UNDERPINNING TECHNOLOGIES DEVELOPED FOR TACTICAL UNMANNED GROUND VEHICLES SHOW JIXN 1 3 19{j4 DO~.... ...cc Snt:?OSITORY tBRARY l ARL 's woRLD-CLAss CAPABILITY IN ADVANCED ELECTRONICS FEATURES NUMEROUS UNIQUE FACILITIES, SUCH AS THE THERMAL DESORPTION MASS SPECTROMETER, WHICH ENABLE THE DEVELOPMENT OF NOVEL ELECTRONIC DEVICES THAT HAVE POTENTIAL FOR WIDESPREAD USE IN THE AUTO INDUSTRY. TECHNOLOGY FOR THE AUTO INDUSTRY The U.S. Army Research Laboratory provides America's soldiers the technology edge through scientific research, technology development, and analysis. We provide scientific and technological innovation in a variety of technical disciplines, directly through in-house laboratory efforts and in collaboration with academia, industry, other Army organizations, :Jther government agencies, and the international community. We also conduct independent analyses of weapon system performance in the areas of survivability and lethality, human factors, and battlefield environmental effects. Throughout our multifaceted businesses, a number of dual-use and multi-use technology developments are being pursued which show great promise for application to the automotive industry. AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS FOR GROUND VEHICLES ARL is leading a highly leveraged cooperative program which integrates a wide variety of technologies with advanced robotics concepts to develop opportunities to reduce risks to troops and provide new force multipliers. Underpinning technology developments are pursued in communications, man-machine interface, control architectures, sensors, navigation, and target acquisition and designation . A key dimension of this program is the intense collaborative activ ity ARL has fostered among the Tooele Army Depot, Edgewood ROE Center, Tank-Automotive ROE Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology , Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and numerous contractors, as well as three ARL directorates: the Weapons Technology Directorate, the Human Research and Engineering Directorate, and the Sensors, Signatures, Signal and Information Processing Directorate. Each participating organization is responsible for developing a specific technology (or set of technologies) that will enable certain components of the program to mature. These efforts have led to the development and integration of subsystems for robotic mobility and mission package control on six "humvees" (or HighMobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles) . These testbed s have been demonstrated in several live exercises at Aberdeen Proving Ground that have displayed encouraging results. Technology developments under this program show great promise for dual-use in the automotive industry; one of our testbeds is already being demonstrated for application by the U.S. Department of Transportation . contact: Mr. Charles Shoemaker Weapons Technology Directorate (410) 278-8810 COMPOSITE STRUCTURES FOR VEHICLE APPLICATIONS Through an aggressive materials research effort, ARL has demonstrated the ability to mold thick sections of organic-matrix reinforced composites that have exhibited acceptable levels of structural and ballistic performance at significantly lower weights. Robust research programs in areas such as polymer materials analysis, resin transfer molding, and high-temperature processing have led to the development and successful field testing of an infantry fighting vehicle outfitted with a composite hull. Due to the success of the Composite Infantry Fighting Vehicle program, the TankAutomotive ROE Center has established the Composite Armored Vehicle program, of which ARL is an active participant, aimed at applying lightweight composite structures to heavier vehicles (i .e., those in the 50ton class). The success already achieved in this program indicates obvious potential to commercial vehicles that require high loadbearing and other structural capabilities. contact: Dr. Bernard M. Halpin, Jr. Materials Directorate (617) 923-5349 ADVANCED CERAMICS Ceramic materials vary widely and serve better than any other class of materials in certain high-performance environments. ARL's research seeks to improve the properties of ceramics used in applications characterized by extremes in temperature, ballistic impact, strength, and optical quality. Zirconia and silicon nitride have demonstrated excellent potential for use in highperformance engines. While a wide availability of raw materials exists, one of the challenges we face is developing technologies for processing these ceramics . We have successfully developed a technique for slip casting silicon nitride compositions which have demonstrated good high-temperature properties. Although many of the applications for high-performance ceramics are unique to defense, we have worked closely with the private sector to encourage and leverage interest in new processing technologies to lower the cost of such materials. contact: Dr. Martha R. Fletcher Materials Directorate (617) 923-5049 ION IMPLANTATION TO EXTEND COMPONENT LIFE Surface hardening of machine tools by ion bombardment has increased the service life up to four times the useful life of untreated tools in use at the Corpus Christi Army Depot. Surface hardening can be applied to all wear-critical systems components for durability and corrosion resistance. The process is inexpensive and promises huge savings in Army tool costs, and has potential to upgrade the U.S. machine tool industry. One ion implantation technique successfully demonstrated at ARL utilizes energetic argon and nitrogen ions to convert silicon-based molecular precursor species into ARL 's MATERIALS RESEARCH IN AREAS SUCH AS POLYMER SCIENCE (ABOVE, TOP) HAS LED TO SUCCESSFUL DEVELOPMENT OF ADVANCED COMPOSITE STRUCTURES FOR VEHICLE APPLICATIONS (ABOVE, BOTTOM). /oN IMPLANTATION CAN IMPROVE DURABILITY OF COMPONENTS AND MACHINE TOOLS. ARL 's STATE-OF-THE-ART CRYOGENIC MILLIMETER-WAVE MEASUREMENT FACILITY IS ENABLING OUR ELECTRONICS EXPERTS TO SUCCESSFULLY OEVELOP NOVEL MMW OEVICES THAT USE HIGH-TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTING FILMS. THE IMPROVED PERFORMANCE AND SMALLER SIZE OF THESE DEVICES MAKE THEM IDEAL FOR A WIDE RANGE OF USES, INCLUDING COLLISIONAVOIDANCE RADAR. OuR ROBUST POWER SOURCES RESEARCH PROGRAM IS DEVELOPING SEVERAL TECHNOLOGIES THAT WILL HELP TO ENABLE THE SUCCESSFUL COMMERCIALIZA TIDN OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE SYSTEMS. dense, adhe rent films. In additior to enh ancing wear-resistant properties and corrosion resistan~e. the ion beam processes developed at ARL have shown to be environmental ly acceptable as alternatives to cadmium and chromium plating . contact: Dr. James Hirvon en Materia ls Directora te (67 7) 923-5322 MILLIMETER-WAVE (MMW) DEVICE FOR COLLISION AVOIDANCE As a result of our efforts in the triservice MIMIC Program (Micro111.ave/ Mill imete r-Wave Monolithic Integrated Circuits). we developed a MMW device for collision avoidance applications in Army aviation . Th e device featu res a MMW hetero j unction bipolar trans istor (or HBT) for high pulse power needed for collision-avoidance radar . It has good potent ial for use in trucks and automobi les as a low-speed collisionavoid an ce system . The device has already been demonstrated in an automobile as a rear bumpermo unted collision warning device for use during backing of the vehicle . contact: Dr. Barry Perlman Electronics an d Po wer Sources Directorate (908) 544-4024 POWER SOURCES FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES ARL is the Army 's leader in power sources research , with sign ificant efforts in high-energy batteries , capac itors , and pulse power technology . Two of our programs in power sources R&D are relevant to the electric car, and another program is under consideration. A battery under development by SAFT Corporation through an ARL contract (LiAI/FeS2, molten salt electrolyte) is the same system as one of those being considered by the Advanced Battery Consortium for the electric car. The battery chemistry, which originated at Argonne National Laboratory, has been under development fo r load-leveling and electric vehicles. We also have an internal program on high-temperature batteries for pulse power applications, which is also related to electric vehicle systems. The second system is the rechargeable ambient-temperaIJ ture lithium battery, under development as a joint effort between ARL, SAFT, and AlliantTechnologies, which has demonstrated four times the energy density of conventional nickel-cadmium batteries. The third program is our work in ultra capacitors , now under consideration for use in tanks for engine-starting, which can supplement the electric vehicle 's battery to provide higher power bu rsts during acceleration and hillclimbing . contact: Dr. Robert Ham/en Electron ic s and Power Sources Directorate (908) 544-2084 SURFACE ACOUSTIC WAVE (SAW) DEVICES FOR SENSORS AND REMOTE ID SAW technology provides a convenient means to implement high performance, low-cost devices to perform a variety of analog signal processing functions in both military and commercial systems. SAW devices are small, monolithic, and compatible with integrated circuits . Moreover, they can be produced at low cost (i.e ., under $1.00) when produced in large quantities (i .e., in the range of 100,000 per device or more). SAW-based electronic devices being developed within ARL that could apply to the automotive industry include: (1) SAW sensors for the measurement of temperature, pressure, acceleration, flow rate, and other parameters, and (2) passive phase-coded SAW devices for remote identification of vehicles or related II materials. contact: Mr. Kenneth Klahn Electronics and Power Sources Directorate (908) 544-4723 VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT (DISPLAY) DEVICES ARL's work in interactive display devices aims to provide solutions to effectively access large, complex databases. Technologies under development include phosphors, gas plasma devices, light-emitting diode (LED) devices, liquid crystal devices (LCDs), vacuum fluorescent devices (VFDs), thin-film electroluminescent (TFEL) devices, laser devices, deformable mirror devices (DMDs), and flat cathode-ray tubes (CRTs). R&D is pursued in device atomic structure modeling, automated characterization testing, manufacturing technology, and support for system integration. ARL also supports R&D in the areas of stereo display techniques, display driver hardware technology, input/output devices, and application-specific software. Many of these technologies are appropriate for direct application in automobiles and automotive support systems (e.g., testing, maintenance, and repair). The display devices (now in limited production) lack only a sufficient market to stimulate mass production and its resulting low per-unit cost. contact: Mr. Tom Kelley Electronics and Power Sources Directorate (908) 544-4447 ELECTRONIC SOLDERING TECHNOLOGY As a result of cooperative efforts with ARL, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the U.S. Department of Commerce, advances have been made in the soldering of printed circuit boards, integrated circuits, and other electronic devices. Most of these advances are based on three technologies: fluxless soldering, a high-strength composite solder, and a reliable, low-cost method of evaluating solderability. Potential automotive applications include the followi ng: * The use of composite soldering in high-current brake controllers, which will allow these devices to be used in automotive systems and will , thereby, improve safety and reliabil ity in braking systems. * Application of composite solders to extend the fatigue life of automotive computer -controlled modules and under-the-hood electronics. As A LEADER IN THE DEFENSE INDUSTRY IN TIME AND FREQUENCY CONTROL TECHNOLOGY, ARL HAS DEVELOPED SAW-BASED ELECTRONIC DEVICES THAT SHOW GOOD POTENTIAL FOR SENSING ANO REMOTE J0 APPLICATIONS. ARL OPERATES THE DoD TRI-SERVICE CENTER FOR DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT, WHICH ALLOWS OUR SCIENTISTS TO INVESTIGATE A VARIETY OF VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT DEVICES FOR BOTH MILITARY AND COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS, INCLUDING VEHICLE DESIGNS (E.G., DASHBOARD INSTRUMENT PANEL OISPLA YS). ADVANCES BEING MADE IN ELECTRONIC SOLDERING, SUCH AS THE NEWLY DEVELOPED TECHNIQUE FOR EVALUATING SOLDERABILITY CALLED SEQUENTIAL ELECTROCHEMICAL REDUCTION ANALYSIS (DEPICTED ABOVE), CAN BE APPLIED TO VARIOUS AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS TO REDUCE MANUFACTURING AND REPAIR COSTS AND TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE. * Application of new soldering technology to allow the use of scient ifically based critical process controls (as opposed to the conven tional empirically based expert systems) which will reduce manufacturing costs and maintenance / warranty repa irs . contac t: Mr. George Lucey Electronics and Power Sources Directo rate (301 ) 394-4342 ADVANCED SENSORS AND ACTUATORS FOR AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS ARL, as a DoD leader in microelectronics and nanoelectronics technology , is developing a number of novel sensors and actuators that have broad application in both military and commercial systems. Our efforts in high-temperature sensors and microelectromechanical (MEM) devices , in particular, show great potential for use in the auto industry. The burgeoning area of hightemperature sensors is capable of providing the auto industry with a methodology for maintaining real-time diagnosis of engine and exhaust system performance . Devices made from sil icon carbide and diamond material systems are being demonstrated with in the respective community for high-pressure, high -temperatu re, and ultraviolet sensing . Potential applications include exhaust emission prognostics and engine/fluid tempera ture and pressure sensing. If composites of these materials could be developed for manufacturing , the advent of wear-resistant coated auto parts as well as heat sinking of engine components may become viable. Microelectromech anica I systems technology enables the development of miniaturized versions of virtually every type of sensor that exists in today 's "macro" world . The use of these devices would result in reductions in size, weight, and power requirements from those of present-day sensors. ARL has an active research program in the development of these types of miniature mechanical devices for use in various military systems. These sensors and actuators, which are fabricated using current semiconductor integrated circuit processing technology, have the potential for wide application in the automotive industry. Possible applications include pressure sensing for failure prognosis of engines, fluid and gas flow sensors, accelerometers, temperature sensing for monitoring engine efficiency, and vibration sensing. Another promising application is the integration of MEM sensors in vehicle suspension and dynamic braking systems which would enhance vehicle performance and control. contact: Mr. Richard Wittstruck Electronics and Power Sources Directorate (908) 544-3319 HIGH-ENERGY MAGNETICS ARL has a small but world-class permanent magnet design and simulation capability. This technology could impact the design of highefficiency electric motors. Highenergy permanent magnets are finding wide use already in the automotive industry. Initially, their use in small motors (e .g., loudspeakers, power windows, and windshield wipers) and more demanding motors (e.g., starters and cooling fans) will result in weight savings, smaller sizes, and increased efficiency. Eventually, all-electric vehicles will come to depend on permanent magnet motors for their prime-moving source because of their high efficiency and high power-to-weight ratio. contact: Dr. Michael Tompsett Electronics and Power Sources Directorate (908) 544-2452 FERROELECTRIC PHASE SHIFTER In a joint program between ARL's Electronics and Power Sources Directorate and Materials Directorate, ferroelectric ceramic technology has been developed which shows great potential for producing very low cost planar phase shifters for electronic scanning applications. Ferroelectric phase shifters can be designed and fabricated on a single ferroelectric substrate and layered on top of each other, significantly reducing the size and weight of phase shifter arrays. They may be either analog or digital in operation . The multilayer design feature is made possible by ceramic tapecasting technology. It is the low cost and small size of the ferroelectric technol ogy which make this especially attractive for low-cost missile guidance and commercial applications, such as collision avoidance and conformally mounted antenna arrays for direct-to-sate llite , nodeless cellular radio communications . contact: Mr. Richard Babbitt Electronics and Power Sources Directorate (908) 544-2284 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ENGINE DIAGNOSTICS ARL researchers have developed an expert diagnostic system for the AGT1500 turbine engine of the M 1 Abrams Tank. The system provides troubleshooting and repair advice to mechanics at three levels of expertise : expert, novice, and apprentice . The user can control the level of interaction for each task performed . Expert system and object-oriented programming techniques have been employed to provide various diagnostic and maintenance procedures. The system has also reduced the procedure for replacing parts from manual selection throug h the use of parts manuals to automatic parts requests through "clicking on " of pictures of the parts. This expert system has the potential for use in a variety of applications where engine diagnostics is required. contact: Dr. Richard Helfman Advanced Computational and Information Sciences Directorate (41 0) 278-6657 CERAMIC TAPECASTING IS A UNIQUE PROCESSING METHOD THAT HAS ENABLED THE DEVELOPMENT OF MULTI-LAYER FERROELECTRIC PHASE SHIFTERS, WHICH SHOW GREAT POTENTIAL FOR COMMUNICATIONS AND RADAR APPLICATIONS. THE AI-BASED TURBINE ENGINE DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEM, DEVELOPED AT ARL, HAS THE POTENTIAL FOR USE IN COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS WHERE ENGINE DIAGNOSTICS IS REQUIRED. WE HAVE SUCCESSFULLY DEVELOPED A TECHNIQUE FOR ACTIVE CONTROL OF ENGINE VIBRATION THROUGH THE USE OF PIEZOELECTRIC DEVICES. MAKING USE OF ADVANCED FACILITIES, SUCH AS THE GEAR NoiSE TEST RIG (BELOW), ARL VEHICLE PROPULSION EXPERTS ARE INVESTIGATING NEW GEAR DESIGNS THAT COULD REDUCE NOISE AND IMPROVE EFFICIENCY IN AUTOMOTIVE DRIVETRAINS. ACTIVE VIBRATION CONTROL Eng ineers at the ARL Vehicle Propulsion Directora t e have devel oped a techn ique for act ive cancellat ion of shaft dynamic loads that substantial ly reduces vibratory loads on the output shaft systems of small turboshaft engines. The technique employs piezoelectric pushers that provide load impulses to mainshaft bearing locations. The load impulses are exactly out of ph ase with major shaft osc illations accompanying passage through critical speeds, transient inp ut lo ads, or dynamic unb al an ce loads. Feedbac k control of power to the piezoele ctric pushers is accomplished th rough an array of proximity sensors, the output of which is converted into pusher input signa ls t hrough a set of control algorithms. We are also developing techniques f.or remote location of the piezoelec tri c pushers relative to sometimes difficult-to -access bearing housings. contact: Mr. AI Kascak Ve hicle Propulsion Directorate (2 76) 433-6024 GEAR DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Gear noise and durabil ity concerns have long been a major issue in rotorcraft power transmission . To address these concerns , ARL concentrates a significant part of its veh icle propuls ion research in advanced gear designs, automated manufacturing and inspection techno logy, no ise generation mechanisms , and analytical approache s to transmission design optimization . A comprehensive suite of validated mechanical component analytical codes is available for application to automotive mechanical component design and manufacture. Applica tion of this technology package to automotive drivetrains should result in lighter, quieter, more efficient, and more reliable transmissions . contact: Mr. Robert Handschuh Vehicle Propulsion Directorate (276) 433-3969 INVERSE DESIGN CODE FOR RADIAL/MIXED-FLOW TURBOMACHINERY Performance and packaging considerations often dictate the use of radial or mixed-flow compressors and turbines in small gas turbine engines. The customary way of designing these components is to start with an assumed turbomachinery blade shape, analyze t~e resulting flow field, and then change the blade shape to correct the flow field . Because an infinite number of blade shapes are possible, design optimization is difficult to achieve from this trial and-error method. ARL has developed an inverse design code in which the desired turbomachinery flow field is specified and the blade shape that produces the flow field is calculated . This permits the rapid aerodynamic optimization of a compressor or turbine for a specific application . The new code, which can analyze radial or mixed-flow compressors and turbines, can be used to design high-performance 1\lliil~~~~mmlrii~l\11 3 9072 01954394 5 turbochargers for automotive applications. contact: Mr. Pete Meitner Vehicle Propulsion Directorate (276) 433-3715 IMPROVED FINITE-ELEMENT MODELING METHODS FOR VEHICLE STRUCTURES To allow vehicle vibration reduction to be addressed during initia l phases of design, ARL vehicle structures experts are investigating ways of developing finite-element dyna mics analysis methodologies whic h are more accurate, easier to use, and computationally more efficient. A finite-element research II code , called FEAT (Finite-Element Advanced Technology), has been developed which allows the testing of new ideas and techniques through dynamic analysis of beams, shells, and bricks and advanced matrixhandling techniques. As a result of the new code, we have fabricated a small advanced aerostructure that will be used to experimentally validate design theories. Ultimately, the increasing complexity of both the finite-element analysis and the physical structure will allow dynamic analysis of full-scale structures. contact: Dr. Felton D. (Bart) Bartlett, Jr. Vehicle Structures Directorate (804) 864-3952 HUMAN FIGURE PERFORMANCE MODEL (JACK) Created by the University of Pennsylvania with funding and guidance from ARL, the Army Research Office, and other Government and private sponsors, "Jack " is a three-dimensional computer-aided engineering model used to evaluate the man-machine interface in proposed equipment designs before a hardware prototype is built and design options are restricted. Jac k is a fully articulated human body model with anthropometric sizing controlled by a spreadsheet-like program, multiple position and orientation goals, and various body display graphics. It has been applied to a variety of vehicle design projects and, specifically, has been integrated into CAD systems used at the NASA Ames Research Center, the Tank-Automotive ROE Center, and the Air Force Human Resources La boratory . contact: Mr. Richard Kozycki Human Research and Engineering Directorate (410) 278-5943 THE "JACK" HUMAN FIGURE PERFORMANCE MOOEL HAS ALREAOY BEEN WIOEL Y USEO TO STUOY A VARIETY OF COCKPITANO CREWSTATION OESIGNS ANO HAS GREAT POTENTIAL FOR W/OE USE IN EVALUATING THE MAN MACHINE INTERFACE FOR NEW AUTOMOTIVE OESIGNS. v)