Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries https://archive.org/details/publicrecordsofs05conn_0 THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT For the Years 1783 and 1784 WITH THE JOURNAL OF THE COUNCIL OF SAFETY FROM JANUARY 9 , 1783, TO NOVEMBER 1 5 , 1 783 COMPILED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY LEONARD WOODS LABAREE STATE HISTORIAN BOSTON COLLEGE LIBRARY CHESTNUT HILL, MASS. HARTFORD PUBLISHED BY THE STATE 1943 Copies of Volumes I, II, IV, and V of this series may be procured from the State Librarian, Hartford, Conn. Copies of Volume III may be procured from the Connecticut Historical Society. CONTENTS Introduction vii Roll of Representatives, January, 1783 1 General Assembly, January, 1783 13 Council of Safety, January 9 — April 28, 1783 82 General Assembly, May, 1783 107 Council of Safety, May 15 — September 1, 1783 189 General Assembly, October, 1783 202 Council of Safety, October 17 — November 15, 1783 249 General Assembly, January, 1784 252 General Assembly, May, 1784 315 General Assembly, October, 1784 430 Index to Volumes IV and V 480 LIST OF ACTS An Act for the Encouragement of Literature and Genius 13 An Act for Laying an Excise on Sundry Articles of Consumption within This State 15 An Act in Addition to and Alteration of a Law Entitled An Act for Forming, Regulating, and Conducting the Military Forces of This State 19 An Act in Addition to the Law Entitled An Act for Collecting and Paying Rates and Taxes 21 An Act in Addition to a Law of This State Passed in May Last Entitled An Act in Further Addition to an Act Entitled An Act More Effectually to Prevent Illicit Trade 21 An Act in Further Addition to the Laws of This State against Illicit Trade 22 An Act for Altering the Time of Holding the County Court in the County of Windham 22 IV LIST OF ACTS An Act in Addition to the Law of This State Entitled An Act for Preventing- and Removing Nuisances in Creeks, Rivers, and Other Water Courses 23 An Act to Repeal a Law of This State Passed in October 1777 Entituled An Act in Addition to a Law of This State Entituled An Act to Prevent the Obstruction of the Course of the Fish up the River Paukattuck 23 An Act Directing Certain Duties or Services to be Performed by the Delegates in Congress from This State 23 An Act for Empowering and Enabling the Committee of Pay Table More Effectually to Regulate the Public Accounts and Produce a Speedy Settlement of All Outstanding Debts to This State 27 An Act for Repealing Several Laws of This State 115 An Act in Alteration of an Act Entituled, An Act for Regulating and Orderly Celebrating of Marriage, and for Preventing and Punishing Incestuous and Other Unlawful Marriages 116 An Act in Addition to an Act Entituled An Act for the Settlement of Testate and Intestate Estates 116 An Act for the Amendment of the Law Entituled An Act for Laying an Excise on Sundry Articles of Consumption within This State 116 An Act in Addition to and Alteration of an Act Entituled An Act for Relieving and Ordering of Idiots, Impotent, Distracted, and Idle Persons 117 An Act in Addition to and Alteration of an Act Entituled An Act for Ordering and Regulating Fields and Fences 117 An Act for Regulating and Well Ordering the Fishery at the Mouth of Connecticut River 118 An Act in Addition to a Law Entituled An Act for Collecting and Paying Rates or Taxes 118 An Act for the Punishment of Burglary and Robbery 204 An Act for the Punishment of Horse Stealing 204 An Act for Laying a Tax on Shipping for Repairing and Main- taining the Light House near the Port of New London 205 An Act for the Regulation of Navigation 254 An Act to Promote the Making of Raw Silk within This State . . . 256 An Act for Laying a Tax on Shipping for Repairing and Main- taining the Light House near the Port of New London 257 An Act for Incorporating a Part of the Town of New Haven. . . . 257 An Act for Incorporating a Part of the Town of New London. . 267 An Act Empowering the Delegates of This State to Make a Cession of Unlocated Lands on the Western Part of the State to the United States for Their Common Benefit 277 An Act for Confirming the Laws of This State as Revised and Amended and for Repealing Such as Are Not Contained in the Foregoing Code 281 An Act for Regulating the Appointment of the Superior Court . . 323 LIST OF ACTS V An Act Establishing the Wages of the Judges of the Superior Court An Act in Addition to an Act Entituled An Act for Constituting Judges and Justices of the Peace in This State and for Em- powering and Directing Them on Their Respective Offices .... An Act for Encouraging and Promoting the Commerce of this State An Act to Enable the United States in Congress Assembled to Levy Certain Duties and Imposts on Certain Goods and Mer- chandises Imported into This State, to be Applied in Payment of the Debts of the United States Contracted for Supporting the Late War in Compliance with a Resolution of Congress the Eighteenth of April 1783 An Act for Levying and Collecting a Duty on Certain Articles of Goods, Wares, and Merchandise Imported into this State by Land or Water An Act in Addition to an Act entitled An Act for Laying an Excise on Sundry Articles of Consumption within this State . . . An Act Laying a Duty in Certain Cases An Act in Addition to and Alteration of an Act Entitled An Act for the Direction of Listers in Their Office and Duty An Act in Addition to a Law of This State Entituled an Act for Constituting and Regulating Courts and Appointing the Times and Places for Holding the Same An Act in Addition to a Law Entituled An Act for Stating, Limit- ing, and Naming the Counties in this State An Act in Addition and Alteration of an Act Entituled An Act for Constituting and Regulating Courts and Appointing the Times and Places of Holding the Same An Act to Encourage the Destroying of Wolves An Act in Alteration of the Act Entituled An Act to Promote the Making of Raw Silk within this State An Act Relative to Debts Due to Persons Who Have Been and Remained within the Enemv’s Power or Lines during the Late War An Act for Incorporating a Part of the Town of Hartford An Act for Incorporating a Part of the Town of Middletown. . . An Act for Incorporating a Part of the Town of Norwich An Act to Enable the Cities of New Haven, New London, Hart- ford, Middletown, and Norwich, Respectively, to Grant the Freedom of Those Cities to Persons Living without the Limits of Said Cities An Act for Levying' and Collecting Duties on the Importation of Certain Articles and for Appropriating the Same An Act in Addition to an Act Entitled an Act for Encouraging and Promoting the Commerce of This State An Act in Addition to an Act Entitled An Act to Enable the United States in Congress Assembled to Levy Certain Duties 324 325 325 326 328 338 339 340 341 341 342 342 342 343 343 354 364 373 432 433 VI IJST OF ACTS and Imposts on Certain Goods and Merchandises Imported into This State to be Applied in Payment of the Debts of the United States Contracted for the Supporting the Late War in Com- pliance with a Resolution of Congress of the 18th of April 1783 435 An Act in Addition to and in Alteration of a Law of This State Entitled an Act for Levying and Collecting a Duty on Certain Articles of Goods, Wares, and Merchandise Imported into this State by Land or Water 435 An Act in Addition to an Act Entitled An Act for the Regulation of Navigation 437 An Act in Addition to an Act Entitled An Act for the Regulation of Navigation 437 An Act in Further Addition to and Alteration of an Act Entitled An Act for the Better Establishing and Confirmation of the Titles of Land, &c., Made and Passed on October 1723 438 An Act in Alteration of an Act Entitled An Act for the Direction of Listers in Their Office and Duty 438 An Act in Addition to a Law Entitled, An Act for Stating, Limit- ing, and Naming the Counties in This State 438 INTRODUCTION The years covered by this volume, 1783-1784, include the final months of the American Revolution and the beginning- of that time of reorgan- ization and readjustment which is known as the Critical Period of American history. Connecticut, like her sister states, was faced with many difficulties in recovering from the effects of the long struggle for independence and in rebuilding her economic life. Much of the attention of the government during these years was given to the prob- lems raised by the conclusion of the war. Unlike most of the states, Connecticut was not faced with any funda- mental problems of constitutional revision. To her conservative-minded people the old colonial charter of 1662 still seemed to provide an ade- quate frame of government, and the demand for political reform did not become vigorous until years later. Having declared herself to be a free and independent state instead of a colony and having dropped the name of the king from all ceremonies, oaths, and official documents in 1776, Connecticut was able to carry on her affairs in the traditional manner throughout the period of transition. Only one small symbolic detail remained to complete the transformation. That was attended to in 1784 when the Assembly ordered a new seal for the “Republic of Connecticut” to take the place of the old seal of the colony (p. 374). In the details of governmental machinery some changes did take place. The Council of Safety had been created in May, 1775, to act with the governor on detailed and emergency matters connected with the war. Although a preliminary treaty of peace with England was signed Novem- ber 30, 1782, the war dragged on well into the following year. Consequently in May, 1783, the Assembly authorized the Council of Safety to continue its operations until the rising of the Assembly the following October (p. 120). The last recorded meeting of the emer- gency body took place on October 28, 1783, although its record contains one letter written by the governor on November 15 (pp. 250, 251). With these events the Council of Safety passed out of existence. One noteworthy change was made in the judicial organization of the state. The lieutenant governor had traditionally been appointed each year chief judge of the Superior Court, but in 1784 an act was passed barring the governor, lieutenant governor, or any other high political officer from serving simultaneously as a judge of the Superior Court. At the same time the measure created a new Supreme Court of Errors, to consist of the lieutenant governor and the members of the Council (p. 323). Another alteration was in the field of local government. It was a curious fact that, although Connecticut could boast five out of the twelve most populous urban settlements in the continental colonies in the middle of the eighteenth century, she contained not a single incorporated city before the Revolution. In 1784 the Assembly changed all that by incorporating the cities of New Haven, New London, Hart- via INTRODUCTION ford, Middletown, and Norwich (pp. 257, 267, 343, 354, 364). The freemen of each city were allowed to elect all their local municipal officers annually, except the mayor, who, once elected, was to hold office during the pleasure of the Assembly. Each city was also provided with a city court of limited civil jurisdiction, and a common council, which received certain powers in the control of local affairs. Faced with the necessity of regulating its reopened external com- merce, Connecticut passed an act of navigation (p. 254), a number of tariff measures, and a bill creating New Haven and New London free ports of a limited sort (p. 325). The Assembly also agreed to permit the collection of certain duties on imports for the benefit of the central government (p. 326). This measure was passed upon the recommenda- tion of Congress and was contingent upon the passage by the other states of similar acts. But several states refused to cooperate and the project fell through. Congress remained dependent for funds upon the inadequate requisition system. The problem of finance was almost hopelessly complicated, in Con- necticut as elsewhere in the new nation, by the disastrous depreciation of the paper money. References to this depreciation abound throughout the present volume, testifying to the evils attending a general monetary inflation. The financial situation of the state was made more difficult by the direct effects of the war. Several towns, especially New London, Groton, Fairfield, New Haven, Norwalk, and others along the Sound, as well as a few communities further inland, had been burned or pil- laged by British raiding parties. As late as 1784 the inhabitants of these towns were still petitioning the Assembly for the abatement of their state taxes on the ground that they had not yet recovered from the effects of enemy attacks. To such appeals the Assembly lent most sympathetic ears. At the very beginning of the period covered by this volume Connecti- cut suffered a heavy disappointment at the hands of the central govern- ment. Under her “sea-to-sea” charter she claimed title and jurisdiction over a strip of land running straight across what is now Pennsylvania and on to the Mississippi River, which the Treaty of Paris had fixed as the western boundary of the United States. From well before the Revolution settlers had occupied eastern portions of that strip under grants from Connecticut proprietors. In 1775 the Assembly had created the region a county by the name of Westmoreland, and throughout the Revolution its representatives had sat in the Connecticut legislature. Pennsylvania contested Connecticut’s claim to the land inside her own western boundary, and in 1782 the question was adjudicated by a com- mission appointed by Congress. Now, shortly after the convening of the Assembly in January, 1783, word reached Hartford that Penn- sylvania had won the case and, in the words written at the end of the Assembly attendance lists of that session (p. 11), the Connecticut county of Westmoreland was Annihilated and out of Sight ; — If what the Court have done, is right. INTRODUCTION IX For some time after this, the state tried to do what it could to protect the interests of her settlers in that region against Pennsylvania, but with little apparent success (pp. 120, 208, 456). Under the colonial charter Connecticut could still lay claim to the tract beyond Pennsyl- vania’s western boundary. In 1784 the Assembly authorized its delegates in Congress to cede to the nation “for the common benefit of the United States” its claims to that part of the strip which lay more than 120 miles west of the western boundary of Pennsylvania. But the state reserved for the benefit of the officers and privates of the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army the land from the Pennsylvania boundary for 120 miles west (p. 277). This tract became celebrated as the Western Reserve, now a part of the State of Ohio. The drawing to a close of hostilities with Britain resulted in a con- siderable movement of individuals into and out of Connecticut, requiring in each case the sanction of the Assembly or the Council of Safety. Persons who for one reason or another had remained within the British lines in New York or elsewhere during most of the war sought per- mission to return to Connecticut. Many refugees who had earlier fled from the British on Long Island or other regions to Connecticut asked to be allowed to go back to their homes, taking their possessions with them, now that peace was at last in sight. In almost every instance the authorities granted the necessary permission, but they usually appointed supervisors to see that no irregularities occurred in the process of repatriation. Preoccupation with problems created by the close of the war did not prevent the Assembly from giving attention and support to the arts of peace. The first law passed in the session of January, 1783, was an act “for the Encouragement of Literature and Genius” (p. 13). This was the first copyright act ever passed in America. For its passage, a native son, Noah Webster, the great grammarian and lexicographer, was primarily responsible. Twice also during this period the Assembly adopted special copyright resolutions in favor of particular works, once for Robert Ross’s English and Latin Grammar (p. 245) and once for Joel Barlow’s revision of Watt’s Psalms and Hymns (p. 458). Also in support of learning, the Assembly passed an act of incorporation for the Trustees of Plainfield Academy, one of the earliest of such institutions in New England (p. 406). Most of the material in these records is of a formal, if not technical, nature. Yet as one turns the pages one can find many items of real human interest. There is, for example, the case of Sergeant Jonathan Arnold, who had won the sympathy of gruff old General von Steuben because he bore the same last name as the arch-traitor of the Revolution. In compassion for the plight of his fellow-soldier, Steuben had offered the sergeant his own name, and Arnold now asked the Assembly to ratify the change of his name to Steuben. To this the legislature readily agreed, and the enabling resolution (p. 71) attracted much attention and was widely copied in the newspapers of the time. Another entry of sentimental interest is the resolution conferring the citizenship of X INTRODUCTION Connecticut upon the Marquis de Lafayette and his young son in grate- ful recognition of the Frenchman’s “disinterested" attachment to the Liberties of Mankind” (p. 439). One of several pension cases which should have a specially poignant appeal to readers in 1943, when the people of America are once again being made aware of their deep obligation to those disabled in the cause of freedom, is that of William Burrows. A soldier in the army, he had been wounded in the knee. He was discharged from service and after a long illness had been forced to submit to an amputation at the thigh. Burrows now asked for the payment of his medical expenses and, since he was “disabled from any business,” for some provision for his support. The Assembly ordered the payment of his doctor’s bills and then, with a truly Spartan gen- erosity, voted him a pension of thirty shillings a month for a term of two years (p. 458). Rather more satisfactory, both to the petitioner and to the sensibilities of the reader, was the outcome of the Reverend Benajah Phelps’s memorial. He was what might be called a Loyalist in reverse. The sufferings and losses of the American Tories are fa- miliar; many entries in this volume add details to the general story. But the experiences of Phelps had an opposite origin. A native of Connecticut, he had migrated to Nova Scotia in 1766 and there during the Revolution he had suffered loss of property and exile for his staunch loyalty to the colonial cause. Now, in just the same way that the Tory Loyalists were petitioning Parliament for help, Phelps asked the Con- necticut Assembly to grant him relief in view of the losses his faithful- ness had cost him. Appropriately, the Assembly made him a grant from among the confiscated estates of the Connecticut Tories (p. 474). As in earlier volumes, a large share of the record is taken up with the memorials and petitions of individual towns and persons. They sought the x\ssembly’s sanction on a great variety of matters : the hold- ing of a lottery to rebuild a church or bridge, the relocation of a high- way, the separation of part of a church membership from the rest because of dissatisfaction with the minister’s theology, the sale of some of the real estate of a minor orphan to meet the expenses of his main- tenance, the forgiveness of a defaulted bond, the issuance of a new certificate of public indebtedness when the old one had been lost or chewed up by the hogs. These and a host of similar matters occupied the time of the Assembly to an almost unbelievable degree. But the very fact that the Assembly was willing to give its attention to such local and private concerns is evidence that in the Connecticut of the 1780s the government was very close to the people. For all the con- servatism of its political framework, and in spite of the ravages of a long and costly war for independence, Connecticut’s traditional system of self-government contained the elements necessary for continued vitality and health. ****** The material printed in this volume includes the last 54 pages of Volume II and the first 261 pages of Volume III of the manuscript State Records of Connecticut, and the last 62 pages of the fourth and INTRODUCTION XI final volume of the manuscript Journal of the Council of Safety. As in the case of Volume IV in this printed series, published in 1942, the manuscripts were copied by Ruth L. Lind, Madelyn Sullivan (now Mrs. Brown), and Marguerite Ann Sullivan. The checking of the typescript for this volume against the photostats of the original for final accuracy was done by Mary Joan Donahue and Ruth Hawes (Mrs. Orville W.). Mrs. Hawes also assisted in the proofreading. The index, which as promised covers Volume IV as well as the present installment, was pre- pared with the help of Stanley A’ogel, Catherine Fennelly, and Evelyn V. Ashley (Mrs. A. Leon). To all of these assistants the editor is deeply grateful. New Haven, Conn. May 1, 1943. L. W. L. . THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT ROLL OF REPRESENTATIVES January 1783 The check-list of attendance at the Assembly session of January, 1783, which follozvs was written on eight double sheets, slightly smaller in size than the pages of the bound record volume, and was inserted in that volume just ahead of the first page of the record of this session. In the cases of some counties the clerk miscal- culated the space required for the entire session and had to enter the columns for the last zveek or two either on a fresh page or at the bottom of the principal list with a nezv and abbreviated list of names of the members involved. In other counties he zvas able to carry the entry for an indizndual through the entire session on a single line, in the form in which all entries are here reproduced. The only dates actually shown at the heads of columns are January 29 and February 5, each of which begins a new set of columns for one or more counties. What distinction, if any, was intended between the tzvo different methods used to mark attendance — the straight line and the cross — is not explained in the original. Roll of Representatives Jan^. 1783 [8 q^a *i*s] 1 U W Vd] X \ 1- X N \ \ X [9 qaj -sjnqxJ X \ \ N X \ X iuS X X \ N \ \ X [fr VS ' S9n lJ X X X N !- \ X X N [e w ' uo mj X X X X \ 1- X N \ N \ X [i *qaa q«s] X N. X \ X \ X [ie TOf -utf] X N \ X [os ' UB f * sjn qx] X X X " X ip6Z^f Xl3 P S9U P 9 M X X \ X [82 HBf -sanx] X X X X -|X [#'USf *UOJ\[] X X X X X \ X \ X [S2 'IBS] X X N I X \ X [^•UBfuj] N \ -sjnqx] X \ N [22 * UB f -p 9 M] X N. \ 1 \ [12 ‘UBf -sanx] X \ \ X \ [0Z -uo^i] X X X N \ X 1 X \ X \ X >< H £ £ O U Q P4 O — H < K [si •**[ - ^s] X X \ X X til ' u *f vs] X \ X X X [ 9 i ‘ sjn qjJ X X X X N, \ 2< [SI •uBr*P 9 AV] X X ~x X X X N X [h ‘ uB r s^x] X \ N X N [et *UBf -UOJ^] X X X| X \ X X X [n *»*r *^s] x [oi ■««£ vs] [6 TOf -sjnqx] X X X X X [8 ’tren»M] X a rt u 0 Q a’ s PQ Oh *a aJ U X 3 [8 q^s 1 U Vd X b X \ N N [9-qa^ -sjnqx] X \ X \ N \ \ \ s. \ N N [fr W 's^Xl X X X N X N X \ \ [e W *ut>K] X X X X X For New Haven County \ \ \ \ \ [i w;«s] X 1 X \ X tie > < u S3 ffi ft cti u bo bfl rC Q >> u G 2 Maj r . Reuben Atwater M r . John Beach 1 u * £ b ° G 5 a Maj r . Augustus Collins M r . Gid n . Buckingham Cap* Lewis Mallett Col. Street Hall M r . David Hall M r . Joseph Hopkins M r . Samuel Lewis Maj r . William Hillhouse Cap*. John Deshon GO 3 CS P3 c O ►— » fci‘ Cap*. Elisha Lothrop M r . Amos Prentice Col. Nathan Gallup Cap*. John Pierson M r . Theophilus Morgan c M S *5 in d u N w fcl* S 3 1 s .3 £ h' s Durham Guilford Milford Wallingford Waterbury New London Norwich Groton Killing worth Lyme 5 [8 *^S] Fairfield County U' J3 ffi "t) N 'c d ) 0 Cap*. Jabez Fitch Col. Nehemiah Beardsley | Cap 1 . James Potter Preston Saybrook Stonington Fairfield Danbury Greenwich New Fairfield | l X X x. X x x X X \ X X X X X X -X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X. X X X. X X X X X X X X X X 1 X X. X X \ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X xj xj X X X X X X X X \ X X X X X \ X. x X X X X X N X X -X X \ X X X X X X \ X X X X X X \ X X X X X \ \ \ X \ X X X X X X x X X X X Maj r . Caleb Baldwin a £3 M u o £ V) O B < u' Col. Stephen Sk John Cap*. James Richards M r . Lemuel Sanford M r . Stephen Betts Col. Philip B. Bradley *d rt V M B O 3 ’> a Q a U M r . Charles Weed Maj r . John Davenport c o •d 3 i — > u. £3 bo < tn' rt* § o o Ih X2 JJ *d s s jz cu " 3 G 0 ffi M r . Jacob Elliot M r . Constant Southworth M r . Benj a . Chaplin X _o to 1 B in u' S G o X s S* & *cu U Cap*. John Williams M r . Joshua Grosvenor Cap 1 . Solomon Wales Col. James Gordon fc & ’a < X X X -1 X X X X X X X X N •X X X X 'x X X X X X X X X X X. X X X X X X X X X X X X. X 1 X X X X. X X X X X X 2< \ X. X X X X N X X ~x X X X \ X X X X X 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X \ ' — X X X X X L X X X -x X X X ! — X 1 lx X X N X X X X X X -1 ! “x X X N X \ X X X X X X x ! !x X X X Cap*. Isaac Baldwin Col. Charles Burwell 13 w 9 rt £ ti" s Maj r . John Sedgwick e o CO u " a, d u rt u Ph 13 < u CO o "a rt U Maj r . Eliazur Curtiss 4-J N » u 3 X X3 8 £ 10 Westmoreland County 42 bJj bp 175 3 o -o c rt 'jS ’£ c < c T2 0) > rt 42 "£! 3 c U *3 H g | » C -J § »o|> w .-•alij l«5i!! g | § 2 bfll'g J s I « s-i 1 ■jx £ M g g£^o «_.-c =Qq o^ g g sa -=°%« «-2 a ,g2 t3+i SS '"rR J g~ C ^ o« £ «3 £ *-H § 2 0> >> ! -o g £ 0) OU ■o.s >;1 o2^’c’Oc°^o'S *" g 55 § g « “ OH,^ C3H, o 5° 3 &w2.£ £ 5S .-c s e<« s o o : <4 _ w igo 1 1> sjs > taOi2«eu £^o5'4 QJ +3 >t4H -4> ‘ 5 S b° 2 *3* -■§«• N JS iJ o T-l . 4)®0 4J ‘*-Ph't3 ^ - 0> O C ”-5 mo S u S cJ o fl O a5 !.-§ S I | o g.2 “ ~t3 03 5 Bf 2-S£S£0~|j.SS. aT X,I" >T3 >,'5' * M M «9 a *S * si°»!.8 c fSl|I|Il|»4 iKi^lii aj£22S c ‘^' J °.|hH~ ~ 8 4 0 o^-g^-2 ‘o^>_2 < u“’e2^‘®2 « 2 s£g£= 8 §£g;;| a leg 5 ( j. s fi® , s o l|’H- s 2-cj cs a Ss tj ~ cT 13 “!o»PI •1!' S | A m Davenport I Joseph Spencer | Esq rs . Sam. Huntington J Upon the Memorial of Margaret Hancock Widow now residing in Weathersfield praying that permission may be granted for her Daughter Jenney Hancock to come from the city of New York to Weathersfield aforesaid — Resolved that Permission be granted to the Said Miss Jenney Han- cock to Come from the City of New York to Weathersfield, with M r W m Collier of Hartford or Some other Suitable person; to be under the Inspection of the Hon ble Ab m Davenport Esq r or the Commanding Officer at the post in Stamford. At a meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety conven 3 at Hartford the 4 th day of Feb 7 1783. Present his Excellency the Governor. The Hon ble Deputy Governor. W m Pitkin A m Davenport Joseph Spencer Sam. Huntington W m Williams W m Hillhouse Joshua Porter Joseph Hopkins ' Esq rs . Resolved that the Committee of pay table draw on the Treasur in favour of M r Andrew Hillyer of Symsbury for the Sum of Thirty pounds Lawfull money payable out of the 2 d tax which was to be paid in Septem r last, on account of the Said Hillyer 8 Services in taking up & Securing deserters from the continental army He to be accountable. 92 PUBLIC RECORDS February, Resolved that the former resolution of this board on the [blank] day of [blank] respecting the pay allow d to Lieu 4 Andrew Griswold & the guard under his Command at Lyme be reconsidered; & that Such fur- ther pay & allowance be made to him & them for Said Service as on due examination & Consideration shall be found reasonable and Just. Upon the Complaint of the Civil Authority & Select Men of the Town of Guilford in the County of New Haven Representing to this Board that Cap 4 Nath 1 Norton Commander of the Boat Suffolk under Commission from his Excellency Gov r Clinton to Cruise in the Sound, Said Norton hath been Guilty of Misconduct & made use of his Said Commission to favour Illicit trade & Correspondance with the Enemy, and on Examination into the matter of said Complaint the s d Norton being duly Notified & present, there appears so much evidence against the Said Cap 4 Norton of his Misconduct & abuse of his Said Commission that the said Cap 4 Norton ought to be Suspended — Whereupon Resolved that his Excellency the Governor be desired to Transmit to his Excellency Gov r Clinton the Evidences which have been exhibitted to this board respecting the Conduct & behaviour of s d Cap 4 Norton in the matters afores d , & the proceedings of this Board thereon. And that in the mean time the said Cap 4 Norton be Suspended from his Command & s d boat detain d until further orders. Upon the Memorial of Rebecca Paine Administratrix on the estate of Benjamin [Paine] Esq r deceas d who Served Some time as Clerk to the Council of Safety — Resolved that those persons who have Severally Served as Clerks in the Council of Safety, be allow * 1 a reasonable Reward for their Services in said office as Clerks. At a meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety convened at Hartford the 5 th day of Feb 7 1783. Present His Excellency the Governor. The Hon ble Deputy Governor. W m Pitkin 'j A m Davenport Joseph Spencer r Esq". Sam. Huntington J Resolved that the Committee of pay table be & they are hereby Authorized to draw for any ballance found due to Col W m Williams on account of his Services as a Delegate at Congress in the years 1776 & 1777 on any tax or other public monies not otherways appropriated. Upon the Representation of Augustus Collins Esq laid before this Board — Resolved that Elijah Crane of Guilford and all other persons that have received Commission from his Excellency Governor Clinton to Cruise in the Sound along the Shores of this State be Suspended & their Commissions Interdicted, & the boats which they Command Secured until further orders and that his Excellency the Governor be 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 93 desired to write to Governor Clinton and represent to him the Miscon- duct & Behaviour of those Cruizers & the proceedings of this Board, Consequent thereon. At a meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety conven^ at Hartford the 6 th day of Febr 7 1783. Present His Excellency the Governor, the Hon ble Deputy Governor. W m Pitkin A m Davenport Joseph Spencer Sam. Huntington W m Hillhouse W m Williams Joshua Porter > Esq”. Resolved that Col. Samuel Canfield Commandant of the post now at Stamford be & he hereby is Authorized and directed at his best dis- cretion if he shall Judge It proper & expedient to remove the lines from Stamford & take post at Byrans river or the western part of Green- wich as he shall find the ground & Situation most convenient & Tenable & erect a proper block house as soon as conveniently may be & form the lines so as may best serve to cover the Inhabitants of Greenwich & the Southwestern parts of this State from the incursions & ravages of the enemy: & in case of his removing from his present post, to take proper care of & Secure the Stores & works & all materials belonging to the public from waste or Imbezelment with as much care & Economy as possible And that he give Information to the Captain General, of his proceedings or the expediency in his opinion of removing the lines as aforesaid, & in Case he Shall so remove that the same be done with as much Secrecy as may be. At a meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety conven 3 at Hartford the 7 th day of Feb 7 1783. Present His Excellency the governor. The Hon ble Deputy Governor. W m Pitkin A ra Davenport Joseph Spencer Sam. Huntington W m Williams W m Hillhouse Joshua Porter - Esq”. Upon the Memorial of Rebecca Paine Administratrix on the Estate of Benjamin Paine Esq r deceas d — 94 PUBLIC RECORDS February, Resolved that the Committee of pay table in Setling the account of the said Benjamin Paine Esq r deceas d for his Service in attending the Council of Safety & as Clerk to this Board, to allow the wages stated per day for the whole number of days which it shall appear he attended including those days when the assembly were Sitting as a full recom- pence for his Services as Clerk as well as member of Council. Resolve d that Maj r Benj n Talmage be desired as often as occasion shall require to give Information to his Excellency the Governor of any misconduct of Commandants of Boats cruizing in the Sound who shall be Suspected of favouring or aiding Illicit Trade or other misconduct in order that they may be Interdicted & dealt with as the nature of their Conduct shall merit. Resolved that his Excellency the Governor grant permission for the Sloop Jersey burden about forty five Tons to proceed from Hartford to the ports of New York & Amboy by the way of the east river as a Flag of Truce in order to carry M r Lavinors Clerkson & his famaly to Charles Town South Carolina. At a Meeting of the Gov r & Council of Safety at Lebanon Fryday 14 th Feb 7 1783. Present his Excell 7 The Governor. W m Williams Nath 1 Wales W m Hillhouse Jz Perkins Jer. Halsey Eben r Ledyard >. Esq r9 . The Gov r laid before the Board, a Letter from Gov r Green of Rhode Island, inclosing a Copy of a Mem 0 of Dan 1 Rodman & Giles Mumford, stating that They had by authority of a Continental Com 11 captured (by Tho 8 Wickham master of the Privateer Hampton Packet on ye 1 st Feb 7 last) a certain vessell, called the Sloop Polly, & carried the Same within the Jurisdiction of the s d State of Rhode Island, laden with British Goods &c & Libelled the Same as taken on the high Seas, as legal Prize &c & that one Cap [blank] Angel of an armed Brigantine belonging to W m . Stewart pursued & retook s d Prize on the 3 d Inst, within the Juris- diction of s d R. Island discharging the Cannon & c & carried her into this State &c complaining of the Same as illegal &c & pray g s d Gov Green to demand s d Prize to be return d to the State of Rhode Island & D d to the Authority thereof, to be there tried accord 8 to Law &c &c as Per the Same. & Signifying his Gov r Greens Desire or Expectation that the Same Vessell & Cargo, be returned to s d State for Tryal &c & inclosing some Depositions &c. Also laid before the Board a large Letter from Mes rs Tho 8 Mumford, Dan 1 Rodman, Joshua Huntington & Giles Mumford, stating all those 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 95 matters at large, & arguing the Cause, & requesting s d Prize Vessell Polly to be remanded to s d State of Rhode Island for Tryal &c or at least that one of Them may be authorized to demand receive Copys of the original Invoices of the Cargo of s d Sloop of s d R. Smith or Cap Deshon with Liberty in his or their presence to compare the Same with s d goods, &c &c. The afores d Matters proposed by the Gov r for Consideration & Advice &c & M r Mumford M r Rodman, with M r Chandler as their Attorney were admitted & largely heard, in all the Premisses & They withdrew. & The Subject taken up & Considered, & it appearing that the whole Affair relating to the Introduction of M r Smith & his Property having been in the first Instance laid before this Board, & on full Consideration determined that this Board could not with Propriety Resolve a Question of that Nature but that it ought to be decided by the Gen 1 Assembly as the only proper Forum, & refer d Him there accordingly, & the Same had been laid before s d Assembly, fully heard & decided by Them, & a Permission by s d Assem- bly granted Him to become a Citizen of this State & to bring his Property &c & the present Question affecting materially the operation of the Act and grant of the Supreme Legislature, & the Authority thereof in making the Same, & also tending to embroil the two Sister States in an unhappy Dispute of a delicate Nature & occasioned by an apparent Interference of some Individuals of this State to prevent the Execution of the afores d Grant & Permission, Therefore & for many Reasons This Board are of opinion That They have not Jurisdiction of this Cause & Question which may possibly be considered by the Hon 0 the Supreme Authority of this State to affect their Honor & Dignity & Do not judge proper to come to any determinate Resolution at this Time. The Gov r having comunicated His Answer to the Letter of Gov Green, above refered to bearing Date 11 Inst, This Board Do approve s d Answer. & s d Gov Green having reply d to the Same, which is just now received & read. Gov r Trumbull is desired to answer the Same & state the Circumstances of the Case in proper & prudential Manner as his Wis- dom shall suggest so as to endeavor to obviate & prevent any misunder- standing which might be occasioned between this & that Sister State by a Dispute belonging intirely to the Subjects & Inhabitants of this Jurisdiction. At a Meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety at L. by Adjourn m 4 from yesterd 7 . Present the Same as yesterday. His Ex 7 The Governor &c. The Matter before enterd respecting M r Smith & M r Mumford, was not finished till this Day. 96 PUBLIC RECORDS February, Whereas The Governor and Council of Safety are informed that there are in the hands of the receivers of provisions cloathing, salt &c in the several towns, small quantities of said articles belonging to this State, which have not been deliver d to the receivers for the State agreeable to the former orders, by means whereof the State is in danger of considerable loss, which to prevent — Resolved That some proper person be appointed & impowered in each County to inquire after all such articles as aforesaid in the hands of such town receivers, and sell and dispose of them for money or pay table orders as they shall judge most for the benefit of the state, or direct such articles to be delivered immediately to those appointed to receive and dispose of them for the use of the state, as they shall judge best. And such town receivers are hereby directed to deliver to such persons so appointed to receive and dispose of said articles, such articles in their hands as aforesaid, taking their receipts which shall be allowed by the Committee of Pay table in settling s d accounts, and the persons appointed for the purpose aforesaid are to pay the money they receive to the Treasurer of this State taking proper Receipts, and make return of their doings in the premisses to the Committee of Pay table. And Jabez Perkins of Norwich Esq r is hereby appointed for the County of New London, M r Ebenezer Barnard jun r of Hartford for Hartford County, Henry Daggett of New Haven Esq r for New Haven County, Daniel Bennet of Stratford Esq r for Fairfield County, Nathanael Wales of Windham Esq r for Windham County & Abel Hinde of New Milford Esq r for Litchfield County. Whereas by a resolve of the Governor and Council of Safety Nathan 1 Wales of Windham is empowered and directed to inquire after and dispose of the pork and Salt scatter 3 about in the hands of the receivers belonging to this State, in the County of Windham, and pay the money he shall receive to the treasurer of this State, and on inquiry he finds there are cloths and other articles in small quantities also in the hands of the receivers in said County — He is hereby directed to take an account of them, collect and dispose of them in like manner, or send them to such as are heretofore appointed to receive and dispose of them for the use of this State, or order them so to be sent according to his discretion, and make return to the Committee of Pay table of his doings in the premises — and his receipt or order if complied with shall be accepted in favor of those to whom given in settling their accounts with the Committee of Pay table — Said Wales may take pay table orders for a quantity of poor Salt at Pomfret if he judges he can sell the same to more advantage for the State than for money. On Petition of M r Nathan Avery a Refugee from Long Island & recommendation and request from the Selectmen of the town of Norwich — granted liberty to said Avery he being in an ill state of health, to return to said island and reside there, said Avery having a father now living on said island. 1783 . OF CONNECTICUT 97 On petition of Hannah Havens widow of Daniel Havens represent- ing that she with her husband and family (he being then alive) removed from Long Island to Groton in this State about the time the British took possession of said Island — that since the death of her husband she is left in indigent circumstances with three small children to maintain and is unable to provide for their subsistence, praying for liberty to return to said island, to take benefit of her inheritance there, & prevent the same from going to ruin — and also to carry with her several articles for the support of her family after their arrival, & for the repair of her house — Voted that permission be & is hereby granted to the s d Hannah Havens to return with her family to said island agreeable to her petition, & to carry with her for the purpose aforesaid her household furniture one thousand feet of boards one barrel of pork 1 barrel of flour, two barrels of cyder, one Cow & calf, one hog, six store sheep, five geese, twelve Gallons of molasses, twenty eight pounds of Sugar, thirty pounds of cheese & twenty pounds of hogs lard — and that M r Joseph Havens have liberty to remove the said Hannah with her family & effects afore- said — to be under the inspection of Col 0 M c Clellan — recommendation in favor of the petitioner having been given to this Board by the Civil Authority & Selectmen of said town of Groton. On Memorial of Nath 1 King a refugee from Long Island, and recommendation from the civil authority and Selectmen of Saybrook granted liberty to s d King to go on to said island and bring off 6 Bushels of wheat & 40 lb of flax the produce of his farm there — also 5 Bushels of Salt — likewise permission to carry on to said island four bushels of Summer wheat for the purpose of sowing on s d farm — to go & return under the inspection of Col 0 M c Clellan. On Petition of Martha Gardiner wife of Col 0 Thomas Gardiner of Plumb Island, granted her liberty to return to said island and carry with her one yoke of lean cattle, two milch cows twenty store sheep & two swine, to go under the inspection of Col 0 M c Clellan. On Petition of Samuel Newbury of Plumb Island, who removed from thence to this State at the time Long Island and the islands adjacent were reduced to the power of the British afterwards went back to s d island, representing that he has an aged mother in destitute cir- cumstances, now reside in this State & praying for liberty to carry her over to s d island, & likewise to carry over several articles for the sub- sistence of his family & for repair of his house — granted permission for the woman to pass & for him to carry over one milch cow ten store sheep, & 2000 feet of boards — under the inspection of Col° M c Clellan. On petition of William Nicholson a refugee from Long Island, and recommendation from the civil authority and Selectmen of Groton — granted liberty to the s d Nicholson to return to said island and carry with him for the subsistence of his family, two Cows & calves, one pair of Steers, one and an half barrel of pork, one barrel of beef, two barrels 98 PUBLIC RECORDS March, of cyder, two barrels of flour, one barrel of molasses or sugar, eight sheep, two swine, twenty pounds of hogs lard, thirty pounds of cheese & eight fowls— also 3,000 feet of boards for the purpose of repairing his house — to be under the inspection of Col 0 M c Clellan. At a meeting of the Governor and Council of Safety at Lebanon Wednesday 5 th March 1783. Present His Excellency The Gov r . Jos. Spencer, W m Hillhouse, Jabez Perkins, & Eben r Ledyard Esq rs . AM. Permission granted to M r Eb Platt to go to Long Island & bring Cash only, under inspection of G Selleck Silliman at Fairfield — Col 0 Tho s Fitch at Norwalk, or Col° Davenport or Comand t of the Troops at Stamford, see that nothing illicite is practised. At a Meeting of the Gov r & Council of Safety at Lebanon Thurso 6 Mar. 1783. A Pay Roll of Benj Durkee for his Service as a Lieu 1 at Fort Trumbull & Griswold from 1 Nov r 1781 to 21 June 1782, was presented to this Board, by Col M c Clellan, praying to have the Same settled & adjusted &c resolved That s d pay Abstract be refered to the Com te of Pay Table, & That They settle & adjust the Same & draw on the Treas r to pay what shall be due to him out of the one shilling Tax granted in Jan 7 1783. Whereas M r Guy Richards As. D. Q M at the Posts of N London & Groton, has rec d orders from the Com te of Pay Table in various Sums to the am t of £300 LM on the 2 d Tax payable in Sep r last, by virtue & in pursuance of a Resolve of the G. Assembly at the Session in Jan 7 1783 & being much in advance for the Supply of s d Posts, & not able to obtain the money due on s d orders & being in great need of it — Resolved by this Board , that the Treas p of this State be directed to endorse or direct s d orders, (or any of Them which shall be presented) to any Constable Collector of s d Tax in the County of New London for pay- ment, & on their return to him by such Collector properly indorsed by the Drawee to allow the Same in Settlem t on such Collectors Tax. Present His Ex 7 The Governor. Jos. Spencer W m Williams Nath 1 Wales W“ Hillhouse r Es( T- Jabez Perkins Eben r Ledyard 1783 . OF CONNECTICUT 99 Resolved That the Com te of Pay Table Draw on Jabez Perkins Esq r3 in fav r of M r Guy Richards As. D. Q. M at the Posts of New London & Groton, for the Sum of £440 LM. He to be accountable, s d Perkins to be allowed in Credit therefor on payment, on Account of Sundry Provisions in his Care & Disposition belonging to this State. Resolved That M r Stephen Hempstead be & He is hereby appointed Pay Master to the Company of the late Cap Adam Shapley Dec d Sta- tioned at New London, He having also been appointed to s d office by the G. Assembly in Jan 7 last, & the Resolve said to be lost. He giving Bond with Surety for the faithful Discharge of s d office. Resolved That the Com te of Pay Table be & They are authorized & directed to receive Examine & Settle the Pay Rolls of the Garison or Troops which are or have been from time to time stationed at N London & Groton, & which have not been settled, & draw for what shall be found legally due on the 12 d Tax granted in Jan 7 last, & The Receiver of such orders or Drafts, on paying out the Same are to take proper Receipts or Indorsm ts of the Persons to whom the wages is due & paid & return & lodge the Same with s d Com te of Pay Table within six Months, & That They be accountable for the Surplus of what They shall receive above the Sums for which they shall lodge their Receipts as afores d & The Com te of Pay Table are to take Receipts for the orders they shall so draw & deliver accordingly. On petition of Mattby Gelston of Southampton Long Island — granted him permission to carry over to s d island ten thousand feet of pine boards, eight thousand shingles — one pair of lean oxen & one horse — under inspection of [blank in MS.]. Granted permission to William Havens to return to Long Island with his family & household furniture, & to carry with him Eighteen thousand feet of boards, fifteen thousand shingles, one yoke of lean oxen, five cows, twenty store sheep, two barrels of pork, two barrels of beef, six hundred W* of flour & one firkin of butter, under inspec- tion of Col 0 M c Clellan. Granted permission to Daniel Rachet to return to Long Island with his family & to carry with him his household furniture & tools, one pair of working cattle, three cows ten or fifteen sheep, two swine, three geese, one dozen of dung hill fowls, fifteen bushels of grain, one and an half barrel of meat, sugar, sewet & tallow fifteen pounds of each, two sides of leather, one calf skin, & one thousand feet of pine boards — under inspection of Samuel Fields of Saybrook Esq r . Granted permission to Benjamin King to return to Long Island with his family & to carry with him two milch cows, one pair of lean oxen, ten store sheep, three barrels of beef & pork, three swine, thirty bushels of grain, one barrel of flour, one barrel of Rum, one barrel of Sugar, one barrel of molasses, twenty pounds of tallow, twenty pounds of hogs lard, thirty pounds of cheese, twenty pounds of butter, one dozen of Geese, one dozen of fowls, Six turkies, Seven Thousand feet 100 public records March, of boards, one thousand feet of quarter stuff & one thousand chesnut rails, to go under inspection of L 1 John Griswold. Granted permission to Abigail King widow of Cap 1 Benjamin King jun r deceased to remove herself & children to her friends on Long Island, and to carry with her twelve bushels of grain, one barrel of Sugar, two swine, two milch cows, one horse, one young creature, fifteen pounds of tallow, fifteen pounds of hogs lard, one dozen of fowls, one dozen of geese, and one side of leather — under inspection of L 1 John Griswold. Granted permission to Zebulon Potter of Wallingford to go with a flag to Statten Island, for the purpose of procuring property left him by his mother deceased, to pass and repass under the inspection of the Commandant at the post of Stamford or Horseneck. Granted permission to Daniel Fordum to go to Long Island, and to carry with him for the support of his son a prisoner on said island — fourteen store sheep, two barrels of flour, one barrel of pork, & one hundred Sixty six pounds of Sugar, also ten thousand feet of pine board and five thousand shingles for the purpose of repairing his dwelling House. To go under the inspection of Sam 1 Field of Saybrook Esq r . Granted permission to Grover Glover to return to Long Island and carry with him two pairs of working oxen, four cows with calf, twenty store sheep, one horse, fifteen bushels of Summer Wheat, two thousand chesnut rails & one Dutch plough & plough share, under inspection of Col 0 M c Clellan. Granted permission to Jeremiah Veal to return to L. Island & carry with him one pair of small oxen — under inspection of Col° M c Clellan. On petition of Samuel H. Parsons Esq r — granted him liberty to go once to Long Island by the first of May next, for the purpose of procuring evidence relative to the seizure of Goods from Ebenezer Dayton by William Starr of Middletown in which seizure said Parsons is concerned. To go under inspection of Cap 1 Josiah Burnham of Lyme. Granted permission to John Geltson to go with his wife & daughter to Long Island, to take care of his interest there, & to see their friends — to go under inspection of [blank in MS.]. On the Memorial of M r Eben r Barnard Jun r — praying for twenty five barrels of Beef, and five barrels of Pork, to be on Account of his Services — Resolved, That the Memorialist take, if he see fit twenty five barrels of Beef, and five barrels of Pork in his custody belonging to this State, at the prices the same was received in, on the tax by which it was col- lected, to be accounted for his Services. Resolved, That the Committee of Pay Table draw on Jabez Perkins Esq r for One hundred and fifty pounds lawfull Money, for the use of the Hon ble Eliphalet Dyer Esq r One of the Delegates at Congress from this State — he said Dyer to be Accountable. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 101 At a Meeting of The Governor & Council of Safety at Lebanon, Mond. March 24 1783. Present His Ex y The Governor. Hon. Mat. Griswold Esq r . W m Pitkin Joseph Spencer Sam 1 Huntington W m Williams Nath 1 Wales W m Hillhouse Jabez Perkins pm. Roger Sherman ! & Eben r Ledyard & afterw d Jer Halsey Esq. Esquires. On the Mem° of M r W m Winthrop, praying for that purpose — granted him Liberty to carry on to Fishers Island six lean working oxen & Six milch Cows, for the purpose & to enable him to carry on the Brick making, greatly wanted &c all under the Inspection & direc- tion of the Select Men of N. London, & to be remanded & bro’t back by Them or their order at the expence of s d Winthrop if they shod judge there is danger of their being taken by the Enemy. His Ex y The Governor laid before the Board a Letter from his Ex y Gov r Hancock inclosing a Resolve of the Gen 1 Assembly of Massa- chusetts proposing & recomending that Delegates be appointed by & from the New Engl d & New York States to meet at Hartford on the last Wednesday of April next to Confer on the necessity of adopting within the s d States, for their respective Uses such general & uniform System of Taxation by Impost & Excise as may be thought advan- tageous to the s d States, which System being agreed on by the majority of the Delegates so to be convened shall be recomended to the Legisla- tures of the s d States that Laws may be enacted to carry the Same into Execution, & That said Delegates in Convention do agree on the Form of a Bill or Bills for that Purpose. & recomending to s d Gov r Hancock to write Circular Letters to the Chief Executives of s d States request 8 them to Submit to the Consider 11 of th r respective Legislatures the foregoing Resolution, & the expediency of their appoint 8 Delegates to meet in the s d Convention of Conference. The foregoing being laid &c was taken into Consideration, it appears, that it wo d be inexpedient & too expensive & on many Acc os inconvenient, to have the Gen 1 Assembly convened for the purpose of Chosing such Delegates, & This Board is of opinion That the Assembly wo d readily concur in making the appointment for such Convention, & that in their Recess, it is the Duty of the Board to make the appointment. & Being Call d upon by his Ex y The Governor to give in their Ballots for such Appointment, & being taken, & sorted Roger Sherman, Eras- tus Wolcott & Benj a Huntington Esq rs were successively chosen & 102 public records March, appointed Delegates for s d Purpose & His Ex y The Gov r is desired to commission them accord g . The Time of the Service of the Troops at the Western Frontier expiring the 1 st of April next & it appearing dangerous & imprudent to leave that Post unguarded, and the Comunication with the Enemy left open &c — Therefore Resolved That Two Companys of Militia be raised by Detachment, from the 4 th & 6 th Brigades, in proper propor- tion by the Direction & at the Discretion of the Comanding Officers of s d Brigades & properly officered, agreable to such Orders as They shall think proper to give, & be sent immediately to take Post & suc- ceed the Regim t under the Com d of L t Col Canfield, to Continue in Service for the term of two months, after They shall arrive, to be properly equipped & furnished. & under the same pay & Regulations, as other Militia call d into Service. & That Lt Col Canfield be & He is hereby Continued in s d Service & Command during s d Term — & his Ex y The Gov r desired to give orders accordingly. On the Memorial of Eben Ledyard Esq for that Purpose, Resolved & orderd That the Comt e of Pay Table Liquidate & Settle his Acc° as Comis y of Issues to the Garisons at N London & Groton, & allow & draw for any Ballance which may be found due. On the Mem° of M r W Winthrop stating his great Necessity of going to New York to secure & obtain Moneys from M r Matthews the Mayor & Corporation of N York, & to endeavor to secure Interest moneys due to his Mother in England &c. Voted That The Governor be desired to Write Gen 1 Washington & recomend it to Him if He thinks proper to grant him permission for that purpose, under such Restrictions as He shall direct. Resolved That Joshua Raymond Jun r be and he is hereby permitted To Bring of from Plumb Island a Young Three Year old Stone Horse to New London under the inspection of Colonel M c Clellan provided he carries no Money or Effects from this State to pay the price of the Same. Resolved That M r Eben r Barnard of Hartford deliver the Hon° W Pitkin two Barrels of Porks at [?] belonging to this State in his Care, taking his Receipt duplicate to account with the Treasurer therefor, & lodge one of them with s d Treasurer. On Mem 0 of Jn° Holts Wid w &c Resolved That He be allowed as Quarter Master of the Garisons at N. London & Groton, at the rate of eight pounds per month for his Services in that Capacity, & the Com te of pay Table are to Settle with his Ad r accordingly. Resolved That The Gov r draw in favour of the Rev d Jn Ellis for the ballance due him for the three Months of Jan ry , Feb ry , & March 1781 — To Com tee of Pay Table, & Also in favour of Cha 8 Fanning L 1 & P. Master 1 st Connec 1 Reg t Cap t Hearts C° of L 1 Infantry & for the old 5 th Reg 1 for ballances on s d Months. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 103 At a Meet* of The Gov r & Council of Safety at Lebanon Tuse- day 25 th March 1783. Present His Ex y The Governor. Jos. Spencer W m Williams Nath 1 Wales W m Hillhouse Jer. Halsey Eben r Ledyard - Esq rs . On Mem° of Aaron Isaacs of Long Island, shewing th 1 he having recov d Judgm 1 against the plunderers of his Effects &c by some People from Stonington for a large Sum &c which he has not been able to recover but in part & that he co d get some part in Boards &c & praying Liberty to carry &c granted Liberty to him to transport thither 15000 feet of Boards, 1000 Shingles IBB Linseed Oil, 1 BB Sugar, I H dd Molasses, 40 bus. Grain to be done under the Inspection of Cap t Josiah Burnham of Saybrook. [In margin : done.] On Mem 0 of Cap 1 Nichol Fosdick, granted him Liberty to bring over his two Sisters from Long Island, his Mother being lately dead & left Them destitute &c under the Direction of Col M c Clellan. [In margin : done.] Permission is granted to Cap 1 Oliver Coit, to go to N. York in the Flag now going for him to negotiate the Exchange of his Son & others Prisoners there. [In margin : done.] On Mem° of W m Heron of Reading, praying Liberty to go to N. York, to secure some Debts due to him there &c. Voted That The Gov r be desired to write Gen 1 Washington in his fav r to grant him a Permit for that purpose, under such Directions as He shall think proper. [In margin : Done.] On Mem° of Henry Vandyck for Leave to go to N. York &c granted That The Gov r be desired to write Gen 1 Washington in his fav r to grant him a permit if He thinks proper to go [by] Dobbs Ferry or as He may direct under such Restrictions as he may or shall order. Resolved That an allowance be and is hereby ordered to be made to Mess rs Jonathan Trumbull, David Trumbull, and John Trumbull for their Services in writing for the Governor in his office from the beginning of the War till the year 1777 the Sum £150 0 One hundred pounds lawful money, and the treasurer is ordered to pay the same to them accordingly. This Resolve was voted yesterday. PUBLIC RECORDS 104 April, At a Meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety at Lebanon Fryd. 4 th April 1783.* Present His Ex y The Governor. Hon 0 M. Griswold. W m Pitkin Rog r Sherman Jos. Spencer W m Williams ^ Nath 1 Wales | ^ sq * W m Hillhouse Tabez Perkins PM. Jer. Halsey Whereas on the present appearance of a general Peace having taken place between great Britain & America, & the rest of the belliger- ent Powers, it will be expedient, (soon as official & authentic Accounts of such Peace shall arrive, as daily expected) That the Posts at & about Stamford in this State sho d be evacuated & dismantled, & there being variety of Garison Equipage, Utensils & other Articles of public prop- erty not necessary to be kept after offensive operations are ended, and will be in danger of being plundered and destroyed soon as the garrison leaves the posts — Therefore Resolved that Lieu 1 Col 0 Canfield be, and he is desired to continue in Service for the present (his term being expired the first of April instant) with ten or twelve men to guard and secure the posts and public property untill authentic intelligence of peace or war shall arrive, and on such confirmation of peace, it is further Resolved That Abraham Davenport Esq r , Brigadier General Mead, and Lieu 1 Col 0 Canfield be, and they are authorized and desired, in such manner as they shall agree, to sell and dispose to the best advantage of all the property of the above description, for money or any public securities now due and payable from this State, and for the benefit thereof, and to give necessary orders concerning the state of any public matters and property which necessarily may be left, and make all convenient dispatch in all the premisses, that said Col 0 Canfield and the remaining part of the garrison may be dismissed soon as possible, and the state eased of every unnecessary expence — and they will give any proper intelligence and make proper return of their doings to His Excellency the Governor. And whereas orders have been heretofore lately issued by the Gov- ernor to said General Mead, and to Brig. General Hart to raise out of each of their Brigades, one company of militia for the said garrisons, and such prospects of peace having since been received, as render it, in the opinion of this Board unnecessary to raise said Company. — * Beginning at this point and continuing half way through the entry for May 30 the Journal is written on both sides of a series of six substantially smaller sheets inserted into the bound volume of the Journal. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 105 It is therefore resolved That said General Mead and General Hart cease and suspend the execution of said orders untill they may receive further directions in the premisses, and His Excellency The Governor is desired to countermand said orders accordingly. Resolved that Cap Jabez Perkins deliver to M r Darius Peck of Norwich one barrel of Pork, & one barrel of Beef belonging to the State at the market Price on Acc* of an order on Treas r Lawrence, s d Peck has obtained for his Expences in keeping Prisoners in the Prison at Norwich. On the Memorial of Mess” Champion, Phelps & C° Contractors with Mess” Parker & C° Contractors for supplies of the Army of the United States, praying leave to transport four or five hundred barrels of Beef by water up North River from this State provided they get a passport from the British Officer or Comander in Chief for their protection against our Enemies — Granted That they have leave and protection from this State for the purpose as prayed for. At a Meeting of the Gov r & Council of Safety at Leb. 28 Ap 1 1783. Pres 1 His Ex y The Governor. Jos. Spencer Sam 1 Huntington W m Williams Nath 1 Wales W m Hillhouse Jz Perkins pm. Jer. Halsey > Esq”. Col Sam 1 M c Clellan, of the Post of N London exhib d his, his Adju t & Q r Mas r Pay Abstract &c from Sep r 1781 to this Time, & is refered to the Com te of pay Table to settle & draw for on the 12 d Tax, Acc° is charged @ £22 10, £12 for Adj. & QM r . An Acc° of Sundry small bills exhib d by M r Guy Richards, for bar- racking the Troops at N Lond n refered refered [sic] to the Com” of Pay Table, to be allowed & drawn for out of the 12 4 Tax. On Mem 0 of Guy Richards A. D. Q. M at N London, stating his AgreenT with M r Pomroy for his Services &c resolved That s d M r Pomroy D. Q. Mas r of the united States be requested to settle the Acc° according to his Agreem t & Certifie the Same to the Com te of Pay Table who are to draw on the 12 d Tax for what is due, & Charge the united States. Resolved that the Com tee of pay Table be and they are hereby directed to Liquidate and Settle with Mess” Jed h Elderkin Nath 1 Wales and David Youngs of Windham the Expence of keeping a* Word omitted here. 106 PUBLIC RECORDS April, to guard the State powder and Salt Petre at the powder mill at Wind- ham during the War. Not allowing more then two shillings per day to one person nor more then two on guard at one time also to allow such Sum as they shall Judge reasonable for finding House Room and fire for the guard in that Season of the year that the Same was needful : also to Liquidate and Settle with Said Elderkin and Wales the payments by them or Either of them made for and on account of said guards and also the money received on a Certain note Executed by John Griswold and Abel Marsh to the Governor and Company of this State — dated July 2 d 1776 and in part paid out to said guard also to allow to Said Wales out of the money received on s d Note thirty dollars paid by Said Wales to Mark Foquet as per his receipt and draw on the treasurer of this State for such Sum as may be found due to Said Elderkin Wales and Youngs or Either of them in the matters afore Said to be paid out of the one Shilling tax the Committe of pay table are directed to Charge the thirty dollars paid to Mark Foquet to the united States. An Acc° of And w Griswold, De Rec* & distribution of home made Salt ab* 300 bus. referred to the Com te of Pay Table, to Settle & adjust, & draw for any Ballance they may find due on the 12 d Tax. Voted that an order be drawn on the Treasurer of this State in fav r of Sam 1 Huntington Esq r for the Sum of £17 5 1 payable out of the one Shilling tax for his Jorney and Expences to Boston in April 1783 on public Service by order of the Gov r & Council of Safety. On the Memorial of Maj r James Dana — Resolved that the Committee of Pay Table draw on Isaac Perkins of Ashford Esq r in favour of the Memorialist for the Sum of Thirty three pounds, and Charge the Same On Account of Pay due him, as an Officer in the Service of this State with the Troops Stationed at Horse- neck the Year past. Copy delivered the Major. 1783 . OF CONNECTICUT 107 STATE OF CONNECTICUT At a General Assembly of the Governor and Company of the State of Connecticut in America holden at Hartford on the second Thursday of May; being the eighth Day of said Month, and Continued by Adjournments, untill the seventh Day of June next following Anno Domini 1783 . Present: His Excellency, Jonathan Trumbull Esq r Governor. The Honorable Matthew Griswold Esq r Deputy Governor. Jabez Hamlin Esq r William Pitkin Esq r Roger Sherman Esq r Abraham Davenport Esq r Oliver Wolcott Esq r Samuel Huntington Esq r Richard Law Esq r Benjamin Huntington Esq r * Assistants Representatives or Deputies of the Freemen of the several Towns in the State who attended the Assembly are as follow — viz — Cap 1 Jonathan Bull, Col 0 George Pitkin, for Hartford. M r Samuel Carver, Cap 1 Edward Payne, for Bolton. M r Ebenezer White, M r James Bill, for Chatham. Col° Henry Champion, M r Daniel Foot, for Colchester. M r Israel Spencer, M r Samuel Huntington, for East Hadam. Genl Erastus Wolcott, M r Joseph Allen, for East Windsor. Cap 1 Daniel Perkins, Cap 1 Ephraim Pease, for Enfield. Col° Isaac Lee, M r John Treadwell, for Farmington. M r Gideon Hale, M r Philip Selew, for Glastonbury. Cap 1 Cornelius Higgins, Col° Abraham Tyler, for Haddam. M r Elihu Marvin, M r John Phelps, for Hebron. Col° Comfort Sage, M r Ebenezer Bacon, for Midletown. Cap 1 Reuben Sykes, M r Zerah Kibbe, for Somers. Maj r Asa Bray, Cap 1 John Curtiss, for Southington. Col° Stephen Moulton, M r Isaac Foot, for Stafford. Capt Abraham Granger, Cap 1 John Harmon, for Suffield. Capt Daniel Humphry, M r Dudley Pettibone, for Symsbury. Col° Samuel Chapman, Col 0 Solomon Welles, for Tolland. M r Stephen M Mitchell, Col 0 John Chester, for Weathersfield. Cap 1 Joseph Crocker, M r Moses Holmes, for Willington. M r Eliakim Marshall, Cap 1 Henry Allyn, for Windsor. Cap 1 Henry Daggett, Cap 1 James Hillhouse, for New Haven. Col° Edward Russell, M r Jonah Clark, for Branford. M r John Peck, M r Samuel Beach, for Cheshire. 108 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Cap 1 John Holbrook, Cap 1 Daniel Holbrook, for Derby. Gen 1 Janies Wadsworth, M r Daniel Hall, for Durham. M r John Burgess, Maj r Augustus Collins, for Guilford. M r Stephen Gunn, M r Gideon Buckingham, for Milford. Cap 1 Oliver Stanley, Col 0 Street Hall, for Wallingford. M r Joseph Hopkins, Col 0 Phineas Porter, for Waterbury. Cap 1 John Deshon, Maj r William Hillhouse, for New London. Cap 1 Elisha Lathrop, M r John Bachus, for Norwich. M r Ebenezer Ledyard, M r Elisha Williams, for Groton. M r Theophilus Morgan, Cap 1 Martin Lord, for Killingworth. M r Ezra Selden, Maj r Richard Wait, for Lyme. Maj r Nathan Peters, M r Elias Brown, for Preston. Col 0 John Ely, Maj r William Hart, for Saybrook. Maj r Charles Phelps, M r Gilbert Fanning, for Stonington. M r Jonathan Sturgis, Capt Samuel Wakeman, for Fairfield. Col 0 Joseph P. Cook, Capt Daniel Taylor, for Danbury. Genl John Mead, Capt Jabez Fitch, for Greenwich. Col° Nehemiah Beardslee, Cap 1 James Potter, for New Fairfield. Col 0 John Chandler, M r Henry Peck, for Newtown. Col 0 Stephen St. John, M r Samuel C. Syllyman, for Norwalk. M r Stephen Betts, M r Thaddeus Benedict, for Redding. Col° Philip B Bradley, Cap 1 David Olmsted, for Ridgefield. Gen 1 David Waterbury, M r Charles Weed, for Stamford. Maj r Agur Judson, Cap 1 Joseph Walker, for Stratford. M r Shubael Abbee, Cap 1 Ebenez r Mosely, for Windham. Cap 1 Benjamin Sumner, M r Isaac Perkins, for Ashford. M r John Fitch, M r Eliashib Adams, for Canterbury. Col 0 Jesse Root, M r Ephraim Kingsbury, for Coventry. M r Sampson Howe, Cap 1 Obadiah Clough, for Killingley. Col 0 William Williams, M r Elkanah Tisdale, for Lebanon. Col 0 Experience Storrs, Cap 1 Samuel Thomson, for Mansfield. Gen 1 John Douglass, Maj r Andrew Backus, for Plainfield. M r John Williams, Cap 1 Daniel Tyler, for Pomfret. Cap 1 Solomon Wales, for Union. Col 0 James Gordon, M r Joseph Wyley, for Voluntown. M r Asa Lyon, Cap 1 Amos Payne, for Woodstock. M r Jedidiah Strong, Col 0 Bozaleel Bebee, for Litchfield. Cap 1 Thomas Hosmer, Cap 1 Samuel Forbes, for Canaan. Maj r John Sedgwick, M r Matthew Patterson, for Cornwall. M r Daniel Miles, Cap 1 Elisha Sill, for Goshen. Col 0 Benjamin Hutchins, Cap 1 Eleazer Ensign, for Hartland. Cap 1 Josiah Phelps, Cap 1 George Catlin. for Harwington. Cap 1 Joseph Pratt, Capt Joseph Carter, for Kent. Cap 1 Matthew Gillett, M r Amos Miller, for New Hartford. M r Daniel Everett, Cap 1 Elizar Warner, for New Milford. M r Elijah Grant, Capt Michael Mills, for Norfolk. M r Hezekiah Fitch, Capt Elisha Fitch, for Salisbury. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 109 Cap 1 Simeon Smith, Capt David Downs, for Sharon. M r Noah North, M r Eliphalet Eno, for Torrington. M r John Whittlesey, Capt Nathan Hicox, for Washington. Capt Thomas Fenn, Capt Nathaniel Barns, for Watertown. M r Ozias Brownson, , for Winchester. M r Daniel Sherman, Col° Increase Mosely, for Woodbury. William Williams, Esq r , Speaker Jedidiah Strong, Esq r , Clerk Of the House of Representatives. This Day being appointed by the Laws of this State for the Election of the Public Officers of the same viz Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistants Treasurer and Secretary; Proclamation was made in manner accustomed; And then the Votes of the Freemen were given in to the Persons appointed by the Assembly to receive Sort and Count them and to declare the Names of such Persons as shall be Chosen to any of the forementioned Offices according to Law; Which Persons so appointed were, Jabez Hamlin, Roger Sherman, Abraham Davenport, Oliver Wol- cott, Samuel Huntington, Richard Law, Benjamin Huntington, Esq rs , M r John Treadwell, Col° John Chester, Cap 1 Henry Daggett, Col° Edward Russell, Cap 1 John Deshon, Maj r Charles Phelps, Col 0 John Chandler, Col° Stephen S 1 John, Col 0 Experience Storrs, M r Elkanah Tisdale Maj r John Sedgwick and M r Daniel Everet who were all sworn to a faithfull Discharge of that Trust. And the Votes of the Freemen being brought in Sorted and Counted — The Honorable Matthew Griswold Esq r is Chosen Deputy Governor of this State for the Year ensuing. Jabez Hamlin, Eliphalet Dyer, William Pitkin, Roger Sherman Abraham Davenport, Joseph Spencer, Oliver Wolcott, Samuel Hunting- ton, Richard Law Oliver Elsworth Andrew Adams, and Benjamin Hunt- ington Esquires, were Chosen Assistants for the Year ensuing. John Lawrence Esq r is Chosen Treasurer of this State for the Year ensuing. George Wyllys Esq r is Chosen Secretary of this State for the Year ensuing. This Day being appointed by Law for the Choice of Delegates to represent this State at the Congress of the United States Proclamation was made in manner accustomed, and then the Votes of the Freemen were given in to the Persons appointed by the Assembly to secure Sort and Count them and declare the Names of the Persons legally Chosen to the Office aforementioned, which Persons so appointed were, William Pitkin Esq r Col 0 Comfort Sage Cap 1 James Hilhouse M r Ezra Seldon 110 PUBLIC RECORDS May, M r Jonathan Sturgis, Cap 1 Ebenezer Mosely & M r Daniel Miles, who were all sworn to a faithfull Discharge of that Trust. And the Votes of the Freemen being bro 11 in Sorted & Counted Were elected and publicly declared to be Delegates to represent this State in the Congress of the United States according to Law. The Deputy Governors Oath prescribed by the Law of this State was duely Administered to the Honb le Matthew Griswold Esq r now Chosen Deputy Governor of this State. The Assistants Oath prescribed by the Law of this State was duely Administered to Jabez Hamlin Esq r William Pitkin Esq r Roger Sher- man Esq r Abraham Davenport Esq r Joseph Spencer Esq r Oliver Wol- cott Esq r Samuel Huntington Esq r Richard Law Esq r Andrew Adams Esq r and Benjamin Huntington Esq r now Chosen Assistants over this State who thereupon took their Seats at the Council Board. The Treasurers Oath appointed by the Law of this State was duely administred to John Lawrence Esq r now Chosen Treasurer. The Secretary’s Oath appointed by Law was duely Administered to George Wyllys Esq r now Chosen Secretary of this State. In the House of Representatives His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull Esq r is Chosen Governor of this State for the Year ensuing. Teste Jedidiah Strong Clerk Concurr d in the Upper House Test George Wyllys Secret 7 . The Governors Oath prescribed by the Law of this State was duely Administered to His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull Esq r now Chosen Governor of the State of Connecticut, who thereupon took the Governors Seat in the Assembly. Ordered that Roger Sherman Esq r and Cap 1 Henry Daggett return the Thanks of this Assembly to the Rev d D r Ezra Stiles for his Sermon delivered before the Assembly on the eighth Instant and desire a Copy thereof that it may be printed. Samuel Huntington Oliver Elsworth Oliver Wolcott Benjamin Huntington Jedidiah Strong Stephen M Mitchell Richard Law Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 111 This Assembly do appoint The Honb le Matthew Griswold Esq r to be Chief Judge of the Superior Courts in this State for the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Eliphalet Dyer Esq r Roger Sherman Esq r William Pitkin Esq r and Samuel Huntington Esq r to be Judges of the Superior Court in this State for the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Jabez Hamlin Esq r to be Judge of the County Court in and for the County of Hartford the Year ensueing. This Assembly do appoint James Wadsworth Esq r to be Judge of the County Court in and for the County of New Haven the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Richard Law Esq r to be Judge of the County Court in and for the County of New London the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Abraham Davenport Esq r to be Judge of the County Court in and for the County of Fairfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint William Williams Esq r to be Judge of the County Court in and for the County of Windham the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Oliver Wolcott Esq r to be Judge of the County Court in and for the County of Litchfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Roger Newberry Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Hartford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Erastus Wolcott Esq r to be Judge of Probate for the District of East Windsor the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Joseph Spencer Esq r to be Judge of Pro- bate for the District of East Haddam the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Jabez Hamlin Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Midletown the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Isaac Pinney Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Stafford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Solomon Whitman Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Farmington the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Noah Phelps Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Symsbury the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint John Whiting Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of New Haven the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Gurdon Saltonstall Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of New London the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Aaron Eliott Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Saybrook the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Elisha Lathrop Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Norwich the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Charles Phelps Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Stonington the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Jonathan Sturgis Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Fairfield the Year ensuing. 112 PUBLIC RECORDS May, This Assembly do appoint Abraham Davenport Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Stamford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Joseph Platt Cook Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Danbury the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint William Williams Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Windham the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint John Felch Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Plainfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Charles Church Chandler Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Pomfret the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Robert Fairchild Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Stratford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Oliver Wolcott Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Litchfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Daniel Sherman Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Woodbury the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Joshua Porter Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Sharon the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Caleb Hall Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Wallingford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Giles Pettibone Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Norfolk the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Joseph Hopkins Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Waterbury the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Edward Russell Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Guilford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint William Wolcott, Samuel Talcott Erastus Wolcott and Stephen Mix Mitchell Esq rs to be Justices of Peace and Quorum in and for the County of Hartford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint George Wyllys, John Pitkin, John Lawrence Thomas Seymour George Pitkin Jonathan Wells of Hart- ford Noah Webster Richard Pitkin Elisha Williams, John Chester, Charles Churchill Solomon Wells, John Robbins, Henry Allyn Roger Newberry Peletiah Mills, James Hooker Matthew Talcott, Nathaniel Chauncey John Dickinson, Roger Riley, Philip Mortimer, Elijah Tred- way, Solomon Whitman Selah Hart Isaac Lee Noadiah Hooker, Ichabod Norton Simeon Hart, Zebulon Peck Nathaniel Gilbert, Isaac Miller, Judah Holcomb, Oliver Humphry, Daniel Humphry Asahel Holcomb Noah Phelps Ozias Pettibone Alexander King, John Leavitt John Har- mon Jun r Phineas Sheldon, Edward Collins Eliphalet Terry Elizur Tal- cott Samuel Huntington, Jabez Chapman, Timothy Gates Daniel Foot, John Watrous, Henry Champion, Elias Worthington, Joseph Brooks Nehemiah Brainerd, Hezekiah Brainerd, John Phelps Samuel Gilbert Noziah Bliss, Elijah Kellogg, Benjamin Talcott, Joel White Samuel Carver, Samuel Chapman, Isaac Pinnev, Daniel Alden, Isaac Foot Abner Barker, Moses Holmes, Thomas Pitkin, Reuben Sikes, Daniel Elsworth. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 113 David Sage Ebenezer White, Joseph Dart, John Clark, Jonathan Pen- field, John Curtiss, Timothy Clark, Jonah Cowles Solomon Wells, Israel Spencer Samuel Lyman, Jonathan Bull, Elisha Pitkin, Comfort Sage Gad Stanley, Lemuel Roberts, Elisha Graham, Ichabod Warner, Edward Payne, Isiah Hale Joseph Allyn, Frederick Elsworth, Dudley Pettibone, Cornelius Higgins, & Elizur Hale J r Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace within and for the County of Hartford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Ezra Brainerd Esq r to be a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Hartford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Samuel Bishop Joseph Hopkins Andrew Ward, and James Beard Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace and Quorum within and for the County of New Haven the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint, James Wadsworth, John Whiting Caleb Beecher. David Austin, Thomas Mansfield, Bazel Munson, Timothy Jones Charles Chauncey, Jonathan Dayton Nehemiah Smith, Josiah Bradley, Henry Daggett Timothy Ball, Ephraim Strong, Gideon Buck- ingham, John Dibble, Lewiss Mallet Jun r Stephen Gunn, Charles French, John Daviss, Eliphalet Hotchkiss Thomas Clark, Jonathan Baldwin Samuel Lewiss Ezra Brunson Reuben Atwater Samuel Beech, John Peck Aaron Lyman Caleb Hall Oliver Stanley, Eliahim Hall, Caleb Cook Street Hall, John Hough Daniel Hall Simeon Parsons John Burgess Augustus Collins Thomas Burgas Jun r William Starr, Elias Graves James Baskin Ebenezer Russell Edward Russell & Jonah Clark Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace within and for the County of New Haven the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Samuel Coit, William Hilhouse Elisha Lathrop and William Noyes Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace & Quorum for the County of New London the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Jonathan Lattimore, Joshua Raymond Winthrop Saltonstall, Timothy Green Joseph Harriss, Joshua Coit, Thomas Shaw, Ebenezer Hartshorn Simon Tracy Elijah Backus Samuel Tracy Christopher Leffingwell Rufus Lathrop, Jonathan Huntington, Samuel Leffingwell Nehemiah Waterman Jun r Jonathan Brewster, Jabez Fitch, Barnabas Huntington Samuel Lovett Benjamin Coit Samuel Mott, Robert Crary, John Tyler, Jeremiah Halsey John Avery Jun r Elias Brown, John Williams Charles Phelps Paul Wheeler Nathaniel Minor Jonathan Palmer Jun r William Denison Joshua Babcock Elijah Palmer, Oliver Smith William Williams of Groton William Avery Benadam Gallop Ebenezer Ledyard Amos Geer Thomas Northrup Niles Amos Prentice Thomas Avery Samuel Ely John Say 2 d Eliazer Mather Ezra Selden Richard Wait J r Andrew Griswold Seth Ely John Shipman Samuel Field Justus Buck Timothy Starkey Jedidiah Chapman Aaron Eliott John Parson Theophilus Morgan Hez h Lane George Eliott, Job Wright John Perkins William Hart jun r & John M c Claren Breed Esqr 8 to be Justices of the Peace in and for the County of New London for the Year ensuing. 114 public records May, This Assembly do appoint John Deshon Esq r to be a Justice of the Peace in and for the County of New London the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Robert Fairchild, Joseph Platt Cook John Chandler and Lemuel Stanford Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace & Quorum for the County of Fairfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Daniel Judsor Samuel Whiting John Brooks Robert Walker Elisha Mills Daniel Barret David Wilcoxson John Judson Daniel Fairchild Abraham Brinsmade Jonathan Sturgis, Samuel Squire, Gold Sillek Silliman Andrew Rowland Hezekiah Hubbell Abra- ham Andrews George Burr Ger shorn Hubbel Samuel Bradley Samuel Wakeman Thomas Fitch Thaddeus Betts Stephen S t John 2 * Eliphalet Lockwood Samuel Cook Sylliman Clap Raymond Matthew Mead David Wood of Greenwich Charles Webb, James Cogswell, David Waterbury Jun r Reuben Scofield Eliphalet Seely Jun r Messenger Palmer, John Mead Amos Mead Jabez Fitch Benjamin Mead Jun r Samuel Olmsted John Benedict Philip Burr Bradley, Daniel Cooley, Daniel Taylor Thaddeus Benedict Eli Mygatt, Thomas Taylor Ephraim Hubbel Nehemiah Beard- sley Zacheus Towner Alexander Stewart, Henry Peck Caleb Baldwin, Jabez Protsford Joseph Smith Stephen Betts Agur Judson Abijah Star- ling Nathan Bulkley Daniel Duncan Isaac Lockwood Thaddeus Benedict of Redding & Jesse Raymond Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace within and for the County of Fairfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Jabez Fitch Nathaniel Wales Ebenezer Devotion and Constant Southworth Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace and Quorum within and for the County of Windham the Year Ensuing. This Assembly do appoint William Williams Samuel Gray Jedidiah Elderkin, Jacob Simons Hezekiah Manning Ebenezer Mosely, Heze- kiah Bissell John Clarke Jonathan Trumbull Jun r James Pineo Jun r Ephraim Carpenter, Ephraim Root Jesse Root Abraham Burnap Jun r Ephraim Kingsberry, James Bradford, Elisha Perkins William Dixson, John Douglas Andrew Bachus Joseph Storrs John Salter Samuel Craft John Williams, Joseph Baker Eliashib Adams, David Payne, John Felch Elijah Whitor Benjamin Sumner Benjamin Clark Isaac Perkins, Bryant Brown William Danielson, Benjamin Leavins Jedidiah Morse Charles Church Chandler Elisha Child Samuel Stewart James Gordon John Cole, Solomon Wales, John Sessions Sherebiah Butts, Thomas Grosvenor Peleg Thomas, Elkanah Tisdale Allen Campbell & Experience Storrs Esq” to be Justices of the Peace within and for the County of Windham the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Mess” Samuel Thomson & Jesse Williams to be Justices of the Peace within and for the County of Windham the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Daniel Sherman Joshua Porter Samuel Canfield and Jedidiah Strong Esq” to be Justices of the Peace & Quorum in and for the County of Litchfield the Year ensuing. 1783 . OF CONNECTICUT 115 This Assembly do appoint Jacob Woodruff Isaac Baldwin David Welch Reuben Smith Abraham Bradley Daniel Everit, Benjamin Hin- man, Edward Hinman, Benjamin Spees, David Hurd Hezekiah Thom- son, Oliver Parmely Abel Hine Sherman Boardman, Timothy Ruggles Nathan Eliott, Jethro Hatch, Jedidiah Hubbell Justus Sackett, Daniel Griswold, John Canfield David Downes Abiel Camp Lott Norton Charles Burrall, Elisha Baker, Samuel Forbes Nathan Hale Samuel Nash, Ebe- nezer Norton Asaph Hall Elisha Sill Epaphras Sheldon, Shubael Gris- wold Daniel Catlin Cypryan Webster George Catlin Zebulon Merrell Seth Smith Giles Pettibone Hosea Wilcox Dudley Humphry William Cogs- well, John Calhoun Thomas Matthews Timothy Judd Phineas Rice, Thomas Fenn Nehemiah Andrews of Hartland Eleazer Ensign Eliphaz Alvord, Joseph Wilder Elijah Rockwell Heman Swift, Judah Kellogg, John Peirce of Cornwall Edward Rogers & Daniel Everitt of New Milford Esq r8 to be Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Litch- field for the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint M r Tapping Rower & M r James Morriss J r to be Justices of Peace for the County of Litchfield for the Year ensuing. An Act for repealing several Laws of this State. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the Same, That the sev- eral Laws of this State entituled as follows viz. An Act for securing Boats and other small Craft for preventing any Persons going out of any Harbour River or Creek with such Craft without Licence, An Act to prevent traiterous Conspiracies against this and the United States of America, An Act in addition to an Act entituled An Act for apprehending and Securing such Inimical Persons as shall be deemed and adj udged danger- ous to the State, and also the Act to which the Same is an addition, An Act to compel the furnishing necessary Supplies and Assistance to the Quarter Master General and Commissary General of Forage of the Continental Army, An Act more effectually to prevent Illicit Trade and the Several Acts made in addition thereto, An Act to detect certain Frauds which have been practised by many Persons to screen and Secure themselves from Detachments, and other Personal Military Duties, An Act to compel the furnishing Provisions and necessary Supplies to the superintending Commissary of Purchases, and their Assistants in this State, An Act for assessing certain Inimical Persons, An Act for promoting Commerce, and also all the Acts repealed by said Act be and the same are hereby repealed — 116 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Provided nevertheless, that any Prosecutions begun and now depend- ing upon any of said Acts shall not be affected thereby, but may be prosecuted to final Judgment and Execution said Repeal notwithstanding. An Act in alteration of an Act, intituled, An Act for regulating and orderly celebrating of Marriage, and for preventing and punishing incestuous and other unlawfull Marriages. Be it Enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same That the Power and Authority of ordained Ministers by Law authorized to Join Persons in Marriage, shall extend through the County to which they severally belong during the Time they respectively continue the regular Ordained Ministers of any Eclesiastical Society or Town within this State in the same manner as that of Justices of the Peace, any Law or Custom to the Contrary notwithstanding. An Act in addition to an Act intituled, an Act for the settlement of Testate and intestate Estates. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That for the future the Executor or Executors of any last Will and Testament when the Will shall be proved and approved by the Judge of Probate shall become bound to such Judge and his Successors, with sufficient Surety faithfully to discharge the Duty and Office of an Executor or Executors duely to execute such Will and to Settle such Estate according to Law, and the Provisions of the Will, and on neglect or refusal to give such Bond shall be disabled and disqualified to execute said Office, and there- upon said Judge shall and may appoint some suitable Person or Persons administrator or Administrators cum Testamento annexo which Admin- istrator or Administrators shall have full Power to administer on such Will and Testament giving Bond according to Law. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the like method may be taken with regard to any Estate now depending and unsettled before any Court of Probate in this State where the Judge of such Court shall suppose the Same to be necessary or expedient, and the Authority of such Executor or Executors shall thence forward cease and determine. An Act for the Amendment of the Law entituled An Act for laying an Excise on sundry Articles of Consumption within this State.* Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same That the enu- merated Articles on which an Excise of five Per Cent is laid by said Act, shall not extend to any Articles wrought or manufactured in this State. And be it further Enacted that any Person who shall Sell any of the 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 117 Articles by Law subject to an Excise, without Licence, shall in Addition to the Penalties incurred by said Act pay a fine of six Pounds for every such Offence for the Use of this State, And the Collectors and Deputy Collectors of Excise within their respective Districts, and all other informing Officers are hereby enjoined to enquire after and due pre- sentment make of all the Breaches of this and the aforesaid Act. An Act in addition to and alteration of an Act Entituled an Act for releiv- ing and ordering of Ideots, Impotent distracted and Idle Persons. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same, that in future whenever it shall appear to the respective County Courts upon the liquidation and adjustment of Accounts exhibited to them pursuant to the Provisions of said Act, that the Debts so ascertained shall exceed the Personal Estate of such Ideot distracted or Impotent Person or Per- sons, it shall be lawfull to the said Courts respectively to order the Sale of so much of the real Estate of such Person or Persons as shall be suffi- cient to pay the same with incident Charges of Sale in such manner as shall appear to them most for the benefit of such Estate ; which Sales shall be good and effectual in the Law to all Intents and Purposes what- soever any Thing in said Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. An Act in addition to and alteration of an Act entituled, an Act for order- ing and regulating Fields and Fences. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same, That when any number of Proprietors have Lands adjoining and so situated that it may be commodious and beneficial for them to Improve said Lands in a com- mon Field, if too third Parts of such Proprietors, accounting their Notes according to their Interest shall agree to Improve such Lands in a Common Field, they are directed to represent the Circumstances thereof to the County Court of that County, and Notify the other Pro- prietors of said Lands living in the same Town to appear before said Court to make Objection if any they have against said Lands being Improved as aforesaid, And on said Proprietors obtaining the appro- bation and allowance of said Court to Improve said Lands as aforesaid the Proprietors and Owners of such Lands are hereby fully Authorized and Impowered to form and Improve said Lands as a Common Field, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Propri- etors, of any common Field may by their Major Vote computed as afore- said, agree on the Fee to be paid by the Owner of any Horse Horse kind Neat Cattle or Sheep impounded out of such Common Field and the Sum thus agreed on and Voted in any lawfull Meeting shall be the lawfull Fee to be paid by the owner of such Impounded Creature, Always Provided it be not more than three shillings for each Horse Horse kind & Neat Cattle and for all Sheep fourpence Per Head. PUBLIC RECORDS 118 May, An Act for regulating and well ordering the Fishery at the Mouth of Connecticut River. Whereas destructing the Course of the Fish into Connecticut River is a Public Damage ; which to prevent : Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the Same. That no Person shall hereafter set or draw any Sein or Seins for the Purpose of catching fish from the 15 th Day of March to the 15 th Day of June annually South of an East & West Line from Saybrook Fort so called, within One Mile and an half East and West on each Side the Mouth of said River except in the Coves called and known by the Name of Lyndes Cove and Griswolds Cove, and except the Proprietors of the Lands on each Side of said River known by the Name of Eastern Point, and Lyndes Point, who shall have an exclusive Right to draw or Improve two Seins at Discretion within the aforesaid Limits in the Waters adjoining their own Lands from Monday Morning at Sunrise until Sunset on Fri- day Evening in each Week and no more, and neither of said Seins shall be of greater length than twenty five Rods. And be it further Enacted that if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall be Guilty of any Breach of this Act, shall for every such Offence forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds the one half to the Benefit of him or them who shall prosecute the Same to Effect the other half to the Treasury of the County, and shall forfeit the Sein Ropes and other Utensils made Use of for the Catching Fish contrary to this Act. An Act in addition to a Law entituled an Act for Collecting and paying Rates or Taxes. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same , That the Treasurer of this State, in granting Execution against any Collector of State Taxes, from whom Arrears of several Taxes are due, shall include in one Execution as many of such Taxes as Circumstances will admit, therein specifying the Sum due on each and any other Matters respect- ing the Same that may be necessary for directing the Sheriff in the Levy of such Execution. Resolved by this Assembly That a Tax of two Pence lawfull Money on the Pound in the List of Polls and rateable Estate for the Year 1782 be laid to be paid into the Treasury of this State by the first Day of August next in Gold or Silver Money and the Treasurer is hereby directed to Issue his Warrants to Collect the Same accordingly, And the Money that shall be raised by said Tax is hereby appropriated to the Sole purpose of Supporting Civil Government in this State, And for the releif of the Poor and Indigent one twentieth part of the afore- said Tax may be abated in the Usual manner. 1783 . OF CONNECTICUT 119 Resolved by this Assembly That William Pitkin Esq r and Mess r8 Samuel Lyman Ebenezer Plummer and Ralph Pomeroy be and they are hereby appointed Auditors to Audit adjust and Settle the Public Accounts of this State with the Treasurer and also to receive examine and burn all the Bills of Credit emitted by this State that may be found in the Treasury and to Report to this or the next Session of the General Assembly. Resolved by this Assembly That Certificates Signed by the Treasurer for Interest become due on any of the Notes Issued on the Credit of this State may be received by the Collectors in payment of any of the State Taxes made Payable in hard Money Since the first Day of October 1781, except those appropriated for the Use of the United States or for the Support of the Civil Government of this State, And that the Secre- tary cause this Resolve to be published in the News Papers. Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby directed forthwith to procure a Sufficiency of Money to pay and Settle the Debenture of this Assembly by Loan if obtainable and to give his securities therefor on Interest at six Per Cent which shall be by him repaid out of the first Monies that shall be by him received on the 2 d Tax laid by this Assembly payable the first Day of August next. Whereas it is Represented to this Assembly that there are a number of the Widows and Families of those Persons who fell by the Hand of the Enemy in Fort Griswold, who are in distressed Circumstances, and have now no where to look for Relei f but to the Public, Resolved by this Assembly that Maj r Charles Phelps and Col° James Gordon be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to enquire of the particular State and Circumstances of such who were made Widows in Consequence of the Action of the 6 th of Septemb r 1781, in Fort Griswold and of their Families their Wants and Distresses, and make Report thereof to this or the next General Assembly, that such further consideration thereon may be had as then under the special Cir- cumstances of the Case may be thought best.* Whereas in the Course of the late War the Records and Files of the Court of Probate for the District of New London were unfortu- nately consumed by Fire, when the Enemy were at New London in Sep- temb r 1781, Whereby many Persons have lost the Legal Evidence of their Titles and much Injustice may be done to remedy which Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembly and by the Authority of the same, That the Judge of Probate for the District of New London for the Time being with the Judge of the County Court for the County of New London or in his * See below, p. 283. 120 PUBLIC RECORDS May, absence any two of the Justices of the Quorum for said County be and they are hereby appointed Authorized and Impowered upon application made to them to hear and examine the Evidence in such Way as they shall Judge to be proper and necessary touching any Record File Exhibit or other Paper or Instrument which was lodged in the Office of said Probate Court and concerned the Administration of it, which was burnt or destroyed by the Enemy in September 1781, and after having caused the concerned to be notified if within this State and given reasonable Time for them to be heard, shall proceed and Order such Entries to be made in the Records of said Court of Probate as they shall Judge to be Just and true and conformable to the original Record File Instrument or other Paper destroyed, and the same or an attested Copy thereof shall be Legal Evidence and be admitted as such in the Courts in this State in all Cases where the Original would have been admissible. Provided nevertheless that any Person affected by such Entries who at the Time of making the Same shall be an Inhabitant in any other State or be absent out of this State, or be a Feme Covert, non Compos Mentis or a Minor under the Age of twenty one Years may contest the Evidence of such Entries by other Proofs at any Time within one Year after their comeing into this State or the removal of their legal Disabilities. Whereas it is necessary in the settlement of the Business of the late War that the Powers of the Council of Safety be continued for some Time yet to come Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the Powers and Authority heretofore given to the Council of Safety of this State, by the General Assembly be and the Same are hereby Continued untill the rising of the Assembly in October next and that the Same Gentlemen who were appointed by this Assembly in May 1782* be and they are hereby appointed to be of the Council of Safety untill the rising of the Assem- bly in October aforesaid. Resolved by this Assembly that Eliphalet Dyer Esq r Col 0 Jesse Root and Nathaniel Wales Esq r f be and they are hereby appointed a Com- mittee to consider what Measures may be proper to be taken by this State to obtain releif for the People settled on the Lands West of Delaware River under the Claim of this State and for quieting their Possessions, and whether some Redress cannot be obtained against the Judgment Given by the Commissioners in the Case between this State and the * Matthew Griswold, William Pitkin, John Chester, Roger Newberry, Joseph Spencer. Joseph Hopkins. James Hillhouse, William Hillhouse, Ebenezer Ledyard, Jeremiah Halsey, Abraham Davenport. Joseph Platt Cook, John Chandler, William Williams. Eliphalet Dyer. Nathaniel Wales, Junior. Oliver Wolcott, Jedidiah Strong, Joshua Porter. Jabez Perkins, and Roger Sherman. See State Rees, of Conn., IV, 174, 178. Samuel Huntington was added to the Council of Safety in October, 1782 {ibid., p. 292), and continued to serve as if covered in the present resolution, t William Samuel Johnson was appointed in October. 1783. to replace Nathaniel Wales, who had died. Below, pp. 205-6. For the committee report see below, pp. 208-9. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 121 State of Pensylvania, and also what is Proper to be done to Secure to this State the Benefits of the Lands contained in our ancient Charter, West of the Susquehanna Purchase so called, and make Report to this Assembly at their next Session. Whereas the United States in Congress Assembled on the 18 th Day of April 1783, among other Things Resolved, that as a more convenient and certain Rule of ascertaining the Proportions to be supplied by the States respectively to the Common Treasury, the following Alteration in the Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between these States be and the Same is hereby agreed to in Congress, and the several States are advised to authorize their respective Delegates to Subscribe and ratify the Same as part of the said Instrument of Union in the Words following viz. “So much of the eighth of the Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the thirteen States of America as is con- tained in the Words following to wit, “All Charges of War and all other Expences that shall be incurred for the common Defence or General Welfare, and allowed by the United States in Congress Assem- bled shall be defrayed out of a Common Treasury, which shall be sup- plied by the Several States in proportion to the value of all Land within each State granted to or Surveyed for any Person, as such Land and the Buildings and Improvements thereon shall be estimated according to such Mode as the United States in Congress Assembled shall from Time to Time direct and appoint, is hereby revoked and made void ; and in place thereof it is declared and concluded the Same having been agreed to in Congress of the United States, that all Charges of War and other expences that have been or shall be incurred for the common Defence or General Welfare and allowed by the United States in Con- gress Assembled, except so far as shall be otherwise Provided for, shall be defrayed out of a Common Treasury, which shall be supplied by the several States in proportion to the whole number of White and other free Citizens and Inhabitants of every Age Sex and Condition includ- ing those bound to Servitude for a Term of Years, and three fifths of all other Persons not Comprehended in the foregoing discription, except Indians not paying Taxes in each State which number shall be triennially taken and transmitted to the United States in Congress Assembled in such mode as they shall direct and appoint. [”]* It is Resolved and Enacted by this Assembly that the Delegates of this State in the Congress of the United States or any two or more of them be and they are hereby fully Authorized and Impowered on behalf of this State to subscribe and Ratify the afore recited alteration in the eighth of the Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the United States of America as a part of the said Instrument of Union. * See Journals of the Continental Congress, XXIV, 257-261. 122 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Resolved by this Assembly that there shall be borrowed on the Credit of this State the amount of six hundred and nine Thousand five hundred and Seventy two Pounds lawfull Money on Interest at the Rate of six Per Cent Per Annum, the Interest to be paid in Gold or Silver Money annually and the Principal shall be made payable in like Money within a Term not less than three Years or more than ten Years after the first Day of June 1783, at the option of the Lenders, and the Treasurer of this State is hereby authorized and directed to Issue his Notes for the Payment of any Sums not less than ten Pounds which may be so borrowed to the Persons lending the same accordingly. Provided always that this State shall be at Liberty to pay the Principal or any part thereof in a shorter Time if the Legislature shall think fit, and that the Monies that shall be borrowed as aforesaid shall be applied for payment of the Principal of the Debts now due from this State or which will become payable on or before the first Day of June 1784. And it is further Resolved that the Creditors to this State have Lib- erty to Loan their respective Debts as part of the aforesaid Sum to be borrowed, the same being ascertained in hard Money, whether the same be due by Note or otherwise, And all Notes that have been Issued on the Credit of this State shall continue to draw Interest annually untill the State is ready to pay the Principal, And as a fund for Payment of the Annual Interest of the Monies to be borrowed as aforesaid it is further Resolved that the Tax of two Pence on the Pound on the List of Polls and Rateable Estate for the Year 1782 payable the first Day of Decemb r next and in Decemb r annually on each Successive List be augmented to six pence on the Pound in Silver or Gold and be and hereby is appropriated and per- petuated for the Payment of the annual Interest of said Debts, until the principal shall be discharged or other permanent Funds be Pro- vided sufficient for the payment of said Interest and the Treasurer is hereby directed to Issue his Warrants for Collecting the Same accord- ingly, And that for the Releif of the Poor and Indigent one twentieth Part of said Tax be abated in the usual manner. Resolved by this Assembly that Roger Sherman and Richard Law Esq rs be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to revise the Statute Laws of this State, and make such Alterations Additions exclusions and Amendments as they shall Judge Proper and expedient Collecting together into one all the Statutes that have been made upon the Same Subject reducing the whole into one regular System or Code in Alphabetical Order and lay the same as soon as possible before the General Assembly.* Whereas a number of Soldiers called short Levies who by Peremp- tory Detachment in Years past have Served in the Army of the United * For the act confirming this revision and consolidation of the laws in 1784 see below, p. 281. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 123 States for the Term of Six Months and have received no Pay for their Service on account of their having been accidentally omitted in the Returns, Resolved by this Assembly that upon the said Levies or any of them procuring a Certificate of the Commanding Officers of the Companies in which they respectively Served or producing other satisfactory Evidence of their Service in the Army the length of their respective Tours of Duty, and their having been regularly discharged, that the Committee of Pay Table thereupon receive examine and Liquidate the Accounts of said Levies or any of them for their Wages and Pay, and draw on the Treasurer for such Sums as they shall find due in the Same manner as in Case they had been regularly returned who is hereby directed to execute a proper Security for the said Sums on Interest payable within the Term of two Years with Interest Annually. Whereas sundry Persons belonging to this State have Mortgaged their real Estate to secure the Payment of Monies to Persons whose Estates have been adjudged forfeited to this State, who represent that by the Casualties of the War and other Accidents are rendered unable to discharge said Mortgages, unless the Debts due and oweing from this State in Gold and Silver could be received in Payment, Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that any of said Mortgages may be discharged by paying the amount of the Principal and Interest due thereon in Soldiers Notes or any of the Securities of this State, which have been reduced and Liquidated to the Standard of Gold and Silver which now are or shall become due within one Year after the rising of this Assembly, And the respective Administrators on said Estates be and they are hereby Impowered and directed to receive the Same in discharge of said Mortgages and make execute and deliver Quit Claim Deeds of all the Right Title and Estate which this State has in and to said Mortgaged Lands by Virtue of said Forfeiture as afore- said to the Person or Persons so Paying and discharging said Mortgages Provided nevertheless that where any Suits have been commenced or cost has arisen the Same shall be paid and discharged in Silver or Gold, And also that no Person who shall proceed to any Tryal at Law in any of said Matters and hereafter have a Judgment of Court against him therefor shall receive any Benefit from the Provisions of this Act. The Quarter Master General of this State is hereby directed to apply to his Excellency the Governor and Council for their Orders for such Quantities of Powder Ball and other Warlike Stores belong- ing to this State as the Law requires in his Department And his Excel- lency the Governor and Council are hereby Authorized and desired to give Orders accordingly as also to give Orders for the Disposal of all such surplus of Warlike Stores and Salt Petre belonging to this State as may remain on Hand after the Definitive Treaty of Peace with PUBLIC RECORDS 124 May, Great Britain shall be concluded in such manner as the Governor and Council shall Judge most for the Benefit of the State. Upon the Memorial of James Gibson Shewing to this Assembly that he was convicted before the Superior Court holden at Hartford in March last for being Guilty of a Rape in consequence of which he is now under Sentence of Death, which is Soon to be executed, that he is a Stranger in the Country &c Praying for a Commutation of his Punishment &c as Per Memorial on File. Resolved by this Assembly that the aforesaid Sentence of Death past by said Superior Court against said James be and the Same is hereby reversed and set aside, and that he the said James be and he is hereby Ordered to be Castrated And the Sheriff of Hartford County is hereby directed at Some convenient Time not exceeding One Month from the rising of this Assembly to Cause this Sentence to be Carried into Execution accordingly. Whereas it becomes necessary to Close the Accounts with the Line of the Army of this State agreeably to an Act of Congress for that purpose so that the Account of all Supplies furnished the Officers and Privates of said Line which have not been rendered to the Committee of Pay Table and Adjusted be immediately done. Resolved by this Assembly that the Several Towns and the Clothier General of this State, and all others who by Law have been directed to furnish said Officers and Privates or their Families with any Supplies, with which such Officers and Privates ought to be Charged, immediately and before the first Day of July next transmit all Accounts thereof which have not been rendered and adjusted to the Committee of Pay Table, and in Failure thereof every such Town or other Person as aforesaid, shall not thereafter have his or their Accounts received or allowed; And the several Towns Clothier and others under the Orders of this State to furnish Supplies to said Line are directed upon the publication of this Resolution to discontinue the Same as it is necessary to Compleat the Settlement of those Accounts. And M r Elijah Hubbard Clothier of this State is directed immediately to proceed under the direction of the Committee of Pay Table, and exhibit to the Pay Master general or Such other Person as shall be Impowered to Settle the Accounts of said Line, all Accounts of this State not already allowed and Charged against said Line. And the said M r Hubbard is to Observe all Such Directions as he shall receive from the Committee of Pay Table in negotiating the Settlement of said Accounts and return to them such Certificates or Vouchers thereof as he shall receive from the Committee of Pay Table in Negotiating the Settlement of said Accounts, and Return to them Such Certificates or Vouchers thereof, as he shall receive from the Pay Master General or other proper Officer respecting their Allowance. And the Representatives in the General Assembly now Convened are directed Seasonably to inform their respec- 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 125 tive Towns of the passing of this resolution And the Printers within this State are directed as soon as it can be done to publish the Same in their respective News Papers. Whereas it appears to this Assembly that the Listers in sundry of the Towns in this State by meer mistake of the Law, have laid a four- fold Assesment on several Parcels of Land belonging to this State, and made their Returns accordingly, by which Warrants and Rate Bills have been Issued and made out to the respective Collectors to Collect Taxes, arising thereon which must involve great Inconvenience and Impropriety, which to releive & prevent, It is Resolved by this Assembly , That in every Instance where the Listers of any of the respective Towns in this State have laid a four- fold Assesment on any of the Lands belonging to this State, The Committee appointed to receive the Additions to the List of the Polls and rateable Estate in this State are hereby Ordered and directed to expunge such fourfold Assesment or Assesments out of the Returns of Assesment made by such Listers to this Assembly, and all Taxes made on such fourfold Assesment so far as it is laid on the Lands belonging to this State, are hereby Abated, And the Treasurer is hereby directed to allow the Same to the respective Collectors accordingly. And the Listers in the respective Towns in this State are hereby directed for the future to omit laying any assesment on the Lands belonging to this State. On the Report of Noah Phelps Esq r Agent for this State appointed to Collect and State a true Account of all the Lands belonging to this State in Farmington Southington and Waterbury and lay the Same before this Assembly in which the said Agent hath represented to this Assembly that he hath discovered sundry Tracts of Land belonging to this State within the Towns aforesaid with the Circumstances attending the same as Per Report on File Which Report is accepted and approved and thereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the said Noah Phelps Esq r be and he is hereby appointed and Impowered to make such further Enquiry as shall be needfull into the present State and Circumstances of all such Lands within said Towns of Farmington Southington and Waterbury as belong to this State by Mortgage or otherwise and to Sell and dispose of all such Parcels of said Lands as may be free and unincumbered to the best advantage in his Power and to remove in every proper and legal Way such Incumbrances as may be on any of said Lands And the same to dispose of as soon as may be for the Benefit of this State rendering his Account thereof to the Treasurer of this State, and said Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make and Execute a Proper Deed or Deeds of such Land upon receiving a proper Certificate or Certifi- cates from said Agent of such Sale and containing a Discription of such Land by him Sold and disposed of as aforesaid, And to make PUBLIC RECORDS 126 May, Report of his Doings in the Premisses to the General Assembly in October next. Resolved by this Assembly that Ezekiel Williams Esq Sheriff of the County of Hartford be and he hereby is directed and Authorized at his best Discretion as soon as may be to make Sale of two Tracts of Land lying in Hebron which belong to this State, and were by said Sheriff taken on Executions in favour of the State against Joseph Man and Asa Hutchinson. That he make Sale of said Lands for Money or good Security payable to the Treasurer in One Year with Interest or for Obligations for hard Money against the State which are now due, and the Treasurer is hereby fully Impowered and directed to Execute a Deed or Deeds of said Lands to the Purchaser or Purchasers in behalf of this State, on being Certifyed by said Sheriff the Contract and Pur- chase made for said Lands, which said Sheriff is hereby directed to do, and pay or deliver to the said Treasurer the Avails of what said Lands shall Sell for and make Report of his Doings in the Premisses to this Assembly at their next Session. Provided nevertheless that whereas it is represented that said Lands taken from said Asa Hutchinson were given to him in and by the last Will & Testament of his Father Moses Hutchinson Dec d and that there now remain sundry Debts due from the Estate of said Testator which ought to be paid out of the Avails of said Lands there being no other Estate left by said Testator to pay the same, Therefore Resolved that the said Sheriff be and he hereby is directed to pay and satisfy out of the Avails of said Land taken from said Asa Hutchinson, all such Debts due from the Estate of said Moses Hutchinson Decd as shall be Ascertained and allowed by the Judge of Probate for the District of East Hadam with incident Charges arising in said Court on or before the first Day of Septemb r next. Whereas it is Represented to this Assembly in behalf of those Persons in the Town of Fairfield whose Buildings and Property were burnt by the Enemy in July 1779, that they are still unable to pay their State Taxes, and that they request an Abatement of the Same for the Years 1781 and 1782 Resolved therefore by this Assembly that so much of the State Taxes of those Sufferers in said Town where Taxes have heretofore been Abated to them on the Lists of 1778 1779 and 1780 be abated on the Lists of 1781, as shall arise on the Sum of £4080 12 0 in the Year 1781, and that so much of the State Tax of Wakeman Burritt who has married the Widow of Joseph Wakeman Dec d and has given in a List of the Estate of said Deceasd for the Year 1781 as arises on the Sum of £85 11 0 be abated and said Taxes are hereby abated accordingly and that the Civil Authority and Select Men of said Town apportion said Abatements to said several Sufferers excepting said Burrit as they shall Judge right considering the Circumstances of the said Sufferers. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 127 Upon the Report of the Committee appointed by the General Assem- bly at their Sessions in January 1783 to enquire into the Situation and Circumstances of the Inhabitants of the Town of Greenwich and to Report who ought to have their Lists in whole or in part abated on the List 1782* and who reported that there ought to be the Sum of £5150 0 0 abated on said List. Resolved by this Assembly that the Sum of £5150 0 0 be abated on Greenwich List 1782, in proportion to the Several Persons as set down in the Report of said Committee and the same is hereby abated accordingly. Upon the Report of the Committee appointed by the General Assem- bly in May 1782 to enquire into the Situation and Circumstances of the Inhabitants of the Town of Greenwich, and to Report who ought to have their Lists in whole or in part Abated on the Lists 1780 & 1781f and who reported that there [ought] to be to the amount of the Sum of £5990 1 10 abated on the List 1780 and the Sum of £9888 10 4 Abated on the List 1781. Resolved by this Assembly that the Sum of £5990 1 10 be Abated on Greenwich List 1780 And the Sum of £4944 5 2 be abated on Green- wich List 1781 being only one half the Sum Reported for the Year 1781 in proportion to the Several Persons as set down in said Report and the Same is hereby Abated accordingly. Resolved by this Assembly that His Excellency the Governor be desired in behalf of the Assembly to Write to his Excellency the General acknoledging the Receipt of his Favour of June 1783, $ and express- ing the high Sence this State entertain of his exalted Merit, disinter- ested Virtue, and unshaken Patriotism, the great Obligations we are under to him, and his Patriot Army, through the Blessing of Heaven for the establishment of Freedom Independence and Peace, and wishing him the enjoyment of every present and future Felicity, informing his * See above, pp. 39-40. tSee Conn. State Rees., IV, 178-179. 1 General Washington’s circular letter to the governors of the states in anticipation of his retirement as commander in chief is printed in full in John C. Fitzpatrick, ed., Writings of George Washington (Washington, 1938), XXVI, 483-496. Governor Trumbull’s reply, here author- ized, dated June 10, 1783, is printed in Trumbull Papers, II, Collections of the Mass. Hist. Soc., 5th Series, X, 280-281. The heart of Washington’s message is contained in the following passage (p.487): “There are four things, which I humbly conceive, are essential to the well being, I may even venture to say, to the existence of the United States as an Independent Power: “1st. An indissoluble Union of the States under one Federal Head. “2dly. A Sacred regard to Public Justice. “3dly. The adoption of a proper Peace Establishment, and “4thly. The prevalence of that pacific and friendly Disposition, among the People of the United States, which will induce them to forget their local prejudices and policies, to make those mutual concessions which are requisite to the general prosperity, and in some instances, to sacrifice their individual advantages to the interest of the community. “These are the Pillars on which the glorious Fabrick of our Independency and National Character must be supported; Liberty is the Basis, and whoever would dare to sap the founda- tion, or overturn the Structure, under whatever specious pretexts he may attempt it, will merit the bitterest execration, and the severest punishment which can be inflicted by his injured Country.” 128 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Excellency, as his Letter arrived at the Time when the Assembly was upon the Point of Adjourning, the Collection of Papers not having come to Hand the further Consideration thereof is deferred to the Adjourn- ment, when the Subject of the Address will we Trust meet with that Attention and Respect, which the Interesting Importance of it demands. Whereas Samuel Mott, Rufus Lathrop and Elias Brown Esq rs were appointed a Committee in October last to make Abatements to certain Persons in the Towns of New London and Groton who were Sufferers by the Enemy in Septemb r 1781, but they have not gone through with and compleated the Same in the Town of Groton &c. Resolved by this Assembly that the said Samuel Mott Rufus Lathrop and Elias Brown Esq rs be and they are hereby reappointed a Committee with the Same Powers and Directions as heretofore for the purpose aforesaid and to Report thereon to the next General Assembly, and in the mean Time the Collection of the Taxes of such Sufferers shall and the same are hereby suspended. Upon the Representation of Ezekiel Williams Esq r Sheriff of Hartford County Shewing to this Assembly that Collins Gorton of New London was in March 1782 before the Hon ble Superior Court Sentenced to three Years Imprisonment in NewGate, and that he was afterwards upon his Memorial to this Assembly released from his Confinement with Liberty to reside in the North Parish of New London and not to depart the Limits thereof without proper Licence, and that he is now in Hartford without being able to Shew any Proper Licence and has also been Guilty of some Disorders and Misconduct upon which the said Sheriff has committed him to the Goal in said Hartford where he now holds him Praying for the Direction of this Assembly &c as Per Repre- sentation on File. Resolved by this Assembly that the Conduct of the said Sheriff Williams in committing and holding the said Gorton in Goal be and the Same is hereby approved and the said Sheriff is hereby directed to Convey the said Gorton to the said North Parish of New London, there to remain and not at any Time to depart the Limits thereof without spe- cial Licence from the General Assembly on pain of being corporally punished by whipping, twenty Stripes on his naked Body to be inflicted by Order of any one Assistant or Justice of the Peace in this State as often as he shall be found without the Limits of said North Society destitute of such Licence as aforesaid, which punishment such Assistant or Justice is hereby Impowered and directed to Order accordingly and also to remand the said Gorton back to said North Society of New Lon- don and the said Gorton is also hereby directed to pay all reasonable Cost of his being apprehended confined and remanded as aforesaid at this present Time and also at any future Time, and upon failure thereof that he be committed to any of the Goals in this State there to remain untill he shall pay and discharge the Same. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 129 Whereas the Superintendent of Finance pursuant to a Resolution of Congress hath nominated Maj r William Thomson of the State of Massachusets the Commissioner for Settling the Accounts of this State with the United States — Resolved by this Assembly that the Nomination aforementioned be and the Same is hereby approved. Upon the Report of a Committee viz the Honb le Abraham Daven- port, John Mead & Samuel Canfield Esq” appointed by His Excellency the Governor and Council of Safety to dispose and make Sale of the Fort at Stamford, all the Public Property therein or thereto belonging for Money or any Public Securities become due, that they the said Com- mittee in pursuance of said Appointment on the 25 th Day of April last sold and disposed of all the Public Property aforesaid to the best Advantage for the Sum of £183 13 10 LMoney £31 1 7 of which Sum they received in Cash the remainder amounting to the Sum of £152 12 3 in public Securities, And the said thirty one Pounds one shilling & seven Pence Cash being ordered by this Assembly to be dis- counted with the said Canfield, Resolved that the Treasurer be and he is hereby Ordered and directed to receive of said Committee the said Sum of £152 12 3 in public Securities as aforesaid, and to execute Duplicate Receipts therefor one to be lodged with the Committee aforesaid and the other with the Secretary. Whereas there are two Executions in favour of this State in the Hands of the Sheriff of New London County against the Inhabitants of Stonington for their Deficiency in raising their Quota of Men Ordered to be raised for the Continental Army, And Whereas the General Assembly in January 1782 granted the Sum of £240 0 0 LMoney to said Stonington to enable them to keep up Guards on the Coast of said Town in the Year 1782 which Guards were duely kept up Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that upon the Select Men of Stonington procuring an Order of Pay Table on the Treasurer for the Sum due to said Town upon said Grant, the Sums contained in said two Executions be discounted thereon in favour of the Inhabitants of said Town of Stonington and the Sheriff of New London County is hereby directed to discount the Same accordingly taking a Receipt of said Select Men of Stonington for the amount of said two Executions in part payment of said Grant, and the Treasurer of this State is hereby directed to Receive said Receipt of said Sheriff in Settlement of said two Executions. Upon the Memorial of Peter Gilkey of Waterbury in New Haven County Shewing to this Assembly that in February last he was Con- victed before the Hon ble Superior Court holden at New Haven in said County for Counterfeiting Money and Sentenced to two Years Impris- PUBLIC RECORDS 130 May, onment in NewGate &c Praying for the Interposition of the Clemency and Grace of this Assembly Resolved by this Assembly that the said Peter Gilkey be discharged from any further Imprisonment in Virtue of said Conviction and the Keeper of the Goal at Hartford is hereby directed to liberate the said Gilkey accordingly. Resolved by this Assembly that General John Douglas Col 0 Philip Burr Bradley & Capt Israel Spencer be and they are appointed a Com- mittee to repair to the Town of Farmington for the purpose of viewing the Roads mentioned in the Memorial of Thomas Goodman and others Inhabitants of said Farmington Hartford &c and in the remonstrance of the Town of Farmington laid in against said Memorial hear all Parties on the Matter and Report make of the Facts with their opinion thereon to this Assembly in their Present Sessions. Resolved by this Assembly that William Williams and Nathaniel Wales Esq rs be and they are hereby appointed Overseers of the Mohe- gan Tribe of Indians in addition to the Overseers formerly appointed. Upon a Representation made to this Assembly that the Abatements upon the Public Taxes which have been laid since the Commencement of the late War with Great Britain amount at an Average to about one fourth part of said Taxes Resolved by this Assembly that William Pitkin Esq r Mess” Samuel Lyman Ebenezer Plummer & Ralph Pomeroy or either two of them who are appointed to Audit the Public Accounts of this State with the Treasurer be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to enquire into the true State of such Abatements, to Ascertain the Amount thereof upon the List of each Year from the List for the Year 1778 to the List for the Year 1782 inclusive for each Town respectively compared with the whole Amount of the Tax upon which such Abatements are made State the Principles upon which they are Abated and lay the same before the General Assembly at their next Sessions. Resolved by this Assembly that the Polls of the Non Commissioned Officers and Soldiers now in the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army who engaged during the War be and hereby are exempted from being included in the next August List, And the Listers are directed to regulate their Conduct accordingly, And the Secretary is directed to publish this Resolve in the respective News Papers in this State. Resolved by this Assembly that the Secretary be directed to Cause the Act in addition to the Act laying an Excise on certain enumerated Articles and passed the Present Session* to be published in the Con- * See above, p. 116. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 131 necticut Courant and in the other News Papers in the State as soon as may be. Resolved by this Assembly That 600 Copies of the Address and Recommendation to the States by the United States in Congress Assem- bled be Printed and distributed to the Several Towns in this State according to their List as soon as may be with an Appendix containing an Account of the Debt due from this State, the Taxes which have been Granted since the Year 1775 the Monies Issued what remains unpaid and from what Towns as appears by Reports to this Assembly, And the Printer is directed to send to the Sheriffs of their respective Coun- ties their respective Proportions thereof, that they may be distributed to the several Towns accordingly. This Assembly do appoint John Sedgwick Esq r to be Lieutenant Colonel Commandant of the 14 th Regiment of Militia in this State in the room of Lieut Col 0 Ebenezer Gay resigned. This Assembly do appoint Maj r John Strong, Lieutenant Colonel Commandant of the 17 th Regiment of Militia in this State in the room of Lieut Colonel Bozaleel Beebe resigned. This Assembly do appoint Cap 1 Miles Beach Major of the 17 th Regiment of Militia of this State in the room of Major John Strong promoted. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Chaplin Jun r to be Captain of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the fifth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Matthew Warner to be Lieutenant of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the fifth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Mosely to be Ensign of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Zephaniah Swift to be Captain of the second Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Asher Allen to be Lieutenant of the second Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Southworth to be Ensign of the second Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Cornelius Storrs to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jabez Barrows to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Silas Hanks to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Medad Strong to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. 132 public records May, This Assembly do establish James Hickcox to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Brainerd to be Captain of the sixth Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Amos Churchill to be Captain of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Butler Gilbert to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jeremiah Hubbard to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Crowell to be Lieutenant of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Collins to be Lieutenant of the 1 st Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Ford to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Moses Goodall to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joash Seymour to be Captain of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Walton to be Lieutenant of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Foot to be Ensign of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Allen to be Captain of the ninth Company or Trainband in the fifth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Fitch Sumner to be Lieutenant of the 9th Company or Trainband in the 5th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathan Griggs to be Ensign of the ninth Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Barree to be Captain of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Zachanah How Jones to be Lieutenant of the fourth Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Titus Bonny to be Ensign of the 4 th Com- pany or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Cutler to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joshua Perkins to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Asa Witter to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elisha Morgan to be Captain of the 4th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Tracy to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 133 This Assembly do establish James Reed to be Ensign of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Simeon Huntington to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Seth Minor to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Zebadiah Tracy to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 20th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ezra Yale to be Lieutenant of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Bidwell to be Captain of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Shepard to be Lieutenant of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nicholas Ames to be Ensign of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jeremiah Grummond to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the ninth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Parmely to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abraham Pierson to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Prince to be Captain of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Veber to be Lieutenant of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Perez Bradford to be Ensign of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Bill to be Captain of the ninth Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Moses Cook to be Lieutenant of the ninth Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathan Lewiss to be Ensign of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elihu Avery to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Mason J r to be Captain of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the fifth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abel Seymour Jun r to be Lieutenant of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Matthew Marcy to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Luther Stoddard to be Captain of the seventh Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Frederick Humphry to be Lieutenant of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. 134 PUBLIC RECORDS May, This Assembly do establish Thomas Smith Jun r to be Lieutenant of the second Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Levi Clark to be Ensign of the second Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Williams to be Captain of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Sanford Billings to be Captain of the second Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish George Palmer to be Lieutenant of the second Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Prentice to be Ensign of the second Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jehul Fuller to be Captain of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elkanah Higgins to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Levi Palmer to be Ensign of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Cogswell to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Delano Pierce to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 21st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Asa Pike to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Scarborough to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Phinehas Walker to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Asa Child to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Seth Chandler to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Corbin to be Captain of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Asa Corbin to be Lieutenant of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Simeon Goodell to be Ensign of the ll tb Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Edward Brownall to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Mariner Rood to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ira Rowlandson to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eli Hide to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 135 This Assembly do establish Jabez Hide Jun r to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Zerobabel Wightman to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Culver to be Lieutenant of the 2d Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish George Denniss Jun r to be Ensign of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ozias Brownson to be Captain of the fourth Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elisha Wilcoxson to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Coe to be Ensign of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Murdock to be Captain of the second Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elisha Hutchinson to be Lieutenant of the second Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Arnold to be Ensign of the second Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Andrew Huntington to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonah Buell to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Stephen Payne Jun r to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Holt to be Captain of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ezekiel Rice to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Lemuel Ingalls to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Grosvenor 2 d to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Solomon Doolittle to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Davidson to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Miles Norton to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Aaron Norton to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nehemiah Lewiss to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abel Patchen to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. 136 public records May, This Assembly do establish David Harriss to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Pardy to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Theophilus Fowler to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 28 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Phelps to be Captain of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ariel Lawrence to be Lieutenant of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Hewitt to be Ensign of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Buell to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Buell Jun r to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Theodore Lord to be Ensign of the 6th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Hezekiah Dayton to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abel Baldwin to be Captain of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Baldwin to be Captain of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Isaac Talcott to be Ensign of the 6 tb Company or Trainband in the 6 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Silvanus Perry to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Isaac Holt Jun r to be Captain of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Moses Camp to be Lieutenant of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Cady to be Captain of the second Troop of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Cooper to be Lieutenant of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Othriel Moses to be Ensign of the 14 Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Smith to be Cornet of the second Troop of Horse in the fourth Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Thaddeus Learned to be Quarter Master of the second Troop of Horse in the fourth Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Solomon Hurd to be Lieutenant of the first Troop of Horse in the 5 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 137 This Assembly do establish Jonathan Baker to be Cornet of the first Troop of Horse in the 5 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish David Mason to be Captain of the first Troop of Horse in the 2 d Regiment of light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Hartshorn 3 d to be Lieuten- ant of the first Troop of Horse in the second Regiment of light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Silas Hartshorn to be Cornet of the first Troop of Horse in the second Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Zebadiah Lathrop to be Quarter Master of the first Troop of Horse in the second Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Bulkley to be Captain of the second Troop of Horse in the 2 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Ephraim Ackley to be Lieutenant of the second Troop of Horse in the second Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Roger Bulkley to be Cornet of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the second Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Eaton to be Cornet of the fourth Troop in the fourth Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish John Dixon to be Quarter Master of the fourth Troop of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Roswell Randall to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the eighth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Babcock to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the eighth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Oliver Breed to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the eighth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Learned to be Captain of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Dike to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Barnar Turblot to be Ensign of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Danielson to be Captain of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elias Storrs to be Lieutenant of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Bass to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Silas Hutchins to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Charles Upson to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. 138 PUBLIC RECORDS May, This Assembly do establish Street Richards to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Lathrop to be Captain of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the fifth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Cary to be Lieutenant of the 3d Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Barber Jun r to be Ensign of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Isaac Avery to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Frederick Witter to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Brainerd to be Captain of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Dunham to be Lieutenant of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Amasa Day to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Clark to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Wilson to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jesse Palmer to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Gray to be Lieutenant of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Squier Adams to be Ensign of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benajah Benedict to be Captain of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eliphalet Ferry to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eliakim Benedict to be Ensign of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Noah Day to be Ensign of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Simeon Drake to be Captain of the ll tb Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Obadiah Dickinson to be Lieutenant of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abner Rockwell to be Ensign of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Blake to be Captain of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Barbur to be Lieutenant of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abijah Willson to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 139 This Assembly do establish James I Ward to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jesse Whitman to be Ensign of the 8 th Company in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Kent to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the first Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Smith Jun r to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the first Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Gideon Beardsley to be Captain of the 6 th Comp 7 or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Bears Jun r to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonas Brush to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elizur Brace to be Captain of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Andrew Bartholomew to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ezra Hinsdale to be Ensign of the fourth Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Amos Perkins Jun r to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Job Sperry to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jesse Sherman to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ephraim Starling to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thaddeus Beardsley to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Beardsley Jun r to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Meeker to be Lieutenant of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ezekiel Woodford to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jacob Hovey to be Captain of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Royce to be Lieutenant of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Barrows Jun r to be Ensign of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Todd Jun r to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 28 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Israel Williams to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Stoddard to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. 140 PUBLIC RECORDS May, This Assembly do establish Isaac Gillett Jun r to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Roger Moore to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eliphaz Hunt to be Captain of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Stephen Howard to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Selah Griswold to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the seventh Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Allen to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thaddeus Barnum to be Captain of the 1 st Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elnathan Gregory to be Lieutenant of the 1 st Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ezra Doolittle to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thaddeus Heusted to be Lieutenant of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 3 d Regiment of light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Thaddeus Sterling to be Cornet of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 3 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish James Lockwood to be Quarter Master of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 3 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Phineas Cary to be Quarter Master of the 1 st Troop of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish David Phelps to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Timothy Barber to be Ensign of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Parmely to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Richard Bryan to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Gilbert Jun r to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do Establish Hezekiah Bissell to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elihu Pomeroy to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elihu Harrison to be Captain of the seventh Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jeremiah Riggs to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Peck to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Smith Jun r to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 141 This Assembly do establish Isaac Bissell to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Gideon Smedley to be Captain of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Calvin Comstock to be Lieutenant of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Timothy Barns to be Ensign of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel West to be Ensign of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elisha Bostwick to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Merwin to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Amasa Ferriss to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Peter Eastman to be Captain of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Chapman to be Lieutenant of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Russell to be Ensign of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Erastus Wolcott Jun r to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Michael Dickinson to be Captain of the second Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Phineas Baldwin to be Lieutenant of the second Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Morse to be Ensign of the second Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Stephen Gould to be Captain of the second Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Abel Bradley to be Lieutenant of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Hezekiah Ogden to be Cornet of the Troop of Horse in the 3 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Rowland to be Quarter Master of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 3 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Ashbel King to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the first Regiment of this State. This Assembly do establish Thaddeus Leavitt to be Leiutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 1 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Luther Loomiss to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the first Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abijah Pratt to be Captain of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. 142 public records May, This Assembly do establish Perry Averill to be Lieutenant of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Tibballs to be Ensign of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ashbel Steel to be Captain of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Josiah Smith to be Lieutenant of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ransford Whitney to be Ensign of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathan Dauchey to be Captain of the second Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Watrous to be Lieutenant of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathan Smith to be Ensign of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Barns to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jesse Denison to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Catlin to be Captain of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Scarborough to be Lieutenant of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Gibb Jun r to be Ensign of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Medad Osborn to be Captain of the fourth Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Punderson to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Glover Ball to be Ensign of the 4 th Com- pany or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Bishop to be Ensign of a Com- pany in the third Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Austin Phelps to be Captain of the second Company or Trainband in the first Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Oliver Mather to be Lieutenant of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the first Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Filley to be Ensign of the second Company or Trainband in the first Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Lathrop to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 5th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Cary to be Lieutenant of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Barker Jun r to be Ensign of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 143 This Assembly do establish Aaron Moses to be Captain of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jacob Barber to be Lieutenant of the 7 tu Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Charles Wilcox to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Stephen Gould to be Captain of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Abel Bradley to be Lieutenant of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 3 d Regiment of light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Hezekiah Ogden to be Cornet of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 3 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Rowland to be Quarter Master of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 3 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Cobb to be Captain of the eighth Company or Trainband in the Town of Stonington in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Satterly to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the Town of Stonington in the 8 th Regi- ment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Eells to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the Town of Stonington in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ichabod Andruss to be Lieutenant of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the Town of Stonington in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Robert Jerom to be Ensign of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. Upon the Memorial of Isaiah Gilbert of Woodbury in the County of Litchfield, Conservator of the Person and Estate of Richard Jenner of said Woodbury Shewing to this Assembly that since he hath obtained Liberty from this Assembly for the support of said Richard to Sell Land, he hath expended for his support the Sum of £12 10 0 and for the payment of which he hath no Estate of the said Richard except real Estate and praying for Liberty to Sell Land &c as Per Memorial on File— Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have Liberty and he is hereby Impowered to make Sale of SO' much of the real Estate of the said Richard as to make said Sum of £12 10 0 LMoney with the incident Charges arising on the Sale. Upon the Memorial of Thomas Peck of Litchfield shewing to this Assembly that Isaac Tomlinson of Woodbury hath sundry Executions against him and Praying to have the same Discounted on an Execution against said Isaac in favour of the State & c. 144 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Resolved by this Assembly that the said Memorial be and the same is hereby referred to the Consideration of the General Assembly in October next, and that in the mean Time the said Execution in favour of said Isaac be suspended. Upon the Memorial of Henry Daggett of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that he was appointed by His Excellency the Governor and Council of Safety to purchase Salt for the State and to receive Store and repack the public Provision and likewise to Sell the Provision Salt and Cloathing in New Haven County, And that he has done the Business of Issuing Provisions in New Haven from the 15 th Day of Novem br 1781 to the last Day of March 1783, Praying this Assembly to Order the Committee of Pay Table to Adjust and Settle all his Accounts with the State, And that the Treasurer of this State be directed to Exe- cute to him a State Note on Interest payable at a future Day as Pei- Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Ordered and directed to adjust and settle all the Accounts of the said Daggett with the State and to allow him a reason- able reward for his Service done for the State in the Business aforesaid, And to Certify the Sum they shall find Justly due to him on Account and for Service done as aforesaid to the Treasurer of this State who is hereby directed to execute a State Note to the said Daggett for the Sum so Certified Payable the first Day of January 1786, on Interest at 6 Per Cent payable annually. Upon the Petition of Col 0 John Ely preferred to the General Assem- bly Shewing that in 1777 he was appointed Col 0 of a Regiment raised in this State, That in Decemb r 1777 he was taken Prisoner and continued a Prisoner untill Septemb r 1781, that during said Time he expended large Sums for Medicines and other ways for the releif of Prisoners &c as Per Petition on File ; Upon which a Committee was appointed who Report that the Petitioner soon after he was taken Prisoner generously distributed five Guineas among the necessitous Prisoners without taking Proper Vouchers, that he was of great Service to the Prisoners as a Phisician, and expended a large Sum in Medicines for their Releif besides £6 10 0 expended for his own sickness, being allowed only one Ration Per Day, That he was at great Trouble and Expence in procur- ing hard Money for the Officers in Captivity, that he procured £844 1 5 J /2 on which their happened a Loss of £11 5 0 by light Gold of which he paid over to the Officers £678 15 6 and took Receipts, which were to have been lodged with the Commissary General of Prisoners but he refused to receive them, that he expended on a Jour- ney into the Jerseys on that Business after his release the Sum of £10 14 0 and thereupon Report it as their Opinion, the Petitioner ought to be allowed full Pay for the Time he engaged in the Service untill he was exchanged which is to include all extra Services while on command 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 145 and all expences in negotiating the Sums of Money he received except £30 0 0 allowed him by a former Assembly, That he be allowed for 300 retained Rations while on Command at eight pence Per Ration and the Sum of £21 0 0 for necessary Expenditures £7 0 0 for Money dis- tributed among the Poor Prisoners £6 10 0 for his own Sickness on Long Island £115 0 for loss in light Gold £10 14 0 for his Journey to New Jersey, And that the Committee of Pay Table be directed in Settling his Accounts to make him such allowances for Rations or Sub- sistance according to his Rank for the whole Time he was a Prisoner, as has been usually made in like Circumstances, to Liquidate the Sums he has received in Continental or State Bills upon an equitable Scale, and to Credit him for the Sums paid over to the Officers receiving from him their Receipts for the Same and Charge the several Officers therewith in such manner that the Same may be Charged to the United States, and that he be allowed an adequate Sum for the Money expended for Medi- cines as abovesaid, As Per Report on File. Which Report being accepted and approved by this Assembly, Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table settle with the Petitioner agreeable to the aforesaid Report, and allow him the several Sums therein found, and reported to be due to him and that they make him a further allowance of £ 150 0 0 LMoney for the Money he expended in Medicines for the Benefit and Releif of Sick Prisoners while he was in Captivity and to draw an Order on the Treasurer for the Ballance. Upon the Memorial of John Wilcox of Haddam in the County of Hartford Shewing to this Assembly that he now is and for some Time past has been Conservator to Elnathan Wilcox of Killingworth in the County of New London and that he has expended in supporting the said Elnathan the Sum of £92 5 0 LMoney, which was allowed him by the County Court held at New London in and for the County of New London on the second Tuesday of June 1782, and that the said Elnathan has no moveable Estate to satisfy said Sum, but that he has Lands and real Estate in said Killingworth Praying this Assembly to Impower him the said John Wilcox or some other meet Person to make Sale of so much of the Lands and real Estate of the said Elnathan as will raise the said Sum of £92 5 0 together with the Incident Charges arising thereon as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that Jonathan Kelcy of Killingworth be Impowered to make Sale of so much of the Land and real Estate of the said Elnathan as will raise the Sum of £92 5 0 LMoney with the Incident Charges thereon arising taking the advice and direction of the Court of Probate for the District of Saybrook in the Same. On the Memorial of James Bebee [?] of Stratford in Fairfield County Shewing to this Assembly that he is possessed of Obligations given by this State for the Arrears of Pay to himself and other Persons 146 PUBLIC RECORDS May, serving in the Connecticut Line of the Army to the amount of £432 18 0 LMoney, that he has purchased of the Committee of the Church of Christ in the North Society of Stratford aforesaid a Tract of Land belonging to said Church for which he is to pay in said Securities Pray- ing this Assembly will order the Treasurer of this State to execute and give to said Committee his Note for said Sum as Monies borrowed of them payable at such future Time as this Assembly shall think proper on Interest payable annually on his the Memorialists delivering to said Treasurer his said Securities amounting to said Sum of £432 18 0 as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer do receive of said Mem- orialist his said Securities amounting to said Sum of £432 18s and thereupon that he execute and deliver to the said Committee his Note for the like Sum on Interest payable the first Day of June 1793 the Interest to be paid annually. Upon the Memorial of the Inhabitants of the first Society of Dan- bury Shewing to this Assembly that during the whole Course of the late War they have been by their local Situation exposed to many Hard- ships and losses, that the British Troops when they made an inroad into Danbury laid a great part of said Society in Ashes, and so much Damaged their Meeting House that they are now under a necessity of erecting a new One that they are so much Impoverished by the great losses they have sustained and reduced by separations and Divisions which have taken Place in said Society that the expence of Building a Meeting House would be too heavy a burthen for them to bear and thereupon Praying for some Assistance as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialists shall have the Quit Claim Transfer of all the Right and Title in and unto a certain Tract of Land lying in Danbury with the Building thereon Standing which derived to or vested in the Governor and Company of this State by Virtue of a Deed from Peter Castle Dated the 2 d Day of October 1782 or otherwise to be improved by them towards defraying the expence of Building a new Meeting House for public Worship in such a manner as they shall think proper, And the Treasurer is directed to execute in behalf of the Governor and Company a Deed of Conveyance of that Tenor to the Memorialists. Upon the Memorial of the Inhabitants of the Town of Colebrook Shewing to this Assembly that the Doings of the Committee appointed by this Assembly in May last for affixing a Stake for a Meeting House in said Town* have been accepted by the Inhabitants of said Town in Town Meeting legally Assembled, as well as ratified by this Assembly, That a Committee has been appointed for the Building of s d Meeting House, Their Abilities are very inadequate to so considerable an Expence and that the Nonresident Proprietors of Land in said Town in Conse- * See Conn. State Rees., IV, 232. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 147 quence of the Building of s d Meeting House will derive a very consider- able Benefit for which they ought to give a reasonable Compensation and Praying that a special Tax of sixpence on the Acre might be laid on all the Lands in said Town to be appropriated to said Purpose &c as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that a Tax of three pence on the Acre be and the same is hereby granted to the Petitioners on all the Lands in said Town of Colebrook to be appropriated to the Sole and only purpose of Building a Meeting House in said Town, and Samuel Rockwell of said Town being nominated for that purpose is hereby appointed a Collector to Collect the said Tax from the resident and nonresident Proprietors of said Colebrook proportioned to their respective Quantities or Propor- tions of Land in said Town agreeable to such Just and equitable Bill of Assesment as the Said Inhabitants shall Cause to be made for that purpose who is hereby fully Authorized and Impowered by Warrant from any One Assistant or Justice of the Peace for the County of Litchfield, which on application therefor such Assistant or Justice of the Peace is hereby Impowered to Grant to Collect the said Tax of the said Proprietors as fully to every Intent and purpose, as Collectors of Town Taxes by Law are, and the Same to pay and deliver over to such Person or Persons as by the said Town are or shall be duely appointed to receive the Same and to Account with said person or Persons when thereto required and the s d Town of Colebrook shall be accountable for the appropriation of Moneys arising on said Tax agree- able to the true Intent and Meaning of the Grant as aforesaid to this Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Nathaniel Green of Providence in the State of Rhode Island Shewing to this Assembly that he removed from said State of Rhode Island at the beginning of the late War into this State as a Place of Safety for himself and Family, that soon after he came into this State Cap 1 Jabez Huntington Sheriff of Windham County, by a Warrant from His Excellency the Governor Seized on or about the 20th Day of June 1777 for the Use of this State part of a Hogshead of Jamaica Spirits the property of the said Green containing about eighty Gallons for which the Memorialist hath never received any Pay or Reward Praying this Assembly to allow and pay to him the Price for which such Spirits were usually sold at that Time as Per Memorial on File — Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Ordered and directed to adjust and Liqui- date the Account of the Memorialist for said Spirits, and to allow him eight Shillings LMoney Per Gallon for the Spirits which were taken from him together with lawfull Interest thereof from the Time said Spirits were taken to the present Day, and draw on the Treasurer of this State for the Sum they shall find Justly due to the Memorialist pay- able out of any unappropriated Taxes. 148 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Upon the Memorial of Joseph and William Russell of Providence in the State of Rhode Island Shewing to this Assembly that they removed from said State of Rhode Island at the beginning of the late War into this State as a Place of Safety for themselves and Families, that soon after they came into this State, Cap 1 Jabez Huntington Sheriff of the County of Windham by a Warrant from His Excellency the Governor Seized for the Use of this State on the 20 th Day of June 1777 One Hogshead of West India Rum Containing 112 Gallons also one D°. of New England Rum containing 111 Gallons which he then carried away for which Your Memorialists hath never received any Pay or Reward Praying this Assembly to allow and pay to them the Price for which such Rum usually sold for at that Time as Per Memorial on File — Therefore Resolved by this Assembly That the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby ordered and directed to adjust and Liqui- date the Accounts of Your Memorialists for said Rum, and allow them 6/8 Per Gallon for West India and 3/10 Per Gallon for the New England, together with the lawfull Interest thereof from the Time said Rum was taken to the Present Day and draw on the Treasurer of this State for the Sum they shall find Justly due to the Memorialists pay- able out of any Unappropriated Taxes. Whereas the General Assembly at their last Sessions Upon the Memorial of Mary Alsop of Midletown Administratrix on the Estate of her Deceas d Husband Richard Alsop Esq r late of said Midletown, did grant unto the said Administratrix Liberty and her Impower to Sell certain Peices of the real Estate of said Deceas d ,* and said Act or Grant is since found not to be in conformity to and in full pursuance of said Memorial, and Omissions and Mistakes have accidentally intervened which to rectify, Resolved by this Assembly that the said Mary Alsop Administratrix as aforesaid have Liberty and the same is hereby granted unto her, with the Advice and under the direction of the Court of Probate for the District of Midletown, to dispose of and Sell to the best advantage and for the benefit of said Estate the following several Peices of the real Estate of the Same viz. One Acre of Land, and one eighth Part of a House in Midle Hadam in Chatham valued at £20 LMoney; Two Acres One hundred and forty six Rods of Land, with a small part of a House and Barn at Westfield in said Midletown, One half of an old House and forty Rods of Land in Midletown, and two other small Peices of Land in said Midletown, as described in William Powell & Marian Pow- ells Deed to said Richard dated March 16 th 1776. Upon the Petition of Mary Alsop of Midletown in Hartford County, Administratrix on the Estate of Richard Alsop Esq r late of said Midletown Dec d , Shewing to this Assembly that said Richard died pos- sessed of two Peices of Land one of which lies in Haddam and Contains See above, p. 38. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 149 ten Acres the other in Waterbury and contains eighty and an half Acres which Peices of Land by reason of Heavy Taxes &c is very unprofitable to said Estate Praying that she may be authorized and Impowered to Sell said Peices of Land &c as Per Petition on File Dated May 30 th 1783— Resolved by this Assembly that the said Mary be and she is hereby Authorized and Impowered to Sell said Peices of Land to the best Advantage of the Estate of said Richard taking the Advice of the Court of Probate for the District of Midletown thereon and to give proper Deeds thereof accordingly. Upon the Memorial of Solomon Baldwin of Milford in the County of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that he was appointed to and undertook the Collection of State Taxes for said Town of Milford for the Year 1781, in the prosecution of which he collected and received of the Inhabitants about One hundred Pounds or Certificates on the Decemb r 2 d Tax 1781 in Soldiers Notes payable first June 1782, to the amount of about £300. A large amount in Pay Table Orders upon the Tax of 2/6, a Certificate for £1295 5 2 Continental Money Certif- icates of about £30, upon the 9 d Tax also a Sum in Bills of this State and Continental Money, and he living in an exposed Situation, and hav- ing been threatned by the Enemy, removed and deposited said Securi- ties and Monies at the House of Capt Josiah Buckingham in said Milford Judging it a Place of Safety, And that a number of Armed Men from Long Island on the Night of the 17 th of Nov r last landed at said Milford and Plundered said House, and among other Things car- ried off the whole of said Notes Certificates Orders and Monies Pray- ing for a Committee to examine into said Losses and Report make as Per Memorial on File, Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that Capt James Hilhouse Capt Daniel Holbrook & David Austin Esq r be and they are hereby appointed a Committee at the Expence of the Memorialist to examine him and Such Evidence as he shall produce under Oath respecting said losses, and Report make to the next Assembly, 51 ' And that in the mean Time Executions be Stayed against the Memorialist to the amount of such Sums as by him set forth to have been lost as aforesaid Upon the Several Taxes upon which Payable. Upon the Memorial of Eli Skinner of Farmington in the County of Hartford Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1780 he was draughted for the Continental Line of the State to serve six Months, which Service he faithfully Performed, and soon after his return Home he applied for and received the Sum of thirty shillings in Bills of this State for Blanket Money which he deposited in a Leathor Pocket Book, together with about ten Shillings in like Bills and soon after he unfor- * The committee reported in May. 1784, but the assembly took no final action on this case before the close of the present volume. See below, pp. 286, 415. 150 PUBLIC RECORDS May, tunately lost his said Pocket Book with the said Bills though much marred may be Still read &c Praying this Assembly to Order and direct the Treasurer of this State to receive said Bills and pay to him the Sum of forty shillings or such part as this Assembly shall think Just and reasonable, Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be directed and he is hereby ordered and directed to receive said Marred Bills and pay out of the Treasury to the said Eli Skinner the Sum of forty shill- ings in Bills of this State. Upon the Memorial of Daniel Goodwin of Hartford Executor of the last Will and Testament of Cap 1 Daniel Goodwin late of said Hart- ford Deceas d Shewing to this Assembly that the said Daniel Goodwin in his Life Time bought of the Heirs of Jonathan Bigelow late of said Hartford Deceas d sundry Rights of Land lying in Hartland in the County of Litchfield, which Rights he the said Daniel Goodwin Dec d having received a Just valueable Consideration therefor of John Bigelow and James Bigelow both late of said Hartford Deceas d , did Give Sell and Confirm unto them the said John and James Bigelow, severally by legal Conveyances one of which to wit, the one in favour of the said James his Heirs and Assigns is lost. Praying that he may be Impowered to give a good Deed of Quit Claim of the Premisses unto the Legal Heirs of the said James Bigelow &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he is hereby Impowered to Convey the above said Premisses, for himself and the rest of the Heirs of said Daniel Goodwin Deceas d , unto the legal Heirs of the said James Bigelow Dec d which Conveyance so made shall be good and effectual in Law to all Intents and purposes whatsoever. Upon the Memorial of Eli Skinner of Farmington in Hartford County, Shewing to this Assembly that about the 26 th of June in the Year 1780 he was detached to Serve in the Continental Line of the Army for the Term of six Months that he Joined the Regiment under the Com- mand of Lieu 1 Col 0 Hoit [Hart?] and faithfully served out his Time, and was regularly discharged ; That he made application for his pay to Col 0 Aaron Austin, who was appointed Pay Master but unfortunately having lost his Discharge the said Paymaster, thought himself not Auth- orized to pay the Memorialist for his said Service nor has he ever received any Compensation therefor Praying that said Pay Master may be Ordered to pay for said Service as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Pay Master be and he is hereby Ordered and directed to pay and satisfy to the Memorialist the Sums due to him for his said Service as has been done to others who performed the said Service the loss of said Discharge notwithstanding. Upon the Memorial of the Inhabitants of the Town of Weathers- field in Hartford County by their Agents Praying Liberty to hold a 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 151 Fair or publick Mart in said Town twice in every Year viz in the Spring and Fall of the Year annually, and occasionally at certain stated Periods, as shall be found beneficial and expedient for the Publick. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the Same , That Liberty and Authority be granted, and Liberty and Authority is hereby granted to the Inhabitants of the Towm of Weathersfield to set up and establish a Public Mart or Fair in said Town for the Benefit and Convenience of Commerce and the promotion of Manufactures and Agriculture which Fair or Mart shall have all the Priveleges suitable and Proper for such Institution to be held twice in every Year, namely once in the Months of April or May in the Spring, and once in Autumn in the Months of September or October Annually And said Mart or Fair shall not be held at any one Time longer than three Days untill it shall Close or be discontinued. And it shall be lawfull for all Merchants Dealers, Handy Craftsmen and others to resort to said Fair with their Goods Wares Merchandize Manufactures and Products and there expose the Same to Sale Publickly and for all Persons to Buy Sell and exchange or Barter their Goods Wares and Merchandize during the Continuance of such Fair or Mart, subject to the Bye Laws and Regulations of the Fair no Penalties or Forfeitures to exceed the Sum or Value of Ten Pounds, And Liberty and Authority is hereby granted to the Civil Authority and Select Men within said Town of Weathersfield from Time to Time to make and establish Bye Laws and Regulations for the well Ordering Governing and directing said Mart or Fair, which Bye Laws and Regu- lations shall be published in the several News Papers in this State before the Opening of such Mart or Fair and also shall be Subject to Revision Correction and alteration by the General Assembly of the State. Provided always that all Buildings and other Public Accomodations shall be provided by and at the Cost and Expence of said Town of Weathersfield, The aforesaid Grant to continue during the Pleasure of the General Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Daniel Judd of Colchester Shewing to this Assembly that his Son Jeheel Judd was an Inlisted Soldier in the State Service in Fort Griswold on the 6 th Day of Septem br 1781, when and where he was Greviously Wounded and that By the Advice of Doct r Turner he removed his said Son to his own House where he boarded and Nursed his said Son untill and after the first of April 1782, that the Committee of Pay Table Liquidated and Settled his Accounts until! said first of April 1782 and no longer having no Orders to Settle any Accounts that have arisen since that Time by Reason of Wounds received in said Action, that since said first of April 1782 he has been at Expence in Boarding Nursing and tending his said Son and for Doct rs Bill the Sum of £8 15 0 LMoney as Per Account produced for which he has received no Reward Praying Relief &c as Per Memorial on File. Resolved bv this Assembly that the Committee of Pav Table be and 152 PUBLIC RECORDS May, they are hereby Ordered to Receive Liquidate and Settle said Account in the same Manner as the Account before said first of April 1782, were Settled and draw Orders on the Treasurer for the Same. Upon the Memorial of Mary LeBaron of Plimouth Shewing to this Assembly that she is the only surviving Parent and Grant Parent of M rs Lidia Beadle and her Children late of Weathersfield Deceas d by whose untimely and tragical Death she is reduced to great Distress Praying that she and her two Surviving Daughters might be entituled to receive the whole of the Clear Estate of William Beadle late of said Weathersfield Dec d &c as Per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and she is hereby entituled to all the Clear Estate of the said William Deceas d that shall remain after the Payment of all his Just Debts and funeral Expences with the Cost of Settling said Estate, And the Court of Probate for the District of Hartford is hereby directed to Order and Distribute the Same to the Memorialist accordingly for the Use of herself and her Surviving Daughters forever. Upon the Memorial of John Porter of Goshen in Litchfield County Shewing to this Assembly that he served in the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army in the Year 1779 for about six Months, and that he was left out of the Pay Abstract and that he has not received any Pay for said Service Praying for releif &c as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Pay Table be and they are hereby Impowered and directed to draw on the Treasurer for such Sum as they on Examination shall find Justly due to said Porter for his aforesaid Services. Upon the Memorial of Israel Jones and others Inhabitants of the North East Part of the Town of Barkhempted, Shewing that they are so situated that they cannot conveniently attend public Worship and enjoy other Parish Priveleges in said Barkhemsted And that they can enjoy said Priveleges with great Conveniency in the first Society in the Town of Hartland Praying to have one Mile and a half Square at the North East Part of said Barkhemsted Set off and annexed to said first Society in said Hartland as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that one Mile and a half Square at the North East part of the Town of Barkhempsted with the Inhabitants be and the Same are hereby set off from said Barkhempsted and annexed to the first Society in said Hartland to participate in the Priveleges and the Burthens in said first Society. Upon the Memorial of Col 0 Matthew Mead Shewing to this Assem- bly that when in Command at Horseneck in the Year 1779 he took for the Use of the Troops under his Command two head of Cattle belonging to Jabez Sherwood of said Horseneck who has since brought his Action 1783 . OF CONNECTICUT 153 against said Memorialist who has been Compelled to pay the Sum of twenty odd Pounds Damages &c and likewise setting forth that said Cattle were taken for Public Use, who have never paid for the Same, and that the Memorialist hath been to twenty four Pounds fifteen shil- lings LMoney Debt and Cost Praying restitution be made for said Cattle &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be directed to allow the Memorialist the Value of the above mentioned Beef weiging eight Hundred and fifty six Pounds and draw on the Treasurer for the Same. Upon the Memorial of Samuel King a Refugee from Long Island now resident or Inhabitant of Midletown Shewing to this Assembly that in Novemb r last he was convicted of going to long Island without a per- mit and was sentenced to three Months Imprisonment which he hath Suffered and hath also Suffered more than three Months confinement for the Cost which he is wholly unable to pay or to procure Surety therefor, and that he must forever remain in Confinement unless released by this Assembly Praying this Assembly to Order and Decree that the Sheriff release him the Memorialist from his Imprisonment on his giving his own Security for said Cost which is about twenty Pounds lawfull Money — Resolved by this Assembly that the Sheriff release out of Goal the said Samuel King and he is hereby Ordered and directed to release the said Samuel King from Goal he giving his own Obligation for the whole of the Cost already made payable within three Years with Interest after Payable if delayed. Whereas Charles Caldwell with a number of his Creditors hath preferred his Petition to this Assembly Praying for an Act of Exemp- tion from his old Debts contracted antecedent to a certain Period as Per Petition &c, and there being no Opportunity for the hearing of said Petition at this Time by reason of the Public Business &c. Resolved by this Assembly that said Petition be and the Same is hereby Continued to the General Assembly at their next Sessions and in the mean Time that the Person and Estate of the said Charles be exemp- ted from Execution or Attachment and that no Conveyance of his said Estate either real or Personal shall be valid but remain in the Same State in which it now is. On the Memorial of John Mead and Jabez Fitch of Greenwich in behalf of themselves and the rest of the Sufferers in the Town of Green- wich whose Property has been destroyed by the Enemy since March 1779 Praying that a Committee may be appointed to estimate the Dam- ages as Per Memorial &c. Resolved by this Assembly that Col° Philip B Bradley and Col 0 Nehemiah Beardsley be and they hereby are appointed a Committee to 154 PUBLIC RECORDS May, repair to said Greenwich and estimate the Damages done in said Town by the Enemy since the Month of March 1779 and Report make to the next Session of this Assembly. Upon the Memorial of the Town of Windsor by their Agents, and of Josiah Allyn and others and of George Griswold and others Inhabitants of said Windsor, Shewing that the Bridge across Windsor Ferry River between the first and fourth Societies was carried away in the Winter Past by the Ice, That it would be of Public Advantage that said Bridge when Built anew, should be so constructed as to leave a free Passage for Vessells, up said River to the Society of Poquonock, and that said Town had by their Vote agreed to Build their Bridges in the following manner to wit the said first and fourth Society to erect and maintain all Bridges within their Limits the Society of Poquonock all within their Limits &c and the said Society of Wintonbury all within their Limitts &c as Per Memorial &c. Whereupon a Committee has been appointed to view &c and said Report being now accepted and approved &c. Resolved by this Assembly that said Town of Windsor do and shall for the future Build erect and maintain at the Proper Cost and Charge of the s d Town the said Bridge at the Place where it before stood between said first and fourth Societies in such form and manner as may let Vessels to Pass through the Same when Occasion shall require, And also that said Town shall as occasion requires Build and maintain said Bridge at Poquonock where it now Stands and also all other necessary Bridges within said Town all at the proper Cost of said Town. Upon the Memorial of Elijah Wimpey David Fowler and Samuel Adams in behalf of themselves and their Brethren Indians formerly of this State but lately Refugees from the Vicinity of Onoida Shewing to this Assembly that there is now in the Hands of Doct r Solomon Smith of Hartford the Sum of £16 17 0 Old Continental Currency £19 6 11 in Bills of Credit of this State emitted before the first of January 1780 & £12 13 0 in Bills of this State emitted since the first Day of January aforesaid which was Collected by Contribution for the Use of the s d Indians, who are very desirous of returning to their former Habitation near Onoida, that they are under very needy Circumstances and said Paper Money is to them Useless Praying for some Relief &c as Per Memorial on File. Resolved by this Assembly that upon the aforesaid Bills being paid and delivered into the Treasury of this State the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to pay out of said Treasury unto the said Doct r Smith the Sum of £33 1 8 LMoney to be by him paid the Rev d Samuel Kirk- land Missionary for the Use of said Indians. Upon the Report of Joseph Spencer William Williams and Nathan- iel Wales Esq rs a Committee appointed by this Assembly in May last to repair to Mohegan and enquire into Sundry Matters of Greivance 17S3. OF CONNECTICUT 155 Represented by the Memorial of Zachary Johnson Old Councillor of the Mohegan Tribe of Indians and others and to Report with their Opinion,* which Report is accepted as on File. Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the List of said Tribe of Indians made out by said Committee and referred to in their Report be lodged on the File as the Register of said Tribe, and that the Over- seers of said Indians be directed in future to keep an Account of the Increase or Decrease of said Tribe, and lay before this Assembly as shall be thought proper, That the Overseers in leasing out such of their Lands as may be proper endeavour to Gratify the Indians as far as may be in admitting such Tenants as are acceptable to them, and such as are Honest and faithfull That they lease them to the best advantage, distribute the Rents or Incomes in due proportion having a special regard to their Old & helpless and keep fair Accounts of the Avails or Distributions, that no Stranger or Person not belonging to said Tribe be permitted in future to come into Continue or reside on the Lands of said Tribe without Consent and leave of the Overseers, who are hereby Authorized by Writing under their Hands to warn any such Person or Persons to depart the Same within such Time as they shall limit on the Penalty provided by the Law respecting the Admission of Inhabitants in Towns and to prosecute any disobedience to such Warning in their own Names to final Judgment and Execution, That no Person not belonging to said Tribe be allowed to purchase take Cut or carry away any Wood Timber or other Property of said Indians, without the Consent of said Overseers on Penalty of being deemed and punished as Trespassers, and said Overseers are hereby Authorized to Institute and prosecute any Suit or Suits against any Person or Persons for any of said Offences, or other punishable Offence committed against the Person or Property of said Indians or any of them in manner as aforesaid that the said Overseers be and they are Authorized to Assign to particular Indians their proportion of Fence according to their Improvement and to punish their neglect of Duty in making and maintaining the Same or other Misfeazances by withholding proportions of Rent or other proper Restraints. That any Tenant to any particular Indian be con- fined as to Improvement and Wood to the Occupancy of his Owner unless by Licence and under Penalty as aforesaid, And it is further Resolved that the said Overseers be and are hereby Authorized if they judge it for the best good of the Tribe and with the Consent of the Major Part of the Male Inhabitants of Lawfull Age to divide the remaining Wood and other unoccupied Lands, as to Use & Improvement for necessary Purposes to and among the Several Familys of Indians, and to make such Alterations and Regulations from Time to Time as their Circumstances and Justice shall require, And Whereas old Councillor Zachary Johnson being of Pure Mohegan Blood and ever a fixed Friend to this Colony and State having no Children and is old and unable to Labour the said Overseers are hereby directed to supply See Conn. State Rees., IV, 213. PUBLIC RECORDS 156 May, him and his Wife out of the Avails of the Lands with all the necessaries and Comforts of Life so long as they shall severally live. Upon the Memorial of George Munro of the Town of Brookhaven on Long Island in the State of New York Shewing to this Assembly that he was prosecuted and Convicted before the Honb le County Court in the County of New Haven for bringing from Long Island a Peice of Cloath and a small Quantity of Salt, and that he was Sentenced to be Imprisoned for eighteen Months six of which he hath already suffered in Hartford Goal, and that his Father and Friends live upon Long Island and are willing to Assist him to Satisfy the Cost of his Prosecu- tion which is about £11 0 0, and that they are desirous that he should return Home Praying to be Liberated as P r Memorial on File. Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he is hereby Liberated from his said Confinement upon his paying the Cost of his Prosecution and any former Prosecution that shall be Taxed and allowed by the County Court in the County of New Haven, And also Pay to the Sheriff of the County of Hartford the Expences that have or may arise in consequence of this Confinement, And the Goal Keeper is hereby Ordered and directed to Liberate the Memorialist on his making payment as aforesaid. Upon the Memorial of Ebenezer Snow of Mansfield in the County of Windham Shewing that his Son Ebenezer Snow Deceas d had Money due him from this State for Wages for serving in the Continental Army, the Account whereof hath been Liquidated by the Committee appointed to settle the Accounts of the Officers and Soldiers of this State, that said Deceas d left a Widow in Orange County in the State of New York and left no Estate, except what is due for said Services, that he was not in Debt except a few Shillings, which the Memorialist is willing to pay Praying that the Securities for said Wages may be Issued for the Benefit of the said Widow without the Trouble and expence of taking Administration &c As Per Memorial on File. Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be directed to Certify to the Treasurer the Sum due for the said Services of the said Deceas d and that the Treasurer Issue a Note or Notes for the Same payable to said Widow and deliver the same to the Memorialist for her Benefit and he shall be accountable for the Debts due from said Deceased Ebenezer not exceeding the Amount of said Wages. Upon the Memorial of Lemuel Brooks of Middletown Shewing to this Assembly that he stands prosecuted for a Breach of the Law of this State against Illicit Trade which Process is depending before the Superior Court in the County of Hartford, that he was unwarily drawn into the Commission of said Offence and has suffered in his Person and Property and Praying a Pardon &c As Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that on the Memorialists Paying the legal 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 157 Cost arisen on said Information the said Information & Process be discontinued. Upon the Memorial of Solomon Leet of Guilford in the County of New Haven, Shewing to this Assembly that he lived near the Sea or Sound where his Interest chiefly lay and was continually exposed to the Inroads of the Enemy and that he has frequently been alarmed and had his Stock taken off, And that to compleat his Misfortunes has lost his House, two Barns Cow House and almost the whole of his Hous- hold Furniture consumed by the Enemy, and that he is much reduced in his Circumstances and unable to pay his Public Taxes without dis- tressing his Family Praying for a release of Public Taxes as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he is hereby discharged from the Payment of all the State Taxes which are now due from him or that may be laid on his Lists for the Years 1781 and 1782. Whereas this Assembly in January last Resolved that the Person and Estate of Jonathan Wells Esq r of Glastonbury should be protected and exempted, that he might have Opportunity to bring his Petition &c as by Act of Assembly &c* And Whereas he hath now bro u forward his said Petition Praying for releif from the Demands of his Creditors, which is now Continued upon the Motion of said Creditors and he Pray- ing that he may in the mean Time be protected as heretofore &c. Resolved by this Assembly, that the Person and Estate of the said Jonathan be and the Same are hereby protected and exempted from any Attachment or Execution of any of his Creditors untill the rising of the General Assembly in October next and that in the mean Time he shall not Sell or dispose of any of his Estate either real or Personal. Upon the Memorial of Samuel Fuller and others of Stafford Shewing that the second Society in said Stafford are in a divided State owing principally to the Sentiments of M r Foster their Pastor Pray- ing for releif &c as Per Memorial &c — Resolved by this Assembly that Col 0 Samuel Mott, Hezekiah Bissell & Shubael Abby Esq rs be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to repair to the said Society of Stafford and enquire into the Facts alledged in said Memorial and all other Difficulties subsisting among them hear all Parties, and Report make with their Opinion thereon to the General Assembly in October next.| Upon the Petition of Mathias Learning Shewing that being involved in Debt and to gain Time to satisfy his Creditors by the Sale of his out Lands, he made a Deed of his Land in Farmington Where he lived to his * See above, p. 29. t See below, p. 308. 158 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Brother the Rev d M r Learning of Norwalk without the Privity of his said Brother or ever to this Day receiving one Penny Consideration of him or any security therefor that he on the Day of the Execution of the Deed lodged it with the Register of the Town of Farmington and it was Recorded, accordingly at the Petitioners request, That his said Brother soon after went off to New York and his Estate hath been since confiscated and the Petitioners Estate in Consequence of the Deed aforesaid hath been disposed of for Public Use as Per Petition &c Pray- ing for Relief &c. Resolved by this Assembly that Stephen M Mitchell Isaac Lee & John Treadwell Esq rs be and they are hereby appointed a Committee with full Power to call all Persons anyways concerned in any of the Transactions mentioned or referred to in said Petition or Memorial before them and enquire into the Facts set forth with all Circumstances relative thereto and their Report with their Opinion to make to the General Assembly at their next Session.* Upon the Memorial of John Osborn and James Knap belonging to the fourth Brigade of Militia ; Shewing that they served six Months in the Years AD 1779 & 1780 in the Continental Army and by reason of the Pay Master appointed for said Brigade not undertaking said Trust they are not paid; which Memorial was referred to a Committee to Report what ought to be done for the Memorialist and others in like Circumstances, which Committee having Reported as Per Memorial and Report on File. Resolved that Col 0 Eli Mygatt of Danbury be and he is hereby appointed Pay Master to said fourth Brigade to Settle with the Memo- rialists and others in like Circumstances belonging to said Brigade, deducting what they have received in Continental Bills for their said Service at the Rate of eighteen for one. Upon the Memorial of Elizabeth Elmore of Harwington Widow of Caleb Elmore late of Harwington Deceas d , Shewing to this Assembly that her late Husband was a Soldier in the Connecticut Line of the Army, that there was due to him at the Time of his Death for the Depreciation of his Wages £10 15 4 as Liquidated, that she has paid the Chief of his Debts Supported the Children &c Praying Releif &c as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to draw on the Treasurer in favour of the Memorialist for the Sum due to the said Caleb as aforesaid and the Treasurer is also directed to Issue his Notes to her for the Same accord- ingly all in the Same manner as has been done for the Ballances due the other Soldiers. * See below, p. 288. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 159 Upon the Memorial of Robert Kimberly of Guilford in New Haven County Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1777 he engaged in a Company of Infantry Commanded by Capt Edward Shipman and Regiment Commanded by Thaddeus Cook Esq and was in both Actions at Still Water and Saratoga and was wounded in his Breast in the last Action and Praying for Releif & c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Ordered and directed to draw on the Treasurer in favour of the Memorialist for the Sum of nine Pounds lawfull Money. Upon the Petition of William Sherman Jun r of the Town and County of New Haven, Shewing that he has for a number of Years been engaged in Trade and Merchandizing, and by a Series of inevitable Misfortunes such as the Failure of some Persons largely Indebted to him losses at Sea & c, he has become unable to pay all his Creditors the full amount of their Just dues from him, and he being very desir- ous that the property of which he is possessed should be equitably divided to and among all his Creditors in proportion to the Sums to them respectively due Praying this Assembly to appoint Trustees to receive all the Estate of the Petitioner for the Benefit of his Creditors and to decree that upon his assigning and delivering all his Estate upon Oath to such Trustees for the Benefit of his Creditors as aforesaid that the Person of the Petitioner may be exempted from Arrest or Imprisonment on account of said Debts as by said Petition on File Dated the 23 d Day of September 1775 Appears. And a number of Persons named as Creditors having been duely Cited to Show Reasons, if any they have why the Prayer of said Petition should not be granted as appears on File, who being publickly called, none of them appeared to object to Granting the Same. And the Petitioner having by his Deed Dated the 27 th of May A D 1782 Assigned all his Estate both real and Personal to David Austin and James Hilhouse both of New Haven Esq” for the Benefit of all his Creditors — It is Resolved and Decreed by this Assembly that the said David Austin and James Hilhouse Esq” be and they are hereby appointed Trustees and fully Authorized and Impowered to receive from the Peti- tioner all his Estate both real and Personal except his wearing Apparrel, and all Debts due to him in Law or Equity for the Use and Benefit of all his Creditors in proportion to the Sums to them repectively due, And the said Trustees are hereby fully Impowered to recover and receive all the Estate Goods Chattels & Credits of the Petitioner, and all Accounts and Securities relating thereto, and in their own Names to Commence and prosecute any Actions or Suits in Law or Equity for the recovery thereof And also to Sell and dispose of said Estate real and Personal and to divide the Neet Proceeds thereof after deducting the necessary and reasonable Expences to and among all the Creditors of the Petitioner, in proportion to the Sums to them respectively due, and the said Trustees are hereby Authorized to decide any Dispute that may 160 PUBLIC RECORDS May, arise concerning the Claims of any Persons Claiming to be Creditors agreeable to the Rules prescribed by a late Law of this State Entituled an Act for preventing Frauds in Debtors and for securing the Effects of Insolvent Debtors for the Use of their Creditors, and for the equitable Division of the Estates and Effects of such Debtors to and among their Creditors — And it is further Resolved and Decreed, that upon the Petitioners disclosing and delivering over to said Trustees all his Estate, with all Accounts Securities and Vouchers relating thereto, on Oath according to the form prescribed in said Act his Person shall be forever exempted from any Arrest or Imprisonment on Account of any of the Debts due from him at the Date of his said Petition, but any Estate which the Petitioner may hereafter acquire shall be Liable for the remainder of said Debts. Upon the Memorial of John Dickinson Esq r and others Inhabitants of Middleton, Shewing to this Assembly that Gurdon Whitmore of said Midletown is now confined in Goal on a Judgment of the Superior Court, that his Family is Suffering & Praying that said Whitmore may be released &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that upon said Gurdons Paying all Cost which has arisen on his Prosecution and Subsequent Imprisonment he shall be discharged from his Present Confinement and the Sheriff of the County of Hartford is Impowered and directed to discharge said Whit- more from Goal on his paying all Cost arisen as aforesaid. Upon the Petition and Remonstrance of Ezra Hanchet Gad Lane and others Inhabitants within the Limits of the sixth Military Company in the first Regiment in this State Shewing to this Assembly that the Choice of Ashbel King to be Captain and Thaddeus Leavitt to be Lieutenant in said Company as Certified by Capt Josiah King was Illegal on account that sundry Persons under the Age of sixteen Years were through inattention admitted to Vote in the Choice of said Officers, Resolved by this Assembly that the said Capt Josiah King be and he is hereby directed to Cause legal Warning to be given to all within the Limits of said Sixth Company who by Law have a Right to Vote in the Choice of Commissioned Officers to meet at such Time and Place as he may appoint and when so met that he lead them to the Choice of a Captain and such other Officer as may be necessary and that he make return of his Proceedings in the Premisses to this or the next Assembly. Upon the Memorial of the Widow Hannah Rowley of Hebron in the County of Hartford and State of Connecticut Shewing to this Assembly that her late Husband Cap 1 Abijah Rowley of said Hebron Deceas d had the Command of a Company at the Northward, and when he marched with said Company to said Department he left Ensign Phineas Grover of Glastonbury to List some Recruits and to bring them 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 161 on, which said Grover did, and furnished them with Arms and Accoutre- ments to the Amount of forty five Pounds thirteen shillings and gave his Recept to the Select Men of the Town of Glastonbury therefor but by reason of said Capt Rowleys being removed from said Company by the Sickness whereof he soon after died, never received said Arms nor any Account of them, but notwithstanding the Committee of Pay Table have Charged the Same against the Estate of said Captain Rowley Deed and the said Memorialist being Executrix of the last Will of her Hus- band stands exposed to pay said Money Praying Releif &c as Per Memorial on File. Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to Credit the said Capt Rowleys Estate the said Sum of forty five Pounds thirteen shillings and Charge the Same to the Estate of said Ensign Phineas Grover Dec d who received said Arms. Upon the Memorial of William Barnard Keeper of the Common Goal in the County of Hartford, Shewing to this Assembly that he has been greatly Burthened in the oversight and keeping of the Goal in said County and Care of the Prisoners &c and that he has Suffered much in receiving a depreciating Currency for his Sevrices &c, And that not- withstanding which he has been Assessed by the Listers in the Year past the Sum of £15 merely on Account of his Supplying Prisoners &c with some small Refreshments of Liquors &c, which Goal Keepers have ever been accustomed to do without being considered as Retailers or Tav- erners and is also now Subjected to pay an Excise &c Praying for Releif &c. Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he is hereby released and exempted from said Assesment and also from paying any Excise on Liquors retailed as aforesaid And all Collectors of Taxes of Excise &c are directed not to exact or Collect any Taxes or Excise thereon. Upon the Memorial of Samuel Wadsworth, John Olcott Gurdon Wadsworth & Hannah Bigelow all of Hartford which said Samuel John and Gurdon are Executors of the last Will and Testament of Major John Bigelow late of Hartford Deceas d , and the said Hannah and Gurdon are Guardians to all the Children of said Deceas d and the said Hannah is also Mother of said Children Shewing to this Assembly that the said Dec d died Seized of sundry Peices of Wild Land lying in Hart- land in Partnership with the Heirs of James Bigelow Dec d , that the Heirs of said John Dec d are all very Young, that such Land is sinking in value, cannot be divided without Injury to the whole, and that the Public Taxes with the Cost arising upon said Land will amount to more than the whole value thereof before said Children arrive of Age Praying for Liberty to Sell the Same & c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Cap* Samuel Wadsworth of Hart- 162 PUBLIC RECORDS May, ford be and he is hereby Authorized and Impowered to Sell and dispose of all the aforesaid Lands lying in said Hartland belonging to the Heirs of said John Deceas d for the Use and Benefit of said Heirs under the direction of the Court of Probate for the District of Hartford. Upon the Memorial of Ensign Robert Bradford Shewing that he was an Ensign in a Regiment raised for the defence of this State in the Year 1776 and on the 15 th Day of March 1777, was taken Prisoner by the Enemy and held by the Enemy untill the 24 th Day of May 1779, And that he hath received but a small Part of his Wages, and that he lost sundry Articles of Cloathing and Warlike Implements Praying for Relei f &c as Per Memorial &c — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to allow to said Bradford a reasonable Sum for a Gun Bayonet and Cartouch Box lost by the Enemy, also that they examine liquidate and adjust his other losses and Wages according to General Rules, already heretofore Given and adopted by them, respect- ing Losses and Wages in Simular Cases, and that a Settlement be made with him, and that the said Committee be directed to draw on the Treasurer for the Ballance found due who is directed to pay the Same out of the /12 d Tax payable in April 1783. Upon the Memorial of Nathan Fowler William Atwater Nathan Clark and Gideon Buckingham all of Milford in the County of New Haven Select Men of said Town Shewing to this Assembly that on the last of Jan 7 1781 the Times of those that were engaged in the Service of the State for Defence of said Town expired and that the Memorialists as they had been wont to do under Simular Circumstances engaged the Officer with about half his Men to Continue in the Fort and Places at which they had been Stationed untill the Assembly should meet and make farther Provision with encouragement that they should have the same pay and allowance that they had for the Time they had Served. And that it was about two Months before Provision was made Praying that the Committee of Pay Table be directed to Settle said Officers Pay Abstract and Account of Wood Supplied As Per Memorial on File — Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Ordered and directed to Settle the Pay Abstract of said Guard with Account of Wood Supplied and draw Orders upon the Treasurer for the Payment of the Same. Upon the Memorial of Smith Weed of Stamford Shewing to this Assembly that under an appointment of this State he Served as Issuing Commissary from the first Day of April 1780 to the 25 th Day of April AD 1783, That he was also allowed a Clerk and Scaleman, who have also Served during said Term, Also that Mason Cogswell was by the Gov- ernor and Council appointed Clerk and Served one Month in said Office, and that no Pay has been made for any of the Services aforesaid Pray- 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 163 mg that the Committee of Pay Table may be Ordered to examine and adjust his Account of said Service and draw an Order on the Treasurer for the Sum due thereon as Per Memorial &c, Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table examine and Adjust the Account of the Memorialist for his said Services alone and draw an Order on the Treasurer to give his Note to the Memorialist for the Sums they shall Judge Just and reasonable payable in the three Years with Interest to be paid annually and that the said Committee Charge the Same to the United States. Upon the Memorial of John Lloyd of Danbury Shewing to this Assembly that he is fourfolded by the Listers of the Town of Hartford for the Year 1782 to the amount of £152 for the little remain of Prop- erty he brought with him in his flight from Long Island when invaded by the Enemy Praying for releif as Per Memorial on File &c. Resolved by this Assembly that said fourfold Assesment of £152 made and Given into the List of said Town of Hartford for the Year 1782, be and the Same is hereby Abated and all Taxes that have or may be laid on said List are hereby Abated and discharged. Upon the Memorial of Moses Hall of Wallingford a Continental Soldier Shewing to this Assembly that about two Years since he was possessed of four Notes Signed by John Lawrence Esq r Treasurer of this State which Notes he had received for his Service in the Army as a Soldier and were the following Numbers viz 13335 13336, 13337, and 13338, and for the Sum of eight Pounds five shillings & two pence 1/4 each, which Notes were put into the Hands of Justus Johnson of said Wallingford to bring Home, but said Notes being Stolen from said Johnson and the Memorialist deprived of the Benefit of Principle and Interest of said Notes Praying that he may have the Same Number of Notes of the Same Dates and Sums, and that he may also have the Interest now due thereon — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer make out to said Memorialist and he is Ordered to make out four Notes of the Same Sums and Dates of those mentioned in the Memorial and also that he pay the Interest due thereon the Memorialist giving proper security the States shall not be Injured on Condition the Notes mentioned in the Memorial should be found. Upon the Memorial of Joseph Gregory of Sharon Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1760, he was indebted by Bond to William Bayard & Company of New York in the Sum of £308 15 2 New York Money, that in the Year 1761 he executed to said Bayard a Deed of sixty five Acres of Land in Sharon at the Price of £300 like Money that in the Year 1765, he executed a Deed of Mortgage to said Bayard of his Dwelling House and about ten Acres of Land in said Sharon, that he also advanced Moneys to said Bayard under an expectation and agree- 164 PUBLIC RECORDS May, ment of receiving a Shop of Goods, which was never performed that there is now due to the Memorialist about forty Pounds lawfull Money over and above paying his aforesaid Debt and the Money for which said ten Acres was Mortgaged with Interest That the Estate of said Bayard has since been confiscated to the Use of this State, And the whole of the abovesaid Lands has been Sold to Capt William Moulton by Order of His Excellency the Governor & Council of Safety, who were unacquainted with the Circumstances thereof and that said Moulton is willing to release his Right to said Lands upon his receiving back the Same or simular Securities for Money which he gave for said Lands with his Cost, that the said Gregory has Given sundry Notes for the Rents of said Lands Praying that said Notes might be cancelled, and he quieted in the Possession of said ten Acres of Land, and also have secured to him said forty Pounds &c as Per Memorial on File. Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he is hereby quieted in the Possession of said about ten Acres of Land Buildings and Appurtenances mentioned in said second Deed to be and remain to him & his Heirs forever in fee, and that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to give execute and deliver to the said Cap 1 William Moulton Securities for Money of the Same Tenor and Date and to the same Amount of those received from him for said Lands upon his giving to this State a Quit Claim Deed of said Lands which he is hereby Ordered to do ; And the said Treasurer is also directed to pay to the said Moulton the Sum of thirteen Pounds ten shillings lawfull Money out of the Public Treasury and that John Canfield Esq r be and he is hereby directed to resign and deliver up to said Gregory all the Notes Given by him for the Rents of said Land which are hereby Cancelled. Upon the Memorial of John Deshon of New London Shewing to this Assembly that there are two small Lots of Land Situate in said New London the one lying at Hogneck so called containing about forty Rods of Land the other containing about eight Square Rods lying near Charles Jefferys, Bounded East on a Highway South on Land of Jona- than Brooks West on Land of Winthrop Saltonstall and North on a Highway and Praying for Liberty to purchase said Lots of Land at Apprizement and make Payment therefor in Public Securities now due and on Interest as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that Benjamin Huntington Esq r be and he hereby is appointed and directed to make Sale of said two Lots of Land above described at his best discretion either by Private Sale at the Apprizement of such good and Judicious Men as he shall agree upon with the Purchase or by Publick Vendue to the Highest Bidder, to be paid for in either Case in Public Securities against this State, which are become due and on Interest, and such Sale being made the Treasurer of this State is hereby Authorized and directed to execute a Deed in behalf of this State to the Purchaser or Purchasers & receive the Secu- rities that shall be given in Payment therefor pursuant to this Act. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 165 Upon the Memorial of the Inhabitants of the Town of Kent Shewing to this Assembly that for more than twenty Years last past they have been at great Expence in Building and maintaining a free Bridge over Ousatonuck River in said Kent near the dwelling House of Capt Abra- ham Fuller which Bridge in February last was Carried off by an extror- dinary Flood, And that a Bridge is much wanted in said Place and that said Inhabitants are unable to build the Same, Praying Liberty to Institute a Lottery for the purpose of raising £250 lawfull Money to defray the expences of Building said Bridge and that said Lottery be under such Regulations as this Assembly shall appoint, Resolved by this Assembly that Liberty be and the same is hereby given to the Memorialists to Institute a Lottery for the purpose of rebuilding said Bridge to be so calculated as to raise the Sum of £250 Pounds to be applied to that purpose only, And that the Civil Authority and Select Men of the Town of Kent appoint the Managers and super- intend the management of said Lottery, and that said Lottery be compleated and drawn & finished within two Years now next comeing and be at the Sole Risque of said Town of Kent. On the Memorial of James Booth &c Select Men of the Town of Stratford Praying to be releived from an Execution in favour of the Governor and Company of the State of Connecticut against said Town for the Sum of £60 0 0 LMoney. Resolved by this Assembly that the further Consideration of said Memorial be referred to the General Assembly in October next and in the mean Time execution be Stayed and no Proceeding had thereon untill the rising of said Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Silas Davenport of Stamford in Fairfield County Shewing to this Assembly that he was purchasing Commissary for this State for the Year 1780 &1781, And that there are large Sums now due to him from this State for supplies furnished for which he is indebted to the Persons of whom he purchased and is pressed for Pay- ment and in one Instance has been sued and Judgment obtained against him for a large Sum by Daniel Gray of said Stamford, and is liable to be wholly ruined for having steped in to the Aid of this State unless this Honb le Assembly will afford their Interposition Praying for Releif & c as Per Memorial on File &c, Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to draw on the Treasurer in favour of the Memorialist or any of the Creditors of the Memorialist for Debts con- tracted for making said Supplies, who are willing to receive the Same for such Sums as may be due to them to be paid out of any of the unappropriated Monies of this State or Treasurers Notes on Interest Annually, Payable in three Years Provided the Same does not exceed the Sum due to the Memorialist, And that the Judgment obtained by said Daniel Gray before the County Court held at Fairfield on the third 166 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Tuesday of April 1783 be and the Same is hereby Suspended and that no Execution be inforced thereon, and that no Judgment be rendered against the Memorialist for said Debts during the Pleasure of this Assembly. Upon the Memorial of John Deshon Shewing to this Assembly that he was employed by this State as Agent to fit and send out a number of Vessels for the Purpose of bringing in Salt and warlike Stores for the Use of this and the United States of America and that he said John Deshon did Charter the Sloop Polly of about eighty Tons of Christopher Leffingwell Esq r for the purpose aforesaid at the risque of this and the United States of America and that the Sloop Polly was Captured by the Enemy as appears by Memorial on File, Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and the Same are hereby directed to draw on the Treasurer for the Sum of £795 lawfull Money payable to Christopher Leffingwell Esq r three years from the Date hereof with the lawfull Interest Annually untill paid, And that the Committee of Pay Table be further directed to Charge half of the above Sum which is £397 10 0 LMoney to the United States of America. Upon the Memorial of Amos Mead of Greenwich Shewing to this Assembly that he has Orders on the Treasurer of this State to the amount of One hundred and Sixty three Pounds fifteen Shillings drawn by the Committee of Pay Table for lawfull Silver Money, and that there was also due to him for Beef and Mutton delivered to Commissary Silas Davenport in Septemb r and October 1780, the Sum of £48 14 0 Pray- ing for Interest to be allowed thereon as has been usual in such Cases, And also that there is due to him for Services in the General Assembly the Sum of thirty five Pounds Praying that the Committee of Pay Table may be directed to Liquidate the said Accounts of Beef and Mutton and the Interest thereon and the said Orders and that they draw on the Treasurer for what they find due — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to Liquidate the Accounts mentioned in the s d Memorial, allowing the Interest on the said Provisions from the Time of delivery, and draw on the Treasurer for what they shall find due thereon in lawfull Money together with the said Orders, and the Treas- urer is directed to give and execute Notes therefor together with what is due to the said Amos Mead for Services in the General Assembly Payable in two Years to the Memorialist with Interest therefor annually. Upon the Memorial of Timothy Jones of New Haven, Administrator on the Confiscated Estate of Benjamin Anderson late of said New Haven, Shewing to this Assembly that the Debts found and allowed by Commissioners and Court of Probate to be due from said Anderson are unpaid though there was sufficient Property left by said Anderson for 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 167 that purpose which has since been Sold by Order of the Governor and Council of Safety for Bills of this State which have been Paid into the Treasury of this State, Praying this Assembly to provide some Way for the Payment of said Debt, as Per Memorial on File &c, Resolved by this Assembly that James Hilhouse, Administrator on the Confiscated Estate of Charles Ward Apthorp be and he is hereby directed and Impowered to pay such Demand as shall be Certified by the Judge of Probate for the District of New Haven to be found and allowed to be due from said Anderson in such Monies Notes or Securitys as he may receive for Debts due to said Apthorp Provided said Cred- itors will receive the Same, And the Treasurer is hereby directed to allow the same to said Hillhouse in the Settlement of his Accounts. Upon the Memorial of Daniel Leet of Guilford Shewing to this Assembly that on the 19 th of June 1782 the Enemy burnt his Dwelling House and Barn &c That he had been Collector of State Taxes and had Settled with the Treasurer for the whole of said Taxes, and there still remained due to him on his Rate Bills the Sum of £21 0 0 LMoney, which said Rate Bills were burnt in his said House whereby he was Prevented from Collecting any Part thereof and that he is much reduced by said Burning Praying that the said Sum of £21 which he paid to the Treasurer of his own Money may be refunded, And that his State Taxes for the Current Year may be abated as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Sum of £21 0 0 LMoney be refunded back to the Memorialist and the Treasurer of this State is hereby Ordered to pay back to said Memorialist said Sum of £21 0 0 and all his State Taxes for the Current Year are also hereby Abated and the Several Collectors are directed not to Collect the same. Upon the Memorial of Nathaniel Silleck of Stamford in Fairfield County Conservator of the Person and Estate of Sarah Silleck Ju r of said Stamford a distracted Person, Shewing that the Debts due from the said Sarah as allowed by the County Court in Fairfield County exceeds the Personal Estate of the said Sarah the Sum of fifty five Pounds ten Shillings & threepence and Praying to be Impowered to Sell real Estate of said Sarah to raise said Sum &c as Per Memorial on File— Resolved by this Assembly that the said Memorialist be and he is hereby Authorized and Impowered to Sell real Estate of said Sarah to raise said Sum of £55 10 3 lawfull Money to enable him to pay said Debts and also the Charges of Sale taking the Direction of the Court of Probate for the District of Stamford therein. Upon the Memorial of Israhiah Wetmore of Stratford Shewing to this Assembly that he was duely Ordained and Settled in the Work of the Gospel Ministry in the first Society in said Stratford in the Year 1753, and Continued in that Work and in a good Agreement with the 168 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Church and People in said Society for twenty seven Years, and in the Year 1780 principally through Infirmity of Body, whereby he was unable to pursue his Studies and Partly by the Distresses of those Times, he was rendered unable to attend to his Work in said Society and was dismissed from his particular Charge, but not from the Ministry at large and still continues to Preach the Gospel, and means to spend his Days in that Service, That the Listers of Stratford have considered it as their Duty to add his small Estate in the List, by means whereof sundry Tax Bills are made out against him which are unpaid, and he unable to pay the Same without Ruin to himself, and his numerous and expensive Family for whom he cannot provide an Interest as Men in Secular Employment can do Praying for an exemption from pas d and future Taxation &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he is hereby exonerated discharged and exempted from all Taxation both pas d and future, in the Same Manner as the Law exempts regular Ministers of the Gospel, which future exemption shall continue during the Pleasure of this Assembly, and all Collectors of Taxes and Listers are to take Notice hereof and conform themselves to the direction of this Act. Upon the Memorial of Stephen Johnson and others Inhabitants of the Towns of Midletown Durham Haddam and Killingworth ; Repre- senting to this Assembly that a nearer and much better Road may be obtained from Midletown to Killingworth which will Shorten the Dis- tance about a Mile and three Quarters in passing from Middletown Church Southerly about five Miles without much alteration and from thence to be a new Road running nearly South three Miles and an half where it will fall into the Road near Enos Francis s That there is no Road leading to the Southward for the Distance of five Miles from the Country Road leading from Durham to Haddam, That if the above mentioned Part of the Road that must be new can be obtained together with Some easy Alterations, it will be of great Advantage both to the Public and to Individuals who stand in need of the Same to go to thier Lands and to Mill &c, And that as four Towns and three Counties are Interested in the new proposed Road, the Memorialists pray for a Com- mittee to view the Same &c as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that Col° Gad Stanley of Farmington Oliver Stanley Esq r of Wallingford and Israel Spencer Esq r of East Haddam be and they are hereby appointed a Committee at the Cost of the Memorialists to view the Circumstances of said new Road prayed for and consider whether the Same be necessary or not and make Report of what they shall find respecting the Same and their Opinion thereon to the General Assembly in October next. Upon the Memorial of John Brooks of Stratford Shewing to this Assembly that he was appointed Barrack Master in the Town of Strat- ford by the Civil Authority and Select Men in said Town on the 13 th 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 169 of March 1780 to Provide Barracks Wood and other necessaries for the reception and accomodation of the Troops in the Service of this State that then were or that thereafter might be Ordered to that Post for the Defence of the Sea Cost &c &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be allowed five Pounds lawfull Money Per Month during the Time of his actually serv- ing as Barrack Master as a full Compensation for said Service inclusive of Rations and Forage, And that the Committee of Pay Table receive the Memorialists Account therefor liquidate and adjust the Same and draw on the Treasurer for what they shall find Justly due thereon. Upon the Memorial of Thomas Hooker of Farmington Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1774 for the Consideration of £261 0 0 he Mortgaged to Colburn Barrel of Boston two Peices of Land as secu- rity for said Sum both lying in said Farmington, in Quantity fifty Acres one of said Peices bounded North on Judah Judd s Land, South on Land of Isaac and Stephen Lee, East and West on Highway, the other Peice Bounded North & East on James Judds Land, South on Stephen Lee and West on a Highway together with the House Barn and other Buildings standing thereon which Estate being legally vested in said Barrell his Estate has been declared and adjudged forfeit to this State, That the Memorialist is desirous to redeem said Mortgaged Premisses but cannot procure hard Money Praying for Liberty to redeem the Same by paying the Principal and Interest in Public Securi- ties as Per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he hereby is allowed and permitted to redeem said Mortgaged Premisses with Public Securities against this State for hard Money, and are now Payable And the Treasurer of this State is directed to make and execute to said Hooker a Deed of Quit Claim of the Right and Title of this State to said Mortgaged Premisses on his delivering to said Treasurer such Securities to the amount of said Principal Sum and the Interest thereof and Paying in hard Money the Cost of Suit that has already been Commenced and Carried to Judgment for recovery of the Suzin [seizin] and Possession of said Mortgaged Premisses by Oliver Wolcott Jun r Administrator of said Estate. Upon the Memorial of Phineas Beardsley Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1777 he was appointed a Captain in the Continental Army that he received a Sum of Money from the Treasurer of this State to pay the Bounties of Men that should Inlist into said Service that he also received some Money to pay the Bounties given by Congress, that he has paid out more Money for the Bounties &c given by this State and Congress than he has received from both &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be directed to allow to the Memorialist the whole of the Monies he paid out 170 PUBLIC RECORDS May, as Bounties to said Soldiers deducting the Sum of £326 which he received to pay the Bounties given by Congress and to draw an Order on the Treasurer of this State for the Ballance due to him And Charge the Same to Account of the United States. Upon the Memorial of Timothy Bradley Shewing to this Assembly that as a Purchasing Commissary he was Obliged to advance his own Monies & Credit to make Purchases for the Army for which & his own Services he has received this States Securities payable within one Year after the War, that he is pressed for Payment &c Praying for releif as Per Memorial on File &c, Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby directed to receive of said Memorialist his said State Notes to the amount of One hundred Pounds LMoney And draw Orders therefor upon the Several Collectors payable out of any of the Rates or Taxes due to this State and not particularly appropriated to any other Purpose at the Option of the Memorialist. Upon the Petition of Isaac Tomlinson of Woodbury Shewing that Major Thomas Bull Administrator on the Estate of Isaac Tomlinson Jun r & Russell Tomlinson Jun r Praying for relief against an Execution in favour of said Bull against the Petitioner for a large Sum and that he may have a certain Note against said Isaac & Russell which is Justly his due discounted on said Execution he having paid said Bull nearly the Ballance between said Execution and Note as Per Petition on File, and by reason of the Public Business could not be heard, Resolved by this Assembly that the further Consideration of said Petition be continued to the General Assembly to be holden in October next, and said Execution and all Proceedings thereon be Suspended in the mean Time. Upon the Memorial of the first Society in Newtown Fairfield County, Shewing to this Assembly that their House for Public Worship is much decayed and must soon be ruined and Lost unless repaired, and that by reason of Division &c Subsisting amongst them they are unable to repair the Same, and Praying to this Assembly that the Committee of Sales on the confiscated Estates in Fairfield County be directed to pay to the Societys Committee for said Society fifty Pounds LMoney to be appropriated Solely for the Purpose of repairing said House &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that John Chandler of said Newtown be directed and he is hereby directed as soon as may be Collected to pay over into the Hands of said Societys Committee the Sum of fifty Pounds LMoney to be by them applied for the repairing the House of Public Worship belonging to said Society taking their receipt therefor which Receipt shall Account for said Chandler in Settling his Accounts as Committee for the Sale of Confiscated Land in Fairfield County. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 171 Upon the Memorial of Nathan Hibbard of Windham Administrator on the Estate of Jacob Bottom late of the Parish of Ellington in East Windsor Dec d Praying for Liberty to make Sale of the whole of the real Estate of said Deceas d being fourteen Acres of Land with the Buildings lying and being in said Parish of Ellington &c As Per Memo- rial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he hereby is fully Impowered and Authorized to make Sale of the whole of said real Estate of said Deceas d in said Parish of Ellington taking the directions of the Court of Probate for the District of Stafford therein, and that he give Security to said Court for the Overplus of the Avails of said Estate if any be after the Debts of said Dec d are paid and deducted with inci- dent Charges for the Benefit of the Heirs of said Dec d with the lawfull Interest thereon arising till paid. Upon the Memorial of Thomas Brown of Coventry, shewing to this Assembly that he is indebted to the confiscated Estate of Doct r Sil- vester Gardiner by Note the Sum of about fifty or sixty Pounds law- full Money for which a Suit is now depending before the County Court in the County of Windham, Praying for Liberty to pay said Debt in State Securities given to the Soldiers which are due as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that upon the Memorialists Paying to the Administrator on said Confiscated Estate said Debt in State Securi- ties given to Soldiers which are now due and also paying said Adminis- trator the lawfull Cost arisen in said Action in Money said Adminis- trator deliver up said Note & withdraw said Suit. Upon the Petition of Enos Atwater, Timothy Hull, Robert Rice, Gad Pond Ephraim Cook and others of the Church and Society of Cheshire in the County of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that great uneasiness has arisen in said Society respecting the Continuance of the Rev* 1 M r John Foot in the Work of the Gospel Ministry in said Society and their being compelled to pay Taxes for the support of said M r Foot whilst they have supported the Preaching of the Gospel in a distinct Worshiping Assembly. Praying to be discharged from the payment of any Rates that may in future be laid for the support of said M r Foot as a Gospel Minister &c as Per Petition &c, Resolved by this Assembly, that such of the Petitioners and other Members of said Church and Society as shall on or before the first Day of Novemb r next enter their Names with the Town Clerk in said Cheshire shall be and they are hereby freed exempted and discharged from paying any and all Rates that shall hereafter be Imposed and laid in said Society for the purpose of maintaining and supporting the said M r Foot in the Work of the Gospel Ministry so long as they shall support the Preaching of the Gospel among themselves, And all such Persons so entering their Names are hereby declared incapable of Voting 172 PUBLIC RECORDS May, in any Society Meeting relative to the laying of Taxes or other Matters for supporting said M r Foot in said Society, And the said Persons so entering their Names as aforesaid are hereby allowed and Impowered to Tax themselves for the purpose of maintaining the Preaching of the Gospel among themselves and have Liberty to meet and attend public Worship among themselves in said Society during the pleasure of this Assembly. And it is further Ordered and Decreed by this Assembly that Liberty be and the Same is hereby Granted to all the Members of said Society to Choose once in every Year to which of said Parties they will belong Provided they make their Election and enter their Names with said Town Clerk on or before the 1 st Day of Novemb r annually. On the Memorial of Philip B Bradley of Ridgfield Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1780 he purchased Lands belonging to this State lying in said Ridgfield to the amount of seventy Pounds LMoney and that he has Obligations against this State in Interest now Payable to a much larger Amount Praying this Assembly to receive said Obliga- tions to the Amount of Seventy Pounds in Payment for said Land, Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that John Chandler Esq r be and hereby is ordered to receive of the said Philip B Bradley to the Amount of Seventy Pounds lawfull Money in said Obligations in Pay- ment of said Land. Upon the Memorial of Israel Stoughton of Windsor in Hartford County Conservator of the Person and Estate of Jemima Stoughton of s d Windsor an Impotent and distracted Person Shewing to this Assem- bly that for his Services and Expences as Conservator to the said Jemima there is due to him from the Estate of the said Jemima a Ballance of £357 6 8^4 IMoney and that the said Jemima has no Per- sonal Estate to satisfy said Ballance or any Part thereof Praying for Liberty and Authority to Sell so much of the real Estate of the said Jemima as to pay said Ballance with incident Charges of Sale as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have Liberty and Liberty and Authority is hereby Granted to the Memorialist to Sell so much of the real Estate of the said Jemima as shall be Sufficient to raise the Sum of £357 6 8J4 LMoney together with incident Charges of Sale taking the direction of the County Court for Hartford County therein and making return c ! his Doings to said Court. Upon the Petition of Grace Spalding of Fairfield in the County of Fairfield Shewing to this Assembly that soon after the Commencement of the Present War viz in the Year 1776, her Husband Asa Spalding left her with a Family of six Children and is gone into parts unknown, that the Petitioner has for a long Time had the Care and Burthen of maintaining and educating her said Children and for that purpose has 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 173 been Obliged to contract Debts, and that sundry Persons have become Justly indebted to her for Services done &c, And that the Petitioner hath been Obliged to conduct in all respects in contracting as though she had been a feme sole, and further Shewing that her Father Samuel Rowland hath lately Dyed Intestate leaving his real Estate in such Cir- cumstances that it cannot be Settled so as to accomodate the Heirs, if the Course of Law is pursued, And that therefore it is necessary that the Petitioner be enabled to dispose of and divide said real Estate, as though she were a Single Woman Praying this Assembly to Impower her to dispose of her real and Personal Estate as though she were a Single Woman, and that she may sue and be liable to be Sued on all Contracts by her made in her own Name with others as the Case may require since the Departure of her said Husband as Per Petition &c, Resolved by this Assembly that the Petitioner be and she is hereby made liable to answer all those Debts she has contracted in her own Name since the first Day of Feb y 1776 and to be Sued for the Same in the same manner as though she had been and were a Feme Sole at the Time of contracting the Same, And that she also be Impowered to Sue for and recover to her own Use and benefit all Debts that are Justly due to her for and on Account of Bargains and Contracts by her made from and after said first Day of Feb y , and that so far as respects the said Bargains and Contracts during the Term aforesaid she be Considered and [treated?] as a Feme Sole, And that she be and hereby is Authorized and Impowered to Sell Alienate and dispose of the real Estate that has come fallen or accrued to her by Descent from her said Father and divide the Same with the other Heirs in as full and ample Manner as though she were a Single Woman, And that all Sales and Alienations and Divisions thereof that shall be by her made and all Contracts and Bargains that she shall hereafter make shall be good and valid in Law to all Intents and purposes as if she were a Single and unmarried Woman. Upon the Memorial of John Graham Shewing to this Assembly that he Served in one of this States Regiments in the Continental Army for three Years AD 1778, 1779 & 1780, for which he had sent to him in Camp four Treasurers Notes viz N°. 121 122 123 124 for the Sum of £8 8 iy 2 each dated 1 st June 1780 & Payable 1 st June AD 1782 1783 1784 & 1785, and that he having no safe Place to deposit said Notes in casualty lost them and Supposes they were Stolen without being endorsed, or having received any Thing thereon Praying for Releif &c as Per Memorial, Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to Issue new Notes to the Memorialist of the same Tenor and Dates of those lost abovesaid distinguishing said New Notes by some Mark upon his giving sufficient Bond with surety to Indemnify the Public against said Notes which are lost and the Treasurer is Ordered that in Case any of said Note which are lost shall be presented for 174 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Payment to Seize and hold them, And that the Notes aforesaid which were lost be forthwith Advertized in the Public News Papers in this State to prevent Imposition & Fraud at the Cost of the Memorialist. Upon the Memorial of William Williams Esq r of Lebanon Shewing to this Assembly that he served as a Delegate of this State at Congress in the Years 1776 and 1777 that he received of the Treasurer in said Years scarce a sufficiency to defray his necessary Expences in said Service that he has been inevatibly prevented from settling his Accounts thereof till the last Winter when on Settlement of the Same with the Pay Table there was found due to him for the Year 1776 the Sum of £128 13 8, And for the Year 1777, the Sum of £108 9 1 for which he took Orders but has not received nor has any way to obtain any Thing thereon Praying to be allowed the Interest on said Sums from the end of said respective Years, and that he may receive Securities therefor payable at such Period as said Assembly shall appoint with the Interest to be paid annually as Per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly, That the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby Authorized and directed to receive said Orders allow the Memorialist the Interest on said respective Sums or Ballances from and after the end of said Years respectively and make and Execute to the Memotialist his said Treasurers Note for the Sums so due Payable at or before the first Day of June in the Year 1786, with Interest to be paid annually untill the principal is discharged. Upon the Memorial of Benjamin Brewster of Lebanon Shewing to this Assembly that in May 1781, his Negroe Man Servant, Jason Yapon, inlisted into a Regiment then raising by this State for Defence of the Post at Horseneck to Serve till the first of March then next. That some Time in January 1782, the said Jason was wounded by the Enemy whereby he was disenabled to return Home untill the Middle of July after being more than four Months after said Term of Service expired Praying for an allowance of the Same Sum he would have been Enti- tuled to as Wages for the Service of said Jason, had his Term of Service continued untill the said Time of his return Home, Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table draw upon the Treasurer in favour of said Benjamin Brewster at the Rate of 40 shilling Per Month from the seventh of March to the 13 th of July 1782 for the Loss of said Jasons Service for that Time. Upon the Memorial of Judith Huntington, Experience Storrs and Jabez Clark Administrators on the Estate of Jabez Huntington Esq r late of Windham Deceas d Shewing to this Assembly that the said Jabez Huntington was by the Gen 1 Assembly holden the 11 th Day of October 1777 appointed one of the Committee to receive of the Treasurer the small Bills then Ordered to be emitted to circulate as change in this 1783 . OF CONNECTICUT 175 State, and to be Signed and Issued by said Committee, that said Jabez Deceas d did receive of the Treasurer the Sum of four Hundred Pounds in said Bills, and gave his Note of Hand to the Treasurer for the Same, That there was at the Time of said Jabez Huntingtons Decease the Sum of £116 0 0 in said Bills that never were Signed and Issued and the Same is now in the Possession of the Memorialists. Praying for Direction to the Treasurer to receive said Bills and Indorse the Same on said Note as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby Ordered and directed to receive said small Bills of the Memo- rialists and indorse the Same on the Note aforesaid. Upon the Memorial of James Durfy of Canterbury in the State of Connecticut, Administrator on the Goods and Estate of Daniel Durfy late of said Canterbury Deceas d Shewing to this Assembly that the said Daniel was engaged in the Service of the United States as a Soldier the greatest part of the Time during the present War in which he Served untill the Time of his Death which happened some Time in the Year 1782, That in the Summer Season 1781, the said Daniel was ordered by his commanding Officer to Join a Company Commanded by Capt Jonathan Hart, and to march with him to York Town in Vir- ginia and that while on his march he was taken sick at Williamsburgh and that during his said Sickness he either lost or had taken from him his Pocket Book containing many valuable Papers among which were two Notes Signed by John Lawrence Esq r Treasurer which he received for the Depreciation of his Wages as a Continental Soldier ; said Notes were dated June 1 st 1780 each demanding the Sum of Eleven Pounds & one Penny three farthings, One of said Notes N° 7363 payable June 1 st 1782 the other N° 7365 Payable June 1 st 1784 whereby the Heirs of said Daniel Durfey Deceas d have altogether lost the Benefit of said Notes Praying this Assembly to Order and direct that the Treasurer of this State make and execute to Your Memorialist as Administrator on the Estate of said Deceas d two other Notes of the like Tenor and Sum with the Notes abovementioned in like manner as hath been done in like Cases ; Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer make and execute and he is hereby Ordered & directed to make and Execute two Notes of simular Dates and Sums with those abovementioned to the said James Durfee as administrator aforesaid the said Treasurer taking Particular Care that the Notes lost as mentioned in the Memorial may not be received into his Office should they be presented therefor and the said James Durfee also procuring and lodging with said Treas- urer Sufficient Bonds to Indemnify the State in the Premisses. Upon the Memorial of Lieut John Way of New London Shewing to this Assembly that for the Term of three Years he served this State as a Lieu t in Fort Griswold under Cap 1 Latham that during said Time PUBLIC RECORDS 176 May, he was sick and at necessary Expence to Physicians and Nurses to the Amount of £11 2 6 as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be allowed the Expence of Doct r & Medicines being three Pounds six shillings & six- pence IMoney and that the Treasurer be directed to pay the Same out of the 12 d Tax. Upon the Memorial of Seley Gregory of Norwalk Administrator on the Estate of John Gregory Jun r late of Norwalk Dec d Shewing to this Assembly that on the 14 th Day of May 1778, the said John Gregory Dec d received of John Lawrence Esq r Treasurer a State Note for the Sum of £10 0 0 N°. 1107 on Interest at six Per Cent, and when the Enemy in July 1779 made their Incursion into said Town of Norwalk they burnt the dwelling House where the said John Dec d then lived in which said Note together with a number of other Papers was burnt up and destroyed Praying that the Treasurer be directed to make and execute a Note to said Memorialist of the same Tenor and Date with the aforesaid Note as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that John Lawrence Esq r Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to make and execute a State Note to the Memorialist of the Same Tenor and Date of the before mentioned Note taking security to Indemnify this State against the Payment of the Note said to be lost. Upon the Memorial of William Baldwin and Margaret Baldwin of Branford in the County of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that Richard Baldwin late of said Branford Deceas d on the 20 th Day of Nov r AD 1761 being indebted to Charles Ward Apthorp of the City of New York in the Sum of £338 18 8 LMoney of the then Province of New York and for security of the Payment of the aforesaid Sum con- veyed unto said Apthorp by a Deed of Bargain and Sale about five Acres of Land in said Branford the Homstead of him the said Richard, and afterwards made unto said Apthorp part Payment of said Debt and said Apthorps Estate has been in due course of Law confiscated and James Hilhouse Esq r of New Haven is Administrator on said confis- cated Estate and is about to take from the Memorialists the above- mentioned Premisses Praying that the Memorialists Sole Heirs of said Richard Dec d may have Liberty to pay for the abovementioned Prem- isses unto the said Administrators in State Securities Such a Sum as the same shall be apprized to be worth in lawfull Money by Judicious Men there unto to be appointed, and the said James Hilhouse be directed to Execute unto them a Deed of Quit Claim of said Premisses and to discharge the aforesaid Debt so due unto said confiscated Estate as Per Memorial &c. Resolved by this Assembly that Col 0 Edward Russell, John Burgiss Esq r & Col 0 Noah Fowler be and hereby are appointed to appraize under Oath the aforesaid Premisses and the Buildings thereon according to the 1783 . OF CONNECTICUT 177 Just value of the same in lawfull Money and upon the Memorialists Paying unto the said James Hilhouse Esq r such Sum as said Premisses shall be apprized at as aforesaid in State Securities for hard Money now due and Payable, and so to be paid unto him the said James Hil- house Esq r Administrator as aforesaid within the Term of six Months, the said James Hilhouse Esq r be and hereby is Ordered and directed upon said Payment being so made to make and execute unto the said William & Margaret a Deed of Quit Claim or Release of all the Right Title and Interest the said Apthorp at the Time of said confiscation had unto said Premisses or this State now hath unto the Same and to dis- charge the Estate of said Richard from the aforesaid Debts unto the Confiscated Estate of said Apthorp. Upon the Memorial of Joseph Walker of Stratford Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1781, he purchased of Col° John Chandler at Public Auction a Tract of Land in Stratford forfeited to this State and Ordered to be Sold by said Chandler Praying for Liberty to pay for the Same in Securities due from this State for Services done in the Army as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby Authorized and directed to make execute and deliver to the said Joseph Walker a Deed of said Tract of Land so purchased by him upon his paying for the Same in Securities due from this State for Services done in the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army and the said Col 0 Chandler is hereby directed to Certify to the Committee of Pay Table a true Description of said Land and the Price at which the same was bid off by said Walker. Upon the Memorial of Hannah Rowley of Hebron in the County of Hartford Shewing to this Assembly that her late Husband Cap 1 Abijah Rowley late of said Hebron Deceas d had the Command of a Company at the Northward in the Year 1776 where he sickened and died and there being no Hospital Stores in that Department at that Time the said Capt Rowley did procure sundry necessary Articles for the Sick to the amount of £4 8 2^4 LMoney and payed his own Money therefor and also procured a Drum for the Company under his command for which he paid thirty five shillings LMoney as Per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be directed and they are hereby directed to adjust said Account and draw an Order on the Treasurer of this State for the Ballance they shall find due to said Memorialist and Charge this State for the Same. Upon the Memorial of Thomas Sheldon and Samuel Sheldon both of Litchfield Shewing to this Assembly that there is due from the Estate of the Honb le Elisha Sheldon late of Litchfield Deceas d to the con- fiscated Estate of Charles M c Evers the Sum of £167 116 LMoney and that there is due from this State in Public Securities to the Heirs of 178 PUBLIC RECORDS May, said Elisha Sheldon Esq r a larger Sum than the Sum abovementioned Praying for Liberty to pay said Debt due to said Confiscated Estate in any Public Securities against this State &c as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Administr r on said M c Ever 3 confiscated Estate be and he is hereby directed to receive of the Memo- rialists the aforesaid Sum of £167 11 6 in any public Securitys against this State for lawfull Money Payable at any Time at or before the first Day of June AD 1783 And that upon the payment thereof in manner aforesaid the Memorialist be discharged from said Debt 8 . Upon the Memorial of Abraham Fuller of Kent in the County of Litchfield and State of Connecticut Shewing to this Assembly that he is Overseer and Conservator of Indian Natives in Scatacook in said Kent And Whereas there is a Peice of Land in said Scatacook adjoining Warsops Farm on the Southwardly Corner of Scaticook lying con- tiguous to New York Line and remote from the Improvement in said Scatacook and at present unimproved, and lying so far out of the way of Your Memorialist that great Encroachments are almost continually made upon it, and the Timber almost all cut off by People living in the State of New York whereby Your Memorialist is put to great difficulty and inconvenience and the Memorialist is put to considerable Expence in Times of Sickness among said Natives Praying for Liberty to Sell thirty or forty Acres of said Land and the Money arising from said Sale to be put to Interest for the releif of those of said Natives as from Time to Time shall be in want and Distress as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Abraham Fuller be Impowered and he is hereby Impowered to Sell forty Acres of the abovesaid Land at the Apprizal of Indifferent Men And to execute a Deed or Deeds to the Person or Persons purchasing the Same and to let out the Moneys arising on the Sale of said Lands on Interest taking good Security for the Same and the Annual Interest arising on the Same to be applied for the purpose abovesaid. Upon the Memorial of Abraham Gregory of Norwalk Shewing to this Assembly that he was in the Year 1781 a Serjeant in Cap 1 Samuel Keelers Company of Coast Guards stationed in said Norwalk, and in the Month of August of said Year he was taken Prisoner by the Enemy from Long Island and carryed into New York there confined in Provost till some Time in the Month of Decemb r following in which Time he had the small Pox and was likewise Sick with other kind of Disorders such as the Dropsy &c with which he returned to Norwalk and continued so Sick for some Months by reason whereof he was put to great Cost and Expence and likewise a Doctors Bill amounting to two Pounds fifteen shillings and sixpence LMoney and being Poor and unable to pay the Same Prays this Assembly to Order and direct the Committee of Pay Table to draw on the Treasurer of this State for said Sum of £2 15 6 as Per Memorial on File, 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 179 Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to draw an Order on the Treasurer for said Sum of £2 15 6 to pay said Do ctrs Bill. Upon the Memorial of Daniel Humphry Conservator of the Person and Estate of Hannah Mills Shewing to this Assembly that there is due to him in said Capacity of Conservator from the Estate of said Hannah for his disbursements and expenditures in Supporting and providing for her the Year past the Sum of £14 6 3 LMoney as adjusted and allowed by the Honb le County Court held at Hartford on the first Tuesday of April last for which said Sum the said Hannah has no Moneys or Moveable Estate to pay and Satisfy said Debts, Praying for Liberty to Sell so much of the real Estate of the said Hannah as may be Sufficient to Pay said Debt with the incident Charges arising on said Sale, Resolved by this Assembly that the said Daniel Humphry have Liberty and Liberty and Authority is hereby Given him to Sell so much of the real Estate of the said Hannah as may Suffice to pay and Satisfy said Sum of £14 6 3 LMoney with the incident Charges arising on said Sale taking the direction of the Court of Probate for the District of Symsbury within. Upon the Memorial of the Select Men of the Town of Ridgfield Shewing to this Assembly that Philip Burr Bradley Esq r supposing himself to be duely Qualified by taking the Oath of Fidelity to the United States to execute the Office of a Justice of the Peace for the County of Fairfield, instead of taking the Oath of Fidelity to this State hath executed that Office from about the 1 st Day of Decem br 1781 untill the Session of Assembly in January 1783 without taking the last men- tioned Oath and that there is dang r of Contention and Litigation unless prevented by the Interposition of this Assembly Praying for Releif &c. Resolved by this Assembly for preventing Disputes and Contentions that the Acts and Doings of said Justice during said Term be and they are hereby declared to be good and valid in Law to all Intents and purposes as though the said Justice before entering on the Execution of his said Office had taken the Oath of Fidelity to this State. Upon the Memorial of Frederick Phelps of Harwington Shewing to this Assembly that the Town has of late been greatly infested by Wolves, that some Time in January last he fortunately killed a Wolf large and full grown and Praying for such Bounty or Premium as the Honb le Assembly shall Judge proper, Resolved by this Assembly that a Bounty or Premium of forty shil- lings lawfull Money be granted to the Memorialist in consideration of his having destroyed the said Animal and the Treasurer of this State is ordered to pay the same accordingly. 180 PUBLIC RECORDS Alay, Upon the Memorial of Eleazer Stent one of the Select Alen of the Town of Branford in behalf of himself and the rest of the Select Alen of the said Town of Branford, Shewing to this Assembly that William Guy of said Branford by reason of Epileptic Fits to which he has been subject almost from a Child has for a number of Years past been wholly unable to support himself or afford any Assistance therefore by reason thereof the Select Men of the said Town of Bran- ford ever since the Death of his the W ms Mother which happened the beginning of the Year 1782, have supported him the said William at the expence of the Town aforesaid, at the Rate of about eight Shillings Per Week and have already advanced more than twenty Pounds lawfull Money out of the Treasury of the said Town for that purpose, and the Same expence still going on and must continue during the Life of the said William there being no Person subject by Law to support him, And that the said William hath no Estate except two small Peices of Land, one containing about Seven Acres of rough Land the other two and half Acres under Improvement and one ninth part of an old dwelling House the whole supposed to be worth about thirty pound Praying that one or more of the Select Men of the said Town of Branford may be impowered to Sell the whole of the real Estate of the said William Guy &c as Per Memorial on File. Resolved by this Assembly that the said Eleazer Stent be and he is hereby Impowered to Sell the whole of the real Estate of the said William Guy and give a Deed or Deeds of said Estate which Deed or Deeds shall be good and effectual in Law, and the Avails of such Sales to be applied by the Select Men of the Town of Branford toward the past & future Support of the said William Guy. Upon the Memorial of Samuel H Parsons of Midletown Shewing to this Assembly That he gave his Note for £172 0 0 to Jabez Perkins Esq r Agent of this State payable the first of August 1782 for Provisions received by him on the Tax of 2 s /6 d on the Pound and that he then had due a much larger Sum on the Tax of 9 d on the Pound Payable in March 1782 which he expected to have received to have paid said Note but has been able to receive nothing therefrom And that said Agent has commenced a Suit thereon &c Praying that on his delivering to s d Agent Orders on the Taxes of 9 d on the Pound payable in March 1782 & 1783 to the amount of s d Note and Cost he may be discharged of said Debt as Per Memorial on File. Resolved by this Assembly that on the Memorialists delivering to said Agent Orders on s d 9 d Taxes to the Amount of said Note and the Cost arisen on said Suit that he be discharge of said Debt. Upon the Memorial of Christopher Leffingwell, Joseph Hunt, Isaac Huntington, John Crary and Thomas Mumford Select Men of the Town of Norwich Shewing to this Assembly that Daniel Armstrong of said Norwich was some Years past the Owner and possessed of a consider- able Patrimonial Estate in Lands but by reason of a natural Deficiency 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 181 of Judgment always made a very bad Use of his said Estate untill his Children came to be of Age and were likewise unfit to manage any Busi- ness without an Overseer, that said Daniel for most of the Time was under the direction of an Overseer untill some Time about fourteen or fifteen Years pas d the said Daniel was suffered to manage his own Business without Controul and in that Time conveyed his Land to his Sons Ebenezer and Daniel Armstrong who were as bad Husbands as the said Daniel, that said Ebenezer is Dead and left an only Son and Heir who is now under Age, that the said Daniel at the Time of Con- veying his Lands to his Sons took a Lease of the same to himself during Life by which means he has only the Improvement of said Lands and is now in Old Age and become Chargeable far exceeding the Rents of said Land, That the said Son of said Ebenezer Dec d is an Impotent Child, and large Sums have been incurred in Expence for the support of said Daniel and his Family and for supporting said Impotent Child, and other Branches of s d Daniel 8 helpless Family, That the said Daniel Armstrong Jun r who is also under an Overseer hath Advanced Some Money for said Daniel Armstrong 8 Family which is now due to him, That the whole Affairs of said Daniel Armstrong and his Family and of said Daniel Jun r and the said Impotent Child, are so complicated and perplexed that they cannot be settled in the Mode directed by Law with- out great Expence, Praying this Assembly to appoint and Authorize the Judge of Probate for the District of Norwich or some other meet Person to Liquidate and Settle the Debts dues and Demands due from said Daniel Armstrong and his Family &c As Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Judge of Probate for the District of Norwich for the Time being and he is hereby Authorized and Impowered to Liquidate and Settle all the Just Debts dues and demands due from said Daniel Armstrong or Daniel Armstrong Jun r or either of them for the support of themselves and Family as also from the Estate of said Impotent Child and to give Orders for the Sale of Lands or other Estate belonging to said Daniel or that hath been conveyed by him to his said Sons as aforesaid for the Payment of such Debts and for the Support of said Daniel and his Family and Daniel Armstrong Tun r and his Family and of said Impotent Child in such manner as to Save the Town of Norwich harmless from the Expence of supporting said Daniel & Daniel Jun r and their Families and said Impotent Child as long as said Estate shall be sufficient to pay the same and every Deed of Land so Sold for the Purpose aforesaid made and executed in due form of Law by the Select Men of said Norwich for the Time being or by any Person so appointed by such Judge, and in pursuance of Orders Given for that purpose by such Judge shall be received in the Courts of Law in this State as sufficient Evidence of Title in the Purchaser. Upon the Memorial of John Deshon Shewing to this Assembly that he did on the sixth Day of Septemb r 1781 at the request of Col 0 W m PUBLIC RECORDS 182 May, Ledyard supply the Garison of Fort Griswold with a Quantity of Gun Powder as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the commanding Officer at Groton be and the same is hereby Ordered & directed to deliver unto the said John Deshon nine hundred weight of good Gun Powder out of the Stock belonging to this State now at Fort Griswold in satisfaction for the Powder supplyed as abovesaid. Upon the Memorial of Christopher Leffingwell, John M Breed and Elihu Marvin all of Norwich and in behalf of said Town Shewing to this Assembly that said Town is at great expence for Bridges in said Town and that there is need of a good Bridge across the River Shetucket near the mouth thereof below the Ferry Place in said River. Praying for a Lottery to raise the Sum of £450 0 0 LMoney to be applied for that purpose as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Town of Norwich have Liberty and Authority and the same is hereby granted to the said Town to set up and cause to be drawn a Lottery for the Purpose aforesaid in such manner as to raise the said Sum of £450 0 0 LMoney neet Proceeds of such Lottery, and to appoint proper Managers to direct and manage the Same which said Managers shall become bound with good and sufficient Surety in the Sum of £2000 LMoney to the Treasurer of said Town for their faithfull performance of their Trust in all respects as Managers of said Lottery, which said Managers shall cause said Lot- tery to be drawn and Compleated within One Year from the rising of this Assembly and shall be accountable to the Treasurer of said Town of Norwich for the whole Avails of said Lottery, And all Moneys raised on the Lottery aforesaid shall by Order of said Town of Norwich be applied to the Building a good Bridge across the said River at the Place aforesaid and if any of such Money shall remain on Hand after the Building such Bridge the same shall be expended in making a good Highway to said Bridge on the East Side of said River and the said Town of Norwich shall be accountable for the Doings of all Persons by them employed in said Lottery and See that the Monies so raised be duely expended for the purposes aforesaid. Upon the Memorial of Richard Deshon of New London Shewing to this Assembly that he was appointed to the command of a Company in the Year 1776 in the Public Service, and having received a Sum of Money for the Purpose of raising said Company, distributed the Same among the Subaltern Officers of said Company for the purpose afore- said, and particularly to John Comstock Lieut effi £130 LMoney who Inlisted eleven Soldiers and paid their Bounty amounting to £30 0 0 LMoney and the remaining Part of said Sum viz £100 being in his Possession for the purpose aforesaid, the said Comstock was unfortu- nately Slain in Battle with the Enemy on NYork Island, and his said Moneys and Papers all taken and destroyed by the Enemy in said Year, 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 183 and Your Memorialist has been obliged to Account and pay the whole of said Money at the Pay Table as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Pay Table be directed to Account with the Memorialist for value of £81 5 9 Currency due the 22 d Day of October 1777 by the Scale and the Pay Table Committee are directed to adjust the Account and draw on the Treasurer who shall execute a Note for the Sum due Payable in three Years from the 1 st Day of June next with Interest till paid. Upon the Memorial of Anne Clark of Plainfield in the County of Windham Shewing to this Assembly that she was on the first Day of January 1782 possessed in her own Right of six Pounds ten shillings in Bills emitted by this State of June and July 1780 Date and that she by accident lost said Money out of her Pocket on the said first Day of Jan- uary and that the same was torn to Pieces and destroyed Praying for Releif as Per Memorial on File. Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby directed to pay unto said Anne Clark five Pounds eighteen shillings in Bills of Credit of this State emitted the first Day of July 1780 exclusive of the Interest rising thereon. Upon the Memorial of Lieut Col 0 Samuel Canfield late Command 1 on the Western Frontiers of this State, Shewing to this Assembly that at the General Assembly held at Hartford in October now last pas d he was directed to call on the Select Men in the Several Towns in this State for the Arrearages of their sixpenny, onepenny halfpenny and fourpenny Beef Taxes to be received by said Memorialist for the pur- pose of procuring Provision Wood Forage &c for the Use of the Gar- rison under his command* And that upon Application to said Select Men he was Assured of a Supply for Said Garrison upon which he purchased Flour Teams Forage &c and obliged himself to make Pay- ment therefor, but the General Assembly in Feby last being pleased to Order that the abovementioned Taxes might be paid in Pay Table Order &c he was prevented collecting his expenditures aforesaid for which he became Personally obligated on the Credit of said Taxes to the amount of about £100 LMoney over and above what he hath received of said Select Men, and that he hath received of the Avails of the Sale of the Garrison at Stamford £31 1 7 LMoney the property of this State Praying that the the Committee of Pay Table may be Ordered to Liquidate Adjust and allow his Account and to allow him said £31 1 7 in part pay toward said Expenditures and that said Committee be also directed to draw an Order in his favour on the Treasurer of this State for the Sum of thirty Pounds LMoney out of the unappropriated Avails of confiscated Estates to enable him to pay up said obligations so by him given as aforesaid as Per Memorial on File, * See Conn. State Rees., IV, 293-294. 184 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Resolved by this Assembly That the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to Liquidate and Adjust the Memorialist Accounts, and that said Committee also allow to the Memorialist said £31 1 7 so by him already received of the Avails of said Garrison and also that said Committee draw an Order in favour of the Memorialist on the Treasurer for the Sum of £30 0 0 LMoney to be paid out of the unappropriated Avails of Confiscated Estates that he may be so far enabled to discharge said Obligations. Upon the Report of a Committee appointed by the General Assembly at their Sessions in October 1782 on the Memorial of Stephen S* John 2 d and others Inhabitants of the Town of Norwalk to estimate the Losses and Damages of said Memorialists in being Plundered and Captivated by the Enemy and to make such Abatements on their State Taxes in such manner and to such Amount as they should think Just and reason- able. Shewing to this Assembly that on the 14 th Day of Novemb 1782 said Committee repaired to said Town of Norwalk, agreeable to their said appointment, the Memorialist appeared and exhibited their Accounts of their said Losses and Damages, and after examining said Memorialist on Oath and other Evidence that was Produced, did estimate their several Losses & Damages as is hereafter set down in the Column of Losses and Damages affixed to their respective Names And that they be abated on their State Taxes on the List 1781, the Sums set against their Names respectively in the Column of the Sums abated as Per Report and Memo- rial on File — viz Memorialists Names Losses & Damages Sums Abated Jesse Raymond £167 17 6 £10 14 0 John Richards 9 10 0 0 9 0 Joseph Wareing 10 0 0 3 0 0 John Reed 27 8 0 0 0 0 Isaac Richards 56 0 0 6 0 0 Eli Reed 69 19 0 7 0 0 Jesse Reed 32 0 0 4 0 0 John Bixby 10 6 0 0 10 0 Benj a Reed 70 0 0 8 10 0 Daniel Richards 51 17 0 4 16 0 Solomon Wetmore 52 4 9 2 14 0 David Reed 132 12 6 2 3 0 Nathan Wareing & Father 103 0 0 5 15 0 Richard Young 65 15 0 0 13 6 Thaddeus Betts 20 11 6 2 0 0 Eliphalet Lockwood 30 13 0 2 13 4 Jabez Raymond 38 16 0 6 0 0 John & Daniel Ever si ey 12 0 0 2 0 0 Charles Pope 6 0 0 0 15 9 Haynes Fitch 47 10 0 6 15 0 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 185 viz Memorialists Names Losses & Damages Sums Abated Abraham & John Gregory 57 5 0 4 3 0 Fountain Smith 48 16 0 1 14 0 Mary Reed 53 16 0 3 3 0 Hezekiah Hanford 59 10 0 9 0 0 Daniel Hanford 30 0 0 4 10 0 James Fitch Jun r 23 12 0 3 4 0 Robert Waters 6 0 0 0 12 0 Rebecca Fitch 63 3 0 5 8 0 Dan Finch 3 0 0 0 13 9 Uriah Smith 4 0 0 0 6 9 Gershom Richards 38 0 0 4 0 0 Stephen S t John 2 d 171 8 0 20 0 0 Simeon Raymond 14 0 0 2 0 0 William Raymond 5 0 0 0 10 0 Moses Raymond 5 0 0 0 10 0 Timothy Hoyt 6 0 0 0 10 0 Benjamin Morrell 5 0 0 0 10 0 Jed h Raymond 15 0 0 2 5 0 Resolved by this Assembly that the Report of the aforesaid Com- mittee is accepted & approved and the Sums annexed to the Names of the respective Persons before mentioned in the Column of Sums Abated be and the Same is hereby Abated on their s d Lists given in 1781. On the Memorial of the Select Men of the Town of New London Shewing to this Assembly that Robert Clelan late of said New London Dec d has left a Widow an Aged Woman, and one Son who is an Idiot who are the only Persons having Right to a small real Estate of about two Acres of Land, which remains the Estate of said Deceas d the Debts and Charges of Administration being paid, that said Widow and Idiot are a Town Charge and unable to maintain or take Care of themselves, and that said Land would much more advantageously for the Support of the said Widow and Idiot be Sold than remain their Property, and Praying that they the Select Men or Some other meet Person may be Authorized to Sell said Land and apply the Avails thereof to the Sup- port of the said Widow and Idiot — Resolved by this Assembly that the s d Select Men be and they hereby are authorized and Impowered to Sell the Land remaining the Estate of Robert Cleland aforesaid late Deceas d and apply the Avails thereof to the support of the said Widow and Idiot. Upon the Memorial of Isaac Mattoon of Wallingford in New Haven County representing to this Assembly that he hath been Conservator of the Person and Estate of Eleazer Mattoon an Insane Person for many Years past and that he hath expended large Sums for said Eleazer. amounting in the whole to one hundred and fifty four Pounds two Shil- 186 PUBLIC RECORDS May, lings & sixpence LMoney and that there is no Personal Estate where- with to make Payment of said Sums Praying that some Proper Person may be appointed to dispose and make Sale of so much of the said Eleazer s real Estate as to pay said Sum of £ 154 2 6 together with Costs thereon arising, Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the said Isaac Mattoon be Impowered and Authorized, and he is hereby Authorized and Impowered to Sell and dispose of so much of the real Estate of the said Eleazer as to pay said Sum of £151 2 6 LMoney together with the Charges thereon arising he taking the direction of the County Court in the County of New Haven therein. This Assembly do appoint William Edmonds of New Town in the County of Fairfield to be Surveyor of Lands within & for said County. This Assembly do appoint Edmund Porter of Haddam Surveyor of Lands for the County of Hartford. Resolved by this Assembly that all Petitions and Memorials now depending before this Assembly and undetermined be Continued to the General Assembly to be holden in October next, and all Protections and suspensions heretofore Granted on such Petitions and Memorials and all Committees appointed thereon and their Powers are hereby renewed and Continued to the General Assembly in October next. This Assembly do Grant to his Excellency Governor Trumbull the Sum of four Hundred Pounds lawfull Money for his extra Services for two Years and an half last past as Governor of this State and the Treas- urer is hereby directed to pay the same accordingly. This Assembly do Grant to his Excellency Governor Trumbull the Sum of One Hundred and fifty Pounds LMoney for the first half of his Salary the Current Year. This Assembly do Grant to his Honor Deputy Governor Griswold the Sum of fifty Pounds Lawfull Money for the first half of his Salary the current Year. The Sums total of the Additions Fourfolds and Assesments on the List for the Year 1782 returned to this Assembly and accepted are as follow viz Addition fourfold Assesments Washington £0 0 0 £0 0 0 £457 0 0 Saybrook 499 17 3 108 0 0 15 0 0 Coventry 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 New Hartford 129 4 9 24 10 0 10 0 0 East Windsor 184 11 0 — — — — — — 1783. OF CONNECTICUT viz Addition fourfold 187 Assesments Glastonbury 10 14 6 236 12 0 — — Durham 27 0 0 — — — — — Litchfield — — — — — — 539 0 0 Killingworth 132 8 0 — — — 5 0 0 Watertown 15 12 0 — — — 404 0 0 Harwington 0 0 0 248 0 0 — — Farmington 21 0 0 418 4 0 15 0 0 New Town 253 0 6 — — — — — Stafford — — — — — — 220 0 0 Torrington 44 0 0 31 4 0 — — Stonington 103 11 0 — — — — — Somers — — — — — — 70 0 0 Kent 254 14 1 417 11 0 — — Lyme 973 19 9 3020 0 0 395 10 0 New Haven 425 0 0 — — — — — Greenwich 1090 3 6 — — — — — Guilford — — — 26 0 0 — — Wallingford 151 0 0 — — — — — Hebron — — — — — — 95 0 0 Fairfield 717 9 6 1130 10 4 — — Norwalk 462 16 9 — — — — — Cornwall 5 0 0 — — — — — Weathersfield 266 5 0 — — — — — Colchester — — — — — — — — Norwich — — — — — — — — Voluntown — — — — — — — — Norfolk — — — — — — — — Waterbury 48 17 0 — — — — — Hartford — — — — — — — — Canterbury — — — — — — — — New London — — — — — — — — This Assembly Grant to John Lawrence Esq r Treasurer the Sum of two Hundred Pounds as and for his Salary for the past Year. This Assembly Grant to George Wyllys Esq r Secretary the Sum of Twenty Pounds as and for his Salary the Year past and direct the Treasurer to pay the same accordingly. On the Memorial of Isaac Bull &c Select Men of the Town of Wallingford Praying to be releived from an Execution in favour of the Governor and Company of the State of Connecticut against said Town for the Sum of £30 0 0 LMoney. Resolved by this Assembly that the consideration of said Memorial be referred to the General Assembly in October next and in the mean PUBLIC RECORDS 188 May, Time Execution be stayed and no Proceedings had thereon untill the rising of said Assembly.* Upon the Petition of John Richards of New London in the County of New London Representing to this Assembly that said Richards by means of Misfortunes at Sea and other Losses and misfortunes is become embarrassed in his Circumstances and being involved in Debts to many Persons and had been obliged to incumber his real Estate with Mortgages &c and although he has more than Estate sufficient to sat- isfy all his Debts he is in danger of being arrested and for his personal safety is obliged to confine himself to his Chamber by which means he is become wholly unable to transact any Matters in settling his Debts or disposing of his Estate Praying for releif &c as Per Petition. Resolved by this Assembly that the said Richard 8 Person be and hereby is Priveleged and freed from all Arrests upon Account of his said Debts already contracted for during the Term of six Months from the rising of this Assembly and that the said Richards shall not be liable to be taken or his Person Imprisoned by Virtue of any Execu- tion granted against him for any Debt or Debts during said Term and the said real Estate of said Richards shall not be liable to alienation by said Richards during said Term and all Mortgages and Attachments upon said Estate shall be and remain in the Present situation for that space of Time.f This Assembly was adjourned (by usual Proclamation) untill the Governor or in his Absence The Deputy Governor shall see Cause, to call it to meet again. Teste George Wyllys Secret 7 * See below, p. 246. t This protection was later extended to May, 1784. See below, 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 189 At a Meeting of the Governor and Council of Safety at Hart- ford Thursday May 15 th 1783. Present His Excell y The Gov r . His Honor The Dep y Gov r . W m Pitkin Esq r Ro. Sherman Esq r Abram Davenport Esq r Sam 1 Hunt- ington Esq r W m Williams Esq r Maj r W m Hillhouse Col 0 Jos. P. Cook Col 0 John Chester. On the Account of Mess rs William Coit Sam 1 Latimer, Nath 1 Salton- stall, & David Richards Jun r for their time & Expence, from New Lon- don to Lebanon, Evidences in the Case of M r Roswell Saltonstall, for his going to New York & returning with goods &c in a Flag of Truce from New York. Resolved, and Granted to each of them s d Coit, Latimer, N. Salton- stall & Richards, the sum of thirty shillings lawful Money for time and expence and The Treasurer is hereby Ordered to pay the Same, out of the One Shilling Tax, pay ble 1 st April last or any other unappropriated money in his hands. Copy given to Benj a Huntington. On the Memorial of James Stanley of Weathersfield, Shewing, That He was receiver of provisions on the half crown tax for said Town, that upon the receipt of a considerable quantity, that he delivered the same over into the hands of Ebenezer Barnard Jun r State receiver; that eight barrels of beef so delivered containing two thousand weight has been condemned by the said Barnard as bad and unfit for use — praying to be allowed to take the said eight barrels of condemned beef back, and appropriate the same to his own use, On paying to Said Barnard the price he is now selling the State’s provisions for of the best quality — Resolved that the Memorialist have liberty to take and appro- priate to his own use the said eight barrels of condemned Beef — He paying to said Barnard the price at which the State’s Beef of the best quality is now sold at by said Barnard. Copy given. At a Meeting of the Gov r and Council of Safety at Hartford Tuesday May 20 th 1783. Present His Excellency the Governor. His Honor The Deputy Gov r . W m Pitkin, Roger Sherman, Abr m Davenport — Sam 1 Huntington, W m Williams, Maj r W m Hillhouse, Col 0 Jos. P. Cook, Col° John Chester — M r Jed Strong, Esq rs . On the Memorial of Nath 1 Minor Esq r Shewing That he was appointed a Comissary to provide proper and Necessary Supplies for a full Company of Men to be stationed at Stonington point under Com- mand of Maj r Oliver Smith, & for furnishing intrenching tools, bar- racks, Provisions and Arms praying for directions for the Settlement of his Accounts with the Committee of Pay Table & c — 190 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Resolved That the Com tee of Pay Table be & they are hereby directed to Settle with the Memorialist On his own Certificate & affidavit of what shall appear to the Com tee of Pay Table to be Just and Reasonably Charged. On the Account of John Trumbull of Norwich, Printer — June 20 th 1782 for printing 130 proclamations — £2 0 0 Aug 1 2 nd — print 8 400 Gen 1 Orders — £3 10— print 8 100 returns £2 0 0-5 10. The Comittee of Pay Table, directed to draw an Order on the Treasurer for said Sum — on the I s / Tax, pay ble 10 th April, last. On The Motion of Jabez Perkins Esq r representing that he was by this board authorized to sell at Vendue, the broken Cannon at Forts Trumbull & Griswold at New London, and that on trial he found it likely That they might be sold to better advantage to the State at private Sale, on taking public Securities due from this State — Which he had accordingly done, being encouraged in so doing by verbal Advice of the Council. Resolved, That The doings of J. Perkins Esq r in the premisses be and is hereby approved and confirmed. At a Meeting of the Governor and Council of Safety, at Hart- ford 21 st May 1783. Present His Excellency The Governor. His Honor the Deputy Gov r . W m Pitkin, Abram Davenport, Joseph Spencer, W m Williams Esq r Maj r Hilhouse, Col 0 Jos. P. Cook, M r Joseph Hopkins. On the Memorial of Nath 1 Minor Esq r praying allowance for his Services, for purchasing and delivering out provisions to Capt. Smiths Company & the Matross and Artillery Guard & c at Stonington point &c. Resolved, That the Com tee of Pay Table be directed to allow the Memorialist for his Services, what appears to be just and reasonable, according to Allowances made others, at such time, and under similar Circumstances. [In margin : Copy d d Memorialist.] On the Memorial of Shubael Abbe of Windham, Shewing, That he purchased in different Towns in this State to the amount of £4941 9 5 in bills emitted by this State, or Orders drawn by the Com tee of Pay Table on the Treasurer, and afterwards agreable to orders rec d , caused the same to be transported, and delivered to Ralph Pomeroy Esq r D.O.M. at Hartford. That the purchasing collecting and taking care of said beef and pork and transporting the Same was attended with very great care, labour and trouble for which he has had no compensation. And that in the year following he purchased in Boston nine hundred bushels of Salt for the use of the State Amounting the whole to £417 — and with great difficulty procured the Same to be brought by land and distributed in diverse towns agreable to Orders, and for payment for said Salt, and expences thereon, he was directed and did procure and 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 191 collect together a number of Cattle and hogs from different towns and drove them to Boston, and there disposed of them amounting in the whole to the Sum of £575 2 2 law. Money which he applied to the payment of the Same Salt, for which he hath never received any reward, for purchasing said Salt & collecting said hogs, driving & Selling them ; praying for a compensation for his above Mentioned Services Resolved That the Com tee of Pay Table on Settlement of the Memorialists Accounts, allow him a Commission of four per Cent — According to the Value, he bearing his own personal Expences. Copy delivered him. At a Meeting of the Governor and Council of Safety at Hart- ford 26 th May 1783. Present His Excellency The Governor. His Honor the Deputy Governor, W m Pitkin, Ro. Sherman Abraham Davenport, and Joseph Spencer Esquires. On the Memorial of Daniel Pitkin of Hartford Issuing Commis 7 to returning Soldiers appointed 16 th Decem r 1780 & continuing therein to 15 th May 1781 — praying for allowance for wastage & Shrinkage of the provisions issued; & for a reasonable reward for his Service therein. Resolved , That the Committee of Pay Table be & they are hereby directed on Settlement of the Memorialist’s Account to allow him what is found reasonable for the Wastage mentioned, and a reasonable Allow- ance for his Service in said business and to draw an order on Eb. Barnard Jun r Commissary of State provisions for 830 lb beef & 494 lb pork, at the price they agree upon, & on the Treasurer for payment of the residue. [In margin : 1781 Oct 0 6] State of Connecticut to Roswell Grant D r . To providing quarters and superintending the Convention Troops (near 400 in Number) while quartered in this State, from 23 d July to this time, being 2 m° 12 dys at £12 28 16 0 boarding Maj r Roberts 8 days at 2/6 10 0 d° his Servant — 10/. use of room & lodging — 5/ 0 15 0 keeping his two horses 10 nights 20/ 3 bush. Corn d°12/ 1 12 — E. Ex per Ros. Grant £32 3 0 E. Windsor— 16 th May 1783. At a meeting of the Gov r & Council of Safety at Hartford 27 th May 1783. Resolved, That the Com tee of Pay Table Settle & adjust the forego- ing Account, and draw on the Treasurer for payment & charge the Same to the Account of the United States. Copy given Col° Pitkin. 192 PUBLIC RECORDS May, On the Account of John Ripley, Waterman Cliff, & Daniel Tilden 1782 Aug 1 2 nd Time & expence for taking up, imprisoning & deliver- ing at West Point One Caleb Fitch a deserter from the Connecticut line of the Continental Army — Charged at £27 11 6 — Resolved , That the Com tee of Pay Table, liquidate, adjust and Settle said Account and draw on the Treasurer for payment of what they find Justly due thereon & Charge the Account of the United States for the Same — Copy given — Copy given Majr Ripley 28 th July 1783. On the Account of Simeon Huntington adjutant 26 th Regiment for furnishing guards for British prisoners confined at Norwich in Sept r 1781 37 days — Resolved that the Comittee of Pay Table Allow the adjutant 2 s / per day for that Service, and draw on the Treasurer for payment thereof, and charge the Same to the Account of the United States. Copy given Maj r Barkus. On a Pay Abstract for Guards for British Naval Prisoners in the Town of Norwich in June July & Aug 1 1781 — for 10 Serg 18 for 10 days & 37 Corporals & 218 privates for 37 days — Resolved That The Com lee of Pay Table, Settle and adjust Said Abstract and draw on the Treasurer for the Sums justly due on the same, and Charge Account of the United States. Copy given Majr Barkus. At a meeting of the Governor and Council of Safety at Hart- ford 28 th May 1783. Present — The Governor. D. Gov r . Roger Sherman, Abraham Davenport, Joseph Spencer — Oliver Wolcott, & Sam 1 Huntington Esq rs . On the Pay Abstract of the flying guard stationed at Lyme — from the 10 th July 1781 to 18 th of Jan y 1782 — with the Time each man was in actual Service, and Also the pay abstract of S d Guard from the 18 th January to the 22 nd of May 1782 — as the other — Resolved, That Ensign Andrew Griswold, be allowed five Shillings and four pence per day for his Services and Cap 1 John Johnson as a Volunteer in said Service, principally in the absence of Said Ensign, five shillings and four pence per day — and The Men, two shillings and eight pence per Day — and That The Com tee of Pay Table Adjust and Settle the said Abstract accordingly — and draw On the Treasurer for the Sum they find due, to be paid out of the One Shilling Tax, payable in April last. Copy d d Ens 11 Griswold. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 193 At a Meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety at Hartford the 29 May 1783. Present His Excellency the Governor. Hon ble Deputy Governor. Roger Sherman, Ab m Davenport, Joseph Spencer, W m Pitkin, Oliver Wolcott & Sam 1 Huntington Esq rs . Ordered that the Committee of pay table receive of Nehemiah Water- man Jun r Esq r a Receipt Executed by P. V. Renserlau at Albany dated March 10 th 1776, Acknowledging the receipt of Eight hundred & eight pounds of gun powder of Cap t Benjamin Throop ; and deliver up to Said Waterman his receipt, expressing the receipt of Seven barrels of powder, of Jabez Huntington the 26 th of February 1776; it being the Same powder which was by said Waterman carried to Albany and deliver d to s d Rensalau agreable to directions to him given. Upon the desire of Abraham Davenport Esq r Resolved that the Committee of pay table be directed & they are hereby directed to receive of the Said Davenport an Order Issued by Said Committee upon the Treasurer dated in Octo r 1781 payable out of the 2/6 d Tax for his Services as one of the Council of Safety & in lieu thereof deliver to said Davenport an Order upon the Treasurer bearing the Same date payable out of the Monies raised by the Sale of Con- fiscated Estates or any other unappropriated Monies. At a meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety at Hartford the 30 th of May 1783. Present his Excellency the Governor. The Hon ble Deputy Governor, Roger Sherman W m Pitkin, Ab m Davenport, Oliver Wolcott Joseph Spencer & Sam. Huntington Esq rs . Upon the Memorial of William Lyon of Woodstock Shewing, That in december 1781 he deliver d To Elijah Lyon Collector of the 2/6 dy Tax, in Woodstock two thousand eight hundred & forty Six W* of good Ox beef more than the whole of his Taxes, which beef was applied to public use for the Support of the Continental Army : That in the year 1781 He allso furnished Teams for the use of the Continental Army, for which he hath receiv d no other reward than Orders drawn by the Committee of pay table on the 2/6 dy Tax, & which remain unpaid; That in June 1782 He receiv d of Said Elijah Lyon Thirty Six Bushells of Oats, & three barrells of pork for which he gave his receipt; and that he also receiv d in Said Month of June of Shubael Child a receiver of provision on Said 2/6 dy Tax in the west parrish in Said Woodstock Seven barrels of pork & two barrels of Beef & gave his receipt therefor And praying for liberty to discount Said provision by him receiv d as aforesaid on Account of Said beef by him deliver 3 to Said Elijah Lyon, & pay table orders due to him as before mentioned — Resolved That the Committee of pay table Liquidate & Adjust the Account of the Memorialist respecting the Articles before mentioned & 194 PUBLIC RECORDS May, affix a reasonable price on the provision by him receiv d as aforesaid, in Just proportion to the price of the Beef by him deliver to s d Collector, and the Same being so Adjusted & the price affix d , to allow the Sum that shall be found due from the Memorialist to be discounted as pray d for. At a Meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety at Hartford the 31 st of May 1783. Present His Excellency the Governor. The Hon ble Deputy Governor, Roger Sherman W m Pitkin, Ab m Daven- port, Oliver Wolcott, Joseph Spencer, & Sam. Huntington Esq rs . An Account of Sam 1 Lattimer & C° to the Amount of £32 0 6 ballance due as Charge d in Said Account for Sundries Supplied the State &c at New London. Resolved that the Committee of pay table Liquidate Said Account, both Debt & Credit & adjust the Same at reasonable prices, & draw on the Treasurer for the Ballance they shall find Justly due. Upon the Memorial of James Bennet Lieu 1 in the 2 d Connecticut Regiment Shewing that by order of Gen 1 Washington he was sent to Litchfield as a recruiting officer to assist the Mustering officer in receiv- ing & forwarding on to Camp the Recruits ordered by this State to Compleat their Regiments That he continued at Litchfield in Said Service from the 13 th of April until the 6 of June 1782 during which time he received no Subsistance or rations from the public & was under the Necessity of Expending for his Subsistance Sixteen pounds & four Shillings praying for releif &c. Resolved that said Memorial be refer d to the Committee of pay table & that they Liquidate & adjust the Memorialist said Account at a reasonable price, and draw an order on the Treasurer for payment of what they shall Just & reasonable, & Charge the Same to the United States. An account of Col. Samuel Chapman for Services done for the State being laid before this board Ordered that said Account be Liquidated & adjusted by the Com- mittee of pay table & that they draw on the Treasurer for such Sums as they shall find reasonable & Justly due thereon. At a meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety at Hartford THE 4 th DAY OF JUNE 1783. Present his Excellency the Governor, the Hon ble Deputy Governor, W m Pitkin Roger Sherman, Ab m Davenport, Joseph Spencer & Sam 1 Hunt- ington Esq rs . An account of Cap 11 Jabez Fitch of Greenwich was exhibited for Services in the late war, for this and the United States the Same being refer d to a Comittee to Examine Adjust & report, and their report being 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 195 approved it is thereupon resolved that the ballance of his Account due is £ 311 5 s 4 d and that the Committee of pay table receive the Vouchers & papers relative to Said Account & file them in that Office, and draw on the Treasurer for the Sum of £20 0 0 part of said ballance to be paid out of any unappropriated Tax or monies : and for the remaining ballance due viz £291 5 4 the Treasurer Execute a note payable to Said Fitch at the Expiration of three year with Interest at 6 per Cent to be paid Annually from the date, and the Committee of pay table are further directed to Charge to the Account of the United States the two first Sums on Said Account, it being incur d in that Service viz £318 19 8. Resolved that the Committee of pay table draw on the Treasurer in favour of Ensign Andrew Mead for the Sums of £65 16 6 it being the ballance of his account allow d for curing Wounds Suffer d in the public Service. An account of Cap 1 Andrew Fitch of Lebanon for expences incured in the recruiting Service, the ballance unpaid as per his Account being Seven hundred & ninety four dollars Continental Currency. Resolved that the Committee of pay table liquidate and Adjust the Said Account & reduce the Same to hard money, and draw on the Treasurer for the ballance they shall find Justly due in hard money, and Charge the Same to the United States. Resolved that the Order to be drawn in favour of Walter Hough for £21 pound & three Shillings by Resolve of this Council of the 14 th of January last* carry at Interest at the rate of Six per Cent from the 9 th day of July 1782 until paid. Upon the Memorial of Charles Phelps & Gilbert Fanning Selectmen of Stonington Shewing that the Cannon & Military Stores in the Fort at long point in s d Town are in a ruinous Situation & Expos d to wasted for want of proper care, &c. Resolved That the Select men of Said Stoning be & they are hereby directed to Collect the Cannon barages, Shot, & all Millitary Stores & Implements whatever in Said Town belonging to this State & make a proper Inventory return thereof to the Officer Commanding the posts at New London & Groton & that Said Select men take the necessary Care to preserve all said Military Stores Ordnance & Implements from Embezelment or waste until further Order. [In margin : Copy given to Selectmen.] At a meeting of the Governor and Council of Safety at Hart- ford June 5 th 1783. Present his Excellency the Governor. The Hon ble Deputy Governor, W m Pitkin, Roger Sherman, Ab m Davenport, Joseph Spencer, Oliver Wolcott Samuel Huntington Esq re . Sundry accounts of Expenditures by Reubin Harlbutt Andrew Hill- * See above, p. 84. 196 PUBLIC RECORDS June, yer & Eben r Runvril in taking up Deserters N° 1, 2 & 3 being laid before this board Resolved that Said accounts be refer d to the Committee of pay table, That they Liquidate & Adjust the Same & allow such Sum or Sums as they shall find Just & reasonable, & draw on the Treasurer for payment thereof, and Charge the Same to the United States. Upon the Memorial of David Trumbull Shewing That he was appointed by this board, in the year 1777 to receive & pay over to the Officers of the Continental Army the monies destin d for the Counties in the recruiting Service, & accordingly did receive & pay over large Sums of Continental money, & at the Close of the Same year made Application for Settlement of his account, & to pay the ballance remaining in his hands, which after repeated application yet remains unsettled, & praying that some meet persons may be appointed to Settle the Same &c as per Memorial, Resolved that M r W m Imlay, & Cap 1 John Chenevard be & they hereby are appointed & desired to receive and examine the Said Accounts refer d to in Said Memorial; Liquidate & Adjust the Same; Therein Stating & Seperating those parts of the Accounts which ought to be Charged to this State, from those which ought to be charged to the United States; and report make of the Just State of Said Accounts in manner aforesaid to this board as soon as may be. A Copy taken by the ConT of Acco ts Dec. 27.1786. Upon the application of Lieu 1 Col. Abraham Tyler for a quantity of Rye & wheat belonging to this State. Resolved that Eben r Barnard Jun r Sell & deliver to said Col. Tyler at the Current price Such quanty of wheat & rye flour belonging to this State ; under his care, as said Tyler Shall choose to purchase & receive in payment therefor Orders drawn in due form payable out of the twelve penny tax granted in January last. At a Meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety at Hartford the 6 th of June 1783.* Upon the Memorial of W m Floyd late of Long Island now of Middletown praying that a debts due to him from Thomas Faning of about £300 0 0 might be paid out of the avails of the Confiscated Estates in this State agreable to Act of Assembly at their Session in January 1782f as: per Memorial. Resolved that James Hillhouse Esq r pay & Satisfy Said debt due to the memorialist out of the avails of a certain farm confiscated to this State called Dikemans Farm Situate in the Town of Reading. * List of attendance not given, t See Conn. State Rees., IV, 75. 1783 . OF CONNECTICUT 197 At a Meeting of the Governor and The Council following at Lebanon June 17 th 1783 — Present — His Excellency The Governor. Eliph d Dyer, Sam 1 Huntington & Nath 1 Wales Esq rs others not attending. Resolved That Eb r Ledyard Esq r take care of the Guard House at Groton and have liberty to use it for a School House, & The Barracks on the Hill he will hire out for what rents they will fetch, and preserve both the Guard House & them & render his Account for the use of The Barracks. Copy sent Post-idem. In order for an Application to the hon ble the Congress of the United States That The Expences at Horseneck at the Western Frontier and New London & Groton may be allowed to be on the Expence of The United States — and That proper Accounts of the Same may Appear as well as of our Other Expences, between Horseneck & New London & at Stonington for defence of the Sea Coasts — Resolved and Ordered That William Imlay Esq r be desired & impowered to prepare such Accounts from the Pay Table Books, and The Committee will Open to such Accounts in their Books, and afford him Assistance therein. Copy sent. And he will, as soon as prepared, attest The Same and forward them to His Excellency to Governor, and The Governor is desired co draw a proper address to The Hon ble Congress of the United States for Allowance Accordingly. Resolved, That Jedidiah Elderkin, & Nath 1 Wales Esq rs fit up the Barn where powder hath heretofore been deposited, & make An Appart- ment therein for the reception of the Powder Strong & firm, and deposit the Powder at their Works, in the Same, & have it frequently visited to See that no damage is done to it. Resolved On a Letter from John Deshon & Tho s Shaw Esq rs and Mess” Mia 1 Milally & Guy Richards — dated at New London June 12 th 1783 Shewing that there is now no necessity that Vessels and Boats should be Subjected to repair into the Forts with their passes, which was done to prevent Illicite Trade, & that the Custom of sending their Passes into The Fort should be discontinued, except Application should be or is made by the Naval Officer or other proper Authority on certain cir- cumstances requiring it, or making the same necessary. Resolved, That The Commander at The Fort at New London do no longer require the Commander of any Vessel or Boat to repair with his pass into the Fort, but the same be discontinued, except On Application made therefore by the Naval Officer, or other proper Authority. Copy sent to Cap 1 Durkey to be communicated to Naval Officer & civil Authority. Per Post. Resolved That His Excellency The Governor, be & he is hereby desired to procure to be printed, Six hundred Copies of His Excellency 8 General Washington 8 Letter dated June 1783 — To His Excellency the Governor to be communicated to The Assembly; with a Collection of 198 PUBLIC RECORDS July, papers relative to Half-pay and commutation of Half-pay granted by Congress to the Officers of the Army — and direct the Same to be distributed into the Several Towns of the State according to their respective lists — to be accompanied with the Address from Congress, lately ordered to be printed, with the appendix thereto, that both be done as soon as possible — and that the Rev d Nathan Strong be desired to correct the press — that one doz of each be sent To The Governor as soon as finished — & That The Comm tee of Pay Table Settle and adjust the Accounts with the Printer and M r Strong and Draw on the Treas r an Order for payment of what they find Just and reasonable, out of the 2 d Tax payable 1 st of Sept r Next. Copy sent. Resolved That His Excellency the Governor be & is desired to Order the Com tee of Pay Table to draw on the Treasurer in favour of the Hon ble Sam 1 Huntington Esq r for the Sum of Sixty pounds lawful Money for bearing his Expences at Congress — and in favour of Hon ble Oliver Elsworth Esq r for the like Sum of Sixty pounds for his Expences at Congress, he being about to return — And also in favour of the Hon ble Benj a Huntington Esq r for the like Sum of Sixty pounds for bearing his Expences at Congress, to be paid Out of any hard Money, or M r Morris The Financier’s Notes which he may have in his hands. Copy given to Colo Jn° Trumbull — June 24 tb . At a Meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety at Lebanon Wed: July 16, 1783. Present his Excell 7 The Governor. Hon. M. Griswold. Elip* Dyer Jos. Spencer Sam 1 Huntington }> Esq rs . W m Williams Nath 1 Wales W m Hillhouse On Motion of his Excellency the Governor for the Advice of this Board relative to his calling the Gen 1 Assembly to meet before the stated Time & Place in October next Resolved that Considering the Business on which it seems needful, is the Requisition of the Hon 0 Congress to grant an Impost &c & that considering the Publication of the Requisition & the Papers & Accounts annexed, & of his Excellency Gen 1 Washingtons last circular Letter to his Excell 7 the Governor with the Collection of Papers annexed, ordered by the last Assembly to be published &c are not yet or but very lately made & dispersed, & the People not having had Time to read & consider Them, & further That the Governor is not advised of the 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 199 Doings of other Governments or States on s d Requisition, with other attending Circumstances, This Board is of opinion that it is not con- venient or best to Call a special Gen 1 Assembly under present Appear- ances, to meet at any time before but leave the Consideration of the matter to the Stated Sessions at N Haven in Oct 0 next unless somthing further sho d appear to render it necessary to Convene Them sooner & Do therefore advise The Governor accordingly. At a Meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety at Lebanon THE 16 th DAY OF JULY 1783. Present his Excellency the Governor, The Hon ble Deputy Governor. Eliphalet Dyer Joseph Spencer Nath 1 Wales W m Hillhouse f Es( l rs - Eben r Ledyard Sam. Huntington J His Honor the Deputy Gov r presided in this following Resolve. M r W m Imlay & Cap 1 John Chenevard, appointed & desired at a Meeting of this Board on the 5 th of June last, to receive & examine the Accounts of M r David Trumbull refer d to in his Memorial to liqui- date & adjust the Same ; therein Stating & Seperating those parts of the Accounts which ought to be Charged to this State from those which ought to be Charg d to the United States & to make report of the Just State of Said Accounts in manner aforesaid to this Board as soon as may be — have made return of their doings Accordingly. The monies having been receiv d for recruiting Service for the united States, & used accordingly save what was used for this State, & the residue in ballance remaining on hand belongs to the United States, which Report is hereby accepted & approved. Thereupon Resolved & ordered that Said return with the Vouchers thereof be deliver d to the Committee of pay table to be used, to be sent to the Commissioner for Settling with the Army, & on which to make Settlement with the United States accordingly. And that said David Trumbull pay & deliver into the hands of the Treasurer of this State, the Cash being old Continental bills of Credit remaining in his hands the Sum of £6375 19 1J4 being the ballance of his s d account and the Treasurer is hereby directed to receive the Same of Said David Trumbull for the use & benefit of the United States to whom the Same belongs & give him duplicate receipts for the Same, one for himself the other to be lodged with the Committee of pay table to be Charged in account against the United States in the Settlement above mentioned. A Copy taken by the Com r of Acco ts Dec. 27 1786. An Acc° of Roger Huntington for one months Service as issuing 200 public records September, Conv T to the State Troops on the River in July & Aug 1 1780, refered to the Com te of Pay Table to be Settled & adjusted. Resolved That Cap Jz. Perkins be & He is hereby directed to make a Discount with M r Elijah Backus Ju r on his Note due to this State for Provisions by him purchased of s d Perkins, for pay Table orders now in his Hands for Supplys Sold by Him for the Use of the States the Discount to be made as the Provisions Stood the State in. & as was done in the Case of M r Dan 1 Rodman. Copy d d M r Backus. An Acc° of Eb r Ledyard Esq r for Services in going to N York by order of this Board, to negotiate an Exchange of Prisoners, at different Times, to am 1 of £57 12 6 to be adjusted by the Com te of Pay Table & drawn for. Whereas This Board have heretofore appointed Nath 1 Wales Esq r to sell & dispose of sundry Articles of Salt Cloathing &c belonging to this State in this County some of which yet remain undisposed of & the Prices of them are much fallen &c — Resolved That s d M r Wales be directed to use his best Discretion in disposing s d Articles at the most He can obtain for Them, & render his Account. Resolved , That The Treasurer be & he is hereby ordered to pay To Cap 1 Jn° Chenevard and M r W m Imlay £2 8 0 in discharge of their Account for Settling and liquidating M r David Trumbulls Account, above & within mentioned. Their Account indorsed. Adjourned to the 1 st Monday in Sept r . At a meeting of the Governor & Council of Safety held at Lebanon the first day of September AD 1783. Present His Excellency the Governor. Joseph Spencer W m Williams W ra Hillhouse Nath 1 Wales Jabez Perkins Eben r Ledyard Esq T Resolved that the Com tee of pay table be and they are hereby directed in Settling with Jed h Elderkin & Nath 1 Wales Esq rs Accounts for manu- facturing Salt Petre into Gun Powder for this State that they also Liquidate and Settle with them their accounts for transporting powder for this State, they producing proper orders — also their Cost and Expence for care of the Powder in the Magazin, Ironing [?] and Shifting the same to preserve the Same and for Coopering the Casks when they had Stod so long as Necessary — also to Settle with them for the Expence and wast in Clarifying the Salt Petre there that was 1783 . OF CONNECTICUT 201 otherwise unfit for use — also what allowance ought to be made to them for wast in the petre by them worked for the State at the Rate of nine dollars per hundred — also to Settle with them the Powder and Money by them or Either of them paid and Expended for guarding the State powder & Petre — at the powder mill or other Storrs in which Setlement [?] for guarding the powder & Petre is to be included the Account of M r David Youngs and the money he has paid and Expend in guarding s d Powder & for House Room & firewood for the guards when Neces- sary — including in this Settlement with s d Elderkin & Wales the money Rec d by s d Wales of Griswold and Abel Marsh & paid out for the guards also thirty dollars paid by s d Wales to Mark Foguet which is to be charged to the united States — and draw on the Treasurer for what they Shall find Justly due, to be paid out of the one Shilling tax the Remainder due on s d Griswold & Marshs Note Said Elderkin & Wales are directed to Colect and account therefor in part of s d Expences. Resolved that Jed h Elderkin and Nath 1 Wales Esq rs be and they are hereby directed and impowered to Call on the Quartermaster Gen 1 and direct him forthwith to distribute to the Several Brigadier Generals the Quantity of Powder which by Law is to be distributed to Each Brigade and receive the Same at Windham powder mill for that purpose and the Remainder of the powder in Possession of s d Elderkin & Wales they are hereby directed and impowered to Sell and dispose of to the best advantage they Can for the use of the State Agreable to a Resolve of the General assembly passed in May Last* — and that the Cariage wheels belonging to this State in s d Windham may be disposed of by s d Wales in like manner as he is directed to dispose of other articles in Said County for the State. Granted, Eb r Ledyard Esq r for his wages twelve pounds per Month. & for one person employed as Clerk & beame man Six pounds per month & their rations, When Acting as Issuing Commissary, to be paid out of the One Shilling Tax. * See above, pp. 123-124. 202 PUBLIC RECORDS October, STATE OF CONNECTICUT At a General Assembly of the Governor and Company of the State of Connecticut in America, holden at New Haven on THE SECOND THURSDAY OF OCTOBER ANNO DoM 1783. Present: His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull Esq r Governor. The Honorable Matthew Griswold Esq r Deputy Governor. Jabez Hamlin Esq r Eliphalet Dyer Esq r William Pitkin Esq r Roger Sherman Esq r Abraham Davenport Esq r Assistants Joseph Spencer Esq r Oliver Wolcott Esq r Richard Law Esq r Oliver Elsworth Esq r Andrew Adams Esq r Representatives or Deputies of Freemen of the several Towns in the State who attended the Assembly are as follow — viz Col 0 Thomas Seymour, Col 0 George Pitkin, for Hartford. M r Benj a Trumbull, M r David Elliss, for Bolton. M r Ebenezer White, M r Chauncey Butler, for Chatham. Cap 1 Peter Bulkley, Col 0 Elias Worthington, for Colchester. Cap 1 Israel Spencer, ,Col° Dyer Throop, for East Hadam. Gen 1 Erastus Wolcott, M r Joseph Allyn, for East Windsor. Cap 1 Daniel Perkins, M r Joseph Kingsbury, for Enfield. M r John Treadwell, M r Hez h Wadsworth, for Farmington. M r Gideon Hale, M r Philip Selew, for Glastonbury. Cap 1 Cornelius Higgins, Cap 1 Hez h Smith, for Haddam. M r Elihu Marvin, Col 0 Joel Jones, for Hebron. Col 0 Comfort Sage, M r Ebenez r Bacon, for Midletown. Cap 1 Reuben Sikes, M r Zerak Kibbee, for Somers. Cap 1 Timothy Clark, M r Jonathan Root, for Southington. M r Ebenez r Colburn, M r Jesse Cady, for Stafford. Cap 1 Abraham Granger, , Cap 1 Ebenez r Harmon, for Suffield. Cap 1 Daniel Humphry, Cap 1 Hez h Holcomb, for Symsbury. Col 0 Solomon Wells, M r Eleazer Steel, for Tolland. Cap 1 John Robbins, M r Stephen M Mitchell, for Weather sfield. M r Moses Holmes, Cap 1 Seth Crocker, for Willington. Cap 1 Nath 1 Loomiss, M r Aaron Phelps 2 d , for Windsor. Cap 1 Henry Daggett, Cap 1 Jesse Ford, for New Haven. M r Aaron Baldwin, M r Jonah Clark, for Branford. M r Samuel Beach, Maj r Reuben Atwater, for Cheshire. 1783 . OF CONNECTICUT 203 Cap 1 Daniel Holbrook, Mr Sheldon Clark, for Derby. Gen 1 James Wadsworth, M r Daniel Hall, for Durham. Gen 1 Andrew Ward, M r John Burgiss, for Guilford. M r Stephen Gunn, M r Gideon Buckingham, for Milford. Col 0 Street Hall, Cap 1 Oliver Stanley, for Wallingford. M r Joseph Hopkins, M r Eli Brunson, for Waterbury. Cap 1 John Deshon, Maj r William Hilhouse, for New London. Col° Christopher Leffingwell, Cap 1 Elisha Lathrop, for Norwich. M r Ebenez 1 ' Ledyard, M r Elisha Williams, for Groton Col 0 Aaron Eliott, Cap 1 Aaron Kelcey, for Killingworth. M r Nathaniel Matson, Cap 1 Seth Ely, for Lyme. M r Robert Crary, Gen 1 John Tyler, for Preston. Col° William Worthington, Maj r William Hart, for Saybrook. Col 0 Samuel Prentiss, Cap 1 John Randall, for Stonington. M r Jonathan Sturgiss, Cap 1 Thomas Nash, for Fairfield. Col 0 Joseph P Cook, Doct r Sallu Pell, for Dansbury. Gen 1 John Mead, Cap 1 Jabez Fitch, for Greenwich. Col 0 Nehemiah Beardsley, Doct r James Potter, for New Fairfield. Maj r Caleb Baldwin, Cap 1 Jabez Botsford, for Newtown. M r Samuel C Sylliman, Cap 1 Clapp Raymond, for Norwalk. M r Lemuel Sanford, M r Stephen Betts, for Reading. Col 0 Philip B Bradley, Cap 1 David Olmsted, for Ridgfield. Gen 1 David Waterbury, M r Charles Weed, for Stamford. Cap 1 Robert Fairchild, Maj r Agur Judson, for Stratford. M r Joseph Skiff, Col 0 Jedidiah Elderkin, for Windham. Cap 1 Simeon Smith, M r Isaac Perkins, for Ashford. M r Daniel Frost, M r David Payne, for Canterbury. Maj r Elias Buell, Cap 1 William Willson, for Coventry. Col 0 William Danielson, Cap 1 Jason Phelps, for Killingley. Col° William Williams, M r Elkanah Tisdale, for Lebanon. M r Constant Southworth, M r Nath 1 Atwood, for Mansfield. Gen 1 John Douglass, Cap 1 James Bradford, for Plainfield. Cap 1 Amasa Sessions, Cap 1 Josiah Sabin, for Pomfrett. , , for Union. Col° James Gordon, M r Joseph Wiley, for Voluntown. M r Charles Church Chandler, Cap 1 Nehemiah Lyon, for Woodstock. M r Isaac Baldwin Jun. r , Cap 1 Abraham Bradley, for Litchfield. Col 0 Charles Burrall, M r Timothy Hurlburt, for Canaan. M r Andrew Young, Cap 1 Edward Rogers, for Cornwall. M r Daniel Miles, Cap 1 Elisha Sill, for Goshen. Cap 1 Thomas Giddins, Capt Israel Williams, for Hartland. Capt George Catlin, Capt Josiah Phelps, for Harwington. M r Nathaniel Berry, M r Nathan Eliott, for Kent. M r Amos Miller, M r Ebenezer Moody, for New Hartford. Col 0 Samuel Canfield, M r Daniel Everett, for New Milford. Maj r Giles Pettibone, Cap 1 Ephraim Guittean, for Norfolk. Cap 1 Joshua Stanton, M r Lott Norton, for Salisbury. 204 P L'liLTC RKCORDS October, Col 0 Ebenez r Gay, M r Josiah Coleman, for Sharon. Col° Epaphras Sheldon, Doct r Sam Woodward, for Torrington. M r John Whittlesey, Cap 1 Nathan Hecox, for Washington. Cap 1 Thomas Fenn, Cap 1 Nath 1 Barns, for Watertown. Capt Ozias Brunson, , for Winchester. Col 0 Increase Mosely, M r Daniel Sherman, for Woodbury. William Williams Esq r Speaker Charles Church Chandler Esq r Clerk Of the House of Representatives An Act for the Punishment of Burglary and Robbery. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same that whosoever shall commit Burglary by breaking up any Dwelling House or Shop, wherein Goods Wares and Merchandize are deposited or shall commit Robbery by robbing any Person in the Field or Highway if in the Perpetration of said Crimes the Person or Persons committing the same shall be Guilty of any Personal Abuse Force or Violence ; or Shall be so Armed with any dangerous Armour or Weapon as clearly to Indicate their violent Intentions ; such Person or Persons found Guilty as afore- said and being thereof convicted before the Superior Court shall Suffer Death. And if upon the Tryal for any of the Crimes aforesaid the Commission thereof shall not appear to be attended with the Agrivated Circumstances of Personal Terror Force and Violence as aforesaid, the Person or Persons found Guilty of said Crime of Burglary or Robbery shall be punished with whipping on the naked Body not exceeding forty Stripes and with Imprisonment in any of the Goals or Work Houses in this State, there to be kept to hard Labour not exceeding ten Years at the discretion of the Superior Court before whom the conviction is had, And if any Person shall be Convicted a second Time for the Offence of Burglary or Robbery he shall Suffer Death, And all Laws heretofore made for the punishment of the Crimes aforesaid are hereby repealed and made void. An Act for the Punishment of Horse Stealing. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council & Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled , and by the Authority of the Same , That whoso- ever shall feloniously take and Steal any Horse or Horses within this State and be thereof duely convicted shall pay and satisfy to the Owner of such Horse or Horses treble the value thereof ; and also pay as a fine to the Treasurer of this State, the Sum of ten Pounds and shall be whipped not exceeding forty Stripes on the naked Body, and be Imprisoned in any Goal or Work House within this State, there to be kept to Hard Labour for a Term not exceeding five Years at the dis- cretion of the Court before whom such conviction shall be had. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 205 An Act for laying a Tax on Shipping for repairing and maintaining the Light House near the Port of New London. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the Same that from and after the first Day of Decemb r next, each and every Vessell except such as are employed in the Fishery, and during their continuance therein, which shall enter and Clear in any Port of this State, or shall Harbour and Anchor in the Port of New London shall be Sub- jected to pay the following Taxes viz. each and every Ship One Pound ten shillings, each and every Snow & Brigantine twelve Shillings ; each and every Sloop, and Schooner (Coasters excepted) six Shillings; each Vessell used in the Coasting Business of more than twenty Tons burthen three shillings, and each Vessell Used in the Coasting Busi- ness of less than Twenty Tons Burthen One shilling & six pence; which several Taxes or Duties becomeing due as aforesaid shall be paid to and Collected by the Naval Officers where any such Vessell shall enter amd Clear or Harbour and Anchor as aforesaid, which Officers shall severally give Bonds to the Treasurer of the State with Surety faith- fully to Account for the Sums they shall receive by Virtue of this Act, And the Naval Officers shall pay over the Sums of Money they shall receive as aforesaid according to the direction of the General Assembly from Time to Time for the Convenience and accomodation of the Light House, Any Law Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding. Resolved by this Assembly that the Collectors of Excise and their Deputies in the several Countys and Towns in this State are hereby Ordered to be very vigilant in making all Collections of Excise by Law required in their respective Counties and prepare their Accounts of such Collections and Lodge the Same with the Secretary by the 10 th Day of January next, Stating therein their Accounts as they stand on the first Day of said January, distinguishing as near as may be what has been Collected of the Retailers in the Several Towns or what Stock they had on Hand on the 20 th Day of April last from what arose on what they have Purchased since that Day, and the Secretary is hereby Ordered to Publish this Resolve in the Several News Papers in this State. Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed and Impowered to draw on the Treasurer for and in behalf of the Delegates of this State now appointed to attend Congress for a Sum not exceeding two hundred Pounds for each Delegate w T ho shall proceed to Congress they to be accountable. This Assembly do appoint William Samuel Johnson Esq r to be one of the Committee appointed in May last to consider what Measures may be proper to be taken by this State to obtain Releif for the 206 PUBLIC RECORDS October, People Settled on the Lands West of Delaware River under the Claim of this State for quieting their Possessions &c in the room of Nath 1 Wales Esq Deceased.* Resolved by this Assembly That the Powder in the Town of Wind- ham being the Property of this State may at the Expence of the State be conveyed to the Fortifications in either of the Towns of New London or Groton taking a Receipt therefor of the Commanding Officer for the Time being at either of said Fortifications respectively, And that all Persons in this State who have any Salt Petre or Sulphur belong- ing to the State not yet manufactured into Powder shall keep the Same safe in their own Custody untill the further Order of this Assembly. Resolved by this Assembly that the Light House near the Port of New London be immediately repaired and Provided with Utensils and Oil and M r Amasa Learned is hereby appointed to Order direct and make such repairs and provide measures to the amount of £110 0 0 LMoney if needed and he is hereby Impowered to borrow for that pur- pose the Sum aforesaid on Interest, and he shall be entituled to receive said Sum out of the Light Money which shall be Collected in this State by virtue of an Act entituled An Act for laying a Tax on Shipping for repairing and maintaining the light House near the Port of New Lon- don, And the Naval Officers are hereby Ordered & directed to pay the Light Money Quarterly or every three Months to said M r Amasa Learned taking his Reciept therefor who shall annually Account with the Treasurer of this State for the Same. Resolved by this Assembly that the Listers of the several Towns in this State be and they are hereby directed to compleat the List of the present Year with the Additions and fourfold Assesments and return the Same to the General Assembly at their next Adjourned Sessions any Law Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding, And the Secretary is hereby directed to Cause this Resolve to be Pub- lished in the several Public News Papers in this State. Resolved by this Assembly, that all Orders drawn by proper Authority on the Treasurer for Bills of this State may be applied towards the Payment of any Taxes imposed for State Bills emitted since the first of January 1780 excepting Taxes appropriated for the sinking Fund, and also towards the Payment of any Taxes imposed for Bills of the United States and afterwards reduced by Act of Assembly to one for forty in said Bills of this State. Also Resolved that the Sheriffs of the respective Countys having any See above, p. 120. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 207 of the Treasurers Executions in their Hands may administer an Oath to any Collector in the same manner as the Treasurer by Law may do, and any Sheriff who shall Certify the Treasurer that such Oath has been administered by him and that he has not exchanged or disposed of any Order or Certificate received of any Collector but that the Same has been bona fide delivered by him to the Treasurer such Oath and Certificate thereof made as aforesaid, shall have the same legal Effect as though the same had been administered by the Treasurer. Resolved by this Assembly that the Select Men of the several Towns in this State make enquiry and a proper return of all the Military Stores belonging to this State in whosoever Custody the same may be found to the General Assembly at their next Meeting that further Order may be had thereon, And the Secretary is directed to publish this Resolution in the News Papers within this State. This Assembly do appoint Roger Sherman Esq r William Williams Esq r James Wadsworth Esq r and William Hilhouse Esq r Delegates to represent this State in the Congress of the United States of America the Year ensueing in the room of Samuel Huntington Esq r Oliver Wol- cott Esq r Richard Law Esq r and Oliver Elsworth Esq r resigned. Resolved by this Assembly that M r Fenn Wadsworth having repre- sented to this Assembly that his Private Affairs will no longer admit of his attending upon the Business of preparing the Accounts of this State against the United States and presenting and supporting the Same for an adjustment with the Commissioner appointed to Liquidate and allow such Accounts, the Committee of Pay Table therefor be and hereby are fully Authorized and directed to perform and execute the special Business and Duties assigned and committed as aforesaid to the said M r Fenn Wadsworth. Whereas the United States in Congress Assembled did on the 23 d Day of April 1782 Resolve in the Words following viz “Resolved that all Sick and wounded Soldiers of the Armies of the United States, who shall in future be Reported by the Inspector General or the Inspector of a Seperate Department and approved by the Com- mander in Chief or Commanding Officer of a Seperate Department as unfit for further Duty either in the Field or Garrison and who apply for a discharge in preference to being placed or continued in the Corps of Invalids shall be discharged and be entituled to receive as a Pension five dollars Per Month in Lieu of all Pay and emolument. Resolved that it be and hereby is recommended to the several States to discharge such Pensions annually and draw on the Superintendant of Finance for the Payment of the Money they shall so Advance. [”]* See Jour. Cont. Cong., XXII, 209-210. 208 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and hereby are enabled and directed to draw on the Treasurer of this State in favour of such of the Citizens of thus [sic] State as are Subjects of the before recited Resolution of Congress on their producing and lodging with said Committee proper Certificates and discharges comporting with said Resolve of Congress, and draw on the superintendant of Finance in favour of the Treasurer of this State for the repayment of such Sums so to be advanced, and the Secretary is directed to cause this Resolve to be published in the Several Public Papers in this State. On the Report of a Committee respecting the Inhabitants Settled under the Claim of this State west of Delaware River accepted and approved Whereas a large number of Inhabitants West of Delaware River and within the Charter Limits of this State settled there under the Claim and Jurisdiction of the said State having first with the appro- bation of the General Assembly thereof purchased the Native Right of Soil and for many Years past have been incorporated and in the exercise of Government under the Laws of the said State, And Whereas by a late Decree of Commissioners appointed for settling a Dispute rela- tive to Jurisdiction between this State and the State of Pensylvania, the Tract of Land possessed by the said Settlers is unexpectedly declared to be within the Jurisdiction of the latter,* since which the said Settlers as it is represented notwithstanding their having acquired the Native and Possessory Right as aforesaid and corroborated their Title by vast Labour and expence in reducing the said Lands from a Wilderness State and stood as a Barrier to Pensylvania and other Interior Settle- ments, through a long distressing War in which most of their Males capable of Labour or Defence have been Slain Circumstances which entituled them to expect as well from the Justice as Clemency of that great and opulent State the fullest Protection for their Persons and to be forever Quieted in their Possessions and for which they lost no Time in applying to its Legislature by Humble Petition, yet notwithstanding to their great astonishment and Distress they find themselves left to the Mercy of Men who Claiming under the Proprietary Title of that State are prosecuting against them Suits of ejectment, and in some Cases entering into their Possessions and Labours by force. Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that it will in their Opinion be expedient for the said Settlers as the only Remedy left them to apply to the Honb le the Congress of the United States for a Court to be Instituted to try their Right of Soil & Possession, pursuant to the Ninth of the Articles of Confederation, that it will be the Duty of this State to contenance and Patronise them in such Application, and that the Delegates of this State that shall be in Congress be directed to give them all necessary Aid therein, And that his Excellency the Governor be desired to address a full State of their Claims and Sufferings to Con- See above, p. 11 n and 120. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 209 gress and sollicit the Protection of that Honorable Body in their behalf until a final adjudication of the Cause shall be had. Whereas this State has the undoubted and exclusive Right of Jurisdiction and Preemption to all the Lands lying West of the Western Limits of the State of Pensylvania and East of the River Misisipi and extending throughout from the Lattitude 41, to Lattitude 42, & 2 Minits North by Virtue of the Charter Granted by King Charles the second to the late Colony now State of Connecticut bearing Date the 23 d Day of April A Dom 1662, which Claim and Title to make known for the information of all to the end that they may conform themselves thereto, Resolved that his Excellency the Governor be desired to Issue his Proclamation declaring and ascerting the Right of this State to all the Lands within the Limits aforesaid and strictly forbiding all Persons to enter or Settle thereon without special Licence and Authority first obtained from the General Assembly of this State.* Resolved by this Assembly that John Lawrence Esq r Treasurer of this State be and he hereby is directed forthwith to State the Amount of the Abatements made on the Several Taxes in each Town in this State, laid by this Assembly on the Lists for the Years 1779 & 1780 and investigate and particularise the Principles on which such Abatements are made and to employ suitable Assistance for that purpose, And Report make to this Session as soon as may be. Upon a Representation made to this Assembly that Solomon Fer- riss formerly of Greenwich in this State who in the Year 1777 Joined the Army of the British King at New York and continued in his Service till the Cessation of Hostilities and on the 20 th of Septemb r last returned to said Greenwich in Order to remove his Family from thence to Nova Scotia, was thereupon Arrested at said Greenwich in three Suits one in favour of Messenger Palmer one in favour of Samuel Lockwood and the other in favour of James Ferriss for Damages there done by him the said Solomon and others in Arms under the said British King in the Year 1779, and was on said Suits had before a Justice of the Peace & on the 25 th Day of September aforesaid Ordered to find Bail for his Appearence to answer to said Suits before the County Court to be holden at Fairfield in the County of Fairfield on the third Tuesday of Novemb r next and that his Father Joseph Ferriss thereupon became Bail for him on the said Suits in the Sum of £500 LMoney, And a Committee having been appointed by this Assembly on said Representa- tion and they having Reported that said Representation is substantially true and that the said Suits are in the Name of Individuals and ought not under the Circumstances attending them to be maintained nor the said Bail to be holden, But see below, p. 277 for the cession of part of this land to the United States . 210 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Resolved and Ordered by this Assembly that the said Solomon with his said Bail be and they are hereby discharged of each of said Suits and all Costs thereon. Whereas since the Issuing His Excellency the Governors Proclama- tion appointing the 20 th Day of Novemb r next to be observed as a Day of Public Thanksgiving in this State, a Proclamation has been received from the President of Congress, appointing the second Thursday of Decemb r next to be observed as a Day of Public Thanksgiving through- out the United States, it is Judged expedient by this Assembly that the said Day appointed in his Excellencys Proclamation be postponed untill the said second Thursday of Decemb r Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that his Excellency be requested to Issue his Proclamation appointing said second Thursday of Decemb r to be observed as a Day of Publick Thanksgiving throughout this State instead of said 20 th Day of Novemb r . This Assembly do appoint Oliver Stanley Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate within and for the District of Wallingford untill the first Day of June next. This Assembly do appoint John Felch Esq r to be a Justice of the Quorum within and for the County of Windham untill the first Day of June next in the room of Nathaniel Wales Esq r Deceas d . This Assembly do appoint Daniel Lyman Esq r a Justice of the Peace for the County of New Haven untill the first Day of June next. This Assembly do appoint Col 0 Comfort Sage to be Brigadier Gen- eral of the second Brigade of Militia in this State in the room of Brigadier General Andrew Ward resigned. This Assembly do appoint Colonel John Chandler to be Brigadier General of the fourth Brigade of Militia in this State in the room of Brigadier General John Mead resigned. This Assembly do appoint Maj r Samuel Tyler Esq r to be Lieutenant Colonel of the eighth Regiment in the room of Lieut Colonel Nathan Gallop resigned. This Assembly do appoint Cap 1 Peleg Noyes to be Major of the eighth Regiment in the room of Maj r Samuel Tyler promoted. This Assembly do appoint Cap 1 David Brainerd Spencer to be Major of the twenty fifth Regiment in the room of Major Daniel Cone resigned. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 211 This Assembly do appoint Christopher Leffingwell Esq r to be Lieu* Colonel Commandant of the twentieth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do appoint Cap 11 Benjamin Hikok to be Major of the third Regiment of Light Dragoons in the room of Maj r Ezra Starr resigned. This Assembly do establish Agur Judson Jun r to be Captain of the seventh Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Wooster to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ephraim Wooster to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abijah Sessions to be Captain of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Crawford to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joel Arnold to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ithamar Tuttle to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Peter Eastman to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Porter to be Captain of the 1 st Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Upson to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Baldwin to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Deains Jun r to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elihu Thomas to be Captain of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Simon Abel to be Lieutenant of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Isaiah Loomiss to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Johnson to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Moses Amidown to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Asaph Trumbull to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Talcott to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Gad Talcott to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. 212 PUBLIC RECORDS October, This Assembly do establish David Kilborn to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Dan Worthington to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Otis to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Perkins to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Sterlin to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Ely to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Selden to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Peck to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abner Brockway to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elihu Marvin to be Captain of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Williams to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Parmely to be Captain of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Richard Bryan to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Brinsmade Gibson to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Seth Austin to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Stanton to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Peter Mason to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Miller to be Captain of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 6 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elisha Treat to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 6 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abraham Holliston Jun r to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 6 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Guthrie to be Ensign of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish do establish [sic] Isaac Bird to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Adorn j ah Strong to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 213 This Assembly do establish Stephen Dodge to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Peleg Chamberlain to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Foot to be Ensign of the 7 th Com- pany or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abel Ferriss to be Ensign of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Camp to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abel Gun to be Lieut of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Paul Welch Jun r to be Ensign of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Julius Coswell to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Potter to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Aaron Fenn to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joel Dunbar to be Ensign of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Comfort Butler to be Ensign of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 10 Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Chapman to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Andrews to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Simon Desbrow to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Porter to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jacob Ogden to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Andrew Hill to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Remington to be Ensign of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 1 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Morse to be Captain of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonah Smith to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Robert Whitford to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Oliver Granger to be Captain of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 1 st Regiment in this State. 214 public records October, This Assembly do establish Abel Rising to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 1 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Heber Stone to be Lieuten 1 of the first Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Timothy Skinner to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eli Smith to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Seymour to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Harriss Hopkins to be Captain of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Levi Morse to be Lieutenant of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ozias Lewiss to be Ensign of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Drake Seymour to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Andrew Miller to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eben Knapp to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Brush to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Edmund Mead to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Holmes to be Captain of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the eighth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benadam Williams to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Paul Wheeler Jun r to be Ensign of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Flint to be Captain of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish George Martin 3 d to be Lieutenant of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Kingsbury to be Ensign of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Reuben Boyce to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ezra Doolittle to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Rufus Hitchcock to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Noah Ailing to be Captain of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Caleb Booth to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 215 This Assembly do establish David Botsford to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Peck to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jedidiah Stowe to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Fletcher Pruden to be Captain of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Platt to be Lieutenant of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Fenn to be Ensign of the 2 d Company or Trainband, in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Frederick Huntington to be Captain of a Matross Company in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Bela Peck to be Captain Lieutenant of a Matross Company in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Hezekiah Williams to be 2 d Lieutenant of a Matross Company in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Mitchell to be Captain of the third Troop of Horse in the 1 st Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Martin Southworth to be Cornet of the third Troop of Horse in the 1 st Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Beriah Norton to be Quarter Master of the third Troop of Horse in the first Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Robert Hannah to be Quarter Master of the first Troop of Horse in the 5 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Ralph Ripley to be Captain of the first Troop of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish John Loomiss to be Lieutenant of the first Troop of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Phineas Cary to be Cornet of the l 8t Troop of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Joel Ward to be Quarter Master of the first Troop of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish John Stewart to be Captain of the fourth Troop of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Eaton to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish John Dixon to be Cornet of the 4 th Troop of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Gersham Pope to be Quarter Master of the 4 th Troop of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Gamaliel Little to be Captain of the third Troop of Horse in the 2 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Abraham Bliss to be Lieutenant of the third Troop of Horse in the 2 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. 216 PUBLIC RECORDS October, This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Hide Jun r to be Cornet of the third Troop of Horse in the 2 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Dennison Wattles to be Quarter Master of the 3 d Troop of Horse in the 2 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Phineas Bates to be Quarter Master of the sixth Troop of Horse in the 5 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish William Cone Jun r to be Quarter Master of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 2 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Enoch Lewiss to- be Captain of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elihu Curtiss to be Ensign of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Gates to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jeremiah Hubbard Jun r to be Lieutenant of the 9 tL Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Pelton to be Ensign of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Chapin to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Hicox to be Lieutenant of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Porter to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Burr to be Ensign of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Amasa Dutton to be Captain of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Arnold to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Noadiah Emmons to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abraham Willey to be Captain of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Judah Cone to be Ensign of the 9th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Mallerson to be Captain of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Vine Stoddard to be Lieutenant of 2 d Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ralph Stoddard Jun r to be Ensign of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eldad Shepard to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 217 This Assembly do establish John Bates to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Dunham to be Captain of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel West to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Henry Bliss to be Ensign of the 4 th Com- pany or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Solomon Rogers to be Captain of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 3 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Rogers 4 th to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 3 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Azel Kimberly to be Captain of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Philemon Smith to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Justus Smith to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elihu Yale Jun r to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Andrew Barthelomew to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Hopson Jun r to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abner Avered Jun r to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jesse Denison to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Holt to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Moses Lyman to be Captain of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Kettle to be Lieutenant of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Buell to be Ensign of the 3 d Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Zachariah Clark to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Buckingham to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joel Camfield to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Seth Whitmore to be Lieutenant of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Hamlin to be Ensign of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. 218 PUBLIC RECORDS October, This Assembly do establish Ichabod Andruss to be Captain of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Marks to be Lieutenant of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Theodore Root to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abel Lewiss to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Thomson J r to be Captain of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Whiting to be Lieutenant of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Wheeler to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eli Trumbull to be Ensign of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Lee to be Captain of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 5 th Regiment of L Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonas Lawrence to be Lieutenant of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 5 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish David Bohn [ ?] Ju r to be Cornet of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 5 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Pardee to be Quarter Master of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 5 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Isaac Foot to be Captain of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 1 st Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish David Mulford to be Lieutenant of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 1 st Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Elias Clark to be Cornet of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the first Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Elnathan Tyler to be Quarter Master of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the 1 st Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Bishop to be Captain of the second Company of Governors Guards in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Fitch to be Lieuten* of the 2 d Company of the Governors Guards in this State. This Assembly do establish William Lyon to be Ensign of the 2 d Company of the Governors Guards in this State. This Assembly do establish Eleazer Chamberlain to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. Whereas His Excellency, Jonathan Trumbull Esq r Governor and Commander in Chief in and over the State of Connecticut has signified in an Address to the General Assembly to be communicated to their Constituents his Desire that he might not considering his advanced Age be considered by the Freemen of this State as an Object of their 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 219 Choice at the next General Election;* as the Governor has declared his Wish to retire after the expiration of his present appointment from the Cares and Business of Government — Resolved by this Assembly , that they consider it as their Duty in behalf of their Constituents to express in Terms of the most sincere Gratitute their highest Respects for his Excellency Governor Trumbull, for the great and eminent Services which he has rendered this State during his long and prosperous Administration more especially for that display of Wisdom Justice Fortitude and magnanimity Joined with the most unremitting Attention and perseverance which he has mani- fested during the late Succesful though distressing War; which must place the Chief Magistrate of this State in the Rank of those great and worthy Patriots who have eminently distinguished themselves as the Defenders of the Rights of Mankind. And that this Assembly consider it as a most gracious dispensation of divine Providence, that a Life of so much Usefullness has been prolonged to such an advanced Age with an unimpaired Vigour and Activity of Mind, but if the Freemen of this State shall think proper to comply with his Excellencys Request, it will be the Wish of this Assembly that His Successor in Office may possess those eminent Public and Private Virtues, which give so much Lustre to the Character of him who has in the most Honorable manner so long presided over this State. It is further Resolved that the Secretary present to the Governor Trumbull an Authenticated Copy of this Act as a Testimonial of the Respect and Esteem of the Legislature of this State, And the Secretary is further directed that as soon as he shall be furnished with such Copy he cause the same to be printed together with this Act. Whereas the ordinary Publick Business of this Assembly will not at this Time allow of a due examination of the late revised Acts and Laws of this State as the same have been drawn by a Committee appointed for that purpose and now laid before this Assembly, Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that Roger Sherman & Richard Law Esq rs be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to continue to revise the Laws of this State heretofore in force, to form a Memoran- dum or Table of such variations abridgements or enlargements as they may think convenient and lay the Same before this Assembly at their next Meeting. This Assembly being informed since the Tryal had in Decemb r last between this State and the State of Pensylvania of some Evidence Material to said Cause then concealed and suppressed from the knoledge of this State or its Agents and that there is a Probability of Ascertain- ing other Facts on which to ground a revision of the Cause. * Governor Trumbull's address is printed in I. W. Stuart, Life of Jonathan Trumbull, Sen., Governor of Connecticut (Hartford. 1878). pp. 604-8, and in Jonathan Trumbull, Jonathan Trumbull, Governor of Connecticut, 1769-1784 (Boston, 1919). pp. 304-12. 220 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Resolved that Eliphalet Dyer William Samuel Johnson & Jesse Root Esq rs heretofore appointed be and they are hereby Continued Agents for this State in the Matter aforesaid and that they pursue their Enquiries after Evidence and make Report to this or some future Assembly. It being Represented to this Assembly That Ira Rowlandson of Canaan who was Commissioned by His Excellency the Governor of this State on the 16 th of May last by Order of Assembly as Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State and received his said Commission under the Seal of this State dis- regarding the Duty of his said Office and holding in Contempt the Authority of this State did on the 13 th Day of June last in Order to gratify his avaricious Inclination sell and dispose of his said Commission to one Joseph Kingman and unlawfully Indorse and Assign over said Commission and the Powers and Authorities to him therein given to the said Kingman in great Contempt of the Authority of this Assembly and by fraudulent Representations procured another Commission from the Secretary of this State — Resolved by this Assembly that the Secretary do make out and cause to be duely served on the said Ira Rowlandson Citation notifying him to appear if he see Cause before the next Meeting of this Assembly, to show Cause if any he has why he shall not be Cashiered reduced to the Ranks and be disabled to hold said Office under said Commission so fraudulently obtained as aforesaid.* On the Memorial of Henry Cone of Colchester in the County of Hartford shewing to this Assembly that at the Commencement of the late War he Inlisted a Soldier into the Service of the United States, and Continued in said Service untill 1777, and then reinlisted into the Continental Army for three Years and whilst in said Service lost his right Eye, notwithstanding he Continued faithfully to serve his Time out as a good Soldier, and soon after the expiration of said Service he Inlisted into Capt Charles Millers Company in the Service of this State under the Command Brig r Gen 1 Waterbury at Horse Neck, and there in a Skirmish with a Party of the Enemy 9 light Horse on the 24 th of June 1781, He received a grevious Wound on his Head which has in great Measure deprived him of his Sences rendered him unfit for a Soldier or any kind of Business whatever and in Consequence thereof remains now in a very languishing State of Health dependent on the Charity of the People &c Praying for Relei f as Per Memorial on File &c — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State give and execute unto the Memorialist a Note for the Sum of thirty Pounds lawfull Money payable in two Years and on Interest Annually. See below, p. 287. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 221 Upon the Memorial of John Pitkin &c Inhabitants of the Town of Hartford on the East Side of Connecticut River Shewing that by reason of the Distance many of them live from the Place of transacting Public Business in said Town and the Difficulty of passing the Great River at various Seasons of the Year they Labour under great Burthens and are often prevented attending and enjoying their legal Priveleges, Also that they are of sufficient Ability and Numbers to be Constituted into a distinct Town and Praying for the Same as Per Memorial on File— Resolved by this Assembly, That all the Lands in the Town of Hart- ford lying East of Connecticut River and the Inhabitants thereof within the following Boundaries viz West on Connecticut River East on Bolton Town Line, North on East Windsor Town Line and South on Glaston- bury Town Line, including the two Eclesiastical Societies within said Limits, be and the same are hereby made Constituted and Incorporated into a distinct Town by the Name of East Hartford to have exercise and enjoy all the Priveleges immunities Franchises and Powers which other Towns in this State are by Law invested with, And that all the Monies due to the late Town of Hartford the Stock on Hand if any and the Debts owing by said Town and the Poor belonging to said Town shall be divided between said late Town and the Town now Constituted, according to their Lists, and the Privelege of keeping one half of the Ferry across Connecticut River at the Place or Places where the Same has been usually kept in said Town of Hartford shall belong to East Hartford during the Pleasure of this Assembly, That all Town Officers dwelling within the Limits of said East Hartford Continue in their respective Offices untill new shall be appointed, and the two Select Men now dwelling in said East Hartford with an Assistant or Justice of Peace, are hereby Authorized to warn the first Town Meeting to be holden at the Meeting House in the first Society in said Town of East Hartford on the second Tuesday of Decemb r next for the purpose of Choosing Town Officers and transacting other Business proper to be done in Town Meeting. Upon application of William Smith by his Letter to his Excellency Governor Trumbull Dated September 8 th 1783 requesting Payment for ten Puncheons of Sulphur Purchased of him in S* Eustatia by Cap* Niles for the Use of this State with Interest. Resolved by this Assembly that His Excellency the Governor be and is hereby authorized and desired to draw an Order on the Treasurer of this State in favour of the said William Smith for the Sum that shall appear to be due to him from this State making such allowance for Interest after the Money became due as his Excellency shall Judge to be Just and reasonable according to the Custom of Merchants, and the Treasurer is hereby Ordered to pay the same accordingly. 222 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Upon the Memorial of John Clark of Lebanon in this State late a Soldier in the fifth Connecticut Regiment in the Army of the United States Shewing to this Assembly that in the fore part of the Summer AD 1782, while Serving in said Regiment he unfortunately lost one of his Legs whereby he is rendered unable to do any kind of Labour, That on the 29 th Day of August 1782, the Memorialist was by the Inspector of the Army of the United States reported to his Excellency General Washington Commander in Chief of said Army to be unfit for any further Duty either in the Field or Garrison That on the applica- tion of the Memorialist his Excellency General Washington on the first Day of Septemb r 1782, discharged the Memorialist from the Service of the United States and Certified that he the Memorialist is Entituled to the Provisions made by Congress in such Cases agreeable to their Act of the 23 d of April 1782, Praying this Assembly to advance to the Memorialist on Account of the United States five Dollars Per Month for the Time past since the Date of said Discharge, and direct the Treasurer of this State to pay the same to the Memorialist, and to pay to him five Dollars Per Month as the same shall become due in future during his Life agreeable to said Act of Congress as Per Memorial on File, And the Facts in said Memorial Stated being fully supported by the Certificate and Report of the Inspector of said Army and the Dis- charge and Certificate of said Commander in Chief, Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table draw an Order on the Treasurer of this State to pay to the said John Clark the Sum due to him since the Date of said Discharge at the Rate of five Dollars Per Month, and also from Time to Time draw on the Treasurer in favour of said Clark for such Sum as shall become due to him in future by Virtue of said Act of Congress of the 23 d of April 1782 dur- ing the Life Time of the said Clark, and Charge the Same to the United States, and annually draw in favour of the Treasurer of this State or the superintendant of Finance for the repayment thereof agreeable to said Act of Congress. Upon the Memorial of Myer Myers of Stratford in the County of Fairfield only surviving Partner to the late Partnership of Symson Symson Myer Myer and George Trail Merchants in Company, Shewing to this Assembly that on the 20 th Day of September 1765, Charles Scott then resident in the State of New York executed a Deed of Bargain and Sale of a certain Tract of Land in the Town of Woodbury, but the Parties concerned in the Execution of said Deed not being conversant with the Statute Law of this State making an acknoledgment of a Deed necessary to its validity did not attend to that formality but put said Deed upon the Records of said Town of Woodbury without an acknoledgment, and said Scott since the Execution of said Deed has removed to the West Indias and there died Leaving no Children or Fleirs Praying that said Deed may be established and made valid the want of an acknoledgment notwithstanding, as Per Memorial, 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 223 Resolved by this Assembly, that said Deed be and the same is hereby established and valid to all Intents and purposes as if there had been an acknoledgment of the same according to the Statute Laws of this State any Law Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding. Resolved by this Assembly that the Resolve of the Assembly passed in May last upon the Petition of John Richards of New London in the County of New London* be and Continue in full force untill the rising of the Assembly in May next. Upon the Memorial of Eli Cook of Windsor in Hartford County, Shewing to this Assembly that he as one of the Militia of the Town of Windsor was in the Month of August 1778 detached and Ordered to March into the State of Rhode Island and there to Serve as a Private Soldier for a Tour of One Month, and in Obedience to said Detachment and Orders he Provided himself with a good Gun and marched and Joined Cap 1 Pomeroys Company in Col 0 Chapmans Regiment and that soon after his arriving on the Island was taken sick and Ordered to retreat to Providence, and on his Retreat his Gun was lost without his fault as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table draw on the Treasurer of this State in favour of the Memorialist for such Sum as they shall find to be the Just and true value of said Gun. On the Memorial of Ebenezer Backus of Norwich Praying for Releif from a Fine of £100 LMoney which he was sentenced to pay by the Honb le Superior Court held at Norwich in and for the County of New London in Septemb r 1782 for his going to Long Island within the Lines of the Enemy contrary to Law for special Reasons inducing him thereto and which he apprehends ought in Equity to exonerate him from said Penalty, as set forth and represented in his said Memo- rial, also therein Shewing that having paid the whole Cost in hard Money said Court permitted the State Attorney for said County of New London to recieve the fine aforesaid in State Securities which he has paid to the said Attorney and which still remain in his Hands — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he is hereby released and discharged from said fine and the State Attorney aforesaid is hereby Authorized and directed to return to the Memorialist said Secu- rities paid or delivered him on account of said fine as aforesaid taking his Reciept therefor which shall Avail in Account rendered by said Attorney. Upon the Memorial of Samuel Bordman of Weathersfield in Hart- ford County Shewing to this Assembly that by Misfortunes at Sea and otherwise, he is very much reduced in his Circumstances and become See above, p. 188. 224 PUBLIC RECORDS October, unable to make Payment to his Creditors who are pursuing him with Executions and Attachments Praying that his Body might be Liberated and exempted from Arrests or Confinement for Debt untill the rising of the General Assembly in May next, Resolved by this Assembly that the Person of the said Samuel be and it is hereby exempted from Arrests or Confinement for Debt untill the rising of the General Assembly in May next.* Upon the Memorial of Noah Phelps Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1775 by Order and appointment of the Committee of Safety he was sent into the State of Vermont, to raise the Militia of that part of the Country and make an Attack on the Garrison of Ticonderoga by surprize, for which purpose he was furnished from the Treasury of this State with two hundred Pounds in State Bills, that after arriving at Benington by Order of a Council of War he was with others sent in disguise to reconnoitre said Garrison, which he did and upon his going left £ 197 of said Money in the Hands of Capt Elisha Phelps, who was Commissary in said Expedition, and in the Absence of the Memorialist expended said Monies in necessary Provisions &c in that Expedition, and never replaced the Same to the Memorialist and was soon after removed by Death, of whose last Will and Testament the Memorialist is Executor Praying the Committee of Pay Table be Authorized to Liquidate his Accounts and the Accounts of said Deceas d and the Account of Thomas Barber the second &c As Per Memorial on File — Resolved that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Authorized and directed to Liquidate and adjust the Accounts of the Memorialist and the Accounts of said Deceas d and also the Accounts of Thomas Barber 2 d , And also examine the Accounts of what hath been heretofore done by this State respecting the Expences of the said Expedition and thereof make Report to the General Assembly at their next Meeting. Upon the Petition of Benjamin Hall of Cheshire in New Haven County Shewing to this Assembly that in August 1780 he forfeited a Bond given for abiding the Judgment of the Superior Court in a Prosecution against him before the Superior Court then sitting in New Haven in said County Praying that he may have a new Tryal of said Cause or that he may be discharged from the Penalty of said Bond. Resolved by this Assembly that upon said Halls Paying into the Treasury of this State the Sum of fifty Pounds lawfull Money in any of the Securities of this State which are now due for hard Money and on Interest he and his Bail be discharged from the Penalty of said Bond. On the Memorial of Benjamin Dyer of Windham Shewing to this Assembly that he moved from the Town of Windham to the Town of Norwich two or three Years before the Year 1777, that in the Month of See below, p. 396. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 225 May or June 1777, he removed back with his Effects to the Town of Windham where he had formerly lived, that on Notice after the 20 th of August 1777 he gave in his List to the Listers of the Town of Windham consisting of his Head &c and that the said Listers also Assessed him in a large Sum in said List and that he has punctually paid to the Collectors of the Town of Windham all Taxes arising thereon, That the Listers of the Town of Norwich after the 20 th of August 1777 inserted the Head of Your Memorialist in his List in the Town of Norwich and Assessed him largely for his Faculty thereon in and for the same Year on which sundry Taxes have since been laid against Your Memorialist and the several Collectors Impowered to Collect the Same, being a double Taxation to his great Injury Praying for relief, as Per Memorial on File — Resolved that the Memorialist be and he is hereby Abated his List on his Head in the Town of Norwich for August 1777 and the Asses- ment therein & all Rates and Taxes made and arising thereon within the s d Town of Norwich for said Year. Upon the Memorial of Abner Stocking of Chatham Shewing to this Assembly that General Newberry as Agent to this State had Recovered Judgment, and taken out Execution and put the Same into the Hands of the Sheriff of said County against Your Memorialist for twenty Pounds LMoney it being for Duties on Rum Imported from the Year 1769 till the Year 1772, And that said Memorialist has nothing to pay but State Securities or Obligations given to the Memorialist for Wages due to his Son who died in the Public Service Praying that the Sheriff may be directed to accept said Securities to the Amount of said Judgment and Execution in full Satisfaction and discharge thereof as Per Memorial on File — Resolved that the said Sheriff be and he is hereby Ordered and directed to receive State Securities as aforesaid to the amount of what is due on said Execution and said Agent upon Receipt thereof is hereby directed to discharge said Execution as aforesaid. Upon the Memorial of John Oakley a Soldier in the first Connecti- cut Regiment Shewing to this Assembly that on the first Day of June 1780 he received of the Treasurer of this State four Notes for the depreciation of his Pay in the Years 1777, 1778 & 1779 Amounting to the Sum of forty six Pounds eleven Shillings & a half penny lawfull Money, That while on Duty near the Post of West Point the said Notes were lost or Stolen from the Memorialist Praying to be entituled to receive new Notes of the Same Tenor and Date with said former Notes — Resolved by this Assembly that if it shall appear from the Treasurers Books that no Payment of Principle or Interest has been made thereon, and the Memorialist shall procure and lodge with the Treasurer of this State sufficient Bond as usual to Indemnify the Public against the said 226 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Notes being twice Paid the said Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to Issue to the said Memorialist four other Notes of the Same Tenor and Date with said former Notes payable to the said John Oakley. Upon the Memorial of Elmore Russell of Cheshire Shewing to this Assembly that on the 13th Day of May 1777, the Memorialist Inlisted himself as a Soldier in Cap 1 Jonathan Browns Company in Col 0 Lamb 8 Regiment of Artillery to Serve in the Continental Army for the Term of three Years as one of the Quota of this State, And Your Memorialist accordingly Joined the Army and Served faith- fully during said Term, and then applied for a discharge but found Capt Brown had returned him as being Inlisted during the War, And the Memorialist being unwilling to leave the Army without a dis- charge tarried five Months after the expiration of his Inlistment to endeavour to procure a discharge which proving ineffectual he left the Army but was afterwards taken up and returned to the Army, which he soon after left and went to Sea and has never since Joined, that he was in Consequince thereof returned a Deserter to the Pay Table, which has prevented his reviving his Depreciation Notes Pray- ing for Relief as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Impowered and directed to Settle and adjust the Sum or Sums due to the Memorialist for Depreciation, observing the Same Rules and making of him the Same allowances as has been made to others for like Services, and draw Orders on the Treasurer for his Notes in the Same manner as has been done in other Cases for Service performed at the same Time and Charge the same to the United States. Upon the Memorial of Sheldon Clark of Darby in New Haven County Shewing to this Assembly that in the Month of May 1775 he then being Master of the Sloop Betsey Imported from the West Indias into the Port of New Haven, seventy two Hogsheads of Rum, on which by a Law of this State then in force a Duty of seven shilling and six pence lawfull Money Per Hogshead was payable for the security of which Duty to be paid being about twenty seven Pounds in the whole, the said Clark gave his Bond to David Wooster Esq r then Naval Officer of said Port for a much larger Sum, and that a Suit on said Bond now lies in Litchfield Superior Court against said Clark for the recovery of the Contents of said Bond Praying that he may have Liberty to pay up said Bond in Securities against this State on Interest which were given said Clark for Army supplies &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Liberty be and hereby is granted to the Memorialist to pay the Contents of said Bond in securities Given the Memorialist against this State on Interest for Army Supplies, and that said Suit in said Superior Court shall Cease and be determined on the Memorialists paying the Cost thereon arisen. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 227 Upon the Memorial of Hannah Rowley of Hebron in the County of Hartford, Shewing- to this Assembly that her late Husband Capt Abijah Rowley Deceas d had the Command of a Company at the North- ward in the Year 1776, and drew a Sum of Money out of the Treasury of this State which Stands Charged against him in the Pay Table Office, and on a Settlement of said Account with the Committee of said Pay Table, a Ballance was found against the Memorialist Administratrix to said Capt Rowleys Estate of about twenty three Pounds LMoney which Debt the Memorialist prays for Liberty to pay with the four following Notes on the Treasurer of this State viz one of £5 18 3 which was out last June and one for the Same Sum payable the first Day of June next also one for the like Sum of £5 18 3 payable the first Day of June 1785 and one more of £7 11 10 payable in the Year 1786 as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be directed and they are hereby directed to receive of said Memorialist said Notes or so many of them as shall Ballance the abovesaid Account. Upon the Memorial of Abraham Tyler of Waterbury in New Haven County Representing to this Assembly that he was sentenced by the Superior Court holden at New Haven on the last Tuesday of August 1783 to be Committed to New Haven Goal there to remain during the Term of seven Months from that Time & c as Per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that said Abraham Tyler upon paying the Cost of his Prosecution before said Court and his Imprisonment and becomeing Recognized with Surety in the Sum of two hundred Pounds Lawfull Money before a Justice of Peace of the County of New Haven Conditioned that if he shall not be of good and peacible Behaviour for the Term of One Year from the 28 th Day of October 1783, said Recognizance shall be forfeited, be Liberated and freed from his said Imprisonment and Confinement. Upon the Memorial of Mary Alsop Administratrix on the Estate of Richard Alsop late of Midletown Deceas d , Shewing to this Assembly that by a Resolve of the General Assembly held in October 1777 the Distillery in Chatham was taken up by the Publick for the purpose of Distilling Geneva for Public Use, That the Heirs of said Richard Alsop and Nathaniel Shaylor are Proprietors of one half of said Dis- tillery, and no payment has been made for the Use of said Distillery &c Praying for Payment &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that General James Wadsworth and Ebenez r White Esq rs be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to enquire into the Matters alledged in said Memorial and Report with their Opinion what ought to be done thereon to this or some future Assembly. Upon the Petition of Solomon Leet Jun r of Guilford in New Haven County Shewing to this Assembly that in 1777 he lived in the House 228 PUBLIC RECORDS October, with his Father Solomon Leet in said Guilford which the Enemy burnt on the 17th Day of June in which he had all his Household Furniture burnt and destroyed by which he is much Impoverished Praying for a Release from his public Taxes as Per Petition Resolved by this Assembly that the Petitioner be and he is hereby released from the Payment of all Public Taxes which are due from him or that may be laid on the Lists for the Year 1781 and 1782. Upon the Memorial of Thomas Shaw Executor of the last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Shaw Esq r late of New London Deceas d Shew- ing that the said Nath 1 in his Life Time was Agent for this State in sundry Matters and made some Advancements, that some of his Vouchers were burnt by the Enemy and that a Part of his real Estate was used for Publick Purposes and the Accounts are unsettled Praying for Relief & c. Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of the Pay Table be and they are hereby Impowered and directed to Settle and adjust the Accounts of the Memorialist according to their Common and usual Rules except when the Vouchers are lost or consumed by fire in which Case said Pay Table shall determine on such Reasonable Evidence as can be obtained according to the ordinary Rules in such Cases and Report the whole of their Doings to the next Session of this Assembly that such further Orders may be made thereon as shall be Just and Reasonable.* Upon the Memorial of William Perkins of Cheshire in New Haven County Shewing to this Assembly that he was Sentenced by the Superior Court holden at New Haven on the last Tuesday of August 1783 to be Committed to New Haven Goal there to remain during the Term of seven Months from that Time &c as Per Memorial Resolved by this Assembly that said William Perkins upon paying the Cost of his prosecution before said Court and Imprisonment, and becomeing Recognized with Surety in the Sum of two hundred Pounds Lawfull Money to the Treasurer of this State before a Justice of Peace for the County of New Haven Conditioned that if he shall not be of good and peaceble Behaviour for the Term of One Year from this 28 th Day of October 1783 said Recognizances shall be forfeited, be Lib- erated and freed from his said Imprisonment & Confinement. Upon the Memorial of George Ross of Staten Island in Richmond County in the State of New York Praying for Liberty to remove with his Family and Estate into New* Haven in this State and become a Citizen thereof and also that he may become an Inhabitant according to Law of said Town of New Haven Provided said Town will according to Law admit him to be an Inhabitant thereof according to Law as Per Memorial on File — * See below, p. 294. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 229 Resolved by this Assembly that the said George Ross have Liberty and Liberty and permission are hereby granted to him to remove with his Family and Effects into New Haven in this State and to become a Citizen thereof and that said Town of New Haven may admit the said Ross to become according to Law an Inhabitant of said Town. Upon the Memorial of Silas Cleaveland of Canterbury Shewing to this Assembly that his Father M r Edward Cleaveland Dec d in the Month of Nov r 1771 leaving a Widow M rs Rebeckah Cleaveland and also Died Seized of about eighty Acres of Improved Land in said Canterbury, which said Land was disposed of by the last Will and Testament of the said Edward in the following manner viz first the Use and Improvement of One third Part of said Real Estate to said Widow during her natural Life and also one third Part of the moveable Estate he died Seized of forever, 2 dly to Silas his aforesaid Son about thirty Acres of said Land, 3 ly to his four Daughters viz Joanna Rebeckah Deliverance and Experi- ence, about twenty Acres of said Land and lastly to Payne Cleaveland Youngest Son to said Deceas d , the residue of his Lands Houses Orchards &c, and the said Payne Cleaveland survived his said Father about two Years only, and gave the whole of the Legacy so given him by the said Edward Cleaveland Deceas d to his two Sons Edward and Stephen, and that he was appointed and now is lawfull Guardian to the said Edward and Stephen Minors and Sons to the said Payne and that his Mother Rebeccah Cleaveland is in the ninety fourth Year of her Age and unable to help herself and the moveable Estate given her by him said Husband was all spent within two Years after the Death of the said Edward Deceas d , and nothing now left for the support of the said Rebeccah but the income of about nine Acres of Land which is very inadequate to her support, by which means the whole Burthen of sup- porting his aged Infirm and helpless Mother fall on him which he is very unable to do, Praying that some meet Person or Persons may be appointed to Liquidate his Account for supporting his said Mother as aforesaid with full Powers and Authority to Sell so much of said thirds belonging to the Heirs of the said Payne Cleaveland Dec d as shall be their equal proportion according to the distribution made by the said Edward Dec d by his last Will and Testament unto the said Payne Cleaveland Dec d if so much there be, and pay the Same to him for Cost and Trouble already accrued as well as for the Support of his said Mother in future as Per Memorial on File, Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that Eleashil Adams Esq r of said Canterbury be and he is hereby Authorized and Impowered to Liquidate and adjust the Cost and expence of the said Memorialist in providing for and taking Care of his said Mother as aforesaid, and also to Sell so much of said thirds belonging unto the Heirs of said Payne Cleaveland Dec d as shall be their equal proportion according to the Distribution made by said Edward Deceas d by his last Will and Testament unto the said Payne Cleaveland Dec d if so much there be, 230 PUBLIC RECORDS October, and pay and satisfy to the Memorialist such reasonable Sum or Sums as shall be found Justly due to him for his Trouble and expence in Providing for and taking Care of his said Mother as aforesaid, taking the direction of the Court of Probate for the District of Plainfield therein. Upon the Memorial of Nathan Preston of Woodbury in the State of Connecticut Shewing to this Assembly that some Time in the Year 1765 Garwood Cunningham of said Woodbury Died and left a Son named Garwood Hinman about thirteen Months of Age, who was made Sole Heir of the whole Estate of the said Garwood Deceas d by his last Will and Testament, except a Legacy of £80 to a Sister of the half Blood with this Paragraph in the Will viz, And it is my Will and I do hereby Order that my said Son shall have a Liberal Education and the Expence thereof shall be paid out of my said Sons Estate, And in Pursuance of said Will the said Garwood Hinman was early sent to School, fitted for and entered College and has now commenced his second Year in College and considerable expence has already accrued which the Personal Estate is insufficient to pay, and more Expence will follow and no provision made by the Testator for the Sale of the real Estate, and praying for Liberty to sell real Estate &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist, who is Guardian to said Garwood Hinman have Liberty and he is hereby Impowered to make Sale of so much of the real Estate of the said Garwood Hinman Cunningham as shall be necessary to pay the Expence already arisen and also to Compleat his Education under the direction of the Judge of Probate for the District of Woodbury. Upon the Memorial of Mary Brown Administratrix on the Estate of John Brown late of Stonington Deceas d , Shewing to this Assembly that she now hath in her Care the one half of a Wharf and small Store at Stonington Harbour belonging to the Heirs of said Deceas d , that said Wharf and Store have received great Damage during the late War and are much decayed, that the other owner is about to repair said Wharf which will be attended with great Expence, that she hath not of the Estate of said Heirs in her Hands wherewith to make the necessary Repairs and that it will not be for the advantage of said Heirs to Charge them with so large an Expence Praying for Liberty to make Sale of said Wharf & Store for the Benefit of said Heirs Resolved by this Assembly that Liberty and Authority be and is hereby Granted to the said Mary Brown to make Sale of said Wharf and Store under the direction of the Court of Probate for the District of Stonington first giving sufficient Bond to said probate Court to Account with said Heirs for the Avails of said Wharf & Store. Upon the Memorial of Naomi Brown, William Scovill, Darius Scovill, Ozias Warner, Gaylord Hawkins & Hannah his Wife, all of 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 231 Watertown in the County of Litchfield, Daniel Brown James Brown Asa Brown and Ebenezer Brown all of Waterbury in New Haven County, Daniel Thomas & Sarah his Wife Titus Beacher & Thankfull his Wife of New Haven in said New Haven County, Samuel Beardsley of New- town Amos Beardsley Reuben Whitehead and Eunice his Wife of Strat- ford in the County of Fairfield, Shewing to this Assembly the said Naomi Widow and Relect of Elam Brown late of said WaterTown Deceas d by great Exertions Industry and Economy has supported her said Husband Elam Brown in a State of Delirium and distraction about thirty Years, that she has had three Children who all Died antecedent to the said Elam, that by her said Industry she has saved a considerable Estate which by Law descends to the Heirs of the said Elam Deceas d , and will leave the said Widow Naomi in a State of Poverty and want, That Joseph Brown one of the Brothers of the said Deceas d is supposed to be in Canada which prevents an equitable Settlement of the Estate of the said Elam by the agreement of the Heirs, That all the Heirs to said Estate except the said Joseph Brown have agreed to divide the Estate of the said Elam Dec d as follows viz That the said Naomi shall pay all the Debts due from said Estate and the Cost of settling the Same, and shall have and enjoy the whole of the Personal Estate of the said Deceas d forever, and about forty Acres of Land with the dwelling House and Barn standing thereon taking the North Part of said Farm begin- ning at the North East Corner of said Farm, then runing Westward in the Line between John Merrells 8 Land and said Farm about forty Rods, then turning Southward in the Line between said Merrell 8 Land and said Farm untill it comes to the South East Corner of said Merrells 9 Land Westward of said House then running Eastward in a direct Line towards the Top of James Brown 8 Chimney untill it Strikes the dividing Line between said James Brown s Land and said Farm Cutting Southward on the remaining part of said Farm Eastward on said James Brown 8 Land Northward part on the Highway that goes from Waterbury to Westbury and part on said Merrells’ Land and Westward on said Mer- rell 8 Land Also six Acres of Timbered Land to be taken at the South end of said Farm, beginning at the South East Corner of said Farm a heap of Stones then running Northward forty Rods to a heap of Stones then Westward twenty four Rods to a heap of Stones then Southward forty Rods to a heap of Stones then Eastward twenty four Rods to the first mentioned Corner, Butting Southward on Woodruff 8 Land, East- ward on James Brown 8 Land Northward and Westward on the remaining part of said Farm, And that the said Naomi shall have a passage two Rods wide from the last mentioned Peice of Land by the Line of James Brown Land untill it comes to the first mentioned forty Acre Peice, and that the said Naomi shall have the Privelege of taking the Water out of the Brook where it is now taken out and carrying it in the most convenient Place to Water the Meadow by the Barn, and that the residue and remainder of the Estate of the said Elam Deceas d shall be divided to and among the Heirs of the said Deceas d exclusive of 232 PUBLIC RECORDS October, the said Widow Naomi in manner and Proportion as the Law directs Praying that said Estate might be settled according to said Agreement as Per Memorial on File more fully appears — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Agreement recited as afore- said be and the Same is hereby ratified and confirmed, And that a Copy thereof with this Resolve being Recorded in the Town Clerks Office in said Watertown, an exemplification thereof properly Certified shall be Sufficient Evidence in the Law to Justify and secure the said Naomi Brown her Heirs and Assigns in the quiet and Peaceble Possession and Improvement of all the real and Personal Estate described and agreed to be set off to her as aforesaid with the appurtenances and Priveleges thereof forever. Upon the Memorial of Joshua Elderkin of Windham Shewing to this Assembly that he purchased the Confiscated Estate of Thomas Fan- ning at the Price of £3155 12 6 to be paid in Bills emitted by this State or Pay Table Orders That he hath paid £961 15 2 in such Orders in part of said Price and that for the Residue thereof being £2193 17 4 the Memorialist and Roger Huntington gave their Bond to the Treasurer of this State. That the Memorialist has a considerable Debt due to him from this State as a Commissary for Purchases and Commissions, which is not yet fully Stated and Settled by the Committee of Pay Table Praying that no Suit be brought on said Bond untill his said Accounts may be stated by said Committee and that said Committee may be enabled to Liquidate said Bond & c as Per Memorial, Resolved by this Assembly that no Suit be brought on said Bond against said Elderkin & Huntington or either of them untill the rising of this Assembly in May next. Upon the Memorial of Theophilus Miles of Derby in the County of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that he became bound before the Honb le Superior Court held at New Haven on the last Tuesday of February 1776 in a Recognizance or Bond of £500, for the appearence of his Brother Jonathan Miles then in Custody for having had some intercourse with the Enemy before the next Superior Court the amount of which Bond said Superior Court supposed to be the value of said Jonathan 8 Estate, that some Time after said Jonathan went over to the Enemy and said Bond was forfeited and said Jonathan 8 Estate has since been confiscated and sold for the Use of this State and nothing allowed to the Memorialist on Account of his being bound for his said Brother and the Memorialist has likewise been Sued upon his said Bond or Recognizance and Judgment has been had thereon for the whole Amount thereof and Cost of suit, which Cost the Memorialist has since paid Praying for Relief and that the Memorialist may be discharged from said Bond and the Judgment that has been obtained thereon as Per Memorial on File &c — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he is hereby 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 233 released and discharged from said Recognizance or Bond and the Judgment that has been obtained thereon and that all further Proceed- ings thereon be and they are hereby stayed Provided nevertheless that said Memorialist shall not be entituled to receive back any Cost he has paid thereon. Upon the Memorial of Asa Leavenworth of Watertown Shewing to this Assembly that he was induced to be Bondsman for the appearence of David Punderson before the Superior Court being prosecuted for passing Counterfeit Money by being informed that he would have nothing to pay except the Cost of Prosecution in Case said Punderson inlisted into the Public Service which he did accordingly; that he was deceived in said Information and also in the Security which he took, that he now has a Judgment and Execution against him upon said Bond for the Sum of one hundred Pounds lawfull Money with Cost Praying for Relief &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that upon the Memorialist 8 paying upon said Execution the Sum of twelve Pounds ten shillings in public Securi- ties against this State and also discharging all Cost that has already arisen in the Premisses, he be discharged from said Judgment and Exe- cution, and that the State Attorney in and for the County of Litchfield be and he is hereby directed to receive and Settle the same and discharge the Memorialist accordingly. Upon the Memorial of Lucy Lyon of Fairfield Shewing to this Assembly that on the 10 tb Day of October 1765, that Lois Lyon Mother to the Memorialist and Wife to Joseph Lyon late of said Fairfield, had distributed to her out of her Father Ephraim Sanford 8 Estate the Sum of £279 10 6 which Money the said Joseph Lyon Recieved, with which he purchased several Peices of Land particularly one of Henry Lyon Esq r lying in the Township of Fairfield by estimation thirty Acres, lying in Grummons long Lott and Meakers long Lott so called bounded beginning in said Meakers Long Lott at the end of three Miles down from the Rear of said Lots, thence to run up Northwesterly taking the whole width of said Lott so far as to include the quantity of fourteen Acres and to begin, in said Grummons Lott about Ten Rods Southerly of the Southermost Branch of Cross Brook, being about two Miles and three Quarters down from the Rear of the said Lott thence to run up Northwesterly taking the whole Width of said Lott about fifty five Rods to the Top of a great Ledge of Rocks crossing said Lott on a slant bounded by the Top of said Ledge as it runs across said Lott for which said Joseph gave ninety five Pounds of the aforesaid Money, that he purchased other Lands with the aforesaid Money to the amount of fifty nine Pounds two shillings Lawfull Money, that at the Time of purchasing said Lands the said Joseph agreed and promissed his said Wife Lois and her Friends that he would convey and secure to her the said Lois and her Heirs the whole of the Lands purchased with her 234 PUBLIC RECORDS October, said Money, that the said Lois soon after died very suddenly and that the said Joseph Lyon never did Convey or Secure the said Land to the said Lois and her Heirs, which consisted of the Memorialist and one Son named Augustus that in April 1 777 the said Joseph Lyon and the said Augustus went to long Island and put themselves under the Protec- tion of the Enemies of these States, and since removed to Nova Scotia the said Augustus being then and still is under the Age of twenty one Years, that the Memorialist is the only Heir to the said Lois Deceas d now living in these States, that the whole of the Estate of the said Joseph is confiscated to be improved to and for the Use of this State, that the above Land purchased of Henry Lyon Esq r is not Sold as appears by Memorial and Report of Committee on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Hezekiah Hubbel Esq r Administrator on said Joseph Lyon 8 Estate be Impowered and directed at the expence of the Memorialist to give to her a Quit Claim Deed of all the Right and Title this State has in the above described Land purchased of the said Henry Lyon Esq r in the Name of the Governor & Comp 7 of this State. Upon the Memorial of Peter Johnson of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that he received the Provisions collected in New Haven on the sixpenny Tax, and that he was appointed by General Parsons and the Civil Authority and Select Men of New Haven to Issue said Provi- sions to the Continental and State Troops which he did to a considerable Amount, And that the Committee of Pay Table on settling his Accounts did not make him the allowance of the wastage & c Praying this Assem- bly to Order the Committee of Pay Table to examine his Accounts of Provisions issued and make him the same allowance which has been made to those who have received and Issued Provisions Collected on the 2 s /6 d Tax as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby ordered and directed to examine the Accounts of Provi- sion Issued by said Johnson and make him the same allowance as they have usually made others who have Issued Provisions collected on the 2/6 d Tax and Settle with him accordingly. Upon the Complaint of Aaron Hawley of Stratford relative to certain Abuses and Injuries done to Tom and Eunice, and the other Indians of Golden Hill in said Stratford a Committee were appointed by the Assem- bly to examine into the Subject Matter of said Complaint and Report make which Committee having Reported to this Assembly as Per Report — Resolved by this Assembly that the Accounts of Daniel Morriss of said Stratford late Guardian of said Indians have been overcharged as exhibited annually to the Judge of Probate and that the Credits for the Use of their Lands fall much Short of their real value and for a full settlement of all Affairs of said Indians said Guardian Daniel Morriss 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 235 do pay and satisfy to said Indians the Sum of thirty six Pounds fifteen shillings lawfull Money and the Cost of this Suit and that Execution Issue accordingly. Cost taxed and allowed at £25 6 3 LMoney. Ex n granted Octob r 31 st 1783. Upon the Memorial of Seth Johnson Jun r Shewing to this Assembly that he was Bail for the appearence of Jonah Griswold before the Superior Court held at Hartford the first Tuesday of Septemb r last on an Information for passing Counterfeit Pay Table Orders, that his Bonds were forfeited &c Praying that the Adjourned Superior Court to be held at Hartford the fourth Tuesday of Novemb r next may enabled to try said Cause and be discharged &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Adjourned Superior Court be and they are hereby Impowered and directed to proceed to take Cog- nizance off and to hear and decide on said Process against said Griswold as though said Bond had not been forfeited and on the Memorialists delivering up said Josiah Griswold in said Adjourned Superior Court into the Custody of the Sheriff of said County of Hartford the Memo- rialist be and he is hereby released & discharged from his said Bond he paying all Legal Cost arisen on said process to this Time. Upon the Memorial of Thomas Fanning & Levi Johnson both of Windham Shewing to this Assembly that they are subjected to pay the Sum of £42 4 0 to the Treasurer of Windham County for the Use of this State for and on account that the Memorialist had become Bail for one John Bowman for a Review of a certain Cause wherein said Bowman was convicted by the County Court for Windham County, for carrying Wheat Flour out of this State contrary to the Laws thereof wherein said Bowman was ordered to pay as a forfeiture to the Treasury of said State the Sum of £25 4 0 LMoney with additional Cost Praying for Relief in the Premisses as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have Liberty and Liberty is hereby granted that they pay said Sum of £25 4 0 as part of the said £42 4 0 in the Publick Securitys of this State now due equal to their specie value, and the States Attorney for Windham County is hereby enabled to receive said Sum in the aforesaid Securities and so far to discharge the Memorialist from said Sum which they are obliged to pay as aforesaid. Upon the Petition of Levi Johnson of Windham Shewing to this Assembly, that he was by the County Court for Windham County con- victed of driving out of this State a number of Sheep contrary to the Laws of this State for which he was adjudged to pay a forfeiture of £9 0 0 LMoney to and for the Use of the Treasury of said State Praying for Relief in the Premisses as Per his Petition on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Petitioner have Liberty and 236 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Liberty is hereby granted that he may discharge said forfeiture by pay- ing the same in the Public Securities now due from this State at the Specie value, and the States Attorney for Windham County is hereby enabled and Ordered to receive the Same at the value afores d in dis- charge of said forfeiture and Settle said Matter with said Johnson in manner aforesaid. Upon the Memorial of Doct r Philip Turner Shewing to this Assem- bly, that on the 11 th Day of April 1777 the Honb le Congress appointed him Surgeon General of the Hospital of the United States in the Eastern Department with a Pay of five Dollars Per Day and six Rations of Pro- visions, which appointment he accepted and Served in that Department with faithfulness and Fidelity untill the 13 th of June 1781 and that the full direction of said Hospital was committed to him on the 6 th Day of Feb 7 1778 that in May 1781 he made application to this Assembly to make good his Wages by making up the Depreciation on the Same Prin- ciples and in the Same manner as has been done for the Officers of the Line from this State, but he not being at that Time furnished with any Act of Congress pointing directly to his particular Case, the Assembly at that Time granted to him allowance for Depreciation at the Rate of sixteen Shillings Per Day only in Lieu of thirty shillings which was his establish Pay, and that since that Time he has received Resolves of Con- gress of the 11 th and 13 th of June 1781 which entitles him to the allow- ance of Depreciation upon his whole established pay and recommending to this State to Settle the same, and that he is willing to relinquish what is due to him for Rations on the adjustment of the Depreciation of his pay Praying that allowance may be made to him for the Depreciation on the said 14 s Per Day which he has not received of his established Wages while in Service — Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Ordered and directed to Liquidate and adjust the Accounts of the Memorialist and allow him the Depreciation on the said 14 s / Per Day which has not been heretofore allowed of his established pay, and draw Orders on the Treasurer for what may be found due and Charge the same to the United States, and the Treasurer is hereby Ordered to secure the Same to the Memorialist in the same manner as has been allowed and Secured to the Connecticut Line of the Army. Upon the Memorial of John Ackley of Hebron Shewing to this Assembly that on the twenty first Day of October 1782, he received of the Treasurer of this State a Note of that Date for ten Pounds seventeen shillings and five pence payable one Year after the War with Interest annually, which Note he soon afterwards Lost and hath not been able to obtain Praying that the Treasurer be enabled and directed to give the Memorialist a second Note of the same Tenor and Date of that lost as aforesaid as Per Memorial, 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 237 Resolved by this Assembly that on the said John Ackley s giving to the Treasurer of this State sufficient security to repay the Sums Secured by said lost Note in case said Note shall regularly be presented for payment the said Treasurer be and is hereby enabled and directed to give said Ackley a second Note of the same Tenor and Date of said Note so lost as aforesaid. Upon the Petition of Benjamin Hanks of Litchfield Shewing to this Assembly that he has with great Study for a number of Years applied himself in search of Mechanical Knoledge, and in pursuance thereof has invented and executed a Clock, which winds itself up by the effect of Air, and which will continue so to do without any other Assistance till the Component parts thereof are destroyed by Friction and that said Clock will keep Time in the most regular manner, as it is wound up without any variation or stop put to its mechanical Operation and that conse- quently said Invention is a great Improvement in Mechanical Knoledge Praying for the Privelege of an exclusive Right to make and vend Clocks so constructed for the Term of fourteen Years as by Memorial on File* — Resolved by this Assembly that the Prayer of the said Petition be granted and that he the said Benjamin Hanks be and he hereby is legally vested with the Sole and exclusive Right of making executing and vending Clocks of the beforementioned Description and Construction for the Term of fourteen Years, and that any Person or Persons who shall make any Clock Constructed conformable to the aforesaid descrip- tion or simular thereto, or shall Import or bring into or vend any such Clock within this State so as to defeat the exclusive Right which it is the Intention of this Act to vest the said Benjamin Hanks with the Privelege to make and vend as a Reward for his Study and Invention as aforesaid during the Term aforesaid, every such Person or Persons for every such Clock constructed or brought into this State contrary to the Design and inclination of this Act, and without the consent of the said Benjamin Hanks shall forfeit to him or to his Heirs or Executors the value of every such Clock so constructed or brought into this State which value shall not be estimated at less than Twenty Pounds Lawfull Monv to be recovered by the said Benjamin Hanks his Heirs Executors or Administrators before any Court having Cognizance of such Offence Provided nevertheless that nothing shall be considered or deemed an Offence against this Act by which any forfeiture shall accrue to him the said Benjamin Hanks or to his Heirs or Executors but what shall be Committed in the Life of the said Benjamin Hanks — * On Benjamin Hanks (1755-1824), clock and watchmaker, stocking-weaver, goldsmith, engraver, see Penrose R. Hoopes, Connecticut Clockmakers of the Eighteenth Century (Hartford, 1930). pp. 79-83. The Fairfield Gazette of Aug. 19, 1787, referred to him as “the ingenious Mr. Hanks. . . to whom the public are indebted for that curious piece of mechanism, the invention of air clocks.” He installed one of his clocks, said to have wound itself by a sort of windmill device, in the tower of the Old Dutch Church, Nassau and Liberty Streets, New York City. 238 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Resolved farther that this Act shall be adjudged a Publick Act after it shall have been published in three successive Papers in each of the Public Newspapers of this State. On the Representation and Prayer of Thomas Fanning of Norwich in New London County Shewing to this Assembly that in Decemb r 1780 he was appointed by the General Assembly of this State to purchase a quantity of Pork for the Use of the State, that in consequence of said appointment he purchased of Brig r General Tyler of Preston on the 28 th Feby 1781 eight Barrels of Pork for said Use at fourteen Pounds Per Barrell, that said eight Barrels with the Cost of transporta- tion from Preston to Norwich amounted to one hundred and fifteen Pounds ten shillings in the Currency of the State, which Sum was at said Time computed to be equal in value to fifty seven Pounds fifteen shillings lawfull Money for the Payment of said Sum said Tyler was to receive Pay of the Collector in State Taxes for Preston, on an Order drawn by the Treasurer on the said Collector for three hundred Pounds in said Currency in favour of said Fanning, also that said Fan- ning on the 5 th Day of March 1781 purchased of Wheeler Coit of Preston four Barrels of Pork for the Use aforesaid for the Sum of sixty eight Pounds fifteen shillings, including Cost of Transportation under like Conditions with the purchase of said Pork of General Tyler, that in Consequence of the great Delay made by said Collector in Col- lecting said Taxes said Money became depreciated one half of its value from the Time of the Purchase of said Pork, and the Time said Collector appeared to be ready to pay said Money either to said Tyler or Coit by means whereof said Tyler and Coiit refused to receive their Pay for said Pork of said Collector, nor have they as yet ever received any Pay for said Pork but now demand Pay of said Fanning. Praying that the Assembly would Grant a State Note to said General Tyler for said Sum of fifty seven Pounds fifteen shillings lawfull Money Payable in one Year after the expiration of the late War including Interest from the purchase of said Pork also one other State Note to said Wheeler Coiit for the Sum of thirty four Pounds seven shillings lawfull Money Payable in one Year after the late War including Interest from the purchase of said Pork as Per Representation and Prayer on File. Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer make out two State Notes one to said Gen 1 Tyler for the Sum of £57 15 0 LMoney payable in one Year after Cessation of the late Hostilities, also one other Note to said Wheeler Coit for thirty four Pounds seven shillings LMoney payable in one Year after the late War with Interest from the Time of the sitting of this Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Lydia Hosmer Administratrix on the Estate of Titus Hosmer Esq r late of Midletown Deceas d , Shewing to this Assembly that said Titus in his Life Time was legally possessed in his own Right in fee simple of a Right of Land in the Township of 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 239 Bath in the County of Grafton and State of New Hamshire which Lands are unprofitable Estate to the Family of the Deceas d , and also that said Deceas d was possessed of one other small peice of Land in Midletown at fur Neck containing five Acres which is also unprofitable to said Family Praying that she may be Authorized and Impowered to Sell said two Peices of Land &c as Per Memorial Dated Octob r 13 th 1783— Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and she is hereby Impowered and Authorized to Sell and give good and lawfull Deeds and Titles to said two Peices of Land and to Use and Improve the Avails thereof for the Benefit of said Family under the Inspection and direction of the Court of Probate for the District of Midletown therein. Upon the Memorial of Joshua Hempsted of New London in the County of New London Shewing to this Assembly that in the Month of May ADom 1778 he was Collector of State Taxes for the Town of New London and received from Nathaniel Shaw Esq r then of New London but since Deceas d in payment of Taxes the Sum of £58 13 9 LMoney in Bills of Credit of this State emitted at different Periods, that by Mis- fortune said Money was by the Memorialist mislaid, and he never found the Same untill within two Years last past Praying for Releif in the premesses as Per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State receive said Sum of £58 13 9 in said Bills from the Memorialist and having ascertained the value of said Money on the first Day of May 1778 by the Scale of Depreciation and Computed the Interest thereon from the said first Day of May to the first Day of February 1781 he give and execute to the Memorialist a Note of Hand in behalf of this State for the amount payable in Silver or Gold at or before the end of One Year after the expiration of the War or a Cessation of Hostilities between Great Britain and the United States, with Interest at 6 Per Cent Per Annum said Interest to be paid annually in Gold or Silver said Note to be dated the said first Day of said February. Upon the Memorial of Mary Sumner late of Ashford in the County of Windham but now of Roxbury in the County of Suffolk and Com- monwealth of Massachusets and Administratrix on the Estate of Samuel Sumner late of Ashford aforesaid Deceas d Shewing to this Assembly that the Debts already paid by her which were due from the Estate of said Deceas d and allowances made to her surmount the Inventory of the Personal Estate the Sum of sixty six Pounds five shillings & ten Pence silver Money, that there still remains due from the Estate of said Deceas d Debts to the amount of near four hundred Pounds LMoney that said Deceas d left a real Estate which consists chiefly of a Farm of Land in said Ashford and a Lott of wild Land in Mansfield, that he also left six Children three of whom are under Age, That the other three Children are Settled at said Roxbury and are desirous that 240 PUBLIC RECORDS October, said Lands should be sold, That said Lands are so Situated that the Sale of so much thereof as would be Sufficient for the payment of said Debts, would wholly spoil said Farm, render the Same unsaleable and very unsuitable to make a Settlement for one of said Children, or any other Person, and not in a situation to lease out to advantage &c And Praying for Liberty to Sell and dispose of the whole of the real Estate of said Deceas d lying and being within this State & c as Per Memorial on File &c — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Mary be and she is hereby fully Authorized and Impowered to make Sale of and by Deed to Convey the whole of the real Estate of said Deceas d lying and being within this State, taking the direction of the Court of Probate for the District of Pomfret therein, and giving Bond with sufficient surety to the Judge of the Court of Probate for said District in a suitable Sum Conditioned that the said Mary shall distribute the whole of the Avails of the Sales thereof to and among the legal Heirs and Representatives of said Samuel Deceas d according to Law, except what shall be necessary for the Pay- ment of said Debts and the Cost arising in and about the same. On the Petition of Sarah Loveland of Durham Shewing to this Assem- bly that her late Husband Jonathan Loveland died in the Connecticut Line in the Continental Army, and at the Time of his Death there was due from the State to him eight Pounds fourteen shillings Praying for Liberty of this Assembly to receive the Same in a Note on the State. It is therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to draw an Order on the Treasurer of this State to secure by a Note on Interest for the Sum that is found due to the said Jonathan Loveland at the Time of his Death and deliver the same to the said Sarah Loveland. Upon the Memorial of Abner Andruss of Wallingford, Shewing to this Assembly that he engaged as a Soldier or Private in Capt Wil- liam Mills Company of Artificers on the 12 th Day of Feb y 1777, and that being at Wilmington he was sick with the Meazles, and to avoid the Enemy in August 1777, he was obliged to march in a violent Storm one whole Night which so affected his Health that a Paralitick Fitt soon ensued which deprived him of the Use of one Hand and his Senses almost ruined of which he never expects to recover Praying that he may have his Wages which are due to him from the Time he was taken sick and also such farther allowance as shall be thought proper as Per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that the Com tee of the Pay Table adjust the Account of the Pay of the Memorialist from the first Day of August 1777 to the Time of his Sickness to the first Day of August 1779 and give Order on the Treasurer for the Payment thereof and Charge the amount to the United States, And it is further Resolved that the Memorialist shall receive of this 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 241 State the further Sum of twenty Pounds lawfull Money and that the Committee of Pay Table draw Order on the Treasurer therefor accordingly. Upon the Memorial of William Redfield of Midletown Shewing to this Assembly that in settling his Accounts of the Wages & c as Com- missary of Cloathing &c there was found due to him the Sum of £261 18 0 and that there was a mistake in said Settlement of £54 12 0 which corrected will make a Ballance of £316 10 0 due to him Praying that said mistake m^y be Corrected and that he may be secured the said Sums by Notes &c with Interest from the Time the Same became due &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Impowered and directed to adjust said Account and mistake according to their common and usual Rules and give Order on the Treasurer for securing the Ballance so found in the Usual and com- mon manner. Upon the Memorial of Richard Barrett of Durham and Benjamin Beecher of Cheshire in the County of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that James Barrett late of Waterbury in said County Deceas d father to the Petitioner and a number of other Children, died many Years since leaving Esther Barrett his Wife a Widow who was natural Mother to the Petitioners but not to said other Children, they being Chil- dren of said Deceas d by a former Wife and left a part of his Estate to be distributed according to Law, and said Esther received her third part of her said Husbands Estate being in Moveables, and the Improve- ment of about fifteen Acres of Land in said Waterbury in the Parish of Farmingbury during her Life, which was sett of and distributed to her for her thirds of the real Estate* that for many Years said Esther has been sickly and unable to provide for herself, and that all her move- able Estate hath long since been expended in her support and she became Chargeable to the Town of Watertown who have called upon the Petitioners therefor and compelled them to pay the Sum of £16 11 0 LMoney and become obligated for her future support and said Land being almost without fence and under such Circumstances that very little profit can be had therefrom and that as said Esther was for many Years an Industrious and prudent Wife to said Deceas d the Petitioners think it reasonable that she should have a comfortable Support out of her said Husbands Estate as long as any part of her thirds remain Praying for Liberty to Sell said Lands for that purpose as Per Petition on File — Resolved by this Assembly that said Richard Barrett and Benjamin Beecher be and they are hereby fully Authorized and Impowered to Sell and dispose of said Land for the purpose of supporting their said Mother first paying and discharging said Sum of £16 11 0 LMoney so already advanced for that purpose, and upon the Death of their 242 PUBLIC RECORDS October, said Mother to pay over the remainder of the Money that shall arise from the Sale of said Land if any there be after deducting the necessary Support of their said Mother, and the incident Charges that shall be allowed by the Judge of Probate for the District of Waterbury to and among the Heirs who by Law are entituled to Inherit in said Land after the Death of their said Mother in the same proportion in which they would by Law be entituled to Inherit, And a Deed of said Land made and executed by said Richard and Benjamin shall convey a full and ample Title to said Land in fee simple. Upon the Memorial of the second Company of Governors Guards Shewing to this Assembly that there are a large number of Stands of Arms belonging to this State, now lodged in the Hands of the Select Men of New Haven that many of said Company by the reason of the Casualties of the War and the inroads of the Enemy, are destitute of Arms, and that said Arms would be kept as safely and in as good Order, if delivered over to the Officers of said Company to be by them used on public Days of Parade and Training Praying an Order of this Assembly on said Select Men for sixty four Stand of said Arms as Per Memorial &c Resolved by this Assembly that the Select Men of said New Haven be and they are hereby ordered and directed to deliver Over to the Commissioned Officers of said Company for the Use of said Company sixty four Stand of said Arms taking their Receipt therefor to be accountable to this State for the Use of said Company. Upon the Memorial of Ralph Bingham of Windham Shewing to this Assembly that at the opening of the late War he Inlisted into the Regi- ment of Artillery raised out of the Troops of the New England States, and served as a Serjeant therein untill Honorably discharged, near the Close of the first Campaign That by his indefatigable exertions in the memorable Battle of Bunker Hill, he became overheated and surfeited by means whereof he sickened and languished, enduring great pain in his Joints and Limbs and hath enjoyed no Health from that Day to this Time, his Flesh emaciated and his Limbs distorted, and he remains wholly unable to do any kind of Business for his own support, and hath spent the whole of his substance in low distressed Circumstances Praying for Releief & c as Per Memorial. This Assembly being fully satisfied that the Memorialist received his said Misfortune in the Service of his Country, therefore it is Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and is hereby directed to execute his Note to said Bingham for the Sum of thirty Pounds lawfull Money payable in two Years next after the Date of said Note on Interest to be paid annually. Upon the Memorial of the Rev d David Ripley of Pomfret shewing to this Assembly that he was ordained a Minister of the Gospel in the 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 243 Society of Abington in said Pomfret in the Year 1753, where he con- tinued in the Work of the Ministry untill he was Compelled by Infirmity of Body to such a dismission from his particular Charge of the Church and People in said Abington that he still means to pursue the Work of the Ministry as his Health will permit That the Listers of Pomfret have put his small Estate in the List from the Year 1780 to 1782 inclusively, and Tax Bills are made thereon which he is urged and unable to pay without ruin to himself and Family in his distressing Circumstances, Praying to be exempted from pas d and future Taxes &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Rev d David Ripley be and he is hereby discharged and exempted from past and future Taxation in the same manner as Ministers of the Gospel are by Law exempted during the Pleasure of this Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Richard Law as Guardian to Jonathan Law Pomeroy a Minor of the Age of fifteen Years on the 12 th of September last, Shewing to this Assembly that there is a House and Home Lott containing about one Acre of Land situate in Greenfield in the Township of Fairfield belonging to said Minor which being out of Repair and going to decay it would be much for the Interest of said Minor to Sell and dispose of the same, and that said Memorialist has agreed with Capt David Hubbell to Sell and dispose of the same to him in Case Liberty and Authority can be obtained for that purpose, upon the said Hubbell 8 giving security for the payment of the Purchase Money to said Minor when he comes of Age, together with the Interest annually for the Use and support of said Minor at the price of £375 0 0 LMoney and that it will be greatly to the detriment of the Interest of said Minor not to have said Sale compleated, Praying to be enabled to execute a Deed as aforesaid as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he is hereby enabled and Impowered to Sell and dispose of said House and Lotts to said Hubbell on his giving security for said purchase Money and Interest as aforesaid for the Use and Benefit of his said Ward as aforesaid. Upon the Memorial of John Osborn and James Knap belonging to the fourth Brigade of Militia, Shewing that they served six Months in the Years 1779 and 1780 in the Continental Army, and by reason of the Pay Master appointed for said Brigade not undertaking said Trust, they are not paid which Memorial was referred to a Committee to Report what ought to be done for the Memorialist and others in like Circum- stances, which Committee having Reported as Per Memorial and Report on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Col 0 Eli Mygatt of Danbury be and he is hereby appointed Paymaster to said 4 th Brigade to Settle with the Memorialist and others in like Circumstances belonging to said Brigade 244 PUBLIC RECORDS October, deducting what they have received in Continental Bills for their said Service, at the Rate of eighteen for one, and the Committee of Pay Table is hereby directed to draw Orders on the Treasurer payable out of the Tax of one shilling on the Pound payable in April last for the Ballances that shall be found due, and the said Pay Master shall have a meet recompense for his Trouble. Upon the Memorial of Samuel Brooks, Jonathan Brace and Anne Brace, Shewing to this Assembly that the said Jonathan and Anne are in her Right Administrators on the Estate of Thomas Kimberly Esq r late of Glastonbury Deceas d , that the said Thomas in his Life Time agreed and bargained with said Samuel to sell to him a Farm of Land in said Glastonbury containing ninety five Acres, and gave said Samuel his Bond to give him a Deed of said Land upon his paying said Thomas the Sum of One hundred Pounds lawfull Money and the Interest thereon for which Sum the said Samuel then gave his Notes to said Thomas and has paid the same, And the said Administrators fully satisfied of the Equity of said Bargain and payment of Purchase Money and the Heirs of said Thomas being Minors unable tomake Conveyance and praying that Powers be lodged in the Hands of said Administra- tors to give legal Title to said Samuel &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Administrators be and they are hereby Impowered by and with the Advice of the Court of Probate for the District of Hartford therein to make execute and deliver to said Samuel Brooks a good and ample Deed of Bargain and Sale of a certain Peice of Land lying in said Glastonbury in the East Society called Morley Meadow bounded South on Land belonging to the Heirs of Thomas Whaples Dec d partly and partly by Land belonging to the Heirs of David Hubbard Dec d and partly by Land of the Heirs of Thomas Kimberly Deceas d , North and West by Common or undivided Land Containing ninety five Acres, which Deed shall be as valid and effectual for his the said Samuel 8 having and holding the same, as though the said Thomas Kimberly in his Life Time had given and executed the Same, and an Authenticated Copy thereof shall be admitted in all Courts of Law or Equity as Legal Evidence of said Samuel 8 Right and Title to said Land. Upon the Memorial of Ichabod Leach of New Fairfield and Report of Committee Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1775 he purchased of his Brother James Leach then of said New Fairfield about four Acres of Land lying in said New Fairfield Lower seven Miles so called with a dwelling House standing thereon, Bounded Southerly by Highway Easterly and Northerly by the Creek and Pond Westerly by John Leach 8 Land, that he paid the full Price agreed upon for said House and Land, that since said purchase his said Brother went off to and Joined the Enemies of these States whereby his whole Estate was adjudged forfeit to this State, that the Deed given him by 1783 . OF CONNECTICUT 245 his said Brother was casually lost Praying this Assembly to grant him and his Heirs in the Peacible Possession of said House and Lands as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby Impowered and directed at the expence of the Memorialist, to give to him a Quit Claim Deed of the Above described Premisses in the Name of the Governor and Company of this State. Upon the Memorial of Ebenezer Punderson, whose Estate within this State hath been confiscated, Shewing to this Assembly that unjust Claims and demands are made against his Estate, whereby great Injus- tice is likely to be done to his Just Creditors and this State Praying for Liberty to return into this State to assist Benjamin Huntington Esq r Administrator on said Estate in settling & Liquidating his Accounts — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Ebenezer Punderson have Liberty and Liberty is hereby granted to him to return to this State to Assist the said Benjamin Huntington Esq r and the Commissioners appointed to examine into and Settle the Claims of the Creditors to his Estate in reckoning settling with the Creditors and Debtors of the said Punderson, and that he be at Liberty to reside in this State for the purpose aforesaid, untill such Settlements can be effected or this Assembly shall otherwise Order and direct. Upon the Memorial of Robert Ross Clerk Shewing that he is the Author and Composer of a Book called the American Grammar or a complete Introduction to the English and Latin Languages,* that said Book is of great Utility to the Publick, has passed seven different Edi- tions with many usefull Corrections and Amendments by the Hands of the Author, that the Memorialist has prepared many more Important Amendments and Additions which will render any future Editions more extensively Usefull, that he is Liable to loose the Benefit of his Learned Labours to which he is Justly entituled because said Grammar was first published antecedent to the Law Entituled an Act for the encouragement of Literature and Genius, made and passed at a General Assembly holden at Hartford January 8 th 1783, f Praying for Relief in the Premisses as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist shall be and he is hereby vested with and Entituled to the Copy Right in said Grammar and to all the Avails or Profits arising on the Sales of any future Edi- tions of the Same either with or without Corrections and Amendments *The American Grammar: or, a. Complete Introduction to the English and Latin Languages. Formed from a careful Perusal of the Classic Authors, and the Writings of the Best Gram- marians. For the Use of Schools both English and Latin. By Robert Ross A.M. The Seventh Edition, carefully revised, corrected and enlarged. . . . Hartford: Printed by Nathaniel Patten, a few Rods North of the Court-House, 1782. The first edition appeared in 1752. All editions before this seventh of 1782 were exclusively devoted to Latin, as was the eighth, which was net published until 1793, and which omitted Ross’s name from the title page, t See above, pp. 13-15. 246 PUBLIC RECORDS October, to all Intents and purposes as fully as though said Grammar had been first published since the passing the aboves d Act of Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Isaac Bull, Oliver Stanley &c Select Men of the Town of Wallingford Praying to be relieved from an Execution in favour of the Governor and Company of the State of Connecticut against said Town for the Sum of thirty Pounds Lawfull Money as Per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that the Execution in favour of the Governor and Company of the State of Connecticut against the Town of Wallingford for the Sum of thirty Pounds lawfull Money be made null and void and the operation thereof be forever suspended, and the same is hereby made void and forever suspended and that no proceedings be had thereon, the Memorialists paying what Costs have arisen on said Execution. Upon the Memorial of Hezekiah Ripley of Fairfield Shewing to this Assembly that during the late War he has sustained various Losses Occasioned by Devastations of the Enemy more especially by the burn- ing of his dwelling House and furniture whereby he is reduced to great Want and Distress Praying for Relief &c as Per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have and receive of the Avails of the Estates Confiscated to the Use of this State, the Sum of One hundred and fifty Pounds lawfull Money which Sum may be paid him by any Person who shall be appointed to make Sale of such Estates, taking the Memorialists Receipts therefor Provided the Avails of such Estate are not already appropriated by Order of this Assembly. Whereas it was Resolved by this Assembly at their Sessions in May last Upon the Memorial of Timothy Bradley, That the Treasurer of this State receive of said Memorialist his said State Notes to the Amount of One hundred Pounds lawfull Money and draw Orders therefor upon the several Collectors Payable out of any of the Rates or Taxes due to this State, and not particularly appropriated to any other Purpose, at the Option of the Memorialist,* which Resolve being Limited to unappro- priated Taxes, the Memorialist is unable to obtain any Thing thereon and is defeated of the Benefit thereof there being no such Monies to be obtained, Wherefore Resolved that the said Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to receive said Notes as aforesaid and to pay to said Memorialist said Sum of One hundred Pounds out of the Moneys arising from the Sale of the Confiscated Estates or out of any other unappropriated Monies in his Hands. Upon the Memorial of Ebenezer Hovey of Tolland in Hartford County Administrator upon the Estate of Nathaniel Hovey late of said * See above, p. 170. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 247 Tolland Deceas d , Shewing to this Assembly that the Debts and Charges due from the Estate of the Deceas d as exhibited and allowed by the Court of Probate for the District of Stafford Surmount the inventoried Personal Estate of the Deceas d the Sum of £54 16 llj^ And that the Deceas d left a small real Estate in said Tolland, consisting of twenty Acres of Land with an Old dwelling House and Barn thereon it being all the Real Estate which the said Nathaniel died Seized off, and that the Same being so Situ- ated that the disposing of any Part will Injure the Heirs to the remainder of said Farm, who are Minors under Age, and Praying for Liberty to dispose of the whole of said Farm as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Liberty be given and Liberty and Authority is hereby given to said Ebenezer Hovey, to Sell and dispose of said real Estate Securing to the Heirs the overplus if any be after the aforementioned Debt and Charges of Sale are paid taking the direc- tion of the Court of Probate for the District of Stafford therein. Upon the Petition of Reuben Beers of Fairfield Shewing to this Assembly that in the Month of July 1779, his dwelling House and fur- niture were burnt and destroyed by the Enemy and that his Loss has been estimated and returned with the Account of Losses, but on a mis- taken Representation of his true Character his Name was excepted in the Bill abating the Taxes of the Sufferers in said Town, and that he has never been favoured with any Abatement Praying for Relief &c as Per Memorial. Resolved by this Assembly that the Taxes of said Memorialist on his List given in in the Years 1778 1779, 1780 and 1781 be and the Same are hereby Abated and the Treasurer of this State is directed to abate of the Tax of said Town of Fairfield so much as arises on the List of said Memorialist for the Years aforesaid on receiving a Certificate of the Town Clerk of said Fairfield of the amount of the Lists of said Memo- rialist for said Years. Upon the Memorial of Tabitha Ripley of Windham Shewing to this Assembly that her late Husband Lieut Charles Ripley fell in Battle at Germantown in the Service of the United States, leaving her with a numerous Family destitute of support except a Small Sum due as Wages from this State which would not exceed an Administration thereof and the Creditors of said Charles signifying their willingness that the Memorialist might be enabled to receive such Sum as might be due to said Charles at the Time of his Death for Wages from said State which now lies in a Security therefor in the Hands of the Treasurer of said State as Per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialists have Liberty and Liberty and Authority is hereby granted that she shall have and receive such Security for Wages due said Charles at the Time of his Death, and now lies in the Elands of the Treasurer of this State to her own private Use and said Treasurer is hereby Ordered and directed to deliver said Securitys accordingly. 248 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Resolved by this Assembly that all Petitions between Parties and other Matters of Private Nature now lying before this Assembly and unfinished be and the Same are hereby Continued to the next Meeting of this Assembly and all Exemptions and Powers heretofore granted to Committees &c be and the Same are hereby Continued in the mean Time. Resolved by this Assembly That the Treasurer of this State make such speedy Collections of the Taxes granted for the Support of Civil Government that the Legislature of the State may be paid their Debentures, and also that all the Officers of Government may be regu- larly and Honorably paid, And that the Treasurer attend the present Assembly before it shall Adjourn for the purpose of Paying the Wages of the Members. Resolved by this Assembly That His Excellency the Governor be and he is hereby desired to Adjourn the Assembly to Thursday the eighth Day of January next to be held at this Place. Upon the Memorial of Abraham Beacher of Kent Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1781 he purchased a Part of the confiscated Estate of Enos Cande to the amount of £186 10 0 for which he gave his Note, and that by special Order of His Excellency the Governor and Council of safety he paid £93 1 8 Debts due from said Candes Estate which the Treasurer was ordered to endorse and allow upon said Notes and that he has public Securities against this State sufficient to discharge the remainder, that said Notes have not been delivered to the Treasurer by means of which he is not able to settle the same Praying for releif &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to allow said Sum of £93 1 8 in part payment of said Notes and to receive the remainder that shall appear to be due thereon in any Public Securities against this State now due in lawfull Money and thereupon to Cancel and deliver up said Notes to the Memorialists and that the said Notes be forthwith returned to the Treasurer for the purpose aforesaid. This Assembly was adjourned (by Proclamation) to Thursday the 8 th Day of January next, Then to be holden at the Court House, in Newhaven. Teste George Wyllys, Secret 7 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 249 At a Meeting of the Governor and Council of Safety, at New Haven, 17 th Oct° 1783. Present. The Governor. Deputy Gov r Col 0 Dyer, Col 0 Pitkin, Ro. Sherman Esq r A. Davenport Esq r Jos. Spencer Esq r Ol. Wolcott Esq r . Resolved, That The Comm tee of Pay Table Allow Gideon Wolcott, Armourer to the Garrison at Horse Neck, under the Command of U Col 0 Sam 1 Canfield The Sum of Six pounds Per Month for his Service. [In margin : Copy.] On M r Miles Sherbrook’s presenting to this board, a receipt from Col 0 Levi Wells for the Sum of fourty pounds New York Currency delivered said Colonel for the Use and On Account of the Governor and Council of Safety; — The Committee of Pay Table are directed to make enquiry of Col° Wells concerning the Same & the Use, and his Account thereof, — and On finding the Same properly to be the due of this State to pay, That they receive & take up the said receipt, & draw on the Treasurer for payment thereof — Or otherwise to make report to this Board. [In margin : Copy] At a Meeting 24 th October 1783 — Present as next before. Resolved That the Comm tee of Pay Table, Allow to Jonah Baldwin, Quarter Master of the Regiment commanded by L 1 Col 0 Sam 1 Canfield at Horse Neck — The Pay of Ensign during the time of his Service, together with His Advanced pay as Quarter Master. [In margin : Copy.] On the Memorial of John Hobart Lieu 1 in the Continental Army — Ordered to Assist the Mustering Officers in receiving and forwarding to Camp the recruits — from the 15 th April 1782 to the 30 th June then next — praying Allowance from Expences &c as granted to others in Similar Cases. Resolved That the Comm tee of Pay Table draw on The Treasurer of this State in favour of U John Hobart for the Sum of fifteen pounds — for Expence & Horse Hire. [In margin : Copy.] 25 th Oct 0 1783. Present the Same. On Col 0 Henry Champion’s Account Settled by Com tee of Pay Table June 14 th 1783. — Ordered The Com tee of Pay Table, draw on the Treasurer in favour of The Colonel for the ballance due him Viz — Two hundred ninty six pounds, eighteen shillings and six pence half penye. [In margin: Copy.] On The Account of Col 0 Henry Champion, dated Dec r 10 th 1781 — For his Expence in riding to ten or More Towns on Connecticut River, 250 PUBLIC RECORDS October, by direction of this Board in Jan y 1778 — to encourage & persuade the Cattle feeders in the different Towns to fill their stalls & fatten their Cattle for the Army for £24. Resolved That The Com tee of Pay Table do Settle & adjust said above Account — and draw on the Treasurer of this State in favour of s d Col 0 Champion for payment thereof. [In margin : Copy.] 28 tL Oct° 1783. Present as above. Resolved by this Board that Lynde Lord Esq r take an acc° of the quality & quantity of the Powder belonging this State in Litchfield & sell the Same for the best Advantage of this State, & deposite the Avails thereof with the Treasurer taking duplicate receipts therefor & that he render his Account of his proceedings therein to the Com tee of Pay Table. At a Meeting of the Gov & Council of Safety, held at New Haven 28 Oct 0 1783. Present as above. Whereas all the provisions, Cloathing & Materials of Various sorts for Cloathing collected in the County of Windham, or elsewhere for the Use of the Connecticut line in the Continental Army, and which remained undisposed off, at the conclusion of the War, were by this board ordered into the care of Nath 1 Wales Esq r late of Windham, Deceased for him to collect, sell and dispose of, to the best advantage for this State, and to render Account thereof. And whereas the Said Nath 1 Wales having collected a very considerable part of those Articles, many of which were undisposed of at the time of his death, And Other parts not yet collected, & now lying exposed to Spoil & loss — Whereupon it is Resolved that M r Horatio Wales of Windham be & he is hereby Author- ised & impowered to collect all such provisions and Other Articles as aforesaid, which have not been collected by the late Nath 1 Wales Esq r deceased in his life time, and them with all Such Articles as were col- lected and in the possession of the said Nath 1 at the time of his death, sell and dispose of, for the best advantage of this State And in no case give Credit for more than six months, and that not without sufficient Surety, and his Account thereof render to the Committee of Pay Table as soon as may be — in the mean time to transmit to the pay Table an Account of all such Articles as remained in the possession of the said Nath 1 at the Time of his Decease. Copy given M r Horatio Wales Nov r 13 th 1783. 1783. OF CONNECTICUT 251 November 15 th 1783 To Cap 1 Sam 1 Selden of Lyme M r Sam 1 Parmalee — Seabrook Gentlemen You will please to deliver to M r W m Matson, whatever Quantity of Salt, belonging 1 to this State, may be in your possession — taking M r Matsons Receipt for therefor [jfc] to Account for the same with the Committee of Pay Table at Hartford — which Receipts you will please to transmit to s d Committee as soon as possible — that they may be enabled to take the further necessary Measures respecting the Matter. I am J. T. Gov r . NB Copy given to M r Matson — who was recommended by Col 0 Cham- pion for this purpose. [This entry concludes the Journal of the Council of Safety.] 252 PUBLIC RECORDS January, STATE OF CONNECTICUT At a General Assembly of the Governor and Company of the State of Connecticut holden at New Haven by Adjournment ON THE EIGHTH DAY OF JANUARY ANNO DoM 111 1784. Present His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull Esq r Governor. The Honorable Matthew Griswold Esq r Deputy Governor. Abraham Davenport Esq r ' Joseph Spencer Esq r Oliver Wolcott Esq r Samuel Huntington Esq r Assistants Richard Law Esq r Oliver Els worth Esq r Andrew Adams Esq r | Benjamin Huntington Esq r J Representatives or Deputies of the Freemen of the several Towns who attended the Assembly are as follow viz. Col 0 Thomas Seymour, Col 0 George Pitkin, for Hartford M r Benjamin Trumbull, M r David Elliss, for Bolton M r Ebenezer White, M r Chauncey Bulkley, for Chatham Cap 1 Peter Bulkley, Col 0 Elias Worthington, for Colchester Cap 1 Israel Spencer, Col 0 Dyer Throop, for East Haddam Gen 1 Erastus Wolcott, M r Joseph Allyn, for East Windsor Cap 1 Daniel Perkins, M r Joseph Kingsbury, for Enfield M r John Treadwell, M r Hez h Wadsworth, for Farmington M r Gideon Hale, M r Philip Selew, for Glastonbury Cap 1 Cornelius Higgins, Cap 1 Hezekiah Smith, for Haddam M r Elihu Marvin, Col 0 Joel Jones, for Hebron Gen 1 Comfort Sage, M r Ebenez r Bacon, for Midletown Cap 1 Reuben Sikes, M r Zorah Kibbe, for Somers Cap 1 Timothy Clark, M r Jonathan Root, for Southington M r Ebenezer Colborn, M r Jesse Cady, for Stafford Cap 1 Abraham Granger, Cap 1 Ebenezer Harman, for Suffield Cap 1 Daniel Humphry, Cap 1 Hez h Holcomb, for Symsbury Col 0 Solomon Wells, M r Eleazer Steel, for Tolland Cap 1 John Robbins, M r Stephen M Mitchell, for Weather sfield M r Moses Holmes, Cap 1 Seth Crocker, for Willington Cap 1 Nath 1 Loomiss, M r Aaron Phelps 2 d , for Windsor Cap 1 Henry Daggett, Cap 1 Jesse Ford, for New Haven M r Aaron Baldwin, M r Jonah Clark, for Branford M r Samuel Beach, Maj r Reuben Atwater, for Cheshire Cap 1 Daniel Holbrook, M r Sheldon Clark, for Derby Gen 1 James Wadsworth, M r Daniel Hall, for Durham Gen 1 Andrew Ward, M r John Burgis, for Guilford 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 253 M r Stephen Gunn, M r Gideon Buckingham, for Milford Col° Street Hall, Cap 4 - Oliver Stanley, for Wallingford M r Joseph Hopkins, M r Eli Brunson, for Waterbury Cap 4 John Deshon, Maj r W m Hilhouse, for New London Col 0 Christop h Leffingwell, Cap 4 Elisha Lathrop, for Norwich M r Ebenez r Ledyard, M r Elisha Williams, for Groton Col 0 Aaron Eliott, Cap 4 Aaron Kelcey, for Killingworth M r Nath 1 Matson, Cap 4 Seth Ely, for Lyme M r Robert Crary, Gen 1 John Tyler, for Preston Col 0 W m Worthington, Maj r William Hart, for Saybrook Col° Samuel Prentiss, Cap 4 John Rand [a] 11, for Stonington M r Jonathan Sturges, Cap 4 Thomas Nash, for Fairfield Col 0 Joseph P Cook, M r Sallee Pell, for Danbury Gen 1 John Mead, Cap 4 Jabez Fitch, for Greenwich Col 0 Nehe h Beardsley, Doct James Potter, for New Fairfield Maj r Caleb Baldwin, Cap 4 Jabez Botsford, for Newtown M r Samuel C Silliman, Cap 4 Clap Raymond, for Norwalk M r Lemuel Sanford, M r Stephen Betts, for Reading Col 0 Philip B Bradley, Cap 4 David Olmsted, for Ridgfield Gen 1 David Waterbury, M r Charles Weed, for Stamford Cap 4 Robert Fairchild, Maj r Agur Judson, for Stratford M r Joseph Sheff, Col° Jedidiah Elderkin, for Windham Cap 4 Simeon Smith, M r Isaac Perkins, for Ashford M r Daniel Frost, M r David Payne, for Canterbury Maj r Elias Buell, Cap 4 William Wilson, for Coventry Col° William Danielson, Cap 4 Jason Phips, for Killingley Col 0 William Williams, M r Elkanah Tisdale, for Lebanon M r Constant Southworth, M r Nath 1 Atwood, for Mansfield Gen 1 John Douglas, Cap 4 James Bradford, for Plainfield Cap 4 Amasa Sessions, Cap 4 Josiah Sabin, for Pomfret Cap 4 Solomon Wales, for Union Col 0 James Gordon, M r Joseph Wiley, for Voluntown M r Charles C Chandler, Cap 4 Nehemiah Lyon, for Woodstock M r Isaac Baldwin Ju r , Cap 4 Abraham Bradley, for Litchfield Col 0 Charles Burrall, M r Timothy Hurlburt, for Canaan M r Andrew Young, Cap 4 Eldad Rogers, for Cornwall M r Daniel Miles, Cap 4 Elisha Sill, for Goshen Cap 4 Thomas Giddings, Cap 4 Israel Williams, for Hartland Cap 4 George Catlin, Cap 4 Josiah Phelps, for Harwington M r Nath 1 Berry, M r Nathan Eliott, for Kent M r Amos Miller, M r Ebenezer Moody, for New Hartford Col 0 Samuel Canfield, M r Daniel Everit, for New Milford Maj r Giles Pettibone, Cap 4 Ephraim Gitteau, for Norfolk Cap 4 Joshua Stanton, M r Lott Norton, for Salisbury Col° Ebenezer Gay, M r Josiah Coleman, for Sharon Col° Epaphras Sheldon, Doct r Samuel Woodward, for Torrington M r John Whittlesey, Cap 4 Nathan Hycock, for Washington 254 PUBLIC RECORDS January, Cap 1 Thomas Fenn, Cap 1 Nath 1 Barns, for Watertown Cap 1 Ozias Bronson, , for Winchester Col 0 Increase Mosely, M r Daniel Sherman, for Woodbury William Williams Esq r Speaker Of the House of Increase Mosely Esq r Clerk Representatives An Act for the Regulation of Navigation. Whereas this State as a free Sovereign and Independent State has an equal Right with all other Sovereign Powers, to the free and undis- turbed Navigation of the High Seas, and to participate equally with them in all the Immunities Priveleges Benefits and Advantages accruing thereby and resulting therefrom and to exercise a Concurrent Jurisdic- tion thereon, and to make such Laws and exercise such Powers con- sistent with the Laws of Nature and Nations as shall tend to regulate protect and defend the Subjects and Citizens of this State in the free enjoyment thereof. Wherefore Be it Enacted hy the Governor Council and Representa- tives in General Court Assembled and by the Authority of the Same , That the Governor of this State for the Time being shall be the Super- intendant of Marine and all Commissions, Letters of Marque and Repri- sal, Pasports Letters of Safe Conduct Flags of Truce Registers, and all other Papers and Documents whatsoever relative to the Marine Department that may Issue out under the Authority and agreeable to the Laws of this State shall be in his Name in the Stile of Governor and Superintendant of Marine for the State of Connecticut, and all Judges of Admiralty in this State shall be Commissioned by the Gov- ernor being first Nominated and appointed by the General Assembly; and all Naval Officers shall be nominated appointed and Commissioned by the Governor for the Time being in such Districts and at such Posts as shall from Time to Time be Ordered and directed by Act of Assembly. Provided nevertheless that said Naval Officers or any or either of them may at any Time be removed from their Offices by the General Assembly at their Will & Pleasure, And the Governor may likewise nominate appoint and Commissionate one or more Notary Publics in this State as the Commercial Interests thereof may render it necessary or Convenient. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that there shall be kept at each of the Ports of New London New Haven, Middle- town and Norwalk respectively One Naval Officer, who shall be nom- inated and deputed to said Office as aforesaid, and each Officer so appointed before he enters upon said Business shall become bound with Sufficient Sureties in a Recognizance of One thousand Pounds to the Treasurer of this State for the faithfull discharge of the Duties of said Office, to enter and clear Vessels and their Cargoes, and to do and Act therein in such way and manner and according to such Rules and Orders as to such their respective Offices do or shall appertain ; 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 255 and for the faithfull and punctual Payment of all such Sum or Sums of Money into the Public Treasury, that he may receive for any Duty or Import laid or which shall be laid by Act of this State. Provided nevertheless , That if any Naval Officer shall fail in punc- tual paying up all the Duties by him Collected, or shall be guilty of any misfeasance or negligence in Office, upon Complaint and proof thereof made to his Excellency the Governor it shall be the Duty of the Gov- ernor (ex Officio) immediately to dismiss said Officer from his Office and to appoint another in his room and Stead. And he it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Naval Officers shall have and receive the several Fees and allowances as set and affixed in the Table of fees ; and it shall be the Duty of said Naval Officers respectively to affix up in their Offices in some public Place where it may be seen and read a true Copy of the Table of fees. And if any Officer aforesaid shall presume to ask demand or receive any more fees for any Services by them officially done, than is by Law allowed such Officer so transgressing upon Complaint and proof made thereof to his Excellency the Governor he shall be removed from said Office and another put in his room and Stead. And he it further Enacted hy the Authority aforesaid , That all Vessels of the burthen of fifteen Tons and upwards, shall each take out a Register wherein shall be described the Name of the Vessell her Description Tonnage the Place where Built and the Time when Masters Name, with the Names of the Owners, which Owners must be Inhab- itants of the United States, and no Foreigner to be directly or indirectly concerned therein, the form of which Register shall as follows viz. State of Connecticut Port of . . . maketh Oath that the . . . called the . . . whereof is at present . . . Master being a square Sterned Vessess [jfc] of the burthen of . . . Tons or thereabouts was ... at present Owner thereof, and that no Foreigner directly or Indirectly hath any Share or part or Interest therein. Port of . . . The Oath aforesaid was administered at the Naval Office for the Port of . . . the . . . Day of Anno Dom m 178. . . and in the Year of Our Independence. By me The foregoing Recorded in the Naval Office aforesaid. And every Vessell under the Dimentions aforesaid instead of a Register shall and may take out a Permit from the Custom House Signed by the Naval Officer of the Port in whose District said Vessell belongs which shall be sufficient for the purpose of enabling the Master or Owner thereof to Clear out Coast Wise. And all Vessels in this State shall make true entries and take out proper Clearances at the respective Ports of Entry and Clearance proper for that purpose, and observe and obey all such Customs, Rules Laws and Regulations as have or shall be made relative thereto, and whatever Vessell shall neglect or refuse to take out and furnish themselves with the proper Papers aforesaid upon Seizure and Information made to the Court proper to 256 PUBLIC RECORDS January, try the same shall be liable to Condemnation; One half to the Prose- cutors who shall prosecute the Same to effect, and the other half to the Use of the Public Treasury of this State. An Act to promote the making of raw Silk within this State. Whereas by the Experiments which have been made it is highly probable that the making of Raw Silk will be attended with much Advantage to the good People of this State ; Therefore Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representa- tives in General Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the first Day of March Anno Dom 1784 to the first Day of March 1793, whoever shall plant One hundred thrifty Shrubs or Saplings of three or more Years growth of the white Mul- berry Tree on his or their Land at such Distances from each other as will be favourable for their growth and for Collecting their Leaves, shall receive at the end of every Year, and during the Term of three Years from and next after the Year in which said Saplings shall have been planted as aforesaid, ten shillings lawfull Money and so in propor- tion for every hundred of such Saplings planted as aforesaid upon Proof and Certificate thereof as hereafter directed that such Saplings were at the end of every three Years after they were so planted in a thrifty Condition, every such Certificate shall be given at the end of every of the three Years as aforesaid, and no Certificate shall be given for any number of such Saplings but for one or more entire hundred as the Case may be. Be it further Enacted that whoever shall make any Raw Silk from Worms and Mulberry Trees of his own raising within this State by properly winding the Same from the Balls or Cocoons after the said first Day of March, and for fifteen Years next thereafter shall have and receive three pence lawfull Money for each Ounce of such dry Silk which he she or they shall make as aforesaid every of which Bounties given by this Act shall be paid out of some Tax which has or shall be granted for the Support of the Civil Government of this State. Be it farther Enacted, That it shall be the Duty of any two Justices of Peace upon the Application of any Person or Persons Claiming any Bounty by this Act carefully to examine such Claim and upon Proof that the Same is well founded shall give a Certificate to Such Person or Persons Claiming as aforesaid living within their County, specifying on what Account such Bounty becomes due and shall include in such Certificate an Order on the Collector of that Town on which such Claimant or Claimants live to pay such Bounty out of such Tax in his Hands for the Support of Civil Government as they shall direct, and every such Collector shall receive and pay such Order and shall deliver the Same over into the Hand of the Treasurer of this State who shall thereupon discharge such Collector to the amount of said Order on such Tax, and if such Collector shall not be able to pay such Order he shall Certify such Inability on the back thereof and in that Case the 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 257 Treasurer of this State shall pay the same out of any Monies in his Hands for the support of Civil Government, And the Treasurer of this State shall keep a Seperate Account of all Monies paid by Virtue of this Act. And be it further Enacted that if any Person or Persons shall wil- fully and knowingly procure more than one Order as aforesaid for any one Bounty to which he might be entituled by this Act with a View to defraud this State he shall upon legal Conviction thereof suffer the Same Pains and Penalties as if he had been legally Convicted of Forgery. An Act for laying a Tax on Shipping for repairing and maintaining the Light House near the Port of New London. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the Same, That from and after the tenth Day of Feby 1784 each and every Vessell (except such as are employed in the Fishery and during their Continuance therein) which shall Clear out at any Port in this State or shall Harbour, and Anchor in the Port of New London shall be Subject to pay the fol- lowing Taxes viz each and every Ship One Pound ten Shillings each and every Square rigg d Vessell carrying two Masts twelve Shillings, each and every Sloop and Schooner (Coasters excepted) six shillings, each Vessell used in the Coasting business of more than twenty Tons burthen three Shillings, and each Vessell used in the Coasting Business of less than twenty Tons burthen one shilling and sixpence. Which several Taxes or Duties becomeing due as aforesaid shall be paid to and Col- lected by the Naval Officers where any such Vessell shall Clear out or Harbour or Anchor as aforesaid, which Officers shall severally give Bonds to the Treasurer of this State with Surety faithfully to account for the Sums they shall receive by Virtue of this Act, And the Naval Officers shall pay over the Sums of Money they shall receive as afore- said according to the Direction of the General Assembly from Time to Time for the Convenience and accomodation of the Light House, And the Master of every Vessell which shall Harbour or Anchor in the Port of New London aforesaid who shall for the Space of twenty four Hours neglect or refuse to pay such Tax as is by Law required, such Master so neglecting shall forfeit and pay double the Sum of such Tax and all Costs to be recovered by Bill Plaint or Information any Law Usage or Custom to the Contrary notwithstanding. An Act for Incorporating a Part of the Town of New Haven. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the Same That all Free- men of this State Inhabitants of said New Haven dwelling and Inhabit- ing within the following Bounds viz Beginning at the North East Cor- ner of the long Bridge so called in said New Haven and running on the North Side of said Bridge and the Highway so as to take in said Bridge 258 PUBLIC RECORDS January, and Highway to the North East Corner of the Neck Bridge, then across the Same on the North side of the Same to the North West Corner of said Bridge, then in a direct Line Westward to the Bridge across the West River commonly called Thompsons Bridge to the North East Corner of said Bridge, thence down the said West River on the East Bank thereof to the Mouth of said River, and from thence a Streight Line to the extreme Point of the Land commonly called five Mile Point on the East Side of New Haven Harbour at High Water Mark on said Point; thence Northward on the Shore on the Line of Highwater Mark up to the Point where the Waters of the little River and the Greater Waters being part of the East River fall into each other thence across the Mouth of said Little River to the East Shore of the East River, then up Said East River on the line of Highwater mark to the first mentioned Point at the North East Corner of the Long Bridge, be and the Same are hereby Ordained Constituted and declared to be from Time to Time and forever hereafter, One Body Corporate and Politic in Fact and in Name by the Name of the Mayor Aldermen Common Council and Freemen of the City of New Haven, and by that Name they and their Successors for ever shall and may have perpetual Succession and shall be Persons in Law capable of Suing and being Sued Pleading and being Impleaded in all Suits of what Nature soever, and also to purchase hold and Convey any Estate real or Per- sonal and may have a Common Seal, and may Change and alter the Same at Pleasure and shall be Freemen of said City. And Whereas there are many Persons living within said Limits who by Law are Qualified to be Freemen of this State that have not taken the Oath Provided by Law to be taken by Freemen Be it Enacted that all such Persons living within said Limits who shall before the second Monday of February next procure the Major Part of the Select Men of the said Town of New Haven to Certify that they are Qualified to be admitted and made free of this State and shall after procuring such Certificate take before some Assistant of this State or Justice of Peace within and for the County of New Haven the Oaths provided by Law for Freemen shall to all the Purposes in this Act mentioned be Con- sidered as Freemen of this State and Freemen of the said City of New Haven. And for the better Government of said City : Be it further Enacted That there shall be a Meeting of said City holden annually in June at such Time and Place as by the Bye Laws of said City shall be directed for the purposes of Chusing all the Annual Officers of said, And the Annual Officers of said City Chosen at such Meeting shall Continue in Office untill the expiration of the Month of June then next unless others shall be sooner Chosen and qualified in their Stead ; And the said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall Chose a Mayor who shall hold his Office during the pleasure of the General Assembly ; and at their annual Meeting shall Chose four Alderman and a Common Council of not more than twenty, and two Sherifs out of the Freemen of said City, 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 259 all which Officers and all other Officers of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof, (the Inspectors of Produce excepted) shall be Chosen by Ballot, and on each Ballot which is given in, shall be written the Name of the Person for whom the Same is given, and such Ballot shall be rolled up and in the Presence of the Mayor and Aldermen of said City, or such of them as are present at such Meeting put by the Person giving the same into a Box which said City shall provide for that pur- pose; which Box shall be a Close Box with a Hole of a convenient Size in the Lid thereof through which to put in the Ballot, And when the Freemen present at any City Meeting shall have had reasonable Time to give in their Ballot either by the Sheriff Of said City, or in the absence of both the Sheriffs, the Junior Alderman present in the presence of the Mayor and Alderman, or such of them as are present at such Meeting shall open the said Box, and the Mayor and Alderman or such of them as are present shall open sort and Count the Ballots, and the Person who shall have the Majority of the Ballots given in shall by the Sheriffs or in their absence by the Junior Alderman present be declared to be Elected And no Ballots shall be received after the Box shall have been opened. And said City in Legal Meeting assembled shall have Power to Levy Taxes on the Polls and Estate within the Limits of said City for such Purposes as said City shall think proper, and to Choose a Collector or Collectors to Collect such Tax, who shall having received a Warrant for that purpose signed by the Mayor or by one of the Aldermen of said City, have the same Power as Collectors of Town Taxes by Law have and shall be accountable to the Mayor and Aldermen of said City, with same Manner as Collectors of Town Taxes are by Law accountable to the Select Men, And in Case any Col- lector shall not perform the Trust Committed to him, on Complaint thereof made by the Alderman of said City to the Mayor thereof he shall Issue a Warrant under his Hand directed to either of the Sheriffs of said City to destrain the Sums or Rates neglected by such Collector to be Collected or paid out of the Estate of the Collector. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Sheriffs of said City shall severally within the Limits of said City have the same Powers and Authoritys and be liable to the same Suits or Penalties for neglect of Duty in any Case whatever to all Intents and Purposes, as Sherifs by Law now have and are, and the said City shall be liable to answer in Case of the Inability of said Sheriffs, or either of them for the Default of said Sheriffs in all Cases relative to their Office, And said Sheriffs, shall severally give Bond with Sureties in such manner as by the Bye Laws of said City shall be directed, for a faith- full discharge of the Duties of that Office before they shall be capable of Executing the Same, and in Case either of the Persons Chosen Sheriff shall not give Bond with Sureties according to the Bye Laws of said City the said City may proceed to Choose another Sheriff in his room, and the said City in legall Meeting Assembled shall Chuse a Treasurer for said City to continue in Office during the Pleasure of 260 PUBLIC RECORDS January, said City who shall have the same Powers within said City as Town Treasurers now by Law have and shall be accountable to said City. And be it further Enacted that there shall be holden Monthly on the second Tuesday of every Month in said City a City Court, which Court shall have Power to Adjourn from Time to Time and shall take Cogni- zance of all Civil Causes when the Title of Land is not concerned by Law Cognizable by the County Courts in this State Provided the Cause of Action arise within the Limits of said City, and one or both the Parties live within said City and the said City Court shall as to the Causes by them Cognizable to all Intents and purposes have the same Powers and Authorities and proceed on the same manner and grant Executions as said County Courts now or hereafter by Law shall have proceed and Grant ; and the Executions granted by said City Court shall be served and returned in the same manner as the Executions granted by the said County Courts and Appeals shall be allowed to either Party from the Judgment or determination of said City Court to the next Superior Court to be holden in the County of New Haven in all Causes in which an Appeal is now or hereafter by Law shall be allowed from the said County Courts, the Prevailing Party however if Plaintiff, may such Appeal notwithstanding take out Execution on such Judgment for the Debt or Damages and Cost recovered in such City Court against the Defend 1 or Defendants, and Levy the said Execution and Collect the Money thereon. Provided he does previous to his taking out said Execution become bound with two sufficient Sureties before the Mayor of said City or one of the Judges of said City Court in a Recogni- zance, which Recognizance the Mayor of said City and the Judges of said City Court are respectively impowered to take, in double the Sum of said Judgment, that he will within one Week after final Judgment on the Appeal refused so much of the Judgment of the said City Court together with the Interest thereof as shall on such Execution be Col- lected, and shall not be by him Recovered before the Court to which the Appeal is taken together with the Execution fees that shall accrue and be paid by the Defend 1 on said Execution and no Appeal shall be allowed on any Suit commenced on such Recognizance. And in every Action brought before said City Court in which the Pltf lives without the Limits of said City, or is a Mariner or Seaman Sueing for Wages due to him for Services in his Occupation, and the Defend 1 lives within the Limits of said City, no Appeal shall be allowed the Defend 1 unless the Matter in Demand exceed the Sum of fifty Pounds lawfull Money but if the Matter in Demand exceed said Sum, an Appeal shall be allowed the Defend 1 in the same manner and under the same Regula- tions as Appeals are allowable in other Causes Cognizable by said City Courts, And no Writ of Error brought upon any Judgment of said City Court shall be a Supersedias, And said City Court shall have full Power to appoint and Swear a Clerk for said Court to continue in Office during the Pleasure of said Court, which Clerk shall as to all Mat- ters relative to his Office as Clerk of said Court have the same Powers and Authorities to all Intents and purposes as the Clerks of the County 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 261 Courts in this State by Law have, And the Oath to be taken by the said Clerk shall be the same mutatis mutandis Provided by Law to be taken by the Clerks of the said County Courts of this State. And the Mayor of said City or in his absence the Junior Assistant Judge of said City Court, may at the special Instance of, and Cost of any Person moving therefor hold a special City Court at such Time and Place within said City as the Mayor or Judge ordering the same shall appoint which Court shall proceed in the Same manner have the Same Powers and Authori- ties, and in all respects be under the Same Regulations as the Stated City Courts of said City, and all the taxable Fees of said City Court shall be the same as the Taxable Fees of the County Courts of this State. And be it further Enacted that the Mayor of said City for the Time being and the two Aldermen first Chosen at the Annual Meeting of said City or at their first Meeting shall compose the said City Court, and be the Judges thereof And the Mayor shall be the Chief Judge of said Court, and the said two Aldermen shall be the Assistant Judges of said Court any two of whom in the Absence of the other taking to their Assistance the Senior Alderman present that is not a Judge of said Court, or if neither of the Aldermen that are not Judges of said Court can attend, one of the Justices of Peace within and for the County of New Haven resident within said City, shall have Power to hold a City Court, And if at any City Court there shall be but one Judge present he shall take to his Assistance the other two Aldermen of said City, and in Case one or both of them cannot attend he shall take one or two of the Justices of the Peace as the Case may require of the County of New Haven resident within the said City and they three shall have the same Power to hold a City Court as the Judges of said City Court have. And be it further Enacted that the Mayor and Aldermen of said City shall severally within the Limits of said City have Cognizance of all Civil Causes by Law Cognizable by a Justice of Peace Provided the Cause of Action arise within the Limits of said City, or one or both the Parties live within the same, And the said Mayor and Aldermen shall as to the Causes by them severally Cognizable have the same Powers and Authorities and proceed in the Same Manner as Justices of the Peace now or hereafter by Law shall have and proceed ; And an Appeal shall be allowed from the Judgment or determination of said Mayor and Aldermen in any Cause by them Cognizable severally to the next City Court to be holden within said City in all Causes in which an Appeal is now or hereafter shall be allowed from the Judgment of a Justice of the Peace; the prevailing Party however if Pltf may such Appeal notwithstanding take out Execution on such Judgment Provided he gives Bond before the Mayor of said City or one of the Judges of said Court in the same manner as is provided in Cases of Appeal from said City Court, And in every Action brought before the Mayor or either of the Aldermen of said City in which the Plantiff lives without the Limits of said City or in which the Plantiff is a Mariner or Seaman suing for Wages due to him for Services in his Occupation and the Defend* lives within the Limits of said City no Appeal shall be allowed PUBLIC RECORDS 262 January, the Defend 4 , And the taxable Fees in all Causes Cognizable by the Mayor or by One of the Aldermen of said City severally shall be the same as the taxable Fees in like Cases before Justices of the Peace, And the Processes in all Actions brought to said City Court shall be the same as the Processes to the County Courts in this State and the Processes in all Actions brought before the Mayor, or one of the Aider- men of said City shall be the Same as the processes in Actions brought before a Justice of the Peace and be Signed by the Governor Lieutenant Governor or one of the Assistants of this State or by a Justice of the Peace within and for the County of New Haven or by the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said City or the Clerk of said City Court, and shall be Served by a Sheriff Deputy Sheriff or Constable to whom directed, according to the Laws of this State and the Provisions of this Act, and all Bonds for Prosecution taken by any of said Officers hereby Impowered to Sign Writs shall be good and effectual in Law, and Bonds for Prosecution special Bail and Bonds for Appeal shall be taken to the adverse Party, Provided nevertheless that no Writs Executions excepted or Process signed by the Mayor or either of the Aldermen shall be of any Effect without the Limits of said City. And he it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Mayor Aldermen and Common Council shall on the first Monday of July annually meet and shall then Chuse One hundred and forty four Freemen of said City to Serve as Jurors at said City Court, and shall return the Names of said Jurors under the Hand of the Mayor of said City if present or in Case of his Absence under the Hand of the Senior Alderman present at Such Meeting to the Clerk of said City Court, who shall Write each Jurors Name thus Chosen fairly on a seperate Peice of Paper and roll up and put the Same into a Box which he shall Provide and keep for that purpose, and whenever either of the Sheriffs of said City shall receive a Warrant from the Clerk of the City Court to Summon a Jury to appear before said Court the Sheriff receiving such Warrant, taking with him one of the Aldermen of said City shall repair to the said Clerks Office and there in the Presence of said Aldermen and Clerk shall take out of said Box twelve of said Papers and the Persons whose Names shall be found written therein shall be Summoned to appear before the Court to which the Warrant is returnable to Serve as Jurors, and in Case of neglecting to attend shall be liable to such Penalties as shall by the bye Laws of said City be inflicted for such neglect, and in Case a compleat Pannel shall not attend or in Case any shall be Challenged or excused the Sheriff attend- ing said Court shall supply such Deficiency by drawing in the Presence of the Court others out of said Box and Summoning them to attend and Summoning them to attend [jfc] and Serve untill the Pannell shall be Compleat, and the Names of such Jurors as do not attend or are excused shall be returned into the Box and be liable to be drawn again, And the Oath to be taken by said Jurors shall be the Same as is by Law Provided to be taken by Jurors in Civil Actions, And 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 263 the Name of each Juror that attends any City Court and Serves shall be again written on a Seperate Piece of Paper, and shall be rolled up and put into another Box which the Clerk of said Court shall provide for that purpose, and Shall be liable to be drawn again in Case there shall not by reason of Death removal or other Cause be a Sufficiency in the other Box to compleat the Pannels for that Year in which they are Chosen to Serve. And the said City may Choose a Clerk of said City who shall make true and regular entries of all the Votes and proceedings of said City and the Records by him kept shall be of the Same validity in Point of Evidence in any Court of Law in this State as the Records of Towns are, And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Mayor Aldermen and Common Council be and they are hereby Impowered to lay out new Highways Streets and Public Walks for the Use of said City, or to alter those already laid out in said City, and to exchange Highways for Highways or to Sell Highways for the purpose of pur- chasing other Highways, taking the same Measures in all respects as are directed by the Laws of this State to be taken in Case of Highways laid out by the Select Men for the Use of their Towns, and the Party aggrieved by the laying out of such Streets or Highways may have the same Remedy by Application to the County Court as is by Law Provided in Cases of Highways laid out by Select Men, And said City shall have Power to exchange that part of the Green in said New Haven lying Northwesterly of the Public Buildings for other Land for Highways or another Green and to Sell and dispose thereof for the same Purpose; and that part of said Green lying on the South Easterly Side of said Public Buildings shall forever be and remain a Common or Public Walk and never be liable to be laid out in Highways or appropriated to any other Purpose. And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in Case any Sheriff Deputy Sheriff or Constable shall not Serve a Writ directed to and received by him that is returnable to said City Court, or shall neglect to make return of said Writ or shall make false or undue Return thereof and a Suit shall be for such Default be brought against him to the said City Court by the Person or his Executor or Administrator in whose favour said Writ Issued and the Defend 1 be found in Default the said Court over and above awarding Just Damages to the Plantiff may on said Suit set a suitable Fine upon the Defend 1 according to the Nature of the Case and may Issue Execution for such fine, which Fine shall be to the Treasurer of said City to and for the Use of said City. And in all Cases wherin the Defend 1 who is sued to the said City Court lives within the Limits of said City, the Writ shall be Served upon him at least six Days before the Day of the sitting of the Court to which the Writ is returnable, but if the Defend 1 lives without the Limits of said City the Writ shall be Served at least twelve Days before the sitting of said Court and all Writs returnable to said City Court shall be returned to the Clerk of said Court on the Day of the sitting of 264 PUBLIC RECORDS January, said Court and before the first opening of said Court, and the Writs that are returnable before the Mayor or either of the Aldermen shall if the Pltf and Defend 1 both Live within the Limits of or if the Plantiff lives without and the Defend 4 lives within the Limits of said City, or if the Plantiff be a Mariner or Seaman Suing for Wages due to him for Services in his occupation and the Defend 4 lives within the limits of said City be served upon the Defend 4 at least three Days before the sitting of the Court to which it is returnable, but if the Defend 4 lives without the Limits of said City the Writ shall be Served upon the Defend 4 at least six Days before the sitting of the Court to which it is returnable. And be it further Enacted That the Mayor Aldermen Sheriffs Com- mon Council and Clerk of said City shall be sworn to a faithfull Dis- charge of their Duty and the form of the Oath to be taken by the Mayor of said City shall be as follows viz You . . . being elected Mayor of the City of New Haven do Swear by the Name of the everliving God that You will without any Partiality, indifferently administer Justice according to Law without respect of Persons, take no Bribe give no Council in any Matter that shall come before You nor deny Right to any, but well and truly perform Your Office of Mayor of said City according to Your best Skill. So help You God. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Aldermen of said City shall be the Same mutatis mutandis as is presented by Law to be taken by Justices of the Peace ; And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Common Council Men of said City shall be as follows viz You . . . being elected a Common Council Man for the City of New Haven for the Year ensuing, do swear by the Name of the ever- living God that You will faithfully and uprightly discharge the Duties of that Office so long as you shall hold the Same So help You God. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Sheriffs of said City shall be the same prescribed by Law to be taken by the Sheriffs mutatis mutandis. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Clerk of said City shall be as follows viz You . . . being Chosen Clerk of the City of New Haven, do swear by the Name of the everliving God that You will truly and faithfully attend and execute the Place and Office of Clerk of said City according to Your best skill and make true Entries and Records of all the Votes and proceedings of said City, and such other Matters as by Law or the bye Laws of said City are to be recorded in Your Office And that You will deliver true Copies of the Records in your Hands when they shall be required of You taking only your lawfull fees, So help You God. Which Oaths may be administered by any Assistant of this State or Justice of the Peace within and for the County of New Haven or by the Mayor or either of the Aldermen of said City, Provided the Mayor or Aldermen administering such Oath hath been sworn according 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 265 to this Act. And the Person administering the Oath prescribed by this Act shall give a Certificate thereof under his Hand to the Officer to whom he administers such Oath, which Certificate shall be recorded in the Records of said City before the Person to whom it is given shall be capable of executing the Office to which he is Chosen ; And be it further Enacted that there shall be a Court of Common Council of said City of which the Mayor Aldermen and Common Coun- cil of said City shall be Members, who or the Major part of them shall have Power to make Bye Laws relative to Markets and Commerce within the Limits of said City, relative to Persons summoned to Serve as Jurors at said City Court and neglecting to attend or refusing to Serve, relative to the Streets and Highways of said City, relative to nusances in said City Limits relative to their Wharves Anchoring and Mooring of Vessels, relative to Trees planted for Shade Ornament Convenience or Use Public or Private and to the Fruit of such Trees, relative to Trespasses comitted in Gardens relative to public Walks & buildings public or private to the sweeping of Chimnies and preventing said City from Fire, relative to forms of Oaths to be taken by the Treasurer of said City, and Inspectors of Produce brought to said City for Sale or exportation, relative to the manner of Warning Meetings of said City and the Court of Common Council, and the Time when and Place where they shall be holden, relative to the qualifications in point of Property of the Mayor and Aldermen relative to the Bonds to be given by the Sheriffs of said City for a faithfull discharge of their Duty, relative to the Penalties to be incured by those who being Chosen to any City Office and not being excused by the City shall refuse to serve relative to a City Watch, relative to the burial of the Dead relative to the Pub- lic Lights and Lamps of said City, relative to restraining Geese and Swine from going at large within the Limits of said City and relative to the mode of Taxation as to Taxes levied by said City and to inflict Penalties for the Breach of such Bye Laws, Provided however that Such Penalties shall in no Case exceed ten Pounds lawfull Money, and said Penalties shall be to such Persons as the Bye Laws of said City shall direct, and be recoverable by the Persons to whom forfeited by Action of Debt brought to the City Court of said City, in which Action no Appeal or review shall be allowed, Provided however that no Bye Laws of said City shall be made repugnant to the Laws of this State And the catching of Fish and Oysters within the Limits of said City, shall not be liable to be regulated or in any Way affected by the Bye Laws of said City, And Provided also That all the By Laws made by said Court of Com- mon Council shall be approved by said City in legal Meeting Assembled and after being approved shall be published at least three Weeks suc- cessively in some public News Paper in or near said City before the same shall be of any validity, And all the Bye Laws of said City shall at any Time within six Months after they are made be liable to be repealed by any Superior Court holden in said County of New Haven 266 PUBLIC RECORDS January, if by such Superior Court on a hearing Judged to be unreasonable or unjust. And all Grants and Leases of any real Estate belonging to said City Signed by the Mayor of said City and Sealed with the City Seal and approved by said City in legal Meeting Assembled, shall be good and effectual in Law to convey the Estate intended to be conveyed by such Grant or Lease Provided the Same is recorded in the Records of the Town where the Land leased or granted lies. And said City shall have Power to appoint Inspectors of every kind of Produce of the United States brought to said City for Sale or exportation, and the Vote or Choice of the Major part of the Freemen present at any Legal Meeting of said City shall be considered in all Cases as the Vote or Choice of said City, And whenever the Mayor of said City or any other Officers of said City eligible by the Treasurer thereof shall resign or be removed by Death or otherwise another Person shall be Chosen and sworn in his place by said City, and if an Annual Officer shall continue in Office till the expiration of the Month of June next following unless another shall be sooner Chosen and sworn in his Stead, And the Mayor of said City or in his absence the Senior Alderman present at any Meeting of said City, or at any Court of Common Coun- cil shall ex Officio be Moderator thereof, And the Meetings of said City may from Time to Time by a Major Vote of the Freemen present be adjourned. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the first Meeting of said City shall be holden at the State House in said New Haven on the tenth Day of Feb y next at nine of the Clock in the fore- noon for the Choice of the Mayor Aldermen Common Council and Sheriffs of said City, and to transact such other Business as may be necessary, which Meeting may be from Time to Time adjourned, And a Copy of this Paragraph of this Act Certified under the Hand of the Secretary of this State and published on the Sign Post in the Town of New Haven at least three Days before said tenth Day of February shall be a legal Warning of the Freemen of said City to attend said first Meeting, and the annual Officers Chosen at said Meeting shall continue in office untill the expiration of next June unless others are sooner Chosen and qualified in their stead. And the said City shall at such Meeting first chuse a Clerk of said City who shall be immediately sworn, and shall forthwith make a Record of his being Chosen and sworn, and the Records thus made by him in such Case shall be good and effectual, any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding, and such Record may be made by the Clerks hereafter Chosen of their being chosen and sworn and shall be good and effectual any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding, And said City shall thereupon proceed to choose a Mayor and the other Officers of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof, And the Justices of the Peace within and for the County New Haven living and Inhabiting within the Limits of said City and present at such first Meeting shall have as to the Election of the Mayor Aldermen Sheriffs Common Council Men and Clerks of 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 267 said City the Same Powers and proceed in the same manner as the Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffs of said City by this Act are to have and proceed in at the future Elections of said City, And the Senior Justice of the Peace within and for the County of New Haven living within the Limits of said City present at said first Meeting shall be Moderator thereof untill there shall be a Mayor or Alderman Chosen and qualified according to this Act, and said City shall at their first Meeting appoint a Time and place for holding the first Court of Common Council, which Court shall have Power to Adjourn from Time to Time, and the first City Court of said City shall be holden on the second Tuesday of April next at the State House in said City, and the City Courts of said City may be holden in said State House from Time to Time or in such other place in said City as said City shall provide and Judge proper, And the Mayor Aldermen and Common Council of said City shall on the second Tuesday of March next at three of the Clock in the Afternoon hold a Meeting at the State House in said New Haven and shall then and there Choose forty eight Freemen of said City to serve as Jurors untill after the first Monday of July next, and the Name of each Person thus chosen shall be fairly written on a Seperate Peice of Paper and shall be put in t0 the Jury Box by this Act to be provided by the Clerk of said City Court and shall be drawn out in the manner herein before Provided with respect to Jurors, Always Provided that any Thing in this Act notwithstanding the Inhabitants living within the Limits of said City shall to all Intents and purposes be and remain a part of the Town of New Haven, and that nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect any of the Cor- poration Rights of the Corporation of Vale College, Provided nevertheless That if any of the Provisions in this Act con- tained shall be found inconvenient or in any respect inadequate the same on representation of the City or otherwise may be altered or revoked by the General Assembly, And this Act shall to all Intents and purposes be a public Act. An Act for incorporating a part of the Town of New London. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same, That all Free- men of this State Inhabitants of said New London dwelling and Inhab- iting within the following Limits viz beginning at a large Rock on Plumb 8 Hill so called about four Rods West of the Road, leading from Norwich to New London, thence running South thirty seven Degrees West to a large Rock in Land belonging to John Ashcroft, a little to the Eastward of Cedar Swamp, from thence running South six Degrees East to the main branch of Alwife Brook or Lesters Gut so called, from thence running with said Brook or Gut and on the West side thereof at Highwater mark to the Sound to a large Clump of Rocks at the Western Point of said Gut or Brook called the great Shore Rock and from thence across the Harbour to the South end of the Division 268 PUBLIC RECORDS January, Line betwixt the Towns of New London and Groton and thence Nor- therly by said Division Line as said Line runs untill it comes to a Point due East from the Bounds first abovementioned, and thence running due West across the River Thames to said Bound, be and the same are hereby ordained Constituted and declared to be from Time to Time, and forever hereafter, One Body Corporate and Politic in Fact and in Name by the Name of the Mayor Alderman Common Council and Freemen of the City of New London ; and that by that Name they and their Suc- cessors forever shall and may have perpetual Succession; and shall be Persons in Law capable of Suing and being sued Pleading and being Impleaded in all Suits of what Nature soever and also to purchase hold and Convey any Estate real or Personal, and may have a Common Seal, and may Change and alter the same at Pleasure; and shall be freemen of said City And Whereas there are many Persons living within said Limits who by Law are qualified to be Freemen of this State, who have not taken the Oath provided by Law to be taken by Freemen, Be it Enact t a That all such Persons living within said Limits who shall before the second Monday of March next, procure the Major Part of the Select Men of the said Town of New London, to Certify that they are qualified to be admitted and made free of this State, and shall after procuring such Certificate take before some Assistant of this State or Justice of Peace within and for the County of New London, the Oaths provided by Law for Freemen, shall to all the purposes in this Act mentioned be con- sidered as Freemen of this State and Freemen of the said City of New London. And for the better Government of said City, Be it further Enacted That there shall be a Meeting of said City holden annually in June at such Time and place as by the Bye Laws of said City shall be directed for the purpose of Choosing all the annual Officers of said City, and the annual Officers of said City Chosen at such Meeting shall continue in Office untill the expiration of the Month of June then next unless others shall be sooner Chosen and qualified in their Stead. And the said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall Choose a Mayor who shall hold his Office during the Pleasure of the General Assembly; and at their annual Meeting shall Choose four Aldermen and a Common Council of not more than Twenty, and two Sheriffs out of the Freemen of said City, all which Officers and all other Officers of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof shall be Chosen by Ballot, and on each Ballot which is given in shall be written the Nameef^’c] of the Person for whom the same is given; and such Ballot shall be rolled up and in the presence of the Mayor and Aldermen of said City or such of them as are present at such Meeting put by the Person giving the same into a Box which said City shall provide for that purpose ; which Box shall be a Close Box with a Hole of a convenient Size in the Lid thereof through which to put in the Ballot, And when the Freemen present at any City Meeting shall have had reasonable Time to give in their Ballot either of the Sherif of said City, or in the absence of The both the Sheriffs 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 269 the Junior Alderman present in the Presence of the Mayor and Aider- men or such of them as are present at such Meeting shall open the said Box and the Mayor and Aldermen or such of them as are present shall open sort and Count the Ballots, and the Person who shall have the Majority of the Ballots given in, shall by the Sheriffs, or in their absence by the Junior Alderman Present be declared to be elected, and no Ballots shall be received after the Box shall have been opened, And said City in Legal Meeting Assembled shall have Power to Levy Taxes on the Polls and Estate within the Limits of said City for such Pur- poses as said City shall think proper, and to Chuse a Collector or Col- lectors to Collect such Tax, who shall having received a Warrant for that purpose signed by the Mayor or by one of the Aldermen of said City, have the same Power as Collectors of Town Taxes by Law have, and shall be accountable to the Mayor and Aldermen of said City, in the same manner as Collectors of Town Taxes are by Law account- able to the Select Men, and in Case any Collector shall not perform the Trust committed to him but shall fail of Collecting such Rate according to the Terms of the Warrant Committed to him on Com- plaint thereof made by the Aldermen of said City to the Mayor thereof he shall Issue a Warrant under his Hand directed to either of the Sheriffs of said City to distrain the Sums or Rates neglected by such Collector to be Collected or paid out of the Estate of the Collector. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Sheriffs of said City shall severally within the Limits of said City have the same Powers and Authorities and be liable to the same Suits or Penalties for neglect of Duty in any Case whatever to all Intents and Purposes as Sheriffs by Law now have and are, and the said City shall be Liable to answer in Case of the Inability of said Sheriffs or either of them for the Default of said Sheriffs in all Cases relative to their Office, And said Sheriffs shall severally give Bond with Suretys in such manner as by the Bye Laws of said City shall be directed, for a faithfull discharge of the Duties of that Office before they shall be capable of executing the Same, and in Case either of the Persons Chosen Sheriff shall not give Bond with Sureties according to the Bye Laws of said City the said City the said City [ric] may proceed to Chuse another Sheriff in his room, And the said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall Chuse a Treasurer for said City to continue in Office during the Pleasure of said City who shall have the Same Powers within said City as Town Treasurers now by Law have and shall be accountable to said City. And be it further Enacted , That there shall be holden Monthly on the first Monday of every Month in said City a City Court, which Court shall have Power to adjourn from Time to Time, and shall have Cogni- zance of all Civil Causes when the Title of Land is not concerned by Law Cognizable by the County Courts in this State. Provided the Cause of Action arise withn the Limits of said City, and one or both the Parties live within said City, and the said City Court shall, as to the Causes by them cognizable to all Intents and purposes have the same 270 PUBLIC RECORDS January, Powers and Authorities, and proceed in the same manner; and grant Executions as said County Courts now or hereafter by Law shall have proceed and grant, and the Executions granted by the said City Courts shall be served and returned in the same manner as the Executions granted by the said County Courts, and an Appeal shall be allowed to either Party from the Judgment or determination of said City Court to the next Superior Court to be holden in the County of New London in all Causes in which an Appeal is now or hereafter by Law shall be allowed from the said County Courts the Prevailing Party however if Plantiff may such Appeal notwithstanding take out Execution on such Judgment for the Debt and Damage and Costs recovered in said City Courts against the Defend 1 or Defend- ants, and Levy the said Execution and Collect the Money thereon Provided he does previous to his taking out said Execution become bound with two sufficient Sureties before the Mayor of said City, or one of the Judges of said City Court in a Recognizance which Recognizance the Mayor of said City and the Judges of said City Court are respectively impowered to take, in double the Sum of said Judgment, that he will within one Week after final Judgment on the Appeal refund so much of the Judgment of the said City Court together with the Inter- est thereof, as shall on such Execution be collected, and shall not be by him Recovered before the Court to which the Appeal is taken together with the Execution fees that shall accrue and be paid by the Defend 1 on said Execution, and no Appeal shall be allowed on any Suit Com- menced on such Recognizance, And in every Action brought before said City Court in which the Plantiff lives without the Limits of said City or is a Mariner or Seaman Suing for Wages due to him for Services in his Occupation, and the Defend 1 lives within the Limits of said City, no Appeal shall be allowed the Defend 1 unless the Matter in Demand exceed the Sum of fifty Pounds lawfull Money but if the Matter in demand exceed said Sum, an Appeal shall be allowed the Defend 1 , in the same manner and under the same Regulations as Appeals are allowable in other Causes cognizable by said Court, And no Writ of Error brought upon any Judgment of said City Court or of said Mayor or either of said Aldermen shall be a supersedes or have any force to stay the Levy of the Execution, And said City Court shall have full Power to appoint and swear a Clerk for said Court to con- tinue in Office during the Pleasure of said Court which Clerk shall as to all Matters relative to his Office as Clerk of said Court have the same Powers and Authorities to all Intents and purposes as the Clerks of the County Courts in this State by Law have, and the Oath to be taken by the said Clerk shall be the Same mutatis mutandis Provided by Law to be taken by the Clerks of the County Courts of this State, And the Mayor of said City or in his absence the Senior Assistant Judge of said City Court may at the special Instance and Cost of any Person moving therefor hold a special City Court at such Time and Place within said City as the Mayor or Judge ordering the Same shall appoint which Court shall proceed in the same manner, have the Same 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 271 Powers and Authorities, and in all respects be under the same Regula- tions as the Stated City Courts of said City, and all the Taxable fees of said City Courts shall be the same as the taxable fees of the County Courts of this State. And be it further Enacted that the Mayor of said City for the Time being and the two Aldermen first Chosen at the Annual Meeting of said City or at their first Meeting shall compose the said City Court and be the Judges thereof, and the Mayor shall be the Chief Judge of said Court, and the said two Aldermen shall be the Assistant Judges of said Court any two of whom in the absence of the other taking to their Assistance the Senior Alderman present that is not a Judge of said Court or if neither of the Aldermen that are not Judges of said Court can attend, one of the Justices of the Peace within and for the County of New London resident within said City shall have Power to hold a City Court, And if at any City Court there shall be but one Judge present he shall take to his Assistance the other two Aldermen of said Cily, and in Case one or both of them cannot attend, he shall take one or two of the Justices of the Peace as the Case may require of the County of New London resident within said City, and they three shall have the Same Powers to hold a City Court as the Judges of said City Court have. And be it further Enacted That the Mayor and Aldermen of said City shall severally within the Limits of said City have Cognizance of all Civil Causes by Law Cognizable by a Justice of Peace, Provided the Cause of Action arises within the Limits of said City and one or both the Parties live within the Same, And the said Mayor and Aider- men shall as to the Causes by them severally Cognizable have the same Powers and Authorities and proceed in the Same manner as Justices of the Peace now or hereafter by Law shall have and Proceed. And an Appeal shall be allowed from the Judgment or determination of said Mayor and Aldermen in any Case by them Cognizable severally to the next City Court to be holden within said City, in all Causes in which an Appeal is now or hereafter shall be allowed from the Judgment of a Justice of the Peace the prevailing Party however if Plantiff may such Appeal notwithstanding take out Execution on such Judgment Provided he gives Bond before the Mayor of said City or one of the Judges of said Court in the same manner as is Provided in Cases of Appeal from said City Court, And in every Action brought before the Mayor or either of the Aldermen of said City in which the Pltf lives without the Limits of said City or in which the Pltf is a Mariner or Seaman Suing for Wages due to him for Services in his Occupation, and the Defend 1 lives within the Limits of said City no Appeal shall be allowed the Defend 1 . And the taxable Fees in all Causes Cognizable by the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said City severally shall be the Same as the taxable fees in like Cases before Justices of the Peace, And the processes in all Actions brought to said City Court shall be the same as the Processes to the County Courts in this State : and the Processes in all Actions brought before the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said City, shall be 272 PUBLIC RECORDS January, the same as the Processes in Actions brought before a Justice of Peace, and be Signed by the Governor Lieutenant Governor or one of the Assistants of this State or by a Justice of the Peace within and for the County of New London or by the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said City, or the Clerk of said City Court and shall be Served by a Sheriff Deputy Sheriff or Constable to whom directed according to the Laws of this State and the Provisions of this Act, And all Bonds for Prosecution taken by any of said Officers hereby Impowered to Sign Writs shall be good and effectual in Law, And Bonds for Prosecution Special Bail and Bonds for Appeal, shall be taken to the adverse Party, Provided nevertheless, that no Writs executions excepted or Process signed by the Mayor or either of the Aldermen shall be of any effect without the Limits of said City. And he it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the said Mayor Aldermen and Common Council shall on the first Monday of July annually meet and shall then Choose forty or more Freemen of said City to Serve as Jurors at said City Court and shall return the Names of said Jurors under the Hand of the Mayor of said City if present or in Case of his Absence under the Hand of the Seignor Alderman present at such Meeting to the Clerk of said City Court who shall Write such Jurors Name thus Chosen fairly on a separate Peice of Paper, and Roll up and put the Same into a Box which he shall provide and keep for that Purpose ; and whenever either of the Sheriffs of said City shall receive a Warrant from the Clerk of the City Court to Summon a Jury to appear before said Court the Sheriff receiving such Warrant taking with him one of the Aldermen of said City shall repair to the said Clerks Office and there in Presence of said Alderman and Clerk shall take out of said Box so many of said Papers as his Warrant shall direct, and the Persons whose Names shall be found written therein shall be Summoned to appear before the Court to which the Warrant is returnable to serve as Jurors; and in Case of neglecting to attend shall be liable to such Penalties as shall by the Bye Laws of said City be inflicted for such neglect, and in Case a compleat Pannel shall not attend, or in Case any shall be Challenged or excused the Sheriff attending said Court, shall supply such deficiency by drawing in the Presence of the Court, others out of said Box and Summoning them to attend and Serve untill the Pannell shall be compleat, and the Names of such Jurors as do not attend or are excused shall be returned into the Box and be liable to be drawn again. And the Oath to be taken by said Jurors shall be the same as is by Law provided to be taken by Jurors in Civil Actions; and the Name of each Juror that attends any City Court and Serves shall be again Written on a Seperate Peice of Paper, and shall be rolled up and put into another Box which the Clerk of said Court shall provide for that purpose and shall be liable to be drawn again, in Case there shall not by reason of Death removal or other Cause be a sufficiency in the other Box to Complete the Pannell for that Year in which they are Chosen to Serve, And the said City may Choose a Clerk of said City who shall make true and regular 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 273 entries of all the Votes and Proceedings of said City, and the Records by him kept shall be of the same validity in Point of Evidence in any Court of Law in this State as the Records of Towns are, And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the said Mayor Aldermen and Common Council be and they are hereby Impowered to lay out new Highways Streets and Public Walks for the Use of said City, or to alter those already laid out in said City, and to exchange Highways for Highways or to Sell Highways for the purpose of pur- chasing other Highways, taking the same Measures in all Respects as are directed by the Laws of this State to be taken in Case of Highways laid out by the Select Men for the Use of their Towns, and the Party aggrieved by the laying out of such Streets or Highways may have the same Remedy by Application to the County Court as is by Law Provided in Cases of Highways laid out by Select Men, And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in Case any Sheriff Deputy Sheriff or Constable shall not serve a Writ directed to and received by him, that is returnable to said City Court, or shall neglect to make return of said Writ or shall make false or undue return thereof and a Suit shall for such Default be brought against him to the said City Court by the Person or his Executor or Administrator in whose favour said Writ Issued and the Defend 1 be found in Default the said Court over and above awarding Just Damages to the Plantiff may on said Suit set a Suitable fine upon the Defendant according to the nature of the Case and may Issue Execution for such fine which fine shall be to the Treasurer of said City to and for the Use of said City, And in all Cases wherein the Defend 1 who is Sued to the said City Court lives within the Limits of said City the Writ shall be served upon him at least six Days before the Day of the sitting of the Court to which the Writ is returnable, but if the Defend 1 lives without the Limits of said City the Writ shall be served at least twelve Days before the sitting of said Court; and all Writs returnable to said City Court shall be returned to the Clerk of said Court on or before the Day of the sit- ting of said Court and before the first opening of said Court, And the Writs that are returnable before the Mayor or either of the Aider- men shall if the Plantiff and Defend 1 both live within the Limits of or if the Pltf Lives without and the Defend 1 lives within the Limits of said City or if the Pltf be a Mariner or Seaman suing for Wages due to him for Services in his Occupation, and the Defend 1 lives within the Limits of said City be served upon the Defend 1 at least three Days before the sitting of the Court to which it is returnable, but if the Defend 1 lives without the Limits of said City the Writ shall be Served upon the Defend 1 at least six Days before the sitting of the Court to which it is returnable. And be it further Enacted That the Mayor Aldermen Sheriffs Com- mon Council and Clerk of said City shall be sworn to a faithfull dis- charge of their Duty and the form of the Oath to be taken by the Mayor of said City shall be as follws viz You . . . being elected Mayor of the City of New London do Swear 274 PUBLIC RECORDS January, by the Name of the everliving God that You will without any Partiality indifferently administer Justice according to Law without Respect of Persons, take no Bribe give no Council in any Matter that shall come before You, nor deny Right to any but well and truly perform Your Office of Mayor of said City according to Your best skill, So help You God. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Aldermen of said City shall be the same mutatis mutandis as is prescribed by Law to be taken by Justices of the Peace, And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Common Councilmen of said City shall be as follows viz You . . . being elected a Common Councilman for the City of New London for the Year ensuing Do Swear by the Name of the everliving God that You will faithfully and uprightly discharge the Duties of that Office so long as You shall hold the Same, So help You God. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Sheriff 8 of said City shall be the Same prescribed by Law to be taken by the Sherifs mutatis mutandis, And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Clerk of said City shall be as follows viz You being Chosen Clerk of the City of New London do swear by the Name of the everliving God that You will truly and faithfully attend and execute the Place and Office of Clerk of said City according to Your best Skill, and make true Entries and Records of all the Votes and Proceedings of said City, and such other Matters as by Law or the Bye Laws of said City are to be recorded in Your Office And that You will deliver true Copies of the Records in Your Hands when they shall be required of You taking only Your lawfull Fees, So help You God. Which Oaths may be administered by any Assistant of this State or Justice of the Peace within and for the County of New London or by the Mayor or either of the Aldermen of said City Provided the Mayor or Aldermen administring such Oath hath been Sworn according to this Act, And the Person administering the Oath prescribed by this Act shall give a Certificate thereof under his Hand to the Officer to whom he administers such Oath, which Certificate shall be Recorded in the Records of said City before the Person to whom it is given shall be capable of executing the Office to which he is Chosen. And be it further Enacted That there shall be a Court of Common Council of said City, of which the Mayor Aldermen and Common Council of said City shall be Members who or the Major part of them shall have Power to make bye Laws relative to Markets and Commerce within the Limits of said City; relative to Persons summoned to Serve as Jurors at said City Court, and neglecting to attend or refusing to serve ; relative to the Streets and Highways of said City relative to Nusances in said City Limits relative to their Wharves Anchoring or Mooring of Vessels, relative to Trees planted for Shade Ornament Convenience or Use, Public or Private and to the Fruit of such Trees, relative to Trespasses committed in Gardens, relative to Walks and Buildings public or private to the sweeping of Chimnies and preserving 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 275 said City from Fire, relative to forms of Oaths to be taken by the Treasurer of said City, and Inspectors of Produce brought to said City for Sale or exportation relative to the manner of warning Meetings of said City and the Court of Common Council and the Time when and Place where they shall be holden; relative to the Qualifications in point of Property of the Mayor and Alderman, relative to the Bonds to be given by the Sheriffs of said City for a faithful discharge of their Duty, relative to the Penalties to be incurred by those who being Chosen to any City Office, and not being excused by the City shall refuse to Serve; relative to a City Watch; relative to the Burial of the Dead, relative to the Public Lights and Lamps of said City relative to restrain- ing Geese and Swine from going at large within the Limits of said City, and relative to the mode of Taxation as to Taxes levied by said City, and to inflict Penalties for the breach of such Bye Laws Provided * however that such Penalties shall in no Case exceed the Sum of ten Pounds Lawfull Money and said Penalty shall be to such Persons as the Bye Laws of said City shall direct & be recoverable by the Persons to whom forfeited by Actions of Debt brought to the City Court of said City, in which Action no Appeal or Review shall be allowed Provided however that no bye Laws of said City shall be made repugnant to the Laws of this State And Provided also that all the By Laws made by said Court of Common Council shall be approved of by said City in Legal Meeting Assembled and after being so approved shall be published at least three Weeks successively in some Public Newspaper in or near said City before the same shall be of any Validity. And all the By Laws of said City shall at any Time within six Months after they are made be Liable to be repealed by any Superior Court holden in said County of New London if by such such [.rtc] superior Court on a hearing adjudged to be unreasonable or unjust. And all Grants and Leases of any real Estate belonging to said City signed by the Mayor of said Citv, and Sealed with the City Seal and approved by said City in legal Meeting Assembled, shall be good and effectual in Law to convey the Estate intended to be conveyed by such Grant or Lease Provided the same is Recorded in the Records of the Town where the Land Leased or granted lies, And the said City shall have Power to appoint Inspectors of every kind of Produce of the United States brought to said City for Sale or exportation, And the Vote or Choice of the Major part of the Freemen Present at any legal Meeting of said City shall be considered in all Cases as the Vote or Choice of said City, And whenever the Mayor of said City or any other Officers of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof shall resign or be removed by Death or otherwise another Person shall be Chosen in his Place by said City, and if an Annual Officer, shall continue in Office till the expiration of the Month of June next following unless another shall be sooner Chosen and sworn * This paragraph is written in the margin of the MS. with an indication that it should be inserted in the text at this point. 276 PUBLIC RECORDS January, in his Stead, And the Mayor of said City or in his absence the Senior Alderman present at any Meeting of said City or at any Court of Com- mon Council shall ex Officio be Moderator thereof, And the Meetings of said City may from Time to Time by a Major Vote of the Freemen present be Adjourned. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the first Meeting of said City shall be holden at the Town School House in said New London the second Monday of March next at nine oClock in the forenoon for the Choice of the Mayor Aldermen Common Council and Sheriffs of said City and to transact such other Business as may be necessary which Meeting may be from Time to Time Adjourned, And a Copy Of this Paragraph of this Act, Certified under the Hand of the Secretary of this State and Published on the Sign Post in said Town of New London at least three Days before said Second Monday of March next shall be a legal Warning of the Freemen of said City to attend said first Meeting, and the annual Officers Chosen at said Meeting shall continue in Office untill the expiration of next June unless others are sooner Chosen and Qualified in their Stead. And the said City shall at such Meeting first Choose a Clerk of said City who shall be immediately sworn and shall forthwith make a Record of his being Chosen and sworn and the Records thus made by him in such Case shall be good and effectual any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding and such Record may be made by the Clerks hereafter chosen of their being chosen & sworn and shall be good and effectual anything in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding, And said City shall thereupon proceed to Chuse a Mayor and the other Officers of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof And the Justices of the Peace within and for the County of New London living and Inhabiting within the Limits of said City and present at such first Meeting, shall have as to the Election of the Mayor Aldermen Sheriffs Common Councilmen and Clerk of said City the same Powers and proceed in the Same manner as the Mayor Aldermen & Sheriffs of said City by this Act are to have and proceed in at the future Elections of said City And the Senior Justice of the Peace within and for the County of New London living within the Limits of said City present at said first Meet- ing shall be Moderator thereof untill there shall be a Mayor or Aider- man Chosen and qualified according to this Act And said City shall at their first Meeting appoint a Time and place for holding the first Court of Common Council, which Court shall have Power to Adjourn from Time to Time And the first City Court of said City shall be holden on the first Monday of April next at the Town School House in said City, And the said City Courts of said City may be holden in said School House from Time to Time or in such other Place in said City as said City shall Provide and Judge Proper. And the Mayor Aldermen and Common Council of said City shall on the second Monday of March next at three o Clock in the Afternoon hold a Meeting at the Town School House in said New London and shall then and there Choose 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 277 thirty six Freemen of said City to Serve as Jurors untill after the first Monday of July next, and the Name of each Person thus Chosen shall be fairly written on a seperate Peice of Paper and shall be put into the Jury Box by this Act to be Provided by the Clerk of said City Court and shall be drawn out in the manner herein before Provided with respect to Jurors, Always Provided that any Thing in this Act notwithstanding the Inhabitants living within the Limits of said City shall to all Intents and Purposes be and remain a part of the Town of New London Provided nevertheless That if this Act or any of the Provisions therein contained shall be found inconvenient or in any respect inade- quate the Same on representation of the City or otherwise may be altered or revoked by the General Assembly, Provided nevertheless That the Judges of said City Court may and they are hereby Authorized to hear try and finally determine all Causes brought before the City Court by a Jury of six Freemen or without a Jury when neither of the Parties desire to have the Cause decided by a Jury or by more than six Jurors, And this Act shall to all Intents and Purposes be a Public Act. An Act Impowering the Delegates of this State to make a Cession of unlocated Lands on the Western Part of the State to the United States for their common Benefit. Whereas by the late Treaty with Great Britain, the Limits and Boundaries of these United States include large Territories Claimed by particular States which at the Commencement of the War were unlocated and partly in the Possession of the Enemy and great part thereof in Possession of the Aborigines who have Joined and aided our Enemies in the War and a Peace hath been obtained with the extensive Limits aforementioned under the Smiles of Providence by the United efforts and at the Joint expence of the United States, And Congress having recommended to those States which are not circumscribed by other States to make liberal Cessions of Part of their Claims for the Benefit of the United States, Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same , That the Hon be Roger Sherman and James Wadsworth Esq r be and they hereby are directed Authorized and fully Impowered in the Name and behalf of this State to make and execute under their Hands and Seals an ample Deed of release and Cession of Territory and Land belonging to and Claimed by this State Situate and being Westward of the Western Boundary Line of the Commonwealth of Pensylvania as now Claimed by the said Commonwealth That is to say to begin at the beginning of the forty first Degree of North Lattitude One hundred and twenty Miles Westward of the aforementioned Western Boundary Line of Pensyl- vania and from thence a Line to be drawn Northerly Parallel to and one hundred and twenty Mile Westward of said West Line of Pensyl- 278 PUBLIC RECORDS January, vania and to continue Northerly untill it comes to forty two Degrees and two minits North Latitude all the Lands and Territory, with the Rights Priveleges and appurtenances thereunto belonging lying West- ward of the afore described Line to be drawn as before mentioned shall be included released and Ceded to the United States in Congress Assem- bled for the Common Benefit of the United States, excepting and reserving to this State for the Use of this State, and to satisfy the Officers and Privates in the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army the Lands to which they are entituled by the Resolve of Congress, all the Territory and Lands situate and Lying between the aforementioned Western Bounds of Pensylvania and said described Line to be drawn at one hundred and twenty Miles distance therefrom, said Tract of Land so reserved hereafter to be formed into a Government either by itself or with such other Territory thereto annexed as shall be Judged most expedient and beneficial under a free Constitution simular to other of the United States. Whereas this State during the late Contest in support of the Com- mon Rights of the United States, never set any other Limits to their Exertions but what were circumscribed by their want of more force to employ in the General defence, And have therefore at their own expence not only defended an extensive Sea Coast of their own very accessable by the British Forces, but have also maintained a Barrier at Greenwich nearer the Principal Possessions of the late Enemy than any other on the East Side of the River Hudson, which Barrier has not only been necessary for the Security of this State but the Troops stationed there have given Protection to great Numbers of the Inhab- itants of the State of New York and have Acted in subserviency to the Views of the Army lying on the East of the Hudson. And Whereas the Defence which this State has given to the Harbour of New London and thereby preventing a Lodgment of the late Enemy in that Town and Groton has been essentially necessary to prevent the British Ships from enjoying a Haven there equally secure at all Season as any Port within the United States, and consequently would have been a most proper Object of General Attention. And Whereas notwithstand- ing the great expence which this State has been at for their own Defence unassisted by the Troops of the United States or the Aid of the Neigh- bouring Militia except a small Number upon a few Particular Occasions this State have very frequently sent out large Numbers of their Militia for the aid of their Neighbours and upon the Calls of the Army by which extraordinary Exertions and expences this State notwithstanding their Inhabitants have been taxed during the War to the utmost extent of their Ability yet they find themselves loaded with an immense local Debt which imposes such a Burthen upon their Inhabitants that they are endeavouring to avoid the weight of it by emigrating in vast Numbers into States where the burthen of taxation is much less. And Whereas this State have settled with their Line of the Army agreeably to what 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 279 they apprehended the Acts of Congress were, up to the first of January 1782, and have been therefore much disappointed when they were informed that an Act of Congress has passed the last Jan 7 resolving that the Pay of the Army after the first of August 1780 should be made by the United States only and therefore find that no Provision has been made to enable this State to Charge the United States with the Pay- ments made to their Line within the beforementioned Periods, This State therefore from the foregoing Premisses conceive that they have an undoubted Claim upon the Justice of the United States, that Expences of defending the Harbour of New London, and the Port of Greenwich be made a Charge against the United States, and as the Payment made to their Line of the Army from the first of August 1780 to the first of Jan 7 1782 has been inured for the Benefit of the United States it is impossible for this State to doubt but that they will be Authorized to Charge said Payment together with the Interest from the Time in which it has been made to the United States Therefore it is Resolved by this Assembly that his Excellency the Governor of this State Write to Our Delegates in Congress to move that Hon bIe Body that the beforementioned Expences Payments and Interest be allowed as a Charge against the United States, And that he repre- sent to them that it is the expectation of this State that an attention should be given to their Application and such an Answer obtained thereto as this State conceive themselves Justly entituled to recieve. The Committee appointed to devise Ways and Means for Inforcing the Collection of Excise upon Goods and Articles by Law of this State subject to Duty &c Beg Leave to Report, that the following Draught of a Resolution be passed into an Act of this Assembly and published throughout this State in the manner therein directed viz Resolved by this Assembly That all Retailers of Goods Wares and Merchandize Subject to the Payment of Excise by Virtue of the Law of this State Entituled, An Act for laying an Excise on sundry Articles of Consumption within this State, who have not conformed to the Regu- lations of said Act be and they are hereby Notified and directed, that on or before the first Day of March next they and each of them conform to said Regulations in all the Particulars Provided in and by said Act in which they have been defective or negligent and to render a true Account or Manifest of all such Goods Subject to said Excise as they have Sold by Retail since the twentieth Day of April 1783 to the Several Collectors of Excise in the Counties or Districts in which such Retailers respectively belong or have resided, since said 20 th Day of April as also of what Goods they shall have on Hand for retailing Subject to said Excise on said first Day of March or when such Manifest is ren- dered, and pay or Secure the Excise thereon according to the Directions of said Act, and also to give security on or before said first Day of March for their conformity to the Directions of said Act according to Law. And all such Retailers and others by Law liable to pay Excise, 280 PUBLIC RECORDS January, as do not conform to said Act by the said first Day of March, shall be proceeded against as said Act directs in Case of neglect, and the several Collectors of Excise are hereby directed to proceed against and prose- cute such negligent Retailers accordingly, And all such Retailers and others liable as aforesaid as have complied with or do conform to said Act by said first Day of March next have Liberty hereby given to them to pay the Excise in Certificates given by the Treasurer for Interest on Notes due or Monies Loaned to this State. And the State Attorneys in the several Counties are hereby directed to prosecute such Collectors of Excise in their respective Counties as shall neglect their Duty in Col- lecting of Excise according to the Act aforesaid, And the Secretary of this State is hereby directed without Delay to publish this Act in the several News Papers in this State. Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to examine and liquidate the Account of Jesse Brown for Express riding from the 16 th of Nov r 1777 to May 21 st 1780 upon the same Principles and to make him the same allowance as has since the Date of his Account been allowed him in Specie by the Comp- troller of the Accounts of the United States, and Charge the United States with the Account. Upon the Application of Ebenez r Gary, Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of the Pay Table do Liquidate and adjust the Account of said Gary for sundry Articles furnished Nathaniel Shaw for the Use of this State 28 th January 1777 and draw on the Treasury for what they shall find Justly due thereon. Resolved by this Assembly that the several Naval officers in this State shall once in every three Months untill the further Order of this Assembly Pay and deliver over to Amasa Learned of New London all Monies by them to be Collected by Virtue of an Act made for laying a Tax on Shipping for repairing and maintaining the Light House near the Port of New London taking of him duplicate Receipts therefor one of which Receipts shall be by the Naval Officers respec- tively lodged with the Treasurer of this State. Upon the Application of John Porter, Resolved that the Committee of the Pay Table liquidate and adjust his Account as Clerk to the Gov- ernor and Council of Safety and draw on the Treasurer for the Bal- lance they shall find Justly due. Whereas it is Represented to this Assembly that there is Sundry Articles of Cloathing, some small Quantities of Salt Salt Petre Cart- ridges &c being the property of this State lying in sundry Towns in this State, Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the Select Men in the several Towns be and they are hereby directed to Sell and dispose of any Articles in their respective Towns belonging to this State and take 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 281 in Payment any Securities given by this State and make return to the next General Assembly, except such of said Articles as are in the County of Windham for the disposition of which other Provision is made. Whereas upon Report of a Committee accepted and approved by this Assembly it is thought best to dismiss the Company now Stationed at Forts Trumbull and Griswold in New London and Groton and to dispose of the Public Property in and about the Same & c as Per Report &c, Resolved by this Assembly that Cap 4 John Deshon and Ebenez r Ledyard Esq r be and they are hereby appointed and fully Impowered to Sell and dispose of all the Perishable Implements Articles and Stores belonging to this State in and about said Forts or appertaining thereto either for Specie or State Securities now due, taking an exact Inven- tory of the Same reserving about 1000 wt of the Powder for the Use of said Forts, and also to dispose of the Barracks reserving only One or so much of One, as shall be Sufficient for a small Family for a small Guard of two Men in Fort Trumbull to be under the command and direction of some proper Person who shall be by the Governor for the Time being appointed for that purpose and that the aforesaid Gentlemen pay the Avails of such Sales to the Treasurer of this State taking his Receipt for the Same and exhibit their Account of their Doings in the Premisses some future Session of this Assembly, And it is further Resolved that the aforesaid Company be and they are hereby discharged from any further Service in said Garrison, And it is further Ordered, that the said Gentlemen appointed as aforesaid do also Sell and dispose of the useless Cannon and all the Public Property of this State at Stonington Long Point. Resolved by this Assembly that all the Causes and Matters depend- ing before the Superior Court to be holden by adjournment at Litch- field in and for the County of Litchfield on the first Tuesday of Feb 7 1784 be and the same are hereby Ordered to be Continued to the next Term of said Superior Court to be holden at Litchfield in and for the County of Litchfield on the last Tuesday save two in February 1784 Then and there to be tryed and determined according to Law And all Persons concerned therein are to take Notice thereof accordingly. This Assembly do appoint Nathaniel Otis of Colchester to be Sur- veyor of Lands for the County of Hartford. An Act for confirming the Laws of this State as revised an amended and for repealing such as are not contained in the foregoing Code.* Whereas all the Statute Laws of this State have been lately revised and digested under proper Titles in Alphetical Order with several * For the resolution of May, 1783, appointing Roger Sherman and Richard Law a committee to revise and codify the laws, see above, p. 122. 282 public records January, Addition alterations and amendments and the whole carefully examined and considered by this Assembly, Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the Same , That all the foregoing Acts be and they are hereby Enacted and confirmed as the Laws of this State And that all other Statute Laws of this State heretofore made and published which are not contained in the foregoing Code be and the same are hereby repealed Provided nevertheless that all Matters commenced by virtue of any of the Laws hereby repealed now depending or unfinished may be prosecuted and pursued to final effect in the same manner as they might have been if this Act had not been made. Provided also that such of the foregoing Laws as remain for substance the Same as before the revisal shall be considered as having continued in force from the Time that they were first Enacted, any circumstantial Amendments or Alterations notwithstanding. Resolved by this Assembly that Richard Law Esq r be appointed to take Care and get the Revision of the Laws printed as soon as may be and to overlook the Press therein And to correct any Clerical Mistake Misprisions Omissions or circumstantial Errors that may have happened in the Copy or that may occur in the Impression taking Care that no Material Alteration be made in the substance thereof And that the Printer be directed to make out the number of five hundred Books thereof well Bound and them lay before the General Assembly to be distributed and disposed of as this Assembly shall hereafter direct, And that the Charter and Articles of Confederation be prefixed to said Edition, And the Secretary is hereby directed to deliver to said Richard Law the Manuscript Original for the purpose aforesaid which said Law is to return to said Secretary’s Office after the Business aforesaid is compleated.* Upon the Report of the Committee appointed by this Assembly in May 1782f to abate to those Persons who were Sufferers by the Enemy in Groton in Septemb r 1781 the Proportions due from them respectively in payment of an Execution in favour of the State against said Town for their deficiency of four Men required for the Guard at Horse Neck reporting that they have abated to eighty Persons who were Sufferers as aforesaid the Sum of £29 8 3 which Sum ought to be deducted from said Execution as Per Report on File, * This work, the first compilation of the laws of the State (rather than the Colony) of Con- necticut, was published in one volume in 1784 with the following title page: Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut, in America. New London: Printed by Timothy Green, Printer to the Governor and Company of the State of Connecticut. MDCCLXXXIV. t See State Rees, of Conn., IV, 237-238. 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 283 Resolved by this Assembly that the Sum of £ 29 8 3 LMoney is abated and the Same is hereby Abated on said Execution and the Officer who hath said Execution is hereby required to endorse the Same. Whereas it appear to this Assembly that the Listers in the following Towns in this State for the Year 1783 have not fully attended to their Duty the Listers of Litchfield in not assessing certain Descriptions and denominations of Persons in wholly Omitting some and setting others too Low by Law Warranted, amounting in the whole to £395 and that it appears said neglects were wilfull, those of Sharon in not returning the Name and Professions of Mechanicks, Cornwall in not makeing any Return of Assesments, Sharon in not making a return of the Occupations of Persons Assest Cheshire in wholly omitting a Number of Tavernkeepers, It also appeared that there is no Certificate of the Listers of Cornwall being Sworn and those of Midletown not agreably to the direction of Law, Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Town of Litchfield be doomed to be set in the List for the Year 1783 the Sum of £1580 for the misconduct and neglect of their Listers as aforesaid And that the Treasurer Issue out his Warrants accordingly, And that the Towns of Sharon Cornwall Salisbury and Cheshire compleat their Assesments according to Law and return the Same to the General Assembly in May next, And that the Town of Middletown Cause their Listers to be duely Sworn before some proper Authority, that the List by them made and sent to this Assembly is a true List according to Law, and the Same Certify to said Assembly, and that the Secretary cause the Resolve to be printed in the several Newspapers in this State. On the Report of a Committee appointed to take into Consideration what Allowances ought to be made to any or all such who were made Widows in Consequence of the Action of the 6 th September 1781 in Fort Griswold and their Families,* Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he hereby is Authorized and directed to pay out of the two penny Tax granted in May last to the Select Men of the Town of Groton the Sum of two hundred & forty eight Pounds LMoney to the Select Men of the Town of New London the Sum of forty eight Pounds LMoney and to the Select Men of the Town of Stonington the Sum of eighteen Pounds LMoney to be distributed among such Widows and Families in each of said Towns in such proportion as the Civil Authority and Select Men of the said Towns respectively shall Judge Just and reasonable. Resolved by this Assembly that M r Elkanah Tisdale be and he is hereby appointed to pursue and finish the Business of looking up and See above, p. 119. 284 PUBLIC RECORDS January, disposing the Articles of Salt Cloathing Provisions and Stores of every sort belonging to this State in the County of Windham which Nath 1 Wales Esq r now Deceas d was Authorized to do in his Life Time and to account with the Treasurer all that shall be so Collected. This Assembly do appoint Epaphras Sheldon Esq r to be Brigadier General of the sixth Brigade of Militia in this State in the Room of Brigadier General Selah Hart resigned. This Assembly do appoint Samuel Brownson Esq r to be Major of the twenty seventh Regiment of Militia of this State in the room of Major Jesse Curtiss resigned. This Assembly do establish William Ainsworth to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Perry to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Silas Fairchild to be Captain of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Hezekiah Dayton to be Lieutenant of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Ackley Jun r to be Captain of the l 8t Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jeremiah Selby to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elias Sanford Palmer to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband on the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jesse York to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Zebulon Lewiss to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Gates to be Captain of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Morgan to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Holcomb to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abraham Bushnel to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Peck to be Captain of the second Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel W m Johnson to be Ensign of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joshua Bains Jun r to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel De Forrest to be Lieutenant of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 285 This Assembly do establish Eli Smith to be Ensign of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Curtiss to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Warner to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Smith to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 6 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elihu Thomson to be Captain of the 1 st Company or Trainband in the Town of Stonington in the 8 th Regi- ment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Noyes to be Lieuten* of the 1 st Company or Trainband in the Town of Stonington in the 8 th Regi- ment in this State. This Assembly do establish Noyes Palmer to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the Town of Stonington in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joab Griswold to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 1 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Griswold to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 1 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Elsworth to be Lieutenant of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 1 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Allen Ives to be Captain of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Chauncey Dickerman to be Lieutenant of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Hezekiah Bassett to be Ensign of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Doolittle to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Merriman to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ezekiel Woodford to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Woodford to be Lieuten* of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Michael Woodruff to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Tibballs to be Ensign of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. Upon the Petition of Gideon Benjamin of East Hartford in the County of Hartford Shewing to this Assembly that by various Misfor- tunes he is reduced in his advanced Age and become unable to pay all his Just Debts and is exposed to Arrests and perpetual Imprisonment by his Creditors and that he is willing to resign up all his Estate for 286 public records January. the Benefit of his Creditors &c and Praying for an Act of Insolvency to be passed in his favour &c Resolved by this Assembly that said Petition be continued and that the Petitioner be protected from any Arrests and Imprisonment for Debt untill the rising of the General Assembly in May next.* Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee appointed in May last to look into sundry losses of Solomon Baldwin Collector of Taxes for the Town of Milford occasioned by his having been plundered by the Enemy of a number of Public Securities be continued and Authorized and directed to make their Report in May next.f Resolved by this Assembly that Mess” John Chenward & Hezekiah Marrells be and they are hereby appointed Auditors to Audit adjust and Settle the Public Accounts of this State with the Treasurer and also to receive examine and burn all the Bills of Credit emitted by this State that may be found in the Treasury and to Report to this or the next Ses- sion of the General Assembly in the room of two of the Gentlemen viz Samuel Lyman Esq r & M r Ebenezer Plummer appointed to that Business in May last who decline attending the Same. Upon the Memorial of the County Court for the County of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that by reason of the decays of the Common Goal in said County it is become necessary to build a New Prison which cannot be effected without pulling down the old Goal in said County Praying this Assembly to Enact that it shall and may be lawfull to confine in the Common Goal in Hartford in Hartford County all such Persons as by the General Laws of this State ought to be con- fined in the Common Goal in said New Haven County during the Time such new Goal or Prison shall be Building and insufficient safely and securely to hold and confine Prisoners as Per Memorial. Be it Enacted and Resolved by this Assembly that it shall and may be Lawfull for the Sheriff and Chief Keeper of the Goal in the County of New Haven to Convey and carry or by his Lawfull Deputy to Cause to be conveyed and Carried all Prisoners which he shall have in his Custody within the Common Goal in the County of New Haven on the 10 th Day of May next or any Prisoner or Prisoners he may so have in Custody between said 10 th Day and the 30 th Day Of Tune next who by Law are not Bailable or those who by Law on sufficient Security Given are Entituled to the Liberties of his said Prison and are unable or neglect to procure good and sufficient Bonds that they shall well and truly abide and remain faithfull Prisoners within the Liberties to said New Haven County Prison to the Common Goal in Hartford in the County of Hartford and them deliver to the Keeper of said Hartford County Goal * In May the case was further postponed to October. 1734. at which time a committee was appointed to investigate and report in May, 1735. See below, pp. 3S2, 461. t See above, p. 149. and below, p. 415. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 287 within said Prison, and the Keeper of said Hartford County Goal shall receive all Such Prisoners and them safely keep within his said Prison untill they shall be redelivered to the Sheriff of New Haven County or his Dputy as is hereafter Provided or shall be otherwise discharged by due Order of Law And a Copy of any Lawfull Warrant Mittimus or other Precept by Virtue whereon any Person or Persons are or within the Time aforesaid shall be Committed to and remain in the Custody of the Keeper of said Goal in said New Haven County attested by the Sheriff of New Haven County or his lawfull Deputy, and delivered with such Prisoner or Prisoners to the Keeper of the Goal in Hartford County shall be a Sufficient Warrant to the Keeper of the Goal in Hartford County to receive such Prisoner or Prisoners into his Custody and him her or them to keep hold and detain within his said Prison as aforesaid, and on or before the 30 th Day of June next and as soon as the Goal in New Haven County can and shall be made Sufficient for the safe holding of Prisoners, the Sheriff of New Haven County or his Deputy shall repair to the said Goal in Hartford, and there receive of the Keeper of the Goal in Hartford County all Prison- ers in his Custody by him received by Virtue of this Act, and thereupon such Prisoners so to be received of the Keeper of said Hartford County Goal shall be by the Sheriff of New Haven County or his Deputy immediately Conveyed and Carried in the most direct Way to the Goal in the County of New Haven and there properly secured, and all expences of conveying and carrying such Prisoner or Prisoners to said Hartford Goal and back to said New Haven County Goal shall be paid out of the Treasury of New Haven County and also the Charge of supporting any such Prisoner or Prisoners in said Hartford County Goal shall be paid out of the Treasury of New Haven County to the Keeper of the Goal in Hartford County, and such Prisoner or Prisoners may be retained in Prison untill the Expence of such Support be by him or them paid and satisfied in the Same manner as if he or they had not been so removed, And if any Person or Persons shall be sued for any Act or Thing by him or them done in pursuance of this Act the Defend* or Defend* 8 may Plead the General Issue, and give this Act in Evidence on Tryal for his or their Justification. Upon the Representation of Joseph Kingman of Canaan in Litch- field County against Ira Rowlinson Ensign in the first Company in the 14 th Regiment informing that said Rowlinson Sold his Commission for a Beaver Hat which Commission was Issued under the Seal of this State and by fraud obtained another Commission by which the Dignity of this Assembly is trampled upon.* Resolved by this Assembly that the said Ira Rowlinson be Cashired from his said Office and hereafter rendered incapable of holding any Commission, and that he Pay all Costs which have arisen for which the Secretary is directed to Issue out Execution, also that the Secretary * See above, p. 220. 288 PUBLIC RECORDS January, transmit a Copy of this Resolution to Edward Brownal Captain of said Company Ordering him to lead said Company to the Choice of an Ensign in the room of said Ira Rowlinson Cashired. Cost allowed by this Assembly for which the Secretary is to Send out his Ex n as aforesaid viz Secretarys fees £0 15 6 Sheriffs fees 1 10 0 Ex n granted May 15 th 1784. Upon the Report of the Committee appointed by the General Assem- bly at their Sessions in May last on the Petition of Matthias Learning* Shewing that being involved in Debt and to gain Time to Satisfy his Creditors he made a Deed of his Land in Farmington where he lived to his Brother the Rev d M r Jeremiah Learning of Norwalk without the Privity of his said Brother, or receiving any Consideration therefor, that the said Deed was recorded at the Petitioners Request by the Regis- ter of the said Town of Farmington that his said Brother soon after went off to the Enemy, and his Estate including the Land Covered by the said Deed, hath been since confiscated to and for the Use of this State And thereon reporting that having previously notified the Parties concerned Maj r Talmadge excepted who was out of the State, they met on the Business of their appointment at said Farmington on the third Day of October 1783 when and where the said Matthias Learning and Enos Ives of said Farmington to whom the Estate in Question was Deeded by Government attended on the Committee and on examination finding the following Facts, That a Number of Years since Mathias Learning purchased of the Rev d M r Samuel Newell of New Cambridge for about £150 the 29 th Lott in the fifth Division of Land West of the reserved Land so called in said Farmington containing about 148 Acres that the whole of the Purchase Money was advanced to M r Newell by M r Jeremiah Learning of Norwalk that it is a Doubt whether the said Money was intended as a Donation or not that the said Matthias exe- cuted a Deed to the said Jeremiah dated the 28 th Day of Novemb r 1774 of the one half of said Lott taken of at the North Side for the Con- sideration of £80 0 0 which Deed was found among the Papers of the said Jeremiah after he Joined the Enemy and was sent of by the Select Men of Norwalk to the Register of the Town of Farmington to be Recorded and was received by him June 4 th 1781 That afterwards the said Mathias executed another Deed of fifty Acres of the Land covered by the Last mentioned Deed to Doct r Joseph Roberts of said Farmington leaving 24 Acres Deeded to Jeremiah which Deed to Roberts was Recorded by the Register aforesaid before he received the Deed to Jere- miah that the said Deed to Jeremiah hath therefore never been entered of Record That the said Matthias afterwards falling out with the said Rob- erts told him he should never be the better for the Land Deeded to him for that he had Sold the same Land before to his Brother Jeremiah and * See above, p. 158. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 289 confessed it was done to Secure a Debt Justly due to the said Jeremiah, that the said Matthias obstinately refused to inform the Committee of the Reason why he made said Deed to Jeremiah that afterwards Matthias executed Deeds to his two Sons Judah Learning- & David Learning of about 38 Acres on the South Side of said Lott except a small Patch of Land reserved for a Pasway leaving about 60 Acres in the Centre of the Lott unsold including the 24 Acres of Land Deeded to Jeremiah and not Covered by Roberts’ Deed leaving 36 Acres Clear with a House and Barn standing thereon, That of this remainder or nearly the whole of it the said Matthias executed another Deed to Jeremiah bearing Date the 17 th Day of April 1775, which the said Register received and entered for Record the Same Day That he told the said Register he owed the said Jeremiah a Sum of Money and he thought it his Duty to Secure him and gave the Deed for that purpose, That in fact there was no Privity between the Parties in the transaction, that after adjudication was had upon the s d Estate it was delivered to Maj r Tallmadge at Appraisement for £100, that afterwards Maj r Talmadge contracted with Enos Ives to dispose of the Estate to him at £170 10 0 who received the Deed immediately from Government that he has in Consequence of the Con- duct of the said Matthias been Subjected to much Trouble and expence & vexation long and expensive Lawsuits and is exceedingly hurt in his Interest. Whereupon the Committee Reported it as their Opinion that the transactions of the said Matthias in the Premisses were fraud- ulent and ought to be considered good as against himself, but never to operate to the detriment of Maj r Talmadge M r Ives or the State, which Report is accepted and approved and therefore, Resolved by this Assembly that nothing be granted to the said Matthias Learning on his said Petition and that the said Enos Ives recover the Cost to which he has been subjected on the said Petition. Upon the Memorial of Bernard Lintot, shewing to this Assembly that his Estate in this State was in the Month of January AD 1783 by the Judgment of the Adjourned County Court holden at New Haven in Decemb r 1782 forfeited and Confiscated to and for the Use of this State Praying that said Judgment may be reversed and annulled and his said Estate be restored to him as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Judgment of said Adjourned County Court adjudging the Estate of said Bernard Lintot to be con- fiscated to and for the Use of this State be and the same is hereby reversed and annulled and the said Estate is hereby Ordered to be restored to him the said Lintot he paying the Costs of confiscating said Estate as taxed by said County Court. Upon the Memorial of Cap 1 Stephen Billings late of Groton now of Lyme in his own behalf and in behalf of Cap 1 Timothy Allyn and Nathan Allyn Jun r and in behalf of the Heirs of M r Simeon Allyn late of said Groton Deceas d Shewing to this Assembly that on the first 290 PUBLIC RECORDS January, Day of Feb y last he was possessed of sundry Notes given by the Treasurer of this State to the Officers and Soldiers of the Connecti- cut Line of the Continental Army for Services rendered before the first Day of May 1782 of which Notes the Amount of £263 13 8 was his own property which he designed to apply in part Payment for some Confiscated Lands which he purchased of this State in the Month of January last, and £325 0 4 of said Notes was the property of Cap 1 Timothy Allyn £272 of which was designed by said Timothy to pay for some confiscated Lands which Nathan Allyn Jun r purchased of this State, and at the same Time he was Possessed of one certain Order drawn by the Committee of Pay Table on the Treasurer for the Sum of £29 8 0 in favour of Lieut James Bumum of Lyme to be paid out of the 2 8 /6 d Tax which Order belonged to the Estate of M r Simeon Allyn late of Groton Dece d and that on the said first Day of Feb y last he lost said Notes and Order, and that he has great Reason to believe that the Same was burnt and consumed by fire As Per Memorial on File, and on Report of a Committee, Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State, be and he is hereby Ordered and directed to Credit to said Stephen Billings the said Sum of £263 13 8 toward payment for said Confiscated Lands by him purchased as aforesaid, And that he Credit to said Nathan Allyn Jun r £272 0 0 toward paying for said Confiscated Land by him pur- chased as afores d and also give and execute to said Timothy one other Note for the Sum of £53 18 8 Payable the first Day of June next with Interest from the first Day of Jan y 1782 it being in the room of Note N° 11619 lost as aforesaid, And that the Com tee of Pay Table draw another Order on the Treasurer for the Sum of £29 8 0 in favour of the Heirs of said Simeon Allyn Dec d to be paid out of the 2/6 Tax in room of the one lost as aforesaid all on Condition that they each one in whose favour this Resolve is pass d become bound to the Treasurer of this State with sufficient Surety to save this State harm- less against said Notes and Order in Case the Same or any of them should be found. Upon the Representation of Nathan Olmsted &c Inhabitants of the Town of Ridgfield, Shewing to this Assembly that in the forenoon of the 2 d Day of Decemb r 1783 a Number of Persons belonging to said Town convened together in said Town stiling themselves a Town Meet- ing and then and there Chose and appointed a set of Town Officers for said Town who have been sworn to a faithfull Discharge of the Duties of their respective Offices, That afterwards on the same Day the Select Men of said Town with the Town Clerk and Major Part of the Inhab- itants thereof convened together agreeable to an antient Usage and Cus- tom of said Town and appointed another Set of Town Officers for said Town who have also been duely Sworn which is like to produce great confusion and disorder among the Inhabitants thereof. Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that each of the aforesaid 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 291 Meetings, and all the Votes and Doings thereof, be and the same are hereby declared to be utterly null and void, and the Inhabitants of said Town who have a Right by Law to Vote in Town Meetings are hereby directed and Impowered to meet together at the Usual Place for holding Town Meetings in said Town on the third Monday of February next at 12 oClock the said Day to Choose Town Officers for said Town for the Current Year and do any other ordinary Business proper to be done at a legal Town Meeting and that Copys of this Resolve be Posted up at the several Places in said Town heretofore appointed by said Town for Posting up Warnings for Town Meetings at least 6 Days before said 3 d Monday of February next, And that Joseph Platt Cook Esq r of Danbury be and he is hereby appointed Moderator of said Meeting so ordered to be holden as aforesaid and invested with all the Powers of a Moderator of any Town Meeting Chosen in the Ordinary and usual Way and that said Meeting be under the same Regulations and their Votes and Doings be as valid to all intents and purposes as if Convened & holden in the Ordinary & usual Way and the Time by Law appointed. Upon the Memorial of Mary Alsop of Middletown in the County of Hartford Administratrix of the Goods and Estate of Richard Alsop late of said Midletown Dec d Shewing to this Assembly that in the Month of June 1771 Samuel Barker and John Thompson then of Branford in the County of New Haven owned a certain Schooner called the John [•] John Price Master which was taking Loading in the Province of North Carolina for the West Indias, and that on the 21 st Day of June 1771 said Deceas d Richard underwrote two Policies of Insurance at the request of said Barker and Thompson both amounting to £550 LMoney on said Schooner and Cargo on said intended Voy- age, and that at the Time said Insurance was made said Schooner and Cargo had suffered great Losses and Damage so as to break up said Voyage of all which said Barker and Thompson had full Notice when said Policies were underwritten but of which said Deceas d Richard was totally Ignorant and that said Barker & Thompson made said Insurance with an Intent to defraud said Richard and that Stephen Foot of Bran- ford in the County of New Haven and Sybil his Wife are well acquainted with said Fraud but that said Barker and Thompson neglect to bring their Actions on said Policies, till the Death of said Stephen & Sybil who are far advanced in Life and praying to take the Deposi- tions of said Stephen & Sybil relative to said Policies and that the Same in Case of the Death of said Stephen and Sybil may be made Use of in any Action or Actions that thereafter may be brought to recover said Insurance as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Mary Alsop be Authorized and Impowered and she is hereby Authorized and Impowered upon Notifying the said Samuel Barker if living within twenty Miles of said Stephen and Sybil, and upon notifying the said John Thompson if 292 PUBLIC RECORDS January, living within twenty Miles of said Stephen & Sybil to take the Deposi- tions of said Stephen & Sybil relative to the aforesaid Insurance and that said Depositions of said Stephen & Sybil so taken as aforesaid in Case of their Death or the Deposition of either so taken as aforesaid in Case of the Death of either shall and may be held Used & Improved as legal Evidence in any Court in this State, or any Action or Actions that may be brought on either or both of said Policies and that the same shall be good and effectual in Law. Upon the Memorial of Benjamin Tallmadge Shewing to this Assem- bly that in the Month of Novemb r last he had in his Possession a number of State Securities which he has since lost and which he is confident were either destroyed by fire or stolen from him said notes being as follows viz One note given to Benjamin Talmadge N°462 7 Dated June 1 1780, due June 1 1784 for <£126 14 6Va D° D° 4628 Do 1 80 Do 1 85 126 14 63/ 4 D° D° 6625 Do 1 82 Do 1 86 114 15 10 D° D° 6626 Do 1 82 Do 1 87 114 15 10 D° D° 6627 Do 1 82 Do 1 88 96 8 7A D° D° 6617 Do 1 82 do 1 89 96 8 To Daniel Colburn 6839 Do 1 82 do 1 86 11 2 1054 D° D° 6840 Do 1 82 do 1 87 11 2 ioy 2 To Squire Jones 6941 Do 1 82 do 1 86 16 12 5 D° D° 6942 Do 1 82 do 1 87 16 12 5 To Ephraim Yerrington 6665 Do 1 82 do 1 86 or 87 16 1 9 To Solomon Parkhurst 7064 Do 1 82 do 1 88 or 89 5 16 ia To Michael Courrey 6777 Do 1 82 do 1 86 19 6 4 D° D° 6778 Do 1 82 do 1 87 19 6 4 A To Israel Rowley 7281 Do 1 82 do 1 86 or 87 5 6 8A To Jabez Campfield 6729 Do 1 82 do 1 88 31 14 5 To D° D° 6730 Do 1 82 do 1 89 31 14 5 To the Bearer 105 Do 1 81 do 1 83 30 0 0 Do D° 106 Do 1 81 do 1 83 30 0 0 Also two Pay Table Orders to Jabez Fitch for £25 each is 50 0 0 4 D° D° to Ralph Pomeroy for £5 each 20 0 0 6 D° D° to D° for £1 each 6 0 0 3 D° D° to D° Do for £1 4 each 3 12 0 All the Pay Table Orders being marked on the back Side Forage & Wood Money, which said Notes aforementioned have had the Interest thereon paid up to the first Day of June 1783, excepting the following which have had no Interest paid thereon viz 1 Note N° 6626 to Benjamin Talmadge for 1 D° N° 6729 to Jabez Campfield for 1 D° N° 6730 to Jabez Campfield for 1 D° N° 105 to the Bearer for 1 D° N° 106 to the Bearer for £114 15 10 31 14 31 14 30 0 30 0 None of which said Notes has he been able to find and prays for relief as Per Memorial on File. Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to Issue new Notes to the Memorialist of the same Tenor Sums and Dates of the Notes abovementioned upon his giving sufficient 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 293 Security to indemnify this State in Case said Notes or Orders so sup- posed to be lost as aforesaid should be found and the Committee of Pay Table are also directed to Issue Pay Table Orders of the aforesaid Sums and Description. Upon the Memorial of Thomas Hawley of Ridgfield in Fairfield County Shewing to this Assembly that some Time in April 1780 he purchased the Confiscated Estate of Josiah Stebbins late of said Ridg- field of Col 0 John Chandler, and that he hath paid the Price thereof into £35 LMoney Praying that said Chandler may be directed to receive of the Memorialist the Sum aforesaid in public Securities now due and payable from this State as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that said Chandler be and he is hereby directed to receive of the Memorialist the Sum aforesaid in public Securities now due and payable from this State and on Payment being so made to discharge the Memorialist from said Debt. Upon the Memorial of Benjamin Huntington Shewing to this Assembly that he hath two Orders drawn in his favour for fifty Pounds each for attending Congress in the Year 1782 upon the Tax of one shilling on the Pound Payable in April last which Tax is overdrawn &c Praying that the Treasurer may receive said two Orders towards Rents of confiscated Lands as Per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to receive the said two Orders towards said Rents. Upon the Memorial of Ebenezer Pickett of New Milford in Litch- field County Shewing that there is now an Execution out against him granted by the Superior Court for the Sum of fifty Pounds besides Cost, which was Issued on the forfeiture of a Recog 8 for the Appearance of Eldad Picket before said Court which Eldad was Dec d at the Time of the sitting of said Court Praying to be exempted from the Payment of said £50 as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the further consideration of said Memorial be and the same is hereby Continued to the General Assembly in May next and that said Execution be and the same is in the mean Time hereby staid and Suspended untill the further Pleasure of said General Assembly in May next may be known in the Premisses. Upon the Memorial of Joseph Mix of New Haven in the State of Connecticut representing to this Assembly that in May 1780 his Son Amos Mix was detached to serve in a Tour at Horseneck when he was wounded of which Wound his said Son died on the 28 th Day of May 1781, and that being poor he expended all he had on his said Son and that he owes more than he is able to pay on said Account the Sum of seven Pounds fifteen shillings as Per Memorial on File — 294 PUBLIC RECORDS January, Resolved by this Assembly that the Sum of £7 15 0 be allowed to the Memorialist and that the Pay Table draw an Order on the Treasurer therefor in favour of the Memorialist. Upon the Memorial of Stephen Daviss of Greenwich in Fairfield County Shewing to this Assembly that his Brother Elisha Daviss of said Greenwich during the Course of the War with Great Britain went over to and Joined the Enemy on Long Island and in consequence thereof said Elisha 8 Estate lying in said Greenwich was confiscated to and for the Use and benefit of this State according to Law and that said Estate has been proceeded with by the Court of Probate for the District of Stamford according to Law and that it appears by the Inven- tory exhibited by the Administrator on said Estate to the said Court of Probate that said Estate was apprized at £122 LMoney and by Report of Commissioners appointed by said Court to examine the Claims of the several Creditors in the Estate of the said Elisha that there is due from his said Estate to the several Creditors £464 6 3 lawfull Money exclusive of the Cost of Confiscation and administration, and that the Principal Part of said Elisha 8 Estate is incumbered with his Mothers Dower and also the Payment of £20 New York Money to his Sister Praying that the Treasurer of the State may be directed to execute a Deed to the Memorialist of all the real Estate of said Elisha lying in said Greenwich as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby directed upon the Memorialists producing a Certificate from the Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Stamford that he hath paid all the Debts allowed by the Commissioners to be due from the Estate of the said Elisha Daviss and also the Cost of Con- fiscation and Administration to execute a Deed to the said Stephen Daviss of all the real Estate of the said Elisha Daviss lying in said Greenwich subjected to the incumbrance of the Dower of the Mother of the said Elisha and also to the Payment of twenty Pounds New York Money to his Sister. Upon the Memorial of Thomas Shaw Executor of Nath 1 Shaw Esq r Deceas d , Shewing that in Consequence of the direction of the Gen- eral Assembly in October last* the Committee of the Pay Table pro- ceeded to an adjustment of the Account of the said Nathaniel with this State but did not compleat the Same for want of some further Instructions therein &c as Per their Report & c Praying that the said Committee with others may be further directed &c as Per Memorial &c — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Committee of the Pay Table do proceed according to their usual Rules and Customs to make a final settlement of said Accounts, omitting that Charge which relates to the Use and Damages said to be had and done to the said Nathaniel 8 Lands in the Building Fort Trumbull, that they reduce the Sums of See above, p. 228. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 295 Continental Bills mentioned in said Account to Specie according to the Several Periods when said Sums were actually paid out or received and according to the Just true and real current value of the same at said several Periods, that they also allow such Sums of Interest expresly promissed on the part of this State for Moneys actually bor- rowed in behalf of this State, and also two and half Per Cent Com- missions on the Sums advanced and the Business actually done and negotiated by the said Nathaniel for and in behalf of this State also allow Such Sum for Services as Commissary of Prisoners as shall be Just and Right, That after having struck the Just Ballance due to said Nathaniels Estate upon the whole said Committee draw Orders therefore upon the Treasurer in favour of said Executor and the Treasurer is also hereby directed to Issue his Note or Notes for the same payable with Interest within three Years and said Committee are Ordered to Charge the United States with those Things and particulars named in said Account which appear to have inured to the Benefit of the said United States or with which they ought to be Charged. And Gener 1 Erastus Wolcott is added to the Committee of Pay Table for the above Purposes. Upon the Memorial of David Phips Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1781 he had a Grant of some Money to defray the Expence of obtaining an Exchange of Prisoners and that said Sum has never been paid or said Expences Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table do adjust and Settle the Account for the expence of said Phips in obtaining an Exchange of Prisoners as aforesaid and draw on the Treasurer for the Amount. Upon the Memorial of Isaac Bishop and Lydia his Wife Natural Guardians of John Kimberly and Sarah Kimberly Minors the said Isaac in Right of his said Wife, Shewing to this Assembly that said Minors as Children and Heirs to John Kimberly late of said New Haven Deceas d are Owners and Proprietors of about One fourth part of four Rods and an half of Land lying in said New Haven in the Common so called in Common with sundry other Persons that said other Persons are about to make Sale of their Part of said Land which will leave the Land of said Minors being little more than one Rod in such Form as to be of little or no value Praying for Liberty and Authority to Sell said Right of said Minors in and to said Land and receive the Moneys therefor for the Benefit of s d Minors as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have Liberty and Liberty and Authority is hereby Granted to Sell said Right of said Minors in and to said Land, and to receive their Proportion of the Money for which said Land shall be Sold for the Use and benefit of said Minors and for which the Memorialists shall be accountable to them, and a Deed of said Right of said Minors to said Land made 296 PUBLIC RECORDS January, executed and delivered in due form of Law by the Memorialists shall be good and Sufficient in Law to Convey the Title to said Land. Upon the Memorial of the Inhabitants of the Town of Pomfret Praying Liberty of this Assembly to tax themselves for the purpose of mending their Highways as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Inhabitants of said Town of Pomfret have Liberty and Liberty is hereby granted them in Town Meeting legally Warned and Assembled to grant a Rate or Tax to be Levied on the List of Poles and rateable Estate of the Inhabitants of said Town Yearly for the purpose of mending & repairing the Roads and Highways in said Town and that they have Liberty to appoint a Collector or Collectors of said Rates or Taxes and that he or they have the same Power & Authority as other Collectors of Taxes by Law have, and be under the Same Regulations as other Collectors are by Law; and that the mending and repairing said Highways the Payment of said Taxes and the deposition of the Monies arising on said Tax be under the direction of the Inhabitants of said Town in Town Meeting Assembled or such Person or Persons as they shall appoint and Author- ize to dispose of the Same for the purpose aforesaid during the Pleasure of this Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Timothy Bradley of New Haven Shewing that on Application to the Treasurer of this State for payment of one hundred Pounds of the Securities given him by said Treasurer for Supplies furnished the Continental Army out of any unappropriated Tax or the Avails of confiscated Estates agreeable to former Resolves of this Assembly* hath not been able to obtain payment in that manner and that he is now hardly pressed for Supplies by him so furnished Praying relief. Resolved by this Assembly that on the said Timothy delivering his Securities of the Description aforesaid to the amount of One hundred Pounds to the Treasurer of this State said Treasurer is hereby Impowered and Ordered to draw in his favour for said Sum of One hundred Pounds on Jabez Perkins of Norwich Esq r to be paid out of Moneys by said Perkins Collected or to be Collected of Tho 8 Mumford Esq r or M r James Jarviss by them respectively oweing to the State for Pork &c sold them. Upon the Memorial of Stephen Barnes of New Fairfield in Fair- field County Shewing to this Assembly that about nine of the Clock in the Evening of the 23 d Day of January Ins 1 his House was broken open by three Men Armed with Guns Bayonets &c who Assaulted him and most greviously wounded him by Stabbing Bruising &c and by Violence dragged him out of his House and in a Cruel & abusive man- * See above, pp. 170 , 246. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 297 ner by force carried him into the State of New York and there Seized and Arrested him by Virtue of a Number of Warrants by one Benjamin Birdsell who pretended to act as an Officer and who conveyed the Memorialist to the Goal in Poughkepsie where he remains confined in a destitute and distressed Condition Praying for relief as Per Memo- rial on File — Resolved by this Assembly That his Excellency the Governor be and he is hereby requested to write to his Excellency the Governor of the State of New York upon the Subject of the Violence and Abuses Com- plained of in said Memorial Stating the Matters therein set forth with the dangerous tendency of such Lawless and Violent Hostilities being suffered to take Place by the Subject of either State upon those of the other and requesting his Excellency Governor Clinton Inter- position in the Premisses in behalf of said Barns. Upon the Memorial of Elijah Humphrys of Derby Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1774 he Imported into this State twenty six Hogsheads of Rum and in April 1775 did Import as aforesaid sixty eight Hogsheads of Rum on which there was a Duty of seven shillings and six pence Per Hogshead for which he gave his Bond to Col° David Wooster Naval Officer Payable to the Treasurer of this State and he being since that a great part of his Time in the American Army which together with the Troubles of the late War prevented him from Cancel- ling said Bond and that he is now Sued to the County Court of New Haven County upon said Bond and exposed to have Execution granted out against him and that he is possessed of Public Securities of this State for his Services in said State Praying for Releif as Per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have Liberty & Liberty is hereby granted to him to pay and satisfy said Bond with Notes given to him by the Treasurer of this State for service as afore- said he Paying the Cost that has arisen on said Suit before the County Court aforesaid, and on his producing a Receipt from the Treasurer of such securities being lodged in his Office said Action shall be discharged. Upon the Memorial of Ichabod Hubbard of Stratford, One of the Heirs of Joseph Hubbard late of said Stratford Dec d shewing to this Assembly that the said Joseph in his Life Time viz on the 16 th Day of April 1777 Inlisted to Serve during the War in a Regiment commanded by Col 0 James Livingston in the Army of the United States and con- tinued in such Service and in the capacity of a Serjeant untill his Death which happened on the 13 th Day of October AD 1780, that soon after the Death of said Joseph the said Regiment was reduced and so it happened that the said Joseph has been omitted in the Official Returns made by the several Colonels of Regiments to entitule to the depreciation Notes Issued by this State and no Administr r hath been appointed by 298 PUBLIC RECORDS January, reason that said Joseph left no other Estate and the uncertainty of obtaining a Grant from this Assembly Praying for relief &c as Per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Joseph was at the Time of his Death entituled to receive of the United States his Wages for the Services aforesaid and the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to Liquidate and Settle the Accounts of said Deceas d for the Depreciation of his Wages in the same manner as has been done with the Non Commission Officers & Soldiers of the Connecticut Line of the Army and draw on the Treasurer in favour of such Administra- tor as may be appointed on said Deceas ds Estate for such Sum as shall appear to be due to said Deceas d in the Premisses and Charge the Same to the United States and the Treasurer is thereupon Ordered to Issue his Notes for the same accordingly in the same manner as has been done to the Non Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of said Line. Upon the Memorial of Abraham Fuller of Kent in the County of Litchfield Shewing to this Assembly that for several Years past he has served and acted as Conservator and owner of the Indian Natives in Scatocook in said Kent by Virtue of an appointment of the General Assembly, and has for several Years past leased out part of said Indian Lands for the Payment of their Just Debts & Charges occasioned by Sickness and their being no Person appointed to whom said Conservator should account and with whom he should Settle his Accounts relative to said Conservatorship Praying that the Select Men of the Town of Kent or some other proper Person or Persons may be appointed by this Assembly and fully Impowered to Settle and adjust said Accounts with said Conservator as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Cap 1 Joseph Pratt and Lieut John Ransom both of said Kent be and they hereby are appointed a Committee to receive adjust & Settle all the Accounts of said Conservator relative to his Conservatorship aforesaid and their Report make to this or the next General Assembly. Upon the Memorial of the Inhabitants of the Town of Cornwall Shewing to this Assembly, That by reason of the roughness and Moun- tainous Surface of said Town, they are at extriordinary Labour and expence in mending and repairing their Highways annually, and that it might be better done, and with less expence by a Tax or Assesment upon the Inhabitants of said Town &c Praying for Liberty to Tax themselves for said Purpose &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Inhabitants of said Town of Cornwall have Liberty and Liberty is hereby Granted them in Town Meeting legally warned and Assembled to grant a Rate or Tax to be levied on the List of Polls and rateable Estate of the Inhabitants of said Town Yearly for the Purpose of mending and repairing the Roads and Highways in said Town and that they have Liberty to appoint a 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 299 Collector or Collectors of said Rate or Taxes and that he or they have the Same Power and Authority as other Collectors of Taxes by Law have and be under the Same Regulations as other Collectors are by Law: and that the mending and repairing said Highways the Payment of said Taxes, and the Disposition of the Moneys arising on said Taxes be under the direction of the Inhabitants of said Town in Town Meet- ing Assembled or such Person or Persons as they shall appoint and Authorize to dispose of the Same for the Purposes aforesaid during the Pleasure of this Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Cap 1 Daniel Allen of Ashford, Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1777, he was appointed a Cap 1 in Col° Wyllys 8 Regiment in the Connecticut Line in the Continental Army and on the 22 d of Feby 1777 received from the Committee of Pay Table an Order on the Treasurer of this State for £500, and on the 12 th of May 1777 one other like Order for £360 to be paid out in Bounties to such Recruits as he should raise for said Army at ten Pounds for each Recruit given by the Authority of this State in addi- tion to the Continental Bounty of six Pounds to each Recruit, That he Inlisted sixty five Soldiers and paid them their said State Bounty of ten Pounds each amounting to £650 which left in his Hands of said Monies by him so received of the Treasurer of this State the Sum of £210 and finding it necessary in Order to Inlist Soldiers for said Service to pay them their full Bounties at the Time of their Inlisting and not being furnished with a Sufficiency of Moneys from the Con- tinental Treasury for that purpose he found himself necessitated to and in Fact did pay out the whole of said £210 to said Recruits on account of their Continental Bounty expecting to be soon able to replace the Same but that it so happened that he was never able to receive the Same from the Continental Department untill about the first of July 1779 at which Time he was Honourably discharged from said Army and was thereon immediately appointed a Cap 1 in a Regi- ment of State Troops then raising in this State which he accepted and Soon raised a Company of Soldiers to effect which as the Treasury of this State was then unsupplied with Money he applied said £210 towards Paying the Bounties of his said Company of State Troops, and was not able to replace the Same on the Orders he for that pur- pose received on the Constables untill some Time in the Summer 1780 and now stands Charged by the Committee of Pay Table for the full Sum of £210, further Shewing that while in the Continental Army by reason of the absence of the Field Officers of said Regiment the Command thereof devolved on him for about two Months in which Time a quantity of Cloathing by this State furnished for and for- warded to said Regiment was lodged in his Hands for the whole of which he hath accounted with the Committee of Pay Table excepting a part thereof to the amount of £7 7 0 Specie Value for which by reason of the dispersed Situation of said Regiment and his being soon Ordered 300 PUBLIC RECORDS January, on Command to a different Post he was never able to procure Receipts although said Regiment had the full advantage of the whole of s d Cloathing &c and that a Suit is now depending against him on Account of said Cloathing and said £210 Praying for Relief — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Sum of £7 7 0 by the Committee of Pay Table Charged to the s d Capt Allen on account of said Cloathing be Abated And that the said Sum of £210 the Ballance against him for Money received of this State and not accounted for with the Committee of Pay Table be reduced at the Rate of One to forty and that the Committee of Pay Table settle with said Allen accordingly and on his Paying the Ballance that may be found due against him on the Rule aforesaid and the Cost of the Suit now depend- ing against him relating to s d Premisses he shall be and hereby is dis- charged from all further Demands for or on Account of the Matters aforesaid. On the Memorial of Joshua Coit Winthrop Saltonstall and Thomas Shaw Committee for the first Eclesiastical Society in the Town of New London Shewing that the said Society were possessed of two certain Notes given by the Treasurer of this State for Money Loaned both dated the 3 d Day of October 1778, One for the Sum of ninety Pounds and the other for the Sum of One hundred and fifty Pounds both pay- able to said Society with Interest, That the said Notes were on the 6 th Day of September 1781 burnt in the Town of New London aforesaid, the same never having been paid and Praying that the Treasurer may be Authorized and directed to Issue a new Note in favour of said Society to the Amount of the said two Notes and the Interest due thereon as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby Authorized and directed to Issue a Note for the Amount of said two Notes burnt & the Interest due thereon according to the Scale of Depre- ciation Payable to said Society with Interest taking the usual Security of Indemnification in Case said Notes supposed to be destroyed should ever hereafter appear. Upon the Memorial of Daniel Rodman of Norwich Shewing to this Assembly that he holds an Order from the Committee of Pay Table on the Treasurer for the Sum of £468 0 3 Dated May 27 th 1783 and that he is indebted to this State for Land which he purchased of this State to be paid in Soldiers Notes, and that he is willing to discount his said Order toward what he owes this State as aforesaid as Per Memorial on File — Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer is hereby Ordered and directed on said Rodman his delivering up said Order to him that he Discount the Same toward what said Rodman owes this State as aforesaid. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 301 Upon the Memorial of Jabez Raymond of Norwalk in the County of Fairfield Shewing- to this Assembly that he was possessed of a dwelling House Barn and Land lying in the Township of said Fairfield in Greens Farms and that the same was burnt up by the Enemy in July 1779, And that he had also on the 11 th Day of said July his own dwelling House Barn Grain Hay &c in Norwalk burnt up, and that he has sus- tained many other Heavy Losses by said Enemy which has reduced him in his Estate, And that he is called upon by the Collectors of the State Taxes in the Town of Fairfield for the State Taxes that arose upon the List of the Years 1778 1779 1780 and 1781 on this Estate lying in said Fairfield Township arising to a considerable Amount at a Time when he is put to great Difficulties by reason of the aforesaid Losses Praying for an Abatement of all the Taxes that have been on the Lists of the aforesaid Years of 1778 1779 1780 1781 for the Estate lying in the aforesaid Parish as per Memorial Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he is hereby Abated of All his Taxes that have arose on the Lists for the Years 1778 1779 1780 & 1781 for his Estate lying in the Parish of Greens Farms in the Town of Fairfield aforesaid. Upon the Memorial of Franciss Harmon Jun r and Naomi Boardman both of Weathersfield shewing to this Assembly that said Naomi gave a Bond before her Intermarriage with Samuel Boardman her present Husband who is now under the Care and oversight of said Franciss who has been legally appointed his overseer upon which Bond a Judgment has been rendered for the Sum of £16 7 7 lawfull Money Debt and Cost, on which Execution has arisen Cost to the amount of £1 5 5 LMoney and that there are no Chattels which can be spared to satisfy said Execution, and said Naomi is in possession in her own Right of One Acre of Land lying in the great Plain in said Weathersfield bounded East and West by Lands of Col 0 John Belden and North by a High- way, which said Naomi and the Overseer of said Samuel are desirous of applying to the Payment of said Debt which the Creditor will not Levy upon and said Samuel refuses to subscribe a Deed thereof Praying Liberty for said Naomi with consent of said Overseer to convey said Land as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that said Naomi be and she is hereby Impowered and Authorized with Consent of said Overseer to Sell and dispose of said one Acre of Land and a Deed by her made with Consent of said Overseer shall be as good and valid in Law to all intents and purposes as if given and executed by her said Husband herself and said Overseer. On the Memorial of Christopher Morgan of Groton in the County of New London as he is Administrator on the Estate of William Morgan Esq r late of said Groton Deceas d , Shewing to this Assembly that said Deceas d on the 28 th May 1772 gave his Note of Hand with Col 0 Nathan 302 PUBLIC RECORDS January, Gallop to the Treasurer for one hundred thirty four Pounds seven pence 1/2 lawfull Money, that said Deceas d having paid about £64 in 1776 Deed and that the residue of said Note remains unpaid Praying this Assembly to permit him to pay said Note in this States Securities that are now due — Resolved by this Assembly that said Christopher Morgan be per- mitted to pay the above described Note to the Treasurer in this States Notes that are now due. Upon the Petition of John Alden of Lebanon in the County of Windham Shewing that by various misfortunes in Trade and by the operation of the late War he is much reduced and rendered unable to pay his Just Debts great part of which are Company Debts due from the late Company of John & Judah Alden which said Judah ended his Life bravely contending for the Safety of his Country without leaving any Estate whereby the whole of said Debts devolve upon Your Memo- rialist and that he is now Imprisoned on Execution in favour of Clark & Nightingale of Providence in the State of Rhode Island, that he is willing to deliver on Oath all his Estate and Property for the benefit of his Creditors and this Assembly not being able at this Session to hear and finally determine said Petition the Petitioner Labouring under great Bodily Infirmity which must endanger his Life if Continued long in his present Confinement, Resolved by this Assembly that said Petition be Continued to the General Assembly to be holden in May next and that said John Alden be set at Liberty from his present Imprisonment untill the rising of the Assembly in May next upon his procuring Bonds for his return to Prison on said Execution Provided his Petition be not granted or the Assembly shall not otherways Order and the Keeper of the Prison in Windham is required to Conform to this Resolve and the said John is also hereby Protected from Arrests and Imprisonment for Debt for the Term aforesaid.* Upon the Memorial of Robert Frazer of New London Shewing to this Assembly that he has Served his Country during the whole of the late War is under needy Circumstances with a helpless Family that on the 10 th Day of March last he received a Wound in his Arm on Board the Alliance in an engagement with a British Frigate which has totally disabled him Praying for Relief &c as Per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to draw on the Treasurer in favour of the Memorialist for the Sum of thirty One Pounds sixteen and five Pence lawfull Money for what is due to the Memorialist and his Son Frazer taking Duplicates Recepts for the Same and transmit one of said Receipts to the Superintendant of the finances of the United States and Charge said Sum to the United States. See below, p. 422. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 303 Upon the Memorial of Benjamin Huntington Administrator on the Confiscated Estate of William Brown Esq r Shewing to this Assembly that there are Sundry small Negro Children belonging to said Estate which ought to be disposed of in some Way to prevent their being Chargeable to the State Praying for Some directions for that purpose — Resolved by this Assembly that the Judge of Probate for the District of Norwich be and he is hereby Authorized and Impowered by himself or such Person as he shall appoint to bind out such Children belonging to said Estate at his Discretion in such manner as to Save the Publick from Cost and that they may be well Governed and educated. Upon the Petition of Aaron Payne of New Milford Shewing to this Assembly that on the 19 th Day of August 1779 he removed with his Family from New Fairfield to Kent and soon after to New Milford that he carried in his List in said Kent as he was advised he ought by Law to do that notwithstanding he was four folded in said New Fairfield for the whole of his Personal Estate and also very largely Assessed and that Taxes have been granted on the whole of his said Estate in both said Towns of New Fairfield & N Milford besides the fourfold and Assesment afores d , Praying for Relief &c as Per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly that Daniel Sherman, Jonathan Sturges & Isaac Baldwin Ju r Esq rs be and they are hereby appointed a Commit- tee to enquire into all the Matters mentioned and referred to in said Petition giving due notice to all Parties concerned and their Report of what they find in the Premisses with their Opinion thereon to make to this Assembly at their Present or next Session,* and that the Com- mittee be at the Cost of the Parties. Upon the Memorial of Elizabeth Rose Admini tx on the Estate of Doct r Samuel Rose late of Coventry Deceas d Shewing to this Assem- bly that in the Spring of the Year 1780 the said Samuel was appointed Chief Surgeon to a Regiment of Troops raised by this State stationed at Horseneck that he marched with and faithfully performed the Duty of his said Office untill some Time in the beginning of the Month of Octob r 1780, when he was taken sick and there being no Hospital or Hospital Stores Provided for the sick at said Post was permitted to return Home where he was Doctored and nursed at his own expence under a distressing Sickness untill the 4 th of Novemb r 1780 when he expired Praying for Relief &c as Per Memorial &c — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Authorized and directed to liquidate and settle the Accounts of Expences in bringing Home the said Doct r Rose and also the Doct rs Bill for service and Medicine during said Sickness and to draw on the Treasurer of this State in favour of the Memorialist for what they shall find Justly due. * See below, p. 415. 304 PUBLIC RECORDS January, Whereas the Town of Enfield by their Agent M r Joseph Kings- bury preferred a Memorial to this Assembly for Liberty for the future to tax themselves for mending and repairing their Highways as Per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly that said Town of Enfield have Liberty and Liberty and Authority is hereby given to said Town of Enfield to tax themselves at their discretion for the repairing their Highways during the Pleasure of this Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Thomas Goodwin, Elijah Hubbard and the rest of the Select Men of Midletown Shewing to this Assembly that the great Road through said Town runs in a Ridge of Land by the side of the River, and by the Floods and Ice the same is greatly Injured and will soon be irrepairibly ruined, and that securing the same will be attended with great Expence &c Praying for a Lottery to raise three hundred Pounds to be applied to repairing and securing said Road and also the expences of said Lottery &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Liberty be and Liberty and Author- ity is hereby granted to said Select Men to raise by Lottery the Sum of One thousand Dollars to be applied to mending repairing and secur- ing said Road and Mess rs Nath 1 Brown Elijah Hubbard Chauncey Whittlesey, Ebenezer Sage and Samuel Bull be and they are hereby appointed Managers of said Lottery who shall be sworn to a faithfull fulfilment of their Trust and shall Account to this Assembly for the Monies received and the Application thereof when required. Upon the Memorial of Samuel Crane of Killingworth Shewing that in the Year 1781 being the Head of a Class he hired a Man for the Service in the Army and advanced of his own Money the Sum of thirty Pounds in State Bills to said Recruit being the Bounty Granted by the State to such Recruits, That he afterwards received an Order in favour of the Select Men upon the Treasurer for said Sum, but before any Payment of it could be had the same was unfortunately lost and never found and so the Memorialist never has been paid Praying for Relief &c as Per Memorial &c Resolved by this Assembly that the Pay Table do draw an Order on the Treasurer in favour of the Select Men of said Killingworth for the aforesaid Sum of £30 in State Bills of the Tenor and Date of the Order drawn and Lost as aforesaid taking sufficient Security of the Memorialist to indemnify the State from all Demands and Claim on Virtue of said former Order drawn and lost as aforesaid. Upon the Memorial of the Inhabitants of the Parishes of Amity and Bethany in the County of New Haven Praying to be incorporated into a Town as Per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the said Parishes of Amity and Bethany and the Lands within the following Bounds viz North Partly 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 305 on the Town of Waterbury and Part on the Town of Cheshire East on the West Rock so called, South on the Line between New Haven Town and said Amity untill it comes to Milford Line at the South West Corner of Obed Johnsons Farm from thence a straight Line to the South East Corner of Sylvanus Baldwins Land thence running Westwardly in the Line of his Land to Derby Line and from thence upon the Line between Derby and Milford to said Waterbury Line, Be and they are hereby Incorporated and Constituted a Town by the Name of the Town of Woodbridge, with all the Rights Priveleges Immunities & Benefits that the Towns in the State of Connecticut now have by Law or shall hereafter have and enjoy and shall have Powers to elect Town Officers and to transact all Business and Matters proper for a Town as other Towns in said State have which Officers when duely appointed shall have all the Powers and Authorities by Law given to the said Town Officers, and the said Town of Woodbridge shall take upon them such a part of the expence of supporting and maintaining the Bridges Poor and Highways of the Town of New Haven as shall be Judged Just & reasonable by Joseph Hopkins Esq r Col° Edward Russell & Col° Street Hall who are appointed a Com tee for that purpose and to determine the Same by the last Day of May next and shall receive their proportion of the Town Stock of said New Haven Town in the same way, And the said Town of Woodbridge shall take upon themselves such part of the Expence of supporting and maintaining the Bridges Poor and Highways of said Town of Milford according to their List in proportion as the List of said Inhabitants of said Town of Wood- bridge that were before this Act part of said Town of Milford is to what the whole List of said Town of Milford was before passing this Act, and said Town of Woodbridge shall have like proportion of the Town Stock of said Milford and shall pay the Taxes already laid and Debts now due from said Town in proportion to the List as aforesaid & Joseph Hopkins Col 0 Edward Russell & Col 0 Street Hall shall be a Committee to determine the same unless said Towns shall agree, And the said Town of Woodbridge shall have and hold a Town Meeting of said Town on the third Tuesday of February instant at ten of the Clock in the forenoon at such Place as the Committees that have served as Societys Committees for the present Year of said Parishes shall agree to and appoint. And the said Meeting shall be warned by said Committees by their giving Notice to all the Voters in said Town or having Notice at their usual Places of abode at least three Days before said Meeting, and at said Town Meeting the said Town of Woodbridge shall Choose all such Town Officers as by Law Towns are required to Choose annually which shall be the Town Officers for said Town untill the Meeting of said Town in Decemb r next. Upon the Memorial of Joseph Thompson of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that he had paid to Ralph Isaacs the Sum of three Pounds lawfull Money for Waggon Tier taken by him for the Use of the State 306 PUBLIC RECORDS January, to tier some Field Carriages and the Sum of fifteen shillings to his Attorney employed in a Suit commenced by said Isaacs against Your Memorialist, and that he hath never received any Pay therefor as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby Ordered and directed to pay the said Thomson 8 Account of three Pounds fifteen shillings taking his Receipt therefor. Upon the Memorial of Jehiel Doud a Soldier in the late fourth Connecticut Regiment, Representing that by reason of his being absent from the Regiment to which he belonged he was omitted in the return and Settlement for the Year 1780, Praying that a settlement and pay- ment may be made him for his Services in the Army in said Year as Per Memorial on File — Whereupon it is Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they hereby are directed and Authorized to settle and Liquidate the Accounts of said Doud for said Year 1780 and draw an Order in his favour on the Treasurer of this State for such Sum as shall be found due to him for his aforesaid Service. Upon the Memorial of John Saunders Jun r of Lyme in the County of New London Shewing to this Assembly that on the 10 th Day of Decemb r 1776 he inlisted as a Private Soldier in the Connecticut Line in the Continental Army to Serve in said Capacity during the War and faithfully served as a Soldier in said Army untill the 7 th Day of June last when by his Excellency General Washington he was Honorably dis- charged with the badge of Merit, And there is due to him from the State of Connecticut for his Service as a Soldier before the Year 1780, the Sum of £56 5 11 LMoney, and also the further Sum of £12 0 0 LMoney for Services in the Year 1780 for which he has applyed to the Committee of Pay Table for an Order on the Treasurer, and has been utterly refused ; Whereupon it is Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed and Ordered to adjust the Ballance due to said John Saunders Jun r and draw an Order for the Same on the Treasurer of this State in usual form. Upon the Memorial of Henry Champion of Colchester Esq r Shew- ing to this Assembly that there is a Ballance due to him of £296 18 6]A on his Account for his receiving Collecting & forwarding to the Army Beef Cattle on the 2/6 Tax Praying for Payment of the Same &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved that the Committee of the Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to draw on the Treasurer of this State in favour of the said Champion for the Ballance aforesaid payable out of the 12 d Tax granted January 1783 or any other unappropriated Monies. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 307 Upon the Memorial of Theophilus Merriman of Wallingford in New Haven County Representing to this Assembly that some Time in the Year 1777, James Jauncey Esq r of the City of New York had an Execution in his favour granted by New Haven County Court against said Merriman for about One hundred and twenty Pounds lawfull Money which said Jauncey put into the Hands of Charles Chauncey his Attorney to Collect & said Merriman offered to pay said Chauncey the Money due on said Execution in Continental Bills of Credit who being unwilling to receive the same, engaged to said Merriman that he would exact no Interest from him on said Execution and would make him a further reasonable Allowance, and afterwards recommended to said Merriman to put said Money into the Loan Office which he did, and the Estate of said Jauncey having since been confiscated, and Chauncey Whittlesey of Midletown appointed Administrator thereon said Merri- man is now required to pay the whole Sum of said Execution without any Abatement Praying relief &c as Per Petition — Resolved by this Assembly that upon the said Theophilus Merrimans delivering and Paying to said Chauncey Whittlesey a Loan Office Cer- tificate dated the seventh Day of Septemb r 1778 for the Sum of three hundred Dollars, the same shall be allowed to said Merriman in Payment of said Execution at the Sum the same shall be well worth by the Scale of Depreciation and the Interest thereon and upon said Merrimans Pay- ing to said Whittlesey the remaining part of the Execution without any Interest thereon either in Public Securities of this State now due or States Money, all which the said Whittlesey is directed to receive the said Merriman shall be discharged from said Execution and said Whittlesey endorse the same satisfied. Upon the Memorial of Phineas Porter Thomas Fenn and others Select Men of the Towns of Waterbury and Watertown Shewing to this Assembly that the List of Noah Combe of said Waterbury in the Year 1779 was £159 16 0 and the List of David Wooster of said Waterbury in said Year was £168 1 0 on which Lists sundry State Taxes have been laid and are now unpaid viz on said Combs List sundry Rates in Continental Bills amounting to the Sum of £479 7 0 and sundry Taxes on State Bills amounting to the Sum of £23 19 2, and one Tax in hard Money of 2 d J^ on the Pound payable the first Day of March 1781 amounting to the Sum of £1 13 4, And that on the List of said Wooster was laid one Rate of four Dollars on the Pound amounting to £201 16 0 Continental Bills and in State Bills sundry Rates amounting to £10 9 4 and one Rate in hard Money of 2 d *4 on the Pound payable the first of March 1781 amounting to £1 15 0 Praying that all the said Rates or Taxes might be Abated as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that all the aforesaid Rates or Taxes be and they are hereby abated and the Treasurer is hereby directed to 308 public records January, Credit Cap 1 Thomas Dutton Collector of said Taxes for the said several Rates and Charge the same in account against this State. Upon the Memorial of Benjamin Adkins & Benjamin Adkins Jun r , Shewing to this Assembly that in the beginning of the Year 1782, a number of Soldiers belonging to the second Regiment of Light Dra- goons in the Continental Army and others belonging to said Army were by Order of the Government Inoculated in the Town of Midletown and the House of the Memorialists was taken up as an Hospital for the purpose aforesaid and by the Carelessness of the Troops was set on fire and both House and furniture consumed, and the Memorialists suffered thereby the loss of three hundred Pounds lawfull Money Praying Relief &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Sum of One hundred and fifteen Pounds lawfull Money be allowed the Memorialists out of the Treasury of this State as a Compensation for said Loss and that the Committee of Pay Table draw an Order in favour of the Memorialist for said Sum on the Treasurer of this State who is hereby Ordered and directed to Issue a Note in favour of said Memorialists Payable in three Years on Interest and the Committee of Pay Table are ordered to Charge the same to the United States. Upon the Memorial of Samuel Fuller and others Inhabitants of the second Society called West Stafford in the County of Hartford Shew- ing that some Years since M r Isaac Foster was settled in the Ministry in said Society he then professing and preaching the Doctrines com- monly received by the New England Churches called Calvinian Doc- trines, which the said Society in General had been Educated in the beliefs of and then held, since which the said M r Foster has openly professed and preached and still continues so to do Doctrines essentially opposed thereto, and which by a Consociation and a mutual Council have been so adjudged, and to be unscriptural, Whereupon as in Conscience bound and by the said Consociation and Council advised the Memorialists have withdrawn from his Ministry to which however a Major Part of said Society adhere and tax Your Memorialists for M r Fosters support, Praying to be declared a Society unconnected with the adherents of the said M r Foster &c And a Committee appointed by this Assembly* having upon examination Reported that the said Matters and allegations are substantially true &c Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialists and such as Join or may Join with or be of them shall [be] unconnected with the Adherents of the said M r Foster and exempt from all Taxes that are have been or may be laid by them be and remain an Eclesiastical Society with all the Priveleges and Immunities by Law to any such Society granted or * See above, p. 157. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 309 belonging by the same Name that the original Society aforesaid hath heretofore been called, And that the Memorialists shall retain and hold the Meeting House built by said Original Society unless the rest of the Inhabitants thereof shall within One Year pay or secure to be paid within that Time to the Memorialists their proportion according to the Lists given in for the Year 1783 of the present value of said House as the Same shall be ascertained by Mess rs Ephraim Pease of Enfield James Stedman of Windham and Augustus Fitch of East Windsor, who are hereby appointed to apprize & apportion the same accordingly upon the application of either of said Parties And that the said Payment or security being made as aforesaid shall be in full of the Memorialists Right or Claim in or to said House. Upon the Memorial of Joseph Colt and the rest of the Select Men of the Town of Lyme Shewing to this Assembly that said Town have advanced large Sums in hard Money to furnish a Sea Coast Guard in the Time of the late War with Provisions and that said Town have received Pay Table Orders on the 2 s /6 Tax in pay for the Money so advanced and that said Town have been fined for not furnishing Sol- diers in several Instances to go into the Service of this and the United States Praying for Liberty to pay and discharge said fines in the Orders aforesaid as Per Memorial on File — Whereupon it is Resolved by this Assembly that the said Select Men have Liberty and Liberty is hereby granted to said Select Men to pay and discharge said Executions in Orders drawn on the aforesaid 2/6 d Tax or in any other Securities on this State that are now due & payable and that are for hard Money and the Treasurer of this State is hereby directed to receive them accordingly. Upon the Memorial of William Brown of Stamford Shewing to this Assembly that on the 31 st Day of July 1783 he casually lost the following Notes which were his own Property viz One Note in favour of Enoch Thomas N° 4136 payable the first of June 1785 for £11 11 3 on Interest the Interest having been paid to June 1782 one D° in favour of Cap 1 Caleb S 1 John for £12 2 4 payable in one Year after the War N° 2647 the Interest of which having been paid to the first of Feb y 1782, two D° in favour of William Brown N° 238 & 239 for £14 13 2 each Payable the first of June in the Year 1786 & 1787, two other Notes in favour of said Brown N° 240 & 241 for £15 9 each payable the first of June in the Year 1788 & 1789, One D° in favour of Timothy Han- ford N° 9669 for £13 5 8 payable the first of June 1786 One other D° in favour of said Hanford N° 9670 for £13 5 8 payable June first 1787, One D° in favour of Ebenezer Shelly N° 1924 for £17 5 7 pay- able June first 1789 One D° in favour of Frank Freeman N° 848 for £9 9 0 payable June first 1789 One D° in favour of Francis Wright N° 2724 for £9 9 0 Payable June first 1789, All which Notes except the two first abovementioned had one Years Interest due on them upon the 310 PUBLIC RECORDS January, first Day of June 1783 That he has made diligent Search & due inquiry therefor but has not been able to obtain the same Praying for releif &c as Per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to Issue new Notes to the Memorialist of the same Tenor Sums and Dates of the Notes abovementioned upon his giving sufficient Secur- ity to Indemnify this State in Case said Notes so supposed to be lost as afores d should hereafter be found. Upon the Memorial of David Bellamy of Woodbury Shewing to this Assembly that for several Years before the Commencement of the late War he was in Trade and in the Course of his Business he became indebted to Charles M c Evers of the City and State of New York, that by means of the War it became impossible for him to settle his Accounts with the said M c Evers, and that the Estate of said M c Evers has since been confiscated for the Use and Benefit of this State in Consequence of which it became the Duty of the Memorialist to pay the amount of the Debt due to said M c Evers to the Administrator on said Estate, that he accordingly disclosed to said Administrator the true situation of his Affairs and executed his Note Payable on Demand for the Sum of three hundred & ninety five Pounds six shilling & ten Pence lawfull Money That he has securities given by this State for supplies furnished the Con- tinental Army by him and other securities against this State sufficient to pay said Sum due by the first of June next which he has offered in payment of said Note and that the s d Administr r has refused to accept of the Same by which the Memorialist is liable to be compelled to pay the amount of said Note in Money which would be attended with great Loss Trouble & vexation to the Memorial Praying for relief &c as Per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Administr r on the Estate be and he is hereby directed to receive of the Memorialist the above mentioned Securities in payment of said Note. The Sums total of the List of the Poles and Rateable Estate Addi- tions fourfolds & Assesments of the several Towns in this State as sent in to this Assembly are as follow viz \ Single List fourfold Assesments Hartford £42909 9 1 £844 12 0 £3180 0 0 Bolton 9819 3 0 — 340 0 0 Colchester 29733 0 0 1599 0 0 763 0 0 Chatham 21052 6 6 221 10 0 573 0 0 East Windsor 29318 4 8 553 12 0 522 0 0 Enfield 12309 4 0 — 522 0 0 East Haddam 23389 13 5 161 2 0 796 0 0 1784. Farmington Glastonbury Haddam Hebron Midletown Stafford Suffield Southington Somers Tolland Weathersfield Windsor Willington Symsbury New Haven Branford Cheshire Derby Durham Guilford Milford Wallingford Waterbury New London Groton Killingworth Addition to Killingworth Lyme Norwich Seabrook Stonington Preston Fairfield Norwalk Stamford Greenwich Stratford Newtown Danbury Reading Ridgefield N Fairfield Windham Ashford OF CONNECTICUT 311 Single List £51388 14 3 18116 2 9 14911 18 6 20389 19 3 38527 11 5 11458 17 0 18953 4 0 19043 3 4 19110 11 6 13671 11 10 27988 1 2 23143 18 8 7863 16 4 36532 7 9 57585 0 9 19351 12 3 16342 1 7 16757 3 6 11339 5 2 31784 7 9 24635 9 1 26210 12 5 19230 0 3 31816 13 0 22661 5 7 10680 18 10 133 10 0 21264 19 9 58367 4 0 24381 4 7 30294 7 9 21156 12 11 40326 12 9 36388 1 4 27386 17 9 15895 5 11 44920 13 6 20337 18 0 25970 12 0 12886 2 6 16439 3 1 13393 16 5 29602 7 5 17268 0 0 fourfold £2623 16 0 125 8 0 55 12 0 171 0 0 215 10 0 243 0 0 119 14 0 360 12 9 58 0 0 15 0 0 378 8 0 523 14 4 142 12 0 182 10 0 1061 9 0 282 12 0 573 6 0 3009 5 8 191 12 0 1312 7 0 218 8 0 233 10 0 531 1 0 2329 10 0 80 10 0 814 0 0 155 4 0 160 0 0 Assesments £734 19 0 567 0 0 258 0 0 350 0 0 1964 0 0 325 0 0 490 0 0 484 0 0 137 0 0 264 0 0 1118 0 0 928 0 0 108 0 0 520 0 0 2495 6 8 348 0 0 135 0 0 670 0 0 493 0 0 578 10 0 330 0 0 660 0 0 366 0 C 1450 0 0 866 0 0 290 0 0 345 0 0 2305 0 0 425 0 0 553 0 0 429 0 0 1142 0 0 298 6 1 842 0 0 283 0 0 458 0 0 567 10 0 950 0 0 463 0 0 212 0 0 122 0 0 795 0 0 288 0 0 312 PUBLIC RECORDS January, Single List fourfold Assesments Canterbury £19445 10 10 £246 0 0 £273 0 0 Coventry 18711 7 11 178 8 0 465 0 0 Killingley 24264 5 6 — — 240 0 0 Lebanon 35186 19 11 124 2 0 855 10 0 Mansfield 22028 18 3 — — 472 0 0 Pom fret 24853 19 0 472 0 0 927 0 0 Plainfield 13415 8 4 510 0 0 424 0 0 Union 4723 4 6 — — 53 0 0 V oluntown 12039 13 0 172 0 0 103 0 0 Woodstock 20285 7 7 430 0 0 617 0 0 Litchfield 25839 6 6 347 1 0 300 0 0 Canaan 13636 9 6 88 14 6 202 0 0 Cornwall 9055 2 6 — — — — Goshen 14925 10 4 — — 457 0 0 N Hartford 11638 5 11 103 11 0 270 0 0 Hartland 7266 2 0 — — 103 0 0 Harwington 9893 16 7 286 7 0 244 0 0 Kent 14775 7 3 — — 220 0 0 N Milford 27348 14 10 — — 739 0 0 Salisbury 16484 10 2 96 0 0 707 0 0 Sharon 13101 19 11 100 16 0 583 0 0 Torrington 11169 7 0 128 0 0 176 0 0 Norfolk 9143 17 8 442 16 0 99 0 0 Washington 13602 15 6 462 3 3 488 0 0 Watertown 21111 18 4 296 0 0 308 0 0 Winchester 4515 1 0 327 1 0 146 0 0 W oodbury 46395 8 1 600 0 0 1200 0 0 Upon the Memorial of William Smith of Milford in the County of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that in August 1774 he returned from the West Indias Master of the Sloop Sally owned by Edward Gibs and Andrew Sanford both of Milford and entered the same in the Naval Office and gave his Bond to Thomas Wooster for the Duties thereof for and in behalf of said Owners, amounting to the Sum of £27 3 0 LMony and upon Interest of which was paid and endorsed thereon £18 2 0 by said Gibs being his proportionable Part thereof, and that the remaining Sum of £9 10 with the Interest ought to have been paid by said Sanford the other Owner, but that said Sanford is since Dead and insolvent &c Praying for Relief &c as Per Memorial on File— Resolved by this Assembly That the Memorialist have Liberty to pay up said Duties due as aforesaid in State Securities payable by this State, And that upon his complying herewith he is hereby discharged from his said Obligation. 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 313 The Gentlemen nominated by the Votes of the Freemen of this State to stand for Election as Assistants or Members of the Council in May next, as sent in to this present General Assembly are as follow viz Jabez Hamlin William Pitkin Roger Sherman Joseph Spencer Oliver Wolcott Samuel Huntington Richard Law Oliver Elsworth Andrew Adams Benjamin Huntington William Williams Esq r Joseph Platt Cook Esq r James Wadsworth Esq r Stephen M Mitchell Esq r William Hilhouse Esq r John Treadwell Esq r Increase Mosely Esq r Dyar Throop Esq r Samuel Mott Esq r Charles C. Chandler Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r The Gentlemen nominated by the Votes of the Freemen of this State to stand for Election as Delegates to the Congress of the United States in May next as sent in to the Present Assembly are as follow viz Jedediah Strong Esq r Joseph Platt Cook Esq r John Treadwell Esq r Charles C Chandler Esq r William Pitkin Esq r Joseph Spencer Esq r James Wadsworth Esq r Stephen M Mitchell Esq r William Williams Esq r William Hilhouse Esq r Dyar Throop Esq r Jonathan Sturges Esq r This Assembly Grants to his Excellency Governor Trumbull the Sum of One hundred and fifty Pounds LMoney for the last half of his Salary for the Current Year. This Assembly Grants to his Honor Lieut Governor Griswold the Sum of fifty Pounds LMony for the last half of his Salary for the Cur- rent Year. Resolved by this Assembly that all the Memorials and othe Matters now lying before this Assembly and not finished be and the same are hereby referred to the General Assembly in May next. Upon the Memorial of Charles Ward Apthorp of the City of New York Shewing that he is and ever hath been a Friend to these States that his Estate in this State hath been without his ever having been heard on the Subject Confiscated Praying that the said Judgment of Confiscation may be reversed or that in some other way he may be releived as Per Memorial on File — 314 PUBLIC RECORDS January, Resolved by this Assembly that all further Sale or disposition of the Estate of said Apthorp be suspended at present and that all Monies or Public Securities received or that may be received by the Administrator on said Estate for Land by him sold or actually bargained for or in redemption of any of the Mortgages due to said Estate when it shall appear by the Oath of the Party or other sufficient evidence that the Mortgagor had actually procured said Securities for that purpose agree- able to the Act of Assembly passed in May last* before the passing of this Act, shall be held and retained in his Hands untill the rising of the General Assembly in May next and that said Administrator then prepare and lay before said Assembly the whole of the Proceedings on said Estate and also the Ground and Evidence on which said Estate was con- fiscated and of the Conduct of the said Apthorp during the late War. This Assembly was adjourned (by Proclamation), until the Governor, or in his Absence, The Deputy Governor, shall see Cause to call it, to meet again. Teste George Wyllys Secret 7 . See above, p. 123 . 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 315 STATE OF CONNECTICUT At a General Assembly of the State of Connecticut in America HOLDEN AT HARTFORD, ON THE SECOND THURSDAY OF May (BEING THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF SAID MONTH) AND CONTINUED BY Adjournments untill the 11 th Day of June next following Anno Dom : 1784 Present. His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull Esq r Governor. The Honorable Matthew Griswold Esq r Lieu * Governor. Jabez Hamlin Esq r Eliphalet Dyer Esq r William Pitkin Esq r Joseph Spencer Esq r Oliver Wolcott Bsq r Samuel Huntington Esq r Oliver Elsworth Esq r Andrew Adams Esq r Benjamin Huntington Esq r . Assistants. Representatives or Deputies of the Freemen of the several T owns in the State who attended this Assembly are as follow viz. Col 0 Jesse Root, Cap 1 Jon a Bull, for Hartford M r Samuel Carver, M r David Elliss, for Bolton M r Ebenezer White, M r Chauncey Bulkley, for Chatham Col 0 Dyar Throop, Col 0 Jabez Chapman, for East Haddam Col 0 George Pitkin, Col 0 Jon a Wells, for East Hartford Gen 1 Erastus Wolcott, M r Joseph Allen, for East Windsor M r Joseph Kingsbury, Cap 1 Ephraim Pease, for Enfield Col 0 Noadiah Hooker, M r Hez h Wadsworth, for Farmington M r Gideon Hale, M r Philip Selew, for Glastonbury Cap 1 Cornelius Higgins, Cap 1 Oliver Wells, for Haddam M r Neziah Bliss, M r Elihu Marvin, for Hebron Gen 1 Comfort Sage, Gen 1 Sam 1 H Parsons, for Midletown M r Joshua Pomeroy, Maj r Abiel Pease, for Somers Cap 1 John Curtiss, Maj r Asa Bray, for Southington M r Ebenezer Colborn, M r Jesse Cady, for Stafford M r Alex r King, M r Gideon Granger, for Suffield Cap 1 Daniel Humphry, Cap 1 Jonath n Pettibone, for Symsbury Col 0 Samuel Chapman, Col° Solomon Wells, for Tolland M r Stephen M Mitchell, Col° John Chester, for Weathersfield Cap 1 Joseph Crocker, M r Moses Holmes, for Willington M r Aaron Phelps 2, Gen 1 Roger Newberry, for Windsor M r Pierpoint Edwards, Cap 1 James Hilhouse, for New Haven Col 0 Edward Russell, M r Aaron Baldwin, for Branford Cap 1 John Peck, Maj r Reuben Atwater, for Cheshire 316 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Cap 1 Daniel Holbrook, Cap 1 Thomas Clark, for Derby M r Daniel Hall, Cap 1 Simeon Parsons, for Durham Maj r Augustus Collins, Cap 1 Samuel Lee, for Guilford M r Samuel Treat, M r Gideon Buckingham, for Milford Doc r Jared Potter, Col 0 Street Hall, for Wallingford M r Eli Brunson, Cap 1 John Wilton, for Waterbury M r Thomas Darling, Cap 1 Timothy Ball, for Woodbridge Maj r William Hilhouse, Cap 1 John Deshon, for New London Cap 1 Elisha Lathrop, M r John Backus, for Norwich Cap 1 Peter Bulkley, Col 0 Elias Worthington, for Colchester M r Ebenezer Ledyard, Col 0 Nathan Gallop, for Groton M r George Eliott, M r Aaron Kelsey, for Killingworth M r William Noyes, M r Ezra Selden, for Lyme Cap 1 John Avery Jun r , M r Benj a Coit, for Preston Maj r William Hart, Col 0 John Ely, for Saybrook Maj r Charles Phelps, Cap 1 William Williams, for Stonington M r Jonath 11 Sturges, M r Thaddeus Burr, for Fairfield Col° Joseph P Cook, Maj r Ezra Starr, for Danbury Gen 1 John Mead, Cap 1 Jabez Fitch, for Greenwich M r Stephen Barnes, Cap 1 William G Hubbell, for New Fairfield M r Nehemiah Strong, Gen 1 John Chandler, for New Town Col 0 Stephen S 1 John, M r Thaddeus Betts, for Norwalk M r Hezekiah Sanford, M r Thaddeus Benedict, for Redding Col 0 Philip B Bradley, Cap 1 David Olmsted, for Ridgfield Maj r Agur Judson, Cap 1 Robert Fairchild, for Stratford Maj r John Davenport, M r Charles Weed, for Stamford Col 0 Eliphalet Dyer, Col 0 Jedidiah Elderkin, for Windham M r Benjamin Sumner, M r Isaac Perkins, for Ashford M r Daniel Frost, M r Asa Witter, for Canterbury Cap 1 Jerem h Ripley, M r Ephraim Kingsbury, for Coventry Cap 1 Obadiah Clough, Col° William Danielson, for Killingley Col 0 William Williams, M r Elkanah Tisdale, for Lebanon M r John Salter, Cap 1 Samuel Thompson, for Mansfield Gen 1 John Douglas, M r Ebenezer Eaton, for Plainfield M r Stephen Williams, M r Edward Ruggles, for Pomfrett Cap 1 Solomon Wales, , for Union Col° James Gordon, M r Joseph Wiley, for Voluntown M r Charles C Chandler, Cap 1 Nehemiah Lyon, for Woodstock M r Isaac Baldwin, M r Ebenezer Marsh, for Litchfield Cap 1 Thomas Hosmer, Cap 1 Lemuel Kingsbury, for Canaan M r Andrew Youngs, Col 0 John Sedgwick, for Cornwall M r Daniel Miles, Cap 1 Elisha Sill, for Goshen Col 0 Benj a Hutchins, Cap 1 Eleazer Ensign, for Hartland Cap 1 Jonah Phelps, M r Mark Prindle, for Harwington M r Nathaniel Barray, Cap 1 Joseph Carter, for Kent M r Amos Miller, M r Ebenezer Moody, for New Hartford Col 0 Samuel Canfield, M r Abel Hine, for New Milford 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 317 Maj r Giles Pettibone, M r Dudley Humphry, for Norfolk M r Lott Norton, M r Hez h Fitch, for Salisbury Col 0 Ebenezer Gay, M r Josiah Coleman, for Sharon M r Elip 1 Eno, M r Noah North, for Torrington M r John Whittlesey, M r Daniel N Brinsmade, for Washington Cap 1 Samuel Hicox, Cap 1 Nath 1 Barnes, for Watertown Cap 1 Ozias Brunson, for Winchester M r Hez h Thompson, Col 0 Increase Mosely, for Woodbury The Honb le Eliphalet Dyer Esq r Speaker Of the House of Charles Church, Chandler Esq r Clerk. Representatives. This Day being appointed by the Laws of the State of Connecticut for the Election of the Public Officers of the same viz Governor Lieuten- ant Governor Assistants Treasurer and Secretary, Proclamation was made in manner accustomed. And then the Votes of the Freemen were given in to the Persons appointed by the Assembly to receive Sort and Count them, and to declare the Names of such Persons as shall be Chosen to any of the forementioned Offices according to Law; which Persons so appointed were — Jabez Hamlin Esq r Eliphalet Dyer Esq r William Pitkin Esq r Joseph Spencer Esq r Oliver Wolcott Esq r Samuel Huntington Esq r Andrew Adams Esq r Benj a Huntington Esq r Col° John Chester Gen 1 Comfort Sage M r Pierpoint Edwards M r Gideon Buckingham Maj r Charles Phelps Cap 1 Elisha Lathrop M r Thaddeus Benedict M r Thaddeus Betts M r Elkanah Tisdale Gen 1 John Douglas M r Hezekiah Fitch and Col° Samuel Canfield ; who were all sworn to a faithfull Discharge of that Trust. And the Votes of the Freemen being bro 11 in sorted and Counted — The Honorable, Samuel Huntington Esq r is Chosen Lieutenant Governor of this State for the Year ensuing. Jabez Hamlin Esq r William Pitkin Esq r Roger Sherman Esq r Joseph Spencer Esq r Oliver Wolcott Esq r Richard Law Esq r William Williams Esq r Oliver Elsworth Esq r Andrew Adams Esq r Benjamin Huntington Esq r Joseph Platt Cook Esq r and Stephen Mix Mitchell Esq r were Chosen Assistants the Year ensuing. John Lawrence Esq r is Chosen Treasurer of this State for the Year ensuing. George Wyllys Esq r is Chosen Secretary of this State for the Year ensuing. This Day being appointed by Law for the Choice of Delegates to Represent the State of Connecticut at the Congress of the United 318 PUBLIC RECORDS May, States of America Proclamation was now made in manner Accustomed, And then the Votes of the Freemen were given in to the Persons appointed by the Assembly to receive Sort and Count them, and declare the Names of the Persons legally Chosen to the Office aforementioned, Which Persons so appointed are Oliver Elsworth Esq r Col° Jonathan Wells Col 0 Edward Russell M r Benjamin Coit, Maj r Ezra Starr Cap 1 Jeremiah Ripley & Col 0 John Sedgwick who were all sworn to a faith- full discharge of that Trust. And the Votes of the Freemen being bro n in Sorted and Counted — William Pitkin Esq r Jedidiah Strong Esq r John Treadwell Esq r Joseph Platt Cook Esq r James Wadsworth Esq r William Williams Esq r Charles Church Chandler Esq r Are Elected and publicly declared to be Delegates to represent the State of Connecticut in the Congress of the United States of America according to Law. The Lieutenant Governor, s Oath appointed by the Law of this State was duely administred to the Hon ble Samuel Huntington Esq r now Chosen Lieutenant Governor of this State. The Assistants Oath appointed by the Law of this State was duely Administred to Jabez Hamlin Esq r William Pitkin Esq r Joseph Spencer Esq r Oliver Wolcott Esq r Richard Law Esq r William Williams Esq r Oliver Elsworth Esq r Andrew Adams Esq r Benjamin Huntington Esq r Joseph Platt Cook Esq r and Stephen Mix Mitchell Esq r now Chosen Assistants over this State Who thereupon took their Seats at the Council Board. The Treasurers Oath appointed by the Law of this State was duely Administred to John Lawrence Esq r now Chosen Treasurer. The Secretary, s Oath appointed by Law was duely administred to George Wyllys Esq r now Chosen Secretary of this State. In the House of Representatives The Honorable Matthew Griswold Esq r is Chosen Governor of the State of Connecticut for the Year ensuing. Test Charles Ch. Chandler Clerk Concur d , in the Upper House Test George Wyllys Seer 17 The Governors Oath appointed by the Law of this State was duely Administred to His Excellency Matthew Griswold Esq r now Chosen 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 319 Governor of the State of Connecticut who thereupon took the Governors Seat in the Assembly. Ordered that William Williams Esq r and Cap t Jeremiah Ripley return the Thanks of this Assembly to the Rev d Doct r Joseph Hunting- ton for his Sermon delivered before the Assembly the 13 th Inst, and desire a Copy thereof that it may be printed. This Assembly do appoint the Honb le Samuel Huntington Esq r to be Chief Judge of the Superior Courts in this State for the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Eliphalet Dyer Esq r Roger Sherman Esq r William Pitkin Esq r & Richard Law Esq r to be Judges of the Superior Courts in this State for the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Erastus Wolcott Esq r to be Judge of the County Court in and for the County of Hartford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint James Wadsworth Esq r to be Judge of the County Court in and for the County of New Haven the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint William Hilhouse Esq r to be Judge of the County Court in and for the County of New London the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Abraham Davenport Esq r to be Judge of the County Court in and for the County of Fairfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint William Williams Esq r to be Judge of the County Court in and for the County of Windham the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Oliver Wolcott Esq r to be Judge of the County Court in and for the County of Litchfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Roger Newberry Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Hartford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Erastus Wolcott Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of East Windsor the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Joseph Spencer Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of East Haddam the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Jabez Hamlin Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Midletown the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Isaac Pinney Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Stafford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint John Treadwell Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Farmington the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Noah Phelps Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Symsbury the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint John Whiting Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of New Haven the Year ensuing. 320 PUBLIC RECORDS May, This Assembly do appoint Gurdon Saltonstall Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of New London the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Aaron Eliott Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Saybrook the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Elisha Lathrop to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Norwich the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Charles Phelps Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Stonington the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Jonathan Sturges Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Fairfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Abraham Davenport Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Stamford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Joseph Platt Cook Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Danbury the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint William Williams Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Windham the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Charles Church Chandler to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Pomfrett the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint John Douglas Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Plainfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Robert Fairchild Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Stratford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Oliver Wolcott Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Litchfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Daniel Sherman Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Woodbury the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Joshua Porter Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Sharon the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Oliver Stanley Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Wallingford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Giles Pettibone Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Norfolk the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Joseph Hopkins Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Waterbury the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Edward Russell Esq r to be Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Guilford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Stephen Mix Mitchell Esq r and John Treadwell Esq r to be Justices of the Quorum in and for the County of Hartford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Erastus Wolcott William Wolcott Samuel Talcott, George Wyllys John Lawrence Jesse Root Thomas Seymour Noah Webster Samuel Lyman Jonathan Bull John Pitkin George Pitkin Jonathan Wells of E Hartford Richard Pitkin Elisha Pitkin Solomon Wells John Chester Charles Churchill, John Robberts Henry Allyn Roger Newberry Peletiah Mills James Hooker Matthias Talcott Samuel 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 321 H Parsons Nath a Chauncey John Dickinson Roger Riley Philip Morti- mer Elijah Tredway Comfort Sage, Nathaniel Gilbert Isaac Miller Solomon Whitman John Treadwell Selah Hart, Isaac Lee Gad Stanley Noadiah Hooker, Ichabod Norton, Simeon Hart Zebulon Peck J u Judah Holcomb Oliver Humphry Daniel Humphry Asabel Holcomb Noah Phelps Oziar Pettibone, Dudley Pettibone Alexander King John Leavitt John Harmon Ju Phineas Sheldon Edward Collins Eliphalet Terry Elizur Talcott Josiah Hale, Elizur Hale J r Dyar Throop Jabez Chapman Timothy Gates Joseph Brooks Nehemiah Brainerd Hezekiah Brainerd, John Phelps Samuel Gilbert Noziah Bliss, Elijah Kellogg Benjamin Talcott Jed White Samuel Carver Samuel Chapman, Solomon Wells, Isaac Pinney Daniel Alden Isaac Foot Abner Barker Moses Holmes Thomas Pitkin Reuben Sikes Daniel Elsworth David Sage Ebenezer White, Joseph Dart, John Clark, Jonathan Penfield John Curtiss Timo- thy Clark Josiah Cowles Israel Spencer Lemuel Roberts Elisha Graham Ichabod Warner Edward Payne Joseph Allen Frederick Elsworth, Cornelius Higgins Ezra Brainerd Philip Selew, Gideon Granger Jesse Cady Elihu Marvin & Samuel W. Williams Esq s to be Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Hartford the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Samuel Bishop, Joseph Hopkins Andrew Ward & James Beard Esq r8 to be Justices of the Peace & Quorum in and for the County of New Haven the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint, Gen 1 James Wadsworth Daniel Lyman John Whiting Simeon Bristol David Austin, Charles Chauncey Bazil Munson, Timothy Jones Thomas Mansfield Henry Daggett Josiah Brad- ley Nehemiah Smith Ephraim Strong Gideon Buckingham Lewiss Mallet Jun r Stephen Gunn, Samuel Treat, John Daviss Eliphalet Hotch- kiss Thomas Clark, Jonathan Baldwin Samuel Lewiss Ezra Brunson, Reuben Atwater Samuel Buck, John Peck Aaron Lyman Oliver Stanley Eliakim Hall Caleb Cook Street Hall, John Hough Daniel Hall Simeon Parsons, James Barker Edward Russell Ebenezer [Russell], Jonah Clark, Augustus Collins, Thomas Burges Jun r Elias Graves William Starr [Thom] as Darling Caleb Beecher John Dibble Timothy Ball Joseph Pierpoint, David Hall & William Gould Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace in and for the County of New Haven the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Elisha Lathrop William Noyes Charles Phelps and Benjamin Coit Esq rs to be Justices of Peace & Quorum in and for the County of New London the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint William Hillhouse Samuel Coit, Jonathan Lattimer Joshua Raymond Winthrop Saltonstall, Timothy Green, Joshua Coit, Thomas Shaw John Deshon Ebenezer Hartshorn, Simon Tracy, Elijah Backus, Christopher Leffingwell Samuel Tracy Rufus Lathrop, Samuel Leffingwell Jun r Jonathan Huntington Nehemiah Waterman Jr Jonathan Brewster, Jabez Fitch Barnabas Huntington, John Perkins 322 PUBLIC RECORDS May, John M c Clarren Breed Samuel Mott Robert Crary John Tyler Jeremiah Halsey John Avery Jun r Elias Brown John Williams Paul Wheeler Nathaniel Minor, Jonathan Palmer Jun William Williams William Denison, Joshua Babcock Elijah Palmer William Williams of Groton, Beradam Gallop William Avery, Ebenezer Ledyard Amos Geer Thomas Northrop Niles, Amos Prentiss Thomas Avery John Lay 2 d Eleazer Mather Ezra Selden Richard Wait Jun r Seth Ely, Andrew Griswold John Shipman Justus Buck Timothy Starkey, Jedediah Chapman, Wil- liam Hart Jun r Aaron Eliott John Pierson Theophilus Morgan Hezekiah Lane George Eliott Job Wright John Watrous Daniel Foot Peter Bulk- ley Henry Champion, Elias Worthington Griswold Avery Joseph Harriss David Mumford Andrew Tracy Ju & Asa Foot Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace in and for the County of New London the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Robert Fairchild Esq r to be Justice of the Peace & Quorum in and for the County of Fairfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint the Honb le Joseph Platt Cook Esq r Justice of Quorum in and for the County of Fairfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint John Chandler & Lemuel Sanford Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace and Quorum in and for the County of Fair- field the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Abraham Davenport John Brooks Robert Walker Daniel Judson Samuel Whiting Elisha Mills Daniel Bennet, Agur Judson Daniel Fairchild Abraham Brinsmade, David Wilcoxson, John Judson Abijah Starling Hez h Hubbell Gold Silleck Syllyman Samuel Squire Andrew Rowland Gershom Hubbell George Burr Samuel Wakeman Daniel Duncan Thaddeus Betts Stephen S t John 2 d Eliphalet Lockwood Samuel Cooke Syllyman Clap Raymond Matthew Mead Charles Webb Reuben Scofield John Mead, Jabez Fitch Amos Mead Benjamin Mead, John M c Kay, Samuel Olmstead Philip Burr Bradley John Benedict Daniel Cooley Thaddeus Benedict Daniel Taylor Ely Mygatt Thomas Taylor Thaddeus Benedict of Redding Stephen Betts, Caleb Baldwin Jabez Botsford Henry Peck, Joseph Smith Nehemiah Beardsley Zacheus Towner Ephraim Hubbell Alexander Stewart Eben- ezer Jessup James Davenport Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Fairfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Ebenezer Devotion Constant Southworth Thomas Grosvenor & James Gordon Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace and Quorum in and for the County of Windham the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Eliphalet Dyer Samuel Gray Jedidiah Elderkin Jacob Symons Hezekiah Manning Ebenezer Mosely Hezekiah 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 323 Bissell, Elijah Whiton Benjamin Sumner Benjamin Clark Isaac Perkins Eliashib Adams David Payne Shirebiah Bull, Ephraim Root Abraham Burnap Jun r Ephraim Kingsbury, William Danielson Benjamin Leavins, John Clark Jonathan Trumbull Jun James Pineo Jun r Ephraim Carpen- ter Peleg Thomas Elkanah Tisdale Joseph Storrs, John Salter, Expe- rience Storrs Samuel Thompson Jesse Williams, James Bradford, John Douglas, Elisha Perkins William Dixson Andrew Backus Samuel Croft John Williams, Joseph Baker Solomon Wales John Sessions Samuel Stewart John Cole Allen Campbell Jedidiah Morse Charles C Chandler Daniel Elisha Child Daniel Frost Asa Witter Simon Learned & Jere- miah Mason Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Windham the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Daniel Sherman Joshua Porter Samuel Canfield & Jedidiah Strong Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace and Quorum in and for the County of Litchfield the Year ensuing. This Assembly do appoint Jacob Woodruff Isaac Baldwin David Welch Reuben Smith Abraham Bradley James Morriss Tappen Reeve Daniel Everet Benjamin Hinman Edward Hinman Benj a Spees David Hurd Hezekiah Thompson Oliver Parmely Abel Hine Sherman Board- man Timothy Ruggles Daniel Everet of New Milford Nathan Eliott Jethra Hatch Jedidiah Hubbell Justus Sacket Daniel Griswold of Sharon, John Canfield David Downs Abiel Camp, Lott Norton Charles Burrall Elisha Baker Samuel Forbs Nathan Hale Heman Swift, Judah Kellogg Edward Rogers John Pierce Samuel Nash, Ebenezer Norton Asaph Hall Elisha Sill William Cogswell John Calhoun Phineas Royce Thomas Finn Thomas Matthews David Catlin Cyprian Webster George Catlin Epaphras Sheldon Shubael Griswold Zebulon Merrills, Seth Smith Giles Pettibone Hosea Wilcox Dudley Humphry Nehemiah Andruss of Hartland Eleazer Ensign Eliphas Alsord Elijah Rockwell David Smith of Watertown & Daniel Nat h Brinsmade Esq rs to be Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Litchfield the Year ensuing. An Act for regulating the appointment of the Superior Court. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same , That no Per- son shall hereafter be capable of holding the Office of Governor Lieuten- ant Governor Assistant or Member of the House of Representatives of this State or of Delegate in the Congress of the United States or either of them, and the Office of Judge of the Superior Court at the same Time. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Judges of the Superior Court shall hereafter hold their Offices during the Pleasure of the General Assembly. Provided nevertheless that nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent any Judge of the Superior Court appointed at this Assembly 324 PUBLIC RECORDS May, from holding for the Term of one Year from the first Day of the Ses- sion of the present Assembly, any other Office which he now holds or to which he now stands elected. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Lieutenant Governor and Council of this State for the Time being shall be the Supreme Court of Errors in this State, and shall be the Dernier resort of all Matters brought by way of Error or Complaint from the Judg- ment or Decree of the Superior Court in Matters of Law or Equity, wherein the Rules of Law or the Principles of Equity appear from the files Records and Exhibits of said Court to have been erroneously or mistakenly adjudged and determined; And said Supreme Court are hereby Impowered authorized and enabled to take Cognizance of all such Causes that shall be brought before them as aforesaid and shall be invested with all the Powers Authorities and Jurisdictions necessary and requisite for carrying into complete Execution all their Judgments Decrees and determinations in the Matters aforesaid according to the Laws Customs and Usages of this State; And their Determinations and Decrees shall be final and conclusive to all Concerned. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the said Supreme Court of Errors shall be held annually at the Place where the General Assembly shall be held to Meet on the Tuesday of the Week next before the stated Sessions of said Assembly. And all Writs returnable to said Court shall be served twelve Days before the Sessions of said Court and returned to the Clerk of said Court before the Day of said Sessions. And the Secretary of this State for the Time being shall (ex Officio) be the Clerk of said Court. And said Court shall have Power to Adjourn from Time to Time and to such Place as they shall think necessary and expedient. And it is further Provided that the Lieutenant Governor or in his absence the Senior Councillor present shall preside seven of whom shall Constitute a Quorum. An Act establishing the Wages of the Judges of the Superior Court. Be it Eyiacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same , That there shall be paid to the Chief Judge of the Superior Court twenty seven Shillings and to each Assistant Judge twenty four shillings Per Diem as a recom- pence for their Services while attending the Duties of their Office ; Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That it shall be the Duty of the Judges of the Superior Court in all Matters of Law by them decided on Writ of Error, Demurrer special Verdict or Motion in Arrest of Judgment, each one to give his opinion seriatim with the Reasons thereof, and the same reduce to Writing and subscribe, to be kept on file that the Case may be fully Reported, and if removed by Writ of Error be carreid up with greater Advantage and thereby a foundation be laid for a more perfect and permanent System of Common Law in this State, And it shall be the Duty of the Supreme Court of Errors to 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 325 Cause the Reasons of their Judgments to be Committed to Writing and Signed by one of the Judges, and to be lodged in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. An Act in Addtion to an Act entituled an Act for Constituting Judges and Justices of the Peace in this State and for empowering and directing them on their respective Offices. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same , That the Judges of the Superior Court for the time being respectively may and they are hereby fully Authorized and Impowered to exercise and execute the Office of Justice of the Peace in and throughout this State. An Act for encouraging and promoting the Commerce of this State — Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same , That the Cities and Ports of New London and New Haven shall be free Cities and Ports for the Term of seven Years from the first Day of June 1784; and all Foreigners or Citizens of the United American States removing to either of said Cities, and who obtain the Major Vote of the Inhabitants or the consent of the Civil Authority and Select Men of the Towns of New London or of New Haven, shall have Right to continue in said Towns and shall be entituled to and receive the same protection of Law in their Persons and Properties, which the Citizens of this State are entituled to have and receive. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Persons removing to and residing in either of said Cities for the Purpose of Commerce on obtaining Certificates of the Select Men of said Towns by Law required for admission of Freemen, and upon their taking the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity to this State and the Oath by Law to be taken by Freemen shall to all Intents and purposes become free Citizens of this State. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That Foreigners and Cityzens of any of the United States who shall come into or reside in either of said Ports or Cities shall be holden to pay no other or greater Duties or Taxes, than the Cityzens of this State residing in said Cities shall by Law be holden to Pay. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That any Mer- chants residing in said Cities or either of them or Company of Mer- chants, not consisting of more than three, who shall establish and keep up Mercantile Houses in said Cities or either of them of which Company one at least to be a resident in said Cities or one of them, and Foreigners and Subjects of any other the United States, who shall remove to and reside in either of said Cities for the Purposes of Commerce who shall Import annually into said Ports or either of them from Europe Asia or Africa, Goods Wares and Merchandize the Growth Produce or Manu- facture of said Countries to the Amount of three thousand Pounds Ster- 326 PUBLIC RECORDS May, ling, or who shall bring into said Cities two thousand Pounds in Money shall during the Term they shall so Import or bring to the Amount afore- said and within the said Term of seven Years, be exempted from Asses- ment for faculty for or on account of the Profits arising on such Impor- tation, so far as the Revenue of this or the United States are interested therein the value of such Goods Wares and Merchandize to be deter- mined by the Entries at the respective Naval Offices of said New London and New Haven ; at which Office shall be exhibited at the Time of Entry the original Invoices of said Goods and such Invoices shall be proved by an Examination under Oath of the Importer or some other Person who purchased the Same which Oath the said Naval Officer is hereby Impowered to Administer, And the amount of the Money Imported according to this Act shall be determined to the satisfaction of the Listers of said Towns respectively. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all Ships and other Vessels within this State which shall be employed four Months in one Year in the European Asiatic or African Commerce shall for those Years in which they shall be so employed be exempted out of the List and freed from Taxes in each Year wherein they shall be so employed. Provided nevertheless that no Person who having adhered to the King of Great Britain in the Course of the late War and under pretext of such Adherence has been Guilty of lawless and unauthorized Plunder- ing or Murther, or who has waged War against the United American States contrary to the Laws and Usages of Civilized Nations shall be entituled to the Privileges and Benefits of this Act. And it is further Provided that nothing in the foregoing Act shall be construed to interfere with or contradict any Regulations Orders or Resolutions that have or may be come into by the United States in Con- gress Assembled consonant to the Powers that already are or hereafter may be invested in them by the respective States for the purpose of regulating Commerce. Provided also that nothing herein shall be understood to imply a Countenanc to or allowance of the Slave Trade so called on the African Coast or elsewhere. An Act to enable the United States in Congress Assembled to Levy certain Duties and Imposts on certain Goods and Merchandizes Imported into this State, to be applied in payment of the Debts of the United States contracted for supporting the late War in compliance with a Resolution of Congress the eighteenth of April 1783.* Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same, That the United States in Congress Assembled be and they are hereby fully Authorized and Impowered to Levy for the Use of the United States aforesaid the following Duties upon Goods, imported into this State from any foreign See Jour. Cont. Cong., XXIV, 257-261. 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 327 Port Island or Plantation not within any of the United States upon all Rum of Jamaica Proof per Gallon four ninetieths of a Dollar, upon all other spirituous Liquors three ninetieths of a Dollar, upon all other spirituous Liquors three ninetieths of a Dollar upon Madeira Wine twelve ninetieths of a Dollar upon all other Wine six ninetieths of a Dol- lar, upon common Bohea Tea per Pound six ninetieths of a Dollar upon all other Teas twenty four Ninetieths of a Dollar, upon Pepper per Pound three ninetieths of a Dollar, upon Brown Sugar per Pound one half ninetieth of a Dollar, upon Loaf Sugar two ninetieths of a Dollar, upon all other Sugars one ninetieth of a Dollar ; upon Molasses one nine- tieth of a Dollar per Gallon upon Cocoa and Coffee per Pound one nine- tieth of a Dollar and upon all other Goods a Duty of five per Cent ad valorem at the Time and place of Importation for and during the Term of twenty five Years. Provided always and be it further Enacted by the Authority afore- said that the whole of said Duties shall be applied to the Discharge of the Interest and principal of the Debts contracted on the Faith of the United States for supporting the War agreable to the Resolution of the United States in Congress of the sixteenth Day of December last in the fol- lowing manner viz — Whenever the Duties aforesaid with other Funds that may be Provided for that purpose shall exceed the Sum requisite for payment of the annual Interest of the National Debt contracted as aforesaid, then the Surplus shall become a sinking fund and be inviolably Appropriated to the Payment of the Principal of the said Debt and shall on no Account be diverted to any other Use. Provided also that the United States in Congress Assembled shall as soon as the Public Debt can be liquidated furnish this State annually with the Amount thereof and the Interest thereon ; and also the Proceeds and disposition of the Funds Provided for the redemption thereof agreeable to the Resolution of Congress of the 16 th of Decemb r 1782.* And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid , That all such Rules and Ordinances as shall be made by the United States in Congress Assembled for Levying and Collecting said Duties not inconsistent with the Constitution and internal Police of this State shall be duely observed. Provided nevertheless that the Collectors of said Duties shall from Time to Time as there may be Occasion, be appointed by the General Assembly or in their Recess by the Governor and Council of this State, which Collectors shall be accountable and amenable to and removeable by the United States in Congress Assembled, who are also hereby Authorized to appoint such Collectors in Case this State do not appoint them within one Month after Notice received for that purpose' This Act to Commence and be in force as soon as the United States in Congress shall make and Publish an Ordinance for Collecting the aforesaid Duties in consequence of Similar Acts having been passed by all the other States in the Union. See Jour. Cont. Cong., XXIII, 809-810. 328 PUBLIC RECORDS May, An Act for levying and Collecting a Duty on Certain Articles of Goods Wares and Merchandize Imported into this State by Land or Water. Be it Enacted by the Governor Co'imcil & Representatives in General Court Assembled and by the Authority of the Same, That from and after the twenty third Day of June One thousand seven hundred and eighty four, there shall be paid on the following Articles Imported or brought into this State by Land or Water from any of the United States of America the following Duties viz. On all Wines per Gallon one shilling Brandy per Gallon eight Pence, Geneva per Gallon eight Pence Rum per Gallon four Pence, Snuff per Pound six Pence, Bohea Tea per Pound four Pence, all other India Teas per Pound two Shillings Coffee per Pound two Pence Chocolate per Pound two Pence Loaf Sugar per Pound three Pence, Brown Sugar per Pound one Penny all Malt Liquors not the Manufacture of the United States per Gallon one shilling and on Writing and printing Paper per Ream two shillings & six pence And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the twenty third Day of June one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, there shall be paid a Duty of five per Cent ad valorem at the Time and Place of Importation upon all other Goods Wares and Merchandize not before enumerated in this Act that are not the Growth Produce or Manufacture of the United States that shall be brought or Imported into this State by Land or Water from any of the United States. Provided nevertheless, That if any Goods Wares and Merchandize by this Paragraph of this Act liable to pay a Duty of five per Cent the Property of any Citizen or Cityzens of this State solely, and by such Citizen or Cityzens Imported into any other of the United States, from any foreign Port or Place with a Design and Intent to be Imported into this State, shall be Imported from such State into this State, such Goods Wares and Merchandize shall be exempted from paying the Duty imposed by this Paragraph of this Act Provided the Owner or Owners of such Goods shall make it appear to the satisfaction of the Judge of the County Court of that County in this State into which they shall be Imported that such Goods Wares and Merchandize come within the Proviso of this Paragraph of this Act and shall procure a Certificate from such Judge that such satisfaction hath been made and shall lodge the same with the Naval Officer of the Port if Imported by Water, or the Collector of the Town if Imported by Land, into which the said Goods Wares and Merchandize are Imported within forty eight Hours after the same shall have been thus Imported, And for the more effec- tually Collecting and securing the Duties Imposed by this Act. Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That at the Time of enter- ing every Ship or Vessell of the Burthen of thirty five Tons or more, shall be exhibited to the Naval Officer at whose Office such Ship or Vessell is entered, the Original Invoices of all the Articles contained in the Mani- fest herein after directed to be exhibited, which Invoices shall then be by the Oath of the Master of such Ship or Vessell, or some other Person Proved to be the Original Invoices of such Articles ; And twenty five per 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 329 Cent added to the Prices at which the Articles specified in such Invoices are set shall be deemed and taken to be the value of such Articles at the Time and Place of Importation, And the Oath to be taken by the Person proving such Invoices under Oath shall be as follows to wit — “You swear by the Name of the everliving God, that the Invoices by You made and exhibited to me are the true Original Invoices of the Articles which are therein specified and enumerated ; and that the Prices set to the Articles therein enumerated are the Prices at which those respective Articles were bona fide bought. So help You God.” And the Master of every Vessell or Boat under the Burthen of thirty five Tons or some other Person shall at the Time of exhibiting the Manifest herein after directed to be exhibited of the Cargo Imported in such Vessell or Boat, exhibit the original Invoice of the Articles contained in such Manifest, and prove the same in the same manner as is before provided in the last preceding Paragraph ; And every Person, Importing any Articles by Land into any Town in this State shall in like manner at the Time of rendering to the proper Collectors herein after Provided an Account of the Articles by him thus Imported exhibit and Prove by Oath the Original Invoice of such Articles. And the respective Naval Officers and Collectors are hereby Impowered to Administer said Oath ; and if any of the Cases aforesaid the Original Invoices shall not be exhibited and proved or in Case the Naval Officer or Collector to whom exhibited shall not be satisfied with the Proof of such Invoice, such Naval Officer or Collector may at his discretion Nom- inate and appoint two discreet Persons to determine and ascertain the Value at the Time and Place of Importation of the various Articles con- tained in the Manifest or Account exhibited ; which Persons shall be by the Naval Officer or Collector appointing them sworn well and truly to apprize such Articles at their true and Just value at the Time and place of Importation and the Cost and Expence attending such Apprisal shall be paid by the Master or other Person exhibiting the Manifest or Account herein after directed to be exhibited, And the Apprizers shall each have for such Service at the Rate of ten shillings per Day, and in any Case when such Apprizers shall not spend a whole Day in such Service the Naval Officer or Collector by whom they were appointed, shall determine what proportion of a Day they shall be paid for and his determination in such Case shall be final. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Master of every Ship or Vessell of the burthen of thirty five Tons or more, that shall after the twenty third Day of June next arrive at or come into any Port Harbour River or Creek in this State, shall within twenty four Hours after his thus arriving duly enter his Ship or Ves- sell at the Naval Office of that Port in which he arrives, and shall under Oath Exhibit to such Naval Officer a true and perfect Manifest in Writ- ing subscribed by him of every Article of Goods Wares and Merchandize Imported or brought into this State on board such Ship or Vessell, as well Of the Cargo and Lading of such Ship or Vessell as the Baggage of 330 public records May, Passengers, and the form of the Oath to be taken by such Master rela- tive to such Manifest shall be as follows — You swear by the Name of the everliving God that the Manifest by You now exhibited contains a true and perfect Account of all the Goods Wares and Merchandize taken on board Your Ship or Vessell and Imported by You in her from the Ports or Port from whence Your Ship or Vessell came And that the Bulk of Your Vessell hath not been broken, nor any Article whatever been unloaded therefrom according to Your best knoledge and belief. So help You God. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Master of every Vessell or Boat under the Burthen of thirty five Tons come- ing into any Port Harbour River or Creek in this State from any Place out of the State shall within twenty four Hours after arriving in any in any [sfc] such Port Harbour River or Creek, make and under Oath exhibit a true and perfect Manifest of every Article of Goods Wares and Merchandize Imported or brought into this State on board such Vessell or Boat as well of the Cargo and Lading of such Vessell or Boat as of the Baggage of Passengers, to the Naval Officer or Collector resi- dent in the Town in which such Vessell or Boat arrives, the form of which Oath shall be the same mutatis mutandis as the Oath herein before in the next preceding Paragraph Provided ; And the said Naval Officers and Collectors are hereby respectively Impowered to administer such Oath ; and the Master of every Ship or Vessell of the Burthen of thirty five Tons and upwards, and the Master of every Ship Vessell or Boat or some other Person in their behalf shall at the Time of exhibit- ing the Manifest by this Act required pay to the Naval Officer or Col- lector to whom such Manifest is exhibited the Duties by this Act payable on the Articles contained in such Manifest, or in Case the whole Amount of such Duties exceeds the Sum of four Pounds lawfull Money, give Bonds with two sufficient Sureties to such Naval Officer or Collector in double the Sum of such Duties, that the said Duties with the Interest thereof shall be paid within one Month from the Date of such Bond, and every Ship Vessell or Boat in which any Article of Goods Wares and Merchandize shall be Imported into this State, and of which a due and proper entry shall not be made at the proper Naval Office, according to the Requirements of this Act or of the Cargo of which a true and perfect Manifest shall not be exhibited according to the requirements and Provisions of this Act, and the Duties due on such Articles be paid or secured to be paid as is herein before directed, or out of which shall be unladen or taken by any Person whatever, any Article of Goods Wares and Merchandize before the Measures and procedure directed by this Act have been perfectly complied with, shall with its Tackle, Apparel Furniture and Cargoe whether on Board or u[n] laden be forfeited as lawfull Prize, and be Liable to be seized libelled and condemned by and to any Person whatever, in manner hereinafter directed, the one moiety whereof after deducting the Cost of Prosecution shall be to the Use of the Person seizing libelling and proscuting the same to final Condemna- tion, if a private Person, and the other Moiety to the Treasurer of this 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 331 State to and for the Use of this State ; but if the Person seizing Libelling and prosicuting be a Naval Officer of this State or a Collector appointed according to this Act or an informing Officer, one fifth part thereof shall after deducting the Cost of Prosecution be to the Use of the Naval Officer Collector or Informing Officer so seizing Libelling and prosecut- ing and four fifths thereof to the Treasurer of this State to and for the Use of this State; And all Naval Officers, and said Collectors and informing Officers are hereby directed to make diligent Enquiry after and prosecute all Breaches of this Act. And to prevent Doubts and Controversies relative to the Mode of Proceeding in Cases of Seizures made by Virtue of this Act — Be it further Enacted That every Person intending to make a Seizure by force of this Act shall make Complaint in Writing to some Assistant of this State or Justice of the Peace within and for that County in which the Vessell or other property to be Seized is in, such Complaint stating the Cause of Prosecution, and thereupon such Assistant or Justice having taken a Recognizance with good and sufficient Surety to the Treasurer of this State to a sufficient Amount Provided the Complaint is made by a Private Person that the Complainant shall prosecute his Complaint to effect and pay all such Costs and Damages which the Owner or Owners of the Property Seized may suffer or sustain by such Seizure and Prose- cution, together with all such Costs as shall be taxed in favour of the Claimant or Claimants by the Court finally trying said Cause, may and shall Issue a Warrant under his Hand a directed to some proper Officer him Commanding to Seize the Ship Vessell or Boat complained against together with her Tackle Apparrel Furniture and Cargo, whether on Board or unladen, and the same having seized to Cause to be Inven- toried by two Judicious Freemen Nominated in such Warrant, and keep in safe Custody till released by due Order of Law, and the Officer serving such Warrant shall forthwith Cause the Property by him Seized to be Inventoried by the Freemen in his Warrant Named, and such Property shall not be removed from the Store or Place where Seized untill such Inventory shall have been made and Signed by said Fremen, and a Copy thereof left at the Store or Place where the Property is Seized, or with the Owner thereof, if known by such Officer, and no Naval Officer or Collector appointed by force of this Act or Informing Officer, shall be Obliged to give Bond on any Warrant by them or either of them taken out on any Complaint made in their official Capacity, and no property seized by force of this Act shall be repleivable, And all Ships and Vessels of the Burthen of thirty five Tons or more with their Tackle Apparel Furniture and Cargoes Seized by Virtue of this Act shall within forty eight Hours after Seizure be libelled before the Judge of the County Court of that County in which Seized, or if such Judge is absent out of the County at the Time of Libelling, before the Senior Justice of the Quorum of such County present therein at the Time of Libelling ; And the County Court of that County in which such Seizure is made shall have full Power to hear try and determine said Libel according to the Provisions of this Act and the Person before whom 332 PUBLIC RECORDS May, the Libel is filed shall thereupon forthwith Issue a Montion in Writing under his Hand appointing the Time and Place of holding a County Court for the Tryal of such Libel, which County Court such Judge or Justice of the Quorum are hereby respectively Impowered to convene and such Monition shall as soon as may be thereafter be published for two successive Weeks exclusive of the Day of Tryal, in some public Newspapers in or nearest the Town where the Seizure is made ; and the Judge or Justice of the Quorum Issuing such Monition, shall in no Case appoint the Time of Tryal at the distance of more than twenty Days from the Date of the Monition, which shall in all Cases bear Date within forty eight Hours after the Seizure is made, and all Vessels and Boats under the Burthen of twenty five Tons and their Tackle Apparel Furniture or Cargoes Seized by Virtue of this Act shall and may be Libelled before the Judge of the County Court, and the Seignior Justice of the Quorum of that County in which the Seizure is made present in said County at the Time of Libelling, or in case the Judge of said County Court is absent out of said County at the Time of Libelling the same may be Libelled before the two Seignior Justices of the Quorum of such County present in such County at the Time of Libelling, And the said Judge and Justice of the Quorum or two Justices of the Quorum shall as to such Libel have the same Powers and Authorities, as the County Court by this Act have in Cases of Libels filed against Ves- sels and their Cargoes of thirty five Tons Burthen or Upwards. And a Monition signed by either of the Persons before whom by this Clause of this Act the Libel is to be filed shall be good and effectual, and the same Rules shall be observed with respect to the Date and Time of Pub- lishing such Monition, and appointing the Time of Tryal of such Libels that are herein before Provided in Cases of Libels to the County Court, And the Senior Justice of the Quorum shall be the Clerk of such Court, and shall be entituled to have and receive the same fees as the Clerk of the County Court by this Act is entituled to receive, And no Person shall be admitted to file his Claim on any Libel in any of the Cases aforesaid untill he shall have become bound to the Libellant before the Court before which the Libel is pending, with good and sufficient Surety. Jointly and severally, in a Recognizance to such amount as by such Court shall be directed, to prosecute his Claim to effect and pay all such Costs as shall be occasioned by filing such Claim and be allowed and taxed by such Court ; And such Claimant may in any of the Cases afore- said put in such special Claims as he may think proper and the Libellant shall on such Claim either specially reply Traverse Join Issue or Demurr and the Parties shall have the same Rights as to Pleading as Parties by Law have in Ordinary comon Law Cases. And in all the Cases afore- said the Cause shall be heard by the Court without a Jury, and an Appeal shall be allowed to either Party to the next Superior Court to be holden in that County where the Tryal is had ; And in Case the Libellant shall prevail against the Claimant, the Court before whom the Tryal is had shall Tax the Costs Occasioned by such Claim against the Claimant and his Surety, and Grant Execution against them or either of them therefor 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 333 in Common form under the Hand of the Clerk of the Court. And in Case the Claimant shall prevail against the Libellant, the Court before whom the Tryal is had shall Tax Cost in favour of the Claimant against the Libellant and his surety and grant Execution against them or either of them for such Cost in Common form under the Hand of the Clerk of the Court Provided the Libellant be a Private Person, but no Cost shall in any Case be taxed in favour of a Claimant against a Libellant who is a Naval Officer Collector or Informing Officer libelling in his Official Capacity, And the Judges and Justices of the Quorum aforesaid shall be allowed the same fees per Diem in any of the Cases aforesaid as they are allowed when sitting at a County Court, And the Clerks fees Sheriffs fees Witnesses Fees Libellants fees, and Attorneys fees, shall be as Stated and set in the following Table — viz — Clerks Fees £ s d For Citation for Appearence 0 2 0 For Summons for a Witness 0 1 0 For filing Papers & taxing Cost 0 3 0 For Interlocutory Decree Recording &c 0 2 0 For a Definitive Decree & Recording 0 6 0 For taking every Evidence in Court 0 1 0 For a Copy of a Libel 0 3 0 For a Copy of a Decree 0 6 0 For a Retraxit 0 1 0 For all Money paid into Court on Condemnation One eighth per Cent Poundage For entering a Motion for Appeal 0 1 0 For allowing or disallowing thereof 0 1 4 For all Copies not exceeding one sheet 0 1 0 If above one Sheet for every Sheet each Sheet contain- ing 400 Words 0 1 0 For every Adjournment 0 1 3 For every Bond to prosecute an Appeal 0 1 6 Sheriffs Fees For serving all Writs Citations and Warrants the same fees as is already by Law allowed in other Cases — One half per Cent upon the Sale of any Vessell Cargo and appurtenances Condemned, Provided the Amount thereof doth not exceed one Thou- sand Pounds, but when the Value and Sale of such Vessell Cargo and her Appurtenances shall exceed One Thousand Pounds, then the said Sheriff shall have one half per Cent upon the first Thousand Pounds, and one eighth per Cent upon all Sums over — For Witnesses per Day 0 4 0 For their Travel per Mile 0 0 4 Attorneys Fees For drawing a Libel 0 6 0 For Pleading thereto and attending the Court such fees as the Court shall Judge reasonable. 334 PUBLIC RECORDS May, And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Mas- ter of every Ship or Vessell of the Burthen of thirty five Tons or more who shall not duly enter his Ship or Vessell at the Proper Naval Office and also make a Manifest, and pay or Cause to be paid or secure or cause to be Secured the Duties payable by this Act, according to the Provisions aforesaid, or out of whose Ship or Vessell any Article what- ever shall be Landed or the Bulk of whose Ship or Vessell shall be broken before the Provisions of this Act relative to entering, making a Manifest, paying or securing to be paid, the Duties payable by this Act shall have been compleatly complied with shall forfeit and pay the Sum of five hundred Pounds, — And in Cases of Vessels or Boats under the Burthen of thirty five Tons, the Master shall in the Cases specified in the next preceding Paragraph forfeit the Sum of One Hundred Pounds. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that there shall be appointed by the respective County Courts of the several Counties within whose Limits the several Towns in which the Collectors by this Act directed to be appointed are Situate, to continue in Office during the Pleasure of the General Assembly, a Collector in each of the Towns of Greenwich Stamford Fairfield, Stratford Milford, Derby Branford Guilford, Killingworth Saybrook Lyme, Groten Stonington, Preston Voluntown Killingley Pomfret Woodstock Union Stafford Somers Enfield Suffield Symsbury Hartland Colebrook Norfolk Canaan Salis- bury Sharon Kent New Milford New Fairfield, Danbury Ridgfield Haddam East Haddam Chatham Weathersfield Glastonbury Hartford East Hartford, Windsor East Windsor and Windham, which Collectors shall each give Bonds with two sufficient Sureties to the Treasurer of this State in the Sum of five Hundred Pounds, That such Collector shall well and faithfully to the best of his Abilities Collect all such Duties as by this Act are to be by him Collected and that he will once in three Months faithfully transmitt to the Treasurer of this State for the Time being a true and Just Account under Oath of all such Duties as shall be by him Collected, and also a true and Just Account of such Duties as have been secured to be paid to him according to the Provision of this Act, and that he will once in three Months pay over to the said Treasurer all such Monies or Certificates for Interest as he shall receive for Duties Imposed by this Act, and each Collector shall before some Assistant or Justice of the Peace previous to his entering upon the Execution of his Office take the following Oath — You swear by the Name of the everliving God that You will well and faithfully execute the Office of Collector of Import so long as You shall Continue in said Office according to the Condition of the Bond You have given as Collector as aforesaid, So help You God. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Person Importing by Land from any Place out of this State into either of said Towns either for the Purposes of Traffic or his own Consump- tion any Articles whatever, by this Act liable to a Duty, shall within twenty four Hours after such Articles or Articles [,«V] shall have been 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 335 thus Imported render under Oath a true and Just Account in Writing of the Quantity and kind of each Article thus Imported, which Oath such Collector is hereby Impowered to administer And such Person shall thereupon at the Time of rendering such Account pay in Hand to such Collector the Duty payable on such Articles or if the Amount of the Duties exceed the Sum of four Pounds become bound to such Col- lector in a Bond with two sufficient Sureties, in the same manner in all respects as is herein before prescribed with respect to Duties payable to a Naval Officer, and it shall be the Duty of the Naval Officer or Collector to whom a Manifest or Account shall be, according to the Requirement of this Act exhibited, And the Duties Payable on the Goods Wares and Merchandize enumerated in such Manifest or Account paid to give a Certificate thereof, if required by the Person exhibiting such Manifest or Account and paying such Duties ; and if at the Time of seizing any Ship Vessel Boat Goods Wares or Merchandize, there shall not be exhibited such Certificate to the Officer making such Seizure by the Person from whom taken, or some other Person in his behalf, no Cost or Damage shall be allowed the Prosecutor of such Ship Vessell Boat Goods Wares or Merchandize, although such Prosecutor may pre- vail against the Libellant on a Claim and Tryal any Thing in this Act to the Contrary notwithstanding. And if any Person whatsoever shall Import by Land into this State any Article whatsoever lyable by this Act to the payment of a Duty and shall not render an Account thereof to the Collector and also pay or secure to be paid as the Case shall require the Duties payable by this Act according to the Provisions of this Act every such Article so Imported together with the Horse or Horses Oxen Cart Waggon or Carriage used and employed in Importing the same or transporting the same from one place to another after having been so Imported shall be forfeited in the same manner, and may be seized Libelled and proceeded against in the same manner and disposed of to the same Persons and purposes as is herein before Provided with respect to Vessels or Boats under the Burthen of thirty five Tons and their Cargoes that are forfeited by this Act, And every Person who shall Import by Land into this State or be aiding or assisting therein any Articles whatever liable by this Act to the Payment of a Duty without rendering a true and Just account thereof according to the Provisions of this Act to the Proper Collector and paying or securing to be paid the Duties Payable on such Articles according to the Require- ments of this Act shall forfeit and pay for each Offence double the value of such Articles, and all the foregoing Pecuniary Penalties shall be recoverable by Action of Debt brought before any County Court proper to try the same, and shall be in Case of being sued for by any Private Person one half to him who sues for and recover the Same and the other half to the Treasurer of this State to and for the Use of the State., And in Case of being Sued for by a Naval Officer or Collector appointed by this Act or any Informing Officer, such Penalty shall one fifth part thereof be to the Naval Officer Collector or Informing Officer 336 public records May, suing therefor, and the other four fifths to the Treasurer of the State to and for the Use of this State, Provided nevertheless , That when any of said Penalties shall be sued for by a Naval Officer Collector or Informing Officer, the Defend 1 in such Action shall not recover any Cost against such Plantiff notwith- standing the Cause may have been Decided in favour of the Defend 11 , nor shall the Defend t in such Case be liable to pay Cost to such naval Officer. And it is hereby declared to be the Duty of said Naval Officer Collector and all Informing Officers to Prosecute every Breach of this Act, where a Pecuniary Penalty is thereby Incurred. And he it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that every Naval Officer and Collector, as soon as any Bond taken by him for the payment of Duties shall become due, shall as soon as may be put the same in Suit against all the Obliger, and no Appeal or revue shall be allowed in any such Suit, and those Bonds that are not Cognizable by a Single Minister of Justice may be put in Suit before any Court proper to try the same, who are hereby Authorized to hear try and determine the same without a Jury Tax Costs and grant Execution in Common Form. And he it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Monies arising from the Duties Imposed by this Act, shall be appro- priated to pay the Interest of the Monies Loaned to this State, and the respective Naval Officers and Collectors may receive Certificates of Interest by the Treasurer of this State for such Duties. Provided nevertheless that no Certificate for Interest bearing Date before the first Day of last February shall be receivable by such Naval Officers or Collectors. Provided nevertheless, That nothing in this Act contained shall be Construed to oblige the Master of any Sloop or Vessell of thirty five Tons Burthen or more bound to any other Port in this State or to some Port in any other State that may happen to come into some Port Har- bour or Creek, other than that to which such Ship Vessell or Boat is destined, to enter such Ship or Vessell at the Naval Office of that Port in which such Ship or Vessell may happen to come, Provided the Master of such Ship or Vessell do not Continue in such Port Harbour River or Creek, more than seventy two Hours, or in Case of being obliged through stress of Weather to continue longer do make Report of his Ship Vessell and Cargo to the proper Naval Officer as soon as may be after said seventy two Hours. And Provided nevertheless, That no Master of any Vessell or Boat under the Burthen of thirty five Tons that may happen to come into some Port Harbour River or Creek in this State, but bound to some other Place in this State or to some other Place in another State, shall by force of this Act be compellable to make a Manifest of his Cargo to the Collector of that Town in which such Vessell or Boat may happen so to come Provided such Vessell or Boat do not continue in such Port or Harbour more than seventy two Hours, or in Case of being obliged by 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 337 Stress of Weather do continue longer, the Master thereof do make Report to such Collector of her Cargo as soon as may be after seventy two Hours. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Col- lector to whom the Master of any Vessell or Boat under the Burthen of thirty five Tons, shall make and exhibit a Manifest agreeable to this Act, shall be entituled to receive from such Master six shillings for receiving such Manifest and administering the Oath required thereto and shall also be entituled to receive for every Bond by him taken for Duties the Sum of two shillings and the respective Naval Officers shall be entituled to the same fees for like Services, And the Naval Officer to whom the Master of any Ship or Vessell of thirty five Tons Burthen or more, shall make and exhibit a Manifest according to this Act shall be entituled to receive from such Master nine shillings for receiving such Manifest and administering the Oath required thereto, and two shillings for each Bond by him taken for the Payment of Duties. And Whereas it often Happens that Goods Wares and Merchandize the property of Citizens of the Neighbouring States, are Shipped on. Board of Ships Vessells and Boats the Property of s d Citizens of this State, and Imported into this State in order to be from this State transported to some other States. Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in all the Cases afore- said such Goods Wares and Merchandize shall be exempted from the Payment of the Duties by this Act imposed. Provided the Person owner of such Goods, or some other Person in his or their behalf do within twenty four Hours after the Ship Vessell or Boat in which the same were Imported into this State at the Port of delivery in this State, become bound to the naval Officer of the Port of a Ship or Vessell of thirty five Tons or more or to the Naval Officer or Collector of the Town if under the Burthen of thirty five Tons in a Sum equal to the value of the Goods Wares and Merchandize thus intended to be trans- ported out of this State, that such Goods shall not be sold in this State, but transported out therefrom within one Week, And the Naval Officer or Collector taking such Bond shall receive from the Person giving the same three shillings lawfull Money. And be it further Enacted That when any Naval Officer Collector or informing Officer shall by Virtue of this Act Seize and Libel any Vessell Boat Goods Wares or Merchandize or shall Commence any Suit for the recovery of any of the Pecuniary Penalties of this Act, and shall fail of supporting such Libel or such Action, the Cost of such Naval Officer Collector or Informing Officer shall be defrayed out of the Public Treasury of this State, and the Court before which the Tryal is had, in either of the Cases aforesaid shall tax such Cost and draw an Order therefor on the Treasurer of the State accordingly. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Person exhibiting a Manifest Invoice or Account, according to the Requirements of this Act and making Oath to such Manifest Account or 338 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Invoice, shall be convicted of falsifying the Truth in any Particular, which such Oath respects; the person so falsifying the Truth shall be adjudged Guilty of wilfull Perjury, and shall suffer the Pains and Penalties to be inflicted, according to the Provisions of a certain Statute of the State, Entituled An Act for the Punishment of Perjury, and any Person convicted of willfull and corrupt Perjury against the form of said Statute. And the Naval Officers Collecting Duties by force of this Act, shall be Entituled to receive out of the Duties by them Collected at the Rate of two and a half per Cent for their Labour Trouble and expence in and about the Execution of the Duties of their said Office, And the Collectors appointed in pursuance of this Act shall be entituled to receive out of the Duties by them Collected, at the Rate of five per Cent for their Labour Trouble and expence in and about the Execution of the Duties of their Office. An Act in addition to an Act entitled an Act for laying an Excise on sundry Articles of Consumption within this State. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same — That the Act aforesaid shall extend and the same is hereby extended in every Article and Provision thereof to every Intent and Purpose to all Goods Wares and Merchandize not enumerated in said Act except the Growth and Manufacture of this or the United States that shall from and after the first Day of July next, be sold by retail within this State and that the Excise to be paid on all Articles to which said Act did extend laying an Excise of five per Cent, and to which it is hereby extended, shall be two and half per Cent on the Value thereof in Lawfull Money at the Time of purchasing or procuring the same by the Person or Persons, who shall Retail or consume the same, any Law Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding — And Whereas Doubts have arisen in some Cases as to what shall be considered Selling by Retail within the Meaning of said Act Be it fur- ther Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Sales that shall here- after be made in this State of Imported Wine or distilled Spirits by less Quantity than forty Gallons Bohea Tea by less Quantity than seventy five Pounds, other Teas by less Quantity than fifty Pounds, Coffee by less quantity than one hundred Pounds neat Weight, Imported Choc- olate by less Quantity than fifty Pounds, Imported Loaf Sugar by less Quantity than One Hundred Pounds neat Weight: other Imported Sugars by less Quantity than two hundred Gross Weights, and all Imported Salt by less Quantity than thirty Bushels at one Time shall be Considered a Selling by Retail within the meaning of said Act ; And that all Sales that shall hereafter be made of any other Goods or Articles enumerated in said Act, or to which the same is by this Act extended as aforesaid to any Person or Persons whatever, except by wholesale to some Retailers in this State duely Licensed as in said former Act is provided, and whose Licence shall be in force and produced to the 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 339 Venders at the Time of such Sale, shall be considered a Selling by Retail within the meaning of this Act and be subject to the Payment of the Excise accordingly. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Excise for the future on all Imported Wines shall be nine pence per Gallon, on all Imported Brandy six pence per Gallon, on all Imported Geneva six pence per D°; on all Bohea Tea four pence per Pound, on all other India Tea one shilling and six pence per D°; on Imported Chocolate two pence per Pound, on all Imported Malt Liquors six pence per Gallon, on all foreign Salt three pence per Bushell on all Brown Sugar half penny per Pound; any Law Usage or Custom to the Contrary notwithstanding. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Col- lectors of Excise shall upon their rendering their Account to the Treas- urer of the State agreeable to the Provision of said Act, take a Cer- tificate from the Treasurer of their having so done and lodge the same with the Clerk of the County Courts in the County to which they respec- tively belong within One Month from the Time of taking the Same on Pain of forfeiting the Penalty of their s d Bonds, And it shall be the Duty of the States Attorneys in these respective Counties to enquire after such Certificates and to prosecute all delinquent Collectors for Breach of this Act. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That for the future the several Collectors of Excise in this State, shall be entituled to receive only five per Cent on the Moneys Collected instead of seven and a half per Cent which they have been heretofore allowed by said Act. An Act laying a Duty in certain Cases. Whereas a considerable Part of the Expence arising annually to this State for the Support of Civil Government, is incurred in the executive and Judicial Departments, as an Expedient and further mean for Pro- viding for the same. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same, that there be laid and raised for the Purpose aforesaid the following Duties on Sums viz On all Writs returnable for Tryal before a Single Minister of the Law One shilling to be paid at the Time of Issuing the same, and to the Authority that shall sign them, on all Writs returnable for Tryal before any Court of Common Plea or City Court two shillings payable as aforesaid On all Writs returnable for Tryal before the Superior Court six shillings payable as aforesaid, On all Writs returnable for Tryal before the Supreme Court of Errors twelve shillings payable as aforesaid ; On all Appeals from the Judgment of a Single Minister of the Law three shillings payable to such Minister at the Time of Grant- ing the same, on all Appeals from a Judgment of the Court of Com- mon Pleas or a City Court six shillings, and on all Continuances in the 340 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Courts of Common Pleas and City Courts nine Pence, and in the Supe- rior Courts one shilling & six pence Payable to the Clerks of such Courts respectively at the Time of granting the Same, and on every Register of a Vessell taken out in this State six shillings payable in the Naval Office from whence the same shall Issue at the Time of taking out the Same. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that it shall be and it is hereby made the Duty of each and every of the Officers afore- said who are made Receivers of said Duties annually in the Month of May by the twentieth Day of said Month, to render an Account to the Treasurer of this State of all Moneys by them received in as aforesaid, specifying the Number of Writs and the number of Appeals on which the same has been received, and the same after deducting six pence on the Pound which shall be allowed them for their Trouble and Expence punctually pay over to said Treasurer, And that the Treasurer before the expiration of said Month of May annually shall make a return to the General Assembly of all said Accounts returned to him, and of the Names of such Officers who are made Receivers as aforesaid as shall have neglected to return their Accounts to him as aforesaid. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Writ served after the first Day of July next or Appeal from the Judgment of a single Minister of the Law taken after that Time, or other Appeal taken after the rising of this Assembly on which a Duty is laid as afore- said, shall be valid or Authentic in Law, unless the Authority signing such Writ or Certifying the Copies of such Appeal, shall Certify thereon in Writing that said Duty thereon is paid. Always Provided that no Duty to be paid on any Writ as aforesaid shall be taxed in a Bill of Cost against a Defend 1 in any Suit in Case he shall not appear but suffer a Judgment upon Default on the first calling of the same. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Sums that shall or may be raised and Collected as aforesaid shall be and they are hereby Pledged and appropriated for the Sole Use of supporting the Civil Government of this State. An Act in addition to, and alteration of an Act intitled an Act for the direction of Listers in their Office and Duty* — Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same, That every Ox or Steer of four Years old and upward shall be set in the List at three Pounds ; every Steer of three Years old and every Cow or Heifer of three Years old and upward at two Pounds every Heifer or Steer of two Years old at one Pound, all Bulls more than one owned by One Person shall be set in the List at this Rate of Steers or Oxen of the same Age That all Neat Cattle under two Years old shall be exempted out of the List. That the Listers in the several Towns in this State shall some Time in the Month of Septemb r next consider the Circum- Passed in May, 1779. Conn. State Rees., II, 256-263. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 341 stances and Quality of each Dwelling House in said Town respectively, and the Land adjoining thereto not exceeding one Quarter of an Acre and shall set in the List of the Owner or Owners of such House or Houses and Lands, the One half of the Sum or Sums said Listers shall Judge said House or Houses and Lands would Rent for annually, And that all Stores and Shops Leased or rented out for Storage or Mer- chandize or Grounds rented for Buildings erected by others thereon the Owner or Owners thereof shall be set in the List one half the annual actual Rent thereof or the Value thereof to be estimated by the Listers as aforesaid. And if any Person or Persons shall be aggrieved by the determination of such Listers, he or they shall have Liberty to Appeal to the Authority and select Men in the same manner as is Provided by Law in other Cases of this Nature any Law Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding. This Act so far as it respects the selling of Dwelling Houses in the List to be and remain in force untill the rising of this Assembly in May next and no longer. An Act in addition to a Law of this State Entituled an Act for constituting and regulating Courts and appointing the Times and Places for holding the same — Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same. That for the future the Times and Places of holding the Superior and County Courts in the County of Fairfield, shall be as follows viz for the Superior Court at Fairfield on the last Tuesday save two of August annually, and at Danbury on the last Tuesday save two of February annually, And for the County Court at said Fairfield on the third Tuesday of April annu- ally, and at said Danbury on the third Tuesday of Novemb r annually, And that any adjourned or special Court may be holden at such Time and Place within either of said Towns in said County as the respective Courts shall Order and determine. Provided nevertheless That this Act nor any Thing herein contained shall have any Effect untill a proper and suitable Court House and Goal shall be erected and Provided within said Town of Danbury, without any expence to said County of Fairfield. An Act in addition to a Law entituled an Act for stating limiting and naming the Counties in this State. Whereas in the late Revision of the Laws of this State the Town of Windsor was omitted to be entered in the List of Towns for the County of Hartford, when it ought to be inserted in said List next after the Town of Hartford* — Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same That the Town of Windsor be included in and be part of the County of Hartford. Acts and Laws of Connecticut (1784), p. 26. 342 PUBLIC RECORDS May, An Act in addition and alteration of an Act entituled an Act for constitut- ing and regulating Courts and appointing the Times and Places of holding the same. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same , That all Suits for Relief in Equity against any Judgment given or cause depending at Law in the Superior Court shall be brought to the Superior Court, and not to any of the County Courts any Law Usage or Custom to the con- trary notwithstanding. An Act to encourage the destroying of Wolves. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same, That if any Inhabitant of this State, shall kill any full grown Wolf or Wolfs Whelps within the Limits of any Town in this State, he shall be entituled to a Premium of three Pounds for every such full grown Wolve and thirty shillings for every Wolves Whelp he shall kill as aforesaid to be paid out of the public Treasury of this State upon producing a Certificate thereof from any one Assistant or Justice of the Peace which Certificate shall not be given untill it shall be proved before such Assistant or Jus- tice either by the Oath of the Person requesting a Certificate or other sufficient Evidence that each Wolve or Whelp has been killed in manner aforesaid, and that no other Certificate has been given thereof, nor untill such Assistant or Justice shall have caused the Ears to be cut off from the Head of every such Wolve or Wolves Whelp. An Act in alteration of the Act entituled an Act to promote the making of Raw Silk within this State.* Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same , That the Act entituled an Act to promote the making of Raw Silk be and the same is hereby repealed and made void. Provided nevertheless that whatever may have been done since the passing said Act hereby Repealed in pursuance thereof shall not be affected by this Act. Be it further Enacted That whoever shall make any Raw Silk from Worms and Mulberry Trees of his own raising within this State by properly winding the same from Balls or Cocoons after the first Day of July next and for ten Years next thereafter, shall as a Bounty from the Treasury of this State have and receive two pence lawfull Money for each ounce of such Silk well dryed, which such Person or Persons shall make as aforesaid, which Bounty shall be paid out of the Duties arising on the Importation of foreign Articles into this State, Be it further Enacted, That it shall be the Duty of any two Justices of the Peace upon the application of anv Person or Persons Claiming See above, p. 256. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 343 any Bounty by Virtue of this Act carefully to examine such Claim and upon Proof that the same is well founded shall give a Certificate to such Person or Persons Claiming as aforesaid living within their County, specifying on what Account such Bounty becomes due and upon such Certificate being delivered to the Treasurer of this State he shall pay the same. And the Treasurer shall keep an Account of all the Monies paid by Virtue of this Act. And be it further Enacted That if any Person or Persons shall wil- fully and knowingly procure more than one Certificate as aforesaid for any one Bounty to which he might be entituled by Virtue of this Act with a view to defraud this State he shall upon legal Conviction thereof suffer the same Pains and Penalties as if he had been legally convicted of Forgery. An Act relative to Debts due to Persons who have been and remained within the Enemies Power, or Lines during the late War. Whereas divers Persons proper Subjects of this or other of the United States have in the late War between Great Britain and America from Choice or Otherwise, either removed to or continued under the British Government, and have been inaccessible by such of the Citizens of said States who are indebted to them so as to pay or discharge said Debts or the Interest thereof, therefore that no Injustice be done in this Respect — Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the Same — That in every Suit or Prosecution that shall or may be commenced by any Person or Persons that has gone to or remained with the Enemy, against any Person or Persons that has remained without the Power of the Enemy, it shall and may be lawfull for the Court in which such Suit shall be Commenced or Prosecuted, and said Court is hereby Authorized on Motion of the Defend 11 or his Attorney to try and determine said Cause or Matter in Controversy according to the Rules of Equity, or appoint three Refferees at the Option of the Court to try the Matters in Contro- versy, and the Defend 1 shall and hereby is allowed to plead before such Court or Refferees any special Matter relative either to principal or Interest and if it shall appear to said Court or Refferees that the special Matter alledged and proved by the Defend t is of such a Nature that in Equity and good Conscience, abatement either from the Principal or Interest of any Sum or Sums due by such Defend t or Defendants ought to be made. That on Report of the Refferees or finding of the Court, such Court is Authorized and Impowered as a Court of Chancery to make such Order and Decree thereon as in Justice and equity such Court shall find equitable both in relation to the Debt and Cost of Suit. An Act for incorporating a Part of the Town of Hartford. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same, That all the 344 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Inhabitants being Freemen of this State and dwelling in said Hartford within the following Limits viz — beginning at a Place called the Dutch Ground upon the Highland on the Bank of the Great River on the Southerly side of said River as it now runs in the Lott belonging to Thomas Seymour Esq r and from thence a streight Line to the Nortk- west Corner of Joshua Hempsteds dwelling House, thence a Westerly Line to the northwest Corner of James Steel 8 dwelling House, from thence a Northwesterly Course to the Southwest Corner of James Shep- ard 8 Malthouse from thence Northerly a streight Line to the upper Mills so called including said Mills, thence Northerly in a streight Line to the North West Corner of Cap t John Olcott 8 dwelling House includ- ing said House and from thence turning and running due East a strait Course to the Great River, be and the same hereby are ordained Con- stituted and declared to be from Time to Time and forever hereafter one Body Corporate and Politic in Fact and in Name, by the Name of the Mayor, Aldermen, Common Council, and Freemen, of the City of Hartford, and that by that Name they and their Successors forever shall and may have perpetual succession, and be Persons in Law capable of sueing and being sued Pleading and being Impleaded in all Suits of what Nature soever ; and also to purchase hold and convey any Estate real or Personal, and may have a Common Seal, and may Change and alter the same at Pleasure and shall be Freemen of said City. And be it further Enacted that the Mayor Aldermen Common Coun- cil and Freemen of said City, shall have a Jurisdiction in all Commer- cial Matters on Connecticut River opposite said Town of Hartford, and that the Sheriffs of said City appointed and Impowered as hereafter Provided shall have Power and Authority to execute all lawfull Writs and Precepts on said Connecticut River opposite said Town. Provided nevertheless, That no Power or Authority is hereby granted to regulate or effect the Fisheries or Ferry in and upon said River or to prevent any Vessell Boat or other Water Craft from passing or repass- ing said Port of Connecticut River, or from having Commercial Inter- course with Inhabitants residing without the aforesaid Limits of said City, free from any Duties and Toll to be Imposed by said City. And Whereas there are many Persons living within said Limits who by Law are Qualified to be freemen of the State that have not taken the Oath Provided by Law to be taken by Freemen — Be it Enacted That all such Persons living within said Limits who shall before the fourth Monday of June next procure the Major part of the Select Men of the said Town of Hartford to Certify that they are Qualified to be admitted and made free of this State, and shall after procuring such Certificate, take before some Assistant of this State or Justice of the Peace within and for the County of Hartford the Oath Provided by Law for Freemen shall to all the Purposes in this Act mentioned be considered as freemen of this State and Freemen of the said City of Hartford. And for the better Government of said City, Be it further Enacted, 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 345 That there shall be a Meeting of said City holden annually in the Month of March at such Time and Place as by the Bye Laws of said City shall be directed for the Purpose of Choosing all the Annual Officers of said City, and the Annual Officers of said City, Chosen at such Meet- ing shall continue in Office untill the expiration of the Month of March then next unless others shall be sooner Chosen and Qualified in their stead. And the said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall Choose a Mayor who shall hold his Office during the Pleasure of the General Assembly, and at their annual Meeting shall Choose four Aldermen and a Common Council of not more than Twenty and two Sheriffs out of the Freemen of said City, all which Officers, and all other Officers of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof the Inspectors of Produce excepted shall be Chosen by Ballot, and on each Ballot which is given in shall be written the Name of the Person for whom the same is given, and such Ballot shall be rolled up and in the Presence of the Mayor and Aldermen of said City, or such of them as are Present at such Meeting put by the Person giving the same into a Box, which said City shall Provide for that purpose, which Box shall be a Close Box with a Hole of a convenient Size in the Lid thereof through which to put in the Ballot, And when the Freemen present at any City Meeting shall have had reasonable Time to give in their Ballott, either of the Sheriffs of said City or in the absence of both of the Sheriffs the Junior Alderman Present in the Presence of the Mayor and Aldermen, or such of them as are present at such Meeting shall open the said Box, and the Mayor and Aldermen or such of them as are Present shall open sort and Count the Ballots and the Person who shall have a Majority of the Ballots given in, shall by the Sheriffs or in their Absence by the Junior Aider- man present be declared to be Elected, and no Ballot shall be received after the Box shall have been opened. And said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall have Power to Levy Taxes on the Polls and Estate within the Limits of said City for such Purposes as the City shall think proper agreeable to the Power and Priveleges granted to the Freemen of said City by Virtue of this Act of Incorporation, and to Chuse a Col- lector or Collectors to Collect such Tax who shall having received a Warrant for that purpose Signed by the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said City have the same Powers as Collectors of Town Taxes by Law have, and shall be accountable to the Mayor and Aldermen of said City in the same manner as Collectors of Town Taxes by Law are accountable to the Select Men, and in Case any Collector shall not perform the Trust Committed to him but shall fail of Collecting such Rate accord- ing to the Terms of the Warrant committed to him on Complaint thereof made by the Aldermen of said City to the Mayor thereof he shall Issue his Warrant under his Hand directed to either of the Sheriffs of said City to distrain the Sums or Rates neglected by such Collector to be Collected or paid out of the Estate of the Collector. Provided nez’ertheless That nothing in this Act shall extend or be Construed to extend to enable the Freemen of said City at their Legal 346 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Meeting to Grant or Levy any Taxes on the Polls or Estate contained in said City for the purpose of Paving the Street or Highways within said City, or of erecting Wharves upon said Connecticut River without Previous application made therefor to the General Assembly of this State and special Authority from said Assembly obtained for such Purpose. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Sheriffs of said City shall severally within the Limits of said City have the same Powers and Authorities, and be liable to the same Suits and Penalties for neglect of Duty in any Case whatsoever to all Intents and Purposes as Sheriffs by Law now have and are. And the said City shall be liable to answer in Case of the Inability of said Sheriffs or either of them for the Default of said Sheriffs in all Cases relative to their Office, and said Sheriffs shall severally give Bond with Sureties in such manner as by the Bye Laws of said City shall be directed for a faithfull discharge of the Duties of that Office before they shall be capable of executing the Same, And in case either of the Persons Chosen Sheriff shall not give Bond with sureties according to the Bye Laws of said City, the said City may proceed to Chuse another Sheriff in his Room, and the said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall Choose a Treasurer for said City to continue in Office during the Pleasure of said City, which Treasurer shall have the same Power and Authorities as Town Treasurers by Law now have and shall be accountable to said City. And be it further Enacted, that there shall be holden on the second Tuesday of every Month in said City a City Court, which Court shall have Power to adjourn from Time to Time and shall have Cognizance of all Civil Causes wherein the Title of Land is not Concerned by Law Cognizable by the County Courts in this State provided the Cause of Action arise within the Limits of said City and one or both of the Parties live within the Limits of said City, and said City Courts shall as to the Causes by them Cognizable, to all Intents and Purposes, have the same Powers and Authorities and proceed in the same manner and Grant Executions as said County Courts now or hereafter by Law shall have proceed and Grant and the Executions granted by said City Courts shall be served and returned in the Same manner as the Executions granted by the said County Court ; And an Appeal shall be allowed to either Party from the Judgment or determination of said City Courts to the next Superior Court to be holden in the County of Hartford in all Causes in which an Appeal now or hereafter by Law shall be allowed from the said County Courts, the prevailing party however if Plantiff may such Appeal notwithstanding take out Execution on such Judgment for the Debt or Damages and Costs recovered in such City Courts against the Defend 1 or Defend 18 and Levy the said Execution and Col- lect the Money thereon Provided he does previous to his taking out such Execution become bound with two sufficient Sureties before the Mayor of the said City, or one of the Judges of said City Court in a 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 347 Recognizance (which Recognizance the Mayor of said City and the Judges of said City Court are respectively impowered to take, in double the Sum of said Judgments, that he will within one Week after final Judgment on the Appeal refund so much of the Judgment of said City Court as shall on such Execution be collected, and shall not be by him recovered before the Court to which the Appeal is taken, and the Inter- est thereof together with the Execution fees that shall accrue and be paid by the Defend t or Defendants on said Execution and no Appeal shall be allowed on any Suit Commenced on such Recognizance ; And in every Action brought before said City Court in which the Pltf lives without the Limits of said City or is a Mariner or Seaman Sueing for Wages due to him for Services in his occupation and the Defend 1 lives within the Limits of said City, no Appeal shall be allowed the Defend 1 unless the Matter in demand exceed the Sum of fifty Pounds Lawfull Money but if the Matter in demand exceed said Sum an Appeal shall be allowed the Defend 1 in the Same manner and under the same Regu- lations as Appeals are allowable in other Causes Cognizable by said City Court, and no Writ of Error brought for the Reversal of any Judg- ment of the said City Court or of the said Mayor or either of said Alderman, shall be a supersedeas or have any force to stay the Issuing Levying or Collecting of Execution. And said City Court shall have full Power to appoint and swear a Clerk for said Court to continue in Office during the Pleasure of said Court who shall as to matters relative to his office as Clerk of said Court have the same Powers and Authori- ties to all Intents and purposes as the Clerk of the County Courts in this State by Law have, And the Oath to be taken by said Clerk shall be the same mutatis Mutandis as the Oath provided by Law to be taken by the Clerks of the County Courts in this State And the Mayor of said City or in his absence the senior Assistant Judge of said City Court may at the special Instance and Cost of any Person moving therefor hold a special City Court at such Time and Place within said City as the Mayor or Judge, ordering the Same shall appoint ; which Court shall proceed in this same manner have the Same Powers and Authorities and in all respects be under the same Regulations as the Stated City Courts of said City, and all the taxable fees of said City Court shall be the Same as the taxable fees of the County Courts of this State. And be it further Enacted that the Mayor of said City for the Time being and the two Aldermen first Chosen at the Annual Meeting of said City or at their first Meeting shall compose the said City Court and be the Judges thereof, and the Mayor shall be the Chief Judge of said Court, and the said two Aldermen shall be the Assistant Judges of said Court any two of whom in the Absence of the other taking to their Assistance the senior Alderman present, that is not a Judge of said Court or if neither of the Aldermen that are not Judges of said Court can attend one of the Justices of the Peace within and for the County of Hartford resident within said City shall have Power to hold a City 348 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Court. And if at any City Court there shall be but one Judge present he shall take to his Assistance two other Aldermen of said City, and in Case one or both of them cannot attend, he shall take one or two of the Justices of the Peace as the Case may require of the County of Hart- ford resident within the said City and they shall have the same Power to hold a City Court as the Judges of the said City Court have. And be it further Enacted that the Mayor and Aldermen of said City shall be severally within the Limits of said City have Cognizance of all Civil Causes by Law cognizable by a Justice of the Peace Provided the Cause of Action arise within the Limits of said City, and one or both of the Parties live within the same, And the said Mayor and Aldermen shall as to the Causes by them severally cognizable have the same Powers and Authorities and proceed in the Same manner as Justices of the Peace now or hereafter have and proceed. And an Appeal shall be allowed from the Judgment or determination of said Mayor and Aldermen in any Cause by them Cognizable severally to the next City Court to be holden within said City in all Causes in which an Appeal is now or hereafter shall be allowed from the Judgment of a Justice of the Peace, the prevailing Party however if Plantiff may such Appeal not- withstanding take out Execution on such Judgment provided he give Bond before the Mayor of said City or one of the Judges of said Court in the same manner as is provided in Cases of Appeal from said City Court. And in every Action brought before the Mayor, or either of the Aldermen of said City in which the Plantiff lives without the Limits of said City, or in which the Plantiff is a Mariner or Sea- man Suing for Wages due to him for Services in his occupation, and the Defendant lives within the Limits of said City no Appeal shall be allowed the Defendant. And the Taxable fees in all Cases cognizable by the Mayor or by any of the Aldermen of said City severally shall be the same as the taxable Fees in like Cases before Justices of the Peace ; And the Processes in all Actions brought to said City Courts, shall be the Same as the processes to the County Courts in this State, And the Processes in all Actions brought before the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said City shall be the same as the Processes in Actions brought before a Justice of the Peace, which Processes shall be Signed by the Governor Deputy Governor or one of the Assistants of this State, or by a Justice of the Peace within or for the County of Hart- ford or by the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said City or the Clerk of said City Court, and shall be served by a Sheriff Deputy Sheriff or Constable to whom directed according to the Laws of this State and the Provisions of this Act. And all Bonds for prosecution taken by any of said Officers hereby Impowered to Sign Writs shall be good and effectual in Law, and Bonds for Prosecution special Bail and Bonds for Appeal shall be taken to the adverse Party Provided nevertheless that no Writs Executions excepted, or Proc- esses signed by the Mayor or either of the Aldermen shall be of any effect without the Limits of said City. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 349 And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid , That the said Mayor Aldermen and Common Council shall on the first Monday of June annually meet and shall then Choose seventy two Freemen of said City, or such greater number not exceeding one hundred of said Freemen, as the the said Mayor Aldermen and common Council shall Judge necessary to serve as Jurors at said City Courts, and shall return the Names of said Jurors under the Hand of the Mayor of said City if present or in Case of his Absence under the Hand of the Senior Aldermen present at such Meeting to the Clerk of said City Court who shall Write each Jurors Name thus Chosen fairly on a seperate Peice of Paper and Roll up and put the same into a Box which he shall provide and keep for that purpose, and whenever either of the said Sheriffs of said City shall receive a Warrant from the Clerk of said City Court to Summon a Jury to appear before said Court, the Sheriff receiving such Warrant taking with him one of the Aldermen of said City, shall repair to the s d Clerks Office and there in the Presence of said Alderman and Clerk shall take out of said Box such numbers of said Papers as his Warrant shall direct, and the Persons whose names shall be found written thereon shall be summoned to appear before the Court to which the Warrant is returnable to Serve as Jurors, and in Case of neglecting to attend shall be liable to such Penalties as shall by the Bye Laws of said City be inflicted for such neglect, and in Case a compleat Panned shall not attend, or in Case any shall be Challenged or excused the Sheriff attending said Court shall supply such deficiency by drawing in the Presence of the Court others out of said Box, and Summoning them to attend and Serve until the Pannels shall be compleat ; And the Names of such Jurors as do not attend or are excused shall be returned into the Box and be liable to be drawn again. And the Oath to be taken by said Jurors shall be the Same as is by Law Provided to be taken by Jurors in Civil Actions; And the Name of each Juror who attends any City Court and Serves, shall be again Written on a Seperate Peice of Paper, and shall be rolled up and put into another Box which the Clerk of said Court shall provide for that purpose, and shall be liable to be drawn again in Case there shall not by reason of Death Removal or other Cause be a sufficiency in the other Box to compleat the Pannell for that Year in which they are Chosen to Serve And the said City may Chuse a Clerk of said City, who shall make true and regular Entries of all the Votes and proceedings of said City, and the Records by him kept, shall be of the same validity in Point of Evidence in any Court of Law in this State as the Records of Towns are. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the said Mayor Aldermen and Common Council be, and they are hereby Impow- ered to lay out new Highways Streets and public Walks, for the Use of said City or to alter those already laid out in said City, and to exchange Highways for Highways, or to Sell Highways for the purpose of purchasing other Highways, taking the same Measures in all Respects as are directed by the Laws of this State to be taken in Case of 350 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Highways laid out by the Select Men for the Use of their Towns, and the party aggrieved by the laying out such Streets or Highways/ may have the Same Remedy by Application to the County Courts as is by Law Provided in Cases of Highways laid out by Select Men. And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in Case any Sheriff Deputy Sheriff or Constable, shall not Serve a Writ directed to and received by him that is returnable to said City Court, or shall neglect to make return of said Writ or shall make a false or undue return thereof, and a Suit for such Default be brought against him to the said City Court by the Person his Executors or Administrators in whose favour the Writ Issued, and the Defend 1 be found in Default, the said Court over and above awarding Just Damages to the Pltf, shall on said Suit set a suitable fine upon the Defend t according to the Nature of the Case, and may Issue Execution for such fine which fine shall be to the Treasurer of said City to and for the Use of said City. And in all Cases in which the Defen d t who is sued to the said City Courts, lives within the Limits of said City, the Writ shall be served upon him at least six Days before the sitting of the Court to which the Writ is returnable, but if the Defend 1 lives without the Limits of said City, the Writ shall be served at least twelve Days before the sitting of said Court, and all Writs returnable to said City Court shall be returned to the Clerk of said Court on or before the Day of the sitting of said Court, and before the first opening of said Court. And the Writs that are returnable before the Mayor or either of the Aldermen of said City, shall if the Plantiff and Defendant both live within the Limits of said City, or if the Plantiff live without and the Defendant live within said Limits, or if the Plantiff be a Mariner or Seaman suing for Wages due to him for Services in his Occupation, and the Defend 1 lives within the Limits of said City, be Served upon the Defend 1 at leas three Days before the setting of the Court to which it is returnable ; but if the Defend 1 live without the Limits of said City the Writ shall be served upon the Defend 1 at least six Days before the setting of the Court to which it is returnable. And be it further Enacted, That the Mayor Aldermen Sheriffs Com- mon Council and Clerk of said City, shall be sworn to the faithfull dis- charge of their Duty, and the form of the Oath to be taken by the Mayor of said City shall be as follows viz You being elected Mayor of the City of Hartford do Swear by the Name of the everliving God, that You will without any Partiality, indifferently Administer Justice according to Law without respect of Persons, take no Bribe give no Council in any Matter that shall come before You, nor deny Right to any, but well and truly perform Your Office of Mayor of said City according to Your best Skill, So help You God. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Aldermen of said City shall be the same, mutatis mutandis as is prescribed by Law to be 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 351 taken by Justices of the Peace. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Common Council Men of said City shall be as follows viz — You being elected a Common Council Man for the City of Hartford do swear by the Name of the ever living God, that You will faithfully and uprightly discharge the Duties of that Office so long as You shall hold the same. So help You God. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Sheriffs of said City, shall be the Same prescribed by Law to be taken by the Sheriffs mutatis mutandis, And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Clerks of said City shall be as follows viz — You being Chosen Clerk of the City of Hartford, do swear by the Name of the everliving God that You will truly and faithfully attend and execute the Office of Clerk of said City according to Your best skill, and make true Entries and Records of all the Votes and proceed- ings of said City and such other Matters as by Law or by the Bye Laws, of said City are to be recorded in Your Office, and that You will deliver true Copies of the Records in Your Hands when they shall be required of You taking Your lawfull fees ; So help You God. Which Oaths may be administered by any Assistant of this State or Justice of the Peace within and for the County of Hartford or by the Mayor or either of the Aldermen of said City Provided the Mayor or Aldermen administering such Oath hath been sworn according to this Act. And the Person administering the Oath prescribed by this Act shall give a Certificate thereof under his Hand to the Officer to whom he administered such Oath, which Certificate shall be recorded in the Records of said City before the Person to whom it is given shall be capable of executing the Office to which he was chosen. And be it further Enacted, That there shall be a Court of Common Council of said City of which the Mayor Aldermen and Common Coun- cil of said City shall be Members who or a Majority of them shall have Powers to make Bye Laws relative to the erecting and regulating Markets, and relative to Commerce within the Limits of said City, relative to Persons summoned to serve as Jurors at said City Courts and neglecting or refusing to Serve ; relative to the Streets and High- ways of said City, relative to Nusances within said City Limits ; relative to their Landing Places Wharves Anchoring and Mooring of Vessels, relative to Trees Planted for Shade Ornament Convenience or Use Public or Private, and to the Fruits of such Trees; relative to Tres- passes committed in Gardens, relative to Public Walks and Buildings; relative to the sweeping of Chimneys, and preserving said City from fire relative to the forms of Oath to be taken by the Treasurer of said City and Inspectors of Produce brought to said City for Sale or expor- tation; relative to the manner of Warning Meetings of said City, and the Court of Common Council, and the Time and Place at which they shall be holden ; relative to the Qualifications in point of property of the Mayor and Aldermen, relative to the Bonds to be given by the Sheriffs of said City for a faithf ull Discharge of their Duty ; relative to the Pen- 352 PUBLIC RECORDS May, alties to be incurred by those who being Chosen to any City Office shall (not being excused by said City) refuse to serve; relative to a City Watch; relative to the Burial of the Dead; relative to the public Lights and Lamps of said City; relative to restraining Geese and Swine from going at large within the Limits of said City; and to inflict Penalties for the Breach of such Bye Laws ; Provided however, that such Penalty shall in no Case exceed the Sum of ten Pounds lawfull Money; and said Penalties shall be to such Persons as the Bye Laws of said City shall direct, and be recoverable by the Person to whom forfeited by Action of Debt brought to the City Courts of said City, in which Action no Appeal or Review shall be allowed. Provided however that no Bye Laws of said City shall be made repugnant to the Laws of this State ; And Provided also that all the Bye Laws made by said Court of Common Council shall be approved of by said City in legal Meeting Assembled, and after being so approved shall be published at least three Weeks successively in some Public Newspaper in or nearest said City before the same shall be of any validity, and all the Bye Laws of said City shall at any Time within Six Months after they are made be liable to be repealed by any Superior Court holden in said County of Hart ford, if by such Superior Court on a hearing adjudged to be unreason- able or unjust. And all Grants and Leases of any real Estate belonging to said City Signed by the Mayor of said City, and sealed with the City Seal and approved of by said City in Legal Meeting Assembled shall be good and effectual in Law to convey the Estate intended to be Con- veyed by such Grant or Lease, Provided the same is recorded in the Records of the Town where the Lands leased or granted lie. And said City shall have Power to appoint Inspectors of every kind of Produce of the United States brought to said City for Sale or exportation. And the Vote or Choice of the Major Part of the Freemen Present at a legal Meeting of said City shall be considered in all Cases as the Vote or Choice of said City. And whenever the Mayor of said City or any other Officer of said City, eligible by the Freemen thereof shall resign or be removed by Death or otherwise another Person shall be Chosen in his Place by said City, and if an Annual Officer, shall Continue in Office untill the expiration of the Month of March next following unless another shall be sooner Chosen and sworn in his stead. And the Mayor of said City or in his absence the Senior Alderman present at any Meeting of said City or at any Court of Common Council, shall ex Officio be Moderator thereof, and the Meeting of said City may from Time to Time by a Major Vote of the Freemen present be Adjourned. And he it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the first Meeting of said City shall be holden at the State House in said Hartford on the fourth Monday of June next at nine o Clock in the forenoon for the Choice of a Mayor, Aldermen Common Council and Sheriffs of said City and to transact such other Business as may be necessary, 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 353 which Meeting may be from Time to Time Adjourned and a Copy of this Paragraph of this Act Certifyed under the Hand of the Secretary of this State and published on the Sign Post in said Town of Hartford at least three Days before said fourth Monday of June next shall be a legal Warning of the Freemen of said City to attend said first Meeting, and the Annual Officers Chosen at said Meeting shall Continue in Office untill the experation of the Month of March then next unless others are sooner Chosen and Qualified in their Stead, And the said City shall at such Meeting first Chuse a Clerk of said City, who shall be imme- diately sworn, and shall forthwith make a Record of his being Chosen and sworn, and the Record thus made by him in such Case shall be good and effectual anything in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding, and such Records may be made by Clerks hereafter chosen after being chosen & sworn and shall be good & effectual any Thing in this Act to the Contrary notwithstanding, And said City shall thereupon proceed to Chuse a Mayor and the other Officers of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof ; And the Justices of the Peace within and for the County of Hartford living and inhabiting, within the Limits of said City and present at such first Meeting, shall have as to the Election of the Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffs Common Councilmen and Clerk of said City the same Powers and proceed in the Same manner as the Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffs of said City are by this Act to have and proceed at the future Elections of said City, And the Senior Justice of the Peace within and for the County of Hartford living within the Limits of said City present at said first Meeting, shall be Moderator thereof, untill there shall be a Mayor or Alderman Chosen and qualified according to this Act, and said City shall at their first Meeting appoint a Time and Place for holding the first Court of Common Council, which Court shall have Power to adjourn from Time to Time, And the first City Court of said City shall be holden on the last Tuesday of July next at the State House in said City, and the City Court of said City may be holden in said State House from Time to Time or in such other Place in said City as said City shall provide and Judge Proper. And the Mayor Aldermen and Common Council of said City shall on the second Tuesday of July next at three of the Clock in the Afternoon hold a Meeting at the State House in said Hartford, and shall then and there Chuse thirty six freemen of said City to Serve as Jurors untill the first Monday of June then next and the Name of each Person thus Chosen shall be fairly written on a seperate peice of Paper and be put into the Jury Box by this Act to be Provided by the Clerk of said City Court, and shall be drawn out in the Manner herein before Provided with respect to Jurors. Always Provided that any Thing in this Act notwithstanding the Inhabitants living within the Limits of said City, shall to all Intents and purposes be and remain a Part of said [town of] Hartford. And Whereas it is not equitable that any of the Inhabitants of that part of the Town of Hartford not included within the Limits of said 354 PUBLIC RECORDS May, City nor possessed of real Estate within said Limits should be subjected to any Burthens which may hereafter arise in Consequence of this Act of Incorporation. Be it further Enacted that all Charges and Expences that shall accrue or may be incurred in Consequence of this Act of Incorporation shall be borne and defrayed by Taxes on the Polls of the Inhabitants of said City and the rateable Estate contained within said Limits, except such and so much of the Live Stock belonging to any of the Inhabitants of said City as shall be raised and supported from their Lands lying out of the Limits of said City. . Provided nevertheless that if this Act or any of the Provisions in this Act contained shall be found inconvenient or in any respect inade- quate the same may be altered or revoked on Representation of the City or otherwise by the General Assembly. , Provided nevertheless that the Judges of said City Court may and they are hereby Authorized to hear Try and finally determine all Causes brought before the City Court by a Jury of six Freemen or without a Jury, where neither of the Parties desire to have a Cause decided by a Jury or by more than six Jurors. And this Act shall to all Intents and purposes be a Public Act. An Act for incorporating a part of the Town of Midletown. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same That all the Inhabitants being Freemen of this State and dwelling in said Midletown, within the following Limits viz beginning at the Mouth of the little River or Ferry River, thence in a Northeast Line to the East Side of Connecticut River at High Water Mark^ thence on the Bank of said Connecticut River at Highwater Mark untill it comes to a Point due East from Sumners Creek, thence in a West Line to the Mouth of Sumners Creek, thence Southerly and Westerly as the said Creek runs to Warwicks Bridge; thence West to the little River, including the dwelling House of Return Jonathan Meigs, thence Northerly and East- erly down the little River as the same runs to the first Boundary, includ- ing the Waters of the said Little River Sumners Creek and Connecticut River within the preceding Limits, be and the same are hereby ordained Constituted and declared to be from Time to Time and forever here- after One Body Corporate and Politic in Fact and in Name by the Name of the Mayor Aldermen Common Council and Freemen of the City of Midletown and that by that Name they and their Successors forever shall and may have perpetual Succession and shall be Persons in Law capable of suing and being sued Pleading and being Impleaded in all Suits of what Nature soever and also Purchase hold and Convey any Estate real or personal and may have a Common Seal and may change and alter the Same at Pleasure and shall be Freemen of said City. And Whereas there are many Persons living within said Limits who 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 355 by Law are Qualified to be freemen of this State that have not taken the Oath Provided by Law to be taken by Freemen — Be it Enacted that all Persons living within said Limits who shall before the second Monday of July next procure the Major Part of the Select Men of the s d Town of Midletown to Certify that they are Qualifyed to be admitted and made free of this State and shall after Procuring such Certificate, take before some Assistant of this State or Justice of the Peace within and for the County of Hartford the Oath provided by Law for Freemen, shall to all the Purposes in this Act men- tioned be considered as Freemen of this State and Freemen of the said City of Middletown. And for the better Government of said City, Be it further Enacted , That there shall be a Meeting of said City holden annually in January at such Time and Place as the Bye Laws of said City shall be directed for the purpose of Choosing all the Annual Officers of said City, and the Annual Officers of said City Chosen at such Meeting shall Continue in Office untill the expiration of the Month of January then next unless others shall be sooner Chosen and Qualified in their Stead, And the said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall Choose a Mayor who shall hold his Office during the Pleasure of the General Assembly, And at their annual Meeting shall Choose four Aldermen and a Common Council of not more than twenty and two Sheriffs out of the Freemen of said City all which Officers and other Officers of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof (the Inspectors of Produce excepted) shall be Chosen by Ballot, and on each Ballot which is given in shall be written the Name of the Person for whom the same is given, and such Ballot shall be rolled up in the Presence of the Mayor and Aldermen of said City or such of them as are present at such Meeting put by the Person giving the Same into a Box, which said City shall provide for that pur- pose which Box shall be a Close Box with a Hole of a convenient Size in the Lid thereof, through which to put in the Ballotts and when the Freemen present at any City Meeting shall have had a reasonable Time to give in their Ballot, either of the Sheriffs of said City or in the absence of both the Sheriffs, the Junior Alderman present, in the Presence of the Mayor and Aldermen or such of them as are present at such Meeting shall open the said Box, And the Mayor and Aider- men or such of them as are present shall open sort and Count the Bal- lots and the Person who shall have a Majority of the Ballots given in, shall by the Sheriffs, or in their absence by the Junior Alderman present be declared to be Elected, and no Ballots shall be received after the Box shall have been opened, And said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall have power to Levy Taxes on the Polls and Estate within the Limits of said City for such purposes as the said City shall think proper, and to Choose a Collector or Collectors to Collect such Tax who shall having received a Warrant for that purpose Signed by the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said City have the same Power as Collectors of Town Taxes by Law have and shall be accountable to the Mayor and Aldermen 356 PUBLIC RECORDS May, of said City in the same manner as the Collectors of Town Taxes are by Law accountable to the Select Men; and in Case any Collector shall not perform the Trust committed to him but shall fail of Collecting such Rate according to the Terms of the Warrant committed to him on Complaint thereof made by the Aldermen of said City to the Mayor thereof he shall Issue his Warrant under his Hand directed to either of the Sheriffs of said City to distrain the Sums or Rates neglected by such Collector to be Collected or paid out of the Estate of the Collector. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Sher- iffs of said City shall severally within the Limits of said City have the same Powers and Authorities and be liable to the same Suits and Penal- ties for neglect of Duty in any Case whatever to all Intents and Purposes as Sheriffs by Law now have and are, And the said City shall be liable to answer in Case of the inability of said Sheriffs or either of them for the Default of said Sheriffs in all Cases relative to their Office. And said Sheriffs shall severally give Bond with Sureties in such Manner as by the Bye Laws of said City shall be directed for a faithfull dis- charge of the Duties of that Office, before they shall be capable of executing the same, and in Case either of the Persons Chosen Sheriffs shall not give Bond with Sureties according to the Bye Laws of said City the said City may proceed to Choose another Sheriff in his room; And the said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall Choose a Treasurer for said City to continue in Office during the Pleasure of said City, which Treasurer shall have the same Powers and Authorities within said City as Town Treasurers now by Law have and shall be accountable to said City. And be it further Enacted that there shall be holden the second Tuesday of every Month in said City, a City Court, which Court shall have Power to adjourn from Time to Time and shall have Cog- nizance of all Civil Causes wherein the Title of Land is not concerned by Law Cognizable by the County Courts in this State Provided the Cause of Action arise within the Limits of said City, and one or both of the Parties live within the Limits of said City And said City Courts shall as to the Causes by them Cognizable to all Intents and Purposes have the same Powers and Authorities and proceed in the same manner and Grant Executions as said County Courts now or hereafter by Law shall have proceed and Grant, and the Executions granted by said City Courts shall be served and returned in the Same manner as the Executions granted by said County Courts, And an Appeal shall be allowed to either Party from the Judgment or determination of said City Courts to the next Superior Court to be holden in the County of Hartford in all Causes in which an Appeal is now or hereafter by Law shall be allowed from the said County Courts, the Prevailing Party however if Plantiff may such an Appeal notwithstanding take out Execution on such Judgment for the Debt or Damages and Cost recov- ered in such City Court against the Defendant or Defendants, and Levy the said Execution and Collect the Money thereon Provided he does 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 357 previous to his taking out said Execution become bound with two suf- ficient Sureties, before the Mayor of said City or one of the Judges of of [mc] said Court in a Recognizance (which Recognizance the Mayor of said City and the Judges of said City Court are respectively impow- ered to take, in double the Sum of said Judgment, that he will within one Week after final Judgment on the Appeal refund so much of the Judgment of said City Court together with the Interest thereof as shall on such Execution be collected and shall not be by him recovered before the Court to which the Appeal is taken together with the Execution fees that shall accrue and be paid by the Defendant or Defendants on said Execution, and no Appeal shall be allowed on any Suit Commenced on such Recognizance. And in every Action brought before said City Court in which the Plantiff lives without the Limits of said City, or is a Mariner or Seaman sueing for Wages Due to him for services in his occupation, and the Defendant lives within the Limits of said City, no Appeal shall be allowed the Defendant unless the Matter in Demand exceed the Sum of fifty Pounds lawfull Money, but if the Matter in demand exceed said Sum an Appeal shall be allowed the Defendant in the same manner and under the Same Regulations as appeals are allowable in other Cases Cognizable by said City Court and no Writ of Error brought upon any Judgment of said City Court or of the said Mayor or either of said Aldermen, shall be a supersedeas, or have any force to Stay the Levy of the Execution, and said City Court shall have full Power to appoint and swear a Clerk for said Court to continue in Office during the Pleasure of said Court, who shall as to Matters relative to his Office as Clerk of said Court have the same Powers and Authorities to all intents and Purposes as the Clerks of the County Courts in this State by Law have, And the Oath to be taken by the said Clerk shall be the same mutatis mutandis as the Oath Provided by Law to be taken by the Clerks of the County Courts in this State And the Mayor of said City or in his absence the Seignior Assistant Judge of said City Court may at the special Instance and Cost of any Person moving therefore hold a special City Court at such Time and Place within said City, as the Mayor or Judge ordering the Same shall appoint, which Court shall proceed in the Same manner have the same Powers and Authorities and in all respects be under the Same Regulations as the Stated City Courts of said City and all the taxable fees of said City Court shall be the Same as the taxable fees of the County Courts of this State. And be it further Enacted, That the Mayor of said City for the Time being and the two Aldermen first Chosen at the annual Meeting of said City or at their first Meeting shall compose the said City Court and be the Judges thereof, and the Mayor shall be the Chief Judge of said City Court, and the said two Aldermen shall be the Assistant Judges of said Court, any two of whom in the absence of the other taking to their Assistance the Senior Alderman present that is not a Judge of said Court, or if neither of the Aldermen that are not Judges of said 358 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Court can attend, one of the Justices of the Peace within and for the County of Hartford resident within said City shall have Power to hold a City Court. And if at any City Court there shall be but one Judge Present he shall take to his Assistance two other Aldermen of said City, and in Case one or both of them cannot attend, he shall take one or two of the Justices of the Peace as the Case may require of the County of Hartford resident within the said City and they three shall have the Same Power to hold a City Court as the Judges of said City Court have. And be it further Enacted , That the Mayor and Aldermen of said City, shall severally within the Limits of said City have Cognizance of all Civil Causes by Law Cognizable by a Justice of the Peace Provided the Cause of Action arise within the Limits of said City and one or both of the Parties live within the Same, and the said Mayor and Aider- men shall as to the Causes by them severally Cognizable, have the same Powers and Authorities and proceed in the Same manner as Jus- tices of the Peace now have or hereafter may have and proceed. And an Appeal shall be allowed from the Judgment or determination of said Mayor and Aldermen in any Cause by them Cognizable severally to the next City Court to be holden within said City, in all Cases in which an Appeal is now or hereafter shall be allowed from the Judgment of a Justice of the Peace, the prevailing party however if Plantiff, may such Appeal notwithstanding take out Execution on such Judgment Provided he give Bonds before the Mayor of said City or one of the Judges of said Court in the same manner as is provided in Cases of Appeal from said City Court And in every Action brought before the Mayor or either of the Aldermen of said City in which the Plantiff lives without the Limits of said City, or in which the Pltf is a Mariner or Seaman suing for Wages due to him for Services in his occupation, and the Defendant lives within the Limits of said City no appeal shall be allowed the Defendant; and the Taxable Fees in all Causes cognizable by the Mayor or by one of the Aldermen of said City severally shall be the Same as the taxable fees in like Cases before Justices of the Peace, And the processes in all Actions brought to said City Court shall be the same as the processes to the County Courts in this State. And the Processes in all Actions brought before the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said City shall be the same as the processes in Actions brought before a Justice of the Peace which Processes shall be Signed by the Governor Lieutenant Governor or one of the Assist- ants of this State or by a Justice of the Peace within and for the County of Hartford, or by the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said City or the Clerk of said City Court, and shall be served by a Sheriff Deputy Sheriff or Constable to whom directed according to the Laws of this State and the Provisions of this Act. And all Bonds for prosecution taken by any of said Officers hereby Impowered to Sign Writs shall be good and effectual in Law. And Bonds for Prosecution special Bail and Bonds for Appeal shall be taken to the adverse Party ; 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 359 Provided nevertheless that no Writs Executions excepted or Proc- esses Signed by the Mayor or either of the Aldermen shall be of any effect without the Limits of said City. And he it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Mayor Aldermen and Common Council shall on the first Monday of February annually Meet, and shall then Choose thirty six Freemen of said City or such greater number, not exceeding seventy two of said Freemen as the said Mayor Aldermen and Common Council shall then Judge necessary to Serve as Jurors at said City Court, and shall return the Names of said Jurors under the Hand of the Mayor of said City if Present or in Case of his Absence under the Hand of the Senior Alderman present at such Meeting to the Clerk of said City Court, who shall write each Jurors name thus Chosen, fairly on a Seperate Peice of Paper and roll up and put the same into a Box which he shall Provide and keep for that purpose, And whenever either of the Sheriffs of said City shall receive a Warrant from the Clerk of said City Court to Summon a Jury to appear before said Court, the Sheriff receiving such Warrant taking with him one of the Aldermen of said City shall repair to the said Clerks Office, and there in the Presence of said Alderman and Clerk, shall take out of said Box such Numbers of said Papers as his Warrant shall direct, and the Persons whose Names shall be found writ- ten thereon shall be Summoned to appear before the Court to which the Warrant is returnable to Serve as Jurors and in Case of neglecting to attend shall be liable to such Penalties as shall by the Bye Laws of said City be inflicted for such neglect, And in Case a compleat Panned shall not attend or in Case any shall be Challenged or excused the Sheriff attending such Court shall supply such deficiency by drawing in the Presence of the Court others out of said Box and Summoning them to attend and Serve untill the Panned shad be compleat, and the Names of such Jurors as do not attend or are excused shad be returned into the Box and be liable to be drawn again, And the Oath to be taken by said Jurors shall be the Same as is by Law provided to be taken by Jurors in Civil Actions, and the Name of each Juror who attends any City Court and Serves shall be again written on a seperate peice of Paper and shall be rolled up and put into another Box which the Clerk of said Court shall Provide for that purpose and shall be liable to be drawn again in Case there shall not be reason of Death Removal or other Cause be a Sufficiency in the other Box to complete the Pannels for that Year in which they are Chosen to Serve, And the said City may Choose a Clerk of said City who shall make true and regular Entries of all the Votes and Proceedings of said City and the Records by him kept shall be of the same validity in Point of Evidence in any Court of Law in this State as the Records of Towns are. And he it further Enacted hy the Authority aforesaid that the said Mayor Aldermen and Common Council be and they are hereby Impow- ered to lay out new Highways Streets and public Walks for the Use of said City or to alter those already laid out in said City and to 360 PUBLIC RECORDS May, exchange Highways for Highways or to Sell Highways for the Purpose of purchasing other Highways, taking the same Measures on all respects as are directed by the Laws of this State, to be taken in Case of High- ways laid out by the Select Men for the Use of their Towns, and the Party aggrieved by the laying out of such Streets or Highways may have the Same remedy by Applications to the County Courts as is by Law Provided in Cases of Highways laid out by Select Men. And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That in Case any Sheriff Deputy Sheriff or Constable shall not Serve a Writ directed to and received by him that is returnable to said City Court, or shall neglect to make return of said Writ or shall make a false or undue Return thereof, and a Suit shall for such Default be brought against him to the said City Court by the Person his Executors or Administra- tors in whose favour the Writ Issued, and the Defendant be found in Default the said Court over and above awarding Just Damages to the Plantiff may on said Suit set a suitable Fine upon the Defendant accord- ing to the Nature of the Case and may Issue Execution for such fine, which fine shall be to the Treasurer of said City to and for the Use of said City. And in all Cases in which the Defendant who is Sued to the said City Court, lives within the Limits of said City the Writ shall be served upon him at least six Days before the sitting of the Court to which the Writ is returnable, but if the Defendant lives without the Limits of said City, the Writ shall be Served at least twelve Days before the Sitting of said Court, and all Writs returnable to said City Court shall be returned to the Clerk of said Court on or before the Day of the sitting of said Court, and before the first opening of said Court. And the Writs returnable before the Mayor or either of the Aldermen of said City shall if the Plantiff and Defendant both live within the Limits of said City, or if the Plantiff live without and the Defendant live within said Limits, or if the Plantiff be a Mariner or Seaman Sueing for Wages due to him for Services in his Occupation, and the Defendant lives within the Limits of said City be Served upon the Defendant at least three Days before the sitting of the Court to which it is returnable, but if the Defendant live without the Limits of said City the Writ shall be Served upon the Defendant at least six Days before the sitting of the Court to which it is returnable. And be it further Enacted, That the Mayor Aldermen Sheriffs Com- mon Council and Clerk of said City shall be sworn to the faithfull dis- charge of their Duty, and the form of the Oath to be taken by the Mayor of said City shall be as follows viz — You being elected Mayor of the City of Middletown do swear by the Name of the everliving God that You will without any Par- tiality indifferently administer Justice according to Law without respect of Persons, take no Bribe give no Council in any Matter that shall come before You nor deny Right to any but well and truly perform Your Office of Mayor of said City according to Your best skill. So help You God. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 361 And the Form of the Oath to be taken by the Aldermen of said City shall be the same mutatis mutandis as is prescribed by Law to be taken by Justices of the Peace. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Common Council Men of said City shall be as follows viz You being elected a Common Council Man for the City of Middle- town do swear by the Name of the everliving God that You will faith- fully and uprightly discharge the Duties of that Office so long as You shall hold the Same, So help You God. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Sheriffs of said City shall be the Same prescribed by Law to be taken by the Sherifs mutatis mutandis, And the Form of the Oath to be taken by the Clerks of said City shall be as follows viz — You being Chosen Clerk of the City of Midletown, do swear by the Name of the everliving God that You will truly and faithfully attend and execute the Office of Clerk of said City according to Your best skill, and make true Entries and Records of all the Votes and Proceedings of said City, and such other Matters as by Law or by the Bye Laws of said City are to be recorded in Your Office, and that You will deliver true Copies of the Records in Your Hands when they shall be required of You taking only Your lawfull fees So help You God. Which Oath may be administered by any Assistant of this State or Justice of the Peace within and for the County of Hartford or by the Mayor or either of the Aldermen of said City, Provided the Mayor or Aldermen administering such Oath hath been Sworn according to this Act. And the Person administering the Oath prescribed by this Act shall give a Certificate thereof under his Hand to the Officer to whom he administred such Oath, which Certificate shall be recorded in the Records of said City before the Person to whom it is given shall be capable of executing the Office to which he was Chosen. And be it further Enacted that there shall be a Court of Common Council of said City, of which the Mayor Aldermen and Common Council of said City shall be the Members, who or the Majority of them shall have Powers to make Bye Laws relative to erecting and regulating Markets and relative to Commerce within the Limits of said City, relative to Persons summoned to Serve as Jurors at said City Court and neglecting or refusing to Serve; relative to the Streets and High- ways of said City; relative to Nuisances within said City Limits, relative to their Landing Places Wharves Anchoring and mooring of Vessels, relative to Trees planted for Shade Ornament Convenience or Use Public or Private, and to the fruits of such Trees, relative to Trespasses committed in Gardens; relative to Walks and Buildings Public or Private, relative to the Sweeping of Chimneys and preserving said City from Fire, relative to the forms of Oaths to be taken by the Treasurer of said City, and Inspectors of Produce brought to said City for Sale or exportation relative to the manner of Warning Meetings of said City and the Court of Common Council and the Time and Place at which they shall be holden, relative to the Qualifications in Point of 362 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Property of the Mayor and Aldermen, relative to the Bonds to be given by the Sheriffs of said City for a faithfull discharge of their Duty ; relative to the Penalties to be incurred by those who being Chosen to any City Office shall not being excused by said City refuse to Serve, relative to a City Watch relative to the Burial of the Dead ; relative to the public Lights & Lamps of said City, relative to the restraining Geese and Swine from going at large within the Limits of said City and to inflict Penalties for the Breach of such Bye Laws. Provided however that such Penalty shall in no Case exceed the Sum of ten Pounds lawfull Money, and said Penalties shall be to such Per- sons as the Bye Laws of said City shall direct and be recoverable by the Persons to whom forfeited by Action of Debt brought to the City Courts of said City, in which Action no Appeal or Review shall be allowed, Provided however that no Bye Laws of said City shall be made repugnant to the Laws of this State ; And Provided also , that all the Bye Laws made by said Court of Common Council shall be approved of by said City in legal Meeting Assembled and after being so approved shall be published at least three Weeks successively in some Public News Paper in or nearest said City before the same shall be of any validity; And all the Bye Laws of said City shall at any Time within six Months after they are made be liable to be repealed by any Superior Court holden in said County of Hartford of by such Superior Court on a hearing adjudged to be unreasonable or unjust. And all Grants and Leases of any real Estate belonging to said Cty Signed by the Mayor of said City and Sealed with the City Seal and approved by said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall be good and effectual in Law to convey the Estate intended to be Conveyed by such Grant or Lease Provided the Same is recorded in the Records of the Town where the Lands leased or granted lie. And said City shall have Power to appoint Inspectors of every kind of produce of the United States brought to said City for Sale or exporta- tion. And the Vote or Choice of the Major Part of the Freemen present at a Legal Meeting of said City shall be considered in all Cases as the Vote or Choice of said City. And whenever the Mayor of said City or any other Officer of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof shall resign or be removed by Death or otherwise another Person shall be Chosen in his Place by said City and if an Annual Officer shall con- tinue in Office untill the expiration of the Month of January next following unless another shall be sooner Chosen and sworn in his Stead ; And the Mayor of said City or in his Absence the Senior Alderman present at any Meeting of said City or at any Court of Com- mon Council shall ex Officio be Moderator thereof and the Meeting of said City may from Time to Time by a Major Vote of the Freemen present be adjourned. And he it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the first Meeting of said City shall be holden at the Town House in said 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 363 Middletown on the second Tuesday of July next at nine of the Clock in the forenoon for the Choice of a Mayor Aldermen Common Council and Sherriff of said City, and to transact such other Business as may be necessary, which Meeting may be from Time to Time adjourned, and a Copy of this Paragraph of this Act Certified under the Hand of the Secretary of this State And published on the Sign Post in said Town of Middletown at least three Days before said second Tuesday of said July, shall be a legal Warning of the Freemen of said City to attend said first Meeting, and the Annual Officers Chosen at said Meeting shall Continue in Office untill the expiration of next January unless others are sooner Chosen and qualified in their Stead. And the said City shall at such Meeting first Chuse a Clerk of said City who shall be immediately sworn, and shall forthwith make a Record of his being Chosen and sworn, and the Record thus made by him in such Case shall be good and effectual any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwith- standing & such Record may be made by Clerks hereafter Chosen of their being chosen & sworn and shall be good and effectual, any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding; And said City shall there- upon proceed to Chuse a Mayor and the other Officers of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof, and the Justices of the Peace within and for the County of Hartford living and Inhabiting within the Limits of said City and present at said first Meeting shall have as to the Election of the Mayor Aldermen Sheriffs Common Council Men and Clerk of said City the same Powers and proceed in the Same manner, as the Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffs of said City by this Act are to have and proceed in at the future Elections of said City. And the senior Justice of the Peace within and for the County of Hartford living within the Limits of said City present at said first Meeting shall be Moderator thereof untill there shall be a Mayor or Alderman Chosen and qualified according to this Act, And said City shall at their first Meeting appoint a Time and Place for holding the first Court of Common Council, which Court shall have Power to adjourn from Time to Time; and the first City Court of said City shall be holden on the first Tuesday of August next at the Town House in said City, And the City Courts of said City may be holden in said Town House from Time to Time or in such other Place in said City as said City shall proved & Judge proper. And the Mayor Aldermen and Common Council of said City shall on the third Tuesday of July next at three of the Clock in the Afternoon hold a Meeting at the Town House in said Midletown and shall then and there Chuse thirty six Freemen of said City to Serve as Jurors untill after the first Monday of February next, and the Name of each Person thus Chosen shall be fairly written on a Seperate Peice of Paper and be put into the Jury Box by this Act to be provided by the Clerk of said City Court and shall be drawn out in the manner herein before provided with respect to Jurors Always Provided that any Thing in this Act notwithstanding the 364 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Inhabitants living within the Limits of said City shall to all intents and purposes be and remain a Part of the said Town of Middletown. Provided nevertheless That if this Act or any of the Provisions therein contained shall be found inconvenient or in any Respect inade- quate, the same on Representation of the City or otherwise may be altered or revoked by the General Assembly Provided nevertheless and it is hereby Enacted that the Judges of said City Court may and they are hereby authorized to hear Try and finally determine all Causes brought before the City Court by a Jury of six Freemen or without a Jury, when neither of the Parties desire to have a Cause decided by a Jury or by more than six Jurors. And this Act shall to all Intents and purposes be a Public Act. An Act for Incorporating a part of the Town of Norwich. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same — That all Free- men of this State Inhabitants of said Norwich dwelling and Inhabit- ing within the following Bounds, viz Beginning at the Mouth of Trading Cove Brook at the Bounds between the Towns of New London and Norwich, and thence running up said Brook to the Bridge on New London Road called trading Cove Bridge, thence a Streight Line to the West Side of the Mills at the Iron Works belonging to Elijah Bachus Esq r ; thence an Easterly Line to the North Side of the dwelling House of Capt John Flughes thence a Streight Line to Roaths Landing so called on the South Side Shetucket River thence by Shatucket River and the River Thames, at Highwater Mark to the Mouth of Pouquatannoc Cove, thence Northwestwardly across said River to the Line between the Towns of Norwich and New London thence by said New London Line to the first mentioned Bounds Be and the same are hereby Ordained Constituted and declared to be from Time to Time and forever hereafter, one Body Corporate and Politic in fact and in Name by the Name of The Mayor, Aldermen, Common Council and Freemen of the City of Nor- wich, and that by that Name they and their Successors forever shall and may have perpetual Succession, and shall be Persons in Law capable of Sueing and being sued Pleading and being Impleaded in all Suits of what nature soever, and also to purchase hold and Convey any Estate real or Personal, and may have a Common Seal and may Change and alter the Same at Pleasure, and shall be Freemen of said City. And Whereas there are many Persons living within said Limits who by Law are qualified to be Freemen of this State that have not taken the Oath provided by Law to be taken by Freemen ; Be it Enacted That all such Persons living within said Limits, who shall before the second Monday of July next procure the Major Part of the Select Men of said Town of Norwich, to Certify that they are Qualified to be admitted and made free of this State, and shall after procuring such Certificate, take before some Assistant of this State or Justice of the Peace within and for the County of New London the 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 365 Oath provided by Law for Freemen, shall to all the Purposes in this Act mentioned be considered as Freemen of this State and Freemen of the said City of Norwich. And for the better Government of said City, Be it further Enacted That there shall be a Meeting of said City holden annually in July at such Time and place as by the Bye Laws of said City shall be directed for the purpose of Choosing all the Annual Officers of said City, and the Annual Officers of said City chosen at such Meeting shall continue in Office untill the expiration of the Month of July then next unless others shall be sooner Chosen and Qualified in their Stead, And the said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall Choose a Mayor who shall hold his Office during the Pleasure of the General Assembly, And at their annual Meeting shall Choose four Aldermen and a Common Council of not more than twenty, and two sheriffs out of the Freemen of said City all which Officers and all other Officers of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof Inspectors of Produce excepted,) shall be Chosen by Ballot, and on each Ballot which is Given in shall be written the Name of the Person for whom the same is given, and such Ballot shall be rolled up and in the Presence of the Mayor and Aldermen of said City or such of them as are present at such Meeting put by the Person giving the Same into a Box which said City shall provide for that purpose, which Box shall be a close Box with a Hole of a convenient Size in the Lid thereof through which to put in the Ballot and when the Freemen present at any City Meeting shall have had a reasonable Time to give in their Ballots, either of the Sheriffs of said City or in the absence of both the Sheriffs the Junior Alderman present in the presence of the Mayor and Aldermen or such of them as are present at such Meeting shall open the said Box, And the Mayor and Aldermen or such of them as are present shall open sort and Count the Ballots and the Person who shall have a Majority of the Ballots given in, shall by the Sheriffs or in their Absence by the Junior Alderman present be declared to be elected and no Ballots shall be received after the Box shall have been opened, And said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall have Power to Levy Taxes on the Polls and rateable Estate within the Limits of said City for such Purposes as the said City shall think proper and to Choose a Collector or Collectors to Collect such Tax who shall having received a Warrant for that Purpose Signed by the Mayor or by one of the Aldermen of said City, have the Same Powers as Collectors of Town Taxes by Law have, and shall be accountable to the Mayor and Aldermen of said City in the Same manner as Collectors of Town Taxes are by Law accountable to the Select Men ; And in Case any Collector shall not perform the Trust committed to him, but shall fail of Collecting such Rate according to the Terms of the Warrant Committed to him on Complaint thereof made by the Aldermen of said City to the Mayor thereof he shall Issue his Warrant under his Hand directed to either of the Sheriffs of said City to distrain the Sums or Rates neglected by such Collector to be Collected or Paid out of the Estate of the Collector. 366 PUBLIC RECORDS May, And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the Sheriffs of said City shall severally within the Limits of said City have the same Powers and Authorities and be liable to the same Suits or Pen- alties for neglect of Duty in any Case whatever to all Intents and purposes as Sheriffs by Law now have and are, And the said City shall be [liable] to answer in Case of the Inability of said Sheriffs or either of them for the Default of said Sheriffs in all Cases relative to their Office, And said Sheriffs shall severally give Bond with Sureties in such manner as by the Bye Laws of said City shall be directed for a faithfull discharge of the Duties of that Office, before they shall be capable of executing the Same, and in Case either of the Persons Chosen Sheriffs shall not give Bond with Sureties according to the Bye Laws of said City, the said City may proceed to Choose another Sheriff in his Room; And the said City in legal Meeting Assembled shall Choose a Treasurer for said City to continue in Office during the Pleasure of said City who shall have the Same Powers within said City as Town Treasurers now by Law have and shall be accountable to said City. And be it further Enacted That there shall be holden Monthly on the second Tuesday of every Month in said City a City Court, which Court shall have Power to Adjourn from Time to Time and shall have Cog- nizance of all Civil Causes, where the Title of Land is not concerned by Law Cognizable by the County Courts in this State Provided the Cause of Action arise wdthin the Limits of said City, and one or both of the Parties live within said City, And the said City Courts shall as to the Causes by them Cognizable, to all Intents and purposes have the same Powers and Authorities and proceed in the Same manner and grant Execution as said County Courts now or hereafter by Law shall have proceed and Grant, and the Executions Granted by said City Courts shall be Served and returned in the same manner as the Executions granted by the said County Courts And an Appeal shall be allowed to either Party from the Judgment or determination of said City Court to the next Superior Court to be holden in the County of New London in all Cases in which an Appeal is now or hereafter by Law shall be allowed from the said County Courts, the prevailing Party however if Plantiff may such Appeal notwithstanding, take out Execution on such Judgment for the Debt or Damages and Cost recovered in such City Court against the Defendant or Defendants, and Levy the said Execution and Collect the Money thereon, provided he does previous to his taking out said Execution become bound with two sufficient Sureties before the Mayor of said City or one of the Judges of said City Court in a Recognizance (which Recognizance the Mayor of said City Court, and the Judges of said City Court are respectively Impow- ered to take) in double the Sum of said Judgment that he will within one Week after final Judgment on the Appeal refund so much of the Judgment of the said City Court together with the Interest thereof, as shall on such Execution be Collected, and shall not be by him recovered before the Court to which the Appeal is taken together with the Execu- 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 367 tion fees that shall accrue and be paid by the Defendant on said Exe- cution, and no appeal shall be allowed on any Suit Commenced on such Recognizance. And in every Action brought before said City Court in which the Plantiff lives without the Limits of said City or is a Mariner or Seaman Sueing for Wages due to him for Services in his Occupation, and the Defendant lives within the Limits of said City, no Appeal shall be allowed the Defendant unless the Matter in demand exceed the Sum of fifty Pounds lawfull Money, but if the Matter in demand exceed said Sum, an Appeal shall be allowed the Defendant in the same manner and under the Same Regulations as Appeals are allowable in other Causes Cognizable by said City Court and no Writ of Error brought upon any Judgment of said City Court or of said Mayor or either of said Aldermen, shall be a supersedeas, or have any force to stay the Levy of the Execution, and said City Court shall have full Power to appoint and swear a Clerk for said Court to continue in Office during the Pleasure of said Court, which Clerk shall as to all Matters relative to his Office as Clerk of said Court, have the Same Powers and Authorities to all intents and purposes as the Clerks of the County Courts in this State by Law have. And the Oath to be taken by the said Clerk shall be the same mutatis mutandis as the Oath provided by Law to be taken by the Clerks of the County Courts in this State. And the Mayor of said City or in his absence the Senior Assistant Judge of said City Court may at the special Instance and Cost of any Person moving therefor hold a special City Court at such Time and Place within said City as the Mayor or Judge ordering the Same shall appoint, which Court shall proceed in the same manner have the same Powers and Authorities and in all Respects be under the same Regu- lations, as the Stated Courts of said City, and all the taxable Fees of said City Court shall be the Same as the taxable fees of the County Courts of this State. And be it further Enacted, that the Mayor of said City for the Time being and the two Aldermen first Chosen at the Annual Meeting of said City or at their first Meeting shall compose the said City Court and be the Judges thereof, and the Mayor shall be the Chief Judge of said Court, and the said two Aldermen shall be the Assistant Judges of said Court any two of whom in the Absence of the other taking to their Assistance the Senior Alderman present, that is not a Judge of said Court, or if neither of the Aldermen that are not Judges of said Court can attend one of the Justices of the Peace within and for the County of New London resident within said City, shall have Power to hold a City Court. And if at any City Court there shall be but one Judge present he shall take to his Assistance the two other Aldermen of said City, and in Case one or both of them cannot attend, he shall take one or two of the Justices of the Peace as the Case may require, of the County of New London resident within the said City and they three shall have the same Power to hold a City Court as the Judges of said City Court have. 368 PUBLIC RECORDS May, And be it further Enacted , That the Mayor and Aldermen of said City shall severally within the Limits of said City have Cognizance of all Civil Causes by Law Cognizable by a Justice of the Peace Provided the Cause of Action arise within the Limits of said City and one or both of the Parties live within the Same and the said Mayor and Aldermen shall as to the Causes by them severally Cognizable, have the Same Powers and Authorities, and proceed in the same manner as Justices of the Peace now or hereafter by Law shall have and proceed And an Appeal shall be allowed from the Judgment or determination of said Mayor and Aldermen, in any Cause by them Cognizable severally to the next City Court to be holden within said City, in all Causes in which an Appeal is now or hereafter shall be allowed from a Judg- ment of a Justice of the Peace, the Prevailing Party however if Plantiff may such Appeal notwithstanding, take out an Execution on such Judg- ment Provided he give Bond before the Mayor of said City or one of the Judges of said Court in the same manner as is Provided in Cases of Appeal from said City Court. And in every Action brought before the Mayor or either of the Aldermen of said City in which the Plantiff lives without the Limits of said City or in which the Plantiff is a Mariner or Seaman Suing for Wages due for Services in his occupa- tion and the Defendant lives within the Limits of said City, no Appeal shall be allowed the Defendant, And the taxable Fees in all Causes cognizable by the Mayor or by one of the Aldermen of said City sev- erally shall be the Same as the taxable fees in like Cases before Jus- tices of the Peace And the Processes in all Actions brought to said City Court shall be the same as the Processes to the County Courts in this State, And the Processes in all Actions brought before the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said City shall be the same as the processes in Actions brought before a Justice of the Peace, and be Signed by the Governor Lieutenant Governor, one of the Assistants of this State, or by a Justice of the Peace within and for the County of New London, or by the Mayor or one of the Aldermen of said City or the Clerk of said City Court, and shall be Served by a Sheriff Deputy Sheriff or Constable to whom directed according to the Laws of this State and the Provisions of this Act And all Bonds for Prosecutions taken by any of said Officers hereby Impowered to sign Writs shall be good and effectual in Law, And Bonds for Prosecution Special Bail and Bonds for Appeal shall be taken to the Adverse Party. Provided nevertheless that no Writs Executions excepted or Process signed by the Mayor or either of the Aldermen shall be of any Effect without the Limits of said City. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid , That the said Mayor Aldermen and Common Council shall on the first Monday of August annually meet and shall then Choose a number not exceeding one hundred and forty four Fremen of said City to Serve as Jurors at said City Court and shall return the Names of said Jurors under the Hand of the Mayor of said City if present or in Case of his 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 369 Absence under the Hand of the Seignior Alderman present at such Meeting to the Clerk of the City Court who shall write each Jurors Name thus Chosen fairly on a seperate Peice of Paper and roll up and put the Same into a Box which he shall Provide and keep for that Purpose, And whenever either of the Sheriffs of said City shall receive a Warrant from the Clerk of said City Court to Summon a Jury to appear before said Court the Sheriff receiving such Warrant taking with him one of the Aldermen of said City shall repair to the said Clerks Office and there in the presence of said Alderman and Clerk shall take out of said Box, as many of said Papers as his Warrant directs, and the Persons whose Names shall be found written therein shall be summoned to appear before the Court to which the Warrant is returnable to Serve as Jurors, and in Case of neglecting to attend shall be liable to such Penalties as shall by the Bye Laws of said City be inflicted for such neglect, and in Case a compleat Panned, shall not attend, or in Case any shall be Challenged or excused the Sheriff attending said Court shall supply such deficiency by drawing in the Presence of the Court others out of said Box and summoning them to attend and Serve untill the Panel shall be Compleat, and the Names of such Jurors as do not attend or are excused shall be returned into the Box and be liable to be drawn again And the Oath to be taken by said Jurors shall be the same as is by Law provided to be taken by Jurors in Civil Actions, and the name of each Juror that attends any City Court and serves shall be again Written on a seperate Peice of Paper and shall be rolled up and put into another Box which the Clerk of said Court shall provide for that pur- pose, and shall be liable to be drawn again, in Case there shall not by reason of Death removal or other Cause be a Sufficiency in the other Box to compleat the Panels for that Year in which they are Chosen to Serve, And the said City may Choose a Clerk of said City who shall make true and regular Entries of all the V otes and proceedings of said City and the Records by him kept shall be of the Same validity in point of Evidence in any Court of Law in this State as the Records of Towns are. And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Mayor Aldermen and Common Council be and they are hereby Impowered to lay out new Highways Streets and public Walks for the Use of said City, or to alter those already laid out in said City, and to exchange Highways for Highways, or to Sell Highways for the Purpose of pur- chasing other Highways, taking the same Measures in all Respects as are directed by the Laws of this State to be taken in Case of Highways laid out by the Select Men for the Use of their Towns, and the Party aggrieved by the laying out such Streets or HighWays may have the Same remedy by Application to the County Courts as is by Law provided in Cases of Highways laid out by Select Men. And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That in Case any Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff or Constable shall not Serve a Writ directed to, and received by him that is returnable to said City Court, or shall neglect to make return of said Writ or shall make a false or undue 370 PUBLIC RECORDS May, return thereof, and a Suit shall for such Default be brought against him to the said City Court by the Person his Executor or Administrator in whose favour said Writ Issued and the Defendant be found in Default, the said Court over and above awarding Just Damages to the Plantiff may on said Suit set a suitable fine upon the Defendant according to the nature of the Case, and may Issue Execution for such Fine which Fine shall be to the Treasurer of said City to and for the Use of said City. And in all Cases wherein the Defendant who is sued to the City Court living within the Limits of said City, the Writ shall be served upon him at least six Days before the Day of the Setting of the Court to which the Writ is returnable, but if the Defendant lives without the Limits of said City, the Writ shall be served at least twelve Days before the sitting of said Court; and all Writs returnable to said City Court shall be returned to the Clerk of said Court on or before the Day of the sitting of said Court and before the first opening of said Court. And the Writs returnable before the Mayor or either of the Aldermen of said City shall if the Plantiff and Defendant both live within the Limits of said City or if the Plantiff lives without and the Defendant lives within the Limits of said City, or if the Plantiff be a Mariner or Seaman suing for Wages due to him for Services in his Occupation, and the Defendant lives within the Limits of said City be served upon the Defendant at least three Days before the sitting of the Court to which it is returnable but if the Defendant lives without the Limits of said City the Writ shall be served upon the Defendant at least six Days before the sitting of the Court to which it is returnable, And be it further Enacted that the Mayor Aldermen Sheriffs Com- mon Council and Clerk of said City shall be sworn to a faithfull dis- charge of their Duty and the Form of the Oath to be taken by the Mayor of said City shall be as follows viz — You being elected Mayor of the City of Norwich do swear by the Name of the everliving God that You will without any partiality indif- ferently administer Justice according to Law without respect of Persons, take no Bribe give no Council in any matter that shall come before You, nor deny Right to any, but well and truly perform Your office of Mayor of said City according to Your best skill, So help You God. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Aldermen of said City shall be the Same mutatis mutandis as is prescribed by Law to be taken by Justices of the Peace. And the Form of the Oath to be taken by the Common Council Men of said City shall be as follows viz — You being elected a Common Council Man for the City of Norwich for the Year ensuing do swear by the Name of the everliving God that You will faithfully and uprightly discharge the Duties of that Office so long as You shall hold the Same, So help You God. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Sheriffs of said City shall be the same prescribed by Law to be taken by other Sheriffs mutatis mutandis. And the form of the Oath to be taken by the Clerks of said City shall be as follows viz — You being Chosen Clerk of the City of Norwich do swear bv the 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 371 Name of the everliving God that You will truly and faithfully attend and execute the Place and Office of Clerk of said City according to your best skill and make true entries and Records of all the Votes and Proceedings of said City and such other Matters as by Law or by the Bye-Laws of said City are to be recorded in Your Office, and that You will deliver true Copies of the Records in Your Hands when they shall be required of You taking only Your lawfull fees, So help you God. Which Oaths may be administered by any Assistant of this State or Justice of the Peace within and for the County of New London or by the Mayor or either of the Aldermen of said City Provided the Mayor or Aldermen administering such Oath hath been sworn according to this Act; And the Person administering the Oath prescribed by this Act shall give a Certificate thereof under his Hand to the Officer to whom he administered such Oath, which Certificate shall be Recorded in the Records of said City before the Person to whom it is given shall be capable of executing the Office to which he is Chosen. And be it farther Enacted , that there shall be a Court of Common Council of said City of which the Mayor Aldermen and Common Council of said City shall be the Members who or the Major Part of them shall have power to make Bye Laws, relative to Markets and Commerce within the Limits of said City, relative to persons summoned to Serve as Jurors at said City Courts and neglecting to attend or refus- ing to -Serve ; relative to the Streets and Highways of said City relative to Nuisances within said City Limits relative to the Wharves Channels Anchoring and Mooring of Vessels relative to Trees planted for Shade Ornament Convenience or Use Public or Private and to the Fruit of such Trees relative to Trespasses committed in Gardens, relative to Walks and Buildings Public or Private, relative to the sweeping of Chimnies and preserving the City from fire relative to forms of Oaths to be taken by the Treasurer of said City, and Inspectors of produce brought to said City for Sale or exportation, relative to the manner of Warning Meetings of said City and the Court of Common Council, and the Times and Places when and where they shall be holden, relative to the Qualifications in Point of Property of the Mayor and Aider- men relative to the Bonds to be given by the Sheriffs of said City for a faithfull discharge of thier Duty, relative to the Penalties to be incurred by those who being Chosen to any City Office shall not being excused by the City refuse to serve, relative to a City Watch relative to the Burial of the Dead relative to the Public Lights and Lamps of said City, relative to restraining Geese and Swine from going at large within the Limits of said City, and to inflict Penalties for the Breach of such Bye Laws Provided however that such Penalties shall in no Case exceed the Sum of ten Pounds lawfull Money, And said Penalties shall be to such Persons as the Bye Laws of said City shall direct, and be recoverable by the Persons to whom forfeited by Action of Debt brought to the City Courts of said City, in which Action no Appeal or Review shall be allowed. 372 public records May, Provided however that no Bye Laws of said City shall be made repugnant to the Laws of this State, And Provided also that all the Bye Laws made by said Court of Common Council shall be approved of by said City in legal Meeting Assembled, and after being so approved shall be published at least three Weeks successively in some public News Paper in or nearest said City before the Same shall be of any Validity, And all the Bye Laws of said City shall at any Time within six Months after they are made, be liable to be repealed by any Superior Court holden in said County of New London if by such Superior Court on a hearing adjudged to be unreasonable or unjust, And all Grants and Leases of any real Estate belonging to said City signed by the Mayor of said City and Sealed with the City Seal and approved by said City in legal Meeting Assem- bled shall be good and effectual in Law to convey the Estate intended to be conveyed by such Grant or Lease Provided the same is Recorded in the Records of the Town where the Lands leased or granted lies, And said City shall have Power to appoint Inspectors of every kind of Produce of the United States brought to said City for Sale or expor- tation, And the Vote or Choice of the Major Part of the Freemen Present at any legal Meeting of said City shall be considered in all Cases as the Vote or Choice of said City, and whenever the Mayor of said City or any other officer of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof shall resign or be removed by Death or otherwise another Person shall be Chosen in his place by said City and if an annual Officer shall con- tinue in Office till the expiration of the Month of July next follow- ing unless another shall be sooner Chosen and sworn in his stead, And the Mayor of said City or in his absence the Senior Alderman, present at any Meeting of said City or at any Court of Common Council shall ex Officio be Moderator thereof and the Meeting of said City may from Time to Time by a Major Vote of the Freemen present be Adjourned. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the first Meeting of said City shall be holden at the Town House in said Norwich on the second Tuesday of July next at nine of the Clock in the forenoon for the Choice of Mayor Alderman Common Council and Sheriffs of said City, and to transact such other Business as may be necessary, which Meeting may be from Time to Time adjourned and a Copy of this Paragraph of this Act Certifyed under the Hand of the Secretary of this State and published on the Sign Post in said Town of Norwich at least three Days before said second Tuesday of July next shall be a legal Warning of the Freemen of said City to attend said first Meeting, and the annual Officers chosen at said Meeting shall continue in Office untill the expiration of July AD 1785 unless others are sooner Chosen and qualified in their Stead, and the said City shall at such Meeting first Chuse a Clerk of said City, who shall be immediately sworn and shall forthwith make a Record of his being Chosen and sworn and the Record thus made by him in such Case shall be good and effectual, any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding & such Records may be made by Clerks hereafter chosen of their being chosen and sworn and shall 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 373 be good and effectual any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwith- standing, and said City shall thereupon proceed to Choose a Mayor and the Other Officers of said City eligible by the Freemen thereof, and the Justices of the Peace within and for the County of New London living and Inhabiting within the Limits of said City and present at such first Meeting, shall have as to the Election of the Mayor Aldermen Sheriffs Common Councilmen and Clerk of said City, the same Powers and proceed in the same manner as the Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffs of said City by this Act are to have and proceed in at the future Elections of said City, And the Seignior Justice of the Peace within and for the County of New London living within the Limits of said City present at said first Meeting shall be Moderator thereof untill there shall be a Mayor or Alderman Chosen and qualified according to this Act and said City shall at their first Meeting appoint a Time and Place for holding the first Court of Common Council, which Court shall have Power to adjourn from Time to Time, and the first City Court of said City shall be holden on the second Tuesday of August next at the Town House in said City, and the City Courts of said City may be holden in said Town House from Time to Time or in such other Place in said City as said City shall Provide and Judge proper,. Always Provided that any Thing in this Act notwithstanding the Inhabitants living within the Limits of said City shall to all Intents and Purposes be and remain a Part of the Town of Norwich, Provided nevertheless That if this Act or any of the Provisions therein contained shall be found inconvenient or in any respect inade- quate the Same on Representation of the City or otherwise may be altered or revoked by the General Assembly. Provided nevertheless that the Judges of said City Court may and they are hereby authorized to hear try and finally determine all Causes brought before the City Courts by a Jury of six Freemen or without a Jury where neither of the Parties desire to have a Cause decided by a Jury or by more than six Jurors. And this Act shall to all Intents and purposes be a Public Act. An Act to enable the Cities of New Haven New London, Hartford Middle- town and Norwich, respectively to grant the Freedom of those Cities to Persons living without the Limits of said Cities — Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same , That said Cities respectively shall and may have Power to grant the Freedom of those Cities to any Person or Persons living without the Limits of said Cities and the Person to whom such Freedom is granted shall upon taking the Oath by Law required have Right to Vote at any of the Elections and in any City Meetings of that City by which such Freedom is granted. Provided nevertheless , That no Person shall in Virtue of such Grant be Considered as Entituled to the Rights of a Free Citizen of this State or as acquiring a Right of Inhabitancy in that Town within whhich the City granting such Freedom lays. 374 public records May, Whereas the Circumscription of the Seal of this State is improper and inapplicable to our present Constitution, Resolved by this Assembly that the Secretary be and he is hereby Impowered and directed to get the Same altered from the Words as they now stand to the following Inscription namely sigil. reip. CONNECTICUTENSIS.* Whereas upon the Representation of two of the Listers of the Town of Salisbury, it appears to this Assembly that there is a mistake made in the Grand List of that Town for the Year 1780 of the Sum of £1787 18 0, the Treasurer sending out his Warrant that Sum too small and the Rate Bills being made up on the true List of the Town, and the Collectors having Collected of the several Inhabitants these several Taxes so made up which Money the Collectors have in their Hands so arising on said £1787 18 0 which Sum they ought to pay into the Treasury, Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer send to the Collectors of said Tax to bring in the Moneys that they have so Col- lected and arising on said Sum of £1787 18 0 in like Money as was Collected on said List of 1780 after the Abatement of the 20 th part is deducted, and give the State Credit for such Sums so paid in by said Collectors and on refusal of said Collectors Paying said Sums so aris- ing the Treasurer is hereby directed to send out his Executions for said Sums so arising against said Collectors. Resolved by this Assembly that Doct r Jared Potter Gideon Bucking- ham Esq r & Col° Samuel Canfield be a Committee to repair to New Haven and examine into the Circumstances of the various Sufferers from the British Army at the Time of their Plundering New Haven in July 1779, and Report make of what further Abatements of Taxes if any at all ought to be made to said Sufferers, which Committee shall be at the expence of said Sufferers.f Resolved that the Treasurer of this State procure thirteen of the late revised and newly published Law Books and also thirteen sets of the Laws passed at the Session and transmit to the Governor or President of each State in the Union one of said Books, and also one of those Books to the Governor of the District or Territory commonly called State of Vermont. Resolved by this Assembly that His Excellency the late Governor Trumbull be presented with one of the new revised Lawbooks lately compleated under his Administration. * In the earlier published volumes of the present series the title pages have borne the colony seal. Now, in recognition of the above resolution the title page of the present volume carries a reproduction of the new state seal as given on the title page of the collected Laws of Connecticut, published in 1784. t See below, p. 449. 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 375 Resolved by this Assembly That the Treasurer be directed to prepare a State of the Grants and payments made to Governor Trumbull since May 1775 for his Yearly Salary, and extrordinary Services, And that the Committee of Pay Table, be directed to prepare a State of the Accounts between this State and Governor Trumbull respecting Monies paid and other Articles by him advanced for the Use of this State and of the Sums of Money and Orders he has received from Time to Time towards such Payments and Advancements, in doing of which they are to have recourse to the Journals of the Council of Safety, and also to receive from Governor Trumbull his Account in the premisses and the Same lay before the General Assembly in October next in Order that they may be enabled to do what what is Just for Governor Trumbull therein. Whereas the General Assembly at their Session in May 1781 made Provision for Issuing Securities of this State to the Citizens thereof for Ballances due to them for Beef and other Provisions by them fur- nished to the then late Commissary Wadsworth for the Use of the United States,* which Provision hath had a reasonable continuance and as it is necessary to Close and Settle the Public Accounts. Resolved by this Assembly that the further Continuance of said Provision be and the Same is hereby discontinued and the Committee of Pay Table are directed not to make any further drafts on the Treasurer for Payment or security of any of said Ballances due from the said United States. Whereas the multiplicity of Taxes now in Collection which in the Course of the War it became necessary to grant, and on which large Arrears remain due would render it extremely burdensome to the People if not Impracticable to pay at this Time new Taxes to any considerable amount, and as in the Taxes now collecting and the annual December 6 d tax other Sourses of revenue to that purpose appropriated, there is permanent and adequate Provision made for the Interest of the State Debts, which if unembarrassed by new requisitions may be Collected and paid with ease and punctuality and would be more beneficial to the Public Creditors than attempts at this Time to discharge the principal of their Debts farther than is provided for by the Taxes already Collecting and which it is of the utmost Importance should be spedily settled up. Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to suspend Issuing his Warrants for any Taxes not now in Collection except the Annual Decemb r 6 d Tax for Interest and such as it may be necessary to grant for the support of Civil Government for the Term of three Years from the Time they are now respectively Issuable, and that the Warrants for those Taxes respectively shall Issue upon the List of the Year next antecedent to issuing such Warrants. * See Conn. State Rees., Ill, 379-380. 376 PUBLIC RECORDS May, And it is hereby further Resolve d that no Collector of State Taxes shall be Authorized to Collect or receive from any Person Interest accruing on any of said Taxes after the first Day of Decemb r next and that any Contract or security for said Interest accruing after that Time shall be void. It is further Resolved that any State Securities due before the first Day of March 1784, and for specie value or being so reduced by the Committee of the Pay Table shall be receivable by the Collectors of State Taxes and at the Treasury in all Taxes now due except those specially appropriated for sinking the State Bills for payment of Interest and the Army Notes the Support of Civil Government and the Use of the United States, And that any of the Army Notes Issued by this State and due before the first of July 1784, shall be receivable as aforesaid on either of the Taxes granted for the Payment of the Interest or Principal of any of said Notes and now collecting And that any Person holding any of the Notes or Securities now due as aforesaid may have the same exchanged at the Treasury and the Treasurer is hereby Authorized and directed so often as there shall be application to him therefor to give in exchange for the Same his Certificates of smaller denominations to be receivable on any Tax on which the Note or security for which he shall Issue them in exchange is by this Resolve made receivable, And it is further Resolved that the Secretary Cause to be published in all the News Papers in this State, the foregoing Resolves together with a Resolve of the Assembly passed in May 1783 making Treasurers Certificates for Interest on all Debts due from this State receivable in the hard Money Taxes and a Resolve of the Present Session directing the Treasurer in future to Issue all Certificates for Interest in small denominations.* Resolved by this Assembly that all Securities Issued by this State for Pay or depreciation to Officers or Soldiers of the late Army and now due may be received by the Collectors of Taxes and at the Treasury on either of the Taxes indiscriminately on which any of them, have been by Law receivable heretofore, And it is further Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby directed to Issue all Certificates for Interest in future in small denominations not exceeding forty shillings. Resolved by this Assembly That a Tax of one Penny on the Pound on the Poles and Rateable Estate of the Inhabitants of this State on the List of 1783 be and is hereby granted and laid payable to the Treasurer of the State at or before the first Day of October next for defraying the necessary Incident Charges of Civil Government, and the Treasurer is hereby Ordered to Issue out his Warrants accordingly. See above, p. 119. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 377 Resolved by this Assembly That the Committee of the Pay Table be and they are hereby directed in answer to the Questions Stated to this Assembly in their representation of the 24 th of this Month not to draw any further Orders on the Treasurer of this State for Payment of the Short Levies referred to in said Representation but that they Issue to them for their Pay the Continental Securities the said Committee have received or shall receive Signed by the Pay Master of the Late Con- tinental Army as referred to in said Representation. Resolved by this Assembly That the Committee of Pay Table be directed and they are hereby directed to Settle and adjust those Orders drawn by said Committee on the Treasurer of this State in the Year 1780 for Bills ordered by Congress to be Issued from the Treasurer of this State in favour of Nehemiah Hubbard Deputy Q m General and draw on the Treasurer for what they shall find Justly due. This Assembly do appoint M r Elisha Abbe of Windham to Collect and receive all Articles of Cloathing Salt Provisions and Stores of dif- ferent Sorts belonging to this State in the County of Windham which Nath 1 Wales Esq r in his Life Time was Authorized to do, and such Stores as now remain undisposed of to Sell and dispose of to the best advantage, receiving in Payment therefor either State Bills or Securities of this State due and Payable paying the Avails thereof to the Treasurer of this State for which Service the Committee of Pay Table on the Settlement of his Accounts are to make a reasonable allowance for Trouble and Expence. Resolved by this Assembly That the Committee of Pay Table be and they are Impowered and directed to receive of Governor Trumbull all the files Records and Papers belonging to the Council of Safety and remove and lodge them in the Office of the Pay Table in Hartford, And the Committee of Pay Table are further directed to prepare an Account of the Moneys drawn from the Treasury by Order of the Council of Safety during the late War and the Purposes to which such Moneys have been applied and lay the Same before the next General Assembly. Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby directed to draw Orders on the Sheriffs and Collectors of Taxes and Agents or holders of any Moneys due to this State for the Sum of two hundred Pounds lawfull Money in the whole payable to the Delegate from this State now about to proceed to Congress out of any Moneys in their Hands, excepting only such Moneys as are appropriated to the Use of the United States, and the Receipt of such Delegate shall be good in Settlement for such Moneys at the Pay Table and Treasury. Whereas it has been represented to this Assembly that there is a difficulty attending the Sale of some of the confiscated Lands in the 378 PUBLIC RECORDS May, County of Fairfield, and the Grant made by this Assembly of one Thousand Pounds to the first Society in Fairfield and the West Society in said Fairfield, to be raised out of the said confiscated Lands to enable said Societys to build Meeting Houses, is in danger of being defeated which inconvenience to prevent — It is Resolved by this Assembly that said Societies if they see Cause may receive Deeds from the Treasurer of this State of Confiscated Lands in said County in satisfaction of said Grant at the Apprisal of Col° Philip B Bradley Col 0 Samuel Canfield and Abel Hine Esq r and the Treasurer of this State is directed to execute Deeds to said Societies severally in proportion to their several Rights in said Grant on receiving a Certificate from such Apprizers of the Value of such Land and proper Descriptions thereof. Resolved by this Assembly that M r Elisha Pitkin J r of East Hartford be and he is hereby Authorized and appointed to receive of M r Chauncey Whittlesey of Midletown all the Powder in his Custody being the prop- erty of this State and dispose of the Same to the best advantage of the State and render his Account thereof to the Committee of Pay Table who are directed to Liquidate and settle the same. Upon the Representation of the Overseers of the Prison of New Gate that after the said Prison was consumed by Fire there was Col- lected out of the Ruins thereof a considerable Quantity of Iron which they have secured for the Benefit of this State That there is some Timber lying near the place where said Prison stood, which was pro- vided for a Yard to said Prison, and that they have in their Custody some Cloathing which was left by the Prisoners when they broke said Prison &c — Resolved by this Assembly that Roger Newberry Esq r be and he is hereby Authorized and directed to Sell and dispose of said Iron Timber and Cloathing and all other Materials now remaining that were made use of in and about the said Prison for Money or State Securities now due Settle his Account with the Committee of Pay Table and after deducting necessary Charges pay the residue thereof arising from said Sales to the Treasurer of this State. Resolved by this Assembly that the Constables and informing Officers in the Town of Colchester be and they are respectively Authorized to execute their several Offices for New London County untill the first Day of January next. Resolved by this Assembly that the Secretary be and he is hereby directed immediately to prepare and furnish his Excellency the Governor with an Authenticated Copy of an Act of this Assembly past at the present Session Entituled An Act to enable the United States in Con- 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 379 gress Assembled to Levy certain Duties and Imports on certain Goods and Merchandizes imported into this State &c.* Whereas it has been Represented to this Assembly that there is a difficulty attending the Sale of some of the Confiscated Lands in the County of Fairfield And the Grant made by this Assembly of five hundred Pounds to the first Society in the Town of Norwalk to be received out of the said Confiscated Lands to enable said Society to build a Meeting House is in danger of being defeated which incon- venience to prevent — Resolved by this Assembly that said Society if they see Cause may receive Deeds from the Treasurer of this State of Confiscated Lands in said County in satisfaction of said Grant at the Apprisal of Col 0 Philip B Bradley Col° Samuel Canfield and Abel Hine Esq r And the Treasurer of this State is directed to execute Deeds to said Society on receiving Cer- tificates from said Apprizers of the Value of such Land and proper Des- criptions thereof. Resolved by this Assembly , That Col 0 Samuel Mott Rufus Lathrop and Elias Brown Esq rs be and they are appointed a Committee to repair to New London and Groton and examine into the Circumstances of the various Sufferers from the detachment of the British Army, by the burning and destruction made in said Towns in the Month of Septem- ber 1781, and make Report of what further Abatements of Taxes if any, ought to be made to said Sufferers, said Committee to be at the Expence of said Sufferers.f Resolved by this Assembly That Col° John Chester and Cap 1 Jona- than Bull be appointed a Committee to procure Copies of the Acts passed at this Assembly as soon as may be and have five hundred Copies thereof printed and distributed to the several Towns in this State in the same proportion as the new revised Law Books have been already directed to be distributed, and said Committee are to take such other Measures for promulgating such of said Laws as they shall think necessary to be known before said Copies can be distributed in such way and manner as they shall think proper. Whereas it is represented to this Assembly that the Inhabitants of the Town of Greenwich in Consequence of their losses during the late War are unable to pay their Taxes — Resolved by this Assembly that such of the Inhabitants of said Greenwich as the Authority and Select Men of said Town of Greenwich shall designate, shall be and they are hereby abated their Lists or Taxes in whole or in part for the Years 1779, 1780, 1781, 1782 and 1783. * See above, pp. 326-7. t See below, p. 449. 380 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Whereas it is represented to Assembly that some of the Inhabitants of the Town of Stamford are by reason of their losses during the late War rendered unable to pay their Taxes, Resolved by this Assembly that Col 0 Samuel Canfield & Gen 1 John Chandler be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to repair to said Stamford at the expence of the said Town, and abate the List or Taxes in whole or in part of such of the Inhabitants thereof as have suffered Losses in consequence of the late War by Plundering and burning of the Enemy for such Years as they shall think Just and right and Report make. Whereas it is Represented to this Assembly in behalf of those Per- sons in the Town of Fairfield who suffered by the Burning and Plunder- ing of the Enemy in the Month of July 1779 that they are still unable to pay their State Taxes by means of the Losses sustained by said Burning and Plundering, that the Taxes of said Sufferers in the List for the Year 1782 & 1783 have not been abated and still be against them praying for relief — Resolved by this Assembly that the State Taxes of those of said Sufferers whose Taxes were abated on their Lists for the Years 1778 1779 1780 and 1781. be also abated on their Lists for the Year 1782 & 1783 and the Same are hereby Abated accordingly. Whereas it is represented to this Assembly that Solomon Leet and Daniel Leet both of Guilford had during the late War their Houses &c burned by the Enemy, and are thereby rendered unable to pay their Taxes, Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the said Solomon Leet and Daniel Leet be and they are hereby abated all their State Taxes for the Years 1782 and 1783. Resolved by this Assembly That the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed and Impowered to settle with the Soldiers who served in the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army and had not been settled with, by the Same Rules and Principles said Line have been settled with and to draw Orders in like manner for the Ballances that may be found due to them as hath been done for said Line. Resolved by this Assembly that Cap* Samuel W m Williams, be and hereby is appointed a Committee in the room of Col 0 Elisha Williams Deceas d to Collect the Money due for the Indian Land sold at Chatham and to pay out the same to the Proprietors, and to have the same Author- ity in that Case as said Col 0 Williams Deceas d had. Resolved by this Assembly that Oliver Wolcott Jun r be appointed and he is hereby appointed Commissioner for this State to settle and adjust the Account of this State against the United States with the 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 381 Commissioner appointed by Congress for the Settlement of Accounts in this State, and That the Hon ble Oliver Elsworth Esq r be requested to Assist said Wolcott as occasion shall require in the management of said Business and that said Elsworth & Wolcott be Impowered in behalf of this State to correspond with the Delegates of this State in Congress or the superintendant of Finance or others, on the subject of any Obstacles or Difficulties that may occur in effecting said Settle- ment and that they Report fully to this Assembly at their next Meet- ing the State of said Settlement what special Difficulties if any have occurred and what Measures have been taken to obviate such Difficul- ties, and the effect of such Measures. And it is further Resolved that said Elsworth and said Wolcott shall each have three Dollars per Day for each Day which they may spend in said Business. Upon the Representation of David Finley Amos Strong and others belonging to the sixth Company of Militia and twelfth Regiment in this State Shewing to this Assembly that the Choice of Eleazer Carter to be Ensign of said Company is Illegal, in that some legal Voters in said Company were not warned nor present at the Time when said Choice was made and that some gave in more than one Vote at one Time — Praying that said Choice of said Company may be set aside, and the Commission granted in pursuance thereof vacated as per Memo- rial or Representation — Resolved by this Assembly that the Doings of said Company in their Choice of said Carter to be their Ensign is Illegal, And the Commis- sion granted in pursuance thereof is vacated and the Captain of said Company is hereby Ordered after legal Warning to all legal Voters therein to lead them to the Choice of an Ensign and make return to this or the next Assembly that he may be Commissioned accordingly. Sylvanus Griswold of Windsor in the County of Hartford being returned to this Assembly as Chosen to be Captain of the 8 th Company in the first Regiment of Militia in this State, and it being represented to this Assembly by Roger Newberry Esq r Brigadier General of the first Brigade that the said Sylvanus was a vicious Person and had been Guilty of several Acts of Gross Lewdness which being found to be true by a Committee appointed by this Assembly, Resolved by this Assembly that the said Sylvanus be refused a Commission as Captain as aforesaid. Upon the Memorial of Capt n Seth Pierce Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1780 pursuant to proper Orders he peremptorily detatched one Elnathan Beach of his Company who was a Minor and Son of Edmund Beach of Cornwall to perform a Tour of Military Duty and duely notified him thereof who by the Order and direction of his said Father absconded, by means of which the said Cap 1 Pierce was put to 382 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Cost in searching after apprehending and guarding the said Elnathan which has been duely taxed at £5 12 6 L Money, That said Minor has no Estate, Praying that the said Edmund might be holden to pay the same, and the said Edmund & Elnathan having been duely Notified to appear before this Assembly to Shew reason if any they had why Execution should not Issue against them, and having been duely called made Default of Appearence and the above said Facts being fully proved, Whereupon Resolved hy this Assembly that the said Edmund Beach & Elnathan Beach pay unto the said Cap 1 Seth Pierce of said Cornwall the aforesaid Sum of £5 12 6 LMoney with the Cost arisen on said Memorial which is allowed by this Assembly to be £4 18 6 like Money and that the Secretary Issue Execution for the same accordingly. Ex n granted June 11 th 1784. Upon the Petition of Gideon Benjamin of East Hartford Shewing to this Assembly that by various Misfortunes he is reduced in his advanced Age and become unable to pay all his Just Debts and is exposed to Arrests and perpetual Imprisonment by his Creditors and that he is willing to resign all his Estate on Oath for the Benefit of his Creditors and praying for an Act of Bankruptcy to be passed in his favour, which Petition this Assembly have been unable to hear at this Session — Resolved that said Petition be Continued and that the Petitioner be protected from any Arrests and Imprisonment untill the rising of the General Assembly in October next on account of any Debt contracted before the bringing of said Petition, and that said Benjamin be disabled to transfer any of his Estate or property in the mean Time.* Whereas the General Assembly in October 1782 appointed a Com- mittee to enquire into the particular disabilities of those Persons who were wounded in the Attack of the Enemy at New London and Groton in September 1781 and who remain in a Cripled and debilitated Condi- tion, to State their several Cases and to make Report thereof &c,f And Whereas said Committee having examined stated and made their Report in the Premisses and also given it as their Opinion that dverse Persons in said Report named are Objects of Public Attention and ought to be allowed the following several Sums to their Names respectively set and affixed, to wit — To Ensign Charles Eldridge twelve Pounds per Year as a stipend for his Services and Wounds, John Morgan 3 d seven pound per Year, John Starr twelve Pounds a Year, Ensign Joseph Woodmansee eight Pounds a Year, Cap* Solomon Perkins five Pounds a Year, Andrew Gallop three Pounds a Year, Liut Park Avery a Sum of twenty Pounds, Serj* Daniel Eldridge a Sum of ten Pounds. Ziba Woodworth twelve Pounds a Year, Serj* Stephen Hempsted six Pounds * See below, p. 401. t See Conn. State Rees., IV, 323. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 383 a Year, Edward Stanton eight Pounds a Year, Jehiel Judd ten Pounds a Year Sanford Williams nine Pounds a Year William Seymour twelve Pounds a Year and Daniel Stanton Jun r six Pounds a Year, and that said Annual Stipend should be continued during Life or the Continu- ance of disability &c which said Report of said Committee being accepted and approved &c — Resolved by this Assembly that the aforesaid several Persons shall be allowed and paid annually the aforesaid several Sums out of the Public Treasury of this State to wit the said Charles Eldridge the Sum of twelve Pounds the said John Morgan 3 d seven Pounds the said John Starr twelve Pounds the said Joseph Woodmansee eight Pounds the said Solomon Perkins five Pounds, Andrew Gallop three Pounds Ziba Woodworth twelve Pounds Stephen Hempsted six Pounds Edward Stanton eight Pounds Jehiel Judd ten Pounds Sanford Williams nine Pounds William Seymour twelve Pounds and Daniel Stanton J r six Pounds all in lawfull Money annually from and after the 6 th Day of September 1781, during their respective Lives or the continuance of their said disabilities and that the said Park Avery shall also receive the said Sum of Twenty Pounds and the said Daniel Eldridge the Sum of ten Pounds lawfull Money, and the Treasurer of this State is hereby Ordered and directed to pay the same to them accordingly or to their Order, And the Secretary as Ordered and directed to furnish the Treas- urer with a true Copy of this Resolve. Upon the Representation of David Allen of East Windsor that he was Collector of the State Taxes in said East Windsor on the List of 1779 and 1780, and that by reason of Lameness he has been unable to compleat the Collection of said Taxes, and praying that he may be Authorized to appoint some suitable Person to finish the Collecting said Taxes &c — Resolved by this Assembly that the said David have Liberty and Liberty is hereby granted to him to appoint some suitable Person who shall be approved by the Select Men of said Town to finish the Col- lecting said Taxes at the expence and risque of the said David, and the Person who shall be appointed as aforesaid shall have the same Power and Authority to Collect said Taxes as the said David hath to Collect the Same. Provided nevertheless that nothing in this Resolve shall be under- stood to excuse the said Town from being accountable for said Taxes. This Assembly do appoint Thomas Darling Jun r Surveyor of Lands in and for the County of New Haven. This Assembly do appoint Seth Sam 1 Smith Surveyor of Lands in and for the County of Fairfield. This Assembly do appoint Cap 1 Elisha Bostwick of New Milford Surveyor of Lands for the County of Litchfield. 384 public records May, This Assembly do appoint Nathaniel Otis of Colchester to be Sur- veyor of Lands in and for the County of New London. This Assembly do appoint Willard Child of Woodstock and Fred- erick Freeman of Mansfield to be Surveyors of Land for the County of Windham. This Assembly do appoint Col 0 Samuel M c Lellan Brigadier General over the fifth Brigade of Militia in this State. This Assembly do appoint Major Benajah Leffingwell Lieutenant Colonel of the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do appoint Captain Jabez Fitch to be Major of the ninth Regiment of Militia in this State in the room of Major John Davenport, resigned. This Assembly do appoint Cap 1 Moses Seymour of Litchfield to be Major of the fifth Regiment of Horse in this State in the room of Major Bull resigned. This Assembly do appoint Elijah Sperry to be Captain of the 16 th Company or Trainband in the second Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Moses Atwater to be Lieutenant of the 16 th Company or Trainband in the second Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joel Hine to be Ensign of the 16 th Com- pany or Trainband in the second Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jesse Sherman to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Darling Jun r to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Increase Hewett to be Captain of a Matross Company in the Town of Pomfrett in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Miles to be first Lieutenant of a Matross Company in the Town of Pomfrett in this State. This Assembly do establish Joshua Miles to be 2 d Lieut 1 of a Matross Company in the Town of Pomfret in this State. This Assembly do establish Stephen Hewett to be Lieutenant Fire- worker of a Matross Company in the Town of Pomfrett in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Rockwell to be Ensign of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thaddeus Husted to be Captain of the second Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Thaddeus Sterling to be Lieutenant of the second Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 385 This Assembly do establish James Lockwood to be Cornett of the 2 d Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Strong Comstock to be Quarter Master of the second Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Peter Eastman to be Lieutenant of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the second Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joel Cooper to be Ensign of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the second Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Stephen Munson to be Ensign of the 17 th Company or Trainband in the second Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Diodate Silliman to be Captain of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the fourth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jeremiah Smith to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Hecock to be Captain of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Porter to be Lieutenant of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elisha Stevens to be Ensign of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Bunwell to be Captain of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Luther Bingham to be Lieutenant of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Peck to be Captain of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Baldwin to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Solomon Morse to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Crocker to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 3 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joel Morse to be Captain of the 4 th Troop of Horse in the first Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Charles Hull to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Troop of Horse in the first Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish John Davidson to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elihu Yale to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Parker to be Ensign of the 1 st Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Alexander Gordon to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Dain Jun r to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. 386 public records May, This Assembly do establish Samuel Curtiss to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Frederick Witter to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Kellam to be Ensign of the 1 st Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ezekiel Rude to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Victory Sikes Towsley to be Captain of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elias Jackson to be Lieutenant of the 14 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joshua Rathburn Jun r to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Freedom Chamberlin to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Silvanus Gibbs to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jehul Pardy to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Amos Barrows to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eliphalet Terry to be Captain of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eliakim Benedict to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elihud Taylor to be Ensign of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Rogers to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Hart to be Captain of the third Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish David Wood to be Lieutenant of the third Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Ezra Dibble to be Cornet of the third Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Platt Cook Jun r to be Quarter Master of the third Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish John Huiston to be Lieutenant of the seventh Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Walter Mallery to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Truman Hurlburt to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 387 This Assembly do establish John Mallery to be Ensign of the fourth Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Latham Hull to be Captain of the fourth Troop of Horse in the second Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Smith to be Cornett of the fourth Troop of Horse in the second Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Elisha Swan to be Quarter Master of the fourth Troop of Horse in the second Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Dan Beach to be Lieutenant of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathan Burton to be Ensign of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Bethuel Hinman to be Captain of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jehul Franklin to be Lieutenant of the the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Hinman to be Ensign of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Colborn to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Chamberlain to be Captain of th; third Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Henry Hedges to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jedidiah Serge to be Captain of the seventh Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Hubbard to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eli Barns to be Ensign of the 7 th Com- pany or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Christopher Morgan to be Captain of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish William Morgan to be Lieutenant of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Peleg Williams to be Ensign of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment of this State. This Assembly do establish Richard Hamlin to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Canfield to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Robert Rand to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Colt Jun r to be Lieutenant of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Stephen Johnson Jun r to be Ensign of the second Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in this State 388 public records May, This Assembly do establish Butler Gilbert to be Lieutenant of the 5th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Seth Doolittle to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Mason Hobart to be Lieutenant of the second Company or Trainband in the 28 th Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Oliver King to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Tappen Ward to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Birdsey to be Lieutenant of the eighth Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Ruggles to be Captain of a Grenadier Company in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Williams to be Lieutenant of a Grenadier Company in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John May to be Ensign of a Grenadier Company in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Oliver Hubbard to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Miller to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Nichols Jun r to be Captain of the seventh Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jacob Dresser to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Perrin to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Chapman to be Ensign of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Mark Stoddard to be Captain of the 16 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Giles Capron to be Lieutenant of the 16 th Company or Trainband in the eighth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Isaac Avery to be Ensign of the 16 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Hoyt to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jedidiah Munn J nr to be Lieutenant of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Philemon Trowbridge to be Ensign of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Asaph Parmely to be Ensign of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Guthrue to be Captain of the second Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Asa Lay to be Captain of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 389 This Assembly do establish Jedidiah Chapman Ju r to be Ensign of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joel Deming to be Ensign of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Augustus Diggins to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eliphalet Collins to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathan Ayer to be Captain of the fourth Company or Trainband in the eighth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Andrew Bartholomew to be Captain of the fourth Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ezra Hinsdale to be Lieutenant of the 4th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Amos Webster to be Ensign of the 4th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Gibbs Jun r to be Lieutenant of the 1 1 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ebenezer Seely to be Ensign of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Hale to be Captain of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the fifth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Brigham to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the fifth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathan Bristol to be Ensign of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Alexander Stewart to be Captain of the second Company or Trainband in the eighth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Stanton to be Lieutenant of the second Company or Trainband in the eighth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Boardman to be Ensign of the second Company or Trainband in the eighth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jeremiah Clements Ju r to be Captain of the light Infantry Company in the Town of Norwich. This Assembly do establish Joseph Howland to be Lieutenant of the light Infantry Company in the Town of Norwich. This Assembly do establish, John MClellan Breed to be Ensign of the light Infantry Company in the Town of Norwich. This Assembly do establish Timothy Barber to be Captain of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Friend Thrall to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Edward Gaylord to be Ensign of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elisha Edgerton to be Quarter Master of the first Troop of Horse in the 2 d Regiment of Light Horse in this State. 390 public records May, This Assembly do establish Oliver Bradley to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Caleb Root to be Captain of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Christopher Crouch to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Amos Hitchcock to be Captain of the seventh Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Foot to be Lieutenant of the seventh Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Reuben Andruss to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Zechariah Mather to be Lieutenant of the ninth Company in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Barber to be Captain of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abijah Wilson to be Lieutenant of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Levi Thrall to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Augustus Haydon to be Captain cf the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Austin to be Ensign of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elizer Talcott Jun r to be Lieuten* of the third Company or Trainband in the 6 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Wells to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the 6 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elisha Wilcox to be Captain of the second Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Sage to be Lieutenant of the second Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Peter Goodrich to be Ensign of the second Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah Starr to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Levi Bostwick to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Paul Hamlinton to be Lieutenant of the fourth Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Stevens to be Ensign of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Curtiss to be Ensign of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thadeus Parmer to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 21 Bt Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abraham Herrington to be Ensign of the seventh Company or Trainband in the 21 8t Regiment in this State. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 391 This Assembly do establish Jabez Brewster to be Captain of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Philip Harvey to be Lieutenant of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Fitch to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elihu Baldwin to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 28 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Asa Todd to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 28 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Seley to be Captain of the ninth Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Aaron Comstock to be Lieutenant of the ninth Company or Trainband in the ninth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Ayres to be Ensign of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the ninth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Cornelius Brunson to be Captain of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Mallery to be Ensign of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 13 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Buell Jun r to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Theodore Lord to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eleazer Carter to be Ensign of the sixth Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jeremiah Butler to be Captain of the second Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jacob Clark to be Lieutenant of the second Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Richard Spelman to be Ensign of the 2 d Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Theodore Root to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abel Lewiss to be Lieutenant of the sixth Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Enos Ives to be Ensign of the sixth Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Lee to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Lament Peck to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jacob Hungerford to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Aaron Cook to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the first Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Sloan to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the first Regiment in this State. 392 public records May, This Assembly do establish Joseph Pratt to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the first Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Gallop to be Captain of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Hodgkins to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abel Holt to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Griffin to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James North to be Captain of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Belding to be Lieutenant of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Levi Andruss to be Ensign of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Gates to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Robert Anderson to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Amos Randall to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Eliphalet Murdock to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the fifth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Stoddard to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the fifth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathan Simons to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 5 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Tyler Jun r to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Plickox to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Noyes Wadsworth J r to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Haydon to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Gershom Scofield to be Captain of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Roberts to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Adams to be Ensign of the ninth Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Caleb Booth to be Captain of the fourth Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Trumbull to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Morton to be Ensign of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 39 3 This Assembly do establish Elias West to be Captain of the sixth Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Zerobabel Wightman to be Lieutenant of the sixth Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathan Bingham to be Ensign of the sixth Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Alexander Cossett to be Captain of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Noadiah Holcomb to be Lieutenant of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Martin Gozard to be Ensign of the 6 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ahijah Taylor to be Captain of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Gregory to be Lieutenant of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Matthew Sherwood to be Ensign of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do Establish Seril Peck to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Avery to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the eighth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Edward Packer to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elisha Niles to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonathan Burrall to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Hezekiah Holcomb Jun r to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Clark to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Frederick Humphry to be Captain of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jedidiah Norton Ju r to be Lieutenant of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Tillotson to be Ensign of the 13 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Micah Woodruff to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Thomson to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Phineas Andruss to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Stephen Dummer to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the second Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Granniss to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 2 d Regiment in this State. 394 public records May, This Assembly do establish Daniel Hurlburt to be Captain of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jeremiah Grummon to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Betts to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 9 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Heyden to be Captain of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Allyn Heyden to be Lieutenant of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ezekiel Scovil to be Ensign of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Oliver Phelps to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Williams 3 d to be Captain of fifth Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elisha Williams Jun to be Lieutenant of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. Upon the Memorial of Nathaniel Eells and others Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1780 they performed a Tour of Duty under the command of Cap 1 Elijah Seymour that their Wages amounted to £45 15 4, that said Seymour has received the same and not paid them &c Praying Relei f &c Resolved by this Assembly that General Comfort Sage and William Noyes Esq r be a Committee to examine into the Matters of said Memo- rial and what Security said Seymour hath given to the Treasury and Report to this Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Nathaniel Eells and others Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1780 they performed a Tour of Duty under the Command of Cap 1 Elijah Seymour and that their Wages amounted to £45 15 4, which said Seymour as Pay Master of the Company received and has never paid the Same but is insolvent and totally unable to pay the Same Praying this Assembly to Order the Payment thereof to them & c as per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Impowered and Authorized to draw on the Treasurer for the Sums due to the Memorialists for said Military Service and the Treasurer is directed to pay the Same accordingly. Upon the Memorial of Silvanus Phelps of Hebron Shewing that in January 1772, he was induced to give Bond to the Treasurer of this State in a Recog 2 of £150 L Money for the appearence of his Brother Jeremiah Phelps then of said Hebron before the then next Superior Court to be holden at Hartford in March 1772, to answer a Charge laid against him on Suspicion of Counterfeiting Coins, for which he was 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 395 then held in Prison, and also with a further View of making discov- eries of such Evil practises, that immediately upon giving s d Bond and the enlargement of the said Jeremiah he was Attached and Imprisoned in Windham County Goal by one Charles Hinkley and others upon Meme Process, and there held and detained so that the Memorialist could not have him before said Superior Court, though he moved said Superior Court for a special Order to that purpose and said Recog K was forfeited, and the Memorialist by Act of Law without any neglect of his ; became liable to pay said Sum, the said Jeremiah being Insolvent, and gone out of the County — That the Memorialist has been Obliged to pledge almost the whole of his real Estate Mortgagewise for the Security of said Sum and he is now sued out of the Possession of said Estate &c praying for relei f &c as per Memorial &c — Resolved by this Assembly that upon the Memorialist securing and paying to the Treasurer of this State by the first Day of Novemb r next the Sum of thirty Pounds lawfull Money for the Use of this State, that the Treasurer thereupon do and he is hereby directed and Impowered to make execute and deliver to the Memorialist in the Name and behalf of this State a Release of all the Right Title and Interest which was or is vested in this State by Virtue of said Mortgage Deed given as afore- said and said Release so executed and Recorded in the Public Records of said Town of Hebron, or an Attested Copy thereof shall be sufficient Evidence of the Memorialists Title to said Land before any Court of Record in this State, and may be given in Evidence accordingly. Upon the Memorial of David Bushnell Shewing to this Assembly that he was employed and directed by the Governor of this State and Council of Safety to pursue Measures for destroying the Enemies Shipping and Boats during the War and employed himself in that Business with some degree of Success from the 23 d Day of April 1777 to the second Day of August 1779, in which he necessarily expended large Sums of his own property* Praying for a compensation for his said Service and Expences as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be allowed the Sum of One hundred and fifty Pounds lawfull Money as a Reward in full * David Bushnell of Saybrook (now Westbrook) may truly be called the father of the sub- marine ship and the submarine torpedo. While an undergraduate at Yale he demonstrated the practicability of exploding gunpowder under water, and upon graduating in 1775 built a hand- propelled, one-man submarine vessel, the Turtle. It carried on its outside a powder-filled maga- zine, or torpedo, which was to be attached by a screw device to the hull of an enemy ship and exploded by a clockwork timer after the submarine had made its escape. Bushnell was too frail to operate his invention, but in August 1776 Sergeant Ezra Lee of Lyme made an attack in the Turtle against Lord Howe’s ship Eagle in New York Harbor. The attempt, failed because Lee was unable to force the screw into the hull of the Eagle. Later Bushnell made attacks upon the British ship Cerberus in Long Island Sound by means of a floating mine towed from a whale boat and upon British shipping in the Delaware. Damage was caused in each case, though not to the intended victims. It is doubtless to these latter exploits that the above memorial refers. Bushnell did not pursue his experiments further. More than a century passed before the submarine warship was recognized as a regular arm of the leading navies. For con- temporary accounts of Bushnell’s invention and attempts to use it see Transactions of the Amer- ican Philosophical Society, IV (1799), 303-312; American Journal of Science, and Arts, II (1820). 94-100; Conn. Historical Society Collections, II (1870), 315-318. See also Henry L. Abbot. The Beginning of Modern Submarine Warfare, under Captain — Lieutenant David Bushnell, Sappers and Miners, Army of the Revolution (1881). 396 PUBLIC RECORDS May, for the whole of his said Services and expenditures, and that the Com- mittee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Impowered and directed to draw Orders on the Treasurer of this State in favour of the Memo- rialist for that Sum payable out of the twelve penny Tax. Upon the Memorial of Moses Merrills and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Farmington Praying to be transferred from the Military Company in the Parrish of Northington to the Military Company in the Parish of West Division — Resolved by this Assembly that the Tract of Land laying North of the East and West Highway that runs between the dwelling House of Stephen Sedgwick & Samuel Stanley and South of a Parallel Line drawn West from the North West Corner of the Town of Hartford and to extend one Mile West from Hartford west Line, and the Inhab- itants thereon residing be and the same hereby are transferred from the Military Company in the Parish of Northington in said Farmington to the Military Company in the Parish of West Division in the Town of Hartford any Law Usage or Custom to the Contrary notwithstanding. Upon the Memorial of Ebenezer Kingsbury of Pomfret in the County of Windham, Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1782 he was Chosen Collector of State Taxes for said Town, and that in June 1783 the Treasurer of this State Issued out sundry Warrants to said Collector on the Levy 1782 which Warrants contain including fourfolds the Sum of £26951 9 1 Whereas the Levy of said Town contains but £25913 0 7 by which means said Collector is Charged in said Warrants £ 1038 8 6 over the Sum of the Levy which said Collector hath to Collect Praying for releif &c As per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to examine the Returns of the Listers of said Pomfrett for said Year and if he shall find said Town or Collector to be over charged in said Warrants shall give said Collector Credit for the Sum or Sums he shall find to be over Charged against him. Upon the Memorial of Samuel Boardman of Weathersfield Shew- ing to this Assembly that by Misfortunes and Losses he is reduced in his Circumstances and unable to Settle his Affairs without Assistance Praying that Commissioners be appointed with Authority to call his Debtors to account, and also to make Settlement with his Creditors, and that his Body in the mean Time be exempt &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Mess” John Wright and Elisha Baxter both of Weathersfield be appointed and they are hereby appointed Commissioners with full Powers and Authoritys to make a Settlement of said Samuels Book Accounts Bonds and Notes due to him and to Adjust the Ballances due from said Samuel to his Creditors and pay out a Just Dividend of such Monies of said Samuel to his Creditors in proportion to the Just demands they have against said Samuel And the 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 397 Person of said Samuel is hereby exempted from all Arrests or Imprison- ment for Debts untill said Accounts are settled by said Commissioners. Upon the Memorial of Joseph Lane Jun r John Lane Jun r Hozikiah Clark Elisha White Giles Parmely Samuel Cruttendon Elias Redfield Ezra Porter Hiel Wilcox Jail Hart and Walter Griswold Shewing to this Assembly that they voluntarily Inlisted into the Continental Army for the Term of six Months and performed their Duty therein and in Con- sequence thereof were entituled by a Resolve of the General Assembly to receive the Sum of thirty shillings each for furnishing themselves with Blankets &c which they have never received &c as per Memorial on File— Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table do call upon Brigadier General Ward and Col° William Worthington, in whose Hand the said Money due to the Memorialists is represented as resting to account for the Same and upon receiving the Money from them or either of them to pay over the Same with Interest since the Same was due to the Memorialists, And in Case the said Committee of Pay Table shall not be able to Collect the said Sum together with Interest thereof from said Ward or Worthington, that they the said Committee prosecute said Ward or Worthington or both as the Case may require in the Name of this State for the recovery of said Sums, and that in that Case the Committee of Pay Table draw on the Treasurer of this State, for the Sums that they shall find to be due to the Memorialists respectively. Upon the Memorial of John Reed Shewing to this Assembly that Peter Gilchrist of Woodbury was indebted to him in the Sum of Seventy nine Pounds seventeen shillings and ten pence New York Money, and that said Peter sometime during the War died and his Estate represented Insolvent and Commissioners appointed who have made their Report and the same accepted and their Commission Closed, and that the Memorialist had no knoledge of said Peter 8 Death or opportunity to exhibit his Debt before said Commissioners Praying this Assembly to Impower and direct the Judge of Probate for the District of Woodbury to reappoint said Commissioners &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Judge of Probate for the Dis- trict of Woodbury be and he is hereby Impowered and directed to reap- point the Commissioners on the Estate of the said Peter Gilchrist, in order to their receiving and examining the Claim of the Petitioner as aforesaid. Upon the Memorial of the Select Men of Weathersfield Shewing to this Assembly that Jacob Riley the Person Chosen by said Town to Collect the State Taxes levied on the List given in in the year 1783 is sick and likely to be unable to Collect said Taxes. Praying Liberty if necessity requires through inability of said Jacob, to Chuse another 398 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Collector cloathed with the same Powers and entituled to the same emoluments as if Chosen according to the Law of this State as per Memorial on File, Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that if said Jacob Riley should continue Sick and unable to Collect said Taxes or should soon Dye and no legal representative of said Jacob should appear to Collect said Taxes the Inhabitants of the Town of Weathersfield be and they are hereby Authorized and Impowered to make Choice of some suit- able Person to Collect said Taxes levied on the List given in, in August 1783, and said Collector shall have the same Powers and be entituled to the Same Emoluments as if Chosen at the Annual Town Meeting according to Law, Provided that nothing in this Resolve shall be Construed to excuse said Town from their Liability for the neglect and failure of either of said Collectors. Upon the Memorial of Mary Wooster and Thomas Wooster- James Wadsworth and Joseph Hopkins Esq r are reappointed a Committee with the same Powers Authorities and directions given them by the General Assembly in May 1782 and to make their Report to the General Assem- bly in October next to which Time said Memorial is hereby Continued.* Upon the Memorial of the Inhabitants of the Town of Norfolk in the County of Litchfield and State of Connecticut Praying this Assembly to grant to them the said Inhabitants Liberty and Authority to tax them- selves in such Sum or Sums as they shall from Time to Time find necessary for making and mending their Highways and Chuse Col- lector or Collectors and Collect the Same and lay out and dispose of the Money when Collected for the purposes aforesaid &c — Resolved by this Assembly that the Town of Norfolk have Liberty and Liberty and Authority is hereby granted to the Town of Norfolk, to tax and Collect of themselves such Sum or Sums from Time to Time as they shall find necessary in the same way and manner as other Town Rates are Collected, and when Collected to be laid out and dis- posed of for repairing the Highways in said Town as said Town shall from Time to Time agree any Law to the contrary notwithstanding, and that this Grant continue in force during the Pleasure of the General Assembly- Upon the Memorial of Charles Joseph De Berard a Native of France now resident in New Haven in New Haven County, Shewing to this Assembly that Bartholomew Gueben late of said Hartford Deceased, made his last Will and Testament and therein appointed the Memorialist his Executor, That the Memorialist exhibited said Will to the Court of Probate for Hartford District by which the same was •This investigation had to do with the conduct and financial accounts of David Wooster, Esq., deceased, former naval officer of the port of New Haven. Conn. State Rees., TV, 196-197. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 399 disapproved, and having moved for an Appeal thereon, through his ignorance of the Forms of Law in this State, failed of entering the Same with due legal formality untill the Term by Law allowed was expired Praying for Relief as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Liberty be and the same is hereby granted to the Memorialist, at any Time before the last Tuesday of August next to enter his Appeal in said Case before said Court of Pro- bate he procuring sufficient Bail to prosecute the same as the Law directs, before the next Superior Court to be holden at Hartford in and for Hartford County, and to enter the Copies of said Appeal in the Files of said Superior Court and proceed thereon to final Tryal of said Cause, And that said Appeal so entered shall to all Intents and purposes be equally valid and legal to bring forward said Cause to a final determina- tion before said Superior Court as though the same had been entered within the Term by Law prescribed. Upon the Memorial of Tabor Pratt of Saybrook Gamoliel Brockway and Gideon Brockway Jun r both of Lyme representing to this Assembly that the Ferry over Connecticut River from Saybrook to Lyme called Brockways Ferry is inconvenient for public accomodation, and a more suitable Ferry Place may be had at a Place about three Quarters of a Mile below said Brockways on the River at a Place known and called the Great Meadows in Saybrook, and the Sand Banks in Lyme — Praying there may be established a Ferry Place at said last mentioned Places unto said Memorialists &c as per Memorial — Resolved that William Hilhouse William Noyes and Elijah Backus Esq rs be and hereby are appointed a Committee to repair unto said Brockways Ferry on Connecticut River, and also to the place proposed by said Memorialists for a Ferry called the great Meadows in Say- brook and the Sand Banks in Lyme at the Expence of the Memorial- ists and view the Same and Report make of their respective Situation and conveniency for a Ferry with their Opinion thereof to the next General Assembly. Upon the Memorial of the Select Men of the Town of Union Shew- ing to this Assembly that one Nathan Abbott, Collector of the State Tax on the List brought into this Assembly in October 1781 and March 1782 had moved out of this State and left said Tax altogether uncollected and unpaid, and that said Town at their Annual Town Meeting in December 1783, had Chosen one Abijah Session of said Town to Collect said Tax in the room and stead of said Abbott Praying to this Assembly to enable the said Abijah Sessions to Collect the said Taxes instead of said Abbott — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Abijah Sessions be enabled and full power is hereby given to the said Abijah Sessions to take the Warrants directed to the said Abbott given out on said List and Collect the Taxes therein mentioned to all intents as the said Abbott might have 400 public records May, done had he officiated in said Office, and the Town of Union to remain liable in case of defect as if the former Collector had proceeded. Upon the Memorial of William Pitkin Esq r Praying for the exclusive privelege of manufacturing Snuff in this State for a limited Time free from Assesments and Taxes &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Sole and exclusive Right and privelege of manufacturing all and every kind of Snuffs in this State be and the same is hereby granted to the said William Pitkin Esq r his Heirs and Assigns, for the Term of fourteen Years, from the rising of this Assembly, and that he and they be exempt for that Term from any Taxes or Assesment for or on account of said Business, or any Proffits that may thence arise. Provided that he or they erect and establish a snuff Manufactory in this State within eighteen Months from the rising of this Assembly and continue the same and pursue said Business till said Term of fourteen Years shall be expired. Upon the Memorial of John Treat of Milford in the County of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that sometime in the Year 1781 he received of the Treasurer of this State a States Note of £295 9 10 in leu of and in exchange for other Notes of Pryor Date Dated first of Febr y 1781, And that sometime in the Month of May 1782 he delivered said Note to M r Solomon Baldwin in Order to transmit the Same to the Treasurer of this State and procure the Interest thereon, and that said Baldwin living in an exposed Situation lodged said Note with others at the House of Cap t Josiah Buckingham in said Milford, Judging it a Place of greater safety than where he resided, and that in the Night next after the 17 th of Novemb r then next said House was plundered by a party of the Refugees from Long Island and among other Things said Note carried of as per Memorial on File, Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby Authorized and directed to issue to the Memorialist his Note of the same Tenor and Date of the one lost as aforesaid taking sufficient surety that the same shall be delivered up if said Lost Note shall be found. Upon the Memorial of Christopher Manwaring Shewing to this Assembly, that he had in his Hands the Sum of about £59 0 0 State Bills of several Emissions previous to the Year 1780, And by Casualty was prevented from bringing them in agreable to Act of Assembly, Praying for relief &c, as per Memorial on File Dated 15 th of May 1784 — Resolved by this Assembly . that upon the Memorialist delivering to the Treasurer said Bills the Treasurer is directed to pay and secure to the Memorialist the amount of said Bills in the same way and man- ner as if the same had been brought in seasonably. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 401 Upon the Memorial of Philip Burr Bradley of Ridgefield in the County of Fairfield Shewing to this Assembly, that as Colonel of one of the Regiments of the Continental Army raised by this State he in the Year 1777 Received of Governor Trumbull the Sum of £252 3 9, in Bills of the United States and belonging to said States for the purpose of recruiting said Regiment and supplying the Same with fire Arms, which Money the Memorialist expended for that purpose and hath since lodged Vouchers, thereof with the Committee of Pay Table and by mistake took an Order drawn in his favour by said Committee, on the Treasurer of this State for said Sum, and on discovering said Mistake, hath applied to said Committee requesting them to take back said Order and give him a Certificate of his having lodged such Vouchers as aforesaid, that said Committee having Doubts of the propriety of such request refuse to Comply therewith, Praying for relief &c as per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that said Committee be and they are hereby Authorized and directed to receive back said Order and give the Memorialist a Certificate of his having lodged in the Pay Table Office a Voucher for said Sum of two hundred fifty two Pounds three shillings and nine pence and Credit the Memorialist with said Order as being returned. Upon the Memorial of Langford Cartey of Colchester shewing to this Assembly that in the Month of March 1782 he was the proper owner of an Order drawn by the Committee of Pay Table on the Treasurer of this State in favour of Norwich Committee of Supplies for the Sum of £12 on the Tax of 2/6 On the pound, exclusive of that part, payable in State Bills, and that he delivered said Order into the Hands of Samuel Hazard of Stonington, to purchase Cattle for his Use, and that the Same fell into the Hands of a small Child and was destroyed as per Memorial on File — Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Ordered and directed to draw an Order upon the Treasurer of this State payable out of the Tax of 2/6 to the Memorialist, for the same Sum contained in said former Order. Upon the Memorial of the Select Men of New Milford Shewing to this Assembly that Partridge Thatcher of said New Milford Esq r is reduced to a State of distraction, That he is considerably involved in Debt and is possessed of a very large real Estate, much more than sufficient to discharge all his Debts, but has not any personal Estate except necessary Household Furniture and a number of Negroes, who have from their Infancy been always assured of their Freedom by the said Thatcher, to Commence at the Time of his Death that he is advanced in Life and has no Children, that his Design was to have paid his Debts by means of his real Estate which his Wife and Friends are now desirous to have done, and a Conservator of the Person and 402 public records May, Estate of the said Thatcher appointed and that said Negroes be exempted from Sale &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Samuel Canfield of said New Mil- ford Esq r be and he is hereby appointed a Conservator of the person and Estate of the said Thatcher with full Powers and Authority to Sell and dispose of so much of his real Estate, as may be necessary for the purpose of discharging his Just Debts supporting himself and Family and other necessary and reasonable purposes for the Benefit of him the said Thatcher, and his Estate, and also to Settle all Accounts, insti- tute pursue or defend in any Suit or Action either in Law or equity, respecting the said Thatcher or his property and to do and transact any other Business that may be proper and reasonable for the general Benefit of the said Thatcher his Family and Estate, and to render his Account to and obey such Orders and directions as he may from Time to Time receive from the County Court in and for the County of Litchfield which Orders said Court, are hereby Authorized to give as Occasion may require and also to liquidate and Settle the Accounts of the said Con- servator, or to discharge him or appoint any other Person in his stead if found necessary or expedient; And that all the Negroes belonging to said Thatcher be and they are hereby exempted and freed from any kind of Sale or disposition whatsoever so long as the Estate of the said Thacher may be sufficient for the discharge of his Just Debts and Support of himself and Family. Upon the Memorial of the Select Men of the Town of Norwalk Shewing that the Sheriff of the County of Fairfield has now in Hand an Execution to Collect a fine from said Select Men for the neglect of a certain Class in said Town for not raising a State Soldier AD 1781, which Class by Captivity and frequent Depredations of the Enemy were rendered unable to raise said State Soldiers and therefore Praying a Release from said fine, and that the said Sheriff may be directed to stop his said Execution, Resolved by this Assembly that said Select Men be and hereby are released from said Fine and said Sheriff is hereby directed to stop said Execution the said Select Men paying Costs. Upon the Memorial of Ebenezer Avery and Edward Latham of Groton Shewing that they own the Land on which Fort Griswold is Built Praying that this State would purchase so much of said Land as will be necessary for Public Use &c as per Memorial &c Resolved by this Assembly that Ebenezer Ledyard Esq r and Col° Nathan Gallop be and they are hereby fully Authorized and Impowered in behalf of this State, to Report to the General Assembly to be Con- vened in October next what quantity of Land on which said Fort stands may be necessary for the Use of this State and for what Sum the Owner or Owners thereof will Sell the Same together with their Opinion what said Land is reasonably worth. And that the Owner or Owners of said 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 403 Land be enjoined in the mean Time not to remove or Injure any of the property of this State being or situated on said Land, And the said Ebe- nezer Ledyard Esq r is hereby also appointed and Impowered to oversee and take Care of said Land and all the Buildings and property thereon and therein belonging or that may belong to this State untill the further Order of this Assembly, That the said Ebenezer Ledyard Esq r be directed as soon as it can be done to take an Account of the Buildings and all other Property annexed to or lying on said Land belonging to this State and make return thereof to the General Assembly in October next. Upon the Memorial of the Inhabitants of the Town of Litchfield Shewing to this Assembly that they were by the General Assembly at their Sessions in January last doomed and Ordered to be set in the List for the Last Year the Sum of £1580, and ordered the Treasurer to Issue his Warrants accordingly, and that they had no Representation in the Assembly nor any one to espouse their Cause when said Dooming was put on, and said Order Issued, and praying that the Listers of said Town may have Liberty to take back the Assesments returned to the Assembly in January last and make a new Assesment of such Per- sons as ought by Law to be Assessed, therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the Listers of said Town of Litch- field have Liberty and Liberty is hereby granted to said Listers to take back said Assesments and revise the Same and make such Additions and Alterations in the Same as shall be agreable to the Laws of this State and return the Same to the Secretary of this State by the first Day of July next and that said Memorial be continued untill October next. Upon the Memorial of Joshua Elderkin upon which a Committee appointed to enquire after and examine the Facts therein Stated &c now Report That on the third of October 1781 said Elderkin purchased at vendue a certain Confiscated Estate lying in Lebanon containing about one hundred and forty Acres lately belonging to one Thomas Fanning of Long Island at the Price of twenty two pounds ten shillings per Acre amounting to £3155 12 6, to be paid in Bills of this State or Orders drawn by the Committee of Pay Table for such Bills that soon after the Purchase of said Estate by said Elderkin the Resolve of this Assembly directing the Treasurer not to receive said Orders untill liqui- dated and reduced to Specie value laid said Elderkin under a disadvan- tage, that said Elderkin at the Time of said purchase paid £961 15 2 in said Orders in part of said purchase on the Settlement of his Acc*® with the Com 6 * of Pay table there is due to him the Sum of £463 13 5%. in specie for his Services for this State, And that the specie value of said Confiscated Estate at the Time of said Purchase was £850 0 0 which with the Interest thereon amounts to the Sum of £986 LMoney &c as per Report which is accepted and approved — And thereupon it is Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of 404 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Pay Table Charge said Elderkin with the Sum of £463 13 5*4 being the Ballance due to him as per Settlement with said Committee as so much allowed and discounted in his favour toward Payment for said Farm, and that said Elderkin pay or Secure with Sufficient Surety to the Treasurer of this State, the further Sum of £105 16 10^4 LMoney pay- able in a reasonable Time with Interest which with the Payments by him made is the full value of said Farm, And that the Committee of Pay Table settle and receive such Security and transmit the same to the Treasurer taking his Receipt and draw on the Treasurer to deliver to said Elderkin the Bond executed by him & Roger Huntington for the residue of the Purchase Money of said Farm not paid at the Time of executing the Deed thereof to him. Upon the Memorial of Thomas Mumford Esq r Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1780 he sold a large quantity of Rum Pork & Beef to the States Commissary for the Use of the Army and at the Prices which Congress allowed the State for the Same for which he received Payment in Bills of Credit emitted by this State in the Year 1780 at their nominal value as being equal to Silver Money, That in the Summer of the Year 1781 he furnished Ralph Pomeroy Esq r then Deputy Quarter Master with Tent Cloth to a large Amount at hard Money Price for which he received the Treasurers Notes for Seventeen hundred pounds lawfull Money, which said Note and Bills, he hath now on hand That in the Year 1782 he purchased a Quantity of Pork and Beef the Property of this State to the value of three Thousand & five Hundred Pounds, all which he hath paid in hard Money and Morriss’ Notes excepting a Ballance of about £660, Praying for Liberty to pay said Ballance in said Bills received by him as aforesaid or in Treasurers Notes at the Rates he received the same of the Public, and that the same may be settled accordingly as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly That the Memorialist have Liberty and the same is hereby Granted to him to pay the Ballance due from him for said Pork and Beef in Bills of this State received by him as afore- said or in Treasurers Notes now due for hard Money, and at the same Rate he received the said Bills and Notes of the Public, and Capt Jabez Perkins the Agent to this State is hereby directed to settle the Same with the Memorialist accordingly and the Committee of Pay Table and Treasurer are hereby directed to receive and allow for said Bills and Securities in the Settlement of Accounts with said Agent. Upon the Memorial of Oliver Hanchett Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1778, he was appointed a Captain in Col 0 Enos’ Regi- ment then raising for the defence of this State and received £300, in Continental Bills to pay the Bounties of his Company, that soon after he was of the number of the Officers who were discharged and on settlement of his Accounts with the Committee of Pay Table there appears to be a Ballance of £57 18 8 lawfull Money due from him to 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 405 the State, that he has in his Possession Orders on the 2/6 Tax drawn by Ralph Pomeroy Esq r D Q M for Rye at 4/6 and Indian Corn at 3/6 per Bushell Praying that the Committee of Pay Table be directed to Settle with and receive of the Memorialist said Orders in discharge of said Debt as per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and hereby are directed to receive of the Memorialist said Orders on the 2/6 Tax to the Amount of the Ballance due from the Memorialist in dis- charge of the Debt due from him as aforesaid. Upon the Memorial of Hozekiah Huntington of Windham Shew- ing to this Assembly that in Consequence of the encouragement by this State offered for the manufacturing of Fire Arms for defence in the late War, he engaged in said Business in the Year 1775, and pursued the same and finished and compleated three hundred and forty Stand of Arms which were inspected and approved by the Committee for that purpose appointed, whereby he was entituled to a Premium of five shillings for each of said Stand of Arms, that he has received a premium for sixty of said Guns only, that for the residue he took proper Certif- icates of the Committee appointed to Inspect the Same to enable him to draw the Premium therefor which by some Accident are lost Praying for relief &c This Assembly do appoint the Honb le William Williams & Constant Southworth Esq rs and Capt Jeremiah Ripley a Committee at the expence of the Memorialist to examine the Facts and Accounts Stated in said Memorial and report make with their Opinion thereon to the next General Assembly.* Upon the Memorial of Timothy Baldwin of Guilford in New Haven County Shewing to this Assembly that in July 1783 he had his dwelling House broken open and robbed of £479 12 1 in Orders taken in on Rates Praying for Relief &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby ordered and directed to discharge the Memorialist from the £258 19 1 in Orders that are missing taking Care to stop the same if they came into the Treasury. Upon the Memorial of Eli Mygatt, John M c Lane and others Shew- ing to this Assembly that in the capacity of Select Men of the Town of Danbury they secured and Sold for the Benefit of this State a con- siderable Part of the Personal Estate of David Taylor late of said Danbury who had Joined the Enemy of the United States, and thereupon a Settlement of their Accounts with the Administrator on said Estate agreable to a Resolve of the General Assembly in May 1780, there remains in their Hands the Sum of £49 0 5 lawfull Money due to this State Praying for Liberty to pay the Same in Public Securities as per Memorial, See below, p. 467. 406 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Resolved, by this Assembly that the Memorialists have Liberty and Liberty is hereby granted them to pay the aforesaid Sum of £49 0 5 LMoney in Certificates for Interest of Money loaned to this State and the Treasurer & Committee of Pay Table are directed to receive the same accordingly. Upon the Memorial of General John Douglas Ebenezer Pemberton William Dixon and Elisha Perkins Esq re M r Joseph Eaton and M r Sam- uel Fox and others Proprietors of the new School in Plainfield Shewing to this Assembly that they have at great expence erected three valuable Buildings in Plainfield in the County of Windham for the Use of said School and for the Promotion of Learning in its various Branches in said Plainfield — Praying that they may be established and made a Body Corporate and Politic and be known in Law as per Memorial on File— Resolved by this Assembly that M r Ebenezer Pemberton Gen 1 John Douglas Maj r Andrew Backus Elisha Perkins Esq r M r William Robin- son M r Samuel Fox Cap 1 Joshua Dunlap M r Ebenezer Eaton and M 1 Hozekiah Spalding all of Plainfield and such other Persons as the Pro- prietors of said School shall elect not exceeding thirteen in the whole be and they are hereby appointed constituted and declared to be a Body Corporate and Politic by the Name of the Trustees of the Accademick School in Plainfield And by that Name they and their Successors in said Corporation shall forever be Persons known and capable in Law to acquire and receive by all lawfull Ways and Means and to hold Occupy and Possess all kinds of Estate both real and Personal and to dispose of the Same by Deed or other proper Conveyance for the Use of said School Provided the Rents and Profits of such Estate shall not exceed £500 0 0 LMoney per Annum in the whole at any Time and said Corporation shall by the Name aforesaid be capable in Law of suing or being Sued and to Plead or to be Impleaded in any Court of Law or equity as a Body Corporate to all intents and Purposes and shall from Time to Time Oversee Conduct, Manage and direct the Affairs and Interest of said School, and make and establish all necessary Orders Laws and Regu- lations for the Government thereof and to alter the same at discretion, Provided that no such Laws and Regulations shall be inconsistant with the Laws of this State nor with the Rights of Yale College, And said Corporation may and shall from Time to Time by their Major Vote appoint a Clerk Treasurer and other Officers and Instructors proper for conducting the Affairs of said Corporation and for the Government of said School, and in Case of the Death or removal of any number of Members of said Corporation the surviving or remaining Members may elect others to supply the vacancies Provided always that seven of said Corporation shall be resident Freeholders in Plainfield and no Person shall act as a Member of said Corporation untill he hath taken the Oath of Fidelity to this or some one of the United States And any seven of said Corporation shall be a 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 407 Quorum with full Power to transact any Business proper to said Corporation the whole being Notified, And said Corporation may have a Common Seal of such Devise as they shall adopt and may alter the Same at Pleasure and all Officers and Persons appointed or employed in any Office or Trust, by or under said Corporation shall be accountable to their Constituents for their Doings in such Office and may be super- ceded or displaced at discretion. Upon the Memorial of William Huntington and the rest of the Select Men of the Town of Lebanon shewing to this Assembly that in 1772 the Select Men of said Town gave their Security by Bond to the Treasurer of this State for the Sum of £296 6 2, for the Arrears of Taxes then due from Seth Bartlett a Collector of the Public Taxes for said Town, that there is now due on said Bond £84 16 and the Interest thereof which said Select Men have not been able to obtain out of the Estate of said Bartlett, That Ozias Coleman a Collector of a Public Tax of seven Pence Payable May 1777 for said Town is in Arrears for said Tax the Sum of £73 9 6^4 who has failed in his Cir- cumstances and gone out of this State for which Sum said Town is become Liable Praying for Liberty to pay said Bond and said Arrear in Securities of this State — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have Liberty and Liberty is hereby Granted them to pay in any Securities of this State or Pay Table Orders which have been Liquidated and reduced to hard Money the Principal and Interest due on said Taxes computing the Interest on said Taxes to the Time of the Date of said Securities or Orders. Upon the Report of the Committee on the Memorial of Silvanus Brown of Stamford in Fairfield County Shewing to this Assembly that the said Petitioner is Deceased and that in Consequence of his the Petitioners House being Plundered by the Enemy he lost in Notes Public Securities and Continental Bills to the Amount of £149 17 11, which Sum said Committee report ought to be abated the Petitioner out of the Debt due from the said Deceas d to this State and that he ought to be allowed to pay the remainder of the Judgment obtained against him in favour of this State in any Public Securities, which Report has been read and accepted, Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that upon the Administrator on said Deceas ds Estate paying the legal Cost that has arisen on the Suit in favour of this State against said Deceas d in solid Coin and the remainder of said Judgment in any public Securities now due against this State said £149 17 11 shall be and is hereby abated to the s d Deceased. Upon the Memorial of the Managers of Shatucket Bridge Lottery Shewing to this Assembly that a Mistake hath intervened in numbering one thousand of the Tickets in said Lottery which were Signed by 408 public records May, Christopher Leffingwell Esq r one of said Managers Praying that said Mistake may be corrected as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that in computing the Numbers of said Tickets Signed by the said Christopher Leffingwell Esq r there be deducted one thousand from the Number on each Tickett so as to make them read and number from number 2001 to number 3000, inclusive in numerical Succession agreably to the true intent and design of said Numbers and of the Managers of said Lottery, And it is further Resolved by this Assembly that the Time limited for the drawing of said Lottery be and the Same is hereby extended so that said Lottery may be drawn and finished at any Time before the first Day of August next any former Resolve to the contrary notwithstanding. Upon the Memorial of Jason Rogers shewing to this Assembly that in May 1781 Liberty was granted to said Rogers and one Ezra Perry who were Administrators the said Perry in Right of his Wife on the Estate of Joseph Booth late of Woodbury Deceas d to sell so much of the real Estate of said Deceas d as to raise the Sum of £37 14 9 IMoney, since which the said Perry with his Wife have absconded not having sold said Estate, having first Embezzled some part of said Deceas ds Estate and leaving no Estate of their own, and some further Debts having since appeared against said Deceas ds Estate Praying for Releif &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Judge of the Court of Probate in and for the District of Woodbury be and he is hereby Authorized and Impowered to grant Liberty to the Memorialist to sell so much of the real Estate of said Deceas d as to raise the Sum aforesaid together with any after subsequent Debts, the former Grant not having been executed. Upon the Memorial of Josiah Brainerd Ju r of Haddam Shewing to this Assembly that on the Night following the 15 th of February last his dwelling House was consumed by fire by which accident he lost a Note Issued by this State to Daniel Brewer who had served in the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army which Note became due on the first of June 1785, the Principal of said Note was £4 4 4 and the Interest paid untill the first of June 1782 Praying that the Treasurer be directed to Issue another Note of the same Tenor and Date as per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be directed and he is hereby directed to Issue another Note to the Memorialist of the same Tenor and Date taking security of the said Memorialist to Indemnify this State in case said Note said to be consumed should ever appear. Upon the Memorial of David Young of Windham Shewing to this Assembly that about the first of May 1776 by Order of the Governor and Council of Safety he was employed by Col 0 Jedidiah Elderkin and 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 409 Nathaniel Wales Esq r late Deceas d to Guard the Magazine of Gun Powder belonging to this State in the Town of Windham, and that at his own expence he kept and Continued a sufficient Guard over said Magazine from the Time aforesaid untill October 1782 a few Days excepted that he has never received any Compensation for his Trouble expence and Care in keeping said Guard the Time aforesaid, excepting what has been paid him by said Elderkin and Wales to the amount of in the whole of the Sum of £289 4 0 and that there is still due to him a considerable Ballance. Praying that a Committee be appointed to examine and State his Account for the Service aforesaid &c as per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that the Honb le William Williams Esq r Capt Jeremiah Ripley and Constant Southworth Esq r be and hereby are appointed a Committee at the expence of the Memorialist to examine and State the Accounts of said Young for the Services aforesaid particu- larly noticing the payments made by said Elderkin and Wales respec- tively and draw or State the Ballance due to Said Young, and Report make to the next Session of this Assembly that due Order may be taken thereon.* Upon the Memorial of the Proprietors of Union Wharf in New Haven Praying that this Assembly would Enact that no Vessell shall in future be Cleared out from the Harbour of New Haven by the Naval Officer of the Port of New Haven untill he shall receive a Certificate in Writing from the Wharfinger of said Wharf that the Customary Wharfage is paid or that none is due as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Naval Officer of said Port of New Haven shall not in future Clear out any Vessell from the Harbour of New Haven untill he shall receive a Certificate in Writing from the Wharfinger of said Wharf that the Customary Wharfage due from such Vessell is paid or that none is due, and the Wharfinger of said Wharf shall at all Times on Demand made by any Person who shall have paid the Customary Wharfage due from his Vessell, or from whose Vessell no Wharfage is due give a Certificate accordingly without fee or reward therefor. The Sums total of the Additions and Fourfold Assesments of the following Towns as returned to this Assembly are viz — Single Additions fourfold Additions Bolton £258 3 0 £114 7 0 Farmington 419 2 0 2550 12 0 New Hartford 82 0 0 0 0 0 Mansfield 91 6 6 0 0 0 Norwich 245 17 1J4 0 0 0 Willington 846 0 6 7 4 0 Hartland 830 2 0 0 0 0 See below, p. 458. 410 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Upon the Memorial of Zalmon Read of Redding Shewing this Assembly that in the Year 1776, he received of the Treasurer of this State a Sum of Money in State Bills to advance as a Bounty to such Soldiers as he should Inlist into the Service of this State, and that about £200 of said Bills he did not use for that purpose, which he now owes to this State. Praying this Assembly to Grant him Liberty to pay the Ballance due from him on account of said Bills in Pay Table Orders or any other Securities now due from this State and that the Treasurer be directed to receive the Same accordingly as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have Liberty and the Same is hereby granted him on his paying in hard Money the Cost that has already arisen on a Suit brought against him for said Bills in Officers and Court fees to pay the Ballance due from him on Account of said Bills in Pay Table Orders Bills of this State or any other Securi- ties against this State now due they being first Liquidated where there is Occasion, And the Treasurer is hereby directed to receive the Same accordingly. Upon the Memorial of Ezra Starr Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Daniel Starr late of Danbury Deceas d , Shewing that in 1776 said Daniel received £155 by the Hands of Col 0 Thomas Seymour to defray the Expences of marching his Regiment of Horse to New York, that said Daniel soon after Died and his Papers &c were burnt that no regular Account can be Settled, and the same is Charged to Your Memorialist by the Pay Table Praying a Committee to examine and Report &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Philip B Bradley & Thaddeus Bene- dict Esq r be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to examine into all the Matters set forth in said Memorial and to Report with their Opinion to the next General Assembly all at the Cost of the Memorialist. Upon the Memorial of Benjamin Northrop of Ridgefield in Fairfield County Shewing to this Assembly that he is a Cripple in consequence of his Thigh and Knee being broken, and that the British Troops when they passed through the said Town of Ridgefield burned and entirely destroyed his dwelling House Barn and out Houses and all his House- hold Furniture and that he is unable to pay his Debts and Taxes Pray- ing for Abatement of his Taxes for the three Last Years past as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he is hereby abated all his Taxes on the Lists for Years 1780 1781 and 1782. Upon the Memorial of Thaddeus King and others of Suffield Shew- ing that the sixth Military Company or Trainband in said Suffield in the first Regiment is numerous, that their situation and Circumstances together with certain uneasinesses which for some Time have and still subsist render it necessary that a division should be made of said Com- 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 411 pany &c as per Memorial &c Whereupon a Committee hath been appointed to inquire &c and have Reported in favour of said Division which Report being now accepted and approved &c Resolved by this Assembly that the said sixth Military Company be and the same are hereby divided into two distinct Military Companies or Trainbands in the Manner and form following towit, by a Line begin- ning at the Mouth of a Brook called deep Brook where it empties into the Great River, from thence Southwesterly a streight Line to a cross Road or Highway on the South Side of Edmund Bements Home Lott, thence about the Same Course across another Road to the South side of Joseph Fullers House lately Zacheus Hanchets thence Westerly about the same Course across another Road upon the South Side of Elijah Granger and Amos Remington’s Dwelling Houses, thence Westwardly to the North Side of Josiah Sheldons dwelling House upon the Wester- most Road in the first Society in said Suffield, and that all such Male Persons living and residing North of the aforesaid Line who now are or hereafter may be liable by Law to bear Arms shall be one entire and distinct Military Company or Trainband with all the Powers and Priveleges and Subject to the same Rules and regulations that other Military Companies in this State now by Law have or are Subjected to, and the Commanding Officer of said first Regiment is Impowered and directed to lead said Company North of said Line to the Choice of their Officers giving due warning and Notice thereof and to make return of the Same to this or the next General Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Marcy Whedon of the City of New York shewing that antecedent to the Month of January 1778, she received Bills emitted by this State from different Persons to the amount of £42 1 0 Lawfull Money but by reason of the Enemy within the British Lines, she was prevented from knowing of the Act of this State requiring such Bills to be brought into the Treasury of the State Praying that said Bills may be now received &c as per Memorial on File— Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State do receive said Bills and having liquidated by the Scale of Depreciation the value of said Bills on the first Day of June 1778 do execute in behalf of this State to said Marcy a Note on Interest bearing Date the first Day of February 1781, for the amount of said Bills as liquidated as aforesaid and the Interest thereof from the first Day of said June to said first Day of said February. Upon the Memorial of Amos Hubbell of Fairfield in the County of Fairfield and Eunice Hubbell of Stratford in the County of Fairfield as she is Administratrix of the Estate of Abraham Hubbell late of said Stratford Deceas d Shewing to this Assembly that in the Life Time of said Abraham, the said Abraham and Amos being Merchants in Com- pany did pay for in equal proportion a certain Peice of Land lying in 412 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Stratfield Parish in said Stratford at New Field Harbour so called near Capt Stephen Burroughs Store on the North Side of the Highway that runs from the dwelling House where Samuel Wakely lately lived to said Harbour, and is bounded Southerly on the Highway and to run sixty feet Northward to the North Side of the Store which belonged to said Amos and Abraham on the West to a Stake in the Marsh ten feet from the Northwest Corner of said Store and to run a Streight Line from that Stake towards Capt James Haits Kitchen Chimney, and on the East Side by the Channel!, which Land belonged to Elizabeth Morriss Wife of Daniel Morriss which Land was to have been conveyed to said Amos and Abraham jointly but by Mistake said Land was con- veyed to said Abraham alone, and that said Abraham afterwards in his Life Time agreed to convey the one half thereof to the said Amos, but died without ever conveying the same Praying that the said Eunice may be Authorized and Impowered to convey the one half of said Land and of the Buildings which have been thereon erected to the said Amos who has paid half the Cost of Building the same as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Eunice be and she is hereby Authorized and Impowered to execute according to Law a good and Sufficient Deed, therein and thereby Conveying to the said Amos the one half of the said Land and of the Buildings thereon in as full and ample manner as the said Abraham might do if he was in Life. Upon the Memorial of Hezekiah Huntington of Windham* Shewing to this Assembly that in consequence of the encouragement by this State offered for the manufacturing fire Arms for defence in the late war, he engaged in said Business in the Year 1775, and persued the Same and finished and compleated three hundred and forty Stands of Arms which were Inspected and approved by the Committee for that purpose appointed whereby he was Entituled to a Premium of five shillings for each of said Stand of Arms, that he has received a Premium for sixty of said Guns only that for the residue he took proper Certificates of the Committee appointed to Inspect the Same to enable him to draw the Premium therefor which by some accident are lost Praying for Releif &c, This Assembly do appoint the Honb le William Williams and Constant Southworth Esq r and Capt Jeremiah Ripley a Committee at the expence of the Memorialist to examine the Facts and Accounts Stated in said Memorial and Report make with their Opinion thereon to the next General Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Wolcott Burnham Shewing to this Assembly that he received of the Treasurer of this State two Notes in payment for Services in the Continental Army for the Sum of £12 7 3J4 each N° 9623 & 9624 which said Notes being taken out of the Pocket of the * This entry is a repetition of that on p. 405 above. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 413 Memorialist by means unknown and wholly destroyed by which means the Memorialist hath lost said Notes and Praying for Releif as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to execute the Memorialist two Notes of the same Tenor and Date as abovementioned Provided the Memorialist lodge with the Treasurer Sufficient Security to indemnify if said Notes at any Time hereafter should be produced or any Challenge made on any part of the same. Upon the Memorial of Phineas Elmore of the Borough of Eliza- beth in the State of New Jersey Shewing to this Assembly that he had and now hath on hand £38 Bills emitted by the Authority of this State before and in the Year 1775 of the Denomination of 40/ 20/ & 10/. Praying this Assembly to Order and direct the Treasurer of this State to give and execute to the Memorialist a Note for said Bills according to the Rule given by the Act requiring the Same to be returned into the Treasury of this State, Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State give and execute to the said Phineas Elmore his Note for said Bills receiving the Same, in the Same Way and manner as by Act of Assembly was heretofore provided respecting the Stopping said Bills from circulation And the Treasurer shall estimate the value of said Bills as though they had been delivered at the last Period Provided by said Act for receiving them in. Upon the Memorial of the Inhabitants of the Town of Norwalk who had their Buildings and other Property burnt up and destroyed on the 11 th Day of July 1779 by the Enemy Shewing to this Assembly that in Consequence of said Misfortune they are rendered unable to pay their State Taxes laid on the List 1781, 1782 and 1783 Praying they may be discharged from their said State Taxes that have or shall be laid on said Lists as per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the several Persons hereafter named being principal Sufferers in said Norwalk on said 11 th July have the whole of their Taxes that have or shall be laid on the Lists of the Years 1781, 1782, and 1783 Abated and the same are hereby abated accordingly viz — Thomas Fitch Peter Quintard John Betts Peter Betts Enoch Benedict Thadeus Betts Thomas Betts Abraham Benedict Lemuel Brooks Thomas Benedict Nathaniel Benedict J r John Benedict Nathaniel Benedict Richard Camp John Cannon David Comstock James Crowley Thomas Darrow John & Daniel Eversley Timothy Fitch Samuel Fairchild 414 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Dan Finch Rebecca Fitch Haynes Fitch James Fitch Ju r Thomas Gruman John Gregory Ebenezer Gregory Ju Daniel Hyat Hez h Hanford Daniel Hanford Hannah Hanford Asa Hoyt Hez Hanford Ju r Daniel Jackson John Kellogg Nathan Mallery Samuel Marvin John Rich Nathan Hoyt Josiah Raymond Simeon Raymond Eliakim Raymond Nat h Raymond Ju r Hez h Raymond Col 0 Stephen S* John Uriah Raymond William S l John Isaac Scudder John S* John Jabez Raymond Uriah Smith Jabez Saunders John Seymour Noah Smith William Seymour Daniel Smith James Seymour John Seymour Ju r Anna Seymour John Saunders Josiah Thacher J r Josiah Thacher Dec d Joseph Whitney Ebenezer Whitney Lois Whitney Edward Wentworth Susanna Fitch Eliakim Smith Nehemiah S* John Robert Waters Ezra Picket Abraham Gregory Fountain Smith John Hoyt Matthew Keeler John Lockwood 2 d Hez h Lockwood Eliphalet Lockwood John Lockwood 3 d Job Bartram Nathan Beers James Smith Jedidiah Brown Upon the Memorial of Jacob Potter of Watertown Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1771 he was indebted to Charles M c Evers for a Tract of Land of which he had received no Deed that said M c Evers Estate being Confiscated to this State Your Honors Ordered a Deed to be given to him and gave him Day of Payment since which Time he with his Bondsman has been Sued and Judgment and Execution Obtained for said Debt, amounting to between Seventy and eighty Pounds, that by reason of his not being able sooner to obtain a Deed and other Misfortunes he is wholly unable to pay up said Judgment otherwise than by his real Estate or Publick Securities Praying for Releif &c as per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Administrator on said M c Evers Estate be and he is hereby Ordered and directed to receive of the Memo- rialist the Amount of said Judgment and Execution exclusive of the legal Cost arising on said Suit in any public Securities against this State for lawfull Money which have or shall become due and Payable at any Time before the second Day of June next and thereupon cancel and dis- charge the same Provided he pay the Same within three Months from the rising of this Assembly, and that upon the Memorialist Paying or tendering to said Administrator or either persons holding said Execution the Contents thereof exclusive of said Cost in such Public Securities as aforesaid at any Time within the abovementioned Term and pay the Cost in Specie he shall thereupon be forever discharged from said Judgment and Execution. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 415 Upon the Memorial of Stephen Barns Shewing to this Assembly that he advanced for Use of the State to Nehemiah Beardsley as per his Receipt £3 18 6 in the Year 1782 being for expence of Beef Cattle then Collecting on the Taxes of this State for the Use of the Army for which he has had no allowance Praying for an allowance for the Same &c as per Memorial on File — Granted and Ordered by this Assembly that the Committee of the Pay Table draw on the Treasurer in favour of the Memorialist for the Sum of £3 18 6 upon his Receipt as aforesaid, Payable out of any Unappropriated Monies of this State. Upon the Memorial of Roger Gibson Shewing to this Assembly That on the 6 th of September 1781, his House Buildings and almost the whole of his personal Property in New London was burnt by the Enemy and he reduced to great Poverty and Distress, and that at this Time a Committee was sent to make such Abatements of Taxes of the Sufferers as they found necessary he was Sick &c and not able to attend and was not Considered Praying an Abatement of all his Taxes in those Years wherein Abatements were granted to the other Sufferers as per Memo- rial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Rates and Taxes of the Memo- rialist be and they are hereby abated in all those Years wherein the other Sufferers in New London have been Abated. Upon the Report of Committee on the Memorial of Solomon Bald- win Shewing that he was Collector of State Taxes for the Town of Milford and was Plundered of sundry Notes Orders and Bills of Credit as per Report on File &c Resolved by this Assembly that the further Consideration of said Report be referred to the General Assembly in October next and that in the mean Time the Treasurer stay Execution against said Baldwin and said Committee are Authorized and appointed to make such further Examination and enquiry as shall be necessary and Report to the Gen- eral Assembly in October next.* Upon the Petition of Aaron Payne of New Milford Shewing to this Assembly that on the 19 th Day of August 1779 he removed with his Family from New Fairfield to Kent and from thence on the 22 d Day of the same Month to said New Milford, that by advice he carried in his List in said Town of Kent that afterwards he was four folded for the same Estate by the Listers of said New Fairfield and also Assessed £1000, as an Ingressor Praying for releif, On which Petition a Com- mittee have been appointedf who have Reported the Facts with their Opinion thereon that the Petitioner ought to be Abated the whole of his Taxes arising on his List in said Kent the amount of which was * See above, pp. 149 , 286. The case was not acted upon at the session of October, 1784. t See above, p. 303. 416 PUBLIC RECORDS May, £182. And that the whole of his Taxes arising on said £1000, Assesment and also three Quarters of said fourfold Assesment in said New Fairfield the amount of which is £698, ought to be Abated and that his Single List ought to stand at the Sum of £174 10 0 only which Report in January last was accepted. Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that all the Taxes of every kind of the Petitioner arising on his aforesaid List, given in to the Listers of said Kent in the Year 1779, And also all the Taxes of every kind arising on said £1000, Assesment and alson on three Quarters of said fourfold Assesment be and the Same are hereby Abated and that the amount of the Petitioners List for the Year aforesaid stand at the Sum of £174 10 0 as Part of the Grand List of said New Fairfield. Upon the Memorial of Joshua Huntington Dudley Woodbridge, Joseph Howland Thomas Mumford William Coit Thomas Coit Chris- topher Leffingwell Joseph Williams Elihu Marvin John M c Breed, Jabez Perkins Levi Huntington Andrew Perkins Jabez Perkins Jun r Nath 1 Backus and Thomas Fanning — Shewing to this Assembly that it would greatly accomodate the Trade and Navigation of Norwich and Parts adjacent to have Wharves and Stores erected on the Western Shore of the River Thames (so called) on Land belonging to the Mohegan Tribe of Indians near the Barr or Shoal in said River about three Miles below the Landing Place Praying for Liberty to purchase the same of the Indians, under such restrictions as shall be deemed best and most con- venient as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Richard Law William Williams & William Hilhouse Esq rs and M r James Haughton or any three of them be and they are hereby appointed a Committee with full Power and Authority to agree with the Memorialists on the Boundaries and Quan- tity of Land necessary for the purposes aforesaid and with the consent of the Major Part of said Tribe or their Council to Sell and dispose thereof by Deed or Lease under such Restrictions and on such Condi- tions and Considerations as shall be agreed on by said Committee and to make & execute a Proper Deed or conveyance thereof to the Memo- rialists and that the Overseers of said Indian Tribe be and they are hereby directed to receive Security on Payment therefor for the Use and Benefit of said Tribe. Upon the Memorial of Esther Hill Shewing to this Assembly that her Husband William Hill was a Soldier in the Connecticut Line Con- tinental Army in Col 0 Philip B Bradleys Regiment for three Years, which Time he faithfully served and was then discharged soon after he went of and has not been heard of since, and left the Memorialist under needy and distressed Circumstances, And there appearing a Ballance on the Pay Table Books of £51 14 1 due to the said William for his Services aforesaid Praying for relief &c as per Memorial on File— 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 417 Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table Cer- tify the Treasurer the Sum due to said William Hill for his Wages as aforesaid, And that the Treasurer Issue his Notes Payable to the Select Men of Norwalk to be Improved for the Use and benefit of the said Esther Hill and paying the Just Debts due from said William Hill if any there be. Upon the Memorial of Mary Babcock of Danbury Shewing to this Assembly that she is Administratrix on the Estate of Christopher A Babcock late of said Danbury Deceas d and that the said Christopher A Babcock acted as a Surgeons Mate in the Service of the United States from the second Day of Septemb r 1776 to the second Day of Novemb r 1780 when he dyed in said Service, and that he never received but part of his stipulated Wages for said Service and that in Con- tinental Bills, at their nominal value, Praying this Assembly to allow her as Administratrix on said Estate the residue of said Wages and the depreciation of what the said Babcock has received in Continental Money as aforesaid as per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be Impowered and Ordered and they are hereby Ordered and Impowered to adjust the Accounts of the said Babcock allowing the depreciation of his Wages by the same Rules and Regulations as they have done to other Officers of the Army and draw Orders on the Treasurer of this State for Securities in favour of the Memorialist as Administrix aforesaid for the Ballance so found due of the same Tenor and kind as he has given to other Officers of the Army for depreciation and the Treasurer is likewise Authorized and directed to Issue Securities accordingly. Upon the Memorial of Richard Hubbell Jun r of Fairfield in the County of Fairfield Shewing to this Assembly that for a number of Years next before the Year 1783 he was and still is Collector of the State Taxes in said Fairfield, and that after his utmost Exertions hath not been able to Collect the whole thereof but there still remains a considerable part thereof uncollected and that by means of Infermity of Body he is unable to Collect the Same Praying that he may be Impowered to Depute and appoint some suitable Person to Collect said Taxes in the room and Stead of the Memorialist, Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist be and he is hereby Authorized and Impowered to appoint and depute Some suitable Person in his Stead to Collect said Taxes which Person so appointed shall have the Same Power and Authority to Collect said Taxes that remain uncol- lected as the Memorialist by Law now has Provided the Person or Persons who may be appointed pursuant to this Resolve give Bond to the acceptance of the Select Men of said Fairfield to Indemnify said Town in the Premisses, And that said Town of Fairfield and the Memorialist be and remain responsible to this State 418 public records May, for said Taxes in the same manner as though this Resolve had not been passed. On the Memorial of Elizabeth Twedy Adminis* on the Estate of William Tweedy late of New Port Deceas d Shewing to this Assembly that the said William was in his Life Time, possess d of a Sum in the Bills of Credit of this State which were called out of Circulation said Sum amounting to £68 17 0, that at the Time of calling said Bills out of Circulation the said William being in said New Port therein possession of the Enemy, had it not in his Power to bring in said Bills and pray- ing that the Treasurer may be Authorized and directed to receive said Bills and to give her a Note for thim and the Interest as per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized to receive said Bills from the said Elizabeth and to give her a Note for the Same with the Interest in the same manner as if said Bills had been brought in on the last Day of the Period within which the said Bills were by Act of Assembly Ordered to be brought in. Upon the Memorial of Experience Storrs Judith Huntington and Jabez Clark Administrators on the Estate of Jabez Huntington Esq r late of Windham Deceas d Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1776 the said Huntington by Order of Assembly received of the Treasurer of this State four hundred Pounds and therewith purchased ninety nine good Fire Arms and Accoutrements for which said Administrators have in their Hands proper Vouchers, That said Arms were by said Hunting- ton Issued out from Time to Time as occasion required to divers Military Officers, that forty six of said Arms were returned to said Huntington and were in his possession at the Time of his Death and that the Memorialists are possessed of Military Officers Receipts for forty seven of said Arms that have not been returned, that the other six being the residue of said ninety nine fire Arms, they are unable to account for in any other manner than the highest probability, that on some sudden emergency said six Arms were taken by some Persons without giving any Receipt therefor, Praying this Assembly that some suitable person be appointed to receive said forty six fire Arms now in their Hands, and to direct the Committee of Pay Table to receive said Receipts for said forty seven Arms as good Accounting and not Charge said Huntingtons Estate with said six Arms for which no receipts can be produced This Assembly do appoint Elisha Abbe of Windham to receive said forty six fire Arms of the Memorialist and on the Memorialists lodging his receipt therefor and said Receipts for said forty seven Arms with the Committee of Pay Table, they are hereby directed to receive the Same as good Accounting for and on Account of said Money by said Huntington Received as aforesaid, and not Charge said Estate of said Deceas d with said Six Arms for which no Receipts can be produced. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 419 Upon the Memorial of Samuel Hull, Daniel Holbrook, John Hum- phry s and Joseph Riggs Jun r all of Derby shewing to this Assembly that the Tickets in Derby Lottery, are not Sold agreeable to their expecta- tion, and thereby not expedient to draw said Lottery at the Time pro- posed, and that the Time limited to said Town for drawing said Lottery expires on the first Day of June next Praying that the Time Limited to said Town be postponed untill the first Day of March next as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Time limited to said Town of Derby for drawing said Lottery be and it is hereby postponed untill the first Day of March next and all Powers rested in the Committee or Managers of said Lottery are hereby continued accordingly. Upon the Memorial of Barnabas Munson of Watertown in said State Guardian of the Persons and Estates of Jubal Munson and John Munson Children and Heirs of John Munson and Mary Munson late of Southington Deceased, Shewing to this Assembly that he was neces- sitated to put out the said Children to be nursed and boarded immediately after the Death of their Parents the One being but about twelve Weeks old, and the other about two Years old at that Time, that the expence of supporting the Youngest 250 Weeks at five shillings per Week, and the other untill he arrived to five Years of Age being 152 Weeks at 3/6 per Week, amounted to £89 2 0 LMoney, That the Inventory of the Estate deducting Debts Charges and for lost Estate amounted to £81 10 0 LMoney only, And Praying for Liberty to Sell the whole of the real Estate of the said Minors amounting to £61 10 0 to enable him to pay and satisfy the said Expence as far as the Avails thereof might extend as per Memorial on File Dated the 5 th Day of May 1783 may fully appear — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have Liberty and Liberty and Authority are hereby Granted to him to Sell the whole of the real Estate of the said Minors at Public Auction and to appropriate the Avails thereof to defray the Expence incurred for their Support as aforesaid, and to execute an Instrument or Instruments sufficient in the Law to secure the Title in the Purchaser or Purchasers. Upon the Memorial of Samuel Hutton and David Webb of Stam- ford in Fairfield County Shewing to this Assembly that they supplied the Troops under the command of General David Wooster in the Fall of the Year 1776, with seven hundred and twelve Pounds of Lead Pray- ing for Pay for the Same as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of the Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to Liquidate the Accounts of the Memo- rialists respecting the aforesaid Lead and draw Orders in favour of the Memorialists on the Treasurer for what they shall find to be Justly due to the Memorialists therefor and Charge the same to the United States. 420 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Upon the Memorial of John Welton and Eleazer Prindle Shewing to this Assembly that they have given Bonds for the faithfull Per- formance of the Office of Deputy Sheriff by Abraham Hickox and that said Hickox Estate has been confiscated and that they can not ascertain what Sum is due to them from said Estate for their Indemnity untill they can know what Claims are against the Sheriff for the neglect of said Hickox Praying that a Time may be Limited &c as per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that the Sheriff of New Haven County shall not be answerable for or on Account of any neglect or miscon- duct of said Dec d Hickox in the Office of Deputy Sheriff unless there be a Suit commenced therefor before the first Day of December next and no Suit shall be maintained for any such neglect or misconduct unless commenced by said Day, Provided nevertheless that this Act shall not operate as a Bar to any such Action unless said Wilton and Prindle cause this Act to be printed in one of the Public News Papers of the City of New Haven and one other Public Newspaper of this State not published in said City at least three successive Weeks before the first of July next, Provided also that this Act shall not operate to Barr any Suit in favour of any Persons that shall be legally incapacitated or shall be beyond Sea during the Time aforesaid, but such Person or Persons may bring their Suit notwithstanding any Time within three Months after their return or after their incapacity shall be removed. Upon the Memorial of Reuben Lum of Derby Shewing to this Assembly that he was possessed of a State Note dated January 1 st 1780 payable June 1 st 1782 and numbered 7523 and for the Sum of £12 11 3 LMoney and the Interest for one Year being indorsed thereon which Note was given to Joseph Smith of Derby for Service in the Connecti- cut Line of the Continental Army and that on or about the 30 th Day of December 1782 he the said Lum was at the House of M r Jonathan Downs in New Milford where he left his Pocket Book in which said Note was contained and afterwards found his said Pocket Book near the Door of the House of said Downs and some of the Papers that was in said Book torn and Chewed in Peices by the Hogs which was by said Downs Dore, but could not then or ever since find any thing of said Note but supposes it to be entirely destroyed by said Hogs, Praying that the Treasurer be directed to Issue a new Note of the same Tenor and Date of the Note aforesaid as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby Authorized and directed to Issue a new Note of the same Tenor and Date of the Note aforesaid the said Lum first giving suf- ficient security to said Treasurer to indemnity this State in Case the said first Note should be found. Upon the Memorial and Petition of Isaac Bird of Salisbury in Litchfield County Shewing to this Assembly that some Time in the 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 421 Month of April 1783 he took and killed a full grown Wolf within the Township of said Salisbury, and some Time in the Month of March 1784, he took and killed one other full grown Wolf within the Town- ship of Salisbury aforesaid and praying for a Proper Sum as a reward for his Trouble and an encouragement to his future Endeavours to destroy so viscious an Animal as per Memorial on File, Wherefore Resolved by this Assembly that the Sum of four pounds LMoney be granted to the said Isaac Bird on each of the aforesaid Wolves taken and killed and that the Treasurer of this State is directed to pay the Same out of the State Tax of of one shilling on the Pound Granted in May 1783 on the List 1782. On the Memorial of Samuel Wilcox of Cornwall and Joel Howe of Canaan Shewing to this Assembly that on the first Day of Instant May they killed and destroyed a full grown Wolf Pray a Bounty &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Sum of four Pounds lawfull Money be granted the said Samuel Wilcox and Joel Howe in abatement of the said Petitioners State Taxes which are now become due and the Treasurer is to give Order accordingly. Upon the Memorial of Cap 1 Daniel Bouton of Stamford, Shewing to this Assembly that on the 30 th of May 1781 he received a Wound in his Shoulder by a Grape Shot from the Enemy whereby he has lost the Use of his Arm and rendered unable to Labour to Support himself and Family Praying for Releif &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorial 1 have all his Con- tinental and State Taxes abated that have been laid on the Lists for the Years 1781, 1782 & 1783, and that said Memorialist receive out of the Treasury of this State twenty Pounds per Annum for three successive Years from this Time, and that he have his State and Continental Taxes that have or shall be laid on the Lists 1784 1785 & 1786 Abated and the same is hereby Abated accordingly. Upon the Memorial of the Inhabitants of the Town of East Windsor on File dated 29 th Day of April 1784 — Resolved by this Assembly that the Town Clerk for said Town forth- with Certify to the Treasurer of this State the Names of the Select Men of said Town, and the same do from Year to Year when new Select Men shall be Chosen during the Pleasure of the General Assembly, and when any Tax shall be laid by this or any future Assembly, the said Treasurer shall Certify the same to the Select Men of said Town together with the Sum total of the List of said Town, and what Sums said Town shall Pay and the Rate per Pound of such List and Charge the Same to said Town And upon the said Select Men having said List and Tax Certifyed to them as aforesaid they shall proceed to appoint a Collector or Collectors to Collect the same and shall prepose a Rate Bill 422 PUBLIC RECORDS May, or Bills for said Tax and procure Warrants for the said Collectors, Signed by an Assistant or Justice of the Peace directed to said Collectors in manner and form as Warrants to other Collectors are and the s d Col- lector or Collectors shall have the same Powers to execute s d Warrants as other Collectors by Law have to execute Warrants directed to them and the said Collector shall be accountable to the Select Men of said Town for the Time being,* and the said Select Men or either of them shall be Accountable for said Taxes To said Treasurer and in Case the Select Men shall not pay said Taxes to said Treasurer by the Time that shall be Limited for paying the same their Persons and Estates shall be liable to Execution for said Taxes, and said Treasurer shall Issue his Executions against them therefor to Collect the said Taxes of the said Select Men and said Town shall be ultimately liable for said Taxes and to pay said Select Men what they shall Suffer without their fault in the Matters aforesaid, And if such Collector or Collectors upon their being appointed as aforesaid shall refuse to execute their said Office they or either of them so refusing shall be liable to the same Fines and Penalties as other Collectors by Law are who refuse to execute their Offices, and if said Collector or Collectors shall undertake to Collect said Taxes they shall severally render their Account thereof and pay and settle the same with said Select Men when thereto required And if such Collec- tor or Collectors shall refuse to render his Account as aforesaid, upon Complaint made to an Assistant or Justice of the Peace, such Assistant or Justice of the Peace shall Issue his Warrant directed to the Sheriff his Deputy or Constable them commanding to Levy and Collect of such negligent Collector or Collectors the Sum Total of his or their Rate Bill, or such Part thereof, as shall then remain unaccounted for and pay the same to said Select Men, Always Provided that said Taxes be Subjected to the Same Abate- ment as other Taxes laid by the General Assembly, and the Select Men have the Same allowances for Collecting and paying said Taxes as the Collectors of State Taxes have. And that said Collectors before they pay over to such Select Men any public Securities they shall receive on said Taxes shall make out a List or Lists of the Same and the Rates at which they received them and the same make Oath to before some Assistant or or Justice of the Peace which List or Lists being brott in to the Treasurer with the Securities therein entered shall ascertain the Rates at which he shall receive the Same. j % Upon the Petition of John Alden of Lebanon in Windham County preferred to this Assembly in January last,f shewing that by various misfortunes in Trade and by the Operation of the late War he is much reduced and rendered unable to pay his Just Debts, great part of which * In the margin of the MS. at this point, preceded by an index hand and an asterisk, is written: “Insert the last Paragraph of the Bill at the Asterism.” The reference is to the paragraph below beginning: “And that said Collectors before they pay over . . .” where another index hand appears in the margin of the MS. t See above, p. 302. No action is reported on this case in October, 1784. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 423 are Company Debts due from the late Company of John and Judah Alden, which said Judah ended his Life bravely contending for the Safety of his Country, without leaving any Estate whereby the whole of said Debts devolve upon the Memorialist, and that he is Imprisoned on an Execution in favour of Clark & Nightingale of Providence in the State of Rhode Island That he is willing to deliver on Oath all his Estate and property for the Benefit of his Creditors, that he Labours under great Bodily Infirmity which must greatly endanger his Life if continued long in Prison, which Petition was continued to this Time, and the Memorialist Ordered to be Liberated on his procuring sufficient Surety for his return to Prison at the rising of this Assembly in Case this Assembly should not otherwise Order and direct, and this Assembly being at this Time unable fully to hear and attend to said Petition — Resolved by this Assembly that said Petition be Continued to the General Assembly to be holden in October next and that said John Alden be further Liberated from any Imprisonment on said Execution untill the rising of the Assembly in October next upon his procuring Sufficient Bond for his Return to Prison on said Execution Provided his Petition shall not then be granted or the Assembly shall not otherwise Order and the Keeper of the prison in Windham is required to conform to this Resolve and the said John is also hereby protected from Arrests and Imprisonment for any Debt contracted Previous to the Date of said Petition untill the rising of said Assembly in October next. Upon the Memorial of William Danielson and Obadiah Clough Agents for the Town of Killingley, Shewing that Ebenezer Green of s d Killingley in May 1777 since Deceas d paid fifty Pounds lawfull Money to the Select Men of the Town of Killingley which he owed to Abijah Willard Levi Willard and Samuel Ward on a Note to them Jointly, that said Select Men paid the same into the Treasury agreeable to the Statute respecting Inimical Persons, the said Willard having Joined the Enemy and the said Ward being then reputed Inimical, which since proves to be a Mistake, that said Ward before the Adjourned Superior Court at Windham in December last Recovered a Judgment and Execution against Mary Green Executrix of said Ebenezer for said fifty Pounds and the Interest and Cost, and for which the said Town of Killingley are become liable to said Mary, Praying for Releif in the Premisses as per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that said Execution against said Mary and all proceedings in the Law thereupon be and the Same are hereby Stayed and Suspended untill the rising of the General Assembly in October next and said Agents are hereby directed to Cite said Ward or his Attorney in this State to appear before the General Assembly in October next to Shew Reason if any he hath why the prayer of said Memorial should not be Granted.* * In October the case was postponed to May, 1785. See below, p. 477. 424 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Upon the Memorial of Philip Nichols of Stratford in the County of Fairfield Shewing to this Assembly that at the Superior Court holden at Danbury in said County on the third Tuesday of August 1781, he was convicted of signing a certain Paper purporting that he would take up Arms under certain Circumstances in favour of the King of Great Britain, and that by said Superior Court he was sentenced to pay a fine of £150 and Cost of Presecution Praying that this Assembly would remit said fine &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that said fine be remitted and the same is hereby remitted to said Nichols, and he exempted from the Payment thereof on his paying the Cost on said Prosecution and the Cost on the Execution issued on said Judgment. Upon the Memorial of William Packwood of N. London Preferred to this Assembly in January 1783. Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1776 Nathaniel Shaw Esq r Agent of this State employed him in behalf of the State to procure Powder and other Military Stores for the Use of the State and at great Hazard & Expence executed said Trust and that his Accounts were unadjusted and considerable Sums due to him Praying a Committee to adjust his Accounts and that the Bal- lance may be paid &c on which Memorial Jabez Perkins Esq r & Capt John Deshon were appointed a Committee to examine said Accounts and Report the Ballance due &c* which Committee have Reported that there is Justly due to the Memorialist to Ballance said Accounts the Sum of £380 9 1 y 2 As per Memorial and Report on File which Report is accepted And it is thereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Note to the Memorialist for the said Sum of £380 9 1 payable in three Years and on Interest pay- able Annually untill the said Principal Sum shall be paid which Note shall bear Date the 20 th of March 1783. Upon the Memorial of Reuben Stone of Guilford Shewing to this Assembly that on the first Day of March 1782, Bille Stone of Guilford then a Soldier in the State Guards in said Guilford, was wounded by a Party of the Enemy who Landed at Guilford and was brought to the House of the Memorialist where he remained for the Term of eight Weeks and was provided with Board Nursing and Surgeons attendance in the whole amounting to five Pounds fifteen Shillings lawfull Money Praying for releif as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Authorized and directed to draw an Order on the Treasurer for the Sum of five Pounds fifteen shillings LMoney in favour of Reuben Stone and Charge the Same to this State. * See above, p. 38. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 425 Upon the Memorial of the Town of Stafford by their Agents Shew- ing to this Assembly that the Town of Stafford in the Year 1781 were then called upon to raise six Soldiers for the Defence of the Western Frontiers of this State and that by reason of the Difficulty of the Times and the large number of Soldiers they then had in Service which then amounted in the whole to fifty seven which was then ten more than their Quota 8 by all requisitions then before made, and that by the failure of raising said six Men the Town of Stafford by a Resolve of the Honb le General Assembly was subjected to pay as a Penalty to the State ninety Pounds Money for which said Penalty Execution was granted out and a Distress on the Inhabitants of said Stafford notwith- standing their having ten Soldiers more in Service than their equal Quota by w’hich means the said Town of Stafford is greatly distressed and Praying for relief as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialists have Liberty and Liberty is hereby given to the Memorialists to pay said Execution in any State Securities that are now due and Payable. Upon the Memorial of Samuel Forbes Esq r Col° Henry Livingston and Nathan Hale Esq r in behalf of themselves and the rest of the Proprietors of the Iron Oar Bed in Salisbury in the County of Litchfield, Shewing to this Assembly that the Oar in said Bed is much wasted, and the increase thereof prevented by the Irregular Methods made use of by Individuals to raise the Oar who are not under the Controwl or direction of the Proprietors, and that Persons not Proprietors raise Oar with Impunity and without Controul, being Tenants in Common the mode of regulating the raising the Oar, and preventing Trespasses as also each Proprietor receiving his equal Proportion of the Oar is not practicable in the Ordinary Course of Law as per Memorial on File — Whereupon it is Resolved by this Assembly that the Proprietors of the Oar Bed in Salisbury in the County of Litchfield and those who shall hereafter become Proprietors in said Bed of Oar be and hereby are Incorporated by the Name of the Proprietors of the Oar bed in Salisbury, with full Power and Authority at their Meeting to be holden at said Salisbury annually on the first TuesDay of April, with Power of Adjourning the same by the Major Part of the Voters then present to be computed as hereafter directed to adopt Ordain and make such Rules Regulations and By Laws as they shall Judge reasonable and Right for employing Miners to raise said Oar, and promote the Increase thereof to appoint a Committee or Agent to order direct and superintend the Same according to such Rules and Orders as he or they shall receive from the Proprietors in this said Annual Meeting, And that such Committee or Agent shall and hereby are vested with full Power and Authority in his or their Name for and in behalf of the Proprietors of said Oar bed to sue and prosecute to final Judgment and Execution any Person or Persons whether Proprietors or others, who shall without his or their consent dig or raise any Oar in said Bed con- 426 PUBLIC RECORDS May, trary to the Rules or Laws so adopted by said Proprietors or shall in any wise trespass upon the said Common Interest of the Proprietors the Avails whereof they or he shall hold for the Use and benefit of the Common Interest, and all Cost and expence attending the Same shall be by such Committee or Agent paid out of the Common Treasury of said Proprietors and that Debts contracted by any Person or Persons with said Committee or Agent whether Proprietors or others may be sued for and recovered in the manner and form aforesaid, as also that all Debts or Contracts made to and for the Use of said Proprietors by such Committee or Agent according to the Votes and Orders of the Proprietors shall and may be recovered against said Proprietors by any Person or Persons to whom the Same shall be due by an Action brought against such Committee or Agent who may pay the Same out of the Common Treasury, And said Proprietors or the Major Part at their Annual Meeting shall Chuse a Moderator and Clerk who shall record all such Rules Orders and By Laws as shall by them be made and Ordained, and the same shall be binding and obligatory on the whole, And it is further Resolved that the Votes of the Proprietors in their Meetings aforesaid shall be counted or reckoned according to the Share or Interest he hath in the said Oar bed, And said Proprietors at their Meeting aforesaid by their Major Votes Computed as aforesaid be and hereby are Impowered to make and ordain all and every such Rules Ordinances and By Laws concerning their Common Interest and the Management of the same that they shall Judge necessary so as the same be not repugnant to the General Laws of this State. And it is further Resolved that the first Meeting of the s d Proprietors shall be on the first Tuesday of Septemb r 1784 for the purpose men- tioned in the foregoing Resolve which shall be warned by an Adver- tisement inserted in the Public News Papers by the said Samuel Forbs Esq r Col° Henry Livingston & Nathan Hale Esq r to continue in force during the Pleasure of this Assembly. Upon the Memorial of Thomas Peck, shewing to this Assembly that in January 1783, one Comfort Joy an Inhabitant in the State of Ver- mont was Convicted before the Honb le Superior Court then held at Hartford by Adjournment for putting off Counterfeit Pay Table Orders, whereupon the said Joy was sentenced to pay thirty pounds as a fine and Cost, and he having no Estate was then Committed to Goal, and by his Importunity the Memorialist was induced to give his Bond for the same which in the whole amounted to about forty six Pounds, the said Joy then pretending that he had an Interest in Lands in Vermont State to secure the same, and the Memorialist then took Security from said Joy of said Lands which in fact was a pretention only whereby the Memorialist is now holden to pay said Fine and Cost out of his own Estate and praying for Relei f as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have Liberty and Liberty is hereby given to the Memorialist to pay and discharge 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 427 said Bond by paying the Cost in hard Money and the fine as aforesaid in any Public Securities of this State which are now due and for specie value. Upon the Memorial of Jedidiah and William Smith Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1782 they received of the Treasurer of this State four Treasurers Notes for their Services in the Continental Army two containing £13 7 8}4 each N° 3105 & 3106 and one contain- ing £11 6 0 y 2 and the other £9 9 0 N° 1906 & 1907 all payable in the Years 1787 & 1788, which said Notes being stolen out of the possession of the Memorialists and by them since cannot be obtained and praying to this Assembly for releif as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to Grant to the said Jedidiah Smith & William Smith four sev- eral Notes of the same Tenor and Date as the above mentioned they procuring and lodging with the Treasurer sufficient Bonds to Indemnify Provided the former should at any Time hereafter be exhibited. Upon the Memorial of Cap 1 Peter Perrit in behalf of himself Lieu 1 Joseph Hull and the NonCommissioned Officers and Matrosses of his Company Shewing to this Assembly that they were taken Prisoners of War the 16 th of Novemb r 1776 while in Continental Service and so continued till duely exchanged, that Your Memorialists received no Pay from the said 16 th Day of Novemb r to the 7 th Day of January AD 1777 and that the said Perrit and Hull have received no depreciation of their Pay from the said 16 th Novemb r 1776 to the 22 d Day of Septemb r 1778, and that by a particular resolution of Congress of the United States of the 6 th Day of May 1784, the Memorialists are recommended to this State to be settled with for the depreciation of their pay according to the several Ranks from the 16 th Day of Novemb r 1776 to the 22 d Day of September 1778 and that the noncommissioned Officers and Men be paid from the 16 th Day of Novemb r 1776 to the 7 th Day of January 1777 and that the same be Charged to the Account of the United States. Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to Settle and adjust the Accounts of the said Perrit, Hull and the nonCommissioned Officers and Matrosses of said Company from the said 16 th Day of Novemb r 1776 to the 7 th Day of January 1777 and also Liquidate and adjust the Accounts of the said Hull and Perrit for Depreciation of their Pay according to their respec- tive Ranks up to the 22 d Day of September AD 1778 agreeable to the recommendation of the Congress of the United States of the 6 th Day of May 1784 and draw upon the Treasurer of this State for the respective Ballances found due to the Memorialists in pursuance of the Rules heretofore adopted for the Settling of the Accounts of the Line of the Army of this State and Charge the Same to the Account of the United States. 428 PUBLIC RECORDS May, Upon the Memorial of Abner Pryor of Windsor late a Captain in the fifth Connecticut Regiment, representing that in the Year 1777 he received three hundred pair of Shoes of Benjamin Payne Esq r to for- ward to said Army and gave his Receipt for the Same that he forwarded the Same to said Regiment, and when they arrived he was Absent on Duty and they were in his necessary absence delivered by Order of the commanding Officer of said Regiment distributed to the Soldiers then Barefoot and in distress without taking proper Vouchers & c Praying that he may not stand Accountable for said Shoes but that he may be Credited for said Shoes &c as per Memorial on File Dated the 8 th Day of October 1783 — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of the Pay Table Credit the said Abner in full for said Shoes and settle his Account accordingly. Upon the Memorial of David Humphry Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1781, he was Charged with three Months Pay and sub- sistence as having been made to him by this State for which this State have Credit in their Settlement with the United States, whereas in fact the Memorialist on account of his appointment to attend his Excellency the Commander in Chief was absent from the Connecticut Line and never did receive more than two Months Pay and Subsistence Praying that said Mistake may be rectifyed &c As per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to Liquidate and Settle the Account of the Memorialist agreeable to the directions which have been given them to Settle with the late Connecticut Line of the Army and draw Orders in the Treasurer for what they shall find due thereon. This Assembly Grant to his Excellency Governor Griswold One Hundred and fifty Pounds for the first half Year Salary for the cur- rent Year. This Assembly Grant to His Honor Lieut Governor Huntington the Sum of Fifty Pounds for the first half Year Salary the current Year. This Assembly Grant to John Lawrence Esq r Treasurer the Sum of two hundred Pounds as and for his Salary for the Year past. This Assembly Grants to George Wyllys Esq r Secretary the Sum of Twenty Pounds as and for his Salary the Year past and direct the T reasurer to pay the same accordingly. Resolved by this Assembly that all Petitions in Error now depending before this Assembly be referred to the Supreme Court of Errors and said Court are Impowered to hear try and determine the Same, And all Petitions between Party and Party depending in this Assembly and the 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 429 Protections and Injunctions thereon which came by Continuance to this Assembly be and they are hereby Continued to the General Assembly to be held in October next. Upon the Memorial of John Wells of Glastonbury Shewing to this Assembly that by inevitable loss and Misfortunes he is reduced in Cir- cumstances so that he is Obliged to confine himself, in his own House for fear of Arrests and Imprisonment by his Creditors Praying that his Body might be exempted from Arrest or Imprisonment untill the rising of the General Assembly in October next to have an Opportunity to settle with his Creditors &c as per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly that the Body of said John Wells be and it is hereby exempted from any and all Arrests on mesne process or Execution for Debt untill the rising of the General Assembly in October next and all Officers are to take Notice hereof and that the Consideration of said Memorial be and the same is hereby referred to the General Assembly in October next and that the Memorialist make no Sale of his Estate in the mean Time.* This Assembly, was adjourned, (by usual Proclamation) until the Governor, or in his Absence The Lieutenant Governor, shall see Cause, to call it, to meet again. Teste, George Wyllys, Secret 7 See below, p. 478. 430 PUBLIC RECORDS October, STATE OF CONNECTICUT At a General Assembly of the State of, Connecticut holden at New Haven in said State on the second Thursday of October Anno DoM ni 1784 — Present His Excellency Matthew Griswold Esq r Governor The Honorable Samuel Huntington Esq r Lieu 1 Governor. Jabez Hamlin Esq r William Pitkin Esq r Roger Sherman Esq r Joseph Spencer Esq r Richard Law Esq r William Williams Esq r ?■ Assistants. Oliver Elsworth Esq r Andrew Adams Esq r Benjamin Huntington Esq r Joseph Platt Cook Esq r Stephen Mix Mitchell Esq r Representatives or Deputies of the Freemen of the several Towns who attended the Assembly are as follow viz — Col° Thomas Seymour, M r Nathan H Whiting, for Hartford Gen 1 Samuel H Parsons, Gen Comfort Sage, for Midletown M r Elisha Pitkin, Cap 1 George Pitkin, for E Hartford Cap 1 Daniel Humphry, Cap 1 Jon a Pettibone, for Symsbury Cap 1 John Curtiss, Maj r Asa Bray, for Southington M p Samuel Carver, M r David Taylor Jun r , for Bolton Col° Nath 1 Terry, M r Joseph Kingsbury, for Enfield Col 0 Solomon Wells, Cap 1 Ichabod Hinkley, for Tolland M r Ebenezer Colburn, M r Jesse Cady, for Stafford Cap 1 Cornelius Higgins, Cap 1 Edmund Porter, for Haddam M r Moses Holmes, Cap 1 Joseph Crocker, for Willington Col 0 John Chester, Cap 1 John Wright, for Weathersfield M r John Treadwell, Col 0 Noadiah Hooker, for Farmington Col° Joel Jones, M r Noziah Bliss, for Hebron Cap 1 Abraham Granger, M r Ebenezer Harman, for Suffield M r Ebenezer White, Cap 1 James Bill, for Chatham Gen 1 Roger Newberry, M r Aaron Phelps, for Windsor M r Gideon Hale, M r Phillip Selew, for Glastonbury M r Joseph Allyn, M r Matthew Hyde, for East Windsor M r Joshua Pomeroy, Maj r Abiel Pease, for Somers Col° Dyer Throop, Col° Jabez Chapman, for East Hadam M r Pierpoint Edwards, M r James Hilhouse, for New Haven Gen 1 James Wadsworth, Cap 1 Simeon Parsons, for Durham Col° Street Plall, Cap 1 Samuel Street, for Wallingford Cap 1 Thomas Clark, Cap 1 Daniel Holbrook, for Derby 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 431 M r Joseph Hopkins, Cap t John Wilton, for Waterbury M r Samuel Beach, M r John Peck, for Cheshire M r John Burgis, Gen 1 Andrew Ward, for Guilford M r Gideon Buckingham, M r Samuel Treat, for Milford Col° Edward Russell, M r Jonah Clark, for Branford M r Thomas Darling, M r Timothy Ball, for Woodbridge Maj r William Hilhouse, M r Joshua Coit, for New London Cap 1 Elisha Lathrop, Col 0 Christopher Leffingwell, for Norwich Maj r Charles Phelps, Capt William Williams, for Stonington M r Hozekiah Lane, Capt Samuel Crane, for Killingworth Maj r William Hart, Col° John Ely, for Saybrook M r Thomas Niles, Col 0 Nathan Gallop, for Groton Cap 1 Peter Bulkley, M r John Watrous, for Colchester Col 0 Samuel Mott, Capt Alexander Stewart, for Preston M r William Noyes, M r Ezra Selden, for Lyme M r Jonathan Sturges, M r Thaddeus Burr, for Fairfield Maj r Ezra Starr, Col° Eli Mygatt, for Danbury Col 0 Stephen S 1 John, M r Samuel C Sy Hyman, for Norwalk M r Lemuel Sanford, M r William Herron, for Reading Maj r John Davenport, M r Charles Weed, for Stamford M r John Beach, M r Henry Glover, for Newtown Col° Philip B Bradley, Capt David Olmstead, for Ridgfield M r John Blackleach, M r Elisha Mills, for Stratford M r Stephen Barns, Col 0 Nehemiah Beardsley, for New Fairfield Col° Eliphalet Dyer, Col 0 Jedidiah Elderkin, for Windham M r Eliashib Adams, M r Gideon Wells, for Canterbury M r Joseph Shipard, Cap 1 Joshua Dunlap, for Plainfield Col 0 James Gordon, Capt Moses Campbell, for Volintown M r Benjamin Chaplin, M r Nathaniel Atwood, for Mansfield Cap 1 Jason Phips, M r Sampson Howe, for Killingley Capt Nehemiah Lyon, M r Jedidiah Morse, for Woodstock Capt Solomon Wales, for Union M r Stephen Williams, M r Edward Ruggles, for Pomfrett M r Elkanah Tisdale, Col° Jeremiah Mason, for Lebanon Cap 1 Simeon Smith, M r Isaac Perkins, for Ashford Col 0 Thomas Brown, M r Caleb Stanley Ju, for Coventry M r Isaac Baldwin Ju r , M r Ebenezer Marsh, for Litchfield Capt Lemuel Kingsbury, M r Nathan Hale, for Canaan Col 0 Aaron Austin, M r Josiah More, for New Hartford M r John Whittlesey, M r Daniel N Brinsmade, for Washington Maj r Giles Pettibone, M r Dudley Humphry, for Norfolk Col° Samuel Canfield, M r Abel Hine, for New Milford M r Daniel Miles, Cap 1 Elisha Sill, for Goshen Cap 1 Samuel Hecox, Maj r David Smith, for Watertown Col 0 John Sedgwick, M r Andrew Youngs, for Cornwall M r Nath 1 Berry, M r Nathan Eliott, for Kent Maj r Uriel Holmes, Cap 1 Eleazer Ensign, for Hartland 432 PUBLIC RECORDS October, M r John Canfield, Cap 1 Simeon Smith, for Sharon Cap 1 Josiah Phelps, M r Mark Prindle, for Harwington Col 0 Joshua Porter, M r Hez h Fitch, for Salisbury Col 0 Increase Mosely, M r Hoz h Thompson, for Woodbury M r Noah North, Cap 1 Jabez Gillett, for Torrington James Wadsworth Esq r Speaker Of the House of James Hilhouse Esq r Clerk Representatives An Act for levying and collecting Duties on the Importation of certain Articles and for appropriating the same. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same, that from and after the first Day of January next there shall be paid on the following Articles, imported or brought into this State by Land or Water not the Manufacture of any of the United States viz on the following Articles in additions to the Duties heretofore laid viz on all wrought Silk, Gauze Musslin Cambrick Lawn Chintz Lace and Linens a Duty of two per Cent ad valorem at the Time and Place of Importation said value to be ascer- tained and said Duty to be collected in the same manner and under the same Regulations forfeitures and Disabilities as are Provided in and by a Law of this State Entitled An Act for levying and Collecting a Duty on certain Articles of Goods Wares and Merchandize Imported into this State by Land or Water on each Beaver and Beaveret Hat six shillings, on each Castor Hat three shillings, on each Felt Hat one shilling; on each pair of Mens or Womens Shoes one shilling, on each pair of Boots six shillings, on each pound of tanned Leather three Pence on each Saddle ten shillings, on all Cheese not the Manufacture of any of the United States four Pence per Pound on each Pound of Sugar other than brown Sugar whether the Produce or manufacture of the United States or not imported into this State threepence to be Collected in the same manner and under the same Regulations forfeitures Penalties and Disabilities as the Duties of two per Cent on the Articles before enumer- ated in this Act. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid , That a Duty of three pence per Gallon be laid and collected on all Wines, and on all Brandy Geneva, and other distilled spirituous Liquors except Rum, which shall be Imported into this State by Land or Water and a Duty of three Pence per Gallon on all Beer, not made in the United States to be Collected in the Same manner and under the same Regulations For- feitures and Penalties as the Duty on Rum by Virtue of a Law of this State Intitled An Act for laying and collecting Duties on the Importa- tion of Rum. And be it further Enacted That the Monies arising on the Duties aforesaid be and they are hereby appropriated for Paying this States Quota of the Interest of the Debt of the United States agreeably to the Requisitions of Congress and the same may be paid in Money or Cer- 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 433 tificates for said Interest to be Issued from the Loan Office in this State pursuant to a Resolution of Congress of the 28 th of April 1784.* And be it further Enacted , That there shall be a further Duty of one penny per Gallon on all Rum Imported into this State in addition to the Duty of two Pence on the Gallon granted by the aforesaid Act, Entitled An Act for laying and Collecting Duties on the Importation of Rum. and shall be collected in the Same manner as in said Act is provided And that two thirds of both the said Duties on Rum may be paid in the aforesaid Certificates for Interest or lawfull Money and the other third shall be paid in Money and is hereby appropriated for the Support of Civil Government in this State, This Act to commence on the first Day of January next and be in force from and after that Time. An Act in addition to an Act intitled an Act for encouraging and promot- ing the Commerce of this State.f Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same , That all Bar- rells used for the Packing of Beef or Pork containing twenty eight Gallons and two hundred Weight and every Barrell used for packing of Fish and containing twenty eight Gallons shall be deemed to be Merchantable and of full Assize, any Law Usage or Custom to the con- trary notwithstanding. That all Barrelled or Salted Fish for Sale except such as are split shall be packed and put up edgewise; and whosoever shall Sell or Ship for Sale any such Barrelled or Salted Fish otherwise packed excepting as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay the the [mV] Sum of twelve shillings for every such Barrell of salted Fish and so in propor- tion when the Same are Salted or Packed in greater or lesser Casks to be recovered by any one who shall Sue for the same. That the dimensions of the several Sorts and kinds of Lumber for exportation hereafter mentioned shall be as follows viz, All White Oak Pipe Staves four feet eight Inches long and three Inches and a half in Width, White Oak Hogshead Staves three and half feet long and three and half Inches in Width, White Oak Barrell Staves two and half feet Long and three and half Inches wide, White Oak Hogshead Heading two and half feet long and six Inches Wide and all free from sap ; all White Oak Barrell Staves to be used within this State, shall be two feet and four Inches long and three Inches and an half wide all Black and Red Oak Hogs- head Staves shall be three and half feet long and three and half Inches Wide, all French Sugar Hogshead Staves shall be four feet and seven Inches long, and three and half Inches wide, all Staves and heading shall be three Quarters of an Inch thick in the thinnest part. That all Cedar and Pine Shingles shall be one foot and six Inches long four Inches Wide and half an Inch in thickness at the Butt that no Pine Boards shall be deemed Merchantable unless the same are an Inch thick. And if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall after the first Day of * Under the terms of the resolution referred to, three quarters of the amount due from each state should be paid in hard money and the remainder in loan office certificates of interest due. Jovr. Covt. Cong., XXVI, 312-313. f See above, p. 325. 434 PUBLIC RECORDS October, March next ship or take on Board any Vessell within this State any quantity or Parcell of the aforementioned sorts of Lumber for exporta- tion which are not of the dimentions and discription aforesaid the said Lumber so Shipped or taken on Board as aforesaid contrary to this Act or the value thereof shall be forfeited by the Person or Persons who Ships or takes the same on Board as aforesaid one half thereof to the Prosecutor and the other half to the Treasury of this State and the Same may be seized and proceeded with in the same Way and manner as is provided in One Statute of this State made for Levy- ing and Collecting a Duty on the exportation of Timber &c And Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That every Cask of Tobacco that shall be hereafter Packed and offered for Sale within this State shall be branded with the Packers Name, and the Name of the Town where such Tobacco shall be packed at full length, and who- soever shall sell or expose to Sale any Cask or Casks of Tobacco not branded as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay a Penalty of forty shillings for each and every such Cask of Tobacco to be recovered by any one who shall sue for the same. That every Barrell or Cask of Pot or Pearl Ashes offered or exposed for Sale within this State, shall be Inspected and Branded with the Makers and Inspectors Names, and the Name of the Town where made all at full length and with a Mark or Figure expressing the Degree of the Quality of such Pot or Pearl Ashes, and whosoever shall offer or expose for Sale any Barrell or Barrells or other Cask or Casks of Pot or Pearl Ashes within this State not Inspected and branded as aforesaid shall forfeit and Pay for every such Barrell or Cask the Sum of forty shillings to be recovered by any one who shall Sue for the Same, That no Barrell or other Cask or Quantity of flour shall be exported out of this State in any Vessell whatever, unless the same shall have been first duely Inspected, and Branded with the Inspec- tors Name, and the Name of the State at full length, and with a Mark expressing the Degree of the Quality of such Flour and a Certificate thereof obtained from such Inspector and produced to the Naval Officer of that port in this State when such Vessell shall be Cleared out, And if any Person or Persons whatsoever shall Ship or export any Flour con- trary to this Act shall forfeit the Same, or the value thereof the one half to the Prosecutor and the other half to the Treasury of this State, and the same may be seized and proceeded with in the Same way and manner as is provided in the aforementioned Statute made for laying and Col- lecting a Duty on the exportation of Timber &c. That the several Towns in this State from which Pot or Pearl Ashes shall be exported and all Towns where Flour or Tobacco shall be Packed or Barrelled, are Impowered and directed at their Annual or any other Legal Meeting to Choose Inspectors and Branders for the Purposes mentioned in this Act who shall be sworn to a faithfull Discharge of their several Offices mutatis mutandis as is by Law prescribed for Surveyors of Highways Leather Sealers &c. And that said Inspectors and Branders shall be entitled to the following fee or reward for their Services viz, For 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 435 Inspecting Branding and Heading up every Cask of Pot and Pearl Ashes the Sum of one shilling, for inspecting and Branding every Cask of Flour and giving a Certificate thereof the Sum of three Pence, for Inspecting Heading and Branding every Barrell of Fish the Sum of six pence for Inspecting and branding Tobacco as is already by Law provided. An Act in addition to an Act intitled an Act to enable the United States in Congress Assembled to Levy certain Duties and Imposts on certain Goods and Merchandizes imported into this State to be applied in pay- ment of the Debts of the United States contracted for the supporting the late War in compliance with a resolution of Congress of the 18 fb of April 1783.* Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same , That the United States in Congress Assembled be and they are hereby fully Impowered and Authorized to Levy for the Use of the United States aforesaid the Duties mentioned in said Act on all Goods Imported into this State from any foreign Port Island or Plantation not within the United States under the Limitations and Provisions of said Act when Congress shall have published an Ordinance for Collecting said Duties, in Consequence of twelve of the United States having passed Acts Simular to said Act and the Provisions of this Act. Provided nevertheless that the United States in Congress Assembled shall annually require of the State which shall neglect or refuse to pass Acts similar to the aforesaid Act or to this Act the payment of such Sums as shall become their Just proportion from Year to Year of the principal or Interest of the Debt of the United States required to be paid within such Years, and that the Proportion assigned to such State shall be made upon the Ability of such State in the Year wherein the requisi- tion shall be made. An Act in Addition to and in alteration of a Law of this State intitled an Act for levying and Collecting a Duty on certain Articles of Goods Wares and Merchandize Imported into this State by Land or Water.f Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled a'nd by the Authority of the same , That the Master of every Ship Vessell or Boat shall in the Manifest by him to be exhibited according to the direction of said former Act, specify every Bail Package Cask Trunk or Chest containing any Articles of Goods Wares and Merchandize, and also the Marks and numbers of such Bale Package Cask Trunk and Chest shipped or taken on Board his Ship Vessell or Boat at the Port Ports or Places from which he came, and also specify the kind Quantity and Quality of every Particular Article of Goods Wares and Merchandize in each and every such Bale Package Cask Trunk and Chest and also the kind Quantity and Quality of every other Article of Goods Wares and Merchandize by him taken on Board * See above, p. 326. t See above, p. 328. 436 PUBLIC RECORDS October, his Ship Vessell or Boat at the Port Ports or Places from which he came, and shall before the Naval Officer or Collector to whom such Manifest is exhibited take the following Oath instead of the Oath Pro- vided by said Act to be taken by the Master of a Ship Vessell or Boat viz [“] You swear by the Name of the everliving God that the Manifest You have now exhibited contains a true and perfect Account of every Bale Package Cask Chest and Trunk by You taken on Board Your Ship or Vessell at the Port Ports or Places from which You came and also a true and perfect Account of each Particular Article of Goods Wares and Merchandize by You taken on Board Your Ship or Vessell at the Port Ports or Places from which You came, and of which Bales Packages Casks Trunks Chests or Goods You are by Law directed to make a Manifest, And that the Bales Packages Casks Chests and Trunks specified in said Manifest, did not at the Time they were Shipped or taken on Board Your Ship or Vessell nor do they now con- tain any other Goods Wares and Merchandize than what You have specified in Your Manifest, And that no Article whatever hath been unladed from Your Vessell. So help You God. [”] Provided nevertheless that if at the Time of exhibiting such Manifest the Owner of such Bale Package Cask Chest or Trunk or any other credible Person in behalf of such owner shall appear and exhibit an Invoice expressing the Kind Quantity and Quality of each and every Article of Goods Wares and Merchandize contained in any such Bale Package Cask Chest or Trunk and shall before the Proper Naval Officer or Collector make Oath that the Invoice by him exhibited is a true and perfect Inventory of every Article of Goods Wares and Mer- chandize that was packed or contained therein at the Time such Bale Package Cask Chest or Trunk was shipped on Board the Ship Vessell or Boat in which Imported, and at the Time of exhibiting said Invoice the Master shall not be obliged to Insert an Account of such Bale Pack- age Cask Chest or Trunk in the Manifest by him exhibited. And it shall be lawfull for the Master of every Vessell Ship or Boat within twenty four Hours after ariving at his Port of Delivery in this State to open for the Purpose of making a Manifest according to the Order of this Act every Bale Package Cask Chest and Trunk of which he is by Law to make a Manifest unless the Owner thereof or some other Person in his behalf shall appear and exhibit an Invoice thereof, accord- ing to the Terms of this Proviso, and pay and secure to be paid the Duties accordingly. And he it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that if in any Case the Provisions of this Act with respect to exhibiting a Manifest and making Oath thereto shall not be complied with, all the Forfeitures and Penalties of said former Act shall by such neglect be incurred, which Forfeitures and Penalties may be prosecuted for and recovered and disposed in the Same manner and to the same Uses and Persons as the forfeitures and Penalties in simular Cases, are by said former Act to be prosecuted for and disposed of. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 437 And be it further Enacted that in all Cases where a Duty of five per Cent ad valorem by the said former Act is to be paid, the Rule for ascer- taining the Value of the Goods at the Time and Place of Importation shall be the Same as is Provided in said former Act, in case of Goods Imported in a Ship Vessell or Boat of the burthen of thirty five Tons or more, And the Person who exhibits an Invoice according to the Provi- sions of the said former Act shall instead of the Oath therein Provided make Oath before the Naval Officer or Collector to whom the Invoice is exhibited that the Invoice or Invoices by him exhibited are the true Invoice or Invoices of the Articles therein enumerated and specified and that the Prices therein Stated are the Prices at which those respec- tive Articles were bonafide bought by him And that the Invoice or Invoices by him exhibited do contain a full and perfect Account of every Article of Goods Wares and Merchandize by him shipped on Board of or Imported directly or indirectly in the Ship Vessell or Boat in which the Articles specified in the Invoice by him exhibited were imported. And be it further Enacted that if any Person whatever having taken either of the Oaths Provided by this Act to be taken shall falsify the Truth in any of the Matters to which the Oath he has taken relates, he shall on conviction thereof suffer the Pains Penalties and Disabilities of wilfull Perjury. And be it further Enacted that all Vessells and Boats under the Burthen of thirty five Tons and their Tackle Apparel Furniture or Cargo seized by Virtue of said former Act shall and may be Libelled before the same Court and be proceeded with in the Same manner as by said former Act is provided in Case of Vessells under the Burthen of twenty five Tons. An Act in addition to an Act entitled, An Act for the regulation of Navigation.* Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled, and by the Authority of the Same, That in future every Vessell of the Burthen of fifteen Tons and upwards that shall be or has been Built in this State, or whose Owners or any part of them shall belong to or reside within this State, whose Owner or Master shall neglect or refuse to take out a Register from this State, as is directed by said Act said Vessell shall be liable to be seized and for- feited to Use of this State, And it shall be the Duty of the Naval Officer to Seize and prosecute the same as aforesaid. An Act in addition to an Act entitled, an Act for the Regulation of Navigation. Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the Same that there shall be kept at the Port of Norwich one Naval Officer who shall See above, pp. 254-0. 438 PUBLIC RECORDS October, be nominated and deputed in the Same Way and manner and be subject to the same Rules and Regulations that other Naval Officers in this State by Law are, That for the future the several Naval Officers in this State that are or may hereafter be appointed, shall once in six Months render their several particular Accounts to the Treasurer of this State of all the Monies and Certificates for Inter- est which they may or shall receive for any Duties or Imposts for the Use and Benefit of this State, and pay and deliver the Same to the said Treasurer taking his Receipt therefor, and on failure thereof, he or they shall upon Complaint and Proof made to his Excellency the Governor be ex officio dismissed from his or their Office and another appointed in his or their room and stead, And it shall be the Duty of said Treasurer to make Complaint to his Excellency the Governor of all such Failures and Neglects. An Act in further addition to and alteration of an Act intitled an Act for the better establishing and confirmation of the Titles of Land &c made and passed on October 1723.* Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same, That where any Warrant shall be obtained from an Assistant or Justice of the Peace pursuant to the directions of said Act for calling a Meeting of the Proprietors of such common or undivided Lands the same instead of the mode directed by said Act shall be published by inserting in some public Newspapers in or nearest the Town where such Lands are situate four Weeks successively and also by posting on the Public Sign Post in such Town at least twenty Days before the Day appointed for such Meeting; which shall be a sufficient warning and Notice for holding the same And be it further Enacted that the Method provided by this and the aforesaid Act may be had and taken for the obtaining and calling such Proprietors Meeting any difficulty or Impediment which may have taken Place by means or in consequence of any such Proprietors having adopted agreeable to the Liberty of said Act any other or different Mode of calling such Meetings notwithstanding. An Act in alteration of an Act intitled an Act for the direction of Listers in their Office and Duty.f Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the Same, That all Swine shall hereafter be exempted out of the List of Rateable Estate. An Act in addition to a Law Entitled, An Act for stating Limiting and naming the Counties in this State. Whereas in the late Revision of the Laws of this State the Town of Washington was omitted to be entered in the Lists of Towns for * Rw> Conn. Cnl. Rerx., 1717-17*5. d. 474. t Passed in May, 1779. Conn. State Rees., II. 256-263. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 439 the County of Litchfield, when it ought to have been inserted in said List next after the Town of Norfolk.* Be it Enacted by the Governor Council and Representatives in Gen- eral Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same That the Town of Washington be included in and be a part of the County of Litchfield. Whereas the Right Hon ble the Marquis De La Fayette Mareschal De Camp of the Armies of the King of France and Major General in the late Army of the United States of America in their late War with the King of Great Britain has exhibited his disinterested Attachment to the Liberties of Mankind in a very illustrious and disinterested manner — Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the Marquis De La Fay- ette, and his Son George Washington Esq r be and they are hereby declared free Citizens of this State to all Intents constructions and pur- poses whatsoever. And the Secretary of the State is hereby Ordered to present a Copy of this Resolve under the Seal of this State to the Marquis De La Fayette and request his acceptance thereof. This Assembly do appoint Richard Wait Jun r Esq r Lieutenant Colonel of the 3 d Regiment of Militia in this State. This Assembly do appoint Richard Deshon Esq r Major of the third Regiment of Militia in this State. This Assembly do appoint Maj r Miles Beach to be Lieutenant Colonel of the 17 th Regiment in the sixth Brigade of Militia in this State in the room of Lieu 1 Col 0 John Strong resigned. This Assembly do appoint Cap 1 Abner Willson to be Major of the 17 th Regiment of Militia in this State in the room of Maj r Miles Beach promoted. This Assembly do appoint Elihu Marvin Major of the 20 th Regiment. This Assembly do establish Azariah Hyde to be Captain of the seventh Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Amos Armstrong to be Lieutenant of the seventh Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Crawford to be Lieutenant of a Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abel Johnson to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elisha Johnson to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Fenton to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. Acts and Laws of Connecticut (1784), p. 27. 440 public records October, This Assembly do establish Jonathan Bullolph to be Captain of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Benajah Holcomb to be Lieutenant of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Noah Cooley to be Ensign of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 18 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Hickcox to be Captain of the sixth Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Noyes Wadsworth Jun r to be Lieutenant of the sixth Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Simeon Coe to be Ensign of the sixth Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Seth Miller to be Ensign of the eighth Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Nathaniel Cogswell to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Delano Pierce to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 21 Bt Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ward Woodward to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Armstrong to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Enoch Pierson to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Isaiah Everit to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Sluman Abel to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 14 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Johnson to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jabez Parson to be Captain of the eighth Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Baldwin to be Ensign of the fourth Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Zephaniah Pratt to be Ensign of the fourth Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Peleg Williams to be Lieutenant of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Avery Morgan to be Ensign of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 8 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joshua Perkins to be Capt of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Henry Farnham Jun r to be Lieuten 1 of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Levi Perkins to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 20 th Regiment in this State. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 441 This Assembly do establish Simeon Goodell to be Lieut of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Ira Green to be Ensign of the 11 th Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Parmely to be Captain of the seventh Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abraham Pierson to be Lieutenant of the 7 th Company or T rainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Griswold to be Ensign of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Lewiss Kilborn to be Ensign of the 1 st Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joel Dunbar to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Asa Darrow to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Jonah Root to be Ensign of the sixth Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Hobart M c Call to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Seth Doolittle to be Lieutenant of the fifth Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Clement Bishop to be Captain of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Bishop to be Lieutenant of the ninth Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in s d State. This Assembly do establish Joshua Douglas to be Ensign of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the third Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Lucius Tuttle to be Captain of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Andrew Hull to be Lieutenant of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Benham to be Ensign of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Thomas Langsell Thomas to be Lieu 1 Fire Worker of a Matross Company in the 20 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Stephen Hall Jun r to be Quarter Master of the 4 th Troop of Horse in the 4 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Theodore Parmely Captain of the 4 th Troop of Horse in the 5 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Levy Stone to be Lieutenant of the \ fourth Troop of Horse in the 5 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Benjamin Hanks to be Cornet of the fourth Troop of Horse in the 5 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. 442 PUBLIC RECORDS October, This Assembly do establish Josiah Butler to be Quarter Master of the fourth Troop of Horse in the 5 th Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Zachariah Lewis to be Captain of the first Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish David Judson to be Lieutenant of the first Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Isaac Wells to be Cornet of the first Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Curtiss Tomlinson to be Quarter Mas- ter of the first Troop of Horse in the third Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish Mason Hobart to be Captain of the second Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Russell 2 d to be Lieutenant of the second Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Penuel Child to be Ensign of a Company or Trainband in the 22 d Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Timothy Pratt to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 7 tn Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Giles Blague to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 7 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abraham Gridley to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Stephen Cole to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the 15 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish, Isaac Miles to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 17 th Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Stephen Clark to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Asa Phillips to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 21 8t Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Seers Harriss to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 21 st Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Solomon Dunham to be Captain of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the sixth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Beckley to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 6 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Kelcey to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 6 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elnathan Gregory to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Daniel Hoyt to be Lieutenant of the first Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Amos Hoyt to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in said State. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 443 This Assembly do establish, Justus Barnum to be Captain of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Burr to be Lieutenant of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Ephraim French to be Ensign of the 15 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Abraham Granger J r to be Captain of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 1 st Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Thaddeus King to be Lieut ent of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 1 st Regiment in said State. This Assembly do establish Stephen Remington J r to be Ensign of the 12 th Company or Trainband in the 1 st Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Epaphroditus Champion to be Captain of the first Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Gamaliel Tracy to be Ensign of the first Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Robert M c Cune to be Ensign of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 29 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Elijah House to be Captain of the 7 th Company or Trainband in the 12 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Chapman to be Captain of the third Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Asahel Brainerd to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Aner Bradley to be Captain of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish David Buckingham to be Ensign of the 4 th Company or Trainband in the 26 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Lemmy Thrall to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Oliver King to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Alexander M c Lean to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 19 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Andrew Hill to be Captain of the 16 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Simeon Munger to be Lieutenant of the 16 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Jarviss to be Ensign of the 16 th Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Samuel Merriam to be Captain of the eighth Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Oliver Bradley to be Lieutenant of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Lemuel Bradley to be Ensign of the 8 th Company or Trainband in the 10 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish James Benham to be Lieutenant of the 9 th Company or Trainband in the 25 th Regiment in this State. 444 public records October, This Assembly do establish Elijah Starr to be Captain of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Levi Bostwick to be Lieutenant of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Henry Nearing to be Ensign of the 10 th Company or Trainband in the 16 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Isaac Bartholomew to be Quarter Master of the 4 th Troop of Horse in the first Regiment of Light Horse in this State. This Assembly do establish David Buckingham to be Lieutenant of the fourth Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Theophilus Ransom to be Ensign of the fourth Company or Trainband in the 27 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish William Pierce to be Lieutenant of the third Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Roland Leavins to be Ensign of the third Company or Trainband in the 11 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do appoint Joab Griswold to be Captain of the eighth Company or Trainband in the first Regiment in this State. This Assembly do appoint Nathaniel Griswold to be Lieutenant of the eighth Company or Trainband in the first Regiment in this State. This Assembly do appoint Peter Sanford to be Lieutenant of the ninth Company or Trainband in the fourth Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish John Daviss to be Ensign of the ninth Company or Trainband in the 4 th Regiment in this State. This Assembly do establish Joseph Doolittle to be Ensign of the 5 th Company or Trainband in the 23 d Regiment in s d State. This Assembly do appoint William Samuel Johnson Esq r a Delegate to Represent this State in the Congress of the United States for the Term of one Year from the first Monday of Novemb r 1784 in the Room of Charles Church Chandler Esq r resigned. Whereas the General Assembly of this State held by Adjournment at New Haven on the 8 th Day of January last passed an Act Entituled an Act Impowering the Delegates of this State to make a Cession of unlocated Lands in the Western part of the State to the United States for their common benefit,* and in and by said Act Authorized Roger Sherman and James Wadsworth Esq” in the name and behalf of this State to make and execute under their Hands and Seals an ample Deed of release and Cession of Territory and land belonging to and claimed by this State described in said Act, Resolved by this Assembly that the Delegates of this State in the Congress of the United States for the Time being or any two of them shall have full Power and Authority and they are hereby Authorized and Impowered in the Name and behalf of this State to make execute * See above, pp. 277-8. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 445 and deliver to the United States in Congress Assembled a Deed of Release and Cession of the Territory Described in said Act and ordered to be ceeded to the United States by said Act in manner and form therein mentioned. This Assembly do approve of the Measures taken by His Excellency the Governor in Compliance with the requisition of Congress of the third of June last for furnishing one hundred and sixty five NonCom- mission Officers and Privates with proper Commission Officers from the Militia in this State to take Possession of the Posts on the Western Frontiers of the United States &c. And Major Wylllys appointed by His Excellency to command said Men is hereby Ordered to compleat the Inlistment if not already done on the encouragement Given by the United States in Congress and make return thereof to this Assembly as soon as possible. Resolved by this Assembly That His Excellency the Governor be and he is hereby requested and Impowered to proceed in forwarding the raising the Troops to be raised in pursuance of the requisition of Con- gress of the third of June last to Nominate appoint and Commissionate the Officers requisite for that purpose and to fill up such Vacancies as have or may happen in the Line of Officers appointed in said Service and to do every needfull and requisite for the furtherance of said Service. Whereas by Means of the Inaccuracy attending several of the Returns of the Lists to this Assembly, and a total neglect on the part of some Towns of returning their Lists it is found expedient to refer the further Consideration of the Subject to the next Meeting of the General Assembly. Therefore Resolved that the several Towns in this State who have not hitherto returned their Lists or have returned them without specify- ing therein the number of Houses in such respective Towns or without enumerating the Names and occupations of the several Persons liable by Law to Assesments, or are in any other respect defective, be and they are hereby directed and enjoined to return their respective Lists to the next Meeting of the General Assembly according to the directions of the Law in such Case Provided upon Penalty of incurring such Doom as the said Assembly shall inflict. And the Secretary is directed to Cause this Resolve to be published in the several News Papers in this State. Whereas it appears to this Assembly in the revision of the Militia Laws of this State there is a derangement of the 25 th 26 th & 27 th Regiments* — * T 1 ? difficulty appears to have arisen from the fact that in the militia act of May, 1782. the militia of Westmoreland (now lost to Pennsylvania) were designated as the Twenty-Fourth Regiment. Conn. State Rees., IV, 140. 446 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Therefore Resolved that all Officers holding Commissions dated before the first of July 1784 in the 26 th Regiment shall take rank in the 25 th Regiment, all Officers holding Commissions in the 27 th Regi- ment shall take Rank in the 26 th and all Officers holding Commissions in the 28 th Regiment shall take rank in the 27 th Regiment, and the said Commissions shall be as effectual as though no such derangement had ever taken Place. And it shall be the Duty of the Secretary to trans- mit a Copy of this Resolve to the Commanders of the aforesaid Regi- ments whose Duty it shall be to transmit a Copy of the Same to the Commanders of the several Companies, and all Persons concerned are to govern themselves accordingly. This Assembly do appoint Thomas Seymour and Dyar Throop Esq rs to be Justices of Quorum in and for the County of Hartford untill the first Day of June next. This Assembly do appoint Samuel Shipman and William Lynde both of Saybrook in the County of New London to be Justices of Peace in and for said County — untill the first Day of June next. Resolved by this Assembly , That the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby directed to furnish the Civil Authority and Select Men of the several Towns in this State with an exact State of his Accounts with each Collector of State Taxes of the respective Towns in this State by the first Day of Decemb r next, who shall immediately after their receiving such Accounts notify by proper Warrant or otherwise each Collector of such State Taxes of their respective Towns to appear before them at such Time and Place as shall be specified and appointed and to bring with him his Rate Bills in Order to be examined by such Civil Authority and Select Men and each Collector that appears before them, shall exhibit his said Rate Bill and shall answer all such Interrogatories as shall by such Civil Authority and Select Men be put to him respecting his Rate Bills and relative to his Business as Collector, And the said Civil Authority and Select Men shall also have Power to convene before them or otherwise inquire into the Circumstances of any Person from whom by the examination of the Rate Bills and of the Collectors it shall appear that there [are] any Rates due and thereupon make out a List of the Names of such Person or Persons in their respective Towns which have or shall be abated their Rates, with the Sums annexed thereto, and for which said Towns are or shall be Accountable and Cer- tify the same to said Collector under the Hand of such Civil Authority and Select Men. And it is further Resolved that every Collector of State Taxes who shall Settle and pay to said Treasurer the Taxes now due upon the sev- eral Bills in his Hands by the first Day of May next shall not be Liable or accountable for the Interest thereon, between the first Day of Decemb r next, and said first Day of May next any Law Usage or Cus- 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 447 tom to the contrary notwithstanding, And the Secretary is hereby directed to publish this Resolve in the several News Papers in this State. Whereas the Taxes Granted by this Assembly in May last so far as the same respect the Towns of Hartford and East Hartford are laid upon their List before a division of said Town of Hartford took Place,* which prevents the Collection of the Taxes on the Inhabitants of said Town of East Hartford for remedy whereof, Resolved by this Assembly That the Select Men of the Town of East Hartford do and they are hereby Impowered and directed forthwith to Choose and appoint one or more Constables or Collectors to Collect the s d Taxes laid upon the Inhabitants of said East Hartford arising on their Lists of that Year whereon said Taxes are laid, and to make out and deliver a Rate Bill or Rate Bills to said Collector or Collectors who shall be Liable and accountable in the same manner as other Constables and Collectors of State Taxes by Law are and said Town of East Hartford shall also be accountable for said Taxes and answerable for said Collectors as other Towns in this State by Law are, and said Select Men shall Certify the Treasurer of the Choice or appointment of such Collector or Collectors and the Treasurer shall direct his Warrant to said Collector or Collectors for the Collecting the aforesaid Taxes of said Inhabitants accordingly. Resolved by this Assembly That the several Naval Officers in this State be and they are hereby directed to make Report to this Assembly of the several Sums by them respectively Collected on the State Impost either in Money Certificates or Obligations, and also of the amount of all Monies received and Securities taken on account of the two pence per Gallon Duty on the Importation of Rum, by the 28 th Day of October ins 1 , and the Secretary is hereby directed forthwith to transmit a Copy of this Resolve to the several Naval Officers in this State. Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of the Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to allow and pass to the Credit of Jabez Perkins Esq r Account the Sum of Seventy seven Pounds ten shillings by him supplied to M r Guy Richards Commissary at the Port of New London in Decemb r last for which said Perkins had not any express Order, And that Commissary Richards receipt therefor shall be a suf- ficient Voucher to the Pay Table for allowing the Same. Resolved by this Assembly That the Committee appointed to receive and make up the Lists of the several Towns as returned to this Assembly be and they are hereby Authorized and directed to reduct the Sums raised by the Swine out of the List of the Several Towns and make up the Grand List accordingly, And the Listers of the Several Towns in * The separation of East Hartford from Hartford was authorized by the Assembly at its session in October, 1783. See above, p. 221. 448 PUBLIC RECORDS October, this State are also hereby Authorized and directed to Reduct the Sums raised by the Swine on the Lists of the several Individuals in their respective Towns, and make up their Lists accordingly any Law Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding, And the Secretary is hereby directed to cause this Resolve to be published in the Several News Papers in this State. Resolved by this Assembly That M r Oliver Wolcott of Hartford be and he is hereby Authorized and appointed to liquidate and Settle all Accounts which yet remains unsettled between this State & Samuel Eliott Esq r late of Boston Deceas d and to receive such Ballance as may be due to this State in the Premisses and to do and transact whatever may be necessary for the above purpose and Report make. Whereas it is Represented that the Naval Officers and Collectors of Imposts and Duties within this State suppose it to be warrantable by Law for them to exact a Duty upon old Copper and old Scrap & Junk Iron so called brot 1 in to this State from any of the United States under the Idea of its not appearing to be the Manafacture of any of said States which was not intended, Resolved by this Assembly that said Naval Officers and Collectors shall not exact any Impost or Duty upon Old Copper and old Scrap and Junk Iron Imported into this State from any of the United States, any Law Usage or Custom to the Contrary notwithstanding. Resolved by this Assembly that four of the Cannon at Fort Gris- wold in Groton be kept mounted on Carriages and fit for Use in one of the Batteries in Groton, and that the other Cannon Shott Shells and Implements of every kind belonging to Cannon and the Powder belong- ing to this State in New London and Groton be secured in Fort Gris- wold and there safely kept under the Care of such Officers as this Assembly or the Cap 1 General shall appoint. And that three Cannon with their Carriages and Apparatus be continued at Hartford in the Care of the commanding Officer of the Matross Company in that City for the Time being, That three Cannon with their Carriages and Appara- tus be continued at New Haven under the Care of the Commanding Officer of the Governors Guards in that City, And that one Cannon with its Carriage and Apparatus be left in the Care of the Commanding Officer of each Matross Company in this State for the Time being, And that the Quarter Master General be and he is hereby directed forthwith to Cause all the other Cannon Carriages Shot Shells Muskets Bayonets Cartouch Boxes Powder Ball Lead Salt Petre, and all Irons and valuable Parts of Damaged Carriages to be secured and safely kept and make a true return thereof together with an Account of the Gates and Platform at Fort Griswold and of all Buildings the Property of this State erected for Stores or other Purposes of the late War to his Excellency the Gov- ernor to be laid before the next Assembly, And the said Quarter Master 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 449 General is hereby Impowered and directed as Agent for and in behalf of this State to sue and Prosecute to final Judgment all Persons who have or shall have by any Way or means gotten any of the aforesaid Property of this State into their Possession and shall not deliver the Same to said Quarter Master or his Order on Demand, And all Persons who have disposed of any of the aforesaid Articles belonging to this State and have not accounted therefor, are hereby directed to account for the same to said Quarter Master General as Agent to this State for that purpose and who shall be accountable to this State for his Doings in the Business aforesaid and shall be allowed a reasonable reward for his Time and expences in said Services. Resolved by this Assembly , That the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to pay to the Honb 1 William Sam 1 Johnson Esq r one of the Delegates of this State in the Congress of the United States the Sum of two Hundred Pounds lawfull Money for his Expences &c in attending Congress he to be accountable. Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to Pay to the Honb le Joseph Platt Cook Esq r one of the Dele- gates of this State in the Congress of the United States the Sum of two hundred Pounds lawfull Money for his expence &c in attending Con- gress he to be accountable. On the Report of a Committee appointed by this Assembly in May last and this Assembly to enquire into the Circumstances of the Suf- ferers at New Haven by the Enemy on the 5 th of July 1779 and Report what further Abatements if any, ought to be made on the Taxes of said Sufferers* which Report is accepted and lodged on File — Resolved by this Assembly , That the Treasurer be and he is hereby Authorized and directed to allow as abated by said Committee of the List of the Poles and rateable Estate of the said Town of New Haven for the 1781 the Sum of £819 0 0 of the List of the Poles and rateable Estate of said Town for the Year 1782, the Sum of £843, And in the List of the Poles and Rateable Estate of said Town for the Year 1783 the Sum of £747 And the Select Men of said Town are directed to apply the Same to the Credit of said Several Sufferers according to the Sums they are respectively Abated in said Report. On the Report of a Committee appointed by this Assembly in May last to enquire into the Circumstances of the Sufferers at New London and Groton by the Enemy in Septemb r 1781, and Report what further Abatements ought to be made of their Taxes &c which Report is accepted and on Filef — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he hereby is * See above, p. 374. t See above, p. 379. 450 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Authorized and directed on settlement of the Taxes with said Town of Groton to allow to them as abated by said Committee the following Sums on the following Taxes viz on the penny Tax payable in March 1783 the Sum of £8 1 9 on the 2 d Tax payable in March 1783 the Sum of £ 16 9 9 on the shilling Tax payable in April 1783 the Sum of £34 8 10 on the two penny Tax payable in August 1783 the Sum of £16 12 9, on the 6 d Tax payable in December 1783 the Sum of £47 2 9 on the 7 d Tax Payable in State Bills in January 1784 the Sum of £32 19 2 and on the 8 d Tax payable in March 1784 the Sum of £45 4 2. On the Report of a Committee appointed by this Assembly in May last to enquire into the Circumstances of the Sufferers at New London and Groton by the Enemy in Septemb r 1781, and Report what further Abatements if any ought to be made in the Taxes of said Sufferers which Report is accepted and lodged on File — Resolved by this Assembly That the Treasurer be and he hereby is Authorized and directed to allow as abated by said Committee to the Town of New London the following Sums on the following Taxes viz on the l d Tax payable in March 1783, the Sum of £7 11 9^4 on the 2 d Tax payable at the Same Time the Sum of £15 5 0^4 on the 12 d Tax payable in April 1783 the Sum of £33 0 4 y 2 on the 2 d Tax payable in August 1783 the Sum of £14 0 2*4 on the 6 d Tax payable in Decemb r 1783 the Sum of £48 16 7 *4 on the 7 d Tax State Bills payable the first January 1784 the Sum of £25 5 3 and on the 8 d Tax payable in March 1784 the Sum of £48 1 6. Whereas there are several Dwelling Houses and some Lands lying in the Town of Branford a part of which have been confiscated to this State as the Estate of William Bayard and others and the residue belongs to sundry Merchants in Europe New York &c the proportion of which cannot now be known and sundry Persons have entered into the possession of said Houses and Lands without paying any Rent for the Same or keping the same in repair by means of which said Buildings are now much out of repair and some become absolutely ruinous — Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of Guilford be and he is hereby directed to give the necessary Orders for the Leasing out of said Lands and Build- ings and also for making necessary repairs to the same out of the Rents thereof or otherwise according to his best discretion. Whereas the General Assembly in May 1781, appointed John Peck Esq r to purchase Horses for this State and directed the Treasurer to Issue Blank Notes to said Peck for that purpose restricting said Peck not to give more than thirty Pounds for any one Horse,* That said Peck purchased two Horses of one Man in two Instances at the Price of £30 each, and included the price of both Horses in one Note which * See Conn. State Rees., Ill, 381-382. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 451 made two Notes of £60 each the Interest of which the Treasurer thinks himself unauthorized to pay — Resolved by this Assembly that upon said Notes being produced to the Treasurer with a Certificate thereon from said Peck and the Com- mittee of Pay Table that they include the Purchase Money of two Horses, the Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to put them upon the Same footing with the Notes Issued for the same purpose for £30 or under. Resolved by this Assembly that the List of Assesments for the Year 1783 now returned by the Listers for the Town of Litchfield pursuant to Order from this Assembly in May last be by the Secretary received and the amount thereof being £1037 10 0 exclusive of the Assesment of Isaac Baldwin Clerk of Litchfield County Court Certified to the Treasurer who is directed to conform himself thereto in Issuing his Warrants for the Collecting of Taxes Levied on the List for the Year 1783, and that the Town of Litchfield be and hereby are released from the Doom layed upon them by this Assembly in January last.* Provided nevertheless that the several Persons named in said List have Liberty to apply to the Civil Authority and Select Men in said Litchfield for Abatement of their Assesments at any Time within six Months from the rising of this Assembly, And the said Civil Authority and Select Men are hereby Authorized and Impowered to hear and consider the Same and Grant Releif in the same manner as is by Law Provided any Lapse of Time on this Resolve notwithstanding. Resolved by this Assembly that Samuel C Syllyman be and he is hereby appointed one of the Committee for making Abatement of Taxes to the Sufferers in the Town of New Haven in the room of Gideon Buckingham Esq r appointed by the General Assembly in May last. Whereas the Secretary of this State has in pursuance of the Resolve of this Assembly of May last procured a Seal as therein directedf which is approved of by this Assembly, Wherefore Resolved that the said Seal be lodged with the Secretary and shall be by him used as the Seal of this State as the Law directs. This Assembly do appoint Cap 1 Ephraim Lyon Surveyor of Lands within and for the County of Windham. This Assembly do appoint Robert Lawson Surveyor of Lands within and for the County of Windham. Upon the Memorial of Talmage Hall and Jacob Brown Shewing that they have at great expence furnished themselves with Stage Wag- * See above, p. 283. t See above, p. 374. 452 PUBLIC RECORDS October, gons & Horses for carrying Travellers with their Baggage and Effects from the City of Hartford to Byram River Praying for an exclusive Right to carry passengers &c as per Memorial &c Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialists shall have and Licence is hereby Granted to them to erect set up and drive all necessary Stage Waggons or Carriages and to carry Travellers therein with their Baggage and Effects from the City of Hartford to Byram River in this State during the Pleasure of this Assembly and that in the mean Time no other Person or Persons whatsoever shall presume to erect set up or drive any Stage Waggon Waggons or other Carriage for any of the Purposes aforesaid on the Same Roads without the special Licence of this Assembly upon pain of forfeiting all such Waggon Waggons or Carriage and the Horse or Horses used therein or double the value thereof to any one who shall sue for or recover the Same. Upon the Memorial of Jonathan Coe of Greenwich Shewing to this Assembly, That his Father at his Death left an Estate in Lands in Green- wich Intestate, and that he left five Children to whom said Land descended, that the eldest Son Andrew Coe sold the whole of said Land which by sundry mein Conveyances came to Joseph Galpin whose Estate was confiscated in the late War and by this State Sold to Samuel Holden Parsons including the Lands descended to the Heirs of his Father and Sold by his Brother Andrew and that no compensation has been made to the Heirs of his said Father &c, and that he is willing to quiet the Title of said Parsons, upon receiving such compensation as this Assembly shall find Just as per Memorial on File. On which Memorial Jonathan Sturges John Canfield & Jedidiah Elderkin Esq” were appointed a Committee to enquire into the Matters alledged in this Memorial and Report to this Assembly who have Reported, That John Coe died intestate and Seized in fee of thirty three Acres of Land in Greenwich having a Widow and five Children, that Andrew Coe eldest Son of said John Sold the whole of said Land to one Haviland, who Sold the same to Joseph Galpin who forfeited his Estate in the course of the late War, and the same hath been sold to Samuel Holden Par- sons by the Treasurer of this State with Covenant of Warranty, that said Parsons and those under whom he holds have been in possession of said Lands about thirty Years, but Infancy and Coverture in some of the Heirs of said John hath prevented the purchasers under said Andrew acquiring a Title by possession and that the Memorialist hath a Right to one sixth part of the thirty three Acres and that he ought to be paid the Sum of thirty three Pounds on his Quieting the Title to said sixth in said Parsons which Report is accepted Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of the Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to draw an Order on the Treasury to pay the Memorialist the Sum of thirty three Pounds out of any unap- propriated Monies in the Treasury upon the Memorialists quieting the Title of said Sixth part of said Lands in said Parsons. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 453 Upon the Memorial of Abigail Belden and Ezekiel Porter Belden, Administrators on the Estate of Col 0 Thomas Belden late of Weathers- field Deceas d , Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1776 said Thomas was Lieu* Colonel of a Regiment of Militia in this State and received from this State by the Hands of Ezekiel Williams Esq r £500, Continental Money to deliver out to the Troops then ordered to march on a Tour of Duty, and that he proceeded on said Business and delivered out the whole of said Money except the Sum of £91 4 0 which Money was soon offered to the Committee of Pay Table who would not receive said Money as no Receipt of said Deceas d was in their Hands on any Account of said Monies charged against him in said Office, Praying that said Estate might be discharged from any demand upon the Memo- rialists returning said Sum to the Committee of Pay Table &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Liberty be and it is hereby Granted to the Memorialists to return said Bills of Credit to the Committee of Pay Table amounting to the Sum of £91 4 0 And the Committee of Pay Table are hereby Ordered and directed to receive the Continental Bills to the Amount of said Sum of £91 4 0 and that thereupon the Estate of said Deceas d be exonerated and discharged from any Demand of this State therefor. Upon the Memorial of Charles Chauncey Esq r of New Haven Shew- ing to this Assembly that Amos Botsford Esq r late of New Haven having in the Course of the late War left his Connections and Friends and went to reside with the Enemy, and said Botsford now being desirous said Memorialist should take Charge of the Education of his Children and said Botsfords Estate being confiscated and Sold sufficient to pay his Just Debts and there being considerable Sums due to said Botsford in this State which never have come to the knoledge of said Botsford 8 Administrator and nobody at present can take any Benefit thereof Praying that Some Person may be appointed to collect said Botsfords Debts uncollected and apply them to the maintenance and education of said Botsfords Children as per Memorial Resolved by this Assembly that Liberty and Licence be granted to Charles Chauncey Esq r and he is hereby Authorized and Impowered to Collect the Debts due to said Botsford in this State, and to Institute Suits and proceed to final Judgment in any proper Courts and after the Just Debts of said Botsford are paid and administration Charges the remainder of said Monies said Chauncey apply for the purposes afore- said and account with the Judge of Probate for New Haven District therefor. Upon the Memorial of Mary Mardenbrough of New Port Admin- istr* on the Estate of Christopher Mardenbrough late of the Island of S* Christopher Deceas d Shewing that her late Husband the s d Christo- pher in the Year 1777 on the said Island advanced for the Use of the 454 PUBLIC RECORDS October, War One Hundred Pistoles to Capt Robert Niles an Agent of this State with expectation of being speedily repaid, That said Money hath never been returned to the said Christopher or any other in his behalf Praying for Relei f &c Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby Ordered and directed to pay to the Memorialist or his Attorney the said one hundred Pistoles or an equivalent in Silver or Gold and the lawfull Interest thereon from the first Day of January 1778 until paid, out of the first Moneys he may or shall receive from the Naval Officers in this State for Duties or Imposts for the Use of this State. Upon the Memorial of Samuel Broome and Jeremiah Platt both of New Haven in New Haven County representing to this Assembly that since the late Peace they removed into the City of New York and Imported a Quantity of European Goods into said New York soon after the arrival of which Goods they removed into the State of Connecticut and brought with them their Goods imported as aforesaid, to the amount of seven or eight Thousand Pounds lawfull Money in value and conceiving themselves to be within the Generous encouragement to Merchants in other States to come and reside in this State for the Purposes of Commerce and that they ought to be freed from any Impost on their said Goods Praying for Releif &c as per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Memorialists be discharged and freed and they are hereby discharged and freed from any Impost on their said Goods Imported as aforesaid and the naval Officer for the Port of New Haven is hereby directed to discharge and Cancel their Bonds given for Impost as aforesaid they Praying [.sfc] to said Naval Officer a Just Reward for his transacting the Business with regard to said Goods. Upon the Memorial of Eli Reed of Norwalk in Fairfield County in behalf of himself and others in the Society of Middlesex in said Nor- walk who have been Sufferers by the Ravages of the Enemy, during the late War, Shewing to this Assembly that they have been great Loosers thereby and rendered unable to pay their State Taxes Praying that the Committee appointed by the General Assembly in May last to repair to the Town of Stamford, and take into consideration the Losses and Sufferings of the Inhabitants of said Town of Stamford, may likewise be Impowered to take into consideration the losses and Suffer- ings of said Inhabitants in Middlesex Society living in said Norwalk, and make such Abatements to s d sufferers of their State Taxes as may appear Just and reasonable as per Memorial on File, Resolved by this Assembly that the aforesaid Committee be and they are hereby Impowered to take into consideration the Circumstances Losses & sufferings of said Memorialists at their Cost and expence and make such Abatements of their State Taxes in whole or in part as in the Opinion of said Committee may appear Just and reasonable. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 455 Upon the Memorial of Ozias Goodwin with some of his Creditors Shewing that he has been three Times taken by the English in the late War and stripped of his Property besides suffering in Prison Ships, That he is much reduced by Losses and Misfortunes is advanced in Years and very infirm, That some of his Creditors are relentless towards him and threaten to Imprison him and take away the real necessaries of his Houshold and to leave him and his Family destitute & c Pray- ing for relief &c Resolved by this Assembly that the said Ozias do give due notice to his said Creditors in some of the Public News Papers in this State at least one Month before the Session of the Assembly to appear if they see Cause before the General Assembly to be holden at Hartford in May next and Shew reason why the Person of the Memorialist, should not be exempted from Imprisonment for Debt and that in the mean Time the Person and Property of the said Ozias shall be and the same are hereby protected from any Attachment or Execution for Debt. Upon the Memorial of Reuben Rose and others Inhabitants of the Town of Branford in New Haven County representing that at a former Session of this Assembly a Committee was appointed to lay out and open a Highway from New Haven to Chapmans Ferry in Haddam, and that some Alterations may be made of said Highway between New Haven and North Branford to render it more commodious for the Public and avoid some bad Places &c. Praying for a Committee to view and alter the same &c — Resolved by this Assembly that Andrew Adams David Austin and Thomas Burges Esq rs be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to view the said Highway as already laid out between the City of New Haven and the Meeting House in North Branford and also to View the Place or Places that shall be shewn them by the Memorialists and any other Places that they may think proper and Report their Opinion whether any alteration may be made in said Highway to render it more convenient for the Public and if they shall Judge it expedient to make any alteration that they report a particular discription thereof to this Assembly in May next. Upon the Memorial of David Austin Shewing to this Assembly that in January 1778 he was appointed by this State to open Subscriptions for the Continental Loan Office, and that he procured to the Amount of £19710 Continental Currency to be loaned that he has never received any Compensation for his Services Praying Payment &c as per Memo- rial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to draw on the Treasurer of the State for tne Sum of £4 15 10 LMoney in favour of said David Austin payable out of any unappropriated Moneys in satisfaction of his Services and Charge the Same to the United States. 456 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Upon the Memorial of Eldad Parsons of Enfield Shewing to this Assembly that on the 13 th Day of 1782 his dwelling House in Enfield by accident took fire whereby the same was consumed, together with his Household Furniture and papers among which was one order drew on the Treasurer of this State in favour of Meakens Bement of Hart- ford for the Sum of thirty shillings on the 2/6 d Tax, and according to the best of his remembrance said Order was Signed by M r Hubbard of Hartford then Issuing Commissary and thereby has lost the whole benefit of said Orders and Praying for relief as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby directed to pay to the Memorialist thirty shillings on the 2/6 Tax. Upon the Memorial of John Franklin, Ebenezer Johnson and Phineas Pierce all of Wyoming in behalf of themselves and others Inhabitants Settlers and Claimers of a large Tract of Country situate upon the Waters of the River Susquehannah within the Charter Limits of this State — Shewing to this Assembly that by the Countenance and appro- bation of the late Colony now State of Connecticut they having the strongest reason to believe the Territory aforesaid was within the Juris- diction of said State purchased the Same of the Aborigines as Native Proprietors of the Country aforesaid for a great and valuable Consider- ation and obtained from them a Deed of Bargain and Sale, executed and compleated, according to the usual and established Customs of Con- veyance used by said Natives, of all the Lands situate within the forty second Degree of Northern Lattitude from ten Miles East of the Easterly Branch of said River Susquehannah, West one hundred and twenty Miles, and thereby acquired a Just and equitable Title to said Lands and for many Years have been incorporated under the full Exercise of Government under the Laws of the said State of Connecti- cut untill the Publication of the Decree of the Court of Commissioners held at Trenton in the Month of Novemb r 1782, when the State of Connecticut was unexpectedly deprived of their Jurisdiction over the Territory aforesaid.* That thereupon the Memorialists by their Humble Petition made application to the State of Pensylvania to be owned and acknoledged as Citizens of that State, to have the Title to their Houses Lands &c confirmed to them and to enjoy the Protection of the Laws and Government of said State, That they were repeatedly flattered with Expectations favourable and benign, but are at last totally disap- pointed in their Just expectations and are now fully convinced the appar- ent favourable dispositions of Government towards them has been improved by their opponents to contrary purposes and turned wholly to their disadvantage, whereby they have been deprived of their Houses Lands and other Property even their necessary Food, That they have been twice disarmed and are now driven with their helpless Families into the Wilderness in this inclement Season without Cover Cloathing or * See above, p. 11 n. 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 457 Sustenance, and now address themselves to the Justice and humanity of this State Imploring for Heavens sake their Protection Assistance and Aid as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that it is expedient for the Memorialists to pursue their application to the Congress of the United States for a Tryal of their Right of Soil and possession agreeable to the ninth of the Articles of Confederation, And that this State will countenance and Patronize them in such Application and Tryal in order to obtain for them that Justice this State apprehends the Memorialists are entituled to, And the Delegates from this State in Congress are directed to give them all necessary Assistance in the Premisses, And his Excellency the Gov- ernor is requested to address the Congress of the United States on the Subject of their Situation and sufferings, and Also address a full State of their Claim &c to the State of Pensylvania, remonstrating against the Barbarities and Cruelties exercised towards the Memorialists, and request a redress of their Grevances and a restoration of their Rights properties & Possessions under the protection of the Laws and Govern- ment of said State of Pensylvania. Upon the Memorial of Michael Todd of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1781 he had in his Care a Schooner the Property of John and James Davenport to be disposed of, and in October in the Year last aforesaid being applied to by Abel Burrit of New Haven Barrack Master for the Militia then stationed there to permit said Schooner to go after a Load of Wood for the Use of said Troops as far as Branford, and that the Memorialist consented on Con- dition that said Schooner should be Guarded by Troops sufficient to defend her from the Enemy and that twenty Men from Col 0 Arnold 8 Command were in Consequence thereof put on Board said Schooner, and that he proceeded to said Branford and while there was boarded by the Enemy 8 Boat and taken and Carried to Long Island and entirely lost in consequence of the negligence of said Men on Board. Praying for a Committee &c to examine into the Matters aforesaid and Report make what ought to be done in the Premisses — Whereupon Resolved that Col 0 Edward Russell, Gideon Buckingham Esq r and Gen 1 Andrew Ward be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to examine into the Matters Stated in said Memorial and also into the Conduct of the Men ordered to Guard said Schooner therein mentioned and consider how far they or any of them ought to be liable to pay the Damages sustained by the Memorialists and of their Ability to pay Same giveing due Notice to all concerned to be present at said inquiry, and of what they find and their opinion what and whether any thing ought to be done by this Assembly thereon Report make to this or some future Assembly at the Cost of the Memorialist. Upon the Memorial of David Smith of Farmington Shewing to this Assembly that he was acquitted upon a Tryal before the Superior Court 458 PUBLIC RECORDS October, sometime in the Year 1765 Yet ordered to pay the Cost to the amount of about sixteen Pounds Lawfull Money, that the said Smith and one Hannah Norton gave their Note Payable to the Treasurer of this State therefor, That they are now become Poor and unable to pay the same and that the said Note is now sued and that Cost has arisen thereon — Resolved by this Assembly that upon the said Smiths paying the Cost that has arisen upon the said Suit up to this Time the said Note be given up to him and he no further accountable therein to this State. Upon the Memorial of William Burrows of Killingly, Shewing to this Assembly that in January 1781, he inlisted a Soldier in the third Connecticut Regiment and in Decemb r 1782 in the Service of the Country he received a Wound in his Knee and was thereby incapacitated for any Military Service, and was thereupon discharged on the 10 th Day of April 1783 That he long languished under his Wounds and to preserve his Life his Thigh was Amputated and he thereby disabled from any Business and hath incurred a large expence thereby Praying that said expences may be paid and some Provision made for his Sup- port &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to Liquidate and adjust the Doctors Bills referred to in the Memorial and draw an Order in favour of the Memo- rialist for the Sums they shall find due, And that the Memorialist have and receive the Sum of thirty shillings per Month for the Term of two Years from the rising of this Assembly and the Treasurer is directed to pay the same accordingly. Upon the Memorial of David Young of Windham preferred to the General Assembly holden at Hartford in May last Shewing that about the first of May 1776, bv order of the Governor and Council of Safety he was employed by Col° Jedidiah Elderkin and Nathaniel Wales Esq r to Guard the Magazine of Gun Powder belonging to this State in the Town of Windham and that at his own expence he kept and continued a sufficient Guard over said Magazine from the Time aforesaid untill October 1782, a few Days excepted for which he has received but a par- tial compensation and that a considerable Ballance is still due to him and for which he is still indebted, Upon which Memorial a Committee were appointed,* who have now made their Report in the premisses which is accepted And it is thereupon. Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State pay to the said David Young the Sum of eighty Pounds six- teen shillings lawfull Money the Ballance due to him out of any Tax or Fund established for support of the Civil List. Upon the Memorial of M r Joel Barlow of Hartford in Hartford County, Representing to this Assembly that at the desire and request * See above, pp. 408-9. 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 459 of the General Association of the State of Connecticut he has made alterations in a number of Psalms in Doctor Isaac Watts Version that are locally applied to Great Britain and made a Version of sundry Psalms omitted by him and also made a select Collection of Hymns to be annexed to said Psalms for the purposes of Christian Worship, which Work is now compleated and has been examined and recom- mended by a Committee of said Association (for that purpose appointed) to the Use of the Churches, as being better adapted for the Purposes of Public Worship than any other that has yet appeared Praying this Assembly to grant him the sole privelege of printing publishing and vending of said Work within this State &c as per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that the exclusive Privelege of Printing publishing and vending of said Work be granted to said Barlow in said State, and the exclusive privelege of Printing Publishing and vend- ing said Work is hereby given and Granted to said Barlow for the Term of Seaven Years agreeable to and under the restriction of the Statute Law of this State entitled An Act for the encouragement of Literature and Genius.* Upon the Memorial of William Tarbell of Colchester Shewing to this Assembly That he was wounded in the Thigh at the Battle of German- town and rendered unfit for Service, and regularly transferred to the Corps of Invalids but by inevitable Accidents it became impossible to Join that Corps, whereby he has lost the Benefit of the Public Provision &c praying Releif &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that there be granted to the Memorialist The value of sixty Pounds LMoney in the Confiscated Estate of William Brown Esq r And that the Honb le Benjamin Huntington and William Hilhouse Esq r be and they are hereby appointed a Committee at the Cost of the Memorialist to apprize the Lands to the amount aforesaid in such Part of said confiscated Lands as are yet undisposed of and on the Memorialists produceing an Apprisal of such Land to the amount of the Sum aforesaid particularly discribing and bounding the same under the Hands of the said Committee to the Treasurer of the State he is authorized and directed to execute a Deed thereof in behalf of this State to the Memorialist. Upon the Memorial of Henry Daggett shewing to this Assembly that in February 1783 he was appointed by the Council of Safety to receive Provisions Cloathing Salt &c from the Receivers in the several Towns &c and received Orders for said Provisions &c and for said Provisions received an Order which was in favour of Ralph Pomeroy DQM. dated July ninth 1782 for ten Pounds out of the Tax of two shillings and six * The work was published in 1785 with the following title page: Doctor Watts’s Imitation of the Psalms of David, Correc.ted and Enlarged. By Joel Barlow. To which is added a Collection of Hymns; The whole applied to the State of the Christian Church in General .... Hartford: Printed by Barlow and Babcock, M,DCC,LXXXV. For the copyright act mentioned in the resolution see above, pp. 13-15. 460 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Pence Signed Fenn Wadsworth William Mosely which Order he has since found to be Counterfeit Praying the same may be allowed him &c as per Memorial, Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table allow the Sum of ten Pounds the Sum of said Order to said Dagget in the final Settlement of his Accounts and give him the Benefit of the same as if it had been a true Order. ' Upon the Memorial of Sarah Butler of New York in the State of New York Widow and Executrix of the last Will and Testa- ment of William Butler late of said New York Deceased Repre- senting that the said William was arespectable Merchant of the City of New York and for many Years carried on an exclusive Commerce with the People of this State till his Death which happened in May 1775, That at the Time of said Williams Death there remained large Debts due both to and from his Estate And that the Memorialist as his Executrix as aforesaid, in course of settling said Williams Estate soon after May 1775 and in the Summer 1776, received of divers good People of the State of Connecticut and others indebted to said Estate large Sums in Bills of Credit emitted by this State before and in the Year 1776 in payment and discharge of said Debts at their nominal value equal to gold and Silver amounting to the Sum of £1587 6 6 LMoney, which she has ever since had in her Hands, That in con- sequence of the Capture of the City of New York in September 1776 by the Forces of the King of Great Britain she continued in effect a Prisoner to the British Troops till the evacuation of said City in the Year 1783, and never had it in her Power to dispose of said Bills for a valuable consideration or become acquainted with the Laws of this State respecting the same and in fact had no Notice of the Act of Assembly for calling into the Public Treasury the Bills of Credit afores d or if she had obtained such Notice could not in her Situation have availed herself of it Praying for Permission to pay and deliver said Bills of Credit into the Treasury of this State and that she may receive therefrom a Just Compensation for the same as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the said Sarah be and she is hereby permitted to pay and deliver said Bills of the denomination of six shil- lings and upwards into the public Treasury of this State and that the Treasurer be and he is hereby Directed having Liquidated by the Scale of Depreciation the value of said Bills at the last period at which the like Bills have been received, to execute in behalf of this State to said Sarah a Note on Interest bearing Date the first Day of February 1781 for the Amount of said Bills so Liquidated as aforesaid and the Interest thereof from the Period aforesaid to said first Day of February. Upon the Petition of Asahel Hooker, Elisha Morris and Samuel Richards in behalf of themselves and others Inhabitants living upon a Tract of Land comprehending the South part of the first Society in 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 461 Farmington and the East part of the Society of New Cambridge in said Town Praying that the Inhabitants living upon the said Tract of Land bounded South on Southington Line North on Mix 8 Highway so called, extending East to the Common Field in said first Society, thence South East to the little Pond so called, thence East to the Line of New Britain Society, thence South to Southington Line and extending so far West as to include the East Tier of Lots in New Cambridge Society with the said Tract of Land, be Constituted and formed into a Distinct Eclesi- astical Society — Resolved that John Curtiss Esq r of Southington Col° Aaron Austin of New Hartford and Maj r David Smith of Watertown be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to view the State and Circumstances of the said proposed Society to hear all Parties concerned and to report the State of Facts relative thereto with their Opinion thereon to the General Assembly in May next all at the Cost of the Petitioner. Upon the Petition of Gideon Benjamin of East Hartford Shewing to this Assembly That by various Misfortunes and Losses he is become reduced in his advanced Age, That he is indebted to the Amount of £255, that he has a Horse Teem, Houshold Furniture and about £100, in Book Debts — That he is willing to deliver up his Estate for the Benefit of his Creditors Praying for a special Act of Insolvency exemp- ting his Person from Arrests and Imprisonment for Debts now oweing by him as per Petition on File Resolved that Col° Jonathan Wells East Hartford Aaron Bissell Esq r and M r Daniel Pitkin be and they are hereby appointed a Commit- tee at the Cost of the Petitioner to enquire into the Facts mentioned and referred to in said Petition giveing due Notice to the Creditors of said Benjamin and to make Report of the Facts in the Case to the General Assembly in May next with their Opinion thereon, and the Person and Estate of the Petitioner is hereby protected from all Arrests and Imprisonment by mein Process and Execution for any Debt now oweing by him and he is also prohibited from alienating any of his Property in the mean Time. Upon the Memorial of Matthew Talcott Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1775 he was appointed by this Assembly One of a Com- mittee to take Charge of British Prisoners in which he served untill the latter end of the Year 1776 and during that Time one M c Lean a British Prisoner by Accident broke his Thigh to the cure of which M” Porter was called and her Bill of Expence for the Cure amounted to a considerable Sum for which she has brought her Action against him which is now depending Praying Relief as per Memorial on File Resolved by this Assembly that upon the Memorialist procuring the Account of M rs Porter properly Attested and exhibiting the Same to the Committee of Pay Table they are Impowered and directed to Settle 462 PUBLIC RECORDS October, and adjust the same together with the Cost arisen in said Suit and draw an Order on the Treasurer to pay the sum they shall find due thereon. Upon the Memorial of Matthew Gilbert Jun r and Phebe his Wife both of New Haven Administrators with the Will annexed the said Matthew in Right of his said Wife on the Estate of Joseph Dorman late of s d New Haven Deceas d Shewing to this Assembly that in 1779 said Dorman Died leaving a Will thereby giving all his Estate to his Young- est Son Roger after payment of Debts and certain Specific Legacies, that all the Debts and Legacies which appeared and were allowed by the Court of Probate being paid, for which Lands to a considerable Amount were Sold by Order of Assembly, the residue of said Estate was dis- tributed according to said Will, since which Levi Ives of said New Haven, brought his Action against the Memorialist for a Contract Claimed by said Ives to have been made by said Deceas d to induce him to Instruct the eldest Son of said Deceas d in the Medical Art, upon which Suit said Ives Recovered Judgment before the Superior Court held at New Haven in August last for the Sum of £15 0 0 LMoney Damages and £7 4 11 Cost and that the other Expence of Prosecuting said Suit Amounts to £3 18 0 That the Memorialists have no Estate in their Hands for the Payment of said Sums that said Roger is a Minor and unable to make Sale of the Lands descended to him as afore- said and being unable to raise said Sums in any other Way made Appli- cation to the Judge of Probate to Order the Sale of the Lands of said Deceased to the Amount of said Sums who supposing himself unauthor- ized to give such Order Praying this Assembly to give Liberty and Authority for the Sale of so much of the Lands of said Deceas d dis- tributed to said Roger as shall be sufficient to raise said Sum being £26 2 11 and the Contingent Charges of Sale as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that Liberty and Authority be and the Same is hereby given to said Memorialist to Sell so much of the Lands of said Deceased distributed to said Roger Dorman as aforesaid as shall be Sufficient to raise said Sum of £26 2 11 together with the contin- gent Charges of Sale taking the direction of the Judge of Probate for the District of New Haven therein and a Deed given by said Memorialists shall be Sufficient and effectual in Law to convey the Title of the Lands that may be sold in pursuance of this Act. Upon the Memorial of William White of Boston in the Common- wealth of Massachusets, Representing to this Assembly that William White late of said Boston Esq r in the Year 1774 died & Deceased hav- ing before that Time made and executed his last Will and Testament in and by which he appointed Philips White Samuel Abbott and Joshua Henshaw Jun r his Executors and said Will being proved and approved and said Philips White alone undertook said Executorship but not hav- ing compleated a Settlement of said Estate and living in the State of New Hampshire agreeable to a Statute of said State of Massachusets 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 463 Bay, said Memorialist was on the 17 th Day of Decemb r 1782, appointed Administrator on said Estate cum Testament© annexo, having given Bond for the Execution of his said Trust And as by said Will said Executors were Impowered and directed to Sell and dispose of all the real Estate of said Deceas d and Tenement in Boston excepted, to satisfy Debts and Legacies and several Peices of Land lying in this State, and in divers Districts of Probate and the Judges of Probate not thinking themselves Authorized by the Laws of this State to grant Liberty and Authority to Sell said Land Praying for Liberty &c as per Memorial — Resolved by this Assembly that Liberty and Authority be and Liberty and Authority is hereby Granted to said William White Administrator as aforesaid to Sell and dispose of all the said Real Estate of said William White Deceas d lying in this State and to give good and Authentic Deeds of the Same taking the Directions of the Judge of Probate for the District of Windham wherein almost the whole of said Estate lies being still holden and to Account to Oliver Wendell Esq r Judge of Probate for the County of Suffolk in the State of Massa- chusets Bay by whom he was appointed Administrator as aforesaid for the neet Proceeds of said Estate and to Settle the same with him accordingly. Upon the Memorial of Mary Daggett Shewing to this Assembly that in the Distribution of her Father the Rev 4 Naphtali Daggett 8 Estate a Right of £8 19 1 was set of to her in six Acres of Land in said New Haven which Land was only Mortgaged and is under the Incumbrance of the Equity of redemption that her Brother to whom the residue of said Land was distributed is about to Sell the same, and unless she should be enabled to sell in conjunction with him she must almost entirely loose the value thereof, That she is more than nineteen Years old pray- ing for Liberty to sell her said Right in said Land as per Memorial on File &c — Resolved by this Assembly that said Mary Daggett have Liberty and Liberty and Authority is hereby Granted to said Memorialist to sell her said Right in said Land, and a Deed properly Executed and delivered by said Mary shall be good and valid in Law to every Intent and purpose as if said Mary was of full Age. Upon the Memorial of John Smith of Milford in the County of New Haven Shewing to this Assembly that in the Course of the late War he sold to the Purchasing Commissarys of this State a number of Beef Cattle and took their Notes for the same payable in Continental Money And that agreeable to an Act of this State he had the same Liquidated and took out a Note from the Treasurer of this State therefor amounting to £475 12 11 LMoney Dated the 20 th of March 1782 Payable in one Year after the Cessation of Hostilities, And that he is called upon by his Creditors who are in some Instances willing to take Public Securities & c Praying for Relief as per Memorial on File — 464 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Resolved by this Assembly That the Treasurer of this State be and he is hereby ordered and directed to receive into his Office said Note and in Lieu thereof to Issue a number of smaller Notes of the same Tenor and Date of the one so received endorsing the Interest upon the same to the 20 th of March 1784. Upon the Memorial of William Davidson of Milford in the County of New Haven in behalf of himself and others Inhabitants of said Mil- ford Shewing that in the Fall of the Year 1781, they were detached to and served in the Guards in said Milford under the immediate Command of Lieu 1 Abraham Carrington, then of said Milford in Cap 1 Daggets Company and that at the expiration of said Service said Daggett made up his Pay Abstract for said Company and drew and paid over to said Carrington Pay Table Orders sufficient to make payment to those that served under said Carrington, amounting to £84 14 0 fifty Pounds of which were delivered over to a Collector of State Taxes for the Use of those that Served in said Milford, and that said Carrington soon after went over to and Joined with the Enemies of this and the United States and carried over with him the residue of said Orders amounting to £34 14 0 Praying for releif as per Memorial on File Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Ordered and directed to draw their Order upon the Treasurer of this State for the Sum of £28 8 0 payable to Capt Henry Daggett out of the Tax of one shilling for the payment of said Guard. Upon the Memorial of William Munson in behalf of the late Officers and Soldiers in the late Regiment commanded by General Hazen Representing that said Officers and Soldiers did not receive any part of the three Months Pay for the Year 1781 forwarded by the Treasurer of this State, but that while on the March to Virginia such Officers and Soldiers as were then present received a Months Pay from the United States, which amounted to one hundred Pounds or there- abouts which Money was since Charged by this State as having been received on account of the three Months pay for the Year 1781, And that afterwards the Committee of Pay Table drew an Order on the Treasurer for the remaining Ballance, and that the Pay Master General in the final Settlement hath deducted the said Months Pay received from the United States from each Individual the Committee of Pay Table not being Impowered to allow said Sum unless they should receive special Authority for that purpose from this Assembly. Praying there- fore that this Assembly would Authorize and Impower the Committee of Pay Table to draw on the Treasurer for the Ballance which they may find Justly due on Account of said three Months Pay as per Memorial on File &c — Resolved therefore by this Assembly, That the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby Authorized and Impowered on its appear- 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 465 ing to them by proper Evidence that said One Months Pay advanced by the United States has been twice Charged to s d Officers & Soldiers, to draw on the Treasurer for the Ballance they may find Justly due on Account of the three Months Pay for the Year 1781 to the Officers and Soldiers belonging to this State in the late Regiment Commanded by General Hazen. Upon the Petition of Josiah Willard Administrator on the Estate of Deliverance Demming late of Weathersfield Deceas d and Sarah Deming Widow and Relict of said Deliverance, and Guardian to her Children and Richard Deming of said Weathersfield Shewing to this Assembly that said Deliverance in his Life Time Jointly with said Richard and with the Moneys belonging to them purchased One Acre and a half of Land lying in said Weathersfield of John Treat at the Price of £60 0 0 which Peice of Land was Deeded to said Deliverance, and one other Peice containing thirty Rods of Land at the Price of £40 0 0 of Samuel Boardman, both which Peices adjoin their Homestead which they held in Common and undivided, said last Peice Deeded to said Richard, which Lands they Improved and occupied in Common untill on or about the Month of May 1782, when they made a Practical Division or Partition of said Lands with their other Lands as an Estate in Common, and that before Deeds were executed said Deliverance was taken sick and suddenly Died in August 1782, And that now said Richard and the other Petitioners, who are the only Persons legally capacitated to Act for the Children and Heirs of said Deliverance who are Minors and uncapable to act for themselves, are desirous to carry into Execution the Design and Intention of s d two Brothers, which would be greatly Advantageous to the Heirs of said Deliverance Praying an Order or Decree of this Assembly, that Partition of the aforesaid two Peices of Land be made between the Heirs of said Deliverance and his Brother Richard under the Direction of the Court of Probate as the Deeds had mutually passed between said Brothers making said Lands a Joint Estate as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that said two Peices of Land shall be con- sidered as a Joint Interest belonging to said two Brothers and divided and treated accordingly, And that when Partition be made under the direction of the Court of Probate, All Parties shall be concluded thereby to all Intents and Purposes as fully as though said two Brothers had given Deeds to each other making said two Peices of Land a Joint Estate. Upon the Memorial of Daniel Buck of Weathersfield Administrator on the Estate of Cesar Black Shewing to this Assembly that the Sum of £9 13 5 Lav/full Money the Estate of said Deceas d remains in his Hands due from this State after paying the Debts due from said Estate, and that said Caesar while alive Cohabited with a Woman whom he called his Wife, by whom he had two Children now Minors one a Boy called 466 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Joel the other a Girl called Sibel which Children said Caesar acknowl- edged as his, but there being no legal evidence of the Marriage of the Parents said Ballance Escheats to the Public, Praying a Decree of Assembly that said Ballance due to said Estate after defraying necessary Charges might be placed in the Hands of some Suitable Person in Trust for said Children to be put on Interest and paid to them when they arrive to the Age of twenty One Years as per Memorial on File — Resolved that the said Daniel Buck be and he is hereby Authorized and Impowered to Place the aforesaid Ballance due to said Estate on Interest for the Benefit of said Children, the one half of said Sum and the Interest which may arise thereon to be paid or delivered to said Joel when he shall arrive at the Age of twenty one Years and the other half to be paid or delivered to said Sibyl when she shall arrive to the Age of eighteen Years, and if either of said Children should Die before they arrive to the Age aforesaid the Survivor shall have & receive the whole of said Ballance and the Avails thereof, and said Daniel shall hold said Ballance in Trust for said Children and be accountable to them under the the [jmt] direction of the Court of Probate for Hartford District. Upon the Memorial of Elisha Mills and others the Inhabitants of the Parish of Ripton in the Town of Stratford Representing to this Assembly that the said Parrish of Ripton lyeth at a remote distance from the first Society where the Sign Post for said Town is set up, And Whereas the said Inhabitants are often Times put to Trouble & Expence to transport property taken by Execution within said Parish to the said Sign Post which are by Law exposed to Sale Praying that this Assembly will Order and direct that a Sign Post be set up in said Parish of Ripton for the disposing and Selling all Property that shall be exposed for Sale, either by Execution or for Public Taxes as may appear as per Memorial on File — Wherefore Resolved by this Assembly that a Sign Post be set up in some Suitable Place in said Parish of Ripton, where all Goods taken by Execution and for Public Taxes within said Parish and by Law exposed to Sale may be sold and all other Business necessary to be done at a Sign Post relative to said Parish may be done. Upon the Memorial of Mess r8 Eliakim Raymond and Lemuel Brooks both of Norwalk in Fairfield County Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1776 they received into their Store by the Hands of Capt Robert Niles ten Hogsheads of Rum with Instructions to deliver the same to the Order of Maj r General Spencer or Commanding Officer for the Use of the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army, That some Time the latter end of said Year the Memorialists received Orders to convey said Rum with all possible dispatch to such Place as should be deemed Safe and secure which they did and lodged said ten Hogsheads of Rum together with such other Public Property then in their Care in the Store of Clap Raymond Esq r in the Parish of Wilton six Miles 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 467 from the Sea side, That in the Month of April 1777 the Troops of his Britannic Majesty made a Descent upon the Western Sea Coast of this State and on their Rout to Danbury destroyed the aforesaid ten Hogs- heads of Rum And that there is a Receipt for said Rum now lying with the Committee of Pay Table which they are called upon by said Com- mittee to render Vouchers for a proper Delivery thereof which the Events of War has prevented Praying for relief & c as per Memorial on File— Resolved by this Assembly that the Committee of Pay Table be and they are hereby directed to deliver up to said Memorialists or their Order the aforesaid Receit for said ten Hogsheads. On the Memorial of Jonah Foster of Ridgfield Shewing to this Assembly that he was Head of a Class in said Town ordered to raise a Soldier for the Continental Army that said Class hired a Man for said Army and paid him sixty hard Dollars, that before their said Soldier was mustered he deserted and could not though they used every exertion for that purpose be procured to go into Service, That on account of their Deficiency the said Town were doomed in the Sum of £15 0 0 that Execution is now out against said Town in the Hands of the Sheriff of the County of Fairfield and Praying that they may be permitted to pay the said Sum to the said Sheriff in Orders drawn by the Committee of Pay Table payable out of the 2/6 d Tax as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly That the said Sheriff be and he is hereby Authorized and directed to receive of said Town the Amount of said Execution in Orders drawn by the Committee of Pay Table on the 2/6 d Tax or any Securities of this State for hard Money which are due and Payable and the Treasurer is directed to receive the Same of said Sheriff in satisfaction for said Execution. Upon the Memorial of Hezekiah Huntington of Windham Shewing to this Assembly that in consequence of the encouragement by this State offered for the manufacturing Fire Arms for the Defence in the late War he engaged in said Business in the Year 1775 & pursued the same finished and Compleated three hundred and forty Stand which were Inspected and approved by the Committee appointed for that purpose whereby he became Intitled to a Premium of five shillings for each of said Stand of Arms that he has received said Premium upon sixty of said Guns only Praying for said Premium upon the remainder, Where- upon this Assembly in May last appointed a Committee to examine the Facts and Accounts Stated in said Memorial And Report with their Opinion thereon to this Assembly,* which Report is now made and accepted, And thereupon it is Resolved that the Committee of Pay Table draw upon the Treasurer of this State for the Surplus Premium due by Law to said Huntington in the Premisses above what he has already See above, p. 405. 468 PUBLIC RECORDS October, received, deducting the value of about forty Gun Locks more or less belonging to this State which it is suggested he received of William Williams Esq r and has not accounted for to be allowed or deducted agreeable to a Certificate to be transmitted by said Williams to said Committee. Upon the Memorial of Shubael Handee and Mary Handee Wife of the said Shubael of Woodbury who are Minors, and Isaac Sanford and Bargillai Handee Guardian to the said Shubael & Mary, Represent- ing to this Assembly that the said Mary is vested with the fee of about sixty five Acres of Land lying in Woodbridge in the County of New Haven, worth about four hundred Pounds And that the said Shubael and Mary have a Farm in Woodbury of the value of two hundred Pounds the Fee of which is vested in the said Mary. Praying to be Authorized & Impowered to Sell and dispose of said Lands in Wood- bridge to pay for the Lands purchased in Woodbury and to purchase necessary Houshold Furniture &c as per Memorial on File, Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the said Shubael and Mary Handee be and hereby are Authorized & Impowered to Sell and Convey the said Sixty five Acres of Land lying in Woodbridge afore- said with the Consent and under the directions of the said Isaac Sanford & Bargillai Handee their Guardian, which Sale so made shall be good and valid in Law, and with the Avails thereof to pay the purchase Money of the Lands in Woodbury, and to procure necessary Household Furniture, and the remainder thereof to be laid out in the Purchase of usefull Lands in said Woodbury the fee whereof to be vested in the said Mary all which is to be done by the direction and consent of the aforesaid Guardian. Upon the Memorial of Isaac Wells Shelton of Farmington in the County of Hartford Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1776 he being a Minor was by the artfull Insinuations, and persuations of designing Men unfriendly to the United States induced to go over to and Join the Enemy, That soon finding his mistake and wishing to return to the Allegiance and protection of this State and attone as far as possible for his Crime and folly embraced the first Opportunity in his Power to return and threw himself upon the Mercy of his Country, that his whole Estate which was left him by his Father and was to a considerable Amount was confiscated for the benefit of this State, and the whole thereof sold and the Monies paid into the Public Treasury excepting only his Right in his Mothers Dower who is still in Life and in the Possesion thereof Praying that this Assembly would restore him that little Part of his Patrimony which remains unsold being his said Right in his Mothers Dower or Thirds as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly That the Memorialists said Estate which yet remains unsold, being his Right in his said Mothers Dower or Thirds be and the same is hereby restored to him and the Memorialist 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 469 enabled to receive and enjoy the Same in as full and ample a manner as if the same had never been confiscated or forfeited to this State. Upon the Memorial of Ebenezer Punderson Shewing that this Estate had been confiscated in this State, That upon examination it is apparent that the Debts due from said Estate greatly surmount the value of said Estate or what it will sell for. Praying for a restoration of his said Estate that he may settle with his Creditors and be allowed to take Care of his aged Mother residing in this State &c as per Memorial &c — Resolved by this Assembly that the Judgment of confiscation ren- dered against said Estate be and the same is hereby reversed and set aside and that the Estate of the said Ebenez r be restored to him again, and he be allowed to return and remain in this State, and be Entituled to all the Rights and Priveleges of a free Citizen of this State and set- tle with his Creditors he paying the Cost that hath accrued in conse- quence of said confiscation as the same shall be taxed and allowed by the Judge of Probate for the District of Norwich. Upon the Memorial of Nicholas Holt of Norfolk in Litchfield County Shewing to this Assembly that he on the sixth Day of June 1784 killed one large and full grown Wolf in said Norfolk, and had his Ears Cropped of by the Select Men and Constables of said Norfolk Praying for the Sum of three Pounds lawfull Money being the Bounty Given as an encouragement for killing and distroying of Wolves as by a Law of this State made at their Sessions in May 1784 &c* as per Memorial on File — Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the said Nicholas Holt receive the Sum of three Pounds LMoney on said Memorial And that the Treasurer is hereby Ordered and directed to pay the same accordingly. Upon the Memorial of Talcott Hawley of Ridgefield Representing to this Assembly that he hath been a Soldier in the Connecticut Line in the Continental Army and while in Service he fell sick and by Order of General Washington was removed to his Friends in Ridgefield where he remain in a weak and languishing State, that he is poor and been at great expence and unable to Join the Corps of Invalids &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be and hereby is Ordered and directed to pay unto the said Talcott Hawley out of the Treasury of this State five Dollars per Month for the Term of two Years if he shall so long live that is that the same be paid every six Months. Upon the Memorial of Thomas Shaw Executor of the last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Shaw Esq r late of New London Deceas d See above, p. 342. 470 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Shewing to this Assembly That a tract of Land belonging to said Deceas d was taken by the State in the Year 1776 and a Fort erected and Barracks built thereon, that the Wood growing thereon been cut and used by the Troop stationed there, and the State have had the Use thereof to the end of the War Praying a Committee to ascertain the Damages &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Hon ble Joseph Spencer Charles Phelps Peter Bulkley and Samuel Mott Esq rs be and they are hereby appointed a Committee with Power to repair to New London and examine the facts alledged in the Memorial and all Circumstances relative thereto and Report what if any Thing is due to the Memorialist, And what Public Property is still remaining on said Land, and the Measures proper to be adopted thereon, and also to enquire into the quantity of Land requisite and necessary to be occupied for the Purposes of said Fort and the value thereof and of the expediency of purchasing the same to remain for the said Purpose, all at the Cost of the Memorialist. Upon the Memorial of Oliver Hart of Farmington Guardian of the Person and Estate of Solomon Cole of said Town a Minor shewing that he is bounded to pay a Legacy of £12 0 0 LMoney being the fourth Part of a Legacy given by the last Will and Testament of Nath- aniel Cole late of said Farmington Deceas d unto Elizabeth Cloe Lydia and Sibil Daughters of said Deceas d that he is called upon as Guardian to the said Minor and exposed to a Suit at Law for the Same, and that he has no Effects in his Hands the Property of the said Minor that he can dispose of to pay the said Legacy, and praying for Liberty to Sell real Estate of said Minors sufficient to raise the said Sum of £12 0 0 LMoney with Interest thereon being £3 11 8 LMoney with Incident Charges of Sale as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have Liberty and Liberty and Authority is hereby Granted to him to Sell real Estate of said Minors sufficient to raise the said Sum of £12 0 0 LMoney with the Lawfull Interest arising thereon from the Date of the Distribution of the Estate of the said Nathaniel Deceas d being £3 118 like Money with incident Charges of Sale taking the direction of the Court of Probate for the District of Farmington therein. The Gentlemen nominated by the Votes of the Freemen of this State to stand for Election as Assistants or Members of the Council next as sent to the Present General Assembly are as follow — viz in May Matthew Griswold Esq r Oliver Wolcott Esq r Samuel Huntington Esq r Richard Law Esq r Jabez Hamlin Esq r William Williams Esq r William Pitkin Esq r Oliver Els worth Esq r Roger Sherman Esq r Andrew Adams Esq r Joseph Spencer Esq r Benjamin Huntington Esq r 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 471 Joseph P Cook Esq r John Treadwell Stephen M. Mitchell Esq r Erastus Wolcott Eliphalet Dyer Esq r Jonathan Sturges William Hilhouse Esq r Charles C Chandler Esq r Esq r Esq r Esq r The Gentlemen nominated by the Votes of the Freemen of this State to stand for Election as Delegates to the Congress of the United States in May next, as sent to the Present General Assembly are as follow viz — Stephen M. Mitchell Esq r James Wadsworth Esq r Jonathan Sturges Esq r Pierpoint Edwards Esq r Joseph P. Cook Esq r James Hilhouse Esq r Charles C Chandler Esq r John Canfield Esq r William Hillhouse Esq r William Williams Esq r John Treadwell Esq r William Samuel Johnson Esq r Upon the Petition of Amasa Brainerd and others Listers of the Town of East Haddam preferred to (this Assembly in October 1783 Shewing to this Assembly that in Decemb r 1781, they were by said Town Chosen Listers for said Town for the Year then next ensuing that they warned all the Inhabitants of said Town in the Month of July then next to bring in their Lists according to Law, that notwithstanding Said Warning sundry Persons Inhabitants of said Town neglected to give in a true List of their Estates and were by said Listers fourfelded accord- ing to Law in the several Sums hereafter annexed to their respective Names viz — Ozias Chapman Emmons Franciss Chapman John Gold Silvanus Tinker Ephraim Ackley Nathan Griffing Timothy Spencer Andrew Sill Oliver Olmsted Phineas Parmely Abraham Willey of the Civil Authority and Select Men of said Town abated the whole of the above fourfold and ordered said Listers to add the Same single, which Doings of said Authority and Select Men the Petitioners complain of as unjust that they and the Public are thereby deprived of their Just Right Praying this Assembly to set aside the Doings of said £30 0 0 Daniel Cone £20 0 0 197 18 0 Samuel P Lord 28 16 0 15 0 0 Jon a Kilborn 9 0 0 64 0 0 Matthew Smith 2 d 18 0 0 28 10 0 Matthew Sears 12 0 0 12 0 0 Col° Jabez Chapman 43 18 0 40 0 0 Levi Beebe 12 0 0 12 0 0 Enoch Arnold 12 0 0 24 0 0 Silas Bebee 11 4 c 26 0 0 Joseph Ackley 36 0 0 18 8 0 Lemuel Marsh 27 4 0 8 0 0 lole to £718 10 0. That some Time after a part 472 public records October, Authority and Select Men as per Petition on File, which Petition was at an Adjourned Assembly in January 1784, Granted, Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the Doings of said Jus- tices and Select Men in granting said Bills of Abatement be and the same is hereby made null and void and of none effect and that the sev- eral Collectors of State and other Taxes proceed and Collect on said Assesments as though the Same had not been Abated, and the Secretary is directed to lodge a Copy of this Bill with the Treasurer. On the Memorial of the first Eclesiastical Society in New London Shewing to this Assembly that they were Possessed of two Notes given by the Treasurer of this State payable to the Treasurer of said Society for the Sum of £240 0 0 lawfull Money with Interest, Dated the third Day of October 1778, And that on the 6 th Day of September 1781, said Notes were burnt and destroyed by the Enemy and Praying that the Treasurer may be Authorized and directed to Issue a new Note or Notes Payable to the Treasurer of said Society for the Amount of said Notes burnt and Interest as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer be and he hereby is authorized and directed to Issue Payable to the Treasurer of said Society a new Note or Notes for the amount of said Note destroyed and for the Interest therein arisen from the Date the same being reduced by the Scale of Depreciation. Provided nevertheless that the Treasurer of said Society shall procure and lodge with the Treasurer of this State sufficient Security to his acceptance that in Case said Notes supposed to be burnt should hereafter appear this State shall be indemnified against the same. Upon the Memorial of Capt Samuel Barker of Branford late Samuel Barker Jun r of said Branford, Praying to be releived against a Judg- ment obtained by this State against him on his Bond given to account for Money &c received when Captain in a Regiment raised in the Year 1777 — commanded by Col 0 William Douglas in the Connecticut Line of the Continental Army &c This Assembly having by them Committee examined the said Cap* Barkers Account of his disposition of the Money &c by him received, and the said Committee having found and Reported to this Assembly, that the said Cap* Barker has full accounted for said Money 8 &c and that upon the whole there is a Ballance due to him of £2 11 0 LMoney, But as considerable Cost has arisen in the Suit on said Bond partly through his Neglect in settling, It is the Opinion of this Assembly that the said Samuel shall not receive said Ballance but that the Same shall be considered as part payment of said Cost. Therefore Resolved by this Assembly that the said Samuel Barker be discharged from said Judgment and the Execution thereon, upon his lodging with the Committee of Pay Table the Accounts of the Settle- ment made by the Committee of this Assembly (to wit) Roger New- 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 473 berry Elisha Lathrop and Street Hall Esq 1 * with the said Capt Barker and the Committee of Pay Table are directed to charge to the United States the Sums in said Account allowed the said Samuel Barker. Upon the Memorial of Comfort Sage in behalf of himself and the rest of the Owners Master and Mariners of the Brigantine S* Maria Packett Shewing that said Brigantine with a valuable Cargoe of Rum and other Merchandize was cast away and Lost near Sandy Hook on her return from Jamaica except about forty Hogsheads of Rum, and some other small Articles from the Wreck, that said Rum was taken up afloat and much Damaged by Salt Water Praying to be exempt from Paying the Duties on said Rum saved &c as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialists be and they are hereby excused from Paying the Duties on said Rum saved from said Wreck, and that the Notes or obligation taken by the Naval Officer for the Port of Midletown be delivered up and become null and void. Upon the Memorial of Nehemiah Peet, Nathaniel Curtiss and David Seeley Jun r all of Stratford in Fairfield County, Shewing to this Assem- bly, that they were intimidated to Sign a certain Paper to Join the Troops of Great Britain, and that they have Continued in said Stratford during the late War and done all in their Power to support the War against Great Britain, And that the Memorialists were by the Superior Court holden at Fairfield in Decemb r 1782 fined Ten Pounds lawfull Money each for signing said Paper, and also ordered to Pay Cost of Prosecu- tion which Cost the Memorialists have paid Praying that said Fine of ten Pounds set upon each of them may be remitted and cancelled as per Memorial on File — Wherefore Resolved by this Assembly that said Fine of Ten Pounds LMoney that each of the Memorialists were by said Superior Court ordered to pay be and the same is hereby Cancelled and forgiven them. Upon the Memorial of the Inhabitants of the Town of Sharon Shew- ing to this Assembly that David Hyde was Collector of the Colony Tax for the Year 1761 — That in the Year 1763 the Memorialist found that the said David had Mortgaged his real and Personal Estate for near the value thereof but that he had Securities for Monies And that he had Collected but a small part of the Monies due on his Rate Bill whereupon they applied to Treasurer Talcott to Issue his Warrant against the said Hyde but neglected to do it, though frequently applied to, untill the latter end of the Year 1766 — when William Pitkin Esq r then Sheriff of Hart- ford County, applied to said Hyde with the Treasurers Execution afore- said and demanded payment thereof but said Hyde being unable having spent the greatest part of his Estate which he had in Securities for Money and the Monies Collected on his Rate Bill aforesaid, the Select Men of Sharon, requested the said William Pitkin Esq r to depute some Person to execute said Warrant, and leave it subject to their controul, 474 PUBLIC RECORDS October, supposing they could save more for the Town by this Method than, by having the said Hyde immediately Imprisoned which was agreed upon and the Select Men promissed to save the said Sheriff harmless that soon after the said David was Imprisoned and after some Time resigned his Estate to the Select Men which was not sufficient to pay the Sum due on said Warrant That the Memorialists in February 1769 reduced the same to the Sum of £274 6 3J4 and by sundry Payments afterwards untill the Year 1772, they reduced the same to the Sum of £102 7 7 also shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1778, they had Money sufficient in the Town Treasury to pay the Ballance, and proposed pay- ing the Same but it being wanted for the Use of Government, they have ever since Yearly employed it for the Use of Government untill the end of the War, and that there is now due to them from this State £150 0 0 in liquidated Securities for Moneys by them advanced as aforesaid and it appearing that the Present Treasurer hath detained in his Hands Moneys due to them [said William Pitkin Esq r inserted] from this State for the Purpose of Paying the Ballance of said Tax Praying for releif in the Premisses as per Memorial on File — Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have Liberty to pay into the Treasury of this State the aforesaid Sum of £150 0 0 in Liquidated Securities due from this State to the Town of Sharon by the first Day of March next and that they also have Liberty to pay unto the said William Pitkin Esq r the Sum of £64 13 10 LMoney by the first Day of March 1785 with the Interest from the first Day of Novemb r 1784, that then the Treasurer is directed and ordered to discharge the Town of Sharon from the aforesaid Tax due from the said David Hyde, and that he Pay to the said William Pitkin Esq r the Ballance that may be due to him for Moneys detained as aforesaid, together with the Interest deducting the aforesaid Sum £64 13 10, And it is further Resolved that if the Inhabitants of the Town of Sharon shall neglect to make the aforesaid Payment in the manner and by the Time aforesaid the Secretary is hereby Authorized and directed to Issue an Execution in the Name of William Pitkin Esq r against the Inhabitants of the Town of Sharon to Levy and Collect both the afore- said Sums together with the Interest accruing thereon. Upon the Memorial of Benajah Phelps of East Hartford shewing that in the Year 1766, he was settled in the Ministry in the Province of Nova Scotia that in the late War from his attachment to the Cause of his Country he was compelled to leave his said Settlement with the loss of almost all his Property which was of about six hundred Pounds value. That he is much reduced by his said Misfortunes and Losses Praying for Releif &c — Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist shall have and receive to the amount and value of one hundred and fifty Pounds lawfull Money in the Lands Confiscated to the Use of this State late the Property of William Brown Esq r to be apprized to the Memorialist and Mess” the 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 475 • Honb le Joseph Spencer & Benjamin Huntington Esq rs and Col° Joel Jones are hereby appointed to apprize and Locate to the Memorialist on the Cost of the Memorialist so much of said Lands in this State as they shall Judge to be of the true and Just value of £150, LMoney and bound out and discribe the same after the manner of a Survey Bill and subscribe their Names thereto taking care in said Location not to Inter- fere with any former Sales or Grant made by Order of this Assembly, which said Survey Bill being first Recorded in the Town Clerks Office of the Town wherein said Land lieth, the Treasurer of this State upon receiving said Survey Bill, or an attested Copy thereof from such Town Clerk, shall make and execute to the Memorialists a well authenticated Deed of said Lands so apprized located and recorded as aforesaid in the Name and behalf of this State. Upon the Memorial of Benjamin Henshaw of Midletown in the County of Hartford Shewing that on the seventh Day of July 1775 he gave two Promissory Notes of Hand to Thomas Apthorp of Boston in the commonwealth of Massachusets which said several Notes were and are in the Words and form following to wit “Hartford July 7 th 1775 For Value received I promise to pay to Thomas Apthorp or Order the Sum of Two Hundred and eighty three Pounds ten shillings and eleven pence three farthings lawfull Money in twelve Months from the Date hereof and if not then paid to pay lawfull Interest till Paid the Same to be paid in such Articles of Country Produce as are usually Shipped from this Colony to Boston and to be delivered in Boston as Witness my Hand Benjamin Henshaw Test Joseph Church J r Mary Church — Hartford July 7 th 1775. For Value received I Promiss to Pay Thomas Apthorp or Order the Sum of seventeen Pounds three Pence lawfull Money in twelve Months from the Date hereof Witness my Hand Benjamin Henshaw Test Joseph Church J r Mary Church [”] — That the Memorialist made himself ready to pay said Several Notes according to the Tenor thereof and should have done it but the Events of the late War and the absence of the said Thomas Apthorp who voluntarily withdrew and put himself under the Protection of the British Troops and Government during the late War utterly prevented the Memorialist. That in consequence of such Absence and withdraw of the said Thomas his Estate both real and Personal in this State hath been confiscated and Elijah Hubbard of said Midletown hath been duelv appointed Administrator thereon according to the Statute of this State in such Case Provided. That said Administrator thereupon made demand of the Memorialist to Secure and pay to him the Contents of said two several Notes as it was his Duty to do and the Memorialist to avoid being sued thereon and in settlement of the Same actually did give his Promissory Note of Hand to said Administrator for the full Amount and value of said two several Notes aforesaid and in Lieu thereof given to the said Thomas as aforesaid and the Interest thereon for the Use of this State, and he is now holden to pay and discharge the Same. 476 PUBLIC RECORDS October, That the Memorialist at the same Time now holds the Public Notes and Securities of this State due and Payable to him for Money Loaned to this State to a much greater amount and value than the Note given to said Administrator as aforesaid Praying for a discount and Relief in the Premisses as per Memorial &c Resolved by this Assembly that upon the said Benjamin Paying and satisfying to said Administrator all the Debts and Charges which are or may be duely exhibited and allowed in this State against the Estate of the said Thomas Apthorp, and also lodge in the Hands of said Adminis- trator Public Securities or Notes for the Use of this State now due and upon Interest liquidated and payable in Lawfull Money Issued by the Order and Authority of this State for the remainder of the Sum due on the Note given to said Administrator in Lieu of said two Notes given to the said Thomas Apthorp as aforesaid, that the said two Notes given to the said Thomas Apthorp and the Note given in Lieu thereof to the said Aministrator shall and the same are each and every of them hereby made null and void and of none effect in the Law and the Memorialist is hereby discharged & exonerated from any recovery thereon against him therefor. Upon the Memorial of John Pierce of Litchfield now confined in the Public Goal in said Litchfield Shewing to this Assembly that at the Superior Court holden at Litchfield in August last he was sentenced to pay a fine of thirty Pounds IMoney to the Treasurer of the State of Connecticut and the Cost of Prosecution, amounting to eleven Pounds LMoney on which Sentence he is now confined in said Goal Praying that he may have Liberty to give his Note of Hand for the Payment of said fine and Cost and thereupon be Liberated from his present confinement &c Whereupon Resolved by this Assembly that upon the said Pierces giving his own Note of Hand for the Sum of thirty Pounds LMoney payable to the Treasurer of the State of Connecticut on Interest at the expiration of one Year from the Date of said Note and also give his Note of Hand on Interest with good and sufficient Securities, such as Lynde Lord Esq r Sheriff of said Litchfield County shall Judge suf- ficient for the amount of the Legal Cost arisen on said Prosecution against said Peirce and his confinement in Goal up to the Time that said Note shall be given Payable to the Treasurer of this State at the expira- tion of one Year and lodge said Notes with the said Sheriff Lord then said Pierce shall be Liberated from his present confinement and the Sheriff of said Litchfield County is ordered to Liberate him accordingly. Upon the Memorial of Nathan Douchy of Ridgefield Shewing to this Assembly that in the Year 1780 he then living in the Town of Salisbury was appointed Collector for the State Taxes in said Town and received a Warrant from the State Treasurer to collect said Tax, and the Memorialist Collected and Settled the said Rate with the Treas- 1784 . OF CONNECTICUT 477 urer agreeable to his Warrant, but without the knoledge of the Memo- rialist there Proved to be a mistake in the List he Collected his Rates upon to the amount of about eighteen hundred Pounds, the List left with the Town Clerk which was the true List proved to be about £1800, larger than the Copy left with the Treasurer, on which Your Memorial- ists Warrants were given out upon which Mistake was not discovered untill about the middle of Decemb r 1783 by the Memorialist who immedi- ately made it known to the Select Men of Salisbury which Mistake and the Circumstances thereof was by the Representatives of Salisbury last May laid before the General Assembly, and said Assembly Ordered the Treasurer to call on the Memorialist for all the Monies he had Col- lected on the said £1800 Pounds of the List to be by the Memorialist refunded and paid in to the Treasurer immediately or otherwise to send out his Execution for the Same. Resolved by this Assembly that the Treasurer of this State be Ordered and directed to Suspend sending his Execution against the Memorialist for the Space of one Year and no longer for the Sum of the Arrears of said Tax and Interest which remains unpaid and uncollected. Upon the Petition of William Danielson &c Agents for the Town of Killingley Shewing that in May 1777 the Selectmen of the said Town received of Ebenezer Green fifty Pounds LMoney, which was due by Note to Abijah and Levi Willard and Samuel Ward by Note and paid the same to the Treasurer of this State, That said Ward Recovered Judgment and Execution against Mary Green of said Killingley the Executrix of the said Ebenezer now Deceas d before the Superior Court held at Windham Decemb r 1783 for said Money &c. Praying for releif — Resolved that said Memorial be Continued and that said Execution be stayed and suspended untill the rising of the next General Assembly. On the Memorial of the Mohegan & Nahantick Indians — Granted and Resolved that the Provisions and Regulations of the Law Entituled an Act for encouraging and regulating Fisheries shall not be Construed and understood to hinder or restrain the Indians of the Mohegan or Niantic Tribes from using and drawing of one Sein only for taking of Fish in or near the Mouth of Connecticut River in the same manner as they might lawfully and of Right do before the mak- ing and passing the said Regulation. Upon the Memorial of George Philips of Midletown Shewing to this Assembly that the setting up necessary Buildings and Manufacturing Loaf Sugar will amount to £6000, LMoney and great Advantages will arise therefrom &c Praying some public encouragement to enable him to Set up the Same &c as per Memorial on File — 478 PUBLIC RECORDS October, Resolved by this Assembly that the Memorialist have and this Assem- bly do Grant to the Memorialist his Executors and Administrators the Sole and exclusive Privelege of setting up the necessary Works for manufacturing Loaf Sugar within this State for the Term of ten Years from the rising of this Assembly. Provided that if the Memorialist shall not Set up said Works by the first Day of Decemb r 1785 or shall neglect to carry on that Business for the space of six Months successively in said Term this Act shall be of no Effect. And Provided also that it shall be in the Power of this Assembly to Grant Liberty for setting up two other Sugar Works and manufacturing Loaf Sugar therein at any Time within said Term of ten Years. Whereas John Wells of Glastonbury preferred his Memorial to the General Assembly in May last praying that his Person might be exempted from Arrests and Imprisonment for Debt untill the risng of the General Assembly the Present Month in order to make a Settle- ment with his Creditors and the Prayer was Granted and he restrained thereby from alienating his Estate in the mean Time,* and said Wells being taken sick during the Present Summer and unable to prosecute the Business of making a Settlement with his Creditors, Resolved by this Assembly that the Person of said John be exempted from any Arrest or Imprisonment for Debt untill the rising of the General Assembly in May next and that in the mean Time he shall not alienate or Transfer any of his Estate. Resolved by this Assembly That Col° Thomas Seymour and Col° John Chester be appointed a Committee to wait on the Secretary as soon as may be and procure Copies of all such Acts and Resolves as have passed this Sessions of Assembly as they shall think necessary and cause the same to be published in the several Public News Papers in this State. Whereas diverse Petitions and Memorials of an adversary Nature are now depending before this Assembly wherein the Parties have been attending but by reason of Public Affairs could not be heard at this Time Resolved by this Assembly that the aforesaid Several Petition and Memorials be and the Same are hereby continued to the next Session of the General Assembly And that the Powers of Committees which have heretofore been appointed upon any such Petition or Memorial be also further extended unto said next General Assembly. This Assembly Grant to his Excellency Governor Griswold One Hundred and fifty Pounds for the last half Year Sallery for the current Year and the Treasurer is directed to pay the same accordingly. *See above, p. 429. 1784. OF CONNECTICUT 479 This Assembly Grant to His Honor Lieutenant Governor Hunting- ton the Sum of Fifty Pounds for the last half Year Sallery for the Current Year and the Treasurer is directed to pay the same accordingly. Upon the Memorial of Charles M c Evers shewing to this Assembly that during the late War he was resident at Jamaica on Long Island a Place under the Controul of the Enemies of the United States, that in consequence thereof all his Property both real and Personal in this State hath been Confiscated, but that notwithstanding he said M c Evers resided at Jamaica as aforesaid yet that he always was Friendly to the United States, and in no manner aided or assisted the Enemies thereof and Pray- ing that said Estate might be restored to said Memorialist as per Memorial on File — Resolved by this Assembly that the Consideration of the said Memo- rial be refferred and the same is hereby referred to the General Assem- bly to be holden at Hartford on the second Thursday of May next and that Oliver Wolcott Jun r Administrator on the Estate of said Charles M c Evers be Notified and directed to appear at said Assembly and to prepare and lay before said General Assembly a full Account of the State and Circumstances of said Estate and of his Administration and Proceedings thereon and also the Evidence upon which said Confiscation was grounded and what has been the Conduct of said M c Evers and the part he hath taken during the late War, and that all further Proceedings on said Estate be in the mean Time suspended. This Assembly, was adjourned (by Proclamation) until, The Gov- ernor, or in his Absence The Lieutenant Governor, shall see Cause, to call them, to meet again. George Wyllys, Secret 7 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V ERRATUM The pagination of the Index should be corrected to read page 480 through 556. INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V References to pages in Volume IV are in italic figures. Abbreviations : appt. appointed brig. brigade, brigadier capt. captain coL colonel ens. ensign gen. general Abbe, Elisha, to collect provisions, 377 ; to receive arms 418 Abbe, (Abbee, Abbey, Abby), Shubael, deputy for Windham, 2, 131, 286, 7, 108; to determine soldiers’ back pay, 13-14, 170 ; to receive state money, 88) to negotiate with Elderkin, 89; accounts of, 100, 190; to deliver salt, 282 ; to sell state’s salt, 333; declines appointment, 338; to settle accounts, 34, 58 ; to investigate Stafford dis- content, 157 Abbot, Israel, property deeded to, 230 Abbott, James, appt. lieut., 167 Abbott, Col. Joseph, deputy for Pomfret, 2; removed from regiment, 183 Abbott, Nathan, fails to collect state taxes, 399 Abbott, Samuel, appt. executor, 462 Abby, John Jr., appt. lieut., 185 Abel, Elijah, deputy for Fairfield, 131, 286, 6; appt. lieut. col., 183; petitions of, 40, 61 Abel, Simon, appt. lieut., 211 Abel, Sluman, appt. ens., 440 Abington, ordination in, 242-3 Academic School, Plainfield, incorpora- tion of, 406 Accounts, between Conn, and U.S., 15, 168-9, 207; state, to be audited, 119; of naval officers, 438 Ackley, Benjamin, accounts of, 35 Ackley, Elijah, appt. capt., 284 Ackley, Ephraim, appt. lieut., 137 ; fails to pay tax, 471 Ackley, John, new note for, 236-7 Ackley, Joseph, fails to pay tax, 471 Acts, criminal actions, 3, 204 (2) ; mili- tary affairs, 3, 5, 166 , 19, 115(2) ; commerce and navigation, 4, 160, 115, 205, 254, 325, 433, 437 ; towns and cities, 4, 257, 267, 341, 343, 354, 364, inhabs. inhabitants J.P. justice of the peace lieut. lieutenant maj. major refs. references regt. regiment 373, 438; duties, taxes and excise, 8, 153, 164, 171, 15, 21, 116, 118, 130, 326, 328, 338, 378, 432, 435(2); federal relations, 153, 163, 168, 23, 277, 326, 378, 435; listers, 154, 340, 438; inter- national affairs, 156, 157 ; prisoners of war, 158-9 ; executions, 159-60 ; wrecks, 160-1 ; illicit trade, 161, 21, 22, 115; loyalists and their estates, 162, 115, 343; judicial affairs, 163, 164, 287, 288, 22, 323, 324, 325, 341, 342; settlement of estates, 288, 116; Susquehanna and Delaware Cos., 291-2; copyright, 13, 245, 459; rivers and streams, 23, 115, 118; fishing, 23, 118, 477; state debts, 27; state laws, 115, 281; marriage, 116; fields and fences, 117; impotent people, 117; frauds in debtors, 160; lighthouse, 205, 257; raw silk, 256, 342; western-land cession, 277 ; wolves, 342 ; land titles, 438; revision of, 219; distribution of, 379 ; collection and publication of, 478 Adams, Andrew, present at assembly, 1, 130, 13, 202, 252, 315, 430; resigns from Congress, 14; nominated for assistantship, 61, 80, 313, 470; nomin- ated for Congress, 61, 80; on commit- tees, 102, 455; elected assistant, 132, 109, 317; to count votes, 133, 317; takes oath, 133, 110, 318; to thank Trumbull for sermon, 133 Adams, Benjamin, pay for cattle, 207 Adams, Eliashib, deputy for Canterbury, 131, 108, 431; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; to adjust estate, 229-30. Adams, Joseph, petition of, 206 Adams, Nathan, appt. lieut., 116 Adams, Samuel, appt. J.P., 137 Adams, Squier, appt. ens., 138 Adams, William, money due to soldiers, 312 ; appt. ens., 392 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 281 Adgate, William, estate of, 225 Adkins, Benjamin, burning of home, 308 Adkins, Benjamin, Jr., burning of home, 308 Administrators of estates, to be ap- pointed, 116 Admiralty, judges of, to be commis- sioned, 254 Africa, goods from, 325-6 Ainsworth, William, appt. capt., 284 Albany, gunpowder sent to, 193 Alcox, Daniel, appt. capt., 186 Alden, Daniel, appt. J.P., 136, 112, 321 Alden, John, release from prison, 302, 422 Alden, John and Judah, firm of, debts of, 302, 423 Alden, Joseph, appt. capt., 33 Alden, Judah, death of, 302, 423 Aldermen, election of, in New Haven, 258; in New London, 268; in Hart- ford, 345 ; in Middletown, 355 ; in Norwich, 365 ; oath of, in New Haven, 264; in New London, 274; in Hartford, 350-1 ; in Middletown, 361 ; in Norwich, 370 Allen, Sergt., flag sent by, 126 Allen, Asher, appt. lieut., 131 Allen, Capt. Daniel, appt. capt., 105, 116, 132 ; receives bounty, 121 ; account of, 240, 299-300 Allen, David, accounts to be settled, 119 ; to receive flints, 119; appt. lieut., 189; to name substitute tax collector, 383 Allen, Ebenezer, heir to Ebenezer Har- ris, 307 Allen, Gideon, children of, 307 Allen, John, taxes abated, 42 Allen (Allyn), Joseph, deputy for East Windsor, 2, 107, 202, 252, 315, 430; appt. J.P., 113, 321; appt. ens., 140; petition of, 154 Allen, Lydia, heiress, 307 Allen (Allyn), Nathan, paid for serv- ices, 121 ; money lost, 289-90 Allen, Noah, appt. lieut., 185 Allen, Roger, appt. ens., 35 Allen, Samuel, appt. cornet, 188 Allen, Silas, payment to, 301-2 Allen, Stephen, petition of, 319 Allen. See also Allyn Alliance Frigate, engagement on, 302 Ailing Abraham, appt. ens., 32 Ailing, Noah, appt. capt., 214 Alliss, David, deputy for Bolton, 285, 2 Allyn, Henry, conservator of Burr chil- dren, 44 : agent for Windsor, 82 ; dep- uty for Windsor, 130 , 286, 4, 107 : appt. J.P., 135, 112. 320; to sell real estate, 234, 236 Allyn, Joseph, deputy for E. Windsor, 285 Allyn, Capt. Simeon, serves at Horse- neck, 39 ; money lost, 289-90 Allyn, Capt. Timothy, money lost, 289-90 Alsop, Mary, to sell real estate, 38, 148; payment for use of distillery, 227; may take depositions, 291-2 Alsop, Richard, estate of, 38, 148; Church in trade with, 63 ; distillery of, 227 ; issues insurance, 291 Alvord, Eliphaz, deputy for Winchester, 132; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Alvord, Thomas G., agent for soldiers, 269; order in favor of, 270 Ambler, Joshua, to settle estate, 19; petition of, 222 Amboy, sloop to go to, 94 Ames, Nicholas, appt. ens., 133 Ames, Zephaniah, note for, 200 Amidown, Moses, appt. ens., 211 Amity Parish, incorporated with Beth- any, 304 Ammunition, to be carried by soldiers, 19-20; to be preserved, 195, 448 Amsterdam, brig, from, 64 Anderson, Benjamin, confiscated estate of, 101, 166 Anderson, James, appt. 2nd. lieut, 190 Anderson, Jeremiah, land of, 96 Anderson, Robert, appt. lieut., 392 Anderson, William, held as suspicious person, 113 Andrews, Abraham, appt. J.P., 137, 114 Andrews, Charles, appt. lieut., 298 Andrews, John, appt. lieut., 213 Andrews (Androus, Andruss), Nehe- miah, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Andrews (Andruss), Timothy, to ap- praise confiscated mill, 201, 314 Andruss, Abner, disabled in service, 240 Andruss, Ichabod, appt. ens., 31 ; appt. lieut., 143; appt. capt., 218 Andruss, Levi, appt. ens., 392 Andruss, Phineas, appt. lieut., 30; appt. capt., 393 Andruss, Reuben, appt. ens., 390 Angel, Capt., captures sloop, 94 Appeals, in libel cases, 332; state tax on, 339-40 Apthorp, Charles (of Boston), holds bond and mortgage, 44-45 Apthorp, Charles Ward (of New York City), aided the enemy, 29-30; heir of Charles Apthorp, 45 ; estate of, con- fiscated, 179, 305-6; lent money on mortgages, 67, 75; payment to estate of, 166-7, 475; property to be ap- praised, 176-7, sale of confiscated estate, suspended, 313 282 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Apthorp, Grizzel, administratrix, 44 Apthorp, Thomas, estate of, confiscated, 475 ; promissory note given to, 475 Armagh, Ireland, estate in, 88 Arms, furnished by Ensign Grover, 160-1 ; accompany robbery, 204 See also Firearms Armstrong, Amos, appt. lieut., 439 Armstrong, Daniel, estate of, 180 Armstrong, Daniel, Jr., estate of, 180-1 Armstrong, Ebenezer, deeded property, 180-1 Armstrong, James, petitions for bounty, 311-12 ; appt. ens., 440 Army, British, deserter from 48", de- stroys property, 62, 374, 379, 410, 413, 415, 467; Americans join, 65, 78, 209, 473, 475 ; invasions of, 72, 374, 379, 424 ; command of, 105 ; prisoners of, 455 ; capture New York City, 460 Army, Continental, sickness in, 3, 4 ; quotas and recruits for, 5, 8, 16, 18, 123, 169, 249; accounts of, 12, 124; use of tax income for, 24 ; tax ex- emption of men and teams in, 25, 130; pay, 17, 18, 86, 156, 169, 196, 197, 198, 278, 291, 380; deserters from, 91, 192, 467; supplies for, 112 , 105, 115, 183, 193, 234, 250, 296, 310, 404, 466; Negro in service, 174; pension for, 207; militia contributed to, 278; quar- tered in Middletown, 308; securities of, 377 ; individual service in, 86, 156, 173, 177, 220, 222, 226, 240, 243, 297(2), 299, 306, 39 7, 401, 408, 412, 416, 420, 427(2), 428, 469 Army, Continental (Connecticut Line), expenses in, 65 ; pay of, 86 ; paymaster appointed for, 158; individual service in, 240, 299, 306. 408, 416, 420, 428. 469; material collected for, to be dis- posed of, 250; members of, to receive western land. 278 ; payment, 279 ; notes of, 289-90; accounts of soldiers of, 297 ; rum for, 466 See also Regiments, Continental Army, French, to be accommodated, 49 Army notes, to be accepted for taxes, 376 Arnold, Col., men under, 457 Arnold, Benedict, mentioned, 71-2 Arnold. Enoch, fails to pay tax, 471 Arnold, Lieut. Col. James, resigned posi- tion, 30 Arnold, Joel, appt. ens., 211 Arnold, John, appt. ens., 135; appt. lieut., 216 Arnold, Jonathan, name changed to Steuben, 71-2 Arnold, Stephen, asks tax abatement, 48-9 Articles of Confederation, 8th article of, 168 ; on peace power, 289 ; amendment of, 290-1, 121 ; Penn. — Conn., suit under, 112; 9th article, 208 Artillery, regiment of. See Regiment of Artillery Ashford, town of, quota for regiment, 14; land in, 50, 239; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 31 1 ; selectmen to be called upon, 107 ; references to inhabitants of, 105, 116, 121, 124, 270, 239; mili- tary companies of, 139 ; salt at, 264 Ashley, Stephen, appt. capt., 187 Asia, goods from, 325-6 Assemblymen, debentures of, 62, 119 Assessments, to be received by Col. Wyllys, 20; of property, 154-5; put into list, 279 ; list of, to be sent to sec- retary, 294 ; laid on state land, 125 ; returned for 1782 listed, 186-7 ; to be made in Litchfield, 403 See also Lists Assistants, of Assembly, to get addition to debenture, 62 ; not to be members of Superior Court, 323; (state) oath administered to, 318 See also Council Association, General, of Conn., sponsors edition of Psalms, 458-9 Atkins, Joseph, appt. lieut., 186 Attorneys, state, to investigate issuing of certificates, 339 Atwater, Caleb, appt. capt., 189 Atwater, Enos, petition of, 171 Atwater, Moses, appt. ens., 31 ; appt. lieut., 384 Atwater, Maj. Reuben, deputy for Che- shire, 131, 286, 4, 202, 252, 315 ; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Atwater, William, asks pay for Milford guard, 162 Atwood, Nathaniel, deputy for Mans- field, 2, 131, 203, 253, 431 Auction, of real estate, 155 Aulditors, (state), appointed, 119, 286 Augur, Abraham (of New Haven), serves as barrack-master, 75-6 Austin, Col. Aaron (of New Hartford), deputy for New Hartford, 3, 287, 9. 431 ; petition of, 42 ; application for pay made to, 150; on committee, 461 Austin, Aaron (of Torrington), deputy for Torrington, 132 Austin, David, on committees, 5, 10, 149, 455; appt. J. P., 136, 113, 321; agent of Winchester, 223; appt., administra- tor, 159-60; settlement of account, 455 Austin, James, to collect taxes, 69 Austin, Toshua, to keep East Haven ferry, 42 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 283 Austin, Samuel, appt. ens., 390 Austin, Seth, appt. lieut., 184 ; appt. capt., 212 Austin, Seth (of Suffield), convicted of counterfeiting, 67 ; asks release from bond, 66 Author, copyright for, 14 Avered, Abner, Jr., appt. ens., 217 Averell, Perry, appt. ens., 298 ; appt. lieut., 142 Avery, Ebenezer, petition of, 402 Avery, Elihu, appt. ens., 133 Avery, Griswold, appt. J.P., 322 Avery, Isaac, I, appt. capt., 138 Avery, Isaac, II, appt. ens., 388 Avery, Capt. John, Jr., appt. J. P., 136, 113, 322; deputy for Preston, 316; appt. capt., 393 Avery, Nathan, permitted to travel, 96 Avery, Lieut. Park, war sufferer, 382 Avery, Thomas, appt. capt., 32; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Avery, William, appt. J.P., 136, 113. 322 Ayer, Nathan, appt. capt., 389 Ayres, Jonathan, appt. ens., 391 Babcock, Adam, petition of, 64 Babcock, Christopher A., surgeon’s mate, 417 Babcock, Joseph, appt. lieut., 137 Babcock, Joshua, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Babcock, Mary, petition of, 417 Bache, Theophilaet, estate of, forfeited, 58 Backus, Maj. Andrew, deputy for Plain- field, 2, 108; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; trustee of Plainfield Academy, 406 Backus, Ebenezer, fined, 223 Backus, Elijah, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; iron works of, 274, 364; on highway committee, 28 ; iron works of, 364 ; on ferry committee, 399 Backus, Elijah, Jr., note of, 200 Backus, John, deputy for Norwich. 2, 286, 5, 108, 316; on quota committee, 5 Backus, Nathaniel, petition of, 416 Bacon, Ebenezer, deputy for Middle- town, 107, 202, 252 Bacon, Jabez, sells flour, 83 Badger, Samuel, appt. ens., 298 Bailey, Nathan, pay of, 194 Bains, Joshua, Jr., appt. capt., 284 Baker, Daniel, assessed incorrectly, 26 Baker, Elisha, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Baker, Jonathan, transports grain, 102 ; appt. cornet, 137 Baker, Joseph, appt. J.P.. 137, 114. 323 Baker, Thomas, permitted to travel, 239 Balcom, John, taxes abated, 48-Q Balcom, Jonathan, taxes abated, 48-9 Balcom, Nathaniel, taxes abated, 48-9 Baldwin, Aaron, deputy for Branford, 202, 252, 315 Baldwin, Abel, appt. capt., 136 Baldwin, Lieut. Ambrose, money due to, 302 Baldwin, Benjamin, appt. ens., 211 Baldwin, Maj. Caleb, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; deputy for Newtown, 286, 7, 203, 253 Baldwin, David, I, deputy, for Canter- bury, 286, 7 Baldwin David, II, appt. capt., 136 Baldwin, David, III, appt. lieut., 385 Baldwin, Elihu, appt. lieut., 391 Baldwin, Capt. Isaac (of Litchfield), deputy for Litchfield, 286, 9 ; appt. J.P., 137, 115 Baldwin, Isaac, Jr., (of Litchfield), deputy for Litchfield, 203, 253, 316, 431 ; on committee, 303 ; assessment omitted, 25, 451 Baldwin, Isaac (of Waterbury), petition of, 61 Baldwin, Israel, appt. J.P., 323 Baldwin, John, appt. ens., 440 Baldwin, Jonah, quartermaster of state guards, 251, 254, 262, 278, 279 , 249 Baldwin, Jonathan, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Baldwin, Margaret, asks appraisal of estate, 176 Baldwin, Michael, collector of taxes, 46 Baldwin, Nathan, appt. lieut., 241 Baldwin, Phineas, appt. lieut., 141 Baldwin, Richard, estate of, 176-7 Balidwin, Solomon, execution stayed, 149; investigation of losses, 286, 415; note given to, 400 Baldwin, Sylvannus, farm of, 305 Baldwin, Thomas, appt. capt., 186 Baldwin, Timothy, asks for new orders, 405 > Baldwin, Rev. William, pay of, 84 Baldwin, William (of Branford), peti- tion of, 176 Ba(u)ldwin, Lieut. William, account of, 94 Ball, Dan, illness of, 76 Ball, Glover, appt. ens., 142 Ball, Lieut. Josiah, accounts of, 116 Ball, Timothy, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; deputy for Woodbridge, 431 Ballot, city officers to be chosen by, 258-9, 268, 345, 355, 365 Bank of North America, counterfeiting notes of, 3 ; use of notes of, 8 Bankruptcy, act of, 35, 382 Banks, Nehemiah, petition of, 321 284 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Barber, Elijah, appt. capt., 390 Barber, Ezekial, supported by Windsor, 82 Barber, Hepzbath, petition of, 82 Barber, Jacob, appt. lieut., 143 Barber, John Jr., appt. ens., 138 Barber, Mary, petition of, 82 Barber, Samuel, estate of, 82 Barber, Thomas, 2nd, accounts of, 224 Barber, Timothy, appt. ens., 140; appt. capt., 389 Barbur, Elijah, appt. lieut., 138 Barker, Capt., resigned captaincy, 281 Barker, Abner, appt. J.P., 136 , 112, 321 Barker, James, appt. J.P., 136 , 321 Barker, John, Jr., appt. ens., 142 Barker, Joseph, land of, as boundary, 84 Barker, Capt. Samuel, buys insurance, 291 ; relief against judgment, 472 Barkhamstead, petition to collect tax, 49 ; supplies from, 108 ; military com- panies in, 140 ; deficiency in quota, 261 , 319 ; execution withheld, 319 - 320 ; ref. to inhab., 69, 152 Barkus, Major, given copies of orders, 192(a) Barlow, Joel, copyright for, 458 Barlow, Nathaniel, to sell land, 59 Barnam, Nathan, debt of, 52 Barnard (Bernard), Ebenezer, to bake bread, 104 ; to exchange supplies, 104 ; to deliver supplies, 115 , 124 , 246 , 276 , 280 , 83, 102 ; wine sold to, 118 ; to repack provisions, 128-9 ; to raise money, 257 ; letter to, 264 ; flour in the care of, 268 ; to receive provisions, 282 ; provisions for garrison, 327 ; account to be paid in provisions, 100, order on, 191 Barnard (Bernard), Ebenezer, Jr., to receive supplies, 28 , 108 , 96 , 189; to deliver supplies, 103 , 257 , 260 , 284 , 294 , 337 , 85; to call on towns, 242 ; allowed extra for beef, 242 ; accounts of, 257 ; to receive money for provi- sions, 280 ; to prepare boats, 291 ; to sell state’s salt, 333 ; to write about beef, 327 ; to sell flour, 196 Barnard (Bernard), William, accounts settled, 332-3 ; salary of, 86 ; exemption from tax, 161 Barn(e)s, Abigail, petition of, 308 Barn(e)s, Abraham, killed in army, 308 Barn(e)s, Eli, appt. ens., 387 Barn(e)s, John, pay for, 34 Barn(e)s, Capt. Nathaniel, deputy for Watertown, 287 , 10, 109, 204, 254, 317 Bam(e)s, Samuel, appt. capt., 142 Barn(e)s, Stephen, deputy for New Fairfield, 131 , 316, 431 ; abducted to New York, 296; return of money, 415 Barns, Timothy, appt. ens., 141 Barnum, Eliphalet, husband of Mary Starr, 71 Barnum, Justus, appt. capt., 443 Barnum, Mary, former wife of Eli Starr, 71 Barnum, Nathan, estate of, confiscated, 85 Barnum, Thaddeus, appt. capt., 140 Barrack-masters, appointed, 75 Barracks, at Groton, 197; at New Lon- don, 281 Barray, Nathaniel, deputy for Kent, 316 Barree, Joseph, appt. capt., 132 Barrel, Colburn, obtains mortgage, 169 Barrels, price of, 16 ; manufacture of, 433 Barret, Abel, asks use of schooner, 457 Barret, Daniel, appt. J.P., 114 Barrett, Jeremiah, pay of, 63 Barrett, John, appt. lieut., 184 Barrett, Richard, to sell property, 241 Barrows, Amos, appt. ens., 386 Barrows, Gershom, appt. capt., 167 Barrows, Isaac, appt. ens., 298 Barrows, Jabez, appt. lieut., 131 Barrows, Thomas, Jr., appt. ens., 139 Barry, Capt., commands frigate, 244 Bartholomew, Andrew, appt. lieut., 139; appt. capt., 389 Bartholomew, Andrew, appt. capt., 217 Bartholomew, G., incorrectly assessed, 26 Bartholomew, Isaac, appt. quartermas- ter, 444 Bartlett, (Bartlit), Moses, deputy for Chatham, 285 , 2 Bartlett, Seth, owes taxes, 407 Bartram, Job, asks to travel, 57; taxes abated, 414 Baskin, James, appt. J.P., 113 Bass, Jonathan, appt. ens., 137 Bass, Joseph, Jr., appt. ens., 168 Bassett, Hezekiah, appt. ens., 285 Bates, John, I, estate of, 59 Bates, John, II, appt. ens., 217 Bates, Martin, appt. ens., 184 Bates, Phineas, appt. quartermaster, 216 Bath, New Hampshire, property in, 238 Batteries, at Groton, 448 Baxter, Elisha, to settle debts, 396 . Baxter, William, debt of, 35 Bayard, William, deed of land, 202 ; estate sold, 163-4; confiscated proper- ty rented, 450 Bayley, Gamliel, asks to travel, 82 Beach, Dan, appt. lieut., 387 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 285 Beach, Edmund, son deserts, 381 Beach, Elisha, appt. capt., 189 Beach, Elnathan, deserts, 381 Beach (Beech), John, deputy for Che- shire, 131, 286, 4 Beach, Mr. (John), to count votes, 133 Beach, John, deputy for Newtown, 431 Beach, Miles, appt. maj., 131 ; resigns as maj., 439; appt. lieut. col., 439 Beach, (Beech), Samuel, appt. J.P., 136, 113; deputy for Cheshire, 107, 20 2, 252, 431 Beach, Zerah, appt. J.P., 138 Beacher, Abraham, petition of, 248 Beacher, Samuel, losses from enemy, 81 Beacher, Thaddeus, lost note, 67 Beacher, Thankfull, petition of, 230-32 Beacher, Titus, petition of, 230-32 Beacher. See also Beecher Beadle, Lidia, estate of, 152 Beadle, William, estate of, 152 Beaker, Abraham, debt of, 101 Beard, James, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Beardsley, Abijah, appt. ens., 297 Beardsley, Amos, petition of, 230-32 Beardsley, David, Jr., appt. ens., 139 Beardsley, Gideon, appt. capt., 139 Beardsley (Beardslee), Col. Nehemiah, deputy for New Fairfield, 2, 6, 108, 203, 253, 286, 431 ; on committees, 5, 153; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; execu- tion stayed, 39; paid for cattle, 415 Beardsley, Phineas, paid for bounties, 169-70 Beardsley, Samuel, petition of, 230-32 Beardsley, Thaddeus, appt. lieut., 139 Bears, Joseph, Jr., appt. lieut., 139 Bears, Nathan, taxes abated, 180 Bearse, Joseph, Jr., appt. ens., 35 Bebee, Asa, pay for cattle, 73 Bebee, James, securities of, 145-6 Bebee, Lester, permitted to travel, 82 Bebee. See also Beebe Beckley, David, appt. lieut., 442 Beckwith, Barzillac, appt. ens., 188 Beckwith, Elisha, arrested, 31 Beebe (Bebee), Col. Bozaleel (Beza- leel), deputy for Litchfield, 2, 131, 108; on committees, 5, 10; to count votes, 133; resigns commission, 131 Beebe, Levi, fails to pay tax, 471 Beebe, Silas, fails to pay tax, 471 Beebe. See also Bebee Beech. See Beach Beecher, Benjamin, to sell property, 241-2 Beecher, Caleb, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Beecher, Mary, to sell property, 82 Beecher, Timothy, estate of, 82 Beecher. See also Beacher Beef, taken to Long Island, 83 ; state and army supplies of, 88, 89, 100, 105, 189, 190, 193, 306, 404; balance due on, 375; packing of, 433 Beeman, Capt. Thomas, deputy for Hartland, 3 Beer, import duty on, 432 Beers, Nathan, tax abated, 414 Beers, Reuben, tax abated, 247 Belcher, Jonathan, sells land, 55 Belcher, Mary, to be given state note, 209 Belden, Abigail, petition of, 453 Belden, Ebenezer, wife of, 66 Belden, Ezekiel Porter, petition of, 453 Belden, Col. John, property of, 301 Belden, Mary, petition of, 66 Belden, Samuel, petition of, 47 Belden, Col. Thomas, petition of, 453 Belding, Jonathan, appt. lieut., 392 Belding, Thomas, appt. J.P., 135 Bell, James, deputy for Chatham, 285 Bell, Jesse, appt. capt., 167; asks to sell property, 217 ; selectman of Stamford, 222 Bellamy, David, debt of, 310 Bement, Dennis, Jr., appt. ens., 185 Bement, Edmund, property of, 411 Bement, Meaker, note of, burned, 456 Benedict, Abraham, taxes abated, 180, 413 Benedict, Benajah, appt. lieut., 297; appt. capt., 138 Benedict, Eliakim, appt. ens., 138; appt. lieut., 386 Benedict, Enoch, taxes abated, 180, 413 Benedict, John, appt. J. P., 137, 114, 322; taxes abated, 180, 413 Benedict, Matthew, estate of, 220 Benedict, Nathaniel, taxes abated, 180, 413 . Benedict, Nathaniel, Jr., taxes abated, 180, 413 Benedict, Nehemiah, money due, 182 Benedict, Noble, to sell real estate, 220 Benedict, Thaddeus, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; deputy for Redding, 108, 316 ; on committees, 317, 410 Benedict, Thomas, taxes abated, 180, 413 . Benedict, Zadook, to sell real estate, 220 Beneham, James, appt. lieut., 443 Benham, John, appt. ens., 441 Benjamin, Capt., money due, 219 Beniamin, Gideon, insolvency of, 285, 461 Benjamin, John, appt. maj., 183 Bennet (Burnet), Daniel, deputy for Stratford, 2; account of, 99; to ob- tain and sell supplies, 96 286 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Bennet, David, appt. J.P., 137, 322 Bennet, Lieut. James, pay of, 194 Bennet, Samuel, appt. lieut., 190 Bennington, ammunition sent to, 95 ; Noah Phelps reaches, 224 Benton, Ebenezer, Jr., land of, 49 Benton, John, home of, 37 Bernard. See Barnard Berry, Nathaniel, deputy for Kent, 203, 253, 431 Bethany, Parish, incorporated with Amity, 304 Betts, John, taxes abated, 180, 413 Betts, Peter, taxes abated, 180, 413 Betts, Samuel, appt. ens., 394 Betts, Stephen, deputy for Redding, 131 286, 7, 108, 203, 253; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Betts, Thaddeus, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 ; taxes abated, 180, 184, 413 ; deputy for Norwalk, 316; to count votes, 317 Betts, Thomas, taxes abated, 180, 413 Betts, Thomas Jr., petition of, 299 Beyan, Richard, appt. ens., 140 Bibby, Mrs. Margaret J., allowed to travel, 328 Bid well, Benjamin, appt. capt., 133 Bigelow, Hannah, to sell estate, 161-2 Bigelow, James, land of, 150; heirs of. 161-2 Bigelow, Major John, land of, 150; estate of, sold, 161-2 Bigelow, Jonathan, appt. ens., 186 ; sells land, 150 Bill, James, deputy for Chatham, 2, 107, 430; appt. capt., 133 Billings, Benjamin, appt. ens., 263 Billings, Sanford, appt. capt., 134 Billings, Capt. Stephen, deputy for Gro- ton, 2; on committee, 5; loses notes. 289-90 Bills of credit, to be delivered to Loan Office, 27 ; state orders for bills accept- able for taxes, 206 Bingham, Luther, appt. lieut., 385 Bingham, Nathan, appt. ens., 393 Bingham, Ralph, disabled at Bunker Hill, 242 B inham, James, in army quota, 220 Bird, Isaac, appt. lieut., 212; bounty for killing wolf, 420 Bird, Samuel, Jr., appt. lieut., 242; to repair Black Rock Fort, 242; to cruise in sound, 254 Birdsell, Benjamin, abduction by, 297 Birdsell, James, debt of, 52 Birdsey, David, appt. lieut., 388 Birdsey, Capt. Joseph, to supply ammu- nition, 241 Birge, Lieut. Joseph, complaint against, 177 Bishop, Clement, appt. lieut., 187 ; appt. capt., 441 Bishop, Daniel, appt. J.P., 136; appt. lieut., 167 ; appt. capt., 218 Bishop, Isaac, to sell property, 295 Bishop, Lydia, to sell property, 295 Bishop, Samuel, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; order drawn on, 245; to inspect travellers, 329; glass manufactory of, 57 Bishop, Thomas, appt. ens., 142; appt. lieut., 441 Bishop, Yale, land of, 68-9 Bissell, Aaron, on committee, 461 Bissell, Daniel, pay for, 321 Bissell, Ebenezer Fitch, petition for ferry, 232 Bissell, Eli, appt. ens., 185 Bissell, Hezekiah, apot. J.P., 137, 114, 322; appt. ens., 295; petition of, 58; appt. lieut., 140; on committee, 157 Bissell, Isaac, appt. ens., 141 Bissell, Capt. Ozias, losses by enemy, 237 ; losses by fire, 314 Bissell, Russell, appt. ens., 24 ; appt. lieut., 262 Bixby, John, taxes abated, 184 Black, Cesar, estate of, 465 Black, Joel, trust for, 465-6 Black, Sibyl, trust for, 465-6 Black Rock Fort (Fairfield), garrison for, 12, 30; commandant of, 116, 242 , 254 ; repairs, 119, 242 ; -powder for, 245, 274; provisions for, 274, 284 Blackleach, John, deputy for Stratford, 431 Blackwell, Jacob, to bring horse, 328 Blague, Giles, apt., ens., 442 Blake, Joseph, appt. capt., 138 Blankets, for soldiers, 397 Bliss, Abraham, appt. lieut., 215 Bliss, Henry, appt. ens., 217 Bliss. Hoziah (Neziah. Noziah), appt. J.P.. 136, 112, 321; assessment omitted, 26; deputy for Hebron, 315, 430 Bliss John, appt. capt., 31 Bliss. Peletiah, appt. lieut., 297 Block house, to be erected, 93 Block Island, travellers to, 92, 76 Blodget, Benjamin, appt. ens., 33 Blodget, Hannah, to sell real estate, 310 Blodget, Joshua, deputy for Strafford, 1 Blodget, Roswell, estate of, 310 Boardman, David, appt. ens.. 389 Boardman, Naomi, sells land, 301 Boardman, Samuel, exemption from ar- rest, 37, 223 ; property of, 301 ; debts of. 396 : sells land, 465 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 287 Boardman, Sherman, to apprize for- feited property, 95; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Boats, state, command of, 114, 87 ; securing of, 92, 115 Bohn, David, Jr., appt. cornet, 218 • Bolton, army quota, 14; assessment, 59, 60, 78, 310, 409; ref. to inhab. of, 74, 168, 252, 36; military companies of, 140 ; boundary for new district, 165 ; pay table to draw on, 252 Bonds, of officers, 99, 254, 334 Bonny, Titus, appt. ens., 132 Books, copyright of, 14-16, 245, 458 Booth, Abel, to sell real estate, 71 Booth, Caleb, appt. lieut, 214; appt. capt., 392 Booth, Daniel, asks to travel, 64 Booth, James, petition of, 165 Booth, John, to collect taxes, 26 Booth, Joseph, estate of, 408 Boots, duty on, 432 Boston, Mass., ref. to inhab. of, 41, 55, 55-7, 316, 337, 169, 463 ; marine agent at, 109 ; lead from, 274 ; prison ship at, 276; provisions from, 278; brig- bound to, 64-5 ; Huntington goes to, 106; trade with, 190, 475 Bostwick, Bushnell, appt. J.P., 138 Bostwick, Elisha, appt. capt., 141 ; appt. surveyor of lands, 383 Bostwick, Levi, appt. ens., 390; appt. lieut, 444 Bostwick, Oliver, appt. lieut., 24 Botsford (Botchford), Amos, collected money for state, 197 ; debt of, 453 Botsford, David, appt. lieut., 31 ; appt. capt., 215 Botsford, Elijah, theft from, 36 Botsford, Jabez, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 ; deputy for Newtown, 203, 253 Bottom, Jacob, sale of property, 171 Bouden, Daniel, theft from, 36 Bounties, to soldiers, 6, 173, 176, 192 , 267, 311, 182, 299, 304, 404, 410; for killing wolves, 179, 421(2), 469; on making silk, 256, 342 Bouton, Capt. Daniel, pension for, 40, 421 Bowles, Capt. David, deputy for Ash- ford, 286, 7 Bowman, John, conviction of, 235 Brace, Capt. Abel, deputy for Hartland, 286, 9 Brace, Anne, property to be sold, 244 Brace, Elizur, appt. ens., 185; appt. capt., 139 Brace, Jonathan, to sell property, 244 Bradford, James, appt. J.P., 137. 114. 323 ; deputy for Plainfield, 2, 203, 253 Bradford, John, petition of, 109 Bradford, Perez, appt. ens., 133 Bradford, Ens. Robert, compensation for, 162 Bradley, Abel, appt. lieut., 141, 143 Bradley, Abraham, appt. J.P., 137, 115, 323 ; deputy for Litchfield, 203, 253 Bradley, Aner, appt. capt. 443 Bradley, Asael, appt. quartermaster, 33 Bradley, David, petition of, 81 Bradley, Enos, to sell real estate, 210 Bradley, Gurden, petition of, 42 Bradley, Increase, appt. J.P., 137 Bradley, Jared, petition of, 42 Bradley, Jonah, petition of, 206 Bradley, Josiah, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Bradley, Lemuel, appt. ens., 443 Bradley, Oliver, appt. ens., 390; appt. lieut., 443 Bradley, Col. Philip Burr, deputy for Ridgefield, 2, 131, 286, 7, 108, 203, 253, 316, 431 ; on committees, 5, 10, 28, 132, 199, 130, 153, 378, 379, 410; petitions of, 95, 172, 401 ; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; heir of Samuel Smith. 227-8; regt. of, 283; takes oath as J.P., 179 Bradley Capt. Phinehas, application of, 103 ; complaint by, 90 Bradley, Ruth, heir of Samuel Smith, 227-8 Bradley, Samuel, debt due to, 50; appt. J.P., 114 Bradley, Timothy, settlement of account of, 70, 246, 296; notes of, 170 Brainerd, Amasa, petition of, 471 Brainerd, Asabel, appt. lieut., 443 Brainerd, David, appt. capt., 132 Brainerd, Ezra, deputy for Haddam, 130; appt. J.P., 113, 321 Brainerd, Hezekiah, deputy for Had- dam, 1; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Brainerd, Jonah, deputy for Haddam, 285 Brainerd, Josiah, appt. lieut., 34; deputy for Haddam, 3 Brainerd, Josiah, Jr., new note for, 408 Brainerd, Capt. Nehemiah, deputy for Haddam, 1; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Brainerd, William, appt. capt., 138 Braintree, Mass., residence of Joseph Palmer, 57 Branders, to be appointed, 434 Brandy, excise on, 16, 339; import duty on, 328, 432 Branford, coast guard of, 11, 101 ; ref. to inhab. of, 44, 84(2). 168. 201-2, 221, 314, 41, 176, 180, 291, 472; assess- ment, 60, 60, 79, 311 : military com- panies of, 139, 165 ; whale boat at, 255 ; 288 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V cruising near, 261 ; disputed election in, 53; selectmen of, 180; state col- lector, 334 ; confiscated property in, 450; road in, 455; schooner captured at, 457 Bray, Maj. Asa, deputy for Southing- ton, 130, 285, 3, 107, 315, 430; to count votes, 133; to drive cattle to Stam- ford, 333 Breed, John McClaren, appt. J.P., 113, 322; asks for lottery, 182 Breed, Oliver, appt. ens., 137 Brewer, Daniel, loses note, 408 Brewster, Benjamin, servant of, 174 Brewster, Jabez, appt. ens., 391 Brewster, Lieut. James, gets confiscated land, 73 Brewster, Jonathan, appt. J.P., 136 , 113, 321 Brice, Robert, service of, 112-3 Brick, Robert, buys land, 44-45 Brick-making, at Fishers Island, 101 Bridges, in New Haven, 26; in Killing- ley, 59; in Windsor, 154; in Kent, 165; in Norwich, 185; in Woodbridge. 305 Bridsey, Capt. Joseph, to furnish powder, 243 Brigade (Continental) 4th, pay of, 158 Brigade (Militia), 1st, regiments in, 140; company, detached from. 258 Brigade (Militia), 2nd, to defend west- ern frontier, 16; regiments in, 140; commander of, 210 Brigade (Militia), 3rd, company to be formed from, 107, 258; company de- tached from, 123 ; regiments in, 140 Brigade (Militia), 4th, to defend west- ern frontier, 16, 102 ; towns in, Jo provide provisions, 89 ; regiments in, 140 ; commander of, 210 Brigade (Militia), 5th, company formed from, 107 ; regiments in, 140 ; officers detached from, 258; commander of, 384 Brigade (Militia) , 6th, to defend west- ern frontier, 16, 102 ; regiments in. 140 Brigade, General Waterbury’s, 71, 94 Brigadier generals, oversight of state quota, 123; to receive gunpowder, 201 Brigatines, taxed for lighthouse, 205 ; shipwreck, 473 Brigham, Stephen, appt. lieut., 298 Brigham, Thomas, appt. lieut., 389 Brinsmade, Abraham, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Brinsmade, Daniel, assessed incorrectly, 26 Brinsmade, Daniel Nathan, deputy for Washington, 317, 431 ; appt. J.P., 323 Bristol, Abner, appt. lieut, 35 Bristol, Nathan, appt. ens., 389 Bristol, Simeon, appt. J.P., 321 British, Marcy Whedon hindered by, 411 ; joining of, 423 . See also Great Britain; Army, British Brockway, Abner, appt. ens., 212 Brockway, Gamaliel, petition of, 399 Brockway, Gideon, Jr., petition of, 399 Brockway’s Ferry, considered incon- venient, 399 Bronson, Ezra, taxes abated, 73-4 Bronson. See Brownson Brook, Elias, on committee, 176 Brookhaven, Long Island, John Marvin to return to, 325 Brooks, John, on quota committee, 5; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; to pay bar- rackmaster, 168 Brooks, Jonathan, land of, as boundary, 164 Brooks, Joseph, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Brooks, Lemuel, suit against, discon- tinued, 156-7; taxes abated, 413; asks for pay-table receipt, 466 Brooks, Samuel, taxes abated, 180; to buy property, 244 Broom, John, petition of, 64-5 Broome, Col. John, on committee, 13-4 Broome, Samuel, petition of, 454 Broson, Joshua, appt. capt., 188 Brown, Alpheus, to sell real estate, 199 Brown, Asa, petition of, 230 Brown, Bezaleel, petition of, 66-7 Brown, Bryant, appt. J.P., 137, 114 Brown, Daniel, mortgages land, 75; petition of, 230 Brown, Ebenezer, petitions of, 206, 230 Brown, Elam, estate of, 230-32 Brown, Elias, deputy in Preston, 2, 131, 108; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322; petition of, 200; on committees, 236, 238, 293, 128, 379 Brown, George, to bring family, 327 Brown, Jacob, petiton of, 451-2 Brown, James, petition of, 230 Brown, Jedidiah, taxes abated, 180, 414 Brown, Jesse, resolve sent by, 280; accounts of, 280 Brown, John, delivers salt, 94; property to be sold, 230 Brown, Capt. Jonathan, company of, 226 Brown, Joseph, taxes abated, 48; ab- sence of, 230-32 Brown, Mary, to sell property, 230-32 Brown, Naomi, petition of, 230-32 Brown, Nathan, to manage lottery, 304 Brown, Nehemiah, Jr., released from confinement, 243 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 289 Brown, Park, released from jail, 58 Brown. Prosper, petition of, 231 Brown, Silvanus, estate of, 407 Brown, Col. Thomas, suit withdrawn, 171 ; deputy for Coventry Brown, Timothy, passes counterfeit bills, 206 Brown, William (of Salem, Mass.), joins the enemy, 205 ; confiscated es- tate of, 339 , 27-8, 56, 459, 474 Brown, William (of Stamford), new notes for, 309-10 Brownall, Edward, appt. capt., 134; to conduct election, 288 Brownson (Bronson, Brunson), Ozias, deputy for Winchester, 109, 204, 254, 317; appt. capt., 135 Brownson, Samuel, appt. maj., 284 Brunson, Cornelius, appt. capt., 391 Brunson, Eli, deputy for Waterbury, 203, 253, 316 Brunson, Ezra, Waterbury selectman, 86 ; appt. J.P., 136 , 113, 321 Brush, Benjamin, appt. capt., 214 Brush, Eliphalet, appt. capt., 35 Brush, Jonas, order of, burned, 44; appt. ens., 139 Bryan, Richard, appt. lieut., 212 Buck, Daniel, petition of, 465 Buck, Justus, appt. J.P., 136 , 113, 322 Buck, Samuel, appt., J.P., 321 Buckingham, Daniel, to sell real estate, 210 Buckingham, David, I, appt. ens., 443 Buckingham, David, II, appt. lieut., 444 Buckingham, Gideon, deputy for Mil- ford, 2, 131 , 286 , 5, 108, 203, 253, 316, 431 ; on committees, 5, 10 , 25 , 26 , 132, 317, 374, 451, 457; to supervise trav- eller, 93 ; appt. J.P., 136 , 113, 321; asks pay for Milford guard, 162 Buckingham, John, appt. lieut., 217 Buckingham, Joseph, land of, 48 Buckingham, Capt. Josiah, plundered, 149, 400 Buckingham, Nathan, appt. lieut., 35 ; incorrectly assessed, 26 Buckland, Elijah, appt. lieut., 31 Buell, Elias, to go to Long Island, 63 Buell, Elijah, appt. capt., 136 Buell, Jesse, appt. capt., 187 Buell, Jonathan, appt. lieut., 217 Buell, Josiah, appt. lieut., 135 Buell, Col. Nathaniel, on committees, 5, 10 Buell, William, Jr., appt. lieut., 136; appt. capt., 391 Buildings, public, in cities, jurisdiction over, 265, 274, 351, 361, 371; account of, 448 Bulkley, Chauncey, deputy for Chatham, 1 , 130 , 252, 315 ; paid, 106 ; to negotiate on, 237 Bulkley, Daniel, appt. capt., 137 Bulkley, Eliphalet, exemption from ar- rest, 64 Bulkley, Francis, land of, 77 Bulkley, John, exemption from arrest, 64 Bulkley, John, Jr., appt. ens., 24 ; re- signs, 105 ; appt. lieut., 167 Bulkley, Joseph, pay for cattle, 207 Bulkley, Nathan, appt. J.P., 114 Bulkley, Capt. Peter, deputy for Col- chester, 130 , 285 , 2 , 202, 252, 316. 431; appt. J.P., 135 , 322; pay for cattle, 207 ; on committee, 470 Bulkley, Peter, Jr., pay for cattle, 207 Bulkley, Prescott, home of, 37 Bulkley, Roger, appt. cornet, 137 Bull, Capt. Frederick, accounts of, 257 Bull, Henry, appt. lieut., 24 Bull, Isaac, petitions of, 187, 246 Bull, Capt. Jonathan, appt. J.P., 136 , 113, 320; deputy for Hartford, 285 , 2, 107, 315; on committee, 379 Bull, Samuel, petition of, 237 ; to man- age lottery, 304 Bull, Shirebiah, appt. J.P., 323 Bull, Major Thomas, sues Isaac Tom- linson, 170; resigns as major, 384 Bull, Capt. Timothy, deputy for Wood- bridge, 316 Bull Iron Works, 242 Bulls, included in lists, 340 Bunker Hill, battle of, 242 Buoch, Ezra, theft from, 36 Burges, Benjamin, payment to, 90 Burges, Joseph, appt. capt., 296 Burgess (Burgiss), John, deputy for Guilford, 2, 131 , 286 , 5, 108, 203, 252, 431; appt. J.P., 136 , 113; named ap- praiser, 176-7 Burgess, Thomas, Jr., appt. J.P., 136 , 113, 321; on committee, 455 Burglary, act for punishment of, 204 Burgoyne, General, opposed by company of Nathan Smith, 83 Burial of dead, jurisdiction over, in cities, 265, 275, 352, 362, 371 Burnap, Abraham, Jr., appt. J.P., 137 , 114, 323 Burnham, Isaac, deputy for Hartland, 286 , 9 Burnham (Bumum), James, petitions of, 39 , 289-90 Burnham, Capt. Josiah, to inspect trav- ellers, 119 , 283 , 325 , 326 , 327 . 329 , 330 , 331 , 334 , 336 , 340 , 83(3) , 84. 86, 100, 103 290 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Burnham, Richard, appt. lieut., 186 Burnham, Wolcott, new note for, 412-3 Burr, David, received mortgage, 51 Burr, David, 3rd, appt. capt., 183 Burr, Eliott, estate of, 44-5, 236 Burr, George, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Burr, Isaac, debt of, 44-5; estate of, 199; note destroyed, 67 Burr, James, appt. ens., 216; appt. lieut., 443 Burr, Jonathan, estate of, 44-5, 236 Burr, Prudence, estate of, 44-5, 236 Burr, Thaddeus, appt. J.P., 137 ; peti- tion of, 321 ; to inspect travellers, 40 ; deputy for Fairfield, 316, 431 Burrall, Col. Charles, deputy for Canaan. 2, 286, 203, 253; appt. J. P., 115, 323 Burrall, Jonathan, appt. ens., 393 Burrall, Nathan, debt of, 67 Burrell, Charles, Jr., appt. capt., 189 Burrett, Wakeman, taxes abated, 126 Burrit, Abel, services as barrack-master. 41 Burroughs, Capt. Stephen, propertv of. 412 Burrows, Capt. Hubbard, estate of, 77 Burrows, Sarah, petition of, 77 Burrows, Silas, to travel, 92 Burrows, William, disabled, 458 Burt, Consider, appt. lieut., 190 Burton, Capt., company of, 79 Burton, Nathan, appt. ens., 387 Burwell, Col. Charles, appt. J.P., 138 : deputy for Canaan, 9 ; ammunition forwarded to, 95 Burwell. Thomas, appt. capt., 385 Bushnall, Handley, tax collector, 203 Bushnel. Abraham, appt. ens.. 284 Bushnell, David, on pay for sapper- and miners, 194; attacks enemy ship- ping, 395 Buswell. Thomas, appt. ens., 31 Butler, Charles, petition of, 37 Butler, Chauncey, deputy for Chatham. 202 Butler, Comfort, appt. ens., 213 Butler. Daniel, to sell real estate, 322 : to pay bond. 323 Butler, Jeremiah, appt. capt., 391 Butler, josiah, appt. quartermaster, 442 Butler, Norman, illicit trader, 323 Butler, Sarah, to sell real estate, 322 : to pay in bills of credit, 460 Butler, Sergeant, letter sent by, 279 Butler, William, estate of, 46 Butter, taken to Long Island, 83 Butts, Sherebiah, appt. J.P., 114 Byelaws, municipal, rules governing, in New Haven, 265-6 ; in New London. 274-5; in Hartford. 351-2; in Middle- town, 361-2; in Norwich, 371-2 Byram River, as boundary. 96; Stam- ford troops to move to, 93; traffic to, 452 Cadwell, Matthew, appt. lieut., 36 Cady, Daniel, appt. capt.. 136 Cadv, Jesse, deputy for Stafford, 1, 202, 252, 315, 430; appt. J.P., 321 Cady, Joseph, appt. lieut. col., 183 Cagwine, Lieut., materials granted to, 118 Caldwell, Charles, relieve from debts, 153 Caldwell, George, insolvency of, 35 Calhoun, John, deputy for Washington, 132; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Calton, Kimball, counterfeiter, 76 Calvin, John, doctrine of, 308 Cambe, Noah, payment to, 19 Cambric, duty on, 432 Camfield, Joel, appt. ens., 217 Camp, Abiathor, joins enemy, 60; con- fiscated estate of, 201, 314, 319, 38 Camp, Ab(i)el, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Camp, Daniel, appt. capt., 213 Camp, Isaac, appt. ens., 184 Camp, Luke, appt. capt., 185 Camp. Moses, appt. lieut.. 136 Camp, Richard, taxes abated. 180, 413 Camp, Maj. Samuel, appt. major, 30 Camp, Samuel (of Newtown), joins enemy, 64 Campbell, Allen, appt. J.P.. 114, 323 Campbell, Archibald, gives mortgage. 51 Campbell. John, bills in favor of, 339 Campbell, Captain Moses, deputy for Voluntown, 431 Campfield, Jabez, loses note, 292 Canaan, military quota of, 15; assess- ment, 60, 61, 79, 312; ammunition at, 95 ; military companies of, 139 ; ref. to inhab. of 232, 220, 287, 421 ; state collector, 334 Candee, Enos, forfeited estate of, 101, 248 Canfield. John, deputy for Sharon, 3, 287, 10. 432 ; on committees, 13, 14, 452; at council of safetv. 88-129 pas- sim. 242; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323; to receive furnace estate, 272-3, 89 ; to restore notes, 164; nominated for Congress, 471 Canfield. Lieut. Col. Samuel, deputy for New Milford, 3, 203. 253, 316, 431 ; commands Horseneck regiment of guards, 17, 24, 102. 249; to examine lists in Greenwich, 67, 40; to appraise forfeited property. 378, 379; ac- counts of, 97, 240. 183-4; supplies for. INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 291 104, 106, 244, 250(5), 253, 261, 262, 277, 278, 284, 285, 293, 294, 327, 341, 83, 85; service under, objected to, 105 ; men in regt. of, 105(2), 250, 262; to supervise travellers, 119, 126, 84(2), 88; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; to investigate war losses, 178-9, 374, 380 ; quartermaster under, 251 ; pay for officers under, 255, 284 ; loses order, 42 ; to remove troops, 93 ; to supervise state property, 104; to sell Stamford property, 129; on commit- tee, 317; appt. conservator, 402 Canfield, Samuel, appt. lieut., 387 Cannon, disposal of, 190, 281 ; to be collected, 195; to be maintained, 448 Cannon, John, taxes abated, 180, 413 Canterbury, army quota, 14 ; refs, to inhabs., 57, 299-300, 301-2, 175, 229-30; assessment, 60, 61, 79, 187, 312; selectmen of, 108; military com- panies of, 140; lottery for bridge, 317 Capron, Giles, appt. lieut., 388 Card, Jonathan, estate of, 282 Carew, Capt. Joseph, to be paid in beef, 118 ; appt. capt., 167 ; resigns cap- taincy, 263 Cargoes, officers to inspect, 254-5 Carpenter, Ephraim, appt. J.P., 137, 114. 323 Carriage wheels, to be sold, 201 Carriages, liable to seizure, 335 ; can- nons to be mounted on, 448 Carrington, Lieut. Abraham, joins en- emy, 464 Carrington, Jeremiah, debt of, 60 Carrington, Jonathan, appt. ens., 296 Carter, Eleazer, appointment as ens. protested, 381 ; appt. ens., 391 Carter, Capt. Joseph, deputy for Kent, 108, 316 Cartey, Langford, paytable, order for. 401 Cartridges, collection and sale of, 280 Carts. See Wagons Carver, Samuel, appt. J.P.. 136, 112, 321 ; deputy for Bolton, 285, 2, 107, 315, 430 Cary, Jonathan, appt. lieut., 138, 142 Cary, Nathan, appt. ens., 186 Cary, Phineas, appt. cornet, 215 ; appt. quartermaster, 140 Castle, Peter, deed from, 146 Catlin, Alexander, accounts of, 35 Catlin, Daniel, appt. J.P., 138 , 115 Catlin, David, appt. capt., 142 ; appt. J.P, 323 Catlin, Capt. George, deputv for Har- winton, 3, 131, 286, 9, 108, 203, 253 ; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Cattle, taken to Long Island, 83 : im- pounding of, in common field, 117; seizure of, 152-3; purchase of, 190-1, 415, 463 ; fattening of, 250 ; sent to army, 306 Cavalry, clerk of, 144 ; equipment of, 148 See also Dragoons Cebra, James, permitted to travel, 93 Cedar, used in making barrels, 433 Census report, 23 Certificates, of interest, 119, 336; of state treasurer, 280, 376; for raising mulberry trees, 256 ; of imports, 328, 335 ; of excise accounts, 339 ; for kill- ing wolves, 342 ; for making raw silk, 343 Chaffee, Benjamin, freed from prison, 212 Chamberlain, Eleazer, appt. ens., 218 Chamberlain, Capt. James, deputy for East Windsor, 1, 130, 285, 2; sells farm, 229 ; on Conn. River ferry, 232, 64 Chamberlain, Peleg, appt. ens., 184; appt. lieut. 213 Chamberlain, Samuel, appt. capt., 387 Chamberlin, Freedom, appt. ens., 386 Chamberlin, James, baggage of, 76 Champion, Capt., excused' from court martial, 284 Champion, Epaphroditus, appt. capt., 443 Champion, Col. Henry, deputy for Col- chester, 1, 107 ; tax paid by, 19 ; loan by, 64 ; to receive certificate, 114 ; bounty for, 114; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 322; beef sold to, 207; accounts of, settled, 249-50, 306; on state salt, 251 Champion, Israel, beef sold to, 207 ; cattle sold to, 73 Champion, Phelps & Co., contractors. 105 Champion & Haley, London merchants, 233 Champlain, Lake, person injured at, 41 Chandler, Mr., attorney, 95 Chandler, Charles Church, appt. probate judge, 135, 112, 320; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; deputy for Woodstock, 203, 253, 316; clerk of assembly, 204, 317 ; nominated for council, 313, 471 ; nom- inated for Congress, 313, 471 ; elected to Congress, 318; attests choice of governor, 318 ; resigns from Congress, 444 Chandler, David, appt. lieut., 185 Chandler, Col. John, deputy for New- town, 2, 131, 108, 316; on committees 5, 10, 28, 175, 316, 109, 170, 380; orders on, 52, 85 ; at Council of Safetv, 88-129, 239-85 passim; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; appt. to Council of Safety, 174 ; to administer confiscated estate. 204 ; may sell real estate, 219 ; to col- 292 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V lect funds, 170; to accept state ob- ligations, 172; to report on confiscated land, 177; appt. brig, gen., 210; sells confiscated estate, 293 Chandler, Joshua, notes of, 68 ; holds mortgage, 190; estate of, 233 Chandler, Rufus, may be visited, 275 Chandler, Seth, appt. ens., 134 Chandler, William, shop of, 90; estate of, 101 Chapin, Elisha, appt. capt., 183 Chapin. Samuel, appt. ens., 216 Chaplain, of Waterbury’s brigade, 94 Chaplin, Benjamin, deputy for Mans- field, 286, 8, 431 Chaplin, Benjamin, Jr., appt. capt. 131 Chapman, Major Albert, deed for, 67 Chapman, Benjamin, taxes abated, 309 Cnapman, Capt. Elijah, deputy for Tol- land, 2, 3, 130, 285 Chapman, Francis, fails to pay tax, 471 Chapman, Col. Jabez, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321; deputy for East Haddam, 315, 430; fails to pay tax, 471 Chapman, Jedediah, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Chapman, Jedidiah, Jr., appt. ens., 389 Cnapman, John, appt. capt., 167, 188, 213 ; sum drawn in favor of, 247 ; commands prison ship, 247, 252 ; commission to be retained, 251 Chapman, Joseph, I, appt. ens., 298 : appt. lieut., 141 Chapman, Joseph, II, appt. ens., 388 Chapman, Lebbeus, appt. ens., 168 Chapman, Oliver, appt. lieut., 188 Chapman, Ozias, fails to pay tax, 471 Chapman. Col. Samuel, appt. J.P., 136, 112, 321 ; trustee of estate, 35; deputy for Tolland, 107, 315; account of, 194; regiment of, 223 Chapman, Shubael. estate of. 311 Chapman, Simon, bond of, 76 Chapman, William, appt. capt. 443 Chapman’s Ferry, Haddam, road to, 455 Charles II, charter granted by, 209 Charleston, South Carolina, traveller to. 94 Charter of 1662. Conn, western claims under, 112, 209 Chatham, army quota. 15: assessment, 59 , 60, 78, 310; militarv companies in, 140; ref. to inhabs. of, 167, 194, 43. 225 ; deficiency in quota. 56 : sale of property in. 148 : Ind ; an land at. 380: state collector for, 334 Chauncev. Charles, appt. J.P., 136. 113. 321 ; administrator of estate, 191 ; to pay dividend of estate, 233; to collect debts, 307, 453 Chauncey, Nathaniel, appt. J.P., 13 \ 112, 321 Cheese, duty on, 432 Cheeseborough, David, estate of, 70 Cheeseborough, Margaret, heiress, 70 Chenward, Capt. John, to receive flour, 43; on. David Trumbull’s accounts, 196, 199, 200; appt. state auditor, 286 Cheshire, army quota, 15 ; ref. to inhabs. of, 43, 53, 224, 226, 228; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 283, 311 ; selectmen of, 108; military companies of, 139; church troubles at, 171-2 Chester, Col. John, at Council of Safety, 88-129, 239-85 passim, 189(2) ; deputy for Wethersfield, 130, 107, 315, 430; on committees, 132, 109, 317, 379, 478; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320; appt to Council of Safety, 174 ; petition of, 234 Chew, Joseph, deed from, 202; debt of, 48 Child, Asa, appt. lieut., 134 Child, Capt. Elisha, deputy for Wood- stock, 2, 131 ; appt J.P., 137, 114, 323 ; on committees, 5, 10, 132 Child, Penuel, appt ens., 442 Child, Samuel, Jr., appt. J.P., 137 Child, Shubael, gives meat to Lyon, 193 Child, Willard, appt. survevor of land, 384 Chimneys, jurisdiction over sweeping of, 265, 274, 351, 361, 371 China ware, excise on, 16 Chintz, duty on, 432 Chittenden, Jared, petition of, 269; or- der for, 270 Chittenden, Samuel, Jr., assessment of, 309 Chocolate, excise on, 16, 338, 339; duty on, 328 Chubb, Stephen, appt cornet, 189 Chubb, Stephen, Jr., assessment of. 26 Church, Asa, joins the enemy, 215 Church, Eber, Jr., escape of, 232 Church, George, to sell real estate, 62 Church, Hannah, to receive estate. 215 Church,. James, petitions of, 309-10, 63 Church, Joseph, Jr., attests notes, 475 Church, Mary, attests notes, 475 Church, Russell, sale of land of, 62-63 Churchill, Amos, appt. capt., 132 Churchill, Charles, appt. J.P., 135, 11 2, 32° Cities, incorporation of, 257, 267, 343, 354, 364: New Haven and New Lon- don, as free ports, 325 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 293 Citizens, of United States, may reside in New London and New Haven, 325 ; of Connecticut, to be protected at sea, 254 City court, rules governing, in New Haven, 260-2; in New London, 269- 71 ; in Hartford, 346-8 ; in Middle- town, 356-9; in Norwich, 366-9 City meeting, rules for holding, in New Haven, 258-9; in New London, 268; in Hartford, 344-6 ; in Middletown, 355-6 ; in Norwich, 365 ; first meeting, in New Haven, 266-7 ; in New Lon- don, 276-7 ; in Hartford, 352-3 ; in Middletown, 362-3 ; in Norwich, 372-3 ; outside voters at, 375 Claghorn, Eleazer, appt. capt„ 167 Clap, Elijah, estate of, 190-91 Clapp, Anne, to sell estate, 190-91 Clark, Anne, currency destroyed, 183 Clark, Benjamin, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; petition of, 47 Clark, Danforth, appt. capt., 32 Clark, Elias, appt. cornet, 218 Clark, Hezekiah, pay due to, 69 Clark, Jabez, pay due, 215-16 ; petitions of, 174-5, 418 Clark, Jacob, appt. ens., 184 ; appt. lieut., 391 Clark, Capt. James, provisions from, 262 Clark, John (of Hartford Co.), appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Clark, John (of Lebanon), pension for, 222 Clark, John (of Windham Co.), appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323 Clark, Jonah (Josiah?), deputy for Branford, 2, 130, 286, 4, 107, 202, 252, 431; appt. J.P., 136 , 113, 321 Clark, Lavinors, to travel, 94 Clark, Lemuel, appt. capt., 185 Clark, Levi, appt. ens., 134 Clark, Nathan, asks pay for Milford guard, 162 Clark, Obadiah, petition of, 423 Clark, Samuel, notes of, 43, 53-4; appt. ens., 393 Clark, Sheldon, deputy for Derby, 203, 252; bond of, 226 Clark, Stephen, I, estate of, 218 Clark, Stephen, II, appt. capt., 442 Clark, Capt. Thomas, deputy for Derby, 2, 286, 4, 316, 430; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; asks for lottery, 45; appt. capt., 138 Clark, Timothy, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; deputy for Southington, 202, 252 Clark, Zachariah, appt. capt., 217 Clark & Nightingale, suit of, 302, 423 Clarkson, Mr., beef delivered to, 115 Cleaveland, Col. Aaron, to be bonded, 57 Cleaveland, Deliverance, Edward 2nd, Experience, Joanna, Payne, Rebecca 2nd, Silas, Stephen, inheritance of, 229-30 Cleaveland, Edward, estate of, 229-30 Cleaveland, Rebeckah, wife of Edward, 229-30 Clelan(d), Robert, estate of, 86, 185 Clements, Jeremiah, Jr., appt. capt., 389 Clerk, city, appointment of, 260-61, 270, 347, 357, 367 ; to keep city records, 263, 272-3, 349, 359, 369 ; oaths of, in New Haven, 264; in New London, 274; in Hartford, 351 ; in Middletown, 361 ; in Norwich, 370-1 Clerk, of Council of Safety, 92, 94 Cleut, Serjeant Jedidiah, accounts of, 254 Cleveland, Aaron, amercement of, 232 Cleveland. See also Cleaveland Cliff, Waterman, payment to, 192 Clift, Major Lemuel, payment by, 86 Clinton, George, gov. of N. Y., informa- tion presented to, 22, 92-3; permits travel, 86 Clocks, mechanical, monopoly on, 237-8 Close, Joseph, allowed to move, 113 Clothes, excise on, 16 Clothing, reports and inventories on, 88, 96; collection and sale of, 96, 200, 250, 280, 284, 377, 378; commissary of, 241 ; supplied to regt., 299 ; receipt of, 459 Clough, Capt. Obadiah, deputy for Kil- lingley, 108, 316 Coast guards. See Guards for coast Cobb, Ebenezer, appt. capt., 143 Coburn, Seth Storer, permitted to travel, 83-4 Cocoa, duty on, 327 Coe, Andrew, sells property, 452 Coe, John, property of, sold, 452 Coe, Jonathan, appt. ens., 135; receives money, 452 Coe, Phineas, appt. quartermaster, 189 Coe, Roswell, appt. lieut., 189 Coe, Simeon, appt. ens., 440 Coffee, excise on, 16, 338; duty on, 327, 328 Cogswell, Doctor, payment to, 254 Cogswell, James, appt. J.P., 137, 114 Cogswell, Mason, clerk to issuing com- missary, 162-3 Cogswell, Nathaniel, appt. lieut., 134; appt. capt., 440 Cogswell, Maj. William, deputy for Washington, 132, 287, 10; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 294 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Coit, Benjamin, on committees, 5, 10, 318; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; deputy for Preston,, 286, 6, 316 Coit, Joshua, appt. J.P., 137, 113, 321 ; petition of, 300; deputy for New Lon- don, 431 Coit, Capt. Oliver, permitted to travel, 103 Coit, Samuel, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Coit, Thomas, petition of, 416 Coit, Wheeler, sells port, 238 Coit, William, payment to, 189; petition of, 416 Colburn, Daniel, loses note, 292 Colburn (Colborn), Ebenezer, deputy for Stafford, 202, 252, 315, 430; appt. lieut., 387 Colchester, army quota, 15 ; barracks, French in, 49 ; assessment, 59, 60, 78, 187, 310; military companies of, 139, 140', ref. to inhabs. of, 167, 28, 34, 56, 73-4, 151, 220, 281, 306, 384, 401, 459; constables of, 378 Cole, Cloe, Elizabeth, Lydia, Sibil, in- heritance of, 470 Cole, John, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323 Cole, Nathaniel, estate of, 470 Cole, Stephen, appt. ens., 442 Colebrook, selectmen of, 108’, military companies, 140 ; new meeting house for, 232, 146-7 ; ref. to inhab. of, 331 ; collector, 334 Coleman, Josiah, deputy for Sharon, 204, 253, 317 Coleman, Ozias, debt of, 407 Collectors of excise, duties of, 117, 205, 279; certificates for, 339; of import duties, appointment of, 327; duties of, 330 Collectors, of imports, duties of, 448 Collectors, of taxes, payments by, 238, 256, 374, 377; in cities, 259, 269, 345, 355-6, 365 ; appointment of, 296, 298, 397-8, 399, 417 ; in particular towns, 298, 374, 396, 397, 399, 422, 447, 471-2; duties of, 328, 334, 336, 376, 437, 446 Collier, Daniel, estate of, 94', death of, 65 Collier, William, permitted to travel, 94, 327, 65, 85, 91 Collins, Maj. Augustus, payroll of, 99; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; appt. maj., 183; deputy for Guilford, 286„5, 108, 316; petition of, 92 Collins, Edward, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Collins, Eliphalet, appt. lieut., 389 Collins, Joseph, appt. ens., 296; appt. lieut., 132 Coloer, Jonathan, appt. ens., 189 Colt, John, Jr., appt., ens., 168, 189; appt. lieut., 387 Colt, Joseph, petition of, 309 Combe, Noah, estate of, 73-4; unpaid taxes, 307 Commanders, of regts. to receive rul- ings, 446 Commerce, acts for promoting, 115, 325 ; jurisdiction over in cities. 265, 274, 351, 361, 371 ; on Connecticut River, 344 _ Commissary General, act to furnish sup- plies to, repealed, 115 Commissary of Issues. See Weed, Smith Commissary of Purchases, money due, 70 Commissary of Prisoners, Shaw serves as, 295 Commissary, state, supplies invalid regt., 38 ; supplies to, 404 Commission, on Pennsylvania dispute, report of, 208 Commissioner of accounts, orders given to, 196, 199 Commissioner (Army), to receive ac- count, 199 Commissions, for cruising on Sound, 92-3; army, sale of, 220; to naval officers, 254 Committee of Pay Table, to receive bills, accounts, receipts, etc., 15, 19, 46, 89, 94(2), 95, 96(2), 98, 103, 106, 113, 119, 122, 162-3, 170, 179, 233, 245, 253, 261, 274, 278, 291, 293, 329. 333, 339, 57, 177, 193, 199, 227, 250(2), 251, 406, 453, 472-3; to affix price of barrels, 16; orders and payments by, 18, 20, 39, 40, 40-41, 42, 43, 47, 50, 59, 66, 70, 71, 78, 81, 83, 92(2), 92-3, 93(2), 94, 98, 106, 109-10, 116, 117, 118, 121(2), 128(2), 159, 192(2), 200(2), 207-8, 213, 214, 216, 226(2), 232, 239-40, 240(2), 241(3), 243, 244, 245, 246, 246-7, 249, 250, 251(2), 252 , 252-3, 254, 259, 260, 264, 270, 295, 314, 318, 324, 330(2), 337(2), 338, 24, 29. 34, 42, 43, 44, 50, 56, 72, 73-4, 76, 82, 84(2), 85(3), 86(4), 87, 90(5), 91. 92, 94, 98. 99, 100, 102(2), 105(2), 106, 156, 158, 159. 161, 162, 162-3. 165-6, 166(2), 169-70, 174, 178-9, 183-4, 189-90, 190, 192(2), 193, 194. 194-5, 195, 200, 205, 222, 240. 240-1, 244, 249(3), 290, 292-3, 294, 300, 304. 308, 379, 380, 394. 395-6, 397, 401. 452, 460, 464(2), 467(2) ; to adjust o~ settle accounts, 19, 19-20, 20, 21. 39(2). 48, 64, 75, 75-6, 76, 83, 89, 97. 98. 98-9, 99(2), 100, 108(2), 111, 114(2), INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 295 116, 119, 120, 123, 123-4 , 124-5, 127, 173, 174(2), 175, 176, 177, 193, 195, 197, 197-8, 207, 229, 234, 243, 244, 245, 247, 251, 252, 253, 254(2), 255, 257(2), 260, 264, 265, 270, 274, 278, 284, 285, 291, 301, 301-2 , 305, 308, 312, 319, 329, 331, 332-3. 29, 35, 36(2), 41, 41-2, 52, 62, 63, 65-6, 76, 85, 88, 96, 98, 99, 102(2), 105, 105-6, 106, 123, 124(2), 144(2), 147, 148, 151-2, 168-9, 174, 177, 182-3, 190, 190-1, 191(2), 192(2), 193, 194(2), 195, 195-6, 198(4), 199-200, 200(2), 207, 208, 224, 226, 228, 232, 234, 236, 241, 249-50, 280(3), 294-5 , 295, 297-8, 299, 300, 302, 303, 306(3), 377, 378, 403-4, 405, 415, 417(2), 418, 419, 424, 427, 428(2), 447, 455, 458, 461-2; to issue certificates or secur- ities, 23, 171, 74, 377, 401, 451; ap- pointment on, 26 ; deeds and convey- ances, by, 46, 47, 89, 90, 75 ; to deliver provisions, 94, 105, 125, 284; wages of, 94 ; send team to Boston, 274 \ members of, exempt from military service, 178 ; to hold up account, 294 : act to enable, to settle debts, 27 ; peti- tion for back pay, 52; Wales to re- port to, 96 ; to make reports, 224, 375 ; counterfeit orders of, 235, 426 ; to cease drafts on treasurer, 375 ; to rec. Council of Safety records, 377 Committee of Safety. See Council of Safety Common council, court of, rules gov- erning, New Haven, 265; New Lon- don, 274-5; Hartford, 351-2; Middle- town, 361-2; Norwich, 371-2; election of, New Haven, 258; New London, 268 ; Hartford, 345 ; Middletown, 355 ; Norwich, 365; oaths of. New Haven. 264; New London. 274; Hartford, 351 ; Middletown, 361 ; Norwich, 370 Common law, superior court to lay foundation for, 324-5 Compo, enemy lands at, 40 Comptroller of Accounts of United States, 280 Comstock, Capt, receives money, 179 Comstock, Aaron, appt. lieut., 391 Comstock, Calvin, appt. lieut., 141 Comstock, David, 180, 413 Comstock, Ebenezer, losses from enemv, 81 Comstock, Lieut. John, payment to, 182-3 Comstock, Strong, appt. quartermaster, 385 Cone, Major Daniel, resigns, 210; fails to pay tax. 471 Cone, Henry, pension for, 220 Cone, Judah, appt. ens., 216 Cone, Reuben, to visit brother, 84 Cone, William, Jr., appt. quartermaster, 216 Confederation, Articles of. See Articles of Confederation Confiscated estates (general and un- named), individuals compensated from, 79, 270, 193, 196, 246 ; acts relat- ing to, 162-3, 115, 123; payments made from, 284, 313, 40-41, 246, 296, 377-8, 379; sale of, 177, 289-90, 377-8, 379; rent of, 293 Confiscated estates (individual names), Anderson, 101 , 166; Apthorp, 29-30, 44, 179, 305-6, 67, 75, 166-7, 176-7, 313-4, 475; Bache, 58; Barnum, 85; Bayard, 202, 163-4, 450; Botsford, 453; Brown, 339, 27-8, 56, 459, 474; Camp, 201, 314, 319, 38 ; Candee, 101, 248; Church, 215; Croofut, 50-1; Davis, 294; Deblois, 46; Doolittle, 231; Fanning, 88, 232, 235, 316, 403; Frink, 98; Galpin, 96, 452; Gardiner, 41, 50, 42, 171 ; Hickox, 420; Jauncey, 58-9, 68-9, 81, 307; Learning, 157-8, 288-9 ; Lechmere, 270, 73, 85 ; Lintot, 289; Lyon, 99, 233-4; McEvers, 198, 177-8, 310, 414, 479; Miles, 95, 232-3; Punderson, 469; Seely, 19, 182-3; Shelton, 468, Sherbrook, 47; Smith, 94-5, 102, 111-2, 204, 256, 271 ; Steb- bins, 95-6, 293 ; Summers, 66 ; Taylor, 73, 405; Turner, 230; Wooster, 85 Congress, delegates to, nominated, 61, 80, 313, 471 ; requisitions of, 104, 433 ; delegates appt., 133, 207, 318, 444; to give account of duties collected in state, 154 ; duties of delegates in, 23-6, 444, 457 ; payment of members, 92, 100, 174, 198, 205. 293, 377, 449; Penn. — Conn., suit, 112, 308, 457; ad- dress of, to be published, 131 ; and army pay and bounties, 169, 197, 198, 207, 279, 427 ; asks for grant, 198-9 ; approves day of Thanksgiving, 210; appts., surgeon general, 236; and western land claims, 277, 444, 445, 457 ; delegates to ask payment for army expenses, 279 ; delegates to, can- not be judges of Superior Court, 323; may lay duties in Conn., 326, 435 ; orders bills issued in favor of Hub- bard, 377 : communication with dele- gates to, 381 ; asks raising of troops, 445 Conklin, David, permitted to travel, 282 Connecticut, State of. claims to western lands, 112. 208-9, 277, 456 Connecticut Courant, articles having ex- cise to be listed in, 130-31 296 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Connecticut Line. See Army, Continen- tal (Conn. Line) Connecticut River, as town, etc., boun- dary, 165, 221, 354; ferries on, 232, 64, 221, 399; fishery at mouth of, 118, 477 ; Champion visits towns on, 249- 50; jurisdiction of commerce on, 344 Consociation, criticizes minister, 308 Conspiracies, act to prevent, repealed, 115 Constables, as tax collectors, 98; juris- diction of, 378, 447 Constitution, for western territory, 278 Continental Army. See Army, Con- tinental; Army, Continental (Conn. Line) Continental Currency. See Currency, Continental Continental Loan. See Loan, Con- tinental Continental Loan Office. See Loan Office, Continental Contraband, captured, 94 Contractors, to receive orders, 104 ; for U.S. Army food, 105 Convention troops, bill for quartering, 191 Cook, Aaron, appt. capt., 391 Cook, Caleb, appt. capt., 35; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Cook, Daniel, used Smith’s lands, 272 Cook, Eli, payment to, 223 Cook, Ephraim, petition of, 171 Cook, Isaac, appt. lieut. col., 30 Cook, Isaiah, to sell real estate, 210 Cook, Jesse, appt. capt., 283 Cook, Joel, appt. ens., 36 Cook, Capt. John, loses from enemy, 104 Cook, Col. Joseph Platt, deputy for Danbury, 2 , 131, 286, 6, 108, 203, 253, 316 ; on committees, 13-14, 28, 96, 132. 316; petition of, 73; at Council of Safety, 88-129, 239-285, 325-341, 189- 201 passim; appt. probate judge, 134, 112, 320; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; appt. to Council of Safety, 174 ; nom- inated as assistant, 80, 313, 470; mod- erator of Ridgefield town meeting, 291 ; nominated to Congress, 313, 471 ; elected assistant, 317; elected to Con- gress, 318; takes oath, 318; present at assembly, 430 ; pay of, 449 Cook, Joseph Platt, Jr., appt. quarter- master, 386 Cook, Moses, appt. lieut., 133 Cook, Reuben, appt. lieut., 186 Cook(e), Samuel, appt. J.P., 137, 322 Cook, Col. Thaddeus, commanding regt. at Saratoga, 159; pays out money, 302 Cooley, Daniel, to appraise confiscated lands, 96; appt. J.P., 137 , 114, 322 Cooley, Noah, appt. ens., 440 Cooper, Ebenezer, appt. lieut., 136 Cooper, Joel, appt. ens., 385 Cooper, Thomas, appt. ens., 34 Cooper, Zebulon, paid for boat, 246 Coopering, of gunpowder casks, 200-1 Copp, Ebenezer, appt. ens., 168, 188 Copper, old, no duty on, 448 Copyright, act for, 14-16; for Ross, 245-6; for Barlow, 459 Corbin, Asa, appt. lieut., 134 Corbin, Samuel, appt. capt., 134 Corn, taken to Long Island, 83 ; orders for, 405 Corn Mills, assessment of, 155 Cornell, John, debt of, 52; estate of, confiscated, 85 Corning, Sarah, petition of, 191-2 Corning, William, petition of, 191-2 Cornish, Elisha, appt. tax collector, 304 Cornwall, army quota, 15; assessment, 60, 61, 79, 187, 283, 312; ref. to in- habs. of 138, 308, 115, 421; military companies, 139 ; repair of roads, 298-9 Corporation, of Plainfield Academy, 406 Corps of Invalids, men, 459, 469 Correspondence, with enemy, accusation of, 92 Cort, Nathaniel, Jr., losses from enemy, 40 Corwin, Nathaniel, permitted to travel, 334 Cory, Abijah, permitted to travel, 84 Cossett, Alexander, appt. capt., 393 Coswell, Julius, appt. ens., 213 Couch, Jonathan, estate of, 65-66 Council, church, in West Strafford, 308 Council, (assistants), nominations to, 61. 80, 313, 470; election of, 132, 109, 317 ; members of, to serve as Supreme Court of Errors, 324; to appt. col- lectors, 327 Council of Safety, orders on army quo- tas, 6, 8, 16(2), 320; appointment and promotion of officers by, 12, 177, 283; appointments to, 26, 174, 178 ; to lease out furnace at Salisbury, 26 ; service done for, 39 ; accommodations for French army, 49; military warrant, 63; orders on supplies and provisions, 70-1, 81, 86, 338, 339, 144, 408, 458, 459 ; actions on confiscated property, 79, 94-5, 96, 183, 65-6; meetings of, 88-129 . 239-85, 325-41, 82-106, 189- 201, 249-51 passim; to handle finan- cial matters, 117, 166, 169, 176, 259, 319, 249; power invested in Thomas INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 297 Shaw by, 247-8; Jesse Grant appeals to, 248 ; summons Capt. Norton to an- swer charges, 87 ; pay of clerks of, 92, 94, 280; continued, 120; sale of property, 129, 166; reports on salary, 194-5 ; advises governor on General assembly, 198; sends Noah Phelps to Vermont, 224; journal of, 375; com- mittee of pay table to receive records of, 377 ; to destroy enemy shipping, 395 Councillor, senior, to preside over Su- preme Court, 324 Count de Grasse , schooner to be com- missioned, 241 Counterfeiting, Bank of No. America notes, act against, 3 ; passed and used, 41, 67, 78, 233, 394, 426, 460 Counties, act concerning, altered, 341, 438 Courrey, Michael, loses note, 292 Courts, regulation of, 287, 341, 342; jurisdiction in debt cases, 287, 343 Court of Chancery, courts to act as, in certain cases, 343 Court, city, rules governing, 260-2, 269-71, 346-8, 556-9, 366-9; jurisdic- tion in duty cases, 339-40 Court of Common Pleas, jurisdiction in duty cases, 339 Court, county, judges named for, 133-4, 111, 319; importers to testify before, 328 ; libel cases to be tried in, 331 ; time of meeting, 341 (2) ; not to hear suit, 342; account to be rendered to, 402 Court of Probate, judges named for, 134-5, 111-2, 210, 319-20; new dis- trict, 164, 165 See also Probate, judge of; and under names of the several districts Court, Superior, wages for, 24, 223, 224, 324-5, 424, 457-8, 473, 476, 477; cases before, 67, 76, 78; judges named for, 133, 111, 319; appeals from city courts to, 260, 270, 346, 356, 366 ; officials ineligible to serve on, 323; judges, tenure of office, 323 ; written record required, 323-5 ; tax on proc- esses of, 339-340; time of meeting, 341 ; equity jurisdiction, 342 See also under county and town names Court, Supreme, of Errors, constituted, 324; tax on processes of, 339; peti- tions in error, 428-9 Cout, Thomas, to sail brig, 64-5 Coventry, army quota, 14 : assessment, 60, 26, 61, 79, 186, 312; supports Ph : neas Lyman, 70 ; selectmen of, 107 ; military companies of. 139; ref. to in- habs. of, 167, 171, 303 Covill, Samuel, appt. capt., 190 Cowdry, John, appt. capt.-lieut., 190 Cowles, Josiah (Jonah?), appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Cows, to be included in lists, 340 Craft, Capt. Samuel, pay for services, 98 ; deputy for Pomfret, 131 ; appt. J.P., 137, 114; expenses of, 243 Crane, Elijah, cruising commission sus- pended, 92-3 Crane, Capt. Samuel, petition of, 304; deputy for Killingworth, 431 Crary, John, petition of, 180-1 Crary, Robert, purchases salt, 89; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322; to examine dis- abled persons, 323; accounts settled, 329 ; appraiser of forfeited lands, 339; deputy for Preston, 203, 253 Crawford, Samuel, appt. ens., 211; appt lieut., 439 Creditors, act for securing property, 160 Cressey, Martha, money due, 182 Cressey, Samuel, money due, 182 Criss, David, taxes abated, 48-9 Crissey, Samuel, on list of suspicious personages, 80-1 Crittenden, Samuel, money due, 69, 397 Crocker, Daniel, appt. capt., 385 Crocker, Capt. Joseph, deputy for Wil- lington, 2, 130, 286, 4, 107, 202, 252, 315, 430 Croft, Samuel, appt. J.P., 323 Cromeline, Robert, house of, 327 Croofoot, John, confiscated estate of, 50 Crouch, Christopher, appt. lieut., 390 Crowell, John, appt. lieut., 132 Crowfoot, Daniel, joins enemy, 64 Crowley, James, taxes abated, 180, 413 Cruttenden, Jonathan, permitted to travel, 329 Culler, Joseph. See Cutler Culver, Benjamin, land of, 68-9 Culver, David, permitted to travel, 330 Culver, Enoch, petition of, 65 Culver, Jonathan, appt. lieut., 135 Culver, Samuel, back pay of, 65 Culver, William, permitted to travel, 325 Cumstock, Capt. Samuel, wages of, 246 Cunningham, Garwood, estate of, 230 Cunningham, Garwood Hinman, sale of real estate, 230 Cunningham, Henry, petition of, 319 Currency, continental, payments in, 93, 195, 196, 307, 404, 417, 455, 463; sink- ing of, 172; depreciation of, 158, 175; reduced to specie, 294-5 298 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Currency, state, small bills issued, 174-5 ; rates payable in, 307 Currie, Archibald, to go to New York, 52-3 Curtiss, Daniel, to execute deed, 230 Curtiss, David, estate of, 39 Curtiss, Maj. Eleazer, on committee, 5, 10; deputy for Kent, 287, 9 Curtiss, Eli, assessment omitted, 26 Curtiss, Elihu, appt. ens., 216 Curtiss, Major Jesse, resigns, 284 Curtiss, Job, appt. capt. 188(2) Curtiss, Capt. John, deputy for South- ington, 1, 130, 285, 3, 107, 315, 430; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; on committee, 461 Curtiss, John, appt. ens., 390 Curtiss, Joseph, appt. lieut., 285 Curtiss, Martin, appt. lieut., 31 Curtiss, Nathaniel, revision of fine, 473 Curtis (s), Capt. Peters (of Farming- ton), appt. capt., 105, 116 ; resigns appointment, 121 Curtiss, Samuel, appt. ens., 386 Curwin, Nathaniel, permitted to travel. 239 Cusset, Runna, appt. capt., 36 Custom House, permits from, 255 Customs, state, inter-state conference on, 101 Cutler, Daniel, appt. capt., 132 Cutler (Culler, Cutter) Ens. Joseph, appt. ens., 105, 116; pay of, 279 Cutter, Joseph. See Cutler Cuvier, Jacob, petition of, 35 Daggett, Capt. Henry, deputy for New Haven, 130, 286, 4, 107, 202, 252; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; flour de- livered to, 193 ; resolve given to, 255 ; payments to, 303, 114, 459, 464; to handle state supplies, 96 ; to count votes, 109; to deliver thanks for ser- mon, 110 Daggett, Marv, to sell right to land. 463 Daggett, Rev. Naphtali, estate of, 463 Dain, Ebenezer, Jr., appt. lieut., 385 Dana, James, appt. capt., 24; offered captaincy, 105; appt. maj., 116: pay- ments to, 121, 124. 106; to investigate losses, 178; to receive provisions, 285; appt. to Greenwich lists, 40 Danbury, probate court and district, Redding annexed to, 4-5; to receive report. 52; to grant administration, 65, 215 ; to direct sale of real estate, 71, 219, 220; approves executor, 72; appoints commissioners to examine accounts, 85 ; to certify debts settled. 96; judge appt., 134, 112, 320; report to, on confiscated estates, 50-1 Danbury, town of, army quota, 15; ref. to inhab., 42, 71-3 ( 2), 73(2), 85, 215, 262, 163, 291, 410, 417; assessment, 59, 60, 79, 311; estates in, confiscated, 73 ; provisions transported to, 83, 242 ; military companies of, 140; superior court at, 40; new meeting house in, 146; state collector, 334; selectmen of, 405 ; British troops march to, 467 Danielson, Samuel, appt. capt., 137 Danielson, Col. William, deputy for Killingley, 131, 286, 8, 203, 253, 316; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; asks stay of execution, 423, 477 Danvers, Mass., inhab. of, 43 Darling, Thomas, deputy for Wood- bridge, 316, 431 ; appt. J.P., 321 ; appt. surveyor of lands, 383 Darling, Thomas, Jr., appt. ens., 384 Darrow, Asa, appt. ens., 441 Darrow, Thomas, taxes abated, 180, 413 Dart, Joseph, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Daton, Ebenezer, house plundered, 48 Dauchey, Nathan, resigns as tax col- lector, 25; appt. capt., 142 Dauphin of France, birth of, celebrated, 166 Davenport, Col. Abraham, present at assembly, 1, 130, 13, 107, 202, 252; nominated for assistant, 61, 80; orders bond, 78; at Council of Safety, 88-129, 239-285, 325-341, 82-106, 189-201, 249- 51, passim; to pay troops, 103, 284; to count votes, 132, 109 ; to supervise travellers, 102, 40, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53, 65, 91, 98; elected assistant, 132, 109; takes oath, 133, 110; appt. county court judge, 134, 111, 319; appt. pro- bate judge, 134, 112, 320; appt. to Council of Safety, 174 ; to supply iron and steel, 250, 193 ; accounts settled, 254 ; to give pay table orders to treas- urer, 255; to sell property, 104, 129; appt. J.P., 322 Davenport, James, appt. J.P., 322; schooner of, captured, 457 Davenport, Maj. John, sells land, 89- 90, deputy for Stamford, 131, 286, 7, 316, 431 ; to sell confiscated estate, 182-3; to assist in supplies, 278, 279; cattle for, 333; resigns as major, 384; schooner of, captured, 457 Davenport, John, Jr., to appraise con- fiscated land, 96; petitions to sell real estate, 193 ; to give pay table orders to treasurer, 255 Davenport, Nicholas, release from prison, 238 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 299 Davenport, Silas, accounts of, 253 ; to be paid for army supplies, 165 ; given supplies, 166 Davenport, Thomas, appt. ens., 184 David, Seward, petition of, 309 Davidson, James, appt. capt., 35 Davidson, John, appt. lieut., 135; appt. capt., 385 Davidson, William, asks payment, 464 Daviss, Daniel, appt. capt., 184 Daviss, Elisha, joins enemy, 294 Daviss, Major John, procured goods for army, 86; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Daviss, John, appt. ens., 444 Daviss, Noah, appt. ens., 298 Daviss, Capt. Samuel, deputy for Staf- ford, 130 Dawling. See Dowling Day, Amasa, appt. ens., 138 Day, Joseph, pay for cattle, 73-4 Day, Noah, appt. ens., 138 Day, Stephen, petitions of, 207 , 294 Dayton, Ebenezer, brings goods from Long Island, 280; robbery of, 68, 100 Dayton, Hezekiah, appt. ens., 136 ; appt. lieut., 284 Dayton, Jonathan, appt. J.P., 136, 113 Deains, Ebenezer, Jr., appt. ens., 211 Death, penalty for armed robbery, 204 Debenture, for members of Assembly, 62 DeBerard, Charles Joseph, petition of, 398-9 Deblois, Gilbert, estate of, confiscated. 46 Debt (Conn.), Pay Table to settle, 27; account of, to be published, 131 ; from war, 278 : interest on, 375 Debt (U.S.), acts for duties to pay, 327, 432-3 Debts, recovery of, 287 ; frauds in, 160 : due persons within enemy lines, 343 Decrees, of Supreme Court of Errors, to be final, 324 Deed, of release of claims to Western Territory, 444 Deet> Brook, Suffield, as boundary, 411 Defence, blacksmith work done on ship. 194 Defense, of western frontier, 121 DeForrest, Samuel, appt., lieut., 284 Delaney’s Corps, deserter from, 113 ; compulsory joining of, 58 Delaware Company, to collect taxes from proprietors, 291-2; to furnish money to agents, 292; to give sum to aorents of Conn., 334 Delaware River, settlements west of, 120-1, 205-6, 208. 219-20 Delegates to Congress. See Congress Deming, Joel, appt. ens., 389 Demming, Deliverance, estate of, 465 Demming, Giles, agent for Stepney par- ish, 37 Dem(m)ing, Richard, purchases land, 465 Demming, Sarah, to settle husband’s estate, 465 DeMott, William, to receive confiscated lands, 73 Denison, Daniel, to sell real estate, 84-5 Denison, Capt. Daniel, estate of, 84 Denison, Esther, to sell real estate, 84-5 Denison, Jesse, appt. ens., 142; appt. lieut., 217 Denison, Nathan, appt. county court judge, 134; appt. probate judge, 135; appt. J. P., 138 Denison, William, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Dennison, Henry, appt. 2nd lieut., 267 Dennis®, George, Jr., appt. ens., 135 Deputy governor, election of, 132, 109 ; oath of, 133, 110; to be lieut. gen. of state forces, 141 See also Griswold, Matthew; Hun- tington, Samuel; Lieutenant governor Derby, army quota, 15 ; assessment, 60, 26, 60, 78, 311 ; ref. to inhab., 101(2), 167, 210, 277, 278, 226, 232, 297, 420 : military companies of, 139 ; lottery for bridge at, 45-6, 419; state col- lector, 334 Desbrow, Simon, appt. ens., 213 Deserters, from army, pay for seizure of, 91, 192, 195-6 Deshon, Capt. John, deputy for New London, 5, 108, 203, 253, 286. 316; to supervise travellers, 37, 63(2) ; to supervise salt importation, 54 ; to ex- amine wage claims, 58 ; inventories sloop Polly, 95 ; to count votes, 109 ; appt. J.P., 114, 321 ; petitions of, 164. 166, 181-2, 197; to sell supplies, 281; to examine account, 424 Deshon, Richard, account of, 182-3 ; appt. mai , 439 Devotion, Ebenezer, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Devotion, Rev. Mr., asks for flag of truce, 125 Dewey, Solomon, surveyor of lands, 31 ; anpt. ens., 33 DeWitt, Capt. Jacop, to provide artil- lery carriages, 174 Dexter, Seth, appt. ens., 33 Dibble, Ezra, appt. cornet, 386 300 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Dibble, John, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Dibble, Thomas, to purchase an interest, 275 Dickerman, Chauncey, appt. lieut., 285 Dickinson, Braddock, permitted to travel, 116 , 86 Dickinson, John, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 ; to examine payment of rent, 42 ; petition of, 160 Dickinson, Dr. John, to inspect trav- eller, 280 Dickinson, Michael, appt. capt., 141 Dickinson, Obadiah, appt. lieut., 138 Dickinson, Selah, permitted to travel, 62 Dickinson, Thomas, furnished supplies, 24-5 ; pay due to, 312 Diggins, Augustus, appt. capt., 389 Dike, Thomas, appt. lieut., 137 Dikeman’s Farm, sale of, 196 Dimock, Philip, buys farm, 229 Dimock, Solomon, appt. lieut., 184 Dimon, Lieut. Col. Jonathan, resigns commission, 183; overpaid for serv- ice, 294 Discipline, uniformity of, required, 165 Distillery, at Chatham, taken, 227 Dixon, John, appt. J.P., 137 ; appt. sur- veyor of lands, 190; appt. quartermas- ter, 137 ; appt. cornet, 215 Dixon, Capt. William, deputy for Plain- field, 131, 286, 8; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323 ; asks incorporation of Plainfield Academy, 406 Dobb’s Ferry, persons to travel by way of, 327, 328, 339, 82, 103 Docid, Daniel, estate of, 80 Dodge, Stephen, appt. lieut., 167, 184; appt. capt., 213 Dole, James, appt. 2nd lieut., 281 Doolittle, Benjamin, appt. capt., 285 Doolittle, Ezra, appt. ens., 140; appt. lieut., 214 Doolittle, Isaac (of Cheshire), thefts by, 43, 53 Doolittle, Isaac (of New Haven), to deliver pistol powder, 95 Doolittle, Isaiah, estate of, 201 Doolittle, James, estate of, 217, 231 Doolittle, Jesse, taxes abated, 48-9 Doolittle, Joseph, appt. ens., 444 Doolittle, Samuel, release from jail, 68 Doolittle, Seth, appt. ens., 388; appt. lieut. 441 Doolittle, Solomon, appt. capt., 135 Doolittle, Theophilus, to sell real es- tate, 201 Dooming of towns, of Litchfield, 403, 451; of Ridgefield, 467 Dorman, Joseph, estate of, 462 Dorman Roger, inherits estate, 462 Douchy, Nathan, mistake in accounts of. 476 Doud, Jacob, on return of prisoners of war, 207 Doud, Jehiel, pay for, 306 Doud, John, to return to U.S. alle- giance, 207 Douglas, Benjamin, sells land, 198 Douglas, Esther, estate of, 300-1 Douglas, Hezekiah, estate of, 300-1 Douglas, James, . loses notes, 214 Douglas (s), Brig. Gen. John, to supply small arms, 128; deputy for Plain- field, 131, 108. 203, 253, 316; to count votes, 132, 317; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; to receive stores, 336; to ex- amine roads, 130; appt. probate judge, 320; asks incorporation of Plainfield Academy, 406 Douglas, Joshua, appt. ens., 441 Douglas, Nathan, loses notes, 204, 214 Douglas, Capt. William, company of, 41 Douglas, Col. William, commands regt.. 472 Dow(e), Benjamin appt. ens., 261; appt. lieut., 296 Dowling (Dawling), Andrew, payment to, 270; to receive lands, 73 Down, Jonathan, loss at home of, 420 Downing, Levi, appt. ens., 296 Downs (Downes), Capt. David, deputy for Sharon, 132, 287, 10, 109; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Draft, fines for avoiding, 150, 151, 152; exemptions, from, 20 Dragoons, Light, regt. formed, 140-1 ; equipment of, 146; wages of, 170; rations of, 219 See also Regiment, 2nd and 3d Dra- goons; Regiment, Light Horse Drake, Garrardus, permitted to travel. 329 Drake, Simeon, appt. capt., 138 Dreggs, Bartholomew, petition of, 67-8 Dresser, Jacob, appt. J.P., 137 ; appt. lieut., 388 Drugs. See Medicine Ducks, brought from Long Island, 82 Duer, William, meat for, 264 Dumas, Monsieur, to receive assistance, 291 Dummer, Stephen, appt. ens., 30; appt. lieut., 393 Dunassan, prisoner to be exchanged. 276 Dunbar, Joel, appt. ens., 213; appt. lieut., 441 Duncan, Daniel, appt. capt., 36; appt. J.P., 114, 322 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 301 Dunham, Daniel, appt. capt., 217 Dunham, Eleazer, pay for cattle, 207 Dunham, Jonathan, appt. lieut., 138 Dunham, Seth, appt. capt., 298 Dunham, Solomon, appt. capt., 442 Dunlap, Capt. Joshua, deputy for Plain- field, 431 ; named trustee of Plain- field Academy, 406 Dunning, David, estate of, 219 Dun (s) ton, Samuel, deputy for Wel- lington, 286, 4 Durfee (Durfy), Daniel, loses notes, 175 Durfee (Durfy), James, petition of, 175 Durham, army quota, 15 ; property in, 46; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 187, 311 ; military supplies from, 95, 119; ref. to inhab., 108, 167, 240, 241 ; mili- tary companies of, 139; on Middle- town-Killingworth road, 168 Durke, Capt. Joseph, to receive salt, 282 Durkee, Captain (of Westmoreland), companies raised by, 214 Durkee, Benjamin, appt. first lieut., 107; appt. capt., 258; payment . to, 258; committee of pay table to adjust pay of, 98; order sent to, 197 Durkee, John, appt. capt., 284 Durkey, Col. regt. of, 311-12 Duties, to be levied by U.S., 153, 154, 326, 435; act for levying of, by state, 328, 339, 432, 435, 437; none on old copper and scrap iron, 448; exemp- tion from payment of, 454 Dutton, Amasa, appt. capt., 216 Dutton, Capt. Thomas, collector of taxes, 307-8 Dutton, Capt. Timothy, deputy for He- bron, 1 Dwelling Houses, included in tax lists, 341 Dwight, Hamlin, appt. capt., 30 Dyer, Doctor, medicines purchased of, 301 Dyer, Benjamin, tax abated, 224-5 Dyer, Col. Eliphalet, appt. delegate to Congress, 14, 292; duties in western- lands case, 27, 120, 220; nominated for assistant, 61, 80, 470; nominated for Congress, 61, 80; at Council of Safety, 88-129, 239, 189-201, 249-51, passim; on committees, 125 ( 2), 132, 317; present at assembly, 130 , 202, 315, 317; elected assistant, 132, 109; takes oath, 133; appt. judge of supe- rior court, 133, 111 ; appt. to Council of Safety, 174 ; payments to, 241, 333-4, 334, 100; deputy for Windham, 316, 431; appt. judge of superior court, 319; appt. J.P., 322 Eaglestone, Joseph, estate of, 234 East Greenwich, R.I., Allen ordered to, 301 East Guilford, guard at, 99 East Haddam, probate court and dis- trict, judge appt. for, 134, 111, 319; to direct sale of real estate, 207 ; debts ascertained by, 126 East Haddam, town of, army quota, 15 ; assessment, 59, 60, 78, 310; ref. to inhab., 59, 119, 167, 206-7, 282, 284, 329, 71, 73, 168, 471 ; provisions trans- ferred to, 108; military companies in, 140; state collector, 334 East Hampton, Isaacs to return to, 111 East Hartford, town of, constituted, 221; ref. to inhab., 285, 461, 474; state collector, 334 ; collectors of Hartford to collect taxes of, 447 East Haven, new ferry, 42 East River (New Haven), bridge over, 26 East River (New York), Sloop to travel along, 94 East Windsor probate court and district, judge appt. for, 135, 111, 319; estab- lished, 165 East Windsor, town of, army quota, 14 ; assessment, 60, 60, 78, 186, 310; mili- tary companies in, 140, 190; ref. to inhab., 167, 229, 310 , 64, 171, 309; ferry to, 232; tax collector in, 334, 383, 421 Eastman, Peter, I, appt. capt., 141 Eastman, Peter, II, appt. ens., 211 ; appt. lieut., 385 Easton, Abel, estate of, 191 Eaton, Ebenezer, appt. quartermaster, 297; appt. cornet, 137; appt. lieut., 215; deputy for Plainfield, 316; trus- tee of Plainfield Academy, 406 Edgerton, Daniel, appt. capt., 186 Edgerton, Elisha, appt. quartermaster, 389 Edmond, Andrew, appt. capt., 296 Edmunds, William, appt. surveyor of lands, 186 Education, incorporation of Plainfield Academy, 406 Edwards, Joseph, appt. capt., 184 Edwards, Mercy, estate of, 225 Edwards, Nathaniel, appt. capt., 167 Edwards, Pierpont, nominated for Con- gress, 61, 80, 471 ; collected money for state, 197 ; recommended to Wash- ington for pass, 327 ; appraiser of for- 302 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V feited lands, 339; permitted to travel. S4; deputy for New Haven, 315, 430; to count votes, 317 Edwards, Timothy, consulted on pur- chase of beef, 126 Eells, Joseph, appt. ens., 143 Eells, Nathaniel, wages of, 394 Elderkin, Col. Jedidiah, order of Pay Table drawn in favor of, 93 ; to receive or deliver ammunition, 98, 128, 245, 336, 337, 338, 201 ; appt. J.P., 137, 114. 322; storage of gunpowder, 197, 408. 458 ; execution against, to be sus- pended, 29 ; payments to, 36, 105, 106, 200-1 ; deputy for Windham, 203, 253, 316, 431 ; on committee, 452 Elderkin, Dr. Joshua, payment to, 49- 50, 403 ; receives confiscated farm, 88, 89; suit against postponed, 232 Eldridge, Ens. Charles, payment to. 382-3 Eldridge, Serj. Daniel, payment to. 382-3 Eldridge, Samuel, appt. lieut., 32 Eliott, Aaron, appt. probate judge, 134. Ill, 320; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322; deputy for Killingworth. 203. 253 Eliott, George, appt. J.P., 113, 322; deputy for Killingworth. 316 Eliott. Jacob, appt. J.P., 137 ; deputy for Lebanon, 286 Eliott, Nathan, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323; deputy for Kent, 203, 253, 431 Elizabeth Town Point, men landed at. 70-1 Ellington, society or parish of (East Windsor), in new district, 165; ref. to inhab., 171 Elliot, Jacob, deputy for Lebanon, 8 Elliott, Samuel, accounts of, 448 Elliott, Samuel, Jr., issues execution. 109 Ellis, Rev. John, exempted from taxes. 315 ; wages of, 102 Elliss, David, deputy for Bolton, 202. 252, 315 EKDsworth, Daniel, appt. J.P., 136 . 112, 321 EKDsworth, David, appt. lieut., 285 EKDsworth, Frederick, appt. J.P.. 113. 321 EKDsworth, Jonathan, appt. capt., 32 EKDsworth, Oliver, present at assem- bly, 1 , 130, 202, 252, 315, 430; to can- cel note. 43 ; states attorney, 52 ; makes settlement with bailors, 53 ; nominated for assistant, 67,80. 313.471 ; nominated for Congress, 61, 80; to count votes, 132, 318; elected assistant. 132. 109, 317; elected to Congress. 133, 110; takes oath. 133, 318; to assist Webb, 279 ; accounts of, 198 ; resigns from Congress, 207 ; settlement of U.S. account, 381 Elmore, Caleb, army pay of, 158 Elmore, Elizabeth, petition of, 158 Elmore, Phineas, petition of, 413 Elmore, Col. Samuel, deputy for Sharon, 3 Ely, Daniel, appt. ens., 212 Ely, Col. John, deputy for Saybrook. 108, 316, 431 ; prisoner of enemy, 144-5 Ely, Samuel, appt. J.P., 136, 113 Ely, Capt. Seth, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 ; deputy for Lyme, 203, 253 Embargoes, repeal of, 4 Emmons, (East Haddam), fails to pay tax, 471 Emmons, Noadiah, appt. ens., 216 Enfield, army quota, 14 ; ref. to inhab., 26, 320, 309; assessment, 60, 60, 78, 310; military companies of, 140; boundary for new district, 165 ; provi- sions from, 244 ; repair of roads in, 304 ; state collector, 334 England, goods made in dominions of king of, barred, 161 ; voyage to, 37 ; money sent to, 102 English, Richard, estate of, 226 Enos, Col., regt. of, 404 Eno(s), Eliphalet, deputy for Torring- ton, 287, 10, 109, 317 Ensign, Capt. Eleazer, deputy for Hart- land, 3, 131, 108, 316, 431 ; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Ensign, Thomas, land of, 48 Equity, act for relief in cases of, 288 ; Supreme Court of Errors as last re- sort in, 324; to be tried in Superior Court, 342 Escape of prisoners, act preventing, 158- 9 Estates, act for settlement of. 288-9, 116 Estates, confiscated. See Confiscated estates Europe, entry of goods from, 325-6; money due merchants in, 450 Evarts, Joel, payment to, 69 Everet(t), Daniel, appt. J.P.. 137, 115. 323 ; deputy for New Milford, 108, 203, 253 ; to count votes, 109 Everit. Isaiah, appt. lieut., 440 Everslev, Daniel, taxes abated, 180, 184, 413 Eversley, John, taxes abated, 180, 184, 413 Excise, acts for, 15-19, 116-7, 130-1, 338; accounts of collectors of, 205 Executions, act for alteration, levying, and serving, 159-60 ; when to be sus- INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 303 pended, 290 ; Sharon threatened with, 474 Executors of estates, to give bonds, 116 Fair, to be held in Wethersfield, 150 Fairchild, Daniel, appt. J.P., 127 , 114, 322 Fairchild, Capt. Robert, appt. probate judge, 135 , 112, 320; appt. J.P., 137 , 114, 322; deputy for Stratford, 203, 253, 316 Fairchild, Samuel, taxes abated, 180 , 413 Fairchild, Silas, appt. lieut., 31 ; appt. capt., 284 Fairfield County, references to inhab- itants, 19 , 64 , 193 , 197 ( 2 ), 199 , 204 . 208 ( 2 ), 209 , 211 , 217 , 218 , 220 , 221 , 230 , 233 , 299 , 300 , 305 , 313 , 321 , 57, 145, 167, 294, 296, 301; judicial mat- ters before court of, 77 , 81 , 219 ; ref- erences to towns in, 78 , 222 , 242 , 55 ; confiscated estates in, 79 , 99 , 284 , 41, 377, 379; supplies in, 120 , 96; judge appointed for county court in, 134 , 111, 319; J.P. appointed for, 137 , 114, 322; maritime court in, 311; sheriff of. 316 , 402 ; superior court in, 40 ; surveyor of lands for, 186, 383 Fairfield, probate court and district. Redding transferred from, 5 ; to direct sale of real estate, 59 , 193 , 208 , 221 , 300 ; to appoint persons to appraise land, 66; judge appointed for, 134 . Ill, 320 ; business in, to be finished, 164 Fairfield, town of, coast guard of, 11 ; supplies and provisions in, 22 , 119 . 261 , 274 ; references to inhabitants o f , 29 , 54 , 116 , 119 , 167 , 193 , 300 , 319 , 40(2), 50, 51, 61, 65, 67, 172, 23". 247(2), 411, 470; assessment, 60 , 60, 79, 187, 311 ; superior court at, 78 ( 2 ) , Black Rock garrison at, 116 ( 2 ), 11 ^. 274 , 284 , 30; military companies of. 139 ; military quota of, 321 , 55 ; Sound to be crossed from, 84; abatement of taxes, 126, 380 ; abduction in, 2% ; state collector in, 334, 417 ; First So- ciety of, 377 ; West Society of, 377 Fair Haven Society, members of White Haven Society to join, 206 Fairman, Richard, appointed J.P., 137 Faning, Dr. John rescues prisoners, 269 Fanning, Charles, pay of, 102 Fanning, Gilbert, deputy for Stoning- ton, 108; on military stores, 195 Fanning, Thomas (of Norwich), asks payment for pork, 238; asks erection of wharves on Thames River, 416 Fanning, Thomas (of Windham and Long Island), debts of, 75 , 196; con- fiscated estate of, 88 , 232, 235, 316, 403 Farmer, Mary, petition of, 39 Farmington, probate court and district, judge appointed for, 134 , 111, 319; to supervise sale of real estate, 196 , 198 , 199 , 470 Farmington, town of, military quota, 14 ; references to inhabitants of, 21 , 67 , 79 , 105 , 116 , 167 . 178 , 196 ( 2 ), 199 , 230 , 149, 150, 168, 169, 288, 396, 457, 468; assessment, 60 , 60, 78, 187, 311, 409; supplies in, 92 , 93 , 124 ; military companies of, 139 , 140 ; state lands in, 125 ; roads in, 130 ; Learnings lands in, 157; disputed sale of land in, 288; First Society of, 461 Farnham, Benjamin, petition of, 304 Farnham, Henry, Jr., appt. lieut., 440 Fasion, Capt., company of, 79 Fay, Samuel, appt. ens., 184 Fees, in libel case, 333 Felch. John, to ascertain balance due soldiers, 34; appt. probate judge, 112; appt. J.P., 114, 210 Fences, act to regulate, 117 Fenn, Aaron, appt. capt., 213 Fenn, Dan, appt. lieut., 35 Fenn, Samuel, appt. ens., 215 Fenn, Capt. Thomas, deputy for Water- town, 3 , 287 , 10, 109, 204, 254; appt. J.P., 138 , 115, 323; delivers deed for land, 225 ; asks abatement of town taxes, 307 Fenton, Nathaniel, appt. ens., 439 Ferriss, Abel, appt. ens., 213 Ferriss, Amasa, appt. ens., 141 Ferriss, Gilbert, estate of. 304 Ferriss, Tames, suit of, 209 Ferriss. Joseph, asks stay of execution, 233 ; posts bail, 209 Ferriss, Peter, to receive confiscated lands, 73 Ferris (s). Solomon, suits against, 209 Ferriss, Zechariah, to sell real estate, 304 Ferry, Eliphalet, appt. ens., 297 ; appt. lieut., 138 Ferry, at New Haven, 42 ; at Hartford, 221, 344; at Saybrook, 399 Ferry River, as Middletown citv line. 354 Field, Samuel, deputy for Saybrook, 2 ; appt. J.P., 136 , 113; to inspect sup- plies, 327 ; to supervise travellers, 99, 100 Field. Timothy, appt. capt., 297 Fields, common proprietors may im- prove, 117 304 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Filer, Stephen, appt. ens., 32 Filley, John, appt. ens., 142 Finch, Dan, taxes abated, 180, 185, 414 Finch, Titus, to return to allegiance of U.S., 207 Fines, for absence from training, etc., 146, 147 , 148, 149, 150 , 151 ; of towns, for deficiency in recruits, 166, 173 Finley, David, protests choice of ensign, 381 Finley, James, estate of, 88 Finne, Joell, asks payment for property taken by enemy, 81 Firearms, supplied to state, 401, 418; manufacture of, 405, 467 Fire-prevention in cities, 265, 274, 351. 361, 371 Fish, packing of, 433 Fishers Island, livestock taken to, 101 Fishery and fishing, on Housatonic River, 175 ; regulation of, 23, 118 ; ves- sels engaged in, exempted from light- house tax, 257 ; in New Haven, 265 ; on Conn. River, 344 ; Indians’ right to. 477 Fishkill, provisions delivered, 277 Fitch, Capt. Andrew, account of, 195 Fitch, Augustus, on committee, 309 Fitch, Caleb, deserts from army, 192 Fitch, Daniel, appt. ens., 391 Fitch, Capt. Elisha, deputy for Salis- bury, 132, 108 Fitch, Haynes, taxes abated, 180, 184. 414 Fitch, Hezekiah, deputy for Salisbury, 3, 287, 10, 108, 317, 432; on commit- tees, 133, 232, 317 Fitch, Capt. Jabez (of Greenwich), peti- tions of, 66, 39, 153; ammunition is- sued, 106 ; deputy for Greenwich, 131, 286, 6, 108, 203, 253, 316; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; salary, 194; notes of, lost, 292; appt. major, 384 Fitch, Jabez (of New London Co.), appt. J.P., 136, 11 3, 321 Fitch, Jabez (of Plainfield), appt. probate judge, 134; appt. J.P., 137, 114 Fitch, James, Jr., taxes abated, 180, 185, 414; appt. lieut., 132 Fitch, John, on committee, 13, 170; dep- uty for Canterbury, 131, 108; appt. J.P., 137 ; taxes abated, 181 Fitch, Jonathan, deputy for Westmore- land, 287, 11 Fitch, Nathaniel, appt. lieut., 218 Fitch, Rebecca, taxes abated, 180, 185. 414 Fitch, Samuel, appt. lieut., 297 Fitch, Susanna, taxes abated, 181, 414 Fitch, Col. Thomas, to inspect and re- deem prisoners, 100, 125 ; grain stored by order of, 103; appt. J.P., 137, 114; taxes abated, 180, 413; to supervise traveller, 98 Fitch, Timothy, taxes abated, 180, 413 Flags of truce. See Truce, flags of Flax, imported, 82, 97 Flecker, Timothy, on committee, 80 Flint, Benjamin, appt. capt., 214 Flint, Royal, contract with, 127 Florida, removals from, 298, 335 Flour, supplies of, 83, 85, 86, 88, 196, 235 ; packing of, 434 Flower, Elijah, appt. capt., 189 Floyd, Col. William, debts due to, 75, 196 Flying guard, pay for, 247; at Lyme, 192 Foguet, Mark, payments to, 106, 201 Foot, Capt. Asa, deputy for Colchester, 130; payment for cattle, 207; appt. J.P., 322 Foot, Daniel, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 322; deputy for Colchester, 285, 2, 107 Foot, David, appt. ens., 213; appt. lieut., 390 Foot, Isaac, appt. J.P., 136, 112, 321; deputy for Stafford, 285, 3, 107; appt. capt., 218 Foot, John, aopt. ens., 132 Foot, Rev. John, Cheshire pastor, 171-2 Foot, Stephen, deposition sought. 291 Foot, Sybil, deposition sought, 291 Forbes, Capt. Samuel, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323; deputy for Canaan, 108; and Salisbury ore bed, 425, 426 Ford, Caleb, petitions of, 206 Ford, Capt. Jesse, deputy for New Ha- ven, 130, 286, 4, 202, 252 Ford, John, appt. ens., 132 Fordham (Fordum), Daniel, petitions to travel, 100 Fordham, George, petitions to travel, 115 Fordham (Fordum), John, petitions to travel, 325 Fordham (Fordum), Nathan, petitions to travel, 282, 325 Foreigners, may reside in New London and New Haven, 325 Forfeited estates. See Confiscated estates Forfeiture, of ships cargos, rules cov- ering, 326 Forgery, penalty for, 257, 343 Forsman, Hugh, appt. J.P., 138 Fort, erected on Shaw’s land, 470 See also Groton, Fort; Trumbull, Fort Fosdick, Capt. Nichol, to bring sisters from Long Island, 103 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 305 Foster, Christopher, clothes for, 329 Foster, Elijah, estate of, 76 Foster, Rev. Isaac, Stafford minister, 157, 308 Foster, Israel, to sell real estate, 76 Foster, John, permitted to travel, 282, 340 Foster, Jonah, petition of, 467 Foster, Warham, appt. ens., 188 Foster, Ensign William, complaint against, 177-8 Fowl, transported to Long Island, 83 ; wandering in cities, 265, 275, 352, 362, 371 Fowler, Abraham, appt. lieut., 32 Fowler, Benjamin, assessed incorrectly, 26 Fowler, David, petition of, 154 Fowler, Josiah, petition of, 53 Fowler, Nathan, petition of, 162 Fowler, Noah, appt. lieut. col., 183 ; appt. appraiser, 176-7 Fowler, Theophilus, appt. ens., 136 Fox, Samuel, deputy for Plainfield, 286, 8; Plainfield Academy incorporator, 406 France, schooner taken on voyage from, 120 ; birth of dauphin of, celebrated, 166’, illegal importations from, 21 France, army of. See Army of France France, Legion of. See Legion of France Franciss, Elijah, sale of real estate, 196, 198 Franciss, John, appt. capt., 167 Franklin, Abel, to return to Block Island, 76-7 Franklin, Jehul, appt. lieut., 387 Franklin, John, appt. J.P., 138’, asks protection for Wyoming settlers, 456 Franks, Capt. John, to go to Long Island, 330 Frazer, Robert, disabled by war, 302-3 Freeman, Azariah, to sell real estate, 316 Freeman, Frank, note of, 309 Freeman, Frederick, appointed surveyor of lands, 384 Freeman, Prince, estate of, 316 Freeman, Rebecca, to sell real estate, 316 Freemen, of towns, incorporated into cities, 257, 268, 344, 354, 364 ; of cities, to serve as jurors, of city courts, 262, 272, 349, 359, 368-9; of cities, to be chosen jurors, 267, 276-7, 353, 363 French, Charles, appt. J.P., 136, 113 French, Ephraim, appt. ens., 442 French, Noah, estate of, 210 French Troops, ferrying of, 291; shelter provided for, 291 Frink, Joshua, appt. ens., 36; deputy for Voluntown, 131 ; appt. lieut., 296 Frink, Lucy, petitions to travel, 114 Frink, Nathan, debts allowed, 98 Frisbee, Amos, appt. capt. 34 Frisbey, Elisha, assessment abated, 54 Frisbie, Mr., to supply ammunitions, 272 Frontier, western. See Horseneck Frost, Daniel, deputy for Canterbury, 2, 286,7, 203, 253, 316; appt. J.P., 323; petitions for lottery, 317 Fuller, Abraham, on Indian affairs, 178, 298 Fuller, Daniel, asks pay for property, 81 ; appt. capt., 187 Fuller, Jehul, appt. capt., 134 Fuller, Joseph, property of, 411 Fuller, Samuel, petitions of, 157, 308 Furnace, at Salisbury, 26, 102, 111, 226, 255, 271-3, 337, 89 Gale, Benjamin, law suit of, 57-8 Gales, Nehemiah, payment to, 207 Gallop, Lieut. Col., court martial of, 174, 175, 58 Gallop, Andrew, war sufferer, 382-3 Gallop, Benadam (Beradam), appt. J.P., 136 , 113, 322 Gallop, Capt. Isaac, deputy for Volun- town, 2, 131 Gallop, Col. Nathan, deputy for Groton, 286, 5, 316, 431 ; asks increase in pay, 45; resigns command, 210; debt due to, 301-2; to appraise land, 402 Gallop, William, appt. capt., 392 Galpin, Benjamin, salt in custody of, 94 Galpin, Joseph, land of, confiscated, 96, 452 Gardiner, Gaius, petitions to travel, 125 Gardiner, John, petitions to travel, 115 Gardiner, Martha, permitted to travel, 97 Gardiner, Dr. Sylvester, confiscated es- tate of, 41, 50, 42, 171 Gardiner, Col. Thomas, wife of, 97 Gardner, Richard, to take prisoners to N.Y., 274 Garrick, Shaw, prisoner to be exchanged, 276 Gary, Ebenezer, account of, 280 Gates, Caleb, to sell land, 206-7 Gates, Daniel, appt. capt., 284 Gates, Gen. Horatio, encamped in Dan- bury, 42 Gates, Joseph, appt. ens., 216; appt capt., 392 Gates, Joshua, Jr., estate of, 206 Gates, Timothy, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 306 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Gauze, import duty on, 432 Gay, Lieut. Col. Ebenezer, resigns, 131 ; deputy for Sharon, 204, 253, 317 Gay, Col. Fisher, will of, 230 Gay, Ruth, to execute deed, 230 Gaylord, Edward, appt. ens., 389 Gee, William, appt. lieut., 34 Geer, Amos, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Geer, Isaac, appt. capt., 263 Geese, transported to Long Island, 83 ; wandering in cities, 265, 275, 352, 362, 371 Geltson, John, permitted to travel, 100 Geltson, Mattby, to export lumber, 99 Geneva, distilled at Chatham, 227 ; excise on, 339 See also Gin Germantown, Battle of, casualties at. 247, 459 Gibb(s), Benjamin, Jr., appt. ens., 142; appt. lieut., 389 Gib(b)s, Edward, incorrectly assessed, 26 ; sloop of, 312 Gibbs, Sylvanus, apnt. capt., 386 Gibson, Brinsmade, appt. ens., 212 Gibson, James, death sentence commuted, 124 Gibson, Roger, taxes abated, 415 Gibson, Timothy, to sell real estate, 79 Giddin(g)s, Capt. Thomas, deputy for Hartland, 203, 253 Gideon, Benjamin (of East Hartford), protection from arrest, 382, 461 Gideons, Benjamin (of Simsbury), to sell real estate, 65-6 Gilbert, Butler, appt. ens., 132 ; appt. lieut., 388 Gilbert, Isaiah, to sell real estate, 195, 143 Gilbert, John, appt. capt., 189 ; to join Fair Haven Society, 206 Gilbert, John, Jr., appt. lieut., 295; appt. capt., 140 Gilbert, Matthew, Jr., to sell estate, 462 Gilbert, Nathaniel, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Gilbert, Phoebe, to sell estate, 462 Gilbert, Capt. Samuel, deputy for He- bron, 130; appt. J.P., 136, 112, 321 Gilbert, Sylvester, assessment omitted, 26 Gilchrist, Peter, debt of, 397 Gilkey, Peter, discharged from prison, 129-30 Gillet, Amos, appt. lieut., 36 Gillett, Isaac, Jr., appt. ens., 296; appt. lieut., 140 Gillett, Capt. Jabez, deputy for Torring- ton, 432 Gillett, Capt. Matthew, deputy for New Hartford, 131, 287 , 9, 108 Gilmore, Robert, at Long Island, 106 Gilmore, Sarah, to go to Long Island, 106 Gilson, John, to go to Long Island, 119 Gin, state import duty on, 432 See also Geneva Gitteau, Capt. Ephraim, deputy for Nor- folk, 253 Glass manufactory, to be set up, 57 Glastonbury, quota for state regiment, 15; assessment, 60, 59, 78, 187, 311; refs, to inhabs. of, 135, 168, 29, 56, 57, 429, 478 ; military companies of, 139 ; boundary for new district, 165; pur- chase of property in, 244; state col- lector, 334; selectmen of, 161 Glover, Grover, to return to Long Island, 100 Glover, Henry, deputy for Newtown, 431 Glover, John, seeks residence in state, 298 Glover, Mehitable, to go to Long Island, 334 Goal. See Jail Gold, John, fails to pay tax, 471 Golden Hill, Stratford, Indians at, 234-5 Goldsmith, John, to go to Long Island, 93 Goodall, Moses, appt. ens., 132 Goodell, Simeon, appt. ens., 134: ap- pointed lieutenant, 441 Goodman, Moses, appt. ens., 295 Goodman, Richard, expenses, 90 Goodman, Thomas, memorial of, 130 Goodrich, Anne, land of, 66 Goodrich, Deacon David, land of, 37 Goodrich, Elijah, home of, 37 Goodrich, Col. Elizur, land of, 66 Goodrich, Gideon, Sr., estate of, 221 Goodrich, Gideon, Jr., to sell real estate, 221 Goodrich, Peter, appt. ens., 390 Goodrich, Capt. Wait, to exchange bread for rum, 104 Goods. See merchandise Goodsell, Lewiss, appt. capt., 297 Goodwin, Mr., to aid French troops, 291 Goodwin, Capt. Daniel, will of, 150 Goodwin, Daniel, to give deed, 150 Goodwin, Ebenezer, appt. capt., 34 Goodwin, Ozias, imprisonment for debt, 455 Goodwin, Thomas, asks to hold lottery, 304 Gordon, Alexander, appt. lieut., 296 ; appt. capt., 385 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 307 Gordon, James, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; deputy for Voluntown, 286, 8, 108, 203, 253, 316, 431 ; on committee, 119 ; orders of, 301 Gore (Gove), Obadiah, deputy for Westmoreland, 132, 287, 11 ; to count votes, 133 ; appt. J.P., 138 Gorton, Collins, released from prison, 48; punished, 128 Goshen, quota for state regiment, 15 ; assessment, 60, 61, 79, 312; refs, to inhabs., 77-8, 167, 216, 152; military companies of, 140 ; family to go to, 282; land in, 312 Gott, Daniel, passes counterfeit bill, 51-2 Gould, Stephen, appt. cornet, 33; app.\ capt., 141, 143 Gould, William, appt. J.P., 321 Gove. See Gore Governor (of Connecticut), letters and reports to, 15, 123, 94, 197, 448; to apply for companies, 17 ; to write let- ters, 104, 105, 114, 240-1 . 127, 197, 208, 457; advised on calling or ad- journing assembly, 110, 198-9, 248; to give certificates on commissions, 114. 254 ; military orders and duties of. 166, 395, 408, 445 ; military and naval powers, 141, 254 ; investigations by, 174, 297 ; to allow sloop to proceed. 94; proclamations of, 209, 210; order of, 249 ; to instruct congressional dele- gates, 279; election of, 132, 110, 318; takes oath, 133, 110, 318; cannot b^ judge of Superior Court, 323; to ap- point collector, 327 ; to receive act. 378; to raise troops, 445 See also Council of Safety ; Griswold, Matthew; Trumbull, Jonathan Governor (of New York), asked to in- vestigate false imprisonment, 297 Governors (of states), to commission delegates to inter-state conference, 101-2; to receive copies of Connecti- cut laws, 374 Governor’s Guards. See Guards, Gov- ernor’s Gozard, Martin, appt. ens., 393 Gracey, Ebenezer, incorrectly assessed, 26 Graham, Capt. Elisha, deputy for Sims- bury, 130; aunt. J.P., 136. 113, 321 Graham, Elizabeth, new note for, 313 Graham, Ennis, widow of, 313 Graham, Hannah, heir of Samuel Hunn, 196 Graham, John (deserter). 48 Graham, John (of Wethersfield), claim- ant to estate, 196 ; receives new notes, 173-4 Grainger, Capt. Abner, appt. capt., 121 ; allowed money, 240; to receive provi- sions, 244 Grammar, English and Latin, Ross’s, 245 Granger, Capt. Abraham, deputy for Suffield, 2, 130, 107, 202, 252, 430 Granger, Abraham, Jr., appt. capt., 443 Granger, Elijah, property as boundary, 411 Granger, Gideon, deputy for Suffield, 285, 3, 315 ; appt. J.P., 321 Granger, Oliver, appt. lieut, 167, 188; appt. capt., 213 Granger, Samuel, appt. capt., 24; re- signs from regt., 105, 116, 121 Granniss, Benjamin, appt. ens., 393 Grant, Abigail, heir to property, 70 Grant, Daniel, deputy for Torrington, 287, 10 Grant, Elijah, deputy for Norfolk, 287, 9, 108 Grant, Jesse, appt. capt., 248 Grant, Roswell, bill of, 191 Graves, Elias, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Gray, Daniel, money due from confis- cated estate, 182; suit of, suspended, 165-6 Gray, Lieut. Col. Ebenezer, dispute over rank of, 90, 91(2), 265-7 Gray, John, appt. ens., 188; appt. lieut., 138 Gray, Moses, appt. ens., 37 Gray, Samuel, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; order drawn on, 334 Gray and Raymond, money due to, 182 Great Britain, supporters of, 56, 78, 326, 424, 473 ; no truce with, 289 ; goods imported from, 21 ; peace with, 45, 123 ; persons petition to money brought from, 61 ; treaty with, 277 Great Meadows (Saybrook), ferry at, 399 Green, Amy, will of, 318 Green, Ebenezer, payments by, 423, 477 Green, Eliott, estate of, 209 Green, Ira, appt. ens., 441 Green, Margaret, petitions for probate of will, 318 Green, Mary, suit against, 423, 477 Green, Nathaniel, asks payment due, 147 Green, Timothy, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; printer, 333 Green (e), Gov. William (of Rhode Island), asks return of prize vessel, 94 Green, New Haven, use of part of, for highway, 263 Greenfield, house in, 243 308 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Greens Farms (Fairfield) meeting house in, 40-1 ; property in, 301 Greenwich, town of, coast guard at, 11 ; assessment, 59, 60, 79, 187, 313; pen- alty on, removed, 66-7 ; tax abate- ments in, 67, 178-9, 39, 127, 153 ; ref- erences to inhabitants of, 77, 113, 197, 218, 312, 58, 114, 127, 166, 194, 294, 452; estate of Gen. Mead in, 79, 99; petition for land in, 96; persons per- mitted to return to, 113, 243, 209; military companies of, 139; deficient in taxes, 233; troops to move to, 93; barrier against British at, 278 ; confis- cated estate in, 294 ; state collector, 334 Gregory, Abraham, taxes abated, 181, 185; 414; doctor’s bill of, 178 Gregory, Daniel, appt. ens., 190 Gregory, Ebenezer, Jr., taxes abated, 180, 414 Gregory, Elnathan, appt. lieut., 140; appt. capt., 442 Gregory, John, taxes abated, 180, 185, 414; appt. lieut., 393 Gregory, John, Jr., estate of, 176 Gregory, Joseph, property restored to, 163-4 Gregory, Seley, petition of, 176 Grenville, letter dated at, 276 Gridley, Abraham, appt ens., 33; appt. lieut., 442 Gridley, Timothy, appt. capt., 297 Griffin, Benjamin, appt. ens., 392 Griffin, James, permitted to travel, 327 Griffin, John, appt. capt., 183 Griffin, Capt. Stephen, loses order, 42 Griffing, Nathan, fails to pay tax, 471 Griggs, Joshua, petition of, 46; to exe- cute resolve, 35 Griggs, Nathan, appt. ens., 132 Grimes, Josiah, to sell real estate, 202 Grinall, Daniel, Jr., appt. ens., 187 Griswold. Andrew, Esq., appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322; to make arrest, 127; account of, 106 Griswold, Lieut, Andrew, pay of, 92, 192 Griswold, Daniel, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323; appt. ens., 33 Griswold, Frederick, to sell real estate, 235 Griswold, George, appt. ens., 168; peti- tion of, 154 Griswold. Toab, appt. lieut., 285; appt. capt., 444 Griswold, Lieut. John, to supervise travellers, 100(2) ; gives notes to state, 106 Griswold, Tonah, accused counterfeiter, 235 Griswold, Joseph, appt. ens., 441 Griswold, Matthew, present at assembly, 1, 130, 285, 13, 107, 202, 252, 315, 430; insulting letter to, 31 ; nominated for election, 61, 80, 470; at Council of Safety, 88-129, 239-285, 325-341, 82- 106, 189-201, 249-51, passim; elected deputy governor, 132, 109; appt. chief judge, 133, 111; takes oath, 133, 110, 318; appt. to Council of Safety, 174; appt. overseer of Newgate Prison, 178; salary grants to, 239, 324, 186, 313, 428, 478 ; makes payment, 201 ; elected governor, 318 See also Governor ; Lieutenant Governor Griswold, Nathaniel, I, estate of, 235 Griswold, Nathaniel, II, appointed en- sign, 285 ; appt. lieut., 444 Griswold, Samuel, petition of, 206 Griswold, Selah, appt. lieut., 140 Griswold, Shubael, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Griswold, Sylvanus, refused commis- sion as capt., 381 Griswold, Walter, payments due to, 69, 397 Griswold, Fort, troops and garrison at, 12, 20, 107, 113, 258, 341, 281 ; com- pensation for wounds and losses at, 16, 41-2, 115, 175, 215, 323, 75, 119, 283; individual casualties at, 16(2), 39, 85, 151 ; platforms repaired in, 107 ; boat to be under commandant of, 107 ; commandant to inspect travel- lers, 107, 111, 116, 119; individuals stationed at, 112, 75, 98, 175 ; Col. Mc- Clellan commander at, 114, 267, 274; provisions at, 114, 115, 337 ; de- fencelessness of, 123; arms, etc. at, 128, 245, 267, 274, 283, 181, 190, 448(2) ; conduct of officers at, ex- amined, 174, 175, 246, 251 ; bounty for soldiers in, 176, 267 ; Col. Ledyard in command of, 235 ; time of militia at, nearly expired, 258 ; prisoner taken in, 59; state to buy land at, 402 Griswold’s Cove, boundary for fishery limits, 118 Grosvenor, L. Col., application from, 284 Grosvenor, Asa, appt. capt., 295 Grosvenor, John, appt. J.P., 137 Grosvenor, Joshua, deputy for Pomfret, 286, 8 Grosvenor, Thomas, appt. J.P., 114, 322 Grosvenor, Thomas, 2nd, appt. ens., 135 Groton, fort at. See Griswold, Fort Groton, town of, relief of war sufferers at, 15, 176, 293, 128, 282, 283, 379, 382, 449; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 311; INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 309 refs, to inhabs., 62, 92, 112, 121, 125, 136, 168, 198, 210, 215, 45, 59, 76, 77, 97, 113, 289, 301, 402; persons to land at, 106; provisions at, 108, 268, 280 ; selectmen of, 108, 112-3, 306, 97 ; mil- itary companies in, 139 ; granted stay of execution, 237-8 ; officers appointed for co, in, 295) burning of, 58; Con- gress asked to pay for defense of, 197 ; guard house at, 197 ; to receive gun- powder, 206; inspection of travellers, 77 ; pay of troops at, 99 ; quartermas- ter at, 98, 99, 102; commissary of issues to troops at, 102; protected by state troops, 278; company at, to be dismissed, 281 ; state collector, 334 Grover, Ensign Phineas, estate of, 160-1 Gruman, Samuel, petition of, 299 Gruman, Thomas, taxes abated, 180, 414 Grummon(d), Jeremiah, appt. ens., 133; appt. lieut., 394 Guardhouse, at Groton, care of, 197 Guards, for British prisoners to be paid, 192 Guards, for coast, grants to towns for, 11-12) at Norwalk, 178; Lyme con- tributes to, 309 Guards, Governor’s, officers appointed for, 218 ; asks for stands of arms, 242 ; commanding officer of, to have charge of cannon, 448 Gueben, Bartholomew, 398-9 Guernsey, Mr., assessment omitted, 26 Guilford, probate court and district, judge appointed for, 135, 112, 320; to direct sale of real estate, 221 ; to have confiscated estate appraised, 38; to lease property, 450 Guilford, town of, coast guard of, 11 ; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 187, 311; refer- ences to residents of, 84, 93, 191, 282, 304, 336, 62, 64, 159(2), 167, 227, 405, 424; military companies of, 139, 165 ; petition from listers of, 309 ; selectmen of, complain of misconduct of capt.. 87; state collector, 334; British land at, 424 Guitteau, Captain Ephraim, deputy for Norfolk, 203 Gun, Abel, appt. lieut., 213 Gunn, Stephen, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; deputy for Milford, 131, 108, 203, 253 Gunpowder, manufacture or procure- ment of, 106, 201, 424; movement of, 193, 201, 206, 378; storage of. 197, 281; sale of, 250; guarding of, 409, 448, 458 Guns, manufacture of, 467 See also Firearms Guthrie, Ebenezer, appt. ens., 212; appt. capt., 388 Guy, Abigail, to sell real estate, 84 Guy, Anne, Orchard 3d., Rebecca, Sam- uel, heirs of Orchard Guy, Jr., 84 Guy, Orchard, Jr., estate of, 84 Guy, William, property ordered sold, 180 Hackley, Aaron, appt. lieut., 189 Haddam, army quota of, 15 ; assessment, 60, 60, 78, 311 ; military companies of, 139) ref. to inhab., 167, 326, 145, 186, 408 ; land in, to be sold, 148-9 ; on Middletown — Killingworth road, 168; state collector, 334 Hait, Samuel, 5th, petition of, 211 Haits, Capt. James, property of, 412 Hale, Dan, appt. ens., 35 Hale, Elisha, to transmit money, 57 Hale, Elizur, Jr., appt. J.P., 113, 321 Hale, Gideon, deputy for Glastonbury, 285, 3, 107, 202, 252, 315, 430; con- stable, 29 Hale, Hozekiah, appt. ens., 31 Hale, John, appt. lieut., 185) appt. capt., 389 Hale, Joseph, wrongly named as ens., 31 ; appt. lieut., 167 Hale, Josiah, deputv for Glastonbury, 130) appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Hale, Nathan, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 322; deputy for Canaan, 286, 9, 431 ; and Salisbury iron ore bed, 425, 426 Haley. See Champion & Haley Hall, Capt. Asaph, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 ; deputy for Goshen, 3, 286, 9 Hall, Benjamin, discharged from bond. 224 Hall. Caleb, appt. probate judge, 135, 112; appt. J.P., 136, 113 Hall, Daniel, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; appt. capt., 189) deputv for Durham. 108, 203, 252, 316 Hall, David, deputy for Wallingford, 131, 286 , 5 ; appt. J.P., 321 Hall, Eliakim, appt. T.P., 136, 113, 321 Hall, Luke, appt. lieut., 296 Hall. Miles, appt. ens., 32 Hall, Moses, loses notes, 163 Hall, Nathaniel, appt. lieut., 32 Hall, Stephen, appt. lieut, 188 Hall. Stephen, Jr., appt. quartermaster, 441 Hall, Col. Street, deputy for Walling- ford, 2, 131, 286 , 5, 108, 203, 253, 316, 430; losses of 57-8) appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; on committees, 5, 305, 473 310 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Hall, Talmadge, on soldiers’ back pay, 34; monopoly of passenger traffic, 451-2 Hallam, Messrs, & Co., flour contract with, 43 Halsey, Col. Jeremiah, deputy for Preston, 131 ; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 : on committee, 132 ; appt. to Council of Safety, 174 ; at Council of Safety. 239-285 , 325-341 , 82-106, passim : schooner of, 241 ; sells cannon shot, 274 Hamlin, Jabez, present at assembly, 1, 130, 13, 107, 202, 315, 430; nominated assistant, 61, 80, 313, 470; on com- mittees, 132, 42, 109, 317 ; elected as- sistant, 132, 109, 317 ; takes oath, 133, 110, 318; appt. county court judge, 133, 111; appt. probate judge, 134, 111, 319 Hamlin, Lieut. John, disobedience of, 178 Hamlin, Richard, appt. capt., 387 Hamlin, William, appt. ens., 217 Hamlinton, Paul, appt. lieut., 390 Hanchet, Ezra, petition of, 160 Hanchett, Oliver, accounts of, 404-5 Hancock, Jennev, allowed to travel, 91 Hancock, Gov. John, of Mass., on in- terstate conference, 101 Hancock, Margaret, allowed to travel. 91 Handee, Bargellai, to sell property, 468 Handee, Mary and Shubael, property of, sold, 468 Hanford, Daniel, taxes abated, 180, 1S5, 414 Hanford, Hannah, taxes abated, 180, 414 Hanford, Hezekiah, taxes abated. 180, 185, 414 Hanford, Hezekiah, Jr., taxes abated, 180, 414 Hanford, John, petition of, 313 Hanford. Timothy, loses notes, 309 Hanks, Benjamin, monopoly on clocks, 237-8; appt. cornet, 441 Hanks. Silas, appt. ens., 131 Hannah, Robert, appt. quartermaster. 215 Harlbutt, Reubin, account of. 195-6 Harmon, Capt. Ebenezer, deputy for Suffield. 202, 252. 430 Harmon, Francis, Jr., guardian, 301 Harmon, Capt. John, deputy for Suffield, 107 Harmon, John, Jr., appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Harriss, David, appt. lieut., 136 Harris (s), Ebenezer. will of, 306-7 Harris (s), Edward, heir to Ebenezer. 307 Harris (s), Gibson, son of, 307 Harris (s), John, payment to, 90 Harris(s) , Joseph, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Harris (s), Lydia, petition of, 306-7 Harris (s), Samuel, son of, 307 Harriss, Seers, appt. ens., 442 Harrison, Capt. Asael, to cruise on coast, 261 Harrison, Elihu, appt. ens., 296 ; appt. capt., 140 Hart, Elijah, appt. capt., 386 Hart, Capt. Jonathan, accounts of, 77 ; commands at Yorktown, 175 Hart, Oliver, to sell property, 470 Hart, Pharaoh, money due, 199 Hart, Samuel, Jr., deed for, 67-8 Hart, Brig. Gen. Selah, to secure sup- plies, 95; pay for supplies, 109 ; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321; reports disobe- dience of lieut., 178\ to settle contro- versy, 196 ; petition of, 199 ; to suspend raising company, 104-5 ; resigns com- mand of brig., 284 Hart, Simeon, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Hart, Maj. William, on committees, 5, 10 ; to receive confiscated lands, 73 ; deputv for Savbrook, 108, 203, 253. 316, 431 Hart, William. Jr., appt. J.P., 113, 322 Hart, Zachariah, appt. lieut., 33 Hartford, city of, incorporation, 343-54; seal, 344, 352 ; city’ meeting. 344-6 ; election of officers, 345, 352, 353 ; taxes in, 345-6; sheriffs of, 346; city court, 346-8 ; streets, etc., 349-50, 351 ; oaths of officers. 350-1 ; court of common council, 351-2 ; bye-laws, 274-5 ; first city meeting, 352-3 ; cost of incorpor- ation, 353-4; freedom of city, 373 Hartford, county of, purchase of horses in, 22; surveyors of lands in, 31. 186, 281 ; ref. to inhab., 51-2. 53. 68-9. 77 . 194. 234, 309, 34. 35, 38. 48-9, 55-6. 71-2, 73, 76. 145, 149-50. 150. 172, 177 ; treasurer of, 57 ; sheriff of, 78 : 126, 128, 276; state supplies in, 105, 96; judge appt. for court in, 133. 111. 319; J.P. appt. for, 135-6. 112-3, 320-1. 446 ; governor’s guards in, 178 ; court of, 193, 236, 235 ; states attorney for, 66 ; lists of, 341 Hartford, probate court and district, judge appt. for, 31. 135, 111, 319; to order distribution of estates, 82 ; busi- ness to be finished, 165 ; account ren- dered to, 192, 466; to direct sale of real estate, 203, 235, 310, 322, 161-2. 172, 465 Hartford, town of, army quota, 14 ; is- suing commissary in, 21 ; public store INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 311 in, 22 ; jail in, 31 , 63 , 76 , 77 , 276 , 333 , 48, 68, 130, 161 ; ref. to inhab., 28 , 62 - 3 , 68 , 94 , 104, 106 ( 2), 108 , 115 , 128 , 167 , 190 - 1 , 191 , 207 , 215 , 232 - 3 , 282 , 295 , 323 ( 2 ), 326 , 327 , 329 , 330 , 337 , 340 , 29 , 47, 48-9, 52-3, 63, 65, 71-2, 150, 161-2, 191, 458; assessment, 59 , 59, 78, 163, 187, 310; selectmen of, 108 , 330 , 231, 447 ; provisions transferred to, 108 , 257 , 278 ; military companies of, 139 , 140 ; part of town of, in East Windsor, 165 ; ferry at, 291 ; common field in, 309 - 10 , road from, 28; supe- rior court at, 39, 76 ; sloop allowed to leave, 94; conviction for rape at, 124; carriage of passengers at, 452; state collector, 334; part incorporated as city, 343-54; cannon at, 448 Hartland, army quota, 15 ; second soci- ety, in, 52 - 3 ; state assessment, 60 , 61, 80, 312, 409; ref. to inhab., 138 , 115; companies from, 140 ; Barkhempsted men wish to join, 152; land purchased in, 150; state collector, 334 Hartshorn, Ebenezer, appt. J.P., 136 , 113, 321 Hartshorn, Ebenezer, 3d, appt. cornet, 189 ; appt. lieut., 137 Hartshorn, Silas, appt. quartermaster, 189 ; appt. cornet, 137 Harvey, Asa, appt. lieut., 188 Harvey, Philip, appt. lieut., 391 Harwinton, army quota, 15 ; assessment, 60 , 61, 80, 187, 312; selection of, to supply provisions, 108 ; military com- panies of, 140 ; ref. to inhab., 167 , 158, 179 Hasting, Ebenezer, to receive confis- cated lands, 73 Hatch, Jethro, appt. J.P., 138 , 115, 323 Hatch, Lepha, accounts of, 120 Hats, army commission sold for, 287 ; impost duty on, 432 Havanna, state produce to be sold at, 24 ; letter dated from, 282 Havens, Daniel, widow of, 97 Havens, George, permitted to travel, 115 Havens, Hannah, permitted to travel, 97 Havens, Jonathan, permitted to travel, 276 Havens, Joseph, permitted to travel, 97 Havens. William, permitted to travel, 115 , 99 Haviland, , buys property, 452 Hawkins, Eleazer, to sell real estate, 210 Hawkins, Gaylord, petition of. 230-2 Plawkins. Hannah, to sell real estate, 210 ; petition of, 230-2 Hawley, Aaron, guardian of Golden Hill Indians, 29 ; complaints of, 234 Hawley, Elijah, accounts of, 251 Hawley, Capt. Enos, appt. surveyor of lands, 190 Hawley, Gideon, appt. 2nd lieut., 281 Hawley, Talcott, illness of, 469 Hawley, Thomas, petition of, 293 Hawley, Capt. William, deputy for Red- ding, 2 Haydon, Augustus, appt. capt., 390 Haydon, Samuel, taxes abated, 48 - 9 ; appt. ens., 392 Haydon, Thomas, appt. lieut., 167 Hayes, Ezekiel, land of, 84 Haynes, Daniel, permitted to travel. 119 Hazard, Samuel, receives order, 401 Hazen, Brig. Gen. Moses, pay of regt. of, 170 , 218 ; commands regt., 464 Hearault, Elizabeth, will of, 61 Hearault, John, will of, 61 Hearts, Capt. , commands light infantry, 102 Heath, Maj. Gen. William, express to, 254 ; surgeon in regt. of, 301 Hebron, army quota, 14 ; ref. to inhab., 51 - 2 , 57 , 110 , 167 , 213 , 330 , 160, 177, 227, 236; assessment, 60 , 26, 59, 78, 187, 311 ; claims of class at, dismissed, 121 ; military companies of, 139 ; flour seized at, 43 ; repair of highways, 49- 50; state land in, sold, 126 Hedges, Henry, appt. ens., 387 Heifers, included in lists, 340 Hemingway, Samuel, store of, 103 Hempsted, Dr., treats injury, 282 Hempsted, John, witness to will, 307 Hempsted, Joshua, petition of, 239 ; property of, 344 Hem(p)sted, Lucy, witness to will, 307 Hempste(a)d, Serjt. Stephen, appt. paymaster, 99 ; payment to, 382-3 Hendy, Caleb, Jr., appt. ens., 24 . Henry, Robert, rented land of, petitioned for, 56 Henshaw, Benjamin, petitions of, 40 , 80, 475 Henshaw, Joshua, Jr., appt. executor of estate, 462 Herrington. Abraham, appt. ens., 390 Her (r) on, William, permitted to travel. 103; deputy for Redding, 431 Heusted, Thaddeus, appt. lieut., 140 Hewett, Increase, appt. capt., 384 Hewitt, Stephen, appt. lieut., 384 Hewitt, William, appt. ens., 136 Heyden, Allyn, appt. lieut., 394 Heyden, Joseph, appt. capt., 394 Heydon, Capt. Nathaniel, conduct of, examined. 177 312 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Hibbard, Nathan, to sell real estate, 171 Hibbard, Capt. William, misconduct of, 177 Hickley, Francis, letter from, 282 Hickox, Abraham, estate of, confiscated, 420 Hickox (Hiccox), Amos, appt. lieut., 187 Hickox (Hikok), Capt. Benjamin, appt. maj., 211 Hickox (Hickcox), James, I, appt. ens., 132 ; appt. lieut., 392 ; appt. capt., 440 Hie (k) ox (Hecock), James, II, appt. lieut., 216; appt. capt., 385 Hickox, Joel, release from jail, 76 Hickox (Hecox, Hicox, Hycock), Capt. Nathan, deputy for Washington, 3, 109, 204, 253 Hickox (Hecox, Hicox), Capt. Samuel, deputy for Watertown, 132, 317, 431 ; to thank minister for sermon, 133 ; petition of, 231 Hide, Eli, appt. capt., 134 Hide, Maj. Elijah, on committee, 28 Hide, Jabez, Jr., appt. lieut., 135 Hide, John, to sell real estate, 300 Hide. Nathaniel, Jr., appt. cornet, 216 Higgins, Capt. Cornelius, deputy for Haddam, 130, 285, 3, 107, 202, 252, 315, 430; appt. J.P., 113, 321 Higgins, Cornelius, Jr., appt. lieut., 167 Higgins, Elkanah, appt. lieut., 134 Higgins, William, appt. 1st lieut., Ill Highways. See Roads and highways Higley, Joel, appt. lieut., 36 Hil(l) house, Capt. James, deputy for New Haven, 2. 107, 315, 430; adminis- trator of confiscated estate, 29-30, 179, 306, 75, 167, 176-7, 196; at Council of Safety, 88-129, passim; appt. to Coun- cil of Safety, 174 ; to count votes, 109 ; on committee to examine Solomon Baldwin, 149; appt. trustee of estate, 159-60; clerk of the House, 432; nom- inated to Congress, 471 Hilhouse, John Griswold, appt. capt., 297 Hil(l) house, Maj. William, deputy for New London, 2, 131, 286, 5, 108, 203, 253, 316, 431 ; payment to, 39 ; on com- mittees, 62, 399, 416, 459; orders care of sick prisoners, 121 ; at Council of Safety, 88-129, 239-285, 325-341, 82- 106, i89-201, passim-; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; appt. to Council of Safety, 174 ; appt. to Congress, 207 ; nom- inated assistant, 313, 470; nominated to Congress, 313, 471 ; appt. county court judge, 319 Hill, Andrew, I, appt. lieut., 213 Hill, Andrew, II, appt. capt., 443 Hill, Capt. Ebenezer, petition of, 37 Hill, Esther, husband’s army pay, 416 Hill, Obadiah, paid from confiscated lands, 270, 73 Hill, William, disappearance of, 416 Hills, David, accounts of, 246 Hills, Seth, deputy for Winchester, 287, 10 Hills, Stephen, appt. ens., 31 Hillyer, Capt. Andrew, to find deserters, 117-8 ; payments to, 74, 91, 195-6 Hindee, Caleb, Jr., appt. ens., 168 Hine (Hinde), Abel, deputy for New Milford, 3, 132, 287, 9, 316, 431; to appraise forfeited property, 95, 378, 379; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323; to sell real estate, 305 ; new notes for, 81 ; to handle state supplies, 96 Hine, Benjamin, order paid to, 75 Hine, Joel, appt. ens., 384 Hine, Capt. Thomas, deputy for Che- shire, 2 Hinkley, Charles, imprisons J. Phelps, 395 Hinkley, Capt. Ichabod, deputy for Tol- land, 430 Hinkley, Joshua, to receive confiscated lands, 73 Hinman, Benjamin, appt. J.P., 137, 115, 323 Hinman, Bethuel, appt. capt., 387 Hinman, Daniel, appt. ens., 387 Hinman, Edward, to make investiga- tion, 85; appt. J.P., 137, 115, 323 Hinman, Joel, appt. capt., 167, 184 Hinman, Michael, to sell real estate, 39 Hinman, Sarah, to sell real estate, 39 Hinsdale, Ezra, appt. ens., 139; appt. lieut., 389 Hispaniola, man on island of, 216 Hitchcock, Amos, appt. capt., 390 Hitchcock, Caleb, assessed incorrectly, 26 Hitchcock, Rufus, appt. ens., 214 Hobart, Lieut. John, expenses of, 249 Hobart, Mason, appt. lieut., 388; appt. capt., 442 Hobby, Col. Thomas, petition of, 113 Hoct, Elijah, appt. lieut., 24 Hodgkin, Thomas, appt. 2nd lieut., 281 Hodgkins, Thomas, appt. capt. of 6th Co., 21st regt., 392 Hodkins, Thomas, appt. lieut., 187 Hoga(n), Brook, in Stepney Parish, 37 Hogs. See swine, 420 Hoit (Hart?), Lieut. Col., regt. of, 150 Hoit. See also Hoyt Holbrook, Capt. Daniel, deputy for Derby, 2, 131, 286, 4, 108, 203, 252, INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 313 316, 430; on committees, 5, 316, 149; petitions on Derby lottery, 45, 419 Holbrook, Elias, appt. lieut., 186 Holcomb, Asahel, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Holcomb, Benajah, appt. lieut., 440 Holcomb, Benjamin, appt. lieut., 167 Holcomb, Daniel, appt. ens., 32 Holcomb, Elijah, appt. lieut., 284 Holcomb, Capt. Hezekiah (Hezen), deputy for Salisbury, 202, 252 Holcomb, Hezekiah, Jr., appt. capt., 393 Holcomb, Judah, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Holcomb, Noadiah, appt. lieut., 393 Holcomb, Roger, appt. lieut., 32 Holley, Francis, money due to, 182 Holley, Samuel, money due to, 182 Holliston, Abraham, Jr., appt. ens., 212 Holly, John William, asks to reside in state, 310-11 Holmes, Gershom, appt. ens., 31 Holmes, James, to sell real estate, 318 Holmes, Jared, to sell real estate, 318 Holmes, John, appt. capt., 214 Holmes, Moses, deputy for Willington, 2, 130, 107, 202, 252, 315, 430; appt. J.P., 136, 112, 321 Holmes, Maj. Uriel, deputy for Hart- land, 431 Holt, Ab(i)el, appt. ens., 188; appt. lieut., 392 Holt, Daniel, appt. capt., 135 Holt, Isaac, deputy for Norfolk, 3 Holt, Isaac, Jr., appt. lieut., 184; appt. capt., 136 Holt, John, buys supplies, 308; pay for, 102 Holt, Martha, petition of, 308 Holt, Nicholas, wolf bounty for, 469 Holt, Samuel, appt. ens., 217 Holt, Lieut. Silas, payment to, 270 Honev, Thomas, incorrectly assessed, 26 ' Hoogland. Jeros, payment to, 219 Hooker, Asahel, appt. capt., 296; peti- tion of, 460 Hooker, Daniel, note of, 50 Hooker, Horace, deputy for Windsor, 130 Hooker, James, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320 Hooker, Nathaniel, land of, 191 Hooker, Col. Noadiah, regt. of, 65 ; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321; on Salisbury fur- nace committee, 256 , 271-3, 89 ; deputy for Farmington, 315, 430 Hooker, Thomas, to redeem mortgage, 169 Hopkins, Harriss, appt. capt., 214 Hopkins, Joseph, deputy for Waterbury, 2, 131, 5, 108, 203, 253, 431 ; to give treasurer’s notes to Pay Table, 19; at Council of Safety, 88-129, 239-285, 82-106, passim, 190; appt. probate judge, 135, 112, 320; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; appt. to Council of Safety, 174; on committees, 197, 305, 398; to inspect return of war prisoners, 207 Hopson, Samuel, appt. lieut., 217 Horseneck, regt. for defense of, 9, 97, 116, 121, 123, 220, 250, 255, 261, 321, 282, 425, 445 ; men serving at, 39, 239, 240, 106, 249; Col. Wells regt. at, 43, 237 ; prisoner taken at, 65 ; troops surprised at, 74 ; pay of officers at, 103 ; supplies for troops at, 129, 244, 253, 284, 285, 334, 102, 152-3; hospital at, 84; men march to, 90; commandant at, to supervise travel- ler, 100; expenses at, to be paid by U.S., 197 ; casualties at, 220, 293 ; chief surgeon at, 303 See also Canfield, Col. Samuel Horses, forage for, 21 ; purchase of, 22-3, 450-1, 452; removed from Conn., 83, 102; impounding of. in common fields, 117; act against stealing, 204; con- fiscation of, 335 Horsford, Col. Obadiah, deputy for He- bron, 130 Horton, Joshua, to return to Long Island, 62 Hosmer, Lydia, administratrix, 50; to sell land, 77, 315, 238-9; payment to, 86 Hosmer, Prentice, money due, 315 Hosmer, Stephen, given note, 50 ; money due, 315 Hosmer, Capt. Thomas, deputy for Canaan, 108, 316 Hosmer, Titus, attorney to Gardener, 50 ; estate of, 77, 315, 86, 238-9; objects to continental bills, 42 Hospitals for soldiers, sailors, and ma- rines, 3-4 ; to innoculate regt. for smallpox, 28; at Horseneck, 84; in Eastern dept., surgeon gen. of, 236; Middletown house used as, 308 Hotchkiss, Eliphalet, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Hotchkiss, Gideon, selectman of Water- bury, 85 Hotchkiss, Robert, asks release from prison, 63 Hotchkiss, Stephen, appt. lieut., 167, 187 Hough, John. appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Hough, Dr. Walter, petitions for drugs and medicine, 129; payments to, 278, 279, 84 ; note of, to carry interest, 195 314 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Houghton, James, on committee, 416 Housatonic River, regulation of fishery on, 175 , 23 ; highway by, 45-6; bridge over, 51-2 House, Elijah, appt. capt., 443 Houses, to be enumerated in town lists, 445 Hovey, Ebenezer, to sell property, 246-7 Hovey, Jacob, appt. capt., 139 Hovey, Nathaniel, property sold, 246-7 Howard, Stephen, appt. lieut., 140 Howd, John, deputy for Derby, 131 Howd, Samuel, to recover land, 44 Howe, Joel, wolf bounty for, 421 Howe, John, appt. ens., 168 , 184 Howe, Sampson, deputy for Killingley, 2, 108, 431 Howe, Zadock, appt. lieut., 24 Howell, Daniel, permitted to travel, 119 Howell, Edmund, permitted to travel, 331 Howel(l), Elias, permitted to travel, 115 ; paid for use of whale boat, 246 Howell, Ezekiel, permitted to travel, 119 Howell, Nathan, to purchase shop, 90 Howell, Ryal, permitted to travel, 330 Howell, Stephen, permitted to travel, 119 Howland, Joseph, brig of, 64-5 ; appt. lieut., 389 ; petition of, 416 Hoyet, Lieut., resigned position, 116 Hoyt, Amos, appt. ens., 442 Hoyt (Hoit), Asa, taxes abated, 180 , 414 Hoyt, Daniel, appt. ens., 388 ; appt. lieut., 442 Hoyt, Capt. Jesse, detained at Norwalk, 249 Hoyt, John, taxes abated, 180 , 414 Hoyt (Hoit), Nathan, taxes abated, 180 , 414 Hoyt (Hoit), Samuel, appt. lieut., 281 Hoyt, Samuel, 3rd, money due to, 182 Hoyt, Timothy, taxes abated, 185 Hubbard, (of Hartford), signs order, 456 Hubbard, Aaron, appt. J.P., 135 Hubbard, David, heirs of, 244 Hubbard, Elijah, buys rum and sugar, 46 , 114 , 339 ; pay as commissary of re- freshment, 100 ; to receive supplies, 250 , 262 , 269 ; draft in favor of, 252 - 3 ; to deliver supplies to troops, 269 , 284 , 294 , 328 , 83 ; may sell cloth, 329 - 30 ; travelling expenses, 86; to give sum to paymasters, 86; to settle clothing accounts, 124; to manage lot- tery, 304 Hubbard, Ichabod, petition of, 297-8 Hubbard, Jedidiah, appt. ens., 34 Hubbard, Jeremiah, appt. capt., 132 Hubbard, Jeremiah, Jr., appt. lieut., 216 Hubbard, Jonathan, appt. ens., 186 , 387 Hubbard, Joseph, serves in army, 297 Hubbard, Nehemiah, orders in favor of, 72, 377 Hubbard, Oliver, appt. lieut., 388 Hubbard, Capt. William, to receive sup- plies, 109 , 115 Hubbell, Abraham, estate of, 411-12 Hubbell, Amos, petition of, 411 Hubbell, Capt. David, to buy property, 243 Hubbell, Eleazer, deputy for New Fair- field, 131 Hubbel(l), Ephraim, appt. J.P., 137 , 114, 322 Hubbell, Eunice, to deed property, 411-12 Hubbel(l), Gershom, appt. J.P., 137 , 114, 322 Hubbel(l), Hezekiah, deputy for Fair- field, 2, 286 , 6 ; on quota committee, 5; appt. J.P., 137 , 114, 322; to give deed, 234 Hubbell, Jedidiah, appt. J.P., 138 , 115, 323 Hubbell, Richard, Jr., to appoint new tax collector, 417 Hubbell, Capt. William G., deputy for New Fairfield, 316 Hudson, Mr., to aid French troops, 291 Hudson River, barrier against British, 278 Huiston, John, appt. lieut., 386 Hull, Andrew, appt. ens., 32 ; appt. lieut 441 Hull, Charles, appt. lieut., 385 Hull, David, petition of, 206 Hull, Esther, money due to, 182 Hull, James, appt. capt., 36 Hull, Lieut. Joseph, pay of, 427 Hull, Latham, appt. quartermaster. 32 ; appt. capt., 387 Hull, Samuel, petition of, 419 Hull, Timothy, petition of, 171 Humphrey, Ashbel, seeks release from prison, 77-8 Humphrey, Capt. Daniel, deputy for Simsbury, 2, 130 , 107, 202, 252, 315, 430; appt. J.P., 135 , 112, 321; to sell real estate, 193 ; to choose place for meeting house, 232 ; to sell property. 179 Humphry, David, pay of, 428 Humphrey, Dudley, appt. J.P.. 138 , 115, 323: deputy for Norfolk. 317, 431 Humphry, Maj. Elihu. tax collector, 304 Humphrey (s), Mai. Elijah, on commit- tee, 67 ; apnt. maj. 24 ; seeks to resign service, 105 ; resigns, 116 ; payment bv, 297 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 315 Humphr (e)y, Frederick, appt. lieut., 133; appt. capt., 393 Humphr(e)ys, John, petition of, 419 Humphr (e)ys, Jonathan, petition of, 304 Humphr (e)y, Oliver, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Hungerford, Jacob, appt. ens., 391 Hunn, Mary, estate of daughter of, 196 Hunt, Eliphaz, appt. lieut., 183 ; appt. capt., 140 Hunt, Joseph, to receive confiscated lands, 73; petition of, 180-1 Hunting, Benjamin, permitted to travel, 327 Huntington, Abner, appt. lieut., 185 Huntington, Andrew, appt. capt., 135 Huntington, Ann, petition of, 274-5 Huntington, Barnabas, deputy for Nor- wich, 131 ; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Huntington, Benjamin, present at assem- bly, 1, 130, 13, 107, 252, 315, 430; nominated for assistant, 61, 80, 313, 470; nominated to Congress, 61, 80; on committees, 132, 109, 317, 459, 475; elected assistant, 132, 109, 317 ; appt. delegate to Congress, 133, 110; takes oath, 133, 110, 318; payments to, 241, 56-7, 189, 198; petitions of, 72, 293, 303 ; delegate to interstate conference, 101-2; to sell state land, 164; adminis- trator of estate, 245 Huntington, Lieut. Col. Ebenezer, dis- pute over rank of, 90, 91, 265-7 ; pay- ments to, 179, 246 Huntington, Frederick, appt. capt., 215 Huntington, Hezekiah, payment of pre- mium, 405, 467 Huntington, Isaac, petition of, 180-1 Huntington, Capt. Jabez, order in favor of, 93; seized rum, 147, 148; on cur- rency committee, 174-5 ; given receipt for gunpowder, 193; buys fire arms. 418 Huntington, Brig. Gen. Jedidiah, to make out payrolls for recruits, 21 : consulted on promotions in army. 113; pay of, 113; extra rations for, 211-12 ; wife of, 274-5 ; family per- mitted to travel, 82 Huntington, Jonathan, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Huntington, Rev. Dr. Joseph, to be thanked for sermon, 319 Huntington, Col. Joshua, deputy for Norwich, 2; petitions of, 94-5, 416 Huntington, Judith, petitions of, 174-5. 418 Huntington, Levi, petition of, 416 Huntington, Roger, account of, 199-200 : bond of, 232, 404 Huntington, Samuel, present at assem- bly, 1, 130, 13, 107, 252, 315, 430; nom- inated assistant, 61, 80, 313, 470; nominated to Congress, 61, 80; to re- ceive oats, 125 ; on committee to count votes, 132, 109, 317 ; elected assistant, 132, 109 ; appt. delegate to Congress, 133, 110; takes oath, 133, 110, 318; appt. judge of superior court, 133, 111; appt. J.P., 135, 112; expenses paid, 207, 106 ; appt. to Council of Safety, 292, 333 ; at Council of Safety, 325-341, 82-106, 189-201, passim; ac- count of, 198; resigns from Congress, 207 ; chosen lieut. gov., 317 ; appt. chief judge of superior courts, 319; salary granted to, 428, 479 Huntington, Samuel, deputy for East Haddam, 107 Huntington, Simeon, appt. capt., 133 ; account of, 192 Huntington, Thomas, deputy for Ash- ford, 2 Huntington, William, petition of, 407 Hurd, David, appt. J.P., 137, 115, 323 Hurd, Solomon, appt. lieut., 136 Hurlbart, Joseph, assessed incorrectly, 26 Hurlburt, Daniel, appt. capt., 394 Hurlburt, Col. John, permitted to travel, 119; to be accompanied, 125 Hurlburt, Timothy, deputy for Canaan, 2, 131, 203, 253 Hurlburt, Truman, appt. ens., 386 Plusted, Thaddeus, appt. capt., 384 Hutchins, Col. Benjamin, deputy for Hartland, 131, 108, 316 Hutchins, Silas, appt. lieut., 137 Hutchinson, Asa, execution against, 126 Hutchinson, Elisha, compensation for, 200; appt. lieut., 135 Hutchinson, Moses, lands of, 126 Hutton, Samuel, payment of, 419 Hyatt, Daniel, taxes abated, 180, 414 Plyde, Maj., salt in hands of, 335 Hyde, Azariah, appt. ens., 185; appt. capt., 439 Hyde, David, defalcation of, 473 Hyde, James 3d, appt. capt., 32 Hyde, Matthew, deputy for East Wind- sor, 430 Hylyer, James, Jr., appt. capt., 32 Hymns, Barlow’s selection of, 459 Idiots, act for administering estates of, 117 Imlay, William, and David Trumbull’s accounts, 196, 199, 200; to prepare accounts, 197 Imports, duties on, 255, 326-7, 328, 378-9, 432, 435-7 316 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Imposts, state, account of, 447 ; none on copper and scrap iron, 448 Incorporation, of cities, 257-77, 343-73 : of Plainfield Academy, 406-7 ; of Salisbury iron ore bed, 425-6 Indian corn, report on, 88 Indians, at Golden Hill, Stratford, 29, 234-5 ; exempt from military service, 138; Mohegan, 213, 293, 130, 154-5, 416, 477 ; Susquehanna deed from, 292 ; at Scatacook (Kent), 178, 298; aid British in Revolution, 277 ; land in Chatham sold, 380 Infantry, raise in pay, 17 Sec also Regiments Ingalls, Lemuel, appt. lieut., 135 Ingham, Capt. Daniel, deputy for He- bron, 285, 3 ; petition of, 49 Ingolls, Zebadiah, appt. surveyor, 190 Ingraham, Anne, petition of, 70 Insane, act for administering estates of, 117 Inspector of United States Army, re- ports on application, 222 Insurance, issued on schooner, 291 Interest on state debt, certificates for, receivable for taxes, 119; on U.S. debt, 327, 433 ; paid out of taxes, 336, 375 ; collectors exempt from, 446 Invalid Regiment. See Regiment of Invalids Invasion, investigating cruelty of, 15 Inventories, of cargoes of seized ships, 331 ; of goods on vessels, 436 Invoices, to be given to naval officers. 328-9, 436; on duty, paying good, 437 Ireland, estate in Armagh, 88', goods imported from, 120 Iron, Salisbury works, 26, 102, 111, 226, 255, 271-3, 337, 89, 425 Iron, works to be assessed, 155 ; excise on, 16; for Newgate Prison, to be sold, 378; scrap, no duty on, 448 Isaacs, Aaron, permitted to travel, 111, 326, 103 Isaacs, Ralph, repairs wagon tiers, 305-6 Isham, John 2nd, pay for, 207 Ives, Allen, appt. capt., 285 Ives, Enoch, deed to, 288-9 Ives, Enos, appt. ens., 391 Ives, Levi, suit of, 462 Ives, Thomas, sued, 102-3 Jacket, Capt. Justus, deputy for Kent, 3 Jackson, Lieut., promoted, 281 Jackson, Abel, appt. lieut., 33 Jackson, Daniel, taxes abated. 180, 414 Jackson, Elias, appt. lieut.. 386 Jackson, William, appt. ens., 186 Jacobs, Abel, payment of, 270 Jacobs, Asael, to receive confiscated lands, 73 Jagger, Jeremiah, permitted to travel, 325, 329 Jail, New Haven, 227 , 286-7 ; Hartford, 286-7 ; Windham County, 395 ; Litch- field, 476 Jail-keeper, exempted from tavern taxes. 161 Jamaica, Long Island, Edwards to go to, 84 Jamaica, W.I., island of, prisoners in, 269 ; brigantine wrecked on return from, 473 ; resident of, 479 Jarvis, Abigail, to sell real estate, 208 Jarviss, James, owes for pork, 296 Jarvis (s), Samuel, to sell real estate, 193, 208 ; appt. ens., 443 Jarvis and Russell, Messrs., lead in care of, 274 Jauncey, James, confiscated estate of, 58-9, 68 ; mortgage paid to, 81 ; debt to, 307 Jeffery, Edward, to sell real estate, 306 Jeffery, John, estate of, 306 Jefferys, Charles, land of, 164 Jenkins, Lieut., resigns lieutenancy, 281 Jenner, Richard, estate of, 195, 14 3 Jennings, Augustus, estate of, 54 Jennings, Isaac, to sell real estate, 54 Jerom, Robert, appt. ens., 143 Jervis, Mr., provisions sold to, 284-5 Jessup, Ebenezer, appt. J.P., 322 Jessup, Silas, permitted to travel, 115 Jewelry, excise tax on, 16 John, schooner, 291 Johns, Fort, regiment marched from, 41 Johnson, Capt., pay of, 127, 247 Johnson, Abel, appt. capt., 439 Johnson, Abner, deputy for Waterbury, 2, 131 Johnson, Artemus, paid for injuries. 41 Johnson, Ebenezer, petitions of, 206, 456 Johnson, Elisha, appt. ens., 33 ; appt. lieut., 439 Johnson, Enos, petition of, 206 Johnson, Jesse, to sell real estate, 194 Johnson, Capt. John, pay of, 192; appt. capt., 211 Johnson, John, Jr., appt., capt., 184 Johnson, Jonathan, appt. lieut., 188 Johnson, Lieut. Col. Jonathan, pay of, 179, 246 Johnson, Justus, notes stolen from, 163 Johnson, Levi, fine of, 235-6 Johnson, Miles, to investigate coast guards, 28; taxes paid in flour, 192-3 Johnson, Obed, farm of, 305 Johnson, Peter, account of, 234 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 317 Johnson, Samuel, appt. lieut., 440 Johnson, Samuel William, appt. ens., 284 Johnson, Seth, bond of, 235 Johnson, Stephen, petition of, 168 Johnson, Stephen, Jr., appt. ens., 387 Johnson, William Samuel, in Penn, land dispute, 27, 205-6, 220 ; payments to, 333-4, 334, 449 ; appt. delegate to Con- gress, 444 ; nominated to Congress, 471 Johnson, Zachary, petitions of, 213, 293 ; maintenance of, 155-6 Johonet, issuing commissary, bills of, 103 Jones, Benjamin, Jr., on exchange of prisoners, 125 Jones, Caleb, to sell real estate, 308 Jones, Daniel, conduct complained of, 90-1 Jones, Ebenezer, vessel restored to, 335 Jones, Eliphaz, omitted assessment, 26 Jones, Israel, petition of, 152 Jones, Col. Joel, deputy for Hebron, 1 , 285, 3, 202, 252, 430; petition on, 49; to appraise land, 475 Jones, John, permitted to travel, 328 Jones, Squire, loses note, 292 Jones, Theophilus, estate of, 308 Jones, Timothy, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; sent prisoners to Hartford, 276 ; peti- tion of, 166-7 Jones, Zachanah How, appt. lieut., 132 Joy, Comfort, counterfeiter, 426 Judd, Daniel, petition of, 151-2 Judd, James, land of, 169 Judd, Jeheel, wounded, 151 ; pension to, 383 Judd, Jonathan, appt. ens., 297 Judd, Judah, land of, 169 Judd, Timothy, appt. J.P., 138, 115 Judge, Samuel, appt. capt., 33 Judges of admiralty, to be commissioned, 254 Judges of county courts, appointed, 133-4, 111, 319; citizens to testify, 328 Judges of probate, appointed, 134-5, 111-2, 210, 319-20; sale of confiscated estates under direction of, 162-3 ; to appoint administrators, 116 Judges of superior courts, appointed, 133, 111, 319; officials ineligible as, 323; salaries of, 324; may execute office of J.P., 325 Judgments, of Supreme Court of Errors, to be final, 324 Judiciary, state, expense of, 339 Judson, Adjutant, accounts of, 294 Judson, Maj. Agur, deputv for Strat- ford, 286, 7, 108, 203, 253, 316; appt. J.P., 114, 322 Judson, Agur, Jr., appt. lieut., 167; appt. capt., 211 Judson, Capt. Daniel, deputy for Strat- ford, 2, 131 ; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Judson, David, I, appt. capt., 281, 33 Judson, David, II, appt. lieut., 442 Judson, John, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Jurisdiction, at sea, 254 Jurors in city courts, how chosen, 262-3, 272-3, 349, 359, 368-9; jurisdiction over, 265, 274, 351, 361, 371 ; city, first election of, 267, 276-7, 353, 363 Justices of the peace, appointed, 135-8, 112-115, 210, 320-323, 446; warrants from, 145, 160; to settle controversy, 158; to appoint appraisers, 160; oath of office of, 179; in East Hartford, to call first town meeting, 221 ; to inves- tigate claims for silk bounties, 256, 342 ; to administer freeman’s oath, 258, 268, 344, 355, 364-5 ; superior court judges to execute office of, 325; to is- sue warrants for seizing ships, 33 ; to issue certificates for killing wolves, 342 ; to issue warrant for East Wind- sor tax collectors, 422 ; to issue war- rant for proprietors’ meetings, 438 Justices of the quorum, appointed, 135-8, 112-4, 210, 320-3, 446; senior, to hear libel cases, 331-2 Keeler, Matthew, taxes abated, 181, 414 Keeler, Capt. Samuel, commands com- pany, 178 Keeler, Stephen, taxes abated, 180, 182 Keigwin (Keiguine), Nicholas, appt. lieut., 24 ; wages of, 117 Kellam, Samuel, appt. ens., 386 Kellogg, Abner, appt. lieut., 186 Kellogg, Abraham, appt. ens., 189 Kellogg, Elijah, appt. J.P., 136, 112, 321 Kellogg, George, appt. lieut., 295 Kellogg, John, taxes abated. 180, 414 Kellogg, Judah, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Kellogg, Martin, appt. capt., 186 Kelsey (Kelcey), Capt. Aaron, deputy for Killingworth, 131, 203 , 253 , 316 Kelsey, Ephraim, to command boat, 281 Kelsey (Kelcey), Joel, pay of, 305 Kelsey (Kelcey), John, appt. ens., 442 Kelsey (Kelcy), Jonathan, to sell land, 145 Kenney. Moses, deputy for Voluntown, 2 Kent, Elihu, assessment omitted, 26 Kent, John, appt. capt., 139 Kent, armv quota, 15; assessment, 60, 61, 79, 18 7. 312; refs, to inhabs. of, 70-1, 81, 167, 61, 298; selectmen of, 81 ; confiscated lands in, 95 ; military companies of, 139 ; Aaron Payne at, 39, 303, 415; to hold lottery, 165; In- dians at, 178, 298; state collector, 334 318 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Kettle, Jonathan, appt. lieut., 217 Keys, Maj. John, deputy for Ashford, 2; on committees, 5, 10 Kibbee, Amariah, appt. capt., 189 Kibbe(e), Charles, appt. capt., 296 Kibbe(e), Peter, assessment omitted, 26 Kibbe(e), Zerah, deputy for Somers, 1, 107, 202, 252 Kilborn, David, appt. lieut., 186 ; appt. capt., 212 Kilborn, Issabel, heir to estate, 196 Kilborn, Jonah, Jr., claimant to will, 196 Kilborn, Jonathan, fails to pay tax, 471 Kilborn, Lemuel, appt. ens., 36 Kilborn, Lewiss, appt. ens., 441 Killam. Eliphalet, appt. ens., 185 Killingley, army quota, 14 ; highway re- pair, 59; state assessment, 60, 61, 79. 312; selectmen of, 108, 423; military companies of, 139, 140 ; state collector, 334; refs, to inhabs. of, 423, 458; stay of execution, 423, 477 Killingworth, coast guard of, 11 ; refs, to inhabs. of, 57-8 , 48, 69, 145 ; assess- ment, 60, 60, 79, 187, 311 ; ammunition for, 95 ; selectmen of, 95, 304 ; military companies of, 139; She(a)thar goes to, 311, 331-2, 335; road to Middle- town, 168; state collector, 334 Kimbal(l), John, appt. capt., 167 Kimball, Richard, allowed to travel, 93 Kimberly, Azel, appt. capt., 217 Kimberly, Ephraim, appt. capt., 281 Kimberly, John, owns land in New Ha- ven, 295 Kimberly, Nathaniel, released from cus- tody, 88 Kimberly, Robert, injured in battle, 159 Kimberly, Sarah, land of, 295 King, Abigail, permitted to travel, 100 King, Alexander, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 ; deputy for Suffield, 315 King, Ashbel, appt. capt., 141 ; election to captaincy questioned, 160 King, Benjamin, permitted to travel, 99- 100 King, Capt. Benj., Jr., widow of, per- mitted to travel, 100 King, Dan, appt. ens., 214 King, Gideon, payment to, 36 King, Joshua, promoted, 281 King, Josiah, to regulate election of mili- tia officers, 160 King. Lemuel, bounty for wounds, 74, 252 King, Major Nathaniel, permitted to travel, 115, 97, 327 King, Oliver, appt. ens., 388; appt. lieut.. 443 King, Samuel, I, appt. lieut., 190 King, Samuel, II, released from jail, 153 King, Thaddeus, petition of, 410; appt. lieut., 443 King, of Great Britain, adherent of, 424 King Street, Greenwich, petition for land in, 96 King Street, Kent, rendezvous for sup- ply teams, 71, 81 Kingman, Joseph, buys army commis- sion, 220, 287-8 Kingsbury, Ebenezer, petition of, 396 Kingsbury, Ephraim, deputy for Coven- try, 2, 131, 108, 316; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323 Kingsbury, Joseph, deputy for Enfield, 130, 202, 252, 315, 430 ; report on ferry, 232; petition of, 304 Kingsbury, Capt. Lemuel, deputy for Canaan, 316, 431 Kingsbury, Thomas, appt. ens., 214 Kinne, Jacob, assessed incorrectly, 26 Kinne, Samuel, appt. ens., 168, 185 ; re- signs, 261 Kirkland, Rev. Samuel, payment to, 154 Kirtland, Martin, death of, 203 Knapp, Eben, appt. ens., 214 Knap, James, petitions of, 158, 243 Knap, Silvanus, petition of, 222 Knowles, Samuel, land of, 48 Knox, Samuel, witness to deed, 50 Knox, Sarah, witness to deed, 50 Lace, import duty, 432 Lacey, Capt. Daniel, given commission. 119 Lacey, Ebenezer, petition of, 61-2 Lacey, Josiah, payment to, 65-6 Ladd, Abner, appt. capt., 185 Lafayette, George Washington, made cit- izen of Conn., 439 Lafayette, Marquis de, man commanded by, wounded, 301 ; detachment serving, 77 ; made citizen of Conn., 439 Lamb, Col., regiment of, 269, 270, 72-3, 226 Lamb, Rufus, appt. lieut., 31 Landers, Joseph, deputy for Sharon, 132 Landon, Nathaniel, appt. J.P., 138 Lane, Gad, petition of, 160 Lane, Hezekiah, deputy for Killing- worth, 2, 431 ; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Lane, John, Jr., payment to, 69 Lane, Joseph, Jr., army pay, 397 Lankton, Joseph, appt. lieut., 187 Larabee, Timothy, deputy for Windham. 286, 7 Lard, taken to Long Island, 83 Larrence, Capt. Isaac, house of, 95 Latham, Capt., serves in Fort Griswold, 175-6 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 319 Latham, Edward, petition of, 402 Latham, Giles, theft from, 215 Latham, Capt. William, pay roll of, 20- 21 ; losses by enemy, 41 ; provisions for, 108 ; new note for, 58 Lathrop, Abner, permitted to travel, 341 Lathrop, Benjamin, petition of, 341 Lathrop, Ebenezer, appt. capt., 138, 142 Lathrop, Capt. Elisha, appt. probate judge, 134, 111, 320; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; deputy for Norwich, 286 , 5, 108, 203, 253, 316, 431 ; on committees, 323, 317, 473 Lathrop, Capt. Hope, deputy for Tol- land, 2 ; petition of, 46 Lathrop, John, petition of, 213 Lathrop, Rufus, to investigate cruelties of enemy, 15 ; to report losses, 16 ; to inspect goods for, 87 ; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; taxes for New London and Groton, 176 , 236, 238, 293, 128, 379 Lathrop, Zebadiah, appt. quartermaster, 137 Latimer, Samuel, payment to, 189 Latimer, Samuel, & Co., account of, 194 Latin, Ross’s grammar, 245 Lattimer, Jonathan, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Lattimore, Hezekiah, appt. capt., 36 Lauzun, Due de, commands French le- gion, 49 Law, Richard, nominated assistant, 61. 80, 313 ; nominated for Congress, 61. 80; elected assistant, 132, 109, 317. 471 ; elected to Congress, 133, 110 : takes oath, 133, 110, 318; appt. count; court judge, 134, 111 ; accounts of. 331 ; at general assembly, 13, 107, 202, 252, 430 ; to count votes, 108 ; to revise laws, 122, 219, 282 ; resigns from Congress, 207 ; to sell property, 243 ; appt. superior court judge, 319; on committee, 416 Lawn, import duty, 432 Lawrence, Ariel, appt. lieut., 136 Lawrence, John, to turn over old bills. 117 ; elected treasurer, 132, 109, 317; takes oath, 133, 110, 318; appt. J.P 135, 112, 320; claims overcharge in interest, 23 8; salary, 239, 187, 428; to receive orders, 255; pay of clerks of. 322; issues order, 105; to report on tax, 209; notes signed or issued bv. 163, 175, 176 See also Treasurer, state Lawrence, Jonas, appt. lieut., 218 Laws of Nations, act to prevent infrac- tions of, 156 Laws, state, repeal of, 115-6; revision of, 122, 219, 281-2 Laws, book of, to be printed, 282 ; to be distributed, 374 Lawson, Robert, appt. surveyor, 451 Lawson, Capt. Thomas, deputy for Union, 2, 131 Lay, Asa, appt. capt., 388 Lay (Say), John 2nd, appt. T.P., 136. 113, 322 Leach, David, appt. lieut., 32 Leach, Ichabod, petition of, 244-5 Leach, James, sells property, 244-5 Leach, John, property of, 244-5 Leach, Lieut. Joseph, petition of, 44 Leach, Manasseh, appt. capt., 34 Lead, furnished to state, 419 Leads, Gideon, money due to, 182 Learning, Rev. , of Norwalk, land deeded to, 157-8 Learning, David, receives property, 289 Learning, Jeremiah, claim of, 288-9 Learning, Judah, receives property, 289 Learning, Mathias, claim to confiscated property, 157-8, 288-9 Learned, Amasa, lighthouse money to be paid to, 206, 280 Learned, Daniel, deputy for Killingley, 2, 131 ; appt. capt., 137 Learned, Simon, appt. J.P., 323 Learned, Thaddeus, appt. quartermaster, 136 Leather, tanned, import duty, 432; seal- ers of, 434 Leavenworth, Asa, judgment against, 233 Leavensworth, Maj. Eli, commission to cruise, 327 Leavenworth, Jesse, ferry of, 42, 23 Leavins (Leavens), Benjamin, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323 Leavins, Roland, appt. ens., 444 Leavitt, John, appt. J.P., 135 112, 321 Leavitt. Thaddeus. appt. lieut., 141 ; election questioned, 160 Lebanon, army quota, 14 ; barracks, 49 ; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 312; ref. to inhabs. of. 70, 167, 200, 226. 254, 316. 28. 35, 174(2). 195. 222. 302, 422-3; selectmen of, 107 , 407 ; claims of class at. dismissed, 121 ; military companies of, 139; veteran military company of, 44 ; travellers to, 88. 189 LeBaron, Mary, petition of. 152 Lechmere (Leachmere), Nicholas, joins enemy, 270; estate confiscated, 73, 85 Ledyard. Anne, petition of, 62, 223, 235 Ledyard, Austin, estate of. 322 Ledyard, Eben. petition of. 102 Ledyard Ebenezer, to examine mortgage. 45 ; to estimate damages, 47 ; ordered care of sick prisoners, 121; to conduct 320 NDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V exchange of prisoners, 122 , 126 ; letter to, 125 ; deputy for Groton, 131, 108, 203, 253, 317; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 ; appt. to Council of Safety, 174 ; peti- tions for new notes, 198 ; at Council of Safety, 239-285, 340, 82-106, 189-201 passim ; accompanies person from New York, 274 ; to take care of guardhouse, 197 ; account of, 200 ; wages of, 201 ; to sell supplies, 281 ; to make report, 402-3 Ledvard, Col. William, money due, 62, 223, 235; in command at Fort Gris- wold, 181-2 Lee, Lieut. , resigns, 281 Lee, Ashbel, claims estate, 196 Lee, Col. Isaac, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 ; deputy for Farmington. 107 ; on com- mittee, 158; land of, 169 Lee, James, appt. lieut., 296; appt. capt., 391 Lee, Samuel, appt. capt., 218 Lee, Capt. Samuel (of Guilford), dep- uty for Guilford, 316 Lee. Samuel, Jr., appt. capt., 32; to give evidence. 88 ; expenses of, 90 Lee, Sarah, heir to estate, 196 Lee. Stephen (of Farmington), land of, 169 Lee, Capt. Stephen (of Lyme), commis- sion suspended, 127 Leeds, Elisha, account of, 99 Leeds, Gideon, petition of, 80-1 Leet, Daniel, payment to, 167 Leet. Solomon, taxes abated, 157, 380; house burned, 227-8 Leet, Solomon, Jr., taxes abated, 227-8 Leffingwell, Major Benajah, to give pro- visions, 109 ; appt. lieut. col., 384 Leffingwell, Christopher, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; and Norwich lottery, 182, 407-8; petitions of, 64-5, 180-1, 416: paid for use of sloop, 166; deputy for Norwich, 203, 253, 431 ; appt. lieut. col., 211 Leffingwell, Samuel, Jr., appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Legion of France, barracks for, 49 Lemons, excise tax on, 16 Letters of marque & reprisal. See Marque, letters of; Reprisal, let- ters of Leverett, John, widow of, 42 Leverett, Mary, petition of, 42 Lewis (s). Abel, appt. ens., 218; appt. lieut., 391 Lewis ( s) , Caleb, petition of, 53-4 Lewis (s), Enoch, appt. capt., 216 Lewis (s), John, appt. capt., 186 Lewis (s), Nathan, appt. ens.. 133 Lewis (s), Nehemiah, appt. ens., 135 Lewis (s), Ozias, appt. ens., 214 Lewis (s), Samuel, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; appt. quartermaster, 297 ; deputy for Waterbury, 5 Lewis (s), Simeon, appt. ens., 36 Lewis, Zachariah, appt. capt., 442 Lewis (s), Zebulon, appt. ens., 284 Libel, of confiscated cargoes, 330-2 License, of retailers, 338-9 ; to carry passengers, 452 Lieutenant governor, choice of, 317 ; oath of, administered to, 318; cannot be judge of Superior Court, 323; presi- dent of Supreme Court of Errors, 324 See also Deputy governor ; Griswold, Matthew; Huntington, Samuel Light Dragoons. See Dragoons, Light; Regiment (s), Continental Lighthouse, at New London, 205, 206. 25 7. 280 Lighting, in cities, 265, 275, 352, 362, 371 Linares. John, objects to raising soldiers, 110 ; asks military exemption, 213 Linens, import duty on, 432 Lines. Ebenezer. pav of, 270 ; to receive confiscated land, 73 Lintot, Bernard, propertv confiscated. 289 Liquors, restrictions on sale, 17; import duty on, 327, 328, 432; malt, excise on, 339 Listers, acts relating - to, 154-6, 340, 438; on state land, 125 ; to make returns, 206, 283, 403, 451 ; requests from, 374, 471 Lists, assessment, reported, 59-60, 59-61, 78-80, 186-7, 310-12 ; form prescribed. 156 ; revisions of. 127, 340. 396, 403, 447-8, 477; of Windsor, 341; of E. Windsor, 422; sivine exempted from. 438 : to be considered, 445 ; for Litch- field. 451 Litchfield, county, state supplies in, 22, 257, 96; refs., to inhabs. of 61-2. 70-1. 77-8. 81. 83, 195. 225. 323-24, 63, 67. 68. 69-70. 143. 152. 287. 293; jail. 78, 40: sheriff of, 79, 262, 320 ; court, judge appointed for, 134, 111. 319: J.P.. appointed for, 137-8 . 114. 323: surveyor of lands for, 190. 383 ; county court of, 196, 232. 281 ; refs, to towns in, 220. 242. 438-9; petition for resi- dence in, 58; warrant issued by J.P., for. 147; land purchased in, 150; Superior Court in, 238, 281. 293 Litchfield, probate court and district, to direct real estate sales, 39. 223; judge appointed for, 135, 112, 320 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 321 Litchfield, town of, army quota, 15 ; refs, to inhabs. of, 41, 54, 202, 203, 223, 248, 331-2, 143-4, 177-8, 217; as- sessment, 60, 25-6, 61, 79, 187, 312, 403, 451; military companies of, 140; pris- oner in, 221 ; collector of j /2 crown tax in, 240 ; lieut. sent to, 194 ; gunpowder at, 240; fined, 283 Literature, act to encourage, 13-15, 245-6 Little, David, appt. lieut., 33 Little, Gamaliel, appt. capt., 215 Little River (Middletown), as boun- dary, 354 Livingstone, Col. Henry, service of, 265-267 ; regiment of, 297 ; ore bed, 425-6 Lloyd, John, taxation of, 163 Lloyd, John, Jr., commissary to army, 83; permitted to travel, 126, 50 Lloyd, Joseph, estate of, 182 Lloyds neck, party from, 249 ; post at, 312 Loan Office, Continental, to receive Bills, 27, 117, 172 ; to issue certificate, 433 ; pay for officer of, 455 Loan, state, authorized, 122 Lockwood, Abraham, release of, 243 Lockwood, Ebenezer, taxes abated, 181-2 Lockwood, Capt. Eliphalet, deputy for Norwalk, 2; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; taxes abated, 181, 184, 414; to sell real estate, 220; petition of, 313 Lockwood, Henry, payment to, 70-1 Lockwood, Hezekiah, taxes abated, 181, 414 Lockwood, Isaac, appt. J.P., 114 Lockwood, James, appt. quartermaster, 140; appt. cornet, 385 Lockwood, Jared, bond of, 78 Lockwood, John, Jr., taxes abated, 181, 414 ; petition of, 313 Lockwood, John, 3rd, taxes abated, 181, 414 Lockwood, Samuel, suit of, 209-10 Lockwood, Samuel, Jr., pay of, 197 Lockwood, Samuel, 3rd, gives evidence, 77 Lockwood, Stephen, gives evidence, 77 London, debt to merchants in, 233 Long Island, enemy incursions from, 40, 199, 400; refs, to inhabs. of, 75, 84, 88, 115, 299-300, 316, 144, 163, 196, 479 ; illegal travel to, 76, 77-8, 208-9, 153, 223, 234, 294; goods taken to and from, 86, 120, 280, 99, 103, 156; per- sons permitted to go to, 93(2), 94, 100, 102, 104, 106, 111, 115, 119, 122, 125(2), 239, 282(2), 304, 325, 326, 328, 329, 330, 337, 340, 47, 50, 52-3, 57-8, 62, 63, 64, 82. 82-3, 84(2), 86, 96, 97(2), 97-8, 98, 99(2), 99-100, 100(6) ; intercourse with, restricted. 161, 274 ; trade at. 275 ; person allowed to return from, 341, 84, 103 ; schooner taken to, 457 Long Island Sound, cruising on, 87-8, 90-1, 92-3, 94 Loomiss, Abner, appt. capt., 33 Loomiss, Isaiah, appt. ens., 211 Loomiss, John, appt. cornet, 297; appt. lieut., 215 Loomis (s), Luther, appt. ens., 141 Loomiss, Capt. Nathaniel, deputy for Windsor, 202, 252 Loomis, Watson, payment to, 118 Lord, Elisha, deputy for Pomfret, 2 Lord, Epaphras, appt. J.P., 135 Lord, Lynde, to sell gunpowder, 250; payment to, 476 Lord, Capt. Martin, deputy for Killing- worth, 108 Lord, Samuel P., fails to pay tax, 471 Lord, Theodore, appt. ens., 136 ; appt. lieut., 391 Lord, William, appt. lieut., Ill Lotteries, at Canterbury, 317 ; at Derbv, 45-6, 419; at New Milford. 51-2; at Norwich, 182,407-8 ; at Middletown, 304 Louns'borough, Gideon, money due, 182 Lounsbury, Nathan M., pay for, 270 ; to receive lands, 73 Lovel, Levy, estate of, 211 Loveland, Jonathan, note of, 240 Loveland, Sarah, petition of, 240 Lovett (Loveit, Lovit), Capt. Samuel, deputv for Norwich, 131 ; appt. J.P., 136, 113 Lownsberry, Michael, release of, 40 Loyalists. See Confiscated estates Lucas, Abner, bond of, 38 Ludlum, George, permitted to travel, 282 Lum, Reuben, petition of, 420 Lumber, taken to Long Island, 83, 99 ; from Newgate Prison, 378; expecta- tion of, 433-4 Lyman, Aaron, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Lyman, Daniel, appt. J.P.. 210, 321 Lyman, David, to sell real estate, 38 Lyman, Moses, appt. capt., 217 Lyman, Phineas, property of, 70 Lyman, Samuel, appt. J.P.. 136, 113, 320; to adjust accounts, 119; to ex- amine abatements, 130; declines ap- pointment as auditor, 286 Lyman, Samuel, Jr., widow of, 70 Lyme, coast guard of, 11 ; ref. to inhabs. of, 31. 167. 168 , 208, 224. 331. 334 , 59, 251, 289-90, 399 (see also Burnham. Capt. Josiah) ; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 187, 311 ; selectmen of, to supply pro- visions, 108; flying guard at, 127, 247, 92, 192; military companies of, 139; freeholders of, to appraise debt, 28; 322 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V confiscated land in, 56 ; fine of, 309 ; state collector, 334; ferry at, 399 Lynde, William, appt. J.P., 446 Lyndes Cove, as boundary, 118 Lyon, Aaron, appt. lieut., 37 Lyon, Abigail, taxes abated, 208-9 Lyon, Asa, deputy for Woodstock, 286, 8, 108; pay of, 52 Lyon, Augustus, goes to enemy lines, 233-4 Lyon, Elijah, beef delivered to, 193 Lyon, Capt. Ephraim, appt. surveyor of lands, 451 Lyon, Henry, sells land, 233-4 Lyon, Joseph, forfeited estate of, 99, 233-4 Lyon, Lois, inherits estate, 233-4 Lyon, Lucy, petition of, 233-4 Lyon, Capt. Nehemiah, deputy for Woodstock, 203, 253, 316, 431 Lyon, Peter, taxes abated, 208-9 Lyon, William, account of, 193; appt. ens., 218 Mackay, John, to appraise confiscated land, 96 Madeira Wine, import duty on, 327 Magoffin, John, to sell goods, 120 Malbone, Godfrey, gives bond, 55-7 Malbone, John, gives bond, 55-7 Mallery, Aaron, 3d, loses note, 67 Mallery, John, appt. ens., 387, 391 Mallery, Matthew, taxes abated, 181, 182 Mallery, Nathan, taxes abated, 181, 414 Mallery, Walter, appt. lieut., 386 Malleson (Mallerson), Thomas, appt. lieut., 32; appt. capt., 216 Mallet, Capt. Lewis, deputy for Milford, 2, 286, 5 ; to inspect goods, 93 Mallet, Lewis (s), Jr., appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Maltbie, Benjamin, to appraise estate, 201-2, 314 Malthrop, Timothy, appt. lieut., 35 Man, Joseph, execution against, 126 Manning, Calvin, appt. ens., 185 Manning, Hezekiah, appt. J.P., 137 , 114. 322 Mansfield, Elisha, pardon for, 41 Mansfield, Thomas, appt. T.P., 136, 113, 321 Mansfield, town of, army quota for state reet., 14; assessment. 60, 61, 79, 312, 409; selectmen of, 107; ref. to inhab., 116, 167, 229, 303, 316, 322, 384 ; mili- tary companies of, 139; property in, 239-40 Manufacturing, of glass, 57 ; in Conn, not subject to excise, 116; of snuff. 400; of loaf sugar, 477 Manwaring, , permitted to travel, 84 Manwaring, Christopher, to deliver notes, 400 Marcy, Matthew, appt. ens., 133 Mardenbrough, Christopher, account of, 453-4 Mardenbrough, Mary, petition of, 453-4 Marine Department, governor as super- intendent of, 254 Marines, hospitalization of, 3-4 Markets, city, jurisdiction over, in New Haven, 265, in New London, 274; in Hartford, 351 ; in Middletown, 361 ; in Norwich, 371 Markham, Jehiel, tax collector, 26 Marks, David, appt. lieut., 218 Marlborough, military company in, 139, 140 Marque, letters of, governor to issue, 254 Marriage, act for regulating, 116 Marsh, Abel, note of, 106; payment by, 201 Marsh, Ebenezer, deputy for Litchfield, 316, 431 Marsh, Ensign George, tax collector, 25 Marsh, Lemuel, fails to pay tax, 471 Marsh, Thankfull, to sell real estate, 195 Marsh, William, estate of, 195 Marshall, Abner, deputy for Torrington, S, 132 Marshall, Capt. Eliakim, deputy for Windsor, 2, 286, 4, 107 Marshall, Elisha, payment to, 74 Marshall, Rev. John R., permitted to travel, 40 Marshall, Mary, payment to, 74 Marston, Nathaniel, land mortgaged to, 44 Martin, George, 3rd, appt. lieut., 214 Martin, John, steals pork, 53 Marvin, Benjamin, appt. ens., 34 Marvin, Elihu, deputy for Hebron, 107, 202, 252, 315; petitions of, 182, 416; appt. capt., 212; appt. J.P., 321; appt. maj., 439 Marvin, Isaiah, taxes abated, 181 Marvin, John, permitted to travel, 325 Marvin, Matthew, appt. lieut., 34 Marvin, Capt. Ozias, detains persons, 249 Marvin, Samuel, taxes abated, 181, 414 Marvin, Timothy, appt. ens., 183 Mason, David, appt. lieut., 189; appt. capt., 137 Mason, Ebenezer, Jr., appt. capt., 133 Mason, Col. Jeremiah, on committees, 5, 10; payment to, 219 ; appt. J.P., 323 ; deputy for Lebanon, 431 Mason, Peter, appt. ens., 212 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 323 Massachusetts, enemy expelled from, 17 ; troops stationed in, 18; refs., to inhab., 57, 126, 205, 43, 129; cattle taken to, 100; goods not liable to seizure in, 64-5 ; assembly of, asks conference, 101 Masters of vessels, duties of, 25 7, 329, 336 Mather, Eleazer, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Mather, Joseph, appt. ens., 168 Mather, Oliver, appt. lieut., 142 Mather, Samuel, Jr., deputy for Lyme, 2; to sell real estate, 224 Mather, Zechariah, appt. lieut., 390 Matross companies, of Fort Trumbull, 20 ; lieut. appt., 107 ; to parade, 166 ; to provide ammunition wagon, 174 ; in New Haven, 177 ; reference to, 21 ; to have charge of cannon, 448 Matson, Nathaniel, deputy for Lyme, 131, 286, 5, 20 3, 253; taxes abated, 208; land appraised by, 339 Matson, William, to receive salt, 251 Matthews, — 1 , Mayor of N .Y., money from, 102 Mat (t) hews, Stephen, payment to, 323-4 Mat (t) hews, Thomas, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Matthias, Stephen, payment to, 235 Mattoon, Eleazer, property to be sold, 185-6 Mattoon. Isaac, petition of, 185-6 May, John, appt. ens., 388 Mayor, election of, in New Haven, 258: in New London, 268 ; in Hartford. 345 ; in Middletown, 355-6 ; in Nor- wich, 365 Mayor, oath of, in New Haven, 264 : in New London, 273-4; in Hartford. 350; in Middletown, 360; in Norwich. 370 Mayor, to be moderator of city meeting and common council, 267, 276, 352, 362, 372 McAuley, Auley,' taxes abated, 181, 182 McBreed, John, petition of, 416 McCall, Hobart, appt. ens., 441 McClellan, John, appt. ens., 389 McClellan, Col. Samuel, to examine ac- counts, 62; to receive supplies, 86, 128, 274 ; to supervise travellers. 92, 94, 102, 106-7, 114, 116, 119, 125. 239, 276, 326, 328, 336. 338, 340, 86, 97(4), 98, 99, 100(2), 102. 103: men under com- mand of, 107, 123, 258 ; gives warrants, 114 ; to investigate officer’s conduct, 251-2; to appoint prison ship com- mander, 252 ; reports expiration date of militia, 258 ; to receive bounty money, 267 ; attends Council of Safety. 267 : to ship damaged muskets, 267 ; detains prisoners, 274 ; letter from, 275 ; petition of, 98 ; pay of, 105 ; appt. brig, gen., 384 McCliver, David, appt. lieut., 185 McCluer, David, appt. capt., 33 McCune, Robert, deputy for Winchester, 3; appt. ens., 443 McEvers, Charles, confiscated land sold, 198, 414; estate to accept state securi- ties, 177-8; sum owed to estate of, 310; asks restoration of property, 479 McFarren, Thomas, to obtain supplies, 86-7 McKay, John, to sell real estate, 218; appt. J.P., 322 McKinstry, Col., to command state guards, 21 McKinstry, Ezekiel, appt. capt., 188 McLane, John, petition of, 405 McLean, , British prisoner, 461 McLean, Alexander, appt. ens., 443 Mead, Amos, deputy for Greenwich, 2 ; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; payment to, 166 Mead, Ens. Andrew, account of, 195 Mead, Benjamin, Jr., appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Mead, Edmund, appt. lieut., 214 Mead, Epinetus, released, 243 Mead, Brig. Gen. John, deputy for Greenwich, 2, 286, 6, 108, 203, 253, 316; petitions of, 79, 99, 39, 153-4; to appraise confiscated land, 96 ; to supply munitions, 116, 341; ammuni- tion delivered to, 106 ; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; order drawn for, 264; back pay for troops of, 305; to sell state property, 104, 129; to await decision on raising company, 104-5 ; resigns command, 210 Mead. Jonathan, to receive confiscated lands, 73 Mead, Col. Matthew, sued, 152-3 Mead, Matthew, appt. J.P., 137, 114. 322 Mead, Nathaniel, petition of, 66-7 Mead, Seth, seeks pardon, 312 Mecom, Nehemiah, release of, <53 Medicine, for hospital at Horseneck. 129, 84 ; given to Liba Woodward, 85 ; man trained in, 462 Meeker, David, appt. lieut., 139 Meetings, of land owners, 438 Meigs, Col. Return Jonathan, to inquire about coast guards, 28; contracted for leather caps, 119 ; promoted, 266 : property of, bounds Middletown city line, 354 Merchandise, importation prohibited. 161, 162; excise on, 279-80, 338; 324 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V duty on, 328, 435-6; on vessels, to be declared, 435-6 Merchant, Elizabeth, to sell real estate, 306 Merchants, to pay excise tax, 279-80 ; in New London and New Haven, exemp- tion from assessment, 325-6; in N.Y. and Europe, money owed to, 450; en- couragement to, 454 Meriam, Marshall, to sell real estate, 80 Meriam, Mary, to sell real estate, 80 Meriden, land in, 68-9 Merriam, Samuel, appt. capt., 443 Merrill, Charles, permitted to travel, 106 Merrill ( Merrils) , George, payment to, 87 Merrill(s), Moses, petition of, 396 Merrill (Merrell), Noah, in army quota, 220 Merrill (Merrell, Merrils), Zebulon. appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Merriman, Samuel, appt. lieut., 285 Merriman, Theophilus, dispute with Whittlesey, 307 Merwin, John, appt. lieut., 141 Middlebrook, Silvanus, appt. lieut., 297 Middlebrook, Stephen, deputy for Strat- ford, 286, 7 Middletown, city of, incorporation, 354- 64 ; seal, 354, 362; city meeting, 355-6 : election of officers, 355-6, 362, 363 ; taxes in, 355-6; sheriffs of, 356; city court. 356-9 ; streets, etc., 359, 361 ; oaths of officers, 360-61 ; court of common council, 361-2; bye-laws 361-2; first, city meeting, 362-3 ; freedom of city, 373 Middletown, probate court and district, to direct sale of real estate, 79, 80, 194, 315, 320, 38, 148, 149; judge appt. for, 134, 111, 319 Middletown, town of, army quota, 14; innoculation at, 28, 308; refs, to in- habs., 40, 50, 58, 68-9, 77, 79, 80, 182, 192, 204, 230, 237, 250, 269, 280, 294, 315, 320, 327, 328, 34, 38, 38-9, 42, 63. 77-8, 81, 148-9, 180, 227, 241. 291-2, 475, 477; assessment, 60, 59, 78, 311; to provide supplies, 92, 93, 124 ; pro- visions transferred to, 108: military companies from, 140: prisoners to go to, 279 : lottery in, 3 ; petitions about roads, 80, 168; petition of inhabitants of, 160; sale of property in, 238: naval officer at, 254 ; listers of, 283 ; incorporated as city, 354-64 Miel, Capt. Charles, appt. capt., 24; to receive supplies. 118, 121, 122 ; allowed money, 240 Mikels, Cant., company of, 334 Milally (Michael), petition of, 197 Miles, Daniel, deputy for Goshen, 286, 9. 108, 203, 253, 316, 431; to count votes, 110 Miles, Isaac, appt. ens., 442 Miles, John, asks for deed, 319 Miles, Jonathan, goes over to enemv, 232-3 Miles, Joshua, appt. 2nd lieut., 384 Miles, Samuel, asks for confiscated property, 95 Miles, Theophilus, released from bond. 232-3 Miles, Thomas, appt. 1st lieut., 384 Milford, coast guard of, 11 ; assessment. 60, 60, 78, 311 ; refs, to inhabs., 93. 116, 229, 241, 47. 149, 312, 400, 463 ; military companies of, 139 ; to receive supplies. 241, 261 ; fort at, 241 ; garri- son at, 30, 162, 464; Wood/bridge to cooperate with, 305 ; state collector, 334 Military service, act to prevent evasion of, repealed, 115 Militia, for defense of frontier, 10, 102; detachment ordered out, 16; pay for members, 19, 71 ; act for forming and regulating, 138-153, 275, 19-21 ; liabil- ity for service in, 138-9 ; division of. into units, 139-41 ; calling out of, 141-2 : staff officers for, 142-3; returns of. 144-5; equipment and training of mem- bers of, 145-9 ; punishment of delin- quents, 149, 152 ; provisions for alarms. 149-50; detachments from, 150-2; dis- cipline of, 165 ; regts. to be divided. 165 ; raising body of, 166, 257 ; to man garrisons, 176 ; quartermaster general for, 182; revision of laws for, 445 See also Regiments by number Millard, Nathan, appt. ens., 187 Miller, Amos, deputv for New Hartford, 108, 203, 253, 316" Miller, Andrew, appt. lieut., 214 Miller, Charles, capt. at Horseneck, 220 Miller, Edward, purchased note. 63 Miller, Isaac, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Miller, Jason, permitted to travel, 239 Miller, Nathan, lost note, 59 Miller, Nathaniel, appt. ens., 388 Miller, Samuel, prisoner of war, 70-1 Miller, Seth, appt. ens., 440 Miller. Stephen, Jr., petition of, 77-8 Miller, William, appt. capt., 212 Mills, David, taxes abated, 48-9 Mills, Elisha, deputy for Stratford, 131, 431; appt. T.P., 137, 114, 322; on committee, 175; petition of, 466 Mills, Hannah, estate of, 193, 179 Mills, Capt. Michael, deputy for Nor- folk, 132, 287, 9. 108 Mills, Pelatiah. appt. J.P.. 135, 112, 320 Mills, Capt. William, commands com- pany, 240 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 325 Miner, Nathaniel, to inspect purchases, 82 Miners, corps of, wages owed to. 170 Mining, regulation of iron, at Salisbury, 425-6 Ministers, authorized to join persons in marriage, 116; exempted by law from taxation, 167-8 Minor, Clement, appt. lieut., 167 Minor, Henry, deputy for Stonington, 2 , 286, 6; on committees, 5, 10; taxes abated, 30 Minor, Nathaniel, appt. J.P., 126, 113, 322 ; to inspect travellers, 331 ; to ex- amine legacies, 70-1 ; account of, 189- 90; pay of, 190 Minor, Seth, appt. lieut., 133 Mississippi River, Conn., claims extend to, 209 Mitchel, Mrs. Elizabeth, permitted to travel, 92 Mitchell, Capt. Nathaniel, on commit- tee, 5 Mitchell, Stephen Mix, deputy for Wethersfield, 2, 130, 285, 4. 107, 202, 252, 315 ; to procure copy of Resolves, 23; nominated assistant, 61, 80, 313, 470; nominated to Congress, 61, 80, 313, 471; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320; petitions of, 64-5, 234 ; clerk of the house, 287; elected to Congress, 110; to investigate petitions of Learning, 158; elected assistant, 317; takes oath, 318; present at assembly, 430 Mitchell, William, appt. capt., 215 Mix, Amos, dies of wound, 293 Mix, Jonathan, petition of, 206 Mix, Joseph, allowance to, 293-4 Mohegans. See Indians Molasses, import duty on, 327 ; taken to Long Island, 83 Montgomery, Asa, appt. ens., 296 Montgomery, Gen., campaign of, 197 Moody, Ebenezer, appt. ens., 34 ; deputy for New Hartford, 203, 253, 316 Moor, Margaret, petition of, 52 Moor, William, army pay of, 52 Moore, Eli, appt. lieut., 33 Moore, Joseph, petition of, 299-300 Moore (More), Josiah, deputy for New Hartford, 131, 431 Moore, Mary Ann, permitted to travel. 82 Moore, Roger, appt. ens., 140 Moore, William, appt. ens., 32 Morehouse, Grummon(d), appt. ens., 36; given commission, 119 Morgan, Christopher, debt of, 301-2 ; appt. capt., 387 Morgan, Daniel, appt. ens., 284 Morgan, Elihu, estate of, 322 Morgan, Elisha, appt. capt., 132 Morga(i)n, Gideon, appt lieut, 33; appt. capt., 297 Morgan, John, payment to, 382-3 Morgan, Theophelus, deputy for Killing- worth, 131, 286, 5, 108; appt J.P., 136, 113, 322; allowed to travel, 48 Morgan, William, Esq., estate of 301-2 Morgan, William, appt. lieut., 387 Morgan, William Avery, appt. ens., 440 Morley Meadow (Glastonbury), pur- chased, 244 Morrell, Benjamin, taxes abated, 185 Morrells, Hezekiah, appt. auditor, 286 Morris (s), Daniel, resigns as Indian guardian, 29 ; to pay sum to Indians, 234-5 ; property of wife of, 412 Morris, Elisha, petition of, 460 Morris(s), Elizabeth, property of, 412 Morris (s), James, appt. J.P., 115, 323 Morris, Robert, orders and notes of, 109, 127, 129, 171, 251, 259, 333-4, 198; letter from, 172; proposes that com- missioner settle accounts, 262 ; bills of, transmitted, 273 Morris(s), Solomon, goes bail, 43, 53 Morse, Jedidiah, deputy for Woodstock, 2, 131, 431; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323 Morse, Joel, appt. capt., 385 Morse, John, appt. ens., 141 Morse, Jonathan, appt. capt., 213 Morse, Levi, appt. lieut., 214 Morse, Solomon, appt. ens., 385 Mortgages, on confiscated estates, 163; to be discharged in soldiers’ notes, 123 Mortimore, Philip, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Mort Lake, land situated in, 55 Morton, John, appt. ens., 392 Mosely. Capt., Ebenezer, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; deputy for Windham, 108; to count votes, 110 Mosely, Col. Increase, deputy for Wood- bury, 3 , 132, 287, 10, 109, 204, 254, 317, 432; on committees, 85, 132, 175, 236 ; copy of resolve given to, 255 ; to inquire about hay, 323; nominated assistant, 313 Mosely, Isaac, deputy for Glastonbury, 285, 3 Mosely, Nathaniel, appt. ens., 131 Mosely, William, order signed by, 42 Moses, Aaron, appt. capt., 143 Moses, Othreil, appt. ens., 136 Mott, Col. Samuel, deputy for Preston, 2, 286, 6, 431 ; on committees, 13-14, 15, 16, 176, 236, 238, 293, 323, 128, 326 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 157, 379, 470; at Council of Safety, 88-129, 239-285, passim-, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322; to sell cannon, 245’, nominated assistant, 313 Moulton, Col. Stephen, deputy for Stafford, 130, 285, 3, 107 Moulton, Capt. William, loses property, 164 Mulberry trees, planting of, 256 ; bounty for, 342 Mulford, David, appt. lieut., 218 Mumford, David, to sell real estate, 70; appt. J.P., 322 Mumford, Giles, petition of, 94-5 Mumford, Robinson, sells land, 45 Mumford, Thomas, deputy for Groton, 2; at Council of Safety, 88-129, pas- sim; petitions of, 64-5, 180, 180-1, 416; has prison ship appraised, 126 ; to receive supplies, 129, 241, 251 ; lead purchased from, 274 ; recommend- ation of, 276 ; debt of, 296 Munger, Simeon, appt. lieut., 443 Munn, Jedidiah, Jr., appt. lieut., 388 Munro, George, release of, 156 Munroe, Daniel, payment to, 63 Munson, Barnabas, petition of, 419 Munson, Basil (Bazel), appt. J.P., New Haven County, 136, 113, 321 Munson, Eneas, deputy for New Haven, 2; appt. J.P., 136 Munson, Jabez, petition of, 206 Munson, John, estate of, 419 Munson, John, Jr., property of sold, 419 Munson, Joseph, petition of, 206 Munson, Jubal, property of sold, 419 Munson, Mary, estate of, 419 Munson, Richard, petition of, 206 Munson, Stephen, appt. ens., 385 Munson, Capt. William, payments of, 38, 464 Murdoch, Eliphalet, appt. capt., 392 Murdock, William, appt. capt., 135 Murray, John, land mortgaged to, 45 Muslin, import duty on, 432 Myers, Myer, petition of, 222 Mygatt, Col. Eli (Ely), deputy for Danbury, 2, 131, 286, 6, 431 ; on com- mittees, 28 , 80; losses of, 42; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; appt. paymaster, 158, 243-4; petition of, 405 Nahauticks. See Indians, Mohegan Nash, Samuel, appt. J.P., 138 . 115. 323 Nash, Thomas, petitions of, 321, 40-1 : deputy for Fairfield, 203. 253 National Bank, use of notes of, 8 Naugatuck River, bridge over, 45 Naval offices, invoice deposited at. 329; tax payable in, 340 Naval Officers, inspections by, 197, 437 ; to collect duties and taxes, 205, 257, 330, 448 ; to make payments, 206, 280 ; where stationed, 254, 437 ; removal of, 254; to receive certificates and decla- rations, 328, 336, 436; bonds of, 336; to render accounts, 340, 438, 447 ; to require wharfage, 409; report on con- duct of, 438; to cancel bonds, 454; notes of, nullified, 473 Naval prisoners, British, at Norwich, 192 Navigation, acts for the regulation of, 254-56, 437 Navy, sickness in, 3-4 Nearing, Henry, appt. ens., 444 Negroes, exempt from military service, 138; care of, 306; escape of, 57-8; service in army, 174; children to be bound out, 303; belongings not to be sold, 401-2 Newberry, Brig. Gen. Roger, appt. to Council of Safety, 26, 174; appt. pro- bate judge, 31, 135, 111, 319; at Coun- cil of Safety, 88-129, 239-285, 325-341 passim; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320; to supply Newgate guards, 240; orders made out to, 259 ; provisions for, 276 ; action against A. Stocking, 225 ; dep- uty for Windsor, 315, 430; to dispose of Newgate Prison salvage, 378; op- poses commission for S. Griswold, 381 ; to examine account, 472-3 Newberry, Samuel, permitted to travel, 97 New Brunswick, inhabitant of, 313 New Cambridge, inhabitant of, 288; so- ciety of, 461 Newel, Abel, deputy for Goshen, 3, 131 ; taxes abated, 216 Newell, Nathaniel, appt. ens., 34 Newell, Rev. Samuel, property of, 288 Newell, Thomas, Jr., bills of, 216 New England, interstate conference in, 101 New Fairfield, army quota, 15; refs, to inhabs. of 42-3, 52, 76, 168, 44, 244, 296-7, 303, 415 ; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 311; military companies of, 140; to transport provisions, 242 ; execution stayed, 39 ; confiscated land in, to be appraised, 66 ; state collector, 334 Newgate Prison, prisoners at, 31, 41, 48, 76, 212, 238, 68, 71, 128, 129-30; fear of, 51 ; imprisonment at, specified, 162; overseer appt., 178; guards at, 226, 240, 241 ; supplies for, 240, 276 ; salvage from fire at, 378 Newhall, Daniel, appt. ens., 190 New Hartford, army quota, 15 ; assess- ment. 60. 26, 61, 80, 186, 312, 409; to INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 327 furnish supplies, 108 ; military com- panies in, 140 ; refs, to inhabs. of. 168, 42 ; stay of execution, 220 ; sale of land in, 315 New Haven, city of, incorporation, 257- 67 ; seal, 258, 266 ; city meeting, 258-9 ; election of officers, 258-9, 266; taxes. 259; sheriffs of, 259-60; city court, 260-1 ; streets, etc., 263, 265 ; green. 263; oaths of officers, 264; court of common council, 265 ; bye-laws, 265-6 ; first city meeting, 266-7 ; freedom of city, 373 New Haven, county, state supplies in, 22, 120, 96; refs, to inhabs. of, 44, 57, 68, 84(2), 191, 201, 207, 213, 221 , 302, 41, 47, 62-3, 64, 75, 129-30, 149, 159(2), 291, 307, 312; judge appt. for court in, 134, 111, 319; J.P., appt. for, 136, 113, 321; governor’s guards in, 178; cases in court of, 229-30, 129, 289, 297 ; uneasiness in Cheshire church, 171 ; rebuilding of jail, 286-7; treasury of, 287 ; surveyor of lands for, 383 New Haven, probate court and district, to direct sale of real estate, 38, 82. 195, 211 ; allows debts on estate, 101 ; judge appt. for, 134, 111, 319; to have land appraised, 319, 73 ; to certify debts, 167 New Haven, town of, coast guard of, 11, 28-9; garrison at, 12, 177, 30; losses from enemy in, 25, 374, 449. 451 ; bridge in, 26 ; refs, to inhabs. of. 41, 42, 68, 70, 75, 101, 102, 167 , 190. 195, 198, 213, 228, 242, 270, 303, 329, 331, 41, 46, 64, 73, 75, 144, 166-7, 231. 234, 293-4, 295, 296, 305-6, 397, 453. 454, 457, 462 ; house in, plundered, 48 : assessment, 60, 60, 78, 187, 311 ; tax collector of, 66; sales of real estate in, 90, 101, 218-9, 327; military com- panies of, 139 ; recruits from, 166 ; naval officer at port of, 196, 254 ; Black Rock Fort described as in, 242, 254: White Haven Society, 206; asks fo ‘ convoy. 244 ; military stores at, 245. 242, 448; commitments to jail at, 227. 228; moves to, 228-9; incorporated a ' city, 257-267 : to be free port, 325, wharfage at, 409 ; road from, 455 New Jersey, limited service of militia of, 167 ; refs, to inhabs. of, 313, 39 ; journey to, 144 New London, city of, incorporation, 267-7 ; seal, 268, 275 ; city meeting, 268; election of officers, 268, 275-6; taxes in, 268; sheriffs of, 269; city court, 269-71 ; streets, etc., 273, 274 : oaths of officers, 273-4; court of com- mon council, 274-5; by-laws, 274-5; first city meeting, 276-7 ; freedom of city, 373 New London, county, supplies in, 22, 247 , 336, 338, 96; ref. to inhabs. of, 57, 198, 208, 210, 212, 215, 222, 224, 305, 318(2), 50, 59(2), 70, 301-2; estate settled in, 58 ; property de- stroyed by British, 62; judge appt. for court in, 134, 111, 319; J.P., appt. for, 136-7, 113, 321-2, 446; sheriff of, 232, 129; constable collectors of, 98; court of, 145 ; constable of Colchester to execute offices for, 378; surveyor of lands for, 384 New London, probate court and district of, to direct sale of real estate, 86, 224, 231, 307; judge appt. for, 134, 111, 320; records burned, 306, 119 New London, town of, losses by invasion, 15, 176, 293, 58, 114, 128, 283, 300, 379, 382-3, 415, 449; county court ad- journed, 21 ; refs, to inhabs. of, 40, 45, 47, 86, 194, 202, 204, 205, 209, 214, 230, 236, 275, 306, 307, 308, 318, 337, 339(2), 58, 164, 182-3, 188, 228, 302, 424, 469; men of, in service, 54; as- sessment, 60, 60, 79, 187, 311 : trav- ellers to and from, 86, 102, 37 : collector of, 108, 239; supplies and provisions at, 108, 109, 115, 268, 280, 337, 54, 89-90, 101, 194, 206; prisoners and prisonship at, 124, 247, 263-64, 274, 275 ; military companies of, 139 ; black- smith work at port, 194; vessels con- voyed to, 244 ; order drawn at, 29 ; res- idence in, 48, 128; brig to enter, 64-65 ; horse taken to, 102; selectmen of. 185 ; no passes for ships at, 197 ; lighthouse at, 205, 206, 257, 280; naval officers at, 254 ; incorporated as city, 267-77 ; de- fended by state troops, 278; First So- ciety of, 300, 472; to be free port, 325 ; adjoins Norwich, 364; fort at, see Trumbull, Fort New Milford, army quota, 15; assess- ment, 60, 61, 79, 312; refs, to inhabs. of, 61, 83, 95, 168, 304, 311, 81, 115, 293, 383, 420 ; men going to, 113, 415 ; military companies of, 139 : res+raint of individuals within, 238, 243 ; Payne taxed in. 303 ; selectmen of, 401 ; new bridge for, 51-52; state collector, 334 Newport, R. I., refs, to inhabs. of, 55-7. 209, 418, 453 Newspaoers, lists and advertisements to be published in, 20, 26, 162, 294, 33 2. 376, 420. 426, 438, 445. 447. 448, 455, 478 328 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Newton, Enoch, appt. capt., 35 Newtown, army quota, 15; Morriss re- moved to, 29; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 187, 311 ; refs, to inhabs. of, 64, 71, 78, 204, 230, 36, 186, 231; military companies of, 140 ; to transport provi- sions, 242; confiscated estate in, 50-51 ; First Society of, 170 New York City, refs, to inhabs. of, 44, 68, 86, 298, 305, 39, 67, 75, 81, 307, 310, 313, 450; permission to go to, 40, 46, 47, 52-3, 63, 65, 82, 84, 85, 89, 94, 102, 103(3) ; prisoner in, 178; exchange of prisoners at, 200; cap- ture of by British, 460 New York State, troops of, 18, 21, 167 ; refs, to inhabs. of, 29, 45, 47, 52, 58(2), 198, 202, 215, 299, 305, 311; land mortgaged in, 44; prisoners in, 65, 125, 275, 340; prisoners taken to, 70, 74, 199, 237, 274, 276, 279, 63, 75 ; prisoners not allowed to go to, 126 ; Conn, troops in, 167, 294, 317, 44, 72, 76; currency of, 191, 320; persons allowed to come from, 221, 274 ; inter- course with, 274, 54-5, 454; asked to attend interstate conference on taxa- tion, 101 ; abduction to, 296-7 See also Long Island; New York City Nichols, James, to sell real estate, 209 Nichols, Jonathan, Jr., appt. capt., 388 Nichols, Philip, fine of, 424 Nicholson, William, permitted to travel, 97-8 Niles, Capt. schooner of, 120 Niles, Elisha, appt. ens., 393 Niles, Capt. Robert, money advanced to, 454; delivers rum, 466 Niles, Thomas, deputy for Groton, 431 Niles, Thomas Northrop, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Noble, Elnathan, petitioned against, 61 Noble, Gideon, petition of, 49 Noble, Morgan, appt. capt., 32 Noix, isle of, person injured at, 41 Norfolk, probate court and district, judge appt. for, 135, 112, 320 Norfolk, town of, army quota, 15 ; as- sessment, 60, 30, 61, 80, 187, 312; military companies of, 139 ; refs, to in- habs of, 168, 469; land in, 312; state collector, 334; repair of roads, 398 Norriss, Benjamin, appt. capt., 167 North, Abijah, petition of, 79-80 North, James, appt. capt., 392 North, Noah, deputv for Torrington. 109, 317, 432 North America, Bank of. See Bank of North America North Carolina, cargo from, 291 North River, beef from, 105 Northington, Parish of (Farmington), transfer from, 396 Northrop, Amos, deputy for Newtown, 286, 7 Northrop, Benjamin, taxes abated, 410 Norton, Aaron, appt. lieut., 135 Norton, Benjamin, appt. lieut., 281 Norton, Beriah, appt. quartermaster, 215 Norton, Charles, appt. capt., 167 Norton, Ebenezer, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Norton, Hannah, note of, 458 Norton, Ichabod, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Norton, Jedidiah, Jr., appt. lieut., 393 Norton, Lott, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323; petition of, 226 ; deputy for Salisbury, 203, 253, 317 . . Norton, Miles, appt. lieut., 167; appt. capt, 135 Norton, Capt. Nathan, conduct investi- gated, 87, 90, 92 Norton, Selah, travelling expenses, 86; to make payment, 86 Norton, Capt. Stephen, appt. capt., 33; to appraise land, 46 Norwalk, town of, coast guard in, 11, 178; assessment, 59, 60, 79, 187, 311; supplies in, 86, 98(2), 243, 261; refs, to inhabs. of, 100, 119, 168, 199, 220, 233, 299(2), 300, 57-8, 67, 176, 288-9, 301, 413-14, 466; military companies of, 139 ; losses from enemy invasion, 179, 176, 184-5, 413, 454; party de- tained at, 249 ; new meeting house for, 313, 37 9; naval officer at, 254; select- men of, 402, 417 Norwich, city of, incorporation, 364- 373 ; seal, 364, 372 ; city meeting, 365 ; election of officers, 365-6, 372, 373 ; taxes in, 365; sheriffs of, 366; city court, 366-9; streets, etc., 369; oaths of officers, 370-1 ; court of common council, 371-2; bye-laws, 381-2; first city meeting, 372-3; freedom of city, 373 Norwich, probate court and) district, judge appt. for, 134, 111, 320; claims for bonds, 205-6 ; to direct sale of real estate, 225, 301, 28, 181, Norwich, town of, army quota, 14; refs, to inhabs. of, 39, 106, 107 , 109, 113, 115, 118, 125, 129, 167, 207 . 225, 251, 254 , 264, 274 , 28, 180-1, 223, 224-5 238, 296; county court at, 58; assess- ment, 60, 60, 79. 187, 311, 409; pro- visions at, 108, 90 ; 2/6 tax for, . 115; companies from, 140; murder trial at, INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 329 212 ; prison-ship taken from, 247 ; person from New York, to visit in, 274-275; minister in, 315; prisoners at, 28-9, 105, 192; selectmen of, peti- tion of, 96, 180-1 ; lottery at, 182, 407-8 ; incorporated as city, 364-73; light infantry company in, 389; com- mittee of supplies, 401 ; petition for wharves, etc., 416; naval officer at, 437 Notary public, to be commissioned by governor, 254 Notes, Bank of No. America, counter- feiting of, 3 Nova Scotia, persons going to, 93, 209, 233-4; minister in, 474 Noyes, Paul, petition of, 228-9 Noyes, Capt. Peleg, appt. maj., 210 Noyes, Thomas, appt. lieut., 285 Noyes, William, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; deputy for Lyme, 316, 431 ; on committees, 394, 399 Oak, used in making barrels, 433 Oakley, John, new notes for, 225-6 Oaths, of company clerks, 144; of city officials, 264, 273-4, 350-1, 360-1, 370-1 ; for citizenship, 325; of ship masters, 329, 436; by importers, 334; concern- ing merchandise, 437 Oats, furnished, 193 Officers, for army, 141 , 445; privileges, 176 ; non-commissioned, punishment for disobedience, 20; securities of, 376; for western frontiers, 445 Ogden, David, estate of, 193 Ogden, Hezekiah, appt. cornet, 141, 143 Ogden, Jacob, permitted to travel, 89; appt. ens., 213 Ogden, Jane, to sell real estate, 193 Ogden, Jonathan, estate of, 300 Oil mills, to be assessed, 155 Olcott, John, to sell property, 161-2 Olcott, Capt. John, property of, 344 Oliver Cromwell, ship, 194 Olmstead, Capt. David, deputy for Ridgfield, 2, 131, 286, 7, 108, 203, 253, 316, 431 ; to estimate losses, 28, 199 ; appt. capt., 167 Olmstead, Nathan, petition of, 290-1 Olmstead, Oliver, fails to pay tax, 471 Olmsted, Ichabod, buys beef, 207 Olmsted, Samuel, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Oneida, N.Y., Indian refugees from, 154 Osborn, Daniel, to sell estate, 51 Osborn, John, petitions of, 158, 243 Osborn, Medad, appt. capt., 142 Osborn (Samuel), purchasing commis- sary, orders drawn on, 103 Osborn, Thaddeus, debts secured to, 51 Osborn, Thomas, testimony of, 41 Otis, Nathaniel, to sell real estate, 86; appt. surveyor of lands, 281, 384; appt. ens., 212 Overseers of Mohegan Indians, powers granted to, 155-6 Overton, John, payment due from, 86 Owen, Capt. Isaac, deputy for Suffield, 2, 130 Owen, John, appt. probate judge, 134; appt. J.P., 135 Oxen, liability to seizure, 335 ; taxable, 340 Oysters, taking of, 265 Packer, Edward, appt. lieut., 393 Packwood, William, accounts of, 58. 424 Paine, Benjamin, pay of, 92, 93-4 Paine, Rebecca, petitions of, 92, 93-4 Painter, Lamberton, to receive new bills, 38-9, 302-3 Palmer, Abraham, estate of, 74 Palmer, Benjamin, to collect tax, 49 Palmer, Elias, asks pay for cattle, 207 Palmer, Elias Sanford, appt. capt., 284 Palmer, Elijah, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Palmer, Enoch, taxes abated, 48-9 Palmer, Ezra, payment to, 90 Palmer, George, appt. lieut., 134 Palmer, Jesse, appt. ens., 138 Palmer, Jonathan, petition of, 318 Palmer, Jonathan, Jr., appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Palmer, Joseph, buys land, 56, 57 Palmer, Joseph Pierce, buys land, 56 Palmer, Lazarus, taxes abated, 48-9 Palmer, Levi, appt. ens., 134 Palmer, Messenger, appt. J.P., 137, 114; suit of, 209-10 Palmer, Noyes, appt. ens., 285 Palmer, Samuel, to sell real estate, 74 Pamely, Elizabeth, permitted to travel, 88 Paper, duty on, 328 Pardee, Samuel, appt. quartermaster, 218 Pardy, Jehul, appt. lieut.. 386 Pardy, Jonathan, appt. ens., 136 Park, Hozekiah, estate of, 210 Park, John, Jr., appt. ens., 296 Park, Thomas, estate of, 229 Parker, , assessment omitted, 26 Parker, Daniel, beef contract for, 127 ; appt. ens., 385 Parker, Edmund, to receive confiscated lands, 73 Parker & Co., contractors, 105 Parkhurst, Solomon, loses note, 292 Parmalee, Samuel, to deliver salt, 251 Parmely, Asaph, appt. ens., 388 330 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Parmely, Daniel, appt. lieut., 133 ; appt. capt., 441 Parmely, Giles, payment to, 69, 397 Parmely, Joseph, appt. lieut., 190 Parmely, Nathaniel, appt. ens., 32 Parmely, Oliver, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Parmely, Phineas, fails to pay tax, 471 Parmely, Theodore, appt. capt., 441 Parmely, Thomas, appt. lieut., 140 ; appt. capt., 212 Parmely, Thomas, Jr., assessed incor- rectly, 26 Parmer, Thadeus, appt. ens., 390 Parsons, El dad, new note for, 456 Parsons, Hezekiah, appt. ens., 36 Parson(s), Jabez, appt. capt., 440 Parson(s), John, appt. J.P., 113 Parsons, Maj. Gen. Samuel H., wages of, 92, 104; granted land, 96; nom- inates officers, 110; permission of, for Long Island trip, 280; certificate of, 283; promises pardon, 312; permitted to travel, 100; debt of, 180; appoint- ment by, 234 ; deputy for Middletown. 315, 430; appt. J.P., 320-1; buys con- fiscated estate, 452 Parsons, Capt. Simeon, deputy for Dur- ham, 2, 131, 286, 5, 316, 430; on com- mittees, 5, 10 ; to appraise land, 46 : appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Passengers, of ships, 329-30 Passports, governor to issue, 254 Patchen, Abel, aopt. capt., 135 Patent, for clock, 237-8 Patterson, Matthew, deputy for Corn- well, 3, 286, 9, 108 Patterson, William, title to land, 272 Pawcatuck River, obstruction of fish in 23 Paxton, Charles, received note, 55-7 Pay, of sergeants, 17 ; of Fts. Griswold and Trumbull garrisons, 20; of Regt. of Invalids, 37; taken by enemy, 38 of Horseneck troops, 39, 103, 284 : of assemblymen, 62; of Smith’s com- pany, 83; of Continental Line, 104 211; of Huntington’s men, 11 3 ; of militia officers, 173; of sappers and miners, 194; of Westmoreland com- panies, 214; of Hazen’s regt., 218: of soldiers, 122-3; Washington, on, 197 Paymaster General, settles account. 464-5 Paymasters, unable to pay recruits, 18: to receive money, 104, 86 Payne, Aaron, to have execution*- stopped, 39; taxes abated, 303, 415 Payne, Capt. Amos, deputy for Wood stock, 286, 8, 108 Payne, Col. Benjamin, deputy for Hart- ford, 1; attorney, 68; at Council of Safety, 88-129, passim; loses papers. 232-3, 295, 320; wife of, 48-9; sells shoes, 428 Payne, David, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; deputy for Canterbury, 203, 253 Payne, Capt. Edward, deputy for Bolton, 1, 130, 107; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Payne, Rebecca, petition of, 48-9 Payne, Solomon, deputy for Canterbury, 2; petitions for lottery, 317 Payne, Stephen, Jr., appt. ens., 135 Pay Table, Committee of. See Com- mittee of Pay Table Peabody, Asa, order drawn on, 334 Peace, Justices of the. See Justices of the peace Pearl Ashes, inspector of, 434 Pease, Maj. Abiel, deputy for Somers, 1, 130, 285, 3, 315, 430 Pease, Capt. Ephraim, deputy for En- field, 285, 2, 107, 315; on committee, 309 Pease, Noah, assessment omitted, 26 Peck, Bela, appt. capt.-lieut., 215 Peck, Benjamin, to receive confiscated lands, 73 Peck, Daniel, appt. lieut., 212 Peck, Ebenezer, petition of, 66-7 Peck, Elijah, appt. ens., 140 Peck, Eliphalet, Jr., to sell real estate, 219-20 Peck, Henry, deputy for Newtown, 131. 108; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Peck, Jesse, estate of, 219 Peck, Job. appt. lieut., 31 Peck, John, deputv for Cheshire, 2, 107. 315, 431; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; appt. capt., 284; buys horses. 450 Peck, Joseph, I, appt. ens., 31 ; appt lieut., 215 Peck, Joseph, II, appt. capt., 385 Peck, Lament, appt. ens., 185; appt. lieut, 391 Peck, Seril. appt. ens., 393 Peck, Seth (of Farmington), petition of, 67 Peck, Seth (of Greenwich), murdered, 77 Peck, Thomas, execution against, 143-4 ; bond of, 426 Perk, Zebulon, Jr., appt. J.P., 136, 112. 321; appt. lieut., 185; appt. capt., 296 Peet, Nehemiah, fine of, 473 Pell, Dr. Sallee (Sallu), deputy for Danbury. 203, 253 Pelletreu, Elias, asks to return, 115 Pelton, James, appt. ens., 216 Pemberton, Ebenezer, trustee of Plain- field Academy, 406 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 331 Penfield, Jonathan, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Pennsylvania, controversy over lands with Conn., 18-19, 27, 292, 333, 334, lln, 120-1, 205-6, 208, 219-20, 456; prisoners of war in, 207 ; bills of, 77 ; petition of resident of, 120; Conn, claims west of, 208, 277-8; treatment of Susquehanna settlers, 457 Pensacola, memorials of inhabitants of, 298, 311, 335 Pensions, to soldiers, 207, 222, 421, 458 ; to New London and Groton sufferers. 382-3 Pepper, duty on, 327 Perjury, to be punished, 338, 437 Perldns, Amos, Jr., appt. capt., 139 Perkins, Andrew, petition of, 416 Perkins, Capt. Daniel, deputy for En- field, 1, 107, 202, 252 Perkins, Elisha, appt. J.P., 137, 114. 323; trustee of Plainfield Academy. 406 Perkins, Isaac, order on, 121, 124, 106; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; to make pay- ment, 270; deputy for Ashford, 108, 203, 253, 316, 431 Perkins, Capt. Jabez, appt. to Council of Safety, 26, 174 ; to receive supplies, 107, 109, 120, 264, 274, 281, 96 ; sup- plies in hands of, 86-7, 285 ; at Council of Safety, 88-129, 239-285 , 325-341. 82-106, 200 passim; to deliver sup- plies, 129, 251, 254, 274 , 335, 339, 105 ; orders drawn on, 115, 337, 99, 100, 296 ; to pay money, 246-7 , 258, 267 ; to re- pair muskets, 267 ; to procure arms. 268; sells camion, 283, 190; to make investigations, 58, 424; receives note, 180; to discount note, 200; to settle account, 404; petition of, 416; account of, 447 Perkins, Jabez, Jr., petition of, 416 Perkins, John, appt. J.P., 113, 321 Perkins, Joshua, appt. lieut., 132; appt. capt., 440 Perkins, Levi, appt. ens., 440 Perkins, Capt. Solomon, pension to, 382-3 Perkins, William, appt. capt., 212 Perkins, William (of Cheshire), freed from prison, 228 Perrin, Daniel, appt. ens., 388 Perrit, Capt. Peter, pay of, 427 Perry, Daniel, appt. ens., 284 Perry, Ezra, embezzlement by, 408 Perry, Josiah, appt. ens., 33 Perry, Silvanus, appt. capt., 136 Peters, Comfort, appt. lieut., 36 Peters, John, petition of, 57 Peters, Jonathan, joins enemy, 57 Peters, Maj. Nathan, schooner of, 241; deputy for Preston, 108 Petersburg!!, man delayed at, 37 Pettibone, Capt. Abel, deputy for Sims- bury, 2 Pettibone, Abraham, Jr., appt. capt., 31 Pettibone, Dudley, deputy for Simsbury. 285, 3, 107 ; appt. J.P., 113, 321 Pettibone, Giles, appt. probate judge, 135, 112, 320; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323; deputy for Norfolk, 203, 253, 317, 431 Pettibone, Ithul, estate of, 201 Pettibone, Capt. Jonathan, deputy for Simsbury, 315, 430 Pettibone, Ozeas, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Pettibone, Sarah, to sell real estate, 201 Phelps, Aaron, 2d, deputy for Wind- sor, 202, 252, 315, 430 Phelps, Austin, appt. capt., 142 Phelps, Benajah, losses of, 474 Phelps, Benjamin, assessment omitted, 26 Phelps, Maj. Charles, appt. probate judge, 134, 111, 320; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; deputy f.or Stonington, 108, 316, 431 ; on committees, 109, 119, 317, 470; petition of, 195 Phelps, David, appt. lieut., 140 Phelps, Elijah, appt. capt., 136 Phelps, Capt. Elisha, payment to, 224 Phelps, Elkanah, appt. capt., 184 Phelps, Frederick, kills wolf, 179 Phelps, Capt. Jason, deputy for Killing- ley, 203 Phelps, Jeremiah, counterfeiting by, 394-5 Phelps, John, hearing before, 51; appt. J.P., 136. 112, 321; deputy for He- bron, 107 Phelps, John, Jr., appt. lieut., 167 Phelps, Capt. Jonah, deputy for Har- winton, 316 Phelps, Capt. Josiah, deputy for Har- winton, 3, 131, 286, 9, 108, 203, 253, 432 Phelps, Capt. Josiah, deputy for Wind sor, 2 Phelps, Col. Noah, on committees, 5. 10, 256, 125; appt. J.P., 135 , 112, 321 ; reports on Salisbury furnace, 271-3, 89 ; petition of, 321 ; appt. pro- bate judge, 111, 319; accounts of, 224 Phelps, Oliver, appt. ens., 394 Phelps (Oliver) & Co., contract for pork & beef, 264, 276-7, 327 Phelps, Capt. Seth., in Regt. of Invalids 284 332 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Phelps, Silvanus, bond of, 394-5 Philips, George, loaf sugar monopoly of, 477 Phillips, Asa, appt. lieut., 442 Phimmer, Ebenezer, deputy for Glaston- bury, 130 Phip(p)s, David, account of, 295 Phip(p)s, Capt. Jason, appt. capt., 33; deputy for Killingley, 286 , 8, 253, 431 Picket, Ezra, taxes abated, 181, 414 Pickett, Ebenezer, execution against, 293 Pickett, Eldad, fails to appear, 293 Pierce, Abel, appt. J.P., 138 Pierce, Delano, appt. ens., 134; appt. lieut., 440 Pierce (Pierce), John, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 ; debt of, 476 Pierce, Phineas, petition of, 456 Pierce, Capt. Seth, petition of, 381 Pierce, William, appt. lieut., 444 Pierpoint, Joseph, appt. J. P., 321 Pierpont, Avelin, orders in favor of, 103 Pierson, Abraham, appt. ens., 133 ; appt. lieut., 441 Pierson, David, permitted to travel, 119 Pierson, Enoch, appt. capt., 440 Pierson, Capt. John, appt. J.P., 136, 322; deputy for Killingworth, 286, 5 Pigs, taken to Long Island, 83 Pike, Asa, appt. capt., 134 Pike, William, appt. 2nd lieut., 281 Pilgrim, Thomas, interest payable to, 209 Pine, used in making barrels, 433 Pinneo, James, Jr., appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323 Pinney, Isaac, appt. probate judge, 134, 111, 319; appt. J.P., 136, 112, 321 Pitkin, Daniel, accounts of, 191 ; on committee, 461 Pitkin, Elisha, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 320; deputy for Hartford, 285, 2; for East Hartford, 430 ; glass manufactory, 57 ; to receive gunpowder, 378 Pitkin, Col. George, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320; deputy for Hartford, 107, 202, 252; for East Hartford, 315, 430 Pitkin, John, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320; petition of, 221 Pitkin, Richard, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320 Pitkin, Thomas, appt. J.P., 136, 112, 321 ; loses securities, 314 Pitkin, William, present at assembly, 1. 130, 13, 107, 202, 315, 430; nominated for assistant, 61, 80, 313, 470; at Coun- cil of Safety, 88-129, 239-285, 325- 341, 82-106, 189-201, 249-51 passim ; on committees, 132, 109, 119, 130, 317; elected assistant, 132, 109, 317 ; takes oath, 133, 110, 318; appt. superior court judge, 133, 111, 319; appt. to Council of Safety, 174; glass manu- facture, 57 ; to receive pork, 102 ; nominated to Congress, 313; elected to Congress, 318; snuff manufacture, 400, sheriff of Hartford Co., 473 Plainfield, probate court and district, judge appt. for, 134, 112, 320 Plainfield, town of, army quota, 14; assessment, 60, 61, 79, 312; to provide supplies, 108; refs, to inhabs., 116, 168, 183; companies from, 140; land bought in, 86; school at, 406 Platt, Ebenezer, permitted to travel, 104, 329, 98 Platt, Jeremiah, petition of, 454 Platt* Joseph, appt. lieut., 215 Plumb Island, travel to and from, 97, 102 Plummer, Ebenezer, to adjust state ac- counts, 119; to examine abatements. 130; declines appointment as auditor, 286 Plymouth, inhabitant of, 152 Polls, lists of, 59-60, 78-80, 310-12; mili- tary exemptions from, 167, 130; taxes granted on, 296, 298-9, 376 Pomeroy, Capt., company of, 223 Pomeroy, Elihu, appt. ens., 140 Pomeroy, Jonathan Law, property of, 243 Pomeroy, Joshua, deputy for Somers, 315, 430 Pomeroy, Ralph, quartermaster, forage for horses, 21, 111 ; money paid to, 92-3, 127, 129, 207, 459; horses de- tained by, 104 ; receives supplies, 105, 127, 249, 339; Abbe delivers provi- sions to, 190; cloth for, 404; order drawn on, 264 ; to settle accounts, 105, 119; to examine abatements, 130; loses note, 292; gives orders, 405 Pomfret, probate court and district of, certifies debts of estate, 98; judge appt. for, 135 , 112, 320 Pomfret, town of, army quota, 14; ref. to inhab., 55-7, 167 ; assessment, 60, 61, 79, 312; sale of confiscated es- tates in, 98; selectmen of, to supply provisions, 107 ; military companies of, 139; delivery of salt at, 264; changes in lists of, 242, 396; repair of roads, 296; state collector, 334; officers of matross co., 384 Pond, Barnabas, petition of, 224-5 Pond, Gad, petition of, 171 Poor, relief of, 8, 118; support of, in Woodbridge, 305 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 333 Pope, Charles, taxes abated, 184 Pope, Gersham, appt. quartermaster, 215 Poquonock, Society of, bridge across Windsor Ferry River, 154 Pork, taken to Long Island, 83 ; for state or army, 89-90, 100, 102, 105, 190, 193, 238, 404; packing of, 433 Porter, Mrs. , suit of, 461-2 Porter, Ashbel, survey of, 198 Porter, Ebenezer, appt. ens., 27; appt. lieut., 385 Porter, Capt. Edmund, deputy for Had- dam, 430; appt. surveyor of lands, 186 Porter, Ezra, payments to, 69, 397 Porter, James, appt. lieut., 186; appt. capt., 211 Porter, John, pay of, 152; appt. lieut., 213; account of, 280 Porter, Col. Joshua, deputy for Salis- bury, 3, 132, 287, 10, 432; leases for- feited land, 102; and Salisbury furnace, 111-12, 253, 255-6, 271-3 : at Council of Safety, 239-285, 82-106 passim; appt. to count votes, 132; appt. probate judge, 135, 112, 320; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; appt. to Council of Safety, 174 Porter, Col. Phineas, deputy for Water- bury, 108 ; petition of, 307 Porter, Samuel, appt. capt., 186 Ports of entry, clearances at, 255 Pot ashes, packing of, 434 Potter, Daniel, appt. capt., 213 Potter, Col. Gilbert, permitted to travel. 100 Potter, Jacob, petitions of, 198, 414 Potter, Dr. (Capt.) James, deputy for New Fairfield, 2, 286, 6, 108, 203, 253 ; execution stayed, 39 Potter, Dr. Jared, deputy for Walling- ford, 2, 316; on committee, 374 Potter, Phineas, taxes abated, 48-9 Potter, Zebulon, permitted to travel, 100 Poughkeepsie, N. Y., beef & pork near, 260, 277, 327 ; man imprisoned at, 297 Powder. See gunpowder, 206 Powell, Miriam, deed from, 3, 38, 148 Powell, William, deed from, 148 Power, Thomas, appt. capt., 190 Pratt, Abijah, appt. lieut., 297; appt. capt., 141 Pratt, Capt. Joseph, deputy for Kent, 3. 131, 287 , 9, 108; to receive Indian accounts, 298 Pratt, Joseph, appt. ens., 392 Pratt, Tabor, petition of, 399 Pratt, Timothy, appt. ens., 184 ; appt. lieut., 442 Pratt, Zephaniah, appt. ens., 440 Prentice (Prentiss), Amos, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322; deputy for Groton, 286, 5 ; to sell real estate, 306 Prentice, Daniel, appt. ens., 134 Prentiss, Jesse, appt. ens., 168 Prentiss, John, estate of, 230-1, 307 Prentiss, Col. Samuel, deputy for Ston- ington, 203, 253 Prentiss, Sarah, to sell real estate, 230-1, 307 Prentiss, Stephen, estate of, 230-1 Preston, Nathan, to sell property, 230 Preston, army quota, 14; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 311; supplies from, 108, 114, 121 ; military companies, 139 ; ref. to inhab., 167, 210, 212-13; de- ficiency of men from, 200; not to re- ceive cannon powder, 336; state col- lector, 334 Pribble, Samuel, petition of, 270 Price, John, master of schooner, 291 Prichard, Abraham, appt. ens., 33 Pride, Lt. Reuben, account of, 259 , 265 Prince, William, appt. capt., 133 Prindle, Eleazer, bond of, 420 Prindle, Mark, deputy for Harwinton, 316, 432 Printing, of Washington’s letter, 198 See also Copyright; Newspapers Printitle, Samuel, to receive confiscated land, 73 Prior, Elisha, appt. capt., 295 Prison, New Gate. See Newgate Prison Prisoners, care of sick, 121, 263, 28-9 ; exchange of, 122, 84, 103, 200, 295; naval, prison-ship, 124, 247 ; prevention of escapes, 125, 158-9; not to go to N. Y. on parole, 126; for tax default, 164 ; rations for, 126, 247, 263 ; to be rescued from Jamaica, 269; arrive at New London, 274; taken by British, 100, 162, 427, 455, 460; British, con- fined at Norwich, 192 ; committee in charge of, 461 Prison-ship, 124, 126, 247, 263 Privateering, gentlemen concerned in, 124 Probate, judges of. See Judges of Pro- bate; also under names of districts Probate records, New London, substitu- tion for, 119-20 Processes in city courts, regulations concerning, 261-2, 263-4, 271-2, 273-4. 348-9, 350, 357-8, 359-60, 367-8, 369-70 Proclamation for fast, sent to press. 120 Produce, inspectors of. appt. in cities, 266, 275, 352, 362, 372 334 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Property (debtors’), act for dividing, 160 Prosecutions, by persons within enemy lines. 343 Providence, R.I., beef stored at, 127 : petition from, 147, 148; firm in, 302 Provisions and forage, orders for, 21-2 ; collection of, 107-8, 242, 377 ; receivers of, 116 ; collectors of, to deliver, 122 ; provided by Conn, for use of U. S., 375 Pruden, Fletcher, appt. capt., 215 Pryor, Abner, account of, 428 Psalms, edition of, 458-9 Publication. See Newspapers Punderson, Ahennaz, petition of, 17 Punderson, David, counterfeiting by, 233 Punderson, Ebenezer, to return to state, 245 ; estate confiscated, 469 Punderson, Thomas, appt. lieut., 142 Punishment, for infringing laws of na- tions, 157 ; for harboring prisoners of war, 158-9 ; for false declarations, 338 See also Fines Putnam, Capt. Israel, appt. maj., 182 Quarter Master General, act for sup- plies to, repealed 115; to apply for army stores, 123-4 ; to distribute gun- powder, 201; to safe guard ammuni- tion, 448; prosecution by, 448-9 Quebec, siege of, 197 Quinebaug (Qunebaugh) River, bridge over, 217 Quintard, Peter, taxes abated, 181, 222 , 413 Quorum, justices of the. See Justices of the Quorum, 446 Rachet. Daniel, permitted to travel, 99 Rand. Robert, appt. ens., 387 Randall, Amos. appt. ens., 392 Randall, Capt. John, deputy for Stoning- ton. 203, 253 Randall, Roswell, appt. capt., 137 Ransom, Captain, companies raised by, 214 Ransom, David, loses note, 59 Ransom, Lieut. John, petition of. 61 ; to receive Indian accounts, 298 Ransom, Joshua, appt. lieut.. 298 Ransom, Rebecca, petition of. 61 Ransom, Samuel appt. lieut.. 186 Ransom, Theophilus, appt. ens., 444 Rape, death sentence for, commuted. 124 Rates, bills of, 438, 446, 447 Rates, of towns. 446 Rathburn (Rathborn). Joshua, appt. ens., 298 ; appt. lieut., 386 Raymond, Capt. Clap, appt. J.P., 137, 114. 322; deputy for Norwalk. 203. 253: store of. 4 66 Raymond, Eliakim, taxes abated, 181, 414; petition of, 466 Raymond, Hezekiah, taxes abated, 181, 414 Raymond, Jabez, taxes abated, 181, 184, 301, 414 Raymond, Jediah, taxes abated, 185 Ravmond, Jesse, taxes abated, 184; appt. J.P., 114 Ravmond, Joshua, appt. J.P., 126, 113. 321 Raymond, Joshua, Jr., takes horse from Plumb Island, 102 Raymond, Josiah, taxes abated, 181, 414 Raymond, Moses, taxes rebated, 185 Raymond, Nathaniel, Jr., taxes abated, 181, 414 Raymond, Simeon, taxes abated, 181, 185, 414 Raymond, Uriah, taxes abated, 181, 414 Raymond, William, taxes abated, 185 Read, John, appt. J.P., 127 Read, Martin, appt. capt., 296 Read, Zalmon, account of, 410 Real estate, city, jurisdiction over, 265-6. 275. 352. 362, 372 Recruits, appointing and mustering of, 16, 17, 166, 179 , 249, 304 ; not paid for service, 18 ; to procure certificate, 172-2', money for, 196; account ex- amined, 199; bounties for, 299 Redding, annexed to Danbury probate district, 4-5; army quota, 15; ref. to inhab.. 59. 208, 208-9, 114, 410; as- sessment, 60, 60, 79, 311 ; supplies for. 98; military companies of, 129; to transport provisions, 242; provisions drawn on, 250 Redfield, Elias, payments to, 69, 397 Redfield. William, accounts of, 241 Reed, Benjamin, taxes abated. 184 Reed, David, taxes abated, 184 Reed, Eli, taxes abated, 184: petition of, 454 Reed, George, appt. ens., 182 Reed, James, appt. ens., 133 Reed (Reid), Jesse, taxes abated. 184 Reed, John, taxes abated, 184; debt to. 397 Reed, Joseph, loses note, 59 Reed, Mary, taxes abated, 185 Reeve (Rower), Tapping (Tappen), appt. J.P., 115, 323 Reeves, Sarah, permitted to travel. 220 ( 2 ) Referees, for settlement of debts, 343 Regiment (s) Continental, of Artillery, raised, 242: 2nd Artillery, pay of, 294-5, 321: 1st Conn., officers in, 259, 270; promotion in, 281 : 2nd Conn.. INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 335 officer in, 194: 3rd Conn., promotion in, 281 : 4th Conn., promotion in, 281 ; member of, 307 : 5th Conn., promotion in, 281 : 2nd Light Dragoons, innocu- lation of, 27 ; provisions for, 92, 124 ; wages of, 170 ; promotion in, 281 ; quartered in Middletown, 308: Hazen’s, wages of, 170 ; Sheldon’s Dragoons, horses for, 22 See also Army, Continental (Con- necticut Line) Regiment, Governor’s Guard. See Guard, Governor’s Regiment, Horseneck on Western Fron- tier. See Horseneck; Canfield, Col. Samuel Regiment of Invalids, transfers to, 37 ; pay of, 38 Regiment (s) Militia, 1st, to defend frontier, 16; officers for. 36, 111 , 177, 188, 190, 258, 281, 295. 32, 139. 141, 142, 213-4, 285, 391. 392, 443, 444 ; towns forming, 139 ; invalid election in, 160 2nd. officers for, 31-2, 35. 183, 189 , 190, 281, 30, 139, 142, 211, 215, 217, 284, 285, 384, 385, 389, 393 ; town., forming, 139 ; divided, 165 3d, officers for 32, 34, 111, 183, 187. 189, 244. 281, 297 , 133, 142, 212, 217, 385, 387, 439, 441; towns forming, 139 4th, officers for, 36, 183, 188, 189, 190. 265, 267, 281, 284, 297, 134, 138, 139, 211, 213, 216, 218, 284, 285. 385, 443. 444: towns forming, 13° 5th, officers for, 183, 185, 187 , 188. 189, 297, 298, 131, 132, 133, 138. 139, 140, 141, 142, 214, 389, 392. 442 ; towns forming, 139 ; co. annexed to, 19 6th, to defend frontier, 16 ; towns forming, 139; officers for, 33, 136. 212, 285, 390 7th, officers for, 32. 36, 184, 190, 298, 32. 132. 133, 140. 211, 216, 217, 388, 389, 440-1, 442; towns form- ing, 139; divided, 165 8th, officers for, 32, 188, 295, 134, 137, 138, 143, 210, 214, 284, 285, 386, 387, 388, 389, 392, 393, 394, 440: col. of, 112; towns forming, 139 9th, towns forming, 139; officers for. 184, 133, 214, 384, 391, 392, 393. 394 10th, officers for, 32. 35, 184, 189. 30. 131-2, 135, 140, 213, 214, 217, 285. 385, 390, 391, 392, 440-1. 443; towns forming, 139 11th, officers for, 33, 37, 183, 184. 295, 134. 135, 136, 137, 142, 213, 284. Regiment (s) Militia (cont.) 388, 441, 444; towns forming, 139 12th, officers for, 189, 295-6, 31, 135, 136, 140, 141, 211, 217, 390, 391, 441, 443; towns forming, 139 13th, officers for, 32-3, 34-5, 184, 297-8, 31, 140, 141, 142, 212-3, 218, 386, 387, 388, 391 ; towns forming, 139 14th, towns forming, 140; officers for, 184, 185, 187, 189. 131, 132, 133, 134, 135-6, 140, 212, 213, 284, 285, 386, 388, 389, 393, 440; officer of, sells commission, 287-8. 15th, officers for, 33, 185, 187, 296, 297, 31, 133, 136. 139, 143, 218, 285, 391, 392, 393, 442 ; towns forming, 140 16th, officers for, 35, 37, 297, 31, 33, 136, 138, 139. 140, 142, 213, 284, 386, 388, 390, 442-3, 444; towns forming, 140 17th, towns forming, 140; officers for, 185, 296, 32, 131, 135, 138, 139, 140-1, 142, 214, 217, 389, 390, 394, 439, 441, 442 18th, officers for, 36, 296, 32, 140, 143, 218, 392, 393, 440 ; town forming, 140 19th, officers for, 33, 185, 188, 31, 138, 141, 214, 384, 388, 389, 392, 440, 443 ; towns forming, 140, 190 20th, town forming, 140; officer in, 174; officers for, 185, 189, 32, 132-3, 134-5, 138, 211, 212, 215, 384, 391, 393, 439, 440, 441 21st, officers for, 36, 185, 188, 296, 132, 134, 137, 138, 211, 385, 386, 390, 392, 440, 442; towns forming, 140 22nd. officers for, 33, 34, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190 , 296, 298, 33, 132, 211, 216, 387, 439-40, 442 ; towns forming, 140 , 190 23rd, officers for, 31, 33-4, 186, 132, 133, 139, 217, 387, 388, 390, 440, 441, 444; towns forming, 140 24th, towns forming, 140; officers for, 186 25th, towns forming, 140; officers for, 186, 187, 188, 298, 134, 138, 210-11, 212, 216, 284, 385, 386, 392, 443; numbering changed, 445-6 26th, officers for, 34, 188, 189, 32, 135, 139, 213, 216-7, 392, 443 ; towns forming, 140; Co. transferred from, 19; numbering changed, 445-6 27th, towns forming, 140 ; officers for, 186, 187, 33, 132, 137-8, 211, 213, 285, 385, 390. 441-2, 444; numbering changed, 445-6 28th, towns forming, 165 : officers for, 183, 297. 32, 136, 139, 388, 391 336 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Regiment (s) Militia (cont.) 29th (?), officer for, 443 1st Light Horse, regts. forming, 140 ; officers for, 215, 218, 385, 444 2nd Light Horse, regts. forming, 140 ; officers for, 32, 137, 215-6, 387 3rd Light Horse, regts. forming, 140 ; officers for, 33, 140, 141, 143, 384, 385, 386, 442 4th Light Horse, regts. forming, 140; officers for, 136, 137, 140, 215 5th Light Horse, regts. forming, 141 ; officers for, 136-7, 215, 218, 384 3d Light Dragoons, officer for, 211 See also Dragoons, Light Registers, for ships, 254, 255, 340 Remington, Amos, property of, 411 Remington, Benjamin, appt. ens., 213 Remington, Stephen, Jr., appt. ens., 443 Rennselaer (Renserlau), P.V., receipt for powder, 193 Rent, of confiscated lands, 293 Reprisal, letters of, governor to issue, 254 Retail selling, excise on, 338 Reynolds, Nathaniel, Jr., petition of, 66-7 Rhode Island, refs, to inhabs., 55-7,209, 147, 148; Allen ordered to, 301 ; return of prize vessel to, 94; militia sent to, 223 ; firm in, 302 Rice, Ezekiel, appt. lieut., 135 Rice, Joseph, appt. ens., 189 Rice, Robert, petition of, 171 Rice. See also Royce Rich, Edward, estate of, 218 Rich, John, taxes abated, 414 Richards, Benjamin, appt. capt., 186 Richards, Daniel, taxes abated, 184 Richards, David, Jr., journey of, 189 Richards, Eli, appt. lieut., 32 Richards, Gershon, taxes abated, 185 Richards, Guy, supplies from, 114, 115, 107 ; to receive supplies, 107, 109, 115 { 3), 128, 268, 280, 337; payments to, 29, 99, 105, 447 ; petitions of, 98, 197 Richards, Isaac, taxes abated, 184 Richards, Capt. James, deputy for Nor- walk. 286, 7 Richards, John, taxes abated, 184; debts oi, 188, 223 Richards, Noah, appt. ens., 187 Richards, Samuel (of Farmington), pe- tition of, 460 Richards, Samuel (of Stamford), peti- tion of, 222 Richards, Street, appt. ens., 138 Ridgfield, army quota, 15; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 311; refs, to inhabs., 95-6 , 167, 204, 227-8, 243, 54-5, 172, 293, 401, 410, 469, 476; military companies, 140 ; to transport provisions, 242 ; peti- tions from, 179, 467 ; dispute in, 290-1 ; state collector, 334; British destroyed property at, 410 Riggs, Jeremiah, appt. lieut., 140 Riggs, Joseph, Jr., petition of, 419 Riley, Jacob, land of, 37 ; unable to col- lect taxes, 397 Riley, Roger, surveyor of lands, 31 ; appt. J. P., 135, 112, 321 Ripley, Lieut. Charles, death of, 247 Ripley, Rev. David, tax exempt, 242-3 Ripley, Hozekiah, deputy for Windham, 2, 131 ; losses from enemy, 246 Ripley, Capt. Jeremiah, deputy for Cov- entry, 316; on committees, 318, 405, 409 ; to thank minister, 319 Ripley, John, paid for returning de- serter, 192 Ripley, Maj. John, on committee, 5 Ripley, Capt. Ralph, appt. capt., 215 Ripley, Ralph, appt. lieut., 297 Ripley, Tabitha, petition of, 247 Ripton, powder magazine in, 98, 241, 243; sign post in, 466 Rising, Abel, appt. ens., 188 ; appt. lieut., 214 Risley, Reuben, appt. ens., 190 Roads and highways, repair of, 59, 296, 298-9, 304(2), 398; Middletown-Kill- ingworth, 168; jurisdiction in cities, 263, 265, 273, 274, 349, 351, 361, 369, 371 ; maintenance of, 305 ; inspectors of, 434 ; New Haven-Chapman’s Ferry, 455 ; for Norwich, 182 Robbery, act for the punishment of, 204 Robbins, Elias, judgment against, 77 Robbins, Capt. John, deputy for Weth- ersfield, 285, 4, 202, 252 ; agent for Stepney Parish, 37 ; to settle contro- versy, 196; appt. J. P., 135, 112 Robbins, Levi, appt. quartermaster, 188 Robbins, Moses, permitted to travel, 106 Robbins, Sarah, land of, 77 Robbins Island, travel to, 280 Roberts, Maj. , board bill, 191 Rob(b)erts, John, appt. J. P., 320 Roberts, Jonathan, appt. capt., 33, 167 Roberts, Dr. Joseph, receives land, 288 Roberts, Lemuel, appt. J. P.,136, 113, 321 Roberts, Nathaniel, appt. lieut., 392 Roberts, Samuel (of Newtown), asks release, 78-9 Robinson, Abner, appt. capt., 167 Robinson, Samuel, petition of, 309 Robinson, Samuel, Jr. (of Coventry), assessment omitted, 26 Robinson, William, trustee of Plainfield Academy, 406 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 337 Rochambeau, Count de, commands French Army, 49 Rockwell, Abner, appt. ens., 138 Rockwell, Daniel, appt. ens., 384 Rockwell, Elijah, appt. J. P., 138, 115, 323 Rockwell, Samuel, to collect tax, 147 Rodman, Daniel, payments to, 46-7 , 339 ', to receive supplies, 113-14, 118 ; peti- tions of, 94-5, 300; note of, 200 Rogers, Ebenezer, appt. capt., 386 Rogers, Capt. Edward (of Cornwall), deputy for Cornwall, 203 Rogers, Edward (of New Milford), appt. J. P., 138, 115, 323 Rogers, Capt. Eldad, deputy for Corn- wall, 253 Rogers, Hezekiah, petition of, 211-12; accounts of, 244 Rogers, James, 4th, appt. lieut., 217 Rogers, Jason, to sell property, 408 Rogers, Joseph, appt. ens., 33 Rogers, Noah, deputy for Cornwall, 3 Rogers, Ruth, permitted to travel, 83 Rogers, Simeon, taxes abated, 48-9 Rogers, Solomon, appt. lieut., 32; appt. capt., 217 Rogers, Thomas, asks to buy mill, 201-2, 314; permitted to travel, 337 Rood, Mariner, appt. lieut., 134 Root, Caleb, appt. lieut., 189 ; appt. capt., 390 Root, Ebenezer, appt. lieut., 24; resigns, 105 Root, Ephraim, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; deputy for Coventry, 286, 7 Root, Hezekiah, appt. lieut., 296 Root, Col. Jesse, and dispute with Penn., 27, 120, 220; nominated assistant, 61, 80; nominated to Congress, 61, 80; to receive money, 128, 333-4, 334 ; elected to Congress, 133; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 320; called into council, 333; deputy for Coventry, 108; deputy for Hart- ford, 315 Root, Jonah, deputy for Southington, 1 ; appt. ens., 441 Root, Jonathan, deputy for Southington, 202, 252 Root, Joseph, appt. capt., 185 Root, Josiah, buys farm, 229 Root, Theodore, appt. ens., 187 ; appt. lieut., 218; appt. capt., 391 Root, Timothy, appt. capt., 187 Rose, Elizabeth, petition of, 303 Rose, Dr. John, appt. surgeon, 244 Rose, Reuben, petition of, 455 Rose, Dr. Samuel, serves at Horseneck, 303 Ross, Ebenezer, appt. ens., 295 Ross, George, moves to New Haven, 228-9 Ross, Robert, copyrights grammar, 245 Rosseter, William, appt. capt., 297 Roswell, Grant, account of, 93 Rower. See Reeve, Tapping Rowland, Andrew, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Rowland, Samuel, appt. quartermaster, 141, 143; dies intestate, 173 Rowlandson (Rowlinson), Ira, appt. ens., 134; sells commission, 220, 287-8 Rowley, Capt. Abijah, estate of, 160-1, 227; illness of, 177 Rowley, Hannah, petitions of, 160-1, 177, 227 Rowley, Israel, loses note, 292 Rowlinson. See Rowlandson Roxbury, settler in, 239 Royce, David, appt. lieut., 139 Royce, Joseph, appt. ens., 168 Royce (Rice), Capt. Phineas, deputy for Watertown, 3, 132; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Royce, Reuben, appt. capt., 214 Rude, Ezekiel, appt. lieut., 386 Ruggles, Benjamin, appt. capt., 388 Ruggles, Edward, deputy for Pomfret, 316, 431 Ruggles, Timothy, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Rum, excise on, 16; supplies of, 83, 85, 404, 466 ; taken to Long Island, 83 ; duty on, 225, 226, 327, 432, 433, 447 ; imported, 297 ; damaged, 473 Runvril, Ebenezer, account of, 195-6 Russell, Ebenezer, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Russell, Col. Edward, issued military warrant, 63; deputy for Branford, 2, 130, 286, 4, 107, 315, 431 ; on commit- tees, 26, 132, 109, 176-7, 305, 318, 457; appt. probate judge, 135, 112, 320; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; lead in care of, 274; sent prisoners of war, 333; town clerk, 53-4 Russell, Elmore, pay of, 226 Russell, John, appt. ens., 141 Russell, John, 2nd, appt. lieut., 442 Russel(l), Joseph, permitted to sail, 101 ; pay for rum, 148 Russell, William, pay for rum, 148 Rye, orders for, 405 Sabin, Hozeah, appt. lieut. col., 258 Sabin, Joseph, appt. lieut., 295 Sabin, Capt. Josiah, deputy for Pomfret, 203, 253 338 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Sacket, Capt. Justus, losses from enemy, 81 ; deputy for Kent, 131 ; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Sacket, William, losses from enemy, 81 Saddles, duty on. 432 Safe conduct, letters of, 254 Sage, Col. Comfort, deputy for Middle- town, 1, 130, 285, 3, 107, 202, 252, 315, 430; on committees, 132, 109, 317, 394; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; to in- spect traveller, 280 ; appt. brig, gen., 210 ; petition of, 473 Sage, David, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Sage, Ebenezer, to manage lottery, 304 Sage, Giles, permitted to travel, 327 Sage, Jedidiah, appt. lieut., 186 Sage, Joseph, appt. capt., 34 Sage, Nathaniel, estate of, 79 Sage, Nathaniel, Jr., to sell real estate, 79 Sage, Solomon, to sell real estate, 320 Sage, William, appt. lieut., 390 Sagg Harbor, wood from, 275 Sailors, hospitalization of, 3-4 ; suits of, in city courts, 260, 270, 347, 357, 358, 367, 368 St. Eustacia, sulphur from, 221 St. John, Capt. Caleb, note of, 309 St. John, John, taxes abated, 181, 414 St. John, Nehemiah, taxes abated, 181, 414 St. John, Col. Stephen, deputy for Nor- walk, 131, 286, 7, 108, 316, 431 ; taxes abated, 181, 414; to count votes, 133, 109 St. John, Stephen, 2nd, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; losses from enemy, 199; taxes abated, 185 St. John, William, taxes abated, 181, 414 St. Maria, Packett, wrecked, 473 Salaries, of Superior Court judges, 24, 324 Salem, inhab. of, 205 Salisbury, army quota, 15; assessment, 60, 61, 79, 283, 312, 374; furnace at, 26, 102, 111, 226, 255, 271-73, 337, 89 ; ref. to inhabs. of, 25, 167, 195, 37, 420, 425 ; military companies of, 139 : new meeting house for, 232; tax collector in, 334, 476; iron ore bed at, 425 Sally, sloop, 312 Salmon, John, non-appearance of, 78 Salt, state-owned, reports on, 88; state owned, sale of, 96, 200, 280, 284; dis- tribution of, 106; importation of, 97, 156, 166; purchased for state, 190; de- livery of, 251; foreign, excise on, 338, 339 ; state owned, collection of, 377, 459 Salter, John, appt. J.P., 137, 114. 323; deputy for Mansfield, 316 Salt petre, belonging to state, 106, 206, 280; made into powder, 200-1 Saltonstall, Gurden, appt. probate judge. 134, 111, 320 Saltonstall, Nathaniel, expenses of, 189 Saltonstall, Roswell, permitted to travel. 339; expenses of, 189 Saltonstall, Winthrop, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; petitions of, 209-10, 300: land of, 164 Sand Banks, Lyme, ferry at, considered. 399 Sandy Hook, N. J., shipwreck near, 473 Sanford, Andrew, belonging to, 230 ; sloop of, 312 Sanford, Augustus, estate of, 208 Sanford, Eze, permitted to travel, 115 Sanford, Hezekiah, deputy for Redding, 316 Sanford, Isaac, to sell property, 468 Sanford, Lemuel, on committees, 28, 80 ; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; deputy for Reading, 286, 7, 203, 253, 431 Sanford, Peter, appt. lieut., 444 Sappers, corps of, pay of, 170 Saratoga, Battle of, 159 Satterly, Samuel, appt. lieut., 143 Saunders, Jabez, taxes abated, 181, 414 Saunders, John, taxes abated, 181 , 414; army pay of, 306 Savory, Freedom, to sell real estate, 226 Savory, Thomas, to sell real estate, 226 Saw Mills, assessment of, 155 Sawyer, Moses, permitted to travel, 326 Say, John 2nd. See Lay, John 2nd. Saybrook, probate court and district, judge appt. for, 134, 111, 320; to di- rect sale of real estate, 210, 222, 145 Saybrook, town of, coast guard of, 11 ; ferry at, 42, 399; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 186, 311 ; refs, to inhabs. of, 115, 168, 210,' 222, 283, 302, 327, 97, 251, 399; petitions of selectmen of, 125, 203; military companies, 139; to re- ceive powder, 254; prisoners arrive at, 279; fort at, 30, 118; state col- lector, 334 Saymore, Josiah, to sell real estate, 217 Sayre, David, permitted to travel, 119 Scarborough, Ebenezer, appt. ens., 134 Scarborough, Samuel, appt. lieut., 142 Scatocook, Indians of, 178, 298 School, incorporated at Plainfield, 406 School districts, of Weathersfield, 37 School houses, of Stepney Parish, 38 : at Groton, 197 ; in New London, 276 Schooner, captured by enemy, 457 ; taxed for lighthouse, 205, 257 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 339 Scofield, Benjamin, petition of, 305-6 Scofield, Gersham, appt. capt., 392 Scofield, Jonah, money due to, 182 Scofield (Schonfield), Reuben, appt. J.P., 137 , 114, 322; petition of, 305-6 Scofield, Seth, appt. capt., 184 Scott, Charles, sells property, 222 Scott, Elisha, appt. capt., 187 Scott, Ezekiel, Maj. of New York regt., 21 , 22 Scott, Dr. John, pay of, 85 Scott, Jonathan, appt. lieut., 187 Scott, Wolsey, petition of, 225 Scovil, Ezekiel, appt. ens., 394 Scovill, Darius, petition of, 230-2 Scovill, William, petition of, 230-2 Scudder, Isaac, taxes abated, 181, 414 Sea Coast, cost of defense of, 197 Seal, city, New Haven, 258, 266; New London, 268, 275 ; Hartford, 344, 352 ; Middletown, 354, 362; Norwich, 364, 372 Seal, of Conn., altered, 374; kept by secretary, 451 Sealers, of leather, appointment of, 434 Seaman, Walter, to import salt, 54-5 Sears, Matthew, fails to pay tax, 471 Secretary of Foreign Affairs, to receive papers, 173 Secretary of State, election of, 132, 109, 317; sworn in, 133, 110, 318; to re- ceive receipt, 94 ; to transmit acts and resolves, 219, 282, 378, 439; to publish acts and orders, 280, 376, 445, 446, 447, 447-8; to be clerk of Supreme Court of Errors, 324; to alter seal, 374: custodian of seal, 451 ; custodian of acts, 478 Securities, taken by enemy, 286 ; receiv- able for taxes, 376; continental, to be issued, 377 Sedgwick, Maj. John, deputy for Corn- wall, 131, 286, 9, 108, 316, 431; to count votes, 109, 318; appt. lieut. col., 131 Sedgwick, Stephen, property of, 396 Seeley, David, Jr., fine of, 473 Seely, Ebenezer, appt. ens., 389 Seely (Seeley), Eliphalet, Jr., appt. J.P.. 137, 114; to sell real estate, 321-2 Seely, Obadiah, estate of, 182 Seely, Seth, confiscated estate of, 19, 182 Seely, Zera, appt. lieut., 297 Seiley, James, permitted to travel, 340 Seins, act regulating, 118 Selby, Jeremiah, appt. ens., 284 Selden, Capt. Ezra, deputy for Lyme, 131, 286, 5, 108, 316, 431; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322; payments to, 179, 246; to count votes, 109 Selden, Samuel, appt. capt., 212; to de- liver salt, 251 Selectmen, to deliver provisions, 89, 107 ; to receive accounts, 290, 446 ; to provide for quartering troops, 291 ; abatements in assessments by, 25 ; to report on military stores, 207 ; to col- lect and sell supplies, 280-1 See also under individual towns Selew, Philip, deputy for Glastonbury, 107, 202, 252, 315, 430; appt. J.P., 321 Seley, Joseph, appt. capt., 391 Selleck, Gold John, involved in murder, 77 Serge, Jedidiah, appt. capt., 387 Sessions, Abijah, appt. capt., 211 Sessions, Capt. Amasa, deputy for Pom- fret, 131, 20 3, 253 Sessions, John, deputy for Union, 2; appt. lieut., 34; appt. J.P., 137, 114. 323 ; petition of, 223-4 Sessions, Samuel, appt. lieut., 167 Sevenwick, Mr., cashier of Robert Mor- ris. 259 Seward, David, to be repaid, 191 Sexton, James, payment to, 207 Sexton, Stephen, appt. ens., 168 Seymour, Abel, Jr., appt. lieut., 133 Seymour, Anna (Anner), taxes abated, 181, 414 Seymour, Charles, appt. capt., 295 Seymour, Daniel, Jr., taxes abated, 181 Seymour, Drake, appt. capt., 214 Seymour, James, taxes abated, 181, 414 Seymour, Joash, appt. capt., 132 Seymour, John, taxes abated, 181, 414 Seymour, John, Jr., taxes abated, 181, 414 Seymour, Moses ( of Hartford) , slanders governor, 29 Seymour, Capt. Moses, appt. maj., 384 Seymour, Samuel, appt. ens., 214 Seymour, Thomas (Y.), appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320; attorney for Bayard, 202; reports a slander, 29 ; deputy for Hartford, 202, 252, 430; property of. 344; payment by, 410; appt. justice of quorum, 446 ; to publish acts, 478 Seymour, William, taxes abated, 181, 414; loses notes, 215 ; payment to, 383 Shailer, Thomas, appt. lieut., 32 Shapley, Capt. Adam, co. of matrosses of, 20, 107, 108, 99; losses of, 41 Sharon, probate court and district of, to direct sale of estate, 76, 195, 211 ; judge appt. for, 135, 112, 320 340 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Sharon, town of, army quota, 15 ; assess- ment, 60, 61, 79, 283, 312; refs, to inhabs. of, 76, 163 ; camp at, 168 ; pro- visions transported to, 242 ; travel to, permitted, 228; state collector, 334; back taxes, 473-4 Shaw, Nathaniel, deputy for New Lon- don, 2, 131 ; to examine mortgage, 45, 47; computes interest, 57; note for, 204; to supply tents, 339; agent for, 58, 424; accounts of, 228, 294; taxes of, 239 ; goods furnished to, 280 ; state takes land of, 469-70 Shaw, Thomas, deputy commissioner of naval prisoners, to grant flag, 122; on need for prison ship, 124; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; orders addressed by, 247-8 ; reports escape of prisoners, 251 ; to employ physician, 263 ; to su- pervise travellers, 275, 63; forwards application of prisoners, 275; to ex- change prisoners, 340 ; petitions of, 197, 228, 294, 300, 469 Shay lor, Nathaniel, distillery of, 227 She(a)thar, Capt. John, aids brother, 311 She(a)thar, Samuel, permitted to reside in state, 311, 331-2, 335 Sheep, not to be exported, 83 ; impound- ing of, in common field, 117; illegally exported, 235-6 Sheff, Joseph, deputy for Windham, 253 Sheffield, Acors, to deliver stores, 263 Sheldon, Charles, assessment omitted, 26 Sheldon, Elisha, estate of, 177-8 Sheldon, Col. Epaphras, deputy for Tor- rington, 3, 204, 253 ; on army quota committee, 5; regt. of dragoons, 22, 93, 94, 103, 104, 281 ; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323; appt. brig, gen., 284 Sheldon, Joseph, to sell real estate, 322 Sheldon, Josiah, property of, 411 Sheldon, Phineas, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 ; deputy for Suffield, 285, 3 Sheldon, Samuel, petition of, 177-8 Sheldon, Thomas, petition of, 177-8 Shells, to be kept at Fort Griswold, 448 Shelly, Ebenezer, note of, 309 Shelter Island, travel to, 276 Shelton, Isaac Wells, confiscated prop- erty, 468 Shep(p)ard, Abraham, appt. capt., 188; petition of, 261 Shepard, Daniel, appt. lieut., 133 Shepard, Eldad, appt. lieut., 216 Shepard, James, property of, 344 Shepard, Joseph, deputy for Plainfield, 431 Sherbrook, Miles, lands confiscated, 47 ; presents receipt, 249 Sherburn, Col., battalion of, 266 Sheriffs, to serve warrant, 145; to seize shipwrecked property, 160; to collect fines for insufficient recruits, 166; to deliver executions for back taxes, 290 ; to administer oaths, 206-7 ; city, elec- tion of, 258, 268, 345, 355, 365 ; city, rules governing, 259-60, 269, 346, 356, 366; city, 264, 274, 351, 361, 370; money drawn on, 377 Sherman, Amos, appt. ens., 34 Sherman, Daniel, deputy for Woodbury, 3, 287, 10, 109, 204, 254; nominated assistant, 61, 80; payment to, 83; to make inquiries, 85, 236, 323, 303 ; appt. probate judge, 135, 112, 320; appt J.P., 137, 114, 323 Sherman, Jesse, appt. ens., 139; appt. lieut., 384 Sherman, Lemuel, payment to, 230 Sherman, Roger, present at assembly, 2, 130, 13, 107, 202, 430; nominated assistant, 61, 80, 313, 470; nominated to Congress, 61, 80; pay for services, 66; to count votes, 132, 109; elected assistant, 132, 109, 317 ; takes oath, 133 , 110; appt. Superior Court judge, 133, 111, 319; appt. to Council of Safety, 178; at Council of Safety, 239- 285, 325-341, 82-106, 189-201, 249-51 passim; appt. delegate, 101-2; thanks minister for sermon, 110 ;• to revise stat- ute laws, 122, 219; appt. to Congress, 207 ; to cede western lands, 277, 444 Sherman, William, Jr., trustees for, 159-60 Sherwood, Jabez (Jabery), land of, 96; sues Col. Mead, 152-3 Sherwood, Joseph, appt. capt., 190 Sherwood, Matthew, appt. ens., 393 Shetucket (Shatucket) River, bridge over, 182, 407-8; as boundary, 364 Shipman, Capt. Edward, commanding company at Saratoga, 159 Shipman, Maj. Edward, deputy for Say- brook, 131, 286, 6 Shipman, John, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322; petition of, 302 Shipman, Capt. Samuel, deputy for Say- brook, 2, 286, 6; appt. J.P., 446 Ships, capture of, 94; taxed for light- house, 205, 257; inspection of, 254-5; registration of, 255, 340; British, 278, 395 ; exemption from taxes and duties, 326, 336; declaration of invoice, 328, 336, 435-6 ; on Connecticut River, 344 ; wharfage charges, 409; wreck of, 473 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 341 Shirts, for army, 100 Shoes, for army, 428; duty on, 432 Shops, robbery of, 204 See also Stores Sign post, warrants to be posted on, 438; for Ripton, 466 Sikes, Capt. Reuben, deputy for Somers, 130, 202, 252; appt. J.P., 136, 112, 321 ; assessment omitted, 26 Silk, raw, act for encouragement of, 256-7, 342; wrought, duty on, 432 Sill, Andrew, fails to pay tax, 471 Sill, Capt. Elisha, deputy for Goshen, 131, 108, 203, 253, 316, 431; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Sill, Giles, loses notes, 59 Sill, Richard, loses notes, 205, 211, 244 Silleck, Nathaniel, to sell property, 167 Silleck, Sarah, property of, 167 Silliman, Diodate, appt. capt., 385 Silliman (Syllyman), Gen. Gold Selleck, deputy for Fairfield, 2; recommenda- tion of, 116 ; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; to oversee travellers, 84, 98 Silliman (Sylliman, Syllyman), Samuel Cook, deputy for Norwalk, 2, 131, 108, 203, 253, 431 ; permitted to travel, 119; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; on com- mittee, 451 Simon(d)s, Jacob, appt. J.P., 137, 114. 322 Simons, Nathan, appt. ens., 392 Simpson, Dr. John, notes for, 205 Simpson, Stephen, petition of, 46 Simsbury, probate court and district, to direct sale of real estate, 66, 194, 201, 179; judge appt. for, 134, 111, 319 Simsbury, town of, army quota, 14 ; refs, to inhabs. of, 65, 167, 74 ; land in, 44 ; assessment, 60, 59, 78, 311; military companies of, 140 ; provisions collected in, 240; tax collector, 304, 334; bridge in, 321 ; Newgate Prison in, See New- gate Prison Simson, Jonathan, estate of, 316 Simson (Symson), Symson, merchant, 222 Sinking fund, state, 206, 327 Skiff, Joseph, deputy for Windham, 203 Skinner, Eli, new bills for, 149-50 ; pay of, 150 Skinner, Timothy, appt. capt., 214 Skinner, Capt. Tompson I, to deliver letter, 264 Slaves, importation of, 46 See also Negroes Sloan, Thomas, appt. lieut., 391 Sloops, taxed for lighthouse, 205, 257 Sloper, Ambrose, appt. capt., 167 Small Pox, innoculation for, 27 Smedley, Gideon, appt. lieut., 296; appt. capt., 141 Smith, Mr., to move to Conn., 338-9 Smith, Capt. , commands company, 190 Smith, Abigail, witnesses will, 307 Smith, Amos, loses money, 36 Smith, Benjamin, to settle estate, 226-28 Smith, Daniel, appt. capt., 37 ; taxes abated, 181, 182, 414 Smith, Daniel, confiscated property of, 95 Smith, David (of Chatham), appt. capt., 33, 167 Smith, David (of Farmington), petition of, 457-8 Smith, David (of Watertown), pay for, 179, 246; appt. J.P., 323; deputy for Watertown, 431 ; on committee, 461 Smith, Capt. Ebenezer, notes in favor of, 19 Smith, Ebenezer, appt. cornet, 136 Smith, Edward, to sell real estate, 70 Smith, Eli, I, appt. ens., 285 Smith, Eli, II, appt. lieut., 214 Smith, Eliakim, taxes abated, 181, 414 Smith, Capt. Elijah, pay of, 234; to ap- pear before assembly, 28 Smith, Elizabeth, to sell real estate, 70 Smith, Fountain, taxes abated, 181, 185, 414 Smith, George, deputy for Newtown, 2 Smith, Capt. Hezekiah (Heziah) , deputy for Haddam, 202, 252 Smith, Isaac, appt. lieut., 35; incor- rectly assessed, 26 Smith, James, taxes abated, 414 Smith, James, Jr., appt. lieut., 139 Smith, Jedidiah, new note for, 427 Smith, Jeremiah, appt. lieut., 385 Smith, Jesse, deceased, 226 Smith, John, petitions of, 223, 46, 463 Smith, Jonah, appt. capt., 213 Smith, Jonathan, appt. ens., 32 Smith, Joseph, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; appt. cornet, 387 ; payment to, 420 Smith, Josiah, I, appt. lieut., 24 Smith, Josiah, II, appt. ens., 183; appt. lieut., 142 Smith, Josiah (of Ridgefield), land of, confiscated, 204 Smith, Josiah (of Winchester), taxes abated, 48-9 Smith, Justus, appt. ens., 217 Smith, Levi, petition of, 204 Smith, Martha, to settle estate, 226-8 Smith, Capt. Matthew, in company of, 63 342 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Smith, Matthew, 2nd, fails to pay tax, 471 Smith, Melancton, to settle state ac- counts, 262 Smith, Nathan, payment of debts to, 82, 101; to settle estate, 226-28 ; appt. ens., 142 Smith, Nathaniel, Jr., appt. capt., 140 Smith, Nehemiah, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Smith, Noah, taxes abated, 181, 414 Smith, Col. Oliver, deputy for Stoning- ton, 131; appt. J.P., 136, 113; ac- quitted with honor, 174, 175; com- mands company, 189 Smith, Philemon, appt. lieut., 217 Smith, Phineas, asks for confiscated house, 204 Smith, R., owns sloop, 95 ; granted citi- zenship in Conn., 95 Smith, Reuben, to settle estate, 41 ; appt. J.P., 137, 115, 323 Smith, Richard, furnace of, 102, 111-12, 256, 271 ; asks to return to state, 337, 37 ; charged with bribery, 29 Smith, Samuel, I, estate of, 227-228 Smith, Samuel, II, appt. capt., 285 Smith, Col. Seth, deputy for New Hart- ford, 3 ; to count votes, 132 ; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323; back pay of, 226 Smith, Seth Samuel, appt. surveyor of lands, 383 Smith, Capt. Simeon (of Ashford), dep- uty for Ashford, 286, 7, 203, 253, 431 Smith, Capt. Simeon (of Sharon), to sell real estate, 211 ; deputy for Sharon, 109, 432 Smith, Dr. Solomon, to receive money, 154 Smith, Thomas, appt. ens., 297 Smith, Thomas, Jr., appt. lieut., 134 Smith, Uriah, taxes abated, 181, 185, 414 Smith, William, appt. lieut., 187; pay- ment to, 220; debt of, 312; new notes for, 427 Sneider, Terobabel, master of sloop, 332 Snow, Ebenezer, petition of, 156 Snow, Ebenezer, Jr., pay of, 156 Snows, taxed for lighthouse, 205 Snuff, excise on, 16; duty on, 328; manufacture of, 400 Soldiers, hospitalization of, 3-4 ; pay of, 6, 12, 38, 122-3; ration allowance, 13; deserted, 117; to receive interest, 169; exempted from polls, 130; pension for, 207 ; securities of, 376 Somers, army quota, 14 ; assessment, 60, 26, 60, 78, 187, 311; military com- panies in, 140; refs, to inhabs. of, 168, 314; state collector, 334 Southampton, L. I., persons going to, 280, 326, 327, 328; former resident of, 300 Southhold, L. I., persons going to, 84, 304, 334, 336, 62, 86 ; horse from, 328 Southington, army quota, 15 ; assess- ment, 60, 59, 78, 311; military com- panies of, 140; refs, to inhabs. of, 167, 309, 419; state lands in, 125 Southwick, Joseph, petition of, 43 Southworth, Constant, deputy for Mans- field, 2, 131, 286, 8, 203, 253 ; on com- mittees, 5, 405, 409; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Southworth, Gideon, to sell real estate, 222 Southworth, Martin, appt. cornet, 215 Southworth, Otis, estate of, sold, 222 Southworth, Samuel, appt. ens., 131 Spain, native of, 213 ; imports from. 21 Spalding, Asa, deserts family, 172-3 Spalding, Grace, petition of, 172-3 Spalding, Hozekiah, trustee of Plain- field Academy, 406 Spalding, Jonas J., appt. lieut., 35 Spalding, Joseph, Jr., appt. lieut., 188 Spalding, Capt. Simeon, pay of, 214 Spees (Speer), Benjamin, appt. J.P., 137-8, 115, 323 Spelman, Richard, appt. ens., 391 Spencer, Capt. Brainerd, on court mar- tial, 284 m Spencer, Lieut. David, appt. lieut. 24; to receive provisions, 334; provision- ing vessel, 341 Spencer, Capt. David Brainerd, appt. maj. 210 Spencer, Hezekiah, assessment omitted, 26 Spencer, Ichabod, appt. lieut.. 167 Spencer, Capt. Israel, deputy for E. Had- dam, 1, 130, 285, 2, 107, 202, 252; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; on com- mittees, 130, 168 Spencer, Major, Gen. Joseph, present at assembly, 1, 13, 202, 252, 315, 430 ; asks for pay, 59 ; nominated assistant, 61, 80, 313, 470; at Council of Safety, 88- 129, 239-285, 325-341, 82-106, 189-201, 249-51 passim ; elected assistant, 132, 109, 317; takes oath, 133, 110, 318; appt. probate judge, 134, 111. 319; appt. to Council of Safety, 174 ; on committees, 213, 293, 339, 154-5, 317, 470, 475 ; Wooster lived with, 71 ; nominated to Congress, 313 ; to receive rum, 466 Spencer, Timothy, fails to pay tax, 471 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 343 Sperry, Elijah, appt. lieut., 31; appt. capt., 384 Sperry, Jacob, appt. ens., 186; appt. lieut., 33 Sperry (Speary), Job, appt. ens., 190 ; appt. lieut., 139 Spies, British, 290 Springfield, Mass., artificers stationed at, 79; ammunition from, 257 Sproat, Mr., commissioner of naval prisoners, 275 Spy, schooner, captured, 120 Squire, Daniel, estate of, 106 Squire, Jonathan, appt. lieut., 36, 167 Squire (Squier), Samuel, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Stafford, probate court and district, judge appt. for, 134, 111, 319; business to be finished, 165 Stafford, town of, army quota, 14; as- sessment, 60, 26, 60, 78, 187, 311; military companies in, 140; as bound- ary, 190; church dispute in, 157, 308-9; state collector, 334; inhabitant of, 425 Stage wagons, purchased, 451-2 Stamford, probate court and district of, charges of, 90; judge appt. for, 134, 112, 320; to direct sale of real estate, 183, 193, 209, 218, 322; to issue cer- tificate, 294 Stamford, town of, coast guard of, 11 ; military forces at, 16, 106, 254, 294, 327, 341, 93, 183 ; refs, to inhabs. of, 19, 40, 74, 78, 80, 167, 182, 193, 197, 209, 211, 217, 221(2), 233, 253, 305, 310, 321, 67-8, 68(2), 162-3, 165, 167, 309, 407, 419, 421 ; losses from enemy at, 28, 67, 217, 380 ; assessment, 59, 60, 79, 311; suspicious persons at, 80; military companies, of, 139 ; taxes abated in, 217, 234 ; army quota of, 222; clothes to be delivered to, 250; land in, 255 ; provisions from, 261 ; detained at, 311, 332, 335; officer at, to inspect travellers, 40, 46, 48, 50, 65, 91, 98, 100; Long Island Sound, 84; military post at, evacuated, 104; fort at, to be sold, 129 ; state collector, 334 Stanford, Lemuel, appt. J.P., 134 Stanley, Abigail, granted land, 50 Stanley, Caleb, Jr., deputy for Coventry, 431 Stanley, Col. Gad, deputy for Farming- ton, 1, 130, 285, 3 ; on committees, 5, 10, 168; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; executor of estate, 196, 198 Stanley, James, to receive beef, 189 Stanley, Jeremiah, granted land, 50 Stan (d) ley, Oliver, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 ; deputy for Wallingford, 108, 203, 253 ; on committee, 168 ; petition of, 246; appt. probate judge, 210, 320 Stanley, Samuel, property of, 396 Stanton, Daniel, payment to, 383 Stanton, Edward, payment to, 383 Stanton, Elijah, appt. ens., 185; appt. lieut., 212 Stanton, John, appt. lieut., 389 Stanton, Capt. Joshua, deputy for Salis- bury, 203, 253 Stanton, Capt. William, payment to, 82 Staples, Capt., detains flag, 101 Starkey, Timothy, appt. J.P., 137, 113, 322 Starling, Abijah, appt. J.P., 114, 322 Starling, Ephraim, appt. capt., 139 Starr, Abigail, to receive estate, 72-3 Starr, Maj. Daniel, will of, 71-73; estate of, 410 Starr, Daniel, junior, 72 Starr, Elijah, appt. ens., 168; appt. lieut, 390; appt. capt., 444 Starr, Ezra, petition of, 72-73 , 410; re- signs commission, 211; deputy for Danbury, 316, 431 ; to count votes, 318 Starr, John, payment to, 382-3 Starr, Joshua, losses of, 45-6 Starr, Joseph, appt. J.P., 137 Starr, Col. Josiah, petition of, 95; pay- ment by, 81 Starr, Rachel, receives estate, 71-73 Starr, Rebecca, receives estate, 72-73 Starr, William (of Groton), appt. lieut., 295 Starr, Capt. William (of Middletown), permitted to travel, 280; seizes goods, 100 Starr, William (of New Haven Co.), appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 State House, Hartford, celebration be- fore, 166; first city meeting at, 353 State House, New Haven, first city meeting at, 267 States attorney, to receive receipts, 23; receives securities, 223; to prosecute excise collectors, 280 Staten Island, travel to and from, 100, 228-9 Staves, of barrels, 433 Steb(b)ins, Benjamin, property confis- cated, 96 Stebbins, Joanna, receives legacy, 227- 228 ' Stebbins, Joseph, receives legacy, 227-8 Stebbins, Josiah, estate confiscated, 293 Stedman, James, on committee, 309 Steel, Ashbel, appt. capt., 142 344 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Steel, Eleazer, deputy for Tolland, 202, 252 Steel, Elisha, trustee of estate, 35 Steel, James, appt. lieut., 34 ; property of, 344 Steel, Marianne, money due to, 315 Steel, William, appt. lieut., 167 Steers, taxable, 340 Stent, Eleazer, to sell property, 180 Stephens, Benjamin, issuing commissary, 21 ; to receive bread, 246 Stephens, Jedidiah, petition of, 120 Stepney, parish of, school districts of, 37 Sterling, Maj. Gen. Lord, orders of, 21 Sterling (Stirling), Thaddeus, appt. cor- net, 140; appt. lieut., 384 Steuben, Maj. Gen. Baron, offers his name, 71-2 Stevens, Mr., returns made to, 278 Stevens, Benjamin, appt. ens., 168 Stevens, Elisha, appt. ens., 385 Stevens, Henry, released from prison, 221 Stevens, Nathan, estate of, 217 Stevens, Nathaniel, deputy of Norfolk, 132 Stevens, Obadiah, Jr. f money due to, 182 Stevens, Samuel, appt. ens., 390 Stevenson, Hannah, to sell real estate, 194 Stevenson, Thomas, estate of, 194 Stewart, Capt. Alexander (of Fairfield Co.), appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; deputy for Preston, 431 Stewart, Alexander (of Preston), appt. capt., 389 Stewart, John, appt. capt., 215 Stewart, Samuel, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323 Stewart, Stephen, to sell real estate, 311 Stewart, William, owns brigantine, 94 Stiddle, Joseph, land of, 96 Stiles, Dr. Ezra, sermon of, 110 Still Water, battle of, 159 Stil(li) well, Capt. Elias, pay of, 179, 246 Stirling. See Sterling Stocking, Abner, securities of, 225 Stoddard, Mr., assessment omitted, 26 Stoddard, Gideon, to sell real estate. 69-70 Stoddard, Capt. James, appt. capt., 24; pay of, 103, 240 Stoddard, Jerusha, estate of, 69-70 Stoddard, Luther, appt. capt., 133 Stoddard, Mark, appt. capt., 388 Stoddard, Ralph, Jr., appt. ens., 216 Stoddard, Samuel, appt ens., 139; appt. lieut., 392 Stoddard, Vine, appt. ens., 32, 168 ; re- signs, 263; appt. lieut., 216 Stone, Benajah, appt. lieut., 31 Stone, Bille, wounded, 424 Stone, Heber, appt. lieut., 214 Stone, Jabez, Jr., bond of, 75 Stone, Levy, appt. lieut., 441 Stone, Reuben, petition of, 424 Stone House (Meridan), 69 Stonington, probate court and district of, to direct sale of real estate, 85, 210, 319, 70-1; judge appt. for, 134, 111, 320 Stonington, towm of, coast guard of, 11 ; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 187, 311; refs, to inhabs. of, 84, 167, 168, 318(2), 331, 30, 50, 70, 82, 103, 230, 401; stores and provisions for, 98, 263, 195 ; stores and provisions from, 108, 115, 122, 268, 280; military companies of, 139; garrison at, 30, 143, 189, 190; execution against, 129; payment for defense of, 197 ; money for Griswold casualties, 283; militia officers in, 285; state collector, 334 Stonington Long Point, sale of property at, 281 Stores, of army, 93 ; taxation of, 341 ; on Thames River, 416 Storrs, Cornelius, appt. capt., 131 Storrs, Elias, appt. lieut., 137 Storrs, Col. Experience, on committees, 13-4, 170, 34, 109; to deliver provi- sions, 285; deputy for Mansfield, 108; appt. J.P., 114, 323; petition of, 174-5, 418 Storrs, Rev. John, Chaplain, 94; per- mitted to travel, 336 Storrs, Joseph, appt. J.P., 114, 323 Stoughton, Israel, to sell property, 172 Stoughton, Jemima, property of, 172 Stowe, Jedidiah, appt. ens., 215 Stowe, Lieut., losses of, 41-2 Stowell, Daniel, permitted to travel, 282 Stratford probate court and district, judge appt. for, 135, 112, 320; district created, 164 Stratford, town of, coast guard of, 11; Golden Hill Indians at, 29, 234-5 ; as- sessment, 59, 60, 79, 311; military companies of, 139; refs, to inhabs. of, 167, 300, 305, 317, 40, 145, 167-8, 168-9, 1 77, 231, 297, 411, 424, 473; town quota for, 316 ; proceedings against, 165 ; state collector, 334 Stratford River. See Housatonic River Street, Capt. Samuel, deputy for Wall- ingford, 430 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 345 Streets, city, jurisdiction over, 263, 273, 349, 359, 369 See also Roads and Highways Strong, Adomjah, appt. ens., 212 Strong, Amos, protest of, 381 Strong, Asabel, death of, 203 Strong, Benejah, deputy for Coventry, 2 Strong, David, appt. lieut., 33 Strong, Elnathan, petition of, 46 Strong, Ephraim, appt. ens., 35; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Strong, Jedidiah, deputy for Litchfield, 2, 131, 108; clerk of assembly, 3, 132, 239, 109; nominated for Congress, 61, 80, 313; at Council of Safety, 88-129, 239-205 passim, 189; to examine Sal- isbury furnace, 102; elected to Con- gress, 133, 110, 318; appt. J.P., 137 , 114, 323; appt. to Council of Safety, 174; petition of, 203 Strong, Maj. John, assessment omitted, 26; promoted lieut. col., 131; resigns as lieut. col. 439 Strong, Medad, appt. ens., 131 Strong, Rev. Nathan, to correct Wash- ington's letter, 198 Strong, Nehemiah, deputy for Newtown, 316 Sturges, Jonathan, on committee, 10, 110, 303, 452; appt. J.P., 137, 114; appt. probate judge, 134, 111, 320; deputy for Fairfield, 108, 203, 253, 316, 431 : nominated assistant, 471 ; nominated to Congress, 313, 471 Styles, Bliss, assessment omitted, 26 Suffield, army quota, 14 ; assessment, 60, 26, 60, 78, 311; refs, to inhabs. of, 67, 167, 226, 66, 410-11; military com- panies of, 139, 410-11; state collector, 334 Suffolk County, Mass., inhabs. of, 57 Suffolk, boat in Sound, 92 Sugar, excise, 16, 338, 339; taken to Long Island, 83 ; duty on, 327, 828, 432 ; loaf, manufacture of, 477 Suits, federal, in state courts, 163 Sulpher, belonging to state, 206; pur- chased, 221 Summers, Nathan, confiscated land of, 66 Sumner, Capt. Benjamin, deputy for Ashford, 131, 108, 316; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323 Sumner, Ebenezer, payment to, 192 Sumner, Mary, to sell estate, 239-40 Sumner, Samuel, estate of, 239-40 Sumners Creek, as Middletown bound- ary, 354 Superintendent of Finance, and soldier's pensions, 207 ; sum charged to, 302 Superior Court. See Court, Superior Supplies, for U. S., 24; for army, 145, 93, 166; money raised for, 171; of state, 96, 99, 284 Supreme Court of Errors. See Court, Supreme, of Errors Surveyors, of flour, appointment of, 434 Surveyors, of lands, appointments of, 186, 281, 383 Susquehanna Company, act for collect- ing taxes, 291-2; Indian deed to, 292; to furnish money to agents, 292, 334 Susquehanna Purchase, to secure bene- fits, 120-1 Susquehanna River, man driven off from, 120; settlers from Conn, near, 456 See also Pennsylvania Sutleif, Benjamin, appt. lieut., 281 Sutton, Mass., salt petre for, 337 Swan, Elisha, appt. quartermaster, 387 Swift, Herman, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Swift, Thomas, to sell real estate, 322 Swift, Zephaniah, appt. ens., 185; appt. capt., 131 Swine, wandering in cities, 265, 275, 352, 362, 371 ; destroy notes, 420 ; exempt from taxes, 438, 447-8 Sykes, Capt. Reubens, deputy for Somers, 285, 3, 107 Tainter, John Jr., appt. surveyor of land, 34 Talbott, William, illicit trader, 39 Talcott, Benjamin, appt. J.P., 136, 112, 321 Talcott, Eliazer, Jr., appt. lieut., 390 Talcott, Elizur, appt. J.P., 135 , 112, 391 Talcott, Gad, appt. ens., 211 Talcott, Isaac, appt. ens., 136 Talcott, Joseph, colony treasurer, 473 Talcott, Joseph, appt. capt., 183 Talcott, Col. Matthew, deputy for Mid- dletown, 2, 130, 285, 3; appt. J.P., 135 , 112, 320; to inspect traveller, 280; account of, 461 Talcott, Col. Samuel, deputy for Hart- ford, 130; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320 Talcott, William, appt. lieut., 211 Tallmadge, James, Jr., debt to, 182 Tallow, taken to Long Island, 83 Talmadge, Maj. Benjamin, to report, 94; notification of, 288 ; new notes for, 292 Talmadge, Jonathan, debt to, 182 Talmadge, Seymour, debt to, 182 Tarbell, William, disability of, 459 Tariff. See Duties Tavernkeepers, to observe liquor excise, 17 346 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Tax (J^tf), provisions collected on, 293 ; rate of payment, 25 Tax (Id), levied for interest on securi- ties, 13; payments from, 103(2), 115, 118, 121(2), 124; rates due on, 315; rate of payment, 25 ; levied for charges of government, 376 Tax (\y 2 d), payments from, 21, 281, 293, 319, 183 Tax (2d), levied in specie for interest on securities, 169; levied for support of state civil government, 171, 118; payments from, 217, 295, 312, 330(2), 331, 333; collectors of, 98; raised to 6d., 122 Tax (2 yd), credit towards, 57 Tax (3d), levied for U. S. quota, 8; payment from, 127 ; bank notes ac- cepted for, 259 ; remains uncollected, 273; rate due on, abated, 315 Tax (4 d), provisions collected on, 293; payment from, 183 Tax (6d), provisions collected on, 24, 115, 281, 293; payments from, 319, 183 ; rate of payment, 25 ; levied an- nually for interest on securities, 122; continued, 375 Tax (8d), levied for funding securities, 13 Tax (9d), levied for funding securities, 170; for payment on soldiers notes, 238; rate due on, abated, 315 Tax (1 j), levied for U. S. quota, 171; remains uncollected, 273; levied for charges of govt., 24 ; troops paid from, 99 Tax (2s. 6d., “half crown”), provisions collected on, 8, 16, 24, 89, 92, 104, 105, 107, 108(5), 111, 113, 115, 116, 117, 121, 122, 123, 124(2), 125, 128, 174, 177, 240(2), 242, 244, 245, 250, 252-3, 257(2), 258, 261(3), 262, 268, 274, 281(2), 292, 319, 335, 338, 339; pay- ments from, 8, 18, 19(2), 21, 39, 40, 41, 43, 46-7, 49, 71, 75, 76(2), 81, 89, 92, 93, 94(2), 98, 99(2), 100(2), 103(2), 108, 110, 118(2), 121, 128(2), 192, 200. 213, 217, 226, 237(2), 249, 252, 260, 267, 269, 314, 330; returns on, 9, 26; order on, withdrawn, 330; orders on, receivable, 26; orders on, destroyed, 42, 44 Taxes (in general), for raising recruits, 6, 7, 9-10, 11 ; abatement of, 15, 25, 48-9, 67, 176, 179-182, 293, 39, 58, 114, 126, 127, 128, 130, 153, 168, 176, 184-5, 209, 243-4, 247, 282, 283, 300, 374, 379-80, 382, 400, 410, 413-4, 415, 449, 450, 451, 454; payment of back, 155; oath to avoid payment, 164 ; collectors and collection of, 172, 203, 290, 118, 334, 375-6, 383, 399, 417, 421-2, 446, 447, 473, 476; deficiency in, 233; bal- ances due on, 261 ; medium of pay- ment, 299, 206, 375, 407 ; accounts of, 21, 27, 131, 446; for meeting house, 69 ; inter-state conference on, 101 ; on shipping, 205 ; for lighthouse, 206, 257 ; silk bounties payable from, 256 ; in cities, 259, 265, 268, 275, 325, 345-6, 355-6, 365 ; local, for road repair, 296, 304, 398; mistake in, 374; disputed, 471-2 See also Duties ; Excise Taylor, Major (of Danbury), to give account, 94 Taylor, Abijah, appt. capt., 393 Taylor, Lieut. Augustine, petition of, 95 Taylor, Capt. Daniel, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; deputy for Danbury, 108 Taylor, David (of Bolton), tax collec- tor, 36 Taylor, David, Jr. (of Bolton), appt. lieut., 33; deputy for Bolton, 430 Taylor, David, Sr. (of Danbury), estate confiscated, 73; 405 Taylor, David, Jr. (of Danbury), estate confiscated, 73 Taylor, Eleazer, appt. ens., 297 Taylor, Elihud, appt. ens., 386 Taylor, John, purchases land, 56 Taylor, Joseph, appt. capt., 186 Taylor, Samuel, accounts of, 333 Taylor, Thomas, appt. J.P., 137, 114,322 Tea, excise on, 16, 338, 339; duty on, 327, 328 Teal, Timothy, back pay, 305 Teamsters, bread for, 246 Tennant, John, appt. capt., 298 Tent cloth, furnished, 404 Terry, Eliphalet, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321: appt. capt., 185, 386; deputy for Enfield, 285, 2 Terry, Ephraim, appt. J.P., 135 Terry, Col. Nathaniel, deputy for En- field, 1, 130, 430 ; on committees, 5, 10; petitions of, 58, 320; regiment of, 107 Textiles, duty on, 432 Thacher, Josiah, taxes abated, 182, 414 Thacher, Josiah, Jr., taxes abated, 181, 414; to sell real estate, 220 Thacher, Stephen G., taxes abated, 182 Thames River, prison-ship in, 251 ; bounds Norwich city line, 364 ; wharves and stores on, 416 Thanksgiving, proclamation for, 333 ; date set, 210 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 347 Tharp, Eunice, to sell real estate, 195 Tharp, Jacob, estate of, 195 Thatcher, Partridge, property of, 401 Thomas, Daniel, petition of, 230-2 Thomas, Elihu, appt. capt., 211 Thomas, Enoch, note lost, 309 Thomas, Peleg, appt. J.P., 114, 323 Thomas, Sarah, petition of, 230-2 Thomas, Stephen, back pay, 43 Thomas, Thomas Longsell, appt. lieut., 441 Thom (p) son, David, pay of, 17 Thomson, David, Jr., appt. capt., 218 Thom(p)son, Elihu, appt. capt., 285 Thom(p)son, Hezekiah, deputy for Woodbury, 132, 317, 432; appt. J.P., 137 , 115, 323 Thom (p) son, Capt.-Lieut. Isaiah, peti- tions of, 269, 270(2), 294-5; order drawn for, 270; to receive confiscated land, 73 ; back pay of, 72-3 Thom (p) son, Jared, petition of, 206 Thom (p) son, John, buys insurance, 291 Thompson, Joseph, account of, 305-6 Thom (p) son, Josiah, payment to, 85 Thom (p) son, Capt. Samuel, deputy for Mansfield, 108, 316; appt. J.P., 114, 323 Thomson, Thaddeus, to receive confis- cated lands, 73 Thomson, Thomas, appt. ens., 393 Thompson, William, permitted to travel, 329 Thomson, Maj. William, to settle ac- counts with U. S., 129 Thomson, Zachariah, appt. ens., 187 Thorp, Eliphalet, to sell real estate, 300 Thorp, Elnathan, appt. ens., 35 Thorp, Sarah, to sell real estate, 300 Thrall, Elizabeth, petition of, 232 Thrall, Friend, appt. lieut., 389 Thrall, Lemmy, appt. capt., 443 Thrall, Levi, appt. ens., 390 Thrall, William, ferry from land of, 64 Throop, Capt. Benjamin, ships gun- powder, 193 Throop, Col. Dyer, deputy for East Haddam, 1, 130, 285 , 2, 202, 252, 315. 430 ; appt. J.P., 135, 321 ; nominated assistant, 313 ; nominated to Congress, 313; appt. justice of the quorum, 446 Throop, John R., to receive confiscated land, 73 Tibbal(l)s, Sergt. Nathan, appt. ens., 262 Tibballs, Nathaniel, appt. ens., 142 Tibballs, Samuel, appt. ens., 285 Ticonderoga, expedition to, 224 Tiffany, Capt. Lieut., resigned, 111 Tilden, Capt. Daniel, deputy for Leba- non, 131 ; paid for returning deserter, 192 Tiley, James (of Hartford), permitted to travel, 106 Tillotson, John, appt. ens., 393 Timber. See Lumber Tinker, Capt., provisions vessel, 341 Tinker, Silvanus, fails to pay tax, 471 Tisdale, Elkanah, deputy for Lebanon, 2, 108, 203, 253, 316, 431 ; petition of, 316; to count votes, 109, 317; appt. J.P., 114, 323; to collect state supplies, 283-4 Titles, to land, act for confirmation of, 438 Titus, Comfort, appt. capt., 296 Titus, Onisimus, to sell real estate, 39 Tobacco, packing of, 434 Todd, Asa, appt. ens., 391 Todd, Jonathan, Jr., appt. lieut., 139 Todd, Michael, petition of, 457 Tolland, army quota, 15; assessment, 60, 60, 78, 311; military companies of, 140; district boundaries, 165, 190; refs, to inhabs. of, 167, 35, 46, 76, 246, 246-7 Tomlinson, Curtiss, appt. quartermaster, 442 Tomlinson, Isaac, sells flour, 83; re- leased from confinement, 255; issued execution, 143 ; asks suspension of court order, 170 Tomlinson, Russell, Jr., debt of, 170 Tories. See Confiscated estates Torrington, army quota, 15 ; refs, to inhabs. of, 34, 283, 63 ; assessment, 60, 26, 61, 80, 187, 312; provisions from, 108; military companies of, 140(2) Tousey, John, real estate of, 71 Tousey, Oliver and Rebecca, to sell real estate, 71 Tousley, Victory Sikes, appt. lieut., 187 ; appt. capt., 386 Town clerk, lists to be lodged with, 155; Stamford, 80; East Windsor, 421 Town house, Middletown, first city meet- ing at, 362-3 Town house, Norwich, first city meet- ing at, 372 Town meetings, Ridgefield, 290-1 ; Pom- fret, 296; Cornwall, 298-9; Wood- bridge, 305 ; to choose inspectors, 434 Town officers, appointment of, in East. Hartford, 221 ; in Woodbridge, 305 Town receivers, to furnish supplies, 96 Towner, Zacheus, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 348 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Towns, to receive copies of acts, 379; to receive statement of accounts, 446 Towsley. See Tousley Tracey, Uriah, assessment omitted, 25 Tracy, Andrew, Jr., appt. J.P., 322 Tracy, Daniel, to sell real estate, 225 Tracy, Ebenezer, appt. lieut., 132 Tracy, Gamaleel, appt. ens., 443 Tracy, Samuel, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Tracy, Simon, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Tracy, Zebadiah, appt. ens., 133 Trade, promotion of, 325; equal rights in sea, 254 Trade, illicit, act to prevent, 161, 21-2; on Sound, 92-3, 94; act to prevent, repealed, 115; suit for, 156-7; safe- guards removed, 197 Trading Cove Bridge and Brook, as Norwich boundary, 364 Trail, George, merchant, 222 Treadwell, John, deputy for Farmington, 1, 107, 202, 252, 430 ; appt. J.P., 135, 321 ; to settle controversy, 196 ; ac- tions on furnace, 256, 271-73, 89; on committees, 109, 158; nominated as- sistant, 313, 471 ; nominated to Con- gress, 313, 471 ; elected to Congress, 318; appt. probate judge, 319; appt. justice of quorum, 320 Treasurer, city, how chosen, in New Haven, 259-60; in New London, 269; in Hartford, 346 ; in Middletown, 356 ; in Norwich, 366 Treasurer, state, to deliver notes, securi- ties, etc., 16, 62, 70, 290, 119, 374; to deliver accounts and reports, 67, 375, 446 ; to oversee tax collections, 74, 248, 374, 377, 422, 447; to make pay- ments, 74, 75(2), 200, 257, 283, 296, 331, 383, 410, 421(2), 449, 454, 456. 469(2), 478, 479; election of, 132, 109, 317; takes oath, 133, 110, 318; to give notes, 195, 297, 300, 310, 400, 405, 413(2), 420, 427, 464; to receive pay- ments, 199, 281, 376. 377, 378, 476; to administer oaths, 206-7 ; to receive bonds, securities, etc., 254, 280, 334, 460, 475 ; certificates of, 280, 336, 339, 376; to settle accounts, 290, 300, 306, 340, 377, 438, 477; to suspend issuing warrants, 375 ; to give deeds, 378, 379; to give release for debt, 395; to ex- amine Pomfret lists, 396 ; to abate taxes, 449, 449-50 See also Lawrence, John Treasurer of U. S., to settle with state, 194, 236 See also Morris, Robert Treasury, public, naval officers to de- posit collections in, 255 Treasury, of U. S. state appropriation for, 8; provides bounties for recruits, 299 Treat, Elisha, appt. lieut., 212 Treat, John, new vote for, 400 Treat, John, sells land, 465 Treat, Samuel, appt. J.P., 136, 321; dep- uty for Milford, 316, 431 Tredway, Asa, appt. ens., 187 Tredway, Elijah, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321 Trees, in cities, jurisdiction over, 265, 274, 351, 361, 371 Trials, of libel cases, 331 ; tax on writs for, 339 Troops, for defense, 17, 18; use of tax income for, 24; Congress asks raising of, 445 See also Army, British; Army, Con- tinental; Regiments Trowbridge, John, asks for deed, 319 Trowbridge, Philemon, appt. ens., 388 Trowbridge, Seth, appt. lieut., 37 Truce, flags of, taken to New York, 189; governor to authorize, 254 Trumbull, Asaph, appt. capt., 211 Trumbull, Benjamin, deputy for Bolton. 202, 252 Trumbull, David, appt. ens., 185 ; to de- liver flints, 105, 119, 127, 254, 285, 341 ; allowance to, 103 ; accounts of, 196, 199, 200; appt. lieut., 392 Trumbull, Eli, appt. ens., 218 Trumbull, John, allowance to, 103 Trumbull, John (printer), account of. 190 Trumbull, Rev. John, thanked for ser- mon, 133 Trumbull, Gov. Jonathan, present at as- sembly, 1, 130, 285, 13, 107, 202, 252, 315; nominated for election, 61, 80; at Council of Safety, 88-129, 239-285, 325-341, 82-106, 189-201, 249-51 pas- sim; gives orders, 104, 124, 251; elected governor, 132, 110; takes oath, 133, 110; salary, 239, 324, 103, 186, 313, 375; answer of, 253; letters from, 276, 278; accused of receiving bribes, 29 ; to approve traveller, 47 ; wishes to retire, 218-19; thanked by assembly, 219; asked to pay for sulphur, 221 ; to receive law book, 374; payment by, 401 See also Governor Trumbull, Jonathan, Jr., appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323 Trumbull, Fort, troops and garrison at, 12, 20, 107, 219, 258(2), 267, 281, 340, INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 349 281 ; compensation for wounds and losses at, 41-2 , 175, 323 ; commandant to inspect travellers, 92, 94, 116, 239, 326, 328, 77 ; platforms repaired in, 107 ; boat to be under commandant of, 107', individuals at, 113, 75, 98; com- mandant at, 114, 267 , 274, 105, 195, 197; provisions at, 114, 115(2), 128, 337 ; commandant at, to aid in provid- ing for prisoners, 124; arms etc., at, 127, 128, 245, 267, 274, 283, 190 ; con- duct of officers at, to be examined, 174, 175, 251 ; bounty and pay for troops at, 176, 267, 99; Col. Ledyard in command of, 235; prison ship to be secured at, 264 ; court martial at, 284 ; prisoners at, 341 ; quartermaster at, 98, 99, 102 ; commissary at, 102, 447 ; expenses at, 105, 197 ; building of, 294 Tucker, Daniel, Jr., appt. ens., 35 Tucker, Gideon, incorrectly assessed, 26 Tully, Samuel, appt. capt., 184 Turblot, Barnar, appt. ens., 137 Turkeys, taken to Long Island, 83 Turner, Caleb, petitions to be exempt from imprisonment, 68, 232-233, 295 Turner, Habbakuch, Jr., assessment omitted, 26 Turner, Jeremiah, joins enemy, 204 Turner, Miller, estate confiscated, 230 Turner, Dr. Philip, person under care of, 276 ; certificate of, 121 ; removes patient, 151 ; pay of, 236 Tutthil, Daniel, permitted to travel, 83 Tuttle, Hezekiah, pay of, 303 Tuttle, Ithamar, appt. capt., 211 Tuttle, Lucius, appt. lieut., 32; appt. capt., 441 Tuttle, Mehitabel, permitted to travel, 62-3 Tuttle, Stephen, payment to, 312 Twedy, Elizabeth, petition of, 418 Twedy, William, notes of, 418 Tyler, (of Rhode Island), trans- ports grain, 102 Tyler, Abraham, release of, 227 Tyler, Lieut. Col. Abraham, deputy for Haddam, 107 ; to buy flour, 196 Tyler, Capt. Daniel, deputy for Pomfret, 108 Tyler, Elnathan, appt. quartermaster, 218 Tyler, Brig. Gen. John, pay of, 54; order given to, 123; appt. J.P., 136; 113, 322; to receive supplies, 336; deputy for Preston, 203, 253; sells port, 238 Tyler, John, Jr., appt. capt., 392 Tyler, Jonathan, appt. ens., 168 Tyler, Major Samuel, appt. lieut. Col., 210 Union, town of, army quota, 14 ; assess- ment, 60, 61, 79, 312; military com- panies of, 140; inhabs. ask tax abate- ment, 223-4; state tax collection, 334, 399; ref. to inhab. of, 399 Union Wharf, New Haven, wharfage at, 409 United States, may lay duties in Conn., 153, 32 6, 435; rebate to, 199; com- missioner of accounts, 207, 380-81 ; cession of land to, 277-78; to pay for Conn, defense, 279; contribution from, 295; send pay to Conn, soldiers, 464 See also Congress Upson, Benjamin, appt. ens., 33; appt. lieut., 211 Upson, Charles, appt. ens., 186; appt. lieut., 137 Vallet, Samuel, service in army, 200 Vandevort, Peter, permitted to travel, 102, 47 Vandevort, Peter, Jr., permitted to travel, 102 Vandevort, Sarah, petitions to travel, 47 Vandyke, Henry, permitted to travel, 305, 103 Vaughan, Capt. John, petition of, 44 Veal, Jeremiah, permitted to travel, 100 Veber, Nathaniel, appt. lieut., 133 Vermont, governor of, 374; land in, 426 Vessels, taxed for lighthouse, 205, 257 ; anchoring at cities, 265, 274, 351, 361, 371 ; seized for revenue, 437 Virginia, Conn., soldiers march to, 464 Voluntown, army quota, 14 ; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 187, 312; provisions from, 108, 114; refs, to inhabs. of, 117, 168, 200-1 ; military companies of, 140 ; state collector, 334 Waddle, Robert R., to collect property, 65 Wade, Elihu, appt. capt., 34 Wadsworth, Benjamin, relief for, 115 Wadsworth, Fenn, prepares accounts, 15; resigns as accountant, 207 Wadsworth, Gurdon, to sell real estate, 161-2 Wadsworth, Hezekiah, deputy for Far- mington, 202, 252, 315 Wadsworth, Gen. James, deputy for Durham, 2, 131 , 286, 5, 108, 203, 252, 430; on committees, 13-14, 28, 103, 170, 197, 34, 227, 398; to receive prop- erty, 46; nominated assistant, 61, 313; 350 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V at Council of Safety, 88-129 passim; to negotiate sale of shop, 90; to make payment, 101 ; appt. county court judge, 134, 111, 319; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; appt. to Council of Safety, 174; resigns from Council of Safety, 178; elected to Congress, 207, 318; to cede western claims, 277, 444; nomi- nated to Congress, 313, 471 ; speaker of Assembly, 432 Wadsworth, Col. Jeremiah, cloth to be sold to, 329-30, 334; commissary gen- eral, 375 Wadsworth, John Noyes, Jr., appt. ens., 392; appt. lieut., 440 Wadsworth, Samuel, appt. lieut., 187 ; to sell property, 161-2 Wadsworth, Seth, appt. ens., 187 Wadsworth, William, appt. ens., 33 Wagon tiers, supplied to state, 305-6; liable to seizure, 335 Wait, Maj. Richard, deputy for Lyme. 2, 108 Wait, Richard, Jr., appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 ; appt. lieut., 439 Wakely, Abel, wounded, 301 Wakely, Samuel, property of, 412 Wakely, Sarah, payment to, 301 Wakeman, Joseph, widow of, 126 Wakeman, Samuel, appt. J.P., 137, 114; deputy for Fairfield, 108 Walcott, Moses, petition of, 125 Walcott. See also Wolcott Waldo, Jesse, asks for deed, 229 Wales, Eleazer, wages of, 94 Wales, Horatio, to collect supplies, 250 Wales, Nathaniel, Jr., computes interest, 57 ; at Council of Safety, 88-129, 239- 285, 325-341, 82-106, 189-201 passim ; handles state ammunition and sup- plies, 98, 128, 245, 336, 337, 338 (2), 88, 96, 197, 200-1, 201, 377; investiga- tions and reports, 125, 213, 293, 96, 120, 154-5; to inspect travellers, 125; appt. J.P., 137, 114; appt. to Council of Safety, 174; to settle accounts of court martial, 58; accounts of, 105-6, 200 ; appt. overseer of Indians, 130 ; western land claim, 205-6 ; appt. justice of the quorum, 210; death of, 250; successors to, 250, 284; employs Young, 409, 458 Wales, Solomon, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; taxes abated, 223-4; deputy for Union, 131, 286, 8, 108, 253, 316, 431 Walker, Capt. Joseph, deputy for Strat- ford, 108; petition of, 177 Walker, Mary, petition of, 36 Walker, Nathaniel, abandons family, 36 Walker, Phinehas, appt. capt., 134 Walker, Robert, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 ; to inspect travellers, 40 Wallingford, probate court and district of, judge appt. for, 135, 112, 320; to direct sale of real estate, 201, 308 Wallingford, town of, army quota, 15 ; refs, to inhabs., 41, 57, 65, 168, 201, 302, 308, 163, 168, 185-6, 240, 307; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 187, 311; land in, 68-9 ( 2) ; selectmen of, 105, 108; military companies of, 139; tax col- lector for, 192; proceedings against, 187-8, 246 Walter, Henry, taxes abated, 48-9 Walter, John, taxes abated, 48-9 Walton, Elijah, appt. lieut., 132 Wanton, Joseph, estate of, 38 War Department, money raised for, 8, 171 Ward, Brig. Gen. Andrew, deputy for Guilford, 2, 131, 203, 252, 431 ; on committees, 25, 26, 457 ; to inspect travellers, 93, 282, 283, 327, 336-7, 340; to settle pay roll, 99; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; received sums of men, 69; to guard boat, 87-8; traveller to, 90; resigns command, 210; to render accounts, 397 Ward, Ichabod, granted land, 50 Ward, James Tappen (I), appt. lieut, 139; appt. capt., 388 Ward, Joel, appt. quartermaster, 215 Ward, Samuel, sums due to, 423, 477 Wareing, Joseph, taxes abated, 184 Wareing, Nathan, taxes abated, 184 Waring, Jonathan, petitions of, 222, 68 Warner, Capt. , promoted, 281 Warner, Elijah, appt. ens., 285 Warner, Capt. Elizur, deputy for New Milford, 132, 287, 9, 108 Warner, Ichabod, deputy for Bolton, 1, 130; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321 Warner, Capt. John, neglects duties, 28-9 Warner, Matthew, appt. lieut., 131 Warner, Oliver R., payment to, 86 Warner, Ozias, petition of, 230-2 Warner, Thomas, to receive confiscated lands, 270, 73 Warwick’s Bridge (Middletown), as boundary, 354 Washington, Gen. George, letters of, 110, 127-8, 197, 198; requests to, 120, 89, 102, 103 (2) ; permits persons to travel, 125, 339; troops raised to sup- port, 167 (2), 168, 257-8, 266, 44, 76; capt. to report to, 249; to direct place for provisions, 277 ; orders movement of individuals, 194, 469; discharges INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 351 soldiers, 222, 306 ; Humphry to attend. 428 Washington, Fort, man captured at, 248 Washington, town of, army quota, 15; petition from, 39; assessment, 60, 61, 79, 186, 312; military companies of, 139; inhabitant of, 308; assessed per- sons incorrectly, 26; tax listing of, 438-9 Watch, city, provision for, 265, 275, 352, 362, 371 Waterbury, Brig. Gen. David, Jr., com- manding state regts., 10; provisions for brigade of, 71, 81 ; supposed mur- derers in custody of, 77 ; men in bri- gade of, 94, 197, 63; takes up suspi- cious persons, 113; deputy for Stam- ford, 108, 203, 253; man in regt. of, 197; appt. J.P., 114 Waterbury, probate court and district, judge appt. for, 135, 112, 320; to di- rect sale of real estate, 217 Waterbury, town of, army quota, 15; refs, to inhabs., 47-8, 73-4, 74, 76, 77, 85-6, 207, 61, 71, 75, 129-30, 227, 231 ; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 187, 311 ; abate- ment of taxes in, 73-4, 307 ; credit for taxes in, 74; military companies of, 140 ; hay purchased in, 235-6 ; lands in, 125, 148-9, 241-2 Water courses, act to remove nuisances from, 23 Waterman, Capt. Asa, to deliver beef, 113-14; order drawn on, 115; pay- ment to, 89-90 Waterman, Nehemiah, appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; receipt from, 193 Waterman, Robert, appt. lieut., 34 Waterman, Samuel, appt. J.P., 322 Waters, Benjamin, land of, 191 Waters, Robert, taxes abated, 182, 185, 414 Waters, Samuel, wants salt petre, 337 Watertown, army quota, 15 ; assess- ment, 60, 26, 61, 187, 312; refs, to inhabs., 77, 127, 167, 198, 217, 225, 231, 235, 323-4, 230-1, 233, 241-2, 414, 419; military companies of, 140; hay purchased in, 235-6 ; abatement of taxes in, 307 Water works, to be assessed, 155 Watrous, John, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 322; deputy for Colchester, 431 ; appt. lieut., 142 Watrous, John R., payment to, 56 Watrous, Joseph Jr., appt. ens., 189 Watrous, Nathaniel, appt. capt., 187 Watson, Caleb, appt. ens., 168, 32 Watson, Jacob, holds mortgage, 45 Watson, Capt. James, payments for hay, 235, 323 Watson, Capt. John, deputy for Canaan, 131 ; to choose place for meeting house, 232 Watson, Levi, assessment omitted, 26 Watson, Zachariah, appt. lieut., 188; as- sessment omitted, 26 Watt, Dr. Isaac, version of Psalms, 459 Wattles, Dennison, appt. quartermaster, 216 Wattles, Capt. William, brig com- manded by, 64-5 Way, Anne, permitted to travel, 326 Way, Lieut. John, illness of, 175-6 Webb, Col. Charles, to settle estate, 19; persons in regt. of, 49, 248; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322; exemption from fine, 222 Webb, David, payment to, 419 Webb, Joseph, conducts prisoners, 279 Webb, Napthali, permitted to travel, 106-7 Webb, Samuel, pay of, 197 ; battalion of, 265-7 Webster, Amos, appt. ens., 389 Webster, Charles, asks for deed, 202 Webster, Cvprian, appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Webster, Ebenezer, deeds land, 48 Webster, Medad, land of, 48-9 Webster, Noah, appt. J.P., 135, 112,320 Weed, Amos, appt. ens., 184 Weed, Benjamin, appt. lieut., 184 Weed, Charles, deputy for Stamford, 2, 131, 286, 7, 108, 203, 253, 316, 431 Weed, Isaac, petition of, 222 Weed, Smith, Commissary of issues, collects and delivers provisions, 70, 81, 89, 261, 277, 293; salary of, 162-3 Welch, David, appt. J.P., 137, 115, 323 Welch, Thomas, to sell real estate, 303 Welch. See also Welsh Well(e)s, Elisha, appt. J.P., 114 Wells, Freegift, permitted to travel, 336 Wells, Gideon, deputy for Canterbury, 431 Wells, Isaac, appt. cornet, 442 Wells, James, permitted to travel, 331 Wells, John, protection from creditors, 429, 478 Well(e)s, Jonathan (of Glastonbury), appt. J.P., 135 ; protection from credi- tors, 29, 157 Well(e)s, Col. Jonathan (of Hartford and East Hartford), deputy for Hart- ford, 1, 130; on committees, 5, 232, 318, 461; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320; deputy for East Hartford, 315 352 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Wells, Joseph, appt. ens., 390 Wells, Joseph, Jr., appt. quartermaster, 187 Wells, Joshua, permitted to travel, 336 Wells, Col. Levi, regt. of, 43, 74, 237 ; payments to, 74-5, 246, 249 ; taken prisoner, 252 Wells, Marther, money burned, 314 Wells, Oliver, appt. ens., 32 Wells, Capt. Oliver, deputy for Had- dam, 315 Welles, Col. Solomon, deputy for Tol- land, 130, 285, 3, 107, 202, 252, 315, 430; appt. J.P., 135, 136, 112, 113, 320, 321 Wells, Stephen, payment to, 300 Wells, Timothy, appt. lieut., 189 Wells, William, executor of will, 196; permitted to travel, 304 Welsh, Rev. Daniel, estate of, 303 Welsh, Paul, Jr., appt. ens., 213 Wendell, Oliver, account to, 463 Wentworth, Edward, taxes abated, 181, 414 West, Elias, appt. capt., 393 West, Samuel, appt. ens., 141 ; appt. lieut., 217 West Britain, Parish of (Farmington), meeting-house for, 67-8 West Division, Parish of (Farmington), transfer to, 396 West Haven, man captured at, 88 West Indies, voyages to, 37, 58, 291 ; travel to or from, 222, 312 ; run from, 226 West Point, regt. joins army at, 97; deserter delivered to, 192; service at, 225 West Stafford, dispute in 2nd Society of, 308 Western frontiers. See Horseneck Western settlers, relief of, 120-1, 215-6, 208-9, 456-7 See also Pennsylvania; Westmoreland Western territory, cession of, to U. S., 277-8, 444-5 Westfield, property in, 38, 148 Westmoreland, county of, judge appt. for, 134; J.P.’s appt. for, 138; history summarized, lln Westmoreland, probate court and dis- trict of, judge appt. for, 135 Westmoreland, town of, assessment, 60; sale of property, 292; military com- panies of, 140, 214 Westover, David, estate of, 223 Westover, Mary, to sell real estate, 223 Wethersfield, army quota of, 14; school districts of, 37; refs, to inhabs. of, 48, 64-5, 66, 77, 167, 196, 202, 235, 30, 301, 453, 465 (2) ; assessment, 60, 30, 59, 78, 187, 311 ; oats of, 93; military com- panies of, 139; repair of highways, 234; woman permitted to go to, 91; fair in, 150-1; estate in, 152; collector in, 334, 397 Wetmore, Rev. Israhiah, tax exempt, 167-8 Wetmore, Seth, petition of, 80 Wetmore, Solomon, taxes abated, 184 Whaler, Paul, deputy for Stonington, 286 Whaples, Betty, estate of, 196 Whaples, Daniel, estate of, 196, 198 Whaples, Thomas, heirs of, 244 Wharves, jurisdiction over, in cities, 265, 274, 351, 361, 371; on Connect- icut River, 346; at New Haven, 409; on Thames River, 416 Wheat, taken to or from Long Island, 83, 97 Whedon, Marcy, petition of, 411 Wheeler, Abigail, petition of, 50 Wheeler, David, wife of, 50 Wheeler, Joseph, land of, 191 Wheeler, Paul, deputy for Stonington, 2, 131, 6; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322; to examine legacies, 70-1 ; appt. ens., 214 Wheeler, Samuel, appt. ens., 218 Whipping, for robbery, 204 White, Rev. Mr., will of, 340 White, Dan, pay of, 63 White, Ebenezer, deputy for Chatham, I, 130, 107, 202, 252, 315, 430; appt. J. P., 136, 113, 321; to negotiate for lead furnace, 237 ; on committee, 227 White, Elisha, payments to, 69, 397 White, Hugh, appt. lieut., 33 White, Joel (Jed), appt. J.P., 136, 112, 321 White, Philip, executor of, estate, 462-3 White, William, deceased, property of, 462-3 White, William, Jr., sells property, 462 White Haven Society (New Haven), petition from members of, 206 Whitehead, Eunice and Robert, petition of, 230-2 White Plains, brig, at, 71 Whitford, Robert, appt. lieut., 213 Whiting, Frederick Jones, losses of, 43 Whiting, John, appt. probate judge, 134, 111, 319; appt. J.P., 136, 113, 321; appt. lieut., 218 Whiting, Jonathan, petition of, 68 Whiting, Joseph, appt. ens., 105; appt. lieut., 116; resigns, 262 Whiting, Nathan H., deputy for Hart- ford, 430 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 353 Whiting, Col. Samuel, petition of, 317 ; appt. J.P., 137 , 114, 322 Whiting, Stephen, incorrectly assessed, 26 Whiting, William, actions on furnace at Salisbury, 102 , 112, 253, 256, 271-3 Whitman, Jesse, appt. ens., 139 Whitman, Solomon, appt. probate judge, 134, 111 ; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 321; ac- count of, 88 Whitmore, Gurdon, indicted, 77-8; re- leased from prison, 160 Whitmore, Seth, appt. lieut., 217 Whitney, Ebenezer, taxes abated, 181, 414 Whitney, Joseph, taxes abated, 181, 414 Whitney, Lois, taxes abated, 181, 414 Whitney, Ransford, appt. ens., 142 Whiton, Elijah, deputy for Ashford, 131 ; appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323 Whittlesey, Chaunc(e)y, administrator of confiscated estate, 58; to obtain confiscated lands, 68-9; payment to, 98; appt. quartermaster general, 182; note for, 204 ; to receive ammunition, 336 ; on committee, 42 ; petition of, 81 ; to manage lottery, 304; to dispose of gunpowder, 378 Whittlesey, John, deputy for Washing- ton, 3, 109, 204, 253, 317, 431 Wickham, Thomas, orders capture of sloop, 94 Widows, of Griswold soldiers, 283 Wightman, Zerobabel, appt. ens., 135; appt. lieut., 393 Wilcox, Charles, appt. ens., 143 Wilcox, Elias, to receive confiscated land, 73 Wilcox, Elisha, appt. capt., 390 Wilcox, Elnathan, estate of, 145 Wilcox, Hiel, asks army pay, 397 Wilcox, Hosea, deputy for Norfolk, 3; appt. J.P., 138, 115, 323 Wilcox, Joel, payment to, 69 Wilcox, John, to sell real estate, 145 Wilcox, Samuel, estate of, 320; bounty for killing wolf, 421 Wilcoxson (Wilcockson), David, appt. J.P., 137, 114, 322 Wilcoxson, Elisha, appt. lieut., 135 Wilder, Joseph, appt. J.P., 138, 115; petition of, 69 Wiley (Wylee, Wyley), Joseph, deputy for Voluntown, 286, 8, 108, 203, 253, 316; appt. ens., 296; payment to, 90 Willard, Abijah, money due to, 423, 477 Willard, Jonah, surveyor of lands, 31 Willard, Josiah, petition of, 465 Willard, Levi, money due to, 423, 477 Willey, Abraham, appt. capt., 216; fails to pay tax, 471 Willey, Benajah, asks to be paid for cattle, 207 Williams, Benadam, appt. lieut., 214 Williams, Charles, appt. ens., 296; appt. capt., 31 Williams, Capt. Elias, house of, 37, 38 Williams, Elijah, appt. lieut., 388 Williams, Capt. Elisha (of Groton), deputy for Groton, 131, 108, 203, 253 Williams, Elisha (of Hartford), appt. J.P., 135, 112; to receive deed for land, 191-2; deceased, 380 Williams, Elisha, Jr., appt. lieut., 394 Williams, Ezekiel, payment to, 48, 55-6; petition of, 332-3; to sell land, 126; committed person to jail, 128; makes payment, 453 Williams, Hezekiah, appt. 2nd lieut., 215 Williams, Israel, appt. tax collector, 53; appt. capt., 139; deputy for Hartland, 203 253 Williams, Jesse, appt. J.P., 114, 323 Williams, John, appt. capt., 134 Williams, John (of New London Co.), appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Williams, Capt. John (of Pomfret), appt. J.P., 137, 114, 323; deputy for Pomfret, 286, 8, 108 Williams, John, 3d, appt. capt., 394 Williams, Joseph, appt. lieut., 212; peti- tion of, 416 Williams, Moses, estate of, 191 Williams, Peleg, appt. ens., 387 ; appt. lieut., 440 Williams, Samuel, appt. capt., 32 Williams, Capt. Samuel William, appt. J.P., 321 ; to collect money, 380 Williams, Sanford, payment to, 383 Williams, Stephen, deputy for Pomfret, 316, 431 Williams, William (of Groton), appt. J.P., 136, 113, 322 Williams, Col. William (of Lebanon), deputy for Lebanon, 2, 131, 286, 8, 108, 203, 253, 316; speaker, 3, 132, 287, 8, 109, 204, 254; nominated assistant, 61, 80, 313, 471 ; at Council of Safety, 88-129 , 239-285, 325-341 , 82-106, 189- 201 passim; appt. probate judge, 134, 112, 320; appt. county court judge, 134, 111, 319; appt. J.P., 137, 114; appt. to Council of Safety, 174; on committees, 213, 293, 58, 154-5, 405, 409, 416; payments to, 92, 174; appt. overseer of Indians, 130; elected to Congress, 207, 318; nominated to Con- gress, 313, 471 ; elected assistant, 317 ; 354 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V takes oath, 318; to thank minister for sermon, 319; present at assembly, 430; delivers gun locks to Hezekiah Hunt- ington, 468 Williams, Capt. William (of Stoning- ton), deputy for Stonington, 316, 431; appt. J.P., 322 Willimantic River, as boundary*, 190 Willington, army quota, 14; inhab. of, 49; assessment, 60 , 59, 78, 311, 409; military companies of, 140; farm in, sold, 229 Willis. See Wyllys Wilmington, man becomes ill at, 240 Wilson, Abiel, appt. ens., 24; appt. lieut.. 105, 116 Wil(l)son, Abijah, appt. ens., 138: appt. lieut., 390 Wil(l)son, Abner, appt. capt., 167; appt. maj., 439 Wilson, John, money due to, 182; appt. lieut., 138 Wilson, Jonathan, assessments omitted, 26 Willson, Joseph, land of, 96 Wilson, Nathaniel, accounts of, 319 Willson, Capt. William, deputy for Cov- entry, 203, 253 Wilton, Capt. John, deputy for Water- bury, 316, 431 ; bond of, 420 Wilton, rum destroyed at, 466 Wimpey, Elijah, petition of, 154 Winchell, Elisha, appt. lieut, 36 Winchester, town of, army quota, 15 ; abatement of taxes, 48-9, 49, 223 ; as- sessment. 60, 61, 80, 312; provisions from, 108; military companies of, 140 Windham county, purchase of horses in. 22; refs, to inhabs., 50, 55, 55-7 , 70. 200-1 . 216, 226, 316, 183, 302; jail of. 124, 3. 423; judge appt. for court, 134. Ill, 320; J.P.’s, appt. for, 137, 114. 322-3 ; surveyors of lands for, 190 , 384, 451 ; state supplies in, 247, 333, 336, 338, 96, 250, 281, 284. 377: time for holding court in, 22; sheriff of, 147, 148; case in court in, 171 Windham, probate court and district of, to direct sale of real estate, 70, 226, 303, 317, 322; judge allows debt, 75; judge appt. for, 134, 112. 320 Windham, town of, quota for state regt.. 14; refs, to inhabs., 49-50, 88, 93, 113, 125, 167, 301, 58. 171, 174-5, 190. 232. 242, 247, 309. 405, 408. 418. 458. 467; assessment, 60, 60. 79, 311 : supplies at. 98. 107, 245, 254, 264, 88. 106, 206, 409. 458; military companies of, 139; superior court at, 206; land in, 303; powder mill at, 201 ; taxes paid to, 224-5 ; state collector, 334 Windsor, town of, army quota for state regt., 14; ref. to inhab., 44-5, 82 (2), 128, 167, 234, 74, 172, 223, 381, 428; assessment, 60, 60, 78, 311; military companies of, 139; ferry at, 232, 64; militia sent to R. I., 223; bridge at, 154; state collector, 334; listed in Hartford County, 341 Wine, excise on, 16, 338, 339; import duty on, 327, 328, 432 Winstead, society of. 48, 49 Winthrop, John, heirs of, 28 Winthrop, John Still, bonds owed to, 205 Winthrop, William, debts to, 205; takes livestock to Fishers Island, 101 ; per- mitted to travel, 102 W’intonbury Parish, military companies of, 139 Witney, William, appt. capt., 167 Witter, Asa, appt ens., 132; deputy for Canterbury, 316; appt. J.P.. 323 Witter, Elisha, killed sister, 212 Witter, Frederick, appt. ens., 138; appt. lieut, 386 Witter, Jacob, to sell real estate, 300-1 Witter, William, execution against, 212-3 W T olcott, Gen. Erastus, deputy for East Windsor, 1, 130, 10 7. 202.' 252, 315 ; on committees, 13-4, 28, 295 ; nomi- nated assistant, 61, 80, 471 ; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320: appt. probate judge, 135, 111, 319: delegate to inter- state conference, 101-2; appt. county court judge, 319 W r olcott, Erastus Jr., appt capt., 141 "Wolcott, Gideon, wages of, 249 Wolcott, Oliver, appt. to Committee of Pay Table, 26; nominated assistant, 61, 80. 313, 471 : nominated to Con- gress, 61, 80; elected assistant, 132, 109, 317; elected to Congress, 133, 110; takes oath, 133, 110, 318; appt. county court judge, 134, 111, 319; appt. probate judge, 135, 112, 320; appt. to Council of Safety, 174; at Council of Safety, 239-285, 325-341, 189-201, 249-51 passim; accounts of, 252; present at assembly, 107, 202, 252, 315 ; to count votes. 109, 317 ; resigns from Congress, 207 ; to settle account, 448 W r olcott, Oliver, Jr., administrator of estate, 169 ; to settle account with U. S. 380-1 ; to render account of, 479 Wolcott, Simon, to sell real estate, 310 Wolcott, William, appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V 355 Wolsey, Rebecca, money due to, 182 Wolves, bounty for killing, 179, 420-1, 421, 469; act to encourage destroying of, 342 Wol worth, Levi, execution against, 74 Women, legal rights of, 172-3 Wood, David, petition of, 66-7 ; appt. J.P., 114; appt. lieut., 386 Wood, Israel, involved in murder, 77 Wood, John, accounts of, 85 Woodbridge, Dudley, petition of, 416 Woodbridge, Col. Howell, on committee, 5; regt. of, 107 Woodbridge, Samuel, payments to, 46-7, 339 Woodbridge, Theodore, confiscated land for, 56 ; salary of, 85 Woodbridge, town of, incorporated, 305 ; property in, 468 Woodbury, probate court and district of, judge appt. for, 135, 112, 320; to di- rect sale of real estate, 305, 311 Woodbury, town of, army quota, 15; assessment, 60, 61, 79, 312; ref. to inhab., 61-2, 83, 167, 195, 255, 277, 278, 301 , 40, 67, 69-70, 143(2), 170, 230, 310, 397, 408, 468; military companies of, 139 ; road to Derby, 45 ; petition to reside in, 68; dispute over land in, 222 ; farm in, 468 Woodcock, Barnabas, release from debt, 229-30 Woodford, Ezekiel, appt. lieut., 139; appt. capt., 285 Woodford, William, appt. lieut., 285 Woodin, Elizabeth, John, Jr., and Na- thaniel, petition of, 206 Woodmansee, Joseph, appt. ens., 295; payment to, 382-3 Woodruff, Ezekiel, assessment omitted, 25 Woodruff, Jacob, apipt. J.P., 137, 115, 323 Woodruff, Michael, appt. ens., 285 ; appt. lieut., 393 Woodstock, army quota, 14; assessment, 60, 60, 79, 312 ; provisions from, 107 ; military companies of, 139; refs, to inhabs., 212, 216, 193, 384; state col- lector, 334 Woodward, Liba, wounded, 85 ; pay- ment to, 382-3 Woodward, Peter, to receive confiscated land, 73 Woodward, Dr. Samuel, deputy for Tor- rington, 204, 253 Woodward, Ward, appt. ens., 440 Woodworth, Eliphalet, to sell real es- tate, 70 Wooster, General, regt. of, 41 Wooster, David (of New Haven), late naval officer, estate of, 196-7; given bonds, 230, 226, 297 Wooster, David, Jr. (of Waterbury), released from Newgate, 47-8; execu- tion against, 73-4; care of family of, 85 ; restriction on, lifted, 71 ; taxes of, unpaid, 307 Wooster, Ebenezer, to return from N. Y., 221-2 Wooster, Ephraim, appt. lieut., 211 Wooster, Joseph, appt. lieut., 211 Wooster, Mary, administrator of estate, 196 ; petitions of, 221-2, 398 Wooster, Thomas, administrator of es- tate, 196 ; payment to, 86 ; bond to, 312; asks for committee, 398 Worcester, county of (Mass.), inhab. of, 275, 337 Worship, freedom granted to Society of Cheshire, 171-2; collection of psalms and hymns for use in, 459 Worthington, Dan, appt. lieut., 212 Worthington, Col. Elias, deputy for Col- chester, 1, 202, 252, 316; to count votes, 133; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 322 Worthington, Col. William, deputy for Saybrook, 131, 203, 253 ; search for evidence against, 302; accounting for money received by, 69, 397 Wright, Charles, taxes abated, 48-9 Wright, Francis, note of, lost, 309 Wright, Fridom, taxes abated, 48-9 Wright, Capt. Job, deputy for Killing- worth, 2; appt. J.P., 137, 113, 322 Wright, Capt. John (of Wethersfield), appt. commissioner, 396; deputy for Wethersfield, 430 Wright, John (of Winchester), taxes abated, 48-9 Wright, Capt. Joseph A., account of, 211-2, 244, 255 Writs, in Superior and Supreme Courts, 324-5; tax on, 339; execution of, on Connecticut River, 344 See also Processes Wyllis (Willys), Col. — , regt. of, 299 Wyllys, Major , to command men on Western frontier, 445 Wyllys, George, attests minutes and documents, 87, 239, 110, 188, 248, 314, 318, 429, 479; chosen secretary of state, 132, 109, 317 ; takes oath, 133, 110, 318; appt. J.P., 135, 112, 320; salary of, 239, 18 7, 428; land of, 48 Wyllys, Col. Hezekiah, to receive addi- tions to assessments, 20, 179; on com- mittees, 23, 61 356 INDEX TO VOLUMES IV AND V Wyllys (Willis), Joseph, Jr., appt cor- net, 297 Wyoming, inhab. of, ask state protec- tion, 456 Yale, Aaron, gives note, 50 Yale, Elihu, appt. lieut., 385 Yale, Elihu, Jr., appt. ens., 217 Yale, Ezra, appt. lieut., 133 Yale, Job, appt. capt., 32 Yale, Jonathan, appt. lieut., 184 Yale College, rights of, protected, 2 67, 406 Yates, Capt. John, pay of company of, 192 Yerrington, Ephraim, loses note, 292 York, Jesse, appt. lieut., 284 York Island, enemy in possession of, 17 Yorktown, company marches to, 175 Young (s), Andrew, deputy for Corn- wall, 203, 253, 316, 431 Young (s), David, accounts of, 105-6, 201, 408-9, 458 Young, Richard, taxes abated, 184 Young, Samuel, appt. lieut., 298 Date Due • s -7 fid 1 BOSTON COLLEGE 3 9031 01119771 2 2 ‘? Q/j o « a ^o36 Boston College Library Chestnut Hill 67, Mass. Books may be kept for two weeks unless a shorter time is specified. 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