• Q • • • • • \ FOREWORD 1. TM 9-1325-200, NAVWEPS OP 3530, TO 11-1-28, a joint effort by Army, Navy, and Air Force, provides general and technical information on aircraft bombs and bomb components of the three services. The initial effort covers general and specific characteristics, means of identification, and precautions in handling and use. 2. Listings in this manual do not include the complete inventory for each service. Items that fall in the following categories are not listed: a. Classified. b. Low-stock items with no present plans for replenishment. c. Items which have no programmed usage. ' 3. At a later date, additional coverage of the following will be incorporated: a. Assembly (for munition handlers). b. Inspection. c. Special tools and equipment (unique requirements) . d. Special environmental requirements. e. Care and preservation. On .incorporation of the additional coverage, this manual will be ·revised and the following publications superseded: OP 2216 (Vol. 1), TM 9-1980/ TO 11A.:..1-7 and TM 3-400/TO 11C2-1-1. SUNY AT BUFFALO THE LIBRARIES • • • • • I TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 T EC H N I CA L ::\L-\Nl'AL I • DE PART:.\IEXTS OF THE AlDlY, THE ~AVY, J N o . 9-1325-200 rAVWE PS OP 3530 A);D THE AIR FORCE TO 11-1-28 • WAS III Nt;To:\', D .C., 29 Apr-il1966 BOMBS AND BOMB COMPONENTS Paragraph Page CHAPTER 1. GENERAL Section I. Introduction __________________________________ ________________ ___ ________________ _ 1-1 1-L II. D esc rip t ion and data ____________________________ ____________ __________________ __ __ _ 1-3 1-1 I CHAPTER 2 . BOMBS Sec ti on I. Semi-armor-pi er cing (SAP) bombs __________________________________________________ _ 2-1 2-L II. Fra gm enta tion (FRA G) bo mbs _________________________________________________ ____ _ 2-3 2-4 III. Gen era l Purpose (GP ) bombs _____________________________________ _________________ _ _ • IV. Incendi a ry bo mbs______________________________________________________________ ___ _ 2-10 2-18 2-15 2-33 V. Fire bombs _____________________ __________________________________________________ _ 2-20 2-40 VI. Sn1oke bombs __________________________________________________________________ __ _ 2-32 2-56 VII . Ga~ b om bs ____________________ ______________________________ _____ ________________ _ 2-34 2-58 VIII. Miscella neo us bom bs _________________________________________ ___ ________________ __ _ 2-38 2-65 I X. Practice bombs ___________________________________________________ ___________ _____ _ 2-47 2-74 CHAPTER 3. CLUSTER BOMBS AND CL USTER AD APTERS • Section I. Int roduction _________________ ___________________________________ _________________ _ 3-1 3-1 II. Fra gmen tation bomb clusters, chemi ca l bomb clust ers and clust er adapters_____________ __ _ 3-4 3-2 CHAPTER 4 . ·FUZES Se ction I. Impact fuz es _________________ __ ________________ ___________ _____ ________________ __ _ 4-1 4-1 II. Mechanical tim e fu zes ____ ~ _________________________ _______________ __________ ____ __ _ 4-21 4-70 III. Proximit y (VT) fu zes ____________________________ _.. _____________ ___________________ _ 4-28 4-84 IV. Hydrostatic fuz es ___________________________________________ ______________________ _ 4-42 4-91 V. Miscella neous f4z es ______________________ -_______ -_-_-__ -_-_--_----_-------------- 4-44 4-96 CHAPTER 5. EXPLOSIVE AND NON-EXPLOSIVE BOM B COMPONENTS Section I. Explosive Com p onents_________________________________________ ___ ________________ _ _ 5-1 5-1 II. Non-expl osive components ______ ______________________________ __ _~ ____________ ___ __ _ 5-38 5-33 APPENDIX I. REFERE NCES __ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ai-l • II. LIST OF BOMBS AN D BOMB COMPONENTS IN THE VARIOUS SERVICES Ir\-VENTORIES B U T I\ OT COVERED I N THIS MA "UAL _________ __ ____________ ____ Aii-1 INDEX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------I-1 .... I • • • • .. • .. • ' TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11 -1-28 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL Section I. 1-1. Scope ., This manual provides general and technical information on bombs and bomb components presently used by the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Covered a re general and specific characteristics, means of identification, and precautions in handling and use. Doctrines and policies goveming the tactical use of the bombs and bomb components described herein are not considered to be within the scope of the manual. For train ing and field operating procedures, refer to the appropriate Department of the Army, Department of the Air Force, or Department of the Navy publication. Warning : The Na vy restricts the use of certain specific items of ordnance, particularly in conjunction with carrier-based aircraft. Navy personnel must refer to the latest revision and BUWEPS Instruction 08024 .1 for informa tion on current restrictions. • a. General information on care and handling of explosives and their demo lition to prevent enemy use is contained in Tl\I-9-1300-206 NAVWEPS OP-4 a d NAVWEPS OP-5. ' ' b. Technical information pertaining to all types INTRODUCTION of conventional ammunition and explosives is contained in T~I 9-1900/ TO 11A-1-20. c. Supply information on bombs and bomb components listed in this manual is covered in SC 1305/ 30-IL, SC 1340/ 98-IL, SL-1300 and OD 12067-A. d. General information on care and hand ling of chemical agents and hazardous chemicals is contained in Tl\I 3-215/ AF I 355-7, Tl\I 3-220, T~if 3-250 and TM 10-8415-204-13 . 1-2. Errors and Omissions a. A1·my . Errors and omissions will be reported on DA Form 2415 and forwarded directly to t he Commanding Officer, P icatinny Arsenal Dover ::\few Jersey 07801, ATTN: S:\1UPA-TR. ' ' b. Air Force. Deficiencies in this manual will be submitted on AFTO Form 22 and forwarded throurrh • b maJor commands for submission to OOA:\IA, H ill Air Force Base, Utah 84401, ATTN: OOYST, in accordance with TO 00-5-1. c. Navy. Suggestions for additions or chanrres are invited from the users of this manual. Addr:ss comments to Chief, Bureau of Naval Weapons (FAM-5), Kavy Department, Washington, D.C. 20360. Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA 1-3. The Bomb • A bomb is a particular kind of ammunition which is designed to be dropped from an aircraft in flight. It usually consists of a metal container fi lled \rith explosives or chemicals, a device for stabilizing its flight so t hat it can be aimed accurate ly, a mechanism for explod ing the bomb at the target, and • such safety devices as may be necessary to make it reasonably safe to carry. The metal container, called t he bomb body (pa ra 1-5), is usually streamlined wit h a rounded (ogival) nose and a tapered tail. T he stabilizing device is attached to the tail end of the body and generally consists of a sheetmetal fin assembly. The mechanism for exploding the charge is called a fuze and is generally placed in the nose or in the tail end of the body. T\\·o or more fuzes are occasionally used in t he same bomb for different effects: for flexibi lity in use or to increase functioning reliability. Safety devices are provided in the fuze and are protected by sealing wires . ' cotter p ms, etc. An a rming wire is substituted fo r the sealing wire and / or cotter p in when the bomb is read ied for use. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 1-4. Components of a Complete Round A complete round (fig. 1-1) consists of all the components and the accessories necessary for the ammunition to function in the manner intended. To facilitate safe handling of the bomb, sensitive or fragile components are packed separately and assembled to the bomb prior to its use. The components of a typical bomb round are as follows: a. Bomb Body. The bomb body is a metal container that holds an explosive, chemical, or inert filler. Its case may consist of a single piece of metal or several pieces welded or otherwise joined together. b. Fin Assembly. There are three types of fin assemblies commo11ly used with bombs: box, conical or streamlined, and retarding. (1) The box type (fig. 1-1) consists of a fin sleeve which fits over the bomb tail, and sheet-metal blades which are joined to the fin sleeve or to each other to form a boxlike assembly. (2) The con ical or stream-lined type (fig. 1-2) consists of a cone-shaped body with metal SAFETY CliPS NOSE FUZE FIN blades joined to the body to give a streamlined configuration. (3) The rctar ing type (fig. 1-3) consists of streamlined folded blades which can open in an umbrella-like fashion to impart high drag . c. Fuzes. Fuzes are mechanical electrical or ' ' chemical devices used to initiate bombs under the circumstances desired. d. Arming-Fane Assembly. An arming-vane assembly is a small propeller device with sheet metal blades, which is attached to certain mechanical fuzes. Arming vanes differ in pitch, shape and length of blade. e. Arming-Wire Assembly. Arming-wire assemblies generally consist of one or two strands of wire attached to a swivel loop . 1-5. Functioning of a Complete Round The bomb is carried either internally or externally on single or multiple racks, whichever is applicable to the particular aircraft. Hooks engage the suspension lugs attached to the bomb body. Arming ;> SAFETY CLIPS/ TAIL FUZE LOCK NUT FIN ASSEMBLY O RD 0110 • • Figure 1-1. Compvnents of a bomb complete round ·with box fin. •· TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 ARMING WIRE FAHNESTOCK CLIPS ASSEMBLY FAHNESTOCK CLIPS LONG STEM )~ TAIL FUZE CONICAL FIN CENTER SUPPORT TUBE • NOSE FUZE ORO 01102 Figure 1-2. Components of a bomb complete round tcith conical or streamlined fin. • ORO 01136 Figure 1-3. Components of a bomb complete round 1rith retm·ding fin. wires may be attached in several different "·ays, (I) Srmi-arrnor-piercing bombs. SAP bombs, depending on the particular aircraft and method of thick \\·alled and normally tail fuzed, are l'arriage. These wires pass thmugh eyelets in the used to penetrate armored and hard fuze maintaining it in an unarmed condition until targets. A solid metal nose plug c·an be the bomb is dropped. Fahuestoek (safety) clips replaced \rith a nose fuze when penetration are plal'ed over the protruding ends of the arming is not required. Approximately :30 percent • \rire to preveut it from slipping out of the safety of the complete weight of the bomb is devil"!',; priot· to homh release. If a bomb must h<' explosive material. released over friendly territory, the arming wire, o1· (2) General purpuse bombs. GP bombs are the swivel loop of the arming wire, is released with used in the majority of bombing operations t.he uomb and stayti in place as the bomb falls, thus against targets requiring orne penetration. prrventing the fuze from arming. When the bomb Their cases are relatively light and apis to be released armed, the arming wire, or the proximately 50 percent of their completearming-wire swivel loop (depending on eonfiguration weight is explosiYe material. GP bombs used), is retained with the aircraft. As the bomb may use both nose and tail fuzes. GP drops, the wire is pulled from the fuze (fig. 1--!) bombs are dassified as old-series, newwhich is then free to arm. The arming mechani::;m series, or low-drag, according to their of the fuze operates as designed to arm the bomb. basic configuration. The armed bomb then detonates at the appropriate • 0) Aircraft depth bombs. AD bombs are used time to fulfill the mission requirements. primarily against underwater targets. They 1-6. Classification and Identification of may also be used as general purpose Bombs bombs. Approximately 70 percent of the a. Classification. Bombs are classifieJ according bomb's rompletc weight is explosive mato use as follows: terial. A flat nose reduces ricochet when TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 / • • B-FUZE ARMED C-FUZE FIRES ON IMPACT ORO 01103 Figure 1-4. Functioning of bomb round. the bomb is dropped into the "·ater from low altitudes. The depth bomb has a hydrostatic tail fuze that functions at a predetermined depth rather than on impact. A nose fuze may be armed and the hydrostatic tail fuze dropped safe when the ADB is used as a general purpose bomb. (4) Fragmentation bombs. Frag bombs are used against personnel and materiel. The body of a frag bomb usually consists of a thin steel tube with sq uare wire spirally wound on the outside. The wire provides the principal source of fragments when the bomb is detonated. The explosive fi ller comprises about 14 percent of the total weight of the bomb. Small fragmentation • bombs (23 pounds or less) are used against personnel and light materiel. However, larger frag bombs are used against materiel such as vehicles, machinery, and other equipment. All larger frag bombs have provisions for either a nose or a tail fuze, .. but the smaller bombs can accommodate only a nose fuze. The base thread of frag bombs is used for attachment of a fin t assembly and may be used also for the attachment of a parachute unit fo r low altitude bombing . • (5) Incendiary bombs. These bombs are designed for use against combustible targets. There are two types: scatter and intensive. The scatter bomb contains a thickened fue l mix \Yhich is projected from the bomb • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • case upon impact and adheres to the target can be identified by the standard nomenwhile it burns. The intensive bomb is clature and the ammunition lot number composed of metallic fuels which burn at which are stenciled or stamped on all pack very high temperat ures at the point of ings, and where size permits, on the item rontact. (G) Smoke bombs. Smoke bombs have a threefold purpose. They are used for screening the movement of troops and ships in combat areas; for antipersonnel effect on troops in the open or in dug-in positions; and for marking targets. They also have an incendiary effect in that they "·ill set 'i fire to materials which are easily ignited such as clothing, dry brush, eanvas, etr. The bomb bodies are filled with plasticized white phosphorous (PWP) or white phos • phorous (WP). Functioning of a fuze and burster shatters the bomb on impact, dispersing the filler over a \\"ide area. Atmospheric oxygen ignites the particles which produce a dense white smoke. (7) Gas bombs. Gas bombs are used to produce casualties among personnel and for purposes of area contamination. Gas bombs of the massive type resemble general purpose bombs in shape and size, "·hile the smaller types are cylindrical in shape, weigh less than 10 pounds and are dispersed from aimable-cluster type munitions. These bombs contain a burster charge which splits the bomb case and disperses the filler over the area to be contaminated. Gas bombs are fuzed to function instantaneously upon impact. (8) Fire bombs. Fire bombs are usually thinskinned containers of gasoline gel designed for use against personnel and materiel in tactical situations. The bomb bursts to spread burning gel on surrounding objects. Fuzes and igniters are used to ignite the combustible filler. (9) Practice bombs. These bombs, which are used for target practice, vary in type and weight to simulate the variety of service bombs. Some practice bombs may have a fuze and a spotting charge; others are com • pletely inert. Some practice bombs are filled with sand or water in the field, while others are fabricated to the desired weight. b. Identification of Bombs. (I) General. Bombs and bomb components itself. (2) Standard nomenclature. Standard nomenclature is established in order that each item supplied may be specifically identified by name. Standard nomenclature consists of an item name (a generic term), a colon, and additional item identification established in accordance with Federal item identification guides for supply cataloging. The use of standard nomenclature is mandatory. It should be noted that in the nomenclature of inert bombs, the descriptive adj ective, indicating type, precedes t he colon. (3) Ammunition lot number. When ammunition is manufactured, a lot number is assigned in accordance with pertinent specifications. A " lot" consists of a number of items manufactured from similar materials under similar conditions, which may be expected to function alike. The lot number consists, in general, of the loader's initials or symbol and the number of the lot. The use of the appropriate lot number, for example, PA 9-55, is required in all references to specific items of ammunition in reports and records. (4) Jlfodel. (a) Army. To identify a particular design, a model designation is assigned at the time that the model is classified as an adopted type. This model designation becomes an essential part of the nomenclature and is included in the marking of the item. 'rhe present system of model designation consists of the letter M followed by an Arabic number; for example, Ml. Modifications are ii1dicated by adding the letter A and the appropriate Arabic number. Thus, MIAI indicates the first modification of an item for which the original model designation was Ml. Wherever a B suffix appears in a model designation it indicates an item of alternate (substitute) design, material, or manufacture. Certain items standardized for use by both 1-S TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Army and Navy are designated by AN preceding the model number. Development items are indicated by the letter T or letters XM and an Arabic number, and modifications by the addition of E and an Arabic number. (b) Navy. Model designation of iterns of Navy design consists of the letters MK, signifying the word Mark, followed by an Arabic number with a modification (Mod) number; for example, MK 6 Mod 2. (c) Air Force. Model designation for items of Air Force design consists of a component or unit indicator (consisting of two letters of the alphabet) accompanied by a purpose indicator (consisting of one letter). This is followed by a dash, a model number, a slash and an equipment designator. Thus, BLU-10/ B is an example of a complete round model number for the 250-pound fire bomb. (5) Painting. Bombs are painted primarily to prevent rust. The secondary purpose is to provide, by the color, a ready means of identification (see, MIL Standard 709) (refer to table 1-1). In addition, bombs are painted to prevent easy detection of stock piles from the air. Fuzes are marked to indicate differences in length of delay or armingtime. Primer-detonatorsare marked to indicate the length of delay. (6) Marking. (a) Bombs. Bombs are marked with the following data: type, weight, model, filler, and ammunition lot number. (b) Fuzes. Fuzes are marked either by stenciling or stamping the type, model, lot number, and delay time on the fuze body. (c) Primer detonators. Primer-detonators are marked to indicate the type, model, and delay time. (d) Inert or empty bombs and bomb components. Inert or empty bombs and bomb components in depots and in the hands of troops should be appropriately marked for positive identification. c. Ammunition Data Card. A 5 x 8 card is prepared for each lot of accepted bombs and components with pertinent specifications. This card contains print ed data concerning the item and its components. Information on the data card includes lot number, date packed, identity of components, Federal stock number and Department of Defense Ammunition Code, and other data as required. d. Federal Stock Number and Department of D efense Ammunition Code. The Federal stock number (FS ), e.g., FSN 1325-028-5298, has replaced the ammunition identification code (AIC) and the Ordnance stock number. There is a different Federal stock number for each item of supply. The first four digits in a Federal stock number are always the Federal supply classification (FSC) class to which the item belongs. The next seven digits constitute the Federal item identification number (FUN). The dash between the third and fourth digits in the FIIN serves to reduce errors in transmitting. There is a different FIIN for each item. A Department of Defense identification code (DODIC) is added as a suffix to the Federal stock number, e.g., 1325-Q28-5298 (E450). The DODIC must not be confused with the DOD ammunition code (DODAC) , an eight-character representation consisting of the four-character FSC code number and a second part consisting of a letter and three digits. Thus, for example, 1325-E450, a typical DODAC, consists of FSC class 1325 and DODIC E450. The DODIC, when suffixed to more than one FS r, indicates items are interchangeable for issue and use. 1-7. Bomb Fuze A bomb fuze is a device for igniting the explosive or initiation t rain of a bomb at the appropriate time to fulfill the mission requirements. Fuzes are placed either in the nose or tail of the bomb or both. a. Nose Fuzes. The essential parts of a nose fuze are striker head, firing pin, safety block, arming mechanism, primer, detonator, and, usually, a delay element and booster, all assembled in the fuze body. In the arming-pin type, a spring-loaded arming pin is held in position by an arming wire. The wire also restrains a plate which holds a safety block in position. In the arming-vane type, the striker is retained by a safety block or a ring of safety discs which are released by the action of the arming vane. The arming vane is kept from rotating prematurely by the arming wire. In both cases, the striker is held in place, after arming, by a shear "·ire. In the newer-type nose fuzes, an arming vane is also used, but safety blocks or discs are not present. The • • • • • • • • • • • • yane dri,·es a mechanical goyernor 11·hich rotates an arming-gear train at a constant speed. The arming time is preset and is independent of air speed. b. Tail Fuzes. The essential parts of a tail fuze are the primer, detonator, inertial-t~·pe firing pin. and arming mechanism , all assembled in the fuzr body. In the tail fuze, an arming strm is sc·re1H•d into the firing pin to keep it from st riking the primer until the action of the yane unsc·rews the arming stem. The firing pin is held in plal'r, while the bomb is in flight, by an anti-ereep spring. Dependent upon the degree of sensitiYity to impa(·t requirrd, the firing pin may he of the simplr inertial type or the corked type. In the ne1Yer tail fuzes, a dri1·e and rable assembly for side mounting i used instead of a direct-drive arming Yane and stem. These fuzes a! o contain a merhanic·al goYemor IYhic·h rotates an arming-gear train at a constant speed. The arming time is preset and is independent of air speed. In addition, long delay c·hemiral-action fuzes contain a delay 1md and a glass ampoule filled with solvent. 1-8. Classification of Fuzes Fuzes are classified as follo1Ys: a. Impact Nose F11zes . Fuzes of this type are vane operated and delay armed. They function on contact with the target. Their a(·tion ran be instantaneous or delayed. b. Impact Tail Fuzes. Fuzes of this type are usually vane armed, delay armed, and inertia-fired. Tail fuzes are most often used in conjunction 11·ith nose fuzes to insure positive functioning of the bomb upon impact. They can also be used in instances 11·here only one fuze is required, suC'h as in semiarmor-piercing bombs. c. !Ifechanical Time Fuzes. These fuzes are armed by vane artion and fired at a time controlled by a clock mechanism which ran be preset. If the time setting is greater than the time of ftiound, AN-.1!65A1-Continued With fin assembly .-\.N-l\!11 3.\1 With fin assembly ::\!129 .. A:\-M103A1 A:\-M103A1 A:\-M139A1 A:\-M139A1 AX-M140A1 AX -M140A1 MK243 Mod 0 Ml\243 Mod 0 Ml\244 Mod 1 Ml\2-H Mod 1 A:\-M166 (VT ) A:\-M166 (VT) A:\-M166E1 (VT ) AX -Ml66E1 (VT) A:\-M168 (VT) A:\-M168 (VT) Ml88 (VT) M1 88 (VT) Ml63 M163 M164 M164 M165 M165 T a il Fuze ______________________________________________________ A:\-M102A2 M176 A:\-Ml\:230 Mods 4, 5, 6 Ml82 • Ml62 Ml84 AX-M117 AX-Ml25Al A:\-M13 4 • Table 2-12. Bomb, General P urpose: 2, 000-Pound, AN-JJ66 A 2 • Model ______ ___ _______________________________________________ _ A:\-M66A2 A:\-M66A2 Length of As~embled Bo mb (in .) _________________________________ _ 92.63 116.80 Body Diameter (in .) ____________________________________________ _ 23.29 23.29 Fin Span (in .) __ ____ ___ _____________ ___ _______ _____ ____________ _ 31.6 32.32 We ight of Filler (!b ) : Am atoL _____ ---__ __ ____ -----------------------------------1061.0 1061.0 T :\T__ ___ _______________________________________ _________ _ 1097.7 1097.7 Con1p B _________________________________________ __ ______ _ _ 1146.0 1146.0 TritonnL _______ ------------_-_----_-----------------------11 81.0 1181.0 • " ·eight of Fin A se mbly (!b) ________________ . ___ . _______________ _ 54..! 135. 0 \\·eight of Assembled Bomb (!b ): Loaded "·ith Amato!._______________________________________ _ 1977.0 2059.0 Loaded " ·ith T:\T_.._. ________ . ___________________ _________ _ 2113.2 219Li Loaded ,,·ith Comp B ______________________________________ _ _ 2162.0 2244.0 Loaded ,,·it!t Tritona L ____________________________ __ _______ _ 2 196.5 2277.5 Fin Loc k Xut _ _______________ __________________________ ____ ___ _ M3 or !111\4 Mod 0 .• Arming-\Y ire Asse mbly: Xose or Tail Fuze __________________________________________ _ Ml\1 or A:\-M6A2 Ml\:1 or A:\-M6A2 :\o~e and Tail Fuzing ______________________________________ _ A:\-MSA 1 "ith Ml\1 Ml6 Exten~io n • Adapte~HooAter _______________________________________________ _ Mll5A1 Ml15A1 :\o~e Fuze ________ ___ _________________________________________ _ M904El M904E1 M904E2 M904E2 A:\-Ml03 Al A:\-Ml03Al AX-Ml39A1 A:\-Ml39Al A:\-M140Al A:\-Ml40A1 Ml\243 ::\I od 0 Ml\243 M od 0 Ml\244 Mod 1 MJ\244 Mod 1 A:\-M166 (VT ) AX-Ml66 (VT) A:\-M1 66El (VT ) A:\-M166El A:\-M168 (VT) A:\-M168 (VT) 2-25 '-------------------- TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 2-12 . Homb, General Purpose: 2,000-Pound, AN-i\f66A2-Continued With lin assembl y AN-MII6Al With lin assembly Ml30 ----------1-------- • • • • • • • • M188 (VT ) M163 M164 M165 Tail Fuze_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A ' -M 1 02A2 c. Difference Between Bombs. (1) AN-M30A1 and AN-M30. Bomb ANM30A1 contains antiwithdrawal pins in the base plug and a device for locking the adapter-booster to the base plug. The earlier model, AN-M30, does not have these features. The AN-M30 is lighter in weight than its modification, the ANM30Al. The M30 is an earlier model of the AN-M30 which differs in that it does not have a lug for single suspension. It also employs a base plug having internal threads (instead of the present externally threaded plug) for assembly to the bomb. (2) AN-M57A1 and AN-M57. Bomb ANM57A1 contains antiwithdrawal pins in the base plug and an adapter-booster which can be locked to the base plug. The earlier model, AN-M57, does not have these features. (3) AN-M64A1 and AN-.1!64. Bomb ANM64A1 contains antiwithdrawal pins in the base plug and an adapter-booster and fuze adapter that can be locked in place. The earlier AN-M64 lacks these antiwithdrawal features. (4) AN-M65A1 and AN-M65. Bomb ANM65A1 contain antiwithdrawal pins in the base plug and an adapter-booster and fuze adapter that can be locked in place. The earlier AN-M65 lacks these antiwithdrawal features. The released weight of the AN-M65 is greater than that of the AN-M65A1, the AN-M65 having an explosive filler of 53 percent as compared to the 50 percent ratio of bomb ANM65Al. AK-MK 230, Mods 4, 5&6 AN-M177 A '-M125Al AN-M134 M162 (5) AN-M66A2 and M188 (VT) M163 M164 M165 AN-M117 M183 AN-M185 AN-M66A1. Bombs AN-M66A2 and AN-M66Al contain antiwithdrawal pins in the base plug and an adapter-booster and fuze adapter that can be locked in place. The earlier bomb ANM66 lacks these features. The ANM66A2 differs further from the ANM66Al and AN-M66 bombs by having a thicker and rounder nose. In the ANM66A2, the ratio of explosive filler to total weight is approximately 50 percent, as compared to an average weight ratio of 53 percent in the other two bombs. 2-12. Bombs, General Purpose, New Series a. Description. The new-series general purpose bombs (fig. 2-16) are designed for a higher blast effect than smaller general purpose bombs. They are designed for improved aerodynamic performance and accuracy in flight when released from most altitudes and airspeeds. These bombs (fig. 2-20) have a cigar-shaped body. A conical fin assembly is bolted to the rear. They are designed for either mechanical or electric fuzing. For electric fuzing they are equipped with two conduits (plumbing) for the fuze cable harness. These conduits connect the nose and tail fuze cavities with a charging receptacle located between the suspension lugs. These bombs are equipped for double suspension. Unlike the smaller (old-series) general purpose bombs, the new-series bombs have adapter-boosters capable of receiving tail fuzes with a 2-inch tread instead of the usual 172-inch thread. A fuze adapter is used on the inside of the adapter-booster to convert the fuze seat to accommodate fuzes with the smaller 172-inch threads. Bomb M117 has a 14-inch span between lugs, while bomb M118 has a 30-inch span. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • • • • . • • I NOSE SEAlER (INERT) NOSE ADAPTER BOOSTER CONDUIT ASSEMBlY ASSEMBLY ATTACHMENT SCREW TAll SEAlER (INERT) ORO 011• Figure 2-20. New-series general p11rpose bomb, cutaway view. In the latter bomb, a single hoisting lug may be attached at the center of gravity. b. Tabulated Data. Refer to tables 2-13 and 2-14, below, for tabulated data on new-series bombs. Refer to figures 2-16 and 2-20 for illustrations of a typical new-series bomb. Table 2-13. Bomb, General Purpose: 750-Pound, JIJ117 ModeL ________ _____________ M 117 Length of Assembled Bomb (in.)_ 89.43 Body Diameter (in.) ____ __ _____ Fin As embly ___ __ ______ ___ ___ Weight of Filler (lb): Tritonal_ _---------------Weight of A sembled Bomb (lb) _ Arming-Wire Assembly ________ Adapter-Boosters (For Me chanical Fuzing)'use Fuze ___ ___ ___ ___ ______ _ Tnil Fuze __ _____ ----_-------- Table 2-14 . Bomb, General Purpose: 3,000-Pound, Jll118 Model ___ ___________ __ ___ __ __ MilS Length of Assembled Dumb (in.) _ 185.0 Body Diameter (in. )__ _________ 24.13 Fin Assembly _________________ M132 Fin Span (in.)_---------------33.60 Weight of Filler (lb): Tritonn!_ __ --------------1,975.0 Weight of Assembled Bomb (lh)_ 3,049.0 Arming-Wire Assembly ________ Tl2 or made from hulk stock, depending on the airrmft. Nose Fuze __________ _________ M!l04El M904E2 AN'-Ml03Al AN-Ml3!l AN'-Ml40A AX-Ml66El (VT) Al\'-Ml66 (VT) Ml88 (VT) Ml63 Ml64 Ml65 Ml87 Tail Fuze ______ ______ ______ ___ (1\'o mechanical tail fuze eapahilit.y-pending availability of drive assembly). 2-13. Bombs, General Purpose, Low Drag a. Description. Low-drag GP bombs have a slender body (figs. 2-17 and 2-21) with a long, pointed nose. A streamlined fin is attached to the aft end of the bomb body by six or eight setscrews. These bombs use proximity (VT), mechanical or electrical fuzes. Mechanical and proximity fuzes 16.1 Ml3l 386.0 823.0 M52 (or mnde from bulk stock, depending on aircraft). Ml26Al (T45El) (1\'ose) T46E4 (Tnil) M904El M904E2 AN'-Ml03Al AN'-Ml39Al AN-Ml40Al Ml66 (VT) Ml66El (VT) Ml88 (VT) M990D Ml63 Ml64 Ml65 .MI90 M905 M906 M990 L_______________ ________ __ ------------ TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 require the installation of adapter-boosters to pro vide fuze seats of smaller diameters. Two conduits for the electric fuze cable harnes:::; connect the nose and tail fuze cavities with the charging receptacle cavity between the lugs of the outer surface of the l:)omb case. When electric fuzes are not used, a plug is threaded into the charging receptacle cavity. As shipped, the bomb body has a nose fuze plug, a support cup in the nose fuze cavity and a base fuze plug. When the bomb is mechanically fuzed , these three parts are removed and the adapterboosters and fuzes are inserted. Adapter-boosters and arming wires are not used with electric fuzes. If the bomb is tail fuzed only, the support cup must be reinserted in the nose cavity to prevent collapse of the fuze cavity on heavy impact. The bomb body has a b~se plug containing locking pins which are imbedded in the solidified explosive filler. Two suspen ion lugs, spaced either 14 inches or 30 inches apart, and a hoisting lug at the center of gravity are threaded into lug inserts on the bomb body at time of use. b. Tabulated Data. Refer to tables 2-15 through 2-18, below, for tabulated data on )ow-drag bombs. Refer to figure 2-17 and figure 2-21 for illustration of a typical low-drag bomb. Table 2-15. Bomb, Low-Drag, MK81 Mod 1 ~ark______ ___ _______________ 81.0 ~od_____ ____________________ 1.0 Length of Assembled Bomb (in .)_ 74 . 1 Body Diameter (in.) ___________ 9.0 Fin Assembly Fin Span (in.) __ _________ _____ 12.62 Weight of Filler (lb): Tritonal or H6 ___________ _ 100.0 Weight of Assembled Bomb (lb)_ 260.0 Arming-Wire Assembly _____ ___ Cable Assembly (for electric fuzing) . Adapter-Booster: Nose _______ __ __ ____ ____ _ TaiL_ __________________ No. e Fuze ___ --------------- ~K1 or AN-~6A2 (for nose fuze) and ~13 (for nose and tail fuze config uration) ~71 ~126A1 (T45E1) T46E4 ~904E1 ~904. E2 AN-~103A1 AN-~139A1 AN-~140A1 ~1<243 ~od 0 ~K244 ~od 1 Al\'-~166 (VT) A L~166E1 (VT) • Table 2 -15. 13omb, Lo w-Drag, M KBJ Mod !-Continued AN-168 (VT) ~188 (VT) • ~163 • ~164 ~165 Tail Fuze _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~1<255 ~od 0 ~990D ~990D1 No e-Tail Fuze System ______ __ ~913 (VT) 'l'able 2-llJ. Bomb, Lo w-Drag, MK82 Mod 1 ~ark________________________ 82.0 ~od___ __________ __ __ ___ __ ___ 1.0 Length of Assembled Bomb (in.) _ 86.90 Bod y Dia meter (in.) ___ ______ __ Fin Asse mbly Fin Span (in.) _--------------- Weight of Filler (Ib) Tritonal or H6. Weight of Assembled Bomb (lb) _ Arming-Wire Assembly ___ _____ Cable Assemb ly (for electric fuzing) . Adapter-Booster: Nose__ ______ __ _______ ___ TaiL ___________ __ ____ ___ Nose Fuze ________ ___ _______ _ Tail Fuze ________ _______ ___ __ Nose-Tail Fuze System ___ _____ 10.75 15.1 192.0 531.0 MK1 or A -M6A2 (for nose fuze) ~13 (for nose and tail" fuze configuration) ~72 ~126A1 (T45E1) T46E4 ~904E1 ~904E2 AN-~103A1 AN-~139A1 AN-Ml40Al ~K243 ~od 0 ~K244 ~od 1 A -~166 (VT ) AN-~166E1 (VT) ~188 (VT) ~1:63 ~164 ~165 ~990D ~990Dl ~K255 Mod 0 ~913 (VT) • • • • •. Table 2-17. Bomb, Low-Drag, MK83 Mod 3 ~ark________________________ 83.0 ~od_________________________ 3.0 Length of Assembled Bomb (in.)_ 118.42 • Body Diameter (in .) _____ ______ Fin Assembly Fin Span (in.)_ --------------- Weight of Filler (Ib) Tritonal or H6. Weight of Assembled Bomb (lb)_ 14.0 19.62 445 .0 985.0 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 ,., • ... • ACCESS COVER • ARMING WIRE ASSEMBLY \ .' •. REAR CHARGING TUBE • FORWARD CHARGING TUBE - • EXPLOSIVE CHARGE FUZE SEAT LINER • ORO 01122 Figure 2-21. Low-drag general purpose bomb, cutaway view. TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Tabl e ~-17. Bomb, Low-Drag , JU\.83 Jfo d 3-Continued Arming-Wire As embly _____ __ _ :\IIG or A.:\-:\16.-\2 (for nose fuze) :\116 (for nose and tail fuze configuration). Cable Assembly (for electric :\Ii3 fuzing ). Adapter-Booster: Nose _______________ ____ _ :\1126A1 (T45E 1} Tail ____________________ _ T46E2 Nose Fuze . ______________ ___ _ i\1904E1 M904E2 AK-:\1103A1 AN-:\1139.-\1 AN-:\1140.-\1 l\IK243 1Iod 0 l\IK244 :\I od 1 AN-:\1166 (VT) AN -:\1166E1 (VT) AN-:\116 (VT ) M188 (VT ) l\1163 l\1164 :\1165 Tail Euze_ --------------·----l\1177 l\.1183 :\1185 M990D M990Dl l\IK255 :.rod 0 Nose-Tail Fuze System ______ __ l\1913 (VT ) Table ~-18. Bomb, Low-Drag, MI\.84 Jfod 1 Mark________________________ 84.0 l\1od ______ ___________________ 1.0 Length of Assembled Bomb (in. ) . 151.50 Body Diameter (in. ) ___________ 1 .0 Fin Assembly Fin Span (in .) ________________ 25.31 " ·eight of Filler (lb) Tritonal 945.0 or H6 Weight of Assembled Bomb (lb) _ 1,970.0 Arming-Wire Assembly________ :\1K 1 or AX-:\16.-\2 (for nose or tai l fuze co nfiguratio n) l\116 (nose a nd tail fuzing). Cable Assembly (for electric l\174 fuzing ). Adapter-Booster: X ose _____ ---_-. ---------.Ml26Al (T45E 1) T a il _. __________________ _ T46E4 Nose Fuze ________ ___ ________ l\1904El l\I 904E2 AN-l\1103Al AN-l\1139Al A -l\1140Al A r_ l\1166 (VT) AN-Ml66El (VT ) AN-l\1168 (VT) l\1188 (VT) Table 2-18 . Bomb, L ow-Drag, .lii\.84 .l!od !-Continued :\1163 :\1164 :.1165 Tail Fuze. __ ________ _________ :\1190 :\I990D :\I990D1 :\IK255 :\I od 0 Xose-Tail Fuze System ________ :\1913 (VT ) c. Difference B etween Jfods. (1) JIK81 Jiod 0 and JIK81 Jiod 1. Bomb 1IK81 i\fod 1 differs from bomb MK81 fod 0 in that the fin-locating pin is located on the fin assembly on the Mod 1 and on the bomb body on Mod 0. (2) JIK82 JIod 0 and JIK82 Jfod 1. Bomb i\II\:82 Mod 1 differs from bomb MK82 ::\1od 0 only in the method sed to construct the bomb bodies. (3) JIK83 Jiod 2 and JIK83 Jiod 3. Bomb }.lK 3 :Mod 3 differs from Mod 2 in the methods used in constru cting the bomb bodies. (-!) JIK84 Jiod 1 and JIK8!,. Jfod 0. Bomb MK84 Mod 1 differs from the earlier Mod 0 bomb in that the tail fins of the Mod 1 are canted 2 degrees for added stability. 2-14. Bomb, General Purpose: Low Drag, Snakeye I a. Description. The MK81 Mod 1 and MK82 Mod 1 Low Drag bombs are characterized by (tables 2-19 and 2-20) a flight-retarding tail fin assembly (figs. 2-18 and 2-22) attached by a uick-attachment mechanism. The retarding fin provides the aircraft "·ith a high-speed, low-altitude bombing capability. It replaces the standard fin assembly and presents a low-drag configuration when closed. When the retarding-fin release-band asse mbly is activated, the assembly expands into four blades whi ch open like an umbrella and decelerate the bomb so that it impacts at larger angles with respect to the ground. The release mechanism is mechanical and is activated by the removal of the tail-release wire . b. Tabulated Data. Refer to tables 2-19 and 2-20, below, on low-drag bombs (Snakeye I ) . Refe r to figure s 2-18 and 2-22 for an illustration of a typical low -drag (Snakeye I ) bomb . • • • • • • • ·• • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 .. " • • • Figure 2-22. Low-drag, general purpose bomb tcith fin assembly (opened) . Table 2-19. Bomb, Lo1c-Drag (G P) , :250-Pound Table 2-19. Bomb, Lou.:-Drag (G P ), 250-Pound-Continued l\IodeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l\IK81 l\Iod 1, Snakeye I l\1163 Al Length of Assembled Bomb (in .)_ 75.0 l\1164 l\!163 • Body Diameter (in .) ___________ 9.0 l\1165 l\1 164 Fin Assembly ___ ___ ___________ i\II04 i\Iod 1 M904El i\1165 Fin Span-Closed (in.)________ 12.8 M904E2 Fin Span-Open (in. )__________ 54.25 Unretarded: Retarded : - Tail Fuze ___________________ _ \Yeight of Filler (Ib) ___________ 100.0 l\I990D l\1990D We ight of Assembled Bomb (Ib)_ 300.0 l\1990D1 l\1990D1 Arming-\Yire Assembly __ ___ ___ l\Il{l ~lod 0 (for tail l\IK255 l\IK255 release) made from Mod 0 l\Iod 0 • bulk stock for nose fuze l\I990D2 l\1990E2 arming. l\1990El Cable Assembly (for electric l\171 l\1990E2 fuzing-l\1990 series). Nose-Tail Fuze System _______ _ Unretarded: Adapter-Booster: l\1913 (VT) -ose ___________________ _ l\1126_-\1 (T45E1) Tail ____________________ _ None K ose Fuze _________________ -_ Unretarded : Retarded: ~lode!____________ ___ _____ ___ MK82 l\lod 1 • Table 2-20. Bomb, Lou:-Drag (GP), 500-Pound, Snakeye I AN-:'11103-l\1904E2 Al AK-~1103-Length of Assembled Bomb (in. )_ 89.5 Body Diameter (in .) ___________ 10.8 AN-~1139-Al . Al AN-~1139-Fin Assembly ___ _____________ _ ~II(15 l\Iod 1 AN-~1140-A1 Fin Span-Closed (in.) ________ 15 .1 Fin Span-Open (in .) __________ 65.3 Al AN"-~1140 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Tablr 2-20. Bomb, Lon·-Drag (GP), 500-Pound, Snakeye I -Continued AN-M140" "eight of Filler (!b) __ _______ __ 192.0 Al " "eight of Assembled 13omb (!b) _ 560 .0 Ml63 Arming-\Yire Assembly _. __ ____ l\11\:1 :\loci 0 (for tail fin Ml64 release) made from M 165 bu lk stock for no e M90tEl fuze arming. M904E2 Cable .-\s embl~· (fo r electric ;\172 Tail Fuze _____ ____________ ___ Unretarded: fuzing-l\l!l!lO series) . M990DAdapter-Booster: M990Dl)iose _________ ___ ____ __ _ _ :\1126:\1 (T45El ) 11{255Tail _______ ___ ________ __ _ X one Mod 0K ose Fuze ______ _____ ____ __ _ _ Unretarded: Retarded : l\1990D2 AN-:\1103-;'11904E2 M990El Al AN -:\110 3- M990E2 AN -l\1139-A1 Nose -Tail Fuze System __ _ _ _ _ _ _ U nretarded: Al AN-l\1139- M913 (VT) Al Ml63 M l 64 M l 65 Retarded: M990 D M990Dl MK255 Mo d O M990E2 " • , • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Section IV. INCENDIARY BOMBS 2-1 5. General iron oxide whi ch, when ignited by an igniter (such " Incendiary bomb· are filled with buming agents l:;uch as thickened fuels and metallic fi llings. A third type of incendiary material, not classified as a filling, is the magnesium from which the bodies of some incendiary bombs are made. a. Thickened Fuels. Thickened fuels are composed of flammabl e liquids, such as gasoline, thickened to a jellylike consistency. IM, PTI, and N P are the thi ckened fuels whi ch are used to fill incendiary bombs. IM is gasoline thickened with isobutyl methacrylate. PTI is essentiall y a mixture of magnesium with gasoline and other petroleum products thickened with isobuty l methacrylates and NP is gasoline thi ckened with Ml or M2 thi ckener (napalm ). All thickened fuels spatter like viscous liquids upon impact on a target and adhere to the surface of the target. b. Metallic Fi llings. The basic ingredient of metallic incendiary fillin gs is thermite. Thermite is a mixture of powdered aluminum and powdered • • • - • as black powder), burns a t a temperatme of about 4,000°F. White-hot molten iron is released when thermite burns, and acts as a heat reservoi r to prolong and spread the incendiary effect. When u:;ed as a fillin g for munitions, thermite is called THI. Thermate is a mixture of THI, barium nitrate, and sulfur in an oil binder. Thermate, TH3, is the sta nda rd metallic fillin g used in incendia ry bombs. c. Afagnesium. ~agnesium is a soft metal whi ch, when heated sufficiently in the prese nce of a ir, ignites and bums vigorously. Magnesium melts and flows as it burns, igniting all combustib le materia l in its path. Bomb bodies made of magnes ium comprise the bomb's main incendiary charge. The body of a magnesium bomb usually is made with an inte rnal cavity whi ch contains a thermate igniting filler. The 4-pound incendiary bomb A -M50A3 is an example of a bomb with a magnesium body . 2-16. Bomb, Incendiary: 100-Pound, AN-M47A4 ORO 01127 Figure 2-23. Bomb, incend-iary: 100-pound, AN-M47 A4. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 2-21. Bomb, Incendiary: 100-Pound, AN-M47A4 ModeL ______________________ AN-M47A4 Length of Assembled Bomb (in. )_ 51.7 Body Diameter (in.) ___ __ ______ 8.1 Fin Span (in.) ____________ ____ 11.0 WeightofEmptyBomb (lb) ____ 26.0 Weight of Assembled Bomb (I b)_ 68.0 Weight of Filler (lb): PTl, IM, or NP __________ 42.0 Arming-Wire Assembly________ M2 C5 Igniter ____ ___________________ AN-M9 (used with burster A -M13) Burster_____ _________________ AN-M12 or AN-M13 Nose Fuze ______ _____________ AN-M159 a. General. The 100-lb incendiary bomb ANM47A4 (figs. 2-23 and 2-24 and table 2-21) is de<~il!ned for U"e against combustible land targets where large and numerous fires will cause serious damage and for use in igniting oil slicks on water. The types of land targets against which the incendiary bomb is effective include warehouses, factories, docks, storage dumps, barrack~, and residential and industrial structures. When sh ips in a harbor or oil storage tanks near a harbor are damaged, oil slicks are formed which are frequently of sufficient thickness to be ignited by incendiary bombs and to burn intensely. b. Description . Incendiary bomb AN-M47A4 (figs. 2-23 and 2-24) is approximately 52U6 in ches long and weighs approximately 69.8 pounds. It is approximately 8},1 inches in diameter and has a rounded nose, a truncated conical tail section, and a fixed tail fin. The complete round consists of a bomb body, incendiary fillin!!;, a burster, a fuz e, and an armin!!; wire. (1) Body. The bomb body is made of sheet steel. A burster well , \rhich is a metal tube closed at one end, extends the full length of the bomb. A threaded hole in the nose end of the bomb receives the fuz e. The hole is closed during shipment by a nose plug. Two suspension bands \Yith suspension lugs at the top are clamped around the bomb body by machine screws. The tail fin, which has four vanes, is welded to the tail section during manufacture. (2) Filling . The filling consists of approx imately 40 pounds of NP. (3) Burster. Burster AN-M12 1s shipped separately and is installed in the burster well during assembly of the bomb. ( 4) Fuze. The preferred fuz e i. nose bomb fuze AN-M159. Nose bomb fuz e ANMl26Al is an authorized alternate. The fuze is shipped separately and is installed in the bomb nose durin!!: assembly of the bomb. (5) Arming wire. Arming wire C5 is used with this bomb. c. Functioning of Incendiary Bombs. ( l) When this in cendiary bomb eq uipped with a white phosphorous (WP) igniter imparts on a structural target, it bursts and scatters gobs of in cend iary gel \\·hich st iek to surfa ces eontaci.ed and cont inue to burn. The effective radius of hurst is 10 to 15 yards. (2) Wh en the incendiary bomb equipped \rith a sod ium igni ter impacts on \\·ater targets, it bursts and scatters burning gobs of ince ndiary gel containing particles of sodium. These gobs of gel will float and the sod ium will ignite spontan eously upon contact with water, thereby insuring the ign ition of flammable oil slic·ks. If the incendiary bomb penetrates t he surface of a wooden dock or pier and bursts belmr the clock, th<' incendiary gel will still burn on contact \rith \\"ater. Howey er, if a white phosph orous-filled igniter is used in place of a sodium igniter, the scattering of the gel takes place, but ignition of the gel on \\·ater i.s not assured. Burning gobs of incencliary gel \\·ill produce a temperature of 500° to G75° C. at a height of :~ inches above t he flame over a maximum period of approximately 8 minutes. d . D~[Jerences. The A~<\IHA.f is identical to the AK-:\I-!7A3 except that t he A~-::'11-!7A.f has heavier gage suspension lugs than the A~-:\l-!7A3. • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • • ARMING WIRE ASSEMBlY ~; • \ • fillER CAVITY . " • ORO 01128 Figure 2-24. Bomb, incendiary: 100-pou.nd, AN-M47A4, cutaway. • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 2-17. Bomb, Incendiary: TH3, 4-Pound, AN-M50A3 • HOLDER AND FIRING ASSEMB LIES ORD D1129 Figure 2-25. Bomb, incendiary: THS, 4-pound, AN-M50A3. Tabl e 2-22. Bomb, Incendiar y: THS 4-Potmd, AN-M50A3 ModeL ____________ ____ ___ ___ A -M50A3 Length of Assembled Bomb (in. ) _ 21.34 Body Width (hexagonal) (in.) ___ 1.63 Weight of Filler (!b) TH3 _______ 00.63 Weight of Complete Round (lb) _ 3.5 Fuze__ _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ Integral Cluster (as shipped)_____ __ ____ M32 a. D escri ption . Incendiary bomb AN"-:\I50A3 (fig. 2-25 and table 2-22) constructed of magnesium alloy is used in incendiary bomb cluster :\132. The eomponents of the AN"-1\I50A3 are described as follows: (1) Body. The body of in cendiary bomb AN-l\150A3 is hollo\\· and made of magnesium alloy, \Yhich const itutes the main incendiary charge . The cavity of the bomb body (fig. 2-25) provides space for the bomb filler . The end of the body is closed \Yith a solid iron nose which weights the bomb so that it fall s nose downward and penet rates a target \Yithout crumpling on impact. Three vent holes in the body permi t combustion produ cts fr om the filling to vent \\·ithou t bursting the body. The hollow tail section is made of sheet steel and acts as a stabilizer during flight. (2) Filler. The cavity in the magnesium body is filled with a priming charge co nsisting of approximately 10 ounces of thermate, TH3. The end of the priming charge closest to the firing assembly is covered wit h a layer of FF31 (first-fire mixture) . (3) Firing assembly . The firing assembly, ''"hi ch functions as an inert ial fuze, is located at the base of the body section of the bomb. It consists esse ntially of a firing pin in a firing-pin holder and a primer. The firing pin is held in the holder by a metal clip ,,·hich prevents the firing pin from contacting the primer until t he bomb is released from its cluster. (4) Safety plunger. The safety plunger (arming plunger) is a spring-loaded steel plunger ,,·hich proj ects from the side of the bomb body. When the safety plunger is depressed by contact \Yith an adjacent bomb in a cluster, the inner end of the plunger mo\'es into the space bet\Yeen the firing pin and • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • the primer so that the bomb is pre\·ented (2) Cpon im pact. When the bomb strikes the from arming as long as it is clustered. target, inertia causes the firing pin to mon b. Functioning. fonmrcl striking the primer . The primer • (1) After Telease from cluster. When the bomb ignites the first-fire mixture \\"hich ignites is -released from the duster, pressure on the the thermate filler. The burning thermate safety plunger i released and the plunger then ignites the magnesium section of the is forced out\\"arcl by its spring, arming the body. The bomb burns for approximately bomb. 5 to 8 minutes. • • • • • • • • • , . • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 2-18. Bomb, Incendiary: TH3, 4-Pound, M126 1-------19.56 IN. --------o-i•I ORO Dll30 Figur e B-26. Bomb, incendiary : TH3, 4-pound, ,1!126. Table 2-BS. Bomb, I ncendiary: THS, 4-Pozmd, M1 26 ~ode! ~1126 Length of Assembled Bomb (in.)_ 19.56 Body Width (hexagonal) (in.) ___ 1.63 Weight of Filler (Ib): TH3____ _________________ 0.63 Weight of Complete Round (Ib)_ 3.6 Fin Assembly_________________ ~15 (Integral ) 2 :: :· .·· ·::.·...·.. ··:~. · .· Tabl e 2-f?S. Bomb, Incendiary: TH3, 4-Pound, M126 -·Continued Fuze_ ---________________ ___ _ Integral (Nose and Tail) Cluster (as shipped) ____________ ~36 a. Description. Incendiary bomb M126 (fig. 2-26 and table 2-23) is identical to the bomb AN-·M50A3 except that the M126 has fin assembly M15 in place of a hollow sheet-steel tail section. The M15 fin assembly consists of retractable fins (6, fig. 2-27) in a hollow sheet-steel fin body (4). The fins extend through longitudinal slots in the fin body by depression of a spring-loaded tail plunger (5) at the rear end of the bomb. The fins are secured to the bomb body (2) by the holder and firing assembly (7). The body (2) is filled with thermate (1). The front end of the bomb is closed with a solid iron nose (8) which weights the bomb so that it falls nose downward and penetrates a target without crumpling on impact. Bomb M126 is used in incendiary bomb cluster M36. 3 4 5 ·· . .. ··:·..,,·.. .·· . · .· ~~~ · ·:. 7 6 I O RO 0 1175 1 Thermate 4 Fin body 7 Holder and firing assemblies 2 Body 5 Tail plunger 8 Nose (iron) 3 Safety plunger 6 Fin Figure 2-27. Bomb, incendiary: TH3, 4-pound, M1 26, cutaway vieu·. b. Functioning. (1) Before release from cluster. Safety plunger (3) is depressed by contact with another bomb in the cluster. Depression of the tail plunger (5) retracts the fins (6) into the fin body ( 4) and holds them retracted as long as the tail plunger (5) is held in a depressed position. (2) After release from cluster. When the bomb is released from the cluster, the tail fins (6) are extended by the force of the spring of the spring-loaded tail plunger (5) and the safety plunger (3) is forced downward by its spring, thus arming the bomb. The tail fins assist in keeping the bomb turned nose downward during its fall. (3) Upon impact. When the bomb strikes the target it functions in the same way as bomb AN-M50A3. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • 2-19. Bomb, Incendiary: PTl , 10-Pound, M74A 1 • TAIL WELL FILLING DOME FUZE • N O SE CAP WP CO N TAINE R TA IL CA P ORO 0113 1 Figure 2-28. Bomb, incendiary: PT1, 10-pound M74A1. Table 2-24. Bomb, Incendiary: PTJ, 10-Pound, M 74A1 the tail cup provides a mounting for the ModeL ___ ___ _____ ___________ M'i4Al fin assembly. (2) Dome. The dome is located in the bomb Length of Assembled Bomb (in.) _ 19.5 Body Width (hexagonal) (in.) ___ 2.8 nose behind the nose cup. It separates Weight of Filler (Ib): the fuze from the filling and forms a • PTL -------------------.-2.75 container for two small bags of magnesiumWeight of Complete Round (lb) _ 8.5 b lack powder mixture. Fin Assembly__ ____ __________ _ Integral Fuze Type _________ __________ M197 (3) White phosphorous igniting charge. ApCluster (as shipped) ____ _______ M35 proximately 6 ounces of white phosphorous (WP) is contained in a plastic a. Description. Incendiary bomb M74Al (fig. container which is installed in the bomb2-28 and table 2-24) is used in incendiary bomb - behind the dome and ahead of the filling. • cluster M35. The components of the M74Al are (4) Filling. The filling consists of approxidescribed as follows: mately 2. 75 pounds of PTl. (1) Body. The body of the M74Al is hex(5) Fuze . The fuze is an M142Al bomb fuze agonal except for the tail end, which is which is screwed into the nose cup. T he round. The nose end of the bomb is booster end of the fuze is inside the dome • closed by a sheet-steel nose cup which and is adjacent to the bags of black provides a seat for the fuze. A springpowder. loaded release bar clips to the nose cup (6) Tail assembly. The tai l assembly consists over a release pin in the M197 fuze. The essentially of a radial-type tail fin attached tail end of the bomb is also closed by a to a tail sleeve . The tail sleeve slides into sheet-steel cup. A well in the center of the tail well in the tail end of the bomb. 2-39 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 The entire tail assembly can be telescoped into the tail end of the bomb until the tail fin is completely within the tail cup. When the tail fin is telescoped, a coil spring inside the tail well is compressed. b. Assembly. The bomb is assembled in manufacture. extended tail fin keeps the bomb turned nose downward as it falls. (3) Upon impact. When the bomb strikes, the M142A1 fuze functions and sets off the black powder in the dome. Gases released by the explosion blow the dome • •.. c. Functioning. (1) Before release from cluster. A release bar, which replaces a safety wire when the bomb is clustered, is depressed by contact with another bomb in the cluster or with the end of the cluster, and the release pin in the bomb fuze is held in the unarmed position. The tail assembly is telescoped into the tail end of the bomb and held in position by contact with spacers placed in the middle of the cluster and at the ends. (2) After release from cluster. When the bomb is released from the cluster, the springloaded release bar flies off, freeing the fuze release pin and allowing the fuze to arm. Simultaneously, the tail fin is moved to the extended position by the action of the coil spring inside the tail well. The Section V. 2-20. General Fire bombs are usually thin-skinned containers of thickened fuel for use against such targets as dug-in troops, supply installations, wooden structures and land convoys. Most fire bombs rupture on impact (except when fuzed for air burst), spreading burning, thickened fuel on surrounding objects. Fuze igniter combinations are used to ignite the combustible filling. 2-21. Bomb, Fire: 750-Pound, M116A2 Table 2-25. Bomb, Fire: 750-Pound, M116A 2 ~ode!__________________ _____ ~116A2 Length of Asse mbled Bomb (in .)_ 137 .0 Body Diameter (in.) _______ ___ _ 18.63 Weight of Empty Bomb (lb) ___ 70.0 Weight of Assembled Bomb (lb) _ 685.0 Filler Weight (!b) __________ ___ 615.0 Filler (gal.) ___________________ 100.0 Fuze: Nose ____________________ AN-M173Al*, ~173* TaiL ____________________ AN-M173Al*, M173* toward he tail of the bomb. This action breaks the cup and forcibly ejects the incendiary filler, the WP, the tail cup, and the tail assembly from the bomb. The WP ignites upon exposure to the air and sets fire to the bomb filler. The scattered filler burns for 5 to 10 minutes. d. Disarming. A bomb containing an armed fuze must be disposed of by authorized and qualified • munitions person el only. Warning: Do not attempt to disarm an armed fuze in this bomb or to defuze the bomb. e. Difference Between M74A1 and M74. The M74 is identical to the M74A1 except that the • M74 has fuze M142A1 instead of M197. Bomb M74A1 uses the incendiary bomb cl ster M35 and the bomb M74 uses incendiary bomb cluster M31. FIRE BOMBS • Table 2-25. Bomb, Fire: 750-Pound, M116A2 -Continued Igniter_ ___________________ ___ AN-~23Al*, M23* (2 required) • Arming Wire __ ___ ____________ M17 (2 required) *Note. The AN-M23Al igniter is compatible with the AN-Ml73Al bomb fuze only. The igniter M23 is compatible with bomb fuze l\1 173 only. For Navy usc an adapter ring is supplied with the AN-l\123AI igniter to allow u se o f the M173 fuze. a. Description. The l\1116A2 fire bomb (fig. 2-29 and table 2-25) is designed to be filled with thickened .fuel and carried externally on high-performance • aircraft. A complete round contains the following components: (1) Body. The bomb body is made of sheet aluminum in three sections. Two gaskets are provided for sealing the joints between the sections. • (2) Center section (fig. 2-29). The center section (11) is an aluminum cylinder, approximately 48% inches long and 18% inches in diameter, open at both ends. It is braced internally by aluminum girders TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • • • . It • 3 10 5 4 • ose cap :.! Igniter cup :l Bulkhead 4 Nose-cap guide 5 Nose-cap plunger 6 Assembly mark 7 Filling hole 8 Nose section !J Filler cap 10 Arming-wire guide 11 Center section 12 Arming wire 13 Suspension lug 14 Tail section 15 Locking screw 16 Tail-cone guide 17 Igniter 18 Tail-cone plunger 19 ut 20 Spring 21 ORO D1132 21 Fuze 22 Gasket 23 Seal ring 24 Sealing washer 25 Locking bolt 26 Spring 27 Clamp 28 Cotter pin 29 Clamp assembly, exploded view Figure 2-29. Bomb, fire: 750-pound, M116A2 cutaway view. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 and reinforced on the side by an aluminum the bulkhead. A spring-loaded nose-cap plate. Two suspension lugs (13) are plunger (5) is held in the center of the screwed int o the reinforcing plate . An nose-cap guide by a short length of steel aluminum seal ring (23) is welded to each wire which is replaced by an arming wire • end of the center section. The seal rings (12) when the bomb is installed in an air are wedge shaped and provide means for craft. A screw in the center of the nose joining the nose section (8) and tail section cap plunger (5) is used to fasten the nose (14) to the center section. Seats are cap (1) to the bomb. A filling hole (7) provided for gaskets (22) which seal the closed by a filler cap (9) is located in the joints between sections. An arrow-shaped nose section. The filler cap has a locking assembly mark (6) is stenciled at each screw (15) in the center . A tubular arming end of the center section. wire guide (10) passes through the interior (3) Nose section (fig. 2-29) . The nose section of the nose section from a hole near the consists of a body and a nose cap (1). seal ring to a hole in the bulkhead (3). An The body of the nose section is a parabolic, arrow-shaped, assembly mark (6) is stenaluminum shell approximately 32V2 inches ciled at each end of the nose-section body. long and 18Y2 inches in diameter at its The nose cap is an aluminum shell which widest point. An aluminum seal ring fits on the front end of the nose section to similar to the one in the center section is provide maximum streamlining when the welded inside the large end. A seat for a bomb is carried on the underside of an gasket is cut in the side of the seal ring aircraft. A hole in the end of the nose cap which fa ces the center section. Eight receives a screw which fastens the nose cap • counterbored holes in the seal ring accomto the nose-cap guide. Two windows in modate locking bolts (25), which are part the side of the nose cap permit inspection of clamp assemblies (29). Each clamp of the igniter and fuz{ ·.vhen the nose cap assembly consists of the locking bolt, a is in place. The nose section carries two sealing washer (24), a clamp (27), a spring decalcomanias applied near the filling hole . (26), and a cotter pin (28). The clamp One decalcomania lists the safety preassemblies are assembled in the bomb cautions taken during assembly; the other, • during manufacture and need not be a precautionary note, reads as follows: dissembled. A locking bolt with a washer Caution No. 1: Use napalm or equivain place is installed in each counterbored lent density fill only. hole. The spring is placed over the end of the locking bolt, the clamp is screwed Caution N o. 2: Do not water fill. • onto the bolt, and the cotter pin is passed through a hole in the end of the locking (4) Tail section (fig. 2-29) . The tail section bolt. One face of the clamp has a wide consists of a body and a tail cone. The notch with beveled inside edges. When body of the tail section is a trw1cated, the bomb is assembled, the two sections conical, aluminum shell approximately are clamped together by virtue of the 39>i inches long and 18%i inches in . • beveled edges which bear against wedgediameter as its widest point. An alu shaped surfaces of the seal rings in the nose minum seal ring, like the one in the nose and center sections. The small end of the section, is welded inside the large end. nose section is closed by an aluminum Eight clamp assemblies, like those in the bulkhead (3) on which are mounted an nose section, are screwed to t he seal ring. igniter cup (2) and a nose-cap guide (4). The small end of the body is closed by • The igniter cup is threaded to receive an an aluminum bulkhead on which are M23 or an AN-M23A1 igniter. The nosemounted an igniter cup and a tail-cone cap guide is a bracket attached to the guide (16). The tail-cone guide (16) bulkhead and provided with a spring which is a fixed bracket to which a tail cone tends to make the guide lie flat against plunger (18), with a spring (20) and nut • • (19), is fastened when the bomb is installed in an aircraft. A filling hole closed by a filler cap is located at the seal ring end. • Another ca ution decalcomania is applied close to the tail-section filling hole. A tubular arming-wire guide, similar to the one in the nose section , passes through the interior of the tail section from a hole near the seal ring to a hole in the bulkhead (3). An arrow-shaped assembly mark is stenciled at each end of the tail-section body. The tail cone is a conical aluminum shell which streamlines the bomb tail for carriage on the underside of an aircraft. A hole in the rear end of the tail cone • re ceives the end of the tail-cone plunger (18) when the tail cone is installed on a bomb. Two windows in the side of the cone permit inspection of the igniter (17) and fuze (21) when the tail cone is in place. • ·b. Filler. The Ml16A2 fire bomb is filled with 100 gallons (approximately 615 pounds) of thickened fuel. • c. Igniters and Fuzes. (1) Igniters. One M23 or AN-M23A1 bomb igniter (17, fig. 2-29) is installed in the igniter cup in the bomb nose and one in the tail. (2) Fuzes. An M173 bomb ignii:.er fuze (21 , fig. 2-29) is installed in each M23 bomb igniter, or an AN-M173Al bomb igniter fuze in each AN-M23Al igniter (see note, para 2-21 , for exception). d. Arming Wires. Two M17 type E arming wires are used with the Ml16A2 fire bomb. One arming wire is used to hold the nose cap in place .• • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 and to prevent the nose fuze from arming; the other arming wire is used to hold the tail cone in place and to prevent the tail fuze from arming. e. Gaskets. Two synthetic rubber gaskets (22, fig. 2-29) of the proper size to fit into recesses in the seal rings are furnished with the bomb. f. Hardware and Accessories. Three short lengths of aluminum tubing are provideci to space safety clips which hold the arming wires in the fuzes. A small can of grease is furnished with each bomb for greasing the gaskets and seal rings. Assembly and installation instructions are packed in the box in which the bomb is shipped. g. Functioning. Upon release of the bomb from the aircraft bomb station, the arming wires are simultaneously withdrawn from the nose-cap plunger and both fuzes. The nose cap and tail cone are ejected by their respective springs. This exposes the nose and tail fuzes. The nose-cap guide is forced by its spring to lie flat against the bulkhead. The arming vanes in the fuzes are free to rotate in the airstream when the arming wires are withdrawn and the nose cap and tail cone are out of the way. Approximately 15 revolutions of the arming vanes arm the fuzes. Both fuzes function on impact and burst the igniters, scattering burning white phosphorous (WP). The force of impact bursts the bomb and causes the thickened fuel to splatter over the target area. The burning WP ignites the filler. h. Difference BetweenM116A2 andM116A1 . The bomb Ml16A2 is essentially an Ml16A1 except that two aluminum reinforcements have been added to the fore and aft bulkheads in the center section. These reinforcements enable the M116A2 to be force ejected from an aircraft. In addition, the cap screws present on the Ml16A1 have been replaced by locking bolts on the Ml16A2. • TM 9-1 325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11 -1-28 2-22. Bomb, Fire: 750-Pound, MK77 Mod 0 4-------------------138.0 IN. ------------------~ • • • OR O 0 1134 Figure 2-30. Bomb, fire: 750-pound, M K /7 Mo d 0. Table 2-26. Bomb, Fire: 750-Pound , MK77 Mod 0 a. Description. The 750-pound fire bomb MK77 ModeL_ ________ ________ _____ MK77 Mod 0 Mod 0 (fig. 2-30 and table 2-26) is a nonstabi lized, Body Diameter (in.) ___ __ ______ 18.6 cigar-shaped bomb constructed of aluminum. It Length of Assembled Bomb (in. )_ 138.0 consists of t he following. Filler____________ ___ _________ Gasoline Gel (1) Three main sections and two end cones. Filler Capacity (gal)_-___ _____ 110.0 (fig. 2-31) A center tie rod holds the nose, Weight of Filler (lb) ________ ___ 668.0 Weight of Assembled Bomb (!b) _ 760.0 center, and aft sections togethe r and • Weight of Empty Bomb (!b) ____ 82.0 aluminum ring adapters secure the nose Weight of Igniters (lb) _________ 10.0 and tail cones to the main sections. Double Nose Igniter _____ __________ ___ M15 or M23 suspension lugs are mounted on the body Tail Igniter ____ _________ ___ __ M15, M16 or M23 14 inches apart. Two gasket sealer filler Fuzes____________ ____ ________ M157 (used with igniters holes are located on the upper side of the M15 and M16) M173 (used with igniters bomb body. A gasoline and napalm . M23 or igniter ANmixture (gel) fills the bomb body; gaskets • M23A1 plus adapter between the three main sections prevent ring) leakage of gasoline gel. A minimum air A -M173A1 (used with space of 3 percent of the capacity of the igniter AN-M23A1) bomb is required. Once a bomb is filled, it cannot be disassembled; it must be used • or jettisoned. • (2) Filler. The bomb is filled with 110 gallons of gasoline gel and uses two igniter and fuze combinations to ignite the gel upon • impact. (3) Components. Three igniters may be used with fire bomb MK77 Mod 0: the M15, the M16 or the M23. Adapters are furnished with the bomb so that igniter M15 may be used for either nose or tail fuzing. • • • • .• TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Igniter ::VI16 normally is used for tai l fuzing only. When the bomb is assembled, one igniter is attached to eacll end. b. Ji'unctioning. Tubes carry the arming wires and cone-release wires from the outside of the bomb to the inside. When the relea e wires are withdrawn, springs in the ring adapters eject both adapters and cones. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • .. ARMING-WIRE ASSEMBLY \~ • • CEN TER SECTI O N • • •. ORO 01135 Figure 2-31. Bomb, fire: 750-pound, MK77 Mod 0 , cutaway view • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 2-23. Bomb, Fire: 500-Pound, MK77 Mod 1 108.6 IN . • 'l • • ORO 0 1138 • Figure 2-32. Bomb, jil·e: 500-pound, M K77 Mod 1. Table 2-27. Bomb, Fir e: 500-Pound, MK77 Mod 1 a. Description. The 500-pound fire bomb MK77 Mod 1 (fig. 2-32) is a 75-gallon capacity bomb ModeL _______ ___ ___________ MK77 Mod 1 Length of Assembled Bomb (in.)_ 108.6 obtained by modifying the 750-pound fire bomb Body Diameter (in.) ___________ 18.73 MK77 Mod 0. The modification consists of cutting Filler_ _____________________ _ _ Gasoline Gel off approximately 2 inches from the nose and tai l Filler Capacity (gal) ______ ____ 75.0 body sections (fig. 2-31) approximately 12 inches • Weight of Empty Bomb (!b) ___ _ 63.0 Weight of Filler (lb) __ ________ _ 450.0 from each end of the center section of the Mod 0, Weight of Assembled Bomb (!b)_ 520.0 and welding the remaining pieces to11;ether to form Igniter___ __ __________________ M15, M16, or M23 the smaller Mod 1. Two suspension lu~s are Fuzes____ __ ___ ____ ___________ M157 (used with igniters mounted on the body 14 inches apart. Two gasketM15 and M16) or Ml.73 sealed filler holes are located on t he upper bomb (used with igniter M23 surface. The bomb is fi lled with approximate ly 72 . or igniter AN-M23A1, • plus adapter ring) gallons of gasoline gel (a minimum air space of 3 percent of the capacity of the bomb is required ). Once a bomb is filled, it cannot be disassembled ; it must either be used or jettisoned . • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • • • ORO 01139 NOSE CONE SAFETY CLIP • Figur e 2-33. Bomb, fire: 500-pound, MK77 Mod 1, cutaway vtew. b. Components. Igniters and fuzes are used in the nose and tail of fire bomb MK77 Mod 1. Three igniters may be used: the Ml5, the AN-Ml6 and the M23. The bomb is designed for primary use of igniter M23 with fuze AN-Ml73 in both the nose and the tail. Adapters are furnished with the bomb so that igniter Ml5 with fuze Ml57 can be used in either the nose or tail of the bomb. Igniter Ml5 with fuze Ml57 is normally used only in the tail of the bomb, since the nose cone will not accommodate this larger igniter. If the nose cone is left off the bomb, however, igniter Ml6 can be used in the nose. c. Functioning. The arming wires and eonerelease wires are carried to the nose and tail of the bomb through internal tubes. When the cone-release wires are withdrawn, the springs in the cone-ring adapters eject both nose and tail cones from the bomb, exposing the fuzes to the air stream. .• • • TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 2-24. Bomb, Fire: 750-Pound, MK78 Mod 2 -+---------------------89.12 IN. ____ _____ ____ _ _ ...._., L J - • • • • ORO 01140 • Figure 2-84. Bomb, fire: 750-pound, M K78 Mod 2 . Tabl e 2-28. Bomb, Fire: 750-Pound, MK78 Mod 2 ModeL_________________ ____ Body Diameter (in.) ___________ Body Length Assembled (in.) ___ . Filler__ ___________________ ___ • Filler Capacity (gal) __ ____ ____ Weigh t of Filler (lb) _____ ___ ___ Weight of Empty Bomb (Ib) ___ Weight of Assembled Bomb (Ib)_ Igniter_____ __________________ Fuzes___ _____ __ ___________ ___ • • MK78 l\1od 2 26.4 89.12 Gasoline Gel 110.0 660.0 90.0 760.0 !15, l\116, i\123 or AN -i\123Al i\1157 (used with igniters l\115 and l\116) or i\1173 (used with igniter l\123 or igniter AN-:\f23Al plus adapter ring) or AN-l\1173A (used with igniter AN-M23Al) a. Descri ption. The 750-pound fire bomb MK78 Mod 2 (figs. 2-34, 2-35 and table 2-28) consists of two thin sheet-steel half-shells welded together. It is non stabilized and has a 110-gallon capacity. The bomb has two wells located fore and aft on the upper surface . These wells house two igniters M23 which are secured in place with igniter caps. A filler opening for the gasoline gel and the suspension lugs is located on the upper surface. Two re inforced lugs provide for a 14-inch suspension. A gasoline gel fills the bomb to 97 percent of its capacity. Once a fire bomb is fi lled, it cannot be d isassembled; it must be used or jettisoned. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • • • • Figure 2-35. Bomb, fire: 750-po und, MK78 Mod 2, cutaway view. b. Differences . There are three modifications of the 750-pound fire bomb MI\:78, Mod 0, 1, and 2. Differences exist in the construction and location of the wells , brackets, and adapters which accommodate the igniters. The Mod 0 bomb uses igniter M16 with fuze M157 installed in the filler hole of the bomb. Igniter M15 with fuze M157 is clamped externally to the aft end of the bomb in a bracket. The Mod 1 bomb is identical to the Mod 0 except for the addition of two external igniter adapters. These adapters, located fore and aft on the upper • bomb surface, accommodate M23 igniters with AN-M173 fuzes. The Mod 2 bomb is identical to the Mod 1 except that it has internal igniter adapters. The \veils of the Mod 2 are located higher on the bomb body than the igniter adapters of the Mod 1. The M23 igniters set in the wells are . secured by igniter caps. • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 2-25 . Bomb, Fire: 1 ,000-Pound, MK79 Mod 1 1---------- -----------167.96 IN.----------------~ • • 27 IN. • ORO 01142 Figure 2-36. Bomb, fire: 1 ,000-pound, M K7"9 Mod 1 . •ModeL_ _______ ___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Body Diameter (in.) ___ ________ • Body Length Assembled (in.) ___ Filler_ ______ ____ _________ __ __ Filler Capacity (gal) __ -_-_____ Weight of Filler (lb) __ ______ ___ Weight of Assembled Bomb (empty) (lb) . Weight of Bomb as Shipped (Ib) _ Arming-Wire Assembly Igniter___ __ __ ____ ______ ______ Fuzes___ _____ --------------- .• Table 2-29. Bomb, Fi1·e: 1,000-Pound, MK79 Mod 1 MIG9 Mod 1 19.6 167.96 Gasoline, Napalm 112.0 700.0 212.0 275.0 M23, A -M23Al MK257 Mod 0 (used wit,h proximity fuze sensing element M20), Ml73 (used with igniter M23 or igniter AN-M23Al plus adapter ring) and AN-M173Al (used with igniter A -:\123Al) a. Description. The 1 ,000-pound fire bomb MK79 Mod 1 is a thin-skinned bomb of low-drag • design. The bomb (figs. 2-36, 2-37, and table 2-29) is made up of four basic body sections. These four sections are designated Section I, the forward (or nose) section; Section II, the center (or main) section; Section III, the first aft section; and Section IV, the second aft (or tail) section. The center (or main) section of the bomb is used as a shipping container into \\"hich the other sections (nose, aft, and tail) a re nested together and stowed. In this packaged <'Ondition, the bomb has an enlarged protective cover at each end of t he center section. One one end is a build-up metal dish having four lever handles on its face; this is the forward (or nose) end of the bomb. On the other end is a build-up, drum-like construction having no exterior lever handles; this is the aft (or tail) end of the bomb. This aft, drum-like cover con tains the bomb accessories, and must be removed before the lever handles on a separate tail cover can be reached. b. Filler. The bomb, which has a capac ity of approximately 112 gallons, is fi lled with gasoline mixed with napalm. c. Components. This bomb can he fuzed wi ~h either standard mechanical fuzing utilizing fuze M 173 with igniter l\ 123 (in both t he nose and the tail) for impact functioning or an electric fuzing system consisting of electric fuze MK257 Mod 0 with proximity fuze sensing element M20 for either airburst or impact functioning. Add itional components not list ed here in are furnished wit h each bomb for assembly purposes. 2-51 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 TAIL WIND CAP ~ • FUZE IGNITER f FIN BLADE FILLER CAP~ • \ TAIL SECTION ARM ING WIRE ASSEMBLY \ • • • FUZE IGNITER LOCK PIN . • NOSE SECTION • NOSE WIND CAP ORO 01143 Fi gure 2-37. Bomb, fire: 1 ,000-pound, M K79 Mod 1, cutaway view. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 2-26. Bomb, Fire: 750-Pound, BLU-1 /B and BLU-1 B/8 • • ORO 01144 Figure 2-38. Bomb, fire: BLU series. Tabl e 2-30. Bomb, Fire: 750-Pound, BLU-1 I B Model__ _________ __ __ _______ _ • Length Assembled (in.) __ __ ____ Diameter Body (in .) ___ __ ______ Weight of Assembled Bomb (lb) . Filler C!!iJacity (gal) _____ _____ Filler Weight (lb) __ ______ _____ Fuze_________ __ ________ _____ • Initiator. ____________ ________ Cable Assembly___ ______ ______ Igniter________ ___ ____ __ ___ ___ *Actual figure de pend s on filler used . BLU-1/ B 130.0 18.5 697-873* !J0-100* 615-790* Napalm FMU-7/ B or FMU-7 A/ B (2 required) FMU-7/ B or FMl-7 A/ 13 FMU-7/ B or FMU-7 A/ B AN -M23Al (2 required) a. D escription. The BLU-1I B and BLU-lBI B • • 750-pound fire bombs (figs. :.h38, 2-3H and table 2-::w) are designed for cxtcmal C'a rriagc on highperformance ai rcraft with forc·cd-ejcct ion release systems. They arc c·onstruc·tcd of aluminum with rcinfon:ed arens for sway brac·ing and airc· raft forced cjcrtion. The bomb body c·onsists of three major sec·tions: the nose, c·cnt.cr, and tail IYhich arc nested with the supplemental eomponents to obtain a high density paekagc. :\ Leta! <'omponents and special assembly tools for l~ incliviclual bombs are pa<'kagcd for shipmen t and storage in one hermetically-sealed, reusable, rylindrical metal eontainer. .• FMU-7/B FUZE AN-M23Al WP IGNITER INITIATOR ASSEMBLY AN-M23A1 WP IGNITER FMU-7 / B FUZE ORO 01145 Figure 2-39. Bomb, fire: BLU series (components). b. Differences Between the BL'C-1 IB and Earlier Type Fire Bombs. U:~like earlier types of fire • bombs, the BLU-1I B utilizes electrically-armed impact fuzes which require a cable assembly to utilize p011·er generated by a thermal battery in the initiator. End caps are used in the BLU-1I B instead of nose caps and tail cones and there are significant overall size and \\·eight differences. In addition, t he fuze system has an arming delay of .3 to 1.1 seconds. c. Differences Between BLl: 1Bl B and BLC-1 I B . The fire bomb BLU-1BI B differs from the BLU-l i B in that it has a beam assembly (hard back) whic·h is extruded rather than cast, and an initiator TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 adapter which is designed to pre1·ent napalm from leaking into thf' initiator ,,·ell. In addition , it has ne1rly designed suspension lugs which allo1r sufficient clearance for the initiator ,,·hen the bomb is loaded on an aircraft. Otherwise, the h1·o bombs are identical and are packaged , stored, and assembled in the same manner. 2-27. Bomb, Fire: 250-Pound, BLU-10/B and BLU-10A/B Table 2-81. Bomb, Fire: 250-Pound, BLU-10/ B and BLU-10A / B ModeL _____________________ BLU-10/ B, BLV-10A/ B Length of Assembled Bomb (in.)_ 88.0 Diameter of Bomb (in.) ________ 12.5 Filler___ _____________________ Napalm Weight of Complete Round (Ib)_ 250.0 Filler (gal) ___________________ 33.0 Filler Weight (lb) ___ __________ 211 .0 Fuze ________________________ FMU-7/B or FMU-7A; B (2 required) Initiator. ____________________ FMU-7/B or Fl\IU-7A/ B Cable Assembly _______________ FMU-7/B or FMU-7A/ B Igniter_______________________ AN-M23A1 (2 required ) a. Descri ption. The BLU-10/ B and the BLU10A/ B 250-pound anti-personnel and materiel bombs (table 2-31) are smaller versions of the BLU-1 / B (para 2-26). In addition, they have an initiator adapter 1rhich is designed to preYent napalm from leaking into the initiator 1rell. Otherwise, the bombs are similar to the BL"G-1 / B and are assembled and stored in the same manner. The bomb consists of three major sections: the nose, the center, and the tail, which are nested with the supplemental components to obtain a high density package. :.retal components and special assembly tools for 16 individual bombs are packaged for shipment and storage in reusable, hermeticallysealed containers . b. Differences Between BL~--lOA/B and BL"C10/B Bombs. The BLU-10A/ B bomb has an extended open-type hard back. Othemise it is identical to the BLU-10/ B bomb. 2-28. Bomb, Fire: 500-Pound, BLU-11 /B Table 2 -82. Bomb, Fire: 500-Pound, BLU-11 / B ModeL ______________________ BLU-11/B Length of Assembled Bomb (in.)_ 110.0 Diameter of Body (in.)________ 18.6 Weight of Complete Round (Ib)_ 502.0 Filler________________________ Napalm Filler (ga l) ____ ____ ___ ___ _____ 65.0 • Tabl e 2-32. Bomb, Fire: .500-Pound , BLU-1 1 I B-Continued Filler \\'e ight (!h) _____________ H2.0 :\ose ---__________________ ___ AX-:'11173.-\.1* :'11173* • TaiL ___________________ _____ .-\:\-:'II173A1* :'1117:3* Igniter_ ___ ___________________ A::\T-:'1123:\1* :'1123* (2 required) *Xote. Igniter AN-:1123.-\l i> compatible with bomb fuze AN-:11173.-\l ouly. Igniter ;1!23 is compatible with bomb fuze :1!173 only. The 500-pound fire bomb BLU-1 1/ B (table 2-32), is a modified Yersion of fire bomb }.I116Al. The cente r section of BLU-11/ B is 25 inches shorte r than the center section of }.I116Al. Otherwise, the bombs are similar and are assembled and stored in the same 1my. 2-29. Bomb, Fire: 500-Pound, BLU-23/B • Table 2-83. Bomb, Fire: 500-Pottnd, BLU-23/B ModeL ____ _________________ BLU-23/ B Length of Assembled Bomb (in.)_ 119.0 Diameter of Body (in. )___ _____ 15.75 Weight of Assembled Bomb (I b)_ 490.0 Filler_ __________________ __ ___ Napalm • Filler (gal) ____________ _______ 67.0 Filler Weight (lb) _____________ 430.0 Fuze_______ ___ _________ _____ FMU-7/ B or FMU-7A/ B (2 required) Initiator--_____ ___ ___ ______ __ FMU-7B or FMU-7A/B Cable A, sembly ___ ____________ Fi:IIU-7B or FMU-7A/B Igniter__________ _____________ AN-M23A1 (2 required) a. D escrip tion. The BLU-23/B, 500-pound fire bomb (table 2-33) is a smaller version of the BLU1/ B (para 2-26). In addition, it has an initiator adapter added which is designed to prevent napalm from leaking into the initiator well. Otherwise, • the bombs are identical and are assembled and stored in the same manner. b. Components. The bomb consists of three major sections: the nose, the center, and the tail which are nested with the supplemental components to •. obtain a high-densi ty package. :.Ietal components and special assembly tools for 20 individual bombs are packaged for shipment and storage in reusable, hermetically-sealed containers. 2-30. Bomb, Fire: 750-Pound, BLU-27/B Table 2-84. Bomb, Fire: ?'50-Pound, BLU-271B • ModeL _____________________ BLU-27/ B Length of Assembled Bomb (in. )_ 130.0 Diameter of Body (in.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18.5 Weight of Assembled Bomb (Ib)_ 873.0 Filler (gal) ___________________ 100.0 • Table.?-34. Bomb, Fire: 7.50-Po!lnd, BLu -27/B-Continued • Filler_ _________ ___ ___________ Filler "·eight (Ib) __ ___________ Fuze. __ -------------------- • Initiatcr. ______ __ ___________ _ Cable As embly _______________ Igniter__ ____ _________________ Xapalm-B 790.0 F:\11::-7/ B or F:\IU-7..\ / B (2 required) F:\Ir-7/ B or F:\1l--7A / B F:\IC-7/ B or F:\11::-iA / B AX-:\123..\.1 (2 required) a. D escrip tion. The 750-pound fire bomb BLu27/ B (tab le 2-3-.1:) is a "·elded ,-ersion of fire bomb BLU-lB/ B (para 2-26) . The bomb is assembled, \\·elded, filled, and packaged at the factory. Therefore, there are no applicable field assembly procedures as in the nested models of other fire bombs. • b. Filler. The standard filling for this bomb is napalm-B for "·hich there is presently no field filling and transfer capability . c. Differences B etween BLL'-27/ Band BLL'-lB/ B . • The other prin cipal differences beh,·een this bomb and the earlier BLU-lB/ B are that the ne\\·er model has modified filler caps; the fuze cable is assembled to the bomb at time of manufacture, and the aft bulkhead is reyersed \\·ith the flange pointing reanmrd. • . • • TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 2-31. Bomb, Fire: 500-Pound, BLU-32/B Table 2-35. Bomb, Fire: 500-Po!lnd, BLU-32/ B :\lodeL _____________________ _ BLl.i-32/ B Length of Assembled Bomb (in.) _ 119.0 Diameter of Body (in. ) _____ ___ 15.75 Weight of Assembled Bomb (I b) _ 5 9.0 Filler______________________ __ X apalm-B Filler (ga l) __ _________________ 67.0 Filler\Yeight (lb) __ ___________ _ 529.0 Fuze ________________________ F:\1tT-7/ B or FMU-7A/B (2 required ) Initiator __________________ ___ F:\IU-7/ B or F:\IU-7A/ B Cable .-\ssembly ___ ____________ F:\IG-7/ B or F:\IU-7A/ B Igniter_ ___ _______ ______ ___ __ _ .-\.~-:\123.-\.1 (2 required) a. Description. The 500-pound fire bomb BLU32/ B (table 2-35) is a welded version of fire bomb BLU-23/ B. The bomb is assembled, \\·elded, filled, and pac ·aged at the factory. Therefore, there are no applicable field assembly procedures as in the nested models of the other fire bombs. b. Filler . The standard filling for this bomb is napalm-B for \\-hich there i presently no field filling and transfer capability. c. Di.tferences B etween BLl.:-32/ B and BLt·23/ B. This bomb differs from the earlier BLU23/ B in that the filler caps haYe been modified and the fuze cable is assembled to the bomb at time of manufact ure. • .. TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Section VI. SMOKE BOMBS 2-32. General • whi<'h is a make-producing agent. White phos SmokP bombs arp gPnerally used for S(')'eening purpose: to <'OJH·eal eombat areas, thP moYemen t of troops and ships, for marking targets, and for anti-per:;onnel effet't. The standard filling for thesP hombs is plasticized \\·hite phosphorus ( PWP ), IN 1-+-------52.6 . f 8.0 IN. • • •. ORD 01146 Figure 2-40. Bomb, Smoke: PTVP or lVP, 100-pound, AN-M47A4 • phorus (\V P) ha, a mild incendiary effect and will set fi re to materials having a low kindling point, sur h a:; (·lathing, dry brush, paper, canvas, etc. 2-33. Bomb, Smoke: PWP or WP, 1 00-Pound, AN-M47A4 • --------1•1 • • Table 2-.'36. Bomb, Smoke: PWP or WP, tOO-Pound, AN-M4 7A4 ModeL ____ ________ ___ _____ __ AN-M47 A4 • Length of Assembled Bomb (in. ) _ 52.G Diameter of Body (i n.) ________ R.O Weight of Assembled Bomh (lb ): Filled with PWP__________ 105.0 Filled with WP ___________ 131.0 Filler Weight (lh): PWP____ _______ __ ___ ____ 74.0 WP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 100.0 Fuze ____ _________ __ __ _______ AN-Ml59 AN-M l26A l Burster: PWP___ __ ______ _____ ____ AN -M20 WP ___ _____ ____ _________ ~118 Arming-Wire Assembly ________ C5 or M2 • a. Description. Smoke bomb AN-l\147A-! (fi g. 2-40 and table 2-3G) is approximately 52.5G i1whes long and weighs approximately 105 pounds when filled with PWP and approximately ~ ~~ I pounds when filled with WP . It is approx imately 8.50 im·hcs in diameter and has a rounded nose, a trunc • ated conieal tail section, a nd a fixed tail fin. The complete round eonsists of a bomb body, filler, a burster, a fuze, and an a rming wire. Smoke bomb AN-M47A4 is esse ntially the same as incendiary bomb AN-l\1147A:~ execpt for t he filler , the burster, and the suspension lugs, which arc of heav ier construction in bomb AN -l\l47A4. (1) Body. The bomb body is made of sheet steel. A burster well , whi<"h is a metal t ube dosed at one end, extends t he full length of the bomb. It is installed in t he bomb during manufacture. A threaded • •· TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 hole in t he nose end of t he bomb receives t he fu ze. During shipm ent., t he hol e is closed by a nose plug . Two suspe nsion bands with suspension lugs at t.hc top arc d a mped a round the body by IT).achinP sc rews . The tail fin , which has fou r vanes, is welded to t he tail sect ion during manufacture. (2) Filler. The bomb is filled during manufacture with eithe r 7-! pounds of PWP or 100 pounds of WP. (:~) Burster. A burster A T-:\12!) is used in a bomb filled with PWP; a burster :\118 is used in a bomb filled with WP. The burster is installed in t he bomb during assembly . (4) Fuze. The preferred fuze is nose bomb fuz e AN-l\115!). Nose bomb fuze Al'\:\1 126A l is an authorized alte m atc. The fuze is shipped sepa rately and is installed in t he bomb during assembly . (5) Arming wire. Arming wire C:) is used \rith this bomb. b. Ftmc tioning. Functioning of a fuze and a bur·ster shatters the bomb on impact., dispersing the agent in buming part.ic·les over a wide area. The partides are ignited spontaneously by atmospherie oxygen ami produce a dense wh ite smoke . c. DWerenccs. An earli er model of bomb AN'i\l47A4 was the AI\'-i\l-t7A:~. The two bombs are ident ical excep t that the AI\' -:\1-!7A~3 has more lightly-eo nstru<"ted s uspension Jugs and is authorized for filling with PWP only. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Section VII. 2-34. General Gas bombs are used to produ ce easualties among personnel and for purposes of area de nial. The standard toxic filler for gas bombs is GB, a nonpersistent chemical agent. 2-35. Bomb, Gas: Nonpersistent, GB, 10-Pound, M125A 1 Figure 2-41. Bomb, gas: nonpersistent, GB, 10-pound, M125A1. ARMING BAR --2 pounds sembly M52 is used with gas bomb MC-1. of composition B (14) and closed by metal Arming-wire assembly M52 is a type E end caps (12). It is installed in the two-branch arming wire with a swivel-type burster ·.tube when the complete round loop. One branch of the arming wire is is assembled. 37 in ches long; the other is 40 inches long. • (5) Adapter-boosters. Adapters-booster M126-b. Functioning. The fuzes arm when the bomb A1 (T45E1) is used with the nose fuze is released from the aircraft. When the bomb and adapter-booster T46E4 is used with impacts, the fuzes function and detonate the the tail fuze. adapter-boosters which in turn detonate the burster. (6) Fuzes . Gas bomb MC-1 uses nose fuze The burster ruptures the bomb body and disseminM904 Series and tail fuze M905. The tail ates the filler. • fuze is armed by drive assembly M44 c. Downwind Vapor Dosages. The downwind which fits into the modified access hole vapor dosages (table 2-40) which can be expected cover in the fin assembly. when GB is released from a nonpersi tent gas (7) Coupling assembly. Flexible coupling as-bomb are listed in table 2-40. 4 5 • • 16 15 14 13 12 11 ORO 01150 • 1 Noseplug 7 Closing plug 12 End cap2 Gasket 8 Retainer ring 13 Burster 3 Filler (GB) 9 Threaded hole 14 Composition D explosive 4 Suspension lug inserts 10 Baseplate 15 Burster tube 5 Alignment pin 11 Fuze well 16 Fuze well 6 Plug bushing Figure 2-45. Bomb, gas: nonpersistent, GB, 750-pound, MC-1, cutaway view • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 2-40. Dou·nu·ind Vapor Dosages T em perature gradient (° F.) D o wnwind Type of expos ure Wind D o age Source Strength distance from (!\!PH) (1\IG MIN/ l\1') pounds gallons point o f sou rce Lapse In ve rsion (miles) • Threshold________________ 5 2 10 1.2 -1 0.57 Mild Incapacitation _______ 5 15 10 1.2 -1 0.2 Threshold _____________ - 5 3 10 1.2 3.1 ------------+1 Mild Incapacitance __ _____ 5 15 10 1.2 +1 0.8 Mild Incapacitance __ ____-5 15 100 12 . 0 +2 8.0Lethal_____ ______________ • 5 100 100 12.0 1.7 ------------+2 • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Section VIII. MISCELLANEOUS BOMBS 2-38. General • Missile cluster adapters, aircraft depth bombs, leaflet bombs, and photoflash bombs are classified as "miscellaneous" because their physical and functional characteristics are such that these items • • • FUZE WELL • do not lend themselves to grouping in other catagories. 2-39. Adapter, Cluster: Missile, MK44 Figure 2-46. Adapter, cluster: missile, MK44. Table 2-41. Adapter, Cltu;ter: Missile, MK44 ~ode!_____ ______ ________ ____ ~]{44 Length of Assembled Cluster 69.9 (in.) .• Weight of Assembled Bomb (lb) _ Varies from 560.0 to 625.0 Diameter of Body (in.) ______ __ 14.18 Filler________________________ Anti-Personnel Missiles Arming " -ire Assembly________ l\1]{1 Mod 0 Fin Assembly___ _________ _____ Integral Fuze_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ AN-M146A1 • M907 a. Description. ~Lissile duster adapter (fig. 2-46 and table 2-41) is an anti-personnel munition ''"hich physically resembles a 500-pound general purpose bomb. The body (fig. 2-46) is a hollow shell with the entire upper half actit'lg as a lid which is hinged at the base of the conical tail fin assembly. The filler consists of a large quantity of small, solid missiles having ''"inged tail assemblies. The missiles are contained in paper sacks. A conical tail fin is "·elded to the lo"·er half of the cluster. The suspension lugs are spaced 14 inches apart. This bomb is shipped and stored empty and is loaded with missiles as required. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • t • ORO 01 152 • Figure 2-47. Adapter, cluster: missile, MK44, with lid turned back. b. Functioning. The functioning of the missile submarines in particular. The bomb case contains cluster adapter is effected by the use of a mecha bursting charge of HBX, HBX-1, or TNT which anical-time fuze in the nose. After the cluster has represents approximately 70 percent of the total • been released and time delay has occurred, the fuze weight. The cylindrical case has a flat nose which functions, causing the top half of the adapter to reduces ricochet upon impact. The bomb functions open, allowing the missiles to disperse immediately at a predetermined depth, dependent upon the and drop to earth. setting of the hydrostatic fuze assembled to the bomb. Generally, depth bombs are fuzed with 2-40. Aircraft Depth Bombs (ADB) hydrostatic tail fuzes only, but provisions are also . • made for nose fuzing in the event that surface The aircraft depth bomb , similar to a lightcase detonation may be desired for certain tactical bomb, is designed for use against underwater targets, conditions. • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • 2-41. Bomb, Depth: 300-Pound, AN-MK54 Mod 1 • . • • 1 13 .88 IN. 16.44 IN. • ORD Dl153 Figure 2-1,8. Bomb, depth: 300-pound, AN-A![{51, ltfod 1. • Table 2-42. Bomb, Depth: 300-Pound, AN-Ml\51, Mod I ModeL ___________________ ___ AN-MK54 Mod 1 Length of Assembled Bomb (in.)_ 54.6 Diameter of Body (in.) ______ __ Fin Span (in.) ________________ Filler Weight (lb):TNT____________________ • HBX or HBX-L ______ ___ Weight of Fin Assembly (lb) ___ _ Weight of Assembled Bomb (lb): Loaded with TNT ________ Loaded with HBX or HBX-1. Arming-Wire Assembly ________ • Arming Bracket_______________ Auxiliary Booster_ ______ ____ __ Nose Fuze_ __________________ 13.5 13.88 225.5 248.0 19.5 323.8 346.3 MK1 or AN-l\16A2 MKl Mod 0 MIG Mod 0 (2 required) M904E1 M904E2 AN-M103Al AN-M139Al Table 2-42. Bomb, Depth: SOD-Pound, AN-M1\54 Mod 1 -Continued AN-M 140A1 M163 M164 M165 Tail Fuze _-------------------AN-MK230 Mods 4, 5, 6 This tail-fu;;r,ed depth bomb (figs. 2-48 and 2-49, and table 2-42) has a flat nose and thin \\"ails and is generally used against under\\"ater targets. The flat nose reduces ricochet upou \\"ater impact. The depth of detonation is determined by the setting of the hydrostatic tail fuze. It may also be nose fuzed for use against surfaced and land targets. Two suspension lugs are "·elded to the body I-tinches apart and a single suspension lug is located diametrically opposite. Tapped holes are provided • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 for attaching hoisting lugs \rhirh may be needed for both fuzes installed, the aircraft depth bomb may • the handling of the hom b. These holes are cloRed he selectively armed by releasing one of the arming with special plugs. Approximately 70 percent of wires with the bomb. Depth set.tings are made prior the weight of the bomb is high-explosive filler. With to flight. • • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • • • • • Figure 2-49. Bomb, depth: 300-pound AN-MK5J,. Mod 1, cutaway view. • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 2-42. Leaflet Bombs time fuze 1rhic-h causes the bomb to open before impac-t and disperse the lea flets. Leaflet bombs are used to distribute literature from an aircraft. The bombs are issued empty and unfuzed. Prior to loading in the aircraft, the bomb 2-43. Bomb, Leaflet: 750-Pound, M 129E1 is packed \rith leaflets and fuzed 11·ith a mechanical- Table 2-43. Bomb, L eaflet: /50-Pound, M129El ModeL ______________________ ~1129E1 Length of Assembled Bomb (in .)_ 90.0 Diameter of Body (in.)__ __ _ _ _ _ 16.0 Fin Assembly____ __ ___________ M48 (Tl76E1) Fin Span (in .) ______ _____ _____ 22.8 Weight of Empty Bomb (lb) ____ 92.0 Weight of Assembled Bomb (lb)_ Varies with weight of leaflet paper Arming-Wire Assembly________ l\131 (or made from bulk stock depending on aircraft) Fuze ______ ___ _________ ______ AN-l\114~Al, M909 w/ nose vane T5E2 Adapter Booster_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T59 a. Description. This bomb (fig. 2-50 and table 2-43) is an aimable-cluster type and has an external configuration which is similar in appearance to the 750-pound new series general purpose bomb. It is designed for either internal or external carriage on aircraft. The bomb body (fig. 2-51) is made of fiberglass-reinforced plastic. It is split longitudinally into two sections which are held together by four latches on each side. When joined, these halves form a cylindrical bomb body with an ogival-shaped nose. The fuze well is located in the nose of the bomb. No provision is made for a tail fuze. The bomb is shipped and stored empty; it is loaded with bundles of leaflets as required. ORD Dl155 Figure 2-50. Bomb, leaflet: 750-pound, Al1 E9E1. b. D~fferences. Leaflet bomb l\1129 is an earlier model of the M129El. The only difference between the two models is that the :Ml29E1 has a larger reinforcing plate (strongback) mounted on top to provide better reinforcement against ejection forces and to \Yithstand pylon sway-brace torque. 2-44. Photoflash Bombs Photoflash bombs are essentially pyrotechnic items but are classified with explosive bombs because of their explosive nature and because they resemble explosive bombs in appearance and use. Photoflash bombs are thinwalled bombs designed to burst in air to produce a light of high intensity for night photography. Photoflash bombs (figs. 2-52 and 2-53) have round cylindri cal bodies and all use mechanical time nose fuzes. They range in weight from 100 to 150 pounds. The bomb cases are loaded with either a charge of photographic flash powder or metal alloy dust representing approximately 45 or 75 percent of the total bomb weight. The metal-dust type of bomb produces a greater cand lepower and is more resistant to detonation by bullet or flak penetration. Photoflash bombs are fin-stabilized and may be equipped with a drag plate and spoiler ring (fig. 2-53) or trail angles to provide a favorable trajectory. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 LEAFLETS • • • _______:_:______________~__:_______________________________CORD 01156 Figure 2-51. Bomb, leaflet: 750-pound , M129E1, w/lid removed. • • • ORO 01157 Figure 2-52. Typical photoflash bomb. 2-45. Bomb, Photoflash: 100-Pound, M122 Table 2-44. Bomb, Photoflash: 100-Pound, M1 22-Continued • Arming-Wire Assembly________ M6A2, MK 1 Table 2-44. Bomb, Photoflash: 100-Pound, M122 Trail Plate Kit _____ __________ M42Al Trail Angle Kit_ ______________ M43 Model _______________________ Ml22 Length (in .) __________________ 55.8 a. Description. Bomb M122 (figs . 2-52 and Diameter of Body (in.) _______ _ 10.6 2-53, and table 2-44) is a round-nosed cylindrical • Peak Intensity (Candlepower) ___ 26,000,000 Weight of Filler (lb) ___________ 75.0 bomb. It is used to provide illumination for aerial Weight of Assembled Bomb (!b)_ 107.0 night photography. Fuze______ ______ ____________ M147Al or M909 w /nose b. Components. The body is adapted for a nose vane T5E2 Burster_ _____________________ M126, M126Al fuze and is shipped with the fin assembly attached. Fin Assembly _________ __ ______ M125Al Two suspension bands are provided for double hook 2-71 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 FIN ASSEMBLY • • • • • ---FLASH CHARGE • FUZE SEAT LINER BOOSTER CHARGE • ORD 01316 Figure 2-53. Typical photoflash bomb, cutaway view. suspension. A burster, issued separately, is asd. Functioning. Upon impact of the bomb with sembled in the bomb case before the bomb is the target, the burster a ids in exploding the bom b. • loaded. The burster extends from the nose fuze It scatters the bomb body and ignites the photowell to the base plug. flash powder. c. Filler. A minimum of 75 pounds of photoflash 2-46. Bomb, Photoflash: 150-Pound, M120A1 powder is loaded in the bomb through an access hole in the rear position of the body. a. Description. Bomb M120Al (figs. 2-52 and • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • SPOILER RING • • • Figure 2-54. Typical photoflash bomb w/drag plate, spoiler ring, and trail plate . • 2-53 and table 2-45) develops a peak intensity of 4.1 billion candlepower with an average light output of 9.2 million candlepower-seconds in the first 0.04 second at altitudes up to 43,000 feet. The bomb is cylindrical in shape with a short, ogival nose. It is filled with photoflash powder, and contains a booster charge for bursting the bomb. • b. Components. The bom b is stabilized in flight by a box type tail fin. A trail plate and trail angle kit (fig. 2-54) is used when a trajectory angle other than that produced by the normal fin configuration is desired. Their use is dependent on the altitude of release, speed of aircraft, trail angle, • and height of burst. The fin assembly is modified by having three holes drilled in each side to permit assembly of a drag plate. c. Differences . The M120Al differs from the earlier model Ml20 in its greater peak intensity (3.4 billion candlepower for the M1 20) . It a lso has larger particles of some of the increments in the photoflash powder, which increases the weight of the loaded bomb. Both bombs have greater resistance to bullet and flak penetration than former types. Table 2-45 . Bomb, Photoflash: 150-Pound, M120A1 ~ode!_______________________ ~120A1 Length of Assembled Bomb (in .)_ 50.0 Diameter of Body (in.) ________ Peak Intensity (Candlepower) __ Weight of Filler (Ib) ___________ Weight of Assembled Bomb (Ib)_ Fuze ________________________ Burster _________________ _____ Fin Assembly____ _____________ Arming-Wire Assembly ________ Trail Plate Kit______________ _ Trail Angle Kit_______________ 8.0 4.4 billion 82.0 168.0 ~907 or AN-~146A1 ~126, ~126A1 ~125A1 ~6A2, ~K1 ~42A1 ~43 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Section IX. PRACTICE BOMBS 2-47. Practice Bombs Practice hombs are used for target practice and the training of bombing crews, and are designed to simulate service bombs. Practice bombs have various methods of spotting their points of impact. One type provides a colored target on snow covered ranges. Others function so that the firing pin detonates a blank .38 caliber cartridge on impact, causing the signal to fire . The explosion of the 2.5 IN . signal produces a flash and a large puff of smoke, pr.rmitting observation of bombing accuracy. Under • freez ing conditions, practice bombs that are filled with water or with a mixture of water and sand ' have antifreeze added to prevent bursting of the bomb case caused by freezing of the filler. 2-48. Bomb, Practice: Miniature, 3-Pound, f MKS Mods 2 and 3 • • • • • ORO 0 1159 Fi gure 2-55. Bomb, practice: miniature, 3-pound, AN-MK23, Mod 1. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 2-46. Bomb, Practice: Miniature, 3-lb, MK5 Mods 2 and 3; Bomb, Practice: Miniature, 3-lb, AN-IIfK23 Mod 1; Bomb, Practice: Miniature, 3-lb, MK43 Mod 1 . • Mark Mod Length of Assembled Bomb (in.) ______________________________________ _ Diameter of Body (in.) ________________ _______________________________ _ Fin Span (in.) _______________________________________________________ _ Weight: Without Signal (lb) ______________________________________________ _ With MK4 Signal (Ib) ___________________________________________ _ With MK5 Signal (lb) _____________________ ______________________ _ Firing-Pin Assembly _______ _________ ________ _____________ ____________ _ Signal-------------------------------------------------------------- • a. Description. Miniature practice bombs (MPB) MK5 Mods 2 and 3 (figs. 2-55 and 2-56, and table 2-46), the MPB AN-MK23 Mod 1, and MPB MK43 Mod 1 are similar in physical appearance, • but differ basically in the metal used to cast the body. Bomb MK5 is manufactured from zinc alloy and weighs the least of the three bombs. • • • • MK5 2 and 3 8.3--------- 2.2 __________ 2.5_ -------- 2.56--------2:68_------- 2.62 _________ MIO Modo __ MK4 Mods ___ or MK5 Mod 0 __ AN-MK 23 'MK43 8.3----------8.3 2.2_---------2.2 2.5----------2.5 2.87---------4.31 3.00 ____ _____ 4.43 2.94_--------4.37 Ml{l Mod o_ MKl Mod 0 MK4 Mods __ MK4 Mods or or MK5 Mod o_ MK5 Mod 0 Bomb AN-MK23 is made of cast iron. Bomb MK43 is manufactured from cast lead and is the heaviest of the three bombs. The cast body has a bore throughout its transverse axis which houses a signal and firing-pin assembly. Four fins are cast integrally with t he bomb body. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 SHROUD FIRING PIN A SSEMBLY • • BOMB BODY • FLUO RESCEIN DYE SIGNAL • • ORO 011 60 Figure 2-56. Bomb, practice: miniature, 3-pound, AN-MK23 Mod 1, cutaway view. b. Use. Miniature practice bomb MK5 is used for bombing practice on armored-deck target boats. Bomb AN-MK23 is authorized for all bombing practice except that involving armored-deck target boats. MPB MK43 is used for low altitude, horizontal or dive bombing and on armored-deck target boats. Bombs MK5, AN-MK23 , and MK43 are used with the MK4 signal. These bombs also are used with the MK5 signal which cont ains a fluorescein dye and is actuated by impact on water. When the MK5 signal is installed, the firing pin • assembly is not used. Special containers are utilized by aircraft to carry and release these bombs. c. Functioning. The firing pin assembly fires the signal which expels a large puff of smoke rearward through the base of the bomb. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 2-49. Bomb, Practice, 5-Pound, MK106 Mod 0 p¥¥44& &tW&M44£.7£8t&£ 41 Zt &D &tJC f JiG " -» X Q Q1f&!4 • I 3.875 IN . • _j ORO 01161 Figure 2-57. Bomb, practice: 5-pound, MK106 Mod 0. • Table 2-47 . Bomb, Practic e: 5-Pound, MK106 Mod 0 ~ark ____ __________ __________ 106 ~od _______ ____ ___________ ___ 0 Length of Assembled Bomb 18 .75 (in.). • Diameter of Body (in.) _______ _ 3.875 Fin Span (in.)_---------------3.875 Weight of Assembled Bomb (!b)_ 4.56 SignaL______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~K4 ~od 3 Fuze ________________________ ~173 (modified ) a. Description. Practice bomb MK106 Mod 0 (fig. 2-57 and table 2-47) is a thin-cased , cylindrical bomb. It is composed of a bomb body assembly, a • practice bomb signal MK4 Mod 3, and a modified fuze assembly M173. The bomb body (fig. 2-58) is composed of an inner cylinder, and outer cylinder, and a fin assembly . The inner cylinder is composed of two seamless steel tubes ; one is smaller in diam • eter and is partially inserted into the larger and welded in position. The inner cylinder has internal threads on the forward end for receiving fuze assembly M 173. It also forms the base fo r the outer cylinder and fin assembly. The outer cylinder is fabricated of sheet steel. It is suspended on the forward end of the inner cylinder by two sheetsteel supports which are welded to both the inner and outer cylinders. A box fin assembly consisting of four metal vanes welded together is welded to the aft end of the inner cylinder. The bomb has two %-inch indexing holes drilled into the body 2 inches forward of the center of gravity. These holes accommodate dispenser aero SA. b. Use. This bomb is designed for low altitude drops. Modified fuze assembly M173, consisting of an adapter and the fuze M173 less booster, is installed in the nose of t he bomb. The fuze is fully armed by anemometer vanes after completing 220 feet of air t ravel. When the fuze is armed, impact forces from any direction will cause instantaneous detonation of the fuze which, in turn, fires the signal. Practice bomb signal MK4 Mod 3 is seated in the inner cylinder of one bomb body. c. Functioning . When the bomb impacts with the target, the fuze functions and causes detonation of the signal. Smoke produced from the detonated signal is discharged rearward through an inner cylinder in the bomb body. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • BOMB BODY • ARMING WIRE • FAHNESTOCK CLIP ORD 01162 Figure 2-58. Bomb, practice: 5-pound MK106 Mod 0, cutaway view. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • 2-50. Bomb, Practice, 25-Pound, MK76 Mod 2 • INDEXING HOLE • • • MOD 2 ORD Dl163 Figure 2-59. Bomb, practice: 25-pound MK76 Mod 2. Table 2-48. Bomb, Practice MK7'6 Mod 2 • 11ark________________________ 11od_______________ _________ _ Length of Bomb (in.)_ ________ _ Diameter of Body (in.) Weight of Bomb (lb) __________ SignaL ______________________ Fuze. __ --------------------Firing-Pin Assembly __ _____ ____ • a. Description. Practice 76 2 22.5 23.70 11K4 11od 3 Not used MIG Mod 0 bomb MK76 Mod 2 (fig. 2-59 and table 2-48) has a tear-drop shaped , cast metal body which is centrally bored. The tail-tube assembly fit s into the end of the bore. The conical afterbody covers the tail-tube assembly and • is threaded to the body. The two sections are staked together to prevent unscrewing. The fin assembly is welded to the tail tube. Firing pin assembly MIG Mod 0 and the signal are asse mbled into the bore of the body and secured in place by a safe t y (cotter) pin. In the Mod 0 a single lug is positioned just forward of the center of gravity of the bomb . Some bombs of early manufacture have a suspe nsion lug with a small opening which precludes use of the bomb on shackle MK8, all Mods , or Aero 14 and 15 series racks . However, later manufacture provided lugs with a larger opening that permits bomb use on the above shackles or racks. b. Functioning. The firing pin asse mbly fires the signal, discharging smoke rearward through the central tube. TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11 -1-28 2-51 . Bomb, Practice, 56-Pound, MK89 Mods 0 and 1 O RO 0 11 64 Figure 2-60. Bomb, practice: 56-pound, MK89 Mods 0 and 1. Table 2-49. Bomb, Practice: MK 89 Mods 0 and 1 89 89 Mark 0 Mod ---------------------------------------------------1------- Length of Bomb (in.): Assembled with Firing Pin_______ _______________________________________ _________ 31.3 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31.3 Assembled with Fuze______________________________________________________ ______ None_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 32.9 Diameter of Body (in.)______________________________________________________________ 4.0_ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ 4.0 Fin Span (in.)______________________________________________________________________ 6.63_ _ _ _ __ __ _ 6.63 Distance between Suspension Lugs Center-to-Center (in.) ________________________________ 14.0 _________ 14.0 Weight of Bomb (!b): Assembled with Firing Pin _______________________________________________________ 56.6 _________ 56.6 Assembled with Fuze Al\'-M146AL__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ None________ 57.3 MK4 Mod 3 _ MK4 Mod 3 Practice Bomb SignaL______________________________________________________________ Firing-Pin AssemblY -----------------------------------------------------------------MICl Mod 0_ Ml(l Mod 0 Fuze--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AN-Ml46Al a. Description. Practice bomb :\II\:89 :\Iod 0 iron body is slender with a long, pointed nose. The (fig. 2-60 and table 2--19) is a low-drag (sub-caliber) conical fin assembly is of welded sheet metal or practice bomb, similar in shape to the low-drag cast aluminum-magnesium construction. The tail series of general purpose service bombs. The cast fins are canted 2 degrees to impart spin to the bomb 2-80 • .. .. • • • • • for the purpose of obtaining repeated consistent trajectories. Practice bomb signal :\11<4 :\foci :~ is installed in the forward end of the bomb (fig. 2-61). The smoke produced by the detonated signal i discharged rearward through the tail fin. Practice bomb l\1K89 Mod 0 is designed for impart firing. Firing pin MIG Mod 0 detonates the signal on impact with land or water. Practice bomb MK89 Mod 1 is designed for impact or airburst firing, and the signal used is detonated by a firing pin or a fuze. A removable nose-bushing provides t his dual capability. For impact firing, the bomb • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 is a sembled with the hushing installed, sec ured by a setscrew. Firing pin :\IKl :\lod 0 fits within the bushing and is held there by a safety (cotter) pin. Both :\Iods of practice bomb :\IK89 have three threaded holes equally-spaced over a 1-l-inch span on the bomb body . These holes receive suspension lugs or shipping plugs. In some applications, suspension lugs are installed in the two outer holes; in other applications, when the bomb is to be used in a dispenser, a suspension lug is installed in all three holes. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • " • .. • • • • ORD 011 65 Figure 2-6 1. Bomb, practice: 56-pound, MK89 Mods 0 and 1, cutaway. b. Functioning. The firing-pin assembly fires signal in the Mod 1. Smoke from t he signal IS the signal in the Mod 0. The time fuze fires the discharged rearward through the central tube. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 2-52. Bomb, Practice: 100-Pound, MK 15 Mods 2, 3 and 4 • MOD 2 • 1.1 111!1 • ,,, 1111 MOD 3 If-··---------- 41.5 IN. --------------~ MOD4 ORO 01166 • Figure 2-62. Bomb, practice: 100-pound, llfK15 Mods 2, 3, and 4. Table 2-50. Bomb, Practice: 100 Potmd, MK15 Mods 2, 3, and 4 Mark 15 15 15 Mod 2 3 4 • Length of Assemb led Bomb (in .) _______ __ 41.2 __ ________________ _ 41.2 _____ ___________ __ _ 41. 5 D iameter of Body (in .) __________________ 8.0 _____ _____________ __ 8 .0 ______ ____ __________ 8.0 F in Span (i n .) ____ ______________________ 11.24 __________________ 11. 24 ____ --------------11. 24 • Weight of Asse mb led Bomb (]b ) : Loadecl with Wet Sand ___ ______ _____ 100.0 __________________ 100.0 __________ __ ______ 97.0 Loaded with Water_ _______ _____ ____ 56.0 _________ _______ ___ 67.0 _______ __ ___ _______ 60.0 2-83 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 2-50. Bomb, Practice: 100 Pound MK15 Mods 2, 3, and 4-Continued 1\Iark 15 15 15 Mod 2 3 4 Wet Sand Filler (lb) ___________________ _ 76.0 _-----------------77.4_ -----------------76.0 Water Filler (!b) __ _--------------------39.0 ------------------40.0------------------39.0 Water Filler (gal) ____ _________ _______ __ _ 4.6 __________________ _ 4.7-------------------4.6 Signal _______ ______ ________ _____ ______ _ Kone _____ ________ __ __ _ MK7 Mod 0 ____________ MK4 Mods 0, I, 2, 3, 4 Fuze____________ ________ ___________ __ _ None _______________ __ _ MK247 Mod 0 __________ None Firing-Pin Assembly_____ _______________ None ______ ________ ___ _ None_________________ _ MIG Mod 0 Arming-Wire Asse mbly___________ ____ ___ MIG or AX-M6A2___ __ _ MK I or AN-M6A2 __ ___ Xo Arming Wire a. Description. Practice bomb ::\IK15 Mod 2 ricochet of the bomb at entrance angles as low as (fig. 2-62 and table 2-50) is identical to the ::\Iod 90 degrees is used during antisubmarine practice. 3 except that it is not adapted for the use of a The attachment is secured in place by a cap which fuze and signal. It is filled with "·ater or a mixture threads onto the filling hose. The bomb is used of sand and water (fig. 2-63) for spotting purposes. with practice bomb signal ::\1K7 ::\Iod 0 and inert For training purposes, a small washer may be fuze ::\'IK247 ::\Iod 0 both of which are secured to soldered to the nose of the bomb to simulate a the aft end of the bomb. fuze. The end of an arming wire (which is normally c. Bomb , Practice, 100-Pound: MK15 Mod. 4. inserted in the fuze of service type bombs) is then The practice bomb l\IK15 ::\Iod 4 is a light-cased,secured to the washer. For armed releases, the cylindrical bomb with a round nose and an integral washer is torn free of the bomb by the arming wire; box fin and cone. A flash tube, extending throughfor safe releases, the arming wire remains secured out its transverse axis, houses a pyrotechnic signal to the washer. When used against armored-deck and firing-pin assembly. Two suspension lugstarget boats, it is filled with water and released are \Yelded to the bomb body 14 inches apart. Afrom an altitude of less than 7,000 feet. filling hole is located off center on the bomb nose b. Bomb, Practice: MK15 ModS. Practice bomb and is sealed by a filler cap similar to those used::\'IK15 Mod 3 has a light-cased, cylindrical body on automobile gas tanks. The firing-pin assemblywith a threaded filling hole in its rounded nose. consists of two shallow metal cups, separated byA box-fin assembly consisting of four metal vanes a spacer \Yhich houses the firing pin. A cotterattached to a cone is welded to the aft end of the pin through the nose end of the flash tube and twobody. The bomb has t,,.o metal suspension band recesses in the lip of the fonmrd cup locks theassemblies (each consisting of a circular clamp, a firing-pin assembly and signal in place. suspension lug, and two cap screws) for tightening the band to the bomb. The bands may be adjusted d. Functioning. Upon impact of the bomb with for double suspension of the bomb by orient.ing to the t.arget, the signal is detonated, producing a suit the rack or shackle to which the bomb is to flash and a large puff of smoke, which permits be attached. A fiat nose attachment that reduces observation of the bombing accuracy. • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • ARMING-WIRE ASSEMBLY • c/ • WET-SAND FilLER • FILLER CAP ORO 01167 • Figure 2-63. Bomb, practice: 100-pound, MK15, Mods 2, 3 and 4, cutaway. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11 -1-28 2-53. Bomb, Practice: 250-Pound, M 124 • ORO 01168 Figure 2-64. Bomb, practice: 250-pound, M124. Table 2-51. Bomb, Practice: 250-Pound, M124 11odel _________ ___________ ___ 11124 Length of Assembled Bomb (in.)_ 66.0 Diameter of Body (in.)__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Weight of Complete Round (filled) (Ib). Weight of Filler (lb) ________ ___ Fin Assembly_________________ Fuze ________________________ Igniter__ _____________________ Spotting Charge ______________ Arming-Wire Assembly ________ a. Description. Practice 13.0 268.6 191.0 l\1140 l\1193 132 M39Al M19 bomb :.\112-1 (fig. 2-6-1 and table 2-51) has a streamlined body equipped with a conical tail fin to proYide good aerodynamic stability \Yhen dropped from high speed aircraft. This bomb is carried on internal racks in bombardment aircraft operating at high speed and/or high altitude. It is not authorized for external carriage. It is shipped and stored empty, but is filled with an inert filler consisting of 156 pounds of gravel and 35.1 pounds of concrete sand immediately prior to use. Normally, complete rounds are assembled as they are used . b. Components. The external contour is a relatively clean form having low air resistance. The body and fin assembly (fig. 2-65) are constructed of light-gage sheet steel. The nose and body sections are welded together into a single unit. Two suspension lugs are placed 14 inches apart. T he nose is closed by a hex-head closing plug. A screw-in cap closes the filler hole at the aft end of the bomb . The internal design of the bomb includes a small, hollow steel tube which runs lengthwise through the cente r of the bomb. It extends from the fuze well in the nose to the closing-cap adapter at the aft end. The tube is closed at the aft end with a cork or polyethylene s ipping plug . This tube carries the primacord igniter from the nose fuze well back to the spotting charge in the tail fin when the bomb is assembled for use . Two internal reinforcement rings add rigidity to the bomb body. These rings are U inches apart, in locations corresponding to the position of -he suspension lugs. c. Functioning. Upon impact of the bomb with the target, the primacord is ignited. The burning primacord ignites the spotting charge in the tail fin, permitting observation of the bombing accuracy. • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • BO~B BOOY • • , r ·j RETAINER ASSEMBLY SPOITING CHARGE • SPOTIING CHARGE IGNITER I FIN MOUNTING BOLTS ORD 01169 Fi gu re 2-65. Bomb, practice: 250-pound, M 124 , compon ents . • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 2-54. Bomb, Practice: 500-Pound, MK65 Mod 0 • • • • • • ORO 01170 • Figure 2-66. Typical practice bomb of M K65 series. Tabl e 2-52. Bomb, Practice: 500-Pouncl, MK65 Mod 0 Tabl e 2-52. Bomb, Practice: 500-Pouncl, MK65 Mod 0 -Con tinued Mark _______ _______ _____ _____ 65 Water Fill er (lb ) ______________ 200.6 Mod ____________ __ __ _________ 0 Water Filler (gal) ________ ____ _ 20.0 • Length of As em b led Bomb (in. ) _ 56 .61 Signal ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MK6 Mod 0 Diameter of Body (in.) ________ 14.0 Fuze_ _______ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MK24 7 Mod 0 Fin Span (in. ) ________________ 18.!)4 Arming-Wire Assemb ly ________ MIaded with Wet Sand ___ _ 44:3.2 (fig . 2-GG and table 2-52) has a light -l'ased, cy lin Loaded with Water________ 248.8 Wet Sand Filler (lb) __ ___ ______ 395.0 dri cal body and is constructed of weld ed sheet-steel • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • ARMING-WIRE ASSEMBLY • • • NOSE PLUG Figure 2-67. • ORO 01171 Typical practice bomb of MK65 series, cutaway. sections. It has an ogival nose and a tapered aft welded to the nose. Two suspension lugs 14 inches end to which a box-fin assembly is bolted. A apart are welded to the bomb body and seven threaded filling hole (fig. 2-67) is located in the threaded recesses are located on the periphery of nose of the bomb and is sealed by a nose plug and the bomb at the approximate center of gravity. gasket. The nose plug is " ·ired to a small bracket One or two hoisting lugs, screwed into these recesses, TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 permit hoisting of the bomb by either one or two cables. The bomb is filled with either water or wet sand. b. Use. This bomb is authorized for many types of service usage, including catap ult and jet-assisted takeoffs and arrested landings. It is used wit.h the l\IK6 sign al and inert fuze ::\IK2-!7 :\Iod 0. The signal is seated in a recess in t he tai l of t he bomb body and is sec ured to the fin assemb ly by a clamp proYided " ·ith the signal. The bomb should not be carried externally on jet ai rcraft . c. Functioning . Upon impac-t of the bomb, the fuze firing pin initiates a blank .38-caliber cartridge whirh, in turn, explodes t he signal to prod uce a flash and a large puff of gray smoke. 2-55. Bomb, Practice: 1,000-Pound, MK66 Mod 0 Table 2-53. Bomb, Pmctice: 1,000-Pouncl, MK66 Mod 0 Mark________________________ 66 Mod____ _____________________ 0 Length of Assembled Bomb (in. )_ 67.0 Diameter of Body (in.) ________ 18 .6 Fin Span (in.) _________ __ _____ 25.4 Weight of Assemb led Bomb (lb ): Loaded with Wet Sand ____ 883.5 Loaded with \\Tater_ _______ 480.5 Wet Sand Fi ller (!b) ___________ 788.3 Water Filler (!b) ______________ 385 .3 Water Filler (gal) _____________ 45 .0 SignaL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MK6 Mod 0 • Table 2-53. Bomb, Practice : 1,000-Pound, MK66 Mod 0 -Continued Fuze--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MK24 7 Mod 0 Arming-Wire Assembly ________ MKl, AN-M6A2 • a. Descri ption. Practice bomb J.VIK66 :\Iod 0 (figs. 2-6-! and 2-67, and table 2-53) has a lightcased, cylindrical body constru cted from welded sheet-steel sections . It has an ogival nose and a tapered aft end , to which a box-fin assembly is • bolted. A t hreaded filling hole is located in t he nose plug and gasket. The nose plug is wired to a small bracket \Yeld ed to the nose. A second filler hole , located on the side of the bomb, is capped with a circular plate and gasket, sec ured to t he bomb with hex-head bolts. Two suspension lugs 14 inches • apart are welded to t he bomb body and seven threaded recesses are located on the periphery of t he bomb at t he approximate center of gravity. One or t " ·o hoist ing lugs, scre\\·ed into these recesses, permit hositing of the bomb by eit her one or two cables. The bomb is filled with eit her water or wet • sand. b. Use. This bomb is authorized for all types of service usage, including catapult and jet-assisted takeoffs and arrested landings. It is used \Yi t h t he :\IK6 signal and inert fuze :\IK2-!7 :\Iod 0. The signal is seated in a recess in t he tail end of the bomb body and is secured to the fin assemb ly by a clamp provided \Yith the signal. c. Functioning. Upon impact of t he bomb, the signal produces a flash and a large puff of gray smoke • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 2-56. Bomb, Practice: 2 50-Pound , MK86 Mods 0 and 1 • .. • • O RO 0 1172 Figure 2-68. Typical practice bomb of MK86 series. Table 2-54. Bomb, Practice: 250-Pound, MK86 Mods 0 and 1 1Iark________________________ 86 86 1od_________ __ _________ _____ 0 1 Length of Assembled Bomb (in.) _ 76.0 76 .0 Diameter of Bod y (in.) ________ 9. 0 9.0 • Fin Span (in .)_---------------12.6 12.6 Distance between Suspension___ 14 .0 14 .0 Lugs (in.). Weight of Assembled Bomb (lb): Empty Bomb__ ___ ______ __ 65.4 65.4 Loaded with Wet Sand ___ _ 217.0 217.0 Loaded with Wate.r_ ___ ____ 141.0 141.0 • Practice Bomb SignaL ______ __ i\IK4 1Iod 3 MK4 i\Iod 3 Firing-Pin Assembly_______ ____ MI01lod 0 =-.no J\I od 0 .. a. Description . Practice bomb Ul\:86 Mod 0 (fig. 2-6 and table 2-54) is a low-drag configuration, the same size and shape as the MK81 low-drag general purpose bombs. It has a streamlined nose • and a conically tapered aft end. One filler hole is located on the side aft of the cylindri cal section. Four fin blades, perpendi cular to each other, are located forward of the rear end of the bomb. The MK86 Mod 0 is of thin-case construction with internal reinforcement for the sway brace and ejection areas . To provide rigidity, bulkheads and cha nnel reinforcements are used on the inside of the bomb shell. A blast tube (fig. 2-69) extends from the nose t o the aft end of the bomb and allows for exit of the signal smoke when fired. The firing pin assembly and signal are held in place inside the blast tube by a retaining cotter pin. Double suspension lugs are spaced 14 inches apart on the body of the MK86 Mod 0. Screw-in lugs are used with the low-drag general purpose bomb family . A hoisting lug is provided at the .center of gravity of the bomb. Practice bomb sig nal MK4 Mod 3 is used with MK86 Mod 0. Practice bomb MK86 Mod 1 is similar to the MK86 Mod 0. The major differences between the two mods are that the Mod 1 uses an integrally-welded suspension lug and a slightly different internal design. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • FILLER CAP • SUSPENSION LUG • FILLER CAP • • FIRING PIN ASSEMBLY ORO D i 173 Figure 2-69 . Typical practice bomb of MK86 series , cutaway. b. Fttnctioning. When the bom b strikes its target, the smoke produced from the detonated signal is di scharged through the blast tube at the • end of the bomb . 2-57. Bomb, Practice: 500-Pound,MK87Mod 0 1'able ~-55. Bomb, Pmcticc : 500-Pomul , MK87' Mod 0 ~ark____ __ _______ __ ___ ______ 87 ~od • ____ ______ ___ ____ __ ______ 0 Length of Assembl ed 13omb (in .) _ 91.0 Dia meter of Body (in. ) ________ Fin Span (in .) _---------------Distance between Suspension Lugs, Center-t o Center (in. ). Weight of Ass embled Bomb (lb ): Empty____ ______ __ _______ • Load ed wi t h Wet Sand _____ Load ed wi t h Water_ _______ Practice Bomb Signal__ ________ Firing Pin __ _______ __ ___ ______ a. Descri ption. Practi ce • • (figs. 2-68 and 2-69, and t a ble 2-55) is a low-drag practi ce bomb , similar in size a nd sha pe t o the MK82 general purpose bomb. It has a long , pointed nose and a coni call y-tapered aft end. One filler hole is located on the side, aft of the rear suspension lug. The four tai l fins arc canted 1V2 degrees to impart spin to the bomb and to insure good flight stability . The MK87 Mod 0 is of thin-ca. e construction with intemal reinforcement for the sway brace and ejec tion a reas. To pro v ide rigidity, bulkhead s and channel reinforceme nts are used on the inside of the bomb casing. Firing • pin MICI Mod 0 a nd prac ti ce bomb signal Ml\4 Mod 3 are installed in the forwa rd end of the bomb , secured by a cotter pin. The bomb is filled with 235 pounds of wet sand or 123 pound s of wate r. Two s us pension lugs (MK6 Mod O) a re spaced 14 in ches apart on the body . A hoisting lull: is located midway betwee n the suspension lup;s. • b. Functi onin g. The firing-pin asse mbl y fires the signal. The a ctivated signa l produ ces smoke whi ch is discharged through the rear of the centra l tube. 2-58. Bomb, Practice: 1,000-Pound, MK88 • Mod 0 'l'ubl e 2-5(; . Bomb, Practic e: I ,000-Pound, M 1\.88 M od 0 Ma rk ___ ___________ _____ ___ __ 88 Mod___________ __________ ____ 0 10.75 15.06 14.0 98 .0 333. 0 221.0 ~1(4 Mod 3 MKl Mod 0 bomb Ml\87 Mod 0 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 2-50. Bomb, Practice: 1 ,000-Pound, M K BB Mod 0 -Continued Lengt h of Assembled Bomb (in .)_ 120.0 Diameter of Body (in.) _______ _ Fin Span (in.) _____ __ ________ _ Weight of Assembled Bomb (l b ): Loaded with Wet Sand __ __ Loaded with Water_ _____ __ We t Sa nd Filler (lb ) _______ ____ Wa ter Filler (lb) ___ ____ _______ Wa ter Filler (gal) ___ _____ __ __ _ SignaL _--~----------------- a. Descri ption. Practi ce 14.0 19.6 783.0 458.0 640.0 315.0 37.7 1K4 Mods 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 bomb MK88 Mod 0 (figs. 2-68 and 2-69, and table 2-56) has a long slend er body and is constructed of thin bheet metal, with internal reinforcement for the sway brace and ejection areas. Internal bu lkhead s and channel reinforcements provid e for rirridity of the casing. The bomb has a sharp nose and a tapered aft end to whi ch four fin blades are attached. The blades are equally spaced, approximately 5.5 inches forward of the tail end , and arc canted 2 degrees for add ed stability. Two fill ing hole are located topside in the bomb body and are sealed with filler caps. A single hoisting lug is screwed into the bod y over th e approximate center of gravity . Two suspension lugs, 14 inches apart and equidistant from the hoi sting lug, a re threaded into recesses in the bomb body. A blast tube, exte nding the length of the bomb, houses a pyrotec hni c cha rge a nd firing-pin asse mbly. b. [' se. Thi s bomb i simila r in size and shape to the genera l purpose MK83 series and i authorized for all t y pes of service use. It is used with firing-pin as ·embl y MKl Mod 0 and signal MK4 Mod 3, both of whi ch are seated in the forward end of the flash tube a nd locked in place by a cotter pin . c. Fu n ctioning. Upon impact of the bomb, the firinp; pin initia t es a blank .38-caliber cartridge which in tum explodes the signal to produce a fl a sh a nd a large puff of smoke . 2-59. Empty and Inert-Filled Bombs Empty and inert-filled bombs are provided for training of ground crews in assembling, fuzing, and other handling of bomb . These bombs and their components are completely inert and are usually construct ed from the inert metal parts of se rvice bombs whi ch they are intended to simulate. They differ from inert practi ce bombs in that practice bombs are expendable. • •• • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • • • • CHAPTE R 3 CLUSTER BOMBS AND CLUSTER ADAPTERS Section I. INTRODUCTION 3-1. General A cluster bomb is an assembly of small bombs which may be suspended as a unit in a bomb station designed for a single large bomb. The small bombs are assembled into a single unit by means of a cluster adapter. The cluster is released as a unit for area bombing. After release from the aircraft, the individual bombs are released from the cluster to arm and fall individually. 3-2. Types a. General. The cluster bombs and adapters described in this chapter are of two general types, quick-opening and aimable. b. Quick-Opening (Frame) Fragmentation Bomb Clusters and Adapters. This type of cluster consists of a frame to which several bombs are attached by means of straps, forming an assembly which may be suspended and rel eased as a unit. The straps are fastened with clamps which may be released by withdrawing the arming wire. The frame is also equipped with a fuze lock which prevents arming of the bomb fuzes until after they are released from the cluster. c. A imable Fragmentation Bombs and Cluster Adapters. This type cluster consists essentially of a streamlined metal body which holds the clustered bombs, a fin assembly or other such means of stabilization, and a time fuze to open the body and release the individual bombs at the time desired. 3-3. Precautions a. Cluster bombs are shipped in wooden boxes or steel drums as assembled complete rounds. Since cluster bombs represent the only instance in which it is permissible to store and ship fuzed bombs, they present a unique problem in care and handling and involve exceptional precautions. b. Boxed clusters should be handled carefully. They should be picked up to be moved from one location to another and set down in place horizontally. They should not be pushed, tumbled, struck, or "walked" on the corners. c. When a box or drum is opened, the cluster should be inspected to insure that fuze safety devices are in place where applicable. For pin-type fuzes, the fuze arming wire and safety cotter pin hould both be in place. For vane-type fuzes, the safety block should be taped in place. If pin-type fuzes show evidence of having armed, the cluster will not be removed from the box or drum but will be taken with the utmost care to a safe place and there destroyed with explosive by qualified personnel. If the safety blocks of vanetype fuzes have fallen out, they will be replaced and taped in place, the cluster broken down, and such fuzes removed from the bomb and destroyed. Binding wires or straps which hold the bombs in place should be tight and unbroken . Warning: Authorized munitions personnel should be advised immediately upon discovery of clusters which have armed or partially armed fuzes. Only authorized munitions personnel are permitted to handle such clusters. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Section II. FRAGMENTATION BOMB CLUSTERS, CHEMICAL BOMB CLUSTERS AND CLUSTER ADAPTERS 3-4. Cluster, Fragmentation Bomb: 100-Pound, AN-M 1A2 • ~----------------------------------~.6 IN.----------------------~----------~ • • ORO 0 11 78 NOSE VI EW TAIL VIEW • Fig ure 8-1. Cluster, fragmentation bomb: 100-pound, AN-M1A2. Table 8-1. Cluster, Fragmenta tion Bomb: 100-Pound, AN-M1A2 ModeL ____ __ ---____________ Length of Cluster (in.) _________ Width of Cluster (in.) _________ Height of Cluster (in.) _________ Cluster Adapter: ModeL--________________ Length (in.) ______________ Frag Bombs : ModeL _________________ Fuze ____________________ Weight of Each Bomb (!b) _____ Weight of Cluster (!b) _________ AN-MlA2 46.6 8.9 10.3 AN-M1A3 38.25 AN-M41Al (6 required) AN-M158 20.0 128.0 a. Descri ption. The 100-pound frag bomb cluster AN-M1A2 (fig. 3-1 and table 3-1) consists of six 20-pound frag bombs AN-M41Al assembled in cluster adapter AN-MIA3 (fig. 3-2) . The cluster adapter AN-MIA3 is a "quick-opening frame," a mechanical t ype of adapter which holds the • bombs in two banks of three bombs each and releases them upon withdrawal of the arming wires. The bomb cluster is issued with individual bombs assembled but unfuzed; fuzing is performed before the cluster is installed in the aircraft. Cluster adapter AN-M1A3 has four sheet-metal bomb • supports spaced at intervals on two tubes . Three flat steel suspension lugs and two side plates are attached to the upper tube. Two spring strips are fitted to the bottom tube. Fuze-vane lock springs fit into a ferrule in front of the spring strips. Three • lock springs pass through the front support and three through the third support. The fuze-vane lock springs prevent rotat ion of the fuze arming • vanes while the bombs are in the cluster. Two metal straps hold the bombs in place against the adapter; their free ends are locked in place by a toggle strap clamp secured by the arming wire. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 When the cluster is relea ed armed, the arming wire is pulled out, the strap clamp opens, and the bombs are freed from the adapter. The spring strip aids in forcing the bombs away from the adapter. Flat steel lugs located on the upper tube provide for one or two point (14-inch) suspension. • 1--------------------38.25 IN . ------------------+-f SUSPENSION LUGS METAL SUPPORT UPPER TUBE • • STOP CLAMP ASSEMBLY ORO 01179 • Figure 3-2. Adapter, cluster: AN-M1A3. b. Differences. The difference between frag M1A3) which has narrow U-type suspension lugs; bomb clusters AN-M1A1 and AN-M1A2 lies in with these lugs, the complete weight of the cluster the cluster adapters. The AN-M1A1 uses the is only 125 pounds. cluster adapters M1A2 or M1A1 (instead of the • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 3-5. Cluster, Fragmentation Bomb: 1COPound, AN-M4A2 ORD Dll80 Figure 3-3. Cluster, fragmentation bomb: 100-pound, ANM4A 2. Table 3-2. Cluster, Fragm entation Bomb: 100-Pound, AN-M4A2 ModeL ___ ______________ _____ AN-l\14A2 Length of Cluster (in .) _________ 31.0 Width of Cluster (in.) Height of Cluster (in.) Cluster Adapter: ModeL_ _________ ______ __ I\13Al Length (in.) Frag Bombs: ModeL------------------M40Al (3 required) AN-M120Al 'l'able 3-2. Cluster, Fragmentation Bomb: 100-Pound, AN-MJA2-Continued Fuzes AN-M170 AN-M120 Weight of Each Bomb (lb) _____ 24.5 Weight of Cluster (lb) _________ 87.2 a. Description. The 100-pound frag bomb cluster .:\14A2 (fig. 3-3 and table 3-2) which holds t hree frag bombs .:\140A1, unfuzed, is assembled by means of cluster adapter .:\I3A1 which is of the mechanical release type. The fuzed cluster is 31 inches long and \\·eighs 87.2 pounds. It is provided with flat steel suspension lugs for single or double suspension. Fuze AN-.:.\1170 is authorized for use with t he bombs in this cluster. Fuze AN-.:.\1120 or AN-.:\ll20A1 may be used in lieu of fuze AN-.:.\1170. Note. Cluster M4A2 is installed in the plane with parachute case forward. Unsatisfactory dispersion may result if the bombs are installed nose forward . b. Differences. The "M4Al is the same as the .:\I4A2 except that it employs cluster adapter l\'13. The .:\14 is the same as the .:\14A2 except that the .:\14 employs frag bomb .:.\140 and cluster adapter .:.\13. • • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 3-6. Cluster, Fragmentation Bomb: 100-Pound, M28A2 ~----------------47.48 IN.-----------------1 • • • 11.0 IN . • ORO 01183 Figure 3-4. Cluster, fragmentation bomb: 100-pound, M28A2. Table 3-3. Cluster, Fragmentation Bomb: 100-Pound, pound frag bombs M83 assem bled in a cluster adapM 28A 2 ter Ml5A2 (fig. 3-5). T he Ml5A2, an a imable-type • ModeL_ __________ ___________ M28A2 adapter,· is bomb-like in ap pearance and has a Length of C luster (in .) _________ 47.48 standard fin . It holds the frag bombs (fig. 3-6) in Diameter of Body (in.) ____ ___ _ R.O eight banks of three each. Loading and dispersal Cluster Adapter: ModeL ______ ____ ____ ___ Ml 5A2 of bombs is acco mplished t hrough a hi nged lid on Length (in.) ______________ 43.67 the adapter which is held in place by a nose-locking Fin Span (in.) ___ _____ ______ __ 11.0 cup. A spoi ler ring is held in place against t he nose Frag Bombs: of the a dapter by the nose fuze, and a drag plate is • ModeL _______ ___ _______ _ M83 (24 required) secured to the fin assembly. Two suspension lu gs, Weight of Each Bomb (lb) _____ 3.81 Weight of Cluster (!b) _________ 115.7 spaced 14 inches apart, protrude t h rough slots in Fuzes (Cluster-Opening) _____ __ AN-Ml46Al the lid section. Ifsingle hook suspension is desired, M907 the two lugs are removed from t he case and a single a. Description. The 100-pound frag bomb cluster lug is attached by four screws to the upper surface • M28A2 (fig. 3-4 and table 3-3) consists of 24 four-of the adapter at the center of gravity. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • ~---------------------------------43. 67 IN. --------------------------------~ • • • • • 8.0 I IN . OR D 1177 •.. Figure 3-5. Adapter, cluster: M 15A 2. .. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • ARMING-WIRE ASSEMBLY • \. • • • MECHANICAL TIME FUZE • ORO Dll84 Figure 3-6. Cluster, fragmentation bomb: 100-pound, MI28A2, cutaway. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 b. Functioning. When the cluster is released armed, the arming wire is withdrawn from the time fuze, allowing the fuze to arm. When the designated time has elapsed the fuze functions, blowing the nose-locking bushing rearward into the adapter case, permitting the cluster to open. The 24 frag bombs are dispersed by spring action when their wings open and project them into the air. • c. Differences. The frag bomb clusters in the M28 series are similar to each other in appearance, differing only in their adapters. Cluster lVI28 uses cluster adapter M15; cluster M28Al uses cluster " adapter M15A2 (which contains a new case-locking bushing in addition to the spoiler ring and drag plate). • • • • • • • 3-7. Cluster, Incendiary Bomb: PTl, 500-Pound, M31 1-+-------57.0 IN.--------1 • SUSPENSION LUG ARM ING W IRE .. • ORO 01187 Figure 3-7. Cluster, incendiary bomb: PT1, 500-pound, M31. Table 3-4. Cluster, Incendiary Bomb: PTJ, .500-Pound, M 3 1 11odel _________ __ ____________ Length of Assembly __________ _ • Diameter of Body (in.) ________ Weight of Assembly _______ ____ B11mb ModeL _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • umber of Bombs ____________ Fin Assembly__ -.-______ _______ Burster _____________ _______ __ Ejection Cartridges____________ Arming-Wire Assembly ________ Tail Fuze ____ _____ _______ ____ Cluster Adapter_______________ 1131 57.0 15.125 562.0 M74 38 M7 Integral Components of Cluster Adapter (in stalled in tail fin) M2 (3 required) C4 AN-Ml52Al (2 required) M25 a. Description. Incendiary bomb cluster l\I31 • (fig. 3-7 and table 3-4) consists of cluster adapter l\125 filled with 38 incendiary bombs :\I74 and fitted with t hree cluster-ejection cartridges, two fuzes, and an arming wire. The cluster is approximately 57-inches long, 15 Ys inches in diameter, and weighs approximately 562 pounds. (1) Bombs. Incendiary bombs l\17-1 are loaded • into the cluster adapter .i\125 in 2 bundles of 19 bomhs each. The bombs are arranged in the bundles in such a way that the release bar on each bomb is depressed by an adjacent bomb. (2) Tail fin. Tail fin l\17 is a component of • cluster adapter l\125 but is shipped in a crate separate from the filled adapter. (3) Burster. The burster is a component of cluster adapter M25 and is inst alled in the tail fin. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 (-1 ) Cluster-ejection cartridges. Three ignition 1·artridges :\12 are installed in the cartridge containers in t he duster adapter. (5) Fuzes. Two mechani cal time tail bomb fuzes AN-:\I152Al are installed in the fuze adapters in the tail fin. The fuzes are shipped separately from the cluster. (6) Arming wire. A C4 arming wire is used with the cluster adapter M31. b. Functioning. When the cluster is released from an aircraft, the arming ,,·ire is withdrawn, the fuze arming vanes rotate in the airstream, and the fuzes arm. After the preset time has elapsed, one or both fuzes fun ction and detonate the burster. Concussion from the explosion of the burster depresses the diaphragm in the striker assemblies, driving the points of the strikers into the primers in the cluster-ejection cartridges, exploding the cartridges. Gases released by the cartridges pass through the gas chamber , through vent-holes in t he chamber , and into the space between the adapter casing base and t he pressure plate. Pressure developed by the gases forces the pressure plate toward the nose of the cluster and causes the stud attached to the pressure plate to pull out of the split nut which is screwed to the casing base. Continued expansion of t he gases frees the nose assembly and forces the frame,York out of the casing . As each cluster buckle clears the casing, the buckle opens. After all buckles have opened, the adapter framework falls apart, allowing the bombs to fall individually to the target. 3-8. Cluster, Incendiary Bomb: TH3, 500-Pound, M32 Table 3-5. Cluster, Incendiary Bomb: TH3, 500-Pound, M32 Model __ _____________________ Length of Assembly (in. )_______ Diameter of Body (in.) ________ Weight of Assembly (lb) _______ Bomb ModeL__________ _____ Number of Bombs. ___________ Fin Assembly _________________ Burster ______________________ Ejection Cartridges. ___ ________ Arming-Wire Assembly ________ Fuze ______ ____ _____________ _ Cluster Adapter_____ ___ _______ M32 60.0 14.9 617.0 A -150A3 108 M7 Integral component of cluster adapter installed in tail fin M2 (3 required) C4 A -11152A1 (2 required) M26 TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 a. Descri ption. Incendiary bomb <·luster :\132 consists of cluster adapter :\126 (fig. 3-7 and table 3-5) filled with 108 incendiary bombs AX-:\15QA:3 " ·hich are fitted "·ith three cluster-ejection cartridges, t\YO fuzes and an arming \\·ire . The cluster is approximately GO inches long, 1-!Ys inches in diameter, and weighs approximately 617 pounds. Bomb cluster :\.132 is identical with the :\131 (para. 3-7) except for slight differences in the cluster adap ter and the type and number of bombs used. (1) Bombs. Incendiary bomb Al\-:\150A3 is loaded into cluster adapter M26 in 2 bundles of 5-! bombs each. The bombs are anagned in the bundles in such a way that the safety plunger on each bomb is depressed by an adjacent bomb. (2) Other com ponents. The tail fin , burster, cluster-ejection cartridges, fuzes, and arming wire are the same as those used in bomb cluster ::\131. b. Functioning. The functioning of the bomb duster ::\132 is identical to the functioning of bomb cluster l\131. • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1 -28 3-9. Cluster, Incendiary Bomb: PTl, 750-and in se rted in channels which parallel the hinge t ub e at the sides of the adapter. Pound, M35 (3) Fin assembly. Tail fin :\!14 is a component of homh cluster :\135. It consists of a fin-blade assembly and a tie-rod assembly. (a) Fin-blade assembly. The fin-blade assembly is made of sheet steel. It is in the shape of a truncated cone and has four fin blades welded to it. The tail of the assembly has a circular hole through which the tie-rod assembly is bolted. A sheet-steel cone welded to the ORO 01188 front end of the fin blade assembly fits Figure 8-8. Cluster, incendiary bomb: PT1, 750-pound, M85 over the tail end of the cluster. The forward edge of the cone is marked with 'l'able 8-6. Cluster, Incendiary Bomb: PTJ, 750-Pound, M35 six numbered stripes which are used as ~ode!_______________________ assembly marks when assembling the ~35 Length (in.) __________________ 90.0 tail fin to a cluster. T\YO fuze holders Diameter of Body (in.)_____ ___ 16.0 in fairings are \Yelded to the fin-bladeWeight (lb) __________________ 690.0 assembly. Fuze adapters are installed Bomb ~ode!_ _____________ ___ ~74A1 Number of Bombs__ __________ 57 in the fuze holders, and guide tubes lead Fin Assembly___________ ___ ___ from each fuze adapter to the interior of ~14 Burster Type_______ _______ ___ Detonating Cord the tail fin.Explosive_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PETN (b) Tie-rod assembly. The tie-rod assembly Length (ft) __________________ _ 19.0 co nsists of a tubular steel body approxi Arming-Wire Assembly_ __ _ _ _ _ _ ~23 Fuze___ _____________________ mately 18 inches long and 3 inches in AN-~152A1 (2 required) diameter, with threads at one end. TwoCluster Adapter______________ _ ~30 legs are fastened by spring steel connectors to the other end. The threaded end of the tie-rod has a locking ringa . Description. Incendiary bomb cluster M35 (fig. 3-8 and table 3-6) consists of cluster adapter screwed to it for use when fastening the M30 filled with 57 incendiary bombs M74A1 (fig . fin-blade assembly in place. Two pairs 3-9) and fitted with a burster, a fin assembly, two of clips for the burster are welded to the fuzes, and an arming wire. The cluster is approxioutside of the body. A tie-rod foot, mately 90 inches long, 16 inches in diameter, and made of }16-inch steel tubing, is welded weighs approximately 690 pounds. at r ight angles to the end of each leg. The feet are designed to engage the (1) Bombs. Incendiary bombs M74Al are hooks at the tail end of the clusterloaded into cluster adapter l\130 in 3 adapter. A fuze receptacle for an electricbundles of 19 bombs each. The bombs are fuze is locat ed in the threaded end ofarranged in the bundles in such a way the body, and a plug receptacle, coveredthat the release bar on each bomb is by a plastic plug, is located at thedepressed by an adjacent bomb. opposite end. (2) Burster. The burster consists of 19 feet (4) Fuzes. Two mechanical time tail bombof detonating cord, \Yhich is threaded Fuzes AN-M152A1 are installed in the tailthrough the hinge tube in the adapter fin. The fuzes are shipped separately\Yhen the cluster is manufactured. When from the cluster. the cluster is shipped, the ends of the detonating cord are \Yaterproofed and (5) A rming wire. Arming w1re M23 is used crossed over the tail end of the adapter with cluster M35. 3-11 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • b. Functioning. When the cluster is released from an aircraft, the arming wire is withdrawn, the fuze arming vanes rotate in the airstream, and the • fuzes arm. After the preset time has elapsed, one • or both fuzes function and detonate the burster, which breaks the hinges holding the cluster together and breaks the feet and body of the tie-rod assembly. The cluster falls apart, allowing the bomblets to fall individually to the target. • Figure 3-9. Cluster, incendiary bomb: PT1, 750-pound, M35, cutaway. 6 9 2 • • 18 16 • O RO 0 11 91 1 Nose assembly 7 Chamber closure cap 13 Fin nut 2 Bombs 8 Cartridge holder 14 Tail fin stud 3 Arming wire 9 Striker assembly 15 Tail fin 4 Stud 10 Fuze 16 Cluster ejectio!l cartridge 5 fiplit nut 11 Burster 17 Pressure plate • 6 Gas chamber 12 Disc 18 Casing Figure 3-10. Cluster, gas bomb: nonpersistent, GB, 1,000-pound, M34A1 and M34, cutaway. 3-10. Cluster, Incendiary Bomb: TH3, 750-Pound , M36 Table 3-7. Cluster, I nce ndiary Bomb: Tll8, 750-Pound, M3G ~odel Length (in.) __ ____ __________ __ Diameter of Body (in.) __ _____ _ Weight (lb) ___ _________ ___ ___ Bomb ~odeL __ ___________ ___ Fin Assembly __ ____________ ___ Burster--------_____ _________ Explosive_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Length (ft) _____ _____ ______ ___ Arming-Wire Assembly_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tail Fuze _---------___ _______ Cluster Adapter_ ______ ______ __ ~3G 90.0 16.0 900.0 ~126 (182 required) ~14 Detonating Cord PETN 19.0 ~23 AN-~152A1 (2 required) ~30 a. Description. Incendiary bomb cluster M36 • (fig. 3-8 and ~able 3-7) consists of a cluster adapter M30 filled with 182 incendiary bombs M126, and is fitted with a burster, a fin assembly, two fuzes, and an arming wire. The cluster is approximately 90 inches long, 16 inches in diameter, and weighs approximately 900 pounds. Bomb cluster M36 is • identical with bomb cluster M35 (fig. 3-8) (para 3-9) except for the type and number of bomblets used. (I) Bombs. Incendiary bombs .:vii26 are loaded into cluster adapter M30 in 3 bundles of 61, 60, and 61 bombs each. The bombs are arranged in the bundles in such a way that the safety plunger on each bomb is depressed by an adjacent bomb . (2) Other components. The burster, fin assembly, fuzes, and arming wires are the same as those used in bomb cluster l\!35 . • b. Functioning. The functioning of the bomb cluster M36 is identical to the functioning of bomb cluster M35. 3-11. Cluster, Gas Bomb: Nonpersistent, GB, 1 ,000-Pound, M34A 1 and M34 Table 3-8 . Cluster, Gas Bomb, N onpersi stent: GB , • 1,000-Pound, M 34A1, M 34 ~odeL--------__ ___ ____ _____ Length (in.) __ ___ ______ ______ _ Diameter of Body (in.) _____ ___ Weight (lb) _____ ________ __ ___ Bomb ~ode!__ _________ ______ • Fin Assembly__ ____ __ __ ___ ___ _ Burster_ __ ____________ ______ _ E jection Cartridges_______ _____ ~34Al, ~34 68.5 19.13 1130.0 ~125-Al-~34A1 (76 required) ~125-~34 (76 required) ~13 Integral component of cluster adapter installed in tail fin . ~3 (4 required) TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 3-8. Cl·uster, Gas Bomb, Nonpersistent: GB, 1,000-Pound, M3.t, A I, M3.t, -Continued Arming-Wire Assembly ________ ~22 Fuze _____ _____ __ __ __ ___ _____ AN-~152Al (2 required) Cluster Adapter_ ___ __ __ __ _____ ~29 a. Description . Gas bomb cluster ii134A1 (fig. 3-10 and table 3-8) consists of cluster adapter M29 filled with 76 nonpersistent gas bombs ~Il25A1 and fitted with four cluster-ejection cartridges, two fuzes, and an arming wire. The cluster is approximately 68Yz inches long, 19Ys inches in diameter and weighs approximately 1,130 pounds . Components of gas bomb M134Al are listed as follows: (1) Bombs. Nonpersistent gas bombs M125A1 are loaded into cluster adapter M29 in four bundles of 19 bombs each. The bombs are arranged in the bundles in such a way that t he arming bar on each bomb is depressed by an adjacent bomb. (2) Tail fin. Tail fin l\113 is a component of cluster adapter l\129, but is shipped in a crate separate from the filled adapter. (3) Burster . The burster is a component of cluster adapter M29 and is installed in the tail fin. ( 4) Cluster-ejection cartridges. Four clusterejection cartridges M3 are installed in the cartridge containers in the cluster adapter. (5) Fuzes. Two mechanical time tail bomb fuzes A -M152Al are installed in the fuze adapters in the tail fin. The fuzes are shipped separately from the cluster. (6) Arming-wire assembly. Arming-wire assembly M22 is used with cluster M34Al and M34. • b. Functioning. When the cluster is released from an aircraft, the arming wire is withdrawn, the fuze arming vanes rotate in the airstream, and the fuzes arm . After the preset time has elapsed, one or both fuzes function and detonate the burster. Concussion from the explosion of the burs!;er depresses the diaphragm in the striker assemblies driving the points of the strikers into the primers i1~ the cluster-ejection cartridges, exploding the cartridges. Gases released by the cartridges pass through the gas chamber, through ventholes in the chamber, and into the space between the adapter casing base and the pressure plate. Pressure developed by the gases forces the pressure plate toward the nose of the cluster and causes the stud attached TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 to the pressure plate to pull out of the split nut, which is scre\\·ed to the casing base . Continued expansion of the gases frees the nose assembly and forces the framework out of the casing. As each cluster buckle clears the casing, the buckle opens. After all buckles have opened, the adapter framework falls apart, allowing the bombs to fall individually to the target. • c. External Stowage. Streamlined gas bomb • cluster ~13-1 or ~134Al utilizing external clusterstowage conversion set ~116 may be carried beneath the wing of a bomber without seriously impairing the • flight characteristics of the aircraft. d. Differences . Gas bomb cluster ~13-1 is identical with the ~13-lAl except that the ~134 uses ~1125 bombs. • • • • Figure 3-11. Cluster, gas bomb: M34 or M34A1, converted for external stowage on aircraft. • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 3-12. Cluster, Bomb: Incapacitating, BZ, 750-Pound, M43 3 ORD Dll96 3 Arming-wire assembly M23 1 Fuze AN-M152Al2 Fin Assembly M14 4 Cluster adapter M30 Figure 3-12. Cluster, bomb: incapacitating, BZ, 750-pound, M 43. • Table 3-9. Cluster, Bomb: Incapacitating, BZ, (2) Burster. The burster consists of 22 feet 750-Pound, M4S of detonating cord which is threaded through the hinge t ube of the cluster Model-----------------------M43 Length (in.) __________________ 90.0 adapter during assembly. The ends of Diameter of Body (in.)--------16·0 the detonating co rd are crossed over the Weight (lb) __ ________________ 800.0 Bomb Model ______________ ___ l\1138 tail end of the cluster adapter and then Number of Bombs ____________ 57 inserted in the channels on the tail end Tail-Fin Assembly ____________ l\114 or E12R2 of the adapter. Bur ter---------------------Detonating Cord (3) Fin assembly 11!14. This fin assembly Length (in .) ______________ 22 ·0 consists of both a fin-blade and a tie-rod Arming-Wire Assembly______ _ M23 l Fuzes, TaiL _________________ AN-M152A1 (2 required) assemb Y· Cluster Adapter__ _____________ l\130 (a) The fin -blade assembly is made of sheet a. Description. The incapacitating BZ bomb steel. It is a truncated cone with four cluster ~I43 (fig . 3-12 and table 3-9) contains fin-blades \Yelded to it. A 3-inch central cluster adapter 1\I30 clustered with 10-pound in-circular hole in the cone is provided to capacitating BZ bombs ;\1138, fin assembly ~114, accommodate the tie-rod assembly. A fuze A r-l\I152Al, and arming wire assembly ~123. sheet-steel cone welded to the forward • Nineteen bombs are clustered in each of three end of the fin assembly fits over the tail of the cluster adapter. The forward longitudinal compartments inside the casing of edge of this cone is painted with numthe cluster adapter. (1) Incapacitating 10-pound, BZ bomb, M138. bered stripes for use during the as-This bomb (fig . 3-13) is a thermal genera-sembly of the fin assembly to the tion munition consisting of four canisters adapter. Two fuze holders are welded nested in a tubular steel bomb casing, to the fin-blade assembly. Fuze adapters which has been crimped to hold the can-with guide tubes are installed m each isters in place. The canisters containing fuze holder. the BZ agent are aligned within the casing. (b) The tie-rod assembly is made of steel Each bomb is fuzed with bomb fuze tubing, 18 inches long and 3 in ches in l\1150A2, a direct arming pin type, which diameter, with threads above end. A is screwed into one end of the homb. tubular steel tie-rod foot is welded at The arming pin is depressed and the right angles to each leg of the tie-rod safety \Yire is withdram1 during the assembly. The tie-rod feet are used assembly. The arming pin is held in to engage hooks at the tail end of the the depressed position by spacers " -ithin cluster adapter. The threaded end of t he adapter. the tie-rod has a locking ring screwed 3-15 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 on it; this ring is used when the fin assembly is fastened to the cluster adapter. N ote. Fin assembly E12R2 may be issued in place of fin a sembly M14. Both as emblies are identical except that the central circular hole in the fin-blade assembly of the E12R2 is about 1 inch in diameter and the tie-rod ass embly is made of steel bar stock fitted at the threaded end with a lockwasher and nut rather than a locking ring. (4) Fuze, JIJT, tail AN-il!152A1. Two l\IT, tail fuzes AN-ii1152A1 are used with bomb cluster ::.\143. This fuze, a combination mechanical-time and impact fuze, is Figure S-18. Cluster M43, upper casing removed. b. Functioning. When cluster M43 is released After the preset time one or both fuzes function from the aircraft, arming wire assembly l\123 is detonating the burster which breaks the strapswithdrawn, the arming vanes of fuze AN-::\1152A1 holding the cluster together. When the cluster rotate in the airstream, and the fuzes are armed. opens the bomblets fall individually to the target. • • • a delayed-arming time fuze with both an arming pin and an arming vane . (5) Arming-wire assembly M23. The arming • wire assembly M23 is a type-B, two branch, single-swivel loop brass wire. The branches of each length are fitted with clips. (6) Cluster adapter MSO. Cluster adapter M30 (fig. 3-13) is a component of both " BZ bomb clusters M43, and M35 and M36 (paras 3-9 and 3-10). Descriptive information is contained in paragraph 3-17. • BOMB M138, 10 LB ORD D1185 • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • 3-13. Cluster, Generator: Incapacitating, BZ, 175-Pound, M44 ORO 01197 • 1 Tag No.1 4 Tag No.2 7 Instruction decal 2 Buckle 5 Suspension lug 8 Sway-brace pad 3 Instruction decal 6 Arming-wire assembly 9 Tag No . 3 10 Steel strapping Fi gur e 3-14. Cluster, generat01·: incapacitating, BZ, 175-pound, M44 . .. Table 3-10. Cluster, Generator: Incapacitati ng, assembly M92 is used. Decals containing instrucBZ, 175-Pound, M 44 tions for airdrop of either the entire cluster (3, • ~4411odel _______________________ fig. 3-14) or the individual generators (7) are suppleLength (in.) __ ________________ 60.0 mented by five tags (attached to each cluster) Width (in .) ______ ____ _________ 15.0 which contain additional identification and instrucHeight (in.) _________ _________ 15.0 tions. Tag No. 1 (1) is attached to and identifies Weight (lb) _________ _________ 175.0 the cluster safety wire. Tag No. 2 (4) is attached Generat or 11odeL __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~16 (3' required) Height (in.) __ ____________ 15.0 to and identifies the lanyard and spring-clip retainDiameter (in .)__ __________ 12.0 ing wire. (Three No. 2 tags are used with each Weigh t (lb) ______________ 50.0 cluster since each M16 has a lanyard attached to No. canister packages _____ _____ 42 its spring-_plip retaining wire.) Tag No. 3 (9) is Arming-wire Assembly_________ ~92 .. attached to and identifies a 10-inch extension cable Parachute Container __________ M9 Clus ter Adapter (Generator) ____ M39 which is attached to arming-wire assembly M92 (6) (1) Components. Generator M16 (fig. 3-15) a. Description. The 175-pound incapacitating consists of 42 incapacitating BZ canisters BZ generator cluster M44 (fig. 3-14) consists of M6 packaged in a pail and fuzed with three 50-pound incapacitating generators M16 fuze M220. Parachute and container clustered in generator cluster adapter M39. When assembly M9 (fig. 3-16) is affixed to the the cluster is dropped from wing racks, arming-wire top of the generator. • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • 2 ' • • • • • 1 Pail 3 Arming wire 5 Loop2 Parachute-and-con tainer assembly 4 Two red bands 6 Steel band 7 Instruction decal Figure 3-15 . Generator, incapacitating, BZ, 50-pound, M16 with parachute and container assembly M9 installed . • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • • / • • ORD D11~3 1 Safety wire 2 Spring tab 3 Harness assembly 4 Keeper Figure 3-16 . Parachute and container assembly M9 . • (a) Canister M6. Canister M6 is a cylinA central cylindrical hole in the mixture drical sheet-metal container approxiis coated with a starter mixture. mately 2Y2 inches in diameter and 4Y2 (b) Pail. The steel pail, approximately 12 inches high. The canister is filled with inches in diameter and 15 inches high, • a solid mixture of incapacitating BZ. contains three tiers of 14 incapacitating 3-19 L TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 BZ canisters. Two alignment plates are used to align the center holes in the canisters between each tier and the top and bottom of the pail. Both the top and bottom of the pail have I4 holes which align with the holes in the canisters and the alignment plates between the tiers. The top alignment plate has an igniter pad with I4 holes \vhich align with the holes in the alignment plates, the canister, and the top and bottom of the pail. The top of the pail is provided with a central fuze well for fuze M220. Four attachment loops (5, fig. 3-15) are secured to the side of the pail by two steel bands (6). A handle is affixed to the top of the pail by means of two steel straps. Each hole in the top and bottom of the pail is closed by a plastic plug which is blown free when the generator functions. (c) Delay generator fuze 11[220. Generator fuze M220 is an ignition-type fuze with a delay housing extending from the primer to the ignition pad on the alignment plate between the top and middle tiers of canisters. The delay housing contains a first-fire mixture, a delay element and an ignition mixture. (d) Parachute and container 1119. Parachute and container assembly M9 (fig. 3-I6) consists of a sheet-steel container which holds an 11-foot, I2-gore glide parachute. The parachute is stowed in the container and held in place by a spring. A safety wire (I ) holds the spring under tension until the safety-wire is pulled. The parachute and container are secured to the clamp on the pail by the arming wire (3) . Two harness assemblies (3) made of four keepers (4) and nylon web strapping, are attached to the parachute. The keepers are secured to the four loops (5) on the pail. (2) Generator cluster adapter M39. The generator cluster adapter M39 consists of two suspension bars fitted with six buckles (2, fig. 3-I4) which retain the steel strapping • (IO), used to secure the suspension bars to . the three generators in the cluster. The top suspension bar has two suspension lugs (5) spaced to fit the standard 14-inch • wing shackle. The suspension bars are tied together at the forward end of the cluster with a wire cable secured with a ferrule. The six buckles on the top suspension bar have holes through which the cluster safety wire passes and holds the • buckles in the closed position. Each buckle has additional holes which are used for arming-wire assembly M92 (G, fig. 3-I4). (3) Arming-wire assembly il192. Arming-wire assembly :\I92 (6, fig. 3-I-1) is a two • branch, S\Yivel-type brass arming ''"ire. Each branch consists of hYo "·ires secured by a ferrule. Each "·ire is provided " ·ith a safety clip. A 10-inch extension cable is provided for use with high performance aircraf:. • b. Functioning. (I) Cluster, generator: incapacitating, BZ, 175pound, 1li44. When generator cluster :\I-1-1 is released from the wing racks of the aircraft, arming-\\·ire assembly :\I92 is retained by the fixture on the wing rack causing the branches of the arming ''"ire to pull out of the buckles on the cluster adapters. The steel strapping separates and generators fall from the cluster. As the generators fall, the arming wire on the generator pulls hee and the • parachute S3parates from the generator. as the parachute opens, the cover of fuze :\1220 is pulled from the fuze body permitting the striker pin to strike the primer, which ignites the first-fire and delay pellets in the delay housing. The delay elements burn for 12 ±2 seconds; then ignition of • the generator is activated by ignition mixtures igniting the igniter pads. (2) Cluster , generator: incapacitating, BZ, 50pound, 11!16 . The initiating source for activating the fuze is a 40-pound pull on • a lanyard or tripwire which causes the sequence just described. • 3-14. Adapter, Cluster: 500-Pound , M25 TAIL FIN • • ORO 01181 Figure S-1 7' . Adapter, cluster: 500-po und, J125 . Table S-11. Adapter, Clu ster: 500-Pound , M 25 ~lode!___ _________ __ _______ __ ~!25 • Length of Assembly (in .) _______ 57.0 • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table J-11. Ada pter. ('/u.~tcr: 500-Pound, _\/;!.;-Continued Diameter of Bod~· (in. )_____ ___ 15.13 Weight of .\ssembl~· (lb ) _______ Bmster ____ ________ _______ ___ Fin Assembl~· -----------------Fuze ___ --------------------Arming-Wire Assembly __ ______ Ignition Cartridge_____________ 239.0 Detonating Cord :.\17 AN-).I152A 1 (2 required) C4 M2 (3 required) a. Description. Cluster adapter ~125 (figs. 3-17 and 3-18, and table 3-11) is a component of incendiary bomb cluster ~131 (para 3-7). It is approximately 57 inches long and 15.13 inches in diameter and "·eighs approximately 239 pounds. It consists of a frame"·ork , a casing, a nose assembly, 3 cartridge containers, a fin assembly, and a burster (fig. 3-18). • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 6 5 • • • • 12 • 1 Nose assembly 5 Pressure plate 9 Buckle 2 Cluster bar 6 Casing base 10 Strapping band 3 Suspension lug 7 Gas chambe r 11 Buckle-bar assembly 4 Casing 8 Split nut 12 Front-end plate Figure 3-18. Adapter, cluster: !II25, M 26 or !1129, cutaway (gas chamber closure cap and fin assembl y removed). (1) Fram ework. The frame\\·ork is installed inside the casing. It consists of a bucklebar assembly (11 , fig . 3-18) four cluster bars (2), a connector-bar assembly, a front end plate (12), and a rear end plate. When the adapter is assembled in a cluster, the frame\York is assembled and loaded \Yith bomblets and held together by four strapping bands (10). The resulting bundle is then fastened inside the casing. (a ) Buckle-bar assembly . The buckle-bar assembly is a steel bar \Yhich extends the full length of the top of the framework. Four quick-release t ype buckles • (9) are spaced along the buckle-bar assembly. The buckles hold the ends of the strapping bands, \\·hi ch fasten the parts of the framework together. The buckles are held closed by contact • with the casing (-!) ,,·hen the adapter is assembled. (b) Cluster bars. The four cluster bars are steel bars \Yhich form the sides of the framework. • • • .. • • • • (c) Connector-bar assf'mbly. The ronnertorbar assembly is similar in constru<"tion to the cluster bars hut is provided with four long slots which arC'ommodatf' strap conne<"tors. The strap ronnc<"tors are crimped to the strapping hands when the framework is filled with bomblets during assembly of the adapter into a cluster. At that time the buckles are held closed by safety wires while the strapping bands are tightened and fastened by the connectors. The safety wires arc removed when the filled framework is inserted in the casing. (d) Front end plate . The front end plate is a steel plate which closes the front end of the framework. It has projerting surfaces to which the buckle-bar assembly is fastened. The nose assembly (l) is bolted to the front end plate. (e) Rear end plate. The rear end plate is similar in construction to the front end plate but has a pressure plate (5) fastened to it. A stud in the center of the pressure plate is used to fasten the framework in the casing by means of a split nut (8). (2) Casing. The casing provides the exterior covering for the adapter. Two suspension lugs (3) are attached to the top of the casing and one to the bottom. A casing base (6) is welded to the tail end of the casing. A gas chamber (7) in the center of the casing base provides a mounting for a bolt which screws to the split nut and holds the framework in the casing. Vent holes in the gas chamber provide access to the mterior of the cluster from the chamber. A gas chamber closure cap is screwed into the tail end of the adapter. A threaded hole in the center of the cap receives a tail fin stud which fastens the tail fin to the adapter. . (3) Nose assembly. The nose assembly (1) covers the nose end of the clm;ter and is bolted to the front end plate of the adapter framework. The junction between the nose assembly and the casing is sealed by a gasket. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 (4) Cartridge containers. Three cylindrical cartridge containers arc screwed into holeR in the gas ehamber !'losme eap. Each cartridge container is covered by a striker assembly. The striker assembly is essentially a metal cap which houses a diaphragm, to which a pointed striker is fastened. (5) Fin assembly. Fin assembly M7 (fig. 3-17) is a component of adapter M25. It has a cone-shaped base which fits against the casing base. The tail fin is fastened to the ad_apter by the tail-fin stud, which is fitted with a washer and lockwasher and bolted to the gas-chamber closure cap . Two fuze-adapter housings at the rea r end of the tail fin hold fuze adapters. When not in use, the fuze adapters are closed by fuze-adapter covers. A metal disc is welded inside the small end of the cone-shaped base at the place where the tail-fin stud enters the tail fin. The disc is designed to hold a detonating cord burster. (6) B-urster. The detonating cord is installed in the fin assembly between the two fuze adapter assemblies. The burster is wrapped once around a disc which is located inside the small end of the fin. b. F1tnctioning. When the cluster is released from an aircraft, the arming wire is withdrawn, the fuze arming vanes rotate in the airstream, and the fuzes arm. After the preset time has elapsed, one or both fuzes function and detonate the burste r . Concussion from the explosion of the burster depresses the diaphragm in the striker assemblies driv ing the points of the strikers into the primers in the cluster-ejection cartridges, exploding the cartridges. Gases released by the cartridges pass through the gas chamber , through ventholes in the chamber, and into the space between the adapter casing base and the pressure plate . Pressure developed by the gases forces the pressure plate toward the nose of the cluster and causes the stud attached to the pressure plate to pull out of the split nut which is screwed to the casing base. Continued expansion of the gases frees the nose assembly and forces the framework out of the casing. As each cluster buckle clears the casing, the buckle opens. After all buckles have opened, the adapter framework falls apart, allowing the bombs to fall individually to the target. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 3-15. Adapter, Cluster: 500-Pound, M26 Table 3-12. Adapter, Cluster: 500-Pound, M26 ~ode!__________ __ ______ _____ ~26 Length of Assembly (in.) _______ 60.0 Diameter of Body (in.)_____ __ _ 14.88 Weight of Assembly (lb) _______ 239 .0 Burster_ _____________________ Detonating Cord Fin Assembly___ ______ _______ _ ~7 Fuze ________________________ AN-~152Al (2 required) Arming-Wire Assembly ________ C4 Ignition Cartridge______ __ ___ __ l\12 (:~required) a. Description. Cluster adapter M26 (fig. :{-18 and table 3-12) is a component of incendiary bomb cluster M32 (para 3-8). It is approximately GO inches long and 14.88 inches in diameter and is similar to duster adapter lVI25. It consists of a framework, a casing, a nose assembly, three cartridge containers, a fin assembly, and a burster. (J) Framework. The framework is installed inside the casing. It consists of a bucklebar assembly, five cluster bars, a front end plate, a rear end plate, and a steel pipe. When the adapter is assembled in a cluster, the framework is assembled and loaded with bomblets and held together by four strapping bands. The resulting bundle is then fastened inside the casing. The buckle bar, the five • cluster bars, and the steel strapping are of the same construction as those in cluster adapter M25. The front and rear end plates are the same as those in cluster • adapter M25 except that they have threaded holes in the centers for connection to a hollow steel pipe, which strengthens the assembled framework. The steel pipe transmits to the front end plate some of the force of the cluster• ejectio cartridges, relieving the pressure which otherwise would bear on the component bomblets when the framework is ejected from the casing. (2) Casing, hose assembly, and cartridge containers. The casing, the nose assembly, • ami the cartridge eontainers are of the same construction as those m duster adapter ~I25. (:3) Fin assembly. Fin assembly ~17 1s a component of the cluster adapter ~126. This is the same fin used in adapter ~125. • (..J.) Burster. A detonating <'orcl burster like the one in the adapter ~125 is installed in the fin assembly. b. Functioning. Functioning of duster adapter l\12G is similar to the functioning of <"luster adapter l\125 (para :3-14) . • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 · 3-16. Adapter, Cluster: 1,000-Pound , M29 • SUSPENSION LUGS CASING • O RO 01186 Figure 3-19 Adapter, cluster: 1,000-pound, 11129. Table 3-13. Adapter, Cluster: 1,000-Pound, M 29 The resulting bundle is then fastened ModeL ____·___ _______________ M29 inside the casing. The buckle-bar asLength of Assembly (in.) _______ 68.50 sembly, the cluster bars, the front end Diameter of Body (in.) ________ 19.13 plate, and the rear end plate are similar Weight of Assembly (lb.) _______ 484.0 in construction to those in cluster adapter Burster ____ ___________ ___ ____ Detonating Cord :\125 except that they are larger. Fin Assembl y ____ ____ _________ M7 • Fuze __ ________ _______ _______ AN-;\Il52A1 (2 required) (2) Casing. The casing (4) of adapter :\129 Arming-Wire Assembly________ i\122 differs in construction from that of cluster lgnition Cartridge_____________ M3 (4 required ) adapter :\125 in that the .gas chamber closure cap has four holes which ac a. Description. Cluster a dapter :\129 (fig. 3-19 commo date four cylindrical cartridge con and table 3-13) is a component of nonpersistent tainers. The casing is similar in con GB gas bomb clusters l\134 and l\134A1 (para 3-ll) . struction to the casing of cluster adapter It is approximately 68.50 inches long and 19.13 • :\125 but is larger in order to accommodate inches in diameter and is similar to, but larger than, cluster adapter :;\125. It consists of a framethe larger frame\YOrk. (3) Nos e assembly. The nose assembly (1) work, a casing, a nose assembly, four cartridge covers the nose end of the cluster and is containers, a fin assembly, and a burster. bolted to the front end plate of the adapter (1) Framework. The frammYork is installed • inside the casing . It consists of a buckleframe"·ork. T he junction between the nose assembly and the casing is sealed bar assembly (ll, fig. 3-18), five cluster bars (2), a front end plate (12), and a rear by a gasket. end plate. When the adapter is assembled (.f) Cartridge containers. The cartridge containers, which are larger than those in in a cluster, the framework is assembled cluster adapter :\125, are covered by and loaded with bomblets and held striker assemblies. The striker assembly together by four strapping bands (10). TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 is essent ially a metal cap which houses a diaphragm to which a pointed striker is fastened. (5) Fin assembly. Fin assembly :.\113 is a component of adapter M29. It has four fins on a cone which fit against the casing base. The tail fin is fastened to the adapter by a tail-fin stud which is fitted with a washer and lock-washer and bolted to the gas chamber closure cap . Two fuze adapters are located in the tail end of the tail-fin cone. The fuze adapters are closed by covers when not in use . A metal disc is welded inside the small end of the cone where the tail-fin stud enters t he tail fin . The dis c is designed to hold a detonating cord burster. (6) Burster. A detonating cord burster is installed in the tail fin between the two fuze adapters. The burster is wrapped once around a disc whi ch is located inside the small end of the tail fin . b. Functioning. Functioning of cluster adapter M26 is similar t o the functioning of cluster adapter M25 (para 3-14) . • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 3-17. Adapter, Cluster: 750-Pound, M30 the ends of the channel at the tail end of the assembly provide mountings for attaching tail fin M14, which is a component of the bomb cluster. Four threaded holes are located in the side of the upper casing assembly. The center hole and two outer holes hold suspension lugs; on some adapters a fourth hole houses an electric plug fitting which is designed to • be used with an electric cluster fuze. A threaded hole in the bottom of the center suspension-lug hole provides access to the interior of the cluster. It is used when testing for leakage. The hole is closed by a Ys-inch pipe plug. When • not in use, electrical plug fitting is closed by a threaded shipping plug. On those adapters having a fourth, the CHANNEL covered hole in the tail end of the upper ORO 01195 casing assembly houses a receptacle for a connection to an electric cluster fuze. • Figure 3-20. Adapter, cluster: 750-pound, M30. An insulated cable runs through the interior of the assembly between the Table 3-14. Adapter, Cluster: 750-Pound, M30 receptacle in the tail and the electric ~ode\______ __ _______________ ~30 plug fitting. Length of Assembly (in.) _______ 65.75 (b) Lower casing assembly. The lower casingDiameter of Body (in.)_ _______ 16.25 assembly is similar to the upper casing Weight of Assembly (lb) _______ 210.0 assembly but has no holes for suspension Burster____________ ______ ____ Detonating COTd Fin Assembly_____ __ _______ ___ M13 lugs or fittings, and no receptacles for Fuze__ _____________ _________ AN-M152A1 (2 required) electric plugs. It has hinges welded to Arming-Wire Assembly ________ l\123 the long edges, channels welded to the short edges, and hooks corresponding to a. Description. Cluster adapter M30 (fig . 3-20 those in the upper casing assembly and table 3-14) is a component of incendiary bomb welded to the channel at the tail end clusters M35 and M36 (para 3-9 and 3-10). It is of the casing. approximately 65.75 inches long and 16.25 inches in (c) Gasket . A rubber gasket between thediameter. It consists of a casing (fig. 3-20) fitted upper and lower casing assemblies seals with a gasket, two suspension lugs, an electric cable, the assembled adapter against leakage. and a hinge tube. (2) Suspension lugs. Two suspension lugs•• (1) Casing. The casing is composed of an with threaded bases are screwed into the upper and a lower casing assembly which threaded holes in the upper casing assemare fastened together by the hinge tube. bly. The lugs can be used either in the two upper outer holes or in the center hole, depending (a) Upper casing assembly. The upon the type of bomb suspension used. casing assembly is a sheet-steel half The hinge tube is a U-shapedcylinder which forms the upper half of (3) Hinge tube . • the casing. Hinges are welded to the steel tube which pins the upper and lower two long edges of the assembly for use casing assemblies together. The hinge tube when assembling the two halves of the is installed from the front of the adapter cluster adapter, and channels are welded with one leg through the hinges at each to the nose and tail ends to form guards side of the adapter, and the center portion for the hinge tube. Hooks welded to in the channel at the adapter nose. 3-27 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 b. Functioning. When the cluster is released 01" both fuzes function, detonating the burster which from the aircmft, the arming wire is withdrawn, the breaks the hinges hold ing the cluster together. The fuze arming vanes rotate in the airstream, and eluster opens, allowing the bomblets to fall individ • the fuzes are armed. After the preset time, one ually to the target. • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • CHAPTER 4 FUZES • Section I. IMPACT FUZES 4-1 . General An impact fuze is one that functions when it or the bomb strikes a resistant material or object . • Some impact fuzes contain both instantaneous and delay capabilities. Instantaneous and nondelay are terms used to describe the fuze which explodes immediately upon impact. Delay fuzes contain an • ' 7 .23 IN. • element which delays detonation until after impact, allowing time for the bomb to penetrate a target or until a low-fly ing aircraft wh ich carried the bomb leaves the zone of immediate impact. 4-2. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, AN-M 103A1, ANM139A1, AN-M140A 1, M164 and M165 A N-M1 03A1 0. 1 SEC. DELAY AN-M139A1 AN-M140A10 .01 SEC. DELAY 0 .025 SEC. DELAY ORO 01199 Figure 4-1. Nose fuzes AN-M103A1, AN-M139A1, and AN-M140A 1. Table 4-1. Nose Fuzes AN-M103A1, AN-M139A.1, AN-M140A1, llf163, M164 and M165 • M l 64 1\1 165 AN -Ml40Al M l 63 AN-Ml03Al AN-Ml39Al ----·----------------------------------------·--1-----·-- Firing Action __ __ ____ __ ______ ___ Firing Delay (sef') __ ____ _________ Arming Type__ _________ ___ _____ In lantaneous Setting (rev ) _____ __ Impact 0.1 Delayed 308 Impact 0.01 Delayed 308 Impact 0.025 Delayed 308 Impact 0.1 Delayed 690 Impact 0.01 Delayed 690 Impact 0.025 Delayed 690 4-1 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table J,-1. Nose Fuzes AN-.l!103A 1, AN-.l/139A1, AN-.l!J 40A 1, .V/ 68, .lf164 and M/65-Continued ·-AN-~! 103.-\1 AN-:-!139.-\I AN-:\II40A1 ~!163 MIG4 :-"li65 • Delay Setting (rev) ..... _....... . Air Travel to Arm (ftL .......... Van e 111 ••• .....•.. ... ..••..... Vane 112* * .•.......•........... Vane 113...•................ ... ----------------- Overall Length (in.) ............. 7.23 7.23 7.23 Protrusion from Bomb (in. )...... 2 2 2 Vane Span (in.) ................. 6 6 6 Weight (lb) ........ . . ........... 3.7 3 .7 3.7 Number of Vane Blades.......... 2 2 2 Booster Charge: T ype .. __ ........ Tetryl Tet ryl Tetryl Weight (oz) .................... 1.9 1.9 1.9 **Vane M2 works erraticall y on some bombs. a. General. rose fuzes of this type (figs. 4-1 and 4-2, and table 4-1) are vane operated and delay armed. Fuzes AN-::\Il03A1, AN-:\Il39A1, and AN-::\H40A1 are fast arming and should not be used on high-performance type aircraft presently in use . Action can be either instantaneous or delayed by presetting a setting pin. The air travel to arm distance is governed by the size of the bomb and the type of arming vane used. Structur • 410 410 410 * * * 1140 to 2420 1140 to 2420 1140 to 2420 2690 to 5200 2690 to 5200 2690 to 5200 7.23 7.23 7.23 2 2 2 • 6 6 6 3 .7 3 .7 3 .7 2 2 2 T etryl Tetryl Tetryl 1.9 1.9 1.9 .. 175 175 175 * * * 5 10 to 1080 510 to 1080 510 to 1080 2950 t o 5425 2950 to 5425 2950 to 5425 *Actual air travel to arm distance within the scope of figures gh·en abo,·e is determined by weight and size of the bomb used. ally similar, these fuzes differ only in their firing delay elements. Fuzes l\Il63 (fig. 4-3), :\1164 and M165 are similar to nose fuzes AK-:\Il03A1, AN-:\Il39A1, and Al'\-:\Il40A1 , respectively, ex • cept in point of increased arming time. Further in crease in arming time can be provided for fuze l\1163 by use of arming vane M3, which has its angle of vane surface twisted to 75°. • •' • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 VANE HUB VANE HUB SPRING .. EYELET STRAP • .. PIN ARMING STEM • STRIKER ASSEMBLY ARMING-STEM COLLAR • ARMING-STEM SPRING DETONATOR SLIDER DELAY BOOSTER LEAD-IN ... ·. . .• ' ,, . ; • .· ... • ORO 01200 Figure 4-~. Nose fuze AN-M103A1-cross section. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 b. Components. (1) Arming vanes. One of four interchangeable arming vanes may be used on these fuzes. Differences in the degree of pitch of the vane are as follo\\·s; a standard Yane, :\I 1 (60° pitch): vane :\I2 (60° pitch at the ends and 90° pitch at the center); , ·ane :\I3 (75° pitch); and a flat \'ane (30° pitch). The bomb in "·hich the fuze is installed and the required arming distance \\·ill determine the vane to use. For general-purpose bombs, the standard vane :\Il (60° pitch ) is used for a short arming distance. At present , only vane :\Il is shipped \rith these fuzes. Separate action is necessary to requisition other vanes. For flat-nosed depth bombs, where air travel to arm is necessarily shorter because of lO\r altitude release, the fuze is equipped with a flftt arming \'ane (30° pitch). These fuzes also are used \rith certain fragmentation bombs in clusters. (2) Delay elements. These fuzes differ in their firing delay elements. The A~-:\Il03A1 and :\Il63 have a 0.1 -second delay; the AK-:\I139Al and :\Il6-1 have a 0.01second delay; the AX-:\Il-lOAl and :\Il65 haye a 0.025-second delay. Black \\·edge markings on fuze heads of the AX:\Il39A1, A~-:\Il40Al, :\Il6-1 and :\Il65 indicate fuze delay time. Approximately one-eighth of the heads of the AX:\Il39A1 and .:\Il6-1 and one-quarter of the fuzes AK-:\Il-10A1 and :\Il65 are coye red by black wedge markings. (:3) Explosive components. These fuzes contain h,·o explosive trains: one for delay action and another for instantaneous action. The delay action explosi,·e train cons ists of a primer, a delay element, a relay, a detonator, a booster lead -in , and a booster. The primer and delay element assembly, containing the delay element and relay , are assembled in the fuze body and are sealed as a protection against moisture. The instantaneous explosive train consists of a detonator, a booster lead-in ana a booster. The same detonator is used in both explosi,·e trains. It is aligned \rith one of the explosive trains during arming operations; its final position depends upon the posi tion of the setting pin . .c. Safety Features. A safety wire is threaded through holes in the vane hub, vane strap, and eyelet strap of fuzes being shipped or stored. The ends of this \\ire are secured through another set of holes in the eyelet strap and vane diametrically opposite the first set. The wire and cotter pin pre,·ent operation of the arming mechanism . Instru ct ion tags are attached to the seal wire, and • to a wire attached to a pull ring through the eye of the cotter pin. As installed in a bomb, with arming wire in place, these fuzes are in the unarmed cond ition; delay and instantaneous explosive trains are broken by the detonators being out of align • ment. The arming discs prevent premature firing of the explosive train by holding the striker away from the fuze body. These discs are not ejected until the fuze arms. Fuzes of this type are both detonator safe and shear safe. d. Presetting. Selection of either delay or instantaneous action is made by presetting the setting pin. The pin has two slots: a deep slot, for delay action; a shallow slot, for instantaneous action. Ji'uzes are shipped and stored with pins set for delay action. To set for instantaneous action lift the pin, rotate it one-quarter turn, and drop it into the shallo\Y slot. The portion of the • fuze body adjacent to the setting pin is stamped DEEP SLOT DELAY-SHALLOW SLOT INST. Fuzes used in fragmentation bombs should be set for IXST only. e. Functioning. • (1) General. Wh en the fuzed bomb is dropped, the arming "ire is retained in the bomb rack. This frees the arming vane assembly, which rotates in the air stream to operate the delay arming mechanism. The air travel to arm these fuzes is approximately 510 to 5-125 feet, depending on the fuze and pitch of vane used. Continued rotation of the arming vane assembly, after arming is completed, unscrews the arming mechanism from the fuze. Arming distance varies with the vane type and bomb used and with delivery altitude of • the aircraft. Upon impact, the fuze will detonate instantaneously, or after its rated delay, exploding the bomb. (2) Arming. The arming vane assembly, mounted on the vane hub by means of • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 the vane hub spring and positioned on the the first step of the detonator slider. The yane strap by pins, is connected to the two compressed springs force the slider arming sere"· through a reduction gear over until its shoulder contacts the partitrain. A reduction ratio of 65 revolutions ally withdrawn arming stem. This aligns of the arming vane assembly to 1 revolution the detonator with the delay element. The of the arming scre\v is obtained with arming screw continues to free itself from this gearing arrangement. The arming the striker until the cup assembly vane screw engages a striker assembly "·hich (vane cup and reduction gears) drops off. contains two firing pins: one for the delay If the fuze has been set in the shallow slot and one for the instantaneous explosive (for instantaneous action), the setting pin trains. The striker is prevented from stem will not stop the progress of the arm moving by the shear pin and the setting ing stem during the arming sequence pin. A ring of 13 arming discs, housed in ·described. During arming, the arming the vane cup, are positioned bet\\·een the stem rides outward, clearing both steps of flange of the striker body and the fuze the detonator slider and allowing the • body. These prevent the striker body from detonator to align with the firing pin for being driven into the fuze body before the instantaneous explosive train. arming has occurred. The fuzes do not (3) Action. When the arming discs have been become armed until the 13 arming discs are ejected, the striker can be driven into the ejected and the detonator is brought into fuze body. Impact drives the striker inalignment with one of the explosive trains. ward, shearing the shear pin and the stem The detonator is contained in the detonator of the setting pin. The firing pin for the slider, a block of metal that rides in delay explosive train sets off the delay a recess in the fuze. Compressed springs • primer and the instantaneous firing pin is that act on the slider tend to move the driven either into a cavity in the detonator detonator into alignment with one of the slider or into the detonator. A striker explosive trains. An arming stem, acted retaining pin which passes through the upon by a compressed spring, bears fuze body and into a slot in the striker, . against the inner surface of the reduction prevents the striker from moving outward gear assembly. The inner end of the armbut does not prevent the striker's motion ing stem keeps the detonator slider, which inward. contains the detonator, out of the function ing position until the fuze arms. As (4) Detonation. If the fuze has been set for • previously described, the air stream rotates delay action, the detonator is aligned with the arming vane assembly. Through the the delay explosive components. Impact reduction gear mechanism, the arming fires the delay primer. The flash from the vane assembly unscre\YS the arming sere\\· primer sets off the black powder delay from the striker assembly. This carries element which burns through and sets off, the vane cup and the reduction gear outrespectively, the relay, the detonator, the ward until the arming discs are ejected by booster lead-in, and the booster. When means of a flat spring assembled within the the fuze is set for instantaneous action, the circle of discs. As the arming screw detonator is in line with the instantaneous advances, carrying the reduction gear and explosive components. Impact drives the vane cup out,Yard, the arming stem instantaneous firing pin into the aligned follows, driven by its spring. If the fuze detonator, setting it off. The detonator • setting pin has been preset in the deep slot relays the explosion to the booster lead-in. (for delay action), it is in the way of the This explodes the booster. advancing arming stem collar. Progress of the arming stem is stopped when the f . Accidental Arming. When the arming mech collar of the stem contacts the setting pin. anism is missing, or has unscrewed from the striker At this point the arming stem has cleared far enough to allow the arming discs between the • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 striker flange and the fuze body to be ejected, the assemble this fuze. Armed or partially armed . fuze is partially armed. fuzes should be disposed of by authorized and quali- Warning: No attempt should be made to dis-fied munitions personnel. • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 4-3. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, AN-M1 26A1 (or AN-M126), AN-M158, AN-M159, M193 • • • Figure 4-3. Nose fuze AN-M126A1 . • Table 4-2. Nose Fuzes AN-M126A1, AN-M126, A N-M158, AN-M159 and M193 AN-Ml26 AN-Ml26Al AN-Ml58 AN-Ml59 Ml93 ·--------------- Firing Action ___________ __ __________ ____ Impact Impact Impact Impact Impart Firing Delay Instantaneous I nstantancou~ Instantaneous Instantaneous Instantaneous • til Arming:Type_______________________________ Delayed Delayed Delayed Delayed Delayed Revolutions to Arm ___ ______ ______ ___ 570 325 375 to 512 414 to 512 528 Air Travel to Arm (ft) __ -------------1200 725 1200 1200 Overall Length (in.) __________________ __ __ 3.12 3.25 3.76 3.28 4.40 Protrusion from Bomb (in.) _______________ 2.28 2.4 2.4 2.4 3.04 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Vane Span (in.) __ ---------------------- • Weight (Ib) ________________________ _____ .68 (alum.) 1.10 1.02 0.65 1.04 1.16 (steel) Kumber of Vane Blades __________________ 2 2 2 2 2 Booster Charge: Type_____________________ Detonator Detonator Tetryl Pellet Small Tetryl Tetryl Pellet M28 M28 Column. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 a. Geneml. l'\ose fuzes of this type (fig. -±-:3 and table .J.-2) are Yane operated and delay armed. They detonate the bomb instantaneously upon impact. b. Nose Fuze AN-ilf126A1 (or AN-11!126). (1) Geneml. Fuze Al'\-::\I126Al (or AX::\Il26) is an impact-type vane operated and delay armed nose fuze. It detonates the bomb instantaneously upon impact. Instead of a booster, this fuze has a steel cylinder. The cylinder contains a firing train consisting of a primer, an upper detonator and a lower detonator. (In certain chemical bombs the train is seated against the tetryl burster.) The AX-::\Il26, the earlier model, has more teeth on the gears than the A?\'-::\I12()A1 and requires 570 vane revolutions to arm as opposed to 325 revolutions in the AX-::\Il26Al. Fuze A);-::\II26 has three safety blocks, each a 120° segment. In the unarmed position, the arming sleeve fits into a groove in the blocks. This prevents the blocks from falling out. Fuze AX M126Al has one safety block. (2) Description. Fuze AX-::\I126Al (fig. 4-4) is 1.75 inches in diameter and 3.2:> inches long. A cylindrical case (4, fig. 4-4) encloses the working parts. An arming-vane hub (I) with an arming vane (14) attached, a striker (15) fastened to the head of a firing pin ( 4) and a C-shaped safety block (2) are located at the nose end of the fuze. A detonator holder (9) containing the detonator (8) is located at tail end. The safety block is held in the unarmed fuze by an arming sleeve (13) screwed into the arming-vane hub. A 33-tooth vanehub gear (12) is fastened to the inner end of the arming-vane hub and meshes with a pinion (11). A 34-tooth arming-sleeve gear (5) is fastened to the inner gear of the arming sleeve and meshes \\·ith the pinion. The firing pin and firing-pin spring (6) extend from the nose of the fuze through the arming sleeve and the two gears into the opening above the detonator . A retaining pin (7) holds the firing pin in the fuze. The arming vane is prevented from turning by a safety " ·ire which is threaded through holes in two armingwire guides (:-3). One of the guides is • attached to the fuze case; the other , to the arming vane . (3) Functioning. (a) Upon release. Release of the fuzed bomb from t he aircraft withdraws the arm ing wire and frees the arming vane to rotate in the airstream . The vane-hub gear attached to the arming-vane hub rotates with the arming vane and turns the pinion, which turns the arming-sleeve gear in the same direction • as the vane-hub gear. The armingsleeve gear has one more tooth than the vane-hub gear; consequently, the armingsleeve gear turns more slowly than the vane-hub gear and lags one gear tooth behind the vane hub for each revolution • of the arming vane. This difference in rotational speed causes the arming sleeve to unscrew from the vane hub and to withdraw into the body of the fuze. After approximately 325 revolutions of the arming vane, in the case of AX::\Il26Al, or 570 in the case of AX • M126, the arming sleeve is clear of the safety block. The safety block falls away, arming the fuze . (b) Upon imp2c/. When the striker hits • a solid object, the firing pin is driven into the detonator. The · detonator explodes, completing fuze action . (4) Released safe. If it is necessary to release fuzed bombs over friend ly territory, the aircraft arming controls are set in the SAFE position before the bombs are jettisoned. In this position, the arming wire is released from the bomb rack \vith the bomb, preventing the arming vane assembly fi'Om rotating and arming the fuze. The unarmed fuze will not function • upon impact. (.j) Accidental arming. The fuze is armed when the safety block is not in position between the striker and the vane hub, whether the arming vane has or has not turned. • • • • .. • .. • • • .. Warning : Never attempt to disarm a fuze suspected of being armed. Reverse rotation of the arming vane assembly will force the firing pin into the detonator and fire the fuze. An armed fuze must be disposed of by authorized and qualified munitions personnel. 14 1 Arming-vane hub 2 Safety block 3 Arming-wire guides 4 Fi ring pin 5 Arming-sleeve gear 15 \ TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 c. Nose Fuzes AN-M J58 and AN-MJ59. (1) General. Fuzes AX-:\I158 and AX-:\11 59 (fig. 4-5) are vane operated and delay armed. T hey detonate t he bomb in stantaneously upon impact. The air t rave l (1,200 feet) necessary to ann fuzes AN-:\1158 and Al\-~1159 makes t hem 9 ORO 01267 6 7 8 Firing-pin spring Retaining pin Detonator 11 12 13 Pinion Vane-hub gear Arming sleeve 9 10 Detonator holder Cylindrical case 14 15 Arming vane Striker Figure 4-4. Nose fuze AN-ill126A 1cross section. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 suitable for use with land-based and and carrier aircraft. Fuzes AX<\1158 and AX-::\11.59 differ only in that the former has a booster containing 0.6 ounce of tetryl, whereas the latter has a smaller metal holder containing a column of tetryl. This difference in booster volume has resulted in a variance in fuze length . Fuzes AX-::\1158 and AX-::\11.59 do not have safety blocks under the striker. In the unarmed condition, the striker is snug against the vane nut. 2.4 IN. 1.3 IN. AN-M158 ORD 01202 Figure 4-5. Nos e fuzes AN-!t/158 and AN-.11159 . (2) Description. (a) General. Fuze Al\-::\1159 (fig. 4-6) is 1.75 inches in diameter and 3.25 inches long. A brass body (9) contains an arming mechanism (2), a firing pin (14), a rotor (11) and a detonator (12). An arming vane is attached to the arming hub (3) at the nose end of the fuze. Two arming-wire guides (1) are part of the arming vane and turn with it. Two more arming-wire guides are fastened to the fuze body. A sealing wire prevents the arming vane from being rotated accidentally. (b) Arming mechanism. The arming mechanism (2) consists of an arming hub (3), a pinion (6), an arming sleeve (4), a 39-tooth gear (5), and a 40-tooth gear (7). The arming hub and arming vane rotate freely on ball bearings in the nose of the fuze. The 39-tooth gear or the inner end of the arming hub meshes with the pinion. The arming sleeve with a firing pin assembly mounted in it is screwed part way into the interior of the arming hub. The 40-tooth gear on the inner end of the arming sleeve meshes with the pinion, which is grooved to accommodate the 40-tooth gear. (c) Firing pin assembly. The firing pin assembly, mounted inside the arming sleeve, consists of the firing pin (14) and the firing-pin spring (15). The point of the firing pin extends into a chamber inside the fuze body. The firing pin is held in the arming sleeve by a shoulder near the center and is forced toward the fuze nose by the spring. (d) Rotor . The rotor (11), on a pivot (8) in the chamber inside the fuze body, holds detonator ::\120(13) set in a hole drilled through the rotor. A second hole drilled partly through the rotor receives the firing pin when the fuze is unarmed. A rotor spring (10) attached to the rotor bears against the fuze body and tends to pivot the rotor into the armed position. A spring-loaded detent in the nose end of the rotor latches the rotor in place when it moves to the armed position. (e) D etonator. The detonator is an explosive charge in a metal holder screwed into t he bottom of the fuze. (3) Functioning. (a) B efore release. Before the fuzed bomb is released , the arming wire prevents the arming vane from turning. The end of the firing pin in the hole in the rotor holds the rotor in the unarmed position \\·ith t he primer out of alignment with the arming pin and detonator. (b) After release. When the bomb containing the fuze is released, the arming wire is withdrawn. This frees the arming v.ane to rotat e in the airstream, thereby turning the arming hub. The 39-tooth gear attached to the arming hub turns • • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 arming vane), the rotor spring forces the rotor to pivot until the primer is in line with the firing pin and the detonator, • and the fuze is armed. As the firing pin assembly moves forward, the head of the firing pin progresses out of the fuze body. When the fuze arms, the head is approximately one-quarter of an inch forward of its original position. After arming is completed, the arming sleeve continues to move forward until the 40-tooth gear enters the groove in the pinion and disengages from the teeth, at which time the arming sleeve ceases to advance. (c) Upon impact. When the head of the • firing pin hits a solid object, the point is forced into detonator M20 which functions and explodes the lower detonator, completing the fuze action. (4) Accidental arming. When the head of the • firing pin has advanced more than oneeighth of an inch , the fuze should be considered armed and dangerous. • Warning: Never attempt to disarm a fuze suspected of being armed, as reserve rotation of the arming vane will force the fiiring pin into the dentonator and fire the fuze. An armed fuze must be disposed of by authorized and qualified munitions 1 Arming-wire guides 9 Body 10 personnel only. 2 Arming mechanism Rotor spring 3 Arming hub 11 Rotor 4 Arming sleeve 12 Detonator d. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, M193. • 5 Gear 13 Detonator M20 6 Pinion 14 Firing pin (1) General. Nose fuze M193, a modification 7 Gear 15 Firing-pin spring of fuze A -Ml58 (c above), is authorized 8 Pivot for use in practice bomb M124. Nose fuze Figure 4-6. Nose fuze AN-M159-cross section. M193 differs in that it has a modified armthe pinion, which turns the 40-tooth ing vane and a nose shield . The arming gear attached to the arming sleeve. The vane has a blade angle of 85°, instead of•• gear on the arming sleeve lags one tooth 60°, which enables the vane to withstand behind the gear on the arming hub for higher air speeds than the conventional each revolution of the arming vane. vane. The nose shield, a domeshaped, Lag causes the arming sleeve to screw aluminum shell which protects the striker forward into the arming hub, one from excessive air pressure at high speeds, revolution for every 40 revolutions of is attached by drive screws to the vane nut. • the arming vane carrying the firing pin Pressure on the striker would prevent it assembly forward with it. When the from advancing relative to the fuze body firing pin assembly has advanced far and thus prevent the fuze from arming. enough to withdraw the point of the The shield is provided with two inspection firing pin from the hole in the rotor holes through which the position of the (after 400 to 500 revolut ions of the vane hub can be observed. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 (2) Functioning. F uze fl93 functions like fuze AN-M158. (3) Accidental arming . If the striker has risen more t han 7.:1 inch above the vane nut, t he fuze m ust be considered armed and dangerous. Warning: Never attempt to disarm a fuze suspected of being armed. Reverse rotation of the arming vane assembly will force the firing pin into the detonator and fire the fuze. An armed fuze must be disposed of by authorized and qualified munitions personnel. • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • 4-4. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, AN-MK219 Mods Table 4 -8 . Nose Fuze AN-JfK.21.9 3 and 4 :\lark_ ____ ______ ____ _________ AN-MK219 ______________ __________ 4 ~Iods ~and Firing Action _____ ______ ____ __ Impact .. • • • ORO 01206 Figure 4-7. Nose fuze AN-li!K219. • • • Firing Dela~· __ _____ _______ ___ Instantaneous Arming: Type___ _________________ Delayed Revolutions to Arm ____ ___ 175 Air Travel to Arm (ft) _____ 1,000 Overall Length (in.) ________ ___ 5.5 Protrusion from Bomb (in.) _ ___ 2.9 Vane Span (in.) __________ _____ 4.8 Weight (lb ) ____ ______ __ ______ 4.0 1 umber of Vane Blades___ ___ __ 4 Detonator Designation____ __ ___ MK2l Mod 0 Booster Charge: Type ____ ___________ _____ Tetryl Weight (oz) _______ ___ __ __ O.!l a. General . This detonator-safe, vane-operated nose fuze (figs. 4-7, 4-8 and 4-9, and table 4-3) fires instantaneously upon impact. Air travel of approximately 1,000 feet is required for the delayarming mechanism to arm the fuze. :\Iod 3 and :\Iod 4 are the same mechanicallly. :\Iod numbers merely indicate different manufacturers. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 .. • ARMING-VANE ASSEMBLY / OUTER GEAR VANE CARRIER INNER GEAR • STRIKER FLANGE INNER-GEAR CARRIER SHAFT COllAR • INNER-GEAR CARRIER LUG EXTENSION ARMING SHAFT • -----FUZE BODY • AUXILIARY BOOSTER LEAD . ' :. ro :..._ .: . • ORO 01207 Figure 4.-8. Nose fuze AN-MK 219-cross section. 4-14 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • ARMING SHAFT FIRING-PIN HOLDER • • • • • UNARMED ARMED STRIKER, GEAR CARRIER, AND VANE ASSEMBLY HAVE MOVED OUTWARD Figure 4-9. Nose fu ze AN-111 K 219-delails of operation. UNALINED All NED EXPLOSIVE TRAIN ORO 01208 b. Explosive Components. The explosive components consist of a detonator, an auxiliary-booster lead, a booster lead, and a booster (tetryl, about 0.9 ounce, either pellet-loaded m· loaded in place). The booster scre1rs into the fuze body and is held by the booster co,·er crimped into the groove provided. The fuze is set off when the fil'ing pin is driven into the detonator upon impact. c. Safely Features. A safety (cotter) pin through the vane-carrier lug and the flange of the striker, 1rhich locks the delay arming mechanism, safes the fuze during shipping and storage. This safety (cotter) pin is provided \\'ith a pull ring and an instruction tag. The fuze is further protected by the metal packing can in \\'hich it is sealed. When the fuze is unarmed, the explo~ive train is broken. The explosive components cannot become aligned unt-il the arming mechanism is fully armed. As installed in a bomb, the fuze is unarmed. The arming "ire takes the place of the safety (cotter) pin and preYent.s rotation of the arming mechani~m. Should the detonator explode "·hen the fuze is unarmed, the gases 1rould expand in the space above, and no fmther action "·ould take place. Tl:e delay am1ing mechanism pro,·ides maximum safety for di,·e bombing as wPll as protection against detonation when the bomb is accidentally released from an aircraft flying at low altitudes. d. Functioning. (1) General. vVhen the fuzed bomb is released free to arm, the vane carrier is unlocked from the striker flange by withdrawal of the arming 1Yire. The vane carrier then rotates by action of the airstream on the arming-vane assembly, driving the reduction gears which arm the fuze. Completion of 175 revolutions of the arming-vane assembly arms the fuze fully; this requires about 1,000 feet of air travel along the trajectory of the bomb. Impact drives the firing pin into the detonator and the fuze acts instantaneously to explode the bomb. (2) Arming. The revolving arming-vane assembly is connected to the arming shaft through the reduction gear train, which consists of an inner gear, an outer gear, and a pinion. The outer gear has 23 teeth and is connected directly to the arming shaft. The inner gear has 22 teeth and is secured to the inner-gear carrier. The TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 inner-gear carrier is prevented from rotating by the inner-gear-carrier lug, which is set into a recess 011 the inner sleeve. The outer gear and the inner gear mesh with the pinion, ''"hich has an equal numbe1' of teeth on its inner and outer portions. As the pinion is driven around the inner and outer gears by the arming-vane assembly, it forces the outer gear one tooth ahead each revolution. This results in a ratio of one turn of the outer gear to 23 turns of the arming-vane assembly. The arming shaft, to which the outer gear is secured, is threaded into the shaft nut at the innermost end. As the outer gear and the shaft revolve, the shaft moves outward from the shaft nut. It is stopped by jamming of the shoulder of the shaft screw with the shaft nut. The inner-gear carrier and striker are carried outward with the arming shaft by the shaft collar. Jamming of the shaft screw disengages the inner-gear-carrier lug from the slot in the inner sleeve, freeing the inner-gear carrier. The outer gear is prevented from rotating by the jammed shaft screw. Thus, the pinion will act to turn the inner gear and the inner gear carrier. The guide pins prevent the striker from revolving ·with the inner gear carrier, which houses the firing-pin extension. Below the inner gear carrier, within the inner sleeve, is the firing-pin holder, a partial cylinder fitting around the arming shaft. This holder contains the firing pin secured in position by a shear pin. The innergear-canier lug is located in the upper portion of the cylinder. The rotor pivots about the arming shaft, at the inner end above the shaft nut. This unit contains the fuze detonator. As the inner-gear carrier revolves, the inner-gear-carrier lug contacts the edge of the firing-pin holder and carries the holder with it. The firing-pin holder then pushes the rotor as the inner-gear carrier continues to rotate. When the inner-gear carrier has rotated • approximately 345°, alignment of the firing-pin extension, firing pin, detonator, and auxiliary booster lead is complete. At this point, a detent locks the inner-gear carrier to the striker, preventing further rotation. • (3) Action. Impact drives the fuze head, vane carrier, striker, and inner-gear carrier into the fuze body, thereby shearing the pin in the shaft. The firing-pin extension on the inner-gear carrier strikes the firing-pin and shears the firing-pin shear pin. (4) Detonation. The firing pin penetrates and initiates the detonator which, in turn, fires the auxiliary booster lead, the booster lead, and the booster. Fuze detonation is instantaneous upon impact. e. R eleased Safe. If it is necessary to release fuzed bombs over friendly territory, aircraft arming controls must be set in the SAFE position before bombs are jettisoned . In this position, the arming wire is . released from the bomb rack with the bomb, and prevents the arming-vane assembly from rotating and arming the fuze. The unarmed fuze will not function upon impact. f. Accidental Arming. This fuze will be regarded as armed if t he striker flange has advanced ~6-inch from the outer sleeve. Outward appearances provide no definite indication as to whether or not • the fuze is partially or fully armed. When the fuze is fully armed, t he flange of the striker is separated from the outer sleeve by ~5-inch and the inner-gear carrier has rotated 345°, bringing the firing-pin extension, the firing pin, and the detonator into alignment. • Warning: Armed and partially armed fuzes should be removed from bombs by authorized and qualified munitions personnel only. • • • 4-5. • • • • • Fuze, Bomb: Nose, MK243 Mod 0 and MK244 Mod 1 ) 8.91N. ORO 01209 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 4-4. Nose Fuze MK248 Mod 0 anrl MK244 Mod 1 -Continued Vane Span (in.) _____ __ ______ _ 6.0 6.0 Weight (lb) _ ___ _______ ____ __ 4.4 4.4 Number of Vane Blades 2 2 Detonator Designation ________ ~K22 ~odO ~K22 ~od 0 Booster Charge: Type ___________ ___ _____ Tetryl Tetryl Weight (oz) ____________ _ 1.9 1.9 a. General. These vane-type, delay-armed, impaet nose fuzes (figs. 4-10 and -l-11, and table 4--±) either are or are not 'mter-discriminating , depending upon the design of the striker plate and the shear threads supporting the striker. Air travel of approximately 450 feet is necessary to arm t hese fuzes for action. Nose fuze lVIK2-!3 1\Iod 0 differs from nose fuze l\IK244 l\Iod 1 in external markings and in the delay element. Water-discriminating nose fuze l\IK2-!~ ~Iod 0 functions after a 0.025-second delay, while nose fuze XIK24A ~loci 1, which is not \mter discriminating, has a delay of -l seconds. When nose fuze ;\TK2-!~ 1\lod 0 is installed in a 500-p ound GP bomb, a drop from 20,000 feet into \\"ater \\"ill not result in fuze action. Impact with at least ?4"-inch steel plate or hard ground is necessary for detonation. Use of this nose fuze \Yith certain inertia-firing tail fuzes having a 0.2-1-second primerdetonator .l\11-l effects a dual purpose: nose fuze l\IK2-!3 l\Iod 0 will detonate the bomb after a 0.025second delay in case of a direct hit; in C'ase of a near miss, the tail fuze \Yill detonate the bomb at an optimum penetration of about 25 feet to produce a mining effect. Nose fuze l\IK244 1\Iod 1 is not water discriminat ing. It has an added stri ker plate which increases t he striker su rface seven t imes. Also, t he number of shear threads supporting t he striker is only half the number of those on nose fuze l\IK24~ Mod 0. Nose fuze l\'[K2H l\[od 1 will function when dropped on oft ground from an altitude of 1,000 feet, or when dropped on water from an altitude of 3,000 feet. This fuze body is labeled 4 SEC. DELAY. ~ark • __ ____ _____ ___________ _ ~od Firing Action__ ______ ________ Firing Delay (sec) ____ __ ______ Arming: Type ______ __ ___ ______ __ Hevolutions to Arm ______ Air Travel to Arm (ft) __ __ • Overall Length (in.) __ __ ______ Protrusion from Bomb (in.) ___ Body Diameter (in.) ____ ___ _ • Figure 4-10. Nose fuze AT K 248 Mod 0 or llf/\.244 Mod 1. 'l'able 1, -1,. Nose Fu ze MK21, 8 Mod 0 and M I\.244 Mod I 243 244 0 Impact Impact 0 . 025 4.0 Delayed Delayed 130 130 450 450 8 . !l 8.9 3 . 9 3.9 2.5 2.5 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 •• • , ARMING-SCREW COLLAR • • ARMING-STEM SPRING • ARMING-STEM COLLAR • COPPER SHEll DETONATOR SLIDER DETONATOR .. • BOOSTER • .. . . ORO 01210 Figure 4-11. Nose fuze MK 243 Mod 0 or MK 244 Mod 1-cross sectian. • • • • • • • • • b. Explosive Components. The explosive romponents consist of a delay element, a detonator, a booster lead, and a booster charge. The hoostPr eonsists of 1.!) ounces of tetryl. c. Safety Features. Each fuze is individually packed in a sealed container. A safety (cotter) pin, with a tag attached, which passes through holes in the flange of the vane cup and in the flange of the vane-cup support, locks the reduction mechanism to prevent the fuze from arming. The arming wire keeps the fuze unarmed until it is withdrawn when the bomb is released. This wire passes through the forward suspension lug of the bomb, through a pair of holes in the flange of the vane cup, and through the flange of the vane cup support., preventing rotation of the arming-vane assembly. These fuzes are detonator safe since the detonator is out of alinement until the fuze is armed; they are also shear safe. d. Functioning. (1) General. When the fuzed bomb is dropped, the arming wire is retained in the bomb rack and withdrawn from the vane cup and vane-cup support. This unlocks the reduction gear mechanism to arm the fuze. After 130 revolutions of the arming-vane assembly (approximately 450 feet of air travel along the trajectory of the bomb), the fuzes become armed and the arming mechanism is released into the airstream . These fuzes will detonate upon impact with a sufficiently dense substance. (2) Arming. The vane cup and arming-vane assembly are connected directly by the eyelet pins. The revolving arming vanes turn the vane cup to operate the delayarming mechanism. The delay-arming mechanism is composed of an inner screw and an arming stem. The movable outer gear, which is attached to the arming screw, has 23 teeth. The inner gear, which has 22 teeth, is prevented from moving by the inner-gear stop. As the arming vanes turn the vane cup, the pinion is forced to walk around the outer and inner gears. The difference in the number of teeth between the outer and inner gears causes the pinion to advance the outer gear one tooth each complete revolution. This moves the arming screw outward on its threads. The reduction ratio obtained is TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 one revolution of the arming screw to 23 revolutions of the arming-vane assembly. The reduction gears, vane cup, and armingvane assembly are carried outward by means of the arming-screw collar. The arming stem rides outward with the arming screw under the action of the arming-stem spring. When the arming screw has advanced approximately one-fourth inch, the arming stem clears the detonator slider, a metal cube containing the detonator. The detonator slider is confined in a recess of the fuze body, and is under spring action from one side. The arming stem holds the slider against the slider springs to prevent the detonator from becoming aligned with the explosive train . Raising of the arming stem during arming allows the slider springs to move the slider sideways. When the detonator is properly aligned with the delay element and the booster lead, the slider is locked in position by a springloaded detent and a lock pin. Continued rotation of the arming vane unscrews the arming screw from the striker, freeing the reduction gears, the vane cup, and the arming-vane assembly to the airstream. The fuze is then armed. (3) Action. Impact with a sufficiently dense substance drives the striker inward. The striker shears the brass shear threads and shear pin, and then strikes the firing pi n. (4) Detonation. The firing pin fires the delay element, setting off the explosive train . The delay element relays the explosion to the detonator which, in turn, sets off the booster lead in and the booster. e. Released Safe. If it is necessary to release fuzed bombs over friendly territory, aircraft arming controls should be set in the SAFE position before t he bombs are jettisoned. In this position, the arming wire is released from the bomb rack with the bomb, preventing the arming vane from rotating and arming the fuze. The unarmed fuze will not function on impact. f. Accidental Arming. If the arming assembly (arming vanes, vane cup, and reduction gears) is missing, the fuze is armed. If the arming assembly is not missing, visual evidence of arming can be determined by measuring the distance between t he flange of the vane cup and the flange of the vane-cup • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 support. When this distance measures ~-inch or Warning: Armed and partially armed fuzes more, the fuze is fully armed; less than ~-inch, the should be removed from bombs by authorized and fuze is partially armed. qualified munitions personnel only. • • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 4-6. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, M904E 1 and M904E2 PIN BOOSTER CUP • • ROTOR DETENT SPRING • BOTTOM VIEW (BOOSTER REMOVED) RETAINING RING • ORO 0993 TOP VIEW Figure 4-1 2. Nose fuze M904 series . Tabl e 4-5. Nose Fuze M904El and M904E 2 • ModeL ____ _______ ___________ Arming Dela y (sec): M904EL ____ _________ ___ M904E2 ______________ ___ Firing D elay (sec ) _____________ Overall Length (in .) __________ _ Protru sion from Bom b (in .) ____ • Vane Sp a n (in. )_ -------------Weight (lb) ____ _____ _________ Booster: Weigh t (o z) _____ _________ M904E1 , M904E2 4 to 20 (se lective) 2 to 18 (se lec t ive ) 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.10 , 0 .2 5, or (in stantaneous) non-de lay 9 .38 4.25 3.75 2.10 Tetry l 2.63 • a. General . These fuz es (fig. -1-12 and table -1-5) are designed for use with fragmentation bombs, old series, new-series, low-drag GP bombs, and massivetype gas bombs . These fuzes , in that they provide for a wider range of selective arming, and impact firing delays, are superior to older fuzes. A minimum airstream speed of approximately 150 knots is required for arming the fuze. Fuze .i.\I904E2 arming delay time is marked off in 2-second inte rvals to 18 seconds, ''"hile fuze M904E1 has an arming delay time of 4 to 20 seconds (4, 6, 8, 12, 16 and 20second sett ings). Fuzes M904E1 or E2 can be used instead of fuzes AN-l\1103Al, AN-M139A1, A L .i.\Il40A1, i\1163, 2\Il64 and M165. Impact-firing delay tim e is provided by delay element .i.\19(T2). Adapter booster .M126A1 (T45E1 ) or T 45E4 is TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11 -1-28 required in all but the older GP bombs in order to use fuzes of the :\190-1 series since the fuze thread diameter is hYo inches, \\·hile threads fuze "·ells of the newer GP bombs are three inches in diameter. Fuzes :\190-!El or E2 may be used for impact and impact-delay application in conjunction with tail fuze :\1905, and form the nose complement of the fuzing system. Note. Fuze l\1904El and fuze ~1904E2 are structural!~· similar. They differ in their arming delay ettings. b. Components (fig. 4-13). (1) Nose assembly. This assembly contains the follo,Ying: housing and vane assembly, gear train and governor assembly, index ring, and arming stop. The vane assembly is secured to a spindle and drum assembly, thereby allowing the two assemblies to turn as one unit. The nose flange, when er ured to the upper portion of the fuze body, holds the knurled nose assembly in place in the fuze body . An indicator on the nose assembly is used in conjuuction with a calibrated dial stamped on the flange for selecting arming delay time for the fuze. The vane is prevented from rotating by the wire seal until the fuze is • prepared for use. The gear train and governor assembly, mechanically connected to the governor drum, is secured to the gear train which, in turn, is attached to the arming stop. The two drive pins of the arming stop are mechanically connected • to the striker body assembly. • • • ORD 0998 Figure 4-13. Fuze M904 series-cross section. (2) Fuze body assembly. This assembly contains the following major components: index lock pin, stop screw, index stop, striker assembly, striker pin and guide assembly, rotor release assembly, delay lock pin relay X:\19, rotor assembly containing detonator :\135, and the fuze body. When the indicator is rotated to a new arming delay mark or time, the • index lock pin must be pushed inward in order to release the index ring. For fuzes :\1904El or E2, the stop screw must be removed to select an arming delay t ime of less than six seconds. The striker • assembly, eontaining a steel hall, spring, and firing pin guide, is held in place by the index stop, which is secured to t he fuze • body. The firing pin assembly is fastened to t he guide assemb ly with a shea r pin. The guide assembly is held in plate in t he fuze body with a retain ing ring. Relay element Xl\19 is located in t he lower portion of t he fuze body. Delay element • NI9, when installed in the cuto ut in the fuze body, is held in place by a spring and a lock pin. The lower portion of the rotor release assembly holds the rotor assembly (containing detonator l\135) in an out-of-line position with other explosive • train elements. The window in the middle of t he fuz e body is used to view t he white stripes on t he striker body; full red color indicates t hat the fuze is armed. The window in t he lower portion of t he fuze body is used for viewing the upper edge • • of t he rotor assembly; full reel indicates that the rotor assembly has been released and detonator M35 is in line with t he other explosive train elements. The explosive train of t he fuze consists of delay element M9 relay XM9 (2.31 grains of lead azide), detonator M35 and a tetryl booster as sembly. Note. White stripes showing through either of the windows mentioned above indicate the unarmed condition. (3) Booster cup assembly. The major com • ponents of this assembly are a booster lead of 1.55 grains tetry l, a booster pellet of approximately 1146 grains tetryl, a filler disc, and an aluminum booster cup . The threaded end of t he booster cup is used for attaching t he booster cup to t he lower port ion of the fuze body . • c. Functioning. (1) The fuze starts to function when t he bomb is released from t he aircraft. The arming wire is withdrawn from t he vane and the Fahnestock (safety) clips. The vane spins • in airs t reams of 150-to 650-knots. Airstreams of less t han 150 knots will not produce sufficient torque for t he vane to arm the fuz e properly. Rotation of the vane provides the drive power for t he governor spindle and drum assembly. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 The !'entrifugal-typr dutc· h maintains the output speed from t he governor at a <'Onstant 1800 (plus or minus 1 00) revolu tions per minu te. The governor output is t ransmi tted t hrough t he gear t rain . This causes the arming sto p to rotate through an angle ro rresponding to t he selected arming t ime of approximately 11 degrees per-second of arming delay. While the arming stop is rotating to the armed posit ion, three other parts rotate wit h it: the strik er body, the firing pin , and t he firing-pin guide, driven by the drive pins a nd keyed to the arming stop . When t he arming stop has moved to the armed position , a slot in t he striker body aligns with a slot in t he index stop . The helica l spring forces t he striker body forward un t il it rests against t he index stop of the arming stop . Immediately , a helical spring forces t he stee l ball into the void above t he firing pin . A cut-ou t in the firing pin guide aligns with the upper port ion of t he rotor release assembly allowing t he assembly to be driven forward by its spring. On removal of the lower port ion of the release assembly, the spring loaded rotor rotates, t hereby aligning the detonator :NI35 in t he rotor assembly with the ot her explosive t rain elements. The ro to r detent locks t he rotor assembly in the firing train position, thus arming the fuz e. (2) When the bomb hits the target, the force of t he impact drives the entire no e assembly rearward, thereby causing the three integral lugs attached to the nose housing to be sheared off. The striker body is forced against the firing pin, shearing the shear pin, which in turn, causes the explosive train components to be initiated . d. Safety Features. A sealing wire inserted in these fuzes prevents the arming vane from rotating. A red tag attached to the sealing wire inserted in the M904E1 states that a white stripe must be visible through the inspection window at the 6 and 20second arming setting, and that if white shows at any other setting, the fuze is to be rejected . The· M904E2 has a red tag with the same notation for the 6 and 18 second-arming setting. A small window in the thumb grip just above the rotor cavity shows TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 the rotor after it moves in line and is locked in place by the rotor detent. The window in the body will show red if the striker body has moved into firing position. Either condition indicates an armed fuze. In the unarmed condition, the rotor is out of line with the rest of the explosive train. Delay element M9 is not inserted in the fuze until it is to be used. The empty delay element cavity acts as an int.erruptor to the explosive train of the fuze during handling, transporting, and storage. 4-7. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, M 142A 1 Figure 4-14 . Nose fuze M142A1. a. General. Nose fuze Ml42A1 (fig. 4-14) is an impact fuze of the direct-arming arming-pin type. It is used in the 10-pound incendiary bomb l\174. b. Description. Fuze M142A1 is 1.17 inches in diameter and 3.38 inches long. A case (6, fig. 4-15) encloses a striker (7), a sleeve (8) containing a pnmer (9), and a booster (10). A head assembly • (3), containing an arming pin (5), an arming-pin spring (4), and a release pin (2) , is screwed into t he open end of the case. An arming-pin retainer (14) pressed into the head of the fuze holds t he • arming pin and arming-pin spring in place. A safety-wire (1), removed when the bomb containing the fuze is clustered, holds the release pin in t he fuze. • • 2 l ~ .... ,. ~ •.. ,. ~ ~ .. ~ ~ •I 3 4 14 s ..,.___ 6 13 7 8 12 11 • 9 • ORO 0 121 3 Safety wire 8 • 'leeve • 2 Release pin !} Primer :3 Head assembly 10 Booster 4 Arming-pin spring 11 Striker spring 5 Arming pin l2 Firing pin 6 Case 13 Steel ball 7 Striker 14 Arming-pin retainer Figure 4-15. Nose fuze .M142 AJ-cross section. • c. Installation. The fuze is installed in tlw bomh nose during manufacture. Removal of the fuze in the field is not authorized . • d. Functioning . (1) Before release from cluster. When a bomb containing fuze ~I142A1 is clustered, the safety \Yire is \Yithdrawn, and the release pin is depressed by a release bar held down by contact with other bombs in the cluster. The release pin holds do\vn the arming pin against the force of the arming-pin spring. The striker and sleeve are locked together by two steel balls (13) located in two holes in the striker. Each ball is held outward • in a recess in the sleeve by the arming pin. This prevents the firing pin (12), \Vhich is part of the striker, from striking the primer. (2) After release from cluster. Release of the bomb from the cluster removes pressure • from the release pin. The release pin is ejected from the fuze by the arming pin which is driven outward by the arming-pin spring . Withdrawal of the arming pin frees t he two steel balls to move toward the center of the fuze, unlocking t he striker from the sleeve. The striker and sleeve are then free to move in either direction. The firing pin is held away from the primer only by the striker spring (11), and the fuze is armed. • (3) Upon impact. If the bomb strikes nose first, inertia causes the sleeve to move toward the striker, compressing the striker spring. The primer hits the firing pin and is activated. Flame from the primer ignites the booster, completing the fuze action. If the bomb strikes tail first, • inertia causes the striker to move toward the sleeve, compressing the striker spring and allowing the firing pin to strike the primer. Flame from the primer ignites the booster, completing the fuze action. If the bomb strikes with the side of the fuze • turned toward the point of impact, inertia causes t he striker and the sleeve to move toward the side of the fuze, and the striker is forced into the sleeve by the sloping surfaces of the arming-pin retainer and the fuze case. T he firing pin strikes the TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 primer and the fuze action is completed as described above. e. Accidental Arming. If the fuze is armed accidentally, the bomb containing it must be disposed of by authorized and qualified munitio ns personnel. Warn ing : Do not attempt to disarm an armed fuze M142Al. The assembled fuze cannot be disarmed, and any attempt to replace the release pin or to depress the arming pin will activate the fuze. 4-8. Fuze, Bomb: M157 O RD 01215 Figure 4-16. Bomb fuze M 157 . a. General. Bomb fuze ~Il57 (figs. 4-16 and 4-17) is an impact fuze of the direct-ar ming vane type which functions at any angle of impact. It is used with bomb igniter :\115 or l\Il6 (fig. 4-18) to allow a jettisonable aircraft fuel tank to be used as a fire bomb. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • • • ORD D12 16 • 1 Arming vane 7 Sleeve 2 Safety pin 8 Firing pin 3 Head assembly 9 Primer 4 Arming pin 10 Ignition mixture 5 Case 11 Striker spring 6 Striker 12 Steel ball • Figure 4-17. Fuze M 157-cross section. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • ORO 01217 • Figure 4-18. Fuze M157 installed in Igniter M15. b. Description. Fuze ~Il57 is 1.13 inches in freeing t he arming vane to rotate in the diameter and 3.38 inches long. A case (5, fig. -l-17) airstream. After approximately 20 revoluincloses a striker (6), a sleeve (7) containing a tions of the arming vane, the end of the primer (9), and a % -grain black powder ignition arming pin withdraws from the striker and mixture (10). A head assembly (3), containing an frees the two steel balls to move toward arming vane (1) and a threaded arming pin (-!) is the center of the fuze, unlocking the striker screwed into the open end of the case. A safety from the sleeve. The striker and sleeve are (cotter) pin (2) with a pull ring is inserted through a then free to move in either direction. The pair of holes in the arming yane and prevents the firing pin is held a\Yay from the primer only arming vane from turning. A short wire with a by t he striker spring (11), and the fuze is • safety clip attached is inserted through a second armed. pair of holes in the arming vane. (3) Upon impact. If the fuel tank strikes with c. Functioning. the head of the fuze forward, inertia causes (1) Installed in aircraft. An arming wire, the sleeve to move toward the striker, which replaces the short "·ire with safety compressing the striker spring. The primer clip (b above), prevents the arming vane hits the firing pin and is activated. Flame from turning. The arming pin, which is from the primer ignites the ignition mixture, • attached to the arming vane, extends into completing the fuze action. If the fuel the center of the fuze through the striker tank stri kes with the bottom of the fuze and sleeve. The striker and the sleeve forward, inertia causes the striker to move are locked together by t\\·o steel balls (12) tO\mrd the sleeve, compressing the strike1 located in t\YO holes in the striker. • Each spring and allowing the firing pin to strike • ball is held outward in a recess in the the primer. Flame from the primer ignites sleeve by the stem of the arming pin. This the ignition mixture, completing the fuze prevents the firing pin (8), which is part of action. If the fuel tank strikes with the the striker, from striking the primer. side of t he fuze forward, inertia causes thE (2) R eleased from aircraft. When the fuel tank stri ker and the sleeve to move toward the is jettisoned, the arming \Yire is withdrawn, side of the fuze, and the striker is force( TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 into the !'leeve by the sloping surfaces of the fuze head and case . The firing pin strikes the primer, and the ignition mixture is ignited as described above. d. Accidental Arming. If the fuze is armed accidentally, the igniter and fuze must be removed and disposed of by authorized and qualified munitions personnel only. Warning: Do not attempt to disarm an armed fuze M157. The assembled fuze cannot be disarmed safely. Attempts to insert or screw in the arming pin will activate the fuze. 4-9. Fuze, Bomb: Igniter, M 173 and ANM173A1 3.7 IN. ORD D1218 Figure 4-19. Fuze, bomb : igniter, M173 and AN-M173Al. a . Gen eral. Igniter bomb fuzes :\1173 and AK-:\1173A1 (fig. -l-19) are impact fuzes of the direct-arming, arming-vane type. They fun ction • at any angle of impact, therefore can be used as nose and tail fuzes. They are used in igniter M23 or :\I23Al (fig. 4-20) and in fire bomb :Mll6A1 or :\Ill6A2. These two fuze models are identical • except that the diameter of the threads on the fuze head of fuze AN-:\Il73A1 is greater than on the :\1173. Fuze AN-:NI173A1 is installed in igniter AN-:\I23A1; fuze ?1!173 in igniter M23. The assemblies are not interchangeable. • • • ORO 01220 • Figure 4-20. Fuze AN-M173A1 installed in igniter M23. b. D escription. Fuze M173 (fig. 4-22) is 2 inches in diameter and 4.19 inches long. A case (14, fig. 4-22) incloses a striker (12), and a primer holder (11) containing a primer (7). A booster cup (9) containing a detonator (8) and a booster • (10) is assembled to the bottom of the case. A head assembly (3) is screwed to the top of the case. An arming pin (4) with an arming vane (1) at its outer end is screwed into the head assembly. A safety pin (2) with a pull ring is inserted through a hole in the hub of the arming vane. A second hole • in the hub of the arming vane receives an arming \nre. Warning: Do not remove the safety pin before bomb is placed in aircraft and arming wire is installed. • FUZE TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 an inch and frees the two steel balls to move toward the center of the fuze, unlocking the striker from t he primer holder . The striker and primer holder are then free to move in eit her direction. The firing pin is held away from the priJ?er only • ADAPTER INSTALLED • ADAPTER ORO 01221 Figure 4-21. Fuze AN-JI{173A1with adapter. Note. An adapter ring (fig. 4-21) is available for Navy use, which permits ins ta llation of fuz e M17:3 ami fuze AN -M17:3A1 in t.he same igni t.ers. c. Functioning. (l) Before release from aircraft. The arming • wire, whic·h is inserted through one of t he holes in t he hub of t he arming vane, preve nts t he arming vane from t urning . The striker and primer holder are lorked together by two steel balls (1 :~) loc·ated in two holes in the striker. Earh hall is • held outward in a reress in t he primer holder by t he stem of the arming pin. This prevents t he firing pin (5), whirh is part of the striker, from striking t he ORO 01219 prrmer. (2) After release from aircraft. When t he I Arming vane 8 Detonator • fuzed bomb falls from the ai rcraft, t he 2 Safety pin 9 Booste r cup 3 Head assembly 10 Booster arming wire is withdrawn. This frees t he 4 Arming pin ll Primer holder arming vane to rotate in the airstream. 5 F iring pin 12 Striker 6 Striker spring 13 Rteel balls After approximately l5 to 20 revolutions 7 Primer 14 Case of the arming vane, t he arming pin un screws approximately three-sixteenths of Figure 4-22. Fuze AN-M173A1-cross section. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 by the striker spring (6), and the fuze is armed. (3) Upon impact. If the bomb strikes with the vane end of the fuze toward the point of impact, inertia causes the primer holder to move toward the striker, compressing the striker spring. The primer hits the firing pin and is activated. Flame from the primer initiates the detonator. Detonation of the tetryl booster completes the fuze action. If the bomb strikes with the booster end of the fuze toward the point of impact, inertia causes the striker to move toward the primer holder. This compresses the striker spring and causes the firing pin to strike the primer. Flame from the primer initiates the detonator, fuze action being completed in the same ;ay as when the vane end of the fuze is toward the point of impact. If the bomb strikes with the side of the fuze toward the point of impact, inertia causes both the striker and the primer holder to move toward the side of the fuze. The striker is forced into the primer holder by the sloping surfaces of the fuze head and case, the firing pin strikes the primer and the fuze action is completed as described above. d. Accidental Arming. If the arming vane is rotated 15 to 20 turns, the arming pin will have unscrev..·ed approximately three-sixteenths of an inch, arming the fuze. An armed fuze is dangerous and must not be subjected to shocks or jolts. If the fuze is armed accidentally, the igniter and fuze must be removed and disposed of by authorized and qualified munitions personnel only. Warning: Never attempt to disarm a fuze suspected of being armed, as screwing in of the arming pin will force the arming pin into the primer and fire the fuze. 4-10. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, M 196 a. General. Fuze M196 (fig. 4-23) is a detonatorsafe, impact nose fuze of the direct-arming, inertiaarming type. It is used in 10-pound, nonpersistent gas bombs M125 and M125Al. b. Installation. The fuze is installed in t he bomb nose during manufacture. Removal in the field is not authorized. • • ORO 01241 Figur e 4-23. Fu ze, bomb, nose , M 196. c. Descri ption. Fuze ?11196 (fig. 4-24) is 1.75 in ches in diameter and 1.75 inches long . The body (I, fig. 4-24) in closes the working parts of the fuze • and a tetryl charge (8). A cylin drical rotor (7) containing a detonator (9) is installed in a rotor cavity in the body. The rotor has a spiral groove in the side, in which a rotor stop pin rides , and a hole (1 1) whirh receives a firing pin (5) when the fuz e is • not armed. A roto r spring (6) is !orated between the end of the rotor and the side of the body . The rotor cavity is dosed by a rotor plug (10) . A firing pin assembly (13), to which the firing pin is attached, and a firing pin spring (4) are installed in the center of the body. Two grooves in t he side of the firing pin assembly and corresponding holes in t he body • rece ive two steel balls (14) "·hich hold the firing pin assembly in the depressed (unarmed) position. A cylindrical arming ring (12) is held in the nose end of the fuz e by a safety wire which is installed when the fuze is manufactured. When t he fuz e is installed in a bomb, the arming ring is held in the fuze by a • stranded steel c-able, which is part of a parachuteopening delay ?III or ?IIIAI, and the safety " ·ire is removed . A firing-pin retainer (2), screwed into a hole in t he side of the body, terminates in a slot (:3) in the firing pin assembly. • .. • ~· ··-.mrt--6 ..... .. .,.,;.----? • ORD 01222 1 Body 8 Tetryl charge 2 Firing-pin retainer 9 Detonator 3 Slot 10 Rotor plug 4 Firing-pin spring 11 Hole 5 Firing pin 12 Arming ring 6 Rotor spring 13 Firing pin assembly 7 Rotor 14 Steel ball • Figure 4-24. Fuze 11!196-cross section. Note. The fuze is installed in the bomb nose during manu facture. Removal or replacement of the fuze in the field is not authorized. d. Functioning. (1) B efore release from cluster. When fuze l\.fl96 is installed in a bomb, the steel cable from the parachute-opening delay passes across the end of the fuze and holds the arming ring . The point of the firing pin in the hole in t he rotor locks the rotor in the unarmed position, with the detonator • perpendicular to the firing pin and completely out of line \Yith it. The firing pin is held in the depressed position by the two steel balls held by the arming ring in the grooves in the firing pin assembly. (2) After release from cluster. When the bomb containing the fuze is released from the • cluster, the parachute-opening delay fun ctions and breaks t he stranded steel cable holding the arming ring in the fuze . The ring is then held in the fuze only by friction, until the bomb parachute opens and • the descent of the bomb is checked abruptly. Inertia causes the arming ring to fly out of the fuze, freeing the two steel balls to fall out of the fuz e. This allO\\"S the firing-pin spring to force the firing pin assembly to,mrd the nose of the fuze. The TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 firing pin assembly is preven ted from separating from the fuze by the end of the firing pin retainer riding in the firing pin assembly. As the firing pin assembly moves forward , the point of the firing pin \Yithdra\\·s from the hole in the rotor, unlocking the rotor. The rotor spring forces the rotor tmmrd the center of the fuze , and the rotor is made to revolve through 90 degrees by a fixed rotor stop pin which rides along a sprial groove in the rotor. When the end of the spiral groove reaches the rotor stop pin, further movement of the rotor is prevented, and a lockpin , driven by a lock spring, drops into a notch in the rotor and drops the rotor in the armed position. When the rotor is in this position, the detonator is in line " ·ith the firing pin and \vith the tetryl charge in the fuz e base. (3) Cpon impact. When the head of the firing pin assembly strikes a solid object, the point of the firing pin is driven into the detonator. The detonator fires and explodes the tetryl charge, comp leting the fuze action . e. Accidental Arming. If the head of t he firing pin assembly protrudes beyond the head of the fuze, indicating that the fuze is armed , the bomb containing it must be disposed of by authorized and qualified mutitions personnel. It should be noted that even if the parachute-opening delay should function accidentally and release the cable which restrains the arming ring, the fuze is not armed as long as the arming ring remains in place. The arming ring can be fastened in the fuze by insert ing a safety wire through safety 'vire holes in the end of the fu ze. Warning: Do not attempt to disarm an acmed fuze Ml96. The assembled fuze cannot be disarmed , and dis turbing the firing pin or reinserting the arming ring will activate the fuze . 4 -11. Fuze, Bomb : Nose, M197 a. General. :'\ose fuze :.\1197 (fig. 4-25), an improved version of fuze :\Il42A1, is an impact nose fuze of the direct-arming, arming-pin type, which functions at any angle of impact. It is used in the 10-pound :\I74Al incendiary bomb. b. Fuze Installation. The fuze is installed in the bomb nose during manufacture. Removal or replacement of the fuze in the field is not authorized . TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 ORO 01223 Figure 4-25. Fuze M197. c. Description. Fuze ?II197 (fig. 4-26) is 1.19 inches in diameter and 3.19 inches long. A case (3) incloses a striker ( 4), a sleeve (5) containing a primer (6), and a delay mixture (7). A head assembly (2) containing an arming pin (14) and a slide bar (13) is screwed into the open end of the case. A booster cup containing a booster (8) is assembled to the end of the case that contains the delay mixture. A safety wire (1), which is removed when the bomb is clustered, holds the arming pin in the fuze. d. Functioning. (1) Before release from cluster. When a bomb containing fuze :\Il97 is clustered, the safety wire is \vithdrawn. The arming pin is held in the fuze by contact \rith the release bar which is held in place by contact with other bombs in the clust~r. The stem of the arming pin holds the slide bar in the 1·etracted position, and the slide-bar spring (12) is compressed. The strike1· and sleeve are locked together by two steel balls (11) located in two holes in the striker. Each ball is held outward in a recess in t he sleeve by the stem of the arming pin. This prevents the firing pi n (10), which is part of the striker, from striking the primer. 8 1 Safety wire 2 Head assembly 3 Case 4 Striker 5 Sleeve 6 Primer 7 Delay mixture 8 Booster Figure 4-26. ...--1 ll 3 7 ORO 01224 9 Striker spring 10 Firing pin 11 Steel ball 12 Slide-bar spring 13 Slide bar 14 Arming pin 15 Arming-pin spring Fuze !If19 7-cross section. • • • • • • • (:2) After release from cluster. Release of the bomb from the cluster mo,·e pressure from the a rming pin , \Yhich is ejected from the • fuze by the arming-pin spring (l?i). Wit hdrawal of the stem of the arming pin frees the t\\"O steel balls to move to\mrd t he center of t he fuze, unlocking the striker from the sleeve. The striker and sleeve are then free to move in either direction . • The firing pin is held a\my from the primer only hy the striker spring (9), and the fuze is armed. Withdrawal of the arming pin a lso frees the slide bar, which is forced by the slide-bar spring toward the center of the fuze. The slide bar t hen covers the • hole in the center of the fuze and prevents fire from t he ign it ing components of t he fuze from venting forward. (3) Upon impact. If the bomb strikes nose end first, inertia causes the sleeve to move toward the striker, compressing the strik er • spring. The primer hits the firing pin and is activated. Fbme from the pri mer ignites the delay mixture, ,,·hich burns • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 from L)-to-3 seconds, and then ignites the booster, completing the fuze action. If the bomb strikes tail end first, inertia causes the striker to move toward the sleeve, compressing the striker spring and allowing the firing pin to strike the primer. The delay mix t ure and booster are then ignited as described above. If the bomb strikes with the side of the fuze turned toward the point of impact, inertia causes both the striker and the sleeve to move toward the side of the fuze, and the striker is forced into the sleeve by the sloping surfaces of the fuze head and case. The firing pin strikes the primer, which ignites the delay mixture and booster , as described above. e. Accidental Arming. If the fuze is armed accidentally, the bomb containing it must be disposed of Ly authorized and qualified munitions personnel. The assembled fuze cannot be disarmed; an attempt to replace or depress the arming pin will activate the fuze. Warning : Do not attempt to disarm an armed or partially armed f uze. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 4-12. Fuze, Bomb: Tail, AN-M100A2, AN-M101A2, AN-M102A2, M160, M161, M162, M172, M175, M176, AN-M177, M184, M185, M194 and M195 • • • 16.26 IN. • 12.26 IN. • J 9.26 IN. • • AN-M100A2 AN-M101A2 AN-M102A2 ORO 01225 Figure 4-27 . Tail fu zes AN-M100A2, AN-111101A2 and AN-M102A 2. • • • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 4-6. Tail Fuzes AN-M100A2 AN-M101A2 AN-M102A2 M1 60 M161 M162 M172 Firing Action ____________ Impact-Impact-Impact-Impact-Impact-Impact-Impact-Inert ia l In ertial Inerti a l In erti a l In erti a l Inertial Ine rtial Firing D elay _____________ Delay or Delay or Delay or Delay or D elay or Delay or Delay or I'\on delay :1'\ondelay 'ondelay :1'\ondelay Kondelay Kondelay :\ondelay Arming: Type_______ __ _______ D elayed Delayed Delayed D elaye d Delayed Delayed Delayed Revolutions to Arm ___ 150 to 170 150tol70 150 to 170 Air Travel to Arm (ft ): Vane M4 ________ 445-650 445-650 445-650 1780-2680 1780-2680 1780-2680 44:)-;)50 Vane M5 ________ 1225-1420 1225-1420 1225-1420 4900-58;)0 4900-.5850 4900-;)850 1225-];j 10 Ov erall Length (in .) _______ 9.26 12.26 16.26 9.26 12.26 16.26 25.29 Protru. ion from Bomb (in .) _ 6.26 9.26 13.26 6.31 9.31 13.31 22.29 Body Diameter (in .) ______ 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.5 Vane Span (in. ) __________ 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Weight (lb) ______________ 2.7 2.9 3.2 2.7 2.9 3.2 3.65 Ko. of Blades on Vane ___ . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Vane Types M175 M176 AN-l\1177 M184 J\1185 l\11 04 Ml% I Firing Action _____ ______ _ Impact-Impact-Impact-Impart-Impact-Impact-I mpaet-Inertia l Inert ial Inertial In ertial In er t ial Inertial Inertial Firing Delay ___ __________ Delay or Delay o r Delay or Delay o r Delay or Delay or IJelay or Nondelay ::-.;ondelay l\'ondelay :'\ondela.v :\ond elay :\ond elay :\ondelay Arming: Type______________ __ Delayed Delayed D elayed Delay ed Delayed D elayed Delayed Revolutions to Arm ___ 150 to 170 150 to 170 150 to 170 Air Travel to Arm (ft) : Va ne M4 ________ 1150-·1935 11 50-1935 1150-193:> 5;)0 450-460 500 500 Va ne M 5 ________ 3200-5225 3200-5225 3200-5225 Overall Le ngth (in. ) _______ 25.29 37.05 45.12 37.0.5 45.12 31.035 28 .972 34.05 42.12 28 .03:) 25.972 Protru. io n from Bom b (in. )_ 22.29 34.05 42.12 Body Diameter (in .) ______ 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Vane Span (in .) __________ 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 W e ight (Ib ) ______________ 3.65 4.4 5.0 4.4 5.0 4.1 3.9 1'\o. of Blades on Vane ____ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Vane Types a. General. Tail fuzes of t his type (figs . ..J.-27 assembly in the airstream so that the same type and 4-28, and table -l -6) are vane armed and fuz e ca n he use d \\"it h various size bombs. Tail inertia fired. Arming is merhanieally delayed by fu zes AK-:\llOOA2 , A::\'-:\Il01A2 and A::\'-:\l102A2 red uction gearing. When issued, t he fuzes are are for USE' \rit h box fin assemblies. Tail fuzes equipped wit h eit her a nondelay or a 0 .025-se<'ond :\1172, :\[175, :\[176, A::\'-:'dl77, :\118-J. and :\1185 delay primer deto nator l\'I14, which ea n he in te rare used \ri t h conieal fin assemblies. Tail fuzes ehanged with other primer detonators :\114 to give :.1185, :.ll9-l: and :.U95 arc used only in low-drag a seleetion of t ime delays. Air t rave l to arm t hese bombs. Fuzes Al\-:\IlOOAI , AX-:\IlOlAI and fu zes ranges from ..J.45-to-G50 feet ""it h vane :\U, AX-:.£ l02A l, which are earlier models of the and 1225-to-1-!20 feet \ri th Yane :\15. 0\·c ra \l AX -:\1 100A2 series, differ from fuz es of this se ries lengt h of t he fuzes varies because of ditl'crcnecs in t he follO\ring rcs pec·ts : arming stems ha\·c 24 in t he lengt h of t he arming-stem t ube; t hese ditTersingl e threads; vanes have eight blades \rith less cnecs a rc ne<'essary to loeate the a rmin g-vane pi tc h t han the A2 modification and fu zes req uire 4-35 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 about 720 ,·ane reYolutions-to-arm. Each fuze incorporates the interchangeable primer detonator ~Il-!. fuzes ~1160, ~1161 and ~Il62 are similar to those of the A:\-~IlOOA2 series exrept that the arming stem has finer threads (28 single threads to the inch against 20 double threads in A:\-~1100 series fuzes ) and a longer engagement " ·ith the firing plunger (0.75-inch against 0.50-inrh), thereby requiring a longer arming time. Fuzes ~1160 series are distinguished from those in the A:\-~1100 series by a 3-inch yellow band painted around the arming-stem case. Fu~es AN-~IlOOA2, AK-.\1101-A2 and AN'-l\Il02A2, the earliest of the slo\\·erarming tail fuzes, haYe the same number of threadsper-inch as fuzes of the ~1160 series, but a shorter engagement than that of AK-~IlOO series fuzes. The yello\Y band is painted on, as in the fuze .\Il60 series. Fuzes l\Il75, 1\!176, AK-~1177, ~118-!, 1\1185, ~119-!, and ?11195 are long-length fuzes developed for use \Yith specific, conical bomb fin assemblies. They are externally similar to tail fuzes in the AK-.\IlOOA2 series. The arming stem of the .\1175 series, hO\Yever, has finer threads than that of the A~"<\I100A2 series, increasing the air travel to arm. b. Arming 1"anes. Two types of interchangeable arming-vane assemblies are used on these fuzes. The difference bet\\·een the t\YO is the degree of pitch of the vanes \Yith respect to the plane of rotation. This difference is necessary in order to vary the arming distance of the fuzes as required by operating conditions. For shorter arming distances, standard vane .\I-! , "·hich has a -!5° pitch, is used. When longer air traYel to arm is desired, a vane :i\!5, \Yhich has a 75 degree pitch, is used. c. Safety Features. During shipment and storage, the fuze is made safe by insertion of a safety (cotter) pin (\Yith tag attached) that extends through the fuze body and firing plunger. This preYents movement of the firing plunger, \\·hich fires the detonator. Through a set of holes in the bearingcup eyelet and arming-stem cup, a safety (cotter) pin locks the gear mechanism. A sealed safety wire (\Yith instruction tag attached) is threaded through a hole in the 10\Yer end of the safety (cotter) pin to prevent its removal. The fuze cannot be installed " ·ithout first removing the safety (cotter) pin from the fuze body. When a fuze is properly installed in a bomb \\·ith the arming \Yire in place, the arming-vane assembly is prevented from rotat ing and arming the fuze. The fuzp remains in the safe condition until the bomb has been released and has tra,·eled the distance required for arming. The firing plunger is in line \Yith the explosi,·e train at all times; ho\\·e,·er, the plunger is held in place by the arming stem until the arming stem is unscre\Yed by rotation of the arming-,·ane assembly. The arming stem also is threaded to the fuze body cap. This prevents accidental blo\\·s on the arming-vane assembly from being tra nsmitted to the firing plunger. d. Functioning. (1) General. When the fuzed bomb is dropped, the arming " ·ire is retained in the bomb rack and withdram1 from the fuze. This frees the arming-,·ane assembly \\·hich rotates in the airstream and arms the fuze. After the arming Yanes ha,·e made from 150 to 170 revolutions, the fuze is fully armed. After approximately 200 more reYolutions, the arming stem unscre\\·s from the fuze body cap and the entire assembly (arming ,·anes, reduction gears, and arming stem) is released into the airstream. Air travel necessary to arm these fuzes varies " ·ith the bomb and arming vane used . Upon impact, inertia drives the firing plunger into the primer to fire the fuze and deto nate the bomb. (2) Arming. The arming-vane assembly is assembled to the bearing cup by the vane nut, and is locked in place by eyelet pins. The eyelet pins fit into notches in the vane hub to insure positive rotation of the bearing cup \Yith the arming-va.ne assembly. Delay arming is obtained by reduction gearing between the arming-vane assembly and the arming stem. The ratio is 30 revolutions of the arming-vane assembly to one revolution of the arming stem. Reduction is derived from a pinion (idler) gear, a movable gear, and a stationary gear. The movable gear has 30 teeth; the stationary gear has 29 teeth. The pinion gear is driven around the stationary and movable gears by the bearing cup and arming-vane assembly. Since the movable gear contains one more tooth than the stationary gear, it is forced one tooth ahead with each complete revolution of the pinion around the stationary gea,r. When • • • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 \iAN( NUl-----BlARING CUP t~-_ BAll • MO ABlE • PlUNGER PIN FIRING • 190 OUT OF POSITION! ltlM0Vl f'lt-4 1\f ll P Al'~'tl(. Wlh!. I' H..l '-lll'"f 1-.UT f;rfO~t ,AliA(IIIN(,. AkM.I' o(, VAI~t IHPI A(( f.> tJ P(f OH HMO m~(. Aii'MitJ(, Wllil II (10,_.1$ IS NOT OPOf·ll!J PINION STATIONARY (IDlER GEAR) GEAR 29 TEETH ORD 01226 Figure 4-28. Tail fuze AN-M100A2-cross section. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 the pinion has circled the stationary gear (4) Detonation . The primer, when struck by ~0 times, the movable gear has completed the firing pin, flashes and sets off the delay one revolution. The movable gear is element. After burning through, the connected to the arming stem by means of delay element sets off the relay which fires .. the movable-gear carrier. The stationary the detonator and the bomb. gear is secured to the stationary-gear carrier. Rotation of the movable-gear carrier is prevented by the carrier stop. As the arming-vane assembly rotates, motion is transmitted through the reduction gears to the arming stem. As the arming stem revolves, it unscrews from the firing plunger and fuze body cap. The arming-vane assembly is strong enough to withstand air speeds up to 600 knots. (3) Action. When the arming stem has un screwed itself from the firing plunger, arming is complete. The firing mechanism consists of a firing plunger and an an t icreep spring. A guide pin through tlw fuze-body cap and into the firing plunger prevents rotation of the plunger as the arming stem unscrews, but does not prevent the plunger from sliding in and out. The anticreep spring supports the plunger against the fuze-body cap. This spring is only strong enough to support the weight of the firing plunger. Upon impact, the plunger compresses the anticreep spring and is driven fonvard into the primer by inertia. e. Safe Release. If it is necessary to release fuzed bombs over friendly territory, the aircraft arming controls are set in the SAFE position before the bombs are jettisoned. In this position, the arming wire is released with the bomb, preventing the arming-vane assembly from rotating and arming the fuze. The unarmed fuze will not function upon impact. f. Accidental Arming. If the arming-vane assembly and the reduction-gear mechanism are missing, the fuze is armed. If they are not missing, however, the fuze may or may not be armed. The degree of arming can be determined by measuring the distance between the eyelet on the bearing cup and the flange on the arming-stem cup. If the distance is less than 72-inch, the fuze is partially armed. If the distance is from 72 to % inch, arming is questionable, and the fuze must be considered armed. If the distance is greater than % inch, the fuze is definitely armed. Warning: Fuzes suspected of being either armed or partially armed should be turned over to authorized and qualified munitions personnel. Under no circumstances should an attempt be made to disarm the fuze by turning the arming vane backwards. • • .. • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 4-13. Fuze, Bomb: Tail M112, M112Al, M113, M113Al, M114, M114Al, M115, M116,M117,M178,M179,M180,M181, M182 and M183 • - I • • 16.54 IN. • • AN-M115 AN-M117 ORD 01227 Figure 4-29. Tail f uzes M115, M11 6 and M 117 . • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 VANE NUT -----i~ VANE • PINION MOVABLE GEAR CARRIER STATIONARY GEAR CARRIER • CARRIER STOP ARMING STEM • / FUZE BODY CAP PLUNGER • FIRING · PIN SPRING FIRING PIN • ANTICREEP SPRING PRIMER DELAY ELEMENT SPRING RETAINER r PRIMER· DETONATOR ASSEMBLY DELAY HOLDER DETONATOR HOLDER DETONATOR • ORO 01228 Figure 4-30. Tail fuze M 115-cross section . • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 4-7. 'l'a.tl Fuzr s JI/11 2 A1, JII113 A 1, M 114A 1, M 115, .H 116, 111117, .I I 178~·1_!!_ '!!_:...:_11~80, .!_!_ 181,~111~2, awl . 1 ~ 18-~-----------------~-~~ZA 1_ -~~~----M II~~-~1117 i\1 11.i i\!IIG --·------------- • • • • • • • • Firing A<'lion . __ __ __ .__ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Firing Delay (~ec) ___ . __ .. ______ Arming Type ___ _____ _________ __ Air Travel to Arm (ft): Vane M5 Overall Length (in.). __ ____ ._ ___ _ Protrusion from Bomb (in. ) ____ ___ Body Diameter (in.) _____________ Vane Span (in. ) ____ _____________ Weight (!b ) _____ _______________ _ !\'umber of Vane Blades __________ Firing Action __ . __ ___________ . __ Firing Delay (~er) _. _____ . ______ . Arming Type___ ___________ ___ __ Air Travel to Arm (ft) : Vane M4_____ _____________ _ Vane M5 Overall Length (in. ) _____________ Protrusion from Bomb (in. ) _______ Body Diameter (in .) ___________ __ Vane Span (ill.) _________________ Weight (!b) . ____ ___ _____________ Number of Vane Blades__________ a. Description. Tnertial Inertial Inertial Inertial l nertial l nert ial 8-15 or ·1-5 8-15 or 4-5 8-15or4-5 8-15 or .J.-5 8-15 or .J.-5 8-15 or -1-.) Delayed Delayed Delayed Delayed Delayed Delayed Vane M4 ____ _______________ 80.0 90.0 _ . _____ 90.0 4-15-650 -145-650 .J.-15-650 9.6 12.6 _____ ________ 6.6 9.7 1.43 1.43 5.0 5.0 2.3 2.5 4 4 Ml78 M17!l l\[180 M 181 l\'1182 l\1183 Inertial Inertial Inertial Inertial Inertial Inerlial 8-1:) or 4-5 8-15 or 4-:j 8-1:) or 4 ii 8-1 ;j or 4-:j 8-15 or -1-i"> 8-J.j or .J -!i Delayed Delayed Delayed Delayed Delayed DelayNI 80 90 110 .J85 555 46;j-665 24.8ii 36.65 44.71 24.6 36.97 -15.03 21.85 33.65 41.71 21.6 33.97 42.03 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1..j 1.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.4 4.1 4.6 3.63 4.4 5.0 4 4 4 4 4 4 (1) Tail fu.zes M112, !11113, and lr/114 saies with A1 modifications. These fuzes differ from the ?II 115 series in that they do not have reduction gears in the vane assembly and therefore arm more quickly. The fuzes in this family are for use with box fins a nd differ from each other only in length. After 18 to 21 revolutions of the vanes, the arming stem, seemed to the vane nut by a safety (cotter) pin, is unthrcaded from the plunger. The air travel to arm is 100 feet. These fuzes will function on an impact angle of 3 degrees and give positive action because of the cocked firing pin. These fuzes are not to be used from aircraft caniers. The original J\1112, ?It 113, and .i\1114 series of fuzes used primer-detonator l\116. This primer detonator was modified to the l\11GA1, which has a higher shoulder. Series ?\1112 was modified to the l\Il12A1 ____ _ . __________ . ___ . ___________ 1225-1420__ . 1225-1420 1225-1420 __ _ 16.6 9.54 12.5-1 16.5-l 13.7 6.54 9.54 13.54 1.43 1.5 l.ii 1.5 5.0 ;j_O 5.0 5.0 2.8 2.7 2.9 3.2 4 ·I 4 4 in order to accommodate primer detonator :\Il6Al. (2) Tail fuzes il f 115, lrl116, and 11f117. Tail fuzes of this type (figs . 4-29 and -±-30, and table .J.-7) are vane operated and inertia fired. Their arming is mechanically delayed by reduction gearing. The explosive components of the fuzes are contained in one interchangeable primer-detonator. By substituting primer-detonator with different delay elements, the delay time between impact and detonation can be varied. The fuzes in this series differ in overall length so that they can be used in various size bombs. The differences in length arc necessary to locate the arming-vane assemblies propel"iy in the airstream. Arming-vane assemblies ~[4 and ~I.) are used with these fuzes. Standard vane :\I-± (.±;)o pitch) is used for shorter arming distances; vane ~I5 (7;)0 pitch) is used for longer arming distances. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 (3) Tail .fuzes 111178, M179, and 111180. These drives the firing pin into the primer to fire fuzes have the same operating characterthe fuze and detonate the bomb. istics as the ::VI112A1 series (no reduction (2) Arming. Eyelet pins, fitting into notches gear, fast arming) but incorporate the in the arming-vane hub, insure positive • longer armiug stem necessary for use with rotation of the bearing cup 'rith the a conical fin assembly. arming-vane assembly. Delay arming is (4) Tail fuzes llf181, M182, and JIJ183 . These obtained by a reduction-gear train located fuzes have the same operating characterisbetween the arming-vane assembly and tics as the :\IlL> series (reduction gear in the arming stem, \\"hich consists of a the arming-vane assembly) , and they pinion gear, a movable gear, and a stationalso incorporate the longer arming sten1 ary gear. The ratio is :{0 revolutions of necessary for use with conical fin assemblies. the arming-vane assembly to one revolu b. Safety Features. During shippi11p; and storage, tion of the arming stem. The movable the fuze is in the unarmed condition. A safety gear has :m teeth; the stationary gear has (cotter) pin, inserted through the hole in the arming29. The idler gear (pinion) is driven stem cup and bearing-cup eyelet, prevents the around the stationary and movable gears • reduction gea~s from revolving and arming the fuzP. by the bearing cup and the arming-vane A wire, with an instruction tag attached, is threaded assembly. Sinr·c the movable gear r·ontains through the hole in the lower end of the pin and one more tooth than thP stationary gear, sealed with a car seal. A second instruction tag is the pinion pushes the movablP gPar one secured to the arming-stem tube. When installed in tooth fonrard for each r·omplctc revolution . • a bomb with the arming wire in place, the armingWhen the pinion has made :m revolutions, vane assembly is prevented from rotating and arming the movable gear has r·omplcted one the fuze, which remains in the safe condition until revolution. The movable gear is conneded the bomb has been released and travels the distance to the arming stem through the movablerequired for arming. The firing pin and plunger arc gear r·arrier. The stationary gear is in line· with explosive components at all times. sec:ured to the stat ionary-gcar carrier, However, the firing plunger is held in place by the \rhich is prevented from rotating by t.he •arming stem until the arming stem is unscrewed by earrier st op. As the arming-vane assembly rotation of the arming-vane assentbly. The arming mtatcs, motion is transmitted through stem also is threaded through the fuze body cap. the rcdudion gears to the arming stPm. This prevents the transmission of accidental blows The arming stem revolves and unsr'l"e\\·s on the arming-vane assembly to the firing plunger. itself from the firing plunger and fur,c-body c. Functioning. cap. The !"ring mechanism c-onsists of a (1) General. When the fuzed bontb is dropped, firing plungPr, locki ng halls, an anticreep the arming wire is withdrawn from the fuze spring, a spring retainer, and a hollo\\" and retained ill the bomb rack. This frees firing pin \\"hich houses a cocked firing-pin the arming-vane assembly, allowing it to spring. The firing pin and spring are rotate in the airstream and arm the fuze . assembled inside the plunger \\"ith the After the required nuntber of revolutions, r·ompressed firing-pin spring locatPd behind the fuze is fully armed. After approxithe firing pin. ThPy arc held in this mately 200 more revolutions of t,he armingposition by hro lor·king balls in the plunger, vane assembly, the arming stem unscrews \\"hich are wedged in position by the inner from the fuze body cap and the entire surface of the fuze body and thP l>e,·elcd armi11g assentbly (arming-vane assembly, edge of the firing pin. A pin \\·hi<·h passes reduction gears, and arming mechanism) through the fmc-body cap and into the • is released into the airstream. As the bomb vertic-al groove in the plunger prevents size increases, greater air travel is required the plunger from revolving \rith the for arming, ranging fmm 80 to 1420 fcet arming stem. 1-lo\\'ever, this pin does depending on which fuzP, bomb, and arming not prevent. the plunger from sliding in vane are being used. Upon impact, inertia and out. • • • • • • • (3) Action. When arming is f'Omplete, t he arming stem has unscrewed itself from t he firin g plunger and the plunge r is held back by t he anticreep sp ring. This spring is only strong enough to offset t he weight of the plunger and the firing-pin spring. Upon impact, t he plunger is driven for ward by inertia, compressing the anticreep spring. After moving forward a short distance, the lock ing balls pass a shoulder on t he inner surface of t he fuz e body and are forced out by the springloaded firing pin , t hereby unlocking the firing pin . The compressed firing-pin spring then drives the firing pin into the primer. (4) Detonation. The primer fires when struck by the firing pin, setting off the delay element. After burning through, t he delay element sets off t he relay, which fires the detonator, the booster, and the bomb. d. Safe Release. If it is necessary to release fuzed bombs over friendly territory, the aircraft TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 arming <'Ontrols are set in the SAFE position before t he bombs are jettiso ned. In this positio n, the arming wire is released with the homb, preventing t he arming-vane assembly from rotating and a rming the fuze . The unarmed fuze will no t function upon impact. e. Accidental Arming. If the arming-vane assembly and reduction-gear mechanism are missing, t he fuze is armed. If they are not missing, however, the fuze may or may not be safe. The degree of arming can be determined by measuring the distance between t he bearing-cup eyelet on the gear mechanism and the arming-stem-cup flang e. If the distance is less t han .Y2 inch, t he fuze is part ially armed. If t he clistance is .Y2 to % in ch, the arming is questionable and the fuze must be considered armed. If the distance is greater than % inch, the fuze is definitely armed. Warning: Fuzes suspected of being either armed or partially armed should be turned over to authorized and qualified munitions personnel. Under no circumstances should an attempt be made to disarm the fuze by turning the arming vane backwards . • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 4-14. Fuze, Bomb: Tail, AN-MK228 a. Description. The detonator-safe, delay-armed tail fuze of this type (figs. 4-31 and 4-32, and 16.4 IN. ORD 01229 Figure 4-31. Tail fuze AN-MK228. Table 4-8. Tail Fu ze AN-Ml\.228 ModeL ___________________ ___ AN-MK228 Firing Action _________________ Impact-Inertial Firing Delay (sec) _____________ 0.08 Arming: Type ____________________ Delayed Air Travel to Arm (ft) ___ __ 1,100 Overall Length (in.)___________ 16.4 Protrusion from Bomb (in.) ____ 12.4 Vane Span (in.) _______________ 5.3 Weight (lb) __________________ 10.5 Number of Blades on Vane_____ 16 Booster Charge: Type____________________ Tetryl Weight (grams) ___________ 38.2 table 4-8) is vane operated and arms after 1,100 .. feet of air travel. It functions upon impact through two independent trains of 0.08-second delay. This fuze is used in conjunction with armor-piercing bombs to allow penetration of the target before detonation. The fuze is bottle-shaped with a 16-blade arming-vane assembly attached to its outer end. A cylindrical extension, housing the booster, projects from the base of the fuze body. The designations Mod 0 and Mod 1 merely indicate different manufacturers. Because of the differences in manufacturing practices, however, the parts are not necessarily interchangeable with parts of the • same fuze made by another manufacturer. b. Explosive Components. This type of fuze contains two explosive trains for greater reliability. Each consists of a primer, a delay element, a relay, a detonator, an auxiliary boost er lead-in, a booster lead-in, and a booster of approximately 38.2 grams • (1.346 ounces) of tetryl. The booster is located at the base of the fuze body. c. Safety Features. The arming mechanism is prevented from operating by a safety (cotter) pin, \vith a pull ring and instruction tag attached, which passes through the body of the fuze (bushing) and vane shaft. The fuze is detonator safe. The arming wire keeps the fuze unarmed until it is withdrawn when the bomb is released. This arming wire passes through the rear suspension lug of the bomb and the arming bracket on the fuze, preventing rotation of the arming-vane assembly. • A small glass window (fig. 4-33) in the side of the fuze permits visual examination of the unarmed or armed condition of the fuze mechanism. When the fuze is unarmed, the upper surface of the striker and the lower edge of the gear cover are approximately flush with the top edge of the outer sleeve. When the fuze is armed, the striker is located approximately I\,{2 inch away from the outer sleeve. d. Functioning. (1) General. When the fuzed bomb is dropped, the arming wire is withdrawn from the • arming-vane assembly and the armingwire bracket, allowing the arming-vane assembly to rotate. This rotation is transferred to the arming shaft through a reduction-gear train which arms the fuze. After 150 to 160 revolutions of t he • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 ARMING-WIRE COTTER PIN TUBE ARMING-VANE ASSEMBLY • ARMING BRACKET • • VANE-SHAFT EXTENSION • PINION INNER GEAR CARRIER COllAR AND SHEAR PINDETENT • DElAY CARRIER DELAY ElEMENT ARMING SHAFT ... FUZE BODY ORO 01230 Figure 4-32. Tail fuze AN-MK228-cross section. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 inner-gear carrier and the striker are carried outward with the arming shaft by the collar and shear pin. When the arming shaft jams, the lug on the inner-gearf carrier is disengaged from the slot in the ARMED UNARMED inner sleeve, freeing the inner-gear carrier. ORO 01231 The out er gear is prevented from rotating by the jammed shaft screw; therefore, the Figure 4-33. Indication of armed condition. pinion will act to turn the lower geararming-vane assembly, all elements of carrier and lower gear. The guide pins • the explosive train are locked in align prevent the striker from revolving with the ment, and the fuze is armed. When the inner-gear carrier. The inner gear-carrierexplosive components lock in the armed houses the firing-pin extensions. Below position, the arming-vane assembly will the inner-gear carrier, within the inner usually cease to rotate. If the arming sleeve, is the delay carrier (a circular vane assembly is forced to continue cylinder which rotates around the shaft • rotating, however, pins in the reduction and contains the firing pin), the primer, gear train will shear and the arming-vane and the delay element. A protruding lug no assembly will be free to rotate with is positioned on the upper end of the delay additional effect. Upon impact, inertia carrier, in the path of the inner-gear-carrierdrives the striker toward the booster, lug. Contact is made between these two forcing the firing pins into their respective lugs as the inner-gear carrier revolves after • primers and firing the fuze. freeing itself from the inner sleeve. Below (2) A1·ming. The revolving motion of the the delay carrier is the rotor, which consists arming-vane assembly is transmitted of a hub and two wingshaped detonator through the vane-shaft and vane-shaft containers that project from the hub. The extension to the reduction-gear train. The hub allows the detonator containers to reduction-gear train consists of an outer rotate about the arming shaft. A lug on • (movable) gear, an inner (stationary) gear, the delay carrier is positioned in the spaceand a pinion. The outer gear has 23 teeth between the detonator containers. As the and is connected directly to the arming inner-gear-carrier lug contacts the outer lugshaft. The inner gear has 22 teeth and is of the delay carrier, the delay carrier turns,secured to the inner-gear carrier. The contacting the rotor and rotating it. When inner-gear carrier is prevented from rethe inner-gear carrier has traveled 170°, • volving by the inner-gear-carrier lug, the firing-pin extensions and all componentswhich is set into a recess on the inner sleeve. of the two explosive trains are in alignment. The outer and inner gears mesh with the At this point, detents lock the inner gearpinion, which has an equal number of carrier to the striker, and the delay carrier teeth on its outer and inner portions. As to the inner sleeve. The fuze is now fullythe pinion is driven around the outer and armed. The arming-vane assembly has inner gears by the arming-vane assembly, made between 150 and 160 revolutions, and it forces the outer gear one tooth ahead the bomb has traveled the necessary 1,100 each revolution. This results in a ratio of feet along it trajectory. one turn of the outer gear to 23 turns of the (3) Action. Upon impact, inertia forces the arming-vane assembly. The arming shaft, striker and inner-gear carrier toward the to which the outer gear is secured, is booster, shearing the shear pin which runs threaded into the shaft nut at its lower end. through the supporting collar and arming As the outer gear and arming shaft revolve, shaft. The firing-pin extensions, protrudthe arming shaft rises in the shaft nut until ing from the inner-gear carrier, strike it is stopped by the shoulder on the shaft the firing pins, driving them into their screw jamming with the shaft nut. The primers. One firing-pin extension is slightly • • • • • • • • ' • longer than the other; therefore, the explosive components are not initiated simultaneously. Greater reliability of fire results from this arrangement since all the force of the inner-gear carrier and striker is directed onto one firing pin at a time. (4) Detonation. The firing pins cause the primers to ignite, and the flash from the primers sets off the delay elements. The delay elements set off the relays which, in turn, fire the detonators, the auxiliarybooster lead-ins, the hooster lead-ins, and the booster. e. Safe Release. If it is necessary to release fuzed bombs over friendly territory, t he aircraft arming controls are set in the SAFE position before the hombs are jettisoned. In this position, the arming wire is released with the bomb. This prevents the arming-vane assembly from rotating TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 and arming the fuze. The unarmed fuze will not function upon impact. f. Accidental Arming. The degree of arming can be seen through a small glass window 'on the side of the fuze. Examining the relative positions of the striker, the cover, and the outer sleeve affords an indication of the degree of arming. If the upper surface of the striker and the lower edge of the cover are about flush with the top edge of the sleeve, the fuze can be considered unarmed. If the position of the striket· is not more than :!1'6 inch away from the outer. sleeve, the fuze can be considered only partially armed. However, if the striker has moved away from the outer sleeve about ~~ inch, the fuze should be considered fully armed . Warning: If a fuze is armed or partially armed, tape the vane blades to pre vent further arming. Turn the fuze over to authorized and qualified munitions personnel . TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 4-15. Fuze, Bomb: Tail, AN-MK247 Mod 0 '-- ....-' '" 4 .6 IN. ORO 01232 Figure 4-34. Tail fuze AN-MK247. Table 4-9. Tail F·uze AN-MK247 Mod 0 11ark________________________ 247 11od___________ ___________ __ _ 0 Firing Action___ _______ _______ Impact-Inertial Firing Delay (sec) ___ __________ None Arming: Type _______________ _____ Direct Revolutions to Arm __ ____ _ 13 Air Travel to Arm (ft) _____ 60 to 240 (depending upon launching conditions) Overall Length (in.) ________ ___ 4.6 Protrusion from Bomb (in.) ____ 3.85 Vane Span (in.)____________ ___ 4.0 Weight (oz) __________________ 10.0 Number of Vane Blades ________ 2 a. Description. This type of tail fuze (figs. 4-34 and 4-35, and table 4-9) is vane operated and inertia fired, and requires from 60 to 240 feet of air travel to arm, depending upon launching conditions. It acts instantaneously up on impact to detonate the signal of a practice bomb. b. Explosive Components. There are no internal explosive components in this type of fuze since it serves only as a trigger for firing the signal in a practice bomb. The explosive elements are external ; they consist of a black-powder-filled signal and a .38-caliber blank cartridge, both of which are shipped in the same container with the fuze. • Upon impa<:t, the fuze firing pin strikes the blank C'artridge and the exploding cartridge fires the signal. c. Safety Features. A safety (cotter) pin, with pull ring and instruction tag attached, extends • through the fuze body. This safety (cotter) pin locks the arming mechanism and firing mechanism so that the fuze will not accidentally detonate t he signal during fuzing. The safety (cotter) pin should not be removed until the fuze is completely installed and the arming wire attached. The • fuze is shipped assembled to the practice bomb signal, except for the blank cartridge which is installed at the time of fuzing. When the fuze is properly installed in the signal, and the signal is in place in the bomb, the arming wire of the bomb prevents the arming-vane assembly of the fuze from • rotating and arming the fuze. The unarmed fuze cannot function. d. Functioning. (1) General. When the fuzed bomb is dropped, the arming wire is withdrawn from the fuze and retained in the bomb rack. • This frees the arming-vane assembly which rotates in the airstream. The arming-vane assembly arms the fuze after approximately 13 revo lutions, which require from 60 to 240 feet of air travel, depending upon launching conditions. When the armingvane assembly completes approximately 25 revolutions, it is freed into the airstream. Upon impact, the fuze firing pin is driven into the blan k cartridge, igniti ng t he signal. (2) Arming. The arming-vane assembly is • connected to the arming screw, 'Yhich is threaded into the firing plunger. As t he arming-vane assembly rotates, it causes the arming screw to unscrew itself from t he firing plunger. This raises the armingvane assembly outward from the fuze . .. The firing plunger rides vertically in t he fuze body, and is prevented from rotating ' by a pin which passes through the fuze body into a vertical groove in the plunge r . The anticreep spring supports the weight. of the p lunger, the arming sere"·, and the • arming-vane assembly. The spring is only strong enough to offset this weight; any added force will cause the spring to compress and the firing plunger to ride tmvard t he blank cartridge in t he signal. Until t he • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 VANE HUB- ARMING-VANE ASSEMBlY •• ~11 i • FUZE BODY • PIN ARMING SCREW • • COTTER PIN FIRING PLUNGER • FIRING PIN lOCKNUT • ANTICREEP SPRI ORO 01233 Figure 4--35. Tail fuze AN-MK24-7-cross section. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 The firing pin strikes the .38 arming-,·ane assembly has made the neces(..J:) Detonation. sary 13 revolutions, the fuze cannot fire the caliber blank cartridge \Yhich ignites the signal because the arming-vane assembly signal. has not raised sufficiently from the fuze to e. Safe Release. When the bomb is to be released •allo\\· the firing plunger and pin to reach the unarmed, the ai rcraft arming controls are set in theblank cartridge. When 13 re,·olutions are SAFE position. T he arming wire is then releasedcompleted, the plunger can move inward "·ith the bomb "·hen the bomb is jettisoned. Withfar enough to allo\\· the firing pin to strike the arming wire in place, the arming-vane assemblythe blank cartridge. Continued rotation of cannot rotate and arm the fuze. The unarmed fuzethe arming-vane assembly causes the " ·ill not function on impact. •arming sere\\· to free itself from the firing plunger. Both the arming-Yane assembly f. Accidental Arming. If the arming-vane asand the arming scre\Y are released into the sembly and the arming sere\\· are missing, or if the airstream. arming-vane assembly is raised from the fuze Y2 (3) Action. When the bomb strikes a target, in ch or more, the fuze is armed . the inertia of the firing plunger compresses Warning: Armed or partially armed fuzes •the anticreep spring and drives the plunger should be handled by authorized and qualified to\Yard the blank cartridge. munitions personnel only. • • t • 4-50 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 4-16. Fuze, Bomb: Tail, M 123A1, M 124A1, and M 125A1 • • • 16.24 IN. 12.24 IN . IN. • • M123Al M124A l M125A1 ORD 01234 Figure 4-36. Tail fuzes M123A1, M124A 1, and M125A1 . • Table 4-10. Firing Action _______ ____ _______ __ ________ Firing Delay (hr ) __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arming: Type_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Air Travel to Arm (ft) ________ _______ _ • Overall Length (in.) _____ _________ ______ __ Protrusion from Bomb (in.) _______ ______ __ Body Diameter (in. )_______ __ __ ___ ______ __ Vane Span (in .) ____ ___ __ ___ ______________ Weight (lb) __________ ____ ----___ ___ ___ __ 1\'umber of Vane Blades __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Detonator Assembly ____________________ __ Tail Fuzes M128A1, M 124A 1, and M 125A 1 llf128Al llf124A1 M126A l Chemical (Long-delay Chemical (Long-delay Chemical (Lon g-delay or instantaneous on or instantaneo us on or instantaneous on attempted withdrawal) attempted wit hd rawal) attempted wit hdrawal) 1-144 1-144 1-144 (Depending on which delay is required) Direct Direct D irect Less than :1.00 Less than 100 Less than 100 9.24 12.24 16.24 6.24 9.24 13.24 1.3 1.3 1.3 5.0 5.0 5.0 2.9 3.1 3.4 8 8 8 M19A2 M19A2 M19A2 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 a. Description. Vane-operated tail fuzes of this type (figs. 4-36 and 4-37, and table 4-10) incorporate an anti\\'ithdra\\'al device and are designed for special application. The fuzes act to detonate the bomb after a delay of from 1 to 1H hours; specifically, 1, 2, 6, 12, 24, 36, 72 or 1-!4 hours. Less than 100 feet of air travel is necessary to initiate the delay action. Any attempt to unscre\\' these fuzes \Yill result in the functioning of the anti\Yithdra,ml mechanism, follo\Yed by instantaneous detonation. Tai l fuzes ~Il23A1, ~Il24A1 and ~Il25A1 differ in overall length so that the same type fuze can be used in various size bombs. The differences in length are necessary to locate the arming vanes properly in the airstream. Each fuze of the series has a nominal delay-firing time indicated on the fuze. This type • of fuze is particularly responsive to changes in temperature. Temperatures above 50° F . accelerate its action '"hile temperatures below 50° F. retard it. Temperature effect must be taken into consideration • " ·hen selecting a fuze of any particular delay. (See table 4-11 for the effect of temperature on delay times.) These fuzes differ from the earlier fu zes ~Il23, ~Il24 and ~Il25 in that these earlier fuzes have reduction gearing and 4-bladed arming vanes. They also require 80-to-100 feet of air travel to • initiate delay action and 900 to 1800 feet to seal t he fuzes against leakage of solvent or entrance of moisture. The later type fuzes have no reduction gearing, have 8-bladed arming vanes, and require less than 100 feet of air travel both to initiate the delay action and to seal the fuzes. • Table 4-11. Effect of Temperature on Delay Action of Tail Fuzes M123A1, M124A1, M125A1 Nominal Delay Time: 1 hr 2 hr 6 hr 12 hr Temperature: Actual Delay Time: ( H rs:mins) (oF.) 115_____________________________________ 0:15 0:20 1:00 1:15 90--------------------------------------0:20 0 :50 1:30 2:30 80_________________________________________________________________________ _ 75--------------------------------------0:30 1 :00 2:00 3:50 55_-------------------------------------0:4.5 1:30 3:00 9:00 25 ____________________ __________________ 2:10 3:15 11:20 30:00 24 hr 86 hr 72 hr 144 hr 1:30 2:30 • 6:00 11:00 37:00 52:00 8:00 15:00 38:00 70:00 12:00 20:00 53:00 90:00 24:00 37:30 96:00 135:00 62 :30 • • • • • • • • • • • • f ORO 01235 • Figure 4-37. 'l'ailfu ze M1 23A I-cross section. b. Explosive Com ponents. The detonator is the only explosive element u cd in these fuzes. It is contained in the detonator holder which screws into the base of the body extension , and is always in line TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 with the spring-loaded firing pin . The detonator and detonator holder are shipped with but not as embled in th<' fuz<' a~ issued and must l><' installed prior to th<' bomb-fuzing operati011. r. 8afe/.y Fealure:s. The detonator holder containing the detonator is not assrmbled in the fuze until immediat<'ly prior to assembling the fuze to the bomb. [n p lace of the detonator holder, a shipping plug is seated in tlw fuz e-body extrnsion. This makes tlw fuze safe for handling. The fuzebody extensio-n is prevented from unscrewing by a wire safety clip which locks the extension to the fuz e body. This clip is not removed until the fuze is prepared for installation in a bomb. A safety pin , held in place by a sealed safety wire, locks th<' clip and stem disc and prevents the a rming stem from rotating and arming the fuze. Four instruct ion tags arc attached to the fuze. The packing box containing the fuzes ha indicator vials which show the various temperature ranges to which the fuzes have been ubjcctcd during shipping and storage. This system prevents the usc of fuzes which have exprricnced temperatures rendering them dangerous to ha ndle. When the fuze is installed in the bomb, the arming wire preve nts the arming stem from rotating and initiating the delay action. This is t he on ly safety feature afforded these fuzes once they arc installed. Attempted withdrawal or tampering with an installed fuze will cause the fuze to deto nate the bomb. Severe s hock may cause the glas ampoule to be broken prematurely and begi n the delay action before desired . d. Safely Precaulions. The follO\Ying precautions must be observed in handling these fuzes : (1) Do not asse mble the fuz e to the detonator holder nor to the bomb in anticipation of future needs. (2) Take particular care to protect fuzes from extreme heat and shock. (3) Examine the indicator vials when the fuze packing box is opened. If all fuzes in the box are not used, leave the vials in the box with the remaining fuzes and reinspect them when the box is reopened. Warning : When engaging threads of mating parts in assembling the fuze to the bomb, do no t turn one part back and forth until the threads engage. Use a screwing in motion only. The antiwithdrawal device • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 will cause the fuze and bomb to detonate if the fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in the adapter-boos ter , even before the threads are engaged. • e. Functioning. (1) General . When t he fuzed bomb is dropped, the arming wire is withdrawn from the arming-vane assembly, stem disc, and clip . A-FIRING MECHANISM • The freed arming-vane assembly rotates in the airstream. After completion of less than 100 feet of a ir travel, the fuze i ~ armed and sealed against the entrance of mois turq_ and the escape of solvent. Impact produces no effect upon the armed fuze. • The fuze does not act to explode the bomb until the delay time has expired or until someone attempts to defuze the bomb. Note. A s1eel no se plu~ or an inert nose fu ze must he used to reduce t he possibi lity of the bomb detonating on impact. • BALL FIRING PIN SCREW (2) Arming. The arming-vane assembly (fig. B-FIRING PIN RELEASED WHEN CELLULOID DELAY COLLAR 4-38) is connected d irect ly to the arming IS DISSOLVED BY FLUID CONTAINER IN AMPOULE (ONLY FIRING PIN SNAPS FORWARD) stem by means of the safety catch. At its lower end, the armi ng stein is threaded into the retainer locking nut and ampoule retainer. As the arming-vane assembly turns the arming stem, the stem is screwed • into the ampoule retainer and ampouleretainer nut. After a short air travel, the stem, moving into the fuze body, crushes the ampoule and frees the solvent . With additional air travel, the arming stem • progresses far enough to force the stem C-FIRING PIN RELEASED BY ANTI-WITHDRAWAL DEVICE collar against the retainer locking nut. (COMPLETE FIRING PIN ASSEMBLY SNAPS FORWARD) This action seals the outer end of the fuze ORD Dl236 body to prevent the escape of solvent or the entrance of moisture. Figttre 4-38. '/'ail fu ze M 123A 1, operation. (3) Action. The solvent from the crushed ampou le filters through the delay wad to (4) It nliwilhdrawal. If any attempt is made to contact the celluloid delay collar. It is this remove the fuze from the bomb, the anticelluloid delay collar that is the key to the withdrawal dcviec will detonate the fuze. locking anangemc11t of the spri11g-loaded The following eharadcristi<·s and mc<·hanfiri11g pin . The firing-pi n halls are wedged isms of the fuze arc related to t he antibetwce11 the head of the firing pin in place withdrawal feature . The body assembly • against the action of the compressed firingeonsists of two parts, t he fuze body and t he pin spring. The cel lul oid delay collar fuze-body extension. The fuze body conprevents the firi11g-pin balh; from heing tains t he firing pin and sleeve assemb ly, forced outward until the cellu loid delay the delay wad, and also the solvent-fi lled collar is softened by the solvent. ampou le. The body extension contains • the detonator holder ''"hich is scre"·ed into the base. An off-center circumferential groove is machined into the outer surfare • of the body extension. This groove contains the locking ball, used in conjunction with the antiwithdrawal mechanism. The sleeve within the fuze body is held in place against the action of the compressed sleeve sp ring by the sleeve balls. These • balls are wedged between the sleeve shoulder and the body-extension shoulder and are he ld in place by the lips of the fuze body. Since the ball groove of the fuze-body extension is machined off-center, the locking ball is forced out,vard when the fuze is turned counterclockwise. This action wedges the ball between the adapterbooster wall and the fuze-body extension, thus locking the fuze-body extension in place. Any further counterclockwise rotation unscre\YS the fuze-body extension • • from the fuze body. When the fuze-body extension is unscrev ..·ed %t inch, the sleeve balls are released and move outward. The sleeve and firing-pin assembly are driven forward as a unit by the sleeve spring, causing the firing pin to puncture the sealing disc and strike the detonator. For insurance against countermeasures, the adapter-booster of current design is drilled for the insertion of a metal locking pin supplied with the fuze. When this pin is in place, the adapter-booster is locked to the• ' • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 base plug of the bomb, thus preventing removal of the fuze by the unscrewing of the adapter-booster. (5) Detonation. When the fi ring pin punrtures the sealing disc and the detonator, t he detonator explodes, setting off the adap te rbooster and t he bomb. f. Accidental Arming. From outward appearances there is no way of determining definitely whether t hese fuzes are armed or are in a safe conditio n . The best policy is to regard any suspected fuze as being armed. Any fuze that has been dropped fro m a height of 10 feet or more, or has had its a rming-vane assembly free to rotate, must be disposed of as quickly as possible by qualified and authorized munitions personnel. Warnin g N o. 1: Ifthe red-stoppered indicator vial in the fuze packing box shows that the fuzes have been subjected to temperatures over 170° F., notify qualified and authorized personnel immediately . Warning N o. 2 : No attempt must be made to remove a fuze after it has been partially or completely installed in a bomb. Warning No.3: Return of bombs to air fields or carriers is prohibited. Bombs fuzed with fuzes M123Al, M124Al or Ml25Al cannot be released SAFE. Impact will cause the ampoule to shatter and to initiate the delay train, even with the arming wire in place. In the event of incomplete missions, these fuzed bombs are to be jettisoned over enemy territory or deep water . • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 4-17. Fuze, Bomb: Tail, M 132, M 133, and M 134 • • 16. IN. • 12.57 IN. 9.57 IN. • • ORO 01237 M132 M133 M134 • Figure 4-39. Tail fuzes M132, llf133, and M134. Table 4-12. Tail Fuzes M132, M133, and llf134 M/3£ MISS M134 Firing Action___ ____________ ____________ _ Chemical (Long-delay Chemical (Long-delay Chemical (Long-delay or instantaneous on or instantaneous on or instantaneous on attempted withdrawal ) attempted ''"ithdrawal) attempted withdrawal) • Firing Delay (min) at 80° F --------------16 16 16 Arming: Type__________ _________________ ___ _ Direct Direct Direct Air Travel to Arm (ft) ______ _________ _ 100 100 100 Overall Length (in.) ___________________ __ _ 9.57 12.57 16.57 Protrusion from Bomb (in .) ______ ________ _ 6.57 9.57 13.57 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 4-12. Tail Fuzes M132, M133, and M134-Continued MIS£ MISS Vane Span (in.) _____________ ____________ _ 5.0 5.0 5.0 Weight (Ib) _____________________________ 2.1 2.3 2.6 Number of Vane Blades___________________ 4 1 4 Detonator Designation _______ _____________ M19A2 M19A2 M19A2 Table 4-13. Effect of T em pera ture on Delay Action of Tail Fuze M1 34 • Fuze Temperature Average Delay (Degrees Fahrenheit) (Minutea ) 120 6 100 10 80 16 60 26 40 40 20 59 • 10 80 a. Description. Vane-operated tail fuzes of this type (figs. 4-39 and 4-40, and table 4-12) are delay armed and incorporate an antiwithdrawal feature. Approximately 100 feet of air travel is necessary for • • • arming. All fuzes in this group have the same delay rating; they act to detonate the bomb 16 minutes after arming at a temperature of 80° F . The delay time will vary with changes in temperature; higher temperatures will accelerate it and lower temperatures will retard it (table 4-13). Tail fuzes M132, i\1133, and M134 differ in overall length so that the same type of fuze can be used in various size bombs. The differences in length are necessary to locate the arming vanes properly in the airstream. Arming-vane assemblies M4 and M5 are used with t hese fuzes . For shorter arming distances, the standard vane M4 (45° pitch) is used; for longer arming distances, vane M5 (75° pitch) is used. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 E NUT • • PIN • CARRIER STOP • • DELAY ARMING HOUSI Figure 4-.W Tail fuze M182-cross section. • • • • • • • • b. Explosive Components. The detonator is the only explosive element used in these fuzes. It is contained in the detonator holder and is always in line with the spring-loaded firing pin . The detonator and holder are not assembled in the fuze as issued and must be installed prior to the bomb fuzing operation. c. Safety Features. The detonator holder containing the detonator is not assembled in the fuze as issued, and the detonator-holder cavity in the fuze base is plugged with absorbent cotton (fig. 4-41). Leakage of the solvent prior to fuzing will leave a red stain on the cotton, indicating fuzes that are unserviceable. This leaves the fuze inert at all times during shipping and storage. During shipping and storage, these fuzes are equipped with a safety clip having two studs. One stud engages a hole in the fuze head to prevent rotation between the fuze and the fuze body. A safety screw located in the fuze body locks the firing mechanism in position. The safety clip and safety screw prevent premature activation of the antiwithdrawal mechanism. A safety pin locks the bearing cup to the arming-stem cup until fuzing, preventing operation of the delayarming mechanism. The packing box in which the fuzes are shipped contains indicator vials that show if dangerously high temperature ranges have been experienced during shipping and storage. This prevents the use of those fuzes which have experienced temperatures rendering them dangerous to handle. When the fuze is installed in the bomb, the arming wire prevents the arming stem from rotating and arming the fuze. This is the only safety feature n.fforded these fuzes after they are installed. Attempted withdrawal or tampering will cause the fuze to detonate t he bomb. d. Safety Precautions. The following precautions must be observed in handling these fuzes: (1) Do not assemble the detonator holder to the fuze nor the fuze to the bomb in anticipation of future needs. (2) Take particular care to protect these fuzes from heat and shock. (3) Examine the indicator vials when the fuze packing box is opened. If all fuzes in the box are not used, leave the vials in the box with the remaining fuzes and reinspect them when the box is reopened. Warning: When engaging thread s of mating parts in assembling this fuze to a bomb, do not turn one part back and forth TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 FUZE HEAD SAFETY CLIP J FUZE BODY-,....., ~ ORO 01239 Figure 4-41. Tail fuze M132, as shipped . until the threads engage. Use a screwingin motion only. The antiwithdrawal device will caus e the fuze and bomb to detonate if the fuze is rotated counterclockwise while in the adapter-booster, even before the threads are engaged. (4) Do not remove the warning tag at tached to this fuze when the fuze is assembled to the bomb. e. Functioning. (1) General. When the fuzed bomb is dropped , the arming wire is retained in the bomb rack and withdrawn from the fuze . This frees the arming-vane assembly whi ch rotates in the airstream. T he revolving motion of the arming-vane assembly is transmitted through t he reduction gears to initiate the time train, arm ing t he fuz e. Approximately 100 feet of air travel along the trajectory of t he bomb is necessary t o complete this operation. Impact will not cause the fuze to detonate . Detonation will TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 take place when the delay time has run out or when an attempt is made to remove the fuze from the bomb. Such an attempt will cause the antiwithdrawal device to detonate the fuze instantaneously. (2) Anning. The arming-vane assembly is assembled to the bearing cup by the vane nut. Eyelet pins, which fit into notches in the vane hub, insure positive rotation of the bearing cup with the arming-vane assembly. Delay arming is obtained by a reduction-gear train between the armingvane assembly and the arming stem. The ratio is one revolution of the arming stem to 30 revolutions of the arming-vane assembly. The reduction-gear train is composed of a pinion, a movable gear, and a stationary gear. The movable gear has 30 teeth while the stationary gear has 29 teeth. The idler gear (pinion) is driven around the stationary and movable gears by the bearing cup and the arming-vane assembly. Since the movable gear contains one more tooth than the stationary gear, the pinion pushes the movable gear one tooth forward each complete revolution. When the pinion has completed 30 revolutions, the movable gear has completed one. The movable gear is connected to the arming stem through the movable gear carrier. The stationary gear is secured to the stationary-gear carrier, which is prevented from rotating by the carrier stop. The lower end of the arming stem is threaded into the bellows plunger. The arming-stem collar is pinned to the arming stem to prevent any axial movement of the arming stem. As the arming stem revolves, it is unscrewed from the bellows plunger. This forces the bellows plunger inward, compressing the bellows and puncturing the sealing cup. The solvent contained in the compressed bellows is force.l out through the bellows holder, and the fuze is armed . (:{) Delayed Action. The delay element consists of a c·elluloid cylinder seated within three felt washers. The solvent filters thro ugh openings in the delay holder and is then absorbed by the felt washers, which act as a wick, feeding the solvent gradually to the <:elluloid. The celluloid cylinder serves as a lock for the firing mechanism. The firing mechanism (fig. 4-42) consists of a firing pin, an arming hous ing, a compressed firing-pin spring, and firing-pin balls. The firing-pin balls (fig. 4-40) seat in the groove of the firing pin, rest on the inner shoulder of the fuze body, and prevent the c·ompressed firing-pin spring from driving the firing pin into the detonator. The lower lip of the arming housing retains the firing-pin balls in this position, preventing them from riding up on the fuze body shoulder and releasing the firing pin. The celluloi d cylinder of t he delay element is positioned between the delay holder and the arming housing. This prevents the compressed firing-pin spring from raising the arming housing and freeing the firingpin balls. The solvent absorbed by the felt washers begins dissolving the celluloid cylinder as soon as contact is made. After a time lapse which depends upon the ambient temperature, the cylinder is softened sufficiently so that the firing-pin spring can force the arming housing upward to release the firing-pin balls. This frees the firing pin which is then driven into the detonator by the firing-pin spring. • • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 FUZE HEAD l l FUZE BODY • LOCKING BA LL • B ORO 01242 A Figure 4-42. Tail fuze M132, operation . • (4) Antiwithdrawal. T he body assembly consists of two parts, the fuze body and the fuze head. The fuze head contains the bello"·s assembly and the stem collar. The fuze body contains the spring-loaded firing pin, the arming housing, the delay element, and the holder. An off-center, • circumferential groove is machi.ned on the outer surface of the fuze body. This groove contains the locking ball used in conjunction with the antiwithdrawal mechanism. The groove on the fuze body, being machined off-center, forces the locking ball out\mrd when the fuze is turned counterclockwise in an attempt to defuze a bomb. This action wedges the ball between the adapter-booster wall and the fuze body thus locking the fuze body in place. Any further counterclockwise rotation unscrews • • the fuze head from the fuze body. As the head is unscrm,·ed , the firing -pin spring pushes the arming housing out\\·ard. When the housing has cleared the firing-pin balls, the firing pin is freed to detonate the fuze. As insurance against countermeasures, current adapter-boosters are drilled for t he insertion of a metal locking pin supplied with the fuze. When this pin is in place, the adapter-booster is locked to the base plug of the bomb, thus preventing removal of the fuze by the unscrewing of the adapter-booster. (5) Detonation. When the firing pin punctures the sealing disc and the detonator, t he detonat or exp lodes, setting off the booster and the bomb. f. Safe Release. Bombs fuzed with this type of antiwithdrawal fuze cannot be presumed to be released SAFE. In the event of incomplete missions, these fuzed bombs must be released over enemy territory or dropped in deep water. Once installed, no attempt shall be made to remove these fuzes from bombs. g. Accidental Arming. From outward a ppearances there is no way of definitely determining whether these fuzes are armed or in a safe condition after t hey have been installed in a bomb. The best policy is to regard them as being armed at all times . If a fuze has had its arming-vane assembly free to rotate, or if there is any doubt about its being in an armed TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 condition, both fuz e and bo m b mu st be disp osed of as qui ckly as p oss ible by a ut horized munitio ns personnel. Warning No . .1: If the red-stoppered indicator vial in the fuze packing box shows that the fuze has been subjected to temperatures exceeding 170° F., notify qualified and authorized personnel immediately. • Warning No . 2 : No attempt must be made to remove a fuze after it has been partially or completely installed in a bomb. • Warning No. 3: In the event of incomplete missions, fuzed bombs must be relased over enemy territory or deep water. Return of bombs to airfields or carriers is prohibited. • • • • • ' • ' • • 4-18. Fuze, Bomb: Tail, M 190 • • ARMING ASSEMBLY • • • FUZE BODY ASSEM BLY • FUZE ASSEMBLY M189, M 190 M191 , or M192 .!,1gf_ DIM A-INCHES M189 M190 13.0 M191 17.4 M192 28.1 ...... r DIM A L ORO 01240 Figure 4-43. Bomb, tail f uze M190. Table 4-14. Tail, Fu ze, M190 ~ode! Firing Action. _______ ________ _ Firing Delay _______________ _ _ • Arming T ype _______________ __ Revolutions to Arm __________ _ Air Travel to Arm (ft) ________ _ Bodv Dia meter (in .) __________ _ Body Length (in.) ____________ _ ~190 Impact Inertial 0.01, 0.025, 0.10, 0.24 or Nondelay (Instantaneous) Va ne Delayed 691 to 794 1.5 6.89 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 4-14. Tail, Fu ze, M190-Continued Shaft and Arming Assembly 13.0 Length (in.). Yane Type___________________ Anemometer Cup No. of Cups__ _________ _______ 4 a. Description . This tail fuze (fig. 4-43 and table 4-14) is an inertial type consisting of a fuze body assembly, arming assembly, flexible shaft, and arming-vane assembly. The cylindircal fuze body is threaded externally for assembly to the fuze adapter of GP bomb ::.1111. The end of the fuze body which enters the adapter is threaded internally to receive primer-detonator l\114. An arming-stem tube extends from the opposite end of the fuze body and is assembled to form a part of the fuze body as~embly. The l\11190 is similar to fuzes M905 and l\1906 in that it utilizes a flexible drive shaft which connects the arming mechanism to the arming stem. The arming 1echanism is mounted on the side of the fin cone of tail fin l\113 1 on GP bomb M l17. An anemometer-cup arming vane is attached to the arming mechanism by a bayonet-type fastener. The fuze body, flexible shaft, arming mechanism, and arming vane are packaged and shipped as a complete assembly. As shipped, the fuze is inert. Primer deto nator :M14 with the required delay is inserted when preparing the fuze for use. b. Safely Features. During shipment and storage, the fuze is made safe by the presence of a safety (cotter) pin, with attached tag, that extends through the fuze body and firing plunger. The safety (cotter) piu, which locks the gear mechanism, is also inserted through a set of holes in the arming stem about one inch from the fuze head. The fuze cannot be installed without first removing the safety (cotter) pin from the fuze body. When a fuze is properly installed in a bomb, with the arming wire in place, the anemometer-cup arming-vane assembly is prevented from rotating and arming the fuze. The saiety (cotter) pin inserted through the arming stem is removed after the arming wire is installed. The fuze is in the safe condition until the bomb has been released and has traveled the distance required for arming. The firing plunger is in line with the explosive train components at all times. The plunger is held in place, however, by the arming stem until the arming stem is unscrewed by rotation of the arming-vane assembly and flexible shaft. c. Functioning. (1) When the fuzed bomb IS dropped, the TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 arming wire is retained in the bomb rack and withdrawn from the fuze. This frees the arming vane which rotates in the airstream turning the flexible shaft, which turns the arming stem and arms the fuze. • (2) The arming action, detonation, and safe release of this fuze is the same as with fuzes of the :\I160 series except that a greater number of revolutions of the arming vane • are required to accomplish fuze ,arming. • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • 4-19. Fuze, Bomb: Tail, M905 • CALIBRATION DIAL • DELAY ELEMFNT (INSTALLED l • • INPUT DRIVE ASSY ORD D994 Figure 4-44. 'l'ail fuze M905. Table 4-15. Tail Fuze M905 b. Components. Fuze ~1905 has similar compo ___ ___ _________________ nents to fuze :\'1904 but the operation of the fuzes Arming Delay (sec) ___________ 4 to 20 differs. The major assemblies of fuze :\1905 (fig. Firing Delay (sec) _____________ 0.01, 0.05, 0.025, 0.10, ~ode! ~905 4-45) are 0.25 or Nondelay (in • stantaneous). Firing Action _________________ Impact Inertia (1) lnpul drive-housing assembly. This assemOverall Length (in.) ___________ 6.38 bly consists of the input-drive as embly, Weight (lb) ______________ ____ 1.1 reduction-gear and pinion ar;sembly, geartrain cup, and housing assembly. The a. Description. This fuze (fig. 4-44 and table output speed of flexible shaft :\1:40 is • 4-15) is used in conjunction with nose fuze l\1904 transmitted to the fuze through the input series. When assembled in the new-series or lowdrive assembly. The input-drive assembly drag general purpose bombs, it requires the use of is coupled to the reduction-gear and adapter booster T46E4. The arming of fuze l\1905 pinion assembly which is coupled to the is accomplished by arming-drive assembly l\144 internal gear. The internal gear is me(T25) through the rotation action of flexible shaft chanically coupled to the firing pin. The • l\140 (T40) instead of the arming vane. The fuze reduction-gear and pinion assembly is has a selective arming time delay of 4 to 20 seconds, secured to the gear-train cup, which is which is marked in 2-second intervals from 4 to 8 secured to the input-drive housing by seconds and in 4-second intervals from 12 to 20 seconds. The firing pin is actuated by inertia three screws. The input-drive assembly instead of by impact as does fuze :\1904. is coupled to the fuze body with seven tabs. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1 -28 INTERNAL GEAR FIRING PIN ASSY PIN GUIDE • • • ROTOR RELEASE ASSY ORD D999 Figure 4-45. Fuze U905-cross section. (2) Fuze body assembly. This assembly conassembly containing detonator ~135. A • tains the firing-pin assembly, the timingwhite mark, observed through the housinglock assembly, the rotor-release assembly, "·inc!O\Y, on the side of the internal gearfiring-pin guide, delay-lock pin assembly, a indicates that the fuze is unarmed. A redwindow, and the rotor assembly. The mark on the side of the internal gear onfiring-pin assembly contains a firing pin the edge of the rotor assembly indicatesand creep spring. The upper portion of that the fuze is armed or partially armed. • the firing pin has a projection \Yhich rides Relay X~19, as in fuze ~1904: , is located inon the shoulder of the fuze body until the the lower portion of the fuze body. Thefuze becomes armed. The firing pin is rotor cap, threaded onto the lower portionheld in place, after the fuze is armed, by of the fuze body, has a dual' function: itthe action of the creep spring. The key in protects the components (rotor assembly, the firing pin rides in the key \\'aY of the rotor detent, etc.) located in the lower "firing-pin guide. The firing-pin guide is portion of the fuze body from foreignheld in position in the fuze body by a re material , and it also prevents high-ordertaining ring. The timing-lock spring holds detonation of the bomb booster shouldthe input-drive housing assembly in place detonator ~135 be accidentally initiated inafter the required or desired arming-delay the out-of-line firing position. The out-of,· time is selected. The timing lock is pushed line firing position thickness of t he rotor in to change the arming-delay time. cap ou er surface is approximately 0.050 Seven tabs on the lower portion of the inch, while the in-line firing position thick input-drive housing hold it and the fuze ness of the rotor cap outer surface is 0.012 body together. The lo\Yer portion of the .002 inch. rotor-release plunger holds the rotor c. Functioning. .. assembly in the unarmed position. The (1) Fuze functioning is initiated when the"·indow in the input-drive housing is used bomb drops from the aircraft, therebyfor inspecting the armed or unarmed fuze removing the arming wire and Fahnestockto determine the condition, \\·hile the (safety) clips from the vane tab of the\Yindow in the lo\Yer portion of the body is arming-driYe assembly. Rotation of theused for sighting the position of the rotor arming vane is transmitted t hrough gearing 4-66 • • • • • • • • similar to the gearing of fuze ::\190-t The 1800 reYolutions-per-minute ou t put of the goYernor is passed on through the flexibleshaft coupling to the reduction-gear train, causing the internal gear to rotate. The internal gear, firing pin, and firing-pin guide are keyed to rotate as a unit. Arming time is determined by the arc through "·hich the internal gear must rotate before a projection on the gear reaches a step on the fuze body. Simultaneously, a projection on the firing pin assembly aligns \\·ith a slot in the fuze body. The firing pin is then free, upon sufficient deceleration of the fuze, to moYe in the direction of flight. During free fall , the anti-creep spring pre,·ents mo,·emen t of the firing pin due to nlocity changes of the bomb . At approximately the same time as the firing pin arms, the axial groove in the firing-pin TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 guide aligns \Yith the upper portion of the rotor-release assembly. The rotor-release assembly is driyen fonYard by its spring, thereby releasing the rotor. The rotor turns by spring action and brings detonator ::\135 in line with the other explosi,·e train components. The rotor detent locks the rotor assembly in the armed position and the fuze is armed. (2) When the bomb hits the target, the inertial force generated by deceleration of the bomb causes the firing-pin assembly to moYe fonmrd, and strike the primer of the delay element ::\19, thus initiating the explosive train . d. Safety Features. The safety features of this fuze are the same as those for the nose fuzes in the ::\190--! series, except that a '"hite stripe appears in the large inspection window at all arming delay settings . TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 4-20. Fuze, Bomb: Tail M906 Figure 4-46. Table 4-16. Tail Fuze M906 1Iodel _______________________ 11906 Arming Delay (sec) ________ ___ 2.0 Firing Delay (sec ) __ ___________ 5.0 or 12.5 Firing Action _________________ Impact Inertial Overall Length (in. ) ______ _____ 6.50 \Yeigh t (lb) __ __ _______ -___ --_ 1.1 a. Description. This fuze (fig. -1--16 and table -1-16) is used for !mY-level tactical bombing "·hen a longer firing-time delay is needed to assure that the releasing aircraft "·ill be safe from the explosin em·elope of the bomb prior to its initiation. Fuse :\1906 is used \Yith the 750-pound general purpose bomb :\1117 and low-drag general purpose bombs. Arming-drive assembly :\I4-1 (T25 ) is used "·ith fuze :\Hi06. This fuze has no selectin-arming timedelay provisions. The arming time delay of 1. 97 ± 0.-1 seconds is predetermined by design requirements. Delay elements T5E3 and T6E-1 provide fuze :\!906 with desired impact firing delay . Adapter booster T -16E-1 is used \Yith this fuze. b. Components. The major components of fuze • • ROTOR CAP • OH AY ELL\' ENT (IN STALL ED) • • ORO 0995 Tail fuze M906. l\1906 (fig. 4-47) are the input-drive ho using as sembly, the fuze body assembly, and the rotor assembly. The input-drive housing assembly, secured to the fuze body assembly "·ith three screws, • consists of the input-drive assembly and the ho using assembly. The input-drive assembly is used fo r transmitting circular motion to the fuze for re lease and freeing of the plunger-release screw, which is mechanically connected to the rotor-release screw. The teeth of the gear on the upper port ion of t he input assembly shaft mesh with teeth of the gear of • the plunger-release scre\Y. The fuze body assembly contains a spring-loaded firing pin and a plungerrelease sere"·. The oval opening in the side of t he fuze is used for the insertion of delay element T5E3 or T6E4 . The armed and unarmed condition of t he • fuze can be observed through transparent windows. An unarmed fuze is indicated by the appearance of the gears in the plunger-release assembly bet\Yeen the t\YO marks or lines on the window in the input drive housing . When the upper edge of the rotor assembly does not show red, detonator M35 is not • • • • • • • f • • in line with the other firing train clements. Any rondit.ions other than those noted above, indic·atc that the fuze is part ially armed or armed. The rotor C"ap provides the same funr.tion for fu11e M90() as it does for fuze MU05 (para 4-I!J). Fuze l\190() has no selc(·tive t.imc-dclay provisions. T he armingtime delay is approximately two seronds. Delay DELAY WINDOW ROTOR CAP TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 clement T5E:~ and TGE-!, oval in shape, provides fuze M90G with impact firing delays of 5.0 and 12.5 scronds, respectively. The delay selection depends on the fu11e requirements for a particular bomb and target . Arming assembly M-1-..J-(T25) and f-lexible shaft assembly l\[..J-0 (T-1:0) arc used with fuze l\190() for imparting arming action. INPUT DRIVE ASSEMBLY WINDOW PLUNGER RELEASE SCREW ORD DlOOO Figure 4-47. Fuze M906-cross section . c. Functioning. (1) Fuze functioning is initiated when the arming wire is pulled out of the vane tab and Fahnestoc·k (safety) dips in the arming-drive assembly. The 1800 revolutions-perminutc output of the armingdrive assembly is transmitted through a flexible shaft coupling to the input-drive assembly and reduction-gear train whic·h drives the plunger-release Sc'l'C\\'. Rotation of the plunger-release screw causes it to he withdrawn from the plunger assembly. After withdra\\'al , the plunger is free to move longitudinally upon sufficient deceleration of the fuze. The neep spring prevents the plunger from moving when velocity changes occur during free fall of the bomb. As the plunger-release screw rotates, the rotor-release screw assembly, which is mcchaniC"ally keyed to it, withdra\\'s from the rotor-assembly eavity, allowing t he rotor to move by spring action and bring detonator l\135 in line with the rest of the explosive train elements. The rotor detent locks the rotor in the armed position. Thl') fuze is completely armed within approximately 2 seconds. (2) When the bomb hits the target, inertial force genera i.ed by the bomb deecleration causes t he plunger assembly to move fot:ward. When an annular groove in the plunger aligttS with the steel ball that detents the firing pin, the ball is forced into the plunger groove; the firing pin, thus freed, is propelled into t he primer of the delay clement by the firing-pin spring, thus ini tiating the explosive train elements. The explosive t rain is identical to that in fuze i\I!J05, except delay element T5E3 or TuE-1: is used itt place of delay element M9. d. Safety FeatuTcs. An inspection window on the side of the fuze permits observation of a small gear which indicates the armed or unarmed condition of the fuze. When the gear appears between the index marks, the fuze is safe. There is also a small inspection \rindow immediately above the rotor cavity through whieh it can be visually determined if the rotor is in the out-of-line safe position. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11 -1-28 Section II. MECHANICAL TIME FUZES 4-21. General a. Functioning. Nose and tail mechanical-time bomb fuzes are combination vane and arming pin , and time or impact functioning. The impact feature, for insurance rather than deliberate selection, operates only when time setting exceeds time of flight. Current models except Nll55Al are detonator-safe (i.e., the detonator is held out of line with the booster lead until the fuze arms). Although varying in arming and explosive characteristics to meet specific use requirements, all mechanical time bomb fuzes are essentially of one type. The principle is that of the common alarm clock. A trigger a.rm assembly (firing lever and timing disc lever), · which restrains a spring-loaded firing pin, rides on the edge of a circular timing disc. An arming pin, located in a notch in the edge of the timing disc, locks the disc in the unarmed condition. When the arming pin is ejected, the clockwork mechanism turns the disc at a uniform rate until the timing disc lever drops into the notch and releases the firing pin . Rotating the head of the fuze to locate the timing disc lever at a given distance from the arming pin gives the time setting desired. In the new mechanical time fuzes M907, M908 and M909, the arming mechanism consists of an arming assembly to which the arming vane is attached by a bayonet-type locking arrangement, a governor drum and a governor plate assembly, and a set of reduction gears and shafts which terminate in a large arming gear. A cutout on the arming gear allows the arming stem to move forward when the gear has rotated into the armed position and a spring-loaded slider, containing a primer, is released to the armed position. The timing mechanism consists of a spring-driven clock movement which terminates in a timing disc. A cutout in the timing disc triggers the firing mechanism. b. Description . Nose and tail mechanical time bomb fuzes consist of a body, which contains the • time element and the explosive train, and a head,, which contains the mechanical arming and firing system. Head and body are held together by a spring steel ring which is positioned by three screws in the fuze body. Variation of the pressure of the ring provides a means of adjusting the torque re• quired to set the fuze . A thumbscrew is provided to lock the head in position when the setting is made. The arming pin and arming wire guide are assembled on the side of the body opposite the thumbscrew. An index mark for time setting is engraved in the • body just below the head . The time graduations are engraved around the base of the head, and two stop pins are set in the time scale so as to butt against the arming wire guide at maximum and minimum time setting. The arming hub with the vane assembly, the arming sleeve, and the firing pin • with striker head, projects through the forward end . A C-shaped safety block is held between the striker and the vane nut by the arming sleeve . In cu rrent models, the safety block has a collar which bears on pins in the vane nut. This assures that the block will spin with the arming vane and develop sufficient • centrifugal force to throw the block clear when the arming sleeve is withdrawn. As the fuze is issued, there is a forked striker stop in place between t he striker and the safety block and a cotter pin through the inner of a pair of eyelets in the arming pin. • These are connected by a sealing wire which also passes through the inner of a pair of eyelets in the arming-wire guide and vane tab. The new mechanical time fuze M907 does not utilize an arming sleeve or a safety block as stated above for other ' models. • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 4-22. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, Mechan ical Time, AN-M145A 1, AN-M 146A 1 and AN-M 147A 1 • 6.3 IN. 5.7 IN . Ml45Al M146Al • • ORD 01245 Figure 4-48. Mechanical time nose fu zes AN-M145A1 and AN-M146A1. Table 4-17. lvlechanical Time Nose Fuzes AN-M145A1, AN-M146A1 and AN-M147A1 AN-M11,5AI AN-M11,6AI AN-M11,7AI Firing Action______ ______________________ Mechanical Time Mechanical Time Mechanical Time Firing Delay _________________________ ___ Aerial Burst 5-92 seconds Aeria.l Burst 5-92 £econds Aerial Burst 5-92 seconds o r instantaneo us o r instantaneou s or instantaneous on Impact on Impact on Impact Arming: Type_________ _______ __ ___ __________ Vane and time Vane and time Vane and time Revolutions to Arm _________________ _ 260-350 260-350 260-350 Time to Arm (sec) ____ ____________ __ _ 4.5 4.5 4.5 J Air Travel to Arm (ft) _______________ _ 1000-1300 1000-1300 1000-1300 • Overall Length (in.) _______________ _______ 6.3 5.7 5.7 Protrusion from Bomb (in.) ______________ _ 4.9 4.9 4.9 Body Diameter (in.)______________________ 1.93 1.93 1.93 Vane Span (in.)__________________________ 3 3 3 • Weight (lb) _____________________________ 1.6 1.6 1.6 Time Setting Range (sec) _________________ 5-92 5-92 5-92 Kumber of Vane Blades_ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 2 2 Detonator_______ ________________ ___ _____ M 19A2 M19A2 M19A2 Lead Charge: Type___________ _____ __ _____________ Tetryl Tetryl Weight (grains) __ ____________________ 5.6 grains 5.6 grains Booster Charge: Type______________ _________ ________ Tetryl Black Powder Tetryl Weight (grains) ______________________ 125 110 7.6 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 a. Description . :'\ose fuzes of this type (fig. -l--:1-8 and table -l-17) are armed by mechanical time mechanisms. Detonation after release ca n be preset; time settings range from 5 to 92 seconds. Should the time setting be greater than flight time of the bomb, impact \Yill cause t he fuze to function instantaneously, provided it is armed. It takes air travel of 1000 to 1300 feet to arm these fuzes. Fuzes AK-::\Il45Al, AN-::\Il46Al and AX-::\I147Al are identical except for their boosters. The AN~Il46Al has a booster containing black powder; the AN-1\I145Al and AN-::\1147Al have boosters containing tetryl and a tetryl lead charge. The fuzes have low-temperature clockwork mechanisms . These fuzes are detonator safe. A spinner device to force safety blocks to rotate with the arming vane assures po sitive ejection of the safety block after the arming sleeve has withdrawn. Fuze ANl\f145E2 is t he fuze AN-Ml45 with a lo\\"-temperature clockwork mechanism. An added protective finish changes the fuze AN-Ml45E2 to the ANMl45E3, which is standardized as the fuze AN:NI145Al. Fuze l\H46El is fuze AN-::\!146 with the booster charge increased from 70 to 100 grains of black powder. Fuze AN-i.\1 146E2 is fuze ANMl46El with a low temperature clockwork mechanism. Fuze AN-Ml46E3, which is standardized to become the fuze AN-Ml46Al, is fuz e ANMl46A2 with an added protective finish. b. Explosive Components. A detonator, a booster lead-in and a booster constitute the explosive com • ponents of this t.ype fuz e. The detonator is held out. of alignment-until arming occurs. Nolf . Fuze :\l\'-Ml46.-\l has a de tonat or and a booste r • onl~·. c. Safety Features. Four features keep the fuze unarmed (fig. 4-49) and prevent detonation during shipping and storage: (1) A sealed safety wire, with attached instruction tag, is threaded t hrough the • vane t ab , t he arming-wire guide, the striker stop, and the eye of t he safety (cotter) pin which secures the arming pin. This wire locks the mechanical arming system. (2) A safety block, located bet\veen t he striker and the vane nut, prevents the firing pin from bei g driven inward prematurely. (3) A safety (cotter) pin through the arming pin and the arming-pin bracket retains the arming pin against the action of its spring. • An arming pin locked in this position will not allow t he arming mechanism or t ime train to operate. (4) The detonator is out of alignment with t he explosive train until the fuze arms . When the fuze is installed in a bomb, the arming wire prevents t he arming pin from being ejected and t he arming vane assembly from rotating. Thus, the fuze is kept unarmed. • \ • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 ARMING SLEEVE ARM ING HUB STATI ONARY GEAR HEA D MOVABLE GEAR THUMBSC REW • FIRING-PIN SPRING BODY FIRING PIN ARMING-W IRE GUIDE • ARMING PIN • DETENT SPR ING • • BOOSTER CUP ORO 0 1246 Figure 4--49. Mechanical time nose fuze AN-M14-6A1-unarmed, cutaway view. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 d. Presetting. Settings ranging from 5 to 92 seconds are engraved on the fuze head. The graduations are divided into one-half second increments and numbered every 3 seconds. In order to set the time of detonation, the thumbscrew is loosened and the fuze head is turned so that the engraved line representing the desired time aligns with the index mark on the fuze body. Tighten the thumbscrew to lock the setting. e. Functioning. (1) General. When the fuzed bomb is released, the arming wire withdraws from the fuze and remains in the bomb rack. As the arming wire is withdrawn, the arming pin is ejected by the arming-pin spring and the arming-vane assembly rotates in the air • stream. When the arming pin is ejected, the time mechanism is set in motion, initiating the time train and turning the time arming cam. After 4.5 seconds, the • time arming cam allo\vs the det onator to align with the explosive train, (fig. 4-50). The arming vane assembly operates the delay-arming mechanism (mechanical arming) to remove the safety block between the striker and the vane nut. Air travel of approximately 1,000 to 1,300 feet is necessary for the arming-vane assembly to remove the safety block. If not previously fired by the timing mechanism for the time set, the fuze will then function on impact. • • t • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 · • FIRING-PIN SPRING • THUMBSCREW • • CLOCKWORK MECHANISM • DETONATOR • • DETONATOR SliDER SPRING • VANE TAB STATIONARY GEAR MOVABLE GEAR FIRING PIN TIMING DISC ARMING-WIRE GUIDE DETENT SPRING BOOSTER CHARGE BOOSTER CUP ORO 01247 Figure 4-50. Mechanical time nose fuze AN-M146A1-armed-cutaway view. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11 -1 -28 (2) Arming. There are two distinct operations has a collar which bears on pins in thefor arming these fuzes: the mechanical vane nut. This assures that the safetyarming mechanism functions to remove the block will spin with the arming-vane assafety block, and the time arming mechasembly, and that sufficient centrifugal force nism functions to bring the detonator into will be developed to throw the blockalignment with the rest of the explosive clear when the arming sleeve is withdrawn.components. The mechanical-delay arming The second arming operation involvesmechanism is composed of the arming-vane bringing the detonator into alignmentassembly, an outer and inner gear, and a with the rest of the explosive components.pmwn. The arming-vane assembly is The detonator slider, under pressure fromthreaded onto the arming hub, outside the the compressed slider spring, contains thefuze body. The outer gear, containing detonator. The arming lever, which con39 teeth, is secured at the other end of the tacts a shoulder of the detonator slider,arming hub, within the fuze body. Threads prevents the slider spring from forcing thecut on the inside surface of the arming hub slider inward. Simultaneously, the armingaccommodate the threaded arming sleeve. wire is withdrawn from the arming-vane • The inner gear, containing 40 teeth, is assembly and from the arming pin. Theattached to the arming sleeve at its inner arming pin is ejected by the arming-pinmost end. The pinion meshes with the spring and the timing mechanism is set inouter and inner gears. As the arming-vane motion. The timing mechanism turns aassembly rotates, it turns the arming shaft on which the time arming cam is • hub and arming sleeve. The outer gear mounted. As the cam rotates, it allows themeshes with the pinion and forces it to arming l ver to pivot, releasing the detorotate. Since the number of teeth on the nator slider. The slider is driven by theouter and inner gears differs, the outer slider spring deeper into the fuze body,gear turning the pinion and the pinion aligning the detonator with the firing pin.meshing with the inner gear causes the The elapsed time for alignment is -!.5inner gear to lag one tooth each revolution seconds after release from aircraft.of the outer gear. Motion thereby inducedbetween the arming hub and the arming (3) Detonation. The firing pin (fig. 4-51)causessleeves causes the arming sleeve to unscrew the detonator to explode. This relays theitself from the arming hub. When the explosion to the booster lead-in. Thearming sleeve is withdrawn from the safety booster lead-in fires the booster, exploding •block, centrifugal force throws the safety the main charge of the bomb, or opening ablock clear of the fuze. As soon as the cluster. In fuze AK-?\1146Al, the firingsafety block is removed, mechanical arming pin explodes the detonator. This relaysof the fuze is complete. The safety block the explosion directly t o the booster. ' • • 4-76 • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 FIRING-PIN SPRING • TIM IN G-DISC LEVER HALF-ROUND PIN • FIRI NG LEVER PEG TIMING DISC • ~-------DETONATOR POSITION AT TIMEPOSITION BEFORE OF FIRING FIRING ORD D1248 • Figure 4-51. Mechanical time fuze AN-M146A1-details of firing-rin operation . .f. Released Safe. If it is necessary to release fuzed bombs over friendly territory, the aircraft arming controls are set in the SAFE position before the bombs are jettisoned. In this position, the arming wire is released from the bomb rack with the bomb, • preventing the arming-vane assembly from rotating and the arming pin from being ejected. The unarmed fuze will not function in the air or on impact . g. Accidental Arming. The fuze is considered • armed if the safety block is missing or there has been complete or partial ejection of the arming pin. the fuze is also considered armed if the trigger-arm assembly fails to support the striker, as evidenced by the striker bearing down tightly against the safety block. Warning : Armed and partially armed fuzes should be re moved from bombs by authorized and qualified muni tions personnel only. 4-23. Fuze, Bomb: Tail, Mechanical Time, M152A 1 This is a mechanical time tail fuze used in clusters only. Except that the body is reinforced, the arming hub bearings are modified to accommodate t he reversed direction of thrust, the pitch of the vanes is reversed, and the vanes are painted red, fuze M152Al is the same as the AN<\I145Al (para 4-22). On impact, after arming, inertia of the striker will develop enough force to shear the trigger and fire the fuze. • TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 4-24. Fuze, Bomb : Nose, Mechanical Time, M155Al ORD 01249 Figure 4-52. Mechanical time nose fuze M155A1. 'l'ablt' .t, -18. 1\Iechan·ical 'J'·imc No.~c F11ze M155A1 i.\lodeL ___________ _____ ___ ___ Ml55Al Firing Action ______________ ___ l\lechanical time Firing De!a~·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aerial burst, 5-92 seconds or instantaneous on impact· Arming: Type ___ ______________ ___ Vane Revolutions to Arm _______ () to !l Air Travel to Arm (ft) ____ _ 50 Overall Length (in .) ________ ___ 4.5 • Protrusion from Bomb (in .) ___ _ 3.7 Body Diameter (in.) ___ ______ __ 1.63 Vane Span (in.) __________ _____ 3 Weight (lb) _____ ___ _____ _____ 1.4 Time Set ting Range (sec) ______ 5 to 92 Number of Vane Blades________ 2 Percussion Primer Designation__ M2() • Charge: Type_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Black Powder Weight (grains) ___________ 120 Mechanical time nose fuze M155Al (figs. 4-52 and 4-53 and table 4-18) is similar in operation to mechanical time fuze AN-M146Al (para 4-22) . • It is a "detonator-in line" type fuze and, therefore, is not considered detonator safe. Because it may function when dropped unarmed, this fuze is not to be used in bombs carried by carrier-based aircraft, and is not to be installed before bombs or clusters are placed on aircraft. Fuze M155Al has been • reworked to provide for low-temperature operation, and has direct mechanical arming instead of reduction gearing. • •. • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • ._STRIKER I • SAFETY BlOCK--....! • GEAR TRAIN HEAD ____ • • ARMING PIN HALF-ROUND PIN (OUT OF POSITION) • ClOCKWORK MECHANISM _,......_BODY ,- ORO 01250 Figure 4-53. Mechanical time nose fuze M155A1-cross section. TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11 -1 -28 4-25. Fuze, Bomb: Mechanical Ti me, M907 PROTECTIVE COVER ARMING WARNING TAG • DIAL • I VANE PLATE -ASSEMBLY • STUD<; .. ORD D996 • Figure 4-54. Mechanical time (MT) fuze M907. Table 4-19. Mechanical Time (MT) Fuz e M907 Nlodel _______________________ Firing Action _________________ Firing Del ay_ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arming Type____ ___________ __ Rate (Rev per min) ______ _____ Time to Arm (sec) ___________ _ Overall Length (in.) ___________ Protrusion from Bomb (in.) ____ Body Diameter (in.) ___________ Va ne Des igna ti on _____________ Vane Span (in.) _____ __________ Weight (lb) ___ ---------------Primer Designation ____________ Booster Charge_______________ Weight (grains) ______ ________ _ ~907 ~echanical time Aerial burst 4 to 92 seconds Vane 1,500 minimum One-half the prese t functioning time, when greater than 10 seconds 5.54 4.74 2.75 T3 or T4 (tail) or T5E2 (nose) 3.50 (T5E2) 5.00 (T4) 4.00 (T3) 2.20 l\172 Black Powder 100 a. General. • (1) This fuze (fig. 4-54 and table 4-19), designed for air burst functioning of photoflash bombs and bomb clusters, can be used for nose or tail applications. For tail application, arming vanes T3 and T4 are used, while for nose application, arming vane T5E2 is used. Arming vane T5E2 is standard for fuze l\1907. Fuze l\1907 has improved safety characteristics, environ mental resistance, versatility, and func tional reliability and can be used to replace mechanical time nose fuze AN-:\1145A1 or AN-l\1146Al. There is an airburst func tioning accuracy of plus or minus one second over a temperature range of -65° F . to -160° F. Arming of this fuze requires a minimum of 1,500 revolutions per minute of the arming vane. Release speed of t he • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 aircraft should be between 170 and 600 vanes T3, T4 or T5E2 to the fuze. The knots. vane plate is prevented from moving by (2) A calibrated scale on the fuze body, the safety wire or an arming wire. The marked off in O.;j-second intervals, and vane plate assembly is attached to the ranging from 4 to 92 seconds, provides for upper portion of the vane spindle . The presetting of functioning time. For pregovernor drum of the head assembly is settings between 4 and 10 seconds, arming coupled to the lower portion of the vane will occur before functioning but not earlier spindle. The firing pin assembly is than one-half the set time. Arming time is secured to the vane spindle by a retaining • approximately 60 percent of the preset ring . function time when the function time is (b) Gew· train and governor assembly. This greater than 10 seconds. assembly contains a governor assembly b. Components. The major components of fuze and a reduction-gear train assembly. M907 (fig. 4-55) are as follows: The governor maintains a constant (I) Nose housing and head assembly. This 1,500 rpm to the reduction-gear train, assembly consists, basically, of three indiregardless of vane rpm. vidual assemblies held together with five (c) Head assembly. This assembly includes screws. an arming gear, timing graduations (a) Nose housing and vane plate assembly. ranging from 4 to 92 seconds, firing This assembly consists of a vane plate lever, timing lever, and cocking pin assembly, a nose housing assembly, a assembly. The gear train is coupled to • firing pin assembly and a vane spindle the head assembly. The firing pin is • assembly. The vane plate, spring, and held by the cocking pin until it is released studs, component s of the vane plate by the firing lever, which is, in turn, assembly, are used for attaching arming released by the timing ~ever. • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 PERFORMED PACKING (0-RING l GEAR TRAIN • ARMING STEM FOIL DISC (COVER) GOVERNOR ASSEMBLY • • • ORD 01001 Figure 4-55. Fuze M907-cross section. (2) Body assembly. This assembly contains the MT movement unit, the slider cover, slider spring, slider assembly containing a stab primer M72, arming pin, arming pin bracket, arming stem, lock screw assembly, slider disc seal and two windows. The arming pin is held in place in the arming pin bracket by a safety wire which also retains the vane plate. Warning and instruction tags are attached to the safety wire. All components listed above, other than those attached to the exterior of the fuze body, are contained in the body assembly . The movement assembly controls the timing lever, thereby protecting the fuze from premature firing, should the slider assembly accidentally place primer • Nl72 in the firing trai n position. The arming pin locks the timing disc in place until the safety wire is removed. When the 90-second mark on the calibrated dial is aligned with the timing index on the fuze body, the internal index mark on the head • assembly, the notch in the arming gear, and the head of the arming stem become visible through the window under the index mark on the fuze body. Indications noted above are one way of visually noting proper setting of the fuze. When the 71-• second mark on the calibrated dial is aligned with the timing index, the timing lever should be visible through the window over the slider cover. Indications noted above are used as a second means of visually • • .. • • • • • • checking the fuze for proper setting. The arming stem holds the slider assembly in an out-of-line firing position until the cut-out in the arming gear turns to a position where the arming stem is free to move upward. An additional safety, prior to release of the bomb, is provided by the firing pin which, held down by the a rming pin, prevents the slider assembly from moving. When the arming pin withdraws, the firing pin retracts out of the way of the slider assembly. l\1ovement of the slider assembly to the armed position is indicated by the punctured foil cover (disc). (3) Booster assembly. This assembly threads to the bottom of the body assembly. Fuze threads are used to assemble the fuze to the bomb. The explosive train of fuze :\1907 consists of primer :\172, containing ;).4 grains of explosive filler, and a booster cup containing 100 grains of black powder (grd A-4). c. Functioning. (1) The fuze starts to operate when the bomb is released from the aircraft and the arming wire is withdrawn from the arming vane and the arming pin bracket. The arming pin is ejected from the fuze body, thereby allowing the timing disc of the movement assembly to rotate. The firing pin then retracts to the firing position . Rotation of the arming vane (T3, T4 or T5E2) drives the centrifugal governor which limits input speed to the gear train to approximately 1500 rpm. This makes the vane drum lose contact with the governor weights. Arming time is determined by the angle through which the arming gear must rotate in order for the slot in the arming gear to line up with the top of the arming stem. Rotation of the arming gear is accomplished by rotation of the reduction gears of the gear train. When the slot in the arming gear aligns with the head of the arming stem, the arming stem moves upward through the arming gear slot. The slider, containing stab primer M72, moves to the firing train position; primer M72 is then in line with TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 the firing pin and booster. The slider is held in the armed position by a spring loaded slider lock . (2) Ejection of the arming pin from the slot in the t iming disc allows the 'clockwork of movement assembly T5 to start. Starting of the movement assembly is assured by a spring-loaded starter, which sweeps across an escape wheel, and imparts motion to it. The timing lever rides on the edge of the timing disc until it rotates into the slot of the timing disc from which the arming pin was ejected. Rotation of the timing lever causes release of the firing lever which, in turn, releases the cocking pin. Release of the cocking pin releases the spring-loaded firing pin. The firing pin strikes the stab primer, thus firing the fuze. Selection of arming time and firing time is accomplished with one setting of the indicating dial (4 to 92 seconds). d. Safely Features. Fuze :\1907 is safe to handle since it has an out-of-line explosive train. Accidental initiation of the primer when the fuze is in the unarmed condition will not initiate the booster. In addition, the fuze has two visual arming indicators: an aluminum foil disc located in the lower part of the fuze body ; a transparent window located above the foil disc in the fuze body. If the arming stem is straddling the arming gear (visible through window) or the slider has punctured the foil disc, the fuze is armed and care must be taken in handling . e. Accidental Arming. If fuze :\1907 is in the armed condition, extreme care must be taken in hand ling and disposal. Only technically qualified personnel will handle and dispose of a fuze in this condition. If the arming stem is straddling the arming gear, but the aluminum foil disc is not punctured and the firing pin is blocking the slider and holding it in the safe position, the fuze is safe to handle but is not safe to use. The aluminum foil disc may be punctured accidentally during handling. In this case, if the arming stem is not straddling the arming gear and the slider does not project through the foil disc, the fuze is safe to handle. Functioning reliability of the fuze has been impaired, however, and the fuze should not be used. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 35~0/TO 11-1-2'8 4-26. Fuze, Bomb: Nose and Tail, Mechanical Time, M908 Fuze :\1908 is approximately 6.08 inches long with the booster assembly and ''"eighs approximately 2.2 pounds. This fuze replaces mechanical time nose fuze AK-:\Il45Al and mechanical time tail fuze l\Il52Al for use in aimable clusters. Operation and functional features of fuze :\1908 and fuze :\1907 are the same (para 4-25) . Fuze :\1908 differs from fuze J\1907 as follo"·s: a. Fuze ::\1908 uses a booster assembly containing a tetryl lead and a tetryl booster, ''"hile fuze :\1907 has a black powder booster. b. Detonator l\Il9A2 is used in the slider assembly of fuze U908, while stab primer J\172 is used in fuze 1\1907. c. The standard arming vane shipped ''"ith fuze l\1908 is arming vane T3. 4-27. Fuze, Bomb: Nose and Tail, Mechanical Time, M909 a. Fuze :\1909 is approximately 5.06 inches long "·ith the lead holder assembly and weighs approximately 2.2 pounds. This fuze replaces mechanical time nose fuze AX-:\Il-!7Al for use in aircraft parachute flares, aimable fragmentation clusters, and leaflet bombs. Operation and functioning features of fuze :\1909 and fuze :\1907 are the same (para -!-25). Fuze :\1909 differs from fuze :\1907 in that the former uses a tetryl lead holder assembly containing a tetryllead. Detonator :\Il9A2 is used in the slider assembly, while stab primer ::\172 is used in fuze :\1907 . b. The standard arming vane shipped ''"ith fuze :\1909 is arming vane T5E2 or T-1 depending upon which vane is requested by the user. Section Ill. PROXIMITY (VT) FUZES 4-28. General a. Use. Proximity (VT) fuzes are automatic time fuzes which, without setting or adjustment, detonate the bomb on approach to the target at the most effective point on its trajectory. Proximity (VT) fuzes are essentially radio transmitting and receiving units . In flight , the fuze transmits a radio signal which is continuous. When this signal is reflected from any object to the armed fuz e, it interacts with the transmitted signal to produce ripples or beats. When the beat reaches a predetermined intensity, it trips an electronic switch which permits an electric charge to flmy through an electric detonator. Proximity fuzes may profitably be employed in any operation in which air burst at heights bet,yeen 10 and 250 feet will increase the effectiveness of the bomb in which it is used. Proximity fuzes are similar to time fuzes in production of air burst, but the time fuze is governed by distance from the origin and the proximity fuze by its proximity to the target. b. Description . There are two types of proximity (VT) fuzes, the bar type and the ring type (fig. 4-56) . The bar-t ype fuze can be used effectively in any bomb ''"ith a fuze "·ell that will accommodate nose fuze :\!163, ''"hile the ring type, although it fits the same fuze "·ell, can be used only in the bomb sizes for ''"hich it is specified. In both types, the external part of the fuze body is a cylinder 3 to 4 in ches in diameter and 5 inches long, with a vane at the nose . The ring type has a metal ring surrounding the vane ''"ith a vane stop pin sealed in the ring. The bar type has t"·o -!-inch antenna ba rs (dipoles) extending radially fr om the head, and a vanelocking arm mounted on a bracket on t he side. In both types, the part of the body which is assembled within the bomb conforms in size and s ape to nose fuze :\!163, except that there is a safety pin clipped around the base and extending into the end of the fuze. This safety pin is never removed until just before assembling the fuze to the bomb. • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1··28 COTTER PIN ARMING VANE ARMI NG VANE • ANTENNA BAR • • • • SAFETY PIN PIN BOOSTER ORD 01 255 Figure 4-56. Proximity nose fu zes. c. Functioning. The arming Yane drives a high • speed (coupling) shaft and, through a reduction gear train, a slo\\" speed shaft. An electric generator is mounted on the high speed shaft \\"hich furnishes po,,·er to charge a firing capacitor and to operate the transmitting and receiving unit "·hich controls the electronic S\ritch bet,reen the firing capacitor and shaft by a spring-loaded pin. The • rotor controls both mechanical and electrical arming; it keeps the detonator out of line "·ith the booster lead, and it keeps the detonator out of contact \rith the firing circuit, until arming is complete. As the rotor is turned to the armed position, the outer end of the key pin is driven•by its spring into a recess in the rotor housing \rhile the inner end "·ithdra,rs from the keyway in the shaft. When a material object enters the zone of influence of the fuze, the reflected \\"are causes the firing S\ritch to operate, passing the charge of the firing capacitor through the electric detonator, thus initiating the explosive train. Since these fuzes operate on any object, airborne minimum-safe air tra,·el (:\IinSAT) is carefully calib rated for the protection of friendly planes. The l\IinSAT is measured for representative samples of each lot of proximity fuzes and is marked on every fuze of he lot. :\Iechanical arming-delay dev ices, by means of "·hich MinSAT can be increased by as much as 20,000 feet, must be used \rit h t hese fuzes. Air travel arming-delay device ~IlAl (or :\Il) is used for this purpose. 4-29. Characteristics Peculiar to Proximity Fuzes a . General. Proximity (VT) fuzes function automati cally on approach to or passing any material target, causing an air burst at an effective height or distance. While only three models of the bar type TM 9-1325-20.0/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 and one of the ring type have been standardized, additional experimental models have been issued . These differ from the standard and among themselves in height of burst and :\IinSAT. b. H eight of Burst. Ring-type fuzes produce approximate heights of burst from 10 to 250 feet , depending on the size of bomb, nature of target, altitude, and speed of aircraft at release. Bar-type fuzes give average heights of burst as approximately 25 to 125 feet depending on size of bomb and nature of target, the performance being comparatively independent of altitude and speed of release. (1) Effect of target. Functioning of all types of proximity (VT) fuzes is influenced by the nature of the target. Data given herein presume average dry earth. The height of bursts over \\"ater, \\"et earth, or earth containing considerable amounts of metal may be 100 percent greater; over dry sand they may be 50 percent smaller. Dispersed trucks or puddles "·ill not materially affect the height of burst, but approach to large high structures or dense foliage \Yill increase the height of burst. (2) Effect of altitude at release. Ring-type fuzes are affected by the striking angle of the bomb "·hich depends on altitude and true air speed at release. This dependence of height burst on release conditions can be used to advantage since it provides a means of field control of burst height. Bar-type fuzes are generally not affected by striking angles and only slightly affected by release altitudes. (3 ) Effect of bomb. The size and shape of the bomb affects the burst height of all types of proximity fuzes. (-!) Dispersion. Under conditions \\"hich are othenYise identical, variation and tolerance in the manufacture of fuzes and components can lead to variation in the height of bursts. c. R eliability. The present development of proximity fuzes has reached the point \\"here 85 percent normal functioning may be expected. About 12 percent. may be "early bursts;" that is, they "·ill function at some point bet\\·een the :\finSAT and the point of normal functioning above the target; about ~ percent " ·ill be duds. An excessive number of " early bursts", 25 percent or more, indicates faulty operation clue either to damaged fuzes or to im • proper assembly to the bomb. To reduce such excessive "early bursts," inspect the fuze upon removal from its packing for damage due to rough handling or adverse storage conditions. Check also to see that all fuzes are properly assembled to the bomb. Insurance against duds may be obtained by use of a tail fuze using a nondelay primer-detonator or instantaneous delay element, depending on which tai l fuze is used. d. Train Spacing. Since proximity fuzes are • designed to respond to a sudden change in their surroundings, the detonation of a nearby bomb may cause an armed fuze to functio n. This restricts the minimum train spacing that can be used. Armed Salvo and Minimum Train releases will result in an increase in early functions. An intervalometer • spacing of 50 feet or more for 100 to 260 pound high-explosive bombs, or 100 feet for larger GP bombs is satisfactory. e. Weather and Climate. Heavy rain, snow, and hail a re likely to cause an excessive number of early functions. However, light rain, haze~ sunlight, and • darkness \Yill nct affect fuze operation. Warm, humid conditions may cause rapid deterioration of exposed proximity fuzes. For this reason, the sealed metal containers should not be opened until the fuzes are required for the mission at hand. Normal safety and operating characteristics are not adversely affected when the fuzes are used or stored • \Yithin the temperature range of -60° F. to+ 140° F. f. Yibration . Excessive vibration of any component of the complete round during flight will cause an increase in the number of early functions. The principal causes of excessive vibration are fin • assemblies which are bent, loose, improperly seated, or poorly fabricated; fuzes which have damaged vanes or which are loose in the fuze seat because either the lock washer is missing or the fuze was not properly tightened, and excessive bearing wear from release at high altitudes without arming delay. • 4-30. Interchangeability Proximity fuzes are not functionally interchal'lgeable with impact fuzes: however, there is more latitude among the various models of proximity fuzes. Selection should be made of the particular model of fuze which will produce the desired height of burst and appropriate MinSAT with the bomb used. (See t able 4-20.) Proximity fuzes are ballistically interchangeable with the Il63 or M904 series fuzes. Special bombing table3 are not required. • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 4-20. Fu ze (Proximity) Application Data 1lfinimum Safe Air Trauel (llfinSAT) Fuze T y pe (Feet) Applicati on • AN-Ml66 Bur 3600 100-lb GP AN-M30Al 250-lb GP AN-M57Al 500-lb GP AN-M64A1 1000-lb GP AN-M65A1 2000-lb GP AN-M66A2 220-lb Frag AN-M88 260-lb Frag AN-M81 750-lb GP M117 3000-lb GP M118 250-lb GP MK81 MOD 1 500-lb GP MK82 MOD 1 1000-lb GP MK83 MOD 3 2000-lb GP MK84 MOD 1 M166E1 Bar 2000 Same as AN-M166 • AN-M168 Ring 2000 100-lb GP AN-M30A1 250-lb GP AN-M57Al 500-lb GP AN-M64A1 2000-lb GP AN-M66A2 220-lb Frag AN-M88 260-lb Frag AN-M81 750-lb GP M117 3000-lb GP M118 • • 250-lb GP MK81 MOD 1 500-lb GP MK82 MOD 1 1000-lb GP MK83 MOD 3 2000-lb GP MK84 MOD 1 M168E1 Ring 2000 100-lb GP AN-M30A1 250-lb GP AN-M57A1 500-lb GP AN-M64A1 1000-lb GP A~-M65A1 260-lb Frag AN-M81 220-lb Frag AN-M88 250-lb MK81 MOD 1 500-lb MK82 MOD 1 1000-lb MK83 MOD 3 2000-tb MK84 MOD 1 • M188 Bar 3600 Same as AN-M166 T50El Ring 3600 Same as AN-Ml68 T50E4 Ring 3600 500-lb GP AK-M64Al 1000-lb GP AN-M65A1 T51El Bur 3600 Same as AN-M166 T91 Ring 2000 Same as AN-M168 T93 Ring 2000 Same as M168E1 • 4-31. Safety Features (3) The vane must rotate at high speed, 2,000 rpm or more, in order to drive the generator a. Requirements for Operation . Proximity fuzes at sufficient speed to charge the firing are detonator-safe and are armed by vane action capacitor and furnish power to operate the with mechanical delay. In order for the fuzes to transmitting and receiving unit. operate, the following conditions must be met: • (1) The fuze cannot be seated in the bomb and the detonator rotor of the fuze cannot turn (4) The vane must rotate a substantial number until the safety pin is removed . of times in order to turn the detonator rotor (2) The vane-lock pin (ring type) or vane-lock sufficiently to bring the detonator into line arm (bar type) must be removed or ejected in the explosive train and to bring the so that the vane can rotate. electric leads of the detonator into contact TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 with the firing circuit. The nominal MinSAT ranges from 2,000 feet to 3,600 feet. (5) A material change within the sensitivity field of the fuze is required to cause a ripple effect of sufficient amplitude to activate the electronic switch in the firing circuit. (6) Normal functioning requires fulfillment of all the above conditions. Itshould be noted however that, due to the inherent nature of this type of fuze, some "early bursts" may be expected. With any one of the above conditions not fulfilled, the fuze will not fire except under conditions of external violence which would fire any similar amount of high explosive without fuze el~ments present. b. External Indications of Safe Conditions. External evidence of safe condition is furnished by (1) Safety pin check. The safety pin conSists of a straight portion, at least 1.9-inches long, and a curved portion which clips around the booster end of the fuze. If the safety pin is in place or can be inserted to its full length into the base of the fuze, the detonator rotor has not moved from its original unarmed position. Warning: If the safety pin cannot be inserted to its full depth, it does not necessarily mean that the fuze is completely armed, but the fuze must be regarded as completely armed and liable to fire if the vane is spun rapidly in either direction. (2) Seal wire. When the vane-lock pin or vane-lock arm is assembled during manufacture of the fuze, it is sealed in place with a steel wire and a lead seal. If the wire and seal are in place and unbroken, • the vane has not turned either to charge the electrical elements or to turn the detonator rotor, and the fuze is safe. c. Duds. In handling proximity fuze duds, it • must be remembered that the fuze may be armed and charged. In such condition, the fuze is likely to function at any disturbance or approach of personnel or materiel. A sufficient time, usually 24 hours, must be allowed for the firing charge to dissipate. After that time, proximity bomb fuze • duds may be handled with comparative safety if the vane is locked, since they contain no impact firing elements. It should be remembered, however, that there is a complete explosive train present which may function on external violence, especially if the • fuze has been deformed. When observed from the releasing aircraft, a proximity dud may be identified by a characteristically circular burst, producing a crater (if a tail fuze is used). d. Dropped Safe. Proximity (VT) fuzes are tested for drop safety. If dropped safe, they will • not function on impact under circumstances that are safe for an unfuzed GP bomb; that is, they will not function when dropped 50 feet onto armor plate or 8,000 feet onto normal soil. 4-32. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, Proximity (VT), AN-M166 (T51E1) Nose fuze AN-Ml66 (T51El) (fig. 4-57) is of the bar-type configuration. It can be used effectively in any bomb that contains a fuze well that will accommodate a selective action nose fuze in the M163 or M904 series. This nose fuze can also be • employed with any GP, fragmentation, or chemical bomb weighing 100 pounds or more which takes nose fuze AN-M103Al or M163. This fuze is extremely sensitive and its tactical use is independent of height or release, speed of aircraft or type of terrain. It has a nominal MinSAT of 3600 feet. • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • • • EXPLOSIVE TRAIN ORO 01256 Figure 4-57. Proximity nose fuze M166-cross section. • 4-33. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, Proximity (VT), is 2,000 feet, and the transverse dipoles (bars) have M166El been strengthened so that they can be used to screw the fuze into the bomb without a wrench, if necesThis is a bar-type fuze which differs from fuz e sary (use of a wrench is desirable, however, since AN-M166 (para 4-32) in that the nominal MinSAT the fuze must be tight in the bomb). The sensitivity, TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 as shipped, is equal to one-half that of fuze ANM166, but the sensitivity of t.he l\1166E1 can be set to be equal to t hat of AN-l\'1166. The sensitivity is adjusted by removing a clearly-labeled, knurled thumbscrew which projects from the fuze housing. T he thumbscrew is left in place to reduce the sensitivity for target conditions so that a lowburst height will result in relatively greater damage. Except for the thumbscrew, the external contours of the l\'Il66E1 are identical with the AN-11166. Note. When the thumbscrew is removed for normal sensitivity, it cannot be replaced to reduce sensitivity. 4-34. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, Proximity (V1) M166E3 This is the same type fuze as the M166E1 de ·scribed in paragraph 4-33. It may be used with GP, fragmentat ion, and chemical bombs of a hundred pounds or more, depending upon the tactical use and the discretion of the using organization. The operation and functioning data described in paragraphs 4-29 through 4-31 are applicable to this configuration. 4-35. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, Proximity (V1) M168E1 This is a ring-type proximity fuze which differs from fuze AN-l\1 168 in the design of the fuze housing. The housing for fuze A Ll\'IJ68 contains a hole which accommodates a small roundhead screw. Since the screw is not used with fuze M168E1, the housing has no screw hole. N aminal MinSAT for both fuzes AN-M168 and M168E1 is 2,000 feet. 4-36. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, Proximity (V1) M188 (1765) This is a bar-type, variable time (VT) fuze with a nominal MinSAT of 3,600 feet. Like the l\1166El (para 4-33) it has the transverse bars (dipoles) strengthened so that they can be used to screw the fuze into the bomb without a wrench. It also has a clearly-labeled, knurled thumbscrew for adjusting the sensitivity of the fuze. The thumbscre>1 is left in place to reduce sensitivity to target conditions so that a low burst height will result in relatively greater damage. It is removed to obtain normal sensitivity and a higher burst height. Not e. 'When the thumbscrew is removed to obtain normal sensitivity, it cannot be replaced to reduce sensitivity. 4-37. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, Proximity (V1), 150El This fuze is the same ring-type described in paragraphs 4-29 through 4-31. The configuration of t he fuze makes it applicable for use with GP, fragmentation, and chemical bombs of a hundred pounds or more, depending upon tactical requirements. 4-38. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, Proximity (V1) 151 This fuze is the same bar type as that described in paragraphs 4-29 through 4-31. The configuration of the fuze makes it applicable for use with GP, fragmentation, and chemical bombs of a hundred pounds or more, depending upon tactical requirements. 4-39. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, Proximity (V1) 189 This fuze is t he same ring type described in paragraphs 4-29 t hrough 4-31. Itmay be used with GP, fragmentation, and chemical bombs of a hundred pounds or more, depending upon tactical requirements. 4-40. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, Proximity (V1) 190 This fuze is of the same ring type described in paragraphs 4-29 thro ugh 4-31. It may be used with GP, fragmentation, and chemical bombs of a hundred pounds or more , depending upon tactical requirements. 4-41. Fuze, Bomb: Nose, Proximity (VT) T93 a. Gen eral . Proximity (VT) fuze T 93 is a ring type which is designed to fire on approach to both ground and airborne targets . When used against ground targets, burst heights for this fuze a re t he same as other ri ng type proximity fuzes. F uze T93 may be conditioned to fire on approach to airb orne targets by removal of a clea rly marked kn urle dhead t humbscrew on the fuze body. Caution: Do not remo ve the knurled-head thumbscrew except for air-to-air use. b. Function. When fuze T93 is conditioned for air t o air use, bomb detonations 'vill take place after about 7,500 feet of vertical fall from horizontal release, if the fuze has not been activated by passing within the influence range of an aircraft target during the drop . In this respect , the fuze has s:Jlfdestruction action. The fall of 7,500 feet will apply after arming-delay ~Il or l\IlAl has functioned and separated from the fuze . • • • • • • • • c. Arming. After the thumbscre\\" has been removed , it cannot be replaced \\·ithout possible impairment of the fuze circuit. Warnin g: Fuzes T93 from which knurled-head TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 screws have become detached accidentally or fuzes with knurled-head screws missing, shall be considered damaged and disposed of by authorized and qualified personnel. Section IV. HYDROSTATIC FUZES 4-42. General Hydrostatic fuzes act under the influence of water pressure to explode a bomb at a predetermined depth. They are used in depth bombs for antisubmarine warfare. The fuze is bottl-e shaped with the booster assembled to the base and a 16-blade • arming vane assembled to the opposite end. An arming-vane lock flange is assembled at the neck, • • • • and t he dept h-setting disc and lock are assembled to the side. Dept h settings (in feet) are engraved in the disc with t he lock serving as an index. As issured, a safety (cotter) pin, with pull ring and instruction tag, is positioned in t he arming-vane lock and a safety bar is held in place t hrough t he fuze threads by a safety (cotter) pin . This bar keeps t he detonator assembly from moving toward the firing pin . TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 4-43. Fuze, Bomb: Tail, Hydrostatic, AN-MK230 Mods 4, 5, and 6 • • • • • AN-Mk 230 MOOS SECTION A-A 3 , 4 , 5 , AND 6 ORO 01257 Figure 4-58. H ydrostatic tail fuze AN-MK230. • • • • • • • • 1 Arming vane assembly 2 Bushing 3 Reduction gear assembly 4 Arming shaft 5 Arming spider assembly 6 Safety detents 7 Firing spindle a. General. Hydrostatic tail fuze (figs. 4-58 and 4-59 and table 4-21) is vane operated and requires from 400 to 500 feet of air travel to arm. It is bottle-shaped in appearance and has a 16-blade arming-vane assembly attached to its head. This type of fuze is sometimes used in conjunction with a nose fuze. Water pressure operates the hydrostatic mechanism that detonates the fuze. The depth at which detonation will occur can be controlled by presetting the depth-setting knob . TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 INDEX TO FIGURE 4-58 8 Inertia counterba lance weights 14 Detonator 9 Ports 15 Firing pin 10 Bellows assembly 16 Firing train leads 1 11 Firing spring assembly 17 Booster 12 Depth spring assembly 18 Depth setting control 13 Lo cking balls 19 Safety cotter pin AN-MK230 This knob, located on the side of the fuze, is marked with five possible depth settings: 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125 feet . Mod 5 and Mod 6 differ from Mod 4 by having the accuracy of their 25-foot depth setting emphasized. }fod 4 has the accuracy of the 50-foot setting emphasized. The booster of :;.\Iod 5 differs from that of Mod 4 and :Mod 6 in that the firing pins of Mod 5 are welded to the booster cap and its booster charge is smaller. Figure 4-59. Hydrostatic tail fuze AN-MK230, comparison of booster. Table 4-21. Hydro static Tail Fuzes AN-MK230 Mods 4, 5 and 6 ~ark ~od Firing Action _____________________________________ Firing Delay (ft ) (Determined by Depth Setting) __ ___ Arming: Type _____________________________________ ___ Revolutions to Arm ___________________________ Air Travel to Arm (ft) _________________________ Overall Length (in.) _______________________________ Protrusion from Bomb (in.) ________________________ Body Diameter (in.) _____________________ _____ _____ Vane Span (in.) ________ __________________ _________ Weight (I b) __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Number of Vane Blades ___________________________ Detonator Designation: Boo ter C harge _______ ______ ___ ___________ ____ Type__________________________ __________ ____ Weight (gm) _________________________________ MOD 4 AND 6 MOD 5 ORO 0125 8 AN-~K230 6 \Vater Pres~ure 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 Vane 110 300-400 15.4 12.7 3.38 5.25 15 16 ~K20 ~od 0 Tetryl 22 A~-~IC230 4 Wa ter Pressure 25, 50, 75, I 00, 125 Vane 110 300-400 15.4 12.7 3.38 5.25 15 16 ~I\:20 ~od 0 Tetryl 22 AK-~K230 5 Water Press ure 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 Vane 110 300-400 15.4 12.7 3.38 5.25 15 16 ~K20 ~od 0 Tetryl 13 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 b. Explosive Components. The explosive components of this fuze consist of the detonator, the leadout charges, the lead-in charges, a relay, and a booster charge. The detonator and lead-out charges are in the firing plunger. The booster charge, the relay, and the lead-in charges consist of approximately 25.5 grams (0.9 ounce) of tetryl. c. Safety Features . Each fuze is individually packed in a sealed metal container. The fuze body, plunger housing, and firing plunger are locked by a safety rod to prevent operation of the hydrostatic mechanism and consequent premature functioning of the fuze. The safety rod is protected against accidental withdrawal by a safety (cotter) pin (19, fig. 4-58) through a hole at the protruding end. A safety (cotter) pin, provided with a pull ring and instruction tag, locks the bushing and arming-vane assembly together to prevent the arming vane from rotating and arming the fuze. In all, four safety (cotter) pins are used externally on the fuze: ope to prevent withdrawal of the setting rod, one to prevent withdrawal of the safety rod, one to lock the vane assembly in place, and a fourth to connect the arming-vane hub to the vane shaft. An arming bracket is used with fuzes of this type when they are assembled in bombs that are to be carried on external racks of high-speed aircraft. The bracket assures that the arming wire will not shear and inadvertently allow the fuze to arm. When placed in a bomb, the ft~ze is in an unarmed condition as long as the arming wire is in position . It will not begin t9 function until the bomb is dropped and the arming wire is withdrawn from the arming-vane assembly and bushing. The fuze is detonator safe as well as shear safe. d. Functioning. (1) General. When the bomb is dropped, the arming wire is withdrawn and the armingvane assembly is free to rotate in the airstream. After the bomb completes from 300 to 400 feet of air travel along its trajectory, the fuze is fully armed. The fuze begins functioning when water enters its body. Water pressure, increasing with depth, expands a bellows, causing alignment of the explosive elements and detonation of the fuze. (2) Arming. When the arming wire is withdrawn, the air stream rotates the arming vane (1) and bushing (2). The rotation is transmitted through a reduction gear train (3) to the arming shaft (4) which is threaded into the arming spide~ assembly (5) . The arming spider assembly progresses upward and, after 110 revolutions of the vane, clears the safety detents (6) which are ejected by their springs from the groove in the head of the firing spindle (7). Upon impact with the water, the inertia counterbalance weights (8) prevent function by set-forward. As the bomb sinks, the water enters the ports (9) in the body of the fuze and builds up hydrostatic pressure in the bellows (10). When sufficient pressure is built up to compress the firing spring (11) and depth spring (12), the fi ring spindle is forced downward so that the locking balls (13) fly into a recess and the firing spring forces t he detonator (14) against the fixed firing pin (15). The resultant explosion is transmitted through the firing train leads (16) to t he booster (17). Variation in depth setting is obtained by varying the compression of t he depth spring by means of a cam on the inner end of the depth setting control (18). The difference between the number of teeth on the stationary and movable gears of reduction gear train causes the idler gear to for ce the movable gear one tooth ahead with each revolution of the planetary-gear cover. This gives a red uction ratio of one revolution of t he arming shaft to 23 revolutions of the arming-vane assembly. (3) Depth-setting mechanism. The basic concept of the depth-setting arrangement of this fuze is a bellows expanding against the compressive resistance of a spring. The hydrostatic piston and depth-spring stem ride vertically through the depth-setting sleeve and the depth spring. The bellows is secured to the piston and the depthspring stem nut is secured to the depthspring stem. The depth-setting sleeve can be positioned in any one of five possible locations along the depth-spring stem by turning the depth-setting knob . Moving the depth-setting sleeve vertically, the depth-spring stem regulates the space bet,veen the depth-spring stem nut and the base of the depth spring. The distance which the piston and t he depth-spring • • • • • • • • • stem nut must move to detonate the fuze is constant for any depth. Selectivity is gained by causing a portion of the move • ment to be made against the compressive resistance of the depth spring. The closer the depth spring is brought to the stem nut, the greater the distance the hydrostatic piston has to move against the spring to detonate the fuze. Since hydrostatic pressure is the motivating force that operates the bellows-actuated piston, greater depths are necessary to produce sufficient pressure to overcome the compressive strength of the spring. (4) Action. The hydrostatic piston, the coun • terweight rack, the depth-spring stem, and the depth-spring stem nut move as a single unit. One end of the hydrostatic bellows is secured to the hydrostatic piston; the other end is secured to the depth-setting mechanism housing, which is stationary. • • When the fuze goes below the water surface, water enters the fuze body through two port holes. The water then passes through four holes in the depth-setting mechanism housing and enters the bellows. As the fuze submerges, water pressure is built up and the bellows expands. The expanding bellows draws the hydrostatic piston downward, compressing the firing spring and depth spring. As the piston moves downward, it rides over the firing plunger and plunger housing. The deto nator and • lead-out charges are contained in the firing plunger, which is locked to t he plunger housing by six locking balls. After the hydrostatic piston has moved downwards about %inch (this distance is the same for all settings), the balls which lock the firing plunger are forced out into t he circular recess in the hydrostatic piston. The compressed firing spring then drives the freed plunger into the firing point. At this • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 point the explosive train is completed by the alignment of the lead-out and lead-in charges and the fuze is detonated. (5) Detonation. The explosion, caused by the detonator being driven into the firing point, is passed to the lead-out charges, then to the lead-in charges, the relay, and finally the booster, which sets off the bomb. (6) Inertial counterbalancing. Two inertial counterweights are attached to the hydrostatic piston through the counterweight rack to prevent inertial forces from firing the fuze. On impact, they provide a positive force (since they weigh slightly more than the piston assembly) which holds the hydrostatic piston up in the nonfiring position. e. Safe Release . If it is necessary to release fuzed bombs over friendly territory, the aircraft arming controls are set in the SAFE position before the bombs are jettisoned. In this position, the arming wire is released from the bomb rack with the bomb preventing the arming-vane assembly from rotating and arming the fuze. The unarmed fuze will not function upon impact . .f. Accidental Arming . (1) Recognition. There is no way of determining from the visual appearance of the fuze whether or not it is armed. Only qualified and authorized munitions personnel should attempt to disarm or remove fuzes whic h are suspected of being armed . (2) Disarming. The safety rod that locks the firing plunger to the plunger housing should be inserted immediately. Even if the fuze is fully armed, it will not fire from handling or shock because the functioning mechanism is counterbalanced. It will fire, however, if sufficient air or water pressure enters the fuze through the ports. Armed fuzes may be removed from a bomb with relatiYe safety . • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Section V. MISCELLANEOUS FUZES 4-44. General This section pertains to fuzes with physical and functional characteristics and specialized application which prohibits their being classified as a standard series or type. 4-45. Fuze, Bomb: FMU-7/B or FMU-7A/8 a. General. These fuzes are designed for use on Figure 4-60. b. Functioning. After release of the bomb from the aircraft an electrical pulse from the FMU series initiator in the bomb operates a motor bellows in each fuze which results in their arming. Upon ground impact of the munition, an all ways-func later model fire bombs. Electrically armed and • impact fired, they are used in conjunction with Fl\1U-7 series initiators and cable assemblies. Fuzes Fl\IU-7/ B and FMU-7A/ B are interchange able and similar except that the FMU-7A/B (fig. 4-60) has a round head with metal tape under a hole in the center of the head. Two identical fuzes are used in each bomb in the nose and tail. • • ORO 01260 • Fuze FMU-7A/B. tioning striker assembly initiates a primer and a primer-detonator, in sequence, which in turn causes detonation of the high explosive booster. This • detonation fragments igniter AN-M23Al or AN M23, thus causing ignition of the incendiary filler. • • 4-46. Fuze, Bomb: M 129 • • • 3.0 IN . • ORO 01261 Figure 4-61. Bomb fuze M1 29. Table 4-22. Bomb Fuze M1 29 ~ode) ~129 Firing Action _________ _______ _ Aerial Burst or Impact • Firing Delay: Air_ ____ ____________ _____ 215-seconds after Arming Impact__ ________________ Instantaneous Arming: Type_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Direct Revolutions to Arm--_---_ 372 to 5 Air Travel to Arm (ft) _____ 50 Overall Length (in.) ___________ 3.0 • Protrusion from Bomb (in.) ____ 1.2 Body Diameter (in.) ___________ 1.75 Weight (Ib) __________________ 0.4 Detonator___ ______ ___________ ~31 Primer______________________ _ ~41A1 Booster______________________ Tetryl Pellet • a. General. Fuze M129 (fig. 4-61 and table 4-22) is used only with the fragmentation (butterfly ) TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO H-1-28 bomb. It is armed by the butterfly wings of the bomb and can be preset to detonate either in the air or instantaneously upon impact. Fragmentation bombs are assembled into clusters which require mechanical time fuzes for cluster opening. Approximately 50 feet of air t ravel is required to arm the fuze. If set for aerial burst, the fuze is detonated 2Y2 seconds after arming. For ground burst, the delay train action is initiated after the fuze has completed 50 feet of air travel. Two and one-half seconds later, the delay train is halted and is not reactivated unt il impact occurs, resulting in detonation. The words AIR and GROUND are embossed on the outside of the fuze cap and indicate the position of the setting plug. The embossing is a distinguishing feature of this type of fuze and differentiates it from similar fuzes . The setting is made at the time of manufacture. Note. Only fuzes set for ground burst are supplied to the Navy. b. Description. Fuze M129 (fig. 4-62) consists of three main assemblies held together by three studs. (1) The cap assembly consists of the cap (marked AIR and GROUND) which contains the arming stem, the setting plug, and the setting pin with spring. (2) The movement assembly consists of the arming mechanism, the firing-pin assembly, and the primer. The arming mechanism includes the segment gear (regulated by gear train or movement assembly), segment-gear stop, segment-gear cam shaft, and t he safety-pellet assembly (includes pellet, shell, and spring). (3) The booster assembly consists of a tetryl pellet, which is housed in a metal cup protruding from the fuze base, and a detonator assembly . The detonator is positioned in the center of the booster at its innermost end. The primer is housed in the main body of the fuze where it is aligned with the firing pin at all times. When the fuze is in the unarmed condition, the arming stem tip is interposed between these components. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • ~--ARMING STEM SEGMENT GEAR • FUZE CAP FIRING-PIN SPRING FIRING PI PRIMER • . ·. -. ;·. . :· . • ·.. : .·· ; ·:: • /SEGMENT GEAR 'g• • rJ-t JJ. -. SEGMENT GEAR CAMSHAFT • PELLET PRIMER PRIMER SETTING PIN • ORO 01262 Figure 4-62. Fuze, M 129-cross section and details of operation. • TM 9-1325-2()0/""AVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 c. Presetting. The setting plug, located on the screw from the movement-assembly housfuze cap, is used to select the AIR or GROU D ing allows the firing pin to rotate the camburst setting. Turning the pointer to either of the shaft. The cam haft moves the segment • settings operates a spring-actuated setting pin. In gear in a clockwise direction. A gear train, the AIR position, the cam surface on the underside which is contacted by the external teeth of the setting plug forces the setting pin inward to of the segment gear, controls the speed at contact the safety-pellet assembly. In the which the firing pin will rotate the camGROUND position, the setting pin is held in the shaft. The segment gear contacts the fuze cap, away from the safety-pellet assembly, by segment-gear stop 2 74 seconds after it is .. the setting-pin spring. This fuze is installed in the freed . bomb by the manufacturer. Removal or replace(3) Ground burst action. If the setting plug, ment of the fuze in the field is not recommended. located in the fuze-body cap assembly, is d. Functioning. turned to indicate GROUND, the setting (1) General. When the fragmentation bomb pin is retracted into the cap. In this case, is released from the cluster, the butterfly the segment-gear stop is restrained by wings snap open and ride to the top of the the tip of the safety pellet, which projects cable attached to the arming stem . The through the safety-pellet shell. When the rotation of the wings in this position causes segment gear contacts the segment-gear the cable to turn, unscrewing the arming stop after withdrawal of the arming stem, it stem far enough to initiate the arming is stopped and held in place. In this mechanism of the fuze. This action reposition, the firing pin is still restrained • • quires 3Y2 to 5 revolutions of the wings from forward action by the camshaft. and approximately 50 feet of air travel. Upon impact, the complete safety-pellet If the fuze has been set for AIR burst, it assembly is depressed by inertia. Almost will detonate 2Y2 seconds after the arming simultaneously with this action, the gear action is completed. If the fuze has been stop and segment gear pass over the safetyset for GROUND burst, it will not detonate pellet assembly, permitting the camshaft until impact occurs. to rotate further until the half-round notch (2) Arming. As the butterfly wings rotate in cut in the camshaft has aligned with the the airstream, the arming stem is unscrewed firing pin. This frees the firing pin, which from its centrally-threaded hole in the is driven into the primer. fuze cap. When the arming stem has com(4) Air burst action. If the setting plug is pleted between 3Y2 to 5 turns, it has positioned to indicate AIR, the setting pin • withdrawn from the movement-assembly is forced downward and depresses the housing sufficiently to free the clockwork safety-pellet assembly. When the segmechanism. The fuze is technically armed ment gear is freed and contacts the gear at t his time. The clockwork mechanism stop, t he segment gear moves the segmentconsitutes a delay-firing mechanism. The gear stop over the depressed safety-pellet clockwork assembly is contained in the assembly. This allows the camshaft to • movement-assembly housing and includes rotate until its half-round notch aligns the segment gear (regulated by the gear with the firing pin. The firing pin then is train or movement assembly), the segmentfreed and driven into the primer by the gear stop, the segment-gear camshaft, compressed firing-pin spring. The primer and the safety-pellet assembly (pellet, is initiated by the firing pin and the flash shell, and spring). The spring-loaded from the explosion passes through the firing pin bears on one edge of the segmentexplosive canal to the detonator. This sets gear camshaft, which is connected to the off the detonator which, in turn, fires the segment gear. The segment gear bears booster and bomb. against the arming screw and prevents the e. Safe Release. If it is necessary to release the spring-loaded firing pin from turning the cluster SAFE over friendly territory, the aircraft camshaft. The withdrawal of the arming arming controls are set in the SAFE position. In TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 this position, the arming wire through the time fuze is released with the cluster when the cluster is jettisoned. This prevents the time fuze from functioning and opening the cluster. Bombs in the unopened cluster will not function upon impact since the individual fuzes are unarmed. f. Accidental Arming. From outward appearances it is impossible to tell the condition of the arming mechanism. Consider the fuzes armed if the arming stem has risen more than .Ys inch from the fuze cap. A shock may cause the safety-pellet assembly to depress enough to allow the segment gear to ride over it and free the firing pin. A fuze set for AIR burst detonates approximately 2Y:; seconds after the arming stem frees the segment gear. If the arming stem has risen more than .Ys inch and the fuze has not detonated, the fuze is only partially armed. It must be handled cautiously, however, since the margin of safety is uncertain. The segment gear may be held back by the lower edge of the arming stem. A shock may free t he segment gear and fire the fuze. Warning: No attempt should be made to change the setting or to remove the fuze from a bomb. In the event of an armed fuze or a fuze suspected of being armed, notify authorized and qualified munition personnel for destruction. • • • • • • • • • 4-47. Fuze, Bomb: M 130A1 (or M 130} • .. • • • ORO 01263 Figure 4-68. Bomb f u ze M 180A 1. Table 4-23. Bomb Fuze M1 80Al ModeL ______________ ______ _ l\1130A1 (or M130) Firing Action________ ______ ___ Mechanica l Time Firing Delay (min) ____________ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 • Arming: Type _________ _____ ___ ___ Direct Revolutions to Arm ______ _ 3Y2 t o 5 Air Travel to Arm (ft) _____ 50 Overall Length (in.) __ ______ ___ 3.14 Protrusion from Bomb (in.)___ _ 1.2 Body Diameter (in.) ___ ___ _____ 1.75 Weight (lb) ________ ___ ___ ___ _ 0.4 • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 'J'ab/e .j-23. Bomb Faze Jll .JOA !-Continued D et onator_ ___________________ ;\131 Primer_ _________ __ ______ _____ ~141A1 Booster _____ _________________ Tetryl Pellets a. General. This fuze (fig. ..J:-63) is used "·ith the fragmentation (butterfly) bomb only. It is armed by t he butterfly wings of the bomb. The fuze time train is initiated after 50 feet of air travel has been completed. Detonation will occur 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 minutes after arming, depending upon the setting made at the time of manufacture. Fragmentation bombs are assembled into clusters which require mechanical time fuzes for cluster opening. b. Bomb Clusters and Adapters. Fuzes :\1130 and :\I130Al are identical in operation and appearance except that fuze 1\1130Al has a window in the side which permits visual inspection to determine whether or not the fuze is armed. This window is not visible once the fuze is installed in the bomb. T he fuze is very similar in appearance to fuze ::\-1129 (\\-hich is distinguished by the words AIR and GROUKD embossed on its cap). These fuzes are installed in bombs by the manufacturer, and the fuzed bombs are issued in wafer or complete cluster assemblies. Removal or replacement of the fuze in the field is not authorized. c. Description. Fuze :\1130Al (or :\1130) (fig. 4-64) consists of three parts. (I) The cap assembly contains the arming stem . (2) The body assembly contains t he fuze mechanism, the firing pin assembly, and the primer. (3) The booster assembly consists of tetryl pellets housed in a metal cup which protrudes from the fuze base and a detonating assembly. A primer completes the explosive components of the fuze. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • r l_ FUZE BODY CAP ---.,.. • MAINSPRING • BALANCE WHEEL • FUZE BODY . ' ·:... ::. • ~';: ,r •• BOOSTER _ _..;..--: . ·, . .·, ·..-·.. I .. . ·: :: • ORO 01264 Figure 4-64. Fuze M130A1-cross section. d. Functioning. (1) General. When the fragmentation boJ1lb is released from its cluster, the butterfly \\"ings snap open and ride to the top of the cable (part of the bomb) attached to the arming stem. When the arming stem is \\"ithdram1 approximately 3-:4: inch, the fuze is armed and the timing mechanism is • initiated. This actio n requires 3Yz to 5 revolutions of the \Yings and approximately 50 feet of air travel. The fuze detonates after t he time train ru ns out. This may be 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 minutes after • .. • • • • • arming , depending upon the setting made at the time of manufacture. (2) Arming. When the arming stem is in place in t he unarmed position , the arming lever is held against the stem by the action of the balance-\Yheel pin , which bears on the projection of the arming lever. The balance wheel is under action of the clockwork (movement assembly), driven by the main spring. The "·edging action of the arming lever and the arming stem prevents the balance ,,-heel from turning as long as the arming stem is in place. This locks the clock\York mechanism against the force of the main spring. As the butterfly wings rotate in the airstream, the arming stem is unscrewed from its centrally-threaded hole in the fuze-body cap. When the arming stem is withdra,m , the pin on the balance wheel forces the projection of the arming lever to rotate and moves a limited distance until it is centered over the hole previously occupied by the arming stem. This action prevents reinsertion of the arming stem and starts the operation of the time mechanism as the projection on the arming lever frees the balance wheel. (3) Action. With the maximum time setting of 60 minutes, the action is as follows: The timing gear, under the influence of the main spring, rotates in a counterclockwise direction. Near the end of its first revolution, the stud on t he timing gear engages the first slot on the setting plate. The stud pulls the setting plate around in a clockwise direction for a limited distance. Near the end of the second revolution of the timing gear, the stud engages the second slot in the setting plate, again moving the setting plate a limited distance in a clockwise direction. This action of the gear and stud continues four more times. The setting plate is retained a slight amount after each revolution of the timing gear. Near the end of the sixth revolution, the stud on the timing gear engages the heel of the setting plate and moves the setting plate clear of the timing gear. With the setting plate in this position, TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 the setting-plate cam presents the cutaway section to the release arm. Before it is released, the release arm bears against the setting-plate cam. The force of the springloaded striker is applied to the release-arm cam, to which the release arm is secured, and holds the release arm against the setting-plate cam. The spring-loaded striker engages the cam by a notch cut into the striker. The notch bears against onehalf of the release-arm cam in order to produce the rotational force. As the setting-plate cam presents its cutaway section to the release arm, the release arm pivots clockwise with the release-arm striker, which rotates in a counterclockwise direction under the action of the spring and strikes the primer. Each complete revolution of the timing gear takes approximately 9 to 10 minutes and, with the maximum setting of the setting plate, a delay of 54 to 60 min~tes will result. By varying the initial position of the setting plate or the timing gear, or both, at the factory, the fuze can be set to function at any desired time up to 60 minutes. The primer is fired by the striker and sets off the detonator. The detonator ignites the booster, which sets off the bomb. ( 4) Safe release. If it is necessary to release the cluster SAFE over friendly territory, the aircraft arming controls are set in the SAFE position. In this position, the arming wire through the fuze is released with the cluster when the cluster is jettisoned. This prevents the fuze from functioning and opening the cluster. Bombs in the unopened cluster will not function upon impact since the individual fuzes are unarmed. (5) Accidental arming. From outward appearances it is frequently impossible to tell the condition of the arming mechanism. The best policy is to consider the fuze armed if the arming stem has risen from the fuze cap more than Ys inch. Some fuzes have been modified and have a window in the side which permits visual examination to TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 determine if the fuze is in the armed condition. Warnin g : No attempt should be made to remove an armed or unarmed fuze or a • fuze suspected of being armed from a bomb. In the event of an armed or a fuze suspected of being armed, notify authorized • and qualified munitions personnel for disposal. .. • • • • • • • 4-48. Fuze, Bomb: M131A1 (or M131) • .. • • ORD Dl265 Figure 4-65. Fuze M131AJ. Table 4-24. Bomb Fuze M131A1 ModeL _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ M131 A1 Firing Action_________________ Fired by Any Disturbance after Initial Impact.. • Firing Delay_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ None Arming: Type ___ ____________ _____ Direct by Mechanical Timing and Impact. Revolutions to Arm _______ 3~ to 5 Air Travel to Arm (ft) _____ 50 Overall Length (in.) ___________ 3.1 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 4-24. Bomb Fuze M181A1-Continued Protrusion from Bomb (in.) ____ 1.3 Body Diameter (in.) ___________ 1.75 Weight (lb) __________________ 0.4 Detonator____________________ M31 Primer__ ____________________ _ M41A1 Booster_ _____________________ Tetryl Pellets a. General. Fuze M131A1 (fig. 4-65) is used only with fragmentation (butterfly) bombs. It is a time fuze armed by butterfly wings of the bomb and the time train is initiated after 50 feet of air travel. Detonation does not occur immediately upon impact, but only after a second shock initiates the sensitive antidisturbance mechanism. Fragmentation bombs are assembled into clusters which require mechanical time fuzes for cluster opening. (Cluster assemblies are described in ch. 3.) Fuze M131A1 (or ~1131) is very similar in appearance to the M129, which is distinguished by the words AIR and GROUND embossed on its cap. Fuze 1\Il31A1 (or M131) is identical to fuze M130A1 (or 1\1130) when assembled in a bomb. Both fuzes are installed in bombs by the manufacturer. In addition, the fuzed bombs are issued in wafer o1· complete cluster assemblies. b. Desc1'iption. The fuze (fig. 4-66) consists of three parts : (1) The cap assembly contains the arming stem. (2) The body assembly contains the fuze mechanism, the firing pin assembly, and t he primer. (3) The booster assembly consists of a tetrylloaded aluminum cup and detonator assembly. The booster is screwed directly to the base of the fuze body. A primer completes the explosive components of the fuze . • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • ~ARMING STEM c -y/ FUZE BODY CAP COIL DRIVE SPRING ----- • ANTI -DISTURBANCE BLOCK TIMING GEAR • FIRING PIN . ·' . ' ... I :·~·f--.iBOOSTER j--- .... '-"'·. ANTI -DISTURBANCE BLOCK • STUD / ~'(4i\ ,)' .I .. l , 'i\ •,,, ., ~ _....-RELEASE ARM I • RELEASE ARM STOP RELEASE -ARM CAM __.-A B c ORO 01266 Fig ure 4-66. Fuze, M13 1A1-cross section and details of operation. • c. Functioning. (1) General. When the fragmentation bomb is released from its cluster, the butterfly • wings snap open and ride to the top of the cable attached to the arming stem. The rotation of the '"ings in this position causes the cable to turn and unscrew the arming stem, initiating the steps in the firing action. When the arming stem has risen approximately Ys inch, the fuze is considered armed. After completion of approximately 50 feet of air travel, the arming stem has risen about U inch. This allows the first release in the arming action, which requ ires about 72 second to take place. • The second release occurs upon impact. The force of impact is utilized to prepare the antidisturbance device of the fuze for action. This phase of the firing sequence is completed 2 seconds after impact. After the second release, the fuze is in the • • extremely sensitive state. Should it be subjected to handling, shock, or vibration, the antidisturbance device will be released and the fuze \Yill detonate. (2) Arming. When the arming stem has risen approximately Ys inch by action of the butterfly wing , it has been withdrawn from its original position bet\\·een the firing pin and the primer. In this condition, the fuze is considered armed. (3) Action. When the arming stem has risen h inch, its inner end has cleared the escape • wheel spring and the timing gear, freeing them. The released timing gear is rotated in a clockwi e direction under the force of the coil drive spring. The speed of the timing gear is controlled by the escape movement (gear train, escape-wheel spring). After about 72 second, the stud on the • inner surface of the timing gear contacts a projection on the second release weight (impact spring), bringing the entire mechanism to a halt and completing the first release. This condition exists until impact. .. Upon impact, the second release weight deflect s, disengaging the impact spring and the impact-spring stud. The timing gear again rotates under action of the coil-drive spring until a stud on the outer edge of the timing gear contacts the small projection TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 at the end of the antidisturbance block. Here the timing mechanism is once more brought to a halt and the fuze is prepared for its antidisturbance phase. The time delay after the second release a!lO\YS the antidisturbance block to damp out the oscillation caused by impact. The second release time is about 2 econds. (-!) Detonation. The firing pin sets off t he primer \Yhich relays the exp losion to t he detonator. The detonator explodes the booster " ·hich, in turn, fires the bomb. d. Safe R elease. If it is necessary to release the cluster SAFE over iriendly territory, the aircraft arming controls are set in the SAFE position. I n this position, the arming \Yire through the time fuze is released with the cluster when the cluster is jettisoned. This prennts the time fuze from functioning and opening the cluster. Bombs in the unopened cluster "·ill not function upon impact since the individual fuzes are unarmed . e. Accidental Arming. From outward appearances, it is impossible to tell the condition of the arming mechanism. The best policy is to consider the fuze armed if the arming stem has risen from the fuze body cap more than Ys inch. Warning No . I : When fully armed, this fuze is extremely s en sitive and very dangerou s. Only a sligh t vibration is needed to initiate the antidisturbance mechanism and explode the bomb. DO NOT HANDLE a fuz e sus pected of being armed. It should be destroyed with the bomb by authori zed and qualifi e d muni tion s pe rsonnel. Warning No. 2: Do not attempt to disarm or to remove the fuze from the bomb. In the event of an armed or a fuze suspected of being armed, do not disturb e ither the fuze or the bomb since the delicate antidis turbance mechani sm may detonate both. Notify authorized and qualifi ed munitions personnel for disposal of both bomb and fuze. 4-49. Inert Fuzes Inert fuzes are provided for training of ground cre\YS in assembling, fuzing, and handling of bombs. They are also used for classroom instruction for munitions and other armament personnel. These fuzes are standard items with all explosive components (boosters, detonators, delay elements, etc.) removed. They are not expendable. • • • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 CHAPTER 5 EXPLOSIVE AND NON-EXPLOSIVE BOMB COMPONENTS Section I. EXPLOSIVE COMPONENTS 5-l . Adapter-Booster An adapter-booster is a bushing "·hich is threaded on the outside for assembly to the bomb body and • on the inside for assembly to the fuze . Adapterboosters, normally assembled to high-explosi,·e and chemical bombs, are drilled for the insertion of lock pins which preYent their remoYal "·hen anti,,·ithdr.awal fuzes are to be assembled to the bomb. Since most general purpose bombs are adapted to • • • • accommodate large diameter nose fuzes, a nose adapter-booster is issued separately to adap t these bombs for use with small diameter fuzes. Low-drag and new series GP bombs, developed for both mechanical and electrical fuzing, require nose and tail adapter-boosters when mechanical fuzes are installed. 5-2. Adapter-Booster, Bomb-Tail: M 102A 1 GASKET f AD~R /CASING BOOSTER CHARGE L-FElT DISC ORO 01268 Figure 5-1 . Adapter-booster, bomb-tail: M102A 1. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 5-1. Ada pter-Boo ster, Bomb-Tai l: li1102 A 1 :\I odeL _____ _______ __ ________ :\1102Al Length (in. ) ____ ____ ___ _______ 4 .64 Closing-Cup Assembly Charge: Type ________ _____ _______ Tetr~· I \Yeight (gra ins) ____ _______ 1.53 Booster Charge _____ __ ________ Tetryl Weigh t (gra ins) _____ _____ _ 884.0 a. D escription. Adapter-booster :\I102A1 (fig. 5-1 and table 5-1) provides a tail-fuze seat for certain GP and SAP bombs. It requires an adapter-booster lock pin to prevent its removal after an antiwithdra\Yal fuze is inserted in the bomb . The required lock pin and a lock pin instruction card are "·ired to the fuze. The 11102A1 has an inner diameter of 1.5 inches and its cavity is 2.86 inches deep. b. Differences B etween Adapter-Booster M 102A1 and Adapter-Booster M 102. The :\Il02Al differs from the earlier model of 11102 in its provision for locking pins . • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-3. Adapter-Booster, Bomb: M115A 1 ClOSING Pl UG • .. ADA PTER • BOOSTER CHARGE • ORO 01269 Figure 5-2. Adapter-booster, bomb: M115A1 . • Table 5-,"J. Adapter-Boo ster, 13omb: Jl![ 1l tiA J The antiwithdrawal fuze is inserted 111 the bomb. ModeL __________ ____________ M 115A I required lock pin and the lock pin inst ruction eard Length (in.) __________________ 4.45 arc wired t o the fuze. This adapter-booster has an Closing-Cup Assembly Charge: inner sleeve with an inside diameter of J.5 inches to T ype_____ ____________ ___ Tetryl accommodate Army-designed fuzes. If the sleeve is Weight (grains) ___________ 1.53 Booster Charge _______________ Tetryl removed, the adapter-booster \\"ill aecommodatc Weight, (grains) ____ __ _____ 185~.0 Navy fuzes, which have inner diameters of 2.0 inches. The cavity provided by the adpater-booster is 2.68 • a. Description . Adapter-booster i\I 115Al (fig. inches deep. 5-2 and table 5-2) provides a tail fuz e scat fo1· somP b. Di.{Jerence~> Between Adapter-Booster ill 1 15A 1 general purpose bombs. Tfle adapter-booster reand M 11 5. The ~I l 15A I differs from the earlier quires a lock pin to prevent its removal after an model Mll5 in its provision for the locki ng p in . • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-4. Adapter-Booster, Bomb: M 117 CLOSING PLUG Figure 5-3. Table 5-3. Adapter-Boooter, Bom.b: M 11 7 Model __ _______ __________ __ _ _ M117 Length (in .) ____ ______________ 6.35 Booster Charge _____ _____ _____ TeLryl Weight (lb) __ _______ _____ 0.29 FUZE-WELL CUP • .· • . . .. CASE ASSEMBLY .~. . • FELT DISC ORO 01270 Adapter-booster, bomb: !If117. • Adapter-booste r .\1117 (fig. 5-3 and table 5-:)) adapts general p rpo sc bombs \\·it h la rge fuze seats to accommodate small fragmentation-type fuzes. • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-5. Adapter-Booster, Bomb: M126A1 (T45E1) ADAPTER 6.83 IN . • CASING FELT DISC • BOOSTER CHARGE FELT DISC • ORO 01271 Figure 5-4-. Adapter-booster, bomb: Ml 26A l (T4-5E1). Table 5-4-. Adapter-Booster, Bomb: M1 26A 1 (T 4-5E1) Adapter-booster ~Il26Al (fig . 5-4 and table 5-4) ModeL ______ __ ___ __________ M 126Al (T45El ) permits the use of a 2-in ch t hread size fo r mechanical Length (in .) ________ _____ _____ 6.83 or p roximity fuz es in t he new -series and t he low-drag Booster C ha rge ______ _________ Tetryl GP bombs , includ ing Snakeye I. Weight (lb) _______ _______ 0.43 • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-6. Adapter-Booster, Bomb: T46E4 • FUZE ADAPTER x 0 c:r 0... 0... ... . : ·.. . < . .. :. . .. ··. • :i 'I, •' •• ,,' • , • .. ·. 0 " . ,•:... ~ , . '. EXPLOSIVE CHARGE __ ;·__,,.-_.,··_.:.:_, .... , .. .. .. .I ORO 01274 • Tabl e 5-7. Booster, Auxiliw·y, Bomb: MJ(l Mod 0 Mark __ ____ ___________ __ _____ 1 Mod ___ __________ ____ ________ 0 Diameter (in.) _______ __ _____ __ 1.85 Height (in .) __ _________ ___ ____ 2.98 Explosive Filler.. _____________ _ TNT Weight (grams) _____ ___ ___ 180.0 Auxiliary booster M Kl l\iod 0 (fig. 5-7 and table 5-7) is a standard booster shipped in either the nose or the t ail-fuze scat liner (or both) of some types of • GP and frag bombs weighing over 100 pounds. • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • 5-10. Booster, Auxiliary, Bomb: MK4 Mod 0 • • • • • .. • END CAP/i t ' I .'·.·.:..--,.. · .J.' ..· ifu ·' . . • . I • . .. ' . .... . . ,: ... :· ' ..· . • . TNT .., . ... ·. ._·.. ._:,·:.. I. :~:.,... ..' . . . .•.. . :~ ·:: ~-: :. . .··: . ; . . ·.; ··.. • :. : ~ • ··_~~ • .. 1'..·'.·: ..-:: .. ·-..~ ·_.-•' ·· ' .. . :. ·.:~ I .., ·I . . ':;· . ·. ;_·, ..··. -.~ :._. :·. .<: . ·. .. .· '• . .. ..·, ! .• • .; . . :! .·...; .\ .·,<";',';::.> ;·.•:· . . . ~ .·. . . .. . ,· ,·. : :· . f . •:.":: :~. •. :·.•..... . . ..~ ··~ • • ••. . END CAP ~.:::::=:::=· =-···-=-·._·· ·.:...·.:.._·--=·=:.=.=·=·"· ORO 01275 Figure 5-8. Booster, auxiliary, bomb: MKI,. Mod 0. .' . ~--.... :~ /. ·' :: ·:. . ' ·. ...: ·.··: • •• • 0 ••: : •• ' • • • • • :.::··: ··~.-: .:·· :·..~ .: :. ... ··. :•· CHIPBOARD I TUBE . ... '• . . . I Table 5-8. Booster, Auxiliary, Bomb: MKI,. Mod 0 ~ark __ ____ ______________ ____ 4 ~od ____ _______ __ ____ __ ______ 0 Diameter (in.)_____ __________ _ 1.6 Height (in.) _________ __ __ ____ _ 3.0 Explosive Filler____ ____ ____ ___ TNT Weight (grams) ____ _______ 63.0 Auxiliary booster MK4 Mod 0 (fig. 5-8 and table 5-8) is an explosive contained in a chipboard tube which is closed at both ends by metal caps cementeJ to the tube. White bomb paper is glued to the outside of the tube and is covered by a transparent lacquer or shellac. The auxiliary booster is used in the nose-fuze seat liners of AN-GP bombs using nose fuze MK219. 5-11. Primer-Detonators A primer-detonator is an interchangeable unit (composed of a primer delay element and a detonator) which is designed to provide delay in the action of older models of tail fuzes. Primer-detonators of various delay times are available, with the exact delay time of each painted on the detonator head. Before installing a primer-detonator in a fuze assembly, check the cavity in the fuze body to insure that no foreign matter is present. Anything which prevents an easy assembly of a primer-detonator into its cavity may cause a premature explosion or cause the bomb to be a dud. Primer-detonators which have loose primers or show signs of corrosion or other visible defects should be replaced. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-12. Primer-Detonator: M 14 DETONATOR • RELAY CHARGE DELAY HOLDER (WHITE) • 0.01 SEC. DELAY 0 .025 SEC. DELAY 0. 1 0 SEC. DELAY 0 .24 SEC. DELAY (l /8 BLACK) (1 /4 BLACK) (BLACK J (GREEN) ORD D1276 • Figure 5-9. Primer-Detonator: M14. Table 5-9. Primer-Detonator: M14 ~1odel _______________________ ~14 Diameter of Body (in .) ________ 1.25 Length of Assembly (in .) _______ 1.77 Explosive Weight (grams) ______ 0.095 Weight of Assembly (lb) _______ 0.5 Primer-detonator Ml4 (fig. 5-9 and table 5-9) is available with delays of 0.01, 0.025, 0.10 , and 0.24 second. A nondelay primer-detonator also is available. The length of the delay time or the word nondelay, is stamped on the end of each primerdetonator. The time also is indicated by the color of the exposed surface: non-delay, white; 0.01-Ys, • black; 0.025-,;i , black; 0.10, black, and 0.24, green. The M14 has a knurled head and is threaded 12 threads per inch. It is thus dist inguished from the M16 and M16A1, each of which has a groove around the head and 20 threads per inch. Caution: Do not attempt to assemble the wrong • primer-detonator into a fuze; this will damage both the fuze and the primer-detonator. • • 5-13. Primer-Detonator: M 16 and M 16A1 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 r----BODY a.IN-t---r-RELAY CHARGE z DELAY HOLDER • lrr-~-------------PRIMER • SOLID YELLOW • • • Figure 5-10. Table 5-10. Primer-Detonator: M16 ~ode! ~16 Diameter of Body (in.) _______ _ 1.25 Length of Assemb ly (in.) ______ _ 1.78 • Explosive Weight (grams) ______ 1.4 Weight of Assemb ly (lb) _______ 0.5 a. Description. Primer-detonators l\116 and 1\116-Al (fig. 5-10 and table 5-10) are available with delays of 4 to 5 seconds, or 8 to 15 seconds. The ORD 01319 Primer-Detonator: M16. delay time is stamped on the end of each primerdetonator. b. Differences. The NI16 differs from the 1\f16A1 only in that the 1VI16A1 has a high shoulder and the end of the detonator is painted yellow. The shoulder was added so that upon severe impact, the fuze plunger is arrested by the shoulder so that the blow on the primer has the force of the firing pin spring, thus avoiding a malfunction due to a pierced primer. The l\116 is for use only on tail fuzes M112, M113, TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 and :\1114. Both the :\116 and l\il6A1 have a groove around the head as distinguished from the knurled head of the l\114. They differ also in thread pitch from the l\114 . The l\114 has 12 threads per inch; the M16 and M16A1 have 20 threads per inch. The 4-to 5-second delay of the l\116 and M16A1 is • used against ship targets; the 8-to 15-second delay against shore targets. Caution: Do not attempt to assemble wrong • primer-detonator into a fuze ; to do so will damage both fuze and primer-detonator. • • • • • • · 5-14. Delay Elements: T5E3 and T6E4 DELAY OR NON DELAY DELAY ELEMENT ELEMENT M9 TSE3 AND T6E4 ORD 0997 Figure 5-11 . Delay elements: T5E3 and T6E4. • Table 5-11. Delay Elements: T 5E3 and T6E4 ModeL_ ____________________ _ Diameter of Body (in.) __ __ ___ __ Length of Assembly (in.) _______ Explosive Weight (lb): T5E3____________________ • T6E4________ ____ __ ______ Weight of Assembly (lb) ___ ____ T5E3 and T6E4 0.97 1.55 7.64 7.25 0.07 • • These oval-shaped delay elements (fig. 5-11 and table 5-11) contain approximately 7.64 grams and 7.25 grams, respectively, of explosive material. The T5E3 and T6E4 delay elements measure 1.55 inches long, 0.97 inches wide, 0.49 inch high, and weigh approximately 0.07 pounds. These delay elements provide fuze M906 with impact firing delays of 5.0 seconds or 12.5 seconds. The delay selection depends on the fuze requirements for a particular bomb and target. • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-15. Delay Element: M9 Table 5-12. Delay Element: M9 Model _______________________ Diameter of Body (in.) ________ Length of Assembly (in.) ___ ____ Explosive Weight (!b) ____ _____ Weight of Assembly (Ib) _______ This delay element (fig. containing 0.14 grams of M9 0.75 0.875 0.14 0.06 5-11 and table 5-12), explosive filler, has a cylindrical configuration. It measures Ys inch long, % inch in diameter, and weighs approximately 0.06 pound. The delay element is available in 5 firing delay times (0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.25 second) and one non-delay (0.0 second). The interchangeable delay assemblies are used to complete the firing trains of fuzes M904 (E1 or E2) and M905. The delay time is marked on one of the flat surfaces of the delay-element body. 5-16. Bursters a. Description. A burster is an explosive charge designed to be used in a bomb or a bomb cluster. Bursters are used in some bombs to burst the bomb body to release the filler. They are used in bomb clusters to open the clusters and to allow the bomblets to fall free. b. Components. The burster consists of a long plastic, paper, or chipboard tube closed at both ends. The burster is filled with TNT, black powder and magnesium, tetryl pellets, or other explosive and non-exp losive material. When the burster is installed in the bomb, it fits into either the burster well or the igniter cavity. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-17. Burster, Bomb: AN-M12 1""''____::.....:.....;=_;;::::;...::=='-'-'=""""'------37.88 IN.-----------------.._.1 • CUP BODY PLUG _L . .. ·.. ........ .· . . . ·...·..' ..:-~ . .. • • • • : •• • :; 0 • • • • : •• " -:· · : · : · · ~·. < ... :. ·.;.~. ,. . . .....· -~ . : :·: ... ·.• . .. 0 • • l :. .. •• • • • • .... • • ~· • : ;:·, ..:. ~·. ...:·.: .··: ... : ..·-~~ ::· -~ :.. ·~.. .. ~ ~ ·, . . • ··. ! ' • 0 . ~-::'. ·.. . .... .• • ,. • . .... ··. ·. •.· CUP BURSTER HOLDER CHARGE ORO 01277 • Figure 5-12. BuTster, bomb: AN-M12. Table 5-13. Burster, Bomb: AN-M12 ModeL _______ _____ __________ AN-M12 Diameter of Body (in.)________ 1.3 Length of Assembly (in.) _______ 37.88 Type of Tube__ ______ ____ _____ Plastic or Aluminum Explosive Filler__ _____________ Black Powder and Mag nesium Weight (grams) ___ ________ 435.0 Burster AN-M12 (fig. 5-12 and table 5-13) is essentially a cylindrical plastic or aluminum body filled with an explosive charge consisting of 435 grams of a mixture of oil-coated magnesium and • black powder. One end of the body is closed by a metal or plastic plug; the other end, by a plug assembly which consists of a thin-walled metal cup inserted in a steel cup holder. The end of the cup holder is hexagonal and forms a shoulder by which the burster is held in position in the bomb. Burster AN-M12 is used in incendiary bomb AN-M47A3. • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 18. Burster, Bomb: AN-M 13 • TNT • CAP TETRYL BODY BODY TETRYL CAP ORO 01278 • Figure 5-13. Burster, bomb: AN-M13. Table 5-14. Burster, Bomb : AN-M13 Burster AN-l\'1 13 (fig. 5-13 and table 5-14) is an ModeL________ ______ ________ AN-M 13 explosive-filled tube closed at each end with a soft Diameter of Body (in.) _____ __ _ 0.45 brass cap. It is filled with about 65 grams of TNT • Length of Assembly (in. ) __ __ __ _ 36.0 and has a tetryl pellet at each end. This burster is Type of Tube______ _____ ____ __ Plastic used with igniter AN-M9 in incendiary bomb AN Explosive Filler _______________ TNT and Tetryl pellets M47A4 . Weight (grams) ________ • __ 60-70 • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-19. Burster, Bomb: AN-M 18 • -------------------37.94 IN·------------------+1 BODY .. • ORO 1279 • Figure 5-1 4. Burster, bomb: AN-M18. Table 5-15. Burster, Bomb: AN-M18 explosive filler, consisting of 250 grams of black rvlodeL ____________ __ ________ AN-~118 powder. One end of the body is closed by a metal or . Diameter of Body (in.) ________ 1.13 plastic plug; the other end , by a plug assembly \vhich Length of Assembly (in.) _______ 37.94 consists of a thin-walled metal cup inserted in a Type of Tube______ ___________ Plastic metal cup holder. The end of the cup holder is Explosive Filler_______________ Black P owder hexagonal and forms a shoulder by which the \\"eight (gra ms) ___________ 250.0 burster is held in position in the bomb. Burster i\!18 Burster AX-:\Il8 (fig. 5-14 and table 5-15) is is used in smoke bombs AK-:\I47A3 and AK-i\I47 A4 essentially a cylindrical plastic body filled with an when these bombs arc filled with WP. • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-20. Burster, Bomb: AN-M20 • - N • - 1-..-------------------:_37··94 IN. -----------------+1 • FELT DISC ORO 01280 • Figure 5-1 5. Burster, bomb: AN-M20. Table 5-16. Burster, Bomb: AN-M20 grams of tetryl. One end of t he body is closed by a l\Iodel_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AN -!vi20 metal or plastic plug ; t he other end, by a plug Diameter of Body (in.) _______ _ 1.13 assembly which consists of a t hin-walled metal cup Length of Assembly (in.) ___ ____ 37.94 containing a small tetryl priming charge and a round • T ype of Tube ______________ ___ Paper metal cup holder. The end of t he cup holder is Explosive Filler _______________ Tetryl pellets hexagonal and forms a shoulder by which t he burster Weight (grams) ___________ 2.10.0 is held in position in a bomb . Burster A Li\f20 is Burster AN-:\1 20 (fig. 5-15 and table 5-16) is esused in smoke bomb AN-l\f47A3 and AN-M47A4 sentially a cylindrical paper body filled with 242 when t he bomb is filled with PWP. • • • • TM 9-1325-200/ NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-2 8 5-21. Burster, Bomb: CSR 1 1""1•------3.07 I N.-------~ ( 0 BODY PLUG \ BLASTING CAP EXPLOSIVE CHARGE ORO Figure 5-16. Burster, bomb: CBRt. 0 1282 Table 5-17. Burster Bomb: CBR1 ModeL______________________ C8Rl Diameter of Body (in.) _______ _ 0.47 Length of Assembly (in.) _______ 3.07 Filler________________________ Tetryl Weight (grams) ___________ 2.50 Burster C8RI (fig. 5-16 and table 5-17) consists of a tubular fiber body which contains an exp losive filler of approximately 231 grams of t etryl and a nonelectric blasting cap. The end of the tube containing the explosive filler is closed by a fiber plug and is painted red for a distance of one-half inch from the end of the burster. The end of the t ube containing the blasting cap is open. Burster C8Rl is a component of igniters MI5 and M16. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table !i-18 . BttTster, Bomb: M3 1 5-22. Burster, Bomb: M31 ~31 ~ode! _________ ______________ Diameter of Body (in.) _______ _ 1.44 ( ~~·~--------7. 0 IN. --------------~~ Length of Assembly (in .) ___ ____ 7.0 Type of Tube__ ________ ____ ___ Fiber Explosive Charge __________ ___ Tetryl Weight (grams) ___________ 250.0 Burster M31 (fi g. 5-17 and t able 5-18) is essentially a cylindrical fibe r body filled with an explosive charge consisting of 250 grams of tetryl. One end of t he body is closed by a pl astic cap ; t he PAPER DISK other end, by a paper disc. Burster ~131 is an integral part of nonpersistent gas bombs :;\-1125 and M125A1, and it is installed in the bombs during manufacture . EXPLOSIVE PlASTIC CAP CHARGE ORO 01283 Figure 5-17. Burster, bomb: MSJ. 5-19 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-23. Burster, Bomb: M32 Figure 5-18 . Table 5-19. Burster, Bomb: M32 ~1odel_______________________ Diameter of Body (in. ) ________ Length of Assembly (in. ) _______ Type of Tube_________________ Explosive Filler_______________ Weight (lb) ______________ ~32 3.42 32.5 Fiber Composition B 15.0 Burster l\132 (fig. 5-18 and table 5-19) consists of an impregnated moisture-vaporproof fiber cylinder "·ith metallic end caps. Shock absorbent material is cemented to the metal ends. The explosive filler is • • • ORD 01284 Burster, bomb: M32. installed in the burster when the complete round is assembled. Burster M32 is designed for use "·ith 750-pound nonpersistent gas bomb l\IC-1. It is • used to burst the body and disperse the filler. 5-24. Igniters An igniter is an exp losive charge for setting fire • to the filler of incendiary and fire bombs. Igniters vary eonsiderably in their shape and method of operation. • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-25. Igniter, Bomb: AN-M9 t------------------38.34 IN.-----------------+1 • • SPRING ORO 01285FILLINGPLUG LEAD GASKET Figure 5-19. Igniter, bomb: AN-M9. Table 5-20. Igniter, Bomb: AN-M9 essentially of two concentric steel tubes joined at ModeL ________ ________ ___ __ AN-M9 both ends to form an annular space which is filled Outside Diameter (in.) _________ 1.25 with white phosphorus (WP) for land bombing or Inside Diameter (in.)__________ .88 sodium (Na) for water bombing. The sodium Length (in.)__________ _______ _ 38.34 filled igniter was formerly called igniter E2. The Filler_____ ___ ___ _____________ WP or N a inner tube, which is approximately 1.25 inches Weight (lb) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 1.6 • shorter than the outer tube, contains a small coil Igniter A LM9 (fig. 5-19 and table 5-20) consists spring for snubbing inserted burster Ml3. • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-26. Igniter, Bomb: WP or Na, M 1 S • ----ARMING VANES • 7.7 IN. • C8Rl BURSTER WP OR NA GRENADE • ORD 01286 F1:gure 5-20. Igniter, bomb: WP or Na, M 15. Table 5-21. Igniter, Bomb: WP or Na, MJ5 (1) Igniter body. The ignit er body is an 18~1odel_____________ __________ ~15 • gauge steel cylinder approximately 2.38 Length of Assembly (in.) ___ __ __ 7.7 inches in diameter and 4.50 inches long. Diameter of Body (in.) ________ 2.38 A burst er well in the center of the body Weight of Assembly (I b) _______ 2.98 receives the burster and provides a seat for Filler Weight (lb): WP ____ _________________ 0.9 the adapter. Na __ _-.-_________ ________ 0.5 (2) Filler. The body of the igniter is filled • with 15 ounces of white phosphorous (WP) a. Description. Igniter M15 (fig. 5-20 and table 5-21) is attached to a jettison-type aircraft fuel for land bombing or with 8 ounces of tank to adapt the tank for use as a fire bomb. This sodium (Na) for water bombing. igniter consists of an igniter body, filler (WP or (3) Adapter. The adapter is a metal cylinder Xa grenade), adapter, burster, and fuze. with internal threads at one end and an • externally-t hreaded fitting at the other end. The internal threads receive the fuze, and the externally-threaded fitting screws • into the burster well in the igniter body. A setscrew is located in the top of the adapter; a second setscrew is located in the bottom of the adapter. The bottom of adapter is closed by a cork stopper when the igniter is shipped. (4) Burster. Burster C8Rl is a component of igniter M15. (5) Fuze. Fuze M157 is a component of igniter M15. b. Functioning. When a bomb assembled with this igniter is released from an aircraft, the arming • wire is withdrawn from the fuze and the arming vane rotates, arming the fuze. On impact of the • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 bomb, the fuze ignites, thereby deto nating the burster, which breaks the grenade case allowing WP or Nato ignite the incendiary mixture scattered by the bursting tank. Note. Even if the igniter iH released SAFE ant! the fuze does not function, impact may hreak open the grena.dc case and scatter the filler. Caution : All igniters now in stock, with the exception of thos e procured during or after 1950, have arming-wire assemblies C-10 packed in the same shipping box. Becaus e of reported malfunctions, these wires are to be used only in the event that s tandard arming wires are not readily available. If used, precautions mus t be taken to crimp the ferrule (or slide) with pliers and to bend back the short length of the loop attached to the swivel 180° on itself . • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-27. Igniter, Bomb: WP or Na, AN-M16 • • 7 .7 IN. Figure 5-~1 . '/'able 5-22. Igniter, Bomb: WP or Na, AN- ModeL ___ _________ __ _______ M16 Length of Assembly (in .) ___ ____ 7.7 Diameter of Body (in.) ________ 2.38 Weight of Assembly (lb): W / WP __ ----------------3.68 W / Na______ ______ ______ _ 3.26 Weight of Filler (lb): WP______________ ___ __ __ 0.95 Na__ ________ _____ _____ __ 0.5 a. Description. Igniter M16 (fig. 5-21 and table 5-22) is an incendiary explosive igniter used in some earlier models of fire bombs. It consists essentially of hand grenade M15 with the Bouchon fuze replaced by impact fuze M157, an anemometer-type, nose-operated fuze. A gasoline tank cap assembly attached to the igniter body is used when assembling the igniter to the bomb. A pilot cup attached to the C8R 1 BURSTER • WP OR NA GRENADE • ORO 12 87 Igniter, bomb: WP or Na, AN-M16. MIG either side of the pilot cup attach the igniter to the bomb. The fuze seats above burster C8R1 in the grenade burster well. A threaded igniter adapter is installed in the grenade to accommodate the fuze. The adapter is similar in construction to the adapter in the igniter M15. It is provided with a setscrew, which fastens the fuze in the adapter, and an externally-threaded fitting which screws into the burst er well in the igniter body. The igniter is • filled with white phosphorus (WP) for land bombing and sodium (Na) for water bombing. b. Functioning . The functioning of igniter .i\-1 16 is similar to the functioning of igniter M15. When a bomb assembled with this igniter is dropped, the .. arming wire is pulled and the fuze arms after about 100 feet of air travel. On impact, the fuze ignites it. primer, which initiates the fuze booster charge. gasoline-tank cap attaches the assembly to the body This explodes the burst er which, in turn, breaks the of the grenade with set screws. Two protrusions on grenade body. • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-28. Igniter, Bomb: WP, M23 and AN-M23A1 • FUZE WELL 3.6 IN. ' WP FILLER • ---~ ORD 0128 8 Fi gure 5-22. Igniter, bomb: WP, M 23. Tabl e 5-23 . Igni ter, Bomb: TrP, M23 and AN-M23A1 1iodel _________ ____ ____ __ ____ ~123 • Length of Assembly (in.) _______ 3.6 Diameter of Body (in. ) ________ 3.85 Weight of Assembly (lb) _______ 3.25 Filler Weight (lb): WP ___ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.25 a. Description. Igniter ~123 (fig. 5-22 and table 5-23) is used with fire bomb ~1116Al and ~1116A2. It is cylindrical in shape, rounded at one end and externally threaded at the other . A fuze ''"ell is located in the rounded end of the igniter. A fuze adapter, threaded internally to receive bomb fuze igniter ~1173, is threaded externally for attachment • to the igniter. The igniter body is filled with "·bite phosphorus (WP) and a filler plug is inserted in the filler hole when the igniter is loaded. b. Functioning. When the fire bomb strikes the target, the fuze functions, exploding the booster " ·hich bursts the igniter. When the igniter bursts, • the WP filler scatters, igniting spontaneously upon exposure to the air. The burning WP in turn ignites the scattered filler of the bomb. • c. Differences B etween Igniters 11123 and ANM 23A l. Igniter A::\-~123Al is identical to igniter ~123 except that the ~123 has no fuze adapter. The fuze well of igniter AX-~123Al is threaded to receive bomb fuze AX-~1173Al. The fuze well of igniter ~123 is threaded to receive ~1173. 5-29. Signal Cartridges a. General. Signal cartridges are used for spotting purposes during practice missions. A signal cartridge consists of a small charge which produces a visible signal when initiated by fuze action. b. Safely Precautions. Rough handling may cause immediate functioning of the signal or may damage it so that it " ·ill not function properly. Do not unpack signals unless they are to be used immediate ly. If unpacked and not used , return signals to origirral packing. In order for the signal to function properly, the primer must be flush with or slightly below the base of the signal. Swollen or deformed signals are not to be used. Defective signals will be turned over to authorized munitions personnel. Unde r no circumstances should a signal case be opened or tampered with . TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11 -1-28 5-30. Signal, Practice Bomb: MK4 Mods 3 and 4 • CARDBOARD WAD DISC MARKER LOAD FELT WAD • CARTRIDGE CASE COVER ORO 0 1290 Figure 5-23. Signal, practice bomb: M K4 llfods 3 and 4. Table 5 -24 . S i gnal, Practi ce Bomb : MK4 Mods 8 and 4 Mark___ _____ _____ ___ ________ ~1od Length of Assembl y (in. )_______ Diameter of Body (in.) ___ __ ___ Weight of Assembly (lb) _______ Case Material __ ____ __ ________ Expelling Charge____ ____ ______ Marker Load___ ___ ___ ________ a. D escription. Practice 4 4 3 4 6.0 6.0 0.85 0.85 0.16 0.16 Aluminum Aluminum Smokeless Smokeless Powder. Powder. Stabilized Zinc Oxide Red Phosphorous. bomb signals MK! ~Iods 3 and 4 (fig. 5-23 and table 5-24) are essentially 10-gauge shotgun shells. They contain an expelling charge of smokeless powder and are primed with a commercial primer. A pyrotechnic or inert marker load is separated from the expelling charge by a disc and cardboard gun wad. The end of the shell is closed by felt gun wads which are cemented to the cover. b. Use. The signals are used in either the miniature or the larger practice bombs. Hmvever, installed in the miniature practice bombs, the signals • do not consistently produce a visible signal when dropped from an altitude of 10,000 feet or higher. Released from that height, the bomb enters the water or earth so quickly that the signal frequently does not have time to fundion. c. Functioning . When the practice bomb in which the signal is installed strikes w·ater or the • earth, impact causes the firing pin in the nose of the bomb to impinge upon the primer of the signal. The primer ignites the expelling charge, forcing the marker load out through an opening in the bomb. The resulting flash and puff of \Yhite smoke permit observation of bombing accuracy. • d. Differences B etween il!ads. Signal ~IK! ~Iod 0 \Yas the first of this type developed. ~Iods 1 and 2 were procured later for issue to activities limited by environment to performing practice bombing in the vicinity of flammable areas. These signals • contain inert materials "·hich produce very little flash and are markedly inferior to the :\Iod 0. Signal l\IK4 l\Iod 3 is similar to the :\Il\::4 :\Iod 0 but differs in that the cartridge case of the :\1K4 l\Iod 3 is extruded aluminum instead of paper; a primer mixture with improved storage characteristics has been used, and a new pyrotechnic load ' • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 (\Yhich produces about the same flash, but wit h a superior smoke puff) has been incorporated. The :\1K4 :\Iod 4 signal is similar to t he MK4 Mod 3 with the exception of an inert marker load of zinc oxide. In both Mods, the cover and cartridge ca se are cemented together; in Mod 3 the assembly also is staked in four equally-spaced places. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-31, Signal, Practice Bomb: MK5 Mod 0 • FLUORESCEIN DYE 1.74 IN. BODY ORD D1291 Fig1~re 5-24. Signal, practice bomb: MK5 Mod 0. Table 5-25. Signal, Practice Bomb: MK5 Mod 0 ~ark ~od Length of Assembly (in.) ____ ___ Diameter of Body (in.) ________ Weight (oz)_ -----------------Cylinder ~ateriaL_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dye Filler__ __________________ Dye Color: Dry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dissolved in Water________ 5 0 1.74 0.93 0.5 Plastic Flourescein Brick Red Bright Green a. Description. Practice bomb signal MK5 Mod 0 (fig. 5-24 and table 5-25) is approximately the size of a 10-gauge shotgun shell. A shoulder, which increases the diameter of one end, serves to locate the signal in the bomb. The signal consists of a plastic cylinder containing 10 grams of fluorescein dye, a highly-soluble salt, brick red in color, which turns bright green when dissolved in water. b. Use. The signal, for use in dive-bombing practice, can be used in any miniature practice tice bomb in which signal MK4 ca n be used . It is dropped only on water target s during daylight. When a wind is blowing, the smoke from the MK4 signal often blows away before the pilot can get into position to view the results of his attack. The slick from the MK5 signal can be seen from an altitude of 15,000 feet. c. Functioning. Upon impact, water enters the nose of the bomb, breaks the weak ends of the plastic container, and forces the dye out through the tail of the bomb. • • • • • • • 5-32. Signal, Practice Bomb: MK6 Mod 0 ·• • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • . .. J . ,.. .~ ' . >·. . • . . . •. '. . .··· ... :·.·:· ~. ; · .., . (~ ·.... ':~· ~: ..' ::. ·, ' ·..... . .... ORD D1292 Figure 5-25. Signal, practice bomb, MK6 Mod 0 w/fuze. Table 5-26. Signal, Practice Bomb: MK6 Mod 0 • ~ark ~od Length of Assembly (in.) __ ____ _ Diameter of Body (in.) ________ Weight of Assembled Signal (Ib). Container ~ateriaL__________ • Explosive Charge_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Weight (lb) ______________ 6 0 8.0 3.0 3.7 Steel Black Powder 2.0 a. Description. Practice bomb signal MK6 Mod 0 (fig. 5-25 and table 5-26) consists of a can of black powder fitted with inert fuze AN-MK247 Mod 0 and a blank .38-caliber cartridge used as a detonator. Signal MK6 is used with practice bombs for observation of bombng accuracy. b. Functioning. Upon release of the bomb from the aircraft, the arming wire is withdrawn, permitting the fuze arming vane to rotate and arm the signal. Upon impact, the firing pin in the fuze overcomes a creep spring and impinges upon the primer of the blank cartridge, which, in turn, ignites the black-powder charge. The resulting explosion produces a flash of light and a large of puff gray smoke. c. Differences B etween M K6 and M K'l. Refer to paragraph 5-33. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-33. Signal, Practice Bomb: MK7 Mod 0 • a:s::;www.q; it: H s: t £4 CONTAINER • •. , • • o' ;.~ ' .L· : ,<' .. . ; ~ ' ·•·· • • ! ~~~!!!!~!!!!!!~~~· ·. · .. ·•·, :;;.: a---·-·. ·:\r ';• • . · !'. • EXPLOSIVE CHARGE ORO 01293 Figure 5-26. Signal, practice bomb: MK7 Mod 0 w/fuze. Table 5-27. Signal, Practice Bomb: MK7 Mod 0 ~ark ______ ____ ______________ Mod___·---------------------- Length of Assembly (in.) _____ __ Diameter of Body (in.) ________ Weight of Assembled Signal (lb). Container MateriaL _____ _____ Explosive Charge_____________ Weight (lb) _____ -----_ --_ 7 0 10.12 2.0 2.5 Steel Black Powder 1.0 a. Description. Practice bomb signal MK7 Mod 0 (fig. 5-26 and table 5-27) consists of a can of black powder fitted with inert fuze AN-MK247 Mod 0 and a blank .38-caliber cartridge which is used as a detonator. Signal MK7 is used with practice bombs for observation of bombing accuracy. b. Functioning. Upon release of the bomb from the aircraft, the arming wire is withdrawn, per mitting the fuze arming vane to rotate and arm the signal. Upon impact, the firing pin in the fuze overcomes a creep spring and impinges upon the primer of the blank cartridge which, in turn, ignites the black-powder charge. The resulting explosion • produces a flash of light and a large puff of gray smoke. c. Differences. The MK7 is generally the same as the MK6 except that the fuze is mounted offcenter in the MK6 and its black-powder filling weighs about 1 pound more. • 5-34. Spotting Charges Spotting charges function in the same manner and for the same purpose as the signal cartridges; however, they consist of relatively larger amounts of • filler. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-35. Charge, Spotting: M39A1 • ••---------------- 32.06 IN. -----------------~ EXPLOSIVE FILLER SPOTTING CHARGE END r CHARGE SPOTTING 3.4S IN. M 39AI • \ L....l:SX~im~J'"" ORO 01294 Figure 6-27. Charge, spotting: MS9A1. Table 6-28. Charge, Spotting: M39A1 extending nearly through the center of the charge, • ModeL ___________ ____ ______ _ M39Al and a tube guide which supports the tube. The Length of Assembly (in.)_______ 32.06 container is closed at the rear by a felt pad and rear Diameter of Body (in .) ___ -----3.45 cover. Weight of Filler (lb) ___________ 10.2 • The M39Al (fig. 5-27 and table 5-28) is authorized 5-36. Spotting Charge Ignitersfor use with the 250-pound practice bomb, M124. It contains a charge of approximately 10.20 pounds Spotting charge igniters act as relays between the of 80-percent black powder and 20-percent flaked fuze and spotting charge. They consist of a aluminum powder in a cylindrical terne-plate casing. detonating-cord assembly containing high-explosive A cover assembly consists of a funnel-shaped front PETN. Fuze action detonates the PETN which, in cover (closing the forward end of the casing), a tube turn, initiates the spotting charge. • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-37. Igniter, Spotting Charge, Bomb: M32 DETONATl NG CORD ORO 01295 Figure 5-28. Igniter, spotting charge, bomb: M32 (Approx. 59.2 in. long). Table 5-29. Igniter, Spotting Charge: Bomb : M32 ~ode!____ _____ ______________ ~32 Length of Assembly (in.) ______ _ 58.0 Diameter of Body (in.) _______ _ Weight of Filler (grains) _______ 6.0 Spotting charge igniter M32 (fig. 5-28 and table 5-29) is authorized for use with 250-pound practice bomb, Ml24. It consists of approximately 58 inches of reinforced plastic-covered detonating cord with a relay assembly crimped to each end. The detonating cord contains PETN. The relay assembly contains a charge of approximately 6 grains of PETN in an aluminum sleeve with a flange. The flange holds the end of the igniter in place in the fuze well of the bomb. • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Section II. NON-EXPLOSIVE COMPONENTS 5-38. Arming-Wire Assemblies • ' • • • ORO 01296 Figure 5-29. Arming-wire assemblies, typical. Table 5-30. Arming-Wire Assemblies, Typical Diameter Branch • Nomenclature T ype of wire length Used on (in.) (in .) Double________ _ Arming-Wire Assembly M1 (PC .064 24.0 and 36.0 ___ 100-lb GP MK82-3-234BA). Arming-Wire Assembly M1 (PC Double____ -----.064 22.0 and 30.0___ 100-lb GP MK82-3-234U). Arming-Wire Assembly M1 (PC Double____ -----.064 24.0 and 33.0 ___ 100-lb GP • MK82-3-234WA). Arming-Wire Assembly M1A1 Arming-Wire Assembly AN-M1A2 _ Double___ _----_ .064 27.0 and 33.0 ___ 100-lb GP AN-M30A1, GP 220-lb, AN-M88, Frag 260-lb, AN-M81, Frag 250-lb, AN-M57A1, GP • Arming-Wire Assembly M3________ Single__________ .064 26.0 Arming-Wire Assembly AN-M6A2_ Single___ __ -----.064 57.0 ___________ 500-lb, MK82 Mod 2 250-lb, MK81 Mod 1 1000-lb, MK83 Mod 3 2000-lb, MK84 Mod 1 220-lb, AN-M88, Frag 500-lb, MK82 Mod 2 • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 5-30. Arming-Wire Assemblies, Typical-Continued Diameter Nomenclature Type of wire (in.) Arming-Wire Assembly M2 ________ Single__________ .035 Arming-Wire Assembly C5 _____ ___ Single__ ________ .035 Arming-Wire Assembly C4 __ ______ Double_____ ____ .035 Arming-Wire Assembly, M23 ______ Double_________ .064 Arming-Wire Assembly, M22 ______ Double ____ -----.035 Double _________ Arming-Wire Assembly, AN-M7AL .064 Arming-Wire Assembly M8 ________ Double___ ______ .064 Aeming-Wire Assembly AN-M8AL Double _____ ----.064 Arming-Wire Assembly M9 ________ Single______ ____ .064 Arming-Wire Assembly M13 _______ Double______ ---.064 Arming-Wire Assembly M14 ______ _ Double_________ .064 Arming-Wire Assembly M16 _______ Double_________ .064 Arming-Wire Assembly M19 ______ _ Single__________ .064 Arming-Wire Assembly M3 L ______ .064 Single________ __ Arming-Wire Assembly M52 _______ Double_________ .064 Arming-Wire Assembly T12 _______ Double___ ______ .064 Arming-WireAssemblyMK1 ModO_ .064 Single__________ Arming-Wire Assembly MK2 ModO_ Double_________ .064 Single__________ Arming-Wire Assembly MK3 Mod Q_ .033 Branch length(in.) 28.0---------- 28.0---------- 42.0 and 42.0 __ _ 60.0 and 60.0 __ _ 55.0 and 55.0 ___ 45.0 and 36.5 ___ 49.0 and 60.0 __ _ 57.0 and 60.0 ___ 54.0 36.0 and 70.0 ___ 27.0 and 51.0 ___ 56.0 and 90.0 __ _ 36.5----------46.0---------- 37.0 and 40.0 __ _ 62.0 and 86.0 ___ 57.0 _________ _ . 57.0 and 57.0 ___ 57.0 Used on • 250-lb, MK81 Mod 1 1000-lb, AN-M65A1 GP 250-lb, AN-M57A1 GP 350-lb, AN-MK54, Depth 1000-lb, AN-M59A1 SAP M120A1 Photoflash 100-lb, M30A1, GP 250-lb, AN-M57A1, GP 100-lb, AN-M47 A4, Smoke 100-lb, AN-M47A3, Smoke 100-lb, AN-M47 A4, Smoke • 100-lb, AN-M47 A3, Smoke 500-lb, M31 and M32, Cluster, Incendiary 750-lb, M35 and M36, Cluster, lncendiary 750-lb, M43 Cluster Incendiary 1,000-lb, M34A1 and M34, Cluster, GB 500-lb, AN-M64A l , GP 1,000-lb, AN-M65A1, GP • 1,000-lb, AN-M59A1, SAP 2,000-lb, GP 2,000-lb, AN-M66A2, GP 500-lb, AN-M64A1, GP 1,000-lb, AN-M165A1, GP 250-lb, MK81 Mod 1 500-lb, MK82 Mo d 1 • 100-lb, AN-M30A 1 GP 220-lb, AN-M88 Frag 250-lb, AN-M57A 1 GP 2260-lb, AN-M81. Frag 2,000-lb, AN-M66A2, GP 1,000-lb, Ml{83 Mod 3 • 2,000-lb, MK84 Mod 1 250-lb, M124, Practice Ml29El, Leaflet Bombs 750-lb M117, GP 750-lb MC-1, Gas 3,000-lb, M118, GP 2,000-lb, AN-M66A2, GP 1,000-lb, AN-M59 A1 SAP • 100-lb, MBOA16P 250-lb, AN-M57A 1 GP 500-lb, AN-M64A 1 GP 1,000-lb, AN-M65A1 GP 250-lb, MK81 Mod 1 500-lb, MK82 Mod 1 1,000-lb, MK83, Mod 3 • 2,000-lb, MK84 Mod 1 220-lb, AN-M88 Frag 260-lb, AN-M81 Frag TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 5-30. Arming-Wire Assemblies, Typical-Continued • • ' • • • • • • Diameter Nomenclature Type of wire (in.) Arming-Wire Assembly, Ml7______ Double_______ __ .064 Arming-Wire Assembly, M92 ______ 4 Branches ___ __ . 036 Arming-Wire Assembly, M47 ______ Single used as . 064 double by bending a. Description . Arming-wire assemblies (fig. 5-29 and table 5-30) usually consist of either one or two strands (branches) of wire attached to a swivel loop. They are used to lock the fuze-arming mechanism in the· unarmed position. Fahnestock (safety) clips are attached to the ends of the wires after installation of fuzes in the bomb. This prevents accidental withdrawal of the wires while the aircraft is in flight. When a bomb is to be released from the rack armed, the wire is pulled from the fuze head, which allows the fuze vanes to rotate, arming the fuze. When the bomb is to be released safe, the arming wire is not separated from the fuze head. When installed, arming wires are subject to considerable wear from vibration; when reused, they must be inspected before each flight. Standard arming-wire assemblies will fit any bomb currently in use. For proper release, wire must be free from twists, kinks, and burrs. Arming-wire brackets, which are furnished with armor-piercing bomb fin assemblies, must be requested separately for use with depth bombs. A metal tubular protector is used with the armingwire bracket to prevent chafing of the wire by the fuze vane. Arming wires are usually packed in either metal or fiber containers holding 50, 100, or 400 assemblies. Fahnestock (safety) clips are packed with the wires . Some fragmentation bomb clusters are supplied with their own arming-wire assemblies installed. b. Arming-Wire Assemblies, Bulk Stock. When arming-wire assemblies of the correct size are not available they may be fabricated from bulk supplies of the components. The data necessary for the fabrication of arming-wire assemblies are given in table 5-30. The dimensions indicated are the minimum dimensions to be used when preparing arming-wire assemblies. Excess wire can be cut off when the arming wire is installed. Complete Branch length Used on (in.) 78 and 78=156 750-Jb, Fire, M116Al, M116A2 in . 4 Branches 175-lb, M44 Cluster lncap. 30=120-10 130 and 196 _ _ _ _ 1 ,000-lb M34A1 and M34 Cluster, G B with M16 Conversion Set. arming-wire assemblies are constructed by one of the two procedures listed below: (1) Cross-over configuration. (a) Cut two lengths of wire sufficiently long for the bomb. (b) With one end of one wire, make a loop around one leg of the rear lug of the bomb. Place ferrule on wire so that a tight loop is formed. Bend Y2 inch of the wire back against ferrule. (c) Pass the wire through the smaller eye of the swivel loop assembly so that the latter will move freely on the wire. Place one Fahnestock clip on wire to prevent swivel loop assembly from sliding off. (d) Pass end of wire through forward lug. (This wire is for use with the nose fuze.) (e) With one end of the second wire, make a loop around one leg of the forward lug of the bomb (should be leg of lug opposite to that used on rear lug for the nose fuze wire). Place ferrule on wire so that a tight loop is formed. Bend Y2 inch of the wire back against ferrule. (f) Pass the wire through the smaller eye of the swivel loop assembly so that the latter will move freely on the wire. Place one Fahnestock clip on wire to prevent swivel loop assembly from sliding off. (g) Pass end of wire through rear lug. (This wire is for use with the tail fuze .) (h) Remove all kinks and burrs from wires . Note. Do not use arming wires with twists or kinks. (2) Non-cross-over configuration. (a) Cut the length of wire from the coil. (b) With round-nose pliers or an equivalent TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 tool, form a % -inch open loop in the wire. (c) Pass the wire through the smaller eye of the swivel loop assembly. (d) Pass both branches of the wire through the ferrule. Slide the ferrule up until it closes the loop (b above) , but does not cause the swivel loop to bind. (e) Remove all kinks and burrs from arming wires. (f) If the arming wire is not for immediate use, place two (Navy) or three (Air • Force) safety clips on each end and pack . the assembly at full length in a suitable container tagged for identification. • Caution: Arming wires should not protrude more than 3 inches nor less than 2 inches (Navy), or more than 4%-inches nor less than 4 inches (Air Force) beyond the fuze or fuzes when the bomb is installed in the rack or shackle. Note. Do not use arming wires with twists or kinks. • • .• • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-39. Arming-Vane Assemblies • r '- STANDARD VANE -60° PITCH • SHORT VANE -60° PITCH • LONG AIR RAVEL VANE -90° PITCH ON INNER PART Of EACH BLADE FLAT VANE -30° PITCH • ORO 01304 Figu re u-30 . A rming-vane assembly, typical. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • • • ORO 01305 Figure 5-81. Arming-vane assembly, special. Most fuzes now in use are armed by the action of an arming vane (figs. 5-30 and 5-31) which action is similar to the action of a propeller. The vane is driven by the air stream of the bomb's flight when the bomb is dropped. The arming vane may drive a gear train which, after a definite interval, removes safety blocks or aligns the detonator with the next element in the explosive train. Standard arming vanes have vane blade pitches of 30°, 60°, or 90°, while special arming vane blades have a variety of pitches. The propeller-type arming vane is used for stabilized items with clockwise rotation for nose fuzes and counterclockwise rotation for tail fuzes . Anemometer-type arming vanes are used for such . items as fuze AN-M173 and the new series of streamlined bombs, which are equipped with mechanical impact tail fuzes. The arming head of the fuze is equipped with an anemometer-type arming vane that is mounted on the t ail cone or on the side of the t ail fin. In some cases, an arming drive assembly is mounted on the tail cone and connected to the tail fuze with a flexible cable assembly. Arming vanes are issued with the fuze assembly. At times, different vanes (fig. 5-31) will be used with a particular series of bombs as separate issue items. • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-40. Arming Delay Mechan ism • .. • • DIA L • • HOLE FOR ARMING WIRE • ORO 01297 Figure 5-32. Fuze, bomb, arming delay: M 1 and M 1A 1 . • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • .. .. • ORO 01298 Figure 5-33. Fuze, bomb, proximity (VT): lo/188 wjarming-delay installed. In certain cases, when a delay of the arming of the bomb is necessary, a device known as an armingdelay mechanism Ml or MlAl (fig. 5-32) is used. This delay device is attached to the fuze to delay its arming until a preset amount of air travel has been accomplished. The delay is achieved by attaching the device in the proper place to hold the vane lock in position. Upon completion of the preset time, the arming delay releases itself and is forced away from the fuze by the spring of the vane lock which is ejected, thus starting the arming of the fuze. The arming delay consists mainly of a wind vane, a reduction gear train, a setting dial, and a lock which attaches it to the ring or bracket of the fuze. The lock consists of fixed hooks and a movable locking hook. The movable hook is attached to a spring-powered release bar which is held in the locked position (movable hook pointing down toward vane assembly) by the flange of the setting dial and released through a notrh in the flange at zero setting· • rhe safe air travel of a fuze with an arming-delay mechanisQ! is the sum of the setting of the arming delay plus the MinSAT marked on the fuze. 5-41. Fuze, Bomb, Arming-Delay: M 1 and M1A1 a. Description. Arming delays Ml and MlAl • (fig. 5-32) were manufactured in large quantities during World War II and are being issued with proximity fuzes manufactured since that period. The setting dial is mounted on one end of a geared shaft which is held in place with the gear train • by a spring. The opposite end of the shaft extends through a slot in the housing and forms a stud which may be depressed to disengage the shaft and permit the rotation of the setting dial. b. Differences. The difference between the MlAl and the Ml is that the MlAl, in accordance with • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 its design, facilitates the assembling of the arming rotation and setting of the dial. The two models are delay to the fuze. Additionally, it is only necessary otherwise the same in all respects . to depress the setting dial of the MIAI to permit • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-42. Fin Assemblies • • • ORO 01299 Figure 5-34. Fin assembly: box. • • FIN BRACE ~----lsOLT HOlE FIN lOCKNUT 0 • ORD 01313 Figure 5-35. Fin assembly: conical. • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 M7 0 M13 M14 ORD Dl314 GARTER SPRING RETAINING Figure 5-36. Fin assembly: for chemical clusters. RIN G ASSEMBLY ORO 01315 Figure 5-37. Fin assembly: retarding . • Table 5-31. Stabilizing Components • Dimensions (in.) Fin lock nut Sleeve Nomenclature opening Length Width or Model Thread diameter Fin Assembly, Bomb, 90-lb, Frag: M10L _______________ 3.0 9.5 6.0 2.625-12NS-1 M1 ________________ Fin Assembly, Bomb, 100-lb: M103 ____________________ 3.0 9.50 8.0 2.625-121'\S-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 100-lb: M103AL _________________ 3.0 11.47 8.0 M1 or MK2 Mod 0 __ 2.625-12NS-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 500-lb: M7, (Cluster Fin) _________ 0 . 75 13.84 19.13 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 1,000-lb: M 13 (Cluster Fin) ____ . __ 0.88 16.75 25.5 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 750-lb: M14 (Cluster Fin) _________ 4.00 25.72 22.6 • Fin Assembly, Bomb, 250-lb: MK14 Mod 1. Fin Assembly, Bomb, 500-Ib: MK15 Mod 0. Fin Assembly, Bomb, 250-lb: M106 ____________________ 3.0 12.08 10.76 M1 or MK2 Mod 0__ 2.625-12NS-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 250-lb: AK-M106AL ____________ 3.0 12.08 10.76 M1 or MK2 Mod 0.. 2.625-12NS-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 250-lb: M107 ____________________ ?\one 15 . 70 10.76 None None ______________ None ______________ Fin Assembly, Bomb, 250-lb: M107AL _________________ I\one 15. 70 10.76 None Fin Assembly, Bomb, 500-lb: M108--------------------4.03 13.9 13.65 See note ... ___ . ___ .. 3.5-121'\S-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 500-lb: M109_. ___________ . ___ .. . 5.23 13.9 13.65 M2 or MK3 Mod 0.. 4.7-12NS-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 500-lb: AK-M109AL ___________ . 5.23 13.9 13.65 M2 or MK3 Mod 0.. 4.7-121'\S-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 500-lb: Ml10 ____________________ 4.03 15.05 11.75 See note ..-_________ 3.5-12NS-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 500-lb: AK-MllOAL ____________ 4.03 15 .05 11.75 See note ____________ 3.5-12NS-1 See note ____________ Fin Assembly, Bomb, 1,000-lb: M112 .. _---------------4.03 18.52 18.27 2.5-121'\S-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 1,000-lb: M113 _... _. _. ___ . __ .... 5.23 18.52 18 . 27 M2 or MK3 Mod 0__ 4.7-12NS-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 1,000-lb: AK-M113AL ___________ 5.23 18.52 18.27 M2 or MK3 Mod 0__ 4.7-12NS-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 1,000-lb: 1\1114 __________________ 4.03 16.8 15.0 See note ______ . _____ 3.5-12NS-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 1,000-lb: AK-M114AL ___________ 4.03 16 . 8 15.0 See note _______ . ____ 3.5-12NS-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 2,000-lb : M116. ________ . ____ .... 6.53 25.0 22.67 M3 or MK4 Mod 0.. 6.-12NS-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 2,000-lb: AN-M116AL ___________ 6.53 25.0 22 . 67 M3 or MK4 Mod 0__ 6.-1 2NS-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 2,000-lb: M117 AL _____ . _______ .. 5 . 23 25.68 18 . 63 See note ____________ 4. 7-12NS-1 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 500-lb: M123 ____________________ 5.75 13.9 13.65 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 1,000-lb: M124. Fin Assembly, Bomb, 100-lb: M125. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 5-31. Stabilizing Components-Continued Dimensions (in.) Fin lock nut Sleeve Nomenclature opening Length Width or diameter Model Thread Fin Assembly, Bomb, 150-lb: M125AL _______________ _ 4.44 11.47 8.0 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 250-lb: M126 (T147). Fin Assembly, Bomb, M127 (T146) __ ____ ___ ____ ______ _ 7. 76 33.0 7.90 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 500-lb: M128 (T127E1) __________ _ 13.56 32.65 13.65 M5 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 500-lb: M128A1 (T127E4) _______ _ 13.56 32.65 13.65 M5 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 1,000-lb: M129 (T142 or T142E1) __ 18.00 46.52 18.20 M5 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 2,000-lb: M130 (T143E2) ________ _ 22.27 59.79 23.10 M5 Fin Assembly, Bomb, 100-lb: M135 (T144E1). None ______________ Fin Assembly, Bomb, 250-lb: M140 (T68) _____________ _ 11.83 34.31 11. 97 None Fin Assembly, Bomb, 2,000-lb: T143. None ______________ Fin Assembly, Bomb, 750-lb: M131 (T152E2) __________ _ 12.81 38.44 15 . 91 None None ______________ Fin Assembly, Bomb, 3,000-lb: M132 (T153E3) ________ _ 21.63 90.13 23.89 None None ______________ Fin•Assembly, Bomb, 250-lb: T155EL ________________ _ 9.98 40.4 10.01 None Fin Assembly, Depth Bomb, 350-lb: AN-MK54 Mod 1. M1 or MK2 Mod 0__ 2.625-12N8--1 Nut, Fin Lock, Bomb: M1 for Bomb, General Purpose, --------0.87 4.52 100-lb, AN-M30A1, and Bomb, General Purpose, 250-lb, AN-M57Al. 0.87 6.72 M2 or MK3 Mod 0__ 4.7:-12N8--1 Nut, Fin Lock, Bomb: M2 for Bomb, General Purpose, -------500-lb, AN-M64A1, and Bomb, General Purpose, 1,000-lb, AN-M65Al. Nut, Fin Lock, Bomb: M3, for Bomb, General Purpose, 1. 25 7.77 M3 or MK4 Mod 0__ 6.12NS-1 2,000-lb, AN-M66Al. Nut, Fin Lock, Bomb: for Bomb, Fragmentation, 90-lb, M82; Bomb, Fragmentation, 220-lb, AN-M88; Bomb, Fragmentation, 260-lb, AN'-M81; Bomb, General Purpose, 100-lb, AN'-M30A1, and Bomb. General Purpose, 250-lb, AN-M57. Nut, Fin Lock, Bomb, Semi-Armor-Piercing, 1,000-lb, AN'-M59Al. Fin lock nuts of older design (without setscrews) which are not assigned M designations are also available. Note. lined blades assembled perpendicular to the cone. A fin assembly (figs. 5-34, 5-35, 5-36, and 5-37, and table 5-31) is usually employed to stabilize a When a conical fin assembly is assembled to an bomb or aimable cluster in flight. There are two old-type bomb body, a coupling-tube assembly and basic types, the box-fin and the conical-fin, and two fin lock nut are used to secure the assembly to the variations of these types for specialized use, the bomb. Conical fin assemblies are attached to new type bomb bodies by means of radial screws or by retarding-fin and the fin used with chemical clusters. Both the box-fin and the conical-fin assemblies are bolts. For some 100-pound bombs and all larger bombs, the fin assembly is packed and shipped fabricated of sheet metal. a. Box and Conical-Fin Assemblies. The box-fin separately from the bomb body. The fin assembly is then attached to the bomb body when the complete assembly (fig. 5-34) consists of a fin sleeve that fits over the tail of the bomb and is secured by a fin round is assembled. lock nut (fig. 5-38). Fin blades fabricated to the b. Special Fin Assemblies. A special type of sleeve form a square, box-like assembly. Although conical-fin assembly (fig. 5-36) has been developed more recent designs require the use of heavier for use with chemical clusters. A second special congauge steel to strengthen the assembly, box-type figuration, a retarding-fin assembly (fig. 5-37), is umfins are not strong enough for use on bombs dropped brella-like in appearance and consists of four from high altitudes or carried externally on highblades individually attached to a support column. The conical fin assembly consists of When the fin assembly is assembled to the bomb speed aircraft. an elongated fin cone (fin sleeve) and four stream-body, a release band assembly, a garter spring, and • • .. • • • • .. a retaining ring assembly (fig. 1-3) are used to secure the fin blades in the closed position. The threaded end of the fin support is threaded to the rear of the bomb body when securing the fin assembly to the bomb. The retarding-fin assemblies are used with both unretarded (low-drag) configurations and retarded (high-drag) configurations. For low-drag configuration, the bombs are dropped from aircraft with the fin blades in the closed position, and the arming wire (which releases the release-band assembly) is replaced by a cotter pin. • 5-43. Fin Locknuts The fin locknut (fig. 5-38 and table 5-31) is a • bushing which is threaded onto a base plug or coupling tube to secure the fin assembly to the bomb. Three types of lock nuts are currently in use: the regular type, the new type, and the conicalfin lock nut. a. Regular-Type Locknut. This type of lock nut • is shipped assembled to the base plug of the bomb and is w;ed in bombs with box-type fins assembled in the field. During assembly, the locknut is removed, the fin assembly is placed over the tail of the bomb, and the locknut is then screwed onto the base plug and tightened with a wrench. The regular locknut provides no other means for secure attachment in the base plug; therefore, it is not normally used when bombs are to be carried externally on aircraft expected to exceed 350 knots, or in bomb bays subject to excessive air current. • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 b. New-Type Locknut. The new-type locknut. differs from the regular in that it does incorporate a means of locking itself to the base plug by setscrews. It is intended for general use and should be installed when bombs with box-type fin assemblies are carried externally on aircraft expected to exceed 350 knots, or in bomb bays subject to air currents that cause rotation of fins with the regular locknut installed. When the new-type locknut is not available, the regular type may be used. The new locknut is installed in essentially the same manner as the regular. However, after screwing the locknut onto the collar of the base plug as far as possible, the setscrews are tightened with an Allen wrench so that approximately equal pressure is exerted by each of a pair of opposite screws. c. Conical-Fin Locknut and Locking Web. The conical-fin locknut and locking web (fig. 5-38) secure the conical fin assembly to the coupling tube on the bomb. During assembly, the regular lock nut found on the bomb for use with box-type fin assemblies and that packaged with the early models of conical fins are removed and discarded. After the conical fin assembly is placed over the coupling tube, the locking web is placed over the end of the tube so that the corner slots engage the four fins. The fin locknut is screwed onto the coupling tube and tightened securely in such a manner that the two slots in the lock nut are located directly over the two tabs on the fin locking web. The two tabs are bent back to engage the slots of the lock nut securely, and the three setscrews in the locknut are tightened. • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 • .. • • CONICAL-FIN LOCKNUT BOX-FIN LOCKNUT ORO 01300 Figure 5-38. Fin locknuts. • FIN lOCKING WEB IN PLACE • ORO 01301 Figure 5-39. Fin locking web. • • • 5-44. Fin Assembly Brace Kit • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 .. SAFETY NUT (5/16-18NC) • ~ ~ BOLT (HEX-HD, 5/16-18NC x 3/A) ORO 01302 Figure 5-40. Brace kit, fin assembly, bomb: M41, (TftO) . • Table 5-32. Auxiliary Components of Fin Assemblies Nomenclature Components • Brace Kit, Fin Assembly, Bomb: M41 (T40l--------------------------------------4 bolts 4 braces 4 safety nuts Brace Kit, Fin Assembly, Bomb, 1,000-lb: M65AL ______ ____ __ ___ ______ ________ ___ 40 angles, fin reinforcing 40 plates, fin reinforcing 1 envelope, drills/ctn, nuts, screws and lock washers/ctn. Plate, Drag and and Ring, Spoiler for Cluster Fragmentation, Bomb: M28A 1 and for photoflash bomb M120Al. Trail Kit, Bomb: Angle, M43 ___ ___ __________ ___ ___________ __ _________ _________ _ 2 angles, trail 7<(-in. • 2 angles, trail Yz-in. 2 angles, trail l-in. 12 nuts, square 12 screws, trail angle 12 washers, lock Trail Kit, Bomb: Plate, M42A1 ____________________ ____ ______ ________________ __ _ 1 plate, trail 1 ring, spoiler 2 bolts, 7<(-in. • 3 washers, lock 3 nuts, hexagon Trail, Kit, Bomb: Plate, M42AL __________________________________________ -----_ 1 plate, trail 1 ring, spoiler 4 screws, trail plate • Fin assemblies on bombs carried externally on Fin brace kit M41 (figs. 5-40 and 5-41, and table high-speed aircraft may be reinforced to prevent 5-32) may be used when a 500-pound bomb of the cracking in flight. Two fin brace kits are available AN-M64 series fitted with fin assembly :NI128 or for reinforcing fin assemblies. M128Al is to be carried externally on high-speed • a. Brace Kit, Fin Assembly, Bomb: MJ,_l (TJ,_O). aircraft. The fin brace will prevent cracking of the • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 fin assembly at the juncture of the blades and the b. Brace Kit, Fin Assembly, Bomb, 1,000-pound:fin cone. AN-11165A1. This fin brace kit is supplied to reinforce fin assemblies for 1,000-pound bombs AKl\165Al. Components of the kit are listed in table 5-32. .. • " Figure 5-41. ORD Dl303 Brace kit, fin assembly, bomb, M 41 assembled to fin assembly. • • • • • 5-45. Drag Plates and Spoiler Rings a. Drag Plate. A drag plate (fig. 5-42) is an 8inch square of sheet metal with four protruding tabs, • each containing a tapped hole which accommodates a screw. When the drag plate is placed over the rear end of the fin assembly, each tab aligns with a hole in the fin box, and it is secured with four screws. b. Spoiler Ring. The spoiler ring is a circular piece of sheet metal (7.875 inches in diameter) containing one central hole large enough to accommodate the threaded end of a nose fuze, and a small hole through which the arming wire is passed. 5-46. Trail Kit, Plate, Bomb: M42A 1 and M42A2 • These kits (fig. 2-54 and table 5-32) are drag • .. TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 plate-spoiler ring kits, similar to those described abov~, which are used with photoflash bombs 11120, i\Il20A1 and 1\1122. In the M42A1 kit, the drag plate is attached to the fin assembly by a screw in each of the four tabs. In the M42A2 kit, the drag plate is attached by two 6%-inch bolts. Each bolt passes through two tabs on the drag plate and is secured with a lockwasher and hex nut. 5-47. Trail Kit, Angle, Bomb: M43 This kit is used with photoflash bomb M 120A1 and :i\1122 with fin assembly M125A1, and with photoflash bomb l\1122. All the angles are 8 inches long. Each angle is 1 inch wide and has two 0.26inch holes drilled 4 inches apart. Figure 5-1,.2. Spoiler ring and drag plate installed. It • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-48. Initiator, Bomb: FMU-7/B and FMU-7A/1 • • • ORD Dl289 Fi(Jure5-43. Initiator, bomb: J<'MU-7/B and FMU-7A/B. Table 5-33. Initiator, Bomb: FMU-7/B and FMU-7A/B • Model FMU-7/B FMU-7A/B Length of Assembly (in.) ______ __________________________ ______ -----_____ ---_______ ---___ _ 3.79 3.79 Weight @f Assembly (lb) _________________________ ___ ______________ _____ ___ a. Ge'fteral. These initiator assemblies (fig. 5-43 and table 5-33) are used in conjunction with FMU-7 series fuzes and cable assemblies in the later model (BLU series) fire bombs. Initiators FMU-7/ B and FMU-7A/ B are interchangeable and similar, except for the following differences. The FMU-7/ B has a center post which extends above the top of the initiator head. A safety wire is installed through the initiator head and cap, and an arming lanyard is attached to the center post. A Fahnestock (safety) clip is installed on the safety wire. On the FMU _ 0.37 0.68 • 7 A/ B, the surfaee of the initiator has no protrusions and the arming lanyard is attached to a plug instead of the center post. b. Functioning. Upon release of the bomb from the aircraft, withdrawal of a cap on the top of the • initiator (by a lanyard attached to the bomb shackle) results in actuation of a thermal battery, which after a 0.5 to 0.9 second delay, produces an electrical pulse which is transmitted to both fuzes FMU-7/ B (or FMU-7A/ B) through the cable assembly FMU-7/ B (or FMU-7A/ B). • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-49. Cable Assemblies: FMU-7Jl and FMU-7A/B Figure 5-44. Cable assemblies: FMU-7/B and FMU-7A/B. Table 5-34. Cable Assemblies: FMU-7/ B and FMU-7A / B Model FMU-7/ B. FMU-7A/B Lengtlt of Assembly (in.) ____ ___ ____ ___ __ ___ ____ __ __ ____ ___ __ ____ ____________ __ _____ _____ ___ __ 76.0 Diameter of Cable (ift.) _______ ____ __________ __ _____ ____ ___ ________ _______ _________ ____ ___ ----0.19 Weight of Assembly (!b) ___ __ ____ ___________ __ __________ __ __ ___ _____________ ______ ___ ______ -_ 0.87 These assemblies (fi~. 5-44 and table 5-34) are rubber diaphragm and a metal contact ring, and a electrical cables used to interconnect the FMU-7 grounding ring is also required. On the FMU-7A/ B, series fuzes with the FMU-7 series initiators on later the large connector is metal and there is no visible model (BLU series) fire bombs. The cable assemcontact ring. The igniter hole is covered by metal blies are interchangeable and are similar except for tape instead of a rubber diaphragm, and a grounding the following differences: On the FMU-7/ B, the ring is not required. large connector is made of plastic. The top has a 5-51 TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-50. Flexible Shaft Assembly: M40 Figure 5-45. Flexible shaft assembly: M40. Table 5-35. Flexible Shaft Assembly: M40 ~ode! ~40 Length of Assembly (in.) ____ ________________ __ _____ 7.45 Diameter of Body (in.) ______________ ___________ ---2.50 Weight of Assembly (lb) ___________________________ 0.32 Flexible shaft assembly M40 (T25) (fig. 5-45 and table 5-35) consists of a coupling head for armingdrive assembly lVI44 (T25), a flexible shaft, and a coupling head for the tail fuze. The coupling head is attached to arming-drive assembly M44 (T25) with a cotter key and transmits the 1800, plus or minus 100, revolutions-per-minute torque from the output of the drive assembly. The flexible shaft transmits the torque through an approximate arc of 90° to the fuze coupling head. The fuze coupling head accepts the torque from the flexible shaft and transmits it to a tail fuze. It is fastened to the fuze with fast-connect springloaded connecting clamp. • • ' • • • • • • 5-51. Drive Assembly, Fuze Arming: M44 • • • • .. Fi gure 5-4.6. Drive assembly, fuze arming : M 44. • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 Table 5-36. Drit•e Assembly, Fuze Arming: M44 ~ode! ~44 Height (iu.) ______ ___ _____ ________________________ 4.16 Length (in.)__________________ ______ ______________ 2.00 Width (in .) _____ _____ _____________________________ 3.00 Drive assembly ~VI44 (fig. 5-46 and table 5-37) was designed for use with the impact tail fuzes J\1905 and l\1906. It is used in conjunction with flexible shaft assembly :i\140 and a modified access hole cover plate thus making it adaptable for side arming when mounted on the fin assembly :\1131 on GP bomb l\1117. The drive assembly is air driven, by utilizing a small axial-flow, spoiler vane, worm-gear reduction, and a spring-loaded centrifugal governor. The assembly is designed to reduce the approximately 30,000 revolutions-per-minute vane input to a constant speed output of 1800±100 revolutions-perminute when operated in an air stream in excess of 150 knots . TM 9-1325.,...200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-52. Cover, Modified Access Hole, For Fin Assembly M 131 1-----5 .20 IN.----t ORD Dl311 Figure 5-1,.7. Modified access hole cover for fin assembly M131 . • Table .j-3/. C'o•·er, J{odified A ccess H ole, for Fin Assembly M1 3 1 L ength of Cover (in. ) ______ ___________ _____ 7.44 Width o f Cove r (in.) ______________________ 5 .86 (app rox) Thickness of Cove r (in. ) _____ ___ -----------0.025 !\1odifi ed hole size_____ ____ ____________ ____ 3 x 2.38 This item (fig. 5-47 and table 5-37) is a modified access-hole cover plate of the same dimensions and contour as the two large access-hole cover plates attached to fin assembly M131 on GP bomb l\'1117. A portion has been cut from the center of the plate to receive and index drive assembly 1\144, thus adapting the fin assembly to a side-arming capability required for use of mechanical impact tail fuzes M905 and M906. • • • • • • • • TM 9-1325-200/NAVWEPS OP 3530/TO 11-1-28 5-53. Conversion Set, External Cluster Stowthe cluster for external stowage, is furnished sepaage: M16 rately. (1) Nose fairing. The nose fairing (2, fig. 5-48) is a sheet-steel ogive-shaped component. The base diameter is 191{6 inches, approximately the same as the diameter of clusters M34 and M34Al. The nose end of the fairing is strengthned by a steel reinforcement on the inside. A hole is provided in the nose fairing for a Yz-inch cap screw (4), which fastens the nose fairing to the nosefairing support (3) . Three sheet metal clips (feet), each approximately 2 inches wide, are welded to the inside of the base of 1 Transition section 7 Arming-wire assembly, the nose fairing. These feet provide firm 2 Nose fairing M47 w/ clips • 3 Nose-fairing support 8 Adhesive tape contact between the nose fairing and the 4 Cap screw and lock 9 Fin connec or, front forwardendofthecluster and insu re that the washer 10 Fin connec or, back 5 Cap screw and washer 11 Fuze holder, washer, fairing will maintain its position relative to 6 Cartridge container lockwasher and nut the cluster when the streamlined cluster is Figure 5-48. Components of external cluster stou·age carried and released at high speed. conversion set llf16. (2) Nose-fairing support. The . nose-fairing support (3) is an assembly of steel tubing Table 5-38. Conversion Set , External Cluster Stowage: welded together to form a tripod. A tube M16, Components. on each foot of the tripod accommodates a • Nomenclaturo Quantity Ys-inch cap screw (5), which is used to Transition Section ____ ___ __ ____________ __ ___ ____ _ fasten the support to the front end plate of Nose Fairing ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Nose-Fairing Support_ __ ___ ____________ ______ ____ 1 the cluster. An internally-threaded fitting Cap Screw (1 Yz-in.) and Lockwasher ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 each at the apex of the fairing support accom Cap Screw (%-in. ) and \