DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PAMPHLET NO. 210-4 BISON •vs {) 1oI· 2 z.· '2t0 -¥ INSTALLATIONS e COORDINATION OF ARMY DEVELOPMENT WITH STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS SUNY AT BUFFALO THE LIBRARIES DEPOSITORY COPY • HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JUNE 1977 • • *Pam 210-4 PAMPHLET{ HEADQUARTERSDEPARTMENT OF THE ARMYNo. 210-4 J WASHINGTON, DC, 27 June 1977 INSTALLATIONS COORDINATION OF ARMY DEVELOPMENT WITH STATE ANDLOCAL GOVERNMENTS Paragraph Page Purpose. 1 1 Applicability 2 1 Guidelines .. 3 2 Responsibilities . 4 2 Procedures . 5 3 APPENDIX A. Examples of Other Agency Plans and Programs Which May Require DOD Component's Review and/or Input by Army Elements A-1 B. Examples of A-95 Coordinating Agencies .. B-1 C. DOD Federal Regional Council Liaison Representatives for A-95Matters. C-1 D. OMB Circular A-95 Federal and Federally Assisted Programs andProjects D-1 E. OMB Circular No. A-95-What It Is-How It Works . E-1 F. Directory-State and Areawide A-95 Clearinghouses . F-1 I. Purpose. This pamphlet b. This pamphlet encompasses all plans and a. Establishes Department of the Army policies, projects developed by Army elements for conresponsibilities, and procedures for aii intergovstruction (regardless of funding source), acquisiernmental coordination process pursuant to Title tion of real property, withdrawals of Federal landIV of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of for military use, substantial changes in existing1968 (42 USC 4231) to facilitate coordination of utilization of military installations and real propappropriate DA land and facility plans and projerty, and disposal of real property which mayects in the United States with State, areawide, affect State, areawide, local government, or otherlocal government, and other Federal agencies. Federal agencies' (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Domestic Agencies") community devel b. Provides guidelines, responsibilities, and pro opment plans and programs, and, conversely, cedures for a DA review process which State, plans and programs developed and implemented areawide, local government, and other Federal by Domestic Agencies which may affect the land agencies may utilize for review and evaluation of and facility plans and projects of DA activities. A plans and projects of DA activities in the United representative listing of such non-DA agency States. plans and programs is contained in Appendix A. c. Implements DOD Directive Number 4165.61, An illustrative list of Domestic Agencies involveddated 16 December 1976, concerning Office of in such plans and programs is contained in ApManagement and Budget Circular A-95 (Appenpendix B.dix D) with specific reference to portions of Part c. The guidelines, responsibilities and proce II thereof. dures discussed in this pamphlet do not substitutefor, or limit compliance with, existing laws, exec 2. Applicability. a. The provisiOns of this pam utive orders, and applicable Federal regulations phlet apply to the Department of the Army, applying to requirements such as contained in major commands, major subordinate commands, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) installations, and other Army elements (excluding of 1969 (PL 91-190); Federal Water Pollution the Civil Works function of the Corps of Engineers Control Act (33 USC 1251); Executive Order 11512, and the functions under Part I and Part III of Planning, Acquisition and Management of Fed Office of Management and Budget Circular Num eral Space; and the Coastal Zone Management ber A-95 of the Defense Civil Preparedness Agen Act; or with existing cooperative agreements be~ cy). tween Army Elements and State, areawide, local • This pamphlet supersedes DA Pam 210-4, 16 Sep 74, including change 1. I Pam 210-4 governments or other Federal agencies on other than A-95 matters, such as conservation. d. Army elements responsible for land and facility plans and projects covered by this pamphlet in the National Capital Region (as defined in Section 1(b) of the National Capital Planning Act of 1952, as amended) will coordinate with the National Capital Planning Commission in accordance with existing DA procedures (see AR 210-5), except as provided for under the provisions of Section 610, Public Law 93--166. 3. Guidelines. a. Army Elements will establish and maintain an intergovernmental coordination management process to achieve full consultation with required State and areawide clearinghouses, other Federal Agencies, and other appropriate elected and appointed officials at the earliest appropriate stage of planning for construction, acquisition of real property, substantial changes in the utilization of military installations and real property, and disposal of real property that may affect Domestic Agencies community development plans and programs. b. Army Elements which conduct activities or operate installations which may be affected by the plans or programs of Domestic Agencies will actively engage in the community planning process by providing information, policy, and position statements on these plans and programs to the appropriate agencies. c. The guidelines delineated by this pamphlet are intended to ensure maximum feasible consistency of plans and projects of the Department of the Army with Domestic Agencies plans and programs; to identify those plans and projects that may be duplicative or in conflict; and to provide a management process to facilitate resolving any such differences. d. To the extent practicable, individual Army Elements will ensure that their plans and projects are consistent and compatible with the plans and projects of other Army Elements and DOD Components in the area and with the development plans and programs of Domestic Agencies, and will encourage reciprocal actions by these agencies with regard to their plans and programs. e. Army Elements will provide clearinghouses with required information, standards, and criteria as contained in DOD Construction Criteria Manual DOD 4270.1M, 1 Oct 72, and similar Department of the Army publications, and positions in regard to the review process which are consistent with applicable DA policies and guidance. To the extent practicable, Army Elements will ensure that conflicting information is not provided. Should a significant dichotomy of policy or criteria develop among DOD Components, expeditious action will be taken by the cognizant Army Ele ments to present the problem to the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installations and Housing) for resolution. f. The requirements established in this pamphlet must be weighed in consideration of possible significant public interest in determining whether notification as prescribed by existing DA procedures on provision of information to the Congress and the public should be accomplished prior to submission of required information to State and areawide clearinghouses and other Federal Agencies as provided for in this pamphlet. 4. Responsibilities. a. General. The primary re sponsibility for accomplishing the actions required by OMB Circular A-95 rests with the Army element which is the proponent of the plan, program, or project under consideration. For mili tary construction projects, the proponent is the using service as defined in AR 415-10. In most cases where the project or proposal involves an installation, the installation commander will pro • vide information to clearinghouses and State and local authorities and accomplish the coordination and other actions required by the OMB circular. The command having jurisdiction over the instal lation will participate in the process as appropri ate. In the case of plans, projects, or proposals involving land acquisition, construction, or major alteration of real property facilities, the appropri ate Corps of Engineers Division or District Engi neer may assist the installation commander and/ or the command in the actions required by OMB Circular A-95. This assistance will be on a reim bursable basis. b. The Chief ofEngineers will (1) Serve as the Secretary of the Army's responsible official for Office of Management and Budget Circular Number A-95 and will act as the focal point for all matters pertaining thereto. (2) Ensure that DA directives, instructions, and other DA issuances are reviewed for their affect on intergovernmental coordination in ac cordance with the policies and procedures con tained in this pamphlet. (3) Maintain liaison with Army major com mands with respect to intergovernmental rela • tionships encompassed in Office of Management and Budget Circular A-95. • (4) Evaluate significant applicable events and experiences; resolve problem areas provided by Army Elements, DOD Federal Regional Council (FRC) Liaison Officers, and clearinghouse activities; and provide the necessary guidance to the organizations involved. (5) Assign a lead Army Element to effect the coordination stipulated in this pamphlet when a required review of plans and programs of a nonDOD agency involves more than one Army Element. (6) Establish appropriate procedures to ensure that planned actions within the Hudson River Basin are not initiated prior to final clearance by Department of the Interior. The Secretary of the Interior is the US official designated to negotiate a compact among the States involved to ensure the development, preservation, and restoration of the natural, scenic history and recreational resources of the Hudson River Basin and is responsible for consulting with, and review~ ing all plans, programs, projects, and grants of all Federal Agencies within, or affecting the basin. (7) Designate, as an additional duty, a knowledgeable and qualified person, in accordance with ~p~endix C, for each of the three Federal regions Indicated as being an Army responsibility, to serve as the DOD Federal Regional Council (FRC) Liaison Officer for all DOD A-95 matters within the cognizance of the Region. The identification of each DOD FRC Liaison Officer will be provided to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (I&H), who will ensure the widest possible dissemination of these designations and any subsequent changes. c. Major Army Commands will- (1) Establish and maintain an intergovern mental coordination management process concerning their land and facility plans and projects as prescribed herein. (2) Develop and publish documents for the implementation of the guidelines, responsibilities, and procedures contained in this pamphlet. (3) Monitor the application of guidelines re sponsibilities, and procedures contained in 'this pamphlet within their subordinate elements. (4) Designate a single headquarters point of cont~ct fo~ A-95 matters covered by this pamphlet and Identify to the Chief of Engineers, ATTN: DAEN-MCP, the designated individual or office together with any subsequent changes. ' (5) Develop procedures which will ensure that copies of clearinghouse comments, reviews, determinations, and recommendations together with Pam 210-4 the current status of DA plans and projects are properly available and retained. d; The State and areawide A-95 clearinghouses and applicable Federal Agencies, pursuant to Of fice ofManagement and Budget Circular A-95 (1) Will be provided the necessary information and data by the cognizant Army Element for those plans and projects covered by this pamphlet. (2) May review, evaluate, and provide comments and recommendations, as appropriate, within the specified time frame, on the plans and projects submitted by Army Elements. Comments and recommendations are to be forwarded to the Army Elements making the submission and the single response should normally contain those ~f all interested State and areawide clearinghouse activities. (3) Will be encouraged to provide to Army Elements for review and evaluation, information on applicable plans and programs proposed by Domestic Agencies that may affect Army Element plans and projects. 5. Procedures. a. General. (1) Army Elements should utilize cooperative agreements in the form of memoranda of understanding to establish the information and data to be submitted to clearinghouses and the time frames in which the submittals will be made, within the guidelines contained in this pamphlet. Army Elements will coordinate with DOD FRC Liaison Officers to determine those specific clearinghouses and/or Federal activities with whom DA Elements will establish such memora~d~. When a determination is made by an Army Element that a cooperative agreement with a particular clearinghouse or Federal Agency is desirable and possible, all Army Elements which have installations within the clearinghouse geographical area should become parties to the agreement to the extent practical. When such agreements are used, the application and content will be uniform and will be consistent with the guidelines and procedures contained in this pamphlet. However, cooperative agreements which predate this pamphlet may continue in force until revision is required, and should be used as the basis for any new agreements to be concluded by other Army Elements in the affected area, if appropriate. (2) Army Elements will maintain, as part of the records of each review the comments received from the clearinghouse or Federal Agency together with the current status of the review. Pam 210-4 (3) The specific information and data to be response will be made a part of the permanent provided to clearinghouses or Federal Agencies depends upon the particular plan or project and must be determined by each Army Element. However, such information as is normally available for construction projects such as site location, scope of work, type of construction, and description of work, together with necessary site plans should be provided to the clearinghouse activities. Normally, justification or rationale for the project is not to be provided. In general, sufficient information and data necessary to review and evaluate the plan or project in question is to be provided. (4) Requests from clearinghouse activities or Federal Agencies for additional information and data should be handled in accordance with the provisions of AR 340-16, AR 340-17, and AR 380 5. In the case of a negative response to a clearinghouse or Federal Agency request for information, the Army Elements will so advise the clearinghouse or Federal Agency in writing, with appropriate explanation, and ensure that this response is a part of the record maintained for that particular review. (5) Classified data on Army Element plans or projects is not to be provided to any agency whether DOD or non-DOD which does not have the necessary authority to receive such data and the necessary procedures facilities to safeguard it. (6) Thirty to forty-five days, or a period otherwise mutually agreed upon by the Army Elements and the appropriate clearinghouse in a cooperative agreement, will be allowed to permit a thorough review, preparation of staff comments, if appropriate, and consolidation and transmission of clearinghouse activities' comments to the Army Elements. Cooperative agreements should also contain provisions for procedures to shorten or extend the time allowed for performance of clearinghouse functions in case such need arises. A statement for the record will be prepared if no comments or recommendations are received from the clearinghouse and/or Federal Agency within the agreed period which will constitute State and areawide clearinghouse and/or Federal Agency concurrence in the proposed Army Element plan or project. (7) Army Elements will make every reasonable effort to accommodate, modify, or otherwise change their plans or projects to be consistent with clearinghouse and Federal Agency comments. If Army Elements determine that recommendations made by the clearinghouse or other Federal Agency cannot be made, Army Elements will advise the clearinghouse or Federal Agency in writing, with appropriate explanation, and this record maintained for that particular review. (8) Applicable Army Elements will have complied with the intergovernmental coordination requirements pursuant to OMB Circular A-95, Part II, for those plans and projects covered by • this pamphlet, by submission of the applicable plans and projects required by the provisions of this pamphlet, to appropriate A-95 clearinghouses and/or applicable Federal Agencies. Army Elements are cautioned, however, that compliance with the provisions of this pamphlet does not constitute compliance with the requirements of such laws, executive orders, and Federal regulations which govern NEPA, Federal Water Pollution Control Act, and similar requirements because these require special considerations which are covered in other publications. Army Elements should also be aware that there are other appropriate local government activities not covered by the clearinghouse procedures which may have an interest in the plans and projects under consideration. Such additional coordination should be considered on the same basis as are official clearinghouses and will be consistent with the security, sensitivity, and other considerations involved. b. Army Element Plans and Projects. (1) There are no minimum quantitative levels that can be utilized to determine whether a specific planned action or project must be coordi •nated with State and areawide clearinghouses or other Federal Agencies. However, as a general rule, repair, maintenance, and rehabilitation projects are excluded from the provisions of this pamphlet unless they result in substantially increased capacity or change in primary functions of facilities which could affect non-DA utility services and systems, road networks, or other such facilities in the surrounding area or region. Similarly; urgent minor construction projects accomplished under the provisions of 10 USC 2674 and military contingency projects involving national security would normally be excluded from the provisions of this pamphlet. Such exclusions should be negotiated and included in cooperative agreements with clearinghouses, if used. In general, the following type of plan and projects are to be considered for submission to State and areawide clearinghouses: (a) Department of the Army approved in stallation master plans developed in accordance with the provisions of AR 210-20. (b) Major military construction and/or fam ily housing projects included in the budget fiscal year Army Military Construction and Family Pam 210-4 • Housing Program which may affect community development, plans, or programs of Domestic Agencies, especially as regards utility systems, road networks, schools, and transportation sys tems. (c) Real Property Acquisition Projects approved by the Department of the Army, or included in the current fiscal year Army Military Construction or Family Housing Program, which may affect community development plans or programs of Domestic Agencies. (d) Department of the Army approved plans and projects which substantially change the utilization of military installations and real property, and may affect community development plans or programs of Domestic Agencies. (e) Real Property Disposal Projects which may affect community development plans or programs of Domestic Agencies. (2) Any of the aforementioned Army Element plans or projects may not affect community development plans and programs depending on the evaluation of the specific plans or projects under consideration. Whether or not a particular plan or project is to be coordinated with the appropriate clearinghouse activities depends upon the judgment of the Army Elements involved, and should be based upon an evaluation of the impact of the plan or project on the locality and surrounding area where the planned action is to take place. (3) The procedures discussed above will be considered in addition to compliance with the requirements of the NEPA, Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Coastal Zone Management Act, and similar laws since these require special considerations which are covered in other publications. c. Submissions. (1) Subject to other provisiOns as may be required by the implementing guidelines of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Coastal Zone Management Act, and other statutory and regulatory requirements, Army Elements should submit their plans and projects to the State and areawide clearinghouses and applicable Federal Agencies for review at the stage of the planning process indicated below. (2) The Army installation master plan as described in AR 210-20 should be submitted upon DA approval by the Chief of Engineers. Similarly, significant DA approved changes to the installation master plan should be submitted for review. Review of an installation's master plan will enable the clearinghouse activities or applicable Federal Agency to better understand and evaluate the impact of the land and facility use and requirements planned by the military installation in question. It will also facilitate the review of subsequent annual construction, acquisition and disposal of real property projects which may result from the continued implementation of the master plan. (3) Information on appropriate major Military Construction and Family Housing projects should be submitted no later than after approval of a design directive for project development, to be accomplished either in-house or by contract. Information on family housing projects should normally be provided upon initiation of architect-engineer (AE) selection for project development as announced in the Commerce Business Daily. However, Army Elements should evaluate any substantive changes in project development subsequent to completion of a review, for possible additional review. Since based on foregoing, project information could be provided prior to transmission of a project in the Military Construction Program (MCA) to the Congress, care must be exercised to ensure that no project data which indicates the year of funding or estimated cost of the project is provided to clearinghouses, with the exception of the National Capital Planning Commission. (See AR 210-5.) Upon verification that a project is included in the budget fiscal year Army Military Construction Program which has been submitted to the Congress, appropriate additional information and documentation on the project (e.g. DD Forms 1391) may be provided for review, provided it is consistent with the information submitted to the Congress. Proposed major military construction projects included in the Five Year Defense Plan will not be submitted to the clearinghouses or other Federal Agencies, except the National Capital Planning Commission, individually or collectively, except as provided for above. The requirements of the National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1975 do not basically change the review process specified in AR 415-15 for military health and medical facility projects. Accordingly, Army Elements will continue to comply with the provisions of this reference for military health and medical facility projects. Each document (DD Form 1391), for projects subject to the provisions of AR 415-15, forwarded to the Office of the Secretary of Defense for review and approval pursuant to applicable Army directives will include a statement explaining the status of the clearinghouse and/or other Federal Agency review. Pam 210-4 (4) Appropriate Real Property Acquisition Projects will be submitted only upon verification that the project has been approved by the competent authority of the Department of the Army, or, if Congressional approval is required, only after the Congress has been officially notified of the plan or action by the responsible Army Element authority. However, for exceptional cases, this procedure may be waived by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (l&H). In addition, in cases where real property acquisition is part of a major Military Construction or Family Housing project, the real property acquisition may be coordinated as part of that project even though the above events may not have occurred. (5) Appropriate plans and projects which may substantially change the utilization of military installations and real property and, therefore, could affect non-DOD facilities, commercial utilities, or service activities, will be submitted only after approval by the competent authority of the concerned Army Element and, if Congressional notification of the plan or action is required to be made by existing DA policy, only after the Congress has been officially notified of the plan or action by the responsible Army Element authority. (6) Appropriate real property disposal projects which require prior" DOD approval in accordance with the provisions of AR 405-90 will be submitted only after all required DOD screening has been completed, and the disposal report required by 10 USC 2662 has been cleared by the Congress. For exceptional cases, this procedure may be waived by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (l&H) to enable submission to clearinghouses at the time the disposal report required by 10 USC 2662 is submitted to the Congress. d. DOD Federal Regional Council (FRC) Liaison 0 fficers will (1) Serve as the local representatives of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (l&H). (2) Establish and maintain liaison with State and_ areawide clearinghouses in their assigned regiOns to determine any special requirements which may exist. (3) Keep all appropriate DOD Components ~ithin their assigned regions of responsibility mformed of significant A-95 Federal Regional Council and clearinghouse activities. (4) Resolve, through the use of the point of contact designated by Army major commands (see paragraph 4c(4)) or by other military departments, issues and problems between DOD Components and/or clearinghouse activities and other Federal Agencies in regard to A-95 matters. If resolution is not achieved at these levels the . ' matter will be forwarded expeditiously to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (l&H) for resolution. If Army Elements are involved, the case should be forwarded through the Chief of Engineers. .(5) Ensure that, within their assigned regions, reviews of plans and projects among DOD Components and between DOD Components and clearinghouse activities are uniform and consistent with the guidelines and procedures contained in this pamphlet. (6) Will inform the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (l&H) of those events, experiences, and problem areas which can be used to improve the DOD A-95 review process, so that they can be evaluated and disseminated to other FRC Liaison Officers and interested personnel and activities. Pam 210-4 • Appendix A EXAMPLES OF OTHER AGENCY PLANS AND PROGRAMS WlllCH MAY REQUIRE DOD COMPONENTS REVIEW AND/OR INPUT -Environmental Impact Assessments and Statements -Noise Abatement and Control Plans and Programs -Coastal Zone Management Plans and Programs -HUD 701 Comprehensive Plans and Programs -EPA Section 208 Areawide Waste Treatment Management Plans and Programs -Recreation Plans and Programs -Fish and Wildlife Conservation Plans and Programs -Air Quality Plans and Programs -Flood Control Plans and Programs -State and Regional Transportation Plans and Programs -State and Regional Land Use Plans and Programs -Energy Facility Siting Plans and Programs -FHA Mortgage Insurance Plans and Programs -VA Mortgage Insurance Plans and Programs -Primitive Area Plans and Programs -Wilderness Area Plans and Programs -Historic and Scenic Trails Plans and Programs • • Pam 210-4 • AppendixB EXAMPLES OF A-95 COORDINATING AGENCIES* FEDERAL AGENCIES -Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -Federal Aviation Administration (FAA of DOT) -Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) -Veterans Administration (VA) -Federal Energy Administration (FEA) -Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) -Department of the Interior • Outdoor Recreation • Land Management • Fish and Wildlife -US Forest Service (USFS of DOA) -Soil Conservation Service (SCS of DOA) -US Army Corps of Engineers -Federal Highway Administration (DOT) STATE AND AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES -Planning and Community Affairs -Economic Development -Transportation (Highway, Aeronautics) -Recreation Activities -Natural Resources Activities -Fish and Wildlife Activities -Land Agencies -Water Resources Agencies -Air Quality Agencies -Environment or Ecology Activities -Conservation Activities -Coastal Zone Management Activities • This example of coordinating agencies for A-95 purposes, is not a complete list. The actual coordinating agencies for which this DoD implementation of A-95 applies will depend upon State and areawide clearinghouse activity requirements and the circumstances of the plan or project to be reviewed and evaluated. Moreover, it is most important that DoD Components coordinating plans and projects do not consider the above list of agencies as complete as regards the compliance requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and the implementing guidelines of the Council on Environmental Quality; Federal Water Pollution Control Act and other such laws, Executive Orders, and Federal regulations. Compliance with such requirements, require special considerations which are contained in other publications. • • Pam 210-4 • AppendixC DOD FEDERAL REGIONAL COUNCIL LIAISON REPRESENTATIVES FOR A-95 MATTERS STANDARD FEDERAL REGIONS ADDRESSES OF FEDERAL NO. REGIONAL COUNCIL OFFICES I Region I Fed Regional Council Ofc JFK Federal Building, Room E 431 Boston, Massachusetts 02203 II Region II Fed Regional Council Ofc 26 Federal Plaza, Room 3543A New York, New York 10007 III Region III Fed Regional Council Ofc 4450 Federal Building 600 Arch Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 IV Region IV Fed Regional Council Ofc 1371 Peachtree Street, NE Suite 515 Atlanta, Georgia 30309 V Region V Fed Regional Council Ofc 300 South Wacker Drive, 18th Floor Chicago, illinois 60606 VI Region VI Fed Regional Council Ofc 1100 Commerce Street, Room 9C28 Dallas, Texas 75202 VII Region VII Fed Regional Council Ofc 610 East 12th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64106 VIII Region VIII Fed Regional Council Ofc Federal Building, Room 14041 1961 Stout Street Denver, Colorado 80202 IX Region IX Fed Regional Council Ofc 450 Golden Gate Avenue P.O. Box 36098 San Francisco, California 94102 X Region X Fed Regional Council Ofc 1321 Second Avenue · Seattle, Washington 98101 DOD FEDERAL REGIONAL COUNCIL UAISON REPRESENTATIVES* Air Force Army Navy Navy Air Force Air Force Army Air Force Navy Army • Military Department responsible for designating ODASD (I&H) representative. APPENDIX D • TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1976 PART IV: OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET • EVALUATION, REVIEW AND COORDINATION OF FEDERAL AND FEDERALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS D -1 Pam 210-4 NOTICES OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND and community development, Including chure, "A-95: What It Is-How It BUDGET programs providing Federal assistance to Works," obtainable from the OfHce of (Circular No. A-95 Revised] the States and localities, to the end that Management and Budget or from Fed they shall most effectively serve these eral Regional Councils. EVALUATION, REVIEW, AND COORDINA· basic objectives. 5. "A-95 Administrative Notes." From TION OF FEDERAL AND FEDERALLY "In addition, I expect the Bureau of time to time OMB will Issue "A-95 Ad ASSISTED PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS the Budget to generally coordinate the ministrative Notes" providing interimJANUARY 2, 1976. actions of the departments and agencies determinations or interpretations on 1. In exercising the new authorizations promatters of national scope relating to ad Purpose. This Circular furnishes guidance to Federal agencies for coop vided by the Intergovernmental Coopministration of the Circular. eration with State and local governments eration Act, with the obJective of con6. Federal Regional Councils. Federal In the evalt:ation, review, and coordinasistent and uniform action by the Federal Regional Councils are responsible for Government." tion of Federal and federally a~sisted coordinating the Implementation of the b. Title IV, section 403, of the Inter programs and projects. The Circular requirements of this Circular at the Fed governmental Cooperation Act of 1968 promulgates regulations which provide, In part, for: agement and Budget Is responsible for a. Encouraging the establishment of "The Bureau of the Budget or such policy oversight of the Circular and liai a project notification and review system other agency as may be designated by son with departmental and agency liai to facilitate coordinated planning on an the President. is hereby authorized to son ofHcers on matters of national scale Intergovernmental basis for certain Fedprescribe such rules and regulations as related to the requirements of the Cir are deemed appropriate for the etrective cular. eral assistance programs in furtherance administration of this Title." of section 204 of the Demonstration 7. Federal agency implementing pro Cities and Metropolitan Development c. Section 204 of the Demonstration cedures and regulations. Agencies will Cities and Metropolitan Development develop inlerim procedures and regulaAct of 1966 and Title IV of the IntergovAct of 1966 which provides that: ernmental Cooperation Act of 1968 . "The Bureau of the Budget, or such this Circular revision which will become b. Coordination of direct Federal deother agency as may be designated by effective on February 27, 1976. The the President, shall prescribe such rules velopment programs and projects with interim procedures and regulations will and regulations as are deemed appropri State, areawide, and local planning and be published In the FEDERAL REGISTER no programs pursuant to Title IV of the ate for the effective administration of later than February 27, 1976. Agencies this section," and Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of will promulgate final implementing pro d. Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1970 1968. cedures and regulations no later than and Executive Order No. 11541 of July 1, c. Securing the comments and views of April 29, 1976. OMB will assist and coop 1970, which vest all fw1ctlons of the Bu State and local agencies which are auerate with agencies in developing suchthorized to develop and enforce envireau of the Budget or thP. Director of procedures and regulations.ronmental standards on certain Federal the Bureau of the Budget in the Director 8. Inqutrtes. Inquiries concerning this of the OfHce of Management and Budget. or federally assisted projects affecting Circular may be addressed to the Rethe environment pursuant to section 102 3. Coverage.: The regulations promulgional A-95 Coordinator for the appro <2> of the National Environmental gated by this Circular priate Federal Regional Council or to will have applicability: Policy Act of 1969 ) the OfHce of Management and Budget,and regulations of the Council on Envia. Under Part I, to all projects and Washington, D.C. 20503, telephone ronmental Quality. activities , dated November 13, 1973 dix I of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance whichever bears the later REYISED \i'art II, FEDERAL REGISTER, Vol. 38, No. date. Limitations and provisions for ex 228, pp. 32874-32881, November 28, 1973). Reuulattcms Under Section 204 of the ceptions are noted therein or under para Itwill become effective February 27, 1976. Demomtration Ctties and Metropoli z. Basis. This Circular has been pregraph 8 of Part I. tan Development Act of 1966, Title Iltpared pursuant to: b. Under Part II, to all direct Federal of the Intergovernmental Cooperation development activities, Including the ao Act of 1961, and Sectton 102<2> of a. Section 40l of the areawide, .or local agencies or organiza Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of b. Implement the requirements or sec tions for multljurisdlctional or a.reawide tion 204 of the Demonstration Cities and 1968 ot the National En-· ects having a signiflcant Impact on area thereunder may be found In the bro-vlronmental PoUc:y Act of 1969, which • D-2 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 41, NO. 8-TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1976 require that State, areawide, and local • agencies which are authorized to develop and enforce environmental standards be given an opportunity to comment on the environmental impact of Federal or federally assisted projects. d. Provide public agencies charged with enforcing or furthering the objectives of State and local clvll rights laws witb opportunity to participate in the review process established under this Part. e. Encourage, by means of early contact between applicants for Federal assistance and State and local governments and agencies, an expeditious process-of intergovernmental coordination and review of proposed projects. 2. Notification of intent. a. Any agency of State or local government or any organization or Individual undertaking to apply for assistance to a project or major substantive modification thereto under a Federal program covered by this Part will be required to notify both the State and areawide planning and development clearinghouse in the jurisdiction of which the project is to be located of Its intent to apply for assistance at such time as It determines it will develop an application. In the case of applications for projects involving land or water use and development or construction in the National Capital Region a copy of the notification will be sent to the National Capital Planning Commission in addition to the areawide clearinghouse and the appropriate State clearinghouse. NCPC Is the official planning agency for the Federal Government in the National Capital Region. In the case of an appUcation in any State for an activity that is Statewide or broader in nature and does not affect nor have specific applicability to areawide or local planning and programs. the notification need be sent only to the State clearinghouse. Involvement of areawide clearinghouses In the review In such cases will be at the Initiative of the State clearinghouse. Notifications wm Include a summary description of the project for which assistance w1ll be sought. The summary description will contain the following information, as appropriate and to the extent available: <1> Identity of the applicant agency, organization, or Individual. . <2> The geographic location of the project to be assisted. A map should be provided, If appropriate. (3) A brief description of the proposed project to be assisted. A map should be scale, estimated cost, beneficiaries, or other characteristics which will enable the clearinghouses to Identify agencies of State or local government having plans, programs, or projects that might be a-ffected by the proposed project.~ <4> A statement as to whether or not the applicant has been advised by the funding agency from which assistance. Is being sought that he wlll be required NOTICES to submit environmental Impact Information in connection with the proposed project. <5> The Federal program tltJe and number and agency under which assistance will be sought as indicated in Attachment D or the latest Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. In the case of programs not listed therein, programs will be identified by Public Law number or U.S. Code citation. <6> The estimated date the-applicant expects to formally file an application. Many clearinghouses have developed notification forms and Instructions. Applicants are urged to contact their clearinghouses for such Information In order to expedite clearinghouse review. b. In order to assure maximum time for effective coordination and so as not to delay the timely submission of the completed application to the funding agency, notifications containing the preliminary iilformatlon Indicated above should be sent at the earliest feasible time. c. Applications from federally recognized Indian tribes are not subject to the requirements of this Part. However, Indian tribes may voluntarily participate In the Project Notification and Review System and are encouraged to do so. Federal agencies will notify the appropriate State and areawide clearinghouses of any applications from federally recognized Indian tribes upon their receipt. Where a federally recognized Tribal Government has established a mechanism for coordinating the activities of Tribal departments, divisions, enterprises, and entities, Federal agencies will, upon request of such Tribal Government transmitted through the Office of Management and Budget, require that applications for assistance under programs covered by thl.s Part from such Tribal departments, divisions, enterprises, and entities be subject toreview by such Tribal coordinating mechanism as though it were a State or area wide clearinghouse. 3. Cleartnghouse Junctions. Clearinghouse functions include: a. Evaluating-the significance of proposed Federal or federally assisted projects to State, areawide, or local plans and programs. b. Receiving and disseminating project nolficatlons to appropriate State and multistate agencies in the case of the State clearinghouse and to appropriate local governments and agencies and regional organizations In the case of areawide clearmghouses; and providing liaison, as may be necessary, between such agencies or bodies and the applicant. In the case of units of general local government, notifications of all projects affecting his Jurisdiction will, If requested, be sent to the chief executive of such unit by the areawide clearinghouse or to such central agency as he may designate for review and reference to appropriate agencies of such unit. c. In he case of projects under programs covered by this Part located in Pam 210-4 . the coastal zone, as defined In the Coastal ZOne Management Act of 1972, as8uring that the State agency, l.f other than the State clearinghouse, responsible for administration of the approved program for the management of the coastal zone, ,Is given opportunity to review the project for Its relationship to such prograln and Its consistency therewith. d. Assuring, pursuant to section 1.02(2) (C> of the National Environmental PolIcy Act of 1939, that appropriate State, multlstate, areawide, or local agencies which are authorized to develop and enforce environmental standards are in formed of and arc given opportunity to review and comment on the environmental significance of proposed projects for which Federal assistance Is sought. e. Provdiiilg public agencies charged with enforcing or furthering the obJectives of State and local civil rights laws with opportunity to review and comment on the civil rights aspects of the project for which assi~tance Is f. Providing, pursuant to Part II of these regulations, liaison between Federal agencies contemplating direct Federal development projects and theJState or areawide agencies_ or local governments having plans or programs that might be affected by the prop011ed project. g. In the case of a project for which Federal assistance is sought by a special purpose unit of local government, clearinghouses will assure that any unit of general local government having jurisdiction over the a.rea in which the project is to be located has opportunity to confer. consult, and comment upon the proJect and the'appllcatlon. h. Where areawide clearinghouse jurisdictions are contiguous, coordlnatlve arrangements should be established between the clearinghouses In such areas to assure that projects in one area vyh!ch may have an Impact on the development of a contiguous a.rea are jointly studied. Any comments and recommendations made by or through a clearinghouse In one area on a project In a contiguous area will accompany the application for assistance to thAt project. 4. Consultation and revie!V. a. State and m·eawlde clearinghouses may have a period of 30 days after receipt of a proJect notification In which to Inform State and multl.sta.te agencies and local or regional governments or agencies that may be affected by the proposed project and arranse, as may be neces.~ary, to consult with the applicant thereon. The review may be completed In this period and comments ma1 be submitted to the applicant. b. U the review is not completed durIng this period, the clearinghouse m81 work with the applJcant In the resolution of any problems raised by the proposed project during the period In which the application Is being completed. c. In cases where no project notification has been submitted and the clearInghouse receives only a completect application, it may have 60 days to renew the completed application. U a completed rED~R/\L REGISTER, VOL. 41, NO. 8-TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1976 D -3 Pam 210-4 NOTICES application is submitted during the first in deteymining whether the proJect is in 30 days aft--r· !l t::t}tification has been subaccord with applicable Federal law, par1972, in the case of a project located in mitted, tht: .,;learinghouse may have 30 the coastal zone, the relationship of the ticularly those requiring consistency project to the approved State programdays plus the number of days remal.n1ng with State, areawide, or local plans. for the management of the coastal zone in the initial 30 day notification period Comments or recommendations may inand its consistency therewith. to complete its review. In all other cases, clude, but need not be limited to, infor •the clearinghouse may have 30 days to mation a·bout: h. The extent tD w11:ch the project con tributes to more bahnced patterns ofreview a completed application. Where a. The extent to which the project is settlement and delivery of services to allclearinghouses have not completed their consistent with or contributes to the fulsectors of the area population, includingreviews during the 30 day notification pefillment of comprehensive planning for minority groups. riod, they are strongly urged tCY'give the the State, area, or locality. applicant formal notice to that effect. i. In the case of a project for which b. The extent to which the proposed assistance is being sought by a special Where reviews have been completed.prior project: to completion of an application, an in'rams covered bymation need not be included with applithe movement of people and goods; this part have re~n submitted to appro cations submitted to clearinghouses for (4) Adequate outdoor recreation and priate clearinghnu~es for review 'prior review. open space; to their suhmi~~r. <'l'hfs is manments have been considered prior to subdesign. datory for Pse in not'fying clearinghousesmission of the application: or d. As provided under section 102(2) of actinn taken o.... the ppplication.l <2l Where no comments have been Jr rm<>ndment, deferg, Applications for renewal or con(2) Any adverse environmental effects rals, or wfthctra,.rpl~. The standard mul tinuation grants or applications not subwhich cannot be avoided should the protipurpose form, ElF 4'>."', prrmulgated bymitted to or acted on by the funding posed project be implemented; Federal ManMement ('"lrcular 74-7, will agency within one year after completion <3l Alternatives to the proposed be used for this PUfP"SP unl~s a waiverof clearinghouse review will be subject to project; has been granted by OMB. In Urbanized Areas, as defined by the U.S. Bureau of the Census , to: (a) Subdivisions having 25 or more lots. (b) Multifamily projects having 50 or more dwelling units. (c) Mobile home courts with 50 or more spaces. College housing provided under the debt service or direct loan programs for 200 or more students. (2) In all other areas, to: (a) Subdivisions having 10 or more lots. Mobile home courts with 25 or n10re spaces. (d) College housing provided under the debt service or direct loan programs for 100 or more students. d. As an alternative to the above procedure, the developer may submit his application directly to the appropriate clearinghouses prior to submitting it to the Federal agency. In such cases, the applicatiop, when submitted to the Federal agency, will be accompanied by the comments of the clearinghouses. e. Exemption: Applications for additional units in a subdivision substantially completed (i.e., with streets, water and sewer facilities, culverts, etc.> are exempted from this requirement -;hen: <1 > The subdivision was approved and/ or recorded by the appropriate unit of local government within tl:ree years of the application su)lmittal; and (2) In cases of subdivisions approved more than three years prior, the clearinghouses waive the requirement. This exemption does not apply to ap plications for housing in an undeveloped subdivision or in proposed extensions of existing subdivisions. 8. Coverage, exceptions, and variations. a. Generally, this Part of this Circular and the laws on which it is based are concerned with programs providing ft.o. nancial assistance to projects and activities which have an impact on State, areawide, and local development, including development of natural, economic, and human resources. This Part is concerned with achieving the most effective and efficient utilization of Federal assistance programs through coordination among and between Federal, multistate, State, areJ.wide, and local plans and programs and the elimination of conftict, overlap, and duplication of projects and activities under such programs. Coverage under this Part includes, or will be extended from time to time as deemed necessary and practicable to include programs bearing upon these concerns and objectives. b. Programs not considered appropriate to this Part are programs of the following types: <1 > Direct financial assistance to individuals or families for housing, welfare, health care services, education, training, economic improvement, and other direct assistance for individual and family enhancement. (2) Incentive payments or insurance for private sector activities not involving real property development or land use and development. (3) Agricultural crop supports or payments. (4) Assistance to organizations and institutions for the provision of education or training not designed to meet the needs of specific Individual States or localities. (5) Research, not involving capital constructi-on, which is national in scope or is not resigned to meet the needs or to address problems of a particular State, area, or locality Are of small scale or size or are highly localized as to impact; or 1 (3) Display other characteristics which might make review impractical. d. OMB will consider Federal agency requests for procedural variations from normal review processes: (1) On a temporary basis for programs with time constraints brought about because of start up requirements or other unusual circumstances beyond the control of the funding agency. Consulting with Governors, State which '·"~procedures and regulations will Part I will be utlllzed to the greatest ex and areawide clearinghouses, and local tent practicable to effectuate the require apply ,•· r11 ·,e cited by their numbers In elected oftl.clals at the earliest practicable ments.of this Part. Agencies are urged to the Cuiuiog of Federal Dpmestic Asstage In project or development planestablish early contact with clearing sistance. Where such numbers have not yet been assigned, programs will be refning on the relationship of any plan or houses to work out arrangements for erenced by Public Law and section or by project to the development plans and carrying out the consultation and review programs of the State, area, or locality U.S. Code citation. Subsequent amendIn which the project Is to be located. In required under this Part, Including Iden tification of types of projects consideredments to such procedures and regulations will also be published pursuant to parathe case of projects In the National Capappropriate for consultation and review. Ital Region, such consultation should be Clearinghouses may utlllze criteria set graph 7 of the Circular. undertaken In cooperation with the the forth In paragraph 5 of Part I In eval b. As a part of such proposed procNational CaPital Planning Commission. uating direct Federal development proJ dures and regulations published In the <2> Assuring that any such Federal FEDERAL REGISTJI:It, agencies may Identify ects. plan or project Is consistent or compati4. Federal lice118es and nermits. Agenspecific types of projects which they beble with State, areawide, and local develcies responsible for gra.ntlng Federal 11lieve should be exempt from coverage under programs for which proposed proopment plans and programs identified In censes and permits for development proj the course of such consultations. Excepects and activities which would have acedures and regulations are being pubtions will be made only where there is significant Impact on State, Interstate,lished. Such publication will constitute clear justification. Explanation of any areawide, or local development plans ura formal request for exemption to the necessary Inconsistency or Incompatibil Office of Management and Budget, to programs or on the environment are Ity will be provided, In writing, to the stronglv urged to consult with State and which it will respond in Its review of the appropriate clearinghouses. areawide clearinghouses and to seek their proposed procedures and regulations. c. OMB will assist and cooperate with <3> Providing State, areawide, and loevaluations of such Impacts prior to ca.l agencies which are authorized to degranting such licenses or permits. agencies in developing such procedures and regulations. velop and enforce environmental stand5. A,qencv procedures a11d rertulations. ards with adequate opportunity to review d. A copy of agency internal procea. To the greatest extent ros~II>Ie, agen such Federal plans and projects pursu dures ~or implementation of this Part, cies engaroted In dll'ect FedeNtl develop ant to section 102<2> of the National ment actlvltie.'l will follow the general If not contained in the above procedures Environmental Polley Act of 1969. Any procedures outlined nndPI' Pal't I of At and regulations, will be sent to the AscommentS of such agencies will accom sociate Director of the Office of Managetachm~nt A In affording State and area pany the enl'ironmental Impact statewide clearlnghou~es oppartunlttes to rement and Budget for Management and ment submitted by the Federal agency. Operations. view and comment on plans and 11. Re13orts and directories. a. The DI<4> Providing, In the case of projects deve!onments. located In the coastal zone, the State rector of the Office of Management and b. Where legislative or executive conBudget may require reports, from time to agency responsible for administration of stratnt.c; Ol' !'Plated l'i"C"Tt'l~t.nnces no T!ot the approved program for the manage time, on the implementation of this Part. permit followlnrot rruch nrocednl'f's, allenc:V b. The omce of Management and ment of the coastal zone with opportuprocedure~ and re!Z'nlatlon<~ will set forthBudget will maintain and distribute to nity to review the relationship of the for each nrO Providing, through the appropri houses. C2l Thr ml'llmum time clP:ulnghouses ate clearinghouses, c. The omce or Management and Health Systems will be aH'orded to revl~w the nropo,;cdnudget will notify Federal Regional Agencies and State HeRlth Planning and prol..ct: Development Agencies designated pursu Councils, clearinghouses, and Federal (3l The mfnfmnm Information to beagencies of any excepted categories of ant to the National Health Planning and provlt """' ""~''<>ned to conditioning systems, or other similar direct Federal develop~nt projects and achfPV" th" nhf,.ctlveR of thl.o; PPI't. activities to State, areawide, and local Internal system modifications.> The d. A11 TII'O"OS"rl ""'"'"'" nrnrerlnrp<; anrlplans and programs; and to.a.ssure maxiagencies are expected to evaluate prore~ulAt.lon• to fmnlom.,nt thlo; Part willmum feasible consistency of Federal deposed Federal projects for consistency be nnhJ!<"hPrl In th" li'P to calTJ' out or coordinate planning under auch programs. In the case of Interstate metropoll~ areas, &&"etlciel deslgriated as metropolitan areawide clearinghouses should be utWzed to the extent possible to carry out or coordinate Federall7 assisted or required areawide planning. 2. Common or consistent planning and development district$ or regions. a. Prior to the designation or redesignation of any planning and development district or region under any Federal program, Federal agency procedures will provide a period of 30 days for the Governor of the State in which the district or region· will be located to review the boundaries thereof and comment upon its relationship to planning and development .distr~cts or regions established by the State. Where the State has established such planning and development districts, the bound . aries of areas designated under Federal programs will conform to them unless there is clear justification for not doing so. b. Where the State has not established planning and development districts or regions which provide a basis for evaluation of the boundaries of the area Proposed for designation, major units of general local government and the appropriate Federal Regional Council in such areas will also be consulted prior to designation of the area to assure consistency with districts established under inter-local agreement and under related Federal programs. c. The omce of Management and Budget will be notified through the appropriate Federal Regional Council by Federal agencies of any proposed designation and will be informed of such designation when it is made, including such justifications as may be required under subparagraph a above. 3. Common and consistent planning bases and coordination of related activities in multiiurisdictional areas. Each agency will develop procedures and requirements for applications for multijurisdictional planning and development assistance under appropriate programs to assure the fullest consistency and coordination with relatEd planning and development being carried on by the areawide comprehensive planning agency or .clearinghouse designated under Part I of this Circular in the multi.iurisdictional area. Such procedures shall include provision for submission to the funding agency by any applicant for multijurisdictional planning assistance, if the applicant is other than an areawide comprehensive planning agency referred to in paragraph le of th-is Part, of a memorandum of agreement between the applicant and such areawide comprehensive planning agency covering the means ·by which their planning act!vities will be coordinated. The agreement will cover but need not be limited to the following matters: a. Identiflcatlon of relationships between the planning proposed by the applicant and that of the areawide agency and of similar or related activities ~bot will require coordination; b. The organizational and procedural arrangements for coordinating such activities, such as: Overlapping board membership, procedures for joint reviews of projected activities and policies, information exchange, etc.; c. "Cooperative arrangements for shar ing planning resources : d. Agreed upon base data, statistics, and projections tering related programs. The omce, in consultation with the agencies, will review the draft procedures and regulations to assure the maximum obtainable consistency among them. PART V: DEFINITIONS Term used in this Circular w111 have following meanings: 1. Federal agency-any department, agency, or instrumer.tality in the executivt branch of the Government and any wholly owned Government corporation. 2. State-any of the several States of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, any territory or possession of the United States, or any agency or instrumentality of a State, but does not include the governments of the political subdivisions of the State. 3. Unit of general local government-any city, county, town, parish, village, or other general purpose political subdivision of a State. 4. Special purpose unit of local government-any special district, public purpose corporation, or other strictlY limited purpose political subdivision of a FEDERAl REGISTER, VOL. 41, NO. 8-TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1976 D -7 Pam 210-4 NOTJCES. State, but shall not include a school planning agency designated by the Gov district. ment to which the· appllcation has been ernor (or Governors in the case of re- submitted for review, and by a state 5. F¢deral assistance, Federal financial glans extending into more than one. assistdnce, Federal assistance program, ment by the appllcant that such com• State) or by State law to carry, out. ments and recommendations have been orfedqally assisted programs-programs requirements of this Circular; or considered prior to formal submission that pY.ovide assistance through grant or <2> In metropolitan areas an. area-of the application. Such comments shallcontractual arrangements. They include wide agency that has been recogniiJed by include information concerning the extechnical assistance :>rograms, or pro grams.providing assistance in the form the Office of Management and Budget tent to which the project is consistent as an appropriate agency to perform with comprehensive planning developedof lomis, loan guarantees, or insurance. 'l'he term docs not include any annual review functions under section 204 of o1· in the process of development for the paymc11 L hy the United States to the the Demonstration Cities and Metropoll-metropolita~ area or the unit of general tan Development Aot of 1966, Title IV of local ~rovernment, u the case may be, Distrir't of Columbia authorized by ar the Interlfovernmentnl Cooperation Act ticle VI o[ ttw District of ColwnlJiu Rev and the extent to which such project of 1968, and this Circular. contributes to the fulfillment of iuch euuc A"L of 1047 Pattern and intensity of land use, land and real property development undertaken by or for cluding · transportation facUlties> and b Effective development and ut1Ilzaany of its agencies; or the leasing of real the proJect, meeting the requirements of tion of hwnan and natural resources. property for Federal use where the use such rules and regulations as may be or intensity of use of such property will prescribed under subsection . or such b. Preparation of long range physical be substantially altered. application, has lain before an approand fiscal plans for such action. c. Programming of capital improve priate areawide agency or instrumental- ATTACHMENT B--CIRC'D'LAR No. A-95 ity or unit of general local government ments and other major expenditures, REVISED based on a determination of related ur for a period of slxt:v days without com gency, together with definitive financing Secbfon 204 of the Demonstration Cities ments or recommendations thereon beingplans for such expenditures in the earlier and Metropolitan Development Act of made by such agency or instrumentality.years of the program. 1966 as amended <80 Stat. 1263, 82 "<3> The requirements of paragraphs sta.t. 208> (1) and <2> d. Coordination of all related plans and shall also apply to any • activities of the State and local govern amendment of ·the application which, "Sec. 204. All applications made in light of the purposes of this title, in ments and agencies concerned. after June 30, 1967, for Federal loans or valves a major change in the proJect cov-'e. Preparation of regulatory and ad grants to assist in carrying out open- ered by the application prior to such ministrative measures in support of the space land projects or for planning or amendment. ·foregOinl. construction of hospitals, airports, " The Bureau of the Budget, or 8. Metropolitan area-a standard metlibraries, water supply and distribution such other agency as may be designatedropolitan statistical area as established fac111tles, sewage fac1llties and waste by the President, 1s hereby authorized by the Office of Management and Budg treatment works, highways, transporta- to prescribe such rules and rE>gulationsl et, subject, however, to such modification facUlties, low enforcement faclUtles, as are deemed appropriate for the effections and extensions as the Office of and water development and land con-tive administration of this section." Management and Budget may determine servation projects within nny metroto be appropriate for the purposes of politan area shall be SUbmitted for TrrLE IV OF THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL CO section 204 of the Demonstration Cities revieW-OPERATION ACT OF 1988 (82 STAT. 1103)and Metropolitan Development Act . of "<1> to any areawide agency which is "Title IV-Coordinated Intergovernmen1966, and these Regulations. designated to perform metropolitan or . tal Poltcu and Administration of De 9. A·reawide--Comprising, in metroregional planning for the area within velopment Assistance Programs" polltan areas, the whole of contiguous which the assistance is to be used, andurban and urbanizing areas; and in nonwhich is, to the greatest practicable ex-''Declaration of development assistancemetropolitan areas, contiguous counties tent, composed of or responsible fx> the policy"or other multljurisdi.::tional areas havelected omcials of a unit of areawide gov "Sec. 401. The economic and social ing common or related social, economic, ernment or of the units of general local development of the Nation and the or physical characteristics indicating a government within whose Jurisdiction achievement of satisfactory levels of Iivcommunity of developmental interests; such ageney Is authoriZed to engage In 1ng depend upon the sound and orderly or, in eitqer, the area included in a sub such planning, and development of all areas, both urban state district designated pursuant to "(2) if· made by a special purpose unit and rural. Moreover, in a time of rapidparagraph 1d, Part IV, Attachment A of of local government, to the unit or· units urbanization, the sound and orderly dethis Circular. of general local government with au• velopment of urban communities de 10. Planning and development clearthorit:v to operate In the area within pends to a large degree upon the socialinghouse ar clearinghouse includes: which the.project is to be located. and economic health and the sound de a. "State clearinghouse"--an agency of " <1> Except as provided in para-velopment of small communities and the State Government designated by the graph <2> of this subsection, each ap-rural areas. The President shall, there Governor or by State law to carry out plication shall be accompanied by fore, establish rules and regulations gov the requirements of Part I of Attach the comments and recommendations ment A of this Circular. with respect to the proJect involved by emlng the formulation, evaluation, and b. "Areawide clearinqhouse"-<1) In the areawide agency and governing bod-review of Federal programs and projects area:< a comprehensive les of the units of general local govern-having a significant impact on area and • FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 41, NO. 8-TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1976 D-8 Pam 210-4 NOTICES • • community development, including programs providing Federal assistance to the States and localities, to the end that they shall most effectively serve these basic objectives. Such rules and regula tions shall provide for full consideration of the concurrent achievement of the following specific objectives and, to the extent authorized by law, reasoned choices shall be made between such objectives when they conflict: "(1) Appropriate land uses for housing, commercial, industrial, governmental, institutional, and other purposes; "<2> Wise development and conservation of natural resources, including land, water, minerals, wildlife, and others: "(3) Balanced transportation systems, including highway, air, water, pedestrian, mass transit, and other modes for the movement of people and goods; "(4) Adequate outdoor recreation and open space; .. "(5) Protection of areas of unique natural beauty, historical and scientific interest; "(6) Properly planned community fa cilities, including utilities for the supply of power, water, and communications, for the safe disposal of wastes, and for other purposes; and "(7) Concern for high standards of design. "<'b> All viewpoints-national, regional, State and local-shall, to the extent possible, be fully considered and taken into account in planning Federal or federally assisted development programs and projects. State and local government objectives, together with the objectives of regional organizations shall be considered and evaluated within a framework of national public objectives, as expressed in Federal law, _and available projections of future national con ditions and needs of regions, States, and localities shall be considered in plan formulation, evaluation, and review. "(c) To the maximum extent possible, consistent with national objectives, all Federal aid for development purposes shall be con!l!itent with and further the objectives of State, regional, and local comprehensive planning. Consideration shall be given to all developmental aspects of our total national community, including but not limited to housing, transportation, economic development, natural and human resources devel-:>pment, community faciltiies,"and the general improvement of living environments. "(d) Each Federal department and agency administering a development assistance program shall, to the maximum extent practicable, consult with and seek advice from all other significantly affected Federal departments and agencies in an effort to assure fully coordinated programs. "(e) Insofar as possible, systematic planning required by individual Federal programs shall be coordinated with and, to the e:~mt au thorized by law, made part of comprehensive local and areawide development planning." "Favoring units of general local government" "Sec. 402. Where Federal law provides that both special-purpose units of local government and units of general local government are eligible to receive loans or grants-in-aid, heads of Federal departments and agencies shallt in the absence of substantial_ reasons to the contrary, make such loans or grants-inaid to units of general local government rather than to special-purpose units of, local government." "Rules and regulations" "Sec. 403. The Bureau of the Budget, or such other· agency as may be designated by the President, is hereby authorized to prescribe such rules and regulations as are deemed appropriate for the effective administration of this title." ATTACHMENT C-CIRCULAR No. A-95 REVISED SECTION 102 (2) (C) OF THE NATIONAL EN• VffiONMENTAL POLICY ACT OF 1969 (83 STAT. 853) · ''Sec. 102. The Congress authorizes and directs that, to the fullest extent possible: {1) the policies, regulations, and public laws of the United States shall be interpreted and administered in accordance with the policies set forth in this Act, and <2> all agencies of the Federal Governmentshall-• • • " include in every recommendation or report on proposals for legislation and other major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, a detailed statement by the responsible official on " m the environmental impact of the proposed action, "(it) any adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the proposal be implemented, " alternatives to the proposed action, " any irreversible or irretrievable commitments of resources which would be involved in the proposed action should it be implemented. "Prior to making any detailed statement, the responsible Federal official shall consult with and obtain the i:omments of any.,jFederal agency which has jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to any" environmental impact involved. Copies of such statement and the comments and views of the appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies, which are authorized to develop and enforce environme-ntal standards, shall be made available to the President, the Council on Environmental Quality and to the public as provided by section 552 of Title 5, United States Code, and shall accompany the proposal through the existing agency review processes; • • • ." ATTACHMENT D-CIRCULAB No. A--95 REVISED f"!overage ot Programs Under Attachment A, Part I 1. Prog.rams liSted below are referenced several ways, due to transitional phases in program development, funding status, etc. Generally, citations are to programs as they are listed in the June, 1975 Catalog of Federal Domestfc Assistance. For certain new legislation, Catalog citations have not yet been develonecl. In such cases, references are 'to Public Law number and section. When no funding is available for a program, it 1s not generallv H~teo jn t-hP. f"!tttal"l1 Ol" this Ath:~chment; but if funding becomes available for a program previously covered, it continues to. be covered unlesS specificallY. exempted by OMB. The Catalog is issued annually and revised periodically during the year. Every etiort w1ll be made to keep Appendix I and Attachment D current. Reference should alwa:vs be made to the one bearing the latest issue date. 3. covere~ programs: Depar_tmen of Agriculture 10.405 Pann L&bor Bo11S1Dg Loa1111 &lid Grants. 10.409 Irrigation, Drainage, and Other Soil and Water Consenatlon Loans. (Exception: Loans to graztng uaoclatlons to develop addWODal pasturage and loans for purchase of equipment.) 10.410 Low to Mod.erate Income Housing Loans. 10.411 Rural Housing BiteLoans. 10.414 Resource Consenatton and Development Loans. 10.415 Rural Rental Housing Loans. 10.418 Water and waste Disposal Syliams for Rural Communities. 10.419 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Loans. 10.420 Rural Self-Help Houalng Technical Assistance. 10.422 ;Business and Industrtal Development Loans. (Ell:ceptlon: Lor,ns to rural small businesses having no atgnlftcant impact outside communtt:v ID which located.) 10.423 Community Fac111tles Loans. 10.424 lnd\l.&trlal Development Grants. 10.658 Cooperative Forest Insect and Disease Control. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL 41, NO. 8-TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1t76 D - 9 Pam 210-4 NOTICES 10.901 Resources Conservation and Devel-18.369 Nursing School Ooutruotlon opment. (Exception: Small proJLoan 14.106 Interest Bubllld:y-Homes for LolfW Guarantees and Interest ects costing under $7500 for ero Income PamUies. Subsidies. 14.112 Mortgage Insurance-construction sion and sediment control and 13.378 Health Professions Teaching Pac:U land etabUizatton and for reha• or Rehabllltatlon of Condomln ltle-Loan Guarantees and In bllltatlon and consolidation of exterest Subeldles. 14.116 lum Projects. t.stlng Irrigation systems.) Mortgage Insurance-De-velopment 18.392 Oancer--Conatructlon. 10.904 Watershed Protection and Flood 18.400° Adult Education-Grants to States. of Sales-Type Cooperative ProJ ects. · Prevention. 18.401 Adult Educatlon-8pectal Projects. Department of Commerce 13.408° Construction of Publlc Libraries. 14.116 Mortgage Insurance-Group Pre,etlce FacUlties. 18.421 Educational Personnel Training 14.117 Mortgage Insurance-Homes. 11.300 Economic Development -Grants Grante-career Opportunities. 14.118 and Loans for Public Works and 18.427 Educationally Deprived ChildrenMortgage Insurance--Homes ~r Certlll.ed Veterans. Development Facilities. Handicapped. Economic 14.119 Mortgage Insurance--Homes for D,ts 11.302 Development-Support 13.428• Educationally Deprived ChUdren for Planning Organizations. Local Educational Agencies. aster Vlctlme. 11.303 Economic Development--Technical 18.429• Educationally Deprived ChUdren14.120 Mortgage IllBUJ'ance--B:omes for Low Assistance. Mlgrants. and Moderate Income Families. 11.304 Economic Development--Public 18.438 Follow Through. 14.121 Mortgage Insurance-Homes tn Out IJ'lng Areas. Works Impact Projects (Proce18.464• Library Services-Grants for Public . dural variation). Libraries. 14.122 Mortgage Insurance--Homes In Ur 11.305 Economic Development--State and 18.477 School ABBlstance In Federally Af· 14.124 ban Renewal Areas. Local Mortgage Insurance-Investor Economic Development fected Areas-construction. Planning. 18.498• Vocational Education ·Basic 14.126 Sponsored Cooperative Houslllg. 11.306 Economic Development-District Grants to States. Mortgage Insurance-Land Develop Operational Assistance. 18.494• ment and New Communities. Vocational Eclucatlon--Oonsumer 11.307 Economic Development--Special and Homemaking. 14.126 Insurance--Management Economic Development and Ad18.496• Vocational Education-cooperative Type Cooperative Projects. Justment Assistance Program. Education. 14.127 Mortgage IIUJUJ'ILnce-:Moblle Home 11.308 Grants to States for Supplemental 18.499• Vocational Education -Special Parks. and Baste Funding of Title I, II. 14.128 Mortgage Insurance-Hospital&. Needs.. and IV Activities. (Baste grants 14.129 Mortgage Insurance--NursiJ:tg 13.601° Vocational Education-Work Study.only.) 13.602° Vocational Education-Innovation; Homes and Related Care Pacllltles. 11.406 Anadromous and Great Lakes FishSupplementary 14.184 Mortgage Insurance-Rental Hou~ 18.616 Educational Ceneries Development. ters· and Services--Special Protng. 11.407 Commercial Fisheries Research and 14.136 Mortgage InauJ'!Lnce-Rental Hou~· grams and ProjectH. Development. 13.519• Supplementary Educational Centers lng for Moderate Income Families. 11.418 Coastal Zone Management Program 14.137 Mortgage Ynsurance-Rental Hous· and services. Guidance, Counsel Development. lng for Low and Moderate Income Ing, and Testing. 11.419 Coastal Zone Management Program 18.620 Special Programs for Chlldren with Famllle~. Market Interest Rate. Administration. 14.138 Mortgage Inorurance-Rental Houa Specific Learning DtsabUitles. 11.420 Coastal Zone Me.nagement-Estua18.622 Environmental Education. ln~t for the Elderly.rtne Sanctuaries. 13.648 Educational Opportunity Centers. 14.139 Mortgage Ineurilnce-Rental Hous• Department of Defense 18.670° Llbrartes and Learning Resources. lng In Urban Renewal Areas. 14.141 .Non.,roll.t Housing Sponsor Loans 18.600 Child Development--Head Start. 12.101 Beach Erosion Control Project!;. 13.612 Np.tlve American Programs. Plannl"g Projects for Low and 12.106 Flood Control Projects. 13.623 Runaway Youth. Moderate .Income Families. 12.107 Navigation Projects. 13.624° Rehabllltatlon Services and Fnci14.146 Pu·bllc Hous'DII' -Acquisition. 12.108 Snagging and Clearing tor Flood Utles-Ba.slc Support. (Tumll:ey and Conventional Procontrol. 13.626 Rehabllltatlon Services and PacU1-duction Methods.) (New colf· Department Of Health, Ed·ucation, and ttes-8peclal Projects. atructlon only.) 14.140 Rent Suo,.,lement&-Rental Housing Welfare 18.628 Chlld Development-child Abuseand Neglect Prevention 1\nd Treatfor Lower Ineome Families. 13.210° comprehensive Publlc Health Serv· ment. 14.164 Kortsage Insurance--ExperimentalIces-Formula Grants. Rental Ho\1sln~. 13.680• Development•\! DIH!Lbllttlf's-BMic 13.211• Crippled ChUdren's Servlm••· Support. 14.1118 Lower Income Housing Aaalstanee 13.217• Fnmlly Planning Projects. Progl'l\m. 18.681 Developmentl\1 DIH!LbllHit·"'· .special 13.224 HealtllServl<".es Developmt~nt-ProJ· ProjeotR. 1o1.21l3 Com.prehenslvc Plannlu!! ARR!Htrmct!.e"t OrantR. 13.!53:1° 14.207 New Communltle&-Loau GmlrAn Special Pro11ri\JnH J'ur t.J•e Aging18.232° Maternal und Child Henltll Scrvleee. State Ageucy Ael.lvltleR and Area. teetS. 18.236 Drug Abu•e CommunHy Service 14.218 eommunltJ' Development Bloc!!: Planning Rlld SociAl Services Programs. Grant.-Entltlement Grantll. Prognms. 13.237 Mental Health-·llospltal Improve· 13.8M 1f.219 Community De-velopment Blooll: Aging Programs Title III, Section ment Gre.n·ts. Grante--Diacrettonarr Grants. 308, :Model Projects. 13.240 :Mental Health-Community Mental 18.636• Special Programs for the Aglng14.702 state Disaster Preparecln-Grants.Health Centers. Nutrttlon Program for the Elderly. Dsparhnent of the Interior 18.246 Migrant Health Grants. 16.636 18.261 Alcohol-community Service ProPrograms for the Aglng-Reaearch 16.360 and Demonstration. 0oa1 Mine Health and Safe-ty GrantR. grams. 16.087• 16.400• Outdoor Recreatlon-Aoquleltlon, 13.252 Alcohol Demonstration Programs. Programs for the Aglng-Tral.J1lng, Development and Planning. 18.264 Drug Abuse Demonstration Pro• p.L. 98-818: (Section 161) construe~ of 111;601 Irrigation Distribution Syat-'!t Academic Facilities. grams. Loans. P.L. 98~41: (Section 1616) Planning Grants 18.256 Otl\ce for Health Maintenance Or• 16.1103 Small Reclamation Projects.ganlzatlon (HMOS). to Health Systems Agencies: (Sec· 16.600 Anadromous Pllh Conservation.13.268° National Health Servtce Corps. tlon 1601 et seq., Title XVI Public 111.604 Pllsh Restoration. 18.269 Mental Health-children's Services. Health Service Act) Assistance for modernization, construction or 18.611 Wildlife Reestoratlon. 18.260 Famlly Planning Services-Training 111.904 Historic Preservation. Grants. conversion of medical tacllltlee. 13.261 Famlly Health Centers. These programs wlll replace OCJtGDepclrlmnt ot JUBticeChlldhood Lead-Based Paint Poi-log 18.206, 18.220, 18.249, and 18.266 18.268. 16.1100 Law Bnforoement Aall&tance-Oom•Aonlng Control. prehenalve Plannllll Grantll. 18.267 Urban Rat Control. Department O/ Houdng and Urban 16.1101 Law Enforcement Allelstanoe-Dlll 13.268 Disease control-Project Grnnt11. cntlonn.ry Grants. Development 13.276 Drug Abuse Education Programs. 18.1102• Law Enforcement ~ 18.284 Emergency Medical Servtces. 14.001 J'lood Insurance (Applications for proving and StrengthenlDf Law 18.286 J,tmltntlon on F'ederal Partlclpntlon community ellglblllty). Enforcement and Orlmlnel .Jfor capital Expenditures. 14.108 Interest Reduction Payments• ,Iee.13.3411 l!t•a.lth Prof<'SHIOns Teaching FaclliRental and Cooperative Houslnl 16.611 Ortmlnnl Justice Syat8DII D&ftlop•U~R-Com<(.I'Ul,tlon Ora.nts. tor Lower Income Famltlee. -nt. • FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 41, NO. I-TUESDAY, JANUARY U, 1976 D -10 Pam 210-4 NOTICES 16.516 Law Enforcement Assistance-JuNational Science Foundation • venile Justice and Delinquency 47.036 Intergovernmental Science. Prevention-Allocation to States. 16.517 Law Enforcement Assistance Ad· New England RegiOnal Comm~ioa mlnistration-JJPD Special Em 48.002 New England Technical and Plan phasis Prevention and Treatment. ning Assistance. Department of Labor (See note under Appalachian Regional Commission programs.) 17.211 Job Corps. 17.226 Work Incentives Program (WIN). 17.230 Farm Workers. (Procedural variation.) 17.232• Comprehensive Employment and Training Programs. Department of TransportatiOn 20.102 Airport Development Aid Program. 20.103 Airport Planning Grant Program. 20.205 Highway Research, Planning, and Construction. 20.214 Highway Beautification--control of Outdoor Advertising, Control of Junkyards, Landscaping and Scenic Enhancement. 20.500 Urban Mass Transportation Capital Improvement Grants. (Planning and construction only.) 20.501 Urban Mass Transportation Capital Improvement Loans. (Planning and construction only.) 20.&05 Urban Mass Transportation Technical Studies Grants. (Planning and construction only.) 20.506 Urban Mass Transportation Demonstration Grants. 20.507 Urban Mass Transportation Capital and Operating Assistance Formula Grants. Appalachian RegiOnal Commission 23.003 Appalachian Development Highway System. 23.004 Appalachian Health Demonstration. 23.005 Appalachian Housing Planning Loan Fund. 23.008 Appalachian Local Access Roads. 23.010 Appalachian Mine Area Restoration. 23.0J.l Appalachian State Research, Technical Assistance, and Demonstration Projects. 23.012 Appalachian Vocational Education Facl!lties and Operatlons. 23.013 Appalachian Child Development. 23.014 Appalachian Housing Site Development and Office State Improvement Grants. 23.016 Appalachian Vocational Education and Technical Education Demononstratlon Grants. (NoTE.-Except for 23.011, administration of these grants Is not In the Commission but In the appropriate program agency--e.g., 23.003 Is handled by DOT. For 23.002, Appalachian Supplements to Federal Grants-Inaid, which can provide all or any portion of the Federal contribution under certain defined grant-in-aid programs, coverage under Part I Is determined by the provisions applicable to the basic grant-In-aid program. For 28.003, 38.003, 48.003, 52.003, and 63.003-Reglonal Comml3slon Supplements to Federal Grants-in-aid-the same rule would apply.) Coastal Plains Regional Commission 28.002 Coastal Plains Technical and Planning Assistance. (See note under Appalachian Regional Commission programs.) Four Corners Regional Commission 38.002 Four Corners Technical and Planning Assistance. (See note under Appalachian Regional Commission programs.) Community Services Admmistration 49.002 Community Action. 49.010 Older Persons Opportunities and Services. 49.011 Community Economic Development. Ozarks Regional Commission 52.002 Ozarks Technical and Planning Assistance. (See note under Appalachian Regional Commission programs.) Upper Great Lakes Regional CommissiOn 63.002 Upper Great Lakes Technical and Planning Assistance. (See note under Appalachian Regional Commission programs.) Veterans Administration 64.005 Grants to States for Construction of State Nursing Home Care Fac111ties. 64.017 Grants to States for Remodeltng of State Home Hospltal;Domlclllary Fac111tles. 64.0:j0 Assistance In the Establishment of New State Medical Schools. 64.021 Grants to Affiliated Medical Schools-Assistance to Health Manpower Training Institutes. 64.114 Veterans Housing-Guaranteed and Insured Loans (GI Home Loans), Water Resources Council 65.001 Water Resources Planning. Environmental Protection Agencv 66.001 Air Pollution Control Program Grants. 66.005 Air Pollution Survey and Demonstratton Grants. 66.027 Soltd Waste Planning Grants. 66.028 Solid Waste Demonstration Grants. 66.418 Construction Grants for Wastewater Treatment Works. 66.419 Water Pollution Control-State and Interstate Program Grants. 66.426 Water Pollution Control-Areawide Waste Treatment Management Planning Grants. 66.432 Grants for State Public Water System Subdivision Programs. 66.433 Grants for Underground Injection Control Programs. 66.505 Water Pollution Control Demonstration Grants. 66.506 Safe Drinking Water Research and Demonstration Grants. (Demonstration only). 66.600 Environmental Protection--consolidated Program Grants. 66;602 Environmental · Protection--consolidated Special Purpose Grante. ActiOn 72.001 Foster Grandparents. 72.002 Retired Senior Volunteer Program. 72.008 The Senior Companion Program. Old Western Regional Commission 75.002 Old West Technical and Planning Assistance. Pacific Northwest Regional Commission 76.002 Pacific Northwest Technical and Planning Assistance Regulations. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 41, NO. 8-TUESDAY, JANU,~RY 13, 1976 D -.11 Pam 210-4 NOTICES Attachment E OMB ApprovoJ.,Na 29-R0211 o. IIUMBER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2. APPLI· J. STATE o. ftUMBEJI CANTS A .... LICA- J, TYPE 1-----·---1TION 0 PR£APPLICATION APPLI· •• DATI: OF IOENTI• .. DATE ACTION 0 APPLICAliON CATION Y•or •owl~ A1 FIER 19 ASSIGNED (Jfark dp. 19 JWOJ'T'i4t• 0 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT (Opt.) Lrotre bocl 0 REPORT Of FEDE~l ACTION Blulc 4. LEGAL APPLICANT/RECIPIENT II. FtDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NO, 1. Appllcaftl fftme · : t.. Otcenll•llon Unit : c--·--r-------·-·-------·- o. Stroot/P.O. lol : .. PRO· o:...N'!_M'!_ER___j I I• I IJ_j 4. Cltr : •. c:...., : GRAM b. TITLE I. Slott : (FrorK •• liP Code: Pedual b. Ponon (N•Mt Catcolog) J! .t Celt!pltoa• No.) : il ~~AND DESCRIPTION OF APPLICANT"S PROJECT I. TYPE OF APPLICANT/RECIPIENT B A-Slate H-Community Action A1tncr B-lnt~rstale J-H.ichtr Eduttliontl InstitutionC-Suttsteto ~lndi<~n Tribe Ol•trict K..Othtr (Spni/JI) : D-C.untr E--cu, f-Schoo' District W.pecial PurposeDi1trict E"ter a.ppropriatc leUn 0 r;:-r;Pii DF ASSISTANCE i ~Batie Chant D-lnsurtnte8-Sup;:-lemenlal Crtnt E-Othll ~loan 11D, AREA OF PROJECT IMPACT IN•-• •l•illoo, -nfi••· 11. ESTIMATED NUM· 1?.. T\"Pf. OF APPLICAYION Stat... etc.) BEA OF PERSONS A-f\N C-Rft'islon E"""'ur.,entltlonBENEFITING &-Renewal D-Contlnuatloa . .Bnhr AJ)JJroprilat• l•tterr-.,.13:-.--P-R_O_PO_S_E_D__F_U_N_D_I_N_G____I_4_._C_O_N_G_R_E_S_SI_O_N_A_L_D_I_ST.._R_I_C_T_S_O_F:------·15. TYPE OF CHANGr; V'or Ho or II•I 0 b. PROJECT ------· ::~nec:rct~~~~ ~o~~~~~~ r-othcr (Sp•ci/11):C-lr.creue Duration r:...:.::c;..:=~t--------."':"-f-:1-:6-:.-:P-:R-:0-:J-::E-C::T-:1-:T:-A-:R:=T--f-1-::7-.-P--R-0-J-EC-.,T-:----·-tg:.;;::l~j;~;rat;on r'-=-="-~1--------=-j DATE l'cor mont.\ dor DURATION B11t•r .,,,., r-r--IJ •00 19 Jlo.CA. -~at•l.ttn(a} ~b_~;..· r'-"-="--f-~~--~~~--~~~--~~~..:c:.:·O~O~~II.:-r=ET::C~7-:'t-:"B-::TM:=E-::/h-D:-l':-oT:-1:-o::T-::O...l...-~y-:-.-.,--m-o-nl-"l\=da=v'--J-:I-:-9-.-::E-:~-:IS::T::-IN-:-::G-F:-[..1):-CJlA.::L IOENTIFICATION NUI\t.BER .00 FEDERAL AGENCY ... 19 ~~~~~----------~~--------------------·---- 20. FEDERAL AGENCY TO RECEIVE REQUEST (Nom•, Citr, Stat., ZIP eod•l • 22. 1. To tftt Hst of my tnowled11 1nd belief. i! d1l1 In this PrMPPiitation/epplfcatlon ,,. THE lrue 1nd correct. th1 document lan Min APPLICANT dul, outhorilod b, tho IOvtmlnc ..., of ! CERTIFIES U.o oppllc..t ond tho OPPiiOinl will -Pir (I) 0 0 THAT... wit-tho ollochod o""ranc• II U.o --(2) 0 0 ' onco lo •••""'""· •-~------+-~~~~~~~~--------~'3~'-----.~~~~---------------------r~~~==~----~~ 0 0 23, a. TTPlD NAME AND TITLE b. SIGNATURE ~ CERTIFYING c. DATE SIGNED Y•r ....,.fA i =~~~!~IVE dav 19 24. AGENCY NAME ~~cli:I'PLICA· r .... -ncA dar RECEIVED 19211. ORGANIZATIONAL UNIT 27, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 28. FEDERAL APPLICATION II IDENTIFICATION § 21. ADDRESS 30, FEDERAL GRANT IDENTIFICATION 31. ACTION TAKEN 32. FUNDING I J4, l'Mr •o•tA ""• 0 o. AWARDEO STARTING ~ a. FEDERAL .00 33. ACTIO;:N;;:;D;:_:Ac.;T::£::... DATE ;:-::::1::9:.--:::::::-:::--:::=:-:::-::--!-7-~:.__!~----- 0 b. REJECTED b. APPLICANT 19 .00 35. CONTACT FOR ADCITIONAL INFORMA· ~=.0.:.="'--+---------":=...j 36. liON (NGtM G'IC'J ltlll}hOUO RIUnhr) 0 c. RETURNED FOR c. STATE .00 ENDING r ... '""""' dar AMENDMEIIT ~-19 d. LDCAL ~ .00 37. REMARKS ADDED B 0 d. DEFERRED a. DTHER ,00 0 o. WITHDRAWN I ~~------~I·~~T~~~·~L-~~·~------~-00~~~--:-:-:--------~~~~-:-~~~~0 JL Yea []No •· I• t.klna abow't action, lllf commtnls rKtl¥111 rrom cl"''"'"'"'" .,,. cen. •· FrDERAL AGENCY A-95 OfFICIAL FEDERAL AGENCY tldlfld. II 11ancy mpon1e Ia 4n unCier ,nlaitnl ot Part 1, OMB Clrc-.ler A-15, CHam• eiiCI itltphont -.o.) ~~ h11 bttn or II ~Milne ftlldlo A-411 ACTION ITANOARD FORM 424 PAQE 1 110-751l'r..criW •• GSA, l'oolorol .v...,_oal Cirnolar 14-1 • FEDERAl REGISTER, VOL. 41, NO. 8--TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1976 D -12 Pam 210-4 NOTICES SE.CTJON IV-REMARKS (Pkue "'"""" Uae FOI*'Uem aumll,./rvmSeceione 1,11 orIll,ifoppUc®f•) STANDARD FORM 424 PAGE 2 (lo-75) FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 41, NO. 8-TUESDAV', JANUARY 13, 1976 D -1 3 Pam 210-4 NOTK:ES GENERAl INSTRYGJ~ This is a multi-purpose standard" form. First, it will be used oy applicanfs as a requirecffacesheet for pre. applications and applications submitted in accordance with Federal Management Circular 74-7. Second, it willbe used by Federal agencies to report to Clearinghouses on major actions taken on arplications reviewed by clearinghouses in accordance with OMS Circular A-95. Third, it wiil be used by Federal agencies to notifyStates of grants-in-aid awarded in accordance with Treasury Circular 1082. Fourth, it may be used, on an optional basis, as a notification of intent from applic.Areawide clearinghouses in metropolitan areas are established pursuant to thereq,uirements of section 204 of the Demonstration Cities a~d Metropolitan Development Act of 1966. State and otherareawide clearinghouses are designatedby Governors of the States pursuant torules and regulations developed by theOffice of Management and Budget underauthority of Title IV of the Intergovern mental Cooperation Act of 1968.As new designations are made fromtime to time or changes made to existing designations, this omce will send out addenda and amendments to the Directory. Any inquiries should be directed to theIntergovernmental Relations and Regional Operations Division, Office ofManagement and Budget <395-3031) orto the Federal Regional Council A-95 Coordinator.The Directory may be reproduced. VINCENT Pl1RITANO, Deputy Associate Director torIntergovernmental Relationsand Regional Operations. • F "' 2 c FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 Nonca .. .. ... ... ., <5 > -1 ~ ,. : "' 5 ~ ~ ~ i . ~ i. • :. ;; " i ... .' j u s '; E 1 ~ ~ • 'F -3 OFFICE OF IIANAGI!MBII'l' AND B!IDGBT CIRCULAR NO. 95 (REVISED) "".1 S'l'ATII, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES CO!!J!J!CTICUT ~ STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Office of Intergovernmental Relations Department of Finance and control 340 capitol Avenue Hartford 06115 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Clearinghouse Jurisdiction Bridgeport. Conn•• Cities Jersey City. N.J•• Ansonia Meriden, Conn., BridqeportNew Haven. conn., Derby Newark.. N.J., Meriden New York.. N.Y .. New Haven Norwalk. conn., Norwalk Paterson/Cliftioni'Passaic~ Shelton Stamford. conn., WaterburyWaterbury, conn.. and Naugatuck BoroughDanbury, conn. , Towns BeaCOn Falls Tri-State Regional Planning commission Bethany1 world Trade center, 82nd floor Bethel New York, New York 10048 Branford Bridgewatez: Brookfield Cheshire Danbury Uarien East Haven Easton Fairfield Green wich Guildford Hamden Madison Middlebury Milford Monroe New Canaan New Fairfield New Milford Newton North Branford North Haven Orange Oxfo.Cd Prospect Redding Ridgefield Seymour Sherman southbury Stratford Thomaston Trumbull Wallinqford Watertown West haven Weston ~stport Wilton Wolcott Woodbridge woodbury • Connecticut, cont'd Clearinqhouee Hartford Capitol Region Council of Governments 97 Elm street Hartford 06106 New Britain and Bristol central connecticut Reqion Planning Aqency 12 Landry Street Bristol 06010 New London/Groton/Norwich southeastern connecticut Regional Planninq Agency 139 Boswell Avenue Norwich 06360 Jurisdiction New Jersey portion:counties Bergen Besex Budeon MidcUesex Monmouth Morris Passaic Somerset Onion New York portion: New York City Counties Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk westchester Hartford City Towns iiidc>Ver Avon Bloomfield Bolton: Canton East:. Granby East Hartford East Windsor Elliriqton Enfield Farmington Glastonbury Granby Hebron Manchester Marlborough Newington Roclt.y Hill somers Simsbury south Windsor Suffield Tolland Vernon West Hartford Wethersfield Windsor Windsor Locks Cities Bristol New Britain Towns Berlin Burlington Plainville Plymouth Southington Cities ~don Norwich Towns BOir'ah East Lyme Franklin "'0 a 1...:1 1-' = ~ z 0 :::! n m "' FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 • Connecticut. cont• d Connecticut~ cont'd Clearinshouse Jurisdiction Clearinghouse Jurisdiction Griswold Northwestern connecticut. I!!!!!!!!Groton Regional Planning Aqency Canaan Ledyard P.O. Box JO cornwall Lisbon Warren 06754 Kent Montville North canaan North Stonington Roxbury Preston Salisbury Salem Sharon Sprague warren Stoninqton washinqton VoluntownWaterfordColchester AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) Connecticut River Estuary Towns Reqii>nal Planninq Aqency Chester Westbrook Road Clinton P.o. Box 33S Deep River Essex 06Q26 Essex Killingworth Lyooe Old Lpe Old Saybrook Westbrook Litchfield Hills Regional !l!!m! Planninq Aqency Barkbaasted 110 Main Street Colebrook TOrrington 06790 Goshen HarwintonLitchfieldNorrisNew HartfordNorfolkTorringtonWinchester Kidstate Regional .Planning Agency TownS P.o. Box 139 crc;;:well Middletown 064S7 Durham East Hadda11 East &upton Haddillll Middlefield MiddletOOIII Portland Northeastern Connecticut I2!m! Regional Plt~nninq Agency Brooklyn P.o. Box 198 Canterbu.ry Brooklyn 0623' Eastford Killinqly Plainfield Poolfret PutnUl '· Sterling Thompson WOOdstock Windham Regional Planning Agency TOOIIIS 21 Church Street Ashford W1111aant1c 06226 Chaplin colu.~tia coventry Ha11pton "%j LebanonMansfieldscotlandIUllinqton \J1 Windha. FEDERAL REGISTER, Vot.. 42, NO. 6-:--MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 gz n m VI ; Nl ~ =I ,j:o.. "Zj OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) 2 STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOIJSES Massachusetts, cont1 d "C Ill clearinghouse Jurisdiction 0\ MASSACHUSETTS 9 Southborough Stoneham ~ STATE CLEARINGHOUSE ~ Stow Sudbury = Wakefield •I Office of state Planning Watertown John McCormack Buildinq Wayland 1 Ashburton Place weston Boston 0 2 1 08 Wilmington Winchester Norfolk county (part): AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES Quincy City (Metropolitan) Towns Bellingham Braintree Clearinghouse Jurisdiction Brooklin Canton .!!2!1!!!! Cohasset Dedha'" Metropolitan Area Planning Council Essex County (part) : Dover u School street Cities Poxboro Boston 021 08 ieVeriy Franklin Gloucester Holbrook Lynn Medfield Peabody IUllis salem Milton Towns Needham DaiiVirs Norfolk Essex Norwood Hamilton Randolph IJilswich SharQn Lynnfield Stoughton Manchester walpole Marblehead Wellesley Middleton westwood Nahant weymouth z Rockport wrentham 0 Saugus Plymouth County (part): ... Swampscott Towns n Topsfield Duxbury m Wenhatn Hanover Middlesex County (part.) : Bingham "' Cities hull Cambridge Marshfield Everett Norwell Malden Pembroke• Mar!borough Rockland Medofra scituate Melrose Suffolk county Newton Worcester county (part): somerville Bol't.on Town waltham Woburn Brcx:kton Towns carlisle Old Colony Planninq Council Plymouth County (part): Hudson 232 Main Street Brockton City Acton Brockton 02Q01 Towns Arlinqton Abington Ashland Bridgewater Bedford East Bridgewater Belmont Hanson Burlington Kingston Concord Plymouth Framingham west Bridgewater Holliston Whitman Lexington Norfolk County (part): Lincoln Avon Town Littleton Briston County (part): Maynard Easton Town Medway Milford Natick North Reading Reading Sherborn FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 3 Massachusetts. cant• d Massachusetts. oont'd • Clearinghouse Jurisdiction Clearinghouse Jurisdiction North Andover Fall !liver and !lew Bedford Rowley southeastern Massachusetts Regional Bristol COUnty' (part) : Salisbury West Newbury District Attleboro Planninq and Econo•ic oevelopaent Cities Lowell 7 Barnabas Road Fall River Marion 02738 Hew Bedford Northern Middlesex Area COIUlission Middlesex county (part) : 144 Merrimack Street Lowell City Taunton I!!!!!!!! Lowell 01852 Acushnet !2!m! Berkley Billerica Dartmouth chelasford Dracut Fairhaven Dighton Dunstable Pepperell Mansfield Freetc:M'l Tewksbury Tyngsborougb MDrtb Att.leborougb wesUordNorton Raynh• Rehoboth Pittsfield Seekonk Berkshire County Regional Berkshire county Swansea SOllerset Planning oo..tssion 10 Fenn Street westport Plyo1011th County (part) : Pittsfield 01201 Towns Spriragfield/Chicoppe/Bolvoke carVer Lakeville Lower Pioneer valley Regional Counties Marion Mattapoisett Planning CO.mission Ba11pden lll:ddleboro ~6 Central street Ba•pshire West Springfield 01089 Rochester warehilll Worcester Rorfoll< county PlainvUle Town Central Massachusetts Regional Worcester County (part): z Planninq Commission worcester City fitcbburg/Leoainster 0 70 Elm .street Towns ... Montachusetts Regional Planning Middlesex county (part) : Worcester 01609 Auburn Barre n COIIUnission !!!!m!! Berlin 150 Main Street Ayer m Fitcbburq 01420 Shirley Blackstone Townsend Boylston worcester county (part) : Brookfield Charlton ill!!!!! Douglas Fitchburg Dudley East Brookfield Gardner Leominster Grafton Towns Hardwick Clinton Bolden Ashbumbaa HopedaleHubbardston Liecester Lancaster Mendon Lunenburg Sterling Millbury Ml:llvi1le Telllpleton New Braintret! weatadnster ll'orthborough Winchendon Northbridge North Brookfield Lavregoe/Baverhill oakham Merrimack Valley Regional Essex COUnty (part) : oxford Planninq OOmaission Cities Paxton Princeton 87 Winter Street Haverhill t-xj Rutland Haverhill 01830 Lawrence Shrewsbury ~ Southbridge Amesbury Spen~er ....... St~rbridge Andover· &oxford Georgetmm Groveland Nerri.IM.c Met:huen Rewburyport i Newbury to.:! • """ = I FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 5 Massachusetts, cont•d "rj ""0 Clearinghouse Jurisdiction a Sutton CXl AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) Cape cod Planninq and Economic Development commission First District Courthouse Barnstable 02630 Martha•s Vineyard Commission P. 0. Box 1447 oak Bluffs 02557 Franklin Coun~y Planning Department 425 Main Street Greenfield 01301 Nantucket Planning and Economic Development commission Town and County Buildinq Nantucket 02554 •Applications for Pe~roke Town (Plymouth County) Upton Uxbridge warren Webster Wes-tborough West Boylston West Brookfield Barnstable county Dukes County Franklin County Nantucket Island are now cleared ~ ~ = ~ throuqh the Old Colony Planning Council (Brockton area clearinghouse) as well as through the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (Boston area clearinqhouse). z g n m "' • FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6--MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 n OFFICE OF MII.NAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCUlAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) 2 STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES Maine, cont1 d • Clearinghouse Jurisdiction !!M!!!i Naples Sebago STATE CL~INGHOUSE Bridgton Harrison Otisfield Main State Clearinghouse Ex.ecut ive Department State of Maine AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES 18-state Street (Other) Auqusta 04333 southern Mid-Coast Reqional •wes~ern part of AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES Planning Commission Mid-Coastal (Metropolitan) 52 Front St:reet District Bath 04530 Clearinghouse Jurisdiction Hancock county Regional •western part of Planning Commission Eastern Maine _Lewiston/Auburn P.O. Box 608 District Elsworth 0-605 Androscoggin Valley Regional Androscoggin County Planning COmmission Cumberland county (part) : i:asteE"n Mid-Coast Regional •Eastern part of 70 court street New Gloucester TOwn Planninq Commission Mid-Costal Auburn 04210 Franklin CoWlty 1123 Main Street District Kennebec {:ounty (part) : Box 836 Fayette Town Rockland 0-841 Oxford county (Part): To FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 ~ 1-J:j OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BDDGET CIRCUlAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) STATE, METROPOLITAN. AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES ""0 RHODE ISLAND 1-' N STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Rhode Island statewide Planning Program Department of Administration Room 201 265 Melrose Street Providence 02907 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Clearinghouse Providence Rhode Island Statewide Planning Program Depa rt.m.en t of Adllli. nistration Room 201 265 Melrose Street Providence 02907 a ~ '""' = I .... Jurisdiction z 0 .... n m en FEDEIAl REGiml, VOL 42, ilt6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCUlAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) STATE. METROPOLITAN. AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES Vermont. cont•d • Clearinghouse Jur.iadiction VERMONT Benninqt.on county Regional .I2!!M Planning and Development Commission Arlington STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Benninqton P.O. Box 3Q2 Arlinqton 05250 Dorset Glast:enbury The State Clearinghouse Landqrove state Plannihq Office Manchester Peru Montpelier 05602 Pownal Pavilion Office Buildinq Rupert Sandgate AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES Shaftsbury (Metropolitan) Stamford Sunderland woodford (No metropolitan areas) Central vermont Regional Barre CityPlanninq COmmission !2!!!!.! Berlin ToWn Municipal Office Barre AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES RFD Q Berlin (other) Montpelier 05602 cabot Calais Clearinghouse Jurisdiction Duxbury East Montpelier Addison county Regional Planning Towns Fayston and Development Commission Addison Marshfield Battel Block Bridport Middlesex Middlebury 05753 Bristol Montpelier Cornwall Moretown Ferrisburg Northfield Goshen Orange Leicester Plainfield Lincoln Roxbury Middlebury Waitsfield Monkton warren Washington z Orwell waterbury 0 New Haven Williamstown ... Panton Ripton woodbury n Salisbury m worcester shoreham Chittenden county Regional Cities starksboro "' Planning COmmission· Burlington Vergennes P.o. Box 108 Winooski Waltham 58 Pearl Street weybridqe Towns Essex Junction 05452 Whitinq Bolton Duels Core Charlotte Colchester Essex Binesbury Huntington Jericho Milton Richmond Shelbllrne SOuth Burlington St. George Unc!erhill Williston Franklin-Grand Isle Reqional St0 Albans City Planninq and Development Commission Towns 118 N. Main Street AlburySt. Albans 05G78 Bakersfield Berkshire Enosburq Fairfax Fairfield Fletcher t"Jj "'0 Frankliri Georqia s Grand Isle Hiqhqate t-' b:l w ...... Q ...I FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6--MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 ~ Veraont. cont•d Vermont. cont•d "C a ~ ...... = •I / • z g ;:; m tit Clearinahouse i-' .p. Lamoille county Development council Box 577 Morrisville 05661 Northeastern Vermont Development Association P.O. Box 640 st. Johnsbury 05819 Jurisdiction Isle La Motte Montgomery North Hero Richford St. Albans Sheldon south Hero swanton Towns Belvidere Cambridge Eden Elmore Hyde Park Johnson Morristown Stowe Waterville Walcot Caledonia County (part) : !!!!!!!!! Barnet Burke Danville Groton Hardwick Kirby Lyndon Revark Peacham Ryegate st. Johnsbury Sheffield Stannard sutton Walden waterford Wheelock Essex COunty (part) : Towns Averill Averys Gore Bloomfield Brighton Brunswick Canaan Concord East Haven Ferdinand Granby Guildhall Lelllington Lunenburq Maidstone LeVis Horton Victory warners Grant Warrens Gore Orleans county (part) : N-port City !!!!!!!!! Albany "Barton Browninqton Charlestown coventry craftsbury Derby Glover Greensboro Bolland Iraabury Clearinghouse Ottauquecbee Regional Planninq and Development Commission 3 central street WOOdstock 05091 Rutland Regional Planning Qnlmi.ssion 27 center street RUtland 05701 southern Windsor County Reqional Planninq commission COmmunity Center Room 18 Sprinqfield 05156 TWo Rivera Reqional Planninq and Develop.ent COmmission Box 127 llasonic Ball Sharon 05065 Jurisdiction Jay Lovell Lorgan Newport Troy Westfield westmore Towns Barnard Bridgewater Hartland Plymouth Woodstock Rutland City Towns Benson Brandon Castleton Chittenden Clarendon Danby Fairhaven RUbbardton Ira Mendon Middletown Mount Holly Mount Tabor Pawlet Pittsford Poultney Proctor RUtland Sherburne Shrewsbury Sudbury Timmouth Wallinqford Wells west Haven West Rutland Towns Andover Balti..are Cavendish Chester Ludlow Readinq Sprinqfield weathersfield West Windsor Windaar l:!!!m!! Betbel BraIIford Braintree Brookfield Chelsea corinth Pairlee Granville Hancock Newbury Pittsfield P011fret Randolph Rochester Royalton Sharon Stockbridqe Strafford FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6--MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 • Ver.ont. eont•d ClMri.ftqlloUB Upper Val.ley-L&ke SUnapee Council 31' National. Bank Baildinq on-the-111111 Lebanon. New Ba.pshire 03766 • Windhaa Reqional. Pl.anninq ancl uevel.op-co..taaion 139 Main street &rattl.eboro 05301 t'%j t-' V1 • 'ropah• Tunbridqe vershire west:. Fairlea Ver110nt portion: 'l'ooms Hartford NOrwich TheUord New Hampshire portion: ~ Ackworth Canaan Charl.eston Cl.ar_,t Cornillh croydon Dorchester Bnfield Grafton Granthaa Goaben Hanover Lanqdan Lebanon L-ter L~ ....bury Mew London Bewport orange bford Pl.ainafielcl sunapee Sutton z Unity washift\JtOn 2 wu..t n Tooma m Athena Brattl.eboro Brookline DoVer Dwuoeraton Grafton Guil.forcl Halifax J-aica LOndonderry Marlboro Bewfane Putney Readeboro Rockinqhaa searaburq -ereet stratton TOIInBbencl VerftOn wardeboro weeton weatlllinieter Whitinqhaa Wilainqton Windhu Winhall 5 Jurisdiction ; 11:1 ....... FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO.. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 = •I Pam 210-4 NOTICES • 0 - > c( "' ;::) z c( ... cS >' ,; ... Iii !! "' ~ ... 0 ... ... ~ 5 .. 8 ... I .ac ~ ..." .. .. .." ~ 2 ~ E I I ! > F -16 • OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVJ:SEDI 2 New Jersey. cont'd STATE. METROPOLITAN. AND REG~ONAL CLEARINGHOUSES Clearinghouse Jurisdictic.nNEW JERSElt' Vineland{Milville/Bridgeton Cumberland County Planning Board 800 commerce Street Bridgeton 083 0 2 Bureau of state and Regional Planning STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Cumberland County Department of CoMmunity Affairs Wilmington. Del./N.J,/Md. 329 west State Street P.O. Box 2768 Wilmington Metropolitan Area Planning Delaware portion: Trenton 08625 and coordinating council (WLLMAPCO) New Cast~e County 2062 New Castle Avenue New Jersey portion: Cross Roads Shopping Center salem countyAREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES New Castle. Delaware 19720 Maryland portion:(MetropolitanI Cecil County Clearinghouse Jurisdiction AREAWWECLEARIOOHOOSES (Otberl Bridgeport. Conn. 1 New Jersey eortion: Jersey City. N.J., ~ Meriden. conn•• Bergen cape May County Planning Board Cape May County New Haven. conn•• Essex County court House New lt'ork.' •• Hudson Cape May 0821 0 Newark. N.J•• Middlesex Bunteidon County Planning Board Norwalk. Conn •• Morunouth Hunterdon county faterson/Cli.fton/Passaic, N.J•• Morris Administrative Building stamford. cc.nn•• Passaic wate'rbury. conn•• soaaerset ~~i~~~:t o8822 Danbury. Cooo •• Union connecticut ~tion: ocean Cow.ty Planning Board Ocean CoWlty Tri-State Regional Planning Commission All areas within the Court Bouse Square 1 world Trade Center. 82nd Floor f-ollowing State-defined Toaa River 08753 New York. New York 100t18 planning districts: central Naugatuck Valley Office of the County Planning Director sussex County Greater Bridgeport Sussex county Planning Board P.O. Box 69 Housatonic Valley Newton 07860 south central z southwesternNew York portion: Warren County Warren COunty Planning Board 2 New York City 234 William Street ;::;Alpba 08866 counties mDutchess Nassau "' Orange Putaan Rockland Suffolk. westchester Atlant;ic City Atlantic County Planninq Board Atlantic County 25 Doiphin AVenue Nortbfield 08225 Philadelphia. Pa./N.J. and Trenton Delaware Valley Regional Pennsylvania portion: Planning commission ~ Penn Towers Building. Third Floor sucks 1819 Jobn F. Kennedy Boulevard Chester Philadelpbia. Pennsy~vania 19103 Delaware Montgomery Pbiladelphia New Jersey portion: ~ t"%j BurlingtoncaadenGloucesterMercer ..... ....... ; ~ =.... FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 I ""' OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) 2 srATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES New York. cant1 d 'i::l l'%j Clearinghouse Jurisdiction NEW YORK 1-' 00 STATE CLEARINGHOUSE State Clearinqbouse NeW York State Division of the Budget state Capitol A1bany 12224 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Clearinghouse Bridgeport. Conn•• Jersey City. N.J•• Meriden. Corm•• Newark. N.J.. New Haven. Conn•• New York. N.Y•• Nopa!k. Conn•• Patersop/Clifton/Passaic. N.J•• Staeford. Conn•• Waterbury. conn•• and ganbury. Cooo. Tri-State Regional Planning Commission 1 World Trade Center. 82nd Ploor New York 01148 AJbany/Scbenectady/Troy Capital District Regional Planning Co-.issioD 79 North Pearl Street Albany 12207 Binabaptton southern Tier East Regiooal Planning Board BoJ< 1766 Brooae county Office Building Binqbaaton 13902 ~ Erie and Niagara Counties Regional Planning Board Northt"""' Plaza 3103 Sheridan Drive -rst 14226 Jurisdiction New York oortic· New York City CoWlties Dutchess Nassau orange Putnam Suffolk Weatcbester New Jersey portion: ~ Bergen Essex Hudson Middlesex -.outh Morris Passaic soaerset Union coonecticut portion: All areas within tbe following state-defined planning districts: Central Naugatuck Valley Greater Bridgeport sauaatonic Valley soutb Central Southwestern ~ Albany Rennsselaer Saratoga schenectady coypties Broc:xae Chenango Delaware otsego Tioga TOoapkins counties Brie Nia.qara Rochester Geneseee Finger ·Lakes Regional Planning Board Ebenezer Watts Building Q1 s. Fitzbugb Street Rochester 1Q6H Syracuse Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board Midtown Plaza 700 East Water Street Syracuse 13210 Utica/Rome Herk~er-oneida Joint Planning Board BOO Park Avenue Utica 13501 AREAW:tDE CLEARl:NGliOUSES (Otber) I~ke Champlain-Lake George Regional Planning Board Lake George Institute Lake George 12845 Southern Tier Central Regional Planning Board 53-1/2 Bridge Street Corning 14830 southern Tier west Regional Planning Board 2~ Broad street SalaJIIanca 1H79 Black River-st. Lawrence Regional Planning Board Payson Hall st. Lawrence University canton 136 11 counties Genesee Livingston Monroe Ontario Orleans seneca Wayne Yates ~ Cayuga cortland Madison onondaga oswego counties Herkimer oneida. Counties CIIiitOil Essex Haailton Warren washington Counties Steuben Chenung Schuyler counties Allegany Cattaraugus Chautauqua counties PUiikTiii Jefferson Lewis St. Lawrence ~ ~ = ,j:o. z 0 ::! n m en FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, OFFICII OP IIIUIAGIIIIEirl' A11D IIUDGBl' CIRCULAII II). A-ts (aBVl811D) BrA'l'E• llll'l'ROPOLITAII. AIID IUIGIOICAL CLBIU'IIMIJ098BS POIRT9 a:ta? S'l'A'l'll CIJIAIIIIIGIIOUSB Planning Board P.O. Box ~1119 Minillaa Station Santuree 00940 l/DGIII I&WpS BrATS CLIIARIIIGIIOUSE Office of Community Services Office of the ~erncr P.O. bOx 5138 St. Thomas 00801 '"<:! 1-' \0 • RIGIOI .UI Delaware Di•trict of Columbia Maryland Pennsylvania Virginia West Virginia z g n m "' ; ~ .... •I = FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6--MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 "%j OFFICE OF MNAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) STATE. METROPOLITAN,. AND REG.IONAL CLEARINGHOUSES tv ~ 0 STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Delaware State Planning Office Thaaas COllins Buildinq 530 South Dupont Highway Dover 19901 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Clearjpqhouse Jurisdiction Wileipqtog. Del./N.J./Md. Wilaiogton Metropolitan Area Planning Delaware portion: and Coordinatinq CoUDcil (WILIIAPCO) New Castle COWlty 2062 New Castle Avenue New Jersey portion: ezoss Roads Shopping center 5altS County Mew castle 19720 Maryland portion: Cecil county OFFICE OF MNAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) '"C STATE,. METROPOLITAN,. AND REGIONAL CLFARINGHOUSES Ill B DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA t-:1 .... Q STATE CLEARINGHOUSE I ~ Division of Budget and Management systems District Buildinq. ROOD 423 1350 E Street. N.W. washingtoa ~0004 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Cleaci.oghouse Jurisdiction washington. o.c./Hd./Va. Metropolitan Washington council of District of columbia (iovernments Maryland portion: 1225 Connecticut Avenue,. N.w. counties Washington 20036 Montgomery Prince Georges Virginia portion: Cities Alexandria Fairfall: Falls Church ~ Arlington Fairfax LoudoWl Prince William z 0 .... n m Cft • FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, ,-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 1-:r:j N t-' 01'1'1CB OJ' IIIUIIIGIIIIBifJ: A1Ul BUDGIJ:!: CDICULAR 1110. A-95 (RBVJBIIDI BrATZ. IIBTROl'QLJ:TAII• AIID amiORAL CLIIAIIXIIIOBOUBU .IIII!Do6llll STATII CLIIAIIJ:ICBOUSB Department of State Planning 301 Neat Pr-Street Baltt.Gre Z1Z03 ARBAIIUIII CLIIAIIXIIGBOUSIIS· (lletropolitao) clearingbouM ptl.t;iegre Regional PlaoniAg council Mt. Vernon Medical Bllil41ri9 701 st. Paul Street Balti.ore Z1202 Ho!b.J.oatpp.. D.C.I'ft4.tya. Metropolitan Washington·Council of Govern.ent• 1225 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington. D.C. 20036 !UlaJ.AAton. Del./N.J./Md. Milaington Metropolitan Area Planning and eoorcliAating council (WILMAPCO) 2062 New Castle Avenue cross Roada Shopping Center New Castle, Delaware 19720 Jgiediqtion Balti110re City ~ Anne Arundel Baltiloore cara:ou Herford -ard District of Columbia l!arYland porU99: ~ -.tgODery PriAce Georges Virginia portion: ~ Alexandria Fairfax Palla Church ~- AilliigtOn ll'airfax Loundon Prince Williaa Delaware portion: New Castle County New Jersey portion: Saleaa County Maryland portion: Cecil County Jydadicdop ~ Lehiqb North&llpton Blair County Brie County g n ~ CUIIII>erland = Dauphin Perry Caoabria County Lancaster county Pennsylvania portiqn: COW>ties Bucks Cheater Delaware Montgomery Pbiladelpbia New Jersey portion: CDUQ't.ies .._ Burlington CaDden G'-ouceater Mercer ; 1:1:1 .... = OJ'J'XCB OJ' IIIUUIIDimlfr AIID, BODGift CDCUI.Aa 1110, A-15 (a&VISJIDI BrATZ. IIBTROJOLJ:TAII. UD UGJ:ORAL CLDRDIQIIDU8B8 PIIII'ISV.JA!W, ftATB CLBAAIIIGBOUU PeADaylvania State CleariAgbouae GoVemor•a Budget Office J:Dtargover-tal Relatione Divieion P.o. soa un Barriaburg 17120 AIIBAWJ:DB CLIIARJ:IIGBOUSIIS (lletropolitaDI C1MringhqUM ~lentOWQ-Bethlehea JoiAt Planning COmaiaaion Lehigb-No~•pton Countiea Teroinal Building, ABB Airport P.O. Box 3087 Lehigh Valley 18103 ~ Blair COunty Planning ccamiaaion Highland Hall Annex court House Bollidayaburg 166•8 AU!. Erie Metropolitan Planning CODaiaeion 606 w. second Street Erie 16507 garrisburg Tri-County Regional Plannl.n., COIUDisaiOD 2001 N. ll'ront Street Harrisburg 17102 Johnstown CAMbria County Planning Commission Court Bouse Ebensburg 15931 Lancaster Lancaster County Planning Commission 900 East King Street Lancaster 17602 PhJ,ladelpbia. Pa,,N,J. and Trenton Delaware Valley Reqianal Planninq COIIUIIiaaion Penn Towers Building, Third ll'loor 1819 John II'. Kennedy Boulevard Philadelphia 19103 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 ~ l I'Zj N N Pennaylv&aia. coot'd C1Miinghoyte Pitttburgb SoutbweateED PeoDBylv&aia Regiaaal PlaJUli.Dg ColaisaioD 564 Fcnhee Aveoue Pitteburqb 15219 l!erka County 'Planniog COIUiieaioia Court House ReadiDg 19601 ~ Lackawanna COunty Pl4DIIiog CCIUiieaioo County AdaiDistratioo BRildiog 200 Adaaa Aveoue SCr&atOD 18503 Hi1k••-Barre(Ba•eltop Luaeroe County Pl&DDiDg CO..Uaioo Court. Bouse Wilkes-Barre 18711 .llW! York County Planning Caa.ieeioo 220 s. Dulte Street · York 17403 AREAIUDI! CLEAR.IIIGHOOSBS (ot.berJ l!cono•ic Development council of NOrtheast Pennsylvania P.o. aox 777 Avoca 186U Southern Allegbanies Planning and Develo~nt Commission 1506 11th Avenue Altoona 16602 IIOrtbern Tier Regional PlanniDg and DeVelopment coa.isaion 507 MaiD street Towanda 18848 Northwest Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development commission 406 Biery Building PrankliD 16323 Juri!diCUC!! ~ .Uleg-y ~tronq Beaver Butler waebiogton ilest.oreland Berke county Lackawanna county Luaerne county York county Co!!Dties carbon Lackawanna• Luzerne• -.roe Pike SCbulylkill wayne cou.nties DeFord Blair• Caebria• Fulton Huntingdon SOllerset Counties Bradford Sullivan Susquebana Tioga Wyoaing Counties Clarion crawford Erie• Poreat Lawrence Mercer Venanqo warren · Penasyiv~ia. oont.'d gevi.pghguae Juriedicti!!! = B Borth caitral Pennsylvania ~ ~ Econoaic Develo~at District ca~~eran .... 212 Main street Clearfield Box 377 Blk = I Ridgway 15853 Jeffereoo Ncltean "'" PotteE •Tbe counties followed by asteEisks are witbiD a •etropolitan areawide clearinqbouae jarisdlctioo. Rotifica~~C'lOS froa the11e COWlties should therefore be sent to botb clearingbouaes. z 2 ;:; c: • FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO.. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 • OJTIC.II OP lllt.NAGI!MZIIT AIID BUDGB'l' CIRCOLAII 110. A-95 (RI!VlSI!DJ 2 STATII, IIE'l'ROPOLZTAII, AIID RIIGIOIIAL CL.IIAIII!IGBOUSES virqinia, cont•d • ~ STAT.II CLEARINGBDU&.II Depar~t of Int:erqovern.ental Affaire Division of state-rederal RelAtione rooartb strea Office lluildinq 205 Nortb .roartb Strlli-23219 AliL\11IDII CLMRINGBOUSIIS (Metropolitan) SjlMrlpahpW Lypfh'Nrq o.Dtrel ¥ir9iaia Planninq District co..tedoa 2511 ~ial AY•ue, Suite 301 Lync:bburq 2U01 MnOrt l!e!!a(M&t;PP Penin.ula Pl&nninq District co.a18eion 2017 Clmninqb-Drive, Suite 203 8Uipton 2.J666 llp#oWJ!orSwpgtb SOOtbeaiOtera Virginia Plaaaiaq Dietrict oo-iaeiOD 16 Jtoqer Baecutive C•ter IIOrfol.k 23502 ''t«!Wra Crater Plaaaiag District Co..teeion P.O. 80z 1S08 2825 s. Crater Road Peteraburg 23803 t'%j N w ol!!£i•4iction ill!!!! Bedford Lyncllbw:g ~ -ret ~toa Bedford c-pbell ~ a-p~oon a-port lien Willi-bolrq counties J-• City York illH! ch..apeake Franklin Norfol.k rort.-tb Buffol.k Virginia Beacb ~t•wiqllt. -t.buptool ~ l!llpod.a IIO_.u Peterebolrg l:2l!!!!J.!! Dinwiddie Greeneville Prince George 8U8Hll IIUIerland RiCbllond 11eat110reland Accomack-Morthaapton PDC ~ ACCOIIaCk -316 Accoaack 23301 NOrthampton. Piedolont PDC counties Aaelia · 205 M. VirginiA Street Buckinqhaa Farmville 23901 Charlotte P.O. Box P cuaberi.andLUnenburgllottowayPrince Edward lleat Pi-nt PDC ~ P.O. Box 1191 Franklin 18-22 llalnut Street Henry Martinsville 24112 Patrick Pittsyvania Lord Fairfax PDC ~ 103 zaat Sixth Street Clarke Front Royal 22630 Frederick Page Shenandoah warren Rappahannock-Rapidan PDC counties 702 s. IIAin Street Culpeper CUlpeper 22701 Fauquier Madison Orange Rappahannock • FEDRAL UGOSTU, VOL. 42,.DAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 ., a ~ =.... I ~ gz ;:;m OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCUlAR NO. A-95 (REVISED)STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES WEST VIRGINJ:A STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Grant Information Department Office of Federal State Relations Room w-140 State capitol Buildinq Cbarleaton 25305 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Cleuioghouee Cb.yltSt:ql BCKP Reqional Interqovemmental Council 410 Kanawha Boulevar4 East Charleat:on 25301 Buntinqton/Aahlapd. w. Va./Ky./Ohio KYOVA In~eratate Planning Co.mission P.O. Box 939 1221 Sixth Avenue BUntinqton 25701 Steubenville(Weirton. Ohio/W. Va. Brooke-Hancock-Jefferson (BHJ) Metropolitan Planning Co..ission 814 Adams Street Steubenville. Ohio 43952 Wheeling. w. va./Ohio Bel-o-Mar Interstate Planning Colftllission P.o. Box 2086 2177 National Road Wheelinq 26003 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) Region I Planning and DevelopMent Council 201 Bair Buildinq Beckley 2 580 1 t:Ij N 1..11 Jurisdiction ~ Boone Clay Kanawha Put.nail West Virginia portion: Counties Cabell Wayne kentucky portion: Boyd county Ohio portion: Law.rence County West Virginia portion: counties iir'OOke Hancock Ohio portion: Jefferson county west Virginia portion: counties Marshall Ohio Obio portion: BelJtOnt COunty Counties Mercer McDowell Monroe Raleigh SWIUDer& lfYOlllinq West Virginia., cont• d Cl.earinghouse Reqion II Planninq and Development council Cabell County Court House -Room 305 Huntinqton 25701 Reqion IV Planninq and Development council Box 505 s ....... rville 26651 Reqion V Planninq and oevelo~ent Council 217 Fourth Street Parkeraburq 26101 Region VI Planning ·and Develo~ent Council 20 1 Deveny BuilMnq Fairmont 26554 Region VII Planning and Development Council Upshur County court House Buckhannon 26201 Region VIII Planning and Develo~ent Council 1 Virginia Avenue Petersburg 26847 Region IX Planning and Development Council 121 West Kinq Street Martinsburq 25QO 1 Reqion X Plaaninq and Development Council 2177 National Road P.O. Box 2086 Wheelinq 26003 •counties followed by an ast.erisk arE' within a clearinghouse jurisdict:ion also. Therefore, notification from these.coi.Wlties will be sent to both clearinghouses. ; 2 • Jurisdictioo Counties Cabell• Lincoln Loqan Mason Mingo Wayne• ~ Fayette Greenbrier Nicbolaa Pocahontas Webster ~ Calhoun Jackson PJ.easanta Ritchie Roane Tyler Wirt - ~ Dod4ridqe Harrison Marion Mononqahela Preston Taylor counties Barbour Braxton z Gilmer g Levis RandolP, n Tucker m Upshur "' counties Grant Hampshire Hardy Mineral Pendleton counties Berkeley Jefferson Morgan CoWJties Marshall* Ohi~ Wetzel •etropolitan areawide Nl ..... Q FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 oj:o. tTj "tl s !'..) ~ 0'\ ..... =I ~ R E G I 0 N IV Alabama Florida Georgia Kentucky Mississippi North Carolina south carolina Tennessee 0 ...n z m FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 ~ STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Alabama Development Office State Office Buildinq Montqomery 36104 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Clearinahouse Bintinqhf!ft Birmingham Reqional Planning ComMission SUite 220 2112 -Eleventh Avenue, south 21 Office Plaza south Birainqhaa 35205 Columbus. Ga. /Ala. Lower Chattahoochee Valley APOC P.O. Box 1908 Collllllbus, Georqia 31902 Gadsden East Alabama Regional Planning and Development ca..ission P.O. Box 2186 100 Quintard Avenue Anniston 16201 Huntsville TOp of Alabama Regional CQuncil of Governments 350 central Bank Building Huntsville 35801 MObile south Alabama Regional Planning"':! COmmission · P.O. Box 1665 250 N. Water Street Mobile 36601 N ....... OFFICE OF MNAGEMEift' AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) STAT!!, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES A.labaaa, cont•d Jurisdiction Counties Elmore Montganery Autanqa ·Counties ~ Payette Bale Tuscaloosa Pickens Greene Lamar counties Choctaw Monroe Clarke Perry Conecun Washington Dallas Wilcox Marengo sumter z Counties 0 colbert ::::! Franklin n Lauderdale Winston c: Marton Counties Cullman Lawrence Morgan Counties Barbour Henry Coffee 1Jouston Covington Dale Geneva ~ Bullock Butler Crenshaw Lowndes Macon Pike counties r;ee areawide clearinqhouse jurisdiction. Therefore. notification from these counties will be sent to both clearinghouses. a within a metropolitan "0 Jurisdiction counties Chilton Jefferson Blaunt St. Clair Shelby walker Georgia portion: ~ Chattahoochee Clay Harris Muscogee Quitinaw Randolph Stewart Talbot Alaballa eortio~: Russell county CoWlties Calhoun Chambers Cherokee Clay Cleburne Coosa Etowah Randolph Talladega Tallapoosa Counties Madison Limestone Jackson Marshall Dekalb Counties Mobile Baldwin Escaa,bria Clearinghouee Montgomery central Alaba~a Regional Planning commission P.O. Box 4034 303 washington Avenue Montgoaery 36104 Tuscaloosa \ West Alabama Planning and Development Council P.. o. Box 28 TUscaloosa 35401 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) Alabama-Tombigbee Rivers Regional Planning and Development Commission P.O. Box 269 Court House Camden 36726 Muscle Shoals Council of Local Governments P.O. Box 2603 MUscle Shoals 35660 North Central Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission P. 0. Box 1069 Decatur 35601 Sogtheast Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission P.O. Box 1406 Dothan 36301 South Central Alabama Planning and oevelo~ent Commission 2825 East South Boulevard Montgomery 36111 Lee county council of Governments P.o. Box 1012 • Auburn 36830 •counties followed by an asterisk a~e also ~ .... = ~ FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 s "tl ·-.;~ OFFICE OF Mlt.NAGEMENT AND BIJDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) 'lorida,. cont• dSTATE, IIBTROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES Clearinghouse Jurisdiction N ;-...) FLQiiiDA FOrt Mvers ~:lO = so~thwest Florida ?lanning Council Counties I STATE CLEARINGHOUSE P.O. Box 981 CiiarlOtte ....2121 West First l;treet Collier Fort Myers 33901 Glades Bureau of Intergovernmental Relations Hendry Oivt.sion of State Planning Lee Department of Administration Sarasota ,(except 660 Apalachee Parkway City of Sarasota) Tallahassee 3230' Lakeland-Winterhaven AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES Central Florida Reqional Counties(Metropolitan) Planning council DeSoto P.O. Box 2089 Hardee Bartow 33830 Highlands clearinghouse Jurisdiction Okeechobee POlk Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood PensacOla Broward county Area Planning Board Broward 'county 1600 s. E. 10 Terrace West Florida Regional Counties Fort Lauderdale 33316 Planninq council Escambia P.O. ·Box 486 santa Rosa Gainesville 106 s. Reus Street Okaloosa Pensacola 32 SO 2 North Central Florida Regional ~ Alachua Planning Co}lncil Tallahassee IS s.w. second Place Bradford Columbia Gainesville 32601 Tallahassee-Leon county Leon county Dixie Planning commission Gilchrist P.o. Box 533 Hamilton Tallahassee 32302 -Lafayette z Madison Tampa/St. Petersburg suwannee n0... Taylor Tampa Bay Req ional Planning Council CountiesUnion 3151 Third Avenue North Hillsboro11gh m St. Petersburg 33113 Manatee Jacksonville Pinellas "' Pasco Jacksonville Area Planning Board counties Sarasota (part) 330 East Bay Street Baker City of Sarasota Jacksonville 32202 Clay Duval West Palm Beach Flagler Nassau Palm Beach county Area Planninc; Palm Beach County Putnam Board St. Johns 2 300 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard Suite 200 Miami West Palm Beach 33409 Dade County Metropolitan Dade county Planninq.Department AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES 702 Justice Building (Other) 1351 N.W. 12th Stre~t Miami 33125 Northwest Florida Development council Counties and Economic Developnent District Bay Orlando 5321-B West Hiqhway 98 Calhoun Panama City 32401 Franklin East Central Florida Regional Counties Gadsden Planninq Council Brevard Gulf 1011 Wymore Road Lake Holmes Winter Park 32789 Orange Jackson Osceola Jefferson Seminole Leon•Volusia LibertywakuelaWaltonwashington FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 n • • •counties followed by an asterisk are aleo in a metropolitan clearinqhouse .area. Therefore, notifications involving such counties should be sent to both clearinghouses. I n II t'1j N "tt \0 a Florida, cont•d C 1 earinghouse South Florida Reqional Planninq council suite 429 1515 Northwest 167 Street MiaJIIi 33169 Withlaooochee Regional Planning Council 3500 N.E. Silver Springs Boulevard Ocala 32670 Treasure Coast Reqional Planning Council P.O. Box 2395 Stuart 3JQ9Q Jurisdiction counties ~ Dade• Monroe Counties Citrus Hernando Levy liarion Suater counties Indian River Martin Pala Beach• · st. Lucie ~ .... = FEDEIAL IEGISTEI, VOL 42, NO. ~ONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 """ "<:1 OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES w Office of Planning and Roan 615B 270 washinqton Street, Atlanta 3033Q Clearinghouse Albany Albany-Daugherty county Planning Commission GEORGIA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Budget s.w. AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) P.O. Box 1827 Albany 31702 Atlanta Atlanta Reqional Commission 230 Peachtree Street, N.W. suite 200 Atlanta 30303 Augusta. Ga./SOuth Carolina Metropolitan ~ouncil of Governments of Aiken and Richmond Counties 121 Marion Avenue East North Auqusta, SOuth Carolina 298"1 chattanooga. Tenn./Georgia chattanooga Area Regional council of Governments 735 Broad Street Chattanooga, Tennessee 37Q02 COlumbus. Ga. /Alabama Lower Chattahoochee Valley APDC P.O. Box 1908 Columbus 31902 • Jurisdiction Dougherty County Counties Clayton Cobb Dekalb Douglas Fultin Gwinett Rockdale Georgia portion: Richmond County s.c. portion: 'Aiken county Georgia oortion: ~:i:!~es Catoosa Dade Tennessee portion; 'Hamilton County Georgia oortion: counties Chattahoochee Clay ·Barris Muscogee QUitlllaU Randolph Stewart Talbot Alabaaa portion: RUIII!Iell County Georgia, cQnt' d clearinghouse Macon Middle Georgia Are~ Planninq Commission 711 Grand Buildinq Macon 31201 savannah Chatham county-Savannah Metropolitan Planning commission P.O. Box 1027 savannah 31402 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (other) Altamaha Area Planning, and Development commission (APDC) P.O. Box 328 Baxley 31513 central· savannah River APDC 2123 Wriqhtsboro Road P.o. Box 2800 Auqusta 30904 chattahoochee-Flint APDC P.o. Box 1363 LaGranqe 30240 Coastal APDC P.O. Box 1316 Brunswick 31520 Jurisdiction counties ~ Crawford Houston Jones Monroe Peach TWigg Chatham County counties Appling Bullock candler Evans Jeff Davis Tattnall TOomes wayne counties Burke Columbia Emanuel Glascock Jefferson Jenkins Lincoln McDuffie Richmond• screven Taliaferro Warren Wilkes Counties carroll coweta Heard Meriwether Troup Counties Bryan Camden Chatham• Effingham Glynn Liberty Long Mcintosh '"C a 1...:1 ,_. = ~ g n = FED~RAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 Georqia, cont 1 d Clearinghouse Coasta~ Plans APOC P.O. Box 1223 Valdosta 31601 coosa Valley APDC P.O. Drawer H 3 Broad Street Rome 30161 Georqi:a Mountains APDC P.O. Box 1720 Gainesville 30501 Heart of Georqia APOC P.O. Box 667 Eastman 31023 Middle Flint APDC P.o. Box 6 Ellaville 31806 Mcintosh Trail APOC P.o. Box 241 206 Childers Building Griffin 30223 >'%j Jurisdiction Counties Beiiliili Berrien Brooks Cook Echols Irwin Lanier Lowndes Tift Turner Counties Bartow catoosa• Chatooga Dade• Ployd Gordon Haralson PAulding Polk walker• counties Banks Dawson Forsyth Franklin Habersham Hall Hart Lumpkin Rabun Stephens Towns Union White Counties Bleckley Dodge Laurens Montgomery PUlaski Telfair Treut.len Wheeler Wilcox Countie-s Crisp Dool"Y Macon Marion schley Sumter Taylor Webster Counties ilitls- Fayett~ Henry Lamar Newton Pike Spalding Upson • Georgia, cont'd Clearinghouse Jurisdiction North Georgia APDC Counties 212 N. Pentz Street Cherokee Dalton 30720 Fannin Gi101er Murray Pickens Whitfield Northeast Georgia APDC Counties 305 Research Drive Barrow Athens 30601 Clarke Elbert Greene Jackson Madison Morqan oconee OCJlt!thorpe Walton Oconee APDC Counties P.O. Box 707 Baldwin 1oq East. Hancock Street Hancock Milledgeville 31061 Jasper Johnsen Putnam washington Wilkinson Slash Pine APOC ~ Her i taqe Road Atkinson Waycross 31501 Bacon Brantley Charlton Clinch Coffee Pierce Ware ,gz Southwest Georgia APOC Counties n P.o. Box 3q6 Baker Camilla 31730 Calhoun Colquitt = Decatur Dougherty• Early Grady Lee Miller Mitchell Seminole Terrell Thomas Worth •counties followed by an asterisk are within a metropolLtan areawide clearinghouse jurisdiction also. Therefore, notifications from these cbunties will be sent to both clearinghouses. ; ~ VJ '""' ....... = I FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42. NO. 6-rMONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 ~ "%j GFF!CE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIF!CULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) Rentucky, ~ont•d ~ STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES 'JJ KENTUCKY "' STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Stat€ Clearir.qhouse Ofiice for Policy and Management 2(19 caoitol Annex Fra:--,kf(>t-t. 40601 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Jurisdiction fl~f..!.n.qh-:;use ~incii:ma!:i, Ohio/lXins Livingstor, Lyon Muhlenberg Todd Trigg District:, Inc. P.O. Box 986 Hazard · 41701 Lake CUMberland Area District, Inc. P.O. Box 377 Jamestown 42629 Development Kentucky, con.t•.-' 15 Clearinghouee Purchase Area oevelo~ent District Board of Directors P.O. Drawer N 607-1/2 w. Broadway Mayfield 42066 Northern Kentucky Area DeveloPftent District 7505 sussex Drive Florence 410 42 *Counties followed by an asterisk are within a clearinqhouse jurisdiction also. Therefore, counties will be sent to both clearinqhouses. Jurisdiction counties Ballard Calloway Carlisle Fulton Bickaan Graves Marshall NCCraclcen ~ B.oone• Campllell• Carroll Gallatin Grant ~tenton OWen Pendleton aetropolitan areawide notifications from these g n = ; • ~ """ = FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 ol:o. 'o;t OFFICE OF MANAGBMBNT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) STATE, METFOPOLITAN. AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES - Jurisdiction ~ Attala caz'roll Grenada Holmes Leflore Montgomery Yalobusha counties coahomaDeSoto• Quitman Panola Tallahatchie Tate Tunica Counties Alcorn Benton Marshall Prentiss Tippah Tishomingo Counties Boli.var Humphreys Issaquena Sharkey Sunflower Washington Counties Covington Forrest George Greene Hancock• Hnrrison• Jackson• Jefferson Ocivis Jones Lamar Marion Pearl River Perry Stone Wayne Counties ~ Amite Claiborne Franklin Jefferson Lawrence Lincoln Pike walthall Wilkinson • "'C a ~ .... = ...I g z n = -~ ~ MISSISSIPPI STATE CLEARINGHOUSE coordinator Federal-State Programs Office of the Governor .400 Watkins Buildinq 510 Georqe Street Jackson · 39201 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Biloxi/Gulfport Gulf Regional Planning Commission P.O. Box Q206 Gulfport 39501 Jackson central Mississippi Planninq and Development District 2675 River Ridge Road Jackson 39216 Memphis, Tenn./Arkansas(~iss. Mississippi-Arkansas-Tennessee council of Governments Room 501r 125 North Main Street Memphis, Tennessee 38103 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) East central Mississippi Planning and Development .District 410 Decatur Street Newton 39345 Golden Trianqle Planning and Development District Post Office Drawer ON State College 39762 countie~ HanCOCk Harrisof" Jackson counties Copiah -· Hinds Rankin Madison Simpson warren Yazoo Arkansas portion: ,crit.tenden county ~;!S..§l._f!~portion: UeSoto county Tennessee portior:: Co'!!!!_!_'}§. Fayette Lauderdale Tipton shelby Counties Clarke Jasper Kemper Lauderdale Leake Neshoba Newton scott smith counties Choctaw Clay Lowndes Noxubee Oktibbeha' Webster Winston Mississippi. cont•d clearinghouse North Central Mississippi Planning and Development District P.O. Box 668 321 Summit Street Winona 38967 North Delta Planninq and Development District P.O. Box 12Qtt Clarksdale 38614 Northeast Mississippi Planning and oevelopme'nt District P.O. Drawer li-D Booneville ·38P29 South Delta Planning and Development District Route 1, Box AB52 Greenville 38701 Southern Mississippi Planning and Developrr.ent District 1020 32nd Avenue Gulfport 39501 Southwest Mississippi Planning and Development District P.o. Box 636 Meadville 39653 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 l'u. _(., _ _,_...;.llpi • .:.<.. •• c ~ d • Clearir,ghouse Jurisd.i.ction Three Rivers Planninq and counties Develoanent District calhoun 99 Center Ridge Drive Chickasaw Pontotoc 388 63 Itawamba Lahiette Lee Monroe Pontotoc union •The counties followed by an asterisk are within a metropolitan areawide clearinghouse jurisdiction. Notificaticms from these counties should, therefore, be sent to both clearinghouses. g s "%j w VI ; ~ ..... =I FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 • "%j OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) STATE# METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES ~ ~ !:!QS~LINA STATE C~EARINGHOUSE Office of Intergovernmental Relations 116 west Jones Street Raleiqh 27603 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Asheville Land of Sky Reqional Council Counties P.O. Box 2175 Buncombe Asheville 28802 Henderson Madison Transylvania Charlotte* Centralina Council of Governments counties 1229 Greenwood Cliff, Suite 301 cabarrus P.O. Box Q 168 Gaston Charlotte 28204 Iredell Lincoln Mecklenburg ROwan Stanly Union Durham and Raleigh Trianqle J Council of Governments Counties P.O. Box 12276 Chatham Research Trianqle Park 27709 Durham Johnson Lee Orange Wake Fayetteville Reqion M Council of Governments counties 801 Arsenal Avenue Cumberland Fayetteville 28305 Harnett Sampson Greensboro/Winston-Salem/High Point Piedmont Triad Council of Governments Counties Four Seasons Offices Alamance 2120 Pinecraft Road Caswell Greensboro 27407 Davidson Davie Forsyth Guilford Randolph Rockingham Stokes Surry Yadkin Wilmington Cape Fear Council of Governments counties 1 North Third Brunswick Suite 206 Columbus Wilminqton 28401 New Hanover Pender North carolina, cont'd Clearinghouse AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) Isothermal Planninq and Development commission 306 Ridgecrest Avenue Rutherfordton 28139 Kerr-Tarr Regional Council of Governments Post office Box 709 238 Oranqe Street Henderson 27 536 Reqion D Council of Governments Executive Arts Building Boone 28607 Neuse River Council of Governments P.O. Box 1717 1404 Neuse Boulevard New Bern 28560 Reqion L Council of Governments P.O. Drawer 2748 Rocky Mount 27801 Lumber River Council of Governments 2802 Rowland Avenue Lumberton 28 3 58 Mid-East Economic Development Commission P.O. Box 1218 Washinqton 27889 Southwestern Planninq and Economic Development commission Route 3, Box 338 Bryson city 28713 Western Piedmont Council of Governments P.O. Box 3069 Ten 21st Avenue N.W. Hickory 28 60 l Jurisdict!2D: counties Cleveland McDowell Polk Rutherford Counties Franklin Granville Person Vance Warren Counties Alleghany Ashe Avery Mitchell Watauga Wilkes Yancey Counties Carteret Craven Duplin Greene Jones Lenoir Onslow Pamlico Wayne Counties Edgecombe Halifax Nash Northampton Wilson Counties Bladen Hoke Robeson Scotland Counties Beaufort Ber.tie Hertford Martin Pitt Counties Cherokee Clay Graham Haywood Jackson Macon· Swain counties Alexander Burke Caldwell Catawba "'0 9 Nl '"'" = I ,j;o.. z g n 1ft .,. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 •North-carolina. cant•4 ClearinqhoU!I Albeaarle Reqional Plannin9 ana Develop.ent C~ieeion P.O. Box 589 II!ASenton 279]2 Pee Dee Council of Governaente P.O. Box 728 Troy 27371 l J!!fhclieti9!1 ~ C...Sen Cbovan CUrritaek Dare Gat.. &yae Paequotank Perqaieane Tyrrell vaabift9ton S2!!!lili!. An•on liont-ry MOore Rie-..s I s ; t'%j w ...... • ~ ~ = •I FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6--MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 "%j OFFICE OF MANAGEliiENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED)sTA'i'E-, lmTROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL ci.E:Ail'INGHOUSES w SOUTH~ 00 STATE CLEARINGHOUSE State Clearinqhouse Division of Administration 1205 Pendleton Street, 4th Floor Columbia 29201 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Clearinghouse Augusta, Ga./s.c. Metropolitan Council of Governments of Aiken and Richmond Counties 121 Marion Avenue East North Auqusta 29841 Charleston Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Reqional Planning Commission 2 Courthouse Square Charleston 29401 Columbia Central Midlands Reqional Plahninq Council 800 Dutch Square Boulevard Suite 155 Columbia 29210 Greenville, Pickens, and Spartanburg South Carolina Appalachian Council of Governments Drawer 6668 211 Century Drive Greenville 29606 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) Catawba Regional Planning Council P.O. Box 862 107 Hampton Street Rock Hill 29730 Lowcountry Reqional Planning Council P.O. Box 9e Yemassee 299115 Lower savannah Regional Planning and Development commission P.o. Box 850 Aiken 29801 • Jurisdiction Georgia portion: Richmond County S.C. portion: Aiken county* Counties Berkeley Charleston Dorchester Counties Lexington Richland Fairfield Newberry counties Greenville Pickens Anderson Cherokee Oconee Spartanburg Counties CheSter- Lancaster Union York Counties BeaUfOrt Colleton Hampton Jasper Counties Allendale Aiken• Bamberg Barnwell Calhoun Orangeburg south Carolina, cont'd Clearinghouse Pee Dee Regional Planning and Development Council P.O. Box 5719 Florence 29501 Snatee-Wateree Regional Planning COuncil P.O. Box 1837 36 East Calhoun Street sumter 29150 Upper Savannah Regional Planning and Development Council P.O. Box 1244 Greenwood 29646 Waccamaw Regional Planning and Development Council P.O. Box Q19 Georgetown 294QO •counties followed by an asterisk are within a clearinghouse jurisdiction also. Therefore. counties will be sent to both clearinghouses. ; Jurisdiction ~ Counties 1-' Ch&Sterfield Darlington = I Dillon Florence • Marion Marlboio counties Clarendon Kershaw Lee Sumter counties Abbeville Edgefield Greenwood Laurens MCCormick Saluda Counties Georgetown Harry Williamsburg metropolitan areawide notifications from these z 0 ... ;:; .., In "' FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 OFFICE OF IIIINAGEMENr AND BUDGET CIRCIJLAR 110. A-95 (REVISED) STATE. MEDIO\'OLITAN. AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES Tennessee. cont'd clearinghouse Jurisdiction TENNESSEE AREAWmE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) STATE CLEARINGBOIJSI! East Tennessee Development District ~ State Planning Office 1810 Lake Avenue Anderson• Grants Review Section Knoxville 37916 Blount• 660 Capitol Bill Building Campbell Nashville 37219 Clairborne Cocke Grainger AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES Billlblen (Metropolitan) Jefferson Knox• Loudon Clearinghouse Juriadiction Monroe Morgan Chattanooga. Tenn./Ga.. Roane Scott Chattanooqa Area Regional Tennessee portion: Sevier Council of Governments Hamilton county Onion •23 Jaaee Building Georgia portion: 735 Broad Street Counties First Tennessee-Virginia Counties Chattanooga 37•02 Walker Development' District Carter Dade 207 North Boone Street Greene Catoosa Johnson City 37601 Hancock Bavkina Knoxville Johnsen Sullivan Knoxville Area Council unicoi ~ of Governments Anderson waahinqton, Tenne 1810 Lake Avenue Blount Knoxville 27916 knox southeast Tennessee Development counties District Bledsoe Memphis. Tenn./Afk./Mias. 423 James Buildinq Bradley 731 Broad Street Grundy z Miasiesippi-Arkanaaa-Tennesaee Tennessee portion: Chattanooqa 3'-02 Balllilton• g council of Goverrunente Counties Marion Roan 501· Payette McMinn 125 NOrth M&i n Street Lauderdale Meiqa lletllphie 38103 Shelby Polk s Tipton Rhea Arkaneae portion: sequatchie Crittenden county Miaaiaaippi portion: Northwest Tennessee Development counties Desoto county District Benton P.o. Box 63 CaJ"rOll !!ashville Martin 38237 Crockett Dyer Mid-Cumberland council of Governatnts Counties Gibson 501 union Street. suite 600 Cheathu Henry Nashville 37219 Davidson Lake Montgomery Obion Robertson lleakley Rutherford Sumner Upper Cumberland Development District Counties llilliaJIISOn Burqeas Falls Road cannon Wilson cookeville 38501 Clay Bouaton Cumberland Humphreys DeKalb Stewart Fentress Trousdale Jackson l':l:j Dickson Macon OVerton Pickett Putnam w smith \0 van Buren Warren White ; N .... = •I FEDERAL'-REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. ~MONDAY, JANUARY 10. 1977 "'1 Tennessee, oont 'd "tl Clearinghouse Jurisdiction ~ Southwest Development District Counties 0 a P.O. Box 2385 ~ ~ Jackson 38301 Decatur ..... Hard.ea'liln QHardin IHaywood ol:oo- Henderson Madison McNary South central Development District counties P.O. Box 670 Bedford columbia 38401 Coffee Franklin Giles Rickman Lawrence Lewis Lincoln Maury Marshall Moore Perry Wayne •counties followed by an asterisk are within a Metropolitan areawide clearinghouse jurisdiction also. Therefore, notifications from these counties will be sent to both clearinghouses. azg FEDEIAL IEGISTEI, VOL 42, NO. 6--MONDAY, JANUAIY 10, 1977 • REGION V Illinois Indiana Michiqan Minnesota Ohio Wisconsin g n Ill "' l"lj .pI-' a ""= ~ .... = ~ FEDERAL REGISTE•R, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 OFFICE OF MANAGMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR 110. >:r:j A-95 (REVISED)STATE, METROPOLITAN, and REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES "'C Illinois, cont•d Clearinghouse JurisdictiOP N -1:~ Ill9 Rankakee ~ STATE CLEARINGHOUSE .......Kankakee County Regional Planning counties Q . Commission I Kankakee state Clearinghouse •os East oak Street Budqet of the Budget Kankakee 60901 ""' 103 State House Sprinqfield 62706 St. Louis. Mo./Ill. East-West Gateway Coordinatinq Illinois portion:AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES Counties council (Metropolitan) 112 North Fourth Street MadiSOil St. Louis, Missouri 63102 Monroest. ClairClearinghouse Jurisdiction M\ssouri portion:St. Louis City Bloomington/Normal Counties Jefferson McLean county Reqional Planning McLean county St.. Charles Commission st.. Louis 305 Illinois HOUSe Franklin 207 West Jefferson Street Bloominqton 61701 Sprinqfield Champaign/Urbana sangamon County Regional Planning Sangamon County Commission Champaign County Regional Planning 703 Myers Building Champaign county commission 1 West Old state Capitol 117 West Elm Street Springfield 62701 Urbana 61801 Chicago AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (other) Northeastern Illinois Planning Counties Commission Cook gz 400 west Madison Street Dupage Greater Egypt Regional Planning counties Chicaqo 60606 and Development Commission Franklin Kane P.O. Box 3160 Lake Jackson McHenry carbondale 62901 Jefferson Will Perry n Williamson m Davenport/Rock Island/Moline, Iowa. Ill. SOutheastern Illinois Regional Counties Bi-State Metropolitan Planning Planning and Develo~ent Commission counties Gallatin Commission Harrisburg National Bank Building 1504 Thil'd Avenue Im;;ors-portion: Harrisburq 62946 Hamil.ton Mercer Hardin Rock Island 61201 Rock Island Pope Iowa portion: Saline scottMuscatine Greater Wabash Regional Planning Counties Commission Edwards Decat..ur 110 south Middle street Wabash Grayville 628QQ Wayne Macon county Regional Planning Macon county White commission 253 East Wood street South Central Illinois Regional counties Decatur 62523 Planning and Development Commission Effingham 107a south Broadway Fayette Salem 62881 ~ Marion Peoria Tri-Count.y Regional Planning Couties Northwest Illinois Regional Council counties commission Peoria of Public Officials ca;rou- Box 2200 210 East Third Street Tazewell Joe Daviess East Peoria 61611 sterling 61081 Woodford LeeWhiteside Rockford, Ill./Wis. western Illinois counties Rock Valley Metropolitan Council Illinois portion: Regional Council Henderson 401 West State Street Counties P.O. Box 596 McDonough Rockford 61101 Macomb 61455 Warren ~ Winnebago Wisconsin portion: Rock County FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 Illinois. coot.' d Clearinghouse .Jurisdiction southwestern Illinois Metropolitan Counties and Reqional Planning commission ~ 203 West Main Street Clinton collinsville 622H Randolph Washington 9 n rn "' 1-%j w ~ • FEDERAL P.EGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 ~ s""' ~ .... = ~ OFFICI! OF IIAIIAGBIIENT ARD BUDGIIT CIRCULAR RO. A-95 (RIIIIISI!D)S'I'ATB, IIBTROP%j .p. -..J Jurisdiction Counties Barry Branch Calhoun st• .'Joseph countie§. Alcona Alpena Cheboygan Crawf,ord Montgomery oscoda ~~:=~~Isle ! n = ; • ~ .... = •I FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, .,...,, o-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 "%j -1:' co OFFICE OF 111\.Nl\GEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES MINNESOTA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE State Clearinghouse Minnesota State Planning Agency 101 capitol Square Building st. Paul 55101 AREAWIDE CLEARINHOUSES (Metropolitan) Clearinghouse Jurisdiction Fargo/Moorhead. N. Dak./Minn. Farqo-Moorhead Metropolitan Minnesota portion: council of GoVernments Clay County 44 Foss Lane North Dakota portion: Moorhead 56560 <:ass County Minneapolis/st. Paul Metropolitan Council Counties Metro Square Building Anoka 7th and Robert Streets St. Paul 55101 ~=r~~ Hennepin Ramsey Scott washington Rochester-olmsted council Olmsted County of Governments 1421 lrd Avenue, s. E. Rochester 55901 St. Cloud Central Minnesota Reqional Development counties Coounission Benton 1139 Franklin Avenue Sherburne Sauk Rapids 56379 Stearns wriqht Duluth Arrowhead Regional DevelOPIRent Counties Conunission St. Louis 200 Arrowhead Place Lake Duluth 55802 Cook Koochiching Atl Toledo Toledo Metrolitan Area council of Governments 420 Adison Avenue Toledo qJ6oq Youngstown/Warren Eastqate Development and Transportation Aqency 1616 Covinqton Street Younqstown 4lt510 Wheeling. w. Va./Ohio Bel-0-Mar Interstate Planning Commission 2177 National Road P.O. Box 2086 Wheeling. West Virginia 26003 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) Buckeye Hills-Hocking Calley Reqional Development District II 10 St. Clair Building 216 Putnam Street flllarietta 45750 Maumee Valley REsource Conservation. Planning and Development Organization 1012 Ralston Avenue Defiance 113512 Tuscarawas Valley Regional Advisory CoMmittee P.O. Box 66 Cambridqe 43725 Jurisdiction Ohio portion: Counties Lucas wood Eric Ottawa Sandusky Michigan portion: Monroe County (part) Whiteford Township Bedford Township Erie Township City of Luna Pier Counties Ashtabula Columbiana Mahoning Trumbull west Virginia portion: Counties Marshall Ohio Ohio portion: Belmont county Counties Athens Hocking Meigs Monroe Morgan Nobel Perry Washington counties Defiance Fulton Henry Paulding Williams counties Carroll Coshocton Guernsey Holmes Harrison Nuskinqum Tuscarawas e ~ 1-' = I "'" g 2 fEDERAL REG•mR, VOL 42, .-MONDAY, JANUAIY •o, 09n OF MANAGEM~NT AND BUDGET CIRCUlAR NO. A-95 {RF.VISED) STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES Wisconsin, cont' d • WISCONSlt;' clearinghouse Jurisdiction superior STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Northwest Regional Planninq counties Commission ~ State Clearinqhouse 302 1/2 walnut stre~·t Bayfield Bureau of Planning and Budqet Spooner 5G801 Burnett Department of Administration Douglas 1 West wilson Stl""eet Ir~n state Office nuildinq Price Madison 53702 Rusk Sawyer Taylor AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES Washburn (Metropolitan) Appleton-OshY.osh Clearinghouse Juri_~Gict.~on East Central Wisconsin Counties Green Bay RE:qiona1 Planning Commission Calu.,et 1919 Americart Court Fond du Lac Brown County Planninq C01'1mission Brown cour1 ':..y Neenah 54956 Green Lake 100 North Jefferson Street Marquette Grt'!en Bay 511.301 Menominee Outagamie Kenosha. Mil11o1auKee, and Racin(, Shawano Waupaca southeastern Wisconsin Regional waushara .£Q.I!!lU~ Planning Commission Winnebago Kenosha P.O. Box 769 Milwaukee 916 North E·lSt AVf:'nU~ ozaul•.l?e wauke-sha 5318f.. AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES RO(~ ir.'~ ~.;'ll wo:-th (Other.) Washingtvn southwestern Wi~consin'.iaukes~,a Counties Regional Planninq Commlssion ~ ~ 211 Pioneer Tower Building Green Platteville 53818 Iowa Mississippi "Piver Req.l.~:na z counties Lafayette Planning cmnmission Buffc. to Richland Grandview Bui ldinq n0.... Cr-3iwfo;o:_-ri 1707 Main Street west Central Wis~onsin Reqional countie~ Ja~J.:scn LaCrosse 54601 Planninq Co~mission I-cCrosse Barron m Monrue 131 Oxfcrd Avenue Chippewa Ill Eau Claire 511701 Pepin Clark Pierce Dunn Tremp8ale..:u Eau Claire Vernon Pol it St. croix Madison North Cent.ral Wisconsin' County Reqi":>nai Planning commission :Jane county Reqional Planning com~ission Forest City-county Buildinq 2100 Main Street Juneau Madison 53709 Stevens Point 54ij91 Langlade Lincoln Rockford, Wisc_./Jll.._ Marathon Oneida Rock Vallf'y Met.ropolitan Council !i!.§.£9.D.§i..£.YQ~ti Q!}: Portage 1101 west Stat~" Street Vilas Rock cour1~:'r Rocktord, Illinois 61101 WooJ I llino1s portion: counti~s Wl;-nebago Eounc i":l:j VI 1-' ; ~ ='"" FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 I ~ ':r:l I VI !'-). R E G I 0 N VI Arkansas Louisiana New Mexico Oklahoma Texas FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL.' 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 • "C 5I ~ ~ = ""' z g ;:; m Vt • OFFICE OF MANAGJ;MEIIT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES Department of Local State Planning an..1 Clearinghouse 900 First National Little Rock 72201 Clearinghouse ~ STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Services Development Buildinq · AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Fort Smith, Ark./Okla. Arkhoma Regional Planning commis.sion 523 Garrison Avenue P.o. Box 2067 Fort Smith 72901 Little Rock/North Little Rock Metroplan 100 Main Street Continental Building Little Rock 72201 Memphis. Tenn./Ark./Miss. Mississippi-Arkansas-Tennessee council of Governments Room 501 City Hall 125 N. Main Street Memphis, Tennessee 38103 Pine Bluff southeast Arkansas Regional P~anning commission P.O. Box 6806 1300 Ohio Street Pine Bluff 71601 Texarkana. Tex./Ark. Ark.-Tex. council of Governments P.o. Box 5307 l'%j Texarkana, Texas 75501 ' IJ1 w Jurisdiction Arkansas oortion Counties ~ sebastian Oklahoma portion: Counties Lei'IOr'e sequoyah Counties Pulaski Saline Arkansas portion: Crittenden county Mississippi portion: DeSoto County Tennessee portion: counties Fayette Lauderdale Shelby Tipton Jefferson county Arkansas portion: Miller County Texas portion: counties Bowie cass Morris Red River Delta Franklin Hopkins Lamar Titus FEDERAL REGISTER, Arkansas, cont•d Clearinghouse AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) ; central Arkansas Planning and Development District P.O. Box 187 112 Northeast Front Street Lonoke 72086 Whate River Planning and Developrqent District P.O. Box 2396 Batesville 72501 East Arkansas Planning and Development District 706 s. Main Street Jonesboro 72CI01 Northwest Arkansas Planning and Development District P.O. Box 668 Harrison 72601 Northwest Arkansas RegionalPlanning Commission P.o. Box 71l5 505-1/2 west Huntsville Avenue Springdale 7276q southwest Arkansas Planninq and Development District P.O. Box 767 Magnolia 71753 west central Arkansas Planning ' and Development District Municipal Building, Box 1558 Hit Sprinqs 71901 VOL. 42, NO. 6--MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 • Jurisdiction counties FiU1iilir Lonoke Monroe Prairie Counties Cleburne Fulton Independence Izard Jackson ShaJ:jP stone Van Buren White Woodruff counties cray craiqheao;S a !5M!lli Clea·rinahouae Jurisdiction I ~ Northwest Kansas Planning C~esion STATE CLEARINGHOUSE P.O. Box 2-8 Counties ..... 0\ • Ch~yenne ~ Hill Ci~y 67U2 = Decatur IDivision of St.~te Planninq Ellisand Researc~ Gov.eU..partment of Adioinistration GrahamState Office Buildinq Loqan Topel E i• ... •c( Ill a ~ F -69 ~ ......, 0 OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND .BUDGET CIRCULAR NO, A-95 (REVISED)STATF, M£TROPOLIT~,. AND REGIONAL CLI!!ARINGHOIJSES COLORADO ;STATF CLEARINGHOUSE Division of Planning Department of Local Affairs 1845 Sherman Stree~ Denver 80203 Colorado. cont'd Clearinghouse Colorado West council of Governments 229 West Avenue Box 351 Rifle 81650 Larimer~Weld Regional Planning Commission 20 1 East Fourth Street Loveland 80537 Jurisdiction counties Garfield Mesa Moffat Rio Blanco Counties Laiiiiir Weld """a ~ .... c:> I ,j:>.. Clearinghouse AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Jurisdiction Hui:tfano-Las Animas Area council of Governments Las Animas County courthouse Trinidad 81082 Counties ~ t;as Animas Colorado springs Pikes Peak A~ea council of Governments 27 East Vermijo COlorado Springs 80903 counties El Paso Teller Park Northwest Colorado council of Governments Holiday Center Building P.O. Box 737 Frisco soq~3 counties Eagle Grand Jackson Pitkin Routt summit ~ Denver Regional council of GoVernments 1776 south Jackson Denver 80210 Pueblo Pueblo Area Council of Governments City Hall P.o. Box 1~27 Pueblo 81002 Counties ~ Arapahoe Boulder Clear Creek Douglas Gilpin Jefferson Denver Pueblo County LOwer Arkansas Valley cOuncil of Governments County courthouse Las Animas 8105~ Opper Arkansas Area Council of Governments q2S-1/2 Main Street P.o. Box 510 canon City 81212 Counties saca-Bent Crowley ~iowa otero Provers counties Chaffee Custer Fremont Lake z 0 :! n m en AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) san Luis Valley council of Governments Adams State College Box 28 Alamosa 81102 counties Alamosa Conejos Costilla Mineral Rio Grande saguache Northeastern Colorado Council of Governments P.O. Box 1782 Sterling 80751 Counties Logan ~organ Phillips Sedgwick washinqtonYuma - The District 10 Regional Planning Commission 107 South Cascade Box 3111 Montrose 81'101 counties ~ Gunnison Hinsdale MOntrose Ouray San Miguel FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 • OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO, A-95 (REVISID) OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES STATE, METROPOLITAN, ANt REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES • ~ NOJ!TH DAKOTA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Research and Information North Dakota state Planninq Division Systems Division State CapitolDepartment of COmmunity Affairs Bismarck 58505 1Q2Q 9th Avenue Helena 59601 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Clearinahouae_ Jurisdiction Clearinahouae Jurisdiction rargotMoorbead. N. o&k./Minn. Billings Parqo-MOorhead Metropolitan North Dakota portion:council of Governments case county Billinte/Yellovatone City-county Yellowstone County QQ FOBS Lane Minnesota portion:Plarminq Board MOorhead, Minnesota 56560 Clay County 1t001n 303, ·coun~ courthouse Billinqa 59101 9Jeat Palla Great Palla City-county Caecada County Plarminq Board P.o. Boll 1609 Great Palla 5,.03 g 6! "1 -..J t-' l ~ .... = •I FEDERAL I~ISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 rj OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISEDI " STATE, METROPOLITAN, ANC REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES south Dakota, cont'd ""0 • '-..! SOUTH DAKOTA i-:1 STATE CLFARINGHOUSE State Planning Bureau State Capitol Pierre 57501 AREAWIDE CLEAR~NGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Clearinghouse Sioux City, Iowa/Neb./S.D. siouxland Interstate Metropolitan Planning Council P.o. Box 447 Sioux City, Iowa 51103 Sioux Falls South Eastern Council of Governments 208 East 13th Street Sioux ·Falls 57102 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Otherl First Planning and Development District 1101 First Avenue, N.E. watertown 57201 Third Planning and Developtent District P.O. Box 687 Yankton county courthouse Yankton 57078 Jurisdiction Iowa portion: Counties Cherokee Ida Monona Plymouth Woodbury Nebraska portion: Dakota County south Dakota portion: Union County Counties a;;:y- Lincoln MCCook Mennehaha Turner Union Counties Brooklnqs Codinqton Clark Deuel Grant Hamlin Kinqsbury Lake Miner Moody Counties ~ Bon B"'"""' Brule Charles Mh Davison Douqlas Greqory RanSOn Jllltchinson Jerauld Sanborn Yankton Clearinghouse Fourth Planning and Development District 310 SOuth Lincoln Aberdeen 57QO 1 Fifth Planning and Development District 365 1/2 South Pierre Street Pierre 57501 Sixth Planning and Development District P.o. Box 1586 Rapid City. 57701 Jurisdiction counties Beadle Brown Day Edmunds Falk Hand Marshall McPherson Roberts Spink counties BufTaTO Campbell Corson Dewey Gregory Raakon Hughes Hyde Jones Lyman Mellette Perkins Potter Stanley Sully Tripp Todd Walworth Ziebach counties Beii'iiett Butte Custer Fall River Harding Jackson LaWrence Meade Pennington Shannon Washabaugh e ~ 1-' Q ,j:o.. z 0 .... n m "' FEDERAL IEGISTEI, VOL 4;l, NO. 6--MONDAY, JANUAIY 10, 1977 n OFFICE OF MANAGEl'IENT AND BUDGET CIRCDLAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES ~ STATE~LEARINGHODSE Utah Stat~ Planning COordinator Office of the Governor State Capitol Building Salt Lilke City 8Q1 14 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHODSES (Metropolitan) Clearinghouse salt Lake City, Ogden wasatch Front ~egional council '-2" West center street Bountiful 08Q010 Provo/Orem Mountainland Asdociation of Govemment.s 160 East center street Provo 8Q601 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (other) Bear River Association of Governments 160 North Main Logan 8Q321 Six county commissioners organization Sevier County courthouse 250 North Main P.O. Box 80Q Richfield 8Q701 southeastern Utah Association of Governments P.o. Drawer A1 109 s. Carbon Avenue Price 8Q501 Five County Aesociation of Governments Organization P.O. Box 0 1Q5 East 100 south st. Georqe 8Q770 Uintah Basin Associ~tion of Governments · t,j Box 867 26 west second North Roosevelt 9Q066 -..,J \.1.) Jurisdiction counties ~e Tooele Davis weber Morgan counties ~ wasatch Summit counties Box Elder Cache Rich Counties ~ Millard Sanpete Sevier Pinte Wayne Counties Carbon Emery Grand san Juan ~ Beaver Garfield Iron J{ane washinqton countie-s Dagqett Duchesue Uintah OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED! STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES .~ STATE CLEARlNGHOUSE State Planning Coordina'tor Office of the Governor Capitol Building Cheyenne 82001 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) (No metropolitan areas) 2 n m "0 a ~ ,_. = •I FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 t'%j ~ a '-I ~ ~ ~ <:> I ol:>o. R E G I 0 N IX Arizona California Hawaii Nevada z 0 :! n m "' n FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 OPPICE OF MP.NAGEMENI' AND BIJDGI!T CIRCOLP.R NO. A-95 (REVISIID) S'I"ATE, MIITROPOLITll!l, liND RIIGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES ARIZONA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE State Clearingbouee Office of EconOMic Planninq and Development State of Arizona 1700 West Washington street Phoenix 8 5001 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOtiSEs (Metropolitan) Clearinghouse Jurbdictiou Phoenix Maricopa Association of Govern•ents Maricopa County 1820 wee' Washington street Phoenix 85007 Tucson Pima Association of Governmente Pima county ~OS Transamerica Buildinq Tucson 85701 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) i§ Northern Arizona Council of Governments countiea P.O. Box 57 Apache ... Flagstaff 86001 Coconino n Navajo Y~vapai = Central Arizona Association of Governments Countill Drawer JJ Gila 512 Butte Avenue Pinal Florence e5232 Southeastern Arizona Governments counties Association Greentee P.O. Box 20~ Cochise Bisbee 85603 Graham santa Cruz District IV council of Governments ~!!&! 377 South Main Street Mohave Yuma 8536la Yuma Indian Tribal Clearinghouse Jurisdiction for Tribal Projects Salt Rive~- Office of Manaqement and Program Indian Res-ervation Qevelopment Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community scottsdale 85256 "':J ....... Vl s '"C ~ """"" = of:>,. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 On"ICI: 01' IIIUIIIG!IIB'ftll AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) t'Zj III'A!'B, MnROPOLITAII, AIID REGIONAL CLEARIIIGBOOSES CALIFORHIA ...... 0\ STATE CLEARIHGHOUSE Office of tile Gcwernor Office of Planninq and Research 1400 Tenth Street sacraooento 9511' AREAWIDE CLEARIHGHOUSES (Metropolitan) ClearingbDII!! Jurisdiction Anahei!(Sagta Ana(Garden Grove. san An:l:at Oii:Ird/1/entura. and Be a n versid~Ontario Southern California Association Counties of Govern•nts Iaperial SUite 1000 Los Angeles 600 south ca..onwealth Avenue Orange Loa Anqelea 90005 Riverside San Bernardino Ventura Bakersfield Kern County Copncil of GOvernments Kern County 1106 26th street Bakersfield 93301 n council of Fresno CoW"'ty Governments Fresno County 21 0' Tulare Street SUite 520 Fresno 9 3721 ~ Stanislaus Area Association of Stanislaus County GOvernaents 8 n 14th street MOdesto 9525• sacra.ento Sacra.ento Regional Area Planninq counties Cowmission Eldorado (part)": 800 H Street Area west of Lake P.O. Box 808 Tahoe basin Sacramento 9580' Placer (part) : Area west of Lake Tahoe basin sacramento sutter Yolo Yuba Salinas/Monterey Association of Monterey Bay Area Counties Governments MOri""terey 1011 C&SS Street San Benito P.o. Box 190 Santa Cruz Monterey 939.-l california. cont•d Clearinghouse san piego San Diego County Comprehensive Planning Organization security Pacific Plaza 1200 Third Avenue san Diego 92101 san Francisco/oakland. San Jose, Valleio/Napa. and Santa Rosa Associaiton of Bay Area Governments Hote1 ClaretOOnt Berkeley 9'705 santa Barbara Santa Barbara County-Cities Area Planning Council 1306 Santa Barbara street Santa Barb~ra 93101 Stock.ton san Joaquin county Council of Governments 1850 E. Hazelton Avenue Stockton 95205 Jurisdiction San Diego County counties lt.].auoeda Contra Costa Marin Napa san Francisco San Mateo santa Clara Solano Sonoma Santa Barbara County san Joaquin county , a ~ 1-' = I ~ z 0 ::! n ftl .,. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42; NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 • California, cont'd Clearinghouse Jurisdiction AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other) Tahoe Regional Planning Agency california portion: P. o. Box 8896 Lake Tahoe Water Shed 1052 Tat.a Lane Basin South Lake Tahoe 95731 Placer County (part) El Dorado county (part) Nevada portion: Lake Tahoe Water Shed Basin waahoe county (part) carson City The reqion aS a-whole includes th@ Tahoe baain, the perimeter of which ie approximately 1o-12 miles from the· Shores of Lake Tahoe. Merced County Aesociation Merced county of Govern~nent.a 759 west 22nd Street Merced 95340 Tulare County Association Tulare County of Governments 107 county courthouse Visalia 93277 z 0 -t n m VI "%j '-I ...... ; ~ 1-' Q FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 ""' "Zj OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCiJLAR NO. A-95 (REVISED) '"0 STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES ...... a NEVADA .!!!!!M! N .... STATE CLEARINGHOUSESTATE CLEARINGHOUSE = •I Department of Planning and Econ~c State Flanninq Coordinator Development. State Capital Building P.O. Box 2359 Carson City 89101 Honolulu 96804 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) (lletropolitan) Clearinghouse .Jurisdict.ion Honolulu ~.!LY~ City and Coma~y of Hololulu Depart.~~tent. Honolulu County clark county Regional Planning Council Clark County of General Planning 6SO south Kinq Street County court. House Annex Honolulu 96813 Las Veqas 89101 ~~ washoe council of Govern.ents Washoe county STATE CLEARINGHOUSE P.O. Box 3516 JSO south Center Street Reno 89505 state Clearinqhouse Office of the Lieutenant Governor Aqana 96910 AREAWIDE·CLEARINGHOUSES (other) Tahoe Reqional Planning Agency California portion: P.O. Box 8896 counties 1052 Tata Lane P'IiCer(part) g South Lake Tahoe, California 95731 El Dorado· (part) Nevada portion: n ~ DOUglas (part) Washoe (part) = Carson city (part) The region aS a Wh~e includes the Tahoe basin# the perimeter of which is approximate} y 10-12 miles from the Shores of Lake Tahoe. carson River. Basin Carson City Council of Govern~ents Counties P.O. Bt;x 1927 Churchill Carson City 89761 Douglas Lyor. Storey FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 10, 1977 42, .ONDAY, JANUARY • REGION X Alaska Idaho Oreqon Washin9tor. ~ ;;-t m Cll "'EJ ....... \0 t.:l .... • 0 I FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, NO. 6-MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT A!OD EUDGET CIRCULAR NO. A-95 (REVISED} "':i . STATE, METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLEARINGHOUSES co 0 ~ STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Office of th~ Governor state of Alaska Pouch AD state Capital Juneau 99801 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan) Clearinghouse Jurisdiction Anchorage A-95 Coordinator Office of the Municipal Manager Municipality of Anchorage Pouch 6-650 Anchorage 99501 Greater Anchorage ~ea OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET CIRCULAR 1<0. A-95 (REVISED} loQ S~TE. METROPOLITAN, AND REGIONAL CLF~~rNGHOUSES I= State clearinghouse Division of Budget, and coordination 122 Statehouse Boise 83120 Clearinahouse ~ ~ STATE CLEARINGHOUSE Policy Planning AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Metropolitan} Ada Counci 1 of Governments 525 w. Jefferson Street Boise 8H02 AREAWIDE CLEARINGHOUSES (Other} Panhandle Planning and Development Council P.O. Box 880 Coeur d'Alene 83814 southeastern Idaho council of Governments Box 4169 40 3 North Main Pocatello 83201 Ida-Ore Regional Planning and Development Association Box 311 25 West Idaho street Weiser 83672 Magic Valley Council of Governments QO 1 South Lincoln Jerome 83 338 Clearwater Economic Development Association P.O. Box 8636 Moscow 838113 DAY, JANUARY 10, 1977 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 42, Jurisdiction Ada county Counties aenewat1 Boundary Bonn