58, 96, 100 Penobscot River, ix, 41, 47, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 69, 71, 74, 76, 125, 134, 144 Pentecost Harbor,. ix, x, 43, 46, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 67, 72, 75, 76, 101, 102, 127, 151, 152. Pentecost Harbor, Cross at 43, 108, 109, 138 Percy, George 8 Pette, Peter 33 Pette, Phineas 33, 34 Philipson, Miles 14 Pierce, John 127 Piigrims, The 107, 108, 118 Pilgrims, Compact of the . . . .150, 151 Platt, Master U. S. N 90 Plymouth, .110 Plymouth Company, 83 Plymouth Council, 47 Plymouth Harbor, 11 Pole, George, 124 Pol whole’s Glossary, 125 Popham, Capt. Geo 40, 59, 114 Popham Colony 40, 45, 46, 49, 65, 72, 73, 124, 128, 162 Popham, Sir John. ..14, 15, 45, 82, 83, 161, 162 Powhatan, River of 51, 52, 54, 75 Prince, George, v, ix, 60, 62, 65, 69, 72, 76, 97, 133, 144 Prince, Thomas 53, 75 Pring, Martin 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 43, 44, 45, 83, 161, 162 Public Records Office,.. 32 Purchas, his Pilgrimmes,. . .viii, 8, 37, 47, 49, 54, 74, 76, 100, 152 Quibiquesson, 47 Rale, Fr. Sebastian, 135 Raieigh, Carew 1 Raleigh, Sir Walter,. . .1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 36, 37, 140 Raleigh, City of 4 Ram Island, 103 Ratcliffe, 85 Resolution Island, 20 Revised Statutes of Maine, viii Richmond’s Island 155 Roanoke Island, 3,4 Rose and Crown Shoal, 91 Rosier, James.viii, ix, 31, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46, 70, 73, 74, 76, 95, 100, 102, 106, 108, 124, 128, 129, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139, 152, 161. Royal Society, viii Rudolph II, 14, 81 Saffacomoit, 161 Sagadahock River,, .ix, 45, 46, 48, 49, 53, 58, 59, 66, 71, 75, 114, 129, 151 Samoset, 110, 127 Sankaty Head, 55, 91 Sasanoa River,.xi, 67, 136, 137, 139, 151 Sassafras, - 8, 11 i68 INDEX Savage Tlock,.. 7, 10 Scilly Islands 156 Seguin x, 42, 45, 134 Sewal!, E. K.. ..xi, 59. 67, 96, 102, 103, 127, 133 Sheepscotj.xi, 59, 65, 67, 133, 136, 137, 139, 151 Skidwarres (Skico wares),. 43, 44, 161, 162 Slafter, 40 Smilli, Capt. John 8, 44, 46, 50, 73, 94, 100, 106, 127, 139, 155, 161, 162 Sparks, Jared v, 118 Squirrel Island, 102, 106, 133 Standish, Capt. Miles 106 Stanley, William 98 St. Croix, 48, 49 St. Croix, Island of .39 Stepney 85 Stevens, Henry, ...vii Stevens, Henry N vii, viii St. George’s Harbor,. ix, x, 44, 55, 58, 61, 62, 67, 76, 102, 109 113, 132, 136, 152. St. George’s Island 42, 44, 73, 138, St. George’s Islands, 42. 55, 63, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 100, 103, 106 St. George’s River,. . .x, 60, 61, 62, 65, 67,68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 76,113, 136, 139, 149, 151, 152. Stith, Rev. William 53, 75 St. James’ Shells, 87 Strachey, William, viii, ix, 3, 6, 14, 41, 46, 47, 49, 64, 71, 72, 74, 75, 124, 129 Tahanedo, 161, 162 Tarbox, Rev. Increase N., D. D., 2 Tarrenteenes, 112 Tasquantum, 161 Thames, The 141 Thatcher, Anthony 124 Thatcher’s Island 94 Thayer, Rev. Henry 0 42, 4.3, 72 Thirty Years W’ar, Beginning of the 35 Thomaston, 142, 145 Thornton, J. Wingate 127 Tobacco, 123, 125, 127, 160 Tobacco, Drinking of 124 Townsend Gut, xi, 136, 139, 151 Townsend Harbor, .58, 59, 101 Traine Oil, 155 Trees, Names of 159 Trelawny Papers, 155 Trelawny, Robert 155 Two Bush Island, 55, 56 Virginia, 52 Virginia, Colonization of 3, 4, 5, 8 Warren, Town of 149 Warwick, Cape 20 Way mouth, Capt. George i . . .vi, vii, Weymouth, ) viii, ix, x, xi, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 30, 31, 32, 3.3, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 82, 83; sails from Ratcliffe, 85; from Dartmouth Haven, 86; reaches the Azores, 89; discovers land, 91; amid shoals, 92; dis- covers an island, (Monhegan), 94 ; description of the island, 95; thence discerns the main and INDEX. 169 high moantains ap in the main, 96 ; sails in toward the other islands more adjoining to the main, 100; finds a good harbor, 101 ; and anchors, 102 ; finishes the shallop, 108 ; sets up a cross, 108; with thirteen men departs in the shallop, 109 ; the ship vis- ited by Indians, 109; Waymouth returns with the shallop, 113 ; re- ports the discovery of a great river, 114; further intercourse with the Indians, 115-131; sounds about the rocks at the entrance of Pentecost Harbor, 132 ; discovers a pond of fresh water on one of the islands, 133 ; is visited by canoes from the Eastward, 134, 135; journey up into the river in his ship, 136, 137 ; profits of the river, 138 ; depth of the river and flow of tide, 139 ; comparison with other rivers, 140, 141 ; Waymouth leaves the ship and marches up into the country, 142, 143 ; re- turns to the ship, 144; sets up another cross, 145; distance in the river, 146 ; excellency of the river, 147, 148 ; extent of the dis- covery, 149 ; cause of the speedy return, 150; passes down to the river’s mouth, 151 ; and thence to Pentecost Harbor, 152 ; sets sail for England, 153; on a fishing bank, 154 ; continues his course to England, 155 ; anchors in Dartmouth Haven, 156. Western Antiquary, 126 Westminster Abbey, 10 White Head, x White, John 4, 6 White Mountains,. ..ix, 59, 66, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 142 Whitson Bay, 11 Whitson, John 11 Williams, Capt. John Foster. ..54, 57, 64, 75, 91, 96, 142 Williams, Koger 107 Williamson, Hon. Joseph 64 Williamson’s Hist, of Maine,. .48, 57, 67, 100 Willis, Hon. William. ..59, 68, 96, 142 Winter, John 155 Wiscasset, 137 Woods, Dr. Leonard, 2, 13 Woods’ New England Prospect,. .105, 112 Woolwich, 33 Wriothesley, Henry. ..6, 13, 14, 31, 51 22 The Gorges Society. LIST OF MEMBERS, 1887. Adams, Charles Francis Allen, Stillman Boyd American Antiquarian Society, Anderson, John Farwell Balcolm, George Lewis Banks, Charles Edward Barrett, Franklin Ripley Barrett, George Potter Baxter, Clinton Lewis Baxter, Hartley Cone Baxter, James Phinney Bell, Charles Henry Berry, Stephen Boston. a » Worcester. Portland. Claremont, N. H. Chelsea, Mass. Portland. U (C Exeter, N. H. Portland. 172 GORGES SOCIETY. Blake, Samuel Harward Blue, Archibald Bonython, John Langdon Boston Atheneum, Boston Public Library, Bowdoin College Library, Bradbury, James Ware Briggs, Herbert Gerry Brown, Carroll Brown, John Marshall Brown, John Nicholas Brown, Philip Henry Brown, Philip Greely Bryant, Hubbard Winslow Burnham, Edward Payson Burrage, Henry Sweetser Chicago Public Library, Cleaves, Emery Cleaves, Nathaniel Porter Colby University Library, Cole, Alfred Conant, Frederic Odell Cutter, Abram Edmands Dana, Woodbury Storer Deane, Charles Deering, Henry Bangor, Me. Toronto. Adelaide, So. Australia. Boston. (t Brunswick, Me. Augusta, Me. Portland. u ii Providence. Portland. u u Saco, Me. Portland. Chicago. Boston. a Waterville, Me. Buckfield, Me. Portland. Boston. Portland. Cambridge. Portland. LIST OF MEMBERS. 173 De Costa, Benjamin Franklin New York. Denham, Edward New Bedford. Dent, John Charles Toronto. DeWitt, John Evert Portland. Dexter, Henry Martyn Boston. Drummond, Josiah Hayden Portland. Dufosse, Edouard Paris. Elder, Janus Granville Lewiston, Me. Elwell, Edward Henry Deering, Me. Fessenden, Francis Portland. Field, Edward Mann Bangor. Fogg, John Samuel Hill Boston. Gerrish, Frederic Henry Portland. Goldsmid, Edmund Edinburgh. Hackett, Frank Warren Portsmouth, N. H. Hale, Clarence Portland. Hale, Eugene Ellsworth, Me. Hammond, George Warren Boston. Harris, Benjamin Foster Portland. Harvard University Library, Cambridge, Mass. Healy, James Augustine Portland. Hill, Winfield Scott Augusta, Me. Hyde, William Sage Ware, Mass. Jackson, George Edwin Bartol Portland. Jillson, Clark Worcester, Mass. Johnson, Edward Belfast, Me. 174 GORGES SOCIETY. Jordan, Eritz Hermann Jose, Horatio Nelson Lamb, George Lapham, William Berry Libby, Charles Ereeman Library of Congress, Library of Parliament, Little, George Thomas Littlefield, George Emery Locke, Ira Stephen Locke, Joseph Alvah Maine Historical Society, Maine State Library, Maling, Henry Martyn Manning, Prentice Cheney Manson, Alfred Small Massachusetts Hist. Society, Massachusetts State Library, Mosely, Edward Strong New Bedford Public Library, New England Historic Geneal- ogical Society, New York State Library, Noyes, Edward Ailing Otis, Albert Boyd Paine, Nathaniel Portland. Portland. Cambridge, Mass. Augusta, Me. Portland. Washington. Ottawa. Brunswick, Me. Boston. Portland. Augusta. Portland. Boston. Newburyport, Mass. New Bedford, Mass. Boston. Albany, N. Y. Portland. Boston. Worcester, Mass. LIST OF MEMBERS. 175 Pennsylvania Hist. Society, Philadelphia. Pierce, George J. Boston. Pierce, Josiah London. Poole, William Frederick Chicago. Portland Public Library, Portland. Pratt, John Frank Chelsea, Mass. Pullen, Stanley Thomas Portland Putnam, William LeBaron u Rand, George Doane u Reed, Thomas Brackett a Richardson, Charles Francis Hanover, N. H. Rich, Charles Portland. Scammon, John Young Chicago. Shapleigh, Waldron New York. Short, Leonard Orville Portland. Smith, Henry St. John Soule, John Babson Lane Highland Park, 111. Stearns, Charles Augustus Boston. Stevens, Henry Newton London. Stewart, George Jr. Quebec. Sweat, Lorenzo D. M. Portland. Symonds, Joseph White U Thomas, George Albert u Thompson, Joseph Porter (( Trask, William Blake Boston. U. S. Dept, of State Library, Washington, D. C. i Due 176 GORGES SOCIETY. Williamson, Joseph Woburn Public Library, Woodbury, Charles Levi Woodman, Cyrus Woodward, James Otis Belfast, Me. Woburn, Mass. Boston. Cambridge, Mass. Albany, N. Y. Worcester Free Public Library, Worcester, Mass. Wright, William Henry Kearley, Plymouth, England^ PT.ATB No.1480 5 COTTA Round Pond , .0 _ 12 f " ^Sbllock-i R«ck'» € 111 % 5i Si 5 ,\\,3 4 m U) il* 6 i .i /fc '^T ^ A5 Wu;*' «!. r?9'. JBKV' *. > » •■ iX j'- , JT ■ '^ 72i u\ :i at lai 9 * »., il -■»''■»' • ■ •t -*■'- r- - tfu ■ -I— ^ •• 't ,» -i 31 ^loff 6 3i 3i *’*ai '“o jjfmf^^illM- ^'^^-'-ti^S, 5 2 .v'.v y' -v^ f u 8 t \ ® ® “i ^ i a"^* ' t: CO.\ST FROM M HITEHEAD TO PEMAQUID POINT iLUJ^K 3i 12 i ^ V*- K I hrU. ^m-f -•-‘A^ 4i 6 i^ 6 . 17 M 4 "* 3i m '^ V > jf .,«^4'rv« »■ ^ Sfv. , ^ 4i 9t .st 6 L f>i '*.f »8 4i I* »«'■/■ w*:=#5'» “t 4 '-a: flospit&l Pt fi 5 ® rfo - « 71 6 i B ^Bi r * 6 * 8 &i 5 ■’ •' » . “* 9 9i 8 l 8 } / 9i 9i * 7i 6 i ^ “ 9i "* ^ 7i Rd 14 10 r^. 17 4lGffiIkij]^Jelf^ 4J .5i ai 121 ■ 8 « 18 HmoiJ Hoi-k 13 gi ff 81 Anl lit i2l 42 81 ^8 91 9i ®t 8 , 12 Blackly 9i 17 c4 L Bruwn^ He<£d L< 17 6 Viebber'g Dr ‘•%oe?S»''“ 61 16 ■••5^ .41 19 gi IT a. It 1'’!“ IGSjJi /">/■ 18 <) •'’^- -'••A.; -T^ 12 7», i .! ‘ ;•■■. '■i:^~^.-: 4'>--.'4i^ • “* < mA ‘V B c* ^'*' 23 *“4tf 16 _ 13 16 18 ,;i rfl^NJ Defil'-r Limb 8 13 “ “ 10 25 4i 18 oi DlaNcJ.^ 8 i^ir„ u «* 8 » - ^ ® 10 4l e 'VVreck'I. I^^^esx 3 ^ la ^ A 9 , ,,® J“ofBtVt 8 kAtw( 16 4 »i 8 * 12 i Gill lOl I'i ^,l.e9 5t. 10 % .•• •■ *; .* ■' .? •• , 'i w , mW l^-•L^ M % Ih'nitt'i^f hilH'-'l'-K, CaaantX art. 12 13 11 71 10 3i 11 9 9 114 11 ^ ^ 11 A 12 lU loi „ 17 ^2 10 ^{rtr»' T 7 ^ 4^* 10 7 ‘ -A 6 10 ®t®^^f‘’‘*4S 81“^ %»ir Hi 18 6*t^/- 18 94 lU ^ , „}P.Te,ik^^ ^8 10 94 64 7i ^ 11 ' ^ ^ 11 13 .10 * ••#p!Wpi r -'7T,- t v!|^ 3 " y Dr rkr “i a * hrd. ,^d. 26 ^ !•■ :i .... 32 00 oi . 16 10 31 ■ -- An/ ■■/!> ;t4 86 hrd 74 0 10 81 11 21 20 „ 10 •it> t.rd. .2J^ hrtl . 3f> 26 19 18 22 2l 24 .34 32 18 «$ 17 31 Vfn. liquid Ledqr :r, 141 2.5 Hi 44 31; 2.5 3(1 ‘AO .vd. 21 27 26 sit 20 22 31 2^' LICH . 64 hrd. 121 . - IVanklixi flQt' ,« *- 10 22 13 27 1©* 3, 13 44 12 X\ sit 15 , 3i 9i 18 82 r^a ^ ^Mi T 8 eK-^* ^ »i , oc .V*^® lit® 11 O a "V- 11.3« \ 9 9 13 ^ 19 ^o'<5 oi 10 121 26 ” 10 U O XOl ^ , 11 ei IB 121 13 1“ 16 loi 6 H 13 B 6 l luffld Hump Ledtfe 13 . 14 . 10 TVv^ 101 . „, ... 14 61 Hi t/cy,. 13 15 5 _ 3 ^ ' ^sb'/tq Rock N.Lrdqe 8 i'**T 3j 9 ■ ] 111 BtkCO" ■ • t*V. UVA 23 21 01 124 12 - hi 17 9^ HoJ^rds df. hi hf «/. i7 HoopeF* ^-AV 7i ‘ B 3t J ! 6 §lerl 0 > h^sdffr^/ ^ 3 / ,8 X OutrrSImbZrJgr if^oofirrslsliuiii^ j5™«sr - 7 A 12#..3» 6 »a*?7t jj, 64 otd/foP^Lrdqr ’ * B 13l 13i Ak 14 gj 64 / l’|i?;?j^.tiea. •31 ■r^§M ^•v -K./A T- 1 ». mi 8 *':^I 6 3T .'34 ■- ^ sf Bi 4^25l 1 ■<*•*- 44 9 ' ^ **^0 *r • ’•^31 71 art. 16 91 10 •*4 R *‘£:^84 i ”'’6 '■"' 5 ■'' 5 64 A J |«|>6§»T ” ^ ,<,\4 n 8 .^% V 4 .,« • ;, ^^^* 44 , 8 16 ' b « 1 ^ iloiV^ 9 tdE’’' .A iO S. l€) 16 94_ '*A*v'> \jHart's Ledge .jj 84 ■' *T7 w.^HT 84 84 13 14i 6 j 34 B£LL «03rX12(l 144 144 131 „ 14 6 i 1 ' br.M. 134 16 G. 9| M. 19 16 16 124 17 16 16 . ..16 „ .5i. . 9t 91 '^ 4 , 13 ^ " jg o, , , , 7i * - 8 a..a ^ .. / 13 BrotUrrs 5 [ C 8 21 16 II 15 39 11 _. beacon"’ hrd. ^ n 104 13 -» Eastet^^gRoek 6 ^ * * jdA''* ® 39 32 3.3 40 36 25 13 144 hrd. 30 32 64 “-“ft’ s..- 7l &t 2'^ ^1 J^t/ /iocAAij^J^rdffr 24 ei 18 96 sit. 19 ®t ^ i« •’" 18 . _.. _ ... ... 22 ' 18 ■ 23 34 art. 40 2 » 20 35 3.5 17 18 6 t 4l U I'* 8 17 IB ». 12 ^ 14 art. 5 t “i« ^8 114 , 3t 6 t 34 -- 21 xrpoon Ledge 9 12 ■' "3 9 # 13 9 16 a2 30 18 1 T 6 14 hrd. 3 ^ JL' c^'>^ 7 VI J 17 13 I'^o 15 25 13 ifit 40 38 42 46 48 4.3 38 23 sit. 23 • XBy X34 , 12 Bi ** * e ^ ' 13 3i \^mart « I. 14 4 lit 12 * 7 ^ 3 5 ir. , \ A r &]>>“* n* 1 - a .» '■' « " ‘.ilaHU »“"■»“ V'-""" “1 - A b ,. . 12 *■* IG 15 qj^ 16 13 6 l-'t 67 134 74 art, SB3?i.edgoa ' B i-j 10 15 84 5* 18 17 ,„ 9 Carev* Rock ^ 4.4 tSt-i^io '1 11 144 „ I . 4^ ®L 17 ^g 6 i/jr///cpS a n 29 ’ ’ 'lwe.3 20 20 20 19 15 27 16 19 114 21 11 20 21 21 19 22 V- 22 20 20 114 23 28 I7v\ ,•/.•,.. 33 29 52 3.5 20 art. 43 41 48 57 46 43 45 38 44 31 1*2 35 28 33 25 114 10 4 rkv. 32 .04 ■a** 33 5? . 20 sik. 13 13 124 U4 28 10 -a* 6t 24 . 16 hni. 26 . Harpoon Ledg «'^-3 9 # U 4i 1 , 4iIi^|gRo
49 ^iGullBockleilge 43 rkv 1 o • 38 32 13 47 37 39 45 28 46 br.M. 20 30 / 16 20 / 15 / 20 33 34 23 31 i 18 24 18 br.M. 38 M.G. 28 44 44 38 39 36 37 38 23 24 26 38 21 25 33 br.M. 37 36 31 36 43 39 52 34 40 38 36 38 br.r.V brk..'ih. 40 36 51 55 iirovK ? /I'tv/ /liloy ///Ih" ht) in futaniu/ on Shri'/ssi/ri hiinri ? hltirli " o o ', l\lt'l a i Y /i/tir/t find liffi lifM-i-ffHital s/i-ififS- Ikmtfvi'lliiov br. M. 50 25 25 49 54 47 49 36 45 50 43 M. 38 30 51 48 43 39 41 33 44 41 49 26 31 rky. 47 31 53 50 48 46 54 38 br.M. \ 33 hr.M.G. f’O 53 44 S4»1'M)I.\(1S Sonndiiif/s in fiif/m/ns nt nirnn hny wtiici- Jlffidfs less t/mn d /'nthonis in iivt on fidf r; ^ M,. X'-a# 7'?* m ..V r‘f THAOD " i)L?^ CZ O'l’ CIA :►! Ii:4Tl 1 17/ lAOiri ? -a ‘ 'yJ,- t;f ' v; ^•' 4^4;3|s t . ivfcr--’. V^v*' ^ZS' XOTH/MOUT T/iKYl (II'jg7J/^4 a/.L/Ji or S , uod.iiO aSuoZ ^5 ^V' r# iW»^«»e.»j),'' (?THJ f^- % ih^ ■•-? r-. .Vt.\ t »iz^ w frT .’^\n.<5^ t.-r: la *« ;?%■ i» > ^oixiiiuO L i>xfo*i biiifoil QI V. . ,1^- i- Oi .m t ' •,v !€■ >•.- ,‘j^- :iv f;ua> xs. .rt. 1’? ' - - 4^ ox ; I;i: • * •■|■' - j fc / -i-.‘'?3te^ m tx ax * VI *er ax >i 'SX 7'^-?.V'.' axA xr ex la^Kl {t 13 » ICI le ox ei jMkiH \>toioA w isx a ' ' ZC^ A J^^i£ r “^'ox i8 hi* OX a ” 0 ni XX la e ax o •'O^' !'^'- ■••■iJ 18 yh>^ It iR jtiUw) ^ Ifl “ -rAA *fl -Z >^-V 1?^'- ■ _ '■, ti'* -"i* ■F% i«. ,, ja ,'TNat x»& »X le m 4K1 *,\1 iAi . 1-1 la Ux4 M-i ax ai ex TI ei 81 ■ IS .Un4 .V.My. 02 IS ^ .'rA*x ^ *8 iof „ ;v Q |i'*x<»qooH [M 01 |g.9K»^ px lat ir OX/UiV-fSiP' XX I" u « “"’■"‘^ife®! ^ XX 1* 'lfc. '**V 01 . 4,,;: oiVa ■ •^'^^' ■-^• XX •“ V.^ax f - ' 18 « ^ ^ ^ 4 ox ^ 8x lox > 1 AliHmtA’t lo ^V'^r *I ' 4U *x ax ex 8X J*>H 18 •loxrdi "Jf!' ax’ It lox • I «• ® 81 i8 -^v. , , ei e M ^ . I* A 40X*'*KX *« ^ -X e ^\v\\ fa ^ if- \W». '■s rs >=..■ XX -via JC'"''''XJ ®x ».t ^ ‘ox -pi^H ig ^ ^ 01 e x’x •Ind tt 8X M Ml MX ‘’X » SJ ti M ax i a 81 it le «i a le .i.iA *8 aifainW) f-ikt os 02 02 |IV 02 02 ex «x ex IS •VvrrA 02 02 22 22 ' HvA •^- X! i- • 1^ i ax -«4^4ii>4v!jL-- ><» ® ^ ‘"^7 - ax « is a > O"' ■»^-.S'».? r 1« « i' IRI lex 18 18 'J8 ii ..‘7 “/«■•-?. 7, “i|' , ^nXl slIT ®X y i BS ■X 18 tl OX-' go 9\f^nX «(J>!ff-\ 'A'joVv\>jA\ ,, VaA lU Xt W " « ^ ^•‘■' ex ‘":£ -...n-Siv/I TX •ive.^ rx **' * fl .1^ «^A^;oH"j,3,axi: la « Tt oe le 22 ei fn- ax »2 •’** lA ■*« -. ir u * 18 .♦(«. IM OX 1^18 .-rfrv « ® to av :-7''-^ 22 ■le *tx IT 01 M .1 •> ic la ai A-vi. . l«)i la 21 e e le isi ~' i^ e 18 i-X « inr «,“ vJ(,“ XS ax -xx cr fn Frf « ^ ex et ' o '{S ei taim. ar ia u y>h*aqmi>H hll^|> le 'g „ >r M .18 *1 ,. - ^${ *6 le *,.0i*2raV „ ar Ht ci Itt ex w-V is W*T ax ax 18 &x ill 2X or v.,*!.-!! is 81 rx *> 11 01 4*A ^ -tortrt 01 > ia - * - ^ HI .\«>\ SX 81 Bt ill OV itl <*X 92 ^ ie fiix* •ftt. lAX An\\ fj i r» 81 iU IL' s or* *»\»iis.\‘!f<' »■> i\VA«\nM\‘Vfifi 8 le OtO' .' ‘j, ■;- ;?,'V ■■"•'■ js;4- rt Vj • i-B cs Vv-v*^^ ^ -v>ar 02 ex 1 v'o’^' lu to .- la ;u r* 02 22 92 96 -'1"’'3 „ 8' 92 XX »i ar 1>X iu oe oe 9X -lUv 62 et 21 ax ox U.vO ■VvaA ■itA It xcx r 21 a n at lex la Sife a »ar rvV'' ax 1 * 18 ax i v»* iv a TX H'loSr'KvvuiO ** »M IX ai ex TX TX M at et oe :W 18 8i itx oe ivv. A i^'fviWVA 5^^ti a *^'.i OX n 18 Jllk.ex lot « 1 *'!^j 18 J".reT^ "" St ^'{,1,^ tx 18 ax sxx . M ax 1 If 08 twfli .y*r J ia ' to ir IVt 62 oe . iv\A AS 9S 21 xe 22 es 81 26 A8 At .:X1?. H6 08 92 12 TX 8 11 8X ■fn. 18 os-‘ ax to 81 92 oe Ti; ill IB sa 02 xe OA fit ' 8 ,, MX 31 lu xt eX .1\y, ■Tlcy SI .a.t 01 2X iti 8X oe 08 J8 txu . V\A fc AX 02 81 ti» 81 It ixx •“ ni , J' tc 08 ■ bTil SX as • tv* 08 98 28 ae AA AX •X-At 19 EX lAX *8 OX 11 lex ex 121 V -^8 .?i.vr» at *i 81 1t4 ax ax OX J8 lex 8X 80 xt 22 Tt 92 t>'f St W 4a ** 13 At- -jx *” 5\5,4>»i nvjotrvuSt as as IT tx IT •. “ - oK jf-lAlO ^ le •VtivvvtOj,. ex itx 01 8‘ .T^»i ^w«v a .-/Arx *61 AI A) ior 81 a, .-(H-v At 06 3 ax v4-. xe oe At 28 82 82 81 rx iA ax .u*-y ~ ei e iex is isi t2I JT MX . 1 1*0 OS s« 18 rOI 21 22 ox IX ^-t4*7n\ OX 40X 81 SL .1 aaMi) 'uartai Ob t:%i SI is a ax iu se et 81 as 82 ;: Vi ■X*' iA ia a *A lA *AX •\*5rin'5r\^.'R j (w- » '• *A id ill *01 9X *2X *2X ia -v Ifi ... .?..-<5k.'>i^ rx es AS 02 XX .-<•>> *r 88 02 SX AS AS ia .TX ex .•CAt 2R Tt 02 SS rs 02 PI V..-\4 ex 32 02 ie It MiAv-vl. A'iaV>l'»TT 81 ' 81 81 XK At .'.xj ax re A2 oe vjJ''afc;i-J-'«8V J 0^ ! 02 02 02 AS AS .H. .-xA . 81 ss as 02 *«> At TS RS : I -vx ax XS as .'1*1 as AS rs rx 82 .?..yy_.'vnX M.*A (2 9S fsi TI J2 .0 26 IS 82 .7,xd«Aa * \ as TX IS 92 ex'- as 82 as as lox as .^'.^ ' .'f*X te- vJn 8X 82 as Si AS ! AS 0 ax efi^ot 81 ri ^ \JirAuMia to le ft u •'^3 21 - ^ ™ 02 ., xe 62 ♦“ 02 ^ 8X .*n 82 88 OA 82 ill Ai: ^.S- 22 88 .SnA S2 02 ■It*- US' ia '» . AX 61 AS 86 08 ee 82 es .■(A\ \v»nA V- < IK ex 82 ill as ,V xA ae 6f; 96 BA OA 8.A es sa .tfxjl .X\7. se 02 es A!.* At OA lt> 8A 12 XM 88 «X flS et es ei as .'I*X ■fn. 82 XA 81 ae rx AS O AS , v-f'Al-'ia/ *‘ir8 08 68 AA Tt XA A8 08 V. v-' 8A 8A 82 82 .1V(. lA xie 16 aA 66 ^6 8A ',\ l6A 06| <1±> Ojf* .Sv»> -(A-r AS 06 TA \ / OA KA A6 aA 08 / 08 \ At }X«- Vv.xvS aA ■in 06 JIA as 8 >' ta A8 86 06 ae 9A .fV», a A 8A es OA as dA .0'<. 09 8A 02 .».V. 08 aA 88 A6 86 OS 02 \ \ \tsi I I 86 82 02 ex 06 oa ».w»l -J 22 • 81 ^ f, tifeaafwa^'tOHOOAia ai rs axaM«3 Q ' ^ 4 ^ V 8^ i:3 la Ocl i.-,i I IA oa ax ae 86 ax ae as .14x4 8X 8X \ 02 ae eA 38 'ftX 86 \ At oe .ft.vxx 82 8r>n4 88 At *x4 88 ee O.lft. AS i IB AA ee 02 ex OA \jv..AV. »ni\\l.*a r>.v Ti 09 .lix4 ae 61 M x4 TA 8J ! hhiuoaIC i-roil^oor aA 6A OhoXX afxn se TS .\t..x4 OA »A A6 ee 86 AA sa SlA 86 AA CA ae IA 8A 08 xa aA XA 8A 2fL. SA OA 8A 03 2A .r/n feasH C8 as 63 ax SA -fc’jroJ^oYv X, ex ee ex OA *'a^\\vK>i£ Xj4x es EI '•*•' AA 6a OA ax SA as 44x4 as .V..x4 .4t.x4 eA sa ax re se. TA / C9 / eA xa 26 GA / 8A \ .1*l\^9t«do.X 96 ■im Ae xa et oe T3 63 IA TA aA TA A3 aa xa Aa 03 SA AC ea as \xwv»A^r\ry>V\ttVf'^ >w) \>\\v\*x\n-i t\^ ^^^\ 'i<5o\ 'itjM& ? y. V\0*\ vx \v vv w 'A')t>\^ • 18 TA .•(*t (6 eA '(OotVoxymiX _8‘)t\VxVw XxxlxwxrvxtxA XwXWmmx iVxxxX^ . XA 8A XS OA 9A SA S3 / \ 44x4 86 ea ea 3A 3t SA / 1 h \ \ ae AA oa iiv.x4 aA SA fiiWM'A’JOH '\-)\xx'»t 'Ho\ xMx'xiXX 4xx KHX*xXxxxx\?y XX xxxx Vyx\ xxx 'A'xvxxi\\i>\V. xxxxxXN P.H'xX a'^Ox^’xV^ m MS..nry 6 SB SA AA SA Of. 38 ■9itK upanMK • - -ma 3 A xjuijxa .1-^ G X ^ 1 1 18 M.wnw i"' >ffii nitir_irir niMii.ijfc PLATE No.1^77 I’ IN ISLAND MAI.NK ooo ■JOLWTCH Roc^ ' - hV ^ iS.S9/fJt WTJOlEOANq^ MiUeAI. 8 An/A'I "^^Ran/fhJfSt B|; ijg/-/,- ^ twe, n 10 Bull. fcjttrh'ni -r/^. 4? •Xown'ii i 6 Pi.£ N An/ Thumtton 10 l‘J *V«-/ 1- Old |„y 14 lUHENDRICK'^ . »0 . 13) Jolui] 'k S riy. Hotbrook'. N».n lo.i iVrkui rriftitli’H Hond 7 ,, 104 , ^ OrifHtliJt Hend Ledg^ 22 on lui Lower Mnrl hrdS. lYiUibenp’ L*'djft ^SIoop Ledge jTKi* 74 hrd.S. oo i-’ %einoLt\ si 20 ^ *hite Ititt, Jitdg* COAST FlIOiM PEMAQTTID POINT Drummore h)JwW''" I'’ " ■ R I 124 ® etk- it hni II A-^,v m mm !4‘ vV V' »>Wic ■“« ^' \ ** 11 1 U ^ J)'‘ll lOiK' .,« 114 25 6V,S%f,' 104 74 mv^griT Anl. IsV k. » «i 1-J4 11 iiLedgt 25 3 6l NmJ '”^ •'^ 5 23 _/^ “ X A. 10 .., -6 -•* 134 wJSPlG or. 144 1« 12*^^" ,,>< 10 18 W .^. 2. 0 104 26 "0 ll* l^i^li^SStf' 'j^i'L^* ^**'^2'* ^ 30 -*2 „ 3i ) 29 34 U!D POINT LICH . j ar» Jr brd rs PEMA^ hrd. '*?■■ U4 12 15 ,i 14 32 * 24 hrd, 3^ •4 17 Pemaquid Ledge 26 ® 144 114 15 37 sH I 20 16 ^*’ , 16 *"/.• *24 I>f jedc. lit 11 144 hni ou 24 , 19 7i 19 *tk. 8 o; 12. 9 » 13 SiHteni .. hrd hni Vi .dk, 'J*) i|; /ltd. r Jr ‘*7 27 ' 27 " ^ • jwy * Jfrron L ^jpl4 lS♦ 9i 3V 6 8t 12 AWJ B 4 4| 'W?iUe^Ledge 19 W.3-. ’P/ 5t 11 64 f'-, *S'efuih Ledges 64 10 ,3 74 91 11* 20 20 10 9 ^7hr»m'sKtH'k •n- as 36 sih ^5 T/if iforit>na^ iiS ” .lit « *>? 1^* Oi ’I " ‘ 33 ■" Mrronl.'* loi 3‘^ •■11 95 o, . . 7i *-/A-. tauter Hertinl. 30 .iVViS^l/ /,„,. 16 OJ, 18 Z«/^r oil. ... J2i firti. If) Bantatu Rock 11 ;;4 «4Vi:i i,, 30 , i-jJ ' ' ''*° ■{• 9 -1 42 An/S4 ' ' jWr I’umpkiii I 12 T''i 2.5 '.* QRtvYhfOJ^ Ltdge sR. 7i 27 Jird. 24 16 f^I^ttnphiti l.K^intem Ledge 33 sR. hrd. 31 stk rti. .r/l . ■vrt. .»/!. nro^'s i AM yi/tiii' tt> />{■ h'/l IN rntfi’iiN/ (>/! \tiiH>ini/i/ htuui t Jiliick . . . . . i'ort % /i/iuk ,ind A *tuf /nii"! \iii.\' nt nif.iii low wo/ri- lff/i.v li-.v.v //inn .'■( lti//itvn.\- ih lift on ,i .v/nn/otl .vii/A'ioo ;VvrJ{ CTHI •i"-: . 't'.- "^ir'- 'irS ’Ite'Xrc / - ^■' ■•:. ri-'; S '-. .-i'f' V<< ‘ '. ■> Uif 'VI ^ -.ra.t- ■ ■‘-■.-m^. lu ^ -V. ■‘•‘* A- , --^ ^ .. ,: •^‘ ^ ' -- . fti" ... V*’ m pn I Jo s . . 4“' V- A .;V [Uvv-^ V ,C!^‘,-v4|iir^ , :-V ^ ■ A ... t ^ '% t. 'rS. . -UK. I f '-y », . H'jiwar v r ^,JR •. c, v\>\^; <• J '>21 '*, 4 ' 1 "i :< -i '< riu'/T?; y%. V.'Jv 1 < l^\- ' f<-» :V •« ''f '-■y fKAoanv*r// Vi .1 ’•^. jf .V •ff^' 1 ^' •■ *«> *« iF Pi^' v.y" ■'V ' • > **k f.’ !k' h‘ *i»n "'-'^■^VM v3.:) i »Moiniiuji!^ ■'^; •>v' iV* ■vf^-^N>/''kc ‘‘ I wy??%4 4TPr':..A''» //•« <• ..w :){■' Vv'A^'V ..g . i‘* r ^ -J^' ‘-*5 K 'ssiV^,';^ -< • -■'■'•.fi', .^^^7'r^ ^1 A,'?' ■/ r» ,.‘V’ ?w © <)i !V?V' VjJ- Jk*ii ♦e j« lu ' .V. loi L‘l <** . VI ;fca' X.l* '/-V . *(>r N: 7^' Vft >/<*l iU kwMTf^ u -.^;. :*<-, I 'ir, tf. ^ fj i-V^ 4t’ 01 II 'tit, %.,■ [■; ' ii^/ 5m y- , I. 9 , *•■ Wt- ■ •■•■'s. ■ ,.4< '■ ili lif . .1.x 1;: Cs ai‘ ^ • Of. iAI SI <-j if >l8 *=■ AS ill 5. - ■*, • .J- THOU TMIO^ OIU^AHIO r.c \.\A !k-»: ns o« •VimV t»£ I'lr <•* »\v re <>« o»: OA \ :)f H T = i .^ • i-uj ■ 0 iTi-"' fi 4#^ ^ “■ ' - ’ -V«'-av y-i u 1^'*' :^vrvN>.p^« *h"‘' «uia'A5f^ ''’™' ■'•" 4st\!fZ ' ^•' ‘’S in' Ci ,t. A*i-\%..Aiv».v'> •i^sr^.Y ‘I'XY...’ ol „• sn; 1:1 4. “• ’ i- '^- i/T *" " ir Of. se Hi- ill 8 %u- 8 V tJ XJCv ... .. V.'>J »‘- . '• cf- ■<■ lot 01 » SI J,.<» l>^ w .ft». ae i-A i«i SA *li* w j:; SI Af Ff. ev 81 OL’ ss: }a ‘ic fl«' ?- SV - j_ ' .i. f. ri ^1 OS'* 8s oi,' /i-lg/oi 4^7' «l «f <.•!• . . '■ ‘’^' ^iu ft ‘o^ 8 U( OS ici oAfr, tsi AS i»: a es .\n»\ ox ^1 «i: Of (fj .Vm\ ;. , - ». ai* li xt t:t: Oi: oi: (u; .f^ i:a '.V,wv.A rs '*“ .\n’iv>1^«»\if%U •*»». «S ^ isi IS ^ •>v>«J. w .... uf .*'. ? C.vf.H- es 18 fa «s 18 ifU AS 81 OS :oi A1 ». vis " »Flv W*fcnaii>C.i£W^ X iio«iW A at V*», »<■ ••‘• "ie *® *8 «s SI ai IS ss os SA FA AS ■Ar» ( 1 - ci If: rs UK i.c.''"' K i® • Sr- "- 'or (« i:i''viiH" Af. iN>if»'Aj> n ^..0 * .V . 08 SI 01 IS as or. AS os lit os if .xAISiAjw\(S\ ^ A n Iti.V . *'• i'l ... lAiifd. 18 a Ir. f*f si^.\^sA'M iA A .1 C 11 Jo i\r ' ^ *r '9., ss ie fii ^ '^8% ,e os ill St or }iib«>‘i"4oitt.l 0/ '‘.H SS £S .YL SS .IS {oj ‘^ « 'T- •■’' .fx% .ImAqmcf*! .IV-. OS .'.S is Kf: as ,. i- si iaw SA ss iTV.X»v»?L,\ imX.^xr.IV. ra ss Sf, OA 8A es ss «o • In IS OS as 81 SA rs AS 01 SI P4; Of; 81 as ■IV/. at os le .11 ai: or. «c .Vilrl Kl ^S1 n ss Ao.A rx\»Ar\v»VV It SS SS a« of: Of; as IS 88 OS OS iA e j)f n \ .1 irmigs^V '* i'! Jr V'-' THsyj df; r.8 2A SA as ai .ifxA 01 .H rs lA .'A\ix 80 a.i OS SA f;s OA OA HS 81 AS liS at a I SI ai S*\ 81 01. SS OS •Tw. .fK \/xi\ SC AS as 8S A\x*Vf. x\>x v\\TT.\xvi v\\ \V»\ vS xAi‘>xv‘.\ NrtA 9 - v\'x\ . . . •iV.x.Wr f •i(,\\A '\»\»_\\\iV\ .v.'vx^vvV/. YxAivii-Vv'xxN Yvv'A Si xx- -X-ixAAS 9 / nij’/.in>r’io« •vxM. h -n'lS mfiw Svi v.vvviv\\v»\ i\v v.yiyivSiwxviiV., fixSVww. S.-A.\i\V/. \i wv V/A x\vv.\\viAi.\j'i\ V, iwo\S v.v. A v.M'\.'Y ir'tlil/ / \ \