Dugway Proving Ground " ... quality testing today that will help keep our nation's defense strong for tomorrow." FOREWORD IIhis brochure provides you, the potential Dugway customer, with an overview of the test capabilities and facilities available to you at Dugway Proving Ground . Our test experts are qualified and eager to support your test needs, from initial planning and test conduct through test evaluation and reporting . If you have any questions or need more information on Dugway Proving Ground 's capabilities, please contact the Materiel Test Director. STEDP-MT Dugway Proving Ground, Utah 84022-5000 (801) 831 -5416 DSN 789-5416 DUGWAY PROVING GROUND IIhe Department of Defense has designated Dugway Proving Ground as a Major Range and Test Facility , and the primary chemical and biological defense testing center under the Reliance Program . Testers here determine the reliability and survivability of all types of military equipment in a chemical or biological environment. Dugway's core competencies are : -Chemical Defense Testing -Biological Defense Testing -Smoke , Obscurants, and Incendiaries Testing -Munitions Testing -CB Operational Studies and Testing -Specialty Testing The diversity of Dugway's physical and human resources has resulted in the establishment of a highly versatile test facility . We can meet a broad spectrum of testing requirements , relying solely on in house resources . Our vast land area, restricted airspace , and freedom from encroachment and population pressures provide distinct advantages in test planning and execution . Adding to this overall versatility, the climate supports virtually yearround testing. In addition to our primary mission of the testing and evaluation of chemical and biological defense materiel , Dugway Proving Ground is a Center of Excellence for military smoke/obscurant and illumination systems testing designed for concealment, and for interference with enemy operations in the use of lasers or "smart bombs" and similar systems. Dugway also performs analytical studies and operational tests to assess the foreign chemical and biological threat and our vulnerab ility or defensive posture relative to chemical and biological attack. Instrumentation and facil ities often are designed and built especially for Dugway. Many of the test procedures now in use were first developed inhouse. Installation employees are another important and unique resource. A UNIQUE TEST FACILITY Dugway's technical staff possesses a broad range of expertise in the physical and life sciences as well as a collective body of many years of experience in the planning and execution of test programs. SETTING Dugway Proving Ground, covering 1,315 square miles, is located in the Great Salt Lake Desert, approximately 75 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah. Surrounded on three sides by mountain ranges, the proving ground's terrain varies from level salt flats to scattered sand dunes and rugged mountains. While the mean elevation is 4 ,350 feet above sea level , Granite Peak, in the center of the installation , rises to 7,082 feet. Vegetation consists of small plants , grasses and low brush . Animal communities include antelope , coyotes , bobcats , foxes , wild horses and a variety of rodents . Test grids are located in areas with reduced levels of plant and animal life , reducing the probability of adverse environmental impact. The entire installation and adjacent U.S. Air Force gunnery and bombing ranges are covered by restricted airspace to 58 ,000 feet, with additional restricted airspace on all sides . The maximum extent of restricted airspace is approximately 90 miles north to south and 70 miles east to west. CLIMATE Dugway's climate is generally moderate and dry . Even in summer, when average temperatures may be above 90° F, the low humidity yields pleasant conditions . At an altitude in excess of 4 ,000 feet , evenings are cool and pleasant with average annual precipitation only about 7.5 inches. Winter snowfalls are usually light; however, nearby ski areas register annual snow accumulations of 100 inches or more . January is the coldest month with an average minimum temperature of 16° F and an average maximum of 37° F. Prevailing winds are from the northwest during the day and from the southeast at night. The atmosphere is usually clear and pollution-free with mountain ranges 60 miles or more distant often visible . When haze occurs , it is usually natural in origin . Because of the nature of Dugway's activities , extens ive climatological data have been collected and are available in graphic and computerreadable form to aid in field test planning . ECONOMIC IMPACT The proving ground is Tooele County's second largest single employer. Dugway's $46.9 million annual payroll supports more than 1 ,300 Utahns and their families . Private contractors are an integral part of the Dugway team . They support testing , operate the supply system and equipment pools, provide janitorial services , operate the proving ground's Central Hazardous Waste Storage Facility, maintain roads , grounds, utility systems and buildings . A major portion of Dugway's $42 .6 million in Fiscal Year 1993 contracts was awarded to Utah firms or to firms operating in Utah . During the past decade $400 million was spent on new construction, repairs and building renovations at Dugway . ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP m~;~:~E~s commitment to the environment rests on a four-pillared strategy that includes compliance, restoration , prevention and conservation . Dugway takes its responsibility for the environment seriously, and energetically pursues programs in all four areas . Compliance Compliance has a major influence on our test mission, and testers Restoration address environmental issues prior to each test. Dugway's environmental program includesEnvironmental restoration, which compliance regulations Conservation/ reflects our commitment have increased Preservation to addressing problems dramatically over the of the past. years and each one Conservation and presents a challenge. Former waste disposal preservation of our sites are being cleaned natural resources also Dugway is regulated by up through the play a vital role in the numerous Federal and Department of Defense management of our test State environmental Installation Restoration programs. statutes , and is Program. inspected by both the Working with the Utah State and the Dugway will spend more State Wildlife Resources Environmental than $14.2 million on Division and the Bureau Protection Agency for environmental programs of Land Management, compliance . in Fiscal Year 1994. Dugway monitors the wildlife that wander the installation. Dugway also takes great pride in its responsibility to protect unique geological formations present on the installation. These areas have been identified by the Nature Conservancy , an international non-profit organization whose local mission is the preservation of natural diversity in Utah . TOXIC CONTAINMENT FACILITIES Materiel Test Facility 11new Materiel Test Facility will feature a 50x50x30 foot multipurpose chamber. It will be a completely closed system with climatic control ranging from -65 ° to +125° F where largescale test items , such as vehicles or tanks , can be challenged with vapor or liquid simu lants or chemical agents. Laboratory analysis and agent transfer capability also will be located within this facility . It is scheduled fo r completion in 1995. Defensive Test Chamber This is a total co ntainment facility where test items can be challenged with chemical agents or simulants . It can accommodate military vehicles up to the size of a main battle tank. Chamber temperature can be controlled from -25° to + 125° F with test chamber work space measuring 60x 30x 27 feet. Other features include simulated solar radiation for sunshine tests , relative humidity from 10 to 90 percent, rain can be produced from 1 to 12 inches per hour and air circulation of 2.2 to 9 m/second . Electrical service, vacuum and compressed air are available. An experienced staff of test personnel is available to support operations . CHEMICAL TEST FACILITY Desting of the interaction of toxic chemical agents with detectors, decontaminants, and protective clothing materials is performed in the Chemical Test Facility. Test capabilities include: -The analysis of agents, simulants, and other analytes in I I I ~ I I I samples collected in test • II u grid and chamber trials with up to 10 ,000 samples per test program; -Determination of survivability of military equipment when exposed to chemical Features warfare agents; -Analysis of The modern 35 ,000environmental samples square-foot laboratory building , which will be on from Dugway operations 1--===---=~•i.aiii-iiii.ii~iiil to support compliance line in 1994, will feature: with Federal , State and -Twenty-seven testing , local regulations; sample-processing , analysis, instrument and -Development and synthesis laboratories; modification of sampling -Forty-seven customand analytical methods ized fume hoods with to support testing within charcoal-and HEPA the Chemical Test filtered exhaust systemsFacility and at other and modern ventilation Dugway facilities. controls ; -Storage facilities for regulated chemical surety materials. BAKER TEST FACILITY Dlaker Test Facility provides containment chambers for biological protection testing through Biosafety Level 3. Aerosol technology also is available to support: -Chemical, smoke and biological testing; Nuclear/biological survivability testing; -Biological hardness (fungus) testing; -Microscopic analysis/ image analysis; -Environmental analysis and monitoring for all Dugway Proving Ground testing ; -Development of immunoassay techniques. Staffed by a team of professionals: Nearly 50 percent are Ph.Ds. Disciplines include aerobiology , biochemistry, environmental science, biotechnology, immunology, tox icology, veterinary medicine and virology. A new Life Sciences Test Facility is a major planned addition to Dugway. This will be a state-of the-art biological test facility capable of Biosafety Level-3 containment. The estimated cost of the facility , planned for completion in 1996, is $16.5 million . PHYSICAL and ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING Physical Test Facilities m ugway ~~~~~~·s physical test facilities provide the capability for shock, vibration and bounce testing of developmental and fielded equipment. Items can be environmentally conditioned from -1 oooto +200° Fat up to 95 percent relative humidity. Shock and vibration testing at varying temperatures demonstrate an item's ability to survive rough handling and continue to operate in a variety of climatic conditions. Shock testing can be conducted up to a 30 ,000-force-pound with a one-inch displacement. This test demonstrates an item's ability to withstand sudden high intensity shock. Our 6,000-pound , 5x8 foot bounce tables test an item 's ability to withstand transportation over rough terrain . One of these bounce tables is portable, which provides the capability to test high explosive munitions in the field . Nondestructive Test Equipment Our nondestructive test equipment provides the capability to inspect and analyze, on an automated basis, artillery and mortar munitions, fuzes and mortar tubes for flaws and imperfections. It also provides the opportunity to determine causes of munition malfunctions. The Rad iographic Inspection Facility provides real time and film imaging , either in still or in motion , of all munitions. Our mobile X-ray and film processing equipment provides the capability to inspect and identify munitions in the field , and the digital measuring equipment allows precise measuring of a variety of munitions ranging from 60 mm to 8 inch. Climatic Test Chamber Dugway's environmental conditioning chambers provide the capability to condition materiel and munitions to specified temperature, humidity, fungus , salt fog or altitude conditions prior to testing . This demonstrates the item's ability to operate and function after exposure to these conditions . The skid-mounted and trailer-mounted chambers can be used in Carr Facility, taken to a Dugway test site, or to a remote test site off post. These chambers allow conditioning of test items from -1 00° to + 200° F at 95 percent humidity, and up to an altitude of 1 00 ,000 feet. Dugway also has a number of skid-mounted and trailer-mounted portable magazines for temporary storage of ammunition during field testing . This reduces transportation time from Carr Facility ammunition storage igloos and the time to conduct munition related testing . • e.. ,1 ~ • Iii 0 • • 0 " ARTILLERY/MORTAR and BALLISTIC RANGES Dnstrumentation includes: -Muzzle Velocity Radars ; -Weibel 2 DRS 10 Mark V. -Pressure measuring systems ; -Nicolet Scope Sys tems -Sky Screens; -IR Chronograph Systems ; -Tracking Radar Systems; -Mobile Telemetry Receiving Station ; -GPS Survey System; -Visible and IR Illumi nation System -Optical Tracking Systems German Village Missile and Artillery/ Mortar Ranges Dugway's primary range can accommodate all current U.S. Army artillery and mortar weapons . Features include fixed gun positions , chamber pads , control points and related support equipment, all controlled from a centralized bunker. The maximum firing distance is 60 ,000 meters, with airspace controlled up to 58,000 feet. The weapons tested here include towed and self-propelled artillery pieces firing high explosives or simulated chemical and smoke rounds . Data acquisition includes synchroballistic (smear) , tracking camera , radar positions, survey instrument observation point positions, and round recovery. Range , deflection, height-ofburst, and functioning data can be obtained from distances of 1,000 to 60 ,000 meters. Commercial electrical power also is available. White Sage Artillery Ranges This range is used for high explosive munitions and high trajectory firing through ranges of about 12.5 kilometers . Because of soil conditions , rounds are seldom recoverable. The range features two velocity towers and two firing bunkers , and is available for year-round tests. White Sage Mortar Range This range shares firing points with White Sage Artillery Ranges. It offers fixed mounts for 4.2 inch , 81 mm, and 120 mm mortars; impact areas up to 9.6 kilometers; and complete downrange triangulation coverage that facilitates recovery of test projectiles. Each firing point is equipped with remotefiring capability . Silt and clay soil minimizes impact damage to components . Carr Illumination Test Range This range is designed for testing illumination rounds and hand-held signals. Data collected include time of burn , range , deflection , spatial position , velocity , illuminance (visible and IR) , and chamber pressure . Metal parts are recoverable . Carr Ricochet Range This range is used for testing small caliber ammunition and weapons . West Granite Firing Range ~~~~~~~~~~ This range offers capabilities similar to those at German Village . It has multiple firing positions, but soil conditions do not permit projectile recovery. This is an excellent range for testing anti-personnel projectiles and high explosives. It offers a firing distance of 30 ,000 meters. White Sage and Wig Mountain Areas The Wig Mountain areas are used primarily for troop training, and White Sage is available for troop artillery training exercises. Explosive Products Facility (Bang Box) This 50-foot-diameter air-supported structure provides a more efficient means of characterizing the products from open burns/open detonation of conventional munitions and propellants. Other Firing Points and Impact Areas A variety of positions to fit the needs of individual tests are available . Testers here can accommodate selfpropelled artillery, multiple launch rocket systems, and other mobile firing systems. Impact areas are restricted to established areas. JOINT CONTACT POINT D~:;,::: Point manages and executes the Joint Chemical/Biological Contact Point and Test Program Project. This is an operationally oriented analysis/ evaluation and test program under the general oversight and guidance of the Office of the Secretary of Defense and coordinated by the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This organization operates and maintains the Technical Information Center, a completely automated collection of more than 60 ,000 CB-related documents and information . This entire collection is currently being scanned onto optical disk, making possible full-text document retrieval at appropriately configured remote sites nationwide. The search and retrieval system is called CB INFONET. Joint Contact Point personnel are Program 11 Managers of special projects for services such as cargo aircraft decontamination for U.S. Air Force-Europe and the Advanced Tactical Fighter (F22) Chemical Hardness Program. They also provide executive management and coordination for Dugway's effort in support of the Chemical Treaty Verification Program. METEOROLOGICAL SUPPORT m eterological support includes: Climatological analyses to assist in test design and planning. -Meteorological modeling studies to assist in pretest environmental assessment, test design, and test data analysis. -General and test specific hourly and daily weather forecasts. -Specialized studies of meteorological aspects of target ; r l vulnerability , intelligence verification and alarm requirements . Meteorological consulting. Instrumentation Instrumentation support offers : Mesoscale network of 29 remote surface weather stations providing climatological data and real-time information on meteorological conditions. State-of-the-art micrometeorologi cal sensors (sonic anemometers, differential absorption infrared hygrometers , scintillometers) provide high resolution wind , turbu lence and flux measurements. Conventional balloonborn (radiosonde and tethersonde) upper-air sounding systems . Doppler acoustic sounders and radar wind profiler provide continuous measurements of winds aloft from 30 m to greater than 10 km. Radar wind profiler. INSTRUMENTATION SUPPORT D~~ofessional staff is capable of design fabrication, installation, maintenance, repair and adaptation of test instrumentation. They provide a wide range of instrumentation support services . Scope of equipment andsystems available includes: Electronic , optical , laser and radio position and tracking systems. Optical mechanical slaving, tracking and data generating equipment. -Closed circuit television , telemetry , range timing and instrumentatio n data transmission systems. Communications, command, co ntrol and range safety system. Photographic and ballistics instrumentation . Automated data acquisition , transmission , computational , and display systems . Illumination Grid On our Illumination Grid , testers can measure both the visible and the infrared energy radiated from a dynamically fired mortar illumination round . From data collected on this grid , testers can provide the customer with a "footprint" of the effective energy striking the ground as well as the radiant energy of the candle. Transmissometer Overview Dugway's van-mounted and safari transmissometer systems measure the effectiveness of smoke obscurants with a design path of 1 ,500 meters. The systems transmit and receive in the visible , 1.06 , 1.54, 3-5, 814, and 10 .6 micrometers wavelengths. In addition , there is one line of sight with the capability of UV, visible, 1.06, and 250 to 450 micrometers wavelengths in increments of 50 micrometers at the design path of 500 feet. In addition, Dugway has a transportable and vanmounted millimeter wave transmissometer/ radar system . The system can measure single and dual path transmittance in the 35-van-mounted system and 94-GHz bands . In has a scanning addition , the 35-GHz capability . Dechnical Systems support includes: Infrared recording systems in spectrums 3-5 micrometers and 812 micrometers to record cloud obscuration, surface temperature and transmittance . Mobile tracking telescopes, configured with film or video to record release , ballistic function and impact. Mobile cinetheodolites provide azimuth and elevation data for Time/ Space/Position Information. Motion picture cameras (16 , 35 , and 70 mm) capable of shooting from 1 to 10 ,000 pictures per second . Recording capabilities for ballistic functions, cloud measurements to include height, width, length and volume. Syncro-ballistic film camera to record metal parts integrity. -Shuttered and highspeed video to record cloud measurements including height, width , length , volume, travel direction and speed. Range timing based on GPS satellite or WWVB . -Video scoring to record range , deflection , height of burst and time of flight. Gated video system provides syncroballistics of metal parts integrity . Night vision video , insertion of range timing on film or video , microwave capability to transmit signals to central command post. Geodetic total station to provide survey accuracy to the first order, and remote video operations for test monitoring , security and range safety. -A still photography to provide technical documentation and other related services. -An in-house laboratory to process both still and motion picture film. -A technical documentation video unit provides full video/ TECHNICAL SYSTEMS SUPPORT audio technical and fixed window TSPI documentation services. data. -A graphic unit offers full -A multimedia graphics capabilities. computer unit to provide -An Multiple Image interactive presentation Processing System for test reports and three-dimensional computer-based volume measurements training . AUTOMATED DATA PROCESSING Dhe Seamless Testing Cycle (STC) test automation system is a series of automated test management and test data processing tools used for the execution of Department of Defense testing at Dugway Proving Ground. Dugway's automation effort includes a "Cradleto-Grave" concept which takes full advantage of modular systems design. This concept is comprised of five distinct phases: -Project Design and Management \ \ \ ·.: ...... -Test Item Tracking , Support and Compliance -Data Acquisition, Monitoring and Control -Data Archival , Review and Analysis -Final Test Reporting and Presentation The phases involved in the STC must stiare vital test information required to conduct successful testing . The transfer of test requirements, resource requirements, test data , safety data, and other related information is imperative to conducting high quality , timely and cost-efficient testing. Each of these phases consists of a combination of both commercial software and Dugway-developed systems integrated with a detailed relational database and predefined templates. Goals and Objectives The goal of this development is to greatly improve the quality assurance and quality control methods, comply with IS0-9000 standards, and drastically reduce time and costs involved to produce test reports by implementing an electronic "near paperless" testing cycle. This goal also will enable Dugway to capture expertise of a specialized staff while reducing costly overhead requirements. The STC is designed to take full advantage of the available networking capabilities by using distributive processing along with a modular systems design. This design uses portable self-contained systems enabling an "anysystem, any-station" concept by which the user can virtually use any platform on the network in any location , and still access the required test information. This design incorporates the latest technologies such as user-friendly point and click interfaces, advanced visualization capabilities, objectoriented tracking, on-line help, and artificial intelligence. Network and Communications During the modernization of the 1980s, Dugway Proving Ground invested resources in the development of a complete Local A rea Network (LAN) and computer processing facility. This investment became the key component in the Seamless Testing Cycle's ability to electronically transfer all test information and data between systems and users . The Ditto Computer Center here consists of a VAXNMS™ cluster that has more than 32 VAX™ Units of Processing capability . This cluster has more than 40 gigabytes of high-speed disk storage and an additional 38 gigabytes of on-line optical storage. The VAX™ cluster consists of four CPUs, 685 , 8800 , 8810 , 6510, which are located in the Kuddes Operations Center. A vector processor is also installed in the 6510 to facilitate high-speed array processing. The foundation of Dugway's automation effort is a communication infrastructure that uses an optical fiber backbone LAN consisting of ethernet interface devices and using DECNET™ protocols. This foundation enables the integration of a personal computer network using Pathworks. This network also includes an expansive lab, chamber and field communications system enabling the acquisition , reduction , transmission and analysis of real-time data. This system offers 10 to 100 Mbs transfer rate with multiprotocol capability . The LAN has a capacity of more than 250 PCs , 150 terminals, 35 mid-range processors, and MILNET™ connections for international direct and mail access. Although this network is quite extensive, Dugway will continue to pursue and implement state-ofthe-art technology for successful testing requirements . Mission Control Center The Mission Control Center (MCC) is an integral part of the overall operation of all five phases of testing in the Seamless Testing Cycle . The primary purpose of the MCC is to provide a centralized , efficient, systematic means to : -Document customers ' test requirements ; -Aid in the test planning ; -Schedule tests; -Allocate test resources ; -Monitor, control and consolidate test information and test data results. Use of these MCC capabilities will enable Dugway to effectively accomplish multiple large or small scale tests simultaneously . An automated MCC can help provide the efficient, timely and responsive test management capabilities needed to meet current and future Army, Air Force, DoD and othe r customers' requirements for a wide variety of tests. The limited, but complex inventory of Dugway test resources must be efficiently managed on a continuous basis to ensure customers' test objectives are met successfully. The MCC, operating components of the STC, will facilitate daily interaction and communication among customers, project officers, test officer, test support activities, Range Control, safety and surety managers , meteorologists, as well as impacted supervisory and headquarters staff. Modeling and Simulation The purpose of modeling and simulation is to augment current operational testing . With the current cutbacks and reduction in resources, modeling and simulation continue to play an everincreasing role in the testing environment. It is hopeful that these technologies will help maintain the quality and quantity of test support provided by Dugway to its customers. The overall goals for this effort include: -To apply current software modeling and simulation technology to Dugway's test mission ; -To develop chemical, biological, smoke and obscurant simulation capability for both chamber and field testing ; -To develop state-ofthe-art technologies , such as Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality to Dugway test missions; and -To bring complete modeling and simu lation capabilities to the desktop. Modeling and simulation have and will play important roles in the Seamless Testing Cycle's automation strategy. MICHAEL ARMY AIRFIELD DheMichael Army Air Field accommodates all operative aircraft in the Department of Defense inventory. Dugway has a 13,125foot-long runway, one of the longest of any test facility in DOD . The airfield offers limited ground support and ~""'!""---------........ refue ling services , and two U H-1 H helicopters with professional crews are also available. The airfield also offers an arrival and departure point for troops conducting training exercises . 17 m ugway ~=~u:~:er areas used by a varieW of training units . A wide variety of terrain conditions are available from salt flats , basins, foothills and mountain ranges with a fourseason cl imate. This area is ideal for training of light, airborne, airmobile and special operations forces, plus combat support and combat service support elements . Bullene Barracks in Dugway's English Village is cantonment area and barracks for units during training . Areas are currently used by Active and Reserve Component units . Their training emphasis is on fire support and combat service support field operations . Additional areas are available for training purposes, based on the special needs of units , and the compatibility of the areas on the proposed use . TRAINING AREAS COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES m ugway Proving Ground is a community with all the services a community needs to make it work. Pleasant residential neighborhoods are the setting for 619 sets of housing . Trees , shrubs , flowers and colorful playgrounds enhance English Village's neighborly setting , and active self-help programs augment housing resources. U.S. Army Health Clinic The U.S. Army Health Clinic's military physicians provide health care for residents, both military and civilian . They also prov ide emergency medical care . Other services include X-ray, laboratory and occupational health . Schools Dugway's 265 elementary and 250 secondary students attend schools conveniently located in English Village . These schools are operated by the Tooele County School District, and offer outstanding academics, sports and other school activities. Other services Everything you would expect to find in a small community is here . Services include a Chapel, Post Exchange and Commissary , Youth Services Center, Bowling Center, Movie Theater, Credit Union, Post Office, Swimming Pool , Golf Course , Physical Fitness Center, Service Station and a Shoppette. Self-sufficient business programs under Community Activities provide leisure-time activities , services and goods similar to those found in a "hometown" environment. Community Activities' personnel are enthusiastic about supporting visitors and are willing to adjust operating hours where possible to accommodate customer needs. I III~~~~~~i~l~llfl~l~il[li~ii~l1\iil~illilillIII 3 9072 02015188 6