~ I ER MANUAL N OF FINITE R IEF 'WELL SYSTEMS :i :rI For sale by tbe Superintendent of Docmhents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.b.-Price $1.25 ·I f I I I ' I I I I • ------~m-~~~--------------~------------------------! ~E.!loauARTERS, DEPAIRTMENT or THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS • 1 'Dt o 3 .. 0(s : 111 t.) -')..·fro~ ,1 I 11 c • c EM 1110-2-1905 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Office of the Chief of Engineers Washington 25, D. C. Manual 1 Mar 63 No. 1110-2-1905 ENGINEERING AND DESIGN DESIGN OF FINITE RELIEF WELL SYSTEMS TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph 2 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE. 2 2. REFERENCES ..... . 2 3. RELIEF WELL SYSTEMS. 2 a. Infinite Relief Well Systems b. Finite Relief Well Systems . 3 4 4. PREPARATION OF DESIGN TABLES .... 7 5. ARRANGEMENT OF INDEX AND TABLES. 6. GENERAL DESIGN PROCEDURES ..... 10 7. DETAILED DESIGN PROCEDURES FOR 12 UNIFORMLY SPACED LINES ...... . 8. GENERAL DESIGN PROCEDURES FOR NON 16 UNIFORMLY SPACED LINES 9. SPECIAL COMPUTATIONS ........ . 19 APPENDIX I: ILLUSTRATIONS APPENDIX II: TABLES FOR DESIGN OF FINITE RELIEF WELL SYSTEMS APPENDIX Ill: TABLES AND FORMULAS FOR COMPOSITION OF NONUNIFORM RELIEF WELL SYSTEMS l EM 1110-2-1905 1 Mar 63 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE. This manual presents procedures specif • ically applicable to the design of finite relief well systems for reliev ing artesian and seepage pressures in the landside foundations area of a dam or levee system. Material presented is for the guidance and use of Corps of Engineers personnel engaged in the design of relief well systems. 2. REFERENCES. The general principles of relief well design are discussed in EM 1110-2-1901, Soil Mechanics Design - Seepage Control, February 1952. (It is contemplated that the next complete revision of the above-mentioned manual will contain the material pre sented in Civil Works Engineer Bulletin 55-11, Relief Well Design.) 3. RELIEF WELL SYSTEMS. Pressure relief wells are sometimes required to relieve artesian or foundation seepage pressures on the landward side of water-retaining structures so that pressure is re duced on the lower boundaries of impervious strata. In essence, these relief wells are nothing more than controlled artificial springs that prevent the quicking or removal of soil in such structures as that which would occur in a natural boil. The systems can be considered to be either of an ''infinite" or a "finite" nature. ~· Infinite Relief Well Systems. The term infinite is applied c to a system of wells that conforms approximately to the followingidealized conditions: (1) The wells are equally spaced and identical indimensions. (2) The pervious stratum is of uniform depth and permea bility along the entire length of the system. (3) The effective source of flow and the effective line oflandside exit are parallel to the line of wells. (4) The boundaries at the ends of the system are imper vious, normal to the line of wells, and at a distance equal to one-halfthe well spacing beyond the end wells of the system. If these conditions exist, the flow to each well and the pressure 2 c EM 1110-2-1905 1 Mar 63 distribution around each well are uniform for all wells along the line. Therefore there is no flow across planes centered between wells and normal to the line, hence no overall longitudinal component of flow exists anywhere in the system. The term infinite is applied to such a system because it may be analyzed mathematically by considering an infinite number of wells; the actual number of wells in the system may be from one to infinity. Normally, a line of relief wells below a dam extending entirely across a valley and terminating at relatively impervious valley walls should be designed as an infinite line, even though this system of wells does not conform strictly to the idealized conditions stated above. A major and abrupt change in the character of the system, such as penetration or well spacing, might result in an appreciable component of flow parallel to the line of wells, in which case the use of design pro cedures for infinite systems should be modified. Design procedures for this type of system are suggested in paragraph 8. ~-Finite Relief Well Systems. A finite system of wells is defined as any system that does not approximate the idealized conditions The tables in Appendix II and detaile9:_ stated in subparagraph~ above. design procedures outlined herein are applicable only to finite systems arranged in straight lines approximately parallel to line sources and line exits. Nonlinear arrays of wells or sources cannot be covered by standard design procedures. Lines of relief wells behind levees seldom terminate at im pervious boundaries; therefore, normally, they should be considered as finite systems. The essential difference between finite and infinite lines is the presence or absence of an appreciable component of flow parallel to the line of wells, resulting in nonuniform distribution of Because of well discharges and midpoint pressures within the system. this nonuniformity, it is impracticable to present design tables or charts for finite lines in the concise manner that has been developed for infinite lines in Civil Works Engineer Bulletin 55-11. However, 3 EM 1110-2-1905 1 Mar 63 c Civil Works Engineer Bulletin 55-11 is equally applicable to finite and infinite lines, with the exceptions of paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, Plates 1, 5, and 6, and Inclosure 2. 4. PREPARATION OF DESIGN TABLES. The following is a summary of procedures used to develop the tables in this manual for designing relief wells. a. The first step in preparation of the tables was a detailed study of the effects of partial penetration and semipervious top stratum by means of electrical analogy models, using a single well. The second step was a numerical computation of well discharges and mid point pressures for a large number of finite lines of wells, in which well spacing, penetration, source distances, etc., were systematically varied to cover the anticipated range of design conditions. Initial models represented a single well in an aquifer with completely im pervious strata at the upper and lower boundaries. The well was supplied from a concentric cylindrical source, having a radius such that it had no effect on the potential distribution near a partially penetrating well. b. In a second series of models, the wholly impervious top stratum and circular source were replaced by a semipervious top stratum, the surface of which was also the source of flow. Within the limits of experimental accuracy, it was found that the partial penetra tion pressure curve could be derived from the full penetration curve by addition of the same drawdown increments previously determined for a wholly impervious blanket. Since the full penetration case with a semipervious top stratum can be expressed analytically, addition of the mathematical expression for the partial penetration increment of drawdown provides a formula for a partial penetration well under a semipervious top stratum. c. In a third series of models, flow to a single well was supplied on one side from a vertical plane source, with a wholly impervious top stratum extending from the source to a parallel line through 4 EM 1110-2-1905 1 Mar 63 On the other side of this line, the source of flow was the the well. These models confirmed, upper surface of a semipervious top stratum. within experimental limits, an approximate formula derived from the oretical considerations, whereby the landside leaky blanket could be replaced with a wholly impervious top stratum and a theoretical line source at an appropriate equivalent distance from the well, without affecting the total head difference or well discharge. The end result of this investigation makes it possible to replace any system of riverside or landside blankets with an equivalent system of two parallel line sources and a wholly impervious top stratum. The potential distribu tion is not identical in the equivalent system, but along a line through the well and paral~el to the source, the difference is so small that it could not be evaluated by model studies. d. The case of a fully penetrating single well supplied by two parallel line sources can be analyzed mathematically. By use of the correction factors for partial penetration, and use of equivalent distances in lieu of blanket characteristics, any set of field conditions for a single well may therefore be reduced to a closely equivalent case susceptible to numerical computation. In practice, it is more con venient when working with finite lines to convert the source-and-exit field condition to a two-source condition. This is accomplished simply by using the inclined gradient between equivalent source and exit as the zero reference plane from which all pressure changes are measured. Use of this reference plane requires several new notations, which are shown in Plate 1 (this and subsequently referenced plates are pre sented in Appendix I), for application to finite lines only. Pressures ~n the line of wells and notations pertinent to numbering of wells and mid points are shown in Plate 2. ~: In the computation of an infinite line of wells, it is possible to eliminate specific source and exit distances from the design charts, so that the characteristics of the system may be expressed in three This simplification dimensionless ratios: a/rw , D/a , and W /D 5 EM 1110-2-1905 1 Mar 63 c is not possible in the case of finite lines, which involve three additional factors: L /a , L /a , and the number of wells, N . The com s e putation of design tables and their subsequent use has been greatly simplified by eliminating one of these three additional factors. For this purpose, the design distances L and L are replaced by a s e second pair of distances so chosen that the total head and discharge are equivalent. It is possible to make one of the second pair mathe matically infinite, leaving in effect only one source distance, desig nated L . This simplification involves two approximations. First, the pressure distribution in the line of wells is not identical, although the difference is small. Second, the numerical value of L changes as the length of the line of wells is increased, which cannot be taken into account without losing the desired simplicity. I_. For a single well, with a wholly impervious top stratum and actual source and exit distances L and L s e L + L rrL s e s L --1T---sin "L--+;--"L s e For a single well, if one (or both) of the distances is equivalent distance computed by blanket formulas, one (or both) of the distances • should be multiplied by 0.88 when used in the above formula. SinceL is usually the sum of the base width of levee (or dam) and effec stive length of riverside (or upstream) blanket, the formula becomes L + 0.88 L rrL s e s L --.:=-------sin ....L-...,+c--.,...o-'.8,.,..8,.....L.-- rr s e _a. For a mathematically infinite line LL s e L L + L s e 6 EM 1110-2-19051 Mar 63 However, this value is approached only if the total length of the line is very large as compared with L or L e . Consequently, the expres s sions in subparagraph!_ above should for simplicity be used in all finite line cases. h. The maximum difference between a two-source case and the L = L . A limited use of a single equivalent source occurs when s e number of finite lines were computed using two equal source distances for comparison with the approximation using the single equivalent dis tance L . The difference in computed discharges was negligible for short lines, and was less than five percent for the longest lines studied in which the total length was 37.5 L. All subsequent computations were therefore made with the single equivalent source, and the two source results are not contained in the design tables. ~· Well-screen losses, friction losses, and velocity heads were neglected in the computation of finite lines. It was further assumed that the well potentials, with respect to the zero reference plane, were Under these assumptions, computation uniform throughout the system. of a finite line is accomplished by solution of a set of simultaneous linear equations in which the unknowns are the well discharges, and the coefficients are influence factors derived from the pressure distribuAfter determination of the well dis tion formulas for a single well. charges in this manner, they are multiplied by appropriate midpoint In these influence factors to obtain midpoint pressures between wells. w in computations, the well drawdown from the reference plane (P Plate 1) is always assigned a numerical value of 1.0 in the computa-The midpoint pressure reduction tions and in the accompanying tables. in Plate 1) is also measured as a pressure reduction from the (P m zero reference plane, and the midpoint pressure in the tables is de fined as the ratio P /P . m w a. The design tables 5. ARRANGEMENT OF INDEX AND TABLES. (Appendix II) are divided into four sections, designated A to D, in clusive, according to the approximate degree of well penetration. 7 II EM 1110-2 -1 9 05 1 Mar 63 c Section A is for full penetration, and is applicable to any value of the ratio D/r . In sections B through D, the nominal values of w W/D are0.60, 0.45, and 0.30, respectively, but the exact values of W/D are de pendent on the ratio D/r . The combinations of W /D and D/rwcovered by the tables are w shown in the right-hand columns of the indexsheet, page ll-1. Each combination is designated by a letter indicating the approximate penetration, and a number, from 1 to 8, indicating themagnitude of D/r w . This letter and number combination is the first two digits of a table number that identifies each of the separate tables of well discharges and midpoint pressures. The last two digits of the table number appear at the top of the index, designating combinations of L/rw , L/a , and a/ r w . The third digit indicates one of the eight tabular values of L/r , varying from 31.25 to 4000. w The fourth digit,varying from 1 to 4, designates the four standard tabular values of L/a , ranging from 1.25 to 10. The numbers in the body of the index are the page numbers in which the desired tables are to be found. For example, if W/D = 0.604 , D/r = 168 , and L/r = 500 , the ap w w • propriate table numbers for various trial values of the well spacing are B4-51, B4-52, B4-53, and B4-54. The midpoint pressures and well discharges for these conditions are found in pages II-27 and II-28of the tables. (Actual computations were made in terms of partial penetration parameters M and r.1 , which are defined in Appendix III.Conversion of these parameters into terms of W/D and D/r re w sulted in the irregular values which appear in the tables.)E_. Ordinarily, one definite well diameter will be selected for use in any system of wells, fixing r as a constant for a particular wline. For a specific finite line, D and L are controlled by field conditions, hence the ratios L/r w and D/rw , at the top and the righthand column of the index, are constant for any given line of wells. The index is arranged to facilitate initial selection of the group of tables pertinent to these fixed quantities, and one or more trial values of W/D , followed by systematic variations of the quantity L/a for a 8 c EM 1110-2-19051 Mar 63 determination of the well spacing and penetration that will give the re quired pressure relief. ~· At the top of each tabulation the table number is shown, fol lowed by the applicable values of the controlling ratios L/rw , D/rw , W/D , and L/a . The numbers in the vertical column under N cor-For lines consisting of respond to the number of wells in the system. 10 wells or less, the discharges and midpoint pressures are tabulated in full. Discharges, printed in italic figures are stated in terms of , and the tabular values must be multiplied by 21rKDPw to Q/21TKDP w secure actual well flows in appropriate units. Midpoint pressure relief ratios, printed in vertical figures, are expressed in terms of the ratio It should be noted that the tabular /P , as defined in Plate 2. m w P values are measures of pressure relief from the reference plane of Plate 1, and are not residual pressures as used for infinite lines. are position numbers d. The numbers horizontally opposite N designating the location of wells or midpoint with respect to the center of a symmetric, uniformly spaced system, which is designated by posi The wells have even-or odd-position numbers, cortion number 1. responding to an even or odd total number of wells in the line. Mid points have position numbers intermediate between adjacent well numbers. e. For finite systems containing more than ten wells, values N = 13, 19, 25, and 31. Data are tabulated for are tabulated only for the central well and adjacent midpoint (position numbers 1 and 2) and for the last four wells at the end of the line and their three inter N. Fol mediate midpoints, designated by position numbers (N-6) to lowing N = 31 , discharge and pressure data are shown for the end well and adjacent midpoint for a semi-infinite line (N =S), and for any well of a finite line (N =I). Mathematically, a semi-infinite line is one having one end and extending infinitely in one direction. Tabular values for semi-infinite lines were obtained graphically, using the B = arc tan (N -1)a/ L as an index to the length of the line, and angle 9 EM 1110-2-1905 1 Mar 63 extrapolating to • B = 90° for the case of a semi-infinite line. Data for lines intermediate between N = 31 and the semi-infinite case may ordinarily be determined by visual inspection of the tables. In the rare cases in which it may be desirable to interpolate between N 31 and semi-infinity, compute the angles B 31 = arc tan 30a/L , Bn = arc tan (n-1)a/L , and B = 90° , in which n is the number of wells, exoo ceeding 31, in the system. Make a straight line interpolation, against the angle B , for pressures and discharges between N = 31 and N=S .!.: Approximate data for wells near the end of a semi-infinite line, if needed, may be obtained by adding to the end midpoint pressure (N-1), the differences between successive midpoints for N = 31. Data for positions remote from the end of a semi-infinite line are identical with those for a semi-infinite line. In practice, interpolations for very long lines should be avoided, since the accuracy of basic field data over a large area does not warrant any attempt at numerical refinement. _g_. Tabular values for infinite lines were obtained by numerical summation of partial penetration drawdown increments, and adding these increments to analytically derived drawdowns for an infinite line. c This summation is quite accurate numerically, as the individual cor rections vary closely and rapidly approach zero. 6. GENERAL DESIGN PROCEDURES. a. In designing any relief wellsystem, it should constantly be borne in mind that there are two fundamental parts to the procedure. The first and by far the most difficultis the determination of the range of pertinent field conditions, and the necessary idealization of these complex factors into a mathematical model of generally similar but not identical characteristics. Noamount of precision or refinement in the mathematical analysis of the idealized model, which is the second part of the procedure, will compensate for lack of judgment in the initial estimation of the problem.It should also be recalled that the tables for infinite lines assumeequal potentials in all wells, neglect well friction losses, 10 c EM 1110-2-19051 Mar 63 assume linear sources and exits parallel to the line of wells, and involve the conversion of source and exit into a single equivalent source. Under these circumstances, use of the tables to the limit of their numerical accuracy is not warranted. In the sample computations which follow, interpolation procedures and numerical accuracy are illustrated in much greater detail than will ordinarily be justified. In actual design, as distinguished from purely illustrative procedures, primary importance should be as signed to evaluation of the field problem and secondary importance to the numerical use of the tables. Specifically, a finite line of wells in the field is normally terminated at some point where some change in physical conditions marks a boundary beyond which pressure relief is not considered necessary. The variable nature of the change in field conditions at the end of the line cannot possibly be reflected in design tables or charts, which asConsequently, sume like conditions within the line and beyond the ends. the results of design computations should not be accepted without application of a judgment factor as to the probable effects of field conditions at the end of the line. In the case of finite lines, it cannot be assumed that mean b. uplift pressures will decrease landward from the line of wells. Near the ends of the line, seepage approaches the well system from the landside as well as the riverside, and uplift pressures will increase landward. This effect cannot be evaluated by use of the design tables, which apply only to points within the line of wells. It may be approximated roughly by sketching a regional flow net in plan, considering the line of wells for this purpose as a finite, continuous line sink. Sketching of the net will be facilitated if it is drawn with respect to the same inclined reference plane defined in Plate 1. c. Permissible uplift pressures under the top stratum are de termined in accordance with the methods and criteria given in EngiIf there is a significant variation of permissible neer Bulletin 55-11. uplift within the limits of a proposed finite line, the various values 11 EM 1110-2-1905 1 Mar 63 c~ should be computed and recorded for comparison with the variable pressure relief obtained by a uniformly spaced line. For use with the design tables, the permissible design uplift must be expressed in terms of the ratio p = p m /Pw as defined in Plate 2. d. The first basic procedure in use of the design tables is the plotting of curves, for a given degree of well penetration, showing the variation of midpoint pressure ratios with the number of well spaces in a line of fixed length. The plot is prepared for pressure ratios at the center and ends of the line for comparison with the permissible de sign ratio, thus determining the number of wells necessary for the well penetration under consideration. This process may be repeated with other degrees of well penetration, thus providing data for selection of the optimum combination of well spacing and well penetration. Al though this procedure is applicable to uniformly spaced well systems, it may result in overdesign at the center of the line or underdesign at the ends. e. A second basic procedure provides for estimating, within • fixed limits, the performance of finite systems of nonuniform spacingor nonuniform penetration. By use of this procedure, wells may be spaced more closely and/or with greater penetration at the ends oflines to provide a more nearly uniform distribution of midpoint pressures than is possible with uniform spacing. After a system is de signed according to one or both of these procedures on the basis ofpermissible midpoint pressure ratios, the discharge of the system is determined. 7. DETAILED DESIGN PROCEDURES FOR UNIFORMLY SPACED LINES. The first basic procedure is illustrated step by step for a numerical example in which the following basic data are assumed to bedetermined by field conditions: 12 c EM 1110-2-19051 Mar 63 Y = 600 feet, total length of finite line D = 7 5 feet, depth of sand L = 180 feet, computed from L s and L e r 0. 45 feet w P = 0.60, required pressure relief ratio Record the above basic data on a tabular data sheet similar {1) Select a trial value of penetration W /D such to that shown in Plate 3. as 0.45_± in the example shown. {2) In the column headed "Notes" on the data sheet, enter the and D/r which bracket the de four tabular combinations of L/rw w= 400 , D/r = 167) and their corresponding tabular sign values {L/r ww These tabular values appear in the index of the tables. values of W /D . = 250 and 500;The bracketing values for the given example are L/rw D/r = 188 and 95. w {3) In the column headed ''Table No.11 of the data sheet, enter the table numbers {and page numbers) corresponding to all tabular values of L/a in combination with the bracketing tabular values of Note L/rw and D/rw . These numbers are found on the index sheet. , D/r , and that for any combination of the tabular values L/rw w W/D , the first three digits of the table number remain unchanged, while the last digit varies from 1 to 4 according to the tabular value of L/a . In the column headed 11 N-1," record the fractional value {4) recorded computed from N-1 = Y/L X L/a, using the constant Y/L at the top of the sheet and the successive tabular values L/a = 1.25, enter the two whole 2.5, 5.0, and 10. In the column headed 11 Plot N, 11 corre number values of N bracketing the fractional values of N sponding toN-1 in the preceding column. If N -1 is larger than 9, Plot N values should be chosen to correspond to those values of N in the tables for which midpoint pressures are given. For example, in the when N -1 = 16.7 , the nearest lower and higher values of N s tables are 13 and 19. If N-1 slightly exceeds 30, use N = 25 and 31 13 EM 1110-2-1905 1 Mar 63 for extrapolation on the plot. If N -1 is greatly in excess of 30, the values of P c and P e for the corresponding N may be obtained by visual interpolation between N = 31 and the tabulated values for in s finite and semi-infinite lines. (5) Using the design tables listed under "Table No. 11 in the index, take off the midpoint pressure ratios, at center and end of the line, corresponding to each value of N in the Plot N column, and s enter them on the tabular data sheet. For illustrative purposes only the sample data sheet, Plate 3, is completely filled out with tabular values of midpoint pressures P e and P c , and discharges Q and Qc , at the end and centers of the line. The total flows e Qt are also shown in Plate 3. Normally, tabular data will be entered on the sheets only in the region of interest, and the discharge data will be tabulated only as needed for the system finally selected. (6) Prepare a semilog plotting sheet, similar to Plate 4, us ing the log scale for numerical values of N. Draw vertical reference lines at each fractional value of N corresponding to the fractional values of N-1listed on the tabular data. Selectf6r initial plotting the data for those tabular values of L/r and D/r nearest the design w w values (L/r = 500 and D/r w w = 188 for the example under consideration). Plot P e =0.327 at N =5 and P e = 0.333 at N =6 , draw a • straight line between these two points, and mark its intersection withthe reference line N = 5.2 . This procedure gives an interpolatedvalue of P for a hypothetical system in which the total length is divided intoe 4.2 well spaces. Repeat this process with the tabular values of P for N = 9 and 10 , N = 13 and 19 , and N =25 and 31 , eobtaining interpolated values of P for each of the fractional values eof N on the data sheet. Draw a curve or series of tangents betweenthe interpolated points, which represents the variation of P with the enumber of wells or well spaces in a line of constant length Y , but having the dimensions L/rw =500 and D/rw =188 instead of the de sired design values, 400 and 167, respectively. 14 (_ EM 1110-2 -1905 1 Mar 63 (7) Draw a horizontal line on the plotting chart at P = 0.60 , the minimum design pressure relief ratio, and note that it intersects N = 9. 3 and the curve previously plotted for P between the values 17.7 . For these values of N only, e plot segments of the P e curve tabulated on the for the remaining combinations of L/rw and D/rw data sheet, and by multiple interpolation draw a final curve for the de= 400 and D/r =167 . The interpolations may sign values L/r w very conveniently w be made graphically, on a semilog scale, by pro- The first pair of interpolations are cedures illustrated in Plate 4. made for D/rw = 167 between the tabular values 95 and 188, giving The thirdvalues for P e at D/rw = 167 and L/rw = 250 and 500 . = 250 and 500 , gives the desired result interpolation, between L/rw = 400 , and W/D = 0. 44 . (In practice, the for D/r = 167 , L/r graphic winterpolation w is not drawn in detail as shown in Plate 4, which Plates 5 and 6 are reproduc is elaborated for illustrative purposes. From the P plot it is seen tions of worksheets as actually used.) e that the line should consist of 12 wells to obtain the required pressure relief ratio of 0.6 at the ends of the line. The spacing is 600/11 = 55 feet, and 12 wells are required at 44 percent penetration. The entire procedure described in subparagraphs (1) to (8) P and P for other degrees {7) may be repeated, plotting curves for c e of penetration, as illustrated in Plates 5 and 6. Plate 7 is a plot of the number of wells required, versus (9) penetration expressed as ( ~ -1). It will be noted that in this form the plot is very nearly a straight line. For each integral value of N W /Dis computed from ( ~ -1) as a basis for determining in Plate 7, the total length of screen versus penetration. Selection of a design system from the possible alternates should be made in accordance If the cost per well is proportional to with Engineer Bulletin 55-11. length of screen plus length of riser, a plot similar to that in Plate 7 may indicate the system of minimum cost. (10) After selection of the design system, the maximum and 15 EM 1110-2-1905 1 Mar 63 c minimum well discharges Qe and Qc and the total system discharge Qt are determined by interpolation from the tables by methods analo gous to those used for midpoint pressures, except that the tabulation of discharges may be limited to the previously determined range of in terest for the selected system. Discharge data for W/D == 0.44 is tabulated in Plate 3 and plotted in Plate 8. A check of friction losses in the wells should be made to insure that it is of the order of magni tude originally assumed. Note: The data sheets and plots for the foregoing numerical anal ysis were prepared with more detailed numerical accuracy than is normally required in order to illustrate each step of the proced ure. In practice, for example, it is unnecessary to make such in terpolations as those between Pe == 0.585 and 0.588 for N == 9 and 10 . In many cases, interpolation between tabular values of D/rw may be omitted, using the tabular figure closest to the design value. 8. GENERAL DESIGN PROCEDURES FOR NONUNIFORMLY SPACED LINES. ~· A system of uniformly spaced wells is theoretically inef ficient, since the pressure relief at the center is greater than required if the system is designed to meet uplift criteria at the ends. The design tables can be used to design a system in which the well spacing isreduced at the ends and increased in the center, producing a morenearly uniform midpoint pressure distribution. When used for thispurpose the tables do not yield precise numerical results, but givelimiting values that are sufficiently close for practical purposes when used with good judgment on the part of the designer. b. The basic procedure for nonuniformly spaced lines is illustrated in Plate 9 and described as follows: ( 1) Plot an envelope curve to the midpoint pressures forSystem A, which provides the design pressure reduction at the end ofthe system. For the case under consideration, System A consists of12 wells spaced at 54.5 feet. Numerical values of P c and P e arethose obtained by interpolation. The midpoint pressures for the two spaces adjacent to P were approximated by inspection of the tables for similar systems, e which show differences of 0.04+ and 0.06+ 16 c EM 1110-2-1 9 05 1 Mar 63 and the next two midpoint positions. From Plate 6, select between P e is slightly less than the required 0.60; it is a System B such that P c P is 0.525 from Plate 5. system of 9 wells spaced at 75 feet and its e is slightly more than the requiredAlso select System C such that P e P = 0.62 and 0.60; it is a system of 13 wells spaced at 50 feet with e p = 0. 70c (2) By inspection, it is apparent that a system. of more than 9 wells, spaced at 75 feet in the center and more closely spaced at the ends, will meet criteria in the center. Similarly, a system of less than 13 wells, spaced at less than 50 feet near the ends and at 75 feet in the The average spacing of center, should meet criteria at the ends. Systems Band Cis 62.5 feet, corresponding to 9.6 well spaces. Round ing off to 10 spaces indicates that System D should consist of 11 wells, with an average spacing of 60 feet, varying from 7 5 feet in the center to 45 feet at the ends. It is probable that such a system will provide a very nearly uniform pressure relief ratio of approximately 0.61 from end to end. c. Plate 10 illustrates a similar procedure applicable to a case where the required pressure relief varies from one end of the system. Systems A, B, and C are uniformly spaced systems which meet the pressure criteria at left end, center, and right end of the System D is a composite system resembling the others as to system. well spacing at the ends and center, respectively. At the left end, with spacing very similar to System A, System D will be more effective In the cen than A because it has more wells in the same total length. ter, System D will be intermediate between A and B, probably closer to B because of the similarity of spacing. At the right end, System D is similar to C in spacing, but less effective than C because the total However, it is more effective at this end than number of wells is less. 11 wells equally spaced (System E); consequently the pressure relief at the right end is between 0.58 and 0.62. d. Well discharges for nonuniformly spaced systems may be 17 EM 1110-2-1905 1 Mar 63 ( estimated by procedures analogous to those described for midpoint pressures. e. Since the end product of the procedure outlined in subpara graphs 8:::_, _!::, and 5:._ is at best a controlled estimate, detailed inter polations from the table should be avoided. Composite systems may be designed by changing the penetration as well as the well spacing, and the end effect may be reduced by placing wells beyond the the oretical length of the finite line. In selecting one of the several methods available for designing for end effects, consideration should be given to the field condition that dictates the location of the end point. For example, if the top stratum becomes thick enough that pressure relief is not required, it is probable that the unrelieved pressure at and beyond the end of the line would be higher than the unrelieved pressure within the line. In this case, the end design should be more conservative than in a case where the line of wells is terminated because of a computed decrease in the basic unrelieved pressure. f. In designing a very long line of wells, it will frequently bedesirable to change the well spacing or penetration because of changesin sand depth, effective source distances, or depth of top blanket. The •interior portions of such lines should be treated as follows: (1} Compute the unrelieved pressures and gradients in each section of the long line. If adjacent sections show large discontinuitieseither of pressure or gradient, it should be recalled that these abrupt steps will in fact be smoothed out by components of flow parallel withthe line of the wells. As a preliminary to detailed well design, the discontinuities between adjacent sections should be smoothed out accord ing to the best judgment of the designer. (2} For each interior section of the long line, design thewell spacing and penetration on the basis of infinite lines. Make asecond comparison of pressures along the line of wells and potential gradients normal to the line. If this comparison shows no abrupt 18 EM 1110-2-1905 1 Mar 63 changes between adjacent sections, the solutions obtained by infinite line computations are acceptable. If adjacent sections are highly in compatible either as to pressure or gradient, the well spacing and penetration within the sections should be adjusted until the computed pressures and gradients are reasonably compatible between sections. The end sections of very long lines should be designed by use of the tabular data for semi-infinite lines, and checking to insure reasonable continuity between the end section and the next adjacent interior sec tion. If a line terminates at an impervious boundary, such as a bluff line, this end should be considered as the center of a finite line, or as the interior portion of a semi-infinite line, depending on the length of the line. a. The approximate methods for 9. SPECIAL COMPUTATIONS. evaluation of nonuniform lines, as described in subparagraphs 8_<:_, ~' and s:_, will normally be sufficiently accurate for practical purposes. In special circumstances it may be desirable to check the approximate The general procedure is as follows: solution by direct computation. (1) Assign identifying numbers to each well and each midpoint in the system, and prepare charts showing the distances from the center of each well to every well (and midpoint) in the system. (The distance from the center of any well to that same well is the well In tables Band C, Appendix Ill, these distances are des radius r .) w ignated as (na). (2) If partial penetration wells are involved, use Table A, r./D for the degree of penetration used, Appendix Ill, to determine 1. to obtain r .. Use Table B to determine the factor and multiply by D 1. f , and compute the product fr..l corre (3) Use Table A to determine the value of log10G from the sponding to the penetration, and compute the parameter M formula following the table. (The significance of the parameters M and r. is illustrated in Table A, Appendix III.) l (4) Divide each of the distances (na) by L , and from 19 • EM 1110-2 -1 9 0 5 1 Mar 63 c Table C tabulate the full penetration influence factor corresponding to each value of na/L. Prepare separate tables for influence factors for wells and for midpoints. (5) Divide each of the distances na by the factor fr. , find 1 the corresponding partial penetration influence factors from Table B, and multiply the influence factors by M determined according to sub paragraph (3) above. Add these partial penetration factors to the cor responding full penetration factors. The total influence factors thus defined are the increments of pressure reduction below the reference plane due to the flow from each well, measured in terms of Q/2rrKD . The total pressure reduction at any point in the line of wells is the sum of all such increments, and can be evaluated if numerical values are assigned to Q/2rrKD for each well in the system. (6) For systems controlled by pumping from each well, the drawdowns at wells and midpoints can be computed directly corre sponding to any discharge pattern within the capability of the pumps. (7} For the more frequent case of artesian flow, the pres sure reduction at each well is fixed by the well outlet elevation, cor rected by an estimated allowance for screen and friction losses. To find the well discharges corresponding to the predetermined head dif • ferences at the wells, it is necessary to solve a set of simultaneouslinear equations in which the unknowns are the well flows expressed interms of Q/ZrrKD , the coefficients are the influence factors previously defined, and the constant terms are the fixed pressure reductions at the wells. In the computation of the tables of Appendix II, anarbitrary numerical value of 1. 0 was assigned to P w at each well. Ifthe proposed well system is such that the drawdown will vary appreci ably from well to well, the appropriate values of P w should be used as constant terms in setting up the system of equations. This procedure involves extensive computations, and should be used only when it has been determined that approximate methods will not yield satisfactory results. 20 c EM 1110-2-19051 Mar 63 (8) In general, if a well system is symmetrical about its center and if the well spacing is reduced at the ends of the line to secure a nearly uniform midpoint pressure distribution, it is found that the well discharges are approximately equal, except for the end wells. It is therefore often possible to obtain a fairly accurate solution to the system of simultaneous equations by trial and error. In the first trial, the discharges are assigned a value of 1.0 for all wells, and the corresponding pressure distribution is simply the sum of all influence factors applicable to each well. In subsequent trials, fairly large increments of Q/27rKD are assigned to the end wells, with minor adjustments to interior flows, until pressures at the wells are approximately uniform. (9) After the individual well discharges are determined, midpoint pressure reductions are computed by summing up, for each point at which the pressure is desired, the products of the discharges by the appropriate influence factors. FOR THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS: WILLIAM M. GLASGOW, JR. Colonel, Corps of Engineers Executive 3 APPENDICES APP I -Illustrations APP II -Tables for Design of Finite Relief Well Systems APP Ill -Tables and Formulas for Composition of Nonuniform Relief Well Systems 21 EM 1110-2-19051 Mar 63 APPENDIX I: ILLUSTRATIONS TitlePlate No. 1 Pressure Reference Plane for Finite Well Systems 2 Variation of Pressure Relief Along a Finite Line Relief Well Design -Tabular Data 3 4 Example of Plotting Sheet 5 Example of Worksheet 6 E.;xample of Worksheet Plot of N vs W /D for Selection of Optimum 7 Penetration Example of Actual Worksheet for Computation of 8 Well Discharges Estimated Well Spacing for Nonuniform Symmetri 9 cal Well System Estimated Well Spacing for Nonuniform Nonsym 10 metrical Well System 11 Blank Form for Tabular Data on Relief Well Design I-1 Pool HLs (Ls+LeJ See Plate 2 for PressureProfile along line of wells. ::X::L5 +.88Le . TTL 5L ::: TT stnLs -f.88Le 1'11 !ii:: I L5 1'1 I 0 !~ .j. ·i Le N I I ~ I I 0 ~------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----~~ l> Notes: Pw =pressure relief at wells, referred to Pressure Reference Plane ( Pw =I. 0 in Tables) "0 fln =pressure relief at midpoints, referred to Pressure Reference Plane. ,;E 1 Pe =IfniPw at end of system; f1: =IfniPw l> at center of system. !ii::~I PRESSURE REFERENCE PLANE FOR FINITE WELL SYSTEMS 0... m ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_j~ --" I rr~ '"-"-r,· n In ' u Pressure Reference Plane"' (See Plate I) -+----+idpoints ~~----j----' ~· ((' Q....... •• \_~.1-// <::I r:t: ....... ~ "ct Pressure ot1Uteas Position Number---6 5 4 3 2. 2. 3 4 5 6 00 0 0 fT1Y =a( N-I) = total length of system :s::: (N-1) = Y/o =Y/L x L/o 0 (\) I 0 Note: Position Number is always I at center of system, increasing I unit per half space, o/z. <.0 (Jl Wells occupy even numbered positions /f total number of wells is even. l> '0 Wells occupy odd numbered positions if total number of wells is odd. "? ..... ~ :s::: Q rl> VARIATION OF PRESSURE RELIEF ALONG A FINITE LINE ...m ~ ~ fT1 (\) EM III0-2-1905,App.I, I Mar. 63 TABULAR DATA ON RELIEF WELL DESIGN PROJECT I STATION r::=::> f\ 1"\ n SHEET OF SHEETS REMARKS ~n r=:J ~~1"\ n r.:::::"\ r n = n = rl ~n_n • y COMP, BY(lnltlalo) I DATE D L r L/r D/r w Y/L p w w I 000' 751 CK D. BY (InIt/Ills) I I DATE 1 5-'o' o. 4.5' L.J.oo' ltD 7 3.33 O.(oO I TABLE PLOTNUMBER N·1 N pe PC NOTES CLI--51(~7) 5 327 .353 .075 .359 Llrw 1.25 f../..2 .333 .36:,9 .423 5oo c q.-52(C,?) 9 . 509 .57~ .06:.4 .0.5/ .60/ D/rw 2.5 83 ;0 . 512 .5~5 .064 .0.5t:J . .54? CLf.-53 ~~~( t.:.,Y) !3 . 7~0 ,052 .034 .515 WID 5.0 1~.7 /9 . 7J'Z . 051 .032 CLI--5£;. -~?7 .L/.LI-5 (c.,.?) . El/5 • 8"92 .040 .019 .5.9"7 10.0 .3.3 3/ .RI9 .OL/.0 .01~ .0r.J Ll•w 1.25 500 c 5-52 9 .502 .575 .0&.;-' .053 .52'1 (77) rJ3 D/rw 2.5 tT. /0 . 5o.s . sr4 .0~7 . 052 .57! 95C. S-53 /3 . (ot,z . 7SZ . 055 . 03C, (77) .540 W/f:l 5.0 /t.. 7 c 19 . 070 . 7 74 . 05'1 . 033 .718 cS-5¢ J/-3(czs . foz . E!YK . o4z . ozo . {421 (75') .3'? 10.0 ..;) 31 . foq. . 5'92 . o.q..z . a;9 . 72t:J C 4 -J/.j 5 . 379 .L/-OLI . 079 . 072 .37~ L/•w (tf,fs) 4.2 G. .3?4 . 419 .079 . 070 .443 250 c 4-42 ( t;.~) 9 .5?5 . G:.-9'~ . 0&.7 . OS/ .So.;;' D/r w 2.5 f:3 ;O . 5~B' . &51 . 06:.7 . 050 .555 !f/,f' C'l-43 13 (r..c.,) . 749 . ?I~ . 054 . 033 . 5oo WID ~~5.~o---+~~~~.7--~~~~~9~-+~·~7~7~5~~-~i3~o--~·~0~5~3~~·~o~~~o~,_~--~_&._7~ C4-4.tf. .L/-4 5 10.0 CS-L/.1 (75) s .3t:.LJ. .391 .0~4 .07C., .399 L/rw 1.25 4.2 ./1-07 . OK'Lf. • 07LJ. .4fo9 C5-tJ2 250 9 .55.t;. {75) .07/ .05,¥ .5LJ.3 Dlr w 2.5 [{.3 /0 . 557 . C:,30 .07/ ,054 .593 c.S-4.3 95 13 . 7 2&:. . 8"oo .057 .OJ~ .54~ {7U.) WID 5.0 /C,.7 19 . 73..? .osc. .033 .724 .43~ c 5-44 (?~) 25 .RS4 . 9/tf" .O'ILI-.020 10.0 33 .31 . 922 041./-,019 ENG FORM 3621-R 1 JAN 63 (EM 1110•2•1905) PLATE 3 '\_, J\_____/ "'tl r l> -i 1'11 ~ u u .. U1 eft ...,. CD CD 0 .a Gil eft ~ CID CO .. ... Cft ...,a CID CO .. .. .. .. .3 .3 I 0 0 K ~., .4 i= 1-t--.4 <( I"" <( a::w w <.0 ...... a:: ' "'1\ tt" .s; ~ I" u.z [\ ...... 1\ .5 w::::i u.z ,, W-.5 -..," ....... ...... ::iu. ::i...J ...... I ~~Dolo from Tables wo I WLL.. ~ ~ 11 a:: a::o ~ ~ ........ ~ /; .6 w~ .6 wCJ'l 0::1- I~" a::O ~ "'" ~ vv ::>Z h) ~ .c~ v ::>Z ~ 1/ i CJ'lW CJ)W 1:1:) .. ~ .7 CJ'lU C/)1-.7-,, r-1--,, ..... WI...... ~<( ...... ...... [ a.'» t-.8 ~ "'........ .9 .9 20 4p 5 10 20 40 5 10 I N = NUMBER OF WELLS I I I I Llrw = 500, Dlrw = 188, W/D = .445 PLOTS OF Pe AND Pc vs N -FOR I I .5 ' I I I 1\~f\\A Llrw Dlrw t---n(T1 ::!!: A 500 95 I ~,~~8 C) ~ I'..~ = I ~ C) ~ IQ~...... .._ B 500 188 0 1\\ C\J_1--r-~ h) r-H a.'» 1-.6 h ,, ,, II II I N I .....~ ~ ".._:t ,, c 250 95 I I .._:t .._:t ~1\\~~ '-.J '-.J "-.J "1::::1 1::::11::::1 D 250 188 I ID I (Jl / I l> L L 'Q ~~'~' I '? 0 .7 v v v I '\\ r--- -- L\ 20 v /_ 40 5 10 20 I 3: Q 5 10 N = NUMBER OF WELLS ... en (.>.1 INTERPOLATION FOR L/rw =400, Dlrw = 167, W/D=.44 -TO DETERMINE N FOR Pe =0.60 -u r )> -11"'1 (JI .. • U1 cn ..., CD 1D .-. "" en """' 01 CD A <.n en ...,. CD CD 0 1\\ \ \ .5 \ \ '\ \ L/rw = 250 \ D/rw =/68 L/rw = 400 \ \ v ~ D/rw =167 rf '6 \ \ W/O(f ~- ~\ \ --1--L/rw = 500 D/rw = 168 .7 1\ \ '~ N 4 6 1\0~ .5 r\ .5 L/rw = 250--..r---.. ~500,229 1\\ ~ I\1\~ \ \~ 1"'1 01 500,117 L/rw =500 s: 1 ""'~~1\\ \\\\ ~ I .6 Q) • 6 I :\~I-"'c-L /rw =400 ~ v vL/rw = 400 0 I W/D =1.0 ll. 250,229~\ ~ D/rw = 167 NI W/D =.284-c.D 2 50, I I 7 _____./\ 0 i\ \\ r\ (JI ,7 _l )> . 7 I '0 '0 COMPARISON OF Pe H 110 \ 20N EXAMPLE OF ACTUAL WORK SHEET N s: PLOTS OF Pe vs N FOR WID = 1.0, 0.60 8 0. 284 0... ~---" - I VI .f\ • m ~ I \\ ____ _/) u • Ul en ..,. CD tQ o u. en '""' CD ""' ,. 5 U1 ~ -.1 CD "' "' • "' 4 t( 5bo)6~ ~ \\ \\ t-H 5 1\\[\ 6 l'l'l\ \I'~ t-500 \I\'~ .....1--~\ o..u o..u \/' l\ 400,16~-\t~ +-400 250 v ,,~ 6 1.1 I _j I 7 1 \ 25J16~-t.\~~ N=7.4 ~ I Pc ::0.65 \ I' WID= 1.0 N = 9. 7 5 10 N Pc = 0. 67 WID= 0.60I\ 4 6 I 0 \ ~ 5 6 -f-500,117·~~ f-.-H500,188 8 6 ~~.---1---1-500,229 500,95 1"11 a'! :!: \~~ ~~ 0ct' 7 7 N I 400,167 I 250,117 250,95 "\~~ N 0 N =12 = 15.5 "0 Pc = 0.6 tl "0 8 Pc =0.675 .....~ WID= 01.29 I ., 20 l1Dl 4 i 10 20 10 :!: )> 0... I r ----4 EXAMPLE OF ACTUAL WORK SHEET m 1"11 PLOTS OF Pc vs N FOR 4 VALUES OF WID VI m EM I!I0-2-1905,App I, 1Mor.63 3 0.25 c 0.30 2 0.35 I I 0 oj3: 0.40 ....... 3: 0.50 0.60 0. 80 0 1.00 5 IO 15 20 NUMBER OF WELLS REQUIRED FOR Pe==0.6 700 20 ...J wz ...J w . w a: I-3: uLL. 600(/) a: I w a.. :La: 15 t-w a: (!)(/) w z wa: ~ ...J a: 0 ...JZ 10 LL. 250,188 u .03 I 10 20 ' ~ \) Ir I 0 l> ~ EXAMPLE OF ACTUAL WORK SHEET FOR COMPUTATION OF WELL DISCHARGES (l) ~ VI ["Tl -·-- (J) EM Ill0-2 -19 0 5, Ap p. I, I Mar. 6 3 c~ 3 0.5 a. ......E 101 .)1' a. I 8 lL.. !:!::! ...J 0.6 UJ a: UJ D (estimated) a: ' ::::> (/) A (/) c UJ a: 0.7 a. I MIDPOINT PRESSURE ENVELOPES I ' I System A-12 Wells@ 54.5I W/D =0.44 I Syste"l 8-9 Weill @ 75' W/D =0.44 r Sysfei7J. C-13 Weill @ 50' W/D= 0.44 T Systel D-II WeiJ W/D=0.44 75' I 67.5' I 60' I 52.5' I 45' I I 100 0 100 200 300 DISTANCE FROM CENTERLINE IN FEET PLAN ESTIMATED WELL SPACING FOR NONUNIFORM SYMMETRICAL WELL SYSTEM (REQUIRED PRESSURE RELIEF UNIFORM) PLATE 9 EM 1110-2-1905, App. I, I Mar. 63 System E -II Wells @J 60' 50 Re~uired P 55 8 60 0 (estimatedJ A c 70 d..T I I I MIDPOINT PRESSURE ENVELOPES 300I 150 0 300 150 ' DISTANCE FROM CENTERLINE IN FEET I I System A -10 Wells @J 66. 1 I W/0 =0.44 _l_ W/0 =0.44 Syste~ 8 -9 Wells @J 7~' W/0 =0.44 SysteJ C -13 Wells @ 5~' SystemT 0-II Wells Vori~ble W/0 =0.44 65' 10' 15' 15' 75' 75' 65' 55' 45' A Jl ~ l 1 y I y D SIMILAR TO A D SIMILAR TO 8 D SIMILAR TO C MORE EFFECTIVE MORE EFFECTIVE LESS EFFECTIVE PLAN EST I MATED WELL SPACING FOR NONUNIFORM NONSYMMETRIGAL WELL SYSTEM (REQUIRED PRESSURE RELIEF NONUNIFORM) PLATE 10 EM 1110-2-1905, App I, 1 Mar 63 TABULAR DATA OH RELIEF WELL DESIGN PROJECT STATION c SHEET OF SHEETS REMARKS REFERENCE SHEETS y D r L/r COMP. BY(lnltla/s) I DATE L w w 0/r Y/L p I w I CKD. BY (lnltla/o) 1 DATE I TABLE PLOT NUMBER N·1 N pe PC Qe Qc Q, NOTES L/rw 1.25 D/rw 2.5 W/D5.0 10.0 L/rw 1.25 D/rw 2.5 W/D5.0 10.0 L/rw 1.25 D/rw 2.5 WID 5.0 10.0 L/rw 1.25 D/rw 2.5 W/D5.0 10.0 cENG FORM 3621-R 1 JAN 63 (EM 1110 • 2·190$) PLATE 11 u u INDEX* 1000 2COO ~000 L/rw 250 500;J1.:i:5 62.5 125 10 10 L/a 2.5 5.0 10 2.5 5.0 10 5.0 1. 25 1. 25 2.50 1. 25 2.50 5.0 1.25 2.5 5.0 10 1. 25 Table W/0 0/rw ,, " 62 63 6. n 7. a• No. 11 21 22 31 32 u .2 51 52 53 5• " 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 A 1.00 ~ II 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 2 2 3 3 i;3 13 8t 0.623 f3.32 12 12 16 17 17 82' o~Hil 667 '111 1~ 15 15 16 22 23 83 0.612 3311 21 21 22 2318 18 19 19 20 20 ~1 'H 8' 0.6011 168 28 28 29 29 30 3026 26 27 27 211 2~ 25 25 85 0;591 8~ 37 38 38 39 39 32 32 33 33 311 3~ 35 35 36 36 37 115 86 0.573 113 ~0 110 ~1 111 112 ~2 113 113 1111 1111 115 21 87 0.5112 118 119 119 116 116 117 117 118 88 0.1185 11 5150 50 51 -52 53 53 ·c1 0.1161 ueq52 57 57 C2 0.1156 7116 511 511 55 55 56 56 C) 0.11118 375 61 61 62 62 63 6358 58 59 59 60 60 70 70 71 71 c• 0.11115 188 66 67 67 68 68 69 69 611 611 65 65 66 C5 0.1136 95 77 78 78 79 79 72 72 73 73 711 711 75 75 76 76 77 C6 0.1118 118 8583 83 811 811 85 80 80 81 81 82 82 C7 0.389 25 8988 89 86 86 87 87 88 CB 0.31111 13 90 90 91 91 92 93 93 01 0.303 1776 92 96 96 97 97 02 0.300 900 911 911 95 95 99 100 100 101 101 102 102 103 103 0!1 0.295 1152 98 98 99 110 110 111 111 o• o. 290 229 106 106 107 107 108 108 109 109 1011 1011 105 105 05 0.278 117 117 117 118 118 119 119 112 112 113 113 1111 ' 1111 115 115 116 116 125 06 0.270 60122 123 123 1211 1211 125 120 120 121 121 12 2 07 0.252 31 126 126 12 7 127 128 128 129 129 08 0.2211 17 130 13 0 131 131 *The numbers 2 through 131 in this index are the page numbers, with the Roman Numeral II omitted, on which the tables in this appendix are shown. For detailed explanation see par. 5 of text. :::0 ITI r (TI "'TI =El> m"U r-u rrn oz ITIO ~X ~t:t -i 112 l>OJ .... r (TI ? (/) 1\) ....I \,() 0 V1 "' .... I!:: ~ 0\ VJ EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 A -I I Llrw Dlrw W/D L/a c I 31 .25 --I. 00 1.25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .242 .242 2 .636 .195 .3903 .154 .672 .184 .522 4 .708 .144 .685 .180 .6475 .134 .719 .140 .691 .177 .769 6 . 731 .131 . 725 .138 .694 .175 7 .127 . 736 .129 . 728 .136 .697 .174 .888 1. 005 8 . 742 .125 .739 .127 .730 .136 .699 .173 1.122 9 .123 .745 .124 .742 .126 . 732 .135 .700 .173 1.238 10 . 748 .122 . 747 .123 .743 .126 .733 .134 . 701 .172 1.353 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .119 .754 .121 . 746 .124 . 736 .133 .703 .171 1.715 19 .115 . 761 .12;0 . 749 .123 . 738 .132 .706 .170 2.369 25 .114 . 764· '119 .750 .123 . 739 .132 .70J, .169 2.93831 .113 .766 .119 .751 .122 .740 .131 .707 .167 3.698 .108 . 775 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.710 .167 A -2 I llrw DI rw W/D L/a 62.5 --I. 00 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .207 .207 c 2 .560 .172 .3443 .140 .601 .162 .4664 .64'1 .132 .616 .158 .581 5 .124 .655 .129 .623 .156 .694 6 .668 .120 .662 .127 .628 .155 .804 7 .117 .675 .119 .666 .126 .630 .154 .913 8 .682 .115 .679 .118 .668 .125 .632 .153 1.021 9 .114 .685 .114 .681 .117 .670 .124 .634 .153 1.129 10 .689 .112 .688 .113 . 683 .116 .672 .124 . 635 .152 1.235 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .110 .696 .112 .689 .115 .676 .123 .640 .151 1.552 19 .107 . 704 .111 .690 .114 .677 .122 .641 .150 2.180 25 .106 .708 .110 .691 .113 .679 .121 .642 .150 2.799 31 .105 .710 .110 .692 .113 .679 .121 .643 .149 3.416 .101 .721 ._Infinite Semi-Inf lnite-.646 .148 II-2 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 0/ rw W/0 Lla Llrw A - 2 2 62.5 --I. 00 2.50 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 .207.207 1 .310 2 .715 .155 .393 3 .112 .758 .140 .798 .100 . 774 .134 .40Y 4 .542 5 .089 .813 .095 . 782 .131 .611 .827 .084 .820 .093 .787 .129 6 .680 .080 .834 .082 • 824: . 091 .790 .127 7 . 747 .080 .827 .090 . 792 .126 .841 .077 .838 8 .075 .845 .076 .841 .079 .829 .089 .794 .125 .813 9 .088 . 795 .125 .878 10 .849 .073 .847 .075 .842 .078 .830 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 1.072 13 .070 .855 .073 .846 .077 .833 .087 .798 .123 .076 .836 .086 .800 .122 1.450 19 .066 . 862 . 071 .849 . 802 .121 1.821 25 .065 .866 .071 .850 .075 .837 :085 2.188 31 .064 .868 .070 .851 .074 .838 .085 .803 .120 .118 .058 .879 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-.806 W/0 Lla Llrw 0/rw A - 3 I I. 00 I .25 125 -7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 .181 1 .181 .. 307 2 .500 .154 .420 .129 .544: .146 3 .528 .585 .122 .560 .142 4 .632 5 .115 .601 .119 .568 .140 .735 6 . 616 .112 . 608 .117 .573 .139 . 836 7 .109 ;623 .110 .612 .116 .576 .138 :937 8 .630 .107 .627 .109 .616 .115 .578 .138 .114 .580 .137 1.037 .106 .634 .106 .630 .108 . 618 9 .137 1.137 10 .639 .104 .638 .105 .632 .108 . 619 .114 .581 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .136 1.432 13 .102 . 64·7 .104 .636 .107 .622 .113 .584 .587 .135 2.006 19 .100 .655 .103 .640 .106 .626 .112 .112 .588 .135 2.596 25 .098 .660 .103 .641 .1 05 .627 .134 3.171 31 .098 .662 .102 .642 .105 . 628 .112 .589 .094 .674 --Infinite Semi-Infinite-.593 .133 II-3 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw Dl rw W/D A -3 2 125 --I .00 Lla ( 2.50 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .181 2 .645 .140 ..181 3 .106 .696 .127 .280 4 . 743 .095 .717 .121 .360 .433 5 .085 . 761 .091 .726 .118 .503 6 .779 .0~1 . 770 .088 . 732 .116 7 .076 . 787 .078 . 775 .086 .570 . 736 .115 8 . 796 .074 • 793 .077 • 779 .085 • 739 .114 .635 ..700 9 .072 . 801 . 072 .796 .075 . 781 .085 . 741 .113 .763 10 .806 .070 .805 .072 .798 .075 . 783 .084 . 743 .112 .826 1 2 N-6 N-s N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .067 .815 .070 .802 . 074 .786 .083 19 .064 •. 824 .068 .806 • 746 .111 1.013 .072 . 790 .082 25 .062 • 828 .068 .808 . 749 .110 1.373 .072 . 791 .081 31 .061 .832 .067 . 809 .071 . 751 .109 1.729 .793 .080 . 752 .108 2.082 .056 .844 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-• 756 .107 Llrw A -3 3 Dl rw W/0 Lla 125 --I •00 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot ( 1 .181 .181 2 .• 766 .128 .2553 .088 .810 .112 .311 4 . 84:9 .076 .829 .104 5 .064 .865 .070 .838 ,100 .359 .403 6 • 880 .059 • 873 .066 .844 .097 .4447 .054 .888 .056 . 878 .064 .848 .095 .484 8 . 896 .051 ,. 893 .054 .882 .063 . 851 .094 .522 9 . 048 .900 .049 . 896 .053 . 884 .062 .853 .092 .560 10 .905 .046 .903 . 04.8 . 898 .052 . 885 .061 .854• .092 .597 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .042 . 912 .046 . 901 .050 . 889 .060 .857 .~90 .706 19 .038 .920 .044 . 905 . 049 .892 .058 • 860 .088 .912' 25 . 037 . 924 .043 . 906 .048 .893 .058 .862 .087 L117 31 . 036 . 926 .043 . 907 .048 . 894· .057 .863 .086 1.316 .030 • 937 --Infinite Semi-Infinite-.868 .084 II-4 c EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 LlaLlrw 0/rw W/0 A -ll I 250 --I.00 1.25 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 .1611 .161 .278 2 .452 .139 .383 3 .119 .496 .132 .483 4 .538 .113 .513 .129 .581 5 .107 .554 .110 .522 .127 .677 6 .570 .104 .562 .108 • 527 .126 .772 7 .101 .578 .102 .567 .108 .530 .126 .866.1 00 • 583 .102 •570 .107 .532 .125 8 .586 .1.06 .534' .124 9 .098 .590 .099 .586 .101 .573 .960 .536 .124 1.053 .098 .588 .1 00 .574 . io6 10 .595 .098 .594 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .105 .539 .123 1.330 13 .095 • 604' .097 .592 .100 .578 .123 1.877 . 096 .603 .099 .581 .104 .542 19 . 093 • 613 2.420 .098 .583 .104 .543 ; 122 25 .092 • 617 .096 .598 .544 .122 2. 940 .584 .104 31 .091 .620 .096 .599 .098 . 54'8 .121 .088 .633 -Infinite Semi-Infinite - Llrw Olrw w/0 Lla A -ll 2 250 --I . 00 2.50 8 9 10 Qt 5 6 7 N 1 2 3 4 .161 i .161 .255 2 .588 .128 .332 3 .100 .644 .116 .403 4 .694 .090 . 667 .111 .469 5 . 081 . 715' .086 .678 .108 .534 6 . 736 . 077 .726 .084 . 685 .Hi6 .597 • 690 .105 7 .073 . 746 .075 .732 .082 .659 • 736 .081 .693 .104 8 .756 .071 .752 .074 .720 . 739 .080 .696 .103 9 .069 .767 .Q69 .756 .072 .080 .698 .103 .780 10 .768 .067 .766 .068 . 759 .072 . 741 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .·958 • 745 .079 . 701 .1 02 13 .064 .778 .067 . 764 .070 .077 . 705 . i 00 1.306 .066 . 768 .069 . 749 19 .061 . 789 .100 1.649 • 770 .069 . 751 .077 .707 25 .059 • 794 .065 . 753 .076 .709 .09:1 1. 988 31 .058 .798 .065 . 771 .068 .813 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.713 .098 .054 II-5 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 A -4 3 Llrw Dlrw WID Lla250 -- I .00 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .161 2 . 703 .117 .161 3 . 085 . 757 .103 .235 4 • 803 .073 .290 . 780 .095 5 .063 .824 .068 .337 .793 . 091 .381 6 .843 .058 .834 .064 . 801 .089 7 .053 .853 .055 .841 .421 .062 . 806 .087 8 . 863 .050 . 859 .053 .460 .845 .061 • 809 .085 .498 9 . 047 . 869 .048 .863 .052 .848 .060 . 812 .084 .535 10 .875 .045 . 873 .047 .866 . 051 .851 .059 .814 .084 .572 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N13 .041 . 885 .045 .871 .049 .855 .058 . 818 .082 19 .038 .678 . 896 .043 . 875 .048 .859 .056 .822 .080 25 .036 .901 .882 .043 .877 .047 . 861 .056 31 .035 .904• . 824 .079 1.080 .042 .878 .046 . 862 .055 . 826 .079 1.275 .030 . 917 -Infinite Semi -Infinite-. 831 .076 A -Llrw Dl rw WID 4 4 lla 250 I .00 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .161 .161 2 • 801 .109 .217 3 .072 .844 .. 092 .256 4 .880 .060 .863 .084 .288 5 .050 • 895 .054 • 873 .079 .317 6 • 909 .045 .903 .051 .880 ;076 7 .040 . 917 .042 . 909 .049 .342 .884 .073 .367 8 . 924 . 037 .• 922 . 040 • 912 .047 .887 .071 .390 9 .034 .929 .035 .925 .038 . 915 .046 .890 .070 .412 10 .934 .032 .932 .034 . 928 .037 • 917 .045 • 892 .069 .434 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .028 .942 .031 .932 .035 . 921 .043 19 .024 . 896 .067 .496 • 951 .029 .936 .033 • 924 .041 .899 .065 .612 25 .022 . 955 .029 .937 .033 .926 .040 . 901 .064 .723 31 .020 . 958 .028 • 938 .032 • 927 .040 • 902 .063 .831,016 . 968 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.908 .059 II-6 c EM 111Q-2-1905t App II, 1 Mar 63 0/ rw W/D Lla Llrw A -5 I 500 --I .00 I ~25 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 .145 1 t .145 .253 2 .4'.12 .127 .352 3 .110 .456 .121 .446 4 .498 .105 .4:74 .118 .537 .100 .514 .1 02 .4:82 .116 5 .628 6 .531 .097 .523 .101 .4:88 .116 .716 7 .095 .539 . 096 .528 .100 .491 .115 8 .54•7 .094 .544 . 095 .532 .100 .494 .114 .805 .099 .495 .114 .893 9 .092 .552 .093 .547 .094 .534 .099 .497 .114 .981 10 .557 .092 .556 .092 .550 .094 .536 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .098 .500 .113 1.240 .554 . 093 .539 13 . 090 .565 .091 .112 1. 755 19 .088 .575 .090 .558 .092 • 542 .097 .503 .544 .097 .505 .112 2.265 .087 .580 .090 .559 .092 25 .090 .560 . 092 .545 .097 .505 .112 2.773 31 .086 .583 .083 .596 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-.509 .111 D/ rw w/0 LlaLlrw A -5 2 I •00 2.50 500 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 .145.14'5 1 .2342 .54'1 .117 .309 3 .094 .598 .107 .376 4 . 651 .086 . 623 .102 .440 5 .078 .674 .082 • 636 .100 ,. 098 .696 . 074 .686 .079 .644 .503 6 .078 :.649 .097 .563 7 .070 . 708 .072 .693 .623 .715 .070 .698 ;. 077 .653 .096 8 .719 .068 .681 9 .066 . 726 .067 .719 .069 ~· 701 .076 .656 .095 10 . 733 .064 . 730 .066 • 722 .069 • 704 .076 .658 . 095. .739 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N • 094 .910 13 .062 •744 .064 .727 . 068 .708 .075 .662 .093 1.242 .713 .074 .666 .059 . 756 .063 • 733 . 066 19 .092 1.575 .057 .763 .062 . 735 .066 .715 .073 .669 25 1.901 31 .056 . 767 .062 . 736 .066 .716 .073 .670 . 092 .052 . 783 ...,.Infinite Semi-lnf inite-.675 .090 II-7 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Kar 63 (- A -5 3 llrw Dlrw W/D L/a 500 '-- --I .00 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .145 .145 2 .650 .108 .217 3 .081 .710 . 095 4 • 762 . 071 • 737 .088 .272 5 .061 • 785 . 065 • 752 .085 .318 .361 6 .808 .056 • 798 .062 • 762 .082 7 .052 .820 .054 . 806 .401 .060 • 768 .080 .440 8 .832 . 049 .828 . 052 .812 .059 • 772 .079 .477 9 .lN6 .839 .047j .833 .050 . 816 .058 .776 .078 .513 10 .847 .044 .844 .046 .836 .050 • 818 .057 • 778 .077 .549 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 040 .860 .044 .842 .048 .824 .056 . 783 .076 .653 19 .037 .872 .042 .848 . 046 .828 .054 .788 . 074 .853 25 .035 .879 .042 .850 . 046 31 .034 .882 .041 .831 .054 .790 .073 1.047 .851 .045 .832 .053 .792 .073 1.237 .029 .899 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.799 .070 A -5 ~ llrw D/ rw WID Lla 500 --I .00 I 0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .145 .145 c 2 • 745 .101 .202 3 .070 .798 .086 .242 4 .841 . 059 • 822 .078 .274 5 .050 .861 . 054 . 835 .073 .303 6 . 879 .044 .872 .050 .844 .070 7 .040 .889 . 041 .879 .048 .850 .068 .329 8 .899 .037 • 896 .039 .884' .046 .854 .066 .353 9 .034 .905 . 035 .900 .038 .888 .045 .376 .858 .065 .39810 •912 .032 . 910 .034 .904 .037 . 891 .044 .860 .064 .420 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .028 • 923 .031 • 910 .035 .896 .042 .866 .062 .481 19 .024 .935 .029 .915 .033 .900 .040 .870 .059 .597 25 .022 .94'1 .028 .917 .032 . 903 .040 . 873 .058 .707 31 .020 .944 .028 • 918 .032 . 904' .039 .875 .058 .814 .015 .957 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.881 .054 II-6 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 0/ rw W/0 L/aLlrw A -6 2 2.5 1000 --I .00 8 9 10 Qt 5 6 7 N 1 2 3 4 .132 1 .132 .217 2 .500 .108 .288 3 .089 .559 .100 .353 4 • 613 .081 .585 .095 .415 5 .074 .637 .078 .600 .093 .475 6 • 661 .071 .650 .076 .608 .091 .533 7 .067 .673 .069 .658 .074 .614 .090 .590 8 .686 .065 .681 .067 .663 .073 .618 .089 .073 .620 .089 .647 9 .063 .693 .064 .686 .066 .667 .072 .623 .088 .702 10 .700 .062 .698 .063 .689 .066 .669 N-1 N 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 .071 .627 .087 .868 13 .059 . 713 .062 .695 .065 • 674 .070 .632 .086 1.190 .060 . 701 .064 .679 19 .056 .727 .086 1.508.055 . 734 .060 .703 .063 .682 .070 .635 25 .069 .636 .085 1.822 31 .054 . 738 .060 . 705 .063 .683 .050 • 756 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.642 .084 0/ rw W/0 L/a Llrw A -6 3 1000 --1.00 5.0 8 9 10 Qt 5 6 7 N 1 2 3 4 .132 1 .132 .202.101 2 .605 .256 3 .078 . 669 .089 .302 4 . 724' .068 .699 .083 .344 5 .059 . 750 .063 .716 .079 .3836 • 775 .055 . 765 . 060 .727 .077 .421 7 .050 . 789 .052 . 774 .058 . 734 . 075 .457 .074 .050 . 781 .057 . 739 8 .803 .048 .798 .493 .049 .785 .056 .743 .073 9 .045 . 811 .046 .804 . 746 .072 .528 .048 . 788 .055 10 .820 .044 .817 .045 .808 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 071 .630 .040 . 835 .043 .815 .047 . 794· .054 . 751 13 . 757 .069 .826 .800 .052 19 .036 .850 .041 . 821 .045 1.015 .041 .824 .045 .803 .052 . 760 .068 25 .034 .857 .051 . 762 .068 1.202 31 .033 .862 .040 .826 .044 .805 .029 .881 --.Infinite Semi-Infinite-.770 .066 II-9 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 A - 6 ij Llrw Dl rw WID Lla 1000 --I .00 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .132 2 .696 .094 .132 .068 .189 3 . 756 .080 4 .805 .058 . 784 .073 .229 5 .049 .829 .052 . 801 .068 .262 .290 6 .850 .044 . 842 .049 . 812 .065 7 .039 .863 .041 .316 . 851 .047 .819 .063 8 .875 .036 .871 . 039 .340 .858 .045 .824 .061 9 .034 .882 .035 .877 .037 .364 .862 . 044 .829 .060 10 .890 .032 .888 .386 .033 . 881 .036 .866 .043 .832 . 059 .4071 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .028 .904 .031 . 888 .034 .872 .041 .838 .057 .468 19 .023 . 919 .029 . 894 .033 .878 .039 .844 .055 .583 25 . 021 .926 .028 .897 .032 . 881 .038 .848 31 .020 .930 .054 .692 .028 . 899 .031 .882 .038 .850 .054 .798.015 .947 -Infinite Semi-Infinite -. 858 .051 A -7 3 llrw DI rw WID Lla 2000 -- I. 00 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .121 .121 • 2 .565 .094 .189 3 .074 .632 . 084 .241 4 .689 .065 .664 .078 .286 5 .058 .718 .061 .683 .074 .328 6 . 744 .053 . 734' . 058 .695 . 072 .367 7 .049 .760 .051 . 745 .056 .703 .070 .404 8 . 775 .047 .770 .049 . 752 .055 . 709 .069 9 . 044 . 785 .045 .777 .048 .440 . 757 .054 . 713 .068 .518 10 . 794 .043 . 791 .044 . 781 .047 . 761 .053 .716 .068 .509 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .039 .811 .042 . 790 .045 .768 .052 . 723 .066 .609 19 .035 .829 .040 .797 .044 .774 .050 . 729 .065 .800 25 .034 .837 . 040 .800 .043 . 777 31 .033 .842 l .039 .802 . 050 . 732 .064 .986 .043 .779 . 049 . 735 .064 1.169 .028 .864 +-In£inite Sem.i-Inf .in.ite-. 743 .062 II-10 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Dl rw W/D L/a LlrwA -7 ll 2000 --I • 00 10 9 10 QtN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .121 1 .121 .177 2 .654 .089 .217 3 .066 .719 .076 .250 4 . 772 .056 . 751 .069 . 279 5 .048 . 798 .051 . 770 .064 .305 6 . 823 .043 1. 814 .048 .782 .062 .329 .045 . 791 .059 7 .039 . 837 .040 . 825 .058 .352 8 .851 .036 .847 .038 .832 .044 .797 .374 9 .034 .860 .034 . 854 .037 .838 .043 .802 . 057 .396 .036 .842 .042 .806 .056 10 .869 .032 .867 .033 . 859 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .456 .034 .850 . 040 .813 .054 13 .028 .886 .030 .868 .039 . 821 .053 .570 19 .023 .904 .030 .875 .033 .856 . 824 .052 .677 .021 . 912 .029 .8.78 .032 .860 .038 25 . 827 .050 . 782 .031 .862 .037 .020 . 918 .027 . 880 .048 31 .015 .937 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.836 D/ rw W/D lla Llrw A -8 ll I.00 10 llOOO -8 9 10 Qt 5 6 7 N 1 2 3 4 .111 1 .111 .167 2 .616 .083 .207 .064 .684' .072 3 .240 4 . 74'1 .055 .720 .065 .268 5 . 047 . 770 .050 . 741 . 061 .797 .042 .788 .046 . 755 .058 .294 6 .318 .813 .040 .800 .044 .764 .056 7 .038 . 772 .055 . 34'1' .038 .808 .043 8 .828 .036 .824 .363 .036 .814 .041 .777 .054 9 .033 .839 .034 .832 .819 .040 .782 .053 .385 10 .849 .031 .846 .032 . 837 .035 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .033 .828 .039 .790 .051 .445 13 .027 .868 .030 .848 .037 .799 . 049 .557 .023 . 888 .028 .857 .031 .836 19 .048 .664 .021 .899 .027 .860 .031 .840 .036 .803 25 .768 .020 . 905 .027 .863 .030 .843 .036 .806 .047 31 .928 .._Infinite Semi-Infinite-.817 .045 .015 II-11 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 -Llrw 0/ rw W/0 8 I 5 I L/a 500 1332 0.623 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .098 .098 2 .393 .087 .1743 .077 .432 .084 .2444 .4:70 .074 .446 .082 .3125 . 071 .484• .072 .456 .082 .378 6 .498 .069 .491 .072 .458 . 081 .444 7 .068 .504 .069 .4:94 . 071 .4.60 .081 8 .511 .067 .508 .068 .497 .071 .462 .080 .509 .574 9 .067 .514: .067 .510 .068 .499 .071 .463 .080 .638 10 .518 .066 .517 .067 .512 .068 .501 .070 .465 .080 .703 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .065 .525 .066 .516 .067 .503 .070 .467 .080 . 893 19 .064 .533 .066 .519 .067 .506 .070 .470 .079 1. 272 25 .064 .537 .065 .520 .067 .507 .070 .471 .079 1.649 31 .063 .540 .065 .521 .066 .508 .069 .472 .079 2.024.062 .551 -Infinite Semi -lnfinite-.4·75 .079 8 I -6 2 Llrw D/ rw W/D Lla lOCO 1332 0.623 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot c 1 .091 . 091 2 .464: .077 .1553 .065 .517 .072 .209 4 .568 .060 .541 .070 .2605 . 056 .589 .058 .553 .068 .309 6 . 610 .054 . 601 .057 .561 .067 .356 7 .052 .621 .053 .607 .056 .566 .066 .409 8 .633 .051 .628 . 052 . 613 .056 .570 .066 .449 9 .050 .639 .050 .632 .051 .616 .055 .572 .066 10 .646 .049 .644 .049 .636 .051 .494 .619 .055 .575 .065 .539 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .047 .658 .048 .642 .050 .623 .054 .579 .065 .671 19 .045 . 671 .048 .647 .050 .628 .053 .584 .064 . 931 25 .044 .678 .047 .650 .049 . 630 .053 .586 .064 1.187 31 .044 .682 .047 . 651 .049 .632 .053 .588 .063 1.442.041 .701 -.Infinite Semi-lnf inite-.594· .063 II-12 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 L/aLlrw Dlrw W/D B I -7 3 2000 1332 0.623 5.0 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 4 .086 1 .086 .140 2 .516 .070 .183 3 .057 .578 .063 .222 4 .634 .051 .609 .060 .257 .046 .660 .048 .627 .057 5 . 291 .687 .043 .677 .046 .639 .056 6 .323 . 702 .042 .687 .045 .647 .055 7 .041 .355 .040 .696 .044 .654 .054 8 .717 .039 . 712 .040 .700 .043 .658 .053 .386 9 .038 . 726 .038 .719 .706 .043 .662 .053 .416 10 . 737 . 036 . 734: .037 . 725 .039 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 1 2 .036 . 734 .038 . 713 .042 .669 .052 .503 13 .034 . 755 .051 .671 19 . 031 .775 .034 . 742 .037 . 721 . 041 . 677 .836 .034 .036 .724 .040 .681 .050 25 .029 .786 .746 .040 .683 .050 .996 31 .028 . 792 .034 .748 .036 .727 .048 .025 . 819 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-.693 DI rw W/0 L/a B I -8 l..j. Llrw 10 l..j.000 1332 0.623 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot .081 1 .081 .127 2 .559 .064 .163 3 .050 .626 .056 .193 4 .683 .044 .661 .052 .219 5 .039 .712 .041 .682 .049 .(}36 . 731 .039 .698 .047 .244 6 .740 .266 7 .033 . 756 .034 .743 .037 .708 .045 .288. 773 .031 . 769 .033 .754 .036 .718 .044 8 .784 .030 .777 .032 .760 .035 .723 .043 .309 9 .030 . 043 . 793 .029 . 785 .031 .767 .034 .730 .329 10 .796 .028 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 1 2 .032 .740 .041 .·385 . 817 .027 .797 .029 .778 13 .025 .039 . 491 .025 .809 .027 .789 .031 .751 19 .021 .843 .590 .814 .027 .794 .030 .756 .038 25 . 020 .857 .024 .797 .030 .760 .038 .687 31 .018 .866 .024 .818 .026 .014 . 774• +-lnf inite Semi-Infinite-.898 .036 II-13 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 l.J Llrw Dlrw B 2 - W/0 ( I l/a 250 667 0.618 I. 25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .110 .110 2 .432 .096 3 .083 .472 .192 .092 4 .510 .080 .486 .090 .267 5 .076 .523 .078 .492 .089 .340 .411 6 .537 .075 .530 .077 .496 .089 .482 7 .073 .543 .074 .534· .077 .499 .088 .551 8 .550 .072 .547 ,073 .536 .076 .501 .088 9 .072 .553 .072 .549 .073 .538 .621 .076 .502 .088 .689 10 .557 . 071 .556 .072 .551 .073 .540 .076 .504 .088 .758 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .070 .564 .071 .554 .072 .542 .076 .506 .087 .962 19 .069 .571 .070 .557 .072 .545 .075 .508 .087 1.386 25 .068 .575 .070 .559 .072 .546 ;075 .510 .087 1. 771 31 .068 .578 .070 .560 .071 .547 .075 .510 .086 2.173 .066 .588 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.514 .086 B 2 -5 I llrw 0/ rw WID L/a 50C 667 0.618 I. 25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .101 .101 c 2 .365 .091 .182 3 . 081 .401 .087 .2564 .436 .078 .4'16 .086 5 .075 .450 .077 .423 .085 .328 .399 6 .465 .074 .458 .076 .428 .085 .469 7 .072 .471 .073 .462 .075 .431 .538 .084 8 .479 .072 .476 .073 .466 .075 .434 .084 9 . 071 .483 . 071 .479 .072 .468 .075 .435 .084 .607 10 .488 .070 .487 . 071 .482 .072 .470 .675 .075 .437 .084 .743 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .069 .496 .070 .485 . 071 .472 .074 .439 .083 .·945 19 .068 .505 .070 .489 .071 .475 .074 .442 .083 1.346 25 .067 .509! .069 .490 .071 .477 .074 31 .067 .512 i .069 .491 .071 .443 .082 1. 745.478 .073 .444 .082 2.142.065 .525 ..,_Infinite Semi-Infinite-.448 .082 II-14 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/D L/a Llrw D/ rw B 2 -5 2 500 667 0.618 2.5 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .1 01 1 .1 01 .168 2 .505 .084 .225 3 .069 .557 .078 .279 4 . 607 .064 .580 .075 .330 5 .059 .628 .062 .591 .074 .380 6 .648 .057 I .638 .060 .599 .073 .428 .059 .603 .072 .055 .658 .056 .644 7 .059 .607 . 071 .477 8 .669 .053 .665 .055 .650 .071 .524 9 .052 .675 . 053 .669 .054 .652 .058 .609 .571 10 .681 .051 .679 .052 . 672 .054 .655 .058 . 612 .071 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .616 .070 .710 .051 . 677 .053 .660 .057 . 047 . 705 .050 . 682 .052 . 664• 13 . 049 .692 .056 .620 .069 .982 19 .069 1.250 .050 .685 .052 .666 .056 .622 25 . 046 .711 . 052 .668 .056 .624 .068 1.516 31 . 046 .715 .050 .686 .043 . 732 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.630 .068 W/D Lla Llrw D/ rw B 2 -6 2 1000 6G7 0.616 2.5 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 .094 1 .094 .162 2 .436 .081 .220 3 .069 .4'88 .076 .275 4 .537 .064 .513 .073 .327 5 .060 .559 .062 .527 .071 .377 6 .582 .058 .573 .061 .536 .070 .426 7 .056 .595 .056 .581 .060 .541 .069 .475 .587 . 059 .546 .069 8 .608 .054 .603 .056 .522 .608 .055 .591 .058 . 549 .068 9 .053 .616 .053 .068 .570 10 .624 .052 .621 .053 .613 .054 .594 . 058 .552 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .067 .·709 .599 .057 .556 . 050 .637 .052 .619 .053 13 .053 .605 . 057 .562 .067 . 936 .048 .653 .051 .625 19 .066 1.254 25 .047 .660 .050 .628 .052 . 608 .056 . 565 .066 1.521 31 .046 .665 . 050 .629 .052 .609 .056 .566 .043 .686 ..,._Infinite Semi-Infinite-.571 .065 II-15 • EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 B 2 -6 3 Llrw Dlrw WID Lla c 1000 667 0.618 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .094 . 094 2 .557 .075 .1503 .060 .617 .068 .196 4 . 671 .054 .646 .064 .235 5 .048 .696 .050 .662 . 061 .272 6 . 721 . 045 . 712 .048 . 674 .060 .307 7 .042 . 734 .043 . 721 .047 .681 .058 .340 8 . 749 .040 . 744 .042 . 728 . 046 .688 .058 .373 9 .039 . 757 .039 . 750 .041 .733 .045 .691 .057 .404 10 . 767 .038 . 764 .038 . 756 .040 . 737 .045 .695 .056 .435 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .035 .783 .037 . 764• .039 . 744 .044 . 702 .055 .525 19 .032 .802 .036 . 771 .038 . 751 .043 .708 .054 .698 25 .030 .811 .035 . 775 .037 . 754 .042 .712 .053 .866 31 . 029 .816 .035 . 777 .037 . 756 .042 .714 .053 1.032 .026 .840 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 723 .052 B 2 -7 3 Llrw DI rw WID Lla 2000 667 0.618 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt c 1 .089 .089 2 .493 .073 .1463 .060 .555 .066 .1924 .610 .054 .588 .062 .2335 .049 .639 .051 .608 .059 .270 6 .668 . 046 .658 .049 .622 .058 .306 7 .043 .684· .044 .670 .047 . 631 .056 .339 8 . 701 .041 .696 .043 .679 .046 .639 .056 .372 9 .039 · 712 1 • 040 . 704 .042 .685 .046 .643 .055 .403 10 . 724 .038 I . 721 .039 .710 .041 .689 .045 .648 .054 .435 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .035 . 744 .037 .720 .040 .698 .044 .655 .053 .525 19 .032 . 767 .036 . 730 .038 .707 .043 .664 .052 .700 25 .030 .778 .035 . 734 .038· . 711 .042 .668 .051 .869 31 .030 . 784• .035 .736 .038 .713 .042 .670 .051 1.035 .026 .813 4-lnfinite Semi-lnfinite-.680 .049 II-16 c EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/0 Lla Llrw 0/rw B 2 -7 ~ 2000 667 0.618 I0 8 9 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ot .089 1 .089 .136 2 .599 .068 .172 3 .053 .663 .060 .203 4 .717 .046 .696 .055 5 .040 . 744 .042 .714 .052 .230 .255 6 .770 .037 .762 .040 .729 .050 .277 7 .034 . 785 .035 .773 .038 . 739 .048 .300 8 .801 .032 . 797 .034 . 782 .037 . 747 .047 .320 9 .030 .810 . 031 .804 .032 . 788 .036 . 752 .046 .032 . 794 .035 . 758 .045 .341 10 . 821 .029 .819 .030 .811 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 030 .804 .034 .767 .044 .398 13 . 025 .840 .028 .822 .032 .777 .042 .505 19 .022 .863 .026 .832 .028 . 814 .041 .606 .837 .027 .818 .031 .782 25 .020 .876 .025 .704 31 .019 .882 .024 .840 . 027 .821 .031 .785 . 040 .014 .911 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.799 .038 W/0 Lla Llrw Olrw B 2 -8 ~ ~000 667 0.616 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 .084 1 .084 .132 .540 .066 2 .169 3 .053 .607 .058 .201 4 .665 .047 .645 .054 .228 .041 .696 .043 .669 .050 5 6 . 726 . 038 .717 .040 .686 . 048 .253 .035 . 744 .036 . 732 .039 .698 .046 .277 7 .034 .743 .037 .708 .045 .299 8 .763 .033 . 758 .033 . 750 .036 .714 .044 .320 9 .031 .775 .031 .767 .036 .721 .044 .363 10 .788 .029 . 785 .030 .776 .032 . 757 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .026 .812 .028 .789 .030 .768 .034 .731 .042 .398 .022 .839 .026 . 801 .028 .780 .032 . 742 .040 .505 19 .025 . 807 .028 . 786 .031 .748 . 039 .607 25 .020 . 854 .706 .811 .027 .789 .031 . 752 . 039 31 .019 .863 .025 .014 .897 4-Inf inite Semi-Infinite-+ .769 .036 II-17 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 B 3 -3 I Llrw Dlrw W/D L/a c 125 334 0.612 I. 25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .124 .124 2 .4'80 .106 .213 3 . 091 .519 .102 .294 4 .557 .086 .533 .100 .373 5 .082 .570 .085 .539 .099 .450 6 .583 .081 .576 .084 .543 .098 .526 7 .079 .588 .080 .579 .083 .545 .098 .600 8 .595 .078 .592 .079 .582 .083 .547 .098 .676 9 .077 .598 .078 .594 .079 .584 .082 .548 .097 . 749 10 .602 .077 .601 .077 .597 .078 .585 .082 .550 . 097 .824 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .075 .608 .076 .599 .078 .588 .082 .552 .096 1.043 19 .074 .615 .076 .602 .077 .590 .081 .554 .096 1. 479 25 .073 .619 .076 .604 .077 .592 .081 .555 .096 1.913 31 .073 .622 .075 .604 .077 .592 .081 .556 .096 2.344 . 071 ;632 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.559 .095 B 3 -4 I llrw DI rw W/D Lla250 334 0.612 I. 25N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .113 .113 2 .403 .100 .200 ~I3 .088 .440 .096 .281 4 .476 .085 .455 .095 .359 s .082 .490 .083 .462 .094 .435 6 .504 .080 .497 .082 .467 .093 .511 7 .078 .510 .079 .501 .082 .469 .092 .584 8 .518 . 077 .515 .078 .505 .081 .472 .092 .659 9 .077 .522 .077 .518 .078 .506 .081 .474 .092 .732 10 .527 .076 .526 .076 .520 .078 .508 .081 .475 .092 .805 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N13 .075 .535 .076 .524 .077 .511 .080 .478 .091 1 .·023 19 .073 .543 .075 .528 .077 .514 .080 .480 .091 1.454 25 .073 .548 .075 .529 .076 .516 .080 .482 .091 1.883 31 .072 .551 .075 .530 .076 .517 .080 .483 .090 2.309 .070 .563 --.Infinite Semi-Infinite-.487 .090 II-18 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 D/ rw W/D L/a Llrw B 3 -l.l 2 250 33l.l 0.612 2.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 .1131 .113 .184 2 .553 .092 .245 3 .074 .604' .085 .301 4 .652 .068 .625 .082 .355 .063 .671 .066 .635 .080 5 .407 6 .690 .060 ..681 .064 .642 .079 .458 7 .058 .699 .059 .687 .063 .646 .078 .509 .058 .691 .062 .650 .078 8 .709 .056 . 705 .652 .558 9 .055 .714 .055 .709 .057 .693 .062 . 077 .054 .719 .055 .712 .057 .696 .062 .654: . 077 .608 10 .720 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .052 . 730 .054 .717 .056 .700 .061 .658 .076 .753 13 .053 .721 .055 . 704 .060 .662 .075 1. 039 19 .050 . 742 . 724 .054 .706 .060 .664 .075 1.320 25 .049 . 748 .052 .708 .059 .665 .075 1.599 . 048 . 751 .052 .725 .054 .074 31 . 045 .767 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.674: D/ rw W/D l/a Llrw B 3 -5 I 500 33l.l 0.612 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt .105.105 1 .189 2 .334 .095 .267 3 .085 .372 . 091 .343 4 .409 .082 .389 .090 .417 5 .079 .425 .080 .400 .088 .490 . 077 .433 .080 .402 .088 6 .440 .076 .438 .079 .406 .087 .562 7 .076 .448 .634 8 ..457 .075 .453 .076 .442 .079 .408 .087 9 .074 .461 .074 .456 .076 .444 .078 .410 .. 087 .704 .074 .465 .074 .459 .075 .446 .078 .412 .087 . 776 10 .466 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .075 .449 .078 .414 .086 .·986 .072 .475 .073 .463 13 . 071 .073 .467 .074 .452 .077 .418 .086 1.404 19 .485 .072 .469 .074 .454 .077 .419 .086 1.820 25 .070 .490 .074 .455 .077 .420 .085 2.234 .070 .493 . 072 .470 31 .068 .506 +-Infinite Semi-lnf inite-.423 .085 II-19 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 8 3 -Llrw Dlrw WID L/a 5 2 500 334 0.612 2.5N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .105 .105 2 .476 .088 .177 3 .074 .528 .082 .239 4 .576 .069 .552 .079 .296 5 .064 .599 .066 .566 .077 .351 6 . 621 .061 . 612 .065 .574' .076 7 .059 .632 .060 .619 .404 .063 .579 .075 .455 8 .645 .057 .641 .058 .625 .063 .584 .075 .507 9 .056 .652 .056 .645 .058 .628 .062 .587 .074 .556 10 .660 .055 .658 .056 .649 .058 .631 .062 .590 .074 .606 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .052 .673 .054 .656 .056 .636 .061 .594 .073 .753 19 .050 .687 .053 .661 .056 . 641 .060 .599 .072 .940 25 .049 .694 .053 .664' .055 .644 .060 . 601 .072 1.324 31 .048 .699 .053 .665 .055 .645 .060 .603 . 071 1.605 .045 .718 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 610 . 071 Llrw Dlrw WID LlaB 3 -5 3 500 334 0.612 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .105 .105 2 .604' .082 .1633 .063 .661 .073 .210 4 .713 .057 .688 .069 .2515 .050 . 736 .053 . 703 .066 .289 6 . 758 .047 .750 .051 .713 .064 .325 7 .044 .770 .045 . 758 . 049 .720 .063 .359 8 .783 .042 .779 .044 .764 .048 .725 .062 9 .040 . 791 .041 . 784 .043 .768 .048 .392.728 .061 .424 10 .799 .039 .797 . 040 .789 .042 . 772 .047 .732 .061 .456 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .036 .813 .038 .796 .041 .778 .046 . 737 .060 .549 19 .033 .830 .037 .803 .039 .784 .045 .743 .058 .727 25 .031 .838 .036 .806 .039 . 787 .044 . 746 .058 .901 31 .030 . 842 .036 .808 .038 .789 .044 .748 .057 1.071 .026 .863 -o-Inf inite Semi-Infinite-. 756 .056 II-20 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 D/ rw W/D L/a Llrw B 3 -6 2 1000 334 0.612 2.5 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 .098 1 .098 0 .168 2 .411 .084 .229 3 .072 .466 .078 .285 4 .518 .067 .494 .075 .339 5 .063 .542 .065 .508 .074 .391 .518 .072 6 .567 .060 .557 .063 .441.058 . 581 .058 .566 .062 .524 .072 .492 7 .071 .058 .572 .061 .530 8 .595 .056 .590 .541 9 .055 .603 .055 .595 .057 .576 .061 .532 .070 . 07.) .590 .580 .060 .536 10 . 612 .054 .609 .054 .600 .056 N 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 .585 .060 .540 .069 .733 .051 .627 .053 .607 .055 1. 015 13 .052 .613 .054 .. 591 .059 .546 .069 19 .049 .643 .068 1.294 . 048 . 651 .052 .616 .054 .594 .058 .549 .068 1.570 25 .054 .595 .058 .551 .052 . 618 31 .047 .656 .559 .067 .044 .678 -Infinite Semi-Infinite - DI rw W/D L/a Llrw s 3 -6 3 1000 334 0.612 5.0 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 .098 1 .098 .158 .079 2 .533 .206 3 .064 .594 .071 .248.648 . 057 .626 .067 4 .286 5 .052 .676 . 054 .645 .064 .323 .062 .048 .694' .051 .658 6 . 703 .357 . 704 .050 .666 ,061 7 .045 .718 .046 .391 . 049 .673 .060 8 .735 .043 .730 .044 .713 .424 . 745 .041 .737 .043 . 718 .048 .677 .059 9 .041 .058 .456 10 . 755 .039 . 752 .040 .742 .043 .722 .047 .681 N N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 1 2 :549 .041 .730 .046 .688 .057 13 .036 . 774 .039 . 752 .045 .695 .056 .728 .037 .760 .040 . 737 19 .033 .794 .055 .903 .763 .039 . 741 .044 .699 25 .031 .804 .037 .039 . 744 .044 . 702 .055 1.074 31 .030 . 810 .036 .766 .835 4-lnfinite Semi-Infinite-.712 .053 .026 II-21 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw B 3 -6 ~ Dlrw WID l/a (1000 33~ 0.612 10N 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 Ot 1 .098 2 .644' .073 .098 .147 3 .055 . 704 .064 .183 4 . 756 .048 . 734 .059 5 .042 . 780 .044 . 751 .056 .214 .241 6 .803 .038 . 795 .042 .764 .053 .267 7 .035 .816 .036 .805 .040 . 772 .052 .290 8 .830 .033 .826 .034 .813 .038 .780 .050 .312 9 .031 .839 .031 .833 .033 .81~ .037 .784 .049 .333 10 .848 .029 .846 .030 .839 .032 .824 .037 . 789 .048 .354 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .026 .865 .028 .848 .030 .832 .035 . 797 .046 .412 19 .022 .884 .026 .857 .029 .840 .033 .806 .045 .520 25 .020 .895 .026 .861 .028 .844 .033 .810 .044 .623 31 .019 .900 .025 .863 .028 .846 .032 .812 .043 .014 . 925 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 823 .041 .722 8 3 -7 3 Llrw Dl rw WID L/a2000 33~ 0.612 5.0N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .091 .091 c 2 .472 .075 .151 3 .062 .538 .068 .198 4 .597 .056 .574 .064 .240 5 . 051 .628 .053 .596 .061 .278 6 .658 .048 .648 .050 .610 .059 .314 7 .044 . 676 .045 .660 .049 .620 .058 .349 8 .695 .042 .689 .044 .670 .048 .628 . 057 .382 9 . 040 .706 . 041 .697 .043 .676 .047 .633 .056 .414 10 .718 .039 .715 .040 . 704 .042 .682 .046 .638 .056 .446 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .036 . 740 .038 .714 .041 .690 .045 .645 .054 .538 19 .033 .763 .037 .723 .040 .698 .044 .653 .053 .716 25 .031 .774 .036 . 728 .039 . 703 .044 .658 .053 .888 31 .030 .781 .036 . 730 .039 . 705 .043 .660 .052 1. 057 .026 .810 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.672 .051 II-22 EM 1110-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw D/ r w WID L/a B 3 -7 it 2000 33it 0.612 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot .091 1 . 091 .142 2 .579 .071 .180 3 .056 .645 .062 4 .700 . 049 .680 .057 .212 5 .043 .729 .045 . 702 .054 .240 6 .757 .039 .749 .042 .718 .051 .265 .036 .774 .037 .762 .040 .729 .049 .289 7 .791 .034 .787 .035 .772 .039 .738 .048 .311 8 .034 .779 .038 .744 .047 .333 9 .032 .803 .032 .796 .814 .030 .812 .031 .803 .033 . 785 .037 . 750 .046 .353 10 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .026 .836 .029 .815 .031 . 795 .03S . 759 .044 .412 19 .022 . 860 .027 . 825 .029 .805 .034 .769 .043 .S20 25 .020 .873 .026 .830 .028 .810 .033 .774 .042 .623 31 .019 .881 .026 .833 .028 . 813 .032 .777 .041 .723 .014 . 910 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 792 .039 B 3 -6 it Llrw D/ rw W/D Lla itOOO 33it 0.612 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot .0861 .086 .137 2 .522 .068 .17S3 .05S .594 .060 .206 4 .654 .048 .635 ,ass .234 5 .042 .688 .044 .660 .OS2 6 .718 .039 .711 .042 .678 .049 .260 7 .036 . 739 .036 .725 .040 .689 .047 .283 8 .759 .033 . 754 .03S .737 .038 .700 .Q46 .306 9 .031 .772 .032 .763 .034 .744 .037 .707 .04S .327 10 . 785 .030 . 782 .031 . 772 .033 . 752 .036 .714 .044 .347 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .028 . 786 .031 .764 .03S .725 .043 .'406 13 .026 . 810 19 .022 .839 .026 .798 .029 .775 .033 .736 .041 .514 25 .020 . 853 .026 .804 .028 .781 .032 .742 .040 .616 .028 .784 .032 .746 . 040 .716 31 . 019 . 867 .02S .807 .014 .860 ~Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 764 .037 II-23 • EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw Dlrw W/D L/a B 4 -2 I 62.5 168 0.604 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .142 .142 2 .540 .120 .2393 .100 .577 .114 .328 4 .614 . 094 .590 .112 .413 5 .090 .625 .092 .595 .111 .496 6 .637 .088 . 631 .092 .599 .110 .579 7 .086 .642 .087 .634 .091 .601 .110 .660 8 .648 .085 .646 .086 .637 .090 .603 .109 .741 9 .084 . 651 .084 .64:8 .086 .638 .090 .604 .109 .821 10 . 654' .083 .654' .084 .650 .085 .640 .090 .606 .109 .902 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .082 .660 .083 .652 .085 .642 .089 .607 .108 1.139 19 .080 .667 .082 .655 .084 .644 .089 .609 .107 1.611 25 .079 .670 .082 .656 .084 .645 .088 . 610 .107 2.080 31 .079 .672 .082 .657 .084 .646 .088 .611 .107 2.546 .077 .682 -InHnite Semi-lnfinite-. 615 .106 B 4 -3 1. Llrw D/ rw W/D L/a125 168 0.604 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .128 .128 • 2 .450 .112 .224 3 .097 .487 .1 07 .312 4 .523 .093 .501 .105 .396 5 .089 .536 . 091 .508 .104 .479 6 ~sso .087 .544 .090 .513 .103 .561 7 .085 .557 .086 .548 .089 .516 .103 .641 8 .564' .084 .562 .085 .551 .089 .518 .102 .721 9 .083 .568 .083 .564 .085 ..553 .088 .520 .102 .800 10 .572 .082 .571 .083 .566 .084 .554 .088 .521 .102 .879 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .081 .580 .082 .570 .084 .557 .088 .524 .101 1.'114 19 .079 .588 .081 .573 .083 .560 .087 .526 .101 1.580 25 .078 .592 . 081 .574' .083 .562 .087 .528 .100 2.043 31 .078 .595 .081 .576 .083 .563 .087 .529 .100 2.505 .076 .607 '4-lnf inite Semi-lnf inite-.532 .100 II-24 c EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw 0/ rw W/0 Lla B ~ -3 2 125 168 0.60~ 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt .1281 .128 2 .611 .102 .204 3 .080 .659 .094 .267 4 . 704· .073 .678 .090 .327 5 .067 . 721 .070 .687 .088 .383 6 . 738 .064 . 730 .068 .693 .087 .438 7 .061 . 746 .062 .734 .067 .696 .086 .492 8 . 754: .059 .751 .061 . 738 .066 .700 .086 .546 9 .058 . 759 .058 .754 .060 . 740 .066 . 701 .085 .598 10 . 764' .057 . 762 .058 . 757 .060 .743 .066 . 704 .085 .650 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .055 . 773 .056 . 761 .059 . 746 .065 .707 .084 .803 .052 .782 .056 . 765 .058 . 750 .064 .710 .083 1.103 19 25 .051 . 787 .055 .767 . 058 .752 . 063 . 712 .082 1.399 31 .050 .790 .055 .768 .057 .752 .063 .713 .082 1. 691 .047 .805 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.717 .081 Llrw 0/ rw W/0 Lla B ~ -~ I 250 168 0.60ll I. 25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt .1171 .117 .210 2 .371 .105 .2953 .094 .410 .101 .377 4 .448 .090 .427 .099 .456 5 .086 .464: .088 .435 .098 .535 6 .480 .084 .4'72 .087 .440 .097 7 .082 .487 .083 .477 .086 .446 .096 .613 8 .496 .081 .493 .082 .481 .086 .446 .096 .691 9 .080 .500 .080 .496 .082 .485 .085 .448 .096 .767 10 .505 .080 .504 .080 .498 .082 .485 .085 .450 .096 .844 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .078 .514 .079 .502 .081 .488 .084 .452 .095 1. 071 .079 .506 .080 .491 .084 .455 .094 1.522 19 .077 .523 .084 .457 .094 1.970 25 .076 .528 .078 .508 .080 .493 31 .075 .531 .078 .508 .080 .494 .084 .458 .094 2.416 .072 .545 -..Infinite Semi-Infinite-.462 .094 II-25 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 B 4 -4 2 llrw Dl rw WID L/a 250 168 0.604 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .117 .117 2 .524 .097 .194 3 .080 .575 .090 .260 4 .623 .074 .598 .087 .321 5 .068 .643 .071 .610 .084 .378 6 .664· .065 . 656 :069 .619 .083 .434 7 .062 .675 .063 .662 .068 .624 .082 .489 8 .687 .060 .683 .062 .668 .067 .628 .082 .543 9 .059 .693 .059 .687 .061 .670 .066 .630 .081 .595 10 . 701 .058 . 698 . 059 . 691 .061 .674 .066 .633 .080 .648 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .055 .713 . 057 .696 . 060 .678 .065 .637 .080 .802 19 .053 . 725 . 056 .<701 . 059 .683 .064 . 641 .079 1.105 25 .052 . 732 .056 .704 .058 .685 .064 .643 .078 1.403 31 .051 .736 .056 .705 . 058 .686 .064 .645 .078 1.698 .047 . 754 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 651 .077 ,B 4 -4 3 Llrw Dl rw WID Lla 250 166 0.604 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt c 1 .117 .117 2 .660 .089 .178 3 .067 .713 .080 .226 4 .760 . 059 . 736 .075 .269 5 .052 .779 .056 . 749 .072 .307 6 . 799 . 049 . 791 .053 . 758 . 070 .344 7 . 046 . 810 . 047 . 798 .052 .·763 .069 .380 8 . 821 . 044 !.817 .045 .804 .051 .768 .068 .414 9 . 042 .827 . 042 .821 . 044 .807 .050 .770 . 067 .447 10 .834 .040 .832 .041 .825 .044 .810 .049 . 774 .066 .480 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .037 .846 .039 .831 .042 . 815 .048 .778 .065 .575 19 .034 .859 .038 . 837 .041 .820 . 047 . 783 .063 .759 25 .032 .866 .037 .839 . 040 .823 .046 .786 .063 .937 31 .031 .870 .037 . 841 . 040 . 824 .046 .787 .062 1.112 .027 .888 4-Inf inite Semi-Infinite-. 795 .061 II-26 c EM 1110-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 WID L/a Llrw D/ rw B ~ -5 I 500 168 0.60~ I.25 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .1091 .109 .196 2 .323 .098 .277 3 .088 .363 .094 .355 4 .402 .085 .380 .092 .430 5 .081 .418 .083 .389 .091 .505 6 .435 .080 1.427 .082 .395 .091 .579 .398 .090 7 .078 .443 .079 .432 .081 .090 .653 8 .452 . 077 .448 .078 .436 .081 .401 .726.451 .078 .438 .081 .403 .090 9 .076 .456 . 077 .799 .078 .440 .081 .404 .090 10 .462 .076 .460 .076 .454 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .080 .407 .089 1.015 13 .074 .471 .075 .458 .077 .444 .089 1.445 19 .073 .481 .075 .462 .076 .447 .080 .410 .079 .412 .088 1.872 25 . 072 .486 .075 .464 .076 .449 .079 .413 .088 2.297.072 .489 .074 .465 .076 .450 .088 31 .070 .503 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.417 Llrw D/ rw W/D lla l3 ~ -5 2 500 168 0.60~ 2.5 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 .1091 .109 .184 2 .450 .092 .2493 .078 .506 .085 .308 4 .558 .072 .533 .082 .365 5 .067 .582 .069 .547 .080 .420 76 .906.061 .620 .064 .596 .062 .604 .067 .557 .066 .563 .079 .078 . 077 .526 .473 8 .633 .059 .628 .061 .610 .065 .567 .577 9 .058 .640 .058 .633 .060 .614 .065 .. 570 .076 10 .649 . 057 .646 .058 .637 .060 .617 .064 .573 .076 .629 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .622 .064 .578 .075 .780 13 .054 .663 .056 .644 .059 .583 . 074 1.076 19 .052 .678 .055 . 650 .058 .628 .063 .074 1.369 25 .050 .686 .055 . 653 .057 .631 .062 .586 .074 1.658 31 .050 .690 .054 .654 .057 .632 .062 .587 .046 .710 ._Infinite Semi-Infinite-.594 .073 II-27 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 B lt -5 3 llrw D/ rw WID Lla500 168 0.60lt 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .109 .109 2 .580 .086 .172 3 .068 .640 .677 .221 4 .692 .061 .669 .072 .265 5 .054 .717 .056 .686 .069 .305 6 . 741 .050 . 732 .054 .698 .067 .342 7 .047 .756 . 048 . 743 .052 .706 .065 .378 8 . 771 .044 .766 .046 .750 .051 .712 .064 .413 9 .042 .779 .043 .772 .045 . 754· .050 .715 .063 .446 10 .788 .041 .786 .042 .777 .044 . 758 .050 .719 .063 .479 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 037 .805 .040 .785 .043 . 765 .048 .725 .062 .575 19 .034 .823 .039 .792 .042 . 772 .047 .732 .060 .760 25 .032 . 831 .038 . 795 .041 . 775 .046 .735 .060 .939 31 .031 .836 .038 .797 .041 .777 .046 .737 .059 1.115 .027 .859 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 745 .057 B lt -5 lt llrw D/ rw WID L/a 500 168 0.60lt 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot c 1 .109 .109 i 2 .698 .079 .159 3 .058 . 752 .069 .196 4 .798 .050 .777 .063 .227 5 .043 .818 .046 .792 .060 .254 6 .838 .039 .832 .043 .803 .057 ;280 7 .036 .849 .037 .840 .041 .809 .055 .303 8 .861 .034 .858 .035 .846 .040 . 816 .054 .326 9 .032 .868 .032 .864 .034 .851 .039 .820 .053 .347 10 .876 .030 .874 .031 .868 .033 .855 .038 .824 .052 .368 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .026 .889 .029 .875 .031 .861 .036 .829 .050 .426 19 .022 .906 .027 .883 .030 .868 .035 .837 .048 .537 25 .020 .914' .026 .886 .029 .871 .034 .840 .047 .641 31 .019 .919 ..026 .888 .028 .873 .033 .842 .047 .742 .015 .940 ...._Infinite Semi-Infinite-.853 .044 II-28 EM 1110-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/D L/a Llrw D/ rw B l.t -6 2 1000 168 0.60l.t 2.5 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 .1011 .101 .173 2 .403 .087 .2363 .074 .461 .081 .293 4 .515 .069 .490 .078 .3475 .064 .540 .066 .505 .076 .401 6 .566 . 061 .556 .065 .515 .074 7 . 059 .580 .060 .564 .064 .521 .074 .452 8 .595 .057 .590 .059 .571 .063 .526 .073 .503 9 .056 .603 .056 .595 .058 .575 .062 .529 .072 .553 10 .612 .055 .609 .056 .600 .058 .578 .062 .533 .072 .603 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .061 .538 . 071 .750 13 .052 .627 . 054 .607 .056 .584 .070 1.038 19 .050 .644• .053 .613 .056 .590 .060 .543 .546 .070 1.320 .055 .593 .060 25 .049 .652 .053 .616 .060 .548 .070 1.600.048 .657 .053 . 618 .055 .595 .069 31 .045 .679 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.557 L/a llrw Dl rw WID B l.t -6 3 1000 166 0.60l.t 5.0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 .1 01.101 1 .164 2 .512 .082 .213 3 .067 .578 .073 .256 4 .635 .060 .612 .068 .296 5 .053 .665 .056 .633 .066 6 .694' . 050 .684: .053 .646 .064 .333 .368 .052 . 655 .062 7 .046 . 711 .047 .696 .402 • 723 .046 . 704 .050 .662 .061 8 .728 .044 .435 .045 .709 . 049 .666 .060 9 .042 . 738 .042 . 730 . 715 .049 .671 .060 .465 10 . 750 . 040 . 747 .041 . 736 .044 N-1 N1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 :563 . 042 .722 .048 .678 . 058 13 .037 .770 .040 . 746 .046 .686 . 057 .746 19 . 034 .790 .038 .754 .041 .730 .923 .689 .056 .038 . 757 .040 . 733 .046 25 .032 .801 1.097 31 .031 .807 .037 .760 .040 .736 .045 .692 .056 .027 .833 4-Inf inite Semi-Infinite-. 702 .054 II-29 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 B 4 -6 li llrw Dl rw WID L/a 1000 168 0.604 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .101 .101 2 .625 .077 .1533 .059 .687 .067 .192 4 .768 .061 .726 .051 .224 5 .044 . 766 .047 . 739 . 057 .252 6 . 792 .041 . 784 .044 . 754• .. 055 •. 278 7 .036 .806 .038 . 795 . 042 . 763 .053 .302 8 . 822 .034 . 818 .036 . 804 .040 . 771 .051 .325 9 .032 .832 .033 . 825 .035 . 810 .039 .776 .050 .346 10 .842 .031 .839 .032 .831 .034 . 815 .038 . 781 .049 .367 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 027 . 861 .029 . 841 .032 . 824 .037 . 78Y .048 .426 19 .023 .883 .027 .851 .030 .833 .035 .798 . 046 .537 25 .020 .893 .027 .855 .029 .837 .034 .802 .045 .642 31 .019 .899 .026 .857 .029 .838 .034 .804' .044 . 743 .015 .924 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.817 .042 Llrw DI rw WID lla B 4 -7 3 2000 166 0.604 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .094 .094 c 2 .467 .078 .155 3 .064 .536 .070 .203 4 .596 .058 .573 .065 .246 5 .052 .628 .054 .594 .062 .284 6 .659 .048 .649 .052 .610 .061 .321 7 .045 .678 . 046 .661 . 050 .619 .059 .355 8 .696 .043 .691 .045 .671 .049 .627 .058 .389 9 .041 .708 .041 .698 .044 .677 .048 .632 .058 .42210 .no .040 .717 .040 . 705 .043 .682 .047 .637 .057 .458 1 2 N-6 1------· N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 1'1 13 .036 . 741 .039 .716 .041 . 691 .046 .644 .056 :547 19 .033 . 765 .037 . 725 .040 .700 .045 .653 .054 .726 25 .031 .776 .037 . 729 .040 . 703 .044 .657 .054 .900 31 .030 . 783 .036 .732 .039 .706 .044 .660 .054 1.071 .026 .8121.._Inf inite Semi-Inf inite-fl> .669 ;052 II-.30 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/0 L/aLlrw 0 I rw B 4 -7 4 2000 168 0.604 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot .0941 .094 .147 2 .562 .074 .186 3 .058 .632 .064 .218 4 .690 . 051 .670 .058 5 .044 . 722 .046 .694 .055 .246 .. 272 6 . 752 . 040 .743 . 043 .710 .052 . 722 .050 .296 7 . 037 .770 .038 .756 .041 .049 .318 8 . 788 .034 .783 .036 . 767 . 040 . 731 .340 9 .032 .800 .033 . 792 .035 . 774 .039 .737 .048 10 . 812 .030 .809 .031 .799 .034 .780 .038 .743 .047 .361 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .026 .834 .029 . 812 .032 .791 . 036 .752 .045 .420 .027 .823 .030 .801 .034 . 763 .044 .532 19 .022 .860 25 .020 .872 .026 .828 .029 .806 .034 .768 . 043 .633 .033 . 771 .042 .734 31 .019 .880 .026 .830 .029 .809 .015 .909 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.785 .040 w/0 Lla Llrw Olrw B 4 -8 4 4000 168 0.604 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 .0891 .089 .140 2 .519 .070 .178 3 .056 .593 .061 .210 4 .655 .049 .634 .056 5 .043 .689 .045 .660 .052 .238 6 .722 .040 .712 .042 .678 .050 .264 7 .036 .741 .037 .727 .040 .690 .048 .287 .310 8 .761 .034 . 756 .035 .739 .039 .701 .047 9 . 032 .774 .032 .766 .034 .746 .038 .707 .046 .331 .037 .714 .045 .352 10 .788 .030 .784 .031 .774 .033 .754 1 -2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .'410 13 .026 .812 .029 . 787 .031 . 765 .035 .725 .044 .034 .737 . 042 .519 19 .022 .841 .027 . 801 .029 .777 .041 .623 .026 .806 .029 .783 .033 .743 25 .020 .856 .722 31 .019 .864 .026 .809 .028 .786 .032 . 746 .040 .014 . 897 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.760 .038 II-31 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 B 5 -I I Llrw 01 rw WID Lla 31 .25 81+ 0.591 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .166 .166 2 .616 .137 .273 3 .110 .650 .130 .370 4 .682 .104 .660 .128 .4635 .098 .692 .102 .665 .126 .554 6 . 702 .096 .697 .101 .668 .126 .645 7 .094 .707 .095 . 7 00 .100 .670 .125 .733 8 .711 .093 .710 .094 . 702 .099 .672 .124 .821 9 .092 .714 .092 .711 .094 .703 .099 .673 .124 .909 10 . 717 .091 .716 .092 .713 .093 .704 .098 .674 .124 .996 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .089 .722 .091 .715 .092 .706 .098 .676 .123 1.256 19 .087 . 728 .090 .717 .092 .708 .097 .678 .122 1.769 25 .086 .731 .090 .719 .092 .709 .097 .678 .122 2.279 31 .086 . 733 .089 .719 .091 .710 .097 .679 .122 2.787 .083 . 741 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.682 .121 8 5 -2 I llrw Dlrw WID lla 62.5 8~ 0.5SI I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .148 .148 2 .509 .127 .2533 .108 .545 .121 .350 4 .580 .102 .559 .119 .442 5 .098 .593 .100 .565 .117 .532 6 .606 .095 .600 .099 .570 .116 .621 7 .093 .612 .094 .604 .098 .572 .116 .709 8 .619 .092 .616 .093 .606 .098 .575 .115 .796 9 .091 .622 .091 .619 .093 .608 .097 .576 .115 .882 10 .626 .090 .625 .091 . 621 .092 .610 .097 .578 .114 .967 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .088 .634 .090 .624 .092 .612 .096 .580 .114 1.i55 19 .086 .641 .089 .627 .091 .615 .096 .582 .113 1. 732 25 .085 ~645 .089 .629 .091 .616 .095 .584 .113 2 ..235 31 .085 .648 .088 .629 .090 .617 .095 .584 .113 2.736 .082 .659 -.Infinite Semi-Infinite-.588 .112 II~32 c • EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/D L/a Llrw D/ rw B 5 -2 2 62.5 84 0.591 2.5 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .148 1 .148 .228 2 .684 .114 .295 3 .085 .725 .105 .358 4 . 764 .078 . 741 .1 01 .417 5 .071 .778 .075 . 748 .099 .475 6 . 792 .068 .785 .073 .753 .097 .532 7 . 064 .798 .066 .789 .072 . 756 .096 . 758 .096 .805 .063 .802 .065 . 792 .071 .588 8 .062 .805 .064 .794 .070 .760 .095 .644 9 .061 .809 .095 .698 .061 .807 .064 . 796 .070 . 762 10 .813 .060 .812 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .811 .062 .798 .069 .764 .094 .860 13 .058 . 820 .060 . 055 .828 .059 .814 .061 . 801 .068 .767 .092 1.176 19 .058 .815 .061 . 803 .068 .768 .092 1.488 25 .054 .832 .058 .816 .061 .804 .067 . 769 .092 1.796 31 .053 .834 . 050 ;846 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.774 .090 W/0 L/a Llrw Dlrw B 5 -3 I 125 84 0.591 1.25 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 .134 1 .1:14 .236 2 .416 .118 .329 3 .103 .456 .113 .418 4 .495 .099 .473 .110 .505 5 .094 .511 .096 .481 .109 .591 .092 .519 .095 .486 .108 6 .526 .675 .091 .524 .094 .489 .108 7 .090 .534 . 759 .090 .527 .094 .492 .107 8 .542 .089 .539 9 .088 .547 .088 .542 .089 .529 .093 .494 .107 .842 .495 .926 10 .552 .087 .550 .087 .544 .089 .531 .093 .106 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .534 .092 .498 .-106 1.172 13 .085 .560 .086 .548 .088 .086 .552 .088 .537 .092 .501 .105 1. 661 19 .083 .569 .085 .554 :087 .539 .092 .502 .105 2.147 25 .082 .574 .087 .540 .092 .504 .105 2.630 31 .082 .577 .085 .555 .079 .590 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.507 .104 II-33 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw Dl rw 8 5 -3 2 WID L/a 125 8~ 0.591 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt • 1 .134 2 .134 .583 .108 3 .087 . 631 .100 .216 .286 4 .676 .080 .653 .096 5 .350 .073 . 695 .076 . 663 .093 .411 6 .715 .069 .706 .074 . 671 .092 7 .470 .066 .724 .067 .712 .073 .675 .091 .528 8 . 734 .064 . 731 .066 .717 .072 .679 .090 9 . 062 . 740 .063 .734 .065 .719 .071 .680 .089 .584 10 . 746 .061 . 744 .062 . 738 .065 .722 .640 .071 .683 .089 .696 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .058 . 756 .061 . 742 .064 .726 .070 .686 .088 .858 19 . 056 .768 .060 . 747 .063 . 730 . 069 . 691 .087 1.178 25 .054 . 774 . 059 . 749 .062 .732 . 068 . 31 .693 .086 1.492 .054 .777 .059 . 750 . 062 .733 .068 .694 .086 1.803. 050 . 793 -Infinite Semi -Infinite-. 701 .085 8 5 -3 3 Llrw Dl rw W/0 L/a 125 8~ 0.591 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .134 .134 2 .728 .098 .197 3 . 071 . 772 .087 .246 4 . '812 .062 . 791 .082 .289 5 .054 .828 .058 . 801 .079 .329 6 .844 .051 .838 .056 .808 . 077 7 .047 .852 .048 .843 .054 .812 .076 .367 .4038 . 861 .045 .858 .047 .848 .053 .816 .074 .438 9 . 043 .866 .044 . 861 .046 .850 .052 .818 .074 .473 10 .872 .041 .870 .042 .865 .045 .853 .051 .821 .073 .506 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .038 . 881 .041 . 869 .044 .856 .050 .824 . 071 .·605 19 .035 ..891 .039 . 873 . 042 .860 .049 .828 .070 . 794 25 .033 .896 .039 :.875 .042 :861 .048 .830 .069 .977 31 .032 .900 .038 . 876 .041 .863 . 048 .832 .068 1.1-58 .028 . 913 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 836 .066 II-34 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 DI rw W/0 L/a Llrw B 5 -l+ I 250 8l+ 0.591 I .25 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 .122 1 .122 .218 2 .360 .109 .306 3 .097 .401 .1 04 . 391 4 .442 .093 .419 .102 .473 5 .089 .458 .091 .428 .io1 .554 6 .475 .087 .467 .090 .433 .100 . 634. 7 .085 .483 .086 .472 .089 .436 .1 00 .085 .476 .089 . 439 .100 .714 8 .492 .084 .488 .083 .496 .083 .491 .084 .478 .088 .441 .099 .793 9 .088 .443 .099 .872 10 .502 ,082 .500 .. 083 .494 .084 .480 N-1 N 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 .087 .446 .098 1.106 13 .080 .510 .082 .498 .084 .483 .098 1.570 19 .079 .520 .081 .502 .083 .487 ,087 .449 .086 .450 .098 2.031 .083 .488 25 .078 .525 .081 .504 .086 .451 .098 2.490 31 .078 .529 .081 .505 .082 .489 .075 .542 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.455 .097 Dl rw W/D L/a Llrw B 5 -l+ 2 250 84 0.591 2.50 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 4 5 .122 1 .122 .204 2 .498 . 272• 3 .084 .553 . 094 .3354 .604' .078 .579 .090 .395 5 . 071 .628 .074 .593 .088 .651 .068 .641 .072 .602 .086 .453 6 .509 7 . 065 .664 .066 .649 . 071 .607 .085 .564 .070 .611 .084 8 .676 .063 .671 .065 . 654 .614 .084 .619 . 064 . 657 .069 9 .061 .683 .062 .676 .083 .673 10 .691 -.060 .688 . 061 .680 .063 .660 .069 . 616 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 621 .082 .832 .060 .685 .062 .665 .068 13 .057 .703 . 082 1.145 .691 .061 .670 .067 .626 19 .055 .717 .058 .081 1.452 .. 061 .673 .067 .628 25 .053 .724 .058 .693 ..066 .629 .081 1.757 31 .052 .728 .058 .695 .060 .674 .049 . 74.7 ..._Infinite Semi-Infinite-.636 .080 II-35 EM 1110-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw c 8 5 -4 3 DI rw WID L/a 250 84 0.591 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .122 2 .637 .094 .122 .188 3 .072 .692 .084 4 . 740 .240 .064 .719 .078 5 .056 . 762 .060 . 733 .075 . 285 .325 6 . 784' .052 .776 .057 . 743 .073 . 364 7 .049 .797 .050 . 785 .055 . 750 . 071 .401 8 .809 .046 .805 .048 . 791 .054 . 755 .070 .436 9 .044 . 817 .044 .810 .047 . 794 .053 . 758 .069 .471 10 .825 .042 .823 .043 .815 .046 . 798 .052 . 761 .068 .505 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .039 .839 .042 .821 .045 .803 .051 .766 .067 .604 19 .035 .854 .040 .827 .043 .809 .050 . 771 .066 .793 25 .033 . 861 .039 .830 .043 . 812 .049 . 774 . 065 .979 31 .032 . 865 .039 .832 .042 . 813 .048 .776 .064 1.161 .028 .884' -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 785 .062 llrw DI rw B 5 -4 4 WID L/a250 84 0.591 10N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot c 1 .122 .122 2 ;760 .087 .173 3 .060 . 805 .075 .210 4 .844' .052 .826 .069 . 241 5 .044 .860 .047 .837 .065 .269 6 .876 .040 . 871 .045 .846 .062 .295 7 .037 . 885 .038 .877 .043 . 851 .060 .318 8 .894· .034 .892 .036 .882 .041 .856 .059 .341 9 .032 .899 .033 . 895 .035 . 885 .040 .858 .058 .362 10 .906 ,030 I .904 .032 .899 .034 .889 .039 .862 .057 .383 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .027 . 916 .029 .905 .032 .893 .038 .867 .055 .443 19 .023 .928 .027 .910 .030 . 898 .036 .872 .053 .554 25 .021 . 935 .027 . 913 .030 . 901 .035 .875 .052 .660 31 .020 .938 i .026 . 914 .029 . 902 .034 .876 .051 .763 .015 .954' -.Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 881 .048 II-36 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/D l/a Llrw D/ rw B 5 -5 2 500 81+ 0.591 2.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N .1131 .113 .191 2 .443 .095 .257 .080 .502 .088 3 .318 4 .556 . 074 .530 .085 5 .068 .581 .071 .545 .082 .375 ,431 6 .606 .065 .596 :o69 .554 .081 .485 7 .062 .620 . 063 :604 .068 .560 .080 .634 .060 .628 .062 .610 .067 .565 .080 .. 539 8 .062 .614 .066 .568 .079 .591 9 .059 .. 641 .059 .634 .066 .571 .078 .644 10 . 650 .058 .647 .059 .638 .061 .617 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .055 .664 .057 .644 .060 .622 .065 .576 .078 .798 13 .056 .650 . 059 .628 .064 .581 . 077 1.100 19 .053 .679 .653 . 058 .630 .064 .583 .076 1.398 25 .052 .687 .056 .051 .692 .056 .655 .058 .632 .064 .585 .076 1. 693 31 .047 .712 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.594 .075 DI rw W/D L/a Llrw B 5 - 5 3 500 81+ 0.591 5.0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 QtN 1 2 3 .113 1 .113 .179 2 .560 .089 .230 3 .071 . (i24· .080 .275 4 .679 .063 .656 .074 .315 5 .056 .707 .. 059 .675 .071 6 .734 .052 .724' .056 .687 .069 .354 7 .048 .749 .049 .734 .054 .694 .067 .389 8 . 765 ..046 .760 . 048 .742 .053 .701 .066 .425 .046 . 747 .052 . 705 .065 .459 9 . 043 . 774· .044 .766 . 785 .042 . 782 .043 . 772 . 046 .751 .051 .709 .065 .493 10 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 044 . 758 . 050 .715 .063 .591 13 .038 .802 .041 . 780 .820 .040 .788 .043 . 765 .049 . 722 .062 .780 19 .035 .962 .039 . 790 .042 .768 .048 .725 .061 25 .033 .829 1 .141 .793 . 042 .170 .048 .727 ~061 31 .032 .834 .039 .058 .028 i .857 -+-Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 735 II-37 EM 1110-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 B 5 -5 4 Llrw DI rw W/D Lla 500 84 0.591 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .113 .113 2 .680 .083 .167 3 .062 . 736 .072 .206 4 . 782 .053 . 764 .066 .238 5 .046 .806 .049 . 781 .062 .267 6 .828 .042 . 821 .046 . 793 .059 .. 293 7 .038 .84'1 .039 .831 .043 .801 ,057 . 317 8 . 855 .035 . 851 .037 .838 .042 .808 .055 .340 9 .033 .863 .034 .857 .036 .843 .041 .812 .054 .361 10 .871 .031 .868 .032 . 861 .035 .847 .040 .816 .053 .382 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .027 . 887 .030 .870 .033 .854 .038 .823 .051 .442 19 .023 .904' .028 .878 .031 .861 .036 .830 .049 .554 25 .021 .913 .027 . 881 .030 .865 .036 .834 .048 .661 31 .020 .918 .027 .883 .030 .867 .035 .836 .048 .764 .015 .938 -Infinite Semi-lnf inite-.847 .046 Llrw B 5 -6 3 D/ rw W/D lla 1000 8~ 0.591 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot ( 1 .105 .105 2 .508 .084 .169 3 .068 .576 .075 .219 4 .636 .061 .612 .070 .263 5 .054 . 667 .057 .632 .067 .302 6 . 696 .050 .686 .054 .646 .065 .340 7 .047 .713 .048 .697 .052 .655 .064 .375 8 . 731 .045 .725 .046 . 706 .051 .662 .063 .410 9 .042 . 741 .043 . 733 .045 .712 .050 .667 .062 .444 10 .753 .041 . 749 .042 . 739 .045 .716 .050 .671 .061 .477 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .037 . 772 .040 . 748 .043 . 724 .048 .678 .060 .'573 19 .034 . 793 .039 . 756 .042 . 732 .047 .686 .059 .766 25 .032 .803 .038 .760 .041 . 735 .047 .689 .058 .937 31 .031 .809 .038 . 762 .041 . 738 .046 .692 .058 1.113 .027 .835 4-Jnf inite Semi-Infinite-. 701 .056 II-38 c EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 0/ rw W/0 L/a llrw B 5 - 6 ll 1000 Sll 0.591 10 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .105 1 .105 .159 2 .608 .080 .199 3 .061 .675 .069 . 231 4 . 731 .053 . 711 .063 .259 5 .046 . 759 .048 . 731 .059 .286 6 . 787 .042 . 778 .045 .746 .056 .309 7 . 038 .802 1 .039 .789 .043 . 756 .054 .333 . 764 .053 8 .819 .035 . 815 .037 .799 .042 .354 9 .033 .829 .033 . 822 . 036 . 805 .040 .769 .051 . 051 .376 .040 . 774 10 .840 . 031 .838 .032 .829 .035 .811 N-2 N-1 N 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 .038 .783 .049 .435 13 .027 .860 .030 .839 .033 .820 .047 .546 19 .023 .881 . 028 .848 .031 .828 .036 . 792 .652 .030 .833 .035 .796 .046 25 .021 . 892 .027 . 853 .035 .799 .045 .754 31 .020 .898 .027 .855 .030 .835 . 810 .043 .015 .923 -Infinite Semi-Infinite w/0 l/a Llrw Olrw B 5 -7 ll 2000 8ll 0.591 10 7 8 9 10 Qt 5 6 N 1 2 3 4 .098 1 .098 .151 2 .560 .076 .190 3 .059 .632 .065 .223 4 .692 .052 .671 .060 .251 5 .045 . 724' .047 .695 .056 .277 .054 6 . 754 .041 .745 .044 .711 .300 7 .037 . 773 .038 .759 .042 .722 .052 .323 8 . 791 .035 .786 .036 .769 .040 .732 .050 .345 . 776 .039 .738 .049 9 .032 . 803 .033 .795 .035 . 782 .038 .744 .048 .366 .802 .034 10 .815 .031 . 812 .032 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .046 .'425.029 . 814 .032 . 792 .037 . 753 13 .027 .836 . 764 .045 .536 .030 .803 .035 19 .023 .862 .027 . 825 .044 .640 .034 .769 .027 . 830 .030 .808 25 .020 .875 . 772 .043 .742 31 .019 . 882 .026 .833 .029 .811 .034 .015 .911 .._Infinite Semi-Infinite-.784 .041 II-39 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 B 6 -I I Llrw Dl rw WID Lla 31 .25 l.J3 0.573 1.25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .174 2 .586 .146 .174 3 .120 .619 .139 .292 4 .651 .114 .631 .136 .398 5 .108 .662 .111 .637 .134 .500 .599 6 .673 .105 .668 .110 . 641 .133 .697 7 .103 .679 .104 .671 .109 .643 .132 .793 8 .685 .101 .683 .103 .674 .108 .645 .132 .889 9 .100 .688 .100 .685 .102 .676 .108 .646 .131 .984 10 . 692 .099 . 691 .100 .687 .102 .677 .107 .648 .131 1.078 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .097 .698 .099 .690 .1 01 .679 19 .106 .650 .130 1. 359 .095 . 705 .098 .692 .100 25 ..094 .708 .097 .694 .100 .682 .106 .652 .130 1.915 31 .683 .105 .653 .129 2.466 .093 . 711 .097 .694' .100 . 684 .105 .654 .129 3.015.090 .721 -Infinite Semi -Infinite-.658 .128 B 6 -2 I Llrw Dl rw WID L/a 62.5 l.J3 0.573 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .155 .155 2 .474 .134 .269 • 3 .115 .514• .128 . 371 4 .553 .109 .530 .125 5 .104 .568 .107 .538 .123 .469 .564 6 .583 .101 .576 .105 .543 .122 7 .099 .590 .100 .580 .104 .546 .658.122 .750 8 .598 .097 .595 .099 .584· .104 .549 .121 .843 9 .096 .602 .096 .598 .098 .585 .103 .550 . 121 .934 10 .607 .095 .605 .096 .600 .098 .587 .103 .552 .120 ·985 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .093 . 614' ,095 .604• .097 .590 .102 .554 .120 1.295 19 .091 . 623 ,094 .607 .096 .593 .102 .557 .119 1.829 25 .090 .628 .094 .609 .096 .595 .101 .558 ,119 2.359 31 .089 .630 .093 .610 .096 .595 .101 .559 .118 2.886 I .086 .643 ..,_Infinite Semi-Infinite-.563 .118 II-40 c EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 0/ rw WID L/a Llrw B 6 -2 2 62.5 il3 0.573 2.5 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .155 1 .155 .244 2 .657 .122 .318 3 .094 . 700 .112 .386. 740 .086 .718 .107 4 .450 5 .078 . 755 .082 . 727 .105 .513 .103 6 . 772 .074 . 765 .080 . 733 . 736 .102 .574 7 .070 .780 .072 .770 .078 .634 . 773 .077 .740 .101 8 .789 .068 . 785 .071 .693 .076 .741 .100 9 .066 . 793 .067 .788 .070 . 775 . 743 .100 .751 10 .798 .065 .797 .066 .791 .069 . 778 .076 N-1 N 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 .781 .075 . 746 .098 .924 13 .062 .807 .065 . 795 .068 .097 1. 261 .067 . 784 .074 . 749 19 .059 . 816 .063 .798 .097 1. 593 25 .058 .820 .063 .800 .066 . 786 .073 . 751 .096 1.9:22 .073 .752 31 .057 .823 .062 . 801 .066 .787 .095 .053 .836 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-. 757 Dl rw W/D L/a Llrw 8 6 -3 I 125 il3 0.573 I .25 9 10 Qt 6 7 8 N 1 2 3 4 5 .140 1 .140 .246 2 .406 .123 .343 3 .108 .449 .118 .435 4 .490 .102 .466 .115 .524 5 .097 .506 .100 .474 .114 .613 6 .523 .095 .515 .099 .480 .113 .700 7 .093 .531 .094 .520 .098 .483 .112 .788 .486 • 112 8 .539 .092 .536 .093 .524 .097 .873 .488 .111 9 .090 .544 .091 .539 .092 .525 .097 .490 .111 .980 .542 .092 .528 .097 10 .549 .090 .548 .090 N-1 N N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 1 2 1 .'214 .546 .091 .531 .096 .492 .110 .088 .558 .089 .110 1.719 13 .088 . 549 .091 .534' .095 .495 19 .086 .567 .497 .109 2.220 .551 .090 .536 .095 25 .085 .572 .088 .090 .537 .095 .498 .109 2.719 31 .084 .575 .088 .552 .·082 .588 ._Infinite Semi-lnf inite-.sol' .109 II-41 EM 1110-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 llrw B 6 -3 2 D/ rw WID L/a c 125 lf3 0.573 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .140 2 .557 .114 .140 3 .092 .610 .104 .228 4 .660 .084 .301 .634' .100 5 .076 .681 .368 .080 .646 .097 .431 6 . 703 .072 .693 .078 .654 .096 7 .069 . 714 .070 . 700 .076 .659 .094 .492 8 . 725 .067 .720 .069 . 704 .075 .663 .094 .551 .610 9 .065 . 731 .066 . 725 .068 . 707 .075 .665 .093 .668 10 . 738 .064 . 736 .065 .728 .068 .710 .074 .668 .093 .727 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .061 . 749 .063 . 733 .066 . 714 .073 .671 .092 .893 19 .058 .761 .062 . 737 .065 .718 .072 .676 .090 1.124 25 .056 . 767 .061 . 740 .065 .721 .072 .678 .090 1.548 31 .055 .770 .061 . 741 .064 .722 . 071 .679 .089 1.870 .052 .787 -Infinite Semi -Infinite-.686 .088 Llrw B 6 -3 3 D/ rw WID L/a125 43 0.573 5.0N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 c Qt 1 .140 .140 2 .706 .104 .209 3 .077 . 754' .092 .262 4 . 795 .068 .776 .086 .3085 .059 .814 .063 .788 . 083 .350 6 .832 .055 . 825 .060 . 796 .080 . 389 7 .050 .842 .052 .832 .058 . 801 .078 .427 8 . 852 .048 .849 .050 .837 .057 .805 . 077 .464 9 .045 . 858 .046 .853 .049 .840 .056 .808 .076 .499 10 .864 .044 .863 .045 .856 .048 .842 .055 .810 .076 .534 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .040 .875 .043 .861 .046 .846 .054 .814 .074 .636 19 .036 ;887 .042 .866 .045 . 851 .052 .818 .072 .835 25 .034 .893 .041 .868 .044 .853 .052 .820 .072 1.024 31 .033 .896 .040 .869 .044 .854 .051 . 822 .071 1. 211 .029 .910 --Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 826 .069 II-42 c EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 ~ar 63 L/aLlrw 0/rw W/0 B 6 -ll 2 250 ll3 0.573 2.5 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 .128 1 .128 .212 2 .492 .10.6 .282 3 .087 .550 .097 .346 4 .604 .080 .577 .093 .407 5 .073 .628 .076 .591 .091 .466 6 .652 .070 . 642 .074 .600 .089 .088 . .523 7 .066 .665 .068 .650 .073 .606 .580 8 .678 .064 .673 .066 .655 .072 .610 .087 .636 .658 .071 .613 .087 9 .062 .685 .063 .678 .066 .662 . 071 .615 .086 .691 10 .693 .061 .690 .062 .681 .065 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .070 .619 .085 .854 .061 .687 .064 .666 13 .058 . 705 .069 .624' .084 1.172 .060 .692 .063 .671 19 .056 .719 . 627 .084 1.486 .674 .068 25 .054 .726 .059 .695 .062 .628 .083 1. 796 31 .059 .697 :o62 .675 .068 .053 • 730 .082 . 749 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.635 .050 Lla Llrw 0 lrw W/0 B 6 -ll 3 250 ll3 0.573 5.0 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 . . 128.128 1 .197 . 617 .098 2 . 250 3 .076 .677 .087 .296 4 .729 .067 . 706 .081 .337 5 .059 . 754• .062 . 722 .077 .377 6 .778 .054 . 769 .059 . 733 .075 .414 7 .050 . 792 .052 . 778 .057 . 740 .073 .451.056 . 745 .072 8 . 805 .047 . 801 .050 . 785 . 748 .071 .485 9 . 813 .046 .806 .048 .788 .055 . 521 .045 .048 .. 792 .054 . 752 .071 10 .822 .043 .819 .044 .811 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 757 .069 ·. 622 .043 . 818 .046 . 798 .053 13 .039 .837 .052 . 762 .068 .815 19 .036 .851 .041 .823 .045 . 803 . 765 .067 1.003 .040 . 826 .044 . 805 .051 25 .034 .858 1.189 31 .033 .863 .040 .827 .044 . 807 .050 .767 .066 .028 .882 ....,.Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 776 .064 II-43 EM 1110-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 B 6 -~ ~ Llrw 0/ rw W/0 L/a c 250 ~3 0.573 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .128 2 .744 .091 .128 3 .183 .065 . 792 .078 4 . 831 .055 . 815 .072 .222 5 . 047 .850 .050 .828 .067 .254 .283 6 .868 .043 .863 .047 .838 .064 .309 7 .039 . 878 .040 .869 .045 .844 .062 .333 8 .889 .036 .886 .038 .875 .044 .849 .060 9 .033 .895 .356 10 .034 .890 .037 .879 .04:J .852 .059 .378 .902 .032 .900 .033 .895 .036 .883 .041 .856 .058 .399 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .027 .913 .030 .034 .900 .887 .040 .860 .056 .459 19 .023 .927 ;028 .906 .032 .893 .038 .866 .054 .573 25 .021 .933 .028 31 .020 .937 .909 .031 .895 .037 .868 .053 .681 .027 .910 .031 .897 .036 .870 .052 .786 .015 .953 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 875 .050 Llrw c B 6 -5 3 0/ rw W/0 L/a 500 ~3 0.573 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .117 .117 2 .557 .092 3 .073 .623 .082 . .185 .237 4 .681 .065 .656 .076 .282 5 .057 .710 .060 .675 .073 .323 6 . 737 .053 . 727 .057 .688 .071 7 .049 .752 .050 . 737 .361 .055 .695 .069 .398 8 .768 .046 . 763 . 048 .745 .054 .702 .068 .434 9 .044 . 778 .045 .769 .047 .750 .053 .706 .067 .468 10 . 788 .042 .785 .044 .775 .046 . 754• .052 .710 .066 .503 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .039 .805 .042 .783 .045 .760 .051 .716 .065 .·601 19 .035 .823 . 040 .790 .044 .767 .050 .722 .064 .793 25 .033 .831 .039 .793 .043 .770 .049 . 726 .063 .977 31 .032 ;837 .039 . 795 .042 . 772 :-049 .728 .062 1.158 .028 .859 .-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.737 .061 II-44 EM 111D-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/D Lla llrw Dlrw B 6 -5 ~ 500 ~3 0.573 10 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 .1171 .117 .173 2 .663 .087 .213 3 .065 .725 .074 .246 4 .776 .068 .756 .056 .275 5 . 047 .801 .050 . 774 . 063 6 .825 .043 . 817 .047 .787 .060 .301 7 .039 .838 .·040 .826 ..045 .794 .058 .325 8 .852 .036 .848 .038 .834 .043 .802 .057 .348 . 8t>5 . 056 .370 9 ,033 .860 .034 .854 .036 .838 .042 .055 .391 10 .870 . 032 -~68 .033 .860 .036 .844 .041 .810 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .027 .886 . 030 .868 .034 . 851 .039 .817 .053 .451 .858 .03'8 .824 .051 .564 19 .023 .904 .028 .876 .032 .828 .050 .672 25 .021 .912 .028 .879 .031 .862 .037 .049 .776 31 .020 .918 .027 . 881 .030 . 864 .036 .830 .015 .938 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-. 840 .046 W/D Lla Llrw DI rw B 6 -6 ~ 1000 ~3 0.573 10 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 .109 1 .109 .164 2 .607 .082 .204 3 .063 .676 .070 .236 . 733 .054 .712 .064 4 .265 5 . 046 .763 . 049 .734 .060 .291 6 .790 .042 . 782 . 046 . 748 . 057 .315.039 .793 .044 .758 .055 7 .038 .807 .330 8 .823 .036 .818 .037 .802 .042 .766 .054 9 . 033 . 833 .034 .826 .036 .808 .041 . 771 .053 .360 10 .843 .031 . 84'1 .032 .832 .035 . 814 .040 .776 .052 .381 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 038 . 784 . 050 .441 13 .027 .862 .030 .842 .033 .822 . 793 .048 .553 .028 . 851 .031 .831 .037 19 .023 .884 .855 . 030 .834 .036 .797 . 047 .659 25 .021 .894 .027 .030 .837 .035 .800 . 046 .762 31 .020 .900 .027 .858 .015 . 925 .a-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.810 .044 II-45 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 llrw Dl rw WID B 7 -I I Lla 31 .25 21 0.542 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 • 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .185 .185 2 .551 .156 .3123 .130 .589 .148 .426 4 .626 .123 .604· .145 .5355 .116 .639 .120 . 610 .142 .6'40 6 .653 .113 .646 .118 .615 .141 .744 7 .110 .659 .111 .650 .117 . 618 .140 8 .666 .108 .664' .110 .653 .116 .620 .140 .846 .9489 .106 .670 .107 .666 .109 . 655 .115 .621 .139 1.048 10 .674• .105 .673 .106 .668 .109 .656 .115 .623 .139 1.149 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .103 .681 .105 . 671 .108 . 659 .114 .625 .138 1.446 19 .100 .689 .104 .674' .107 . 662 .113 .628 .137 2.035 25 .099 .693 .103 .676 .106 . 663 .113 .629 .137 2.618 31 .098 .695 .103 .677 .106 .664 .113 .630 .136 3.199 ,095 .706 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.633 .135 Llrw DI rw B 7 -2 I WID Lla 62.5 21 0.542 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .164 .164 • 2 .465 .141 .2823 .120 .509. . 1"34 .389 4 .550 .114 .525 .131 .4915 .108 .566 .111 .533 .129 . 589 6 .582 .105 .574· .110 .539 .128 .687 7 .103 .589 .104 .578 .109 .542 .128 .783 89 .597 .101 .594 .103 .582 .108 .544 .127 .878 .100 .601 .100 .597 .102 .584 .108 .546 .126 .972 10 .606 .099 .605 .100 .599 .102 .586 .107 .548 .126 1.067 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .096 .614 .098 .603 .101 .589 .106 .550 .125 1 .. 346 19 .094 .623 .097 .606 .100 .592 .106 .553 .125 1.899 25 .093 . 628 .097 .608 .100 .593 .105 .554· .124 2.448 31 .092 .630 .097 .609 .099 .594 .105 .556 .124 2.993 .089 .643 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.560 .123 II-46 c EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/0 l/aLlrw Olrw B 7 -2 2 62.5 21 0.5lJ.2 2.5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 4 5 .164 1 .164 .258 2 .632 .129 .336 3 .100 .680 .118 .407 . 701 .112 4 .725 . 091 .473 . 711 .110 5 .082 . 744 .086 .539 6 .162 .078 . 754 .084 .718 .108 .602 . 759 .082 .722 .106 7 .073 . 771 .075 .664 . 763 .081 .725 .106 8 . 781 . 071 .777 .074 .725 . 786 .070 .780 .073 . 765 .081 . 726 .105 9 .069 .080 .729 .104 .786 10 . 791 .068 . 790 .069 . 783 .072 .768 N 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 .067 .787 . 071 . 771 .079 .732 .103 .964 13 '064 .800 .102 1.314 19 .061 . 810 .066 .791 .070 • 774 .078 . 735 . 737 .101 L65S .069 .776 . 077 25 .060 . 814 .065 . 793 .077 . 738 .101 1.998 31 . 059 . 818 .065 . 794' .069 .777 .054 ..832 .-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.744 .099 0 I rw W/0 L/a llrw B 7 -3 2 125 21 O.pll-2 2.5 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 4 .147 1 .147 .238 2 .553 .119 .312 3 .095 .609 .109 .381 4 .661 .086 .634 .1 04 .445 5 .078 . 683 .082 .646 .1 01 ,,706 .074 .696 .080 . 654 .099 .508 6 .568 7 .070 .716 .072 . 702 .079 .659 .098 .629.728 ,'068 .724 .071 .707 .078 .663 .097 8 .687 9 . 066 . 734 .067 . 728 .070 .710 .077 .665 .097 .712 .076 .668 .096 . 746 10 .·741 .065 . 739 .066 .731 .069 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .·918 .068 .717 .075 .671 .095 13 .062 . 752 .065 . 736 .074 .676 .094 1.205 .063 .74'1 .067 . 721 19 .059 . 764 . 066 . 723 .074 .678 .093 1.587 . 063 . 743 25 . 058 .770 .093 1.914 31 .057 . 774 .062 .744 .066 . 724 .073 .679 .052 .790 ,.._Infinite Semi-Infinite-.684' .091 II-47 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 B 7 -3 3 Llrw Dlrw W/0 lla 125 21 0.5l.J2 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .147 .147 2 .688 .110 .220 3 .081 . 741 .096 .274 4 .786 .071 . 765 .090 .321 5 .061 .807 .066 .778 .086 .364 6 .828 .056 .819 .062 .787 .083 .404 7 .052 .838 .054 .826 .060 . 792 .081 .442 8 .849 .049 .846 .052 .831 .059 .796 .080 .480 9 .046 .856 .047 .850 .050 .834' .058 . 799 .079 .516 10 .862 .045 .860 .046 .853 .050 .837 .057 . 801 .078 .552 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .041 .874 .044 .858 .048 .842 .056 .805 .077 .65619 .037 .885 .042 .863 .046 .846 .054 . 810 .075 .856 25 .035 .891 .042 .865 .046 .848 .054 .812 .074 1.051 31 .034 .894 .041 .866 .045 .849 .053 .813 .074 1.241 .029 .909 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.820 .071 B 7 -l.J 3 llrw Dl rw W/0 lla 250 21 0.5l.J2 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .134 2 .616 .102 .134 "\ / 3 .078 .678 .090 .204 .258 4 . 733 .068 .708 .084 .304 5 .060 . 758 .063 . 724 .080 .346 6 . 783 .055 . 773 .060 . 735 .078 7 .386 .051 . 796 .052 . 782 .058 . 742 .076 8 .424 .810 .048 .805 .050 .788 .057 . 747 .075 .461 9 .045 .817 .046 .810 .049 . 792 .056 . 750 .074 .496 10 .826 .044 . 823 .045 . 815 .048 .796 .056 .754 .073 .532 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .040 .840 .043 .821 .047 . 801 .054 . 758 .072 19 .036 .855 .042 .827 .045 .806 .053 .633. 764' .070 .830 25 .034 .862 .041 .830 .045 .809 .052 .767 .069 1.020 31 .033 .866 .040 . 831 . 044 .811 .052 .769 .069 1.207 .029 .885 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 775 .067 II-48 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/0 L/aLlrw 0/rw B 7 -~ ~ 250 21 0.5~2 10 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 .134 1 .134 .191 2 .729 .095 .231 3 .068 . 782 .081 .263 4 .826 .058 .808 .074 .292 . 822 .069 5 .049 .846 .052 .318 6 .866 .044 .859 .049 .832 .066 .342 .867 .047 .838 .064 7 .039 . 877 .041 .365 .873 .045 .843 .062 8 .888 .036 .884 .039 .044 .846 .061 .387 9 .034 .894 .035 .889 .037 .876 .409 .043 .850 .060 10 .902 .032 .900 .033 .893 .036 .880 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .899 .034 . 885 .041 . 855 .058 .470 13 .028 .914 .031 .686 .029 . 905 .033 .890 .039 .860 .056 19 .023 . 927 . 038 .863 .055 .693 25 .021 .933 .028 .907 .032 . 892 .054 .799 .909 .031 . 894' . 038 .865 31 .020 .937 .028 .015 . 951 -Infinite Semi·lnfinite -.872 .051 LlaOlrw W/0 L/r~ 8 7 -5 ~ 50 21 0.5~2 10 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 .122 1 .122 .179.664 .090 2 .219 3 .066 .727 .076 .252 4 .780 .057 . 759 .070 .280 5 .048 . 805 .051 .776 .065 .307 6 .829 .043 . 821 .048 .789 .062 .331 7 .039 .843 .040 .830 .045 .797 .060 .354 .044 .804' .058 8 . 856 .036 .852 .038 .838 .376 .808 .057 9 .034 .865 .034 .858 .037 .843 .043 . 812 .056 .398 10 .874 . 032 .872 .033 .864 .036 .847 .042 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .'458 .854 .040 .819 .054 13 .028 .889 .031 .872 .034 .052 .571 .038 .826 .029 .879 .032 .861 19 .023 .906 . 882 . 031 .864' .038 .829 .051 .679 25 .021 .915 .028 .051 .784 .031 .866 .037 .832 31 .020 .920 .027 . 884 .015 .940 ...._Infinite Semi-lnf inite-.840 .048 II-49 EM 111G-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 llrw DI rw B 8 -I I WID Lla 31 .25 II O.l.J85 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .198 .198 2 .545 .166 .3313 .136 .587 .156 .450 4 .627 .128 .602 .153 .563 5 .121 .640 .125 .609 .151 .672 6 .655 .118 .648 .123 . 614• .149 .7817 .114 . 661 .116 .652 .12:2 .616 .148 .887 8 .668 .113 .666 .115 .655 .121 .619 .148 .993 9 .111 .672 .111 .668 .114 .656 .121 .620 .147 1.097 10 .676 .110 .675 .112 . 670 .113 .658 .120 .622 .147 1.201 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .107 .683 .109 .673 .112 .661 .119 . 624 .146 1.511 19 .104 .691 .108 .676 .111 .664 .118 . 626 .145 2.121 25 .103 .695 .108 .678 .111 . 665 .118 .628 .144 2.728 31 .102 .698 .107 .679 .110 .666 .118 .629 .144 3.331 .098 . 709 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.632 .143 B 8 -2 2 Llrw Dl rw WID Lla 62.5 II 0.1.+85 2.5 (_~ N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .174 .174 2 .631 .136 .2713 .104 .682 .123 .351 4 . 730 .094 . 704 .118 .4235 .089 . 749 .089 .714 .115 . 491 6 . 767 .080 . 759 . 087 .720 .113 . 558 7 .075 .776 .077 . 764 .085 . 724' .111 .622 8 . 786 .073 .782 .076 . 768 .084 .727 .110 .686 9 .071 .791 .071 . 785 .075 .770 .083 .729 .110 .748 10 . 796 .069 . 794• .070 .788 .074 .772 .083 . 731 .109 .811 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .066 . 805 .069 . 792 .073 . 776 .081 .734 .108 .'993 19 .063 .814' .067 . 796 . 071 .779 .080 . 737 .106 1.350 25 .061 .819 .067 .798 .071 . 781 .080 .739 .106 1.702 31 .060 .822 .066 .799 .070 .782 .079 . 741 .105 2.050 .056 .836 +-Infinite Semi-lnf inite-.746 .104 II-50 ) / EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw DI r w W/0 L/a B 8 -3 3 125 II 0.485 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot .1551 .155 . 229 2 .690 .114 . 284 3 .084 . 744 .100 .331 4 . 792 .072 .769 .093 .374 5 .062 . 813 .067 . 782 .089 .415 6 .833 .057 .825 .064 .790 .086 .453 .832 .062 . 796 .084 7 .052 .844 .054 .060 .799 .083 8 .855 .050 . 851 .052 .836 .491 .802 .082 . 528 9 .047 .861 .048 .855 .051 .839 .059 .804 .082 . 564 10 .867 .045 .865 .047 .858 .050 .842 .059 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .041 .878 .045 .863 .049 . 846 .057 .808 .080 .669 .850 .056 .813 .078 .872 19 .037 .889 .043 .867 .047 .815 . 077 1.069 25 .036 .895 .042 .869 .046 . 852 .055 .816 .077 1. 261 31 .034 .897 .042 .870 .046 .853 .054 .030 . 912 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-. 823 .074 w/0 Lla .... Llrw Dlrw i) 8 -4 4 250 II 0.485 10 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 4 5 .140 1 .140 .197 2 . 732 .099 . 237 3 . 070 .786 .084 .270.059 . 812 .076 4 . 831 .298 5 .049 .851 .053 . 825 . 071 . 324 6 .871 .044 .864 .050 .836 .068 . 349 7 .040 .882 .041 .872 .047 .842 .066 .372 8 .892 .037 .889 .039 .877 .046 .846 .064 .394 .044 . 850 .063 9 .034 .899 .035 .894 .038 .880 .853 .062 .416 .037 .884 .044 10 .906 .032 . 904 .033 .898 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 031 .903 .035 .889 .042 .858 .060 :477 . 028 . 918 13 .909 .033 . 894 .040 .863 .058 .592 19 .024 .930 .029 .896 .039 . 865 .057 .701 .028 .911 .032 25 .021 .936 .808 31 .020 .940 .028 . 912 .032 .898 .039 .867 .056 .015 . 954 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.872 .053 II-51 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 llrw Dlrw W/D Lla c I -5 I 500 llf83 0.461 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .074 .074 2 .382 . 066 .1333 .059 .419 .064 .187 4 .455 . 057 .432 .063 .240 5 .055 .467 .056 .437 .063 .292 6 .479 .054 .473 .056 .441 . 062 .3447 .053 .4'84 .053 .475 .055 .443 .062 .395 8 .490 .053 .488 .053 .478 .055 .445 .062 .446 9 .052 .493 .052 .490 .053 .479 . 055 .446 .062 .496 10 .497 .052 .4:96 .052 .492 .053 .481 .055 .447 .062 .548 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .051 .502 .052 .494· . 052 .4'83 .054 .449 .062 .698 19 .051 .508 .052 .4'96 .052 .4:85 .054 .451 . 061 .997 25 .050 .512 .051 .498 .052 .4"86 . 054 .452 .061 1.296 31 . 050 .514' .051 .498 . 052 .487 .054 .452 .061 1.5Q3 .049 .524' -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.455 .061 c I -6 2 Llrw D/ rw W/D lla1000 1483 0.461 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .070 .070 2 .444 .060 .po 3 .051 .494' .056 .164 4 .541 .048 .515 .055 .206 5 .045 .560 .046 .525 .054 .246 6 .580 .044 .S71 .046 .533 .053 .285 7 .042 .589 .043 .576 .045 .536 .053 .323 8 .600 .041 .596 .042 .582 .045 .541 .052 .362 9 . 041 .605 . 041 .599 .042 .584 .044 .542 .052 .399 10 . 612 .040 .610 .040 . 603 .042 .587 .044 .545 . 052 .437 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .039 .623 .040 .608 .041 .591 .044 .549 .052 .547 19 .038 .635 .039 . 613 .040 .595 .043 .553 .051 .765 25 .037 .642 .039 .616 . 040 .598 .043 .555 .051 .980 31 .036 .64·6 .039 .617 . 040 .599 .043 .557 .051 1.194 .035 .664: ~Infinite Semi-Infinite-.563 .050 II-52 c EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 c I - 7 3 llrw 2000 Dlrw ll.J83 W/D O.l.J61 L/a 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 2 3 4 .067 .488 .046 .599 .055 .546 .042 .051 .574 .048 .067 .111 .147 .181 5 .038 .624· .040 .590 .047 .212 6 7 8 9 10 .649 .035 .677 .032 .696 .036 .662 .033 .686 .031 .640 .035 .673 .032 .694 .039 .649 .034 .679 .032 .602 .038 .657 .034 .685 .046 .610 .037 .662 .033 .045 .617 .036 .667 .044 . 621 .036 .044 .626 .043 .242 .270 . 298 .325 .352 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 19 25 31 .029 .027 .026 .025 .713 . 735 . 746 . 753 .031 .030 .029 .029 . 694• . 704 . 708 .710 .032 .031 .031 .031 .674 .683 .687 . 690 .035 .034 .034 .034 .632 .640 .644 .647 .042 .042 .041 .041 .429 .480 .725 .869 . 783 -Infinite Semi-Infinite .659 .040 -'... c I - 8 l.J Llrw l.JOOO Dlrw ll.J83 W/0 O.l.J61 Lla 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 2 3 4 5 .064 .524' .042 .644 .033 .051 .588 .037 . 671 .046 .621 .035 .043 .641 .041 .064 .103 .134 .161 .185 6 7 8 9 10 .699 .029 . 732 .026 . 755 .031 .716 .028 . 743 .025 .691 .030 . 728 .027 .753 .033 . 703 .029 .736 .026 .657 .032 .714 .028 .745 .040 .668 . 031 . 721 .027 .038 .678 .030 . 728 .037 .684' .030 .037 .691 .036 .208 .229 .249 .268 .288 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .023 .778 .024 . 759 .026 . 740 .028 . 702 .035 :340 19 .020 .807 .023 . 773 .024 . 753 .027 .715 .033 .439 25 .018 .822 .022 .778 .024 . 758 .026 . 721 .033 .532 31 .017 .833 .022 . 783 .023 .762 .026 .725 .032 .623 .013 . 873 -.Infinite Semi-Infinite . 745 .030 II-53 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw Dlrw W/D Lla c c 2 -l.l I l 250 7ll6 O.ll56 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .083 .083 2 .421 .073 .146 3 .064 .458 .070 .205 4 .495 .062 .471 .070 .262 5 . 059 .506 .060 .476 .069 .318 6 .518 .058 .512 .060 .480 .069 .374 7 . 057 .523 .058 .515 .060 .482 .068 .428 8 .529 .057 .527 . 057 .517 .060 .484 .068 .484 9 .056 .532 .056 .529 .057 .518 .059 .484 .068 .538 10 .535 .056 .534 . 056 .531 .057 .520 .059 .486 .068 .573 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .055 .541 .056 .533 .057 .522 .059 .488 .068 .754 19 .054 .547 . 055 .535 .056 .524 .059 .489 .067 1. 076 25 . 054 .551 .055 .537 .056 .525 .058 .491 .067 1.397 31 .054 .552 .055 .537 .056 .526 .058 ;491 .067 1.716 .053 .562 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.494 .067 Llrw D/ rw WID Lla c 2 -5 I 500 7l.l6 O.ll56 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt ~... 1 .078 .078 2 .338 .071 .141 3 .064 .369 .069 .201 4 .400 .Q62 .382 .068 .260 5 .060 .412 .061 .388 .067 .317 6 .424 .060 .419 .061 .393 .067 .374 7 . 059 .430 .059 .422 .060 .395 .066 .430 8 .437 .058 .435 .059 .426 .060 .398 .066 .487 9 .058 .441 .058 .437 .058 .427 .060 .399 .066 .542 10 .445 .057 .444 .058 .439 .058 .429 .060 .401 .066 .598 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .056 .452 . 057 .442 .058 .431 .060 .402 .066 .·763 19 .056 .460 .057 .446 .058 .434 .059 .405 .065 1.080 25 .055 .464 . 056 .447 .057 .435 .059 .406 .065 1.419 31 .055 .467 . 056 .44•8 . 057 .436 .059 .407 .065 1. 745 . 054 .478 --Infinite Semi-Infinite-.410 .065 II-54 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 lla Llrw 0/ rw W/0 c 2 -5 2 500 7lJ6 O.lJ56 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt .078 1 .078 .131 2 .4:85 .065 .178 3 .055 .534 .061 .222 4 .581 .051 .554 .060 5 .048 .599 .050 .564 .058 .264 .306 6 .618 .046 .610 .049 .571 .058 .045 .627 .045 .615 .048 .575 .057 .346 7 8 .637 .044 .633 .045 .620 .048 .579 .057 .387 9 .043 .642 .043 .637 .044 .622 .047 .581 .057 .426 .64'8 .042 . 64•7 .043 .640 .044 .625 .047 .583 .056 . 465 10 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .629 .047 .587 .056 .582 13 .041 .659 .042 .645 .043 19 .040 .670 .041 . 650 .043 .633 .046 .591 .055 .811 .046 .593 .055 1.037 25 .039 .677 .041 .652 .043 .635 31 .038 .681 .041 .654 .042 .636 .046 .594 .055 1. 262 .601 .054 .036 .698 -Infinite Semi-Infinite lla llrw Dlrw W/0 c 2 -6 2 1000 7lJ6 O.lJ56 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt .074 1 .074 .129 2 .398 .064 .179 3 .056 .444 .061 .225 4 .488 .053 .467 .059 . 269 5 .050 .509 .052 .479 .058 6 .530 .049 .522 . 051 .489 .057 ;313 .355 7 .047 .542 .048 .529 .050 .494 .057 .397 8 .554 .046 .550 .047 .536 .049 .499 .056 .439 9 .045 .,561 .045 .555 .046 .539 .049 .502 .056 .505 .056 .480 10 .570 .044 .567 .045 .559 .046 .543 .049 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N.509 .055 .601 13 .043 .584 .044 .566 .046 .548 .048 .048 .514 .054 .840 .041 .599 .043 .572 .045 .553 19 .054 1.075 25 .040 .607 .043 .575 .045 .556 .047 .517 31 .040 .612 .043 .577 .044 .558 .047 .519 .054 1. 308 .0.38 .634' +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.526 .053 II-55 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 llrw Dlrw c 2 -6 3 WID Lla 1000 7ll-6 O.ll-56 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .074 .074 2 .528 .060 .120 3 .049 .585 .055 .158 4 .637 .044 . 612 .052 .193 5 .040 .661 .042 .628 .050 .225 6 :684 .038 .676 .041 .639 .049 . 256 7 ·. 036 .697 .037 .684• .040 .646 .048 .285 8 . 711 .035 .707 .036 .692 .039 .652 .048 .315 9 .034 .719 .034 .713 .035 .697 . 038 .656 .047 . 342 10 . 729 .033 . 726 .033 .719 .035 .701 .038 .660 .047 .370 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .030 . 745 .032 . 727 .034 .708 .037 .667 .046 .451 19 .028 . 765 .031 . 736 .033 .716 .036 . 674 .045 .606 25 .027 . 775 .030 . 740 .032 .720 .036 .678 .044 . 757 31 .026 . 781 .030 . 742 .032 . 722 .035 .680 .044 .905 .023 .808 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.690 .043 c 2 -7 3 Llrw Dlrw WID Lla2000 7ll-6 O.ll-56 5.0N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot ( 1 .070 \ .070 2 .447 .059 .119 3 .050 .504 .054 .159 4 .556 .046 .536 .052 .196 5 .043. .584 .044 .556 .050 .230 6 .612 .040 .603 .042 .570 .048 .262 7 .038 .629 .039 .615 .041 .580 .048 .293 8 .646 .037 .641 .038 .625 .040 .588 .047 .323 9 .035 .657 .036 .649 .037 .631 .040 .593 .046 .351 10 .670 .034 .666 .035 .657 .036 .637 .039 .598 .046 . 380 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .032 .691 .033 .668 .035 .646 .038 .606 .045 .463 19 .029 . 717 .032 .678 .034 .656 .037 . 615 .044 .622 25 .028 . 730 .032 .683 .034 .660 .037 .620 .iJ43 .778 31 .027 . 737 .032 .686 .033 .663 .036 .622 .043 .930 .024 .770 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.634 .042 II-56 c EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/0 L/a Llrw 0/rw c 2 -7 l+ 71+6 0.1+56 10 2000 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 • .070 1 .070 .111 2 .564 .055 .143 3 .044 .626 .049 .171 4 .680 .039 .658 .046 .195 5 .035 . 706 .036 .677 .044 .219 6 . 732 .032 .724 .035 . 691 .042 .240 7 .030 . 74'7 .031 . 736 .033 . 701 .041 .261 8 .763 .029 .759 .030 .746 .032 .710 .040 .280 . 752 .031 .716 .039 9 .027 . 773 .028 . 767 .029 .031 . 722 .038 .300 10 . 784 .026 . 782 .027 . 774 .028 . 758 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 787 .026 . 769 .029 . 732 .037 .354 13 .023 .805 .025 . 744 .036 .455 .023 . 800 .025 . 782 .028 19 .020 .832 .549 .804· .024 .786 .027 . 749 .035 25 .018 . 844 .023 .027 . 753 .034 .642 31 .018 .854 .022 .808 .024 .790 . 771 .032 .013 . 889 -Infinite Semi-Infinite W/0 Lla Llrw Dlrw c 2 -8 l+ l+OOO 7l+6 O.l+56 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N .067 1 .067 .110 2 .489 .055 .144 3 .045 .553 .049 .173.610 .041 .592 .046 4 .199 5 .037 .641 .038 .615 .043 .223 .672 .034 .664 .036 .634 .041 6 .245 7 .032 ~ 691· .032 .678 .034 .646 .040 .266 .033 .658 .039 8 . 711 .030 .706 .031 .691 .286 .665 .038 9 .028 . 723 .029 .716 .030 .699 .032 .038 .306 10 . 738 .027 . 735 .028 .726 .029 .708 .032 .673 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .685 .036 .'361 13 .024 • 764· .026 . 741 .027 .721 .030 .034 .463 .024 . 757 .026 . 736 .029 .699 19 .021 .798 .560 .025 . 742 .028 . 706 .034 25 .019 . 815 .023 . 764 . 028 .. 709 .033 ,653 31 ~018 .824 .023 .767 .025 . 745 .014 .869 4-lnf inite Semi-Infinite-. 725 .032 II-57 EM 111o-2-190,, App II, 1 Mar 63 c 3 -3 I Llrw Dlrw WID Lla 125 375 0.~~8 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 • 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .. 094 .094 2 .469 .081 .1633 .070 .506 .078 .2264 .542 .067 .518 .077 .288 5 .064 .553 .066 .523 .076 .349 6 .564' .063 .558 .065 .526 .076 7 .062 .569 .062 .561 .065 .528 .076 .409 8 .575 .062 .573 .062 .564' . 065 .469 .530 .076. .528 9 .061 .577 .061 .574 .062 .564 .064 .531 .075 .587 10 .581 .061 .580 .061 .576 .062 .566 .064 .532 .075 .646 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .060 .586 .060 .578 .061 .568 .064 .534 .075 .821 19 .059 .592 .060 .581 .061 .570 .064 ..536 .075 .969 25 .058 .595 .060 .582 . 06.1 .571 .064 .537 .074 1.515 31 .058 .597 .060 .583 .061 .572 .064 .537 .074 1.860.057 .606 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.540 .074 c 3 -~ I Llrw Dl rw W/0 Lla250 375 0.~~8 I .25N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .087 .087 2 .375 .078 .157 3 .070 .407 .076 .222 4 :439 .068 .420 .075 5 .066 .451 .067 .426 .074 .286 .348 6 .463 .065 .457 .066 .431 .074 7 .064 .469 .064 .461 .066 .433 .073 .410 .470 8 .476 .063 .474 .064 .464 .066 .436 .073 .5329 .063 .480 .063 .476 .063 .465 .065 .437 .073 .591 10 .484 .062 .483 .062 .478 .063 .468 .Oq5 .438 .073 .652 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-.2 N-1 N 13 .061 .490 .062 .481 .063 ..470 .065 .441 .072 19 ,060 .499 .062 .484 .063 .473 .831.065 .443 .072 1.187 25 .060 .503 .061 .486 .062 .474 .064 .444 .072 1.541 31 .059 .506 .061 .487 .062 .475 .064 .4'15 .072 1.894 .058 .517 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.448 .072 II-58 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 L/a llrw 0/ rw W/0 c 3 -~ 2 250 375 0.~~8 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt .0871 .087 .144 2 .533 .072 3 . 059 .581 .067 4 .627 • 055 .600 .065 5 . 051 .644 .053 .609 .064 .194 .240 .285 6 .662 .049 .654 .052 .616 .063 .329 7 .048 .670 .048 .658 .051 .619 .063 .372 8 .679 .046 .676 .048 .663 .051 .623 .062 .415 9 .046 .684 .046 .679 . 047 .665 .050 .625 .062 .456 10 .690 .045 .688 .045 . 682 .047 .668 .050 .627 .062 .498 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .671 . 050 .061 .630 .621 13 .043 .699 .045 .686 .046 19 .042 .710 .044 .691 .046 .675 .049 .634 .060 .863 ;045 .677 .049 .636 .060 1.102 25 .04i .715 .044 .693 .678 .637 .060 1.339 31 .040 .718 .043 .694 .045 . 049 .038 .735 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.642 .059 Llrw 0/ rw W/0 Lla c 3 -5 I 500 375 0.448 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt .0821 .082 .151 2 .287 .076 .2163 .070 .320 .073 .279 4 .353 .067 .335 .072 .340 5 .065 .367 ;066 .343 . 071 6 .381 .064 .375 .066 .348 .071 .402 .462 7 .063 .388 .[)64 .379 .065 .351 . 071 8 .396 .062 .394• .063 .383 .065 .354 .070 .522 9 .062 .401 .062 .396 .063 .385 ,065 .355 .070 .582 10 .406 .062 .404 .062 .399 .063 .387 .065 .357 .070 .642 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .·818 .064 .360 .070 13 .061 .414 .061 .403 .062 .390 19 .060 .423 .061 .406 .062 .393 .064 .362 .070 1 .171 .408 .062 .394 .064 .364 .069 1.521 25 .059 .428 .061 .069 1.870 31 .059 .431 . 061 .409 .062 .395 .064 .365 4-lnf inite Semi-Infinite-.369 .069 .058 .444 II-59 ( EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw Dlrw W/D L/a c 3 -5 2 500 375 O.ltlt8 2.5N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .082 .082 2 .437 .071 .142 3 .061 .4·83 .067 .195 4 .528 .058 .506 .065 .2445 .054 .54•9 .056 .519 .063 .291 6 .569 .052 .561 .054 .528 .062 .338 7 .050 .581 .051 .568 .054 .533 .062 .382 8 .593 .049 .589 .050 .574· .053 .537 .061 .427 9 .048 .600 . 048 .593 .050 .578 .052 .540 .061 .470 10 .608 .047 .606 .048 .598 .049 .581 .052 .543 .061 .515 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .046 .621 .047 .604• .048 .586 .052 .548 .060 .643 19 .044 .636 .046 .610 .048 .591 .051 .552 .059 .894 25 .043 .643 .046 .613 .048 .594 .051 :555 .059 1.143 31 .042 .64·8 .046 .614 .047 .595 .050 .556 .059 1.390 .040 .669 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.564· .058 c 3 -5 3 Llrw D/ rw W/D Lla 500 375 O.ltlt8 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .082 .082 2 .576 .065 .. 131 3 .052 .631 .060 .171 4 . 681 .047 .656 .056 .207 5 .042 .702 .044 .670 .054 .240 6 . 724' .040 .716 .043 .680 .053 .272 7 .038 . 736 .039 . 724• .042 .686 .052 .303 8 . 749 .036 . 745 .038 . 731 .041 .692 .052 .333 9 .035 . 756 .035 . 750 .037 . 735 .040 .696 .051 .362 10 . 765 .034 . 762 .035 . 755 .036 . 739 . 040 .700 .050 .391 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .032 .780 .033 . 763 .035 . 746 .039 . 705 .049 .474 19 .029 .797 .032 .770 .034 . 752 .038 . 712 .048 .635 25 .028 .806 .032 . 774• .034 . 755 .038 .715 .048 . 791 31 .027 .811 .032 . 775 .033 . 757 .037 .717 .048 . 944 .024 .835 4-lnfinite Semi-Infinite-.724 .046 II-60 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 0/ rw W/0 l/a ) Llrw c 3 -6 2 1000 375 O.lJ.48 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt .0781 .078 .137 2 .354 .069 .1903 .061 .404 .065 .240 4 .452 .057 .431 .062 .287 5 .054 .476 . 055 .446 .061 .333 6 .500 .052 .491 .054 .456 .060 7 .050 .514 .051 .500 .053 .462 .060 .377 8 .528 .049 .523 .050 .506 .053 .468 .059 .422 9 ·.048 .537 .048 .529 .049 .510 .052 .471 .059 .465 .052 .474 .059 .509 10 .546 . 047 .543 . 048 .534 . 049 .514 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 045 .562 .047 .54'1 .048 .520 .051 .479 .058 .636 19 .044 .579 .046 .548 .048 .526 .051 .485 .057 .887 .057 1.134 .530 .050 .488 25 .043 .588 .046 .551 .047 .490 .057 1. 379 31 .042 .593 .045 .553 . 047 .531 .050 .040 . 617 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite -.497 .056 Llrw 0/rw w/0 L/a c 3 -6 3 1000 375 0.448 5.0 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 .078.078 1 .129 2 .487 .065 .1723 .054 .544 .059 .210 4 .596 .049 .575 .056 .245 5 .045 .623 .046 .594 .054 .279 6 .649 .042 .64'1 .045 .608 .052 .310 7 .040 .665 .041 .652 .043 ..616 .051 .342.040 .662 .042 .624 .050 8 .682 .038 .677 . 629 .050 .372 9 .037 . 692 .037 .685 .039 .667 .042 .673 . 041 .634 .049 .402 10 . 704 .036 .701 .036 .692 .038 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 681 .040 .641 . 048 .487 13 .033 . 724 .035 .702 .037 .039 .650 .047 .653 .036 .690 .74'8 .034 . 712 .030 .033 .716 .035 .694 .039 .654 19 . 047 .813 .029 . 759 25 ..972 31 .028 . 767 .033 .719 .035 .696 .038 .656 .046 .024 .796 4-lnfinite Semi-Infinite-.669 .045 II-61 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 3 -6 ll llrw DI rw ~liD l/a ·-·r. 1000 375 O.llll8 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .078 .078 2 .611 .060 .120 3 .046 .670 .053 .153 4 .721 .041 .699 .050 .181 5 .036 . 745 .038 .716 . 047 .207 6 . 768 . 034 . 761 .036 .729 . 045 .231 7 .031 . 781 I .032 .770 .035 . 738 .044 .252 8 .796 .030 . 793 .031 . 780 .034 . 746 .043 .274 9 .028 .805 .028 .800 .030 .786 .033 .751 .042 .293 10 . 815 .027 . 813 .028 .806 .029 . 791 .032 . 757 .041 .313 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .024 .832 .026 . 816 .027 .800 .031 . 765 .040 .368 19 .021 .856 .024 . 828 .026 . 811 .029 .776 .038 .471 25 .019 .868 .023 .833 .025 . 816 .029 . 781 .037 .568 31 .018 . 876 .023 .835 .025 .818 .028 . 784• .037 .662 .014 . 905 -rnfinite Semi-Infinite-.797 .034 c 3 -7 3 Llrw Dl rw WID Lla2000 375 0.448 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .074 .074 cc 2 .4'10 .063 .126 3 .054 .473 .057 .168 4 .529 .049 .509 .054 .207 5 .045 .561 .046 .531 .052 .242 6 .592 .042 .582 .045 .547 .051 .275 7 .040 .611 .041 .596 .043 .558 .050 .307 8 .631 .038 .625 .040 .606 .042 .567 .049 .338 9 .037 .643 .037 .634 .039 . 613 .042 .572 .048 .368 10 .656 .036 .653 .036 .642 .038 .620 .041 .578 . 048 .398 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .033 . 680 .035 .654· .037 .630 .040 .586 .047 .483 19 .030 .708 .034 . 665 .036 .639 . 039 .596 .046 .648 25 .029 . 721 .033 .670 .035 .644 .039 . 601 .045 .808 31 .028 .729 .033 . 673 .035 .647 .038 . 604 .045 .966 .024 . 764 4-lnf inite Semi-Infinite-.616 .043 II-62 c EM 1110-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw Olrw vl!o L/a c 3 -7 ~ 2000 375 0.~~8 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot .0741 .074 .119 2 .529 .059 .1543 .048 .592 .053 .1844 .64·7 .043 . 628 .049 .210 5 .038 .678 .040 .652 .046 .235 6 .706 .036 .698 .038 .669 .044 . 681 .043 .258 7 .033 .725 .034 . 713 .036 .279 8 . 744 .031 . 739 .032 .725 .035 .692 . 042 .300 9 .029 . 756 .030 . 748 .031 . 732 .034 .698 .041 10 . 769 .028 . 766 .029 . 757 .030 . 740 .033 . 705 .040 .320 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .025 . 793 .027 . 771 .028 . 751 .032 .716 .038 .376 .037 .480 .025 . 785 .027 . 765 .030 .729 19 .021 . 823 .770 .029 . 734· .036 . 579 25 .019 .838 .024 . 790 .026 31 .018 .846 .024 . 793 .026 . 772 .029 . 737 .036 .673 .014 .885 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 750 .034 Lla Llrw 0/ rw w/0 c 3 -8 ~ ~000 375 0.~48 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot .07.0 1 .070 :~ 115 2 .458 .058 .1513 .048 .528 .051 .181 4 .588 .043 .570 .048 .208 5 .039 .624 .040 .597 .045 .232 6 .657 .036 .649 .038 .618 .043 7 .033 .679 .034 .665 .036 . 631 .041 .255 8 . 701 .031 .696 .032 .679 .035 .643 .040 .277 9 .029 . 715 .030 .707 .031 .688 .034 . 651 .039 .2 97 .039 .318 10 . 730 .028 .727 .029 .717 .030 .696 .033 . 659 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .025 . 759 .027 . 734 .028 . 711 .032 .672 .037 .373 .021 . 794 .025 . 749 .027 . 726 .030 .687 .036 .478 19 25 . 019 .812 .024 . 756 .026 . 732 .029 .694 .035 .576 31 . 018 .823 .024 .760 .026 . 736 .029 .698 .034 .672 . 014 .866 ,.._Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 716 .032 II-63 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 c lt -2 I Llrw Dlrw WID L/a 62.5 188 0.445 1.25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .108 .108 2 .528 . 092 .184 3 .077 .564· .088 :253 4 .599 .074 .575 .087 .321 5 .070 .609 .072 .579 .086 .386 6 .620 .069 .614 . 072 .583 ,086 .452 7 .068 .624 .068 .616 .071 .585 .085 .517 8 . 629 .067 . 627 .068 .619 .071 .586 . 085 .582 9 .066 .631 .068 .628 .068 ,619 . 071 .587 .085 .646 10 .634 .066 .634 .066 .630 .067 .621 .070 .588 .084 .710 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .065 .639 .066 .632 .067 .623 .070 .590 .084 . 900 ' 19 .064 .645 .065 .635 .067 .625 .070 .592 .084 1.279 25 .064 .648 .065 .636 .066 .626 .070 .593 .084 1.655 31 .063 .650 .065 .636 .066 .626 .070 .593 .083 2.030 .062 .658 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.596 .083 L/rw D/ rw W/D Lla c lt -3 I 125 188 O.ltlt5 I.25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .099 .099 2 .420 .088 .176 3 .078 .453 .085 .248 4 .485 .075 .466 .084 .317 5 .072 .497 .074 .472 .083 .385 6 .509 . 071 .504 .073 .477 .082 .453 7 .070 .515 .070 .507 .072 .479 .082 .519 8 .522 .069 .520 .070 .510 .072 .482 .082 .586 9 .068 .525 .069 .522 .070 .512 .072 .483 .081 .651 10 .530 .068 .528 . 068 .524 .069 .514 .072 .484 .081 .718 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .067 .536 .068 .527 .069 .516 . 071 .486 .081 .·912 19 .066 .544 .067 .530 .068 .519 . 071 .489 .080 1."300 25 .065 .548 .067 .532 ,068 .520 :071 .490 .080 1. 686 31 .065 .551 .067 .533 .068 .521 . 071 .491 .080 2.070 .063 .S62j..,Infinite Semi-Infinite-.494 .080 II-64 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 0 I rw lti/D ) / Llrw L/a c 1! -3 2 125 188 0.1!145 2.5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 4 5 .0991 .099 .160 2 .592 .080 .213 3 .064 .637 .074 .262 4 .680 .059 .655 .072 .310 5 .054 . 696 .057 .663 .071 .357 .070 6 .712 . 052 . 704 . 056 .668 .069 7 .051 .719 .051 .708 .055 .671 .402 . 675 .069 .447 8 . 727 . 050 .724 . 051 .712 .054 .491 . 05.4 .676 .068 9 . 048 . 731 . 049 .727 . 050 .714 .054 .678 .068 .536 10 . 736 .048 .735 . 048 ..730 .050 .717 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .047 . 733 I . 049 .719 . 053 .681 .068 .666 13 . 046 .744 .067 .·922 19 .044 .754 . 047 .737 .048 .723 .052 .684 .066 1. 17 5. 046 .739 . 048 .725 .052 .686 25 .044 .759 . 046 . 740 . 048 .726 .052 .688 .066 1.426 31 . 043 . 762 . 040 .776 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.692 .066 W/D L/a Llrw DI rw c 1! -1! I 250 188 0.1!45 I .25 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 4 5 .092 1 . 092 .169 2 :321 .084 .2403 :('77 .356 .082 .309 4 .390 .074 .371 .080 .376 5 .072 .404· .073 .379 .079 .443 6 . .419 .070 .412 . 072 .384 .079 .509 7 .069 .426 .070 .417 .072 .387 .078 .555 .069 .420 .071 .390 .078 8 .434 .068 .432 .639 9 .068 .-439 .068 .434 .069 .422 . 071 .392 .078 . 705 10 .444 .067 .442 .068 .437 .069 .424 .071 .393 .078 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .078 .'897 .067 .441 .068 .427 .071 .396 13 .066 .452 . 077 1.281 .066 .444 .068 .431 .070 .399 19 .065 .462 . 077 1.662 .066 .446 .068 .432 .070 .400 25 .064 .466 . 077 2.042 31 .064 .467 .066 .447 .067 .433 .070 .401 .062 .482 --Infinite Semi-Infinite-.405 .076 II-65 -\ ! EM 1110-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 c 4 -4 2 Llrw Dl rw WID Lla c 250 188 0.1+45 .::.0" - N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .092 .092 2 .4:84 .079 .157 3 .066 .531 .074 .214 4 .575 .062 .553 . 071 .267 5 .058 .594 .060 .564 .070 .317 6 . 615 .056 .607 .059 .573 .069 7 .054 .626 .055 . 614 .058 I .366 .578 .068 .414 8 .637 .053 .633 .054 .619 .057 .582 .067 9 .051 .644 . 052 .638 .053 .622 .057 .585 .067 .442 .508 10 . 65.1 .050 .649 .051 .642 .053 .525 .056 .588 .067 .555 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 048 .664 .050 .648 .052 .630 .056 .592 .066 .691 19 .046 .677 .049 .653 .051 .635 .055 .596 .065 .958 25 .046 .685 .049 .656 .051 .638 .054 .599 .065 1.222 31 .045 .689 .049 . 657 .051 .639 .054 .600 .065 1.484.042 .708 -Infinite Semi -Infinite-.608 .064 Llrw DI rw WID c 4 -4 3 250 Llal£E 0. !P45 5.0N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .092 .092 c 2 .634 .072 .144 3 .055 . 684, .065 .186 4 . 731 .050 .707 .062 .223 5 .045 . 750 .047 .719 .060 .258 6 .769 .042 . 761 .045 .728 .058 .291 7 .040 .779 .040 . 768 . 044 .733 . 057 .323 8 . 790 .038 .787 .039 . 774 .043 .738 .056 .354 9 .037 .797 .037 . 791 .039 .778 .043 . 742 .056 .384 10 . 804 .036 . 802 .036 . 796 .038 . 781 .042 . 744 .055 .414 1 2 ' N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .033 .816 .035 . 802 .037 .786 .041 . 749 .054 .500 19 .030 .830 .034 .808 .036 . 792 . 040 . 755 .053 .667 25 .029 .838 .033 .811 .035 . 795 .040 . 758 . 052 .829 31 .028 .843 .033 . 812 .035 .796 .039 . 760 .052 .988 .025 .863 --Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 767 .050 II-66 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 L/a Llrw 0/ rw W/0 c 4 -5 I 500 188 0.445 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt .0871 .087 .160 2 .266 .080 .2283 .074 .302 .077 .294 4 .338 .071 .319 .076 .359 .069 .353 .070 .327 .075 5 .423 6 .369 .068 .362 .069 .333 .075 .486 7 .066 .376 .067 .366 .069 .336 .074 .074 .549 8 .385 .066 .382 .066 .370 .068 .338 .611 9 .065 .389 .065 .385 .066 .372 .068 .340 .074 .066 .374 .068 .342 .074 .675 10 .395 .065 .393 .065 .388 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .378 . 068 .345 .074 .860 13 .064 .404· .064 .392 .065 .348 .073 1.229 19 .062 .413 .064 .396 .065 .381 .067 .073 1. 596 25 .062 .418 .064 .397 .065 .383 .067 .349 31 .062 .422 . 064 .398 .065 .384 .067 .350 .073 1. 961 .060 .435 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.354' .073 L/a Llrw 0/ rw W/0 c 4 -5 2 500 188 0.445 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt .0871 .087 .152 2 .392 .076 .209 3 .066 .443 .071 .261 4 .492 .062 .470 .069 .311 5 .058 .516 .060 .485 .067 .358 6 .540 .056 . 531 .058 .495 .066 7 .054 .554 .054 .539 .057 .501 .065 .408 :4558 .568 .052 .563 .054 .546 .057 .506 .065 9 .051 .576 .051 .568 .053 .550 .056 .509 .064 .501 .056 ;512 .064 .548 10 .585 .050 .582 .051 .573 .053 .554 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 048 .600 .050 .580 .052 .559 .055 .517 .063 .683 19 .046 . 616 .049 .587 .051 .565 .055 .522 .063 . 949 1. 211 25 .045 .625 .049 .590 .051 .568 .054 .525 .062 .050 .570 .054 . 527 .062 1.472 31 .045 .630 .048 .592 .042 .653 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.535 .062 II-67 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 c ~ -5 3 llrw Dl rw W/D L/a 500 188 0.~~5 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .087 .087 2 .535 . 071 .1423 .058 .591 .064 .187 4 .641 .053 .620 .061 .2275 .048 .667 .050 .638 .058 .264 6 .692 .045 :683 .048 . 651 .057 .298 7 .042 .706 .043 .694 .046 .659 .056 .331 8 . 722 .040 .718 .042 .702 .045 .666 .055 .364 9 .039 . 731 .039 . 724 .041 .707 .044 .669 .054 .394 10 . 742 .037 . 739 .038 .730 .040 .712 .044 .674 .054 .426 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .034 .760 .037 . 739 .039 .719 .043 . 681 .052 .515 19 .032 .781 .035 . 748 .038 .728 .042 .689 .051 .687 25 .030 . 792 .035 . 752 .037 . 731 .041 .692 .051 .854 31 .029 .798 .034 . 754 .037 . 733 .041 .694 .050 1. 017 .025 . 824 -Infinite Semi-Infin.ite-. 702 .049 c ~ -5 ~ L/rw D/ rw W/D L/a 500 188 0.4~5 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .087 .087 2 .667 .065 .131 3 .049 .720 .058 .165 4 .767 .043 . 746 .054 .194 5 .038 .788 .040 . 761 .051 .220 6 .808 .035 . 801 .038 . 772 . 049 .244 7 .032 . 819 .033 .810 .036 .780 .047 .266 8 .832 .031 .829 .032 .817 .035 .786 .046 .i88 9 .029 .839 .029 .834· .031 . 822 .034 . 791 .045 .308 10 .848 .028 .846 .028 .840 .030 . 827 .034 . 795 .044 .328 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .025. . 862 .026 .849 .028 .834 .032 . 802 .043 .384 19 .021 .882 .025 .858 .027 .843 .030 .811 .041 .488 25 .019 . 892 .024 . 862 .026 .847 .030 .815 .040 .587 31 .018 .898 .024 . 864 .026 .849 .029 . 817 .040 .683 .014 .923 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.827 .037 II-68 ~I • EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/0 L/a Llrw 0 I r w c ll -6 2 1000 188 O.llll5 2.5 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .082 1 .082 .145 2 .338 .072 .200 3 .064 .393 .068 .251 4 .444 .060 .421 .066 .300 5 .056 .4·70 .058 .438 .064 .347 6 .496 .054 .486 .056 .448 .063 .393 7 .052 .510 .053 .495 .056 .455 .062 .439 .502 .055 .460 .062 .525 .051 .520 .052 .485 8 .506 .054 .464• .062 9 .050 .534 .050 .526 .051 .054 .466 .061 .529 10 .543 .049 .540 .049 .531 .051 .510 1 2 N-6 N•5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .061 .662 .539 .050 .517 .053 .472 13 .047 .560 .048 .060 .920 .049 .523 .053 .478 19 .045 .578 .048 .546 .052 .481 .060 1.176 25 . 044 .587 .047 .549 .049 .526 .059 1.430 .047 .551 . 049 .528 . 052 .483 31 .043 .593 .041 .617 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.492 .059 0/ rw W/0 L/a Llrw c ll -6 3 1000 188 O.llll5 5.0 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 .0821 .082 .137 2 .449 .069 .183 3 .058 .513 .062 .223 4 .569 .053 .548 .059 .259 5 .048 .600 .050 .570 .056 .294 .045 .621 .. 048 .585 .055 6 ..631 .327 7 . 042 .649 .043 .633 .. 046 .595 .054 .360 .045 .603 .053 8 .668 .040 .662 .042 .644 .391 .044 .608 .052 9 ;038 .679 .039 .670 .041 .650 . 614· .()52 .422 10 .692 .037 .689 .038 .678 .040 .656 .044 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .'510 .039 .665 .043 .622 .050 13 .034 • 714' .036 . 689 .042 . 631 . 049 . 681 19 .031 . 740 .035 .699 .038 .674 .049 .848 25 .030 . 752 .035 . 703 .037 .678 .041 .638 1. 011 .706 . 037 . 681 .041 .638 .048 31 .029 . 759 .034 .025 . 791 ._lnfinite Semi-Infinite-.648 .047 II-69 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw c ~ -6 ~ Dl rw WID l/a 1000 188 0.~~5 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .082 2 .082 .576 .065 3 .051 .637 .057 .129 .166 4 .690 .046 . 671 .053 .196 5 .040 .718 .042 .693 .050 .224 6 . 745 .037 . 737 .040 .709 .048 .249 7 .034 . 761 .035 . 750 . 038 .719 .046 .271 8 .778 .032 . 774· .033 .760 .036 . 728 .045 .294 9 .030 .789 .031 . 782 .032 . 767 .035 . 734 .044 .314 10 .802 .029 .799 .030 . 791 . 031 . 774 .035 . 741 . 043 .335 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .025 .823 .028 . 802 .030 . 784 .033 . 750 .041 19 .392 .022 .849 .026 . 814' .028 . 795 .032 . 761 .040 .498 25 .020 .862 .025 . 819 .027 .800 .031 .766 .039 .599 31 .018 .868 .024 .821 . 027 . 802 .030 .768 .038 .695 .014 .885 -Infinite Semi -Infinite . 750 .034 c ~ -7 3 llrw Dl rw WID L/a2000 188 0.~~5 5.0N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .078 .078 2 .399 .066 .1323 .056 .466 .060 .176 4 .526 .051 .504· .056 -.215 5 .047 .560 .048 .528 .054 .251 6 .592 .044 .581 .046 .544 .053 7 .041 .612 .042 .596 .045 .555 .052 .285 .318 8 . 632 .040 .626 .041 .606 .044 .563 .051 .350 9 .038 .645 .038 .635 .040 .613 .043 .570 .050 .380 10 . 658 .037 .654 .037 .643 .039 .619 .043 .574 .050 .411 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .034 .683 .036 .656 .038 .630 .042 .584' .048 .49819 .Q31 .711 .034 .667 .037 .640 .040 .594 .048 .667 25 .029 . 724' .034 .672 .036 .645 .040 .600 .047 .830 31 .028 . 733 .034 .675 .036 .648 .040 . 602 .047 . 991 .025 .766 ._Inflnite Seml-Inf inlte .605 .045 II-70 "-, l', / EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/D L/a llrw DI rw c ~ -7 ~ 2000 188 0.~~5 10 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 • .078 1 .078 .126 2 .497 .063 .162 3 .051 .567 .055 .193 4 . 627 .046 . 608 .051 .221 5 .040 . 661 .042 . 634 . 048 I .246 6 .693 .037 .685 .040 . 653 .046 .269 . 700 .038 . 666 .044 7 .034 .714 .035 .291 . 712 .037 . 677 .043 .032 .729 .033 8 . 734' .042 .312 9 .030 . 747 .031 . 739 .032 . 721 .036 . 684 .041 .332 . 762 .029 . 759 .030 . 748 .031 .728 .035 .691 10 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .389.030 . 742 .033 .703 .040 13 .025 . 788 .028 . 763 .032 .716 .038 .496 .028 . 755 19 .022 . 820 .026 .778 .037 .596 .031 .722 25 .020 .836 .025 . 784' .027 .760 . 726 .037 .693 .024 .787 .027 . 764 .030 .018 .845 31 .035 .014 .883 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 742 L!a c ~ -8 ~ Llrw DI rw W/D 10 186 0.~~5 ~000 8 9 10 Qt 5 6 7 N 1 2 3 4 .074 1 .074 .121 2 .449 .060 .157 3 .050 .524 .054 .188 .044 .568 . 049 .215 4 .587 5 .040 .625 . 041 .596 .046 .239.616 .044 6 .659 .037 .650 .039 .263 .631 .043 7 .034 .682 .034 .667 .037 .042 .285 . 704 .032 .698 .033 .680 .036 .643 . 041 .305 8 .035 .651 .030 .710 .032 .690 9 .030 .719 .034 .658 .040 .325 10 . 734 .028 .730 .029 .719 .031 . 698 N-1 N N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 1 2 . 673 .038 ."382 .713 .032 13 .025 . 764 .027 . 737 .029 . 031 .687 .037 .488 .025 . 753 .028 .728 19 .022 .799 .025 .760 .027 . 735 .030 .694 .036 .588 .020 .817 .036 .684 25 .024 . 764 . 026 . 739 .030 .698 31 .018 .828 .033 .869 ._Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 704· .014 II-71 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw Dl rw WID c 5 -I I L/a 31 .25 95 0.~36 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .127 2 .606 .105 .127 3 .085 .637 .101 .210 4 .081 .099 .287 .668 .647 5 .077 .677 .361 .080 .650 .098 .433 6 .686 .,076 .681 .079 .654 .098 7 .075 .690 .075 .683 .079 .655 .097 .526 8 .694 .074 .692 .685 .577 .075 .078 . 657 .097 9 .073 .696 .073 .694 .074 .686 .078 .657 .097 .648 10 .699 .073 .698 .073 .695 .074 .688 .078 .658 .718 .097 .789 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N13 .072 . 703 19 .072 .697 .074 .689 .077 .660 .096 .997 .070 .708 .699 .072 .073 .691 .077 .661 .096 1.412 25 .070 . 710 .072 .700 .073 .692 .077 .662 .095 31 .069 .712 .072 .700 .073 . 692 .076 1. 824 .662 .095 2.234 .068 .no -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-.663 .095 c 5 -2 I Llrw Dlrw WID Lla C' 62.5 95 0.~36 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .115 .115 2 .479 .100 .200 3 .08'1 .511 .097 .280 4 .542 . 084 .523 .095 5 .080 .554 .082 .529 .094 .357 .432 6 .566 ,079 .560 .081 .534 .093 .506 7 .077 .571 .078 .564' .080 .536 .093 .579 8 .578 .076 .576 .077 .567 .080 .092 .538 .653 9 .076 .581 .076 .578 .077 .568 .080 .539 .092 10 .585 .075 .584 .075 .580 .077 .570 .080 .724 .541 .092 .797 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .074 .592 .075 .583 .076 .572 .079 .543 .092 1.012 19 .072 .599 25 .074 .586 .076 .575 .079 .545 .091 1.438 31 .072 .603 .074 .587 .075 .576 .078 .546 .091 1.861 .071 .606 .074 .588 .075 .577 .078 .547 .091 2.283 .069 .616 4-lnfinite Semi-lnf inite-.551 .090 II-72 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/D Lla Llrw D/ rw / / c 5 -2 2 62.5 95 0.436 2.5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 2 3 4 5N .115 1 .115 .180 2 .666 .090 .236 3 .069 .706 .084 .289 4 .743 .063 .720 .081 .339 5 .058 . 756 .061 . 726 .080 .389 .060 .079 6 . 769 .056 . 763 .731 .438 7 .054 .775 .055 .766 .059 .734 .078 .486. 781 .053 .779 ..054 .770 .058 .736 . 077 8 .052 . 781 ..054 . 771 .058 .737 .077 .533 9 .052 .784 .052 . 784 .053 .773 .058 .740 .076 .580 10 .789 . 051 .788 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 1 2 . 057 .741 .076 .718 .050 .786 . 052 .775 13 .049 . 795 .075 .990 19 .047 .804 .050 .790 . 052 .778 .056 .744 . 746 1.259 .049 . 792 .051 .780 .056 .074 25 .046 .808 .056 .747 .074 1.524 31 .046 ,810 .049 . 792 .. 051 .780 .073 . 043 .822 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 748 D/ rw WID L/a Ll rw c 5 -3 I 125 S5 0.436 I.25 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 3 .106 1 .106 .191 2 .364 .096 .270 3 .086 .400 .092 .3464 ,.435 .083 .416 .090 .420 5 .079 .450 .081 .423 .089 .494 6 .465 .078 .458 .080 .429 .089 .566 .080 .432 .088 7 .076 .472 . 077 .462 .638 .466 . 079 .435 .088 8 .481 .076 .478 .076 .709 .468 .079 .436 .088 9 .075 ..485 . 075 .480 .076 . 079 .438 .088 .780 .074 .488 .074 .483 .076 .470 10 .490 .1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .440 .087 :993 .487 .075 .473 .078 .073 .498 .074 .087 1.414 13 .071 .508 .073 .490 .075 .476 .078 .443 1.832 19 .478 .078 .445 .086 25 . 071 .512 .073 .492 .074 .077 .446 .086 2.248 31 .070 .515 .073 .493 .074 .479 .086 .068 .528 -..Infinite Semi-Infinite-.450 II-13 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw D/ rw W/0 c 5 -3 2 125 LlaS5 0.436 2.5N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .106 .106 2 .543 .088 .1763 .073 .588 .082 .237 4 . 631 .068 .609 .079 5 .063 .649 .065 .620 .078 .294 .348 6 .668 .060 .660 .064 .628 .076 .401 7 .059 .678 .059 .666 .062 .632 .076 8 .688 . 056 .685 .058 .672 .062 .636 .452.075 .502 9 .055 .694' .056 .689 .057 .674 .061 .638 .074 .552 10 . 701 .054 .699 .055 .692 .057 .677 .061 .641 .074 .601 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .052 . 712 .054 .698 .056 .682 .060 19 .• 644 .073 .747 .050 . 725 .053 . 702 .055 .686 .059 ."648 .072 1.032 25 . 048 . 731 .052 . 705 .054 .688 .059 .651 .072 31 . 048 1.313 . 735 . 052 .706 .054 .689 .059 . 652 .072 1.591.045 . 752 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.659 . 071 c !) -3 3 L/rw D/ rw W/0 L/a 125 95 0.436 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .106 .106 2 .704· .080 .1603 .059 . 747 .072 .203 4 . 787 .053 . 766 .068 .242 5 • 047 .802 .050 • 775 .066 .278 6 .818 .044 . 812 .048 . 783 .064 .313 7 .042 . 826 .042 .818 .046 . 787 .063 8 .836 .040 .833 .041 . 823 .046 .791 .062 .346 .376 9 .038 .841 .039 .837 .040 .825 .045 . 794 .062 .409 10 .846 .037 .845 .038 .840 .040 .828 .044 .796 .061 .440 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .034 .856 .036 .845 .038 .832 .043 . 800 .060 .530 19 .032 .868 .035 .850 .037 .837 .042 .805 .058 .705 25 .030 ..875 .034 .852 .037 .839 .042 . 808 .058 .87131 .029 .878 .034 .853 .036 .840 .041 .808 .057 1.035 .026 . 894· .-rnfinite Semi-Infinite-. 810 .056 II-74 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/0 l/a Llrw Dl rw c 5 -4 I 250 95 0.436 1.25 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 o099 1 o099 ol80 2 o300 o090 o255 3 o082 o338 o087 ;328o085 4 o376 o079 o355 o399 5 o076 o392 o077 o364' o084 o469 6 o4'07 o074 o400 o016 o369 o084 o539 .405 o076 o373 o083 7 o073 o416 o074 o076 o375 o083 o608 8 .424 o072 o421 o073 o409 o075 o377 o083 o676 o072 .424' o073 o41l o744 9 o071 o429 o075 o379 o083 10 o434 0 071 o432 o071 o427 o072 o413 N 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 0 o382 o082 948 o070 o443 o071 .431 o072 o417 o075 o385 o082 1o353 0 13 o435 o072 o420 074 19 o068 o453 o070 o071 o422 o074 o386 o082 1o753o070 o437 25 o068 o458 o074 o388 o082 2o152 o067 o462 o070 .438 o071 o423 31 o081 o066 o475 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-o392 w/0 L/a Llrw D/ rw 0.436 2.5 c 5 -4 2 250 95 9 10 Qt 6 7 8N 1 2 3 4 5 o099 1 o099 o170 2 o438 o085 o231 3 o073 .490 o079 o287 4 o540 o068 o517 o076 o341 5 o063 o563 o065 o531 o074 o393 6 o587 o060 o578 o063 o540 o073 o444 7 o058 600 059 o586 o062 o546 o072 o494 0 0 614' 0 0056 o609 o058 o592 o062 o551 o072 o543 0 8 . 595 o061 o554 071 9 o055 0 621 o055 .614 o057 o061 o557 o071 o593o055 .618 o057 o599 10 o630 o054 .627 N-2 N-1 N N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 1 2 :737o053 625 o056 o604 o060 o562 o070 13 o052 o644 0 059 o567 0069 o998 19 049 o659 o052 . 0 631 o055 610 o069 1o300 0 o634' o054 . 612 0 o059 o569 0 25 o048 o667 o052 o054 614 o058 .571 069 1. 577 0 31 o048 . 672 o052 o635 o068 693 ..._Infinite Semi-Infinite-o579 0 o044 II-75 EM 1110-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 c 5 -~ 3 Llrw Dl rw WID L/a 250 95 0.~36 5.0N 1 2 3 4 • 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .099 2 .593 .079 .099 3 .062 .646 . 071 .157 4 .693 .056 .673 .067 .205 5 .051 .716 .053 .689 .064 .246 .285 6 . 739 .048 . 732 .051 .700 .062.044 .321 7 .753 .045 . 741 .049 .707 .061 8 . 766 . 042 . 762 .044 .355 .748 .048 .714 .060 9 . 040 . 774 .041 . 768 . i'52 .389 10 ..043 .047 .716 . 059 .421. 784 .039 .782 .040 .774 .042 .757 .047 . 721 . 059 .453 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .036 .800 .038 . 781 . 041 .763 .045 .726 .057 .546 19 .033 .818 .037 .788 .040 .770 .044 .733 25 . 031 .827 .036 .791 .039 .773 . 056 .724 31 .044 . 736 .056 .897 . 030 .832 .036 . 794 . 039 .775 . 043 . 739 .055 1.068.026 .854 -Infinite Semi -Infinite-. 749 .054 c 5 -~ ~ Llrw DI rw WID lla250 S5 O.lt36 10N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .099 .099 2 .734 .072 3 .052 .779 .144 .063 4 .178 . 818 .045 .799 .059 .208 5 .039 .834 .042 • 810 . 056 .234 6 . 851 .036 .846 .039 .820 .054 7 .219 .033 .860 I.034 .852 .038 .826 8 .870 .032 .868 .033 .052 .281 9 .030 .876 .030 .858 .037 .832 .051 .303 10 .872 .032 .862 .036 .835 . 050 .324 .882 . 028 ! . 881 .029 .876 .031 .866 .035 .839 .049 .3441 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .025 19 .895 .027 .883 .029 .872 .033 .844 .047 .401.022 .909 .025 .890 .028 .878 .032 .851 .045 .508 25 .020 . 918 .025 .893 .027 .881 . 031 .854 .044 .609 31 .019 .922 .024 .894 .026 .882 .031 .856 .044 .706.014 .941 -c-Inf inite Semi-Infinite-.861 .041 II-76 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/D LlaLlrw D/ rw c 5 -5 2 500 85 0.~36 2.5 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .092 1 .092 .161 2 .377 .080 .220 .070 .433 .075 3 .275 4 .486 ;065 . 461 .072 .327 5 .061 .512 .062 .477 .070 .377 .061 .487 .069 6 .537 .058 ,.527 .427 .536 .060 .494' .069 7 .056 .552 .057 .476 8 .566 .054 .561 .056 .542 .059 .499 .068 .524 .54•7 .059 .502 .068 9 .051 .575 .054 .567 .055 .059 .505 .067 .571 10 .584' .052 .581 .053 .571 .055 .550 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .058 .511 .067 .712 13 . 050 . 600 .052 .579 .054 . .557 .517 .066 .987 .051 .586 .053 .563 .057 19 .048 ~ .617 .066 1.259 25 .047 . 626 . 050 .589 .053 .566 .057 .520 .065 1.529 .056 .522 31 .046 .631 .050 .591 .052 .568 Semi-lnfinite-.530 .064 -Infinite .043 . 654 Dl rw W/0 L/a Llrw c 5 -5 3 500 95 0.~36 5.0 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 .092 1 .092 .152 2 .497 .076 .200 3 .063 .560 .068 .242 4 .616 .057 .594 .064 .280 5 .051 .645 .053 .614' .062 .316 6 . 674 . 048 .665 .051 .629 .060 .350 7 .044 . 691 .045 .676 .049 . 638 .058 .384 8 .709 .042 . 704 .044 .686 .048 .645 .057 .416.691 .047 .650 .057 9 . 040 .720 .041 :712 .043 .047 .654 .056 .448 10 ,. 732 .039 .728 .040 ·• 718 .042 .697 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .·540 13 .036 . 752 .038 .728 .041 . 704 .045 .662 .055 .718 .670 .054 19 .033 . 774 .037 . 736 .040 . 713 .044 .053 .891 .741 .039 .717 .044 .674 25 .031 .786 ..036 1. 061 31 .030 . 792 .036 .743 .039 .719 .043 . 676 .053 .026 . 820 .-.Infinite Semi-lnf inite-.688 .051 II-77 EM 111D-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 llrw c 5 -5 4 0 I rw WID ( lla 500 95 0.436 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .092 2 .634 .071 .092 3 .055 .690 .062 .142 4 . 738 .048 . 720 .057 .179 5 .042 . 763 .044 .211 . 739 .054 .239 6 . 787 .039 . 780 .042 . 753 .052 7 .036 .802 I .036 .264 . 791 .040 . 762 .050 8 . 817 .033 . 813 .035 . 800 .038 .770 .287 .048 9 .310 . 031 . 826 .032 . 820 .034 .806 .037 . 775 .047 .331 10 .836 . 030 .834 .031 .826 .033 .812 .036 .780 .047 .352 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .026 .855 .028 .837 .031 .820 .035 . 789 .045 19 . 022 .876 .026 .846 .029 . 829 .033 .410 .797 .043 .518 25 .020 . 888 .026 .850 .028 . 834· :o32 .802 .042 .621 31 .019 .892 .025 .852 .028 .835 .032 . 804 .042 .014 .920 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 811 .039 .720 c 5 -6 3 Llrw DI rw WID Lla 1000 95 0.436 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .087 2 .439 .072 .087 .145 3 .061 .507 .066 4 .567 .055 ' .544 .062 .191 5 .050 .600 .052 .568 .232 .059 .270 6 .632 . 046 .621 .049 .583 .057 7 .043 . 651 .044 .635 .048 .593 .056 .306 8 .670 .042 .664 .043 .644 .047 . 601 .055 .340 .372 9 .040 .683 .040 .673 .042 • 651 .046 .607 .054 .404 10 .695 .038 .691 .039 .680 . 041 . 657 .045 . 611 .054 .436 13 1 2 i N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N.035 .038 .692 .040 . 7181 .667 .044 .620 .053 .527 19 .032 . 744 .036 . 702 .039 . 676 .043 .629 .q52 .702 25 .030 . 7561 .036 . 706 .038 . 680 .042 .634 .051 .872 31 .030 . 763 .035 . 709 '. 038 .683 .042 .637 .050 1.038 .026 .794·1+-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.640 . 049 II-78 EM 111D-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 DI rw WID L/a Llrw c 5 -6 1+ 1000 S5 O.i.t-36 10 7 8 9 10 Ot • ! 4 5 6 N 1 2 3 .087 1 .087 .138 2 .545 .069 .176 3 .055 .613 .060 .207 4 . 671 .048 .652 .055 .235 5 . 043 .703 .044 .676 .052 .261 .050 6 . 733 .039 . 724 . 042 .693 .284 . 752 ,037 .738 .040 . 705 . 048 7 .036 .307 . 750 .038 .714 . 046 8 . 771 .034 . 766 .035 .720 .045 .328 9 .031 . 782 .032 . 774· .034 . 756 .037 . 045 ,j45 . 783 .033 . 764 .036 .727 10 .796 .030 .793 .031 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 043 .407 13 .026 . 819 .028 . 796 ,.031 . 775 .035 • 738 .041 .515 .033 . 749 19 .022 .846 .027 .808 .029 .786 . 040 .617 . 791 ,032 .754 25 .'020 . 860 .026 .813,.028 .040 .717 31 .019 . 868 .025 . 816 . 028 .795 .032 . 758 .014 . 901 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 773 .038 WID L/a Llrw Dlrw \_," 5 -7 ~ 95 0.~36 10 2000 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 4 5 6 .0.82 1 .082 .132 2 .490 .066 .169 3 .054 .565 . 058 .201 4 . 627 .047 .607 .053 .228 5 .042 ...663 .043 .634 .050 .254 . 653 .048 6 .696 .038 . 687 .041 .277 .039 .667 .046 .035 .718 .036 . 703 .299 7 .045 .034 .715 .038 . 677 8 .738 .033 . 733 . 685 .044 .321 .033 .724 .037 9 .031 . 752 .031 .744 . 752 .032 .731 .0136 . 692 .043 .341 10 . 766 .029 .763 .030 N-1 N 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 . 745 .034 . 704 . 041 .399 13 .026 . 793 .028 . 768 .030 .029 . 758 .032 .717 .040 .506 19 .022 .824 .026 . 782 .028 . 764· .032 .723 .039 .608 25 .020 .841 .025 .788 . 028 . 767 .031 .727 .038 .706 31 . 019 . 850 .025 . 791 .036Semi-Infinite-. 732 .014 . 886 4-lnfinite II-79 -~ / EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 c 6 -I I Llrw Dl rw WID l/a 31 .25 l.J8 O.l.JI8 1.25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .J36 2 .556 .JJ6 .J36 3 .098 .586 .JJ2 .233 4 .615 .094 .597 .JJO .32J 5 .090 .625 .092 .602 .JOB .407 .49J 6 .636 .088 .631 .09J .606 .JOB 7 .086 .641 .087 .634 .090 .574 .608 .J07 8 .647 .085 .655 .645 .086 . 637 .090 . 611 .107 9 .084 .650 .084 .646 .086 .638 .089 .612 .1 06 . 737 10 .654 .084 .816 .652 .084 .649 .085 .640 .089 .613 .I 06 .897 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .082 .659 ..083 .651 .085 .642 .089 . 615 19 .080 .666 .1 06 J.J35 .082 .654 .084 .644 .088 .617 .J05 25 .080 .670 J.608 .082 .655 .084 .645 .088 .618 .1 05 31 .079 . 672 .082 .656 .084 . 646 2. 077 .088 .619 .104 2.544 . 077 .682 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-.622 .1 04 Llrw Dl rw c 6 -2 I WID l/a 62.5 l.J8 O.l.JI8 1.25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .124 .J24 2 .419 .110 .2203 .097 .456 .1 06 .309 4 .493 .093 .472 .1 04 .3935 .089 .507 .091 .480 .102 .476 6 .522 .087 .515 .090 .485 .102 .558 7 .085 .530 .086 .520 .089 .488 .638 .IOJ 8 .537 .084 .534 .085 .523 .089 .491 .1 01 .718 9 .083 .542 .083 .537 .085 .525 .088 .492 .JOO . 797 10 .546 .082 .545 .083 .540 .084 .527 .088 .494 .J 00 .876 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .081 .554 .082 .543 .084 .530 .088 .496 .1 00 J.1J1 19 .079 .563 .081 .547 ;083 .533 .087 .499 ,099 1.577 25 .078 .568 .081 .548 .083 .534 .087 .501 .099 2.040 31 .078 .571 .081 .549 .083 .535 .087 .501 .098 2.50J .076 .584 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.505 .098 II-80 / EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 0 I rw vl/o L/a Llrw c 6 -2 2 48 O.l.J.I8 2.5 62.5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 .124 1 .124 .201 2 .619 .100 .267 3 .080 . 660 .093 .328.090 4 .698 .074 .678 .386 5 . 068 .714 . 071 .688 .088 .442 . 069 .694 .086 6 . 731 . 065 i . 724 .496 .085 7 . 063 . 739 ! .064 .729 . 068 .698 .085 .551 8 . 74'8 .061 . 739 .063 . 733. . 067 .701 . 703 .084 .604 .062 .736 .067 9 . 059 . 754 .060 . 748 . 738 .066 . 705 .084 .657 10 . 759 .058 . 757 .059 . 752 .061 N-1 N 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 .. 768 . 058 . 756 .060 . 741 .065 . 708 .083 .812 13 .056 1.117 .059 . 745 .064 .712 .082 19 .053 .778 . 057 .760 .064 .714 .081 1.418 25 .052 .784 . 056 . 762 . 059 . 747 1. 715 .715 .081 31 .051 .787 .056 . 763 .058 . 748 :064 .048 . 811 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 720 .080 DI rw WID Lla Llrw c 6 -3 I l~E O.l~ 18 I .25 125 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 4 5 .114 1 .114 .206 2 .342 .103 .289 3 .092 .383 .099 .370 4 ..422 .088 .4·00 .097 .449 5 .084 .439 .086 .409 .096 .526 6 .455 .083 .447 .085 .414 .095 .603 .453 .085 .418 .094 7 .081 .464 .082 .679 .456 .084 .421 .094 8 .472 .080 .469 .081 .084 .423 .094 . 755 9 .079 .477 .079 .472 .081 .458 .084 .424 .094 .831 10 .482 .078 .480 .079 .474 .080 .460 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 1 N-1 N -.083 .42 7 .093 1.055 .078 .478 .080 .464 13 . 077 .491 .093 1.500 .078 .483 .079 .467 .083 .430 19 .076 .501 .083 .432 .092 1.942 25 .075 .506 . 077 .484 . 079 I.469 .092 2.383 .470 .082 .433 31 .074 .509 .077 .48G . 079 .072 .523 4--Inf inite Semi-Infinite-.437 .092 II-81 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw c 6 -3 2 Dlrw WID Lla 125 ij8 0.ijl8 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .114 .114 2 .496 .096 .192 3 .080 .548 .089 .258 4 .597 .074 .574· .085 .319 5 .068 .620 .071 .587 .083 .377 6 .643 .065 .633 .069 .596 .082 .433 7 .062 .654· .064 .640 .068 . 601 .081 .487 8 . 667 .061 '.662 .062 .646 .067 .605 .080 .541 9 .059 .674 .060 . 667 .062 .649 .067 . 608 .080 .594 10 .682 .058 .680 .059 . 671 .061 . 652 .066 .611 .079 . 647 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .055 .694 .058 .677 .060 . 657 .065 .615 .078 .801 19 .053 . 708 .056 .682 .059 .662 .064 .620 .078 11 .104 25 .052 .715 .056 .685 .059 .664 .064 .622 .077 1.403 31 .051 .720 .056 .686 .058 .666 .064 .624 .077 1.698 .047 . 739 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.630 .076 c 6 -3 3 llrw Dl rw WID Lla125 l.J.s O.ijl8 5.0N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .114 .114 2 .666 .088 .177 3 .068 .713 .079 .226 4 . 754 .060 . 736 .074 .270 5 .054 . 774' .056 . 749 .071 .309 6 ; 794 .050 .787 .054 . 759 .069 .357 7 .047 .805 . 048 . 794 .052 . 764 .068 .383 8 ..816 .045 . 813 .046 . 800 .051 .769 .067 9 .042 . 823 .043 . 817 .045 .804' .417 .050 .772 .066 .451 10 .831 .041 .829 .042 .822 .044 .807 .050 . 775 .065 .484 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .038 • 844' . 040 . 828 .043 . 812 .048 .780 .064 .'581 19 .034 .858 .039 .833 .042 . 817 .047 . 785 .062 .766 25 .032 .865 .038 .836 .041 . 820 . 046 .788 .062 .947 31 .032 .868 .038 .837 .041 . 821 . 046 .789 .061 1.123 .027 .887 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 794 .059 II-82 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/0 Lla llrw 0/ rwc 6 -4 2 250 48 0.418 2.5 7 8 9 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ot .1061 .106 .181 2 .424 .090 .2453 .077 .482 .084 .304 4 .535 .071 .510 .080 .360 5 .066 .561 .068 .525 .078 .414 6 .586 .063 .576 .067 .535 .077 .466 7 .060 .600 .061 .584 .065 .540 .076 .076 .519 8 .614' .059 .609 .060 .590 .065 .546 .570 .060 .594 .064 .549 .075 9 .057 .622 .058 .614 .057 .618 .059 .598 .064 .552 .075 .621 10 .631 .056 .628 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .054 .645 .056 . 625 .058 .603 .063 .556 .074 .771 .062 .562 .073 1.065 19 .051 .661 .055 .632 .057 .609 1.354 25 .050 .669 .054 .634 .057 .611 .062 .565 .073 .056 .613 .061 .566 .072 1.641 31 .049 .674 .054 .636 .046 .695 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.574 .072 Llrw 0I rw W/0 L/a c 6 -4 3 250 48 Q.418 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot .1061 .106 .170 2 .555 .085 .2203 .068 .616 .076 .. 264 4 .670 . 061 .648 . 071 .304 5 .054 .698 .057 . 667 .068 .341 6 . 724' .050 . 715 .054 .680 .066 7 .047 . 740 .048 .725 .052 .687 .064 .377 8 . 756 .045 . 751 .047 . 733 .051 • 69'1· .063 .412 .445 9 .042 .765 .043 . 757 '.045 . 738 .050 .698 .062 10 . 776 .041 . 772 .042 . 763 .045 . 743 .050 . 702 .062 .478 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .037 . 793 .040 . 771 .043 . 750 .048 .708 .060 .574 19 .034 . 812 .039 .778 . 042 . 756 .047 .715 .059 . 759 .939 25 .032 . 822 .038 . 782 .041 .760 .047 .718 .058 31 . 031 . 826 .038 . 784 .041 . 762 .046 .721 .058 1.115 .028 .884 .-.Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 781 .053 II-83 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 D 6 -4 4 Llrw 0/ rw WID L/a 250 48 0.418 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .106 .106 2 . 702 .079 .157 3 .058 . 751 .069 .196 4 . 793 .051 . 777 .063 .228 5 .044 . 814' .046 . 792 .059 .256 6 .834 .040 .828 .044 .804' .057 .282 7 . 037 .846 .038 .837 .042 . 811 .055 .305 8 .858 .034 .855 .036 .844 .040 . 818 .053 .328 9 .032 . 865 .033 . 860 .035 .848 .039 . 821 . 052 .349 10 .874' .031 .872 .032 .866 .034 .853 .038 .825 .051 .370 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .027 .888 .029 .873 .032 .859 .036 .831 .049 .429 19 .023 . 905 .027 .881 .030 .866 .035 .838 .047 .540 25 .020 . 914' .027 .884 .029 .870 .034 .842 .046 .645 31 .019 .918 .026 .886 .029 . 871 .034 . 844' .046 .746 .015 .939 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.854 .043 Llrw Dl rw WID lla D 6 -5 3 500 48 0.418 5.0 ( N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt \ 1 .099 .099 \ 2 .488 .080 / / .1613 .066 .556 .072 .210 .4 .616 .059 .592 .068 .253 5 .053 .648 .055 .614 .065 .292 6 .677 .049 .667 .053 .628 .063 .329 7 . 046 .696 .047 .679 . 051 .637 .061 .364 8 .713 .044 .707 .046 .688 ·..050 .644 .060 .399 9 . 042 .725 .042 .716 . 044 .694 .049 .650 .060 .432 10 . 736 . 040 I . 732 . 041 . 722 .044 .699 .048 .654 .059 .444 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N13 '. 037 . 757 .039' . 732 .042 . 708 .047 . 662 .058 .559 19 .033 .779 .038 . 741 .041 .716 . 046 .670 .056 .750 25 .032 .790 .037 .745 .040 . 720 .045 . 674 .056 .917 31 .031 .796 .037 .040 .747 . 722 ;045 .676 .055 1.091 .027 .824 4-lnfinite Semi-Infinite-.679 .054 II-84 c EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/D L/a llrw 0/ rw c 6 -5 l.l 500 ll8 O.ll18 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N .0991 .099 .152 2 .602 .076 .191 3 .059 . 667 .066 .224 4 . 721 .052 .702 .060 .252 5 .045 . 750 .047 . 723 .056 6 .777 .041 .769 .044 . 739 .054 .278 .301 7 .037 . 794 .038 . 781 .042 . 748 .052 .324 . 810 .035 .806 .036 . 791 .040 . 757 .051 8 .346 9 .032 . 821 .033 . 814· .035 .797 .039 . 762 .050 . 049 .367 .038 . 768 10 .832 .031 .829 .032 . 821 .034 .803 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 812 .037 . 776 . 047 .426 13 .027 .851 .029 .831 .032 .786 . 045 .536 19 .023 .875 .027 . 84'1 .030 .821 .035 .044 .641 25 .020 . 886 .027 .845 .030 .826 .034 . 790 1 .034 . 793 .044 .743 .019 .892 .026 ••848 .029 . 828 .041 31 .015 . 919 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.806 Llrw 0/ rw w/0 L/a c 6 -6 l.l 1000 l.l8 C.ll16 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 .092 1 .092 .145 2 .539 .072 .184 3 .058 .613 .063 .216 4 .673 .050 .652 .058 .244 . 678 .054 5 .044 . 707 .046 .270 6 . 738 .040 .728 .043 .694 .052 .293 7 .036 . 757 .038 . 743 .041 .707 .050 .316 8 .776 .034 . 771 .036 . 754• .040 .716 .048 .338 . 762 .038 .723 .047 9 .032 . 788 .032 . 780 .034 .038 . 728 .046 .358 10 . 801 .030 .798 .031 .788 .033 . 768 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 740 . 045 .·417 .032 . 779 .036 13 .026 . 825 .029 . 801 19 . 022 . 852 .027 . 813 .030 .790 .034 . 751 .043 .527 . 796 .034 . 756 . 042 .631 .026 .818 . . 029 25 .020 . 866 . 759 .042 .731 .029 .798 .033 31 .019 . 874 .026 .821 .014 .904' --Infinite Semi-Infinite-.763 .039 II-85 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 llrw Dlrw WID c 7 -I I Lla 31 .25 25 0.389 1.25N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .150 .150 2 .495 .130 .2603 .112 .532 .124 .360 4 .567 .106 .546 .121 .456 5 .1 01 .581 .104 .554 .120 .549 6 .595 .099 .588 .103 .559 .119 . 640 7 .096 .602 .097 .592 .102 .561 .118 .731 8 .609 .095 . 606 .096 .596 .101 .564 .118 .8219 .Q94 .613 .094 .609 .096 .597 .1 01 .565 .117 .909 10 .618 .093 . 616 .094 .611 .096 .599 .100 .567 .117 .979 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N13 .091 .625 .092 . 615 .095 .602 .100 .569 .116 1.262 19 .089 .633 .092 .618 .094 .605 .099 .572 .116 1.784 25 .088 .638 . 091 .620 .094 .606 .099 .573 .115 2.303 31 .087 .640 .091 . 620 .093 .607 .098 .574 .115 2.818 .084 .652 -rnfinite Semi-Infinite-.577 .114 c 7 -2 I Llrw D/ rw W/D Lla 62.5 25 0.38S I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .136 .136 2 .399 .120 .240 •3 .105 .442 .114 .3344 .483 .100 .459 .112 .4245 .095 .499 .098 .467 .111 .512 6 .515 .093 .507 .097 .473 .110 .599 7 . 091 .523 .092 .512 .096 .476 .109 .685 8 .532 .090 .528 .091 .516 .095 .479 .109 .770 9 .089 .536 .089 .531 .091 .518 .095 .480 .108 10 .541 .o88 I .540 .089 .854 .534 .090 .520 .095 .482 .108 .939 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 086· .550 .088 .090 .538 .523 .094 .485 .108 1 .'189 19 .084 .559 .087 .542 .089 .526 .093 .488 .107 1.684 25 .083 .564 .086 .544 .088 .528 .093 .490 .106 2.176 31 .083 .567 .086 .544 .088 .529 .093 .491 .106 2.666 . 080 .581 -.rnfinite Semi-Infinite-.495 .106 II-86 ) j EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 0I rw W/0 L/a llrw c 7 -2 2 ~8 0.389 2.5 62.5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 .136 1 .136 .222 2 .572 .111 .293 3 .090 . 622 .102 .359 4 .668 .082 .645 .098 .421 5 .075 .688 .078 .656 .095 .482 . 071 .700 .076 .664' .093 6 .709 .540 7 .068 .719 .069 . 706 .075 .668 .092 .598 .068 .711 .074 .672 .092 8 . 730 .066 .726 .067 .714 .073 .674' .091 .655 9 .064 . 736 .064 . 730 .712 10 . 743 .063 . 741 .064 . 733 .066 .716 .073 .677 .090 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 753 .062 . 738 .065 .720 .072 .680 .089 .878 13 .060 . 724' .071 .684' .088 1.204 .061 . 743 .064 19 .057 . 765 .. 687 .088 1.524 .064 . 727 .070 25 .056 . 771 .060 . 745 .087 1.840 .070 .688 31 .055 . 774• .060 . 746 .063 . 728 .051 .791 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.694 .086 D/ rw W/D Lla Llrw c 7 -3 2 125 ~e 0.388 2.5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 .124 1 .124 .207 2 .'484· .103 .276 3 .086 .542 .095 .340.079 .570 . 091 4 .596 .400 5 .072 .620 .075 .584 .089 .644· .069 .634' .073 .592 .087 .458 6 .515 7 .065 .657 .067 .642 .072 .598 .086 .571 .066 .647 .071 .602 .086 8 .670 .063 . 665 ;626 9 .062 .677 .062 .670 .065 . 651 .070 .605 .085 .084 .680 .060 .683 .062 .674' .064 . 654 .070 .608 10 .685 N-3 N-2 N-1 N1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 .841 .063 .659 .069 .612 .084 13 .058 .698 .060 . 680 .059 .685 .062 .664' .068 . 617 .082 1 .1 01 19 .055 .712 1 ..466 .620 .082 .058 .688 .061 .666 . 067 25 .054 .. 719 .058 .082 1.773 .690 .061 .667 .067 .621 31 . 0531 . 724 .080 . 049 i .743 ._Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 629 II-87 EM 111o-2-1905, App rr, 1 Mar 63 c 7 -3 3 Llrw Dlrw WID L/a 125 25 0.389 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .124 .124 2 . 629 .096 .1923 .075 .685 .085 .245 4 . 735 .066 . 714• .079 .291 5 .058 . 759 .061 . 729 .076 .332 6 . 782 .054 .773 .058 . 740 .074 .371 7 .049 . 795 .051 . 782 .056 . 74'6 .072 8 .808 .047 .804 .049 .788 .055 . 751 .071 .408 9 .044 .816 .045 .809 .048 .444 . 792 . 054 . 754 .070 .479 10 .824' .043 .822 .044 . 813 .047 .796 .054 .758 .069 .514 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .039 .838 .042 .820 .046 . 801 .052 ..763 .068 .614 19 .036 .853 .041 .825 .044 .806 .051 . 768 .066 .806 25 .034 . 861 .040 .829 .994 .044 .809 .050 . 771 .066 31 .033 .865 .040 .830 .043 . 811 .050 . 773 .065 1.177 .028 .884' -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-.781 .063 c 7 -4 3 L/rw Dl rw W/D L/a 250 25 0.389 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .114 .114 2 .549 .090 • .1813 .072 .616 .080 .2334 . 673 .064 .649 .075 .2785 .056 .702 .059 .668 .072 .318 6 . 730 .052 . 720 .057 .681 .070 7 .048 . 746 .050 .. 731 .055 .689 .357 .068 .393 8 . 762 .046 . 756 .048 . 738 .054 .695 .067 .429 9 .044 .772 .044 . 763 .047 .743 .053 ..700 .066 .463 10 . 782 .042 .778 .043 .768 .046 . 747 .052 . 703 .065 .497 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .038 .800 .041 .777 .044 . 755 .051 .710 .064 .595 19 .035 . 818 .040 . 784 .043 .761 .049 . 716 .063 .785 25 .033 . 827 .039 .788 .043 . 765 .049 .720 .062 .969 31 .032 .832 .039 . 790 .042 . 767 .048 .722 .061 1.149 .028 .855 --Infinite Semi-lnf inite-.726 .060 II-88 / EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 D/ rw W/D L/a Llrw c 7 -ll ll 0.388 10 250 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 QtN .114 1 .114 .170 2 .673 .085 .210 3 .064 . 731 .073 .242 4 .779 .055 . 761 .066 5 . 047 .804• . 050 .778 .062 .271 .297 6 . 827 .042 I .819 . 047 .791 . 059 .321 .798 . 057 7 .038 .840,.040 .828 .044 8 .854 . 036 .850 .038 . 837 .043 .806 .056 .344 .055 .366 . 856 .036 .841 .042 . 810 9 .033 .862 .034 .387 10 .871 .031 .869 . 033 . 861 .035 .846 .041 .814 .054 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .852 .039 .820 .052 .447 13 .027 .886 .030 .869 .033 .828 . 050 .560 19 .023 .904 .028 .877 .032 .860 .037 .667 .031 .863 . 036 .831 .049 25 .021 . 913 .028 .880 . 048 .770 .865 .036 .834 .020 .918 .027 . 882 .030 .046 31 .015 .938 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.843 W/D L/a Llrw Dlrw c 7 -5 ll 500 25 0.389 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 .106 1 .106 .161 2 .599 .080 .201 3 .062 .669 .069 .233 4 .726 .054 . 705 .063 .262 5 . 046 . 756 .049 . 727 . 059 6 .784 . 042 .775 .046 .742 .056 .288 .038 .801 .039 .788 .043 . 752 .054 .312 7 .335 . 812 .037 .796 . 042 .760 .053 8 .817 .035 .357 9 .033 .828 .033 .820 .036 .803 .041 .766 .052 .035 .808 .040 .770 .051 .378 10 .838 .031 .836 .032 .826 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .027 .858 .030 .838 .033 .818 .038 .780 .049 .438 .023 .880 . 028 .847 .031 .826 .036 .788 .047 .550 19 _030 .830 .036 . 793 .046 .655 .027 .851 25 .021 .892 .758 31 .020 .898 .027 .854 .030 .833 .035 .796 .046 .015 . 923 ~Infinite Semi-Infinite-.799 .043 II-89 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 c 6 -I I Llrw Dlrw WID Lla ( 62.5 13 0.344 1.25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .168 .168 2 .479 .144 .2873 .122 .521 .136 .395 4 .563 .116 .538 .133 .4985 .109 .578 .113 .546 .132 .598 6 .594 .107 .586 .111 .551 .130 .697 7 .104 .601 .105 .590 .110 .554 .130 .793 8 .608 .102 .605 .104 .594 .110 .556 .129 9 .101 .612 .101 .608 .103 .595 .109 .558 .129 .890 .985 10 .617 .100 .616 ·.1 01 .610 .103 .597 .109 .560 .128 1.091 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 098 .625 .100 . 614 .102 .600 .108 .562 .128 1.363 19 .095 .634· .098 . 618 .101 .603 .107 .565 .127 1.923 25 .094 .638 .098 .619 .101 .605 .107 .567 .126 2.478 31 .094 . 641 .098 .620 .100 .606 .106 .568 .126 3.030 .090 .654 -Infinite Semi -Infinite-.571 .125 c 6 -2 2 Llrw DI rw WID Lla125 13 0.344 2.5N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .150 .150 2 .565 .121 .241 3 .096 . 621 .110 .316 4 . 672 .087 .645 .105 .3855 .079 .694 .083 .657 .102 .450 6 .715 .075 . 706 .081 .665 .101 .5137 .071 .726 .073 . 712 .079 .669 .100 .574 8 . 737 .069 ' .733 . 071 .717 .078 .673 .099 .635 9 .067 .743 .068 . 736 .070 .719 .078 .675 .098 10 . 750 .066 . 748 .067 . 740 .070 .722 .077 .694 .678 .098 .753 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .062 .760 .065 .745 .068 .726 .076 .682 .096 .·926 19 .059 . 772 .064 . 749 .067 . 730 .075 .686 . 095 1.266 25 .058 .778 .063 .752 .067 . 732 .074 .683 .095 1.599 31 .057 . 781 .063 .753 .066 .733 .074 .689 .094 1.930 .053 . 7971-Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 696 .093 II-90 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 0 I r w W/0 L/a (' Llrw vr• c.j - 3 3 125 13 G.34i.f 5.0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 .136 1 .136 .207 2 .628 .104 .261 3 .079 .689 .091 .307 4 . 742 .069 .718 .085 .350 5 ,060 .767 .064 .734 .081 .389 .061 .744 .078 6 .790 . 055 I.781 .428 7 .051 .804 .053 .790 .059 .750 .077 .464 . 755 .076 .816 . 048 .812 .051 .796 .058 89 .046 .824 . 046 .817 .050 .800 I .o57 .759 .075 .500 10 .832 .044 .830 .,045 .821 .049 .803 .056 . 761 .074 .535 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .054 . 767 . 072 .638 13 . 040 .846 .043 .828 . 047 .808 .071 .835 19 .036 .861 .042 .834 .046 .814 .053 . 772 .070 1.027 .816 .052 .775 25 .035 .868 .041 .836 .045 .052 . 777 .070 1.214 31 .034 .872 . 041 .838 . 045 .818 .029 .889 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.778 .067 W/D L/a llrw Dlrw c 8 -l.l l.l 250 13 0.3llll 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 .124 1 .124 .181 2 .675 .090 .221 3 .067 .737 .077 .254 4 .787 . 057 .767 .070 .283 5 .048 .813 .052 .785 .066 .309 6 .835 .044 .827 . 048 .796 .063 .333 7 .039 .849 . 040 .837 .046 .804 .061 .356 8 .862 .0<36 .858 .038 .844 .044 .810 . 059 .378 .849 .043 . 815 .058 9 .034 .870 .034 .864 .037 . 042 .818 . 057 .400 10 .879 . 032 .876 .033 .869 . 036 .853 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .·460 .860 .040 .825 .055 13 .028 .894 . 031 .877 .034 .053 .573 .038 .832 19 .023 .911 .029 .884 .032 .867 . 052 .682 .887 .031 .870 .038 .836 25 . 021 .919 .028 .787 .031 .872 .037 .838 .051 31 .020 .924 .028 .889 .015 .942 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.840 .049 II-91 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 D I -5 I llrw DI rw W/D l/a 500 1776 0.303 I. 25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .050 .050 2 .372 .045 .090 3 • 040 .405 .044 .127 4 .439 .039 .416 .043 .1645 .038 .449 .038 .420 .043 .200 6 .460 .037 .454 .038 .423 .043 .237 7 . 037 .463 .037 .455 .038 .424 .043 .2728 .468 .037 .466 .037 .458 .038 .426 .043 .3089 .036 .470 .036 .467 .037 .458 .038 ._426 .042 .344 10 .473 .036 .472 .036 .469 .037 .460 .038· .428 .042 .380 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .036 .4:77 .036 .470 .037 .461 .038 .429 . 042 .485 19 .036 .4'82 .036 .472 .036 .462 .038 .430 .042 .697 25 .035 .484 .036 .473 .036 .463 .038 .431 .042 .907 31 .035 .486 .036 .474 .036 .464 .038 .432 . 042 1.118 ,035 .494 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.434 .042 D I -6 2 Llrw D/ rw W/D L/a I 000 1776 0.303 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .048 • .048 2 .423 .042 .0833 .036 .468 .039 .1154 .512 .034 .486 .039 .145 5 .032 .527 .033 .493 .038 .174 6 .545 .032 .537 .033 .500 .038 .204 7 . 031 .552 .031 .540 .032 .503 .037 .232 8 .561 . 03(1 .558 .031 .545 .032 .507 .037 .261 9 . 030 .565 .030 .561 .030 .547 .032 .508 .037 .289 10 .571 .030 .570 .030 .564' .030 .550 .032 .511 .037 .318 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .029 .579 .029 .568 . 030 .553 .032 .513 .037 .400 19 .028 .590 .029 .572 :030 .557 .031 .517 .036 .564 25 .028 .596 .029 .574 .030 .559 .031 .519 .036 .727 31 .028 .600 .029 .575 .030 .560 .031 .520 .036 .888 .026 .616 4-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.527 .036 II-92 / I / EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Dl rw W/0 Lla Llrw D I -7 3 2000 1776 0.303 5.0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 .046 1 . 046 .078 2 .455 .039 .106.036 3 .033 .508 .132 4 .557 .031 .532 .035 .157 5 .029 .578 .030 .546 .034 .180 .029 .557 . 034 6 .601 .028 .593 .033 .203 7 .026 .613 .027 .600 .028 .563 .033 .226 8 .626 .026 .622 . 026 .608 .028 .570 .248 .026 .613 .028 .573 .032 9 .025 .634' . 025 .628 .270 .641 .025 .634' .026 .618 .027 .578 .032 10 .643 .025 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .027 .585 .032 .333 13 .023 .659 .024 .643 .025 .625 .031 .455 .026 .592 19 .022 .679 .023 . 651 .024 .633 .023 .656 .024 •. 637 .026 .596 .031 .575 25 .021 '. 691 .026 .598 .031 .693 31 .021 .698 .023 .658 . 024 .639 .019 .]30 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-.610 .030 0/rw W/0 Lla LlrwD I -8 l.t l.tOOO 1776 0.303 10 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3. 4 5 6 .045 1 .045 .074 2 .484: .037 .099 3 .031 .541 .034 .121 4 .594 .028 .571 .032 .141 5 .026 .619 .027 .589 .031 .161 .026 .604' .030 6 .645 .024 .638 .179 7 .023 .659 .024 .64·8 .025 .613 .029 .197. 673 .023 .660 .024 .624 .029 8 .676 .022 .213 9 . 022 .686 .022 .680 .022 .666 . 024 .630 .028 .674' .023 .637 .028 .230 10 .698 .021 .696 .021 .689 .022 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .687 .022 .649 .027 .276 13 .019 .720 .020 . 704 .021 19 .017 . 751 .019 .719 .020 . 701 .021 .663 .026 .368 .025 .446 .018 .726 .019 . 707 .021 .670 25 .016 . 769 . 018 . 730 .019 .712 . 021 .674 .025 .526 31 .015 .780 .012 .829 -+-Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 695 .023 II-93 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw D 2 -~ I DI r w WID L/a 250 900 0.300 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .056 .056 2 .410 . 050 .0993 .044 .444 .048 .1404 .478 .042 .455 .048 5 . 041 .488 .042 .459 .047 .180 .219 6 .499 .040 .493 . 042 .462 .047 7 . 040 .502 .040 .494 .041 .463 .258.047 . 296 8 .507 .040 .505 .040 .497 . 041 .465 . 047 9 .039 .509 .039 .506 . 040 .497 .041 .465 .336. 047 .374 10 .512 .039 .511 .039 .508 . 040 .499 .041 .467 . 047 .412 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .039 .516 .039 .509 . 040 .500 . 041 .467 .047 .526 19 .038 .520 .039 .511 .039 .502 .041 .469 .046 .754 25 .038 .523 .039 .512 .039 .502 .041 .470 .046 .982 31 .038 .524 .039 .513 .039 .503 .041 .470 .046 1.209.038 .532 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-.4"72 .046 D 2 -5 I Llrw DI rw WID l/a500 900 0.300 1.25N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 .053 .053 2 .309 .049 .0983 .045 .334 .048 .1414 .360 .044 .344 .048 .1845 .043 .368 .044 .349 . 047 .225 6 .378 .043 .374' .044 .353 .047 .2677 .042 .383 .042 .377 .043 .355 . 047 .308 8 .389 .042 .387 .042 .380 .043 .357 .047 .349 9 . 042 .391 .042 .388 .042 .380 .043 ;357 .047 .389 10 .395 .042 .394 .042 .390 . 042 .382 .043 .359 .047 .430 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 041 .400 .042 .393 .042 .384· .043 .360 .046 .551 19 .041 .4{)7 .041 .395 .042 .386 .043 .362 .046 .793 25 . 040 .410 . 041 .396 . 042 .387 .043 .363 .046 1.033 31 . 040 .413 . 041 .397 . 042 .388 .042 .364' . 046 1. 273. 040 .422 4-lnf inite Semi-Infinite-.366 .046 II-94 ----L EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/0 L/a Llrw 0I rw D 2 -5 2 500 900 0.300 2.5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot N 1 2 3 .0531 .053 . 091 2 .463 .045 .125 .039 .508 .043 3 .157 4 .552 .036 .525 .042 .188 5 .034 .567 .036 .533 .041 I .220 .035 .539 . 041 6 .584 .034 .576 .250 7 .033 .591 .033 .580 .035 .542 .041 .280.032 .597 .033 .584' .034 .545 . 041 8 . 600 .310 .599 .032 .586 .034 .547 .040 9 .032 .603 .032 .032 .589 .1134 .549 . 040 .340 10 .609 .031 .608 .032 . 602 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .034 .551 .040 .428 13 .031 . 617 .031 .606 . 032 .592 . 040 .602 19 .030 . 627 . 031 .610 . 032 . 595 .034 .553 .774 . 557 . 040 .032 .597 .033 25 .029 .633 .031 . 612 .033 .558 . 040 .946 31 .029 . 636 .031 .614 .031 .598 .028 .652 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-.563 .039 W/0 L/a Llrw Olrw D 2 -6 2 1000 900 0.300 2.5 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 .0511 .051 .092 2 .354 .046 .129 3 .041 .392 .044 .165 4 .429 .040 .411 .043 .200 5 .038 .446 . 038 .422 . 042 . 042 6 .465 .037 .458 .038 .430 .234 .267 7 .036 .474· .036 .464 .038 .435 .042 .300.482 .036 .470 .037 .440 .041 8 .486 .036 .442 . 041 .332 9 .035 .492 .035 .486 .036 .473 .037 .500 .034 .498 .035 .4'91 .035 .477 .037 .445 .041 ;365 10 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .036 .448 .041 .460 13 .034 .512 .034 .496 .035 .481 .453 . 040 .649 19 .033 .527 .034 .502 .035 .487 .036 .836 25 .032 .534 .034 .505 .034 .489 .036 .456 . 040 . 040 1.022 31 .032 .540 .033 .507 .034 .491 .036 .458 .030 .561 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.465 . 040 II-95 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 D 2 -6 3 Llrw 0/ rw WID Lla 1000 soo 0.300 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 . 051 . 051 2 .496 .043 . 085 3 .036 .548 .040 .115 4 .597 .033 .572 .038 .142 5 .030 .618 .032 .585 .037 .168 6 .639 .029 .631 .031 .595 .036 .183 7 .028 .650 .028 .638 .030 . 600 .036 .216 8 .663 .027 . 659 . 028 .646 .030 . 607 .036 .240 9 .026 .669 .026 .664· .027 .649 . 029 .610 .035 .263 10 .678 . 026 .676 .026 .670 .027 . 654 .029 . 615 .035 .286 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .024 .693 .025 .677 .026 .661 .028 .620 .034 .351 19 .023 .713 .025 .686 .026 . 668 .028 . 629 .034 .480 25 .022 . 723 .024 .690 .025 .672 .027 . 631 .033 .604 31 .022 . 730 .024 .692 .025 .674· .027 .634 .033 .727.019 . 759 -Infinite Semi -Infinite-.643 .032 i) 2 -7 3 Llrw D/ rw WID L/a2000 900 0.300 5.0N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Qt 1 . 049 .049 2 .392 .043 .086 3 .038 .44'1 .040 .119 • 4 .4:87 .036 .470 .039 .149 5 .033 .512 .034 .487 .038 .177 6 .537 .032 .530 .033 .501 .037 .204 7 .031 .553 .031 .541 .032 .510 .036 .230 8 .569 .030 .565 .030 .551 .032 .519 .036 .255 9 .029 .580 .029 .573 .030 .557 .031 .523 .035 .279 10 .592 .028 .589 .028 .580 .029 .564 .031 .529 .035 .304 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .027 .614 .028 .592 .028 .573 .030 .538 .034 :375 19 .025 .641 .027 .604 .028 .583 .030 .547 .034 .511 25 .024 .655 .026 .609 .027 .588 .029 .552 .033 .643 31 .023 .665 .026 . 612 .027 .592 .029 .555 .033 .774 .020 . 702 ...,Infinite Semi-Infinite-.569 .032 II-96 • EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 vi/D Lla Llrw D/ rw D 2 -7 4 2000 900 o. 300 10 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . 049 1 .049 .081 2 .524 .040 .106 .037 3 .033 .581 I .129 4 .633 .030 .610 .035 .150 5 .027 . 657 .028 .626 .033 .171 .032 6 .681 .026 .674 .027 .641 .032 .189 7 .024 .694 .025 .684 .026 .650 I .207 8 .710 . 0.23 .707 . 024 .694 .026 .659 .031 .224 9 .022 .719 .022 .714 .023 .700 .025 .664 .030 10 . 731 .022 . 729 .022 .722 .023 .708 .025 .671 .030 .242 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .021 . 736 .022 .720 .024 . 683 .029 .290 13 .020 . 752 .023 . 695 .028 .379 19 .018 .779 .020 . 750 .021 . 732 .027 .464 . 756 .020 . 738 . 022 . 702 25 .016 .796 .019 .027 .546 .020 .742 .022 .706 .015 .806 .019 .760 .025 31 .012 .850 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-• 724' • W/D Lla Llrw DI rw D 2 -8 l.t-4000 soo 0.300 10 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .048 1 .048 .082 2 .427 .041 .110 3 .035 .483 .037 .135 4 .535 .032 .519 .035 .158 5 .030 .565 .030 .542 .034 I .180 6 .594 . 028 .588 :o29 . 562 .033 .199 7 .026 . 614 .027 .603 .028 .574 .032 .219 .629 .026 . 616 .027 .586 .031 8 .633 .025 .236 9 .024 .646 .024 .640 .025 .625 .026 .594 .030 .024 .635 .026 .603 .030 .255 10 .662 .023 .660 .024 .651 1 I 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .029 .)OS 13 .021 . 691 .022 .669 .023 . 650 .025 . 617 .667 .024 .633 .028 .778 19 .018 .728 .021 . 687 .022 .486 .023 .642 .027 .020 .696 .021 .676 25 .017 . 750 .020 . 702 .021 . 681 .023 .646 .026 .572 31 .016 . 764 .012 .-815 -.Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 667 .025 II-97 EM 111o-2-1905, App rr, 1 Mar 63 D 3 -3 I Llrw DI rw WID L/a l.fhr 125 vC.. 0.295 I .25N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 • 8 9 10 Ot 1 .063 2 .458 .055 .063 3 .111 . 048 .4'92 .054 4 .S26 .046 .502 .053 .155 .198 5 . 045 .535 .046 . 505 .052 .241 6 .545 .044 .539 .045 .508 .052 7 .043 . 548 .044 .541 .045 .284 .509 .052 .3258 .553 .043 .551 .044 .543 .045 .511 . 052 .368 9 . 043 .554 .043 .552 .043 .543 .045 .512 .052 .409 10 .557 .043 .557 .043 .554' . 043 .545 .045 .513 . 052 .451 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .042 .561 .042 .555 .043 .546 .045 .514 .052 .575 19 .042 .566 .042 .557 . 043 . 54'8 .045 .515 .052 .823 25 .042 .568 .042 .558 . 043 .S48 . 044 .516 . 052 1.070 31 .041 .570 .042 .558 .043 .549 .044 .516 .052 1.316.041 .577 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.520 .051 J 0.-. -l._t I Llrw DI rw WID lla250 lJ-52 0.2 S/5 I r) :;; •L...•.I N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 . 060 . 060 2 .344 .055 . 109 3 .050 .370 . 053 .157 4 .396 . 049 .380 .053 .2035 .048 ..406 . 048 .385 .052 .248 6 .416 .047 .411 .048 .389 .052 7 .046 .420 .047 .414 . 048 .391 .052 .294 . 338 8 .426 .046 .424 . 046 .4,17 . 048 .393 .052 .384 9 .046 .4291 .046 .426 . 046 .418 .047 .394 .052 .428 10 .433 .046 .432 .046 .428 .046 .420 .047 .395 .052 .469 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 045 .438 .045 .430 .605 .046 .422 .047 .397 .052 19 .044 .445 .045 .433 .046 .424 .047 .399 . 052 .869 25 .044 .448 . 045 .434 :o46 .425 . 047 .400 . 051 1.131 31 .044 .451 L .045 .435 . 046 .426 .047 .401 .051 1.393 .043 .460 ,._Infinite Semi-Infinite-.405 .051 II-98 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 \~ /D L/aLlrw DI rw D 3 -~ 2 250 ~52 0.295 2.5 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .0601 .060 .1 00 2 .511 .050 .1373 .042 .555 .047 .171 4 .598 .039 .572 .046 .205 5 .037 .613 .038 .579 .046 .238 6 . 629 .036 . 621 .038 .585 .045 .270 7 .035 .636 .035 .625 .037 .587 .045 . 045 .303 .643 .034 .640 .035 . 629 .037 .591 8 .034 .642 .035 .630 . . 037 .591 .044 .334 .034 .646 9 .044 .366 10 .652 .034 . 651 .034 .64ti .035 .633 .037 .594 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .636 .036 .597 .044 .460 13 .033 . 659 .033 .649 .034 19 . 032 .669 .033 . 653 .034 .639 .036 .600 .044 .645 .043 .828 25 .031 .674 .033 .655 .034 .641 .036 .p02 .603 .043 1.010 .034 ~642 .036 31 .031 .678 .033 . 656 .608 .043 .030 .692 -Infinite Semi-Infinite - W/D Lla Llrw Dlrw D 3 -5 I ~Ft"J 0.295 1.25 500 0" 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .0571 ,. 057 .108 2 t.234: .054 .156 3 . 051 .260 .052 .203 .052 4 .286 .050 .272 .249 5 .048 .297 . 049 .278 .052 .296 .. 049 .283 .051 6 .309 .048 .304 .341 . 048 .285 .051 7 .047 .315 . 047 .308 .387 . 047 .311 .048 .288 .051 8 .322 . 047 .320 .289 .051 -432 . 046 .326 .047 .322 . 047 .312 .048 9 . 046 .324 . 047 .314' . 048 .291 .051 .477 10 .330 .046 .329 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .051 :611 13 . 046 .337 .046 .327 .047 .317 .048 .293 .046 .319 . 048 .295 .050 .879 19 .045 .345 . 046 .330 .048 .296 .050 1.145 25 .045 .349 .046 ,332 .046 .321 .050 1.411 31 .045 .352 .046 .333 .046 .322 .047 .297 . 050 .044 .364 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.300 II-99 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw D 3 -5 2 Dl rw WID L/a500 l.J.52 0.295 2.6 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot t o057 o057 2 .391 o051 3 o102 o045 o431 0484 0 o142 .468 o043 o449 0470 o181 5 o041 o4'86 o042 .460 .046 o218 6 .504 o040 .497 o041 .468 o046 7 o039 .513 039 o503 o041 o254o473 o046 0 o290 8 :524· o038 .521 039 .509 o040 .478 o045 0 9 o038 o531 o038 o525 o038 o512 o040 .480 o325 o045 o36010 .538 o037 o536 037 .530 o038 0 o516 o040 .483 o045 o395 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 o036 o551 o037 .536 o038 o520 o039 o487 o044 o49719 o035 o565 036 .541 o037 o525 0039 o492 0044 o70925 o034 573 0 0 o036 .544 o037 .528 o039 o494 o044 o89931 o034 .578 o036 0 .546 037 o529 o039 o496 o044 1o097 o032 .598 -Infinite Semi -Infinite-o504 o043 D 3 -5 3 Llrw Dl rw WID L/a 500 it 52 0. 285 5.0 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot1 o057 o057 2 .544 o047 o094 3 o038 o594· o043 oi25 4 o642 o035 . 617 o042 o1535 o032 .661 o034 .628 040 0 o180 6 0 681 0 031 o674 o033 . 638 o040 o2077 o030 691 o030 680 .032 o643 o039 o231 0 8 . 703 o029 .700 0 0029 o687 032 0 650 o039 o256 0 9 o028 . 709 1 o028 704• o029 .690 o031 o652 o038 0 0 10 o718 oo27 I .716 0028 710 0028 0 0 o280 695 o031 657 o038 o304 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N13 o026 731 o027 0 .717 o028 . 701 0030 662 0037 o37319 o024 . 0 750 o026 o725 0027 708 o029 .669 0036 o507 0 25 o023 .758 o026 .728 o027 o•712 0029 672 o036 o63731 o023 . 764' o025 . 730 o026 o713 o029 0 674• o036 o765 0 0 o020 791 .,._Infinite Semi-Infinite-o683 o035 II-100 EM 111Q-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 'dID L/a Llrw DI rw D 3 -6 2 1000 452 0.285 2.5 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .0551 .055 .100 2 .287 . 050 I .142 .046 .328 . 048 3 .181 4 .368 .044 .351 .047 .219 5 .042 .389 .043 .365 . 046 .256 .042 . 375 .045 6 .411 .041 ,.403 .292 7 . 040 .424 . 040 .412 .041 .381 .045 .329 .433 . 040 .418 .041 .386 .045 8 .437 .039 .363 9 .038 .445 .038 .. 438 .039 .422 .041 .389 . 044 .426 .041 .392 .044 .399 10 .454· .038 .452 .038 .443 .039 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 040 .397 . 044 .503 13 .037 .470 .. 037 .451 .038 .432 .043 .672 19 . 035 .487 .037 .458 .038 .438 .040 .403 .910 25 .035 .4'97 .037 .461 .038 .441 . 040 .406 . 043 31 .034 . 502 .036 .463 .038 .443 .039 .408 . 043 1 .112 .033 :527 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.416 .043 Lla Llrw DI rw W/D D 3 -6 3 1000 l+52 0. 286 5.0 8 9 10 Qt 5 6 7 N 1 2 3 4 .055 1 . 055 .095 2 .431 . 048 .130 3 .041 .481 .044 .161 4 .526 .038 .508 .042 .191 . 526 .041 5 .036 .552 .037 .220 6 .576 . 034 .569 .036 .540 . 040 .247 7 .033 .591 .033 .580 .035 .548 .039 .273 8 .608 • o32 1 . 603 .032 .590 .034 .557 .039 .299 . 033 .561 .038 9 .031 .618 . 031 .611 .032 .595 .033 .567 . 038 .325 . 618 .031 .601 10 .630 .030 ..627 .030 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 1 N-1 N . 032 .575 .037 .399 13 .028 .651 .029 .630 .030 .611 .542 .029 .620 . 031 .584 .036 19 .026 .677 :o28 .640 .036 .680 25 .025 .690 .028 .645 .029 .625 .031 .589 . 817 31 .024 .698 . 028 .648 .029 .628 .031 .591 .036 . 733 --Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 602 .035 .021 II-101 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw D 3 -6 4 Dl rw WID L/a 1000 452 0.295 10 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .055 .055 2 .572 .044 .0883 .035 . 627 . 040 .1154 . 676 .032 .654 .038 5 .029 .698 .030 .669 .036 .139 .161 6 .721 . 027 .714 .029 .682 .035 .181 7 .026 . 734' .026 . 724• .028 . 691 . 034 .201 8 . 748 .024 . 745 .025 .733 . 027 .699 .033 .219 9 .023 . 756 .024 . 750 .024 . 738 .026 . 703 .033 .237 10 . 766 .023 . 765 .023 . 758 .024 . 745 .026 .no .032 .255 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 021 . 785 .022 .770 .023 . 755 .025 .720 .031 .304 19 .018 . 810 .020 . 782 . 021 . 766 .024 . 731 .030 .396 25 .017 . 825 .020 .789 .021 . 773 .023 . 737 .029 . 483 31 . 016 .833 .019 . 792 .021 . 775 .023 . 740 .029 .567.012 .872 -rnfinite Semi-Infinite-. 754 .027 D 3 -7 3 Llrw Dlrw WID l/a2000 452 0.295 5.0N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .053 .053 2 .333 .047 . 094 3 .042 .387 .044 .130 4 .438 .039 ·421 .042 .162 5 . 0'36 .468 .037 .443 . 040 .192 6 .497 .035 .489 .036 .459 . 040 7 .033 .516 .034 .503 .035 .470 .039 .221 8 .536 .032 .531 .033 .514 .035 .479 .038 .248 9 .031 .549 . 031 .540 .032 .521 .034 .276 .485 .038 .301 10 .563 .030 .560 .031 .549 .032 . 529 .034 .492 .037 .328 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .028 .589 .030 .563 .031 .540 .033 .502 .037 .402 19 .026 .620 .029 .030 .576 .552 .032 .512 .036 25 .025 .636 .028 .582 .029 .547.557 .032 .518 .036 .687 31 .024 .646 .028 .585 .029 .560 .031 .521 .035 .825 .022 .687 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.537 .034 II-102 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/0 LlaLlrw 0/ rw D 3 -7 ll 2000 ll52 0.295 10 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 o0531 o053 o0892 o467 o045 o1193 o038 o524' o041 o1454 o574' o034 o558 o038 o1695 o032 0603 o032 o580 o036 .191 6 .632 .030 ' . 625 o031 .599 o035 .212 7 0028 • 651 o028 .640 o030 . 611 o034 o033 .027 .653 o029 . 622 8 .'636 o027 .666 .232 0032 .251 .676 o026 o662 0028 .630 9 o025 .683 o026 .269 o026 .670 o027 .638 .032 10 .69.7 o024 . 694' o025 .686 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N o024 .684 o026 . 651 o031 .320 13 .022 .724 o023 . 703 o025 .667 o030 .417 19 .• 019 .760 o022 .720 .023 . 701 . 707 o024 .674• o029 o507 25 0018 . 779 ;021 .727 0022 .679 o_D28 .595 .022 .712 0024. 31 o017 . 792 o021 . 732 o012 .841 -Infinite Semi-lnfinite-.700 o025 W/0 L/a Llrw 0/ rw D 3 -8 ll 1~000 ll52 0.295 10 6 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 o0511 o051 .088 2 .374 .044 .1193 o038 .438 o.040 .146 4 .4~4 o035 .479 o038 .170 5 o032 .530 o033 o507 o036 6 .364 o030 .556 o031 .529 o034 o192 7 o028 .233 .587 0029 .574' .030 .544 o033 .213 8 . 610 o027 .605 o028 .589 o029 .557 o033 o2529 o026 .626 .026 .618 o027 o600 o028 .566 o032 o026 0610 o028 .576 0031 o271 10 .643 o025 .640 o025 .629 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .'32213 0022 . 676' .024 .650 o025 .628 o027 .592 .030 . 646 o025 .610 o029 o40019 0019 .718 o022 .670 o023 o618 o028 .511 o018 .742 .021 . 680 o023 . 655 o02525 o024 . 624: .028 .599 31 o017 . 756 0021 .685 o022 .660 o013 . 813 -.Infinite Semi-Infinite-.646 o026 II-103 EM 1110-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw D ll -2 I 0/ rw W/0 lla 62.5 229 0.290 I .25 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 o073 o073 2 o517 o063 o125 3 o053 o550 0 060 o174 4 o583 051 o559 o060 0 o221 5 049 o591 050 o563 059 0 0 0 o268 6 o600 048 o595 050 o566 o059 0 0 o315 7 o048 o603 048 o597 0 050 o566 059 0 o360 8 o608 o047 .606 .048 .599 050 0 .568 059 o407 9 o047 .609 . 047 .607 .048 0 0 .599 o049 .568 059 .452 10 '612 o047 .611 047 .609 .048 0 0 . 601 .049 .570 .059 o499 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 046 . 615 .047 . 610 o047 .602 049 .570 o058 o634 0 19 o046 . 620 .046 . 612 0 047 . 603 049 .572 o058 .886 0 25 o046 .622 .046 . 612 . 047 .604 . 049 .573 . 058 1.176 31 .04$ .623 .046 .613 . 047 .604 ; 049 .573 058 1.445 o044 . 630 -Infinite 0 Semi-Infinite-.575 .057 L/rw I 0 ll -3 I 0/ rw W/0 L/a125 229 0.290 I .25N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .068 .068 2 .388 .062 o123 3 .056 .415 .060 .176 45 .442 ;054 o425 0 059 .227 o053 .451 o053 .430 059 0 ; o277 6 .461 .052 .457 .053 .434' .059 .327 7 . 051 .466 .052 .459 .053 .436 058 .376 0 8 .471 051 .469 .051 0 .462 o053 .438 o058 .426 9 .051 .474' . 051 .4'71 o051 .463 .052 .439 058 .475 0 10 .478 o050 .477 .050 .473 .051 .465 .052 .441 .058 .525 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .050 .484 .050 .476 .051 .467 .052 .442 .058 :670 19 .049 .490 . 050 .478 . 050 .469 .052 .444 .058 o960 25 .049 .494 . 050 .479 050 .470 .052 .445 .058 1.249 31 .048 .496 . 050 .4:80 . 0 050 .471 052 .446 . 057 1.537 0 . 048 .506 +-Infinite Semi-Infinite-.449 .057 II-104 • EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 W/D L/aLlrw D/ rw D 4 -3 2 125 229 0.290 2.5 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .068 1 .068 .112 2 .571 .056 .151 . 613 .053 3 . 045 .188 4 .653 .043 .628 .052 .224 5 .040 .666 .041 .634 .051 .260 . 039 ..674• .041 .639 . 050 6 . 681 .294 .038 .686 .038 . 677 . 040 .642 .050 7 .037 . 691 .038 .681 . 040 .644• . 050 .329 8 .694 . 040 .646 .049 .362 9 .036 .696 .036 .693 .037 .682 .397 .037 . 684 . 040 .648 .049 10 . 701 .036 .700 . 036 .696 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N .039 .650 .049 .497 13 .035 .708 .036 .699 .037 .687 . 048 .694 .035 . 703 .036 .690 .039 .653 19 .034 .716 .890 . 704· .036 .692 .039 .654 .048 25 .034 .721 .035 .038 . 655 . 048 1. 085 .033 .724 .035 . 705 .036 .693 . 048 31 . 032 . 738 -Infinite Semi-Infinite -. 660 W/D L/a Llrw Dlrw D 4 -4 I 0.290 I .25 250 229 7 8 9 10 Qt N 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 065 1 .065 .1212 .264' .061 .175 3 .057 .291 .059 .227 4 .319 .055 .304• .058 .278 5 .054 .331 .054 .311 .058 .343 .053 .338 . 054 .316 . 058 .329 6 .379 7 .052 .350 .052 .342 .054 .318 .057 .430 . 052 .345 . 054 .321 . 057 8 .357 .052 .354 .479 .052 .347 . 053 .322 .057 9 .052 .361 .052 .357 .349 .053 .324· . 057 .530 10 .365 .051 .364 .051 .359 .052 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N . 057 .678 . 051 .362 .052 .351 .053 .326 13 .050 .372 .354 . 053 .328 .056 .9731 .051 .366 :051 19 . 050 .381 .330 . 056 1.267 .051 .368 .051 .356 .053 25 . 050 .385 . 050 .368 .051 .356 . 053 .330 .056 1.559 31 . 049 .390 . 056 .048 .400 ....Infinite Semi-lnf inite-.333 II-105 EM 111o-2-1905, App II, 1 Mar 63 Llrw D l.t -l.t 2 Dl rw WID Lla 250 229 0.290 2.5 N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .065 .065 2 .438 .057 .114 3 .050 .4'77 .054 .158 4 .515 .047 .496 .053 .199 5 .045 .532 . 046 .506 .052 .239 6 .550 .044 .544 .045 .515 .051 7 .279 .042 .559 .043 8 .549 .044 .519 . 050 .317.570 .041 .567 .042 .555 . 044 .524 .050 9 :356 . 041 .577 .041 .571 .042 .558 .044 .525 .050 .393 10 .584 . 040 .582 .040 .576 .042 .562 .044 .529 . 050 .431 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 . 039 .596 . 040 .581 .041 .566 .043 .532 .049 .54119 .038 .610 .039 .586 . 040 .571 .042 .537 .049 .758 25 .037 . 617 .039 .589 .040 .573 .042 .539 . 049 . 97231 .036 .622 .039 .591 .040 .575 .042 .541 .048 1.186. 034 .641 -Infinite Semi-Infinite-.549 .048 Llrw I 0 l.t -l.t 3 D/ rw WID L/a250 229 0.290 5.0N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ot 1 .065 .065 2 .603 .052 .104 3 .041 .650 .048 .137 4 . 695 .038 .670 .046 .167 5 .034 .711 .036 .680 . 044 .195 6 .730 .033 .723 .035 .689 .044 .223 7 .031 . 739 .032 .729 . 034 .694 . 043 .249 8 . 749 .030 . 746 .031 . 735 .034 .700 . 042 .275 9 .029 . 755 .030 . 750 .030 . 738 .033 . 702 .042 .300 10 .762 .029 .760 .029 . 755 .030 . 742 .033 . 706 .042 ;325 1 2 N-6 N-5 N-4 N-3 N-2 N-1 N 13 .027 . 774 .028 . 761 .029 . 747 .032 .710 . 041 .·397 19 .025 . 79o I .027 .768 .029 . 753 . 031 .716 . 040 .536 25 .024 . 798 i .027 . 771 .028 . 756 .031 .719 . 040 .674 31 .024 .802 .027 . 773 .028 . 758 . 031 . 721 . 039 .808 .021 •825 1~Infinite Semi-Infinite-. 728 .038 II-106 c --~ II )