Looking forward to success in Basic Military Training. Air National Guard~ Americans At Their Best. You have • • d le The success of your TI and am other instructors is measured ne a largely by your success. They • t• will expect orders to be followed promptly and correctly because I Is roo In I that is one of the keys to efficient teamwork, especially in an emergency. They will want you to • ''stretch'' your physical capacities ...to achieve the best con- It is only natural to wonder how ditioning of your life. And they'll be tough your six weeks of Basic as proud of your achievements as Military Training will be ...and how you are going to be. you will do. No one is promising that As the weeks go by, you'll grow it will be easy. But there's a lot that to respect these leaders more and should encourage you-now, and all more-andyourself, too. the way through Basic. This year, thousands of men You have already demonstrated and women from all across America that you have the mental capacity, will successfully complete basic physical attributes and moral training at Lackland Air Force Base. character to succeed in the Air Your performance is up to you. But National Guard, or you would not we know you've got the right stuff to have been accepted for enlistment make the team ...and to help the in this proud team. team in years to come! We truly are a team-and a Studying this brochure will help very supportive one. Every member you to get ready for success. of both the Air Guard and the-;.___.!....,-,-------------,~...,...--, for You active Air Force wants you to succeed. With no family around during Basic, there may be moments when you feel that you're ' 'going it alone.'' But you'll discover more and more that you're part of a group that helps each other. Within a few days, you'll feel a remark able team spirit in the "flight" of trainees you're assigned to. You'll see that everyone else is on your side, tooeven the training instructor (TD who is assigned specifically to your flight. Forget the old movies showing Tis who bullied recruits and wanted to ''wash them out.'' Few of these ever existed. And they're certainly not part of today's Air Force. Get off loa when your orders arrive, you should inform your boss-in writing-of your exact training dates, and good start. attach a photocopy of your orders. Ifyou are not yet due to report Do this as soon as possible. A simple for basic training, get a head start message like this is all that's needed: on your physical conditioning. As a member of the Air Regular exercises and running now National Guard, I have nowwill make it easier to meet the received my orders to reportphysical fitness requirements that for active duty training on you'll see on the enclosed Charts 1 (DATE) for a period of and 2. They will also help you to (NUMBER) weeks. A copy of avoid the foot aches and muscle my orders is attached. Thanks soreness that some trainees for your cooperation. encounter in their first weeks Your employer is required byof Basic. the Federal ''Reemployment Act'' At the same time, don't put to grant you Air Guard training time, on weight while you wait ... and most employers have a coespecially ifyou were close to your operative attitude. But a letter or upper limit when you enlisted. Your memo like this will help protect your physical status will be reviewed on rights ...and it's a wise courtesy asthe day you are scheduled to begin well, allowing your boss to make active duty, and you must still be provisions for your absence as soon within the weight limits shown on as possible. Chart 3 or you will not be allowed Tell your family how to reach you to go to basic training. You are also in an emergency. obliged to report any accidents or During basic training, there illnesses that may have happened will be scheduled times when yousince your original medical exam. can make a phone call, but you won't be able to receive one. Ifthere should be a serious illness or death in your immediate family, someone should When contact the nearest office of the You I et YourAmericqn Red Cro~s. .. provide them With the details ...and also tell them your name , rank, social securo;.lers ity number and military address.aU e The Red Cross will then contact you . · · through officials at Lackland. Inform your employer m wntmg. Make sure your family under- Ifyou are currently employed, stands that this procedure is you would already have let your actually faster and less expensive emplC?yer know.that YO\.! were . than calling the Air National Guard app!ymg for enlistment m the Air recruiting office or your commander. National Guard. Nevertheless, What's more, you will only be granted leave during basic training for an emergency that is verified by the Red Cross. (Under normal circumstances, of course, your family sh?uld co~municate with you by mail. You will be assigned a specific address after uniforms and a duffel bag that will you amve at Lackland, and you be issued to you. So you should not should send this to them as soon arrive with more than one average as possible.) size suitcase plus an overnight kit or Make financial arrangements cosmetic case. Trainees who come and get your tickets. with excess baggage may be Along with your orders you will required to send it home. receive a Government Transporta-What you wear for your trip tion Request (GTR) that you must should be clean, casual and take to the appropriate carrier-comfortable. We suggest slacks or usually a commercial airline-to jeans and a shirt or blouse. (No one get the tickets you will need. You should wear or bring shorts or a will not have to pay for these, but sleeveless T-shirt; women should you must save all GTRs and ticket not wear or bring halter tops.) stubs in order to prepare a Travel Comfortable walking, running Voucher when you return to your or tennis shoes are a must for local unit. (A representative from everyone. Don't wear sandals, clogs Accounting and Finance will help or anything with a high platform or you with this.) heel. You will be issued white When you leave for basic, you tennis shoes at Lackland, and will will need to bring a small amount of be permitted to wear appropriate cash to _pay for incidentals after you shoes of your own during physical arrive. But don't bring a lot. You will conditioning only if they do not have receive sufficient pay during train-your size available. ing to provide for your other needs Depending on the season and while you are away. You should con-the weather, you may also want to sult wtth your recruiter, however, wear a sweater, jacket or light about the current pay level and pay raincoat. And you should bring schedule that apply to you-enough clean underwear...and especially ifyou have dependents to clothes of the same sort that you provide for. travel in ...to wear for several days, You should also make sure that since your military clothing may not all of your financial responsibilities be issued immediately. will be covered while you are gone. Keep in mind that the San • Antonio area is generally warmer What to bring~~n~b~~:ili~~~!~ethe normal low temperatures are around 40 degre~s FahreJ!lleit ( and the normal highs are m the and What ·n )~:~~~!n~~fue~6st:J~r;~ 1 highs are m the 90s. And even NI T to brl • in the spring and the fall the There will not be room in your weather can be quite warm. dormitory at Lackland for large belongings or even mel!!y small ones that are not essential. What's more, you will be responsible for all of your baggage when you leave Lackland-and that will include Besides appropriate clothing, we recommend that you bring: Toothbrush and toothpaste or powder Shampoo Razor-regardless of what type you use, it must be in good shape and clean. You may use an electric shaver but plan on also keeping it clean. (Note: If you use a razor you must have shaving cream. Women can bring a depilatory instead, if they prefer.) Deodorant Comb and/ or brush Shower clogs Pen-ballpoint, blue or black, cannot be a felt tip Iron-travel or steam Soap-bar or liquid. If you choose bar soap, you must have a soap tray Footpowder ""bmen should also bring: Basic cosmetics Sanitary napkins or tampons-1 box Stockings or pantyhose-6 pairs, neutral color Hair items-such as rubber bands or barrettes that match your hair color Underclothing-bras, sports bras are recommended Change of clothingconservatively styled. You are not to bring any medications or drugs other than those that are prescribed for you by a doctor . . . and for those you should bring the prescription with you, as proof of need and to get any necessary refills at the Base Hospital. The one exception is that women who are taking birth control pills for any reason will be able to obtain more without bringing their prescriptions. Radios and cameras are acceptable, but you will not be able to use them until after your fifteenth day of training. Do not bring: Weapons or other dangerous instruments. (These will be confiscated and disposed of as a general safety precaution.) A car, bicycle, motorcycle, motorbike or any other type of privately-owned vehicle (You will not be allowed to use or ride in a privately owned vehicle without a pass during Basic Training.) Expensive jewelry or sports equipment. (There is no need for these, and no point in tempting anyone to steal from you while you're at lackland or travelling.) IMPORTANT NOTE: Your Recruiter or Unit Representative will provide you with copies of your orders and personnel records that must be available when you arrive at Lackland. Make sure that you handcarry the required number of copies. And do not pack them in luggage that you will be checking on a plane or other vehicle. Checked luggage can be delayed or even lost. approximately 50 trainees. A • • rri••Jng Toget~er you'll go fqr .a good hot d W meal m one of the dining halls. You'll meet your flight's Military Training Instructor, who will then aI Lac 1 klan • escort you to the dormitory where Unless your Recruiter instructs your flight will be living all through you differently, you'll be coming by Basic. Your TI will brief you on air to San Antonio Airport. You and what will be happening in the next other trainees will be met there and few days, and explain some of the taken by bus to Lackland Air Force rules and responsibilities of yourBase on the outskirts of the city, new military life. where all Air Force Basic Training You'll begin to get acquainted,has been conducted in recent years. too, with some of the other members One look at your fellow pas-of your flight-the people you will sengers' colorful variety of clothes be living with, working with and will tell you why trainees are called must succeed with as you start your''rainbows'' until they receive their Guard career. uniforms. You will also have access to an Pulling into Lackland, you'll Air Guard Liaison throughout your see a modem base that is far dif-Basic Training. This person is here ferent than the old-time "boot to help you. To answer questionscamps." It has up-to-date classroom about pay or travel. To counsel youbuildings, four-story dormitories, on physical or academic problems.complete athletic facilities. It will be Anything you need-your Air a while before you see it all though, Guard Liaison is there for you.because you're about to spend the busiest siX weeks of your life. Upon arrival, you will be L• • J... assigned to a trainmg flight of IVIng ~, theclocli and the calendar. In Basic Training, there's so much to do and learn in just six weeks that you will be kept busy almost constantly from five in the morning until lights out at nine p.m.(' '2100'' in military time). And you'll be very ready for ''sack time'' when it comes. Even on weekends, which don't count as part of your 30 official training days, most of your time will not be ''your own.'' Just keep in mind that thousands have not only come through this process successfully, they've been glad they did. And more enlistees have been singled out as Honor Graduates than have ever failed. If there's one key to success ... besides the fact that you have the potential (that's what got you here) ... it's a matter of attitude. You'll hear it summed up very simply: ''Cooperate and graduate.'' If you have to make your bed several times before it meets Air Force standards, remember that the point of this is not bedmaking, but your ability to follow simple instructions. Following orders and acting as a team is the essence of military success. It can't be a ''sometime thing.'' It has to become automatic and constant. You'll discover that many of the people in your flight have enlisted for full-time service, yet your training is exactly the same. And this reflects something else you should keep in mind. As an Air Guardmember, you will be a parttime participant in the Air Force but a fully-respected member ofthe Air Force team, with the exad same standards to uphold. Weekl We recommend that you write or phone home at the first opportunity, to let your family, friends and Recruiter know your specific address at Lackland. There won't be many chances to do this in a week when ... You'll be fitted with BDUs, shoes and socks. You'll receive some pay (see the pay schedule in the information packet in the back of this book or check with your recruiter), and have a chance to buy necessary items at the BX. Your aptitudes will be checked ...and your body, too, with eye, ear, teeth and other medical exams plus a blood test. You'll receive some immunizations. (Men will get their first military haircut.) You'll begin learning about military law, conduct, inspections and drill procedures. About midweek you will also start the physical fitness regimen that will continue almost daily throughout Basic. The amount and times of physical conditioning will vary with the seasons. During this week and every week at Basic you will be able to attend up to two hours of Protestant, Catholic, Latter Day Saints or Jewish religious services, and this is not limited to Sundays. Before the week is over, four members of your flight will be chosen as Squad Leaders and one as Dorm Chief. Maybe you will be among them. But if you're not, you will still have plenty of opportunities to show your abilities. NOfE: You'll enjoy getting mail at Lackland, but we rec ommend that you n~t have newspapers, magazmes or other third-class mail for warded to you at Lackland. You may have another change of address before these even catch up with you. Week2 If you haven't done so already, you'll begin to take your turn as a dormitory guard, maintaining 24-hour security. You'llleam first aid. You'll receive another inoculation. You'll be drilled, taught and exercised again and again. If you're ever going to get ''down'' about the constant discipline and demands on your time, it will probably happen before this week is over. But you'll also see a tougher, trimmer you beginning to appear. The terms and abbre~ationsofmilitarylanguage won't seem so strange any more. And there will be a few breaks in what will already seem like your usual routine. Women will have a chance to get their hair cut at the Base Beauty Shop. (Otherwise, many will have to roll their hair into a new style that permits the proper wearing of Air Force headgear.) Everyone will get to ~sit ~e . Recreation Center...and to en;oy 1t for a couple of hours. Week3 On the 15th day of training you'll begin taking your turn at dining hall duty. You will also have a ''patio orientation.'' Now you may use the patio where there is a phone, soda machine and other vending machines. Your hard work may be rewarded with ''base liberty'' too. Free hours to enjoy the recreational facilities of Lackland. There are lots to choose from. Volleyball, tennis and basketball courts. Bowling alleys. Theaters. Library. Miniature golf course. Table tennis. Hobby shop. The snack bars, restaurants and shopping at the Base Exchange. Even places for music and dancing. Now your studies will include additional subjects: Air Force customs, courtesies, history and organization ... rights, freedoms and responsibilities ... human relations ...world affairs ...and moral leadership. Your weight will be checked, and you will be fitted for dress uniforms, your '1'\ir Force Blues.'' Week4 Both men and women will learn to handle an M16 rifle. You'll take it apart, put it together, and fire it from prone, sitting, kneeling and standing positions. You'll pick up your Blues and get to wear them ...for inspection, and for a photograph that will show you looking very sharp and professional. You'll study drug and alcohol abuse. You'll find out more about your opportunities for Air Guard training and advancement. You'll take the Confidence Course ...and be confident, even crossing water on a rope. In fact, your self-confidence will be growing every day. Week5 You will be looking very sharp now. Your marksmanship will be getting better and better. In Personal Affairs, you'll learn about money management and other matters that will always be useful. If your flight has been doing well in all aspects of training, each of you will now have earned a oneday Town Pass that will let you explore San Antonio at the end of the week. (These passes are normally good on a Saturday or Sunday from 0900 to 2000.) For anyone wanting to visit you during Basic, the best time by far will be now, when you have a Town Pass. Instruct your visitors to report to Visitors Center. With visitors or without, earning this pass will give you a chance to see the local sights-the historic Alamo, the colorful River Walk, the sweeping view from the top of the Tower of the Americas-and to savor fresh camarones (gulf shrimp) and other local cooking at a restaurant along the Rio Grande. Week6 Time for winding up and getting ready to move on. You'll have final evaluations on what you've accomplished-in classes, fitness and drilling. You're bound to be a little nervous about these ... but by now you really will know your stuff. You'll slww us. And you'll see what a long way you've come in less than six weeks. You'll receive your orders and instructions for proceeding to technical training. And more pay. There is a graduation ceremony held in each squadron. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. These ceremonies are usually held at 1600 hours on the 30th day of training. After the ceremony, guests are allowed to visit the member's dorm and spend approximately two hours with them. Keep in mind that you ship the next day, and will have a lot to do that evening. Standards and ''recycles.'' In Basic Training, like any other school, you have to pass various subjects and meet certain standards before you can move ahead. If it appears that someone will never meet Air National Guard requirements, he or she can be separated from active duty and become ineligible for an Air Guard career. This rarely happens, however, because enlistees are selected with great care. Instead, when problems that seem temporary crop up, trainees are ' ' recycled'' in their training schedule for whatever number of days or weeks seems necessary. Recycling is not a punishmentsimply a chance to catch up so that you can go forward. They happen for reasons such as these . .. Illness. Ifyou should become ill and be hospitalized for more than three days , you will then return to training at the point where it was interrupted. This could extend your time away from home, work or school. Academic standards. Your academic progress will be watched carefully throughout Basic. Ifyou fail your final exam, you will be re-tested. Ifyou fail again, you will probably be recycled. (If you use your study time properly, however, right from the start, this shouldn't happen to you.) Physical stamina. The daily physical fitness program is designed to gradually increase your stamina for both exercising and running. Ifyou are unable to keep up with the minimum requirement, a physical conditioning specialist will evaluate your problems and brief you on them. (See enclosed charts.) You may be assigned remedial exercises or running ...or recycled until you can perform up to standard. Altitude. Don't let yourself become IMPORTANT NOTE: Ifyou are set apathetic or negative. That could back for any reason during Basic affect your whole performance. By Training, you should promptly itself it's grounds for recycling or inform your Recruiter or home unit even discharge. about this ... and your employer, if Instead, demonstrate determi-you have been working. . nation, helpfulness, enthusiasm, • self-discipline and a mature accep •ou·7,re an tance of military discipline. This -' kind of positive attitude is essential A• to the teamwork of the Air Guard 1rman and to your own success. ''Cooperate and graduate.'' • Cooperate and you'll have a Maybe an ' smoother, b~tter ~eall the way /hmi;iiibt. Honor Throughout your Air Guard Graduate. career you will be required to keep If you've progressed from your weight within the Air Force Airman Basic to Airman, you will minimum and maximum for your have been awarded your first insignia. height and sex. (And these are You may have earned an Air Forcegood guides, regardless, for the stripe. If so, congratulations! You've sake of your health. See Chart 3.) You will be weighed during the met some very high standards. You've been watched carefully, first week, on the 15th day, and the 30th day of Basic Training. If, on the and not just for slip-ups. Trainees first week, you are not within five who perform exceptionally wellpounds of your allowed maximum, you academically, physically, every way possible-are designated as Honorwill be put on a weight-reduction proGraduates. They are honored withgram and weigh-in once a week. To complete Basic, you must be within a special ribbon to wear during their entire military career. the limits by your 25th day of training. Relatively few achieve this distinction, but it's worth striving for. There's no better way to do well than to try to be the best. That's the way to go on from Basic, too. With or without that extra ribbon, you're ready for more learning. More success. More advancement. Ready to do your best. .Insignia: Training you win have to knowSigns Of rank the colors and shapes of the in signia shown here-for all the otherr?Jilis. You might as well start learrung them now. I and I als Think of them as more than a for the luluresu~}~:~~~:~EJ:re;!:er/Wfr~ • your abilities... and all of the Air Guard's opportunities for furtherAlmost always, a trainee comes training and advancement. ..youto Lackland as an Airman Basic. can go far. There is no insignia for this "grade'' or "rank." But early in your Basic Ainnan grades Airman Basic Airman Airman First Class Senior Airman (AB, E-1) (AMN, E-2) (AlC, E-3) (SrA, E-4) Noncommissioned officers (NCOs) ~ ~ Sergeant Staff Sergeant Technical Sergeant (Sgt, E-4) (SSgt, E-5) (TSgt, E-6) Senior Noncommissioned officers (SNCOs) Master Sergeant Senior Master Sergeant Chief Master Sergeant (MSgt, E-7) (SMSgt, E-8) (CMSgt, E-9) Commissioned officers Second Lieutenant First Lieutenant Captain (2nd Lt, 0-1) (1st Lt, 0-2) (Capt, 0-3) Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel (Maj, 0-4) (Lt Col, 0-5) (Col, 0-6) Brigadier General Major General Lieutenant General (Brig Gen, 0-7) (Maj Gen, 0-8) (Lt Gen, 0-9) * ** *** **** General (Gen, 0-10) What you see in parentheses are the abbreviations for each rank, and the pay grades. (}Ou 'll have to learn these, too.) E stands for enlisted. 0 stands for officer. fu this brochure you have already encountered some examples of specialized military language and abbreviations. Your transition to military life will be a bit easier if you look over the definitions here ahead of time. (There will be even more of them to learn later.) Barracks: Dormitory, residence on base. BDU: Battle Dress Uniform. Blouse: Coat, especially the dress uniform coat. BMT: Basic Military Training. BX: Base Exchange, a store where you can buy almost anything you need. CBPO: Consolidated Base Personnel Office. Colors: The United States flag. Dispensary: A place for medical treatment (usually an annex to the Base Hospital). Drill: To march. Duty area: Your assigned dormitory, dining hall, classroom, physical training area and drill area .. .and anywhere else you are assigned a duty. Esprit de corps: Spirit of togetherness in service to our country. Flight: Military unit consisting of approximately 25-50 people. Latrine: Restroom. Leave: Authorized vacation. Liaison Officer: The local Air Guard representative you can talk to about any problems that come up. Liberty: Time when you are free to come and go as you please within a designated area. A pass is required for this. MTI: Military Training Instructor (the same as a Tl). NCO: Noncommissioned Officer, one of various grades of sergeants. NCOIC: NCO in charge. NPS: Non prior service, or a person with no previous military service . OIC: Officer in charge. PC: Physical conditioning, fitness training. POV: Privately-owned vehicle of any kind. Police up the area: Straighten it up,make it neat, get rid of trash. Quarters: Living place. Rack or sack: Bed. Rainbows: New recruits. Recycle: Set back in the training cycle. Retreat: Lights out. Reveille: First assembly of the day(usually signaled by a bugle call). Secure: Lock, close, put away. Sick call: Reporting to the dispensary for examination or treatment. SP: Security Policeman (either a Security Specialist or a Law Enforcement Specialist). An Air Force unit consisting of at least two flights. STA: Student training advisor (a permanent staff member assigned to a squadron to assist students). 341: A demerit slip received duringBMT. (The number of these slipsthat you receive can affect yourprivileges.) TI: Training Instructor. Moving on. Many ainnen go from Lackland to one of the Air Force technical schools. And your technical training will probably be scheduled to start soon after you complete Basic. Ifnot, you will remain temporarily at Lackland in "casual status." This means that you are not in training. You may be assigned some chores, but you will have some free time, too. Soon enough you'll be very busy again. You'll see one big difference at training school, however. You'll feel much more like you belong, right from the start. There will be many new challenges. Lots more to learn. And you can even get college credits for some of the courses. So there's no telling how far you could go. You're proud of what you're doing for yourself-adding to your income, adding to your skills, adding to your chances for advancement in civilian life as well as the military. You're proud of the AirNational Guard-your Guard-for the jobs it does. Proud of its national mission, providing and maintaining much of our air defense. Proud of its rescue efforts, emergency services and community involvement. Proud of its history; that stretches from America's militiamen to a vital role in the peace we enjoy today and will be protecting tomorrow. You're contributing to the continuing_ success of the Air National Guard. Because you are succeeding... and looking forward to more success. Backhome ''ANG"and P!l!prese!~Arril. National Guard. To your family; your friends, the people you work with and everyone you meet. And it shows. In how you handle yourself, how you look and how you feel. Key Information My Unit is_____________________ My Commander is__________________ My Training Instructor is________________ My Recruiter is___________________ MyCBPOis______________________________________ My Finance Officer is_____-,---___________